HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-14 - Orange Coast Pilot........ ..ii ~plane dwibll Wt~' =deed .~ the nrbr~tali llkl. Pour ~ wbm tbis' plane llammtd into an ~r:: I four~ .... llAn.d W two = oolllded abOW a .-•91ftt. ro\&r. people on a Piper Cherokee four.seater died Saturday rupt wben theU' plane • . Swv.n1 of IA Ha\n, 38; hJa wlfe, Beverly, 38; Ronald Wacni!r. of Fullenoo. 37; and his witi, Sbttla. 35, Oranp County !:rty Coronet' Je11eph Lucky The other tw9 planea in Corona coWded about a mile wt of the l1rpcirt runway. One came down aboU' 40 feet from a hol.-on Shamrock Street 1n a new bowd.nc development, the other fell Into a vacant field, aid Sat. Dave Spark.owl. The victima in one ylane were John Davison, 39, of Orange, and Gary Roblnlon, 34, of Silverado, Berkeley aald. The othen were Harry kohr, 49, and hiJ IOn, Scott, 20, both of Riverside. "From the location where they fell, it 1ookl like they were both In the pattern attempt.Ina to land at Q)rona airport.'' Comnal;dke Sit· Fred BilP" aald. '!be Oxvha aig)ort does not have an FM· controlled' tower. Both accidents were under inve1t11atfon by the National Tranaportatlon Safety Board, Hallen aaid . siege • pus e APWlnJttl HEAVY TRAFFIC -An unidentified pa11erby makea his way through l demonaa)lton yaJnst nuclear arms In front of the Soviet M1aalon to the United Nations ln New York today. Police arrested demonstrators and carried them away. Guests flee Gray s:fcieS keep as blaze hits motel in SA beach crow-ds down 1'lre did $65,000 damap in half an-hour to a bul1dJnc in the Ambaaaador Inn complex in Santa Ana befott 12 companls of ftreflahten exUnaulahed it, Battalion Chld MIChael Cate said. Some 70 l\M!Sl were evacuated thfOUCh smoky conidora when the fire broke out about 3 a.m. = C.ate Mid. No one waa injured. altbouch two people were treated for llDOke lnhiladon. at the scene. STATE Gray, overca1t alde8 held beach activity to a minlmum aloal the Onnce Coat aves-the weebnd . with light crowds at moat locations and a alnale ·ocean na'\.le tn Newport Beed\. Weather fOl'flCMten. however, are predlct1n1 clearer and wanner beach days later tbla week.. In HuntfnRton BNch. ue.ooo beachJoen went to th• etaht· mile atntcb of public abon OWi' the weekend. In Newport Be.ch. 115,000 people went to the beach. Surf ranaed between one and thtee feet. The water WM~ with temperatun!I In the 609. Air temperature both days w• in the low 60I. beech offidaJa ~ weather apokMD>an BW Schnelder •ya UM recent oven:aat weather la typbl f« June. I ''We're expedina the aides to dter.;, earUer. the week .. on for the days to be a blt WU'1Dll','• Schnelder laid. "The (See 'BEACH, Pace At) COUNTY : Defender hOlding ground BJ fte Auodated Presa BrlUah Infantry backed by artillery fire pr~ a fierce three-pl'Onled attack today on two ~tme-held ridges west of Stanley in ~ EBriUah -Wt in• man days on the b mt Ff! d FalklaM capital. Aramdna MDOl!mced. The B\&enos Aires military cwmnux1 laid ~tine awmen returned the' shellfire and Infantry troopa were holcllna their poaitlona. The Defense MlnJatry In London declined ••w:ro:: :tns~ · in. --·tcp. tbat "a .-i q_uantl_ty" of Brltl1b forces *'114 fnlm biCb ~ -than 10 .mi. Welt of Stanley jult before midnif't Sunday, after rearoupm1 rom a pre- dawn uaault Saturday that punc'hed throuah the outer ~ defeme perimeter. 'The fightlil.Jr baa become generalized for poueaalon of Mount Tumbledown and Wireless Rldae, with lntervenUon of Infantry and .ullery from both ..... the hiah command said In a oammunique at 10 a.m. local Ume (6 a.m. PM'). "So far Aremtlne fona are contalnlDI the attack and mailltatn dleir poaiUona," the communique llid. but pve no detaOa. Earlier, the military government in Buenm Alrel aald Araentlne artillery blasted Britllb troops attempting their leCOnd advance on Stanley and forced them to ~t behind • anoketr1een. Meanwhile, Argentina and Britain announced they accepted a Red Cro11 proposal for a neutral zone in Stanley for protection of civilians and Wounded• coocem pw for the safety of some 600 lalandera belleved atill in the capital. The cradon of the 11Cne la another atcn '1hat the dedsive battle between Brltaln'a estimated 9,000 troope and 7 ,000 Ar1enUnea la approachlna. It followed by one day reparta that two Fa•tancten hlld been killed and four others injured by (Set FALU.AND, Paae Al) Welle calls it a career ' · Disneyland alters tickets NATION Pricee '°up at Dlmeyland on w~, but the tick.et co.t will mvw lunUimted rklll. P.,e Al. Quarantine Station The Murray Heights Stanley, East Falkland Ap ,.,.Wlr..,... SAFE ZONE -The International Red Cross and the British goVemment have agreed on a "safe wne" for civilians remaining in the Falklands capital of Stanley. Map indicates boundaries of neutral zone. <lfter:rillas trapped by 'Israeli forces By fte Auoclated J>reu Israeli forces trapped guerrtllas in West Beirut today after a spectacular tank charge led by Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, whme troops blocked all roads San Onofre agents nab 284 illegals into and out of the Lebane.e capital and left the Palestln.lans cut off by land, sea and air. Sharon's men took the suburb of Baabda, site of the presidential palace, and IOIDe Of I ~ troops made a command post of the local police barracks. Israel's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Raphael Eytan, rode to the edge of Beirut and said the PLO'a nerve center was "iaolaied, end.rcled and cut off." One radical Palestinian leader vowed an epic fight to hold West Bein.at if the Israelis entered. But the invadera made no immediate move on the PLO stronghold, U.S. Border Patrol apnta did an<l thoua'8nds of Lebanese something a little different welcomed the Israelis by SUnday nfJzht and aa a retult, shouting "shalom," giving them they netiea 284 illepl allenta, fruit, flowers, candy and Including a half dozen aaspected exchanging aouvenirs. llJlLIO]en. Meanwhile, ships of the U.S. A -&rder Patrol spokesman at 6th Fleet stood by off the port of the San Onofre hiahway Jounieh, lOmilesnorthofBelrut, checkpoint just south of San to evacuat~ Americana and Clemente aald extra agents were "8D!one ei.e_ wanting to leave called up from San Dl.e30 lot aoept arrnec:tbleatin.ianai" U.N. Sunday's roundup. oflkiala aai<L "But they said the The check station normally la l.araella lnslUed the 6th Fleet cloeed Sunday aftemoont and , evacuate only Americans, and evenings ao motorist.a can make none had left. t be i r w 'a Y b om e m 0 re Reporters confirmed the e~'!c,~~y. when agents Iaraelis controlled all land, ... kept the checkpoint open, and air approecltes to Beirut, and aiid the guerrillas were trapped flndin1 Illegal aliens In 39 in 8 10-equare-mile area of West vehlcle1 over a six-hour period. n~•-·t S1:x of thole captured will be ucu-u • chaqed with amuagJlng aliens Sharon told Iarael radio the into the United Stat& .... (See ISRAELI, Pace Al) INDEX A4 Horoecope B2 Ann Landen AG MOYiea 84-& National News A6 .Public Nodcel 112 Spana 04-8 Stock Marketa B3 Televlldon B3 Thea ten Ae Weather M World News c-"() R 'T"' '-' ... r' "' it ,..,. ' .... ,, . • Otanai Oollt DAILY PU:.OTIMond•, June 14. 1 ... 'l.~~~~~r--=-=~~~~~,.;.....~----~~--~------~ 150 d~monstrate LOS ANGELES (AP)..- United Slates policy regarding the Polish military government was criticiz.ed Sunday by about 150 peaceful demonantora who rallied to mark six months of martial law in Poland. --~· .. . .. . .... ~ Woltd"' f~ pltlCe and weloome -to the taNi CNWa. He Mld the lmrHU mllltaey OpetaUol\ WM~ r-. for mopp&na UJ» a ~evil~. He IUd no Inell~ toward ~ ~ w•· planned, •1We do not want to. ao into ~t," NMn)An Mid. "Wi wittt to •void fny 1trte' ft1Mtn1 becau,te I ~t of dvWu. would ,.t kOlea."' He etld ~ d1d not kr)ow how lq the ~l,ta wo\M rtmaln in ·Lebanon, but le.re.eel that they had no lntention of 11~ the way Qf'Ufe in Lebanon.0 "We jUat want to pt rid of the Syrt.ana and Palellt.ln1ai1 tem>rilt lnfrutructu.re. ,, Israeli Prime Mtnl1ter Menachem Belin told reporten ln Jerusalem be WU advi8ed the §uerrillaa were· having difficulty holding out and they may quickly ceue theti' fire, in which case ,there will be no ahood.ng at all." But MOilema ln West Beirut, where the Palestine Liberation Organization hu ita command center, feared a bloody ..ault. A PLQ..laraeli' truce collal*<f Sunday ju.at 12 houn 'aft.er It took eUect. PLO clUef Yueer Arafat appealed to Israel for another truce. George Habash. leader of the PLO'a militant wing, vowed to turn Beirut into "a new Stalingrad, .. a ref~ to the Soviet defense of Stalfl\&l'ad 8'ainst Nui armia i.r} 1942--43 that turned into a~ defeat for the German forces on the Russian front. BEACH WEATHER ... 1overcast skies are normal for '1une but in several weeks thla Will go away and we'll have f onnal summer weather." Although the crummy weather ~s typical for June, offshore tishermen in Newport Beach rePorted unusual catches of king ~n. 1 This fish usually doesn't get '.$outh of Ventura County but baa 'Peen found off New~.~ntly, between Balb and t4ewport Piers. say beKh. offidala. In Hunttn,ion Beach, the major excitement wu cau.ed by a vehicle fire Sunday aft.emoon that cau.ed $2,000 damaae to a van in tbe parkinc lot of Hun~ &ate Beach. Fire Of6aala aay an electrical failure mu.I the 1:15 p.m. blue which drew a large crowd of oolooken. :FALKLAND ISLANDS. . • 1Britiah• guns shelllng Stanley. One of th~ dead waa Suan Whitley , a 32-year-old ichoolteaoher who wu aeven montha pregnant. ! The Defense Ministry 1aid .today that at least 208 Britlab holdJers, aailon and p&ta have been killed and 244 wounded ln fighting for the Falklands. ~tina haa acknowledged 82 '-old.lent killed, 342 mi..tnR and U.S. Summary RMI IP'Md ec:fote Vlrglnll Into H•w Yoti Ind touth9fn New Englend Oft Sundly, end ....... end lhundlmOfTTll .... w4defy IC8tlerM Ill .,. louu-.t. ~ .._. CbldV 1n mucn of the Oll'lttll end Western pert of IN nllloft, Wllh e few .._.. In IN centr81 Plllnl. Thunderttorm• develop•d llong a ootd ffon4 II* to the _. Of the IOww QrMI lJllkaa. Cloudl covered moat Of the ,... of the EMt from IN Appelectii-to IN Allllntlc coat. sunny .... Pfevelled from the Dllcotu thfol)gh the upper half Of th• MIHIHlppl Valley to th• upper Gr9lll lAMI llld .... --ONo V""'1. For Mond1y th• Hatlonal W•1tll•r S•rvl ce loreout 1how1re Ind thunder1torm1 eca1t..O from the nor1ham hlll of tN ~-thfOUQfl IN oentrll Plaine Into the mtcl-Ml~POI v~':: thunderttomw wtl be *'Y'Oll the "'°'* ~ .. ,... ~ partl of ,_.. dwl. -1~ W"'incled. but the Brttllh et.am tD heft c1ptured or kllled a.oet Ar ......... Mayl. the .... a one-blodt .... around Stanley's red-brick ~ cathedral. Ita apae la a landmark and the cathedral offers better protectlon apinlt" ahellfire than the ~ wooden houaes, sources said. • ,.. a... Antonio 81 8-ttie 11 r,:,: 80 11 St~ 11 St P-Ternpa t2 St Ste Marte IMI ~ 71 Topeka 11 T--M w~ 85 Wlchltl .,. A 1pokHman for C .J . 8•1•rHro~ & Sona H)'I tht ~v l m4nt co•1•nY tf to 'lb ahMd Wtth the cit the flnt half of a mat.mrnoth condomfnluro project that .. been aPPl'OV*l by the O.ta Meta City Counen. Ttle COuncU approved • f1tia1 reaonlna lut week that will dMr the .way for oonat.rucUon ~ be81n on lW.f the 28 ac19 on whJdi a total of 1,lOS ~um w).Ua at& propoeed. Se1eratrom own• 14 of the acret tt Adama A.venue and Plnec.Teek Drtve and tbe Other h•lf la owned by the Coaat Community ColleP Dlltrfct. that h.u yet to approve the project. Malcolm ao., , •pokemnan rw Seserstrom. declihed to comment on the likelihood that only the 581 conclomJ.niwn unita propmed on the Septabum land will be built. ''For the college's well-~ we bor that they can come in, he aai • fn March, the City COuncil approved the project to be developed bY.. Robert C. Lanolet and ~. caJ.11ni for 104 ~tielor unita. small u 437 aq"8re feet on the Seaentrom portion of 1he property. However, reviled plane approved by the CouDd1 JW)e 7 1how the realignment of a driveway onto only the fii'at half of the J)roject that would ~w it to stand on ita own. Mid city p~ oftidala. Richard Simon, a spokNman for the college diatrict, aaid trustees have not considered the pro~ or eet a date to diJCUll it. "It ju1t haa not been di8cu8aed," said Simon. "We've had other prelSing issues and I think that'• probably the fundamental rea90l'\ .•• Rom aaid no construction date hM been let. 17-stoty plunge fatal DENVER (AP) -A man fell 17 ltoriel to bis death at an apartment buildt'!f here despite ~-effor11 a friend who dun& to h1a handl fOf' aevera1 mlDutee, J>Olk:e said. • '-rbe frimd WM pbtJlna ~ ouDb'8 and boldlna on to the py. Wlm.. IUcl the frlmd alJDOlt went with him a couple al timea," police detective R.J . Polak aald Sunday. The victim wa1 James W. Williama, 34, who recently moved here from San Frandm>, police ta.id. ' 14 l9'muda 12 7& 31 ~ 11 711 .. 80 ., ~ 40 :::~.,. 81 72 1. 58 111 Ila H Ooad•oup• " 75 n H~ 113 73 58 5a.v 80 79 ae .. 13 14 111 73 81 Mltida " 11 511 Melcloo Ctty 11 .. =:m 111 ee 80 ee 17 10 a.n Juan 80 :I 87 T~pe 11 .13 11 It Ttlnlded 85 i .04 ... eo • v.-80 . 11 N 72 1141 Smog :: 17 rJ::.,,,.Alf ~elltf:~ IO If • .. ~-are~ttom .... 09ttll °"" Coaat -'° ttie cw~ Virginia .,.. .,.... • 10 • quallty ~altlv• F' MondaJ kl tlle '"ven an Vlttlfll.e and th• rower Gr .. t Lak•I· 8u111hlne alto wa1 for1A1t tor Califo rnia, the ••ut,,.rn fl'l1teau and th• ~.~=· around the llllllol'I .. I p.m. U>T t9"gld ~ .. --In Orearwll9. ........ .., ....... In Ole Bind. Ml. F"-~l'~I' . ~ uorn1a .. .. • IO 71 u • 11 • .. .. -17 17 10 " 71 "· n 117 .. ... . ., ~= .. u " .. . .. .. .. .. ,,., l1IO .... "" • ="'·-----of .. C...Ntlelln. A ~ IUnclard ..... of 11111 .................. '*' ... lltiO.... .. A Pit of tOOltpr~ttll a.n '8rlwMlo • ...,.. '*' G*tlt ......... ~ .... flln~-~ In --=•••LGe ·~ A « U It eor.-for II otfl•r ;r:.~ lnoludl~ ........ • ~Ion, =r: County,"'" :;1ow _... ___ .. ~,....,. ,._..,,.. n•ft 00011 o. too: u11"_." 1 tor Hiii 11-. people, 10~100; u11~1Utlful for ••• 0111, I01·10f1 afld flUa 1111, I01-IOO. FATAL 8rtJNT -French mmt drlver Prall Valverde'• car hurUea toward five autoa stacked atop a 1caffold in the harbor at Man~ille, France, durlng an exhlbition ,, ........ . Sunday. Valverde was killed when h1I Ferrari fell uplide down after craahlng into the can at an estimated speed of 87 mph, 73 feet in the air. PLO forces scattered, crippled ~qture in doubt as guerrilla army fights fur its life · BBIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - larae1'1 'week-old lnvaeion of Lebanon ha.t crippled the Pale1tlne Liberation Ofaanlzation'• cuerri~ army, l•vtna it acattered and fichUna for lta 1.lfe. PLO c:>ffidalt .lnflat their armed! fore~•. which leader Yasaer Atatat eatlmated at 40,000 men before the war, have stayed· In the .field apinlt llniel'a military might~ ~expected. 'fh~y ,ay their or1antatton will never dle. becauae of what they call their fervent dmlre to reclaim a homeland from Iarael. De9plte the brave worda, the e11ht-factlon PLO facea the gravest threat to lta exiltence since tt wm forced out of Jordan in a 1970 dvil war. The &Uftrillu won th4 rf&bt' to bear anm ... ao«i run their owu cam,. at ab Arab IWDmlt In Cairo in 1969. But alnce thet llraeU invllloa and lhatterina PLO loaae1 In weapqn1 ana tighten. tl-:e are alrelldy veiled calla for renecot1atin1 that accord.. ' ~ PJalwln•J~ ii>' JMU)it aay their 1upply routes are e . cl, their .u~ .. ; 11111 llllDll routs virtually cut oU ln the war-ebattered capttal. They aay their fuel and ammunition will run out next month. Salah Khalaf, third-ranking leader in Arafat'• own Fata.h auerriJla army, aid the 1mieUa ~UJh~ _to "enclrcle the PLO IWMnblp ~~tin Beirut." when the are malri04i • atand wt their .a to the Mediterranean in the west. The hraeli-backed rt1htlat Christian PhaU.:.atata control roads Wdlng to east Bei:Nt aod to the predominantly ChrtsUan north. 'l"he hraella block the aouth. Between 8,000 and 15,000 PaleJtin.ian guerrlllaa and Lebanete leftist fichten were in aouthern LelMmon when i.-1 invaded June 6. PLO offidala say they have lost coo1act with mmt unit1 and have no way to resupply them. Red Cron officiall 1ay , iPalwUAian refuaee campe near Tyre, a major pre-lnvHion are vtrtuaO delerted with only about 1,300 of their original population of 100,000 left. Perhape 4-0 pen:ent of the 500,-. 000 Palestin1am in Lebanon have been left behind enemy li.oel and thOlaunds mon are in enclavea in northern Lebanon or to the east ln the Bekaa Valley -cut ol:f from the PLO hndquarten on the eouthem ~ of the capltal. "At flnt iJ.ance, one mtaht think that they have indeed cte.lt the revolution a heavy blow," -1d K.balaf. "But th1a blow only prove1 one thing: that our coocept of popular war is rilbt. '' Paleltlnian officials uy their ficbtera require minimal train1ns and weapons ldnoe their ltrategy la baaed on hit-and-nm attacka. ''Two men with grenades can destroy a tank,'' said one PLO offidal. He said lf the Israelis fail to take Beirut the guerrillaa will lawach a war of attrition on the occupying army. Any attempt to take Beirut militarily la likely to cost the llrael.ia even heavier cuualtiel than they have IU.ffered thua f.ar -107 killed and 840 injured. I ••1;tlll UNDERCOVER GRAD -Phyllis LeGros wanted to stay comfortable during her graduation from Lemoore (California) High School, so she wore cut-off jeans under her commencement gown. ! WABHUIOTON (~f\ -.. ex~lnc har~n tun wline The vlllag~ra "dldn't ,,..... Tlin9t Iadiw, tHM;!;st w~ undeni.nd," .. ld CharUr Jim DI mUff Crom thetr ..... on ,,,_ Vtllqen ttoDDtd work to Sr., vlc, chair.man o the A1illla'1 Admlnlty fllilil.:.. ~and preparefor ch. burial f4)Unda.tlon'1 board of ditectott. mldAI a tcinlml ~fNln wamy. "They wondered why," the U.S. Navy for.-. of ''in our culture, when .uch a When the shellln& atopped, their commu,alW neerl,. 00 tlacic ewnt oocun, coml>'nu&Jon m.rinet &Jld aoldlen looted and ~ •· ta ilDd for," DeAU uidJ and burned the tribal howies. ~y, · .... l"tlipilct not the vlllaeen uked the tnd1na Slx children suffocated ln the lhOWft 100 year1 qo will be COl'l\pulY for 200 blank.ta. ll'nOke. aar.ded \mi" likl Raja1 DIAala. The compM\y -.apertntendent lt fl not known how many oae of three kootsaoowoo nf\IMd the requtet and ordeNd ~n died ln the long Alaaka Herital• Foundation offlc:iala the~bllck to work. winter without abelter or who have trawled from Aftaoon, When they continued their suttldent food. Alalka, to the na•'• eapftal to ~S. the 1uperlniendent "They had to go down and eat call attendon ta the atfadl. h by tugboiat to nearby ~ ~ beach -~weed and The dele1at1op aleo p}~na Sh~a _.nd told the naval o~ thil\p. They wOuld wait durtnc a m9'tlftC w1th W-aYy commander the Indiana were for low tide," De.t\aia said. • offidalt fO °uk that & ~ be upc11ina. "6 --'--late Bill T----1d named "Kootsnoowoo'' or , -A• toe villaaen gathered ~"'; i;fi ua ther/ i:=v-;,: :, "Anaoon... winter food three daya after Tell'-Jim aaid, quotlng from a tape Angoon means ''villaae at the Klein's death, Navy Cmdr. E.C. reoording made by Jones, who end of the trail " DeA9a said Merriman arrived with ~ -fo{Ce w aa 13 at the tl me of the while Kootznoo~ it the ~t dODected frotn the Navy, Martne lncldent. name for the laland and means <;or)>t and Revenue Marine Jones described the lncldent "bear fort." Service, a forenmner of the decades later as "the day we .. &.towing a IW1l9 • great eo.t Guard. 1Uftered from a crime that wu significance tn the Tltn11t Merriman took nlne Indlana QO\ committed" culture" DeAall aald captive and demanded 4'00 · ' · blankets from the villa,e~ "We feel that we respect the R ~de ..\°d Rep. ~ Je.C>Unl• not known whether hJ. d · people even though ... they in-Un f' th ~~ ..... 0 1 N are waa underatood· the villagen punished us," Jim said. "It ls e cw e ._........ o avy ' bard and · · --"' " hi b h added tha ffic:iala spoke Utile F.nglilh. very , . &t &a very INIU. ~ ~ ~ to "w8htt;:, reach When only 81 blanketa were Commemoration ceremonies an underatandina with the delivered the next day, are planned ln Angoon from Oct. people of Ancoon " Merriman ordered h1a forces to 22 'to 26 -the dates of the The lncident that 1nlpjred the burn the canoes and the lnddent. vill • t d f storehouaee holding the village'• •-nu. la not anything we are Ang~~r~ ~~c.~e Th: winter food supply and to sfiell celebrating" but an effort· to epi.ode ileaned by ~ tribal hou8e9. promote understanding, DeAsis from Navy lop. written recorda There WU no resistance. aald. and oral hist.oriel ~t. $90.- 000 out-of-court aetthment from the Indian Claims Commf""*' in 1973, the delegatlClft aakL It bepn when Teill~ an Angoon medicine. man Working for the Northwest Tradin& Company, waa killed by an J GRADUATE -Oma Hellet of Atlanta, Ga., will trade her mortarboard for mortars. Jl. graduate of Peachtree High School, she will vacation ~ Dixie before returhing to her native Israel to serve in the Army. Sierra volcano a threat? ·Boid¢r Patrol agents flayea MENLO PARK (AP) -A volcanic eruption in th,e high Sierra could send a plume of ash billowing over a two-state region, dumping up to eight inches ol volcanic debris over a 20-mile wide zone, a U .S . Geological $urvey study says. The report deacribed possibl~ kinda. acales and consequences of eruptions that might be expected lf a volcano erupted in the Sierra near Mono Lake, but scientists emphasized there were no specific predictions of such an eruption. Corona residents· say suspected !llegal aliens haraBBed CORONA (AP) -Residents contend U .S . Border Patrol ...... ~ her-1.nt adtlltr 9nd teen-age studentl on Corona· st:reetl • ~ Wept ~ens, but agents say they are only enfordng the law. One 15-year-old undocu- mented immigrant, Juan Ramlrez Jr., was 4eported to Tijuana last month when he refWled ta answer questions for agents who stopped him on h1a way to ecbool. The boy's fatller, who also la here illegally, told about 60 people at. a meeting that his aon was beaten by other youths at a Mexican juvenile center where he was held four daya. --Armando Olvera. antatant agent in charge of the· Border t Pauol office in 'I'emecul.a. denied the allegations but said patrols have been expanded with a aeven-member fon::e becau.e of "a lot of telephonic complaints about aliens working in Corona." "No, we haven't been atopplnc chlldren," Olvera said. "I have yet to hear of anybody stopping children to ask for citi.zenahip. It would seem ridiculous." . Legal .aid lawyers said the questioning violates an April 1980 injunction by U.S. District Handgun ban OK'd . . by SF Committee SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -, Mayor Dianne Feinstein'• propoeal to ban handguns in San Frandloo bas won approval from a Board of Supervisors' committee, tending it to the full board for consideration. The Public Prottctlon Committee voted 2-1 In favor of the ban followlrtg a lively he.a.ring of vociferous arguments by about 200 pro-and anti-gun spectators who Pttked the dty hall meeting room. The measure would make It a miademeanor to ae!l « sx-a pi.lt.01 in San J'randlco, puniah.lng violators with a maximUIJl of 30 day•• In jail. Pollce, security guards and P'M other people would be exempt. The committee voted to add swre owners and their agents to the list of people who can own guns under the ordinance, wbicb is modeled on one recently adopted by Monon Grove, m. Along with the mainstream gun~owners ahowina up to oppoee the ordinance were the anarchist White Panthen and representatives of Gays for Guns. , Gays for Guns leader Richard Gayer said he would "try and empty all six rounds into anyone who attempts to take it (his gun) away from me." Supervisor Quentin Kopp, opposing Feln1teln11 measure, called for stiffer penaltiet on felona found pollelling gum. Judie David Wllllam1. He ordered the U.S. l.mmip'Atlon and NaturaUDtton· Servtce to desist lrom atoppl~le limply becauw the)',. '9 be Hiapanic. spoke panlah Ol' were in a predominantly . ~ .u:--J*'Ple OD that balia ia blatant di9crimlnation and~ illeaal," said attorn•J" Irene Morales of the ln1md Countla Legal Servlc& "l'Yeltalbcl with many parenta, and I'm convinced they are iaraetlng the kidl. 'The parents are very Wonted." She suggested the month-lone hara11ment was intended to frighten youths into t'eveallnl whether their parmta were In the u .s. WeollY. Ramirez Mid hJ8 10ftt who allD II undoc:utnented, wu tabrl to the tader patrol'• Chula Vtata office and Cleported when be maintained allence, Aaent Otwn ..... Jup -taken In CUltody becll• he .... "an ~ cbild," and "efforta to r9*h or ~ bold of his parents were futile." The agency 11 required to contact parmts or achoo) offk.iUt hen tha properly kten~lv AP..,.,...._ ~ ..... ~ POSSIL ll'OUND -Tim White, a11lstant professor of • Olvera ~ Ju.n Wiii .u.n to anthropology at UC Berkeley, holds remains of skull found in t h e ch u l • v 11 ta b CH' de r Abt deeert-of Ethiopia 'by UC anthropological team. Some checkpolnt and .,Jlowed. to speak remalns from the Middle Awash River Valley diggings are 4 • They ~~ there ~ven't been any known eruptions m the area for centuries. A month ago, scientists l..isued a potential volcanic hazard notice -the lowest of three levels of forJDA) <Xll'\Oem -for the ~ located on the eastern edge of California n ear Yosemitt Nation.al Park. The acientists noted new stea19 vents in the area and increased bursts of earthquake activity in the form of tremors. They said that could indicate rising levels of molten rock several miles below the earth's surface, which cou14 be released In the form of a deadly explosion. "The ultimate consequenees of this activity are ~rtain," said the report, whose principal author was USGS geologist~' Dan Miller of Denver. "It ls qui possible that no eruption · occur; the poesible comeq v..,ary greatly in severity. t "The kinds of activity tha' m ight be expected ln clud phreat ic (steam) exploaiona pumice and s&sh falls. P'Yl'Q~~ nows, mudflows and extl'\Won o a lava dome," the report said. In the event of an eruption, th atudy said hot rocks ancl probably would be thrown f aome 12 milet. with Mukan c:ow•Jar ~ million years old, according to university sclel\tists. beforebeinadeported. .~--~---~~~~~-=-~~~~.;;._~..;......~~~--~~--~--------~----....; Helen EaplQoa. a ~ty aid worker, aald •.-ni.· have staked out bul lfoP9 near Cm MCOhdary achoola. Olvera denied that. . Corona houlewlfe Mary Plala, born in the U.S., aaid lhe 'nl walking her tHn-aae eon to Auburndale Junior Hlab School when qentl *'Pl*I tiilm. ''They loollld at w lmd lilbd \» Jn 8-nllh; 'Wbiilft .,.. 10'& born? What coun~ are JO~ from?' .. Mn. ,._ .... •-nwt WM kind of ~· lt w• not called for. rm a dDlii ~ tht Un.ttad Sta~ I W8I bol'G ms.. Why mer dad~ de,y, juncz. 2oth ... just ftr ded, . rurl~ silk ~t ... ~ ,,Ulleclt ,•17. ~99!m . , -.D'1li Pm A lrMM et ... II • tM c ......... ,, ............ , ••• ,. ·~·· &t -. m1 Ill ~ ,.r dQ, IMlt U Ml = =..-.e:::.~J:~~~~= .,.,_Medi .-0 be 9'eeJ~. II WI '9M of diet 0&1felr UYOH to ... , I P.G.1C..taM ... The hom~ advl1•r'1 offleo of the ~alive Extension aaY. ex'*'8 ~that ~of fewer than 800 ~ s-~ lhN)d nOt be attempted, even b"j ~ ~ wt1hout frequent medical fUH,rvl1lon. ft1onllorin1 ~a phy1l~lan ~!!~._!pedal tl'alfti~ in w t contrQl pre~ In an fn .. ~Uent. hoep tal •tt011, 1}\ould include elltilc.i morut6rtn1 of blood to determine 'whether aerloua hJalth basard1 are ~~. I• • '·~ ' Such diets' would ndt be ap~te tor ·~obesity, pl'Hnant women or~ the ho,me-advta~rr, office adda. Extreme ~9tmtlon of calorie• can be •peclally harmful to children. Even thq~ the formula , has Sl grams bf high quality protein, tldeq~te­ ener,y lntake fl nee<Ud for efftdent uUll&a- tlon of dietaty protein, for fre>wth and • malJ\teNIJ)C)P. '":'e eerioua health riaka that can reault · ~rom ~nsumins diets which contain only 330 calories would be partlctUarly dangerous in chdctren and teen-agen. U1e of the diet !or adults ahould only t>e considered fer aelected cues of extreme obesity and then under strict .medJca1 supervision. . -AYS reminds re.dera that Cambridge Diet Plan reached an out-of-oourt dedsion in 1980 that required more Information in advertising for the diet plan. Under the aareement future advertialng was required to warn people who have specific medical conditions outlined in the agreement to uae the diet only under a doctor's supervision. Mall distribution of the produc t from Montetty, Calif., sale ~ advertising were halted J\lne 11, 1980, pending compllanoe with the tem\S of the ~ment. Refund on the way DEAR PAT: My motlter ordere4 &we bloue1 for me at Clrlltma1 from Royal Slit Co. of Clifton, N.J. ney did aot flt well 10 I retarDed tltem Ju. f wttll my order for two otlter bloasea ud a '5 c~ect to cover die price difference. I called tltelr toll-free ca1tomer service aamber muy tlme1 wllea my order cUda't arrive, ud received ao aatl1factloa. OD oae occaaloa. a cutomer service represeatatlve told me H woald take care of tile problem ud refad my moaey, bat aotblDg bappeaed. I've aho aeat letten, DID YOU KNOW: You can own yow office space. You can stop yow rent tr.I caill •· You can own tht land -not lent. You can rent with the optlan to buy. AIRPORT WEST BU8UE88 PARK 245 F1ecMr M8r RM-, 1:.M. J;all Mr .. D•vla 751·7.tOO :..-Brok• CoOOlftllan Levi ftluad 'on bold' DBAAPA'r/i.1w1 YHr reeat-"'cle abolit ... -.._..._, llilu'uce refud btMpt to .W _...~,.,....I ..Ued for bet Mver reeetv ... I aPPM.-,.r die-Levi refud oe CM fOJ1D pnYt_. ~ Uie •tate a eoaple of years a10. Wllat laa,,..S? ~ J.B., Rntillstoa Beacla A 1poke1man for the 1tate attorney senenl Mid that a law firm in San Francilco appealed the court dedalon ~ until a ruUna ii made on the appeal, dilbunement of fund.a cannot be made. The 1pokesman added that everyone who Md applied for. a Levi refund accord.Ina to lnat.Nctlona and within the time allowed lor fillng a claim can exeect to receive the refund when tbeoourt.rulelon the appeal. In the DMtantime, the refund fund.a have been invested and are drawine interest. GI Bill still good DEAR PAT: I served lD tlte Air Force from Hit to 1171 ucl lD tbe Army from 117'1 to 1181. I did not p1 1 tlelpate ID tlae coatrlb•tory ed•catioa plan now lD effect. Am I ellslble for uy Veteru1 Admllll1tratloa edacatioa payments? , L.P., Costa Meaa You are entitled to 4~ months of GI Bill educational beneflta bMed on your tint period of eervice, according to the VA. Even. though lt haa been more than 10 yean lince your ftnst releeaie from active d~ty. your Army eervloe extmda ~ ending da• to Dec. 31, 1989. Any amount atr,ady u.ed would be deducted. I AP•rJtttr FINAU y -L1nda Root bo1da her yomia IOD Ru.ell aft« rec!eivina newa the had PMUd the califomia bar exam. In the three yean she atudled law, her huaband died, their 17-year-old aon died, she remarried and pve birth to Ruaell four days before the bar exam. Ma.le strip draws Iowa town's fire CARTER LAKE. Iowa (AP) -Fut Freddy a{ld the Playbo)'.11 won't be 1trippinC to thelr G- slflnP and danc:ing in Carter Lake again an~ soon. Thelr performance of May 22, whk:h wlt:nellea told a City Council hearing drew an enthual.Mtic reapoMe from the women'• night crowd. alto haa drawn a council reprimand for '"The Warehou8e," ~e club that booked it. The Wareboute alto was put on alMnonth probation. Fast Freddy, hued in Niles, Mlcb., calla h1a act "the hottat male go-ao show In the nation." '.The P'OUP had appeared at 1be Warehou8e in December. It was brou,ht back In May on the condition thal the ~ormera wear bathing .Wta under the u~. 11\e Warehou8e ~told the coundl. 9Mt. he aid. when the ahow began before about -300 women It was learned the dancen hadn't covered up. He said he didn't atop the performance out bf fear the crowd would pt unruly. ~ lJlcliee were wiW," he said. When the,.OOw wu over,~ Warebouae was cited for violating a Carter Lake ordinance forbidding nudity where Intoxicating beverages are 80ld and conaumed. While gtving,«at the reprimand, the council said the clu6 could keep its liquor llcel'\88. Joe Malec Jr., an owner, said, "We have no intentklG of booklng an act of this nature again." (Ask for details.) . . A cblok wrt~ by country ... Gteqe ...... to cfNW rtw for alcohol and tratf lo relat.cl oUenHt hH bHn ~ .. ~"'~.=~· Mlrfte ~ lhlrUf Pa• Patte,.... Mid ~ •n'l.60 ch«k w11 Ntumed bY rtnt NaUonal Bank at Muacle Shoal1, Ala., beoaUM the account WU cloeed · after the chide wu writWll. JonH, ~0 , pteaded 8Ullty March 80 to d rlvlna while Intoxicated, reckle11 drlvlna, drivina without a lk:enle and pn1 mlon of alcohol In a dry county. The char1e1 re1ult~d ffOl1l a one-car ddent about five miles eut of Hamilton. 1Adwl1 vu Beedtovea • wu mentioned In two apeechee at the NATO summit rneettna In Bonn, but th$ natl~ bad lela luck ln t musical part of the opentns remonies. • A 16-year-old hl&h 1chool student pokina throuah a trash bin for returnable bottles got ·more than just a nickel deposit. Ht found a state lottery ticket worth fl0,000. · . • Holly Peck won a acholanhip to Harvard for taklnt a 12th-century rnathemaUcia1''• formul• for precUcting tile. mulUpllcaUon o( rabbH•i developing a computer mOde and applytria lt t o the Loa Anaetes Department of Watek' and Power. For that, the National EnerJY F o un.datlon awarded the r.os ANOZLES (AP) -A I 800-acre ''" in RlveJ1il"'t hu won Par k •f\d a,so,,ton (;QJ»mlulol) apprpyal for d1tVflopmeJ\i aa a •t..ff0 park hpnorlng Southern ~Ufqmla'a fii!:UI lndUltl)', 11 Ill n 1 he comm~t•lon I:'~ to 1 ~ deve nt it._. lite In Rlverald~o ~lilt lrd •• Carlyon. The park wouJCf iriclude d t.ru1 arovea. hiltork:al exhibits. ~Jcr\lc groun4\ and ~Ji9nal , (~»\let. I otl · ~ under , conlider.l'tl~~h for th~ park ar!J relocated 9f1 re- cre ated turn~of-th~ .. i;eotury ,hqnea, a mu.eum, ra.llr0.4. 'Cara And conce91(q114 tellina OI'~. orange jwce and oranae ~· 1A 1 t a t e 1 e g l ~ J " t i v e 1ubcommlttee has ,i\JlPJ'qyed W~g $3 n\illion tR acquire ' ~ land. Th.e state ,,f,~fk• 'i p.rtment also back• ,,the ,a~qullltion, but stat~, ~rka J)U-ector Pet.er DanfennOnd.said he would proJ>ab y not. b&ve I p roceeded w i th o ut. ,a.h e C<>rl)(l'\iJlllon's approval. 1 j Beethoven, who wu born In, Bonn in 1770, WU prai8ed by NA TO S~cretary-General Jotel* LUa of The Netherlanda aa "a great believer ln the Wea tern vision of man.'' Canadian Prime Mlnilter Pierre Elliott TnadeH called hµn 0ne of the ahin1ng ll&hta of West Gennan civilization. On h" wa y h ome from' Pomperaug (Conn.). High School, Earl Sterry Jr. stopped at t.Jle genera). store of H. WUl.iam Davta and started looking ln the bfn for bottles. · 17-ye~-old Alhambra 1\U(lent a four-year acho~hlp to Harvard, worth $40,000. i 'Alfl'Mi~. The city of Riverside ·p~ to tum over \50 ac"", it owns 1 aro und Mock,ingbic<! Ci9Jl)'On I L~J<e for the pa rk 4'n.d to contribute about $42.0,00 0 . Riverside Co~nty pleased $l97,000. But Beethoven wu excluded when lt came to the music for the 16 NATO leaden.1'welve cellists from the Berlin Philharmonic His m other, who turned The Harvard-boun4 htgn achool eenJor said she disllked grade-xhool arithmetic "because i\ WU boring." SISTER ACT -Liza Minnelli (left) and her ha11-slat.el' Loma Luft, both daught.en of 1.ludy Garland, anive in New York theat.er for the pr-emlere of. the movie "Grease 2," in which Mias Luft appears. \I .. · A. RobnSals Sale ' I I , , .. 50°/o·60°/o OFF ANi) .. MOR.i WITH .Cl,UR FIEiiDCRESTDRYMSI N '·· ... · SH1:ETS 'CC>MFORtERS AND ~ .... .. I• I ·., ACCESSORl~S,r. ALL YOU .. 'LL FEEt IS THE PURE· WAURY~Of COIJD -- • . . C:1 Dress your bed with first quality and envelope yourself In luxury. Because with Oreamspun. only the Incredible softness of cotton touches your body. How? Each combed .cotton thread la .. wrapped around • · t polyes1er ~,... SO you can wra~ yourself Jn the ultimate tri silky comfort. And never think tWlce about ironing. Come choose from our collection in the most tempting of colors: rouge, champagne. wedgwood blue. tawny or silver. Comforters ptumped full with soft polyester flber1111. Sheets. in flat or fitted styles. .. '6.99 TWIN SHEET --- Orig. Sale Twin ..................... $20 ... . Full ..................... $27 · 110.• Queen ............ , . . . . . . $34 11 a.ti King ...... : ............. $41 S1W Standard cases. pr. . . . . . . . $23 $8.99 King cases, pr . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 110.99 Twin comforter . . . . . . . . . . . S 120 $39.99 Full/queen comforter. . . . . . $150 148.99 King comforter . . . . . . . . . . . $190 114.89 Twin dust r_uffle . . . . . . . . . . . $50 $17.99 Full dust ruffle ..•.. -"··.. . $60 111.• Queen dust rufflt ~ . . . . . . . . $65 7.99 • King dust rtlffle .. :, : •. :. . . $70 117.81 Standard sham... . . . . . . . . $85 117.99 Kfng sbam ~ : , • . . • . . , • .. S7Q 117• ~. Roblnacm's Domestics. 30/~lf19. 54. ~~~. ftm To ot1'ef;~tJ ton-rt t -800·341·8601.. ' ~~·· - r i ,,. • l ... , .. .. ;\ ... ... ,, ... , ' ~·~ ·.. .: : ..... • c:: Ttlevllton pro1ram C•ncellatlon1 are a common occurrence, but the recent ~ of one ahow hu lip1fJcance to Oranc8 ty vtewen. For more than four yean, ''N~·· produced by KOC'I ~ 50 ln lluntinefon !.ch, llaa been the only regullr ~ c;levoted exclual~y to Onn:ae County newa. Ubfortunately, a reduction tn federal funda for public~ coupl~d with the program'• inabWtY to at1nd enough local corporate underwriten, forced the station to auapend broadcast of "NeW9Check .. th.la month. Although Orange Coonty If a thriving community of two million resident•, it still lives in the shadow of Loa Angeles when . it comes to television news coverage. When "Newacheck" made ha " debut, none of the la Anlitll network-o'Wnttd ~on1 ·b~CI bUreaua tn Orana9 ty. • Today, partlv pe 1'ap1 becauae ''Ne"Wlldwck'r atiowed Uw way, all three network-owned 1tatlon1 have camerae ahd #' ~ltadoned~tlytn on.nae County. l2Yen IO;·' theee bureaua have llmltecl r.ourcee. and the few Oran1e Count 1torie1 filed each day mu t compete wlth newa from Loa ~elea and elaewhere on the y broedc:Mt newa -aendu· "NeWllCheck" WU important becauae it continued to devote time to the lell splaahy but no lell important Orange County illues often. overlooked by tbe Loa · Angeles stationa. Ita demtae leaves a large gap in local broadcalt news coverage • 0 NeWllCheck" will be millled. Congress gets message The Internal Revenue Service said it had received 34,000 letters of protest. Rep. Jim Santini, O.Nev., aaid he'd heard from 6,000 outraaed Nevadans. Thia was typical of the public fury that aroee after Qmgresa last year voted itself a '75-a:.ctay tax deduction to compensate for the expenae of living in Washington. The deduction waa available to all members without aubstantiation of expenses for every day Congress waa in session except for recesses of more than four days, and whether or not the member actually was in Washington. It could add up to a flat tax deduction of 80IDe $19,000 a year. Some members oppoeed the maneuver from the outset. but more than a few took prompt advantage of the break on their tax returns for 1981. That may be the last time. Feeling the heat. the. Senate voted to wipe out the $75-a-day deduction and restore a previous deduction for w~ living expemes up to a limit of $3,000 a year. Last week. the House in a aM-43 vote instructed its memben of a conference committee to go along with the Senate move. The state of the economy, said one member, "should clearly tell us it is our duty to .ee that this tax break is rescinded." wen. they saw their duty. But the story baa not quite ended. Repeal of the tax &reak will appear ar an amendment to an emergenc),;pproprlationt blll containing •mna aid op~ by the Reagan adminiatret1on and likely to receive a presidential veto. If that happens the tax break will swvive. . A bill bu been introduced that would prohibit attaching Congressional pay and tatx ilaues to unrelated measures and require a roll call vote on all such ialues (the House last year appraWd the tax break on a tut-minute Voice vote). Clearly this ia the on1, hmaest wtl."! fu go and .,the only way to undo the damage that bas been done to the iJDa&e of all members. Not all congreaamen are rich, many auf fer financially from having to maintain homea in Washington in addition to their district residences. And all ahould be adequateb' compensated... but not through trickery. SubsidizeH pet care The Pentagon contencb ita owners should 9ee that their pee. low~ veteQnary .care propwm have the nee ·ry immunlationa for pe~ owned by~~litary la to protect them and fl"!'Y!llt the belPina to contro1 ~ dir r 8pftad of animal d.ile•e• Indeed.. that are communicable to men, l'DOst communidm require at leMt and therefore contributes to the rabiell ahota before a dos 1kielwe well-beinl of the nation. can be i11ued. And moat dog That'a all ,,_., fine, •YI Rep. ownen have to pay fOC' boda the Ler A.9p6n of Wl8conlln, ~ can abota and the lleenle out of t.betr thia worthy goal ju•:ireo!!1e own pocketa -along with the ~ of ~ $3.3 a other ahota needed to keep the~ year in tax dollan to subeidf• in good health. cu~rate ialmunmtiQna and other u a lick animal neecla ~ care for armed aervioe pets? trea~ent, the bW. can reach Aspbl thinks not. We aca-. aatronomlcal proportiona thete Surveying the program, days. But the dedbted &>et owner; A.spilt .. ya hla offi~ found an gulpl and pay. therQ. a~ fee for ...-led abots and And 80 should the ,pet owners aervlce. .provided at military Jn the militaty. It la lnconceivabla ' inatallatlona was $3.87. Tbla that taxpayen ahouJd be Gpected ' oompartid with an a~ 1't of to sublldiie &>ft Clift tor :a $11.M for the w 9!1 "'9 at 1!Wft on the ~ -~ private animal ~. tb8t lt will eontnhUta to Chi& heal l ot coune. cona::imtkU' pet_ Of the nation. . ~ Opinions expressect "' the space •IJOW •re those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ... prHsed on tnls p,1ge are tnose of thetr •uthOrs and artists. RHder comment Is lnvll· ed. Address 'The O.lly Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. PhoM (7\4) 642·4321. .. , I • I I t-• 'I I I Greed inflates ·dialysis cost . . WASHINGTON -Of all the oorporate Sc:roogee in the world, nane is lower than one that would aqueeze profita'"from the sick and debllltated. Conatder the 70,000 Americam who will quite simply die lt'they Me deprived of kidney dialy•!• machines. The expeme of the.e complicated plece1 of machinery la 10 ruJ.noua that the federal govenupent 1Ub8idizea their u.e. costly number of tranaactlona among National Medical Care'• corporate family, involving rental apace, equipment and other auppJiea. Government auditon say that ln many caaea such tranaactlona can result in G. -------------------~~~ to~:;:~~~~ JBI 11111111 who9e very n:istenoe depends on the uae of a rmcb1ne that would be prohibitively .. ,...__ treatment cost and bloated expensive without a f~ aubddy. Yet ~"';for the parent COC'pOl'&tion. the ak)'rockettna cast of the dialylla For example, tbe NMC.related Florida PfOll'UD -nearly 600 percent Iner r z Pariah Arilflctal Kidney Center In In Dine yeaR -W caused comiderable ~----..1 T ---A ...... ..._ .IWIJIUUDU, ..-•• re...,..~ an averaae cost -..tawuu. of $160 per dlalylla treatment over a THE DEPARTMENT of 8-lth and recent two.year period. Yet when gowmment auditon re-examined the Hwnu Servicer la tryinl delperately to center'a boob. they detetmlned that the keep the ooltB wMier control. It hM .ctual cost w• only $117 per treatment. =~~':~1t f= t~=":!?.:r~r:_jj~fth~a= bmpltaJa. But thia hM broucbt a plteow oom went to NMc._..;lated companiea for outcry frcm many ~ atPP11m and aerv1ces. Natf011al Medical Care Inc., for The ame pattern turned up in four .-ample, the naUon'• larDat chain. "1th other'~ clWll clinics in Suuota and 180 cllnlca and 10,000 patients St.~. Fla., and in Bo.ton and nationwide, •YI it will hllYe to ei..-at 1 Yarmouth. MM&. 1eMt 50 of ltB fadlldeia If the $~.fef la Ane)t~er NMC·related clinic, the entorcecl . ,. Queena Artl&ia1 Kidney Center ln New Yet documents reviewed by the HHS York, was found to have lnflated lta inlpector aeneral'a office abow that $128 claima to the government by $24 per per treatment may be overly~ treatment in 19'17 and $20 per treatment My a.odate Tony Capacdo bM ltUdiecl ln 1978, for a total overstatement of $1.5 the internal documenta, which abow a million. • ''We also found coat reporting! .improprieties which rea&lted in ex.ceMI payments of $1.4 million for the perioct 1974 through 1980," the audit reported:t adding: "The exceea payments are still continuing.'' THE AUDITORS found aeverai questionable transactions. For example,• the Queens clinic WU charged 22 penmlt more for dialysis supplies by an NMC, company than the same companY, charged three non-NMC clinics ln the• area. The Queens clinic allO paid 149 percent more for property and equipment leaaed through another NMC subsidiary than it would have cmt to buy the stuff. The fonner director of the Queens. clinic was Dr. Eugene Schupak, who at.. one time owned a controlling interest in the NMC subsidiary that leued the. equipment to his clinic. He Is a1ao a ! former president of NMC Inc. • Officiala of both NMC and the Queens· clinic critid7.ed the government audit for "ridiculous methodology," and defended the use of related companies as· "coat-effective." Yet the au di tors', charges were referred to the u.s.,· attomey'a office in Brooklyn for pcmible crim1nal proeeo.idoo. One internal HHS , analysis stated that there wu "no reuon : to believe that any cart data submitted~ by other members of the (NMC) chain . would be more reaaonable than the COits, ciowred by the audit of the QueeN i facill ty." . V.anlshing pensions alarm workers ONTARIO, Calif. -For 23 yean, Mary McDanJel worked on the wembJy ltne maklna Hotpoint iron• at the General FJectric plant here -until Feb. 15 ol tbil year. On that day G.E. moved !!. ~ to Sinaapore. Brazil Sh; IQlt 'an Income of more than $400 a _.. bemqre GJC. can pt aomeone In Slncm~ tD do the W thing lhe WU dc)lria for: $48 a week er in Brazil (or '88 • week;' . Bt11' MARY McDANIEL io.t man than tiiat. Sbe bt abnolt all of dt.e .tae had ~ workfDC for. She t lbe ._.,...to aiet nae than ~ month -pamibly a lot more If neavdatiOQ9 Went w.n ovw the . ;;.. ~~--when abe _._. 80 What .. " ~ to &et then .. tlbotat $1'115 a moath. "'G1'" not cnly IDOY8d her job -ud .1,100 otbera -It alao deatroy4td her ltfe planntna. The c:om.-r-IW.ik>pn ie .,We Brine Oood 'l'btriea to ~ -broke the IQllla1 bond ...-tmi ..,.. ~ in 1942 wbm lt hind her fatblr aDd WIW'W'8d in 1• --it . hind her. ... What happened to Mary McDaniel - and la happentn1 to thouaancb and thouaaoda more -is changing American politics. And it will change our politics even more tn the rest of tfu. century. Why Is Social Secw1ty IUCh a bis issue? Why is America IO de&ennlned to beoolDe a welif.re state? The answer to .. llCllll 11011 thoee queadoJU la another question: Would you rather tnmt your old age to the ptemment or to G.B.? Marr McDaniel la IOinlt to have to tl'U8t the prernment. Ro other company 1a aolna to accept the aenioTlty abe ciamed makina trona for G.E. In fact, the odds are owrwbelmlna that no CCXQpan.y la aanc to hire her 1f "• acoountanta beUew that U.t eampmiy might one day haft to pay her any penllf:Jn benefit. at all. That 19 the name of Che ~ pme: Avoid pemioa obllaatlona. So companlea mane~~<> 1•t rid of ~~ thelr~ np11 tft .., -that~ after . 10 years at G..E. c.ompenies avoid hiring' people over 40; it's not on paper, but the1 unofficial policy la to avoid prime! pension candidates. • Or, the companies just get out of the country. . : Then what is the name of the politicalt game? Worken will, more and more, Joinj with retirees to defeat any politician wbo4 attempts to tamper with IOdal welfare!' ideas like Social Security or medical programs -even when, as now, the.el ·programs do need reshaping, • AND WORURS will organtr.e in old ! 1 and new waya to provide aeewity for their retirement years. I don't know I whether there will be a resurgence of I the traditional labor movement -1 unions -or the forming of new amodations of salaried people wearing blue and white oollan. But one or the other m aotna to happen became of the fear in 1!ie 1IDd. G.E., it seems, wtD not only brine aoocl l th1np to life, it and oeher proftt-bunary, accountant-manaaed corponUom wm lnevtiAblY cbanp American attitudes, about bl1 1overnment. The Mary' McDlnlela of the worid will vot£to haw tq national P••™t Jll'Ocec!t a.m· aplnrt ~ muhlnadonal car~~ t .... , •• NIWI QtWllUl'I AHGU I TMIAAINT A.W.A.T. H.AWAll~ • PAIT l'OMMD ".\bout Comput1t1" How qotnpuletl wotk and their 1\!llllY to c:ommunlcet• wltti rMll Ill the futvra are 1-~NIWI AICNIWI NICNIWI MoYll ••• "Tha ~tong Ami Of Tiie I.aw'' T1N31 Peter Sellwe. UoMI Jeff..._ TM ayndlcete lllcl the polloe bend• logeth« to 1t0j) • trio ol lhleYM wtio pot'Jt u lawmen. U08 UlllW.L ~on Red 80ll •I Hw Yori! Y111tc-· ~ ~ N!POfWT I 14181NU8 AUORT ' QINEWI MlllW.L ~ coverege ol MN YOftt Mell II Plttabutgh Plra ... : Boaton Red Soic at NewYortc Yank- 7:00 I 089 NEWI HecNl'WS tY#f'V DAVI AOA1H ·~ e 'M•A•t•H A mllf'led l\utM who tied I Mrloua relatlontlllp With H8Wlceye wtMlll lh4I WU --and they -In the Itel• la IMigtied 10 the ~mt. I JOKP'I WILD •••iatNflORT MAGIC CW Ott. PAINTING "W•tern DIMtt" (I) P.M. MAOAZ1He On IOcatlon With Glld1 Raclnet filming tier tat•t movie: 1 whll•·water canoeing ldYentUf• down aT-rtwr. 9THmMUPNTI ~Rld1UttlL CIDMOVll * * ~ "Chv Ctw And The Philly Fluh" (1811) Alan Arklt!, CarOI 81/metl. An alc:OflOllc former baMbalt ~ Incl • kooky ....... entenltlner IMlcOMI part- ner• In 1 ~ to malt• money by retumlng • !Oat auitcaN. 'PO' (%.)MOYlll • • • .......,,. Rqea" (10'11) .._ ~ oe.lde~A-­ M'al*'IONlll1J undetgMI en.,..,_ tr~tlon wMrlal'll~llerMH In • rom.l'tlc .,.. wtlictl brldgM two wldefy cllff•-1!'9 c.Aturat ...,.._ 'PO' 7:111 . I ON THI TOWN ~: Jeannie Buie. Ille youngeat general ~ ..., '" aporla lllMorr. • *' to Sunttee Hoepllat In I.a VtgM, wtl6c:ll ed'4r- ti.. lot buall»M; tN gr•I IUrl .. ~ ~ eo·1 oa•"" 1or • ,..., bMd1 blanket bingo at the • Dewey Webber Long 8-d fklrf eomp.tltlon In MMtltttan 8eecll. 19fAMILYRUD LAYEAHI&~ &COMPANY l.awltne and SlllfieV attend 1 btldal ~ for one ot lt'llit old high ICflOOI a... metea. • M0A•a•H A *OllO wlndltOtm 111ec:ta 1t1e "*"bet'I of the .on111 ln~weys. • ()) TIC TAC OOUQH GREEg HERO -Werner Mohwe1 appears a Uly.ei, Trudelleee Schmidt u Penelope In Monteverdi opera, .. The Return of Ulysses" at 7:30 tonight on KOCE (SO) and at 8 on KCET (28). -~,~ .... -~ eeNAT ~ "MonteYeldl; TM Return 01 UlyUH " Werntr H°'"O Md Tl\ldel!eM 8dvrlld1 .,.. feldurecl In tht Zllrlctl Opeta't produo- tlon ol Mont111Wdl'1 ooara lllQe<I and dlfectect by Jean Pierre Ponnelle; Nlkolau• Harnoneourt cCH\- ducta. (C)MOVll * a* "The concen For K~·· (ltlO) P.W McCattney. The Who. A holl ol roctl parformett, m111y of wtlOm II!'' togeth· er In an •ll-1l1r rock orchntre, are IMtured lo lhia tetord Of I --of COflC«1• hMd for Ille ~ lrt Of tel!el 10 Wlt-tlY'Old Cambodia. IH)OONSUME1' Rl!.PORT8 PAESan'S 'Tiie Nol-F0t-Klde-Onty Show" Procluc11 of 9')ICial 101 .... 1 to children end ~·· .,.. reviewed, lncllidfnO c:ompariaona ot blUe jeenf end orengea. l!OO 8 (I) PNVA~ llNJAMIH Captain l.ewll promot .. PrlY1te Benjamin to squad INder.(R) 8 QI UTTLE HOUSE ON THIPRAINI I Whl .. on a ~htlng trip -•y from homtf, Charlel and James encounter • fierce dog th•l hale• Cl\arlea u ~ as It lldOtM J-. (R) Q g MOYW * * * "Tiie Borgia 8tlcll" ( 1987) Don Mut'9)'. Inger SteYef)I. TWo men In a crime eyndlcat• try to break a'Nay from th• er:;:· • • .. ' "The Count Of ,, Monie C:..." (1834) AGO- .,, DoMt. a.. LMldl. Jaaed on U. novel by Alenndre Oumaa. An 1nnocen1 m•n unju111y ~ tor 20 yeers mllk• a daftng .._,. to wrMlt,.....onlhtmen reaponatble. • P.M. MAGAZINI On locllion wltll Giida Ridner lll"*'O lier lat• "'ovle . e while-water Catl<*l\g ldv.1ture doM\ •T---rr-, • TOUNSt The llvee of 1 group ol American tourl9t1 lr1vellng together tll<c>ugh Eu<ope are IUddenty altered by Ille people they mMI lllcl the lneidenta wlllch "19- pen lo them. Starting LM Meriwether. Brldford Dill- man. Adrienne Barbeau, Oevkl Gron, Mart .. Beren- 1on, Jolwl Mee<><* lllcl Laurette~ . •GNAT ~ "Mom-di: The Re!Ufn 01 Ulyuea.. Werner HOl!weg end Trude!llM Schmidt .,. 1 .. 1ured In the lurlcfl Opara·• produo- llon ol M01119¥t'd1'1 <>I*• ....... llld ~led by J11n Pl.,,. Ponnelle, Nlkolaue Haroc>ncourt con- duct• OUMOVIR * * '"' "Brubaker' ( 1980) Robert Redford, Yapne1 Kotto. A retorm-mlnd.o warden uncoYlta wld• tprHd COtr\jplioo When lie .,.,,.,. hla newt)' Illig"¥ prltof\ poelng H In lnmete. 'R' tSlMOVll * * '"' "Chu Chu And The Phllly Rash" ( 191 II Alan Ark111, Carol Burnett An •lcohollc former blMOl.11 player Ind I lcooily lltMt entertalnw become part- ""' In a IGtlltne 10 ~· money by retumlng • lo•t SUllc.M 'P<:f' 0MOVI£ *** "E•cahbur" (111111 Nigel Terry, NICOi Wllllam- IOll The Hploltl of King Anhur bring Powtr and c:taath to the 1111191111 ol the Rouf)d T Ible. '"' l:IO IJ (fl WKAP IN CIHCIHHATI Venot and Johnny'• llYM .,. lllr•llened by the planted bomb, end cart. aon·1 re1111enc:e to hie old receptlon111 we•k•n•. (P8'12)(R) tD 000 COUP!...E Elli• la forced 10 Ml)and on Oecar'e help In Ille 11na11 of Ille Golder) Apron Cooll)ng ContMt. MlO)ecoo.. 1:.46 lZ) e»mUICOM t:00•(1) M•A•a•H Tiie 4077th, •tan.eel IOt -w1'91\ l\O ~· reach Ille camp for -al ...., .. lewne that one par- son hM ~ receiving a :;J I elltlP.:. by perOlt .... "' oat.eoYle • .f •• ~ "Chef1ealon1' (197111 °"" 8""". ~ MOQdy TlvMetr~­ Wuggle ..... raacala end rciou-to mall• ,_ ._,or~llllhe poat..cMI War South (RI 8 (fl IDT Oft THI war A llltHlll'llng no•• II lOSNd ltll'ough '"" .... win-dow. and Ille prime IUl- pec1 ii • mysterloul -comer-to~~ m tl//Bl(I/ o_,,.. Gueata. CftarlM Nelaon ' R11tty, Btll Hutton. Sandahl Bergman. Lewll Regen- tlelo (ClMOVll- * *a ~ "Monty Py1hon And The Holy Grell" ( 19741 Graham Chapman. John Clene King Arthur and his band ol ltnlgl'lla encounter glanta, rlddlerl and • leroclut r1bbll 11'1 I"* -Ch for the legend· arycup ( Ol THI! OOl.OE.N AOE OF TEL5Y..aN CHANNEL USTINGS "No Tlnw For S...Qflllll" Andy Gt"lfllll'I port~ I 0--gia boy wN>. -Inducted Into Ille Atmy, • l(NXT (CBSI • KNBC (NBCI e KTLA (Ind.I .l(ABC <ABCJ • KFM8 <CBSI 0 KHJ-TV Ond.) e KCST (A8CI e KTTV (Ind.I , 'e KCOP·TV (Ind.I •• l<CET IPBSI • l(OCE (PBS) CD) On-TV ct> Z·TV HBO ct> ICIMtnaicl (!) IWOR) NV., N.V. G1l CWT8SI Ill IESPNI Cl) ( Showtlme I • Se>otllgllt • (Qlble Newt Ntlwor11) NII the mlll18f'Y on 111 -(%)MOVIE * * tn "Shodl Corridor" ( 19831 Peter Bt.ai. Con- llance Tow.a A Milar·• cornml11Mnt lo • mental Institution reeult• In a p.,.. llZet Prlu, but the beat· Inga Ind lhOCll.I rMUlt In ICNzop!Wenla a:ao 9 (I) HOON CAI.La C011rld Peckler'• new aulltant twna OVI to be one of Cheney'• former g1t1frlend1 (RI ,, . ,.~, ..... (ttfa) ,_,.,,, Culit, Mttl~I\ Mlillf! TM!\-...... '"'ef• lie • ll'M 1114 .... ·~ " IN Hint .._,. ~ W. ., .. .,, .. ,.,,.. 0 'flOU All(ID '°"IT '"'"'" "A WIOll~ C4ll\ cfy ,ICIOry" Md "The "°' ~Mvteum . 10lOO. "1 LOU OMHT LOM QOll beCk .. ll4lt ~-and IWll !ml Ill Ulll•peo1" Md trciu- lllint_ ""'' ••Ot"r I"> I •••• Nlwt THI MOYW AT THI INO Of! THI WOIU.O Norill C)ekoll poet Tom MoOreth Is prolllld, end 1111 IOIQ po4tlTI ''L•tttt To An 1mao1nary '''end" 11 "™'''''" "' 1111• tf)eeltl n_,rattd by l'rtdlrlGk Mtnlrtcl 9 IHTIMAINMIHf TONllaHT An 11\J.wtw with JOMM WOOdward. ~~GOU a a "The l'rencll wom.n" (ttell l'rencoiM Fablwt. Oe)lle Hlddon. A bordello being kept °'*' by • ooY· ernm9nt '°~ " "" ~ of murder and ltOl*- cal ecendal wl'9ft a VIP CutlOl'Mt 19 ptlologtapl\ed II play '"' t0: 11 CHI MOVI!. * * * \t "Tlltl Black Mar- ble" (IMO) RoOeft • fOM• wortll, Paule P~tlae. Ahar WOtlllng on an .mo- tloolllly eilfl*llling chlld- murd« -· a hffV)'· drlnklng polloe detecllYe la tNmld wOh • pollcewotn· an to find a mallciOue dog- napper. 'PO' 1o:aoe NIWI • .,._MOVllATTHI IHO ~nil WOAl.D North t>uota poet Tom McGrath la profiled, and hit epic QOlfn "l.ellar To An Imaginary Fnatld" la 11tu11r1it.d In 11\le apeclel narral•d by Fr.Oerlck Manfred. Q]) IAAHIY MIU.ER tC) CASE cw MuKKJHEH MTTU! HOAH 0 PETER SEU.EM. 8PtKI MULUClAH. A rare and Y~ lnalrU• rnent 19 stolen trom a mu-0 MOYIE e * "Pray TY' (1980) Dabney Coleman, Alc:t\le Hahn A neat·blnkrupt TV 11a1lon clMlngel 111 format lo llt-retlglout program- ming 'PG' euovw * *~ "Stay Al You Are" 119801 Marcello Mutrolan- nl, Naslallia Klntltl. A married. mlddle-lge(I man embltU on 111 attalf with a ·--... gll1 Wflo '"~ be relat.O to him, 10:44 (%) CINIMAICOAE 11:00908(1)98 NllWI • AATUN>AY HIGHT Hoel. Jacll Surna. a-ta: Santana. D YOU A8KID '°" rT Featured: "Mnlco'• Aylng lndl1n Blrdm•n" and v "8911*'91Cclbfa.,Qt _.,'\>, t 1 ce .. • M•A•t•H "*'-"• depat1~ put• Kllnger and 8.J. In Ult ~ • llNNYHLL G~UNO France'• JMn-Qeude ~ ty, ~ ot al llVM lllpif>e titling gold medala In the 1"8 Winter <>tym. pica., It proflleel (C)MO\ltE * .,. "A Jt1ttul 0t Dyne- mitt" (197iU Jamu Cobvrn. ROd Steiger An lrtth tew>lutlOnaty and a Medc:an thief wllo teem up to rob-blllM aometlow wind up being lletoea of Ille Me•k:an rlYOllltlon. (l)MOYtt ••• '-' ''Prlv•t• B«IJa- mln" ( 19801 GOidie HaWfl, El!Mtt Brennen. A ....,._,O- do young -mlatak: enty ~ the Army IOliow.. Inf &he deeth of tw ,_ husband on lhatt l\'l(ldlng l'lipht, 'R' t 1:IO • ()) OUINC't Oulncy leern1 ol the planned -..inatlOn ot a ~-· offlclal u a,... ear°" CAMON Gueeta: Joan~ Olctr VIII Patten, ·~on Allen, Stephanie Ftracy (RI 8 9 Mefawt NlllHTUNI • MOYll **•"it "Th• Dam e.nlen" 11955) Rlct\ard · Todd, Mld!a91 Aedgf-. Outing Wotid War II, the Bflllltl !Jtilllaolty Piii\ tQ blow up tn. Aunt °'"' In Garm,llf'Y• ., 'M! """"'°"' Georae w. J...io. a be6- it really reali t y ? When • JS Viewing public needs pr o tect ion when fact, fiction blur Orange OQut 0~11..Y PILOT/Monday, June 14, 1M2 KOCE (60) 7:3Q, KCIT (28) 8:QO - '1Montevttdl: T}le Retutn of UlyMn." Werner Hollw 1 and TNdeU SChmJdt are featured In 1econd opera of the Monteverdi 1erlet. KNBC (4) 9:00 -''Charleeton.'' Delta Burke, Lynne Moody 1tar In movie about three atrong-willed women's atruggle ln poet-Civil War South. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"Lou Grant.'' Lou goes back to hla ~ometown and runs into unexpected news •tory, KOCE (00) 10:00, KCET (2~ 10:30 - "The Movie at t)1e End of the World." North Dakota oet ".l'qm MoQrath is profiled. 1l:OO 8 IHTPTAIHMeH'T TOHIOHT An ll'lltNlew wilh Joanne Woodwwd. ·-~ *** "Tiie Jericho MIM" (1879) Peter S1rau11. Brian Dennehy An lnm•t• _... Ing I Iii. Mnl-In Fol- som Prison train• 10 become 1n Olympic run,_ (R) • MOW! * • a "The LUI Ga1'1)· atar" ( 1939) Edward G RoblnllOll, Jonn Cahadlne Atter being In prlllOll and out ol commlHJon tor 10 yHra, a onoe-powe<lul mobller finds that hll 1nnuence anc:t domain llr• ;;~OVI, AMVVCAH STYLE ($)MOYIE * * "0..th Hunt"' (19111 Chlflw BronlOtl. LM Mar· 111n. In the 19308 • Moun· 111 anc:t a front llor cr""-1 WaQI an Old blntl .. Civli• z.ation ancr~ on Ille Car'9dlen wilder.-'R' 12.'0I (Ii l PLAZA IUITI L•• Grant and Jerry Orb1ch ••ch pertorm lllrM roles II COUplea wtlO occupy $vita 7 19 of N- Vorlt'a Plaza Hotel Ill Nell Slmon'1 comedy 12:*) 0 QI LATI HIGHT WITH DAVIO L£TTl:AMAN ~~-= JeMica Savltoll, car100tlllt Simon Bond. grade 1ehool atudent1 ftOtl'I P.8 . 84 wtlO perform 1 play. (Al 1: a ·~ "Upetlcll" (1978) Mar· g&i• lilmll lgWtl)'. Anne Benaof1, A tOj) IMhlOn modtl .. llUmililled arld tNattated' by hit uneuf>- 11 ;,v~~to ... t-the """ wN> r~ '* to """"-'R' I 12:40. (fl COi •.., 1•1 =Mmn' ••• ·~ ••t.ong De)''• Jour· ney Into Higllt" (19821 Katharine Hepl)um. Jaaon Robarda ( Z) "'°"" ........ ~ Rc>M" j 19781 8unone Slgnoret Claude DllUPf\lll A WOtll- 111 \ l*80l\llllly undergoM .,., • .,,_ tranatormatlon """" .,,. ~ ,_.... In • ,_,le •flair wNcll bfldgee ""° wldefy dlffer-lng ~lut., ......._ 'PO' 1:IO lC) MCM1 • • * ""'4>roanr· < 111M1 v.,._. Redgf-IYe, Davlc:t Wwner. •A achlzop!Wenk QAO't 9CC8PI tM fact thlM his • ....,_ le r-rylno ~ attend• lier ~ dtMMCI II • OOtltla 1:ao I e Hl!WI a.. Al/fJI('( • PUa.IC N'ffAIM 1:~(1)MCMI ••••••• 1/1" (1983) Ml/cello MHtrotannl, Cf1Udl1 Cwdln• Direct- ed by Federico Fetllnl An Ovet'WOtUd l1ll'ft dit~IOt IHr'll to llCC)lpl Iha Obll• ctee In "" Cit-.. well .. In hla petlOtlal lil1 a:oocaMOv. * * "Te.ror Train" ( 1980) 8«I JotlnlOtl, Jamie LM Curti. A cOlleQI lrlllatnl- ty'1 N-V11t'1 muquer- lc:le ~ tum1 Into • nightmare wllen 1 \llnchc- llYI oueiet lllfll IUlltng Ott lh,.41 P•tly·gc>ert 'R' H>1 (R) MOVll * * ·1Tttlt Time Fore,,.," ( t980) Claire Pimpare. v1n- cen1 Van Pallan A French· Canldlln 111tt 1•11• In love with • btllllh Am«lcen oof. lege lludent lludying In MontrA.i. 'PG' 2:118 Nl'W8 2: .. --CZJMO,,. • • •;, "Blactc Moon" ( 19751 Cathryn Hart111011, Thet-GtllM. Wilen bil- ler CIYil atrlle brllll• OUI In her country, a Y°""ll gi<"I tleM the wamng tcene S.-GO CJMOW * * "Saperate Weya" (11180) Karen Black, Tony LO Blanco A young COU- 1161'1 !allure 10 Communl· cat• nearty '""'" In 111e dMttUC11on ot their mar- riage 'R' .,.. MOYa • • '"A Wt!Mibatrow Full OI Trouble" ( 1973) Dan Delley. J-HIUQh1on A privll• detectl\le t.111a lo d•ICO'tlet wt'Y a watl-tcnowri uM<I car Maler II eo t1r111- 1ou1 to buy 1 ab-year-old jUnll car •I IN Int price •Ollered. ~'8 (H)MCMI ....... ~ ..... (1880) Robet1 Redford. y~ Kotlo A reform-minded warden uttCOYltl ~ tpreed COtNl)llon wMn he ..,..,. ,. ,_,,. .._.. prison poalng a1 1n lnmaW 'R' ~tf}~ I -• . ... * ...... Olw CtM~Anct-?tie J ,.,..~.A.#1:' J19'tJ ..... "ff£ """''. 'citot Surni\L Iv! *otloAc '°'"* tWuball player and • kOOll, atr• entenlllner become '*1· ,.,.,. 111 a ICherM to malt• money by r9turnlng a loa1 eultcMe. 'PG' D UOVIS * ~ "Cheeper To Keep Her" ( 1NO) Mac Oavta. Tovlh Feldahuh. In order to n..c 1111 alimony P9Y- rnen11. a .-tty dlvofoect pr1v111 detectiw lradl1 down delinquent '-t>al'ldt for a dlvOtoe llwyet 'R" 4:201l lMOW • • • ~ "Private Benl• min" (19801 GOldle HaWfl. EiMr1 ~.A _..,O- do young -mlttell-enfy joint the Alm'1 follow• "'° the dulh of .. -llUlband on their weddlr\g 4:11ccr'~ a • • "Tiie conc.n FOi l<arnpucMe" ( tNq) PloUI MoCartney. Thi Who. JOHN DARLING l:IO (C) "Thi ~IDn.t 14..,._ ,,. .. ( 1t711 Oeor91 Hwnll• IOft, Dellld ICyte A )'OUnG l>Oy ltlet to ••IKIM lllt •Mc>·lllh« wllo II trylno to •IHlllll~.nr.e 1:IO (_f) * * • "I ltnt A IAtl• to My Love'' ( ttll) Simone ltgnott1, .i .. n AoolletOl't A mldctll-egeo -art wllO hat IPlflt ~ Of h« .OUll N,. Mr. •no '" .. lt!v.itd brOIMI declCS.. to wrll• 1 ,.II., 10 a newep•per IOMly hu r11 100lumn. 'PO' It * • "tnvlldtra Ftom Th410..p" (1081)Pu~11 The World Aquanaut MICUrtly PllrOI Ind oombal ctalt 811f>9rllY balU,. 1111 atmy ot aquaUcl anent wno ate determined to 1&11e OWtt ttle plane4 7:41{Zl • • •~ "ltaM 01 &.gt ' (1973) y,,.. Mon· tend, ~110 &e1ve1or1 Turmoil and UntMt lplWfl t~ lllUUlf\al Ion of 111 Ametlcan oltici1I In UtU· ovey 1:00 /);t) * ·~ 'On Tiie Rlol'I T rectc' (1911 J Gaty Cole- tnltl, MichMI lAmback A aoc191 worker trla lo linct 1 no< mlll home IOt • It..,., llallon lh~ boy Wllll a "'-'' for picking in. pc>nlee 'PG' l :aG \Cl ***"Tribute To A Bao Man" ( 195e) J"'* Cagney. Irene Papat. Two Concerned peoOlf 11temp1 to c:onlllnoe a rinche< 10 llop llllllng tut,1'-f•. t:46 (l) • • •;, "Cont1nanta1 Divide " (111111 John Belu1h1, Blair Btown A Chicago new1pap1r cOlummll tr1vel1 IO Iha ROC1<1.. to ""'Pl aome Pol•tic.I heat and lnte<v....., • reclualYe nllurall11 'PG 10:00 1Hl * * * Elvia·• ( 19791 KUt1 Ruu.11. Seaaon Hub- ley EM1 Presley r111t from povetly and Obtc;Urtly IO lehtev• lime end IOttune as a tupetlllt mu..c;el pl<• tor,,,., 1$ *** "LMGl<IS (1957) 0.... Kelly. MrW Gayt)or An Amemian mu.ICal ShO'* hill Ille European corcu11 when compllcaitons an11 10::30 (C) * * Htgll Country' (19811 Tomotr.y Bollom&. Lindi Purl Ao neaped convict and hll hand•· capped gttllrlend ti.. 10 the moun11lns 'PG 0 •• * "Slrtpee" (1981) 8111 Murray. H'1old Ramil A New York Cllbble IOOklng tor 9l<Cllement conVln~t hl9 best friend 10 '°"' 111m In enllallng In the U S Almy 'R' 11:*> (l J * * * "YOl.H ThrM MlnutM Are Up" I 1973) S..U BrkSQea. Ron Liii>· man. Two lflend1 poee .. 1 mov11 c>toc:tuaw and director to pie* up g1r11 1'Mlft ll * * ')) '"Hiide er-· ,... ~rSAi,,...,, ~'d~ ~ A ~ ... ISNOtoeel ~ r9t~~IO dlt•ll'llnl wtlar• the m1y nave gone wrong • **'''Owbyt • Ranget9" ( 1951) ..__ Gat'ner. Eldllka ChOutMU the heroic Amerlcen Rangers go Into combet under Ille ~ of Colonel Oat 1>y in their lnvulon ot 11•1)' Ind Nonh Africa G) a * * "The Secret Invasion'' ( 19641 St.-1 Gr1ng«. Rel If llllc>nl A gtoup ot 1nternat1on1t cr1me "spec:tallsll" are promtNd a pardon if t~ w1U p,artk:lpale In tn. lnfil· trallon ol Neil-held territo- ry dutlnQ World Wet It t S) * *'" "BtowOuf' ( t98 I) JOho Travotta. N11n· cy Allen A IOUl'ld technl- cien who worii1 on hotror lllmt becomn ln\'OIYed In a murder m)'ltery 'tllharl he wit,,__ an U&lltln•· tlon 'R' .,. Of) • • ·~ •·Cftu Cllu And The ltilllly 'INll'' l1N 1) A*' Atlllll. Cwol lklt,,_ M elCliOhollc fOlll\tf INN! btll &*yer lnCJ • lloollt 1lrN1 itnlllflalnet baoo4"t pat t nere 111 • actwme to mall• money by riluminQ I foal IUllOIM 'PO' 1:11 (l l ••• ~ ..... ,.Of Siege"' ( 11173) V~ MOll- llnd Aallato Salvatorl Turmoil 1n<1 un'"' 191wn lhe ... 1.HlnlllOll ol '11 AmerW:an otltclal In Vl\I• guey 1:00 I SJ • • • "I Sent A Letter To M~ Love" (1tll) SlmOM S1gnor11, Jain Roc1Wf0t1 A mlddie·fOed wom111 wno lllt IC)enl moat of ,.., llOufl Irle W• '"II tor ~ lnvtllld, l>tothef dtctc:tel IO Wtl\I a lellW 10 a ,_llPIPI' loo,fy '-'• column PO 9•• """~'rom T lie OMo I tN 11 PuPQel&. Tha World Aqljanaut MCurlly patrol and comt>ll c-11t Stingray belllM 111 111rrry ol aquatic ~ wtlO .,. oetatmltlld IP l.tllc.e ov .. Illa planet • 11:00 I H' * • * "Sii..., Stf..W~ ( 1111e1 Gene Wiider. J• Ct,ypurgll A mild• m"11'1•red bOOll ed1\or acc•denlllly beeom•• llWQl\19d II\ a tln!tl.et 8'1 1h~'• bizarre plot durtne ~ CfOlfl.COUfllry lrlln rfd~ PG' 1:16 Z, * **'>"Da.rbyOOlll And Tllff Little People" ( t9S9) Al~rt Sllerpe, Snn Connery An old lrl1h care- tok .. who 11 a bou1 to ION h• IOC> to • younger men caotur.. Iha king OI lht leprec/laun1 and torcM him to granl lhrM wtll/)ll G 4:00 0 * * The Spy Wnh Tne P1rlec1 eo,,...· I 19661 Robert Lan11ng Dana Wynler An mtellrgenc. agent 11 e•<Htc:t in hll 91pl0nl{ll "'°"' by lhl -iv • bel•el 1nat he 11 <lead C * * White Water Sam Ke<lll L•raen A mount81n man travel• the North"'"' "''lh ti.s llusky MA<Clltng tor the greei wr.te waler route M>Uth G S • • Cap1110 Scari.t Vs The Mytleton' F•om Mare· ( 191111 Animated Thi leader ot 1 apace fleet •• charged with Iha lltll ol Hvlng Earin from en allack by angry Martllns 0 * • "F!Qurea In A Landacape· ( t970) Robert Shaw, Maleotm McDowell In an unnamed c;ountry 1wo men llM their military purMHtrt In the ~ t/\lt I~ can reach Ille border blilora c:.ipture ·PO' l:OO (H'•••~ 'OllrbyO'Gltf Md t11e u11,1e_ -~" c 1~1 Albetl sWPJ. ·s-, Conoety An old .,..,. cat• ta•• wno 11 •btOl.n IP tC1111!9 1!11 J0C> to a YounOar ,_, captures Iha king ol lhe le~ecnaun1 and lorcae him 10 gr111t lhrM ...,.,_ G z • • ' Con11nenta1 D1v1d1 f 1911) John Belultlt Biii< a.own A Chicago nawspapet c01umr1111 Ira.,... lo the ROCklll to ncape so.me pOlotical heal •nd int.,_ • •eclua1Y1 naturlllltt. PG' 6:30 t C * a You Light Uc> My Liie ( 1977) Dietl Conn, Joe Stiver An asplt1ng songwr1te< tries to cope wlll) Ille lhrM men rn her hie Whtie llltbhlhlng her O'*n •denllty 'PG' Sl **1• "Contlnelltal D1v1d1" ( t9811 John Belushi, Blllr &own A Clllcago ne'Ntpaper Colulnfllll lrlvell 10 Ille Roclclat to MUpe '°"" polUICal ,_, Ind Inlet"'- • rectu..,,. naturaHet •po• by A~strong & Batluk ~·M AFRAlc::> '«)C.J 14AVE ME CONF'USeDWITH A M,ii\61CIAN! I Attention Graduates! Make your dinner reservations now for grad night! 644-1237 Open from ~:30 CAFE 600 D Newp<>rt Center Dr. Fashion Island Newport ~ch ----- " , I ' I H\11 • .1 4 I •" I Iii •11 l I• ' . Diet fa~ts & fallacies !Jy Barbara Cooper The.e nutritional tips brought to you by DIET CENTER Your feeling of hunger is controlled l;>y your appestat, a nerve complex associated with the h~pofhalmus which is located at the baM of the brain. The appestat is controlled, in part, by the IMl of your blood sugar . When your 91ood.sugar level drops, your body chemistry will be stimulated and you experience hunger. Diet Center suggests these two ways to help you control your blood sugar leve~ 1. Eat slowly and chew each mouth- ful thoroughly. It takes 20 minutes for your stomach to give your brain the message! that you have had enough to eat. 2. Learn to eat na\ural nutritious, h"sh·vitamin{min· "r~ f qq,ds for ''5taying power". Graduating? .•• Changfng1 Jobs? ... S~lngaNtw C.eer or llflltyle? Asture yourlllf of a bNutlfut future at , Jobi Robert Powtrf Wh«• ~ntft11 womlR of 111 IQll hlWfoundnew pertonathorizons • Match the chal· llntM aheld. Learn MIY'hlnt from .... to Modlttng Ind much more. Call or come In locliY tor a tr11 per· loMl ll'lllYltl and pr~r1m dllCUulon. Choll l\, &th aid, • l l'topl• who hllV. hoardtd '1d• tlck1t1 trom prevtoua *" can UM them so detray part of the c.w\ of a .,..~ he ald. Moc. thin 11 million peopht vta1t the park MO)\ )'Ml', althouah Roth Mid attendance d\.&J'U\a the flnt quar\er of 1982 dropped 9 percent from th• ume period lutyNr. ln offerlna Pa11porta, th• An~h•lni am\.IMl'Mnt puk followt a tnnd •t b~ othtr Southern Callfom.la fadliU• 1ueh u Knott J Berry Farm and M.,tc Mountain •lllna unl.lm1ted Ult Ucketa. .... ------NOW PLAYING ---.--- mA •..-r•TM IUCll OUM( :.,-:-.: ~2 =· ~34 ~;;. --ldwW\lf ... WUYMIQTUI UAllllM c-...e-~ ........ fftArtl .--a-... t1t~UI S!I MU c-w.. 179 HSO •CllYa... .......'11JO Ill >tJ! llUTllMllm =t.':';s~u :;o.= • ....,. ~r~:f °'"""' 111-~~UIMIO rtl&,...I . ...__ .. ""'_ , • • ' * 8ARGAIN MATIN•IS * Mond1y tflru S1turd1y Afl PtrfOfmtnC•• btfort 5:00 PM (~ .,... ( ............ ......,., I • ._,.1.,Al a~-. MlfodO ot IOMCIOl'I LA MIRADA WAll( IN tN-2.00 "POL TERQ!llT" <PO> .............. - "POL Tl!RQl!l8T'' CH> ............... _ "THI "OAD WAMIOW' -. ....... "Ylan'ING HOURI" ----1 ... "I AA 1ltm WMTM OP KHAN" 1-~ e1IMO (N) .......... - "GR!A8E 2f' nica> "ROCKY Ill" (PO' _ ............ --.-.-.19' .... ,.... -··· 'ili'1i:i-=o-) MROCKY r oie> "DUD .... DON'T • ,_ DOL.ft """° ..... PLAID" lN1 ................ -............... .. IAl<fWOOI > r_tNlflJ ~OlJIH ""A••"' •'•A•q V ANAHEIM OQIVf IN . ·'•• ' .... BUENA PARK .1w1;f IN I "9:1':..r .,._•a••••llii• ._ _..,.. ....... _ "GMAUr''"> ............... - ...... , ... 414-1114 "ROCKY HI" CH> __ ,..._ .. ,_ ........... - .._...r.,.1 -.._Wllll•IDAY" ... 'f'OM,.!.'rllll "GOW AU THI WAY" N CM·l'I IOUllO .... T .. THI IX11IA-~" tNI -~·•--rr ... ... ,M,_. CAVALCADE • COMICS STOCKS., ....... _ . One of count>:'• best ,.. . . ' BLUE MONDAYS DltPT. C>PeraUvea of th.la aterUnc JoUma1 have ju9t IUffered the fina1 lndignlty. We havi been"acculed of "fix1ng0 a baby cont.mt. Thia allegation la far more feloniou,a than fixing a hone race or trytna to Influence the potnt spreed of a ball pme. The charaee Involve the baby judging contest that bu been a traditfonal event, and wu repeated this year, 1n Costa Mesa's 35th Annual Flab Fry and Carnival. Thus it wu that t.bil letter arrived: .,Dear Editor: 0 Well, I didn't think you would actually go through with it but you did! On June 3, 1982 you printed a picture in your paper of a former beauty contest winner who wu entering her daughter ~......, ............. -.....--_ ~\ .. in the Fiah ~val Jll IUIPllll ~t; ~con~. she won.n~ · · knew five days ago that would be the outcome, one didn't need to be a psychic to fUrure that out. "What I (and about 10 other mothers I talked to) want to know la how m~ you paid the judges of the baby contest to vote for the former beauty contest winner's baby? rm IOl'I')' but the 'coincidence' la ju.st too incredible to be honestly believed by anyone. The only reuon I can aee why you would pay for that parUcu1ar baby to win is becauae the mother was a former winner of that very contest 20 years or ao before and it would be ao wonderful 1f her daughter could win too. That would make such an exciting public interest story for your paper. ". . . I only wish you had warned me and the other mothers ao we would not have wasted our valuable time. I deapile aomeone who la a liar but wone than that I de.pile a blatant cheat. Believe me, if there was a way to sue you for what you did, I would ... " The letter waa signed tn the name of Lorraine Cappe-Jones, address not included. WELL, IT'S ALWAYS been well known that ~by conte11a and beauty competitiona can trigger some high emotional levels, oft.en in IDOlm, dads, brOthen, sLttera or , . No, rm .i:.olu* too llcJr to judge du. oanta.t. .. friend8 of the baby or the beeuty who didn't happen to win firlt prbe. 1'hua you should make it a standard practice, •I do, to flee lilte a coward if aome offidal should suggst you judge one of these" contests. I've always been able to tminedlately oome down with a cue of high fever and watery eyeballa. So to Larraine Cappe-Jones, let the recOrd state we abeolutely did not "fix" the baby contest t.bil time, or any other Ume. We can't even fix typewriter ribbona, much lem can_... ONE CURIOUS ASPECI' of the fixing complaint that 1e11t our lnveatipton into an immediate 8CWTY was the statement that th1' year's winning baby was the child of a former Fish Fry )feauty queen. Neither the mom of lixth-montb-old Jemie& Dawn, winner of the younaer group, (JI' the mother of Tlffany Lynn Vaughn, 14-month-old winner in the older cl.us, was a former beauty wbmer, altbouah both mom1 are quite -,ttncttve. hi advance of 'this year'1 Fllh Fey, however, we did Indeed fWl a photo of the 1981 winner, Shannon w~ whme moeber, Marion, did win the beauty oonte.& b8Ck In 1974. BUT NEITHER SHANNON nor her mom had anytblnc to do with du. year'a contat. w,. eur mall on the complaint one year late? No, the ref•ence w dearly to U.year'1 1982 con1e9t. 'rbele thlnsa can be dif&ult to deel with on a Blue MOnday. ~~~~ By all ICCOUDtl, Michelle Cella it a brilliant and dedicated teacher who baa a dramatic effect on the Uvea of many of her ltUdenta. Earlier thh year, the 31-yeer-old c.orona del Mar Hieb School Latin teacher WM IWlled out by the county Board" of Education aa one of Oranae County'• moat out1tandlns te.chen. \ ' Friday, ahe will be without a job. • Michelle C.ella ii one of 24 tenured and 30 temporary teachen in the Newport-Meea Unified School District who are ~~aid off becau•e of And the achoo! ~ atanda to loee her and other teachen like her forever becau.e of a 1tate-mandated layoff 1y1tem bMed cm eenlority. "We aren't allowed to take competency into conalderatlon when we're laytna off," explained Kevin. Wheeler, -'at.ant diltrict. IUperintendent for penonnel. "The law aaya we lay off the 1eut aenior penon. We have no cbdce." Aa a temporary, or unt.enured i.e.cher, Mi8a C.ella WU notified th1a spring that ahe wouldn't be offered a contract for the 1982-83 achool year She must either find work ellewhere, or go throuah the ordeal of waltlna until the d.lltrict'• budget la flna1b:ed to find out lf she'll be hired in ~through it before - aeveral times alnce coming to C«ona de1 Mar H1gh School five yeanaao. A1molt painfully ahy outldde ot the eta.room, the attqcttve brunette ahruaaed off the news of yet another ~Yoff. She would be more wcnied lf abe Md a family to IUpport, abe Mid. A lot depend• on whether there ,_ a teacher ii) the district with IDOft ..uoilty who ii ;-"tied to t.-cb Lata lth 10 few~ to . teach the andent ' Mill Cella IO far bu JDanlaed to bang onto her job on a yeer-to-yeer ..... But Mm Cella and otben lib her mi&ht not be 10 fortunate thla year. Under normal drcwmtanoes, a teecher of MilB CeIJa•1 ak1ll and experience would have reached tenured 1tatu1 after three probationary years wlth the ICbool district. With tenure, a 1ort of job guarantee, her employment future would be relatively aecure. But theae aren't nonnal tm. ln the Newport-Mesa clt.trkt. Enrollment in dJstrict IChoola bu been dropplng at the rate of 1,000 1tudenta per year for eeveral yeara. Aa a result. younc teachers . hired just a few yean aao don't get tenure anymore. Schools have been closed and the district'• staff hM been cut. Thia c· the district .. cutUng 24 ~ with tenure. Some have Wen teech1ng in N~ Meu achooJa for • 1all4I • 10 years. And; with staff cutb9cka hued on lellklrity~ the dlltrtct la )ming bright young teachers like Michelle Cella -teecben who brine new blood to a vwtsan teechinC staff and new verve to the c1wroom. Inter.views with ~ll=a n, friendt, -:J:!>~ and ti reveal M~l Cella to be a fiercely dedicated and cartna youna woman wbo leaves an extraordinary impreu1on on Uae around her. . "A lot of t.wbel"I ~ tach the IUbject, but the alYM thJa burntna deaire to learn," oa-.-Ken ,... a Spenkh -.chs at Ccraria dill .._ BIO. "I think ahe la a pswon that klds look up to. She hat hiah s\andarda. She la a lady and the students react to that ... Under her guidance, the Keywanettes, a girls' tervke club at Corona del Mar Hieb. became the only atudent orpniz.ation in the county to receive a $5,000 award in Dimeyland'• annual public .-vice program. Debbie Loofbourrow, prealdent of the Keywanett.ea, aald Mill Cella hat been like an older alater to her when abe needed aomeone to talk to. "Sbe't a friend to practically everyone," said Mias LoofbowTow. "She getl e.xcttied and when ahe gets enthUliMticit makea the rest of the girla get that way." A year ago, under MiSI Cella'a leaderahtp, Corona del Mar Hilb'11Atin Cub won the state 1weepstakea award, beating Latin Cubl from h.lah achoola ~t California. Deapite her $>alt teaching ~at the University of and her knowJed&e of Latin, Italian, French and andent Greek. Gordon Becht.old uid he almost didn't hire the dark_.yed youna wa,nan five ,..,... . ..She wu ra1her thy," recalled the hmd of the achool·• ~ depar&ment. ••And the wat ...-W about teW.nc me bow to run=Lattn oro1ram. I W'Mn't to that.''. But Michelle Cella hM teach me how to be responsible.' 'A lot of teach~rs just teach the subject, jllilleifiil1t s~ivd 'Jiffs burning lles1 e to learn.' 'She's a giver. Nol a taker.' Colleagaes' comments about Latln teacher Michelle Cella. left. been a dedlion Bechtold ham't Bunard. "She would talk a lot . regretted. about how fortunate it was to "She'• a Qtver. Not a taker," he care for aomeone and to care uid with o&vioua admiration. about what you are doing." Under her direction, Latin The aeoond of three daughters, went from a "low point'' to one Michelle C.ella grew up in New ol the moat popular language York reading everytblng she cou.nes OI\ campus. C(JU)d about ancient history and 11She la pheoomenal," laid Les m~. She wound up in a Johneon, a Latin i.natructor at Latin claaa by accident and Univeni!r. High School in IMline. became intrigued· with the "l couJdn t aay enough about her. subject. She la one of thoee people that, When ahe speaks of Lalin. her when you're around her, you jUlt vokle takes on an excited quality enjoy lL" that bu stirred so many students LOri &mard. a C«ona de1 and opened up new worlds to Mar 1raduate who la now a them. freUunan at the Univeisity of She uya that the tanguage, Southern California maiorlria in unchanged for hundreds of Spmllah and buainesa, ~ recal1ec:l yean, la one of the maet telling how M1aa Cella spent her own linka man baa with hia put. free period• tutoring· her in Her tint love always will ~ Spaniab. teec:Nna. lhe aya. But the le8lons Lori Bernard ''I set l'DOft p1euure out of , learned outside of the dwoom-cwhln& than _,yullnt ea..-are the onea ahe prizes most. any hobby or eating. Give me a · "She dkl more to teach 111e bJackboa~ apd a pi~ 9f chalk bow to be reapOmtble," said Mlaa and)'m happy." •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE ' Anti-nuk!e war column draws Reagan · respon~e DEAR READERS: O• May 17t' I feela moN than I the need for peece.'' enormou1ly lncreaHd It• forcH. We, -· --------~ NlaW a eolaaa •eeerWa1 •Mt w..W Jt 1' indeed my hJ&hen priority to deter therefore, now fllCI a lerioul Imbalance, .. ,,.. H, ~y •ealo or acddeat, .._.... and ~t auch a war, I.or 111 conleQuentm which decrea1n the credJblllty ot our -aomewlaen la tie world -dttou~ 'a WQUld be dJwtroua for mankind. detiernnt. .-elear. llemb. I uk.. yOli to wdle )'.;tr That la why I've called for neaottatSona That la why we mun modemiJe our ume acrou tUt cola.ma ... ._. It to le1din1 to ma.tor arm1 reduct1on11 not own tonm, both to nd&ace the danaerout PretNm Regu. llmitatfona that onlf eodtfy 'hiah levela. lmbA1ance and to make~ to the Boviet Allaready yov l'ftPODHI etldt CM Vnder the to-alled lmaHaUoQs of "SALT leaden that t_h•1 1hould join u1 in ,,.. ................. ~ .. I reeilTll(Ja ; ll" the ScMet Unioe and the United Staw M8Dd&Una the kind ol. IUbltanUal. equal. letter fnm Mat teday. Here It la; ~ could ubltantlally •dd to their nuclear aiMi vwt.fiible nducdom in nuclear arm1 the ' ' ~ I world demeMI. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I• am ~ I have, lnlt.Md~ ~·for the reducdcn Ann. we bava trMd inany tlme8 llnce abqut your recent column reprdins t~ of the ~ deNbWISl\8 ltratealc elementll, WW D to peral8de the BnWem to joln UI in letter from 'Ten1.f1ed in D.C." I wan\~ to the balllltlc mt.Ue war1*ida. {)y orwt-thlrd reducin1 or even eUminating nuclear · know that I'll take leCOnd to none Jn my ln the ftrat phue of neaotiaUona on ltrat.ep: weapona, with little 1ucce11. Perhapa, concern over the threat of nuclear< war. That •rm• reduct lo n . In the are a of lnltead of l8nd1n8 ooplel to me, your readera la wb1 in my April 17 radio addreea to the · intermediate-range nuclear force1. I haw lhould eend oope. o( your May 17 column to nation, I takl: allO propoeed ·the elimination of the molt Pre1itlent Brezhnev. -SINCERELY, 1 '-To thoee 'who 'protest apinlt nUclear threatening 1)'8tema, the land-baaed millilee. RONALD REAGAN. war, I ~ only aay rm wi~ yoy. l..J.ke my During the lut decade, the United predec c90n, it la now my reaponllbWty to Sta tee restrained ita deployment of new DEAR PRESIDENT RE.AGAN: Lib do my utmost to prevent such a war. tio one nuclear force1 while the Soviet Union yo•, I feel tbt Pruldmt Brezlmev 1boald 1ee my eolam• •f May l '1 . Per~ap1 10metlda1 la It ~trike a rnpoulve e~ord ud 1et a 101A1 benreea th Soviet Ua109 uMt tlae alted Statet. I llave a1k .. ou ~.-tul frtelid, Dr. Annud Hammer, cllalnnu of Oeddeatal Petroleam, to tee di.at my colanua of May l'1 ll deUvere4 to President Brabev, kl9 clo.e penoul frt~. He 01 apeed to do 10. U I bear from Brelhnev, Mr. Pretldeat. 111 call yoa. U YOlJ bear from ldm1 pleue call me. It woald make my aay. - SINCERELY, ANN LANDERS Smiles worth millions . . . . VIDEO MALADIES -It. may not be tenmt elbow,, but a reaearcher from At!Uta'• ~ University jays video ~ plaYW9 1may ..- . future muscle anC:t joint problem• from vigorous arcade activities. Dr. Cary F,. Myenon ,,, .......... examined J34 players and found that 65 percent had' at least physical oompblh\t1 rangln4..{fF9m' bliater9' and callatlaea to dJ8comfort In• the jointa, attributed to the electrpnlc games· Cancer: Promotion due 'he141ay, Jae IS ARIES (March 21-April 19): What appeared to be a aetback will boomerang in your favor. Domestic adjustment occura, family cooperation ia received and a new contact proves fruitful You are at right place, your effortl will be appreciated. green light will fl.uh for proerea TAURUS (April 20-tilay 20): Study Arlee m c ge for Vahaab1e bbit. Streemllne t.ecbnlquee, define t.enm lllld_ Jook behind 1CmtS for true story. Y ou11 be invited to ·join group which promotes community, chartty or political activity. -• GQllNI (May 21-JUJ'e 20): &enarto hlahlllbta roll)81ice, phylli~ attoactton. apecwadve venture and tendency to act OD • 1mJ:JUl8e. Wlab cxmee true but. there ia a prlce. Cancer, .Capricorn pe.reo. fi,ure 'prominently. You are 1.nextdcebly tn~lved. CANCER (June 21·Ju1y 22~ Fodll-OD career, promotion, produc1tJoia, ~dded re1ponaibllity and chan .. foz:-areater reward. You'll fulfill obliaadm. burden will be removed and you11 tidllte. a wider ·audience. You'll 1en1e pu.i.,t Of"publlc. Your - prod.a:t will be salable. LB0 (July 23r-Aug. 22): New ~ ~ new d1.reedonl reailta frc:m gn!ater ~ of independence. Emphuia on jounie)f, ~ education. spiritual values I . i I HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA and• lonc-'.ranae project that could involve publlabedi ~ AnQther 1-ficunl promineDtly. VIJU10 (Aq. 23-Sept. 22): Ref\m to be lulled into Mme of fUe eecurity. Cboole with care -. eelect quality and strive to regain •enae ot direction. You'll be concemecl whh money of others, including pe.r1Mr ~mate. Aquarian playa Important role. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Perceive picture ln it8 entirety; aave detail• for anotheJ' ti.me. Jraphalia on wider rance of intereau, IOdal lnvltation.a and marital statua. Propoeed journey would not take u much dme • ~Y anticipated. Here la a report ot the best of &ma Bombeclc whlle a la an vacation. Whatever history may say about this aenention. it wm be duly recorded they bad areat teeth. I can just 1ee hlatoriana digging through the rutm and ob1ervlng, "GoOd grief, Profemor Hartd.m, there lan't ooe overbite . . . one chJpped tooth . . . a .tnale overlap. What do you suppme that meant?" What they may never know ta that behind wery IUCONlful mllle stood a aelf-~ mother who devoted her life to her cbDd • teeth. BRACES BECAME the statw symbol of the '60a and even today outrank cn1i8e oontrol and colored 1beet. M luxury items. I ded.lcated m,.U to love and 8elrYe my 1011'1 mou1h t.:k in the late '60s when a ~ti.st ~to me that we 1ee an ~ti.st. •1)o you like the way your 10n'• mouth Joobr' alked the orthodontist. I 1hrugged. "It'• a little drafty IOIDedmes from ~Ing open ao much but other than that ... " "Look at it!" be chided. "Do you actually think be can approach adulthood with ... teeth?" "Whafa 'the matter with themr' ' ~thin&. 11. he'• goiJll to go through life bttina nec1m." . 8ITl'ING IN BIS office week after week reect•na .the Bleecting Gwm Journal while my 90l1 WM being fitted into braces, I beard storis fnm the other women in the Tooth Cult. Ulfh.Lt ia only the beglnnin&'' aaid one. "Y ou'Il make ao many trlP9 to this office your car wW come here automatically.'' ''Y ou'Il have to remind your 100 to brush morning, noon, and nlaht." ••y ou11 buy 50 toothl:ruabes in a month which he will ioee." "Wait until he Jtet8 into retainera. He11 . flMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S ENO procrastinate, complain, ~d loR them every time vou tum around." . .ry ou'll find his retainer in lockers, public restrooms, clothes hampers. library books, echool bUleS, bleacher seats, sleeping bags, stuck ln taffy • . .'' ONE WOMAN SAID HER daughter left her retainer on the plate and ·it melted with a pastrami sandwich in a microwave oven. "The worst is when you've gone through eight or nine yean of straightening his teeth and he entera into a mixe d · marriage with a girl with an overbite!" "Someday," said a woman who "never seemed to do anything but write checka and shake her head, "You'll laugh at all. this." "Why?" I asked. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Don 't .Pin me down." POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ONCE I W.ANTED TOTAL HAPPINESS -.,,,r NOW I WIL.L SETTL.E FOR A L.ITT\..E L.ESS PAIN. •:;:::.:::c-::r=- • GOif ii 011 BllDGf BY CHARLES ti. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-NettM!' vulnerable. u South JOU bold: •tlM o A.IHNI 0 &ta •t . Tbe blddlq bu proeMded: EMt S... WM& Nwdt • • p ......... ... ' What aet.lon do 7ou take? A.-Sinee partaer bu shown a sttoas bud,•• won't fawt JOU if JOU leaped ttraisbt to ab apadea. But we would be lndlned to allow for the fad that partner hu alreadJ bid _. of 7our values. At tbla level It ia d..lmeW\ to be euet. '° a pndeot ralM to five apadu would auspat to partner that JOU bave mon than be qht have tboi.,ht. hand la too eood to throw In the towel. Double again. Of coune, Ulla double i. atill primarily for takeout, but II partaer eleda to pua, you will be bappJ to defend • Repreaa tbe urp to bid two diamonda. You ahould have a mueh better auit for ttu. &C· tioo -without auch imprea- mve aupport for the major auJta. petlnr for the part.score. Since hit double la for takeout. JOU muat bid. Deapite th• lack of a apade stopper. we would bid one no trump to duaibe ou.r ahape. The band might play better in one of tbe red auit.a. but we don't bow which one to cbooae. BeaJdea, it'• hJ1bl1 Ukel7 that the opponent.a will compete further. Q.t-Aa South. vuJoerable, JOU hold: •AN <::1A'll OA&H •Att7 The blddlnr bu proceeded: S..di W• Nwtla Eut 1 O I• I 0 P .. ' What do you bid now? A.-With all 7ou.r polnu lo prime conttola. you cert.ainly don't want to atop abort of pme after p.Ner'• free ralte. However, a leap to 01rH no trump• la too predplt.oua ~•inee it vlrtuall! eomptla panner to pua. Tbe •'1 to keep all your opt.Iona opea ta to C\l•bW three du• WIMie J'OU thn foUow ~01 tW.. oo truap; partner woa'i fMI obllpd to ~ ~. clJNtbuUoul bud. - Tll F.\•ILt' c1ac111 "H1'1 not coming unravelled, Doty. He's spinning o web." MARMADIJKE ,,...... . s,.,,,. 10 TlllPltOnt 14--tlf; by Brad Anderson ITS 11M£ TO REFLECT UPON MV ACCOMPLl~ENTe. IT'& TIM£ lO REMtN~E A80CJT GOOO TIME~ ••• I t by Jim Davis I CAX>NDER IF '51RAN6€ I iAXXJLO BE ~~01'E SAME Ao ~U6UAL I • I . i i .. :: ·: I ~ i I I I I ' I' I' I l Callfornla Federal Savta11 ud Lou ~11a. seminar opens it.a office today at 800 Newport Cenwr Drive l d in the fl.fat tower of Pad fie Mutual Plaza. The ~ S 8 fe asaodation will occupy approximately 5,000 mquare · !- feet on the first floor. Rave Semthata 11 The office relocated f.rom smaller, temporary preaent1n1 a public quarters on Pacific Coast Highway, which opened .erninarj on ~ In October 1980. June Mi: The apeaken wUl be attorney Robert Von Eich Jr. and broker Ronal4~. Nevea Halley ~ been Eiient of 1Waby-~rt1, a u dJatri on pd a Fluor Corp. su~fiary. lsey rjti1treot Kilsby-Roberta national network of 16 metal- tubular-producta service centers and three honing fadlhi•• He A&OCeeda Sidney Elatba, who bu been placed on special assignment with Fluor Corporate headquarters. PllWlp1 Brandt Reddick, '"lrvtne, and Avco Commaalty Developers, Laguna Niguel, were joint winners of a "Gold Nugget Award" ln the major lite planning category at the Pacific Coast Builders Conference held ln San Francia.'o. PBR and Avco won for their Laguna Niguel coastal plan in the caiegory of best mixed U8e (residenUal and commerdal) site plan of any size. The fOmpetltion was open to builders (rom l'l WttStem states. ' Jou Dobro« of Newport Beacli ~ the office marlulllna dMllon of tlw.: 111.wpctt :ee.cb office of G"nbb-& E1lll Commerdal Brokerqe Company. At UC Santa Barbara, he was captain of the NCAA championship water polo team, and at the World University Games ln Mexico Oty in 1979 won a gold medal. The temlnar will be preeented at 7 p.m. at the Quality Inn , 616 Convention Way, Anaheim. . For information, call Ronald Amaro at 995-2100. Attorney to speak Attorne~ Bober& Weiaaan WUl be ~ speaker at the lint <>ranae County _......,. for the Society of Professional Credit Manqen. Georie H. Turner has been named regional rnana~er for the Atlantic Compaalea' Pacific Southwest operations, based in Irvine. He was underwriting manager of Atlantic's Southwest region, based ln Houston. Turner succeeds 0.. C. E Plillllps, who has been granted a leave of abeence. CODOIDY The meeting will be held June 24 at 6 p.m. at the Hungry Tiger Restaurant in Anaheim. !.or information, call (213) 6~707. Tie~Mfgea ~. of ~ ~ •• , analyz~ Barlow estern reJio:n sales manager fo[. its t automa~ u.pe llb~es. He()'(~~un~t : The ~1QibQ1 'Issue partner ational computer SaTeis'COrp. f Cal"f i B · o 1 orn a us111eu Dr. Dave Thomas, president of Omni PacUlc magazine, a regional International of Newport Beach, has been named bualness publication, will ' official representative of the Colon Free Zone, analyze the Orange located ln the Republic of Panama. He will be County economy. responsible for promoting, manufacturing, uaembly The Orange County and other commercial facilities i~ Panama by Econ o m l c Re po r t , American Cdmpanies headquartered in 'the West.em e x p e c t e d t o r u n half of the United S~tes. apP.I:Oximately 32 .-ges, L. Dwlgbt MdY1 of Newport Beach, vice president of the BalbOa Insurance Company. Newport Beach, has been elected a director of the Insurance Accountina ~d Statistical Associalion, an organizatiion with nearry 1,600 membef" eomp.niee1 Valley dairies lose SACllAMENTO (AP) -'lbe state Senate hal banded Southern California. iJlllk _J>r_oducen a victory c:Wer tbelr San J~ VaJ.Jlrl rivall by crushiM IJll attempt to give valley da1J1el a~ in ltate mili pricing regulations. Fridt.Y'• 8-~ vote killed a bW that would have ellm1na\eil an advantage for me31lltan dairies ln currept state re~~~lon1, aq ''qtbOfiJ~ r 1ranlportation alloWAnce for producers that ahi iheit to · areas. • ,. . will examine agri - cultural, industrial and finandal hues. Industries such as touriam, aerospace, electronic data procea1l.n1, land dev&lopmen\ and construction. also will be diacusled. Every Sunday l At Last, JI New &mk That 'frJdg S~a/izes in·. BUfiness, 'Piofessional and Executive Bimking You've~ it Wore -banks claiming to be ''Business Banks0 thatweJ,Jn't~y diferent than the typical, rmiJ, take ::any customer, bank. And what do }'Ou get? Long Ii~, indif- ferent se~, and no true differenijition between business customers and anyone else who happens to walk in the <¥>or. ' U~ ~~'j.s tr¢ll a busi~ Bank. We do dif- fermtiate ~Witt see ~ difference. . ~ Balilddl:I> BOHlels" ... is the motto of UMrty National 8al1'l we do~ that. Fint, our --.ervk:a ahtprograms are alt designed from a buslnas person's point olvilw. We've taken the traditional -attJtuda IN! ... offetid. ~t banb and rtdesianed them to work more effecti\t1y ln tociay•a businm world. Second. we will literally bring the bank to you, at )!Ollr place of business. Our Account Officers will meet with you in your office and will arrange for you to conduct your banking busi- ness from )lOUr office. Our Business Courier Service, Armored Car Service, Telephone Transfer Service and post- age paid Bank.by-Mail Service all work to give you wy acass to }'OUT bank without having to leave your office . Call Mr. Gene Lesher, S.V.P. and Business De\ielopment Man- a.zer. for an Account Officer to come to your business. Or, if you prefer, call to arrange for an appoinbnent at our ~-, ~ers. You 11 see what a dlference lt makes wheri )'OW' bank fi ~ I business specfallst! v ' i Read all today's news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep In the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. (Ii}\. Keep an eye on ~ local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning commis- sion , school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, cry or get 7JJ smart . ,., JlL Follow your team '-r/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast high sctiool~, three community col-l i leges, UC Irvine and1 • 1 Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, tool 8 Save money and ~~shopping tl·me Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are ad~ertised every day In the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from Advice from Ann Landers, humor firms In this area, you save time, effort ••• • • . •' .. Enjoy yo'ur ~Sundav · ~ .. ~fWilY ~ee~I~, color comics. finance, "Styten section and fea- tures about you highlight the inter- est Ing reading packaged :n y•J ur Sunday Daily Pilot. t::;~Y Enough to ·read - and enjoy. 11 I 'Tune in to the latest TV logs ' l ) ~ 1 i ~ ,. f . . ) <) J J l I Q! , t r' t·1 1·~ I fl I '" 1; j, ~, ,)! Yi 11. I- r' l r ~j 1· I 1 I I 1 I ~ t ' I I • -. ' -~ --- ALMON JOY -Chicago White Sox shortstop BW Almon ii eent flying by Anaela' buerunner Bobby Grich d~ the second inninj of S"undays game in Coml!key Park. A1:yfela won their third straight in OUcago and· took over aole r--on of first place in the American I.Ague West with a -4 triumph. ·Dodgers 1·Iimp otit ofi l(jwn Next stop is at red-hot San Diego alter 2-5 home stand LOS ANGELE'S (AP) -The OndnnaU Reda and Loa Anaela Dodaen are more ~ to being in the thick of the National LMaue West race this time of year, but nei~ t.-m ftnds itlelf in fnll)t after the two spent~ weekend splitUng a fout.game .me.. While the standoff hel~ neithtt the Dodgen nor the Reda, the two NL West frontnmnen. Atlanta and San Diego: oonUnued to win. The Reda pnvailed OD Sunday, 4-2, M Bruce Beftnyl mapped a penooal five-pme Jmin8 streak and, in the proce9I, woo b.c:k ~ confidence. 'Tve heel) having control problerJlll," he Mid. "and tt aot to the point that rd go out to the mound and the first nm or two and I WM out of there. It WM tough tcf pitch like that. ~==l~~:=blt be, too, b8d --wild spells • " . and be w.i't too bed of • pitcher." . Owners open talks CHICAGO j.AP) -The 28 maJDl:-Je.aue dub ownen canvene today and Tue9day for meetinp that could end with the ownen cmTYina more clou\ than b11eWU c.ommia1ioner Bowie Kufui. If a new restructurtnc Dian leedtnc the aaaMla ii adopted, it would place lWbn in a aubord1nate polltion to an eight-member owners' committee •. The -.itlal diffennoe, llCCOl'dina to a report by the owner'• 12-.member Reatructur1na c.ommittee, ii that the OWIW'I' Executiw C_..;CJ1.,..mdl..- histcricall}' has 8erwd • an advt.ory tx.rd to the CO'D'"i-kJner, with the omnnlMlmer allowed to IDUe the final decWon. AccordiDa to the new plan, the t:/WDlt!!d Executive CcmnUttee Would haw the final WCl'd, not Kuhn. Berenyl pitched into the etghth 1.nn1nc. then received reuel help from Tom Hume who posted b1a 12th •ve. The loa clo.ed Che Dodgen' home atand qaimt Atlanta and ClndnnaU with only two wlna in 8eVeD gamee. and they Jost four more pmee in the standings. Toniaht the Dodaen are in San Die&o·to face the ll..ll'llrilina P.an.. wtnnen of four in a row and nine of their last 11. lt'a the start of a 13-pme trip in which tbey1l meet ewJrY team in the NL West excer.t San Francisco. '1 don't want to •Y it'• crucLa1 -that means 're clme to panjc," aa1d Los A.ngelea left fielder Baker, ••6ut it ii important we do well on th1a trip. THE REDS, too, have been bavinl 1rouble. more ao even than the Doctaen. Larry Bllttner, ·Who knocked in one of the Reda' two tint tnnma nlM apinlt bet Burt Hooton. 1-4. remarked, 'l()ur main problem has been an in.abOlty to bit in~ du1ch. We've been unable to aet the titc bit all aeeD'L" Al the Dodaerw go out on a lor>g trip, the Reda return home TuM:lay nilbt to be8ln a 13-pme · home stand. "It'• important we do well," Bittner aald, ecbotng Baker. "We're playing all the temm aheed of m." For Hooton. It._ mother roulh start-three lnn1ngl, ei&ht bita and four runs -and in bis ftve atarta amce pitcbin& b1a one win, a one-bitter' awr Pblladelpbia on Ajiril 29, be'• allowed 23 .meet runs in 26 ~ inninp, a 9.31 ERA. .. ITS ~ of JJke ltal1inC all over apin," aa1d Hooton. who w malrfna bJS leCOlld start after three weeks on the dlMbled lilt. 041 don't feel l was aetUnc l"CJUCh8d up, but when you're Pia Wte I am everythlna they hit 18 a ._ bit." J".dctie'" Milner started the Reds' tint with • double and acored on Rm Oest.er'• infield out. Dave Qmcepclorl then <babied and BUttner tlnp.ct him home. <lncinnaU added two more runs oo Alex Zahn sharp • CHICAGO (AP) -Even thouah Geoff Zahn pitched h1I team into first _place ln the Amer1can Leecue "West, he took a modelt appl'OllCh to h1I vlcto.ry and pve credit to h1I teammates. "I WM just trying to keep the ball down," the 35-year-old left.. bander l8id after the Anaela beat the Chicago White Sox 7-4 Sunday. "It takes a team effort to win." But the fact remained that Zahn pitched almost six innlnp of no·h\t baseball, went the dllltance and pve tbe AnCeJ1 a tbird vlet«y fD tbetr four·ppw --wtth the White Sox. "We feel very fortunate," Zebn IUcl. '4Cbicago 18 a p-eet ball dub, and when you can win *-out of four, we feel it'a a anr.;:-::i:~ Mauch llld tilt ... pleued bi8 t.eun Wiii ID flnt pUcie, but added that be Wiii not lmpr!IUd with Sunday'• • vlcSmy. uwg PLAYED one raaed pme and aot away with lt," Mauch aalcf. "They (Chicago) s::~ed one ragged gaine and 't aet away with it." After capturing fint place in the division, Mauch Mid Dia pl 18 to stay there. "We've all been in fint place," Mauch aald, referrina to the White Sox, the Kanaaa City Royall and the Ange1-. "Now it's ~ for U1 to stay there." Maucll and cat.cher Bob Boone both attributed most of Sunday'• victory to Zahn'• 1tron1 performance. • JD "You can't pitch anv be_l · than that," Mauch Mid. 1'N::tfy el.te can, either!' Boone Mid Zahn WU~ h1I ~p pitch "all the P.late' and that he waa in contra the whole game. I "I EXPEC«' thta kind lot performance ttom Geoff ~ time out," Boone aald. "He'a r>t one of \heJ•t4'chanceuPI in~ We've all been i.n first place, now it's time f "r us to st•r there. Ieesue. and today he was able to move it inside and outside the plate." The Angela were behind 8-2 after eeven inningll when Don Baylor'• two-run double with two out keyed a four-nm eighth . Baylor's double off reliever Salome Baroju, the third White Sox pitcher of the inning, gave the Angela a 4-3 lead. Raylor acored from second on a single by Bobby Grich after an intentional walk to R~ggie Jacuon and Jack.son then 11COred on DoUg DeCinoes' infield single off Jerry K.oom>an. Zahn. 7 -2, had • no-hitter and a 2-0 lead through 5 ~ i.nn1np. But with one out in the sixth, Aurelio . Rodriguez walked and after Rud~ ~w flied out, Blll Almon tripled to 8ClOre Rodriguez. He came home with the tying nm when Boone threw wUdly·tO tblrd on a pickoff play. Another vital recommendation by the camrmu. ii that, benafter, a1121 c1um would 'vote in cxmcer., tDlteld of by ..._ on popcmd chnps, with a tbrw-fourtha mQldty (It Wilm) nqu&ed ,,. approval Thia ~ eflmlnue the := ~·.::t.t~ =-~"7:, =: Trevino'• twO-run linl1e In the thlrd. -The Doden'll 1"' one run beck in the fourth on BACK IN FORM -John Moffet IWiJna to three..,_ and an error and the~ nm ICOnd victory Sunda~tbe~200·meter breutatroke ...., ............ c:e.tle International Swim Complex. Moffet allO wa, eecond in the 200 individual medley. See story, Page C2. block new le!C\I! leplation. tn the e(ahth on ...-by Steve Sa JIDd JCeq on the final t of the Seventeen Magazine Landnaux and Pedro Guerrero'• 1ntleld out. ..;:S;..;.wtrn~;..;;M=ee;..;t...;of;.;;...;;~~p-lona_~•t_the_. __ Mmi __ on __ V_ie.&.jo__,_......,.... ____ _,_ ________ ~ Death mars l " Canadian race r.ight choice Richmon~ takes stOck • JD Allergy forces Lendl to skip Wimbledon From AP dlapatelau RENO -Ivan Lendt, the El ~·· hottelt player on the men'• tennil tour, uya the need for a break from hil rf&oroua achedwe ii only part of the reuon he ii tk.lppina Wimbledon. The main reuon la he ii allel'llc to srua. "I've had the allergy 1or abOut 10,yean," the 22-year-old Czechoelo"aldan Mid Sunday. "lt'a a 1pedal kind Of grall -U\e IQ.nd that 8J'OWS 10 cl~ together nothing eble can erow. The kind they uae on golf greens and tennil couna." Lendl waa in Reno for a $126,000 lhootout' match against Guillermo Vllaa, which Lendl won. 6-2, 4-6, 6-1, 7-6. The Arpntine alao ls aktppl.ng lhe ancient Eng.Ush championahi1>9 for more obvio\&I reaaona. 1Hia coun\rymen and the British are shooting at eech otl\er with real bullets. The best-of-5-seta match,. promoted by Harrah's and directed by former U.S. Davis Cup player Barry McKay, 14 a throwback to the widely publicized World Heavyweight Championship of Tennis matches in the 1970s concocted by promoter Bill Riordan and t.eleviaed by~. Quote of the day Boston Celtics owner Barry MuP!faa, on Loe Angeles Laken owner Jerry Ba11: •11 just don't like the way the guy does busines1 and I don't mind aayl.ng it. Buss likes to go around talking about the way he throws hia money around, and I feel that type of approach to our business makes it much more difficult for other owpers to do what they have to do to keep their teams in busine sa." Favored Perrault takes Gold Cup INGLEWOOD -Heavily-E favored Perrault held oU the closing charge of Erina lale and It's the One to win the Hollywood Gold Cup by one length at Hollywood Park on Sunday. Perrault,. a 5-year-old English-bred who went off at odds 7-10, went ahead to stay coming around the far tum in recorc:l.ln, his third major stakes victory of 1982. Petrauh, ridden by Lalfit Pincay and carrying high weight of 127 in the 43rd running of the Hollywood Gold Cup, covered the 1 ~-mile distance in 1:~9 1-5, one second off the stakes and track record established b:y Quack 10• yeara ago. BelgliJm take~ "-'orld ~ opene21~ '4ADRID, Spain -'Erwin van Den bergh, a promitina striker, 9COl'ed the first e 1982 World Cup finals IJ8).', 1eadl.ng Belgium to a 1-0 victory over defencttng champion Argentina at Barcelona's Nou Camp Stadium. ' Vandenberah. Belgium's 1981 Player of the Year, kicked the lone goal from cloee range in the 6Srd minute, beating Argentine aoalk.eeper Ubaldo Fil1ol after oontrollin& a diUlcu1t en:. from midfielder Frankie Vercautem. 'l1ie bluest aoocer tou.mament in history opened widi-laviah pageantry, skyrockets and appearances by the most beloved and talented aoa:er players ever, tncluding auperatar Pele, West Gennan sweeper Fram ~enbauer U\d England's Bobby Charlton. First-round competition continues today with a c::ontat between Italy and Poland, and a game pitting Brazil agaimt the Soviet Union. Canada and tfie United Statea were 1 eliminated in the World Cup qwillfyina .rounds. Tim Wallacla, a former II University High and Cal State Fullerton •tandout, slammed a two- run homer with two out.I in the bottom of the 10th inning to give Montreal a 6--3 victory over Chicago Sunday, extendl.ng the Cubs' losin~ at.reak to a record-tying 13 pmea. Wallach also ecored a l'\Ul In the aecond l.nn.lJ'\8 after a lead-off double, a flyout and a wild p6tdl. Reliever Woodle P r ymn earned hJa fourth victory in six dedalona by retiring the Cubs in order in the top of the 10th . . • Elaewbere tn the National League, Al a• Wlgbat slngled In, the tytna run 1n the aeventh innl.ng, then came, around '° 9QOl'e after a 1tolen bue and two Houston throwing errora to ALUC give San Diego a 5-4 victory over HoualOn and a sweep of their fou:r-pme aeries ... Dale Marplay belted a two-run homer and Rick Camp posted h1a first victory fn tour years as a starter, leading Atlanta to a ~-1 win over San Frand8co ancf a fP}lt of their double-header. Jack Clark led off the aixth inning in the first game With h1a 11th homer, snapping a tie and powering the Giants to a 2-1. triumph Connors tops McEnroe to win tourney Jlmmy Coanor1 defeated J olul • McEnroe, 7 -~. 6-3 Sunday in what coulJ be a rehearsal for the Wimbledon tennis final in three weeks time. The victory earned Connon the $24,000 first prize in the Stella Artola Championships on the grass courta of .London's Queen's Club -an event that McEnroe haa won the l.lfSt three years . . . Some 300 high school and college athletes, including Steve Kerbo of Mission Viejo, are entered in the U.S . Junior ~ and field ctuunpio~PJ, a ~ whkb tradJtionany has been a springboard to world- clala ranking. "rile meet, due to ~ toda1 at Indiana University, is open to men who will not tum 20 dwinB the year of the competition. Television, radio FoUowtna are the top sports events on TV tmight. Ratings are: ...., ...., V'...., ex.eel.lent; ...., V' V' worth watcbirig; ....,...., fair, ...., forget it e 1:30 p.m., Clwmel 7 ........................ BASEBALL: Boston at New York. Auoucen: Keith Jackaon. Bob Uecker and Howard C.oeell. The Red Sox take a one-game lead in the American League F.ast into tonight'• game after both Boston and New York were rained out Sunday. Dennia F.ckeraley (6-4) oppo.ea Ron Guidry (7-1) in fon.ight's contest. RADIO •Bueball·-Dodgers at San Diego, 7 p.m., KABC (790). Floyd hits $2 million mark .. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -Ray Floyd never dreamed be cioWd play 10 well in winni(l.~ Danny 'nicmas-Mempbia . don't think I could have dooe much better,'' noyd said Sunday following hill 17th career victory and the second in 1982. like the pre11ure. I like the CIOQlpetit:IOn. .. Runnerup Mike Holland, putting on h1a best performance in hil two pro .eaaona, aakl. ''I wasn't concerned about Raymond. In fact, he helped me a lot today. I learned from him." Cui1it Strange, 1n third place, looked at Floyd's imposing numben on the preH room ecoreboard. Neither did bis oppolition. "I d<JQ.'t know bow I shot thia , low. The golf COW'8e is pla . very difficult. I just pu~ tremendously for four rowads. I Floyd started the day five shots ahead and said, "Very few times in my career have 1 aone to the last round and blown out. I Palmer char g es to victo ry . MARLBORO, Ma& (AP) - Arnold Palmer 1urvived the challeqe of three fellow 9l!l1ion with steady, aab-per golf Sunday to win the Marlboro Claalic, h1a first tournament victory ln a year, and a $25,000 first prize. Palmer, 53, ahot a two-under per 69 on a rain-eoeked Marlboro Country Club COUlW to finish the 72-hole tournament with an 6-tmder 27& total and a 4-atroke maritn on ru.nnen-up Bob ROlbia.rf and 8Wy Casper. Pu.r pla~ ~ aoJ1 on 16 bolel, ICOrini a 11.ngJe birdie on 98Ch tide. Rolbw-1, Cuper and Peter I'boaoD an cloeed to wtthl.n cwo strokes of. Palmer but fell back when Palmer hit wha~ be called the tournament'• key that. a sand wedae from 60 yard• to 1ix lnches of the pin on the 15th hole. .. It't always p-eat to win." tl8id Palmer. "I hadn't won a tournament 1lnce the Senior Open in Detrol t latt year. Roeburg really played quite well today. He came on awfully strong. ''The only thlnl I could ., WU keep playin&. No boeeya and two. blrdSee la the important thina and I didn't mlm a p-een." c.per, who allo 9hDt a two- undlr' 69, ftcured bit ~ lMi.d until late 1n the round. Stephemon captures LPGA championship . . "We probably don't realize how good Raymond played, to be 11 under.'' .siranae laid. Floy~l ina 3-under-par enable m to become the sport'• 1lx flayer ever to aurpaaa $2 I lion in career ~9.yeer-old veteran of two decades on the PGA Tour finiahed strongly with three straight birdiet for a alx-ahot triumph with a 72-hole total of 271. . 'nlat wM 17 under per for four trts-over the Colonial Country Club CIOW'le, at 7,249 yardl the lonaest on the Tour. Gene Littler po.fed the Cgune recurd with lft 18-undet-par total ..of 170 id wtnn1nc th1a event 1n 197~. Moffet back 18·24, Treay Oaulldnl CIDliqMtad -third melt 1n tlve ~:Y w1nn1nC u l.ndMduAl evente and com 1&4 polnte. ~ ~ C.. has won at leMt fiv. eventl Mdl y...- ana NI been awarded hla)i\JOtnC baool'I th.Ne of the five ~With Kim U..Mll ~ tl'9 •1.&00 llCholaratUp award the otMr two... caUUdN allo recet~= ~=r:;~ ln the 200 t>reutstroke uMl 300 IM a1M1 wilh a aeciorid pJaoe 1n the 100 beck to her total. 'rhJa pve hw lilt wfnf and two MCOnd place ftnilhel for t);. thtee-day meet. placed MCOnd 1n the 200 individual medley on the ltnal nt1M of the meet at the .Mluton. Viejo lnterna,lonal Swim Complex in Mar1uerlte Recreedan <:enter. 0 1'm really hap,PY with the way I haw been awimmina ~· 1" the 200 bllCk wh4!re Sue (Wal.ti) beat me, r needed aomething like that. l WM pleued with that rtiee and al8o the 200 ~t." MISSION VWO'S ho9t NadadQra won the overall team .Stle alona wtth both the men'• and women'• crown1. Rojef' Nadrup Ukewlle capW.red hll teCOnd lndMdual potnt utle f« thf men and WU pnwnted with a .1,50() tcholanhip and a diamond nn,. He didn't wtn an event but placed hJah in enough to acore 86 \.\ points to 86 fOI' Jett Koatoff and Ricardo Prado. who fln.iahed 1n a tie for second. "l haven't aotwn my real ·tut •peed yet.'' he aald after hil ~. 1'1'he older you get the •tl'Onpr you pt. l'm aettina.a lot futer and feel I am ~kinl up eome of thf q,eed I need. 11I waa real pleued with my time (2:24.94). Th.la la the best rve ever done unahaved." Mollet, who will study at Stanford University next year, was injured and didn't compete in the CIF champiohahipe this year for Newport Harbor High. The Nadadore9' Tiffany Cohen won her third • event with a comparatively easy victory in the 1,600 in 16:36.83 with teammate Ftorence Barker eeoond in 16:44.31. The other individual winner 1n the women'• competition Sunday was Dara Torres of the Tandem Swim Club who captw'ed the SO free 1n 26.48. "MY RIGHT KNEE waa hyper-extended and I was out for three weeks. But I got a lot of therapy and the knee is just as strong as my other knee right now. "When I was off, I stlll practiced but 1 couldn't kick. I dkl it all with my ~ pull but It'• kind of hard to start and to turn without using your lep.'' While Moffet waa lhowtng that he la ready for the l].S. long oourae championahl1>9 at the Swim Complex in Marguerite Recreation Center July Prado, a Nadadore out of Brazil aa are the Madruga brothers Djan and Rojer, waa a double winner with triumpha in the 100 back aqd 200 IM while Penl( Siofl4( Ang of Singapore who swims for the San Lula Obispo Swim Team was the winner in the SO free. Newport sailors in semifinals Farwell, Mad igan and Blackman a dvance in com petition ANACAPA -Quarterfinal elimination.a f9r three United Statea' junior sailing champlonahipa were held Saturday and Sunday at Anacapa Yacht Club. The USYRU junior championahlpe are the Seara Cup for three-handed boats, the Bemis Trophy for double- handera. and the Smythe Trophy for single-handers. The three top teama ln the quarterfinall will compete against northern California aailora in the aemifinala al Newport Harbor Yacht Club, July 31 through Aug. 2. The winner of the tem1flna1a will repreeent USYRtrs Area G California in the final• Aug. 22-26 at Richmond, Calif. The three teams qualifying for the aemlfinala in the Sears c ompetition were Ron Roeenberg, Chria Redman and Jim McLeod, Alamitos Bay Yacht Club; Steve Farwell. Tim Madigan and Dave Blackman, NHYC, and Mark Wilde, Jeff Thorpe and John Carpenter, Anacapa YC. Qualifying in the Bemis eliminations were Mike and Kevin Goyan, ABYC; Joe Parker and Randy Reld, Miaaion Bay Yacht Club, and Paul Noring and Darren Roeenberg, Huntington Harbour Yacht Club. The Smythe competition was headed by Alan Ledbetter, San Diego Yacht Club, Mike Sentovich. ABYC. and Kirk: Tabler, ABYC. Vol Au Vent triumphs Vol Au Vent, skippered by Jerry Marshburn. Little Ships Fleet of Long Beach, was the Performance Handicap Racing Fleet Claaa A winner in the race from C.abrillo Beach Yacht Club to Babla C«Wtbian Yacht Club. It was the .. firat race of the Revene Argoay 1n which boats aall from CBYC to BCYC on Saturday, and back to CBYC on Sunday. Winner in PHRF-B was Wildcat, sailed by Lani Spund, CBYC, and the Claaa C winner was Pe~us. skippered by J erry Montgomery, Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. In the International Offahore Rule division the winner was Phantom. Dave Steiner, ABYC. Winner in the multit-.un division aaU1ng under the Ocean Racing Catamaran Aaaociation BOA T ING --~ handicap rule was Sagittarius, sailed by Ralph Monia, Redondo Beach Yacht Club. Class winners, CBYC to BCYC. PHRF-A -1. Vol Au Vent. Jerry M8nhbum, LSF; 2. EZ Rider. E.d ZlmmerlNn. CBYC; 3. Wow. Ted Zellmer. 81 BVC. PHRF-8 -1. WNOc.t. Ln Spund. CBYC; 2 PhMclra, Ptlul Tlbbe. C8YC: 3. Hur1k:ene Oulc:fl. st-Joet. cave. PtlAl4'.: -'· .,..,., ...,., Mom~. A8YC; 2. SutorlM. Van ~Wdgfll, L8YC; 3. KMleohl, Alt Cutdlff, ICYC. IOR -1. PNntom. Daft Sterner. ABYC: 2. Summer Wind II. Earl Pitkin, CBYC; 3. Ughtnlng, Mgelo ~oft. VYC. ORCA -1. 8•gltt•rlu•. Aatph Monie, R8YC; 2. A11R Cet, Don Mangle, Navy YC ~ Beach: 3. M•chete. S..man-Sw•rt. ~ °' 111e ,_ rrom 8C"C to cave ... not ewillable. Valkyrie a winner Sailboards outlawed Bill Murray's Valkyrie from the host club was the overall and Class B winner i.n Capistrano Bay Yacht Club's Ocean Racing Serles Saturday. The series ia for Performance Handicap Racing F1eet yachts. For the aecond straight year there will be no sailboards compeuns in the Pre-Ol~ic Training Regatta at Long h, July 31 through Aug. 8. ym~C:e(= that sailboards would wed to aail becau.e of 1eol complicationa involving the Wlndgllder, selected by the International Yacht Racing Union aa the Olympic aallboerd claaa for the 1984 Olympic 'yachting games. OCROC and the United States Yacht Racing Union (USYRU). the organizing authority for the regatta, have been negotiating with Sic Marine, which owns ~.c i ci e r • f 0 r a n Uon against pcmtble legal action arising out of patent disputes. The neceeaary indemnification was not provided prior to the deadline previously set by OCROC. S.ilboards were suppoeed to be the seventh yachting clasa to compete in the 1984 Olympics, but unless IYRU settles the dlapute between Intemallonal Windaurfer (owner of the patent) and Bic Marine by January of 1981 there may not be any sailboards competing, according to the OCROC offidala. Lawsuit d ismissed Second overall waa Macldnac. skippered by Wea Thompson, Capo BYC, and third WU Randy Tar, Steve Equin.a. Dana Point Yacht Club. Class winners: CLASS A -1. Randy Tw. Ste¥e !ou1na. OP'l'C: 2. Alter Ego. Hue:.;;rran·4wry ~ s. it'• OK. L9wll • a., eve. CLASS 8 -t. V8*yrte. M """'9y, 0., 8YC; 2. Mldl!Mc. W• ~. 0., BYC; 3. OOlng Left. St-Franta. OPYC. CLASS C -1. Funny Feelln'. P9M Meade, Ceoo 8YC; 2. Bold F«bee. E.d Ournmln9, OflYC: 3. s.ena. John While, OPYC. NEW ORLEANS, La. -The lawsuit filed against the United Stat.ea Yacht Racing union by DPYC holds regatta John Dreyfus of New Orleans, Five clasaes of small ~boats haa been diamiaaed by U .S . turned out Sunday for Dana District Judge Robert F. Collins. Point Yacht Club's School's Out Dreyfua tiled a $5 million Regatta. lawsuit. againat USYRU ln Winners ln each clala: August, 1981 after USYRU uoo-1•-t.MlkeAMcS.o.neW•Y0;2. declared that hil yacht Louiaiana E-~. 0Me Point VC; a.. P.ul Crude did not have a valid ""~~~: Btuoe Cooflw. ~Bey lnternatinonal Offshore Rule vc; 2. Mlll1t AMrdon. a., eve; 3. TtNnC:Je rating certificate during the ~~ !fi'~Anctv flurmonC. ..,.. Sou t bern Ocean Ra c Ing CoMttMn vc; 2. a.y Men. OPVC; s. "*" Conference in norida. VMen. unattK!hed. USYRU was granted Us IAIOT A -'· l(enny ~ DPYC; 2· Cnlg Burne. DPYC; 3. Clvt8 Home. C400 motion to d1sm1a for "failure of eve. . plaintlff to comply wlth the SABOT B -'· ~ eooc-. a., IYC; ..ir--order f .L.:. ., 2. JevNe Fenn., DPYC: S. llrWI ~ 'Wll4.VVt:fY 0 WU. court. Ne"Y YC Long lleKtl. .-----------------------------------~ Muldowney races to win Pl.aL~ • rou;,otessiona1 ~ Florist KIRKERSVILLE, Ohio (AP) -Shirley Muldowney won the first all-woman final In National Hot Rod AalodaUon draa radng hlatol'y Sunday by defeatlnl rookie Lucille Lee in the 18th · R.CRST 2915 Red Hiii Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641-0$10 Sprinenatlonala at National Trail Raceway. Muldowney, 41, won the top fuel category for 1111••••••••••-..--~--· the fourth time and took home about $1'7,000 1n c:uh and awards. The Mt. Qemena. Mich., native had previoualy won at Nau.oh.al Trail 1n 1976, 1977 and 1980. Bob Glidden of Whiteland, Jnt., wfn hil fourth ltrllOt 11\Je In the pro •tock catepy. and fruW. HawleY of London, Ontario. WM the funny car I 11 I . MAJOR LU_,. ITANDtNGI ~&.....,. ---r;wr .... -.,.... u26.aa 1<..-City » 24 .en " ~ 122t .862 I ....,,.,, 31 GO ,llOI 4'.t Oek\llnd 28 33 .411 T'A T-19 33 .Ha 12 Mlnnaaota 14 41 .226 22 eo.ton Detrclt ~ ........... ~ NlwYCIB Toronto heMrll DMllleft !1 20 .... 3620at 1 30 27 .Ht 7 30 2t .817 7141 27 2t .412 9'A 2t 29 .473 10 27 l2 .45' 11 .....,. . ._.. .,.... 7, CNc:ago 4 Oeilend 1, Toronto S MllweUllaa 13, DWOll a s.ttle '· ~ City 1 T-10, Mlnneeola 4 N9w YOf1t at ~. ppd., rein c~ et eo.ton, ppd .. ,.... Tedet'e0-0Uland (Keough S-7) al Toronto (Oen 1-31 Detroit (Morrie M and Ud)Ur 0-0) at ~(Battler 7-3 and~ ~1). 2. I.fl Mllw9Ultaa (H-W) at 8alUmote (MCGl'egor 1-41. n lloeton (E<*9"11ey M ) at N9w Votll (Guidry 7-11, n Mlnnaaota (Wiiiame 2-4) et Kan- City (Spltt10111 M). n f-(Tanana 2-7l •t Seettle (Baatlle 2-4), n Onl)'ow-~ ~=---W L MU Atlanta San oi.o<> ~r,:- Clnclnnall Houeton H 22 .e21 34 23 .Slit ,.,. 29 32 .476 6'A 27 34 .443 10'.t 25 ,.. .424 11 ... 2S $4 .424 11 ... ....,.,,........ St. L.oule 35 24 .5"' MonttMI 31 24 ·* 2 Ptllladelphla ao 2t .5341 3.,. N9w Yori! 130 21 .517 4.,. Pltteburgh 2t 29 .473 7 CNc:ego 21 39 .350 14 y, .....,.. .... andnnatl 4, ~ 2 Mon,,.., 5, Q*-90 3 110 '"'*'OI> San Fr..c:llCO 2-1, Atlenta l.S San OleQO 5. "°""°" 4 St. LoW .. H9w YOttl, ppd., rain Pllteburgll at ~ ppd., "*' T ..... ..._ Detleen (Va .. n.v.la 1-51 at 8•11 Diego (lictl ni.p_&-1). n .~(~741•~ ,....._ ....., vcn (Faona ).21 at ~ (Aotllnlon I-1). n MonltMI (Oullcbon 44> .. et. Louie (FotMlh 7·il. n AttenU (Mahler M) 91 on (J. Hlan>M).n Only 118"* adledu'9d AmNCAMLaACIUS ~1 .......... C~ QCAOO • r 111111 •rll M 8nQla..ll 4 0 1 0 Almoll,a 4 1 1 I AC*,11 1 2 1 0 9mzd,a4 1 1 0 c.r-. 1b5 0 1 1 K9mp,ll • 1 1 0 Bytr.dll 4 1 2 2 Lmlk,dh 3 0 0 0 ~.rf4 1 2 2 Pdtlt,1b 3 0 1 I Oridl,2!1 4 0 1 1 Scna.1b0 0 0 0 Lym.cf 4 0 1 0 ~ 1 0 ' I oenc.,3b4 1 2 1 Fllll.c 3 0 0 0 Fcl,M 4 1 1 0 9lna,tf 4 0 0 0 Boone.c: 2 0 0 1 Rdrgl.3b 2 1 1 0 "'--.c:I 2 0 0 0 Hntn . .of 1 0 0 0 Totale38 7 11 7 Tot.i.31 4 t 3 .... .., ....... ClllllOrnla 010 010 041-1 ClllC:ago 000 002 101-4 E -l.amp, Boone, c.r.w. Of' -Calllornla 1. Chloago 1. Loa -c.llornle 7, Q*-90 a. 29 -a.ytor, eam.z.rd 38 -o.ar-, Almon HA -AL JecUon C10). S -lloone 2. C...... • H ltD•ao ~~2) 9 142311 ~21 7 ... 44,11 ~ 0 ... ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ 1~. 1 1 0 1 Bltot-pl1cMd to 3 b9ner'9 In Iha 9111. HBP -By Lamp (Ottc:ll). a. -Koo9'nan. T -2:38. A -50,182. s.tll* ~ ~""*&!-1 13 0 ~ CICy 000 100 000-1 I 0 F ........ ~(I) -S "'9ng; OUta, Armttrono (It. Hood (I) artct W.._. W~ ........ KL-Gura. 1-a. HR-l••tt .. , Hend"-11 (4). "-Clly, .,.., m. A-*> .... ....._..-c-~~4 9 0 T-710 010 01•-tO 11 0 O'C-, ...... (1). 8oroa (I) end l..wdrw; Medldl. ...,.,... m. ClorMr (t) and Werner. w-redloh, 4-1. l-O'Connor, 0 -2 . HR-T••aa, ~ (4). A-1S,tn. A .. ,_.,., o.Mnct 0$0 ooo a 'I0-7 • , Toronto O.:f. 000 010-1 I O Non11e. T. " w004 ~";-" m end Hedi: l,eml. l\L ' (1), b: =:::ail) and Whitt. W-T. M.L-A.L~2~ ._._,. (A). tfA-o.ldwt, MW (1). A.-20,11S. °"'°" ~ ~ "\:! I • 1 ......... -l01 40ll-1 11 0 .. ~. Lopel (a)....., (I), .... m anc1 ...,.. IArdl, ..._ m end Yolll W -Len:ft. 4-6. l -I'. Undllrwood. M . I -..._. Cl). "" -........ Cl. niorn. 2 (12). OalM9 (1.,. ~ (t). VOid C7). A -41,~24. NATIOHAL LI~ CIMC:.:.lt 4, DI·~~. .,.... .., ..... EMlnr.lf 4 1 2 0 kit,ttl • 1 * 0 0etr,21t 1 o o 1 l.ftdr•,cf 4 1 a o Oncpn,•4 I I 0 liu.11 • 0 0 0 Blttnr, tb e o a 1 G"*'o1rl $ o 1 , Bencll.)bl 0 1 0 °"'Y11• 4 0 1 0 Cdno.ct 3 I 1 0 C.V,11b 4 0 0 0 Hllhldt ,rl • I I 0 keda.O 4 0 0 0 r.._,o 3 o t 2 ........ 4 o o o ltnyl,p a o 2 o Hooln.P o o o o Hume.p 0000 Orta,ph 1000 ltMi.P I 0 0 0 Andl,ph 1 0 0 0 irmr,p o o o o T04alt38 4 12 4 Totela34 2 8 1 .... .., ........ I Clrldnnetl 202 000 000-4 Loe ~ 000 100 010-2 E -Guerfero, ~. 0..... OP -Loa Ang9laa I l08 -~ 10, Loa Mfllee t. 29 -L Mllnw, Concepcion. 81 -Guerrero 2 , Houatnolder •• -9-nyl Clllolllilltlt • M It D • 80 Barenyt(W.~) 7 • 2 1 1 3 Hume(8,11) 2 0 0 0 0 I laaMeaM Hooton(L. , ... , :I 9 4 4 1 ,_, 4 3000 Fortier 2 1 0 0 1 I eer..,,i pl10llecl lo 2 bat141n In Ille Ith. HIP -by Hooton (Cedeno), by Fomar (TrMlo). T -2:43. A -46.-713. ,..,. ..... .......... , Alllnta 010 000 000-1 I I San "endleoOOO 101 00.-2 4 1 ~. Helww (I). McWlllllN (I) and .._... fl ....... ......_ (9) and llrwllJ. W-ft. MerUll, 24. L-~. 2-3. 8 -Mlnlon (10). HR.,..Atlanla, Horner (11). San F~, Clatll (11). 89CC*DO..-.._ ...... , AlllrU 200 110 0 lG-5 10 0 San''*'· 010 000 000-1 10 1 Camp, Garber (I) and .. neellct: Harntnabr, ..,., ' (4), U\4119 (I) MCI May. W-Cemp, 4-3. L-Hammaller, 3-4. 8-0arbef (11). HR-Atlanta, Murphy (19). A-29,3413. .............. Houlton 201 00 t OCI0-4 I 2 Sell Diego 101 001 20K-I • 2 "Yan, 9oone (1), LeCorle (8) end ,..,.,,., MorMMoo, ~(I)-.! T. Kennedy. W-Montetueoo, &-4. L- Ryan. M . ~(I). HA-Houelorl. Knight (4). 8M Ofeoo, Ru. .ion. (I~ A-19, .... ...... C-.1 QliollgO 000 200 100 o-a 1 0 Mon1rM1 '" ooo ooo 2-6 10 1 flar, Cerr.pMI m. w. Harnalldm (I) and Mcnland: ~ ~(lot and Carter. W-Frrmen, 4-2. L-W. HarMlldll, 2-4. HR-CNr:woo OurhMI (I). Mol'ltraal. Wallldl (I}. A-U,A21. Tep10 ~-----, ~~~MM Harrah~ 51 tll 4t II .JM 8onnell.Toromo sa 1M 30 ae .ase w. Wlllon,l<C 33 14t 20 12 .35t McAM.KC 67 211 33 77 ..363 L-.in,aett. 42 107 29 17 .34t Hrtlell.~la IO 202 M 18 .331 YMtniemalll,eo.ton 45 1t:I II IM .331 Hamdon.Delrolt 58 217 37 71 .377 c-.-..... SS 191 32 12 .321 M..ec Jl ... ..,.,_,, o.clend. 57; Herrell. a....land. 41; Wethan, ~ City, O : Molitor. MllWIUllH. '2; Tllornton. ~. 41. R•I: Mc;Aae, Ka111aa City. 15; T11or"tpn. Cle11erend, 114; Hrbek, Minnaa04a. 41; LUZ!nllkl, Chicaeo• 44; Otte, Kana. City, 42. ..,.. Hamill, a.....ncs. 16; McAM, ~ Cl1y, n: Oera.. Toronto, 7:1; Cooper, Miiwaukee, 72: Herndon, Oeltolt. 71 D<Maaa: L,,.., ~ '7; Otte, !(.-City, 17; Whlla, "-City, 11! C-.. a.ttle, 11; E--. eo.ton, 16; Younl, Mllw9Ullaa, 15; McRM. ~ City, 15. Til~I•: H«ndon, O.lrolt, 8; w. Wlleon, KanHa City, t ; Upehaw, Toronto. 5; llr«t, ~ City, 11: 0. wrtant. r-5. Ho. .... Thon!ton, Qe¥elend, 11· Hrbeii Min-la, 15; ~ldce, ~' 14; Herrell. ~. 12: Ogi1¥i•; ~Mll••ullff 12; G. ThomH, MlwelAcaa.12. 81'0&.IN •A•ll: R. Hend•aon, Oakland, 12; LeFlore. Cflleago, 20; Wath1n. KanN• City, 11: Molitor, ........ 14; ~ Qewland, 13, lopaa. °'*1end, 131 Mllrptly, Oaklwnd. 13; .J. CNr.. ...... 1a. flllTC.-('t 0...-): Yl*oW:h, Ml!WwUMW. 1-2. 3.52: z-. ~ 1-a. I.Ill Ceudlll, Seet11a. 1·2. 1.ft: Hoyt. Cfllcego, w . 2.48; lartler, ~. 7-3, Ua; 11uma. CHc:eoo• 7-3, s.ae; Petry. Detroit, t-:i, :I.II; Clancy, T~=W.4.47. • IGUnlF .............. 17; ~. ao..on. M: Ouldry, .... Vorll, 0. a.Mr. a...e.nct. 11; lllgMIU, NewYn.11. DOUllUll T. KflMMY, laan Ofeoo, 11: L. ainhll. ••• l.Oult. 17; Gerner, HcMto11, 11; a. DI-. PU1d..,hla. 11: Knight, Howton. 11. 1 ,...... o.m... HOWIOll. 4; 13 T1eill Wllll I. ~~Murphy. Atlantl. 19; Klnol'Mn. New VQttl, 1~\ J, 'tl\Omc*n, Pm~, \3; Ottter, Montreal. 11: a. Ola, ~ 11: Horner, Atlanta. \1: Cleltl, Ian ,,lll'ClaOO, 11. aTO&.IN Mii• ~. ll'lltebutQll. $4, o.rnier. Pllll•d•IJ!Ma. 27; I.. 8'"1111. II l~le, H: Ralnea, MOlltrul, U , Wlaolnt. Ian Oleoo, 22. t M'CtMO (I 0..-)1 lfolWI, It. ouia. 7•2. UT: Rooar•. MonlfMI, 7-3, 2.04: Sutton, Houeton, J -3, 3.31: v..._....,~W.IMIAncMar . St. Louie, 8-41 2.!7; Mahler. Atlanta, M . :S.71. WelH, De41era, t -4, a.H i 8endar9on. Mont,..., a... 2.14 lnlllCIOUTik Solo, ClncWwlll, 107, Carlton, Phlladelphl•1. 101; Ryan, H~•ton, ao: flOQWI. Montl'ffl. 71; Lollw, ten Ofeoo, It. ' .,.... ............ NIWl'OflT' (Arl'I Le1t4f1tt) 12:1 •no••r•: :i bam1c\lda, 1t6 bu1, H bonito. 410 maellefal, 20 rooll flah. <.,...,.. Leellef) -no anoiets: 2 ~ 160 bonllo, ti Mnd ~ 141 c;ellco .,... 2 ~ 1 '-'* COd. 4 hallbul. t ,721 rneckarel,.2 king Nimon . DAMA WNAN' -a 14 ang1era: I02 tlMa, 1 berr-.de. t4 ~. 3 ti•IM • I redt llah. 443 meolc .... MAL~ -.. anglers: &20 ""* ood, 31 tan4 11eM. 4 cillloo ..._ I ~ .... -117 ........ :IMnd .,.., u ...-... a 1111tM MelftphlaCleNlo m RolY ~. 172.000 ., ....... 7 .... m Mb Ho19'14.$43,200 m Clir* 8\rtf18eitl1.200 m Marl! McNulty.111.200 -Marte L)'9.l 1t,000 ., Sool1 Hooh.I 14,.400 -Tom """-.112,IOO J.C. ~.aU,IOO -Hal 8111ton,$ 10,400 8ob Ml.wpl!y.l 10.400 Larry Neleon.I 10.400 Payne 8-.rt,I 10,400 .. Oll ~.11.733 Tom Klle,17,733 Weyna 1.#,$7,733 - 74-t7-t7-71 17-71-71-11 72-t7 .... 74 • 70.72 ..... 72 72"417-70-14 7().7 ...... 70 72-tt-72•70 15-72-t7 .... ~73-71·70 1~73-11·10 71-71-7:1-tt 0-HM.M .IOO llo. 71-70.71·73 Sob !aatwooc1.1t.eoo 73-74-71-t7 -Urry Ziegler .15.211 H• lrwln.16,211 Pat Mc:OowWl.N.211 Frat* Conner.15.2 UI Lon Hlnkla,'5,211 117 Cllatlee Coody,'3.MO Don Poo!ey,1$,MO 8ot>Oy Cola.13.MO Undy Mlller,13.tto -Jim Tl\oli)e.12.720 Aon Slrec:lt.12, 720 1W1 Sander.12.720 JIM Ntlfrord.'2.120 Fred Couplea,12, 720 Marti McCumber.12.120 ..... ,., Arthur,12.120 -P.-J~.11.977 Daw EicllelberJ1r,IUn George Cadla.11.917 Rod Cwl,11,971 ~r .. e.oe11.1un """ Hancodl.I u n Olbtl¥ Ollbert.11.977 -Mllce~U20 • 81M Mlon,I 1 ,120 Rooar Malttlle,I 1 ,620 Maril "'911,$ t.620 81 Lon Nlelaorl,11.204 lob lfymen,11,204 Doug t ...... 1.204 Jeff Mtlcftell.$ 1.204 -o.,.t=:" JoM ..... Owy~ • ~Tllple.18tt 70-74-70.72 72·7+-17-73 14-48-14-10 71·72-71-72 73-&-75-tt 71-7 ..... 73 72-72 ... 74 71·72·7~74 72·74-72• 72·75-70.71 ~7'-73-72 14-1~11-n 7&-Q.-72-77 12·71·73-12 111...re.1~74 72-70.74-72 73-71-72-73 73-73-72-71 72-74-~1'3 TS-71·70.71 *~73-71 74-72·70.73 74-72-73-70 74-73-tl-71 71-13-72-74 74-71-11-74 72-74-~74 74-~74-73 71-11·72-72 7~74-74-73 14-71-77 .... 72-M-72-72 n-et-7...a 75-M-71-72 73-71-73-70 5-7$-13-72 •12•71-70 7~7$-74-72 73-74-71·74 72-74-7e.70 73-7&-73-71 72-74-74-72 71·14-~71 7'-13-71 ·.,, 7~7~74-72 7 ..... 71-11 1~*1 .. 11 12-te-7e.71 7~71-flMt 71-71-74-71 71·74-72-71 •• . .... -·· .. .. -e I ~4:" ~ ol ~· IMlwellar 400 NA8CAA ltocll -,_al IN ........... ln~"-ay. 1. Tim Nc:hmond, Ctlarion.. N.C., ..... " .... 2. T..-ry laonte, Trinity, N.C .. Bulok, "· 3. Gd llodlM, PINMn1 owo.n. N,C,, Pon1i1G. ta · 4. Dela hrnhwd1, Mooraalllle. H C .. T•d.M. 5. Hall aonnett, 8"Hmer, Ala , lford,96. t . Ro)' amlth, Vlotorta, Canede, "**·"· 7. Jody Flldley, Chata'*orth, Ga., Ford,M. I . Mllll! Martin. Harrlebufg. H.C .. auldl,t:i. t. Aofl llouclhatd. Flnd\butg. M-• 8uloll.t3. 10. Jim ~. Turtocil, Ca , en-,. 92 t t. Don Watwman. Porll•nd. Or , 8utck, 91. 12. Kyle Pally, R1ndlaman. N C .. Ponltec. 91. 13. 80011 Miiier, Garden Orova. Pon1lec. •• 14. Mall Moerey, 81oornW>9ton. Ca Poll1lleG. •• 11. 8'lddy Amftglan, Mar1lnellllle. Va . Dodge; •• 1f. 0.1(. Utrloh, Herrl1burg, N C .. ,,.... .. 17. Jim Bown, Portland, Or .. BulQll. ... 19 Jlmtrr/ MeMe, F-1 City, NC , 9uictl, 11 111 John Ktalle. ftocklln. Ca • Pontlec. 17. 20. Don ,..,.arich. 0.darl Grow. llulc*. 87. 2 t. Randy e.c.er. HIOflland, Dodge, 85 ""· 22. Marti Stahl. Ctlula Vlata, Ford, 15. 23 8ariny Pw-•. Ellerbaa, H.C .. Pontiac, 80 HA 24 811 Sc:hrnlt1. fleddino, lluldl, 11 HA 25 . .J.O. Mc;Oulll•. Sanford, H C .. Pontlec, 71 ..,_ 2t. Joa Rut-. Upland, Ponlteo, 12 NR. 27. BoOby Allleon, CtwloU•, H.C .. et.¥y,47NA 21. Jim Roblneon , Sylmar , OldamOtllle. 41 H" 29 Rielly Rudd, ~ke. Va , Pontilc, 31 HA. 30. Oava Mercie. S1t1l•nd. N C . Pontiac, 2t HA 31. Oar1 .. Waltrlp, Fr ........ Tann • 8uldt, 21 HA. 32. Lall• Speed, .Jackeon. Ml•• .. llulc*.21NA. *'·.......,.. MoGrtff, lrtdll v•. °'-• ~RJNR..1 n .. 'lO 31;p_~ p, .,t,.fll\ ~ ca., Bu6ca • U .°'11et;y Gant, T~lle, lt.C., lluldt,,. ..... at. Rlcllerd P9tty. Randleman. H.C .. Pont1ec. 17 HR. .......... v, ...... htrn "-:: .fCl:t!'!PIOM ....... c:llV) ---i:..--- 100 back -1. Alcardo ltraoo (Mleelon Viejo Hadlidofaa), 59.14; 2. 0..... W\leorl (Cincinnati Pepal MMlne). .. .21; l. MR !Wry (a.ctl ST). 19.H; 4. co.w.So Porte (NeltMle AC). M .ta; a. Stew tlemlooel {Nlldl doi•). .... : .. Clft L°'*'*' (tll 1 ...... 1:00.51. 1,500,,. -1. """lCOlllDff (lndl*ry ... AC). 11:31.42; 2. Aollr Mwdr\lge ~I)+-11:31.11; 3. ~ ~ dOrH). 11:11.16: •. Ari\• rom (Nededorwe). 16:67.14: I . 0-0. ~ rr-Farmer Jdln). tt:0~.14: e. Paul Budd (Muetang ,. .... .,,.... -1. JaM Mollll (8eech .14: 2. Qlenn'Mlla (~ ............ ,. 2:27.AZ; :i ....... ev.. CT-F-Jdlrt), 2:21.55: 4. Rlc*ie U (,...._. ... r--., 2:2U1; I. ·--~ (~ 8C). 2:30.,4: •. "°" ~ (HededOI•). 2:30:12. u:~~~:=-=~~ (lie) Alt Ortlllttl ( of Mllw •M.i ..t Owte ~ (tenta CW1 ICt l:U8; 4. --~~Of*> n-. I ..... 8roob ""'-21.H ; t. llNol 81 (Tanci.nt 9C 24.01, 200 IM -1. Rloardo Pra!lo ). 2.117.11i 2. JolWI M°"9t 1:11.a·~..-~ 2: 1i'l1; 4. Oarwltl "** llan Spehar monl quftlCa • 2:13.73; I . Dave Wleffll (ClnclnMU Pepe! ....,..,.,, a: 13 ... 400 IM -1. TUCMll "-.Jefln. 1:11 .W. I . MIMkln V1etO Nadadorea "A", l :H .11; I. heoll 8wtm CIUb, 4:00,1:11 4. Hladedolaa ...... 4:0l.74: 1. ~ ............... A",4.'08.M;I. Tecoma lwtl!I ~. 4;0Ut. THiii ft'11dlnee: 1. MIHIOft VlefO. NrMt:M• 1.otl; 2. n-t ..... .Jotll\ 2 "· • o-11 T-wlnnr. ......,. Vllfo NedldCPI .. 1,e24. ~ 100 bee* -1. II.a W/111111 (VnMrlllJ Horth C1roll111), 1:04'.47: t . Traoy Caulk1~¥tlle AC), 1iot.02; .J, Sandy WW. (Ovnlmo 8CI. 1~7.1t: 4. a.aw.. ~(UMlt •• •1 11' ... 1:07.tt: II, AmJ Wlllte (Unett .. Hada40t•~1. O; t. l(lm Cer1'eie CCh:lnnllll ~ 1:ol.OI. 1,fOO Ir•• -I. Tlllanr Cohen (NadadorH), 11:H .U : 2. Flot~ ••rller (HadedorH), 11:44.11: a . M~ ... lle Rlc:Nrdeon (Mutl•ftll AC). 1t14l.H : 4. Mltybeth Llnzmeler (NedadorH), 11:48.111 I . Laura C•mpuuno (lnduetry Hiii• ACI, 11:13.H ; e. therrl Ha11n• (8tarl t Aquetlca). 11 N 14. too br•Ht -1. Trac;y Cau111111a_ (....,,,,..AC). 2:35.11; 2. JeMrla Qllde (Punlflou Aquetlcl). 2:31. 11: a. Poly Wind• (Germantown ¥.cademy Aquatlce), 2:40.H : 4. 8uHn Rapp ISi-* Aquelloe). 2:41.IM; 5. 8"arwlon Orcutt (HacleOolw). 2:43.1:4; t. S'*-n Hermated (HadadoNa}. 2:44.IM. 60 frW -t. Dara Torrwe (Tandem SCI. 28.41 (meet rar:ordl; 2 Laurie ~ (Atw T...,_ AC). MM: 3. Sue w .... ~ Nor1h Cerolni~ 21. 12; 4 • .SU. Ttae,_, (UneU.. tit-4'4- 27:37; 5. Heather Strang (Slaill). 27.A ; e. u. Aarne1a llOIOtar SC>. 27.41. 200 FM -1. t rac;y Calllctne (Haalwlle AC). 2:11.0ti 2 &--. A1C1C> (llel'll AC). 2:22.71; :i. Poly Wlnde (Oermanto.i Aud. AC). 2.~2.IO; 4. Sara Ll11lle er.. AqulOears). 2:2'.57; •. Y<*_~ (~~ar~ ; .. Tlltarly Cc:Nn ( • 2'.28.03. 400 medley relay -I . HHll11llle ~ "A", 4:2442; 2. Mlaelon Viejo "A', 4:21.32: a. L.itaalda 8w1m T-. 4:32. 10; 4, ..... A4l*lc Club, 4:32.to; I. Min ion Vl•lo "I ", 4:32.14; t . Oannamown Acedemy Aquatic Club, 4;:36M, TeMI ~ 1. Nadedot-, IM: 2.....,...AC,401. DavtaCuD ~zoilRA ..... _ ...... (1tvm...~1 Hane-Pelet Kendlwr (Au1trla) d41f. .,..,,... 9ol • , •• IAlger1e). ... 1, w. 9-7: Robert Relnl~ (Auatrle) del. v ..... Nfi/tll( ~ l-1, '"°· w (Allllrtl ......... M). (MA .... 0.-1 Leo Patin (Finland) dal. Gaorga ~(~1-t,e.2,t-l,W; Fot1a v-(~def. OI Aaarlelto (Antlnd). t-7, 74 (F1nNnd ..,. ....... $-2). (II~ ........ s-aor-ONMncl) ... Mlctl9I lor1lgO (~), t-1. e.1, e.z: Mlc:hll Cattl .. (Monaco) def. Petw Hannon (lf94and), M , 1.e, t-3 (lrelend win• --.4-1). INllONMt ZIONI • ~~~ .... ..._._,y.~~w. .. 2. 8-2: 9akm (HUnoerYI def. Merco <>t,tot• <YUON•lll•l.-64, a-2. 1-1. <Hungary w i n• ••rl••· t qlMlllCI). 2:11.73; I. A 2 :12.11; 4 . Oar.th Syll•t re._..,.,.., ,., .. 8C). 2':13.IT: . .--..... • rf:ia1t1 1laJJQ ' CLOSE CALL -Jeff Kost.off was a narrow winner over Rojer 'Madruga in the 1,500 mete~~10Ut Madruga by .46 of a second. .. ,.,., DeltJ,... ........ .., c ...... lt.T Kostoff win the 400, and 800 ·freestyle event.a, as well as the 1,500 during the Seventeen Magazine Swim Meet of Champions' . SMne advice for Holmes ..,,'.. Qui 1·while you 'r e ( $10 million) ahead ~~ . ... "\':"" By Wll£ GRIMSLEY 111,111110.111,.~,. LA8' vm~ -A per90nal plea to Larry Hotn«:fake YO!Jf 10 million bucks from the Gerry CooneyJight and run. Don't look back. CUt off your telephone -or, at least, accept no l.noomlng calls from~. . Teu.&be ~you're through. You've proved youneft",;mquetUonably the best heavyweight fighht~~e -' tilsdefeated, untied and now, we bope_!~terested. You've got the respect you yearned for. Nobody will ever dare whisper again that Larry Holmel ia a tissuepaper champ in a world of ordinary heavyweights. You're the king, ~ greetest (if you want to borr0w a. hrue we've beard before . You've -to your throne. You've done it tmpn-'wly. ' YW.fe proved to the wcdd that you em tab on a guy 1eYm yean younger, three lnchm taller, 13 poondlt heavier with a punch powerful enouah to crush ribs and ICl"8mble braim -and Uck him. YOO TOOK ALL he could dJah out. You never crumbled. YOU left him draped llCl"cm the ropes. his lep -., to ru~ber. hia le~ f?Ye hal1 doeed and blood toOiin8 f.rcmi two facial wOunda. ~ tbe 13th-round victory aver big Gerry stand aa. the monwnent to a brilllant and claally profelli&W ring career. ' It:>waa a great fight -the $50-million at ornate Caesars Palace Friday night to of the word'~ populace was tuned. • you..bowed boxln& skill, power, guts and .raire staying power under ceaseleu bcmbV.itinent. You climbed the mountain peak. Anything elle ··- r ~Committee of 4000 lboq • . IAL·t¥ I 0 would be downhW. 'lbere can be no encore. Even l1 an encore were pomible, you, lMry Hotme., o1 all men, would be the most foolish to flirt with it. Peo~would like to .remember Joe Lou.is, the Brown ber, aa a cat-like ring usaas1n who becked hilt foes into a comer, thew a short left book and stepped back to watch them fall. Yet. our last sights of him were as a n.wty, plodding relic who fin1ahed his career ffghtinc exhibitiom, finally losing his title to unimposing Ezzard Charles and getting knocked out by &cicy Marciano. Marciano, the Brockton, Mus., brawler, was one of the few heavyweight champions who knew when to quit. He retired unbeaten. only to die in an a1rplane cnah in 1969. •~ er,,. v eu # , ' c L A s s I F I E D 1 ~\Pl 11< l\ \I l"I \I I \ ~ Walker C lee 1KMWI . Tll alFFI Well loce .. d (C Plan) with IUpet 30 year fl. nenc:lng l a low down .• 8drm1, S ea., roomy ttwu-out. Priced right " juet 1219.500. LH. C714t 673-4400 c2utu .. nn HARIOR ....... -.u Fl"'8 epacbl9 bedrooms. Oellghtful llvlng room and fwnlly toe>IM. You will enjoy the private view dedll -'<>Oklng _ the quiet mountalrwlde. -S3SO,OOO. i i11:';·1=·=;-;~~ .... ~ = -nauaur Elegant 4 bdrm & femlly rm. The perf9ct p4M fOf large or amall family. ~ or not eo YoUnQ Lga matter aulte on ground floor. a-rt. pool Md WI)' ~ pctloa. 8aat buy In Big canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 17t5,000 . ......... T/\Y 1 n1; t ·o COU>Weu BANl(eRO : lllffllllll , Sfu&le ~end unit, exp.net~ 3 br, 3 ba ,.•on lar&eat IJ'ftn~lt. $250,000 . ... .WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Jl!ALTORS ~.!Wt• l't-'V~ '""" WI ... _:.. R 315 Mir ... -IVf1VV ... .-. ..,. BlbJa w.111 ~i= '7Uttl ...._l._A ... 1-....L ..,f --1 l I I I' r .• 0 II 0 T t U I I I r I I DfltlULI ...... This 3 Bdnn flofM Al9t be IOld. CA$H TALKS. FHA /VA OK. Call &40.1151 tor lftOr9 CS.. , ..... THE :REAL ESTATERS ------- --•n· .......,_~··· • utl"'lf9"cll ----,....... I ' DOIT NOWI ... .., ...... 'ff¥ Oall)t Piiot ~ Dlt'90tory ...,."!W"ltlve GeMt1lt cont,_or Ind .. oomm·~ r• . Uo. 333217. 115M7N ~~ ....... ! .... ~~~!'1!flfl •..•.••. l)CP .. n HAHD't'MAN bwtl• 110UMl!teJlll\Q ... ,..,.. c.tpentry • AOOflnG W. IUrnllh veow11m l ... 11 LI """"!AA'••· ... a..a1i _......... Kitty .. 1·4t70 •Y ..ioherc:t nor. o. "• -210144 13 yr• Of llappv JA4K Of' ALL TMOll HOUHCl.lANINO loo•t C\lllomert. 0111 ~·-Of nlgtlt II OUf' IUllNHll Thll'lk you, 8314410 .f••••••••••••••••H •t?l4C11•• ....... ~AM ll'AINTIA NHOI C.om Cetwnlo Tie. OOMPL. ~ MAIHT. ht 10 Y'•· • e.u14 WOAKJ 80 Y'• •P· Intl ll'rornpt. Cell onuoa. 9'11 C#P, plUmb, IN!nl, haul, lnc:tMdu11 HouetolMnl"f lxter. Aoclu•tlo oelHnge. .._ ••••• ... a.f6141t7it.1.ot dlt'I MOWING . OL!AN U!tt yd oln11p . ,, .. Ht. l•dy. Rtl11tr1n1 l!v• o.vi. Palnllno 147·1118 ... .... caMMIC-1.lHOUUM ~~ • ~1 4tf.)2t1 141-421t; ~ 142·32" El(TIAIOR PAINTINO ~t~ Tll, ,,... Ntlmat• _ .....,,.,.,, Cuttom wort<. ,, .. •t. Ten1n1 lrnpr~• AMI. IOb t7S..5ee --...... --...,...--~. edee. r•. twMp, ···"-mttuWn' .......... Aw. + flM lnl. l •t•I· WO eprlng olt1n•llJ1 111u1. •••~"·••••••••••••• ~llno.fklflnkler1 ntno It~ 641 ... 211 OUAl.ln:..,1C?.f!K h,.,., • IUliCYNQAL W°"I< ~ 14~1111 Hf t ~ .IOM New 1.m..ei.n UCI I rnG -TIMATU •••••••••••••••••••4.• ~. ,..... l)t-80a& em. & 8rn&ll Mo-Ano JObt o.w 142 ... ., '•-'•• ' ow AATll·TrM trim,~ l r.0, .. 0 1 0... MIKI ...C:.139t lud .,. .. 8288 .. ~·;.:..,.............. 114/tee-8050 De)'lllM ming & r•movel, 11 "'"' nl l~N AHldentl•I. C:~Hn·UP•, A8R PAPERHANOING 7141541-84&4 E\lenlngt c~ & 1fMft Muling. lml Jobt/Aepl6re. I.Jo, parden ..mo.. m81nL, HAULIN•-•tUCl9nt hu '-• 7 Yl"I 1oce1 exp ouw. Uc. 343193 Fr•• u t. Martinea 133101-C-10. 141-5203 rtt trim. ,,., •It. loe tnldl,.;_~owe.t rete. ~••••••••••••••• work. PrloH ""' at Q4.7017 ~!!!!~~~~~~#!,,.--*-14MON(Olll WlllV) '~-7""1t7t. TlnM t.....onl Anyone? 18/rolt. A19C 751-7027 J Ila •-------.... ~;;I r:':l"m°I'••••••••••••• • .. .._._._ a.il"O'I ,,. .......... 1N"' you, John. Xlnt •••ohlng •klll1. .~••'-•••••••••••••• ,.,_,,_ ," Fl!NCE8 & DECKS \ --~'T 'Otll "'"Ytr"dv..n=,.. ,.,... e•-'ICI -....,..,.,.,i1n1tnMdl1t•, Cuatom wellp•per~n • REPAIRS S25 10I18S ••• ·;-:~1••••••••••••t• .......... .... ... •••••••••••••••• ..1.1111 """"' "'""' ~ .. ,._,._Ion ""1111\l M-· IUb'--K·1' •• Mn "°biMOn eon.t ---------N .en HMll!na rwci OlellM> .... ood wllll lllde. It • .. -· .-• Fr .. Mt Call "'YtlrM _, ,....., ~:.=~.~~ amc. me. 764-08B8 "4'•·1• ....... ••... ~ 162MZ ~. Mt tiVa Qlllqlc ';.._ ,,.. -. oh•mfJ:"· Call atev• For •t: Fr1n1e 775~714 WALT no.2121 ' ~:t:::'.":"a!irrt. 81.9 Mc>nlt 8:J1-41tllllo CA91Nl!ll·AEt,400EL. ,, .. •t. AMI. ptloel. -• Lr~ 41-L~Yc:I Clnuol tT1-0141 Ml-7 Pian Jl8f~IJ Huber Roofing 111 typee -ALL8T"'TE PAVING 8kyllt••'. Greenl\u Quel. woni. Uo. 337189. Trw t~ mel'nt. HAUUNO-GM.otHG ..__ •• .,.................... New-t~-d«:b . W!.J-11!1..·I-" w·--831·2)45 11rtgat1on. Jtm ea1.011t d 11,1 1 o;mm1.............. **IRVAHT'S•• , ... 11•11_.. •••.. 1 ......... -..-;~";';";:';J ••• ~. a111ooet1110-s1= 64M~ IJeottto.i Contract Toti! Vlrd c.r.. tw •mo on, o ••n·vp. BRICKWORK: Smlll Jobi. WlllCowflng R4Hnoval ....... .. '"""· -.. "'" "Let Che SUNhlne In'' t Uo .... , ... ,~m;.~.819.1 ~~.!fm~~.f. Ind .. ~. Rel.~ THE GAANHC>PPlf' =~ ,,..:r= Newport, Colt•,....., All fypee. 642·1343 "'~JOHN~~~~ ~c... Sunlh. Ltlnld. ~~ ""' .-.. .,...,.. CµMI,.,.,,,., Crown mouldlng, entry 333217. Ph 551·1738 P...aoneJ.~ . • kvlria. Aefl. 87&..3175 "'" ,..,,. ""''-..,.. ~~ .;;r••··-············ k .....__.nlo •• HAUUNO a MOVINO '''u"-~··-~, Uc 232 14~13 20% ltlly ~t'· C.... 1 ......... ,~ door1, m1nt1e1, boo -•--'-·v.TJl ......., 2~...,1 ....... bloc* ,........,...... ,, ••• -· ~• •.••• •••••••••• Flood,,.,, d,,.,..,,.,..._st'.__-ced tined I ••-f Locel. Student w/tn.ldl. --· • ....,...,..,, , •••••• ••• ••••••••••• •--~"'-•RESIDENTIAL.* BA VSITTING M emaoe _.. CINI, ., c 0-••••••• •••• ••••••••• ,., ............ , l.ewlt 97a...•1-llUOOO, wry reu. lie. PLASTER PATCHINO _,,,_ " In Colt• ~. :~0; clng.5~8510, i73-815et Mii. Wood 101Utlon• to FORMICA COUNTERS -tr" .... Bob 641-7NO/t3&.teoe RHIUCCOI. lnl/Ht. 30 ••••••••• ':.":"A......... Month~rty Dilcoufl1 I ,_ 657_...1_. No ac~-t....,. 8 .... .......,. wood problem•I TOj)l/C.blnell reftced Fr .. Mt. l<tn 889-5038 HllUllng & quldt ~. .. .. ,.. IWIHll!!f yra. NMt Paul 146-a97T BUDOET RATES Cl'lr 957-8381 -r -" ·~ .,_,,....., 881-1~8 FrM Mt 142-6357 LANDSCAPE MAIHT. ~.~)ob-ell-. & ,.._.,' -Lo min. Sml Jobi OK. uc.1-0f-ange--C-:out--W-lodOM_.___,, , Stain lpedllllt. ,ut Commetlcet & Ooettv p r 0 p rn O mt '" k All klnde. 8"6-2558 ED'S PLASTERING FrM •t, lne 141-'7581 "We IMve you with._ • .. ,,, 1'.i•ldun/ dry.,,.. •t. ase-1582 .... 11, , ... ,,,.,/ man t• ~.eo..e 831.QM5, Ktll 931.oe~ ALL TYPES INT/EXT ·--· brtghter oulk>Old" • ·~ Sh • ' clMn •••••••••••••••••••••• ''"•" ll•a llQ9IT1tn • ...,,.. FRU EST. 146-8258 ~::::................ Free •tlmat• 830-8111 llWYIH •mpoo ... •m • •KATRINA'S: Live-In •••••••••••••••••••••• Kev FIOtora LIWn & ·--~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Color brighten.,., wtlt a.at. ........, __ ,.. .,._ ABC MOVING PLASTERING MOBILE SERVICE 00W .... 111111 c1pt1 -10 min. blMd\. ·-rc:· ,.._, "_,,. eerv, ••a&.I ., Oarden Serv. HM.II/ctn ............. ........ euick. C11eful S.:...1ce. INT/EXT. RESTUCCO. RelcrWtllNew ICrWll CLEARVIEW WIN Steam*-" na. bllgel H1ll, Hv/dln. rmal15; 1vg ~~~~t~~'e crpt CM•tlne a Ed 841-7825 up 8314"47/84t-l408 =:~ ~'i:!=iy Free Mllmatn.552~410 Block Walla. 58&-4892 NB/CM only. 142-8562 ~~H~~~i: & d«:ka. Medi a etectrl· room $7.50; couel'I 110; nHI CnftU• Ron'• Oltdtnlng: 9 yre clean houM. 840-08S7 a - Cll handyrnen work. chr *3. Ouar. e&lm. pet flHJll-~ •••••••••••••'•••••••• Hme area. Ouellly et *••1 -•-* p/qjJ.• 87~7861 odOI". Cfpt repair. 18 )'fl .... mt.............. CRPT·LINO-WOOO r•••· rttea. M•lnt/ Qullllty HouMdeanlng Top qvlllty. Spectll care ........ , ........... .. CH.R'S CUSTO .. T"'"'K Hp. Do work myHll. ARCHITECTURAL PLANS lnet•lled/repaJred. Oreg l1nd1c•pe. NB/CdM. Wll !*eoNll toodl. CM, In handling, 2& yr1 exp. II fU aa-7121 "' "' ..,.. Refa. 531-0101 FOR BUILDING PERMIT Uc. 3892880 1·240-3082 87S.83e&. Irv, HB, Beth 880-0833 Competitive R•t• --I ••f ~Bowapr1t1 ' ---------Noovenlme. 730-1353 *-• - * pit reel(• EXCEL CARPET CARE RHldenlt.11 addlllona & ,,, ,.., l«rln ... , .. PllClllc Hou...-.ntng eto. 25 yre. &45-3748 Jeck Bulflngton remodel. Don 847.eeot •••!/!.••••••••••••••• •••••f!'!•••••••••••••• 8 Yl"I exp, Xlnl refl. STARVINO COLLEGE 11/d!f•lltI.8 Owner/oper11or REPAIR & INSTALL HOME IMPROVEMENT FrM eet. Lori 8715~53 STUDENTS MOVING •••• •••••••••••••••• ...... 9 C11pet, upnot, ., .. rug ... Ill Oert09 drl. HerdWwe. REPAIR·PLUMBING T.LC. HoueMIMPff19 co. Uc. T124-438. ~o~~a>~t.~::~. ~·;.;,.,; ;::.;,;;.•••• ~Wont W:: -::1.•••••••••••••••••• Oeelgn/Palnl 980-8188 Carpentry, ei.c. Ille. Fr• Sentol. Low Alt• lneured. 8''1·9427 euto, comm'I. !>48·5208 pty ~ im l>ullneee,.:: FrM . 141-, . ::\~C?:IIC,, ""~'-•"o:f..'o:..~a~· Toni 850.()208/142.0405 WATCH us OROWI IP' 11P9t. IM0-9528 c. ... 1JC..1nlf yr• exp. Bud-1152·8582 •••• :.-:e"A·••••••••••• ~ Im"-~ T~ •••••••'•••••••••••••• Oltdenll'ISI .Wanted Cllpentry • Ml90nry We clee n your 11ou1e. • ••• ;~•••••••••••••• Cemtnt-Muonry-Blodt Wilt texturet-AcoueUc Mowing. edging, rllklng, Roofing -Plumbing everything from kltchena RALPH'S PAINTING S M ::> 0 0 T ED W~. wonc. UC. Hang-T.,..etMI e1ud9 IWHplng. FrH Htl· Orywlfl -Stucco· Tiie lo ba(ll1. $30. Chrl1, Int/ext. Real. rel•. MCM479 #381057 Rob 5"7-2883 UC. 389944 1·532-8648 met ... 145-5737 Remodel. J.e. 148·8980 Coetl Mele. 831~893 Alf. Fr .. Mt. 63&.8898 You don't need • gun to "dr1w 1111" wll•n you place 111 ad In the o.ity Plk>t Want Adel Call now / 142-6878. ~Ml!!!~!! ••• Bring me your P•lterna & 1llerallon1. J ackie - 84 1-00 18. Meg plln 9&8-7717. !~~-!! ..•.•....••. •Sc>fln"ler Repllr• R•.lcomm. Commercial l.andecape S«vlcM 951-8388 SERVICE & REPAIR Van Oppene Service Co. (7 f4) 83l-4eal Fer Ad Action Cal a .:· Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 ·. -- -.... 1.( •• tlf .... 1.(ff ~ taflt. f'OA 0..,101 ~ANAHfMor Mt flltt• e1111ll lftH"lflt ltltP• • t ... Hewporl Profftl ordb.,,..., OtiHIM1A ptt~.-....IPM • a-a-1~•\•QUote Ollllomtfl _, .. , .,~, .. ., .. "'""' " ~ !.!!'• 1004 wJt19ur .. ·e•l1ry · pr_,""" ·-• 61*\ lor qu11~ ,_,. llnaM, fftOVVtled, tnl~ eon. Mloro ''•ol1lon ililUo te•m member. lwt.I $" AVfff't/ fttlwy nr IDA 0t oomtMt•* tx• Ian o o 'YIY on o .. P • r J. u I ary o P • n. mlno C• 1trln0 LIO"n• ....... 1, N~utl~ •tt-•eot ' .. /,.PV'I l'AINTU" l1tpt'd, 1¥1 Outlol!', Ne11, oour· coni engr. offloe nr o e: ttou1. Aeply Ad toa. Us)Oft. oOtnm'I l 1n'11: Dally Pllol 1011 1Hp, proltOt•· DIN Ttylot a Ooal• M .... Cl tam AMM. n444Mn• ,..., P"94 Groomtt wa.ntld. I v.a tndtor' W9911.nd•. i.· 09rone dtl Mar. RtlPOnllbll ldull•, Ovt( • , ~ 21, with out•~. t t• OQO LOV!AI Wiii train grooming tn 111cllang1 lor ktnn•I lletp 987-IM9 tr11ellv. ·l*MnllnlM to work wltll youtll (tg'' 10·14). Call 2-&PM, M 2--i321, bl. 3'3. l!O! 'T 1o1t your ,.,.. ww· PDMI ntuY ltl 111 d1yl Or1at In· En.,gello re1pon1lblt ~ie lhor1 n 1n ~ '*'°" to writ• O(dlrl a eii.. 1111 3PM, '"°'" phonH •• ~ull .97._. ti , Leg. 8chi llTM. Perrnarient. M.25 --. .. -.--Tl,;,,,.lll __ ..:N--"--1 pr hr. APP1Y In l*90f'I. •,. Im lrvlnt Photo·OrtplllCI Wini.cl to Join our buey 17851 Skypwic, Ste 0 , .-:trolyel1 group, BMu-Irv tltul loc1tlon. Excellent --PUT-------- rtnanclal errangemenl. -··-"A p11ct ot h111tl'I a INUTH ~tt· 8'5-7~2 omamtr11a1 p1en1 •11P«. iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil required Wiii train for GENERAL r11td1nt111/ lndullrlal. Aorlc. p .. t col'ltrol. 1050-11,250 mo. ' ~SUMMER ,.~BOOM Work"' needed In 3 dlftetent dtpl.,. 6.4&-74-41 Work ln OW' tun CMUAI, ~'~ oltlc• u a ttltphont 11le1 promotion clerk for th• al'ff'• flnHl t\twapaper. Only requirement II a iood t.lephone voice and enthualuml Local Cena M .. om ... ·~~·-......,.r;: ..... r;; .... $84.00 for flrat week; then 1ha~e In partnerahlp'• profita. . .. ......... ..... · Mt .... '11 tit. 111 - I ...........• ~( 'Et'~·-~ 9 10. 111 it.r 'IO llOZX ~::~~~ *"" ow mllo. Luxury ¥ Pico. w1t0111t. _. need relleble party to m•k• 11ull montlllY Pf'lt&. No ~ oontrect\ • \o Heu me. No beck pmta. due. Allt for ROM ••t-4400, ,a1.1001 Proto UM. ?t Ba10, xJnt inpe, fent· Mtic 2nd C#.Muet .... 11190 080 Clll <:Me. 857-8413 , '71 CMo. 4 epd, 11tr 1 11 Dateun 210, 8,100 ~ lllnt ~ NSoO mllu , fhwleu , ""bet'otr ~7~ '47tllbet °"· 548-0115, -::!.-----· -~---1 84Wl21 'IO ~ 1609DX Het• ,16 D•UlO •F· QOOd back. a tPMdiAM/FM .eo1~.•1 Ol'beee ~ad . •4500 . ..... 831-7 ---------11911 Honda CMc. Good 71 240Z. FNetl ~· Xlnt co,ndltlon 51 QOO ml 001fd. 4 apd. IS. 750. Only '2100)obo. ~-ij 114-e75-6741 (714) 89f.,70M , ... 1910eooul. ...... 1981 ~ 200 8X...J-U-1t74 Mud• RJt-4 new orloln• . 111,800. XIJlf't .... 11. Me ~-111. • .,~ Vary crnn, .n\oat NII. tir. • ~ LM.Mw i---..,,.,...----1 sa.soo. 841-8221°'.n5 1n1ld• & out. AM/FM •71 MBZ .a~ Hew i.....:=....:.::~..::.;;.~~,;;_1~-:;;-:::"r'::7"":::::-:::=~ 417-1135 cueetla stereo. Menuel terY1oe ,.... 'l:Jt9 blue •74911044,.,.,A/c, ~Wa!.c~ .,_ ~·501• A\U· ~: B'ftR P/B, aood cond. 11325. MOO 01' BUT°"'· i--l062 _____ t flll~ J#-2111 -~ ·12 3000 Turbo Mer- 1Ut 11'1 'U iiiii IP ::'s.~"'!.. '::X::. ' 1~ tM. ···-········-····· Ll.. Whit /bill .... &.. rMIOneble off9r I .... 'zt"'"' '17 Bpyct., es>nvertlble ... new. .. w -• . -44 ooO ml ~tni cond' Int. l.o•ded. Scinroof, ?'31-5144 Mon-Fri = ~ ... '4teo or blei e l c . Sac. $11 ,50 ~. "8-1029 Set/Sun Don 1·1• ••L Ill ofMr. 1a0.aoai 845-1'271 Murrey ., ~ - ~---_ .. ---· -~ "'"0....C...., 2t25~1M1. C08TAMUA 11 ... 2111 CONHHL CHEVROLET ·-. .. ','. '>4b-1200 '74~ MOflt• C.rlo Len· deu, orig ownr, 11lnt oond, c6Mrl & lwc. 351 cyl enQ. euto, P/8, P/8, ek. MUet .... Minon, AM/ FM stereo, 1prt rlmt, med red wlwttt. nu tr-. nu muffler. 12400. 561-1090 Loa Ancelet Mayor Tom Bradley told a con1re11lonal 1ubcommlti.e tod.Jy the fteeaan admln11tratlo~ can expect mere hwauha U the Interior Department doesn't atart Uatenina to the atate'a viewa c)n of&hore oil leaalna· " ' In teatimony before a HOUM Interior subcommittee today, Bradley u.ld Reqan'a five-year leutna plan for one bUllcn _._ of ottshOre tract1 will be fouCht ln th• CC)Uf'ta. The atate wan a battle lMt week when a fedetal Ju~ in LOI~-hailed the achlc1Wed .aale..,of riahta to 24 of UM tnct.a off the them Calltom1a cout. That tnjunctJon, which wu upheld ~Y the 9th C1rcuit Cow1 of ApJ*la Th~. tnduded all lo trac\11 off Newport 8-:h and w,una Beech. BndJey told the IUbcon\Mltte the ault WU Wed. by the atate becauH Secretary of Interlor Jamea Watt failed to heed objecttona from the atat.e and couta1 dti• lnvolwd that the 24 tncta were too environmentally ..muve to riak offahore drilllna· ' Three-pronged attack pressed He Hid that, uple11 •uch environmental and econ~ concern• are taken into conalder ation by the Interior Deputment. It can expect more delaya and more Jawaalta to halt ~ of clrUl1na riahta to the Outer ConUnentaf Shelf. "There •••ma to be no reco1nhlon t_hat the new achldW. wW inttnai.fy llUpUon that wm delay the proper execution of the OCS prqp-am," Bradley told the inv•Uaauve 1ubcomm1ttee. .. Without major chan1et ln OCS policy. tnere will be continued confrontation• that wW be totally at oddl with thia admtnlairatton'a efforts to lncreue the role and voke of atate and local p ..... ---' • .., '°' aaid. Bradley, the Democratic Party nominee foe California sOvem« in N~mber, Mid Watt'• Jlve- yev leaatnc plan "incUca-that vtrtually tNerY ~ that local fovemment aou,ht to exclude rom leuing will aoon be lJM:luded in new lease tales.'' .British >tigliten :ring on Stanley; .............. OVERACHIEVER -Ronald Broy lea of Broyles about three hou.n to climb the 62-story Tenneaee scales the side of the First Interstate aJry.craper, the tan• buildlng wm of the Bank building in Los Ange1ea today. It took Mimdlsippt. San Onofre age nts nab 284 i llegals U.S. Border Patrol agents did something a little qifferent Sunday night and as a result, they nettea 284 illegal alients, including a half dozen suspected smugglers. A Border Patrol spokesman at the San Onofre highway checkpoint just south of San Clemente sa.13 extra agents were called up from San Diego for Sunday's roundup. The check station nonnally is cloeed Sunday afternoons and eveningll ao motorists can make their way home more expediUoualy. Not 10 Sunday, when agentl kept the checkpoint open, finding illegal alien• in 39 vehicles over a six-hour period. Six of thoee captured will be charged with smuggling allena into the United States. The others -men, women and children -were taken to a holdin1 f aclllty aouth of San Dteao and will be returned to Mexia>, except for thoee needed .. wtme.e. ae-fnlt the aix. STATE I Tuxedo-clad man climbs skyscraper ~ ANGELES (AP) -A man decked out in a white tuxedo shirt. white pants, white shoes and a black bow Ue ecaJed the west face of First Intent.ate Bank's downtown 1ky1Craper today and waa promptly arrelted when he reached the top, police aaid. Office worken gawked from the sidewalk and from wtndowa 81 the man. identified by officen aa Rooa1d Broyles, took about three hours to acale the 62-story, 859-foot building, billed aa the tallest w.etrt of the Milllllippi. "I want to be a atunt man, and this is my coming out," Broyles told report.en aa police Jed him away. He reached the top at 8:26 a.m., said police officer Clark Perez. . Broyles, 29, of La Follette, Term., a.\>peered "cool, calm. and relaxed and not particularly tired after the climb, said Penz. The climber told of acallna the United American Bani in Knoxville, Tenn., Jut month and of srappUnc to the top of the 73-itory Peachtree, Plaza in Atlanta. Police waited for him at the top and arrested him for investigation of treapaaaing, Perez aid. He waved to onlooken u he climbed, said officer Jim Verwya, .. ., he doem't appear to be too concerned. He l8eDla to know what he'• doing." Steve Haner, who worb in the nearby Bank of America building, aaid Broyles appeered to be using some kind of c1fmbing equipment. "He 1eem1 to kind of be hooking into something," aaid Hane ... I dbn't know if he'• using auction cupe or what." The fire departmmlt 8ellt three trucb to the .:ene. Flretiahten stayed a floor below him. fuaide, during the climb, aaid fire department apokeaman Jim Wells. "If he had gotten into trouble and we were jult a floor below, we rm,ht have been able to grab him aomehow," weu. aald. Wells added: ''Thia la not the fim time thla IUY bu done it. This la a publicity stunt." COUNTY Defender holding ground By Tiie Alaoclated Pre11 Bri t11h troop• backed by artillery fire seized three ridges 2~ miles from Stanley in heavy fighting today that drove the Argentine defenders from the last hJlh ground west of their stronghold in the Falkland Islanda capital, battle reporta u.ld. / British Defense Secretary John Nott aaid Brltiah troops holding the new positiom could "see large numbers of Argentine • IOldlen retreating and streaming back into" the port. The estimated 7 ,000 Argentine troope in the capital are fighting with their bad.ca to the .ea. "Our force• are moving forward to exploit their aucceuea," which were made uncS.r COYer' of hea~llng ~~e~~pr•-= a Saturday, Nott aafd. He Mid the ... ult today by elementa of Britain'• 9,000-man inva1ion force 1eized Mount Tumbledown due weat of Stanley, \Vlreless Ridge to the. northwest and Mount WilliaJlll to the IOUthWest. The Argentines 1till apparently hold Sapper Hill. a 450-foot promontory about one mile aouth of Stanley, which waa expected to be the next objective of the Brttiah advance. Brttiah troope now apparently control the two paved roads runninC into Stanley from the w~ and 10uthwest, which could be died to move up tank.I that cannot traverse the marahy ground wen and '°"th of the town on the Stanley penlmula, of the South Atlantic 1alanda. Nott did not give any ind.icatkln of the ICale of the fighting. . But ihe Argentine Joint OUefa of Staff la8ued a oommunJque aayJn g the Britlah forces slammed through Argentine deferwea lea than three miles west of Stanley at 8:30 a.m. (4:30 a.m. PDT) after fierce ground fighting and heavy artillery exchangn that began before midniaht. The Joint Chlefa aaid Ar1enttne forcea fell back to regroup and combat continued. Their communique said the garrison'• will to relli.lt remained strong. . The communique did not mention Mount Williama, but acknowJ.edaed that the Britiah llebed the other two Jidcel. 1 Welle calls it a career CONCORD (AP) -An American 1a1a of machine-made bubblel and dandna tn 1Mna n>cJlm breezed to a do9e Sunday • Lawrence W ell[ pa.yed dwinpeane mulic in hil i.t pUblic performance. Disn eyland alters tick eta Prtcee ao up at Dlmeyland on Wednmday, but the ticket cost wW cover Unllmlted ridll. Plfe Al. Ca thedral Quarantine Station The Murray Heights Stanley, East Falkland ., ........ SAFE ZONE -The International Red Cross and the British government have agreed on a "safe zone" fQr civilians ~ in the Falklands capital of Stanley. Map indicates boundaries of neutral wne. Guerrillas trapjled . by Israeli forceS --... --BJ fte Anedate4 Pren vowed an epic fight to hold West ... fcnea trapped perrilM Beirut if the ltNel1a emend. But id 'West Beirut today after a the invaden made no i.mmediate spectacular tank ~ led by move on the PLO atronahold. Jleferwe Minister Ariel Sharon, and thouaanda of Lebanese whme troope block.ed all roedl welcomed the hraelia by into and out of the Lebenae shouting "ahalom," "1ying them capt.al and left the Palelt:ini.am fruit, fiowen and candy. cut off by land, -and air. Me.nwhlle. ahipe of the U.S. (Related story Pap A3). 6th Fleet stood by off the port of Sbaroo'a men took the suburb Jounieh. 10 milel nocth of Beirut, of Bubda. aite of the pn!llidentiat--to evacuate American• and palace, and some of bis troope "anyone elae wanting to leave made a cunmand poll of the local except anned Palestinlana," U .N. police. barncks. 1Srael'1 clUef of officiala aaid. But they said the staff, Lt. Gen. Raphael Eytan, Israelis in.listed the 6th Fleet rode to the edge of Beirut and evacuate only Americans, and said the PW'a nerve center w• none had left. "i8olatld, encircled and~ off." Reporters confirmed th~ One ndical Palestinian le8der' (See ISRAELI. Pace A!) Cre·an, Packard final tally near By JEFF ADLER CM .. Dllr ........ San Dieg0< County election offidak were ~ting their 1ut 150 untabulated ballota today ln an effort to finally determine a winner in the battle for the 4:3rd Congre11ional Dhtrlc-t Republican nomination. In that very clon conte1t, travel-trailer manufacturer Johnnie Crean, 33, holda a 93-vote ed1e over Carlsbad Mayor .Ron Packard, a 50-year-old dentist. er.n, who I 1ent a telegram concedina defeat· last week. declared hilmelf the winner Friday Oft the buls of additional vote. tallied by Orange C.otmty election offiNls Unoffidal 'vote totala Friday abciwed Qoean WdlDI with 13. 888 vot.ee to the 13,595 ~ by Padtarcl In the twtHX>Unty ~dlatrict. Between 130 and f50 district ballotl, all rejected by vote- tabulat!n.1 machines election (lee BAU.OT, P .. e Al) •~&:~t= t.n~~=n aald hirY Mallllil tubltlntlal ......._ ~tkd ,.. tb9 -u o.n lll'UftimaWy oertla.d D&eilD•OMiftty &,IMriir ot VoWI the wtnner, lt will be on the Offie. ~~~~ ~"= · of~=-'*9~ ~= ~Q;J.:' ~ &m\ n..., beUeYe all of ~ CountY• ~ diltl1ct VOltl haw bell\ a>tlni.d 'n. ~ field In~ exicept for a ~ ballot or two. diltrtct · lnclucr.d 18 Crean, who Md been traWnc 1!09eful1, tbe moat n any y 58 vote• Frlda7 mornlna1 cautomla. '-th1a year. 1 a~ up the difference and 'nw 18 IQU8ht the ... t In the Into the 1Md after •ia neltly reapportioned dl1trlct bH .. tee ballot. and 2&0 belPI vacated by Rep. Clair m~hlne-reje<lted ballota were ~r, &.Rancho Sinta :r., ounted by Oran1e County whO II ret:lriq. . election worken. Th• dl1trfct include1 San A City earlier, however, <lemente, Sen Juan Ca~, aclcllll bad lDCrUlld bil aUin Million Viejo and El "Toro In -vallt election mornlna lead to Qranae Ca.In~ and OceeNlde, 58 votes when a,beentee Dallota ln Carlaf>ad and Elcondido In San Plane tragedy probed Natlonal Ttamport.ation Safety Board lnveattaatora continued theU' e todiay into the .. of a t plane cruh tn which four uran1e County reaidenta were k1Ued raear Y Ot'ba Linda. A NTSB 1poic-nan eaid UWt momtna that lnvestl&aton were ·~ revlewf.na aruh lnfcnnadon before det.ermlnlna what cauted the ~'Piper alraaft to cruh Saturday niaht Into an or.nae arove tn county tenitoc')' near the Rlvenlde J'reeway. .. San Diego C.ounty were tallied. Dteao County. f11 TIM ba1lo& count thJa mom1na The eventual GOP nominee, bla~expectedtochanaethetwo con1idered a shoo.In in n candl4atei.' ~ becau.e the N<Mlplber becau.e of the heavy pair have nan rather evenly In Repu1>ll~ voter edge, wU1 face San Diego County portions of the Democrat Roy Archer, an, MOVING THE CROWD -Handbell ringers of Chrlat College in Irvine lead crowd of commencement and groundbreaking spectators to site of ceremonies marking beginning of work on two apartment-style student residence ,,.., Not lt8ff "'9to halls. The $4 million facilities are to be ready to house 224 students by fall, 1983. Graduation exerctaes a1ao were conducted Saturday on the campus of the Lutheran College. About three dozen students received degrees. Two coupla were killed. One cou,ple waa identified by the Oranae County Shertfrs Office u Michael Stevena, 38, and hi.I Wife, Beverly, 36, ol 'La Hahn. Steven. la believed to have been the'pllot. Aleo killed were Ronald E. Wagner, 37, and hi1 wfe, Shella, ~. of Fullerton . Sheriff's Lt Wyatt Hart aald the two couplel had flown to Rivenide Saturday and were returning home Saturday evening to Fullerton airpor• .. Witnesses said t he plane apparently circled the Riverside Freeway several times before a1amming into an orange grove. district. Eecondido collep profemor, ln In Orange County portions of the gener-1 f}don. . . . Teen killed in hunting accident 4S~!~l.u ~~AS!2._.N..:i.i·~ radio the t8 air ap~ to Beirut, and main purpose of the laraell said the guerril1aa Vfere traooed encirclement waa to block any ln a 10-aquare-mile area of W• attempt by the Syrian army to Beirut. returll to t:be Lebaneee capital, .... • ·and head off the elcape of A 17-yur-old Corona del Mar High School student was killed wben a rifle accidentally dl1eharged whlle he and two companiona were hunting ln a field eat of 0ranae. -Hfl_.~ops seek sUYjlect trio '( t. ... ;i.n'-;robberies b! Hunttniton Beach police are illeeldha tWo men and a woman Ollusplacted of committing two apparently unrelated armed .tobbertel clurlng the weekend. 'l'. In· the fl.rat lncldent, a gray- bhaired man thought to be in hi.I nfifties diaplayed a gun to a teller J<at Great Western Savino. 16141 i"Beach Blvd., at 11:20 a .m . I 1t8aturday, police said. .I The man fled with about $800. ; «Police said hi.I getaway car may Jlhave been a yellow, two-doer, .. mid-me auto. '< l In the 1eCOnd lnddent, a man i'tn. his. mid-1hirties ~ ln .a "New•Yor)I accent, ·With a tem.le iilcc:orttpJ:tcei' displayed a rewlver a.to an anend•nt at the Arco '(fHVjgtJ,IJstion, 18972 Beach Bl~ ... ~ p.m. Saturday, police rasafd .. ,, 0 The--robben u.ed bleck wire to tie up the attendant and a friend owho w .. viii ting with him before Ufleeina with t160 in station •1receipta plut the friend'• wallet and watch, police aid. ~\' t ~ ' Coatal Palestinian guerrilla leaden. ShMon dfd 001 -.y w})at the fa~ of ~ J.e.-c1en would b&. . With laraeU tanks at the ~~~N'e~ -aurrounded .by laraeU guns, Lebaneee President EU.al Sarkll fonned a six-man committee to try to cor,_ with the "arave &ituat:iona' in hi.I war-ravaaed COWltry, where nearly 10,000 people nave been killed lo e1'}lt ilayl. Garage fire quelled in· Laguna Beach The 0ranae COunty Sheriff'• Department Identified the victim of the Friday night incident as Cra.Ur Lewis, IOll of Robert Lewis of Newport ae.ch. Lt. Wyatt Hart said the younger Lewla and two companions were walkina ling.le file in a field near lrvine Regional Park when the .22 callber rifle fell to the ground and cli8charaed. A bullet entered Lewi.a'• hid and exited through the victlm's chett, Hart said. The names of the other youths, ~&ear-old male from Newport Llpma a..cb firemen battled a ~fire In ... '.l'oP of the . W~': CO~\lnlty ·~ly ~hll !119~ ~!fnl the •Uiic~ed bOullt a1111n1Aw "mwp. and a 14-yur-old male from Orange, were being withheld pendiq lnvestiption of tbe lncklent. Hart ukL "It'• IUl1 under lnvesdeation. but it appean it WU aocidentaJ.." Hanuld. Thi l:JO a.m. blaa at 8008 ~ .. ffta!J~ve: cau;;i· 120,000 tima,.. to tb• 1tn1ct\iri and about te.ooo -to eclltenta of the pnae, a fire spokMl'!\aD aid tocliy. An unidentified woman and , her IOll, who ooc:upy the hcJme owned by Edd Bowen, fled prior to fire units arriving at the home. Fire damage told THREE RIVERS (AP) -A fire that deatroyed a boat man~ firm and home ln Three Riven waa deliberately aet, Tulare County flrefilhten said. Damage WU estimated at $302,000. Sunny Tuesday • IO IO 56 12 5t la IO ta 72 .11 M 54 1.55 71 12 17 u IO 12 11 .. ta 70 .. 53 2.04 1'2 75 71 .. IO "6 A2 u u .03 M 111.M 11 a ,.., ~=.20 • • t1 41 11 12 • 71 ., ... 11 t1 .. ti .,. .. ., 71 17 .11 .. IO 11 IO .. .. 11 .. .. .. 1.11 .. I ... ... Newport eyes vote on Banning tract For the aeoond Ume lo less than a year, dty council memben ln Newport Beach are debating whether or not to tum their backs on a mutii -milllon development or put it to a citywide vote. . That decision is tentatively .:heduled to be made tonight. The 75-acre Banning Ranch, a Guests flee motel in SA Fire did $6~.ooo damage tn half an hour to a building in the Ambaaaador Inn complex in Santa Ana before 12 companies of firefighters extinguished it, Battalion Chief Michael Cate said. Some 70 auest were evacuated through amoky con1don when the fire broke out about 3 a.m. Sunday, Cate aid. No one was aierioualy injured, although two people were treated for lhiolc.e inhalation at the .::ene. city-approved plan for houses, off ice• and industrial uses in West Newport, currently is ln limbo, tnreatened by a referendum signature campaign. Several oouncil members said today they felt •t\lck in. \he middle ot a high-stakes waiung game. On one aide, a majority of the council baa been bldlng lta time, waiting for a 1ignal from developer Hancock "Bill" Bannln8 on whether or not he's even wllling to fight for hl1 project. On the <>\her aide, developer Bann1n,g u1d be'• waiting for the council to make a move. Standlna along the sidelines J.a the Weat Newport LegWatlve Alliance, the group that mustered the aucceaaful referendum signature drive. The alUance haa urged the council to put the development question before voters in November. It would be on the .me ballot -the dty council election. Six arrested in blackmail Six people have been arre5ted in connection with a blackmail scheme that alleeedly forced a Costa Mesa busineuman to .ell his home. turn over hia life aavinp and embezzle about $50,- 000 from hia employer, according to the Loa Angeles Sheriff's office. Arrested Thursday were: Willard Smith, 66, Thoma1 Dovidio. 34; George Krocm, 58; Jacob Jackson, 55; Michael Shippee, 24; Jean Beighley, 60, all on varioua charges including conspiracy, forgery and embezzlement. The a1x people were arres1ed at various locationa in Loa Angeles following a 27-month investigation that found that Stanford Brody, a general manager with a refining company ln Santa Fe Sprtnga, waa forced to forge a1x company checka worth $51,000 to pay for mounting gamblinR debts. Look in your furnace. See that-Jilile pilot light? Well, if you tum it off for the summer, you11 save ·about Sll~ If you leave it off longer-into the wann fall months -you11 save even more. Here's how easy it is: Open the access panel to the main au control. YOU1l find instructions that Will tell you how to safely tum off and religh,t your furnace pilot If you're not sure how to safely tum your pilot off and on, Cill the Cu com~ for help. Remember, 811 rata have ~e up to the jliiiliiliiil ~t ~Which means your furnace pilot li ~umi~ up more money than evec So tum lt off thll tummu And 11ve a cool Sll. Lte • .,.,._.,. I.I ,; ..... _ ........... " ........... -. ..... ______ ................ ., .. . / 1 ' \ . Fourteen people were hurt ln the accident Sunday at lntemadonal BultM9 lild1nea. one 'Graff'id Night' traffic .heavy. MODESTO -"OratttU Nilht." resulted ln five houn of bumper-io.bwnper traffic u youthful or noetalglc mot.orilta CNlled the ltreeta of Modesto, but there were no major problems, polloe said today. The unofficial event la held on the Saturday evening after ,achool leta out each June. The theme 11 t.he 1973 Georie Lucaa movie .. Amertcan Graffiti.. about h18b achool atudenta cirWatnc ln Modesto ln 1962, Two yean AflO, a man WU tahot to death durin& aadewaJ.karpmentdwing'~rafflttNlah~"bUt thtre have been no major lncidenta sinct tr.en. Thia year, 4~ ~ple were arrested. all for mlademeanon such u f1Chtina or betl\I drunk, police Mid. Hollywood police charges leveled . LOS ANGELES -Hollywood Divtalon po~, officers may have been involved in numerous !>W'l)aries. pl'Oltltution and on-duty drlnklna and ~Ung, court papen alleaed. ' I · I 'lbe eource of the cbargel wu officer Jack . . - mffiu~rn~ Myers. who died in a traffic accident May 12, a1Jer hla anet on bursJa:ry charaes and after ~ to help palice from the Internal Affain l>lvt.ton in their fnvestigation of corruetlon within the divt.ion. The district attorney 1 office baa found no evidence of foul play in Myers' death. 1,200 nuke protesters arrested NEW YORK -Police arrested and dragged away more than 1,200 anti-nuclear demonstraton today after they attempted to "stop bUllnela u usual" at the United Nations missiona of nuclear pow en. Thousand.a of black-helmeted, nightstick- carrying officen were queued up outalde the mbliom. Many of the protest.era, singing "We Shall Not Be Moved," were carried on stretchers to about 40 waiting police buaes after they went Ump in ''non-violent dlaannament blockades .•• Author, educator Rafferty killed • • TROY, Ala. -Author and educator· Max Rafferty, an outspoken advocate of man t.k:a and lees frilla in the natim'• acbool8 and a oantrovenUl U.S. Senate candidate in Ca1Uomla. II cs.d at~ from • traffJc accident. hia granddauahter'• on Sunday mom1ni when his car llf pped olf a ro.d llCr'09 an eartheD dam and into a plond. aaid Sheriff Harold Andel800. Rafferty, who ae:rved two tumultuoul tenm .. California'• state achool superintendent, wu a t.:ulty menher at Troy State Unlvenlty at the Ra1tetty WM taJdna, ~a Min .... frimd of I time of bll death. Federal Bite deeper despite tax cuts. WASHINGTON -Most American tunUAee will pey man federal taxee than ever dUa y.- deaplte the laraest income tu cut In hll*ory, tbl Reagan admlniatration ta)'l. A study by the Treuury Departmen~ ccmcludee that for the average f.amlly, h1aher Sod.al Security taxes and the effecta of inflation will more than of&et the 10 peRmt tncome tax cut .cbeduled for July 1. Al a n.alt; most f.amWa _wm pay • bfcber percentage of their wage. 1n federal Income md Sodal Security taxes this year than they did before the three-year tax cut act of 1981 took efttlct. PARADE GREETING -KA.BC television sporgcaster Ed Arnold, ln auto, receives a handshake and a balloon from Shawn Attebery durlng Fountain Valley's 25th l)lfb"l'IOC ....... "',.,, ~ Blrthday Parade Saturday. Arnold, a Fountain Valley _resident. and civt~ leader, wa grand mars~ of the parade, which kicked"off a daylong ~lebration on Saturday. . . I Condo plan set to go after OK A 1poke1man for C .J . Segentrom & Son• HY• the development company la prepared to go ahead with the oonstruction of the tint half of a mammoth condomlnlum project that haa been approved by the <Asta Meu City ~. The c:oundl approved a flDal rezoninC last week that will clear the way for OONtruction to begin on half the 28 acres on which a total of 1,155 condominium units are propoeed. Se1eratrom OWl\I 14 of the acre• at Adams Avenue and Plnecreek Drive and the oJher . half i• owned by the Coast Qmmunity College Dlatrict, that haa yet to approve the project. "For the college's well-be~ we hope that they can come in, be llid. In March, the City Council approved the project to be ~~1~~ units as small u 437 911uare feet on the Segeistl'Oln portion of the property. II Future thr~atened : r;; J PLO arpJy cripple . " "" .. by lsr1:1eli at'tacks BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - lsnel'• week-old tnvuion of Lebanon has crippl~d the P•leatlne Liberation Orgaruzation'a guerrilla army, leaving It acatt.ered and fighting fdr 1ts life. PLO officials ln.sist their annedl forces, which leader Y aaaer Arafat estimated at 40,000 men before the war, have stayed in the field against mael'• military might longer than expected. They aa.y their organization will never die became of what they call their fervent desire to reclaim a homeland from larael Despite the brave words. the eight-faction PLO facet the gravest threat to ita exla.tenoe since lt was for:ud out of Jon:t.n in a 1970 tj.vil Y(&r. 'nie ~ woqtlie !'i&ht.to bear ~ .Ll~~~-own • ~~ '1lt an •niiatr ~~·~'t'A\n ~Carro In 1969:' But alnce· the, ... ~ lQ.VMiOIJ., ~L ~"4ring PLO Jo11ea iii .w~Ps>tri!-E,and fighten, there 8" ~)' v, . calla for renc;gotlaUng t at accord. Palstlnian IOUrCle9 ln Beirut say their 1upply routes are threatened and their escape roua virtually cut oU in the war-ehattered capital. They say their fuel and ammunition will nm out next month. 11111 i1111111 Red Cross officials say Pal~ refug~ caapa nef1' Tyre, a major pre-invaaidn stronghold, are virtually de9erted with only •bout 1,300 of their original population of 100,000 left. Perhaps 40 percent of the 50Q.-. 000 Palestinians in Lebanon have been left behind enemy lines and thousands more are in enclaves in northern Lebanon or to the ea9t in the Bekaa Valley -cut otf from the PLO headquarters on the southern edge of the capital "At first glance, one mtgbt think that \hey have indeed dealt the revolution a heavy blow.'' .u.id Khala(._-"But this ~ only Qprovea ~ thi-U~..:11J•t o~r concept ~ij¥>pular w_.1r~t." Palestinian officlala aay their lighten require minima& tna1ninl ~ weapons since their strategy ls based on •hit-and-nin attacks. ''Two men with grenades ca1a ~y a tank." aajd one PLO official. He said if the hraelia fail to take Betrut the guerrillaa will launch a war of attrition on the occupying army. Any attempt to take Beirut militarily is likely to oost ~ Israelis even heavier casualtida than they have suffered thus faf -107 killed and 840 lnj\lred bf Israel's count Sunday. However, revlted plan• approved by the Council June 7 ahow the realignment of a S d • L ....:.. ·1 · h D h d ~ay onto only the fl.nt half au 1s irdI new monarc r a ·=..:~::at:-~~ s.Iah Khalaf, third-ranking leader tn Arafat's own Falah guerrll1a army, uJd the braelia aought to "encircle the PLO leadenbip and 1rap it in Beirut," where the guerrillu are making a Nhd with their badta to the MeCliterranean ln the west. The •araeli-backed rightist ' Chrlatlan PhalanJi1ta control "Politically we ~re not finished," ii:aid another PLO official. "The PLO is not · Beirut. PaleaUnjen• ar everywh~ all over~ WM ,and they have the will to resist. JIDDA. Saudi Arabia -In 1& dtiee acrom uua AbCW Am. who died ol a Dlllllive heart au.ck ""-_._ ·"--~-....a.. of Saudis swore Sunday in 'l'alf, the royal aumrner l'e9CJft. oil-rich deeert ~ ~-I.-than aevm houri Jitter, the fOYa1 fmdly, all~ today to Kin& Fahd. who ~ ~ haltily oat.heNd ie.dets of aevera1 Ara& natlona and fifth monaR:h of Saudi Arabia in a or ·-· ~-::: of SaudJI attended Khaled's tranlltlon followi.nl( the death of K1Da Kbalec:l oca .. U1. th the Fahd pledSed to continue the pro-Western funeral. w wu ~-3' ~ wi polldel ot hla hall-brother, 69-year-old Khaled lbn late king'• strict Wahabl --.em..,.,. e · Pope to travel to Geneva Tuesday GENEY.,\.. ~tzerland -, Lela than 48 houn undeclared rilJdand Ia1anda war, but John Paul aft.er hia Ntum from Argentina and only two weeb 118id Sunday the trips had a "posltlve result." after bis b.latortc trip to Britain, Pope John Paul D carrtea hi. me p of peace to Geneva on '1"-day. 'lbe pond.ff'• penonal pMCe ~to Britain and Arpntina, failed to halt tbef.r filhtlng in the OAANCIE COAST' Baity Pilllt ThOmM P. Halev ~ ... CllW .,_,.,,. Olllmr "It is an Wusion to believe that w.r and violence will brina true aoluUona," )>e told a crowd of 30,000 gathered in St. Peier'a Squate. • Dollar rises; Franc plummets Plann.inl offidala. Richard Simon. a apokamm for Che c0lle1e district, said ~ haYe not conaldend the -pro~ or let a date to cl.ilc\9 it. "lt just baa not b&en ctt.c:u.ed," akt Simon. "We've had other ~ -... and I thln,k that'• probably the fundamental ~·· Ro. aaid no construction date bu been let. .,,.. leedlng~ Beirut and to the y Christian north. ~h lata a-blpck, t~e eoueh. ' Between 8,boo and is,ooo Palestinian cuerrillaa and Lebanme tetuse figh~.._ were in "aouthem LebaDoD when Israel invaded June 6. PLO ofticiala say they have lost contact with most unlta and have no way to resupply them. However, a mtli= we PLO fact$ Jerioua ems maintaining Independence Arab regimes. 1'heir po.HU power is already threa-.ed · Lebanon, where the balanc appears to have tipped ln fa of the Israeli-backed rightia Christians who oppote th preeence of armed P and Syrian troop1 in thei country. • ~tfcr~, " . cur 100% f>ilk. ~-·· ... ' ,;' BLUE MONDAYS DEPr. ODeraUv. of th1a sterlina Journal have jun Atffered the ff"nal ~. We have been 8CC\.lled of "fixlr11" a baby contelt. Thia Aneption ii far more felonlOUI than fix1na a bone nee or trytna to lnfluenoe the polnt spread of a~ pine. • The charaes involve the baby judginc oontart that hU been a traditfonal event. and wu repeated th1a year. in C.O.ta Meu•a 35th Annual Fiah Fry and <Mnlval. Thus it WU that ~ letter arrived: "Dear Editor: 'Well, I didn't think you would actually go through with it but you did! On June 3, 1982 you printed a picture in your paper of a fonner · beauty contest winner who waa entering her daugtiter ~--.._..._.....;.;,..;....~',A_ .... in the Flab Fry Carnival TDI MURPHINl~r; =n:':o~.~~on. i · knew five days ago that would be the outcome, one didn't need to be a peychic to fUrure that out. "What I (and about 10 other mothers I talked to) want to know is how much you paid the judges of the baby contest to vote for the former beeuty contest winner's baby? rm IOft'Y but the 'colncldence• ii just too lncredible to be honeltly believed by anyone. The only ~ I can .ee why you would pay for that particular baby to win la becaUle the mother waa a fonner winner of that very conteet 20 years or ao before and it would be ao wonderful if her daughter could win too. That would make such an exciting pUblic interest story for your paper. ". . . I only wish you had warned me and the other moth~ ao we would not have wasted our valuable time. I desJ)i8e someone who la a liar but wone than that I de.epiae a blatant cheat. Believe me, if there wu a way to sue you for what you did, I would . . ." The letter waa signed in the name o( Lorraine Capps-Jones, addreea not Included. WELL, IT'S ALWAYS been well known that= conteltll and beauty ccmpettUom can 1z'tam' IOID8 emotional levels, often in mm., dlldl, brOthen, m.ter'I er friends of the baby or the beauty who didn't happen to win f1rlt prize. I 'l'hua you should make it a ltandard practice, u I do, to flee like a coward if aome official lhould suggest you Judge one of theee oonteltll. rve always been able to bnmedlately come down with a case of high fever and watery eyeballa. So to Lotta1ne Ca~ooa, let the recOrd state we abeolutely did not "fix' the baby contest this time, or any other Ume. We can't even fix t)1'ewrit.er ribbons, much 1ete con tat.. ONE CURIOUS ASPECI' of the fixing complaint that 1e11t our inveltigaton into an immediate 8CUl'l')' wu the statement that this year's winning baby waa the child of a .tonne.-Filh Fry beauty queen. Neither the mom of six-month-old Jemlca Dawn. winner of the younger group, or the mother of Tiffany Lynn Vaughn, 14-IDOhth-old winner ln the older c1aas. wu a former 6eauty winner, altboUP both mom1 are quite attractive. In advance of this year'• Flab Fry, however we did indeed nm a photo of the 1981 winner, SbMnm Wlaim. whale mother, Marion, did win the beeuty contett b8Ck m 1974. . BUT NEITHER SHANNON nor her mom had anythina to do with tbi8 year'a contest. W• our mail on the complaint one year late? No, the reference w clearly to UU. YMI"• 1982 contelt. -'1bele ~can be difftcult to deal with on a Blue Monday. ByJODICADBNllltAD ............... By all lbcoUntl, 'Mk~ Cella 11 • brUllant and dedicated teacher who baa a dramatic effect on the lives of many of her atudenta. Ear ller thla year , the 31-year-old Corona del Mar High Scliool Latin t.Mcher WU lirwed out by the county Board" of Education as one of Oran1e County'• moat outatandlna teechera. Friday, lhe wW be without a job. MJchelle .Cella ii one of 24 tenured and 30 temporary teacbera in the Newport-Meu UnWed School Diatrlct who are beln1 laid off be-cauae of cutbacka. And the achool d1ltrict at.ands to loee her and other tMchera like her forever became of a atate-mandated layoff 1y1tem bued on eeniority. · "We aren't allowed to take competency lnto conllderatlon · when we're layin1 off," explai ned Kevin Wheeler, Ulistant cUstrtct superintendent for penonnel. "The law says we lay off the leMt. senior ~ We have no chokle." Aa a temporary, or untenured teacher, MJm Cella wu notWed this apri.ng that ahe wouldn't be offered a contract for the.1982-88 achoo! 'fear. She must either find work el9ewhere, or lfO throuab the ordeal of waltin8 unUl the district's budget ii linali1.ed to find out if lhe'll be hired in September. She'• been through it before - aeveraJ timea aince comina to Corona del Mar High School five years ICO· Almost paintWly aby outskle of the claaarocm. the attnctive brunette ~off the news . of yet another . She would be men lf abe b8d a t.mi1Y to support, IM aakl A lot depends on whether there ii a teaeher tn the d6alrtf::l with men ~ who la~ to u.dl Ldn. ~few~to teedi the andent • Mm Cella IO fat bal manaaed to hq onto her job on a yeer-•yeer .... But MJaa Cella and otben 11lte her milht not be IO fortunate th.la yeer. Under normal circwmtances, a teecher-of Mila Cella'• skill and experience would have reached tenured atatua after three probationary years with the .:hool d.iatrlCt. With ten~. a aort of job guarantee, her employment future would be relatively aecure. But ~ aren't ncxma1 times ln the Newport-Mesa diatrlct. Enrollment in di.ltrict 8Cboo1a baa been dropping at the rate of 1,000 students per year for aeveral years. A. a result. young twhen hired just a few.. yean ~ don't get tenure anymore. School• have been cloted arid the district'• staff bal been eut. • ~· the district ls cut1ing 24 with tenure. Some have been tMChlnl in Newpcrt.- Meaa achooll for u lon8 11 10 years. And. with staff cu1bKb bued on lel'llority, the district la 1olini Ui!:Crl youn1 teachers Uke e Cella -tachen who bring new blood to. a veteran teech1na staff and new verve to the daaOIA'll. Interview• with con::-· friendl. employen ·and ta rweel Michelle' Cella to be a fiercely dedicated and cartn; youn1 woman who leaves an extraordinary lmprealon on ~ around her. "A lot of twhen ~ '8ecll the aubJectt but the .. tb.la burnln1 deal re to learn," oblerYed Ken l'llh; a :.?! teacher at Corona diel Mar "I think ahe la a.~ that look up to. She baa hl1h atandards. She la a lady and the atudenta react to that." Under her guidance, the Keywanetts, a atria' service dub at Corm.a del Mar ffich, became the only student oraanbatlon in the county to rec.rw a $5,000 award in Disneyland.'1 annual public aetVice ~ Debbie Loofbourrow, 1>"'1dent of the Keywanettet, said Mill Cella hal been like an older aiater to her when abe needed eomeone to talk to. "She's a friend to practicalJ.y everyone," aaid Mila Loofbourrow. "She ... .CW and when she geta enthwdaatic it makes the rest of the girls get that way." A year aco. under Mila Cella'• leadership, Corona del Mar Hiah'• Latin Cub won the state aweepttakea award, beating Latin clubs from hiCh achooa throuahout California. Despite her paat teachin1 mcpertence at the Univenity of Michlpn and her knowledce of Latin, Italian, l'rencb and ancient Greek. Gordon Bechtold aa1d he almolt didn't bar. the dark-eyed you.nc woman five yean •. "She w ra'=," recalled them.sol the • • ...... department. "And shit ..,., .... ..ave about teUinl nae how to run ay Latin .1ro1ram. I WMD't med to that. But hlrina Mk:heUe Cella .. been a cleciaioo Bechtold Msri't ~a liver. Not a taker," he aUd with olMoua admiration. Under ber direction, Latin WJDt from a "low pcjni" to one of. the m.t popular ~ ...-on eampua. "She la phenomenal," -.kl Lei Johnton, a Latin inltructor at tJmvm.itv High School in Irvine. •7i~lt ay enough about her. Sbe la one of thole people that, when you. 're around her, you just elljoy it." LOrt Barnard, a Corona del Mar graduate who la now a ~ at the Unlvetlity of SOuthem California ma)lring in Spanlah and bullnem. ~ rec:al.led bow Mila Cella apent her own free period• tutorina her in Spanish. But the ie.ona Lori Bamud learned outside of the ~ are the amt she prlz.es moat: "She did more to teech me how to be reaPonalble," eaid Mili teach me how to be responsible.' 'A lot of . . teachers just ach tlae suJ:li#IJ, ut she giv;t'1;is bur';,ing . J~Jre to learn.~ 'She's 11 giver: Not a taker.' Comments aboat Latia teaclaer Miclaelle Cella, left. Barnard. '-She would talk a lot about bow fortunate it wu to care for IOmf!ODe and to care about what you are doing.'' The second of three dau,aht.en, Michelle Cella grew up in New • j York reading everythl.ft« she could about ancient hlltoey and mythoqy. She wound up in a Latin claas by accident and became lntrl1ued with the subject. When she speaks of Latin, her voice talcs on an excited quality that haa atfmd 10 many atudenta and opened up new worlds to them. She aaya that the language, unchanged for hundreds of years. la one of the most teWnc links man bas witli his pest. Her fint love always will be tachlna. she .,.. mca pie..u:. om of than anytbipa else - an « •tfug. Glw me a bl8ckbo&rd and a piece of chalk and rm happy." WASHING'roH (A.P) -The U.8 . Supreme Court ~ today to Nferte 8 bWJoo-claUai ftlbl pl~ movie producer.~ maken of lncreutnilj popu)ir home Wllo NCal'aen. . The court 9lkl lt wtll revMw • ruMM that thi rnanufac:turen Jill)' be Nverely penalized for copyrl1ht lnfrha&•m•nt cauHd by mllllon1 ol Arilerfcanl taplnl iilMdon procrama. The lower court•• ruUna tcimned the electr'Clftks lnduatry and NIUlta In leWral propma1a 1n ~to •ttle the dilpute OVf4 the:; of televiled moW. and other The doel not tubject to lndividual ~e estima 5 m1lllon Amerlaml who own video recordere. Micro General gets funding Micro General CotPoratlon of Irvine ·•lgned agreements to obtain $775,000 ln venture capital financing. The a,reementa provide tor ule of 775,000 share9 of convertible prefernd stock at $1 per share, which are convertible, anytime within fJve years, to common stock at $.50 per share, subject to adjustment under certain oondition.s. The l.ss\WlCe ls subject to approval of shareholders at the annual meeting acheduled ln July. I Purchasers include Oxford Venture Fund of Stamford, Conn., u lead investor and Innoven ol Saddle Brook. N.J., and a limited number of private lnwstora. Downey profits increase Downey Savinp .and Loan bued in Costa Mesa ~rta ita •vino t:.lance has increued $60 rnil.Uon this year, with $22 million of it coming in May. The S&L al9o aya c~ acoounta fOf' the year are u_p 45 percent to tll.5 million in account ba.lances. Uowney aaya It II ooe of the few S&IA ln the country to show a profit in the finlt quarter. Hughes division gets pact A follow-on production contract, valued at approximately $25 million, for advanced audio switching equipment used in shipboard oommunk:ationa systema has been awarded to Hughes Aircraft Canpany'a mJcroelectronic systems division in Irvine. 'Ille contract, awarded by the Naval Electronic. Systems Command, covers funding for 1982 production of Secure Voice Switching (SVS) systems. It calla for 4~ lwitchea, 661 control indicators, plus ancillary engineering services, support, training, spares and data, and an option for 40 more swit.cbes in 1983. The Initial oontnct. awarded in 1980, covered funding for !Wt ahlp ... The first production svs unit was deUvered to the Navy last JWle, two months ~of~· !>' .... Gasoline p11-ices soaring LOS ANGELES (AP) -'The average nationwide price of g.uollne baa ri9en 6.4 cents ln three weeks, even though dealen have cut their profit margin, says oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg. Retailers, hit by rising operating OOIJts and a 13-month decline in gas prices that ended in April. have reduced their average per-gallon markup from 9.93 oenta on April 16 to 8.81 centa as of Saturday, Lundberg said. _ Certron redeems stock The Certron Corp. of Anaheim announced today that the company exerdled its option with ita former banka to redeem the remainJng preferred stock outstanding amount to $550,000 by payment of $260,000. By the exerc¥e of th.is option, warrants to purchaae 100,000 ~ o( the OOl1lp&nY'• common a1ock at 10 centa per share were canceled, reduci.n& the number of wammta outstandihg to 300,000. The balance-sheet effect of exercising th1a option increased atockbolders' equity by •290,000. Gold, metals quotations Go/J. BJ ne Associated Pres• Selected world gold pttcea today: Loadon: morning fixing: $322.25, off $3.00. Loadoa: aftlJmoon fbtlnc: $320.75, off $f.50. Parll: afternoon fixing: $320.61, off $7.26. Prukfart: market $32'3.91, off $5.05. z.n~ i..te fWng: f319.00, off $5.00 bkli $322,00 uked. Budy Is 11.almu: only daily quote $320. 7$, oU $-t:50. ~nl: only df.J, quote $320. 75, off $4.SC>. EaielMnl: only y quote fabricated $336.79, off ... 71. t {j JI 1' II .. d I) ·.,c ·! IJ I .1'1 :r. I ·f ... • 1 I ' •• •'\1 . " • uu Qfll Cj•• ' .,... ILIFFI ... :.~ Smale story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba 110t ·on largest greenbelt, $250,000. -- PlllLM S bdraw. 2 ~ batha condo near pool. $145,000. it - BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR '~ "·t' J• LI•, .... B b7) 6161 THE REAL ESTATERS l. __ ~ PlllE _,..,_home. -fief wll ooneider ALL of. -'ere, 2 Bdrm1, great <;011a Mna neighbor llood. LowHI priced 1 ··~· .......... . C::.' I >I • ~ ... }~'•'.I I GE ORGE. ElKlt;', CO IDT 1111011 11. Value Pflc9d 4 Bdrm 2 ..... mfl ro bath pool hOme In ex-Fen .... ..... ,I(, Client Coeta Meea 3Bl + trplc. lwdwood •JI tlonl Minute• cloM to nr1, patio, 2 QI' gar11ge. 111'• IChoola and maJot "'°P-on lg corner lot. Very· .J• ping. S.... off9r9 to ... Very low dwn. Below lilt buyeft Cell now f<lrj mkt. muat NI. 931~. THE REAL ESTATERS ;: ..... Ma-7171 I. ~.':""~ . aa.lfled Adi M2-a78 rallfll WtUIWllll ,_. .... ..., ................... ,,.... ... _ ........................ 1111 112 I\~ ...... ...., ............ ,... ..... ._. S...-. P•• W 111·1• .. .. Ir ·"' 1• " ' I I .. ~ r· I I· -WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REALTORS S.S.~· "'°"""' ~ 2~~"7· 3~~; 111·1400 '7Utlt LAGDYF 11 I I I I MAS Pl I ; I' I I I I J ltAICLf 1 · I 1~ I If 0 T T U I I I I' I I ma11saa.i ....... Thll 3 Bdrm home muat be eold. OASH T AU<S. FHA /VA OK. Call &40-11&1 lor more ct.- talll. THE REAL ESTATERS ---1111••• 1 ti: Macnab -Irvine ........... ~-··· ...,.._...,.. IUSID 111,---.-,. NII PAii PLAm ,....... mam Meaa Verde Manalon. •11. 2\.t U. ~ 2400 1q.ft.1 Yi.w ol MTTiR THAN Catallna. 1un1tt1 •nd MOD!L ei1Y llQhal ' lctno bdnM. HAI lVERYT'HING 3 betM. m~ fetnlly ~eac "1Ml rOOM, new •"'Ythlngl 8'lft a 1a11 1 Olutl '31.000 moWI yoll lnl .... -to NO OUALIFYINGI Call .., """'· fttt, CM't i. at ta., low tz•:.:l°'1 ~,000 priotl .... 2tH j PETE BARRETI .. REALTY Lido Realty 673-7300 I IBTALI 2 br, "'~ b• le25 2 br. 2'A ba. $775-$1100 3 br. 2 bit •1300 tum •. 2bl $725 Laq 111111 Blun. 1 ...,.., 2 bf. pool, greenbetu: U~o. & $1200. 944·013 4 ; 80™8. 2 Br. 2 ~ Condo with pool. $850f mo. No c:hHdrenfpeta 1184 Rut- land Ad. le. 6.41-8881 °' 833-2M4. 717 Yolk .... A-la HI aae.o411 ·-, .... --~ 415/mo. 2 Br. • ••· Apt1. Beamed .I ..... trpc, gtnOt. l9undfy ""· Avall.June. T8l Mgmt 142-1803 ,I Loi An1e\ea Mayor Tom Bradley told a con1re11lonal IUbcommlttee today, \he Reaaan adminlatraUon can expec:t more law1ult1 1f the Interior Department doe1n't atart U.tenJ.na to the 1tate'1 views on offahore oil leasing. • ln tettlmony before a House Interior subcommittee today, Bradley Mid Reagan'• five-year leu&na plan for one bl.Won tlCl"M of ottinote tractl wW be louaht ln \he cow'ta. 1be ttate • won a battle Jut week when a federal JUdae tn Lot~-halted the .cheauled .aale,..of riahl* to 24 of lM tracta off the' theft\ Calltomia OOUt/ 1 That injunction, which wai upheld by the.9th Circutt Court of Al>Delll Thunda)', included all UJ -tractl o1f Newport Beach and Llluna BMch. Bradfey told the 1Ubcommhte the ault wu fUed by the atate becauM Secretary of Interior James Watt failed to heed objectlona from the atate and coutal citiee Involved that the i4 u.ctt were too environmentally · aenalttve to risk offahore drillin.a. Military cornrnanders 111eet He flld that, unl .. 1 1uch environmental and ec:onomJcal concern• are taken into contlderatlon by the Interior Depar1me0t. It can expect more delays and more laWluitl to halt leuina of drUlina n,htl to the Outer Continentaf Shelf. "There aeemt to be no recoanttlon that the new IChech.Je will intenaily lJll&atton leases thJt wlll delay the proper execuUon of the OCS procram,'' Bradley told the lnvettl1aUve 1ubcommlt~. "Without major chan1e1 In , OCS policy. there will be continued confrontation• that will be totally at oddt with this admlnl1tratlon'1 e1fort1 to increue the role and voice of atate and local sovemmenta," he said. Bradley, the Deinocratic Party nominee for Calllomia SoVemor ln November, uld Witt'• llve- year leulnl plan "indlcatea that virtually every area that local government sought to exclude from leasing will aoon be included in new lease aales." • Argenlina . announces ceflSe-f ire OVER~CldftER -Ronald Broyles of Broylm llbout three to climb U. U...amy Tenneeeee scales the side of the Fl.rat Interstate ikylcraper. the tallart bulJdlDIJ we.t of the Bank building in Los Angeles today. It took MI.l.ippt San Onofre agents' nab 284 illegals Tux 0-cliJd man climbs skyscraper Pentagon calls it surrender By TH A11odated Preti The Argentine Joint Chiefl of Staff announced a ''de facto" -oeaae-fire around the Falkland Ialanda capital of Stanley today, followinll a face-to-face meeting between the commanden1 of the Argentine and British forces battling for control of the South All.antic ialanda. 'Ibere was no comment from the Britiah government. The Britilh Broadcasting Cocp. reported from Buenoe A1rel that the Argentine commander liped a oeue-flre agreement with the Britiah forcea, while Pentagon IOW"Cel in Wuhington aald the Argenti.net had aurrendered. The Pentagon sourcea, who Mked to remain anonymous. aald Chey 8'1l confirmation of reports ca&lr.,AgtnUne 0•~¥¥W.. Merlendes, commandln• the eltilnated 1,000 Ar1entlh• In their lMt atronchold It Stanley, bad yielded to the Brit11b commander, Gen. Jeremy Moore. The Argentine Joint Chiefs said in a communique issued at 4:50 p.m. (12:50 p.m. PIJJ'): "At this time ln the zone of Puerto Argentino (Stanley) there is a de facto cease-fire, which has not been agreed to offlciaJly by either of the two sides." Government source• said LOS ANGELES (AP) -A 73-atory Peachtree Plaza ln Argentine Pre aide n t U.S. Border Patrol agents did man decked out in a white Atlanta. Leopoldo Galtieri waa preparing aomething a little different tuxedo ahirt, white penta, white folJc:e waited for him at the to address the nation on Sunday ~t and as • result, shoea and a black boW tie acaJed top and arre1ted him for television and radio later in· the they ne 284 illegal alipectedenta, the west face of First Intent.ate lnvea~tlon of treap111lng, day. Including a half dozen IUI Bank'• downtown •kyacraper Perez · · The BBC report made no arnugalen. today and waa pt09lPtly urested He waved to onlookers • he mention of a surrender, but said A Border Pa.fut 1pokesman at when be reached the top. police climbed, laid officer Jim Verwya. Moore and Menendez stgned "an the San Onofre highway said. '"IO be doem't appear to be too agreement" and that this was checkpoint juat south of San Office worken gawked from wned. lie lteDll to know being interpreted as a ~aae-fire. Qemente Wei extra agents were the sidewalk and from windows what be'a doing." Earlier, the Argentine Joint called up from San Diego for as the man, identified by offiotn Steve Haner, wbo work.I in the Chiefs of Staff ln Bueooe Aires 1 Sunday'• roundup. as Ronald Broyles, took about nea~by Bank of America Issued a brief communique •, The check ttaiion normally ls three houri to ecale the 62-story, ~~.:ne ~of·= sayina the British troops that. J cloaed Sunday afternoons and 859-foot building, billed u the ulpment. bAve "Deen tightening their grip evenings '° motorists can make tallest west of the Mialilllppl eq''He aae1em1 to klncl of be on Stanley for three days fought b e m 0 r f! to the outskirts of the city, where Quarantine Station The Murray Heights Stanley, East Falkland Ap Al'~o SAFE ZONE -The International Red Cross and the British government have agreed on a '"safe zone" for civilians remaining in the Falklands capital of Stanley. Map indicates boundaries of neutral wne. B, fte AIMtlaW ft.....-' larMll forta trapped suerrillai ill West Beirut today after a apectacu)ar tank charge led by Oetenee Minlater Ariel Sbaroni whoee troops blocked all roeda i.nto and out of the Lebane9e capital and left the Paleltiniana cut off by land, 1ea and air. (Related story Page A3). Sharon's men took the suburb of Baabda, site of the presidential palace, and 90tne o( hll troops made a command pelt of the local pollce barndal. Israel'• chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Raphael Eytan, rode to the edge of Beirut and said the PL.O's nerve center was "isolated, encircled and cut off." One rad1c:al Palestln1an leader vc#led an eptc ftlht to bold West Beirut lf the IaraeU. entered. But the lnvadera made no immediate move on the PLO ltJ'Onihold, and thou11nd1 of Lebaneae welco'm e d the Israelis by shoutfnl{ "shalom,'' Jtivir{g them fruit, flowers and candy. Meanwhile, ships of the U.S. 6th Fleet stood by off the port of Jounieh, 10 miles north of Beirut, to evacuate Americana and "anyone eble wanting to leave except armed Palestiniau.'' U.N. offk:ials said. But they aaid the Israelis Insisted the 6th Fleet evacuate only Americans, and none had left. Reporters confirmed the (See ISRAELI. Page A%) Four votes increase . . Crean lead to 97 r w a Y o m "I want to be a atunt man. and hoo~ into 90methina," Mid Uoualy. •L•-•-my _1 .... ou•,, ~ "---. , don't know lf he'•,,.,.... "violent combat" wu ln pl"OfP"em. BJ .JEFF ADLER telegram lut week conceding via .. ~.. ., n.uw: -... HJgh-ra .. i.i .... military IOUl'CeS ....... --... .... defeat, declared himself the Not IO Sunday When •oenta told -·n ... police led -·....a--· .. or what." '""'"'"6 --~ 'J -. ... ...,._ --wus• ..... _ in Bueno• Aires aaid Moore Travel-tr-1ler manufacturer winner Friday in the race on the kept the checkpoint open, aw~. Tho-fire department lent three radioed an invitation to talk to Johnnh! Creen 1ncreued hl.l lead ham of additional votes tallied finding illegal aliens in 39 He reached the top at 8:26 tnacl& to the acene. Firetiahten Menendez , and the two over Carbbad Mavor Ron 0 by. ~range County election vehJclel over a six-hout period. a.m., aaid police officer Clark atayed •floor below hlm. liwkle, commanders later met in PICka.rd to 97 votee today after fflciall, Six of thoee captured wtn be Perez. durina the climb, aald fire Stanley. San Dle1~ County election Unofficial vote totala today had charged with 1muggllng allent Broyles, 29, of La Follette, ~~tment apokeaman Jim (See FALKLAND. Pqe A%) official• tabOlated about 150 Cree.n lead.lng with 13,759 voia into the Untted Statet. Tenn., ·~ "cool. calm. and "If be had l'Ot1etl into trouble previously uncowtted ballots. to the 13,662 votes received by The othen -men. women re),axed and not particW.ly and we were just I floor below, s·1 f II In that very cloae conteat, Packard in the two-county and children -were taken to a tlred after the climb, r.aid Peftz. we milbt ~ve been able to IJ'&b I ver a 8 Crean now hM tncreued hll lead ~ Qranae County election holding facility south' of San The climber to~ ol acaUna the him aolnehow," WeU. aald. NEW YORK (AP) -Silver by an additional tour vot.l over oWdaJs lnd.bted ~that they Dleao ancj will be returned to United American 1Bani in · W.U. added: "Thia ii not the plummeted today to 1~ lowest hla opponent, a 50-year-old believe all of 0ranp O>unty'I Mexb>, except. for thme needed Knoxville, Tenn., lut month and tint time thia guy hat done it. price 1n aevera1 yean. f&lli.nC 45 dentist. d1atrict votee have been eot.anted aawttnemea~thealx. of sra.PPlina to the top of the Th.llllapublldtyatunt." ceni.anounceto$5.53. Crean, 33, who 1~nt a (SeeBALLOT,PqeA.i) r ..-------~~----~-----~~~-----~-------------~~~~------~-----~~~~~~~~...........,~ l'Velk ca118 it a career CONCORD (AP) -An Amerlcal}.1a1a of machinHnllde bubblel and claftd08 1n u~ 1:oom! br••d to a clole Sunday• Lawrence Well( played cbam~ mwdc in bit 1Mt pUbllc ~· f J COUNTY Disneyland alters ticlcetB Prlcel ao up at Dlme)rland an Wednmday, but the ticket C09t Will cover unlimited rlclM;. P• AB. , " ' , Court to stu·dy recorder fight WASHINOTON (AP) -The U.S . Supreme Court agreed today to referee a bUllon-dollar fip\ pitting movie producers again.st makers of lnctt~y popular home video recorders. Tbe court said It will review a rullna that the manufacturer~ may be severely penitltied for copyright lnfrlngement caused by millions of Amoricana tapln& television programs. The lower court•a ru.1Jng stunned the electronic:a lnduatry and results in 1ever&l propoeaa ln Conan-to .ettle the diaputa over the $ing of t.eJevt.ed movies and other programs. The does not subject to individual liability the estima 5 million Americana who own video recorden. Micro Gen eral gets fu nding Micro General Corporation of Irvine signed agreements to obtain $775,000 in venture capicaJ {inandng. The agreements provide for sale of 775,000 shares of convertible.preferred atock at $1 per aha.re, which are convertible, anytime with.In five years, to common stock at $.50 per shatt, subject to adjustment under certain conditions. The iauance is subject to approval of shareholders at the annual meeting acheduled in July. Purchasers include Oxford Venture Fund of Stamford, Conn., as lead investor and Innoven of Saddle Brook. N.J., and a lunited number of private investors. Down ey profits in crease Downey Savingl and Loan baaed ln Costa Mesa reports ita aavtno balance has increased $60 million this year, with $~2 million of it corning in May. The S&L also says checking accounta for the year are up 45 percent to $11.5 million in a.ccount balances. Downey says it is one of the few S&Ls in the country to show a profit in the first quarter. Hug h es d ivision gets pact A follow-on production contract, valued at approximately $25 million, for advanced audio · awHchin& tQJl~Pm•qt M•ed in -bipboa,rd aonsnunlcatioN systems ~ been awarded to Hughes Aircraft Company's.microelectronic syst.ema division U1 Irvine. The contract, awarded by the Naval Electronic Systems Command, covers funding for 1982 production of Secure Voice Switchina (SVS) systems. lt calls for 4' switches, 661 controf indicators, plus ancillary engineering services, support, training, spares and data, and an option for 40 more switches in 1983. The initial contract, awarded in 1980, covered funding for 58 ab1p sets. The first production SVS unit was delivered to the Navy last June, two months ahead of achedule. STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS •''~ _,.,. .. " -h ..... . ..., '9 -.. • '9 "'> ·~ .. . ·~ '"' METALS NEW YOAt< (AP) -Spot notiterToue nwtal prtoes tocltly: c....., 1~15 oent9 • pound. u.a. ~ u.. 2$-27 Clntl • pound. ZJM 36-37 c.nt. • pound, ~ 1" '5.1888 ....... W• C:OO'llj:lU!ll lb. •11•'R-1&-nOlfttl1 pounc1. N,Y. __, 1370.00 per .... ,......_ 1297.00 ~ CJL, IU. SILVER H1ndy a H1rm1n, l5.843 per troy ~