HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-10 - Orange Coast Pilot·Attack repelled ltrgentines hit · .. British 'hard' • ,... AtMdated Pnu ; Argentine 1>lanes Inflicted blavy camaltieS on British forcee .Outltweat of Stanley, raising llfec=uladon that the ... uit on iM Fa1k1andl capital might be ~yed. ~· and Argentina .... ~ew curse: ~ itdeo f • I ' IQgers claamec its troops repelled 1 frontal attack on thelr main defeme line. "This is obviously aome setback. But until we have ---d the situation, we do not know how much dUs wW.cbanae our plana," the crwnrnander of the 5th Infantry 'Brlpde, Brig. Tony Wilson, told a re~rter after Argentine air stribs let two bbl landing ehips crowded wltli troop afire. The planes ai.o ~ the frigate Plymouth and a emall ~craft. The Times of London aald .... Brttilb 80Ull8 beUeYed the final IHIUlt OD Stanley. .. ....,..-.._ ... wrrb1.t; mllbt have to be dela,.S. "alCh (See PALU.AND, Pqe AJ) l Huntington will Immediately 1eek an lnjUncdaft froln the 9th C1rcuit Court of Appeal• that would lndude all lM tncta. J~ OeDertment attom.y Peter Steenfand, reprnenttn1 the Department ot the lnt.rior' and s.c ... tary of th• Interior I l .. . Jmnm Watt, Mid hi aJlo would IMk an -.111v:y •&>Peel ~ the 9tb Orcult Court b .• ltly of J\1da9 Ball'• order. Ir\ her ~y Ol1&nion. Juctce • Hall 11ld, 'Whlfe the court reco1nl•• the 1tron1 public lntenst in deYe~ dom8ldc .. oil and ... r.ourc.. the balance of hardi9bip1 ln th,11 CMt Upa In the plalndff'1 favor!' Her clecWoll blocks .. oC oil and Pl -.. on a&e,000 acz... off die Southern Califomla COM&. The ... had been scheduled by Secretary '!att for 10 a.m. I Fish sto.rY Off Coast j Syrians w-arned to flee By ne Aueela&ed Prest llrael blu,ted PLO targete in Beirut from the .. 'ind air today and dropped leaflete warning that Israeli forcea were about to storm the Lebanese capital. Pre1ident Beagan ur1ently meeaaged Iarael calling for a oeMe-fire in Lebanon. C1Mhea flared between 1Raell • and Syrian fores. llrae1 eaid tt abot down eight Syrian MiGe and an auault helicopter in :.i"S§:t=~s wf th 1Raell fOl'Cel. Tbe JeaOeta dropped on Beirut told Syriln troos-to leaw the dty "within • few houn" ...... "'we do not Int.lad to ftebt the Syrian Mm~" Tba'e Wiii no llip the 8 were JiiiVIDi. -. - The Syrian etate radio, meenwbile, ctainwt Wael1 JN etrafed convoye of travelen todaJ at a checkpoint on t.emnon•e northern batder with Syria, killing 51 travelers of v1rtou1 natfonalltle1 and ~75. . woman dies after crash ....... ~ .......... . ' DIDN"f GET AWAY -Joe Haldeman of cmmnerda1 filbsmen Within a mile ol. the There •as no immediate llneli (Hldll!flftt. If true. Lt would be the northernmoet laraell au.:k ln. the five.day lnYllllion. which wu launched Sunday wtth the stated p1 ot pwNne Palestinian force• from the Newport S.Ch, niaht men...-. of the JWboa JWboe Pier. Market, displays a kine almm ca\.llbt by Salmon schools off Newport Sportlisbermen reporting 40 to 50, catches daily N ATION the Newport and Balboa ...._ There .. • ..... limit "' two 8llmcn per fllhirmen. The fllb muet meaeure 22 lnchee ln ~ Gall. a ltlte Nl uvt Geme warden. .,. he'• apoUied commerdal fiehlnc boata from • far north u Wuhlngton and Oreaon trollln1 the Oranae Break in state budget looming SAca.uo:NTO (AP) -The ==r-~~ ltlte ........ .... Wit lt to a ~---conftliwlce cammtttee to,.,... ............ .. . '!be .... --~ lta "lean and -" • bOlion bud8R into an umelated finance bW I llrleU border. . . llraeli jetl' md wantdpa atruck at the heart of the PLO In Lebanon. ~ PLO chief Ya11er Arafat • military be9dquarten ln eou1hem Beirut ln • ·tour-~ bombardment. CommuniqUs from the PLO said se,veral reeldential nel1bborhood1 in eouthern Beirut were hammered by unabating air -Wta that aim hit ..... aiound the airport and • lta hlahway. 'Dle PLO eaid tta (See ISBAEU, Pqe Al) . Fountain Valley to mark birthday Fountain Valley ta mutdnc lta 25th ~y. with a full day oi actlvltle1 roundln1 out the celebratkm Saturday. For detalla about the city'• h1lt«y and Sawrday'• parade and w.lta, tmn to the l'ountaln VJlley 2&\b Annlveuary ~lemen\ In today'• Dally foroee turned back repeated .......,. ln J«Walem llAd Be8ln = attemp• tO land &roop1 at ~ to the ~ ~. •oUJ ~... _ '"-·~ bUt did "°' dWlml the cont11nta ,,,. W11 f .. ,t U'UIU -to of the~. houee, fn)n\ room to roomt" U\t , 111'111 redio iUd u.a. ~ offldal PLO radio dld&Nd. ot S•te IJeundil' M. Haa.•• Jr. ·~ tnlftlY la bombAN OW' would travel to the Middle "XMt oem.-, our women. our chlTdnn. on Friday and lhuttle between BUt W. aha11 ftCht. fteht. ftlhtl11 Jeruaalem and Dun.ucul IMkina llrilmect the MWalter or the • ~fire. American offtdala lft Voice of P.i.tine recUo. Bonn lald there w.n no ftrm JM al8o llSd Arefat hid )alt p1ana for such a Uip. reoetved an ·~t ~" from Soviet ~at Leonid I, BNshnev. JM cl1d riot elaborate. Arefat appealed to Bi'fthnev on Monday to intervene and curb the llraell lnvulon. The U.S. State Department reported that Reqan, at a NATO IWM.)lt ln West G"ennany, tent a me11a1e •to Prime Mlnl1ter Menachem Be1tn ur~ lmmedlate oeue-flre ln "We want a ceue-flre. We want an Iaraell wlthdrawal, 0 R~an 1pokeaman Larry S ee ukl in Bonn. State Department spokeanan Christopher Ro11 aald in Wubington that Reuan wu not in dired contact widi Brezhnev before ~ the me.age to Iarael, but 'we remain, aa always, in contact with the Soyleta on a wide range of 1-.ael.'' Isneli Cabinet Secretary Dan RH1an'1 1pecla} MidH1t en~1 · PhJ.Up Habib, la alrMdy 11\unu.na between the tar.ell and S)!lan ~pUala. 8audl ArJbla 'a forel1n minllter, Prince Saud al-hllial, flew to Bonn. meenwhile, for hHtlly arranaed talks with Reaaan and other Weatern leed4tn about the MJdeut criala. Thit s.udi news~ aid tha1 Arab ldn;don pledaed "all our material. military and diplomatic lWOW"CeS'' to ~ Lebanon and the PLO. " Syrian force1 have become iqcreaaingly drawn into the Lebanese fl1htln1 aa Israeli forcee neared Beirut and the Bekaa Valley to the eaat, a strongho.ta of the Syrian forcee that went into Lebanon in a pMCekeepmg role folJowina the 1975-76 !.eb&ne.e dvil war: . ARCADE INJURIES. . 9\ consider them inherently dan~eroua. But if people are aware ol potential prob1ema, and if the controls on games are redesigned to minimize them, then compllcatlona can be avoided, he added. ''I oo.nakler arcade pmee a new •port and. • in most lporta, an , acute, recurring injury can become a chronic problem," Myenon uJd. However, the ph)'llclan noted, the injuries ..:>dated 'fnth video..,, gamee aren't en the aame level .. thole from many other lpOl1a or acttvitiee. And he •w ·no need for peftnta to pull children out nf arcades and put them into a football or buebaJl field. Myenon and hla colJeeauee. Dn. John Goldman and Stephan Miller, decided to go to an Atlanta arcade fOI' their "field study' of players. Of the 142 players approached, 134 qreed to fill out fonm and aubnltt to examlnaUooa of their complaints. "We examined them where they stood. •in front of Donkey Kong, Centipede, Sp11Ce Invaders and Asteroid.'' Myenon aaid. 'The mmt corbmcn complaint wu arthralaia, a aoreneu or movement difficulty of the joUlta., in the wrist and fincera. Thumbl. along wlth aecond and third flnaen, alao 1uffered, with bliat.en and calloUlel frequently reported. accm-d1nc to the report. Tendlnltil. the mu.:Je atraJ.na '"nle extent of injuries with areade pines will not cotnpare to the groaa nature of tho1e in conttict sporta," he aid. * *-* Pac_-Man '(atal' KINGS PARK. N.Y. (AP) - An Eut Northport man. UllfY Uter • ftaht OWi' a Pae-Man video game, 1pnyed ·a bar with gunfire, ld1liite an 18-year-old collece student. Suffolk pqµce aald. POtice Aid Glenn Matta, 23, la charaed with second-degree murder. ~ that ~. ~ elbow," allo ahow9CI up. in • few bandit and elbow•. llyerao,n attributed much ol tbil to ..... that haw. ball embedded In the 'control peel tJiil m\iit tie rii1lid Wfth the palm of the band. The mecft.n a&'8of~1n the atudy W• 18 YMn. 85 percent were malee and 91 percent were · right-h•nded. The avera1e partidpent p]iyed far 60 minutes twice a week. Ahd 11 percent laid they played dally. . The Defense Ministry aald there ,were only five wounded aboard the Plymouth, but-• correspondent with the tuk force said a number of t:roopl were feared . kWed aboard U\e small landinl craft that w• damlaed. The Defense Minlatry claimed British fiahter pilots and navm =era shot down •even tine Skyhawk and. Mirap n . Britl1h communiques and correspondents' reports made no mention of any IJ'OW'd action around Stanley. But the Argentine Joint Chiefl of Staff reported "intenle combat" in the center of the Stanley defeme. Wedn.eaday, an el1ht-hour artillery duel, damqe to two Britiah Harrltr jets attacking Stanley and the downing of "enemy helicopters and personnel o~Unc in the Mount Kent area,• 15 milee west of Stanley. Pop~ to visit Argentina VAnCAN ClTY (AP) -Pope John ~aul n leavee ton.tcht Clll a 15-hour fliaht to Buenot Aira to appeue the Ataentinel few his recent vlllit to t6etr Britlab foee and to pny for peace between Che two countries at war In the South Atlantic. The 62-year-old pontiff bu uraed ••an honorable 801.ut:ion" t.broucb fte80liatlom,.but neither be DOI' tb. ""•*-n-hu Jndk:awel Wfiifthe church tb1nb aach a •uUaa pqht be.. Tbe 30-bour Vt.it to Nl9ntina, 90 percent of whole population la ftoinan Catholic. WU hurriedly arranced 1aat month to arwwer the clamor there tor cancellation of the pope's six-day visit to predominantly Protestant Britain. Fair days ahead U.S. 1ummary . T1lundwltonnl oonUnuld Ind flood condlt1on1 re"'llnect Jn !*19of,. ..... W..11•w. The ............ Wudl .. mid f' I 'S~tilwlnd._, ttwoualt .. t v-., ~ Ute Tenn .. , .. Valley. Ttte floodlnt condition• were .. IO .. . 71 13 12 tM 11 to IO (" . 71 11 • t7 • IO 71 f7 7t • f7 t2 II .. .. 7t 13 t1 17 t2 .. 71 70 12 " It 1'I .. f7 .. • 100 t1 71 • 71 • • , . • T1 to • 1't " ., ,. • t7' tO • u .. .,..... LISTENING -President Reagan and Britain'• Prime Mlnilter Margaret Thatcher listen on heaaphories to the opening address of NATO Secretary ,General Lunns at the West German Bundestag in Bonn today. . Fire, explosions told in Falklands By TOM MURPBINE Of" ... 0.-, ......... A British Broadcaatlng Corporation radio correspondent painted a vivid word picture of lire, exploaiona and reecue efforts Wed.neatay nJ&ht when a Brttiah landing operati on at the Falklands came under heavy Araentine air attack. The BBC said Biit1ah forces had one ~ aunk and two othen . The correspondent, in a ahartwave broadcast monitored on the Oranp Coat at 9:15 p.m.., demibed ~ operatiom on the 6,674-ton land.in, ahlpe Sir Galahad and Slr 'l'riltralD. which Wer& hit by enemy bombs. '"the 1et1 around Sir Galahad bto.xned in QQnl9 dots u the men took to llferaftl," the correspondent said. ''Helicopters. which had obelo ~ iitoree, bepn re.cum, the men lrom the water. "There waa exploding ammunition. It IOUnded like a small battle going 011 . ~y. there was a larger ~ heUcopter waa complnely lost in a black smoke cloud u it repeatedly attempted to winch a man from the wa•. Fortunately, there were shipe near?. where helicopte rs drop the men. then turned bac to search for more aurvivon. "In the midst of all of th.la, there was another air raid. The men worked on. The aurvivon were unhurt but ahak.en. still wearing their llfejacketa and orange IW'Vival auita -thoee who had had time to put them on." The BBC reporter said the reecua took place f1> ~ ' rain and rercuera went back tD the ecene .,.in and again. 1'The air attacb showed that the Argentine Air Force la still to be reckoned with," a BBC commentator aald. The British broadcut did not detail any official report of lOl9eS or damage. It did quote Argentine IOW'CeS in Buenos Aires ,... aaying the Brttiah suffered heavy w.e. on the bMch at Fitzroy and Bluff Cow, about 12 mi.le. IOUthWest of Port S\anley. The Argentine milttary spokesman was quoted as saying the Britiah had landed 2:000 troops when Araentine warplanes attacked. "'Ib.e Britiah troops attacking toward Port Stanley were tumeCI back by heavy Arpentine fire with heavy lou o life," the ~ ~ aid Britiah IOW'Oea in London gave DO detjlla Oil the attacb except that cuualUea were much wone than had been thought. There were apparently three ~rgentlne air attacka on the landing force and a fourth air raid against the frigate HMS Plymouth. A BBC correspondent aaid, "Several bombs were dropped on HMS Plymouth and her funnel waa hit by a al:tell which ant constant amudje and steam skyward u ahe came into the estuary. "All firee were controlled and all her ltWW were workinc," The ·sec ad ml ued the Argentine air raida caroe as a aurprile "and. it la surprialnc too, that ao much of the ff&htiria on the Arpntine aide bu been done by their air force. CONCORD 8y.R08DT BARUa .,......, ........ . A lawyer repr ... ntlna Dt. Jeffrey MacDonald of Hun~ Harbour lald today be la fairly encoura1ed" b1 · developmenta thll week at tJW 4th arcuJt Court of Appeall lh Rkhmond, Va. "I talked to b1m (MacDonald) in prison by phone yesterday., aid 4ttomey Ralph Sprtaer. \ti ' told him I WU encour-aed anCI that enCou.rapd him.'• · MacDonald, a fonner capta!P ln the Green Beret•, la lb Terminal laland Federal Prilob for the alJeied murden of tdi wife and two small <iaU8hten at Fort Bna, N.C., in 1970 . MacDonald, 38, claimed the murders were c.QmJnitted.. bY- long-nalred intruders who invaded h1a home. He wu aentenced to three life prilon tenm. Hla ~ w~ · revened by the 4th circuit court in July, 1980, on gl'OWlllb that his rigM to a s peedy trial was violated. But the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated the conviction last March 31 . Mac.Donald, who htW been free on $100,000 bail, "'" returned to pNon. : Spritzer arl\.led Wednesday that the jury ahou1d have heard more testimony •from a W<Jm8n . who dahned she saw the crinies committed by drug-crazed hippies. !. . "The jury was entiUed to hiar her adml11 i on and the corroborating evidence," Spriaer told the court. . ~ He told a repoiter today tha-t he la encouraaed by the court's appArerit aerioua consideration of bis argument&. Anet Wea.needay's arguments, the appeals court took the appeal under advisement. . A key wi~ in the trial waa Helen Stoeckley, an admitted drug U8el' and one-time Police informant, who claimed ah~ witneaaed the murders by a aataruc cult that broke into the MacDonald home. But becauae she recanted and altered much of her story, the trial judge sharply limited her testimony before the Jury. Spritzer said the r e waa -auffident ~ mdence to give credence to M•~ Stoec)J.1eya story. Surf victim identified Orange C ounty Sheriff'• officiala have identified a body that washed ashore at Huntington State Beach Wedne9day morning u Gerardo Salinas, 17, a resident of Mex:Jcp Otv. Shert.ff'a LL Wyatt Hart said the death has been ruled an accidental drowning. Hart said the youth bad beer\ vlaitine with relatives iP: Anaheim. He disappeared in the aurf during a Memorial Day family outing to Hunt.1n1ton State Beach, Hart said. .-. l '• .PLYING PLATFORM -The U.S. Army is listing a one-man, jet-powered vehicle that ·~mbles a fictional aircraft in the Buck .j\ogera comic books. Test pilot Robert F. Courtner took the WASP II fan Jet on a .demonstration ride, climbing to about six ~ ........... stories, ducking behind a• row of trees, performing varioua maneuvers, and coming to a sudden stop 100 feet in the air. The WASP can fly at 60 n)ph for about 30 minutes. It faces two weeks of testing. 'Witnesses cite nuke dangers .. Pretrial bearing {or 600 demonstrators in tbird week . SAN LUIS OBISPO (AP) - Trying to put nuclear energy on &.rial, a ~trln1 of defense witneuea cited a long list of alleged danger1 a1 a pretrial h.earlng for 1ome 600 ~nstraton llretched into its ihird week. The Dlablo Canyon nuclear power plant "at best ii a lemon &pd at wont ,will tum the area i'nto a radioactive oven.'' physidst MachJoKakuofO~Uruveraity Qf New York .testified earlier ln !he Municipal Court hearing. , ~ demomtraton, anested at a ma11 protest at the nearby nuclear plant lut September, -Defenae attorneys often compare the protest with brea=in a window to trespus ln a hou8e ln ot:der to ave a trap resident. Prosecutors counter that only a clear and lmmlnent danger justities the illepll~. ' However, District Attorney Christopher Money h11 aald, "There was no immediate danger to hwnan life." The proceeding, which Chotiner la hearing beau.• all five local judgea. disqualified themaelvea, includes only defense witnesses with croaa- examinatlon by proeecuton. More than 1,'000 of those arrested at the demonstration quickly pleaded no contest or guilty and were releaeed after paying fines or receiving credit for tlme served In bold~ faclllties. Chargel were dWni for 85 othen. An uncertain number of defendants were arrested more than once. BY WALTER R. MEARI Al.,....°""'''" ..... WASHINGTON Republlc1n1 may not find Prealdent Re11an and hit •conomtc policle• qulte 10 allwinl ln November u they aeerned'" 1n June. Not unlell unemployment and interest rates ao down, and eoon. In primary election• like Tueaday'1 crowded, 10-atate al.ate, party lo~alty oountl a lot, '° would·be GOP nominees 1pent time arfUlnl over who wu more devoted to Rea1an and Re1.1anomlca. General electJon campaign• are wa1ed in a broader conltltuency, which I.I likely to 1ive rise to more 1keptlcl1m and diuent among Republican• running for Congreea and the leglllaturea. They'll want 1orne running room , juat in case their con1tltuenu blame the admlniatration for the economic woe1 Reagan says are the fault of the Democratic half of Congrw. At this point, a promi1lng pol.Icy for a would-be Republican nominee 1ee1n1 to be to embrace the Reasan program while leaving ~e lmpreaion that it may be with fingen croaed. It works ln New Jersey, where Rep. Millicent Fenwick won Republican nomination to the Senate over a former ~ campaign aide. She laid she wu dedicated to the Reagan program. but wasn't a fanatic about It. Her moderate, IOl"Detimes maverick record ln the HOU8e lef\ ita lmpre.aion. She advertlled that "Millicent Fenwick ltanda wlth President Reagan tor a workable plan to stop this reoemion," and al.lo 18.id she'd be more flexible than her comervatlve rival. leffrey Bell. Bell called himself the ''Beagan ~ candidate ln this campaign,' and reminded voten that he'd helped f11hion the programs the president took to the White HOWie. plllllYlll But she aatned lopsided aupport amonc thoM ctillatWled wfth R.eqan. Xhe poll of 1,M5 voten outside polllng places acrom the state lridicatecl that 70 percent ot thoee who rate Reaaan a fair to poor prmiderlt had cast their primary ballota for Mn. Fenwick. That kind of 1pllt w11n't evident ln Callfomia, where San Die10 Maye>r Pete Wilson overcame hi.I moderate put to win Republican nomination to the Senate with . strong corwervatlve support. Willon'• past venture• lnto statewide politics havei been 1talled by conservative tu1pidon. In a 1tate party that ls overwhelmingly conservative and devoted to Reagan. Aft.er all, Wlllon supported President Gf:rald R. Ford when Reqan tried to wrest away the Republican preaiden ti al nomination ln 1976. wu.m ran for govemor four yean .aao. and ran fourth in the primary. He learned . He ran for th ~ Senate nomination as a Reagan champion, pointed to hll aervice ln the P1'411ident'• 1980 ~ aatnea the endorHment of Rea1an'1 brother, Nell. One campaign flytr w. the word "conHrvatl•e'' flve time• to deacrtbe WlllOn. A. primarr. ~ay poll in Callfomia provided evidence that hi• mea11ge took. It showed WI.lion p10ed wlnn1na support from conMrvativn. Of coune, con1ervat1ve1 like to win elections too Jnd it may t;le that Pete WU.On looked like a aood match for Gov. Ednumd Brown Jr. Prnhry-winnina •trueaiet like that may yield to tome repoaitlonln1 In the campaip weeb ahead. The Republican congre11woman and the Republican mayor are headlni Into a campaign againat Democ rats who have been denouncing Reaganomic1 all • aeuon. In New Jersey, it'• buainelaman Frank Lautenberg, who says Reagan often not an economic pol.lcy but an "economic disaster." The campaign ii hit flnt bid for elective office. Wllaon la up against Brown. twice elected governor, twloe a candidate for the White Hot.me, ~wayaanarch-critic ofReagan. his predeceslOr in Sacramento. :m-r---..aitend their oceupMion « the 1Ue was justified by ''the imminent peril of the Diablo - Canyon nuclear facility." The hearing, exp~ conclude Friday, la to An AP-NBC poll of New .. /. • 1 • • Jeney voteu on Tue1day ~ 10 enl o !n·nos1t1on ~~~::~~;e:~c - -~~ . loyalist,. bnhft'eft wt ~ · among New Jeney ReE~ to Khomeini waning ~yor~~t;;b·! l whether the defendants. cbu8ed with trespualn1 or failure to dlapene, can U9e their "defenR oi necemty" during a c:onlna jury trial. !'.ach aide proml9e9 to appeal lf it 10l8I. • The pretrial ~ before Municipal Judge Kenneth Chotiner of Loa Angeles, as well a•· the future trial, directly -1 lnvoTva only 15 defendanta. 'l1le -othen have agreed to accept the I ~verdict. '·The September protest, which ended with 1,951 arre1t1, ultimately failed, but the plant i:em.ain.a idle. A. federal low-g_ owe r te1t license was "'1thdrawn when design defects were found. Defendant Gail M. Jacobeon 44, delcribed u a local teecber \Dd biochemist, te1tlfled 1he joined the blockade to try to keep the plant from starting up. "I really felt they would not load fuel with dvillana on the plant lite," ahe testified. ' The proposed defense w11 deecribed earlier by apokNIND • David Hamilton, who said, "On occ11ion, the ju1t and law- abldlna dtizen will be compelled 10bl'el:k the words of a lewr' law ln order to preeerve a hlaher law," apokemwl David Hamlltco told reporten. · 8eYe.ra1 venl.olll of the defente have been tried with limited 1ucc:ea by other antl-n'-tclear protesten around the country. BEIRUT, Let.ncn (AP) -1n the r= liDce hql8n Premdent Abo tMn Bani-Sadr's ouster trigered nationwide unreat, the OIJP09ldQ.n to Ayatollah Ruhollah K&omelnl'• rule bu almost dlaappeared, obaerven of the internal Irani.an situation II)'. The aummer ot 1981 waa marked by explo1ioQ1 and a1ta11inat1lm1 oflthomelni loya1la·ts and alde•. The government, which came to power after the hlamic fevoluUon topp~ the shah ln February um, retaliat.d with almost daily execution of political opponents, ran&iDI from members of the s.hal t.ltb to royalista to urban guerrillM. Some Iranian analym believe the leftist urban guerrillM are laytnc back, waitlnl for the war with Iraq to end befon nmewlnC their campalan against the f'e81me. ''The war baa to end firlt. Then the ()ppomtion can take tne11M.119. Until that time, die people are too preoccupied wlth the war to ddnk about internal luue1," said prominent Paril- bued IraniaD journaU8t Aol1r Taheri. in a teJephone lnwvtew. · The Persian Gulf war baa united Iranians under an umbrella of nadanallmn. But the conflict hat rava1ed the economy, pm1nc a po.llble thrmt to Iran'• stability. A.nalysta believe oppolltlon to Zoo's bear killer ousted EURfXA (AP) -Ben Adan, the embattled city parka and recreation director who ordered the killing of two popular mo bean_. b-9 been relieved of hit authority of the zoo: uya Mayor - Fred Moore. The mayor 1ald Monday, however, that Adan would remain a dty employee, probably as director of the parka department. Meanwhile, the Eureka acy Co u n c ti h a 1 i _lt)J> o 1 e d a morai«iwn on the killlnC of any other anlmall until the newly created position of r.oo aupervillor ii filled. Moore aakl ~-,, ... FUN AND FROUC -Dile Coffey, 8, and F.aster Seal Society eecort Nancy Fortier . splash down the Wiers Beach water slide at the BeCOnd annual ••nay ~t the Water Slide" foe handicapped children in Laconia, N.H . More than 100 children and their .dult helpers showed up for the fun. How to wash comforter I DEAR PAT: WUt'1 t.h bett metiM •f • laudertas a don·flDed comforter? 'Mlae · Medi ce be waded, IMlt I'm aot ave wut water temperatue to ue ud UH cu be ble41 la my eledric dryer. J.T., Cotta M ... Reeearch at the Univeraity of Waahi.niton . lndlcatel that the best method la to wuh down-filled product• in warm 1ud1 (72 degrees F) of neutral detergent (pH 7.0), rime t111rlce and dry by machine at a low temperature •tuna (105 degrees F) for about 20 mlnutea. 'nMm remove the item and lay out at room temperature for 48 houn. Thil ia to guard against mildew,. A down-filled product ihou1d tie completely dry befon It'• atored or returned to u.e. Test samplea washed in warm cw cold neutral detergent IUda and dried at a · low temperature actually showed an lncreue in the loft of the down, and in inlulating value. U the comforter ii large, you may prder to u.e an oversized washer and dryer at . a laUndromat. Removing rust stains . DEAR PAT: & It po111Me a. remove rat 1talu from up& pea carpetlq1 J"ff trte4 several 1tala removen wltMet l8eeen. LE .. Badqta Beadl Molt carpet lta1na can be removed with ordinary drycleanlng fluid or by ecrubbina POllONIYYIS A ITCHY "9()91111 The lteh that followa ~ may be acquired at .., time, but the peak ol po1aon.tvy. polaon.-C, Ill polaon IUIDIMC la In the ~ The p°'8anOW aap tmy reed> diNetly '° the *81, • by CIOlltllet wtth the plaDt, or later on by way al bandied aboea. clothiftC, tookor~.mm.11. Poleon-lv1 aymptoma becln to appmr one or two da19 after ClClllt.lct. Some people are unuaually aenaltlve ,and few are entirely lalmwle. We haw aome potJon-lvy lotion.-~ wually otter quick ....., and ... C9ft help )'OU ct,OOM • 1ood product. When the eruptlona are ~_...or OtNf!r .... al tbe body, oamult .,.. pb}llldm. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHOftE us when )'OU ._. • llllldlc:im. Pick up ~ prncrlptlon lf ahoppln1 ~. or we will deliwr promptly without extra dwlt· A.,_, many people entruu ua with thtlr preacrlptlona. May we compound and dltpenae ~ wttb a IOludcll\ ol one ':' u,hi cluty dewpnt and al» tealpoon WI i. vlriepr ln I quart ol wann water. a.mow •XOl9 material u quickly a1 J>C*lbl• with a 1pon1• or ,beaftieni doth. ~pply formula with • ~l wwkln:a from the ea,. to the cent.er. AYOIG ~· Remove e'""-mcUtun wfih plpm' ~ au. by applytna a wet cloth. Sponae with men towels and drY with fan or vacuwn riOale. A llOft bruah will reet.ore pile. If (hell treetmenta don1t work, try a conUnercial ruat remover. U• accordlna to d.lreo\lOnl and tillt a llMll. hidden area of your carpet for color· fMtnlll before Ullnc on the ltlin. Follow with a do-ti-younelf steam carpet cleanln1 machine .. What is fructose? QEAR PAT: l'Ye •eard tUt fr.ctoee 11 better tUa reftaed ... ar. Row 11 fndo1e made, ud 11 It actully more ••trttlo•• tllaD Hp.-T C.O., Cola. M ... GranUlar '"fruetoae • produ.cea commercially from 1ucrote (white 1usar). When aucroee, a double aupr, I.a split. it yields fruct.oM and slucoee. Fructo9e (fruii .ucar> al8o ii found naturally in fooda. partkWarly honey (40 percent fructoee) and fruita. Under certain conditions ifructoae i• sweeter than sup.r. Tbua. leaa of It can be Uled to sweeten tome producta. such u eoft drinb. Thil aaves calories but the 009t of fruct.oM marketed (or consumer u.e ii very high in proportion t.o the small nwnber of calories aaved. Consumer groups have filed complainta about ~ or untruthful cla1ms rQade about fructose, particularly that it la "natural" and more healthful, or that it eliminates hunger when dieting. Commercially produced fructoee ii~ a more hiah.ly proc e 11 e d (lees "natural") uct than relined white sugar. In the y, both aucroee and fructoee eventually are changed to alUC'Ole -the form oi carbohydrate the body u.m tor energy. • Got a proble-;;;;:;:;;en wnte to Pat Horo-. • 1 wit... Pat will cut red tape, 1ett1r11 the ill an.rwen and action )'o&I need to aolve ln- equJU. In ~t and bUliM& Mall your quntlom to P.at Horowitz, At Your Service, ~Coat Daily Pilot, P.O. Bax 1680, Oll'fa meM. CA. g2638. A.a many letters a pc»aible will be am-wered, but phcmd b.quiriet1 OI' kttttl not lnduding the reader'• tun nanHt, adtlre9 and bu.slnea houn' phOoe numbet' can.not be considered. g Orange Costa Mesa 1111 E KatetaAw 2000HarbOrBlvd 1714)997·1500 '7141645·5155 ~ fO Calllomla ,...,,,. on/V. ffJllllltld.,, ~ § . e ~ ANGRY WORDS -Rep. Guy Vander J.,i, R-M.lch., hu been exchanging &harp word1 lately with Hou1e SJ>!aker ThomH P. ..Tip" ONeill. Solon gives no quar.ter to Tip WASHINGTON (AP) - While moat lawmakers try to promote the idea that they really are dear colleagues, for aome the phrue just doesn't teem to apply. For instance, Houae Speaker ·Thomal P . O'Neill Jr., D-Mata., and Rep. Guy Vandet Jagt, R-Mich., hardly have what you'd c.all a good working telationahip. The two have been slugging it out verbally ever alnce the Republican National C.Ongremlona.1 c.ommtttee, which Vander Jagt heads, used a white-haired, beefy actor to portray. O'Neill in a disparaging 1980 GOP televtaion oonimerdaf. The same actor is back in a new GOP conunerdal which hat been running on atatlorw around the nation au.ring the past few weeb. and the rhetoric between the two ~ has heated up. The other day, Vander Jagt blamed the a.arrent reoe8llon on O'Neill. callin& It "'nponomlca." O'Neill had aome choice worda about Vander Jagt in respome: ''There'• more brains in the head of a pin." TERMS ~INIMUM A LANCE WAsHJNOTON (AP) -The would have allowed memberl to Houle hll taken a preU.minlry deduct whatev.r bu1lneu step to repeal U\e lpecia1 auctJc.-·~can be aubltantlated. proof t75-per-day tax deduction Myera• approach would, in that ~ voted tteelf Lui 1eneral term1, have treaied ~· rnemben in much the -.me way ' By a 856-48 vote1 the Houle u ~ who are out of ln1tructed lta member• of a town on ~. c o n f e re n c e c om m i it • e ·~ beat way ii to have no I Wectn.day to accept a Senate ref~ to C'.oNrrell at all in the amenc.tmeni that wipea out the tax code," aaid Jfep. Bob Michel. t75·per-day deduction and • R-m., the mtnortty 1-der. 1 reatorea a $3,000 annual On a 218-176 vote, tM ~ j deduction that had been in effect refUled to accept ¥yen' propoaa1 alnce 1952. The 1peclal deducdon and then approved th• plan I ha1 prompted thouaand1 of offered by Ma. Schroeder. teat letten from an1ry A special con1reutonal yen. deduction -whether $75 a day e lopelded vote don not or $3,000 a year -hat been I 1uarantee repeal, becauae dte supported to help offset amendment ii. attached to an members' OOltl of maintaininC a l emeqency app.a>prjatlona hill home Jn-the. Wuhinfton a.. ln containlna hoUlina aid ODooeec:i addition to t.hetr district hocnm. by the Ret&an adminlltraiM>n. In doing away with the $3,000 f A veto of that bill by Prellldent ceiling on such expemes lut Rea1an would keep the $75 year, Congreaa directed the I deduction alive. Internal Revenue Service to David Stockman. who heeds determine how much a the Office of Managemeni and lawmaker could reasonably I Budget, repeated Wedne9clay h1I deduct without bavin1 to intention to recommend a veto. substantiate the expeme. ''Th.I.I ii an opportunity for the That gave congreanen three· Houae to redeem itself" for options: Deduct an all-inclusive pueing the llberalir.ed deduction $75 for each day except when for members of C.Ongrea last c.ongrem ii in recem for more year, aa1d Rep. Jim Santini, D-than four daya; deduct $50 plua Nev. "Slx thousand Nevadans the interest and taxes on a have expewd their outnge and Waahtngton home -neither of ditmay at this ripoff." which would be subject to No member of the Hou.e spoke aubatantiatton -or. like any in favor of rela1ni.Jl8 the $75 buainesaman, deduct whatever deduction, but a few grumbled expeme can be proved. becauae several memben who have large out.aide incomes have been espedaUy outspoken apinlt it. Rep. Patricia Schroeder, l)..CQlo., led the battle t.o have the HOWie go along with the Senate in repealing the per-day deduction and restoring the $3,000 annual ceiling. ~ Home spent three hours debettna whether to accept that approach or go a step further and adopt a pn>posal by Rep. John T. Myen, R-lnd., tbai would have imposed no ceiling on the congreaalonal deduction but ANNUAL YIELD Sea lions wash ashore MONTEREY (AP) -Another 23 dead aea lions have washed up on Montel'ey beaches, brlnglng to 36 the number of unexplained deaths since the weekend. Authorities don't know why the anima1a died, "but at this point, there is nothing to suggest anything but happenstance,'' said Phil Nelms of the state Department of Fish and Game. EFFECTIVE DATE &DETAILS 3-MONTHS $7,500 ·ll.0741M1 IUllqb Rate t lftctiw thru June 14. and IS lue<i for 91 dly$ lly lew. (11 ...,., 1nttmt not OOIT\pounOtd 1&114'6 6-MONTHS $10,000 11.•~ Ritt tffect1,.. lhna June 14, ~ IS fnctd fol 182 dly$ lly law, (1120ap) 1nt.,est not compoul'ded 30-MONTHS $500 ~. tlfectiw""" June 21. 8lld Is f1MC1 lot 30 ll\OnlM lnWIWSI (2~YtM) c:ompoundlcS c»ily 42-MONTHS 14.mlMI II.MP ~ ellectwe ttwu June 21. 8lld $500 lndJUSltd twefY 511 monlhS 10 lOYRS. llltwtsl~ daily Otl>OMIS perl'rl1ttld dl.lllf'C the . tlmrur Y'111d ellectlve lllru June 12 Up 12-MONTHS $500 to $2,000 "' 1nwut uinees ••empt from Federal t..s lnttfHt compoonded dll ly 11lllllmtl10.1 Yll. Amll•SBOO Rate s'-1 IS tor fried· Rat• Account v~ 11lllllmtl1' 10 .. ~'*''°° ltllteAccollnt os•l9o-~. "*-as1c for deta1f1 Ever! dollar up to $100A09 ls Federally insured. .. Federal Reaerve Board Chairman PHI A. Velcker wa1 deacrlbed aa a "coura1eou1 phy1lclan to the natton•1 econorntc health" • he wu awarded an honor- ary dearee from hi• alma mater, Princeton Univentty. The uni veralty alto conferred an honorary deoee upon tennia 1tar Artiu AIM at ~~tion ceremonlee. • A.n UNelflah 1ervant of the public interest, he maket real Princeton'• upiraUon to rana ln OOYf.bOl baU clllDONd tor au_..plll frcnl Br•••• Lee, •wblle PrHl•eat BIAIA8 Hftt irM:dft8ll to 20.000 cou.ntry mullc IOYen at the~ ot Ft.n h1r in NllhVtlJe; ' -- "All Asnertcan1 can be proud of thii snullc. I hope you will leave here w l th a ll1btened heart.•• ... d Rea. fan, who Ca in Eu- rope, In a taped . m•aaa1e 1.11 played at openlna ceremonlel for the al.x-day country mualc f..Uval at the Tenne11ee State A former Vietnam prialer of war who .-ved with tbe AJz Force 'nl~ from UTI to 1880 Wal Damed commander ot the precll1on nym, team. MUir' Jam11 D. Latllam, a nauv.-ot Shawnee MJaeion. Kan.. wt1l held • ~ belnc formed to rept.ce the four men killed Jan. 18 durina a practice maneuver at lndian Sprm11, northweat of Lai Vepa. 1.Atham. 35, filet the F-18 Falcon, the new plane thft team will be uatni. He .. a weapona officer and f111ht commander with U\-t 30th Tbire.. not a stat ol a chailot ... wW •ttlnd. but dtj.,olfkUJI in Union. N.Y. bwtt..s a woman kUJed ln the , RevolutlourY War to lttend • rourih·ot July celebraUon. Ma:yor JamH C. C•I•• lnvtied the lholt ol •• _ .. op. caww.u to at1md an open bouM July ' at her colonlal-era home, now a local mUl9W11. In a letter ll'ftt bl care of the county frHbolden, Conlon told Mn. Caldw•ll that ••we have kept your home all the1e yean -pAlntlnC 'it, plantlna flowen Md punperina It ln any way we can. Now we want to ahow the people of our wonderful town1hip and younelf jwt bow much we ,. admired and loved you,and your f.amlly ." The home, the Caldwell Pauona1e1 ta ••Id to be haunted by the lhoat of Mn. Caldwell. who w• lhoi to death by a Britlah aoldler ~ tJwi two oeniurt• .,o. Robinson's . . . All Wis JC II CROOKS WATCH OUT -Normally, Marvin Winter of C.. City, Mlch., Ule9 dogs to guard bis Wied truck buslmw in De~t, but one recent morning decided to bring his pet Uonea, Sue Ellen, because h1a employees wanted to eee her. Detroit police didn't want to see her and cited Winter for b~ a .. wild, ferocious or undomesticated and untrained animal' lnto the dty. THE · AMERICAN HOME OF . WATERFORD WATERFORD ONLY FOR YOU: MEET MR. THOMAS HAYES, MASTER ENGRAVER, HERE TO PERSON~LLY " MONOGRAM YOUR SELECTIONS. Mr. Hayes Is one from a group of five highly proclaimed Waterford artisans who have createq special presentation pieces for Presidents _ __._,SJtnhower ... Kennedy and JohnlOfl... aa well as 1.or Pope John Paul II and his predecessor Pope John Paul I. He'll monogram the Waterford crystal we show. In the following store: 'Newport, Wednesday; June HS, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, June 17, 12 noon to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday. Jone 18. 11 am. to• p.m:- During these same hours. you'll have a chance to meet Waterford expert Maria Donegan from the Waterford factory In Ireland. She'll be here to discuss this beautiful crystal and to answer all your questions. Come see our collection. And have your new treasure embellished with a hand·cut monogram In either plaln or fancy l&ttering. Biscuit barrel with 2 letters ." ...... . Ship's decanrer with 3 letters .•. , .. . The Waterford Cup with 2 letters ... . Old fast)loned glass with 1 letter ... . And, not shown: s· Jewelry tray with 2 letters ....... . Spirit decanter with 3 letters ....... . ~ot glass with 1 letter ............ . e· ••ray with 2 letters . ~ WATERIORD ONLY FROM US: OUR . ~EXCLUINE STEMWARE AND WORKS OF AU . Jher•·~ a picturesque village near the Waterford factory. And from Its serene old world charm and the spirited legends of its townspeople came the inspiration to create an artistic masterpiece. It s namesake: "Mooncoln." Now. our exclusive stemware suite designed lust for us by Waterford. It's everY1htng you expect your Waterford to be.Elegant .. Gleaming. Breathtaking. Much too beautlfu~ not to showcase. And with its remarkably fine diamond cutting, we think Its the newest classic. Here are the ____ ._ pieces you'll want to own (left to right): Wine, us. Flute champagne. $55. Goblet. $55. • VISALIA '(AP) - Unce.rtaln how much atate and federal tundtna wlll be cut, Tulare County aupervilon have tmJ)(*d a partial htrina freeze ef fectlve lmmediately. ecords demanded I recipients crackdown target or dlaabled welfare reclplenia: "You have a choice about liCD1DI the form. 'But we muat have accurate information about your tncame and what you own to pay your Supplemental Security Income cbecb. If )'O'.t do not lip. the fmm. your SSI chedr:I may be affected." Rep. Stephen Solan, D-N.Y., la ukina a Hou1e Way1 and Means subcommittee to bold beartnp to determine why the ~ f.a1led to notify ~ or make any other pubflc announcement about the cnckdown. ma Jeplatlve aide, Dawn Ctl•Na, laid the tint notice w.. "duplidtoUI. Dtber it'• tetlly voluntary or lt'a oomDullorY " I The Veterans Admlnlatratlon, Defeme De~t and RailrOACI Retirement Board already abare ~tloll wHh Soda1 Securtty, but the 1978 Tu Reform .Ad pnwnta tbe In--1 ReWn&l9 8enice tram dobtl 10 without the 1Dd1Yidual11 ~t. ''Hom.ally we~ 9chOoll wUh J ;IUO rnlaortcy • _.. h&ah. .a•~ w • "-Plf'l .... Unified School Dl1trlct director of ....-rch And student llMciel. '"nMy don't tiftMI to IClOl'9 IO hfeh, Pomona terMil to ICON lower than meet of our IChooll. Gorilla goes ape CHICAGO (AP) -BoWla the pna enjoyed about 10 minui. Of ~ . front the Great Ape Howie 1nllde the Lincoln Park ZoO before authorttlet ~ptured him, but they remain puzzled u to how he manqed h1I ~pe. The 100-powld ape cllmbed a 10-foot wall to eacape an outdoor habitat Wedneeday and ut on a wall before betna tranquilbed and carrled beck to captivity, said Aatlltant 7.oo Director Denni.I Merritt. DDllBO -A 8tate ~ hM refmed to eet a parole date IDr Jamea Schoenfeld,f eervlna a Ute term In the lt78 Oxnvch1Da lddnappbl&. FUR MUEllY ""'8 TO DO SOMmttNO NICE FOR YOUR Rlfl It's tmi to prtact your fur lnws1menl. Take advantage ~ our fur storage at NoldllJ0111, wtin Sdenttfkafly controlled temperatures protect your fur tnm heat, hoolidly and mildew. Our stcnge service wil also keep your fur free tnm moths, fire atid theft. . NOW THROUGH JULY 10 SAVE to% WHEN YOU KLENDfTION9 YOUR RJR At the time you brtng your fur In for storage, you'U save on our 9l<CluslYe Klendltlon9fur cleanfng service. We'll enhance your fur and resin It to Its natural beauty. Let Nontstrom J>l'Uect your fur ~ tor the soomer. Also ask about our fur repair and remodeling S8(Vlces. South Coast Plaza ooty. Outside our !or.al dtaling areas In LDs Angetas and Orange Counties, can toll tree 1·80IH32·7175. Sale! • - . Classes to stop - • snJoking at ~OCC A three-part workshop deal.oed to help partidpanta stop lmOld.na wUl be offind at Oranae Coast College ln c.o.ta ?lea thia 1111111N"'. Workahop 98lllom are IChedWed June 21, 22 and 24 from 8:30 t.o 9:30 p.m. ln OCC'1 Applied Sclehce Cent«. . Serles fee 18 $12. Work1bop director ii Da.-td D. Wdman, a hypnotherapa wbo worb in Iba fWdl ol behavior sr---mcldlnWlc>n aiiif cllrect ~-- For Information, phone 556-5880. Men'• -"'1 Women's -$}4 Childttn·s -$27 This spnng free yourself in the dehclOUS comfort of Bass• Sun1uns ~ sandab As '1he $Uede covered mner!>Ole l"9fTlfor1s your feet. SunJUns ·" unique styling kee!)i you cool and lobktng good Thi!> spnng go Bass• or go barefoot shopping ~ • used van." Th•y t>ought a van from • sur•o electronlcs comp1ny that recently folded, and started to renovate It on shoe string. "We stffl weren't settied on a permanent logo at the time" uys Steve Atencio, the other owner. "so that became our next priority. Being In Laguna Beach gave us a wealth of artists to chose from. so we started asking around." One of their employees suggested that they talk to Pat Klotz who had done an lncredlble sky scene on the celllng of her living room. "We didn't know · Pat seJVlce opened Its doots v•ry weH. but sfle did one year ago, and hH happen to be one of our ~'"--. Uguna-succes -. -~reaufat -Custi>mers-. -fl>-4 eVfr since. "Soon mer we c.aied Mr'' says JClrstlne. "I started. the need for a van was afraid she would tum became apparent. We us down based on her wanted to offer Ory accompllshmenu." Cleaning but had no P. Klotz, as she signs her a cc e p tab I e means o t work. palnted_the famous l returning It" says Gary portrait 6f Secretariat, the Klrstlne. one of the triple crown owners. "Our t>udget was thoroughbred . was small so we started honored by the Cokctors. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~ Choice Gallery with •n annual one woman show. and has had sculptures display"' In the Laguna Beach ~useum of Art. "I went by to see her through about five and ftnaly ~ft It to Pat. Her choice was perfect. After It WIS on the Vin W(! just stared at It for hours. That's when we decided part of It," . .. Paid Advertlse~nt found espect11ty rewardlno. "Pat has become more than a friend to us. She has created our pride 1nd joy. With out question, the van has become the nicest gift either of us has ever received." "Now e\'eryone makes a comment about It. It's awesom~. People roll down their windows at stop tights and start talking about It. It has become a part of Laguna • just as the laundry service has. We're pr-OUd of that. Everyone relates to Hop-Sing. He Is here, In the spirit ot Laguna for everyone to enjoy. That was our goal." one night,·· Klrstlne continues, "and expqlned what we wanted. When we started our laundry, we wanted something ' special, not just another fluff and told. With the van, we felt the same way. We wanted It to represMt the spirit of what we do, that which makes us unique." "I told her we would take her sketches to an .. auto p*"l place to do the WC>rk and she just '°°"ed sat<t"""Ltt" mr paint the van.' I was flabbergasted. It was decided that the artist would do the job with an airbrush technique that she had noL.enjoyed using In the past. "It gave me an opportunity to work In another art form. I had an airbrush but had not mastered It. As a canvas. the van was exciting and challeng ing, freshly painted with this neat grey. I was thrilled. What followed were weeks of sketching, talking, and exchanging Ideas between the artist and owners. Hop-Sing was to be traditional and dlsclpflned yet young and Innovative. A personality needed to be created. "The fa'Ce was the biggest problem" says Atencio . ''We went to let her go. Her talent goes beyond description. She gives spirit to her art. It has a life alf of Its own." After that the three spend many evenings together exchanging Ideas and philosophies. an experience Gary and Steve "During our visits with her we would be sitting In her studio where the van was puked, having a conversation. Suddenly s h e w o u I d g e t .a n Inspiration and just start painting. It was great. Art In the ,making. We felt a 1%:00 to 4:00 p.m. Presented by ••cl•alve I SllCUE THAllK· YOU ••• To our wonderful neighbors In the area of Hlnkle Street, as well aa to our f orebearlng clients, for their patience and understanding during the construction of our recent addition. With our addltlonaJ space, we wm be better able to serve your pet's needs. Our Best regards, Or. E. Douglas Tignor Or. Barbara G. Shirley Lee, Mlchells, Doug, Jr. & Blythe . A.at BoCH VETBllMY CLllC 2900 South Coast Highway . Laguna Beach, CA 92651 ..... c.vJ!J.~-!~~~AV~AAI,~ fxcellent ~4~~~~ndry and Vry ~ng ~ I I In By 10 out By 8 Hand Flnlah ) ' Pick Up and Dellvery 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Frl. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. -S.t. Axline's Carry-On · Sale SAVE 30% Thru Father's Day REG. 127.00-142.00 NOW 121.60-133.60 by Tano I J I I I l · I I I I lrvtne once .in hU been nOininatect '° --the kifti:I of public fadlity that meet~ County reeldenta don't want. It • not an airport or a landfill or a · freeway tbll time. It'• a jail. The county Board of Supervlaort last week initiated envtronmental studies of five pomlble sites for a new jail to help solve expected demand for an added 1,30~ inmates by the year 2000. Two of the lites are in Irvine, one at the current lite of the Orange County International Raceway and the other at the ()Omer of Trabuco Road and Sand Canyon Avenue. Other locations are next to exlltina jalla at the Santa Ana Civic C.enter, property in Santa Ana c.anyon near Weir Canyon Road and at the county-owned James A. Musick Honor Fann ln El Toro. The Irvine Companl owns the land at both loca 1itea. Company offlclala last week suggested the county drop the raceway site becau.e that property is ICheduled to be developed as part of the'" Irvin• lnduatrlal Complex-J:ut, An lrid~trlallat would hardly look forward to bW1dlni a new plant next door to • jail. Company officiah aho exprelled concern that the Sand C&nyon Avenue lite allo would meet with· community opposlti6n. Thia 11 1urely an accurate .-ment. Irvine ls of teJ\ tabbed for theee kinda of projects becawie It ha1 a central location and yet remains relatively undevelopec:l. It makea aeme, after all, to build a jail away from houees rather in the midst of them. Thia la alto true with landfills. airports and freeways. u remdenta a.re llel'loU8 when they dJsctm the need for aUffer convictions and expanded penal facllltlea, some J>e9ple muat be willing to accept the ~ of living cloee to a jail. County 1Uperviaont however, muat be reuonable ana not stick Irvine with all the undeairable .projects . ,Jails aho.uld go 1 elaewhere. Coastline · post unigue 4'. €ommunitjr colleg~ .. fees? The pombWty that f.,. will be MMe4 CIOW'MI that can be obtained free at the A• long aa theae achoo la oa tbe more than one mllllon.oommunlty comm<m.lty colleges. aupported largely with local fl coUeae ltudents loolm larae • t=ton Fundina for the two-year collegea lelialat.ora were not ooncernt!d with ltn.aa1e t.o balance the 1§82-83 t. currently COIU the atate more than $1 ofleringa, but with the financial b Thfa wu teen in recommendat ona billion annually Ott two-thirds of their in state revenues and the tncreu g made by the California Potqecondary t.otal budpta. While the report auggested amountl betnc provided the colleaes Education CommlllMJn to lncreue fem at > • • the state since ~ of Propolit:IOn , the Unlvenity of California and the state the lawmaken are centertnc more ar\d college 1y1tem but with additional (j ~;;. more attention on the collep funding. finandal ald t.o needy ttudenta. ~ \ ~' THEY ARE ALSO bothered by t)le THE COMM18810N nicommendatiom. Elll llH• contentiona of the commtwJon that 1'e adopted by an 11 to 2 vote, did not ·community colleget aerve mostly tiJe lnclUde the community colleae-ln their more affluent rather than thote frOfJl fee recommendadona but did call for an only an '80 ml1llon cut, lt would appear poor and minority backgrounda. ... $80 rnW1on cut ln the at.ate'• allocations t.o that the colleaea could absorb a 20 Callan said that while the report was Bernard J . Luskin, the Orange Coast president just a few them. Thi• waa 8ffD by community pen:ent l1uh in state funding with little mainly for the purpoae of allowing founding president of Coastline month. ago. colleae repreaentatlves u opening the difficulty. lncreued fe.!e at the univenlty and stale College, will leave that poet July 1 The trustees commendably door t.o fem. Thia ia seen in the 1tatement by colleges, it was a11o intended to provole t.o assume the presidency of sister set up a screening committee 1n· any ewnt the report 1eem1 t.o pt Patrick Callan, commllllon dlrect.or, that some aenalble long·range planning 4n IChool Orange Coast College. representing adminiltratora; the community colleaea against tne recreational progr&m1 in the colleget, the question of student feea. • · ._,_._ 1--'fled lo univenlty and ~lle~ the such• Joalnl, account f0tt 20 percent of Whatever the outcome, even with fedt, Coast Community Colleie lftlw .._""' .. • c emp yeee, latter two bodl fee w the the courw paid for by the state. the coatl of education at Callfomi&'• District trustees have appointed students and community members Callfomla b:Jmmunity are aaJd to Enrollments at the community coUesea publk:•Y aul>l)Ol'ted inlUtudona of ~r veteran administrator John Buller to review applicaUom. be the lalt tr. col'aa-ln the nation. 1have expanded eeat1y ln recent years aa Jeam1n& wlll ltill be a bupin. aa interim president of Coastline This panel submitted the The recommendatlom certalnly pl.Ice ·the two-year coDeaea have reedled out Latest reports show that the bu1c fe.- for a period not to exceed one names of about six finalist.a to the .,.fore the lAlialatwe the often asked lnt.o the community to provide many foe tuidon. room and board. at Stant~ year. board of trustees. The trustees question of why students ml.Wt pa.J'!t the programs which do not lead to the Harvard. Yale and Princeton now e The trustees presumably have narrowed this group to two --unl=v=enl==ty=and=~sta:Ste~colJeaa==::for~==tical::=:four:;·;Y:ear=coU::;ege~:degree9=::::. ====~~=~·~11~,ooo~~a~y~ear:. ~--=-----_iJ1 aet this limit to give themaelves finalists, then one top candidate. plenty of time for an extensive Unfortunau;ty. they notified their -I aeAreh.Jor.. A permanen cbief-~-that he-'Wiii"" no l h £ • l £ D • J A R • d . . administrator at Coastline. A aelectedbeforethefhtdMlkiebad 0 ene I rom Ia - - I e thorough evaluation ls needed accepted the Job. · . . ' 1 particularly for the C-Outltne post Aa it twned out, the trusteee' To the Editor: the unlvenlty, land grants for cultural noise of John Wayne Airport,~ ooun~ because It involve. a unique top cholc:e turned down the Juai a few wordl in defen. o1 the putpC*S, donatlonl t.o many dvic and freely ..ctml~ \hat the -BG-W-80 ~ institution. po1ltlon for flnan~lal reasons. Dial-A-lllde c · I work for DA.l\ out service groupt, and charitable funda reedlnga are louder than the older jets •t Sometimes dubbed "the . Instead of returnini\to the other of Analleim. e aerve the ...tand north di1buraed through the Irvine the9e two no11e monitoring stations. 1 applicants the trustees a-..-·~ Oranee County are11. Foundation. How Mr. Martin can then tum around college without walls," CoastUne ' .,~_. Ow-pbonea never rtng mpre than two Oun ii viable uni :..L has no formal campus but offers L~~o the Qran•e ~0::J times before they are answered and OW' retult of :c!fient p=g .g ~h: ~~Yi::': m!~~':°':e w~ classes at about 150 rented P·~~,, even though Irvine 6>mpany. National magazines · generated from John Wayne Airport are locations throughout the district, not applied. such u Fortune and Ttme, as well as tomehow bas1cally unimportant hecai.me which extends from Newport Although Luakin's credentlala MAl[BQX numerous foreign joumala have given they allegedly are "on the periphery of Beach northwest to Seal Beach are not questioned. the trwteea' the company the Ub:nolt praile for their the takeoff pattern, and not trUI~ and portions of Garden Grove. declaion to disregard all other effortl. indicative of the overall airport Under an open enrollment applicants reviewed by the driven (from all the nice remark& the Local visitors t.o foreign countries may operations'' is nothing s hort of id i ecreen1ng committee created 80IDe customer• pan on to me) are very find urban and auburben communities incredible! • arrangement, res ent1 n ill will among campus tmtruca. courteow. There ii no n!90ll t.o be patterned after what In the beginning The moa t incredible part of M1. ~ cities a1lo may enroll and other employee.. treated otberwile. waa created here, lnclud.lna corninerdil Martin's statement la that he implies thift in e courses. Be f 0 re beg l n n 1n 1 the Our manaaer and hil excellent ataf:f complexee and modenuhopptng cent.en. the ·other mna1ning noise monltorlnt In addition to its classroom selection proceH for the top • keep our off:loe nmnlnC llDOOChly. If On my desk, u I write OU.. 11 a aUdt atatJona are somehow the importa!!J, instruction, Coastline offert an ,... ___ tlln 'ti th -·--there 11 to be • dela~J. the pocential paper publication abowlna many.._. matn~stream noble atationa. Upon cloler '-"HY • poai OD, e w -~ ~ 11 advtled of um ., tie Ott the of Newport Center and hlhion Ialand examination, one flnda that moat of these extensive schedule of televiaion abould let up and make public can deCide if It la wOl1b waldnc that publiahed ln Japan. other 1tationa 'are located in s COW'11e9. more pr'ed8e .wdeUn. on how l.oal. I thank you for printing thia letter and "atratep:ally" nolae aensitive areas u In finding the person to they will cliooae the new augeet t.o readerw of di.ii forum that the Santa Ana Offlce/Commerdal area, oversee this unconventional president. And they abouJd refrain TO INSU&B. the be9t Gd quickest Mn. Allen'• letter wu Mdly 1addrw in the Santa Ana lnduatrial Complex, the college, the trustees should bear in .from wrl ting off all other 1ervice J>C*ible the cwtomer can help fac'tl with no mention of the reuonlber Irvine lnduatrial area, two points mind'" some of the te.ona they candidates unUl thetr top choice . by: h\.mband wu terminated. the beck bay bird sanctuary, and aeve learned in selecting the new has formally accepted the job. 1. Call well In advanoe of desired REG JONES near the end of the runway. But only r Caltrans strikes again pickup time. two of theee are located anywhere 2. • aceurate with add.re& Noise Joo-ic baffles lbahle, remdent1.a1 population areu. 3. Be then at the 1tated time ,,. . ROBERT CONKL 4. Be awe the bu.lld1nc number II To the Editor: vlllbJe from the 1treet. Sometimes it is difficult for me to ~. Call to cancel lf you ehaQp your determine whether Bill Martin, the mind. county'• nolae abatement officer (and t 6. Have the oarnet .. -0() Ule that term loosely) la the nolae cenb for hlbdlcapped, ao centl for abatement officer or the county's court .man. •1 for otbilia -or haw your jester. In the recent Daily Pilot article, ~ l"elld~ to maw tbe driver. "Newport Beach Data Showa Jets Dlal·A-Rlde II a ..,.i ~far Louder;' May 26, Mr. Martin .,___off lots of people -8IDiOtt dU... IChiOOI. u "mlaleedlng," the da1ml of Newport childreri, wortdQI people II~ -Beach executive wlltant City ~. anyone who needs a ~. jmt about K.-n Dellno that the much ballyhooed, an~here. "quiet" DC-9 Sut:!d!O aircraft 6a The price II rtlht. too. Try it. yo&1 may acwally ~ than the old love lt! ''rioiay" jeta. PENNY JENKINS Mr. Martin'• pandoxbl Josic la that the two noi .. roonltortna station lOi:atiODI ln qu.don .(M·2 and M·I) ... --"on the pllitphery ol. the Wudf ~ and are JIDl truly indicatlw Ol-tM -Owrall alrpart operatlonl... la ht ldddtftl or ii du. )a9t aDodalr Of Im ~? . :rbit 4Pke, of CIOUl'9, II tbe way Iii wbJdl ihe~OOUDlJ'• wboll ...--up ~ Daelit ............... -up. Iii th• Ol'll'nAl _ •..J•tem of nine --...... ,,, ... ..,two ol thlile l off aa1wlaer• neu th• .... ., .... part .... . I 1Jlry)sll 11-1 m .... .. Muatln ataUoD lieatloe ... , M·I ·-·~·-DIMI' ........... ,,aria .i.11, ........... ..... I ' ONE EVIDENCE that the eoftapoun Smit)\ II It.ill c-1llng the lhot.a 11 hll detennlnation to crack down on dru8 abule. He ha.a made lt a top priority Ol federal law enforcement. The eeriouaness of the drug problem 11 spelled out ln a confidential Juatlce Department memo prepared for Smith'• ..lllPMatwe. My auoclAtea Jtck Mitchell Cell 142•5171. Put • few word• to work for ou. 'Own Part OfA o .:·Small El~arit Hotel J • : Ori San Francisco's •' . II Nob Hill The Nob Hill Inn i1 magniAcently restored ltom the Edwardian era. The ambience is Victorian. _ A Ave~minute walk ltom Union Square Peuonal aervice. Turned down bed1 at niirht. Shoes ahined, butt one sewn while you aleep. Brcakfan •_frved in your room. Sharee o( the lnn are now available in modcatly priced time.narc uniu. Purchase i• (cc eimple. Buy a week or more to uec annually in increment• a1 bric( as 2'4 houn at a time. Like other real ettate, your time,harcs can be rceold, rented, traded or bequeathed. Full price (one time only) ltom $7,SOO plut nominal annual maint.cnance fee and applicable tax.ce which may incrcaee. Excellent term1. n.o *t IM v""9 ....... ,...... elNI ( 4) 4 4 'A .ccommod«loM tot Noo.,. 4Wlldll tot 71 9 .. 07..,.s l1H.oo. -•llw tot...._ Trawl GITOfllmltllts coinus, Nob Hill Inn. Offn limlud. Visitors a,nt to arund a sala praa1Wtion in San Fran- ' dsco. M inimum a,t 21 ; if morritd. bo1h parriu mwr a11md. OUR FIXED RATE 30 TO 89 DAY RETAIL REPURCHASE AGREEMENT PROGRAM FOi A MINIMUM OF $5,000; IN ~ t 00.00 INCREMENTS, MAXIMUM OF $99,000. ·n. -.................... "'..,., , ......... . It's yours for the asking ...... high Interest on a minimum Investment of SS.000 for a short term of 30 to 89 days. South Coast Bank's Ret-111 Repurchase Agreement Program pays Money Market Interest. tias no opening or transaction fee. and the rate upon openl"8 Is fixed for the term of your Investment. Eatn competitive Money Market rates while stlll maintaining yo,,.r v•luable banklt'& relationship. Fot fuither lnf0tmatfon ple•se give-South Coast Bank a call at~'7 I 4) $40-5300 and ask for Sue Patton, eKt. 23 I . Ind.order \JP' whoet IOlut&On ii nwrely '° 1oilll up ~· The preaTdlnt'a Hollywood '*)clround ~~Jmith in A.NOEL PACE: The .,_dlh havt bHn hJ9 memo ootnt91'~'.itllln\. ··""-at the rouJ>ntly 1hlppln1 home Ar11ntlnt alltwau tJt( tafu1J1rid: .. ~Of*"'-pdaontn of war captured ln th• by w cea.brttiel ln ~ -~t hllcl•Dcl J,ilandl. But U..y have rtfUlld and IPOf'9 atldi ~ d'9 Im~ to reparite ont POW: a ~ naval amona )'OUM:_,. -wbo oti.n look otficlt n1cknamed "Ancel F1e1." io th .. cele6rfu.i .. role rnadtlaL"-' that Ht ll Lt. Conunand.t' Alfredo A.alls, ~ abult II not only ~Ul9 but who wu th• Ar11atln• Navy "1;. flilhJOMblt.'' · ~ on 8o\M ~ Ialand __tl~ :1~=~~::1 =~· ~~= .. za other~~~ ~. havt formed •~1roup to thatht61wanteduawucrltnin.al.Hela ~ the ~-of dNC u.. repor1ed to bt qne of the moet dabaetoue {ft movitil and °" == . and vid.cU ~pant.I in the Arpntine To corrtd tht m N benaton of junta'• blooCly "dirty war" ~t the UM>lt who think dnaa hurta only people of Ar~tlna. the. who lndulae in it. ~ attorney Over a period of yean, 15,000 to tenenl'a memo cttee IOlne harrowlna 20,000 lndivlduala 1u1pected of ltatiltlca. oppmldon to the rlaht-wing ml*trY "In Be!Umore, 243 (~ adcticta ...,._ .,... art'llted -nevet to return oommlu.d over f'73,738 c:nm. clul'tDI • fl'cim the ;mta•a tonw'e cbambert. The 1_1")'9U' l*iad.'• the meqao palntl out. It • ,_,.... o( Anatl ,.,. A1Ua la burned idda that the w tftdlvld\1111. whin Jnto the a.noey of thoee tew who were cured of thlU' di'uc baMta, ooaatu.d lucky eaqu1b to. 1urvtve their only about C¥M eewnth • mm, an..... lncllwradon. A llmOar ttudy bl Miami. ~ • lt'• not only the f amlllea of the. memo not.a, lhowed that "ae& Ara-ntint vkUriw who would like to eee \.-rt wen rtipOftllble for 118,llf crtm. A1U1 brouibt to justice. ~ aqd dUJ'iq a *ICle year," and addl that "20& Sw.ten have .-ed the Bridlb to tum murders were related to druc ..-hbn over to them for: in tion. ~ .... ..... French hold him r.ponaible fOt thi dMth o1 two French nuna: the Swtdti ••Y ht 1hot and tortured ~ Sw.ctlah woman who la now deed, I So far, the Brl\lah have bHn 1crupulou1Jy protective of thtlr notorlou1 prlaontr'• rtahta under .. thlt Geneva C.OOventlon, and have refueeCI evtn to let French or Swedish lnv•t11aton lntft'vtew Altlz. What eiactly 11 Aatli accused off ~ wi\h acc.. to the records - lnclifdtn1 atfldavlt1 from poUttcal prieoberl who IW'Vived the Arpntlne Junia's dungeqn1 -provide An1el tac.11 lurld back,round: At the height of the "dirty wan" in the 1970., Altlz waa a frigate Ue\,.ltenant baaed at the Infamous 11E1cuel• Mecan.lea" -the Navy'•. ena:tneerinfc achoo! that WU uaed 8S a detention ana lnterroption center. Situated in one of BuenOI Aires' mott fashionable diatricts, the 'Elcuela acquired • reputation u the scene of particularly brutal treatment. Evert in th1'neat of aadist1c cutthroats, Altil stood out for hla ruthlessness and for the enthual.um he brought to his 1ruet0ml= work. Aetiz "particlpeted tctively ln kJdnapplnp, tortures and interropUons, and in infiltration work.'' a former Utical rlsoner wrote. DLC lOE '130 $99" OLC 8F '185 $154" DLC 7E '260 s19991 DLC 7PR0'275 $219" ....... lg' Your · Dad Deserves · ·The Best ..... -.: ''!I ' J ' •. WE MAIL GIFT PAKS! OHll DAU.Y .. WarreLIU - - - --PUZA ......................... MUIT2 .... ~ '~.'. -, .,, ~ . :'• . ·' , , . :· ,· _.........:.._.._,. ..t:.,.__ -c...... ....... ~ 1,...., •"""9 P'reecrlblng . ' ., • ' Dr. Lou Elder OPTOMETRIST - 842-G720 1124 lrvln• Ave. NewportBNch . . - THE FRESHEST All09E8T QUALITY SEAFOOD FOR Ll!88 ,_ - ' I ' ,I ·~:od ICtl:J -.-_:_ .. •,-., ~·1J . •,,..•,r, " .... W AC.• ft" ~ il.Gtt fl.}/" )ti\V 4 t<i:~rt ' (.Rid ,.;,q {0=1 -100 percmt,,.it WNr>'feD.rS.. li-1 .... nd ............ wet• dlacovered 1tlll ouUtan~ u of Weclneedq ~ But you tboucbt all the ablimtll ,..,,_ were oaum.d ~ ~ wrma All at.mtee-.. tbat were tumid 1n a~ fte&lltru'• Offtce were countiCJ tint. 1111 many that were turned ln at the poll(na pa.cea IUD await a "°'°1t • ol .Jbll wrlUDa.-r • Ho.w many of too. lncluiie wt. In ·the 43rd Diatrtct1 Who k:nowa? The aforemenUcmed Johnnie er..i. may win thla' one yet. Or maybe 01d pro McC.oll will pull a i.t.:mtnute meeker play. • ***· ORANGE COUNTY'S GALA. eledlOn mpt party at South Coast Plaza Hotel In Cmta Me.a WM heavy Oil coQ-with mMter emcee Tam Juen• ScotUsb t.8'pen and dancen, entertainer ~Rooney Jr. and lOca of televi8kJn equipment and Ugbta Ml'UDC about. .The lanckllde re-election wtnnera. Fifth Diatrict Supervi8or Tom Riley and Onft&ie O>unty Sheriff Bnd Ga• were cleerly on band 'recetvtnc early ~-and .,...~ Ailllmblymm Holm FriDelle, who ltawd off a mmc ~bY Irvine Mayor David Sllll In the 69th Dtla1ct. wm holdinj forth out 1n· the ball. a bit more nwtralned In the Ml'ly Fina while the mue w• atW In doubt." The p1a pmt..electian ptberina In o.ta Mme hM alway. been billed• a noo-partlMn alfalr. And Indeed, the alwaya-cordlal l"uentea did clearly introduce aeveral Denpocrata from the podium. YOU GET TBE REAL 8COOp, however, down the hall In the men'• room. One patrop •Y. to another au-t, "Wbo are all thoee people down In the ballroom?" 'COb." the MOODd IUY aym matteMJl-factly. ''Tbat'1 where the RepubUcml are." . Some~ thouabt the p8rt)' •• jlllt a bit man relllralned than In pnvjoul years. One political pundit blamed it on the fact there were heated Republltan ~••teltl -a drcUJmtance frOWned upon by the . . ' ( . ~SJielves restocked with Scouts' help , By JODI CADENHEAD Of" .. ...., ....... and peopl• will atill come -needJ.na food. The cupbo·arda were The t~Jeilmea that are practically bare. The few straining claal familee are remaininl cam of aoup and fndt takiAc a heevy toll on the pocic- codctall Would hardly help one wbo DlUlt let by with ie. and =Y.n:'U! ~~sh:: ~Peop)ct that med to live ua Our Selvea office every day $2~ are now teDdlnf. ua tl2," hubcrY and hopU\g. aald Ma. Dlckenon. ·~ ... ltr•nt Place, u. decided to ;.i.t aendlna ua letten •Ylni they~ like to .fd.ve. • coDect •many cam of food• be "We uodentana, tlmff are could • part of tu. projlc:t to hard for eyeryone," she attain l'.mcle Scout --Wltti added. * hillp of tour other Boy ScoUt Pia iUI ibat he went door to traap bl Newpol't 'Beech 8nd door in bl9 Corona del Mar ~--~----~ ................. ttunwl down b)t anycm. ~.r£: toJ!° ~. :: But that doean't take into accoubt the number of people Plac9. 't 1'.-t -.sit 1D plant wbo pve maybe ooe can u.e.d a uee... . ~ • ..w.~ , Brenda Dlckenon, an off:k:9 For the tint time in lta ii.:,., l men•r for SOS, looked.at the '-&...-.,sos sent out_! p. hftp _ -.ck-of cam. amiled and aid --"':'~-f £.,_..a_ they would 1Mt10 days. mmtDI a&O or etnef'8'!DCY ~--- ''lt 1oes ao faat," ahe aald Canned llMllheUi ls one-of the 1urveyln1 the aaaortment ol best donaUoDI became it OO.O't beana, peaa, tuna, aoup and ~~be heated, aald M1. JaUCIS. The orpnlsation, started 12 . Then thlnJdna that the boys years.., l>y Jean Fcnath. • one ml1bt be dl1mayed by die of a handful ln the county barShnell of the t.cta. ahe added. proYkUbt ... ~. tooct ana "It doee my heart aood to.-~t abelta-. there are eo many boys whe> do Anyone .-anttn1 to donat~ care." canned aoc* can brine dMlm to But evm with the cam to boo9t the office at the Bea Ownawnity the lbelW9 the rallty ii that Center, 801 Jlamlltm Ave. Ccma they will be ... in a ,.. .,. .Me-. ---,,... __ ~ ---- .,.., .......... ..,a......,,• I FILL cuPBOARDS -Brent Place (foreground) and helpers (from left) Phillip Schnabel, Scott· Mayberry and Doug A1lilon pthered canned goods for Harbor Area's Share Our Selva Agency is in constant need of canned ~ which is given to the needy. Jolin Pope tans to win election· io ~y's OC central committee Balph Winkler of Loi Alamitos; Robert Bay of Buena Park; Howard Rowan of Cypreaa; Anita Huaeth of Weatminater; Dina Clark of Anaheim; John Brander of Santa Ana; Arthur K.ublmann and Jerry Johnson of Anaheim. and Sandra Smith, Gary Carmichael and Art ~ all of San Clemente. Two members were eleoted to the Pmce and Freedom Party's county central committee, Maxine Beel Quirk and Frank Boebdm, both of Santa Ana. Llbenarlan ,Party JMmben eJeCtiecl to the cmtral c:iammuee are: David Woodrow Smith; John Aaderaon, Barbara Kamm, Archie Keaell, David James, Charlea McGulnneu and Dan Mahaffe y, all of Huntlnaton Beacrh ; J . Harrla Dean of • Fuller1ml; Larry DmkJQ of El To,ro; Robert Lundaren of Placentia; Leaa Antman of Anaheim; Charlea Barr and Anita Barr of Buena 'Par_k;, William DeMayo ol. Ccrona Ciel Mar. O.yt.on Wriaht and Belt)' Wrtaht of N•wport. Beach; .Sharon Ayret of C.oeta Mem. and David BerKland of eio.ta M-. The 90fe candidate aeetp.nc election &o the American Independent Party'• eoua~ central commJttee WU Arturo J~ ol s.n&a ADL ! . t I D&AJ\ ANN: A couple Of tnendi and I were~ recently at a ·chic; North Side nllta\&l'lnt. After dinner we dedded to have ~rt. One of my frlenda or'derid the chocolate eclair lhell with Ace cream lnlkl• and hot fudce 1auce on top. The lhell wu •rvecl with what I thouaht WM a ~ · .. dolk,JP of bot fud&e, but my f.riend Uked for · two more porttona of 1auce. I th0u1ht I ·· would slnk u9der the table from embarrulment! , · 'nlat'1 not all Ori the way out lhe bouaht a couple of chocolate trufflp (wry i>LD WAYS-Following centwW-old method ~f plantfna by hand are thw memben of a . PoUM fanilly who ve puttina in a potato oop · m their 10-acre farm -neart IerakoW, Poaanct. ~uch of the work Is still done with hones pulllng plows and the planting and FrNQ. J-11 f AlUF.8 (March 21-April 18): You are ph nntly IUl'priled to dt.cowr .we. fnm Wlusual quarters. You'll feel more 11eCUtt u result. Older woman helpa Jmb wilh come true. , TAURUS (April 20-MaJ;!,?; You c:ould win popularity contest. unicatlona prove effective. Individual with pull will a4d. Newa trom afar la~ You'll get ofla whJch ls temptinc but mllbt Wk aut.taftoe. Gemini la ln picture. - GEMINI (May 21-June 20)~ You'll be 8lked to ~ IOW'Oe material. Aa:ent on distance, phlloaopby, education and published material Two Aquartana play Important rolee. CANCER (June 21-July 22): J.,ut..minute chance Avetl the day. Finances 1re major concem of one who taUm about lnveatments, loan1. Do some penopal detective work. Private investigation ii neceuary. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Djplomacy ~ Seek accommodation with one who may have overstepped 1epl bounds. Family member lends moral support. Focua on people who think they know you . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22):Health coromandl attention -you know what you llhoW.d do -now la time to pay more attention to diet, nutrition. Term• of qreement will be clarified. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emphaaja on romance, 1peculation, atyle and DEAR CHAGRINED:. Say sometblal to llel"if H wW make YCMI teei better, bat It won't elwa&e u1Wa1. Sbe bu laeanl It all before. More bad aew1. Your friend also ,, .. ·· ··· ~ done by hand. Thia photo WM taken in late A'pril by a student with Wiecmsln Uts who hM beeli fi~ in Poland lilW» last aunmer. The picture ..tu published reoently by the Milwaukee Journal 4 DEAR ANN LANDERS: How do grandparents cope with a 20-year-old aon's llleattlmate child? The mother LI aatllf led with being a lingle parent. Our IOll aays he has no intel)tion of marrying her, but they remain friendly and he brings the child gifts. lnddentally, our eon lives ~t home. Are we narrow-minded because we do not Mah to accept the child as O\Jl' own? Last week our aon offered to brinl aome pictures of the baby, but we aaid we didn't care to tee them. Why should we have anything to do with the child? Pleaae respond. - ILLF.GITIMA TE GRANDMA, U.S.~. DEAi\ GRANDMA: Yoa tlfi yourself ·~meptlmate." Wky? Your soa 1 eblld 11 your 1randaon. Yoa are a le&ltlmate 1ruclmotlter. Tlae fact duat you son did not marry doesn't alter yoar 1tata1. ' ; ID my oplalon yot1 ••oatd open yoar bome ud your bean to tile cblld. ne little gay 1boald not llave yet anotller. door 1lammecl In bl1 face beea!IH Illa puet1tl have cbo1en a far-oat Hfatyle. (P .S. 'hat line about your 10• brln1l•1 tll• tlltld "1lft1° -big deal. Wut oolit ..,,. ... , He Ila• a lqaJ obligation &o take care -.1 dte boy until he reacbes bl1 majority. WJ1ere•1 kl• sense of decency?) I DEAR ANN LANDERS: These remarks are for that physician's wife ln New Did you read the story a few weeb aco about the man who picked up $1.2 millkln that had fallen off an 8l'IDOC'ed truck1 Six . days ~wi. he had spent $196,000 of it and WU on bis way to Acapulco. When he WM caught and hauled into co~ he pleaded not guilty by reuom of .. inanity," U a million two woul.dn't make you _.._......,... ....... _ cruyJ wlla.t would! J; tried-that~ with my huabmd and it didn't Wllllh. Be laid I bad a ctMMce. I could either take the Ultrasuede skirt beck or be oommitted in it. HOIOSCOPI . BY SIDNEY OMARA reapomlbillty. No free lunch. You'll pay foe what you aet -. pcmtion Is ttrong. you need not take back aeat. SCOftfJ() (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What appeared m•be a restriction or llmltation will be ~ormed into opportunity for new start and a wider audience. Lunar .ant on home, security and the cloatng of .a 1onptandina traDl8CUon. SAGl'ITA:RWS (Nov. 22-Dec. 2i): You attract new friendt through di1play of vellatility, intellectual curioeiiy and humor. Foe111 on ~rt trips, ideas which can be transformed into viable concept& .CAPRICORN (Dec. 2~Jan.' 19): You find ways of getting more for your money- emphalla on interest rate9, tax lbelten and the location of material which had been m••ng er stolen. AQUAJUUS (Jan. 20 .. Feb. 18): Ptazzle piece• fall into pla,ce; empha1l1 on individuality, independence, new 1tart1, expert timing and lonc-dtetance communlcaUom. Popularity increuee I tried "I bi.eked out" when I bought my food proce.,.-. 'nlat didn't work either. ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO I Wied. "When I opened my pune my credit card fell into that little machJ.ni& and charged a silk dreas to me before I knew what was bappenirig." He said lt was the cloeest I ever got to an insanity plea .. Actually, there'• not a woman in the world who would be aurpriled or tmpn!lled by eomeone 1pendlng $32,666 a day. Shopping LI our life. It's what we do best and no one is more aware of the aelling traps than we are. Beainnlna at the front door of a ~ or store, the brijht lights hypnotize you into a relaxed euphoria. A. you walk down the ai1le1, handbag•. boxe1 of cooJdee and nightaowna are placed near the edge of the counter eo that when you brush by them you knoCk them off and experlence the pleasure of holding them ln your hand. We don't have a chance. The advertlalng indu1try 1pend1 bllllona of dollan a year tryina to ~ out how they can get us to open our pUnee. rm a cheap ebot. Meet a compulsive buyel\ I buy ln hate • . . . England. She uld her cle~1' aaved 9-lf aanity becaUM he wu ~ to listen to problems when her huabancl wo\lld not. ! I am a dergyman11 wife wl\oee aa.Q1tY. waa aav,d by a physician who was Wi~&q lllt.en to MY problems when my husbali4 couldn't find the time. I am callln.g to bet wtt both have the aame troubles: children. hi4 l'J)Other. and HIM -yes, not enougN attention. He ii always somewhere el.a& when I need him. ~ There's one 1igni'ficant difference( however. I paid your husband for listening to me, and he charg~a plenty. Other. noticeable dlf ferences: your home, your car. your clothes, your children's cam~and your. financial ~ty if he should first. ru sign this -MISSISSIPPI M STER'S WIFE r . DEAR MISSISS: Considering tile re1pect elertymen get and tbe boan tlley pat la, dley are die moat underpaJd of all profeHlonaJ1. Wboever 1atd Uf e wu falr? . / A n~nsense approach to hqw to deal with life's most difficult and most rewarding arrangement. Ann Lander s' bookle t, "Marriage -What to Expect," will prepare you for better ·OT for ·worse. Send your request ID Ann ~ders, P.O. Box 11995,: Chlcago,-lm . 60611, endOIJUV 50 cents and a Jong, stamped, self ~ddressed envelope. '. I llMI IOMIKI· · AT WIT'S END and....!.!J>el')t at lei1ure. I can rationalize -everythj.ng -rbuy from sl4M:ka that don't fit to polo acoreca.rdi. Following the birth of one of the children. I was given a check by my mother to spend any way I aaw fit. I ran through the department store for three days getting near to a ))Ul"Cbue, then rejecting it for aomeOOng elee. Eventually, I paid the phone bill with llt but it got the color back in my cheeka~ . My l:rlend, Mayva, read the story about the.man who carried around $1.2 million and said, "Uow could any rational human being spend $32,668 a day?" ~hasn't priced lettuce lately. -~= P01SHOn BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IF YOUR LIFE'S " A.eALLY FUbL •. · ' ..... .w._,. ........... ,...... .......... °"'· , _ __,, .,_ .. .... . PISCU.(Feb. 19-March 20): Amwen you seek are available but temporarily olawed. You'll obtain atory behind. atory but n.pomea come u nwlt of clandeltfne BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF oonf~. 1 Stylists honored · --Golden West Collep'a COllM'toJocy atudenta won three out of four categories In the A9ociated Coanetology Teachers' Interco1Je8iate CompetiUop at~ College. · · Tak.Ina first prizes were Leslie Paul. daytime category; Anita Semrau. evenJ.na category, and Mona Gutterrez, utilUc category. Belinda Cook took third pl.ice In haircutting. r 'nils ia the .eventh y.r-In ll row that Golden w.t hal" swept UU. annual competition ar.nona 10 ooUeee-. llCICOrd1nc to Mary Aigner, d1nJct.or of the ~prosram. Dad ~ grad gifts . ,r;J Huntington Center '•GI June 10 thru 13 · Orange Coast College SUMMER SWIM PROGRAM REGISTRATION: Sat., June 19 9 a.m. -occ Gymnasium 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa FEE: $15 per class Mommy & Me, Toddlers, Begi nning, lnte~edlate and Competition classes. Each class meetl for 40 minutes daily In two-week . Mulon. ClasM• begin Monday, June 21 . INFORMATION: 556-5880. Swim cle11., open to all IQH, Including adult• . ·' SALE STARTS THURSDAY • t:31 am SHA RPI Relidel1tl of the Sierra foothilla wanc.d to forin the atate'• 59th county, but peoDle on tht other tlde ·o( the propoHd boundary effectively vetoed uw l)C'OJQU. A majority vote w• needed on MCh llde of u. boundary -ru.day to .iablllh the county. Voters ln the aff.:ted area apptoved the meuure by a 4 percent margin, 1,892 ye. to 1,- 738 no. However, e?,743 YOten -77 percent -ln the more populou1 western hall of Fremo C-ou.nty rejected the Idea. MA&JNG A BASE -Oft-dut¥.i:ountaln Valley firemen, frcm left, Bob , Paul Summere and Rocky Audley he1p pour concnte foundatioo for Talbert real estate ...., ............ office, a 1920. 9tructure rmc;ued from wrecldrf« crews by the Fountain Valley Htatortc!al Society. The building will become part of a new historical park behind City Hall MaiQ.tenance sharing studied ltaEI 3'11 • dla. • 11,4 • deep to e• dta. • 21,4 • dMp .59to 1.39 IOUDCOLOR 100% COTTON PETI1COATS From lndla NATURAL llONKEYPOD SALAD l()WLI From The PhlllppiMt WHIT PORCELAIN YAIE From China Smoo1hly finished bowta to mix and Mrv• the saJad of the day. 12· di•. ... deep 11.99 NATURAL IAll900 SKEWERS From Taiwan FOf timely tempt a· tlonal Pack1ges of 200 8%" ldhg .89 7'4•1ong .78 . 81 CIHslc oriental ltyle tupot hH a natural rattan handle. TEAPOT e• tall 80 oz.. 8.49 CUP 2• tall 3 oz .• 59 All Appro)(. 8' L,ONG 31 WIDE 4.22 '4' WIDE 4.99 To 3• deep S'WIDE8.22 &).••8'..4" .79 8' WIDE 1.22 7•• a'AI• 1.11 8' WIDE 10.22 IV.'• 10Y." 1.11 IAMIOO All WHITE. PAPER LANTERNS From Taiwan Nicety dnlgned and constructed clHslca for eleg1nt lumtnoa· lty. With metal strwtcher bar . 14• di•. 24" dla. 1.99 4.99 NATUAAL. RATTAN ARM NATURAL RATTAN CHAI" From st~ HEXAOONAL TAil.Ei LIGl't and From The Pht119Pln" delk .. ic* HandlOfM, vertatlle rett1n fonne deelgn ooee nlOely •II a oom~rt• throuof' the hoUM. Ible wlf. 11· tom• t•ll 12.38 11.38 24.38 i·COMMEMORATING CLOSURE -All four :,Pincipala of Co.ta Me1a'a Woodland School, ~ after the ICbool ll!IDSter endl, pther. .,Frodi left are Frank Feller, pdndpal from . Dieguito city~ood defeated SAN DI!XiO (AP) - 'A prqpc.ed dty of San Dieguito WU rejected by •otera In five aeaalde f:Ommunitfes north of San Dleao ln the primary ~lecdon. ; The vote to inoorpol'ate u the 17th city in San Diego c.e>unty wu 61 percent aga1nlt to 3,9 percent in favor. ~volved,were Endnitu. lfeucadja, Cardiff, ~~and Villaae • San Dleguito, ~ ,.,. "Little San .. would have Md 4Q, J>!eople in 26 1quare idi1ei iBut anti-incorporation g'roupa claimed ita cpuncil would be ~tedby~ .......... Thme fawrinc =porat4oh matn- that aa a dty, San Dleguito would have better control over ~ . . . . • : ~ .. ' ' lrt lifts: Dads & Grads Huntington Center art show thru Sun. J ...., ................. 1974-78; T .J.· Fame (1978-80); Anita Keller, in charge of food l8rvice when the IChool opened; Ken Killian, principal s1nce 1980, and Mel Everhart (1963. 74). , .. ' ' $199 $179' $159 $139 PRICES nu: LIWEI. THAI llYERTIIEI IY IRUCE I I I - Anilll Color frlce YiH11t P1111k Old E,.. Mellow 9'own 2.40 VINI Nova Plank Old Enctish Mellow Brown UO Hedden Hal Chart• Mark I Mellow Brown 2.85 Herrinablock Old Encfish Mellow Brown !.65 Jeffersonl111 Old Enchh Mellow Brown 2.75 Cumberland Ill Old {nclish Mellow Brown 1.65 ' Cumberland I Old Enatish Chestnut Brown 1.65 ~"' ~o.n 1 1J ~nferior~ '&'-Interior Oetlgn llH llrell M, . lll-1113 .......... ' . , Can you believe numbers like these? .. Starting June 16th, you can . fly all over COntinental's U .S . SAN ANTONIO LAGUARDW NEWAIU(. at th~se low, low summer \ fares. (Now that we have Tuxas -fntermitionaUas a·parmer, that means more places than ever) . Oh, and plan on bringing- YO\ll kids. If they're between 2 and 11, $eir fare is even lower. So check our lows. No matter where you travel in the Continental U.S.A., it won't cost you more than $199 each way with our round trip Super Saver Fares. · Then make it efficial: · Call your travel agent, · company travel department or Continental. - YOU'LL NEVER PAX_ MORE THAN $199 EAC H WAY FROM L.A. INTERNATIONAL, BURBANK OR ONTARIO WHEN YOU FLY IN THE CONTINENTAL U .S.A . .Al.IUQUnQUl HAllTlOllD AHAJILLO IN DIAN A POLIS .\USTIN IACltSONVILL£ IA1.T1M0lt LAfAY\TTl IATONllOUCt LAlltOO lll~SVILl.1 UTILl llOClt CUPlll LOUISVILLl CUVll.AND LUUOCk COl.OAADO SP'llJNCS M<AU.tN coa"'sautrn M1All(1 DAJ,lJ.SI MIOLANOI '1'. WOllTH Ol>tSSA IL PASO MILW.\Ultll fT LAUOH.DALl MINN~POW CMNl>IUNCTION ST PAUL CllUNIAY MOllLl NlWOllUANS OltlAHOMA OTY OMAHA OALANOO PlNSACOLA PlOllJA ST LOUIS SHltlVlPOllT TAMl'I\/ • ni'IsrTlllS.UkC WASHINGTON, 0 C WICHITA • ............. .., ..... ~Angels squander another lead TOBONTO (AP) -Ernie ~. rm human and I make WblU wmt from hero to pt to rnlstaJr.es. L1oJd Moeebyt No. l fan tn the ''But I think rm ~ to buy ~ ot five bm1n,p. Whjtt flnt dl1tlngul1hed Shaker (Mo.eby) a ·' • htlJM!flf in the (lfth lnnlna ot the T._.to Blue Ja~ M victary over the An!eft Wedneaday •• he launched a to1o homer OWi' the tUbt-field fence -bla fOW1b "' aw -.:1 to narrow .&he ~ ie.i to 3-2. UP UNTIL the ninth, the ~':.!,!d received a top fnim starter Mike ltt. But after Barry Bonnell llng)ed aharply to Jad of.f the ninth, Angela Mana1er Gene Mauch decided It wa Ume to bring in~ a...°"'' law, n.m.o Gerda •u.i-lt wlttl bla tecond home ND ot the ...an. Corbett haa not been the • IN TBE •lfhth, however, =~~~ Wbltt ~-to have thrown him from the M1nne.ota 'twtna. the pane aw~ "when bla to. to Since Jolnina the Anaela. he ii -=end trom• behind the plate 1-4 with three lavel and. 8.48 aalled into ceeter Qeld. aUowtnc euned-nm averqe. Rod Carew to trot home from "The-firat five 1ame1 be tild Wftb the ~ run. p~ for U1 be Wiii perfect." But in the Jay; ninth be w.. .ud a aabdued Mauch. '1Tbe i.t ~bJ ~ ~ ~ four~ be blm't been • ~~ ~ OJrbett. . tood-=r two tn~ntional walk.a The km WM a bluer one far bluer Al Woode broucbi Mauch. who thought hla dub oseby home wt th a baaea-wa1 cxxntn, out of Its eeven-pme loecled ~. . ~= streak after a victory ~ ~ tD ae\ • win like y night. that", eapeetally when your •-~~,JO'~ a ~ of Wn•"•tw.Pct·you up the way ....,.... .._ ana..,...... they did. ..... Whitt. "Jmt .., ~ ~ ~~ about tbe way TllB JA'fS mowd in front 1-0 UJC ·~· IMin8 developed. in the third on Wiilie Uplhaw'a &'Qn the play I threw the ball RBI groundout that ecored IGllTING AROUND -Larry Scott. a 19-yeer-old Goldm College student, snatches 198 pounds while wOl'ld.na out : his Huntington Beach home. Scott will oompet.e for the U.S . in the Junior Pan American Games in Sao Paulo, Brazil Aug. 9-16. ' ;:r I jwi didn't haw a very Alfredo Griffin. who r-ehed on 1 lrif. and it tailed on me,'' be a double. addecl. 'But tboee thinp are a i.1:9 ~=~on to•= . IOinC to happen from Ume to home nm by Don Baylor -his ----etpth -of -the _.. -.Mt __ ...._.__ ~ooriey win Qquld come ~~power ii,.A,~ VJ:OAS (AP) -Ed-· die Futch and Ray Arcel, the elder atate9men who are rlna Larry Holmee for y niaht'• clefeme of hla ld Boxtna Council beavywei1ht champtonablp, ~~::i=.~ "Gerry Cooney la youna1 ftiona and ambltloue,'' ula ~ who. .. 70. .. the ~ .... ot tbiil tralnfnC ~ 1$8'•, -~ tn hfj left and ~ ......-s bow to ...... rill!~ I ..,.et bit'D COlm out JO pae11at E. .... --in bis other is. He bU -equlpment we '°=et~~and bffD lD th• ;b.UlneM of ---ol that time, J\ltdL -~e're In wttb a llroftC, 10'IDI .r.i·.W... w.nta co be dWnp." be ~"We're not underrattq ...... o.~ I . ;> two-nm abot by aegp Jac1man '84 :iympics a .weiahty issue for-._'him ~ ... t:i~~<*De e· Garvin pve way co Roy Lee HB's Scott ho~ to give U.S. a lift, but he'll have to gain weight first BJ CVllT i«WliCN 0( ............ In a time when taldnc off. wetpt It the No. 1 priadt) mnona many Americam, 19-year-old Larry SCott of H~~n Beech hM tbe lofty ,and enviable ol puttfnc an about 33 pomvle durinl next two,.... \ "rm really thin.'' lamented the Golden West Colle• lbldmt. "l don't llk.e to think that, but I~ c.onl6deriDi Scott ~ a mere 148 pnimck, DO one ii .-na to~ with bla 1m Ol!ftt. , world and national champion In the 123-~ cate&mY. . M'"eanwbile, b.lt ton bad b.lt atcbts ..i on the 198' Olympk8; but he wanq to welP I in at 181 M • "I"Ve aotten a lot more teriom aboUt thil <1'lf!r the lllt fe'ff montbt. I hit a alump lMt ymr. But lately, rw done a lot better and rve i.lbed I cm do ~ ... Scott •ys. ''I ~ ~ can •Y rm lmPnd to train now." A place on tbe U.S. we!DtllfUac J'OSter lln't a bl ~tlon for a 1'1-~ mm. • ~rm Ju on," be lldml1a. "I do a lot ol ..... and ltrenlth work." . And technl~ue ta the key lo . ~ to 1ltt CGn'tlC\ly. There are tome llften who are mnoother than othen. You have to ~·to the rulel, too.11 , The IOOrirw' ... fn wetghtl.lfUnc lln't complicated. lloDl&Jdnta out. "You either do It or you. .... "\. Scott....,...._ in two Uftl-the match and the ~ and jerk. He'• llft9d 231 pounda tn the -tich md 308 in tb9 dean and&..&. • ,..._ ~· } Jackaon after 4 ~ lnninaa. Jackson pitched effectively t.hroulh tbe elahth before stvtnc way to JOf!! Mel •.p>tn. w, who pAcked up the win with one tnninC of work. Red Sox sign Jongewaard Steve Jone1ewaard, the Fountain Valley Hieb abtoc lltiOp who bitted .414 thla -.m. his llped a contnct with tb9 BoRm Red Sox, hia father, Dem tald Wectn.lay . J~ WM dam In the ~round by tba a.cl Sox and ,,.. the tetb ...,.. ownl1 to be dratt.d KOliday. Be bad one home run, aix doubm md 14 RBI tbit-• tbe Baroni' leadoff hltt•r. · Jonaewaard batted .'18 u • sophomore and earned All- &lmlt I , .... banin tblll ,._. Thla Muoa. tie wu an All- Oranp CountJ •lecdOD Del pla1ed ln Tue1da1 ill&ht'• o...nlt CGunty Al ..... _.... Pre•AP ..... ....a , N.IW \POJU( -J:d Oarwy necuUve dirHtor of the National PootbalJ O Leaaue Playere AuoolaUon, aald Wed.i\mday nJcht that he found the tlminl of a m••stne article on~ u. in ~ ''wey ltranle'' and ~ It WU done to ct.m1c9 the unkJn'I poalUoft in current contract ftllOtlatlonl. Don Reeae, a defen1ive lineman and ldmlned ~ Mid In a copyrllht story in Sporta Illu1trated that 0 cocalne can be found in ~tlty throuchout" the He laid much of the blame for the alleaed wldeepuad uae at the doontep hf the leque and the playen a.odatlon. Armas, Keough spark Oakland victory "I find it very stnnae that thl1 laue 1drua•) bu im• come up during baraatning," said Garver, from hi• home In aul>urban w~. '1be ume thins happened in 1974 with the San Pleau l'Jabt." Toay Arm11 unlOlded a three-Ill · run, upper.deck homer in the etahth Inning and former Corona, del ~ High Nr Matt It~ --~ • eev'n-hitter u Oakland mapped a ft~pme He1wu referrt.na to a cue In which ei.ght Chargers and management were fined $40,000 by the leque for vlolatlna ill drug abule policy. ~ streak witli • 6-4, victory 0¥9I' the CNcllO White Sox. Keou,h Wll ln command dllplte a two-run homer by Grq Lalalkt In the bottom of the eJ&hth. It wu bis lint comDlete pme lince May a . . . AllMI ou. hit a ~run homer and former Orance Coaat Collea• and a.ta ... High star Du .... ..,, pkked up h.11 Utb nve aa Kan111 City P""' •Oded out an &-5 victory over Mlnneeota . . . Jerry TuMr hit a two-run homer to t.S ~.wll-bit rittdlina of Jaek ... rrl1 •u l>etrolt 1 Asked lf he wu •)'inl that NFL owners leaked infonnation of Re.e'1 ~ to the magazine, Garvey replied: •Yea, it's very lnt.ereltinl that th1S appeared all of a sudden." Quote of the day ''Onl~t my mother micbt watch me." -White Sox hurler LaMarT Boyt, the ' wtnnmgest pitcher, on the aole advan~ of pitching on natkmal televtskJn. • Two Pla~ers In U.S. Open tourney • ATLANTA -Wayne Player is l!I. · excited about qualify_ing fol' next ICIOUOH def .. ted Cleveland. 2-1. In the fint game of a twi-nlPt doublehMder. The ~ WU tied, S-f, after H lnntnp and by an Amerlmn ~ curfew Chat allow• no innln( to atart afteT 1 a..m. . . • Rl~e Zilt't RBI tlnale ln the 11th lifted Seettle to a 4.3 win '1Yf!r .,.OM . . . Joe Nolu llnaJecl and homered to drive In three nma and Mike FIHa11a pf tched a lix-bitter u Baltimore won ita fifth ~t ,.._, beattng Milwaukee, 8-3 . . . To.y Pent belted.his 360tli major-Jeque home run and lnee Bvst and ·Bo\ 'Stnley co~bined on an ei.cht--bi ... r u Bolt.on won ftl fifth pme In a row, a M ded8on aver the New York YanJce. ••• Outfielder J .. CbltMMleaa, the 1980 American ~ Rookie of the Year r Wiii demoted to the Cleveland C1lllS week'a U.S. Open 80lf tournament, but aya no one will be more p]eued than hia funoua dad. profemional golfer o.ey Player. "He'll be mere pJeued than I am for sure," the 20·year.c>!~J;::1 South Africa laid after he led teVen qw n with rounda of 66 and 67 C1Ver the per·72 Snapflnaes' Woods Golf Club coune here today. The younaer Player'1 entry Into the Open at Pebble Beach la beUeved to mark the first time that a father and IOft have qualified for the event In the same yem:. _ AAA affiliate, the~ °'!fla FV wins softball Peterson wins in CdM 5k race CrOWD , A total of 1.331 nmnen competed in the recent tint annual Corona del Mar 5-K Scenic Rua The Fountain Valley The overall lemale winner waa Laauna Oranae Smurfetta won Beach'• Sue Petenan. who comp.leted the courae in the clwnpionahlp of the 17:17. Her huabend, Pete Petenan. wu the tint to mini divWon of the Ll'l finiah in the 40-44 aae bracket with a time of 16: 1~. Mila Softball Jamboree but ovenl1 male honors went to Rubin Chappi.ns, recently at the Whittier who blistered the coune in 14:22. Narrows recreation area. George Muon. a 26-year-old Cotta Men The mini division ii for resident, captun!d fint place honon ln the 19·29 playen 8 to 9 years .ol. divtsiont ~ J.n time of .l4:;.t,,_ just two age with aomi M teema llCOnda behind-cbippins' clock1ng. competing 1,n the Allo pulling out a victory wu 60-yeer-old Dave divilton. Lewta, from Corona del Mar, who won hJa c1all 'lbe FOWltain Valley (80-md-over) With a 2'l:OO dncktna'. Purple People &atera In the womm'• divilka, 37·year-old Mardi went to the le'Diffoak in Smith, a Lacuna Beecft J'91dent oompeUna in her their divl1lon before flrlt 5-K nm, won her ci.. (30-39) ai 20:51. t;>einc eliminated bJ the Another area winner In the women'• bndtet SmWfehel. 1-0. w• 43-,_r-old Sherrie Llchtbume, from C4M. In the minor dMllon who won the 40--l9 cl.all in 19:42. (10·12), the Fountain * * * * * * Valley Minon Orance ~---...... .... _ National te8Dl made It to ---M ._. 1. D9V'8 ....... 22:00.0. the aemiflnala before ~ • ~ _,'"' Jollnc ln a field ol. 76 1. ~ ClmllllM. t4:22.0. 1. Don ..... 11:21..0 • .__ f~I ~ , .......... 1. Dli'Nn Wood, 18:11.0. ,.J,.°!,;.,. Shan non Dolan •• 1. au. 11:11.0. pitched for the 1.•.....,.18'08.o. u•11•1 Smurfettea and waa 1. o..g..,.:: 14:24.o. 1· a.t>...., :::-o. umcored an ~ .,.. 1. Mtl Hltlett. 1 ... ae.o .. the toummnent until the 1· George~· 1ua.o. ... final lnning of the title 1. Ndl ~· M:Ae.O. t. llft)j ~ 11:42.0. PMe m be r. of the ".,... ~ 11:115•0• 1· Marclll ln*tl, 20:u.o. ... . .... S!murfettea Include: t. CJitofge 8llllo. 11:11.0. 1. ""'* ~. ,..41.0. M Val t1 tcb .... • ... ... N'?n; .,.::. ·~ 1. Ok* Hodwltild. ~.o. 1. Lide ...... IS'Aa.O. fint a-; Julie Broady, Wood H -1 • . aecond baae: Vlctorfa y 8Je8 tO peraorm Fitn'rnmms, tbl.rd bMe; • OOLUMBUS Ohio (AP) -l'ormer Ohio State Jennifer Wa11oner, footl!eH cmdl w~ u. will put b.11 lunla to 1bort1top; Michelle work Nov 20 hen Le.,,::,. bit debut a eii'kUt ~um Pe K!;. All• 0 0 with the · eot:'mbua Symphony Oreb::... Bia 1ea'=n Traw:i= ........,..t: To narrate • p6ec» perfolmed by the Vemar, lfkheDe W~ cadMalra ln a papa coacert. and Bebecea Woe1t, outaeld.....,.. 7iiw .. ~..-..P.-----~-...ii!o ................... tbe coach and D.rla aro.cfy the an••· • 49era acquire Horn from San Diego Thie Super Bowl champion San • Francilco 49en have ACq!llred llx-· year veteran linebeckel' Beb Bon from the San DAeao Charpn few two tuture dtaft clM>AcM • . • Gae Aaery owner ol the Ansell and chairman of Golden WHt Broadcaaten, l•ft St. Joaeph Hoepltal . Wedneeday after recoverma from a flu virua • . . The Lot AnaeJee K1nD •Jected a player outllde oI North Amerfca for the lint time il1 their l'-year tmtory ln the annual NHL draft. 1bree Sweda and one &.llllan were taken by the Kina• after the team announced that MJke Heldt WU their fint choice. The K(n1e1 selected VIUor Necllaev from 1\unia . . . The Univer1ity of **' Oklapoma'a ipablUtv to neaotlate lta own televi1ion football game contract• may be co1tin1 atate taJCpayen mllllona of dollara in lo1t revenue1, OU President WWlam aa..ay te.tWed ln Federal coup ... A record company execlattve and the manager of llnaw a.rtat.opkr er.. have expr ... ed lntereat in buyint the HoU1ie>D Rocketa In the NB,\ ... H~ Jamea baa and T•J Campbell ltd the U.S. ~ln ~ four-country track and field meet at the Palace In London . . . Baleball offida1a ~ the country headed for Tue.on to attend the f\.uMn1 of American Leaaue umpn LH DIMvo today. He waa k1lled by a car Sunday ln Arlin«ton. Tex. I Televlslon. radio TV: No eventt acheduled. RADIO: BMeball -Angela at ChJcaao, ~:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Cndnn&ti at Dodaen, 7:30 p.m., KABC (190). ousts Stanlo:e OMAHA, Neb. (AP) -Maine -the j hit pltch1nf ot &111 Swttt and four Stanford to outt the c.ardlna1a a.a tn Coll• Woftcl bueball ICdon Wtdnmday nll}lt. OklaMma State allO WU filmlnated, 13-2, by • Wichita State attack 1*1 by ~i.d ll!ti.r RUii MQnntn 11\d pitcher Erik Sonbefl. Ma!M, In eUmlnaUna Stanford, muree ~ Black Been of no worae tJian a fourth-place flnlU( ' In the tournament but that is only the NCOnd~ , atnce 1973 that a nottheutern repn!Nfttatlve advanced that far In CWS play. The ·1976 team flniahed fourth. , The 34-18 Black Beara JumDed on Stanford ~ two flnt-lnnlnt run1 with "'!'om VanidetUn deliverlnc • run-acorln1 alnale. Malne add another In the fourth on Peter Buahway'a ~ and cubed In on a Bnd Colton aolo homer In fifth1_ . However, the Cardl.mJa. end.Inc thetr 9eMOl'l a 49-18·1, collected all five of their runa ln the f on a pAlr of erron, two walkl, and RBI hill f F.rlc ffu'dll'ave and Lortni Davte.. t In the Wichita State win, Morman doubled.j homered and drove In llx runa while Sonberg~ struck out 13 batten In a romp put last year'e1 world aertee runner-up team. l The lom aendl the 4th-ranked Cowbo)'I home! with a 66· UJ record. ! Morman •parked a five.run 1hocker fint1 Inning with a two.run double u the winners! o~'k! the aame with flve conaecutive hill. TheJ S r designated hitter ad~ a three-run homer! In a llx~run flfth Inning to boolt Wich1ta State to an U ·O lead. • i ·From Page C 1 , LAKERS' RAMBIS .. l . corner with a Coke while cham~ ·COl'b abotl every which way In the Laker drealnR room. •• AndJ to do it In your rookie ae.xl • . . .. : ~ detached u he aeemed at the ~i Rambls WU feeJ.in.I the camaraderie. "We've. l aa a team and u friends • bwnan beino," be: noted In a rare bunt of natk!eable emotion. "l thlnk1 that WU the key." i And IPMfcina of keya, Rambia bu earned one: -to the lront dOoc of the Fabuloua Fon.an. He•1: alto earned one barp1nine ~er with Laker: owner Dr. Jerry Blm come C011tnct Ume. i With KuDChak underaoina additional ~i on his knee Wednelday wfticb will again j him next~ Rambia will once apin be in thei stardna lineup for Riley'• team next y~. i BUt be will no Jooaer be the novelty he was: this year. Look for RamDie to be doing cdmmel'dala~ like hia teammate and veteran of commen:ia1s, i M.,ic Johneon. Don't be IW'priled to aee Rambia i lltttng between Wilt Chamberlain and Jabber in: that atrllnea con:amerdal. : YOU fmow the one. Chamberlain notel that his; -t Ja comfortable, even for a 1Uy who ltanda 7·1.: Jabbar pops Into the pk:ture and aya "or taller." : Ramb1a may onfy be 6-8, but he'• standing about 10 tall feet today. ~ SOME GREA'll MOMENTS IN BASEBALL HISroKY • .. .• .. ,. ·r •t .. ., MW LIMI• ITAMDINU ~~ -!';":!'r M ICMMa-.. ,, ... OlliDl90 ' It IS . I 14 ~ u ,, ,lft ......_ • "" .IOO Olllllnd .. .. Mt r... 11 a a.eo .....,_.. 11 41 .U4 ......_ ........ 0... .. 11 .... ...... .. 1t .... ......_. •• ti ·'" 1 ~ 11 17 .IOO I .._... at 11 .eoo 1 .... y.,. ... , ... , • T-IO It IO .... '0 **•••.lll'e ..... TorOIWO I , MeMi ' Oeltolt a. ~ , 1111 ..,,., ~ a. OeerGlt $; cw OllM. ,4 ~ eu-.i•fldedl ._...l,New Yorll l ..................... a....-•. CtliCeOO 4 ~City t , M""-ota I ...._ '· f-a 111 ""*'°'' , .......... ueaM (Klloll 4-i) It Chlolgo (lllml 7-1). n lalttmcifa (Slawatl 1·41 II Mltwaukll (Moellnl-1) New Yortl (Alglllltt M) et 9olton (Tudor !44{.f' ... City l'rotl 4·4) al Mlnnatota. ("-111-4).n Only 991'* ldlldulad ~~ W L flM. .. 33 21 .• ,, 30 ta .ltt ~ 11 ao .474 1.,. 2t 31 .451 .... 2t 30 .4" .... 23 SI .411 ,0'4 ...... ~ St. L.o..a ... u .... ~ JO 24 .Me 2" Montrelll 21 24 .631 .... New Yen It 27 .111 4'4 ~ l4 It .453 • --2, at .... ,, W f I '14'1 ..... AIMota ''· DMillt'l I "°""°" .. Sin ~rWIClloo 1 Monlreel •• et. L.olM ' .... Yorll,.I, lllnMlurQlll 2 ,......~ 4, Ctllcleo 2 ClnaMd 4. "" OllDO s ,..,..._.. Olncln11atl (toto 1·4) II Datlaar• (V...,_.Ml.n HCM191on (Knipper 2·1) at Sen oi.oo (CWtil W) Only llM* ldllduled AlmNCAM LUQUI _...,. .. ~4 C~ TCNIC*TO .,... ., .... Owno,lf 4010 ~ 41,1 Clrll.TI o 0 o 0 ....._. s o o o o;tdi,2t1 I . 0 O 0 Upellw, 1b 4 0 0 1 !!'!,~_ 4 1 2 , IMnQ,dll 4 0 0 0 .-.-..ab a 1 o o llnnlil.lf 4 , t o ........_,,, 4 1 2 2 Mlby.cf 4 , I f lnCllaJf o o o o ,...,,. a o 1 o Lynn,d 4 0 0 0 WMt.c I , t 1 C.-, 111 4 t 2 0 ~ I t I 0 --..c 4 0 s 0 Woodlyfl 1 0 0 t 1<111r.-a o o o ~ 1000 ~:...,. 04:: : T018111 N I t I ' Clilb'nll .._ _, ~ aoo 010-4" TOfOlllO 001 020 OOI_. One out ..., wfrw*'ll run ....a. ! -Otllln, WNtt. L09 -Cll9orfllll I, Toronto t , 28 -Ort111n. C.-2 ..... • -~. "" -..,. (I). ... ""'*'°" (ti. Wiiiet (I). Olrda (2). ~ •"" ••eo Witt • 74417 Cortl9lt (L. 1..., .,. 1 t 1 2 0 T ..... GrAn 4'411111 IUE ~11014 J. . .a41 1 0 0 0 0 2 ~10,betWllllllltlll. T -2:40. A -11, 18S. -.. .. a., ..... t .... YOltt 000 100 010-t I 1 9o*lll 0'1 100 OOll-S 1 0 JoM. ,......, (~~ tbet, •. 5'lto1 = .. «i:1r,:: m 1'-it.Ttt. ........ ' . ~,... .......... PLACES TWICE -Sharon Hatfield of Fountain Valley High wu eecond in the 300-meter low hurdle. and sixth in the long Jump at last weekend's state track and field championships in Sacialnento . ...... ............... ... Ollld t t I 111-.111 • lf•n.0ne 1 a 1 . ._,. .... Wllll lllidt 7 ' • ....., . """HJIWY t 1 0 ...... r.-~ • • 1 M4.l40 ~·a..... 1 4 0 UT.41' u.a. 10 • a at4.I01 LAMN".., • a 2 111.010 ,......, ltOIM.nt ,.,.,... 4 • ' ....... Pick a gift now~ ti's .)'OUl'S free just for visttlngThol.IQnd TraUund taking a sales tour. There's no obll~ion. J~t come visit our beautiful Preserve and the sleeping bags or digital radio are yours FR£Ef Misc. Wedn11w-.:.~ CUV!LA~l~J -lent Joa ~ outflllOer, '° ClllrleltOll of die lnternatlon•I L1•011•. Called up lud An6arlon, ~. ,,_ CtlerW!on. •OOT8ALL ............. &.-.- HEW tNCILANO "ATNOTI -...... l<ennlitll lime, ......... ~ to a four~ ~ convect MOC«IV ......... .....,&.-.-•OITON IAUINI -Traded lr•d MoCrl"'rnon, d1l1n11man, lo 1111 PMedllphle l'lyer1 fOf ............. ~ IUF,ALO IAIAES -Signed Bob...,_., gotllll. to I fOUf.yM!' oonll'ect wllll 1111 option .,..,. . CALOAM' FLAMl!S -Trlded Pit Alooln. QOllll, Ind Ken HoUICon. r1aM wino. to lhl WllNnglon CllPll• tor Howard Wiik•. .,.,_, o.oroa Wlllte, oantar: • 1M2 1l1th·ro11nd draft ptc;lt, 1 third-round '9llc:flon In 1113 and • ~ touncl dlOICe In 1"4. MINNESOTA NOATH STARS -l1r11 llred P8imlr, llfl wlnQ, and 0... Donnelly, can•. 10 1111 loltOll 9'\llnl 1n ~ lor 1gr11lng not to dtlfl lrlen ttettow. of ~ • 1111 "'-'** In the drift. ST LOUIS 8lUES -Trldlcl ltlllr 1112 and 1"3 lrwt.rOllllCI dreft pleb 10 ..... ~lot floO Remage, ~-·-• ... c:..c....., &.-.-~ -AnnounClld 1111 _,_.ion of Ille 1Mg1ie to Etll, Pe , and HM!oton. Va. eocca .....,....,._~ NEW YOM AAA0Wt -PurcN9lcl IM COl'llreet ol Adof91\llt U.-, defender, lrom Ill• Phll•d•lphl• Fever tor en ~wnounlofc:lllfl COLUQll COLORADO -~ 811 ~ ,,_, footbel coec:I\ LAMAA -Hltl'led Ken SI.,,_ hied toot!MI coec:tl. MAAYMOUNT -Sqlfld ftenlt e-_ haad bllkllblll COIC:ll, to • on•·Y•., c:onlrect. .. MIAMI -Harned Ot. Jon P....-o hMd bellblll ootd'I, ewtC .... (91 ....... ....., 1. •T °"""Y CurNll (Slnta IWtler9); 2. •Chrtl Fronofl '*'-le9oll); :t. o.W1 krr (C1tllbld); 4. • Jlfnmy HoOM (Sen a.n-tal; I . (lie) Mlle 1Won ~ ... u-. (Huntlngtoll ...,,. 1 . ......, wao-i (HllMlnglOll leedl); I. {Ue),DAW T--.ct f'ountein V~ Mice ... 41"~ '"""'-a..dl). -., • WOlmll ~ 1. ''°"' ....... (CerDlrMrtlt 2. 'Alla ktlwwDt• ''"-""' tlMctl>i a. °"'* •••cllam (I.• Jolla); 4. Liz •-vklez '~/a=J~~&"'~lloar• ._..._.,,....., ata sign Sims BOSTON (AP) -The New • Patriota~draft Km StliW hive Mr'led to a $1.8 Nadonal r-ootball Leasue contract that would make him the hlahelt paid • profemlonal lineman. OUTOOOAS JIM NIEMIEC summer anticipated . Big crowds due at resorts V.catiooa are just about to begin for many Southland famllies and freeways will be filled with all typee of vehicle.a crammed with camping and ftahina par. One area which always aeema to attract Orange County famWee la the High Sierra country, and this )'Ml' will be no exception. With the COit of travel iDcreuinC daily iand the economy being ln 'the state that lt 11., outdoonmen and their famWea will be taklna elmer, and most likely, aborter vacatlona this aurnrntr. • Cooditiom at all high mountain re80l'1I are pime at preeent and ahouid be good throughout the entire summer months. There la atUl ample mow p9Ck ln the higher elevations, thus all lakes on both aidee of the Sierra are full. IN PACT, FOR THOSE planning on making tripe to the larger reeona like Mammoth, June, Yosemite and Tahoe, they will find water condltlorw at an all-time high. Theee above normal water levela will make stream and river anglinl V"Y difficult for most anaJen, but with full lakel there abould be rlenty ol room for tilbermm to find ~ llmlta 0 stocked rainbows. Camp grounds will be fi1l1na up arty In the afternoon .o thoee who have R"'• lhould make trawl p1anl In an attempt to arrive at pn--plenned spots early.J::f' state and national camp srounda have been down or cut b.c:k and ti>«* who think they mJiht want to vtslt an old camp abou1d check with the forestry department In the area to find out what la atUl open. AS THE SUMMER months continue, thoee oomlng from the Midwest and East Coelt will be . ::nrna for room with Calitomlant and the will be hectic, to ay the leMt -especially on major hilbwaya like 395 and the two roads leaclln,i in and out of y «*llllte valley. There will be far fewer people and campers in the mountain country above 1'ab0e and Clear Lake, and thla area lhould provtdi Jot.a ol .reCreation for thme who want to get away from the crowdl. In the Southland coftcutiona will be wone. Bil Bear Lake wtll1>e-itlled'l6 Capadty every WeR:enlr' and with the limited campeltel around the lake it could be like campln& in your own b.c:k yard. Even thaulh the lake la full and lolldeci with.-I trQUt and _pan lisb, water alders and speedboat.en wm be tak1nC this lake over durtna mld-aunmer months. AllO, anyone who pm. on ltaying in a cabin should haw a1rady made ,_-vationa. . POB TBOIE WHO can stand the extreme heat, a trip to the Colorado River mllht be a chok:e thla .auanrner. Expect day-time iemperatww to exceed 110 de8rw and not fall ~ 86 at nfaht. ~ ~ be 101De good water lk11na and ltrlper flahing •aVallable and there lhbuldn't 6e much competition fs camp llta OD the lakes. Tripe made to this country during August ab:>u1d be cbeclclld CJ\lt with the weether man ao that expected .....i thundenbowen that cauae flMtl fJoodl can be taken into COOlideradcn. Anyone plarmin1 on ataytna at home thla IUllJIDel' • enJoytna our cool weether and mild ad should pt the bicyde in aood runnlni order. Muy famil'-Will be maklna tripe to the beach th1a umner and tbie traffic ii expect.! tQ be a~t u b..t as ever. Look to many more famillea and youn11ten makint d•ilY trlp1 to the beach, epci•lly on weekendl., rather than ltayinl fot a loDtweek. . NO DEALER SALES AD ST ARTS THURS. ILL TRADE 40 PC. METRIC 81 SAE SOCKET SET 3•• Kai I/." and~·· drt~e. (Remember the days ol "Laugh-In" when the\-uHd to aay "sock lt to 'em''? What doe1 that mean?) ILL TRADE 5 PC. PLIER SET 797 Maybe Pop would lib tb11. Y9ugeta8W' diagonal. 8W' long DON. ... lineman. ... •lip Jolnt. and an I'' grooH neck p!Mn, I EISYDBIYEB l ·PC. llOME 81 AUTO TOOL KIT 7u11u.- You get tbe ratchet ball screwdriver wttb twice the po"•' of a regular 1erewdrtver. toeket adoptott:Phnllf>'ue eablliertlp lme" .. I Can rou bellne ~be ,ingenuity of ecnne ,.ople? Thie roHe up to cl~ and Jr..,. TOUJ tool1 ln place. The lnnlltcw mut haw made amlntonlt. A box for all your Junk(for my kid a boxcar wouldn't be btg enougii). 19bf,1x 1 (Jocbes, of CO\&fM, 0-'t forget the dleclcdmer.) 11 COMPARTMENT I 6 6611s.11 14 COMPARTME1'T I 9 97 11s.14 BLACK 81 DECKER $BIRP 'I. SQD I 6 97 #74-495 Sharpen lawn mower &lad••· kn1ve1:-K111on- or 1emd moulding and mltre1. lsl)OWeNd by -moet IA" or ~ .. chllle. lndudee tr.. drill guide. 1997 #T8801 Deal lncludee ep .alelde. end bell• (dlng.dlng ... tbe bell. not me). adJuatable tool ..... GDcl watettrough. 3.2Amp.. Can be beach mouDted or portable. llCGlllW-EDISOI Va" DBD,L PRESS 49•7 #T8742 FWl W' dnadrcapaclty, YGrtable •r.ed coetlol boa 300-800 rpm. 4-ptla odjuetmeat to l'h" cmd 310Mv'" head rotatloo. ~KP. ...,...-...i!~ BLACK & DECKER 29'' DUAL HEIGHT WORKMATE OIWILL £1.n.1'RIC SOLDEBllli IBOI wiTB PISTOL GRIP 2 79 #6842 :Racb. a.. macDL 30 watta...1Ea11Mtr'• Doy almly,a_ . ._ __ wont" me. l'malwaysafraldl'llget something I c:an't afford to pay I ) Got a log up to 20 lachH ln diameter. we got a ecnrtobandle lt. Thle l1a 2.0cu. inebglne. wtthalO"cuttlngbcu. Lot• of IGfety featur••· GEllE ~H.P. DELUIE SCBEWDBIY& GARIGE DOOR OPENER 127~ hlll buttoo MC\&dtyand CODHDlenc:e. ODC'9 you haft one you won't 1fa:Dt to be without. Walt tU a rcdDy Digbt CIDd .... Normal lutcallat'°" ot our UDlt $5,00 • ........ dor wins =.,,,,,,,..~.axi division LBYC nee weeJc under way 'B,~~BY , . f, ~~ -Conder, -12·f0ol awtom IMXl-~t owned by Neal Harvey' and lki~ = 0.YW, lallioa Yacht Club.~ tM-lllilid bl the flnt nee of Loni BllCb Yloh' CNb'• Mee w-t' tor Int.rnauonar OfflhGle au ..wna. ylChtl. t ~ ·~aoftdor ~at Wllllam B. JobNOD'• 72-foot Wtndwaid p_,. by two mlnu• and to llOOIMll on '•Japeed u.m. and •ved Ml' time for a 1:58 lldYU\tqe on <.'Ol1'eC'teCI Umt. Both ,.chtl stopped off hen on ~ way to Hcnolul"' for tM Pan Am cu~.a.n. m ~ 'nUrd in the thM-bOet maxi-cllYWon WU Fred Preill' 14-foot ChrtsUnl trOm PacWc Mirlnera Yacht Club. Houmt com~Uon came In the other divtatons. A wu won t>y ~cuatbm-66 delicned Doua Peteraon.of San witll owner David .mx ol St. Frandl Yacht Clu at the helm. It wu tint outinl for Bullfro« who beet DeM1a te and Dlck Meine't Bri1a. Loi ~lea Yacht ub, by 36 eecondt on corrected time. Third waa ~ve, a Choate.~8 akippered by John Paquin of >'i-onado Caya Yacht Club, San Dlego. St. Francia Yacht Club aoored another victory . Clut B with Irvlna. Loube't Ffera-4e Brawn """'"'""" the~ with a one minute advantaae over Mcl.Auren'• Davtdton 46 Pendra.,n from omJa Y-.cht Club. Claaa C waa won by Scarlett O'Hara, a rendipity-43 aaUed by Monroe J. Wtnpte of etropolttab Yacht Club, Oakland, with a 62 edae over Lowell North of San Dleao Yacht ub aaWna Super Witch, a new Yamaha-41. Third u Larry liarVey'a Nellon-Marek-41 Brooke Ann t of Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club. . BW Palmer'• Holland-iO Shenandoah troai Newport Harbor Yacht Club with Dave Ullmln at flb helm WU the Cl.ut D winner with a 1:26 • ~over Ron Melville's Blgwta of Balboa Yacht Club. fleverse Argosy ! rops calendar ~ The annual Reverae Arpy tops the ld bOatlni activity th1t weekend. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club of Newport Beach and Cabrillo Beach YC, Los Angelel will epgage in the event in which ct.a ~ from LA tb Newport on Satµrday and .Newport to LA Sunday. *** *** £~" Callfornle Yectittne ........-uon oallndar: Lee A 41111 Lef!l.~ Lona 8eectl Yadlt """° -lllect ~~~~·-....... Arpy (\..oa ,.,,..... to -.pon), aatwder. .. .,.... Alamltot eay Yacht Club -CorOMdO Yldlt OMI -IMlll 11uar1cholattlc team racing boelragMtat-1__..,...,_. ci.amplon1hlp. today, Friday, ~. lllurday. _,ltelOfl Bay Yacht CM> - °"'1119 C.-., 8looCI ,.._,.(II~} lundey. ..,_ Cor1nthlan Y¥irt ~ ....-Ooe• lllde Yedll Club -°'"GlflY • ,..,.,.. Atv-J (Ma'lliport to Loa 8unwnlt ...... lundey. ~ lundey 9olltftwMt9NI Yactlt Cklb - lalboa Yacht Club -Ona-V• 8ertla (tlafdoap), ~. dMlgn "-9atla, lntlde cla.... lllvar G•t• Yacht Club - S9lurday; oui.-._ Sunder· CID.---. Seturday. louth Shofa Yadrt Club -HIQti $8nta Clan ~ AModatlon Point 9arl .. 2 & s. lalurday. -~ Day~ Sundly. ~. bane Watt Yachl Club -June ....... Tlllllllll Aaoet1a (PHAf') Saturday. Santa ..,.,.,a YllCM '*>I> - Oana Polnl Yacht Club -WlltOI\ 8aftet NO. 3 (PHAF, IOR) • ldlool'a out tllagatta (dlJlQlllM)_ Sc1\1£d1Y. SaU'der. Ventura Yacht CfUti -Blue ........ .., Water •• ,. .. No. 2 (PHlllF) Windjammer• Yacht Club -eaturday. • • Charlie erown Regatta Anacapa Yacht Club -All (oatMtlilMdl'I a.unsay. · PIHtt Day, 8.Wrclay;-Yovtb. l(lno Hatbor Yacht Club -'unday Sunday (labot, L.uar) ,..... a raoa (lplnNMr lartat) ~-eatwclay; Columbia ChaltenQef P*polM l!lay Yacht Ck.lb - flMI champlonlhlp, latur•ay, Ihle Wa\ef 8~ ~ ~. (PHAFl laturdey. ,._. Marlllart Yldlt ai. -Point Duma Yacht Club - Potnt DufM and Return (Stain Spring Sari•• (Ventura Sabot) Sar1ae> SaUday. Sul'ldeY. ,. Suq01er sailing slated by oc~ . COUJ'S ILUli • SlllL DEITI 1 69 . IV• LB. a... the DGme of thla et Wt eowlch 90 final. Couldn't we ear eomethln' elM? Get1 'em ta1t and won't loee potency In the raln. SIRLOI &0% SHADE CLOTH ••• LIN.FT. loiu pla.,te caa take Ow •Wl' 1 dlrect llgbt. Thi• etutf wlll eaY• 'em from burning up aQd fadlngaway. DURILm STICKllG STRIP YARD FURIOTURE , HW'MmNI e1111155•• #1Ml Tough ttuU. In yellow and white 1trapplng made from becny gauge tade-rHl1tcmt PVC tubing. (A man who ml• ... hi• moth•r·ln·lcrw doe1n't throw etralght.) 1111.IB1J D LOW YOLTIGE FLOODLICin sns wna TIMER um 67'' #LVlOOIT J\dt poke iD ttt.ground, uaealeuelW'gy.Jhan two 80 watt light bult>. and will co1t you only ~1•• a night to run. In. 9/1& 14 nGllT DOT DOli £IRED CEDAR FEICllG . s•• Llte 11 eo u.ncertaln tMM day• that th• only thing you can cowat OD tor ewe are your tlDgen. ·4·· ID bud cmd bloom. (QuHtlon tor the days What WQI "ftoeebud" In the mcme "Cltlsen lane"? That'• taldn' you . baclicrwaye.) &". CORTllHER PAnOTOMATO See. people wbo don't hen• a lot of ycrrd epcrce or u .. lnopmtment• can grow tli.lr own Hgglff. too. Plante are iD fn&lt and bloom. _ 1 aa , CUCOI TEBR-0-VITE 5 88 aAL. Soften• up the bard 90il. For lawne. trulte. Uowen and trMe. <When It comet to work. t~•,. are many people who wlll etop at nothing.) BILD ' SDIULITED SllEEPSlll CIR SEIT CGYERS 22••EA. I'll bet t.MabeepCD9gladabout tM elmulcMd part. nte Amerkcm and ba'port can. WcnbaW.. ID Katural or Brome. TURTLE WU MllOTE .Wll 3 33 llOZ. Wbat'll tMy think of next? A wax th¢ you Juet •pray OD cmd wipe off In lfH them 15 mlnutea. What happened to the SWlday afterDOOQ wax Job. --- Comee all the Wf1J from Pea.neylTGDla. (Llfe lt cm ... r1cntt.ng 1truggle to keep the molMf - com1ng ln cmd the hair and t .. th from falling oat.) SCO I IS TURF BUILDER GtYff you a thlc:k green lawn (g ... cmd you we,. hoping for charteuM. right?). Scotti make• 90me of the beet. they'noneof the blggl••· • w..., ~' =----I I -------.. -·"· 6" ••.n.12" • ... n. 17". Y··:·,--: ..;..· ..::.::.:.:..:.~~1-d- SUDllCE PlllTS ITICD• ..... TPlllT 6 .,, GAL. Kl1'L& _. PlllT 8 ,, GAL. TM IDG90Dl'J 1Jutf co.,.n metal and atucco. The other ls fuat good' ol bouM palnt that will take th• wind. rain. 1leet. halJ and atutf. BIBTCO OU PIRQO£-'f FLOOR TILE 77• 12"xl2" Oakt•dob. tolb. •.hl1 11 our last cloae-out on the Rich Earth Brown style.(l'm Mrioua-thia time.honest.) POST FORllED llTCiit.11 COUlitERTOPS 2•• UM. FT. w ... u ·emmthel'.l'.10'. and 12' etraight lengtha only. Check out the patteme. / .._ • .....-, mae °' t-¥. )>rHident'1 pollclH, 1•11&ed Wi&dintiM.iin to 111it an 11119 IGf &he docww\ta. and ~ off-.d 10 make • Umoullne aftdlblil, We6d1Ueum resiU!iil: "No I WW not." He Mid tie WOuld hAw to check wlth th• attorney ~. l'.irUlir, Wetdenbeum telutMd . ••we have no uw1 1atlat ytna account of why lnteNlt ratel haw rema1nld IO hieh!' N for the panel'• quHUon .. h ~~be..sd ; "tt'• c1eer1y '°° ..ix to make • clMr<ut tvaluadon. "But I do Iha.re U. view," he . aid. uibat lnt.enl\ rateil ate the by to why the ,., rdm hll penlated . . • I attribute the 4eepnw of the rec 11 hm to the tact that lntermt ratel remained hiaher lonaer than mOlt analystl antitlpatllef." . SAW RIJCESSION -Murray L. Weldenbawn, President Reaaan-a chief economilt, 1ay1 the White Bouie privately projected a rece11lon a1 early •• February 1981. · He Hid be bellevea the reoe.tcn la boUominl out and that a reuNflfY wW becln th.II year. Many toODOm1ltl have tied the htah COit of borrowed money to the ~t-credlt polidel of the nation 1 central bank. the Federal Re1erve Board, to lower LntlaUon,. and to lnveat« feu. about the pro1pect of huge detidta In cam1na yean.r to c:bancterlze the economy. We6denbaum re~ to tum over the data Reu11 aouaht, and .Jred ae..-not to make an a.Mt ave!r lt. ''I wish you wouldn't deecrtbe 1011De unpubUlbed wqrk abeeta . . ... ~una a comtttutional crhla . That'• a little overatatement," Weldenbaum aakt. W~wn aa1d the evidence llnklna thoae factora la lnconclUllve. ''A downturn In the economy La hardly a propttioua mcment to crow about the ~ of a new appr'C*:h to economic policy,'' he said, ~ "The.re la nOtbin8 wrona wttfi Reaaanomlca that larger budaet cuta will not help "Well. they will produce one unleaa you produce the doctgnenU." Be\m napcnded. cure." lalll l:lllTY •111111 8*r1 P. Wannlqtell. of Newport Beech, local builder and developer, baa been elected a director of Bater,rlse Natleaal Baals (ln oqpnbatron). Be " pnmldent of ea.ta Maa-bwci Warmlnctm Co. -Emett, •llmeker of ea.ta Mem 8e1ected Tom BrMieJ • full floor mana&er· Bradley, Y'NnD aaiJor, baa been de9lgn1ng and cuum, aaiJa nlne ~ Bndley will .mt l!'mott 1n re9eUCh and development of North American Catamaran. Amodation (NACRA) and J.24 aJ1a. . Marpret SUrila of Oc!enalde hal been named "'1i!:· markeUq analyms c:mt and pridn& fer m~ ... Micro Dlmlea. ln Santa Ana. She hal been eenior internal auditor for Petrolane, Inc., in LongBeach. Migration aids ~tate's groWth . Despite poor economic condi tions, unemployment and a aevere houatns ahortase. people are ltil1 coml.n& to California. · State Department of Finance reeea.rch ahowa the state'• population haa srown 3.2 percent ~ the 1980 cenlWI wu conducted. · Between April 1980 and January 1982, California'• population lncreued by 755,200, aocordil\I to the m:lmates. Nearly half that lncrea9e WU due to lnmipation. "Inrnl8J'ation to California resulta from the underlying atrencth of tbe Callfoml.a e,concmy u compared to the r.t ot the country," accord.Inc to Ben Bartolotto, director of the Conatruction Industry ae.e.rch Boud. ButoJotto contruted the population arowth with the atate'• ability to provide for tta new reaident& I>w1nc the aame 21·month period in which the atate population increued by 3.2 percent, total houaina produced Wal letS than 2 percent - 215,000 unlta. Flauret oompOed by Security Padtic National Bank ahow there were only 347 permlta laued in April for linale-famlly hOUleS ln Orange Cottnty and 263 for multi·family unit. Statewtd!e. llCCpC'd1ng to SecUrity Pacific, there were permita In Aplil for S,496 llnale-tamily hOWleS and 2.282 muJt.f.famlly unlta. . hi re:vlewlnc the Depertment of Flnance'• ~ T. Reppe of Newport Belch baa been population estimates, BartolOtto aid that en>wth ii -;::nted Vice ]ftllldent and"lllillltaftt ~or atronaett ln oountiee where boullinl prica are of America'• Paramount bnnch. He }ild been. aubstantlally lower ·than the atate ~· The a.lltant vice pealdmt and heed of the commercial averap price of a new home ln California la io.n ciepu1meoiat the bnnda. $120,000. • "The counUea of Kern, Rlveralde, San "'-c...eree .... named Bellen L. Bnee of Bernardino, San Joaquin, Sonoma, Solano, -.ua ,._ -'atant vb pn!lldent lnltaDment Joan Stanlalaua and Tulare all experlenoed aubstantial ot&s. He WM eeletant manacer at Mecbanica growth and have lower home prkles," Butolotto National Bank In er. and llllOdated with Bank of said N~lntheNewportBeecbbe.dquartenoffice. ·&an exaniple, the av_... price of• new CemmereeBut ai.o a~ted Raymo9d G. home In Kern County la $74,000 and the population 14= lueG W of Irvine MNM developnent lncreaa!d 5.8 ~t. In San Benwdfno County an ~ for the NewDOrt Beech bmdquu1en office. average home co1t1 '84,000 and popu .. tlon He. prelldent of t6e Ahmml Amodation and ta Oil lncre .. d 8.1 peioent. In Su Joaquin eounn-. the the boU'd of tnletelll at °'8pman Co1Je8e. . average price of a new home u $72,000 and pcpuJaUori lDCt'f••d e.3 ~t. ThJa CIOfttnsta abUp\y with \be .... ~ of 3.2 percent.. Bartolotto pointed out that arowth ln thme inland areaa la Jartely lldmulat.ecl by~ home pric. and «e>wded l'Oldwaya In nearby COUl'al urben oountle&. "Jn order to provide tor balarad powth ln both \,lrban coHtal and inland area•, major expanalon will be nec•aaary to the 1tate'1 lnfra1tructure -road•, . water and energy Udlltiel.'' Berto&otto laid. BARD AT WORlt -A idant rig and driver are etched a1•i1'•t mornlng aun in the rich ·Michigan may have diamondgi HOUGHTON, Mich. (AP) - Blue earth, • mineral that CO\.&ld be the llarblnaer of dl.amonda, hal been f.ound ln MJcbjpn'• Upper Penlntula , and repraentativea of four minlftl concHtal are lnt.er9ted In the . chance to ~ aparlden.. At leaat one J:Ompany baa beeun to aearcb for the diamonda, alttlOUCh ltate offidala acknowledae the odd.a of flnd1nc commerdally valuable stooel afe I MUTUAL FUND abo\at one in 100. Tt)e only alp(lkant depoalt of dLamonda fOUnd in the United Staie. la in Arkanaal. On the Kekweenaw Penlmula, a tmall flnaer of ruaed land poldnc into Lake Superior In the wntem Upper Peninsula, the U.S.~ Survey found an outcropJ>Di of •tmberlite, known u blue earth, the rock that bosta diamonds. Geologlatl at Michigan ' . Technolo1lcal Untveral(~, workln1 with the USGS, ~ telUna the Limestone Moun~ area aouth of Houahton for mcri ldmbedlte. None baa been found but teata are contlnuhif. accordlna to Gordon Franqt, head of the aeoJocy departmeO' at the acbool. 1be area bu been mined I« copper, but the klmberllte depomta were left undJsturbed; Frantt.f Wd. / NB firm aids Lakewood Bata-J>ebrek. Architecture and Land PlaM1Nr of Newport &e.cb, has developed fOI' ~ Civic Center • IDMter plan to plde the prqaed facillty fOf' 20 yean. lnvolvln1 a 19-acre tectlon of downtown Lakewood, the area bl bordered by Candlewood Street to the north, Clark Avenue to the west, Del Amo BouJevard. to the IOUth and the Lm C«ritc» flood control c~ to the wt. Thia area iraxpontea the exlatlng city hall and annex, lacobon1 J,Jbrary, a county sheriff'• 1ubetat1on and a post office. Center to celebrate Up, Up and Away II the ~eme for the celebration ot Town Center'• third birthday on Saturday. Activltlea wtll include hot air balloon rides, entertainment, sales and priz.es. · The Town Center Shopping and Buaine9I Center ii located on Town Center Orive~.off the Crown Valley Parkway between Alicia and Niguel Roeda. For Information, contact Carole Bowman at 495-3300. Bot A cut8 some loan rates Bank of America aid today it will reduce interest rates on more than 150 edjust.able-rate mor1p&9 t..aed to California homebuyen last year. Effective July 1, interest rates for mortp&et under $200,000 lllued ln June 1981 throu&h the b8nk'1 custom home loan procram will be reduced to 14.931 percent -a decreue of l.~9 percent from the initial rate of 16.50 percent. Computer show in Anaheim -Computer graphb, the buline. of traNfonnlna raw computer data lnto color pktwes. charts .na drawinp, will lhow off ita latest achievements to about 20,000 penona next week 1n Anaheim. That la the attendance predicted for the National Computer Graphics ~tion COllfeftnoe and expb at Anaheim Convention Celttt June 13-17. It ii the third annual NCGA event and the flnt held ln Callf omia. STOCKS 4N THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES ... 'f'Olltlt(A~) ... ,.. °"'" ........... lroc:r'· .Na ••• I~ T-! ftT: Mr! !i:: i! 1 i ii! Rm ii?: n'Jt: ~ ... ···········•·········· .... :-=······················ 'B .... :::::::.:::·::::::::::: "'"·- WHAT STOCKS DID .~. , • STUDIOUS -Cbarte. Lanyer and Linda Purl study the beavena·tn 'Thtt Man Who Could See Throu1h Time., at South Coast Repert.ol'y•1 Second Stage Theater. 'Trek' claims . early record By BOB THOMAS ..................... . HOLLYWOOD -Paramount Pictures claimed a new three-day record tn the movie box o.ffioe 1weepetakee after "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" collected $14,347,211 frol1) the nation'• thee ten. 1be nnMotH three-day champion WU last aummer'• ,.s-upenTian n:· which collected $14,100.- 523 from 1,395 ICf'eetlil. "Star Trek" was launched last Friday tn 1,621 hou8es. •• 'Superman ll' wu reltiued a week later," obeerved apok.eswoman Susan POe. .. ., it Md the advantage of having more kida out of IChool." The average take per ecreeri for "Star Trek" was $8,851, ahe added, but U. 68 theeten playfna lt in 70mm demonstrated the draw of watcblna 1J*1e action on the bl& acreen.: $33,318 per home. for a total of $2,265,864. MGM-United Artlstl dted oon~ aood ~wa from its swnmel' oontendet, ~ lll": m,028,555 for the Mcond weekend, 1m awnee-ot ,681 for the 939 ltftem. Tbe lo.day toQ1: ,860,483. "Poltergel.at/' MGM-UA'a new entry from Steven Spelber, ecared up a reapectable '8.896,- 612 in 890 theaten for a three-day awnp of $7,749. Splelberg'a other summer entry, "E.T., 1be Extra-Terrestrial," la due from Unlveraal next week. Columbia Pictures -pleMed wiUi the limited engagement of ''Annie,'' fe. IO with the wide releale of the Gene Wilder-Gilda Redner comedy, "Hanky Panky." 'lbe musical w_. holdtna firm at $414.685 for last weekend in 14 t.heaten. for a 17-day total of $2,158,219. It 8'>e9 into wide ft1eue OD June 18. "Hanky Panky' collected a diaappolnting $3,- 597,244 in i ,238 t.Maten. - tcheme of thinp. At flnt alance. the oerebral combatant• are mlamatchecf -a mtddle-a1ed ph)'lica prof9110r and a yOW\,l ICUlptrell -but the emotional fector involved worka to even the odda. Char lea Lanyer. a onetime SCR reaular, retuma to interpret the educator, a man oblemed u much with his own lmJ>C)lUnee (or tta unMttl1nc abeence) u with lcience itself. Unda Purl ii the more vttceral of the two, an artlat c:ornmmtoned tO create a buat of the profe110r. They are an odd couple with a common bond -h1a former atudent and her lover, now deceued, who la due to receive the Nobel Pme tor hia dllCoveries. The interectlon between the pair ii strained and tentative, with an early hint of romance anuff~ by deepening differences: Both deliver e>Wellent performances, but each hal difttcultY projectlna beUevabWty tn ll!parate 1eene1 of peek emotion. More succe91ful are their quiet .... mos,,,.,men-ta toaether aa they acratch the surface of one another'• i-yche Martin Ben~on'• aen1lttvely mounted producuon oonunuu nl1htly except Monday• mtouah Jww 30 on the Second Stat! Of tM SCR thMtar, e&O ToWn Center Driw, <Mta M .... * IT'S BOMBITftSTCH w .. k for thr9e 1~ :-:7ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir-1-----~~..;.._~..,. =· production• which atv.• their final onnanii:. -''Norman; la That Your• 1t the Blood~US: ~~~io:,~ta=er .:J "Oklahoma" at Oola.n w.i eon.a-. • Al CtMOCO and Jay North bud the cut of 0 Nonnan" at the Harlequin, a~ 8. Harbor Blvd., juat nonh of Colt.a M.A. Clolln8 perfonn.lncet will be liven tonilht U\rouch 8~ at vatYtna curta1n ttm., with IWll'Vldont taken at 979-&&tC Doualu Rowe'• ambltloua production of ''Crudfer'• windt up at the Moulton, eoe Lquna Canyon Road, 1..quna Belch, with Georse Wooda Nrrlna • Sber&k Jlolmm. Curtain la 8 p.m. tonilht throulh S.twday. RelervatJona •H-0743. "Oklahoma, .. the fl rat R od1era and Hammerstein mUlical collaboration, ooncludea at Golden Wett with ped~ Thunday through Saturday at 8 p.m. and a Sunday matinee at 2:30. "9Cnnoue ., .... Call 894-6070 for tldcet information. .... ITATlflllNT '1CTmOUI IUll •• ra;: Additionally, otne other ahowa continue their The lolloliflnO pereone .,. doln9 MAim ITJTmmn ~ ,. l Or Coa Th ~0-:111 "OOMMA. Tl! ... ~~ pet'IOM .,,~·'fl/ = ~~W\l~O~ on ·~th c!!.:ta&pe'· "',_.!,~ IEAVICI. '3a ~ OrM, Suitt 2, -HCU"ED PAOr.e"Jd•t' • • -·., ~~:CA taeeo211' P'"' L TD.-t, 17121 Mltelltl . trw;--cA main ata~e ( 7 -4083), 'On Golden Pond" at Mlet ... tnnlfl, •"*• e2114 Sebaat'-n a Weat Dinner Playhotfse (492-99&0), Cott• MeN. CA tae21. ~ o Z1t1ner 124 ~ "Cloee Ttel" at the Newport Harbor Acton Theater ..... ~ ~':t."7 PeltMt, Colle =d Dr .. Htwpori , ... " .. ,.; . r (631-5UO) and "A Man for All Seaeona" at the Thle_,buelneee i. eonduc:ted by• oity J. M«thMd. 111 ~ Hunttncton Beach ~~ (847-4465). .._. ~ t4o11ow t.w, Legl.N ieeaiJC'A Allo, ''The Bed Seed" It the Newport Theeter ™' ~ wu Ned""'".,,. 1291~ J ~ltldtr 11f b Anl Center (675-3143), "Say Goodnight. Grade" at County Clw1c of Orengt County on Pleoe, uoun• ~.CA 9*4i1C4i the Irvine Community Theeter (557-7297), "Not Mey 11• 1"2· Thll bulllleee II c:onduof.o by '1lr70I Oaty J. Scllntider Now, Darlina" at the Costa Meta Civic Playhouse Pubttehtd Orange Co11t Oelty Tlltl etattment wu t111c1 •"-~t (7M-&159), •ilf.appy Btrthda)', Wanda June" at the Piiot, Mey 20, 27. June 3, 10. 1m County Cttrll or Orengt C°""1f'{ on MJlllon 'Viejo PlayhouM (830-9252) and "Your i---------=2:.:.17:...:M2-=-t*Y 11. 1N2. 9'hllr; Flake or Mine?" at the San Clemente Community Fot ~ NJ Publl•ti.cr Oreng• c~ 0161ff· 1 'nlffter (492--04e5). . · call • Piiot. Mey 20. 21, JUne :s, 10, 1wt>11 I * ~Piiot • 21.tt@ CALLBOARD -The Fountain Valley ~= CC.: ~.k.,111t'l" I 1 s..p .. ~..... .i11.: I .,.. ........... .............. .....r; ...... edwards TOWN CENTER IN •1JT11 C..UT PIAZA 8AN •tB&e PllBEW1'Y 1'T-UTOL A ANTON 1'e .... p.,... S..dl Ceeat Piasa ••tel ~ ... -- Starts Friday, June 11th Dally ll:M A.M.·1:15·1:1• .. :M 8:15-Ie:H • "It didn't take more than a couple of days to me comfortable," she said. "I allo learned that l perfonned live, how I would feel about my .. ~ISS'llU. THEWORDI ___ ,. __ •cotTAMlU u...c.... Ml-3102 ll TOllO Edwards SlddltbKk 581 5H O -UA City ClnelM 6343911 • WHTllHtlTIA , Edwllds Cinema West .., 3935 ...... ~Orwell! 8799850 MU ...... '"' ""'' Or119 ...,. WUTMlllTUI 529 5339 63J 0340 HI Way 39 011111 In (71 4)891 3193 e loOc:VTID Oii lMte • llnw'll mW!@! *BARGAIN MATIN•••* "'ondq tttru Saturday All Performanc.t bef01e 5:00 PM (&ce,f ..... flpttNMI IM Melaya) llMt!• .... =~-·J ~'!!'~(PO) .. 'Tl!ltr:.ri.. lAHWOOlJ (:fNTEl1 •, 01J l H "'., • '"' ....... t,,- ANAHEIM (iQ1\/t IN ,_ .... ~tt . 179-MIO . ~·fl-- • • •• ... ~ ~ "' t BUENA PARK [)lllVf IN "POL TIROll8T" (N) ............. - "POMY'8" ... ___ ,..._ .. ITAll TMK• TMI WM1" Oii IOWr.,... _....,_ ............. - ... AAADISF (II). ....... -"DmA111 ...... (II) ...... - .. I I I ~-·· • • "Don't belltv1 hit tllh 1tode1." by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum Li ~ ~ 111 suppose you're waiting for something to ,happen ... llke a big bag of dog food to Jump · out of the pantry." E NANCt' . WHATS· WRONG, Mt~~ FLOOP? -- IT FINALLY HAPPENED--- by Ernie Bushmiller EVERY BOOK WE HAVE s:=~.... 19 OUT ON LOAN I .. ,. K_NJCT tC•SI e KHlt (MeC> e KTLA (Ind.) •• ICABC (MCI ~·l(~(CBSI 1 e KIV-TV (Ind.) l e ICC6T CAK> e ICTTV Cini.) ~•e KCOP, TV (Ind.> eKCET(NSI • 9(0';1 (NJ) CAR CARE -Ba11c1 of car care are reviewed by Brad Sean on ''The Lut Chance Garage" tcniaht at 8 on KCET (28) and 8:30 on. KOCE (50). preview the upcomln9 hMY)'Wtlloht en~ l 1 YOUNO P!OPL.1'8 INCW. ''PR-" MlllloM of Puer1o 1\tc.111 m!Otll• to New Yortc CMy In ...,ch ol IM Arnette.II chem; the 111 .. efylee ol both c:oootrlM ere Mfll through the eye1 ~ • C1rlot 11 hll l•mlly ettemptl 10 met!• It In .... y~ e LA~& IHlfUY &COMPANY Shirley blamel Laverne for the ~anc:e of '* llcll cerwy. 8 IYIONLA F .. tured. I loolt et - blllera; • • "1e111n9 eo" therll)Y '"'6on, • report on tomll*"cllli; • poo.- men'a gUlde to Rodeo Ori .... with Johnny Mooo- tein. • M•A•1t•H H-k•ye undetgoea 1 0ratlcl c:nenee wn... hf ~ lemp<lrlltY c:om. mandet of the 4077th. I (I) TIC TAO OOUO.. MACNE>l / LEHMA REPORT IB TMCINQON T°"9C>M0W Thlt documentary •lq)lot• the upecta of l>h)'llleell) llendic:llP'*1 end IMrnlng lmpelred atudentl et Sant• Aneeolege. (II YOU ASKED FOR IT Fe1tured. "Strengell ..._..,... end ··81ri9L> man Of London." 8 FAMILY F!UO Cl) AEAOelClll: IEGIHNEJt Get In tllape, loolt good, end !Ml gtMI wltfl lhll ~mr-P<avrem. ~. '4AGNUM. , ... Magnum !Ilea to Slc:lly le reecue • denlMI In cn. tr-.(RI •• ,Ma fii. Mld9a eo out on ..,.. OlltWlg ,.._... few • ldlool proctuctklft of Olllllo. (A) • *""' ....... How~ Aun'' (19161 Jotwl Fonyttle, Sen- • lerfS. A ,,..,.,_ trDI down ltvWI or-pNna who 1'11ve unwlttlrfgly gelnad POIMUlon ol ~tint~ 80 MON<ANO MMJY UPNt by MoOc't Intention to merry, Or9on luml the .,. °"'., Into • dog. (R) G THE 9llEHT CNSl8 Haela: Sten ~ Cerol L.#renca. Guella: Mike Douglea, Dick Ven Petten, M8ureen ~ "*'"' • ,. .M. MNIAZiNI A ~·P #1•1 1'•1PI Nin 1t•"-U. IOO ~ • -going blc)'-dl II tekfn on I .... ~ * * * "Operelkln Plldflc" ( 195~1 Jclfvl w-rne. ~ <al ()n. TV 1%1 Z..TV <Bl HBO Im (Clnemu> (J) (WQA) NV., N,V, Im IWTBSI (J) IESPN) Cll (Showtln'lel • $potllthf • (CMlfe News NelllllOftl) Clll Neal. A Wbmel'lne oornmll1det oont.r011 hit CllW wltll llmltleM devo- llon. • LMTCtWa ClAAAOa .,Id 8Mrl offeil ldY4oe Ol'I buying IOd ~ cw cete C>foducll. • IHtAK l'NWWI Roget Ebert end 0- Sllkel hoet en lnlormet!Ye loolt et wtlet't ,_ 11 the "'°"*" (I) M•A•1t•H Peydey bring• 1 wlndllll to Hhlkeye. •bribe to Henry, • PMtt neckl-to Hot LIC>t and 1 venllhed poller pottoT~. CB)MOVIE * * ~ "Chu Ctlu And The PNlly Flalh" (1H1) Alen Arkin, C110I lurMtt. An elcohOllc former 'beNblllt pa.,., "1d • koaky .. ,... enterullner become pan • nere In • ec;l)lme to rnek• money by returning I IOlt IUllCl99. 'PO' Cl>MOVIE * * ~ • •contlnental Olvld•'' (19811 Johll a.iu.N, BIM Brown. A Chicago new1p1par ~t uevea to t11e Rodctae to eac:epe aome PolltlCal ,,.. and lnlll'Ylew e l'9Clullve netur11111. 'PG' llMOVll ** 'J.O. And The Seit Flet Kid" t:tO. 0 IOeOM IJUDOU H.vy end Kip 00 10 their high ldloOI reunlofl. (R) Q • AU. IN THI 'Milt. Y • IHEAK PMvilwa Rog« Eber1 Ind Gene Sltlcel hoet .,. lnformetlv9 ~ al wtlel'I ,_ et Iha movtee. • &.MT CHAHC;a GAMGe Brat s-. fbl• • lllt .. end loolll ., lh4I quallty- conlrol erld ol the euto lftclullry. (I) M•A•a•H ~o1.,.~n111 ...,. INlf9 IMfl 1fM¥ CM llerdl on• bed dtW In Ille o . .-. .\.. ____ _ CD> WHAT ""'°""'TO 1HIMQ. ~1 IMOffa..a.. 8DW'NNr ~ AnlOtCI pr.... tor Illa nr.t~dal:;.!~ •91WMY An old man attemot• IUl- clde IO Ulal 1111 coueln cell COiiect the ,._lllC9, Ind • CetdMlc ~lklfl lnstruc:tor goea '*-ti In a depertment ltelfe: (R) Q ~ Mllllotla of lfle "!Ofld'a dlll· Oren ~ In • dlllmte btil· anoa bltWelfl 111e eno death. hOtle end ..... -~--ou .. 11· Dlcll Sllewn, Howle MMclll, AIMnda Mceroom. Kell ~. o..~ . • NUtlBOUNO Frt1a't ~ t(l- ly, ·'lll'lnner Of .. ow .. • ..,. .-Ing gold "*'* In Vie 1• Wlnelr ~ pa. II prOfllld. •w.a11N1-ntlATM "Fllcll\.,... "ami. oelf\• r-.iect tor 1111 .... ..., .... pltdlM In '° .. eoft-vert an <*I ...,.... Into a mcMe Mudlo. (t>ert., Q (J) MOYll •••111 "&«pc;o" (1173) AJ hdno, Tony Aobertt. ,.,,. ..... pa4JOI-.-,...... .... care« end ......... to ..... ..... ~lnlhe ,._ Yortt ~ Olpilrt· IMM. . TUBE jQPPERS KOCll (50~ 7:10 -11 Takln1~on Tomorrow.• Dooumtntary ••Pion• Upec11 of phyllcally tiandJCapplCI and leirnlnl lmpairtd ltUdentl at Santa Aria c.ou.,.. KNXT (2) 1:00 -:-"M•=· P.l," Maanum'• J"elCU4t in1llioft him to Sidly. . . KNBC (4) 8:00 -11Jame." Teacher• 1trlke d~na rehearsal for a 1ehool pr¢~. . KNBC (4) 10:00-"HW,.Street Blum." C..pt. FurWo offen to tum in h1I ~e dUl'ing lnYeltigation of poliee corruptlOn. } 11:41 (ft) MOVll • .,, ••.+ "Blow Out'' dt.,) Jol'ln Travolt1, 1111noy Allen A aound tlCMIClll'I wtlo work• on hOt'rOf Nme ~ lrWoMd In • murdtr m)'llefY "'*' h4I wltnMMt an UNUIM• !Ion. 'R' ,:00. MOVll * • * 1.+ "T"-Thr"" ( 1138) Joel Moerea. Mlrf. am Hoplclnt Tiie llvw end rec>UtttlOnl of • men and IWO "°"*' •• .-1)' dtlefl~ by I dllld't vlclolle lie. • MCWll .,, • "Oeeth Smhea On A Murderet" ( 1173) Ewe Aulln, l<lau• KJnllll A young man tMlpetl with the 111pern1tura1 and attempt• to rMtor• Ill• 10 lhedMd. ,:108 MOVll * * ''I, Montlet" (117;1) Chtltt!>PMf L... Peter Cu~. A ldentllt upar-lmem1ne wtth • Mr\111'1 ~ • epllt l)lr90Nll· I= ••it "Allllnll" (1871) ~ c,h. ,_ Hem- eon. A i:t1om .. ned docllor MCI off ecroM the ..,,.,. In hot PlltlUlt of • group of Nib t1eve trlderl Who 1:IO lkld'r.;; wife. 'R' 2:00 MOY1I! * * * "Strlpee" (IN 1) Bill Murrey. Herold Ran\11 A ..,_ York cabble looklng IOI' Hdlemtnl corwlnol9 hi• beat friend to join him In enlltllfti> In the U.S. Almy. 'R' 2:10 (%)MOVIE * * ~ "The Nilled KIM" 111HM1 eon.t..-T_., Anthony EIUly. When • gltl II arr•ted tor murder, ,,. lhedy put It ,........,, 2:11 CJ) PLAYIOV'S ' PlAYMAT£ AEUNtON Richard Oewaon hOet9 !tie 26th 1Miver98ry ~ lion OI Hugh li«n«'I "'90- Ulne at the ~Men­ lkln Wait In ~by Hiiia •. Cllllfomla. 2:IO • MOYIE *** "Pride And Pr.-.... flt40,ar.er ca..o... i...nno. QIMar. A ..... ., &'OWi girt flgh.. tor the "*" IN lo¥M. • MOVlf *'h ~The l'Ury 0( ni. WOlfmen'" (1173) Ptrta, eri.111, Merli Stevena. / Aft• aun.ring 1 ame11 cMlt ~ that c::Nnge9 ._., a ICllerlllll II u..,. formed tnto • teroc:loUI. !Mar-~ .. * * * * "Dog Dey Aft•· • noon" (1915) Al PICino, Jolin C:..... A Nw York City bank robbery eeceMites Into 1 ,_. c:lrClll ...... ~ty ICIMll• join In to etege en 9111..police prot"I durlog =1u.= "Mt .,.... • • "One Heeventv Nlol'lt" JOHN DARLING .~,:· ·~ ~ . , A ~ llrf poeiflf ........ ...,......,. tntnrlllM . .., .. "*"'"' ~· ......... ~ •tt• MOW • t t ..,1111 T, -ftOttrllt Of A Y'-.i·Aol AIOOflOllo'' (tt711 Und• llelr, Verne lloom. A ,1-YMt<Old f111 wtlo NI Cllftlolllty ooplng tll I MW llte lllrlth..., lllOIMt end •tet>lllMt tt1t1• to e1r1n11 NCf9tly (C)MOWI • * • "IA Cto-Aux 'ollee 11" (1lt0) Ugo T091tlDI, Mk:MI letrllllt A ~ egld ,., _,.,.. art IM qu«iy of a --otoenl-llllOn ltytng' IO Of' the • rnlClofllm 111ei one ot ''*" twellowtd. 'R' l:JO CJ) MOVll * * "Oelth Hllnl'' (1111) Charltl 8ronaon, Lee Mar- llln In the 11309. I Molln- lle Ind • frontl9t orimlnll wege an Old Mttlt .. cMll• utlon tnetoecl'M on the C1111dlan wllderlMNll 'R' 1:46 (%) MOYll • • 'o\ "The Ledy In Red" I 1171) R"Ol>erl Confed. ftarnele SW Martin. In tt19 violent daya of the ,....._ 1820I • .,. ldMll1tlc young l11m Girl becomM Ille 111011 Of IM lnfll!IOUI ganelltt John OIUlf"l0411". 4:00.MOVll * t v. "Stay Al You Art" ( 1180) Mercello MulrolM- nl, ~..... Klnakl A mtrfled, ~ 11111'1 . am1>1r111 on en ltf 1111" wfttrl teen-ege gltl ~ mey l>4f rel1ted to fllttl, 4:t0. VOYAGITOTMe IOTTOM Of THe.,. "l'lernlog lol" ~ CH)ON LOCATION "Robfrt Klein" Klein coon- menl, on the growing pelnl ....... Ill eJCpa1• eno.d. Frfda11'• . Da1111 ... Mo"I~• -MORt..o......- l:OO(t) •• * "MorgMI" "'I ( 1966) VMMU Redgr1ve, 01\lld Wer.-A ICNLO- ptlrenie c.n't e«epl the fllCI 11\11 hie P •W!le IS rem1rrylng ll>d •11.,,dt '* w«Sding drwMd ... v_or111e 1(20 CZ) • • • • " .. II" I 19681 Mllcolm McDowell. OIYld Wood The oppre11lve et~e et an EogUllh boyl' IChool leldl 10 • y;o.. lent lludetlt r.o.Hlon R' tl(JO 9 "J 0 And The Sett Fiil Kid" t:ao (1) • • 'h ··smo11ey And The Bandit tt" (1880) Burl Aeynolda. Jackie Glellon• SNnn &iford T Juttiee c:eMa in hit two lewmen brotMrl to atop • retiree! bootlegger. the Bendit, lrorn tranaportlng • baby e1e9"ent. "PG' 1:11(1) **Vt "Bladt Moon" ( 19751 Cethryn Harrllon, Ther-GrilM. When bll· ter cMI Strife b<Mkt out In her c;ountry. • young gifl ,.... ,he _ring_. 7:IO (HJ • * "The liNr•" ( 1980) Trlltl Oan Devere, Joaeph Cotten. A 1411\ooft_.._ ..,.... to r-frota • .,.,..._ bfoeelldown ' II ,_ Ille 1t1n1'1 llOme, wfllcl! 18 ~by~ .. ·pa· •••• "'oulPley" I 1178) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Cllaae. A llbnrlan ~illl !ht lid of en Inept potice d•l•CllYI alter •"• beCOfftM lnvotv.d II\ • biiMre ..... of l'l>IJrcMrs end kld"9pl)lng atternpll. tilO CC)•• "You Ught Up My lit•" 11en1 Didi Coiln. Joe Sltller. An uplrl/lg aonowr«• ,,._ to coe- with the ........ ,,,.., In her hi• wlllle .. ,lblllhlng her own ldetltlty. ·PG· 1:45 lZ) fr •• '" "Derby O'Glll And The little ~" (111~9) Albert Sharpe. Seen Connery. Alt Old trllb care-t•• who 11 eb<Mlt to le.I 1\11 106 to • y;llunger mett captur11 tM Icing of the \." ltOt•heuna an• tOf• 11'191 •• .,.,,, ..., ........ Q• tiOtll ) ...... ,., '"'"' TllO Madding Cfowf' (1 .. 7) Jul•• Cllfletl1, TOfonot t11mp A Wlllll Yount farm flrl betl911 ,_....,, bl.II deelrc>p ltvM men In lhellfCMllM 91811. • i; ' KinO Of Tho ,...... ( 1u11 Joh11 W11yne, Munl' IVllll A youno I~. wtlOM I*• .., .. ...,.. tnurdoled tly • r11tl\MM ~lie bOrOfl. ~ Cllf" lllmMlf cartfiolllY '°' an 099ll c:onl1ontatlon with lhelllller IC •••"'Pardon Mon Aft al rt (t 11771 Join Roell<tlort, AMy ~ A Npplly rntrr..O ml!\ oontemplat.. 1n110111ty ,,.., IMlog • bUuliful rnoclel WI I patldng partge 'PG' 10:00 (HI * t "'Thia Time JOffY· .,. c tlto) Clw• p~··· Vl"'*lt Ven P111en A Frtnc:l\.Cll\edlan girt 111111 In love with • bfHll Amiri· Oen ColleOl lludenl ttudy• ing In MonlrHI 'PG' tO:tO i'}) ••• "My Coutin Rec:tlel ' 11115SJ OIMI di Hev1Hlnd, Richard Burton 8elld on the newel by Daphne du M1t1r1-.. The 1\111 to I contldlflble fOf· lune ellempt• to find out " 11\1 W-he lovM it reef• I'(_ a murdef- t1:CIO D ...... Qn The Righi Trldl" (19811 Qery Cole· men. MICllNI Lambeck A 110Clat worker I.rill to find 1 no<mat home tor • train •l•llorl lll'IOl9hlne boy with • 1 llenl lor ptcic~ 11\1 pon• PG lt:aO C) * * * The WrOflll Arm Of The law· ( 1983) Peter Seller•. Lionel Jet- ,,,.. TM ayndleate and Ille potk:e bandl te>gel,,., to 5109 a trlO ol 1"- whO llOM u lawmen t2::00 0 *'" '"M¥" Of Thi Ph<>enix (11157) Sl\e!Oon Lawtenee. Juha Arnold A cunnmo crOOk guard• • vital nuclear MCtel from Soviet.,_. m t * •;, ""Ride Thi Wild Sur1 ( 11164) Febtlrl Sl\el· tey F•bar• Fout elfOtl>ll t1echel0<1. whO are more 1111er .. teo In aurt1no lh1n glrl1, become muted up with f OUf marrleg•eon- llCIOUI youog ladlet d) *** ·TrldeWlndl" J ( 19381 freo<ic Maren. J08rl Benne II A poliClfTllll I ellt 10 love .... 11\ the buulrful murder 1u1pect he 11 IHlgned 10 follow. 12:111 ( Z * • ·~ "Bleck Moon"' ( 1975) C1th1yn Herrlsot"I. Tl\er-Gr-Wiien bit· 1er aw 11nte t><eaa 0U1 1n her country, • young Oirl ti-the wemno IGlne t2:aq (HI** ""My Chemplon" (18811 Yoko Shimada, Chrtl Mitchum The true 11ory of• female J-.>- runo1no Champion II tOld 1:00 (C, • • 'o\ · Pulp" (1872) MICflHI Cline. Mldcey Rooney A ...ty writer II l\tred by en ••·film •tar to "ghoetwrll•" hie barely .,,,eble -.!Oblogt~ 'PO' 1:46(Z~ •••'4 "Derby-O'Gil And TN l.lttte People" ( 1959) AJt)ert Sl\erpe. a-. COnntry Art otd lrllh car• .... wilo Is about to loM 1\(1 ioti to • ..younget man ceptur.. IN king or the leprectlluna end lor- hom to ff'*'' lhrel ....,_ 'O' 2*' D '* * * "Foul Play" ( 1978) Goldle Hawn. Clievy Chate. A Nt>renan enlllta lhe aid of an Inept 11*- d •t•ot11r1 etter ah• ~ lnVOlved In • b1ietr• ..,_ o4 murders and ~ ldn!IPP'ng 1tternp11 2:30IH) '\* * "Elvit"(l971) Kurt RUSMll, SMaon Hub- ler• EMs Presley rl-from po_,y encl ot>Kurltf to ~ IJtM ~ forwne. ... ~ar mullCll per- former 'EV :weste:r.ns ride off iiJto sUnset ' ' I • .I I I I I . I ~ . One low tar cigarette -coasistently proves it can . meet the taste demands of . . . · . higher tar smokers. The cigarette: 'Enriched ,Flavor;M MERI~ ' · A MERIT .18Ste Does It ·In impartial tests where " 'brand identjty.was concealed, the overwhelming majority of smokers reported MERil-' . ~ · .te equal to-Or better · P1tl1hr'I ...... Alt,... .... ~ In tt11a ntwapa_per la aubi-ot to the ,...,.1 fllr~Me0f1 ... wl*"malc•" ..... '° advt rt I at • • e·n y pr••1et, llMMtlon or dleoill1*1atllzn on ,... oolot'. ' ... or natiONll or Inf lnt~tlon to mltl• any auoh prettrtnot, !Imitation or ~·· ••••••• AdvertlMr8 lhOufd check their ad1 dally and report error• lmmedlatety. The DAILY PILOT 111ume1 llablllty for the flr1t THE :REAL ESTATERS ........ Tiit flnMOlntf tn tlll ~ tlofM ........ =·=:~ l~'-d with poor, epa, 8'Q. QMNd pdo, *-· .. Cel todllr. ~13 THE RE.A L ESTATERS BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR : . . ,. ' ,. ,._ _ .. _ .... Somel.et 5 BR only atepa from 5 • tenDia courts in S.wtnd. U1hta & pastoral view, plan · fJoorinl, tile entry, 3 car ...... Greet family bcime. Owner wD1 carry Jarae ArrD. Reduced to eeD. MOOfl.IGHT PREVIW JUNE 11 A fD lll>VATOI FOi IEll'CltTIEACH WHY llJT llEAClt:Fm A STAI CllJIFm ... . ._ ... ... . ... .... ,. 11111 .. 1 1-1 IM ·--.......... - --·· Newly dtcorettd 2 ear.., ::·:•: ~ = :.:1~1~ fire, pdo, t cer oer-oe.. t102,000 eaeumable at on 1g comer lot. VflfY-14~. MlllnO t137,l500. V•ry low dwn. Below '"' an ~ to mutt ... 831-2265. ... otl M0-1151 === .. u .. HERITAG£ lit M TOR<.; RtlMt-i< exmA ... alrnoet 4 . br wlla oar, pea; MOO ~ENTAL8 750-3314 IS Br a ea. Meea Vwda, 1rg yard 1125/mo. Bob or 0o¥tt Koop, 7•1221 Eut1ldt 2 BA W/tncl gar, no C:.:O· Ml'8ldt 3M 2 ea. ia. houee wllgt Vtrd ..... Avl 1/1, Ut-tH1: 831..aot1 I / •• ...... Cd ....... ''•'•' m1ture 'Ill , ...... .-.MOO.-. t7MIOI. &D'MI 11111 110 to 3000 .ica n "No Fr•" Ptlcee Wllltem Cote. Bltr. l14/l~1- I .. f 00 IT NOW! ........... :=.~":r ~ ............ ~ .•..•.•....... Ort~-=~ IH AIPlilt 131241 ALLSTATI PAVING ~=-c':t:':=. Uc #M?Ma t4M111 ~ .•.......•. llAIYllTTIN•My llome In Colta MIN. 8Q91 5 I . up,187"'4tM lfl~MW. ............. IL'l4111tr,_,,.u ........ ~ ••••••••••••• CAM1 ~ MfM. ILIOT,.IOIAN-,rlflld MOWINO. O~H UN JACK Of' ALL TAAOll aitw1111111N1.lll•n••••••• ~. rltht, "" .. um1t1 on MIUllnl • ~ c.it JIOk • ot f'llOht ~ v-n. ...,... *" Ot.,,.... ~-,,.. ..r. ..Me01 1rt?W0141t BltWlmc....... Uo UO~~T..:: ~=utm =~~~ .. ..,.,,,_ ~~.V~~Qp~:~a~~J::.~ 1 :!!!!!~.!!!:!~!.:..-! WOOIU°~' OI*. waril·,...._ ,... Mark yd olnup. 'ree a•t. ....... ;1m.......... Ver'/ lo ratH. 0 111 for I• l o.p.:'Jft ~t.!f flrw .... N,.aC>?a Tom 114-tl041Hf.OOM 4"-3111 !-. rt. eet. Mlptl, 17.._., '/ft..... -'11 TOP LITY L•"-U.TmiTM "•'•"-Pini"""*' OettentrY ILIOT l WON< ~o-·P."1t .. ~a'• rn~.............. imll'fr. ••••••••••••• """"· ..... ~ ...... ,..... 1131·9055 ..,.p • qua, 'I WC> " OUM, JON I .. ,..,.. u.. """' flO.,ltO ,. ... rat.. M•lnt. I & '""" McMno JC>tlt LIVI In H OUrlty p UI l~~iii;i:iiiicisii~l~:)oo~i'Y.;wfict:-,-1 ILIOTfUC&AN 11nd1oe~1n11. NllCdM Call MIKI Mf:-1311 matur• roving oar• for ~io::llard ~111or, Lie. I OC*M'VMllO. Im! fobtl""*'a. Uo. only. fbl 1 Gatdel'llna. S14M/plant1. t__, · 11 Y't of htlOPY MilMd Add'M,_..,. 13$1ot-C-10 Ml-._ 81t-tHl/t41-14411 HAUl.ING-atudolnt 1111 o.1tflld HOUM 81ttet9. ""'""outtomw. . ~..... Uo. aitollo IOI Ir~. LOWMt rate. (81noe 1119) 83M234 Think YOlif, 8319'410 Jedi 1'4. lilnf!!t..1 "'· AMllctltc Mow. e0oe, r••· IWMP. ,rompi. C4lll ne.-1111. • ~~~-.. m• r•-o.n; eonet .... 1•1 \ aprlng ClHn-up. t11u1. ---1c Joh _ -·-~....... • U1·1111 CllUOk 842·2171 b9f 9 ,._. "°"' n. ••••••• • •••••••••• 118 yr1 •P· Lio. '°3941, mr.J·'l'n~;'Z'l'Z········· ~ I lftlutW ~ •nu am PRO!'. HAVIOI! LAWNS. eocl Of ...oeo. eono.d. In•. fWI. Coler "'-• 1 ' ••• 11 I ... Uc. 41.. · Haullna • ._d ...,..,.._ 8prlnkltrl lnl111M1d. •x..-, "3-0911 Olclc ... _ eta.ft 1,::"°aot1'if .. ";..moct.i, RMldentlll. Cl1an•up1, Qu1ok ' ctMn. ,t;;;;.i, C1tt Dive 842-4853 ,.... ' ~~?HIM d d , .. 1 t Olr~ tervlo., rnalnt., 1'13.oo4I C U • T O ., EXTERIOR PAINTING -• • nt, 01., nt •· ,_,.,.,.,,. tree trim. ,,., eet. .. .., Cuttom wor1l. FrM Mt. Ho~ ...... ao 1411111 •r.:"tt"e.r.:::-.......... MMOM(Clll Wiiiy) HAULINO-ORADINO LAND80APINO Ren. + tine Int. & ........... ,_ WAY COHITMJOTION FORMICA COUNnAS SHIYO'S GARO!NINO ~~~tr.!':~: ~n~rr:~.:en~. ';-,~ q.~~ •tllnlng. Slew 547 ... 211 d#y. ,,_ eet .... 1111 ~ • Addltlone Topa/OablnN reflCld "Total Yerd Care'' Contact Rllpti, 975-0941 RALPH'S PAINTINO .._,.OI &-.., lltM, Uc. •aoeoa 841-1200 FrM •t. Mll·S357 Molwttl'/. 551-8232 tvt Qui<* Mnl. 842"7839 lnt/e11t. Rel9. rll• -. 1cr "'*'-~ ,... ••--_ ... .._,.... ....._ Loca1. stud9"t w1trvc1c. • .................... . Mi'ftfftti ••••••••.. -,--------~1(09 Nl'"KI. .:rim •••••••••••••••• & Al" CONO Mltlrle, Ldl-'*-.etucloo auto, oonwn'I. 14f.120I T-1~ Tl*\ w"' ~·llaaJL..l~ IUIOCO enc61. UO'd. WMinw."e'll'm••• a.ry 681-0111 .................. "" ,,.. .... Ai9I. Dt10aa. • ••••••••••••••••••••• Quit, WOl1r. Uo. *371M. Cultom C.amkl Tiie 131•23<45 Prompt. Call Chuc*. eY1 841-aata~ ....... ......... Aw. Bob 871-tll1 '1.IT .... "" ~-.....-----~rr..tf! ••••••••••••••• .... t•illltll MO Ptr load. Grldlno & ... le••••" planltr mla av.it. ,r,.. AMlldan1lel--Oommerctal del. loclly 567·'* Tenant lmprOYll'Mnt• ftM l#r#f · OUAUTY WORK •••••••••••••••••••••• FREE ESTIMATES LOW A ATE 8 · Tree ttlmrnlng I rwnovtl, .ie 714'"6-9050 Deytlme cllenupl & lrlllft lllUlll'IO· 1141541-8•54 Eventnot Fr•• ••t. M1rt1ne1 Uo. 343803 554-7017 Color ~. wf\t iit::=(ee l__._....,,....Yd ,....,~ HAUUNO & Ji,40VING ,,.,..., R9f. F,.. Mt. Me-NH --...: • • ...... ...... ...... • -TrM I~ rnalnt. l ... e7M190 Ttrmi. l...on• AnyoM? ,,..,,_ Hiii, '"''r.t>""' 1 : ~ ,,.. eet ,...._ prtoee •••••••••••••••••••••• Irrigation. Jim 191-0129 Xlnt t•aolllng 1111111 .•• :r.;-.~••••••••••••• l#IJll ,.,.,,.,_ :m.:1~~ •;.c Qual, ~1-1~ .... ~71•. C .. ~.!!"l~·d !!-'7125 Tolll Yard C.. b~ .. auUng & qulQlc clMn· 89gl""91'ellnttrlnedllt•. Flr1h~~l~I= ••••••'-•••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••• ......., r.-_.... 11 --...., ,,..,...,,. ,.. _. THE o· ....... HOPP R up, yda, gategff1 lob· Good with kld1. 81 1 HAN Seo ad....... REPAIRS 129to1195 Moel aubjacta. K-t4 ......,, ... .,,. ,_.. 'II" ....._-~~ alt•. & prop mgm1. Rick cllamplon. C1ll Steve Vl ... MC U _.,....."'• FrM •t. Call anytllM, Dey~ l10Wtl :: Do work "'"""· ,,_ ~-..... Dom .... lnlo-2 •••1 931-0M&, l<t11 e:s1...()953 548-7923 ASR PAPERHANOINO ___ w.....,A"'"lT-.,.7_70-_21_2_5 __ ,.=M_r.~M_or--::9111~·-M-:-5-_s_1_18_ 1131-4101 ~ __ ..___~ :::r,..::;;:::I\........ _,,., 11" ._ OAPT·llNO-WOOD -------1 •~·~•-•I-..... _ 7 Yl'9 loc:el exp. Ouar. Huber ..___.,I lypll. W'-~-1!1..•l-EXCEL OARNT CARE •••••••........... • IMtllll/repalf. Of9Q , ....... ..,..., ~';';':;;1' ........ ~................ work. Prlc•• etart 11 New ';~-<Mok• r:.~.~~••••• .. ,,. #ala,..._/ Jel* IUllftnlton Crown moulding, intry Uc. :set2teO 1-240-3082 FrM •t. Ken 93e..5035 ROBIN'S CLEANING BRICKWORK: Smlll ,_ .. ,. 18/rolt. A19C 761-7021 Uc. #411802. 641-973-4 ··t..t 1M ~In" .":!...,,_ Owner/op.retor d O Or 1 ' "'1 ntI•1 ' ----------1·---------=--1 •-"-... ~~ ,.,... Call Sunehlne Window .,.._ ,._ .--....i .,.. nan booko..-., oNlr Uned 11.. a.......,.,_,_ LANDSCAPE MAINT. -·-.au"" Newport, Cotta Mell. Cullom w1llp1p•rlng, ""JOHN HENRY CO . ..-...................... ~Wein~-dolet9. Wood eoluUonl ::'!~.~.re!~ .. Comm«ICll & property ctlln llou11. 7 trvloe. "-''· 875-3175 aa1i.11ct1on guarentMd. AooflnQ tor FIM Homea Cteanl~. Ud. 5" 1953 .~ ~ .__ Free &t. 84&-1771 . to ........... ,.,_.....___1 "£PAIR I INSTALL m1n~l1, 131..ecMe Exp'd • Dlp«ldlbl9 Brick, bfoclt. concr .. •. c77tJ l,,.7F r,1 n k IO r •It· Lie. 415232. 54M213 2.0% onthl'f Dl9courtt .. ,_,, -· M 1 .....-------,.--~,.--1 '"""",.....,_,,. Gltll09 drt. HwdW1r1. 1---"'-------1 Hon11t • lntlllloent atucco, ~ reu. lie. ......., 1 •RESIOENTIAL1" & d 1 c le •1 • •de" I Domlnt01 '•~,a Fwn8 .. 0· 831-1628 DeelonlPfllnt eeo..a1ee 01Kr~d•~1e1s•°"rv. LlwnH•"'fcin Thi t>eetll 873-7012 "'' Bob '648-7850/533-99045 •·.-1-'1!!.--.,-,..--"--,.-,--ff!~••••••••• MonthlyQ1rly Dl8c:ount •l•ctrlca llan yman cl•an ng, ., IO • ~ , ·~ ,__, ... ,., ~ Chfls 951-83114 WQl1r, 87&-7151 cM1r1. a15 ~ ao, ClfP9I --n1M ... ..._,_ up. Ouallty H~ .. ALITY llAIMY •• ••••••••••••••••••• 8UDOET RATES 1 .... .,. ft "'--2•...., ••••••• •••••••••••••• :tt:'."";;;'fil•••••••••••• '""1 •••11••• '"'"""' w/1 ..---·• •-.-. C **BRYANT'S** Lo min. Smt "'be 01<.j..le. Or....,,. Coea1 Windows •..U1••M •• .... · "--· ~ ,,_ ARCHITECTURAL PLANS KIO Landacape M81nt. i------~ __ .,.._.,. ____ 1 ,.._...,._ '""""'· ' All klnde. 848-2559 Wll~ Remov91 Free .... IM,.., M1-7Ul "W911av9 you wtth 1 ....... !t!a.......... exper. 781-a:soe FOR BUil.DiNO PERMIT Raa6d/Comm. CieerHlp ••• .J.... Irv, HB. Beth S50-0933 •m. .All lypM. M2·1343 bright• ciut.loc*I'' loolek~ pvt ~ 'k Realdlnttll addltlon8 I Lt Haullng. 541-2489 ;tt";';f::::"............ PllClflc H~lng ...... f ............... lu.t.l• ... I• 1#1#81 Fr .. •llmlt• 834).4111 r: :,:."640-H21 call ...... !~.!!!q!! ..... remodel. Don 847.eeoe Oardanlng W1nted HOME IMPROVEMENT Fr:. ":t~~~e'-,~ .... , ..... .. .... ~:-;'r.;-: ........... MOBrLE.9sEA°Viee0 ° CLEARVIEW WINDOW c.n.nt-M11aiw; lloGk ._,, Mowing, ldglnv. raking, REPAIR-PLUMBING Top ~811ty. Special cer• PLASTER PATCHING AMcrMnt/Nlw 1C19lnl WASHING. Rw. r•t• t.U1ta W* C"9t W011r. Uc. :':lr.:tt.............. 1 w • • p 1 n g . F r 11 Carp9nlry, lllc, ti ... Fr.. T.L.C. Houllk"Ping In hlndllng. 25 yra eicp. R11lucco1. lntlekt. 30 NB/CM only. 842·9552 4 Yl'9 In ., ... M2·544t •••••••••••••••••••••• #311067 Rob IM1·2t83 ORYWAUJACOU8TIC Mtlrnat• 845-5737 Ill. No Job too 11'1\911, s.rvic.. Low R1t-. Competltlv9 Rat• yra. N91t. Paul 546-21177 ...... L8t ~ aJM C.,. ~::: J2 :S2" LAWN CARE Dlllu MS-2111 Toni 850-0208/M~~S No overtime. 730-1353 ED'S PLASTERING ~ef!!~!!~••• --f~or~C1·11•1•1fl~lld-M ... -Lookln~ tor a om• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,_ · • Comm/rllld. NwptlCM Cltpentry • MllOIVY We cl•an your llouH, STARVING COLLEGE All TYPES INT/EXT Bring me '/OUf PIU9r.,. & ACTION bulld1t PIH .. call LIO'D CHILD CARE Wiii ~Acoultlc Xlnt, r911etMe wortc. Roofing · Plum~ eYW)'lhlng from kitchen• STUDENTS MOVING FREE EST. 845-8258 11t•r1tlon1. J1ckl1 · Cell 1 RMdll!E.PNl!ey,~ Hr 8C "8a. All lhlft9. H~T.,...Sleltltudl ont/opf,8any845-7412 Orywall ·Stucco-II Coato ~~~!,:.l~~.r£.~l1, _ CO.Llo.l-12-MSe. PLASTERINO U t-0018, Mag plln ~Piiot F1*I Wllon. Pn Full/pt 11me. 857·2140. Uc.~ 1·532-$1549 Bemodel • .J.8. Mt-"80 •• -..., ,""".., lneur.d. 8414427 INT/EXT. RESTUCCO ee8-7717. "'"" ISOA Hom••· Inc. El Toro. --......:;.,,,,.-----~ ..... -~-------...~~~-I -1101 -..,.,...,---------• ,..,.,.. Slt'-t190 -I~ 1 t...I Mon-Fn, DRYWALL TAPING EXPERT HANDYMAN lndMdull ~nlng WATCH US OROWI B1oc1c Wiila. 586-4892 M2-M71 7:30 to 5:30, S1.&0 llr., All TutuNI I Acoultlc TQPP9d/rem<IY9d. CIMn Cerpentry • Roofing ltdy. R•l11tran1. Eve ..... •• ,.,. Hav• IOfMtlllng to N U? 8111 ldl9 ".,,,. 842-&e71 831-5336 FrM eet K.m 875-9088 up,~""°"· 751-3478 Ptumblng, 91c. 842.ec>13 Ms-4259; dYI 842-32119. c1an1fled Adi M2·5e71 a11ullfl«1 ,._ .... 2 ..... 1e Cfalelllld Ide do It wit. DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn•t sell, we'll run It another 3 '!».·, 3DAY8 OLLARS days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details . ...... 11 .. ) JNES CLASSIFIED86A2•5678 ¥.~~.!i .. !?!!'-!!.~ ....... &ft.~.!.~ .... ~ ~ ........ !J.ff !'11..'!.1!'!' .•••••• !.~!f "11..!I!'!!. •••• !.<! !'11..!I!'!!. •••• !.{~. !'11..'!.~'!!. ..•• !.{!f ~.'!."9'!!. •••• !.{ •• !t.!1..'!e.'!!., ••• !.!!f ANl!Moralt2t80Avon ht1111il11/.,...,. ......... BOOKl<EEPEK / PART TIME . book PTmULU' RESTAURANT Miit 81., HMO tq. ft.'*" I S•cure cr•dlt and p ..... call your elater HOSTESS lllY NIT·Tm -• 11Wlt 11111v1r. n .. d•d tor Enjoy ~Ing with klde lllCef & portton conttol c.i-garega. 841.em. vent urea through fOlll) ADS L 1, 1 As A p '. Mon-Fri 9AM·3PM. .... fir•••........ · Newp«t C9nt• Sranoll •nd wlell lnoreiud P•raon to op•rate "9tall Stor• tor ..... EecTOW, Loan•. and 213421-oeeli N>PtY In peraon Mcfkl~ Nl>f1ry. Alie> lndlvldull. •1rnlng• utlllH your Hob1rt Slicer. E•per. 4500 n ..... in 8llencl 811Ht• LOMI. ID~ FREE 3-SPM. Cal1b1•h 9AM·1PM. Mon-Tue outgoing' p1raon1llty pret'd .. but wlll train. L1gun1 '\: :'M-1771 We provtclaConwntloll• ~ F~ wrtter lookJno Undlng, 171E.17th St., Work in our fun, casual, profit-making only. t4.0011 llr. C111 leltn llow to becom9 a 9:30AM to 8PM, Mon- . ano non-conventional tor peraon dint::': In C.M. office u a telephone aalea promotion 540-2248 trllined .._ countlb. Thur. SAM to 1PM ftsmtrdll ~.t'l'~ Cal: r~.~ano • .~ CATERINO Hrvlc• clerk for the area'• finest newepaper. PUT n• ~-:.l~PE~8'2 ..... 321. ~·/t:'.!o:~M~ .. !!!!!!! ....... !i .. ~W4W280 ea-em ::=:;:::ii: ~:,:. ~0s! ~·tllli ~ :J':::::!i ~ ~P~:! =:o:t: =-~ ..V121•11 ~~~1(W::r7 :·:,:: ..... •.. CcllQ9 or ..it-employed llmr. liAM-1~"1• Pll't Of 21 . wltll oulltlndlng, 50 wpm •Int phon• Of.) S.A In ,....., bldg °" Coeat • M -carffr woman. Piion• Um•; 5AM-9:30 .. M or floe. •ttractlv• pereonallll•• llllfta. 1ft9 bkkpo Mutt -------- Hw'/. loutti Laguna. Olltl7211r.731-3630agt = = =:. Edmund In Lagun1 lPM ·8 PM. Lor~• ............ ,,...,, to woOIWltllyout11(8Q91 bewellorganlled·G,..t ........ Approx. 500 aq. ft . .__ .,...., .. At Her ~ dtw11 8Mdl It •M-<M211. ~A~~llr~~t:' .. ....... .... 10· 14). c111 2·6Pl.4, co. b•i'.19tUa. Salary Meturt. 1o:M22nd St. ~ ~ ~ ;;;;;I•••••• .. •••••••• lhop. Alllnta & a.acn. ., ir.. iu-lllE**'I lsJI ........ ......_ 842-4321. Ell1. 343. EOE commaMUrale wlexpar. ~ f.10 Nawport _.,.., _.. 1525 mo. HS AeMlrd. M2·10&4 IUIAml1 _, _, r--789-4761 Peggy · Turner Alloo. 4M-11n 1 NEED 50 lleadlChe P1tl9n1t a,. 30 11our1/wfftl. J3. 76 $84.00 for firat week; then ahare in ~ Illes l'lm 1.-ft • m LIPll1ILI Loat: 8ml whit• fluff~ n • • d • d Io r • n at1rllng. R1vl1w In 1 partnership',a profits. Earn top pay laktno WillmT HI vtatbllf ... , _.... .ov. lllllB ..... f · Samoy•dcpuppy. 18t lndepandent , .... roll rnonlll. 0.,., 18. Appty In Ill lfllf ... S1;' 1nap9hota In your .,... l•w Offlc•. N•wporl BACK STREET •• _.... HHllli --1•.. Pomona, M 145·5258 P r 0 0 , 1 m b • 1 n 0 pwson it p.., Aecotdl. AIMtwr phologr""*"' Cent•r. Oood typing 2330 a:;:P:;15-~ CM Wiii trade or ... , pan or en-e540. f\EWARD. conctuc:t«I by the 2308 W. Oc11ntront M2 ... ll at. 12 needed. P•rtlfull Um•. U1llL Salll'y dlplndant ........ ,.,..... --------• lnter11t In HouttH L09t: ~ oodl•tllf vtc U. , .. -. Blvd, N.B. (N. of Nawport No ·~i.noe or Mlllng on llq)lf. 840-8900 111 ItItr1 w It 19 P~W8ltdlffl'tltall Martne~togait Brookhuret 1nd P1llenllwtllbetre1ted Pier). r•qulrad.Wrlt•lo: •--/-..t •llllt•tlt location. Ap::ox. 2500 WhlM) 712i-27<41 HMlllton. ,...d. It no co It . For Riii Unfverul. P.O. Sox EIKt~onatrucUon eq1·11"1· 81 ·~· 1 tnctudln01 842-312 lft'/1lml 1 n t o r m a t t o n c 111 For r••taurent. 10 ~· 000 LOV£Rt Wiii train lmllll IPll. 1223, Monteb•llo, C1. •-............ tor 1 _.._ I • • It I t I I u1 t .... n•• onom 01 ·= ~ grooming In •xcllano• """"'"" """ """'""' .,_., ........ Ccfp, 875-8700 --, .... , Loet: "-llr9 8eaaball 831-n91 ~. Dena P f .Oita entry per1on ...,,._ e111p1r'd P•rton. Mutt ••• "11 0 I O v 1 A S 0 2 . 493-15445 for eppt, o r k • n 11 •I II• I p · needed for 2nd lhlft. 3 type 80 WPM, do 10 kl)' Newport . .Blactt and La H.B. ofc I /or lnduat •••••••• .. ••-•••••••• 11111/Tuetln , CM . 957-8589 pmtomldnlght.Muatbe PICTUAEF1"91'n11',gi111ry by tou c ll . S111ry Habra etor•. Sllrtlng IP•O• avall. For ,.. U. tama AeMlrd. 546-0645 o.i •-'-' COMPUTER fl E•P· Cllauff•ur for rHponalbl•. Pd co ....... Eltp. pref'd. ~/time comm,naurat• wltll '91• '5.50 llr. & up plUa ~!!= at _!!50 .!')!'· ~Z,, II. Ill. .x;""d:;";;:.......... r"' N • w port s • 1c11 b • n •I It 1 . S •I• r Y po1. for m1tur•. rap. axp•r. Xlnt b•n•flll. lncentlvu to ••per'd . .,..,, r:: ~~ ::. =rawatong .!/!..'fl!'!l. •••• !!!J ~~:.~•::. n:_~nb:0·:~~ Umou11M MMc9. 21 & ~"*""'P----"!!.a~· pereon. 831-5913 Virginia. 540-9670 go-0•1tlf1. Fun & part ~__,._,_, ,_,._,,_ SISCP,.dil-rwvllldnG In 11-ll 2nd I 1 H k I f1'il9' Flax. llra. Wkndl. ..,.. _..,. '".,........,., tllM. 8ualllell minded • --w ,., __. decl wecL N&-7M v• n ouu ••P•' n••d•d. No e xp_ar. 875-4171.. ProduellOn lMd with llM Recep1lonlel/Typlat we w•lcom• you • ao •••••••••••••••••••0 • Robt. s.u.r NH/CM com P • n Ion • • • k • r9e1ulr9d. Wtr wlll train UR•Y PR• HP9rlenc•. Full time. E1t1bll•ll•d Mortgage corn1 join u.. N.8. 3175 l!ltrctl. MOO tq. R.I!. ~ Id.......,,. Lolt: Aed Aue4r..., M .• p1rm1n•n1 po11tlon. ambltlou• people. ftlcld....,. t Eng II 111 1 P• •k I no Cc. needa Yll"lltl .. girt Y04J may Mfld rwumea ff. or t•u. MIA 10M. 4141•2171 546-0l11 1~ yr1, "Pecoe''. vie. Alfa, 13&-1113 RelllmM reqUAd. Call: w•nt•O for ~A9':nd ~:,~""': 14 tllN pr•t•rr•d. Cr'/•t•I 1 r Id a y rn u • t b • or apply In parion to ~ 1Mt-eo32. Wiii dlecount ••II ~:Jn.. ,..2 'l '(puno m1rrl1d man 71c.n2-0141 Orange CO\lnty. S.nd Hunu'ngton r::':~ Cf-Miione, 711 W. 17111. rHponelble 'l•I HI'/ Back StrMt £xecutl¥e • 115 up. 2 110 ft. •cur9CUtd TO Oft pm. Me-" would-. odd Jobe ewe ruum• and Hiit'/ Convllelolnt H*flll. St. Sult• B7, C.M. going. Hre. 8·5. C1ll OHlcea, 855 "B" St., .,....,.. • OMce. 'IOl1 ' ooo & wkende. Can do • H•iid INL 1'9qUit''"*111 to Wllllt Ill 11111 ftOrldl St. H8. Pllmllllll.I 714mo-&487 I.all'• TUltln, 92el0. r~ie • =:~;:;ro~!r~l:a:tl~ :7.2!~ r:~r:. i.17,~3 ~·:J2~::=.m.: ~;:te.: :.~·,~; ~~::~ ~~f:'J:!:n py~jo B8: Ltcal 1Hrtfli;t ~II =:.:m~ Jzt:~~~:~. =-=· ~ ..a-. 640-7eee . tor 8111. paced med dlatr1b. Ml* 92829 N•wport Center 111 Sii _,. Aceurlt• and fllt typing 1 n P •,. 0 n 1 t L • ..,.,, lfM.r fMounct.1:1f bllL& tMb Sheo/b.: Young M aaaks wortc M 1Ep•a11k .. a 8wr11t1 fluent .... ... ~:':~~ ~~:~t~r~n~~~ ,_.I,.., 1 mu I I . St 1 rt POf09t11n1 Btanchefllft • ...................... ,_SMS_Mtf/ 'I• ow • wl bll. hOUll P9f90!\, Nwpt 6f no .... • "Y n•o.. W lega11Ex90 Secy. Xln1 P•ople wllo 111111 lmmedl•l•ly. Exp1r i.t. 720-0777 ~lnO or...,°'= laJF I&/ oo191',2 Motar"'8TllDb'/ Lag . Sol\. ben•fltl. ~-1 bet. PllM'--to-25 tW.w typing, dlctapllon• & rHchad 1 fork In tlle pref'd. •••-_,..,. looklno ,... ........ I!,!__. kitten•. """'"0111 21~272·125& ~2. 141-,.....,. "'... ,.... ...,_ .. _ __. 1 --'. a.1...., 714-720-()941 _. ~.Newpof1CIO~--by"'!.'! •••-•••••• ·-·•••••••••• Mnlnl tor good llOIMI. · wk , Hvy fll1 no I ..... u_ru ....... _,_, roadanctwouldllk•lobe SUI 110 10 $25 ru . ..,, W11 CIC _,.. ....._, Ar*-t 8hlltlf, H 0 U S E 8 I T T I N 0 Cook, lul tlma. Tuai-Sat. mod•rate typing. Call open. S40..eteO r.progrwned for I new REMEMBER DAOI Undercover WMI home clMn up. all coff9Ct, fl• 111 MeH Pr .. C.M. POSITION Wlnled: Prof V8 A1'M'lln2o 3•011 IPfMll o.' 6-4e.-H71 E.O.E. M/F/H u••• ·--·-car••r. For p1r1on1I wtth a pw1191. M&-n .. 1 ... 7.ee71 -fOf PU ............. -...... 84'• Hiit woman AM exo ref. LT • : • --·-· tntll'tltew call 9AM to 12 F11W• Dey IWlllQI. 1------........ ~~--0f M9fl'/n ' LMGoOfAloOMllml c ooking, clHnlng , 10AM-8:30PM. ~ .,..., .... ., N•wport C•nt.,, noononl'/. 714~981 842-5871 SECRETARY • Don't let afoollollll11 pull Found: IAdll9 ..tdl It •randa. rm & boerd In ·~· prat, tor polltJon Full time, min. ' yre ~atlon IXP9r. Non· Mr. &inllM Win 4 FREE TICKETS! Newpott 8dl ~ ''of. ople w/3 yr 0111 '/OU to -~ FWI Ff'/, CM. ucll tor .. rvtcH + off•rlng com~~lve llCP9' MC. Jot> ~Jon •· Mr. ar.it>eum, Dally PMo4 Meda accura• wt ..,,. to,.,. 2 tw, 2 bl ~· 11"9 ..... °' ... 30ee 11l1ry. N.8., Lao are• •alary & klnt lte. Lllguna 8w:t\. Apply In 546-3733 PIT lloullc:tMnara. new Cll8llfled ~ Q«lll'll arnlll eicp, tlolMe or llPI. pref. PG°'. wttti 1fle ,_of ........ Sunny 931-8377 c"""'"'° by lhl a.a at Wiii'•. SUr t & model 11om11 only, Hon4mlcr l<ltty b11oh ar11. Wiit do T~ oorlnp. With • Lolt: Mil ~ delk .,.., Hoepttal. 4M-5702. C:: 3347 r:.!t ec: I A I I 11 A I I I tran1port1U6n, Eng, R•ntal HoelM• • day 9S7~ inalnl, etc. or manage In natlon•ll'I reo09nlHd draw.,, vie. A 1"'1 1 Alllatltl, m1tur1 led'/ wt Hwy CO.. del M · ,.._ apeaklng. up•r. To ...-. must bl wilting to1--------- eidt. IDr pt. rwlt. >ant outpatl•nt tr .. tment =·to,~;t;7: f9f1 ...ece llou .... ttlng Count•IYard ~for • ona II'. 01n•tal m11n11nanc1 SS.00 pr hr. 842-744<4 •ft WOl1r at llMt 2 -'tncle • ...,. you~ a mow? ,..., Aft. lpm. "'2-Ml4. ~""·you,__,..., .-.1MO P09ftlon. 1-435-8922...,. tool ~E~.::: HA I "8 Ty LI IT . knowltd~•· !xper. In 8. mo. W/tratn. NB ...... Claaelflld Ilda~ "etlr.O, Palm Bt>rlnoa tlmt ~·-· !; = LoetI GrlV INlla k.lttln, 9 com P • n Ion I A/ d •I :'ui j)90pte~ 111ary ~~~~:,11~~ :g~~·~t'e ~c~P;l:u~ HLL tdt• 1t•m• with • ~:~~;·:~m:0~1~~~ r:'1rn~11'!9':om• you ==·~J~ from '/Our famlfy. wke old. Vic: Harbor ~f~114:Cld0,:,~~~ t9~.u:::r.·:tr1. ~7~~:''' hlon . Surf & 8and H~ll. l.Q DlllyPlotQ111lfllCIM. Newpot'tl!lwtl,92"3 need.842..&en part of "'"'"'.,~ Call Morning & •Yenlnl I• I• n d . A e •Ir d . ~. WOl1r wtchlktran Coata Mela. 8dl, '97-4417. e.o.e. IOOlllly, ln-4112 program• a1tattable t75-t225 Ht•nalvely. 857-30113 ~JlllltoNI •••• 1 ar. -..... _._ • ......... ...,,...,.lll ~.· Found M lbfWn Shep/ lllt. 141. DELIVERY PERSONtf, tor CdM bldg. Par1 « "'--.._ -. I a CY1r 18 for LA J1mee. f/Um•. R•f. r•q'd, PO lo. crHm '9tore. Mull c.M. ttH to, •. •OI 1111 E. Urlcc*, Or-.. Hu•ll'I m IC, approx I .... lfuW ,,. C,M l'IOmll 3AM-8AM. Bole M1. CdM 92t25 "I 119 • It p., •• n oe. ,..on...._..n 4M7L.Ofll._..~ rrto •• cropp•d ta I..-.-.... ................. Eoono car t oq. No N'ewf,~~ 81101'1 area. ....... 7IM-OBI Ant, Mf'I, P11nl ofo. NB. collootlon1. 1400·'450 M • •t •"--V .. 1 al•'ll11 Found G•""'" 811•P Eitp. only. 8 AM-4 PM mo 9lu1 bonuau. --... ---------• ~-.-.. ""'-Jt ._,, 1 mo. okt. lhlft. 83f·IMMO 646-0e31 ~·- ... ·--••••••••••••• Qotlw'd & w,,,.,..,, H.a. A881!MILEA8. We Wiii ------------Wt .,. tufnlno •·a~ •• -142-IM4 lr•ln. Appl'/ 7AMJ ...... ......... bullneu and nMd 1 fllounct: Ack"' mallt "'°" ~ Yedltl. 1131 M.ewe dental ... , 3 de. • X f. r ' d P r O f • n I 11 ,. ilet -& 9'tt w/ Plao9ntla, COMA Meil&. )( ... 110..f'tq'd. IClU ptr ... with • HUii _.. 837-GOO followlnl, Tep oonwn. ot .... oellar. Vic ••Y· IABYllTTEA nffd9d. Ill* .-y -lddlt. ~ .... .....,. M41't4 ~ '*"'·.._. .. Mon-Fri, mTIL n-• b 0 nu I pr 0 I,."'. f/llW'f TW; & M ~: Mll9 ,.._ ~ M:30PM. l62·7704 'ulltlme Monday• & l!duoetton 9'1illllble .-., -..,.eem.r, Ht CkllrhFMOdl....._. ~ PIT""""*· •u"'m•r retlof. Prefer 8ampeon & Dlltll\ ~::=.,· ....... OdM,111•1174 l'/f«*t~ ==---~Im ~~-1---------1 ,_.,: YCIUftl c....,o.e. 17 day. Exoelf9"t wortstno moetty wt1tte. ~ ftlr. 8A8YetTTIA for condltloftl. 140-0SOO . .... dll .... •• ... • .. ",..,. & ~·· N.1 Mltura woman. Joli" · t Wayne Tennie Club. Dental AM1aton1. N>A ··· -a~ ~2:!!~__.:2!,..;;..._ ,i __ ~~· .. iil ..-11111• 0,fta•ID. lltOlltfll orlentell ..... ~ -~""""" ... , "tt•r•••t• •••••i;;=•'-iiiiiiiw ,. •• ,.,, "DA •r• DO••ara•le ea f, , r OMNfl 1 (H(VR!,[(I '141> '' 'J') ... I . . L"21,W~*' • Hunttn1ton Beach and rountatn Valley wlU not be 1•tUn11'any revenue froSQ DlddMOn Padtlc Cable9ystemt the ftiit ol next year .. pi'ciml88d. Tbe cltlH were told that ~ f:rcm u;e e.nun,. of uw. cable teleVf.alon 1yatem would bemn to fJow Into their tnluw1el I 1mJanuaryof1~. ln time to be 1 B~itish . • •i i , iassess I .'~ I r ·setback t 1 By ~ AllOClated Presa Britain Hid today de1pite =:J AraenUne air attacks that at least lix troopl it WU I 1t1ll prepared to retake the Jl'a1.klanda capital of Stanley. t Brit11h Defenae Secretary John Nott refuaed to dlvulp the -lull-extent.of Briu.h CMUaltiee ln I t I Tueaday'1 wave of Argentine air ' att.llcb in the Falldanda, aaytna the information "could be o1 lllliStance to the enemy.•• Nott told the Hou1e of Commona In London at leMt lix Brttlah lel'Vioemen were killed alld five wounded in the hrwnh'nc attackl in which three land1na craft and a fripte were damaead. But Nott aa.ld the air ltrikes bad "not prejudlced" the plam of"1 taak force commander Rear Adm. Jolin WoOdward to recapture St,.nley·, defended by an eatbnated 7,000-7 .~ Argentine trOopl. , There had been 1peclllatlon the ~tine air attacka mJabt 3~the Britl1h auault on • further. In addiUon to the air au.cb. Areendna llid lta ~ alao repelled a fronw a on their main deter. line. "Thi• 11 obviou1ly 1ome aetback. But until we have 11111111 I ii the lftuatioQ....,. do DOl know bow much um wm chance ~ dUI' ~" the commander Of Britain'• 5th Infantry Briode. Brig. Tony Wlllon, told a :er after Arsentine air let two tMa )and•nc ahips crowded with troopa afire and I damaced th6 fripte Plymouth I and a small landing craf.t. · The Timea ot London aa\d IOll>e Britlab IOUICel believed the final auault on Stanley, ~ticlp.ted alnce Jast. weekend. JtitPt have to be delayed "IUCb la .~ atent of the c:lilmter." The Arpntlne plane let the 412-foot landln1 1blp1 Sir o.Jahad and Slr Tristnm afire wtth bombs, J"OCkem and cannon Ore .. they Weft putdna 5th 8rtpde troope lllhore Tu.day in a narrow ntuary at Fiuroy Soubd, . 15 mOee IOUtbweat of Rtlnley. Fountain Valley ~ mark birthday • Fountain Valley la martdnc ill ~ birthday, with a full day of llletlvltlea roundin• out tb.e a61tbratian Saturday. J'or detaib about the city'•~ .bi8tory .and Saturday'• parade at events, turn to the Fountain V*lley 25th Anniveraary Etlement In\ today'• DaUJ ::-;.ouNr Y r , lnlelWd tn \hetr ~ tor the ,... year betlinnbw ""July 1. Newt of thi andef P8t4d ~ WM heralded b) a newt feleMit --by the dty. The F'.Od newt allo went out th1a ·week to all home. ln Hunttngton Belidh tn a dty news Jetter. But the aood economic MWI wa1 punctured after an accounUn1 overataht wu reportecl U\11 week. I Huntlnaton Bea~h wu oounttn, on haYlnl about •120,. 000 tn teieYll6on money aveUable to helf offlet •XS--tn the CW'Nn filca1 year. Fountain Valley had ~ the receipt of aliahtly more than '30,000. W..antnater and Stanton. the ot!Mr dU. pu1kiP8Unl in the WHt Oran1• County 1y1tem. were informed they would . ' .......... . LISTENING -President Reagan and I Britain's Prime Minister Marftret Thatchf'!T' Uirten on ~phones to the opentna addreea of NATO Secretary General Joeeph L\U'\I at the Wmt Germap ~in Bonn today. . A lawyer repreaent1n1 Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald of Hun~ Harbour Aid today be ls • fairly encouraged" by developmenu th.is week at the 4th Qlmdt Court of Appeall in Richmond, Va. ''I talked to htm (MacDonald) in prbon by phone yesterday •• aid attorney Ralph Spritzer. :,I told him I wu encour.,ed and that encouraged him. •1 • ~ a farmer capCain in the Green Beret1, i1 In Tennlna1 IaJand Federal Prllon fer the allegm mu:rden of h1I wife and two small dawdlten at Fort Draa. N.C.. in 1970. MacOonald, 38, claimed the murden were committed by lon1-haired intruden who inyaded bll home. He waa eent.ncecl to three lit. prilon term& Hill convictkJll WM revened by the 4th drcult court ln July, 1980, Clll ll'GUDdl' that bii ri&bt to a 1peedy trial wu violated. . .., _____ -- who claimed ihe aaw the atme. committed by drug-crazed hif~ jury WAI entitled to bear her adml11ion and the oorrobontinc evidence." Sprltr.er toJd the court. He told a repdrter today that he la encour.,ed by the court'• apparent aertow consideration ol h1I aqumenta. AtW!r Wednelday'1 arguments, the appe9)1 court took the appeal under advilemeol (See DOCTOR. P .. e A!) Surf victim identified Orange County Sheriff'• offidall have identified a body that wa1hed a1hore at Huntington State Beach Wednmiay momtna u Gerardo SabnM, 17, a reeident of Mexico ~1 L\. Wyatt Hart uid the death hu been ruled an llOCklental drowninCt a.t .-Id the youth bad been vl1lt1n1 with relaUvea in AMbemD. He dilappeued in the 1urf durin1 a Memorial Day famllJ..:~ln1 to Huntinlt<>n State • Hut laid. ,,,,,t~ l11 l lJN I ) </\l ll<JliNI/\ /',<t NI ', • • ar:r1ve-1n receive about $32,000 a.rid $14,000 pnepedlvely. CfU. now ant not expected to .. thet.r tint televiaion revenue un'1J the ftnt o( 1984. The dllcloeure of the apparent over1l1bt came after former Huntln1ton Beach City Councilman Clancv y oder called for an audit of ~ Publlc Cable TeleWdon Authority thJt week. Yoder told City Council mern\.. that he wu concerned becauH the cltlea "had not recet~ a.ny televtlton ·revenue. The PCTA 11 an orpn!JatJon oveneetnc the coNtrucUOn and operation• of the televl1lon l)'ltem. One dty council member from·elCh of the four dtl• lit.I on the boud of dlrec:ton. The money in queation lnvolvee $380,000 that wu paid tn advance to PCTA to lay the srounctwork for ata.rttna up the cable televiaion ayttem. PaY1na the advance feet to the PCTA until a rnerser ln 1979 WU Dtcklnaon Corrununicationa. Alter the merger, the advance wu paid by the preaent company, Dicklri1on Pacific Ca~ All the advance money mull be repaid to the televl1ion (See CABLE, Pase A!) Cease-fire urged l~raelis ·readying Beirut invasion I B1 fte Alaoclated Presa Israel blasted PLO targeta ln Beirut from the Ra and air today · and dropped leafleta warning tbat-Isradl forces were about to 1torm the Lebanese capital. Preatdent Rea1an urgently messaged brael calling for a ceaae.fire ln Lebanon. Clasbel flattd between Israeli and Syrian forces. Israel aid it abot down 20 more Syrian MIO. and two -ult helicopten in eastern Lebanon, where Syria reported itl art1llery Wal dueling with Israeli ground forces. The Israe1f leaflet. dropped on Betrui told Syrtan troops to leave the city "wfthln a few hours" became "we do not intend to fight the Syrian ~y." There wu no sign the Syrtana were leevlng. The Syrian 1tate radio, meanwb.Ue, clalmed llraeU jeta · strafed convoy• of traveler• today at a checkpoint on Lebancin'• northern border with Syria, kllltn1 5'7 travelen of varlou1 natlonalltte1 and woundina 15. . Thete wa1 no immediate Israell eomment. If true, it would Huntington woman dies al te'r crash A 66-year-old HuntlnJton • Beach woman who 1uffered 1erlou1 burn• and internal 1njuriee in a fiery traffic colUlkn May 29 hM died at UC Irvine Med1cal Center. The Oranae County Coroner'• office Aid sebna Denktu of 6811 Scenic Bay Lane died at 6:04 p.m. Tueaday of compl.lc~Uon1 reeulttng from the lnJW1el abe suffered in the traffic milbap. Hunttqton Belich police uid she WM the dty'I aewnth traffic dMth of 1982. Mrs. Denk1M WM a p 111 eneer In a Cadillac driven by her . daughter-in-law, Elin Denktaa, 29, of the aame Scenic Bay Lme addrw. The CadUJac collided with another car at the intenectlon of Golden Weit Street and Garfield Avenue. A police pfficer and eeveral bystanden helped reacue the elder Mn. Denlttu, who wu trapped tmide the CadtD .... atter it bunt lnto flamee. Huntin1ton Beach pollce traffic officen were acbedWed to meet with the Oranae County Diltrict Attomey11 oUICe today to detennlne whether any crlmlna1 charaee wt11 be filed ln the ca.e. be the northernmo1t llraell ,...-, Israeli jet.I and wpnhipe ltruck attack tn the five-day in\l'aslon, at the heart of the PLO in which wu launched Sunday Lebanon, pounding PLO chief with the stated goal of puah1ng Y aa s er Ar a fat 'a m 11 it a r y Pale_atinian fo_rce,s .from the headquarters in 10Uthem Beirut Israeli border. ln a four-hour bombardment. · OCC pioneer Fouriding president Peterson succumbs By CllARLE8 B. LOOS °' ... Dllf ........ Bull H. Pet.encn. the founding preaident of Orange Cout Coll•re who wa1 known na.tlonally u "Mr. Junior ColJeee," ii dead at the aae of 7._ Dr. Peterson, a resident of Walnut Creek aince hll reU.rement from occ In 1964. died In a coqva._...,,t hoept1a1 Tuaday. Be bad been m tor acme Ume. Prtvateteervlcea were conducted today. Dr. Peterson guided the development of Oranae Cout Colleae in Costa Mea from UM7 to 1184. Bealdea 'lelng the colleae'• tint presldelit. be .... the lint IUperintmdent of What 11 now the Coast Community CoJJeee District. It WU Under his leadenhip that Plmninc bepn for the cU.trict't leCC>Dd ca!l)pul. Golden We._1t College in' BuntiJCton Beicb. Goklen Weat ~ in 1966, shortly after his reUrement. Dr. Petenon was known u a ''l»-DOlllleDle" adm1nisttator. His dedJcatfon to Oranae c.o.t· and to the educatlonaf phllo1o_phy beblnd Califomla'• )mior' college l)'ltem WU legendary. At the aame time, Dr. Petenon WM deeply interested in ~ pbue or ltudent life on the cxx:= campua. which be started with a handful of baAd-me-down barncb left from World War II days when most of what la now oentnl a.ta Me.ea Wal the Santa Ana Army Air ~· A familiar 1cene at OCC football pmea Wiii the tall, gaunt fll\&re of "Dr. Pete," 81 he WM known, padna the lidelines .. be followed Pirate fortunee on the 8Jid,iron. The campw gymnasium ii named f9r Dr. Peter80n, who played basketball at UC Berkeley, where he received h1a BA. MA and PhD degl'ees. Dr. l>e\Jrilon aerved u predcient of the <Alifomla Junior College Aaociation and ~wice WH chief executive o, the SUCCUMBS -Basil Petenon, founding president of Orange Coast College, has died at 74. American Aaociation of Junior Colleges. He abo found time for- volunteer work in the community, serving on the boardl of the Orange County Philharmonic Society the Cotta (Meaa United Fund and the Children'• Hospital of Orange 1 County. He abo aerved the Boy I Scouu and the Church of Jea. Chrllt ot Latter4y Saint& In 1963, he WM the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce • ''man of the year." He returned to Orana9 c.o.t in 1975 to .coept ' the 1Chool'1 "outatandi.na dtmn award" given at graduatfon eedl year. The Utah native began hia career in education a1 a rnathematlcl and ph)'lb teachel' at Ba.lunfield Hiab School and Junior Collete. where he allO (See BASIL, Pap .U) company before revenu.. can Nrt ~to uw dtltl. ottial.t1a • ~A D6ndor .teman aid. th• mlatak• ~d to a ltatMMnt by · PacWc Cabl•y1&ema ln S.p&ember of 1881 that the advancie paymenta had all ~ paid. The ltatem.nt Wll' tn 9':.d accordinc to Bateman, who pe~ta to the PCTA from 1974 to 1979 had been overlooked. Bateman laid that .. of Aua. 8\, the four dU. will tUll owe ~ cable televillon ·~ '65,· 240 for the advance paymenta. ('That fllW'e WN reduced to $16,• 000 at a meetfna of the PCT A thil morning.) . Bateman'• earlier projectJon - found to be in error -indicated the dtiel would be earning about t198,000 by Aug, 31 from the televialon company'• 1ro11 eamlnp. "It wu really bad news and it couldn't have happened at a wone time becau.e of the cities' financial conditions," Bateman uid th1a week. "It WU a g1arinc error." Yoder, who baa been questioning the financial 'conditions, aaid the mistake ii an .,example "of ahoddy bookkeepina" and renewed his call fot an audit Wecme.day. ''They overlooked debta from 1974 to 1979. I don't know how they could do lt." he uid. Yoder said be would preea for • public hearing lf there isn't aotna to be any a~t. Huntln1ton !teach Clty Cound1man oon MecAlllaw. a member of the PCTA board ot dlrector1, uld ioclay that the dtiel will pt PQ0,000 ln 1984 on 1ro11 earntn11 of about •12 l'DilUon. He con1tnned the. pro~Uon Wat Off bx a year arid ~ the mlN.ke 'on an lntemal PCTA ICNW•Up Oft fllCtl and ftCurel by the 1taft of the PCrA." 11I'm embarraued becauM l don't like bad information aolnc to the public. "But it WM an honelt tnil1ake and nobody'• trytn1 to hide &J'\ythina," he uid. 8en N"iellen, a Fountain Valley city councilman who hu been a PCT A cl1rector for three ye&n, uid, "It appean a miltake'• been made. But we have Qlade a contractual arrangement and we'll ablde~it." He aald l the $30,000 lrom the budaet ' hurt a lot" but that it would be nothina ln compariaon to louea in state money. Bill Reed, public information ottioer for the City of Hunttnaton Beach, aaid he Wrote a prem releue last month at the request of the PCTA, telling about the money the citiee were to receive at the first of next year. He aald 71,000 copies of a news letter were mailed to Hun= Beach home. thia week. how money would soon start coming to city cofiera. ~ said &teman supplied hlm with the infonnatlon. DOCTOR ENCOURAGED ... A key witnesa ln the trial waa Helen Stoeckley, an admitted drug. u.er a,nd one-time police informant, who claimed ahe wltneJaed the murders by a aatanic cult that broke into the MacJb>ald~home. But becau.e ahe reamted and altered much of her story, the' trial )Jdge sharply limited her testimol'ly before the Jury. Sprhzer said there waa suftident corroborating evidencet to 1ive credence to Ma. St,oeckley'a story. He eald a neighbor confirmed that Ma. Stoeckley wu 1one from her apartment dwina the houri ln which the murden took place, She waa 1een in MacDonald's neighborhood and her clothing matched the- description of one of the intruders given by MacDonald. He also uld ahe accurately deecrtbed varioul items in the MacDonald home. • Sprltt.er said the trial judge wrongly ruled much ol her teatlmony inadmltaible merely becauae she was not of good character. 'BASIL PETERSON. ll • WM bMd ~ ooach and an. 8lliltant football coach. Tbeu8h poor beallh farc:ed b.11 re1#ement ln 1964, he remained active in education for many yeara, cotuulting with ocmmunity collepa throughout the U.S. and teachina at Armltrong College in Oakland. Dr. Peterlon 11 aurvived by b.la wife, Winifred; their two 9008, Ktcbud and David, and nine IJ'8Ddchlldren. Pill-pushers bit SACRAMENTO (AP) Criminal complalnta will be filed again1t f30 Medi ·Cal beneficiaries. who have been illegally trafficking pilJa that o08t the taxpayen '6 mIIllon a year, the state reports. ,., .... .,.... AT HARVARD -Mother Teresa watches the graduating claaa at Harvard University where the 1979 Nobel Prize Winner addressed the students. Westminster man shooting victim Orange Cou{lty Sheriff's Office invutlgatou today ldentWed the 40-year-old man fatally ahot Tuesday ni1ht at Delaney'• Restaurant at John Wayne Airport u Barkley F. Hodges, a Weatmlnater·area resident. Beyond that identification, however, offidala said they still had no idea what prompted the shooting in front of horrified bystanders. Sherlff'1 Lt. Wyatt Hart laid the Laguna Beach man arrested in the shooting, Kelley Ru.ell Daniela, 32, waa belDlf held without ball in Orange County Jail. Arraignment proceedinga am ~ todty ot Friday. Hartaad invelllgaton are lntereated Qi ta1.ldna to a third man who waa reportedly drinking with the v1ctim and the suspect for eeveral hours before the shooting. The third man fled when Daniela alleaedlY shot Hodges in the head fOlloWing a reported arcn.!-id offken alto wlah to talk wttb frightened patrona who fled the restaurant bnmediately followtna the abootlng. All tnvestip1'.on have aaid ao far ii that Hoclpa, about whom little ii being releued, llumped over a table at Delaney'• just before ckm.ng time at 9 p.m. Tue8day, fatally wounded in bJa heed. The IUlpect. • aelf-employed ..U maker, sat down nearby. A pistol wu recovered at the acene. Police probe • gunpoint rape in HB Fair day~ ahead . Seal Beach police are inveatlgatlng the rape of a 26-}'ear-old Slgnal Hill woman at Bolaa Chica State Beach in Huptington Beach. Officer Cheryl Hendencin said the victim WN accosted ~:r.e juveniles .. the arrived y nlaht at a Seal Beach re.t.aurant at l>adflc Cout Highway. 'nley forced her to drive to the be8ch and -oommltted the rape and other lleXWll ..aultl lmlde the car ln the parJdna lot near Pacific Coaat Highway and Warner Avenue. One of the atteckera had a gun, Ma. Hendenon uid . ..J BY TOM MUllPRINE or .. ...,,... .... A Brltlah Broadcutln1 ~Uon radlo ~t painted a vMd word plctW"9 of llre, explollona and r-=ue efforta Wectne.Say n.taht when a Britllh landin1 operation at the Fallda.nd1 came under heavy Araentlne • attack. The BBC Mid Brltiah foreee had one 1andlna lhip Nnk and two othen abandoned. · The correapondent, in a lhortwave broedcut monitored on the Oranp c.out at 9: 15 p.m., ~bed reecue operatlona on the 5,674-ton land1ni lhipe Sir Galahad and Sir Triatram, whJch were hlt by enemy bomba. ''The aea around Sir Galahad bkmoloed In onnp doll u the men took to llferaftl," the correepondent said. "Helicopters, whJch had been mov1na atorea. bepn reecu1ng the men lrom the water. "There was exploding ammunition. It aounded like a amall battle 1oing on . OocuScnally, thenuvaa a larger ~ helicopter waa campletely loll ln a black smoke cloud u It repeatedly attempted to winch a man from the water. Fountain Valley's 25th Birthday Celebr'atlon Committee la 1eekin1 convertible automobiles to carry dignitaries ln the city's birthday parade Saturday. About eight convertibles are needed ·for the proceaaion, which wW begin at Fountain Valley High School an<\ . conclude at the city's Recreation Center at Mile • Coastline Community c.ollep will ofter 8" 8-week aummer COW'le in the study of inland birds from 9 a.m. to noon Saturdaya at Robinwood Learning Center, 5172 McFadden Ave., Huntington Beach. The COW'9e begins June 26. It will feature one-day field • The Huntington Beach Rotary Club has acheduled a rabies cllnic Tuesday from 7 to H:30 p.m. at th.e Lake. Fire Yortunately, then were ahl~ near?. where heUcopteu drop the men, then turned bac to 1earch for more aurvivon. "In the mkllt of all of th1I, there WN another air raid. "lbe men worked on. 11'9 IW'VivorJ were unhurt but ahakm. 1tW weartna their Ufejacketa and otanae tw'Vlval .Wta -thole who had had Ume to put them on." The BBC reporter sald the &WCUel took place in fn!ezl.ng rain and reecuen went b9Ck to the scene apln and aaatn. ''The air attacka 1Jiowed that the Arpntlne Air Force w •tlll to be reckoned with," a BBC commentator aid. The Bridlh btoedcMl did not detail any offid.al report of lo.es ordamqe. It did quote Argentine IOW'cea ln Buenoe Alrea u aaytng the Britlah 1uffered heavy w.e. on the beach at Fitzroy and Bluff Qove, about 12 miles aouthwest ~ Port Stanley. The Argentine military spokesman wu quoted aa saying the British had landed 2~000 troopa when Argentine warplanes attacked. Square Park. The autos will be needed from 8:30 a .m. to noon. Ownen may drive their own autos, or drivers will be arranged by the parade committee. Interested convertible owners ahould call Jou Dall at Fountain Valley City Hall. 9ff3-8321, or Jan Wilhelm, 775-5768. tripa to ·the San 8emardino and San Gabriel mouqtalna, Mount PiiiOs and Antelope Valley to view inland birds in their natural habitat. There is no tuition fee. For further information call Coaatline Community College, 963-0824. Statio n , 530 Lake St., Huntington Beach. The cart will be $3 per shot. ------ •The Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce will c.znaent ita annual mayor'• Friday at Mile Square Golf Club In Fountain Valley. Mayor Mania Adler and the F~untain _Valley. City CONCORD Council will be bonottd. There will be dancing Wltil nidnlgbt after cocktaila and dinner. c.c.t of the evening i. *22.50 pel' penon. For further information, call the chamber at 962-4441. .. A WATCH CAN NEVER BE TOO THIN . .. I • ·Iran rejects Ir&qi ·peace hid •I NICOSIA, Cyprua -Iran'• oUlclal newa aaiency today rejecied an lnqi pMC:ie offer that did not lnclude the Iraniam' k:eY political COl)ditlon, the OUltet of lnqi Preeident Saddam Hut1etn. uu the Baathl1t-Zloni1t Iraqi rulera were aeek1nc peace they could have llChleved lt before the outbreak of the new war ln IOUthem Lebanon by aivlna a poaiUve reaporwe to prov1l1ona eet by Iran," the newa -aency IRNA u1d ln a commentary. ~General seizes power in ·Guatemala GUATEMALA CITY -Bria· Gen. Efrain R!OI Montt has aHumed aole leaderahlp of the Guatemalan pemment., dltaolvina the three-man juntl he Md heeded tince a March 23 coup. It wu not ,immediately clear whether Rios Montt'a asaumption Wednelday of the poata of ))l'elldent and cxwnm.allMr-in-diief of the anned i ~UillU~. forcee would affect hla previous promlae to bold elecUons for a constituent aaeembly later tbil year. But th, move apparently atreftlthens the power of youna oftioen who planned the coup two-and-a-half montha ago and lnltalled Rloa Montt.,. a aelf-proclaimed "born again" ChritUan. u the junt1'1 leader. Onion field · killer disapp~ars SACRAMENTO -"Onion Field" klller Jimmy Lee Smith bu d::fpeared from his San Fernando Valley home a warrant baa been mued for his arrest, a state parole official rePOrta. Marahall Lundaberg, ·deputy regional administrator of the parole office in Loa Anaelea, aid Wedneeday that Smith WM lut interviewed on June 2, when a routine blood test· for drup waa taken. Smith, convicted with Gregory Powell for. the 1963 abduction and murder of a Loa Anp1ea policeman. was paroled in February. The caae wu the bull of Joeeph Wambaugb'a book '"The Onion Fleld," whJ.ch was made into a movie. ;Third U.S. test tube baby born LOS ANGELES -A woman wbo..,.. told 10 yean aa> the "Md no cbllDCe ot a .........,.. bM atven bU1h ta a healthy, 81M11l·pound pi -tbe nation'• third test-tube baby. "'lbe condition of the mother and the inf.ant ii e:xcellen~ She'• a very health!. little ldrl." md Dr. 'Rlcbard Mun,-; who _.,,NfNed and b.edt the- Unlverlity of sOutbem California Medical Oenter'a in ft1ro ferttllladon prqpam: Cbriatlne Yuna Lee wu bom Wednaday morning at Women'• Hoapital of Loe Ancelea =-USC Medical Center. Her 33-year-old wu ldentified_anly • ~ 'Victitns' Rights' rule appealed SAN FRANCISCO -Propoaltkln 8, the ao- called "Victim'• Blll of Rl1ht1" approved by California votera, h under attack aa unconstitutional, but aponeor Paul Gann aaya he'• ready for the fight. Two attorney• and the p resident of the California Teachers A11oclatlon flied a petition Wedneeday with the state Court of Appeal • t.o block lmplemel'ltatlon of the meuure one day after voten palled It by a wide IDIJlPn. The pemol' and other sta~ ~offldala wei,e requested 1n the petition to take all atepa ~ ''to render the ~proval"of Proposition 8 void aDd of no lepl effect. Tbe court ii 9xpected to ltUdy -and perbaJ19 rule -on the appeal today. Dli9J .... ,....." '-...... DIDN1' GET AWAY -Joe Haldeman of commercial fishermen within a mile of the Newport Beach. night manager of the Balboa Balboa Pier. Sport fishermen report catches of Market, dl8plaYIJ a kine aa1mon cauaht by 40 to 50 daily. OC .backs proposal for judges Salmon aplenty Schools show up off Newport Nobody teems quite aure why the king aalmon, a large, tut)' flab that'• aeldom 1een 90Uth of BY DAVID ltUTZMANN the Ventura County line, la or .. Dlllr,..... auddenly ahowlng up off Citini a three-year backlog ln Newport Beach. Fish and Game otficiala are speculating that the salmon teen oU the Newport coat ortglnate ln the Sacramento-San JOllquln river system. Salmon live ln aalt water but spawn in fresh water. civil caaea, the Board of But then nobody'a worrying Supervlaora haa aupported over that question too much. :reation of three new superior Now'• the time foe catching, local ~e J d :ourt judgeahip• in Oran1e anaJen sua-t. not queationa. 1 ., I w ma a y County. Sport filhermen in Newport J v d If approved by the atate ::50~=/~=: ooms: j eo leablature, the request would at ~ to 30 pouncb. br~n to 63 the number of Worken at Davey'• Locker ln uame finge, .. IU ClOW1a tn the county. Newport say the salmon IChool f!'' i be board, on a 3-1 vote baa 6een 90 thick that boata are Wednmd1y, a110 auPl)Orted the being raerved foe apedahalmon WASHINGTON (AP) 1dd1Uon of a munfolpal court eXCW'lllonl. One of the boata _ Millions of quarter-dropping, judaeer!I in Fullerton and a the Helena _ wm be taking fut-fingered vid~ game players munld court O(Jlllml"'oner in &bermen out 'lburslay for an who zap, munch and blaat o--&a .. n-.A.-..... _ 1 ~ly ln the nation .. arcades Court ~dmlnl-tratora aaid -n;: Z ~ report, may be risking future mu.:le and WednMSaf'• board llCdol'l would lltllllllto be nmn1na bM betww. Jolgt proble~ with ~or1u• allow them to requHt tbat &be Newport and Balboa pen. pla •a reaearcher aid Y· A11emblyman Richard n... la a state limit of two r . Gary E . lCyeraon of Robfnaon•a office aponaor aalmoo per fishermen. The filh Atlanta's Etnory Univenlty, in &elWatlon in 8ecnmento for the' muat meaaure 22 inchea tn one of the first atudiea of lta kind. QllW ;wt.,.btp, effedlve in 1983. Je.nath. said he examined 134 players ~ • ...m J.i1b1 of .nomt Qwt Gall. a •ie l'llh 11¥1 who punched oontrol buttona « ffMndal ~ at the state a... warden. sa)'a be'• apc>Ued ~ JoystJcks rn the PIDM level. ottk:lalll it ii unknown OCllU•l!lldal fllh1ng boats from -if once-routine jud1eahlp far north u Waahinaton and And be found that 65 percent le81alation wquld be 8pprOved in Oreaon trolllng the Orange had at least one pbysic1l .... _ 1n ,_ Coun On _ ... ~ complaint, ranging from blist.en Mm upc:nm I I [ IHuv ty waters. a apot \;l"-.;iL and calJouaes to dlacornfort in the It is lldmated that the three th1a week, Gell uya he counted new auperior ClOW1a would C09t 2~ commercial ftahm, veuela jotnta, attributed to the pmea. the county about $330,000 per joined"' the ulmDa bunt.. No particular game waa year. The state pays 90 percent of While nobody'• taldDI Qrta <JO implicated as being wane ~ a jud1e'1 $62,000 salary. The bow Jona the Mlmm will remain ~ .. ~ i:ere ~ ~· county'• cod would lnclude the off Newport, the flM leg of the rapd, 11;;,etiti~ ~ agnmive sa1ariea of a clerk, court reporter commerdal flmtnJr Wl enda 1 f __ .,. ....._"'.,. ~ act vlty on the part o the IWY um&U,U. June 1$ and doesn t reopen until p1a Clark uid that by approving July 1&. ~ none of these probJeml [(JillIT~ rn rn the court request at this time -Warden Gall advtaes that the ii oonsidered serious now, they l I . before ot~et mattera ~ aalmoo filbinC tem» to be could be a prelude to future could be -w.. to two miles off the COMt. arthritic conditions or mu.cle pve the ~S-unde.erwd Local angJen quizzed on tbe problems, Myerson told the1- "aaper statua.' aa1mon nm •Y the 11..i time they Pan-American CongreH on ,. '!be Anaheim lawmaker noted. recall a larp ldMd of the fl.ah Rheumatology, a meeting co- l IJ · h • b d h however, that he IUppll'ted the movtna tnto Orange County wu 1pon1ored by the Arthrltl• ~o~ec ruce: u pt~c a~_~_tion_of_the_~_w_~_. __ ~_the_~_~_1~-~-~~-~-~_d_oo_. ___ _ W ASIDNG'roN -Premdent Reasen, saying that fall~ by the Hou. of Repeeentatlva to acree on a btMlpt would be "catutropbic," pboped Mlnority Leader Robert H. MJchel today to pWae aupport for a bud1et plan offered by Bouie ' Republicans. Reecan joked that he would "hold bis breath unUl bis fllCle turned blue'' awaiting the outcome of today'• 8°'*' acdon. MJchel reparted. Ex-hostages boycott Iranian oil WASHINGTON -Former ~ held at the U.S. Embuly in Tehran are ur&Ln1 the 1overnment to quit buyiftl Iranian oil for lta atratetdc ~ •yine the pnctke lndlcatel the UniteiJ St.tea wUl put "price above pdndple." llir:IOlll~ llilho•--lho-hM trr.::. ~ ln eo.ta r.ewc1 • ~Of 1100.000 wl -M .. till blitn ~ tht top M up a'na.-. ._ • Wlnirr rMd&a oenter, tlelmntu'Y IChOOll an the mtt rece&vtftl an llllirdw dMclpUne pl'Oll'U1\ Md • ftdtral ~Ult 1 hand&QI, lt wu ~~Uurctlnide.tudentsat announcid by the State Department ot ~ ln 1979 were W for n.d.tnc or D:l~~ wtt.h _...than ao pwctnt 16 P9"-*\tde -~ * for lanl\illl mtnortty ,rpopulaUon. riNUid In the 16 or 18 ·~ atawwlde, 278 for math percetl» .. ~ on tht Callfomla or n ptl'OlftUle ltaiewide. AH I Hrnmt Procram t.elt that meuww In 1980-81 N9d1na ~ were 299 or ~. awdtna and math ~ for 81 percentile ltltewfc:M, tancuace ICOC'el ituc1enii ln tht third, lixth and 12th were 2&3 or 4~ percentile ltltewide, and high "Nomnlly we wouldn't. expect 1ehoola wtdl ....... mlnaftty papuladan to ... hiah.'' taMI Dale Wooll4ry, Newport..._ Uiiltltd School Dl1trlct director of reeHrCh and ltUdent 1ervicel. 'iThty dOn't wncf to ICON IO hJlh, Pomona wnda to ltlOre lower than moet Of our achooll. "In compuilon they have been dotnc very &ood at the 1ehool, atven the fact that they have to do a lot of work ln the bulc akill.a .•• padll. math 1C01W were 2&0 or 44 percentile School pftnd~ Rolemarie Bodroct •catewtc1e. Gorilla uoes ape Mid tht echolaltic honor w• baled on Dl1trlctwld• CAP acorea for third e the CAP ecore1, community lntereet ln JP'aden 1n 1979 were 28e for read1n8 or CHICAGO (AP) -Boulil the --'11• 81 percentile statewide, 278 for Janauaae ..... ._ the IChoo1 and a vtalt by ltlte offJdala to or ?epe oe,,n:enUle, and 284 for math -0r 83 enjoyed about 10 minutes of freedom DENIED _ A ltate the c.o.ta Meu camnua ln ADril. from the Great Ape HOUie lnslde the L...--.a '-----£..__... "rm ;.lit thrilled,"h laid Ml. Bodrotii· percent of atat.e avenp. Lincoln Park Zoo before authorities uu•na ,_ n::a~ to "We are very, very exdt.ed." In 1981-82 the dlltr1ctwtde acore1 for recaptured him, but they remain puu)ed tel • parole date for Federal Title 1 funda are pven to third 8J'8den we ... 302 for read.lna or 84 u to how he manaae<l bta eecape. Jame1 Schoenfeld, 1ehooll with a hiah concentration of percentile statewide, 1aNruue wu 293 The 100-pound ape climbed a 10-foot 1ervtna a life term in low-Income 1tuaent1 to beef up or 82 percentile statewlde ana math wu wall to escape an outdoor habitat the 1976 Chowchl1la blllnaual.reedlncandmarth~~~·~~o~n-·~~28~9_or.;._;,80..;...&.,_r_ce_n_tll~e-ata~te-wt_de~.~~~~-W~edneeda~~Y~·~~~~~~~~~-=-=ld~dna:.:..:.:.:p~p(na:=:.::~·~~~- Freeze on .,.., ..... ,._....., ....... O'D••• •• CAreB -Concentration heli-Jim Dovey of Placentia catch a frt.abee on a sunny Tueeday on ~Beach near the pier. VISALIA (AP) - Uncertain how much state and federal fundlna will be cut, Tulare COunty aupervtaon have lmpo9ed a part1al h1rinC freeze effective immedJately. 4 Records demanded SSI recipients crackdown target WASHINGTON (AP) -The Social Security Adrniniatration aay1 that redJ!lenta of Supplemental Security Income w111 l>e knocked off the welfare rolls if they refuae to let the ~ tee their tax records. 'l'be aaency last IDOC'lth sent more thall· 4 -million letters to SSI tedpienta, parents 8nd Spou.lel aak1ng them ~ attn a OOJllel'lt form giving the SocW Security Adm1nlatratfon ac:cell to Internal Revenue Setvice records, ipOkemMn Jim Brown aid. 1bme who refule or fall to IWpond to a leCDnd notice within 30 days will have tbelr dM!Cb cut off, Brown aid. Tbe crackdown· ta expected to knock 88,000 welfare recipients -with untepol'ted Income or bank accounts off t&e SSl rolJa and saw $140 million in &cal 1983, Brown said. . Albd how many people mJcht be c.ut off Juat· foe not silninl the form. . he replied, .. We don't have an~ estimate Oil that!' 'lbe flnt notice told the .,ed. blind or disabled welfare ~pents: "You have a cllOic:e about signing the form. But we must have accurate lnfonnaUon about your income and what you own to pay your Supplemental Security Income checlas. U you do not qn the form. your SSI dM!Cb may be affected." Rep. Stephen Solan, D-N.Y., ii asking a House Ways and Meana subcommittee to hold hearln11 to determine why the agency failed to notify Conan-or make any other pubUc announcement about the crackdown. W. legislative aide, Dawn c..Jabia, said the lint notloe wu "duplldtoua. Either lt'1 really volUntary or lt'1 compu)80ry .. The Veteran. Admlnl1tratlon, Defeme Department and 8'11road Retirement Board already •hare information with 8odal Security, but the 1976 Tu Reform Act prevent. the Internal Revenue 8ervl69 from dmna 10 without the lndtvkfual'a eoment. ' HAILIDAY'S SPECIM- PRE-FATHER'S DAY SPORT COAT SAi .E .30~& • I AIR MWIY WANTS TO DO SOMETHING NK:E FOR YOUR RJR It's tine '9 protect your fur~· Take advantage at our tur storage at Noldstrom. whn sclentlflcal1y controlled temperatures protect your tur fnxn heal. hl.mklly and mildew. Our storage service will also keep your tur free from mothS, fire and theft. _ NOW llfROUGH JULY 10 SAYE 20% WHEN YOU KLENDmOtP YOUR FUR Af the time you bring your tur In tor storage, you'll save on our excluslwJ Klendltk>n9tur cleaning service. We'll enhance your fur and restore-It to its natural beauty. Let Notdsbcm prmct your tur Investment foc the summer. Also ask about our fur repair and remodeling seM:es. South Coast Plaza only . . Outside our local dialing are.1S In Los Angeles and Orange Counties, can toll free 1-~432-7175. Sale! Fer l•••llilte hlinrr lollf lnoer 11.., Seta. You won'thaw to think twtce wtwt you ... tht 1peclal price• we have on Alreloom mattr ..... Right .way, Y'CM(I know that ti-. =-~~~~ quallty. We have tt"9t matt,..... apec1a11y prtced tor ....... -•. So" you w..t. or-t m.~ to llMp on, come In to ... ua right fl#llY. Don't llelP on tt. Planner selection needs second looN: • HunUn1ton Beac:b City COuncll member• are taklna a eeoorMl look at the way they ..rect ~ c.amnu..ton memben. J'or a couple of yMl'I now, council members have been makln, Individual aelection1 of peop e to 1erve on the •even-member Planning Commilllon. • The remainder of the council endorsea the nominee but the endonement ii really an empty ae-ture. There are no proviliona that require ratification. But the system haa not ~ to have worked u well aa lt could. There have been frequent resiinations and changes. Officials are growing concerned about a pcm:lble l.acK of continuity. There now ta a v.cancy on the cornm1-lon becau.e of the recent re.l~tion of o.n Mahaftey. It. waa reque1ted by Councilman John Thoma• who made the appointment. There leeml to be a arowtna feellna that the prevlou.t methoCl of eelecU.na commluionen ahould be reln.ltated. Under the •)'Item, the enUre City Council voted u .. group to appoint commisaione~. Thia encouraged com- mlaslonera to feel that they are working for wider tntereeta and for the overall good of the dty. That's an Improvement over the present ayatem in which a cornmlssloner tends to do things to please just one penon -the one who appointed him or her. Coastline post unique Bernard J . Luskin, the founding president of Coastline College, will leave that post July 1 to wume the presidency of sister ICbool Orange Coast College. Coast Community College District trustees have appointed veteran admin.iatrator John Buller u interim president of Coastline for a period not to exceed one year. The trustees presumably have .et this limit to give themselves plenty of time for an extensive search for a permanent chief admlni1trator at Coastline. A thorough evaluation la needed particu)arly for the Coastline post because it involves a unique institution. Sometimes dubbed "the college without walls." Coastline bas no formal campus but offers classes at about 150 rented locations throughout · the district. which extends from Newport Beach northwest to Seal Beech tlDd portions of Garden Grove. Under an open enrollment arrangement, residents ln neighboring cities a1lo may enroll in Co.t.llne counes. · In addition to lta clamroom instruction, Coastline offers an extensive achedule of television c:Ounes. In f indi'ng ·the person to oversee this µnconventional college, the tnJstees should bear in mind aome of the lemons they learned in selecting the new Orange Col8st president just a few montlis ago. The trustees commendably set up a screening committee representing administrators, instructors, classified employees, students and community members to review applications. This panel submitted the names of about six finaliat8 to the board of trustees. The trustees narrowed this group to two f1nalis1a, then one top candidate . Unfortunately, they notified their second choice that he was not selected before the first choice had accepted the job. A. it turned out, the trustees' top choice turned down the position tor financial reasons. Instead of returning to the other applicants, the trustees appointed Luskin to the Or~nge Coast presidency, even though he had not applied. Al~h L~n's credentials are not q~~ the tn&l1ee9' decision to dlaregard all other applicants reviewed by the acreen1ng committee created mme ill will among campus inltructon and other employees. -nefore beginning the selection proceH for the top Coastline position. the trustees should set up and make public more preci8e guidelines OD bow they will choo1e the new president. And they should refrain from writing off all other candidates until their top choice has formally ~pted the job. ·'Fountain Valley land:mark Thia weekend Fountain Valley celebrates its 25th birthday with a parade and other festivities. Since its incorporation on June 13, 1957, Fountain V alley'a population haa grown from about 2,000 to more than 55,000. Its 9.6 equare mila, once dominated by farming, are now occupied by quiet, well-kept reaidential neighborhooda. The city has ecattered strip shopping areas. and a light indUftrial aedion near the Santa Ana River. Fountain Valley was a maater-planned city, and the benefits are quite evident. Commercial and resldential areas have been built along orderly dJviliom. and Fountain Valley's ~ sign and height laws have helped maintain the city's uncluttered appearance. But Fountain Valley's 25th • birthday finds the city at a crossroad'S. Proposition 13 removed much of the clty'1 property tax income, and the absence of a major ahopping center means the city is receiving lell sales tax revenue than aome of its neighbors. City offJdals today face the difficult 1lllk of malntatnJna the level of eervicea Fountain Valley residents have come to expect, but doing ao in the wake of stgnificant CUts in state funding. I Fountain Valley's 25th birthday ta a fittina time for local homeowners and bu8l.nell people to demomtraie their desire to help maintain the community u a good p1-e to live and work. Happy 'lirthday, Fountain Valley. We bOpe that the next 25 years will be as peaceful and productive u the last 25. Opinions expressed In the space •bOve •r• those of the O.llv Piiot. Other views tx· pressed on this page are thos. of their authors and •rtlsts. Reader (omment Is lnvll· ed. Address The O.ily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cost• Mew, CA 92626. Phone (7U) 6•2·•321. · Com~Unily college fees? 'nut pcmlbillty that fees will be levted on the man than cne mil1lon cammunity · colleae ltUdenta looml 1arae u = struggle to balance the 1082-83 . Thia waa seen in recommendat on• made by the California Poetaecondary Education Commllalon to l.nc:reue fees at the Unlvenlty of California and the atate college 1y1tem but with additional f:tnancial aid to needy students. THE COMMISSION rec:ommend.ationa, adopted by an 11 to 2 vote, did not Include the community colleges In their fee rec:ommend.ationl but did call for an $80 million cut in the state'• allocatlona to them. Thia waa seen by community colle1e repreaentatives aa openin1 the door to feee. In· any event the report 1eem1 to pit the community collegea againat tne univenhy and~-ear colleges, the latter two both fees white the California community are Mid to be the i,.t free coDeaea in the nation. The rec:ommend.adam certainly place before the Lealllature the often aabd question of why atudenta must pa~t the IJJlfvenity and state coUeaea for tlcal COW'les that can be obtained free at the community colleges. · Fundin1 for the two-year colle1e1 currently coet.a the state more than $1 blWon annually °" two-thlrda of their total budJeta. While the report auuest.ed , . Elll llTID only an '80 million cut, it would appear that the colle1ea could abaorb a 20 percellt alaah In state funding with little difticulty. Thia ia aeen ln the atatement by Patrick Callan, oomm1lllon director, that recreational programs In the colleges, auch u Joainl, account fw 20 percent of the COW'le9 peld for by the state. Enrollmenta at the community colleges •have expanded ~tly In recent )'earl aa the two-year colleges have reached out into the 'community to provide many programs which do not lead to the four-year college degrees. Aa long as these achoola w'at' aupported largely with local fund.a ~.e e ~ton were not concerned with t.Jte oflerinp, but with the financial cru.nth in state revenues and t.he lncreul.ng amounts betna provlded the colleires by the state slnce .-... of PropoaidOn 13, the lawmakers are centering more and more aJtentlon on the colJeae funding. THEY ARE ALSO bothered by the contentiom of the comnlllalon that the community colleges aerve moatly the more affluent rather than those from poor and minority backgrounda. Callan aald that while the report w.- mainly for the purpoae of allowirig lncreued fees at the univenity and n.te colleges, lt waa a1IO Intended to prov~e aome aen.alble Iona-range planning on the question of student fees. Whatever the outcome, even with fee., the cotU of education at California'• publicly IUPPOr"ted lmtltutlom of higher timJ.nC will ltill be a barpin. .. Latest reporta ahow that the buic fees 1 for tuition. rocm and board. at Stanford. Harvard, Yale and Prlnoeton now exceed $11,000 a year. How to benefit from Dial-A-Ride To the Editor: Just a few worda in defenM of-the Dial-A-Ride ~ I work for DAR out· of Anaheim. WJ ...Ve the eut and north Orance County ..... Our phooea never rtnc more than two times before they are answered and our MAILBOX . I driven (from all the nke remarka the customers pus on to me) are very CJCllUl'teOW. There la no reaon to be treated otherwiae. Our manaaer and hla exoellent atalf keep our office running smoothly. If there la to be a delay, the potential ~ la advlaed of th1a ao be or Uie can deC:lde lf lt la worth wai1inC that Jona. . TO INSU~E the be.t and quickest service pomlble the cuttomer can help by: 1. Call well in advance of desiJ'ed pickup time. 2. Be accurate with addreaa. 3. Be there at the •ta• time 4. Be sure the building number la visible from the ltreet. 5. Call to cancel lf you change your mind. . · 6. Have the cornct change -50 cenu f~ bandJcapped, 50 cents for aeni~l fot othen -0t have your pa11 y to ahoVf the clrtver. Dial-A-Ride la a peat convenkmce for lota of people -eenlor cith.enl, achool children, workinc people, ahappera - anyone who needs a ride, jmt about anywhere. * The price la n,ht. too. Try lt, you may love ltl PENNY JENKINS eommunity in the form of acreqe for the unlvenlty, land ,rants for cultural pu.rpmm. damtionl to many civic and aervtce groupa, attd charitable funds disbursed through the Irvine Foundation. Oun la an enviable oommunlty u a result of excellent planning by The Irvine Company. National maeaz.tnes such aa Fortune and ~. aa well aa numerous foreign joumala have given the company the utmc.t pral9e for their efforta. Local vlaitora to foreign countries may find urban and suburban communities patterned after what In the bqinnina was created here, lncludin& oomloerci8l complexes and modem sbopp~ centen. On my desk. as I write th.la, fa a aJJck paper publication showing many scenes of Newport Center and Full.ion Island publlahed In Japan. I thank you for printing thia letter and suggest to reedent of this forum that Mrs. Allen's letter waa aadly lack:ina in facts with no mentlon of the reaaona her hUfband was tenninated. REG JONF.S Mobile home law To the Editor: . The following la In n!1p0me to Steve Tripoli'• article of May 19 on the Mobile Home Conversion Ordinance. I feel that the pros-eel Mobile Home Converalon Ordinance la unfair and unequltable In 1leVeral area. The initial eJ.JaibWty ~nt of 270 day. (9 months) of fOC' a Mobile Home owner to receive &llistance la hl&bly dl.criminatory end random. All owners of mobOe haml9 In a park follow all requiremeJ'.lta of the park rul• and r•aulatlona and face the aame flnandal kw due '° a COGYendaD. To dilcrimlnate apbaat tboee who don't meet thll 270 day l'llqUl.rement la hlahly unethlCU and probably ~ble. fe'aslbillty and practicality of the relocation concept in any fonn. . Another led:lon In questlot1 deab with the buy--00t option for non-relocatab~ homes. If it ia deemed tba t a homeowner can't relocate hla home, the park owner would be required~bu that home at the homeowners . price plus reimbunement for hla approved additions. But the total cost at all homes and reimbunlementa the park I owner muat pay c:an not exceed one-third of the raw value of the land in question. Initially. any buy--00t formula mwtt start and end at fair market value 81 determined by current local tales °" an impartial, experienced appralaer. 1' every government redevelopmen\ project where ~ is confi8cated the t affected parties a.re compensated at fak I market value. And this is as it ahould be fOC' mobile home owners u well. I hope our City Council can seei through the Planning Commisalon's. maaquerade and once again guide the Moblle Home c.onven&on Ordinance In an equitable direction for all. JIM KNOWLES So-long, Jacques! To the l!'.d.ltor: lt'a hard to believe that u yet no Ol)e has covered the uddest. event ~· on at Fashion lalaDd1 J .C. Penney y known as Jacques Pennee la leaving). Thia store WM well-loved by the town. Who could duplicate the ~ ~ (and ita pricel). It WM fW\ to ahop tNtl store and find items that were not IOld e•whett. It did not bun otbel' ._.__ it waa a drawing card few than. IT CERT AINI. Y did not desr1lde ima1e of Fublon bland; count th Mercedel In tta parldna lot (l own t.oo). Talk to the pe,0ple who kllo Pennir.'• .. ~ A* the dertc:a the Mtomen.,. aJlnc. '!be con_.Ulll of _odNan that I bne hMrd 111 that WOuld,radm ..__,other_... 1l'M livtne ..._., bM clam it ---,,,.. ... 'WI~ eboUt lhilt OoOd .. ti new 1'0deO Drift HA""' .... I'.. CB.'BBJ~ blame people for for1,u1n1 Kurt R•mbl1' The quJet, 1trona type, Ram'* qw.tly went • And he always played like Su~ -~OOLEWOOD _ Twenty y..,. from now, qontribuUonl to the 1982 NBA chlmploblhlp. about tU1 bullne. oqce elevai.d to• IWU.nc role. ••pecially In the way1 Riley neede<I, 1uch u wben wttne1 .. 1 of the Laker•' UU NBA 1 1'Mn U'el'l't many NBA ~who can Mm He looked awkward but h9 80i the Job done. ~and deferwe . .-.. -.~ ... 'p bemJl _1 .. 1..,. ... __ , wU1 a Nl'tlnC ..s,nm.nt -99pedally oo a team "Kurt believes In the tree entetprile l)'lt.em," While R&mbll averaoct 18 polnta per pme · ~~;""'-up Tn u;·~-;;;:~ namee deltined to win the champknhlp-by IOOl'inR juli tU1 COllCh noted earlier In tKe leMOft ... U there'• a durina hla four yean at SMta Clara, be came Into Ttalre wm be talk ol cenw Karwn AbdUl-two iiolnta In one~· loo. ball. he'll So for It. When YoU don't have your the final NBA c.R:onJhlp bout with the Jabber; wbo91 7_2 frame ttood above all othen. But that'• hoW Rambll dJd It. Job eecwed, you can't afford to let down. That'• the Philadelphia 76en y night with a &.7 ICOl'tng Ouardi Norm Nixon and Ma8'e Johnlon lplted the only way he knowa how to play.,. average. fM& W.... and forward Junul Wllkee w• at hla QQ1llllll~JUrr.f ov RambU came t.o the lAksw from Athena, Riley and moet of the Laker farw cringed eech ~belt. 'J.ri1rir.1J ~ • n.tt i -. Greece, nonnally not one of ~ pwet rec:ndttna Urne he went to the free throw l.tne th'8 .-on. ueM for NBA -.m. He Wll pl8ylDI profellional Ramtu mad& only 26 of h1a first 81 t... throws f.or ' And who will fcqn the roi.-Michael Cooper nw date Wll Jan. 16 and Ram ... ,_ ha .. 1-...11 down buketbAll ln Greece and WM one of just five free a 41 percent average. H1a erandmother probably aad BOb McAdoo plaY-ci oU &bf bench. ·~" gy "'""' aaenta at the nan of the NBA ..,.,, could do better. wl "Doooo" wme the c:banta fl'QIQ d't J'orWn ::e ~~~:=,~~ ~ 'n,e Cupertino ffiah and University of Santa But he turned It around and wu llCtUally the cnwda w:h time Cooper and McAdoo bo'1nced oU but two PIW Che remainder of tbe eeMOn. Cara aractuate wu ~ Juel 10 days before Laken' belt free throw lhooter In post 1ea1on play 4he bench 'ipon command of eo.ch Pat Biley. Had forward Mitch Kupchak not decimated tralnlni camp opened. Once he •tarted ltarting on a durini the sweep of Phoenix and San Antonio. . But thiare will anly be a~ few who will h1a left knee In a pme with the San Dleao Olppen ~ balls. tbe Laker fans beaan caJJJ.na him "Thia ii definitely a dream come true," wet t.o talk about the tq blond l\lY wtth wa~ badt on Dec. 19, RambM mJabt not have received a Superman. t.banla to the Clark Kent look of h1a Rambia noted Tueeday night, istandlftl( oU in a ~~'"'7:'.'.'"'and __ hom __ ._rtmmed __ --=.l'_•_r_H-=-And--you:.___rean_. • .....:..Y_can_t_....;:chance=:::::....:.:to;...:hel~p;..tbe=-=LaJ=ken.=---------.--,ia..---and-eay __ eolna __ demeanor ___ · .<See LU.ERB, Page C!) Corbett fails to giv~ relief Angels squander another lead . TORONTO (AP) -Ernie Whitt went from hero to goat to LJoyd Moeeby's No. 1 fan In the apece of five innings. Whitt flnt diatinguilhed ttlmwU in the fifth inning of the Torooto Blue Jays• M victory over the Angela Wednesday when he launched a eolo homer over the right-field fence :-h1a fourth of the ,leallOD to narrow the Anae1a lead to 3-2. One out later, Damaeo Gania Ued it with his aecond home run of the teUOD. IN THE eighth, however, Whitt appeared to have thrown ti. game away when his um to 8eCClDd from · behind the plate aailed into cent.er field. allowing Rod Carew to trot home from third with the go..ahead run. But in the Jays' ninth he WU redeeioed by Mc.by, who hit a ..... ~ trlple oft tbe tint pitch by reliever Doug Corbett. After two intentional walka, llADcb hitter Al Woods bfOUiht Moa,by home with a baaea- J09ded grounder. "It'• ereat '°' get a win like that, e1pecially when your t...mmates pick you up the way they dkl,'' l81d Whitt. .. JLmt say rm very happy about the way the ninth Inning deYeJoped. "On the play I threw the ball WEIGHTING AROUND -Larry Scott, a 19-yeer-old Golden West College student, snatches 198 pounds while working out ~l hia Huntington Beach home. Scott will compet.e for the .., .......... "'~ ~ U.S . in the Junior l'an American Games in Sao Paulo, Brazil Aug. $-18. · = I just didn't have a very t grip and 11 sailed on me," be added. 0 But those things are going to happen from time to (&ooney· ·win • • could come ... on power '84 Olympics a weighty issue for ·him I HB's Scott hope& to give U.S. a lift, but he'll have to gaift weight first By Cl1RT SEBDl!N or .. ..,,... .... In a time when taJdna off wetcht ii the No. 1 priorihimong many Americ.mJ9, 19-year-old Scott of Hunttniton Beech hat the and enviable -1 of puum, on about 33 pounda dwin;g die next two years. "l'm really thin," lammt.ed the Gol'clen Wea Co1Jeae student. "I don't like to think that, but I am." Comldering Scott weighl a mere 148 poundlf. no coe ill gQ.na to~ with hil llF !I Anent. WQrld and national champion In the 123-POUDd cat.egmy. M"e.nwbile, hil IOll had hil ligbta let on the 1984 Olympb, but he wanta to weigh in at 181K /'T~.,aen a Jot more~ about thil aver ~ i.t few months. I hit a llump lalt BUt lately, rve done a lot belt.et and rea1IJed I can do better," Scott aaya. "I you can aay rm lnaplred to train " . now. A place on the U.S. wetabtliftina roater lln't a ba lmpiration for a ll·year-.o)d man. SCOTT IS currently tra1n1n1 for the Junlor Pan American champlon1hlp1, ICheduled for Aue. 9-US In Sao Paulo, Brull. More than 17& wetchtliften fmn . around the-world wU1 converse In the South ,American dty. Scott will brtnc wtth hlu eeYenl titlel IUCh • the No. l tepound Junkr 1n the Unltied Statet, CaJifamla It.ate champbi (four tam.) and namer-: in this y.ar'a National Junior a..manupe.· Scott drlW!ll to ...... RGdt flW!rY day to tra1n w1th·1m omch. Bob Jllie m· u..,... a couple of boure dolDI "U1l1tance ....a-'' but be'• tbe ftrlt to idmlt be ~cbilil~ l\ID mouab. "I Moald nm but I dan~ ~ Thll'1 OM of the thlnp rm lax on." he admits. "I do a Jot of technique wcdt and strength work." And technique h the key. In weJahtliftina. ''?ou have to lift c:orrec:tly. 1bere are IOIDe 11.ften who are llDOOther than others. You have to cbnbm to the rules, too." The ICIOrina system ln wetght1ift1ng lan't complicated, lkOtt pomta oul "You either do It or you don't," Scott .pecta11JN In two lifta -the match and the dean and jerk. He'• lifted 231 pounda In the match and 308 ln the cleen and jerll. "l'M GOING for 248 In the match and at ie.t 314 In the clean and jerk," he aaya. While wetabtUtUna OOft.iurel up thouahta of men wiJ,h rumfve, bulglna mu8Clet 1runt1n1 and. anorttna u they llft a ~teer bar f1YW thelt ~ SCott. for onf, 1-n't pown Into IUCh an lmaee· "My coach wanll me up to 169 by Ausust." be admita. ' I 'n\at mMnl b6I brMk'Mta wery day, ~ Of Yi1anUI, p)eftty of milk and Juky steak b' dinner. . . '1 don't •t Junk food 8llY more. I inaln1Y try. to &et c:wbobydra• and caloliei." ht _.. time. I'm hwnan and I make mistakes. "But I think I'm going to buy Shaker (Moeeby) a 6eer :· UP UNTIL the ninth, the Angela had received a top performance from starter Mike Witt. But after Barry Bonnell slngled sharply to lead off the ninth, Angela Manager Gene Mauch decided it WU time to bring ln Corbett. Corbett haa not been the stopper the Angela thoua}lt they had obtained w6en they acquired him from the Minneeot:a 'lWins. Since joining the Angela, be ia 1-4 with three saves and a -6.48 earned-nm average. "The first five game1 he pitched for us he was perfect," aid a aubdued Mauch. '"!be last four outings he h.Mn't been • . good." The loss wa a bitter one fot Mauch, who thought his club was coming out of ita 9eVen-game losing streak after a victory 1\aeeday night. "rve just ~t over a week of tough loaes,' Mauch snapped. THE JAYS moved in front 1--0 in the third on Willie Upshaw's RBI groundout tha• scored Alfredo Griffin, who reached on a double. The Angels came beck to take a 3-1 lead ln the fourth on a solo home run by Don Baylor -his eighth of the season -and a two-run shot by Reggie JackBOn -h1a nlnfh· Both home.rs came against starter Jerry Garvin. Garvin gave ~ay to Roy Lee Jackson after 4 'A lnninga. Jacklon pitched effecUv,ly through the eighth before giving way to Joey McLaughlin. 3-3, who picked up the win with one inning of work. Red Sox sign . Jongewaard Steve-Jon1e_ewaard, the Fountain Valley HJgh ahortlt.op who batted .414 thia .-on. hM signed a contract with the Bostm\ Red Sax, h1a father, Dean laid Wedneeday. . JOQ&ewaard wae dM*ft in the leOOOd round by the Red Sox and WM the 46th pU.)"1' overall to be drafted Mociday. He had one home run, llX doubl• and 14 RBl thla _,.,. the Barona' leadoff bitter. Jon1ewaard batted .416 u a 1ophomore and earlled AU- Sumet ~ hanoft tbit ,_-. Thi• 1eaeon, be waa an All- Orup County eelec:Uon alMI played ln Tu .. day nl1bt•a Onnet County All..iar ...... or.._ OOUt DAILY PfLOT/Thureday, June 10. 1Ha prof its soar Nigpel firm pays dividend The nuorocartJon c.o. board of cUrecfon declared a 4 cent dividend per common 8batt peyable July 31 to atockho1den of record July 10. l'luorocarbon producee non-metallic industrial componenta for Industries auch aa petrochemical, aemicond~. OOQttrUction. medal, pollution contnll. tranaPOf1AUon, aero1pece and nuid power. It la bMed ln I..qUna Nlpl. AirCal gets image award AirCal of Newport Beach baa received an outstanding achievement award ln the "Imaae of the Year" program aporwored annually by the Career Apparel Institute, a divialon of the National AB>dation of Unifosm Manufacturers & Dlatrtbuton. The oompetition II open to finm with career apparel progJ'am.a in four categor ies: food/hotel, flnanclal/bu1ineu, aale1, 1ervice/lndu.atrlal and tranaportation. Sandie Allen is direct« of inflight eervklee at AirCal. AirCal'a flight attendant unifonnl are designed by New York fashion designer Mary MacFadden. Irvine firm wins contract CIE Sy1tema, Inc. of Irvine and General Automation, Inc. have~ a five-yeer, $50 milUoo contract for CIE System1 new 680 bt1lineml computer' systema. The a,greement ii the first major oomnct for CIE Systems since it waa formed in October M a subsidiary ot C. Itoh Electronk:9, Inc., Loe Angela. The first phaae calla for delivery of 1,000 aysteml during the tint. year, acbeduled to begin early third quarter 1982. General Automation wUl mark.et the 680-syatems under itl name ln the U.S . and ln over 40 countries. Home sales up, but. . . Callfomla home reeale activity fer April iWN rae d 14.6 percent from March, with •inale-famUy tramactiClo volume at·a n rmally adjusted annual rate of 239,996 unftl, the Ca1ifom1a Amoc:iation of Real ton amw•nced today. Despite the modest 1ncreue during the month, ~'home ule9 were 38.7 percent below thcee ln ~pril 1981 and 37 percent lower than April 1980. ''lndicationa of economic recovery are not evident from the borne resale volwnea or from the houslna industry u a whole," aaid Seb Sterpa. president ol CAR. STOCKS IN THE .SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVWGf.S NEW VOIU<IA"I l"INll Dow-.-. !WIS • .... .. ~Jut .•• ITO(XS Lotw a-Cll9 I '"" 1i ~a ..... 11• m..57-•Ai T Ji"U, .... ,.,_ UZ uui 10t.7• "'~ t:" " 11.u1 .,. m.JO-st ...................... ~ it ······················ t,..t;I .......................... ......................... ,,.,.,,. WHAT STOCKS DID MW l'OIUC IA .. ) .Ml. t Wtd. 417 "' ., ,.,, s ,., l \l7t s 112 -.t.Tl ... OM ...,,..nm&L WlllCW.CMPll 421 E t 7th St ·COlt•M ... 84&431' ... DOGGONE IT -An obviously uninterested cfos, who declined to supply his name to reporters, waa about the only Crystal Cove relident to show up Wedneeday night when ...., ......... .., ... ...,. state official• unveiled their plans for convenm, cove cottagee to pu~ uae. The meeting, (background) proceeded anyway. Oun victiID 'iilentif ied '(. \ liy police By JD'P ADI.BR Of ... Dlllr ....... Orange County Sheriff'• AbOUl the cnly Clyata1 Cove Office lnveattgatora today realdent who showed up Identified the 40-year-old man Wednesday evening at the f•'-11Y 1bot Tueeday night at unveillng of a 1tate plan for Delaney's Restaurant at John converttnc the ~. ~ to Wayne Airport u Barkley F. public u.e wu a monireI dog Hodgea, a We1tmin1ter-area who didn't appeer too int.ensted reaident. J • ln what state offidall bad to •Y· Beyond that ldentiflcatlon, The state Parks md Recr.tlon bowever, offida1a laid they ltill Department had scheduled a had no kiea what prompted the public meeting earlier in the abootlna in front of horrified week to detail its developnent byl&anden. plan1 for the 45-cottaae Sheriff'• Lt. Wyatt Hart Mid community located ar Cryltal ~-Llcuna 1*icb ~ aneeted ~ while ltate offldala from • ~ tbootlnc, Kelley RUllell Jlt*lela, 32, wH belng held Sacramento, several reporters ~t ball in 0nnp c.ounty and a representative from .Jail. Arralpment ~ A11emblywoman Marian -pendiq today or Friday. Berpson'a office waited for • Ji&l'tNfd lnvntl1ator1 are re8identa by. acme old ..,..._ ~ tn talldnc to a third near the cove'• entrance, the ' man who WU .::&:rtedly l't!9identl ne\'er' came. cfdakinlwit!rtbe md the Finally, Rua Makely, who ~ f« leVera1 houri before manaes the cottace community, . tbe lhoodng. wandered by and demanded to -11ie third, man fled when know why cottaae retidenta were J)lrieh alJeCedly shot aooa-In not Informed ol the impeodlnc ~ bad followtng a repll'ted meetinl. -.uinent. '-rhia u.-ia me,'' Makely told Hart taid otflcen Yo wish to ltate dfidak "I try to keep cool. ~with fri3htened pa~ who but this is ridnalota" ded the reataurant 1mmedia1ely MablY added that ftldclentl ~the lhoodna· want to be.r the P.-cl ~ · AD invatlpt.on have Mid IO but expected to Ill a 'flilk'1 _ ,_is that lfodaee, about whom notice ff a meet1n1 was utde • being reJ e n e cl, alumped acheduled. 1 tNW a table at Delaney's ;.-t · Al Willinger, 1pea1Uq on before doll.Da time at 9 p.m. , behalf of the Cr71tal Cove ~y, fatally wounded in bill =-..'!.~as:-= ·"'8 IUlpeCt. a aelf-emplo,.s part to try and haft a meeUnl on -..i IDUer, •t down neuiJJ. • aadl tbcl't nodce." WUJ.1naw laid that when ate offidaJa telephoned Monday to annnunce the meednc. they were told that ft _... unrrnnwehle to eJQ>eCt hotb full llDd ~time reildentl to lhow Up OD IUCb ahon notice. He added that raidenta were not boycotttna the meeting, they ~ aouldn't make it. . Nonetheleu, 1tate officials explained bow they plan to convert the cottaaea to public Ulle by 1984. P1ahl call for cottaeea to be used for overnl1ht rentala, a hoetel, rancer residences and leYfJl"al other WM. accordlnc to Lea McCar~o, chief of the d:!.ment 1 development di ' Al8o, McCaflO taid the plan calla. for three cottqa and oae other cove structure to be taken over by the atate later tbi1 IUmmel'. The three~ all occupied by part-time rerldenta, wouJa be uaed to house pa.rk ran1en, while the third bu0c"na would be converted to public rwtrocam, McCarso aald. Meanwhile , Int e rior Department 1poke1man Andy Newman aald the department will proceed with the lale of the 140 trllCtl not tncluded In the lnjuncUon, becf.ru)tna at 10 a.m. l'riday In Loa Anaelfil. NeWport'1 Mayor Heather aid abe p1ana to attend the bldd1na friday In Loi Anaelel to aet a Tract• eliminated In Juda• Hall'• rullna Ind~ the 10 cill Newport anCl ~.another 10 off Malibu'• coutline, twp off Ventura County and two oU the entrance of t he Loa An1eln- Lona Beech harbor. Cease-fire urged · Israelis readying ' I Beir.ut inv,asion By 'fte Auodaced Pren llrael bluted PLO targeta In Beirut from the -and ah' today and ~ lt!afieta warning that forces were about to 1torm the Lebaneae capital. Prealdent Reagan urgently meuaged Israel calling for a ce.e-fire in Lebanon. Ouhee flared between l.lraell and Syrian forca lsr8e1 aald it lhot down 20 more Syrian MIO. and two ... uit heficopt.en In eat.em Lebanon, where. Syria reported ltl artillery Wat due1ina wltb llraell ground fOl'CM. The llraell leafleta dropped on Bein.rt told Syrian troope to leave the d ty "within a few houn" becau.ee "we do not qitend to fight the Syrian &nny." There waa no lign the Syriam wett leaving. The Syrian state radio, meanwhile, clalmed Israeli jeta 1trafed convoy• of travelen today at a che ckpoint on ~·· nonhem border wltli 8'yria, killina 57 travelers of various natlonalltlea and WOU9d1nl 75. T6ere wa1 no Immediate llraeli conunent. If true, it would be the northernmost llraelt • au.tk In the five-day lnvulon. wblch waa launched Sunday with the ltated pl of pW>lni Palestinian forcea from the Israell border. 1 lsr8e1I jeta 1llid warships ltruck at the heart of the PLO in Lebanon, A:imdtng PLO chief Yuaer ~afat '• military <See ISR.AELJ, Paae A!) o.IJNlt ... ,.... AUCE IN LAGUNA -The Laguna Moulton Youth Theater presents "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," ott stage June 18 and 19, with a cast of 34 south Orange County youngsters. including (from left), J ennifer L ynn Henry, 5 (Alice); Jennifer Triebwasser, 9, (the Mouse) and Christian Lee, 10, as the White Rabbit. For ticket information, call 494-3338. Ballots aneoanted ., 43rd not ~f ficial yet ~ aP1*9lt winner in the 43rd ConEe11lonal District declared ; the apparent aecond place lni1her sent a· teJecnm concedlna defeat and election officJal1 Wednesday ~ final vote tabula&m, bUt. in the wards of '-ball great Yoet Berra, th1a one "ain't aver till it'• aver." Election of1lcla11 in both 0ranae and San Diego counties acknowledged We dnesday aftemoon that about 5,000 ballota remain to be counted in the two counties. However, officiall added. they have no idea bow many of the uncounted ballots are. from the 43rd a.trict. Bu.t it appean thele ballota could determhle the final outcome in the 43rd District race . in which Carllbed Mayor Ron Packard ii clinging lOI a 1llm 36-vote lead OW!!' travel-trailer tycoon Johnnie Crean for the Re~lcan nomination. thouch San Diego County election authorities said they hope to announce a ~ vote tabulation from their couiity tbil afternoon, Orange County election officiala •Y a final tally will not be reedy before Sunday, at the eerllelt. Packard couldn't be reached thia mominc for comment on the cllffhanaer of a race. Crean, for h it part, waa treatlnc the news that the raoe 1'9Ulta were not yet final rather matter-of-factly. 1'If rd have known, I wouldn't have ever .nt that (concemion.) telesra_m." be Ukl .. Ballot• remaining to be counted are either ab1entee ballot. handed ln at the poDI ~ or. are t>.Dota that. for one reMOI\ or another, were not accepted .by the computerlaed v0te--tabulating machinm uuu.d in both counti& Ro1alyn Lever, chief of election operationl in the Onncie County Regi1t1ar of Voters' Office, estimated that between 3,000 and 4,000 t.l)og remain to be tabulated. In San Dieao County, about 1,100 ballot. weren't lncluded in the "final" vote talliel announced Wedneeday mominCt ~ J«ry Mann, chl8t of ~&lam in the San Dleao County ~ cit Voter'• Office. Both offtclala empbriUed that they don't know how ......, of <S;ee RACE, Pap Al) •. t I RACE ENDED? ••. UM baUn are . from the hrd ~r. A-Rancho '-nta l'e, ~ who hAd repreeenttd the area, ii 'nMt MW~ rtaP~ 43rd retlrlnt· Dl1trlct lncludH the Oran1• CrMn, who ll Mid to have County dtMI of San Clemente, 1pent more than t&00.000 ln hll Ian Juan Capt1trano, Ml11lon election bld, w~ accuHd of Viejo anc1 m Toro. San 0&eao trytna to buy the nomi.NUon and CoUnty ~ of the diltrfct of employlnl <\uHtlonable include Carl1bad, Elcondldo, campalin tadicl. Oclanllde and Rancho Santa ll'e. cr..n•1 ca,npalp conlUltanU. W1Mft Wectn.day'• unofficial the Newport Be~ch Butcher- ,..Wta were announc.t, Packard Forde contulttnc team, were WM 1-dina with 18,438 YOtel to ICC\.Lled by Other candidatel ot. the 11.400 Pmered by Crean. mail.Ina mlaleadlnc llW.ture to TnWna. thouah not by much d.lltrict YOtera. ~ former profem1ona1 foott;;ii McColl, on the other hand, wu player and ~ IUJ1leOft ta11ed a carpetba11er 'And Bill McColl and Deborah accuaed by Crean of falaely Saebly, owner of a health IJ>&· resiateri.na to vote, alona with M.cCoU Md polled 12,389 votes membera of hi1 famlly and while M1. Szekely had won teVeral friends. 12,076. Packard, meanwhile, rah a The race for the GOP low -key camJ;>aign be nomination in the 43ni District, charactertz.ed u a 'grua roots" considered a aafe Republican effort and was never considered 1eat, wu a crowded affair with a fron~runner in the crowded 18 candidatea -the most in any field . He concentrated hla Callfomia primary this year -campaign in his home county and vytna for the norrilnation. election returns showed he ran -wrth ao many candidates. few far better there than in Orange of whom had an ettabllsbed County. political standing tn the tW04 In announcing hi• victory countl district, the campaign Wednesday morning, Packard aoon degenerated into a bitter pointed out that "there la no and often vicious contest that question the ethical problems foewled on the penonalltles of Crean and McColl got caught up the various. hopefuls. Rep. Clair in hurt them." ISRAELI ATTACKS ... beedquarten in aouthem Beirut in a four.hour bombardment. CClmmunJquee from the fLO 1aid aeveral reatden ial neiahborhooda in 1outhern Beirut were hammered by unat.ttna air -ulta that alto hit areu around ~ airport and ita bichway. 1lie PLO aaid ita force• turned back repeated Israeli attempts to land troope at Beirut airport ''We lhal1 fiaht from house to houle, from room to room!" the oftidal PLO radio declared. 'llJ'be enemy la bornbUla our camps. our women. our children. But we lhal1 fight, fight, fi2ht!" ecreemed the new9C&lter of the Voice of Palestine ~o. He alao aaid Arafat had juat ~ved an "important me91Ne" f.ro6h · 8ovlet Pttlldent Leonld I. Btedmev. He did not elaborate. Arafat appealed to Brezhnev OD Mcoday to interYene and curb the Israeli invasion. The U.S. State Department reported that ReAtaan, at a NATO lui:dmlt in West Germany, eent a me,.aae to Pritne Mlni1ter Menacbem Begin urgina an immediate ceue-fire in Lebanon. "We want a cease-fire. We want an Israeli withdrawal," R;!f!.n apokeaman Larry s aaid in Bonn. -. State uepanment spokesman Christopher RoH said In Waahlngton that Reuan was not in direct contact witli Brezhnev before eendi~ the memge to llrael, but •we repiain, aa always, in contact with the Soviets on a wide range of t.uea..• &raeU Cabinet Secretary Dan Meridor in Jerwialem aakl Belin replied to the Reagan meaaae. but did not cti8cloee the contents of the respome. brael radio said u .s. Secretary ot State Alexander M . Haia Jr. would travel to the Middle East on Friday and shuttle between Jerusalem and Dunucua aeeking a ceue-fire. American offici.ala in Bonn said there were no firm plant for such a trip. Reagan'• 1pecial Mideaat eDVO¥! PbWp Habib, la already ahutWng between the Israeli and Syrian capitals. ' Saudi Arabia's foreign minJst.el', Prince Saud al.:Faiaal, flew to Bonn, meanwhile, for baaUly arranged talks with Reagan and other Western leaden about the MideMt crilla. The Saudi news~ aaid that Arab kingdon pledged "all our material, military and diplomat.le resources" to back Lebanon and the PLO. 81 TM AIMCtattd Pnu Brltain aald today dHplte heavy .v..ntane foll' atudcl that k1l1ed at lellt U ttOOpl lt WM atlll prepared to1 retake the Falkl&ndl capital of Stanley. Brttl1h Oefenae Secretary John Nott ~ to dlvulae the full extat ot. Brttllh c:uualUet ln Tuelda)'•a wave of Afpntlne alt attaclm ln UM J'alklaridll. •Y1nl the information "c:ould be ol Ullltance to the enemy ... Nott told the Kouae of Commorw ln London at teat llx Briuah 1ervicemen were killed and five wounded ln the bomblnl attacka in which three landlftl craft and a fripte were damaaed. But Nott Mid the a1r strikes had ''not prejudiced'' the plant of task force commander RMr Adm. John Woodward to recapture Stanley, defended by an estimated 7,000·7.~ Argentine troops. There had been 1peculation the Araentlne air attacka mtght delay the British a11ault on Stanley further. In addlUon to the air at.tack.I, Argentina aaid lta troops also repelled a frontal attack on their main defeme line. "Thia la obviously aome setback. But untll we have aaaeaeed the lltuation, we do not know how much um will change our plans," the commander of Britain's Gth Infantry Brlode, Brig. Tony Wllaon, told a reporter after Argentine alr atri.kea 1et two blg landing ahips crowded with troops afire and damaged the frigate Plymouth and a small landing craf.t. Betty Heckel memorial trees planned The work of Laguna Beach environmentalist Betty Heckel will be recognized by the plantln& of a iJ'OVe of sycamore and oak trees. The Laguna Beach Cify Council appto.;ecf euch a move Tl= night in honor of Mn. H wfio died of cancer May 26 at her Laauna home. Mn. Heckel WU instrumental in Preeervini Sycamore Hilla as part of the Laiu.na ereenbelt .. well .. obtainina AlilO Beach Park in ~th Lqµria '°' &be pubUc and °' ......... a.vei.o--... t ot Main ~P~k. .--~ The trees will be planted in an area bordered by the propoeed San (Jmguin C«rklor, Laguna Canyon Road and El Toro Roed. ·Fair days ah~ad . Fronta: Cold .,.. wwm .,. Occluded w.-SCatlONfv •• 12 AedWood~ A 40 ~· eo ..... 48 Sen~ 113 ,. Sen ,,elldlco 50 51 ....,....,.,.,.. 51 a.nee Mll1e .02 8todc10fl M TMmlll Uklllfl SUCCUMBS -Ba1il Peterson, founding president of Orange Coast College, has dJed at 74. Dr. Basil Peterson, _74, dead BY CHARLES B. LOOS OfllieDllJ ........ Buil H. Petenon. the foundlna president of Oranae Coaat Colleae who waa known nationally aa "Mr. Junior College," la dead at the age of 74. Dr. Peterson, • realaent of Walnut Creek aince hla retlrement from OCC lo 1964, died in a oonvalelcent hoapttal Tueaday. He had been W f« aome time. Private aervice9 were conducted today. Dr. Peterson auided the development of Oranae Cout Colleae in Costa Meu from 1947 to 1964. Beaidea beina the colleae't first president, be WU the nm superintendent of what. is now the CoHt Community College Dlatrict. It WU under hit leaderahlp that plann.lng began for the district'• eecond camJ>\IS. Golden Weat Colleae ln HWlUngton Beach. Golden Weat opened in 1966, shortly after h1a retirement. Bandit gets $5,000 gem in Laguna Laauna Beach police are .eeldna a man who fled a jlrwelry store Wedneaday attemoc.\ wtth a d1amodd necklace valued at more than $5,000. Police aaid the man entered Cini Jewelry, 867 South Coast Hiabway at about 1:30 p.m. and asked to aee the. aold-chain necklace with 15 small dWnonda in tbe center. When the clerk paued the necklace to the man, he turned and fled out the store and aodth on the hJahway on foot. Wltne11ea aald the blond- baired man wore a ttd T~ with the name of a popular Enaeoada cantina on the back, brown corduroy trouaera and tennis ahoea. . He Stood six feeh tall, and wu deteribed aa about 24 years of age. BYTOMMU~. or .. ...,,..._ A Brltllh Broadcutinl Corporation radlo corrapondenl 1)1.1.ni.d a vtvld word pcture of !lre, e>f~ona and re1CUe efforu WedMida'I nJaht when a Britilh landtn1 opeutlon at the Falkland• came under heavy Arlentlne a1r attack. 'nw BBC Mid Britilh forces had OM landlnl_ thlp aunk and two othen abandoned. The correapondent, In a ahortwave brolMbat monitored on the Oranae Cout at ~:15 p.m., deearibed reecue operations on the 6,674-ton 1and1na ahip. SlJ! Galahad end Sir Trtltram. which were hit by enemy bombs. "The .. arot,md Sir Galahad blcmomect tn cnnae dota aa the men took to llferafta," the ~t aakl. •1Helicoptera. which had been movina atorea, bePn re.cuing the men from the water. "There waa ex plodlna ammunition. It IOUnded like a 1mall battle aoina on . Occuionally, there waa a J.a.raer . ~lollon. 'One helicopter waa completely Jolt ln a black emoke cloud u lt -repeatedly attempted to winch a man from the water. , Ocean adventure camps, spoqsored by the Orange County Marine Institute in Dana Harbor, begin June 11, with one and two-week prosrama. Participants will collect marine life and explore the mlcro1copic world of ·~· creatures, with instructors lneluding marine biologiatl! •Ceramics and pottery clueea are being offered this summer for the first tlme , with cooperation of the Laguna Beach Arta Commi11ion, the school district and the city'• Recreation Department. Creative Ceramics, for youngsten 6 to 13, wW be tawzht on Wedne9daya from •IAmerican Leiion Poet 222 in Lagu.-ia Beach will celebrate Flag Day Monday with a abort "Pauae for the Pledge" ceremony at 1 p.m. The brief tribute will be held at the Veterans •South Orange County Munlcip,al Court Judge IUeUnl BamUtoa will 1peak on the'court system Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Laguna Be.:h. . CONCORD ronunately, tbtre were ahSpe b where bellcoptera the men then turned bac o 11arch for more IW'\liYQl'I, "In the rnklli ot. all of thla, there wu another alr raid. The 'men worked on. The aurvtvcn were unhurt but ahlken, ttOl" weartn1 &heir llfejacketa and oranet aurvtval .Wta -W. who had bad time to put them on." The BBC reporter aaid &he te8Cue9 took plaCe in freezhW rain and rm:uen went back to the ICeM ap1n and .,.m. ,.,,,e air attaca abowed that the Araentine Air Force la still t.o be reckoned wlth, •• a BBC commentator aaid. The Britiah broedcMt did not detail any official report of 1c9es or damlae· It did quote Araentlne IOW'Ce9 In Buenos Aires u uying the • British suffered heavy lcme. OI) the beach at Fitzroy and Blutt Cove, about 12 m1lee eouthwest of Port Stanley. The Argentine milltary Jpokesman was quoted u uytng lhe Brltlah had landed 2~000 troops when Argentine warplanea attacked. water safety inatructonl and teachen. , . ~ The camp provides recreation, games, swimming , instruction, sea snacks ana ocean experiences. Cost ls $96 per week and classes run from June 21 tnrouah Ju-ly 30r For registration ¥onnation, call 494-1253. 10 \o 11:30 a.m. c.a.t ia $20 for five ie.ona. Pottery and band-built ceramics claaaea will be taught Tuaday. from 6:30 to 9 p.m. for thoee over 14 years of age. The he ia $28 for five le9>na. For more information, call 497-3311, ext.'201. Memorial Community Center, at Legion and Catalina Streets, and wlll include citations for several individuala and buainenea who display the American flag on a regular bula. The JQeetin& wW be held at St. Mary's Epixopal Church: 428 Park Ave., and will include wine and cheeee. A WATCH CAN NEVER BE TOO TlilN. J : ' • L Hilltop property can help finance schools 1Acuna BNch Unlfied School Diatrlct truateea are f()rmlnt _• oommUnlty &Mk force to •xPlc:n the molt profitable way to dillioM ol. about 11 acree of hWtop land that I.I aurplua property to the dlltrtct. 'Ibat lO•member panel would be composed of City Council members, achbol board repre1entativea, members of a previous 1urplu1 property commt"-hilltop residents and two ratdent&-at-large. , The committee will be charged with trying to determine the nwc:imum revenue that eould be derived from aale1 lease or exchange of the property, located at the interaection of Park Aven~ and Alta Laguna Boulevard. The property la zoned for rmdential use, with many of the lojl overlooking the panoramic SaddlebAck Valley. Th• achool dlltrict purchuld the 11 acret ln 1810 for '32&,000 and unoffidal ..umaw put the value of the property at 10 Umet that today. The d11trlct can use the revenue °'-t would be pnerated by sale, leue or exchanae of the property. For one thing, it ta unlikely the ~ wtll ever be needed for a future achool, given the dlltrict'1 shrin.k1ng student enrollment. For another, the d.latrict h4ll steadily lost revenue from It.ate, local and other IOW'Cel while •till holding onto a gold mine of real estate that is currently supporting only weeds. The task force should be fonned quJckly and get to the job of profitably disposing of the Alta Laguna property. . Nuclear protection Laguna Beach has launched a concerted campaign to get the city included in the emergency planning zone for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The City Council has acted to seek Nuclear Regula tor y Commission endorsement that would extend the radius of the emergency zone to include Laguna Bea~cch. instead of the current 10-radius. e council is alao askiruz the NRC to require the Soutliern California Edison Co. and other operators of the~ to provide money to Laguna to be Uled for warning equipm,nt and for evacuation planning and practice drills. In addition, the ctty•a resolution seeks an NRC regulation that would ~uire all salety procedures, includin.g an appeals proceea for the unlta at San Onofre, to be completed before the units are allowed to operate with nuclear fuel The council ret0lution also aab for a re-evaluation of the status of Laguna Beach as a shelter area -tomething the city contends was done without consultation with Laguna offlciala. Later this summer, the City Council will OONlder aettina up a panel to draft a "realistic'' dlaalter plan. The ret0lutiona approved by the City Council are a fint step ln what surely will be a lengthy task of preparing the dty in event of a nuclear accident. I Quick-thinking hero . I Laguna Beach dty employee and her mother on the boardwalk. John O'Hara earned the hero title apparently oblivious to the danaer last mmith when he rillmd hll maYtng toward them at 10 mOet own life to stop a runaway car per hour. that was heading for at least two Disregarding hla own safety., pedestrians. O'Hara )4mped irr front of the O'Hara, a parka maintenance moving car, pulled open the worker, received a resolution from driver's door, slid behind the the City Council lauding his wheel and brought the vehicle to a life-uving effort and praising his stop before it could get to the quick th.inking. · boardwalk and its pedestrians. !l' h e 2 6 -ye a r -o 1 d c i t y O'Hara downplayw his heroics employee was working in Main with a shrug, saying it waa not Beach Park May 13 when a that big a thiJii. runaway car containing two men The City Council thought jumped the curb on South Coast otherwise, as did ieveral wttne.el Hlchway and rolled toward the and the mother of the girl on the boardwalk. sidewalk. We join them in uylng O'Hara spotted a little girl. "well done!" to Johll O'Hara. • Qplnlons expresMcs In the space above •re those of the DAiiy Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment ts lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mew, C~ 9'2626. Phone (714) 6'2·432t. ~.M. Boyd/ Cav!ty fighter Rnearcben at Guy'• Hoepital in London aoaked human teeth in 14 aolutiom, lncludln1 fruit juice and beer. The teeth In the fruit juice develOPed cavities. The teeth in the . beer didn't. The brewery boya are trykia to figure out what they can do whb thAI fancy fact. Q. Do poultry farmer• vaccinate Chkbnl? A. Some do. But thole who know thlb' cbkkena aay It'• be9t to vacclnate m...-. • What color do you J>refer for a bomehold telephone? Moet popular cbolce Of late ii 90]d. In buatne.es, hOW.wr, tillCk la on top. Detroit Public Libruy aay ita 1.17 apedfic cravtty .. only 10 to 20 percent 1reater than that of the ocean•. Quest.Ion aroee • ta whether it would be poaaible to drown in Great Salt Lake. P°'8ible, yet. But not likely . You fto.t there niftily. Q. Did you •Y tbt corncob pipe WU invented by one man? 1 thou1hl it ortatnallY WM jult a homemade aort of 1mokin1 contraption carved with a pocket knife by au IOl'1I of men. A. You're l'llOtt, but it w• one man, Henry Tlbbe Ol .Wahlnaton, Mo., who manufactured the fint Mach pipea for tale. In 1872, that WM. Maybe you've ""' that yellow11h ~ cob' on 101De tennis belll now \.a by man,y..,... lt'aex.IC\ly the Color' that npel1I ., .. the meat for c:an. ·Communiiy college fees? The po91bility that feee wW be levied on the more than one m11llon community college •tudenta 1oome larae u =ton struggle to balance the 10'82-83 t. Thia waa seen in recommendat ona made by the California Poetaecondaty :Education Commmton to increaae feea at the Unlvenlty of California and the state college 1y1tem but with additional financial aid to needy atudenta. THE COMMISSION reoommendationa, adopted by an 11 to 2 vote, did not include the community collegel in their fee recommendations but did c.n for an $80 million cut in the sta te'a allocationl to them. Thia was aeen by community ~Ue1e representatives u opening the door to feee. In' any event the report 1ee1m to pit the community colleges againat toe university and ~;lieges, the latter two both · feee while the Callfomla community co ~ aaid to be the 1aat free cone.. in the nation. The recommendaUona certainly place before the Lepl.ature the often aaked queatlon of why students must paJe:: the u.niverllty and at.ate coDea-for tlca1 oounes that can be obtained free at the community collegee. Funding for the two-year colleges currently costs the atate more than $1 blllion annually or two-thirds of their total budgeta. While the report suggested ) . EAll llTlll only an '80 million cut, lt would appMr that the colle1ea could absorb a 20 percent alalh in state funding with little dlffk:ulty. Thia la aeen in the atatement by Patrick Callan, cOmm1llion director, that recreational programs In the colleges, auch u Joai.n11.account for 20 percent of the OOW'MI pmd tor by the state. Enrollmenta at the community colleges •have e~ ~tly in recent yeara u the two-year college9 have reached out into the '10ID!Dunlty to provide many pro1ram1 which do not lead to the four-year college d~. How; to benefit-f rolll To the F.d.ltor: Just a few words ln defeme of the Dial-A-rude l)'Stem. I work for DAB out of Anaheim. We 1trYe the eut and north Orange County areal. Our phones never rtnc more than two times before they are answettd and our MAILBOX drivers (from all the nice remarks the cuatomen paaa on to nae) are very coW1eoUs. 'lllere ia no ~ to be treated otherwise. Our manager and h.la excellent staff keep our office n.uuUng mnoothly. U there la to be a delay, the potential pueenaer ia advi8ed of thil ., be or ahe can dedde if it ii worth waldna that Joag. TO INSURE the beat and quidtest 9erVice pomible the customer can help by: 1. Call well in advance of delllred pickup time. 2. Be accurate with addreaa. 3. Be there at the stated time 4. Be aure the building number ia visible from the street. 5. Call to cancel if you man,e your mind. 6. Have the correct cl\anae -~ centa for handicapped, ~O centa for 8elliorl, $1 for others -or have your pua ready to lhow 1he drtwr. Dlal-A-Rlde 11 a pat convmlence foe Iota of people -lellior dtlJlem, achoo1 children. wotkinl people, aboppen - 'anyone who needl a ride, just about anywhere. The price ia Jiaht, too. Try it, you may love it! PENNY JENKINS the univeralty, land granta tor cultural J>W'PC*S, donatlona to many dvic and service group1, and charitable fund.I dhburaed through the Irvine Foundation. Oun ii an enviable community u a result of excellent planning by The Irvine Company. National magazines auch u Fort\me and Time, as well aa numerous foreign joumall have given the company the utmost prai8e for their ell~ Local yisiton to foreign countriee may find urban and suburban communities patterned after what in the beginnlng WU ctteted. here, tncludihg cooUnerciAI complexes and modem shopping cent.en. On my desk, aa I write this, ls a aJkk paper publication showing many 1CeM11 of Newport Center and Fashion laland published in Japan. I thank you foe printiQI thia leuer and auaest to readerl of tfiJa forum that Mn. AlJen'a letter WU sadly J.ackina in f.acta with no mention of the reuona her hUlband WU terminated.. Rm JONES Noise logic baffles . I As long u theae 1chooh w"'l supported largely with local funds llM! legialaton were not concerned with -u,e 1 ofleringa. but with the flnancial cnD1IOh ln state revenues and the increuidg amounts betnc provided the c:olleaea by \ the state lince pu11ge of PropolldOn 18, the lawmakers ~ oentertnc more and more attention on the coJ.Jeae funding. . THEY ARE ALSO bothered by tile contentlqna of the coJIUnlalon that tbe community college• serve mostly tile more affluent ratn~r than thoee frolD poor and minority beckgroundl. Callan said that while the report waa mainly for the purpose of allowing l.ncreaaed f~ at the university and stale colleges, it WU also intended to provoke some aemlble long-range planning an the question of student feel. Whatever the outcome, even with fetS, the costs of education at California'• pub~ supported imtitutlona of higher leaming will ltill be a bupin. Lat.est reports shaw that the bMic fees for tuition, room and board, at Stanford, Harvard, Yale and Princeton now exceed $11,000 a year. ' - noise of John Wayne Airport, thecountj freely admita that the DC-9-80 ~ readings are loudet than the older jeta 'f these two noiae monitoring stations. How Mr. Martin can then tum around and say that theee two locations, which absorb the vast majority of the no&t generated from John W-.yne Airport are somehow baaicallf unimportant becaust they allegedly are "on the periphery of the takeoff pattern, and not truly Indicative of the overall airpor~ ope ration•" la nothing short of incredible! The most Incredible part of Mr. Martin's statement i.s that he implies that the other remaining noise moni~ stations are somehow the important; main-stream noiae stations. Upon clQ!leJ examination, one finds that most of the9e other stations are located ln such "strateckally" ~ sensitive areas al the Santa Ana Office/Commercial area, the Santa Ana Induatrial Complex. the f Irvine Industrial area, two points near t the-back. bay bird aanetuary, and several - near the end of the runway. But only two of theee are located anywhere near alzable, retddentlal populatkln areaa. ROBERT CONKLIN So-long, iJacques! f To the Editor: It's bard to believe that u yet no one) bas covered the saddest event ~ at Fashion Ialand! J .C. Penney _ known as Jacques Penr.ee la leaving). ) ' This •tore WM well-lowd by the town. ' I Who could -duplicate the ~ ~ (and lta prices). It waa fun to abop the •tore and find itema that were not IOld eltew~. fl did not hurt odtei' ltarw- lt waa a drawtna card for tbeni. IT CERTAINLY did not delr:llde the Lma1e of Fashion bland; count the l Meu-.. In lta partd.na Jot ~ own cme too). 'Palk to the pe~ple who know PenneJ'• a~ Alk the dmW what tlw W-.DW9 .. .,..... The w..11 Of ·~~ I mw hmrd II that tt.y Wirdd.raaa.t ... _,act.-....... 1'tle lrvlm Oejaitriy .. daiw it= TtwN wm ...,.. be the -=.= ~"'LGaod ....... ~llWllAVDB $ The actaon• or two Irvin• Ulilfili!l 8cbool Dlltrtct ~ •, • ::.I • r • l r • b • n 1 l b lt • • ' ~Wint and ... violation of publle wuat, 11 clalmed anf.y f cttbeu who bave deman ed ' thMI' ,....tlcna. I• The ~ directed -.i t J!!Hwbeth ~IM" 8'm11 and John N1kaokA ! 1 !Irvine's i 1 jmui:al tr •1 d ~unve1 e . ' . ·By SANDIE JOY or .. ...., ........ Amidst threat• of protest• l•\hat would upset the entire Irvine community," the controvenlal Irvine High School ~ WU hUJll today befare students aot to IChool. The threa t1 came at a ltandina .. room..only meeUna of the IrviDe Unlf.led School Dlltrict ~rd Wednesday. Disgruntled cithena also demanded ~t the ume meet1n1 that two board members resign because of alle1ed mJec:onduct in a City CO'mdl campaip. 41be baud unanlmoualy aareed to hana the mural today ana eech member pnl8ed the 17 student murali1ta for completln1 the pro~ vote came after-the boerd heard testimony from mural opponents and sup~rs and viewed a llkle ma. oo the mural prepared by ICboo1 offlctele -lion than a half 4cmsi mural op]>obentl contended the ailWork ., .. ndat and warned lta banatna would relUlt in ndal ltl"lfe. ~ the mural .-up." 11!'4 ~ .., ..... there'll bi , ..... , ......... ln lran& of ,... • .blah .chool. You haven't IND =~~=~~"~ • Ammbn tndiUoD." Dr. Honce Mltcblllt -mate dem of the UC l'.mDe Medk:al School. laid. ''The b1tdt ... ii ln fact offemlve to a ••fbnt number of students. parents and communi\Y, resldenta, and the ci-= Dom the~ live a He added, "Irvine High School " not re9dy for the rDura1 . . • becaa• rwtiom . . . lndkate there 11 an atmoapbere of bqsUlity and ncia1 9'rife that CJlf}y will be tntemlfted if the mural ta hunc." • Complaints aboUt the 48-foot dlin.l have fOC'wed on a panel in ~ Ku Klux Klan rnemben 'ild flames are depleted ....,_tminelY over tortured bi.ck ~ t • \ • . "The mural, which ii themed ~World-One People, .. "la a ~ that lfva a m I ••" ~d trCI SoCloloay Profe.or O-Orr.,:Oberta wbo Nid be .-pa with bis co1Jeecuee, '*' dlf.fen from them~ be believe. the mural 1hould be ~· 11The mural ii an excellent projection of harmonious r•latlonablp in a dlver1lfled poup.'' Roberta eakl. Ted Glenn, whme aon, David. ii me ol the munl.llea, uraed the biOild to bane the artwcri. . , "If the mural Wiii ...-itllld without ~~iita&lon of the I ... of blaclel." be -kl. "it ~indicate this didn't~ ind that would be a lie." I COlJNT~ Irvine inYesti~tes . crossing_ hazara .... / Irvine dty offldU are tryinC to aolve an apparent traffic buard involving junior h.lch 1tudenta cro1~~ Irvine Boulevard at Palo to attend Sierra Vt.ta Middle Scboo1 With no traffic lianal, CIOMnJk or road .... at that intertection, 80IDe Rorthwood parents have raised coneerna about potential ~enta that may ~ aa more and-mare lo~n·~~eu crou Irvlne .Boulevard, which ii a ~ mlJ.e... J>l!."hOUr :mne. Tboullb the ltuden1a can Cl'09 Culver ""Drive or Yale Avenue, which have cro11walka and traffic •r••, most prefer the mn direct Palo Lado Crallilnl to the .um.led 10-m&oute walk to the other int«~ 8CCClldina to SlilrTa Viata prfndp.t ~ Holmes. At a Qty c.oundl ::$24:'hl!I last month, pua19 ~for a traffic atpal at Palo l.ado. But the ~bawa~C.,of $100.000 and it t.u. man than llbt ........ to ....a tbml. Pumtl ....... thM thit~ could be m bJ WL I etudents crom lrvtDI Boulevard at Palo Lado. N•:.z:r, be noted. ne.rly 200 ta AN expected to Cl'09 the .a.t. School district and dty of6dall -ar-ee that a pmnted Crc.walk Would only live a fUe 1e111e of · eec:urlty beca&.-ol the b1lb rate of apeed of vebk'Vkr tr.it1c on Irvine BouleYard. '1t r.lly would be haDrdoul to put a cro11walk ln there without a .:11.t.... laid IJclme9. '"The .,unt thin& wre aotna to do ii try to educate the kids Clll the_,. ways ot. .U. to .moot., Irvine Police Odel 1..-o Peart bas w.ritten a letter to one concerned parent indicating that students are not vlolatlna traffic law• by cro11ln1 frvlne Boulevard at Palo IAdo. Both Peen and ruhUc Worb Department director C. Brent Muchow laid the belt immediate IOlutlon .ii but tramport8tioft. .. The city obJ:!lve i1, lf ~mil be to make it .afer, we're 10~1 to do lt," Muchow said. of the Jileo on the envelope and encloeect letter mit by Naboka•1 campatan •taff deceived rectplentl into thlnkln1 they were recelvlnf 1omethlnJ • dHUn1 with o flclal tchoo ~. They a1ao contended 10me o ~·· Slcoll'• 1tatementt ln the letter were .. fraudulent," lnclud.fna the implication that the Clty Counoll ll involved with· .:hOol fund!na· The lpe&k.en weld d'9 othlr board member• to publicly cenaare Ma. Slcoll and N1ktdu. They alao uked for a publlc lnvettiption of the matter. Cf!ase-fire urged Israelis readying 'Beirut invasion _, BJ 'fte AIMdaW Preti Israel blMted PLO taraeta in Beirut from the a'"lnd a1r today and ~ leaflets wamina tMt ~ were about to atorln the Lebaneae capital. Pre1ldent Reasan ur1ently m .... aect Israel c*1llila for a . c-.-&e ln Lebeoon. a_.... flared between llrMl1 and Syrian fOl'Cel. bnlel aid It , shot down 20 more Syrim MlGt and two ... ult l)elicopterl in eutem Lebanon, when Syria reported lta r=:Wlll dueling wfth i.-11 fOl'Cel. n. 1.-aell dropped 00 Beirut told Syrian troopa to leave the dty "within a &!w hours" beca&.-"we do not intend to fleht the Syrian army." There wae DO lip the Syriana were Jeavtnc. The Syrian state radio, mMDWbOe, dabned laneli JN strafed convoys of travelers today at a checkpoint on Lebenm'• nol1bern barder wtab Syria, lrilllhC 57 t.ravelen o1 varioua nat.ionallU•• and wvundlnl ?G. There wa1 no Immediate ' llneli •u1WMt. If true, it ..ould be the nortbernmoet llraeU au.ck in the f!ve-cky lnvlllion, which wu launched Sunday with the atated pl o( pwhm, Paleatlnlan forcea from the bnlell border. . . Irvine eyes city's first budget cuts A prOl>C*d 1982-at operatinl tJudaet for Irvine ~ -for a ! percent cuta.ck in j:lty ependinc -the fine ~ reduction in the dty'1 hll&cll'y. • Oty M.aN11et William Woollett Jr. laid bis. budelt zequlnl tfw cute because of reduced development fees ind expected reducdom in state and federal srana Hll new budawt •ta a spmd•nc limit at t19.5 nilmlm ooms-ect to thia ,...,. elttmated budallt of t2>.1 mUllon. The new f:laca1 ymi blalmJ~L ~ The Irvine Qty CO''""" will review the btldaet at a apedal meedna. at 7:30 p.m. 'l'\.eday at City Hall. After makln1 mocllfJeatlon11 the council ii upectld to adopt the budawt at its June 22 JDeednC. l'our planners in the city'• Community Developm•nt ~ llWlt would be Wd oft, ~ to the tJudalK. 'l'blny· two=• are lmoCUd out of tbit but 28 ~ .... v..11. IaneU jets and wanh.lpe struck at the heart of the PLO in Lebwo, f:i'~ PLO chief Yauer ~afat1 military beadquarten in 80Utbern BeinJt in • four-hour bombardment. Communiques from the PLO 11aid hveral re1lden tlal nei1hborhood1 in 1out~ern Beirut were hammered by unabatfna air awaulta that ai.o hit areee around the alrpon and lta highway. The PLO Mid its (See JSRAEU,. Pase Al) 'Loser' eoneedes ·43rd~ District race ' .,, may not be ended By JEFF ADLER OftMD!llJ ......... '1be appuent winner in ~ 43rd Con1rettlonal District declared victory; the apparent second place flnl1ber 1ent a teJeal'am oonced1ng defeat and election offlclal1 Wedneaday reportecl_ ftna1 vote tabulatkllw. but, in tbe wordt of bMeball areat' YCl8l Bina, this one .. ain't <NS Ull ft'1 OYW." SlecUon of flclal1 in both Oranae and San DteF c:ou.ntiee acknowled1ed Wedneaday aft.emoon that about 5,000 ballots remain to be counted In the two countlea. However, offlcial1 added, they have DO idea how many ol the UDCIOunted ballotl are from the 43rd ~ But lt •J>P.l!an tbele bellota could detelmine the final outcome ln the 43rd District nee in which Carfabed Mayor Ron Packard ll clinging to a allm 36-vote }M(i O\'el' travel-trailer' ~.t!~ for the ~~ San Dleao C.OUOty election authorities said they hope to announce a f.1nal vote tabulation from their county thia afternoon, Oranae County eJec:don offlclak aay a final tally will not be re.dy before Sunday, at the earllelt. PIClwd couldn't be reeched thia ~ for cmmnent on the cliffhanaet' of a nice. Crean, for bl• part, wa1 treatinc the new1 that the race raulta were not yet final rather matt.er..of ·facU)'. "If rd have~ I wouldn't have ever eent that (conce91lon) teiesram." hit said. . Ballot• remajnina U> be counted are eitler ab1entee balioe. banded in at the po1la Tu.lay or are• t>aDot. that, for one ....a11 or another, were not accepted bf the computeri.led vote-tabulatana maddnet utlllled ln both coundea. RoHlyn Lever, chief of election opentioaa in the Oranae County l\e1i1trar of Votert' . omc.. ........ that between a.ooo ~ 4,000 ba1lotll noM11n to be tabulated. In San Diego O>unty' about 1,100 ballota weren't included ln the ''final" vote talJJel announced Wectne.lay mom&nc. said Jerry Mann, chief of operations ln the San Diego County Beglstnr of V oter'I Offil;le. Both offtda1e emphMbed that they don't know bow man.v of (See RACE, Pase Al) Gun :victiJD identified by police Oran1e County Sheriff'• Office investigators today Identified the .0-year-old man fatally lhot Tueeday nilbt at Delaney'• Restaurant at Jolqs Wayne Airport u Barkley 'f'. Hodges, a We1tmin1ter-area IWlkient. Beyond that identification, boWe\'er, offJdala said they atU1 had no idea what prompted the shooting ln front of horrified bystmden. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart IUd the LacUna Beach man arrested in the ahooUna, Keney Rumen Daniell, 32, was· bein&. held without ball in Onnee County Jail. Analpment proceed1Jlll are pendlna today or Friday. Hart Nfd lnveetiaaton are .- lniere.ted in talklna to a third man who waa reportedly drinldnc with the victim aM the aMpeCl for .wn1 hou.n befCft the lhoodna. Hart eald officen .. wt.b to ' talk with friahtened .-cram·who fied the reltaunmt l,,.;;e.Metely faUowinc the ahoatinc All mY9tlplian bi'W 11111 10 far • that ~ .... 1'timD little ii beinc M' 1111.f ...... OYW a table at ~ .Jui!t before clollna time at • p.m; ~. fatally wocmcl8d ID .. heed. ... b&Uo'8 .,. from th.I. ~3rd I*trtet. • The newly Napportknid 4ard Dt1trlct lnoludH the Oran11 County dU. ot San a.nii\t., Ian Juan Capl1trano, Mlulon Va.JD and D Toro. San a.,. C.OW.ty P!M'tiOl'9 of th.I d1ltrfot tnolucle Carl1bad, Slcondldo, ~ and Bancho Santa J'e. When Wedrwlday'1 unofadal r.ultt w... annow"*l. Padwd .,, .. ....,, wtth 13tfM votee to die 18,400 pmered DY c:r.ua. I ~ thoulb·not by much, ...... fcli'rMr. Jll'O~ foott.11 DlaYW a orthopedic awaeon Bill MoColl and Deborah =· owner of a health 1pa. bad polled 12,389 votee while M1. Saekely had won 12,076. The race for the GOP nominatiol\ in the .f3rd Diltrict, con1idere4 a aafe Republlcan leat, WU a crowded· aff.a1r with 18 calldidatee -the most in any Callfcfrnla primary th.la year - vytna for the non:ilnaUon. -wrth '° many cand.idatee., few of whom had an e1tabll1hed political 1tanding in the two- county diatrict, the campaign aoon depnerated into a bitter and often ~ cont.est that fOCUlled on the pencnalities of the varioua. hopefula. Rep. Clair JIW1lener, l\·1\ancho Santa J'e, w.Ao had reprtMni.cl the UM, ii rttlftnl. Crean-; who ta Mid t.o have •pent more than t&00,000 ln hll 1lectlon bid, wa1 accund of tr'Ylna to buy the nominadon and o( employtna que1tlonabl1 campajcn tactice. Creal\'1 cam~ oocwultanta. the Newport Beach Buteh•r- forde con1ultln1 team, were bt -~ candida• ot m1t1ead1nl literaturt to VOterl. I 11, on the other hand, WM taaa•d • carpetbaaaer and accuaed by Crean of f alaely recilterlna to vote, a1ona wtth membera of ht1 family and teVera1 friende. Packard, meanwhile, ran a low-key camoaign be characterb:ed u a r.lfUI root.'' effort and WM never C01111deted a boont-runner in the crowded field. ae concentrated hit campaign in bis home county and 1 election returns showed he ran far better there than in Orange County. In announcinc hie victory Wedneeday morning, Packard pointed out that "there ii no question the ethical problems Crean and M<.<:oll got caught up in hurt thetn. .. ISRAELI ATTACKS. · .. forces turned back repeated braeli attempta to land troops at Bel.rut airport. I "We ahall fight from hoU8e t.o bOUle, irom room to room!" the official PLO radio declared. . "The enemy ii bombing our camps. our women, our children. But we shall figbt,.Jight, fiaht!" .cre.med the newacaaw of the Voice of Palertine radio. Re Do aid Arafat had jult received an "important meeaage" from Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev. He did not elaborate. Arafat appeldecl to Brezhnev on Monday to intervene and curb the Israeli invasion. • The U.S. State Department reported that Reagan. at a NATO aummlt In West Germany, sent a m,1aa1e to Prime Mln~ater Mtnacheni Begin urging an iJrlmedlate ceue-fire in Lebanon. "We want a eeue-ftre. We want an laraell withdrawal," R;!f!.n 1pokeeman Larr'y s Mid ln Bonn. ·State ·0epa11ment 1pokesma.n Ciir\1top .. er Ron uid in WllhinatGO that ..... WM not in direct contact wttli Brezhnev befoft ~ the me.age to ltrael, but 'we remain, aa alway1, in contact with the Soylet1 on a wid.e range of ..._ .. • Israeli cabtpet Secretary Dan Meridor in Jeruaalem uld Besin replied to the Reagan memace. but did not dilclcwe the contenta of the respome. 1srae1 ~.s. Secretary of State M. Ha1a Jr. would travel to the Middle 1!:ut on Friday and shuttle between Jerusalem and Damucus eeekl.ng a oeue--f.ire. American officlall in Bonn aald there were no firm plans for aucb a trip. . Reaaan's special Mldeaet enyo)'! Philip Habib, ii already ahuttllng between the Israeli and Syrian capital&. Saudi. Arabia'• foreign minister, Prince Sa1,&d al-Fatal, flew to Bonn, meanwhile, for hastily arrabged talk1 with Reagan and other Weetern lHden about the MideMt t'rilia. The Saudi newa ~ laid that Arab k:inadc>o Pled&ed "all our mat.erial. military arid dipkmadc ~· to back Lebanon and the PLO. Syrian force• have become increaein1ly drawn into the Lebanese fJghttna u ltraelt forces neared Beirut and the Bekaa Valley to the eaet, a stronghold of the $)11.an fOl"C*. that went into Lebanon in a peecekeeptna role fo1loWlng the 197~76 !.eb8neee dvil war. BJ TM Auecla-' PNll B~ltaln tatd toda&.::;plte ::ri.:i Arlendne Ill' a tlaat at 1-at U tl'OOPI tt WIS 1011 prepared to retake the J'alklanda caD&tal ot Stanley. Brltt1h Detenle Secreiary John Nott Nf\.-d to !1• the fU1l m.nt of Britilb ~ in 'l'ulldq1 waw ol ArllftdM air atiacka tn the J'tlk......_ •Y1na the tnformaUon "could be ol Uliltancl to the enemy.'' Nott told the Hou11 of Commons ln London at leut ax Brttlth tel'Ykemell were killed and flve wounCled tn the bomblna attlldll 1n which three 1andinl craft and a flip .. were damapd. But Nott aald the air atrlkee had "not prejudked" the p1ana ot tuk fOl"OI commander Rear Adm. John Woodward to recapture Stanley, defended by an eetlmated 7,000-7,M>O Argentine troopl. There had been 1peculatlon the Arpntl.ne air attaclca mlcht d~ the Brman a1sault on S ey further. In addition to the air attacka, Argentina aald lta tr:,ts alao repelled a frontal at on their main defeme line. "Thi• ii obvtoualy 1ome setback. But until we have we•·ed the aituaUon, we do not know how much thia will change our planl," tbe commander of Britain'• 5th Infantry Briode. Brig. Tony Willon, told a reporter after Araentlne air strikes 11et two blg landlng abips crowded with troop1 afire and damaged the fripte Plymouth and a anall landlng ~· The Tlmee of London 1aid eome BrtUab IQW'CZel believed the final auau'lt on Stanley, anddpated ~ weekend, ml&ht haw to be delayed "euch la the extent of the diluter." The Argenli!De plane aet the 412-foot landing 1hlp1 Sir Galahad and Sir Tri8tram afire with bomba, rocketa and cannon fire • they were puttine 5th Brtpde troopl ashore~ ln • narrow ettuary at J'ltuoy Sound, 15 milell aouthwtlt of Stanley. It did quote Argentine IOW'OeS in Buenos Airet u uytn1 the Brttlah IUffered heavy lmiee Oil the be.aCh at l'lt&roy and Bluff O>Ve, about 12 mll9 southwest of Port Stanley. The Ar1entlne military apokelman w,a·quoted • aaytna the Britl1b had landed 2~000 troop• when Ar1entine warp~ au.eked. Fair days ahead.· 71 • "9dwood Cl.tr • 40 ...... II IO ...,_ : ;: ::: :.rah C I 1217 ........ 100 13 ._.MMI ,, 82 .02 9'0dcton 18 17 Thlr'IMI 17 .. Ulcllh 13 IO 1erteow 82 ... 14' ..... a 46 8'ltlOP 74 .. ~ 13 71 LIM~ 77 13 IAlal* IO 71 lOnO tu ah 11 .. ~ Wllloll 7t • .12 ....,.,. ._., .. 71 OntlWto 74 NM him._...... n IO left a.Mi dllio 11 .. .. .... " .. .AM ..,.,,,. rr II ..._Q'UI • IO .11 T.,_Ylllf . .. 77 61 SUCCUMBS -Ba1ll Peteraon, founding president of Orapp Coast Colleae, hu dJed at 74. '. Dr. Basil Peterson, 74, dead By CBARLE8 B. LOOS or ... .._,.......,. Bull H . Pe1enon. the foundina president of Oranae Coaet Colle1e who waa known nationally aa "Mr. Junior· College," ii dead at the II' of 74. Dr. Petenon, a re1ident of Walnut Creek alnce bh reUrement from occ in 196.f, died In a convaleecent bolpital Tuelday. He had been Ill for IOme time. Private eervicel were ~ucted tea.)'. Dr. Peterson auided the development of Oraqe Coast Colleae in ~Meu from 1947 to 1D6.f. Be,.eldee belnf the colleae't firit prellident, he WU the flm IU~~t of what la now the Co.at Community College' Dlltrict. It WU under hla lelidenblp that p1ann1na bepb for the diltrict'• aecond campua, Golden Weit College in Huntington Beach. Golden West opened U, 1968, abortly af~ bis retirement. Dr. Peterwm w• known M a "nr>-nomeme'' edminiltrator. Bia dedication to Orange Cout and to the educatlonaf philo1o_phy behind Califomla'• junior coUep aystemw..~. . At the ume time, Dr. Peterson waa deeply inteftlted in every phue of ltUdent life on the OCC campus. which he atarted with a handful of hand-me-down barradm left frop World War II days when ~ of what ti now central c.o.ta Meta was the Santa Ana Army Air ~- A familiar 1cene at OCC football gune. waa the tall, gaunt flaure of "Dr. Pete," u he waa known. padna the lidellnee .. he followed Pirate fortunes on the lridlron-The campua gymnasium la named for Dr. Pe~ who played baaketball at UC Berkeley, where he received hil BA, M.\ and PhD~ Dr. Peteraon 1erved aa {>n!lldent of the California Junior Collete A.laoclatlon and twice waa chief executive of the American A.-x:iadon of Junior Collegea. Br TOM MuaPBJNI ............... A Brltt•h Broado.yun1 C«poratiOQ radio corN1pciodtnt 1)91ni.cl a vivid word pictw'e of In, a~ and~ efforta Wectn.Say n&;ht when a Briis.b landlnl operation at th• J'alklan 1 came under heavy Ar91fttinll air attack. 'n'9 BBC aald Brttilh forcea had one landina thlp sunk and two at.hen abandoned. The corre1pondent, ln a shortwave lliroedcmt monitored on the Oranae Cout at 9:15 p.m., deecrlbed r.!Ue operationa on the &,674·ton landina th1p1 Sir Galahad and 8'r Trilt.ram, whkh were hit by enemy bombe. "The -around Sir Galahad b1cmomed ln oranae dote u the men took to lUeraft1," the eo1r•pondent aalcl. 11Hellcopten, which had been movina ltorel, bepn reecuina the men lrom the water. ~y. t.Mn w• am.-~ ••one h1U.copt1r wa1 compJetely at ln a blalck lmOke cloud 11 It repeatedly attempt.I co winch a man from the water. Fortunawly, there were 1hipe b wher• h11lcoptera the men, then turned ba o aearcb for more aurvtvon. "In. the mldlt of all of thJa. there WU another air raid. The men ~ on. 'nie aurvtvon were unhurt but ahaken, still weartn1 their lif1Jacketa an(t oranae aurvtval aulta -thme who hJd had time to put them on." The BBC re'Porter said the l'e9l:Uel took place ln ~ rain and reacuen went back tO the 1eene again and ap1n. "The air attacka showed that the Argentine AJr Force ts stiU to be reckoned with," a BBC commentator aald •~There waa ex plodina The British broadcast did not ammunition. 1t IOUDded like a detail any official report of kmes 1 m a 11 b a tt le 1 o l n I. o n . or damage. Meredi\h Baylla, na~y known lnltructol'. . wlth the JoU'rey Ballet School in New York Ctty, will oonduct master ~ clallee on June 22 and 23 in Irvtne. Sponaored by the South Coaet Cultural Servicee Leaaue. the c1allel are aimed at intermediate and advanced ~-~'!'ill~~ at in Irvine the 1rvme UJJtural t:.enter, 17302-A Daimler. Ms. Baylia will teach intermediate atudenta from 4:30 to 6 p.m. each day and advanced studenta from 6:30 to 8 p.m. . c.o.t la $15 for ope clall or $25 for two. Pre-registration iB recommended by calling the league at 979-1582. ------ •A workshop to dbcu11 tMnapn' u.. of druaa and alcohol will be offered at 7:30 &.m. Thursday at the eritage Park Youth Center Irvine. ' The .-loll ii free and open to any Sntereated people. •A daytime 1aftball program for wcmen is offered by me Irvine Communlty Servicea Department June 22 through Jufy 29. The twice-weekly course for fem.ala age 16 and up la deslgMd to meet the needa of penona who enjoy playing IOftball but am't participate •Irvine'• Heritage Park Aquatics Complex ti open for weekend IWiml from 1 to 3: 15 p.m. Satunt.ys and Sundays with dall~aammer ~don aw1Jn to June 18. Coit for weekend swim Doua Teckett from the dty'a Youth Servlce8 Prosram will lead the ditowlm Partkipmtta abould call the city'• Community Services Department at '5.f-381.f to reatater for the worklhop. The reptratlon deaclllne ta June4. in an organiz.ed l~ • Walk-in UJ:•tration at Irvine Oty ts June 1• through 16. Late registration will be taken on the firat day of cl.all at Harvard Park from 9 to 11 a.m. June 22. Additional information is available from Dona Ftaley at 754-3639. sessions is ~ cents for people · under 17 or over 55 and 50 oenta for all others. 'The complex la on Walnut avenue adjacent to Irvine Hiah School. I I • Irvtne once qA!n hu been nomlnat.ecl to hcM.-the kind of public fadlity that molt Oranae C.ou.nty rsldenta don't ~ant. It'• Ml an airport or a landfill or a freeway th1a time. It'1 a Jail. The county Board of Superviaora lut week initiated environmental 1tudle1 of five po.tble lites for a new jail to help solve expected demand for an added 1,305 trunatee by the :year 2000. Two of the lites are in Irvine, one at the current site of the Orange County International Rac:eway a,nd the other at the comer of Trabuco Road and Sand Canyon Avenue. Other locations are next to exiltlng jalla at the Santa Ana Ci~ Center, property in Santa Ana Canyon near Weir Canyon Road and at the county-owned James A. Musick Honor Farm in El Toro. The Irvine Companl owna the land at both loca sites. Company officials last week suggested the county drop the raceway site because that property ls acheduled to be developed as . . part of the Irvine lt~duatrlal Complex·Eatt. An induatrialilt would bardt, loolt forward to bulldJ.na a new plant next door to a jail. Company offlclala allo ex~ conoem that the Sand Canyon Avenue lite alto would meet with community oppomtloo. Thi• 11 1urely an •ccurate assessment. , \ Irvine i1 of ten tabbed for theee kinda of projecta beca1.11e it baa a central location and yet remainl relatively undeveloped. It makes teme, after all. to build .a jail away from houaes rather Ul the midst of them. nu. ls alao tnae with landfilla, air po rte and freewaya. U residenta are .erloua when they dl8cu8I the need for st11fer convictions and expanded penal f acilitiea, aome people must be willing to accept the ~uencee of living dole to a jail. Couniy supenWon. however, must be reaaonable and not stick ~e with all the undesirable projects . Jails should go elsewhere. Coastline post unique .. Bernard J . Luskin, the founding president of Coastline College, will leave that post July 1 to assume the presidency of sister ICbool Orange Coast College. Coast Community College District trustees have appointed veteran administrator John Buller as interim president of Coastline for a period not to exceed one year. The tnastees presumably have set this limit to gl~e themaelves plenty of time for an extensive search for a permanent chief administrator at Coastline. A thorough evaluation is needed particularly for the Coutline pllt because it involve• a unique ihstituUon. Sometimes dubbed "the college without walls," Coastline baa no fonnal campus but offen claaaea at about 150 rented locatlons throughout the district, which ·extends from Newport Beach northwest to Seal Beach and portions of Garden Grove. U.nder an open enrollment arrangement, re1ident1 In neighboring cities alao may enro1;1 in CoutUne counes. In addition to ita c1a-.roorii instruction, Coastline off era an extemive echedule of teJevision COW'la. In finding the peraon to over1ee thla unconventional ·co11eae. the trustees ahould bear in mind IOIDe of the leaons they learned in selecting the new Orange Coult president juat a few mont&a ago. The truateea commendably set up a 1creenin1 committee representing adminiatratora, instructors, cle•fled employees, students and community memben to review appllcatiom. Thia panel submitted the names of about six finaliata to the board 9f trustees. The trustees narrowed this ·group to two flnaliats, then one top candidate. Unfortunately, they notified their second choice that he was not selected before the first choice bad accepted the job. Ila it turned out. the trustee.' top choice turned down the position for financial reaaona. ' Instead of returntna to the other applicants, the~ appointed L-uskin to the Qranae Co••t presidency, even thouCh he had not applied. Although Luakln'a credentlala · ~ not questioned, 'the trustees' decision to 4tare1ard all other applicants reviewed by the acreening committee created 80l1le ill Will among camp.11 inltructon ~ other employee.. Before beginning the selection proceaa for the top Coastline position, the truateea should .et up and make public more pred.le JlUlde11nm on how they will cnoo1e the new president. And they should refrain from writing off all other oovlidates until their top choice h.u fonnally accepted the job. .. Hazard needs correction Community college fees? Tbe pomtbillty that feea will be Jev1ed on the more thm one mlWoo community coJJeae ltudenw looml larle u Lt=ton atrua1e to hll•nce the 1~ t. Thia waa teen ln recommendat ona made by the California POltMc:ondary Education Commllllon to lncre•e fee1 at the Univenlty of California and the ltate college 1y1tem but with additional financla1 a1d to needy students. THE COMMISSION recommendationa, adopted by an 11 to 2 vote, did not inclUde the community colleges in their fee recommendationl but did call for an $80 million cut in the state'• allocationa to them. Thia waa aeen by community oolle1e repreaentatlvea u opening the door to feea. 1n· any event the report aeema to pit the community colle1e• againat the univenity and ~llei~ the Jatter"1WO both fees W the Callfoml.a community are Mid to be the 1Mt free coDe.-in the nation. 1be recommendadOna certalnly place before the Leglllature the often UPd qUesUon of why ltUdentl must peJ:it the university and "8te colJeaee for deal OOW'lel thal can be obtained free at the community oollegel. Fundin1 for the two-year collegea currently C01ta the atate more than $1 bllllon annually or two-thirda of their total budp1a. While the report auggested > • 101111111 only an '80 IJli]JJon cut. it would appear that the colle1e1 could ab1orb a 20 percent a1uh in ltate funding with little dif&ulty. . Tb la ia aeen in the 1ta temen t by Patrick Callan. commllliorrdlrector, that recreational programs in the colleges, such • Joain8 •. account for 20 percent of the c:oun. paid for by the ltate. Enrollmen1a at the community colleges •have expanded ptly in recent yean aa ·the two.year COJJegel have reached out in1o the c0mmt.&nity to provide many programs which do not lead to the four-year college dearees. Aa long u thea.e achdola YI aupported largely with local funda~ le&lalaton were not concerned with oflerinp. but with the flnanclal in 1tate revenuea and the i.ncreui amounts beinl provided the colleps the 11ate slnce .,._.. of Propcllidon 1 • the lawmaken are omtert.nc man ~ more attention on the oo1Jeee funding. THEY ARE ALSO bothered by th' contentions of the comm.119lon that ~ community colleges serve m<>ftly thf more affluent rather than those frot11 poor and minority backgrounda. Callan said that while the report wm mainly for the purpose of allowinS i.ncreued fees at the university and ltatf colleges, it WU al8o intended to provoke some sensible long-range p).annlng oo the question of student fees. Whatevef' the outcome, even with feel. the costa of education at California'• publicly auPl>Ql't.ed lmtitutlolll of higher leemiDg will still be a barpln. Latest reporta 1}\ow that the bulc feet for tuition, room and board, at Stanf~ Harvard, Yale and frlncet.oo DOW exceed $11,000 a year. How to benefit from Dial-A--Ride To the Editor: Just a few worda in defenle Qf the Dlal·A-Rlde l}'ltem. I wotk for DAR out of Anaheim. We teTVe the eut and north Oranae County areM. Our phoml DeYft' rin& more thml two timee bef0tt they are answered and our driven (from all the-Mee remirka the cu1tomer1 pus on to me) are very cou.rteow. Tbel'e ta no reaecn to be ~ted otherwile. OUr rnantger and bia eocOellent staff keep our office nmninC llDOOChly. U there .. to be a c1e1e,, the potential ~ la advt.I of UUi IO he or ahe can deiCtde it 1t ii worth waitiQa that long. TO INSURE the beat and quickeat eervice pomible the customer can help by: 1. C'all well in advance of desired pickup time . 2. Be accurate with addre9I. 3. Be there at the atated time 4. Be IW'e the bulld1ng number la vilible from the ltreet. 5. Call to cancel lf ~ ~ your mind. 6. Have the correct cbanae -50 ~nta for handicapped, 60 centa for aen1dn, $1 for othen -or ba~ your s-r.dy to show the driver. Dial-A-Ride la a p-e.at aonwnlence for Iota of people -teniol" d~ ICbool children, worldnc people, lhow;pen - anyme who needl a ride, just about anywhere. The ptkle • ri&}lt. too. Try tt. ~ may love tt! PENNY JENKINS the university, land granta for cultural purpol9I, donationa to many dvic and service grousi-, and charitable funds dlsbuued through the Irvine Foundation. Oun la an envtabJe mmmunity aa a result of excellent planning by The Irvine Company. National magazines auch aa Fortune and 'nme, u well as nWJ>el'OUI foreign joumala have given the company the utmost pralae for their effort&. . Local viliton to foreign cou:ntrfel may find urban and aubur6an communities patterned after what tn the begj.nning wu created here, including cominerda1 eomplexea and modern shopping centen. On my delk, u I write thla. is a llldt si-s>tt publication ll\owtJur many ecenea of Newport Cent.er and fashion Island pubumed in Japan. . I thank you for printing thia letter and ~ to readers of thil fonun that Mn. Allen'• letter wu aadly lackina in facta with no menUon of the reuona her h\llband WU t.enninated. Bro JONES Noise Josic baffles To the Editor: SometJmea it ls difficult for me to determine whether Bill Martin, the county°• noise abatement officer (and l UM tbat term loo1ely) l• the noise amtement officer or the county'• court f.::tet. In the recent Daily Pilot a.rtlcle, 'Newport Beach Data Show• Jets Louder," May 26, Mr. Martin ~ oU u ''mlaleading," the cla1ml of Newport Beach executive a.latant City Manager, Ken Dellno that the much ballyhooed, "quiet" DC·9 Super 80 alrcraft la acu.aallv ~ loudt!f' than the old uno1ay•~ Jets. Mr. Martin'• ~ lolic II that the two notH monltortn1 ataUon locatien In q~ (M·2 Md M-3) are locatild '"on the per10her'Y Of the takeOff panem and are not ,truly incllcatl~ of the owrall airport ope1"9tiona.11 Ia he ~ or la ··&hJa )lit another Of tu. ~ like. of CDUl9, 11 lhe way in whltll fhe ~ty•1 ~ trwnped-up ~ ~~ lyst.eln II l8t ua. ID Che o~l:'_91tem of nine iilalil ............ ~ two ot thme - cfll an1".i•re near th• ..... el Jtew~ BMCb. d t!ldid Jl.ol Ud M-1 cm the m• on looatlo":lt 11·1 ~ Dr!!! ~w---n ... ~ ........... noise of John Wayne Airport. the county freely admita that the DC-9-80 noi.ae readings are louder than the older~·-ts a these two noise monitoring stations. How Mr. Martin can then turn and say that the.e two locations, ~ abeorb the vast majority of the noia8 gene. rated from John Wayne Airport are somehow baslatlly unimportant bee.a~ they allegedly are .. on the periphery of the takeoff pattern, and not truly indicative of the overall airport operations" is nothing short ot incredible! The most incredible part of Mr, MarUrl'11tatement la that he implies ~\ the other· remaining noise monltorinJ stations ar.e somehow the importan!j maln-atream noile atations. Upon claier- examination. one finds that nkJSt of these other station• are located In such "st.ICl~y" no'8e sensitive areas 'as . the Santa Ana Office/Commercial area. ~ the Santa Ana Industrial Complex, the 'i Irvine Indl.lltrial are.a. two points near the back ba)', bitd aanctuary. and several • near ilieetiQ o the runwa1. "'BUT only two of thae are located anywhere near sbabJe, relklential popUlatlon areas. I ROBERT'CONKLIN I So-Jons, Jacques! To the F.dltor: It'• hard to believe thai aa yet no one baa covered th~ saddest.event er at Fashion laland! J.C. Penney~ y ,known aa Jacques Pennee la tea~. Tbia ~ Wl9 well-lowd by the town. Who could dupllcat.e the~~ (and ltl prices). It Wat fun to abop the store and find items that were not .old ebewhere. It did not hurt otW-- it WU a drawing card for them'. IT CERTAINLY dld not desi"8de the lma1e of Faahlon laland; count the Metc..clll ift Its parki"8 lot (I own one too), I Talk to tlie P.-:£le who kaow PwwYa -~ theillitm ..... the cw• -n .. ..,... Tlie L 18 o1._... ... , ... ~ .... tlley Woiuld ......... 8DY ~ ftn! Tiie JrVmitOlilperiy .... ~ ''-~ ,,... wdl .... be ... ~~ about dMi& ~~~~;" u. newloMo~~· • . ,airport lstaiice · : i9y STEVE MARBLE :or .. .,.., ....... 1n respciNe to eomplainta from cUilen1 and city council members, a Newf.:t~ Beach Nptaentative bu away from a ltatement that the dty ii wlllin1 to consider aome expanllon at John Wayne ~ atatanent, delivered by attomey Pierce O'Donnell at a pre19 conference late last week, \ouched a nerve with 'several """Dd1 members. O'Dmnel1. whUe commenttna CJ1i the dty'I IUCcela in iuml.ng beck the county's airport mat.er' plan. said Newport now ii willing to extend an "olive branch" to the county. . . ·He vowed the dty wouldn't t.ck off 118 fight to curb jet nm. bUt would be willlnl to beca•.e a ~ partner in plann1ng the a&port'1 future. O'DoN>ell-aaJl! he hoped to work toward a .,Uy blncttnc acreelDeftt with thlt county for airport powth. ~ JKlde Keatber, pr..-nt at;1he pr91 oonf~ aald the •ttCmeY• MIDDW!ftta took -by ~~ilman Paul Hummel. • •YI ID -.. of symboll 119 • the rw<rd to the ... when lt comea to the racted mare~· m ~ to nlFUaUon.'' • mid. Y thlnld:lui ii never 1l19 a alCbr an .,,.. Er.It. The cOan.ty hM Dll!WI' done one thine (S,. EXPANSION. Pap Al)- t;un victim at airpqrt identified :-.. · Oran,e County Sheriff'• OJfice nveat11atora today Jaintified the 40-year-dd man Qdally ahot Tueeday nlpt at QtJaney•1 ltestaurant at John ~,... Airport .. Barkley 1'. 16Ml1n, a Wfftmlnater-atea =!,d that identification, ~. offida1a aald they IUlJ hid no Idea what prompted the ~in frollt of botrlfled b)'lb•wten.---- ~· L\. Wyatt Hart said tbe i.,una :ee.ch man arnated Iii the aboo«tnc. Kelley Rualell Daniela, 32, waa beln1 held ~ ball in ann,e County JmJ1.. Arraipment pl'OCef!ClinCI .. pendbw today OI' J'rlday. ~rt aaid lnve1Ugaton are lills-.ed in talldna to a third 111an who wa1 reportedly ...... wfth the victim ad the :::.:: .. wwn1 oow. before 1 .a.rt illlid offk.wa Uo 1'ilb to •with frichtwd c::' who ... the rmtM&rmt ~ ~the abooUn&. .. ' .. .... . ... • U.S. DIMrtct C.oun J. ~ Hattier Jr. on May 24. Hitter MCI de1Crlbed Uae Meffl plan u dii:rimlnatory ID favor of A1rCal and leDUbUc AlrU... In S-.ptember. 18811 Hatter Ulo h.t 1'jlcted an .._ plan for the ..._ NMOD. onlertna ereparaUon of the Hcona ... $0 Ill LISTENING -President Reagan and Britain'• Prime Miniater Manratet ThatcM.r listen on headphol,nes to the opening addl'ell of NATO Secretary General J<>1eph Luna at the West German Bundestag in Bonn today. BY STEVE MITCllBLL or .. .._,... ... A federal JUdce~• cJer:Wm to bait the sale of 24 oft.bore oil tracts -lncludin1 all 10 acbedu1ed b lMle off Newport and ~ Bericb -baa left offtda1t in both ddel elat.s. "We are very tratifled and &el the judae made a rational decWoa bMed on overwhelrnlng evtdenct," said June Catalaoo. Lacuna'• director of mmmunity development. . Newport ae.cti Ma)'Qt' J~ Heather echoed La1una•1 Mntiment.11 aaY!na, "I'm ""\'er")' ~ I n.d Juqe (Cynthia) 11a11 .. tidbia· and It ~ lhe rec!C>IDllM the_ ~te'1 concern about c4flbo&e drlJllnc." Judie HaU-1 order in U.S . Diatrfct Court WednHday effectively balta the auction ol. 24 oil l•aae8 in the waters off Southern California. a aale acbeduJed for Friday momtna at the LOe Anaelff Conve.tlon Cent«. Attorney• for the Ju1tlce- Department, representing Department of the Interior Secretary Jamee Wan, are ~ =--~·o=·w:1 Appe9JI in Sm l'f• +na Al80 •5na tile :dcleleceilili!lllamp.. buttor• dia..~1111 •w. ue att.clmeJ9 tM ..... Cub. who a1mu1· wttli ~ 8-:b, ... the Jntertor DiDiaa IDwDt to bah the 1eMit Of aD IM tra1a in X... Sale No. 88. Mean w bi le. Jn terlor Depanment 1pokeunan Andy Newman aaid the department will proceed with the .. of the 140 tracta not tnc1a Nied in the ~ bepmlnc at 10 a.m. Friday in Loe Mell- N9*pait'a ~Heather aald abe .... to attend the hlddtnc Friday in Loe ........... to pt • feel fer the lntenlt otl cxnpanla miaht ~.: tradll off the .Oran,e Tract.a ted lo Judge Hill'• ~ tnrNde tbe 10 off NeWlMll't ana 1A1um. modl8I' 10 off Malibu'• CoMtlbw, two off Ventura Cowity md two off the entrance of the Loe An,.lea-U... s.cb harbor. 'll'edneaday'a order lt only temporary, pendinc • h~ ancf rulin1 on • rermanent ~to pnYell 1we ol. the Meanwhile, the Sierra Cub. while happy the ,).adae lmpcwed ui injuncdian on the 24 tncta. ii aeeldu 8D ~ ~ . to haft •le of all 164 tract.I ~· Jtaihryn Dickton, a Sierra Cub ..... ~. said '4Tbe --~~~=: bald tnle .... all 16'." .... 8ilrft aub IU1d the ......... the .... ale fl not CG? • 1 •• wttb the ..... Co.ta! 7.ani ...... ·~ oft 1\lilda)' WMn a three~Juda9 panel ot the U.S. 0th Cl.rNlt Court of Appealt ruled that Hatter had erred ln prevtout rullnp on the airport acce11 -... ' That ruUna. invalidatinl two preUmtnary lnju.nctlonl 1-ied by Hatter, had the effect of freeing the boerd of IUpenWn to~ and implemeitt any plan lt chollt. Kowever. the appeab court Nlina allowed J~ lbtter the option of orderlna a trial in the cate -a lawault wblch wu initiated by Paetftc 8outhw..i Airlines af1er county approval of (S.. AIRLINE, Paae ~) Gease-fire urged Israelis readying Bei~ut invasion BJ· fte Auodated Preti Israel Jtluted PLO tarpt.a in Belrvt friiD the lea 'lnd air today and drop~ leaflet.I warning that lllWfi fOrcea Wf:re about to storm the Lebanese capital. Preatdent Reagan urgently meta1ed lltael calling for a ceMe-fire ln Lebanon. C1aahee flared between Israeli and Syrian force8. llrael said It shot down 20 more Syrian MiGs and two .-ult he&opten in eutem Lebanoo. where Syria rel)Ol'ted lta artillery WU dueling wfth m.u ground foroeL -Tbe x.r.eu leafleta dropped Oil Beirut told Syrian troop. to leave the dty "wfthin a few hot.an" bean.-"we do not intend to fight the S)'Nn army." There was no sign the Syrians were leaving. The Syrian state radio, meanwhile, claimed Israeli jets strafed convoys of travelers today at a checkpoint on J..,.non•1 northern border with Syrll. kiWng 67 travelen ·o1 various 1,uitionallttea •nd woundinc 76. \ There waa no immediate r.r.eti comment. If true. it would be the norihernmoat Israeli attadt th tbe five.day Inv.Ion. wbJch wu launched Sunday with the atated pl of ~ Planners eye bUll~ozing of Fun Zone Palestinian force, from the Iaraell border. J.sraeU jets and wan.hips struck at the heart of the PLO in Lebanon, pound1na PLO chief Yauer Arafatr1 mllitary heedquarten in eouthem l3elrut OCC: pioneer ln a f0ur-hour bombardment. Communiquee from the PLO said several residential neighborhood1 in aouthern Beirut were hammered by unabating air aaaaulta that allo hit areas around the~ and ita highway. Founding president . Peterson succumbS By CllARL!'3 B. LOOS or .. Dlilr ....... Bail H. Petenon, the founding president of Orange Coast College wh1> waa known nationally aa "Mr. Junior College," lt dead at the age qf 74. Dr. Peterson, a residedt of Walnut Creek 1inee hll retirement from occ ln 1964. died in a convale.ceot hoapltal Tueaday, He bad been W for IOIDllt time. Private aervicel Wett conduc1ed today. Dr. Peterson guided the development of Orange Cout CoUeae in CGSta Meu from 1947 to 1§84. Besides being the oolJeae'a-first president, he WU ~ lint superintendent of w~t i1 now the Coast Community College Dbtrtct.· It w• under hit leadenblp that planninc began for the dJatrict'1 eecond campus, Golden W~at Colleee in Hunttnctoo Beach. Golden West opened in 1966, abonly after hit retl.rement. Dr. PeterloD WM known al a ''no-DOnllel'We'' adm1niatrator. His dedication to Orano to.t and to the educallonaf pbilo10~ behind Ca1lfomla'1 junior co ayslem WM~. ' At the aame time, Dr. Pete!Wln WM deeply lnterelted in every phlle ot student lite on the OCC ~ which he started with a handful of hand-me-down berraclm left from World War JI days when rocet of what la now central c.o.ta Mesa WU the Santa Ana Anny Air~- A famlliar scene at OCC ' football P.D_!S WU the tall, ga\.tnt filure,,of "Dr. Pete." .. he WU ~DI the aldelinea •be Pirate fortunee on the aridlron. The campus gymnMlum i named foe Dr. Petenon. who · ~~ buketball at UC • where he noeived h.ll BA. M.\ and PhD degreea. Dr. Peterson served a1 ~' ol. lhe CalifQmla Junior Uep Mlodatlon and twice was chief executive of the AmeriCan .AailOdaUon of Junior Cdha-• SUCCUMBS -Basil Peterson, founding president of Orange Coa3t College, has died at 74. He alao found time for volunteer work in the community, 1ervin1 on the board.a of the Orange County ~~~de:: Children a Hospital of <>ranee County. He alto lel'Yed the Boy Scouts and the Chun:h of J-.. Christ of i...tttt~y Saints. In 1963, he w• the Newport Harbor Qwnber of Cqnmerce ''man of the ,_-." He returmd to <>ranee CoMt in 1975 to accept the IChool.. ·~tstandina dtben award" given at graduation eech year. · The Utah native bePll bJa career in eclucaUon a1 a mathematb and pb'*8 tw:hel' at Bakentield H.lllt 8c:hool md Junior c~~ be ...., WM her,d ---u.u C09dl and ma for UI and l don't know why we'd e\191\ trul\ u..n. •• Hummel .ad M w• ~ by o•Donntl111 oomment1 beca\m It 1pplU"ed the attorney wu 1peeld.na for the dty councU. • 16The CoUncU w..J polled on any of thJa -I take •trona excepUon to the notion of coml)l'Omlle,0 llld Hummel. 111 think we ouaht to attack the 11.rport on all lepl levell and continue le><>klna for 1pota to drive ln another wedat." Several other cound1 memben utd they b4tlteved o•Donn•a.t went • ttep 'oo tar tn hli • "8tllmehtl to ~L AUomty 0' 11 uld he apparently dkln't lnlke l\ ci.ar enoU8)\ to the pr..-\hat he WU •J>Mklnl 11 a JJUOtion attomty and '!Ot tor the d\)'. At the ~ of dty offjd.UI. O'Donnell releMed a atateinen\ MY1na the dty oounc:O had ftqt 1utb0rlled hbri to necotlate with th• county for a blndln1 eeulement in the airport muter P1ar.' _lawsuit. ~IRLINE ACCESS ... the firit ICCe9I plan_ In 1981. PS,\. Which Wll ~ ln the suit by the U.S. Department of Justice, contended that it wu wrong for it to be allotted only two avera1e dally departure. while AlrCal waa allowed an avera1e of 23.6 fllahts and Republlc received 11.~. · Also recelvlng two average daily d~ ln th~ fint p~ were !''rontler Alrllnee ana Western Airlinel. Under the plan which now takM effect, four of five John Wayne air carriers will be forced to give up their exlatlng guaranteed. allocations over a two-year period. Guaranteed allocationa would drop 10 percent everv three months. BASIL PETERSON ... · Uliltant football coach. ~ poor health forced hil retirement in 1964. he remained active in education for many yeara , consulting with oommuni~ coll~ea ~out the U .S . and teachi ng at Armstrong College in Oakland. Dr. Petenon la IU(vived by his wife, Winifred; Lthelr two aona, lUchard and David, and nine grandchildren. By ft9 Al..m.W PNa Brtt.ala aatd 'odah.f.:plt• ~J3 ArllftdM 8lr a the' at lMlt U tr'OOPI lt VIII atm prepared to retake th• FalklAnda c.pt~ of Stanley. Brttl1h Oefenae Secretary Jobn Nott refUl8d to dlwlae the full m.nt o( Brtttah auiuaWtl in ~y•a waw of Arflntine air atwdal in the Fallclarida, •Yin8 th• lnformatlon "could be ol Uliatance to the enemy ... Nott told th• Houu of Commonl th London at i...t u Brtt!lh lll'Vicemen were killed and flve wounded in the bomblne attacks in whJch three ~~ and a fripte were But Nott aid the air ltrtkm had 0 not prejudJced" the plam of ullk force ooinmander a,.r Adm. John Woodward to recapture Stanley, defended by an estimated 7,000-7,500 Arpnttne troops. There had been apeculatlon the Aqientine air attiacb might delay the British aaaault on Stanley further. In addition to the air attacks, A.rgenttna lllid itl troops alao repelled a frontal attack on their main defeme line. The Tlmee of Lpndon 11ld aorrie BriUlh aourcea believed the final ~nault on Stanley,. anticipated a1nce 1ut weekend, might have to be delayed "such ii I the extent of the diauter." _A college grad at 75 O..,Neeelllft,..- GftADUATES -Salvatore Outdone gets hit d iploma from Orange Coast College today -at the age of 75. By JODI CADENllEAD Ol'lleo.lf ........ Salvatore Guidone, 75, donned a pair of running shorts and sprinted around the Orange Coaat College stadium track when 8Chool officials ref\lled to waive the physical education requirement for him. The Newport Beach man graduates from occ tonight. Showing the peneverance that haa enabled him to maintain a 3.0 grade point averaae and reuam to ach6ol at an age when molt people are content to count thelr retirement check•, Outdone pushed hlnmlf to ,perform 20 puah-upa and li~upe a day. By the time he finiabed the claa, be Wal able to circle the track three tUftee and had lost four poianda. Guklooe started taking • few art c1-in 19'15 to fill the locc hours followiDg h.ia retirement from the pdatal aervice ln Newport Beach- "At firat I ... afraid." aaid the acant white-haired student who still apeab with a heavy ltallan accent. "It ~ been a long ti.me aince I'd been around youna people." But Guidone llid he wound up getting aion, very well with hia younger clasnatea. who often eDIX>Wilpd hia keen interest in learning. Born in a small town near Naples, Italy, Guldone uid he had no chance to continue hia education after he graduated from h.tgh school in 1923. He worked at a number of Jobi froro baker to electrician before comin8 to the United States in lHO with pla wlf' and two chlld.ren. "rm in the final stages." aaJd the man who didn't learn to speak En&liah until be w• 43. 11 learned t0e.e .thinp too late. I wilh I had known it when 1 waia 16.11 811 f avorlte cl11•~• were anthropoloiy, 1eolo1y, health and paych._ology. He had no trouble kee~lng up with the other atudenta alnce much of what he had learned a ~f­ century before came bk:k to him. ,.,._ Oll1 ...... 53 =. .. Sen 'f'lllGllOO IO ...,....,... a ... Mn .oa '*"'°" .. Thennll .. la '1 II 42 .. DOGGONE IT -An obvloualy unin~ dot. who dec11ned to 9'.lpply l.!1a · ~ to reporten, waa about the only CrylW Cove reaident to show up Wedneeday night when .,.., .......... " .... ,.,,. state officiala unveiled their plan• for converting cove cottages to public w.e. The meeting, (background) proceeded anyway. I It's not over yet in 43rd ·State tells plan· for Crystal Cove . &' ... "W~J:5R The apparent winner ln the About the only Crystal Cove 4Srd Congreaalonal Dlatrlct reaident who showed up • declared victory; the apparent WednHday evenina at the second place finisher aent a unvellina of a atate plan for telegram concedinl defeat and convenm, the cove's cottage8 to election officials Wedneaday public UR wu a mongrel dog reported .final vote tabulationa. who didn't appeer too Interested but. in the words ot bueblll in what atate offld•la had to •Y· peat YOli Berra, thia one ''ain't The state Parka and Recreation over 1111 it'• <Nf!!r." Department had acheduled a Election offlciala in both public meeting earlier in the Orange and San Dle,o cou.ntlee week to detail i1I developnent acknowled1ed Wedneaday phna for the 46 -cottaie afternoon that about 6.000 ballots community located at Cryatal remain to be counted in the two Cove. counties. However, offtciala But whlle atate offk:lala from added the "---ldee ho Sacramento, several reporten • !Y , .. vc no w and a representative from man~f the uncounted ballots th 3rd na-..i.... Aaaemblywoman Marian are . 8 4 uau...... Bergeson'• office waited for But it appears, theee ballots residents by some old garages could determine the final near the cove's entrance, the outcome in the 43rd Dlstrtct race resRlenta never came. in which Carlsbad Mayor Ron Finally, Russ Makely, who Packard la clinging to a slim 38-vot.e 1eed over travel-tNiler . tycooo. John.nl.e. Crean tor~ th.t Republican nomination. Although San ~ County election authoritlet aaid they hope to announce a final wee tabulation from their county thia afternoon, Orange County elec:1ion oUidall ay a final tally will not be ready before Sunday. at the earlielt- Packard couldn't be reached th.la morntna foe comment on the cliffhanger of a race. Crean, for hia part, waa treating the news tNt the race resultl were not yet final rather matter-of-factly. "U rd have known, I wouldn't have f!Wr aent that (conce..ton) telegram," he uid. Ballots remaining to be counted are either abaentee ballots bandecl in at the polla Tueeday or are bellota that. for one r...,n or another, were not accepted by the computerized vote-tabLtlaSjng ID8Chinel utW.zed In both oounUet. summ.er Registration 1a under way for aummer ~ at the Orange Coaat i{MCA in Newport Beach. The first round of summer acti\!ltiee runs from June 21 to July 9. Registrations beaih dally at 8 a.m. at the Y, 2300 Unlventty Drive. ' Swimming claaaea are- beinl offered fot chilc:lrm 11 CONCORD manaaea the cottage community, wandered by and demanded to know why cottage residents were not lnfonned of the impending meeting . ''Thia upeeta me,'' Makely told atate offidall. "I try to keep cool. but this la rldlculoua ... Makely added that residents want to hear the propc.ecl plan. but expected to get a week'a notlc e if a meeting waa scheduled. Al Wlllinger , speaking on behalf of the Crystal Cove Residents' Amod.atlon, today said that it WU ulrreeponalble Oil their part to try and have a meeting on auch short notice." Willlnpr aald that when state offJdala telephoned Monday to announce the meeting, they were told that it waa WU'e810nable to expect both full and oart-time resident.a tb show up on sucn short notice. · • • act1v1ty young as three months. Other activtUea foe children include archery, rock climbing, roller skating, aaillng, crafta and gymnastka. Adult activities ibclude aerobic fitne11, jazzel'clse, swtmrnlna, acube diving and wefaht trainJna. For more information. call 642-9990. { ~ -A WATCH CAN NEVER BE TOO THIN. .Street improvement cost sparks debate .., Some called it an ~lley. Odwn caU.d lt. •trfet· But the onl1 clear fact emeratna from the ~ dlapute owl-Pai.ce and Still'llnl la that in winter the roada an floOded with rain runoff and that in awnmer dust c:overa them. After yeara of battling over who ii .responsible for peytna for the tmprovement1 to the -two Costa Me1a pathwaya the city thinks lt finally bu come up with a plan. City offidala are considering making the area bounded by Pomona. Placentia, 19th and Hamilton into a special a.aessment dlmict that would make the 104 property owners in the area responsible for paying for improvements. The only snag in the plan eeerns to be a lot of protest from reeidents who say they don•t think they should have to pay for improvements that range from a low of $642 per average lot to a high of $3,383. City officials claim that although there was a plan at one time to widen Palace and Sterling into full-fledged streets, that never came to pass. Gasoline tax funds can only go to improve streets that are defined as being at leut 40 feet wide1 Paltce ll 80 feet. Ster~ la 23 reet. Rellct.nta in the area arp that they've alwaya been told that . they u. llvlnl on an avenue. In tact, .a street alin aaytna Palaee Avenue reportedly dtaappeared two weeka aao. City offldala admit that the definition baa become a little muddled between what the dty propoeed.. and what actually came to pasa. Faced with opposition from homeowners. the City Council Monday decided to put off makina a decision on the creation of the district until Sept. 20. That wa1 a good move. Considering the fact that the resident• always were led to believe they lived on an avenue they should be given 101ne of the privilege• afforded other reslde.,nts. Several homeownerrsaid that they were asked to deed part of . their property to make way for widening the pathway into a street. Obviously the dty can•t go around repairing every alley ln the dty. BUt we believe that there may be 101ne special c:ireumltances surrounding Palace and Sterling. . Coastline post unique Bernard J. Luskin, the founding president of Coastline College, will leave that poet July 1 to assume the presidency of sister achool Orange Coast College. Coast Community College District trustees have appointed veteran administrator John Buller as interim president of Coastline for a period not to exceed one year. The trustees presumably have aet thia limit to give themllelves plenty of time for an extemive search for a permanent cbl~f administrator at Coastline. A thorough evaluation is needed particularly for the CoutUne post because rt lnvolvea a unlque institution. Sometimes dubbed "the college without walls.•• COutllne has no fonnal campus but offers claases at about 150 rented locations throughout the district, which extends from Newport Beach• northwest to Seal Beach and portions of Garden Grove. Under an open enrollment arrangement, residents in ~lgbborlng dties also may enroll m CoutUne counes. In addition to Its classroom instruction, Coastline offers an extensive achedule of televW.on oounes. In finding the person to oversee this unconventional college. the 1n&ltee9 sboukl bear in mlncf aome of the 1e.ons they learned in selecting the new Orange Cosast president just a few months ago. The trustees commendably set up. a screening committee representing admlnlatratora, instructors, cla•ified employees, students and community memben to review applications. This panel submitted the names of· about six f1nalista to the board of trustees. The truateee narrowed thla group to two fina1Jsts, then one top candtdate. Unfortunately, they notified their aeoond dMJice that be WU not aelected before the tint choloe had accepted the j>b. Aa it turned out, the truatem' top choice tur.oed down tile position for financial r~aaons. Instead ot returning to the other applicants. the tru8tee9 appointed Luskin to the Qrange Coaat presidency, even though he had not applied. Although Luakln'a credentiali are not questioned, the trustees' decision to disregard all othef applicmts reviewed by the screening committee created aome ill will among campus iDltructon and other employees. Before beginning the selection proce11 for the top Coastline position, the trustees should aet up and make public more pa'eCl8e guidelinee on how they will cnoose the new president. And they lhou1d refrain from writlna off all other candidates until their top cho6oe has fonnally accep1ed the job. .1 1 · Caltrans strikes agai~ Community college fees? The pomiblllty that feet will be levied on the more than one mllllon ocmmunlty coUeae lludentl 1ooma larae u = ttruaJe to balance the 1~82-83 . . Thia wu aeen in recommendat om made by the California Poetsecondary Education C.ommlllloO to l.ncreue Item at the Univenity of California and the atate colle1e 1y1tem but with additional finand.al aid to needy studenta. THE COMMISSION recommendatiom. adopted by an 11 to 2 vote, did not lnclude the oommunity colleges ln their fee recommendations but did call for an $80 rnlllion cut ln the ltate'I alJocatiODI to them. Thia WH .een by community colleee repretentatlvea u openlni the door to fea In· any event the report 1ee1111 to pit the community colleges again.It tne univenlty and ==our-ear colle1ea, the latter two both feta wblle the C.aUfomia oommunlty co are Mid to be the 1ut free collea9I in the nation. The recommendaUOm certalnly place before the Leplature the often uked question of why students must pa.a;: the unlvenlty and atate co1Jea-for deal ' counee that can be obtained free at the community coll91e1. • Funding for the two-year colleges currently C01ta the 1tate more than $1 billion annually or two-thirdl of their total budseta. While the report qgesied I > • • I -.1-11-11-11-1 -Q only an '80 ml1llon cut. it would appear that the colleges could absorb a 20 percent a1aah ln st.ate funding with little aJtficulty. Thi• i1 1een in the 1tatement by Patrick Camn. commillion d.lrectoC', that recrea&lonal proeraim in the colleges, Neb • Joalnc, account for 20 percent of the counee paid for by the ltate. Enrollmentl at the community colleges •have expanded ere-tly ln recent years a ·the two-year coUeges, have reached out lnto the community tq ~de many program. which do not lead to the four-y~ college degrees. A• l on11 a.• then scboolt 1upported 1ar1ely with local fundag le2ialato111\were not concerned wftli oflerings, out.iwtth the financial in 1tate revenues and the lncreui4a amounta beln& provtded the colleges ISj the st.ate lince pMUae of Propmidon I;J, the lawmaken are centertnc mare and more attention C10 the collep funding. I c TREY ARE ALSO bothered by tlie contentions of the COIDJDiaion that tl,le community college• 1erve mo1tly ~e more affluent rather than those fropi poor and minority baclqvoundl. ~ Callan uid that while the Vlf mainly for the purpo1e of~wi g l.ncreaKd fee. at the university and~ colleges, it was al80 intended to provoke some .ensible long-range planning on the question of student tea Whatever the outcome, even with f~ the co1t1 of education at California's pub~y IUPPOl"ted iDIUtutiom of high1p' learnini will ltill be a barpin. Lat.est reports show that the belie f~ for tuition. room and board. at-Stanfod. Harvard, Yale and Princeton DOW exceear $11,000 a year. Ho~ to benefit fr.om Dial-A-Ride 1 To the :Editor: Just a few worda ln defeme ol the Dlal--A-Bide IYSWD-1 wGltl fGr DAR oUt of Anaheim. We leJ'Ye the eest and DOrtb Onnae County areM. Our phones never rfne more than two times before they are answered and our MAILBOX - driven (from all the nice remarb the cu1tomera pasa on to me) are very oou.rteoua. There is no reuon to be treated otherwiae. Our manager and his excellent ltaff keep our office running amoothly. U there la to be a delay, the potential ~ i.I advised of thla .o he or lhe can decide lf it 11 worth waltinc that long. TO INSUBE the best and quickest 88rvice pclllible the cust.cmer can help by: ' 1. c.an well In advance ol deli.red pickup time. 2. Be accurate with adodre8. 3. Be there at the atated time 4. Be sure the bu.Dd1ng number ii vtslble from the IU'eet. • 5. Call to cancel If you chanae your mind. 6. Have the oonect change -SO centl for handicapped, ~O centl for leDiont $1 for othen -or have your ..-ready to lhow tbe driver. Dial-A-Ride la a ,.._t oonvenlence for lota Of J?«>ple -lel\ior dtif.ena, IChool chlldren, working people, ahoppen - anyone who needs a ride, )at about anywhere. The price is rtaht. too. Try lt. you may love itl PENNY JENKINS the university, land granta for cultural pur-pmm. donations to many dvlc and 8*vl.Ce eroupe, and charitable funds dhbuued through the Irvine Foundation. Oun la an enviable community u a result of exeellent planning by The Irvine Company. National magazines such • Fortune and 'nine. as well as numerous foreign journals have given the company the utmost pnaile for their eff octa. Local visiton to foreign countrie. may find urban and suburban communities patterned after what ln the beginning wu created here, lncluding cominercial complexe. and modem ahopJ>lni cent.en. On my desk, u I wrtte thla, is 1a llick . paper publication showing many ICelWS of Newport Center and Fuhion Island published ln Japan. I thank you for printing this letter and aua-t to l'ellde!'s of thla forum that Mn. A1Jen•1 Jetter WU udly lackina ln f8Cta with no mention of the reuona her huabend was terminated. RroJONES Noise logic baffles noise of John Wayne Airport. the coun freely admita that the DC-.9-80 readings a.re louder than the older jets these two noi8e monitoring stations. How Mr. M4rtin can then tum around and say that theae two locations, which ablorb the vut majority of the noi!f generateQ from John Wayrwe Airport ~ somehow buicaUy unimportant beca~ they allegedly are "on the periphery ~ the takeoff p~ttern. and not trul indicative of the overall airpo operation•" la nothing short o Incredible! I The most incr ed ible part of MJ. Martin'• 1tatement ia that he implies ~ , the other remalning noi.ae monit.orinf stations are somehow the impo~~.:! main-atream noise ltations. Upon examination, one finds that most of these other 1tations are located in auda. "strategically" nol9e ~live areas as• the Santa Ana Office/Commerc:ial area.; 1 the Santa Ana Industrial Complex, the! Irvine Industrial area. two pol.nta near: the back bay bird u.nctuary, MMi aeveral ~ near the end of the runway. But only two of the.e are located anywhere near! liable, residential population areM. • ROBERT CONKLIN So-long, Jacques! ;l· I To the Editor. • ' It'• hard to believe that u yet no one' hu covered the uddelt event e;; ) at Fuhion Ialandl J .C. Penney known as Jacques P~ is leaving). Thia store WM well-loved by the town.• Who could duplicate the~~ (and ita price8). It WM fUn to 8hop the •tore and find tterna that were not aold 'I elMwhere. It d1d not hurt othiii' .._ _ lt WU a drawing card for them. IT CERTAINLY did not depwle the I image of Fubloo laland; count the Mere.dem In lw parking lot (I own one too). Talk to the people who know Pemef.• .. ~· A* the Clerb what tht ~ .... ~ 'l1'e <'GMel•• of 01i1DiaD &Mt I have 1-..ct II tbat they ........ NlhW -.., odlll-llOft! TM ll'YIM~y tmdanelt= 1"hiln will ....... flit the -=:"a:J:t:::e:d ... to tbel .iMN'a1 HiJIA VJ:N8 stance . 1Jl,,. STEVE MARBLE ;&' ............. • ·in nepome to complaints from eUl1en1 and city council memben. a Newport Beach repn9e11tatlve hll 6ecked away from a ltatement that the dty ii • wlllina to con1lder 1o..me expansion at John Wayne ~statement. dell~ by attorney Pierce CYDonnell at a ~ conference late 1Mt week. touched a nerve with several oimcO members. O'Donnell. wblle cmunenttna ~ the dty'• auccell in tumtna btck the county .. •1 airport mMter plan. -.Id Newport now ii wfWnc td extend an "olive branch .. to the county. He vowed the dty wouldn't ..:k off lta fleht to curb jet l'°'8e b;at would be wtWnc to become a ~ partner In Plannina the airport'• future. O't>onnell-laid he hoped to work toward a ~ b'ndlq aareement with ~ COl,\Jlty for airport powth. "Mayor Jeclde !feather. pn91D1 at the pnm cooference aald the at1lol"Dey'a c:ommenta took her by --=cilman Paul Hummel, ----In tlel1DI ol lymbalt he orei .. the sword to the ... l:nnch when lt comm to the alnKllt.. ....cted man ltronll1· -'"rin~ QDpOl8Cl to ~" be aakl. 14My tbinldlW ii never pa IUICka' an 9YeD linek. 1be $1111\)' hm .never done one thlnC ( ... EXPANSION, Pap .U) ~un victim . ~-.. ._Qt air~~t identified · ... Oranae County Sheriff'• Office inve1tl1ator1 today ldimtlfted the .0:-,..r--old imn E ahot ;J'unday nltht at '• Restaurant at John ,!R.yne Airport u Barkley F . Jlod1ee, a Weatmfnater-area nildent. '9yond that identification, biriW'ewr. offldaJI aald theY ldll b*1 DO idea what Jll'OlllJ*d the ahoottnc la front of horrUled .,,...... :Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart mid 1be I..,una Beech man arrmted iii • aboodnc. Kelley Rlmel1 nHleb. 32, waa beln1 held '.fltbo&rt bail In Oranae County W. Arralpment proceedlnp .. ~today or l'rlday. d lDvHtlaaton are ........ tn talJdnl to a third man who wu reportedly dlrtnkiDa with the vtcdm and the IUlll*t for 88Wl'a1 boun befON the~ Hart aald ofticen Uo wllh to ... With frl8btwd r::::: ~~~t . ~the lhoollnc. N•tand• Mid Wednelday the five air carrier. which Hrve Oran1• County were beln1 noUfieCl acconlina1Y that the plai -wbicb ~41 tWlblv coWt*9 daUf ti amoni~thi atrllnel -Wll put Into ~don. That plan had bllll rej!c!id bi U.S. ~ Court J~ Terry Hau. Jr. on May 24. Hitter had deecrtbed the acceu plan u clllcrtmlnetary 1n t.vor ~ Aue.I iind Republic A1rUnel. In &eptember, 1981, Hatter allo had rejletild an ~ p1llft for the ............ onWwr ereparatlon of th• 1econa AP 'Ml11t 111 LISTENING -President Reagan and Britatn•a Prime Mfni8ter Manlaret Thatc.hf!r listen on headpbonet to the opening addrem of NATO Secretary General Jo.eph Luns at die Wmt German Bunde.tag tn Bonn today. By 8TBVE Mm:SP:*I· °' .. ..., ....... A federal Judae'a derit4.nn to halt the .ue of 24 oft.bore oa tractl' -including all 10 acheduJed for leMe off Newpon and lacuna Be8ch -bae left offidala In both ddea elated. "We are wry sratlfled ,nd feel the judae made a ratioaal decWon bMed on overwhelmtq f!Yidence," laid June Catalano, ' ... -....... director of comnWnlty ~t. ~ Beech Mayor Jldde Heather echoed Laauna '• 1entlmenta, 1ayina, "I'm very l))eMed. I read Judie (Cynthia) llaD'1 rulinC and lt ·~ abe recopiz.es the 1tate 1 concern about offshore driJlml." Judae Ball'• order in U.S. Diatrict Court Wedneada7 effectively balta the aucUon of 24 oil leuea in the watera off Sou.them California, a 1ale tchechaled for Friday IDOl'ftina at the 1'oe .An1elea Convention Cenw. Attorneys for the Justice Department, repreaentln1 Department of the Interior Secretary Jamea Watt, are appeeliq J~ Hall'• rullnil bifmoe die 8'b Ori:Ult QNit: .fi AppeU In Sm l'I "WO. Alla •s:t:tu~ dtitlllaa, but for en ty e1 mt r111rm, an attameys f« the a.ma Oub, who ... with ,.., ~ ... the Interior IM: .m.rt '° halt the --of all 14 nc:tll tn doc\iment Which DOW .. Into effect. NHt•nde announced the county action WednHday foUowinl a cloled-door aecutive ••••ion of the J)oard ot SuJ*Won. Th• path wa1 cleared for ~ofthe~~ on 'l'U.day when a three-Judae penel of the U.S. 9th <lmllt Court of Appeal• ruled that Hatter had erred In previous rulln11 on the airport accea1 ...... That rullna, invalidatlna two prellmtnary injunctlona t.Jed by Hatter, had the effect of heet.ni the board Of IUpet"Vilon to adopt and implement any plai:a it c:hme. , However, the appeall court ruuni allowed Juqe Hatter the option of ontertnc a trial In the caae -a lawauJt which wu initiated by Paclflc Southwest AirllnM after county approval of (See AIRLINE, Pace .U> Cease-fire urged ·~· , Israelis readyin_g · Beirut invasion · By Tiie Anodated Pre11 llnel bluted PLO' tar&etl 1n Belnl) from the -"ind air today and ~ •leafletl warnlna that fona were about to 1torm the LebaneH capital. President Reaaan urgently meaa1ed Iarael calling fot a ceue-fi.re In Lebanon. . I \ Palestinian force~ frqm the Israeli border. Ianell jeta and wanhipa ltrUck at the heart o~ the PLO In Lebanon. pou.nc:U,Qg PLO chief, Yaaaer Arafat'• mllitary he8dq\w1en In IOUthern Beirut OCC pioneer 1n a four-hour bombardment. c.ommuntquea from the PLO said s everal reliden ti al neighborhoods IQ 1outbern Beirut were hammered by unabatLnc air ... uiia \hat mo hit areas around the airi>ort and ita hJahway. a,.._ flared between 1sne11 and Syrian fOl"C& m.e1 Mid It abot down 20 more Syrian MiGs and two ...Wt beUcopten 1n eMtem Lebe.bon. where Syria reported lta artillery WM dueling with Ianell pound fOl"C& The i..ell IMfleta dropped Oft Bebut told Syrian troops to leave the dty "wfthln a few boun" becauae "we do not intend to flcbt the Syrian army!' There wa1 no lip the Syrlana were Fouiiding president Petersgn srfccumbs • Jeevtna. By CllARLE8 8. LOOS or .. ....,,... .... BMil H. Petenon, the founding pre1ident of Oranae Coast The Syrian atate radio, Colleae who waa known meanwhile claimed llraeU jeta . nationally aa "Mr. Junior strafed c~nvoya of travelers C.ODeae," is dead at the age of 74. today at a checkpoint on ' Dr. Petenon, a reaJdent of Lebeian'• northern bClrdm' with Walnut Creek ai~ce hla s,na. klll•n1 17 tr,vei.n o1 redremmt from occ in 1964, vartoua natlonalltlea and died ID a convale9cent hospttal woundlna 71. Tu.day. He had been ill foe There wa1 no immediate r.eeU OJ1••..n. U true. It would be the northernmoet braell au.ck In the flw-day lnvallon. whlch wu launched Sunday with the ltated pl of pMIDI aome time. Private 8el'Vicea were conducted today. D.r . Peterson guided the development of Orange Cout CoUeae in ea.ta Mae from 1947 to 198f. Beaide1 being the mU ix;a: tint president, he .... the superintendent of what I.a now the Cout Community CoDeae DiatricL It WU under hfs letdenhip that planning began foe the diltrict's eecond campus. Golden West College in Huntingtco BeaCh. Golden West opened in 1966, shortly after his retirement. . Dr. Peterson w• known as a ''no-norwen.e" administrator. Kil A plan to bulldoze the Balboa dedication to 0ranae Coast and to 1\m ?.one = it with a the educatlonaf phlloao~ three ...., of oUX., behind Califomla'a junior co .~:eur:~ ~~ system WM legendary. • Newpor& Beach Plannina At the 1ame time,·Dr. Petenon Comm""on. · WM deeply interested in ~ Olan~ OD a aeries of ::'8~ =~lif~thewlth a ltraW votes taken Jail mootb, h df 1 f h d--d t led °'bel lllin t an u o an me. own 1 1DA , • r w pea o barndm left from World War U nn11amend to the az~·ncfJ da,a when most of what la now that tbe multi-million plan central Costa.Mesa was the Santa be apprcmd. Ana Army Air ~· Whllif Balboa n!llldmtl admit A tamllt'ar 1cene at OCC the 4e.year-old arcade brlnp footbell .--Wiii the tall, punt beck fond IUmllMI' memorlea, flll.are of "Dr. Pete " as he wu 1ew haw ~ that tbe run· ~the aldeunea. he 1.one abould lie left itandlna. P1nde fortunes on the The .. mOBoo recle~t ~ 11:. i:.~J: ='9~'!~ · l!:J'~ buketball at UC inootporate .._.. ol U. arm. , where he received his the run Zane 1a f.,,,,.. 1«1 .,a, BA. M.\ and PhD degrees. . •a Fenia wt.el Dr, Peterson aerved a• Major concerns with the ~t of the Callfornia J'8lior project uve been traffic and Collep A.aaodatlon aad twice ....-tlon work that mmt be ••• chief execu\tv~ of the done to IUlre room tor a two-Amerbm Amoclatkin of Junior ..,..._,....._...... Cont•• SUCCUMBS -Basil Pe terson, founding president of Orange Coast College, bu died at 7~. He alao found time for volunteer work In the community, serving on the boar<b of the Orange County Phllharmonic Society the a.ta Cfdeaa United Fund and the Children a Hospital of Oranae C.ounty. He al8o lel'Wd the Boy Soouta and the On.arch of J_. Christ of 1.Atter.day Saints. 1n 1963, be .... the NewpJrt Harbor Chamber of Commercle "man of the ,-r ." Be returned to Oranae c.o.t In 1"15 to accept the IChool'• "outstandina du.ti award'' atve:n at graduatlon eech year • · The Utah native beaan hla career in education aa a mathnatb and phJllca te.:bel' . at BabrdieJd HiCh School and J\mlor CoUeae. when he Uo WM heed t.alretball ODMil and an la Newport Beach really ~ '.the 11oliw branch'' to Ql'lirisa COunty ~t u¥I ~ to conlider IClme expanalQn of John Wayne Airport? Or ts it, u one city coundlman au1jeated, 1harpentn1 up the iw'Oi'd, waitlna for the countf_ to rnab another pu1 at expanding the county airfield? These questions surf aced after a recent prem conference ln Newport. The conference was held so of flcials could react publicly to the city's courtroom · victory and the turning back of the county'• airport master plan. During the conference, Newport's hired attorney, Pierce O'Donnell, suggested the city now wu ready to e*nd the "olive branch" to the coqnty and become a working partner ln plannlng the future of the airport. He laid it wu time to eeek a legally binding settlement to the airport question. It wasn't long before several council members reacted, aaylna attorney O'Donnell had gone too far in his atatementa: Several aaid the "olive branch" offering was news to them. Ottloi\ntll, at the ui'lina.lof dty oftidAJI. reel)Oftded. t.o:.m.e cancerrw In the lo'rn:a. of a prw re1eMe,' uytnc that hit commentl were not meant to reflect city policy. He uid he wu lpeakinc for htm1elf, a1 a llttaatton attonaey. While all ot th1t may have momentarily reeulwel ln Newport 1ending out mixed 1lanals, we ~·t feel it WM that b6g a deal. Valid or not, the 110Uve branch" offertna, while a nice 'dea, la an empty piture. To think that the county would lit down and atgn a legally binding qreement curbing the future of tfie airport la almply f-00llsh . There are too many other considerations for the county to do ·something like that. The federal courta. ln tryinc to 10lve the flight allocation, may request more daily. departures or may do away with the 500-mile flight limit. Newpon certa1nly could go to court and challenge such expansion movee but to believe the county would be willinl to just sign off potential expansion ta dreaming. Coastline post uµique Bernard J . Luskin, the founding president of Coastline College, will leave that post July 1 to 8l8Ume the prestdenc:y of sister school Orange Coast College. Coast Community College Diatrict trustees have appointed veteran administrato~ John Buller as interim president of Coastline for a period not to exceed one year. The trustees preswnably have ael this limit to give themlelvee plent)' of time for an extenllve aearch for a permanent chief administrator at Coastline. A thorough evaluation ii needed parttcularly for the Coastline post because it involves a unique Institution. Orange CoB8st president just a few months ago. The trustees commendably set up a screening committee representing admtnl1tratora, instructors, clHslfled employees. students and community members to review applicatiom. This ~el submltted the names of a t six finallata to the board of trul1eea. The trustees narrowed thla group to two finalista, then one top candidate. Unfortunately, they nodfied their eecond clM>ice that he wu not l9Jec:tecl before the ftnt chofioe had accepted the job. /ta it turned out, the tn.lstee.• top choice turned down the po1ition for financial rea10na. lmtMd of tetumlnl to the other Sometimes dubbed "the applicants, the trustees aJ>P?inted college without walls:' Coastline Luskin to the Or~e Coast has no fonnal campus but offers ·~ tho he had claaaes at about 150 rented prem~-J'• even locations throughout the district, not Aftlied. which extends from Newport · though Lu.skin's a"edenti.ala ·are not questioned, the trustees' Beach ~rthwest to Seal Beach decision to disregard all other and porUona of Garden Grove. applicants reviewed by the Under an open e~rollment ac:reenlni committee created IOlne arrangemen~. re11dents in w will among campus inltructon . neighboring dties alao may enroll _ and other employees. ln Coastline counes. • Bet ore beginnine th~ _ In ,,.addition to its classroom selection proce11 for the top instruction, Coastline offers an Coastline poaltion, the trustees extensive schedule of television lhould 11et up and make public courses. more predle l\.ddelines on ~ In finding the person to they will choo1e the new oversee thi1 unconventional pNlident. And theylhould refrain college, the trusteee should bear in from writing off all other mind 101De of the 1e.ona they candidatiee witil their top choice learned in selecting the new bas fonnally accepted the job. Cal~rans strikes again Any veteran mot«ist familiar with the iDB and outs of beating the ttaffic in Newport Beach and ea.ta Meu can recall the good old da)'I. Thole were the daya when you could negotiate east-west crcmings of Newport Boulevard without having to make a pit stop in between. But these day1, the 1ame 1hort cr~lng, which involves ~ through two lets of traffic 8lpall. reqw.re. that the driver haw: •)The pole politkm. b) A car capable of jlckrabbit .... c) Guia In the face of north or IOuthbound driven who ilqht be P!ilhinc the eutdan J.IOt; You ... your oJa ·~­at Ca11nnl -die ..._ ODii wllo -..t COiia .,_ the NewpOrt Mufevard ditch -are aow brmjtn1 a new traffic ..,_, l)'ltem to Newport Boulevard. The c.attnna folb •Y this new •yatem will mean better north-IOUth traffic flow alonf Newport Boulevard. The $1. million .,..._ la to be finilhed · )mt ln time for the IUIDl'Mr beach ..-m. The folb at Caltranl aim 1ay eut and westbound motorl.lta will have to 1uffer because lt't !~..P<>ulble to 1ynchronize the JJahta both waya. Tramlated, all of thM meam more bMchbound motorllta will aet to Newport BMcb fllitil' while em md ~ driwn trylnfl to cro11 Newport Boulevara ••••ID friaitradoft at "8vtnc to W.tt at two ~iltapUibtl within a ball bJOCk of --·ciD!n'. ~. Wltls trleDdl like the folu at Calttaat. ho need• mww'nd _Community college fees? The pomfbillty that feea will be levied on the more than one million oammunity coUeae atudentl 1ooml larae • = ltruaJe 1b bela~ the 1082-83 This wu eeen in recommendat ona made by the California Poet1eee>ndary Education Comm'"'MI to lncreue feea at the 11nivenity of c..llfomia and the state colle1e 1y1tem but with additional f1i'wdal aid to needy atudentl. THE COMMISSION recommendationa. adopted by an 11 to 2 vote, dld not include the community colleges ln tbe&P- fee recommendadona but did call for an $80 million cut ln the 1tate'1 allocationa to them. Thia waa seen by community colle1e repreeentatlves u opep.ina the door to feea. In· any event the report 1eet1W to pit the compiunity colleges agalnat tne university and ~;11epe. the latter two both feel while the Callfomia community co a.re laid to be the lalt free coUeaea in the nation. The recommendatlom certainly pl8ce ~fore the Lelitlature the often uked question of why lt'Udentl must paJe!t the unlve1"1lty and state c:o1lege8 for tical ~ that can be obtained free at the community ootJeaes. Funding for the two-year college• currently cotta the 1tate more than $1 blllion annually Of two-thirda of their total b\.&dptf. While the report suggested ; . ., llll llTlll only an '80 mW1on cut. it would ap~ that the colle1ea could abaorb a 20 perciet a1aah in state fundJ.na with ll~ difflculty. Thia i1 aeen In the 1tatement by Patrick Callan, commt•fon diJ'ector, that recreational prop-amt in the colle1es, such ii Joainl, account for 20 percent of the eounes paid for by the state. Enrollmentl at the community colleges •have expanded petly in recent yeara u the two-Ye-coneaea have reached out into the community to provide many programa which do not lead to the four-year ooDeae degrees. A1 long aa these 1chooll • u•.it aupported largely with local fund.I~ legialaton were not concerned with o.e • oflering:s, but with the fi.rwldal Cl"W'tlfh in ttate revenues and the increu._g amounta beina 'provided the colleaea •Y the state lince ....,e of Proposit.IOn 13, the lawmaken are centertna more and more attention on the college funding. THEY ARE ALSO bothered by t~e contentions of the com.mlaJon that the community colleges aerve mostly tbe more affluent rather than those from poor and minority backgrounds. Callan aid that while the report was mainly for the purpoae of allowlrig increued fees at the univenity and state colleges, It was a1ao intended to provoke some sensible long-range planning on the question of student fees. Whatever the outcome, even with fefS. the coats of !!ducation at California'• publicly SUP.J>Orted institutions Of~ learning wUl 1tW be a bargain. Latest reports show that the buic fets for tuition, room and board, at Stanf~ Harvard, Yale and Princeton now exceCi $11,000 a year. How to benefit f roin Dial-A-Ride l To the Editor: Juat a few wordl in deleme of the Dial-A-Ride ayst.em. I wOl'k for DAR out of Anaheim. We lel'Ye the eMt and DOc1h ~ Cowity area. Our phones never rtnc more than two times ~fore they are answered and our MAILBOX drivers_ (from all the nice remarkl the cu1tomer1 pa11 on to me) are very courteous. There la no realOn to be treated otherwbe. Our ~ and hit exx:»Dent staff keep our office running smoothly. If there is to be a delay 1 the potential p-en;er is adviled of th1a., be or the can deOde if it la worth waltinC that lone. . TO INSURE the belt and quickest Mrvice pcmlble the customer can help by: 1. Call well in edvance of deli.red pickup Ume. 2. Be accurate with addrem. 3. Be \here at the stated time 4. Be 1ure the bu1ldinc number is viltble from the stlftt. 5. Call to mncel lf you ~ your mind. 6. Have the correct cban.ie -50 centa for handicapped, 50 cents for aen1on, $1 for othen -or have your pam ready to ahow tbe driver. Dial-A-Ride 1a a sreet convenif!ince fOf" Jou of people -lil!'nloc' dU... acboo1 children, workina people, aboppen - anyone who needl a ride, just about anywhere. The price la rf&ht. lQO. Try It, yoU may love it! PENNY JJ:NKINS Criticism cballensed the university, land grants for cultural purpoeee. donatiooa to many civic and aervlce groups, and charitable fund1 dlaburaed through the lrvi ne Foundation. Oun la an enviable community u a result of excellent plannin1 by The Irvine Company. National magazines such u Fortune and Time, as well as numerous foreign joumalB have given the company the utmost pra.i8e for their efforts. Local visitors to foreign QOW\tri• may find urban and suburban conununitieB patterned after what in the beginning WU created here, including oominercial complexes and modern shopping cent.era. On my desk, u I write this, ia a allck paper publication showing many 1eenes of Newpan Center and Fashion laland publlahed ln Japan. I thank you fOI' printing this letter and auaest to readen of this forwn that Mn. AJlen11 letter WU udly laclcina in f-=ta with no mention of -the reaaona her hiaband waa terminated. RroJONES Noise logic balfles To the F.ditor: Sometimes it ls difficult for me to determine whether Bill Martin, the county's nolte abatement oUfoer (and I use that term loosely) is the noise abatement officer or the county's court ~ter. In the tteent Dail~ Pilot article, 'Newport Beach Data Showa Jets Louder," May 26, Mr. Martin pa11e9 off u "mllleadlna," the cla1ms of Newport Beech executive asailtant City ~er. Ken Delino that the much ballyhooed, "quiet" DC-9 Super 80 aircraft i1 actually reptering louder than \he old ''no6ay" jetl. Mr. Martin·· paredoxbl kllic .. that the tiro nolae monltorln1 1t~tlon locations in question (M-2 and M-3) are located ''on the pilrlphery of the takeoff pattern and are noi tnaly lndkatlve of the <M!rall airport operadonl." la he k:kJdlnc or la this just another Of hii ~1 The ~e, of coww, ii the way in wl*:h die count)''• whole trumped-up 8lJUah noile monilGl'inl ayatmn II eet up. In the orl1tnal ayatem of nine .-..-. atllllona, only twO of ttiw were placed aDywbere near the ,....dal area of Newport Beech. ~ .......... M·2 and M·I on the couatJ'• • .-uon lowuon ~Pl· M-2 ....... DD¥w ..... ....,, ... and M-1 the l'Mtbluff ....._ noise of John Wayne A1rpott. the coun~ freely admits that the DC-9-80 noilill? readinp are louder than the older jets il these two noise monitoring stations. How Mr. Martin can then tum~ and say that thetie two locations, w~' absorb the vast majority of the ~ generated from John Wayne Airport ~ somehow basically unimportant becauae they allegedly are "on the periphery c1 the takeoff pattern, and not trult indic•tive of the overall airpor,l operations" ia nothing short o1 incredible! The most incredible part of Mr~ Martin's statement ii that he impliEJ the other remaining noiJle moni · atationa are somehow the import.an main-stream ool8e stations. Upon examination. one finds that most of these ~ther 1tation1 are located in auch "atrate8'cally" noise sensitive areas aa the Santa Ana Office/Commerclal area. : the Santa Ana Industrial Complex, the; Irvine Industrial area, two pointa near the back bay bird sanctuary, and several near the end of the runway. But only two of the.e are located anywhere near a1%able, residential population arees. ROBERT CONKLIN r l So-long, Jacques! To the Editor: I It's hard to believe that u yet no one has covered the l8ddest event ~ at Fuhion lalandl J .C. Penney · known aa Jacques Pennee ia leaving) Thia ltcft WU well-loved by the town. Who could dupllcate the ~ · ~ (and Ua prices), It waa fun to lhop the ltol'e and find Items that ~ not IOld el8ewhere. It did not hurt other...,.__ lt waa a drawtnc card tor them. IT CERTAJNL Y did not de8rade the lma1e of Faahlon bland; count th9' Mercedea ln itl perklnc lot (l own one! too). Talk to th• people who know Penney•• la -~ All& the clerb what the~ ...... iaySQa. 'lbe COl'i.NUI Of .Olllnlin that I biW bMrd la that ~ WGuld'ratt. many~ atore! n. JMnit~ hie done lt ... lnlt Thin wtD ..,.. be the --hlell!Qat about ... bulllliw! Good .. '° the new Rodeo DrtW ~ · JMNft'I'& BAVDB \ Karcher chain ' profits soar Salecl and eam.lno of Carl Karcher Ent.erprW9, owner and operator of the Carl'a Jr. restaurant chain, ro1e to • fim-quarter 1"4!1C01"d. F.aminp for the 16 weeks ended May 21 were up 126 percent to $2,426,000 from $1,072,000 ln the like period a year ago. Eun1np per share rme 65 percent to 43 centa from 26 centa. Ff.m..quarter relUlta included a gain on the -1e of a1x Taco de Carloa Mexican res1auranta of $346,000, « 6 oenta a ahare. AirCal gets image award AirCal of Newport Beach baa received an outat.andlng achievement award ln the "lmlae of the Year" program apomored annually by the Career Apparel Inatitute, a divialon of the National A.odation o1 Uniform Manufacturen & Diatributon. The cmnpetition ls open to finna with career apparel programa ln four categories: food/hotel, financial/buaineaa, aalea, 1ervlce/indu1trlal and transportation. Sandie Allen la director of inflight 'lflr'Ylcel at A.irCal. AirCal'a flight attendant uniform. are designed by New York f~on designer Mary MacFadden. Irvine firm wins contract CIE_ Systems, Inc. of Irvine and Ge.neral Automation, Inc. have ~ a five-year, $50 milJ.kln contract for ClE Systems new 680 ~ compu1er • ~ agreement ls the finrt major oootract for CIE Syst.ema lllnce it wa formed ln October M a sut.id'•ry of C. Itoh Electron1ca, Inc., Loe Angela The first phale calla for delivery of 1,000 l)'IJtema during the tint year, 1eheduled to begin early third q~r 1982. ·General Automation will market the G80-systema under ita name in the U.S. and in over 40 countries. Home sales up, but. . , • California home ftAle activity for April tncreued 14.6 percent from March, with alngle-famlly tran.llllCtioo volume at a 11CM[ll!Wly adjusted annual rate of ~9.996 unlta, the California Amoda1ioo of Realto~ announced today. Despite the modert increue during the month, P.xiatblq home sa1ee were 38. 7 percent below thme in April 1981 and 37 percent lower than April 1980. -"Indications of econom1c recovery are not evident from the hOme reu1e volumes or from the hou.tna industry as a whole,'' said Seb Sterpe. president Of CAR. STOCKS IN THE SPITUCHT AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YOM W'I -..... -,,_ .... ... ~ .... flNioft --_ ,, ... ... Ii""-_.,...,,,,. .. -. .. -- UPS AND DOWNS +14t -Yt --_,,. ., • Yt .. ,,. +·\ot _, ··~ _,,. -" ·- NlWYOMW'!-S-___ ,.. ~-.. ---A---~-.,_,..._., .. __ DcwNllttt Yl.IOO •--t-16 HelnfQ> II MUOO ,_ -,,. w .... 8 , ... ooo 11-+ ,,. Gutte.M 1 110,a 1~ ••..• OflloSeel ' too.• '" • " flor1drtt ' SS,1'1 94-_,._ "°E 16.2-1 '1,W »" -l4t C!~'""' .... 100 " • ~ Oi:" AH 41.a "-+ w HoyO!ffi .,... IM ..... METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot 11011lerrovt met.il)ttc.~ C~ 70~7S c:enle •pound. U.S. de9tlNillorts. L..i 25-27 oentl • pound. 111111 ltWT oentl e pound, delwwed. Tiii M. 1511 ...... Weell OOf'llP09lte lb. AM111111M171-n cents e pound, N.Y . ......, 1370.00 '* ..... ,....._ $283 00 troy oa., N.t SILVER