HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-18 - Orange Coast Pilot• • Dou e s ay1ng suspect held • Ill HB jail By PWL SNEIDERMAN ()('1t19 .,.., Not .... R ene Flores Dayco, 41, remained in Huntington Beach City Jail today, awaiting an arraignment, tentatively scheduled Monday, on charges that he hacked to death his wife a n d m o ther-In -law in the family's Huntington Beach home. Tuyco's three young children, found alive and safe with their father in Rosarito Beach, Mex., early Thursday, were in Orange County's Albert Sitton Home for children today. Autho rities said a relative would break the news to the children today concerning their mother's and grandmother's deaths. Dayco is suspected of using a sharp instrument to slay his wife Shirley, 27. and his mother-in- law. Phyllis Harbulak, 65, in a bedroom of the family's home a t 14952 Sunnycrest Lane. Police said Mexican police confiscated a number of bloody knives, including a meat cleaver, from the trunk of Dayco's gold 1980 Pontiac Firebird. Officers said they had located Dayco, an auto mechanic for Southern California Edison, through information provided by the man's family and friends. Dayco's ex-wife. who resides in West Covina, told police Dayco had called her and asked that she bring his passport to a San Diego location. Huntington Beac h officers traveled to that location but found Dayco had left. Police Lt. Merle Schneblln said a second tip came from another woman, who police did not identify. The woman told officers she had received a telephone call from Dayco, with the operator identifying the origin of the call as Rosarito Beach. A c ting o n a desc ription provided by Huntington Beach police, Mexican authorities s potted Dayco's Firebird at a local motel and took him and the children into custody early Thursday, police saiQ. Huntington Beach officers transported Dayco and the children to Huntington Beach Thursday afternoon. Police had been searching for Dayco since the grisly discovery We dnesday morning of the mutilated bodies of his wife and mother-in-law. . Mrs. Dayco's sister had contacted police after she was unable to reach Mrs. Dayco by telephone. Also, Mrs. Dayco, a licensed vocational nurse at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, had failed to appear at work. An Orange County Coroner 's spokesman said Thursday an autopsy revealed that the two women bled to death as a result of severe lacerations. After the bo dies were discovered, police launched a hunt for Mrs. Dayco's estranged husband and for the couple's (See SLAYINGS, Page A%) Argentina's chief • to resrgn ioday By The Associated Press Gen. Leopoldo F. Galtieri, ou sted as army comma nder because of the Falklands defeat, said h e will quit t oday as Argentina's president. Interior Minister Alfredo Saint Jean takes over as interim president, but expectations are he will be succeeded either by the foreign minister or the air force chief. "The generals . . . want me to resign, which I am willing to do today to maintain the unity of the army and the armed forces," Gallier! told reporters before retiring for his final night in the Pink House, the presidential palace in Buenos Aries. "I do so. aware of the His name is as familiar as the label on their favorite beverage to literally tens of thousands of wine fans - especially those who like to read about the fermented grape. H e is Jerry D . M ead, author of the column Mead on Wine that for a dozen years has been one of the most wide ly read and circulated feature of its kind on the West Coast, and , starting today, he is a regular contributor to the Daily Pilot. His weekend columns will appear each Friday in the Weekender and he also will r eport wine news in a NATION responsibility this means but sure that it can contribute . . . in a positive way to the feelings of the Argentine nation and its international policy." Galtieri's ouster Thursday as army commander cost him his seat on the three-man ruling- junta of army, navy and air force chJefs. His departure from the presidency was co nsidered certain from that time. MeanwhJle, Britain said it was given a guarantee of safe passage for British ships to return Argentine prisoners from the Falkland Islands directly to Argentina, and a spokesman for Prime Minister M argaret (See FALKLAND, Page AZ ) Mead on Wine By Jerry D. Mead midweek column to appear Wednesdays in the Daily Pilot Food Section. The debut column today is the first of a series of three in which Mead reports on the highly regarded Orange County Fair commercial wine competition. It's on Page 13 of the Weekender, inside this edition of the Daily Pilot. Pot peril I or papas A study sho~s that heavy use of marijuana can adversely affect men's reproductive systems. Page B5. TELEVISION · 'Dukes,' 'Dallas' distorted? . Are "The Dukes of Hau.ant" and "Dallas" shows that give children a distorted view of life and spawn deetructive behavior? Page B7. . 4 • 'Balboa' actress survivor Actre9I Catherine Campbell stuck it out and la appeAr'ina in a feature movie, 11Balboa," with Tony CUrtia. \Veekender. 1 I RESCUE SCENE -David Acosta, age unknown by Costa Mesa firemen, is led from a burning van that crashed and rolled down the embankment alongside Cost.a Mesa Freeway,- Mesa saves • man life in crash A 31-year-old Costa Mesa man was credited today with saving the life of a motorist he pulled from a burning van Thursday afternoon. F.d Hanley was southbound on the Costa Mesa freeway about 4:~0 p.m. when he said he noticed a van in front of him swerving near MacArthur Boulevard . The vehicle, driven by David Acosta, ase unknown, according to Costa Mesa fire officials, crashed and rolled down an embankment near Paularino Avenue. be~qre bursting into flames. L \ Hanley told fireme n he raced down the e mbankm ent and J>ulled Acosta from the burning vehicle. "Th e damn thing was burning," said Hanley. It scared the hell out of me. He kept telling me there was someone else inside." The 31-year-old plumber said he ran back to the burning van and looked for anyone e lse trapped in the vehicle. There was RESCUER -F.d Hanley is credited with saving the life of a Costa Mesa man h e dragged from a burning van. no one inside, he said. Costa Mesa Fire .officia ls extinguished the blaze in 15 minutes. Acosta was not injured in the accident. Damage to the Volkswagen bus was estimated at about $700. YDUI llllTDll IAllY PAPll D.ity Piiot Photoe by Krrin N. Koeter near Paularino Avenue, Thursday afternoon. The flames threw a smoke cloud into the sky that was visible for miles to freeway travelers. ·Israelis advancing on PLO in Beirut By The Associat ed Press Tightening their stranglehold on the bunkers of Vasser Arafat's besieged Palestinian guerrillas, Is raeli t r oops moved into Christian eat Beirut today and advanced to th e green line frontier with predominantly Moslem west Beirut. The I s raeli infantryme n pushed closer to the guerrilla lrenches in the west one day after Arafat challenged the Israelis to attack, vowing h e would tum the Lebanese capital into their graveyard. Meanwhile, sporadic shelling resumed around hastily built guerrilla redoubts near the Beirut international airport on the southern edge of the city. Phalangist Christian militiamen. who have held the eastern half of Beirut since this nation's 1975-76 civil war, guided Israeli allies through their territory to the demarcation line, Witnesses said. The troops drove through the streets of east Beirut in armored personnel carriers and parked . near checkpoints where civilian traffic moved unimpeded to and from west Beirut. Blacls-bereted Lebanese army commandos checked identities under the watchful eye of the Israelis. Most of the traffic was Crom west to east, as Camilies sought to flee from a feared Israeli drive to crush the nerve center of the Palestine Liberation Organization in IRest Beirut. The forward Israeli positions were within sight of Syrian army checkpoints on the west side of the green line, but there was no show of hostility between them. An Israeli-Syrian cease-fire has been in force the past week. In other parts of the shrinking Palestinian base, guerri~ were raising earth barricades across main avenues and planting minefields with the h elp of pneumatic drills. George Babash, leader of the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, told a west Beirut news conference the (See ISRAELI, Page A2 ) Mystery planet sought • • in spaee MOUNTAIN VIEW (AP) - Two far -ranging Pioneer spacecraft are scanning the fringes of the solar system for an unseen object, which scientists su s pect might be larger than Earth and perhaps as massive as the sun. Peculiarities in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune . the seventh and eighth planet£ from the sun, make it "very likely there's something out there," said John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. But it's "impossible to predict . . . what we might find.'' he told a news conference Thursday at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Ames Research Center here. "I've looked al many possibilities and I don't like any o f them very much ." Anderson, who heads the search, s aid the possibilities include a 10th planet, a cold, dark star, or even a black hole. But he cited complications that would make any of lh06e theories hard to explain. The search is being made by Pioneers 10 and 11, which left home a decade ago and made the first explorations of Jupiter and Saturn. Pio n eer 1 O. now 2 'h billion miles away. has gone farther into space than any other prot>e and will be beyond all the The mural depicting Ku Klux Kia\\ figures has finally been hung at Irvine High Sdiool, but the con troversy and apprehension have not died down. Page Bl. Jazz fest at Irvine Bowl The Preservation Hall Jazz Band will aerve up jazz New Orleans style at Laguna's Irvine Bowl. Weekender. BUSINESS I • : ;.,: . I -·.... • ,,. I . Broken and banken are no more help than a randomly aimed dart for amall investors, 'l&)'I a man who founded an orpnlzatton to give 1erioua savers the information they need. P881 A 7. \ t known planets in July 1983. The spacecraft, both pronounced in good shape, are on opposite sides of the sun and moving into space at more than 30,000 mph. Anderson said some distant object seems to be exerting a gravitational pull on Uranus and Neptune because the orbits of the big planets vary slightly Crom what astronomers had expected. Such orbital perturbations were used ln 1846 to predict the presence of Neptune, which was discovered almost exactly where it was calculated to be. Pluto, the most distant of the nine known planets. was spotted in 19M after being similarly predicted. INDEX Astronomers on ce t h ought Pluto was affecting Neptune and Uranus, but observations the past few years show the planet is. too small to have any measurable effect. Ames scientists are searching for the unknown gravitational source by looking for changes it should cause in the Pioneers' paths. Anderson said the team will start analyzing a year of data in October and "we should be able to detect a force that we think is there." H e said several year s of observations would be needed to pinpoint the location and nature of the object. At Your Service Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Home/Garden A4 C6-7 B2 Dl-8 B4 B4 02 A6 B6 Horoecope Intermission Ann Landers Mutual Funds Public Notkes Sports B2 Weekender B2 C6 B6,7;D2 Cl-5 CT A2 A3 Stock Markets Weather World News The bll namee had trouble in the openina round of the u.s. Open aolf champlcnlblp. Peae Cl. • a Orange OQUt DAILY .. llOTl,rtd1Y, June 18, 1982 ... Placentia :Relar.ded rights ruled . FALKLAND ·1stx NDS . • • Thatch r Hid tho 1hlp1 were expected to lall l•~r ln the day. him amona Influential offlcera. ln~rlor Mtnlater Alfredo Saint Jean, an army 1eneral, wlll au~eed Galtlerl aa Interim prealdent "'1ldtr \he AraenUne conatltutlon'• rule of 1ucceulon . to fight cutbacks A financially bedraaaled Ora.nse Coun\)' echool d.iltrtct -amons the poorest In California -challenaed the atate Department of Education Thunday and won a tentative victory that could forestall or le.en cut.I In state aid. Supreme '-'ourt demands training, education WASHINGTON (AP) -The u .s. Supl'ft\W Court rW.cl today that mentally rttarded lndlvlduala committed to atate ln1tltutlon1 mu1t be alven training and education In addition to food, houalng and medical care. Umited I Nte'I rtahtt to ahtckl ot' otberwi9e Nltnin patlentl tn mental lNtttutlona . The opinion, written by Juatice Lewil F. Powell, aald a patient'• "liberty lnteresta require the atate to provide minimally adequate or reasonable trainina to ensure aa(ety and freedom from undue reatralnt." to .. ure auch N1ety or to needed tralnlng. II cue at hand, he wrote, "the minimally adtquate training required by the Conatitulion I.I auch training as may be reaaonable in light of (the patient'•) liberty intereata in safety and freedom from unreaaonable reatrainta. Howe~r. the 1pok111nan aald, no Maurance h•d been recelvl'd ,.that Araentlna conaldered .hot\llltJee In the Falklands at an end. Lacking that .. urance, a ,number o f hlaher-ranklng lJ>Nonera would remain British J>rllOnera, he said. Mllhary 1ource1 1tre11ed, howover, that Saint Jean'a presidency would be brief because of hll llnka with Galtierl. The independent Argentine news agency DYN said Galtierl and Saint Jean were the only officers among the ruling military who wouldn't admit \he undeclared Falklands war was over. Superior .Cow:t J\ldo-Tllo.Ill~ . F. Croaby Jr. INild he would laue a limited preliminary injunction next week requlrlng the at.ate to take a cloeer look at the troubled Placentia Unified School District before implementing any cu\.I in 1dd. The court'• 8-1 vote, lnvolvlna a dilpute over a Pennaylvanla mental lNtitution, 11 • vlctcry for the more than 100,000 1uch pailenta in the United Sl,f tea. The rullna alto ae~erely Powell added that offlciale "may not reatraln residenta except 'when and to the extent professional judgment deell\ll thla ''In determlnln1 what 111 'reasonable' -ln this and In any case presenting a claim for training by a itate -we emphaaiie that court.a must show deference to the judgment exercised by a qualified profes.oslonal" .. There was no Indication which t90rt would be the destination for the Canberra, carrying some 4, 000 Argentine priaonen, most of .them young conscript.a, and the .Norland, with another l,000 ,aboard. Officials said the shipe ~ould have to make other runs Jo complete the repetriauon of Jnorc than 10.000 pmoners taken when the Argentine garrison on 1he Falklands surrendered Monday. 1 Four thousand Argentine prisoners waiting to leave the ~reezing Falklands on the British .-hip Canberra clapped and ,::heered when they heard of Galtieri's ouster, the British Broadcasting Corp. reported rtoday. i Gen. Cristino Nicolaides, 57, a .hardliner who heads the Buenos Aires-based 1st Army Cor ps, succeeds Galrteri as commander of the army and its representative on the junta, despite what military sources said was only partial backing for Sources close to the government told The Assoclated Pressche leading candidates for president were Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez and the air force chief, Gen. Brasilia Lami Dow. Lami Dozo, the most liberal of the junta members, is highly respected because of the. heavy damage his pilots inflicted on British ships during the fighting. , Costa Mendez also is enjoying increased prestige for developing a compromise plan to repatriate captured Argentine troops via neighboring Uruguay, circumventing Galtieri's refusal to guarantee British ships safe passage to Argentina. Other distric\.I have expressed interest in joining the Placentia suit. The Capistrano Unified School District fUed a motion to intervene which will be considered Thursday by Judge Crosby. The Placentia 'district had sought an order to prevent the anticipated cutbacks beginning July 1 because it claimed the state was relying on an "archaic formula" that was unconstitutional and violated the spirit of the landmark Serrano decision. The Serrano ruling called for equall7.ed state aid to districts, rich and poor, with no more than a $100 difference in funding per pupil. ISRAEL INVASION . • • Currently, the Placentia district receives $1,814 per pupil from the state while the nearby Los Alamitos School District. one of the wealthiest in Orange County, receives $2,182. guerrillas would never lay down their arms. But he said 1f the Israelis withdrew the guerrillas would (jiscuss "any que.stion the national figures will put in front of us," indicating the PLO might renegotiate its status in Lebanon. There was no comment on today's advance from the military command ln Tel Aviv. • Israel radio said, meanwhile, that the Israeli government decided to reject an urgent request by U.S . Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. to ~r essure the Christian !1"'halangists to lay down their arms. t Haig's proposal apparently was imed at preventin g the hrfstians from stonning west ~eir~t as surrogates for the lsraehs. ~ · "A battle they want, a battle ;they shall get, and so many times ;i small band of devout warriors vanquishes a huge army ," .Arafat, the chairman of the 'Palestine Liberation Organization, said Thursday in ;tn emotional speech broadcast by the Voice of Palestine radio. "The battle for Bdrut is just beginning. Coastal Light variable wlnda thr<>vgh tonight BK081>t aout~ to -t 10 to 16 knou alt•rnoon. Southwut swells 1 to 3 ffft Mostly cl••r afternoon end even1na Boat on Brownsvtle Bu"•lo Burlington Casper Charlttn SC Charlstn WV Charltt• NC Cheyenne Chtcago Cincinnati Cleveland C1mbla SC V S S Cokimbvt . . ummary g:;c:n wth Thunder110tm1 str•tcn.d lrom o.n- Central Callfornla through Iha Dee M~ central Roc:Jty Mountains and Into Detroit Iha wast• r n 0 r aa t Lake 1 Duluth Thursday al1ernoon El Paso A IC>tnado touc!Wld down near Fargo M l •ml Beach • .,,Y In th• Fl~taff attwnoon, cauaino 80M4I damege Great Fali. but no lnlwlea . Hartford The Na1lona1 Weather s.Mc. Helen• reQOr1ed that It .,... .. moe11y eunny Honolulu i~e tht'oughout the nat!Of\ Houaton he foracut for today wu for lndnaplla ll•red thundershowers over Jeckan MS Gr•at Baaln and from the Jllcilnvtle th-cecllral Aocfl ... acrou the Kans City alaalppl V•lley Into th• Ohio Las Vegas ley and touthern Great IM!ee ume Rock owen •lao -• •xpected OV9' Louisville hortham N-Englend end eoma Lubbock fhundershoware were e11pec;te<1 Memphl• bver Florida. Sunny •kNlt -• Miami torecut etaewhere. Milwaukee California Southern C•lllornle aklee will begin clearlng thla al1ernoon, Wl1h cfeer sic let IOrecllat lor S9turO.y •fl•rnoon alao alter night and morning low Clou<ll and clrtall. W8'trter Saturd•Y Oraonge County high• et eo 70 today, Iowa 58 10 62. Sa""'9y hlQha 68 to 74 lnland valleya cen eJll)eet llWlt In low 70• today, upper 10• Saturday. LOWI tonight In 50I. Mountelna wlM Mve hlQN In 70. today, 7S to 6S Sriifdey. LOWI In '09 Cllanoe of a ,_ t~ In Tetlectl....._ Northerll dw«t hlgfw 11 to M. tow. a2 to 72. SOutllem ~ hlgfa 98 to IOS, lows upper toe. ~ 3 to S degr ... .,._ Setvrdey. NOflhem and Ofnt,., Cellfomle mo1t1y f•lr through Saturdey l0l09Pt lof low clouda and IOQ along COMt. Chan<:e of a ..W ahower1 over 1outhern 81trfl today. Temperatures NA"°' 75~~ t2 a t2 .. 71 et .u " ee 12 ee .oe t2 n 12 • et 4f M .. . to 41 .. . Mpla·SI P Nuhvllle N-Orleans N-Yorlt. N0<1oik No Platte Okla City Omaha Orlando Ptllledpllla Ptloenlx PltttbutVfl Ptland ..... Ptland. Or• Providence ~ sen Lilk• San Antonio Seettle ~ St loult St P·T.,,._ St Ste Merill 8potcane SyracuM Topella TUG80n Tu IN Wuhlngln Wldllte "Beirut. the graveya.rQ of the invaders, shall be the Stalingrad of the Arabs." he said, referring to the Soviet city where thousands of Russians died fighting to repel the Nazis in World War II. The state is having to cut back ajd to school districts throughout California because of the severe financial straits in which it finds Itself. Israel has said it does not want to invade Beirut because of the bloodbath that would almost ~ertainly result from house-to- house fighting. Judge Crosby. however, said Thursday it is his belief the Department of Education's method of reducing that aid appears unconstitutional. He also chastised the state for taking so long to fulfill the equal-funding requirements of Serrano. The United States is striving to hammer together a lasting ~ase-fire in Lebanon as Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin :>repares to defend Israel's nvasion before a largely hostile U.N. ~nera1 Assembly. He said each district in California was entitled to be treated on an individual basis before cuts are enacted. Haig met Begin at breakfast for about 90 minutes today and Haig said they had "a very important and serious discussion" on the situation in Lebanon. Attorneys for the state Department of Education said the funds being Jost by Placentia are not enough to affect the quality of education there. The 17,000-student district's oudget is about $30 million. Tourists stranded ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Thousands of tourists were stranded at A thens airport Thursday when flight attendants of Olympic Airways went on a 4'4 -hour strike that forced cancellation of 73 of 75 scheduled national flights. But altorney uavid Larson, representing the district, said the Placentia schools are in dire straits. Varying estimates were given for the amount of aid Placentia could lose. Local school officials claimed it could amount to more than $800,000. Slight warming 79 61 .01 95 77 67 55 71 51 61 45 .02 80 70 1.90 77 55 .01 83 67 .86 6-4 46 .25 76 52 7S 53 73 51 81 68 75 51 89 70 10 SS 53 68 51 98 78 63 73 57 60 38 96 6-4 68 45 78 39 66 46 .13 7S 61 73 43 .03 87 73 92 80 73 56 87 68 82 70 2.37 81 66 .01 102 73 82 63 78 55 93 82 ,6S 84 68 85 81 1.23 77 48 .04 73 •53 63 58 89 69 81 86 86 69 43 76 58 83 63 77 80 .06 80 72 3.84 82 66 107 76 68 48 70 54 40 92 62 80 62 lie 66 .38 90 53 32 85 57 .07 93 73 83 51 68 87 n 56 :oo 60 M 75 74 3.62 53 32 .GI lie 59 73 50 84 63 .47 101 65 87 69 .02 82 68 .10 87 83 1.42 ( • Fronts: Cold.,. Wann ,... CAL#'ORHIA Balc«Sf~d 100 78 Blythe 102 Eurella 80 Frnno 91 65 Lancu19f 86 60 L09 Ange!N 65 511 MatySvlU • Ge Monte<ey 68 Ne.dlee 104 Oakland 68 Puo Roblel 69 58 Red Bluff 108 69 Redwood City 78 S8 S11Ct•mento 64 S5 s .. 1nu 62 52 San Francleco 60 S3 S•nta Bett>ara 62 57 'Santa M•rl• 65 Stockton 94 Thermal 98 Ukiah 90 Bini-101 7S Big Beer 76 40 gi.-::. : u long e..cti 70 61 Monrovte 67 S9 Ml. W1leon 77 M Newport 8-:fl 87 eo Ontatto 611 60 Palm Springa 100 67 Patldene 84 58 Sen Bernardino 11 S9 Sen Joee 71 57 Sente Ana 641 59 s.nte Cna M 5e Tahoe V.iley 82 48 PAN AMll'llCAN Acee>4Jleo 88 77 811&.ooa 78 Bermuda 16 77 Bogota &o cur-90 80 FrM4)0fl 64 78 .53 lwt .... .... .... ftN "? -Dir 11 I IW a I IW 1 2 IW , 2 IW J .. • Guldllajer• Guadeloupe Havana Kingston Montego Bay Mu.atlan Merida M•xk:o City Montwrey Nueau 891' Ju•n Teguclg•IP• Trinidad v..-acruz Smog 9S 63 90 77 .04 75 1.36 90 80 93 73 90 77 72 84 52 75 68 72 90 78 84 64 1.18 88 73 -78 Wh•r• to call (loll free) for lat•t amog Information: Of'ang9 County: (800) 445-3829 lot AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 Alvetllde and San Bernardino countlee: (8001367-4710 AOMO Epl800t Center: (800) 242-4e&e • Extended Forecast Sund•)'· Tu•-4•)': CoHt•I ., .... night 1nd morning low cloUdt othiMwlM fllr. HIQlla 70 IO 74 •t b.-:hee and 78 to M lnl#ld valleyl. LOM 58 to 64. Mountain .,..., ,.., but 1101M •"emoon clouda. Aeeol1 leWI hight 78 lo 85. LOWI In the 60t. HTURDAY u u Flrlt IOw l :M a.m. 0.1 =:~11-Ul1.m. U ..,... 1r81p.m, 1.1 8-MI high 1:15 p.f!', t.1 ~ .... ~ a\ 1.-07 p.m., ri. ~et l:Ai •.m. M90f1 ,... tode1 et a:n a.111., Mttet8:0lp.111. DellJ Plklt l'tloto by Charin ltarr RETURNED -An unidentified Huntington Beach police officer escorts murder suspect Re ne Dayco to the Huntington Beach city jail after Dayco was returned from Mexico. Which cop's arresting? LOS ANGELES (AP) -A policewoman and a male officer. eoch unaware of the other's identity, tried to arrest each other while working undercover in a vice cr~ckdown, polic:e said. The officers were working in the Hollywood area as part of a drive on prostitution when the male officer approached the policewoman ln the belief she was a prostitute, said Lt. Dan Cooke. The man allegedly asked the woman if she would perform a sex act for a specific sum and she agreed, then both identified themselves as police officers. Cooke said Tuesday. From Page A1 SLAYINGs·. • three children, Alea, 6; Rene Jr., 5; and Naomi, 1. Court records indicated Mrs. Dayco had filed for an annulment of her marriage on the grounds that Dayco had been married previously in his homeland, the Philippines. Authorities said their children were fn good health when they were returned to Orange County Thursday but were apparently unaware of their mother's death. Tall ships join Philadelphia party PHILADELPHIA (AP) -It looked like old times on the Delaware River as 30 tall ships escorted by thousands of small $30 000 bb ones sailed into Penn's Landfog , rO er y for Philadelphia's 300th birthday SAN FRANCISCO (AP) _ A party while more than a million people watched. woman and a man bran~hing a "We haven't had so many gun tied up four employees in a sailing vessels on the Delaware downtown American Express for over 100 years," said Capt. office and stole $30,000 from cash Martin Moynihan of the Coast drawers, police said. The robbery Guard's Eagle after Thursday's occurred about 10:30 a .m . spectacular. 20-mile "Parade of .-T_h_u_rsd_a_y_. _________ __.S~ail." The court made it clear that while 1t was approvlng sweeping rights for mentally retarded patients. it wanted to limit the intrusion by federal courts into the operations of state-run institutions. The challenge ruled on today had been filed by Nicholas Romeo, a severely retarded man involuntarily committed to the Pennhurst State School and Hospital In 1974 at age 26. ln 1976, after Romeo hlld been injured several times at the fa c ility , loc ated in the Philadelphia suburb of Spring City, his mother filed a civil rights suit against three officials of the institution. lo November t980. the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said mentally retarded people have a right to "a form of treatment that 1s regarded as acceptable for them in light of present medical o r o ther scientific knowledge The appeals court also said that any bodily restraints must be JU St1f1 ed by a "compelling necessity" and that patients have a right to personal security, including protection from attacks by other patients. Pennsylvania officials said they were required to provide such patients only.._ with "food, clothing. shelter, reasonable safety and medical care." The high court today modified the appeals court's ruling and sent the case back to a federal trial court for further consideration of Romeo's claims for monetary damages. "ln this case, therefore, the state is under a duty to provide Romeo with such training as an appropriate professional would consider reasonable t.O ensure his safety and to facilitate his ability to func tion free from bodily r~traints," Powell wrote. Car victim identified Polic e have identified an lrvine boy who was struck by a car Wednesday as Holden Bowersock. The 11 -year-old, who was at first listed in critical condition with severe head injuries, was reported in stable condition today at Western Medical Ce nter, poliC<.' said. The youngster was hit by a cac at the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Lime Street. The vehicle was driven by a Tustin man. Le banon aid OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan's request for $20 million in emergency aid for war-torn Lebanon has been approved unanimously by the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East. t11lat1ons, congra Grad~atl119 To The s2 __ front . . of f9 c1ass U At J!{'oy,r£, ·1411 of s . 1 CORONA del MAI 283 l Coast Hwy. Corono del Mar 675-9700 llVINI 4'708 lorranca Pk,. lrAnt, CA. 552-5212 • SYMBOL OF VICTORY -The Union Jack is raised over Port Howard, Wes t Falkland Island, for the first time in more than two m onth s. The flag 1s hoisted by the 40 A,~to Commando Unit of the Royal Marines. The picture was r e leased by the Ministry of Defen se and transmitted from the United Kingdom. Falkland Islander rela.tes tale of war's final day EDITOR"S NOTE The writer. an American-born re>s1dent of lhe Falkland Islands. has bl'en a part-time corrc-spondenl for Thr Associated Pres.., s1m-e 1 Y65 while employed m Stanley by lht• Falklands Co. He had· been unable to file d1spalcht-s smce lhf' Argentine invaswn April 2 For all of us. the joy was tarnished by the remembrance CYf the lives lost in the battle for this small archipelago. However, hours went by and we knew no more. There was no offictal word about a cease-fire, s urrender or wha tever. And where were the British troops? which had been recommended by Red C r oss o fficials a nd accepted, at the last moment, by both Britain and Argentina. The British troops had c-.>me in so quickly that the war was over before most of us knew where the neutral w ne w as. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Jun• ie. 1982 8 ~· A citY O'f cOlltrasts Lebanese capital presents myriad events By NICOLAS B. TATRO AHMl•ted f'r-'#r119' BEIRUT. Lebanon -In the apace of 200 yards, you can run the s pectrum of L e banon 's crazy-quilt political scene. Crossing from Christian east Beirut to the Palestinian enclave in the west. motorist.I have to talk their way past gun-toting Christian Phalangist militiamen, Lebanese army soldiers, Syrian troops, a leftist militia post and Palestinian guerrillas. It takes an experienced eye to tell them apart. Syrians have gr ee n berets, C hri s tian Pha langists carry U.S .-made M -16 assault rifles, leftist Mu rabitoun militias are camo uflaged and h atless, Lebanese a rmy regulars wear insignia showing a cedar tree with unruly branches while the Christian militia's cedar is tidy, and the Palestinians wear red berets. "I really don't understand why everyone wants to have his own checkpoint," said one Lebanese taxi driver. "l guess they just want to demonstrate their power." A convoy of Israe li troop· carrying trucks came rolling out of the mountains through the Christian-held eastern suburbs of Beirut. As the convoy screeched to a halt in front of a line of shops. a burly, bearded soldier jumped down and rushed toward a store selling lawn furniture - his arms embracing two me n standing in the door in joyous reunion. With the co nvoy idl ing patiently. a woman carrying a baby rushed out of the store and hugged the Israeli soldier. "Mama. mama." the Israeli yelled. "How are you? lt'a been &even yea.rs.'' The soldier, 32-year-old Alf Kleint. said he emigrated from Lebanon in 1975. "I used to work in this store." he said . "She is not my real mother, but she is as good as a mother to me." ln the west Beirut suburb of Bourj Abu Ha ida r , grain merchant Khalid Mughrabi was standing amidst dried beans and c hick peas scattered o n the ground from sacks blown apart by Israeli bombs. "Th e Isra e lis h ave n o humanity," he said. He pointed t o a five -s tory apartm ent com pl ex across the str eet s tripped of its facade by an Israeli air raid -turning its occupants mto refugees. Beirut's international airport. the prize sought by both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian fighting, is deserted except for a s mall continge nt of Lebanese police and army soldiers. The charred hulks o f two Middle'East Airlines planes sit on the tarmac, but only one small shell hole scars the runway. The road leading to the airport is littered with r ock s and shrapnel from heavy artillery battles between Syrian and Is r aeli forces . A wrecked armored car sits abandoned on t h e med i a n . A seemingl y untouched Soviet-made T -62 Syrian tank is nestled behind an earth embankment. Three dead horses lie atop each other at the curb. In front of a seaside west Beirut aparunent building. leftist militiamen guard a doorway to repel refugees fleeing from I sraeli -occupie d so uthern L eba n on . Others c arry ammunition boxea out of a storage shack . "See them ?," llald Sohar, a young Moslem woman at.anding in t he lobby. "They are going to prepare for a fight. Me, I am gomg upstairs to make a whtu, flag." Micha. Aimi and Moshe were camp ed with their Israeli comrades on a mountain ln Monte Verde, six milet east of the capital, dtSCussing what they had experienced in 10 days of war with the Palestinians. "The Palestinians are not particularly good fighter s ·but they are kamikazes. They would just charge at us knowing they would kill one or two of us and all o f them would die," said Micha, a curly-haired Russian immigrant to Israel who lay sh1rtll-ss on h1S rucksack. "I just want to go home," said Moshe. wearing a T-shirt that read "Time Out." His two friends agre<.>d Business failures at 50-year· high NEW YORK (AP) -More businesses failed last week than sn any week since the Depression of the 1930s, snapping a four- week slowdown in the casualty count. a private c redit 1n(ormat1on servi ce sai d Thursday The 532 failures in the week ended June L 1 were up 36 .8 percent from the 389 in the previous hohday-short.ened week and soared 70.5 percent from the 312 m the comparable week a year ago. according to Dun & Bradstreet Corp . By JOHN LEONARD STANLEY. Falkland [stands (J\P) For many of us in the islands. these are the first really relaxed breaths in 211 months, the fu-st lime the specter of death has moved away. I phoned an Ar~entine official. "You're talking to the British Marines. old fruit," came the reply. The house the Argentine had occupied had been retaken. In the Late afternoon, I walked down to the west part of town where the British troops h ad halted, pending the completion of surre nder talks. Reagan would keep control in attack Thl' end came w ith dramatic swiftness following a Sunday night in which fl'w civilians in Stanlc·y slept. so savage was the sound of the two-way artillery and rocket bombardment. The.> mght of horror gave way to astonishing early morning sights -long lines of Argentine troops filling the s treets of Stanley. exhausted . ·beaten, many almost staggering in their retreat from the British troops. Stall the artillery exchange conttnul'd. whill• the retreating troops continued to file by in thousand s. lashed by intermittent, savage snow squalls in fn>t•zing tcmperuturcs. At about 9 a.m wt• heard a short. sharp salvo of shells landing near an Argentine rocket launcher. and the firing stopped. The C>nsui ng silence was almost unbelievable. As streets gradually cleared of troops. watched by Argentine officials, officers a nd a rmy chaplains with g r im, stunned fac.-es. the air was thick with the smell of burning rubber and douds of black smoke from a burning Argentine helicopter to the ll'ft of us. More fires raged on our right, across the harbor. and at the airport several miles al>{ay. From the hotel porch on the road where I watched. the black burning silence symbolized the collapse of war which had been cold, bitter and bloody. In the faces of the islanders, some of whom had taken refuge there because troops had forced them to leave their homes so they could advance, there was awe. Fires continued to burn. the road w as pitte d with s hell craters. At the side were the bodies of two Argentin e so ldiers . apparently killed in the shelling which accom panied the final British advance, covered only by rough blankets and a sheet of <.."Orrugated iron e.ach. The hand o( one protruded, fingers curved in a frozen greeting. One hundred yards beyond I found the forward elements of 3 Comm and o Brigade. Britis h Royal Marines. Nightfall came quickly . A power failure had left the town in an ominous blacknei.s and without water. I stumbled home through the darkness, the flames of a house burning out of control lighting the far horiwn. Mortar shells stored in the house exploded occasionally, rendering effective firefighting impossible . It was one of many houses which the occupying troo p s had tak e n over for m1htary purposes. But at least the n o rmal occupants were alive and well. In three homes it was a different s tory. In e a ch . a member of the family had been killed as a result of the fighting. They were like our own relatives, and we mourned them all. Nevertheless. we were profoundly grateful that the carnage among civilians which most of us feared had not taken place. We did not even have time to use the neutral wne for civilians ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHalfled advertlalng 7141842-5871 All other department• 642~321 Thomas P. Halev ~ end Clliel 601CUl!ve ~ Key Schultz Vll>e-1 and Di<9Clor al~ Tom Murphine Edllpr Mltle Harvey Olrec!Ot Of Mef\flllng tOira.llllon) Ken GOddard ~CIO< ol ()perllJON ~y MacL.ean OofWOllr Ctier1ee0 Loot ~Edllat llillAIN OFFICE J30 WHt l ey St , COit• Mew, CA. M<lll •OOreH: Bo• ISilO, C051• Mete, CA.,,.,. COC1vr1oht "'' 0.-CoHt Publllfllno ~.,. No ""' t1Dtle\, lllulstrallon$, edKorlet m-r or .. vertlte.....,b Mreln mey tie r~.i wttlloul ~ l•f P911ft!Uloft of c~r19ht _,..,. VOL 71, NO. 1• . WASHINGTON (AP) -The R eagan admin is tration is impr oving a plan that would thwart any Soviet attempt to cut off the pr es id ent's communications with the U.S. weapons arsenal during a crisis, a staff membe r of the Na tional Security Council says. "There should be no doubt in the minds of Soviet planners that any attempts to disconnect the national command au thorities f rom con trol o f American weapons in time of crisis will fall." said Thomas C. Reed, a consultant to the NSC who is expected to be officially named today as a special assistant to the president. White House officials have said pnvately that the admlnistration 1s undertaking a n effort to correct deficiencies in the system for responding to an attack. The fonner head of the White H o use military office, Bull Gulley, asserted in a book entitled, "Breaking Cover." that the president's ability to respond to an attack and give orders to the U .S . military was questionable because of communications a nd o ther defects. For instance. Gulley raised the possibility that the president - having received word that an attack was under way -could be on a helicopter heading for his airborne strategic command post and find himself unable to give orders if White House com - munications facilities were wiped out. Reed, in a speech to the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, maintained that Reagan had given "the highest priority" to creating a plan for a survivable communications link during a crisis. "We have, we exercise and we a r e improving a plan for continuity of government," he said. Dental duty COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -The army sald it plans to draft women into military eervice for the first time ln Danish history. But they will be armed with dentist's drills rather than guns. Olly ...... Oel"lfY ... -..... ~ We're Listening ••• ( , What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your me1sa1e will be .-.corded, transcrtbed and delivered to the appropriate editor , The same 24·hour answertna service may be used to record let· ltrs lo the edjtor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephont number tor verHlcatfon, No clrculaUon call s. please. Tell us what'' on your mind 842•6086 --~ Reed gave a hint.of what the plan would cover by spelling out what func tions n eed t o be assured. "Th e presi dent needs warning," he said. "The warning system must be survivable and it must be able to handle a steady flow of inherently ambigu ous data. "The president also needs a command post structure that will sor t o ut thi s s tream o f information, provide options and provide the means to settle on a plan of action." He said the national command authorities "must be able to transmit those decisions to the forces with absolute assurance that they will be received under any and all conditions. "The president will need time: time to collect and assimilate information; time to avoid hasty a nd ill-conceived actions. This makes a survivable and enduring system imperative. "Lastl y , to limit these pressures for h asty action, the president. personally, must be confident that should he not sur vive a surprise a ttack, his legally designated successors will have these same capabilities." A~~I NON-COMBATANTS -A Lebanese Carmer rides his donkey on a road leading to Nabatiyeh, southern Lebanon , under the prote<:tion of a makeshift white flag. Israeli troops .ha ve been • keeping a tight control on m ovements along roads m the area since they captured southern Lebanon last week . ----------- BEST of LEE'S CARPETS SALE 1 ·-------------------------------------------t MUL Tl-COLORED TWIST SAXONY PLUSH A MULTI-TONE Multl-tone 1 Ultron yarns are twisted and luxurious saxony plush made saxony plush. the ultlmate heat-set to add to the with Ultron nylon-today's for luxurious living. Designed 1 carpet's ablllty to retain Its most durable long-wearing for years of good looks. appearance ofer years of carpet fiber. Mo\9 fashion Ultron nylon face fibers give wear. In a dellghtful array of colors make It easy to this carpet soll resisting and color and style. Perfect for coo rd I n ate w Ith yo u r easy cleaning f~atures you'll busy homes. particular decor. love. $1 asolat $14 50 ..... Installed Prices lnclud~ NZX-3600 span~ rubber pad We H•ve 90 Day · NO INTEREST TERMS •••• fO.A.C., . DE l\.T'S Live the llf• f:~ of LMa : iiiSiillitiOii :."custom draperies:' UC.M0.-- • PHOf€ 646-2355 . • t • I . • senior discount data By PAT HOROWITZ Of 1M l)lltf Net ltelt DEAR PAT: I've MlD acro11 • lot of bulDff•ff tMt offtr dl1couat1 to 1ulor cltlaea1, but I've woadere4 lf 1'ere la uy 1tatewlde U1tl11 of aeolor dlacoaat pro1ram1. · K.W., La1ua Beacll The two-year project of the Department of CoJVumer Affaira, called "Golden State Senior Ol.coun\ Prosrun." ahou.ld be helpful. There are now approximately 76 senior discount Pl'Oll'am!I ln California communlt.l.ea with 200,000 dllcount card.a laued to tenlors. Con tact the Golden State Senior Otacount i · Prosram by w riting to 1020 N St., Room 501, Sacramento 95814, or by phoning (916) 323-7235. Thia office can provide information about existing programs or Information about starting a Senior Discount Program. Gil ts are never taxable DEAR PAT: My frandparenu gave me U,500 for a graduaUon present. WU that be taxable to me? · F.J., Coata Meaa The Internal Revenue Service says a gift is never taxable to the recipient. However .. any income derived from the gift at a later date would be taxable. 'Super' glue bond b~ittle DEAR PAT: Do the glues tbat advertlae "one drop will bold 5,000 pounds" work as claimed? Also, wbat would you do If tbJs kind of glue was accidentally spilled? E .L., Costa Meaa Although it's true that one drop of cyanoacrylate glue per aquare b\Ch will hold more than &,000 poundt, thll glue la quite brittle. The dry adhesive la Uke a 1heet of slaa, and a llnale blow With a hammer CM rupture the bond. Jr.aily cyano11Crylate 81Uet were developed for non-pordua materiall 1uch u glue, metal, rubber, one porcelalnl and molt plutlca. Newer product.I hav~ been' developed for leather, wood and other porous materials. Although cyanoacrylatet cure rapidly, bondlnl In Jeu than 10 aeconda, a drop of acetone or nail pollah remover wlll lOOlen atucll f!fls era or clean up other accld~~- lfeart study needs volunteers DEAR READERS: A national study lnvett1galln8 the poealble link between cholesterol and heart dlaue -under way at the University of Southern California School of Medicine and three other lites -ls ttlll accepting volunteers. . Participants must have had a first and only heart attack within the past five years, be age 29 to 64, and have no history of heart surgery or stroke. Travel expenses will be reimbuned and lQdgtng wW be provided for participants In the study, which la supported by the National Institutes of Health. For Information about becoming a volunteer, phone l,JSC, collect, at (213) 482-~l l. .answered. ''Got 8 problem? Then write tD Pat Horowitz. Pat wW cut red tape, pttin/l the .uvwen and action you need to lllOlve Jnequ1tle1 in AOvetnment and business. Mail your queStioos to Pat Horowitz, At Your Servire, Ormge CollBt Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, Coats Me.a, CA 92618. As many letten a po9/ble will be Robnsons A' Wffphoto WATER SPORTS -Deep puddles left by heavy rains this week in Mi~west City, Okla ., were put to good use by 6-year-old Tjay Haynes, who splashed up to his ears in fun and mud. SUMMER SALE AND CLEARANCE s1z99 FAMOUS MAKER FlnED DRESS SHIRTS Special. From the name synonymous with contemporary European fit comes the stripe look to meet all your business needs. In blue. pink, yellow, or tan on white polyester/cotton. 14 1/1 to 16 112. 32/33 and 34/35 sleeves. The tie? Just one lrom • our extensive collection of polyester/silk and polyester/ cotton stripes and solids. Reg. $13.50. Sale $9.99. Robin~on·s Drnss Shirts and 11es. 201156 To order, call toll·free 1-800·345·8501 s13.99 JWR SHORT SLEEVE OXFORD CLOTH SHIRTS Reg. $1~.50. Or how to combine traditional button-down style with warm·we~ther comfort White, blue. or yellow cotton/polyester. 14 V2 to 16 V2 . Also available in an assortment o! stripes. Reg . $19 50. Sale $14.99. Shown with our pure silk tie from a group of stripes and prints. Special $10.99. Robinson's Dress Shirts and Ties. 201 156. To order. call toll-free 1-800·345·8501. -, SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: FRIDAY 10-9:30. SATURDAY 10-7. SUNDAY 11-6. 20% off FAMOUS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN r..~G~t.'\.f UITS, SPORTCOATS, The 1ooks you need to convey your message with authority and Style. In a lavish assortment of textures. colors. and patterns. But don't delay. Quantities are l.ifliited to stock on hand. subject to prior sale. Suits. Orig. $175·$295. Sale S139·S229. Sportcoats. Ong. $150·$195. Sale $119·$149. Pants. Orig. $47.50·$75. Sale $37.99-$59.99. Robinson's Men's Clothing and Sportswear Clothing, 35195. Nominal charge for alterations on sale items. " "' ! Orang• Coe1t DAIL.Y PILOT/Friday, June 18, 1982 Al Girl, 9, tea_ches video game seminar , U you'... a fruatrat.ed vldeo l llM JUnkle, Mtl•• lriu1 11 \Hehiril a aummer 1c:hool clua few you. Oran*1, M pn ta only 9 y an old. But 1h '• a muter at 1uch 1tctronlc enter\&lrunenta u Pac- Man, Clrcua, Warlordl and Ntaht Driver. And on June 22, Mesan will teeoh a video same eemlnar for players a'ea 6 through 12 1-t P ullma n a Community Free Untventty in Washington 1tate. 1 Her father, Paul, ls coordinator of the free 1ehool. Dr. Frank J . Jlrka Jr .. a fonner president of the lllinois Medical Society who served on presidential and gubernatorial committees on employment of the handicapped, is president- elect of the American Medical AsaoclatJon. Jirka, a urologist practicing in the Chicago suburbs of Barrington and Berwyn, was elected to the position during the AMA's House of Delegates convention in Chicago. J irka, who will beeome J>resident next year. succeeds William Y. Rial, of Swarthmore, Pa. Ben dix Chairman William Agee and Ma ry Cunningham, married June 6, held a wedding reception for 200 friends at the 11111/flCll Ver1111le1 Ballroom ln the Holm1ley Palace Hotel, Now York. Ouettt Included newswomen Barbara Wa ltt n and Jaae Pauley~ fem· lnlat Gloria Steinem and publi1he r Ka t lta rl n e , Graltam. Another wu F e lice S c~wa ru , pre\iden t of Catalyst, a n o n -p r o f i t CUNNIMOHAM national women's organiza- tion. Before she resigned Crom Bendix in 1981 Ms. Cunningham had risen in little more than a year from being Agee'• executive assistant to vice president for corporate and public affairs. She and Agf:e both denied they _ developed an office romance. A longtime village employee turned down a 5 percent wage increase, saying he prefers to "take my lumps • just like the people in town." Harry Bush, superintendent of public works, told the Paw Paw (Mich.) Village Council that he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ........ ~ .. did not want the lncreue that would hove ralaed hl1 1alary from $30,000 to $31.~00 annually. "I'm not trylns to be noble," the 67-year-old Buah aaid. "But I figure I'm eart of MaJn Street, and MaJn Street ia having lta problems." To c elebrate her 82nd birthday, Helen Giere took a ride 360 feet over the Gulf of Mexico -hanging from a parachute as It was towed by a motorboat. "My sister disapproves of me and my bright colors." the white-haired woman from Albuquerque, N.M., said, smiling. "Wait until ahe hears about this." Mrs. Giere , dressed In a lavender bathing suit, took the parasail ride and said: "It was abao l utely wonde rful marvelous up there." Shannon Brooks oC Vancouver,. Wash.. at 15 has become a cover girl. She was chosen an New York at the Waldorf-Astoria as winner of the 21st annual High School Cover Girl Contest, sponsored by Co-Ed magazine and the NoxeU Corp. Miss Brooks was one of nine finalists b~ught to New York to flash their smiles and modestly clasp their hands as the judges decided whose picture would be The Robinsons Gift on the front of Co·Ed11 Octobor luue. Miu Shannon alao won $4,000. A Maricopa County (Ariz.) Superior Court judge lost his owri cue again. The Board of Supervisors denied a $100 claim by Judge Michael 8 . Dann who said his monogrammed ~ricfcase was stolen from his court office in August. The briefcase was locked in his office while he was on vacation, but the office was opened to allow a ~t-tlme judge to use it, Dann satd, adding that the briefcase was gone when he returned to work. An aide to Gov. E dmund Brown J r. quit to work on Brown's campaign for a U.S . Senate seat. Brown announced that Lucien C. Haaa, 64, of Pacific Palisades, will be a speech writer and issues adviser. His title in th& gov- ernor's office is director of pro- grams and pohcy. Haas has been a California field 5eeretary for U.S. Sen. AJan Cranston, and associate press sec retary for Goy. Edmund "Pat" Brown. ln the Blog Crosby household, spankings were given out by WE'VE SEVEN WAYS TO TURN YOUR DAD'S HOME • INTO HIS CASTLE~ ON SALE: s15.99.s119 ·· . FOUR·ZONE CLOCK. A Keep Dad 1n tune with lhe 11mes with our quartz·movement clock set. cast in Armeta1e' by Wilton, a metal alloy with lt'le look ol peW1er w 111 be $140 1n1roouclory sale $119. LEATHER·COVE" FLASK. C With a brass·tone jigger a~ a cover Brown top,gra1n leathitr NEW YORK FATHER'S DAY COMMEMORATI VE MUG. B Casi ol pewter· look Armelale~ a fusion of len d1fferenl metals. 10 least your dad with style By Wtllon Will be S20 lnlroductory sale S 15.99 From Sheltonware 5'>eclal 111.11 .... __ -,, CLllllllll R IHIP WIHE DtCANT~" HT. G Handsomely etched crystal for y<>Ur captain lncluOes 111/i·ln decanter. she •11t·ln glasses By Toscany Rao SSO Sale •·• LEATHER TRAVEL BAR. F Includes lwo flasks. Jigger botlle opener, and spoon/olive spear Handsome top·gra1n finish 1n brown, wllh lock·key closing By Shellonware Will be $65 Introductory sale ~9.99 A,. Wlrepftolo JACKPOT WINNER -Maxine Warre n is $49,240 richer after "four little guys in barrels" rolled up on a &lot machine in Reno. Mrs. Warren, 84. and her husband, L yman, are shown after returning home to Glendale, Ore., with the booty. mother and the butler, while dad's discipline took a morl' "1nsp1 ratiopal _form," Crosby's daughter says. said "Mother or the butler, Alan Fisher, whom we all adorl'd, did the spanking." In an inte rview in Parade magazine. actress Mary Crosby Flsher has since become butler for Prince Charles and Princess Diana. DistinctiveF _a_s_h_io_n ____ g,~·" · Every Sunday WORLD MAP ICE BUCKET. D Ideal lor world 1rave1prc; or lhose who wish lhey werP Bv Sheltonware Will be S~ lniroductory sale S29.99 WORLD MAP GLASS SET. E Perfect como1emen1s 10 the ma1ch1n9 ice buckel handsome s1and1nq alone Set ol s1, oy Sheltonware Wi ll be $30 ln1roduc1ory sale $24.99 Regular prices become effective Satutday. June 26 Robinson s Gilts. 59 To order. call toll·lree 1·800·345·8501 ' YOU CAN NOW CHARGE YOUR ROBINSON'S PURCHASES ON THE AMERICAN EX.f»REW CARD AS WELL AS YOUR ROBINSON'S CREDIT CMD. ... \. • I ) I .. I I t I I I ' I ' I • J I 1 I i ~ °" 1 • ' ' ~ ~ # i , • ' > .. . i .. ...... Or1n99 OOllt OAll.V PILOT/Frtdey, JUM 11, 1811 Litigation clouds future of airport Strip away all the rhetoric about John Wayne Airport and the lllue boila d~wn to one of control. · Who's golna to be in charge of the future decialons af fectina the embattled facility? WW lt be the county of Oran,e? The city of Newport Beach? The comm~ial airlines? The Federal A viatlon Adtt\lnistration? Today. each of thoee parties has a s1a}(e in the future of the airport. Each of them, in one way or another, is involved in airport- related litigation. There's only one reason each is fighting so valiantly for control. At every turn, the county government, as owner of the airport, appears to be losing in the fight. It spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on an airport master plan only to see it go down in legal flames b efore Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner. Sumner's final order gave some power over air p or t ' development to Newport Beach, and, hence, expanded that city's share of control. The county spent three years trying to develop a plan to regulate which commercial airlines serve the airport. Two plans were rejected by a federal judge. The county appealed and persuaded a higher court that it 1hould be permitted to adopt a Jllan. At flnt blush, it would appear con trot over the access iaaue swung back into the count y's favor. Momentarily, perhaps. The appeals court also ordered a trlal on issues raised by the air c;arriers Wlhappy with the county's access plan. Who can predict what the outcome of that long and complicated trial will be? Next on the doc ket is a challenge by Frontier Airlines to a county rule forbidding carriers from flying non -stop to destinations more than 500 miles away. Again, no predictions can be made. But even some county airport officials doubt the rule will survive a court challenge. How far will the litigation go? How far can it go? If past ls prologue, the county's ability to do .)ll"Ythlng with the airport will be caught in a legal Gordian knot for years to come. Should litigation -rather than cooperation -prevail? The attorneys. who reap considerable fees out of the courtroom jousting will tell you great legal issues are at stake. But m the end', what really is at stake are the selfish interests of the individual parties. Too bad they can't see that and try to compromise rather than to confront. Plan unenforceable There's no denying that affordable housing for Orange County's elderly is in short supply. But was a program to permit construction of so-cal.led "granny houses" on lots already occupied by another dwelling unit the best way to increase the supply? Several months ago, when county supervisors first looked at the idea it seemed like a good one. But as is often the case, further study revealed many deficiencies. For that reason, we have no quarrel with supervisors' action to abandon further con sideration of the granny housing program. What came to light is that it would be next to impossible to insure that only elderly persons (defined as 60 years old or older) would occupy any of the small cottage-like units that might be built. At least one supervisor warned that a new bureaucracy might be necessary to enforce the e lders-only provision. Another supervisor, an attorney, said such a restriction might be of questionable legality, anyway. And what about the effect of adding additional units, however small. in congested areas -such as many coastal neighborhoods - where parking and access problems already exist? The board's action will apply only to t h e unincorp<>rated territory. What cities may do is for their councils to decide. The state Legislature a uthorized the plan, but left its implementation up to local governments. But from our v iew, county supervisors did the right thing. No program at all is Car better than ohe rife with unenforceable provisions and potentia ll y negative impact. Farmlands threatened A warning that the nations of the world, both rich and poor, are destroying farmland needed to feed future generations is sounded in a lengthy survey sponsored by the International Institute for Environment and Development. I ss ued on th e 10th anniversary of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, the survey notes that pressures of limited resources are forcing millions of people in poorer nations to eat seed com instead of planting it, burn cow dung as fuel instead of using it to enrich the soil, and to cultivate steep slopes until preciOliilf soil is washing away down rivers. Even the United States, called "th e world's breadbasket country," is losing valuable land to s h opping centers, airports, highways and the like, including a disproportio nate share of the flattest and most fertile fields, the report says. Of about 540 million acres of U.S. cropland, a million acres is paved over, flooded or built on every year. Elaewhere, tropical rain forests are disappearing at the • remarkable rate of 35 acres a minute. On a more positive note, researchers found that pollution of the oceans now seems less widespread; that some countries have made great strides in reducing pollution both in the air and in their rivers; and that more than 100 countries now have agencies or ministries monitoring e nvironmental hazards and the progress being made in their control. As an example of changing attitudes toward the environment, the report cited the fact that less than a decade ago the idea that a common h ousehold spray could damage the earth 's stratospheric ozone layer was regarded by many as science fiction. Today nations have joined to develop a world treaty to prevent just such ozone depletion. While surveys and studies will not in themse lves prevent environmental damage, they can at least increase our awareness and promote controls that can make our small planet a safer and more comfortable place for those who come after us. ,Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Inv it· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (7U) 642·4321. ORANGE COAST 11aily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Put:>l lsher Thomas A. lt\Urpfllne Editor larblr• Kr•lbidt Editorial Page Editor • ... . I I!!! ' ' ~ • .• .. • NI 10 Kll.L AN 15RAE LI . Israel's Patton..:style ieneral WASHINGTON -The man directly in charge of Israel's punitive expedition against Palestine Liberation Organization strongholds in Lebanon, Maj. Gen. Rafael Eitan, is a cocky, singleminded soldier who scoffs at peaceful l\egotiations to achieve national goals. This is the confidential assessment of U.S. intelligence analysts. Eitan is a latter-day George Patton, who "has faith in the strength of his forces and knows total victory can be achieved," the psychological profile says of the Israeli chief of staff. ''He is not concerned with the nuances of territorial prerogatives. Winner takes all and the enemy who loses the battle loees the war aod relinquishes all rights to his possessions." THE CONFIDENTIAL profile, one oC a series on Middle East leaders obtained by my associate Indy Badhwar, is not flattering to Eitan. He is characterized as a rather simpleminded, trigger-happy warrior, who, at the age of 50, "has not matured beyond the young officer of a parachutist's mentality." The assessment says Eitan is "happy in planning and leading battles," and continues: "He is unaware of the costs to men's lives and the financial strain on his country and allies, because he is too identified with the game rather than the purpose ... He is the center of his world, with little sensitivity to others in his environment except those who, through need for his strength, can communicate with him." One Israeli leader who reportedly can communicate w i th Eitan is Prim e Minister Me nachem Begin, whose hardline policies please the general. Insofar as he thinks about politics at all, Eitan appears to share Begin's view that Q -J1-c1-11-a-1a-so-1 -~ Israel must depend for survival on her own military might rather than the diplomatic support of friends. One reason Eitan admires Begin, the intelligence profile suggests, is that ''rigidity in purpose and thought are to him (Eitan) signs of commitment and s trength." Those who propose non- military solutions as instruments of Israeli national policy ''baffle" the general. -~asically , Eitan is described as a slQillful, loyal, dedicated fighting man, who "needs only an order (to) be off to solve the proljlem in a military manner," the profile states, adding: "The more daring the operation, th e m o r e attractive; the closer personal contact with the enemy, the better. He would be unhappy dropping bombs or serving as an artillery officer lobbing shells. The smell of battle is a ttrac tive and necessary.'' Like "Blood-and·Guts" Pa tton, the political na1f who was thi: must flamboyant. and pt-rhaps m<>lot l'f lt-ct1Vt<, Amencan combat ronunanck·r m World War ll. Ell.an "wants nu amb1gu1tv ll'fl to put the victory or dt•f<'JI 1t1 drn1ht," the report concludes ··He kn o w s pol1l1<"al 1s..,ues intellectually. but ft't ho. th.11 t.dk'> dnd d I SCUSSl<J ns a re ltJtJ s I (J \\ l u ::.c• lt I e problems," the prohll• l'1mt1nuc·:-Blood and battle, E1tan b .. •ht:v1·s. '.111 · 1no1t• decisiv e than cr,nflrCtll•" .i nd negotiations." He sc-eks l'umhJt "\.\1th li ttle concern Cor the purpoSt• 111 h;otth• ur the politJc:al objec:t1vf'::." MANY ISRAELIS ~ E11..in ,., .111oth1·r Moshe Dayan, but thb 0\ nlooks the political astuteness of th1.· 1.,u gt•rwr.11 Dayan's political strength was h,1.,•·d l>rl his militar y success as wt·ll .i... ht:-. personal charisma He· dbO ..,uff1·r1•d the political consequt'nt·1.·-. ul tll .... pour showmg m the 1973 Wdr Unlik e Dayan, E1t:.in }i,,,. 11M1·r experienced m1htary dek.1t .. md 1t 1s doubtful that he knows m lart>:> enough about pun.·h pohllt.tl llldller-. t•> withstand a setbac:k m his c hos• 11 ... phi n Footnote: I report(:d l<ii-t month •m .1 similar intell1gencC' prof1lt-11( :'\h·11adw111 Begin. It foretold his resp11n-.1 tu th1 PLO problem in suuthern Le IJ,,11<111 noting that Begin bt.111 \ ,., .J11\ expression of curbs <m the sdntlll v ol tl11• J ew ish state, or the potenu.il A1 ab infringement on lsraeh terntory. (:-.hould be) dealt with severely .. Leader lifts National Guard image Using the governor's Council Chambers as a setting, the California National Guard staged a n unusual exerciae last week. It was the graduation of 25 members of the Guard's IMPACT (Innovative Military Program and Career Training) corps, a program whereln disadvantaged youths are given job and self-discipline training. Since the program's start 800 have completed the training and 90 percent of those hav e found permanent employment. Of the current class, 80 percent were selected to go to military active-duty schools for further training. THE PROGRAM IS just one of the many imaginative changes which have been made by Major General Frank J . Schober, Jr., since ta.king oommand of the state's National Guard in 1975. Prior to that the Guard, viewed by many as a kind of senior Boy Scout organization, had served as a convenient escape from the draft for many young people. -But at the ti m e of Schober's appointment the draft law had been repealed and the ranks of the Guard had commenced to dwindle. Schober, who resigned from the regular Army after 18 years, during whk h he won the Bronze IARL WITIRS Star in Vietnam, to take the job, was confronted with the task of rebuilding. With the advantage of being the first professional soldier to ever head California's National Guard, Schobel has turned things around iJ, his seven years as commanding officer to the point where it has b ecome th e m ost outstanding Guard in the nation. From a loose organization of rag-a· tags. his units are now most creditable military forces and in fact outshone the regular army's best 82nd Airborne Division during recent war game exercises. Balance life's unfairness When an underling .complained that something was "unfair" in the White House set-up, Jack Kennedy:;;i· ported to have snapped back at hlm, Life is unfair!" This piece of stoical philosophy Is supposed to help us bite the bullet and ~ SYlllY 111111 ~ ·accept the injustices that come our way. I happen to look upon It quite differently. Life, of coune, a unfair. Misfortune can happen to anyone at any time, from an uaaaaination to an avalanche. Nature is, If not hostile, at least indifferent to our fates: when a plane crubes, the innocent perish along with the guilty. But this ls all the more reuon for us to 1trive for u much falrnea aa J>C*ible in human relations. Since we are the pawns of fate, or accident, In a naturalistic 1enae, we ou1ht to do everythln1 in our power to support and safeguard one another ln a h~ eenae. We tbould not Mid our own unfalrnell to the aleclal indifference of the COlmOa. We ahOuld not impoee addlt.lont.l banien or handlcap1 ~OW' own •pedes, but rather Join 1n a collective effort \0 make ttNt alobe a Un.le af.-, a lltlle nm MCure, more equal In apnadlna the benefits and averting the perils. It is precisely because life is ~ capricious in its non-human aspects that we have an obligation to inject as much fairness and decency as we can into our relationships, whether they be social or economic or marital or parental. There is enough undeserved agony in the world without our adding to it by personal unfairness, either actively or by our passive aqulescence in injustice to another. This is not sentimentalism; lt is simply good sense. That "no man is an island" is more than a rellgioua incantation; It is a -social and biological Imperative on this tiny spacdhip we call the earth, whirling through the cosmos to a problematic future. It ii both alo'rlous and perilous to be allve. Joya and delights, and sorrows and ml1fortune1, lurk around every corner. Our (p"Nt enemy is time and the unknown, yet we expend most of our energy In fl&htlng one another, rather than banding against our common foe. The et1enilal u.nfalmeea of llle, the vast lmpereonall\y of nature, ls • candlt.ion·to be restated and rectified as much u pcmlble. not to be ac.Upted with • fataliaUc ahrua and compoUnded by our own contribution to conlllct. If by our efforts, 1ln1Jy and collectively, we c&nno\ make life fairer -ln th<* elementa that are within human control -what meanina and what value can we find to Juit1fy man'• "brief authority" upoo thla petty pt.net? Schober's fu-st task upon .t:>Summg co m m a n d w a s to c I ea r r1 u t t h c• "deadwood" which c:ons1st.ed l.irgi·h •of "good old boys" selected th rough mfluence rather than abtl1t\. It \,,,,not the easiest job but mt rit won ovt·r political 1nflu enee and with 1h1s accomplishmen t mur.dt• s11.1n·d .and trairung ex re lled His attention thc·n turn1·d to the problems of recruiting to rc>bu1ld the diminishing strength of the Gu;1rd No d o ubt his Ho me L oa n Program , patterned after the Califorruo Veteran Ho me Lo an plan. as wt'll as his Benevolent Fund which prov1dt-s aid to needy Guard members. have furnished incentives for e nlistments. but the professionalism which he ha.' attained for the Guard IS probably thl• dominant attraction for recruits Schober recognized early on th.it the Guard could not hope to get suff1c1ent modern war weaponry for I.raining Bui his use of simulated arms provided a satisfactory subsutut<' for tratnmg Thal plan has been copied nationwidr UNDER THE st.atc•s const1tut1on the Guard must be ready to render tud m earthquake, fire. flood and other disasters and has responded 349 times LO such calls during Schober's JeadC'tship T he Guard must also be ready to aid local law m not c.'Ontrol and one of Schober's a major achievements has been the establishment of LEAF. the La\v Enforcement Assistance Fon:c These troops are specially trained to dl'al with civil disorder without excess1vc force and stand as a valuable aid to local law agencies. His many positive achievements as head of the Guard make Schober ea'>ily the most outstanding and llA.usual of all those Gov. Jerry Brown has brought into state government. And the fact that Schober has studiously remained non- politic.al among a group of highly volatile politic.al activists is yet more evidence o1 his high degree of professio~allsm • GLDDMY liUI . Isn't it handy to have the ~·hour flu 80 we C8.0 take an occulonal day off, then get well ln time for payday? OFFICE SLAVE Small investors · given ·a hand IY JOHN CUNNIFF ., .......... ....,.. Jamea Cloonan founded the American Auoclatlon of Individual lnve1tor1 alter determlning that "there waa very little real help out thel't'" for the amall, 1er1oua, long-term Investor. "Broken know very little about Investing," he aald carefully In an Interview. A cool, low-key, trim man, younger looking than his ~e of 50, he reflect.a 41nd says exactly what 1 he lntendl to aay. ''Most mutual funds do a bit worse than dart throwers," he said softly, no tone of accusation in lhe worm. He does, in fact, believe that no-load mutual funds may have a place In some portfolios. "Bank trust departments," he continued in the same considered manner, "are among the worst investment managers in the country." Investme nt advisers in general? "If anyone had a way to make 'excess' returns he wouldn't tell you," he answered. "If you can make 35 percent why should you tell someone else?" But, he says, if individuals are provided with education, guid a nce, materials and CUHNl'1' psychological help, all of which the non.profit, Chicago-I offers. they can do well on their own. "Well," however, m y be less t n many small and unsuccessful inv tors are accusto ed to seeking. "Nobcxiy, unle cky, is going to outperform the market drastically," Cloonan states flatly. What you can do, he suggests, is "improve to somewhat better than average." Or, as he stared another time, if the dart thrower gets 15 percent maybe the informed investor can obtain 20 percent or so. The first step toward that goal, he continued, "is to stop being worse than average and then develop to better than average." The suggestion, of course, 1s that the best way in which to take that step 1s to join the AAII. Cloonan. formerly a professor of marketing and quantitative methods at DePaul University, consultant, and chief executive officer of Heinold Securities. founded the non-profit AAII in February 1979 The association has grown to 39,000 members who pay $35 a year for, among other things, a monthly journal, once-a-year analyses of taxes and no-load mutual funds, .and computer programs. Home s tudy ma terials a nd seminars also are available, but at additional cost. The goal of the AAll , says Cloonan, is educational, "to do for the serious imrestor what other organizations do for professionals." Comparab}f. he said , to the activities of organizations such as the American Marketing Association and Financi!il Analysts Federation. The approach is somewhat scholarly, since AAil believes investing is a serious, long-term and usually profitable endeavor rather than a somewhat frivolous, exciting, speculative and possibly rewarding game Individual Investors mus t dive rsify, says Cloonan. "Ten go-go Jocks are less nsky than one blue chip.'' he says. Not to diversify, he clauns, is "a grevious error." You can , he contends. "get rid of two-thirds of the risk by diversifying." If you can't own at least seven stocks, he maintains, your best stock market outlet is a no-load fund. Never, he says, buy preferred s tock. The yield-risk ratio is poor and they're not as safe as bonds. They're a corporate vehicle; corporations obtain tax advantages not available to inividuals, he explains. "The commission is better than bonds by four to one," he says. Shirt enterprise taxpayer 'fleece' WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. William Proxmire has bestowed his latest Golden Fl Award on federal agencies which gave $700,000 to a T -shirt making e nterprise with a star-studded board of directors. The non-profit enterprise, Giant Step Inc .. · promised to teach minority youth how to make T-shirts, and the Commerc:e Department awarded it a $443,570 grant \n September 1977. The Labor Department chipped an another $260,000. "Not one T -shirt was produced for sale: not one minority youth found a job. but the taxpayer lost his shirt," said Proxmire, a Wisconsin Democrat who grantt the awards periodically for what he considers ridiculous government expenditures. Giant Step's president is former football star Roosevelt "Rosie" Grier. and its board of directors · included Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis: John Y. Brown, now governor of Kentucky, and singe r Ray Charles. Actress Marlo Thomas was lis ted as SJX'<.'ial adviser. A woman at an answering service for the Los Angeles offi ce of Giant Step said that no one would be in the office until Monday. "They're here every day, "'°DlllM but not this week," she said. Grier did not return calls made to the office earlier in the day. An aide to,. Proxmire said that Commerce Department auditors in S3'1l Francisco recommended that the government try to recover $443,000 of the money. Proxmire said the enterprise was a "spectacular failure." Only 76 trainees enrolled and none received usable training, he said. R11i1t1r For Su1111111r Sohool Enroll this Sat. /Sun. 12 to 5 for student & adult cleseee at Huntington Centec atartlng July 6. . . It Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, June 18, 1982 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 1922 A Tradition for 80 Ye1ra 1912 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M. Reeervettona HlghlJ •Ull"ted 845-7077 LOWER UVl!l, IUUOCK'S WING OVER 12 HOT .t COLD ENTREEB PHONI: 545-<M 15 112 IMPORTED .t DOltlBSTIC WINES Flneet of VHI, 3elected Beef, F'"h S.efood a Poultry SA.VE -UP TO ON INTEWVISION~ WITH PUBCHASE. OF MASTER COMPONENT THRU JUNE 20, 1982 • $20 MASTER COMPONENT REBATE CHECK BY MAIL +$JO FIVE GAME sso CARTRIDGE -TOTAL CHECK-COUPONS -SAVINGS BY MAIL' llUIUlY, THIS OFFER EXPIRES ON FATHER'S DAY JUNE 20TH! t M•ltel In<: 11162 All R19hts Rese~ r·------------------------------~ Un UP TO l&AllUI COllP'OllEllT CASH 11wn IY lllM fflOll MA ml g Tiie -· M&alet ~ -De UM( CMTlllOGf CHECll COIWOlll ll llAll,,.,. llATTll I pu1ct>ue0""" June 20 1982 Pun:ha-Delore J\lne ,.~ I ..... ,..,... lo gel'°"' S20 00 '**• c:ll«'l on !Tie Mast.. 10 1882 a/ICI ~ J\jl'9 20 1~ .... nol be ............ fOt Along W!ffl you< S20 00 Mu1et -·~-R ,.,.., .... S ~ . ,... ...,......... Mf1d you. booklel Of,,.,,. -1 d>ec:ll<OUPOlll good lot I I 1 Purcl\IH"' lntetlMSlon' Mut .. Comoonent fat~ ""',_. o!!w Flellet• r~ muSl be postrnal!ced ~ 10 S30 00 ol lhe OUCheM of 10 lnlellMaion' oeine •260ll) !Mi .JuM 20 11182 on ot llelo<e July 3• 1992 Mallet is nol resoonS<Ole lor cen..ogea Checl! ~.,.good '°'ail.~' I 2 Comolete4Y ro1 wi DOii> '"'' IT\lll-111 cet1Jfocate -t,,. I06I 111• °' """''ec:ted ""~ game c:atMdgea Of yo11< ChOICe ~ penods lnt..,..llOI'' pUrChlH regi11ta110t'1 c110 pedled "' Ille 7 IJIOw 111" 10 e<ghl-IOI r-.>1 ol reOlt• .,_ 0'1 eecll Cf** I lnte411Yl9'on • bo• Ml-boCh rte<ns wrth you<1 0'19"'111 8 Oller suo,ed 10 ••a.tel>tf•ly Of 1~' Mutet The $30 oo c:tlec:lt-coupon o11 .. 11 good only on Mutlf -cull rec.tpl 10 Component llld good only..,.,.. IUpply lasts No ~ pu!Chllll l'llldt thru .iun. 20, l~ You I ON ......,. 1' ftRQ'ION• JntetllvillC)f'I' Cesl\ Rebete llincheeli °' Oiiier price Pfod\ICI gu1r1n1ees rnade by must fill out Ill ~rf91t11r1tto11 "'lonNllJ011 lbove to I .....,. a ~ • ~ Bo• 1 N8661 e1 P110. r .... 1~11 181111er1 '"'"11e rionore<J tie elilltl>le '°' tne IPIClll ooupo11 _.., D w:en & 'W'I:' ftE J To Qutllty lof the S20 00 reblt• by mall, •A thfff rte<'lls I ~·a:. ur~flJl :-'11e11e..::.:,·,,.· ongwi•• '°"" No reprOCIUClion• I • Offer good only Ill USA nu m•~··n celtlflClll IS NAME ______________ _._ ________ _ I I NtEW\/ilSION. non·tT1nsl.,11H. 1no non·reproouctl>le.A"Y 11Jes 11• Please "''"1 cie1tly I mus! lie Plld bycu1tomer Ollet YOtCI ,.,,.,. PIOl\ll><ted AOOAESS l .. ed or Olhetwtse rn!ncted -------------- • ..-..a11inont ~ _.""" s Oller 11m;ted 10 °"' •eblt• per hOUsel'IOl<I. l<ldreo OI I • ~"''"':1"' 1 ~~I organlllbon CITY STATE ZIP:..-___ _ .. ~ -~· -------------------------------'Check~uoons good IOI' 10 lntelhv1s1on• game cartridges of your choice dunno spec1hc periods shown on each check Game cartndges subJec1 10 ava1lab1hty and may be 1n short supply FE~DCO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES STORE t DCATIONB FEOCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837-4481 " 1~J5 S LA tlf NfC.JA 0L "fJ I (J~ ANC,[l E'S 'JOOH, FEOCO VAN NUYS r:'l3J 186 086 1 FtOCO COSTA MESA r 114 J 9 79 2660 3030 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO SAN DIEGO ( 1 t4J 762 24 11 • 11 :00 AM lo 1:00 PM lA C1£NEGA • W BERNARDINO I SM DIE80 ITOREI 12:00NOONto1:00 PM "' 149?0 R/IY'MFR <; TRff T VAt I I JU f~. 1J MO', FEOCO PASADENA (?l:JJ 449 8620 54TH & E'ucu o SAN 01EG0 92 10~ FEOCO SAN IEllNAllOINO ( 114 J 888 4 I 8 I ONTMIO • CERIUTOI • COSTA MW • PUAO£U t wt NUYI ITOMI 311 1 E COLORADO BLVD PASADENA 9 ' 10/ FfDCO CERRITOS (2 r 3J 860 ! 7 Ir 11!'>?5 SOUTH STRffl Cr:RRITOS 90/Ul 570 S MT VERNON AVE SAN BERNARDINO 92410 NEW FEOCO ONTARIO (11') H1_.300 2534 S. Archibald Ave., Onterlo 91781 AU ITOREI CLOIED WEDNESDAYS OPEN TO F.EDCO MEMBERS ONLY SATURDAYS • All STORES 1D:OO AM lo l:DO PM SUNDAYS • ALL STORH 1D:OI AM lo S:DO PM • • • Ofange <10Ut DAILY PILOT/l'rtday, June 11, 1812 An~~tme The anH-Bell t»lll . connnues to. move through Congress. -The time to speak out Is now } . / If H .. R. 5158 becomes law, . it will aid foreign competition, handcuff Bell Laboratories' research, and forCe Bell customers to subsidize other companies for years to come. Your opinion is influential in Washington. The thousands of letters from Bell System share owners, written in response to my message to you some months ago, caused many. many members of Con- gress to take a closer look at the issues. Laboratories research and Western Electric manuf ac- turtng processes; -increase govemmen t regulation in the name of promoting competition; Most of your letters arrived before Congress recessed for the Easter holiday. Now, the legislative calendar is moving ahead .. Arid so is H.R. 5158. The bill is now before the full House Energy and Com- .merce Committee, and a vote may be taken soon. -encourage foreign competitors and erect new barriers to the introduction of Bell System innovations; -legislate handicaps and shackles which apply to AT&T and only to AT&T ' -H .R 5158 will virtually ensure years of law- suits in connection with the divestiture of the Bell operating companies and, in the meantime. disrupt access to the financial markets. Your opinion will make a ~rence. Please write or telephone your U.S. Representative now. The Congress is responsive to the electorate, but only if you express your opinion when the time comes to do so. If you have any doubt about how your inter- ests. as well as the publics interest, would be compro- mised by H.R. 5158 in its present form, may I remind you of some of its flaws. If you need ~ore information on H. R. 5158 or the names of members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, please telephone toll free: 800 257-5050. lfyou live in New J ersey. call Legal tangles. An international folly. 800 452-0200. The numbers will be in operation from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. H.R. 5158 is. as The Washington Post has commented. "excessively cumbersome:· The Post said the bill could create ··an even greater tangle of legal restrictions than the past one from which divestiture is now supposed to free AT&T" Please speak out foe your country and your company. It is not your self-interest alone which compels careful examination of the many unwise and unfair provisions contained in H. R. 5158. The Amer- Dr. Otto Eckstein, chairman of Data Resources. Inc., and Professor of Econom- ics at Harvard University. is only one of many authorities who have expressed objections to tlle bill. He has called H.R. 5158 a "folly" because it would undermine Americas interna- tional competitive position "in _ one of the half dozen critical areas of high technology, the telecommunications field :' H .R. 5158will: -require Bell customers to subsi.dize other long dis- tance companies; -give foreign-based com- petitors access to Bell • Why AT&T ls spending share owner money to publlah thla advertisement: A Committee vote on H.R. 5 158 may be taken soon . and this newspaper advertisement Is the quickest. most economical means to reach share owners with the facts while there ts still lime to act. Our opponent Is not the U.S. Congress. We are up against a consortium of big. resourceful competitors. both foreign and domestic. They are persisting in a vigorous a n ti-Bell campaign because they have much. to gain from some provis ions ofH .R. 5158. You can be certain yo ur representative In Congress Is hearing from iliem. . Our opponent Is also the complexity of the issues , that must be resolved. the implications and details of which are as yet fully understood by only a l'}andf ul of people. This makes It easy for special Interests Lo get away with the myth that H. R. 5158 Is somehow mostly designed to protect consumers against higher local phone rates. Thesei'ire the reasons why you need to express your point of vlc!w to your Represen:ftlve In Congress. And why your Representative dese s to hear from you-now. before the vote. We are aware, of course. that any people who are not Bell System share owners wllJ read this message. We see no harm In that. If these arguments for the fair treatment of share owners andlor evenhanded national policy cannot stand the test of public scrutiny. they will . surety not stand the test of scrutiny by the Congress. . ican consumer. the American ~ worker and Americas leader- ship in telecommunications \\;ll, in the end, be protected- or compromised-by whatever new national policies the Con- gress adopts and enacts. As it stands, H.R. 5158 is a bad bill. The workload of the Congress is heavy. The legi&la- tive_agenda is loaded with diffi- cult issues. Lets not sit by idly and watch bad legislative pro- posals advance because we failed to speak out. Please com- municate with your Represen- tative in Congress and do so right away-today. u~ C.L. Brown. Chairman. AT&T ... FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1882 • 111c•111 THE caum CAVALCADE COMICS GARDENING I ~' ~,,, Tim.e to escape summer chills ON THE ROAD AGAIN. DEPT. -Enough of this dripping coastal morning weather. Fog and chill in the air. It's tiine to get out ampng 'em and h ead for one of the scenic wonderspots of our Golden State. Once again, I'm off to Modesto. Actually, our destination on this Discover California jaunt isn't really Modesto · but any time I'm pass~g through or in the general r-'\ vi~inity of that wonderspot TOM MURPHINI ~~of our s~te breadbasket, I -~ never mtSS the chance to ________ ........... .-........ linger for a few restful days. 82 84 86 '1:.error lirma' i ju i one of the places Hugh Mulligan finds ,. Obverse Engli h. Page 82. Most recently, we saw the son of our household pass through the portals of learning at Cal State Fullerton . Having labored long years for a degree of higher learning~ he has now earned the right to wander out into the world and search for a job. ARTISTIC EXPRESSION OVERHEAD -After a year-long controversy about whether it should be displayed. students' mural entitled "One World -One People" has been installed in the Irvine High School's media center. IT WAS AN ABSOLUTELY wonderful open-air graduaJion ceremony. Perhaps in honor of the job market, however, they did play a lot of slow music. Now it's off and running to the far reaches of the state where a daughter is going to get similar treatment ~t UC Davis. Davis is on the other side of Modesto. It is dangerously near Sacramento but little of that political influence has ever rubbed off on Aggie undergraduates. The town of Davis itself can be ~ if you blink once on the nearby freeway. It is noted as an Thi.s can't be the Davts campus -there isn't any water tower ... environmental center in our agricultural belt with a lot of solar heating panels on residential roofs. MOST UNIVERSITIES have an ivy-covered spire or a bell tower as a landmark. You know you're approaching the UC Davis campus when you look up and see the big elevated water tower that is emblazoned, "CAL AGGIES." You're there. Cal Davis is noted for churning o ut a lot of veterinarians, agriculturalists, scientists of the aggie arts and winemakers. When you think of· a winemaker, you probably come up with the mental image of a little old man with whiskers and a funny Swiss hat, wearing square-rimmed spectacles. Just like the old TV commercial. . When you meet a real California Winemaster, however, she is probably very good lookihg, wears a scientist's white smock, carries a calculator in one hand and has a degree from UC Davis in winemaking in h er purse. THESE WHIZ KIDS have turned what the Europeans have always wanted us to believe is an art into a science and before they're through, they may prove that 50,000 Frenchmen CAN be wrong. It is uncertain whether or no~ they'll be playing slow music at the UC Davis commencement exercises. Despite troubled economic times, the winemaking dodge seems to be doing pretty well. And as for vets? Listen, people will take faithful dog Tre to the doctor when he just whines once and in the meantime, they'll let their own ulcers go. YES INDEED, folks will fix Fido and guzzle no matter what dipsy-doodles the stock market is taking. So your faithful correspondent can hardly wait to hit the pavement of old Interstate 5 and get to do a stopover at Kettleman City. See you in a couple of days along this best ,.9(-all possible coasts. \ ~ibrary set ·1 or summer \ Orange Coast College's Library wili\Qbeerve its summer schedule Monday through Aug. 13. During that period the library will be open Monday through Thunday from 8 &Jll. to 9 p.m .. and Friday from 8 a.m . to 4:30 p.m. It will close on weekends. The library will be closed Aug. 14-29, and will re-open for the faU eemester on Monday, Aug. 30. STUDENT PAINTER Duong Phan described the mural's ins tallation as "a relief." OC's draft compliance rate lowest By JEFF ADLER Of !he D•ty Piiot 8t.tf Draft-age Californians are registering in numbers far lower than their counterparts in other states and registrations in Orange County continue to trail even the state average. California, according to s tatistics released by the Selective Service System, has the lowest registration compliance rate in the nation at 83.4 percent· compared to a national median of 9 l percent. Orange County's compliance rate among draft-age men is 80.6 percent. according to the statistics released by Selective Service oUicials in Sacramento. 'The statistics r e el ect the compliance ra tes that resulted from the registratio n grace period imposed by President Reagan earlier in the year and take into account all registrations as of March 31. 1982. Later this month, a list of 18-year-olds in Califomifi who have n ot complied with the registration requirement will be turned over to the U.S. Justice Department for possible prosecutton. said Keith Lamb, the Select1ve Service System's state director. He pointed out that young men are required to register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. The reql,\irement applies to all men born in 1960 or after and failure to register is a felony that carries a maximum penalty of $10,000 or five years in prison. Montana leads the nation in draft registrations. with a compliance rate of 97.5 percent, while New York posted an 86 percent compliance rate, Ohio 95 percent and Florida, 94 percent. In other California counties, Los Angeles County posted a 75.2 percent compliance record while in San Diego County, 76.5 percent of all draf t-age men complied with t h e federal requirement. Lamb added that eligible males who have not ye t registered can do so by filling out a form at any U.S. posl office. Mural's up, anger down Hanging controversy: Educational or 'ridiculous display of insen sitivity'? By SANDIE JOY Of the Delly Piiot 8teH An air of resignation tinged with relief and residua l apprehension hangs over Irvine High School since installation of a mural with a scene depicting the Ku Klux Klan. "It was a relief," said student muralist Duong P han, when the mural went up last Thursday in the school's media center. "It wasn't that a big a deal," the graduating senior said of the year-lo ng centroversy about whether the KKK panel was racist. Lamont Wilson. another senior who origin ally o pposed the mural because he believed the KKK panel was offensive to fe llow black students, took a different view "I have mixed feelings," said Wilson. "It"s a nice mural. I like it but I don't think the students of this school arc ready for it." The 48-foot-long mural, themed "One World -One People," was conceived two years ago by 17 Irvine High studen ts in a multi-cultural class. AJthough it's been ready for hanging since iast September. installation has been postponed over and over while student, parent and community groups volleyed charges of racism and censorship. Its hanging last Thursday came less than 12 hours after a heated. standing.room-only session of the Irvine Unified School Distnct Board. of Trustees at wh ich mural opponents warned that racial unrest could be consequences of its hanging. The mural "1s offensive to black people," said both Grenada Gaston and Mildred Miller, Irvine High teachers. "A lot o f students a r e uncomfortable using the library," Ms. Gaston said. "with t hat mural hanging over their heads." Mrs. Miller said the mural isn't "appropriate to be hung at the high school .. because it's depicting a murderous act . . . or possibly murderous acts of black p eople at the hands o( the KKK.·· Since the mural's hanging, Mri>. Miller s aid one of her students had asked for a desk reassignment because the one she'd been using had KKK scratched into 1t. Ms. Gast on said anoth er stude nt was suspended for arguing about the mural. Bru ce Baron, mural coordinator, 'said hanging of the artwork "has helped defuse aome of the controversy'' but he feels "pretty bad" that It took so long. • He added, "It has gotten a bit tiresome for me and has put a lot of people in a lot of awkward positions." • Bill Beach a m , one of two faculty advisers on the muraJ pro'ject, said h e's "extremely thankful that the students are finally validated who worked on the project and given the recognition they deserve." The mural's "strength really lies in the bond between students," he added. and the controversy "has been a ridiculous display of insensitivity." Student muralist David Glenn said the high school artists "put themselves on the line to create something tpat would speak to their fellow stude nts and the public as honestly as possible" The muralists "wanted to touch the human spirit and move people," he said. "It is evident, through the discussion that already surrounds this mural, that this process . . . has begun." FACULTY ADVISER BilJ Beacham says mural's strength lies in the bond between students. TEACHERS OBJECTING -Grenada Gaston, left, and Mildred Miller say mural makes students uncomfortable and prompts some racial troubles. ~ ""'~ _, Gery ..._ OFFENSIVE PANEL -Flames and hoods, above, appear at beginning of 48-foot-long mural, below. 1 r f I I t i , • •ANN LANDERS •HUGH MULLIGAN •HOROSCOPE • ancer fear prompts preventive surgery wish DEAR ANN LANDE.RS: I am worried ck about my wlte, She la 31 and we have , hree WOl'\derful children. The problem: my )nother·ln·law died of breast cancer ln 1976. The followina year her youngest a unt baaed away -lung cancer. (She waa a 1'eaV)' 1J1t,6ker.) Two years ago my wtfe•s older sister had a malignant tumor in her t>reaat removed. Last week she noticed a •lump Wlder her armpit. It waa cancerous. Tomorrow she goes in for a second mastectomy. After my sister -in-law 's biopsy my wife '1\nounced that she wants to have both breasts removed. I couldn't believe my ears. She is absolutely certain she will develop ,breast cancer eventually and it will kill her. 3he says the only way she will ever have :>eace of mind is if she has her breasts taken )ff before the cancer strikes. When I told 1er I thought she was out of her mind, she \ccused m e of not being a supportive t lusband. We got into a terrible argument. 1 Please, Ann Landers, tell me whl\t to do .vith th.is woman. She is obsessed with the r; . IOT THE TROPICS -Some of the members · f the Army's High-Altitude Rescue Team repare for a practice run near Fort Greely, Jaska. The team is in charge of relCUe work nywhere in the state on a four-hour notice, so fear of cancer. Since we've been married ahe has had three breaat cysta biopsied -~ nesatlve. Am I wrona to think 1he la crazy to want to have two perfectly nonnal breast& hacked off? Help me. -TROUBLE IN OHIO DEAR OHIO: Wbat does . ber doctor 1ay? II be lD favor of tlab type of preventive suraery? Some doctors are. My c0Deultant1 are not. Ttaey believe new metbods of early detection lbake lt UDece11ary to perform tbe aar1ery your wlf e wants. Tile family blltory you've recited indicates that your wife 11 clearly a risk. She bas every right to be concerned. Bat I urge you to lo1l1t that your wife get a second opinion. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Quite a while ago you printed a letter from a girl who was sure her boyfriend had put a hex on her. Within two weeks after he cast an evil eye she had a miscarriage, was mugged in the park, fell down and broke her wrist and was A, Wlf9Pflo'o training is a full-time job in a land where exposed skin can freeze in a matter of minutes. The team ta.kes physical training 365 days a year. laid off a( the plant where 1he worked. You said there was no scientific evidence to support •vil eyet or hexes, Say lt agaln, pleue. -X FROM ZION DEAR X.: No matter Jaow many times I 1ay U~ tile .. True Belle-ven"-will be uncoavblced. • A better name for tile odd colDcldencet Is "fear psycbolol)'." Wl&llout reall1bl1 U, pareDts often do tilt to "elr clllldren. Tbey 1bout, "Be careful •l*' tllat pltcller! lt't beavy! You11 drop lt!" S.re enoagb, tbe kid drops It. Or, "Come •own from there tlal1 minute or you11 fall!'' Tbe next second tbe kid falls. A better way to warn a per1oa against impending danger 11 to euggest another coarse of action -lD a conversational tone. For example: "When you put that pltcber down, I bave some f resb cookies I'd like you to sample." Get lt? I hope others do, too. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our daughter was engaged 12 weeks before the wedding day. The prospective groom called it off. He did this previously to another girl. qANN UIOflS All arrangements had been made, deposits placed and invitations printed. What are his financial responsibilities? Is our daughter obligated to return the ring? To complicate matters, his parents are close friends. Please advise. -$600 IN THE HOLE IN PFX>RIA DEAR PEORIA: Your advice 11 in your signature. You are $600 in the bole. Your daughter, however, can keep tbe ring since HE folded out. • How to -and how much? F'iod out with Ann Landers' new booklet, "How What, and When to Tell Your Child About Sex." For your copy send 50 cent.s along with a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, W . 60611. Fracturing phrases RIDGEFIELD, Conn. (AP) -lietween you, me and the lampshade, this language of lopsided logic that I have dubbed "Obverse English" is catching fire like a snowball in hell. Readers continue to favor me with prime examples of mangled mots that keep our everyday speech fo~ full of i.est and mystery. And, I might add, keep the listeners on "tent books," as a lady in the book store said the other d~ while hunting for "a really good murder." Helen McDermott, an Atlanta reader, writes that she has just had a visit from her mother in New Jersey, "who says she hates flying and is always glad to be back <>n terror firma." Well, mom has a point there. One of my elde rly neighbors resisted cable TV when it came down our road, because, she said, "I'm not going to subsidize those X-ray movies." ' ~~.i HUGH MUlllGAN ~ MULLIGAN STEW farming and pesticide use for several guests." LIVE FROM THE BAY HILL Country C lub i n Orlando , Fla .. NBC golf commentator Bruce Devlin recently in!ormed his Sunday afternoon TV audience that "Denis ~at.son, a promising newcomer from South Africa, originally was born in Rhodesia." With that, the born-again golier blew a three-foot putt. ·JVirgo: Diplomacy • wins SHE SHALL BE nameless here in keeping with the journalistic tradition of protecting a good source. Since first we began delyinB into the illogical delights of Obverse English, the language that does a pratfall in falling trippingly from the tongue, this particular neighbor has' been a gold ~e of lopsided linguistic nuggets. Just last week in the supermarket, s he complained that there was no one on duty at the delicatessen counter, because "all the help are running around like chickens with their legs cut off." S e v e f ;i'l 1 t i m e s i n t h e s e 1 i tt 1 e dissertations on the joys of Obverse English, I have mentioned Sir Boyle Roche, a master of the fractured form, who sat in the old Irish Parliament with Wolfe Tone and Henry Grattan and regularly broke up the house with oratorical excursions like arguing for environmental reforms that 'would change barren hillsides into fertile valleys." It was Boyle who thundered, "Why Mr. I atarday, June 19 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Status quo I shoved aside; exciting news is associated fith new project and a relationship which ncourages optimism and invigorates. Short :ip is on agenda, could be connected with !lative or visit. Leo is in picture. I TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Check .~unts. Take inventory. Lunar·emphasis •l\ payments, collections, a bility to locate ~ed material. Family member reassures pu concerninR loyalty and love. I GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You'll be e lebrating tonight. Cycle high both 1Umerically and astrologically. Emphasis on eing at right place at crucial moment. •opularity increa,:oes, social activity p.-elerates and you'll be in company of !fight, cheerful, optimistic people. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Period of )editation proves beneficial. You'll realize pat being alone is not synonymous with eing lonely. You now have chance to gain ~ond emotional wind. Visit individual onfined to home, h ospital. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll be in ~mpany of persons who really care about 'OU who make suggestion s aimed at tromoting your best inte rests. Lunar mphasis on friends. hopes, wishes and a >rofitable business enterprise. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Conflict nay exist between domestic and~usiness tuties. Key is to be diplomatic and to -emember special anniversary with gift, call >r telegram. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio natives >lay key roles. You'll get credit long werdue. lj t . LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Check travel llans, reach beyond current expectations. Vou'll see people in more realistic light, ... l .r:rm1 w ill be d efined and you•u get ona·dis'lance call which boosts morale. \.rles, l>ilces, Virgo peJ"BOnll play lig:nilicant i>• SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Accent on 'IJnding( interest in the occult, added Aformation concerning interest rates and =elters. You'll have more responsibility, ber of o ppostte sex will ask for tment and you'll aa.-ept a challenge. SAGITrARWS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Lie , IO slow, fin1lh what you art. You .V. Unique opportunity to gr111p p.&lle of iibllc. P9ople are auenuw, wet to hear ~.and they wW leek ,.,... CC>Unlel <D!BC. 214-: 11): New to bate '-'* ~ clellred ................... ~ .... ind .,.._,,._'Jl -- HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA n ew contact which spurs creative interests. AQUARIUS (Jan . 20 -Feb . 18): She enlivened our St. Patrick's Day bash with a joke "that really tickled my fanny" but apologized for another that "laid there like a dead balloon." Sentiment, r oman ce and intensif ied relationship -these dominate intriguing scenario. Follow through on hunch, keep promise made to family member and double-check accounts. Broadcasting, live or taped, keeps our language lively with impromptu ascents into the wild blue heights of giddiness, where logic dissolves and the spoken word floats free and unfettered. PIS~ES (Feb. 19-March 20): Focus on security, domestic e nvironment and a tendency to try doing too much at once. Settle down. Check safety hazards, including electrical outlets. You'll receive verification of promotion or decision which enhances financial status. Herb Saltford, from Poughkeepsie, N.Y .. sends me a newspaper account of California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr.'s experience as host on a radio talk show: "Brown, in his second stint as a talk-show host, mostly answered questions from callers and discussed questions on GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deals NORTH • Q7 <::>QJ1083 ~ 0 9542 +62 WEST EAST +A +4 32 <::>K62 <::>A9754 O K Q J 10 8 o 7 63 •JJ085 •93 SOUTH + K J 10 9 865 <::> Volcl OA +AKQ74 The bidding: S..di Weet 2 • 3 0 3 +. Pu1 5 + Pue PaH Pue North Ea1t Pue Pu1 4 + P ... 6 + PUI Opening lead: King of o. There is a new book of bridge qulzzea rrom the moat prolific ol our brldse authora, Fred Karpjn ("Tbe PJ&7 of the Cardi: Self QulaM1 at Brfclp." ,_perbtdt. tlO pp., N.91: p1bl11hed ~1 Max Hardy, lff S. YulcMlt Ave., Hawtbont, Calif.-.. Wt hivt '"" the .. ...., lttfcn, ~lld u..n an a few too mur . squeezes for our liking. Still. this book should present the average player 'Yitlr a fair challenge. To give you an idea of the complexity of the hands. cover the East and · ,west cards with your thumbs and decide how you would play this hand at six spades after the lead of the king of diamonds. The auction shown is that in the book. Many of us would consider South's bid of fi ve spades as a query about part· ner's diamond holding - with two potential losers, he would have to pass. A better bid would have been a cue· bid or five diamond•. Agahut six spades, Weat leads the !Ung or diamonds. The ace or trumps must be lost, so the only problem ls to avoid a club loter. You ne.cl not worry If the auit break• 3'3, but that is against the odda. Far more likely ia a '·2 dlvlaloQ. At flnt 11ar. 1 mt1ht think that &II need do ii wlnthea•old ,'aelt U1• aee-ldq •f el•" Hd tMn run a dllt la ~. Tbe elubs ad_,, •"f. b9t ii )'OU eal't.., leM I ...... ,... will-....... ~ wins the ace and leads his last club, and East's ruff means down one. The solution is simple, if you "think of it. After ruffing the third club, return to your hand with a diamond r uff and then ruff another club with the queen of trumps. You get back to your hand with another ruff and lead the king of trumps. Wes' wins. but he h•s no more clubs. You can ruff any return, draw the remaining trumps, and claim the rest of the tricks. As the cards Ue. declarer can aleo get. home by leadin1 a trump at trick two! West can't lead ' ~ond trump, and declarer hat all the time in the world lo ruff a club. Speaker, should we do anything for posterity? What has posterity ever done for us?" He then attempted to hold back the deluge of laughter with the explanation that · by posterity he ''did not mean our ancestors but only those who came immediately after them." Doug Starr, a forme r AP colleague in . Louisiana now a professor of journalism at North Texas State University in Denton. Texas, has provided me with more examples of Sir Roche's par-boiled logic from a monograph on him by Francis Griffin in "Today's Speech." Roche, writes Griffin, was a "bluff, soldier-li ke old gentleman" who was "the Sam Goldwyn of his day, a man who never let logic get in the way of his thinking." He set the tone of his free-wheeling oratorical style during a debate on the dangers of a threatened war with France: "MR. SPEAKER, IF WE once permit the villainous French masons to meddle with the buttresses and walls of our ancient constitution, they will never stop nor stay till they have brought the foundation stones toppling down about the ears of the nation." The British House of Commons. he warned, would be of no help to Ireland because they "might be invaded by ruffians who would cut us to mincemeat and throw 'our bleeding head on tha t table to stare us in the face ... When reciprocity was urged in a debate on trade, Roche confessed to "believe in reciprocity as much as anyone else, but it shouldn't all be on one side." Another time, he observed sadly that "single misfortunes never come alone, and the greatest of national calamities is generally followed by a greater." A simple countryman in a Parliament full of genuine wits and brilliant speakers, Sir Boyle Roche was assured of an audience hanging on every misspent word whenever h e took the floor, if only to wax poetic about his own agrarian background with nostalgic asides like: "U there•s three cows standJ.nc In a field and one of them is lying down, that•1 the bull.0 POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT (' . .. # .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Jun• 18, 1982 Video ga1nes banned MARSHFIELD, Mau. (AP) -Owner1 of commercial video ga.met1 upeet at the proepect of loalng revenue from thousands of quartera, are work ing to sh oot down a new bylaw that bans the papular games. "It's a matter-ottrylng to stay in buainess," said Louis Snyder, owner of the Marshfield Sports Center bowling alley, which has had the games for seven years. "We need that Income." A machine in a good location can grosa an estimated $35,000 a year. The n e w law was passed at a town meeting, but won't take effect for 90 days, or until the Massach usetts attorney general approves the action. Meanwhile, selectmen will mail notices telling the owners of an estimated 200 video games lO get rid of them.' Natural Sa e floor • covenng BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE -Actresses Donna Mills, left, Genie Francis and Linda Evans. right, posing in Los Angeles. will star in an A .. WlrepMIO NBC television miniseries,•Bare Essence," the st-0ry o f jet set types in an international pNfume and cosmetic business. A fresh look for casual living: handwoven .. mats & rugs from China. ... '"". ,..,., /." - 'r .. ... Town mandates gun ownership "- ;r--,._. ... , .. Oregon village's ord~nance protest against gun control CHILOQUIN, Ore. (AP) - The C ity Council in this southeast Oregon town o{ 900 has approved unanimo u s l y an ordinance making 1t mandatory for most households to have firearms. "The proliferation of these games in town has created a honky-tonk atmosphere," says Tom Jackson, cpairman of the t own's va n dal i sm com mittee , who proposed the bylaw. Snyder said he is organizing a business group in this town of 6.700 residents southeast of Boston to try to overturn the bylaw. ~llh IJ 'l~'~Cf4\.\ \.QU .. le'\ )U\.I loin CUI your O•n fl.II I ht~ (.Omt: In d plt:Ct" •PPrO.\fn'14ilf"I)' ~ ~Id(' \'1_,u dertnnfnt' 1ht lc-n11h )Ou ..... n1 Rnund m11s ol m11u iOdd • touch of ~u11t.tt¥ 'o ,.")" fOOm ln1en101.a dt•>11n• •nd .olor1ul ct>nl~si. ""'kr thrm dmlnctlvr w~ll drc0t too RC"< 11•n1ul•r mab ol Chlnt"\C' rna1tt .,~ 1u\t chf!' fl&hl "'" co 1u~nt h~rd_.ood Root~ Ot \pre.td O't'f'f ttlf ,,..I\ !Of 11n eye·c~H_h1nc rtfe<t The law will go mlO eifect June 24, but will carry no penalty. Councilman Jack Ulam said. He said Monday's vote was intended lO be a statement of protest rather than an enforceable law. "We are protesting bemg told what lO do with au our rights that we're losing every day," Ulam said. "We don't want these anti-gun , people in Oregon. And we felt th at if we spoke out and defended our rights under the Constitution, other people would recognize what we're doing and try lO do the same thing." The ordinance says all heads of households are to maintain a firearm and ammunition "to provide for the safety, security and general welfare." Exempt are heads of households who cannot use a firearm because of disability, and thost• who are convic ted fe lons or who ar e opposed because or religious beliefs Chiloquin 1s about 20 miles north of Klamath Falls. Ulam said the Chiloquin city attorney wrote the ordinance based on a similar m easure adopted by a city m Georgia. It is the first reported town in Oregon with such an ordinance. H e said there was no opposition to the ordin<tnce and that he anticipates no problem with it because most people in the town already have guns. Ulam also said the measure was meant to be a protection from fears that people from the more populated western part of the state would impose a gun- control law on people in t he sparsely populated two-thirds of Oregon that lies east of the Cascades. "We don't have enough population. Things are imposed upon us until it's ridiculous from your side of the state," he said to a reporter telephoning from Portland. "We would secede if we had the chan ce," he said with a chuckle. "We have the guns, maybe we'll make it." The bylaw makes ownership of a video game for commercial purposes a crime, subje<:t to a $200 fine. The Jaw also applies to pinball games. but exempts home video games, com- oper a ted juke boxes, pool or billiard tables. bowling and athletic training devices. Addiction to video games is the first step for some youngsters to compulsive gambling, J ackson said. But Snyder said, "lt.'s not gambling -it's recreation." . Se-act•\~ ~qu;ut>\ 38~ •f'tc .. ~ ,... "" M•l tr round• 6 88 In 11'1 IO'N Jd tl\'I h'XI The new Pier1 collections ANAHEIM -509 Ke1t'lla A'""u", 7i2-2472 COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boul('vard. 540-7337 ORIENTAL RUG Annual PARKING LOT SALE SAVE UP TO 75% IF YOU HA VE BEEN DREAMING TO HA VE A GENUINE HAND MADE ORIENTAL RUG, NOW YOUR DREAM CAN COME TRUE. SA VE UP TO 75% ON RUGS FROM AROUND THE WORLD, ALL -ONE OF A KIND, ALL -HAND MADE. Examples: Reg. NOW Name Size Price Name. Size Reg. Pric6 Antiq ue Mashad .................................... 23'x l 3'4" $6500 12299 Ashfaque .............................................. 18'x12' s3350 Ashfaque, India ................................... 14'x l0' 2475 750 Chinese Super ····································· 12'x9' 4600 Chinese ................................................ 12'x9' 2500 750 Chinese Super ..................................... 12'x9' 4400 Chinese Super Wash ............................ 12 'x 9' 2500 950 Chinese Super Wa sh ............................ 12'x9' 3000 Chinese Super ............ , ••••••••••••••• 1 •••••••• 12'x9 ' 4200 1599 Viss ...................................................... 1O 'x 7'9" 2800 lndo Chinese ....................................... 10'x 8' 1800 799 Chinese Super ····································· 10'x8' 3400 Kerm an .................................................. l l '3"x7'7" 2750 .1099 Moracan ............................................... 12 'x 9' 2500 Chine se Super ···································· 9'x6 ' 2300 850 Antique Sporta .................................... 1 l 'x9' 599 Chinese ............................................... 6'x4' 550 175 Bokhara ............................................... 9'x6' 1250 lndo Chinese ....................................... 6'x6' 525 75 Chinese ................................................ 5'x3 ' 525 2421 E. COAST HWY. CORONA · DEL MAR SP•CIAL HOURS: SAT. cl SUN. 10 • ! 488 NOW 1999 1799 1699 1099 1099 1299 650 99 450 199 , 1 · l .. .. \ OrlnOI Cout DAILY PILOT /'rtday, June 11, 1"2 ~·'" "-......... ,, ..... -- TRI '""''~" c:1ac1:1 by Bil ·Keane \\What do you shoot at those targets with, Grandma?" ,· M:\RMJ\Dl:KE by Brad Anderson "I think he's jealous. You're sitting on his lap!" Jl'DGE PARKER I c,AN1T POSE FOR MY PORTRAIT TODAY, MR. DooDL~! ACROSS 53 Gamble , P9r1llln poet S4 Suggestions THUMOAY'I PUZZll IOl.VED 5 Neclt plln 58 Miiie unfl1 10 Tr8Ctable 6 1 Futener 14 ,. 82 Entertllnlf 15 ""-" capltll Tennille 111 Lined up 83 Peoples 17 W-.cl 0¥9I' &4 Austen noY9I 18 Pertner 65 U11h reeort 20 Ctu'Cifl 116 Dyeing 8PP• P..f!'IPf!9 co.rd retUMI '- 22 8'** 87~ 23 """ out 2•--· 2t Monot cetd 27 Augtlypeea 30r•1c1y 34 T-men 35Semlnt 3t Neigflbot Of Ck 37 Penc:Mnt 38,....., I 40'°""9 DOWN 1 Choolll 2ML Tyltr Moore 3Gr.- eont•t 4 Fu91nt 5 l<lnd Of,.. 27 Dtudgery 8 JtlCOb't wife • 28 AtlM 7 8r1ng on 21 a.... I Duck't ~ 30 Vltllde 48WIW9Romt .. 47 Te>l tender 411Stllnell by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) &-16 i.r "Come on. Thia la no time to tu~n." --Hank Ketchum _y;~~~!!Pl~ 41Mlclll 42 ...... II K.,elng hero 31 Caugtlt 10 Aa.ty 12 0... 50--·· 51 Effigy 12 Al;tor Alhd to..t-t--t--~ 43""* .a'rv~ .. , ..... ::;- • °""" 11 ...,.., once 33 PM*ld 12 Ape SS Up4o-dltl 1a Wool IOUtCll OM ,.,,,,.,. -~ ,,..,.. .,....,... •~a.­•"'8111!t• ........ f PUNllTI I 60T AHOTMEl L~TTER~/M SISTER SALLY 11 l AM STIU. EHJOVIN6 19EAH9A6' CAMP ... ALL WE 00 IS LIE IM OUR 8EAHBA6S, WATCH TV A.Hf' EAT~ FOOP ______ __.. 11 SOMiTIMES TMEV ~ US Ot.P ND/IES" :r by Ch1r11 .. M. Schutz 11LL BET ~R05£9VD1t Tl.lHS OOT TO~ MIS SUP! oy l om K. Ryan TuA1'S WHAi YOU Gf"f FOF{ HAVIN6 A ~l?FecllVE 9URRO. ' WHA'l' FRIGtf"Tl:NE:V' HIM? SHOE WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING1 SLUGGO? A SNAKE:. MAKING SURE I'LL W IN THE 100-YARD DASH TODAY t'l:NK \' W INKEllBt:A N .. by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller ---I'M PUTTING QUICKSAND IN MY SHOES c _,,_, .... _ .... by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk Along with our applica- tion for the 'lburnament of Roses Parade, Ive inc1JJded a film of the Marching Scapegoats in P~ excuse the fa.ct that the film is rather dark and oot of focus . Tbe film was stot by brother-in-law, and if you ever met him, you'd action. 1AP'TJpl 1AP! under stand! "E.'~ SEEN 'f~INC, 'lo 00 'f "IN&S f-OR. ME E~~R ~INC.€.! SO HOW MUCH Ft.,eSH -COL.OR~D --roucH-UP PAIN"'f' WI (....t.-YOU NeeD? .. --Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday, June 18, 1982 .. Rep'roduction risk feared 'Heavy ~'pot' use· affects sperm, studr says SAN tRANCtSCO (AP) -ta potential threat. 1ubuantlal hormone Impact• Heavy and 1u1talned uae of Until that quee\lon ll ret0lvl"<i. have ~n rtported. marijuana. d1nictly affect.I a male h aid, "Men who ar at rla.k of "'l'hetie effects In human malca ueer'1 ability to produce normal re prod u ctl on or who a re are u n r e lo tcd to and not •perm and ralaee a pohlble, att.emptlna to reproduce ahould medtated by hormonal chan1ea," lhoUlh unproven, rllk for hla reatraln themael vea t rom he aa Id . "The re w a a n o ofbPl'lna, contends a Columbia marijuana uae. tlgnlflcant change In hormone Unlverafty reeearcher. "'nlat'a clearly Indicated and I levels." • "W e hav e shown that don't fee how anyone could flembree aald the atudy marijuana alters the abUlty of augeat anyt.hlng ellC. We don't Involved 16 men who wont f~ur thete men to make normal know t.he long-term effecta on weeks with no exposure to aperm," Dr. Wylie C. Hembree subsequent generations." marijuana, followed by a month m Mid. "Whether this Inability He said it's uncertain just how of daily uae building up to more Rivet rise to abnormal offspring marijuana· causes 1uch changes, than 15 marijuana cigarettes a nu not been shown, but I believe but his study found, to hla day. The subjects then abstained It must be investtgated." surprise, the effect la not related {or another month of The warning was based on a to changes in sex honnones. In observation. study of 16 men monitored rats and monkeys exposed to "There was a decre-ase in during and after a month of large amounts of marijuana, sperm counts ~t averaged 30 heavy marijuana use, he told a percent -and some decreased news conference during the • by up to 70 percent," he said. The Endocrine Society's annual Agreement signed decrease pe~ed one week after meeting here. the men stopped smoking "and The effect on the number, BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -then returned toward nonnal. mobility and appearance of Vietnam and the Soviet Union He cited similar decreases in sperm cells appare{ltly is not have signed an agreement on the sperm cells' ability to move, permanent. s c I en l i f i c and tech n i ca 1 along with increases in abnonnal Hembree said anything lhat cooperation in the peaceful uses appearance. u w~ affects sperm cells, which deliver of atomi.c energy. lhe official Hembree also said, "There is VOYAGE FAILS -Webb Chiles, shown as he abandoned the adventure after crashing onto half the genes of an~ ch ild Vietnam N ews Age n cy no evidence that c hronic left San· Diego in late 1978 in 18-foot yawl rocks near Saudi Arabia. conceived, must be consi ered at announced. marijuana use causes infertility." hoping to circumnavigate the globe, has ~- ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~---''--~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEW 1982 SUBARU FROM $158°0 ..... ~ Deluxe ' door (.Y09490). Total cash price $6582.82 Including tax and license. $8945.52 deterred payment price Including all carrying charges for forty-eight months. Annual Percentage Rate 19.2. BIG SILICTIONI NOW! a. m.agnon subaru Harbor at Fair Costa Mesa 549-1457 WE'RE DYNAMITE -' ...... . ,.., t_ ~ .. ~~ 'rN~~---"' .,J PRESENTS OUR DYNAMITE ggc BREAKFAST Saturdays 8 AM to 11 AM 548-2224 3300 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Waltah say - matching Is lnl See our matching sweetheart (Kuulpo) sets. Many excluslvely desfgned prints and colors. • South Coast Plaza, by the Carousel 751-7500 Rent A Lu.xury Apartment on Newport Bay. Gracious living 1n a country club setting that overlooks the bay That's Park Newoort The finest ,apartment community 1n fash1~nable Newoon Beach . Here for your pleasure. a $1 ~:?-million Social and Health club. 8 lighted tennis courts. racquetball courts. 7 sw1mm1ng pools. and acres of gardens Leases are available for 1 2 and 3' bedroom units Some are elegantly furnished PARKN APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $540 TO $1,000. Convenienlly located on the Uppe< Bay Park Newport 1s 1ust 5 Qutek mmutes from the Orange Counry Airpart and all maior business centers On Jambor.ee Road at San JoaQu1n Hills Road Telephone (714) 644-1900 •• -------------------------------------------, Sunday Is Father 1s Day! ~- So give dad a break with a beautiful masculine Flower Centerpiece in our "award winning" Flower Shop. Call 645-0093 (Diane) order yours today. He may love one of our gorgeous Fruit Baskets made to your order with all the new season fruits. Order now call 645-0032 (Betty) r----R•l•l:1tf11-----, r-----f(•l•J;Ni)----,r----i<•III:l•Itl----, I F1R8T OF THE l: EVERYBODY LOVES A REAL TREAT I 1 GOOD ONE,_1 11 SQUASH LARG• SIZE l I CAUFORNIA 11 ICEBERG I I PEACHES 11 GREEN SUMMER LEnUCE I I 29* II 19• 4 •1°0 I l Lb. l l Lb. For I !_ ___ ':!~'!.1!>J.~~----1 L---~~1:~~~~----'L ______ L.!.~~·-----J I OUR FIRST BIG SQUASH SALEI 1 r----i••t•l:l•Ttt-----, r-----(i(•llJ;(l•Ji]----,r~---f(•IIJ;ltIJl----, I I JUMBO SIZE 11 t I COACHELLA 11 EVERYBODY LOVES fREIH TWICE DAILY I I 11 SQUASH IMCOMPARABLE I I GRAPEFRUIT 11 DELICIOUI ZUCCHINI MUSHROOMS I I 3 '100 II I l For ll 19• 89• FUU. I l 11 Lb. POUND I L-~~~~--J !----~~~0-L~----'L----~!'!_~ ___ J A REAL BUY DAD LOVES THESE LOW PRICE, NOW 1-----{(11llil!l1J-----• r-----(i(1}IJ;J 1J 1 't"----, .. - - ---(i('illJ;ltJ1t-----, I ...., .... .,...,_ II II I I _ .. .,..._.....,. II II I 1 FRESH 11 aHORT anM 11 FRl!IH 1 I II A08E8 . 11 BROCCOLI I I EQQS I I l-~~~~~~-_l[ __ ~~~-~~~-1--~g~ __ _J COUPONI EXPIRE THURS. JULY 1 -I P.11. ~o ""'" '"'"'" POtt41 YIAlll !*************** ~ GRAND OPENING! -tl ~ CUSTARD'S LAST STAND .. ._ 1: Appearing Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. t ~ Corky Gold•t•ln -r' Doll Show ~ L••I of th• Key•ton• Cops ., ~ Free Balloons & Autographs .; Sale and free Info clinic * ~ this Sat. & Sun .. June 19 """-• C 0 NE Y ISL A ND CH IL I D 0 GS ~ & 20. Collectors & ~ •CHILI SPAGHETTI -ti antique dealers present * •FROZEN CUSTARD ICE CREAM ~ unusual dolls. accessories """-~ and houses. Huntington ~ 110 Mol•"., '1•o• ll••r ll1w,•r1 "" -ti Center Mall. 405 Fwy. ... ll•w,•r1 h•d 111·1414 ~ & Beach Blvd .. H.B.1***************"1' Starts Today-Ends Thurs., July 1 Our Store Is Packed With Exciting Values U••• "''from e•l41'10t t11rftfieic• ''O"'l l"-t•rlOf tto4•t"'M: t)IH I fll\ltf'I MO ) Reg. 19.75 leyMhtry lirtlfl _ .... _ ... .,.., .. , 11 44 ""'''~ ........ tOOll REMODELING? COUNT ON US FOR HELPFUL ADVICE! Crescent Reg. 12.25 699 R210CV 1 O" Muttl·Plle11 Pr•clak>n·mlli.d rlbt pro.Ida amootll, pot ltlvt lnt•rlock. Surform Shaver One n1noot<1 oull t1ro• ~ 1001 cuta ano s111ou w1t"Oul "ch1tter Speedwlnder T1pe Rull 318'" • SO' llMI bltOt In .. 11. ••ending 11tg11.1ml>9Ct e•H. MANY MORE UNADVERTISED ORAND OPEN I NO SPECIALS! HARBOR PAINT CENTER • 12 • 32ND 9T"llT O RtAN C ROGl:N Tl'l.CPl-<ONI ,.,,., 875-•0•0 l I lJ.M.Boyd linforms . l in the ... ' . ,, .. • I . 1 I ~· -orana• co .. , 0A1rv P1~r1Frtd•y,°'Jun• ie. iee2 . ' COOL EFFECT -Tree fems have a way of bringing the tropics to mind while lending a coolmg effect to the garden . As a rule, tree ferns are fairly hardy plants. Beans thrive • 1n any area &>cml! ot one variety or another will grow Jnywht:1rt> In tht• Unlt.t.-d Stat.ea. Thtty ar ~oay t.o grow, wly, and n ext to t.omaioe., tht•y rank t.ope among North Americun garden vegetables. Tht'll(• are 110mo o! the reasons they were iwlt"<:l4.'C.I WI tlw 1982 Vcgetablo of the Year by the Ni.llonal Cnrdcn Bureau. Vur1t'tll .. of beans range widely, including the f!Qt pOdd('<.1 Romano, tender and stringleu; modern t• rly llma: pole types cl'-Y dwullcl'I can grow on NUnny• porches and patloe; wax and grecm bush beans, easy to harvest, ond south ern or cow peas that urc more like beans and are harvested for i;hcUmg whrn the pods turn color. Bcani urc apparently of South Ame rican origin. Chmblng or runner beans appear to have l>t-Cn the original form Blish varieties are of fairly r<.><'<'nt 01·1gan, probably sprm ging Crom mutations from runner types. Am<.>ricun Indians showed colonists how to l(row bt·uns a m ong corn -an example of "companion crops." Thti l"Orn supports bean runners a nd tht> nitrogen-fixing bacteria ar ound bean roots l•nrtt:hes l>Oll for both crops. Ea rly southeas tern Indian lore, probably re fe rring to hma or butter beans, described how an early start was obtained by sprouting and transplanting bean seeds ITA~pAwAtJ flNll ' OfllMTINO UllDCtl "° r moue llUMllllU. The foltowlnt peteon ha• wltlldt-a. • f'M'll l)efttw lfom Ille PtnnerlNP °"'9tmt unotr the 11011110111 buelneu name of CALt,OfllNIA ,.NANCIAL. INTUIPfllllll el »to WHterty Plaoe, lutte 210, Newpoft BelCll. CA 92880. Tiie flottllou1 bu1tnt" n1m1 lllt-1 fOf Ille Plllnetahlp WU llltd Ort ~troll 15, IOU In Ill• County ot Or1ng1 Fil a No F1152S8 Full N 11m1 and Addre11 or tnt Plfaon WlthdrlWlng "°~., ..... ~ITATllmff The followlno "'ton I• dOlng bUllntM •• All.Al ~AILI WIU>INO, 120 \llctOtla 04, Octet• a.-, CA UU7 Mlchaal 8ll11man Atl•e. 720 Vlctort1 C·3, Coit• M .. e. CA 12121. Tiiie b\lelntM II oonducted by en lndlvtdu ... MlcllMI 9. AllM Th11 1tat-1 WM llled with the County Clerk o4 0ranoe County on Juna 3, 1H2 ,,..,. Publl•ll•d Or1n1• Coa.11 Oalry Piiot, Junt 4, 11, I . 21. 1N2 2«t·a2 J-a e111n. 1040 uMlrld• St , Legun1 Belcll, CA J1m11 S Sl•ln fUILIC NOTICE Publl1hed Or1ng1 Co111 Dallv ----~--------------Pilot. June 11. 11. 25. July 2, 1982 'ICTl'TIOUI IUIMN 2~83·92 NAMI ITAft•NT Ml.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI IUl*!H NAMI tTATl,_NT Tiie tolfowtno p111on 11 doing buelnNI u COBB 'S PROPERTY MAINTENANC E CO . 18520 Mor-ongo St , Foun111n V1lley, CA 92708. Ch1rta1 L. Cobb, 2185-B tllth SL. San Bernerdlno. CA 92404 Thia buelneu t1 conducted by '" •ndlvldull. Ch1tlll L Cobb • Tiiis a111emao1 w1e flllO With the :;QUnty Clerk or Or1ng1 County on M1y 10. 1982 f1"°'2 Publlehed Orenge Coast Dally Piiot, June 4, 11, 18, 25. 1982 2462-82 Tll• . loltowlng pereon1 11• doing bullnMI •" CONCOUR8 PROPERTIH, 8111 E 41h 81tHI, S1n1e An1, Cialllornl1 112703. Oon1lo WHterd1l1, 7818 E Compton Blvd , P1r1moun1. Cialll0tnt1 90723. Morrey Chung. 9120 E. Compton Blvd ,_ Par1moun1, C1lllornl1 90723. D1nnla Mlto1lnk1 , 1231 Sh1rron Rd , S111ta Ana, Clllfor-nl1 92708 J1me1 8tuctter. 221,Jlellotrope OtlYI. S1nte Ana, Callfomle 82708. D111 Johnaon. 914 9th Street, T u1lock, Calllornl1 96380 Thie ooatneu ta conducted by 1 ganerll p1rlne<Sl\lp. Donald w .. terdlll This statement waa filed with the County Clertc of Orange County on June I. 1982. Create own tropical scene A prl .. planting soak for 30 minutes in tepid water Sp<.'l.-dS st>ed emergcn<:e . P lanting in cold, wet w e ather c·a n r u t ieL'ds Soil near n eutral PH. moist en ough to hold :;h a ix· when squeezed and Certihred \\ ith a bala n l'ro mix of ma,JOr and minor nutrients, 1s good ,.. MLIC NOTICE FICTmOUI IUtlNESS NAM! ITATE.MENT The IOllowing persons are dOlng bualneuu C1pr1U: l Kaedan 20t1 lvelneu Certler l>ftve Suite 200 ll'Ylne, C .. lfornle 12715-HM f1IOl7• Publlaheo Or1nge Co111 Oally Pnot. June 4. 11. 18. 25. 1982 2471 -92 The word tropical l'OnJurcs up a vision o f a n island paradise with an abundance o f foliage and colored flowers interminglC'd with all the grcl'nl•r y. You can create your own tropical paradise right in your backyard . around the swimming pool, water garden, on thl' covered patio or dL>ek and even on the balcony It's as easy as ch~1ng the right plant material for the s haded and sunny spoL'>. The Musa or banana plant is attractive with tls long, broad leaves There are varieties that g row only 6 to 8 feet and others to 12 and 20 feet You can grow them in a tub, on a sunny area near the foundation, or near swimming pools. But you must protect them from thl' wind. Adding to thc>1r good looks are the clusters o f flow e rs an y ellow or orange with red, purple, ros(• and pink or e ven faery red tips in yellow bracts. URDINIRS CHICKllST • Spruce up your bl<ic kberry vtn<.'S no w Cut off the old canes that borP fruit lhts v t•ar a nd loosely twine new growth o nto the• trellis. • Feed your vegN,;,1bk• <:rop pe n od1cally with a mild balanced feruhzer You 'll bt• rl·wardt-<l with bigger and better harv<.>sL<;. • H ?ving a p ool o r gard e n µ<11 t y'? F o r decorations. try po ttt·d gl'ran1ums. petunws marigolds or margue ntes to name a ft.w • If you bought a c hrysanthemum this month. cut it back when n 's thro ug h flow e ring a nd plant It in the garden. ·It wall bloom again this fa ll • Don't let your fu<:hs 1as set seed. Kt>ep the old flowers pinched off to e ncourage more blooms. ---- RUFFELL 'S U,HOLSTERY ........ twllftdS..• lt22 HA,JllOR ILVO. COSTA MEU -548·1 ISt.. Our regular S22 [(ard1•n d111 ~ "on ,JI~· 1h1\ 11111111h for only Sl7.~' And 11 '"u Liu, iv.u \1111 ~!'I a baby duck FREE! If, however, you Jlr<•.io /.. /i,,, 1 .1111/1 '"f'fllv ol 1 /111 k' we .i/;o carrv 23 oth1·r tv/"'' 11t lt111 i.:.111/1 11 .1111111.1/, LaV@O~ Garde~ 416 32nd St. Newport Beach 714·67S·3J52 In lhe Cannery Village acros s from Cny Hall F ugging you? Don't Panic · We Can Help· using the best techniques 1vallable, our Calif. Certified Nurserymen show you how to control fleas. ~ Florist Special Two fresh flower •P•cl•/s this WHI</ &~,,.~·"~bud ­ ROSES •.. or Spicy CARNATIONS ONLY EKll F°r:6~:~,LL In• 'farlety of cotor1. Since 1946 Ha1lis~es Nursery -Florist 2840 Harbor l lvd., Coato "1Ho M II Jl.tne U, 1 eu, wlllle euP91y lt1te. Boug<1tnvillea. un evl•rgre<•n Vtn(• fro m South Am l•rtt J , produce::; l'as<:adcs uf bnlhantly t'Olon-d bral"L'> an magenta, pl'at·h , rnse . whJLl>, pank a nd orang l'. This plant wall d1mb vigorous ly or thl• bush ty pt.• is tdl•al in a hanging basket or l'ont.mnt>r Bougaanv1llea likes full s un. Cav e it support when growing at as a vine, no rmal watering and be t•are ful to n ot <.hsturb its roots when transplanting. Thc•re are many kmds of ferns with various dPgrt.'t'S of adaptability to the outdoors The m ost magnificent are the tree ferns, namely the D1c ksunia antarct1ca. also known as the Tasmanian trt'l' fl'rn. It IS the nard1esl of this type of fern. to ll·ra ung low temperatuws but does need a semi· s h aded o r shaded are a in the garden The A ustralian tree fern (Shaeropteris coopen) as fairly hardy but should be given a sheltered spot along <."Oastal areas. Part shade usually ts the rule. Woodwardta, or chain fern, as nattV(' to tht> w t•st toast. This is a v igorous. strong outdoor ft'rn. It ts l'XL't.'llent under trees, by swimming pools o r ponds. or used silhouetted against a shaded wall. Other ferns like the sword fe rn (Polysuchum munitum) whil'h is native to CaJjforma lS an e xcel- lent p lant fur shaded a reas, along the foundauon o( a h o uM·. maxed with other plants in a m rncr Sl'lttng of tht· yard -Or a round a pool. Its green fronds g row 2 to 4 f("{•t an le ngth and C'an be usc.•d as a g round mvcr ltkc the a sparagus fern (which is no t a f<.•rn but a lilv) For' the d eepest sh a de, try the g old dust pla nt (Aut·uba ,Japontca) IL-; bold. lt'athc ry k·a vl'S are spt><.kll-<l with s plashes of yl•llo w . In sunny arl•as. try tht> Cr.oto ns for the ir lt•a v<'S of green m axed w n h y(•llo \\. rt'd and deep pink !:>1mple shiny, grct•n loh age can be addt-<l by using the outdoor Philodendron selloum o r Fat.sia japonica. More t'Olor L'an be added b y hanging blooming azaleas or fuc hs ia pla nts from tree hmbs Plant lx:an se<.>d s o nC' inc h deep in rows 2 to 3 fl-l ·t apart. with pla nts '1 to 8 per foot for most bush t)'pl•s a nd 2 to 3 fe<'t apurt for pole types. Don't o vc:rwat('r . &•ans like light, frequent 1rn g at1on PINECREST LIMITED, 18552 MacAr1hur Blvd , Suite 4.0 ll'Vlne, Callt. 92715 David K Lamb. 5 St Tropez. ----------- N-por1 Beach, Calif 92660. P\&.IC NOTICE Mehroao Ratsekh . 9662 -----------Surfcreat, Huntington Beach. Caflf MUNICIPAL COUftT Of THI! 92646. tTATt OF CAUFOA•A John Minar, 18552 Serrano, OftANGe COUNTY, \/Illa p.,k, Cell! 112687 HAllllOfl JUOfCIAL OttTIUCT Thia bualne11 1a conducted by a 4901 Jembotw llvd. T k • llmlled par1netlh1P Newpott a-ft, CA 12110 a e . va ca t1on David K Lamb ~. ltNClfl: -This lllllemertt WU filed With the ..-" -County Cle<k of Drenge County·on dbe THI! OAflMENT DttTfltCT Jj June I. 1982 Oelendent: rom gar.denl•ng f1905M fdf~~N0C~l~INTYOUHOOtt..;._T Publtahad Orange Coast Delly ,_ ""-'""" Piiot June 4. t t, 18. 25. 1982 PlACENTIA, llld DOel 1 2468·82 througll 10, lncllMN9. Summer usually means a vacation for the ---1'\&.--IC_NO_Tl_CE___ c~':'*sJ. family If that vacation ts coming up soon, n ow's the i-------~-----NOTICEI You heft '*"' eueci. lime to prepare your garden for the week or weeks FICTITtOUI IUSJNEH The cow1 m., dedde .,._. rou It will be without care NAME STATEMENT without ,_ be6n9 "-d un6eM The IOllOwlng per90ns .,e doing you rMPOftd wlttllft 10 dey9. fleed If you don't have a neighbor o r regular buameaau. the lntonn1ttonbetQWr. d lO k 'th th d · h MIREX MARKET ING, 23871 If you wllh to --the ldvlce of gar ener eep up Wt e gar emng C ores, Merlner Drlv1, Laguna Nlguel, an auorney tn thl• m111er. you there arc sle ps you can take to tide your garden Caflfornta 928n thOYl<l do ao promptly ao thet yOYr over unttl you return . RH D S110, 2367' Mariner wtilten reaponee. 11 111y. m1y be Start with your lawn. Mo w it a day or two Drive. Laguna Niguel, ca11forr11a filed on time. 92877 A V I a 0 I U 1 t e d h 1 e I d o bl'forc you leave and water it well. But do not Mlchael woroen. 23671 demudido. Ef trlburtel pued• foruhze because without regular waterings some of Mariner Qrive, L•guna Ntguel. declcltr contr1 Ud. e1n ~ • Caflfornl• 9'2677 -que Ud. reeponda deftlro 1t m ay burn Also fertilmng wiU promote a faster Thia bUaU-11 conducted by• de JO dtae. LN la lftfofl'rteckwl que growth at a time when you won't be around to gene<1t p111ner.111p elgue. m o w RIJl D Salo So Ueted deae• tollclllr el MlchHI \Norden conae)o de un et>ogaoo en Mt• Rost'S should have special attention too. Clip off Tnls atetement was hied wnh the ea u n 1 0 . deb• r 11 h, c , r 1 o dead blooms <md spray or dust with a combination County Clerk ot Orange County on 1nmac11a11menta, de .... maner1, for nuldt•w and aphids. Mey 24, 1982. ,190053 tu reapueeta escrlll, al h1y 11guna, pueda se< registreda 1 1temp0 Pile up the soil in ridges around the rose beds Publlehed Orenge Coast Delly 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A civil and w;,ite r w e ll. The n spread a heaping amount of PlJot. June 2· 9· 16 2:t.-1982 comp111nt has been ftled by the 23 t9-82 pl1tnllf1 against you II you wtlh to muk h a round the base of eaC'h plant and water ---.,-111n-, "'-NO_Tl_C_E ___ defend this 1.-m. ~ mC1s1, within again ruut..1\# 30 days efllr this summons la Flu w{•r beds will st1U bl' blooming when you --,-1C-T1-TIOU--a-1u_s_1_N_E_8_S __ M<"9<! on you, Ille with thi• court a NAME STATEMENT wrnten response to lhe complelnt re turn 1f you first c ultivate around the plants The I011<>w1ng ~ are doing Unless yOY do.so. your det11.111 win ltghtly. water generously and apply a thick ~a er o f butlne••.. be enter.a on llPPllca4ion ot the I h Th. k 2 t 3 . h f ood ( I) THE Nu TR IT t 0 N pl11n1111, 1nd this cour1 m1y enter. mu c . IC' means o me es o r w EXPERIENCE. (2) LA. X-RAY, 400 judgment ag11n11 you tor the retie! or undC'r patio covers compost. bark and even wood chips or sawdust to N. Tustin Avinue • Suite 2o 1, demanded 1n the complllnt, which name a fe w of the mulches. Tuttln, CA 92705 could reeult In garnishment of --------------------------(3) R.H V Systems, Inc , 1 wagM. l1k1ng ol money or property Cell lornl1 c orporation. 917 or other retlel requuted In the LLD\'D•!i gardPn shop LLOYD'S FIRST ANNUAL POMRY SALE *ALL RED CLAY & MEXICAN CLAY POTTERY ~03 1a111::'r11101 * U.S. POTTERY -GAINEY POTTERY & STONEWARE 203m1::',..to1 4'' PLANTS . All 4 " Plants In ~.~ Stock Regularty ~ IO~'i99~ ... HALF WHISKEY BARRELS SOLID OAI( 11111. 11.H MOW 1298 llOW r SPOON IT FLOWER FOOD IC•n t>e used on Indoor 1no (.)utdoor Pl1nt1 -1 lb ll•I· I.It 2ll lt:,,__-0_0...,.l't-~t I llW \ •t,A 'I~ 3 lb 111. l.H . 511 ··T~ I llW '···':.!5/ 10 Iii .... 21•11 1111 "' :, .:":'~ •• ;;-·' I • llW BAllDllH # 105 POmia SOIL A speclat lormutated mix of ground llr ban<, Canadian sphagnum peat moss and hortlcultural sand For planllng all Indoor & outdoor potted plants Ready to use. '~ 2 cu. ft, lee. I.ti ji .ow498 Be1onia Richmond1n1i1 IDEAL FOR SUN OR SHADE IN BLOOM IS~ 1 Gal. ~~ ~ 3 &al. \ __) 111. S.IO llOW 1• 111. 11.H IOW 7• HANGING a-ASKIT l11oni1 Rlo•11101ll111i1 IN llOOM OP!N MON. THAU SAT. Mt -SUN. 9·5 1..1..0YO'S NURSERY AND LANDSCAPE CO., INC. 2028 NNf)Ott Blvd (et Bty St.) Costa M ..... CA 9292'1 I ('114) e.S.1441 ' :~=lno Avenue. C-Ostl Mesa. CA ofte~. Ap<ll 16. IH2 Thia business ts conducted by 1 J Peterson. Clerk COf'pO<ltlon V L. Dimeo. Deputy R.H \I Systems. Inc Cert f. tngw .. eon, .Jr. Or Rhonda Henry A PtofeMJonal Corporetloft President 525 "I '' ltrMt, tulle ae This statement was filed with the San Di.go, CA 12101 County 'Cletk of Orange County on (714) 2»-o.14 June 9 1982 Publlahed Or•nge Co111 Dally . . f111117 Pilot, June 4, 11, 18. 25. 11182 Publiahed Orenge Coast Dilly 2470-82 Pilot, June 11. 18, 25, July 2, 1982 P\B.JC NOTICE ~--------·2-4-99--~82 -NO-Tl<:...,....E-Of~TRU--1-TEE-,-.-.-ALE-~ l'tBJC NOTICE T.a. No. 2.121 NOTICI TO CONTRACTORS On July 2, 1982, II 11 00 A.M .. CALUNQ FOR BIDS SI 8 n ·Shew Co r Pora II on. a Scnoot District 11UNTINGTON Calllornla corporation H duty BEACH UNION HIGH SCHOOL appointed Trustee und•r and DISTRICT pur11Uanl to Dead OI TNtt dated Bid Deadline 2·00 PM Mond1y. December 28. 1979. recorded June 28. 1982 December 31. 1979. H lnat No Place of B i o Rece i pt 37i;..1, In book 13451, page 1980. HUN TINGTON BEACH UNION ol Officlll Records on the ofllce of H I G H SCH 0 0 L DI ST RIC T Int COYnty Record«a ol Orenge EDUCATION CENTER, 10251 County. Stile ol California eqc;uted Yorktown Avenue (Bo1rd Room). by HARLAN R. HANSO N, 1n Huntington Belch. CA 92646. unm1rrted man WILL SELL AT Project ldenllllcallon: Bid No. 496 PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST -Roof Renovation, Fountain BIDDER FOR CASH OR AS SET Vialley & Wettmlnster High SchoOll. FORTH fN SECTION 2924H OF THE PI 1 c e P I 1 n a er e o n 111 e : CIVIL CODE. at the front entrenoe MAINTENANCE, OPERATIONS of Sl•n·Shnr Corporlllon. 2315 E. AND CONSTRUCTION, Room 321. 17th Street, Santi Ana. CA 92711 Huntington Belch Union High 1H right. title Incl lnler .. 1 conveyed Sellool Dlstrle1 Education Center, 10 Ind now held by II under said 1025 f Yorktown Avenue. Deed of Trutl tn lhe properly Huntington Belch. CA 92648. lltuated In Mid County Ind Stile Phone: (714) 9&4·3339 Ext. 320. described u : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thll EXl-ltBIT "'A .. the 1bove-n1med Schoot Olstrlet of Leg1I Description: Orange County, Calllornl1, acting PARCEL 1: Lot 38 of Tract No. by ind through Its Gov1rn1ng 8634, u per m1p recorded In Book l:loerd, h«91nafter referred to u 2<48, pagee 18 tllrougll 25 of "DISTRICT," wHI ~ ... up to. bul mtlOellaneous ~.In tile omce of not Iller tll1n tll• above-1111ed the county reciord« of Mid county. lime, 8leled bid• for the IWlrd ol 1 PARCEL 2: Non-1 xclu11v1 contr9C1 lor the 1boYe project. ..-ta OY9t I.Qt A and lot• 141 Bids shall be recelYed In the piece to 169 lnc:lusMI ol TrlC1 No. 3357, Identified above, 1nd shell be u per map recorded In Book 107, opened Ind publicly read llOud at pegH 1 Ill rough 7, lnclu1lv1 of the 1bo.,..1llled time 1nd plllOI. ml1cell1neous map9, In tile office of Eich bid muat conform and be the county 'lfO'dlt' of aald county, rt1pon1lve to the con1r1c1 tor the purpoMB Ind u de«:rlbed doeumln\f. In A1t1cle XIII, Section 4 ol tlle E*lh bid lh•H be BC(;ompanled d1cl1r1llon ol cov1n1nll, by the 11eurlty relened to In the conditions 1nd re11rtcllon1 contract documenll and by the Itel recorded Maret\ 7, 1974 In Book or pr09Qeed aobQontr9C1ora. 11090. PtlQI 174 of offtclal ~d&. The DISTRICT rM«Vet the right The atrnl 1ddr111 1nd other to r•ject any 0t 911 bid• or to we!,,. common deslgn1tlon. II 111y. or Ole 1ny lrregul111tlel or lntormelltles In reiat property ~bed lbOW II any bid• or In the bidding. purported to bl: 1321 Outrtoow The Department ol Industrial Drive. Cofonl dll M11, CA 92825 Relallon1 hH determln1d the Tht und•r•lgned Trull•• gener•I prev1lllng ra1e ol per diem dlect1lm1 any ll1blllty lor arty wegea In the locallty In which thla lf!OOfT9Ct,_ of the "'"' eddreet ~ la to be performed for eech and other eotnmOf' dellgnallort, If c:refl °' type or ~man ~ to 1ny. lhOwn '*-'"· .xecuta lhe oonlrect. Ti-r•t• Said aale wtll be medt. but -on nte et Ille DISTRICT office without coven1nt or w1rrenty. tocaled et 10251 YOfktown Awnue. •llP'IU or lfnl'led, regarding mte. Hunllrtglon Btach, CA 928<41. po111ulort,• or encumbrancta1 Coptee may be obtlifled on requ.t. lncludlng fen, cllarg11 •rto A copy ol thH• ratH 1helt be e,itpentee of the Truatee and of IN Potttc:I It the job alt•. The l«egolng 1r~11 crHted by aald DMd ot echtdule of per diem w•gH 11 Tnm. to fW1 the llm8lnlng ortndc* b.-d upon a ~Ing day of ef9111 llHl'll of the noM(1) ..arid by Mid •>hour•. The "'' lor hc>tldaV ind o.ct or TNIC. to wet: 111:un.M -'llM worti lhall be ti leM1 tllne wttti In,.,_ "*'*"' fl'om 2·t6-t2 n ~. m~ per .wllfl • prcMded"' n tf*' M ll'llnd.rotY UIM>I\ tile aald note(•) ~ ~t• end My OONTAACTOA to who m tlle edvtncet °' -0. -"" ""--pe. .. ~ end uporl 91"1 toftdoeure ~ ~under'*"' to~"°' Tht bel4llcilli t uncW ... o.ct .. thM tile Mid ~ 181 .. to of TN9t ,..,.. 9*IQllld Ind .. WOl1\rrten ~ by IMrn In dellveted to the und.,'6f• • the •ecutlon of Ille oonlNGI. wrltMn OeclWetton of o.flillt lfld Ho blddef mey withdrew 1111 bid Oemend tor ,.... Ind • wntWI for a l*IOd of IOtty·flw (46) c:l.yll NotlOt of o.feult end ~ to lifter the dtte Mt fOf tM ~Of .... n. ~-_,_, ..., bldll. Notlol ol °"'** Md Plc1tofl to A peym tnt bond and 1 W to M reoorded In IM oounlr IDel'l'OftNlll'(lt bOnd ..W M reQUINd wtiere lht ,... ~ II IOolllled. to u.c:Mlon of the oontrllCll. OATE: J\lftt 1. fM2: ~ llond .,.. ~ In tile ''*"'*' Oarporlllloft otm ••t forth irt t11e contrtcl Htl L 11111 I\. a.nte~CAt2711 "°"'1 c. lell9t (7 t4) ..... ,, Dnelof .. lild T"~ =~ltlol'8 Ir'--"" lilNMir "'~ OreM!l Ooeet ~ Pu':e."'::i c.. ~ ~ JUne 11, 19, 11a. . AIM '1, 11. Ma it4CI !MT.a Orne Cou1 DAILY PILOT/Friday, June 11, 191a Deep Throat ID mystifies · 1JTl'LE ROCK, A.rk. (AP) - At an aaalatant to Wateraate PfOMCU\On Archibald Cox and Leon Jawortk.l, John Barker wu ordered t.o flhd Daep Throat. He coukln'L 0 0..p 'lbroll'' WM th• name Wuhl.nc'on Poat Nportert Bob Woodward and Carl Bemateln . Uled to refer t.o an unidentified IOW'Ce who provided them with clUlll and information that led t.o thell' repo.rta on the Watergate covwup. The Identity of Deep Throat remains one of the unaolved mya'\erles of Watercate, although the burglary at Democratic headquarter• that led to President Nixon'• resignation ha~ned 10 yeara ago Thunday. Barker, a Little Rock resident who worked for Watergate proaecutors from 1973 to 197~. theorized that Deep Throat was a cover name for several people. "We weren't able to pinpoint anyone," Barker said in a telephone interview from Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. "l wasn't able even t.o have any good suspicions. "No one person had access to all that information. It was most likely a literary device by the authors," Barker said. AP' WlrepMto BOUQUET FOR PRINCESS -A bouquet of flowers was presented to Britain's Princess Anne upon her arrival at Denver's Stapleton Airport. S he wilJ visit Colorado for four days. Watch TV Y.orn kids' • view Do 'Dukes' and 'Dallas' present appropriate role models? By FRED ROTHENBERG A#T ........ Wftew NEW YORK -"The Dukes of Hazutrd" a nd "Dallas" are in reruns tonight. If you watched these CBS hits the first time for fun and escapism, try watching them from a different perspective this time. Think about what. impact - consciously or subconsciously - they mi g h t have on you r children. CBS considers the "Dukes of Hazzard" at 8 p.m. on Channel 2 light-hearted entertainment. It's made millions of dollars for both the network and merchandisers of "Duke" cars and dolls. But is it possible that the "Dukes" might have some serious overt.ones for your child? How healthy is it that the "Dukes of Hazzard" offers an unreal and dangerous conception of automobile travel? From the Duke Boys' speedster, the General Lee. might kids believe cars should be driven at one speed: screeching acceleration? And if speed limits aren't TV RIVlll the only law that isn't broken m "Dallas" on Channel 2 at 9 p.m. Here, an underhanded, ruthless snake is glamorized, values of brotherly l ove and caring families are disregarded, and the state of Texas doesn't seem to h a v e a s i n g I e h·o n e s t businessman. Are children sophis.ticated enough t.o know that J.R. Ewing is somebody's idea of fun and not an appropriate role model? Remember, in the Midwest "Dallas" is on at 8 p.m. Can children watch these programs and not take their messages with them? Can tnese char acteri- zations and influences be harm- ful? Last month, the National Institute of Mental Health published the results of its comprehensive study o f television. One conclusion: enough for the popular show to ''The more time viewers spend trample, what about the notion watching television, the more that big hunks of machinery can they will conceive the world to collide with virtual impunity? be similar to television portrayals Does a young child have the ... People who view a great same healthy respect for cars d e al of television -and after watching the General Lee consequently see a great deal of glide through the air? violence -are more likely t.o Nobody knows for sure, but it'sv view the world as a mean and something that every parent scary place. should think about. "These heavy viewers," the The speed limit may be about report added, "also exhibit more fear, mistrust, and apprehension than do light viewers." Dr. Elissa Benedek, director of research and training for the Center of Forensic Psychiatry in Ann Arbor, Mich., says violence on TV is unreal violence. ''TV doesn't show the feelings behind violence," she says. "There's no aense for the victim or victimizer. It's all fantasy. Children have no sense of the horror involved." Mrs. Benedek says violence on TV also can stimulate emulation. "It's difficult enough for normal children to integrate and distinguish what they see on TV. Think about how it might impact on people with underlying disturbances." ' The networu' response t.o the Mental Health report was to deny any correlation between violent behavior and TV. NBC said the report had some inaccurate statements and "will be challenged by social scientists c onducting independent reviews." Granted the nature of this longstanding debate, shouldn't parents be more vigilant about what their childrt:!n watch while awaiting definitive evidence? Anybody who's seen children watching TV, then acting out games oC "bang-bang, you're dead'' knows that TV can be influential. If the networks don't think so, why a re they paid millioru of dollars by advertisers trying to mold minds? .FATHER KNOWS BEST, SO HE DESERVES THE BEST. Chalrt come with Rosewood stained ar"'s and tn chocOlate brown or brick leather. Awud ~Inning Sle1ta-a chair of extreme comf91t and beauty. An assortment of colors In rich leather to choose from. Your father will be delighted with thla setectlon. Avallable In high or low back. . ___ _. ______ _ Fanel selects I ' ISth )Hr ..,_. niN...,,. 11 """ o. ~ Annlvtrury letl...,. ,__ .,.., ,,_ Q.1" ln the llarbOr Area COPA,_. 6'1·12ff J h • tasty antacid 1116....,.. M . :· fMIPS ... • BOSTON (AP) -LookJna for a modest little MllllOH W» 495-0401 ' ... ans.adand d, tobe~!_htna wt~ a n1co bouq? uet and flniah ,.:..""...:::-:. ~.:::; 1 44.!_C:,. ~ ~& , Ma)' ,_t I hU\\ -IW lntll ~ 6ll·17.. • So are a team of doctors from Oreaon, who f have eubject.ed 1ewn branch of antac:ta to the palatee of• dt.crlmlnattna, t.ute-t.estb\i panel. ••••••••••••••••••• • The idea WU to fl.ncf the tuti•t antacid. The s p E c I A m;s· i medicine ii a aood way to U'eat ulcen, the doct.on : note, but p90pr. often fail to UM the 1tuff becau.to it t ~cthe competition was over, the wtnner We Have A Limited Nymber Of Salee~ ! WU MyW\ta n. However, I\ could have been better Mercedes Available For Lease At ~ -the tuters gave lt an average ecore of 10 on a Favorable T arms. tca1e ot 0 to 20. 11\e tailing was organized. by Ora. Kenneth Klein and David Lieberman of the Oregon Health Sdenc.w Univenity ln Portland. They releued the results ln a '-ttter publiahed ln ThW"lday's New Enaland Journal of Medicine. To guide the tasters, the doctors used a wine- talting acale developed at UC Davia. · The 16 tasters rated the antacids' flavor on a ale from ''vile, undrinkable" through "not great. but easy to get down" all the way up to "delicious!" -but no antacid actually made the "delicious" gradeThey al.lo checked the medicines' appearance, bouquet, body, sweetness and finish. Between gulps, members of the panel cleansed their palates with sips.of selt.zer'water and bites of French bread and cheese. Cloee behind Mylanta II in the ratings were Maalox Therapeutic Concentrate and Mylanta. Further back were AllernaGEL, Riopan and Maalox. The worst-tasting medicine was Amphojel, which got a score of 2. "In addition to cost, potency and electrolyte composition," the doctors concluded, "taste should be an important consideration in selecting an antacid preparation." @ MERCIDEI ® IEIOEHI IOOl-TllM lmlL Brand new, •rrMng trom Germllny lhl1 weM. Classic white with palomlno leather, electr1C aunroof, alloy Wheels, stereo cauette. • ·~·3~,652 IUI, 1111 PlmtllLY IWIEI PIMPEID IEIOEIEI WAHi 22.000 ml. Sun roof, atweo cassette, alloy wheels. White with brown lnterlol'. 11•1a S20,89S hU Yllllllll (114) HMIOO Every Sunday PtaJC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE · •••••••••••••••••• 1982 300 D Turbo 8 lue metalloc w1 tn bluo t• 1111 Le-.s Lhan 2 500 moles F-ulfy et1u•1.1Pt:'d even sun ,.0011 1102456 C ap Coat 526,500 'lll•a~11.u11i .. ai11i11.1a·•••'lra! ················--· 1982 300 D Turbo GOl<l m1Hdllil woLh be•ge t1 om le'>·· tlidn 2 ':lUO r111lec, Fully ec11111.111cu even -.un 1 ouf' uQJ71C Cap Coa t •27,500 Lease for 12, 24, 36, 48 or 60 mo1. -you choose! •••••••••••••••••• ··~;rr·····~~.~~~-~-~ 300 SD Turbo :::: :'.'.: :::: :::: =:;: :::: Sloe metdfl•c with Olue tr1n1 Le'>S th,m 9 000 mole!> Ctirurne wheelc, ':>un ruul & "'0• e' .:i2Ql'l34 C ap Cost •34,000 Lease for 1 2 , 24, 3&, 48 or &Omo.. -you c hoose! ·················--••••••••••••••••••• 1982 240 D Dealer den o cquoLJl)ed with automatic & mu<.;h mote• War ranLy still in lorce• 1113449 Cap Coat 518,000 Lease for 12, 24, 31, 48 or 60 mos. -you choose! ············-····· Quality Leasing ask for Bob Mohan (714J 842-2000 ~-----··············· ACTmOUe WM Ftc:TTT'IOU8 WU Ftc:TmOUI ....... K~ MAim ITA~ ..,._ ITAT__,,. ..,.._ ITAT'EmNT f'\Cnnoul au ... aa Tiie folfowtng pet90ll8 11te doing Tiie lollowlng P9"9DIW -doing The lollowtng persons are doing NAME STATEmN'T ~ M ~ u . ~ u : The IOllOwlng persons are doing LAWYERS ASSURANCE LPA, 9975 Bolea Avenue, SOUTHWOOD LIQUOR. 2230 ~u: PROGRAM, 995 Town center Or. Weetmlmtter, Cellfomle 92683. Harbor Bl"d . Coate Mete, IRVINE FASTENERS. 17982A #800, C:O.te M8ea. CA 9292&. Llgllllng Plutl" Auoclel ... Cellfomla 92627. Sky Pri Clrde. lnnne. CA 927 t4. Emlllo N. Frem:l.co. Inc .. a Inc., e Celifomle corporation. 9675 FRANCISCO J SOTO, 1088 Lowell 0 SnHthen. t7802 Celllornle law COfporetlon. 896 BolH Avenue, Wntmlnater. CA See Blull Drive , Costa Meta. 1rvlne Blvd . S• 213, Tustin. CA TO'lll'I Cen1er Or. •800. Coate Meea. 92838. Cetlfomia 92627. 92880 CA 921129. Thie ~ It conducted by a JOSE GARCIA. 1088 Sea Bluff Freoetlek W Bar1ell, 554 S Thia ~ la conducied by • corpof•tlon. Drive. Coate Men. Callfornla Ounu Rd . Orange. CA 92869. COf'l)Ofallon. Ugh ting Plutlcs 92627. Thia business It condocted by • Emlllo N. Franclaco, Inc AMOdat•, Inc. This bulineas 11 conducted by general pertner'lllip Emilio Francltc0 U-enc:. W. Horton Individuals. Lowelt D. SnMthen Praeldent Praeldenl Jote Garcia Freder'lci! W Bar1e1S Tiiie etat-t -meet with the Thia 1111ement wu flied with ttoe This statement wu filed with Ille Tiile 11a1emen1 wu llled with the , County Cter1t of Or~ County on County Clerk of Oninge County on County CleOI of Orange County on County Cl9r1t al Orange County on June 9, 1982. June 9. 1982. May 27. 1982. Mey 29, t982. '1'1171 F111111 • fttor71 F1IOS12 Publlahed Orange Cout Dall) Publlahed Orenge Cout Delly Publlshed Orange CoHt Dally Publlahed Orange Coast Dally Piiot, ~ 11. 18, 25, J\lry 2, 1982 Piiot, June 11, 18, 25. July 2, 1982 Piiot, Mey 28, June 4, 11, 18, 1982 Piiot, May 28, June 4. 11. 18. t982 ~ 2525-82 2581-82 2364-82 2361-112 • ~~~~~~~~~~ : NI.JC *>TICE Ml.IC NOTICE NII.IC NOTICE Pla..IC NOTICE ~ STATE-..cT OF HANOOf-NT "CTITIOUI llUllNHI FlCTmOUS 9U .... H FICTIT10U9 9U ... M ! °'UK°' FICTmOUI MAMR ITATlllUlf NAME ITATIMENT NA• ITAft•NT • ............. . Tll• lollowlng p•r•on• have MN nm bu~~::;nng PCl(IOOI are doing bu~':.:'~ persona .,. doing ·! abendoned the.~ of Ille Flctltloue Tiie following person 11 doing, ROBIN-ROBERTS PAINTING, CAMPBELL -PALOMAR II. • Buel.-NMw. • butl-u: t7172 Bolaa Chica Rd. # 17 . 271111 la Paz Roed. Lagune Niguel. PACIFIC COAST BOX OFFICE, T H E P A 0 FESS I 0 NA L Huntington Beectl. CA 92649. Celltomla 92877. Suite #100 3990 W•tetly Pleoe. FABRICARE BUREAU. 18033 Botu Robin OeYll. 17 t72 Botu Chica Robett M. Cempbelt, 2 Morr-; N4!wpof1Tll FIBeechtltl • CAB 92 1 880 N Chica No. 103, Huntington Beactl. Rd. • 17. Huntington Beaoll. CA Bey. Corona del Mar, Cellfornle 1 • c OUI UI n•H •m• Celllomla 92949 92649 92825 1 referred to above wu llled In Byron p. Henderaon. 3592 Robert Stubenberg, t 7 172 eirtc11er Peclflc: "· • Celltomla ~ ar.,. County on May r. 1982. Aquarlu1 Dflve, Huntington Beach. Botu Chica Rd. • 17, Huntington ~ pertnerlhlp. 27611 la Paz. ~ Good E-*'11 LA.. 8 Cellfornla Cellfomla 92949 Beech CA 92649 · • Niguel Cellfomla 926n ~ corporation. Suite f 100. 3990 Thia ~ i. conducted by an Thia.~ ~ conduc1ed by a bua!neU Is conducted by • S Waetetly Piece.~ Beec:fl. CA unincorpora ted HIOClatlon otti. general pertnerlllip general pertnereNp ~ 92880. 11\an 1 pet1nerlt\(p. Robin Oriti Aobef1 M. Campbell t Thia ~ wu oonduc:led by • 1¥on p. Hendenon This statement was nled with the Thia tt•t-t wu lllecl with the ~ corpora ~ Evening LA Thia 8'at-t WM flied with the County C*1t of ()tenge CcNnty on County C1ett1 al Ofenge County on :-, Vloe P..ident · county Cleftc or Or9nge County on June 9. t982. May 21, 1982 ~ ..._. '°"... ..... June t , 1N2. F1t1171 H11t1ter a v-~ Thll ~ -....., "' t.,. F1t11'3 Publlshed Orange CoHt Delly Att.-,. et law >, ~~~of Orange County on Publl1hed Orange Cout Dally Pllol. June 1 t. t8, 26, July 2, 1982 '9IOO FMrdlfld Drift ~ 8Y • ,1,._ Piiot, JUM 11, 18, 25, July 2. 19112 2524-e2 aufte 100 ~ 0 C t 0 II 2582-82 ,,0. 9o• 1WT7 ' Pubtl•Md reno• oat • 1y 1111-tC unnt'c tntne, CA urn • Plot, May 28. June 4. 11. te. 1982 P'lll.IC NOTICE ... ~ "'"~ ,,_, j 2275-82 FICTtTIOUI 8U ... H Publlthed Orange Coal! Delly ' r-----------I l'ICTTnOUI llU ... 11 NAME ITATW•NT Piiot. June 11. 18, 26. July 2, t982 • Ml.IC NOTICE MAMI ITATUllNT The f0110W1ng peraona .,. doing 25116-82 ~ The lollowtng l*'IOO• ere doing butlnett u: J lllCTmOUe WM llu9IM9I u : SKRUB PHOTOGRAPHY. 86115 P\B.IC NOTIC( ) NAMa ITAT'lmNT TEK INDUSTRIES, 550 W, C7t0 Ven Neu Court. Huntington -------------The I~ l*90l'll .,. doing Crowtllef Avwiue, Pleoentle, Celll. Beach. CA 92848. "1CTTTIOUI IU ... H butlneM a.: t2910. Gordon Leo But111, 8585 C710 NAME STATEMENT 8ERVICE SPECIAL 1831 IMM Urathene lnduatrlH, Inc .. • Ven Neu Court, Huntington BMon, Tiie lollowlng person 11 doing 1, COlta Meu. CA IM Celllornla oorporeuon, 550 W. CA 92&48. bullneet .. : ' Paul 0 Holfnen 181)1 lrvlne Crowther Avenue. Placent11, Joanne Joyce Burke, 11686 HANOI-AID COMPANY. 2907 #F, Cotti M.a, CA t2927. Callfomla 92870. C710 Ven NMI Court. Huntington W. Werner, Senta Ana, CA 92704. SCot1 e. LA!YW, t83t lrvlfM #E, Thie bullntM II concfUC1ed by • Bee<:ll, CA 92648. Barbare Ruth Paul, 1128 El\ Coate Meea. CA 92927 <:Orl>Of•llon. Gordon l.. 8ut111 Cemlno Dr .. Cotta..._, CA a2828. 4 Tilll ~ .. conducted by • Ureth8M lnduetrlea, Inc. Thle 11eternent WU lllld with .. Thlt bul!MM .. condUcted by an .. genar1' pertnenhlp. David w. l'lnebefg County Clerk or Orange County on Individual. : PN Ho4fnan Pnleident May 25, 1982. 8afblrl !Mii PIUI ~ SCot1 i.a,. Tiiie 1tatement -lllecl .cth the , Thlt atll-t -Ned w11tt the , TNI llMttnent,,.. ftlad with the Coun'r Clar1I of Ofanee County on Publlalled Orange Oout Dally County CMft of Orange County on • County Cwtl of Orange County o1i June • t9112. ,,_ Piiot, May 28. June 4, 11, 111 1982 May 2t, 1982. • .. _ 2'f 1982 Publlahed Or•nr coaat Delly 23~ ,,... : ~, ' · ,1_, ~.June 4, 11, 1 , 25, t982 Publltlled Orang• Coaat Delly • Publlatted Orange Cout Delly 24&7-82 Pta.IC NOTIC( Pilot. May 28, June 4. 11. 1~ ! Piiot. May 28, June '· 11, ''· 19'2 ·-.,. -l'ICTtTIOUI .._.. ' 2295-a '"-nv1-. MMml'TA,..._ f MOTlC9 ....,... .. The '*"4rlg l*90n8 ... ~ "8JC MmC( i Ml.IC fl)TIC( .:::~ T~.,, I':" ttu11"=o.'::: ~ -: VENUE VENTUftE"S, ACTmOUe M 11•11 ) ACTmOUI .,_.. e.cti Union High lcNol o.trtc1 11782 MecAt1tlur 8oul111W'G, 9ulta The 1MAl9. ITAlW '. ' MMm ITA'-1' wlll raoelve IHIU bid• for 140, IMne. ~ t211I. ~ °":"° Pl'90l9 ... dolr'O • ~'°"°'*""'II Pll'IOM Ire e111tplylng Small aotiool Bu111 MtcA~ C::,:::::·t;.t. ~= II ATCHER BU81HE8S F A V~VIHUE LI MIT! "'••Unt or •Q11•1 to tlle IMM.°"'°"*11116. 'C£NTER -CON>OAAnPAL.OMAA I ln'NUllHIP ,91112 ===-on ,.. In 1tlt OfllOt Of Gregory O. Olrl91110 ,t1t2 PHAH'. Tl, 17111 la P'u "°8d, 011lav•r•, kite 1•0, trwlnt, Ml tll .. 11 M CMlfly IMrtl .. MacArthur Bo\llawtrd, IVttt 140, ~ ~·1~ m~. tcllllforrita nnt. "lmlll aatlool au. No IOO." ....,_. IMna. Oelltotnle 12115. • m P • -• om., • • fey Avenue Yent•r•ra. ltd to Am,n !.. -...; ~ MIGllaal A. Nlclloln, 11Ttt Catllotnle general pertnefllllp, llllMnl• 09Mral pat1Mrahtp, M.,,..., H\lntlnaton 8iiMij UNon MacAftl'lllr IOllll'ltrd, Sutt• t40, ~ ~Aotd. UlollN ._,.., rir::=:::r,:-lllite HIQll lollool OleHfot, IOU, ~~w-:i.:;.. 1trta Th9 bullnw•ll oondllO*t by a Tfllll ~ .. 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DATU>~..,._ """'CA""' · ,_ ,,_ l'b•:.91,~,rc=f.! ~,.-1'--a.= ~~\.~:Tl~~ ~-=:11~0:.~~~ . 1- 1174 OPEL IAITA SPOllT COUPE Auto. tr1n1 .• radio & heater. exceptionally clean and new paint. Must see to appreciate! (265KLL) 1111 ISUZU "LS" COUPE 5 lpeed transmlsalon. AM-FM radio. aH the factory equipment. Just over 11,000 mites. custom wheels & tires (1CQA945). •5799 1174 Y.W. SIPEI IEmE "SllWAIEI" 4 speed, stereo cassette. sunroof & morel Completely recondltlonetl with new gold metallic paint & saddle brown Interior. Don't get the bug till you see this onel (729405). •3999 llll. PEllEDT ull4" •SEL 4 speed tr an a .• AM-FM caaaette. power steering, power brakes, power Windows, aunroof J morel Very cleanl (049TZU). A real steal at only 1111 TIYITI "E-1" UllTIP Rare 5 speed model for outstanding economy with stereo cassette, custom exterior trim & morel (677RLF). Great graduation gift for only 1111 ... ..... Popular 5 lpeed model With air conditioning, AM-FM atereo and roof rack. Spotleaa beige flnllh With matching Interior. (914ZTT). •5999 1111 lllZll "-121" CllPE Automatic trans., air cond .. AM-FM atereo, alloy wheela, cuetom tnm ~age & morel Exceptional car In fNfKY rMPeCt With only 15,000 mltea. (1BJZ435). ... 99 1n1 nma 11111.UIMll The ultimate In economy With a 4 speed trans .. AM-FM atereo. exterior \rim package, & more. $potleaa brown metallic ftnlah With beige Interior. (1CTP811). Juat 15,000 mltea for only 5399 1111 ••11 llOlll 4 ... SElll 5 speed. air cond .. power steering, power brakes, ste<eo casset1e & morel (1AQU363). The ultimate In economy with a touch of luxury at a bargain price of just ·~699 1111 TIYITI 4MllllEISlll The ultimate Toyota Sedan with auto .. full power, air cond .. plua tilt wheel. cruise control. AM-FM stereo & morel Under 22.000 mllesl Spotless mel brown exterior with beige velour inte<lor. (580lYT). TOY·OTA ~966 HarbOr BIVd. IAL liREEI RlllOI BUYS· These late modeJ, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't lose! BES.T BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e 1111 TIYITI •11.U WllOI Thia one It fUlly factory equipped and haa an automtlc tranemlMlon. It Is also an exc.ptlonajly ciean earl (286YHG). Thia one la a steal at only e11ll OllLLEllEI SPiil OllPI Auto. trans .. air cond .. full power, tllt wheel, stereo tape, alloy wheels & more. Sterllng allver over charcoal tu-tone with low tow mltea. (1BJK724). Don't miss thl1 one at Just ellll TIYDTI CWU LIF'MICI S speed tranamlaalon, air conditioning, AM-FM stereo, rear Window shade & morel You've got to see this two tone beauty! (867WPL). •3999 5 5399 •5999 e1111 01m1LET •m OULI Popular V8 with automatic transmission, air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, tllt wheel, cnJIM control. rally wheels & morel A nice cart (1BGC330). I 5 6999 11 I 1171 VOLVO "244 IL" Auto. trans .• air cond .. power steering. power brakes & very clean. Light blue finish with dark blue Interior Don't miss this onet (187XWB) •6499 1111 Fiii YO OllTUI I PlllEMER Equipment Includes power S1eerlng. radio. power brakes, Interior decor and completely orlgtnal Inside and oull (219WDA). 1110 TOYOTA TERCEL . SUI ROOF 4 speed. stereo cassette. alloy wheels, custom Interior & exterior trim. The ultimate In economy & fun to drivel (1AOS832) 5 4699 1111 TOYITI slPu--Automatlc trans., air cond .. tun power, AM-FM stereo. tllt wheel, cruise control. power door locks, alloy wheela & morel Rare black metallic ftnlah With Bordeaux Interior. (499ZTI). 5 8999 . 1171 TOYOTA CELICA "LlnlACI'~ 5 speed. air cond., AM-FM stereo, alloy wheels. rear shade & more Low miles & spotless In every respect. (413WRA) 5 5999 1111 TOYOTA SIPlll Automatic trans .. full power. air cond .. ate<eo tape, tilt Wheel. cruise control. alloy wheels & morel Jtlat over 27,000 mltea on this metallic brown beauty. See It today! (88•XJW). 5 6999 1117 TOYOTA CELICA 0 LlnUCI" Auto. trans .. air cond .. stereo tape, power brakes & more. (987SEW) A rare find & extra clean for only 5 4799 1111 OIEYY PllllP lllWIZI LIHIEI Automatic transmission, air cond .. power steering & brakes, tilt wheel. SIX-PAC camper and low mllest Must see to appreciate! (1G34~88). "IL" PIOlllE Popular 5 speed with air cond .. full power, cruise control, leather seats. power mirrors. stereo cassette with equalizer & power boost. alloy wheels & rally tires. JuS1 over 8,000 mlles.(100K384) 511,999 1111 lllZDl 0 1iLC" Popular front wheel drive 5 speed, fully tactory equipped plus exterior trim package & morel Just over 10.000 miles. (1BWY605) Take a look at only 5 4999 1111 •11 omc "OYOO" LIFTUCI Economical 5 speed with air cond., stereo cassette, exterior trim package & more. (726ZLF). An outstanding buy at only 5 3299 11ll Y.W. UlllT 2 IMI UTOIUCI Popular 4 speed fuel Injected model with a stereo cusette, custom Interior and more. (793SYZ). Low mlles. A steal for Just 5 2999 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP 11z Ton Shortbed. This one has a 4 speed transmission, a 2.4 litre engine and Is fully factory equipped. (037859). A vacation special now priced at only $ (714) 646-9303 • ~~J~, 1812 \ . More upsets at World Cup occer tourney. C8 See tory, page C2. Carew's ·streak Unlikely leaders · hits 21 Rogers, Devlin ahead in U.S. Open BY CURT SEEDEN or .. D1111W ,... ,..,.. George Van IJaltren, If alive, would probably atill be lau~hing if the Toronto Blue Jays had pulled off the near lmposaible Thursday night. Down 8-0 thanka to a barrage of Angel hits, including four by Rod Carew. the Blue Jays scratched their way back to make things interesting before falling 10-8. For those wbo are wondering, • George Van Haltre n s tarted playing baseball in 1887 and didn't quit until 17 years later. He accumulated 2,573 hits and had what seemed like a comfortable, albeit tentative, four-hit lead over the Angels' Carew coming into Thll'rsday night's game. But before th~ night was over, Carew had whacked three singles and a ground rule double and scored twice in the p~ to tie Van Haltren for 52nd on the all-time hit list. Trivia perhaps, put Carew will look back on the day and try to figure out why teams like the Blue Jays give the Angels so many problems. "FOR SOME reason, this ball club and Seattle have been pests for us," Carew noted after the game. "I just don't like to let up against anybody." So after Carew singled in his second at-bat to extend his hilting streak to 21 games, he managed to hit safely the next three times he came to the plate. And as it turned out, his final two hits played key roles in the Angels' final two runs. Those two runs turned out to be the difference in a game that looked as if it was decided in the second inning. "I'm more excited that we're winning and because we're starting to get untracked again," C¥eW continued. "Winning games is what's important right now." At> WlrwpMto LINING IT UP -First-round co-leader Bill Rogers eyes a putt on the 16th green at the U.S. Open Th~y at Pebble Beach. Rogers shared the lead after the first day with Bruce Devlin after shooting a 2-under-par 70. ... PEBBLE BEACH (AP) -The capUvatine but capricfoua Pebble Beach Goll Llnks t.ook Its toll on the world's finest players on the ~penin,i day of the United Stales Open, leaving Bruce Devlin and Bill Rogers, a unlikely couple, sharing the fin,t-day · lead. Devlin, who says he plays the game mostly f~m memory, ·and Rogers, who has been unable to recall the formula that made him Player of the Year in 1981, both shot 2-under-par 70s Thursday on the windswept 6,825-yard layout. That was one stroke better than Jim King, Calvin Peete, Danny F.dwards, Bobby Clampett and Terry Diehl . .all in at 71. Nine others, including 1~78 champion Andy North and Tom Watson, were lied at 72. Defending champion David Graham had a 73 and Jack Nicklaus, bidding for a record fifth Open title, fell victim to the winds and ftpished with a 74, as did current PGA champ Larry Nelson. Masters Champion Craig Stadle~ ha~ a 76 and hot-sh~tin.g Ray Floyd, with two v1ctones and a second in his last three starts, finished with an 81. ROGERS, WHO won seven tournaments including the British Open last year, has been atrugg.ling this season. But he came out fast with birdies on the second, third and sixth holes. He gave back two with consecutive bogeys on Nos. 7 and 8 before birdying No. 9 to make the tum in 34. He shot 36 on the back side with nine consecutive pars. "I've been stru~ling,"'said Rogers. "One week if I'm driving well, Im not putting. I haven't been able to put it all together." For the year, his best finishes have been ties for fourth at Los Angeles and fifth at Greensboro. In his last seven tournaments since April 4, his top performance was a tie for 26th. He missed the cut last week at Memphis. "I'm confident I'll come out of it," he said. "I fully expected to come back this year like gangbusters, but it hasn't happened." It made Devlin, a forgotten man on the tour, feel great. Asked what he would have said if at breakfast Thursday someone had suggested that he'd be leading the Open that evening, Devlin grinned. "I'd have told them they were mad," he said. HE HAD PLAYED in just eight tournaments all year and missed the cut in half o.f those. His. top finish was a tie for 45th place and his tour earnings for the year had been a meager $3,603. 71. "I've only played in a few tournaments and , I've played miserably in all of them," h,e said. "I have n't e njoyea it. I'm sort of playing from memory." Devlin hasn't won a tour event since 1972 when he finished first at Pleasant Valley and Leaders 8111 Rogers Bruee Devlln Challengers Jim King l»anny Edward!it Bobby Clampett Terry Diehl Tail-enders Jerry Pate Seve Balles teros Arnold Palmer 34-36-70" 36-34-70 38-33-71 31-40-71 34-37-71 34-37-71 38-41-79 38-43-81 39-42-81 •See seoree;, page C3 Houston and then went mto semi-retirement. "That doesn't make t.oo much seqse. does it?" he said. "Win two tournaments and then retire. It wasn't the smartest move." He eagled the second hole Thursday and survived bogey-double, bogey at Nos. 6-7 and another bogey at 10 with birdies at 9, 15 and 16 to grab his s hare of the lead. Included in his round was a par 5 at No. 14 after he won an argument with a tournament official over placement of his ball. "My ball was in front of a TV cable stake and I couldn't put my club on it," Devlin said. The oHicial said he did not have authority to allow relief Crom the unmarked ground under repair. Devlin asked for a USGA official, who t permitted him to lift his ball. THAT SAME HOLE d id some damage to F.dwards, who was 6 under par after 13 holes but had double bogeys on 14 and 16. The second occurred when he put a shot in the Pacific Ocean, one of the charming hazards at Pebble Beach. Of No. 14, F.dwards said, "There's no chance you can keep the ball on the green up ther~. You're hitting uphill and the wind takes the _spin ~H ~e ball. There's a terrible pin placement with a ndge m the middle. It's the hardest pert of the green." F.dwards has had problems with Pebble's No. 14 before. He took a 9 with six putts there during the 1977 PGA tournament. The Angels. by taking the last two games from the Blue Jays. have now won five of their last six games and moved back into sole possession of first place in the American Leai(Ue West with a half-game lead over Kansas City. Pure shooter finally gets his shot UC Irvine-bound Bardsley can forget about doing it all in All-star game Carew's hitting streak is the longest in his career. He is also just one game shy of tying the all-time Angels' hitting streak set . by Sandy Alornar in 1970. "I've never had long streaks, rather short ones of eight or 10 games when I'd get three or four hits every game," Carew recalled. "I prefer short streaks with a lot of hits." All of Carew's hits figured prominently in the Angel scoring ~ as they ripped 14 hits of! three Toronto pitchers. Only a four-ru~ Bll!e ~ay uprising in the ninth inning made things interesting. and at the same time showed the problems of the Angel bullpen haven't gone away. "IT SEEMS like we didn't score enough runs," offered second baseman Bobby Grich who hammered his eighth home run of the yea r to k ey the Angels' big second inning. "Some (See ANGELS, Page C4) By ROGER CARLSON Ofttie D.., Plot St.ff . As a three-year starter for Costa Mesa High's Mustangs, Ken Bards ley did ll all. shooting, rebounding, playmaking, defense . . . whatever was needed, Bardsley filled the bill. But those Jack-of-all-trades days are just about over for this 6-4 'h. 185-pound All-CIF star, whose collegiate future rests with UC Irvine. "It's Randy Whieldon's spot I want," says Bardsley as he prepares for the 17th Orange County All-star basketball game at Or~e Coast College Saturday night (8). Bardsley will be used in that format by South Coach Barry Leigh, filling the lane and shooting, out of a 1-4 offense. "He's a pure shooter," says Leigh, "just a sweet kid." Bardsley was an All-CIF 3-A selection after leading his Costa Mesa teammates to the CIF playoffs for the first time in 17 years and his decision to attend UCI came early in the year, a maneuver to try to keep some of the pressures to a minimum during his senior campaign. "He (UCI Coach Bill Mulligan) said he wasn't recruiting for the future so I just hope to contribute," says Bardsley. Mulligan, confinns it, saying, "We brought in three freshmen and we plan on playing them all "W e thought he was the best shooter in Orange County and he'& a great kid and student. The 19-foot rule (three-point pla'y) they're bringing in should help, LOO. "When he's in his rhythm and takes the proper shot,. he scores. The problem in high school Is that they have to ask him to do a lot of things. "We're more into specialists. He doesn't have to do everything. We'll be asking him to do less things and get more into shooting. I'm more into shooting percentage than how many points you get. ·~e's a lot like Whieldon, but with a little more athletic ability." Bardsley was also a volleyball star at Costa Mesa and was also a football player, but when a • football coach decided Bardsley wouJd be ideal as a two-way tackle, he bowed out after his freshman season. So, Bardsley will be doing just that Saturday, concentrating on shooting, without the pressure of being the total show. "It'll be nice not to have the big role.'' says Bardsley, "just to do my part." Bardsley averaged 19.4 points a game as a senior and racked up an amazing streak of 50 straight games by scoring in double figures for the (See BARDSLEY, Page CZ) Opinions vary on Magee's worth in draft Knicks, Pistons, Dallas, Portland have shown the most interest in All-American Eleven days. That's all the time Kevin Magee has remaining before he finds otat his fate in the NBA. F.arly re.rts as to just where Magee wW be 11elected m the June 29 draft are not ~y conflicting, but they're confusing, too. Last week, the A.U-Americaii from UC Irvine attended what you might call an "A.U .. star camp" of eorts, featuring aome of the top collegiate talent in the nation. The camp was designed by the NBA to give ita general managers an.ct coaches a chance to look at aome of college's belt players all at once. 'nle alfalr did exclude, however, what the NBA temled, .. the top three or four picka," meaning North Carolina's Jamea Worthy, Georgia's Dominique Wilkens and DePaul'a Terry Cummings were not uked to attend. Maaee. at tint, did not plan to go to either, but WM convinced otherwt,e, mottly becau1e of the lara• contract thlt 6-8, 2ao.-pound poltman expects to command. Maaee, u waa flnt released in thla colwnD May 21, b expected to Mk for a five-year pact worth an t!tUmatec:I $1.~ mOJJon. Rumor Md it there were some teeml that crtnced at IUCh a figure. There were even a few 1eneral mana1era, SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO reportedly, that felt M•gee wasn't worth such a steep price. Thus, to prove his worth, Magee went to camp. But thia is where thlnga start to get a bit confusing. Pete Ve<iey, who writes a syndicated weekly basketball column, had th.la to aay in last Tuesday's. Herald Examiner: ". . .UC Irvine's Kevin Magee, on the other hand, dropped a few notches by not showing for the Aloha Clasaic arui then dropped right 10 the bouom of the fint round by hit showing in Chicago. "Maaee can't pomtbly be that bad,'' aald one GM. That wu only one obeervation, though. Another, by Lakera General Manager Jerry West, wu extremely polltlve. "He certainly didn't hurt hlmMU/' Wn\ WU quoted u •1,ina, "U anything, he helped hla at.anding. ' Ac:cording to Dennll Harwood, ~'1 Newport Beach attorney, reports on his client were qulte fJvorable. "People told \me he was the best rebounder In camp with good scoring wtentia1 and adequate defense. lf he had a weaknesa, I was told, it was In hit plllli.ng . .. but I could have told them that." UCI Coach Bill Mulligan, who baila from Chicago, was also able to add to the report. ''They had them running pattema there and the only thing I heard was that Kevin nad troub1e completing aom of the patterns," he said .. "Well. hell, that's only understandable," Mulligan added. "Naturally, we had pattema here, too. but they all stopped when Magee tot the ball." Magee's defense, which a1ao figured to be a llablllty, generally got a favorable response by those who attended. "I understand he dJd fairly well and even blocked two or three thota," aaid Harwood. It hall been learned that the NBA plana to have the top 10 1electkJN ln New York on draft day. It Is not known at thit time, however, whether ~ will be one of the 10. "He would have been a ~ if all the hardships hadn't of come out," said (See SEV ANO, hp Ct) ........ ~ ...... FLUID MOVBS -~1ta Mesa Hl1h'1 Ken Bardsley (shooting) will be exhlbit.lnl b1a 10ft touch Sa~aJ. niaht for the South in the Oranp COunty All-star bMk pme at Orange C.OUt College. ' • .. , Of•noe Oout DAILY l'ILOT/trrtdly. Jun• 11. 1HI .................... __________ ....,....., • Buss faces lawsuit from commission From AP dl1patcht LOS A.NOELES -The Lo• m Anaelea Memorial Coliseum Comml.s.sfon filed a $50 million anti· truat suit Thunday against own~r Jerry Buas of the Los Angeles Lakera ln an effort to halt Bwis' possible opposition to the move to Los Angeles by the San Dieao Clipperi. "The suit was flied because Busa has said he would unilaterally veto the move of the • Clippers from San Diego to the Los Angeles Sports ' Arena," said Oick White, manager of the Sports Arena. White said no one connected with the Sports Arena, an adjunct of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, had actually talked with ~. The suit, he said, was IUH filed because Buss was quoted in the press as saying he would oppose the move. He said the commission couldn't wait until next week's National Basketball Association Board of Governor's meeting to see where Buss actually stood because by then It might be too late. Attorney Howard F. Daniels said that Buss could have veto powec over a move of the franchise but he added found nothing in the NBA constitution requiring a thr.ee-quarters vote for such a move. The plaintiffs, the Coliseum Commission, estimatfd. that its actual damages based .upon tenns of its lease agreement with the Clippers would be approximately $10 million w hich , when trebled under federal law would be upped to some $30 million. Al.so asked were punitive damages in the amount of $20 million. Quote of the day Kevin McHale of the Bo&ton Celtics, praising Philadelphia 76ers sharpshooter Andrew Toney during the NBA Eastern Conference playoff finals: "He's a scoring machine who has an impact as soon as he enters the game. I called him 'Android' for the Asteroids game. You get unlimited shots in Asteroids, and he gets unlimited shot,s , too." Nuggets giva up on Thompson DENVER -Guard David m Thompson. who has been struggling the past two National Basketball Association seasons to regain his all- star form. 'was traded Thursday to the Seattle SuperSonics for forward Wally Walker and the Sonics' fi rst-round pick in the 1982 college draft. "David Thompson has given Denver's basketball fans som~ tremendous thrills during the past seven years. and it's tough to let him go .. but the time has come Cor us to make a change," said Carl Scheer, the Nuggets' president and general manager, in making the announcement. In seven seasons with the Nuggets, Thompson averaged 24.l points per game, while scoring a tot.al of 11,992 points. He once scored 73 points in a single game. a feat bettered only by Wilt Chamberlain. A four-time All-Star in the defunct American Basketball Association and the NBA. he and Julius Erving -curt'ently with Philadelphia -a.re the only players to have been named Most Valuable Player in both an NBA and ABA All-Star game. Torrv •harp•• Bolton triumph• Rlaht-handet MU1t TtrrH 111 blanked Olewland on four hha for 8 M lnntn11 i nd Dave llaplel11 aluaed hl1 eewnth homer of the INIOft to ~Ip Bolton INJ>. a three·a•me IOllinl atreak with a G-3 victory. Mm ClHr tamed hi.I 11 lh 11ve by 1•ttln1 the final out ... !l.llewhere In the American LM(uo, Buddy BtlJ hit a three-run double to h1ghU1ht T.xat' four· run third lnnlng, and the Rana n rolled to a 0-1 victory' ov r Seattle . . . Ned Voit tripled ln the 11th lnnlna and ecotf'd on a two-out error by Detroit ahortttop AlaD Trammell to stve Milwaukee a 3-2 wln at Detroit . . . Tony Bernaitrd and Steve Kemp knocked In seven runs TOMIZ between them aa Chicago\ mounted a 16-hit attack to deCeat Oakland, 11-7, and complete R three-game series sweep for the White Sox . . . In the Nat.tonal League, Bill Backoer, Jay JollDatoDe and Bump Wl111 all homered and pitcher Randy Martt hit a th~·run tiouble lead!na Chicago to its fourth straight victory, 12-8 over Montreal . . . Gary Mattbew1' second homer of the game, a solo shot In the 11th inning, helped Philadelphia shade Pittsburgh. 4-3 . . . Cesar Cedeno drove in two runs w ith a flrst-Lnning double to lead Cincinnati to a 4-2 triumph over San Francisco. Baseball today On this date ln baseball in 1975: Boston's Fred Ly nn had one of the greatest offensive days in major league history, driving in 10 runs and collecting 16 total bases on three homers, a triple and a single in the Red· Sox's 15-1 rout of the Detroit Tigers. On this date in 1960: The San Francisco Giants fired Manager Bill Rigney and replaced him with Tom Sheehan, a member of their scouting staff. At the age of 66 years, two months and 18 days, Sheehan became the oldest man ever to make his debut as the manager of a big-league team. Fouts denies Charger cocaine use San Diego quarterback Dao • Fouts ·says he has never witrtessed cocaine use by any player on the Chargers or been aware of any cocaine problem on the team in his 10 years with the squad. In responding to an article by former NFL PLAYER Don Reese which chronicled widespread cocaine use and singled out the Chargers as having a serious problem, Fouts said, "I have no idea what he is talking about. rve never been exposed to or been party to or observed cocaine use by anybody on our team." Dr . Joab Thomas, president of the University of Alabama, was elected president of the College Football A.,s.,ociation Thursday and the Rev. Edmund P . Joyce of Notre Dame was named secretary-treasµrer. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. . n 4:30 p.m., Channel 11 V V v v BASEBALL: Dodgers at Cincinnati. AIUloaocen: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. Comiflk off a three-game sweep over San Diego which Wted them back to the .500 mark, the Dodgers hope to keep rolling when they send Burt Hooton (1-4) against Cincinnati's Frank Pastore (4-6) in the opener of a four-game series. The Reds have moved into a virtual tie with San Francisco for fourth place in the Wes tern Division. OTHER TELEVISION 11 p.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - Argentina vs. Hungary. (Taped). RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Cincinnati, 4:30 p.m .. KABC (790); Chicago at Angels, 7:30 p.m., (710). SEVANO • • • Harwood. "We ahould know more after the NBA fJniahed ltl mMUJ'\CI \hil WMk." 'l'hOM te&m8 within the top 10 lthat have 1hown conalderable lnterat ln the powM torwa.rd 8!'9: O.U.. (f), New York (6), O.troh.(G) a.rld Portland (10) . ''What really burns me," Mull'can explained, "II that 1 lnvttea every ~ ln the lf'li'Je to come to our practice• and watch Kevin work, but only two did the enttre eeuon. "l mean t h e y c o u I d h a v e k e p t· him after prtctk-e and t.lme and i.ted h1m all they wanted. but nobody wanted to do that." Sporting New1 did mention Mq u being ort. of the top flvo pick.a at power forward in the upcoming draft. Prediction: Watch for Magee to go tomewhere between a.Ix and 1~. And don't be too surprised if he winds up wtth the Knick& (the No. 6 choice) or the Pistons (9). FERRAGAMO UPDATE: Vince F'erragamo i.s starting to solicit a home for himself in the NFL. "I hope it's De nver," said Ferr"'8amo, who is getting more frustrated as the weeks go by. "That would be the perfect place for me. I love Dan Reeves' offense. And Craig Morton could teach me the system in no time. I think Reeves is a helluva coach. I'd like to play for him." Unfortunately, the Broncos don't feel the same. According to one Rams source, Denver shut the door on any possible deal, stating it was perfectly happy with the three quarterbacks the Broncos had already,-Morton, Steve D eBerg and Mark Hernnann. In fact, the Rams' unofficial general manager. J~k Faulkner, keeps insis.ting thtre's a distinct possibility Bert J ones and Ferragamo will be wearing the same uniform on opening day. "What's so bad about that?" insisted Faulkner. There isn't enough room in t his column to list all the negatives if both of them end up wearing the blue and gold. Faulkner calims if both are in camp Jones will be the No. l QB with Ferragamo No. 2. That would settle real well with the fans who would be shouting out Vince's name from Lhe first snap of the ball. Not only that, the pressure on Coach Ray Malavasi, not to mention Jones himself , would be tremendous. And, with thi s be ing Malav_ .. ;·:; "Win or bye-bye" year, I don't think tb Rams coach wants the added burden of Ferragamo around. Could you imagine both of them in camp? It would make the prior quarterback controversies almost laughable by compar.ison. Suit dismissed KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A $12 million damage suit, brought by two former high school students "'8ainst Clemson football Coach Danny Ford and others, was dismissed Thursday by a special Knox County judge. SOUTH GUN -Bardsley's range gives the Rebels an extra weapon. From Page C1 BARDSLEY Mustangs. He saved his best for the last, scoring 29 against Dominguez in CIF playoffs action, but as it happens when you're asked to do everything, chances for a mistake are magnified. It was Bardsley vs. Dominguez when nothing would go right for h is teammates, and it was Bards ley taking the ball downcourt for a final last-second attempt to pull it out in overtime. But. witho ut d efensive pressure applied, he turned the ball over on the dnbble and it was over. "I was thinking ebout a head fake, to draw a foul," says Bardsley. "I thought they'd be looking for me to shoot." It was probably justice that it was Bardsley who commited the final mistake -anyon e else would have been labeled as the Mustangs' all-time goat, but such was hardy the case for Bardsley, since he was really the only reason the Mustangs were there in the first place. The South All-stars will employ a starting unit of playmaker Jeff Gardne r of Estancia, Edison forwards Ric hard Chang and Ric k DiBernardo and Ocean View center Jim Usevitch, along with the swing man. That swing spot is up in the air -Fountain Valley's Colorado- bound Jeff Hughes and Bardsley provide a happy dilemma for L eig h . Regardless who is manning that spot during the game, it has to be a healthy position. "l;le's been tearing me up for three years now," says Leigh about the Costa Mesa product. "Bardsley averaged 25 points a game against us (in non-league play), that's why we went for him. "Butt adds Leigh. "a lot of these kids have hurt me." Bardsley will enter UCI with a 3.6 gpa with an eye toward economics and computer science -along with trying to implement his own version of s hooting science within the Anteaters' basketball team. PGA plans $1 million tournament PEBBLE BEACH (AP) -The flrat $1 million golf tounwncnt on the PGA tour ~ntatively baa ~n eet for Laa Vegas ln th tall of 1983, The Aaloclated Preu learned Thunday. "A lot of figures have been thrown uround, but it 11 safe t4 say that negotiaUon11 are well under way for a tournament with significant pri:r.e money, .. POA Tour Commissioner Deane Beman confirmed by telephone Crom his headquarters in Ponte Vedra, Fla. He said $1 million ''is one of the figures that has b een discussed." ln Las Vegas, Charles Ruthe, tournament chairman for the pro))06ed event, said he and the PGA Tour have "agreed to a time, a date and a format, but official contracts h ave not changed hands at ';his time." · The PGA Tour Policy Board would have to approve the event after negotJations are concluded, and Beman said that could come through a telephone poll before the ne xt regular meeting in August. Ruthe said the tournament, to be sponsored by the Las Vegas Convention Authority, "is shooting for" a $1 million tot.al purse Tentative dates. he said, are Sept. 12-18,' 1983. Tentative plans call for a five- day, 90-hole event with the first four days' play spread over four different courses. e<\~h day with a four-man team of amateurs, Ruthe said. "Right now, we're planning for 208 pros as a startmg field," he said. Burgard helps team corral third place Mi c h ele Bur gard of Hunungton Beach, a Cal Poly Pomona senior and captain of the uni v e rs 1 t y's f ive-member w o men's r o d eo t eam , led teammates to a third-place finish in 1981-82 team standings in the West Coast Region of th~ National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA). Women's events include barrel racing. break-away roping. goat tying, and team roping (a coed event). Team standmgs are based o n po ints accumulated by members placing first through fourth in the vario us events thr o ugh o ut th e yea r . Approximately 30 contestants are entered in each event at each rodeo. Surprises continue ~t World Cup soccer tourney Cal Poly Pomona is a charter member of NIRA, compe ting with approximately 25 schools in California and Nevada that comprise the West Coast Region. Burgard placed fi rst in barrel racmg in the West Coast Region, and is representing Cal Poly and the West Coast .Region in that event at the NIRA National Finals Rodeo at Montana St.ate University in Bozeman on June 14-18. MADRID (AP) -All 24 teams have now played once, and pre- t.oumament favorite Brazil still looks the best. But two-~ajor• upsets and three minor ones have jolted most other predictions a bout the World Cup soccer finals. Defending Cup h o lder Argentina, European champion West Germany and host Spain were rated among the favorites to stop Brazil from winning the championship for a record fourth time. But Belgium stunned Argentina 1-0 in Sunday's inaugural ma1Ch, Algeria pulled an even bigger 2· 1 upset of the Germans and Honduras forced Spain to fight back for a 1-1 draw. As a result, both Argentina and West Germany face the humiliation of an early exit from the month-long competition if ' they lose either of their two remaining first-round contests. Twelve teams, two each from six groups, will advance to the second round. "If we're going to dje, we'll die with our boots on," Argentine coach Cesar Menotti said before his c ruc ial matc h today in Alicante against erratic Hungary, a 10-1 winner over El Salvador. Brazil would virtually book itself passage to Round Two by beating Scotland at Seville today, while Italy met Peru in Vigo. Kuwait held O l ympic champion Czechoslovakia to a 1-1 draw Thursday night in Valladolid, while Austria beat Chile 1--0 in Oviedo and Northern Ireland -Yugos lavia ended scoreless at Zaragoza. Brazil's odds among London Kuwait players have incentive MADRID (AP) -Tiny but oil-rich Kuwait, whose players have been offered a fortune just to reach the second phase Qf the World Cup finals, Thursday made a sensational debut in the world 's bigges t soccer tournament. The Kuwaitis, who will each receive $200,000 if they advance to the second round, held vastly experienced Czechoslovakia - the Olympic champions -to a 1-1 draw in Valladolid. Antonin Panenka gave Czechoslovakia the lead with a 2 lst minute penalty shot, but Faisal al Dakhil equalized. 6.803 Limited Time Offer 'lnelloe MlilltMOt IWUnd wllll )'OI# ~ of fllr'I ,_ Pontlec. Upon IC!Pfcwti Of ~ modil yo., """ ,.,..,.. • ~ ror t.~ of tM --1111~ 1ncl11dln11 lneureftC• end Wett•ntyl 11\tOUfh PAllTICIPATIHO LlHOINO MTITUTIONS. °"" OOod lhrougll wz .. :r. Ta'• your choice of any brand new Pontiac excluding Firebirds and Trans Ams. BIG SELECTION! HIGHEST TRADE-IN AUOWANCESI COME IN NOW ... AND SAVEi a. magnon Pontiac Harbor at Pair Co1ta Meta S~9-.t300 bookmakers improved from 15-8 before the tournament to 6-4 Thursday after its come-from- behind 2-1 victory earlier this week over a Soviet team that must now be regarded among the favorites. Belgium, whose clockwork o rganization re minds some coaches of the dazzling 1974 r unnerup Dutch team, looks stronger than expected in its opener and can also be rated a contender. So can Hungary and England, a 3-1 winner over France without top players Kevin Keegan and Trevor Brookirlg, both expected back for later action. , But it's the debutants that nave sprung the biggest surprise. Four of the five nations represented for the first time in a World Cup final have changed n o t only the size of the competition -expanded from 16 teams -but the shape of it. Algeria , led by its star Lakhdar Belloumi, is the most likely newcomer to reach the second round and the only one to win its first match. But three others -Honduras, Kuwait and Cameroon -scored minor upsets by forcing draws. and throwing o ff early calculations. She also placed third in the region for women's All-around Cowgirl. T o qua lify, an individual must compete in at least two events. Burgard competed in all four women's events, and also placed fourth in break-away roping. She previously won the title of All -around Cowgirl i n competition at the Poly Royal Rodeo at San Luis Obispo in April, and at the first Cal St.ate University Chico Rodeo held at Red Bluff, California. Fountain Valley Racquet Club Presents SUPER JUNIOR TENNIS CAMP "Make a commlttment, discipline the mind, become anything you want to Mark Hlrtler, Camp Director. DATES: 1st Four Week Session: June 21-July 16 .. . 2nd Four Week Session: July 26-Aug. 20 .. . TIMES: Beg. & Intermediates: 12:30-2:30 M-W-F Adv. & Adv. Intermediates: 12:30-3:30 M-W-F COST: Beg. & lntermeldate: •7200 4 Week Session Adv. & Adv. Intermediate: •1oa00 4 Week Session . STAFF The C•mP I• About: • 1. Stretching & C~ndltlontng be." Mark Hirtler Camp Dir. (formerly of Los Caballeros) USPTA Pro. Estancia High Coach Bryant Evans-Owner F.V.R.C. '& Dedicated Junior Developer 2. Four Fundamental Hitting Stations, 8 players per court. Rod Billings-# 1 Player la Quinta Hi&h School, Open Tournement Player Susan Omeara-Former #1 Player O.C.T.A. State High School Doubles Champ 1981 Cathy OIT\fara -Nationally Ranked 14 & under State High School Doubles Champion, 1981 3. Strategy & Court Sense ' ' • I I~ nipp d by Orange • • 10· overtime Orangt Oout DAILY Pl}.OT/Frlday, June 18. 1982 Los .Alamitos, Hollywood Park results L .. ......_.... 11rnt MCL UO yerd.. HellWWeM l'llf'tl .. ITM RACI. I fwtonOt ,..,.... ..... MIUlU Dltllfte1Mily (Mitohlll) 120 •.oo 3 00 TMUNOAY'I •MA.Tl CotlMIWI (Olwrll) '20 a 80 4 40 =, .. J1os."T:O~........ ~·~~!r~ 2040 ~:g =1.~--~, ... ........._, ::.':r:i:.~, •120 :: fOflll 0rMm Mtelllne (MICllO 40 3 to :I.to Afeo rec»d. Alwl~ Oft fob, Wtlala ltd Plllnleo (Hl'#iey} II 20 I 00 1,00 AltO rtced New ltoom, Grenoble, Olllant • Top cyclists : duel tonight ! at fairground~ INt !tool (a.td) 3 IO 1.00 Uod~ CIHI '•Yorllt , LOYtly Lou Anna, Joyf\11 C.v..., (Wtlllnolon) 16 00 12.20 .... ~. MOf'ry't Champ, Al Khlllfl, ll took •uthhm dt•alh ovMUme, ~ ~~1n·1 Ol4M'notl~1 l1r ,,., ~:, t::: .,, Pollay, 8trM111ng Hemp, Go Euy ~~~b,._, L.l .'1 Pf:;:, '*TI~1 416 8 o b bl yh She h wh a r l z dhl d n' t hul ttw Oraulgt• Gunner. poated a MO\llng Ven King. Aayouare, '11 T0t<1ue. Mr TllM 11.00 El Tyooon, OWtoo Deetoo, DodolnQ Along, m:comp u1 w at e came ere to :\ 4 victory over the Founwn. Comlo, c111 a.in. a IXAOTA (4·11pe1ct111uo. 'T~51e1111o. du but he um't diacouraged and Vallry l''lnmui1 Thur&day night In ~'7~g~:· , .. ,, P•ld U6.00. 11v1Nn. RACI. 1 11111m11et on1ur1 will be on hand for the weekly A rn 11 r l c u n S p ee d 1 o cc<' r llYIMTM MCL 400 yerd1, llOOMD RACI. o IUJIOno.. H., o.c111on IH•wteyl e 20 3 20 2 80 speedway motorcycle races to.. A Heocsutio n .,pl.a ,y at the Loa llOOMDRACl.300y1rda. P1ramectlo(Tonk•l uo 420 :s.oo HogWlld(Plnoay) l0.40 uo 4.00 Trut1U1(T0tol 280 240 night at the Orange Coun~ C S d R Wy11<11tle ROM (W1rd) 7.40 uo 3.40 Mighty Polley (W11d) 6.40 uo R«t VOicano (HtnMn) 10 20 uo Ot. Laure (Slbtll•) 3 80 F;\... d 1 ,..._ M wi abullerON porta an acquel Go COl>P« Mlrie (Hitt) 4.20 2.80 Sh1wn1 Little M111 (Creeg«) 2.10 With ReMrvetlon (DellhOulH,._l e 00 Alto reced· Fer Song. Voodoo OuHn, '1.11rgro un 8 n vuata etl8 C..:lub. Rletlard FergulOn (CIHlta) 3.00 Aleo rlCMld. Autumn Lte, Chick• &eatyet, Al10 reoed: SkHter DH, lato, Rockt Wedding Flo-. C1to'1 'fune. Oet1c;11e Gree•. lhc Cin;t._ heal race at 8 o'clock . , An~':O:':'~~= ~=. ~~:' =~~i\i :~;eo L.ttk, J1ton J1macla, Woton, Jungle ~~rr,·~8fu~;=~ =~·~c:n~= Su.(:~~~~i ~~i'.v• G11 &:hwaru wlll be matched wlili Ch arht' Cole's tally won the GetAhead.OurDoUl•WMt. T1me:20.1e. Time: 1:10318. MIXACTA (6·8)plldS4t 50 Mtkl' Bas t , a six·tlme U.S. gama al the 4.11 mark of sudd en Time: 18.35. a IXACTA (7·1J paid 132.20. II DAl.Y pOU9l.I 110-111 p1ld IH 80. dlamp1o n , in a special match racQ death after the two teams had THIRD RACI. 400 yar0a. THIRD RACI. 0 lurtonge. to n ight along with participating battled through regulation tied at Shecky Boone (Broollll 20.60 1.00 uo Tl~:~°"[L':c.~~·· 400 yar~is.60 12.60 7.eo Poley IMoCarronl 3.00 3 20 2 80 wt~!;.~~ w~~~1~-1~!~~~8(!~ :':.!~~:25~1~ in the fulJ sch edule of handicaA 4.4 Fleming Count (Mltol'lefl) 5.40 3.40 Ram Ing FIQhter (W1rd) 1 12.00 1.20 Ernett E. (Del•hou-ye) 12·80 8 20 Six conto11Uon ptld $158 20 with 21111 winning and scratch even ts. • Whittler Strip (Ftyday) 2.80 81J01c nn (C"reager) 3.00 'Wrll'n On The Wind (V11e(uue11) 4.IO lioltell (live h0t ... ) w · h peed Owgo Castro had a pair of Aleo raced"frlpol Prune, Andy Bux, Aleo raoed: MIN BrMlle O.wn. Llttte MIN Aleo r1c1d: Golden Ody11ey, Prince or st the American s way h I Krypton Roehl. Movln Kind• Man, C1pi.ln Eiey, Miii Fut Chic, Carried A-y. Tota"" Note. Zanyo, Coun Two, er-On, Star of qualifying o ut of the way and, goal s for the winners. w I e Splrlt. RoultdN Rell4tf Hot, Short And Fleet, Fuel Efficient "' Dewan. Canntkln, Dence With Dan h Euntl.'e Bobert added a goal for Time. 20.27 Time: 20.14. T.lme: l':CT.09. • EIGHTH IUCI. 7 lurtoncs ~OSl ogf t e lAme ridcant coEntingent the Gunners. Scoring a pair of ,OUflTHRACll.350yatoa. 121XACTA (7-11JpatdS139.00 D A A l1·2)Plld•14100 GranJ1DuqueM(Blacitl 10100 2200 800 avin re urne o urope .. goals for F ountain Valley was Dull l•dY (lllcicey) 12 oo 5 60 3 20 FOURTH RACL O'.\ furlong• MlrlQUlou1 Kat• (McCarron) 3 60 3 20 tonight's c:ompetitton will featUre< Ric k Agnello. with Chns Crater Limuoo IC>oml~I 10 80 e 80 a ll'tCK aor (2-4-7-4-7-71 pllld 11,429.80 Kathlnk1 (V11eruueta) 5 40 3 20 2 60 T.,,. MIN (OHvarM) 5 40 &·hwartz a nd the local 10-_.w~y Sh .. ClllSlc (Clrdozal 2.60 with 21 winning tioll•t• (five hOr-). 12 Pick Pellt• Room (Wlll"""ton) 4 20 3 80 AllO r~. Real TO<QUI. s .. My Ag.,.1, favortlt.'S a d James Mason also n e ttmg 8 "'V Remember Hotly, Brian's Bebe, lrllfl O'Brien n Alto rec:eo: cn1cu Gr11tNt. v1c:1ory M0tn, tx CON011t1on peld.a29.00 wllh ~winning Oonett• (Ollvwell • 3.20 Time: 1·21 415 Make Faria, Mike Curoso, Alan goaJs for Fountain Valley. Angel• Ret>. N1te And Rich. Ret11 Teen, Mr tlck•ll (tour~). At~::!.:~ L1rk1n. Ax lmpre11t11e, Chrasllan, K eith Chrisco, Gene' 'l'he victor y w~ the se<.'Ond in Je~1:t~.9~11a Speed Merchant. NINTH RACI. 350 yard• Time: 1·10 316. NtNnt RACE. One mite on turf Woods and Bast wiJJ be among three tncs for O r a nge Fountain EXACT A 14-6) P•"' saa eo Mlz Chic (Cardon) 9 40 5.80 4.00 • HACTA l3•2> P•ld S54 50· s-1 Skeet {Blaekl 39 20 17.60 11 60 the l'Omp e t1 to r s· tonlgh t after Valley s uffered 1LS first setback Fleg Rl-(Miit) 7.20 e.oo ........... c.,. 11 tur:;f• Janeta Klndy (Sl!oem.itet) 10 00 6 40 part1c1patmg m the qualifier at FIFTH RACE. 350 yardl. Ml" Love Llrtt (Oelomt>1) t2.80 r,...'" ,... "' Ker bk: (Mc:Hergue) 4 40 of the season after a 3·2 victory Ollar"'" Doub ... (Aamsan) 6.80 4 20 3.00 Alao •aced. 111 Pey, Oh My Tex on. Dee love Bolt Btlde (Plnc1y 7 20 3 80 3 2Q Alto raced: F'unny On•. Ah Heh Heed, Butat Long Beach S aturday. • over Santa Ana last Saturday . Rocket Song (Pilkenton) 7.80 4.80 BrlQnt Cn~k. Str1WY1nn1h, Lad• Sporte Girl, Cltt Somt>rit• (Slbltle) 1180 4·60 o r Song, I'm Guilty, Oe111 Green Scene Woods ts the point leader this: Milo Known (Hartl 3.00 My Goel, Reba New Policy Gld'e Gift (Llpflem) 8 40 Topper, Rl~nt Dividend h ' I C h · · d' One game ts on tap tonight, Also raced OH-Stunning Sunny, OH-Soul Time. 18 05. Also rec;ed: 6::0, ~-t Adele. Perfect Time t· ti year W t e ris t1an p oste 1 featuring H untington .Bca<.:h vs. Of A cnamp, Rock Solid, Bey eoy Bot>, The Splendour, Kv. nH °'· victories in both the scratch and' Nabob 12 EXACTA (8·2l paid Stl4.60. Time. 1.oa-3111. r SS EXACTA 16--lJ paid S601 so handicap main events two weeks Crvme a t 7:30 at Los Caballeros. Tim.;: 18 13 A11end1nce: 8,091 • tXACTA P ·3) paJd St34 ~ Attendance: 16.558. ,--~~~~.,...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a.:...:go Both will be r eady tonight. 1 u.s .. Open scores Bill Rogers Bruce Devlin Jim King Ca1v1n Peete Danny Edwards Bobby Clampett Terry O•ehl Andy No11n Oa Pont Fuuy Zoeller George Burns Butch Baird Lyn Loll Jim Thorpe Tom Watson Ron Streck Lon Hinkle Bobby He1na Ke•lh Fergus Peter Oos1emu1s Bob G•ldor Sc.011 Simpson David Granam Biii Bergin Clarere. Rose Skeeter Heath Don Bies JC Snead Lanny Wadkins Tom K•'" Hal Suuon Larry Rinke< Tom Purtzer Vance Heitner Jack Ri.f'l>e• Gene l•lller Tom W111skopl Jack Nicklaus Curtis S11ange Scott Hoen Gary Pinns Larry Nelson Bob $nearer G11 Morgan M1i.e Brannan Lou Graham Jay Haas Bob Mann Kermit Zarley Joe Inman Woody Blackl>Urn Mike Reid Tom Jenkins Doug Tewell Charles Beck F\onnte Black Bruce Lietzke Ben Crenshaw Hale Irwin Jack Ferer11 Kenny KnO• a·Chr1s Petry Craig Stadler William Israelson Eugene T rl;'dway Mike S1ubt>lel1eld Tom Sieckmann a-Nalhan1el C1ost1y Ke<th Kollmeye< lsao Aoki Mark O Meara a·COtey P&Yln John Mahaffey l arry Ziegler Greg Powers John Calabria Bradley Sherfy a-Jell Wilson Rod Nuckolls Ken Green Joe Heger Mark Hayn a-Frank Fuhrer H111:>ert Green Don Robertson Jay Oon Blake Stan Stopa Gary Koch Lee Trevino Gery Player Jonnny Mlll8' Andy Bean a-Willie wooo A11hur Russell Ray Floyd Relph Londru Ron Vtoslch a-B11an Fogt Jerry Pale a-Ouy Bill a-011v1d Nelson Lloyd Monroe 1-0ary Marlowe Don Pooley Dave Stockton Moms Hatalsky Bot> Hoyt 0.ntet Forsman John Cool< Jimmy Wright Marll MCC:umt>er Scott Spence Donnie Hammond 91mhard Langi\« Joey Slndelat 8tev• SPf'Y Rod Funaelh Cfll Chi Rc:£,uez John Sehr 34.35 70 35.34 70 38-33 71 34.37 71 31 40 71 34.37 71 14-37 71 36·36 72 37.35 72 37.35 72 36·36 72 35.37 72 35.37 72 38·34 72 37-35-72 36-36 72 36·37-73 35-38 73 37-36 73 38-35 73 36-37 73 35.39 73 34.39 73 37-36 73 39.35 73 36·37 73 38·35 73 35-38 73 36-37 73 37-36 73 38-35-73 38-36 74 37.37 74 38-38 74 35.39 74 37.37 74 38·36 74 3>39 74 37.37 74 36·38-74 35-39-74 37.37 74 34-41 75. ~5-40 75 36-37 75 37 ·38 75 37·38-75 38-37 75 36-39 75 38-37 75 39·36-75 37-38 75 41-34 75 37 ·38 75 36-40 76 38·38 76 39.37 76 35-41 76 36-40 76 38·38 76 37-39 76 38-36 76 36-40 76 40-36 76 40-38 76 40-36-76 39-36 77 40·37-77 39-38-77 36-39 77 38-39-77 39-38-77 37-40-77 40·37 17 38-39 17 36-39-77 40·38-78 40-38 78 36-42 78 39.39 78 36-40 -78 3lH2 78 38-40 78 38-40-78 38-40-78 39-39-78 38-40-78 3&.42-78 37-41 -78 39-39-78 40·38-78 38-40-78 37-41-76 39-39-78 41-37 78 40-38 -78 40-38-78 38-41 79 38-41-79 40-39-79 37-42-79 41·38 79 39-40 79 39-40-79 39-40 79 39-40 79 40-39-79 38-4 1-79 40·39-79 39-40-79 4().39-79 39-40-79 38-42-80 41-39-80 37-43-80 41-39-llO 39-41-80 40-40-80 38-42-80 Golf Put Contest Huntington center's Father's Day Contest Fri. 7 to 9, Sat. /Sun. 1 to 5. Any guy Of gal age 18 plus gete 3 free putts fOf fun and-prine. yeou1Pf'f:D FULL: I .,, Z ''hem' NApS- • 2.2-!iter mission engine 'ual trans l(es •~speed m_anfront disc bra power-assist ·ng valve • d-sens1 • erake 1oa ·o steering · ble rat• · ·on • varia . ed jgn1t1 1iransistortZ free ba~erY • nee 1 Maintena ctang e • beam re ouadra • headlights ·1gate release ndtai . • one h~ rotect1on with corrosion P /defroster • I heater • Bi-leve f n 3-speed a defoggers S·...1.a window ntilation. • 1u~ ghve thrOU ' • flow-h more •,And muc C 19'2 NMC·USA ,. . I -. • . I" I • .... • .. Orenoe Cout DAILY PIL.OT/,tlday, June 18, 1982 ANGELS HOLD OFF TORONTO. • • ntthw the ptwhlna d<MMU\'t hold anct )'OU have to ICON 10 and other nlahta aood pltchina and thNe or lour (run1) will do." Grich , who hat b oon •'ru11lln1 at tha plate lately, rtpped Toronto titarttr Lula Leel'a pitch hJgh and deep over the 888-foot aflJl In left-center fleld. Nearlv everyon In the Angel IJneup contributed to the 14-hlt a ttack with only Fred Lynn (O-tor-4) and Tim Foll (O-for-4) faJU de to join in on the fun. The thre&-game aeries with the mue Jays drew a mere 65,382 fans, and that can be directly at(rlbuted to three circumstances. eomewMt chlUy ev.nJf\11 more 1ult.able for 1 coay fln!place and a rood book. And thirdly, the Angela begin 1 much more appotWna 1ertee t.ontaht with Chlcaao wnlch it 1tJll ln the thick of the U,ht AL Wnt race. The victory went to starter Bruce Kl9on (6-2) who aalled lnto the fifth lnnln1 wlth a no-hitter before Willie Upshaw doubled inside third. · Don Baylor tc.WUnted for nlne of the An11ll1 hlta, wlt)l Baylor dellveril'\I thrte RBI 1ln1le1. ANG& NOTll1 Hom. Platt umol,. LMfy Moeer -* bo111 ITWIMCMr• In !hi 1op ol lhe lhlrd Inning 1Hw .,_ lCIMll delWwtct a llghl tMI W to the._ Jeye' ~ OftMa. In lht boltOl'll Of tM MOOnd, Toronto llWI• LAM LM llwew beoll•IO-blek bNlh Noll PllOllH to Ano.t i third bt1tm1n Dt111 ~....... . C«Mtt lltlOtt ,,. """' Ii lied wt\tl P'9M WMt of ~ City lot "'°" doublM In lhe Amerieln lMOut with 11 • , Wedllledey night'I win wM lht Angele' 151.h oomt ·trom•t>ehlnd vlol ory thlt yHr . . • 1981 t'LEETWOOD BROUGHAM COUPE Aatroroof, leather covered ae1t1n1 area & all Cadlllac power lllilt optiona. (1CRR~l>2). '14,995 C«l1JlM: Val~ Pl'otllCUOtl S.rvlof ~nl i\vllillibht AM CW. ~ 7" l'rW a.lo A.I/ Mew l'fU. '1'u 4' U.- [E;f.:.~~:. ~·. ll ol •4• lo & ... ... 11>., , h US• TllAT GUAT GM ruLDfCI WITH GDIVIJfl •M •Alm. NABERS DILLAC 2600 HQrbor Blvd. Costa Mesa (714) 540·1860 HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S AUTO MARKET .•. First, the Angels were playing the Blu~ J ays. Secondly, they were playing on dreary, The Blue Jays roughed up both Andy Hauler and Doug Corbett (including Damaso Garcia's two·run ninth-Inning homer) before Anfel Moreno crune on to earn his irst save by getting the final two outs. Brian Downing, Carew and ~I It JHlllOft'I two-run tingle In lllt ' 1bc-tun third lnnlnQ gave hlin • Gt1t• 1. 11 All and moved llrm p111 M1111er v ... 11e11 •nd 1n10 a.111 OltiOt on tM tll-tlmt lttt . Tiit Ano.It and Olllctoo WMt Sox ooen • wttk-1 Ml1tt wlfll ~ ........ (4·2) Piii IQtlntl IM Motil' ICtfl 'enofl (Ml In tonlghl'1 Jedltt Night 08fM. Tiit "'91 21.000 youfl9tl .. , 14·enel-lllldtr. through Ille tum.llltl wlll ,_,.,,. Ille jtcketa compllmenlt of Ille Ber M Meet Compeny • . • 8th.1td1y'1 game wlM begin al 1:05 p.m, end pll ellhtr '4Hrj KootlllMI (1·3) or Riot! ~ (2·11 ,,._, eoalnel Ille AnQ411e' Otoff z. (1-2). 1 ...._ Nl8SAN Fll"IANCE FIRSnt -Niaaan Mot.or ACCepW\Oe ~---------------------4• Corporation (NMAC), the financing 1ubeldlary of Ni.an U.S.A.. had a celebration of ''firs1a" recently at the KJR1A8111 'RICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY JUNE 22. 1912 40.PC. SOCKIT sn ITAlmAllD &MITlllC Auto Supply Wl'RI HILPlllG YOU DO n lllClllT W DAI•• • 'ure shetpalcll\ cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Machine waahoble. Fawn/tan, gt"ay, or honey. #1044 low Bode, MlllJJl~[i.ti;al #1049 High Bode. 3fJ8E~H Z! ·4 Microp~~euor instantly gives you th11 important dota; m.p.g. QI you drive, 54aa fuelomanogement data, electronic m.p.h., trip plan· EACH ning, quom dodt & more. t.v For tmoll trvclu, pidcufK & vana. Chrom• or lladi. •7091711 9!! "WX•" MATS Bladt, Blue, Gold/ Beige, Gray or Red. [J[l . REAR #6467 11!? FRONT#6461 21!? Anaheim 1280 N. Euclid n2-9840 • 2340 W. Un«>ln Ave. 999-1621 luena Park 5256 Beoch Blvd. 994-1320 NOW OPENI Corona 440 North Moin 73'-6390 CostaMMO " 1739 Superior Ave. 642·3* Fontana 9880-0 Sierra Ave. 350-1441 Fountain Volley • 9880 Worn« Ave. 964-6ii&27 Fulletton · • 141 E. lmperiol 731-m1 • 2978 Yorba Undo "6-47IO 67!5 OVHTHE Wll'H MOOfl 01 3 "ICE $TYll 77~ Fits mott cara, vans and light trudu, standard or automatic transmiuion in Import or American vehidet.. ZT-10 INFLAft·ALL SALE PllCE 298• •coWMN ... .aoo a1An0ff11 -. FfNAl ----- COST (After rtllMrt•I 25!! uca • Genuine leather, block or tan. #6412551, #6412566 4~! lo Mirada • 15081 lmperio1Hwy.(213)M7-5641 MitaioclVlejo • 2.SlO Alicia flkwy. 951-9175 Orange 1100 N. Tusfln 771-3000 llvenlde • 1°'403Magnolla Ave. 359-3041 NOW OPINI San lemardino 2086 East Highland Ave.l6M090 • SantaAna • 26()t s. lrittol St. 754-1412 •Ne•t to GeftoK'o • 1302 E. 17th St. 953 6061 opening of lw first branch office in Orange, Calif. Pictured, from left, are: John Glvans, of Brea Datsun. Brea, Calif .. I.he fint dealer signed by NMAC; Dick Hoyt. NMAC'a !Int branch ~ger; and Tony Sabatino, of Santa Ana, Calif., I.he flnt customer to receive a NMAC loan. • •• ORANGE -Nlsaan Motor Acceptance Corporation (NMAC), the auto financing subsidiary of Nissan U.S.A., h8I annoUIK'ed the opening of lt.s first branch office at 20~ West Chapman Ave .. in Or&n$te, Calif. In addition, NMAC announced the sigrung of three Oat.sun dealens: Brea Oat.sun, Brea, Calif., Coast Datsun, Long Beach, Calif .. and La Puente Oat.sun, La Puente, Calif. NMAC was formed the first of this year by Nissan U.S.A .. distributor of Nissan and Oat.sun cars and trucks, and it.s parent company, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. of Japan, to provide wholesale and retail vehicle fmancmg for Datsun dealers. It IS the first wholly-owned financing subsidiary established ln this country by an import automobile company. • Initially, the finan.ce company is concentrating it.s efforts ln Southern California and will expand to serve Datsun dealers nationwide as rapidly as it.a resources allow. In a related matt.er, NMAC issued $5 million in commercial notes on May 10 through brokers A.G. Becker Inc. The authonzed capital of the financing company is $50 million . ••• IR VINE ... Jerry McDonald and Jeff MacPherson, both driving under the banner of the Southern California Chevrolet Dealers' A.saodation, came home wllh first place trophies 10 tw<> classes from the Baja 500 in Ensenada. Mexico on Saturday, June 51.h. The BaJ8 500 IS an off-road race sponsored by S<X>RE International, run over rugged terrain from desert to I.he ocean and back again, starting and ending in Ensenada. Jerry McDonald finished first in Class 7 for mini pickups driving the all new Chevrolet S-10 and set a new record, ave~gin.g more miles per hour than any previous run in that class. His overall time was ten houn and twenty-seven minutes. McDonald is generaJ manager of I.he Service and Parts Departments at Joe MacPhel'!On Chevrolet and lives in San Clemente. Jeff MacPherson, drivmg in Cl8S$ 8 with a C·lO Chevrolet pickup, took first place in his class fin1Shing in nine houn, nine minutes time • MacPherson ls with Joe MacPherson Chevrolet in Irvine, California and 1s the eldest son of Joe MacPhenion. long-tune racing participant. supporter and voted "Man of the Year" 10 January, 1982 by SCORE International. Youn g MacPherson was voted the Off·Roadsman of I.he Year -Seo~ International Class l award for two yea.r.:. in both 1980 and 1981. He makes his home ln Tustin. McDonald had rolled his truck m the Off-Road Championship Grand Prue. May 23rd at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona and had to do extensive body repain. The paint was not dry when he took off al En.senada I.hat weekend, but I.hat did not seem to matter. When things go right. they go right and the Baja 500 was that kind of race for Jerry McDonald. His only flat tire was in the pit and aside from a few minor adjustments to the brakes, thingll went !IO well that he was never out of his truck during the ten hour race. MacPherson had the same good luck in I.he race. c.ompeUng in a field of fourteen trucks, he drove a flawless race with not even one flat tire during the entire run which ls highly unlikely in the rough terrain of the Baja 500. With wlns be.hind them, MacPherson and McDonald will spend I.he next month readying their vehicles for the SCORE International race in Riverside, California on August 6th. Then comes the Barstow off.road in September and I.he final SCORE race of the year, I.he Baja 1000 in November 1t.vting in En.senada. ••• CORONA DEL MAR ... The recent Grand Opening of Slernons Heritage Houae has brought to Orange County realdenta a local accessibility to some of the world's finest furnishings. A n ew level of home decorating excellence has been defined by the Slemons Heritage House'• importation of quality antique reproduction and handcrafted furniture from the United States and Europe. · Slemons Heritage Howe offens exquisitely designed fum.i.shings from England by Hudaon. Hoo.on quality is guaranteed ln a furniture making process involving twenty -two separate operations and interlocked dovetailing. Council Craftaman of North Cuollna 1pecializes in absolutely authentic Eighteenth Century antJque reproduction. Roeewood music and jewelry boxes by Sorrento come here from Italy. The Slemons Heritage House a1ao has a wide array of Oriental and Persian rugs, decorating accelllOries. and antique collectibles, many of which a.re from elegant estate aales. "Nowhere ebe locally will you find theM! lines of high quali~ im.,Jned fumiahlnp," noted Carol Panaia. ~of the Slemona Heritage Howie. "We offer the full Uroe in·hou9e lerVks of our interior decorator, Diane Pottlos, a profeaaional with all the people, knowled&'e and aervice9 our cua\Ol'Del'S need." Jlm SlemOOa, owner of the Slemona Heritage HC>Ulle, haa a rather unuaual offer for perllOlll int.ereawd In the world of \l'Uly fine t\ome rumlahinp. HJa Men:edel dMlenhlp 1n Newport Beach, JI.In Slemone lmporta. will 'atiuttle Ju. car repair CUltiorna'I over to I.he Slemonl Herii.ce HOU99 for • far n.cn mjoya~ way to apend I.he time waitine for autanoblle aerv\dnc. When the car 11 reedy, his aast.om bus wt1l return for the round trip. The Slemon• Hertt11e Hoiue i• open Tuesday throuah Friday from 9:30 until &:30. On S.turd.ay from 10 until &. Coeed Sunday and Monct.y. The Slemam twttlp Hou. ta lOaa~ at 2'744 EMl CoMt ffiabway ln c.orona cW Mar. •••• SEE ~HAT YOUR LOCAIJ AUTO DEALERS HA VE TO OFFER YOU IN TODA~S PAPER. . c .. ·. Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Friday, June 18, 1982 Cl > ~ • • •• •• MAJOR LUQUll ITANDINGI A!Mrtoaft ..... ue ........ DINllill 8ot1on Detrott Beltlmor• MllwaulcM New York CleYelancl TOl'onlo W L '91. U Sf H .617 u -25 .513 ~ 35 H .574 1 33 32 .601 s 2938 .4419 21 " .375 12'-' 15 20 .231 23 ........ ~ 38 23 35 23 31 28 32 29 29 29 29 30 28 35 .1123 .803 1~ .525 8 .525 8 .600 7~ .492 8 .44411 ~,.,._.. ~ 10. Toronto 8 Cllle8go 11. Oell*'° 7 Bo.tton I , ()lewlllfld 3 MtlwllUkN ~. DetrOlt 2 ( 11 Inning•) Teue 5, SMlll• 1 Only g-eclledulecl TOftlllllt'e o.m.. Cl\le8go (Lamp 4-2) at A,.. (Foncll 5·81 Bolton (Eokeral•y 11-5) •I Clevelend (Den(ly 3-7) , MllwllUkM (Lerc:I\ 4-5) et OetrOlt (Wilcox 4-2) Beltlmore (Pelmet 3·3) et New York (Morgan 3-3) Texu (Medici\ 4-51 et Mlnnet0te (Cetllllo 2 .... 1 Toron10 (Gott 1-41 et Oaldend (Keough 6-81 K•nna City (Gur• 8·31 et Seetll• (Bannister 8-4) National LMOIM w .. t.m D1Yte10n WL~Oll Atlanta San Diego 33 23 .823 :!:fr:cieoo Cincinnati Houston 34 26 .587 3th 32 32 .600 1'-' 28 28 .438 11'-' 27 35 .435 11'-' 28 38 .4 19 12'-' helenl DIYteloft St Louie 37 25 MontrMI 32 27 New Yori! 31 29 Phlllldelpllla 31 29 Plttaburgh 27 31 Cl\leego 26 39 Thur9der'• ScotM Clndnnetl 4, San f"ranoieoo 2 .597 .542 3'-' .517 5 .517 5 .468 8 .391 13 Ohlcego 12. Montreal 8 Pl\lladelphle 4, Pltllbutgll 3 ( 11 Inning•) Only Q8lllM echeduled Tocley'eO-.. Oodgef9 (Hooton 2-3) at Clnclnnetl (Harris 2·2), n Montrelll (Roget• 7-3) at ClllCeQo (Flier 0-1) New York (.lonea 6-5 and Swan 5-1) at St. loul• (MUI• S.5 and Fortch 8-2), 2. t-n Phlllt<Mlphla (KNkOw 4-5) at PlttelMgh (Sarmiento 2-0), n S•n Francltco (Mertln 2·3) at Atlanta (0.ytey 2-3), n San °"9Qo (Welsh s. 1) at Houlton (Rullle 4-4), n NATIONAL U!AGUE Reda 4, Olmftta 2 San Franclaco 101 000 000-2 10 0 Cincinnati 220 000 OOx-4 9 0 G.... Lav4141e {7\ and Btenly, Mey (8); lelbtan<lt, Hume (8) and Trevtno. W - Letbtandt, 3-1: L -Gale, 2-8. S -Hume (14). A -18,80&. Cube 12. l!JQMM I MontrMI 001 321 001-8 13 2 Cl)lcego 20e 030 01x-12 111 1 AMl .. ICAN LUQUI A ...... 10,IMueJapl TOllONTO CA~~~A • , .... • f .... Q .. Ola. 2b 6 2 3 2 Downlng If 4 3 2 0 ,Mul4nlll, 3b 6 0 I 0 Oat..,, i'b I I 4 0 MOMby. Cf 5 0 I I 81ytor, dll 6 I a 3 "°"' ... 1b5 1 1 0 Ae.Joktn, rt6 2 2 2 IWmicl, dll 3 I 1 0 11.Clatk, rl 0 0 0 0 BonMll. 11 4 1 2 0 Otlell. 2b 5 1 1 3 Barlleld, rt I 2 I 2 lyM, OI 4 0 0 0 Whitt. o 3 o o 1 oeoinoa, ao4 u 1 u 8.Mrtnz, pl 1 I I 2 ,Oii. H 4 0 0 0 Orllftn. 11 2 0 O 0 ao-. c 4 1 1 O Powett, ph 0 0 0 0 A.Jollnan, lf2 0 1 0 Total• 38 8 12 8 Total• 40 1(1 1<1 8 Toronlo lo«e !Ir ~21 104-8 Cell!Ofnle ~18 101 01•-10 E-&onnell, Garcia 2. I.OB-Toronto 5, CelltOfnle f, 28-GatOll. Upehaw, c ..... :e, M"1IMI. HA-Grlcll (8), 8atfletd (4). Gerole (3). . T1t011te • H II Ill • SO LHI (1.,5-4) 3 8 7 8 1 0 D. Muttay 3 7 2 2 0 2 Sent~ 2 11003 Cellfomle Kleon (W,6-2) 8'1\ 11 4 '4 4 HIMler l'A 4 3 3 3 Corbell ..-.21100 Moreno (S, 1) ~ O o O O 1 Hanle< pltehed to 3 b•tl.,. In Ille 9th. WP-LMI. T-2:32. A-21,195. Wlllte loll 11, A'• 1 Chlcego 014 230-001-11 18 4 Oaklend 001 001 320-1 7 I Trout. Soloman (7), Hlekay (8) and Flill: Nor•I•, e. MeLeughtln (3), Owclllnlco (4). A11oyo (7) and Newman. w-Troul, 6-6. l -Norrla, 3-e. S-HldlllV (2). HR-Oaklflnd, Newman (5~ A-13,8541. lledSo•I, ......,_., Botton 100 103 001-e t4 o Cleveland 000 000• 003-3 7 0 Torn11, Cleat (9) ancs Gedman: SofenMn Glynn (fl). Whltaon (II), A~ (8) Md Sando. W-TOltU, 4-3. L.....:~. 6-8. S-Clear (11~ HR-Bolton, Stapleton (n, A-12,824. .._. " TIDen 2 MltwaukM 001 000 Too 01-3 9 0 Deltotl 010 000 100 00-2 6 1 Ceidw911, f'lngera ( 11) Md Slmrnona, Yo.I (9): Petry, Toblk (11) and Parrlah. W-Cll~. 4-6. L-Toblk, 2·1. S-Flngere ( 13). HR-Detroit, Partlah (8), Ivie (T). A-28,321. ~ 5, llllerfMre 1 T-004 010 000-5 10 o Seattle 000 100 000-1 8 0 HoneyCU11 ana ljUMO«Q; Nelaon, 8. Cieri{ (5). V•ndeBerg (9) and Bulling. W- Honeyoutt, 2-7. L-Nelaon, 5·8. A-8.448 Ang .. everllfM 8A"1NG Carew Boone Downing Lynn Grtch FOii B•yiot Beniquez DaCWIOM Ao. Jld<aon Re. Jeckaon Clwtc Ferguaon Wiifong Bur1Mon K....,_ TOlllla Alt R H Nfl Ml Pel 205 34 118 0 18 .332 189 13 158 1 211 296 24 7 39 70 10 28 .283 199 34 58 3 14 .277 204 27 58 8 35 .275 204 22 55 2 25 .270 248 29 68 9 40 .2118 68 11 11 o 11 .260 224 27 55 7 34 .2415 29 2 7 0 3 .241 192 28 48 10 27 .240 40 5 9 1 3 .226 27 2 8 0 0 .222 119 11 14 0 5 .157 46 4 7 0 2 .158" 13 2 0 0 0 .000 2153 289 675 51 258 .287 Top 10 , ............ , AMltllOM LIAOU!f Cl All " " ,,... Hwnil'I, Cl4Mlllllld II 221 •t II .371 ~~1 K.,_. Oliy to tH 34 11 .H4 -· rcwontf M 1M a 1 aa .aM W.~~ City M lM II 8i .'40 HtMlc, M netOt• 53 210 SI 71 .331 CooP«. ltMukM 55 H2 34 74 .333 c.,.., .,..... . ee 208 35 ea .332 Yutruemlk!i,~ton 44 11u 211 1141 .3211 L_..tleln, -1. « 113 29 37 .327 White, KlliMI City 61 209 ~ ee .32' "9IMll-fhorn1on, C1evt tend, 1d; Hrtlek, Mlnn .. 011. 111: llOenlc*a, lleltlmore, 14; G. Thomu, MllWM ... 131 Hattah, Clewland, 12; H«ndon, 0et1011, 12: 0g11vi.. Mttwu•. 12. II_ ...... McflH , Kan111 Clly, H : Thor,11on, ,_C_leYeland. 65; Lu.tlntk~ ChleeaO. 41; H<bell. ..,1nnMOta, 41; Otlt, l<an ... City, 43. l'tWllM (I .,......_, Guidry. New Yotk,, 9· I: Vukovich, MilwtuicM, 11-2: Zelwl, AftftM, 7..J: Caudill, SNtlle, 7-2, Hoyi, Cll~o. 10-3; BMkat. Cle~d. 8-3; Clancy, Toronto, 7-3; Burnt, Chtcago, 7·3 NATIONAL laACMM JTh9ftlPtn,. Pgh AamM)', 8tL IOtg, SIL StNtnl. NY Otlver, MU FWJOl\M,80 Franoona. Mii Knight, Hin c.cJeno. Cln TPene. Pgll ca .u "NPet. ::m~~n :m 48 111 8 38 ,324 61 198 31 .. .323 61 211 31 10 .an 58 208 « 87 .322 « 131 14 42 .321 112 244 32 711 .320 52 111 t 24 111 .319 52 194 18 81 ,31<1 ""-A-Murphy, Atlanta, 19; Kingman, ..i.., YOttt, 111; J. Thompaon, Ph11burgh, Iii: llMl1t, ~ 1l. 11-a.tted In Murplly, Atlanla, 54; 8. Diaz, PhHadelohll. 44; J. lhompaon. Pltltburgh, «: M0teiand, Chicago. 43; Kingman, New York, 42; Ouen9fO, ~ (:-Oeda6oM) Foracfl, Si.W.. 11-2: Roglt9, Montreal, 7-3. Sutton. HOUiton. 7-3; Welofl, ~ 1-4; Y ........... Dodilan. M , AndujW. St. l.outa, 8-4; Walk, ).tl•nta, 8-4; Soto, Cincinnati. M ; J. Nlekto. HOUllon, M . NL All-•w voting The IMden for 111111ng poelt!Ona ell., tlle MOOnd tabulation ot fir! balloting fOf Ille Nation.Ill LNQVe All-11ar IN.m Tiie An-atar g8Qtt_wttl be played Tiletdey night. Joly 13 at M<intrNl's Olympic Stadium. CATCltfll 1. Gary Carter. Montre•I, 558,851 . 2. ~ Derr• Por18t, SI. Louie. 218,487. 3. Bo Diaz. Phll•dtlphla, 188,875 ••• Al•n A•hby, Houston, 78,778. 5. John StH rna, Hew Yof'11, 78,609. I. Miiie lcloMle. ~ ........ 7. T1tty Kennedy, San~. 83,510. 8. Tony Pene. Plltal>urQh, 34,352. '1fl9T.AM 1. Pete Roae, Phlladell)lll•, 284, 151. 2. Al Olivet. MontrHI. 28\,681. 3. Keith Hernande2, St Louie, 208,786. 4. 8teN Qemlr, Dod9era. 111,MO. 5. De,,. Klsan, New York, I f4.029. 8. 8111 8ucknet, Cll , 90, 111. 7. Chris Cllembliaa, Atlanta. 75,8 . 8. Art Howe. Houlton, 111,370. MCOND•AM 1. Menny Tt111o, Phlladelphle, 419,<117. 2. Phll Garner, Hooa1on. 224,~n. I. 8leff a.a. Dod9ere, 1U,OIO, 4. Joe Morgan. San Francltco. 158,005. 5. Tommy Herr, St. Lout•. 152.858. 8. Ron OM1er, Clnolnn•tl. 85,702. 7. Glenn Hubberd, Atlant•, 77.789. 8 Juan 8onllta, San Diego, 51,980. nwlO ltAM 1. Mike Schmidt, PllUadelphle, 533,515. :l. Ron Cer . Dodger•, Ut,HI. 3. Ken Ob9•11fall, St. Loula, 128.990. 4, Johnny 84nc:h, Cincinnati, 127 ,478. 5. Bob Hornet, Attant•. 117,019. 8. Ray Knlgllt, HOUiton, 98,215. 7. 8111 MadlOCk, Ptuaburgh, 58,348. 8. Hubie 8t'ooks, New Yotk, 48,490. ...,."°" ,, O.W Col\oloolofl, Clnotnnti~ 144.1..~· f;' Olllt IMllfl, ft. t..eult. 1aa,01e. a. QIVll l ptlar , Monlr111, IU,Ut. 4, O"rv T~IOll, kn Olloo, l''t,til. I. lar'Y •O!IJ_~~ 11!~17. t . tvan QeJ11111. "1114KM1Pf1111, 1ot, 1v., 1 CrtlQ. ~Old•. MOllllon. Of.74.1. L ........... DMtaeft, ..,_ OUTNLOIM 1, Atlelll o.w.on. MonlrHI, 3IO,HO. a, Tll'/I Aalnee, MoftltMI, HUH. 3, LOMtt lmlllii. tt. l.Olll•. ,, 1,231. 4, George '°'*· New TOfk, 209.fH. & W111r.,., Cromlll'lit, Montr .... 20t.H3. t . Ototge Htndtlell, It. t..oult, 114,419. 7. Oarry Maddox. Phll1delphl1L lfl,773 t. Otle Mu11>hr. Alltnla. iet ... tl I. 0Wtt 9tller, 0Meere. ,...-, 10. JoM Cfui. Houtlon, 19UU. 11 Gary Mlll...,1, "1~, 141,113. 1t, Otvt Pl t1iet Pttt.ciurQh. IH,430. 11. · ~ca--,~ fd.AOI. 14. TerfY Puhl. Hou•ton:-ri·o: ut. 11. Joa1 VounQl>IOOd. New Yol'll, 101.111 18. C.... CedenO. Otnetnnetl. 100.S7'. Women'• townement , ( .. lllli I l'N, llflflMe) ~ ....... Jo Durie Clef. hllY Stov., M , 8-3, 8-0; Bettina Bunge def. Andrea Jaeger l>V delautl: Martine New•tllov• del. Sarbata Potter, 8-3, &-3; Hane Mandllkov• del. Zina Gattlaon. 11-1. 8-3. Grenet Prtx tournement \:., ........ ..,._., ............... MllrlY OtVla def, Jonatllen $mltl1, 8-3, 6-1; Tim Meyotle def, Joell BoerM, 2-e. 7-e, 7-8; Ru...it Slml>aon def. JON LQ98Z·Mueo. 7-5, 11-3; John Alelilllldet def. Mat1 ~. 8-2,4-8.fl-.4. • WlmMedon quenn. ... .... Eddle Edwarda (U.S.), Vll'Y Amrllra) !lndlal. Suhl ManonJlndl•I. Chrte Dunk U~tllQ Wlt1ua C .S.), H. Sundlltorn tr I' Pat Oool'lan (Auatralla), Syd Bill Auetral a). Lerry Slelankl (U.S.), D•vld owlen (U.S.)'. Mike Fencutl (Au1tralla), Otew Qltlln (U.S.), S. VWI der Merwe (South Alrloe). R. Evett (U.S.), COiin Oowdeewell (Zimbabwe), David SchnelcW (larael). NOTE; An4<ew P•Ulaon (SOUlh Africa) has wlthd•awn l>ecauM ot an ankle lnjuty and WH repl•c•d by Mike Myl>urg (South Afflca), ""-nwne wu drawn u • lucky IOMt In Ille qullllylllQ loumame<'ll lhla week. Mytlurg wlll play Hdond·tHded Jimmy Connon In Ille opening round), °"" ... fl•hlng NIEWPC>flT (Art'• Landlftg) -30 1ng1era: 40 bonito, 82 bua, 137" mllCkeret, 5 rock lllh. 1 king wmoo. (0."t''• Lock1t) -146 angl8ta: 126 00n110, 305 aand bus. 81 calico bQa, 28 toc:k 111111, 8 l'lallbul, 638 mlcileret, 3 ktng Nimon. DANA WHARI' -122 angleta 487 bUI. 4 halibut. 47 mackatal. MORRO 8AY (Vlrg•a Landing) -, 80 angleta: 10 ling cod, 130 roc:k cod, 165 red rock cod, 835 baaa. AVtl.A •AV (Pott Sen Lule) -24 angtera; 108 red roc:k cod. 31 yellow bus. 221 roek cod. LONO •EACH (8almont "••) -1 I angl8ta: 165 rock cod. a..ga -8 aand but. 75 macke,.1. 9 halibut. (Ouffn'• Wl\atf) -107 llnglert: 8 barrec:Uda, 137 bonllo, 230 calico b .... 2<15 sand bua. 2 h•llbut, 31 roclt fllh. MAL MACH -75 angleta: 600 rock cod. 3 oow cod. 80 sand bus, 14 cellco baaa. so mack8tet . .., .. -45 llllQlen' 15 sand bua, 100 mllCkerel, 10 halibut. OCEANSIDE -89 angleta: 5 bonito. 15<1 calico bau, 409 aand ban, 1 halibut. 7 rock llah. 58 mllCk.,... I AN DIEGO (Hlllll Landing, FlaMf1'1en'e, ~oiftt Loma) -182 angleta. 115 albacore. 2 t yettowlall. 148 barlacuda, 8 caltco bua. 3 hall but. ... etMI recruit• lllt T"8 Top 40 hloh tollOCM belllttl>all rllefultt M MlaG1ad !Of fha Aetoolatad Pf ... by Ille "'°8nolle, Va., Tlmet 6 Wortd•Nft8, Wiii! Ille pl1yat't halohl, hometo.,n tnd chOHn oollegel ltnolt lanl•mln, 7•0, Monro•. Le .. ~relohlon)1 &rad Lohaut, 1.0, Phoanl•, lowe)I lr1o11 Deuoherly, .. ,1. BwlMlll\08, .. (Ncw11t-Cauiilnt); l(en Bat!Ow, 0-10. lndlanapotla, (No1ra Dama), Stave Woodllda, e-101 Porltencl, (Or'4'QO!t It.); 8oO hechet, fl-lo, D•nbury, N.C .. (Vlrglnl1 Ttohl: W•ymon Tltdale. 8·9. Tulsa. (OklallotN), l!lrem Wlnl"1, M, Chicago. (lhlnole)j Tim Kempton1• 8°9, Oyster Bay, N v .. (Notre Deme); 1•;erry Bo•gnl. 8·9. Oudana, (Kanau). Ltoyel Moore, 8·9. Claltton. Pa , ijM.,quett•); Ken Walk8t, 6-8, Robetta, Qa., ~nlueky), Mark Alartt. 84, Phoanl•, Ouke)I Jay 811•. a.a. ROiiing Hill•. (Olika); odd May, I·•· Vl"'la, Ky., (Kentucky); • Robert Hand81Son, 9·8. Lanting, Mich., (MlchlQant. Biiiy Thompaon, II-7, Camoen. N.J., lloult¥11lt): Harold Praulay, 9-7, UncuVlltel Conn .. (VIiianova>: Len 81ea. 6-7. Hyalll¥11 •. Md., (Maryland); Eldrld9• Hud•on. 8·8, Loe AngelH, •Nevada-Lu Vagu}, Attonao JOllnMltl, 8-8, Birmingham, Ala., (Alabama); Rtchatd Reliford. 8-8. Aivlara lleaoh, Fla., (Mlclllgan); Ron Ke110Q9, 11-8, Omelle. Neb .. (KenMI); K.,ty Trott..-, 11-8, Omana, Neb .. (Marquette): William Miii•. 8-8, Miiien, Ge., (Ten-); Jerome ~lncy. 8 -e . .,_•mphl•, Tenn , (Alebam•81•mlnghllml: Kenny Gleen, M . Eu.Ill, FIL. (Wake For"1); Cut111 Hun191, 11-5. Outllam. N.C .. (NOl'lh Catoftn.t); Dal/Id Wingate, 8-5, Beltlmore, Md., (Geotgetown); Emlit My8tl, 8-4. Bton•. Ny ' (N c SIBlfl) Dell Curry, 8·4, Fort Dallanca, Va., IVlrglnla Tedi): 8ruee Oouo .... 6-3, Oulncy. II . (llllnolll; Doneld t-fertry, 6-3 Milledgeville, Ga., (Georgia); Andre Morgan, 8-3, Andefaon. Ind.. (Hawaii); Stave Hale. 6-3, Janka, Ol<I&,, (Nor11't C•rollna), Wlll1t Cutt•, 8·2, Btyant, Ark., (Arkanau). Johnny Dawklna, 11-2. Weal\lngton. D.C .. (Duke); Joe BUOhanan. e.2, S..ttte, (Notre Dame); Roger Hatden, 6-1. Valpatalao, Ind., (Kentucl<y); Montel Halcll8t. 6-1, Santa Monte•. (UCLA). HorH recloa i..cSera (lhr~h Jiine 13) JOCKEY I Ptncay Oelahoosaaye C Mccarron Cordll<O Gue11a VelUQuez Shoemaker Fell Day M Castanada Whltllngham l Berr8te McAnally Lukas Frenkel Van Be<g Teslle< Aliano CemPo Greg.on lt'a The One Perreault Maunie 1at 2nd PurMe 557 106 89 $3.957.191 670 107 10 I 3,494,039 638 142 104 3,491,715 672 142 113 2.934,329 671 92 89 2,906.931 845 126 98 2,882,308 286 56 40 2.180,718 507 85 84 1,995,481 756 152 121 1,995.310 1156 85 86 1,955,034 TAAINEfl8 8tert• let 2nd Pur ... 177 33 31 $2,353,440 175 39 33 1,710.876 233 3~ 26 1,492,904 228 33 29 1,405.$82 276 47 56 1.300, 191 529 94 51 1, 139.432 88 32 14 977,233 399 97 51 US,713 274 33 54 639.915 78 13 14 1137 .254 HOfll£8 SllH1• 1•1 2nd Pur ... 8 3 1 $811,600 5 3 1 57<1,900 Geto Del~ Blush With Pride John Henr\' Track Robbery Ack's,Secret Llnitage 6 1 3 573,7711 7 4 2 350,627 2 1 0 348,800 6 3 1 3«.340 7 4 0 337,<111 tO 8 3 314,201 6 3 2 313,575 Lemhi GOid Etlnslale 4 1 1 302.700 Wortd Cup ,~;-c ~· ....... Aualrl• 1, Olllle 0 Czacl'lollovtl(te 1, Kuwait 1 Yugoalavta C!.t Nonhetrl lfeland 0 Ta4a)''e Q.amee. Italy 111. Petu (GtOUO 1) Atgenllna vs. Hungary (Orouo 31 lrezll v• Scotland (O•ouo 01 laturd.tft a-Portland va. C-on (Oroup I) Belgium va El Salvador C0roup 3) USSR VI ...... ZMland (Group ei Cotmoa Toron10 MontrHl Chic.go NA8l. IAITPN DIVl9ION W L OJ OA eP f'tl '1 2 30 1e 28 92 10 8 'la 20 2~ u 8 8 23 17 11 88 3 10 19 31 18 38 90U'THCflN DIVlllON Fort LIUdO<d•le 1 ' 1 37 37 34 98 T em pa Bey 1 10 26 33 22 94 Tulaa 8 9 29 31 27 83 Jacllaonvllle II 8 21 28 21 57 WHf£11N DtVl .. ON San Joae 10 6 28 20 22 80 Vancouvet 9 5 2<1 22 20 72 San Diego 7 8 24 26 19 57 Seanle • 5 II 23 23 20 48 Edmonlon 5 9 18 30 15 <I l Portland 5 9 17 16 13 39 ~Ix points a.re& awarded tor a regulellon or overtime v1c1ory f'our polntl for e tllOOtout victory One 00rw1 point tor every goal ecored with a mulmum 01 lllleo per game. No bonus point la awarded to• overtime or lhOOtoot goala Tllureday'a Geme• No games acl>eduleo Tonight'• O•mff Cosmos •I Mon1real Jacllaonvilte at l ulaa ]hurMf•Y'I treneectlon1 fA8HALL Amerlcen Leegue CLEVELAND INDIANS -Ac:tlvaled Chris Sando. ceteller; and placed Bak.a McBnde, outfielder. on the 15·day disabled llat DETROIT TIGERS -Reactivated Biii Fahey. catGher, trom lhe disabled lls1; and optioned Larry Pa ah nick. pitcher. to Evansvma ol the 1n1111natlonat League IQtlonat League CHICAGO CUBS -Activated Alan Ripley, pitcher, lrom tho dltabled llSI MONT REAL EXPOS -Pieced Tarry Francona, ouUletd91, on lhe disabled ltat lor en mdeltntle period and called up Mllte Gales. seond baseman, lrom WiChtta ol the American Assoctauon. BASKETBALL Net)onal lleaket~ll Aaeocletlon DENVER NUGGETS -Ttaded David Thompson. guard, to lhe Seattle Supersonics lor Wally Wplke1, forward, and the Sonics' llrst·round Plett HOCKEY Nellonal Hodtay League HARTFORD WHALERS -Named JOhn Cunnttl coach of 111 Binghamton 1ep1esentallve 1n the American Hockey League MONTREAL CANADtENS -Signed Gilles Hetoux. QOaltendet .-.,.,.,.ic... Hoct<et le89ue BALTIMORE SKIP JACKS -Named loo Angolll coach Named Walter Freeman execultve vi<:e pres1den1. etlecllve Jutv 1 COLLEGE INOIANA STATE -Na~ Jerry Hoover ass1stenl bHketball coacf\, nemeo Jon SQ!rbrough pe.r1-11me au1stan1 1>u1te1ball coach EASTERN MICHIGAN 7 Namad Paul Shoults athtellc directo1 Ron Oestrilte IS61stant atNeltc direclor s Father's Day Sale .llNDllDIBTIN SlTtmDAY NIGHT, JUNE 19 POST TIME 7:45 -J . • 28th Running of the rich •100,000 Kindergarten first ..... tlle lll A11mltn ,...,.. c ..... ~., ..... tlll ...... ... , ......... 1111 ....................... ...._ --·~ ............................ . All •2 Exactas • Pick Six HOME OF CALIPORJOA'S RICHEST HORSE RACES 4961 KATEU.A AV&. LOS AJ..AMI'fOS • (714)995-12~ • (213)431-1361 for man~ U.S. ears #na 8J1. 778 A, 79'1, '701S Jl, 1011 a, 1•• a, 1n1 a. . .. P rices good t hru 6 -20-81 \ " ... ,. ,• •' 1 •t .. Ji 1 ·! . l I Or1nge Oou• DAILY PILOT/Fridly, June ,,, 1112 Coast business people move to new __ challenges MwaN B. loblWt, •nlor vtce prwldent. DC 11111111 Jerry Rou ha1 been named sroup vice pretldent at 8ae10 fr AHoclatH, 1Dc., Newport Bcac:h-buod advertlaina and public relatlona firm. He hu be n with Kttller & Robblna, Loi Angelet. Valencla Bank of Santa Ana, h1a been eleci.d prealdent of lau Man1t1a1 A1toelatloa'1 Wettem chapter. Trunmt rtca Jl'tauelal S.rvlcet relocated lta Tu.ltln branch office to 4330 Barranca Parkway In lrvlne. The office waa located at 1032 Irvine Boulevard ln Tuttln. April Ka pp Garrett, of Nowport Beach, hu been appolr)~ Uliat.ant vice president and head of Bank of America'• Lasuna Hilla dlatrlct trust office at 23~21 Pueo de Valencia, Suite 100. Advisory council members sought Nell R. Heller has been named manager of natlonal/ln i.trnatlonal technical tervlces for GYYR Product1, a dlvtaion of Odotlcs, Inc. tn Anahelm. He had been at lruitant Replay Equipment Company ln Loa Angeles. G olden WH t AlrllDH received an Out- standing Achievement Award ln the "Image of the Year" program aponaored annually by the Career Appartil Inatltute, a dlvlalon of the National Aaaociation of Unlform Manufacturers and Distributors. Natalia Corich la director .of ln!light service of Golden West. lllUHll.L Dieter II. Sturm Jr. of Newport Bt•ud1 h;.i.' bee n appointed pr~111dent of l.M .A. of North America, a Germun bm.1t•d c.'Orporation anvolvt•d m t'Onsulting for th1· hotel industry lts vffit'«' 11> .it 881 Dover Dr. The South Coaat Air Quality Management District la looking for aix members for lta advisory QOUncU which conauJta and advises the agency's govemlllf boa.rd on air pollution control. Advisory Council members play a role In Tonne Keeling ot Lake Foreat has been appolnted director of marketlng and aalet for Air lrvlne. She has been an aviation executive. most recently owner-operator of Weatem Charter in Van Nuys. Paul J . R11 11ell has been appointed director, corporate communica tions for Sm ith Interna tional, Inc., Newport Beach. He was vice president and director of MacKay-Shields Financial Corporation of New York. Suzan V. Walter o f Orungt• 11·1·1·1vl·<.l ;.1 scholarship award of $1 00 from the Oran~1· County chapter of Women lo Management. Shl· t~ t•11rullt'<.l in the MBA program at Peppcrd1m· Un1v1·rs1ty and is a project administrator for Pt•rkm Elnwr Apphtod Optics Oiv1S1on m Garden Grove ' helping the district board perform Its role of directing the rel(Ulatory agency responsible for air pollution control In the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino. Valencia Bank has opened a branch at 840 Newport Center Drive in Tower U of Pacific Mutual Plaza, Newport Beach. Council meetings are held the morning of the fourth Wednesday of each month. In addition, the 30-member council has committees which nonnally meet each month. Dedicated MERCED (AP) -A mini-h ydro plant that can produce e n o ugh elec tric ity for 1.000 homes was dedicated by Merc ed Irrigation District officials. Interested persons should submit a resume to the executive officer, SCAQMD, 9150 E. Flair Drive, El Monte 91731. For additional infonnation. contact Jack Nevitt at (213) 572-6416. Laymen's law class scheduled A law course designed for laymen, busin ess persons, homemakers and re tirees will be offered by Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. • T h e c ourse i s sponsored by OCC's Community Service Office. It is slated for Tuesday evef'\ings. June 22 and 29, from 6:30 to 9:30 in room 207 of OCC 's Chem is try Building. Course fee is $8. Course instructor is Betty J. Farrell, a Costa Mesa attorney. For informa t ion, phone 556-5880. Officers picked Maria Piscopo, Costa Mesa-based freelance photographer 's representative, has been re-e lected president of the Orange Coun ty chapter of Women in Management. Also elected are: Ashley Robinson Carlson (first vice president), Suzan Walter (second vice president), Marian ne Mytin ger (treasurer), Peggy Coker (corres p onding !>ecretary) and Barbara Ardinger (recording secretary). T h e next meetin g June 24 w ill featur e Louise Pomeroy, owner J f Abifail Abbott Personne Services at the Hungry Tiger · Restaurant in Santa Ana. Cell 142-5678. Put • lew word1 to work for ou. 8 IMPROVED lllDUSTRIAL LOTS Ill HUITll&TOI BUCH Excellent price & terms for these lots, In master planned development. ACCEPTING OFFERS UNTIL 7 /2182 For more Information call: or JIM MICHEL or NORM NOWELL COLDWELL BANKER (714) 955-6300 OWNER WILL TRADE IEWLY REMODELED COROll DEL llR HOUSE SOUTH OF HlliHWIY Owner will trade this beautifully remodeled three bedroom family room home for $495,000 worth of tract houaea, condominium• -or rental units. Will trade with debt or clear. House has $440,000 loan amortized over 30 years, rollover . @ 15.5'/o. five year If you have the desire to own this ~ ,utiful home and have anythin1 or ar _ combination of thin1• with a $495,000 value, call me -for example, I will trade for your four new condos that won't sell or t hree $150,000 houses that coat you $50,000 each or ?11 A trade could save you taxea. Call Casey at owner's office (714) 641-0161 weekday• 9 to 5 OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS READING ENJOYMENT 7 DAYS A WEEK In the No one buys a house or stock with the expectation of watching its value plummet; why buy a car 1n which that's not JUSt an expectation. but a virtual certainty? Particularly when you can avoid all inf enor performance. investment or otherwise. by buying a BMW 3201 According to the January 1982 NADA Used-Car Guide. 1f you'd bought a new BMW 3201tn 1979 and sold 1t this year. you· d get an astonishing 101 % of your money back.° That's more than Audi 4000. Oat- sun 280ZX or Jlly ul\>r r .ir • • cldSS Even ir1or!-' t11.u1111c1r I 1tl11•r 11 1n substantially I 11~1 ei 11riu • .; 1 suc.h as Cadillrll.. :;)1.:v11!1· 11r I l r .1. I I ,1 Benz 280E All of which rnake .. rt, Ht.1:J j 1 one of the world.., n 1os11•.<r 11dr o' '·~ 1r to leave a dealership 1n 0 A car thc;t IPdvP 10 1 ,., enriched by t11r• exp~r· ence Instead ot 1n l)<JVer tshed by ti MULTIMlll Dllv.G MAOlllE. , t: ·. ' LfT YQ1IB~A~~MW ()(_fil1RS ARRANG[ A THOROUGH IE~T OfllVI ALHAMBRA Cll'TllT llOTOI WIS 1811 We>t Ma111 Street (<'13) 570 8444 AZUSA MVMI ... ,-. 79 l East Arrow Highway CAMARILLO ULWITIJm- 411 Od~~ Drive 1805) 482·8878 (213)889·2312 CANOGA PARK ...... _ HlRMOSA BEACH LANCASTER MISSION VIE.JO YARINUI---s.-SKIYAW'f 2901 Pac1tic Coast 45201 N Sierra Hwy lllPOITS,IM. H1ghwdy 1805) 948·6004 28407 Mc1rgu~"I" f" ,, , (213) 375 0935 LONG BEACH 171 4) 83 l.:'040 HUNTINGTON PARK UMl&IUOI-Nl WPURT UlA1 11 .. Mil._ Jb 10 t.1 "'rry Ave"ue IO'l CAIVll,-. ,,, >l·W.\ , WlA<OIMW l IK4( I • ' , 1 I '"'1 r "l ! ' , • I fq 1.1 ' • . , Ull MTOI UIS IJ'I. 1 4 I,• f WVlll llOTOtS, llK. OCUJI llOTOU <213) 967 5331 Bl:. VERLY HILLS z...-• lnmlYltiS 7050 Topanga Cdnvcn Boulevard IMPGl1'S It 13) 42 7 5494 1 r>40 Jamtit1rt'>' 111.l 6000 PaL''"' Blvd (714> b36 5790 (714) 1540 6444 f ~ ~ I ,I 9022 W•stwe Boulevatd {213) 346-3144 GLENDALE PMIFKIB (213)5831901 LO~ANGElfS NORTHHOUYW\1.)l LA HABRA llmNlll llOTOltS llOllltT IUIJmAll,-. •lllCUlm 3443 'M!~t 43ro St 4210 La01k ... "t "' -.-. 1213) ?Clti 3270 8oJle.an1 1 I /I' •I <.AMNIUIMW l •W AUTO UlfTtl <213) 273-39f!O 818 South BrarxJ Blvd (213) 246-6543 H ,1 ~ • 850 North Beach Blvd 1213 7ul t 1 11 (213) 691 6701 t l·I l , , I , DOWNI ""'· Up 1M.7 Up 15 S Up :IO.O Up 20.0 Up IJ.6 Up 1U Up 11,I Up 116 Up 11.1 UP II I Up 10t Up 10,1 Up 10,0 Up t,7 Up U Up t .l UP U Up I.I Up l.J UP U UP t.O ~ a Up 1.A Up 1A ~1v. _:.,. OH JI«. U.O 1\lo -II\ OH lt.S '"--"° OH 11.s Siii -1 Off 1U ~ -~ gi: ltl 4111 -~ Off ,,,. 2--'-OH 1U S -'IO ()fl IU IOYt -l\lt Oft 1}.S "' -"' Off i>.s '"' --Off 12.0 11 -1..., OH lt.O • ..., -"' °" 11.0 1 -IS·ll Oft 11,1 ,,,..., -4~ OH 1 :I 1\lt -I Oft I 11..., -l\lt OH 11.S ', ~ E it! J --~ Ill = t l1:l ' -... ,1., (714) 522 53.33 MUTUAL FUND NEW YORI( CAPI hFre I to I Ml Htlnco 1 04 NL l tnv SOti t1 .. , 11 '1 Mutu•I Of ~ Pru SIP "* '1 ' n ,, ... ,, HUI-f.-o NL Inv S.I ~JI • 16 •m~r 10 1• NL Putnam r UO(h "''.,,. 11 .. ""'L NL Inv V• 1 J9 I OJ Grwth • J9 • 11 Conv II 1.1 17 •• llono 1 % "L NL In• Rnh JJ7 ,., lncom 1•1 IM> Int Eq 17.IO I),. Cdll 0. I••• "l -The IOl-1119 quo. C1pTNT U 3 NL HI 'Viti 9 SS 1.i1on1, tulllllied "" Ceftltnftl•I Gp u Mun 1 " NL 1'tel 11 112 NL 'T• Fro • • u GtO•Q 11 w 11 ., S10<• I•.. '<I NL Ivy Fd '03 NL MllQwl II II NL G•W1h 9 .l8 1~ n Sln!>ol '13 Nl the National ••-I· Grlll 1 IT I .., Purtln '• a!IOtl of Se<urlllu Equll S63 • 1S T llrlll • 01 Oealert. Inc . ••• Cl\lncellor G<OUI> TrttnO 2• Cl' It. prlc.ft 11 wllk ll HIYld I S4 • 16 FINntl•I Prag· ,,.... -urlllH HIMurl II ... 11 n Oyn• 6 • ., NL could --NO.C: ll.'3 117• Fn<ITx 1167 NL SOid , ... , .... , TuM IS S4 16"' Ina ... , J.74 Nl val.,.) or bowQhl Cnl SM 1011 NL ln<om 6.7• NL (value PIUS Mle\ Cll•rt Fd 1' 17 17.U Fsl I nvellor•: charoel Thurtc11v. Cllo Olr 1' 22 NL Bna A9 12 ~ IJ.9S s.tl ...-, Ct.W1ul un1••ll 01.co &.5S 9.lol At>le 11.• NL Colonlal Fuftllo: Grwtll 612 6.80 ACOfft F 21.112 NL Fuftll '·" 10,67 lncom s.~ .... AOV 13.SI NL Grwtll '·'° 1 43 NII Res 4.M 5.01 Aluture '"" NL HI Via S.'2 6.47 Opln S.11 •. 33 AIM Funos· lncom S.M •.• h~ Ex 7,JO 7.17 CvYld 11.21 12.0& Opln I 1' I .'° u WIEQ 6.7• 7.37 Edson t.00 l.'6 T n Mo 11.67 70.«I u Wall 11.78 NL HIYld 1.21 1.71 CoCu Giii 14,'2 NL Fosler 4,37 4.65 Alplla " IS.IS NI. Cwllll AB I at I " Fn<I Giii • SJ •.•s :~~~ ~a.:.:,.1.1 60 ~::.~ ~ ~:: ~ ~ F°G':=' °i.~ NL A 811 I 00 • ,. Comp Fd I .. • 7S lncom II" NL Am<P s 60 • 12 Contonl 11 SI NL Mulal I 00 1.1'1 A Mull 10 41 II 4S CO.....Cll<ul c;..,1 Sa«I IT 14 NL 8-10 11 II 71 Fund 10 31 II IS Fran-.1n Group Fd Inv 1.4'1 I . II ll)(om ,., '·"' AGE 3.1• 3,. Grwth 'U IO,SS Mun 8CI 6 II 6.. ONTC 12 6S IJ M ln<om 1.•1 1.71 Cons '"" IO IJ 10 SO Grwtll 1 01 1 u ICA 7 '6 l .lt Consi.t G II Ot NL Option •" S 1'I N ~ • 4S 1 OS Cont Mui 6.17 NL Ullls ... s:oo Wsfl Ml • M 1.K Ctry Gip la~ 13 M tncom I 70 113 A~ ~s~:S • • 08J:';re r,~;, 40 g:o.c;ov t: ; : ~r'Yl'.t 1u~ 1~ ~ g::~ 1rn 't ~ Equll • 13 SJ• MUf\ 8 14.s:J IS 2S Tx ,,,. S.11 • OS T u Fr s. 6. ll ventr 20.115 21 ti Oelw t.U IO «> "~,.i."' 1 11 1.n Cmslll o Ol t 1$ Olr Gip 1 10 NL I nvQuat l 4' I • Exe~ •AO NL OodC.• 81 10 4S NI. Pllol 1 SO I IS Fd Am t.» •. ,. OeclCll SI 11 n NL GT Pac IJ. NI. Gr-11 '° NL On• "" I) IT NL G•I• Op 13 .st NL H•rtlr ... 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I ~ 11YJ,,,,. eflLPl ._to ·": -lolo n :g 10 IJ 11~:.." ='"dllf\·l.! ll~~i t!11t ~ , 1 ..., '°"' = .., • .111 • "" 12~ ~ ... = .., 22 io ~-· · · ~-; '·• 1; ,. ~ .. ~:~t r.,,.~ •. : 110 ~Pr/J-;1 • 1. , 'Of ,._ .... -~ 1 ; • ., p ... ,·:ii . .1 l:t:-1._ 0o'l:I ·:·•1~ 11141 '"" ~ tA 1 1.a • .:·i.Q Mli11vl1!1fs.40 .. ~ t1~ ~ ~*' t ~ • JI u~ ... ~ 11'1 • 1,i 1 ..... ••¥ef'llri.au 1119 i--.i ~ 1 , dll'i-\Ii CID'11..1 .20 j JI tlit-Vt !!t~ 72 ' '#ff-Q ~l'CO 1,• • HI ... "'91\w flf i.;' I ,,._._ 1111 ..-IOO 1 17 •, • Wt'tf' Jlf Ult ., + \It • .,. . :a·~ = I .,,: :ii :...·. i;;;.": ... ..... .: • =.~iZ:1.b : m ,~v. .. ~ =~··· :, m:·1Q ,., ii j~ ~: t 1r:t··.,: ~·-~-·, ~ _._ ... .tt e ""'·I. !!W~UO I ~ ,._•'t: ~!.,ltnC: ~·,! ·~ ~-a-.1~!11.! *1!.. .'~-'t ~, f -tli ~· .f.,t M' ,,'ft ~ ,..... • \II ~ , .. IW4 tO\ft-.. ,_ , -~ ... I .. .,....,,,. 1'~"""'"' ... tO --... ' -"'t lf:r •• " "i J -,·~ 1 oe 11 J1> ~ ~ ltllrlrl I.JD 11 '! lt\4 ••11 Mtrll _, 'i 1 J i -1o1t ~ •• 11 ... tt\.11 +. .. _ 1 .. ·u • · "" .. -,91 .. .. • t v. -"""" .. J dlt'r4t-._ -~tel JO ID ~ \Ao t •i. 1 11t .._. • t j ~ YI .'~·; •1111o1o-~ ... M4Jl.•Ul7 -•,~ ...... ~ ~ t. IO tllOt -~ .......... ,,_,, ·i··1'1·!"_ ... ~IJ!l ~~ 21:1°"1l,'!-:: Dr~ • ..: t,Ji ~=~ rri· ... J·1 .. 1~=~ =...., '1J1~ :n t~::: =:i~~ • .l!.~, f.~~ . .. ~. --c:..cl4' ~ .. :=-_.{i 1 -~ "'j· ' ••\'!•"' -.. ":.;; K · tt i!:J\l u ,,! :: • 1oo-'-. ...,.,.., 1 11 , ~ ~ at11111 1Ai, 1 P--~-· . • "'=' i si 41 -11 ...-1.» .• I •" .!E ·.! .. ,,!It,. '~·· . , n , __ ...._1•,s * T'-6; Cll , •• "" .... ...-). ... -"' •• • ~ ..... .,..... l.lllie • ._... ,.. • """ .... , ... 8 C'J Home building shows upswing By Tbe A11oelated Pre11 Actual and pla nned home bu ilding jumped unexJ>4.'(."tedly last month, the government aaid, and a home builders group said that was "the flrtt sign" of recovery for one of tho nation's most dep~ Industries. ThE> Commerce Department said Wedm.'!lday that May housing !It.arts rose 22.3 percent from the month before to the highest level In a year. It al.so said butlding permits for future construction r06e 10.2 percent from the previous month. The d~tment said housing starts rose tc an ana ual rate or 1.086 million. That was the highest since the 1.172 million rate reported in May 1981. Building under construction Construction has begun in Monrovia on the $3.1 million Huntington Oaks Office Buildin g, said a. spokesman for J. A. Stewart Construction Company, Westminster. It will be occupied by K inetics Technology lnternationaJ Corporation. Marketing contract gi ven The Orange County office of the Charles Dunn Company has been retained by the Cypress Land Company, Long Beach, to market 10 acres which is part of the Cypress ~nter in C~press. The property is located JUSt east of Katella Avenue and Valley View Street. Gas shortages eyed WASHINGTON (AP) -Motonsts, already hit with gasoline price increases of a dime per gallon, will see pnces climb even higher and could face shortages before summer 1s over, at'rording to a group critical of the 011 industry rl The Citizen-Labor Energy Coalition said Wednesday 1t was likely that th gasoline and heating oil prices will "increase d ramatically" m the next few months. But the chief lobbying arm of the oil industry called that allegation "economic nonsense" and said it ignored the fact that even with the recent hikes. gasoline prices are stiU lower than a year ago. Trade balance shows surplus WASHINGTON (AP) -The natiQn's foreign trade balance jumped back to a $1.2 billion surplus in the first quarter of this year after dipping to a deficit of nearly $1 billion in the final quarter of 1981, the Commerce Department reported. Officials are predicting t hat the balance of payments -the broadest foreign trade measure and sometimes refe(red to as the "current account'' -wdl show a surplus for the year. the third in a row. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK !AP) -SalH Thurs price and rwl clWlnge ol lht fifteen mo<I «11 .. N•w Von. Stock Ere,,._ ••WH NEW 'l'OflKIAl'I Final Oow JC>ftff -IO• T__.,, JUl'I 11 STOC~S l•adlng "'"''""""• •1 "'°'e tntn l l JO Ind h...0. Inc r. lll,600 :It"" '" 10 Trn °"" "... L.-w c.... °"' "3 .. ,.1 Ml ,., 01 ,., ... ,..., IBM lltl,000 51"1 ' IS Ull ~r ~~ m::: w· ~ :~o~'.k JOt.ll JlD 9'J JCW Q) JOt J.S-•.'3 ••OO IOI lS 106 11 107 O' 1.Jf _,. 111 r~ :io. u JOI.._ 1.01 Euofl t 6ot1,700 11 -V. fr.en 10.•• Botsic 56•,JOD 11 • l\oo Vtlls ~,•91,JOD •.127,IOO 1.001 .... 1,114.-K man •.100 11•., • "' 6S Slk Slc!Ol!Qo U.,SOO 33~. "- CIGNi' Cll n 132,400 31 '1 b~~,1~~. :M:= ~~ r · NLT Corp ltt,700 JS'• + "° Am Atr+ln l7S. soo .,, • ''• OowCM<n JU,400 10>t. " S<h•umt>ro Ml.JOO 381 • "' AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW VORK IAPI n... f04-lnQ llG ·-· '"" Nn. Vork Stoc• Ea< ..... stock\ and ... ,,.,,,. 11\el "6•t QOM uo 11w MIMI ano oown ltw mosl .,.MO on r:rcenl Of ,,..,,. r-rOI•" 04 vot.- °'No T!:'~ """'"Q below~ ar• Inch UO.O '"t -percenl-Cl\an;H •••Ille Oilrerenc• be._ IM pr•v'°"' c~ng prtce -Thurtcl,Y'~~· Name Las1 Cf\Q Pt I. 1 Fa11er9t Inc 17' • • 7\ot Up 16 I , Oet-1 13 • 1\oo Vp IS6 l 10.el BHI< 11 + 1'" Up .. l 4 Allt.d M<tlr> 31'11. • J' • Up 11 • S Ct1i..S1Kt U • 4''• Up 11 3 • Chr'(llar wt 2\11 • v, Up 10 S 7 F•P• 1 70P1 16°'> • '"' Up 10.• I TraM 12"' • 7\1> Up I.I 9 En!IOUr<" n l'" • "' UP 11 10 OenAmOil 771,, • Ho Up 7 J 11 AmWalr p!A ••• + " Up '·' g ~~~II ;~ ~ 8: N 14 G TFI 1159f • .., \lo Up t 9 lS MauevF 1 '"' UP • 1 i. LLCCorp 2°'o • 1'1> Up t l 11 C:rwnlel 3 OSOi I~ + ,,,.. Up 6 1 18 NtMedCll•• 61 > • ~ Up 6 I 1'f Titley Ind -4"' • '• UP • \ Name I GllRes pfA }~~~ • AmeHtt&"' S BanePunl • ,,,. tKo<>il I NBI Inc n I Wi*'41 5'r • weinoto 10 ,rteptM<Mrn II Mnq!Ant 11 Or•VOCI> IJ R-cvplA .. HerltlQC,om "' 1\ Int AKtll 1,_MKll 11 SunOlmo pt 11 Sunll\WI It V1lff0Etv DOWNS 1.a>I (l>g P< I 11 , Off ,. , 6 '• Off 11' ,,.,. 1.. Oii 10 I al ti.. Off 10 0 llllw 1 .. Off t ,• !!1111 -IV. OU f1 ~ , Oii '·' 4 -\llOll ... 1•\ ~ Oft a.s 1• ... -1\NOff '' 10"-'• OH 7 .t ''' -. Ott 7.S 31 -2v. Off 1S ,._ "' Off '" •II) .. Oii ,,, , .... -.. Off 11 .. ) Oii u S\41 " Oii U 1114 1\11 Off ... COLD COINS NI W YOfll< (API -l'rlou l ett W"'*41ey ol Qolld OOlnt. c:omper911 \ll!lfl Tl>lltOtv'e ~ .... ,,...._...., troy OL, ~00, 141 90 90 .......... IM!, lf'Cly OI., ~.00, 141 IO.IO _....._ tlO ""°' 1 t lrOy oi., S* 90, uo to.75. ~ tOI ..-. .9802 troy Of.. SStU S, uo to.90. ~OMll~ WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK lllPI JUI\ 11 A.dv.tncfO 0f'Cltr-ed UnCll6nQl!d Tot Al 1\\Uf\ N•w htQI>• N~w I~ ThUrt Jll• lCM• .q1 1161 ' .. , NEW VORK 1APl JUl'I 11 t AO••nctd [)f>clt~ Un<Nngrd Toi•! 1\-\ Ntw NCjhl N•w l~ METALS Thun ,,. J'3 111 I .. 1 SI NEW YORK (API -Spol nonferrous mtl81 prlCta Tlluftelty Cotlfl« 7~-75 cent• • pound, U S des11nt110na lb Lffd 25-27 ctnll a pound Zinc 35·3 7 oanll e PQOn<I, IMllYCll'ad. Tin 16 8815 Metals w .. k composite Alumlnum 7&-77 '*'1• • PQOn<I, N.Y. -...rcury S370.00 per naa11 Platinum $297 00 lrOV oz .. NV SILVER Thursday H•ndy l ounoa. H1rmen, S6 400 per troy GOLD QUOTATIONS thurld•y London: me<nlng llxlng: $318,85. up Sl 85. London: •ltomoon nxlng. S317.00. up $2.00 l'arte: alter noon fixing S3 18 IS, up $3 99 flrenlrfvrt; S.3 HI 02. up f1 00 Zurich: Lala fixing S3 15 00. up $3 00 bkS. $318 00 Ulled. HlllMfJ 6 H-9": only d.ity quote S317 00, up $2.00 I~ onty deity quot• $317.00. up $200 SYMBOLS I it=,. --.. YI ' , We qui t After twenty-two years of successful and reputable selling to the public, we have come to a momentous decision, namely ... to retire. We are opening our doors this coming Saturday with one thought in mind -the total and complete luquidation of our entire stock with savings up to 70 % . entire inventory reduced! 1931 newport blvd. costa mesa. ca. (half block north of 19th st.) 548-5518 special hours Monday thru Sat. Sunday 10 AM to 6 PM 12 PM to 5 PM 100's of values Qu itting Business Now In PROGRESS lOO's of value.s! we also have an ex1ens1ve selec11on ol decora11ve accessories 1h Price ... FIRST COME ... FIRST SERVED! There will be a charge for delivery. ·. --. PICTURED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE .~ . PICTURED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE ' Friday, June 18, 1082 .. Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. CLASSIFIED INDEX l.'!.'.l!!f!! ........... !~'!!!.~~ ....... ~.~~! ....... !~'!!!.~~~· ....... !'. .. 'M!f.{'.1.~! ....... ! .. !!!!.~~!. ...... !'.'.!!!!.{'.1..~'.'! ....... !'.~!!!.! .. r.!:W ....... !'.!!!!.~'.1.!.'.'! ...... . fe.!'!1. ......... 1.'.fl ~~t ........ J.C!fl f!!.~!~t ........ J.111 ¥!.-.~~~t ........ J.~1 ~!~lH!~!. ... J.Of!f f!!!t.!!!!! ...... !.~~1 !fM!~!J!!l.'<t.JP.~1 ~l.~~.~.'.'.t .. !~f 2 111111 • 10\.it. tfftt. lat, 3 Br. 1 81. hou" on l•roe • 11111 Hiii llUll 00 111¥111 TllUOI tPrloed II only '3ff,OOO 50•11&' 3 unit tot .,. woe "T,.,uron" whh 2~ prlct reduction 8•11•r Pll .. U ... T1PtectY11t ••.cau 112,1 fll WI ·2 Story 3Y' old cuetom Hamilton Do not Clteturb betfla. 2 cat o.,, In grMt motivated to Hll tnta Prize West tt bayfront. SU~ (or 2 boatl, OrHt 1tlrt1r home In Charming 1mm1cu11te .c111forlnlorm1tlon ten1 n11. $129,000 locetlon tOV.~ueum•· dr~tlOnewOCM11lron1 642·5678 . llMl'S FOi SAlE 0-ol . ::i:::="'· ~·-• .. o ow ....... ., °""' ... . 0...NM !IT ... ,_OIAValloy -.......... In'•• IAI0111hMh J.1111110 Holl.t =~~~· ~·..:· S.. ,...,,. c.,.11iltano ............ s .. 11e--'l.o& ... • "-•m•""ff N.Wi.HomH S•I• RCAllSTATE Atttaae fot Sale Oood .,... 2 Bdrm con-home. utra wld• lot Bt<R &75-3859 5.41-5041 ev.-t. wknda, ble 11t TO A teolllc buy home M1gn1fleent view. remodeled3 rm,3bath$1, 00,000. do, auper price. good Shu1ter1 thru-c>1.1t Hu-&31·3&20wtufy•. 11 11'7,900 . Cell Vety19eClal•menltlee& "--.. " •-1&tth views. M--'ne --m. 4 bdrm. 3 t1rm1. 648-23 t3 1ed pool. Separate bed· •-1 NILY 1 ... 1 __ lllll · .cepa 10 the beec.h mike . .. lllUI IOl1! .... ......-.: ... °'I" •n •vv mlllon ot. Prof. land&el· ..... • w-" 1hll an outetl.lldlng olf• bath, S700 tq, t. t U85,000. Ooe.nfront. ped, autOIT)l tlC 1prlnk-210 GRAND CANAL OAlll rlno. lt0&,000. OPEN THE REAL ESTATE RS ·= , .. :: "•"•'"'• ....... ,.. All reel •t1t1 lldYtl'lllld Liii iii.i .-.1 Prime Lido Nord bay!ront. ~ bdrr)i, 5 Y'I bath Lge L.R., 2 boat sllpt1 $1.~00.000. ::: In thla newepeper la 111111 1ub)1c1 to the F1d1r11 •fl!O F1lr Houalng Act of 1988 :~ which makea It llleQ•I to Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm ::: 1dvertlM "any preferen-beam ceilings, Cumlshed, patio&. $420,000. um oe, llmlt1tl0n or dltctlml- 1• nation b1aad on rec•. UllA ISLE IAYFllllT 15 ~::?~~:i·~~I~~'. ~~x .~; ~goon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, 1100 Intention to mek• any dark rm. den . Boat sltp. $1,350,000. REMEMBER DAO! w1th. Father'• Dey maeuge 842-5&78 Win 4 FREE TICKETS! to In Angela Game Dally Piiot Cl1111fled Ada !ere t. Ma.llbu tgta front & Llltle laland. Sherp 3 2 Sr. 1 Ba.+ 1 Br. 1 Ba. SUN t0•2. 31965 Cout beck w1111 to B1lbo1 Bdrm 2 beth on the 72Jt105' A2 101. Do not •u.z-S"" . Hwy. South l.agun1 1111nd $375,000 Rey Wiier. o w e $575.ooo dlaturb tenent1. 1&28 ... D1vlee. 551-8700 (0-53). R~~~UT~O~~ Orange. $ t29,000 "" 1140 875-8000 548-&<M t eV9I l wknd•. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~a~3~1-~35~2o~wtc~dY9~· iiiiii llOOO 1tW1 • I~'--;; 2 Br. TownhouH. de· C•r•H ''' #11 JOZ I t• 2 IA llghlul tnd unit wtth P•· •••••••• • • •••••• ••••• • "' llo. community pool & OLD 01111111 IE Lerg• covered patio, klddy yerd Low down or .lll .2•1,000 llrepleoe. double car ga-take over 1xl1tlng VA • rege. Excellenl condl· loan Full prtce S108,500 New llSllng f1bulou13 Br lion S 135.000 Owner Agent. 682-1700 11.5"3 C .,, "'-I remodeled home So. of will carry lat loan Beal ,-~-------1 .,. ' AMl'V'W' RVltCE Hwy. Auum1 loena .. of terms. 110 DOWll n £d• ,,,,,, JOSS 1!: Macnab·lrvme 041 toUJt VIEW , AP•.tUNntA for C\alt' IH<ll P"!.1*'1 -~.:.-:;,.~:)pl\ ~~:~r;:r."> such preference. llmlte· t:: tlon or dlacrlmlnetlon.'· :: This newapeper will not """ knowingly accept any ~= adverllalng for reel es- •• tale which i. In vtolallon IA YSIDE COYE Spectacular bayCront view 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat alips $1,800,000. NEW VIEW TOWN · ~OMES. 2 MHter Sul· 1es. View ol ocean & night llghll. Quiet Area. Parka, open 1p1cee. $125,800 dn Xlnt Fin Hal or Pit Bauer, Agta. 873-7300 4 Br. 2'n Ba. Ideal family home. Cornmunlty pool & perk Cul de .ac. Miu· m1ble 10\'•% loan. $390, 000 Including ocean v1- 1and owe. Open S11. DELIA. lltJ M0Car4!1, IUtr. View of the ocean • walk •• •••••••••••••••••••• 631-1266 agt. 141•1121 Io the a and . 213 /333 -3846 . 213t!k>2-1298 PlRl PUCE ESTATES t• ! F II • ~ • • le c c • t4 w Pl H 'A A A Cl Cl L m in b• ti 0 th 81 re t } L (1. A AJ h• Cl Si J~ gr sh he ok ol: bt ap or Cl Ctl mt COi pe ap wi da let 7()1 Ca LUI prl th· not . t.h( yo1 est. • w f •P ln' anc an1 Se Cal Jae AU ... hi Ne' ('71 ' Dal 108 Dwph •n UM l S.lc -lollelllO>M ,,.._,,.,,..f\1 ~ i 0i1i1ihei liewi.iiiiiiiiiiiiii COROUDO CAYS OCEANFRONT LAGOON 144-4110 llAllDOIED 4 BR. 1·~ ba Only SSOOO • IR 21L IA 150' OF BEACH I dwn $1070 monthly ~ • 'fl, • ........ , ... p·,_r1~ Loh lorS.lt llolJli. Hme Ttlt Pth 111-a.o.Mn.loon 211111 UDO DIO UllO uoo l$IO Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat HHU1 Adver.t l-dock. Plana avail. Red. $370,000 w/terms. 7000 aq ft bulldlng pad. COM'S BEST SLASHED Cell. Agl 731-7567 BE~~~~~AN .65 Ac LeCoata, Carls-Ttiladuple•++lncludee $30 000, BV OWNER Trl·level HAS EVERYTHING ~"'!f~~ sers should check ILIFFI OlllO bad S275K. 581-9695 two 2 bdrm units + an ' 0 home, nr. beach. 2 yrs Cul-de·sac slreet TU lllELTEll extra large gueat quar-1IO h f View I old. Sl2,000 ceah nee· Sun & Sall H Club OwlolSl ... l'fOf .......... t>w"''•Oto"«t ••• F..at.U E•e9'1n1t lltol IAtM\\'"1a1od -flGD -llOO their ads dally and Single story end unit expanded 3 b 3 ba report errors Im-on largest greenbelt. $25o.ooo. r. • ..... Ow I • ded $157,000 YOU 20 mm 10 t E ters. ner • making It Mell Verd manston. Ouahfy Andy 536-2~7 m2 •brny' 2f1Cbt•11't•~.Pnlacenr. "'7111,. ,•TUL, . A •• d.b Id ~;:·b~T ;;4r.e~d~;: C~a~~~ :~'~.Y!e-:no~ days. 960-06~ eves & $21~=~.~~~.ooo REMTALS mediat ely. The ,_ "' In rv ne I Woo r ge wknds at 12"' f ...,.. 1 & 9 1 Frwya. H11 gd. te-8 re1 . 3 yr 1 y 0 u n g . coope<al•. Cell &40-7685 city light•! 4 king bdrms. ___ ...__..__ ____ 1 " llt ..... ra e :=.-: ~~;:::.ii.::..s ~ -.t'llrawU•I JlOI DAILY PILOT as-Piii I.Ill sumes llablllty for n.nt. 3 baths, massive f1mllu , ... ,·., 1iu~ fully amortized 10. 76% financing. (>n ' ... '""' N 1 1 llfyt .l.,I00 .. 10., hwl Cul-de-aac. Fenoed rear Olll:PLD•••1EJ room, new everything I •••••• •••••••• •••••••• o po n s or qua ng C-.domwum• 1\1 r tt • >cl" C-1111u1M t:af >42: the first Incorrect 3 bdnns, 2 VJ baths rondo near pool. $145,000. ,. -_ $38.000 moves you In' 2 bdrm, 2 ba Woodbridge 770-0347 12~~. IO ''· LHI yard Owner very an-NO OUAUFYINGI Call SFO. 3 paym'l8 la1e • Owner/Agent 1--t"ura 1* T.,.-....t:•f >sz: o.pa. ... "'"' »¥ Insertion only. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 851-0331 or 975-0938 xlous. Only Sl 35.ooo Assumable loan: 3Bdrm, fut, can't laSI at low, low Oespe rat e He I P _____ .. ___ _ Suaa.n Trlvlson's llellng 5 75~9100 2ba owner·s unit with price! 89~·2636 I 8 7-2045 II rt IH i IHI =:,.l>•I = --------~= ~:~ ' ., = ... ,,, ,,, ,,,, Room~ 4CIOQ •••••••••••••••••••••• r=.~~:i~d ft: •• ,,,, 1002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C..c. Honw1 U50 •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • - t:'.:::!. ~~:~t :;: 2 LUllllY ~:'~:. lf::;:: ;; TOWlllO•ES 341 8oy\1d1· Or ·~" N 8 675 bl(>! mOITIYt .. spaclou• 1 BR rental. Ci I • .'.'!r. •••••• ! ........ . 2500 eq ti, 4 Bdr 3 Ba. 3 both with lolled beam PLAN alSOLUTE cer garage ere aome of cell's .. flreplaces end an " the feature• ol Ihle 6 yr honeat-to·gosh swim· . IJ . ~ THREE STEAL! old home. Low dwn P•Y· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ming pool on one of Co-~ in Turtle Rock 4 bdrms. Lovely lrg 3 Bd house ment. Full price $189, l&Y .. -w rona del Mera prelliesl _ ... ·--2.,., be Great ln$lde widen. spa & foreve< vu 500. 831-7370 • -streets Walk to beach ----locatton Owner wlll help Only $359.900 Fee Cell ~~~:!.., tt'lO 2 beeutllul n-town-LA CUESTA BEAUTY Huge 4 Br with game room. 3 full baths. Ceramic tile entry. Lots of glass. Master suite bath with sunken tub. Hot tub in landscaped patio. Fantastic terms. Assume 1st TD and owner will carry large amount. Price TFUDITIOUL RL.\l T\ •-n•• R••ul !:: homes located In eltcel-~~~ w •• ,.., _, lent area. All the rooma Mn. Rtn1111 '6lO are extremely large with BUSINESS, INVEST· 2 master bdrm•. pertect MEMT, rlNANCE for joint owne<shlp. Ne-ver llved In. Very ettrte-::;;::: ~· ::,i: live ftn1nclng. Cell for ::===~:.t' = detail•. 646-2313 M01M1 to IAan ~ THE REAL ESTAT!i:RS MOflat')' \ft' anted• lO:JO Mott&•l" TO > lCm ANNOUNCEMENTS, ,ERSONALS & LOST & FOUND SERYICES Sm>•« 0.N.oC"tor)' EMrlOYMENT & Plf1AHTIOM $20,000 llWll COM duplex, 3 Incomes. ~:: super cond. owe. ~ 3all CIOM In 3 daY9. lncredl-= ble writ.off. Don't delay, So110 cell Tim Rhone, 1gt -631-12&8 -RVM~ ---- $183,500. • O.U LJU •• 141-1101 ASSlllAILE YA Price juat reduced on this sharp 3 Bdrm Col- lege Park home. Incredi- ble lln'1!Clng. Very con- venient' loc1tlon , Full pr ice $129 ,750 . 751-3191 c. ... ,, 21 ...... lffle• 114-1112 TEllUCE VIEW Best model. Npt Terrace Lrg 3 Bdr 2~ B1 town- home w/tront IOClllon & striking view. Lovely Bdrm 11\Jlte & loft. Call for financing detalla. Full price $131 ,000 . 751..'.J 19 t TIE Ytlll&IWS Lu11urlou1 penthouse' overlooking bey end ocean. Security gale. Pool, sp1, clubhouse. gym end bllllerds room. Two specloua bedrooms. Now $2&9,500 . H1-ll00 I.I. \(Mob ln.atrWltoft Jott'li'••«rtt • H•lp\\'on1«1 M• t **llYHTHI** REMEMBER DA.DI Looking for duplelt. wtth a MERCHANDISE N\Uq-Apeh•MH "-:::-r::: ....... fl•b C.brb • Eci"WPl'Mr'lt Cot> °"" f't'tit\OYOU "-nutw. G1taat s.1 .. ·-•-C<Jod• , ........ ........ , M-MtY MM'CQ...,.....,~ Ml1CfflHlitOW> \l aNt'd MY:liC•I IMtrunwr'O O<fk• ... , ......... , r.u ~~":~c:;~:. ~·~::::ftl.B•r .~-.r.c, .. _.hf'• ..... ,f'O 811ATS & MUINE EQUIPMENT CnwrAl lloeb Ma1nt 'Wf'\IH't> loab,Mann• f.qu1p lloet.t.Po-tr Bo.t_a,Rtnt C'hart.r 11Nu,5o1I llo.U.Shpo Oot~. -·.l!pHd•""• &oeu.Silot••• TIANSPOIUTION Atttrall C•"'Pl"''-~I• Atnl Dtttnc c .,, =.·~~~"'.'-... · II-Hm>,'ialt lltol Tra1~~.Tr1nl I~';~:!"J.,., AUTOMOBILE C.w r•I · A.ntaq,Uib l0IA•llU Rttrtauoe \ tlHtln ~~.~.-,~:ftd• 1't~h v .... ""'°IA&>ll\I Auto. W lnl~d AtlTOS, IMPORTCD 1.Ht<"•l Alta RoflW• ~·· AtieWt H••l•J BMW C•r>n ~ o ...... ... ..,,.,. ,, .. -· Jtt(\tilf ,_,. K.MnMnnf.:h•• ~.,..... Mud• Mt tC'.,{lt" b-r"' lit; MOii ()pol Patltf'U P....c-Pon<lw Reuwtt iW':.lo>n " ,. +: .... \lt<luWIMO Yoho AUTGS, MEW c-.1 Father's Day mesaage 4-plex and up Free Info, ,_ 642-5678 Are you p1911nlng • IY\CJW? h t home It'• e11y ,_•_gt_. _1&0_-_10_8_9 __ _.__ 11110 Win 4 FREE TICKETS • Cl1ulfled •d• Wiit point w1C::: ~ .&42-5878 Clueffled Ada &42-5678 111u to an Ange4a Games you In the right dlf«:tlon 1-:;;iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ : Deity Plloc to f ind the home you I IDill CfUllfled Ads need. &42-5878 = --.iiiiiiiiliiiiililllir---11111» -~ -,.,,, ---· oaa -*' -.., ---"°"' !Oil -----1$70 -- -Ml -... .,. .. , -·-"'11 ------• lkS .. , ---., --= .a~ UYllM MYI PEmHSE 17. 11n -IO' umEW Just professionally decoraled. Like new, sophisticated 2 BR + den, 2 Y.t BA, bar, pool, spa, beach & security. Price reduced $96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Frau 642-8235. OPEN HOU SE SAT 2-5. 1018 Bayside C.ove Close to Balboa Ferry, shops, restaurant. s219r000 First @ 10% 1315,000 Second @ 10% Cash to existing loans. Asking price '625,000. MESITY I I' I I I I . ......,.,.;.T_,A .. x-.-E_,c,......, J. I I* I I . __ K_A_C_A_B _., tl I' I 1-I . I ;~riJ-;.1mm r r r r r r I' I I ;:e.:~~kmtii '° I I I I I I I I wun-...11a • .... A£SIOENTIAl RUl fSTAff SERVICES Ill CAIYll 1711,000 Open in Big Canyon Saturday & Sunday 1-5. Outstanding large town home overlooking the l 0th fairway. High ceilings marbJe floors, spa & an extre me l y motivated seller. #I HE FllTAllE IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 IEWPllT llUL llUllFlllT SaH 1114 S.rf .,. .. ,.., .,.,..., ,, ..a MMtlflll ...... , • ...,,, 4 .... ·~ ... ...... Pri4lt •• .....,... .. ...... • ... m,. 1, .. 1.1 ...... , .... 11tt4" fttaHlll• 1121,000. Ftt.111·H09. llAllTllUL-Ull llU °"""' ......... lttMfffwl 40' ,.., • ,,.. All t1 II' ltt wttt. I ltt4. I 2 h . 1111,000. 111-1400. WATERFRONT HOMES. IN< NI Al I 'I A II . ~-,,_,, .... __ STEPS from this 2 bdrm $315,000 finance Cell today tor OIRE'CT to Pa1r1ck or hOUM & 1 bdrm houae 144· 1211 hltr FiHIOll& more details S24 1,500. F r e d Te n or e . • g I on 30x100' R-2 lot Only M.111\ Fee 631-1266 or 780-8702 1•1 .. 11 llJ Prt•. t ~ qualified buyer Great s255,000I Seller wffl carry l oan lor I - • " _ terma. 3 Bdr 2 Be, Mesa • , • lltllttH • · Verde Hlghlends, bo81 *lll·lOIO* trlr access. $130,000 3281 Colorado Ln IEWPORT Hllnl 2-BR Single FemMy Horne In H.B $97,950. Only $20.000 down. Excellent terma with low ln1erest euum1ble loan. Sher- pnl house! ln the tract Cell Mike for more Infor- mation (71<l) 720-039.1 IWIE IPPtlTl•ITT Ownr/agt 559-6221 Owner needs cash. clean Unobstructed panoramic MES• YE•IE antoque type house 2 Br. view. ocean, 1e11y. big • " 1 B1 50• 117' lot Laroe Corona, Cataline. Exist. Harbor/Baker. Lowest detached garage $179, 3 BR 3 Ba home w/guest price 3 bdrm In Area 000. 548-5041 eves & $123,900 . S25K dn 11.5"1c ....... ,ft.. ,&UIJIE hse below. just steps OWC rernalnl""' $94•000 _.,._,_~A_.,_l'V __ .,._._"_'"__, wknds. 631-3520 wkdys. from the beach. One of a .. ,. kindl C111 640-5553 for 8 s s u m e a t 1 2 '!. Tutrtlefoci< 2Br 2be con-1 OWHR FlllHCE appt. 646-3255, 540 ... 087 do. $159,900 2~t. dn, w E s T c L I F F • St.soo,ooo UITSllE CllAllEll owe 2nd PP 675-3450 '""" 3 Bdr 2 Ba, spa. entry I YlClllT 11 lllYllE Vil.II Vil.IE crtyrd, lease opt. avall. I 3 Bd, 2 Ba, flex11:>1e This exqulaltely decore-Under pr1ced Plan 6 In Owner wlll help finance terma. HARRY FREDE· led 4 Bdrm/bonus room Jasmine Creek. $310, $225,000. Call Binnie 01-1 -,,ACK~ "te31-·1.266 home h11 • touch ot ooo. Pnn only 673·4195 _x_on_. -'ag"-t_. 7_5_9-_9_1_00_. __ c1a11 Oak paneling. or 673-1479 e••CIO•S LIYl•I plank lloorlng. French ---------• "" doors. shu11ers, crown PIHATE in this 4 bdrm home with moldlnge, prtv1te spa Court order sale ol Her-add·on lemily rm Many CAMEO SHORES and more. A llstlng ol bor View Hiiis 3 bdrm. extras lncludlng new Custom 4 Br. 3 Ba pool, Cathy Cary at $392,500 2'/a beth w/beeutllul carpel. Large asaumlble 1•YllE jacuzzi. koi pond. 3 I & I ht II ht loan end owner wlll as-" U~l()Ul Lo()Uf&: ocean vew ng g frplc 's $475 000 ,... •1 ,.. ~ view. Only $319,500. list. S135.000. Cell for TlllnHOOl · · · Reallor•. 675-6000 Broker 551-8181 Open more Info. 979-5379 875-5930 house s111sun 870 ATIACllEI HIE S1ndcaS1le Drive. c h e r m 1 n g 3 . \ f : .. J J / 11 A.,, IEW • TIE IUlln HWFHn $400,000 Total Prioel Best buy on oceanfront, xlnl toe. $325,000 cash + assumable S75K. 10% TD Owner 640· 7990 Mr Clean's condo 1 BR delight A81m. 8.5°4 $95,000 $7<1,750 VAHm $117.500 Welk to Bch HmS155.000 lll-1ll1 IPH llllAY 1-5 311·JAIMIH Cloae to beach, 2 bdrm. 2 bath. clean now with potentlel for addition. $279,500 R ( AL,. 't .\ l~Yf')T ... fNTC) USTlllE 11·2 Let Aff11tiH l1ll4tr1 Newly decorated 2 Bdrm home on 60• 125 lot Room to build First TD S 102,000 assumable el 14% Asking $137,500 For an appointment to see. call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE bedroom, 2 bath with vaulted ceilings. Priced at $159,900. Large assumable loan, 2nd available IKI Sit 12·1 I041 ,., .... ¥ac1 Mar~tr Yitw It••• Car•tl M•4tl SALE OR ·TRAIE 3BR. 2BA, Spa, $239,SOO lee. owner will carry with h•••• JHd J 041 5•1, down. by owner •• ,................... 979-3923 l1IHI 111,.1 l OH CWIEI MIHLHIS ~~~~~~ Bright cheery 3 bdrm & --den. Pool size yard. Pri- vate beachea. $220,000 ~EALTORS OLDE LAGUNA CHARM --------Unique 2 bdrm floor SEAVIEW • elegen l & plan, 1 betn, llw rm w/ c harming Hampt on beamed ceilings. hard-model. labulous views wood floors & cozy log decor. spa, pvt comm burning frplc. $167.500 w/pool & tennis fecllltles. ...................... Unique & charming 3 br & loft Lie/opt or trade for units 673-8585. WANT ACTION? Clelelfed Ad• &42-5678 G11J111J l 00 ..••...........•.•••.. l&HY STUFFER w ue• 11mn 111·1114 * PRJCI IEMcntl * WMllllllU UlllH Beautiful Plan l featuring 3 BR, fo~maJ dining. Located across street from Lake #2. Priced at $244,900 on FEE land. Owner assisted financing available. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * PllCl_Hltcll * I. lit. AIHl&IU LIU on this charming townhome in UNIVERSITY PARK TERRACE. Freshly painted & ready for occupancy. Only $129, 950 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr, Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373 . * OSTILIFf 1r 11.21% Financing available when you takeover ex.isttng loan on the-elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for enter~g. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beaoh. 759-150! or 762-5353. •WMTllAll.,,. . ., ............... (11•) lll-1111 (114) lH·llll MESA VERDE Harbor/Baker Lowes1 3 Br. price In area S 123. 900 S25 dn. o w e re- maining $94.000 es- Full Prloe. $550.000 Opan House MISSION REAL TV Set/Sun 12-5 1903 Yacht 494-0731 Colina 64<1-1017 s um e e t 1 2% -------- 648-3255/540,..087 WA1.l TO TOR E S'.E • 2 from this delightful unit - • n· 1 Br. den, gar, close 10 3Br. 1Ba. & 1Br, 18a ln-1 Mein beach. $149,950 law suite, newly remode·, Lac1111 Ylll111 R.E led, llelllble terms $129. 41'J.1'Jll 900 Or try lse option By --------OWi* 646-2768 Wblt Watolt By Owner College Perk 4 Frt• Lhl11re•• EAST ILUFF Least 011tiH Sile or Leise 3 mo. (furn) 3 Br 2 Ba f r d r .. lrplc Orea11c reduction $235, 000 J Wilson. 720-1211 i Br. 3 81. Assume VA Newly remodeled wood owe 2nd ~ s 140,000.1 and glass 3 bdrm, 3 ba 2 Prlnclp1ls only 556-1098 story hOme In North.J.a-LllO ISLE " IWIH guna .. White water Vlaw ammH Beautiful 4 bdrm w/pool overlooking Emerald Bay HILIERS and lam rm New paint from e~ room Enter-45' lot, 3 bdrm' w/gr1a1 end copper pig. Plank lain on 3 ,,_decks or In potential, lge sunny pa- Hdwd floora. L R. and t>ullt In •P• 375 Cam-tlo Extra perking apece e n t r y $ t 5 9 9 5 O den. LagunL Reduced 10 tor small boat 1s1-o250 Agt10wnr · 1 '895.ooo.851-6936 ---------. -OCEAN VIEW lldm For Ad Action 1 ~~,~~: 1~~1~.~t~~~.~ staircase $1500/pe< mo Cal a 1 ~~:~:8::•ty 496-8122 lido Realty Daly Pilot llMore famlllee are getting ' 673-7300 •o VISOR th• camping "bug" thl• i n • year. If you h•,,. 1 cam-~~~~~~~=; 642 5678 per lhll'• no1 getting • uMd, Mii It now wtth 1 Cluelfied Ad. MESA VERDE 2779 TERN CIRCLE OPEN HOOSE SAT 1-5 4 BDRMS • 3 BATHS • LARGE F AMlL Y ROOM WITH FIREPLACE • LARGE POOL W/3 BA • LAROE YARD-A GARDENER'S DELIGHT • OWNER WILL CARRY FINANCING IT 114' 11T YI F1UP1•11n.- 11 there a better value or opportunity for you ln the beech area -?? 711-1111 lfl UIYll NYlll~ FAIRWAY/LAKE VlEWSI . F11>utou1 location, large 2 Br. 2 Ba. + o.n. 10' celllngs. apa, '°· upo-1ure. highly upgreded. lmm1culate. 1575,000. AllUme V9fY lerge toen. low dO'#n. Querded community. 1h0wn by f fl. ,.,, 780-H17 ......... " Selllng et !089 1rt HerbOf VleW l1omee. ~ ~ graded Car-mel. At~ 1260,000. ~ a( t2%. Own /101 780·959e • . • . • ~ • ,. • • • • • ~ .. ... Ot'lnQI COllt OAl\.V ftlLOT/,rtdly, JUM 11, 1N I f•. :::::=====================::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~ ...... ----~--~~~~----.:...-.. ..... .;..;.!. ...... __ .......... ______________ ..,.. _____________ y , . ON DISPLAY -Actor Ken Kardine and artist Joanna Ellsworth relax in a 15-by 30-foot space in the display area of a West Los Angeles AP Wlretlf!Oto furniture store. The c.'Ouple plan to live on public display for three days to demonstrate that elegant living is possible in only one room. Church mulls dance question Christian R e formed leaders say pastime 'sexually suggestive' GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -Christian Reformed ChllU'Ch leaders are trying to decide whether they should modify the denomination's traditional stand against dancing. Delegates to the church synod, its governing body, delayed action on a study committee's report on dance, which among other things suggests Christians could accept the "God-honoring use" of liturgical dance. If the delegates adopt the study report they would approve the use o f dance in c hurch services and artistic fonns such as ballet, folk dancing and ethnic dancing. "But the ballroom and social dances of our contemporary culture present a far greater challenge to conscientious Christians," the report says. It admits such dances can be a positive activity, but notes: "They o f ten are deliberately DIATH NDTICIS sexually suggestive." The report denounces disco dancing as being "sharply in conflict with Christian standards." Dancing had been denounced by church synods in 1928 and 1951. The earlier decisions p laced dancing among "other worldly amusements" such as card playing and going to movies. The suggestion that dancing be accepted is controversial in the denomination. "We have the spiritual mandate that God forbids we do anything that will lead us to unchastity," one delegate opposed to liturgical dance said during debate. He called attention to a denominational m agazine, The Banner, which displayed a photograph of three Calvin College students performing a dance for a Good Friday service. "These three lovely ladles on the Banner cover are doing a liturgical dance, but how can we expect to give a good sermon after these girls have done their work?" the delegate asked. "Why, on the cover, her leg is exposed as high as the leg goes." The study was prom pted by a 1977 decision by trustees of Calvin CoUege to allo\O "social dancing as an acceptable and wholesome o n -campus recreational activity for Calvin students and staff." The Calvin decision was based on judgments by synods held in 1966 and 1971. The Christian Reformed Church in North America was formed 125 years ago in a split with the Reformed Church in America. The CRC has about 800 congregations w ith about 250,000 members in the United States and Canada. Its headquarters is in Grand Rapids . OCC sets AGRAMONTE and subsequently was Darrin and Tom Hibbard. program JULES AGRAMONTE, transferred to General also designers . He 1s Jules Agramonte once said, Motors Corpora t 1 o n survived by 2 children. 8 "If someone will pick up the hcadquartew> 1n Detroit. grandchildren and 6 great-~Or ki.dS tab. ru design the egg with a where h e remained until grandchildren. He died at 88 l ~ new shape." &m m New 1941. During this period he years of age on June 11, 1982 0 C.oast CoU • York City, the youngest of developed the LaSalle in Newport Beach, Ca. C range . eges four children of Dr. Ennque prototype in 1933 and o~mun 1 ty s.ervi~e and Justa Mora Agramonte, remained ln charge of the LEWIS Office wall continue Its he was the nephew of Dr. LaSalle program until it was ~UTH SCOTT L.EWIS. CoUege for Kids program Art t.d Ag te h d resident of Laguna Hills. Ca h" 1s 1 es ramon w o 1scont1nued 1r:i 1939. '_I'he Passed away on June 15: t IS summer. . collaborated in the research LaSalle today. is recognized 1982. Survived by her The program designed program on yellow fever asanoutst.andmg.exampleof hu sba nd Leland 3 for c hildre n 6 to 15, with Dr. Walt.er Reed. He American classic cars. In daughters Mar· ne , -w ' f begins the week of June entered c 0 I um b I a 1941 he produced the slope-M ~ ...., IS 0 22 Re ti . be" Un1vesrsity's School of back'd Cadillac. which is innesota, ancy ~ew1s . g1stra ~n IS i~g Architecture in 1913. leaving genefally credited w 'th Reade of Uuih and Marianne conducted in OCC s a ye~r later to join the being the model which ~ut Lewis Sc haver of Sant.a Commu"ni ty Servi ce Amencan Field Service as the Cadlllac in the hands of Barbara, Ca: a. grandchildren Office, located in the an ambulance driver in the public on the quanity a~d also sunvived by several college's Administration Franceaft.e theoutbre k r b h nieces and nephew s . B "Id' r a 0 asis At t e time of Services will be held on Ul mg. World War I He remained Agramonte's retirement Cou s f an France from 1914 through from GM, he was in charge Sa.turday. June 19 •. 198~ at f $ e ee$ range 1916, returning home when of design development and 11.00AM at the. Pac1f1c View rom 15 to 20 per the United States delared styli ng of Cadil lac Ch~r:iel. Entomb~eTit at student.Classesmeetane war. He then entered the Oldsmobile and Chevrolet: Pac1f1c View Memonal Pa~k. or two days per week, naval seryice as a cadet. When the United States In Lit;u of flowers memorial and the courses are six where he remained until the entered World War II in contribuuons may be made weeks in length. endofthcwar .Onretummg 1941 . he did general design to t~e .American Cancer For information. lD civilian Life he became a fOJ' both the Douglas and Soc 1 et Y · .Pac d 1 c V 1 e w phone 556-5880. free ~ arust 0n .. being Boeing AJrcraft Companies. Mortuary directors. comm1SS1oned lD do a car of As an artlSt he studied at ALDRIDGE DEATHS ELSEWHERE Births HOAe~~ ' -· Mr "10 Mft ~ Qllon, Cotla Mau. gjtl Mr ano M,.~.. 1M1°"', IMne, boy Mr ind .,.,. J1mH MOHlay, Huntington e.ean boy Mr 1nO Mr1, OltlWI lltalnla. HunllllQIOfl hletl, gtrf Mr end Mrt t<lm Mtgontg11, INlnl. glrf ... ., Mr. 1.no Mrt. 011110 0111, Cor°'lt Get M1t, girt Ml. •nd Mr1. MlcllHI Davit, Co••• MtH, boy ... ,. Mr .• ,,o Mrt. Ru Hall Wlllltme, Huntington 8eacll. boy Mr. and Mrt JOlln Sten. Coela MeH,boy Mr and Mre S1lv11or1 CaPObltneo, Huntington BHcll, boy Mr. and Mrt Oonafd Snyotr, Co11e...._., boy ..., 10 Mr and Mrt Oavtd Dalmann. Newpof1 a..cll, glrl Mr and Mra. Tony Smitt, Huntington 8Mett, girl Mr .,,d M,. Tllomu w1111, Coate MIN. girt Mr. and Mra Patrick McC111n, Costa MIN. girl Mr and Mre Warran tnouya. Cotta M11a, boy Mr tno Mra. Mich"' McCatfray, lrvtnl. boy ... , 11 Mr and Mra. Ralph Pll!fC.. INIM. boy Mr. and Mre. Ed ""d Straub. Hunlington BNc:f\, girl Mr and Mre Oavld L1r11n, Newport Beacn. boY Mr and Mr• Alln Ge11 1, Huntington BHcf\, girl Mr. and Mrt Robert Conway. Irvine, boy Mr and Mra. Paul Knauer, Hunllngton Beach. boy Mar 12 Mr and Mra. Clark Chow, Huntington Baahe. boy Mr end Mra. Wllllam Shiel. Irvine, ~lr1 M1y 1) Mr. ano Mra Wllli1m Wll1on, Hunllnglon BNc:h, boy Mr and Mrt M1t11-Sommers, Coste Meu. boy Mr and Mre Palrlck Sztllrakl, HunUnglon 8Mc:h, boy Mey 14 Mr and Mr• Jerome Fiiia lrvlna. gtrl Mr ind Mrs Jamaa Glover. B1lboa. boy Mr and Mra Robert H111t.ell, Cosll MHI. boy Mt. llld Mn Harry P11$>1dakls. FoYntaln Vllley, boy Mr and Mrt Don I Id Pl1ll, Huntington 8eteh, boy Mr and Mrt Osctr Fricke, C09t• Men. boy Mr. Ind Mrs. Jal1tl'f Long. C09tl Mesa. bo¥-. Mr end ~lien Alctlmono. Huntington Beach, girl ... ,1s Mr. end Mn John P1rk1na. Newport Betel\, boy Mr. and Mrt. Oon1td Mc:Olfmotl. lrvlne, girl twin• ... , ,. Mr and Mrs Bredforo Genlry, Nawpor1 Beach. boy Mr end Mrs DouglH Briney. Huntington Beien. girl Mr and Mra Arlan Fleum Newport Beactt, boy Mly 17 Mr and Mr•. J1m111 Herttleln. 1rv1ne, gin · Mr end Mre. Edwaro Hegelar. 1rv1ne. girl Mr and Mra Oevlo Athbaugh, Corona del Mar, boy Mr and Mrt WOiiam Hirth, Cotta Mes...g11t Mr Ind Mrs JOH Gana, eo.11 M-. girt Mr and Mrt Chrltlopll., Hinman. Irvine, boy ..., " Mt and Mrt MC>flammad YUdl, Costa M-. girl Mr and Mrt Gielow, Cosi. Meu. boy Mr and Mrs. Freoerlck GrMnfleld. Huntington Beach. boy Mr. and Mrs. Rendall Harral. Nawi>ort Bnch, gtrt ...,1. Mr. and Mrs. lgn1cio Ocl\01, Huntington 8eteh, girt Mr. and Mra. Harlen Hann. Huntington e.ac:ti. girl Mr. end Mrs. Peter Merlin . Newport Betel\, boy Mr end Mrt. Craig Smllh, L1gune Beach. boy Mly20 Mr . and Mrs Stephen Kno•. Huntington Batel\. girl Mr. and Mrt. Mark Godfrey. Ccm1 Mesa, gtrl !wlnt Mr. and Mrs Edwlrd Vitko, Huntington Beecn, bOy Mr Ind Mra ZI•, Cotta Mesi, bOy Mr and Mrs Austell Fink. Huntington BeKh. boy Mr. end Mrs Barry Sonor. Huntington 8eact1 boy Mr. and Mrs .....,,.k Muehl-. Fount11n Valley. boy Vid~o games sales healtRy LOS ANGELES (AP) -Con1umere are ftahlini tho recellicm bluet by cha.nltna their buytna habit.a, which meant th ey're buytna more video aamee and fewer wuhlng machlnell. Bualneteet in the Lot A.nselea area report that durable goodt such aa furniture. appUancee and automobiles are going UN01d. But low-co.t personal Item.a 1uch aa gamca and clothLna are eiW doing well. they eay. "When the future la mort uncertain, people del&y buying whatever they can delay -usually durable gooda," aald Jonatha.h G utman, UIOClate professor of markeUng at use. "With the coNumer's anticipation that things will get worse (economically). they're ahy of gol~ lnt.o debt and content to wait before buying, Gutman said. Sales ar~ down at Valley Central Service, a Tanana appliance st.ore. said 17-year ~mployee Bob Stead. But, he added, an additional serviceman has been hired because ao many customers are repairing their old appliances rather than buying new ones. Tom Lieser, a Security Pacific Bank vice president and economist, said, "lt'a the worst business cycle for durable goods -and a u tos In particular -since 1973-75. and it's probably not likely the auto Industry will really recover for at least another year." Unemployment, high interest rates and an uncertain future don't seem to have had much of an effect on the computer business or video, stereo and electronic equipment. "Videocassette recorders are selling really heavily, televisions are doing very well, and we're selling an awful lot of personal (Sony) Walkman- type stereos," said David Russell, assistant manager of the West Los Angeles outlet of the Federated Group, a huge electronics and stereo ch4in. Gutman said video games are selling well because they are "new, most people feel successful when <.'Oping with th em, and economically, they provide relatively cheap sources or entertainment." John Tumbleson, manager of Computique in Tariana, said sales of personal and business computers have increased 40 percent over last year. "Compu ters don't seem to slow-down In sales no matter what's going on," he said. The economy, ~upled with a rising crime rate, has meant an increase in business for some security companies. "Business is booming because or the crime problem," said Laura Rozz.ano, assistant to the president of Electronic Security Co. in Hollywood. "People ~ed. but only the ones that can afford it put systems in." Local AF offic~r Eric W. Thompson, son of retired Air Force Lt. Col . W illiam G . Thompson of 3010 Park Newport, N e wport Beach. and Elizabeth A. Rodgers of Glendale, has been commissioned a second lieutenant in the AJr Force. ~~~~~~~~~~- PtllUC NOTICE 'ICTITlOUa IUSMH NA• STAru.MT The lollowlng panon 11 doing bualMau: L.A. & BALL LAUNOAAMATIC, 1215 South An1n11m Bo11l1v1rd, Anthelm, Calllomla. SyM1 Ptekard. 1540 Eaal Elm Avenue, llC Cot1a M .... Clilfornll 92828. Tiiis bu9lneas la eonduclld by .,. indlvldull. SyM1 PICkerd Thlt t11tetnem WU llllCI wllh the County Cler1t of Orainge County on June 1, 1982. ,1totS7 Publlel'led Orange Coaal Dally Piiot, June 4, 11. 18, 25. 1982 2488-82 Nil.JC f«IT1a FICTITIOUa llUU.H ..... STATDllENT ~R'l .!'!:.~ =-cMrn'Of f.=' ................... ur:r•n ef ICAMN TMC9Y ~cl ,_ c..,.._.,~ Tiit •Pplfottfon Of KARI ~ TIW:EY JACKIOH 10r ~ ~ lltvlnt MM\ llled II\ 1no It •PPHrlng from H I epplleallon tllal Ktren Tracey Jaclkeon hu tiled 1n lll)ClllcAltton propotfng that htr neme b• oh1ngod to KAREN TRACl!Y MARG OU.It Now, tllartfort. It I• llttth OldtrtO tnO dlraett.d.i thtl t ll '*'°"' 1111-ted In MIO mttt• do tPPttr 1>11ore thl1 toun tn OapartrMnt 3 on the 7th dl'f of July, 111112, 1t to 30 o'etoctt a.m., Of Hid dly to thOw C*l9' wft)' -h 1pollc1tton fo r olltnge or n1me thoulO not ~ gr1r1ttd II fa furlMI ordlrtd that t 009)' of lhll Order To 811ow CauH bt publl•ll•d In tha Dally ,1101. • ~ Of genetll elrCi&llttlon, printed In 1111<1 county, at .... t once 11011 w11k ror lour 11.1Cct11tlve wleka prior 10 1111 di)' Of Hid hHllng. Dalld 11111 25th dey Of Mtl)I, 1H2. ''"'" Don~u6otlfnA, Judea of *41 ._..._ COWi Ottllcl M. ..... Virtue a ~ 1no. ,,0.9o•- .... pof1 ....... CA ... Publlal'led Or1ng1 Coaet 01Uy Pilot. M1y 21, June 4, 11, 18, tH2 2*-82 Nil.IC f«ITICE 'ICTITIOUa .uu.as NAlm aTATUIEfT Thi lollowlng 01r1on 11 dOlng butl,,..... . • SPARK LE CLEANERS OF COST A MESA. 355 Avocado St. #6-t. Coele MIN. CA g2$27 Diane Baker. 355 Avoe&do St. #G·t, C09tl Mffl, CA 92877. Thi• bu•lntt• Is c:onducted by an tndfvlduel Dlan1 Baker Tl11e ttatement w11 filed with thl CoYnty Clerk of Orange County on M1y f2, 1982 ,1ms:i Publl1ll1d Orange Coaat Delly Pllo1. June t t, 18, 25. July 2, 1982 2585-.82 Ml.JC f«ITICE FICUTIOUS llUSINEii' NAME aTATDmlfT The following per1on ie doing butlnaa u TOP BRASS. 500 Stgnat Ad .• Nawpor1 Beach. CA 92883. Wllllern M Houae, 500 Sigt>ll Ad , Nawpor-t 8elctl, CA 92863. Thlt bualness 11 conducted by .,. lnd•vldull WM HOUM Thtt elel.menl was llled with lhl Counly C"'11 ol Or1nge County on June 9, 1982 F1t117'0 Publltlled Or1nge Coaat Dilly Pllol, June 11. 18, 25, July 2, 1982 2523-82 P\llllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINEM NAME IT A TEMENT Tiie tollowlng PilttOn 11 doing bu.slne1t as· MICHAEL'S MAINTENANCE. 10092 Valley Forge. Huntington Beac:f\, CA 92846. MICllHI Lee Rellng, 10092 Valley Forge. Huntington 8each. CA 926"8 Tiii• b\JSlness IS conducted by an lnc:llvldull MlcllMI l A4Jllng Thlt e1a1emen1 wu filed wttll the County Clerlt or Orange County on M1y 17, 1982 F1115C1 Published Or1ng1 Coatl D1Uy Pilot June t 1 18, 25, JUiy 2. 1982 2565-82 He graduated from Officer Training School at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Thompson will go to Williams Air Force Base, Ariz., for pilot training bu~l:!!o:::.wlng person le doing PllltlC NOTICE N A T I 0 N A L P H 0 T 0 l-N-O_TIC_E_O_F_A_flttl.IC __ ATIOH--F-Oft- Jail costly MARTINEZ (AP) Weekend prisoners soon may have to pay $35 for a night .in the Contra Costa County jail under a plan adopted by county supervisors. DEATHS ELSEWHERE· UNUMITEO. 711 WMt 17111 Street CHANGE IM OWMERSHI, OF Coeti Mesa. CA 92827. ALCOHOUC 8EVUIAGE LICENSE Robert Oug1n, 1789 81n1m1 .,_17..a Pt., Cott• M .... CA 92828. To Whom II Mey Concern Thi9 businMe 19 c~ed by an A & A RESTAURANTS. INC. are Individual • Robert 0ug.,, npplylng 10 Iha Departmenl of Tlllt atelement wu filed with lhtl Aleohohc S-age Control for '"47" County Clerk or Orange County on ON SALE GENERAL (PUB EAT M ..... 982 PL> to !Miii l lCOhOhC beverages at •Y &V, 1 270 I Harbor Blvd . ~ F Costa Mesa '1I0224 CA 92626 Published OranQI CoHI 01lly Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot. May 28. June 4, 11, 18. 1982 Pilot , June t8, 1982 2288·82 2670-82 Pta.IC f«ITICE FtCTITIOua aua•aa NAME STATEMENT Thi following pereon I• doing butlneu as: RIVERSIDE WEST. LTD . 215 Rtverskla Ave .. Newpon Beach, CA 92663. Pta.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUa BU8INIE89 NAME STATEMENT 1 The toltowlng persons are dotng bullness as A E.S P COMPANY. 16721 Hiie Ave , lrvlna. CA 92714 Paul Edwin Ruasell. 21561 Loel River Ct . Lake Forest, CA 92630. Richard A. Metzger. Gan Partner ..... 408 62nd SI .. Newporl NEW YOR Belch. \,I\ 92663. K (AP) -Tiiis business Is conduc111d by 1 R ob e r t J . K I b be e , 6 O • tlmlted partnerahlp Wiiiiam L. Beck. 2416 8uckeye, Newpon Beadl, CA 92680 Thia buslnetS IS conducled by 11 oen-tlll ~rt..-shop chancellor of City University Rlchlrd Mlt1Q9r or New York through some This S11111m41nl WH filed with the of •Is most turbulent ••--County Cler1c of Orange County on "''""" Mly 26. 1982. dJed Wednesday. . F1I0222 Published Or1ng1 CoHt 01lly Paul E Ruaelt This Slalem«>t was filed wltll Iha Counly Clerk of Orange County on June 2. 1982 ,,_ the future" cover for a molDr the Art St~dents' League WILL I AM S . AL- ear magazme of that era. tl and the New York School of DRIDGE. resident of caught the attention or the Fine Arts m New York and Newport Beach, Ca. P3SSC'd Fleetwood Division of Fisher the InstJtute or San Miguel away on June 17, 1982. &m ~Y in New York. He was Allende. Guanajuato, Mexico. Sept.ember 1. 1921 in South hired after one inte rview. His exhllbitions have been Pasadena, Ca. Survived by Bike can earn money Piiot. Ml)' 28. Juoa 4, 11. 18, 1982 2310..a2 PlllUC NOTICE '1Cnnc>Ue ., ...... Publlehed Ortnga Co11t Dilly Piiot, June 4. 11, 18. 25, 1982 2431-82 PlllUC NOnct IALTZHIGHOH SMITff & TUTHILL WISTCLlff CHArlL 42i E 17th St Costa Mesa 646·9371 "llCI UOTHHS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Huntinolon ~actl 536·6539 rActAC ••w MIMOll.4l ,All Cemetery Mor1ual't Chapel-Crematory 3600 Pac1l1e View Ortve Newp0rt Beach 644·2700 NcCOINIC* MOITUAllH Laciuna Be•ch 494-9415 L9Quna Hills 768-0933 Sen Juen C.01stral!O 495-J776 NAltoe UWM-MT. OUYi Mof1uary • Cerreterv Crematory 1626 Gisler Ave , Cotta Mesa ~5554 arranged at various galleries his wife Sara, daughters in the United States a nd Mrs. Kathleen Blanchard of Mexko. ln home design. he Salt Lake City, Utah And had the uncanny ability of Mrs. B etsy Thomas of being able to mate the house A t I a n t a , G e o r g I a , and site as though the house grandchildren Staci and grew out of the ground. Kevin Blanchard and Eric, Jules Agramonte was an Thalia, and Devin ThomjlS, a~iat.e and lifelong friend sisters Mrs. James Crosby of of the late Howard (Dutch) South Pasadena, Ca and Falkland lecture. slated A two-hour lecture that focuses on the geographl and natu ral history o the F alk.land Mrs. Joi Amann of Diamond Creek, Ca .. Memorial aervices will be held on Monday , June 21. 1982 at 2:00PM at the Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport Beach, Ca. ln lieu of flowers the family suggests mem o rial contributions be made to the Flore nc e C r itte nt on Services, 234 F.ast Avenue 33, Loll Angeles, Ca. 9003 l. Pacific View Mortuary dltectors. Islands will be pl'ftented J une 30 b y form er HB Orange Coast College man biology pro{alOr Lloyd Muon Smith. 011• The lecture.. illustrated I. I J Cer with alldea, w ill run David C . Tiffany, aon from 7:30 to 9:30 p .m . in of Gertrude Tll fany of OCC's Fine Ar ts Hall 2 6 o 7 l 7 t h S t . , 119. Admillion 1a $4. Humtngton Beach, h as S m l t h t a u g h t been commiHlo n ed a blologlcal subjects a t aecond lieutAmant In the OCC 25 yeau. He ta A i r t ' o r c • u po n naturalla\/lecturer on a ..-.du.at1oo f1om Officer crWH 1blp ln••llnl ~I School a t Mound ... W.W. Mr re.. .... lillhh bliiiltllltld, .. , Nldlii'I tlilllii: • ilf••J. wlU 10 &o lk tv,. w 11 tie ,_on• 1t..e Al r Poree line political. T e a a 1 , r o r u n Cl • r ! r or t n forma t lo n. p-adu.aw pllat tralJ\lnc. Phan· ~zs~c. Bicycle messengers can earn fair pay NAm STAT'E..wT The following perton It doing MUMCIPAL CO\MT M ~ 11: CALIFORNIA Dear J oyce: I'm a college stadent looking for work, but I bate staybag lndoor1 for any lengtb of time. Advice? -O.N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Got a 10-speed bicycle? O ffbeat but attractive to thousands of p e d al pushers throughout th e country is wor king as a bicycle courier or messenger. Employed by messenger companies, they deliver memos, small packages and almost anything else that needs to be conveyed in a hurry. Bicycle messengers traverse congested city areas where maneuverability and eaae of parking a bike make it the best vehicle to use. Some couriers carr y two-way radios, enabling them to contact a dispatcher w h o gjve.e t h e m n e w asstgnments and keeps track of other mes9engera covering \he city. Riden with o u t r adios t e le pho n e the d itpatch er alter each de livery. You don't have to be an aJn&Pl or an Atlas to bicycle the 40 or IO mUet traveled in a day's work. And the money'~ n o t bad . Alth o ugh some messenger companies pay about $~ an h o ur. m ost pay accord.Ing t o the number of pickups '1-ld deliveries and the number of boundarle1 crossed within dw city. Experienced rktera can eem ln the rou1h ,.... of $2GO to $300 weekly~ C.a ull o n : Bec auee b icy c l e ~ are paid llCCOl'Cllnl to the volume of materJ al \bey l\anclle, ~... lllrie11 .. f}l4la ~ tlldnll iUCh. rillal M ~-=-·GUI fi uatf'.le, nmn1nC stop • ... the wnina d1ieC'Uon one-•y ttteeta. WIR courien wear belmit'8 CARI IRS and brigh t clothing. . $omeJh ing for sun-worship pers to i<.eep in mind: More bicycle couriers a.re available in, the s u mmer w h e n business ls slower. Hence, fewer,jobs. Winter months with rain, wind and snow off er the best chances for employment. Most are college studen t• or Individuals between jobs. Althouah th ey usually work full-time,· l'DinY who've proved tbemael vea can a r rang e a part-titne or flexible 8Chedule. · U you have a bicycle or can obtain one -a good one coeta about $200 and u p -you won't have any further investment to make except a ~ lock and a bllck pack or plaetic box to attach to the rear of the bike. To find pcmtble emplo~ look ln the tele phon e yello w paaes uncr • ., "d eltv e ry aet\'lce" or "me ... n .. r aervice.'' U your city h• no bieyc)e cow1era, you could try to penuade a firm to hire you by dellvef1n8 ttemt for a day or ao. MOH ENTERPRISES, t7t50 IN ANO FOfl THE Stn M1teo 0-3. Fount•n Vllll)', CA COUNTY M SAC~O 92708. (SACRA....,-0 MtchHI 01Vld Holley. 17150 JUC>fCIAL DtSTMCT} Sin Mateo 0-3, Fountlln Vtlll'f, CA PLAINT!,,: I UMfTOMO IANK 92708. OF CALIFORNIA, I Calllor1111 Thlt buelntet Is oondtleted by.,. 9eftlllfto Cotpofettol\. Individual. D.,,lNDANT: MICHELLE A. Mldlael D. Ho41ay TUCKIR; end DOH ONE ttveuofl Thll •tllement WM Ned with the TIN, lnolual.,.. County Clark of Orange County on aUMMONa June 2, t982. c-No. f7MI '1"'20 NOTICll Yeu have bMft IWCI. Publlthed 011ng1 Coetl 01lly The -1 ""' decide etelMI ,.., Piiot, June 11, 18, 25, July 2. 1982. wtttiout ,our bafftg ~ lll'lleM _________ 2_SM-__ a2 you ~ within s defl-RMd Illa lftfomlltlon batow. f\ll.IC f«ITICE II you wlah to IMlt the ldYte9 of f'ICTl'TIOU8 llUeMSa In attorn1y In lhlt milter, you ..._ ITATDmNT lhOUld do '° promptly eo thlt your Th• fottowfng ~n I• doing wrttt111 rnp<>nM, II "'Y· ml)' be ~ • flied on llme. J.V. ENTEAPRISES, S30t So. A VI a 0 I U • tad fl a 1 I ct o Mein. Santa Ana. CA t210I (P.O. de111111dade. •• trllt11ul ~ 9oJI 4o22, 1Mnt, CA 127'6--40~2). .... oontre Ud. .... u•1Ide1 Allol SUzanne ~ 1430 ......... Ud. ,......... ..... So. L• Brta, LOI Ang••·•· CA ...... Ue .. '"'--'a I .. 90019. ..... . Thie~ .. eondocWd by an ~· U1t1d dllH •Olfeltar •I lndMdua, oonetlO di un lboQ9dO tn l9te 8. ~ 1111nto, deberf1 h1oer1 0 This ...,,.,., • flltd lltlfl the lmtnedletament, 0.-.--. ., ~ C111rt1 °' Orange County Oft ,..,_., eect1ta. II ._ ..... """' .. 1"2. pueOt .., ... tllda • ~ •1ttm 1 TO TtiE OEFENOAHT: A CM ""~" °'~ Coett Ol!ltY comptafnt hH .,..,._ fltecl bY IM ,.,.. Nlfl , '· ,., ~ Ntt !d!'!. ptaintllf ~ you. " )'Oii wflfl '° -d9twld ltil lewailt, )'Oii ""*·...., -----------1 I daye 1ttar thf1 eummont 11 "8.IC NOTIC( wwct on ~. 111e w1tt1 tNt ooun a 1--"!!'_.....,_ ..... __ .. -.-u ... 11 .. 1"!!'1• ... 1--1wrftttn ~to the ~ ~... ...... ~ you do '°' 'fOAM dlfllUll -Ulm ITA...-T be tnltftld on apptloa11on Of tfle • Tht fo1towtn9 poraon I• Clotoo =:n. lf1Ci tNi coun :-r:""' a READER NO'.fE: Ot•er W&JI co ~w.. ... ~ &. .,.,., •• ,,, demanded~~'= l•l m ... y ltr lcliool •~ dltee1Hd la ~ ~ """""'*' ...... covtf 11tult In 9 ert1l1fl"'94lt .of Joyce La.la lteutdy'1 .. 'ne Coll"e CA Ht4t. ---. 1111tno of ITIOfttlY or SltOC*1Y FIDaadal Aid Bmera111e1 ltlt." Ttie 1<"'9 .. ~,o Wt11111.:.::,1 Of otlltr rofitl t~u••ltd In ..... a.1 ............... _ ... --.................... ..~ w.ieocit ~. ~on ' OQlllPlelnt. H~ -...t ~•-W-.-. .. CA '"'4t. • Dattcl. DeoemMr 21. 1111 n.. .............. .__ wM le 'nllt----II OOI__, '¥'WI ............. ~ ... -ftal .. •· ht.~ ""'' lnet\1_,ll_ H. ----llOIU. ............ ;p ..... =.=.~=:-·· -... ;.· •••.• , .. ••tr .~· • • ...... ... llCeMr-· ... 118 ii. Ill .. 11111..... ._,_, 'I .. .. • ••ll'PMJ'~Kl·~... ~~a.-~ ........ ...-°""'* 0.. = MIC. I c.lf, ....,, ............ ~f. , .... ~ ..... .._II, Jlifte 4, 11, ~ •' ' -- MUC MOitCi MllC MJTtCC ""°'mou' iGiii11 .U..llA~ A • \AW11 litOTtCt INYITM _,, tTA._NT N0110tt It htftl>Y al.-1Mt the flit l*IOll• .,e dolnQ lh111d ot fruit"• 0 1 '"• Co••\ ~ M Otlllll\llfllty Oo~ll a Dl•hlOI o lltt IOllOWl"CI ptitont llt dolr1g tne IOllowlftl SIMON .,. dotlo b~... ~ .. ! l!IOMAI" I.ANO Ot\11\.· Ot.,111e OOUl'll'f, •lllornl•, Wiii OflMINT I, I. fD .. HtO 0!119' l.•n•. l~lve ...i.o I WO lo 1:00 Colt• M .... O•lllomlt HUt • f\'I , T\lftday. Jwly •• 1•aa II the INITIAi. IMl'lillHIONa.WUT, Iii 0 0 " Iii IN U , ' 4 I I 1 $00 Ptolho OOMI Hlohwty l lult• J, IUl*lnohM\ ia. .. T\1111<), OA tHIO. NtwPof'I INCh, C.lll01'nl1 wam Leo I . J11t1mlllo, HOO Ortn04t, Rotltf\ 1', 1't11t1on UH Cotti M9u. OA tHJT. OeYld P leollall, 0 1111ral P111oh11ln1 Oepanment of H id , •• ,1111 .... ~214 fu•lod< l>fhr• Coal• ClOllege IJl1tr1ot IOCllled II 1::1 TO Mau. \;.ittornl• Hut Ad1m• Av1n1.1• Ooel• Men, "og11 H lh1a11, Oen1111 Caltlomla, 11 ~ tl!M u ld t>ld• ,..,\1111, 111 Alf>OlidO, l..1 Htbl'a, Wiii bt publ~y ~ alld ttad Calltor111al0e:st f or CO M1tR IHP N 81\I! Muina DrlYt, Newport Suen. JIM Oen, 14181 ll>oMlnghel'rl CellfOfllll ta06'1 '' . Tuttln, OA t26IO. "lcll•1C1 , Kolll. 303 20th Tiiie ~ II OOllOllCltd by • ,.,_, Drtve. c.da1 l\apld1, low• tlmlttd l)tl1Mfthlp. 32•03 Leo 1 . Jwlft!Mo John P lemmon1, l lmtred l El.IPAOC lltNO Ol'TWARI Pllt1net, .,_ 36111 llr•t. No e CONTAOL PROOAAM -ONI-fl\I• bu"-.. ooncklGled by • Thlt '"'"'*'' WM flied wftll.,,. QeNlfli 0tt1MA11lp. County Oletll Of OtlllQt Counf)I on .. Newl>Of1 lltactt, OtlllOmla 92003 Yl!AH lCAIL WITll ONI VIAA Tl\l1 wllnM• I• oondutltel by • AtNtWAL OPTIONS Aol>tfl A PtlettOO May 29, 1N2, ,,_, flllt 1111emen1 wit ltlt<I with lht '11t1111neo Orano1 COit! Dally County CllA ot Ota.not County °"' PllOt, Mey H . Junt •• 1,, 1•.1. , .. 2. June •. 19$2 b 11.e2 Mr111lad l)tlflnttlhlp All bid• art lo be In tic:OOl'danot O•Vld p BtQk•ll With IM BIO l'Ol'm lnltNCrltonl •nd Oll'e'li P11tn« COl\dlllOlll lllld SpeclfloatlOnl wttleh Thie 111t1111tnt wa1 flied with the 111 now Ill flit end m1y be eecured County Olt<k or 0•11\(11 Couflty °" In IM OftlCt ot th8 Purchl llnO Agtnt f'1t112t ------------Publlthtd Orang• Coaet Ot lly l'tlSLIC NOTICE June 10, 1912 ot .. 10 c;olMIQe 0111111:1 Piiot. JUfle II. 25. Juty 2. 9, 19U --------_,..~......,-----..,....,.,..... 2080·92 NOTICI 0, T"UtTll'I IALI fl '11"4 each bidder mulll 1ubrnll wlth hit PuOt11hed Orange Co11t Dally bid • cHhle1'1 check ciertltlad Piiot, June ti, 215, July 2, 9. t082 cheok, 01 bidder·• bond made 2878-82 p1yablt to th• oroer ot the Co11t ------------Communtty Collt91 ()j1111c1 Boero PlJBLIC NOTICE or T1ut1He·h1 an 1mo11111 1101 tea• f'ICmlOU88UIMH. NA.IH ITAT .. ttNT Tht IOllowlng f)tllO<ll are dt><ng l>u .......... CREATIVE VIDEO SYSTEMS 15722 Plymouth Lene. Hunllngton e..cn. Calllornla 92647 JOhn Andcewt. 15722 Plymouth Lena. Huntington Buen, Calltornta 92847 • Barry Andrews, 20•54 Cypren S11et1. Santo Ana Heights. C1Ulorn1a 92707 PY Quiller. 116 EmeuM B11y. Lagun• Beach. Calitornle 9265 t Thi• bullnell II QOnducteo Oy a general p111tnerahlp Jonn Andttws Thl9 1tatemen1 wet llleO with the County Cler .. Of Orange County on J\11\S , •• 1982 F191535 Publlehed 011ng1 Cou1 Dally Piiot. June 18, 25. 'July 2 9 1982 2370-82 Ml.IC NOTICE 1(-00565 thM 11•11 j)lrc;41rll ($%) ot Ille aum bid •• • gvlllattlff 11'111 the blOder wlll enter Into th11 proposed Contract If tn. Mme 11 •warded 10 him In th• 11¥elll ot t111ur11 to entttr 1n10 such contract the p1ocooos of the chlCk will bl totl .. tlld, Of 1n the caae or 11 t10111J, 1111 lull tum thoraor will be 101 tu11eo to aa1d co11119e 01st11<:t No bidder may w1lhClr11w ht5 Dtd for a period tor forty·tlve (•5) days at1er tho elate set 101 the opening lhereot The Boord of T1uste8' r11ser\les the privilege ot re1ec11ng any and ell oods or 10 waive any 1rreguler1t1es or lnrormllotle9 In ony bod or In th& blOd1r19 1,1 NORMAN E WAfSON Socretary Boaro or TrulltMI~ Coast Community Coll~ Oo5111CI PuOh)htlO Orange Coa•• Dally Polo! Ju11e 18 25 1982 267:!·82 PUBLIC NOTICE l!tcrow No. 1164 LR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NOTICE TO CREDITOfl8 OF NAME STATEMENT BULK TRANSFER The lollowong person 1$ doln!j (8tc1. 8101 .. 107 U.C.C.) bus111ess as Notice Is hereby given lo HAllEUJAH ANSWERING creditors or the within named BUREAU 8862~rden Grove parties lhlt I bulk lranster IS at>oet =208. Gari.Jen Grove CA 9264141 to be maoe on pertonal p1ope<ly Sung w Nam. 84171 Ivy Cor he<elnaMer ci.s<:1lbtd Hu11flngton Beacn CA 92646 The n-and business adoress Tn1s ousi11ess 1s conducteo oy an 01 lhe Intended transferors are onOMOual W I l L I A M A N 0 J A N E l Sung W Nam' ALVAREZ. 20391 Brentstone Lane Thos statenoeot was hied wotn the Huntington e.acn, C111torn1a roly Cle<., 01 Orange County on The names and buSlnns aodress Juntl 1 s 1982 of the Intended tr1nst11rees are F191S38 CHANG VUNG and KYONG JA Pubtoshed Or11nge Coasl Oatly Ml.IC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI IUllNIH NAMI ITATIMIHT The following Ptrton• ere doing OUlln ... It GOLDEN WESl ASPHALT CO., 771 W 10th SI .. Sulle AA, Cotta M .. 1 CA 92827 GWAC, INC •• Catltornl• corpottllon, 771 W 10th St .. Sult• AA Costa M ... CA 92827 Thi• bullne•• II conduc:ttd by • corpor111on GWAC. INC Jamet 0 Reed P1ealdent Tiits 1ta1~ent WilS tiled with the County Cl1rk of Orenge County on May 13, 1982 F11NP Publtshed Orange Co111 Dally Pilot May 28. Jun• 4. 11. 18. 1982 ~ 2362-82 Mt.IC NOTICE FICTmous IU81N£H MAME STATEMENT Tl'le totlowlng pefSOnl are doing ouslnass es SPA.AGLE ENTERPRISES. 2518 Colby Place Coate Mesa, CA 92826 Thomas O Spragla, 2518 Colby Pt . Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Allee f Spragle. 2518 Colby Pl .. Costa Mell. CA 92826 This ouaineas la conducted by • general partnership ThomH 0 SP<agle AllU F Spragle lhtt statement was hied with the County Cle•k or Orange County on May 211 1982 .. F1'°'81 Puohsned Orange Coast Dally Pilot. June 18, 2S, July 2 9, 1982 2669-82 PUBLIC NOTICE LEE. 25451 Gallup Circle, Laguna Pllol. Jur1o1 18. 25. July 2. 9 1982 Hiiis, Calltomla 92853 2633.82 Public hearings will be held by the YOUNG OIL ano SUNG SOOK !------------Costa Mesa Plenntng Comm1aa1on OH, 22222 AnthOny Drive, El Toro. DuoilC NOTICE at lhe City Hatt. 77 F11Jr Drive. Coste Calllornta 92630 rVD\. Mesa. Ca11101n111 et 6 30 pm or M That the property pertinent FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 5QOn a& ponlble thereafter on llefe1o Is described 1n general as NAME STAnMENT Monday, June 28. 1982 turnllure ll•tures. equipment fhe ronowong perSOll 15 Oo•ng Regarding thfl following goodwill, lease leasehold ousmess as appl1catoons lml)<<>vemenll, tradename. stock In MR SPARKLE 2101 s Paciroc I Auone Pe1111on A-82-08 for treoe and c0Vfl111n1 not to compete =3. Santa Ana. CA 921041 Costa Mesa Clly Cwnc:M. P 0 Box and ts located at 1128 Irvine Robert G Hoernig, 2l0l s 1200 for perm1sston to rezone Avenue. Newpofl Beach. Calttotnoa Pacihc •3 Santi Ana CA 92704 property localed II 29 tO Aedhltl The buslness name useo by lhe Thos buS"'l8Ss os conducte<I by an Avenue lrom CL to MP aa;d transferors at said tocallon IS ondlv1dual 2 Zofle e.cepllon Permit WESTCLIFF PLAZA CLEANERS Rober! G Hoetntg ZE 82·95 11no Reoevelopment and LAUNDERERS T111s sta1emer11 WllS llled with the Action AA·82·09 tor Belly J Smttn. That 1t1e bulk 1111nster ts intended COi.iniy Cler~ ot orange Couniy on aulhorlzed 11gen1 for Dentel 0 tobeconsummatedoltheottlce ot Juue IS l982 Da,row . 1733 Douglas Road. SERVICE ESCROW COMPANY. F1il538 Anaheim, tor a Condlllonat Use PO. Box 218, 14282 Beach Blvd Publlsned Orange Coasl Dally Permit to l90allze a nonconforming Westmln11er. Cet1101nle 92883 on or Polo! Juttfl t8 2S July 2 9 !982 adul! en1er1a1nmenr ~uatness afler July 6. 1982 2638·82 (massage studoo). wlfll variances That the last dale for htlng ctaoms lrom pork Ing and locational In the escrow rele11ed to herein Is POOi.iC NOTICE provosoons and Aedevtlopmenl Ju~ s. 1982 ------------Agency Ac11on located It 1733 S I 1 k 10 said Fullerton Aven!HI tn a CL zone 0 •r as 1 nown lite following cooy ot Not>ee", Environmental 0111ermlna1>on Intended Translttees said intended IM origin•! or Whleh was med tor Tr1n1rero<1 used the lollowong record on 5/27/82 In Iha oHlce or Exempt addlt1on11 business names and the County Recorder or selO zl82~~~~0;•feJ>'1e°n~e:'p~;.~!'. addr-w11n1n rne three years Counly 19 ""' 10 you tnumucn as lnc0t~1teo. 011 Natldt A~ last past NONE en eaamlnatton of 111' !Ille to said ~ This bulk t11nsfer ls suDreci to trust property. I/lows you may nave "132 Sherman Oeks. lor a sign Calllo1nta Un1torm Comme1c1al an interest in lhe Trustee's Sale va11ance. toe.tad RI 1718 Newpon Code Sectoon 8106 Proceedings Boulevaro ano 1722 A & B Newl>Ofl Dated June4, 1982 NOTICEDf'DEf AULT Boulevaro 1n a C2 zone Chang Vung Lee ANO ELECTION TO SELL ~::~:.nmen1111 determtnatton. Kyong Jo Lee UNDER DE:l!D OF TRUST For turther onlormatlon on I~ Young 011 Oh Sung Sook Oh LC>en No. Q •. M.I . PflOP. above app11cat1on1. telephone Intended Transter~s T.8. ~..:O,.~NT NOTICE" 754-5245 or call at lhe Ottlce of the ~=·~~:~~"~~COMPANY IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN ~~n~l~~r ~,·:~":'g'os~~e2~· Wfflmlnater Callf t2M3 FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU Calotornta Published' Orange Coast Dally ARE BEHIND IN VOUR PAYMENTS, PuollShed Orenge Coast Dally Piiot June 18 1982 IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY Polol June 18 1982 . ' 287S.82 COURT ACTION, and you may have the legal rtght lo brong your account ------------ 2676-82 POOLIC NOTICE ln gooe1 111at1C11ng by p1ying a11 ot MLIC NOTICE your past due payments plus ------------1 permllled costs and expenses K-00570 within three months from ""date K-00562 LOMNo, T.I . No • .,.,.._1 GATEW A Y M ORlG A GE CORPORATION .. duty ewotnl9d lruettt under th• following dt 9Crtbed deed ot tru11 Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable 11 time ot Ult tn t1wtut money ot the UnlttO Stat") •" 11g111. 1111e •nd tn1t1 .. 1 con~ 10 and now held oy II unoer Mid Deed of Trust tn Ille proe>t<ty l\ertlnlller detcftbt<I TRUSTOR JAMES MORELAND, a married men, u hi• tole and sep1111e PIOptfty BENEFICIARY STEPHEN SCH EINB ERG and PHYLLIS SCHEINBERG, huaband end wllo; as joint tentnll Recoroed J1nu1ry 29. 1981 as Instr No 3•0•9 In boo., 13930. page 1572 ot Ottt<:l1t Records tn the orrice ot the Recoroer of Orenge County, aald OMd or trust oesc:rlbea the IOllowing ptoperty LOI 37 of Tr1C1 303 I .. ~ map recorolld 1n 8001\ 98 ot Pages 2• lo 26 or mtace!lllWIOOS mllPa 1n rne Oll1Ce or the County Aecoroer or Or1nge County YOU ARE IN OEFAUl T UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED December 17. 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT VOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF VOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. VOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER 1133 H1ght11nd Drive. Newport Beach, CA "Ill a ••reel lddreu or common dts1gnet1on.11 shown 1bove. no warranty ts gtven •• 10 Its completenen or correctnessl The oenet1ct1ry under u1d Deed ot Trust by reason of 1 OrHch or detaull on !he obllgallona aecureo the<eby. heretotore executed and delivered to the unoerslgned a wr111en Otclaratton of Oetautl and Demand tor Sale. 11nd written noltee ot bteach and or election to cause rhe underatgneo 10 ae11 said property ro sarosly s110 Obltgallons. and lherealler the undersigned caused sa•O notice ot breach and or elecllon to be Recoroed February 10 1982 as instr No 82-0•9599 on Ottoctal Records Saoo sate wilt oe maoe, bur wothoul covenant or werranly e•ptess or lmptotd r1911dlng lllle, possession. or encumt>renoe•. to pay the remaJnlng ptlncipll sum of the note(sl 5eeured by Mid Deed of Trust. with 1n1eres1 111 In H id note provlOed, edvancea. ii any, under lhe terms ot aaod Deed ot Trust, lees charges and e•penses or the Trustee end or the trusts Cftaled by satd Deed ot Trust Said sale will be held on Monday. June 28 1982 at 2·00 p m 11 tne Chapman Avenue entrance to ine :::1v1c Center Building, 300 East :napman Avenue In the City of :>range. CA A t lhe time of the 1n1t111 :>ubhcallon ot thos notice. the 10111 imounl of lhe unpalCI btlllf>Oe of the >t>llg1t10n secured by the above :lescnbeo deed ot lrust and islfmateo costs. expenses ano idvences ts $245,068 16 To determtrte the opentng bid 1ou may coll (7141937-0966 Dale Moy 28. 1982 GA.TEWAY MORTGAGE ::OAP u aald TrustM . By T 0 SERVICE ::OMPANY agent By l•nd• Perez. Ass1s11n1 Sec•eta<y One C11y Blvd Wes!. Orange. CA 92668 (7 1•1 &35-8288 Published Orange Coast Oaoly Pilot June •. 11. 18. 1982 NOTICE OF DEATH OF this not1e41 of e1erau11 was recorded NOTI CE OF DEATH OF Thui amoonl I& $106, 1841 00. iess H ELEN M . LEADBEATE R ny credits due une1e11y1ng Deeds of MACK P. FREED AND OF P\ELIC NOTICE 'A ND OF PETITION TO Tru•t as ot June 3. t982 and wlll P E T I T I O\N T 0 FICTmoua aUatNE88 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Increase until youf account ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. N~ME STATEMENT A-113856. becomescurren1 Voumaynothave A 11 3"63 The following "'"'''°"' are doing . 10 pay the entire unpaJd por11on of • 0 • ..- To all heirs, bend1c1anes. your account even though lull Tn ,111 hl'll'l>. l:>1mefictanes. buslr;Osu'tH COAST BROAC H creditors and conungent payment was demanded. but you trt.'d11ur:. and c·onlln~enl COMPANY. 17 11 Monrovte Street. creditors or H elen M mustpeytheamoontstatedat>ove creditors or Ma<k P t reed 'Cos11 Mesa.C11troml192627 Leadbeater and persons who After three months from the date and pC'r11ons who ma.Y be John WHley Wiison. 10469 , _ _, ot reco1d1tlon or this document F 1 v 11 may be otherw1..c;e mleresu:u (wl\leh dell 01 recordallon appears otht•rwtM' mtN·cstcd in the Klamath Rlv11, oun11 n 1 ey, II d Caltlornta 02708 in lhe wi .in /or est.ate ht!<eon). untess the obUOatlon being will and or l>St.alt'. ThlS bualntSI 19 conducted oy an A pelll1on has been filed loreclo9ed upon permit• a lofl9'f A p<>t1l1un has been filed ltldMdull b u-Alfred A . Leadbeakr in pertoo. you have on~ Ille legal right b~ Wilham Lt>roy Bartlett in JOhn W Wiiton ,,.... f to stop the foreclosure by paying II'-' wt h he th e S uperior Court <> the anure amount oemanded by t "' Supl•rior Court o f This at•t-t wu ....., 1 t Orange County requesting yoor crednor OwngC' County requesting ~~0cre:2°1 Orenge County on that Alfred A . Leadbeater be To rind out the amount you must that Wilham u'roy Bartlett · F1112SO appoi nte d as p ersonal pay. or 10 arrange tor payment 10 be np1>01nll'd as personal Puo11aned Orange Coast Dally d stop the foreclosure. or If your p J 8 25 Jo ty 2 9 1982 repri!S(.'ntattve lO a minister properly Is In foreclosure tor any repr~nt.ativc-to administer 1101, une 1 . . u . , the estate o( 1-frlen M olher reaton, oonteci th<' <'!.I.alt· of Mack P . Freed, 2s.2-82 L ead beater , I rvine , CA BenP11ker Costa M t•sa. California POOi.iC NOTICE (under the lndepe nd1·nt M.PO Investment CorpotBllon (undl'r th<' Independent p 0 Bo• 3357 "'-P..101111 AdmMtt41lrat1on or F.staks AnAhelm. CA 92803 Aclrntn1slrallon of c..:states NOTICE Of' OIATH Of' Act). TH'e JX'llllon IS St'I for 714/76 t-3800 Al'l) The pel1l1on IS sel for LINA VIOLA DASHNER heanng tn Dept No 3 ;il 700 It you have &ny que11lons you hearing in ~pt No 3 at 700 AND Of' PETITION TO Civic Center Dnve Wt>sl, anoulo conttct a lawyer or tl'le C i vic Ctonter Dnve West, ADMINISTER 1!8TAT£ S C 92-l l government agency wl\lch may have CASI! NU_,. A-113121 ant a Ana, A 1< on insured your loan Atmernbef. vou Sant.a Ana. Cahfomta 92701 To all he11•. benetlctarlu, July 14, 1982 al 9 30 am MAV LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF vou on Julv 14. 1982 at 9:30 a.m . creditors. con11ngenl credltOl'a, and IF YOU OBJECT to the DO NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION. IF YOU OBJECT to the person• who me~ be otherwlte granting o f the peuLion, you In eddlllon to the amount 1111ed granting nf the petition , you lnlerM1ed In thl wtlt OI' 111a1e of: shoul~ either appear at the ~oov.:e:=~,.:Z :;0~~~~~ should either appear at the ~1~:H~~r" DASHNER eka LINA v. heara ng and s ta tc your t>ecome delinquent. and the loan heart ng •a nd stale y our A petition has been ltted by: Au1h objections or file written can be reinstated , sai d objections or file written A. Jones In the Superior Court of objel'llons with the court delinquencies mtlll be cured es• obJ'ectmni> w ith the court Orange County, requesting that b f h h y condition or reln11attmen1. Ruth R Jonea be appointed, es e ore t c earing our NOTICE •S HEREBY GIVEN bc>forc tht• hl'aring. Your pe11on&t repreuntallve to appearance may bc m person THAT T o SERVICE COMPANY •• appearam·t-may bc m person 1dmlnt11er the estate or the or b y your atLomey duly lj)polnted Trustee under the or by your attorney dtc.clent I F Y O U A R E A tollOWlng described dee<! ot tru1t. l F y 0 U A R E A The petition 1eques1s 1uthorlty 10 CREDITOR or a contingent TRUSTO~ G M S PROPERTIES. CR EDITOR or a contonaem admlnlller the ea111e under the INC -.., tndependent Admlnlllrlllon of credit.or of the dE'C<'ased, you BENE FI CI A AV M . P o credit.or of thl! deceased, you Eitetes Act A hearing on the must file your claim Wtlh the INVESTMENT CORPORATION must file you r claim Wtlh the petition wllt be l>eld on June 30. court or present 1t to the recorded Aprtt 2. 1982 u tnatr No. court or pre11ent it to the 1982, et 9:30 Lm .. In Oep«ttment 3, Personal representative 82-118200of Otfloltl Recor'd•ln tlte personal representative located'' 700 CMo Center Drive . office ot the Record« or OrallQG Wett. City of Santi AnL appointed by the cour t County; Nld deed ol 1ru11 MCUtes appoin ted by the court IF YOO OBJECT to the granllng within !our months from the cer111n' obllgatlons lncludlng one w1thm four months from the of the petition. yw tlloutd either date o f first issuan ce o f n011 for the iwm of $105,000.00. date of first Issuan ce o f appeer at th• Mtrlng and state letters as provided in Section Th1t the benellclel lnteres1 under letters as provided in Section your ot>Jec1lon1 or Ille written 1uch d••d of tru1t •!Id the ob)ectlon1 wtlhthtcounbtlOl'tthe 700 of the Probate Code of obllg1t1on1 H curld thereby are 700 of the Probate Code of hearing. vour ~ance mey be In California. The time for pr_,tly '*<I by the underllgMCI; California. The time for l*'90n OI' by your 111orney. filing clall"Dll will not expire Tlllt1 • bftllch of, •n<I deflUlt In. tM fillng claims wiU ~ expire IF vou ARE A CREDITOR Of I Prior t.o foUr months (rom obllgellona '°' wttld\ MICtl dMCI of prior to four m onths from =~•nl cred itor ol 1ht f h h . 1ru11 ta MOUrity 1181 OCQlrrecl In th•t . • you mutt fllt YCNf ofllm the date o t e eartn gpaymenthunotl>MnmllCMot:Thl the date o f the h earing wtlhlheoourt«prMM1t ll tothe nod~ above. b1l1nc1 of th• prlnclpal 1um ot noticed above l)tQC>nal repreMnlltlYI appointed YOU MAY EXAMINE t 105.000 00. wtlleh ~•m• due YOU MAY EXAMINE by the court wllllll'I lout montbl the file kept by lhe court. If ~ 30. 1oe2, wtttt tnttt•t d"9 the (U .. k ept by the court. u from the datt of Int 1*1enct Of ed . h ther9on ... lltttn .. pr0Yd4CI In MCtlon 100 of you are Interest an t c Th•l 't>y ruion lhereof, ttt• )'OU are interested In the tM Calttoml• Probate Code. The estate, you may me a request underalgntd, prHtnt Hntflelaty e11tale, you may rue a request t""'9 for flllng Ollltnt wllt not"""' with the court to receive und11 aucJI dt•d of 1ru11, hu with the court to receive prlof 10 fOur monttte·rrom the~ a p e c I a 1 n o t I c e o f t h e txecu1tcl Md Mllvettd to Mid duty 11 p e e 111 J n o t I c e o t t h e of 1ht hMrlna noclced et>oft. 1 f t appolnlld Trull ... I written YOU MAY 'lXAMINI! 1M Ille kept nventory o eatate nsse • Dloialltton of o.teult anc1 Demand Inventory ot estate assets tlV the cour1. It you .,. a ptr11011 and of the pet1llona, acrounta fOf Salt, lllld nu dlpOlltld with at1d of lha p6t1tlon1, accounta "'*•'~ 1n the •i.i.. ~!NY tUt and r eports d escribed In tltld d::r eppolntld T'nnit•. llUCh and reporta described i n a rwq11111t wt1h lhl COlltt to~ Section 1200.6 of the ::':inci~r!bri;.~1r:11:0::::'~ Section 1200 .~ of the =~~":J:.:.:=....~°!,g: CaliforntalUl'~d te Cods e. tMrltly, eind ri.. dlcl#eO Ind dote California Probe'-Code. ~tltlone, acotklnt1 and report• Jae!Uoe, a er 6 •ckUa. h«Moy decdwe a1 euma ..:ur9d Rlclaarcl J. Apralt.amlM • ~ 111 eectlOtl 1200.1 ot u. Attene'y at Law tlletaby 1mmedl1tety ou1 and a Prof~11louJ ~doa. OaMomle ,., ... CM. ~ ~t Cal.er Drive C'.:'; =•~ =::;: ,: AUonteY at Law, t U Eaat =:.!-"°'* _ .. 14£~~ ..... "'" t•••" pt0fllt1)'. '°·ii. IOICI 1o M.t'9fY ttte Foartll S•ret11 S1lte I H , -. _.111n auia. Ne~ .--;•, '-" .,,_ ~ WMwd ~. Suta ADI C.ll1ora.la H7H. z:a-H iiiiicM a M.UAM (7H) lfMIM DAttO M.-; fl1:1182· ('714) IU=ito AIM:Ji .... : •t t Published ~e Coalt ... ,. . D . IN v 11 T .. I N t Publtahed Ormp Cout -If :-;.. ~t Pilot. June 1 • UI, 2~. ~~0::,1111• Oout Dally O.lJ~ Pilot, Juno l!. 19. 26, ~-== tr.noe Cout Diiiy 2677 82 Plot. June 4, It 1 • 2!, 1982. 1982 PflOI. JUN ti, '9, IS, 11a -2'41-12 2674-82 2f12 .. ~ 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • ·s 6 1 8 Oranot Cout DAILY P ILOT/Friday, June 18r 1882 ~~!f!!.~':!.1.'! .....•. 1 «~!f!f.{~h.'.' •••..•• '1~!!.!'!!..'!.'l.il ••... ~~.ht!! .. !.'!~ !'.!r.!!.~A .. !.~, ci!'"''' ,,,, ..... --------...._._ ..... r.!~ .......... . ~'4-MLLa. EASTBLlf FS FINEST ''"' TU lllLllll Ftll llYllTHUI Sin Clement• pride Of ownertl\lp 'MC>dtrn 8PI· nllh etyle four unit 1p1rtm•nl hOuH with oceen, hltl• A goll courM view. CIOM 10 tverythlng, •• -• • t . ' ~ ' ' ' --· . '· ..:t¥. ·9'..} ~~! ............ ~ ~~m.~~!~!t .•.• ·-=i-••••••••••••••••• 1.'. ff NI' BMCI\ & Atllnta. 3 bf, 1 r"* l>a condo, ttVlll. JUiy 1, 172$ "4·7348 ..,. 3 Br 2 ~ baths, splh level "E" plan on the cliff and on you r own land. Thi11 spacious home has a goraeou.a ~Y view frorn almost every room. 20% down and owner will carry financing to fit your budget. Call tOOay. only thret yHra old. B U. I I A-4 lhOWI Ilk• NEWI Setler •• ~~!!! .. ~.!'!:W.~ •••••• 111111 llobth I htto. 111-0424 Wiit ~Ip llnenot & HY• c. .. ,,1 '"' buyer thoueanda of •••••••••••••••••••••• dottaraltl St tllng prlc;e Of I" leH•I 11flra, $325.000 11 way below Panoramic oceen and ~ current replecement bty vi.wt Lg38r,lamlty c 0. ti p A I N c I p A I.. s Drive by 2331 Clltt Cell NOL HOii! +llEIT APT ONE-OF-A-KtNO. 4 Bd, lam rm, + btll pool entertaining area. Sape· rate gueat apt w/kg az Br & lovely llv rm w/ frplc Only $335,000 Agt 648-4380 or 645·4765 WAITll TO HY NEWPORT HOME Fee land Have $<1 0,000 cash Send offere to: PO Box 1974 Newport Beach CA 92663 !Condo by Own-I I er I • bdrm. 2 be. e.11sy lerma. 213/4-45-7671 or 213/447·2992. Wlllalalllt lHI ONL VI Cell owner at '°' dttllla $1400/mo ····Nc)ouA~i;.;t.:a·· .. 17141 842•0138 ~ 04•/IOI hrthMt S~nlth ch1rme1 with 2 /ae••• 111•1"' Z 2 llOf'Y 3Br 2'.;t>a, wood trplc• on oversltild lot •••••••••••'";.;'•·•••• & gtau, 2 ctr gar. NEW Country kitchen. Asking CALL & auper $1600/mo $129,000. Submit your ROIERT lllLLllEll Waterfront HOmff Inc terms. Bkr 848-0709 1 ReettOfa 831-t400 63 1-12ee c,,1, 11,,, 3zz4 011i11 1111 £11111 ••••••••• ••••••••••••• •• ~................... llRS W&ITEI I IEW TIWIHMH lldlll H1•11 T11de ror N.B ocean· 2 Br, 2'11 bl. plua t1ptc. 2 111 Silt llOO front home Ow ner I car gar. pool, jac, au wl· N~~;;,j·~~;;·o;·;~;; S800,000 3711 Sea-1h1n biking dlllanee to shote 673·6578 I beach $ 8 O O I mo beytront Park Mint 675-2311 or548-2239 cond '78 dbl wide ttte· 25 Olde< Untts piece. b11ck patio Cash flow 2 2 Acres Zo· 'le-RENTALS $58,500 Alto 2 01 2 neo • t C-Ondos Tusttn I 1·5b1'a $200 10 $2000 bl. double wide. corner S1M Agt 975-0679 750-3314 open 7-dlys IOI S39,000 Biii Grundy FORECLOSURE IEW TIWlllllH 675·6l6l S27K min btd 49%under H11•t, loh Dltlt WI•• market. Bkr 543-8361 2 bdrm. 1'h ba, edits. 2310 Saata AH a .. OWHll AIXIOH Nr Shopping. Low renl Caste ltll Large lot Sml pet OK I 2 Br, 2 Ba condo Extras $25,000 847-2954 10·2 bdrm townhouse 3 Br. 2 ·~be. plus llr•- pl11ce, 2 car gar. pool. Jae, all within biking dls- 1 an c e to beach $900/mo. 875-23 11 or 548-2239 Pool. jacuu l, greenbelt opts plus 4 bdrm ranch avall Must sell Prln I Double wide 2 br, 2 ba, inl house Xlnl rental area on 1 y 6 4 1 • 9 4 9 9 o 1 Hunt. Beach Reduced Flexible l1nenc1ng Priced 6'16-7958 $7500. Near beacn Prin to sell at less than 10 X · only Agt 968·4593 gro~s Call Ill CUYOI •VOL FINGER REAL TV 3 Bd 2'" Be Monaoo, 24 I STAil PlH 213·539· 1394 hr guarded comm.. p\11 exec tlvlng. $599,000 644-0448 "IEWNRT ltllE Of IHlll" NEW MEDIT. CUSTOM Te, tf IJJCllH Pool & w1neeella1 Ftrartr Yltw $2,400.000 Open Sal/Sun 1-4 17 Muir Beach Ctrcte BV OWNER 640-9405 673· 1633 $1.000 Total Dow n . $2,600/mo Eastbtutf 3 br, 2 ba. plush home. $235,000. 7 t4-493~627 Double wide Lancer wnh t Loi• for Silt 2200 at tached aunroom 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrms • 2 baths & 2 c&r WaterfrHt let carport Prime end unit Redding CA $30.000. with tots o r privacy 10% dn. Agt 675-7414 Con11en1en1 weslslde 1oca11on s.c2.ooo Mou•l•ia, 011111, R11011 2400 17 I 41 673-4400 \ DI\''""' •II I l.1rh111 ltt\l'•I 1114'111 I I• ...........•.....•..•. UIE lHOWNUI Lake tront/Hamlllalr 4 bdrm, 3 ba $675.000 owe 1 t•-846-3278 ----··llllW WE .. 4 Seasons of Fun Invest on our mounlatn play- ground while we're stttl In a buyers market. W11te or call tor brochure & L111111 Hiiis maps Vou-tlntsh homes IE llE OF Tiil LIOIY fEW Rent 1n Colla Mt1t'• N E W EST gated 20 Townhome Vll.L'AGE COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br. 2'.-t Ba 1600-1800 sq rt ot pure lu~ury Oerages. spas In evtry home - master suite, dining rooms, wood burnlno t1rept1ct1, micro-wave ovens, private patios & yards.gardener provi- ded Elegant llvlng only 15 minutes from Fuhlon Island. 7 minutes 10 S.C Ptat,a or 0 C Alrpoll Just east of Newport Blvd & so of Sen Diego Frwy Starting et $900 a month 631-5439. 2473 Orange AYt , Co111 Mesa 5 Br 3 Ba. Mesa def Mar. trg yard $925/mo. Bob or Dovie Koop. 759·1221 lFFOllllllE ADULT MOBILE HOME 1 PARK on the Bay 1 bdrm, den. I be $60,000. 3 br .. 2 be $68.500 2 odrm furn $45.000 2 bdrm $25.000 300 E Cst Hwy Unit 113, ~­ port Bea.c h B l\1 675-3347 GR ENBA ER from $10 psq -35 mod· 24'x64" E 1 REIT Tt llY PW HOME. lge L.A. Din. Am. els or your plans. will kl1 opens 10 Fam Rm. build anywhere Sun-Gets you sllrted In real wetbar. 2 BA. 2 BA LtOht shine Real Estate. Bett8f esra11 ownership lnl • young adlls wet· Homes & Gardens, Bo• 2 Br North Coste Mesa come $39.500 540-5937 6083. Btg Bear Lake, S475/mo 92315 714/866-4651 2 Br Townhouse with MOBILE HOME dbl wide ----------t pool. H B $575/mo 2Br. adll pk. walk 10 Pllll IESERT 1 Br. Duple., Eest•lde supermarket S25 950 Monterey C.C .. 2 b1. 2 ba c M "SO Agt 557-9390 condo on the Fairway, Lei's oet your 1n11t11menl •· J Except buy Lg 2 br. Iba -• ••• Choice toe S34 500 ·--~~!!!'~! .... !.~!!1 644-4033. 5•8·4012 MOllLE HOllE **SELL ** 24 wide, 2 BA. 1'~ Ba TIUE Costa Mesa Owner woll S.• J•t• CaJl1tr11e carry at 12% with min Cln 1 acre eq. estate. Loca· pym t. BONDED 91243 ted In e•ctuslve Aqua· 110-4213 gate section $750.000 or will lrtide for NB-Irv-A,.rl•t•I• Laguna home or twnh-Ill lilt 1 JOO me. Call Rosemary . •••r•••••••••••••••••• 4 9 6 -7 1 3 1 O r REMEMBER DAO' 714-833-0730 Full with a courtsey plus bonus to Father's Day message Co-op Bk1s. 6•2·5678 Sul• An 1010 ..•............••.••.• Lovely 2 Br. custom home Won 4 FREE TICKETS! to an Angels Game Dally Pt101 Ctass1lled eds prestigious N Senta --------- Ana. S 124.500 owe. lali11111 Xlnt terms. 675-6852 or ProNtlr 1400 957·2719 ••••• -,.;.~ •••••••••••• ----------1 Pre· school bldg, S A S1ali Ll•HI 1016 Uc'd 7200 sq '1 (bldg western exposure lo-st8f1ed west p11ce 1n area $159. Agent 662-1700 500 675·3909 I ----------1 Corwenlttnl 3Br 2ba, tam, Ulf THOE, HY. 2 llps. 1111<1 . rig. gas 2 br. 1 be condo. Pano-BBQ, ra11ce, dbl gar, ramie lal\e view. comp w t r I g d n r . S 8 7 5 • remdld 6 blks. from 556-1448 Heavenly Valley ski area. ---r-•s-·n_l_l _E __ _ $129.500 575.3909' "" RAU OPPORTHITY lucked away near El Ca11so VIiiage lies ap- prox 20 acres of trees. a stream and the uthmate in privacy A small mo- bile home tor conven1en· ce makes thos an e~c1llng retreat Ottered a1 $230, ooo can Jean. 642-6200 j PETE J BARRETT 1.. REALTY lrlHHJ WH4t 3 Br 3 Ba lrplc. mt<:ro, deck. pool & tennis $895/mo 646-1164 days. 6'15-9543 eves lUXURV 2 Br 2 81 Con· do. 11plc, dbl garage, pool & spa $650tmo 642-5290 STARTER HOME 1br w/ gar, patio, rncd yd S-455 QC-RENTALS 750-3314 2 Br . fncd yard. gar kids/pets OK S550 2215A Pomona 646-6238 ••••••••~•••••••••••• 1500) $90K. 644-0782 MONAACH TEAR ;..:~~~~==~~~!,~~~~~~~~~ 3 Bdrms. ocean view Co••lltill Osl ti C•••"' CUTE 2br unH, ex111f be. blHns onty $425 CC-RENTALS 750-3314 Attractive large corner p ht 1600 'T lot. Superior financing •••• ~?.!! -,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . !.~?.!!~ ••..•. ~-~~~ Family home 3BR 2BA close to school•, garde- ner. 1e111g W/D, D/W, Dosp. $725 mo 979-8899 $385.000. 66 t-3956 APPLE VALLEY Duplex Rancho Mirage. faslia IHO T11 Shalttr C-1 property, $80,000 • •• • ••• • ••• • • ••• •• • • •• Near new •·ptex. 2 bdrm. Two separate units. 2 Br, lllLLTIP 2 bath each unit with 1200 SQ ti each. By Ow-COllTRY YILU fireplace. enclosed patio. ner Great l1nanc1ng. Superb construction. garege. 9'1·-191 Pos 1·328-5555, 340-1646 craftsmanship & decora-cash flow. Now SI 59, CARLSBAD watertront, EXEC 3br un11, gar. pool patio. loaded NOW $600 OC-RENT ALS 750-3314 See 1782 New Hampshire 3 Br. S800/mo. lsl/ last/ $300 security No pets 644-6996. ting. An a1chltec1urel 500. Biii Grundy. Altr magnificent view. beautt· maslerplece In p1estl-675-6161 tul lg 2Br, 2Ba condo glous Lemon Heights IEWPOllT COlll'l Assume existing. loan 8000', 5Br. 8ba. 4 l1plo. I w/sm down or exotic car. E·slde 2 br, tncd yd, 2 car gym, wine cellar Room E•cetlent central corner (7 14) 631-3689 gar w/opnr, stY & retrlg. for hor5es, tennis, ate location. 3 bldgs. Owner ----------w/grdnr $685 960-S. 19 Cell Rick A tderette financing 1111 £11111 Reattor/Devetoper ror Realonomlc$ 675-6700 ExeAU•I ZIOO • 1111& Ylllll e details 731-4444 01 -1-EWP_l_R_T_l-LY-1-,-0-.-.-·········'······c··· .. ··· 3 Bdrm tamlly home. 731 5115 WAIT ... or ti Formel dining plus bonus • Top location P11ced rm. PYt mutet suite. For Ad Action Ca• a Daiy Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 right Approx 1800 sq 11 condo or home Trade s6801mo wlthOUI garoe- ln front wtlh 3000 sq tt Fallbrook lovely 4Br ner 642•3005 ttorege area In rear Prl· 2'>ba. tg lam rm. pres-----------..,,..- ced right For further llge area Stream. oaks. Costa Mna 2 Bd 1 Ba Info. call. I over 1 acre. $325.000. or $400/mo. Rooert Miiii· MEL fUCHS sell for $25,000 down ken. P1Yfllt1 llltr. 1 owe Co80FREE & I CLEAN 111·1120 1ndust Park Oen Get GREEN caah for WHITE eltphartte with 1 Clualfled Ad Call 642-5678 631·1266 Charming E. Side 3B1. den. 2'hBI . spa w/2 p\11 yds. S900 mo 646-3532 pa11nec Interest Approx. S 110,000 yr net tnc $7 15.000 equity & $260. 000 sales comm Want home 01 home boat. plane Sml toans 0t tree !'!!r.!!.~! .. !.'!~ !~!!.~!! .. !.~~ ~·,~~~ · 9~;~oc1~21"a •OLD FASHIONED• Foreplece. 2 small 0•· drooms. fresh pelnt. laundry hook-up1, ltn· c e o yard. trees. No Dogs 2335 Elden. $560. 9ei0-3089. I RESPONSE WAS FANTASTIC PLEASE KEEP THOSE OFFERS COMING BUILDER t.IJST SELL! ..... , ........... 11".t1.l: .. ~. IHI t.1111 WH"' IHI 1 ···~·~;~-~~;~·· E/Slde. 2 attrllci. 2 br, 2 t>a homea. $450 fJuty 15). $525 (July 1). 841-3937 Exchange lof AHi E•· tell. muat ~ clear or O.•• hbll '"' neer cteat. •••••••••••••••••••••• $500,000 to S 10,000.000 2 STV, 3 !>r home. 2 lrplca, your tex coneultante ap-llln rm. bo qutet at. C& prove! aollcltated. Reta to bCh & mettne St76 tum. Bk,. IUbmH. per mo. "93-4180..,.. ... ........ 714-631·l144 !!!!!~J!lftl.1.~ HOME 'OR AE'NT Poulblt tr1de w/CHll 3 Bdrm. IHI. llenced dOWl'I Of Ladlw Plat/die yard I Oii'.. l<lde & 4 Ct ring. Nev or P.8. P9U welcome. 54~. d1>h1/mu111. c111 An.wer _A_oen __ 1._no_r._. ___ _ Ad •459, t-42-4300 24 •;::;s- h,., WANTED •••••••••••••••••!~ Oc .. rtlront tot, Legwne ml ll llf PUI or Newport Beecll. a.ti ~ at....s lft ,_. 7llO-HM --~-2 It. Towntl04IM wl111 DOOi, H.8 1111/mO. ~ er. Nortt1 e.. ....... 1411/tfto. 1 ~ ~ h.ttelft CM. t4IO. ,~ urs ... ,.., ll'loA •" '*1ed. ~-·1100 ' • ~-0~ Coat DAJt.\' Pll.OT/Fr1d1y, June 18, 1N2 «~m.VP!,11!!~ .. · !t.ttn.f P.111!.~~ .. ··;:,i"" "" ~!!!r.!!.fftt~ ... 1.~f • •••• • ••••••••••• ••.. l.aaH or lteH 09t1on J1· OC·RENTALS amine Orffk, no. 6 plan. l·6br'1 $200 to $2000 3 Bdr, ci.n pooUttnnla. 7f50..3314 open 7·dlys St760. Agt. 760-9G33 2 Br ' ~ 2 Ba Condo. WHtCllff 3 BR w. be. Pool •P• tennl• no 1900 mo Aleo tnr. TaH .. pell.' 11ooimo 1nc1' ;ea 4 BR 2'h Ba. I 1600 mo. a water. 11t. last plu1 Both lrMll & clean. no 110. dep. 962-2531. Piii Avt now. 846-2389 983-7979 Bluff1 er11 condo. 4 Br g301 Velardo 3Br 2b•. 2'1iba, frple. gar w/tlto d/w, dlepolal, new pelnt. opnr ~ c:pll & pelnt. 2 C8f gar, lge yard, Rv $1,050/mo. (l.«-5512 acceu. & $725/mo SPACIOUS 3 br. ~ bl 11t/lut plus dtpollt plua condo, lrplc, bll-tn•. 2 $100 cleaning 979-87tl1 car gar .. pool•. new d._ al1 5:30 pm. cor Vacant $950/mo WALK TO BEACH t142-1155 421 Lake 1 room CO\-CC-RENTALS lage IO< quill 1lngle, tiny 1-5br'1 $200 to $2000 yard. No Dogs. $335/mo 750-3314 open 7-days Water paid. 960-3989 BntJ91t•• a,, ... , 3'4Z ...................... Dix 2 br, 2 ba condo, gar .. sec., pool. j1c. tennis. $800. 714-673-4854 IHCH HOUSE (lllllH) By the month only BUT only $900/mo for 2 Bf 2 Ba. walk to beach A11all. lrom June 20. DOLLAR·DAY DOUGH 8AVl!R8 Seti your no.-l<>noer·needed Item• for ouh. If It doeen't HU, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item per ad, muat bt pr\ced. Sorry, no r•al 11t1te or oommerolat ad1. Call today for full detalla. Mlft r9fll n•1-l1, ... .,_ t1M '!I. ~~AY8 '71NE8 .a CLA881FIED8642•5678 c.:t:::J;•~ "" ~r,.:·." ·~;::::;." A7:1~-:;r ... J ~!'!!!!!.!1!'!Mt.1A'!! ,!!W!.!!.f~f!!.!!.'!f '!!!!~.~!~!~! .... !.~~ '!!!!~~.~t~!~!. •.. 1.~'!f . •••••••••••••.••••••••••.• ~~! ••••••••••. ······•••••••••·•·•••• ....•• r •... :r........ UYJlllT NEED .omton• for Turi-IEWPlllT IUOI ....... , , ....... a RelOft•llke edutt tract nr 1 k Rid d d •wr-• .. SC Pt1a. Pool, grdnr. C11t1 #.u 3114 Ct1t1 11111 1114 ln/8' U4f 4 bdrm. 4 bath, .. ndy •roe ge con °· Y•· Offltt 1,... IMO 1q. II. prime exec . Olux tBr. No pet•. '476 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••• ... ••••• beaoh, pier a 1101t. 760-1308: eve. 553-1513 fr Sito ofllct •Pict Merl\ $3 111 8 1 ... I U . I II, West1lde, 1 br, •to~. r._ CONDO UCI TWn Ctr 2 br, 11!1000 for Augutt. Biii Female to Share Balboa ... . 673-teoe ~'"hl"5 uupg11:ided6a~~ Newl" ctecor Ou pd frig. laundry lac. No Pet1. 1 & ~plus •,; ba. 2 car-Grundy. Rllr. 879-e 161 ltland home, private Pluih, newtY-decorated, 3-0-0--tt-2-f-l'----1-.. ' / ·.. 1• 13.,5 84e.-4382 port• new v~ent S71SO Bd • b h • .,.46 A lnt1m111 atmo•phere aq . o -1U te H H b di 2 b 2 b encl gar. dwe .. r. poo • . mo g52.M18 ~/Agl 1,..tMllat I .I, rm.. at . ...., nn 130·284 IQ It In lovely 1300/mo 2unt. er ·• JC r, •· bbg. Adulli, no Pall. 2 BR guden apt. f.lew · · Summer rental Spiral 875-0830 tvet, 673·0300 p,arden type bldQ Relit Mark 873-eeo& cir gar .. aeo .• rec. 6,2 6073 1111.aan d1y1 $800. 714-e73-4854 • paint No pe11 $4'0/mo. •• 1talre, 8ky11ght•, · ncl. recepllonilt, phone I . . I 1 I UIO Adult condo, resort Mt- ting. nHr SC. Plaza. Pool, tpa, HCUr 1 Br, petlo S'6 0 E11e1 873-8189 ~r.!!!!!~.'!.f~.1'!.'!~ c .. ,, .... '114 ...................... CASA IE 0111 ALL UTILITIES PAID 548--9950 IOOIPIHY lrplc, Pvt 9'>• ,.,.,_ bike Prol tem. ages 25 to 35 to answering. copier etc .!'.'~.'.'.' ••• !~.! •...••. ........ -..... Npt Hg18 2 BR. 1 y, bl, 1 Br. Condo, apaclou1, beech. Weelcly 855-1743 •hare with Mme 2 bdrm, c~~E~E~~~JN IEWPtlT an AIL ~ Ulllll'IU lpc gar. no pet a . new. xlnt location. On the wattr. 4 Br. 3 Be. 2 b• Unlverllty Pk Con-•600 00 5 11 330 Xlnt toe on Pac Cont APUTllm $495/mo. 842-6722 $650/mo 955-1633 rurn hou11 on Belboa do Non-smkr, no peta, ' 76~~~8 e Hwy Ideal nton ~lllblllty BHutllully tandeca~td l1land 1-P98-0403. • hot tub, 1¥Hher/aryer bu1ln1u lite Afcpro•. ONE WEEK FREE RENT W•IU IHlt 1141 Elec gar $325 mo plus '.~ Qlfden apll Pool & P• 2 br, 2 be condo. SC ••'••••••••••••••••••• llWPHT 1001 utll. Call Barbare da IPT·AlllPHT AllU. lOOO sq 11 845-7 OO. Covered parking No PIH• New crpt, drp•. IOIAIAtlT Apts 6 townhouNI on 752-8777 ex 110. nite 1200 0< 600 s/I, 90c per IALUllY ROW pets. refrlg POOis. carport, tn-Mo1t elegant apt bldg. .. 552·5394 s/I Mo to mo. 0< le.,. Bachelor $400 d O I I .,.___ I the Bey nnorl commu-Mullan Realty 540_2960 LAGUNA BEAC!i Prime 1 Br $460 r Y n bu a n • · In Laguna """"'"• f nest nlty with 8 teonlt count, Mate rmmate share 3 1 toe 352 No Coatt Hwy 2 Br. 1 •1, Be $525 Non Im le rs.' S ~ 4 5 +. locatlon In IOWO, breath-1 pool1, $Miiiion ape, loo bdrm hae In Irvine Bdrm IWTIFIL L s e S 9 5 0 P • r mo 161 E. 16th 842-0856 842-2142 taking lllewl, •II built-Int, 11ely vilWI. 1hop1 on Illa unlurn. $200 mo plus ''> IEWNIT OHTlll 497-3411, 760-8287 ~~~~~~~~~ QUIET 1 br, encl. gar. h • 1 t 8 d P 001 · Bachelors. 1 & 2 Bdrm. ulll. 551-3156 .:: adults, no p.-ts, lrlge, eub.-guege. elevator. New l urnl1hlng1. Rent Wun use or reception. ltwptl1 lh•, 01. Compare before you lllMEI. toOIPAIOYI elec range 5 350 . Leue only. $850 & up. monthly lrom $089. Share beaut 4Br CM cont room, kllch, pnone l op toe Zone comm'L ren1 Custom dealgn $450/mo. 2 er, 1 Be. 642_5964 330 Cllrt Or. 494-!08:t 114/144·1100 tiom• $2201$350. Pvt secrellrlal & word pro-Approit 1800 1q ft Jn leatur111: Poot, bbq, apll patios. carports Ocean front: secluded 18_ I bath In 1 rm 64~·1737 cess1ng Mall & messt19e front with 3000 1q It co11'rd garage. surroun-Sm pet ok Won't feat at Westside, larga. airy, 2br rge 2 Br. 3 Ba. In old Part twptrt John or Julian serv avail. aeperately 11 storage area In rear For ded with pluah landsca-this pricer lba upper. $425/mo. med ville on cliff over-OCEANFRONT SPLEN-M 1 h , destred Call Judy further into call pings. ~o pets. •500 TSL Mgmt 842-1603 15111811 , Cltanlng. No looklng ocean. Steps 10 DOR l~~nwi:e :~r::p ·~a~':~ ,_1_14_1_7_60_-_0_100 _____ , MEL FUCHS 1 r. urn. • P 811 · 8du1 t' 0 n 1 Y · private beech. Leaded Compl turn hm has 4 Br non-smkr. 548-8369 VIEW OFFICE PHlllH llltr. 365 W. Wiison 642-1971 545-4156 ••~ wlndowe, 3 lrplc'1. bea-with 2 Be .. Incl brtck House 10 share In C.M. Well-appointed omce wl 111-1120 H•aliJlfll• ww-=-1..1-=-.a Eaatslde3Br.2Ba.pallo. med celilng1, many lrplc , wahr/dryr . Nwpt Harbor view, BP· ltHi 3140 APAITIEMTS lrplc. 2 story $660/mo. trees. S2960/mo, yrly d 1 hws hr, 2 c Ir gar . $3 lO ln:~~~~3uci prox. lOOO sq It CdM Retail store on Colillt !~J.! ••.•..•.••. /J.~1 2Br. boat dck $500/wk •••••••••••••••••••••• Beautllul gard•n apta 1 640-0997 640-5629 $2000 lor June 19-31. 645-7l00 Hwy. 1850 sq II or 1600 S $1200 August 28-Sept. Reaponslble non-smoking 1--------sq It Avail Juty 15 Turtlerock -18971 Anll-tBr, boat dck $400/wk Patlos/deck1. Heat paid. ME A VERDE 2 Br 1 Ba. IHllfrtlt Otl4't 4th. Slngle ramlly only. rem 10 shr my 2Br La-Eitec. office: 705 E Bal-673-3658 alt 6PM ocn. 4 Br. 2 Ba. lam rm. .IAOtll IULn H.l.'S FlllEST No pets 2 children wel-gar. Included. Large Elegant 2 81'1. den, 3 Ba. No pats. (144 -9582. guna hse. 493-0707 boa Blvd Nr Balboa din rm, vu 01 U.C.I. Gar-Spanish Estate U11lngl come yard. lower unit. No pets. woodburnlng lplc, pool, 213/827-5109. The at re 5 2 5 sq r 1. Co••• dil dener. wtr & assn dues PllOP llAIAIEllHT B 111 • a k Ilk 2 Br 2 Ba $550 $475 Wkdys. pis call: $1500 Jae. 499-3529·. NEW STUDIO. p\11 ent. & $425/mo Ale, bath 1 lncld. Le."'e -100 mo. eau u. P r -e sur-558 6 I I I ~~15 "" •• lll-1113 roundlngs. Terraced 398 w Wiison t131 -3 7 9-4229 805-969-5328 WHILY llEITAU ba, nr beach. H.B $255 675-3600 •••• !!.!.! .....•. ~.oa: •• Agt. 541-5032. pool Sunken gu bbq, •2 br nr S.C Ptz S A. PINE BLUFF APTS Ooeanvlew 1 Br clean & Avail now $350 week 539-0794 551-6834/857-6 I 11 OFFICE Ill IHP Ex .. ___ 4 B ., Ba Spectacular ocean/bay sparkling lountalna. Pool $550 C rt 2 B 2 B 1 hltd -" up Agt 675 8170 ec. ""'"" r • .., Vu. 4br. 2'1iba, OR. lam .,;pa erpo r a c "'" no lovely apt. Relrlg/110111, · · -Fem rmmte. 2 BR apt IEWPtRT IDCll tn n-bldg on Coa51 lal'Jl. rrn .. l0<mat din. rm • rm elegant S 1975 mo Spacious room1. Sepe-752-5822 or 641-t460 pet1 Pallo. v1-. lrplc, No LB. For single •dull, * * •3 br, 2 be. on Can-pr111 ba $295 plus '..\ ulll Ellecutl11e ortlce in can-Hwy, Sooth Laguna Ap-2 Jrplc's. ent lount, Kol .... ~ .• comm. 759_0692 0< rate dining area Walk-In fecuul gar gas sto11a k •-t t'I 1.,,.. 1 NB 1 1 2 ..... 1 J 1 9n"2001 642 9702 500 1 E 1 ... , Flreplac•. pool. p111 patio · ·· non-am r, qu.., • e • ,.v, a. s .. ,., o u y uv-• -nery VIiiage, $450/mo prox sq t xce -pond, covered outdoor call collect 408_9,,., ,,561 ctose1s, hOme like kllch-S580 631-6107 1 2 blk 1 bch 54D 0581 * "'""" & 1 w 1., & dshwaher X"' 1&2 Br. no pe s s o open .,... * Broker 675-4912 lent pri vate parking spa. In best pert ol en cab nets a"' to -v •• ,,,,.1 1 t/I 1 & 1100 Turtlerock For rent1I on 5 Br 3 Bl lam rm, din rm, Huntington Center. garden apll. on E/elde 2 bdrm. 2 ba unl\lrn $500 ......, mo I u N t B F t 2 B 2 S.11•11 /11l••I43!1 ' behind bldg $525 mo. 1 Bd f $505 from $460 557-284! mo Call alt•• 3 p M dep Reis required Call B-P?d' 11'cYo ron1 .. r 11 ••••'••••••••••••••••• 3879 aq f1 olflce space at Turner Assoc 494-1177 annual lease. ecceu to 3 car view, many xtras rm-urn, 751_ 1508 days 973-0307 8 " u mp•• "118 Secure dble gar 1n CM ror S 1 05 sq II In presllglou• 1 tennis & pools paid S18SO/mo Alt 5PM 2Bdrm-furnlrom$605 Spactous2Br 1ea $425 6-15 5 •6-3788 or storage S80mo PacilicPtaza Will $Ubdl-HB olc&10<1ndu1tspace Gardener & pool ctea-6414-4084 2 Bdrm lownhoose lurn 3 Br 11/o Ba $475 E Side 2Br. lg patio. ger, #~II .. .,. Jiff 553-1202 ·760-8376 vide. 234 E. 171h St, ate avail For lse starting at nlng .Paid IS 1300 mo 3 Br, 3 Ba 2 story. pool/ ' rrom $675 Laundry r ac . pool new paint, no pets. 120 •••• ••••••••••••••••• F 1 8 lb 1o9 c M o r c a 11 1 $450 mo 847-9954 R f Ca 11 5•8-9556 E 20th St $485 mo NO FEEi Apt. & Condo urn ap · nr 8 oa I E-slde CM. sgle on priv 6'15_j 120 71~/87; 6~ q tennis $1050 No pets 646 0100 646-6219 rentals. VIiia Rentals ISiand. July & Augull 1 alley sale clean storage ---------i ITlllE/OFFICE -PROPERTY HOUSE Ulllllies Freel •2 Br. 1 Be Newly relur--· 675-4912 Broker 86;3 ~" 813 8 reasonable only.' $70. 0673·3600 PRESTillOIS 300 aq tt. Foot tramc. LUSES!l 6'12-3850 642-1010 blslled $495/mo No 2 Br 1 Ba $435. Carpets. -vu i•-ILH Ontwl' L..,.,una 494-5688 uoo eAYFRONT ot.·,,· .. , 1,.,.1 ~~oo ..... . -· 3 Bdrm detach_,. ho--Bluffs lg 3 br, lam rm, LA QUINTA HERMOSA pets 833-8974 drapes, garage. patio 38R 2B .. $l600/ "' BEACON BAY FOR AUG 1. • "" In excellent are';. Av~I~: pool, greenbelt $1050 16211 Parkside Ln, 1 blk $495/mo 2 Br 2 88 Laundry. 557-6932 "' mo. yr., Huge 4Br home Steps 1o •••••••••••••••••••••• lew,.11 ltHll Sl.41 .l•l•llti.J l1at1/4SOO b I e Im m.e d I ate I y mo Ag1. 6'14-0134. W. ol Beacn. 3 blka S ol Apts. Beamed cell Ing. 2 Br. 2 Ba frplc, baleony, 673-4316 1213)282-7733 Piil bch & Balboa. Vaca-1~~~~~:11~1~~1~78cio"ci:~~ 1 1 OO sq 1 t. • tux u r Y ;t9•3975·air~h··5900·~ $800/mo on 1 year lease. 4 Br 3 Ba. beaut decor. Edlnger1.,.1.11 ,.,.1 lrplc. garage. laundry rm. pool, j11cuul. No pets. tlon w/all the lux Avail 1 t t . 11 o or 4 o en t g.ound fir suite Over-II or Iese. MIA zone • .,_ Avail June $580/mo. 545-3115. Jul)' 21 -Aug 21 $4000 541-5032 looks garden courtyard. Agent 541 -5032 "'1odbrldgc ~ge ~ec~. :~be .vu.Hgu~r-Quiet Junior & 1 Brs TSL Mgmt 642"1803 DH• It/at JIZ6 ~:6~~7if•11 Robin (Agt) 520 sq. 11. S1.00 per sq. L:~r~.l~ss~'?;';, 2r~ $775 up 2160 It. lndu- R .. alty $2700/mo. p;rom $375. Poot, rec •Clean 2 Br. MacArthur •••••••••••••••••••••• COUNTRY CLUB LIVING ft., 3975 Birch .. N.B. sub-lse. Call: 955-2646 strlal -Olllce. 18081 Re-~ rm., sauna . .enclsd ga-Vig., S.A Tennis, pool, 2 bdrm. 1 ba. ocean vu IN NEWPORT BEACH TRADE Maul bch front Agent 54 1-5032 1 IO. FllEE dondo Clrcle "E Hunt-551.JOOO 3 Br 3Ba. llU, pool, ten-rage. 17301 Keetson oll spa. S600 . Adults. ralurblshed .• Ines Ulll. A total environment condo anytime lor sm ington. Beacn 842-2834 tt?O Barra nu Pk1< 1, lninr n Is, guarded gate Slater. 842-7848. 752-5822 or 641-1460 $485 mo. No pets. 24851 apartment community on Motor Home lrom July 1••••11 Ct1ter leat•I• W.••f-~ ~~oo Sl700/mo ----------B---8-1 Selva.631-7220 the Upper Bay. Private 11-30.552-1899alt5PM First cle•• -lull service cw"" d Studio, nr. beach. Pools & $370-$380. t r 1 a ~~ • • •• • • •• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • 'Yt BR Woodbridge con ° )ac. Utlls pd. Fem, non-apt. encl ad garage/ Studio w/lull kitchen & clubhouse and health 2 bdrm lurn house. Nice EXEC. olflces, Includes Retired, Palm Springs A111.July1.S725permo. 2Br3Ba.den,b11yfron1. " spa 8 tennis c~·rts 7 1 11 s 1 11 ame 111es F om smkr $375. 536-1665 ca"'ort, patio, lndry rms. bath. seeking quiet ma-· ~ · am Y area. teps o a n ' couple looking ror tur-Bob Btocklldge "552-1800 poss boat dock. sec. ·---------·" pools ... ~. 10 .... sin-· h B $225/ 644 7189 .-blt-lns.closetoall ture adult. no pets. ·"'v-uu v_, beach.sops. eat :;,/"'c--mo -nlahed house tor all or days only bldg, $1800/mo. Bob or £••••• lflt.6 3141 TSL Mgmt 642-1603 661-3653 airport, Fa.shlon Island weeks 11111 open From I ,......., ,_....,. S L C I H I part ol summer Call to-48 2'hB It Dovie Koop, agt, Re/ ••'••••••••••••••••••• Convenient shops on $400 wk 675-3148 ..;,...,.. aguna, oas wy a cally, 8'3-4982 r • 1 ( 4 aC com1m~n ~ Max 759-1~21 Furn. Laguna Beach lu-1 Br E/slde, sm but cozy 3 Br 2'A Be. 1450 sq. II. site. Unfurnished bacNI· I'll••-3 Arch Bay. 500 sq II ~~~5 'mo. 9~~342 :g~: Blurts 3 Br. 2 Ba pool, xury studio, spa, Satelllte w/lots ol naturll wood. pdva1e patio & enclsd lors. 1 & 2 bdrm apts and 1400 Wtt.iJ ./ '"",.... --· w/9ood hwy vlsiblllly Senior Citizen fem w/well -------~-I close 10 school shope & TV. sauna,Clllld')ervlce. $370 851-9522. 3-5:30 garage, Iota of grass 1own11ouset. 2 bdrm l'IM, 119ry near ~""'°' '"'*"' _4_9_7_-2_3_5_1 _____ -1 behaved older Pdle 4 Br. College Park Home P 8 r k $ 8 0•0 1 m 0 phones. $ 115/week. 33562 Blue Lantern. $540 -$1000 water and N-PO<• Pier., ..,.. '"""" Oulet otttce In CdM With needs unlurn apt or near pool, schools & 7 .. ,,838• 49~222l. Weataldt Lg f Br w / $675/mo 496-9230 or Several bachelors a.nd 1 Avall June 27th thru J11'y pvt bathroom Appro• cotg, Inexpensive bul 8 20 oqv-'" •---------oer...,.,., O/W, lnbry. avail •96-3354 Ii R p1 A park A 11 a II . -• 11 •-• 3.,~• ""'• .. . Bdrm units feature fine 2nd. Aug 8th tnni 22nd I t75 s/f No maintenance ne area e Y ,.nswer S 8 7 5 1 mo E 11 tts N-por1 Creal 3 Br 3 Ba .• ..,...,, -H iv;, 7-2. $400 mo 645-6625 desl9ner furniture and Aug 29 thru Sept 5 $225/mo Call Lyndy Ad .i:458, 642-4300 24 640-1538. Oays/Wknd1 split level CONDO 2 •• -.-.'";•••••••••••••••• _5Y_pe_r_2_Bd_r_1_B_a_. -pl_u_8h_1Buti•ft.. accessoriee. Move In to-646-7958 575.2311 hrs 857-1291. 11ped1u1t.tsw. 82ter ~~ .... ok$900No. THE carpet, patio. port & •-, .. 1. JllO day or r~e 10< sum-*IELllE OFFICES -L -~--, --,--3~b-,....... -•• mer m.Dntns Smartly V•t1ll1• 1••1'114ZSO * ltliltrl Office oo .. mg or un um r Woodbridge 3 BR. 2 ba, 545-2000 ""ent, no lee pool, BBO 645-0362 ••••• • • •• •• • • • • • • •• • •• ••• •• ••• • • • • • •• • • • • •• • From 1 room to 3 rooms apt or condo wleoclosed upgrd. nr sc;hls shops, .....,, 1 br. stove, 981 .. tndry lac. Oeluite poolSlde, xtra tar-furnished models open OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br From SI 16 a sq. 11 No Lab apace 7,000 sq II garage 10< 3 mate OC pool No pets. S850 ''liOOD Clole to occ Avan 711 ge 2br, 2b,a. bltns. dally. Avall now Weel<ly lhru lease required. AdJ~ Air-Near Hoag Hospllal students No smoking 011-••o d h l 'h m tes t>each 673 7873 I Ideal lor a small small d 1 k t 1 551-2245. • Harbo~~ ~omea 2 $450 546-7214 A~~lt~. no pet~. ssoomo: On JambO<ee Rd It aumm• -~:~~~n~~~~2~pon1 business 6'1S-2111 N~ 1,~~ t,,,.P'1~1~ ~~ llEITW BR & den, 2 ba. well kepi LIFE~' 1 BR APT O/W, New 538-8362 San Joaquin HMI• Rd Newport ocean fronl 2 Br !---------12x 16 olllce with ad101-Rent guaranteed by pa- 2. 3 and 4 bdrms. from home & yard. $1100 per paint & cPIS Ind drapes __ W_l_IF_F_L_m __ E_E__ 144-1100 2 88· sleeps 6· Avail BAYfRQNT nlng baleony for rent 0< rents Local family. Plea- $625 to $1300 mo. Call Gerry, agl. YEAR-ROUND FUN: Carport S4 00/mo Juna 19 to July 3rd lease Newport Center Mcall (714)851-6829. 673-7761 or 760-1397 Social Activities 28:;-2:,, gerage $525 ~!.2m!s~~~C:~ki:: 2 s!.\~!i.8:i>:. \~ 'i:~-_N7_o~-2h_-9_~_6k_6e_T_ah_oe_. -L-ak_e-_ Prime oHlce. 873-1003 ~=~::;~mo W Responsible Lady needs 0 Ire ct or • Free mo No pets 1395 .. 8.. Gym, Sauna . e I c . $875. 862 Halyard St. front house. 5300 10 CdM dlx suite. AIC. ample 1---------1 3 d k Super Sharp 3 Bd. lamlly rm, den, pool, spa. Quiet residential location. $1550. Agl. 760-9333 S u n d e y w Baker 641_0763 846-0619. 540-7799 5400/wk 673_6052 pkg. ulll pd. 2855 E. Cst DESIGNERS, arohllects. ~~':.,~0,1 a::;h ~r ~~~la Brunch•BBO's• ,,. , Hwy. $59S. 675-6900 graphic art Ills furnished Partles•Plus 2 BR 1 Ba. cpts. drps, llUllHI WALi 2 Br. 1 ba w/lrplc. pvt IHtlll I• ,.,,. 4300 olllces to share. Incl Mesa Reply to P 0 Bo• much more. bltns. no pets $425 Lra,3 Br. Townhouse patio, carport, nr Costa •••••••••••••••••••••• Costa Mesa 250 sl suite warehouse. Newport ~~:~o Mission Viejo, CA H' IOAT SLIP QR EAT 2272 Maple 831-2927 Apartment. Frptc, enclsd Mesa park. $450/mo. --------• S176mo. Ulll lncld. 779 Beach. 642-8222 •-•------• RECREATION : gar large yard. Near A11ell July 1. call ROOMMATE W 19tnSt.851-8928 ~523 CAMPU5Dl:IRVttCE Lux. 3 Br 2'h Ba condo. IY> blks to ocean. Yrly. 675-8775, 675-7060 Tenn Is • Free 2 Br w/relrlge Hunt. Harbour. Children _5_4_0_.0_1_0_8_____ Exec suites, lull 'serv . WATERFRONT OFFICE L ( & 2273 Maple $435 OK s675. D.0_6807 FlllDERS Now avail. below mrkt 11.1•1 .. 1JJ•aHal essons pro pro 545_5004 · .,.. 2Br. 2Ba. 1 car garage, turnlunfurn .. greatly re-Best suite on Newport .: I ~~so 8 ho P) • 2 He a II h ---------Near beach 2 Br. 2 lull Ba. dahwshr. relrtg, lrplc, wtr 0 & duced. No lse. 754--0274 Harbor Chris 833•2900 "••fl I "" Beautifully upgraded 3 br. WOODBRIDGE 2Br, den, IV. ba condo Frplc. p1- a/c, w/d, relrlg, lrplc llo, elec. gar. opnr. pOol, S77511se. 551-2042 park. Jae. sauna. $745 Clubs•Sauna• 1 Br Bachelor Apt wl unique apt, h•"'e d-k. pd. no pets $600 mo Ideal largest agency ________ _, •••••••••••••••••••••• -w ~ All clients screened wilh 01 IOLFCllllSE Hydromasaageo kllcl'lenette. $375 mo utll privacy. separate en-979-8574 or 642-4658 photos & references 01 THE WATEll Swimmlng•Goll Incl. 556-9096 trance. No pets. $650. _e_v_es_. _______ 1 Credit•: Cosmopolitan OJ)( e•ec. suite, 2.012 sq 4 bdrm house nr RIVER-~~l~UR;f'F UL 2 er, 1 be, $450 2652 _8_3_3_-3_3_0_1 ______ 1 Bachelor apt -Dover GToodhe TMoomr0nlrnrowg ASmheorwlc.a. It. Newp0<t Arches Ma-~18~! a~~ 7Jar~:;...r;\~. £II.HI,..,. 3z41 mo Linda· 772-7317 c·h:;,;,i~~ .. ;;;~i,·;;~~~ Ouallty 3 BR, 3b1, den. S.A Ave #4. OPEN See 2 8 r a p Is a" a I I . Sh0<es, non smkr. $350 rlna Bldg. 642...,.644 cl'd 714-552-9393 all 4 APARTMENT S : llralthencail 851·6226 s47s-s525 2 Br. IBa.& mo. Ulll Pd. Ask for *'"' 011 • to all new FlllTlllvlllrv home. apeclacular view, Irv. Terr. Some turn LH. brick court yard entry. 4 _6_7_3_-3_1_00 _____ _ S I n g I e s • 1 & 2 GI,,,._ at 641 6666 client a wno need a place. • r;' Bedrooms•Fuml•hed lltST&IT Ill 2 Br. 2 Ba patio & small ··.-· -I lltt M FllW Prime olnce laclllly 1oca· & Unlurnlshed•No yard, dshwshr. •Ingle 1 Br. has range. relrlge, IEWPHT 41· m~ led directly across lrom laliuH/lnt1t/ r; ••• ,, Br. 3'~ Ba. ta.rge llvtng rm Npl Bch condo, 3 Bd 2 Ba, & dining rm, beach room, $700/mo 631-1266. Ro- tots ol 11orage. F0< lease bet1 Milllkeo, agt Pets•Models Open ~84=~· ~!r. ~::,=: garage 1 child olc, no carpets & drapes. 4 SWn Cllllc Center, easy ac- dally 9 to 6. Call lor appt ~e5~;oooV: :.!!.~ ~ ::.: blocks to bay. Daya REMEMBER OADI cess to lrwya, llex1ble IHi•nl OIL...ood TSL Mgmt 642-1603 ,,_... :4~1,2:a 7 8 5 . E II e • with • 110 to 3000 sq 11 0 I rt c e 8 u It es Ir 0 m n. . SOOS ..........•..........• only. Call Peggy Pattison HARBOR VIEW HMS for appt 714/955-2473 ., __ 1 •• IO • 1 a W 2Br. 1 'hBa. $375 mo. + Father' I Day message "No Frill" Prices 235-1430 sq. II For ad-••• -..{r.!!~~!!r .•...... .... , 1 Br w/carport & patio, $375 dep. Cpts drps nr -2-8-R-2----2-~-B-1 842-5678 dltlonal lnlo call UlllllllAT wkdyl 8-5 .....,u ..... onaco, c se o everything I 1025/mo PRIME HOME nr Emerald 644-6610 0< 673-3174 Bay. 3BR. 2 ba. pvt yd •·art.tits quiet adults. no pets Beach Blvd. & McFad-t pie a/car fiar. pl '· Win 4 FREE TtCKETSI Wllllam Cote, Bier l .Y.I . IH. Ftull & lotd Gross In- ..;,. ...... /h. $360. 310 C Monie VIII• oen No pell. 893-4894 :O,,do. ~io:. ~be'::, to an Angels Geme 114/l ... ltll Ul· 1020 come $4000/mo Full Walk to bch s 1500. 2 br. 2 ba condo, bay & 494-4674 ocean vu. prol dee 880 Irvine t Br. garage, yard No 2 Br 2 Ba+ Den Town-pool, spa. Avail lmmed. Cl~~:ri::1~1d1 Heve someihmgto 1111? pri ce $6000 c M pets. S42S/mo 367 B house tennis & spa nr S 8 5 O I mo . Ca 11 ---------Clualfled ads do 11 well. 640-6754 Prestigious High Or cc.an llU, walk to beach, Pool. clubhse. sec. S 1500 mo 731-0443, 558-1193 (at 16th) Hamllton. 841-0763 beach. 2202 Hess Cir 2 13/9 1 2 -8 5 8 5 . Male 35.45 shr 5br, 2ba -::::::~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ii;~~~iiiiii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. (714) 645-1104 E side 2 Br, 1'1• Bl. O/W, 960-3745 714/545-7855. hee nr S Co Plaza/ F,W., • SPECTACULAR remo-1---FO_R_L_EA_S_E_l_N __ deled home. 3 Br 2'~ Ba. backyard, lrplc, 1ec. HARBOR RIDGE alarm, loads ol Fr. doors Fabulous ocHn & city & skylltes. st 500/mo. Ille views lllumlnal8 this 3 '494-8741 or 494-6577 Bdrm 2'1i Ba reeldeoce swash In ear,htones. Full use or recreation lnclu- d ad . $2000/mo. 644-7020 OCEANFRONT Mobile Homes-Adlls only, S1000 to I 1500 mo. Agt. 499·3816. lllll IUL ESTATE h.-,.rl ..... /St. encl. garage, no pets 2 Br 2 Ba. $525/mo. 1st. 2 Br. 1'h Ba. Townhouee Spa $225+ share utlls 1700 16th St. 646-t955 & 1881 plus depoelt s2oo. style. Adults prel , no _6_4_1_-4_9_1_3 ____ _ (Dover ·at 16th) Bachelor. Eastslde 214 Portland 960-4438 p e I•. S 4 5 O Imo (714) 642-5113 $235/mo. //, t' I ' _5_48-_268_2_. ____ 1 a.a _ Yearly -1 BR 1ba, deck, garage. w/d, acrou lrom beach. 673-' 132 540-3668 .. 1•1 ,. ,.. c1 •• ,.,, 3111 BUHll 314Z •••••••••••••••••••••• ROOMMATE SERV. 1 BEDROOM E. Side. xlnt •••• •••. •• •• •• ••••• •• • Clean sunl'\)' 2 Br 1 b• Moving? Avoid depo11t1. IOc. $376 mo. 760-0189, STUOIO CONDO • Frplc, gar. '1ndry. refrlg. 1450'. Cut Jiving expen-1 548-6283 relrlg, patio, spa, acrou no pets. 493-2710 Third Off lor June f rom bch. S47S mo. ---------1 833 Do\ler Or. Ste 2. NB Furn Bach apt, ulll lncl'd 962-4914 Adult Bch. studio. Stv, 111·1112 Dally Pilot Ctassil1eda. $495. Next lo Hoag refrlg. utlls. $275. S560 ---------u•i•• BJlll • JZSO ~arbor View Home 3 Br. 2 Hosp. Summer rental B•1ti1ff•J1 B••ti•ffta mo11e-tn. 498-8452 Fem rmmate wanted to :;"I'••••••••••••••••••• Be family rm. SlOOO/mo. _S_5_9_s_m_o_._5_5_2_-1_7_44__ lt1i• 3140 '"'i 3140 ., 1118 JIH shr 3Br, 2Be apt, CdM. 4Br, 2Ba. cul·de-eac. nice Lease. 6'44-6977. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ! .... :••••••••••••••••• 6$27~5 mo2. 957-8402 dys, pat Io . S 7 3 5 mo A,ut•t•ll 1 bdrm, 1 ba, nice area. .,...141 tllltlS 553-1405 Beaut Belboa coves 3 br, U•hrai••" Kennebunkport? Oecora1ed. $495 mo. Gorgeous 2Br. 2Ba Con-3 be exec home. p111 •••••••••••••••••••••• $100 Sec dep. A11all Im-do, wlpool. Jae. amenl-r,, ... , •l•HI 3ZSZ beacn & dock s2soo ,.I'"--I 't th t the horse that won :'.l.~~i·P'AR'K::··c~~~·,;;,_M_ary_Ei_1en_9_52--202-5--h:i11tl• 3101 s~he ~iple Crown In '72? ~5:_~063~ ~.-0:1~ 7 1 • ~~zx~~1 ~t ~f~~~ Mlt'NI nr Beectt & Santa Newport Terr. condo. 2Br •••••••••••••••••••••• I#•• 40ll tle2-2247 ah 4 &. wt<nda For Father's Day Wish Dad a Happy Father's Day for all the world to see and Ana,3Br.2'hBe.Aaaoc. 2~ be, Frplc, pool, OCEANFRONT2bf,2ba, ~f'\(""'\~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ShartCondowlthPl'of ... pool apa. 40 ec take, 1725/mo. 957-3177 yrly. Incl'•· lot parkg. i...:..-'~.I( 1'.../ · Eutlide C.M. Furn prl\I peraon u 85 18t, IHt I boating. llahlng. teonl1. CHARMI 5 br, 3 ba HVH. decal. $890 Ptr mo. If you're not sure who (or wha1) room end bath. Rtfrlg. d • P 114 1_4 a2 5 0 r $850. &31-3128 Frwnc:h dra. 1 bays. Sky-559-1692 •It 5PM Kennebunkport w.a, don't feel bad -you're $285. eee-M79 3 er. 2 Ba. huge back llghll, Jecuzzl. $1.700. ~'fl 11'1 111J not alone. Kenhebunkport la re of 14 1 ____ 67_3-_7_54_4 __ -11-8-peciol--,.-.-br--lg-ht_&_c_IMn_ yard. oc.an view 2nd. 840-2523, 633-2375. •••••••••••••••••••••• dlstlnct111ely dlN9'901 apartment loorptans at Farnell WMled. Nr. O.C. 2500 aq ft condo to !lo«. 1950 yrty 0< mon-2 Br. plua Otn w/hot tub, Quaint 2 Br. t Ba. 514 Seawlnd VIiiage in Huntl:lton Beacti. College. Room wlp,lv. ah.,,. 91111\ bettll' than WIN 4 FREE TICKETS tllly. Avail. now. ttnnlt & """'•· 11_ 10 Jaamlne, H~O 'lrl'I· Seawlnd VIiiage Is a resut of totally !~!~o. Rel'• raq. -t ..,ts. Ba""'-,"""' 780-1177 s"""'o .... 876-4912 Broker. pertonallted proffftl<>nal planning. The kind ~ .. _. _. 1·--r.-• beach. 85 Imo. Agt. A pert blend f • • ..JL. & l>MUt. gr~belt. ".B. llJalM• .W. I Jlf1 842--3850 2 BR. 1 b._ beamd-a. eel= ~.~~=n~lr~O.d~iled In a"i:,,eat wl~ Fem.,lflic:e rm tn Tur; 557-7813, °' 840-8339 to an •••••••···••1:......... •-, pool. bit-In•. .......a. rock llome. thr. beth. • er ........... front .. ___ on a Bdrm. 1~ Ba condo .... ,,... .... 873-0473 babbling brooks and quiet ponds. cooled by $250 833 24e9 .. -· ........ AJC. wl w oarpata, mo-C.-'lllUt 3111 Lg fludlo apt new opt natural ocean breeres. Add to that tennl• mo. • Newpon Beach to ahaf9. A I B b II G darn eppllanc", gar, ••••~••••••••••••••• d -'"" I • I t. COUr11. 1wtmmlng pool .. a IPtl end a F~. room In M'f Cceta o W n bdrm• M I F . nge s ase a ame patio ctoee to Po01 & rte SPECTACULAR VIEW rps, .-n' mo. I'!?°· convenient loc.tlon near shopping IMld Meea llOIM. Hal'bofl Falt 873-1211 .,. .. In bNUtlful MIMlon 3 br, 2 be. pool lie. JUiy nancy. 1500 mo. agt. employment and you've got a plaee anyone ar ... Pool, launc1.1·M-a11--i.,n-.,.--2-bd-rm--2-ba- Vltlo. $825 FIL plua 1. 1875. 1-12e,..s11 551-6130 · would proudl'I call hOl'M. (Even S2H+•to parking ,... 1g .f,1. Nr bcti. 1325, ~ The Daffl Pilot will print FATHER'S Oty •100 clean. H2•0713 WHl•l••lfr 3111 Bac:Mlof. quiet, nr bMCh. Kennebunkport!) One a.nd two bed1oom one 754·17•1 alt 5Pf\'I, utll. H8. Eva 551"°118 20 e¥M •••••••••••••••••••••• Yr' Y 13 2 5 · Ev•• and two bath apanments from S515.00 """' ........ .., poo1 .... .., Neat 1 GrMtincs ~on June tt\. Anyone 8a 8 7 5 8 1 '3 d y 1 "~;"".,.&Olmo''"· Super view, poo. fpa, "'tci~ a rittltr'sOay mmllt wlll b& HOME FOA RENT 2 Br. 1 • llngle gar:r.. l-4~ ' • ~ nd """"'· ~ .... .,,.1·.. aec. g ate, tennl e, I"' 3 Bdrm. 1760. Fenced 1 clllld ok. No f.e 8· WI ___ .... _ ..... _v_ .. _~1 S2•5 fmo & llakpg. eltcible Of our dr~wlnt for 4 FREE tickets yant & 08'199· Kida & Weier l'•ld, f47 /mo. NMr Sllorectltf 2 Br. large ••• ....,. 4111 760-t307 to 1n AnltlS pmt. P'i• w.IC0m9. 5"45-2000. 5'45-2000. AQ!lnt, no'"· Pt. decf<•. 2 w pon, I In Huntin on l/1flage ••••• iC.'';;;i:: ........ 1--L.A-Dl_E_S_ON __ L_Y_I __ Call u2.s&78 now to •• YOUf m"*• Ind tnttf Agent, no ftl 4Br. pool, ftplc, Ml bar. frptc, rtf~, pool. Oo• alt .. W lleeutttul Npt 8Ctl rs· ~ cMdren &. pal W9fo0n'l9. C II p 8 n CY J Un I 3rd • -'~ tl\t drtwill& Of ,0U fnlY COmt lnto the Deily Pilot 117!1 mo, 495-2251 tft OU/mo. 87tl-U44I, Wkly rtint• now ...,.ii. home. 1325· .....SS 5 at 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. lPM.. 87M-4'2• 1555& Huntington Vllleot lAne Huntington t1oa & up. Color .. !7V. CtMn. r....,on ..,_.. to 8 ai-.. __ _.1 SS.OO a.acn. CA (71() 803-5191 Phonea In room. L& • ..,.,. new ~IC town--._ .. YPt More femt11ea we eettlno C#fa .... #If From tht Sen ~ ~ dri"9 north on NNpott llYd. CM. ....._wt--"'Y 7....... ... · (add &No for MCf1 lddltionel liM) Ille oa~no "'bug'' thl1 •••••••••••••••••••••• a..ch 10 Mc,tdd«I, th«l .-1 on 14t-7448 ::::::'"'P0ot ~~~1"" """' yw, If )'OU~ I C*ft> *a..n 3':o3. 8C ftt-. Mc'tdden to ~ Vllllat Ri;i ....... =" Y9ll wnt1-v...-••• --'' ,_... _____ , per that'• not ~•ttlng ~1~·k • .,,2~::'!; FUmllhlnga avllllab6t • °'*' dellV lo AM 'ill · to .-J ctarlft., .... • el LL ldl• """' wnt1 • Winnet will be ~ Oft Fathlt's °'1 tool u~LMll It l'IOllJ with a ,...1 ....... dUlk-lJl~t!w~e!l~I ~/~O:•:l~l~N~O:W~,u~~~Not~~Q::lfl:led:Ad=.J!!!!~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CIMlftled Ad, -• -· -~.. 141417'. '\ t - Orange C~t DAILY PILOT/Friday, June 11, 1982 -' . . .-•• ~,~..,~:.1 ,,ff~JT~I ;.::t ~.., '~ '°"~'~ "":1>i':'-l1j ',ti . -'-~ .. ·1 .,.; .. ~._>_. .. ·li.,-.. }rf n r ' ·· • """"••••••n•i/_U•• 9111.tl!!..:......... '1H!ftr.'11!1ni ..... ~l'Jl! .... :•••• ~oue•u••••: ~~.: •• : ........ .' ~•u•••u••n•• t~lfr/.~•uuoo f~oououooou ,1 67 Per Dar ··~ ... ··~ ·... . ...... ':.'CMll.Q,~:~~ AflllCHltfOlUflllAl PLANI 'OflllMIOA COUN'Tlflll!S "°"'• Oardtnln11 • VII HauHnQ. Studerlt wm het,jl "'IOl'°'""Plant.,. Dill PUITlltll Sl!~ICI & =:"Co • • ...... ... ::'.!, . b ••. ..... •• FO" IUILDl~O 91l!F\MIT Toc>tlClblMI• ,.,.. 11m• ., .. Oualltr II MV'hlng. FrM •t. NO'•l'•llOt-VtnMf All TYPH INT/l,)CT Vitt (71P4fll ~ ... htl1• Al.I. you Pl OU.tom owpanlfY, Oeok• '"" ... -"•tldlllllll lddlllon• & ,,.. ... 1424U7 r •• I . r. t. I . M. n,, ~. 714-413-21•• AM ,.,... .. t ... ~,. ""I HT 146-82&1 • tof a & pe-Qvlllly WOftl, OMd Ctfe, llo'd M""°" remodel 0on ··~ ftUlll~I 11nd1cap1. N810dM. ,,_ 1 l PLAITeR PATCHING ,,.,,,. ao,:-;.. l4 llo.. ·~1. ,,_. lall• VttlO. tlomt, ~llola t a-JI Ol'0'83M -:.v.*' ... lff, !!!!!f••••o••••••••• R111ucco1. Int/ext 30 •••••0 ••••••••••••••• UM' m11 ... UMI 11 Jeronhno, f\111/pt Um•. ':':t.-:!... •••••••• ••••• ''"'• .,,,. •• ••0 ••91;-•••••••• ·AIC MOVING· yre. Neat. PtKJI 54&-2tn utll·P1Ullf•ltucoo ._, M •'°t)m, .... 1"41 DflllYWAl.L/ACOU8TIC •••-,:;;;;;,;,•:·-·•·•,•••• College ltudlnt Ytt'Y dtlCI "°81N' LEANING Ouklk, Clfelul s.vic. Taxtur ... Thin Wiii fll.IT /!,a,,,.... R~re, Mw 6 old. 11 _..._ Ltwn cert. avrg trtct e.tvlc. ·a thoroughly ,,, .. MtlmatM.&H-<MlO PLA8TERINQ Stucco ltrlcll. Uo'd. -U'o,.......<••••••••••••• 6 yra & older, ldvcetlonal Yfl a11.p. 8ud $52·1512 CM1tlne & !d 14 .. 1826 home, 2tll 'tf -HO mo. clean hou11. 8<&0-09&7 INT/EXT. AE8TUCCO. Q.aiy H7-07H _ ... ,.. l'INC!.8 & 01!01<8 progrem Incl. A11Cllng Ha yr '30 mo. FrH *' 1 .. Ylll* Block Well• 086·41892 •IONY Miik Aoblneon Cona1. '''"MCI 754-1362 •-Wiit textur .. ·ACOUlllC f/Nt C...,n•• w 1 • d Ing & yd w k P1elllc: Houeeolelnlng • · 111• llnce uan. 75"-0t&t CHILO c.... H•no·T~SIMI •IUcll •••••••••• ::;-,........ Ma.ate& • yra IJl.P. Xlnl rete. Tob qu1l1ty Specl.at cert ,, .... ,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'" Uc. Ute4" 1•532•5549 CRPT·LINO.WOOD 'r• .. t. Lor1 876·6363 In handling 25 yrt a11p. ••••••••'••••••••••••• Cu1tom CefamlO Tiie CAl1NIT8·R!MOoeL. My i,om1. Cotta M•• 1n11allad/1eptlr9CI, 0'9Q •• -.. ,. Competitive RllM II ILL 141· Jiii Prompt Call Chuck, •1111 DO ll' NOW! a.. ltt lu~ra VOAJr Dally Piiot SeMcl Ol*10f'V "9preeen11t1v1 8kyll1H • Qreenhu 97i-73e& DRYWALL TA.PINO I.le. 3092880 1·240·3082 ••••••"•••••••••••••• T.L.C. Houllkeeplng I No overtime. 730°1353 •llllT a IAY* 842·858"1875.-1408 dye Wlndowt c. ....,11 A.II TtW1Ur .. a AC®ltlo ..,... HOME IMPROVl!MIT SeMce. Low AllM. STARVING COLLEGE CERAMIC·LINOLeUM ____ 54_ .... _eoe ___ -t .~'!!!.'t!fc •••. •••••• l'rte .. 1 Kevin 875·9088 •••••••{•••••• •• ••••• ca':!!'n~~ .. ~~:. Fr• Toni 860.0208/0'2.()<1()5 STUDENTS MOVING l1/1!ft11lft• Tile Free eallmatH I'., .. , S.mn AEMODE.LIAOO•ON8 Dryw•ll·~Htlf•Stucco OtrdWtlng Wantad N I b II EKJ)lfllM Moullkeeplng co. Lie. T12<1-4138. •••• •••••••••••••••• Reu Bob 876-6851 :':".,..···••••••••••••••• a CerP91'1ry. Llc'd. 26 New/re air. Acouatlc Mowing, ecfolng, rtklny. HIO. 11°1,.0 ... ~002911m1a We f\lmllh vaouum a lneurld 8<11·8427 BONTEKOE REFAJG. N .. 1 /N •h ltwi 549 tT l9 I _.,... & AIR COND. Merine, Dave' a 6pt'lnk1W Sv-teme, o., Mm o ~ ampoo yr1 ••P· n • c1lllnge, wall t1111urt1, 1w11p ng. Free Ht · euppll11 Kitty 841·•970 __ w_A_T_C_H_u_s_o_R_O_w_1_1 auto, comm'I. 548.5209 lrM ••llmtlll Stain Sl*)lallal F .. 1 Fine Flnlth9CI Carpentry water blHllng, Spanleh met .. OA&-6737 Carpentry • Muonry HOUSECLEANING 77 dry. l'r .. Ml. 838-1682 Remod. Spec, Randell texture. Den 852·0805 I.AWN CAA! D Roof:~ st'umbl~I IS OUR BUSINl!SSI rl!!.'!~I •...•.•••••••. l1aH•/1•1LJ1r.,/1 0· 1101 Crpt1 ln111ll/repalrad Lie. <119687 720.1280 IJHll'1lll Comm/rllld. Nwpl/CM R..'.'!'!..'... • J.Bu.cco .... ; """:,_ Janlol'1 R.........,.y Ano fllr pu-111 •••••••••• •··.·••••• ft# lime• F,....,. d s ,, ............ .... ........ "" -vv-"'"' a••'••·h•la•· ••••· ··············••··••·• """' amage. ltatn COMM'L/RESID •••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt, rellabll WOfk E11. 10 y,.. 876-2814 by Rlcherd Sinor Lie FrM NI. Reae prlctl LOW AA TES· Tree ulm· 141·Hll, ed. HI "~~~ .....•.•....•• C>lvewaya, Parking Lot ~·· SMlcoltlng. S&S A1phH 831_.1Cl9Uc ALLSTATE PAVINO Sealcoatlng·Strlc>it'o Aepaire Comm.IA.110. cing.55.4-8510, 973-8508 Remod·Add'n•Repalre ELECTRICIAN-Priced Onr/opr, Berry 9-45-7412 EXPEF\T HANDYMAN PROF. HSECLeANINO 280644, 13 yre ol hippy Qual work. Lie. 337169 ming & removal, all Shampoo & •team alun. Very reaa. Lie. 390250 right, frH Htlmll• on TIEii Carpentry· Roofing Aeae•Relleble•Refe local cuitomere. 631-23416 cleanup• & 1raah haullng. Color brlghtenert. wht Jacll H. Bennett, Jr lerge or 1mall joba. Plumbing, etc. 9-42•9013 Wlndowt. Qaiy 561·8137 Thank you. 831·4410 • Free • 11 M •rt In• z c:tpte • 10 min. bleach. Oen. Contr. 552·91<12 Lie. 396821· 873.0359 Topped/removed.~ JACK OF ALL TRADES IHI/•• 55" 7017 Lie #397382 6"5·8181 Htll, llv/dll'I. rma $15; Bonded & lneu<9CI LIC'D ELECTRICIAN up, lawn renov. 751·3"711 Call Jack di" or n'fthl Joan'1 Cleanlog Service PAINTER NEEDS ••••••'••••••••••••••• ----------' "" H A t R t I WORKI 30 yr• eKp, Intl REPAIRS S25 to $165 , t • 1vg8')elr. 16 yre •KP Do ---------Qua!. work·Rlll. ratn MOWING . CLEAN UPS •675·3014* OUMI· PI· en 1 1 · D •ll•'J. Dan Hallb«g Grading R • 1 • ..-11 I In .... Off•-• ., .. 0 12•7 E111tr. Acou1tlc calllnga Free nt Call enytlme, ••••••• •••••••••••••• Lio """ ... R ft..._. "'" ...... COMPL l-IOME MAINT. IV. • nt ng .,4 • 1 WALT 770.2725 MOil aubjecll. K-141 work my1ell. ell. ••• •n• Free 111 . .,..1.5072 Tom Heul'"" ~· •"':g 1 """'· -• " D 1 p 1 1 • 7 5 88 & Paving Co. Aes/Coml. Lie. 397804 8<12· 1720 531.0101 · """""'" em.,....., TOP QUALITY Free ••I. 8 2-1 Oenerel Hou11cl1anlng D S 10wk add'na, cablneta. Carp, plumb, paint, haul, R lllb'-f 10 EXTERIOR PAINTING Huber Rooflng·ell lypee ay-ev•tommet 6 EXCEL CARPET CARE 6418-8588/0AS.48<14 ELECTRICAL WORK Reaid, Cln-upa, g1rde·1 yd clnup. Free a11. • ""·re'· yreexp. Custom work. Free est N-·reoover-deck• Mr. Morgen. 645-517 ... ,,, •. ,,,,, ... ,,; ,.,.., Jack Buttlngton Reas. retea. 531-5055 aerv, melnt, tree trlrr1c 490·3291 98~0610 111· 4 RH• + fine 1n1 & slll· Lie U l !802 5418-9734 Owner/operator U4'n·h•l1•·•··"· ELECTRICIAN Free Ill 8"1-109& Wiiiy II. u HOUSECLEANING+ nlng Steve 5417-4281 ~!~!!~ .~{~~~'·· ... ••••.••••............. CHAR'S CUSTOM TEAK Swim 11epa-Bow1prl1s Ladders-Cockpit reeks eta. 25 yrs. 6"5-37<19 carpet, upl\OI. ataa rug Free 911 R-. pr!Qel. Sml toba/Repalra. Lie. SHIYO'S GARDENING ••~~·'"'·••••••••••••• MAINT. & REPAIR 1 ' c~:1~,,~: ,W;-Qual. work. Lie. 337169 233108-C· 10. ~8-5203 "Total Verd Care" DUMP JOBS __ s_11_er_r.:.y_e_8_s_1_-5_1_4_5 __ 1 .fl!.'!~J. •••••. ••••• •. vJOHN HENRY CO.v Roofing for Fine Homes Lie 415232 548-6213 "Lei 1he Sunsnlne In" Call Sunshine Window Cle&n•ng. Lid 5418-8853 20% Mon1hly Discount f~r..'l.'!.H!!!!!!l .... 631·2345 Mo/wkly 55l·6232 ev• & Smell Moving Jobs Shelley'• Houaecleenlng Flflhlng lnlerlor Dftlgn tienerel Contrac;tor ~ rw1 Clec:trkbnt Call MIKE 6411-1391 £xp'd·Rellabl1-Ref1. I HANGING/STRIPPING s .. ,)J11thl• Ind., comm'I, r11. 1 lt111. ltattt L~teaplng-Vd Clnups PROF. SERVICE **lle2·2649• * Vlae-MC Scott 645·9325 •••••••••••"'••••••••• Profeulonal carpet clea· Lie. 333217. 557.1738 n. .... ,........, Tree trim-fxper1 malnt. BUDGET RATES *RESIDENTIAL* ·MonthlyQlrly Dlacoun1 Chris 957-8388 IHikHf!•t. nlng, ap1 & re1ldenll1l.1---------~· ._. Irrigation. Jim 851.0129 Haullng • yard cleanup L• ''" I ASR PAPERl-IANGINO Lo min Srril jobs OK Lie . •••••••••••••••••••• Llc&bond1jl.Al10 Ca1l .. WtNftlil".f ') S31·72U Qulck&clean.Freeest •• !.. •••• 'f."··•••••••• 7yralocaleKp Guar Freeest,lns 641-7581 P.,,.U T...S.t clean-up Job a John ••••••••••••••••••• • ~. ~.~!'41,..!I l~EteOI v_.a:dss~'o,4:-~R 873--05"8 Renov1t1ng Sprinklers work. Prices 11ar1 '' -S---------1 Aes1d/ sml buslnese Smoooothld !40-41<179 9-42-0357 Crown moulding, entry ~ ~-~-Parson';l:Dependable HAULING-GRADING New lawn~·Cl11n up $8{roll Alec 751·7027 .!!~~!••••••••••••••• Special monthly ratee BOOKKEEPING C1a1atlC1atrttt :::::: :~~~·~~o~~: Eleotrlct l Cot1trac1or Dominic 6"2·4851 demolltlon, olHn-up Dive 642-4853 Custom wellpaperlng, MOBILE SERVICE Ke t t h or Sandy Speclallzlng In eccoun-....... ,.............. NII. WOOd sol\ltlons to Ind .. Comm, Rat Lie ,l,Httt lar•eitr COncrele & tree removal Bud 5<19-5265 S&llsf1c11on guaranleed. Rescreens/New acreens 641-41909 Ung tor the Independent Cemeol·Maeonry-Block wOOd problemel 333217 Ph 557-1738 • Quiel< MN. 642-7638 /ll For est Frank 775·0714 NB/CM only 642-9552 --------- attorney or small law Walla-Cull work Lie. 831-1528 IRlllTta ELIOTllO Free 991 l(en 839•5035 HAULING & MOVING •• ~!!~!l'•••••••••••••• l•Nr ltalrl/ IS "di For Clasaifled Ad firm. AllO rHI estate In-Jt381057 Rob 547-2683 We don't make you Wiii LANDSCAPE MAINT. Local. Studenl w/lruck. BRICKWORK: Small Jobs .. , ..................... r!! ••• !!!............ ACTION vestment & property D 1 ti lk F a.antlt Lie. 370689. 631-7823 Comma<lcal & property Lewi• 676-8180 Newport, Cos11 Mesa. *•BRYANT'S•* •Sprinkler Repair• Call a m1nagemen1 1ccoun • r ves, Pj ~· wa '· 11 '" •••••••••••••••••••••• manegementa. 831-60416 H 11 & 1 k 1 Irvine. Rais. 675-3175 Wallcovering Removal Res /comm. Commercial Dally Piiot Ung. 675•1106 "1· No ~e.~~;ma ~~~;.~i~~l~S~~~v;;:~ ITll• tut11t draw In th• Make your 1hopplng aa-:~s.':era:i~Jo~-~~~~~~ • Brick, block, concrete, I All type• 642"13413 Landacape Services AD-VISOR Have 1om1thlng to sell? office cleaning, crpt Weal. .. a Dally Piiot aler by uelng the Dally prop mg m 1 R I ck stucco, very reat lie i:i.ve 1om1thlng 10 Hll? 1157•8388 642"5678 Qualtled ade do It well. Classified Ads 642-5678 cleanlng. 1135-2118 Clulln.d Ad. OA2-6e78. Piiot Clullflld Ad.. 631-0865. l<rla 831·0953 Bob s.48-76501636-9906 , Clullftad adl do It well. Want Adi C.H 642-5678 --------- l•:J:'" tu.,. 5005 ~!!.~.!.'.8.~t .•. !.~!f ~.f!!l!!~! ....•.•... IJ!Jl..'!!!~t!. ...• J.l.~ ••• -;Cr.! ••• !;, ........ LOST. M1n1 custom sliver JIM W,.tH 1015 COOi( SWIMMING POOi Clleml-ID brac:elel, June t 1, Ir-•••••••••••••••••••••• '!!!l..'!!!~t!. ••.. !.'.'!f '!!!l..'!~~t!. •... !.~~ 1'!!!1 .. '!!!..~t!.~ ... !.~~l1 1J!!l..'!!!'.t!. .... !.{~ IJ.1.11..Vf.•.-.~'!. •••• !.~~ ~'iJ ... ~~ ........ ~~ le!raal Secv P.TllE s.u.11 RECEPT10N1sT1nP1sT sa1es 1 _______ 1 LIOllHTIOll SALE June 15, 9AM. up lo SO-lo on all inventory Marg1- re1 Nord Antlquet (Beek Door) 1896 Harbor, CM. 011 H{Vlc• lie. Cosls vine Meadows Rock HOUSESITill~ Needed Immediately lor Mesa area No exp nee. Concert. Greet aenll-Prof woman AM aKc. tas1 fOOd crape & omele1 Wiii treln s5o.ooo lull menlll value Steven rer c M , N.B .. Leg area res1auran1 Min 2 years t<emount recfd. Wiii net Dreyer, 7 141-6410· 7624; Sunny 631•6377 e1Cperlence. Full II me $410,bOO plus. Cell col-i 6i7i5i·i700iji2iiiiiiiiiiijiiiiil Nurse's Aide will care tor i-d-•_Ys_._7_5_2_-5_8_7_6_N_B_. __ ~';;·d ~~n-Fr~,. ~s~ ::~ Found: M Calico Kltteo. elderly or 111; also chauf· CIPY TYPIST 4108•867.0111 ~ellow collar. Kno,11v lie & leur. 5419.0373 lrvfne ad agency has ngland. Hunti ngton newly crealed poslllon, GRAPHICS CENTER etlc;t;i., on Sat. nTght. Live-In nurM reporting lo traffic. Musi Gd loc. NB/CM. All 36-9""2 Local References hive high profeulonal equip , low overhead, 957-3063 X l09 111ndard1 & excellent compl. trelnlng. Xlnl Found: yg Germen ShOr-Fem. seeks work on yec:hl proofing 1klllt. Work oppty. Low dn & terms. their Poln1er, F, vie. Te-In Npt Beach. Expr'd. 11111-paced, but lun lo 631-5577 winkle School. 540-9155 tree to trevel on bo11 work fort Mary 979-7000 !~,!1.!!.~ .. 1.~~~ NIVAR IHR S 10,000 & up Tom &42-9914 Found: very lgl M German dellvefles. 631•3623 bef COSMETICIAN Llc'd. for Shep. ml11, blklbrn, 1st & lOem. I/lime makeup poi. In Irle, CdM. 673-4647 1 w _,3 1100 top Npt beauty 111on Found: gray & white M •Iii, ,.. •• ,_ C a I I L a u r a • ell. vie Brookhurst & A~SwE"RiNc;·5;;~~·Fi 213·274.a575 N SOJO Yorktown. H.B. 9118·3465 time, P/llme sn1t11 avall. COUNTER HELP~wanted, !!~!1.Jr~.'•••••••••• Found: sir-berry blonde No exp. nee. 35wpm ly· exper or wllt 1raln Ory-F puppy. vie Back Bey p I n g r • q "d . C • I I cleaners, 30846 Coasf I NEED THE LIFESnLE lllElllTELY Wiii trade or sell par1 Interest In Houston Ma- rine property to get whit I want now. (N.B. Real E1tat1. Corvette. Boat. Cash. etc.). Subllantlal Discount! Very mollva- tldl Dr., N.B. 675-5562 760-7000 EOE Hwy. So. Laguna FOUND: Blk. male kitten In Three Areh Bay, So. Lag. 4199-4722 Found: Malamute/Shop mlK fem poppy. <1-8 moa. Harbor/Bak.er , C M 549-2684 or 982..-780 FOUND: Blk mile cat, wilt collar & wl'lt apot on side UNv Pll. IN. 5S2-9257 BABVSITTER·maiure per· COUNTER HELP. Malure eon. 3 hrs per dey, all person, cafeteria style day lull . no wknds rest. Racquetball Health Ref1 req 873-7594 CIUb In Irv. Evening pos .. BABVSITIER needed for 5· 10. Mon-Fri, Sii 9-3. occ11lonal wknda & 973..083a. 9·• wkdya, C.M. 7&t~H6.2 Olst•H SYS HP. ew A chellengtng opportu- WHITTER i'rM ~ Enjoy working with kld1. Rasldentlal real as111e 0111 t•••JI OHll ft· SECllETARY PART E 2 to eve-end wish lncreued ear-office has an opening for II ... B .. 1 1 N t nlngs per ~ for OYer· nlngs, u1lllze your out· a well groomed perso-I•• ro .. erege irm n P flow. 5 PM to ? Lltlg1t1on QOlng personality, learn nable lndlvldu11. Must be ~';;'~7~~ve ~!~'&7~1111 ~1';:1gt8;'0~~~~~~~•h opagd eKperlence. Non-smoker how to ~me a trained exper w/1ypln9 akllls of • or • Wlll1tte Ste, West ANT IQUES has just opened In Sen Clemente A fine essortmenl of ex- ceptional qu1111y anll· only Newport Center salee counselor Call 45.&owpm. LloenN pre-1.., .,1 lyplng & communication 5416-3733 2·5PM. 642 .. 321, EKI I e" e d Ca II M., Y , I ~ Sktlls Hrs 7 AM-3 30PM L.' -• •--rtfl~ 3413. EOE 631·1266 $$$$ S10 10 $25 hr Un· Call Arlene LeSor, .. ..., dercover Wear homa 644·9l t l Newport Center eel RUL EITAR SALIS REMEMBER OADI 1 parties 6415-77441 Estate Litigation Firm Need 2 exper people In with 1 l needs eKperlenced Legal commercial & lnduslrlal F11her's Day message S11es Pe11on, mature, Pl Seoy. Xlnt typing, dicta-real ealela for iuooellful 642-5678 lime. HB gill sriop. phone l shorthand a & growing llrm Beet Win 4 FREE TICKETS! ___ 9_6_3-_6_900 __ _ must Setary open working condition• In 10 •n AngetrGeme SALES SlCRETlllY /EXEC. ~~e~a~r=t~!~!:; Financial investment firm Coast. Dlstlncllve Amer· !or ed uc e1ors P8's/comm.dept. Mer• lean antique oak furnl· tery Excel typing and 1vre 11 our spee1ally. 412 6"0-6KO N e w P 0 r t B e • c h Dally Pilot 7141-648-5051 Clesellled eds PT/FT Own hrs. Train S/H required Executive ~908 E622~am01oo ~eel secretarial expr a musl • · pen ues- Uo'tl R.E. 11ao1n1Hn• Hll ••eftf II you're gd. wlllguree. ... organized, neat & de· Excellen1 opportunity tor pendeble we need you at 11Cperlenced. •ggrealve our front otc. order ~ resldenllal reeale person tor buay men's toiletries tor Newport Belen area. co. In Irvine. EKP req'd. Cell Mr. C1lhcar1. 10-key 1ouch. type hlt ... I aHttJ 50-60 S 1,000 confl). 780-68111 96&-9058 _Pk-'g_._5"_0_-0_7_3_7 ____ 1 llOllAIHO aEOEPT/leo~ Vehicle Mech. need«:I by Mature. personable per- Hunt. Bcf\. Clty SctloOI aon. full time. pleasant Dist. Exper, required. F11hlon Island office. S 1,260·S 1,569 per mo. Typing and lranscrlblfl9 dependi ng on ex per. re<fd. Back office medl· Apply. 204151 Cr1lmer eel exper deel reble you to bulld own busl· Jiron-smoker pref Call Sat 11·5 or by appl ness Call 645-~ 10 tor ADVERTISING eppt. s~~~o~:~RY . Hvy. 1y-Sat-:!~LJ~~~~9-20 Here'• 1 unique oppor· SlLESPERSOI ping EJCcell skills plus Free admisslo,, exhibit & tunity tor one who enjoya Fast growing compeny voracious reader req'd sales Huntington Center wortilng with the publk: seeks salesperson desl-No shorthand, non-smkr Mall 405 Frwy & Beach on the telephone end ring high earnings. Mu11 Reply In confidence to. Blvd, H.B. earning money at the be bright, hard working COLLINS ASSOCIATES Amer oak sideboard, same lime. and ambllious. N'o door 567 San Nleoles Dr" china Clo$el & eany e1ac Your 1uceeuful Hies to door sales. no eves or Npt Boll, CA 92680 stove 673-6423 exparlenc, wlll enable wknds. We provide trel· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ---------- you to become a !lay part nlng. Cell for eppt. Secretarial htlttH Ill 1t1wt. of our Cluamed Advet-htltl•lil•• Ill c.. beollftwt S.oret•ry s 125 8"6-0376 ~1~!~~t ~~~=n~ 11'/IH-1141 Heedquarters olc. otthe FRENCH Amolre, beveled all sales. I SALES RETAIL. Jolly Roger Restaurant mirror 78"x34", $4195 II you he'va sales ablllty, General parllclpallon. chain hes an opening for 675.0205 are 1 Mlf·S1arter end Ilk• wicker rettan furniture, an eKper'd Exec Seer•· _LA_R_G_E_S_o_hd-0-1k-Det--k- MONEV, -will lrllln you non-smkr, over 30, de-tary to Ille Vice President Excell cond In Claallfled procedures coratlng lncllnatlon help-of Opera1ton1. Pos. r•· 5400 Sales 675-0205 g 14I) 752-2747 ~~~~~~~~~~!FOUND, Fem. American ··=••, ,,.,, Spitz; wht. Fem, mix Shepherd: tan & wht Mature. loving pl<80ll for 1nf1ri1. Wkdy1 7:30 to 5:30. my home preferred. Refs. CdM. 780-0886 8YI nity Is open at SChweber Elactronlcs. 1 leedlng electronic dlstrlbut0<. for an lndlv. who Is self· motlv111d. ha• good cornmunleatlve aklll1 and one who paye attention Ln , H B 964-8888. Salary commensure1e with e1Cper and skills. For MEDICAL, F/llme, lront appl Eves and wkends ofc. po1111on. Mlsalon 640.5353 For en 1ppolnlment for lul 1200/wk & commls-quires axcell snorthand & Interview. pleaaa call our s 1 0 n H r s 1 0 • 6 typing lkllls & offe<s a Personnel Oap1. 11 839_7163. Call bel variety ol responslblh· LACE. Curlains. t02"1163 .. ea 7 pairs $125 N- 642-4321, Ext. 277. 10_12 lies. Prior reslluran1 IK· llAllE Ol&IT --~· ....------per would be a definite I, IOIO Viejo. Reefs. medical M----------cretarlal e>tper, Including HOIPTllllflT Banking 10 detall. Jr. College Fem, mlK Setter: Blk. ---------I S03S .....•.••.....•.••.... 675-0205 • 1.1.um11 ••rts ... c..111. Kittens to gd. home. Newport Beach Animel Shelter, 6<&'-3658 RWll education pref., but not ,.quired. P1eaM contac1 EKperlanctd. Pert time Ba<bara at. 556-3880 • ai ES 11-plus Lovely offices, ex-A•• , .. ,,. IAllY PILIT -L r~ cell benefit peckage .Tr.•••••••••••••••••• 33Co0 1W18. ~!,~'· IEEDED Apply In parson from AP~~~~~~ ~~~ICE. I n s u ra n c e b 1111 n g SAUi Plllltl 4195-1080 Needed fOt 1 new excl- Speclaltzlng In 111 & 2nd TD'a since 1949 Robt. Salller NH/CM R.E. erotter Bd :i:azs 642-2171 1 Lost. Callco/whlla kitty. Arch Beech, Laguna. Reward. CaU 497-3551 (20 hra wtl.), and IUll Ume 1---------- pos1tlon1. Huntington IEITAL &ISISTAIT Saving• & Loin. 6967 Dynamic, patient oclent· IEllCAL lllllnAIY ting Illness & t11hlon Npt. Bell. Some college center In Fashion Island. & medical bkgrd prel Contact Richard Ouelle1· ...,v.... s c I T v l 8:00AM to 4·00PM at An Equel Opply Emplyr 8~~':~t1n~b~ppllc:ll~~~ THE JOLLY ROGER. a:i,~11~econd64:.~77 c.OST Female Chocolatet~w~e~r~ner~,~H~.~B~. ~~~~I ad N.B p<actloe n.da Leb. Named Oaa. Vic. I: bright, motlveted. enlhu· All••Utl•••I•/ Beacon Bay, Please call BEAUTY SALON l~ted slastlc: team member .,, ... ,•-1 675-0068. REWARD nr Fashion Island has the ROA or compatible ex· Mus I 1 ype 'I 5wpm te Salon, 200 N8WPC>f1 759-1833 Center Or., N.B MODELS tor llngerle RECEPTIONIST·for pre· shop Over 18 pref'd sllglou1 salon. person 546~U Scenty Panty who enjoys people & cen handle busy phones. SALES OLHI for aales reprrienllllve INC ! Ma.lure woman pref'd. poslllon Related seles 1::1~:2 .?,1~~~e8~~~·1 I HY lPPLIAICES Apply 108 22nd SI, NB and /or educational Les 957-8133 background helpful Please con1ac1 Storer SECllETAllY Washer/Dryer S 125 eech el 83 t 32412 I Rel11gerator S225 [);Sfl-personn at • Highly qualtlled, sell· washers 100 646-58418 SECRETARIES wanled to motlvaled lndlv wllh ex· Motel Must be fashion con· CIESS I ,.., DJ followlng openings per , s a I a r y ope n J,nt' f•••' LOST: bleck mature M Qualllled halrstyllat, w/ 646-2481 •••••••••••••••••••••• cal. neut. & deolewed, followings pref. --------- Sales All•1••t1•Hll SJOO "Ernie", Nwpl Bell Pen. Quelllled manlcuriSI. IHlll IFFICl •••••••••••••••••••••• area. Weyne 8417-4788 0t Openings tor rental rm Femele jr size (7) me- Lel Go Of Ak:ohOllsml 675-5557 Reward. for masseuse or elec-dlum. Work In d11Jgn Don't let alcohOllsm pull l----------1 troylls. office of sportswear Im- llAJIJIElll (CPL) sclous. Richard Ouellette UIES HLTI up'd for 31 unit motel Salon. 200 Newport Spectahty geme slora l n D 1 n a Pt C a II: _een_t_e_r_Dr_._N_._B____ has 1mmed opening tor 493-1546 llEOIPTlllllT entry level, permanenl, work In law olllces Sa· cepllonal lyplng skills for Kenmore Washer & Dryer 1ary based upon exper . proless1on11 services/ E~cellent cond 11ton no 1ega1 exper necess, training dept Knowledge $150 Will Mii aepara1ely mull have maturity. of Mag Card II Newport 544-6488. 545·8304 good secretarlel & ottloe Beach area 6410-8950 Skllll, an ability to learn .. SEWING MACHINE OPE· w/traln. Start July 1, RATORS. Ex.per, quellly 1962. Call 667-8081 or minded, piece rates llll IOILrTRESS For plush office In N-· full·llme aelee posltlon I C I • 11 1 Geme knowledge & flair We are turnlnQ away por en er. ,.pp can 1 111 II h bu·•neas end need 1 ex -mu11 hi ve plea11n1 per-or H ng ne mere en· you to sell-destruouon. scR·M-LETS Those lnlerested pleue porter. Flt modeling, Let go & live a life of ft call manager lor Inter-quality control & cierlcal The Moorings. With • Katherina, Thure. or Fri. Upnghl lreez.ef. $200, 11lnl cond11lon. 646-5848 sobriety with the help ol ANSWERS Yllw at 640-6023 ' duties Wiii train. Call n1t1on1lly recognized Beeuly 1179-49<14. outp11len1 traalment Stymie· £xac:t Prestigious salon needs 1---------- "' 1 .•• h 1 111 dlse dealrable. Contac1 pr'd prof. nail a®lptress aona lty, .... t ront 0 ce Jenet Poland 645-5021. with 1 llllle lollowtng. Toe> 1ppeerance. Accurate 667-7111 Coste Mesa S-2-9652 STOVE. gas. apt size works good S75 546-41485 l)fogram, you never need Aback • Berker a11lstant tor colorlst. DOG Groomer. e11per 10 be hoapltallzed. miss BRACKET Wed-Sat. Richard Ouel· Corooa del Mer. time from worl<, or time Old man 10 crying wo· lelle Salon 200 Newp0tt ____ s_•_4-4_ooo ___ _ from your famlly. Mor-man:. "Now, now, dea~. Center Dr .. N.B. Miil • .,1, nlllg & aveolng programs don l cry. Wt aren t ----------! -available & 1n1urance poor. We're jusl In• zero RkJr/lfflet Ip. E811y AM shift. No exp. epprov.d. lax BRACKET." Newport Beach publlc nee. Ptlllme. Apply In Tl! llMIU•S Found: Chlld'• atroller. retallon• llrm Maks d• person: Dtpplty Donull, 1653 E. Uncoln, Orange 15th & Olive. HB, eall to pendable lndlYldu11 to 18541 Newport Blvd. C.M. 4" .. 7 L Beach Bl d Identify. 960-9676 monitor basic l>OOkk-l..t.. • It I I comm or guer 111ary 1yplng al 55 wpm. No Sales. Delivery aales per- plus addlt bonua prog· shorthand. Cell Evalle at son. $50to$100 per dey ram Education avalle--;641;4;·;2;50;7;.;;;;;;;;;;;.j Cisll ble. • 730.91t1 alt 10•30 Sampson & Delilah T ........... ----------1 South Coa1t Pleza 0 ..,_... VolK meuage Sales SECRETARY · PIT Accurate typing 50 wpm + ability to trenscrlbe Gou<I w/people, lo run one person church of· lice. C.M. 548-2237 Ask lor Glorlll 546-7186 ti.fore the Fra10lllH Sales reeding pobllc, s100.ooo per yeer eel-SECllETUY/nPllT • •• •irs uHS ~lot lbe< comm. With pleasant personall1y -.. '' , for plush olflce In New- TAN WHILE YOU EARN ... RMOrt Intervals IS now hiring for public rel11· !Ions Call· LIQUIDATION SALE ~ ong v " ping naada. Payable•. 11•'"• •• " IS Loog Beach FOUND: Male Cocker recelvebles and dallll Cless to train school bus Dell 1·I00-422·llll Span .. vie. Warner & }OUmals. Mv.1 have prlol' drlvere now being for- Conv • long term care Claaeltled. 842·&178 To eell manulacturlng porl Center Accur11e exp. req'd. Excell wor· ---------•! p1ck1ge Jn your Area typing al 65-70 wpm, Mark 531-2401 king conds & benefl11 Comm S2500 per sate word proceselng exp•· se111no all appliances 11 cosi Washers. dryere, relrlgerators. dish· washers. ranges. blln ovens & cook tops & hOO<IS ..... "' Grallam. HS. S<I0-8382 expar and be able to med. If Interested. apply· k 1111 Hunt. Bch. City Sehl. F/llme, 7-3:30 3· t 1 30 A 1w1 y s a s a I e I n Send resucne to PO Sox rlence helpful. but not After 2PI 71<1-642·80414 or apply In classllled·read the ada 6201, Legun1 Niguel, Ca. necenery . No ahor· 1~~~~~~~~~~! •• ,. •. , ,,,11 .... 111'H8111 1310 ¥L0 ' w our ac:coun· Dtst., 20451 Cralmer Ln .. • • • •• • •••. •• •• •• • ••• •• tents. S 1.000 per mo to etert. Rel pref'd HB. 536-7519. Appllca· flTlll'l lln person: 4166 Flagshlp every day &42-6678 92677 1h1nd Evalle. 644-2507 1: Rd., NB •-;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._ _____________ """"'....,;. ___________ -. TOPLESS MODELS $75 DAV • PAID DAILY no exp • nee • 826-2583 11u , .. .,, c.1. 141-1112 with a epeclal message In the Dally Piiot Let Dad -hi• name In prim on June 20th. II you piece 1 greeting for Dad you wtll bl aUglble for the dre· wl11g of 4 FUI TIOlnl 10 an Milli IAIUA& L 1&111 Cell 8"2·5878 and place your m1111ge now for only S5.00 Vlaa/M11tercard. Guaran· teed If you quality? Fl· nanclng avaJI Clear er• dlt protlll. 71<II8" 1-0565 Lilda & Vicki's PllTt ... U EIGllTl/IAMIH OUTCALL 24 HRS. 811-0201 714-720-0941 Ilona 1ccept1d thru 6123/62 IUT IUOTllOIAI NURSES Aldea. Full llme, HIUU STllllT 7 to 3 & 3 10 11. Apply: Must be experienced. S~lm tic with handl· Hunt. Bch. Conv. Hospt .. Want permanent em· -• ,,....... 928 w l7th St capped girt. Light duties, 8417 -3615. Pre-Cert-. P•v1-· · own trans. Nonl{llokar. cl11aes are olflled. C.M. Min. 34 hrs/wk. Off Fri. & l---,ll-T_TI_l _E ___ I lllllEIP!lt Set. 6"0·5335 N.B. E.ves and/or weellende. Part time, retell atore. llS ITATIOI UPllf Responsible adulls. over * * * a I p , a I r • P a Y r O II 2 t 11.. I t di g I l" ti , I 8"5-0792 Earn $10.$12 per hr. pl . w "ou s an n , • • II I If If time. 9-48-5781 Wlllle tractive parsonalltles lo Open 24 hre a dey work with youth (lgH 7dayeaweek IAIJ&lllU llllUI. lfFllE 10-14). Call 2-5PM , Jacuul, Sauna. Loe111 College atudenll. Full Temporery help needed 6412-4321, Ext. 3413. EOE •• well •• tour11t1. time poa. tor 1he sum-10 convert lllel to micro--n -IL BankAmet"k:ard, Muter mer. Need aggreulve lllm. Could leed to pet· '"" ..,., .. Charge, American E11· Plf.On to gather lnfor· m1n1nt poaltlon. Call: IPIUTll pr111, Oln1r1. All w•I· mat I 0 n 1 n orang• Jim. 549-890!il Orn1men111 Plant axper. .. ..., U. Siii come 71<116•5·3"33. County. Bullneea-ttlre a required. Wiii train tor ··~••••••••••••••••• 2112 Hart>« 81. CM car 1 muat, ConlAICl..•Lolt Hardware dertl. lllpetlen· realdentlel/ lnelu11rlal. HappNy w•lrt~~y JO~_v Fr...w.oa wrtter looldng GRUBB' ELLIS cad. s..(21~=329 Agrlc. PHI control. ~I • • ..,... you ,..,... tor peraon 1n1.,.t9CI In 833-2900 ,... S 9 5 O • S 1 , 2 5 0 m o . Mom Ric* Annette room, t>oard. end ta19tyl~~~~~~~~~IHOU8EKEEPER·famlly OA&-74141 • • In exchange tot aotnpe· .. llll lootllng for ~n•lble 1.-1 f ,.... dM n.lonelllc> and llof'lt l'IOU· mature llva•out houM· PlllfEllflllLI :r:: ••••••••••••• :=T telleeplno. ldMf fOt COi• PROVIDERS/Your Home katl)lr. Some rte youth 11g1 or Hll•tmploytd IMnl. Earn money. •1~ chlld cere. Ml1•t 111111 Sll .... /YUI f(Ull ADS ME FREE Cal: 141.-11. career woman. PhC>nt at home. Care for your own car l knowledge of CAUBEA ONI. y Edmund In Laguna c:l\Udren & vltltlng cllll• hHlth food gourmet Ellperlence ,.qui'" In l!leact1It494-CM29. cWn. 8a pet1 of 1 P'~ coo'lllng, Non-tmkr. fWt AiAL ESTATE, T!A· fetllen•I Chlld owe net· req. 1113·91ta. • Your car Aet'actt Y<N w orlC, th art In the CHINO, SALES OR MA· CU.tom Wu & o.tetl knowi.dgt Of '" ••t•· -NAOEMENT. AMI.• Tony 0'7-8241 bllttlld & raapectld-'Y Pit., 11,aoo p1ue1mo. ~:::~:dw:ofo~:v~n n1~~ ,rofu1lonal Mtn H ~ pr09ram. C.tl Qwn bOU. mkt. mgml. r* & WOl.lld 111(1 to bl • ateks rtapontllble et-Ohlld'.t WOt'lcl CNldrtn'• Lv. numblf. l'M711 ~ammad for, new ttectl\11 youne WOfftln to c.nts. ll~...atM. -..-..-. Apc>t. only. Cell at\are waterfront eltett, • IUllrnNT FOS llat op1nl11g1 1or !ilAM·Noon, Mr. 1(1lly, ... pool, boat, •tc. ln ••· Permentnt 1\111 time, Mon 1xp'd, lndMdllM to ..,. 830-49"5 ctiano• tor tom• llgllt ttwv '"· e to 11, ofc 9ICPf ......._ ___. Uni eoote. --------~ ~ Hlllf ... hOuNkMC>lnt. occatloo r XI b fl ...... .....,...,._ AEM!M.8ER DA.DI 1-10. a-mo. okl ,_,,.. nel balb~1tt1na. 8tl•l'Y pr•· "L,,'"e~ .!!; Mutt h•v• gd. oral & Wfttl• l old•n oolor Coclcer ~· o.. "40-1ne. ~dYI Clll .,_-1 14 -written communtoatton Fttlitfe Dey fMMIOI P•.,19', •n•••re co _., '"' ~ lt!IML lelll'Y COfM"M*to 14a.ee1e c. n d I . c. II LUC)' ,.,.,., "" COMPANION AIO. Do 10" rel• .,.,.., ' ~· Win 4 "'H TICKmt lo40-4'33. ...................... rieeq to ~t Pd. oo. ~ AdtMn-o.lfY Pltot ---------WMtlm AlrllN TlclCet. 8oci lea? 1 Mid ..::. cement pottnll~I· 'or Olaulfled Adi hylnt •flit Ml=•t a ~·;".:, ~~~ := help. M•I• or remelt, •~P t., cell: Pa~111, ,.Uaf!Mll • t to '*"* _...• 1 room, board & hlery _ iallL ~ hetftt With a n•t ..... IH te .. , 1 ' ""'' Ma-U7t tlef, 10MI, lift, lat:L I 11•fl'i• W1TII I ~ c:t-JnedM ..,._ ....-n,. -W kit ltlfN 142-M71 8pn\. _ o.IV "9ot ate1•1d Ailf, ~ t1trxa~. WANTED ~ ~~ ,r~ ~ :~ ( t __ .....;ct_:>_>_~} ) f ) .....,_ .... l>_.,.. "( <:o:> ) \ - .. f Newspaper~: ... ~ ~ \ Carriers tor ro;.es in Huntington Beoc~, Foun~ain Valley & Newport Beach CAll. - I~ Tr1Y1I &s11tt/lx,. Looking tor gr'911tr security tor you & your cllentele? Wanl more oppt'y 10 e•lend your protesslonal quehflcation -Our agency believes expansion Is the cure for receslllon. Call Frances. 752-0667 to elevate your ca rear TRAVEL Agen1. exper'd Min 2 yrs. Sabre agency E11tcullve Trevel Sarv , INlne 833-9408 Ward's Gas Dryer 41 mo S200 Lee's Dln~111 Mt S 100. walnut coffee & 2 end 1bles $175 or best oller 96"·9375 Jell or Cherie REFRIGE.RA TOR, Frsl/ free Worlea well S95 64141-7129 Seara Coldspot 17 cu F1ost1ess, exceptlonally clean $350 5414-5138 lfFlllWTll Good Working Condition S80/0BO. 6"5·2971 Warehouse peraon $50 to S100 per day Call 15 cu ft upright Fr- 730-9111 eft 10:30 Admlrel xlnt cond 10 yr1 old s 100 551-8099 •fl .... "" 6PM . •..••...••...•........ Refrigerator. grMnlwM• 1 .... Mf $160. Good worklnll HTID'l llY cond. 873-64123. with I~ meeuge In Electric: Searl Dryer, l\M lhl Delly Pffot. LAI l>ad 1uer1nt••· Xlnt cond. '" hit n•tne· in prtnl on 100. &a2·3027 June 20th. It you pltc• • Refrlgtrator Ihle new. 2 grtellng for Dad you wtll F f I •5 bl ellglblt for the drl· door. '011 r" lu · wtnq of 803·9080 • n111111m R•ttlOlr•tOf s11s. w..,,... to an t Dryer S 125 Md\. >On1 -.. eond. 831.o917. l&lllALL U91 QOU8LE Oven, llee. Uke c.ii 642·5818 and piece ,,.,, ~Ing. 171. your m"MOI now '°' _Mt-__ 73_2_7 _____ _ onty '6.00 PhllCo Ford FrotlftH • •Good Ema .. s.,,, Tripi· ....... ,., ... • CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT •-...;:;~----~ ... ~ 11c:u ft refrlg.lfraenf. 1, ..i ~••••••••••••• l)r~ mt OOf!d, tt7S. eeo.N75 or tn-5SN ~·~:' -_----. .... 94M121 c:~---c; . - ' .. "UILIC l'U"NITUAI *AUCTION* '"" Prl41r l1H,. NIOe new a uHd bClrm Miii, nlc.e IMng rrn dining rm .. II, hld•l·bed, 1018 & lo,,...at, relrlgertlOr PLUS LOTS MOAE. SAVI SAVI SAYE Wt honor Bo lA, MC, 0 1 1hler'• Chec k• & Cuh. NO PfRSONM. CHICKS PLEASE! Food I Vlfll ble. Item• I UbJltCI to prn•le. lldTIH HOTIH 207&~ Ntwport Blvd CM 833-9126 148·11688 Orano• Cout OAH.Y PILOT/Friday. June 19, 1ee2 11/J'H /l/Hd ...••................. HMQDILIH SALE AppllancH, lurn , bod•. tool1. clothing. 11v11ry· thing goet Set 9·5 3 fO S1pphlre. ..,._;. __________ ,... __________ ~~~ ...... ~~~--~~--~~~--~-----t------------ !'! ! . f! Jl~~.~~! ... ~f "c.~L ..., IPA'lt.ff¥....... • •=I 1111 Trl!e. .......... 11.ff •••••!!111•11111!!!!1!1•!!1'!1•••••-•• .. m.r.1•ni1 ... ~":l n · eter J trW. IWIOO or •••••••••••••••••••••• "'5 Cl\tll ~ lttclluc», OOod ft'a. 11Mfr Mom1 lu• C& ltownlng oltw, Gooct oond. '1t 6\IWkl 1160I, OOoC1 1n., eno1n9, 2 tat 1ank1 Tub• ••• with hHltr, 53Mtot....... oond MUii NII 12IOO W.2141 111'1 lllm oomm•ncll• 111tron1ce. 96_. t•u ... ao tH.0430 77 • d ,2..,,. ~ ........ 1 ... ~ M d I (.1 •loo 000) 1ntenna wire 1460 11111.. -· • rOf ""' ........... .. Utt r~ u nvPnlory ·• ' 111 oao MUST H LL N-pelnt, Nd4* & i.-#1111••n,1'11/ •Pd mlMlll '''"'· AM/ Imm dhil ·ly1 11 pc. 1ore wdrlve r H l 221& canyon 0t , c M b<*d te2-toll l••l'llll•• lllO FM 13950. M2·600e $3.88, 4·W 'I hw\d lt\Jck $19.93, 030 w a\\ ~ r11n1.;;;;";;;'i0 ltlLANOIA 37 NI Ill ····;'············~···· '71 luv. 4 'Pd •• ~. 41. 125 c:u ft pr ogl"Nl'lmublt• M icrowave 1rentlt101 11 oend rcvr )(lnlllnltlClngH9.~ l• YH .. H 000 ml, 11 1n1 con d ov n $3 la 25 rv• ..,., •• diwc llOCkct 1et 1n~1 wHth4tt Liie• ne w Pr1v111 oany 499-4920 Xtnt cond, 49,000 ml J2160lbtt Off tn.04.0 c "• ~ lt811 175.9057 lotd.cl $2UOOI08 0 $14.95. 6 pc cutll•ry IM'\ $7 9~. l l pc. 1874 Erlo1on 11oop w/ 431-27271541-3"3 1972 Toy0tt PICIC uif:t New W'-l" C'Ofllblnatio n W rt'nd t Mtl $12.50, H,~:n~;b~~. ::.~P• 11~:,;: :;~n o'o ~I~~ r"~~11 '748ull111 24' Ctu1 A, lull ~~::"~ble ut y ve- d lglwl watch/pen $5.9~. AU lll'W, all cue sourid RH .. rch 2 13/01-111100. 101 equip, new eng & tire• 176-<M!Oe Cu llv wurranl.4-d. lOO's more Items!!! 110Hker11500 541-40211 676-41121 172aoio1ter 144-0712 ·111 Ford FI OO 2,,., ton • 1110 Mtwper1 II., 0,1. IHI• I ll1tlH ·1 1 Fncke, l>Hutlful crul· ft•llfl!t. lltlll'f. lllOI Bobtail, 390 CID lf'lglne (l11t •• Itta T1t11trt) l••I •••t M r. cu•tom bll. d•• •ng. ;~;;;·~.~;~s"8·~4~x;·,~ :~~~0~~7,:,ru~~~~i~h·o 1,1·2•44 tr1 l llJt .... ~ .. ~.............. tote of •tru. Mualt '"to 1,.11,, Locklrtn rear e•t 132 or •111 .3•..,.. 11--.. a I IOJO 11pprec. 'iPPtl ••d II • ~ " VYV ----.!~.'.~'.••••••••••••••• 138.000. Dt•Pfrllt to doo,.. Toralon aprlnoe l•r 5 pm INTEAARMS MK )( TllMll REMEMBER OAOI .. 11. $28,000/bHt otr. a.11lt Wtttt l~hl conal t9_7_8_0_M_C_h_vy_P_U-,-,"1-t-o-n, f!!!~.!!!! .•...•..... ~!l. .. ~~.~/1.8.~C...... Prole111onally Cu11om1 Nwpl Bell ttnntt c1uo . with 1 1<45·2511 or 073-9301 ~~"•'-~:;f-0~ 4°~48:~4 xlnt cond. F" d " I s I 3 FAMlt. y SALE. new " Built Rllle. HHVY Barrel tum memberthlp. $700 f"ftther I Dey menage u~. ,... llS~ tor SteVlil SS 100. 553-0325 11ft I llf I I l/Hd lurn & mlac i ntt 22·250 w1111 A11dfleld l 1nc1 tran1 IH 044-281111 042·118711 • ,. , --------- FRllSAT 8.30 to 4pm ~tCI• 511 9.5 24022 3K·OX Scope. Coit St. w1n4FREE TICKETSt Trlr, cover S900 ALLSTEELClx8TRtR Chevy truck '79 1800 Honda blk ... furn, ariow La HerriioH Laguna NI· 100 Sec 1700 1"1rm Jell N11w Oullldt hanging light 10 1n Angele Qame 760..030 I Hvy duty urea + aper•. mllt e, lumber rack, AIC, ski,, 1011 more gre11 gu•I (nr cr'own V•ll•y I 842·1570, 551-0460 ~;~·1~P90111~1~r. bf'" Dally Pilot II OIL 2I good con0. $450 or t>eet S5200 548-0108 lltlng• 258 Sherwood St Pk) "raWOOI .... _ .. .,1-1 d ,. 0 w1 ° .. ,.e o)r CIHlllied Adi 2 0 offer 4114·26g5 75 Ford F lOO '1"1 Pick•"'. iur &II• --..-I a c o u n P r c • enou , I Jib, 1 spin· ----A d C1roa. i1/ lt11 ES 1 ATE / 0 A RAGE NtrtMll lllti 8 to 20' long, 36¢ per rt 494·21195 ••ti, ll1tl.. ntker Honda outboard A•I• $1rrit1, P11t1 S ~~··~::'6 ·~;~.5~ •••••••••lil••••••I••••• SALE.Sat & Sun ••••'°••••••••••••••••• 1 775 t•9t enytlmv KINGSIZE Comloner. 3 L•l••l•I 1030 Standard VHF radio. I Attlllll/11 1400 . . llttt/11 IOZO D••t I H h t 9AM 5PM 1850 S • THE GREAT AFFAIR-LOVE IAlLOltl sets matehlng lllHll & ••• -;i.~•••••••••••••• New ngglng. $9,850 or •••••••••••••••••••••• 74 Ford Courier Pick Up ••••••••••••••••••••·• 1 Evetyll\lng goes Sil-Sun Pl c" M (Nr Mesa v'e':':~ 011t1-Treeaures & Gour-cases s 150 9118-7327 TIPltllR ... ,. bell Oller Call Amy et LITE BODY WORK & w/c11mp1r •hell, oood Schwinn 20' Stingray 9·2 9113 S1ndcest1e D E t' H 1 1 1 met lood Rummage Sate 30 Hellum 81110111 Sr 10 130 073•8090 213-434-3401 I paint/up to 50'1• oll your cond yellow $149 9 S25 r as r ouee u 0 & Bou11que to support Oehveted +card. Perteet 7' SAIUllR · 1 . . bOdy lhop •t 536-9832 754-1428 642-5107 Biby Items. furniture, ski turn incl bdrm set, hlell· The N11wport Shore• I lor every occ111on Allant11 loul weather geer. 2 7 CAT A ll NA 8 0 ..,---·------- equip Other misc Items •·bed, recllntng ch rs, bar I Swim Team 5 t 1 Ct1nal Beaulllul lor brides & S t50 875·0205 JI Clo.et & p1n11. ll M. Brletol lnbrd TV, stereo, FINE SHINE AUTO 62 FORD Unlbody, mags, 16 lpd cusrom touring All 4 15' 't Heliotrope Sat 9.4 stools. aol11. maple ruin Newport BHch Follow great lor qraduallon & large capacity WHher S90 8J3-8091 VHF, allp. $22,700/ bat DETAILING Gua1 11re1 71 drlvetreln STSO European on Monell• 24' Garage S1i. (rlilmodettng) li1tc11en tbl & chrs, hutch S1gns.PCH 11 Orange or Father·a Day 673-4419 $100 Console llereo ' olr. 7141894-7984 FrM PUtdet 642-5449 l1rm 546-0233 frame Aa new S8SO Elec r en ge, vacuum redwood lbl & benchu Prospect $11 June t9 C1111 eves 548 8258 221t &•OllOll Sll RANGER 26' Xlnt cone1 All Chevy truck parts ·~ 1173"'°851 cleaner Cocktell table washer, Hoover vacuum llAM·3PM COIN COLLE(;TION 1173-8090 Npt M oorinn a vail Beach Cruiser wllh lront Bath room vantty IHs end Ibis, & t..itchen uton-Westcllfl Capri multi BASEBALL CARDS · ~ .......... _ 8 FT DINGHY 548-7992 eves. 1ran1m1uton lrom Sl65 G clearier misc lamps & PAPER MONEY ftli'ltl'l• .. ...,.1 I • ton to d l e1et Rblt bflke ~;;3.~~~~ ~~~';!~1.1e;5 1~o~a~a~l sns. pots & pens. e1is11es. lam1ly c1rport sale S111 STAMPS Todd S36-9832 ••• .Y!.".~'!. ••••••• !.~!! S~a1r!· locks, good9•3con2"~"' 44• Beaut. SwedJsh sloop & up 554• 1850 the householo ttems ' etc Cash & carr 9.AM·4PM 1700 block 3 5 Briggs & Stratton V0f"· uSEO C.ARPETING In " v • ... u. $29,600. 714-552-3701 Porsche Steer1ng Wheel. Boys' bike. Sliver. 20" N1-etc' 305 Orch1C1 Ave (1~' WeStcllll Or In alley llcal shalt reblt eng $4~ good cond Neutral or t3 C11l11gar11 INFLATA·' or 714-821-1503 stocli 79 91 ISC S 100 ~~~~·9;~~:4~g~~lle575 alleyl Fri and Sat. June Yard Sale, Sat 7 30·5PM, Garage Sale crib car or oller 642-4764 earthlOJle shedes accep-BLE B RANO NEW Racing Sabol Very last. 631-0363 SCHWINN Boy's Stingray 20", red. Gd cond. $50 1142-3353 Boy·a 10 speed Hufty Bike. Used twice Sell for I seo. 645-5210 l1/lii•1 •• ,,,,,,, 8025 •••••...••••.......... llOW 31c/FT. 18th and 19th. 9 AM to 5 stereo elec broom. $10 seat. Cllllk. tabla, bird & ---C 0 S table Reas price please S 1 3 0 0 V ·bottom Pump. Ullman Sall. Good vw engine 40 HP New PM & misc Prlceo 10 sell out animal cages. smdll truck ~0ARM;H <;_~Li~ 16.:'v E Nd approx 550 aq It 875-2742 alt 4PM. 1 cond. S650. 548-3529 I not rebuilt Mutt see Corti ftl11• 970 W 17th, CM No B whls & llret, cop111r COOPER 894-9507 645-1771 Iv mag l lOHP Albin 2 cyl marine S ABOT, 2x's National $800 968-7327 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sears tool chest, frig • games & much more --WANTED Zeigler F11c1111 tnbolfd $400 Champ O'Henry i1lnt lights. etc FntSun 2302 900 Wes1c1111 Or S at I New work uench w/huavy Exerciser Cali alt 5 30 J 552-7T55 I cond. s.425. 963-5272 iAotor /11 S•/1 SWAP MEET Colllmbla Dr c M 9.4 duty eKtens1on hardware, 646·8005 •••••••••••••••••••••• ----can be u~ed as sewing 80' 318" Proof coll anchor S t 121 IMPORT ANT NOTICE Every Sunday, 8em-3pm MOVING SALE Must sell Boy Scout Gar ago Sale t a b I e S 2 5 0 0 B 0 0/Jitl f111aitat1 I choln S2 pr II. II Ill TO READERS ANO Orange Coast College Everythtngt Antique to Indian Springs bet 22nd I 760·8512 fl' I t 1015 675·4961 Beautllul shape, 71;, HP ADVERTISERS Fairview & Arlington Junk, huge collecuon• & 23rd oll Irvine Av Sat, •ia :f••• Honda. Extras. $13,900 The prlct1 01 Items ad· Coale Mesa AC1m1ss1on 30 6 5 Loren Lo CM 6119,only84 1Soild oak s1a1rway. ready 9·~0;~ d~~~;·&·;;,i::i IHt1,Pow11 1040 must sell 536·1952. verllsed by vehicle deo- ltee to buyers Seller 979-5027 SUPER GARAGE SALE • to Install, perfect !or 9 chairs, Country French ••••• •••••••••••••••• 547•7623 ters 111 the vehicle c1aas1- Reservat1onsllnlo D . Many items, hvy duty 1011 or g1;~r~ay $500 Design. new cost $1800. HATE 27' VEGA dsl. stoop Npt. lied advertising columns ---------1 Super Sale antiques. bike, tools ol all kln<ts M'Lane 20" tront throw I 833-8600 ask for Dawn OUTDRIY1:S? 548-5556 applicable taxes. flcen&e. 62 FORD Longbed, wl cmpr enell. reblt I cyl, reblt 3 •Pd trena Cln s 1,200 546-8233 v... 1510 ················•····· 11 FORD VAN CONVER· SION •MIST SELL* Summer Time le Herel Complete with 4 Cap- tains chalra. cual Int with 1n11ulatlon, bay winds cust. whls • more to see Four other mod- elS a1ao < tL61504J Just need reliable party to ma~e small monthly pmts. No old conrracll to assume No back pmts due Ask for Rose 842-4400. 556-1008 Proto LIM Redwood 2x6 decking, 4-20' long; also redwood fencing. Call Jim or Ken anytime. 775-149"1. Cl11r redwood shelving lll 12" various lengtna Sl.00 11 Call 551·8099 111 6PM 556-5880 • .'.".~l~!~! .•......... wo rli t>ench. exercise OBO 76 • t Sacrll1ce at $550 Cell' .-, I slip Sac $13.950 PP does not Include any Garage Sale • Lots of carpel loom, kitchen-clay pots, plants, clothes, reel mower & catcher SAVIN . 750 .. copy mach. We have the perfect MOLIEI 20 tran~ter tees finance Goodies• Sat/Sun 10-4 ware bed old scale books heat tamp a very good S t 0 0 5900 Good cond bay & ski boa1 charges, lees !or air pol· 71 Chevy van V8 lorig 879 Arbor St (Nr 19th & clothes & more 33232 chllels 10 SPd bike 1230 548 8807 631•6666 I 1977 21 Correct Crall Fastest 20 looter around l ullon control device bed, new peint & eound Monrovia) C M Chr.~una Or Someri1e1 ln NB (off SLIDING WARDROBE __ lnboerd V8 Super racing record cerllltcettons or dealer 51500 646_8598 -H1g11111nd) Sat 9·4 Cash SCM Copier IBM type-110100 Main, 2 Jibs. spinnaker documentary prepara· --------- Brand new In carton. sin· g.le pc lowboy Amencari Stenderd commode $32 5 or best oiler 49 .. 2695 Garege Sale 386 E t9thl HaatiaflOa B~1d only DOORS SJO wnler cetculator toner 1 trlr Our demo boat Re-t1on charges unless 'll DOllE YAM ST CM Sat 9·2 Clo-••••••• •••••••••••••• 496-4036 & paper Xlnt No reas •EWPORT PAOIFIC Cluced to S9.SOO Belmar. otherwise specilteel by very del*\dable $3750 tiles toys books All baby items clothes LIDO ISLE 8 am Sat only 'New Consew upholstery otter retused 549 9492 2200 W Coast Hwy dlr 675-3282 the 11dver11se1 642-3914 ~1111 Home Day Carel carpet lots more SAT 104 Via Paiermo Come m.acn1ne $600 all 7pm & wknds 1•5·ill0 LIDO l • 0 10-4 16801 Lealwooel early1 7,.,.. .. 4 -t1'1011/ A I W. 1-~ •5-11ems tiler household & C Oii B h/T IN I 498·4 "" eves .-LEC TYPEWRITER Trailer, COve<'. $900 IUI • II la .. J JV garage misc Sat (June ' eac erry 0 "' 760 0301 Cl111it1 1520 • • •• • •• • •• • • • ••••• • • •• 191n, 9 4 207 Santa warner Siat• Aal Ctilhic fH Portable good cond BOSTON WHALER 1~·~ • ••••• M •• 0 • 1 .E•L••,•,·A·,,·,·,····· WE PAY ' ----...,-----~•••••••••••••••••••••• $75 768-7633 Like new 70hp Trtr Beeutllul gold bathroom Isabel Costa Mesa GARAGE SALE MOVING 3aragl' sale 1 day onty BRASS Neve• used 4 Sabol. Phoenix, rac1n9 faucet, new, $200 II of Household uems. toys, Sal June l9th 9.3 Must tulip lights Cost $230 Sw1ve1 base oll1ce chair s59oo 640·4 196 rigging. new Ulman sell Shey replicas pickups & TOP DOLUR wholesale or e11scoun1 QARJliE SALE~Sat 1·4. motorcyCles Fri Sat sell all Items Great bar· I ~ac S100 552-07~ $19 Call Ever11ngs 77 MAKO 23 Inboard $650 (714) 840·5530 coupes 4 to choose price). 494-5695 _ 2320 Elden.C M 1 Sun 9am 19561 Rode· gains Oual11y items MOSES pamung Al'nele· 549-3037 Center console. tut. I SJ"'-from• (0087861 (Stk FOR USED CARS 13 FAMILY S ALE SAT rick Lane.HS Magnolia 41 0 1 So Main St red 1n sta111 glass mo-,p 1 BOil! sore llshlng & harbor Hll, •rl A3093) Prices11ar11ng11 AW 1111111 C•1111 I 9AM 2291265 & 269 & Yorio.town (Corner Sunllower 8 sa1cs S3 000 OBO .!.! .........•..•..... c ru1s1n g S 10,000 1 •• ~~! ...•..... !f'.~~ D•LY 11,IHI POITIJO/llllll !!J•!f•tol 8030 Slerks CM Color TV I l • Main) Contemporary Aulhenclty lurn·d Alt 6 French lop Rabbit. yng. 5•8-2560 , 2480 Harbor Blvd •••• • •••••••••••••• houseplants Crystal .~!~I!! ................ oak a1n1ng rm set. Sp1ne1 Call 641· 1829 Shown byl pedigreed. personality+. 'l& UYLIH" 22' I Side Tie COSTA MESA SL:,o~~~ ~:o~Tlele· _rree~tq col tbl I College Park sore love-g~~~~· d~;:s~~~~thb~~ Bpp1 only $15 962·3940 Sips 6. immac cond , To 18 11 Marcus Channel HI-UDO photo, 3X teleconv . 240 SherwoOCI Pt Alt 2 seet •a~p~ a3c:_~es~ ror. sleeper sora ap Remote control plane and I Ler ge-st rong hutch & w/lraller, new Int & co-S 125. 673-8145 eves. l•l· 1•1l flesh. tilters. S2 t0 P111 Fri. Sat 9.3 Antq bed ~~~5•3~~;cRea'~ood.St at pliances. housewares. Cdts All equipment in- 1 Lop-earreel pedigreed v er S I 2. 9 00 11 rm I Slips avail up to 35 fl. perly. 673-8096 household furn etc earthenware, Rya rugs . eluded Navar been rabbit ~35 540-1459 851-9609 1 COM Area. $9/lt. Call WE BUY Minolta Weathermallc + water viewer. $50 673-8096 SAT & Sun. 2030 Paloma PATIO SALE Reing. S65 1t91111ng .''~lures. books, ~~~~,~~~·5buill Inquire COCKATIEL bird with 35' Paolfit llHffl SF Peggy Pattison (7 141 CLEAll CARS lg g smell Items. baby arm chair $35 G Full size children s games. toys. ____ I tage $55 Very lame Encl'd ma· staterm 2 I 955-2473 wkda 8·5 AllD TRUCIS things llxtures. etc. bed, comp $50. stereo & enlarger, clothing. TV. Collier Beby Stroller 1tke 557-8393 l>alt system& 2 AOF'. 2 '52 MITI Ra,lloa misc 80 WlnC11ammer Misc Items 559·0271 new $50 , VHF A/P Ptth trim 18' Power aoar + Beautiful show car Must Ni~~f;;'~~:~.32~1~~~: Gb~~?e~dS~L;h:~!~e~ Mo~b~~~f 85~ o6S753 be:w°c!n ~ !o & 8 30 ~M 966-6435 'ff~!'.O.'.!.q!f~!'!.!.~!f! tans. lull 'encl e1in1n1, I ~5~ ~~~'~rt ~~·:J:f s~'~t;~:os~:~ou~B~at verier. t!lpoel. II ash & sofas, pictures. 4 chrs. . on y. as carry on Y FIREPLACE ·RENTAL PIANOS· beaut cond $67,900. 1 · 0 er • • • tight meter Mint cond pure air machines, & lots Flsnlng gear boWllng, golf 8AU8E SALE Free standing. t>lacl< •Open pla11 $15 mo 675-0255 , WHf 51-10' SllJ with '5.4 PLYMOUTH PLAZA $400 or best ol!er ol goodies 2244 Raleigh, clubs, furn., l\Shld. lots ol 2010 W Can1ra1 San1e w1111 piptis new Cabin F • e Id s P I an o s 16' w--"eo Boat newlv It a W ftr Needs 1st gear RUNS c M Sat/Sun 9.4 goodies! Sal tSun 9-4 7 14-638-2771 """ · 1 I Ort •••tr • I • $300/otr 646-5724 or 5'48-5407 17921 Bascom Univ Pk Ana SattSun 9-5 Push pertect $250 t.31 1218 paint ed, needs lltlle laterosto4 II ltll eves 641•2875 COMM ELL CHEVRCUT .:10111.rt •• r H ,.i I I ~-f .\ \1 ~ '-\ SU-1200 o L y M p u s x A ( 2 I lllUT SW lawn mower. wet suit XinlCiii"ing tor Portollno p-;-&no. oak. small uprtgflt work. Included is trailer 1 "Pocilel" 35mm cemera. 8 Heritage, Sat 8-4 tires camper relflg, C11 Westinghse slove May· very hne cond 1n & ou1 gooo cond . battery Ilka tor• leuo. Call US· 1963 Ctaslic Auston Hea-•Ill NJO fully eutomallc, never Antiques. ~er ind bar Furn . dee. Items, aew nlng room table and 1 0 g d ,. w a 5 11 e 1 tuned h¥ stool can new, 20 HP Mere eng Uke I wt r & 4 # I l I 1 ley Mark Ill, $7,000 Can Top dollars for Sports been used s85 OBO stools. desk tables, mach , toys, Avon, etc 1chairs ti73_353, aehver $750 847-~72 new, starting cables & l•2-4iOO 2• ltrs J i m M on·Ffl (110 I) Cars. Bugs. Campers, 873-5782 misc Sat-Sun 19th. 20th /, I a. ----controls & other acces • 266-6890 9 t4's Audi's ~~:~ :s~a;2~~· &C~!!,~ .!/.~'!~ •• !.'.~.......... J.W. THnis Cllt--~';!~b~;;,,eup~:~:• 0~,:~j S 1400 as 1s 675-6491 SLIP WANTED • EXCHG •·1-9-5-4-P-o_r_s_c_h_e_3_5_6_S_C_ Ask for UIC MGR C.11 1035 port Returning to Hofland For Cl184illed Ad Regular Family mem-cabinet $495 847_7017 Lakol S•I leaf tor use ol magnificent 47' $ I0,000 Call Jim Mon-Jtl IUllll L:~::bi;"bia·c·k·/~hl;~·K;t: Must sell all personal ACTION bcrs111p tor sale Eves 1• 1 b 1 _ __,111 11111 er sailboat. 857-2894 Ffl (801) 266-6890 YOLISW•~EI You don't need a gun to belongings M ostly Call a 71 4 659-07t5 BUSH & Lane uprtght .. 1 erg ess ... ng -tens wt shots S 10 to 'draw teat" when you E G Delly Piiot p r ce t 1raller and 40 HP Evin· le.,.rt •erlH 49 BENTLf;V Mark Vt 18711 Beach Blvd. """"home 536-1921 uropean antiques a-Dts1'•ntr's c·tot-hes-iano magn1 ' n S9"0 c .. ~ piece an ad In the Dally· rage Sate Sat/Sun St 1 AD·VISOR • ~ound Xlnt cabnt rude fresh lie ., Slips aveil day, wk or mo blk/ yell Xl nt cond HUNTINGTON BEA H n.. 10,.0 Piiot Went Ads! Cell now e 1 um 0 n t 0 , c a Ir 642-5078 S11• 6 8 10 c!rf'sses bench $695 847•7017 Must sell this week-end 646...0551 $17 500 675-3909 1•2-2000 ':':7.~ ............... "!. 1642-5878 I 497-4724 er. u.~s .,1. ' ~W"il 492-5321 -----------. _________ _ P~l~~R~'r!:,~~·P~~;~ 1 • ~e~;, ~1 ~o:;e•:v,,e~i~r~~ ~!~~a.f.~ .. ~~!~!!!.~~~ '78 21•1t11 BAYLINER l wmAd~~l~~:l:r5 ~:i\;fo~: R1e;:;I:i:.'1 1530 ,:~ ·~i.-TIC pupa tor sale. 957·8589 Fo1a1ta11 1050 Fa1aito11 8050 F•raito11 8050 w•Jr n x1111 i.>rices Musi Sewing Machine Singer F d Npt. Bch Joe. 644-0502 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• ••••••••••• ••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• .. ...,.,, .... .L 130.. Portable Attachments ·victona . ty brl ge. GO KART w/ Dodge PU ll IRITISI c••s ' .. ~., -VHF rao10. bait tank. DOCK SPACE. 10 min to • • "" American Pit Bull, UKC I I IUY FURltlTURE RATIAll WICKER FURlt JENNY LINO Dreq~•·r - ---incl $50, 548-0378 . body 3HP BIS $250 AOBA, 2 mos old $150 changing tbl Wht l1~e 1 s111• I •I l')•t>PnJ Clark ---. ------deplhllnder. outriggers, N B. Jelly. 16' & 32 • 963· 5272· or trade 714·536·8956. J Les 957·5 t33 Parking lot sale best new $90 968 7327 woc1d (db1net to match S1,orllaf. Goods 8094 w/lraller. BEST OFFER av111. NOW. 673-6204 • Mlk prices in US A 11765 4 1 .22 $75 494-6458 • ••••• ••• • • •• ••••••• 648·2843 DOCK for 20· boet, New-'f Wilfl D1ir11 1550 e N:~ tufl·Slle mattress set Edinger . I blk W ol RECLINER chr IJlk t1•y '1 --R1ftes. 1 RugH mdt 77, 3 por1 B7aly4.$671250-7m41o4 •••J•E••E•P•·,l··,··,·,c·•l•U•P•••• rl-~-EW--~---~-nT~;;::i~ Chihuahuas AKC, male & I $ lgO ~i;_5~~;en size I Harbor 839-7239 ' vinyl w1ngba<.k Xln• St> 000 Full Family Mem-1 ~ I s & 2 · 3 s 2 Win-17 GALAXIE, l/O, econ K J. female lawn color S mo I 6 Cl k Cl 6 ' S75 968 71:?7 I bers111µ '" John Wayne ct1ester 9422 ~ 1 Mau~r V6 Only 100 hrs. $8.500 • WMHL lllYE M RT§ old 54S-0471 8 Naugahyde sleeper P~~n'otfroke:, sc~~11s IFor Snl~ Solld oak . 7-ller T1•r1<11s Club tor only , 270. 1 Py1non $350 675-0344 T11a1.art•ti111 \-,ton model, automalic -~ Wire Fox Terrier AKC pup couch. while. good conel PRICED RIGHT REPOS uni! w/smokeCI glass S900 714.821 1503 573·0~S~ •••••,.•••••••••••••••• trans & reedy' (5795) E:i! · · "~ Female. $300 s2oo 675 7812 549-8610 ~n!llve, record cah1ne1 Gold drapes Wtvalance 'Fresh w.1ter tac.kit-& 'lO 31' U11fflt1 C1•1ft11 S1l1 financing' j 3100 w coast Hwy (714)828-0224 8 L1v1ng Rm couch, brown ----.-, olli.lway w11t1ng CIPSk, 188 by 8 It Like new ' Penn reel Very reaso· Sportflaher 3 lO Crysler Rial flZO OMLY 141151 Newport Beach & go1e1 . $100 Good 4 pe Liv Rm Stl s1at1one1y e11c1wer 1m. s100 cal1 'i'l6·771'.l nabte Call960·5844 engines Fesll $33.500 •••••••••••••••••••••• 642•9405 Black Mele Mini Poodle 2'"' years, fully trained Must sell. S50. 556-2239 Early AM or late PM AKC Reg'd puppies SALE PRICED plus 15% off all merchandise w 1 thla ad Parker's Pets NB. 1140-0090 conel 675-7812 1 wk old Cost $600 sell macutdte. nea1ly new 40 01111r1g r;;-;o lite c11ande·1 Goll Clubs mens comp! 644-5983 ·75 Toyota. lllnt. n-eng. CMEYROLET '12 •U A;~b ~~~Cl coe1s~1s~~o bs~fi A:21~:u: 13~~~~~:2~:°1>10 ~~~3n• 6~1; i:i~'1~~ 1 :: ~~~ ~1~'% ';good meial ~:~~~~a;' 5~6-~~~9 1 111e I 1:~~ ;,~~:,l~~~.e5;.~o~~~ ~!~'%t628 tires. $ 2950 • WIUl HIVE $ 1501060 673-9609 chairs. New seat up 4pm - -I M•rror gold teat lram.;d tore d $ 7 0 0 Ca II ll1t11i1H l ikll 1140 llllllUll llESEL "It · I ed 11e1 Sofa hols te r1ng $650 8 Tall bookcase Soltd 411 ,.. 84 $125 call ff, R1dio, 84t-0475 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sllveredo moctel & toa· mu 1 co or pa I 544-5136 st ained wood M anvl -HiFi SttllO 80911 y·RA ER Foxl large. extra.power. ded' (6553) EZ ltnan. like new COnd -& d d r,35.7, 19 ••••••'/••••••••••••••• new COnel , 10 miles, $275 I $60 642-4861 Oen turn Sola brown ., sh_elves in goo con Bf AU ~UL 25 11CA , Br1stot. loaded many eK· or best. 644-0782 cing ---nyl qn sz h1Cle·il·bf'<'I A S .! 5 9 6 0 9 6 7 5 or Screen room f11V1Cler ilP· l .lor TV sale 2 yr wrnty tras S69.500 D•LY $11,1111 Sota cust om hoc matching oversize <r•111r 962-5355 pro1176 tall 4 M!t llons S•48 Free Clel1verv 213-592·4096 PUCH. like new. lully Int II fH 1045 brown Otloman wa1nu1 4 l>rn vinyl ctuti hr~• Ho11u ft1060 lolC11n9 S250. 548-0378 TV John's 646-1786 equip. $389 or make of-MOWARD Olttvrtltf •••••••••••••••••••••• base Ori~ s 180" w I 644-7701 •••••••••••••••••••••• SLIDllt" "USS DOOR I ---56 CENTURY 18' Hull a rer. 544-5136 Oove/Oulll Sts sac $300 m.i~ e o tr WESTER• SADDLE • • Two 26 rotor TVs xlnt eng 1n gel cond . no Free to good home. 2 yr 730-5861 Oak Vrctor•an McCanny S35 675-7554 cond take both $250 leak•. nd1 etoc work, In Motocane Moped NEWPORT BEACH old neut. M5ca01. de5cta· Cle,k cost $1695 sac w/starid S150 8•0-8777 Elton John Tickets 3 553·1544 evs 645-7194 water. slip 11vall tor aum· SISO As 15·5~._5136 833-0555 wed, loving 4 -701 Full size water betl ne.J $t350 645·1410 .,... Older male Cockapoo ter & ra11s I _ J1wtlr/. 1070 F'est1va1 seats lor June ~-_ mer $3500 Gr e g --------- 1 $60 obo 559.~4 71 tahan W1cke1 Tea Cart ••• ••• .. ••E• • •E•R•A• •L•O•S•• 19 4 Reserved seats tor I Philco s s console stereo 2 1 3 I 4 4 9 • 8 9 • 8 or '78 Motobecane Moped, '79 BRONCO 4x4 good disposition nels Like rew New $400 se•I Colombian M Sun June 20 Call ti 1 e / 2131357-3587 gd condition $300 OBO *MUST SELL* good hme w/older per King u v.aler bl!d lleatP.r 10, s 150 can 53t;.7719 Your c1101ce. on1y $20 r,i7c; 0712 w3;1:,,~h P c:s~ .'ec~r-79 Sea Swirl 17• v-e 979-8208 OeS«1 Time is He••' EJ.11 I IOf'I. Evs, 963-1 t72 & rails per stone' 640·8688 $85 559.5477 ISt1ll1>I brass table lamp 2 --New white wet1din1 ~own 1 Cle' : '" c ab OMC 110 , tr fr, 1uper '78 VESPA CIAO moped. model with cust Int · IW.111 OITIUHER ---montns old New $200. SELL 1Clle items with a never worn. s11,.. 9-10 1f.X24X 10 Very good sha r p mus I e e 11 . good condition. $200 or a.c., euto .. big Jack Min FREE. 642-2t50 WICkllt P.n t1que sofa sell 1or $100 536-7719 Daily Piiot Class111ed Al.I s100 631-5794 S•OO 548·8807 $6950/olr 644-4135. bell ofter. 97g.8208 whfflS/ tires (OK3573) 3 blk, 9 wk kittens. lree det Weened & Utter bo• lr'nd. 831-7365 white. ~Int cond canopy -----840-5500 ----------1 Just need reliable party style S4501bst 644 0782 Couch 8 It. xlnt cond I i&4tG SOLEX Moped. very good to meke small monthly Celery 9rn Loose cu· Prtce reduced on this 24' cond, lo mlles 1175. pmts No old contracla COUCH sh•on Si75, 640.7189 Bay/Ocean Trewler In 963-5272 to assume No back D., "REE .. ftD COltD -----mint cond Must be seen ----------1 pmts. due Ask tor Rose WlllTED! La1e model Toyotas, Volvos. Pickups & Vans. Call us tOCl•Y' Earle Ike TOYOTA·¥0UO ............. c.......... r> "'U._tl0lwHO·f01 WE llY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FREE UPUISAL COfmler-OeLlllo OllEYRILIT 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH Jn-IOU, t•t-1111 Free: "Suki", Poodle/ Terrier F, 2'11 yrs old epayed, llc'CI, shots Wkdya 548·220 I (Merle Moblln) " • "' • • 01lea walnut che9t 8 drwr BU 10 truly eppreclate Lots lllllltftlll/ 842•4400. 556· !008 140 OIO 531· 77&0 I plus 3 compartmf!nt s ol teak, many lnstru-StHllll 1150 Ptoto LI M SBO !>48·0378 menta & extrea. For •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 T~~~ds~~~a good conel• B 0-S--T 0 N ROCK IN(;' ~ more details call Lido '70 MDII& 1TllL '73 Toyota Land Cruiser For Vout Carl 84 7 -4963 I CHAIR PAINTED $35 I Y a c h t B ' o k e r • · $400 OBO 875-1428 Wagon, custom bucket JDM•SDI & SH Top Dollar Paid Free Klllens. M & F 6 wks. 646-7603 ----1 548-0376 675-0915 seats. AM/FM cassette. Three solid oak l'>tecut1ve - ---------'ll YA•W ITIO CB $2250 875-8335 LIHtll·ltrOIFJ cn,11rs S15 ea Custom made turn Sota, AN'I V)<,11.,, i.; •l Bl 23' lnbd. open fishermen. $300 549-0170 2626 Harbor Blvd 2 long haired kittens, lblkl 11P9ro11 12 wks. Free to gd home. 673-1707 847-4963 I overstuffed chair sofa C\H••i·. c.11,1,, l•ROU"ll; xlnt bayboat or dey fish· Ttotkl 1560 Costa Mesa 540-5630 ---table end tabtes Xlnt TOw.,-1 r AlltNG ArfErn10N10 er S 7500 0 8 0 KAWA •79, KZ400. Xtnt •••••••••••••••••••••• --------- Solid pecan w/glass col· cond Medit sty•e Call E SALES ! _6_4_5_-_1.-__ 10______ cond. Only 1200 ml OllEYRDLn '12 Ml Premium prloes lee & end tables/ mat 833-3600 or 640 86 t4 PlllC s•LE r $850, 7 14/840~10 IWER 2 w.1. Paid for 1ny uSed ~ Ching wall units Ele •nt all 6 30 pm wkdys " ST ""' 700 Aut ometlc trans . air (lore!gn Of domest Free to good home sne-high quality sofa Deel, LOST MY SLIP Honda ..,, 10111 cond. & 0 .0 (4448) El In good condlllon. pherd puppies 10 Wies never used. $400 74 •30 maple taole P'/HO"(! TO HAVE a SUCCESSFUL ~·••.aE llU 24' Orelie Cabin Crul-mu .. 13g5 flnanctnnl See U• Aretl 631-377 t 1_8_50•1860__ s15 w .,...,.. 1•000 f /P 675-0255 ...,;·• r:r: ITI"' .. S C 673·3691 Bal Isle 1 6 •75 YAMAHA MO Good ""LY l11,Gl21 FA~ K "'" ure. au CHINESE Red Coroman-(or Verd Sele, Eetete Bale, etc.) 190 .w ood·Chry1ler t>l9cil , or C1llQo 2 mos Clel Screen, 36 :.c42. 3 Art Deco 3 piece mat-130 cond. 'Xlnt gee mlleage. mMJT 'ti •• okl. H0·9528 panel S200 673·6979 ched bdrm turrillure set 1. Place yo ur a'1 In the Dally Piiot Value $6000 1525, 4112-1104 be12:30 Oii FREE Haircut• oH9'e<J by oueen Air Form waler very good conel s1200 Classlfled section (It's best to run 3 Ed 534-6940 pm OllW OU PfOllP Carlton Intl by 11c 11yt1S1s bed sot1d state heater 63 •·5794 days for maximum exposure). If you ·7g ZODIAC MARK IV GR llY OYOLE ~"r~j'911 <460el ::r:~~~.rs~ P•CI Cash $190 l11st~tsol41 payfor ycxirad lnadvancewe'llrunlt3 wltl\trtl19'witl'IM«cll0. Hondl CT -80. 1500 MYl11,ltll Coaet VIiiage) 5 A No 1_7_52_·_8_4_7_1 _____ 1 Aa111n chairs S 15 ea days a nd only charge you for 21 ~~5~~~:.M~~•t ~·11 mllel. auto ctutc:l'i, Ht>ar .'tlla tr.1rb11r ""d cells $400 Bergah oma Be by ylw/wtlt sofa chair S75 r ...... tor RV mto. llWAll "'"''let c1,..1,1 \h.,,1 ~ ~ • Crib tor s 150 Good Mirror plant arand 36 2. Get your FREE Garage Sate signs (all MUST SELL • ,\! boat 1395 54()..1472 --i"-·-u 81,, H'-t::t ,._ ... ......_ ....... ,_.t...., FREE Lab puppy, nrHt .......,. S15 2 hdwd ••btu s20 you have to do le oome In to the Cally --> 24' .. ~ ., ·11 .,.,..... ""'.., ¥--· ......_. __ , • w"" w-..... ....., · · '78 Yemaha 660, IPeCfal, NEWPORT BEACl'I for your v11\lcle. Do-penonl.ltty. 646•2335 Carved wOOd plant 1tand Piiot & pay for your ad In advance -cuddy crulMr, twin 470 wry ci.an. 1 1 1 960-0Cll7 SlO BBO St5. casa deck we wlll give you two 11 x 17 Stgna -1.0 . Merca 150 l\ra. Fllh 11250 eeo.5325 133·8111 I ~5~.~~8\ or 0 " g n • Thomesvlll• Dresser 6 It $20. 8SR turnllble 120 ready. S14rto0 flml. dya · ---------lrtnllln 060 ~lrit cond 1225 Sal/Sun 'Ill 11 AM. Cell FREE Of charge). (2 13) 27Cl..a810 °' I YN/ '79 Vnpa, t1177 DATSUN PICKUP. A ht •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-8052 873···11·. after 11 ... -'• dlt1-a6N\ .. , ~....... ~ '1<1NO INNERSPRING EX-·---------i .... '""' 3. Price each pl..,... of merchandise. wtcnda (714) 173-2051 Ile ...... con """ _,.,, EQUIPl'Tl"1t lncludn • .. ·-'I ,-Aom• by 22" tL •p-•-a .-OV ,. .... , •••-••79 •ft ~-· :r:r ,,--A • ,.,._8: O ••• Ooe ........ OOOO TRA FIAM m11trtt1 Mt, SAG·GUARO DOUBLE "' "",.. .,..,. .. • .,... .,.._... ,.,..,.. .... • _,, • --uMCI, worlh $530. BED. Perl. oond SCIO Belboe Island '11-11' htttl ..... , .... 1....," y ... • Thi• one 1111 L W 8ftal 1111 ,,..._ 4 . Have p1onty 01 onan9e o n nano Many Ptru, 85 hP.· SAR ..... INI ...., ema .. a l'l'llltll (tAMHO) S3l50 1 ..................... . H C. 1241 d11. Never 845-5210 Two new 30x80" book· (nlcklea, dlmesbquarters, halves, one HllOO N&-07119 1<8400 • .._ than 3200 Ott.r ,. ....... tl'I 8-n-s2· '12 Hond1 CWJct 4 dr. u .. d quH,,n ·~· wlorth l·F-u_ll_1_lz_1_t>-drm--.. -l-.-v-ery--1 ca .... walnut llnl1h. llO and nvo dollar Illa). . ml. 05 mpg, enowroom Ntwo"Oftoe~~lll'I, 0i Cl11°!!:.~.7 .. ~due .. ~mpero ....... ~· lstt, cH on y, 2 18 good condition, entQ pair 8'8·4293 •--tt •-11 l!!f cond IU501Qff•r. N 1 --· .... -d I U 11 h ____ _._____ ._ '..., '.J.-: Oov• StrMI, 1wpo1 j •(.L ••v"'"'•. • · iua Y o m•· white. br111 hendl•d. SAO BACK7 x-t""" elec. 5. Rel&JC, have fun. and count your money ••••• ·-·••••••• •••• H1·31'UO.,,.. C.I 133-llOO ,. ...,. .....,., 754-7350 • h11dboerd tbed lr•m•. becl, new cond.-E~vet.. -et the end of the dey. rn~ Gl•lton •GOV. wltrlr. VESPA 100 SCOOT!,., htch. 1 • 71•4S4--0119 **I BUY** drllHI', mirror, 2 l11Qht llHd 0, IHI & gtvu NHOI repair. UOO. Wlndltlleld _. ... l .. llflT&... I atendt 1500 compl.te. toothing m1111gt for 5'1-1311 blCI(. MO. '1200 ;;J, Ilk• Lone bed P.U Ont~ 3200 Good 1.-d furnttwt a ,,...ee_s,...._a_5_____ neehh & comfort. 1250. sentane ar•. Hondt oe, 4 new. setS, .....,.7, ml tli'utt ... H076, ~ i win _.. ingte ar111~1111• lie'*. __ e_1s._10_2 ... •_n_eo..o __ 1_66_ .. 111, oomptllA. "M ' '"° "-*' 1ll08, -. ~, o; Nu. for You mettre11, 'f:rlnga, •10. New cnttl of draw1r1, m<>N, f tt,OOO. ln-IOM new. MIO. Mutl ... tl\le '83 Ford f·100, atl(;twvy mTlll .,_ 11a5 544·6 31 Clblt men,~ & fldbrd, Son~ ,.. MeM ~1 1 wttfld, env. turtJ' AOO 1ron1 • - II.I •-·--1150 OOMpl, 849-4293 lflOl\OI Oftl Ult= 111-0QCt JOllt OOd1 I tmr:U. Gt ........ l'lno wtl•t you went In 11 ~~~=L-~-_:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:_je.J $13'6 Wiii ... tar Clhrome. 9IOOO or bell ~~!~-~~tct~.se~11D~o.ny~~P~11o1~ci....~~fledt~~J~c~lullfled~~~""'~M~we~1~tl1~:::::::: HutrY112CHl16 war.t Adil Cll ..,..,. on.. .....ut ~l TH (O~ST :Dodge •• ... WllKlNll Sf'lGIAl~ 1 ... CHIYIOUT '"·"·'·""-, OWMl"-Mlntt (88MI04) ., ••• 1974 ""' 1MlpwtC...,• 6 tpeed • low mllltl (829LPT) '1111 1977 MAZDA •Lcc...- 5 IP"d -SH~RP1 (ASH8<42) '2411 1977 HONDA Accor4 6 speed · R & H (506TOO) '349& 1971 PIAT 121 2 Dior 4tpeed·R&H #8409 '249& 1979 PtAT 4 Dr. lreve 5 tpeed ·Air cond. j 823ZEP) *3111 1969 VW IUG Au1om111c #4'485 '1915 . J I l • ( I j J I I ,, I J ) J\ j) ~ ~ r: J, MOTOR<, l't l't • .. ' ! FOUND ADS ARE FREE :..,c.~all: ',, . '... ,.. • Or•no• OoMt DAILY PILOT/Friday, Jun• 18, 1982 M'!!.11'.ttttft ....... 11.Wi.FJM .......... l1!11t.r111. ........ .. flltll........... . ,,,.. .......... I.~ M.'fWIP ...... ~ fllJlltf ••••••••• 11.( !llM ......... . .,.. & ~ Lllct NW "" 9nl , •llor•. tepe, Xlnt CIOM ...O·?Oll dYI V9110w ...... _.._ ... 000 tored, •Int, •II n••· WE'RE 1t1' Mud• ")(·•. "" '• '°"°"' ,,1T. I epct, 'll .. 11111 1HI W.... .., MulitMO ~. ,... 11111d1 a out. AMl fllM 111nt cioM Wiii _....., , toec1' i" .;.~ Mac>o' utM Of otter. 11Ml'1 .hM Hit DEALIN' ....ene '*"· ~ trldt Of any 111n0. 110, 11U..,.,...... 114-t4+o61H . '13 oon*'I., t-q!, uo, ftn\ .. •••••••nelle11 •74 Dlltllf\ HOZ l+I • tfd, trlt'L NMdt en-IOO, e73-tt2CI dyt, .._ f'un1 I nd look gttlt, nu top, tl•reo, 08. 1M0 AUOI 4000. 4 ...... Olna WOf11. 111-1'13 U200 'IO IDV. IClnt ooncl. ,uety ezeoo. U7~ lflftl I A~l,M ...... • N9W bltclk pllnt, Wlr• IMDIAT£ MOO 0" 8UT'6fi.. -• .,-.-.-1.-1-•• -.,-,_-,-r.=--· 11s.et02 •...... ,..10 9qUfpp1d, 11111 wlblUI -------- oonct a •tl9Y •fle•I• 1 -....... wl'tHft . Air, 11'1\lfm Nl·Nll I ••"'"Ptlon•I c"o"'n , ... ,. ---------1 11•10 r I t t12 ooo IJltl.. Ha. MU (ot1YIO). t14IO, CMtet 4 IOOI. AL&. -... 000/ bet ofr, Mf.101:1 ..... "''• '11 f'IOIOP Alll\ eng, u n ' ' fiWf n r..TJ good tl'ttu .. ,,..,, .._.. I""""' IMnY ••tru. . .,, 1401 New '•r•lll1, DELIVERY ON '~L~ ~~= =~'~. ~:~ Nude tr•n• work. m~~ WANTIOI UIUliU";,i ~ o.~-= ~A =~~· "loa(O ..... >lint r11n· or Met ottw. 4M-4137. 1971 Turbo Corr., •• Im· ~00. 813·0H1 Ill 1 "IO'', Wiii pay 111.&00 llTUlt •n• c:-'•1300,y; 111 o'o o I> o : n tn, J.,0~:.. IUOO . MOST UNUIUAL OPPO,.TU· mec, loadlcl. e.ooo orig cuh mul Mu•t bl Ill• llMUI .... ___ _.._._ __ I 114. It 4 •I 0 11 • '41-'I wvvvlM NITVJ '11 MU41 eat _. ml 187•te&a 'H CONVT. Mint cond. Ct lltnl condition. or LOldtdl !cononlleei .... llf! ............ l.t{f t1Wlll. ·7~ ·~~im¥1:!.. 00:~ MODELS door ..Olfl, Autom1tlc .,_. 114 a.o, tun• gd. i~':~~·~ ;~·d':·~~: "11" 113,600 mut P.P ... 1 1n11ne1 .,lnOIOfMI '74 I002. llr, 4 ~. 14.. ta'footOIO 119.to3a ..,,.., em/tm rldlo. Spot· Stoctl cond. M .600. Cell ... 1-2713 evea 780·'10:a (teSY J ). r.o >lint cond. IMt oHef · •· 13•000 mllet. '°' An 1 w t r Ad e o 2 , --------1 C•••tt Ill •Y llM owr ..-ooo. •N·Mea . '!r!t!'~~~~·v~'. SAVE =:'n!!·= :::= ... 2-4300, 2•t111 ·~~.~~~:l!n~r~~~r~J~ ... :ii"UiiAiiiii... llWUI ... .,., ''II I MW &edan: tulom• 12600, 141-14311 car. Cell 839·6802 dave '11 Portclle Targ1. w .. 1 Blaupunkt & more. Ptr· Loaded wl t•lru. ••rrllle Dovl/Oulll I~ Ito '""'1c"~''c· tow, rnllM. .. ........ ,. ·~ or 780-3810 •"&PM •quipped. $1•,996/blt feet. 221< ml, se.eu. lltrlO 1y1t11r1, 17000. NEWIPIOIR~1'1EA1 mec11an .. ry xnt. Mutt .• ..,~It•• l."~f oft. !146·&02~. 813-9301 t66-8721 492.gg50 Aobln _____ ... ___ _ 11111 Nllf Wl'tOllllll . • ~ air .,....... .. K •y llSI I'll ••• ---1 159115. o.11 Mt·H2• " ' ' ,,...,, • n •••••••• •••••••• ••• '14 Portolle fl1• 2.0, IP• '711 VW Sclroceo, •lvr wt ---------111•1• 1ff1 -.-.,. ml. l P~· e...•to •II,,....., I pear group, t>lk/blk, new ttrlp11. 11lnt cond. 'II O•art •••••••••••••••••••••• ll11M '76 2002, llr, 4 •pd. Im· 114•8 5-'1414 HONDA 11e4....... lr1n1, Wtbt>« _._..,,AC, tl\ruout, run• gr11t. Body In fair cond. Reblt '16 PINTO, 1clnt. cond. 831-to.-O •9&-.-949 meo. Mutt ... to 8')Pr• ·73 240Z, m90e, .mllm, _. ft I lft 1fc. $6800. 83M5•A Wkdye te<l-6292, work. tng. HOO. 11!1·5278 Mu11 -to appreclll•. tt•lll 11111 ... elate. $1,toO. 875,..775 epd, ~ood oond. 131160. r111 557·7t68. Erle. 11 .. 1_,11 II M•k• otte<. 6-44·•083 -C 11 • 1-~•'"" ........ ._ tfMT '70 PORSCHE 911T •• .... ,, 2...02 Mar ... -11. Pk""' ~.,,.. 1·-• " _...,. _,....... •• 000 ml, onrlg tn-• ~-'73 CAMPER BUS IOK •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Pinto, Kint cond, lo ml, Mt...:.\VltJo .. , 'l:'o•••••••••••••••!.6!'! 11 1 1111 SANtA Comp1r1 Hou•• of Im· d~ion, 5 ~peed. l~tA mlle1 on fully rblt 1ng.. IEE II fllSTI e/c, clean In & out. (Avery Ex1t 'l:>tf 1·5) llTSll 'It •• !••••••••••••J...... port• Olr901'"" and 80 run• nice, ull 11rvlc1 flm 1~1. f9d rdl1, very w1 have 8 00([ MllC· 12•00/0BO. 5-45-1997 Open Sundays T-T!:~~I An ·1:u~:>:~fC::r!: ANA' ~1~~·2~;n::b~~.f~E'~: ~~f~~3~f:.~!t8800. ~~:,:;..:.1U1850 PP g~!r~r.1!~ ' USED ·~~K~S~~Oo/O~:).· ~ & exciting earl (4936). El ..-400 &40-!15tt C E O ES 1 ' 2 1 3 0 r -.8-1_R_a_b_bl-1.-0ll-. -4-d-r.-1-0-K Miii 55t-8125 alt. 5 • llnanclrlgl 'll Jill 1 11 7W 937•2333 ,!!!~!!!. ...•.... l.~!f rnii., 4 apd, air, tunrool, '75 Pinto Wagon, a lt, •Y Slllll Xlnt cond, lo ml, clean, Haven't you wal11d long llW •ter CUI, fact warr. I ll· good cond . $1300. ..... ....,.... xtrH. 131195. 8"8·2435 Plllt• & ~pen A" :~:~" B~onz~Do~·~r!; .......... Lt Oar t r a • . s 6 9 5 0 p p ea 1· t27t, 552-6252. J-r Oove/Quah Ste. (9·5) °1c,~•.!t~~r Ave. thl1 oPPOf1unlty paae you IO tt Ghost Fr• &J3-9'7t l••llll IHI CREVIER NEWPORT BEACH ••• ,, 1111 (l blk. Wiit ol Main) by .. ..c:t nowt We have a Ex: Buclllt Seat•. RaUy '80 Rabbit Oielef _. dr. 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• .33•0111 •••••••••••••••••••••• lantalllc ,111c1lon ot Magt, o.fulle Trim, Rad! ll)d, AC, xtru, lmmac. __;;:...__.;;...... _ ___;==~ ·79 TRANS AM WI T-TOP FIHst ltlffttH _________ 1w1 h1v1 a tr1m1ndou1 540-7430 modlla & colof• ava11 .. 6 Pinion Steorlng. Front 158t5. 770.5761 OlmlllT 'lt *lllT llU* II lrlllt Otli ty Mllctlon ol quallty uMcl bta. ••-s Wl'teel Drive. Luxury 'U Squareback, xtnt CllYITTI llad Lei Thi Sun Shi~ fnl Salll-~LNllng Hondu. lncfudlng an '81 Ji IU 1130 .Ill__,. Interior 6 MOREi cond. S..t one around, Alf cond. & 4 •PHd Complete with all 1xtrM, We apeclellze In Euro-"'cccord_l2~T2XJP), • ·7g .. !................... ....,. EPA 1:1t: problem free. $2500. tran1I Very cleanl Incl. velour ...... cu.t. peen D.ilvery. Mc (a4u MH), I '79 '78 J90 XJllL. Orig. own.,, lSOl Ou• Strllt 30 city, 40 l'twy 832-3027 (356WYO). EZ financing! whla. Two other rnodlla Wll.E O.·IT•ER Civic (58tWAJ): t11•11 52,000 cleln mllea. All EWPORT BEACH ....... OILY lfllll alao. (1551't). Just Olld •r• IOadld cart with a rcda -.viii. Sunroof. N ·--•• '79 Bui, 3A.OOO mflet, $5, reliable perty to make 10¥10111111 11TI cholol of atlck thlh Of SllYlf/red lnlr. Nd• paint 111••.ww (111rti1 117991) ·000 Firm. Super buy. 1malf montllty pmts. No 111·1111 eutomatle tr1n1. 6 moat only. )(Int car. U10,500, '71 300SEL, 6.3. Xfnl IUJIH OIAIT 673-0628 OHYRIUT 'll old conlr11C11lo11wme. 208 w . let •-n n-.uH ~~:uan'~'!·1~~lpga~ 720-1685 cond. 93K ml. Call: bu1. &IG/tlllP/IOllLT 1t78 WESTPHALIA cam-llfTI Ullt No back pmta. due. Allll Santa Ana ,_, __ .,_ .. _ prlcHI Bauer Motora, JAGUAR XJ6L. ·11. ~5821, ext. 25, hOm•; 252_. Herbor Blvd, C.M. per. lo. ml. New tlree. T·Top1f Loaded! Very l or ROH 842·4400. __ c_1_oled __ s_u_ne1__;1y;.,__ 1 ~=~=~=~~~I 2925 Harbor Blvd .. Colt• Brown, cfHn, reliable, 6-4().()838 5_.,.6023 6.-5•7770 AM I F M c a s s et 1 e nlcel (3631). EZ tlnan· 656-1008 Proto LI M. CHOICE INVENTORY ·eo 280 ZX MeH. Cell t79·2500. 75,000 ml, Tr.an1 Juel '72 250 C: .Mini cond, low J1ll1 It I' 11•1 _6_5_7_·2_5_2'-----clngl t•LY 112111 '67 Flreblrd. runt good, VOLUME SALES --------1 rt>lt. $12,000. -49S..7997 mllea $6 500 'f!. ~ Vtln 1112 needs some body work, & *"" llU* '78 Civic mint cond., 1 owner. ' .:.7 50' 7• •••••••• .............. •••••••••••••••••••••• 11200/0BO. 553·1•29 In Super New Condition owner, •If reco<dl, lltr.. "" • " •1 DEALER iN us· A ...... OltPrtl•t with tow mfl11. Luxury S 3 8 O O. 11 7 3 • 68 O 5, r.r••U ftl• 1134 ·1 t MBZ 3.5 Cpe. Have · • · # 1 Ytht hiltr Dov•IOuall St•. '67 Flrebfrd, run• good. Ed Pk with _..._ I d 575.741• --·····~··•••••••••••• -~ice rod•. Lit• blue ™CARVER II •u1t Otl...,I need• some body work, 1.0 I · g. .,.,.... w n " " '69 GHIA. !lint. body, n-...... I 1 •.,. 5 0 0 A 1 • • ••1 NEWPORT BEACH loLIREI cruf1e,velour ... t11.You 1t76 Honda Cf'k. Good 1ren16mtr.NewAM/FM ;;o . I v~m . $1200/0B0.553-1•29 llW supply the fµn. 11507211· condflfon. 57)000 mt. ca11. Xfnt. 1hlfp1. new 54 52 -llJ't(E l&US, lllYIOE __ 8_3_3_-_0_5_5_5_-1 ·10 Safari wagon. all ex- a. ... s~Leulng ~·!n::ci ::.~~ 8~~~ ~~~~bo. Call ~::,~·· $2700/0BO. '72 4M~ .~E. ~...=':;! ~~o OVE~t~~~ERY ·1.1, rM.•llgbuo oCldualc;c o' n4d-dr.. =.1 :t ~."s:S.'1P 850 N. Beach Blvd. pmt•. No old 'contract• 813-5224 • • t lOUO S~OAYS EXP ATS 552 8803 La H•br• to assume. No back 711 Civic, aunrl, AM/FM "1'11 R4'd Ght' 6b,OOO ml, -----------------E $2650/ollar. 6•2·9552,j --· --·-----122·1111 pmta. dU41. Ask for ROii atereo. CUI. New brtc1, orig owner. xlnt cond. • ' 6 S M B 2 2 OS E . A •7g Sliver Shadow n 875-1835 eYet '75 GRANO PRIX (bl.c* Open Sunday 642-HOO, 556-1Q09 1r1n1, 5 1pd, 12,500 S•200. (213) 5t6-7352 CLASSICI. Ex. mech Mini cond 0000 mfll8. UllU llE ·72 Nova SS. N-paint, Int. & e11t.) eunf<>Of, Pio- Proto LI M. 552.0738; IM2·91Mll alt 5PM eond. AIC. grl trn1p 155,000. (016>5"1·5680 YILYI new Interior, am/Im II• near stereo. AM /FM IUlllE Ollm'I t 9 8 0 0 ATS UN 2 1 0 '81 Prelude, 5 apd, anrf, #Hi• • 1131 $2•90 obo. 850-0583. •,,.. 11~11 1966 Harb<>< Blvd. reo cassette. ,_ rims c~si~r O~~ 673-8585 ILHIT HATCHBACK. Hu all thl air, am/Im cue, lug rk •••••••••••••• •••••••• Late ·1.-SLC, atmoat n-. !~.!. •.•••• •••••••••~ COSTA MESA Runs perfect Very retie· & standard features $8K /OBO xfnt cond. Mull 1111. THE 1112 141-HOJ 140-Utl ble. $1700 OBO fiu,11iir' H11 (071ZEI). 14250. Oller 2 1 3 I 5 3 7 . 9 5 0 0 , (71•) 631-3te9 I 536-3100 •••••••••••••••••••••• good lhf\I 6-21-82. N-· 213/633-20111 ARE HERE! 11970 1'5 Volvo Station --------~ ·77 T-Blrd, all poWtlf. Ex· port Datsun, 988 Dove . '66 230SL, nu paint, 2 Wagon, xlnt cond. $2, ·77 MONZA. 39K orig ml cellenl cond s2•75. Street N.......,,,. "··-h 60 Accord, mint, 5 lpd. 2 top1, •·•Pd, xlnt. $ 12, 900 H rle:s 3 doors, ' 000. 675-2787 Auto, 1lr, new llrn $500 iµ0.7290 • v .. ""°' ...,.... d b 1 e IO I anrl 895. 770.5761 doors & Turbos available ---------below whlH price $1 , Call 633-1300. r. • ~ m ' · nowt Com<a In and drive '80 VOLVO 2 dr Ol , 900. Must sell &45-60t8 63 T-81rd, orig. 20 yr old .71 Datsun 510 wagon, Stereo. OO 975-0t55 '71 MBZ, 4 dr, 11 cyl, 4 Rold & Track Miga· Sunroof, ' spd + 00, all 6PM cfasalc, like new. lo ml, Salel-Servlce-Leaslng IDY'CARVER R."'ll.S fOICE · Htv1\'V .-..-:1 ~1'ft4.1"f'N/14. .. "'l"·'' t4'M\'Cl~f!I, ... '"'""'*-...... epend ble 1961 Accord UC. 27,000 ....... llllllilllillllll 1pd, auto. PS. Well zlne'i BES T aporll ee-amllm. 37,000 ml, xlnt ---------i $2.950 675-'17' ;uf:'5~~\~8 •6:46 ; ml. AC. AM/FM cue, maintai ned. S•500, oan ol the '80sl cond. $7900. 586-0799 '77 Chevy Malibu Classlc. --------- 9<12.6636. xlnt c on d . 1 7100. SH us ~ 997-1301 IEICH llPORTS 4 dr, air, good cond . '75 2002, elec enrl, •·spd, ---------• 968·6• 11 JO• YOU• • 1975 Mercedes 450SL. 9A6 Dove Street A•I•• U1H $2350. 675· 1635 •Ir, can .. lo ml. seooo. 1~~~ s°:~~~~~ 1980 Civic 1500 0)( MIXTM AZDA. xfnt eond.119,500. NEWPOAT BEACH ,··.·,· .. ·:···········-;,·,·o· 'IO OITATill llAS-2375 or 675-8638 an AM/FM cassette & Is Hatchback , 5 1paad. ntf IT & 552-t635 ••• :~ ••••••••••• !.... Loaded. xtre sharp, '79 3201. 4 apd, sunroof, a really nice earl ( 19•5). AM/FM tape. red $4500 .,. • -Ill IO HOU 7&2 .. 0900 SEE US pum'fect cond. $4700. etereo, ale. apec. whle, $8850. Offer good thru 676-«>04 ' fACIUIYI ... Turbo dletel, Arlee red. 1 ... ,. 1111 tor the largest and best 537-4346/669-1611 .... twm knock• often when you use reeult-g1tllng Dally Piiot CIH•lll•d Ada to reach tlle Orange Cout market. 28,000 ml, 11rv. rec. 6-21·82. Newport 011· 'll tlUll &iotll LJ IOSMl&SI CllS1UllUOW4 Brown vtnyt . .-o gal tank •••••••••• •••••••••••• selectlon ol new and '7' Chevy Vege. need• ~~~~~~~~~I 811ut. cond. $10,250. 1un, 888 Dove Street, PP. ,_.200. e.-2•3148 ' $27,000 Salas·Ser\llca·Laaelng used Bulcks In Orange body work, 41,000 ml, = 49•·6478 Newport Beech. Call 673-7368 IAnLEl&Ol county today! run1 good, brand new '88 2002 BMW Cl 833-1300. '76 Accord 5 spd, enrl. '12 M•-• Ill 1111•••1 tires. needs new bell asalc, ---------• AM /FM orig owner --#B 1141 ..,_ ~ •wu-1111 Phone 642·5876 Cadillacs to Go-Carts Whafever tti. Fad Rott 'em ott tlle market With • Classlflld Ad Call Nowt 6-42-5678 wllfta/brown, clean, '81 Datsun 210. 8,600 Super clean. 13,00. Like new. White w/blk •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 2040 411-4141 s4oo. 960"5156 evea. tlght."cusette, aJr, good m 11 e •. I I aw I es s , 548•2656, 545.1221 Int. Loaded. Sunroof, We Po151bly have the belt • k ' CtaljH•l•l 113 Aalo1 V1d .............•....•.•. mileage. 13000/080. $4798/bst ofr. ~•6-0 115. 1 /c . Sac. $12,500. selec-tlon ol uHd MG '60 Subarl1 GL Wgn. Kint •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-9125 6-45-3921 Self kilt flam• ... 2-5676 6<15-7278 conv1rtlble1 In Orange cond. Many xtrae, $5600. '66 SEMl·Cluslc, may · A llf -., A County lnctudlng a 1t'16 675""506 need muffle< but other· NA~RS .! ••• 'I •• !.'! ••••••••••• ~.'.!'.'1.!'!! •••••• !!.'!f ~ ... !~.!'!! ...... !!..~ ~ ... !'.'1.~!!! ••• : •• !.~'!f ~ ... !•.'1.!'!! •••••• !.~'!'! MGB:whlt• (38tNTP), ·90 HATCHBACK .. r.lnt. "!.!"250rH~borc~d. wi se gd cond. $399. C Dll l A ... C 1 t 1 1 M a B b 1 u 1 .... -...,, 979-eo 11 A ~~ARDEN GROVE SUBARU *)~ .* LOW LOW LOW * ·OYJRHEADll •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOW LOW LOW PRICES II ••••••••••••••••••••••••• \912 ,~, , .. , "'' "' .. ' ·' • 5"8800 * (5,5THM). 1979 MG cond Fully Hrvlced COSTA MESA ---------! ~ .J J ~ O r I g . o w n e r 979 2600 DH•t 113 (~~rv':i'1t.h ':'&811 w:;-oB' S•.2001<>BO M itch, -···""···•••••••••••••• CLEARANCE 6-45-•695 ---------'67 Dodge Dart Slant 6 ' blue (123USV). 1979 MG ----·-----1 '5' Riviera Special Cpe. dr. Good cond $399 Mldgetbfown (IK>tWOZ) '79 GL Wag 4X4 mint 65 .•80 m l. ori g obo,calf631·3260 I SALE! & • I 9 7 g M Q B cond Mvlll sell. $3900. Garaged-never hit. V-8, . (035WWK). Choice ol &46-8t6t, 6"0·5786 PS $3500. 673-0851 fer' 1140 colors Ind yeti ex~tng • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MGs irom IM5 & up-'76 .. wnt <lrlYe Weg Gd 1977 Bulcll Riv. Loaded. FHI '11 ward•. Bauer Motor1, running •:ond $1600 62,000 mo. $2.490 EIOllT 2 .... -2sH-· .............. Coate OBO. ~-1080 PVT Pty 675-7•1• ~.. -""' ..,..,.. ~ speed trana & Ilka M ... c.11 t1t-2eoo. ,..,.,, 1115 cuui t 1s1s NEw1 <10EN0•9>. ez 11. -G-r1_a_t_f_o_r -,-um-m-1-r.-R-•d-I ·•1•••••••·•••••••••••• ••••••!••••••••••••••• nimelngl '76 MGB. s2.-oo. New ·7o Wagon A lpd, gd gu OHTllPUTlll lllLY 112111 ctutcn. 675-tseo ;:;:~~~k '6~~~:~~= OlllLUOt HWUI OIM"tltt We speclaflze In leases Dove/Quall SIS. '61 MGA rad convert. '7' Toyota Corona Mark good~~~· If. 2 dr H.T. auto., 6 cyl. for the business execu· NEWPORT BEACH llv1 & proleSSlonal. 833_0556 Lare• Seleot111 P.S. A.C. new t ires. #0 1144 Need• tome motor work, •••••••••••••••••••••• runt good. S750 080 . Of tit• 1112 ·79 Fiesta. xlnl cond 11,tr tltH 'll Mii 55_4·_9_11_8 __ OdlllH• $3600. lew 11 Stttld 676-4506 Low ml. Mull be '"" 10 NABER-~ '62 EXP, excellent cond 10.000 mt $5600. CADILLA ~ 857-6673 I """ • £i•e•l• IH ~ppreclat•. Has hard Y!J~.'.'!~f~~ •••••• !J.~~ .-"J'i.551.-631-4675 YILllW&IEI 'll CllYUTIILE '63 MOB, Just r"tored. Reblt eng. New paint, chrome fntlrlor. Br• top. Flrat 12200. 675-t7 46 ' •P••d tran1. & e aweetl\Hrtl (tOVM9611). ("'1 H.Ull\'t &\it •••••••••••••••••••••• Jl!!!!!!!c!!!!,...,.!!!,I' \l\l'l'lrwo•1'111oo•L '69 MARK Ill look• & runs El llnanclngl llLY 111111 '67 MOB, fair cond. Mull HWW Clttfftltt THE URIEST 1111. 13..oo. eov.10ua11 s11. SELECTIOI PIP 675-2106. NEWPORT BEACH of late model, low •77 8lua MGB, "3,000 ml· 833-0551 mlleage Cadllfacs In 11aiga, 2 tonneau covera. 1---------Southem Calffomlal See new ur ... overdrfYI, xlnt 197t VW BUS. An .. tra u1 todayl cond .. YlfY c:tean. am/Im cillln tamlly Ylhlclel You lllERS caa11tt1. 13,000 Call mutt -thl• one todayf CADILLAC s.4&--0796 ( 1THH901) $4550. Otter · · good lhru 6-21-82. N-· 2600 Harbor Blvd loflt• 1141 port Oateun. 8611 Dove COSTA MESA ••••••,••••••••••••••• Str"t ,..,ewport Beech. 540• 1 llO 1974 Pemera OTB. lilver/ Call 633-1300. like new $2350 OBO. 554-9118 ~~~~~~•tf••····Y.!. '80 MEAC. CAPRI •MIT 111.L* RS Pkg.. reel l90f1Y w/ greet gas mileage. Plenty ol xtrae Four other modet1. (726YOL) Just need relfablt perty to mike small montllly pmts. No old contracts to auume. No back pmt1. due. A•k tor RON bl!(, 2.-,000 ml, lolded, 1------------------cuatom xtraa. Andrew '72 VW PANEL BUS. ,_ '79 Sevllle, xlnt cond, 8•2-UOO. 558-1008 brown/brown, many ... 1_P_ro_to_u_M_. ____ -l te&-2830 radii, re.bit eng. Very ,1. I O clHn In/out. 13100. tru, at tow blue book '79 COUGAR XR7 ,.,... 11 6"5-395ft ······················ ---------price, s10.500. 675-3909 *MIT ID.L* 1111 111 SO '118 VW 'Futback, rebfl '79 ELCO def. $9, 775. L••ll'ter Interior, new tng, good cond. $1500 Xtnt. mpg. A-t cond. paint, t 1500 •tlf'IO, 16" ob 0 . 4S _. 5 • 0 7 g 2 0 f Loaded. 8 Irk & Cass. polllhed alloy1. new 631·t1Clt •ler. &45-721>3 'ft VW Convert. $6800 Cad 78 Brougtiam Ela· 080, •Nell malnt'd, A'MI gance, laath Int, beaut. FM cau1. •ll4·5838 eond. Leas than 40,000 btueprlntld engine, con· coura winner, best offer . __ 111_1_1·_H_1_·_22_2_1_, * * ,, l I IO IR IO mi. ss.ooo. •t•-1eee _* * !Mii tn1nga tut wttl't OttlfY Special EdHlon. Very ,_ mid•, with cult. Int. and all thl 1oya. Two other model• also. (BOE732) Just tleed r•llable party to ma~ smell monthly pm19. No old contract• to a11um1. No beck pmts due. A•k for Rose 842-HOO, 5511· 1008 Proto LIM. urtfT£R -Piiot Want Ada. •h> Very cl11n, all th• ax· ;;::=======::l:=======:::::;:-i PftlOIE/1111 tra'I, plu1 1700 Blau· 1$831 Hatt>or Blvd. punk'I 1tereo 1yttel'n. re· Gardin Grove d .. • racing ... ta, prof. • rlblt eng, nu paint. rare ... ....... alloy•, lo ml. MUST LMlill SEL\.. l5"00 080. TM 111-llU 113-4383 °' 61s-tt12 •---------• 11l7G VW RABBIT 4-dOOf '11 Tlirtlo. ~rid dlelll, 3 t-4, A/C, at• Targa. io.ded, low ml· ,.o, 24K rnl, "80(). (714) IMOI· Tom: 8'2·Ul03, &4t-30IO;M0-017t..,.. M2 .... 7 •--------'60 BM Bug. Aeblt eng. '1' t21. IN ded, 1uper Good c:ond. •1100 llnn. 1ttr10, l"'mec. ll\lto 562·111M ...... aoK, GOid, *' .... "*'· SH.'60. MM632. '10 Pap-tap c.,,,.,., llOOO ml on "'°'°'. good eond. llOOO. ' M0-6543 '13 vw := , ..... . IUntoof, , ... to IPPflC. 100.157..stet '611 vw Bug, "9ccMld, .... cllM IMrp. Muet Ml. i 14eG/080. 9'1· 11'5 " 1981 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD llOUGHAM "ASTIOtlOOf"' CPI. (1CRR592) $14,995 1979 CHIVIOLn COIVITII T-TOP (412309) sio,995 1979 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (932WOV) s9g95 1911 OLDS 91 llGINCY COUPI ( 1BIX 1•2) s9g95 1981 PONTIAC IONNIVtLLI llOUGHAM 4 DOOi SIDAN (.105248) s7995 19.79CADILLAC SIVtLU (691XZT) s11,995 1981 CADILLAC FLllTWOOD llOUGHAM (1CGX35t) s15,995 197'f Ciiii.uC IL DOIADO CPL (1C0M11) s11,995 ----19" MllCIDIS llNZIOOD (735WDO) SALE PRICm · T~RB STOCK.,.· , INAMIBIC~ .. ;. COMI CILllRATI OUR &1st AnniversarJ · THI• WllKIMD . ~ . '82 llCORl'J' ancl IX--'s '82 • 1% off 11111 atio Iler-PLUS • 11 Stock low • Rook lotto11 Di11cou1ta-PLUS • l11111cliat1 Delitery :;;;;i iiiill!!!!!!ll • I Sll1r11 of Stoc1k-PLUS • H1111 Diaoounll • Ford Car Care C•t1r111!! • PLUS & Shares of Stock ,:;: ... iliiiiii:~.......__WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! ··~I ,,. t, ,.,, -· \. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . ._ ........... ._ '"'"~-· --.. 'Soulful' l'r•nk DtttllCHNI, fonfterly of NewpoJt 8eK'-' ~· trombone ......... Pr...,,,atJon .ttau a.nd In New Orl••ns. Preservation Hall Jazz Band wil! perform at Irvine Bowl -By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the Dally Pilot Stair The Saturday nJght envirorupent at the Irvine Bowl on the Festival of Ana grounds in u.,una Beech ahouJd provide a marked contrast to that umally MIOCiated with it chtrtnc the upcominc Pageent of the MMten. ·~" mUlic, which rnaak'Jtlly inlpirel hand clappina and ewm ..ne foot stompin', will-be "heard when the Praenradoo Hall Jm Band perfonm at 8 o'clock. The c.'IOllClert by the New OrJww..bwd band ia lpomored by the Bartok Chapter of the Laguna Beech Guild of the Orange c.ounty Mu.le Center Inc. Proceed• will benefit tM ·performing arts center to 'INSIDE oe built in c.o.ta Mea. ''The mUlfc we play you feel down deep in the heart rather than in~," aid Frank Demond, trombone yer. ii expecUna to 9ee IOIDe old frienda Satuiday nJght. He lived in N= Bach 17 yean deqnl.ng and .houlee in we8t Newport before Jolnlnl the bend. "Our mulic II authentic. It baa a natural feelli)&" Mid Demond, who moved to New Orleans in 1974 to play in the band fuDttme. 'nlCl8e teated in the Irvine B6wl can aped to har IOIDe ?f that ··~ time reJJalon." The 'leWD-member band, lecf by Percy Humphrey, a 77-year-old trumpet player, uaaally leta for1h with IOlne ~ ppel Baptilt mUllc, Demond noted. ''The Old Ruaect ero." and "Just A ~ Walk with Thee," will be played. T).at'a hardly mUl6c a.>dated With the ccm:nopolltan flavor of the Oranae c.o.t. The more familiar "When The Saints qo Marchina In .. will abo be heard. . "That'a a 80fl8 played teriowly in New Orleans," said Demond, who .~ up in Loa Anaelea lis1lening to =r.t: ~ta .. the Firehouse rtw Jim "Sing'' Miller yocali ... OD "Hia Eye Ia on the Sparrow." "That'• directly out of the church," Demond ..ad. • '!be band,. five of ita memben are bl8ck, will abo play •'BMin Street Bluea" and "Panama Rag," old favorita "Our mua6c ia much diUerent than Dixieland," aald Frank. "There. la much more authentidty with more soul. It'• a happy mualc but not racebone. It baa texture. "We encourace people to dance in the ailllea if they feel 10 1nclined." said Demond. That happened at an April tioncert at I.Jnco1D Center in New York Qty where "the audlencea are comidered atulfy," be1ald. Music hM always been "flrat love" of Demond, not buildfna( houlee, but he aaid there •'weren't any bands aroun d'' -when h• got out of the military in 1967. He played pertttme with Billie and Bil Beche1oi's fw the '"lodety people'' of Loa Anee1ea. That bad wal led by Billie Wellil, who w.. an All-America football player at MJchtpn State. Welll im tD play wmll at the JWboa Bay Club in Newport Beach. Demoncl'a uter par.en Manball, lneldentally, wu once mayor of See~ n!Jon, Pa/IP J~ '\ !I \ I I I I ' . • I , __ ·-,,.. •ntertalner• "------------------ . 'I'm Not very serious, just trying to have as good a time as I can and pass along the enjoyment. When I go out an have a good time so does the audience.' Disneyla!ld enter~ainer offers music from his Iceberg machine -By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the Dally Pilot 8tal't Michael lcebel'i'• "one-man band .. show ia atypical. He doesn't walk around with a drum strapped to his back, a harmooica strung around his neck. Noairree, his is no ordinary one- man band What Iceberg plays -a keyboard like setup that can produce a multitude of synthesized aounda aa well as those of real instruments and the wa'y he presents his performanoes -is like 900.lethlng from the year_ 2001. Or is it? Mike and his Iceberg Machine can be heard Sunday through Thuraday nights as a featured attraction of Disneyland's summer entertainment ~Anaheim park officially kicb off its 28th summer aeaeon Sa~y wtth an ambitious lineup. A floating river stage in Frontierland is featuring Slater Sledge throug'h June 25; Ray McKinley and hia orchestra ia at Main Street's Plaza Gardens through June 26. 'nle annual Main Street Elec:.'trica1 Parade can be~ and beard nlghtly at 8~ -and 11. There ii a 9:30 p.m. fireworb display e.cb day through the summer leMOll which ends Sept. 11. 'Ille electrical parade wi1J have the familiar electronic music. You know it 1 don't you? It's ~emorat?le yet forgettable. It makes you happy to hear but try to hum it the next day. Iceberg 1oYea that mUlic. lie will be ~ting it into hia concerts to be at 8:30 p.m., 9:45 and 11. 'nte syntbesfft!!Cf music ia "Baroque Hoedown," and was arranaed ~~~ Wagner, a conmltant at Dlmey Mike, who has been • one-man aliow with his keyboards and synthesizer since 1976 at Dianey World, had just had a 1equencer delivered to his rented home in west by pueblnl. another button what he had jult played cou1d l>e'"beard. Mike'• •bow, acheduled for Tomonvwland'a $s-Stage, opens with • pyramid appearing out of a cloud of mnoke. The top oL the pyrunid is lifted and there litttnc in -.the bottom half la Mike, fingers flying across the keyboard. His Iceberg Machine, conceived when Mike. began modifying a reauJ.ar organ while managing a mwdc store in Joliet, Dl., can play the IOUDda of real violins or ayntheaized tmitatklm of cows and pi&s. '111at'a rtaht -cows and pip. He will 6e playing a fairly "heavy pece" when enter oowa and pip. It's alw•ya good for some chuckles, especially during Iceberg's appearances at colleges and univenlties .. He did the routine during an appearance on a recent national television show, "Computers Are Pe:le Too" and the audience la ed~y. left l'.>lmey World Jut October to travel the country with wife Nancy, technician Tom Tatar and Ughtfna director Duane Deck.ft. "Thr!y (the coUeae .iudenta) love us/' said Nancy wliile she trimmed the hair on Benny, a "poodle·oocker'" dOI who la often part of the show. 1'he students eepecially love thoee pigs and cows -a bit of the tbow Mike wasn't always happy about. . Iceberg recalls that he bad come to Southern California in the early '70. to play at El Torlto at Toluca Lake. Shortly afterwards he took a date to Laa V egu in an effort to impreea her but lost face when another vfl:ltor there recopi%ed .Mike and laid, "hey, I know you.." He then turned to lcebe1'1'1 da~ and uld, "you lhould heel' t6ua CUY play the pio." Mike -'d he nduCleCl that part !fl ,.. .• ,_...,.,.. I oa• da)' he -.~-llliililk .... not in the~ but lf l w to 1ucceed •1 )lilt cab't aet over this thin&" I ooukl brtdie a pp." ~ ..ad, a bla llDlJe on bis faioe. So die ,... ana mww -.. '** In .. U... to th6L" He pUlbed an atny the -. ... of buttom. one .iter ...,.._.with tbe ,... .W LUTy ~°"-If tit odave1 ebanatn1 each tllDe. Re &bllD..U•.T•biuM .,.-llllilll; o.lr .......... .., ........ O'DollMI Michael Iceberg and his keyboard synthesiz.er at Disneyland. Cano bad heard Iceberg play organ at a nightspot in A.pen. Colo. Mike had gone to the Rocky Mountains n!90l't to be a ••aki bum." ifving up aucceuful management of muaic stores in Joliet and B1oominiton. Dl. "I had it all back then (1969 in lllinoUI},'' Mike aaid, "a twin~ airplane (he &w it), aporUcar, big home." But he dedded llci bumming was for him until he met Nancy, in Aspen -,r she was alto a ski bum at the time -and they came to California. Although Mike's brand of entertainment is new at Disneyland, this summer is not his first working. experience there. Ile demonstrated organs anc1 pianos at the park in 1959 in the building_ that now howes an exhibit depicting thetWalt Disney__,, He waa on summer break from Julliard School'of Music ln New York Ci~ and while at Disneyland lived in ,....,...,.... .............. to.loUet.~ hill nMIW . Odmeo. to muutp the m'-*doft. NDce aid be built blia fin& Iceberg Machme flrCn WeJd9 . ,,...... .-chine eolenolcfa :nlWohl ol • But Tatar has refined the machine and Mike says he received lots of help bun Monty Nichol&. a Buena Parlt resident who works as electronics expert for the Orange County Sheriff'• department. Lest anyone get the idea Iolbeq(1 mu.ic la far out., it'• not. · Arrangementa often _fea,,ture the eounda of real violins, real flutea. angelic-«>Wlding voicea and are • soft and romantic u ·a Frank Sinatra ballad. . "Moat people comment that the Iceberg Machine la not like elec1nll:* music,'' Mike said. 'Tve di8coYend audiences are really into what rm doing. "rm not very aerloua. just trying to have as good a time as I can and _.- along the enjoyment." he aakl "When I go out and have a good time ao dam the audience." Still other entertainment echeduled S.Etl5 Jan Band; Frankl• Avalon; the Palnt.er Sillten; ~pa Doo Run Run and eewnl DMM bii bmdl. · Summer hours are 9 a.m. to ~' 8unda19 tbroulh ~ Ufla.a. 8aturcla11 to 1 a.a. played the keyboard while the .... Mm a.,. ..... w _. .. .... ,elecliOMc ............. ~·~ ~-~~-~ ........... -11 ............ _A.,.... ___ .....,_, .... __ ...,_ -~ 'n. park will Gfl!ll ' .... . ~~~·'·A.~ """'1. .. i'!"' • • i .I , ' •• f ........................................... ·-----·--·------..--............ ·'··-· _ ___.___ ........ --· ··---~. ·--· ·-""' ~ ... _J • : 'Hollywood's a town where a..bout 3,000 aspiring actors and actresses arrive each year and only 10 or 20 last out the year.' .. She stuck it out Catherine Campbell home again _ doing what she likes -acting By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dally Pilot Staff For Catherine Qunpbell, .. Balboa" is a homecoming. Hollywood im't a town where people fall over you. It doesn't happen that way. There's a lot of politics in television and the town is filled with pretty faces. A Newport Beach native who left home at 19 and beaded for Hollywood with the usual dreams, the young blonde-haired actress is back in her old neighborhood, pretending to be a "Hollywood'• a town where about seductive revenge-seeking Balboan 3,000 aspiring actors and actresfes named Cindy Dem. arrive each year and only 10 to 20 last out the vear." As Cindy Dern. she teams up with ,, Cassandra "Elvira" Peteraon and plots · She's one that lasted it ouL She against wealthy, powerful, swinging started gettina roles and now bu Tony ~ the man who cruibecl appeared in more than 30 television her.,.grandfathe~ ln the convincing shows, many on seriea such as style of J .R. Ewing, .. Fantasy Jaland." ''CHIPs" and "Love But Cindy Dem isn't Catherine Boat .. Campbell and "Balboa" Isn't the · hometown abe remembers. But the But film la her goal. Dlllr .......... ..,..,~ C.thrllle Campbell worts ~t la scae from movie 'Balboa' role la aomethlng she's been waiting "Television typecasts you. for. Sometimes beir.g a televillon star c'an ' "It's your basic money, power, be a detriment. It's a hard transition. corru_ption and aex story. Something Look at Henry Winkler. He tried to like Dynasty," she explained during a make it in movies but the trouble is always be . he's the Fons and he'll probably "Film is Oal. It's just so classy. You can still be 70 feet high in the movies. day off from filming. ------------------------- it ·~~~~~!.v~ &'!:1da~ Balboa: Life in fast lane Ma. Campbell lives in Beverly Hills now. She owns a condominium and is married to former radio penonality would be filmed there, I couldn't believe It. It seemed so perfect." The film is being made for pay television. Ma. Campbell is hopeful it will be rolled into a fulltime cable series. She's looking for that kind of breakthrough. A Corona cl.el Mar High School graduate who never told her classmates of her acting ambition because she was too embarraaeed, she adml ta she arrived in Hollywood naive. L "It was the Old story -I thought I'd knock 'em dead. I thought it would be tliat easy. But I found out there's no such thing as an overnight succeea. Overnight in Hollywood means 10 years." She ended up doing modeling. She also worked in real estate while taking evening acting clasM!s. Finally IOID.eihing started to happen. "I'd get a call from my,-aent then I'd go interview for • pen then I'd do a tcreen test and then. I'd pt a call from my a,ent. He'd tell me I didn't set the part. ,. "I uwt to aet rally ~e11ed. I'~ cry fot' days • Nrt thlnkina I WM never aotna to make lt. ''Thin:·tti·~·~ II\ <ViMt Fast women, faster cars, corruption, hia ex-wife, now poor and bent on "Machine Gun" Kelly who has money, intrigue, revenge and passion. revenge. She finds a host of others in ditched his radio name and now is in That's the Newport Beach of "Balboa" who share her contempt for the production end of film&. "Balboa." Stoddard. "I feel pretty lucky. The longest ''Balboa: A Lust For Love" is its There's Henry Jones, a "~boa" period I've gone without work is four full title. A made for cable television oldtimer who made a fortune in the months. My hial\_hopes haven't been movie filmed in Newport durlna the fiahin8 fleet buline9I and was crushed shattered by any means. I realize that past weeks, it depicts a sultry, by Stoddard. He liv.!!9 in a te8ldde aomeday it'll happen for me." scandalous aeaaide town that local shanty in Crystal Cove, watches the "Balboa" may be the launching pad Ba 1 boa n 1 may have tr o u b 1 e world go by and walta for the day he she' a been searchina f«. She'a excited ~-can ltr1ke beck at Stoddard. about working with longtime stars "Balboa" ii a place where the men Newport Beach native Catherine such as Tony Curtis and Chuck dump their aging wives for younger Campbell plays the the oldtimer's Connon. women, where lOcal political boards 1randdau1hter. She alao ha tea "It's a good learnins experience juat and COllU1lilsiON are stacked for a try Stoddard. She'• married to Chuck watchlnc thoee guys. I learn mott by in lel*llzinc gambling on Goel Island Connors who portrays Alabama Dem, watchinl ~like that than going (Cat.8lina) And where fortunes are lost an oil baron whom power ii only a to all the w ln Hollywood." and won overnight. notch beldw Stoddard's. And her old h1g 1ehool friends in Producer James Polakof swears the Sonny Bono even shows up in the Newport? What do they think? aoapy film isn't just a West Coast film ·--i-ho pla be "Lota of them are su:rprilecl becauae version of "Dallaa." He 'x: the u a .-uua prow ya• tter theL never th ......... t I w• interested in game of1 the court than on. ~ Ufe-tn-the-fu~lane aide ewpot:t · Ftnally there's Joy Hrent, another acun1. I was never in drama or really. exiata. if one jUat looks cloeely real life Newpon remdent. who plays "anything like thaL But I think they enou,h. the --..a~ of ... _ .._ ~· ,_ respect me for aotn. a.tier eomething ,..,..v CW1ia ii Ernie S•...U•M a ex-• ._.. .. _ ~ ~ ua 11ke tbia and I think•"-''~ happy for ".._,,, ........_......, "e.Jboa" and ..,,. .. Stocklilrcl'• _, J .R. Ewfna in deck atwa who controls 1 0 h f me" a VMt finandtJ empire. He's rmde a compan on. lven er ormer ~· Mil llhe would like to live in lot of money and he'• mllde 1 Jot of profenlon, 1be know1 the moat N Beech ..-to enemies. tn\lmete Hent1 ln town and la .. boa" maJ ~ 1ooc1 for her _c-ndra __ , .. , __ .. _n_vtra __ .. _Petenon __ .. tt'-·(-~-''-.r_ •. _. llll!s-..... lllllll!la.J ... ~ ...... -'~•*'-· .. ·_?_ .. _._ .. _.,._."!"'~ ... ..-_ .• , ... :.;-=.: ~ ~ ~" ~~' ~ .. ,; ::i Q. I» ~ '-c :I C9 .... !" .... co ()I) I\) I .. ' j I ,I I f " ~--~· ------------.;..;...___;..--;;;.;;~ •• :;;:=:~~;;;;o;;;;:;a;.._ ________ ~--------------------------~~~::::il ~--· ------------------1( Currently Screening )L----------------- co CJ) .-EVU. UNDER THE SUN: Rated PG, atars Peter Ustinov. oti Jane Birldn. Sylvia Milet. J-MNOn and Diana Ria In .-Ajatha Oiristle'1 We of murder and lnlfi&ue. Tiw PG ratlJ11 II G> 'for adult situatlona. c: :J .., DAS BOOT: Rated R. is a German-made talt! of the crew work.Ing in brutal condltlona aboard a Na:u submarine in WOrld >. War ll. The film s1.ar1 Jur,en Prochnow and Klaua Wennemann. ~ The R rating ls fOf' vk>ience. ·;:: u. ....... ~ 'O c: G> A LITTLE SEX: Rated R. stars Tim Matheson, Kate Capshaw and E.dward Herrmann 111 the story of a man who t.riea to be fallhful but finds tt hard The R rating IS for adult aitua· lions. ..¥ A TL.ANTIC CITY: Rated R. atan Burt L.ancas1er u an 8')"8, i bottom-rune ex-pngsttt who aets one last chance to make a bl& ~ buc:k when he happens upon a 1arce amount of cocaine, and one _ last chance at romance when he meeta Susan Satandon, a card !2 dealer. Louis Malle directed this bit of whimsy, written by John O:: Guare. It's fresh. funny, and allve. 11\e R rating la for violence and adult situa tlona. BODY HEAT: Rated R. atarrlng William Hurtua bungling, loVftiruck attorney and tulhleen Turner as ~ fe~ fa\ale. ThlS sexy, devious mystery \Akes place In a fkt!UOUI Flofida town ·'°hot that people in caJes ~r Iced lHI two at a time. Dlrec:1.ed Including BE.•ff A~ -Kath:ui/lt' HqJhum BF.Sf ACTOR -Henry Fonda LUXURY THEATRES • Movies now s howing along Orange Coas t by L.WttnCe Kudan u a'I homa4ie to film nolr, the R ratln~ comes from brief nudity, salty lanauaae and a general air of 11.eamll'lft&. CANNERY ROW: Raled PO. st.an Nick Nolte and Debra Wi.ncer ln a free-~ film adaptation of John Steinbeck's 11.0rift ''<Annery Row· and "Sweet Thuraday." Shot on MGM IOUnd S'-&ft. this ~ hu a aweet. enchanled look and fine prrfonnances by Nolte, Winger and Audra Lindley u the ~-Narrated by John HualOn The PG rating Is for aexual adult lltuaUona. CAT P EOP LE: Rue R, atan Nuta11ia Klnakl and Malcolm McDowell in a \ale of loVf! and the aupematural. DI· reeled by Paul Schrader, muai<' by Georgio Moroder. The R rating 11 for sex and vio~ CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ben Cr'09 and l.an Cha.rleon u runnera in the 192A Olymplad, who rvn_.rw:ea for ·~ · .... ~ r different reuons but managt" to win JI.Ill the-· 11\e PG raung mu.at be foe its lofty themes: the~ is no nudity, no violence and Vf!ry II ttle offensive Language DEATHTRAP: Rated PG. at.an Christopher Reeve, Michael Caine and Dyan Cannon m a clever murder mystery about a washed up writer and a promWna young author who pens a great my1tery. The PG rauna ii for viole~.\ MISSING: Rated PG.st.an Jack Lemmofi and Siay Spacek as a man and his dau&ht.er in law who aearch for lue missing llOn. 11\e events are bued on a true atory in which a Youn& American was apparently allowed to be lulled II\• Laun American rounlry by fom!S friendly with the U.S Government 11\e PG rating is for adult situations. FORBIDDEN WORLD: Rated R. 11 a 8Clence fiction horroc story aet in space. The R rating 11 for violence THE FRENCH UElM'ENANT'S WOMAN: Rated R. st&ra Meryl Stnep in the role of the heartbroken and heartbleakinfl French Lic!utenant'a woman a.nd Jettmy lr<-ns aa the Victorian aentJcman who gambles his love and reputaUon on her. The modern day film crew making a movie of "The French L1eu- tenant'1 Woman" has lta own romantic drama and downulh See Currently, Page 5 I. -------------------r( Currently Screening )t=====================;::============= .. ~: From Page 4 l which ~ meant IO compatt and contnist with the Vic1onan sequence. The R ratmg la for adult sexual ll~tiona. GOIN' ALL THE WAY1 Rated R. la about a steamy summer and young people with "only one thing on their rninda." The R rating is for adult satuatlonl and nudity. IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR: Rated PC. st.an Marc Sanger and Sharl Harper. This movte 111 bued on the life of Tom Sullivan, 111nger-compo11er, wrlter-dlreclOr and athlete who wu bhnd. RatinA is fOt" adult lltuations. MAlUNG LOVE: Rated R, stars Mich.el Ont.kewi, Kate Jaclcaon and H&IT}' Hamhn I.II a story about a woman, a man and hla homoeexual lover. The R rating as for adult situations and homosexuality. 1i71• • -t--.." ... 11 1 1 '· .i J4TH TllllFIC WllK Movies now showing along Orange Coast . ON' GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, stara Henry Fonda and Kathanne Hepburn u an acl"i couple returning IO live on Golden.-Pond. He's f~ with arudetleti about death; she's Interminably cheerful. They bicker politely untll the amval of th~r dauchter (Jane Fonda), ~ latat boyfriend. BUJy (played bnlllanUy by 0.bney C.Oleman) and his 13-year-old boy. The PC rat.Ing is for lal\iW114!. PARTNERS: Rated R, stars Ryan O'Neal and John Hurt as nomlt lllffiJIV-f-OX PllSOOS M M WllQ£R PlntTOI M AR1lU! HIU£R FILM AL PACING "AUTHOR! AUTHOR!" .. - DYAN CANNON · TUESDAY WEtD [ .i:ops -ooe atraiaht and one py -who m~t live IOlether IO ~ crack a murder cue The R raUJli la for adult situatlons and d> homolexualily ~ d> SHOOf THE MOON: Rated R. stars Albert Finney at George ::> Dunlap, whole mamaae IO Faith (Oi.ane KH\On) II on the rodca. Q. They ~ Lnvolved with dJffttent peopW. and for the first ~ tlme in yevs. Rem IO involve thenwelws ipln. h 's an eccurate, =T; moving account or a break-up, more intuitlve and precbe than 5: mo1t movies on dlvonie. Ju their daughter, Sherry, Diana Hall la ~ brilliant. KealOn iJve11 the perlonnance of a llfe$ie The R rat.Ing IS for adult sltuatlclns. (... c ::> d> SOME IUND OP' HERO: Rated R, 1tan1 Richard Pryor as a _.. down and out Marine who can't make his life go at he wants it !» ~· The R raUJli Is (or language and adult liluationa. They share tbe laughter, tbe love, tbe jrustratton ... and tbe bathroom. Anyone can be a father. But not every father deserves a standing ovation. BOB DISHY · ALAN KING as Kreplich fhic 11J lWE MN Pnnmi 11J IRWIN WIN<lfR ll!ll r-;~:==!~ ... ~~!:rj HllliR trl~!=="--= E:llll.. ... OM Qoa ......... h .... • •1112 TWt.NTllTW ClHTU"V ,ox - T .._-----~~- lldleelilki~--~~~---...~~~-!!l!l!!l ......... ~---l ~~~~~--~~~~~--( ~ ~ The Clo••lc• ),_ _________ ...._ ______ _ ... • The Orange Coast College Chorale, augmented ~ with alumni singers, Satutday night perfonned the ~ monumental Bach B Minor Mass unaer the B :::> direction of Richard Raub and was accompanied by .., orchestra and 'Organ. Soloists were Mary Rawcliffe, Minor Sol us," for bass with obbligato supplied by hunting horn, two bassoons and organ. The feeling M engendered by this particular music was more ass romantic than baroque. Perhaps a curious foreshadowing or things to come 100 years hence? The chorale handled all the choruses with skill ~ soprano; Janet Smith, mezzo soprano; Michael Sells, 'tJ tenor and Rod Gilfry, bass. Chora le's performance of Bach near perfect iE Several members of the orchestra rendered ";:: obbligato accompaniment to the soloists most ~ effectively. They were Jennifer Woodward, violin; c Gary Woodward and Linda Lancaster, flutes; Lon ~ Bussell, oboe and John Rojas, oboe d'amore; ! Michael Sweeney and Felicia Foland, bassoons; and ~ Timothy Brandt, Mark Larsen and William Bing, ------------------ .§ trumpets. Continuo was provided by Samuel ii: Swartz, organ; Roger Lebow, cello; Bruce Morgenthaler, double bass and Michael Sweeney, By CAROLYN A. CAPALBO Special to the Daily Pilot bassoon. ---------------------The chorale was impeccably prepared by Raub, as is his custom, and their performance was nearly perfect.. The singers are to be commended for their deportment, since they were required to stand the entire two-plus hours of the Mam and fidgeting and foot-shifting was virtually non-existent. Besides this, their concentration and enthusiasm were at a high level ~ entire evening. In a work of this length, there are bound to be less-than-inspired passages, and Bach is no exception. Some may call him boring but perhaps prosaic is a better term to apply in this instance, and still the chorale managed to imbue these passages with a degree of finesse that retained the listener's attention and interest. One of the most notable solos was the "Qui Sedes," a duet for meu.o soprano and'oboe d 'amore. There was a remarkable dep$h to the intonations of the instrument and the dark. rich tones of the singer, which bordered· on the contralto ooloration. MOit impressive. Another highlight was the "Quoniam Tu and precision but came to life, as only Raub's singers seem to be able to, with explosive and brilliant technique in the "Et Resurrexit" and "Sanctus," which were balanced by the ability of such a large grouo to sing with ethereal pianissimo the "Kyrie" and '1Incamatus." . For thoee of us who are mad about mel.ismas, we had our fill and thoroughly enjoyed the perfection of the men's voices' agility. Rare indeed is a genuine tenor section, and rare indeed is the gusto displayed by the men of the chorale. But what else could be expected when the alumni section contained such as Alvin Brightbill and Ray Harrison? All in all, a wonderful evening of music set off by a touching floral tribute to Raub from his troops since this was his final appearance as oonductor of the chorale. Next year, he assumes leadership of the Orange Coast Master Chorus, and we wish him well in that endeavor. We are sure he will be a rousing success there as he has been with the Orange Coast College Chorale. Ave atque vale. WHEN IN SOUTHERN CAl.JF()RNA Wll'T~& aAL. Sr\m TaUA . --- .. GBf.ASE IS Sl1U.111E WORDI Balboa: Life.1 he fast lane . +- Jmm Page 3 ~repared to reveal them. . The tormer hooker la being groomed for political Ute, starting with the town's city council. Whew. Now that's a movie. Thia could bring a whole new flavor to those long t edious city council aeealona. ~ film, p11ekaged as a theatre movie-for foreign releue, ii expected to be aired within the next 12 montha. • ~ as a pilot, "Balboa" could evolve into a -hang onto your hats -regular eeries. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MOVIE OPEMIMG IM HISTOP.Y. LET THE STARSH_, EMTERPRISE 'TAKE YOU OM THE ADVEMIURE OF YOUR LIFE. ·:.~ -70NINI - SIX-TRACK CIJfOOLllY&tEHIJI°' PRESENTATION -NEWS from all over California is From the SIOfY by FELIX SAL TEN [gl~ TECHNICOlOA9 ................. WIT4 -COINC ...,..,.. ................. ~~~~-STARTSTODAY ~~--~- AIWIU• ......... 712·144f nu ....... "911521-UH CllTA -.... .... U. a... 640-0SM ... 5SHl955 .... OJ. '3 .. 8710 ll T• OUU1 llMlf ~ 111-SllO Oll9fl .... 137.oMI '*'a.., a.-'34-3111 : 1i===========:::;;;====t( lnterml .. lon ~ )t:z:··==="~~~~===:;:::::~~~~ O> -ar; 1 cr'he fur really flies in "Not Now, Darling" at -the Costa Mesa Ovic Playhouse. Mink coats are put ~ on -and other it.ems of apparel taken off -at a :J dizzying pace, and you may wind up wondering just : who's doing what to whom, and why. ~ That's the aort of play it ia, a British sex farce :2 Americaniz.ed by director 'Pati Tambellini, who it t.ol!lsea out the stereotyped English characterization ~ but salvages the madcap comedy. The show spins its ~ wheels on occasion, but always keeps the motor i humming . .x The plot. rather tame by today's standards, $ revolves around a playboy fur salon operator whoae ;: would-be mistress would do anything for a mink. 0 and his effQrts to COOllWnin8te the deal before his 5: wife gets back in town. One "fur-out'' situation leads to another as scantily clad femmes are shuffled into storage closets and liquor cabinets one PACIFIC THEATIES OlllVE·IN S*' MEETS SlllnCM fOl/ll IU(ll.S-Sl'lllO not°"' at HAllOll ILVO Olll~E·lll 6 OUNGl OlllVE·IN I All IO),_ U~t I S-Y ,.(( ,U1111$ ,_, .. , _, .. lllflU. IMPORTANT NOTICI! CMllotlH UHIR 12 FREI. ................ ftl.7••W.1i&.....,.,. CM.fl -• 'ftUI All CAii NM IS '111111 SlfMl8I tlf NO AM CM IWllO Wl1l4 INIOI iCC89lllY IOSlllDll ....... All "'"*1.l•MJ. ~ ..._ m Oii M MOii A~.\._H V ANAHEIM OQIVHN '-Oii 91 at ... _ Sl "PIREFOX" INI -"OUTLAND" 1111 ___ 1_79_·_9_l _IO ___ ..,-__ Ct!!!.:!'~ __ "OMAR 2".., "POMY'l" (II) -' -.. AmRICAll POP"_, "GOIW AU n.-WAY" 1111 t.•-.t. LA HABRA ,~,,. ··~ c:Jllt.-k M>llllO w ae-_. • LA IUllMl9WA HICllft'mA'"' • 'Not Now, Darling' fast, fu rious; funny 1 By TOM TITUS Of the Daily Pilot Staff "ttOT NOW, DAN.atG" A comedy by Ray Cooriey 911<1 John Cl'llpnan, dlr9Cted by PaU TembeHlnf, tachnlc.i dlr9C\Of Robert Howell, ataga INMIOll' 1<119" Nlcholl, aound and llghtlng by Louil Reao, ~ted W.csn.clt1Y4, Thurtdaya, Saturday• and Sunday• at l:lO ihrough June 20 at Iha Coat• ...... CM<: PlayhouM on IM Orange County Falfgrounda, Coeta Meta. ~llonl 7M-5159. ntSCAST Arnold Crouch ........................... ··-·········-·· ........................ John Weith ~= .. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::.~= Janie McMichMI• ..................................................... Stephenie 0 '8')19n :;~~ .. ::::~:::::::::::;;::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:.::: Mr. Frenctlam .................. -.................. -.............................. Ron MOllaf &le Lawton ................................................................. Jennifer LaVlgnl ~ .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ~=-La~ 'Step ahead of their apouaes . Jack Willenbacher, aa the philanderer and John Walsh as his egregiously introverted partner handle the elaborate assignations like a pair of traffic CX>pl. Willenbacher's cOld sweat-guilty double takes and Walah's painful dJacomfort at the proximity of undraped femininity are especially entertaining. Some fine supportlng performances are turned in by Shirlee McDan.ieJa as a frumpy tecretary with an eye for Walsh, Stephanie O'Bryan as wmenblcher's intended conquest, Jim nynn .. . Mm <>'Bryan's Damob Runyaneeque spouae and Robbi Schoonover aa Wlllenbacher's wife, who always seema to be in the way. E8pedany effective is Jennifer LaVJgne's contrasting baby"ldoll cutenem and Billie Dawn phraaeology. *BARGAIN MATIN•U * Mona, u.111 Saturday Alt Performance• before 5:00 PM (&m,I.,.... -...... 11111 .......,., " .A ~ ... ,. ........ MllOClo Gt IONCtON LA Ml~ADA WAI I( IN tt.t-2400 . ~AUTllOlll AUTHOR" ........ ,. .... ,_ (N) "ROCKY lff" Cl'O' .......... 119. .... ,,,,. Jack WiJlenbacher tries to explain to Stephanie O'Bryan why she can't have a mink coat in a scene from "Not Now, Darling" at the Costa Mesa Civic · Playhouse. It may not be the show it.a Fngliah authors envisioned, but "Not Now, IlJlrl.IDg'~ geta the job dooe quite w~ in iranalation. It plays Wedne8daya through Sundays (dark Fridays) through this Sunday at 8:30 at the avtc Playhouae on the Orange County Fairgrounds. See Intermission, Page 9 ' • GO FOR IT! "A~_Hitl A B())U)ffice Knockout!" -TI-M~ ._ .. ---~-- Youth group to do 'Alice in Wonderland' The Laguna Moulton Youth Theater opens its 32nd 11eUOn Friday with a modem adaptation of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland," and "Through the Looking Glass." Thirty children from south Orange County conununi.ties will perform in full costume with professional set design, props, lighting and sound. Performances at 606 Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach are 7:30 p.m. Friday, and 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are 50 cents for children and $1 for adults. For reserved seating, call 494-3338 or 497-3655. Intermission From page 8 * CALLBOARD -Auditions for the youth musical "Pippin'' will be held Monday and Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach ... -director Debra Sampeon will be seeking four men and four women in leading roles and eight chorus members of ages from late teens to early 30s ... the show opens Aug. 11 for three weekends . . . 642-8119 for details ... BACKSTAGE -An acting workshop for adults will be offered at Orange Coast College, beginning next week and running Wednesday . evenings at 7 p.m. th.rough July 28 . . . registration is being conducted in the college administration building and at the class for both beginning and advanced performers . . . call 556-5880 for further details ... The Young Conaervatory Players, a children's troupe at South Coast Repertory, will present an original version of Grimm's fairy tale, ''Snow' , White" ... performances are June 26 at 1 and 3 p.m. and June 27 at 3 and 5 p.m. . . call SCR at 957-4033 for ticket infonnation . . . The Newport Harbor Actors Theater has choeen the fint hal1 of Ua 1982-83 aeaaon . . . the Gilbert and Sullivan muaical "Gondolien" will lead off in September, with .!'Mornihga at Seven" following in November. a.nd the "Second Shepherd's Play" 1eheduled fur December . . . the second hal1 of the NHA T aeaaon will be announced .later .. ~ .. ITAR TREK II TttaWRATH Of KHAN" """"' .. TftAC« DOL8Y ITIMO A&.-1.,..., CMOL~ "ANNIE•' DAil Y: 2:00, l:OO 1:00. 10:30 ...--. ------ "DUD_,. DON'T WlAR PLAID" CNl DAILY ~ l:IO, 1o:20 ~~ ~ALY · 4:25, 1:15 n.-..~ ........ Ill ----.. ·-...... • "ITARTMK I TMIWRATM Of KHAN"'.,_. -~ , . I t r t ·zn---r a '~ ...._ --i -·-·- le ~ O> ..... ~ ..... ~ ~ , >:. • :2 ~ u.. ...... ~ G> "O i 1 ~ -~ a: - I . by Mary Kyte, Mii ,._. Md Glry hlrf Thia noatalglc muslcal revue with tum-of-the-century songs captures the aplrtt -of The American Dream -and the American reallty, too, with the sounds of ragtime, Tin Pan Alley, jazz and the ZJegfeld Follies. ~ ..., 21 through .... 'Z1 .:....:MOW PLAY .... Jlt.- AINll 1S ....... .., 11 Main Stage Curtain Timee: T uesdav-$11turday at 8 p. m. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p.m. Limited Seating Still Available 655 Town Center Drive. COiia M818. CA 92828 For tld<el infonnatlon or- reservatlone. call (714) 957-4003 ~ public aervlce presentation of the llllJ Piii ------------------.... e, ___ ri_._._,. __ ,. __ i_._,,,.~ ___ )~----------................................. ~- a u z z,. v er' s satisfies the biggest appetite By JOBL C. DON Of &Jae Daily Pilot Staff GULL.IVER'S, 18482 MacArthur Blvd., Irvjne . 833-8411. Dinnt!r served from 5:30 to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday, 5 p .m . to midnight. Saturday, 4 to 10 p.m . Sunday. Lunch serve<f'from 11:15 a.m. to 3 p.m . Monday through Friday. One dinner at $11.95. Lunch from 14.50 to $6. 75. Recently I invited a fellow reporter to dine out and graciously offered him carte blanche to chooee any one of the Oranae Cout'a fine restauranta. Before I could even utter tole graa, he stripped Mexican, French and all seafoods from our list. F1gUrtng hla taste buda would not Ukely be up to anytblna acroaa any border, I suggested a restaurant spedalizina ln IOUd American food - with emphuia on the red meat end of the entree spectrum • Tryinc to pleMe even the ..-dikTbulnatlng ol tMtiee left many a ratamant off my eele ~ list. Lucidly, Gulllvr1 menseM to meet eYeO my gumt'a rather atrid guJdeltna Besidea, rd been ln more difficuJt atuat.iona. Anyone hlivirw a toup dme deddln&an a pl.ce to eat ahouJd try 1t with a carload of children between ..-7 and 12. In that lituation.. C8IUlllly mention a co1olfu1 dellert oUettd at the reirtaurant you wUh- to villt. One quick glance at Gulliver's menu and my guest auddenly wu .owrccme by the virtual eue (or lack) of choice ln his evening meal. After all, be asked for something simple and American. For nearly 11 years. Gulliver's ln Irvine baa offend whlit must be the beefeater'• delight. ·You have a si.ngle cboAoe: prime rib1 aUced thick. thin or fJ'om • end. And the $11.~ price includes aoup or aaiaq.and Yorkshire pudding, spinach eouffle and a vegetable of the day. Out of respect for Jonathan Swift, Gulliver'• is modeled after a 17th century English inn . Wait.reteea are clad in shapely peasant_ dresaea and the cacophony of dinera helpe tum the clock back a few hundred years. My auest choee the salad, w.e<i greens with bay shrimp, chopped egg and a light oil and vinegar bowie dressing. My lenUl/bean ioup waa one of the finest I've ever tasted. In fact. it seemed aa if Gulliver's had given a new definition to this hearty soup. After offering my friend a spoonful. he gleefully announced: "That's what lentil aoup should be." Our prime rib was served as ordered. My guest selected the thlck cut and I chose thin. We both agreed the beef was succulent and tender - definitely deserving Its much-revered place as the solo entree on Gulliver's menu. Our dinner included vegetables that demanded special note. The Yorkshire pudding was a wonderful accompaniment, rich with eggs and milk and drenched, if preferred, in natural beef juice. 'nle spinach aouffle a1ao delerved prai9e. )Nt the veaetable of the evening -creamed corn -ha"d to have been one of the most remarkable eventa of the meal. It waa exquisitely rich and quickly drew tbia respo11ee from my eomewhat-hard-to-pleale guest: "That's ihe best ~corn rve ever hid." Reali2inc that I had overwhelmingly satialied even my most cJlOOI)' friend, we decided to force a little extra room for one of the restaurant's enchanting de9et ta. Gulliver's haa a splepdid aelection for the sweet t«>th. The dessert U.at tncludee sherried trifle pudding, vanflla rum mow11e with rupberry saU(:e and apple crumb cake. The apple cake ($2) waa luadous, with fresh fruit filling and de.l.late pastry. I would heartily recommend the trifle for someone wishing to sample a fine &lallah tradition. lt.'f_,a pudding-like desaert that can be found in just about every inn and restaurant on the BriUsh lsles. N~EIT llELEAIH • NOITALOIA • CONCllnS• lllUOIOUI IP'CMTI • CHtlOllENI• ADULT• DOCUlllllllTAlllH INCLUDING THESE TITLES edwards TOWN CENTER MISSING "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" IN MIJTll CeUT PLAZA SAN •DGe ....WAW AT •a18TeL A ANHN Ae ..... Pre• S.. .. Ceaat P1aaa aet.el c.. ..... THE IOIDER ABSENCE OF MAUCE THE GtEAr' WALDO PEPPER l'M DANCING AS FAST AS I CAN CACTUS FlOWEI ' IOPEN> M·F.10·9-SAT, 10·1 -SUN.12·1 I · ·. * ~ VIDEO GAMES ~-Cr" · -"BAMBI" to> UON .OOLDEN POND" ,... ''CHARIOTS OF FM!" ~PLAYS--_.._ __ _ "THE BAD SEED," a drama about a murderous little girl, is on stage al the Newport 'I:heater Arta Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Curtain is 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through July 3 with matinees th.la Sunday and next at 2 p.m. Reservations 675-3143. "CLOSE TIES,'' a drama about family cri8es, cloees at the-Newport Harbor Actors Theater. 390 Monte Vllta St., C-Oeta Mesa. Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday al 2:30. Reservations 631-!HIO. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE," Kurt Vonnegut's saUrical comedy, winds up its run for the Mission Viejo Pl.ayhouae In the Fonan Theater on the Festival of Aru grounds in Laguna Beach. Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8:30. Reservations 830-9252. "I DO, I DO," a musical about marrtage, is being presented at the new Movieland Dinner Theater at Moviela.nd Wax Museum. 7711 Beach Blvd., Buena Park. Dlnrler at 7:30, cunain at 8:45. Reservations 522-11$4. "A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS,'' a dnma aet ln the time of Henry Vlll, continues at the Hunliniton Beach Playhouse in the Seacliff Village shopping center, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Performances an! Frida)'I and Saturdays at 8:30 through July 10. Reservations 847-4465. ---"THE MAN WHO COULD SEE THROUGH TIME," a new romantic drama, ends its run in'the Second Stage theater at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Calta Mesa. Curtain times are 8:30 tonight and Saturday, 8 p.m. Sunday and 3 p.m. for weekend matinees. Reservations 957-4033. "NOT NOW, DARLING," an English corned~. oonUnues through June 20 at the c.o.ta Mesa Civic Playhouae on the Orange (:ounty Fairgrounds in c.o.ta Mesa. Performances are at 8:30 Wedne.days, Thuradays, Saturdays and Sundays. Reeervationa 754-5159. "OKLAHOMA," the first Rodgers and Hammerstein muaical, baa been ext.ended through Aug. 22 at the Curtain Call Dlnner Theater, 690 El Camino Real, Tuatln. Reservations and Information at 838-1540. "ON GOLDEN POND," starring Pat O'Brien, oompleies lta run at Sebutian's West Dinner PlayhoUle, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente, whett "George M" takes over the stage Wednesday. Performancea are given nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times. Reservations 492-9950. "SAY GOODNIGHT, GRACIE," a modem adult comedy by the Irvine Ccmmunity Theater, cloees Its enp&ement at Turtle Rock Community Parle. Sunnybill Roed off 'l'urtJe Rock Drive, Irvine. Final perfonnancea are tooigbt and Satl&l'day at 8 p.m. and dckeCa are available at the door. Information at 557-7297. • "SUGAR," the musical .venion of the movie ''Scime Like It Hot." II the new fare at the Harlequin Dinner Playtiou.e, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana, playtnc nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times throuCh Aug. 22. RaervatioN 979-5511. ''TINTYPES," a musical tribute to the turn of the century in America. continues on the mainatage at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Co.ta Meu. Performances are Tuadays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7:30 and weekend matinees at 2:30 through July 3. Reeervatlona 957-4033. "YOUR FLAJtE OR MINE?" a new Jack Sharkey comedy, ia on stage at the San Clemente Conununity Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemen~. through June 26. CUrtain ia 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. llelervatlOOI 492-0465. "THE MISANTHROPE," Moliere's clM8ic comedy of manners. alt.em.at.el wtth Feydeau's "A Flea in Her Eu"' ~b Aug. 1 at Mark Taper Forum. Los Anplee. Box of1Joe (213) 972-'ISM. "BYE, BYB BllU>IE" cltrDaxa the third annual summer muatcal theater worbh.~or hlfb .chool studenCI 9t ~ c.lllsie· W«kllbop opena MondlJ and eommu. ~ A&.w. 8 with ....... .....-1 Aul· M . Worbhop OOft 11· $100 per studeot. ~ 871-8000, Slc1. ... List of activities along Orange Coast and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. WORKSHOPS IN KITE-MK.ING, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, and native American art are offered at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, beginning Monday. Other counes Include photography, drawing, watercolor. animation, weaving, chess, papermaking. calligraphy and natural history. Some workshops are free; others have a fee. Information, call Joan Primm. educadon curator, at 972-1900. IRVINE FINE ARTS CENTER offers summer cla.ea and workshops In drawing, painting, calligraphy, photography. pottery, ceramics, sculpture, lapidary, jewelry-casting, Interior design, stained glass. fiber arts. g:irta and decorations. ln!onnation. 552-1078. ~ 3 71; CD :l a. CD NEWPORT BEACH ARTS FESTJV AL WINNERS' ~ WORKS are hung at Newport Beach City Hall Gallery, ~. 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Hours are 8 a.m.-5 a. p.m. weekdays. ~ c... c THIRTY-FIVE LARGE PAINTINGS GIVEN TO UC :::> IRVINE by Japanese philanthropist Katsuo Kuno will be CD exhibited formally Sunday in the UCI Administration c» Building. The paintings an! the results of a 15-year _. project by Japaneee artist K.azuo Shabata. Information co 833-51 12. ~ See Diversions, Page 16 A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment C£nter Albertson's • Bank of America• Biibo Bagglns •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions• Edwards Cinema• Fuh'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mlone's • Music Market • Plecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady • Swensen's i I (. I .'T 12 · -~~~~~~~~--J.,..,..-----------------4(. At,,.. Movl•• )"----------------- ! g ~One too ni.any ~ .., I Hooks still in Rocky III, but ~ charm begins to wear thin i 1 ~ By PHIL SNEIDEBMAN 01 tbe Dally Pilot StaH Watching "Rocky Ill" is like listening to a hit record that's been played one too many times on the radio -the hook4 are still there, but the charm is starting to wear mighty thin. There are no big surpriaes in th.is third insi.allment of Sylvester Stallone's boxing saga. Once again he maneuvers Rocky Balboa into a comer as the underdog fighter with one desperate chance to prove be can go the distance. And o nce again Roc ky is surrounded by his supportive friends and family, including his shy wife, Adrian (Talia Shire); his sleazy, loud-mouthed brother-in-law, Paulie (Burt Young); and his. cranky trainer-manager Mickey (Burgess Meredith). For this go-round, Stallone has found a worthy adversary in Clubber Lang, vividly portrayed by Leon Spinks' former bodyguard, Mr. T. The arrogant Lang goads Rocky into a match by accusing him of defeating only "soft" challengers lined up by the over-protective Mickey. Mickey later explains that these hand-picked boxers were the only opponents Rpcky, now spoiled by wealth and fame, could defeat. ''The worst thing that could happen to a fighter has happened to you," Mickey explains. "You've gotten civilized!" As the audience waits anxiously for the vicious Lang to get what's coming to him, Stallone cleverly defuses any racism charges by bringing in Apollo ~ (Carl Weathen), his opponent in the first two "Rocky" films, to teach him bow to fight like a black boxer. As a director, Stallone has picked up a pointer• or two since his last outing. "Rocky II" wu dragged down by a long, silly domestic melodrama in the middle of the film. The aequel was saJvaged, however, by its brutal, exciting climactic fighL "Rocky Ill" moves along at a brisker pace. It's enlivened by three fight sequences, including a bone- crunching but entertaining charity bout pitting Rocky against a berserk 400-pound wrestler. AJJ a screenwriter, Stallone is still wildly uneven. Early in "Rocky ill," he makes some funny points about the Restrapied by-guards, Rocky (Sylvester Stallone) angrily responds to insults hurled at him by chaHenger Clubber Lang in 'Rocky m.' hazards of becoming an overnight pop celebrity. But he then shamelessly exploits a mid-picture tragedy. In addition, Stallone writes clumsy dialogue. AJJ he did in "Rocky 11," Stallone portrays the boxer as a wimperins moron, instead of the charming semi- literate punk of the original picture. Despite these shortcomings, Stallone still knows how to tap into an audience's primal emotions. He knows about being an underdog, about the . urge to knock down a bully and about the need to retain a sense of honor and self-worth. Above all, when it comes to staging brutal boxing matches, Stallone is practically without peer. "Rocky III" is certainly no masterpiece, and it won't win over anyone who didn't care for the first two films . On the other hand, it's unlikely to disappoint anyone who feels like rooting for Rocky one more time. Sylvester Stallone has proved he can go the distance. Now, it's time for him to prove he has more than one story to tell. 1 A IN'8I knOwn basic cotton UC/ set to exhibit Japanese paintings Of blended kibrlc. The fotlric 1$ V9fV C:Uoble and Is popular for all type$ ot garments flom · wollc cloltl8S lo sportswear and evening wecw 2. A cxxne blue dlr.goree used tor wollc c:k:l4hes, orlginolly used tor so1m wo11c dOlhes. UC Irvine will present an exhibition of 35 large paintin81 given to the university by a Japanese philanthropist Sunday, June 20. The painting•, donated to the campu• by Katsuo Kuno of NukatJa Cho, Japan, eventually will han1 in UCI's Dorothy Grannis Sullivan Memorial/University Club, 1cheduled to be completed th.is summei:. The paintings are by artilt Kazuo Shibata, the result of 15 years of labor. F.ach painting, roughly 5-by-7 feet, ls done in a watercolor technique and repre1enta the Japeneee academic style. Als Garage; Your Denim st0f9 for Dad~ Day ... An exhibition ceremony will be held at 2:30 p.m . and will be attended by Kuno and the Japaneee CODllUl general's office in Los Angeles. Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. wW fonnally accept the paintln&s. The ~tinp were first pr etient.ed to UCl at ceremonies lri Ciak.a. Japan 1ut December. The UCI exhibition will be the fint time the works have appeared outllde of Japan. A Levi "501;· Shrink-to-tit basic denim 8. lee Rider. Straight leg denim. C. LeVl·for·Men. stretch dErin. D. Calvln Klein. '14 oz. denim ~~~ ------ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEVVPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ,,.. .., . • I J ·)I"\ Of\b A recepUon and entena1nment by J~ performers abo will hl1hll1ht the exhibit ceremoniee, which are free to the public. For more information, call SSS-5112. FoUowyour team in the ...,,. ..... .,. .......... ._ .... -. . ---------. --~..t - --------~~-----''---..;,. __ ------ -------------------'C M•od on Win• )r---------~---------~ 0 By JERRY D. MEAD 'The results are in from the first major wine com~tition of the year, the annual Orange County Fair CommerciaJ Wine Com~tition. Only aix years old, the O.C. Fair bas become ·the dominant judging in the nation as f.ar as consumer, trade and winery acceptance are concerned, and there are several reasons for the event's great credibility. Unlike any other major judging, Orange County insists on judging every commercially available California wine in the categories being evaluated. What is entered is not left up to the wineries who often "cherry pick" their lines to enter only what they consider best. Any wines that are not voluntarily entered are purcha8ed off local retail shelves. Orange County ia also the only competition to UBe only professional judges, either winemakers or brand owners, and it is the only event of ita kind to judge wines based on three separate price categories, namely "low," "medium," and "premium." A $5 wine, then, does not have to compete with $~ "reserve" wines. The thing ~ really makes Orange County different is that ita sponsorB have the consumer in mind. Moet other judgings are industry oriented. While it will be impossible for me to provide a complete list of winners, I will devote~ number of columns to highlighting top awards for the categories that interest the largest number of conswnera. Meanwhile, you can order the lair's official awards booklet by sending $2.50 (includes postage & handling) to: OC Winners 82, P.O. Box 397, Garden Grove, Ca. 92642. One caution. I will be talking mostly about gold medalist8, which ia all space will permit. When you order and receive the awarda booklet, do not ignore the silver and brome awards. Very often they were only a point, or fraction of a point, away from being a top winner. Any medal won at thia comt:!ttioQ indicates the wine ia one of the best of ita · ln the state. TX7z·nne d Wines, was fOI' Chardonnap in the middle price i yr 1 rs announce ranaetrom$8.01tot12.sun.on1yfivewtneswere 1 presented gold medals. :lit" •• in wine competition spedaltta;1 ~!ve~~~~:a~leo~ract!k: ! going to Canyon 1981; Raymond 1980; ~ Alexander Valley Vineyards 1980; and Sonoma =Ti Vineyards 1980 ''Chalk Hill" Second Releaae. &'. with two gqtd medalists in the class, The Christian Bros. non-Wrt.age Napa Valley and Ridgewood 1979 "Polk Vineyard." Medium priced Zins were in a range from $4.51 to $7 .50 and a total of six wines earned the gold, Raymond 1979 Napa; Cordtz Bros. 1980 Alexander Valley; Montevina 1980 Amador; Ahem 1980 Amador; Madrona 1980 El Dorado County; and the excellent Kenworthy 1979 Amador. Note the number of medalista from the Sierra Foothills (Amador and El Dorado), a region that did equally well ln collecting sliver and bronz.e awards and did well ln all three price ranges. The judges were a little more stingy in the high price claas, but they did find three wines worthy of the top award, Sycamore Creek 1980 F.atate; David &uce 1979 El Dorado; and Mastantuono 1980 Paao Robles. The wines in this price range went from $7.51 and up, with all the gold medalists 9elling for $10 or less as it turned out. Chardonnay is the white variety that generates more consumer interest than any other, and even with prices rising daily, consumers continue to buy ~re and more Chardonnay. Believe it o~ not, there are still nearly 50 Chardonnays selling for $8 or less, which is the low price range for this varietal at Orange County. Judses found three gold medal winners ln thlt "bargain" category. From a tiny winery in the Temecula region comes the first gold, a 1980 Filsinger. Golda also to Cloa Ou Bola 1980 Alexander Valley and Geyaer Peak 1980 Sonoma County. The largest white wine category, over 100 ID There were over a dozen sliver medals in this ;:< large and generally excellent clua, and about the '- same number of bronzes. § Even a few yean ago it would have been " impoesible for wineries to charge much over $10 for c» even the best of Chardonnays, while today $15 to - $20 has ~ quite common for top wines from a> the best vineyards. Orange County's prioe range for ~ expensive Chardonnays ranged from $12.01 and up, with nearly 50 wines oomma.ndi.ng IUCh prices. One almost get.a tired of Cbateau St. Jean winning golds for its famous Robert Young Vineyard Chardonnay, but year in and out, vintage after vintage, the wine takes the "gold ah at least one of the major competitions and often stacks up a whole pile of med.ala in a single YeaiJ It sells for $18 in the current 1980 edition, and it did win a·gold in 1982. Most reasonably priced of the golds in this class was Stag's Leap Wine Cellars 1979 "Haynes Vineyard" which aells for about $12.50. Other Chardonnay golds went to Milano 1980 Lolonis Vineyard; Ory Creek 1980 Vintner's Reserve; and Veedercrest 1980 Winery Lake. Only two golds for Gamay BeaujOJaia.. In the medium price range ($4.51 to $6) to Buena Vista 1981, and in the low price range (under $4.50) to Fetzer 1981 Mendocino. ~o golds in the Pinot Blanc clul, too, with one gomg to Jekel 1980 Monterey in the upper price range ($7.01 and up) and to a real bargain in the l~w pric_e range (under $5) The Monterey Vineyard 1979. Zinfandel is ~lifornia'a own, and some ~------------~---------~---~~~~-~--~ excellent wines made from this versatile red grape earned the top award. Zinfandel also has the distinction of offering 90ITle of the best values when it comes to top quality red wines. The low priced ZinfandelB cost $4.50 or less, Dining Dellghts FIVE CROWNS RESTAURANT -Five Crowns will be serving dinner for Father's Day on Sunday, Lrom 4 p.m . Some dellcioua tielections are roast prime ribs, rack of lamb, duckling with orange sauce or the nightly fresh Ilea.food 1e1ections. As an added attraction, the ever-popular "Showcaae S~" will begin entertaining in the lounge at 8 p.m.' Five Crowns la al80 open for Sunday Brunch from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p .m. Graduation and prom dinnen r:::l. also be celebrated at the two-story inn w contaim "aeveral intimate and oomfoitable decorated dining rooma. 'The Five Crowns is located at 3801 E. Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. Reaervations call 760-0331. GRINDER RESTAURANT -bpedally for Father's Day the Grinder Gourmet Coffee Shoppes will be 9eJ'Vinl( a 1 pound pure USDA choke porterhouae for '6.95, served with a mixed salad topped with a bouquet of finely diced freah vegetable., ar' a bowl of .aup, golden brown natural cut wedge fries or baked potato, and stonegtound 100 percent natural squaw bread. The Grinder COffee Shoppe ii located on Coast ffiahway in Huntinpln ~and Newport Bwh. LA 8£11.P: CUISINB -A new coaoept 1n dining bail bem ...,..es ed at La Belle Ollllne. located at 177 IUwnide Ave. tn Newpol1 ee.ch. Whether you're en.tertainlnl dinner guesta or jult tlnd of cooldna. here you can pt fine rr..ncb dlmentofO. aam. pop•• ...._ mcfude V-1 a. eur, C.oq .. -. !>ml• rcnniit a• ¥ilrieCJ ol OCbsl. Nol ....... ..,.,~ .. ...,,.. Wttb .em ........ ......... eledt-"ch-a •'I 691 ol W-. end hmoa•·srnYti -~·to1111Nf ·"·--.. ---- dads day,jum 20th, BEST OF CLASS ~&lr 1:xth thi mpptsld twill anz, WO'RTl U1 <?J191.and czxclu.eiw.l.y fbr and oonf\n<ld to taU:dt neck-mar simpLy U1a world~ fine~ t tt<L. ~~o~@}~~ 44 Foshron ltland ·Newport &och · 714/644~5010 1001 Wntwood Blud. • ~ VIiiage • 213/208-3273 1----~----~---~~~-'---...,.:...~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~-----~--~· j :: ... -;; :-::-•• -••• ; ."'7'. _,,..-................. ·• ......... ., • ., ••• ~ ............ ·-.. ... • ~'W ........................... _..., _______ ..... _...._..,.,,.,....... ...... !'I"' ..................................... . . . otlg :ttPser, Gives bl A 0\8flCe To Win One Of~. Fabulous HaWallan falQlly Vacadoils! rnwanan QOC,€nt hot€l • 7 days/8 nights tor 4 persons (2 rooms) at the spectacular Hawaiian Regen_t on Waikiki's scenic side near Diamond Head. • Round lflp airfare via specious Wortd Airways Wide Body Jet from Loa Angeles to Honoaulul • Greet Meals et Jolly Roger/Hawaii locations ' (Taxes. ora1u11iea and orovnd 1ransPorlahon no11ncluded '- . ~ntry forms and complete rules are at your participat· ing Jolly Roger. You must be 18 or older to enter. no pUrchase necessary Odds of winning are determined by each week's entries. New entry fofms used for each drawing, so register often• Sweepstakes ends August 3, 1982 . · It's All To Introduce Our Great New Hawaiian ..... uDlnner Topped with a dehc10Us H-nan Glaze, this Island Feast features a temphng llio of Boneless Breast ot Chicken. Tender Pofk Back Ribs and a Prime Rib Bone. plus Hawaiian h~1n'1 that Include Rice Pllal. Fresh Tropical Papaya & Pineapple gamlShed w1111 Fresh Strawberflft & Coconu!. YoUf-choice ol Clam Chowdef. Souo °' Salad and a hall·loal oi Warm Bread & Butter 7.95 ~:~ ---BREAKFAST• LUNCH• DINNER •COCKTAILS a..~• 203 Marine Avenue (Beer & Wine Service Only) C-. .._ • Harbor Shopp\ng Center 2300 Harbot Blvd. IMne • Newport Fwy. at East Dyer Road ·· 1727 E• Oyer Aolld ...._ l'ON!lt • JUlt off 1·5 • tMce Forest Drive 22878 lMe FOf9lt om. Baroque music festivaf has special sparkle By MARY JANE SCARCELLO Ot the Daily Pilot Staff Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland did it often in the movies -some talented friends got together, ideas began sparking and someone said, "Hey, let's put on a show in my dad's old barn." On a much higher level, that's exactly what's happened in the past two years in Corona del Mar, where the last notes from the second annual Baroque Music Festival have just faded away. · In this c.ase, the talent behind the shows came from college professors of art and music as well aa energetic community leaders, and the end result has been far from amateur. Sunday's concert at St. Michael and All Angela Church was a fitting finale ta the week-long seriell. Burton Kanon. artistic director of the lestival, conducted the chorale and orchestra for an evening of elegant music. Highlight of the everun, for both music and histocy was a Concerto in G Minor for flute and oboe by Johann David Heiniche:n performed from /1olden. ~~-:r~· ...., . -~~ ;J;;;ragon ·- r.ENu1• OfllEE MANDMIN DISHES Spec.iolizing In Chinese A Lo C.Orte Dishes ,Lunch. Oi111:1er Oalbt • Food To Take Out · •111 c~ • OUMel .. 750.7171 • 750-Sote ,JOJJH..--.. • ._... COSTAMUA ,. .~ ; ,642-71'2 • Hl-ttl I WI 'ICMiifsl fOl IOOO CIHlllSI 1000 WHCHn • DINIS • TlOflCAl tOOCTMS . ~ IAllln FACIUTIU ... cl.irilNG * FOOD TO GO • l . ..,Mn the original manuscript unearthed by Karson in German travels last year. For some reason the piece had languished unplayed for almost 300 years, and festival audiences heard its 20th century pre miere. Although all the music performed was several hundred years old, the Heinichen seemed al.most a musical time capsule, bring a direct message of charm and wit from the quill of its composer. Other works performed included pieces by Monteverdi, Albinoni and Johann Christoph Bach, a distant cousin of the more famous J.S. Bach. Vivaldi provided "Gloria" for the finale, providing proof that there is more to life than "The Four Seasons." The festival orchestra was made up of local professional musicians, and singers were from the Lutheran Chorale of Los Angeles, for which Karson is a regular director. From the brass ensembles playing outside before the concerts to the wine receptions afterward, the festival's organiz.ers have worked hard to provide a top-notch event for the community. • Karson and his musicians have taken the cue and proyided styliah, entertaining evenings. Ample audiences greeted this season's four events, and organizers Indicate the non-profit festival will continue next_year. U so, block off the time and plan to attend, because the festival is a gem with real sparkle. nt SI EAi & lUSKAll KING CRAB LEGS & hni Mion Sll1ction "Y" MACOll.VI • 'GES • SJ2!!.dri£ter Distinctive Wlccrfront Dining • Oyster Bar • Ox:lttails 3333 W. Pacific eo.t lfi&bwly, Nf'NPOR Beach RacrvcJoas Aa:cplal • 60-2295 Preserva tion ·Hall Jazz Band will pl.ay at Irvine Bowl F}'om Page 1 Newport Beach. Demond drove nails during the day but oiled his trombo~~tly at such spots as the Honey t in Co.ta Mesa, the Pizza Palace at Brookhurst Street and Adams Avenu e ln Huntington BEACH AND Club New Orleans in Anaheim. F r ank said he first became lnterested in jazz. when he was 14, although be admltl to ha~ taken leseons in cleeeical piano at 'an earlier age. "I've always _played by ear"'" aid Frank. "I U8e to think I WM telf tauabt but realize I JMmed from all the sreata becaU1e rve listened to them so much." · Demond and tu ba player Allan Jaffe are the only caunwipn memben of the band, w h ich, when not traveling the globe, plays JUghtly at Preeervati<ln Ran in New Orleans' Fre~r. It wasn't until the early '60s that caucasiana could play in a black band in New Ofleans, Frank recalled. He said Louis Armstrong once retu.ed to ~DnnNG a DTEITAIDEIT GUmE :tJ IS NOW OPEN AT S:OO PM DAILY HB-7f67 STEAKS • SFEAFOOD • PRIMFE RIB -~-;.;,\ I ••t here or Long Beach • Los Angeles Norwalk • Hollywood Huntington Beach FEZ IOROCCll Al6lldlc a.ssk c..... Lll«:H l«Jlt ,,., FIL JJ:30 lo ~31 ,._. F,_ 5:00 •7,..,. A ... -.....-. .... l•rnd -. Re11rwallone Pr~ (714)MO-aoa4 IUITICTCll 80CM • nE 11l!flWT cana ·-------1 I I I I ~ l ! ' Q. • ..... ,, 1 Q. Ill ~ '-c ~ CD ... • ao .... <O Q) I\) • f r • - ... ' i ~ liTom Page 11 ~-DANCE-_-·----· t LOST ANOBLEI BALLET pr ... nta Fokfne'a -ram11ntk: 'bellft. "Lea Syblbldea'' md lle\ancblne'a "'lbe ~ Four Temperaments." ~erformancea are June 24-27 ~ the Beverly Theetet, Beverly Hilla. Information (213) ~ 46f..0'44. 1 ·~nc.. · 1 '"SNOW WHITE," Grimm'• fairytale, la pre11e11ted by , the Y ouna Comenat«J Playen, South eoui Repertory ~ Theeter'• perlormlni troupe of children. on June 26 and 27 at SCR in Costa Meaa. Information, 957-4033. :2 . . '" 0: SANTA'S VILLAGE theme pe.rk on HJahway 18, Sky Forest, San Bernardino, la open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Attnctiona include a monorail, Santa and hia reindeer, petting animala, ahopa, lln4J-along with the Rainbow Man and Lollipop Lady, and puppet ahowa. InformaUon (714) 337-2481. MillNELAND, 6600 Paloa Verdell Drive South, Rancho Paloa Verdes, -U open 10 &.m.-7 p.m. daily. v List of activities along Orange Ca.ast Includes see lhowa featurtna dolphlna. _. liona, pilot whalea and performint killer whalea. Aho, Great American Hilb DMni Team. Infonnadon (213) 641-5663. KINGDOM or DANCING STAWONI, 7662 Beach Blvd., Buena Partt, la open daily with performancea of the white Spanish danc:iq atalliona at 2 and 8 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 2 and 5 p.m. Sunday and hollcJays. Information K-I-N-G-0-0-M. BEACH PARLOR GAMES, AQUATIC DEMONSTRATIONS and Sand Sculpturing Exhibits and Workahopa are part of D-Day on the Beech -Dad'• Day from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday at the municipal pier, San Clemente. Information 492-7751. "FANTASTIC ADVENTURES." a summer reeding program begins Monday at Newport Beach Public Library. Information, call nearest branch. Balboa, 640-2241; Cctona del Mar, 640-2191; Marinen, 640-2141; Newport C..W, 640-2246. GRANNY GOOSE ceJebnw the finl day ol aammer at Loa AnpJ.a 7.oo at 11:30 a.m. Monday. 7.oo la at Golden State and Ventura freeways and open dally 10 a.m....e p.m.. ....:, .... _____ ..,..,_._ -ELIZABETH PATTERSON MITCHELL MUSIC WORUBOP PE8TIV AL for talented high IChool and oolleae atuclenta la July 5-17 at UC Irvine. Information 833-6e15. IRVINE SYMPHONY ORCBDTRA performs at 2 p.m. Jime 27 at Turtle Rock Cammunity Center, 1 Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Admlwic!n free. -SINGLES----- GET-ACQUAINTEo PARTY, 1pomored by the Man-Woman Imtltute, ii at 8 p.m.. June 2!I at Oakwood Apartments Clubhoiue, 223:S Broadway, Anaheim. Infonnadon 964-:S:S70. ~-DINING I ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE CRIME "01me"'. Does not poyt But the Grinder otters so much quality at so reosonable 0 price. that It should be a 01me. So. It yo ~ what's good for yo. you'll try 'em tor 81-eokfost. t.unc:ti • anct Dlnnet. We hoYe mode a reputation In setVlng the finest In food, ~­ thing from Ffesh Vege- tables to USDA Choice Steaks. Also offering Former Jom SOI 19C>g9 and 1~ Natural Squaw Bread. With 1s CX>nl.'8nlent ,,...,eor _. locations to S8fV8 you. · Huntington 8eoch . ~ Beoch Poclllc Coo1t 1't..v Sa. d Pier 1AOO Pocft: COOll l't..v Complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5 :00 PM -7 :00 PM Daily Your choice ~f soup or salad and one of these entrees --Fenuclnl "Neptune" The weight watcher:_ broiled. freshly Ground Beef Country Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips Omelette du Jour . , . pluS your choice of dessen. Including HU~en Dazs Ice cream or Apple Strudel and a selection of beverages from coffee. tea. Iced tea. milk or Sanka. .._.. CAPRICCIOCAPE ·a• SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUN CR in the Medi(erranean Room ~ fr:om 10·3 --------------. -~ • , • ; t ; t t • • l • l ' ) \ I l ' l \ \ • , $ -.~ ----------e . : \ Robert Preston • • • Sneak preview. · Jane Elliott. • • • • -·' Inside TV, Page 27 Orange Coast, Page 2 Daytime Drama, Page ·JO,,,, ~ •June 18-June 24• C Ht\:\( J: ( :c ). \S' !"S \ H )S l ( ( )\ 11 11 . LI l: . 1·1-:1 J. \ · 1 SIC )~ \ 1. \( ;. \/I~!-: Opera, Squth. • • 'Summer and Smo·ke' premieres on KOCE A woman's face, beautiful and haunting, comes into view, lost in d~p renection. There is a stone statue with "Eternity" carved on the hue. And a child's voice calls, "Johnny! Johnny!" Thus begins Lee Hoiby's opera, "Summer and Smoke," which will be nationally televised Wednesday on KOCE (Ch. 50) at 8 p.m. A production of WTTW /Chicago and the Chicago Opera Theater, "Summer and Smoke," the opera, cloeely follows TennesBee Williams' 1948 play, aet in• turn..of-the-century Miaamippi. The opera, with libretto by Lanfora Willon, took four years to write and received ita world premiere in 1971. I When Williams first approached him about the project, Hoilby read all the renowned playwright's work before returning to "Summer and Smoke." "Music is beard in many of Williama' plays," Hoiby wrote. "In 'Summer and Smoke' there are the foJlowing: a Victorian aong (which I call my Ulllan Ruuell song), a marching band, and several mariachi-type numbers heard off·tta,se." Jloiby, wbme sty.le is neoromantic, al8o wu attracted by the wide ranee of ahifUng emotiom, but ""P""i'11y, he w• drawn to the pivotal character, the mulic twher Alma W-memiller, the rep ewd minister's daughter in love with the boy next dool'. Kolby introduces two bnportant musical idees bnmediately. A theme which often recun in part of the prologue, perhaps intended to repre.ent the anael which hoven over the action of most of the opera. He makes akillful uae of various voices call1ng "Johnny1" -80l'Detimes call1ng the boy out to play (while Alma remains indoors, pr8Ctidnc her music and carlna for her insane mothef) - 80l1letimes tauntfna, when It ia John's Mexican. lover who calls -aometimes tender, when Alma, too late, oonfetees her love for John -and finally, excited, when John's young flancee calls him near the end of the opera. Alma's never-re90lved conflict is that of a prim. proper lady, who never acknowledges her senaU0\111 longlnga -but the pulion shows mu8ically in two Italianate love dueia. The fint one occurs when she goes next door, late at night, and confides to John that she does not see bow she can get through the sununer. • Alluding to the opera'• title, he ainp, ". . .and all the IWllJ'Det' leaves Vt1ll be amoke, and you'll come to me And aay you can't even hope to tee how you'll ,et thro\lah the fall." The comJ>C*'I' commented that he heard people crying around him in the audience durina the OUc:aao Opera 'nleat.er production in 1980; and added, "Aa I .ee lt, a bani-up ii a hana-up. Today'\ .•v•,N, ... &le SunJnwr, PNle 3 ' r. I I r ... ·.. ,..,.,.,,, ~ l -J ----::_·------------, I l s~ N Coast I 0 9" .0 TV Antenna -! :J .., ~ ~ Sneak Previews . . • ~ -. ~ Chicago critics sneak ~ out to get the money By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .. _.,,...... , About five yeen ~ eome people at WITW, th~ PBS station in Chicago, proposed a new ~ that would feature fihn cliP1 ed cri11dsm .of newly reie-d movie9. In a brilliant stroke, the ltatiml decided to U1e not one but two film critics on the program. U the men agreed on the quality of a new movie, the recommendatkln would be that much stronger. U they cUsaareed. then let them duke it out verbally over the airwaves. To _.._ tbe9e rOlee. the station m•W&ed the cbW moviacritb 1rom the dtYa nv.l .......-r Gene-W ...... tbe -n......,, TrluW' wl ... D>ert from am "'>lcaao Sun-n-." \ In tbe ....,.,~Sneak Prev.lews" WU bro!Mltwt oaly ID But ..... or lt wiil ~up bJ other pubUc teleYWm •• w TDdaJ,, "8 dial. A °'iir•r-luu cl bnwfw• ~ has more &ban 260 PBS ltatiom na~de CUTJ ullwed the duo mare cmb to lbow cli&aand NYiew ·~ ~" and it ii CIDrwtdw'iif ..ie Of tile mm.• a new .yndk:ated prapam to be~ "At 'lllOS&-watcbed pro1ram1 otfe~ oa ~bile ..._ Uovtea." tlltlevtllaD. (lMally, it ii Cllll'led..by &'OCIE elm 4 A .-.mn ft. Tribune ~ Inc. in 50 and KCln' aimnel 28). • ' · OU..O 8lid the firm tw. lined~ 9talMma la 38 of . Now, at the ~t of .ha popuJclty, •'8n.k .the tli 50 marke9 -indudlnc A ...... -to Previews" Ja about to underao a ~ ·~ cany the new Silkel-llbert ~ Critics &alrel and il>ert'"have beard the "At the .Moviea" ii echeduled to ~in late ot tatter money t._. owr Oil the oommerdal "' s..aa ak. s.a1 and Jblrt wm con.mm eio. host ·- Week.._,, I ...... .. &..k Previews" throuah the ••mer. BU1 MWTay, an offidal at WTTW, the heme station foe "Sneak Previews," said the aearch ia on for two critics to succeed Siskel and D>ert on the show, which has been picked up by PBS for another seaaon. "We're looking for people who have a background in film criticism and who can convey their personality and ideas on television," he said . According to Murray, the 11tation bas been accepting audition tapes from as far as Boston. New York and San Frand8co. U an out-of-town critic is .elected, the station would fly the pel'80ll to and 1rom Chicago each week for the "Sneak Previews" taping. ,,!l:iplicanta range from newspaper and 11\A ne cri Uca with no televiaion experience to televilion penonalitles with little background in film cri\icilm. It rematns to be seen whether WITW can find two people with the same film ~ and on-air chemiatry as Siakel and n>ert. A more unlikely pair of popular television peraona.Uties would be difficult to find. Siskel is thin and balding. Ebert is short and pudgy, c:iomtantly puahina bia \hick apectacles back up on hia ix.. Slick, conventional TV pretty-boys, they aren't. Yet thia guy-next-door appearance· actually won. in their favor. On "Sneak Previews," Siskel and J!:baot rwemble nothing 80 much as a couple of guys ~er movies over cold been at the comer t.r. y argue and constantly interrtapt one another, giving the program a fresh, unrehearsed quality. WTTW developed "Sneak Previews" as a "consumer'• guide to new movies," not a acbolarly analysis ol. .film technique. Siskel and .llJert have followed this formula capably, focusing most of their arguments on the crucial question of whether , it'• worth it to ahell out $5 to aee this particular film. At the end of each proeram the critic:a ~t the ·titles of the movies reviewed that week and once again tell whether or not· they are recommended. In conventional print and even television reviews of movies, there are always the nagging See Sneak, Page 3 lletralar ..... $55 fOr Two Hoursl-$75tbr1brtt Hotri .,. A Favorite of Executives or Sec1e..- (Eltber eervice good for one coupon) Sunday thr<qdi Thunday Night&--$30 Hr • Friday ancf Saturday Night&-$35 Hr. 3 Hour Minimum SER V I C E Pre8kleadal .Crete• Umoaaian featurl ... 1 •luxurious d'elegance •electric moon roof 'interior • VHS. video aystem • fully 1tocked bar • radio dispatch 1y1tem • stereo tape system • complimentary • color TV cham e • hor d'oeuvres available • yacht charten • ~eddillfPJ ( t l t I ~ ., ' lllilyPii.a • • • -3 Summer and Smoke' on Channel 50 ~ MAIN .OFFICE 330 W"I S.y St., Cosa. MeN, Ce. Mell eddr"e: Box 15'0, Coaa. MeN, Ce., 92626 Telephon•: 842-4321 Program information is provided by the networks and stations and is subject to change without notice. Index Orange Coast TV Antenna ............ ·~Page .2 Sports Highlights ....................... Page 5 Daytime Schedule ...................... Page 6 Evenif'Yl Schedule ...................... Page 8 Inside TV ........................................... Page 27 . utters ................................................ Page 27 : Word Game ....................................... Page 27 TV Puzzle ................ , ............ Page29 _Daytime Drama ............... '. ...... Pagf! 30 Channels. e KNXT(CBS) 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. B K.NBC<~> 3000 W. Alam• Ave .. Burbank. Ca. 8 KTLA (Ind.) ~ 5800 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. 11 KABC (ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave .. Los Angeles. Ca. <8> KFMB <CBS> 7677 Engineer Rd .• San Diego, Ca. 0 KHJ-TV (Ind.) 5515 Melrose Ave .• Los Angeles, Ca. (10) KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. e KTTV (lnd.) 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca . e KCOP·TV (Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Aqgeles, Ca. < 24 > CBS Cable Qt KCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles. Ca. 9 KOCE<PBS> 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach <0> On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale. Ca. lZ> Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Moni_ca. Ca. . CH) HBO . • Time-u/e Bldg., Rockefeller Center, N.Y., N.Y. <C> Cinemax • · Time-We Bldg., Rockefeller Center, N.Y .. N.Y. ·e <WOR) . N.Y.,N.Y. n11 cwresi Atlanta.· 08. <E> ESPN <L> Select lS> Sbowtime <Sl Spotlight (Cl <Cable News Networ.k) • From Page 1 youth is just as vulnerable to suffering ~-~ was." , "'-" As Alma struggles to control her frustration and vents her anger in two scenes with her mother (a speaking part, with sing-song phrases reflecting the woman's dementecj mind), the music becomes les.<J lyrical -chromatic and more episodic. Hoiby also composed a formal ensemble for the members of Alma's reading club, which is interrupted by her mother's antics. 'f'he'horror of her situation borders on hysteria, and 11he sinks into a deep depresmon. By the time she baa recovered henelf, the leaves are falling around her as she sits by the angel statue. Mary Beth Pell,. ~ho created Alma in the premiere production of "Swruner and Smoke," plays her original role in the television preeentation. Her co-star is Robert Orth, a vetefan performer ~th Chicago ~ra Theater. The uae of flath backs and close-ups make the beat possible uae of television as an opera medium, focusing on Alma's changing face, intensifying her emotional odymey. Her future seems very uncertain as the two- hour opera ends. Sb~ picks up a young trave~ salesman in the square and agrees to go dancing with him at the Moon Lake ea.mo, an off-limits roadhouse where she had an ID-fated date with John during the summer. The orcbestrl playa an ironic waltz theme as Alma leaves the angel's sight. Perhaps Hoiby himself beat' det1eribed his musical style, when he said, "If it doesn't stick in the heart, people won't accept lt." MAW BETH PEIL· .. Sopnmo Sneak Previews stars quitting PBS From Page 2 questions of what makes this penon such an expert on movies and what if nzy tastes aren't the same as the critic's. But the two-critic format of "Sneak Previews" always leaves plenty of room for one rey.wer to knock the other off his ~h horse. • U the more cerebral S1Skel starts lauding a film for its intellectual content, Ebert is right there to take a swipe at the movie as just plain boring. And if Ebert gets carried away by a film's fight scenes and special effects, Siskel won't hesitate to point out that the plot, meanwhile, baa more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. For laughs. there are the critics' choices foe "Dog of the Week:' This is the segment where Siskel and Ebert get to take nasty pop-shots at the latest kung-fu and mad slasher flicks. In recent years, the co-hosts have also stretched the "Sneak Previews" format by putting together special edlti&w on overlooked movie gems 01" the role of women and blacka in film_ lt'a been here that , they've demonstrated their strength as veteran newspaper reviewers whoee film knowledge runs much deeper than that of the two-minute Charlies who pop up on local news broadcasta each night with capsule reviews. With the national expolU1'e they've received on PBS, these Chicago critics apparently believe they're ready for the more lucrative syndication market. Their new program, "At the Movies," is unlikely to stray too far from the successful "Sneak Previews'' fonnat -except that now there will be commercial interruptions. Meanwhile, WTTW will be keeping 1he "Sneak Previews" title. The format, however, may undergo some change. "This ts an excellent opportunity for us to try some new faces and new ideas," said station spokesman Murray. "It will still be 'Sneak Previews,' but it will look a little different and be a little i;nore exciting. \ "It will still be a consumer's guide to the mt>vies, where you can find ow which are worth seeing." . Meanwhile, t]le only question is, are there enough fans out there willing to watch the new Siskel-Ebert program, as well as the revamped "Sneak Previews?" Stay tuned ... VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN ·MERE •STAR WARS •ON GOLDEN POND •FAMILY PLOT •PRIVATE LESSONS •7 PIRCENT SOLUTION •AISINCE OF MALICE /"-. •RAGTIMI ' I ,OOO's of Movies Eor Sale or Rent •TAIZAN THI API MAN •GOLDflNGIR . •MAIUNG LOVI see the ¥ideo Experts at • • : v~ .. \f-8.l\~ COSTA MIU. 646-1921 s .. .. -·-- .] ! :J ..., ~ 'O 'C u. ...... s-----~ ~ AMC-JEEP ORANGE COASJ' AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEIACK IMW /SUIARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo • 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 I DATSUN NEWPORT D~TSUM 888 Dove Street Newport Beach-:-833·1 JOO FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SANTAANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana-547-051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -712·0900 PONTIAC IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOH. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach - 6 73-0900 MBSTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-233'3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 · MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f VOLKSWAGEN :JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd.,·. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE Ill VOLVO 1966 Hart>or Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 J 1. I I I I I .f l I Sports Highlights Friday JUNE 18, 1982 MORNtNG 6:30 ~PORTS FORUM 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 6:001 NASL WEEKLY 9:00 TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS " 1979 Wimbledon" ( 1 h_r.) 10:00(1) GOlF "U.S. Open First Roond" from PebblE Beach. Calif0<nla. (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 1:00(1) GOLF "U.S. Open Second Round" from Pebble Beach, California. (3 hrs.) 4:00. OOOGER DUGOUT Cl) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE BrOOklyn Dodgers of the 1950's vs. Los Angeles Dodgers 01 the 1970's 4: 15 I OOOGER PRE-GAME 4:30 BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincin- nati Reds (3 hrs.) Cl) SPORTS 'CENTER 4:35 Ill> BASEBALL San Franclsoo Giants at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 5:00 Cf) NASl SOCCER New Yak Cosmos vs. ~ treal Manics (2 hrs.) Cl) GOLF "U.S. Open Second Round" from Pebt* Beacti. California. (3 hrs.) 5:30 Cl) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Houston Astros (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ·EVENING 7:oocm THE WAY IT WAS 7:30 CD> BASEBALL Chicago White Sox at Califomla Ais (3hrs.) 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXJNG From Nashville, Tennes-see. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 11:05all BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at Atlanta Braves l3 hrs.) 1 11:308 0 U.S. OPEN Highlights of second-roond play (from the Pebble Beach Golt Lipks In Califor- nia). Cl) SPORTS CENTER 12:30CI) GOLF "U.S. Open Second Roond" from Pebble Beach, Callfomla. (3 hra.) 3:30 Cl) SPORTS FORUM 4:00 Cl) SPORTS CENTER JUNE 19, 1982 MORNING 5:00CI) AOOEO "Schrade Pro Team" Kansas Wran- glers vs. Tulsa Twisters ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 5:05 all BASEBALL BUNCH 6:30 Cl) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Ba8ebel: Pitching Drifts And Infield Play" 7:00 Cl) SPORTS CENTER 8:00 (f) WRESTLING Cl> TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1980 WlmbtedOn" ('t hr.) 9:00 Cf) NASL SOCCER KICKS (I) GOLF "U.S. Open Second Round" from Pebble Beach, Callfomla. (3 hrs.) 9:30 Cf) GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS 10:008 e BASEBALL Regional cbverage of Phlla- delphla Phillies at Pittaburgh Pirates; Montreal Expos at Chicago Cubs (3 hrs.) 10:30 I NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:00 WCT TENNIS "$300,000 Dallas Tournament Finals" (2 hrs.) I THIS weE< IN BA8EBAU. 8MX MOTOCROSS 11:30• HOLMES I COOHEY: A MA~ Of PflOE Jerry lzenberg narrates commentary on the upcom- ing heavyweight champlonehlp bout. ( t hr.) AFTERNOON -12:00(1) NASl SOCCER Vancouver Whitecaps at ~Sting (2hra.) 12:308 9 U.S. OPEN Live COV9fage of the't&-hole thifd round of play In this golf toumemtnt (from the Pebb6e Beech Goff Llnkt lh Callfomll). (4 hr&) e OCIOOER DUGOUT • 12!461 DOOQEA PAE-GAME • 1:00 8A8E8AU. Aeglol..i coverage of Lot Ange- les Oodgefa at CAncintwtl Rtdl: Toronto Blue Je)'9 al Oekllnd A'a (2 his., 30 min.) • ~a.tat .. VOICES AT BIG A -Phil Stone (left) and Bill Rigney, former manager of the Califorrua Angels, are commentators for ON-TV's exclusive 1982 California Angels telecasts. Dodgers at ClnciMatl Reds; Toronto Blue Jays at Oakland A's (3 hrs..) 2:00 Cf) HOLMES I COONEY: A MATTER OF PRK>E Je<ry lzenberg narrates commentary on the upcom- ~heavyweight chamP,!onship boot. (1 hr.) (£)AUTO RACING 'CART Rex Mays 150" from Milwaukee, Wlscoosln. (2 hrs.) 2:351 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 RACING FROM BELMONT 3:05 WRESTLING 3:30 Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY 10-roond SUP8f bantamweight bout between Jamie Garza and Car- melo Negron (from Las Vegas, Nev.) : International Bicycle Classic (from Boolder. Colo.). ( 1 hr .• 30 min~ ' 4:00 SPORTS CENTER . 4:30 BASEBALL New York Mets at St. Louis Car· dinals (2 hrs., 40 min.) 0 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Moward Cosell" Host: Ken Howard. 4:35 all BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 5:008 WORLD GAMES I An International sports spectacular, with over 1,700 athletes from 60 coun- tries participating In various sporting events throughout the United States. (Part 2) ( 1 hr.) Cl) BOXING "World Amateur Champlonshlp" from Munich, West Germany. (3 hrs.) 6:30 Cl) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Houston Astros (2 hrs .• 30 min.) • SPORTS AMERtCA "Soccef: Chicago Sting Ve. University Of Wisconsin" ( 1 hL) EVENING 8:30; SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY 7: 10 KINER'S KORNER 7:30 GREATEST SPORTS L,EGEND8 8:00 PAUL HOGAN (I) SPORTS CENTER 8:30 Cf) AACtNG FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 (f) WRESTllNG (I) GOLF "U.S. Open Third Round" from Pebble Beach, California. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 9:35 all BASeBAU. San Franclaoo Giants at Atlanta Braves~) 11:30 (I) TS CENTER 12:30(1) BOXING "World Amateur Champlooehlp" ................................. With the daehfng 1ook9 & exqultlte piano/vocal talen .. of Jim G. a m110w touch which wlll dlatlngulth your event from 11tt.-... trom Munich, West Germany. 3:30(1) SPORTSWOMAN 4:00 (I) SPORTS CENTEA JUNE 20, 1912 MORNING 5:00 (I) NASL SOCCER Vancouver Whitecaps at Chicago Sting (2 hrs.) 7:00 (IJ SPORTS CENTER 8:00 (I) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Baseball: . Pitching Essentials And~ .. 8:30(1) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Brooklyn Dodgers of the 1960's vs. Los Angeles Dodgers of the 1970's 9:00 (I) GOLF "U~. 0oen Third Round" from Pebble Beach, Callfotnlll' (3 hrs.) 10:00• BASEBALL BUNCH Cl) WE8TERN OllTOOORSMAN 10:30 Cl) BASEBAU. euNcH e DODGER DUGOUT 10:551 DODGER PRE-GAME 11:00 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 1 ~05 BASEBALL San francleco Giants at Atlanta Braves (3 tn.. 15 min.) 11: 10 • 8A8EBALl Loe Angeles Dodgers at Clnclo-natl Reda (2 hrs., 50 min.) 11:30 • (J) MICHIGAN ..00 Uw coverage of this 400-mlle stock C8I race (from the Michigan Intern.a. tlonal Speedway In 8'ookJyn, Mich.). (3 tn .. 30 min.) AFTERNOON 12:00 e WIMBLEDON '82: A FORTNIGHT OF TRADI- TION The 105th All-England Tennis Championships from Wimbledon are previewed. ( 1 tv.) • SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Cl) TENNIS HIGHUGHTS "1980 Wimbledon" (1 hr.) 1:00 8 di U.S. OPEN Live coverage of the 18-hole final roond of play In this golf tournament (from the Pebl;),le Beach Goff Links In Cellfomla). (4 hrs.) a SPORTSWORLD 12-round USBA middleweight championship bout between Frank "The Animal" Fletcher and Clint Jackson (live from Atlantic City, N.J.) : Survival of the Fittest, Part 3, with men's white water swim and raft (from New Zealand) ; Women's Invitational High Diving Classic (from Hawaii). (2 hrs.) G> SPORTS AMERICA "Iowa Girls' BasketbaH Tournament" (1 hr.) Cl) COLLEGE TRACK AND AELD "NCAA DMs1on II Women's Championships" from Califomla State, Sacramento. California. (2 hrs., 30 fl11n.) 2:30 8 WIMBLEDON '82: A FORTNIGHt Of TRADI- TION The 105th All-England Tennis Championships lrom Wimbledon are previewed. ( 1 hr.) 3:00. WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Chile -~~~~~~ol~ "HIQl'llights" (Part 4) ( 1 hr.) 3:308 SPORTSWORLD 12-round USBA middleweight championship bout betweeo Frank "The Animal" Fletcher and Clint Jaci<son (from Atlantic City, N.J.): Survlval of the Attest, Part 3, with men's white water swim and raft (from New Zealand) ; Women's lnvltatlonal High Diving ClaS8ic (fr.om Hawaii). (2 hrs.) (EJ HORSE RACING WEEKl Y 4:001 SPORTS CENTER 4:05 WRESTLING 5:00 AMERtCAN SPORTSMAN Cheryl Tiegs ta.kes part in a rescue project focusing on the whooping crane; Beverly John.son leads an an..women expedi- tion through New Guinea: Peter Benchley dives In the Sea of Cortez off ~ CaUfomla to study the hammerhead shark. (R) (1 hr.) ([) WATEASKtlNG "Senior Men's Alf...American Championships" from Cyprees Gardens. Aol1da. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 5:30 9 GAEA TEST SPORTS L.EGEN08 "Larry Mahen" Host: Ken Howard. See Sports, Page 28 5 = 0 -~ ,.. . .8 ' ~ ct • • ~ ~ c :J c» ... !" ... co CD N .; l I 1 .. • I . I ( ( ' I ---------·-----..· ~-~~-~,..-rf ..... I ' . -.. - 6 • =Daytime ..-. \ I< >l l ~ I ~< ~ ~ 5:00 9 SUMMER SEMESTER CC) MOVIE UHU) '.g (])MOVIE 1HR,31 MIN.) (WED) ~ 5:051MYT REESONS ...J gi 5: 10 A BARE TOUCH OF MAGIC ( 1 HR) (TUE) 5:25 SUPERSPIES (1 HR) (THU) > 5:30 JUNTOS (MON. WED. FRI) · I-FROM JUMPSTREET (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) fNTERNA TlONAL H0UA (MON, lUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK AND REALITY (ffit) MEET THE MAYORS (MON. WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) HOGAN'S HER:>ES <TUE-FRI~ MOVIE (1 HR.,~ MIN.) tFRI MOVIE (1HR,50 MIN.) ' 5:35 dZI THAT GIRL· 5:.0(1) WACt<:Y WORLD Of JONATHAN W1NTERS (MON) 5:45.A.M. WEATHER eA.M. WEATHER (MON-THU) 5:50.NEWS (])WHArs UPAMERICAI (1 HR) (FRI) 6:55 0 MAKING fT COUNT 6:00 8-LA. MORNING HOTFUOGE NEEDLECRAFT (FRI) OCEANUS (MOH-THU) MOANING NEWS COMMUNO'v FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (T\JE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) fT CAN BE OONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART VILLA ALEGRE CAMERA THREE (FRI) AMERICAN STORY '(MON-THU) EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMMINO WRITING FOR A REASON (MON-THU) THREE TALES DARK AND DANGEROUS ) NASL WEEKl Y (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (MON, WED) INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE) GYMNASTICS (THU) BRENOON CHASE (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,36 MIN.) (MON) J t~l MYS1 H~: M:) MAiCUl.A'S CASTLE OVIE 1 HR, 65 MIN.) f'Rl) OVIE 1 HR, .0 MIN.) MON) OVIE 1 HR .• 50 MIN.) ) 6~05 dZI MOVIE {%)MOVIE (1 HR., 33 MIN.) (THU) 6:10(1)1NTROOUCtNG. •. JANl:T (MON) (I) MOVIE (1HR.,20 MIN.) (T\JE) 6:151 HEALTH AEl.D 6:25 ED All.EN 6:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO 80'8 WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY ,(MON-THU) DAYBREAK LA: rT CAN BE DONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (MON) YOUTH A'1IO THE ISSUES (TUE) ~~~~(THU) GREAT SPACE CO~ EMERGEHCY CAPTIONED A8C NEWS (TUE.fRI) PAEBENTE (MON) JIMIVSWAOOART IMTAOOUCING 810l.OOY (MOH-THU) THE 8ELA8H GIANT (FAI) =MON. TUE. THU) HOME:Z::A.v CMOH> AU.-8TAR SPOfn8 CHAUENQE (TUE) NA8l.~ ==ER'f It ~U'8CAST\.E (TUEl MOYIE 1 Hfl, sa-. MOVIE 1 HR., 34.... ) MOYIE 1 Hfl, 40 me. MOVIE 1 Hfl, .-. MOVE 1 HR.,• Mil 1HR.,•MK - IOOCLUB al GOOD MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLE.S ROMPER ROOM TOM AND JERRY SUPERHEROES BUSINESS REPORT VILLA ALEGRE (R) l:J (FR!) PROJECT UNIVEA$E 1MON-THU) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE (1 HR.~ MIN,) (FRI) JIMINY CRICKt: r PRESENTS bONGO (WED) NOEL BUYS A SUfT (MON, FR!) 7:05 CC) MOVIE (FRI) 7:30 8 THERE IS A WAY MIGHTY MOUSE YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC Of Oil PAINTING MOVIE (WED) CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR .. 37 Mlfili) MOVIE 2 HRS., 2 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR.. 36 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MIN. Ffl) MOV1E 1 HR. 44 MJN. 7:'5 (%) (2 HRS.) ( ) <%>MOW: ( 1 HR., 56 MIN.) (THU) 7:66 (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 33 MIN.) (WED) 8:00()) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAtO<EA TIC TAC DOUGH BATTLE Of THE PLANETS MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON, FRI) MtSTER ROGERS (TUE-THU) BOOY BOOOIES MOVIE (1 HR, '3 MIN.) (MON) WIM8lEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (TUE- THU) I MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MINW) MOVIE ( 1 HR, 50 MIN. MON) NOEL BUYS A surr ~HR., 33 MIN.) (FRI) =~~MOVIE (1 HR, 16 MIN.) (THU) 8:30. LEAVE fT TO BEAVER BULLSEYE SPIDER-MAN KROFT SUPERST AAS VILLA ALEGRE (R) _D MISTER ROGERS (Rr (FR• OVER EA$V (MON-THu MOVIE (MON, FRI) MOV1E (1HR.,27 MIN.) (Tl d U) MOVIE (1HR,40 MIN.) {V CHARLIE BOY (1 HR) (TL _, MOVIE (1HR,63 MIN.)~) MOVIE (1 HA •• .AO MIN.) U) 9:00. Cl) ONE DAV AT A fl E (R) Dff'RENT STROKES (R) OZZIE AND HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD ALES I LOVE LUCY ROMPER ROOM ~~~~~TREET(R)c;J VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q MOVIE (TUE. THU) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (FRI) GOlF (MON) AUTO RACtNG (TIJE) PKA FULL CONTACT KARA TE (WED) COLLEGE TRACK ANO F1ELO (THU) TIMEWAS (1 HR.) {Rt) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.). (FRt) 9: 15 (%) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 33 "9N:) (TUE) 9:30 e Cl) ALICE (R) WHEEL Of fOAtUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MC>RNHl L.A. MA.KE ROOM FOR OAOCIY DONS DAY B.ECmlc COMPAHV (R) ==)(MON. WED,f"j • • AEAOaa8E: 8EOH9 (1JJE) A9'08ICIBE: BIDHNER TO NT'EAMEDIATE JtH">AMEAICAN DANCE MACHM (TUE) (!~~eve>· e:~~IOAL ~1zz. F ~HA..~=) (MON) CZ) MOVE (1 HA., 30 MIN.) (THU) 10:00• e PflCE. AIQt4T llivAU.EY c~ r=~mJ) • NA TVRAL HISTORY OF A SUNBEAM (TUE- THU) SE.SAME STREET (R) Q GOLF (FRI) MOVIE i 1 HR., 37 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 2~ MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 15 MIN.) (TUE) WAIT UNTIL DARK (2 HRS.) (WED) MOVIE 11HR.45 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1HR .• 30 MIN.i ~FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., SO MIN. MON, THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. UE) MOVIE (2 HRS .• 20 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 44 MIN.) (THU) 10:05dl) MOVIE 10:30. CHARLIE ROSE • INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS I PACIFIC BRIDGES (FRI) REBOP (MON) HIDDEN PLACES: WHERE HISTORY LIVES TUE) CALIFORNIA DREAMS (WED) WHO'S TAKING CARE Of OUR KIDS? (THU) MOVIE (FRI) WATERSKllNG (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS., •MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR, .0 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1HR,30 MIN.) (WED) 10:50(%) MOVIE (1HR,33 MIN.) (TUE) 11:008 TATTLETALES THE DOCTORS BONANZA t1I FAMIL V FEUD THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS BULLSEYE PfTfALL WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE. AMER1CAN STYLE I ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) RICHARD ~MONS VEGETABLE SOUP (R) c:;J MOVIE (MON-THU) AOOEO {TUE) 11:15iMOVIE (1HR,50MIN.) (~·S 11:30 THE YOUNG AND THE RES SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE (I) MATCH GAME .NEWS LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE MACNBL / LEHRER REPORT I ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (FRI) FAST FORWARD (MON-THU) POCKET BILLIARDS (MON) COLLEGE SOFTBALL (THU) GOTTA DANCE. GOTTA SING (1 HR) (MON) MOVIE (1HR.,2• MIN.) (TUE) LAFF-A-THON (FR!) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR.~ MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 44 MIN.) (WED) RASCAL DAZZLE (1 HR, 26 MIN.) (THU) 11:35dl) WOMAN WATCH (THU) 12:00 8 e DAYS Of OUR lNES TW1LIGHT ZONE 41 All MY CHILDREN NEWS •• MOVIE BONANZA Ota< CAVETT VILLA ALEGRE (R) r:l (FRI) PERSONAL ANANCl!" AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT (MON-THU) ==heroms PRESENTS (THU. FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., .0 MIN.) i) MOVIE (1 HR., '3 MIN.) .ffil) UHR., 60 MIN.) MoN) MOYIE 1 HR., 37 MfN.) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 2 HRS.. • MIN.) (THU) 12:05113 12:30 CJ) AS THE WOAU> TURNS ZONE OVER EASY Mln"ER AOOERS (A) (FRI) YOU AHO THE LAW (~THU) MOYE (FRO AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE~HR., 2• MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2HM.,30..._)~ ) MOVE • HR.,37MIN.)' ) THE QR (2 30 Mk) (T\JE) =.1mz.s:tr-... ~, (WE) 12: 1HE RJNT8TOf• ~ HEAL t2:41 ~HR.,MMk) (WED) ••~~a ~t•&U .. ~ ......... -~·-·-·'-r"-a ---------------------------------------------------------------7 I WHAT ON EARTH (PART 3) {WED) MATINEE AT THE BU0t.J SESAME STREET (R) c;J MOVIE (MON. TUE) GOLF (ffil) BOXING (MONb MIN.) (FRI) MOvtE (1 ~.) (THU) MOVIFA'OOAMS FAMILY 1:05~0VIE (1HR.,44 MIN.) (FRI) t;.:IMOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) (%)MOVIE (1 HR., <40 MIN.) (WED) 1 :130,~ CAPITOL SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) AFFAIRS Of THE HEART: MILLY (MON) MOVIE (WED, THU) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS (THU) THE GOLDEN AGE Of TELEVISION ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.(MON) 1:35 OZZJE ANO HARRIET 2:00 (I) GUIDING LIGHT CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON l1I GENERAL HOSPITAL IRONSIDE OPEN LINE LOVE. AMERCAN STYLE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAG (TUE) QUtZ KIDS (WED) S1Yl.E {THU) B.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (MON-THU) MtDE BASEBALL (TUE) F.A. SOCCER (WED) MOVIE (1 HA., 27 MtN.) (FRI) CONSUMliR REPORTS PAE8ENTS (TUE) MOYIE ( 1 HR., 36 ..... ) (WED) I ~~da(MON) AEA08ICl8I! (MON. ,.., M<WE (1HR..36 .... ~ MCME tHR., 15..._ ) RO~ MEDkJM (1 HR., 15 '*> ~ (1HA..38Mk) (TUE) 2:06 ITHE f>NmlOGE FAM/IL Y 2: 15 AEAOBICl8E (WED) 2:30 BEWITCHED · I~ WRllERS: CHARLES S'TROU8E ~~ BAHZJ 18 DEAD (TUE) DANCE (WED) HOPPER'S SLEHCE {THU) NOCON lfTEJMEW8 WITH OAV10 FROST (FRI) AIQHTEOOS APPLES (MON-THU) MISTER ROGERS (R) (FRI) UNDEASTANOING tiUMAN BEHAVIOR (MON- THU) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE {THU) MOvtE (1HR.,53 MlN.) (TUE) GOTI'A DANCE. GOTI'A SING (1 HR) {THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) M01liVIEHR., .t5 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE . 1 HR.. 43 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (THU) 2:35 H 3:00 BARNABY JONES DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE Of NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN CARTER COUNTRY HAWAII AVE-0 PEOPLE'S COURT THE WAL TONS CARTOONS BLACK STREAM (MON, WED) EDWIN HAWKINS AT TiiE SYMPHONY {TUE) GOSPEL JUBILEE {THU) HOUR MAGAZINE SESAME STREET (R) c::J (FRI) AMERtCAN STORY (~ 'fli(J) MEETING HALFWAY (THU, FRI) MOVIE (MON) TiiE SELFISH GIANT (TUE) THREE TALES DAAK ANO DANGEROUS i~.;..NASTICS {TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 36 MiN.) (MON) MIL TON BERL.E'S MAO, MAD WORLD OF COMEDY (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (RI) I HAMM£R HOUSE Of HORROR (MON) LIBERACE IN CONCERT (1 HR., 16 MIN.) i MOVIE (1HR.,50 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., <40 MIN.) (MON) MOV1E .w·> (WED) 3:061 MY SONS ~15 MOVIE (1 HR. 33 MIN.) (THU) 3:130 PE~~MONS WHArs HAPPENNGlll CHARUE"S ANGELS DANCE (MON) QAOwtNG YEARS (MON-mlJ) MOONWALK (OOCUMENTAAY) LAURENCE lucoa..L~ I TIES NEW ClOTHEB (TUE) =~HA. . ..OMlt~Ffl) MOYIE 1 HR., 43 ..._ MOYIE 1 HR., ..0 Mil eoeav rON <1 HR.) 3:36G1J FA THEA KNOW8 CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 44 .-&.) (TUE) 3:461 f1lM F£A TURE (FRI) ~00 BARNEY MIU.ER MARY TYLER MOORE COUPLES NEWS • WELCOME BACK. KOTTER (MON. THU, RI) M• A •s•H (TVE. WED) MOV1E YOU ASKED FOR rT OOC>GER DUGOUT (Ffl) TOM AHO JElff'( (~THU) CARTOONS · CABARET: MARGARET WHmNO (TUE) MtSTER ROGERS (R) (FRI) MtSTER ROGERS (MQM. THU) UTTlE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE a.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) (FRI) SESAME S~~R) D <"°""THU) ALL~TAR S ~LlENGE (FAI) INSl>EBASEBAll=) NASLWEEKLY SPORTS FORUM (WED RAOUETBALL U Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving A.11 Faiths" " ' MOVIE ~1 HR, .a MIN.I i) MOVIE 1Hfl.31 M ... MOVIE 1 ~. 28 MIN. FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN. MON) 4:05 tm WINNERS (FRI) Im GREEN A~THU) 4: 161 DODGER E (FRI) 4:30 NEWS Boe NEWHART ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H (MON, THU, FRI) BASEBALL (TUE. WED) I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON-WED, FRI) BASEBALL {THU) LAVERNE & SHIAL.EY & COMPANY BASEBALL (FRI) SIGNATURE SESAME STREET (R) D MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT (FRt) TiiE SB.FISH GIANT (FRI) MOVIE (TUE) CASE Of MUKJ<JNESE BA TTlE HORN { 1966) PETER SELLERS, SPIKE MULLIGAN. (WED) (()SPORTS CENTER CID THE MYSTERY IN DRACULA'S CASTLE (TUE. WED) I MOVIE ( 1 HR., 20 MIN.I (MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MIN. (WED) . MOVIE 1 HR, 30 MIN. (TUE. WED) MOVIE 1 HR.. 50 MIN.) (THU) 4:35tm AU (TUE. WED, FRI) tm AHIJY GRIFFJTH (MON. THU) 4:.t5(Z) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (MON} s:ooe e eaNEWS UTn.E HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE (Ffl) 8TARS¥:'f AND HUTCH (MON-THU) NEWS (MON. THU. RI) NASl~J:') .. ClAl.OU8 ( ) MOVIE CTUE. WB>) THE f!IAAl1V BUNCH (MON-THU) FRED RJNTSTOHE AHO FflEM)8 MDCE08AO~ Ffl) QUIZKID8 STYLE • BOTANIC MAN (THU) LNEATAVE OVER EABY (FRI) AMERICA: TIE SECOND CENTURY (MON- THU) CINEMA>( SHORT FEATURE (FRI) MOVIE (MON. WED. THU) GOLF (TUe. RI) AU8TAALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (MON) RAQUETBALL (WED) ~~..J...RI) RASCAL DAZZLE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (THU) 5:061 MOVIE (MON. THU) 5: 15 MOVIE (1 HR., 33 M ... ) (WED) 6:20 MOVIE (1HR.,33 MIN.) (TUE) 5:30 ABC NEWS (MON) I BA8EBAl..L (FRI) n.e..BRADY BUNCH (MON-THU) SANFORD ANO SON ANTONIN DVORAK'S SYMPHONY FROM THE NEW WORLD (FRI) SIZWE BANZJ IS DEAD (MON) DANCE ~ ·.o - ... CD ... <O CD I\) I I , I I . I d' I I " _ ______......_ --..................................... """" I' . 6:30D "Terror Train" (1980, Suspense) Ben John- son, Jamie Lee Curtis. 6:00(%) "Ouadrophenla" (1979, Drama) Phil Dan- iels, Mark Wingett. Music by The Who. . 6:05 dll "Wonder Man" ( 1945, Comedy) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo. 7:0000 "Darby O'Glll And The Little People" (1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. 7:06(C) "The Concert For Kampuchea" (1980, Musi- cal) Paul McCartney, The Who. 7:30()) "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck . • "Home Movies" (1980, Comedy) Keith Gor- don, Kirk Douglas. 8:00(%) "Verboten!" (1958, Drama) James Best, Susan QJmmings. 8:06dll "Port Atrlque" (1956, Adventure) Pier AnQ!!_i, Phil Carey, 8:30 CC). "High Country" ( 1981, Drama) Timothy Bottoms. Linda Purl. • 9:00 g "J. 0 . And The Salt Flat Kid" 9:"6(%) "Manhattan" (1979, Comedy) Woody Allen. Diane Keaton. 10:0000 "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman, Michael lembeck. ()) "Norman ... Is That You?" (1976, Comedy) Redd Foxx. Pearl Bailey. 10:05Gl) "Wind Aetoss The Everglades" (1958, Ora- ma) Burt Ives. Christopher Plummef. 10:30 CC> "Paradise Alley" ( 1978, Orama) Sylvester Stallone. Armand Assante. e "Chapter Two" (1979, Comedy) James Caan, Marsha Mason. 11:30(%) "High Risk" ( 1981, Advenll.Ke) Jamee Bro- lln, Cleavon Llttle. . \I· l LIC\< >< >:\ \I<>\' I LS 12:00. "MINlon Dollar Manhunt" (1957, Mystery) Richard Denning, Carole Matthews. · • "Who Was That Lady?" ( 1960, Comedy) Tony Curtis, Dean Martin. e "The Big Carnival" (1951, Orama) Kirt< Doug- las, Jan Sterling. ()) "Continental Divide" (1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. 12:30(C) "A Asttul Of Dynamite" (1972, Adventure) James Coburn, Rod Steiger. CH) "The Survivor" (1981, Fantasy) Robert Powell, Jen~ Agutter. 1:00(1) "Pillow Talk" (1959, Comedy) Rock Hud- son. Doris Day. " e "Continental Divide" (1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. 1:16(%) "Atlantic City" (1980, Drama) Sort Lancas- ter, Susan Sarandon. 2:00CH) "Hog Wiid" (1980, Comedy) Patti O'Arbafl.. ville, Michael Biehn. CD "The Hearse" (1980, Horror) Trish Van Devere, ~Cotten. 2:30a "Le Secret" (Mystery) Jean-Louis Trlntlg- nant. Marlene Jobert .. Cl> "Journey Ba(:t( To or· (1972, Fantasy) Ani- mated. Voices of Liza Mlnnelll, Paul Lynde. 3:00(%) "Les Bon Debarras" (1981) Charlotte L'au- rler, Marie Tlfo. • 3:3000 "Chu Chu And The P.hllly Fla.sh" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. 4':ooe "Cry Of Battle" (1963, Drama) Van Heftln. Alta Moreno. Cl> "The Shogun Warriors: Galklng" Animated. • "Let It S." ( 1970, Musical) The Beatlee. 6:30(C) "The Concert For Kampuchea" (1980, Muei-- cal) Paul McCartney, The Who. I \ I '\ I '\C ~ Its VB • that Ben~on and Kraus Invest In some stock D · ~ 'llven as payment for a debt (A) D ENCORE NEWS , Andrea Do<ia sinks: civit il.Q.. 1956" Highlights: The ed; the Suez Canal becomes~exerclses are hall· steel strike ever. ~ed; the loges! Cf) BENNY Hill • • P.M. MAGAZINE An Interview with Ma~_ guson at the Playboy Jazz Festival; the bulldina<•· shopping mall cake that will feed 2.000 people. • MOVIE "The Adventures Of Nick Cartet'' (1972. Mystery) Robert Conrad, Shelley Winters. The leg- endary private detective uncovers corruption In the potice force while Investigating the death of an old friend. (2 hrs.) a MIXED BAG ··culture At 40 Below" The cultural exploslon in Alaska as a result of pipeline and wind- fall profits and its the effects it has had on the native population. l tlD WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW LOOK ALIVE SPORTS CENTER Cl) MOVIE "On The Rig.ht Track·' ( 1981. ~ dy) Gary Coleman, Michael Lembeck. A soclal worker tries to find a normal home for a train station shoeshine boy with a talent for picking the ponies. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 37 min.) · . g MOVIE "Chapter Two" (1979, Comedy) James Caen. Marsha Mason. Soon after his wife's death, a writer finds himself reluctantly talUng Jn love again. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 4 min.) 6:30 8 • CHICAGO STORY A gunman with a sawed-off shotgun takes over the hospital's trauma STILL AN ANGEL _ Beautiful and unit and demands Immediate care tor his crltlcally talented Cheryl Ladd is seen weeknights ;'r~ ~~~('!! ~~ ~~Ttr8S988 sign up at 6 on KTLA (Ch. 5) as Chris Monroe, for a self-defense course aft« Maggie's purse is one of 'Charlie's Angels.' ;.o1e~~EVAREID'S CHRONICLE based on Henry James "The Wings Of The Dove " Cf) COUNTRY JAMBOREE Guests: Mickey Gilley, lhr ) · Johnny Lee, Conway Twitty, T«rl Gibbs, David Ftlz- LOs ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW zell and Shelly West, SyMa, Steve Wariner, John NEWS Conlee. (2 hrs.) BUSINESS REPORT I HEAL THBEAT MOVIE "J.0. And The Salt Fief Kid" (1 hr., 30 ANTONIN OVORAK'S SYMPHONY FROM THE min.) NEW WORLD Perlormance by the Vienna Phllhar- (%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE monlc of Dvorak's Symphony No. 9. ( 1 hr.) 7:008CBS NEWS • WALL STREET WEEK "What's New From Tem- NBC NEWS pleton?" Guest: John M. Templeton. HAPPY DA VS AGAIN e WITH OSSIE ANO RUBY "The Mind Of Gii ABC NEWS .. Scott-Heron" The words and music of poet-singe< KOJAK Gii Scott-Heron provide a glimpse of the man who NEW YORK REPORT has taken a stand for love, peace and the Mberatlon ENTERT AINMEf'IT TONIGHT of his people. D JOKER'S WILD 8:35dl) MOVIE-.raonnie And Clyde" (1967, Drama) BUSINESS REPORT Warren Beatty. Faye Dunaway. Bonnie Patker and THE MUPPET'S Clyde Barrow, a pair of brutal bank robbers, blaze a MAGIC OF OtL PAINTING bloody traU throughout the Southwest during the MOVIE "High Country" (1981. Drama) Timothy 1930s. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) Bottoms, Linda Purl. An escaped convict and his 9:00 8 (I) DAU.AS Miss Siie discovers that Ewing handicapped glrllrlend flee to the mountains. 'PG' OH Is on the v~r,ge of financial dlsaeter, and.Bobby ( 1 hr., 32 min.) learns the truth about Kristin's baby. (R) (1 hr.) CD MOVIE "The Four Seasons" (1981, Orama) 8 0 MOVIE "Freedom" (1981, Drama) Mare Alan Alda, Carol Botnett. Three bouples, all cloee. Winningham, Jennifer Warren A rebellious teen- long-lime friends, experience profound changes In ager takes off on a solitary journey through the back their relationships when one of the marriage& dlsln-roads of America. (R) (2 hrs.) ~rates. 'PG' (1 hr., flii(nln.) I PAUL HOGAN THEWAYITW~ MERV GAIFAN Guests: Michael Landon, Mary MOVIE "Manhattan" (1979, Comedy) Woody Wilson, Dr. Dennis Brooks. (1 hr.) Allen, Diane Keeton. A New YOfk City comedy writ-• WOMEN OF RUSSIA A rare glimpse of the roles er breaks up with his long-time glttfriend to squire of FUaian women In ma1rlage. aports. fatNon and around an lntellectualty vapid teen-ager. 'R' (1 hr.. entertainment is taken by Shlr1ey Jones, Peggy 36 min.) Fleming. Carol Lawrence, Juliet PrOWM and Kattvyn 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a visit to two Loe Crosby. (1hr.,40 min.) Angeles bookstore& that house rare book collec-• VOTER'S PIPBJNE Jim Cooper moderates a lions.; find out what It's like to be aboard a nucleer • debate between the pros and cons of the Equal submarine; a look at the comeback of ahort8t' hem ~ights Amendment. lines. CC) MOVIE "A Fistful Of Dynamite" (1972. Adven- 1• FAMtLY FEUO tU<e) James Coburn, Rod Steige(. An lrlsh revolu-• LAVERE & SHR..EY & COMPANY tlonary and a Mexican thief who team up to rob EYE ON LA. Feetured: part one of a report on banks somehow wind up being heroes of the Mexf.. porno star John C Holme& and his lmpfk:atlon In the can revolUtion. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) Laurel Canyon mtJfderl; meaaures people are taking Cl) TOP RANK 80XING From Nashville, T enoessee. to protect themMIVes against etlme. ~ hra, 30 min .. ) MAUDE (JJ THE 000 COUPLE Charles Net8ofl Reilly stars -YOU ASt<EI> FOR IT In Nell Simon's comedy about two dlYorced men tt00 • •. NEWS DICM ES MAGAZINE with conftlctlna peraonalitlee whO decide to share an a.AAUE'8 AHGB.B TIC TAC DOUGH ~rtment In~ YOfk City. (1 hr., 30 min.) THE SAM 8'0NA1\JRE Guest John Marton. Cl} MOVIE "Atlantlo City"· (1980, Drll\l&) Burt ABC NEWS MACNBt. I LEHAER REPORT Lanca~er. Su..n Sarandon. The eett•Y: hue--HAWAII AVE-<> , WAU smEET WEB< "What'e New kom Tern-bend of an oyster bet W81treee trrfwll wtth preg-- tec NEWS on?" ~:John M. Tempteton. nent younger allst8t' 8nd aome 11otien hel'oln. whldl f!£_ FOIWIAPD0 8A8EBAll ~ WNt• 8<* at c.tfornla he went• an aging hood to ... tot Nm. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 44 .VYfl;. "o.rbv 'Gil And The Uttle PeoPe" All (3 hrl.) mlOJ_ (1969, Fentaey) Albert Sharpe, S... Connery. Alt 7:35 --9'.30. AFFNPIJ ~THE HEART: Ml.LY ~ape- old frteh caretaker who la about to loee h9 Job to a ~ (I) THE DUKES ~ HAZZARD Uncte ..-. ci.I la blllld on Htnfy JArnee "The wtngit Of.. The younger man ~ur• the Icing of the~ talll Into a trap Mt by SOM Hogg and Aoeco 8nd Dolle." (1 hr.) Ind foroea him to grant thr• WW.. ·o· (1 hr .• 36 loeeethe°'*9ferm. (~) (1 hr.) •EUROPEANJOUANAL. =i.-r • TV RMNB A..,._ ol ~.,. ,f)"ented 1~· (I) FALCON CMIT A plot who felled to \Al """-"'llllO "Lee ~7. Mul6clfl o.ne t<.ty, 1n come book 11y1e: Cont'ld 8liln hoet9. (R) petlU9de o.. to become h9 buelnW Pittner Mlt%J Glynor. Art IT1Ul6cal ~ hits the • MOYE "The ~" (1966, ~) COlwtnoM Mgle to ~ him In hll toheme to run Europeen cln:UI wMf\ ~--(1 tw., llUrt~.lllonol,.....Amonondhlt_,ftght .... ~~ e~ifi-~-7--:.:; ··-=·--:=-.. -...... ~~-U.""*!!'.YI ... l!!!!T~~:.-• atll'W: • -Jr°' :n9 HIM!': y 1Ni IP9i*it II • 1A!il'••att lMillt h .......,. ""°'El f'tll Of town.. ~ s '•. ... "" "tw.l L .. I .. ICUPUllCTURE ............... AUTHOR Oft "ACUPUNCTUM a ICIENCR" Fonner Chelnnen, Mmtnat'Of Chlneee • Acupunc:utr• Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA. 13th Edition 545-2438 Mon.-Wlicl..fl\. liltlllt ..... c.... 1711 ............ ........ UNTAMA 532-5040· Tlm.-Tiv ....... ......... c.... _ ............ .... , ~ FICE-Llns · SMOKING & PAlf.eotmOL -.ana-•...., ARa YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCREASING? Out eMf'IY men ... !Mflt ., • .,. cen reduce Yff' .,-., coml Call ua for FREE lnformetlon Heetlng end Air COncltlontng 8Ped•••ta alnce 1915 545-5542 ··-979-8771 OAANGI COUNTY at ................ ....,.. Matry Gr-. TENNIS TOE and turn• •• you atl"Oke away at the ball. These audden movementa force your feet '° the front ol your ~ md can often ~tin «tennJa to.." You'll need treatment from a foot t!p'del"' ,..... and rw:qued.al-- ,...., ........... they ..,. tbe whole body • IClOd Wortrout. It Mio -... .... a kit al ...... ud ._uty to plllf ..at.,,. pu• *-on 10'lr ~ Any foot llt'Oblema &hat r•ult ehould be tnated --.t.My ....... ....,u ,.-. w.et • ,,.., at 10'.lf bell .... (91'9 °' 1"'1r ,_... ........ 0-..~ ..... I.. ll1tt -· D.P.11. , .............. N.a. 760-6907 ' l -· - ' f f r t, t . ~ I I ..... -------- lO -"' Friday (continued) co ~ 2:068 MCME "Doub6e Image" (1970, Drama) George Hamltton, Barbara Anderson. A dlpfomat becomes Involved with a woman who tries to pass herself ott as hls dead girlfriend. (2 hrs., 6 min.) (!)NEWS .,... «!)RAT PATROL 2:30. MOVIE "The Well" (1951, Orama) Richard Rober, Harry Morgan. Petty prejudices disappear when a black child becomes trapped In a wet!. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CJ) GABE KAPLAN: JUST FOR LAUGHS Kaplan performs his own particular brand of stand-up com- edy in this special taped live at Hollywood's "The Latt Stop." (1 hr.) D MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Drama) Faye Duna- way, Peter Finch. An aging television newsman, whose ratings are steadily slipping, Is turned Into a ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty female pr~mmlng executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 2:36 C!J MOVIE "Gllders'8eve's Bad Day" ( 1943, Comedy) Harold Peary, Nancy Gatea. While Impaneled as a juror, Giidersieeve Is accused of having accepted a bribe. ( 1 hr., 25 mln.) «!)WORLD AT l..AAGE CC> MOVIE "I Love You. Alice B. Tot<las" (1968, Comedy) Peter Sellers. Leigh Taylor-Young. A mid- dle-aged lawyer, disenchanted with his present Uf&- style. starts a new life with a young hippie. ·~ ( 1 hr., 33 min.) • 2:46(%) MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James Brolln, Cleavon Llttle. A trio of greedy friends plot the robbefy of a million dollars from a South American drug dealer. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) 3:00 al) NEWS -' 3: 10 <II> MOVIE "The Survivor" ( 1981, Fantasy) Robert Powell, Jenny Agutter. A plot survMl8, a cat• astrophlc 747 crash unscratched and aearchel for the man responsible. ( 1 hr., 24 min.) 3:30 Cl) SPORTS F<>R\JM (I) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestant& who compete against one another .,. featured In this uncensored comedy game thaw. 4:ooe MOVIE "Thirteenth Green" (1954, Comedy) Ronald Howard, Barbara Kelly. When en ex~ from Brittan decides to remany after Na wHe dlel, his children protest strongly. (1 hr .. 30 min.) i ~ "Santiago" ( 1956, Adventure) Alen Ladd. Rossana Podesta. In the Jungles of Cuba, an opportunist sells guns and then switches aleglance8 for a tr~= woman. (2 hra) ~~'Stripes" (1981, Comedy) Bil Mtnay, Harold Ramis. A New York cabbie looking fof excitement convinces his best friend to join him In enlisting In the U.S. Army. 'A' (1tv.,20 min.) 4:06 al) VEGETABLE SOUP •:15(C) MOVIE "High Country" (1981, Drama) TJm. othy Bottoms, Linda Pun. An escaped convict and his handicapped glr1frlend flee to the mountains. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 4:30(!) MAKE PEACE WITH NATURE • MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980, Drama} Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band "Of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'R' ( 1 hr., « min.) CZ) MOVIE "Voyage En Douce" (1980, Drama) Dominque Sanda, Geraldine Chaplin. ( 1 hr., 40 min~ 4:36 ROMPER ROOM •:.40 MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James Brolln, Cleavon Little. A trio of greedy fr1ends plot the robbery of a mllllon dollars from a South American drug dealer. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) W atergon and Swit atar in movie for television HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Sam Waterson and Loretta Swit star in the CBS movie "Games Mother Never Taught Me." Waterson plays the artist-husband of a career woman (Mt. Swit) who learn.a the hard rules of corporate gameamansh.tp when ahe invades a ptt\'ioualy all-male executive suite. Lee Philipa ii directing from a ecript by Liz C.ole, baaed on the book by Betty Lehan Harragan. The movie alto a tars· Davld Spielberg, Eileen Heckart, F.cl Grover, Elaine Gift.al, Madlyn Rhue, Bill Morey and Betty Kennedy. · Bonnie Franklin and Robert Klein are atarrlng ln CBS' "Love In Bloom," a contemporary romantic-comedy now ln production. .\I< >IC\ l '\< ~ 6~ Cl> cHN8ToPHER CLOSEUP Cl) AOOEO ''Schrade Pro Team" Kansas Wranglers vs. Tutsa Twist~ (1 hr .. 30 min.) 6:06 «!)BASEBALL BUNCH 6:30• VOYAGE TO ~BOTTOM OF THE SEA (!) NEWARK·ANO REALITY 5~36al) THE PARTRIOQE FAMILY 8:ooes~SEM~ SEREHotPfTY PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TAU< APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAJ<ERS FAMILY AFFAIR WATCH YOUR MOUTH MOVIE "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" ( 1963, Comedy) Pet8f Sellers. Uonel Jeffries. 8:06 al) WAR ANO PEACE 8:15(%) MOVIE "Network" (1976, Orama) Faye ~way. Peter Finch. (2 hrs.) 8:201NEW8 8:30 DUSTY'S TRE9tOUSE THAT'S CAT PACESEllEM VOICE Of AOAICULTVRE FAST FOlfWAm DAVEY AND GOLIATH IT'S YOUR BU8INE88 TO 8E ANNOUNCED NEWVOICE CAPTIONED ABC NEWS Dfl SNUGGLES NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SEfUES "BasebaH: Pitching Orllls And Infield Play'' <II> MOVIE "The Last Metro" (1980, Drama) Catherine Oeneuve. Gerard Oepardieu. (2 hrs., 10 min.) • . Cl) '9tOVIE "Dead Man's Float" (1979, Mystef)') Greg Roe, Sally Boyden .. (1 hr., 15 min.) e MOVIE "Saturday The 1•th" (1981, Comedy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. (1 hr., 15 min.) 7:ooe KIOSWORLD Featured: Glenn Scarpetll, one of the stars of the popular TV show. "Or)e bey At A Time"; a report from Evansville, Indiana on the Mel- ody Bells. the youngest and largest per1ormlng handbel choir In the United States. e THE R.JNTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE 9SUPERFRtENOS ~TIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO TEBISCENE CHECKING rT OUT YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER ,.. 7:06al) MOVIE "Guys And Dolts" (1955, Musical) Frank Sinatra. Jean Simmons. 7:301 MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS SMURFS Dfl SNUGGLES al RICHIE RICH I S0008Y 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO CALIFORNIA PEOPLE VOICE OF AGRiCUl TURE BIG BLUE MARBLE MOVIE "Birth Of The Beetles" (1979, Drama) Stee_hen Mackenna, Rod Culbertson. 8:00 9 Cl) POPEYE • MOVIE "El Rancho Grande" (1940, Western) i~~c:. SPEAKEASY REBOP • TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1980 Wimbledon" (1 hr.) . CIJ MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Bumttt. (1 hr., 40 min.) • HAMMER HOU8E Of H0AA0A 8:15(%) MOVIE "Dead And Buried" (1981. Horror) ~mes. Farentlno, Metody Anderson. (1 hr .• 30 8:30 Cl) TARZAN I LONE RANGER I KIDS~ POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS QAHG BEA"8'ROUT8 ''Boys And Girts. Glf1I And Boys'' AM, OYertoeded wtth home reepOnetblttlae, t .. lhe II being t,_. unflll1)'" at a gift. (R) l:OOEAVEf'l'TO BEAVER , I LAVINE a ltR.EY WLO WOfl.OOF IJIMAL8 MA8l 800CB m<B ( Bll1'JNG THE TJlA.U, -Ondy Pickett Oelt) and Mary Larkin portray p;oaeer women in Louia L'Amour'• 'The Cherokee Trail,, to be .broadcast ~ 'Walt Disney' Saturday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Cb. 2). CAR CARE CENTRAL ERNEST ANGLEY NEWVOICE GOLF "U.S. Open Second Round" from Pebble Beach, Callfomla. (3 hrs.) CID GOTT A DANCE. GOTT A 88NG ThlS retroepec- tive look at movie musicals lndude8 perlormanoes by Astaire and Rogers, Shlr1ey Temple, Gene Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and EMs Presley and clips from "Carousel, .. "The King And I, .. "West Side Story, .. "Cabaret" and "The Rocky Horror Plctute Show." {_1 hr.) • MOVIE "The Kid From Not-SO-Big" ( 1978. Comedy) Jennifer McAllister, Robert Vlharo. ( 1 hr., 30mln.l_ 9:301(1) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER SPIDER-MAN OZZIE ANO HARRIET al HEATHCUFF & MARMADUKE QREATEST SPORTS LEGEHD6 WE'RE MOVIN' MONEYMAKERS MOV1E "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957, Drama) Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal. 10:008. BASEBALL Regional coverage of Phlta- . delphla Phillies at 'Pitts6urgh Pirates; Montreal Expos at Chicago Cubs (3 hrs.) I SHA NANA di THUNDARR I GOl.DtE GOLD MOVIE "Dagora, The Space Monst8f'' (1965. Sclenc&-Flctlon) Yosuke Natsukl, Yoko Fuljlyama. (!) MOVIE "Jivaro" (1964, Adventure) Fernando lla~E.::ae VOTEA'S f>tPElJNE Jim Cooper moderates a debate between the pros and cons of the Equal ~hts Amendment. CH) MOVIE "Continental Clvide" (1981, Romance) John Beloshl, Blair &own. ( 1 hr., 43 min.) (I) FOOTUGHT FRENZY the award winning Low Moan Spectacular comedy troupe perlorms a hilari- ous revue ot show business life. (1 hr., 60 mln.) CZ) MOV1E "Les Bon DeMrras" ( 1981) Charlotte L'aurlef, Marie Tlfo. ( 1 ht., SO min.) 10:06a?) MOvtE "SomebodY LoveaMe" (1952, Musi- cal) Betty HUiton. Ralph Meeket. 10:30. AM9'CA'S TOP TEN I NASL SOCCER KICKS ~WITHCNJ'f G0008Y£ MOTHER RU88lA Vsevolod Lezhnev, the first l'l'lU8'cian to ~t from the Soviet Union while on a 0000«1 tour of tM U.S .. dlaousaes .)Ila seerch for artistic, polltlell and penonel fr ... dom. 11:00e WCT TENtiE ''$300,000 Oellel Tourrwnent Rnall" (2 hrs.) • weacac> 8PEaAL ''Soup Fot Preeldlnt" A mlechlef-tcwtng Y°""'1 boy oma few Olell pteaidanl ~ ~ 8"DAL .. Soup For ~--It" A :.c;., lolling ~ boy nQ few ... .,,..It. (R) O (1 tw .. 30 n*'.) .. • • • • • • • ... t • • • .. .. • • t .. • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • •. 1'> .... : • • ... • .... .. ... ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • -" ------~---------::---:::~·' - -.._. __ --· Saturday (continued) I nts'WEB .. 8ASEBAll 8MX MOTOCAOSS COOKING MEXICAN SCMET OISSIOENTS IN EXILE FfYe human rights activists dl$CU88 their eXlle from the Soviet Union and their adjOstments to the W•t. Cl ROASTED MEDIUM RARE Morey Amsterdam, Phil Sllvel"s and Dick Shawn are among the show blz personalities who roast Henny Youngman In this special. ( 1 hr., 16 min.) 11:308 (I) BLACKSTAR I AMERICAN BANDSTAND I WILD. WILD WatT HOlMES I COONEY: A MAJ"TEH OF PRIDE Jerry lzenberg narrates commeotwy on the upcom- 1. heavyweight championship bout. (1 hr.) LOVE. AMERICAN STYl~ MAGIC OF OCL PAINTING THE MOVIE J\T THE ENO OF THE W~ North Dakota poet Tom MoGrath Is profiled, and his epic poem "Letter To An lmaginety Frlend" Is Illus- trated In this special narrated by Fredet'lck Manfred. ( 1 hr,) 12:00. Cl) TROlUONS (!) MOVIE "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum" ( 1966, Muslc:al) Zefo Moetel, Phil Silvers. I ADAW..12 QUILTING MOVIE "Big Wednesday" (1978, Drama) Jao- Mlchael Vincent, William Katt. CE) NASl SOCCER Vancouver Whitecaps at Chica- @ Sting (2 hrs.) CHJ MOVIE "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981, Come- dy) Geo<ge Hamilton, Lauren Hutton, (1 hr .. 33 min.) Cl) ED MCMAHON AND COMPANY The Texas Cowgirls, Phyllis Oillef and Abbe Lane join Ed McMahon for a dancing and slng~ty special. i1 hr., 5 min.) (%) MOVIE "Atlantlc City" (1980, Drama) Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. ( 1 hr., «min.) 12:06Q) MOVIE "The Last Hurrah" (1968, Orama) SJ)e!lCef Tracy, Jeffrey Hunter. 12:301(1) TOM AND JERRY 8 U.S. OPEN Live coverage of the 18-hole third round of play In this golf toumamenl (from the Petr ble Beach Goll Links In Callfomia). (4 hrs.) G MISS BLACK AMERICA PAGEANT Roger MO&ely, Madge Sinclair and Rosalind Cash guest lstar~t=-pageant. ( 1 hr.) AOAM--12 GREAT ESCAPES MOVIE "Algiers" (1938, Romenoe) Char1es ~er. Hedy Lamarr. • THE COUNTRY GIRL Faye Dunaway, Dick Van Dyke and Ken Howard star In this perfonnance of Cfifford Odet's play about the complex re&atlonahlps between an aJcoholic actor, his wile and a theatrical director. (2 hra., 30 min.) 12:-451 DODGER PRE-OAME 1 :00 Cl) KWICKY KOALA 8 BASEBALL RegiOnal coverage of Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds; Toronto Blue Jays at Oakland A's (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I THE MUNSTERS BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds (3 hrs.) • MOVIE "Overlords Of The UFO" ( 1977) Docu- mentary . • WOODWRIGHrS SHOP "A Dovetall By Hand" ~) 0) BASEBALL Regional coverage of Los AOQe4es Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds; Toronto Blue Jays at Oakland A's (3 hrs.) 1:3011 Cl) 30 MINUTES Featured a report on dog sled racing 1n New England; a profile of William Mar- hn, e top competitor in horse 1umping. a visit to a former cargo ship D F-TROOP U WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--__,~~" •. • NOVA "The Hunt For The Legion Killer" The Intensive Investigation launched by the Cent« for Disease Cootrol to discover the' microbe responsible for Legionnaire's disease Is traced. (R) c;J ( 1 hr.) Cl) SHORT PICKS 1 :45 CZ) RASCAL DAZZLE The Little Rascals are fe&- tured In film clips and shorts.. (1 hr., 25 min.) 2:00. THE MUStC CENTER MERCADO A !Ne broadcast of the outdoof festival to rals. $500,000 for the Los Angeles Music Cent«. (1 hr.) e GILLIGAN'S ISlANO Cl) NATIONAL a..ECTRONICS HOME SERVICE TEST 8 MOVIE "The Treasure Of Pancho VIia" ( 1955, Western) Rory Calhoun, Shelley Winters. Cl) HOLMES I COONEY: A MATTER OF PRICE Jerry lzenberg narrates commentary on the upcom- i heavyweight championship bout. ( 1 hr.) SIGMA~ Guest: John Marlon. MONEY AND MEDICINE Ways of reducing health care costs without sacrificing quaUty are exa- mined. (1 hr.) . CC) MOVIE "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" ( 1963. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Lionel Jeffries. CE) AU'YO RA~NG "CART Rex Mays 160" ffom Miiwaukee, Wisconsin. (2 hrs.) CB) MOVIE "Far From The Madding Crowd'' (1967, Drama) Julle Christle, Terence Stamp. (2 hra., 60 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Last Hunt" (1956, Adventure) Stewart Granger, Robert Taylof. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:30. GILLIGAN'S ISLAND (I) ST AR TREK 9 MIXIDBAG "Cutture At -40 Below" The cultural explosion In Alaska as a result of plpeflne and wind- fall profits end Its the effects It has had on the native population. • HIDDEN Pl.ACES: WHERE HISTORY ~ "Boom And Bust -The Mining Towns" Hoat PhlMp .Albbott visits three surviving mining towns. (R) 2:36 al) MOTORWEEJ< ILLUSTRA TEO 3;00 8 UNC>EftNA TER TREASURE HUNT 9 MOVIE "The Secret life Of Walter Mitty'' ( 194 7, ComedY) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo. '(f) RACING FROM BELMONT e MOVIE "The Allen Factor" ( 1978, Science--Ac- tion) Tom Gr1fflth, Don Lelfert, ta ANTONIN DVORAK'$ SYMPHONY FROM THE NEW WORLD Performance by the Vienna Philhar- monic of Dvorak's Symphony No. 9. ( 1 hr.) f8 GOODBYE MOTHER RUSSIA Vse~olod Lezhnev, the first musician to defect from the Soviet Union while on a concert tour of the U.S., discusses his search lor artistic. polil1C81 and personal tree~ dom. Ii) NOBODY DOES IT BETTER THAN YOU, AMER- ICA Host Ed Asner looks at the incredible results America hes achieved through 1eamwork. Music by Carol Bayer·Seger and Marvin Hemllsch CD MOVIE "The Magic Flute" ( 1973, Musical) Ulrlk Cold, Josef Kost linger. i 2 Teen . Force " r-Super teen-agers ~ Electra (right), J Moleculed (center) ~ and Kid Comet are '-assisted by Little c Astromites, Glax i (right) and Plutem, _a, in their struggle to ~ prot.ect the universe ~ against tyranny in the NBC animated series 'Space Stars' Saturday at 10 a.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). ct LIBERACE IN CONCERT Mr. Showmanship Is Joined by slngef Marco Valenti and magician Marvin Roy In this &how taped at the Sporting Club In Monte Carlo. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 3:06 al) WRESTllNG 3: 15 (%) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Drama) Faye DunawalJ_Peter Anch. (2 hrs.) 3:30 8 Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY 10-round super bantamweight bout between Jamie Gana and Car- melo Negron (from Las Vegas, Nev.); International Bicycle Classic (from Boulder, Cok>.). (1 hr., 30 min.) 8 EVERYWHERE Location: live from Sant._ Monica Pier for "Energy Faire." ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (!) W1LO KJNGOOM . • SOVIET OISSIOENTS IN EXILE Five human rights activists discuss their exile from the Soviet Union and thelr11d~mentsto the West. (1 hf.) • GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Montwerdl: Orpheus" The Zurich Opera preeents Jean Pierre · Poonelle's Innovative production of Claudio Montev· erdi's "Orpheus." conducted by Nlko4aus Hamoo- coort. (R) (2 hrs.) CC> MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" (1967, Orama) Arldy_ Griffith, Patricia Neal. 4:00 a HEE HAW (!) ERIC SEVARBO'S CHRONtClE e MOVIE "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" (1974, AdVenture) Peter Fonda. Susan George. tB AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: Mill Y Thia apeclal Is I~) on Henry James "The Wings Of The Dove." MARY TYLER MOORE SPORTS CENTER FOOTUGHT FRENZY The award winning Low Moan Spectacular comedy troupe performs a hltari- ous revue of show buline&& lite. ( 1 hf., 50 min.) 4:308 MOVIE "BM<lnl Beach" (1964, Comedy) Frankie Avalon, Annette Funlcelo. (!) BASEBALL New York Meta at St. Louis Cardi- nals (2 hrs., 40 min.) 9 GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Howard Cosell' • Host Ken Howard. • WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of a first elimination match will be broad- cast from Spain. ( 1 hr.) I BOB NEWHART MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary_ Coleman, Michael Lambeck. ( 1 hr .• 37 mfn.) 4:35@ BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at Atlante Braves (3 hrs.) 5:00. WORLD GAMES I An intematlonal sports spectacular. with over 1,700 athletes from 60 coun· 1ries participating In various sporting events throughout the United States. (Part 2) ( l hr) D FREE4ALL I STAR TREK M•A•s•H GRIZZLY ADAMS NEWS SOLID GOLD ~Jr~ SPECIALS FOR THE BRIDE & GROOM ·Cf ative Jewelers, Inc. -i --~~,,_£6;'"~·/" ·'=· & (714) 760-6766 2810 E PACIAC COAST HWY. • CORONA DEL MAR ,..... GIFTS FOR GRADS & DADS/ • REMOUNT SPECIALISTS OAIOfHAl OE.9IONNO • CUSTOM M8TY1.INO ' RESETTING A OESIONEA COLLETION °' OOLD & PLA'TIHUM JIW£UW • DIAMOND$ e P!AAUI • FtNE COl.OAED OEMITONO OP!H T\IQOAY THAO IATUAOAY I • I ~ ! • • "' .._ •••• \ • • '> ~ " I • ........ :.·._ ..... , • ._ ... , •••• ._ ••••••••••••••• •••11 .................. # t < i I 11 . ~ &tnrday ( conlJnued) ~ 9 THE TREE OF WOOOEN ClOGS A. tt1m detaHlng 1he lives of poor ltalan peasants at the tum of the ~ centUf'y. (3 hrs.) '! • LAWRENCE WELK ~ Cl) BOXING "WOOd Amateut Championship" from -, Munich. West Ge<many. (3 hrs.) t,:: CH) MOV1E "Elvis" (1979, Biography) Kurt Russell. • Season Hubley. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) -o CD RUSH IN CONCERT ;£ cm MOVIE "On The Right Tract<" (1981, Comedy) Q. Gary_ Coteman. Michael Lambeck . .3 6:16(.1) .ioVIE "Ve<botenl" (1958, Drama) James > -eest. Susan Cummlngs. f1hr .. 33 min.) .,_ 5:308NEWS CJ) BASEBAU San 'Diego Padres at Houston Astros (2 hrs., 30 min.) 111 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK • ONCE UPON A ClASSIC "The Mill On The Floss" Tulliver has a stroke and demands that Tom and Maggie never speak to Philip again. (Part 3) D G SPORTS AMERICA "Soccer. Chicago Sting W. University Of Wisconsin" (1 hr.) e:oolces NEWS I NBCNEWS MOVIE "Kotch" (1971, Drama) Waiter Matthau, Deborah Winters. A widower refuses ft> le\ his children put him out to pasture. (2 hrs.) • on guitar 'Bruilian Images,, a KCET (Ch . 28) special airing Saturday at 8:30 p.m., offers virtuOl.!IO jazz guitarist 09car Castro.Neves in a hall.-hour of Brazilian-Ila vored music. I KOJAK S.W.A. T. el review "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan" and Crouch. (R) ( 1 hr.) MOVIE "Starship Invasions" (1978, Scienc&-"E.T., The Extra· Terrestrial." • g LOVE BOAT A stuffy executive falls in love F'iction) Robert Vaughn, CMstopher Lee. A UFO CH) MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (1981, Comedy) with his secretary, a songwriter rekindles a wife's expert joins with a friendly alien commander to bat· Richard Benjamin, Pauta Prentiss. A couple dltcov-love for he< husband, and a Russian cruise director tie a hostile force determined to overtake Earth. (2 er that the house they'"'8 lnhe<lted is being~ falls for Doc. (R) Q ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) hrs.) by vampifes, ghosts and assorted monsters. PG' i WRESTUNG • UP ANO COMING "The New Kid" The Wilsons ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) MERV GRIFAN become guardians of a tough, 12-year-old street 7:36 al) NEWS AMERICAN PlA VHOUSE "Oppenheimer" In kid. D 8:008 CJ) WALT DISNEY .. The Cherokee Tran" A the postwar years. Oppenheimer becomes one ol CC) MOVIE "Birth Of The Beetles" (1 979, Drama) determined young widow and hef 10-year'-Old the government's leading scientific advisors, but his Stephen Mackenna. Rod Culbertson. The story of daughter become managers of an 1860s wilderness opposition to an all-out arms race makes him a John, Paul, Ringo and George from their ob6cure st~oach depot. (A) (1 hr.) number of powerful enemies. (Part 6) D (1 hr.) ~nlng to thelf stardom. (1hr .• 35 min.) 8. HARPER VALLEY Flora Aeilly~·Scrooge (()GOLF "U.S. Open Third Round"lFom Pebble (I) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Phllty Flash" (1981, and Stella appears as the ghosts of Ctiistri\as past. Beach, California. (2 hrs., 30 min.) Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnett. An alcoholic present and future In a Harper Valley versioo of "A CH) MINSKY'S FOLLIES Phyllis Diller, Rip Taylor and former baseball player and a kooky street entertain-Christmas Carol.'' (A) Stubby Kaye join the Minsky Burlesque Troupe for a er become partners In a scheme to make money by e MOVIE "The Uninvited" (19«. Mystery) Ray revue featuring baggy-pants comedy, striptease and returnlnjl_ a lost suitcase. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) Miiiand, Ruth Hussey. A young couple buy the per-production numbers. ( 1 hr.) 6:308 a e NEWS feet home in England and find to their horror it Is ([) MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980, Drama) Burt I MARY TYLER MOORE haunted by evil and violence. (2 hrs.) Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- YOU ASKED FOR fT 8 III TODA Y'S FBI Nici< becomes too Involved in band of an oyster bar waitress an1ves with her preg- CALIFORNIA DREAMS "The Dream Of Don a case and starts harassing a man he believes to be nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which Guadalupe" Alejandro Rey recounts the story of the responsible for a rap&-murde<. (A) ( 1 hr.) he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 44 life and times of California'• to&.wdng fathe< -Gen-a MOVIE "The Masque Of The Red Death" (1964, min.) eral Guadalupe Vdejo. ' Horror) Vincent Price, Hazel Court. A 12th<entury (ID MOVIE "Goin' Ape'' (1981, Comedy) Tony I SOCCER MADE .. ™MY prlnoe takes a mysterious young glrl. who carries Danza. Jessica Walter. Three orangutans ho4d the AOA8TED ME.DllJM RME Morey Amsterdam, the Red Death plague. into his castle. (2 lvs.) purse strings to a SS-million Inheritance. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. Phil SUvers and Ok:k Shawn .. snong the show ha i PAUL HOGAN 27 min.) perl0nalltl88 who roaet ~ Yooogman In this 80HNY ANO CHER Cl) MOVIE "The Dogs Of war" (1980, Adventure) ~I. (1hf.,15 lftn.) • MOVIE "Myst8'1ee From Beyond Earth" (19n) Christopher Walken. Tom Befcenger. After being tor· 8:36cm NEW FRIENDS Documentary. Scientists and re988fchers explore tured and deported by an African dictator, amerce-~ 7:00 e .. SEARCH OF... the peranormal woOd of UFOs, Kiftlan photography, nary returns to lead a revolution. 'A' ( 1 hr .. •5 min.) I FAMl...YFBJO psychokinesis. cloning, ESP and the Bennuda T,._ (%)MOVIE "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981, Come- BAOK TO BASICS &flOle. (~ dv) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The h«oic THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MY8TER-11 THE OF WOOOEN Cl.008 A fNm detailing son of ofd Callfomia's famous justice fighter Is Inca- & the lives of poor Italian peasants at the tum of the pacltated by a riding injury. forcing his foppish I PEOPl.FS COURT century. (3 hra.) • brother to don the cape and mask. •PG• (1 hr., 33 LAWRENCE WB..K I TRAINING DOGS THE WOOOHOU8E WAY min.) CHea0NG IT OUT Featured: lmenl6ewa with MOVIE "A Star Is Born" (1937, Orama) Fredric 9:30. MATINEE AT THE 8&.JOU Featured: ''The Big country mueic tt8T Freddy Fender end r9PQf1er Aide March, Janet Gaynor. Feeling his own poputarlty Show'' ( 1936). a tune-filled Western starring Gene Alvarez.;• report on the Royal Chicano AJtr Force, a ellpplng aa his yoong wife's career 18 on the rlee. a Autry and Smiley Burnette; a cartoon; a Shlrley Sen Jote 't:n· Q big-name star turns to the bottle for comfort. (1 hr.. Temple short: and Chapter 2 of "The Phantom e THEM 30" min.) Empire" ( 1935). (A) Cl hr., 30 min.) C1J MOYIE "Manhattan" (1979, Comedy) Woody CC) MO\l1E "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" (1963, CC) CASE OF MU~KINESE BATll.£ HORN (1965) Alen, Olene Keeton. A New Vort< ~ comedy writ· Comedy) Pater Sellets, Lionel Jeffrie&. The syndl-PETER SELLERS, SPIKE MUl.UGAN. A rare and er break• up with his long-time gfrtfrielld to equlre cate and the police bands together to stop a trio of valuable Instrument Is stolen from a ITIU8e0m. around an Intellectually vapid teen--eger. 'R' (1 hr., thieves who pose as lawmen. (1 hr., 30 min.) O MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) Biii Murray, 36 min.) Cl) SPORTS OEHTER Harold Ramis. A New York cabble looking for cm MOVIE "Blow Out" (1381, Suspense) John Cl) PAT COUINS: THE HIP HYPNOTIST Volun-excitement convinces his best friend to Join him In Travolta, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who teers from the audience respond comically to hyp-enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 20 min.) works on horror films becomes Involved In a murder nosis suggestions made to them by this entertainer. 9:35 «lJ BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at Atlanta mystery when he witnesses an aasassinatlon. 'A' ( 1 {_1 hr.) Braves (3 hrs.) hr., 45 min.) • MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981, Comedy) 10:008 e NBC REPORTS "FOf Every Vlolence -CZ> MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980, Drama) Burt Richard Benjamin. Paula Prentiss. A couple di&cov· Thet'e 18 A Victim" The private and public coets of Lancaster. Susan SatandOn. The estranged hu8-er that the house they've Inherited is being~ vlc>lent crime In Ameflca and the enormous price band of an oyster bar waltrel6 arriYee with her preg.-by vamplfee. ghosts and ueorted monsters. PG' vtctlmsand their temlllee pey are examined. ( 1 hr.) nant younger alaler and .,,.,,. st°'8n heroin, which C 1 hr.. t 6 min.) 1 • NEWS he wanta an aging hood to Ml for him. 'R' (1 hr., 44 &:90e e ONE OF THE BOYS OtNet Is snubbed by MOYIE "Oartiog" (1966. Orama) Julie Christle. mtn.i a celebrity whom he Oletma to have knOwn dUttng L~ Hervey, A ~ g1f1 ~lenoet a ~ 7: 10 KINER'8 KOfltER his World War II USO days. (A) · be< of 1omantlc failures 01!fY to becOme the rejected 7:30 DANCE FEVER ~RACING FROM R008eJEl T wife of •n Hallan prince. (S hrs., 30 min.) I LOOK AT U8 8RAZIUAN IMAQE8 8'azillan gultanst Olcar ())MOVIE "The Qawting Eye" ( 1958, Horrot) Fet- PEOPLF8 COURT ro-NeYel II feet"*'· rest Tucker, Laurence f>ayne. A mystenous "eye" OAEATE8T8PORT8l.EOENOB 1:'61WOALOAT.WAA &end& the delld back to Earth to terroria mankind. EVE ON SAN DEBO ~ed: ride on PSA'a O;OO Cl) MOVIE ''Butch And Sundance: The Eatty ihrs.) OC·9 jet M'nuletor; the effiect of M.xJco'a monster Oey." ( 1979, W.em) Tom Berenger, Wiiiem 80UO GOLD cloud on WOftdwlda wttw; an lrfter-Aew wfth Burt l<ttt. Two of ttlt Old Wett't meet lnfamOue outlawl INDEFBUJfT EYE "Strider'• Houte•• Lancaster. • mNt tor the fltst tlrne and embeft( on their legend-MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" (1957, Oranw) I "&an'E Mime cerw. (R) (2 tn..) Antjy Griffith, Patrlcle *81. A derellct goee from a m"°~ · ~MIO THE MAH-=I c4'll to natlonel ~ion on the ..,.'Gtl'I of hie 1 ______ ,_ _11 :_z: ~E!*J. ~ ~~!~ '_;: -:_ --·~~'1!!.~!!!=eA:&!!!!!!.!::Me'~!!!==:.:=-!!IMr!!!!!:!:?~M~T:=:!!!t'~!!'tt'='=t:lU~"!~1~t;me~t;;:. :::;;=.1'f I 1 • I I I \ I I ' ~ (contirwed) CID MOVIE "Dog Day Aftern6on" ( 1975, Orama) Al Paclno, John Cazale. A New York City bank robbery escalates Into a near-circus when community activ- ists join in-to stage an anti-police protest during the caper. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 10:30 e EYE ON LA. Featured: a profile of Pia Zador; exotic snakes; the world of Navy frogmen. I BARNEY MILLER OODCOUPLE ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE ''The Police" (1 hr.) (D) Pl.A YBOY ON THE AIR 10:36ECHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 11:00 8 e (I) 0 e NEWS I AINMENT THIS WEEK MOVIE "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry'' (197•. Adventure) P..eter Fonda. Susan Georqe. A thrill- seetclng young glrl joins a speed-<:razy fUgltlve In e dangerous escape from a determined lawman. (2 hrs.) • MO\GE "Top Secfet" (1978, Adventure) Biii Cosby, Tracy Reed. An American art dealer ts sent to Rome on an undercover mission to retrieve 120 pounds of stolen plutonlom. (2 hrs.) ta THE TREE OF WOODEN CLOGS A ftim detailing the lives of poor llaHan peasants at the tum of the century. (3 hrs.) ! ID SOUNOSTAGE "Just Folk" Some of folk music's legendary artists -Odetta, Tom Paxton, Bob Gibson and Josh White Jr. -perform many classics alone and together. (R) D ( 1 hr.) CD MOVIE "Slave Of The Canriir>al God" (1978, Adventure) Ursula Andress. Stacy Keach, A group of explorers in search of a k>no-k>&t treasure are confronted by Stone Age cannibals. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) BIZARRE "Hurtz Rent-AN" (%) MOVIE "Dead And Burled" (1981, Horror) James Farenltno, Melody Anderson. A sman-town policeman irwestlgates a series of bizarre murders. 'R' ihr., 30 min.) 11:30 THE ROCKFORD ALES 8 SA TUROAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Robe<t Urich. Guests: Mink DeVille. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) eAecNEWS . (I) MOVIE "Three Texas Steers" (1939, Western)" John Wayne, Carole Landis. A cowboy rides to the rescue of a young woman who has been threatened with the loss of her ranch. ( 1 hr., 5 min.) HANDLES HARD JOBS -St.eve Fonest brings his 'S. W.A. T.' team to K1TV (Ch. 11) Saturday at 6 p.m. to take on any jobs that are too tough for the regular police force. 0 MOVIE "~ Easy Pieces" (1970, Orama) Jack Nicholson, Karen Black. A ~ heel gives up his musical career. leaves his pregnant glrtfriend and goes ott to work on an oil rig. (2 hrs., 15 min.) i SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Erotic Delights" ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) MOVIE "The Hearse" ( 1980, Horror) Trish Van Devere, Joseph Cotten. A schoolteacher tr1ee to f9COV8f from a nervous bfeakdOwn at hef late aunt' a home. which Is besieged by demons. 'PG' (1 hr .. .W min.) D MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980, Come- dy) Mac· Davis, Tovah Feldshuh. In order to meet 15 his alimony payments, a recently dlwK::etl """8te detective tracks down dellnquent husbands for a :2 divorce lawyer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 32 min.) 0 11:46• MOVIE "Terror'On The Beech" (1973, Ora-- ma) Dennis Weaver. Estelle Parsons. A femlly vaca-~ tioning on the beach become the Innocent victims of a gatlg's unexplained hara&Qment. ( 1 hr., 30 min.} ~ 12:00• BLUE JEAN NETWORt< .::> (I) MOVIE "The Romantic Age" (1950, Orama) =T\ Hugh Williams, Mai Zetterflng. A sophisticated girl 1 charms her middle-aged teacher. (2 hra.) ~ 12:0500 MOVIE "Continental Divide" (1981, ~ Romance) John ~. BlaJr Brown. A Chicago c.. newspaper columnist travels to the Rookies to j escape some ~itlcal heat and interview a recluslve naturalist. 'PG ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) ~ 12:10~ MOVIE "The Sensuous Nurse" (1979, Com· !» edy) Ursula Andress. Duillo Del Prete. Greedy reta-<O lives hire a sensual "Florence Nightingale'' to take CD care of an aging count suffering from a delicate N heart oondltion. 'R' (1 hr .• 20 min.) 12:308 MOVIE "A Double Life" (1978, Orama) Dack Rambo, Larry Hagman. A wealthy playboy seeks revenge on the white collar crlmlnats respon- sible fOf his jail term. (2 hrs..) (I) BOXING "World Amateur Championship" from Munich. West Germany. CD MOVIE "Games Women Ptay" (1981, Orama) Frank Adams, Samantha Fox. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Verboten!" ( 1958. Orama) James Best, Susan.Cummings. An American uncovers a • German youth organization formed by a group of ex-Nazis. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 12:35(1) MOVIE "The Trail Beyond'' (193'4. Western) John Wayne, Verna Hillie. A cowboy journeys to the Northwest territory In search of a gold mine and a missing girt, ( 1 hr., 5 min.) Ill.) MOVIE "Too Many Girls" ( 1940, Musical) Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz. A group of co-eds go to great lengths to win a football game. ( 1 hr.. 55 mlnl 1:00 8 ROCK CONCERT : • MOVIE "X The Unknown" ( 1957, Sclence-flc- tion) Dean Jagger. Edward Chapman. A scientist fights an awesome but nebulous radioactive crea- ture on the Scottish moors. ( 1 hr .• "5 min.) l~A.TTHEIMPROV MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, Suspense) John Travolta, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror films becomes involved In a murder • mystery when he witnesses an assassination. 'R' UNMASK YOUR OWN HIDDEN BEAUTY 2 WAYS. --ladlJI ..,. .... Ina, .,,,.,.. & .,,,,, lacton. MID RF IDllucJ Md,,.,,.,,,, Min lw. .MEN'S TRADITIONAL WF.AR For those who sho1> 1 Blair's 2 Blair's Fada1 Hand& Rejuvmator Masque . Body Lotion ... ror quality Pat Marley's unparalleled traditlonals wear on forever! We have the correct fit ... handsomely detailed, successful look that sets you out front In the best-dressed realm. Come see. Ladies traditionals too. Self-adjusting for a smoother, Specialty designed to moisturize firmer, cteaner akin. SpeciflC8lly smooth & soften your skin. The formulated with akin-caring In-non-greasy lotion base contains gredienta: seaweed, earth clays, the finest & richest cosmetic tn- ca I am In e, leaves of Birch, gredients: natural veget,U,le and strawberry and raspberry, Witch nut olls (apricot, sweet almond, Hazel, eomfrey, natural oils, safflower, olive,· elastln, buttermilk, Vitamins A, 0 soybean, wheat & E. Now available directly from germ, walnut, rice, our labs. 5 oz. for 17 .50 avacado); c:ollglfl pt'OMln, .,_tin, aloe """ Jolobe oil, natural vita- min E, vitamins A & 0. Dally use pampers & pro- t ect a your akin all day long agaln1t all humful envlronmen- 181 and aging . factors. 12 oz. for 14.00 I . j I ., -~ I I 1 l 4> c ::> ...., ~ Ill "O "C u.. ! ~ -.£ a: .\ \I< >IC\ L\<; 6~lf) NINE ON NEW JERSEY CJ) NA$l. SOOCER Vanoouver Whitecaps at Chica- go Sting 12 hrs.) . 5:06 tll) JAMES R08tSON 5:20(1) ED MCMAHON ANO COMPANY The Texas Cowgirls, Phyllis Diiier and Abbe Lane join Ed McMahon for a dancing and singing variety special. ( 1 hr., 5 min.) 5:30 Cl) DAY OF DISCOVERY Cl MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980, Come- dy) Mac Davis, Tovah Feldshuh. (1 hr., 32 min.) 5:351 CARTOONS 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MOANING YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS 818LEANSW~ ROMPER ROOM TOWARD RECONCtLIATION: PART 11 Highlights of Pope John Paul ll's visit to England, Wales and Scotland are presented. ( 1 hr.) ~ MOVIE '.'Home From The Hill" ( 1960, Orama) Robert MitchUm, George Peppard. CID MOVIE "This Time Forever" (1980. Romance) LATINOS HONORED -Ricardo Claire Pimpare, Vincent Van Patten. ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) Montalban will host the 12th annual (%) RASCAL DAZZLE The Little Rascals are fea- tured in film clips and shorts. (1hr .. 25 min.) NOSOTROS 'Golden Eagle Awards' 6:05tll) LOST IN SPACE Sunday at 11:30 a.m. an KNBC (Ch. 4). The 6:30 e FOR OUR TIMES awards presentation honors Latinos for their SERENDfPITY outata.nding achievements and contributions ~t~LER of 1981 In the film ,, television and FAST FORWARD entertainment industry. POINTOFVIEW (!) AU~TAA SPORTS CHALLENGE Brooklyn PUBL1C PULSE Dodgers of the 1950's vs. Los Angeles Dodgers of CAUFOANIA PEOPLE the 1970's MOVIE "The lncfedible Voya<J8 Of Stingray• 9:00. NEWS CONFERENCE ( 1965, Science-Action) Puppets. { 1 hr., 32 mln.) ·1 PEOPLE 7 7:00 9 TODAY'S REUGK>N • ORAL ROBERTS THA rs CAT R08ERT SCHULLER LITTLE RASCALS rT IS WRITTEN rT IS WArTTEN SESAME STREET {A) O KENNETH COPB..ANO GOlF "U.S. Open thW Round" from Pebble • SUNDAY MASS Beach, Cellfomla. (3 hrs.) SPECTRUM • 0 MOVIE "Darby O'GIU And The Little People" DAY Of DISCOVERY (1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. ( 1 CARTOONS hr .. 35 min.) YOGA FOR HEAL TH 9: 16 (%) MOVIE "Manhattan" ( 1979, Comedy) We» SPORTS CENTER ay Allen. °'8ne Keaton. (1 hr .. 36 min.) THE~ 9:301(1) FACE THE NATION 1:06 m LIGHTER ~oe OF THE NEWS I MEET THE PRESS 7:308 FArTHWAYS NEWZOOREVUE I WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT DAY OF DISCOVERY CAMPUS PROAl£: VIEWPOINT ON MITRI-KENNETH COPEl..ANO TION "Ecology And Health" Guest: Futter Royal. THE WORLD TOMORROW M.O. MOVIE "Sliver Streak" (1976. Comedy) Gene TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING Wiider, Jill C1a~gh. (1 hf .. 53 min.) THAT'STHESPRT 10:009 MOVIE ''Satan's School For Glr1s" (1973, SEARCH ~ery) Roy Thlnnes. Kata Jackaon. JIMMY SWAGGART • TOWARD RECONCILIATION: PART H Hlahllahts MISTER ROGERS (R) of Pope John Paul ll's visit to England, Wales 8nd THE WORLD TOMOAROW Scotland are presented. ( 1 hr.) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1961, • MOV1E "The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty" (11M7. Comedy) Alan Andn, Carol Burnett. ( 1 hr.. 40 Comedy) ~y Kaye, Virginia Mayo. min.) 1•8Ast8-..LBUNCH (%) MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980, Drama) Burt WE'SIERN OUTDOORSMAN Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. (1 hr .. 44 min.) HERALD OF TRUili 7:35G1) MOVIE "Ute With Father" (HM7. Comedy) MOVIE "A Man Called Sledge" (1971, West· a:~T =:=00· lern~"tr~ Dennis Weaver. THSS '8 THE~ ' THE LAWMAKERS POPEYE ANO FRIENOS NEWSCENTER WEEKl.Y PERSONAL DIMENSK>NS MAGIC OF Oil P~ LET THERE BE LIGHT MOVIE. "Sliver Streak" (l 976. Comedy) Gene UOYO OGILVIE Wlldef, Jill Clayburgh. ( 1 hr., 63 min.) -... MUSIC WORLD 10:061 DUST BOWL BLUES JERRY FALWELL 10:30 0 KJOS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guettt: John ElEClffC COMPANY (R) Schneidef. Al Ubell, Richard~ (A) ( 1 ~) ~~SERIES "BaaebaN: 1~~ Pitching Eaaentla18 And Buerunnlng" DOOQER DUGOUT Cll) MOVIE ''Goin' Ape'' ( 1981. Comedy) Tony FOOU8: PA08PECT8 R>R PEACE If lltE ~ Danza. Jessica WaKe<. (1hr.,27 min.) OLE EAST Formet Netionat s..dy AOl9« Zbto- (1) MOVIE "The Shogun'"Warrlota: Gelklng" Arj. niew Brzezin8kl and former FON{gn MinlllW of meted. (1hr .. 40 min.) -France Jeen Aancole-Poncet ~ ,_ tMllngl e:ao. OOY88EY Guest: Staye Allen. on I Middle ~ peeoe. TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN I AGFICUl TURE U.S.A. , THE LAHAVES MAGIC OF OL PAINTING ME£TIN() TIME AT CA1.VARY MOVIE ''The FkW Countdown'' (1980. Scitnoe- AEX HUMBARD ActlonH<lrtd)c>1.,-Martin Sheen. AEDERC* K PNCE 10:8610000&R flM.OME B.ECrAIC CO#l'NfY (A) 11:0D ON CAMflitlJ ,_hnd! Aeptrtory Theater It ICNOWYOUA ~ • Oocldentll~ MQ'4,:TM.~...-W;~ma,~ ii· <ll™-M got , UWUHE>tH ~M:tY ~ ; un> GeOrQiliiiriieron;~l<Y... 1.in n • ~ · ~ Of'' l\1J11S. ~ r .11 12:00. LOST IN SPACE GSEARCH Cf) MOVIE "Gladiators Seven" (1964, Adventure) Richard Harrison. L0<endana Nusolak . • LORD MOUNTBATTEN: A MAN FOR THE CEN- TURY "The Labors Of Peace" FolloWlng the Japa- nese surrender in 1945. Mountbatten becomes involved In handling postwar political and human i:iroblems. (Part 5) (R) O ( 1 hr.) • WIMBLEOON '82: ~ OF T'RAO- TION The 105th All-England Tennis Championships from Wimbledon are previewed. ( 1 hr.) ID SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY (() TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS "1980 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) CID MOVIE "My Champion" (1981, Orama) Yoko Shimada. Chris Mitchum, ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) (I) PETER. PAUL & MARY The popular foff< trio of lhe early '60s perform many of their classic tunes as well as new mat8f'ial. ( 1 hr,, 28 min.) • 12:30 8 OfAECTIONS G MOW: "Paths Of Glory" (1957, Drama) Kirk 0ou.y~er. ~ MOVIE "Pulp" ( 1972, Comedy) Michael Caine. Mickey Rooney. 0 THE GOlDEN AGE OF TEl.EV1SION "The Comedian" Mickey Rooney stars as an egotistical comic who thrives as a star by devouring eYel)'one around him. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:"5(%) MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James &olln. Cleavon Little. ( 1 hr .. 35 mln.) 1:008 SUNDAY Location: live from Music City Mer· lca~C:~( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0 U.S. OPEN Live coverage of the 16-hole final round of Olly In this golf tournament (from the Pelr ble Beach Golf Links In California). <"hrs.) I AOAM-12 DANGER UX8J'The Silver Lining" Suaan arrives In London unexpectedly and Brian takes her fot an evenl'?QO" the town. (Part 5) (A) Cl (1 hr.) • SPOfUSWOffd.O 12-found us~ mlddlewelght champlonlhjp bout between Frank "The Animal" Fletcher and Clint Jeck~ (!Ive from Atlantic~· N.J.); Survive! of the .Fft'elt, Part S, with man• white wate< swim and raft (from New Zeeland); Women's Invitational High OMng Clasek: (from Hawaii). (2 hra.) • SPoAT8 AMERICA "Iowa Girls' Basketball Tournament" ( 1 hr.) • (I) COLLEGE l'RACK ANO AEl.0 "NCAA OlvWon II Women's~ from~ State, Sacramento. C8ltfOrnlL (12 hra.. SO "*'·) 1:30c.,.1'AOOP • 12 (I) HOL.L""VWOOO.-.... 811 Herrll f>"ll'8!'t1 up-dole l'9l)CWta di the peq>11 end events wNc:h are making new In the prodUctlon ..t g.nt:AJI cepttal of the movie lndultYy. ~-GLLIGN"8 a.AHO • liOVIE "Aleunder The <Meet" (1958, Biogr•· ~) Richafd Burton, FredOO March. U TIE HAAOY 80VS I NANCY OAEW MY8TER- • MOVE ''The HoodUn PMtt'' ( 1881, Otwne) Don Murray. Cindi Wood. • MOVIE"~ Shufftt" (1974, Orama) Aon-..l.,l<ltJ.JH.,11 I Ml I -41f~ f!._1 . ~~ ".._ . .. ,,. r [ . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .... ·.-. -----.-~ .-[ .. .,.;.:' ................ .._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . ....... "'. l \ the 11\198 of poor lte!Utn peasants at the tum of the cientury. (3 tvs.) I TRAININO DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY MOVIE "A Staf Is Som" (1937, Drama) Fredrio March. Janet Gaynor. (JI) MOVIE "This T1me Fcx81/9f .. (1980, RQmance) Claire Pimpare, Vincent Van Pat1en. (1 hr., 36 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Les Girts" (1961, Ml*cal) Gene Kelly, Mitzi Gaynor. (1 ~ .• 55 min.) e MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) GalColemt.in. Michael Lembeck. (1 hr., 37 min.) 2:20 CNN 2:30 WIMBLEDON '82: A FORTNIGHT OF TRADJ.. TION The 105th All--England Tennis Championships from Wimbledon are ptevlewed. (1 hr.) e GILLIGAN'S ISLAND ePRESENTE ~MOVIE "The Magnificent Hustle" ( 1978, Adven- ture) George Hamilton, 08tolld Kyle (%) MOVIE "Atlantic City" (198o, Drama) Burt Lancaster, Sl.isan Sarandon. (1 hr., 44 min.) 2:35 ti!) UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACOOES COUS- TEAU 3:00. INTERFACE • MOVIE "Melody" ( 1971, Comedy) Jack Wiid, Mark Lester. ' (I) WONDER WOMAN (!) 784 DAYS THAT CHANGED AMERICA Nancy Dickerson narrates this documentary wNch traces the Watergate Scandal from the break-In on June 17, 1972, to President Nixon's reelgnatlon two years later and Includes Interviews with GefaJd FOfd, John Sirlca, John Ehrllchman and Elliot Alchardsofi. (2 hrs.) e WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Chile vs. Germany or Czechoslovakia vs. England (1 hf.) e SUGAR RAY LEONAAD'S GOLDEN GLOVES ''Highllghts" (Part 4) (1 hr.) CC t.toVIE "On The Alaht Track" (1981, Comedy) Gaty Coleman, MlchaerLembeck. 3:30 e NEWSMAKERS 8 SPORTSWORLD 12-<ound USBA mlddtewelght championship boot between Frank "The Animal" Aetchef and Clint Jackson (from Atlantic City, N.J.): · SutVlval of the Attest, Part 3, with men's white water SWlm and raft (from New Zealand): Women's Invitational High Diving Classlc (from HawaH). (2 hrs.) . • M<ME "The Snows Of Kilimanjaro" ( 1953, Dra- ma) Gregoty Peck, Susan Hayward. {l)_HOA8£ RAaNO WEEKl. v 3:a&tf)HICE PEOPLE 4:00• MOVIE ''The Crackle Of Death" (1974, My. . ~} Darren MeGavtn, Simon Oeldand. 8TARTREK MOVIE "The Masque Of The Red Death" ( 196'1 O<) Vlnceot Price, Haz.el Cowl • 9'0VIE "Dirty Mary, C<azy LarTy" (1974', Adventure) Peter Fonda, Susan George. e MOYE ''Palm SRflngs Weekend" (1963, Come- dy) Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens. •WALL $THEEi WEEK "What's New From Tem- pleton?" Guest: John M. Templeton. (A) • MOVIE "They Only Kill Their Mastefa" (1973. ~~mes Gamer. Kathame Roe9. ~ ~ W~1970s" Olck Cavett eoncb:tea Jhe documentary &ef'ies with a look at the dlc:8de Which lncllded the Watergate break-fn, the Arnen- CM EMcentennlaf celebrat\on and auch trtndl • ~and Jlsco. (1 hr.) Cl). WM:J<Y WOAl.D OF JONATHAN WINTEN Gwst: Meleen St~ . • MOVIE "Figures In A Land9cepe" (1970, Or.- me) Robert Shaw, Malcolm McOowel. (1 hr .. 50 4.'05 WAEBTUNQ "*1! • 15 RA8CAL O&ZZI F The Uttte Racall •re ._.. tlnd "' film = end"ehorts. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) 4:30• W~TON WfB( IN REVIEW (R) l MOYE "Monty Pvdk>rl And The Hotv Grall" g~~Chapmen. ~ Cleele. e 8TAATAEK ' • AMEi SONI 8POA19MAN Ct"."Y! ~. pwt In a rwue~ foci ...... _ ....... r.~ °'**~,.::=· .. ~· ..... ol Corlm off .,. c-a• to ltucJr '"' ..... iert'99d shatl(. (R) (t hr.) !NTEATANitENT nte wmc 1..-A•&•H :.. OF THE HEART: .al.Y Thlt .... IS beMd on Henry Jamee "'TM Wlnga Of 1'iii ~ " ... l1 hr.) • AW«) LINE "&twl We Go wtltt A ~ e 1tanc:i11Q eon.t1tution.i Amel ldlMI 117' OUi8: ..... OavldNn. ~of .... ,-. =nr:•:1s:.,.~ 'frmnC~~ 1!. .... 1 hr., .I ff!M A 200JO"KJQOOW: HTS ' CB) MOVIE ''Goin'~ (1911: Comectl} lony Danza. Jealca ~· (1 hr., 27 min.) CC MOYIE "The WIMI BeaMs'' (10~ Fantay) Animation end heacllan. Jame9 MMon. (D) MCME "Falher"Of The Bride" (1950, Comedy) ~Treoy ........ ~. CIJ PETER. PAUL & The popular folk tlto of the earty '60s perlorm many of their claaelc tunes ae well as new material. (1hr.,28 min.) · 5:06~NASHVIU.E ALNEI 5:130 ~ .. HEALTHBEAT QAEATEST SPORTS LEGEND6 "Larry MeMn" Host; Ken Howard. D MONEYMAKERS 6:45(%) MOV1E ''Zorro. The Gay Blade'' (1981, Comedy) George Hamiton, Lauren Hutton. (1 hr., 33 min.) - • i Journey ... George Peppard (left) !» stars as a fugitive ;o traveling across tbe ~ United States to visit his critically injured son. Sherry Boucher and William Larsen play two people be meets while fleeing au thorities in 'Five Da.rs .From Home' on KABC (Ch . 4) Sunday at·9 p.m. 1 . I ~ I ~ ~ ' ' l6 _ ~ ~4 Swxlay {continued) - CID 0> • NOIA. "A Reid Gulde To Rog« Tory PetenlOl"I" ~ A p'brttait of the man whose-best-eelling gulclebook8 a0 on ornithology have played a pivotal role In turning ~ blrct'watchlng Into a mass sport Is pt'esented. (R) c: o C1 hr.) ~ • MASTERPtECE THEATRE "Alci<n" Amie and his old flame Letty team up to beguile a prospective ~ baCker. {Part 5) o ( 1 hr.) ,, CC) MOVIE •'The F1fiaJ Countdown'' ( 1980, Science-;£ Fiction) Kirk Douglas, Martin Sheen. A mysterious -storm at sea trapsporte the atomlo-powered aircraft ,3 carrief U.S.S. Nimitz back In time to Oecembw 6, 1941, positioning the vessel between Peart Harbor ~ and the advancing Japanese fleet. 'PG' (1 tv .. 43 _ min.) .2 Cl) SPORTS CENTER ii: Cl) MOVE "Sliver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wlldet'. Jill Clayburgh. A mild-mannered book editor accidentally becomes Involved In a eln6ster art tNefa bizarre plot during a etoss-countrx. train ride~ 'PG' (j hr .• 53 min.) • MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Phlly Rah" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. An aicohollc former baseban player and a kooky street ent9rteln- er become partnenl In a scheme to mike money by returnlng a lost suitcase. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• -40 min.) 8:06 a,) Jf3:Rf FALWB.L 8:308 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME Barbara mak• two dates for the same night. (Part 1) (R) e THE WORLD TOMORROW (J) EVENING AT THE IMPAOV 9:008 Cl) A.LICE Mel's timid and shy coueln Wen- dell shows up for a two-week visit. (R) 8 e MOVIE "Five Daya From Home" ( 1978, Dra- ma) George Peppard, Nevtlle Bland. A convict breaks out of prison In a desperate attempt to elude a relentless sherlff and be reunited wtth his son. (2 lh"'~~AHY THE SONG WRI I ERS: ow:l.EB 8TAOU8E The composer of many hits IUCh u "Bye. Bye Bird- ie" gives Insights to the WOf1d of show bu8lnea ( 1 hr.) • MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Flickers" Amitie and his old f~ Letty team up to beguMe a proepeetlYe CLUl'Cll 01" ma.ROB -A ~te ldlJer, played by Scacy Keach, in wrdl ol lntormacton tlut will lead him to bidden dru/11, duMterll to~ blind Suq Hendmc, pcrtnyed by Katharine Ram, with a Bmrl in a climatic aoene from 'HBO 71aellt«: Wait Until Dark' Sunday at 9 p.m. backer. (Part 5) D ( 1 hr.) • • AMERICAN l'l.AYHOUSE "Oppenheimer" In hos1 a tribute to the composer, featuring the Nation- the poetwar years. Oppenheimer becomes one of al Symphony Orchestra and the Norman Scribner the government's leading scientific a<Meora. but hie Choir perlormlng major worb·Md excerpts from opposition to an all-out arms raoe makes him a the Stravinsky repertoire. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) number of powerlul enemies. (Part 6) D (1 tv.) e FLAMBAROS "Point To Poor• Mant rides In the CE GOLF "U.S. Open Anal Round" lfom Pebble Point to Point race while William flies "Emma" CNef· Beach. Qiitornla. (2 hrs .. 30 mitt.) head; Wiiiiam decides to leave Flamberde after an CID WAIT 'ONTIL DARK Katherine Roes and Stacy ~t with Russell. (Part 4) (R) O (1 hr.) Keach star In this chllllng story of three men who CC) MOVIE "Home Ftom The Hiii" (f960, Drama) lerrortze a blind woman alone In her apartment. (2 Robert Mitchum. George Peppard. A man's lltegltt- hrs.) • mate soo saves his life. (2 hrs., 30 min.) CO MOVIE "Distance" (1975, Orama) Paul Benj&-Cl) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" (1 980, Comedy) Richard min, James Woods. An Army sergeant suffering a Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank ml<Hlfe crisis finds his Ille complicated by an unhaP.. robbers and sent to )all. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 61 min.) el marriage. 'A' (1 hr .. 31 min.) 10:06@ MOVIE "Mad Little 181and'' (1958, Comedy) C.Ql MOVIE "Silenoe Of The North" (1981, Actilen-Ian Hunter. Jeannie Carson. Scottish 181anders bat- ture) Ellen 8urstyn, Tom Skertlt1. In 1919, a young tie a plan to convert their home Into a rocket base. woman's marriage to a trapper leads her to a life of ( 1 hr., 55 min.) hardship In the wlldefness of northern Canada. 'PG' 10:30. LONE RANGER U hr .. 35 min.) I JEPRf FALWELL f (%)MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James JIMMY SWAGGART Brolin, Cleavon Uttle. A trio of greedy frlendl plot 10:461 SUNOAY SPORTS PAGE the robbery of a ml4llon dOllara from a South A.tnef1.. 11:00 •• Cl) 9. NEWS can drug dealer. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) I PA~ 9:06Gl) c5PEN UP THE SILENT CR16'8 Hoets: Stan Mooneyham, 9:30 8 Cl) THE JEFFER80N8 George IChernee to Carol Lawrence. Guests: Mike Douglas. Dick Van get Lionel to see a marriage counsek>r (Part 2) Patten, Maureen McGovern. ( 1 hr.) i) . t8 AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: MIU. Y This spedel It ~~I: ~AL ~~)on Henry James "The Wings Of The Dove." MOVIE "GenevleYe'' (195-4, ~) John CID MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981. Gregson. Dinah Sheridan. lwo Englllh cx:iuplee pit Comedy) Alan Ari<ln. Carol Burnett. An alcoholc thelt wits and determination against each other to former baseball player and a kooky street entettaln- wln a crOS&-OOUntry antlqUe car race. (2 hra.) er become.partners In a scheme to make money by I NEWS returning a lost toltcaee. 'PG' (1 hr., -40 min.) MOVIE "Manhattan" (1979, ~) Woody CO MOVIE "Oeuglftlra Of Detkneee'' (1971, Dre- Alen. Diane Keaton. A New Vonc aty corned)' writ· m.) Delphine Seyt1g. John Kar1en. A couple on tl'lelr er breaks up With ht9 tono-tlfne girlfriend to IQUWe honeymodn arrtve In a Mghtened town where 'fW'Y around an lntetlectue"1 vapfd teen-ager. 'R' ( 1 hr.. young women haw rec«rtty been ~ mur- 36 min.) dered. 'R' (1 hr., 27 rt"'1.) 10:00• (I) TRA~ JC>HH, M.D. Gonzo and (1J) MOVIE ''Cafe &pr-" (1981. Comedy) Nino Trapper's cooperative careproeram bega an unueu-Manfredf, AdOtfo Cel. An expreeeo vendOf ta otwaed • al mixture ofpertielplnts. ~) (1 hr.) · by euthOl'ltlta aa he atternptt to relae mon.y for hla !!• NEWS ,.. eon·e operatton bv ~ hla ..,.. ebOefd the AIJC NEWS Cl.08EUP ''The Oii Geme" Den trelns. ( 1 hr .• 29 mfn./ preeentt the reautts of 1n inw..tlaldon ~ (%)~"a.tie" 1en, Orame) Pllttl D'Al'tlM- fedefal regulation of the oll lncMhy, anc:f the ooett VIiie, Mona l<tiltaneen. A young glrft tu\'81 _.. to the Amerlcln oonN'IW due to NdeqUate enlng ~urt during her ataar wltwltll a famly ~OM enf«cement of theN reQUl9llont. ( 1 hr.) aummer. 'A' ( 1 hr., 32 min. I THE WON> FOR TODAY 11:111J088 HlW8 DANCE ''Twyll T'hlrp'' A. colleotb1 of dlr'°9t 11:30 IPOA_,, .. T1,..8 ANAL • by thla ct1oreogr~ wtth mue1c by Bech. ~ a.ue &Mn Ind~ 1 hr.) • ··-«-· • AIJ&tCAT'•~--~ .. r-,,,. .... : :rc~=~~~s,· ~W91.VRR~I ~ .......... ~!f..1~ ..... .,,_;;OlliMilll11". I . ,. by Kun Vonfl818'd Jf. A mlCI WlCOUl1'8r9 war. mlO- dfe-class living and ecstasy ln hla aeerch fOf futfl• ment of tht Amef'lcan dream. (2 hra.) (J) LIFE at= RILEY O MOVIE "40 Carats" (1973, Romance) Liv Ullmann. Edward Albert. A mlddle-eged American cflVOl'cee vacationing In Greece becorMI romanti- cally Involved with a man'half her age. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "They Call Me Mr. Tibbs" (1970. Ora- ma) Sidney Poitier, Martin Landau. After l88lng hla friend leave the eoene of a orlme. a P<>llceman I& uncertain about what he should do. (2 hrs.) I TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED SNEAK MEVIEWS Roger ibet1 and Gene Siak- el review "Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan" and "E.T .. The Extra-T errestrlal." • MOVIE "New York. New York" (19n, Musical) Liza Mlnnelli, Robert De Niro. During the big band era of the • 40s, a dedicated musician flndt his devo- tion torn between his music and ht9 IOOg8treu wife. SPoRTS CENTER i ) (3hrs.) MOVIE "Zotro, The Gay Blade .. (1981, Come- dy) George Hamilton. Lauren Hutton. The her~ son of old California's famous juatloe fighter Is Inca- pacitated by a riding. Injury, forcing . his foppleh brother to don the cape and mask. 'PG' ( 1 tv .• 33 . mlnl 11:46. THE ROCKFORD F1LE8 • MOVIE "New York, New YOftc" (19n. Musical) Liza Mlnnelll. Robert De Niro. During the big bend era of the • 40s. a dedicated muslclen find& his devo- tion tom between his music and hl8 eongstrees wife. IB> (3 hrs.) •MOVIE "Tell Me Where h Hurts" (197•. Orama) Maureen Stapleton. Paul Sof'vlno. A mlddl&-aged housewife struggles to change her humdrum life when she becOmes Involved In a women's coo- scioosnes&-falslng group. (2 hrs.) 12:00(1) MOVIE "Beat Girl" (1960, Orama) David Farrar. Noelle Adam. ResentfUI of her father'• remarriage. a teen-ager joins a group of offbeat characters and wrnds up Involved In murder. (2 hrs.~ I MOVIE .. ~ .. ( 1976, Drama) Laurence Luoklnblll, SJm Levene. A man, eetranged from his weahhy wife, has trouble finishing hie condominium QfO)ect. (2 hrs.) Qt THE SONG WRllERS: CHARLES STROUSE The composer of many hits such as "Bye, Bye Blrd- ie'' gives Insights to the world of show business. ( 1 hr.) (I) WHA rs UP AMERICA! Featured: auctions from ChrlStie's In New York to the backroade of Ala- bama; donors and couples who employ the seMoe8 of sperm banks; the 21st National Tractor Pull. (1 hr.) 12:30. FRANKIE HOWER) CE NASL SOCCER Vancouver Whitecaps at Chlca- Q2. Sting (2 hrs.) CHJ MOVIE "This Time .Forever" ( 1980, Romanoe) Claire Pimpare, Vincent Van Patten. A French- Canadian girt falls in love with a brash American college student studying In Montreal. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) CO MOVIE "Improper Channels" (1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Marlette Hartley. A aerle8 of mlsunder· standings causes a social work« to auapect the~ year-old da1Jght" of a separated couple Is the vic- tim of child abuse. 'PG' (1 hr .• 32 min.) 12:36(C)MOVIE "Cutter's Way" (1981, Orama) John Heard. Jeff Bridges. A maimed Vlet.-.m vet and his best friend. a social dropout, focus their energies on soM!'.!g a murder case. ·~· ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 12:"5 8 NAME OF THE GAME (%)MOVIE "Manhattan" (1979, Comedy) Woody Allen, Diane Keaton. A New York City comedy wtlt- er brea.ka up with his long-tJme glfffiiend to equlre around an lntellectuaNy vapid teen--oer. 'R' (1 hr., 36 min.) 1:00QI DANCE "Twylf. Tharp'' A colectlon of~ .. by this choreographer With r'OOlic by Baoh. ~teen and othefl. ( 1 hf.) . Cl) MOVIE "Atl&ntlC City" (1980, Dtama) Burt Lancaster, &Jsan Sarandon. The estrtnaed ht.- band of an oyster bar wll!tr-errl\le8 with her pteg- nant younger elster and tome atOlen heroin. wNoh he wants an aging N>oa to 8111 for Nm. 'A' ( 1 ~ •• " min.) • MOVIE "The Awalctnlna" (1980, Homlf) Chart.- ton Helton. SUMM8h 'f onc. An arohMologlat'• daughter beoomee c;;:uud by the mei..o1ent aplrlt of an ancient tlan QUMn. 'A' (1 hr., Q minJ.. 1:90~ A8C'HF#8 2:05 NEWS 2:11o:r~ 2: 10 MOYE 'IQoln' Ape" ( 1981, Comedy) Tony Danza. ~ W.tl•. 'Three Of~ hold the pu1'M 1trlngl 10 t SS-mlllon lnbdanca. 'PO' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 2:11.NlWI I a 0 /\.1 t:21<a>MCME "~"..ttm~~.i'-W"''V" • •'• OlfM.• .... ~--~~,,.'.~~L!• '"°•": J~ t . - _.._ .. _ --~--------··-·------------- Sunday (centinued) youth rejects the Values of his ·family for the "free- dom" of the Mods. onty to dl&covef that this new soolal group Is even more constricting. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 2:30. TODAY'S RB.IGION I ~=~ ~'TERSKllNG "Senior Men's Alf.American Champiooahlps" from Cypress Gardens, Aorida. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Ouedrophenla" (1979, Orama) Phil 0enlets, Mark Wingett. Muslc by The Who. A British youth rejeets the values of his famlfy for the "11'ee- dom" o# the Mods. only to dlscovef that this new social group Is even m<>f8 constricting. 'R' (1 hr .• 55 min.} 2:'6.NEWS (I) SPBrrACULAR EVENING IN CANADA Polttlcal humorist Dave Broadfoot, ·the Company Royele Dancers end female Impressionist Craig Ru88ell are featured In a fabulous evening of entertainment from Toronto. 3:00. NEWSMAKERS ~JOE FRANKLIN Ii~ "Disappearance" (19n. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Francine Racette. An Interna- tional hit man beoomes obsessed with finding his ml88lng wile. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) 3:30.lN'TEAFACE · 3:46(8) WAIT UNTIL DARK Katherine Rosa and Sta- cy Keech star In this chltllng story of three men who terrorize a bffnd woman alone In hef apartment. (2 hrs.) - (I) MCME "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wiider. Two men are mistaken for bat* rabbets and eent to jal. 'R' l1 tv., 51 min.) •:OO (J) .Mlfl'f SWAOOART Cl> 8P<M18 CEJn8' 4:061!) RJmME 4:30 (J) -8AJ<)(ER CC) MCME "Don't Go Near The Water" (1957, Comedy) Glenn Ford, Gia Scala. Wof1d War II sailors In the South Pacific find that they need only a recreation hall to complete their paradise: ( 1 hr., 50 min.) •MOVIE "Search And Destroy" (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Dead And Burled" (1981, Horror) James Farentlno, Mefody Anderson. A smaJ..town policeman Investigates a series of blzarre murders. 'R' {1 hr .• 30 min.) 4:35 al I DREAM Of JEANNIE Meyer directs 'Day After' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Nlchol.u Meyer will direct the f~hour ABC Theatre pre1entation "The Day After," which tella of the effects of nuclear attack on a Midwestern dty. Meyer recently completed directing "Star Trek ll: The Wrath of Khan," which is now eetting box oWce reconk. He wrote the book "The Seven Percent Solution" and made his directorial debut with '"llme After Time." By FRED ROTHENBERG ~T ............. , NEW YORK -bcapede'1 "Everyt.hlna Goes'' is the only qui% ahow that ahould be cOncea1ed in a plain brown w::/per. It'• the flrat R-rated television game, offers more prQOf that people will do a1mot anything to gn on TV,, Cable hu been advertil!ng ltHlf aa an alternative to the commercial networks, and "Everythtng Goes" is certainly not "Bawlinl fOI' Dollara" or ''Hollywood ""Square1." lt'1 a combination of strip poker and "l..et'1 Make a Deal." It'• ai.o a raunchy kimlna cowin to "'The Dating Game,'' ln which 1t1.....,. 11/tt familiar with superficial lingles-bar quesdooa. "la "~ Goes." the contestants bypu1 the pie..ntrilia ana quickly eet funiH•r by~ wh other. . One of the pnmicb ia .that each mow ha• a different wardrobe theme, wi&.t) the COlmsltioC conteatanu '•tarting out wearlni 1tylea like "Arabian Ni2hts," "The Preppy Loo~" and,__ "Supet"ber'oea. tT , .Questions are asked of celebrity pa.neliata, with male and female players bettina plec. ol clothing on the amwen. Whenever a cont.tant choo9es the wrong answer, he or she pickl a prment to be removed, and the other contestant ......Uvely .Upe it off. Winnen get trips to sunny lpotl. wblle io.en -the first to be stripped to the dnwen -pt studio tans and opportunities to audition their physical charms foe cable audiencs. Currently, &capade ia available in 232,000 homes, with an in-houae ~jecUon of 500,000 by the end of 1982. The ' Arabian Nl1hu .. and "Superheroes" programs -in Ol'iCinal and repeat -will be on this month. Some of the show's contestant.I probably view the exposure as a chance to audition foe dates or, perhaps. aornething bigger. Given the ctMlke of removing her eocb or her top, one woman opted to keep her feet warm. After ooe Wl'Ol\I answer, one man said: "rm a good snort. How about my pant.I?" "Everything ~f· -bOwever. does not all the way. Contestants do bold on t.o their ~ underwear. "I won't do a show with genitalia." ay. producer Scott Sternberg. "lt'a a fWl ahow, not a sex show." 'The show is taped in California, and Sternberg says he's looking lor Ol'dlnary people "with good penonallties who want to have fun." Applications range from 14-year-olda to senior dtizem. "We're looking for eemi-attractlve people,0 the producer say.. QuesUona, of courae, are eexual and anatomical in nature, with the panelists -like Louis Nye. Carol Wa'JM and t0me guy in a paper , 1ile Unkown Comic -taking evuy opportUnity to um; a line ftftl'llil"ilftftl'VVV~WV\l!llWW\il'WVW'V\IW'~~.,,..,,.""' .. --n1voRCE MEDIATION---- •a.t ycM.K permit after 1 day of Ortver'• Ed. F.-f)lck up for Behind the Wheel .......... onty. ...... ., "'"' ............... ... 1/12 l/1 l/21 1/11 1/21 Ct.-.~....,., & ctl"' ---.......... •Ofter 900d onty on ~ ••olmelll. A NON-COMBATIVE PROCE88 COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TEAM "' REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO CALL 752-1084 Robert Qt111er, Attomer ,,...GIH11r~•cc James L. Zlmrverman· Certthd Pubic Accountant Full range of penonallad profession.I services for small busl~s & lndMduals 0 ;~ -.... -· ___ .._,_... ---------·"' ADULT GAME SHOW -Ha.t Kip Adotta OYe1111ee1J oontert.ant.s Kevin and .Dana during , The Preppy Look" aegment of 'Everything 'Goes.' ' below the belt. The ·.,.neJ.Jsta are briefed about questiona beforehand. A fast-tal.king fellow named Kip Adotta is the show's upbeat host, and he does his best to keep it moving. In one edition, be teta the tone, showing up in a powder blue, double-breasted auit, looking every bit like the welcome man at one of thoee famous establiahmenta in Ti. . One .egment involv~ men in tight- fitting jeans getting the once-over from the female contestant. She is then aaked to identify the men from behind, with only their bare bottornll showing. "About face,'' shouts one of the panelista. The studio audience geta a big kick out of that, and the laugh gebl 'even larier with the help of what Sternberg calla "a little sw~tening.'' "Everything Goes,'' in its llmlted way, can offer 30 minutes of diversion. It can't be deecribed aa good, clean fun, but it does have a 8eNle of humor about it. • It's television with no string• attached, although not the kind of program that makes f0t a meaningful relationship with your TV •t. -I ·-.. p ' • • f • • • • •• , ~ .. ~ " '\ ' •• t ...... :.· ... • ................ .._ ....................... ,. ............... . ~ CIS ,, ~ g. .J I ~ I I -I .!2 11 a: :1 '1 11 1: I I 11 II ~ ... r, 1, [ , ... ' . \ !< •I ( '\. l '\.( . \It .• , I l -~ 8!CIOCll) "Darby O'Gil And The Ultle ~" (1969. Fentasy) Albert Sharpe. SMrt CofWWr; T CZ> "le Voyage En Douce" (1980, Orline) Doml.- ' nlque s.nda. Geraldine ChapMn, 8:06f!J "Spellbound" (194&. Sulpenee) lnc;Jld Ber~. Gregofy Peck. 6:30(C) ''Grand IUuslon" (1937. Dr•ma) Jean Gabln, Erich Von Strohelm. D 1'Let It Be" ( 1970, Musical) Ttie Beatles. 7:30(1) "I Sent A Letter To My Love" (1981, Romance) Simone Stgnoret. Jean Rochefort. 7:46(1) "Networi<" (1976, Orama) Faye Dunaway, PeterAnch. 8:00Cll) "Continental Divide" (1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. . D "Figures In A Landscape" (1970, Orama)..flob. ert Shaw. Matcolm McDowell. 8:0501) "The VIOient Men" (1955, Western) Glenn FOid, Barbara Slilnw-yck. • 8:90(C) "The MlJllc Man" (1962, Muelcal) Robert Preston. Shl(ley Jones. • 10:00Cll) "The Sorvlvo(' (1981, Fent.My) Robert Powell, Jenny Agutter. Cl) "Blow-Up" ( 1966, Mystery) David Hemmings. Vanessa Redgrave. • "Gimme Shelt•'' (1970. Maeloel) Rolling Stones, Jefferson Airplane. 10:0601) "Never Too Late" (1985, Comedy) Connie Stevens. MaUfeen O'Sullivan. 1 t:OO(C) "Pardol'I Mon Atfalre'' (19n, Comedy) Jean Rochefort, Anny Dupecef)'. 11:15(1) "Les Bon Debarras" (1980. Orama) Char- lotte Laurler, Marte Tlfo. 11:30• "Oo The Town" (1950, Musical) Gene Kelty, Frank Sinatra. .\l .J.lJC\<Hr\ \l<>\.ll.S 1~ "Bllnd Spot" (1958, Orama) ADbef1 Mack· eozie. Delphi Lawrence. e "Full Of Life" (1957, Con!edv> Judy Holliday, Richard Coote. e "The Bachelor Party" (1957, Orama) Don Mur- ~· E.G. Ma,rshall (AJ "Private Ben)an*l" ( 198(t. C'Gmedy) Ooldl9 Hawn, Bleen Brennan. • • 12:3000 "EMs" (1979. Blognl~ Kurt~, SM--son Hubley. • 1:00(!) "Flying Down To Rio• 0~ Ml~ G!nger Aogefs. ""Fred Astaft. CC> .'The Jazz Slnget" (1980. tMk:el) Nell Dia- mond, Laurence OIMer. ' . 1:16(1) "High Risk" (1981, AdWntln) James Bro- lln, Cleavon little. 2:30(1) "Made In Parts" (1966, Comedy) AnMAar- gre1, Louis Jourdan. S:OO(C) "A Challenge FOi Robin Hood.. (1988, Adventure) Barrie Ingham, JarT'8I Heyl•. CB> "Darby O'Glll And The l'"'9 People'' ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. Cl) "le Voyage En Oooce'' (1980, °'8ma) Domf. n~ Sanda. Geraldine Chapin. 4:00 e "The Asphvx" ( 1973. Horror) Robert Stephens. Robert ffoWell. • "J.Q. And Thew Ael Kkt' tS& ColnldV) Slim~... = . ~ . 4:30 ''Wlndl Of " {1 .-. ... 9Cl 4:46~ "Netwott<'~ Orw ,.. Ourwway, Peter Finch. S:OO(C) "Grand Illusion" (1937, Drema) Jeen Gabln, ErichVonS~ 6:06G7.I "Cec:lul ,._.,.. Ct a..1~) Wiiier Mllt1NU. ~ 9'fgrnen. .. L\ i .'\ i '\(I BEU llA111 NO Pf/BY -NegMcted by her plilladfli'ta6 buaband, the Emperor Nero, •mpreH Octavl•, played by ~ Sdualdt, ploJa to murder her busband'a ~ in Claudio Mont.everdi's opent ''nle Olironatim of Poppea,' wbich encores oa 'Gttat Perfonnances' I'!fonday at 7:30 OD KIJCZ (Cb. 50). a:oo• (I) llfWATE' ~~.wifed far eouno. goea unde<cowr to win beck mor.v Ir\ • QQI<~ from a loan-thatttlng Mfo-nl-{R) • • LITTLE HOUSE ON TftE PRAIRIE Leura. who 18 pregnan•. drope from exhaustion afte( rN«- WOfklng herself In the heat. (R) O ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE ''Christina" (1977, ~) Batbare Parkins. Peter Haskell. An unemp6oyed man marrlel for money, and his wife disappears soon 1ft8'W81'd. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "David And Lisa" (1962, Orama) Keir Dullea. Janet Margolin. An emotlondy dlstutbed girt In a special school leads a young boy out of hla own private darkness. (2 hrs.) (1) BENNY HILL • P.M. MAGA2JNE A clinic that offers a medlcaJly - supervised starvation diet: a champion women's ~rotessional barefoot waterskler . • MOVIE "Cotter" ( 1972. Western) Don Murray, Car.al Lynley. An unhappy Indian clown tries to re- establish himself in hi$ hometown following a tragic rodeo accident. (2 hrs.) a MIXEO BAG ''t'tlew Wave" A look at New Wave m~ and Its effects on society. • ~ T PERFORMANCES ''The Coronation Of Poppea" Rachel Yakar and Eric Tappr are featured in Jean-Pierre Ponnelle's production o Mont8V81'dl's masterpiece set In first-century Rome whioh tells the story of Poppea's efforts to persuade Emper<>1 Nero to place her on t~ throne and banish his wffe Octa- via (R) (3 hrs.) Cf) SPOR'TS CENTER CH) MOVIE "Continental Divide" (1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. A Chicago newepaper columnlst travels to the Aocklee to eecape eome political heat and Interview a recluliYe natural81 'PG' (1 hr .. 43 mln.) Cl) MOVIE ''The Stunt Man" (1980, Orama) Peter O'Toole, Steve Rallaback. Wanted by the. pollc;:e, .a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds ao l.lfWWe heY8n Of'I a movie set where a World War I eple la ~ filmed. 'R' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) • MOVIE ''Gimme Shelter" ( 1970, ~) Rott- ing Stones. Jefferson Airplane. This documentary of the Rolling Stones' 1969 American tow ~ soenes of the rioting and murder at an Altemont Speedway tree concert. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8: 16 01) ALL IN THE FAMI. Y 8:308 ()) WKRP IN CINCHilATl A weetthy, 8(). year-old friend of Jennifer's dies and It Is learned she was made executrix of ~estate. (A) (1) IRONSIDE e SINGl.£8 MAGAZINE An In~ with Rick Springfield: a comedic oblervJttOn of Maween Muf- ~y: a visit tc> a sirlgle'• bar. . a 8IZwe 8AN2J 18 DEAD Athol RJgatd expoees supreeeiOn and the aptlfthekf aystem In Soulh Atta thr~ the If>.-of two m.n. ( 1 hr .• 30 rnh..) 8:461!) MOY£''South a. Women'' (1153.,,,..... ture) Burt Lancaster, Vlrgfnla Mayo. WNll i:.tlg tried for a long aeries of charges, a Marine offtoer refuses to enter a plea. (2 hts.) 9:00 8 ()) M•A•S•H Whlle Hawkeye l¥ld 8 .J. 91e ~boring aver a wounded, expectant CO#, Hot Lipa struggles to remoYe obstacles to an eagerly awaited t!_IA to Tokyo. (R) e e AIN"T MISBEHAVIN' Nett c.rter and mem- bets of the original Broadway cesc atar tn the teleYf.. slon prodUctton of the Tony Award-~ tribute to the rnuelc of Fats W .... (2 his.) e 9 BEST OF THE WEST A fodproof plat\ to hide ~ lhipment In a coffin goes awry. • WBW~<Mell: Stwe ~·Tony o.n. ............ JDbn A: PowM. 1he Mtu ~~~)Milt" \:'2-....,, ADl>o ert Pr81tOn. ~ JDnel. A t.-clng ....._.. Comet to I ..,,.. towri In low to or.-. I boys' band and ~cMrtentlV t.la llt lcM wfth en unmar- ried ...... f2 ..... 30 "*1.) (I) POLO ''Mk:Nlob 11~ 8old °"P! ~ solatlon" (2 hrs.) CD MCMI'~' (197.t'; Comedy) ....-w.... oeeu, Tallla Ohellon. A deeknute PUPPit.W ~I mad sclentlat'• ~ fOnnUll to Mlenll9 the way i. list• and brother--ln-tltw hid 11..-d him. 'PG' (1 hr. 36 min.) . Cl> abii "Htate a.. .... • ,, • .....,., t·CP~:se (I <1&•..e~ (*& ~ --Best. &'8M Cummlngl. An Amlrioln ~ • German~~ ...... br. P'P of ....... (1tw .• 3' ... ) .___ uo• ~ ~ CALLe Calnd ~ ...,.,,. the heed of the drug rttlll•111on .,.._ II • homoePuel and~-to ... hm tired. (R) e MCME .. ~. (1971. o.m.) Dll\4d .Mneun, Mlltln8Mln. A......,~,..,..,,..,,.. sr..-,r:,. .. s~,~.._. .... Ctwt1t--·4eofltl YMMf·tcM-~ menl llt FIC--nt ' ~1n••1-t1 Monday (continued) dleofagangwar. (1hr.,30mln.) 9 THEY CRY ALONE Leprosy, the wor1d's most misunderstood disease. end the problems of its sutfere's are explored In depth. ( t hr.) Ct MOVIE "Ove' -The l:dge" ( 1979, Drama) Michael Kramer. Pamela Ludwig. Several teen-age residents of an exclusl\18 California community embark on a rampage of harassment and destruc- tion when they tall to get their parents' attention at home. 'PG' (1 hr .. 35 min.) 10:00 8 (I) CAGNEY & LACEY Cagney and Lacey face cha'ges of bigotry while Investigating a street l ng_shootir:ig. (R) (1 hr.) 1a eeNEWS CABARET: MARGARET WHITING This artist performs with six Instrumentalists at Ted Hook's On Stage In New Yock. 00 GOTT A DANCE. GOTT A SING This retrDSPE1C- tlve look at .movie muslcals Includes performances by Astaire and Rogers, Shirley Temple, Gene Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley and clips from "Carousel." "The King And I." "West Side Story," "Cabaret" and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." ( 1 hr.) . 10:30 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT I ~= T~ Guest: Gordon Jackson IMAGES Afteen Latin American graphic artists from Mexico, Venezuela and Colombla are profiled. Cl) MOVIE "Hollywood Boulevard" (1976. Come- dy) Candice Riatson. Dick Miller. Fresh from Indi- ana. a young aspiring starlet becomes Involved in a real robbery that she thinks Is part of hef movie debut. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) (%) MOVIE "Dead And Buried" (1981, Horror) James Farentlno, Melody Anderson. A small-town polioeman Investigates a series of blzarfe ITlUf'defs. 'A' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:45tll) MOVIE "Crime Of Passion" (1957, Drama) Barbara Stanwyck, Stec1lng Hayden. A woman's driving urge to propel hef husband's career leads to murder. adultery and hef own ultimate end. ( 1 hr .. 55mln.) 11:00e 8. (I) 0. NEWS I SATUAOAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN . M•A•s•H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "New Wave" A look al New Wave music and its ettects on society. • DICK CAVETT Guest: Robin Wllllams. (Part 1) (R) . e NUMERO UNO Argentlnlfa famed race car drlv- et, =~·ls profUed. ~ wtM8L£DON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS {f) MOVIE "The Foor Of U&" (197-4, Orama) Thom- as Gerald. Robert Stewart. A bralnatonnlng ad exec comes up with the Idea of uslng blatant erotlcfsm to sell mundane products. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) CD) MOVIE "Night School" (1981, Mystery) Leon- ard Mann, Rachel Ward. An anthropol<>gy professor with a penchant for CO«is Is suspected of the bfu.. tal murders ctf some of his former bed pertnef8. 'R' (1 hr .. 28 min.) 11:30• (I) QUINCY Two brothetl form a vigilante group to -protect their crime-ridden neighborhood. (1 hr .• 10 min.) •• THE BEST OF CARSON Host: Johnny Car- son. Guests: Suzanne Pleshette, Sydney Goldsmith, Wally Lattimer. Malden Voyage.,(R) (1 hr.) I (II A8C NEWS NIGHTUNE MOVIE "The A&Dhyx" (1973, Horror) Robert Steptiens, Robert Powell. A VlotOf'lan aclentist attempts to achieve Immortality by Imprisoning the i'rlt of death. (2 hrs.) TH£ JeFFE.A60NS LOVE. AMERICA'4 8TYL£ SIZWE BANZ1 IS DEAD Athol Fugard exposes &Upfessioo and the aparjheld system In South Africa thrdt=~~ I CAPTIONED A8C fEW$ SPORTS~ MOVIE "Atlantic Ctty'' ( 1980. Orama) Burt Lancasler. ~ &nndcn. The ..arengecS huao- band of an cvstet bet wltr-..,.,...,_ with her P'11Q- nant younger •t• 9'\d eome ltolln heroin. wNctl he wants an aglrig hood to ... for t"*n. 'R' ( 1 tw .. 44 . ·;'·)MOVIE "Blow-Up" (1966, ~) David Hemmitlgl. v...-~When·~ Lon- i don photograptlef hU eome of hie piOtUr• bloMt up. he dltlcoYera whet ~ to be a nuder. (1 • tw •• 60 min.) . 11:.86(C) MOVIE "Pardon MOtl Atfalre" (1917. eom.- dy) Jwt Roch91ort, llMt eup..ty. A Mppilw nw· rs.cs tNn conwnpla• ~ .... ~· ~ t~~ ''"'···-) •• ~~QlcJ; (~f&~1.;u 1..; ~ t·l,, .. ~., .. J J .-fn3m TRIBUTE 7'0 WALLER -Nell Carter (of NBC's "Gimme a Brea.le') recreates her Tony Award-winning performance in "Ain't Misbehavin ', an NBC special c.apturirJ8 the excitement of the ~t Broadway hit, a tribute to Fats Waller music, Monday at 9 p.m. ort-KNBC (Ch. 4). learns about the shadier side of the reel estate game when she becomes an accredited agent In Beverly Hills. (R) (2 hrs .• 15 min.) (!) MOVIE "Lucky Partners" (19'°· Comedy) Ronald Colman, Ginger Rogers. A young glr1 and an artist share a winning sweepstakes ticket. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Unearthly" (1957, Horro\') John · Carradine. Allison Hayes. Prison Inmates become the sacriflclal lambs for a mad doctor's nefarious medical experiments. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE (I) A BA.RE TOUCH OF MAGIC World-ciass magt-. oian Shimada, the smoktH&tlng Carrizlnl and an exciting "execution" by guillotine as well aa beauti- ful showgirls and dazzffng magical feats are fea- tured. ( 1 hr.) - 12:16(%) MOVIE "Network" (1976, Drama) Faye Dunaway, Peter Anch. An aging televlsk>n news-- man. whose ratings are steadily allpplng. Is turned Into a ranting prophet of the airwaves .by a crafty female P:!_ogrammlng executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 12:308 •LATE NIGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN 1:308 .NEWS I GENEA.UTRY TEEN SCENE MOVIE ··squeeze Play'' (1981, Comedy) Jim Harris, Jenni Hetrick. The glrlfrlends of softball play- ers decide 10 form their own team 8* a way of av~lng !heir neglect. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:ocJW Polo "Mlchelob International Gold Cup: Consolation" (2 hrs.) 2:05(!) NEWS 2:168NEWS (%) RASCAL DAZZLE The llllle Rascals are fea- tured In film clips and shorts. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 2:251RAT PATROL 2:30 MORNING STRETCH 2:45 NEWS 2:50 MOVIE "Stripes" (198~. Comedy) Bill Mur· ray, Harold Ramis. A New York cabbie looking for excitement convinces his best friend to join him in enlisciOR In the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 20 min.) 2:5S (fl) WORLD AT LARGE 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKLIN (ll)NEWS ~MOVIE "The First Nudle Musical" ( 1975, Come- dy) Cindy Williams. Bruce Kimmel. A down-and-out Broadway prodUC8f' plans to spark Interest In his latest project by staging It completely In the nude. 'R' ( 1 hr., 36 min., Cl) MOVIE "The Stunt Man" ( 1980, Drama) Peter O'Toole, Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police, a. disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on a movie set where a World War I epic Is being filmed. 'R' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) 0 A BA.RE TOUCH OF MAGIC World-class magi- cian Shimada. the smoke-eating Carrlzinl and an exciting "execution" by guillotine as well as beauti- ful showgiris and dazzling magical feats are fea· tured. (1 ht,) 3: 15 8 MOVIE "The Family Nobody Wanted" ( 1975, Drama) Shirley Jones. James Olson. A min- ister and his wife encounter prejudice and hostlltty wflen they openly adOpt 12 children from dlfferent ethnic backgrounds. ( t hr., 35 min.) 3:46(%) MOVIE "High Riek" (1981, Ac:IYenture) Jam,s &olln, ca.avon Little. A tt1o of greedy fl1lflda plot the robbefy of a mltffon dollat9 lrom -. South Arnerlcan drug dealer. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAGGART CE SPORTS CENTER ct MOVIE "Death Hunt" (1981, Adventure) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as clvtll- zatlon encroaches on the Canadian wilderness. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) .4:06; RJNTIME 4:30 JIM BAl<l<ffi 4:36 I DREAM OF JEANNtE 4:'° MOVtE •• A. Change Of Seasons'' ( 1980, Comedy) Shirley Maclalne, Anthony Hopkins. A middle-aged couple try oot younger partners during a mountain vacation. 'A' ( 1 hr., 42 min.) 00 MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James Brolln, Oeavon Little. A trio of greedy friends plot the robbery or a million dollars from a South Ameri- can drug dealer. 'R' (1hr .. 35min.) Guest•: Martin Mu11. the MaYl'ee brothers. c1 hr.) Stars aet for fi·lm e COUPLES Topic: meet a husband who feels that he was tricked Into marriage. I ~FULL CONTACT KARATE "Light Heavy--a bout 'A R oyal Wedding' weight Contenders Bout" from Rockford, 1111noia. ( 1 HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Catherine Oxenberg hr .• 30 min.) and Chri8topher Baine. will Ital' M Lady ~ ([)MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James Spencer and Prince Charlee ln the Hall of rame Brolin, Cleavon Little. A trio of greedy frtendl plot presentation "Cbarlea and Diana: A Royal the robbery of a mlllk>n dollara from a Sootb Ameri-Romance" on CBS. can drug_ dealer. 'A' (1hr .. 35 min.) Peter Levin will direct from a ecreenplay by 12:'° 9 C1J COLUMBO Columbo llnks the deputy Jonathan PlatnJck, Linda Yellen, Robert Freedman police commissioner to a murder cover-up. (R) (2 and Selma Tbompeon. ~·M~E·tMontana Belle" (1952, Wee\em) ~ Mila Oxenbera, a profemional model. 11 the \ILi daughter of Pr1nce11 Ellr.abeth of Yuaoalavia and Russell, Scott Brady. The notorioul outlaw Belle the grand-niece of the late Prlncffa Marina, • Starr becomeS Involved with the Delton ~ (1 DuchelB of Kent. Baines w-. tralnad at 'IM loCID"ka hr .. "45min.) •-..a-y _,, Mulic and Dramatic AN... and i. 1:00.GEHEAUTRY ~ ..... e MOVIE .. Body And Soul" ( 1947. Orama) John !J>~•r~.d l n numerous atage productlo~ ln Gatfleld. Liii Palmer. A bo*lf follows a crooked lne .£nCland from the sk.Jm9 to the top of U. ftahdna racket ~ Bob Buker and Joan v ui Ark will ~ lh.bmta to re~ ways. <1 hr .. 30 ml\.) -of •'--1982 Mill Onlvene P•-n• 9thicb wW be • : ~ WHrT1NG Thia eftilt WW __ .... perlomll with elx lnstrumeni.19ta et Ted Hook'• On telecmt on CBS live from ~ Pen!.. cm Monday, Stage In New Yonc. July 2e . ' · Cl) MOYE "Private Ber\jlmln" (1980, Cor'Mdy) Jennifer DundM. 11. ol Bolton, wOl a.ke ber Gokiie Hawn, a.en Brennan. A Mil eo-do ycung ~ debut M Oloda Venderbill In tfie NBC woman mlateMnlv )oilll the Army tolowtug ttw mini ...... "Llttle Olorill .. -&ppy at 1-&. .... ~ ... <O o:> N O..th of her new~ oo their wedclrG nWrt. • &an~ eel Aldo Ray join Baba:rt S.,. 'R' i! hr .. 60 min.) '• and Julie tn "AJrplane II: 11-SeQuel" · • • 1:20(11) MOVIE "The. ~· (1881, F.,,._,) Scou ~ Willie A--, Nb ScNchtlB' •. Robert Powel. Jemt Agutttt. A plOC turvfllw I cat• Heather 1'bcmw, Robert lhmten and Sc:aCIDMl astrophlc 7~7 creeh unacralOhed and wrct. for Crotbln _,In •"Ztppectl" for l'.cnbm;y P'k.1ur9. the man rllPC)fWlb6a. (1tw •• 2~ mh) 1:26«:) MOVIE ''The Vleltot'' (1818, Horror) Mil chi, T. Nil rn. .....,q-ln tbe bk ~ • Ferrer, John Huaton. An lnCllnt hom a dlltant .. ~., ha. bam tmt wtila ~ Shlla IDd ::-:.c:r..:=.:;~c:.-:.: .. •:-.;:,,q JlyUallwm-In "Man. WGIWl lad•~·-,J • inalevdlnt rec.. 'R' (1 hr.. m.) (,i 1ff f') (R) il-10eylord fVo.Alalfl!.,_,.,ovv~ f..nol~ JJA838A8 ID 9 0&.8 - I I ·I I I l I --. I I I I I l I I I I I ;- I I I . l I I l I -· .2 a: .\I< >IC\ I '\< • \I< >\ I 1 ·" 6:30(%) "Les Bon Oebarras" (1980. Drama) Chat· lotte Laurlef, Marie Ttto. 8:000 "On The Town" (1950, Musical) Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra. 6:06 (11) "The Purple Plain" ( 1955, Orama) GreQ<>ry Peck, Win Min Than. 8: 10 {I) "Winds Of Change" ( 1978) Animated. 8:30~ "A Face In The Crowd" (1957, Drama) And..r.._ Griffi1h, Patricia Neal. 7:30 (.I) "Zero To Sixty" ( 1978, Comedy) Darren McGavln, Denise Nickerson. (%) "Atlantic City" ( 1980, Orama) Burt Lancaater. Susan Sarandon. 8:05@ "Phfthl" (1954, Comedy) JUdy Holliday, Jack Lemmon. 8:30(11) "Hog Wild" ( 1980, Comedy) Patti D' Arban- vllle, Michael Biehn. 9:00 CC) "Paradise Alley" ( 1978, Orama) Sytvester Stallone, Armand Assante. 9:15(%) "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) 'Geo~e Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. 10:00CHJ "Saturday The 14th" (1981, Comedy) Rich· ard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. {I) "Father Of The Bride" (1950, Comedy) Spen- e« Tracy. Elizabeth Taylor. 10:06@ "The Flame And The Arrow" (1950, Adven· ture). Burt Lancaster, Virginia Mayo. 10:30 D "Stevie" ( 1978, Biography) Glenda Jaci<· son. Trev0< Howard. 10:50 (%) "Verboten!" ( 1958, Orama) James Best, Susan Cummings. 1t:OO ~ "Morganl" ( 1966, Comedy) Vanessa Red~ave, David Warner. 11 :30 CHl "Last Days Of Man On Earth" ( 1975, Sci- ence-Fiction) Jon Anch, Patl'lck Maoee. .\J .. l"l .l~'\< ><>\.\I< >\.11-.S 12:00G "Chad Hanna" (1!MO, Drama) Henry Fon- da. Dorothy Lamour. • "A Song To Remember" ( 1~. MUSical) Paul Munl, Cornel Wiide. e "Red Garters" (1954, Musical) Rosemary Clooney, Jaci< Carson. ())"On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck. 1:00 (I.) "Bringing Up Baby" ( 1938, Comedy) Katharine Hepburn. Cary Grant. CC) "Big Wednesday" ( 1978, Orama) Jan-Michael Vincent. William Katt. 2:00 CD ."Up Riv~r" ( t980, Adventure) Morgan Ste- vens. Jeff Carey. {I) ''Thunderbirds To The Rescue" (1981, Orama) ~pets. CZJ "Manhattan" ( 1979, Comedy) Woody Allen, Diane Keaton. 2:30(11) ''The Black Marble" (1980, Orama) Robert Foxworth. Paula Prentiss. 3:36(%) "l\llantic City" (1980, Orama) Burt lanca&- ter, Susan Sarandon. 4:008 "A Night To Remember" (1958. Drama) Kenneth More, Ronald Allen. CJ) "Blue Fire Lady" ( 1978, Drama) Cathryn Harri- son. Mark Holden. 4:30(C) "A Face In The Crowd" (1957, Orama) Andr, Griffith, Patricia Neal. • 'Home Movies" (1980, Comedy) Keith Gor· don, Kirk Douglas. 6!00(1) "Nevada Smtth" (1966, Western) St...,_ McOueen. Kan Malden. 6:20(%) "Verboten!" (1958, Orama) James Beet, Susan Cummings. 6:30(1) "Zefo To Sixty" (1078. Comedy) Darren ~. Oenlee Nldtet10n. -l \ l '\ I '\( I -~ THESAJNT A8CNEW8 8.W.A.T. HAWMAVE-0 NBC NEWS HCMANITIE'8 THROUGH TIE ARTS MOYIE "The Hunter" (1979, Oreme) St..,. Queeo, EV Welllch. ~ "Pep.'' Thorlon IMda a 4ifP.OU& Kfe as a ~y bounty hunt«. 'PG' (1 tw .. 38 min.) • 8:30, 8AANEY MlilR • 'HERA THREE "'"'-Famlfy: ao.r-From lkttllh Wof1dng..caele u-.·· The 11l1ction of • ~ for the B8C _. ''The Femlty'' llld 1t¥ n.ona b'=-tlnQ .. dl9CHHd. (Pert 1) l") .• MtSIOAN 8Qtf8' 1 IENt .,.·~~ N r.w~. '.\: ,,, •n• BEAUTY, JUNIOR GRADE -With Michael Landon as the host, Kimberly Ann Smith, the CWTelJt Miss Junior Miss, will crown her successor on 'America's Junior Miss Pageant' at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). l ~.JW ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZJNE A woman tries to join an all· male ugUness club; a loot< at luxurious homes In the Miami area. KOJAK ENTERT AtNMENT TONIGHT M•A•S•H JOKER'S WILD e BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Birth Of The Beatles" (1979, Drama) St~ Mackenna, Rod Culbertson. The story of John. Paul, Ringo and George from their obscure ~inning to their stardom. (1 hr .. 35 min.) CD MOVIE "Private Benjamin" ( 1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Eiieen Brennan. A well-to-do young woman mtstakenly joins the Army following the death of her new husband on their wedding night. 'R' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) cm tHE WAY rT WAS "Yankee Dynasty: McCarthy· DiMaggio Era 1936-1948" (Part 2) CJ) MOVIE "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981, Come- dy) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The heroic son of old Callfomla's famous justice fighter Is lnca- pacltated by a riding Injury, forcing his foppish brother to don the cape and mask. 'PG' ( 1 tv .. 3S min.} - 7:30 8 2 OH THE TOWN Featured: visit a house of "EZ" llstenlng backgrouod music from radio sta· tlons; watch the L.A. Women's Community Chorus In rehearsal; flnally take a tooec at the San Quentin ' chamber. • FAMILY FBJO EYE ON LA. Featured: part two of a report on porno star John C. Holmes and his Implication In the laurel Canyon murdeB: 1tudlo musicians: a look at "blue" movtn prOYlded by pey TV. • TIC TAC DOUGH NEWARK AND REAUTY YOU A8f(ED FOR rT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: ~I. MAa&... I LEHAER MOHEYMAKER8 All-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE World Cham- pion Boston Celtics vs. Delles Cowboys of the 1960'• <m 8A8EBAll Texas Rangen at Calfornla Angels (i, ~ BEGINNER Get in lhape. 6ook good, and feel or-t with thle phy9lcial fttneea pro- gram. 7:361NEW8 8:00 AMSIC.\'8 JUNIOR Ml88 PN/IEAHf Mlcheel l.tlftdon hoet9 "" 25th ennu.I PIOM'lt fMturtng high ICt'lool ..,.,,.. In competttion fOr the ~··Junior -, ... --· e MAYBICk ........ le* II lt8lced by 1 klllr who hold9 8rli fmpoi ... for the doWnf8I of hil ...... ~ ( 1 hr.) e 714 DAY& THAT CHAHG8> At EllCA Nancy Ciakereon ,.,,.. 1NI dooUmlNlry ~ treoel lhl WaMfgete 8Glfldll from .. trilk-tn on .U. 17, 1972. to P1tlldaC""'°"'11.....,_ two~ '181 Md lftatwdll9'11\• ............ f'lfd. Jdln Slrlca, John Ehl'llchman and EJliot Rlcha.rdeon. (2 hrs.) • g HAPPY DA vs Fonzle tries to convince the ~ng to switch from rock to clas81cal musk:. (R) o Cl) AMERICA'S JUNtOA MISS PAGEANT MlctlM4 Landon hosts the 25th annual pageant featuring high school seniors In competition for the tltle of America's Junior Miss (from Mobile. Ala.). ( 1 hr.) II MOVIE "Detroit 9000" Horror Alex Rocco, Harl Rhodes. A half of a million dollars Is stolen and a black police ofllcer. (2 hrs.) (!) BENNY Hill • P.M. MAG~INE Meet Sharron Tweed, Play- mate Of The Year; a look at luxurious homes In the Miami area . • MOVIE "The Joker Is Wild" (1957. Biography) Frank Sinatra. Jeanne Crain. Beloved comedian Joe E. lewis struggles to overcome mob interlel'ence In his car&i!r. (2 hrs.) QjOUIZKIOS • DANGER UXB ''The Quiet Weekend" Susan returns home aher spending the weekend with Brian to find an unexpected visitor. (Part 6) (R) Q ( 1 hr.) Ci) NOVA ''A Field Guide To Roger Tory Peterson" A portrait of the man whose best-selling guidebooks on ornithology have played a pivotal role in turning bird watching into a mass sport is presented. (R) ~(lhr.) SPORTS CENTER ' MOVIE "Far From The Madding Crowd" (1967, Drama) Julie Christie, Terence Stamp A willful young farm girl bettel'S herself, but destroys three men In the process. (2 hrs .. 50 min.) CJ) MOVIE "On The Rlght Track" ( 1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman, Michael Lambeck. A social worker tries to find a normal home f0< a train station shoeshine boy with a talent fO< picking the ponies. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 37 min.) ct MOVIE "The Return Of The Secaucus Seven" ( 1980, Drama) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp. The members of a group of college students active in the protest movement during the '60s gather f0< a weekend reunion. 'R' (1 hr .. .Smin.) 8:30 • di LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne mis- takes the kindness of actor Chartes Grodin to be an ardent interest In her. -(R) Q i MAUOE OOOCOUPLE DANCE "MacMillan's Mayer1ing" This documen- tary looks at the acclaimed Royal Ballet with Intel'· views from Lynn Seymour and David Wall. (2 hrs.) 8:35@ MOVIE "The Sea Chase" ( 1955, Adventure) John Wayne, Lana Turner. Based on the novel by Andrew Geer. A German captain commandeers a ship of fugitives during Wortd War II. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 9:00 8 Cl) MOVIE "If Things Were Different'' (1979, Orama) Suzanne Plestlette, Don Murray. A woman struggles to hold herself and her family togethef when her husband suffers a complete nervous breakdown. (R) (2 hrs.) 8 e CASSIE & CO. Cassie Is hired by her secre- tary, an ex-convict, to help her avoid a parole vloia- tlort. 11 hr.) • • 0 THREE'S COMPANY Jaci< acts as bait to lure a robber Into the trio's apartment as a plain- clothes policeman stands guard. (R) Q i RACING FROM YONKERS MERV GAlfFIN • AMERICAN Pl.A YHOUSE "Oppenheimer" After fighting unsuccessfully to have his security clearance reinstated, Oppenf'lelmer returns to Princeton for the last years of his life. (Part 7) t:;J ( 1 hr.) • pANGER UXB "The Quiet Weekend" Susan returns home after spending the weekend with Brian to find an unexpected vislt0<. (Part 6) (R) t:;J ( 1 hr.) (I:) MOVIE "Paradise Alley" (1978, Or&INI) Sytve. ter Stallone. Armand Aaaan1e. Three IChef"*'a bfothef's from the ~·a Kitchen section of New Yorit City combine th81r traits of brains and bt8wn In their efforts to create bett81' llves for themselvea. 'PG' (1hr .. 47 min.) (I) BOXING "World Amateur Championship" from Munich, West Gemlany. (3 hfa.) CD MOYIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) BM ~y. Harold Ramis. A New York mbble IOc*Jng for excitement convlooe8 hll belt friend to join him In enlletlng In the U.8. Army. 'R' ( 1 tw .. 20 min.) Cl> MOYIE "Ln Boo Oeb9n'M" (1980, Drama) Chertotte Laurler, Mn Tito. The 1'aglc ...... of membera of a tower.a-Fninoh Cen8dlan family .,. <letetled. ( t hr •• 50 ~ t:30e 9 TOO OLOIE COWORT tletwy and Munroe Mt out to catch the oulptt who ttOle C09- mic Cow. (A) (!) MOYE. "Trd Street" ~..:. w.Mm) R8n-do!Pt'I Scott, Robert Ryll\. ., ..,. emplr'e • endltt~ .. pr°'9d. (Uw.,-'"*'·> 1CtOOtl -~ WD lAne tr1d ~UM dlll9W ovtr how to hlndll Lule ...... ~trtlnd TOtftf, whO NI bol'tUWld ~tam .. CM> to llnence .. gembllng ._., ~ ~-J ... ;Ii J •. ' • Tuesday (continued) .,,.. -HART~ Jennifer disoovers a stun- ning rhinestone outfit lent to her by a cowgirl bears stolen diamonds worth .nine million dollars. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) • WfTH OSSIE AND RUBY "Ghost StOl'les" E.G. '"Marshall joins Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee In a ceme- tery for a mix of grave robbing and ghost stOl'les. O ID MOVIE "The Third Man" (1949. S~ Joseph Cotten. Orson Welles. A wrltef of pulp West- erns investigates the "accidental death" of his profi- teering boyhood friend In the dark, corNpt world of divided post-World War II Vienna. (2 hrs.) (I) 33 BROMPTON PLACE (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) 0 CHARLlEBOY (1 HR.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Jerry Kosloski. l;lfE ON THE FRSNGE OF SOCIETY A couple who left civilization 30 years ago to live Independ- ently of social ties and public conveniences Is pro- filed. (Q) MOVIE "Underground Aces" ( 1980, Comedy) Dirk Benedict. Melanie Griffith. Parking attendants wreak havoc ata swank Beverly Hills hotel. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 39mln1 11:00• 8. (I) a.I e NEWS I S~ Tl,JRDAY NIGHT l ~~~rr M•A•s•H BENNY Hill QUIZKIOS OCK CAVETT Guest: Robin Wlnla.ms. (Part 2) tR> CC) MOVIE "Big WedfleSday" ( 1978, Drama) Jan- Mlchael Vincent. William Katt. Three Celllomla boys enjoy the surf and sand untll they begin to realize that there's mo<e to Rfe than wa.xlng down their boards. 'PG' (2 hrs., 5 min.) CID WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS ([) MOVIE "Cotty" (1973. Drama) Pam Grief, Booker Bradshaw. A woman of mixed ancestry vows revenge on evefYone responslbte for getting her younger slstef hooked on drugs .. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (I) MOVIE "Cutter's Way" (1981, Drama) John Heard, Jeff Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend, a social dropout, focus their energies on solving a murder case. 'R' (1 hr., 45 min.) II MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981, Comedy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. A couple discov- er that the house they've Inherited Is being occupied by vampires, ghosts and assorted monstefs. 'PG' (1 hr .• 15 min.) (%} MOVIE "Atlantic City" ( 1980, "'Ofama) Burt Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyste1 bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which he wants an aging hood to sell fOf him. 'A' ( 1 hr •• ~ mln.1 11:05G1) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves l~ hrs.) 11:308 Cl) ALICE Mel gets upset When no one throws a surprise party to celebrate hie 50th birth- day. (R) •• tONtGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: BIH Cosl:>y. Dimitri Sgouros. ( 1 hr.) I 0 ABC NEWS NIGHtl.JNt MOVIE "A Night To Remember" ( 1958, Dra- ma) Kenneth More. Ronald Allen. The "unsinkable" Titanic goes down on lta maiden voyage as a nearby freighter stands by. unaware of Its crisis. (2 tvs.) 11 lHE JEffER90NS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DANCE "MacMillan's Mayefffng" Thia docYmeo- tary looks at the acclelmed ~oyaf Ballet with Inter- views from Lynn Seymour and David Wall. (2 hrs.) • CAMERA THREE "The Family: Scenee From British Woridng-Class Life" The selection of a family for the BBC &efies "The Family" and their reasons for participating are discussed. (Part 1) (R) ®MOVIE "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981, Come- dy) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The heroic aon of old Callf0<nla's tamous justice fighter Is Inca- pacitated by a riding Injury. forcing his foppish brothef to don the cape and mask. 'PG' ( 1 tv., 33 min.I 12:00 ENTERTAINMENT TOHIOHT • FANTASY ISLAND A meek clerk dreams of ~ a best•eelllng author, and an archaeolo- i t gets the chance to lnveltlgate a curMd tomb. ) (1 hr,, 10 min.) MOW ''Honeymoon Hotel" (1964, Comedy) Robert Goulet, Nancy Kwan, After being stood up at the 8"at, a men t.dt for the CMbbMn with Ne buddy where they lnad\leftentty check Into a reeott • hotel for newtywedia. (2 hrs.) - • MOVIE "~ Mcmngstaf' ( 1968, Drema) 0.. Kelly, ..... Wood. Alt Imp 111'mel* young gift .... In kWt ... midcll ~ ~ °"" to dllcCMf tNt he II I ...... ( -· min.) e LOYE. AMBICAN l1Yl.E (I)~ ~"Of gr111t"Jm•R t o'f :Jnnn1• . ---· ------=-.. ---- 12:06 8 Cl) Wl<RP IN caNCaNNA Tl Tragedy strikes just befo.-e a rock conoert being publlclzed by WKRP. (R) 12: 16 CD> MOVIE "Naked Came The Stranger" ( 1975, Comedy) Darby Lloyd Rains, LIM Rlcharda. 'X' (1 hr .• 25 min.) 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WITH OAVto LETTERMAN Guests: novelty products spokesman Ronal Popell, Harrison Ford. ( 1 hr.) • COUPLES Topic: The marriage of a middle aged couple is In troubte. I N&WS MOVIE "NetwC>tX" ( 1976. Drama) Faye Duna- way, Petet Anett An aging t*-ialon newsman, whose ratings are steadily slipping, Is tumed Into a ranting prophet of the airwaves by a Cfafty female pr~ammlng executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 12:40 9 (I) MCCLOUO McClood UncoYerS a connec- tion between airline stewardesses and an Interna- tional Jewel theft ring. (R) (2 In., 6 min.) 12:46(I) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, Suspente) John TravoUa, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror films becomes Involved In a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The RetUl'n Of The Secaucus Seven" ( 1980, Orama) Mark Amott, Gordon Clapp. The members of a group of college stUdents active In the protest movement during the '60s gather fOI' a weekend reunion. 'R' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) (%}MOVIE "High Risk" (198t, AdYenture) James Brolln, Cleavon Little. A trio of greedy fr1endl plot the robbery of a million dollart ff"°'1'1 .a South Ameri- can drug dealer. 'R' (1 hr .. 35 min.) 12:50(C> MOVIE "Separate Ways" (1980, Drama) Karen Black. Tony Lo Blanco. A young coup6e's fat~ ure to communicate nearly resotts In the destruction of their marriage. 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) 1:00 e MOVIE "legend Of Cougar C-enyon" ( 197 4, Adventure) Two young boyt trapped In a hidden cave come face-to-faoe with a deadly cougat. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Sangi Sangi You're Dead" (1966, Comedy) Tony Randall, Senta Berger. An Amencan In Morocco becomes entangled In the IChemes of spies plotting against the Unlted Nations. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (I) AOOEO "Sctwade Pro Team'' Kansas Wranglers vs. Tulsa Twisters (1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:06(8) MOVIE "The Last Metro" (1980, Drama) Catherine DenetMt, Gerard Depardleu. Dll'ected by ffancois Truffaut. During World War II, the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab- lishment open dUr1ng the Gemlan oocopetlon. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 1:108 MOV1E "The Young, The Evil And The Sav- age" ( 1968, Suspen&e) Michael Rennie, Eleanor Brown. A young woman attempts to control her cousin's inherltanoe by committing a se<lea of mur- ders at a girts' tchOOI. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ONEWS 1:30eeNEWS 2:06 (!) NEWS tmRAT PATROL 2:25 CC) MOVIE "The SenetJou9 NurM" ( 1979, Com- edy} Ur8Ula Andfe86, Dulllo Del Prete. Greedy 191a-ttves hire a Mn8Ual "Florence Nlghting918" to take cere of an aging ~ artt.tng Jrom 1 dllcet• heet1 coodltkil. 'A' (1 hr .. 20 rrin.) 2:30 (IJ MOANNi STAETCH e MOVIE "The Ex·._ lrldford'' (1938, MY9- tery) Wllfl9m Powell, Jean Mru. Alt ll'IWt ... tleuth end hll '°"'* .... '°"'9 ...... of rao.erack ~~~ (J) FOOT8AU. ~ VI. AUrov ( 1 hr .• 30 "*'·) Cl)MOVIE"~' (1181.~)..,, tlfl'Ot. ~ .............. , .. .. Adult V? 2t drama I .,} Libbie Lennie, Robetta Weiss and Brenda Bszinei (from leh) are the residents of '33 Brompton Place,' Showtime's all new five-part continuing adult series of ambition, love and intrigue, premiering r Tuesday on th e subscription TV service. 8f travels to the Orient In search of her mlsalng sis- ter. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min,) ' 0 MOVIE "Stevie" ( 1978, Biography) Glenda Jackson, Trevor Howard. Eccentric British poetess Stevie Smith Is profiled. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) (%} MOVIE "Billtis" (1977, Drama) Patti O' Arban- ville, Mona l<ristensen. A young glt1's sexual awak- ening occurs during her Siar with a family friend one summer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min. 2:361 WORLD AT LARGE 2:40 NEWS 2:'5 NEWS 3:00 MOVIE "Navy Born" (1936, Drama) Claire Dodd, William Gargan. The problems just begin When a Navy pilot tries to raise an orphan. (1 hr., 30 min.) (!) JOE FRANK.LIN Q)NEWS ' 3:168 M<ME "Weekend Nun" (1972, Dr.,,.) JoaM8 Pettet, Vic Morrow. A young nun leeds a complex life as a parole officer. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 3:20 CH) MINSKY'S FOLUES PhyUls Diller. Rip Taytor and Stubby Kaye join the Minsky Burtesque Troupe for a revue featuring baggy~ts comedy. strip- tease and production numbera. (1 hr.) 3:50(C> MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" (1957, Dra- ma) Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal, A defelk:t goes ffom a jail cell to national recognition on the strength of his humor and musical talent. (2 hrs., 5 minJ_ 4:00 Cl) JIMMY SWAGGART • MOVIE "Die, MonSter, Ole'' ( 1965. Horror) Bor- is Karloff. Nick Adams. Based on a story by H.P. Lovecraft. A young American vi8itlng Na English fiancee's parents recoils In hOrror When her father ~ir:=~· < 1 hr .• 30 min.> (I) 33 BAOMPTON Pl.ACE (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) 4:06 al) FUNTIME 4:15(%} MOVIE "Verboten!" (1958. Orama) James Best. SUsan Cummings. An American unoovers a Gefman youth organization formed by a group of ex-Nazis. (1hr.,33mln.) 4:20(8) MOVIE "Satufdey The 14th" (1981, Come- dy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss.. A couple dis- cover that the house they' Ye Inherited Is being occu- pied by vampires, ghosts and -.orted monsters. 'PG' (1 hr., 15 min.) ~:30. VOYAGS. TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA (!)JIM BAKKER • MOVIE "The Retum Of The Secaucut &Mtn" (1980. Drama) Mar1< Arnott. Gordon C&app. The members of a group of college students ectl\.ta In the protest movement <Ming the '60s gather for a weekend reunion. 'R' ( 1hr.,46 min.) 4:36 tm I DREAM OF JEANNIE Donnie gets dramatic role HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Donny Olrnmd. in his tint romantic role, stars • a Unkln 90JdJer in a Civil War story for ABC called "No Man'• IAnd." Olmond, weertng a black beud for his new role, baa been a p!l'former for 19 of hla 24 yeua. He WM a teen idol with 21 gold recorda, and be and hia lilter, abrie, at.an'ed for five years on the ''Donny ti l! 0 -~ ,... 8 ...... ~ :l. Q. QI ~ '-c ::I c» -~ -<O CD fl) and Marie Show." • Prildlla ...... Joen Collini and Boward DUff i.- al10 star ln the movie for Aaron Spellln1 Producdam. Man Winninahemn and Sydney ~ bave jolDed 1be c.I& of tbe ABC NoYel for Niml6on ~ Thom Blrdl." ... Cb\llCk Cannon bM lloed for a role ID .. ~ D: Tbi ...... " ..• ,~'"Jldt Aadenon CoeffditaUal1" a w .. kly Mri• of ·:.~~In·==-~ I - I ·· I I l I I - .. - ~\Wedfi~y,1 ... \I< )f C\ I "' ; \I< >\ 11.~ 6:00(1) "BIUe Are Lady" (1978, Orama) Cattwyn Harrr&on, Mark Holden. 8:00(%) "Les Bon Oebarras" (1980, Orama) Char· lotte Laurlef. Marie Tifo. 6:05(1?) "Man With A Miiiion" (1954, Comedy) Gre- g~eck. Ronald Squire. 6:30(1) "Skatetown U.S.A." (1979, Comedy) Scott Balo. Greg Bradford. D "The Hunter" (1979, Orama) Steve McOueen, Ell Wallach. 7:30CC} "High Country" (1981, Orama) Timothy Bottoms. Linda Purl. 7:65(%) "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) Geo_lge Hamilton. Lauren Hutton. 8:00(1) "Journey Back To Oz" (1972. Fantasy) Anl-- mated. Voices of Liza Mlnnetll, Paul Lynde. 8:06 (fl) "Valenllno" ( 1951, Biography) Eleanor Par- ker, Anthony Dexter. 8:30 (II) "Chu Chu And The Philly Rash" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. D "Inside Moves" (1980. Orama) John Sa~. David Morse. 9:30 CC) "Monty Python And The Holy Grall" ( 197 4, C~) Graham Chapman. John Cleese. (%) "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Peter Anch. 10:00(1) "Far From The Madding Crowd" (1967, Ora- ma) Julie Christie, Terence Stamp. 10:05al) "Palm Springs Weekend" (1963, Comedy) T rOL_ OonahUe, Connie Sl8Y80S. 10:30 g "Invaders From The Deep" ( 1981, Science- Fiction) Puppets. 11:00te) "A f'!lstful Of Dynamite" (1972, Adventure) James Cobom, Rod Steigef. 11:30(%) "Atlantic City'' (1980, Orama) Burt Lanca&- ter. Susan Sarandon. · 12:00. "Assignment Redhead" (1957, Mystery) Paul Carpenter. Kay CaJlard. e "Anatomy Of A Murder" (Part 1) (1959. Mys.- I~) James Stewart, Ben Gazzara. • "Across The Bridge" (1957, Mystery) Rod St~. David Knight. CH>' The Hearse" ( t980, Hooor) Trish Van Oevefe. Joseph Cotten. I 12:30• "Zo<ro. The Gay Blade" (1981. Comedy) Geor_ge Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. 12:"6{1) "Skatetown U.S.A." (1979, Comedy) Scott Baio Greg BradfOfd. 1:00(i) "The Magnificent Ambersons" (1942, Ora· ma) Joseph Cotten, Anne Baxter. 1: 16(%) "La Voyage En Douce" (1980, Orama) Dominique Sanda. Geraldine Chaplln. 1 :30 CC) ''The Concert FOf Kampuchea'' ( 1980, MlS- cal) Paul McCartney, The Who. 2:00(11) ''This Thne Forever" (1980. Romance) Claire Pimpare, Vincent Van Patten. CD "Atlantic City" ( 1980, Orama) Burt Lancaster. Susan SarandOn. 2:30(1) "Continental Divide" (1981. Romance) John Belushi. Blair Brown. 3:00(%) "Networ1(" (1976. Orama) Faye Ouoaway, Peter Anch. 4:0011 "Babe" ( '975, Biography) Susan Clark. Alex Karras. 4:30(1) "Journey Back To Oz" (1972, Fantasy) Ani- mated. Voices of Liza MinnelU. Paul Lynde. It "Invaders From The Deep" ( 1981, Sclenc&-Fic- UonLPuppets. 5:00(!) "Johnny Guitar'' (1953, Western) Joan Crawford. Sterling Hayden. ~"High Country" (198t, Drama) Timothy Bot- toms Linda Purl. 5:15(%) "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981. Comedy) Geo<ge Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. BODY PARTS -B y continuously squeezing a rubber ball, Adam and Rachel d.isicover the tremendous amount of energy it takes the heart to pump blood throughout the body on 'The Body Works, 1 airing Wednesday at 7:30 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). • • MARK RUSSaL Washington's top political sati- rllt pokes tun at major la8lJeS and news stories of the day. 7:86 all NEWS - 8:008 Cl) MOVIE "Mr. Hom" (1979, Westem) David Camtdine, Richard Widmark. The life of thtt legendary frontier figure Tom Hom. whose career Included the capture of Gefonlmo and a stint as a bou®' hunt8!. is dramatized. (R) (3 hrs.) D m REAL PEOPLE Featured: a drlv&-in funeral parlor; a photographef who Is paid to take pictures of bathing beauties; an 82-year-old bicyclist. (R) ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "The Appaloosa" (1966, Western) Mar- lon Brando, Anjanette Come<. A rare pony Is stolen from a cowbOy end hidden In Mexico. (2 hrs.) 8 9 THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO Ralph acquires the ablllty to see into the future. and what he sees upsets him. (R) ( t hr.) flJ MOVIE "The Cavern" (t966, Orama) Rosanna Schiaffino, John Saxon. During Wor1d War II. six sol- diers and a beautllul woman are trapped together In a German munitions dump for five months. (2 hrs.) (!) BENN"!VLL m P.M. M~AZINE The curative powers of a min- eral lake In Washington: two elderly women who are nightclub blues singers. m MOVIE "Rio Conchos" ( 1964, Westem) Rich- ard Boone, Stuart Whitman. Four men set out across the Texas desert after the Civil War to recov- er stolen Army rifles earmarked for sale to the ~ches. (2 hrs.) tB STYLE Featured: a Stanford White Mansion con- verts to condominiums: how a telephone is designed; end Saratoga summerg at the races. • MARK RUSSELL Washington's top polftlcal satj... rlst pokes fun at major issues and news stories' of the day. • SUMMER AND SMOKE The Chicago Opera Theatre presents an operatic venilon of this Ameri- can drama by Tennessee Wl~iams about a repressed young woman who seeks affection from the fellow she has loved since childhood. (2 hrs.) (E) SPORTS CENTER (II) MOVIE "Brubaker" ( 1980, Drama) Robert Red- fOfd, Yaphet Kotto. A reform-minded warden unoov- ers widespread COfruption when he enters his newly assigned prison posing as an Inmate. 'R' (2 hrs., 10 min.) (I) BIZARRE "The Bigot Family" e MOVIE "Inside Moves" ( 1980, Orama) John Savage. David Morse. A newcomer to the group of regulars at an Oakland bar may hold the key to making the bartender's dream of becoming a pro basketball player a reality. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 53 min.) 8:30 (!) IRONSIDE I 000 COUPLE HOPPER'S SILENCE Palntec Edward Hopper, one of the 20th century realist's life and wOtk are examined. (1 hr.) • SUMMER ANO SMOKE The Chicago Opera Theatre presents an operatic version of this Ameri- can drama by T enne6See Williams about a represaed young woman who seeks affection from the fellow she has loved since childhood. (2 his.) (I) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: And'f Griffith. 8:35 (fl) MOVIE "Coast Of Skeletons" (1965, Ora- ma) Richard TOdd. Dale Robertson. A big-time dia- mond dealer in Africa Is the target of an tnsurance investigation. (2 hrs.) 9:00D e THE FACTS OF LIFE Blair's late grandfa- ther leaves a sizable donation In his will to help Meet a new Eastland library. (R) 8 <II THE FALL GUY Ozzie tells Colt that he stole a car. but doesn't mention that he was escaping from the scene of a murder. (R) ( 1 hr.) a» MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Dick Van Patten. Andre De Shields, Robert Wuhl, Shann6n Tweed. Robert MacNell. ( 1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "Monty Python And The Holy Grall" ( t974, Comedy) Graham Chapman, John Cleese King Arthur and his band of knights encounter giants. rlddlers and a ferocius rabbit in their search tor the legendary cup. ( t hr .. 30 min.) (£) COLLEGE SOFTBALL "NCAA Division I Wom- en's Championships" (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Persona" (t966. Orama) Liv Ullmann. Bibi Andersson. An actress rendered mute by emo- tional pain removes to an isolated beach house with a nurse as her only companloo. ( t hr .• 20 min.) (D) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981. Suspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen. A sound technician who wOfks on hooor films becomes lnvotved In a murder mystery when he witnesses an 8S98S81nation. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CJ) PAT COLLINS: THE HtP HYPNOTIST Votln- teera from the audlenoe reepond comlcallY to hyp- nosis auggestion8 made to them by this entertalne<. (1 hr.) (%) MOVE "Lt Voyaoa En Oouoe" ( 1980, Orama) OomlnlqVe Sandi. Gef~ Cheplln. Two women trl\'el to the South of France on a Y908tlon from their famllle8 and apend their time ~ ft* "*"°'"" drellllW and lM«rnolt teellngi. ~· ( 1 "'·· 40 min.) uu ....... _'II~ ~ ,tX• v.Jv . ._ ryy.,., t ,• .. • • • • • • • • t •h••~~····,~···~·······················-············· \\edresday (oontjnued) 9:30 a • love. SIDNEY Laurie Is Waly when her parents from Wyoming arrive In Manhattan to vt&lt her and PattL (R) (!) MOvtE "Calling Bulldog Drummond" (1961, Myste<y) watter PidgeOn. Margaret Leighton. When crooks use military radar to sc.re the populace and pull off dramatic t..iets, Detective Drummond la lured JCQQ! retirement to Investigate. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CB THE-SONG WRfTER'S: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ Compose< of the "The Bandwagon" and others Is joined by Judy Kaye, Nancy Dussault and Ed Evan- ko fou look at his life. (1 hr.) 10:00 8 • QUINCY Qolncy Investigates. the death of an lnfaht when the competence of a hospital Is iuestloned. (R) ( 1 hr.) ••• NEWS 0 DYNASTY Bla.ke uses Alexis' relatlooshlp with Rashid Ahmed to recover his embargoed oil, and Sammy Jo sees Steven as her passport to a secure future. (R) ( 1 hr.) G NSSEI LEGACY The story of three Japanese- American brothers who have undefgone heart sur- Q!'Y Is told. (I) MOVIE "Graduation Day" (1981, Myste<y) Christopher George. Patch MacKenzie. High 8Chool tract< athletes are being lheralty "cut from the team" ey an unknown killer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) e MOVE "Search And Destroy" (2 hrs.) 10:16®SNEAK PAEVtEW Host Leonard H81Tls looks at the movies. speClals and sports events coming up on Home Bo>c Office. 10'.30 e NEWS I SIONA TIJRE Guest: Zandra Rhodes. IMAGES A documentary profile of 15 Latin American graphic artists from Me>clco, Yenezuela and Columbia Is presented. • JAZZ AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Woody , Shaw Quintet (No. 2)" Woody Shaw, trumpet; Carter Jaci<son, saxophone; Onaje Allen Gumbs, piano; Stafford James, bass; Victor Lewis, drums. (R) ( 1 hr.) (C)CASE OF MUKKINESE BATll.E HORN (1966) PETER SELLERS, SPIKE MULUGAN. A rare and valuable Instrument Is stolen from a museom. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:36 (ll) BASEBAU Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.). 11:ooeae())ae News I ~~~= JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNYHIU STYLE Featured: a Stanford White Mansion con· verts to condominiums; how a tMphone Is designed; and Saratoga summers at the races. (1 hr .. 30 min.) C~ Guest: Julia Child. (R) SPORTS FORUM 8LEOON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS vtE "The Erotic Adventures Of Pinocchio" ( 1976, Comedy) Jeppetto sets out to create her own vision of the perfect lover. 'R' (1 hr .. 30 min.) CD> MOYIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) Biii Murray, • Harold Ramis. A New YOC'k cabble lookJng for e>ccitement convlnoes his best friend to join him In enlisting In the U.S. Anny. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) (%) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Dune- 1M:OO 0 • PA.NA.CHE SUMMEI RIN QOTHES AND SWIMWIAI MAKING A POINT -Da vi d MacFarlane (left), a victim of ..D:>wn 's Syndrome (mongolism) plays a young man whose testimony, at the urging of 'Quincy' (Jack Klugman), provides eloquent support for the fact that he and others like him can function in society, Wednesday at 10 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). way. Peter Finch. An aging televlek>n neweman, whose ratings are steadily slippfng, ts turned Into a ranting prophet of the alrwawe by a crafty female pr~ammlng e>ceCUtlYe. 'R' (2 tn.) 11:30• ())MOVIE "Foxbet" (1977, MylHfy) Henry Sliva. Vonetta McGee. A renegade aA IQ8f't .._. the plans for a Soviet aircraft only to lose them when a chef Innocently swallows the microfilm. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 8 • TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Shelley Winters, Clark Terry, crane expert George Archibald. ( 1 hr.) I (II ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE MOvtE "Babe" (1975, Bk>araphy) Susan Cla~. Alex Karras. Babe Dldrlckson 2aharlas, the world's greatest woman athlete, wages a heroic battte l lns1 caweJ2 hrs.) THEJE OHS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE CAMERA THREE "The Family: Scenes From British Wor1dng.Class Life" Publlc reaction to the famlly that participated In the BBC aerles "The Fam- ii " Is elC8mined. (Part 2) (R) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOV1E "Dog Day Afternoon" (1975, Drama) Al Paclno, John Cazale. A New York City bank robbery escalates Into a near-.clrcua when community activ- ists join In to stage an anti.-po11ce protest during the HIADACHll? 50 Headache patients are needed for Independent research program being conducted by the BACK PAIN CLINIC Patients wlll be treated at no cost. For lnformetton can 631-7791 • • ... -· ·-• -• ... • • •..,. .. ,. •-T - caper. (2 hrs., 5 min.) 11:"6(1) MOVIE "Continental Divide" (1981, ::!! Romance) John Belushi, Blair Blown. A Chicaoo 0 newspaper columnist travels to the Roe~~-~ -escape some polltlcal heat and lntetVlew a r~ <! naturalist. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 12:00• ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT r 8 0 LOVE BOAT Julie Is pursued by Captain ~ Stubing's lecherous uncle, and a neglected wtfe ~ succumbs to the advances of an amorous author. ii IBl (1 hr .. 10 min.) GI Cl) MOVIE "The Deathmaster" ( 1972, Horror) ';< Robert Quarry, BIH Ewing. A vampire chieftain poees '- as a guru In order to enslave the members of a CaH-i fornla hippie commune. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Pursued" ( 1947, Western) Teresa -A Wright. Robert Mitchum. An OC'phan attempts to !'° ayenge his father's murder upon reaching manhood. <O i~) ~ LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE f\> MOvtE "Ouadrophenla" ( 1979, Orama) PhU Daniels, Mark Wingett. Music by The Who. A British youth rejects the values of his family for the "free- dom" of the Mods, only to discover that this new social group Is even more constricting. 'A' ( 1 hr., 55 min.) • MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Cean, Marsha Mason. Soon after his wife's death, a writer finds himself reluctantly falling In '°"8 again. 'PG' (2 hts .. 4 min.) 12:30 8. LATE NtGHT WITH DAVID LETTEHMAN Guests: author Dan Greenberg, comedian George Miller. ( 1 hr.) • COUPLES T oplc: The unequal retationshlp of two friends Is explored In this show. I~ SONG WRfTER'S: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ Composer oUhe "The Bandwagon" and others Is joined by Judy Kaye, Nancy Dua$8utt and Ed Evan- ko for a look at his Nfe. (1 tv.) Cl) COLLEGE TRACK ANO RELD ''NCAA OMelon II Women's Championships" from CaJffOC'nla State, Sacramento, California. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CD MOVIE "'.l's My Tum" ( 1980, Romance) Jilt Clayburgh, Michael Douglas. A brillant ~ math professor reaffzes the problems In her ~ r8'atlonshlp when she finds a new loY8 while In New YO(t( for her father's remarriage. 'R' (1 tv .. 37 min.) 1:ooe MOVIE "Born To Buel<" (1971, Advenue) Documentary. Narrated by Henry Fonda. Caley Tibbs, a rodeo champion, tries to drive a herd of 400 wild horses across a ~ e)(p&nse. (2 hrs.) • MOvtE "Five Golden Dragons" (1967, Adven- ture) Robert Cummings, Margaret Lee. An Ameri- can dilettante in Hong Kong gets swept up In the operations of a secret International netw()tt( of ~s. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ MOvtE "The Wander•s" (1979, Drama) Ken Wahl, Linda Manz. The members of a tough 1960s street gang In the Bron>c discover that the procestea of growing up and falling In '°"8 are much more difficult experiences than any of the rumblee they've taken part In. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) (%) MOVIE "Dead And Buried" (1981, Horror) James Farentino. Metody Anderson. A amalHown policeman Investigates a series of bizarre murdenl. 'A' (1 hr., 30 min.) 1: 1oe MOVIE "The Fakers" (1969. Orama) ~ derlci< Crawford, Kent Taylor. An undercover FBI agent and his female cohort get Involved with coun- terfeiters and NazJ war criminals. (1 hr .. 30 min.) ""I z ) ,. ,. \ . ~ I ~;;-;,,~·~·~·§•·§·~·~q~)~?~~~~~~~~~~~~;:::::::=:..;:.:.....;;..~::...::....:;::..:.:.:.:..:...;.,~~~-=====!!!lllll~ .. 11!!11111111111111---....... , • ._. ,_,.,. • "'' • ••e • • • • • ................ •. " .. " ..... c;;;ou It .... .,_ __ ...__ __ , ... ·--·"' ............. __ ...,........_'<"---- .. .J • <", Wxinesday (continued) GO ••. ~ (llNEWS 1:308 eNEWS :i , -(I) MOVIE "The French Woman" (1981, Drama) Francoise Fabian, Deyle Haddon. A bordello being kept open by a government subsidy Is the scene of murder and political scandal when a VIP custome< Is phote>graphed at play. 'R' ( 1 tv .. 37 min.) 1:35<1Zl OUST BOWL BLUES CID MOVIE "Private Benjamin" ( 1980, Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Eileen Brennan. A welH<>-do young woman mistakenly joins the Army following the death of her new husband on thek wedding night. 'A'lhr .. 50mln.) 1:40 NEWS -2:00 MOVIE "The Brothers Rico" (1957, Drama) !2 Richard Conte, Dianne Foster. A Florida buslnesa-0: man alms for the top In his attempts to prevent a • crime syndicate from murdeflng his brothers. ( 1 hr., 46 min.) 2:06 Cf) NEWS 2:108 MOVIE "Mandrake" (1979. Adventure) Anthony Herrera. Robert Reed. Mandrake the Mag~ clan uses his special powers to combat a ruthless madman and his army of mind-controlled robots. (2 hrs.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH 0 MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980, Drama) Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg.- nant younger slster and some stolen hetoin, whlCh ~nwlants an aging hood to sell for him. 'R' ( 1 tv .. .W 2:35 WORLD AT LARGE 2:40 NEWS 2:45 MOVIE "Atlantic City" (1980, Orama) Bun Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. The estranged hc.l&- band of an oyster bar waltress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen hetoln, which he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'R' ( 1 tv .. .w 3:~n· MOVIE "The Pretendet" (1947, Otama) Albert Dekker, Catherine Craig. A weelthy 81ock· broker's deadfy plan to eliminate his competition backfires when he discovers that he himself Is marked for mUl'der. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~JOE FRANKLIN NEWS MOVIE "The Inheritance" (1973, Drama) Anthony Quinn, Dominique Sanda. A connMng young woman curries favor with her fathet·ln-law, a rich bak8f', after her husband Is dislnhetlted. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) {I) RAOUETBALL "International Championships" Mar.tr Hogan vs. Dwayne Kohuch 3:20(1) WACKY WORLD Of JONATHAN W1NTER8 Guest: Andy Griffith. 3:25(B) WA.ft UNTIL DARK Kalh8flne Ross and Sta- cy Keach star In this chilffng story of ttvee men who t«rortze a blind woman alone In het apartment (2 3:~~ SPORTS FORUM 3:45. MOVIE "Once More, With Feeling!" (1960, Comedy) Yul Bl'ynnef, Kay KeodaJl Aftet loeing his talent and his wife. an orchestra cooductor tries to regain both. (1 hr .. 45 min.) 3:50 (I) BIZARRE "The Bigot Family" 4:00 Cf) AtMY SWAOO.Alfr {I) SPORTS CEHTm -JUlll SPECIAL SALE -Tii11rs& -~ -y \ I< >I { ~ I '<< I \ I< )\ I 1." 5:00 (Cl "The Conoert For Kampuchea" ( 1980, MIJSI.. cal) Paul McCartney. The Who. 8:05<1Zl "Deya Of Glory" (19«. AdventUle) Tamara T oumanova. Gregoty Peck. (%) "Zorro, The Gay 818de" (1981, Comedy) Geo<, Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. 6:30 CC> "The Music Man" ( 1962, Musical) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones. I "Heidi" (1979, Adventure) "The S Wafl'i<n: Galklng" Animated. "Oerb~ln And The Little People" (1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. 7:45(%) "Ouadrophenla" (1979, Drama) Phn Oan- lels, Mark Wingett. Mueic by The Who. 8:06<1Zl "Tell It To The Judge" (1949, Comedy) R06811nd Russell, Robert QJmmlngs. 8:16(1) "Dead Man's Float" (1979, Mystery) Greg Roe Sally Bovden. 8:3000 "Gdnf Ape" (1981, Comedy) Tony 0ertza. Jessica WaJt«. • "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981, eon. dy) Alan Ari<ln, Carol Burnett. 9:00(C) "Pardon Mon Affalre" (1977, Comedy) Jean Rochefort, Anny Ouperery. 9:45(%) "Dead And Burled" (1981, Horror) James Farentlno, Melody Anders0n. 10:0000 "My Champion" (1981, Drama) Yoko Sh~ mada, Chris Mitchum. (I) "A" The Fine Young Cannibals" (1960, Drama) Natalie Wood. Robert Wegner. e "Atlantic City" (1980, Drama) Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. 10:05<1Zl "Paula" (1952, Drama) Loretta Young, Kent Smith. 11:00(C) "Home From The. Hiii" ( 1960, Drama) Rob- ert Mitchum, George Peppard. . \I· 1 I.I\\< >< >\ \I< )\.I LS 12:00• "That Tennessee Beat" (1966, Musical) Sharon DeBord, Earl Richards. • "Anatomy 01 A Murdef" (Part 2) (1959, Mys- t~) James Stewart. Ben Gazzara. e "September Affair" (1950, Romance) Joan Fontaine, Joseph Cotten. (I) "Stripes" ( 1981, Comedy) Bill Murray, H81old Ramis. · • "Chapt« Two" (1979, Comedy) Jamee Caan, Marsha Mason. 12:30Cll) "On The Right Track" (1981. Comedy) G~ Coleman, Michael Lembeck. 1:00(1) '1Kltty Foyle" (1940, Drame) Glngef Rog-ers, Dennfs Morgan. (%) "NetwM" (1978, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Pet« Finch. 1:30{Cl "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" (1963, Com- edyLPeter Sellers. Lionel Jeffries. 2:00(I) "Fox•" (1980, Drama) Jodie Foatef, Salty Kellerman. (I) "Deed Man's Floet" (1979, Mystery) Greg Roe, WE BA VE A GOOD SE LECflON OF NEW AND USED CARS F OR IMMEDIATE DELIVER F OR LEASE dR SALE .. • CONNELL CHEVROLET SnvtnQ Costa Meta for 22 y.ar•. 2828 Har bor Blvd., C.OSta Mesa 1200 -. --I ._.., .... ,. ..................... 1 ·--------CIUOll-~------'CMS N~rt Gas N W.uh ,· Drflle 11lrii . .Jl;f!I • -. • LADllr °"'. tll MO. • • TUii. • MIWI DAY• tll MQ. .....Cl • W9.• .... DITM • tlHllG. fWCI ' • 1MUU..,,.. CM WAIN.,.. GAL CIAI flUACHAa .·,.,·IVDY•CAA ~ • IAT.·PMl~Y WUWMG.WAIH • IUM.·,..~YWAX W.0..WAlet o..-..c-• .- AIMING FOR 'FAME' -Debbie Allen as dance instructor Lydia Grant js a starring regular on 'Fame,' the highly acclaimed NBC television series, which airs Thursday at 8 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). Sal'l_ Boyden . 2:30111 "Darby O'Glll And The little People" {1969, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. 3:15(%) "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) G~e Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. 3:30 (kl "White Water Sam" (Adventure) Keith Lar~ sen. (B) "Continental Divide" (1981, Romance) John Belushl, Blair Brown. (I) "The Shogun Warriors: Gaiklng" Animated. 4:00• "Brlghty Of The Grand Canyon" (1987, Drama) Joseph Cotten, Pat Conway .. 4:300 "On The Town" (1950, Musical) Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra. 5:00 (Cl "The Music Man" ( 1982, Musical) Robert Preston, Shirley Jones. (%) "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) James Brolln, Cleavon little. 5:06<1Zl "Skullduggery" ( 1970, Adventure) Susan Clark, Burt ReynOtds. 5:30QI "Ballad Of A Soldi8t'" (1959, Drama) Vladi- mir lvashov, Shanna Trokhorenko. • (I) "Sliver Streak" (1976, Comedy) Gene Wlldef. JIU Clayburgh. HEAD CHESl YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD C~L_t4MJOO For c • ., ..... ~,c111 ••"- WISTCU .. C .. IOPIAc:nc OPflCI ., .............. 2041 Wettclff• .. W.tll Moet I n1urenoe1 Acclllted -----v-~ • .... ' . "'"" ,. ..... ._ ... '" ... .,, .... "-. ' ..................... .. Thursday (continuro) 8:0088eNEWS WONDER WOMAN CBS NEWS THE SAINT ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE-0 NBC NEWS HUMANrTlES THROUGH THE ARTS 6:30(1) e NEWS I B""'NEY MILLER CAMEAA THREE "The Playwright Directs" David Mamet Is .tlown in the process of developing and refining the action and dlalogue of the actors In a rehearsal tor "Reunion."• collectibn of three of his plays. (R) D I AMERICANOOVERNMENT MOVIE "Gimme Shelter" ( 1970, Muelcal) Roll- ing Stones, Jefferson Airplane. This documenwy of the Rolling Stones' 1969 Ameflcan tour Includes scenes of the rioting and murder at an Altamont Speedway free concert. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS ABC NEWS I NBC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE The reunion of two orphaned s1St8f'S after 30 years of separation; a man who lown~&~acre wildlife park In Florida. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M*A*S*H JOKER'S WILD - SPECIAL PEOPLE Guest: Pandit Ravi Shanker, Pinchas Zukerman, Eugenia Zukerman and Bobbi Humphrey. ~.BUS.NESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Glorla" (1980. Orama) Gena Row- lands, John Adames. A forme< gurt moll becomes the protector of an orphaned &-year-old Puerto Rican targeted by the underworld for the Informa- tion he carries in a battered briefcase. 'PG' (2 hrs., 1 min.) . al) MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Sclenc&-Actlon) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and help Its oppressed Inhabitants in the overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) CZ) RASCAL DAZZLE The little Rascals are fea- tured in film clips and shorts. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 7: 10 KINER'S KORNER 7:061NEWS 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: visit the old mov- ie theaters of Los Angeles; look at the preparations underway for the 1984 Olymplcs; al9o find out what ~when foreign dignitaries visit Los Angeles. 18. FAMILY FEU0 BASEBAU Kansas aty Rovals at CaNtomla Angels (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 8 EYE ON LA. Featured: part two of a report ~ psychics; a magazine that specializes in expoeff'lg celebrities; part two of a profile of Patricla Hearst. i .TICTACOOUGH .~ ENTERT AJNMENT TON1GHT YOU ASKED FOR fT TAKATA NURSERY, Landscaping & Malntenance- Expert Japanese Gardenilc Service •Monthly-Weekly *Yard Malnt., Tree Trimming *Bonsal Pruning & General Clean-up ·~ •CominerQal & Reeldelttfal *20 Y~a Experlenee Expert l akat1 Landscapinc Service *New or Refandecepe *Weetem & JaptMM SMe *Spectala: Water1al1•, K~ Fllh Pond, RockArr~ta •Lmictaape C>el9! *lrttgatlOn 8yatem l Or.an Syetem •Patio • Decking • Muonry LADIES FAVOIUTE -Tom Selleck will return next season as Thomas Magnum in 'Magnum, P.I.' on Thursday at 8 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). It is a popular series among the women folks. SIGNATURE Guest: Sidney Sheinberg. MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT 1 ~1'9A*S*H LIFE ON THE FRINGE OF SOCIETY A couple who left civilization 30 years ago to live Independ- ently of social ties and public conveniences Is pro- filed. CC) MOVIE "Home From The Hiii" (1960, Orama) Robert Mitchum, George Peppard. A man's illegiti- mate son saves his llte. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (I) AEROBICISE: BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE Get in shape, look good, and feel greet wtth tNs physical fitness program. 8:00. (I) MAGNUM, P.I. Robin MastefS offers to let a fllm company use his house for some location shots. (R) ( 1 hr.) • • FAME Montgomery's mother (Gwen Ver- don) • a famous actresa, hetps the students with a show they are putting on for theif parents. (R) ( 1 hr.) • 9 MOVIE "This Houee Poaaaaaed" (1981, Mystery) Parker Stevenson. uaa Bbechtw. A rock singer has a nervous bfeakdown and goes to live In a sinister house wltt1 his young nurae and compan- ion. (R) D (2 hrs.) e ~LOVE THE CHILOAEN Hosts Art Llnk- letter and Carol Lawrence focus on the hopes, ED ~ alt AD IMPORT LW DOMIJTIC ANDER~ON ~ ~UTON\oTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE -----P'Rll PICKUP·DILIVIRY ~::::r:·1n21 (l14) 1•2-1171 (Formerty cit Whitman's) ----------------· LICENSED ~:I'BETICIAN dreams and survival of the wood's children. ( 1 hr.) Cf) BENNY HIU • P.M. MAGAZINE The reunion of two orphaned sisters after 30 years of separation; a man Who owns a 200-acre wfldllfe park In Rorida . • MOV1E "Of Sharks And Men" (1977. Adven- ts :!! 0 - ture) Documentary. The various types of llhatks and r man's relationship with thls fearsome predator 8 through the hlstory·are examined. (2 hrs.} ::;; QI BOTANIC MAN "Amazing Amazon" Or. David 5: Bellamy visits the tribes of the Amazonian rain forest 1» Who live In harmony with their habitat. '!'- • LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears puts some 1982 car models to the test and evaluates the resolts. e SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! review "Annie," "Author, Author" and "Arefox." Cl) SPORTS CENTER . CB) MOVIE "High Risk'' ( 1981, Adventure) James Broun, Cleavon Uttte. A trio of greedy friends plot the robbery of a million dollars from a South Ameri- can drug dealer-. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Dogs Of War" ( 1980, Adventure) Christopher Walken, Tom Berenger. After being tor- tured and deported by an African dictator, amerce- nary returns to lead a revolution. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 0 MOVIE ''The late Show" (1977, Myst8')') Art Carney. Lily Tomlin. A seasoned private eye encounters blackmail and murdef when he comes out of retirement to locate a cat belongWlg to an offbeat female client. (2 hrs.) 8:05 Im OUST BOWL BLUES 8:30 Cf) RACfNG FROM YC>Nt<ffiS I 000 COUPLE MOVIE "Ballad Of A Soldier'" ( 1959, Orama) Vladimir lvashov, Shanna Trokhorenko. A R\San film of a World War II SOidier Who attempts to reach home on a short furiougtl. ( 1 hr .• 30 l'TW\.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Stsk- el review "Annie," "Author, Author" and "Firefox." • l.AST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Seeta translates the mystedous lingo of auto repair and answers vieweMl' questions about common cat probtems. (%) MOVIE "Quadf~" ( 1979, Orama) Phil Daniels, Mark Wlnget1. Mualc by The Who. A Brltlah youth rejects the values of hie-family for the "fre&- dom" of the Mods. onty to di8ccMlr that th'6 new social group Is even more oonstrloting. "R" i 1 hr .• 55 min.} 9:00 8 (I) SHIRLEY MACLAINE: ILLUSIONS Shirley Maclalne and Gregory Hines illustrate the world of illuslon through song and dance. (1 hr.} 8 e otFF'REHT STROKE.8 Unaware that his health club has a policy of racial disctlmlnatlon, Mr. Drummond asks Wlllls and Arnold to meet him there. (R) D D AU GOD'S CHILDREN Miiiions of the wor1d'a children live in a delicate balance between Nte and death, hope and despair. (1 tir.) (!)MOVIE "Train Of Events" (1952, Drama) Valar- ie Hobson. John Clements. The lives of four people are drastlcal1y changed after a train acddent. (2 hrs.) • MERV GRlfFIN "ASCAP Salutes Ethel Merman'" Guests: Ethel Merman, Hal Oevld, Jule Stein, Jerry Herman. Gingef Aogers, Luc*8 Bal. (1 hr.) e NUMERO UNO ()lymp6c gold medalist runnef Pet8f' Snell of New Zeal8nd Is profiled. e MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Alckers" Arnie and his old flame Letty team up to beguile a pr~ backM. (Part 5) p ( 1 hr.) N~!#r:Il TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL • Enjoy Teriyald • Tempura • Suhi kr prepared by ow (amou Japaaeee Chef • Bee.r • Wine • Sake . ~gi.S4 ~ r opean • (/ ~f facials 3840·~ COMI Hwy• Corona Mir, ca • M*8S"GE (714) 673-3933 ~ . ( .... ...,. ··-:•). ·~== ·1- 875-0727 ··-s:== ill==·•~t:~ll .-~~---........ ••1 - I J I ... I• I I t 16 "' 1bursday (continued) ao ~ Cl) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Collingwood vs. Fitzroy ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (D) MOVIE "Touched By Love" (1980, Drama) Deborah Raffln, Diane I .ane. A nursing trainee tries to bring a handicapped girt out of a deep depression by encouraging h8f to correspond with h8f Idol, Elvis Presley. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 9:06 (fl) MOVIE "Stella Dallas" ( 1937, Drama) Bar· bare Stanwyci<, John Boles. A woman sacrifices everything for the love of h8f daughter. (2 hrs., 5 min.) 9:30 8 • GIMME A BREAK The ohlef learns that his parents. who are about to celebrate thelt 55th wedding anniversary, are threatening to get a divorce. (R) • UP ANO COMING "love's Lesson Learned" Francine runs Into trouble when she gets a title role In "Romeo And Juliet" and h8f boyfriend doesn't li1 £«,VIE "Goin' Ape" ( 1981, Comedy) Tony Danza, Jesslca Walter. Three orangutans hold the purse strings to a $&-million Inheritance. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 27 min.) (I) MOVIE "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (1981, Come- dy) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The heroic son of old Califomla's famous justice fighter 18 Inca- pacitated by a riding injufy, forcing his foppish bf other to don the cape ancf mask. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 33 mitt) 10:00 8 (I) KNOTS LANDING Sid Insists on undergo- ing an operation that could cure him of paralysis but may kHI him. (R) ( 1 hr.) •• HILL STREET BLUES The suspected killer of a public defendef Is releaeed on a technlcallty and iGr;:!1,.~ the affections of a new man. i120120 SPEaAl. PEOPLE GU8lt: Pandtt Rav« SharMr, Pinchas Zukel'man, E!Jgenla ZUkermen an6 Bobbi Humphrey. I TO THE MANOR BOAN .,. THE LAWMAIC&l8 Correspondents Und9 W•· ttlelfner and CoWe Roblrts Pe&A ~ for en up- to-lhe-mioute llJIJWMfY ot acttvltles. ~MOVE "Cutter's Way" 1981, On11ma) John Heard, Jeff Bridgea. A maimed Vietnam vet and his bftt friend, a social dropout. foct'8 their energiee on ~a murder cae. 'R' ( 1 Iv., ..S min.) Cl) 33 BAOMPTON Pl.ACE (Part 2) ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Stripes" (1981, Comedy) Biii MUf'ray. Harold Ramis. A New YOO! cabble looking for excitement convinces his best friend to join l'Mm In enllst!ng In the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 20 min.) 10:30e NEWS • I SIGNA l\JRE Guest: Sldney Sheinberg. UP POMPEII MONEYailAKEAS GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1971 British Open" ( 1 hr.) (%} MOV1E "Bllitls" ( 1977, Drama) Patti D' Arban- vllle, Mona Kristensen. A young girt'a aexual awak- ening occurs during her stay with a family friend one summer. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 32 min.) 11:ooe 8 e (I) QI e NEWS I ~~= JOE FRANKLIN •,rA•s•H BENNY HILL · BOTANIC MAN "Amazing Amazon" Or. David Bellamy visits the tribes of the Amazonian rain forest who live In harmony with .their habitat. . e DtCK CAVETT Guests: Pete Maravloh and Julius Erving. (R) • TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "CrlsJs: Blacks Kill- ing Each Other" Tony Brown takes an In-depth look at the social phenomenon of blact< oo black crime. i ) . WIMBLEDON TENNIS HtGHUGHTS -.I MOVIE "Dead And Burled" (1981, Horror) James Farentlno, MelQdy Anderson. -A smaU-town policeman Investigates a series of bizarre murderl. 'R' (1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Atlantlc aty•· (1980, Drama) Burt Lancaster. Suaan SatandOn. The "tranoed hu&- band of an oystef bar weMr .. arrlvte wtth her preg- nent younger sister Ind IOme ltolen h«°"'-wNch he wants en~ hood to ... b him. 'A' ( 1 tw., .. 11:":-Jn lllJYE ·~· (11168, lllomo) Stanley Beker, ... A 8rMh poflc*••t. trtea to mm IW lldl ol OltrM hll II Nnn1nt ~"'"-~ (t"'8.. 1omn.> 1-=-• cm -...cY OAney dllccMr9 thet • l'OQkje oflclr wr-o lcllld • ~ l9d .,.,, the lnaldlne. hr.. 10 fN\.) • TOfDff HIMr. Jotaw ~ °'*t ~ ~·· ..... . -Glllll c.iwan" ( ttl1. w.,M~4-•n4-... _...ld PNtP..... ltndc;lt ltd\ LA.DY'S COP -Michael Conrad, who plays Sgt. Phil JBterbaus on the popular NBC television series. 'llill Street Blues, ' will be back next season with all his 1Mly-Jcil1in6 charm. The series is seen Thursday st 10 pm. on KNBC (Cb. 4). 1-t ••• I o • •. • ... ·. Germ~ ( 1 hr., 45 min.) I ~OP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Je~. (2 hrs .• 30 mJn.) 12:-40 9 (I) MCMILLAN & WIFE A contrOV'8f9ial antl- pollce author Is murdered aboard a train carrying several police officers. Including Mac. to a conven- tion. (R) ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 12:46 (I) MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981, Comedy) em Mur- ray, Harold Ramis. A New York cabble looking for excitement convinces his best friend to join him In enlisting in the U.S. Army. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 20 min.) 1:00 e MOVIE "African Safari" ( 1969, Adventure) Documentary. Central Africa Is the soene of exciting adventure. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Graveyard Of Horror" (1971, Horror) Bill Curran, Yocasta Gray. A man learns the awf\.11 secret of his brother's disappearance~ tif ls led to a hidden cave by a band of gh()Ule. (1 hr .• 30 min.) Qt SPECIAL PEOPLE Gue,st: Pandit Ravi Shanker, Pinchas Zukerman, Eueenla Zukerman and Bobbi Humphrey. (I) MOVIE "The Vtsilor" ( 1978, Horror) Mel Ferrer. John HU11t0n. An ancient from a distant galaxy corNS to Earth to destroy an evil 8-year-old girt who i& destined to be the mothef of a powerful, malevo- lent race. 'R' ( 1 hr., 36 min.) 1:1oe MOVIE ''Return Of The Giant Monsters" (1966, Science-Fiction) Kojlro Hongo. Klchljlro Ueda. A massive earthquake unleashes a mam- moth, destructive creature which Is attacked by Gammera. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ONEWS 1:15(8) MOVIE "Dead And Burled" (1981, Horror) James Farentino, Melody Anderson. A small-town policeman investlgales a series of bizarre murders. 'R' lhr., 30 min.) 1:20 MISSION: IMP06Sl8LE 1:30 eNEWS ~MOVIE "Pardon Mon Affalre" (19n, Comedy) Jean Rochefort, AM'f Ouperery. A happily married man contemplates lnfldellty after Melno a beautiful model In a pandng o-•· 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 48 min.) 2:00. MCME "SICir.Up" (1988, Mystery) Oa'tld Hemmings. Vanessa Redgrave. When a young ~ don photographer has aome of hie picture8 blown up, he discovers what appeen to be a nudef. (2 his.) (%) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Drama) Faye Duna- way, Petef Finch. An aging televtllon newsman, whose ratings are steadily sllpplng, is turned-into a ranting prophet of the altwavea by a crafty female 2:~~= executive. '.A' (2 hrs.) 2:16. MOVIE "Top Secfet Affair" (1957, Comedy) Susan Hayward, Kirt< Douglas. A publisher attempts to stop a major general from obtaining a diplomatic post. (2 hrs .• 15 min.) 2:20 (fl) RAT PATROL 2:30.NEWS Cl) MORNING STRETCH • MOVIE "Night Of The Blood Monster" (1972. Horror) Christopher Lee. Marla Schell. A bettle between King Hervy V and William of Orange results In the execution of many women accused of witch- 01aft. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "8 1/2" (1963, Fantasy) Marcello Mas- troianni, Claudia Cardinale. Directed by Federico Fellini. An ovefWorked film director learns to accept the obstacles In his career as well as In his personal life., hrs., 20 min.) 2:-40 NEWS 2:50 WORLOATLARGE ® MOVtE "Continental OMde" (1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. A Chicago newspaper columnist trav"'s to the Rockies to escape some political heat and Interview a r~ natUl'aflat. 'PG' ( 1 hr., •3 min.) 3:00. MOVIE "Situation Hopeless But Not Serious" ( 1965, Comedy) Alec Guinness, Robert Redford. A German shopclerk holds two AmeOOan fliers ho&- ~after the end of World W81 II. (2 hra.) • MOVIE "Daughter Of The .blgle" (19-48, Adventure) Loh Han. James Celdwell. A(I American helrete and h8f wealthy father are reeoued from the wi~ ~hr .• 30 Min.) i ~ 8IU.IAAD8 Joe ea~ Cowboy ~Moore (1 hr.} 3:26~ MOYIE "I L0119 You. Allee 8. Toldel" (1988, COmedy) Pehlf 811n. lAlgt1 TeYlor·V~. ~ mld-~eged lawy9f, ~ wfth hie~ ... style. ea.t• • ,.. ... wWI • ~ hippie.. 'A' ( 1 tw .• 33m.> '--OO<lt .... ~ (l)~CINf&i • MCME ''Ginwne a8tt._1 ... 11....,. .. f1t10, ....., Raf. Ing 8tonea. ...,. ..... All'llll• -• •Z.-•, Of ._,....,... , ... ~·-·-. ... of"'~-~ .... .. .. --=~ ~~.,ta ltit .. _.....,,~ I ,1 I Inside TV Robert Preston He got all the roles William Holden didn't By NANCY AMDERSON ~ ........... • • • HOLLYWOOD -"l always thouaht they started World War II to get me away from Cecil De Mille," Robert Preston said with a straight face. He was at a Los Angeles hotel the=· after hia latest movie, "Victor/Victoria," had o · the annual Filmex celebration to favorable a enoe reaction and a heavy wind and rain storm. ao heavy · that it bad blown down the post·pre!&el"e supper party tent. De Mille, Prest.on continued, had been his tx. for a king time but not one of hia favorite peraom. .. Mrs. De Mille was a wonderful woman. He was gone' fronl hc:.ne a lot which may explain how she stood being married to him .•• In "Victor/Victoria" as in "SOB" Preston played a frothy role, that of a light·hearted, aging homosexual who was alao a song-and-dance man of IOrt8. But during the yea.rs he waa under contract at Paramount, in the clutches of De Mille, he almost never got to be funny. "I was doing a crazy role in 'Idiot'• Delight' when I was signed by Paramount," be remembered. "But I never got to do anything like that foe the studio which gave thoee roles to Crosby and Hope. "Though Blll Holden and I were under contract to the same studio for a long time, we never got to work together, becaute we were always cast in the same type parts. Either he played the role. or I played it, 80 we couldn't work together." Preston had no objection to De Mille as a director, because, "You hardly knew he wu on a set. Once Barbara Stanwy~ and I were doing a Letters Final episode • • • Only Ted remained at WJM-TVon MTM Show • ASKING ABOUT AXING -fte ffaal epltode of "Barney Muter/' darta1 wlllcll SM l!tll Preeblet wu 1bat down, bat 1parted a c.tn•Hny ba oar office aboat tile fbaal epltode of "fte Mary Tyler Moore Sllow." Some of•• c.~ eve: wu fired ar dle 1tat1oa escept Ted Butel';• ..,.. M, too, wu fired. ne faeta, please. WJM·TV in Minneepolil WM like many real TV atatioos -incompetence ,,.... rewarded. And ao, when the new management took aver ln the final eplaode Ted waa the only one who wasn't pink· afipped. . . HOLM'S RUNS -I uve away1 beea I bll fu of actres1 Celeste Helm. Bat I caa't seem to remember die ume •fa teries Ille 61 la die 'Ht. ...... eH elle ...... , ree.Qecdea ., lt •• all. It's been nearly 28 yeen and the lhow only luted two montha, 10 you're .not to be blamed for fcrptting "Honestly Ce}elte." In the 111-alm, Holm played a Midweatern JournAlilm inltruc1or who decld ea to bit the b[s~time at a New York newspaper. The actrell wied her hand on the home ICl'ftl\ ._.m in the 1970. "Nancy," with no more 1U1DC1!9, rt lasted three months. MORE CBACIO -Cu Jfl9 tell me If "hale LHet Cllaellll" 11 1ola1 ·le lab 1111• plaee of .,. ....... atrtej"T .(IMI ts .. .....,. oa,.,, 1dll ......... ., , AU three ABC aerlet will be a.ck in the tall. Shirley will eYel\ muTy Quudne idW ell ta- ,...., to account f« Ondy Wllliami' ~· VOlaNO Paor.f-he ..... eilt .. ..._.,. wUI "fl!~ .......... ..,... ........ ...., ~.~:i•W!!W''L'el .. ~ftl--mum-~ blilllll' • :il'ey ~~ very long scone (in a De Mille picture) which took . about three days to shoot, and I don't think he , spoke to ua that whole time." I On the other hand, Preston found the man De j Mille inlenlitive in the extreme. "l VMS in New York," he recounted. "and De Mille called to ask whether rd aeen a play, "lite I Philadelphia Story.' "When I said that I hadn't, he said. 'Well. you '1 are golng to see it tonight. I'm aending tickets over, and I want you to watch a yottng actor named Van • Heflin, because rm goina to buy the play, and 'you'll play his role in the.picture.' : "We went to the play which I enjoyed. and ' then De Mille suggested that we go bac~ and meet the cast. ''He introduced me to Katharine Hepburn. Aft.er I'd told her that I'd enjoyed her performance, ! De ?.\Ule eaid, •rm going to buy this play for a : picture.' ''That's tine;" Mia Hepbum said, or something like that. "But you are not going to be in it," De Mille told her, 'because you are poiaon at the box office.' I "Hepburn told me. 'Then he's not going to get 1 this play, becau.e I go with it. That's pert of my . contract.' (: "And, of OOW'le, he didn't get it." After aevef'al yean of playing the roles Bill Holden didn't p]a) and after flying throughout BOBEB'J' PRESTON ... No funny 1bies World War Il, Preston finally returned to the frothy in "The Ml.Ilic Man,"~ be by bis own Working with Blake F.dwarda (writer·producer of admiaaion wa1n't first choic~ ~ the role of the film), I play the intent of the author. Profe.or Harold Hill. "Toddy was an entertainer. I'm not an ''They wanted 90IJleOne from muaical ~y. entertainer, but I can play one. '° I waa way down the list. Actually I think tbey'...d . "I told Blake, 'U an aging, not·very·IUCOt!8lful, almost made a deal with Ray Bolaer when be said, expatriate homosexual in Paris in 1934 has 'Give me 15 minute. in the 8econa act 80 that I can problem., tell me what they are, and I'll play do IOme of my atuff.' them.'" "Some of bia stuff? I don't know what be was When a film he's made is finiahed. Pt-eston sees planning to do. Maybe he waa going to sing 'Once in it for the first time. ' Lov.e with Amy.' "I haven't watched ~" be says using a ''ln any cue, the producers felt a little uneasy aoroewhat old·faahioned term, ''since the first thrill about this, ao they didn't lign him:". of aeelng myaelf on the acreen wore off. _ ~ for Toddy, the aong·and-dance man he "I might see something I like and do it ap.in. brings to life in "VM:'tor/Vlctoria," Preston aaya, ''In the e.arly yean, there waa no danger of "I've never known anyone who was bis prototype: that. I was too busy aeelng things I didn't like." \\Ord Game · FILL llJ ™E Ml~SING L.ElT§?S ltJ IHE ''TV WORDS" BELOW. I 11 ICI I IAINI TV. Teasers Perry Mason's year NBC baa renewed both "l'ame" and "Love" ~~~rs: Sidney." The two of you mapt be p&ewd. but I. Doq MeOtn wl AmllllMJ GMtae James Garner II reportedly ~ a.... bis a. Bnlerlek Crawford abow wm dropped, ..-bettel' OYWa11 mlneL C. a.rt Wanl The re.mf It didn't do well ~ the youneer-I . FreewQ .,e brticketa. ~ known M c:onaplcuoua t . 811 fealM .... frted comumen. TV TeMetw are •vall.-ble In th• boot, 'TV 'LETTER' PBRPl:CT -Wlllat • &emfle Tr/vi• Quiz,'' whlcb lnclud•• more than SOO mevte "'ne Lettet" wu wtlfa Lee 8-a& Wu It uest1on1 and be rdeled toe 13 b'OllJ a."" orl•1·a~I ma•• Hm• JMrt hek wt .. Bene .... ..!q~~~!!!.:IMY~~~°'~~~~~~~----· . ...-101 lAJayene SL,. 9C JA103. DaYisT ...., wu ftr1 fll•••. The Somenet Maqham atory wu fit1t ' Put a /ew tDOrda to 1DOr't for yoM" brouiht to tb9 acr.ri In UNO. wllb ..... Dll¥tt IDd 8-ben ManbA11. W1Di11D WJ1er t11 1111 in tM ,, :l! 0 --4 < r-.8 -~ ~ a: CD ~ <-c ::> CD ..... (I) .... co (I) N ..... ~I I I I I ~ ... .. i ~rts Highlights o0 I i Ji{i>m Page ~ ::J EVa..G , 8:30(1) TENNIS HtGHUGHTS "1981 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) 8:00 SPORTS CENTER . 7:30 ~HORSE RACING WEEXl Y 9:00 GOlF "U.S. Open Anal Round" from Pebble Beact1, California. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) 10:451 SUNOAY SPORTS PAGE 11:30 SPORTS ANAL (I) SPORTS Ca<reR 12:30 (!) NASL SOCCER Vancouver Whltecae.. at Chicago Sting (2 hrs.) 2:30((} WATERSKJING "Senior Men's All-American Championships" from Cypress Gardens, Aorida. (1 hr .• 30 min.) 4:00 (!)SPORTS CENTER Monday JUNE21, 1882 ~ 8;001 SPOAT8WOMAN • 6:30 HORSE RAaNG WEBCL. Y 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 GOLF "U.S. Open Anal Roond" from Pebble Beach. California. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 11:30(1) POCKET BllUAROS Joe Balsis vs. Luther Lassiter (1hr.,30mln.) AFTERNOON 1:00(1) BOXING "Workl Amateur Championship" from Munich. West Germany. (3 hrs.) •:OO~ INSIDE BASEBAU •:30 SPORTS CENTER • 5:00 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBAU Colling.- . wood vs. Atzroy ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 5:30. WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT ~eria vs. AU$trla or France vs. Kuwatt ( 1 hr.) (HJ WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS EVENING I 8:30. 0 BASEBALL Regional coverage of Detroit Tigers at Boston Red Sox, f:>hlladelphla PhlHles at St. Lools Cardinals or Los Angeles Dodgers at Cin- cinnati Reds (2 hrs., 30 min.) ((} PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE "Light Heavy- weight Contenders Boot" from Rockford. Illinois. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:00 ((}SPORTS CENTER 9:00(() POLO "Mlchek>b International Gold Cop: Consolation" (2 hrs.) 11:ooe NUMERO UNO Argentina's famed race car driver, Juan Manuel Fanglo, Is profiled. (I) INSIDE BASEBALL (JI) WIMBLEDON TENNtS HIGHLIGHTS 11:30 Cl) SPORTS CENTER 12:30(() PKA FUU CONTACT KARATE "light Heavyweight Contenders Bout" from Rockford. 1111- nols. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:00(1) POLO "Mlchelob International Gold Cop: Consolation" (2 hrs.) 4:00 (I) SPORTS CENTER Tuesday JUNE22. 1982 AFTERNOON 12:30(1) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL ColNng.- wood vs. Fitzroy ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:30 SPORTSWOMAN 2:0011 INSIDE BASEBALL 3:00 GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Elmlnatton Champlof_'l8hlpe" CMa Rleoef vs. Petet Vla1\8r and MlcNlle Goodwlf'I vs. Beth Pope. ( 1 hr.) •:OO (I) NASl WEB<l Y •:30 Cl) BASEBAU San Diego Padres at Cincinnati Reds (2 hna., 30 min.) (I) 8POR I 8 CENTE1t 4':35 GZ BAal:BAU Los Ange6es Dodgers at Atlanta Bravea (3 his.) 5:00 Cl) OOU: "U.S. ()pet'i Flnel fbm'' from P9bb1e Beech, cellfomla. (2 hra.. 30 min.) 6:30e WOfl.D CUP~ TOUANMitENT Peru vs. POlend ( 1 hr.) <ID~ TENm tlGHllGHT8 ( I A ' 7:30(1) AU-sTAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Workl Champion Boston Celtics vs. Dallas Cowboys of the 1960'6 CD> BASEBALL Texas Rangers at Caifomta Angels (3 hrs.) 8:00(1) SPORTS CENTER 9:00(!) RACING FROM YONKERS Cl) BOXING "World Amateur Championship" from Munich. West Germany. (3 hrs.) 11:00<11> WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHUGHTS 11:06 4l) BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 12:00 Cl) SPORTS CENTER 1:00(!) RODEO "Schrade Pro Team" Kansas Wran- glers vs. Tulsa Twisters ( 1 hr., 30 min.) - 2:30(1) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Colling.- wood vs. Fitzroy ( 1 hr., 30 min.) •:OO (I) SPORTS CENTER \\ednesday JUNE 23, 1982 AFTEJN)()N 12:00(1) POLO "Mlchelob International Gold Cop: Consolation" (2 his.) 2:00(1) F.A. SOCCER "Championship Match" Queens Park Rangers vs.. Tott8Mam Hotspurs (2 •:~An SPORTS FORUM • •:30 (I) BASEBAU San Diego Padres at Cincinnati Reds (2 hrs., 30 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTER •:36@ BASE.BAU Los Angele& Dodger8 at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 5:00(1) ~QUETBAU "lnternatlonal Champion- shlp!S" Marty Hogan vs. Dwayne Kohuch 5:30. WOALD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Cameroon vs. Italy (1 hr.) (I) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City. New Jeraey. (2 hrs., :io min.) · (JI) WIM8LEDON TENNIS t::tlGHUGHTS EVENING 8:00 Cl) SPORTS CENTER 9:00(1) COLLEGE SOFTBAU "NCAA Division I Women's Championships" (2 hrs.) 10:36@ BASEBAU Los Angetes Dodgers at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 11:00 Cl) SPORTS FORUM (JI) WIM8lEDON T9N8 HIQHUOHT8 11:30 Cl> SPORTS CENTEA 12:30 Cl) CO l me lMQ( MO AELO ''NCAA OM- aton It Wom.n'1 Chempio111hlpe" from Celffomla Sta~ Sacr111Mnto, Cellfomla. (2 tn., 30 min.) 3:00w RAOUETBAlL "tntemetlonlil CMmplol ... lh!P.!" =.::iogan va. Dwayne Kotluctl 3:30 Cl) l FORUM 4:00 (I) 8PORT8 CENTEA JUNEI'-t• AfiUWOCN (• '1 .• ) • A.L.....tJ r-·~· •a..t." '. &. r , • ' 7:00 ·~ • ) ;;;.;;u: t If ' I ; I I I' tr•••• .. • t • •,. f Wimbledon '82 At court side for HBO Sporta during th e Wimbledon tenni6 tournament will be (top from left) Arthur Ashe, ,.Barry Tompkins .._,_..., and John Barre tt. A ction starts June 21 and will spotlight stars (from le ft) Jimmy Connors, Chris Evert-Lloyd, Tracy Austin and John McEnroe. 2:30(1) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Workl Heavyweight Champlonsh1p" (1 hr .• 30 min.) •:oo ((} RAOUETBAU "International Champion- ships" Wendell Tataber vs. Donihomas •:30(!) BASEBALL Montreat Expos at New Yori< Mets (2 hrs., 40 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTER 5:00 Cl) SPORTS FORUM 5:30. WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Czechoslovakia vs. France ( 1 hr.) (I) AUTO RACING "USAC Sprints" from Odessa, Missouri. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) (JI) WIMBLEDON TEHNIS HIGHLIGHTS EVENING 7:10(!) KINEA'S KORNER . 7:30 e BASEBALL Kansas City Royals at CaUfornla Anf (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 8:30 RACING FROM YONKERS 9:00 NUMERO UNO Olympic goJd medalist runnec- Peter Snell of New Zealand Is profiled. Cl) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Collingwood vs. Fitzroy ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30(1) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1971 British Open" (1 hr.) 11:00 ~WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHUGH"R3 11:30 SPORTS CENTER 12:30 TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City. New ~. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 3:00 (EJ POCKET BIWAROS Joe Balsis vs. Cowboy Jim~ Moore ( 1 hr.) •:OO W SPORT'$ CENTER -llTEIEITD II I l•E •INld lallEll1 A LR TIMe OPPORTUNITY TO al YOUR OWN 8088 BECC>Me PART OF A GROUND FLOOR MUL TM.Eftl. MARKETING PLAN N 8T ITNmNG IN U.S.A. Do YoU wtltl YoU hed a CS1al1rlhlp In the~ 50'a end 80'a for a bnlnd neme lV or RMto17 Wtwt they ...,. th«"I to fN9tY houMtlokt ... a ~IC>UW II golir'9 to be In the ., ... _ Now YoU ha¥9 • ground floor opportunity to be a dletrtbutor, rnnettng. natlonel lnnd ~. HIGHllGHT8 OF f:ME Pl.AN: ••NO COMPUTEA OR SAL.ES EXPEAIENC£ HEl.DED (TIWNING PAOVtOEO). • •WOfl< OUT °' YOUR IE8tOENCE ANO KEEP YOUR CUftMNT JOI OA PAOfUSIC)N, ••MULTILEVEL COMM•ION Pl.AN. ••HO PIWta-l'9 Oft INWNTORY 008T. • 0 TAX NNAHT,.,.. ;a ·r.·~ ··-··~·-·~~~~w······~.~-~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•tl£1&~1~C•£~2~~.~I •. •,• •,• •.•:::.· t ••• 4 4 '~ o \ 4 • o'' \ \. I ., TV.Puzzle ACROSS 1,6 Shown. plays Mlldrec on Too Close tor Comfort 13 Mont, e.g. 14 Plays Hugg~ 15 Couch 16 Dick -Dyke 17 Played Connie Brootts 18 -Act of Murde1 • 19 -acio 21 Miss Sommer's 11gn-otf 22 The -Couple 25 Ethnic ending 26 Sterling or Arvar. 28 Plays Or. Rose 30 Linden and HolbroOk 31 Pastureland 32 Aumonl's frlenc 33 Actor Richard - 34 Gregorv of film fame 3E Knock oo -Door 37 Role for Rene Enriquez 40 Red or Blacl< 4 1 Plays Alice. lni:. 42 Actor Conrad - " Miss Ryan·s handbag 10 46 Played Phll Fish 48 -to Biiiy Joe 49 An Astaire 52 Bannon on Lou Grant 54 PGA tournament 55 See 26 Down 56 An Osmond DOWN 2 A Donahue 3 Actress Ullmann 4 -culpa 5 Miss Alberghetu 6 Starred in Jezebel 7 Mindless 8 --time (never) 9 Jan. 0< Feb 10 -More Spring 11 Actor David and family 12 Accomphshes 20 -and My Gar 23 Actor Ala.In 24 Phipps Of' House Calls 26. 55 A Starred as Des try 27 Mel's waJtcess 29 Jack Lemmon, 10 Chns 30 General Arnold, to friends , 33 Actress Nita 35 Star on Lewis & Clarll 37 Burghoff role 38 James Bond, e.g. 39 We Hardly Knew - Johnny 4 l Gary Coleman. et al 42 Science show 43 Starred as Shane 45 Depend 47 Compaa,a point 50 Scoot>y- 51 Sea bird 53 Starred 88 Kane: Intl. EMER&EllCY .DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient elt.rnetlve to hoapltel emet'flency room• for. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed e Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 1 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR I A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752-8300 •••RG•NCY DOCTORS OPPIC• 4030 Birch St, Suite 107 Newport Beach 4o5 FWY. I o.c. Alrpoft RETURN WITH OS TO •.. b 13_1 __ !,y:>'M•n (, ·1~ .. , f ; Ji _ .. ,·~::.r{ ~ ..... LARAINE DAY S HE WAf3 eoRN He> AT ..AaE 14 APPEARED IN HER FIRST MOVIE. A S LARAINE DAY SHE "OECAME A WELL-KNOWN LEADING L ADY OF THE SCREEN IN T HE 1~405. IN 1940, h'QVIE EXHIBITORS ~) ........ VOTED LARAINE DAY "THE -~ MOST l='RCW\ISING NEW STA R.11 ~- M ANY MOVIE-GOERS RECALL HER ROLE ,AS A NURSE IN THE DR. KILDA RE SERIES WITH LEW AYRES . S HE ALSO APPEARED IN SUC H MAJOR FILMS A S TYCOON ANO TH£ HISN A AO THE /H~TY. 6UT SHE JS &.JR EL Y BEST K NOWN FOR HER WELL-P l.Jet..IC IZEO MARRIASe TO £'ASEaALL M ANAeER LEO DUROCHER. I SHE WAS wo6e ~OY FUTURE PRESIDENT _ RONALD RE.AGAN IN THE 19~1 FILM Th'E~D MAN WITH WALLACE B EERY. l'EO 'MNSTOM • scon Pf.NNfR SUMMER JUNIOR .· • i I TENNIS A~~ ~CLINICS Ofe?H"ta '6~ For the sixth conaecutlve year the Nei:-1 Beach Tennis clUb Is offering the ed Winston-Scott Pennet summer junior tennlt cflnlca. Open to the public, the progtem Is dellgned to Improve the *"* Q9IM of junkwa from -ves 7-17. Clinic lessons ere offered et the beginners, lntermedllite and ldvanoed level. Courses wlll be llmlted to 8 students and will be grouped by age and •blllty. Session I Session 2 Smion 3 SESSIOft DATES AK 21-U.Y 9 U.Y 12·U.Y 30 AUG. 2·AUG. 20 CUSS TKS 8 a.111 -10 1.m. 10 a m.·12 8 1.111.·IO 1.11. 10 a.• ·12 12 tWIS $70 TQ1WR---rr ft.AYO Ea DAlD Smioll 1 AK 21-U.Y 8 Sesioll 2 n v IZ·U.Y 2t TMfltEn ft.AYO U. lm MoNay ttlfOlllll ThmdtJ 2 p.m. -4 P.-"'· 24 HOURS $80 P0tt 1..-nAnoN OI ..alMATION CALL 644-0056. :/f~~~~· .., -~ g: .. ~] u: -' r 8 .;l r ..... .,, :l. 0. • ~ '-c ::J It -!» -ID CD I\) ,.. ... .,... 1 ,.,. • ., ~ ~,, 0 ~ Q) O> -.. t Daytime ~ ~ ..., >; II 'Texas .. ' 'O ..: • lL ....... .3 Justin forces way ~ . R ' b. ~ ~nto ena s ca in ii: By LYNDA HIRSCH TEXAS: An angered Justin forces his way into Rena's cabin and she finally pays off on the bet by sleeping with him. A furious Aahley demands to know where Justin spent the night. At Ruby's request, Judith holds a large dinner party for Lurleen'• visiting Aunt Mavis. Judith Mka Grant to forgive her .and Brett tella him she'll try and get along with Judith. T .J. asks Kate lf he can marry at ~ ranch. Rena goes to Judith and ()l"epat'M to oonfnlnt her. AU. MY CHILD~: Nina obviously dislikes Steve Jacoby, Palmer's new ..i.tant who bu moved into CorUand Manor. Bendey calll Palmer and demands $100,000 or he'll tell Donna about PabMr's abortion plot. When Brandon decides to say goodbye to Sarah, an enraged Erica decides not to bid him adieu at the airport, but goes to Kent instead. Lars shows interest in Erica. In New York Jenny almost mugged, but a policeman comes to her n!9C\Je and she finds a shoddy apartment to live in. Calling Opal from prison, Ray accuses her of telling Jenny about his raping Ruth Martin. Ellen puts thinp together about Pam's and Mark's reladonshJp. Nina and Cliff reconcile. Much to Erica'• distaste, her half-eister Silver tries to repay her kindne9RS by cleaning Erica's aparunent. Phoebe angry over Chuck dating Carrie. Langley dreams of killing Phoebe. ANOTHER WORLD: The entire town of Bay City shocked when news of Jim Matthews' sudden death in Helsinki reaches his friends and reladve9. Bob shocked by Quinn's confession of her involvement in Denny's scam. When Matt threalens to fire Sandy if the story about Stein is published, Sandy considers quitting. Cedle wants to get ahold of Blaine's ex-boyfriend &u:z. A wan-ant is put out for Denny's arrest. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Ernie decodes the microfilm in the hatband and realh:es Miranda holds key to aecret. Mr. Big al80 aware and decides be must flnd prt.on where man la inau'Clerated. Bein& held captive with Barbara, Gunnar di.coven an old battery in the barn and decides that the battery add wtll eat through his ropes. Gunnar la able to eacape, but Is recaptured and wounded, and the two are EaJed in a room. Stan attracted to Kim. Wonmg Cor Bob, Ellen keeps running into David and Cynthia. Outwardly. Karen lJeef1\I to accept Jeff and Annie'• engagement, but emotionally 1be is shattered. CAPITOL: At we~ home party for his athlete brother Mau, Wally dia:overa Tyler baa M>ug.hVJulie. They confess their love for one another and Wally la stUMed and obviously bates them. JOO.On tries to accept Julie and Tyler's enpgement. Myrna tells Jordle Beth II the girl he must marry. Lawrence decides Shelley bu to be out of his life. Myrna and C1aNsa meet, and it'• obviow that Myrna has always been jealous of Cl&r1..a. and especially of her marriage to Baxter. · TBE DOCTORS: Carolee's hy'ing of a nune without Matt'• permission causes Matt to blow up, and he later JOINING 'TEXAS' -Dody Goodman. who portrayed Martha Shumway in the zany late-night television series, "Mary Hartman. Mary Hartman," will play her lint sustained role in a legitimate daytime drama when she joins "Texas," seen weekdays at 10 a.m. on KNBC (Cb: 4). . . suffen crushing chest peinl. Nola receiving bizarre phone calk. After a recent cemetery robbery, Mona worries about the Aldrich family crypt. Luke unhappy when Natal» decides to hold summer festival at Medicine Man without asking his opinion.' DAYS OP OUR LIVES: After-admitting problems in tu. s-t. including time spent tn pri9on, Doui is made member of hospital board. Marlena admits to Roman she loves him. Stephano leUDI wbet'e Lee la, and alao reads Lee's letter that 1tata be la Renee's father. Stephano furious when Tony says he .,-. to depart Salem if Renee la bis half.cat.er. JOlb 8i"9 Jemie an enpgement ring. Val decides to take oui-of-town Mlignment. Men.a makm plam foe boyfriend Oliver to move to Salem, but keeps hla f)l'l!lletft a eecreL Chris plans to 1i.y in Salem but la not certain of a career. · EDGE OF NIOHT: Jim freea Raven from jail cell. Unaware that the jail ls to be demolllhed, he Jocks Smlley into the cell. After the building i. demoliahed, SnJley's body c.n.not be found. RaYen ...._ .. to Geraldine she w• married to kffel'90n Brown, not Sky Whitney. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke pves David the sword when he threatens to kill and torture Luke and all his friends. ~e lat.er leema thal ~ ls only posing ••• .,_......__. ---·-· ·-·· •tfl. •... #'".., ... ,, • •••• ....... •• • ................... ....___ .. as the Magus. Luke decides to trail David. The tW090l'lle meet again. When Luke tries to repin I.he sword, the two acu!fle on a mountaintop and David falls-over precipke to his death. Lyingly, Scotty lells Joe he came on to Heather. With Lee taking Alan's side in court, and Scotty defending Monica, father and aon prepare to do battle in court. With Cynthia too ill to be tried for trying to kill Dr. Katz, and Dr. Kau saying he would not sign a warrant anyway, Kau takes a long leave of ablenoe and aska Gail to take Heather as a patient. Katz warns Joe that Heather wm never be a stable person . GUIDING LIGHT: When Josh Lewis' name keeps cropping up during i.pestigatJon of Alan's kidnapping, Ivy wonders 1f he's the culprit or being 1et up. Visiting Morgan in New York, Kelly asks where her locket la, but she does not mention the mugging. Hillary and Derek tearfully call their relationship off. Rem goes off deep end when both Justin and Sara try to convince him that Carrie is lying about Justin coming on to her. Sara suggests Carrie's emotional problems may be different than first diagnosed. Justin reaUzes Carrie Is threatening Jackie with telling Phillip his true parent.qe. Josh and Carrie bed down. F1oyd determined to sue foe custody of Kelly Louise, and moves out of Reardons. • ONE LIFE TO LIVE: When Karl realizes Soleramlte car not per{ect.ed, he does not kill Georgine. Asa offen Georgine deed to Moore.lift as wedding present. Bo angry at her acceptance and even angrier when she only . pretends to return the deed to Asa. Brad convinces Kat to wait until her release from hospital to tell Jenny about Mary. Herb turns dpwn Dorian's offer of a million dollars in exchange foe Kassie's custody, and vows ID fight her With Mimi and Johnny's act a hit, Marco thinks a movie Is the next move, and asks Edwina to write the screenplay. Clint breaks with Edwina through Vicky, but Vicky refuses to aJeep with Clint. Chuck returns to work for Asa. RYAN'S HOPE: Roger's plans to hire a prostitute Carol to bust up Ox and Jane's friendship backfires when Ox befriends Carol and even offers to help her son Andy with school tuition. Dee gets passport and money (or Orson. and he tells her that Joe caused the fire at the . Crystal Palace which caused her to initially lose the restaurant. Joe tells Dee that it's true, but that she now has en tire ownershjp of the Crystal Palace, and pleads with her to understand that he has changed. But both Dee and Siobahn are shocked. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Finally coming . to grips with his blindness, Brian refuses to take any sympathy from friends. and with Kristen's help he moves out of Stephanie'• into a shabby apartment. Though Suzy asks to move in With Brian, he fears she'll destroy her life caring for a blind man, and tells her their relationship must be over. A stunned Suzy leaves in tears. Janet tells Stu she plans to leave town to think over Ted's engagement proposal. Roger trying desperately to find Cissy and Roger Lee. While Travis and Aja are lunching, Liza is abdlJC1ed from a dress shop. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Nickl astonished when Kay says Laurie Brooks will probably be the new woman in Victor's life. Kevin beginning to real.17.e Nlc:ki has been playing him for a fool. Paul uses all his savinp to buy Patti $600 wedding dress. Jack's sister AabJey arrives in town, takes a liking to Patty but cannot understand Jack's sudden change from playboy to husband-to-be. 11le trap Is 1et for Carl Pam, wortnna with Walker, drugs Carl and plaN to make It look• lf Carl beat her up. Have a question about your favorite ~ or ll<»P sur? Wrile to Lynda Hirsch, c/o Field Newspaper Syndicate, P.O. Bo1C 19620, Irvine, Calli. 92714. She wUl aruwer as many questions as she C4ll1 in her column, but the volume of mrul makes personal replies impossjbk. .......... ', ... , .. ''",-,~-" ............ . ., 'Guiliing .l::igllt~ :Axing of Jane Elliott ...- may ·be unpopular decision By LYNDA HIRSCH . Procter & Gamble, the powers that be at' "Guiding Light," have made one of the most idiotic dedsiom in decades -to axe Jane Elliott. who plays Carrie. The tenSitive actn!9s won an Emmy last year u the duplicitous Tracy on "General HOSJ?ital," departed that show and turned up on "Gwding Light," first as the overly-aood Carrie and then as ihe deranged c.ame. Writer Dou8 Marland bad big eJ.ana for J.he character, but was told two weeka ago to forget thOlle plans because Mia Elliott was one of the performers who wu to be let go in a budget- d~ing purge. Marland say.B, "I was stunned. Jane Elliott is a wonderful actress and any writer who cannot write a story for her cannot be justified in cal.Ung himaeU a writer." According to Jane, .. I wun't offidally told that July 16th was to be my last day, but waa accidentally given the infonnation-by.an lndlvidoal who thought I did know. Allen Potter, our executive producer, did not speak tow about the firing. . "What rankles me ia the word ia being spread that I asked fOf' too steep a pay hike. 'That isn~t true. I had not even negotiated with P & G. I had not even been asked what I wanted, and I intended not to 8* to. a raite. It's~ that I wanted $2,000 an epilode. 'nlat'a ! In this time of ecminmk ~ I wa9 Pd to be working and decided that to ask foe more would be totally wrong'' . JaM'a other fear ii that viewen will blame the abow'a bead writer, Douc Marlmd. "Doug bad marveloua plana for mv chander and wanted me to a(ay." r -,, Why the axing? nuott belleve9 P & G hM found it too expensive to be a -hot 808p, which "Guiding Ught" is. It takes money tot a abow to be No. 1, or even 2 OI' 3. Alk ABC, which continually pwnpa money into "General Hospital.'' "All My YA WANNA CHEAT? MIGHT Al WILL DO n UP UAL GOOD, HUH?. You'H have to ecrape t~ butterfat off the roof of your mouth, -that Wiii make ua fmmoua - 1. CAROUSEL: -The origlMt "~Mmefy" Ice er.... NA neturW fNtta, ,.., ore.n a low elr com.rtl Fett F9tl F8'1 Pt&'9 ..... melt9d mllt. 2. 0ur o.dla .. ,..... ..._,... ......, a.,_ cllDOl' IJI ~ fMIMltJ -....... tool 3. P9tb FOln lrdYtdully decou1ted. 8trudell Chet wtl blow ..., In a fight .,,_, The ct 111 acab? .,... fbelltlll 4. The GOOfclea, biOM .. I. fudge? You~ WOl'l't ""*-It.,. .... but If )'OU do, )'OU'J be~ MOUgh to ~ out ... front door. MAN WITH THE MONEY -James Douglaa plays inDuenfilal banker·Philip Manning, who lOl'Cl!a bis money and power upon Madiaon's dtbenry Jn NBC,s daytime series, 'The Doctors,' seen weekdays at 11 a.m.-on KNBC (Cb. 4). Qlildren° and "One Life lo Uw." Procter & . Gamble allo produces "Anodm' Wortiir' (p)MI for a ffeWn1ci locatl<JD lhoot .... been ~ -.n> and "Edae of Njpt." "Aa the Wadd Tuml." "'Search tot 1'~' and ~ round oUl the P & G .,.... But Procter • QemNe adwt... Oft all shows and perhafJI' doem't car.~~ one of lta own prosrum In No. 1, althouab '4Gulc:Una Light" cer1alnly M. a abot· at tt. Al6de fn!lllli--. EWGtt. tm mow plMIS oca. SI character cuu. 'TtiOu«h namu haven't been "U menUoned, we uDdentand they ue not focal g: chartic1.en. aat Jloul Marland hlil aald, "I like to ~ have aome ncm-emea~ ~tinuina ~on a < I08p, beca.-it adda ?eamy to a Show. Just aa not r everyor:w: in life goes t.broUgh hlgb-PQWered times 8 continually, it should .be that way on a I08p." ...... Perhapa P & G has decided to sacrifice ~ characters tor the. aake of location shooting. Well, a. we suspect that viewers teldom tune in a 90Cap eo it ~ can serve aa a trawlogue. Charactel' and story are <- what build interest. Certainly, 1eWna out of the § studio ia wonderful (Of' cut u¥i 'viewer alike, but CD not ,when aotna out of the studio meana a; alawrhtering chancten that can have value down :_. the fine. A location shoot may lut three months, but fD a strong, vibrant central character can carry a show ~ for years. • As for t:IUblime Jane Elliott, ahe claims another aoap out for awhile. "I think it's unfair to fana to hop one I08p to anot.her without a breathing apace. 'niat'a why I waited a year after my exit on ''General Hoep(tal.'' I loved Carrie and what w• Pas to came up ~ her, but for now I plan to JDOYe hick to LA where I have.my friends, my mother (hUlllbmd Luis is In New York and will move back to Hollywood with Jane) and my car'' Of coune, P & G might change ita policy if 90l1le ptt9SW'e were brought to bear. '!be oompany re.ads f!Ver'J piece of mail aent ooncem1ng the show. U you want Jane Elliott to stay -and we '*1ieYe abe ia the NMOll many GH people turned to. "Guiding Licht" originally -drop a line to Guiding Licht. CBS, 51 W. 57th St., New Yol'k, N.Y. 10018. /ta a ,,,,,...,u.an aoce said. lt might not help, but it ooukln't burt. Q: Plnt-hit9aleaYel "Aa ... WorW Tani" ... _. .hUe RWae,t ftat'a plq •T - ..... J ..... .... A: .You Dlilda't te.r; both ladt. wQl return. Eiieen took ........ from ber lana-nmnlnc u.. roJe to take a mer 1n eouywooct. Aa lor June, ahe • In Atlanta for mmar IUJllel"Y and will be beck ahortly. In the meantime, Randall F.dwards, lMt seen aa Dee on ''Ryan's Hope,'' la subbing aa Annie Stewart on "Aa the WOl'ld Tuma." r I I I, L· I • 11 I '> I I t I I I .. ,. ~ «< -fr$ ':$" t t 'C "-...... g> ...J ~ -12 ir ·~.,- EICITlllG llEW AUDIO-VIDEO SPECllts AT ITLAllTIC!!! DENON'S MICROPROCESSOR TURNTABLE TECHNOLOGY NOW ON SALE FOR UNDER f2001 l:he DP-11 F tnt~oduces Denon design technology to a new price category. It features magnetic speed detection, a Flat-Twin Direct Drlv·e motor and the same Mlcro'processor.:controlled Dynamic Servo Tracer tonearm system found at the very top of our line. The Dynamic Servo Tracer sy~tem Is one of the most effective playback systems ever developed for warped and hard-to-track records. Damping, anti-skating and tonearm llft/locate are all applied through microprocessor-controlled non-contact electronics. This fully automatic direct drive turntable Is truly amazing! ********************************************* . -· QUA.LITY SOUND FOR YOUR CAR FROM SONY! Extremely accurate and easy balancing of Input and output signals Is now made poealble through Soundcraftsmen's exclusive LED/True Unity Gain adjustment controls combined with our new .1dB Dlfferentlal/Comparato,.. Clrcultcy. Thia precision NOW ON SALE AT ATLANTICll Sony technology Is evident In the XR-651 In mat ng capabH~ provides optimum dynamic range, minimum nolM, and. eflmlnates any possibility of related component overloading condlttons. regardless of EQ curve employed. Operating ~tures Include front panel "EQ to Tape" facHlty, T8P$ Monitor, EQ defeat and Power on-off buttons. Genuine Oiied walnut aide panels are attached to the low-profile 19" rack-mount front panel. MAXELL ll>XL llC90 nM lntlUttry ltondord lnoHl9ft-81•90 Mlnvte C-..tte MAXELL ll>XL35-90 B ....... , .. Mfe. L11t $319 ,,1c. $7.19 .... · T.-for The ... , ........ Areund ·~~"'$499 ..... .... • . .. .. lllTlllTll IUCI I f 1111111 llUll I 11111/\" lllNI 111 1·111. llHl\N<.t <.(HJN! Y 1 1\111 OHNIA 2'> CE:NTS Pioneer spacecraft hunts 10th planet? MOUNTAIN VIEW (AP) - Two fa r-r anslng Pioneer 1pacecrah are 1canning the fri.npt of the 90lar system for an UJ\lleJ\ object, which aclentiats 1uapecl might be larger than F.arth and perhape as masalve as the aun. Peculiarities In the orbits ot Uranus and Neptune, the 1eventh and eighth planets from the sun, make it "very likelr, there's something out there, ' aaid John Anden10n of the Jet l>ropulsion Laboratory ln Pasadena. But lt'1 "lmpclllible to predict ... what we might find," he toJd a news conference Thunday at the National Aeronautlas and Space Administratlon'a Ames Research Center h e re. "I've looked at many poulbilities and I don't like any of them very much." Anderson, who h eads t he search, said the posslbillties include a 10th planet, a cold, dark star, or even a black hole. But he cited complications that would make any of those theories hard to explain. T he search is being made by Pioneers 10 and 11, which left home a decade ago and made the flnt exploratfona of Jupiter and Saturn. Pioneer 10, now 2 ~ billion miles away, has gone farther into space than any other P~ and will be beyond all the known planets ln July 1983. The spacecraft , both pronounced in good shape, are on oppol.lte atdet of the sun and movtna into space at more than 30,000 mph. Anderson said some distant object seems to be exerting a gravitational pull on Uranus and Neptune because the orbits o! the big planets vary sllghUy from what utronomen had expected. Such orbital perturba lions were used in 1846 to predict the preeence of Nept\.lne, which was dllcovered almoet exactly where it wu calculated to be. Pluto, the most dlatant of the nine known planets, was spotted in 1930 after being almilarly predicted. Astronomers once thought Pluto was affecting Neptune and Uranus. but observations the paat. few years show the planet is too small to have any measurable effect. Ames ICientiats are leA.l"Chlna for the unknown gravitational source by looking for changee lt should cause in the Pioneer•' paths. Andereon aaJd the ieam will start analynng a year of data in October and "we should be able to detect a force that we think is there." He said several years of observations would be needed to pinpoint the location and nature of the object. Th;ree Valley trustees 'targeted for recall' Parents oppose schoQls Three Fountain Valley School Dis trict t rustees have been targeted for recall by a parents group that opposes the district's plans to create up to three middle schools (grades six through eight). D e von Dahl, chairman of Citizens Advocating Responsible F.ducation (CARE), said letters of intent to recall w e re sent Thunday by certified mail to trustees Cheryl Norton, Roger Belgen and Suzanne Moore. • ~ letters are the first step in the r ecall process which, if continued by the CARE group, will require the colle<:tion of about 6,000 signatures in order to force a recall,election. "U we didn't think we could win, we wouldn't be doing lt," Dahl declared. The recall anno unceme nt prepared by CARE accused the three trustees of: . Deilr Net f'hoto 1111 C._... IUrr RETURNED -An unidentified Huntington Beach police officer escorts murder suspect Rene Dayco to the Huntington Beach city jail after Dayco was returned from Mexico. HB 1nurder suspect • • • MASS OF GRADS -About 700 students grad1:1ated from Edison High School in Huntington Beach Thursday. The size of Edison's senior class was topped by nearby Fountain Valley High School, where about 880 OelfPlotlWW ....... senior s graduated Thursday night. The evening's other area high school graduations included Marina High School in Huntington Beach (about 670 students) and Westminster High School (509 students). -implementing a grade level reorganization project with in s ufficient planni ng and without adequately determining community acceptance; -mismanaging district finances: -violating the spirit and intent of various gove rnment codes in a pproving the middle school program; awaits arra1gn1ng By PHIL SNEIDERMAN ()(the Dally Piiot Staff R e ne Flores Dayco, 41 , remained in Huntington Beach City Jail today. awaiting an a rraignment, ten ta ti vely scheduled Monday, on charges that he hacked to death his wife and mother-in -law in the family's Huntington Beach home. Dayco's three young children, found alive and safe with their father in Rosarito Beach, Mex .. early Thursday, were in Orange County's Albert Sitton Home for children today. Sex off enders to state facility (See RECALL, Page A%) Authorities said a relative wowd break the news to the children today concerning thctir mother's and grandmother's deaths. Judge order Huntington Harbour couple to Patton His name is as familiar as the label on their favorite beverage to literally tens of thousands of wine fans - eapedally those who like to read about the fermented grape. Mead on By DAVID KUTZMANN of'"h ,,.., Plot ...,. A well-to-do Huntington Harbour couple, pleading no contest in a child molestation case. sought treatment in a private hospital as me ntally · disordered sex offenders, but the pair are heade<1 for Patton State Hospital instead. Defendants John and Christi Steen learned their destinations Thunday after Orange County Superior Ceiurt Judge Myron S. B~ read -and concurred with -the recommendations of the county's Me ntal Health Department. NATION Prosecutors said the pair belonged in a high-security state institution rather than a private hospital. In three related developments, Judge Brown also: -Issued a no-bail warrant for the arrest of co-defendant Teena Shoobs of Calta Mesa. who failed to s how up Thursday for 8entenci.ng proceedingia in Santa Ana. -Sent another co-defendant, Patricia Lombardo of Los Alamitos, tcf the Frontera women's facility for 90 days of diagnostic study before final Pot peril lor papas A study shows that heavy use of marijuana can adveraely affect men's reproductive systems. Page 85. TELEVISION 'Dukes,' 'Dallas' distorted? Are "The Dukm of Ballard" and "Dallal'' •h<>w1 that 1lve children • dl.eorted view of life and 1pawn deltn.lctlw bebllvtar1 Pa.-87. t judgment is pronounced Sept. 2. -Delayed for a month sente ncing proceedings for a third co-defendant, Mary Plunkett of Anaheim. Proceedings for yet another co-defendant, Irma Cruz, are still pending. The six people all had been arrested a year ago for allegedly having aex with two J[irla, 9 and 13. ln the Steens' fluntington Harbour home. Police seized several v.ideotapes of the sexual activities when the y served a aearch warrant at the Trinidad Island residence. COUNTY Wine He is Jerry D. Mead, author of the column Mead on Wine that for a doz.en years has been one of the most widely read and cin:ulated feature of Its kind on the West Coast. and starting today, he is a regular contributor to the Daily Pilot. Ria weekend columns will appear each Friday in the Weekender and he also will report wine news in a midweek colwnn to appear Wednesdays in the Daily Pilot Food Section. The debut column today is the flnt of a series of three in which Mead reports on the highly regarded Orange County Fair conunerdal wine competition. It's on Page 13 of the Weekender, inside this edition of the Daily Pilot. INDEX Mural still controversial Jhe..mural depicting Ku Klux Klan figure9 has finilly been hung at Irvine High School, but the controversy and apprehension have not died down. Page Bl. Jazz lest at Irvine &wl The Pre.ervadon Hall Jazz Band will eerve up jazz New Orleans style at J.Aauna'• Irvine Bowl. Weekender. · BlJSINESS At Your Service Bul1nesa C-avalcade ClaMlfied Comics Croaword Death Notices ~ Home/Garden A4 C6-1 B2 Dl-8 B4 B4 02 A6 B6 SPORTS Dayco is suspected of using a sharp instrument to slay his wife Shirley, 27. and his mother-in- law, Phyllis Harbulak, 65, in a bedroom of the family's home at 14952 Sunnycrest Lane. Police said Mexican police confiscated a number of bloody knives, including a meat cleaver, from the trunk of Dayco's gold 1980 Pontiac Firebird. Officers said they had located Dayco, an auto mechanic for Southern California Edison, through information provided by (See HUNTINGTON, Page A%) Horoecope Intennillk>n Ann Landen Mutual Funds Public Not.ioea Sporta Stock Markets Weather World New. B2 W~ender B2 C6 B6.7:02 Cl-:S C7 A2 A3 Srnit11 mfti91on pr ltJp Broken and buken .,. no man help &hift a randomly aun.d dart far .-.u ~ .,. ..... who founded an or~Ucia to llw llrtoUI •vw. IM lnformatioft \hey Med. Pjjt A'f. A IJole lol of trouble • ,,.. \Ill_ Nm. hlcl '10Ubll In .. ~ round of lhe U.S. -()pin IOlf ~ PMt Cl. • ' e man'• f&mUy U1d friends. mutilated bodi• of hll wife and Oayro'a ex.wlfe, who rt'l!dm mother·ln·law. n W•t Covlna, to&d Police Dayco Mrt. D~'• 1iater had called h rand~ that ahe cont.acted aft.er ahe wu lJ\I ht. puaport to• San Dleao unable to reech Mni. Dayco by ocatlon. Huntlnaton Beach telephone. Aao, Mn. Dayco, a ttloert trav led to that lcqtlon llceNied vocaUonal nl.U'le at St. but touhd Day<.'<> hid left. Joeeph Hetpttal in Oranao, had Police Lt. Merle SchnebUn ta.Sled to appear at work. said a 1econd tlp came from M Orange County Coroner'• another woman, who pollce dld 1pokeaman aaid Thurtday an "not ldenlif'.Y. The woman told autopsy revealed that the two :officers 1he had received a women bled to death u a retult telephone call from Dayco. with of tevere lacerations. the operator Identifying the After the bodlea were origin of the catl u Rosarho discovered, police launched a Beach. ' hunt for Mrs. Oayro'a eetranged Acting on a description husband and for the couple's provided by Huntin,ton Beach three children, Alea, 6: Rene Jr., pollce, Mexican authorities 5; and ,Naomi, 1. spotted Oayco'a Fireblrd at a Court records indicated Mrs. local motel and took biln and the D a y c o h a d f i l e d ( o r a n children into cu atody early annulment of her marriage on Thursday, police said. the grounds that Dayco had been Huntington Beach officers married previously in his .. transported Dayco and the homeland, the Philippines. J children to Huntington Beach Authorities said their children 'Thursday afternoon. were ln good health when they Police had been 1earching for were returned to Orange County Dayco since the grisly diacovery Thursday but. were ap~ently Wednesday morning of the unaware of their mothers "ath. RECALL THREATENED ... -and "promulgating policies schools earlier this year. (The that created unequal educational district curre ntly employs a opportunities within the district. system in which kindergarten The targeted trustees said through eighth grade are offered ,.Thursday they w ere not at the same schools.) ~urprised by the CARE group's CARE members held several 'actions. meetings with .the trustees but " They expressed aome doubts claimed they emerged trustr'ated. ·about whether the group would "I Celt they were not looking ·~ able to collect the required Cor communication or dialogue," SJgnatures from registered voters Belgen said. "They were trying --within the school <1.istri~t. which to get us to reverse our vote." ,includes most of Fountain Valley Mrs. Norton, who is board and ~ small section of south president, said she has not been /funungton Beach. lnfluenced by the recall threat. Trustee Belgen, wbo has been "1 can't make decisions based 'on the board for more than nine on that," she said. years, said he has been the target CARE h . ' Dahl .d his 10£ recall campaigns several times, . c ~ w 'though none has resulted in an group is mounting the recall election. drive because the pare.nts have The most recent district recall been unable to convince the drive occurred in early 1980, trustees to :'slow down" on the when some angry parents tried to plans for nuddle schools. 'recall Belgen and two other "At this point, w e have 1trustees because of their exhausted every avenue in :handling of a teachers strike. trying to educate the board · The organizers of that drive (members) and allow them to were unable to c~llect the change their minds," he said. 'required number of signatures. "But these three just continue to Mrs. Norton, ly1rs. Moore and say they've done nothing wrong 'Belgen were targe~ed in the and aay they will proceed with current drive because they voted plans to open three middle ~n favor of creatin g miodle achoolS." • J'all ships join Philadelphia party ~ PlllLADELPHIA (AP) -It 'looked like old times on the Delaware River as SO tall ships escorted by thousands of small ones sailed into Penn's Landing for Philadelphia's 300th birthday party while more than a million people watched. "We haven't had so many sailing vessels on the Delaware for over 100 years," said Capt. Martin Moynihan of the Coast Guard's Eagle after Thursday's spectacular, 20-mile "Parade of Sail." WAR'S TOLL -Ail injured Argentine soldier, his wound covered by a battlefield dressing, rests in a prison camp on the Falkland Islands. Argentina's president to • resign post 'By The A11oclated Pre11 Gen. Leopoldo F. Galtieri, ousted as army commander because of the Falklands defeat, said he will quit today as Argentina's president. Interior Minister Alfredo Saint Jean takes over as interim presi~ent, but e?Cpectations are he will be succeeded either by the foreign minister or the air force chief. "The generals . . . want me to resign, which I am willing to do today to maintain the unity of the army and the armed forces," Galtieri told reporters before retiring for his final night in the Pink House, the presidential palace in Buenos Aries. ''l do so, aware of the responsibility this means but sure that it can contribute . . . in a positive way to the feelings of the Argentine nation and its international policy." Galtieri's ouster· Thursday as army commander cost him his seat on the three-man ruling- junta of army, navy and air force chiefs. His departure from the presidency was considered ... -ertain from that time. Meanwhile, Brita.in said it was given a guarantee of safe passage for British ships t-o return Argentine prisoners from the Falkland Islands directly to Argentina, and a spokesman for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said the ships were expected to sail later in the day. However, the spokesman said, no assurance had been received that Argentina considered hostilities in the Falklands at an end. Slight warming Coastal Low cloud• and tog In Mrty ,houra and mostly cloudy thlt ~lt9'noon. Mor• drlllM with a 20 parc•nl chine. of IT\9aturabla praclpll1tlon. Hight lodey M lo ,72. Low cloud• and local log tonight and SllurHy morning. 0Yamigh1 IOWI 56 10 62. Mo9tty iaunny during S.turdmy a""110on lilgh1 Sllurday 68 to 74 'Tamp•raturH In Hunll1"19tOn- Htiwpor1 ., .. rl"Q9 lrom a lOllr of po to a high of 68. T emperatures Albany Albuqve Amatlllo AeNlville Atlanta Atlante Cty Austin Battlmofe Bllllng• Blrmlnghm 81tm8fell BolM eo.ton &ownavtle Buffalo NATION HI Lo Pre. 76 54 .04 92 83 92 59 78 65 .32 61 66 62 65~5 92 73 62 66 66 47 .46 ... 85 60 48 88 59 79 61 .01 95 77 87 55 • El1•whar•. lrom Pblnl Conc•pllon lo th• MeKIHn Jx>rder and out 60 mll•: Light 'vlrlabl9 wind• becoming "'' to '°"'"-' 10 10 16 tcnoa Diii allarnoon ano 1v•nlng SouthwNt 1W911t OI 2 lo 3 fwl. 8ot1 noton CUC* Charlttn SC Charlt1n WV Charftt• NC CMyenn9 Chicago 71 51 ......,..., w-~ 6 1 45 02 NOAA. US Dill>C ol eon-c. 80 70 t .90 '"'Fron...;..;;.;;ts..;;: Cold.;;;..;=.,.~=w;;..ann=;..w_w~Occiuded-=--~.~-......... -=-~--__, 77 55 .01 83 67 66 -------------------- S Cincinnati . .S. ummary g:=:n:c Show•r• and lhunO•~torme Columbut daml**t ., ... lrom F1oftdl to Dal-Fl Wlh the mld-Allanllc 1191• 1oo.y. A Dayton tornado w11 1lghlad In a111-09f'IY9r oentral Florida, bl.II ''*• -• no ON Molnn ,...,orta of lnfur.... Oetrolt Scau.,ad 1hund•rt1orm1 Duluth dott.O Pffv~• and Celllornla and El P110 1tr9tc:Md lrom norih4Wn T•• to Fargo Kan1at., with hall in r.11aa and A911etan lahoma. •. Gr•al Fallt Cloudy tklN' and rain apr...o H1r1tord om Wyoming and Colot'llOo lo Helen• Mk:llloan. Honolulu Th• P1clllc NorlhwHt and Houtlon IN, 11!9 SOulh-t and.... lndnapHa rom .... .,n THaa 10 New Yonc Jack111 MS ,Joyed lalt tklN. Jack~ Soalltr•d 111owar• •no ~City hund•ratorm1 w•r• fOftlllelt Lal Yeva 64 .... 25 78 52 75 53 73 51 &1 68 75 51 89 70 10 55 53 66 5t .98 78 63 73 57 60 38 96 64 68 45 78 39 66 46 .t3 75 81 73 43 03 87 73 e2 eo 73 56 87 66 82 10 2.37 81 ee Lot 102 73 Omaha Orfllndo PhlladptQ Ptlo«llx Pltt~gh Ptlarld, t.49 Piiand. Or• PrOl/ld9no9 RaM!gh ~ &Ill L.aka San Antonio Seattle ~~ SI Louis SIP-Tampa SI Sta MlllM Spok-SyracuM Topella T~ TulN WNhlngln Wlctlltl 77 80 .08 eo 12 3.84 82 M 107 76 68 48 70 54 .AO 92 62 eo 82 ae ee .38 90 53 .32 85 67 .07 93 73 83 81 88 87 77 55 .03 80 64 75 74 3.82 53 32 .08 18 89 73 50 64 83 A7 IOI 85 87 89 .02 82 ea .10 87 63 1.42 oo.y from nor1h«n T-Ind Ultl• "°'* c.r"llrtl hlQtl PlalN acir.-919 · Lou~ ld·Ml11l11Tppl Y•ll•y to ttl• Lubbodl 82 93 18 56 93 62 .85 CAUfOMIA Lek• and nOt1Mnl Nfw Memphill "' ea ' Miami Mlwauk• Mpi...81.P ~ New Ori.tw New YOftl NOfiolk No. Plan. Otlla City 85 81 t.23 77 48 ,04 n 53 83 58 .. . 11 M 88 •. 43 78 5e 83 83 ..... 't.= ::: ... Z... I I 11'? ......... . . " ' =&.~~1..J I t "' Lii ... 58 100 79 10t 78 82 55 78 AO 88 81 102 71 88 1M eo 50 81 72 ... -• r IW • : E Lanc;Ut• 88 70 L.ong 9Mctl 70 81 Lo.Ar 65 60 Monr I 87 59 Mon19b911o 70 68 Mont.,.,, 68 53 Ml. Wiiton 77 64 NMdlN t04 81 N9w9or1 BMch 87 60 Oalll•nd M 55 Ontario 88 60 Palm Spring• 100 67 Puadc 8A sa Puc.. blM 89 51 . ' Rlvartlda 63 57 R.O Bluff 108 89 R.OWood City 7& 59 SICfam«llO ... 55 Salin .. 82 52 San e.rnardlno 7t 59 Sin FrancllCO 80 52 SanJOM 78 67 Santa Ana M H Santa Barbtlra 82 IM Santa Cna 8A se. Santa Md 86 55 Sanlt Monica G3 57 Stockton 94 81 T a1100 Valley 82 ... TMrmal N • Torr-87 5t Yuma 100 74 Smog Wh•r• to call (toll frff) lor i.tllf ~ormallon: °':Ti ty. J""11 t4wat Loe ngelH ounty: (100) 242-4022 AMl'9ldo and Ion twnarOlno oounttoa: (900) ,_7-47'0 AQMD EpltocM c.nter: (900) ut .. eee Tides TGDAY e.oond IOw ,. •·'"· , ... ltConcl llflti f ;U p.m. U IATUllDA'I ""' low t:M a.111. 0.1 = . .,..,,,, ... ... ,.,..... u 1 l!Wt 11'1 p191, I.? ""' ...... 1:07 ....... ,........., ... ;., . ...,, ........... u ....... ....... ""' I • Retarded rights ~uled Supreme Court demands training, education WASKtNOTON (AP) - Mentally retarded lndlvlduall committed to ataw lnetJtutlon1 have a conatituUonal rt1ht to be aafe from harm and free from bodily reatratnll, the U.S . Supreme Court ruled today . Creatin1 for tho fint \l.me 1uch broad rl1ht1 for the mentally retarded ln at.ate care, tho court alto laid such patienta have a right to be trained lf that tralnlnt wTU help them achieve ufety and freedom from phyalcal restrain ta. The court stopped short of saying whether there la a conatitut.l'lpal right to tcalnlng in all clrcum1tancea for the inatitutionalized mentally retarded. Chief Justice Warren E . Burger said he would vote that no such conatltutlonal rlaht exists, although he joined with the court's eight other memben in unanimously creating the sweeping new rights of freedom from harm and bodily restralnta . The court noted that, like all other constitutional rights, these newly created ones, are not absolute. " Valley teen held in crash of police car Two Costa Mesa police officers narrowly escaped injury Thursday when an 18-year-old Fountain Valley woman allegedly rammed her vehicle into the side of the police unit they were standing next to, police said. Therese Marie Schenkelberg was arrested on suspicion of aMault with a deadly weapon and drtlnken driving in connection with the 4:30 p.m. incident at 1800 Adams Ave. in Costa Mesa. Officers John Christopher Smith and Garth Wilaon were standing near Wilson's police vehicle when t-hey saw the woman in the brown Toyota speeding toward them, according to reports. The two officers jumped out of the way and pursued the woman in separate vehicles. Ma. Schenkelberg was arrested neat.by on AdamJS Avenue between Placentia Avenue and Mesa Verde Drive :East. Smith had parked hi.a police unit directly behind Wilson's shortly before the incident occurred. Wison had just finished writing a ticket for a traffic offense. The driver's door of his white Ford was damaged. Which cop's arresting? LOS ANGELES (AP) -A policewoman and a male officer. e::ich unaware of the other's identity. tried to arrest each other while working undercover in a vice crackdown, police said. The officers were working in the Hollywood area as part of a drive on prostitution when the male officer approached the policewoman ln the belief she was a prostitute, said Lt. Dan Cooke. The man allegedly asked the woman if she would perform a sex act for a specilic sum and she agreed, then both identified themselves as police officers. Cooke said Tuesday. • The c:ourt'a 9·0 vote, lnvolvtna • d1ep.de ovw a Pennaylvanfa mental lnttltutton. I• a major victory tor the more than 100,000 auch patlenu In the United Stat.et. The OPlnkm. written by Juat.t~ Lewi.I F. Powell. uJd a pttlent'a "liberty Interest• require the atato to provide m(nlmally adequate or reuonable train~ to enaure Afety and freedom from undue restralnt." Powell added that otflclala "may not restrain resident• except when and to the extent profetaional judgment. deems thla neoetllr)' to uaure such safety or to provide needed tcalning." In the cue at hand, he wrote, "the mln1.mally adequate tralnlng feq\lu.d by the c.:oNUW&IOG II auch H1Jnln1 11 may be reaaonablt In ll1ht of (the patient'•) liberty fnterett1 ln 11 fety and freedom from unrea.onable ,..tralnta. "In determlnln1 what t.. 'reuo~bl ' -ln thlt and ln any cue pre11nttn1 a claim for tralntna by a state -we omphutze that couru mun ahow deference to the judfment exerclaed by a q u a lfled profeaaional.'' The court 'made lt clear that while It was approving sweephta rights for mentally retarded pat!enta, it wanted to UmJt the intrusion by federal couna into the operations of state-run Institutions. Israelis advaricing on PLO in Beirut By Tbe Associated Pre~• Tightening their stranglehold on the bunkers of Y~r Arafat's besieged Palestinian guerrillas. Israeli troops moved into Christian east Beirut today and advanced to the green line frontier wlth predominantly Moslem west. Beirut. The Israeli infantrymen pushed closer to the guerrilla trenches in the west one day after Arafat challenged the [sraelis to attack, vowing he would tum the Lebanese capital into their gaveyard. Meanwhile, .sporadic shelling resumed around hastily built guerrilla redoubts near the Beirut international airport on the southern edge of the city. Phalangist· Christian militiamen, who have held the eastern half of Beirut since th1' nation's 1975-76 civil war, guided Israeli allies through their territory to the-deman::ation line, witnesses said. . The troops drove through the streets of east Beirut in armored personnel carriers and parked near checkpolnta where civilian traffic moved unimpeded to and from west Beirut. Black·bereted Lebanese army commandos checked identities under the watchful eye of the Israelis. Most of the traffic was from west to east, as families sought to flee Crom a feared Israeli drive to crush the nerve center of the Palestine Liberation Organization in west Beirut. The .fo~a~d Israeli positions were within sight of Syrian army checkpoints on the west side of the green line, but there was no show of nostility between them. An Israeli-Syrian cease.fire has been in force the past week. In other parts of the shrinking P~J~tiruan base, guerrillas were raising earth barricades across main avenues and planting minefields with the help of pneumatic drills. George Babash, leader of the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, told a west Beirut news conference the guerrillas would never lay down their anns. Coogan to head United Way drive Dale Coogan, super- intendent of the Ocean View School District in Huntington Beach, has been named chairman of the education division of . the 1982-83 United Way of West Orange County fund drive. Coogan will be responsible to help organize the drive so that all local teachers, administrators and classified • Adventure Playground, a facility designed to provide unstructured fun for children, will open its summer program Monday. Hours of operation will be from 10 a .m . to 5 p .m ., Monday through Saturday. personnel will have a chance to particl pa le. Districts include Fountain Valley Elementary, Garden Grove Unified, Huntington Beach City, Ocean View, Seal Beach. Westminster, Huntington Beach Union High School, Coastline Community College, Golden West College. The drive begins in mid- $eptember. Admission is $1 per day. Tools and construction materials will be provided. Donations are welcome. The Community Services Department may be contacted for further information 536-5486. . ,, ,. llYINI , ' l . • .. . . . '83 budget on move Negotiators agree on $769 billion package By Tiie A11oclattd Prett WASHlNOTON -A Republican-drafted 1983 budaet outltne that cuta bllliona of dollars from domettic proarama, raiaea taxea by about $21 billion and h.u nearly $104 billioh in red ink ia in the hands of the full Hou.te and Senate. BlparUaan Houae and Senate ne1ottatora agl'9ed early today to the $769.8 bllllon compromise plan, leaviOI ll up t.o_each chamber whether to approve the package of goals and targets for conaresatonal committees to follow. Votes on the compromise between the outline adopted by the Senate last month and the package endorsed by the House last week are expected next week. Gulf to buy Cities Service? NEW YORK -Gulf Oil Corp. ls offering $4.89 billion in cash and securities for Cities Service Co. in a proposed takeover that would be the third mu.Jtibtllion-dollar buyout of a medium-sized oil company in less than a year. Gulf, the nation's sixth-largest oil concern, announced late Thursday that directors of both companies had approved the merger ~ment. The deal apparently will end a prolonged and aometimes bitter battle between Cities Serviet> and Mesa Petroleum Co.. which have made offers to gain control of each other and took their fight to court this week. Fire guts Mustang Ranch brothel RENO -LesS than a year after local officials ordered a crackdown on Ure code violat ions at the Mustang Ranch brothel, half the famous bordello has been destroyed by fire. The wind-whipped blaze came in the midst of an ominous electrical storm Thursday, sending some 20 prostitutes fleeing from the original section of the legal brothel. No injuries were reported. There is no state law against prostitution in Nevada, and regulated brothels are allowed under ordinance in several rural counties. Salvador official shot down? SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador -Leftist guerrillas say they shot down a helicopter carrying the nation's undersecretary of defense and claim the officjal died in the crash. The death of Col. Adolfo Castillo, the No. 4 man in the Salvadoran high command, would be the rebels' single most devastating blow to the military power structure in the 32-month-old civil war. Reliable sources who requested anonymity confirmed the guerrillas' claim, but there was no announc:ement from the government. Actor Curt Jurgens dies in .Vienna VIENNA, Austria -Dashing a ctor Curt Jurgens, whose screen career spanned more than three decades and 160 films, died of heart failure today in a Vienna hospital, hia physician aaid. He was 66. The German-born actor -whose credits included "The Inn of the Sixth Happinells," "The Blue Angel" and "The Lon~est Day" -had been suffering acute heart trouble for some time, Dr. AntoE Neumayr said. The-actor. who became an Austrian citiz.en after World War 11, had undergo~ surgery in the United States several times, including an operation by heart specialist Michael DeBakey in Houston, Tex. 'Dukes' dispute halts filming LOS ANGELES -The future of the hit CBS series "The Dukes of Hazzard" remained uncertain as W arner Bros. Television postponed the production date for the fall season and the show's two stars held fast to their promise not to return to work. John Schneider and Tom Wopat, who star as Bo and Luke Duke, filed suit against Warner Bros. on May 24 and said they would n9t return to the show. They aUeged they have been cheated out of their share of money from merchandising products bearing their likenesses. Production for the fall season was scheduled to begin today. UC Regents toughen requireinents SAN FRANCISCO -A University of California Regents committee has moved to toughen admission requirements -despite awareness that half of the elite freshman class can't meet basic requirements in math and compositions. The panel on Thursday also gave its backing to a proposal by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. to consider further tightening requirements. Both measures wiU be considered by the fuU Board of Regents today. Police-record closure defeated SACRAMENTO -The state Assembly has overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to keep confidential the names and addresses of victims and witnesses of crimes. being threatened into refusing to testify are common. K.aploff'i. AB2754, defeated on a 20-45 vote, would allow tht release of names or addresses of victims or witn~s of crimes only when law enforcement officers rule that such r~lease would assist In their investigation. Assemblyman Larry Kapiloff, D-San Diego, said in Ooor debate Thursday that police records, now public documents., "are not just open to the Pl'e55, but to any hood." He said cases of witnesses ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom• P. Halev "'*""" lfld OWi ·~ Ollloel ~Schultz w.,.,....,,. llld DINdor Of~ Tom Murphlne .... r:.:.":.:t..e ~· ic.ri QodcWd ~-0.-- ~ a..t.ooe ............. .., ......... ..., ......... d Cla11"led advenlalng 7141M2-5e71 All other departments 642-4321 fi'IAINOFFIC£ ~ DO West a.y SI., COii. Mhe, CA. ~II • ..,_, ... 1'60, Coate-... CA. nut Cepyr19M Jm Or ... Coest PullllJN"I C..._.,. H• news~ lllldlretlons, '"'".,..' fll«t«M-. nrtlNmenta llerel" rney be r91W001K.i ""''"°"' '"'°1411 ~....,.Of copyr19b*-r. Rights hill seen for non-smokers ? SACRAMENTO -Each department of state government would have to adopt policies to protect the rights of non-smoking employees, under a bill approved by the state Assembly . The measure would put in state law the rlght of each state employee to work in "a smoke- free envtrorunent" in hla or her peraonal work area ·and both formal and informal meetinp. But it did not 1ay how this would be done . We're Listening ••• Whit do you like about the DaUy Pilot? W~at don't you like? Call the number below 1nd your mt11a1e wlll bt r.cordtd, tr1n1crtbtd and dellnred to tht 1ppropr11t1 fdttor Tht 11mt 24·hour an1w1rin1 Mrvlct may bt uffd to re~d ltt• ttra to the .clltor on any toplt M1llbo1 conlrtbutora muat Include their name ind telephone number for verlflc1U01J. No drtul1Uon Hiii plHM ftll ue wh1t'1 on )lour mind ALL TIRED OUT -An oversized tire can spell a lot of fun for the younger set. Nathan Fujimoto, 2, and his twin sister Natalie of Costa D .. ly Piiot Ptwlto by fltcMrd Koehlw Mesa take great delight in exploring this one at Costa Mesa's TeWinl<le Park. Fluor's helping hand hailed Industrialist urges business to take up slack in community By GLENN SCOTT Delly Piiot tgtt Wrttw J . Robert Fluor accepted the Newport-Irvine Rotary Club's first Community Involvement Award Thursday in a splashy ceremony that came close to embarrassing him. Decked out in his trademark bow tie, Fluor greeted a standing ovation from the luncheon crowd at the Airport.er Inn in Irvine with a sell-conscious wave. He said he accepted the award on behalf of all of Fluo r 's employees. _ Club President Ralph Nelson said the award is intended to honor corporations whose efforts toward improving the community might otherwise go unnoticed -and also t o encourage new firms .to take part. Fluor stressed the need for businesses and private citiz.ens to take up the slack left by reduced government programs for the needy. "f personally (eel Flaor has an obliilation to be a ~ood corporate citizen." he said, "and I feel we have." . Altho u gh ihe Fluor Foundation will donate about $7.5 million worldwide-this year, with about $3.5 million of that going to Southern California programs, corporate leaders rarely go out of their way to call Dell7 Piiot Sten "'°'o RARE SPEECH -J . Robert Fluor takes a rare verbal bow for philanthropic activities both he and his corporation were cited for by Newport Beach-Irvine Rotary Club. attention to themselves. This time the Rotary Club brought it out. In a press packet, officials noted that Fluor has given $2 million for the proposed Orange County Performing Arts Center and $300,000 to the Immigrant & Refugee Planrung Center, which _ it helped start. Th e corpo ration also has pl e dged $250 ,000 for the Exploratory Learning Center, a cluster of fac;ilities going up in Santa Ana that combines historical preservation with the sciences. Apart from its financial contributions. Fluor also has built into its organization an extensive program to encourage volunteer w o rk . It s Commu nity Involvement Team is a non- profit wing that coordinates efforts of the 6,000 workers at the Irvine headquarters in various projects undertaken on their own time. lts corporate relations division also helps find workers whoee skills could be loaned to needy agencies. whether for legal, ~ accol.fnting or even construction services, said Tom Ellick, vice president. Ellick said the corporation's low-key approach to its programs reflects Fluor's own personal style. Ellick stressed that the firm never wants to brag about its achievements. "It's unusual for us to kind of stand up and say all this," he observed. State school cuts towarted? A financially bedraggled School District filed a motion to Orange County school district -intervene which w i I I b e among the poorest in California considered Thursday by Judge -challe ng ed the state Crosby. Department of Education The Placentia district had Thursday and won a tentative sought an order to prevent the victory that. could forestall or anticipated cutba<?ks beginning lessen cuts in state aid. July 1 because it claimed the Superior Court Judge Thomas state was relying on an "archaic F. Crosby Jr. said he would ~ue f o r m u l a ' ' t h a t w a s district receives $1,814 per pupil from the state while the nearby Los Alamitos School District, one of the w ealthiest in O range• County, receives $2,182. The state is having to cut back! aid to school districts throughoutf California because of the severe• financial straits in which it finds) itself. a limited preliminary injunction unconstitutional and violated the next week requiring the state to spirit of the landmark Serrano Judge Crosby, however, said I take a closer look at the troubled decision. Thursday it is his belief the Placentia Unified School District The Serrano ruling called for Department of Education 's! before implementing any cuts in equalized state aid to districts, method of reducing that aid ' aid. rich and poor, with no more than ahpears unconstitutional. He al.sol in~[ ~is~~~:at~~ e;fu= ~u$;i~.O difference in funding per fo~t:~~~~ s~~ ~~al~f~,in~ i suit. The Capistrano Unified Currently, the Placentia requirements of Serrano. J ,-..--~m;;~~iiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~-.! BEST of LEE'S CARPETS SALE MUL Tl-COLORm TWIST Ultron yarns are twisted and heat-set to add to the carpet's ability to retain Its appearance ofer years of wear. In a delightful array of color and styte. Perfect for busy homes. '1&s• ..... SAXONY PLUSH A luxurious saxony plush made with Ultron nylon-today's most durable long-wearing c arpet fiber. More fashion colors make It easy t o coordinate with your particular decor. MUl Tl-TONE Multl-tone saxony plush, the ultlmate for luxurious living. Designed for years of good looks. Ultron nylon face fibers give this carpet soil resisting and easy cleaning features you'll love. $18 95 .. lnst•ll~d Prlc~s lnclud~ NZX-3600 spOfJ!Je. rubber pad We Hav• 90 Day NO INTEREST TERMS .••• (O.A.C.) . Live the Ute J .. i • ( ' ----~ - • l~~:I~ ~ r· ~ .. 11·;,. 4 , .. ot,... 1 • t Jt• cm~ 1 , .. .,,,,,.. , ~ "' Tll1<1! 1 l l. m~r , '° ,: :t Ut'! : f~ .. I t lj II " U" II\ ,,. . .,.. ' do16'~ " l'llMd .10. s q 14"' ~. "'"'" • • 10'-TIC•'o I '° S 14 T!dwtr ~ ) I~ 'f" ~; l =:~ , ii •le nl:! t: t!ml plCA W ; J17 )IV. v. 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U.Luf 1.6" 7 • H'> ·,-_ LIPlchn 1.29 I 336 39'r, • USLIFE .. 4 JOI dll II} USLF Oil 33 I 75' • Ul•PL 1 21 I ~ II'' ''• UIPL pl 7 90 I 10' • •~ UIFL Pl 1 :i. I 16\ot '1 UIPLPl704y y 7 14'> '• YF Cp 1 40 • 17 411, ... Vlll n> .:rz 4 »• I..._ '"> ~~n 1 ~ : t! 1~'-': var~ 11 • o ,.,, • ·~ V•I_, .SJ IS )04 JS"'• ·~ V•o 40 • 26 .... I t ~ lO 11 13 II' I ~ v.noc> l3 .~. '. Va& 1 a. I • • \t vi.com lO IJ >SJ ''"' ·~ V1c1n 01 J 10 1 11•, VeEPw UO • tsJ 12"" V•EPptt.. 140 ~ V•EP pit 60 0 S.' • V•EP 11" 1$ tJ0 '3'" 1\1 VIEP on «> • "'" Yor.-• " W cnM 1 U I IS -• t X -Y-Z-X.r<* > I •SI JI"'• '• l(TAA .. • 11 11'-" Z-t• n • ,., ou •· llyr• 4(Jb ' SI ll"• " Z..lt!IR :JO 11 .!07 100. ' 1 Zeros s. 10 7' ••'• • 11 • Zlimln 1 lO I 11 10 \, Reeession on horizon ? LOS ANGELES (AP) -U lntereat ratet don't drop quickly enough to buttre. an econom1c recovery this awnmer, the nation may slip into a receulon later thl1 yea~. a report from the UCLA Grtaduatc School of ~twarna. ''lnw.t ni• wjU either drop ln tbM co tuppoc1 a recovery in 118~ or lnte.r9t rai.e wm fall aft.er a man prolonad' rec ... Ion," aald Larry K.imbe.ll, dt.rector of the f<ftCUtlna r.t;.v.r, th• reporl l11u ed 1'hunda1 -.kt ny e(l)CIOIJUc recoyery wallJd bi Wik. ------ .. . . Golden West chief named John W. Harper h.aa been appointed president and chief executive officer of Newport Beach-bated Golden Wt-tt AirUn~'S. He succeeds Henry R. Voss, who resigned U> pursue personal pursuits. He has been reiained u a consultant. Harper formerly WM with Nf'w York Air •nd Trans World Airlines. City National has no losses City National Bank of Beverly Hills announced it has no losses or exposure to potential loues relating to the financial difficulties of Newport Beach-bued Comark, a government securities broker-Oealer. The bank's only relationship with Comark is that of a depository, a statement said Thursday. Fluor firm wins contract A subsidiary of the Fluor Corp. of Irvine has been awarded a contract to perform plant modifications and maintenance at various synthetic-fuel facilities owned by the SASOL group of companies. Tht> contract is initially valued at $30 million, Fluor South Africa (Pty.) Ltd. will provide engineering, procurement and construction services primarily at the two oil-Crom-coal plan ts located in the Transvaal region, about 100 miles southeast of Johannes9urg. Busch to off er wines? LOS ANGELFS (AP) -The people that brlhg you Budweiser will soon be offering wine out of ~e barrel to wholesale marke ters, a newspaper is repcrting. Manage ment at Anh e user -Busch refused comment on its entry snto the wme business. which is dominated by Coca-Cola and F.&J Gallo, the Los Angeles Times said today. One source said Busch will specify how the wine w1U be produced, and named the M. Lamont Winery an DiGiorgio in the San Joaquin Valley as the producer. The wine, burgundy, chabhs and rose, IS to be sold in 15.5-gallon stainless steel kegs to be served in glasses or carafes. Imperial S&L goes federal Imperial Savings & Loan Association, one of the largest savings and loans in the nat.lon , became a federal association Wednesday, shedding the state association status it held more lhan 20 years. Jeep incentives extended DETROIT (AP) -American Motors Corp. has extended sales incentive programs on Jeep and passenger car models, the No. 5 cannaker said. Price cµts ranging from $750 to $1,000 on Jeep CJ-5 and CJ-7 as well as Scrambler vehicles will stay In effect until the e nd of t.he model year . or September, AMC said Tuesday. The cuts were announced ApnJ 1. The cannaker also extended its five-year or 50,000-mile Buyer Protection Plan 5 and a $500 base price reduction on Spirit, Concord and Eagle models until July 12. The programs were announced April 12. It was the first time either incentive program h.ad been extended. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS ... I Ill '· .... ... 1'1t . '· \lo '• l'" I . "' ·~ .. "' NEW YORK IAPI • Sel•a. fnuro p11c1 •fie! <wt <NnGe ot 1'• ten ..-1 ect•w •-·~ Slo<k E•c~ 1\-, ,,..,,nv ,..,_n, 11 mo<t tNln " ChietOv Q 1.cot.OOO 16'-.1 ... 0..-Plrl 417.000 4\'t • ._ Huslt'IOG 17),IOO •"' -~" Gelu y()ol n 100.700 '"" ~, Soumf'ti wtC 11 • .00 1 -V. BrownFor B s Tt,000 J.t•.-'"" Intl &nllnoc 10,300 '"' "• Elr IAVlld 61.600 I)~ '" Re~I M.700 4 1~ .. •'" WHfMrd 60.IOO IS '- NEW VORK(4P) Fo,..1 Oow-J-s-. tor Thur..,.Y. Jun 11 STOCK5 Own HI... l.ew Clue Ole 30 Incl ~tJ 6' 1'1 S6 711.01 I'll 4-S.<) ?O Trn JO' st JIO n :1114 OJ JOUS-U J IS U II 108 00 IOI JS 10& 11 107 09-1 J9 bS Sl• JO' /Y 311 IS l06 7S JOI . .._ l .01 Indus S,• ... 100 Tt•n 1.12'.IOO Ulols 1,007,Q 6S St• I ,114,Q ' WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORI( Adv•rced ()e(hneCI Unc~ Toll! l\Wtt "'"' llOQhl New IOW'I. (A P) Jun ti Thun ,.. 1044 '11 1-.S ' ,., NEW VORK 14 PI Jun 11 Adv•nc..i Declined Un<""'-' Tolll luuu N•w '"QI\\ Ntw IOW\ Tllun 139 1':I 111 I., 1 SI UPS AND DOWNS METALS NEW VORK (4PI -T~followlng llllt "'°""' 111e New Yori< Sr.;;" en...,. ''"'"' -... ,,..,,, lh•l 1141¥9 QOM llP Ille ,,_, ...0 -thl mcKI blMO on f:'<"'t 01 c1141n9e r-rclleU Of vol..,... °'No T!:~/:is ltadlnQ tie low U er• Incl· """'°· ~' end pe<cent-<Nl,..QM ert lhe ctlfl•ritntt tiel"'"" thl prtvl1><1• <IO\lno plQ and Thlndey'~~ N•,,,. LHt Cl>Q ~I I Faoerge Inc 1111> • 7~ Up " I 2 D•'-l fl • I~ Up IS• Cotlt* 10-72 oan1a 1 pouod, U.S. detllllallonl L••d 26·27 c1n11 I pound, U.S . d11t1n1llQnt. ~..... .._...__.. ZlftC 35-37 cent••...,,...~ . ....,.....,..,, Tift $5.8!!51 Ml1111 Wiik CClmPOMt• lb. Aluminum 76-77 oant1 •pound, N.Y Mlreuf'J $370.00 per nalk l'tltlnum $297 00 troy oz., N Y ) ldH I Bftlc 11 • 71't Up 14 J • Allied Mein 31>• l '" Up 11.• SILVER I C111mvu ., •I• Up " ' • Cll'Y\lt< w1 7"' • '• Up 10 S 1 FeP• 1.lOPI ,..,., • 2~• UP 10.• Handy & Harman, 15. 180 per troy • Tr-,, ... ,.. VP • • nee • e"sou'~ n Jiit • "' Up 11 ou---------------10 ~I 27\lt • ,._ Up 7.J 11 AmWetr o#A '"' • .., UP 1 2 GOLD QUQT1TIONS It T•11AS1ntl •loo + '-UP 7.1 " 13 aor.._ ,,,. • "' UP .. , • _.....__ n -· 50 .... 14 GTFI I 1i.t ... • .. Up •.t ,,_ moJnlnQ lllrlg• .....,,_ • "'' IS l\4SW\'F 2 • °"' UP • 7 1 1 SO, .. LLCCorl> 21~ • "' Up U 1.--.a aflWnooll llxlnQ. aof.75, off 11 CNi+nZel J.~ I~ • '°"' UP .. J I0.25 It NI~ '"" • '-UP •I -It T•ll9V 1..i ,.-. • ~ VP • t ~ ~ fbclng; ..,13,32, Clfl OOWMS 12.83 • ...__ t..ut Cl!Q !'ct. 'ltlllltWt: ~7 50, l ,.If"-_.,. ti -S Off IU Z.-La• 8•'--. ~7.60, oft 11.50 v ..., "' J -tit Off IJ.7 ....... .,.,.,.00 __;.-:::-• • tt.· .. ~. 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''" OHA N C f COUN I V L AI U UHNI A :.>5 CfNl S Laguna gav's race raises cash, lun By STEVE MITCHELL o<-....., ......... Should cata be allowed on Laguna's ahorellne between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. without a leuh? Should Laguna Beach invade Catalina laland ln order to draw attenUon away from the ctty'1 economJc woes? Should lmpo.rt and export duties be impoeed on motoriJta uaing C.OUt Aighway to get in and out of town? Tough issues. And Laguna restdenta will be aaked to conaider them and more before cast:lnc votes for the "honorary Governor of Laguna Beach." It's campaign time in Laguna ~aln, but, perhaps for the first time ln The city 1 volatile political history, this election's all in fun. The notlnn of an honorary governor's race ·Laguna Beach Art Museuni 'looking up' By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of'h DellJ Not ..... • ·Things are looking up for the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. The 64-year-old museum had fallen on hard times in recent years and by 1979 was "struggling to keep its doors open," says Bill Otton, museum director. • However, he says, fortunes have changed, topped off by events of the past month: -The non-profit museum has received the largest grant in its history, a $40,000 award from the Irvine Foundation. Otton says the grant will be used to improve the gallery's educational and cultural programs .. -The Los Angeles-based Fellows of C.Ontemporary Art of Californla has agreed to sponsor a $30,000 exhibition of "neo-expressionism" art at the museum this November and December. -The annual membership .exhibit had 988 artworks submitted for consideration. nearly three times the number submitted last year. The "all-media" exhibit features 63 selected works, inclding paintings, sculptures and photograph&. The six-week show opened today at 307 Clllf Drive. -More than 250 people have paid the $25 membership fee swelling the num6er of duea- paying patrons to 1,700. -The Mission Viejo Company hM qi-eed to sponsor an exhl~ition in September of fine arts posters entitled •California on the Ro.cl." Otton says a vigorous campaign by the mU11ewn to get support from aouth county relidents and business leaders has resulted ln the gallery's upswing. Much of the responae has been donations, Otton says. He says the museum's budget has doubled in the past year, to $271,000. He says the campaign to get local support included telephone surveys to a ~section of residents and creation of an advisory committee consisting of south county business owners. To keep up with increased activities, Otton says, the museum plans to expend the gallery floor space by 2,000 square feet in 1984. Currently, it has about 5,000 square feet. "It's been a tremendous change from a quiet little museum struggling to keep its doors open," Otton says. "Our problem now is trying to handle the growth of activities and increased membership, but that's the kind of problem we like to have." come. from the fledglfnl Lawna Beach Bualne11 Aalodation -the aroue _whlch btowzht you the concept of offahore parkJnB lot. at Main Beach Park Hrlier thla year. The purpoee of yet another cltywJde election? To ralle .funds for a Villlge Party -open to X...guna Beach resident. only -to ~lebrate the end of the towiat .euon. Lquna Beach ul9d to hoet lhe annual celebrailon each September foUowina the hectic summer festivals, but economkl reltnlinta put a halt to the event after the 1977 Vw.,e Party. · Members of the four-month-old buainesa aseoc;:iation think that'• a dam lhame. \,So, they've redeived the bleeafna of the City CoUncil to hold an honorary aovemor'• race - limited to five candJdates -ln Qf'der to ra1ae the Defir ..... ..,, Photo MUSEUM WELCOME -Designer Liz Vietor, of Laguna, paints a welcome sign for today's opening of the "all media" exhibit at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. San On of re fine studied NRC proposing penalty I or alleged security weakness The federal Nuclear Regulatory Commlasion has proposed a $60,000 civil fine against Southern California Edison C.O .. for alleged violations of teCWity guidelines at its San Onofre nuclear generatins station. ''We are particularly concerned about the apparent weaknesa In the management ovenlght and supervision of your security program," said Robert F.ngelken, regional administrator of the NATION NRC, in a letter received Thursday by F.diaon C.O. offic:iaJB. Edison •spokesman Dave Barron said company officials are reviewing the notice and will respond to it shortly. The power company has 30 daya either to pay the fine or challenge the allegation&. Although the NRC decliQed to publicly delail what alleged deficiencies were cited by NRC inspectors in January and February, the NRC indicates they all pertain to security at the San Onofre plant. All NRC spokesman Jim Hanchett would say of the violations is that they were "associated with inadequate response to alanns" on the part of plant personhel. San Onofre/lant manager Harold Ray sai that, while he has not seen the letter detailing the vjolations, he was aware of NRC concerns about aecurity at th~ plant. $7,160 they uy la needed to hold another Village Party Sept. 18 at Main Be~h Park. with the other half going to the Malo Beach Village Party. Here'• how tt worka: So far, three candidatet have emerged: CandidatH and their 1ponsorlng organJ:r.ations, will seek votee -at one cent aplece -fl'Om Lqunana. Naturally, citizena can vote more than one time, ao 100 votes, for example, 008ta a dollar. The Chamber of C.ommmerce i. apoNIOri.na Maggie Megga1 a local political obeerver who 6nce remarked, "U God wanted everyone to live near the ocean, he would have created 50 Wanda instead of states." There will be weekly vot:lnc tabulations, according to Bill Farrell, vice president of the buainela group -probably to be held in local taverna. Village La~a 11 sponsoring old-timer Francia LeRoy" " Blacketer, and the Top of the World Neighborhood Aaaodatlon is backing water colorlst David Solomon. So if you're approached by a candidate for honorary governor of Laguna Beach in the neltt monlh or so, be sure to ask them about their platform. ·And an honorary govemor crowning party will be held Aug. 14 at which time -hopefully -the $7.160 will have been ralaed. Sponaoring agencies are to receive half the proceeds they raiae for their charitable purpoees, They might be advocating moving the county airport to Heisler Park. Spacecraft hunt planet Pioneers search edge of solar system MOUNTAIN VIEW (AP) - Two far -ranging Pioneer spacecraft are scanning the fringes of the solar system for an \Ulleen object, which 9clentists suspect might be larger than Earth and perhaps as massive as the sun. Peculiarities in the orbits of Uranus and Ne ptune, the seventh and eighth planets from the sun, make it "very likely there's something out there," said John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Labor-atory in Pasadena. But it's "impossible to predict . . . what we might find," he told a news ronference Thursday at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Ames Research Center here. "I've looked at many possibilities and I don't like any of them very much." Anderson, who )leads the search, said the possibilities include a 10th planet, a cold, dark star, or even a black hole. But he cited coplplicatlons that would make arty of those theories hard to explain. The searc h is being made by Pioneers 10 and 11, which left home a decade ago and made the first explorations of Jupiter and Saturn. Pioneer 10, now 2 ~ billion m iles away, has gone farther into space than any other probe and will be beyond all the known planets in July 198~. Dornan studying 43rd write-in bid Th e spa c ecraft , both pronounced in good shape, are on opposite sides of the sun and dW>vlng into space at more than 30,000 mph. Anderson said some distant object seems to be exerting a gravitational pull on Uran~ and Neptune because the orbits of the big planets vary slightly from what astronomers had expected. Such orbital perturbations By JEFF ADLER o< ... o.., ......... The latest twist in the topsy- turvy 43rd Congressional District race is Republican Rep. Robert K . Dornan'• s urpr ise announcement that he aerioualy is considering running a1 a write-in candidate in the district. "It's a f.aacinating opportunity, Civic group endorsi~g • annexation In a "Dear Neighor" letter making the rounds of South Laguna, a local civic group is outlining its reas ons for endorsing annexation to Laguna Beach. The board of directors of the South Laguna Civie Association bas outlined what It tenna the benefita of joining the Laguna Beach municipal fold with a subtitle that reads, "Here are 12 Reasons Why:" "In addition to the fact that Laguna Beach and South Laguna have identical concerns regarding the ultimate serious consequences of the ever- increasing traffic congestion on Pacific Coast Highway," the letter . reads, "South Lagunans should consider the following advantafiteS of beoom1ng part of an existing ~rated city." What follows in the 8880Clation Jett.er, are a dozen laaues that aupJl<>rt annexation, Including local repre.entation. (See SOUTH, Pa1e il) were used in 1846 to predict the I looked at it last year and if the presence of Neptune, whi<;Jl was Sena~ opportunity hadn't been diaoovered almost exactly where there I would have come down to it was calculated to be. Pluto, the the 43rd," said' Dornan, in a most distant of the nine known telephone interview from h!s planets, was spotted in 1930 after Washington, D.C., office thts being aimilarly predicted. morning. Astronomers once thought Doman. who had represented . .Pluto was affecting Neptune and a Los Angeles County district, Uranus, but obeervatlona the put surrendered bis House seat in his few yea.rs show t1'e planet is too unsuocesaful bid to win the GOP small to have any measurable nomination for the U.S. Senate. effect. He finished a disappointing Ames 9clentists are searching fourth with 8 percent of the vole. for the unknown gravitational Dornan said he is going to SOlfrce by looking for changes it charter a survey of the district to should cause in the Pioneers' determine what strength be bas paths. Anderaon said the team as a write-in candidate as well as will start analyung a year of data already announced write-in in October and "we should be candidate Ron Packard. The able to detect a force that we survey should be complete think is there." sometime next week. He s aid several yea rs of Packard, the 50-year-old observations would be needed to mayor of Carlsbad, finished ,Pinpoint ~he location and nature second in the 18-candidate of the objeet. Republican field, and announced his own write-in bid earlier this week. Doman said he hopes Packard will join in Chartering a district- wide survey to determine whch of the two candidates has a better chance of beating GOP nominee Johnnie Crean, a 33-year-old travel trailer manufacturer from San .Tuan Capistrano, in the Novfflllber election. "U Ron's c.h.ances are good, I'll step aside for him,'' ~ said. "I have a right to run an~here I want, but if it shows }Je has a good chance to win I'll step aside." Doman characteri7.ed Crean's primary campai~, which had been roundly cnticized by his opponents, as "the dirtiest race in the state in 10 or 20 years." This morning, Crean released a teue1y worded statement (See DORNAN, Page A!) INDEX Police reap pot harvest Laguna Beach police have arrested a self-prodaimed hotticulturist and charged him with cultivating marijuana and opium plants. Robert William Calicchio, 24, was being held on $5,000 bail after a search warrant served by local investigators purportedly turned up the illegal greenery at an adru-es.. in the 400 block of Anita Street Wednesday. Police had few details today. but said "a large quantity'• of cultivated marijuana, aa well • marijuana planta and four opium plants containJna about 50 pods were discovered. Pot peril I or papas A study ahowa that heavy U11e of marijuana can advenely affect men's reproductive systems. Page ~. The mural depicting Ku Klux Klan figures has finally been hung at Irvine H1lh School, but the controversy and apprehenmon have not died down. Page Bl. At Your Service Busblelt Cavalcade Ow filed Comica en.word Deeth Noticee F.ditcrial Home/Garden A• C6-7 B2 Dl-3 84 84 . D'l A8 86 Horo.:ope Intennillioll Ann Landen Mutual Funds PubUc NC>tk:a Sparta 82 Weekender B2 C6 Be,7;In TELEVISION . 'Dukes,' 'DallaB' distorted?. Are "The Dukel of Haszard0 and "DaJlu•• ahowa that 1lve chlldren a dl1torted view of life and 1pawn deltnacdw behavior? P1ace 87. 'Balboa' actrea 1unlttor Jau l•t at 1rrine Bowl • The Pretervation Hall Juz Bend will terve ur jazz New . Orleana style at Lacuna'• Irvine Bow . Weekender. BUSINESS i i r. ... , .. ,r.): .Stock Marketa Weather World .N~ Cl-~ C7 A2 A3 . . RN.AN IN RA'.CE ?·. • • mlnt Daman'• d laJon to Y tlaate tunnl~ ln th race. "I 6e1lovt Con1re11man Doman la a lo,yal A!Mrlcan and a yal Republican. t bell vv he l1l dccldo It 11 In t.he beat nt.ett.t of the na\lon and the rty for him to support the Republican nomin dJat.rtct." tri ihe 43rd The dlltrl ct, n ewly r eap p o rtion d , l ncludea communltiea ln both aouthern Orange and northern San Dlego coun\lee. 0 '1TH LAGUNA . 1 • • "South Laiunans, including t.hoee In) Three Arch Bay, would e present 20 oercent of the dent.s of an enlarg4'd Laguna ach," the letter reads, "rather an 0.2 percent of an entire ounty whose Board of Supe rvisors now decide its destiny." [~rgentina's ;preside nt to • resign post By The Associated Preu Gen. Leopoldo F . Galtieri. ousted as army commander because of the Falklands defeat, said he will quit today as Argentina's president. Interior Minister Alfr~ Saint Jean takes over as irherim i>resident, but ex}>ectations are tie will be succeeded either by l}le foreign minister or the air force chief. n "The generals ... want me to resign, which I am willing to do Coday to maintain the uoity of the army and the anned forces," Galtieri told reporters before ~tiring for his fmal n.igrit in the P ink House, the presidential 1>alace in Buenos Aries. "I do so, aware of the tesponsibillty this means but sure fhat it can contribute . . . in a positive way to the feelings of She Argentine nation and its lhtemational policy." · Galtieri's ouster Thursday as army commander cost him his lleat on the three-man ruling- junta of anny, navy and air force thief&. His departure from the pr esidency was considered <lertain from that time. The letter says South Laguna can preserve I t a "vllfa ge atmosphere" by localizing declalons. Revenues from sales taxes and motel "bed taxes," the asaoclatlon board saya, would be used for local purpoaes rather than spread all over the county. And, due to ii m its o f Proposition 13, the association says there would be no increases in property taxes for South Laguna property owners. Police, fire and paramedic services would continue. with thP South Laguna fire station kept open a nd s upplemented b y Laguna Beach fire personnel. Lagul)a w o uld provide around-the -clock p olice protection and "double the police coverage and reduce respon se time by approximately 25 percent," the letter contends. The association study shows build ing permits could b e processed within 14 days "average for remodeling," through Laguna Beach , a nd private streets would rem~in private "unless the owners desire to dedicate" the roadways to the city. And annexation would mean the Laguna Beach City Council would need to amend the city's Local Coastal Plan to include South Laguna's completed LCP and specific plan. Any additional changes would be made at the city level rather than the county. His name il:i as familiar as the label on their favorite beverage to literally tens of thousands of wine fans - especially those who like to read about the fermented grape. By Tile A••oclatecl Pre11 TiahtenJnc t.hw •ttanalehold on the bunxtra ot Yuaer Arafat'• bealeied Paleatlnlan auerrUlu, Iaraell troops moved Into Chrlatian eut Beirut today and advanced to the green line frontier with predominantly M0tlem west Beirut. The Iaraell Infantrymen pW.hed cJoeer to the suerrilla trenches ln the west one day after Arafat challenged the Iaraelia to attack, vowing he would tum the Lebane.e capital lnto their graveyard. MeanwhUe, sporadic shelling resumed around hastily built guerrilla redoubts near the Beirut international airport on the IOUthem edge of the dty. Phalangist Christian militiamen, who have held the east.em h alf of Beirut since this nation's 1975-76 civil war, guided Israeli alliel{ through their territory to the demarcation line, witnesses said . The troops drove through the str~ts of east Beirut tn armored personnel carriers and parked near checkpoints where civilian traffic moved unimpeded to and from west Beirut. Black-bereted Lebanese army commandos checked identities under the watchful eye of the Israelis. Most of the traffic was from west to east, as families sought to fl~ from a feared Israeli drive to crush the nerve center of the Palestine Liberation Organization in west Beirut. The forward Israeli positions were within sight of Syrian army checkpoints on the west side of the green line, but there was no show of hostility betw~n them. An Israeli-Syrian cease-fire has been in force the past week. Mead on Wine ... Meanwhile, Britain said it was ~ven a guarantee of sate passage for British ships to return Argentine prisoners from the Falkland Islands directly to Argentina, and a spokesman for Prime Minister M argaret :I'hatcher said the s hips were expected tO sail later in the day. He is Jerry D. Mead, author of the column Mead on Wine that for a dozen years has been one of the most widely read ~d circulated feature of its kind on the West Coast, and starting today, he is a regular contributor to the Daily Pilot. His weekend columns will appear each Friday in the Weekender and he also will report wine news in a midweek column to appear Wednesdays in the Daily Pilot Food Section: However, the spokesman said, ho assurance had been received that Argentina considered hostilities in the Falklands at an end. The debut column today is the first of a series of three m which Mead reports on the highly regarded Orange County Fair commercial wine competition. It's on Page 13 of the W~kender. inside this edition of the Daily Pilot. Slight warming Coastal Low CIOUdl end fog In llrt)' hourt and mostly cloudy thl1 lternoon More drlnle with e 20 percent chance of me11ura1>le preclpilellon Highs today M to 72. Low clouds and local fog onlght and S11urHy mornlno -Ovetnlgtll Iowa 58 to 82 Mottly aunny durlno Sllurdey afternoon Hight Saturday 88 to 7• fremperaturH In Huntington· _Newport area range lrom a low of eo to a high of 88 < Elaewhera . lrom Point !conception to the Mealc:en ~de< and out 80 mites. Ught Y9rll01e wlnd1 becolnlng WWI to 'eouth-t 10 to 18 knocs this Jllt•rnoon and evening ~t"-1 IWell• of 2 to 3 ,_. Albany Albuq\141 Amarttto Aallevllle Atlanta Atlan1c Cty Austin Baltlmora Bllllng1 Blrmlnghm Blatnarek 8ol1e Bolton 9'0Wfllvlle Bullalo Bu111ngton CUC* Charittn SC Chatllltn WV cnarttt• NC Cheyenne Chicago S S Cincinnati • . ummary g:=:~c Showere and thuno•r1torm1 Columbut f.ampenecl .,_ from Florida to Dal-Ft Wth m mld-Allantk: •tat• today. A 0.yton nado WH sighted tn •Ht-Denver 1ral Florida. but there -• no 0. Moines feporta of Injuries. Detroit : Scattered thunderatorma Duluth ~Oiied Nevada and CalllOml• and El Puo tretchlld from norlhern T•Xlll to Fargo en .. s. with hall In Texaa and Aagstatt klllhoma. Great Fella ' Cloudy aklet and raln"ept'Md Harllord lrom Wyomlno and Colof9do to Helen• tower Mlc:hlgtn. Honolulu The Pacific Northweat end Hou1ton IN. the South-t and.,... lndnapll1 eaatern Texea to New York Jac:kan MS 1.IOYed lllr lklee. Jec:knvtle Sc:atrered 111owera end KS11 City hunderetorme were lorec11t l.M Veg.a •Y from nonhem T•Xlll end Uttle Aoc:k oetltral high Ptalne acroee IM . Loutevllle l<l·MIH IHfppl V•ll•)' to the Lubbock t LAii• and nonnem New Memphl8 lltld. Mleml empereturee O•fore 'Jewn Mllw9Utl .. en •d from 38 In 8te Seult Mple-St.P , Midi . lo M In Pfloenlx, NMh\tlle New OrlMne New YOf'll Norfolk No. Platt• Okla City li .. s liiiiilltti.ilis u ...... R_f R_IP_IR_T :=:. ·-A!tf'llle L ........ ....... T""" Hunl~ Pier '"" PoOr IO ..,,.. """' Jttty 'ft PoOr IO ....... ......,.,, u PoOr IO hndtt.......,, PoOr IO =:..~:::"" I ft pOOr IO 1•1" ,......, IO === ,., " ..... " t.a ft ,::r~ 11 ~,. 1•1 ft " _/ , .. " ..... ., .,~ °"""' .-OW't TIDll1 Wit11 1·11 e.lft, .,, • ' Smog Where to call (toll frM) for "*' lfftOQ lnfortnetlon: Orange Cowity. (IOO) 446-3&2t Loa A"t•IH County: (100) 242-'0H ~ end ..,, e.m.dlno ~ (IOO) H1-4110 AOMO f4*0dt O«lter: (IOO) 242 ...... Tidett nmAY leoond low 1:o?p.~ , .. leoond """ f:JI p.m. ... IATUMAY =-···"'· 0.1 i?j =Ml· ... ... 1 •-"'· u i:r •tt '91, ~, .... .. ~ ........... , ..... ..: ........... -· '"" • Dally Plot fltloto br Chertea lten RETURNED -An unidentified Huntington Beach police officer escorta murder suspect Rene Dayco to the Huntington Beach city jail after Dayco was returned from Mexico. HB Illurder suspect • • • • aw.a1ts arra1gn1ng By PHU. SNEIDERMAN or t11e o.., ,... • ..., Rene Flores Dayco, 41, remained in Huntington Beach Clty Jail today, awaiting an a rraignment, tentative ly scheduled Monday, on charges that he hacked •to death his wife and mother-in-law in the family's Huntington Beach home. Dayco's three young children, found alive and safe with their father in Roaarito Beach , Mex., early Thursday, were in Orange County's Albert Sitton Home for children today. Authorities said a relative would break the news to the children today concerning their mother's and grandmother's deaths. Dayco is suspected of using a sharp instrument to slay his wife Shirley, 27, and his mother-in- law, Phyllis Harbulak, 65, in a bedroom of the family's home at 14952 Sunnycrest Lane. Police said Mexican police confiscated a number of bloody knives, including a meat cleaver, from the trunk of Dayco's gold 1980 Pontiac Firebird. Officers said they had located Dayco, an auto mechan ic for Southern California Edison , through informationjrovided by the man's family an friends. Retarde·d rights upheld WASHINGTON (AP) - Mentally retarded Individual. committed to 1tate lnatltuUona have a conatltullonal rtaht to be safe from harm and free from bodlly reatralnta, th e U.S. S upreme Court ruled today. Creating for the flnt time auch broad rights for the mentally retarded In st.ate care, the court a1ao aaJd such patients have a right to be tralned If that trainins will help them achieve safety and freedom from phyalcaJ restralnt.s. The court Slopped short of sayin g whe ther there ls a constitutional right to training in all circumstances for the institutionalized mentally retarded. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger saJd he would vote that no such co.nstitutional right exists, alt.hough he jolned with the court's eight other members in unanimously creating the sweeping new rights of freedom from harm and bodily restraints. The court noted that, like {lll other constitutional rights, these newly created ones, are not ab$olute. The court's 9-0 vote, involving a dJspute over a Pennsylvania mental Institution. is a major _victory for the more than 100,000 such patients in the United States. The opinion, written by Justice Lewis F. Powell, said a patient's "liberty interests require the state to provide minimally adequate or reasonable training to ensure safety and freedom from undue restraint." W e lty quits school h elm Richard Welty, superintendent o! the SaddJeback Valley Unified School District. has resigned from the $63,000-a-year post that he's held for 10 years. Welty says he has no definite plans but may do gr{lduate work at the University of London. Officials of the 20,700-student district say his resignation was a surprise. Cii*'" ,,~~ . Classes to help kids' attitudes llVINI '70I ...... Pky. ~,CA. t I • ,_. !!!!... ~ MOTii ·WW~ "" ~ ..,. .. towlt E .... ,""*' ...... .,.:: ~Jll" LANO OIV9'.• •1""1u11111 Qelie"'1 Dl•trlet of ONINT 1, LTO., IMO Clftot ~IM. ,:,:;:.• =·1...:.a~ .. ~·\,-:: OoMa ...._ c.lit9tftla tHH • m, ~. Jt./IJy t. 11U 11 ttw Oe'tlld P. '""'"' G111•r•I Purol111l111 bepettm1nt of Hid J'tnMr..1 ~!!' TllftcM* OtM. c.... 0011 ... dlltrlot IOottld It 1170 ....., QM!Offlll'"" Ad•lll• A'tlenue , Oott• M•t•. l'lot" .... llt1t1. Oe111t1I Olldotnll. .. Wfllllill time MICI ..._ ...,.,_, '11 ._OMdO. U ~ .. Wiii M PllDllOIY ~end,-.. OtlltOlflM 1()6)1 I Ir: 0 0 M" Ill IHI N 6 IV I JoM ,. 81mmon1, Llmltld TlllPlllOOIHINO IOl'TWAAI Pl/1Mt, et• a1111 8tr.t, No. I , OONT"OL Pl'IOO"AM -ONI· ~ llMot\, Oelltornl1 9tll3 YIAPI LIAH WITH ONl·"t'IA" \'till•~ It conMlld by 1 FllNIWAL Ol"TIOHI. lltllllld ~WllP-· All bid• '" to be 111 '°°°'denoe o..ld P. a.okltt wttll ltlt lld ,~ lllllructlOn• and ... 0-11 Plltn4W Oon<llllon• and 1p.o1no1t10n1 wt11ot1 Tiii• •l•temenl w• riled with 1"4t. .,. now In flle 11\d "lJY be MOUrtd ll'ubllell•d Oreno• Co111 Dell~ MU" NOTICE Coiil'.llV Olltk or Orange County on Ill the otllce ot tlWI PurOl\Mlnt Aoen1 l!Mol, JIHla 1e1 ti, July 2, •. 1H2 1 _ __,_,__,....."--------- Junt "· IH2. ot Hid ooii.oe dlttrlct. 2"0·12 NOTtcl 0, T9'UITll'I IAUI '1•11M Eeoh bidder mu1t 111t>m1t With hll LNll Ne, l"ubll1h1d Orange Ca.et Diiiy bid 1 oHhltr'• oh1ok, Ctrtltl~ "8.IC NOTIC£ T.I. No. 7IOM-1 Piiot, Junt "· 25. July a. 9, 1912 oht cll. or blddtf'I bond mid llllCTIYiOUi IU..... Q A Tl w A y M 0 RT QA Q E I 2t?l·H p1yabll to the orci.t of the Co ..... ITATIMINT CORPORATION •• duly 9')potnltd Community Oolleol Oltlrlet Botrd Ttlt follOwtna Pl'tont.,. doing Tru1t11 uncl., tht foltowlng "8.tC flOllCE of Tluet'" Ill en ll'f'lOUnt no1 .... ~llnete Ill dtl<lflbld deed ot trult WILL SELL thin five ~t (6") of the IUll'I OOLDf!N Wl!ST ASl"HALT CO. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE bid u I guerant• thtl the bido.t 771 W 19ttl St Sult AA Cotl ' HIOHEST fllDDER FOR CASH w111 enter 11110 1ht propoatd Mela, CA eie27" 1 ' 1 <peyable at u~ of Nit In 11wtu1 Cotltr11e1 tt tlll eeme It awwded to OWAC, INC .. 1 Calllornlt monty ol tht Unlttd 911111) 111 him tn the~ of flllwe to enter COtPOtlllOn., 711 w. leth St .. .$ult• rtollt, 1111e tf'ld lnt.,..t conveyed to Into 9licll conll.Ct, the PfOOMd• of M Cottt ......_ CA 92t27 end now ~ by It unow .. Id Died 'tcTiflOUI IU ... lt NAmtTATl•NT The loltOwlng Pl'IOOI .,. doing bullntlll aa: CFIEATllll! 1110£0 SYSTEMS. 15722 ~ Ulnt. Huntington eeecll, Oallfoml.I t 2847 the tlleCll wlM be fort.lt41d, Ot In~ Tiiie bUllneM II ~ed •by~ of Tru1t In Ille property tiereitlltter GAii ol I bond. the IVll IWll ttwlteof lion 4"C:rlbld Jolilfl AndrlWI, 15722 ~th I.ant, Hunttngton 8eacfl, C1Hlorn11 t2t47 Wiii bt lorl•lttd to Mid college OW.AC, INC. TFIUSTOR JAMES MORELAND. dlttrlc:1. Jamel o AMd 1 married man, u Im tole and 8ttry ~ 20454 Crpr-Strett, S1nt1 Ana Htlghtl, Callfornla 112707 No blddlir m.y withdrew hi• bld Preeldtni MC>atlll ptopeny IOt • Olriod for fort)'·t!Ye (45) dtye Thia 1111-t wae flied with tht 8 EN I! FI c I A" y s TE pH EN Ill• itlt dett Ml fOt the opening Oouf'tty Cler1I of 0rlll04' County on SCHEIN 8 ERG 1 n d PHYLLIS thtrtot M S "2 SOHEINBERG. llul~ and wttt u P.Y. Ou111«. 11& Emlttld Bty, Laauna Btectt. CtlltOtnla 92851 fhll bualnell le '4>ndUcted by • "QtnlfW pttlnwllllp. The Bollrd or T~t ... r_._ llY 1 • 1 · ,,._ JOlnt 11nant1 the prt'lllegl of rtltetlnCI any tlld 811 Put>ll1htd Orengt Co111 Delly Fltc:orded Janyary 211. 11181 as bid• 0t to • .,.... any lm1oulerlt1M Of Piiot, M•¥ 28, June'· 11, 18, IN2 lnltr No 34<M9 In book 13930. John Andrew9 lnlortnllltltl In any blO or In the 2382•82 PIOt 1572 or Otflcltl Record• In ttMt bidding. oltiOI ot lht Fltc:order of Orangt Thie ltatemtnl W81 nted with Int County Clerk ot Orenge County on 111 NORMAN E WATSON PlltlJC NOTIC[ County, 1tld dttd or lrull O.acrlbts s.ctltary, Int loltowlng pr0!*1y· June 14. 1982 · P1t11• Publl1h1d Onng1 Coal! Delly Piiot, June 18, 26, July 2. 9, 1912 • 2370.82 Board o(Trutt-FICTIT1()UI 8U .... ll LOI 37 ol tract 3031 at per Cot1t Community NAMl..ITATl!MINT map recorded In Book 98 ol Ptgtt ColltQt 011trlcl The foltowlng Ptflonl art doing 24 10 28 ot ml-'l•l'*>V• maP1 In Publl1h1d Orange Coast Diiiy -l>vslMll 11: tht OHIOI ot the County Recorder of Piiot, Junt 18, 25, fll82 SPRAGLE ENTERPRIBE8. Orenge County · 2873-82 2518 Colby Pleet, Cotta M .... CA YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A l'tlll.IC NOTICE 92828. OEEO OF TRUST DATED Otoember Ml.IC NOTICE T110muD.Spr1g1t,25 t8 Co41>y n. t980. UNLESS YOU TAKE K-GONI Pl .. Coele M ... , CA ~2828. ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR I_._ No., .. UI FICTITIOUI llUllMHI Alice F. Spr1gle, 2518 Colby PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A NOTICE TO CftlOfTOfll OF NA• ITATl•NT Pt., Co.11 Melt, CA 92828. PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN llUUC TllANIAll Tht following ptreon II doing This ~ .. n ... Is conducted by. EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE ('"9. 1101-4107 U.C.C.) bull,,,.a 11; Dlf*ll pttlnerehlp. OF THE PROCEEOING AGAINST Nollet II h1rtby given lo . ~ALLEUJAH ANSWERING TllOmll D. Sptlgle YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A cr1dl1011 ot lht within n1mtd BUREAU. 81182 Otrdtn Grove Allee F. SptlQll LAWYER pttlltl 1hat • ~lk tran1t1r I• 1bou1 . ..:208, Gardtn Grovt. CA t2844. Thie •t•t-1 wu Rltd wtlll the 1133 Highland Drive, Newport to bl mlde on ~ 1>foper1y sung w Nam, 8471 Ivy Cir .. County Clerk ol Oranot County on Btac:tl, CA. htrelnaller ~bed. Huntington Btacti, CA 92648. M1y 28, 19112 "(It 1 11re11 lddrtM or common Thi llllmM and bullntta lddrtM Thlt ~tin-. 11 conducted by an F110411 d11lgn1t1on 11 1hown ebovt, no orthllntendtdtrantllforttrt. inOMdual Publlllltd 011ng1 Coeat Dilly wtrr1nty 11 g iven as 10 Its WILL I AM AND J AN ET Sung W. Ntm Piiot. Junt 18, 25, July 2. II, 11182 compttl-or corrte:lntn)" ALVAREZ. 20391 Bftnlltont t..nl, Tiiie atit-1 was rited with tht 21189-82 Tht btntllciary un<ler said OetO Huntington Betc:h, Catil0tnlt ounty Cltr1I ot OrlllQI County· on Ml.IC NOTICE ol Trull. by rtu0n or 1 brNCll or Thi nMlM and ~ lddrtaa Junt 15, 11182. dtf1ult In tht obllg1llons secured of the lntlndtd tranafar-art F1fl531 · Publle llffrtno-wlll bl hlld by lhl l/ltttby. 11«11otor1 axtcultd and CHANO YUNO and KYONG JA Publl1htd Orengt Co111 Delly Colla Mesa Plannlno Commltlkln dt llvtrt d to the und1r1lgnad I LEE, 26451 Gallop Clrclt, legon1 Piiot Junt 18 25 July 2 9 11182 11 the City Hall, 77 Fair Orlvt, Coell written Ote:l1r111on ot Otfaull Ind Hiiis. Cefltonlit 92653 ' ' ' ' 2633-82 Melt.. Ctliromle, II 8:30 p.m. 0t M 0tmano for Sai.. and written notice YOUNO GIL and SUNG SOOK soon 11 poaslblt thtrHlltr on ol brNCll and of ettctlon to cause OH. 22222 Antteony Dfiv.. El T0<0. P\llUC NOT1CC ~.June 28. 1982 1111 undtralgn1d to Hit 111d Ctllfornla 92830 Rag ., d 1 n g t h 1 to 11ow1 n g property 10 111111y ltkl obtiglllona. Th1t the property pertine nt FICTITIOUI .,..... appt~tlonl: end thertelttr the undersigned hef9to II cleecflbtd In ~ti as NA• ITATIMENT 1. Aeiont ~ltlon A-82-08 t0< ctolltd 1tld nollct of brteeh 11110 ol furniture, llx11.1r11, equipment, Tht lotlowlng per1on la doing eo.t1 Mell City Council. P.O. Boll election to be Recorded February goodwlll, lte11 , lta11hotd t>Y..,_ M: 1200, ror ptrmlaelon 10 r11on1 10. 11182 11 IMtr No 92-0411591110 fmprowmenll, trldlntme. llock In MR SPARKLE. 2101 S. Pacillc proplrty loc:tttd 11 2910 Red.hlll OlflClel Rtcord1 trade and eovtntnl nol to compete •3. Santi Ant. CA 9270.4. A v 1 n u 1 tr 0 m c L 1 0 M p Seid 1111 will bt m1dt. but and Is located at: 1128 trvln1 Rob1tt G .... 041rnlg, 2101 S. Envtronmtnlll Dt1trmln1tlon. without covenant or warranty. Awnue, NlwpOt1 Belctl, Ctlltornl1. Pacific •3. Santa Ant. CA 11270<4. Nege11.,. Oeclarllion expr111 or Implied. regarding lllte. The butl,_, n1me ulltd by Illa This t>Y91nea 11 c:onduc:tld by 1n p0-a!on, or ancumbrancn. to ltld transter0ta •I atld location 11 lndlvldu1t 2 Zone Exception Permit P•Y the rtm•lnlng prlncipel sum ot WESTCLIFF PLAZA CLEANERS Robert G. Hotrnlg ZE-82·95 and Rtdtvelopm1nt lht nolt(I) HCurtd by 1tld Died ot and LAUNDERERS. Thlt allttment WM filed with the ACllon AA-82-09 tor Bitty J, Smith, Trull, with Interest ea In atld note That the bullc 1ran1ler ta Intended County Clerk ot Orange County on 1uthorlzad agtnt tor D•nltl D provided. edvtnoet. It 811y, under to be consummated 1t the oHICa ol Junt 15, l982. Darrow, 1733 Oougtu Ro1d, lht terms of said Oetd ol Trust. SERI/ICE ESCROW COMPANY, ,,.., .. Anaheim, lor I Conditional U11 ·-· chargH ind expenses of the P.O. Box 218, 14282 Beach Blvd., Pobllllltd Orange Co11t Qllly Permit to leglllD 1 nonoont0tmlng Tru11ae end ot the tru11S cruletS by WHtmlnller, C1lllornt1 112683 on 0t Piiot, June l8, 25, July 2, II, 1ge2 adult tnttttalnment bu1ln111 said Dtld ol Truet. 111., July 8. 1982. • 2838-82 (maa11g1 atudlo), with v1rl1nc11 S•ld Nit wut be htld on Mondi)'. Thll the lut d1ta I01 flllng c:1&1m1 • lrom p1<klng ind loctllon1t June 29. 11182 et 2:00 o.m. at tne In ltit 111«ow rtf1rrtd 10 herein II rta.IC NOTICE provl1lon1. end R1davalopmtnt ~tn Avenue tnlrenct 10 the July 5, 1g92 Agency Action. toctled It 1733 Civic Ctnttr Building, 300 EHi So lar u 11 known to H id fht IOllowlng copy ol "Mollee", Fuller1on AVtnUt. In • CL ltont. ::hlom•n Awnue. In tht City ot lnttndtd Tran,tfer-Ilk! lnttndad lht or1glnlil of wtildt -flltd for Environment al determination :Hanot. CA Tran1ltrors u1td tht following rtcOtd on 6/27/82 In lht oinc:. of Exempt. At Iha !Ima o t the 1n1tt11 addltlonat bu1lntu n1m11 end tht County Recorder ol •aid 3 . Zont E.11c e31ton Permit )UbJk:ttlon ot thll not-. the total ecklt'-within the thret yeer1 County, 11 Mnt 10 you lnlM"!Udl u ZE--82·97 tor J . Enterprl1ts, wnount ol tht unpaid bt11nee ol thl latt pu11 NONE an 1xamlnttlon of the t1t1t to ulcl lllCOfPOf8t*I, 4 71 t Nlllck AYtnUt )blig1llon MCUrtd by lht tt>ovt Thia bulk tran1ter 11 aubltci to lrut1 property, 9hows ~may hew 11132. stletman 01611. l0t • llgn ~11crlb1d dttd ol trust end C1lllornlt Unllorm Commercial .,, lnttttll 1n tht TN11tt'• s.. ~. IOclttd II 1719 ~ 11llm11td co11t, ••otnses, and Code Section 61oe Proettdlnge. Boultvt1d end tru A 6 B ~ )(!Vtnc:IM It $245,068 16 Olted· Junt 4 1N2 Bou I Iv a rd. In • C 2 i. on t . To dttt<mlne lht opening bid, 'Ching Yung Ltt .::g~~~ Environment et determination· (OU miy call (714) 937-0966 Kyong JI let Exempt. Olla Mey 28. 19112 Young Gii Oh ~ DCaD Of TIIUST F0t lurthtr lnlofmllion on the GATEWAY MORTGAGE Sung Soolt °" l.eM No. CUllLI. ""°"· •bOVI 1ppllc1tlon1, ttltPhone :;ORP lnttndtd Trtntllt-T.I. No. A.-? 754-5245 or call II the Office ol lhe Ytea llCflOW COMPANY "tlilf'Otl'TANT NOT1Cr Pfenning OaPeAment,' Room 200. IEft IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN 77 Fair Drive. Costa M111. :w~ ~ t2llS FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU Ctllfornlt. Publlehed' Orangt Cout Dilly ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS, Publltlltd Or1nge Co111 Dilly PllOI J'une 18 1992 IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY Pilot, June 18, 1982. ' ' 2875·82 COURT ACTION, and ~ may hive 2876-112 P\B.IC NOTICE the llgel right to bring your IClCOUnt -------"""".~--In good 111ndlng by ptylng Ill of P\B.IC NOTICE your put due paym1nt1 ptu1 -----------permitted coats 1nd 1xo1n111 K·00570 within lhr• monlha from the d111 K·0058Z NOTICE OF DEATH OF this nottce °' dtfautt wu recorded. NOTICE OF DEATH OF HELEN M . LEADBEATER an~h:ed~~~n~~::~i:: MACK P . FREED AND OF AND OF PETITION TO Trust a1 ot June 3, 1982 and wtM PET I T I 0 N T 0 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. lnc:ruu un111 your account ADMINlSTER ESTATE NO. A 11385• btcomel c:urrent. You may not hew A·l l3863. -• . . to pey tht witlrt unpaid portion of To all hetrs, benef1c1ar1es. your ac:counl 1v1n though full To all h eirs, beneficiaries, credito rs and .,contingent peymenl wu demanded, ,but you creditors a n d contingen t creditors of H e le n M mutt pay the 11nOUnt1tat.Ctat>ove. creditors 0£ Mack P . Freed dbea and h After thrM months from tht date h b Lea lei' . pe':1K>ns w 0 of recordaOon of tlll• doc:umt11t and Pt;ra0 !"5 w 0 m.ay e may be otherwtse interested (whldl date of recordatlon ~ otherwise interested lll the in the will and/or est.ate: hereon), onleta the obllgatlon being will and/or est.ate: A petition has been !iled lofldottd upon pttTnfte • longer A petition has been flied u 1tld TNlltt. ay T 0 . SERVICE :OMPANY, agent By Lindt Pere. Asailllnl Stcrettry One City Blvd Wes!, Orange, CA 92668 (714) 1135-8288 Publl1had Orange Co1111 Dell~ Piiot, June 4, 11, 18, 1982 2424-82 P\B.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI au ..... NAME ITATEMENT The lollOwtng per1<>ns 1ra doing ~llntll as· SOUTH COAST BROACH COMPANY, 1711 MonrOYil Street. Colll Melt.. Calltoinla 92627 John W111ty Wll1on, 10469 Ktam1lll Rlvtr. Foun11ln V1llty, Ctlltomlt 92708 Thi• ~ •• conducted by '" lf'ldMdwl. John W Wlleon Thlt 1111-t was tlltd wflh the County CleB ol OrlnOI County on by Alfred A. Leadbeater in :-:'· V:. ~"!' legal~ by William Leroy Bartlett in the Superior Court o f .;:. :'11re emounl ~ by the Superior Court o f Oran ge County requesting your c:rldllOJ. Orange County requestin g that Alfred A. Leadbeater be To find out the amount )!CK.I must th.at William Leroy Bartlett F111290 appointed a s personal pay, or 10 err1ng1 lor peymenl to be appointed as personal Publl1hld Oran~. Co11t Delly June 10, 1N2 ad . atop tllt forecloeurt, or It YC>Vt .,.,_ •-1• 25 2 " 1""" representative to minister Pf°'*1Y 11 111 rw.a-.ire ror ~ representative to administer '"""'· ,,..... "· • · •· ..... the e s rate o( H elen M . othtf r-. contact: the estate of Mack P . Freed, _________ 2_64_2-12_ Leadbeater. Irvine. C A Btn Pwll• Costa M esa, Cal ifornia "8.IC NOTICE • (u nder the lndefen dent M.P.D. ,,,_tmtnt Corporation (under the Independent ,..,-, Ad i . . E •~t P.O. Bo.11 3357 "' d I . f Ea ,.,.. m nistrallon o s ... es Anlllllm CA ll2803 A m nistratlon o tates NOTa °' O.Ant °' Act). The petition 1s set for 1 14ne1-3800 Act). The petition Is set for UN.A vtOLA DUHMEt hearing In Dept. No. 3 ll 700 " you lwlvt MY ciu-1lonl. you hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 AND°' NTtTIOtt TO Civic Center Drive West, 1hould contact 1 lawyer or lht Civic Center Drive West, ADMNl8nft llTATI Santa Ana, CA 92701 on C~r~==~ Sant.a Ana, California 92701 Toc!~h~t~·~~rl1t, July 14, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . MAY LOSE LEGAi. RIGHTS IF YOU on July 14, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . cnldllOtl. contingent ettdltora, and IF YOU OBJEX:f to the DO NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTIOH. 1F YOU OBJECT to the p1raon1 who mty be otharwlH granting of the petition, you In addition to the amountt•w et~ granting of the pelltlon, you Int-ltd In the wlll Of estate of: should either appear at the ~enciuin~.,,: ~dll-;;;.,,t;; should either appear at the ~~:H~~~ DASHNER •k• Llt'A v. hearing and s t ate your btcOrM dlllnQwnt, and the i..n h earlna and state your A petition has bean llltd 11y: Ruth objections or file written c an bt rein •tat1d , 11td objections or file writte n R. JonM In thl Superior Court ot objections with the court dtllnQuencletof ""* be cured II • obJ'ections with the court Oreng1 County. requ11t1ng thtt h h i y oondltlOn rwlnltat-1 y Ruth R. JonM be appointed, 11 before t e ear n.g . o ur NOTICE 18 HEREBY.GIVEN: before the hear ina. our peraonal repre11nta11v1 to appearance may be m person THAT r.D. SERVICE COMPANY II appearance may be ln perlC>n admlnl11tr th• 11t1t1 01 the or by your attorney. duly appointed TNlttt under thl or by your attorney. o-dtnt. I F Y 0 U A R. E A tolowtng deaetlbtd deed of rrutt: I F y O U A R E A Thi p111111on requetl1 authority to CREDITOR or 8 <.'Onti•u•ent TAUSTOR: G.M.S. P~TIES. CREDITOR or a contlnaent 1dmlni1ter tht 11tatt under tht •-o INC • .,.. lndtptndtnt Admlnl1trttlon ol aeditor of th'e deceued, you a't Ne Ft c 1 A A Y: M. P . I>. creditor of the deceased, you Ettatt• Act. A h11r1ng on th• must file your clal.m with the INVESTMENT COFIPOAATIO" must fUe your claim with the petlllon wit! bl held on June 80, court or preeent It to the reoorded Apt0~ • lnllr. No. court or present it to the 1"2, at t :ao .. rn., tn Depertment a. PeAonal r epresentative U-tteaoc>of Aecordllntfta personal representative loc:lttd at 700 CMc: Center DrM ofllce of tfll "-"dtr of Orange Wttt, City of Santa Ana. appc;>lnted by the court~.., Olld of 1r\l8I-.. appointed by the court IF YOIJ OBJECT to the gren1ing within four months from the '*1alr\ otlftOltlonl lncludlnQ one within four months from the of ttie petition, )'OU lllould tttner date of first l11uance of note tot 1t1e wn of 1105,000.bO. date of fl rat l11uance of appew ti tlWI ~ Ind •Ille letters aa provfded tn Secdon TMt IN ......... .,.... under letters u provided In Stttion yo11r ot>Jeo\lone or lllt written 700 r •'--~-•-Code of IUCfl dted Of H lll t •11d tfll 700 f the o....i..-+-,.._,,_ f objlcttolW wltfl !hi COUr1 btfote Ult 0 UIC r ....... ""' ob4lgatlon1 eeourlCI t~y .,. 0 CJVUll""' ~ 0 "'9tlnO-YOUI ~•IOI 11\*1 tie In Californ ia. The ti('Qe (or ~ hlld a., a. 1111d111t01_,: Califorftia. The tlme for '*'°"Of by 'PM attorney. , fllinl clalnw will not exp(te "* • ....,,. of. _, dtllUt In, the fUtng datma will not exJ)(re If YOU AN: A CAE011'0A or I pnol' to four months from ~ 9NCll Mfl Olld of prtpr to four months 6'om :!:~~~g•nt er•d(tor ol the the dat• o f the hear1n1 ~,_not":.OO::= the d1te of the hurl•& "'"""" ~ :""~t~ noticed above. beltn0e of tfle pttna1Pel aum of nodced above. per90MI ~-tall'le ~1tld YOU 1'A Y EXAMINE tOf.000.00, wtllcfl llecame ow YOU MAY EXAMfNI! by Ille ooutt ""'*' tout montt1t1 the file kept by ~"' l'OW't.1 hu ....:_. ,., w111 .....,. due tM file kept by the court.hi! =.1: =::. :-~: you are lnte rett.iu n t • Tll•I b, rtHOn thereof "" you are lnterett.ed In t • ttll Clllfornil ,.,owie OOde. The .iatie, you may file a requett "'*'algnecl, ineent ~wv •tat.e. you may file 1 req\Mlt """ tot fllr'O o11111nt wll not ..,.. with the cou rt to re<:etve uncler 111ot1 dffd of tt11a1, t111 wi th the court to reeelve prtot IO tow"'°""""°"' IN clete •P•~lal notice o f t h• ~::'T~':~t~ apeclal not ice of the offot':~~'t1.1cep1 lnven1~.!'!' ofu·~~te .... , 0:.1111o11 o1 DltlUt lfld Ol!Nltd Inventory of ett.He .... u ~ .. oaun. " ,_ .. • o..on and o WJW pe ""'•• eccoun• '°' -. ... ._ ......., .-and ot the pft.IUontl. l«'OUft• ......... "'..., ...... ,_-, .. and reporl1 d1acr1bed In 1/1114 '1 1 .. 111 •• ~ tudl and report• detcrlbed In •,....... •flt eourt •,..... ~.f~!! ~··~!!_ •h• ifcr'-..m-== ln•lon llOo.& ol •h• e,-::-..:,:,.-:,.-:,::: ~ ... ._ .. ~. ...... .. .... CaUfornia Probate ea.. '"'"= .....,.,, 811d .t'IH>fll b• II, IWMf • It DfrBlt ' ..... II W _., &lelllM J, ,.,. t I ' I • flll 'Ill 111111t , •• ef .. ... ..., .. , ··::=' ,, .................. ~"'""-ClllMrNI ........ o.te °'*' °""' = ...... ...., ••·Lew,... ... .... A. .... A•~ CA-".,"1f %": riNt•=t.le..\U: ~ ~~ ... Cou• . "' ' .. I .. ' ( PU"911hed er-.. Ciillt ~.I-."' at, •• ~-= ..... '-·II, ll, II, ., ... ,.... -~.. ., ... l • 5 ~ 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s· I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 3 ol -r •• • !ftff!.~~! ....... !~.~I.¥!. ...... '11!!.~l.'!lh ..... "!lfll ~ J.M .__.. .._.. 1an C..•..s.J ... •nr.r. ••• ...-i ... -....... r.rr ......... i:-~ ,,. ~.~ .... ·-=-1141 EASTBllfFS FINEST 3 Br 2 'h batha, 1pUt level "E'' plan on the cliff and on your own hmd. This apacloU8 home hu a (Corgeoua' bay view from almost every room. 20% down and owner will carry flnanclng ~ flt your budget. Call today. 111111 llebtta I ll110. 111-1424 .. :· . . ..........• .... lAIMUU . . ...,... ················~····· Nr h90ll & Al:IAnla, S tit, 1~ bl condo, evlll. ~ 1, 1724 ...... .,.,.. 9¥1 ~l.'!!f .~rA ... !~ff 4 IA, rww cieo. furn, SeG g1te, prlv 8cti , ttnnlt Ownr. •tt-'°38 Sin Clemente ~ ol ownerthlp. Modern tsi-• nteh 1lyl1 four untt 1partm•nt l'IOUH Wiii\ oo.tn, hllll • gOlt oourM vtew, olOH to everything, ,only lhree yHr• old, .,.,,. U•&taldM lhow• llke NEWI S•lfer • • • ••• • • • •• • • • • • • •••• • ~Ill llllp tln1nc. & 11¥9 "8tt'1 Jlf2 buy•r thoueand• or •••••••••••••••••••••• dollartlll Setting prkle of ........ / ........ 1325.000 It WI)' tMlow Panoramic oc .. n and ~ current rtpl1c1me nt ~ylllewl LoSBr.ttmll)'. coetl PRIN CIPAl.8 Orl\19 by 2331 Cliff. C .. ,"l llo.E Wtll•l•tlfl IHI ONL YI C1ll owner II for de\111111•00/mo +111.T I" ····NoauALiFYi'No.... (11'1 .. 2~1,.· 1411/NI ..,._ Spenlah charmtr with 2 /•IMf 1nMrt. 1#1 2 atory 38r 2'.+~. WOod ONE·O,·A·KINO: 4 Bel, trplcl on overtlted IOI ••••••••••• .. •;;'•••••• l gl .... 2 eat ;-r. NEW lam rm, + l>tll l ot>I Country kitchen. Alllclng CALL & IUPlf 11600/mo. ~t':'=~f:kg ::; ~.!,~.;~:~ :.u~~~9your IOIEllT llllllEI ,::;!root H~ ~~ & lovely llv rm w/ rrplc 631· 1268 ..... Only $335,000. Agl !~~~~~~~~!! C11I• #IN .,_, 641&.<1380 or 8415--41785 Oti11 •HJ 111•1• 1: •••••••••• •• •••••••••• 1---------1...................... ''"' WAITll I IEW , ...... ,. WAITll lt llY #dllt B1a11 Tr•d• for NB. oc11n- 1 2 Br, 2\.11 ba, plue frple, 2 NEWPORT HOME. F1t fll 8411 1100 front home Owner car gar, pool, lac. all..,._ La nd Have $40,000 •••• .. •••••••••••••••• $800,000 3711 S••· thin bitting dftt~ to cash Send olfer• ro: FIO Newport Beach De Anr.a ahOrt &73-8578 I be• c 11 . S 8 O O I mo . Bo• 197 4 Newport bayrront Park. Mint 675-2311 or5A&-2239 C cond. '78 'dbl wide, tire-26.pld« Unit• I Beach A 92663 pla<;a, brk:k patio. Cull flow 2.2 Ac:res. Zo-OC·RENTALS, Condo b' Own• S58,500 Also 2 br., 2 ned 41 Ct>ndo1 Tustin. 1·5br'e $200to12000 ba .. double wide, corner SIM. Agt. 975.087g 750-3314 open 7-dayt er ~;5~~9~· Biii Grundy __ F_O_R;...E_C-LO.,...S.,...U_R_E __ ~ llW TIWl .. 11 4 bdrm. 2 b•. ~aay lliit. lo ... lltlt WI ... • ~:r~e7'1~~;ds!~"7i~~~·' 3 Br. 21.+ba, plu• llre· 1erm1. 2131445-7871 or 11 • • • • place. 2 ctr gar, pool, 213/447·2992. 2 bdrm . 1'h ba. edits 2110 IMfl Aai AH Jae, 111 within biking dls-Lerg1 lot. Sml pet OK. t • n c e t o b • a c h . IWIH &111111 Nr. Shopping. Low rent. Oed1 Mtll $900/mo &75·2311 or 2 Br, 2 Ba condo. E.X'traa. $25,000. 8•7·2954 10-2 bdrm townhouse 548·22311 Pool. Jaculltl. gra.ibell apta. ptua 4 bdrm ranch ---------ava il. Musi 1111. Prln. Double wide 2 br, 2 ba, In houM. )(tn1 rental area. IE llE tf 0 n 1 y 6 4 1 • ll 4 9 9 0 r Hunt. Beach. Reduced Flexible financing. Prio.d TIE LNIY FEW 646·7958 S7SOO. Near beach. Prln. to !I.ell at IHa then 10 X Rent In Colla Mtta'• only. Agt. 968-4593 ::'rol9 Call N E w Es T 0. t e d 2 0 Ill O&IJH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij WOLFINGER REALTY Townhome VILLAGE 3 Bd 2'~ Ba Monaco, 24 I STU P&lll 213-539· 1394 COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 er. hr guarded comm .. pvt Double wide Lancer with Loll fir l•Jt zzoo 2'h Ba 1800-1800 aq. ft exec llvlng $599.000. attached aunroom 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• ot pvre luxury Garage1, 64•--0448 bdrms .. 2 b1t11a & 2 cir Watirfr••t lit spaa In every home • carport. Prime end unll Redding CA 130 .000, muter 1ult1, d ining "•IWNRT Mii If IHlll" NEW MEOIT. CUSTOM ,., .... ,..." Pool & Wi'neoetler Feret1r Ylew $2,400.000 Open Set/Sun 1·4 17 Muir Beech Clrcle BY OWNER 640·9405 673-1633 with tots or privacy. l0% dn Agt 875•7414 room1, wood· burning Convenie nt westsldt llr1ptac11, micro-wave loceUon. $42,000 llH•l•l•, J>.11rl, OYetll, private patios & .,,,,, • Z40I yards.gardene r provl· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ded Elegant Uvtng onty I ••f &•ltWIW 15 minutes from Fashion .._ an Island. 7 mlnu1u to S.C. Lake tront/Hamlltalr 4 Plaza or o .C.Alrport. bdrm, 3 ba $675,000. Juel eeat of ~wport OWC 714-846-3278 Blvd. & 80 of San Diego ...... IUI UIE-Frwy. Starting et $900 a 4 Seuons ol Fun. lnvett month 63 1·5439, 2473 in our mountain play-Orange Ave .. Co1ta S 1 , O o o Tot 11 o own, ground while we're 81111 In _M_esa_. __ • ___ _ $2.800/mo. Eaatblulf 3 e buyers market. Write S Br 3 Ba. Mesa del Mar. \ 1>1\·1,1011 of 11.irhur hlH'l mt•nl l'11 br, 2 be. plush home. or call lor brochure & lrg yard $925/mo. Bob or $235,000. 7141-493-6627 I.a•••• Miiis maps. You·llnlall hom11 Dovie Koop. 759-1221 24'x64'° GREENBRIER lrom $10 PSQ • 35 mod· lFFlllAILI o u E L L., DI .., els or your plane, wlll IEllT Tl MY PW H "" · ge ·"· n . ..,m. b lld h S G ... _ .. I I ADULT MOBILE HOME kit opens to Fam Rm, u anyw ere. un· ets you •• art .... n ,.. P ARK on Ille Bay. 1 wetblr. 2 BR. 2 BA. Light shine Real E1tate, Beller """ ownerlhlp. bdrm, den, 1 ba $60,000: lot .. yoong adltl wel· Hom" & Gardena. Box 2 Br. N01"1h Costa MtM. 3 br . 2 be $68,500. 2 come $39,500. 5410-5937 8083, Big BHr Lake, 1475/mo. bdrm turn $45,000. 2 92315. 714/868-41851. 2 Br. Townllouee with bdrm $25.000 300 E. MOBILE HOME dbl wide p••• ff•ir•y pool. H.B. 1575/mo. Cat Hwy Unit 113, New-28r. edit pk, walk to -4Kn 1 Br. Duplex, East1tde p 0 r t B 8 1 ch . Bk r supermarket, $25.950. Monterey C.C .. 2 br. 2 ba C.M. $450. 675-3347 Agt 557-9390 condo on Illa F•lrway, Lit'• get yoor lnveltmttrt ----------! -...:..--------• western exposure. Lo-start-' ,,. J I e..---1 buy. Lg 2 br, 1 ba. _, ... --.. wett l>fk:e In area I 159. Agent 662 1700 ~ lllUI 1011 ~4~~~~0~~2500· _500 __ . _87_s-_3_909 ____ -1 C_on_v_en_len_t_3-Br_._2ba.-. -,am-. ..... it!............... 11111 ir •E WE T&llE, llY. 2 t1p1. wl d, rtg. gas **SELL ** 11& 2 br, 1 be condo Pano-880. l1nct, dbl gar. 9911-24 Wide. i BR. 1·~ Ba. ramie take view. comp w t r I g d n r S 8 7 5 . •-Coslt Mesa. Owner Wiii remdld. 8 blk• from 556-1448 Su .llH O.,htr... carry at 12% with min dn Heavenly Valley 1111 area --------- 1 acre aq estate. Loca-pym't. BONDED 91243 $l29.500. 675-390Q USTSllf ttd In 1xclualv1 Aqua-ll0-4211 '=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ lrittMJ W...Ss gall section S750.000 --------1• ••aE IPNmltn 3 Br 3 Ba. rrplc, mk:ro, or will trade for NB-Irv-A,.rl•l•ll "" deck , pool & tennis . Legun1 home or twnh· Ill l4/t 1300 Tucked away no r El $895/mo 6 46-1184 me Call Rosemary, •••••••••••••••••••••• Carlso 111111g1 Ilea •P· dayi. 8"'1>-9543 evn 4 9 8 • 7 1 3 1 o r REMEMBER DAO! prox. 20 acrn or tr-. a ---------7 14 ·8 33-07 30. Full wltll 8 stream end the ultlmlle LUXURY 2 Br. 2 Ba. Con- courtsey plu• bonus to Fetller's Day message 1n privacy. A small mo-do, lrplc. dbl garage. Co-o Bkr1. 642.se18 bile home for convenleo-pool & spa. $650/mo Win 4 FREE TICKETS! ce makes this an 8KCltfng 642-5290 •••I• A.• JOIO to an Angels Game retreat. Ottered st $230, ~~•••••••••••••••••••• Delly Piiot 000. Call Jean, STA.ATER HOME 1br w/ gar. patio. lncd yd $455 OC-RENTALS 750-3314 Lovely 2 Br custom home Classified ads 642-5200 prestigious N Santa Ana S 12'4 ,500 OWC. l81/a111 2 Br, lncd yard, gar. Xlnt terms. 675·6852 or ltJNlhl 1400 kids/pets O K. S550 A PETE BARRETT ··. REALTY 957.2719. • ....... ;.¥............ 2 2 1 5 A Pomona -------..,.,,-,"""' Pre· school bldg. S .A. _6_4_8+_8_2_311 _____ _ ~~.'~ .• ~'.(!~.'. •.• !.... Uc'd. 7200 SQ n (bldg CUTE 2br unit. extrt MONARCH TERR. l500). $90K. 644-0782 bl. blHn1 only $425 3 Bdrms, ocean view. Ci••tttl•I 0.I II CIH OC-RENTALS 750-3314 Attractive targe corner Ill 1,,, 1100 h ty ISSI Family home 38R 2BA lot Superior financing. •••••~•.,•••••••••••• ••••• ~&............ close to schoots~ garde-- $385,000, 661-3956 APPLE VALLEY Duplex, Rancho Mirage, ner. rtlrlg, W/D, O/W, f•lll• IOIO Tu Shlter C-1 property. $80,000. Olsp S725 mo,117M899 "•••••••••••••••••••• Near new 4·ptex, 2 bdrm. Two sep1rate unite, 2 Br, EXEC 3br untt, gar, pool llUTW 2 bath each unit with l200 IQ tt each By Ow· pltlO. loeded NOW $600 OttmY Y1W llreplect, enc:loted patio, ner Grnt l ln1nclng OC-R£NTALS 750-3314 Superb conllructlon. gar1g9. 9¥.-1st. Pos 1·328-5555, 340-1848 See 1782 New H1mpll)lre crattsmanlhlp & decor•· cull flow. Now $159. CARLSBAD wlttrfront, 3 Br $800/mo 1111 last/ ting An irchltectural 500. Biii Grundy. Rltr, m1gnlflcent view, beavll-$300 MCUrlty. No pets muterplec1 In presll· 875-6161. rul lg 2Br. 28a condo 844-6996. gloua Ltmon Helghll. llWPIRT Otllll'L Auumt existing loin ---------8090'. 5Br. 8bt, 4 lrplc, w11m down Of exolk: car. E·tld• 2 br, lncd yd, 2 car gym, wine cetler. Room Excellent central comer (714) 631·3889 gar wfopnr, 11v & refrlg. for h0r1t1. tennis. lie. locallon. 3 bldgl. Owner w/grdnr. $685. t60-&419 Call Rick Alder1tt1 flfl1nclng. 11'1 Ell•ll Ruttor/D1v1loper tor Realonomlcl 675-eTOO lxtia., llH • •U mll • det1ll1. 731·444• or llWNllT'l&.YI .. • .. ,. .... ,............ 3 Bdrm t1mlly home. 73l-51l5 Top locatlon. ~rlc~d WAIT II tr OtlM ~:,"'~~~ln!:,~~r' = right. Approx 1800 eq n condo or homt. Trtd• .... "/mo without 11.,~ In front Wflh 3000 aq tt Fall brook lovely 4Br ;" 642•3005 For Ad Action storage area tn rear. Prl-2~bl, lg tam rm, pr_. --------- ctd right. For further tlge 1rea. StrMm. oaks, Co1la Mesa 2 Bd 1 S. 1nro. call. over 1 acre. $325,000. or $400/mo. Robert Mllll· Cal a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 MEL FUCHS sell ror $25,000 down. ken. Petfllt1 lttr. owe. g~::JREE & 111-1120 lndu1t. Park . Gen. 831-1266 Charming E. Side 3Br, den. 21.+e.. epa w/2 P"' yd1, $900 mo. 8411-3532 Get GAEEH cufl tor WHITE elept\anla wttfl • ClulltMd Ad Call 842-5879 partner lnttf'H1. Approx SI 10,000 yr net Inc. $715,000 equity & S280. 000 111t1 comm Want home or homt, boat, pl•nt. Smt loan• or lrM "-ti,.,,,.. /Ill .__.. ...,. 1111 & clear. BHcfl llta. :-:.-:c; •••••••••••••••• ····~··············· Own/agt. g1s-o1•2 •OLD FASHIONED• Flr1pl1c1. 2 ll'nall be· droome. freeh p1lnt. laundry hook·upe, fen· ced yard. Ir•••· No Oogt. 2335 Elden. '5e0. "6-3989. RESPONSE WAS FANTASTIC PLEASE KEEP THOSE OF.FERS C(IMG Bll.DER llJST SELL! ..... P1 , 111 PL iJ'L'\:..~ Jot w/OCIMil view, belch t,iW.t 8eH or i... with option. 8Wpl '° bey, jetty & ocean ...i ,.,.,. "•"' "" ........ , .....•.•...•. ...... -E•ofl•nee ror .... I E•· £/Skit. 2 lttrliCt. 2 bt, 2 b• 11omH, 1450 (July 15), 025 (July 1). 841-3937 tate. mu9t ~ ci.w °' .... ""'' 1111 nettci.w. • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1500,000 to 810,000,000 2 STY, 3 br home. 2 frl)tae. ~ tlll c:oneuttem. ep. flrri rm. on Qul9t M a&. PfOvll •o41clltl~. ..... IO bcfl I tnttln-. lt71 "'"'• ......... per fftO. ~750 9¥98 714..ut-!t"' ,_..lff!'z.l!ff ~.~~~!!!~!·~~~I "'"'H'&'liiiOA NNT PoHll»le trade w/c1•h I .... aata. Fenced down « ~ ,_/die YMI & ..,.. Kida & 4 C1 rlnQ, Nev or f'.8. ~ ~ ... 146-IOOO. dPflllmuetl. Cell ,.,..., ........... -• Ad Ula. Ml~ H rw.. I I .. • / ( ild\NC.t ('l l lJN I'( ( Al II OHNI A i~ CENTS ~ioneer spacecrBl t hunts 10th planet? MOUNTAIN VIEW (AP) -the aun, make lt "very llkelr, looked ai many pcmlbWU. and I don't like any of them very Two hr·tangln1 Pioneer there'• 1omethln1 out there,' Mid John Andenon of the Jet much." 1p1cecraf t are 1cannlnf, the Propulalon 1..aboratory in trtnae-of the IOlar' •)"Item or an Puadena. Anderton, who head• the UNeen obt:lt. which lclentiata aearch, 11ld the po*'lbUhle1 1u1ptct m ght be larger than But It'• ''lmpcmible to predict include a 10th C'• a cold, dark Earth and perhaps u maulve u . . . what we m!iht find," he star, or even a lack hole. But he the l\l?l. told a new1 conference Thunday dted complications that would Peculiaritlft in the orblta ot at the National Aeronau:iA and make any of thoee theoriea hard Uranua and Neptune, the Space Administration'• mes to explain. eeventh and elahth planeta from Reeearch Center h ere. "I've The aearch la bein1 made .., ... ...,.. NOT QUITE SRO -Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin looks out on several rows df empty seats during his ad~ to the United States disarmament conference today. Several delegations walked out in protest at the start of Begin's speech. by Ploneen 10 and 11, which left moving lnto •pace at more than cU.x>vered al.mott ex.actlri where .honM a dee.de 1fO and made the 30,000 mph . lt WU calculated to be. p Uto, the mott distant of the n,lne known ant exploratJcllw ot Jupiter and Anderson said IOITle dist.ant Sa turn. Plon Hr 10, now 2 ~ object 1eerna to be exerting a Celaneta, WU lpoUed in 1930 aft.er bllllon mil•• away, hat 1one ~avitaUonal pull on Uranus and ing aimilarly predicted. t.nhlr into~ than any other eptune because the orblta of the A1tronomera once thou1ht . en* be beyond all the b~ planeta vary ~htly from planeta "1 July 1983. w t aatronomera expected. Pluto waa affecting Neptune and Uranus, but obeervation1 the put ~acecratt , both Such orbital perturbation• few years lhow the planet la too in aood lhape, are on were u.ed ln 1846 to predict the small to have any measurable oppolite lidee of the eun and presence of Neptune, which was effect. ·UCI clillic shelved Plans .delayed p ending hospital d ecision By JOEL C. DON or .... Dlilr ,......., Plana for an outpatient medical clinic at UC Irvine have been delayed pending a decision on a propoeed hospital for the campus, a univienlty official aaid. Dilcu8lion of the UCI clinic proposal was withdrawn from the agenda of a UC Board of Resents meetin.s Thursday and today in San Franclaco, according to UCI College of Medicine dean Stanley van den Noort. Dr. van den Noort, a major ~ker of the clinic, said UCI off.idala want to clear up the hospital 'issue before presenting additional plans for an outpatient clinic. He said the university wants to better coordinate the proposed clinic and possible hospital. hospital officials said the change was due partly, to studies that show the Irvine area will have too many hospital beds to handle the expected demand by 1980. That information an d othe r factors could throw up major barrie rs to n ecessar y state approval of a hospital In Irvine, according to Orange County H e a Ith P I a n n i n g C o_u n c i l \spokeswoman J ean Emond. Still, Irvine Medical Center , backed by a group called People for an Irvine Community Hospital and the HealthWeat Foundation of Chatsworth, show strong interest in a hospital project. The Nashville-based Hospital Corp. of Ame.rica also has shown interest in building a major medical center in Irvine. Co.mmlttee choice Santiago Canyon • • • prime airport site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- The $10 million clinic is slated to be built With Long Beach Memorial Hospital. But if a hospital also is approved, van den Noort said UCI would prefer to enter a partnerahip with a single Israelis adva~cing ·in Beirut Argentina's chief to resign today group on both projects. "We want to hold off going to the regenta With final plans until we have a better i4ea of who we're working with!" h e explained. ''We want to hold up a ·bit until the hospital plans ~ By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or .... o.11r ,... • ..,, A site east of Orange in the Santa Ana Mo untains has emerged ai the leading candidate for a regidnal jet airport to serve Orange County. 'lbat conclusion is contained in a .. draJt r eRor t n ow be,ing clrclllated arflong members of county government's "blue ribbon" committee of business and industry leaders that has been studying the siting issue for more than a year. with the U.S . Department of Defense relocation of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and the nearby Marine helicopter base at Tustin. Contents of the draft report now In the hands of committee members were confirmed today by knowle dgeable county officials who declined to be identified. By T1ae A11oclated Preti Tightening their stranglehold on the bunkers of Y asaer Arafat's besieged Palestinian guerrillas, Israeli t roops moved In to Christian east Beirut today and a dvanced to the green line frontier with predominantly Moslem west Beirut. By 1'Jle AllOdated Prell Gen. Leopoldo F. Galtierl, ousted a1 army commander because of the Falklands defeat, said he will quit today as Argentina's president. Interior Minister Alfn!do Saint Jean takes over as interim president. but expectations are he will be succeeded either by the foreign minister or the air force chief. "The generals . . . want me to resign, which I am willing to do today to maintain the unity of the army and the armed forces," Galtlerl told reporters before retiring for his final nlght ln the Pink Rouse, the presidential palace in Buenos Aries. · "I do so, aware of the responsibility thia meat\S but sure that it can contribute . . . ln a positive way to the feelings of the Argentine nation and its international po~" Galtieri's ouster Thunday as army commander cost him his seat on the three·man ruling· junta ot army, navy and air force chiefs. done." •. Though the regents have approved UCI'a clinlc proposal, van den Noort said Irvine campus officials have not decided wheth er to build a clinic, a hosPital or both. ''The financial feasibility of the clinic as an entity is related to whatever develops around it," he said. Various groups have been vying to build a major hospital for the Irvine community. Further, according to the draft report, the c:-ounty should pursw: "It's my understanding the ~uys are pretty firm on the San ti ago Canyon recom. mendation." one official aaid. (See AIRPORT, Pa1e Al) Irvine Meado-ws ci1ncels la-wsuit The Israeli infantrymen pushed closer to the guerrilla trenches in the west one day after Arafat challenged the Csr aelis to attack, vowing he would tum the Lebanese capital into their graveyard. , Meanwhile, sporadic shelling ; resumed around hastily built guerrilla r edoubts near the Beirut international airport on the southern edge of the city. Phalangist Christian militiamen, who have held the eastern half of Beirut since this nation's 197:5· 76 civil war, guided Israeli allies through their territory to the demarcation line, witnesses said. Design for Irvine center under study Western Medical Center in Santa Ana last week scrapped its Irvine hospital proposal in favor of building a $10 million outpatient clinic in the city. Tustin Community Hospital also appears to be backinR off from its hospi\al plans, with its sights perhaps set on an outpatient clinic. Western Medical and Tustin Officials of Irvine Meadows Amphitheater have canceled an antitrust lawsuit against the Nederlander Organization, a national enter1ainment firm and a major competitor. Amphitheater officials had charged that Nederlander U9ed special contract agreements to prevent acts slated for its Greek Theater in Los Angeles from performing at Irvine Meadows. According to the Nederlander contract, acts could not perform within a lOO·mile radius of the G reek Theater three months before or two months after their Los Angeles engagement. The troops drove through the streets of east Beirut in armored personnel carriers and parked near checkpoints where civilian traffic moved unimpeded to and from west Beirut. Black-bereted Lebanese army commandos checked identities under the watchful eye of the Iaraelis. Most of the traffic was from west to east, as families 90uglat to flee from a feared Israeli drive to crush the nerve center of the P ales tin e Liberation Organization in west Beirut. NATION Designing for a new Irvine Qvic Center will begin Monday when architectB start discussions with Interested citizens. At 7 :30 p .m . Monday , representatives of David Klages Associates will conduct a meeting at the Irvine City Council Chambers to ·diacuss the steps leading to selection of a design. The 90·minute session will be broadcast on Community Cablevision Channel 3. A rch i t ects also will b e stationed Monday through Friday in the Chambe.r of Commerce conference room at Qty Hall Anne_x II. Any interested residetits are invited to visit~ the architects to suggest Ideas or ask questions Pot peril lor papas , i'"A. atuay shows that heavy u.e of martjWm.8 can advenely affect men 's reproductive systems. Page 136. TELEVISION 'Dukes,' 'Dallas' distortedt Are ''The DulUia of Huurd" and "DalJaa" lhoWI that 1tve ehUd ren • cll1&orted view of l lfe and 11>9wn ct.lnil:1lw behavtar? ..... B7. t about lhe design, said Sue Tsuda, civic center coordinator for the city. • Participants would be wiae to bring written commenta 90 they have more time to di8cusa plans with the representatives, sh e added. "What they're trying to do is reach out and get as many people into the process as they can," she explained. After next week's meetings, the arch ltects will draft preliminary center dealgn1 and then hold another week of public ' di8cullk>!l8 bel1nninl July 12 at Univenity High School. The n e w civic center is envisioned by city leaders to (See IRVINE, Page Ai) COUNTY His name is as familiar as the label on their favorite beverage to literally tens of thousands of wine fans - especially thoee who like to read about the fermented grape. Mead on Wine He is Jerry D. Mead, author of the column Mead on Wine that for a dozen years has been one of the most widely read and d.n:ulated feature ot its kind on the West Coast. and starting today, he ia a regular contributor to the Daily Pilot. His weekend columns will appear each Friday ln the Weekender and he al8o will report wine news in a midweek column to appear Wednetdaya in the Daily Pilot·Food Section. The debut column today ia the first of a series of three in which Mead reports on the highly regarded Orange County Fair oommercial wine competittbn. It~• on Page 13 of the Weekender, inside this edition of the Daily Pilot. INDEX Mural still controversial The thural deplcUng Ku Klux lCJan figures has finally been hunc at Irvine Hiah School, but the controveny and appc.'ehenlion have not died down. Pace Bl. Jazz lest at Irvine Bowl The ~ Hall Jaa Band will lerW ur. ta-=..~leana sty~ at ~·· lrvtne Bow . 1ft Your Service Buline9I Cavalc8de C1Ml1fied Comics en.word Death NoUcee F.clltorial Hcime/Garden A~ c.&-7 B2 Dl·8 84 84 D2 AB 88 SPORTS The $1.:5 million suit was filed before the Irvine amphitheater opened last year. . Bob Geddes. managing partner of Irvine Meadows, said the a mphith ea t e r was having difficulty lining up acts for its first season because of the Nederlander "radius clause." · However, he said this year it appears performers are refusing to sign the Nederlander contRct. "We're not losing a n y attractions because of the Greek Theater," he said. "We h ave proven the fact that theee two markets are separate and acts should not be foreclosed from playing in Irvine. ~ lntenni8aion Ann Landen Mutual Funds Public Notices ~ Stock Markets W•ther Wodd News .· B2 Weekender B2 C6 B8,7;D'l Cl~ C1 A2 A3 ... • ' A iole lot ol irouble . ,,.. ~---Md ............ °' u. u•:o;.n .,u ~ PljJI . '" ..,r u well 11 helidQuanen th• local 1ehool and water etrlct1 . A p rtormln1 1rt1 mplex, • hoapltat and an te1~tec.t ~tan complex have n propoeed at different tl~ee r the aite. Mrs. T1uda said tht' school t.rtct otfloea pro~ would be e f irat bulldins er«tmd. . The Cotta Meea-'-ed Klagea alao la workl"I on des.llna r the propoeed onnae C.ounty erform lng Arte C e nte r rmerly the Mueiic Cent.er) In ta Mesa. • • It l1 handHn1 both Job• ln conjunction with the nationally_, known Texu tb'm of Caudill Rowlett Scot\ and ti\• SWA Group of ~Beach. The firma are cN.raed wlth designing • muter plari for the civic ~nter and deefp of a clty hall. A top priority ll 1electlna an architectural theme that can be carried out through the center, said Mn. ,._uda. Penons with queetlona can call her at 754-3662. IRPORT SITE . . . ver about 2~ acl'ft of land on e ffr ey R o ad b etween addleback College -North ampus and th e n earby Canyon site, officials said. The committee ls scheduled to meet July 14 to take action on ~he report. Officials cautioned today that the report could be modified ranca, or creek bed. It is intended to 1erve as the ...U.Sing link in Irvine -a central weeung place. before that date. • A reconunendation in tavor of Santiago Canyon could set off co ntroversy among some members of the county Board of Supervisors. A new city hall and police department are planned for the -Relocation of the two Marine Corps bases would be necessary to "create" airspace that would be needed for aircraft patterns s urrounding the San ti ago Board C h ~irm a n Bruce Nestande, for example, has opposed use of Santiago Canyon as a n airport site . ., , " UC Irvine Engli s h -department chainnan John ; Carlos Rowe has received a ' Rockefe lle r Foundation plans to write a book on his study. Rockefeller fellowships in the humanities such as the one awarded to Dr. Rowe were given to 33 acholars by the foundation this year. • Fe llowship to study mass • media coverage o f the Vietnam War. The N ewport Beac h " resident will research films, television shows, DDYels and , newspaper edi\orlals. He Rowe came to UCI in 197!\ after 1erving as an assistant profeeeor at the University of Maryland and a Fulbright 1ec:turer in West Gennany. •The UC Irvine College of Medicine has recet9ed $7 ,200 ~ in financial support from the Or an ge County Medical .Association A uxillary. Re9earcb Foundation. The check was presented to medical school dean Stanley van den Noort on behalf of th e America n M edical Association's Education and The contribution was part of the more than $62,000 awarded to eight medical schools in California by the AMA foundation. The money was contributed by physicians and their s pouses, raised mostly by members of the AMA Auxiliary. Coastal ' Low c:louda end log In ell1y ~ours and mollty cloudy 11111 "1ernoon. More drizzle with e 20 ljlrcent ch1nce or me&IW'lb4e l)reetpi1111on. Highs todey M to 72. Low cloud• end tocll log tpnlghl and Setureay morning. C>wrnlghl lows 56 10 82 Moltly aunny during S11U<d1y el1emoon tflgha Saturday 68 to 74 T,emperaturea In Huntington· Newport ., .. ranoe from • low of ~ 10 • high or 88 El1ewh1re. from Point doncepllon to the Mexican ~det end OUI 80 mllel· Ughl ver1eble winds becoming ~ 10 eouth'W911 10 to 16 knota thle f ternoon end evening . th-\ swellt of 2 10 3 l•I. Temperatures Al billy Albvque Amerltlo AaheY\lle Allllnll Allentc Cty Auatln Belllmor• Billings !Mrmlnghm Blamer di BoiM BOiton Brown1111te jluttelo Bur11ngton Caaper Chel111n SC Ch1r1.11n WV Chllrltte NC Cheyenne Chk:ego Clneinnau CleYeland Clml>hl SC Columbvl Del-Ft Wth Oeyton DenV9f Dea Molnee Qe1roll Duluth El Peao fer go Flegllalf Gr .. I Felli Hertrord Helene Honolulu Hou.ton lndneplil .lec*ln MS Jldl"""9 ~City LlllVepe Omaha Oflanclo Phlledphla PhotolX PltttburVJI PtlMd, Me Ptland, Ore Pr~ Raleigh Reno Salt Lel(e San AntonR> Se.1111• Shf~ Sioux ella St Louie St P·Twnpa SI Ste Marte Spoil-SyrlllCUM TOC*le Tuc:torl r-. W-..ngtn Wlc:Nt• 77 80 82 107 88 70 92 80 ee 00 85 93 83 88 77 80 76 53 Ml 73 ... 101 87 82 17 from ~ T-Ind Uttle Rock c.n1rll high Plelnt ~ 911 . ~le CAL.•ORNIA .,..., ,.... ,..._.,, CMrtee 1a.r RETURNED -An unidentified Huntington .Bea~h police officer escorts murder suspect Rene Dayco to the H~tington Beach city jail after Dayco was returned from Mexico. HB murder suspect • • • awra1ts arra1gn1ng By PHll.. SNEIDERMAN 0( tM Delfr ..... ..,, Rene Flores Dayco, 41, remained in Huntington Beach City Jail today, awaiting an arr aignment, tentatively scheduled Monday, on charges that he hacked to death his wife and mo th e r -in ·law in the family's Huntington Beach home. Dayco's three young children, found alive and safe with their father in Rosarito Beach, Mex .. early Thursday, were in Orange C.ounty's Albert Sitt.on Home for children today. A uth orities said a r elative would break the news to the children today concerning their mother's and grandmother's deaths. Dayco is suspected of using a sharp instrument to slay his wife Shirley. 27, and his mother-in· law, Phyllis Harbulak, 65, in a bedroom of the family's home at 14952 Sunnycrest Lane. Police said Mexican police confiscated a number of bloody knives, including a meat cleaver, eo .08 72 3.64 se 78 44 54 .40 82 82 se .38 53 .32 57 .07 73 61 87 55 .03 ... 14 3.82 32 .08 69 50 63 .41 65 89 .02 88 .to 63 1.42 Llncllter Long Belch LOI Anoeiel Monrovl1 Montebello Monter.y""- Mt. Wll90n NeedlM ~BNch Ontario Pelm Spr1ng1 PUl(l9fle Peao Ro~I Rlve<llde Red Bluff Redwood City Secr1men10 Sellnaa Sen Bemerdlno Sen Frlncilco Sen JOM 88 70 66 87 70 88 77 104 67 88 69 70 61 eo 59 68 53 84 81 60 55 80 87 58 51 57 69 59 55 62 50 52 57 5t 64 68 • Crom the trunk of Dayco'• gold 1980 Pontiac ~bird. Officers said they had located Dayco, an a\,lto mechanic for Southern California Edison, through information provided by the man's family and friends. Dayco's ex-wife, who resides in West C.ovina, told police Dayco had called her and asked that she bring his passport to a San Diego location. Huntington Beach officers traveled to that location but found Dayco had left. Police Lt. Merle Schneblin said a second tip came from another woman, who police did not identify. The woman told officers sh e h ad r eceived a telephone call Crom Dayco, with the oper at or identifying t~e origin of the call as Rosarito Beach. Acting o n a descr iption provided by Huntington ~h police, Mexican auth orities spotted Dayco's Firebird at a local motel and took him and the children into cus tody early Thursday. police said. Huntington Beach officers transported Dayco a nd the ch ildren to Huntington Beach Thursday afternoon. d~Ml11l11lppl VIII~ to tlle Lut>bodl Ukee end nMhem .._ Mempllll HI L. Senti Ana 8111'111 Bartlet• Sent• Crui Senti Merle Sente Monica Stockton TW-Vf/w; Thermll Torrtinee Yuma .100 84 69 63 108 78 84 62 71 80 78 M 82 ... 85 63 94 82 55 57 81 '8 emp•r•turH before d1wn ed from 31 In St• 8 ellft • Mtefl .. to 18 In ~ Mleml Mheuk• Mpte-8t.P Nlllh'lllle New Ot'-'9 New Yortc Nortoll No.Piette Okie City ~ =--a::..-... . ....,.. &::.:'·....,.,. ~7.t!ww ~"- == 84 81 100 79 a.mow 101 75 ee.-it 82 55 Ilg Beer 78 40 lllflOO ee 81 lltytlle 102 71 c.tellne 15 54 Et.nil• eo 80 '"""° ., 72 lllf 'RIPDIT ~ .... A~ ~ ,.., f·2 ft to "' "°"' IO I ft ,.., to I ft ,.., IO I ft it IO '~" n a: ,..,..., Smog • 87 100 • 5' 74 Where to cell (toll frM) tor l•lw1 emog lnfOmletlon: °"""" county. (800) 44Wl2t Lb• AngelH Cou11ty: (100) 24M022 AMnllde Md Sen lerrwdlno oountlM; (800) 117-4710 AQMD lpltOde O.ntet: (800) 242-4MI Tide.· ,...., hoond low 1:01 p.m • ....... 7tMp.m .. 1, I.II\. ... ~.a M ~::u .. ••·· ""r'Z'-~" "". -· """ WASHINGTON (AP) - Mentally retarded lndivldualt coml'Jlltted to state irutitutlona have a constltutJonal right to be sate from harm and free from bodily r el\ralnte, the U.S . • Supreme C.ourt ruled today. Creating for the (irat time auch broad rignts. for the mentally retarded ln state care, the court a1ao said such patients have a right to be trained if that trainin@ will help them achieve safety and freedom from physical restraints. \ . The court 1\opped sh ort of saying whether there is a constitutional right to training in all circumstances f or the inatitutlonalized mentally retarded. Chief Justice Warre n E . Burger said he would vote that no such constitutional l'lght exiata, although he joined with the court's elaht ot.he' members in unanimously creating the sweeping new rights of freedom from harm and bOdily restraints. The court noted that, like all other constitutional rights, these newly created ones, are not absolute. '" The court's 9-0 vote, invclving a dispute over a Pennsylvania mental institution, is a major victory for the more than 100,000 such patients in the United States. The opinion, written by Justice Lewis F. Powell, said a patient's "liberty interests require the state to provide m inimally adequate or reasonable trainlni to ensure safety and freedom from undue restraint." The challenae n.tled on today had bHn tliltd b y Nicholas Romeo, • aeverely re~ man lnvoluntarily committed to the Pe nnhufat State School and Hoapltal in 1974 at age 26. In 1976, after ~eo had *n Injured several times at the faclllly, l ocated In the Phlladelphla suburb of Spriftg City, his mother tiled a clvl1 rtghte suit against three officials of the lrutitution. In November 1980, the 3rd U.S. Circu1t Court of Appeals said mentally retarded people have a r ight t o "• form of treatment that Is regarded as acceptable for them ln light of present medical or other scientific knowledge. ' The ~ppeals court aJao said that any bodily reatralt'ts rnuat be justified by a "compelllng necessity" and" that patients have a right to personal sec: Incl uding protection from a by other patJent.s. · . Pennsylvania officials said they were required to provide such patiente only with "food, clothing, shelter, reasonable safety and medical care." The high court ~y modified the appeals court's ruling and sent the case back to a federal trial co urt for further consideration of Romeo's claims for monetary damages. "In this cue, therefore, the state la under a duty to provife Romeo with such training as in appropriate professional would consider reasonable to ensure bis safety and to facilitate his ability to function free from bodily restraints," Powell wrote. Dornan studying 43rd w-rite-in bid travel trailer manufacturer from San Juan Capistra no, in the November election. "If Ron's chances are good, I'll step aside for him," Doman said. "I have a right to run anywhere I want, but if it shows he has a good chance to win I'll. s tep aside." · · Doman characterized Crean's primary campaign, wl\icb· had been roundly criticized by his opponents, a.a "the dirtiest race in the state in 10 or 20 years." This morning, Crean released a tersely worde d state m e nt concerning Doman's decision to investigate running in the race. "I believe Congressman Doman is a loyal American and a loyal Republican. Car victim identified I ON DISPLAY -Actor Ken Kardine and artist. Joanna Ellsworth relax in a 15-by 30-foot space in the display area of a West Los Angeles I#~ furniture store. The couple plan to live on public display for t~ .days to. demonstrate that elegant living is poSsible in only one room. Church mulls dance questio.n Christian R e formed leaders say pastime 'sexually suggestive' GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) -Christian Reformed Church leaders ·are trying to decide whether they should modify the denominapon's traditional stand against dancing. Delegates to the church synod, its governing body, delayed action on a study committee's report on dance, which among other things suggests .Christians could accept the "God-honoring use" of liturgical dance. If the delegates adopt the study report they would approve the use of dance in church services and artistic fotms such as ballet, folk dancing and ethnic dancing. "But the ballroom and social dances of o u r contempor ary culture present a far greater challenge to conscien tious Christians," the report says. It admits such dances can be a p,ositive activity, but notes: 'They often are deliberate ly DIATH 1mc11· . sexually suggestive." The report denounces disco dancing as being "sharply in conflict with Christian standards." Dancing had been denounced by church synods in 1928 and 1951. The earlier decisions placed dancing among "other worldly amusements" such a1 card playing and go~g to movi~. The suggestion that dancing be accepted is controversial in the denomination. "We have the spiritual mandate th~ God forbids we do anything that will lead us to unchastity," one delegate opposed to liturgical dance said during debate. He called attention to a denominational magazine, The B ann er, which displayed a ph otograph of t h ree Calvin College studen ta performing a dance for a Good Friday lel'Vice. "These three lovely ladies on ~e Banner cover are doing a liturgical dance, but how can we expect to give a good sermon after these girls have done their work?" the delegate asked. "Why, on the cover, her leg is exposed as high as the leg goes." The study was prompted by a 1977 decision by trustees of Calvin College to allow "social dancing as an acceptable and who l esome on -campus recreational activity for Calvin students and staff." The Calvin decision was based on judgments by synods held in 1966 and 1971. The Christian Reformed Church in North America was formed 125 years ago in a split with the Reformed Church in Amertca. The CRC has about 800 congregation8 with about 250,000 members in the United States and Canada. Its headquarters is in qrand Rapids. OCC sets AGRAMONTE and subsequently was Darrin and Tom Hibbard, pr01PPBffl JULES AGRAMON'J'.E. transferred to General also designers. He is e•' · ~ules Agramoi:ite ?nee sa1d, Motors Corporation survived by 2 children, 8 ' If ~meon!? will pick up the headquarters in Detroit, grandchildren and 6 at-1' k •d tab, I u desi~ thee~ with a where be remained un til 'grandchildren. He died~ 88 J or I s new shape. Born in New 1941. During \his period he rears of age on June 11 1982 York City, the younges~ of developed tbe LaSalle "' Newport Beach, Ca.' Orange ~t Colle~e·s four children of Dr. Enrique prototype in 1933 and LEWIS Co~munity S.erv i~e and Justa Mora Agramonte, remained in charge of the Office will con tinue Its he was the nephew of Dr. LaSalle program until it was RUTH SCOTT L.EWIS. College for K.1ds program Artistides Agramonte who discontinued Ln 1939. The presldendt of Laguna Hills, Ca. this summer. collaborated in the research LaSalle today Is reco ...... 1 • ..A asse away on June 15, Th d . ed II f . 6'~ 1982. Survived by her e program esign p~ogram on ye ow ever as an outstanding example of h b d L 1 for children 6 to 15 wtth Dr. Walter ReEd. He American classic cars. In us an . e. and.. 3 begins h k f J ' entered Co I um bi a l94l he produce<i the slope-da~ters Marpne Lewas ~f t. e w~ .o ~ne Univesrsity's School o f backed Cadillac, which is Minnesota, Nancy L:ew1s 22. Registratu~n is be~g Architecture in 1913, leaving generally credi ted with Read~ofUtahandMarianne conducte~ in OCC s a year later to join the being the model which put Lewis Schaver of ~anta Community Service American Field Service as the Cadillac in the hands of Barbara, Ca:~ grandchildren Office, located in the a n ambulance driver in the public-en -the-quanity-~d also~~ by several college's Admin.is!ration Franceaftertheoutbreakof basis At the time of nsaec.es an nephe~s . Building W ld W I H · ed A · • . erv1ces will be held on · or . ar · e remain g ramonte s retirement Saturda J Course fees range in.France from 1914 through Crom GM, he was in char e y.._ une 19 •. 198~ at $ 1916, returning home when of design dev~lopment Jd ll:OOAM at the Pacific View from 15 to $-20 per the United States delared 8 ty1 i ng of Cad 1 I lac ; Ch~1;>el.. Entomb"?en t at student', Classes meet one war. He then entered the Oldsmobile and Chevrolet. Paet.fie View Memorial Par:k. or two days per wee~. naval service as a cadet, When the United States In lit;u o~ flowers memorial and the courses are SlX where he remained until the entered World War II In contnbuttons may be made weeks in length. endofthewar.Onretuming 1941. he did general design to t~e Americ.an Ca~cer For information, t.o civilian life he became a for both the Douglas and Society· Pacific View phone 556-5880. free ~ artist. On being Boeing Aircraft Com ·es. Mortuary directors. MOAO 1:,'f"'W- Mr. Ind Mrt. D9nny ~ COltl Mela. gift Mr. end M,._ ~ ~. ltvlnt, ~ Mr l lld Mre. J•m•• MOM ley, H\Hlt"'9'0n INofl. bOY Mf· and Mr1. Glt nn lt111111, H1H1t"'9ton IMGI\, tlfl Mr. and Mra. l<tm Megonlgtl, '"""'· O'l1 LOS ANO&LES (AP) -Contumert are fllhtine the ... IH P1Dft \:tlu,ee by ~ thelr buytna hablta, which meana they're buylnc more video Pm-and few.,. =machi.-. Bwli.ne.. ln tbt la .,... NpDl'l that durable aoodt luch U turni I applfancet and autOmobU. an.,... UNOld. But loW.cmt oenorial li.nw such u garnet and clbthina .,.. 1til.l cSo&na . well, they aay. "When the f uture II more uncenain, pte>ple delay bUyln( whatever they can del.li -mu.lly durable aoocta.0 Mid Jonathan Outman, ~te prot..or of~., use~ ...,_ "With the CIOlllUmll''• anticipation that thinaa ~:;.:.~"" Wllllama, wt1l p t WOl'l6 (~), they're U., of Fin~ Mr.•-.~~. o-. lhto debt-and ooni.at .w watt bef<n Wytng,H ~"°Y Guunan Mid. · o~NH:~~~:, Salet are dow,n at~alley ~~.a ~ Tanana appliance it.en, Wei 1'7·yeat lo,-Bob ~~':o, Oo11•ld •nyd•r. •Steed. But, be ~ an additional It has ..., " ~ hiNd becauae •many eu.ttomers artt repalrlng Mr. and Mr1. David oa1m11111. their old appl.l.anoN rather than buylna tM?W ones. ~r:ti~ony Smit•. Tom Lieser, a Secu rity Pacific Bank vice Hunt~ton hedl, g1tt pre1ldent and economjat, said, "lt'a the worst Mr. a Mrt. Thonfu Wiit•. Cotta buainela cycle for durable goods -and aut.OI in ~-:.:' Mrt. P1trtck Mcc111n, particular -SI.nee 1973·76, and it's probably not Cott• M .... Qin likely the auto industry Will really recover for at ~t:':..'!.::.'~ warren Inouye, least $!\Other year." Mr. end Mra. MlehHI McOaftrey, Unemployment, high interest rates and an irvtne. boy. ..., 11 uncertain future don't seem to have had m uch of an Mr. llld Mra. Ralph PIOfOI, 1tv1n1, effect on the computer business or video, st.en!<> and bOy electronic equipment. Mr. ind Mra. Edwerd Slraub, "Videocassette recorders are selling really Huntington Blacl1, glrl Mr. and Mre. 01v1d L1ra1n. heavily, televisions are doing very well, and we're N-port Blec:tl, bOy selling an awful lot of personal (Sony) Walkman-~:~ti:O~! ~. A~•n G•••1• type stereos," said David Russell, assiStant manager Mr. 1nd Mra. Rogert Conway, of the West Los Angeles outlet of the Federated ':;~~it;:>/ Mrt. Ptul Knauer, Grou p, a huge e~ec~nics and stereo chain. Huntington BMch. boy Gutman said video games are selllilg well .., 11 because they are ''new, most people feel successful Mr . and Mre. Clark Chow, when coping with them and economically they Huntington Blahc, boy • • Mr. end Mra, Wllllam Shlel, Irvine. provide relatively cheap llOW'OeS of enter1a.inment." gin .., 1' John Tumbleson, manager of Computiq~ in Mr. and Mr1. w1111am wnaon. Tarzana, said sales of personal and b u siness Huntington Blac:fl, boy oomputers have increued 40 percent over last year. ~~t~~~t:•tth-Somrneti, "Computers don't seem to slow down in sales Mr. 1nd Mrs. P11rlck S11flrakl, no matter what's going on." he said. Huntington 8"ch. t>oy T he economy, coupled with a ..... ,.,,,.crime rate, .., 14 ....... '6 Mr. and Mra. Jerome Fiiia. Irvine. has meant an i.ncreue ln business for some security g1r1 companies. · ~ Mr. and Mre. J1m11 Glover, "Business is booming becluse of the crime Balboa, boy Mr. and Mra. Robert H11k11t, problem," said Laura Rozzano1 assistant to the eo.11 Meea, boy president of Electronic Security Co. in Hollywood. Mr. end Mr•. H1try Pepldakt•. "People are frightened, but only the ones that can Fountain \lllt.'f, boy Mr. and Mra. Donald Pfaff. afford it put sysleJnS in.'' Huntington Blectl, b<>Y ----------Mr. Ind Mra. Olcat Fricke, Coale PtaJC M)TIC[ ~~~,... Jefli.y Lono. Cott• Local AF rlClll IOUll .,_ .. ..... .,..~ 0 ... =! ... •=-;~~-­ ., kAMN T1WltY ~ c..... ...... ihi IPPllHllOll of f(A"I " TAAOIY J.\CQOH for $ """' ~ '*" ... Ind It IPPUtlllt frOM 181 IPPllCttlon thlt Ktren Tr•IJ JIO'kaon n.., llled 111 lflSIM_.• propo1tng that '"' ""'" bo on1ngod to KARl!N TRACIY MAR<JOl.US. Now, lhortfOfl. It II htt'eb• ordlred tlld dlrtClld, tftlt aft l*'IOnl lnt .... ld"' ... ,.,...,. •PPOlr bolort thl• oout\ 111 Decwtment s on tM 7111 4llr of Jllll, 1ta2. •t 10:10 o'Cllodl a.-., ef Mid •r to lflOW C*llt ..., ~ 1pplle11ton ror clleno• Of Nl!W ellollld not 111 orenfld. II II l\lrthlr OtdWICI tNt a.._~ thl• Order To Snow CauMI M pubJl1h1d In the Oalif Plt4",-1 ~ of ow-• e1ra..i.u.n. pr#lt.cl In Mid count)!, .. --~ tleh w .. k tor four •u wetk• prior to 11'1• dty of .../ helltng.-Dltld ttllS 2&th dey °' ....... ,.....,..,... ...... llldttOlfllld.....,C... O.IMIM. .... Ylftuea......,-. P.O .... _ Newpof't ..... CA ... Pubt11h1d Ortng1 Coeet OtliY Piiot, Mey 28, June .C, 11. 11, 1Mf ~2 NJLIC M)TlC( fl'ICTITIOUI ~ HAMe aTA~ Tti1 loliowtng pereon la dolnt bu91neeeu: SPARKLE CLEANERS Of OOST A MES.4, 355 AvoadO St. #G·1. Cotta Meta, CA 92t27. DI-Biker, 355 Avocedo 8t. #G-1, Coate Me ... CA t2en. Thie bueln111 .. conducled by 111 ln<tlyldual. Diane Blkll' Thie e11tement wu flied wldl tbe County Clerk ot Orange County on May f2, 1982. ,_ P11bll1hed Orange Cotat Dally Pllol, June 11, 18, 26, J1*t 2, 1912 2N5-82 l'ta.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUl ..... U HAME ITA~ The following perton It doing butlneuu: TOP BRASS, 500 Slgtrllll Ad .. Newport Belch, CA 92te.3. Wllllam M. HOUM, 500 Slgnlf Rd Newpo<t Beach. CA 92883. Thi• oollnesa I• conducted by en lndMdual. I W. M. HOUM This 1t1temenl WU fti.d with the County Cieri< of Orenge County Ofl JUne 9, 1982. F1flt1' PubU1heo Orange Cout Delly Pilot, June 11, 18, 25, Juty 2. 198.2 2523-82 Mesa.boy Mr. Ind Mra. Juttan RIChmond. Huntington 8:;·1t' officer Thi followlng 1>1tt0n 11 doing 11111>1 'C Mn'l'M't ~u: r~ ""'~ Mf. end Mra. John Perkin•. Newpo<t llMch. boy Eric W . Thompeon, son Mr. and Mra. Ooneld MeOennott. of reUred Air Force L t. irvtne. Olrt ~ 1t C o l . W i l 1 i a m G . Mr. Ind Mrt. 8r.dford Gentry. Thompson of 3010 P arle NIWPOt1 8Mch, ~ N t N Mr. end Mra. oougt11 Briney, ewpor , ewport Huntington BMch, girt Beach, and Elizabeth A. Mr . tnd Mrt. Arlin Flaum. Rodgers of Glendale, has New!>Of1 Bllcll. boy b ..., 11 een commissioned a Mr. 1nd Mrt. JamH H1r11t11n, seOond lieutenant in the Irvine, girt Air F Mr. Ind Mra. Edw1rd Hegeler. Orce. 1rv1n1. girt He gradu ated from LA. & BALL l.AUNDRAMATIC. flCTITIOUI 8UIMU 1215 South Anaheim 8cxit1vard. NAME STATDmMT Anlhllm, Callfomia. The lollowlng perton I• doing SyMa PICktrd, 1540 &It Elm busllMl*I u : A--. #C. Coeta MMa. Cllltornil MICHAEL'S MAINTENANCE, tHH. 10092 \11ll1y Forge, Huntlnglo11 ~~II~ by en Bea<:h, CA 92648. 8yM. P~ Michael L11 Riling. 10092 ,,.. ltatement -fled """ the V1lley Forge. Huntington a.di, CA County Cllr'k Of Or1n11 Co\lnt)' on ~~· busin.a II conduCtld by en June 1, 1982. lndMdual. F1-7 Mk:hael L. Riiing .Publl1hld Orange Coa•t Delly . T'tlls 1tatement wae m.cs wttll tt11· Piiot, June 4, 11, 18, 26, 1"2 County Clerk of Orange County on - ________ z .... ___ 2 May 17, 1982. · ,,..., Mr. and Mrt. David A1hb1ugb, Officer Tr•inina School Corona del Mer. ~ ---ACTITIOCla .,... .. Published Orange Co11t 01lly Piiot, June 11, 18. 25, July 2, 1982 2.585-82 Mr. anc1 Mrs. wm11m Hlren, Cott• at Lackland Air Force NAiii ITA,...MT ~~iJ,lrl Mra. Jote Gen.a, Coeta Bate, Tex.as. ThomptOn ~o2:wlng per eon 11 doing POOUC M)TJC[ M .... gift Will go to Williams Air NA T I 0 N AL P H 0 T 0 ----------Mr. end Mrt. Chrtltoptllr Hillman. Force Base, Ariz .• for UNUMITa>. 711 Wiit 17th Street NOTICE OF APPUCATION FOR lrv1ne. boy pilot training. • Cotta Mela. CA 92927. CHANGE '" 0 ......... OF !flllJ 11 Ro'*t ~an. 17ee'eehame ALCOHOLIC BEVUlAU UCENU ~ en~ra~ Mohlmmld Yuldl, .. 1 1 Pl.~ta Meee. CA t262t. To Whom II M~:~: ~ ~ Mrt. Gltlow. Cotta Miii. .1ai COS f Y lndlYldull~ l9 ~by an A & R RESTAURANTS, INC. -~, Ro ..,._ applying to the Dep1rtm1nt of Mr. and Mrs. F.redlrlek G-ftlld. MARTINEZ (AP) Th .. Nt:r;·llled wltli the Alcohollc BeYe<aoe Control '°' ""47"' Huntington 8eecll boy w ,_ nd _,_ Coun Otl1< ....._ ON SALE GENtRAL (PUB. EAT. Mr. end Mrt. Fi1nd1ll H1rr11, eel\.e puouners soon .!),' O! ....... ..,.,.. CCM1ty on PL.) to sell alcoholic beverlQM •'-Newport Blach, g111 may have to pay $35 for Mey H. 1982· ,,_,. 2101 Harbor Blvd .. ttF. Coet• Mela. Mir 11 a nJgh t in the Contra Publl~1d Oranae Co11t O .. ly CA 92626· Mr. tnd Mrs. lgnaolo Ochoe, r-•-County ,,.n under a Piiot, M~ 28, June 4. tl, 18, 1982 Published Orange Coast Darty Huntlnglon ee.cn. girl • ~ ,,.,.. 22t&-a2 Piiot, June 18, 1982 Mr. 1nd Mr1. Harlan Henn, plan adopted by county 2670-82 Hunllngton Beech, gtrl supervisors •-.,. ..,._. Mr: and Mra. Pel1r Martin · '"~ ""'~ l'ta.IC NOTICE Newport Beech. boy Mr. end Mr11. Crelg Smllh. L1gun1 Beach, boy ... ,20 Mr . and Mrs. Stephen Knox, Huntington Bleott, girl ' Mr. end Mr1. Mark Godlrey, Costa MIN. girt hrint Mr . and Mrs. Edw1rd Yetko, Huntington Bllc:h, boy Mr. Ind Mra. ZJx, Cotta Mell, boy Mr, 1nd Mra. Ruuell Fink . Huntington Beach, boy Mr. 1nd Mr•. Berry Schor. Huntington 8eech, llOy Mr. Incl Mrt. Henrik MUlhleut, r:ount11n v1111y, boy · DEATHS-- ELSEWHERE ACTTnOUe ....... ...._ tTATD9NT FfCTITIOUI eu ... aa The following pereon I• doing The 1=..,.ST~ ,........., bullntiH u ; bullness u : . .,, .. -----~ ... RNERSIDE WEST, LTD., 215 R.E.S.P. COMPANY, 16721 Rlvlrlldl·Ave., New!>Of1 Beech, CA u... _, c· 9" 92983. . n Ave .. l•v•nl, " c71.C. Rlcherd A. t.lttzger. Gen. P1ul Edwin RulMll. 21581 LOii Plrtn•r..i. 408Jlnd St .. Newport Rhrlf Ct., Lake Forllt. CA '"30. 8eldl \iA 92 Wllllam L. Beck. 2415 Buc:lleye. NEW YORK (AP) TlU• ~ii conducted by 1 Newport Beech, CA 92680. Robe r t J . K 111 bee 6 o Mmltad Pertnerehlt> This butiness ts conduct.o by a chancellor of Qtt. U · ·'--lt ' Ridlard ~ 0-11 partnership. ~ ~ IUVt:n.1 y Thie ltltlmlnt --~ wl1h lhl Paul E. Rulaetl ..,, ~ew York through 90fDe Cotmy Cllr'k of Orenge County on This 111tement wu f1lld With the of its most turbulerit times, Mey 26 1982 County Clerk ot Ofenge County Oft died Wednesday'. ' · F..a2 June 2. 1982. Publl1hld Orange 00111 01fly ,,_ comrruss1oned to do a "car of Pu an artist. he stu&:;' at ALORlOOE the future" cover for a motor the Art Students' League WILL I AM S . AL- ear magazine of that era, it and the New York School of DR ID G E. real dent of caught. the attention of the Fine Arts ln New York and Newport Beach. c.a. Pasaed Fleetwood Division of Fisher the lnatituie of San Miguel away on June 17, 1982. Born ~Y in New Yo~k. He .was Allende. Guanajuato, Mexico. September l , 1921 ln South hired after one interview. His exhitbitions have been Pasadena, Ca. Survived by Bike ca!J earn monex Piiot. ~ 21, Junt ._ t 1. 18, 1M2 P11PubJU1hed o1reng125co11~20111y • • 2StM2 Ol. Utll 4. 1 , 18. , .., 2A3M2 NJLIC M)TIC[ LUTl IBGllOM SMITH I TUTHILL WHTC Llff CHANL 427 E. 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 "°CI NOTHHS SWmtS' MOITIIAIY 627 Main St Hunt1ns:iton &acn 5.16-6539 rAC9'te v•w MIMOllM. PM• Cemtlery Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOINICK MOITUAl•S LaQuna Beach 494·9415 L.aunaHills 768-0933 San Juan Cap11trano 4gs.1ne arranged at various galleries his wife Sara, daughters in the Un ited States and Mrs. Kathleen Blanchard of Mexico. In home design .• he Salt Lake City, trtah and had the uncanny ability of Mrs. Betsy Thomas of being able to mate the house A t l a n t a • G e o t g i.• , and site as though the house grandchildren Staci and grew oui of the ground. Kevin Blanchard and Eric, Jules Agramonte was an "Thalia, and Devin· Thomas, associate and llielong friend a.lstera Mrs. James Crosby of of the late Howard (Dutch) South Pasadena, Ca. and Falkland. lecture slated Mrs. Joi Amann of Diamond Creek, Ca., Memorial eervices will be held on Monday, June 21, 1982 at 2:00PM at the Pacific View Memorial Park, Newport Beach, Ca. In lieu of flowers the f.amily auggests memorial contrtbotions be made to the Florence Crlttenton Services, 2M FMt Avenue 33, Loe Anplea, Ca. 90031. PacHlc View-M ortuary directors. RB man officer .David C. 'IUf.lny, eon of Gertrude 'ntt.ny of 2607 17 th St., Hunttn1ton a.ch, h.u been comml•lou d a Bicycle messengers can earn fair pay Dear J oyce.: I'm a coUea• atadeat lookillg for work, bat I llate ataflal lndoon for any lengtll of time. Advice? -O.N.W., Mluta. Ga. Got a 10-speed bicycle? Offbeat but attractive to thousand• 'Of pedal pushers throughout the country is workirag as a bicycle courier or messenger. Employed by messenger companies, they deliver memos, small packages and almost anything else th.at needs to be conveyed in a hurry. B icycle messengers traverse congested city areas where maneuverabWty and eae of parking a bike make It the beet vehicle to uae. Some couriera carry two-wa y .radios, enabling them to contac\ a d isp atcher w h o gives ~hem new 811ig:nmenta and keei:-track of other· mel8ellgen covertna the dty. Riden w ithout .rad io• telephone t h e dilpetcher after each deUwry, ~ou don't have to be an amaon or an Atlu to bicyde the 40 m 10 m1Je1 traveled ln a day'1 work. And the money'• not bad. Althouah eome ~r cornpenles pay abDut $5 an hour, moil. pay. accordlna to the nta'nber of pldtUpa and dlltwn. IDd the number of boundarl• era••d wS&hln the ctty. DqMi•Clld rtdln mn lll'D bl the roup,... Ol lllO to .. '""'11· 4 Cauuon: aeo1u11 b&o)'cl• 1:~~ .. ~ ~I!!! .... ~ ....... llMl U111a and bright c'lotbJnc. Sometbma fptt su.n-wonbippen to, aep ~mind: More Wcycle coUnera ~ avai~able i n t h e s umm er w h e n b~ ia alower. Hence, fewer ~ Winter months with rain, wind and 1n ow o ffe r the beat ch ances for employment. Moat are colleg e a t u d e nta or indfviduala between joba. Al.,... they usually Work fUU-tlme, _, who'v e proved themHlVH aaa a r ranae a par t-tlm e o r fle•lble IChedu.le. If you have • bk:ycle or Cll1'l obtam one -a 80(ld one coste about $200 n up -you won't have my turthet lnvestrnent to make exc:ept a bk:1dl lock and a a.it peck or pJastlc bGis to attach to the rear of the b61re. To find poNlble mlpla)w9, .. In Ule teJtpbone 1'llOW .,.... uadW .. delivery eervfoe" or .. me111na• ~." It 10'.D' ctty hM no *idt ooun.n; you could try to .......... firm to hlre you by delivwlnc ... for a day or IO. ' ---------------------------------------'-------" .,.., Not ...... .,~~ BANNER YEAR -Tall palm trees on the main beach at Corona del Mar's "Big Corona" provide a prominent place to hang banner of the type that will be displayed throughout the city warning against use of fireworks anywhere in Newport Beach. Lawmen braced Calm 4th vowed in Newport In Newport Beach, the law of the land on the Fourth of July is use-a-firecracker, go-to-jail. · Another one is drink-on-the- beach, spend-a -night-in-the- clink. Police in Newport say both city laws will be rigorously enforced this Fourth of July weekend when the typical elbow-to-elbow crowd is expected to pour into the beach city. Additionally , several homeowner groups have printed up fliers this year informing residents and visitors that .all fireworks -from sparklers on up -are illegal in Newport. Banners saying the same thing w i 11 be posted at major intersections. Police say possession of any firecracker with the power of an M80 or larger is a felony and that offenders will be jailed and held in lieu of $26,000 bail. Poaession of smaller firecrackers ls a misdemeanor. 0Police Capt. Jim Gardlner says Seashore Drive in West Newport NATION between Orange and 33rd streets will be closed at least one of the three days. Drivers who can prove they reside in the area will be permitted in. Gardiner explains police have an emergency .Plan to seal off the entire Balboa Peninsula should conditions get riotous. Following last year's pattern, officers will be put' on a 12-hour shift instead of eight hours and four-man tactical teams will cruise areas of the city in unmarked cars. Jeep patrols will be used on the beacbea. and plainclothes teams will patrol the beach and so-called party areas, such as West Newport and Balboa. The Orange County Sheriff.'s Department bas agreed to provide three prisoner transportation buses with drivers to aid in booking and moving ~ted people to jail. Gardiner says last year this deployment iehedwe resulted in a quieter Fourth of July. Pot peril !or papas A study shod that heavy UM! ol marijuana can adversely affect men's reproductive systema. Page B5. TELEVISION 'Dukes,' 'Dallas' distorted? Are "The Duket of Hazzard" and 0 Dallaa" shows that 11ve chlldren a dlatorted view of life and 1pewn dettructtve behlvtor? Pap 87. 'Balboa' actrea 1urvitror ~ c.au.u. c.n~u IUadl 1i aul w 11 ......... In a fmtuN movie U-.Jbol " with Tonv euru..w.....,, I I # - I lHl\tH .t ( t>IJN I'( ( A l It <>I P H I\ 2 ~ C[Nl S l\J.ystery plane~ sought Pioneer spacecraft scan solar system ' I I ' • MOUNT/JN VIEW (AP) .:... Two far-ranstns Pioneer 1pacecraft are 1cannlns the frinC• of the eolar' 1)'9tem for an UNeen object, whkh .::iftltim 1u1pect mlaht be lar1er than Earth and pefha'ps u muaive u the 1un. Pecu.llaritles in the orbita ol Uranu1 and Neptune, the aeventh and elshth planeta from the 1un, make it '"'rery likely there's aomethlns ol1t there,'' said John Anderton <•f the Jet · Propulsion Laboratory In Puadena. Broker seeking bailout By JODI CADENHEAD Of the DellJ Not •ten Comark, a Newport Beach securities and commodities broker that announced plans to liquidate its business after showing a $4 million 1088 last year, has called on investors to help bail out the sinking firm, it was diaclosed today. Geraldine D . Green, commissioner for the California Department of Corporations said that the Newport Beach firm sent a wire Tuesday to ita 165 limited partners indicating that the company had suflered "substantial" loeaes. Ms. Green said that the firm earlier had estimated that loe8es for the fiscal year ending Decem&er, 1981, were $4 million. Sbe added, "I suspect they are estimatin8 a much greater lom than $4 million." 1 But lt'1 "lmpoeatble to predict ... what we ml1ht find," he told a new1 conference Thunday at the National Aeronautics and Spa~e Admlnl1tratlon'1 Ame• Research Center here. "I've looked at many pollibillties and I don't llke any of them very much." Anderson, who heads the 1earch, said the po11ibillties include a 10th planet, a cold, dark star, or even a black hole. But he cited complications that would make any of thoee theories hard to explain. The 1earch is being made by Pioneers 10 and 11, which left home a decade ago and made the first explorations of Jupiter and Saturn. Pioneer 10, now 2 'h billion miles away, has gone farther into space than any other probe and will be beyond all the known planets in July 1983. Th e spac ecraft , b o th pronounced in good shape, are on opposite sides of the sun and moving into space at more than 30,000 mph. Ander1on said some dl1tant object 11eema to be exerting a gravitational pull on Uranus and Neptune because the orblta of the big planell vary slightly from what astronomers had expected. Such orbital perturbationa were used in 1846 to predict the presence of Neptune, which was dLSCOvered almost exactly where 1t was calculated to be. Pluto, the most distant of the nine known planet.a, was spotted in 1930 after being similarly predicted. The Gallf~ Department of Corporations began.. lnvestipttng the company's finandal condition and record-keeping practices last week after Comark ~uested an ext.en.lion of time fodiJ.lni a 1981 finandal statement. At the time Comark blamed the delay in filing the financ.ial statements on a switch from a manual record keeping, to a oornputerif.ed system. RESCUE SCENE -David Acosta, age Unknown by Costa Mesa firemen, is led from a burning van that crashed and rolled down the embankment alongside Costa Mesa Freeway, .,.., ,... ,...... ., 1("'91 ... ~ near Paularino Avenue, Thursday afternoon: The flames threw a smoke cloud into the sky that was visible for miles to freeway travelers. Ms. Green said the company's records are in "very bad shape" and It ls impoesible to determine the magnitude of losses. , Four department employees c urrently are going over Comark's records and attempting to reconstruct manually every transaction the company has engaged in during the last two years, said Ms. Green. Comark ls a limited partnership with two general partners and approximately 165 limited partners. Under the laws that govern partnerships, the in~rs each could be liable for up to three times their original investment, said Ms. Green. Ms. Green said that it is too e·arly to say whether the company's failure could be blamed on a lack of regulatory control or if it failed to follow existing laws. Broker-dealers handling government securities are not subject to rules governing th-: activities of brokerage houses dealing with public investera in stocks, bonds and commodities., said Ma. Green. Comllrk dealt mainly with institutional clients, S\lch as banks. COUNTY Mesa man saves life in crash A 31-year-old Costa Mesa man was credited today with saving the life of a motorist he pulled from a burning van Thursday afternoon. F.ci Hanley was southbound on the Costa Mesa freeway about 4:30 p.m . when he said he noticed a van in front of him swerving near MacArthur Boulevard. The vehicle, driven by David Acosta, age unknown, according to Costa Mesa fire officials, crashed and rolled down an embankment near Paularino Avenue, before bursting into flames. Hanley told firemen he raced down the embankment and pulled Acosta from the burning vehicle. "The damn thing was burning," said Hanley. It scared the hell out of me. He kept. telling me there was someone elae inside." 'The 31-year-old plumber said he ran back to the burning van and looked for anyone. else Mural still controversial The mural depicting Ku Klux Klan figures has finally been bung at Irvine High Scl\ool, but the controversy and apprehension have not died down. I Paae Bl. ,., Jazz lest at Irvine Bowl '!be Preeervation Hall Jazz Band will 1erve uf. jazz New Orleam 1tyle at Lacuna'• Irvine Bow . Weekender. RESCUER -Ed Hanley is credited with saving the life of a Costa Mesa man he dragged from a burning van. trapped in the vehicle. There was no one inside, he said. Costa Mesa Fire officials exfinguished the blaze in 15 minutes. INDEX Santiago top site for airport By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0( the D .. ly PUot at.ff A site east of Orange in the Santa Ana Mountains has emerged as the leading candidate for a regional jet airport to serve Orange County. That conclusion is contained in a draft r e port n o w being circulated among members of county government's "blue ribbon" committee of business and industry leaders that has been studying the siting issue for more than a year. Further, according to the draft report, the county should pursue with the U.S. Department of Defense relocation of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and the nearby Marine helicopter ba3e at Tustin. Contents of the draft report now in the hands of committee members were confirmed today- b y know•edgeable county officials who declined to be (See AIRPORT, Page .t%) At Your Service Business Cavalcade Cluslfied Comics ere.word Death Notices Editorial Home/Garden A4 C6-7 B2 01-8 B4 B4 02 A6 B6 Horoecope Intennlasion Ann Landen Mutual Funds ~Uc Notices Swrta .Stock Marketa Weather World Newt B2 Weekender B2 C6 86,7;02 Cl-5 ~ A2 A3 SPORTS A bole 101 of trouble 'n. ~ ...... h8d trouble"' the~ .... of th9 U.8. 0pm pt d\8mpkmhlp. Piii Cl. denttfted. "U'a my undoratandln1 the ~uya are pretty Urm on the Santlaao Canyon rocom· mendat.ion," one offldal .-id. cover about 2~ acre. of land on Jeffrey Road between Saddleback Collea• -North Campus and th• n e arby barranca. or creek btd. · It ii intended to "rve as the miBa1ng link in Irvtrw-a central meet.Ing place. . "'- A new city hllll" and police department are pa.med for the Relocation of lht ...,o Marine rE bases would be necessary 'c~te" airspaot that would needed for airdaft patterns s urround ing the Santiago Canyon site, officials said. The committee is scheduled to meet July 14 to take action on the I . ,_report. Officials cautioned today that te\he report could be modified l.!!before that date. • -. -.. . Oianoe Qoeat DAtLV PILOT/Mday, June 11, 1111 • • • A recommendation in favor of Santiqo Canyon could 11et off c ontroveray amo na tome membera of tht county Board of Su~rvllon. • l:Soard Chalrman Bruce Neatande, .for example, haa oppoeed uae of Santtaao Canyon aa an airport site. Many of Ne1tande'1 conatltuentt in the east Orange area already have come out strongly agalnat Santiago Canyon, owned by the Irvine Company. · Additionally, the Federal Aviation Administratio n concluded earlier thil year that Santiago Canyon would not be suit.able for a re~onal jet airport because of existing airspace congestion. "They seem to like Santiago Canyon irrespective of the FAA letter and board of supervisors discontent," one official said. .. D•llJ f'llot l"tloto .., , .. rtck o~ Argentina's Chief to resign today BULLETIN ~ BUENOS AIRES, Argentina ~(AP) -Argeattaa taid today bere can be no formal end to the ~conflict In tbe Fallr:land Islands rtunUI Britain agrees to withdraw forces from tbe i1land1 and its Galtieri told reporters before retiring for his final night in the Pink House, the presidential palace in Buenos Aries. TOU~HING MO~ENT -Tony Schmiesing gets a standing ovation from his classmates Thursday as friend Scott Baldridge he lps him during commencement exercises at Corona del Mar High School. Schmiesing was paralyzed in a swimming accident early in his high school career, but graduated with his cl~ Thursday. About 1,800 other seniors . also received diplomas Thursday in ceremonies for Harbor Area high schools. < Jtoyal Navy task force from the ~South Atlantic. • .,. Gen. Leopoldo }.,. Galtleri, ~ousted as army . ~omma nder "lobecause of the Falld':lmds defeat. said be will qul\ today as '.,Argentina's presidetl(. ''I do so, aware of the responsibility this means but sure that it can contribute . '. . in a positive way to the feelings 0£ the Argentine nation and its int.emational policy." Gallieri's ouster '1'hursctay as army commander cost him his seat on the three-man ruling- junta of army. navy and air force chiefs. His departure {rom the presidency was consid e r ed .... -ertain from that time. Mesa police car ralllllled; teen held :i Interior Minister Alrh!Oo Saint .,Jea n takes over ~ inte r im ~presi~ent, but expedations are .,,he will be su~ either by . ,the foreign minister or the air ,,lorce chief. ;, "The generals . . . want me to ,1resign, which 1 am willing to do nioday to main t.a1n the unity of the army and the ~ forces," 1t ;no ys Clubs set ,I :.ihours fo r summer ~ Beginning Monday the Boys • Clubs of the Harboc Area will be 'UOpen from 9 a .m. 1-0 5 p.m . r,Monday through Friday. •; There are three c1ubs for boys •,and girls along the Orange Coast: in Costa Mesa at 2131 Tustin ·Ave. and at 661 Hamilton Ave. and in Newport Beach al 2555 Vista del Oro. Meanwhile, Britain said it was given a guarantee of sale passage for British s hips to ret urn Argentine prisoners from the Falkland Islands directly t o Argentina. and a spokesman for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said the ships were expe.cted to sail later in the day. However, the spokesman said. no allW1lllCe had been received that Argen tin a considered hostilities ln the FalklandS at an end. Lacking that assurance. a number of higher-ranking prisoners would remain British prisoners. he said. . There was no indication which port would be the destinatipn for the Canberra, carrying some 4, 000 Argentine prisoners, most of them young conscripts, and the Norland. with another l ,000 aboard. · Two Costa Mesa police officers narrowly esca pe d injury Thursday when an 18-year-old Fountain Valley w o m a n allegedly rammed her veh icle in to the side of the police unit they were standing n e xt to, police said. Therese Marie Schenkelberg was arrested on suspicion of SSMult with a deadly weapon and drunke n driving in connection with the 4:30 p.m. incident at 1800 Adams Ave. in Cost.a Mesa. Officers John Christopher Smith and Garth Wilson were st.anding near Wilson 's police vehicle when they saw the woman in the brown Toyota speeding toward them, according to rep<irts. The two officers jumped out of the way and pursued the woman in separate vehicles. Ms. S chenkelberg was arrested Slight warming Low c.IOu4I 411\d lot "' ~ nours 1nd mo1t1y c1031t111 ette<noon. More drlttle • 20 perctnt chance of m · le precipitation. Highs tod.,. ee to 72. Low cloud• 1nd loo.I tog tonight and SeturHy ~. Overnight~ 5e to 112. -.ny sunny during S1turd1y ~. Highs S1turd1y 1111 to. 74 Ttmperaturet In Huntl ... Uln· Newport 11e1 range from •~ of llO to a high of 68. • , Ela•where. from Po'lnt Conception to tne Mextcen bor<lef and out 80 mHee: llgtlt vtrl•ble wind• t>ec:omlng Weft to IOUth-t 10 to Ill knotl thll •flernoon e nd evtnlng South-I •well• of 2 to 3 feet. .S. S ummary Showera 1nd thuna.,.torm• dMlpmnecl .,._ rrom 1i'o the mld-Atlantlc tt•t• A torn•do WH 1lghted lb t· 09tlt...i Flof'td9, txit ther9 no reporta of lnjufles ~ Scattertd t hund•rlf m1 dotted Hevtld• and Cal Sid ltretc:lled from northern Terdll t.o K•n .... with hell In T ... llnd Oklahom•. Cloudy aid" end r91n ~ lrom Wyoming and ColclMllb to io-Michigan Th• Pacific Northw•lf'•nd Rockl91, the South-I a"CI 9fMI from eaatern Te•H to Hew Yortc tnJoyed 19lr lklee. Scattered 1how•ra llld thunderstorm• wer• fo1ecu1 lodmy from n«them T-Md 09nlr91 high Pl9in1 ectoa 1119 mld·Mlu tuTppl Valtty to the Mt i..kM 1111<1 northem Hew Enol•nd. ftmp•r•tur11 btlort ,..,.n •nged from. 311 c!tl Ste l •ull erle, Mich., to 8' In ...._,,JI, otl&. Temperatures NATION Ht LO !'re. Albany ~ Atnevllle Allan II Atlante Cly Au1tln Baltlmo<e BHling1 Bltmlnghm Blstnetck BolM Boeton Brown1vlte Buffalo Burlington Cuper Clw't11n SC Char111n WV ChatH1e NC Cheyilnne Chicago Clnclnnall Cleveland Clmbla SC Columt>ut 091-Ft Wth 09)'1on Otnver 0.. Moines Detroit Duluth El Puo Fatgo Flmgstatf Great F.i11 H•rtford HeMne Honolulu Houaton lndn1pll1 Jack1n MS Jacknvtle l<Mw City IMV .. Uttl9 Rock LOUllYlll9 Lubbock Memphl• MIMll MllwlUk" Mptt.St.P HNtwlllt H9w0ri.nt H9wYortc Norfolk Ho. Platt• Ok .. City • 75 92 92 78 81 82 92 82 ee 114 llO 88 79 95 87 7 t 81 80 n 113 114 78 75 73 81 75 89 55 88 711 73 80 911 88 78 fie 75 73 87 92 73 117 112 81 102 82 711 93 M 85 n 73 113 118 81 ee 78 S3 S4 .04 63 SCI 85 .32 115 65 .05 73 ee 47 .48 115 4S 59 111 .01 17 55 :~ .02 ''«tlo()llA• Wutnt • StJvott 10 1.90 "'o.u u S Oeo1 o• CO"l"'''"t 70 55 .01 Fronts. Cola .,.. Warm .,. Occiuaeo ~ S1;il•Q"·''. • • 111 .ee --------------------------------------~ 48 .25 52 53 51 1111 51 10 .10 53 51 .911 113 57 38 64 45 3g 46 13 111 43 03 73 80 5e 1111 10 2.37 ee .01 73 83 55 82 .116 1111 111 1.23 411 .04 53 58 " ee ff .43 58 83 Omlha Oflendo Phlladphla P110enh1 P1tt1t>urgh Ptt.nd, Me Pttlllld, Ore PrOYld«lce RMlgh Reno S91t Like Sen Antonio 8191119 Shr.veport Slou• F1H1 SI Louil St P·TllmP9 St Ste Miiie Spoke nm SyrllCUM Topmil• Tucaon Tu!M Wlllhlngtn Wlchlt• 11 llO .08 llO 72 3.114 112 118 107 711 68 48 70 64 ·'° 92 112 80 82 Ml 118 .311 90 53 .32 85 57 .07 93 73 113 61 1111 117 17 55 03 80 84 75 74 3.62 53 32 08 1111 59 73 50 114 113 .47 101 85 117 119 .02 112 1111 .10 87 113 1 42 L9ncuttr Long Belen Lot Al'liJeln Monrovia Montebello Monltrey Mt. Wiison Heedlee Newport B .. cn 01kl•nd Ontario Palm Springe PIMdtnl Puo Robtel - RI~ Red Blutf Redwood City Sa<:ramento Sallnaa Sen Bernardino San Fr1ncltc0 San Jott S•nta Ana S11nt1 Berti.• Smnta Cna Santa Marla 811 10 65 117 70 116 71 104 117 Ml 69 100 llA 89 113 t08 711 114 112 71 80 711 M 82 "" 65 10 111 80 59 511 53 "" 81 llO 55 llO 117 58 51 57 119 59 55 52 59 62 67 69 llA. 58 . CAUIOflHIA Sanl9 Monica 113 ~ 112 ge 66 57 Ill 48 69 59 74 "' 94 100 101 112 78 ee 102 65 80 91 Lo Stockton 511 TahOI V•lley 79 Thefmal 75 Tomi~ 55 Yume '° 61 Smog 117 100 71 llA 50 72 Wh•r• to c•ll (toll free) for 111•1 llTIOQ lrlformetlon: "~\ .. liiiiiiii.~u ____ lf_R_IP_DR_T Ot1r1ge County: 1800) 445-31128 Loe AngelH County: (100) 242-4022 AlYlnldt _, Sen tlemlll'dlrlo oount'-(IOO) 347~710 AOMD EpleoOe c.n.; (IOOI 242-4eM i=. 1•2 ft 2 ft I ft I ft I ft ,.. " 14" ... " '"'" .. _ ... y..,_ 80 80 IO IO IO IO ., s: , .. " -,..,... " M>'#'I TIOlll Hltfl I H I "'' LIW tll lt.fft., 1'"41 ' Tides TOOA't hoond low 1:01 p.m. u hoond hWI 1~ p.m. tA M""9A't ~low Ul&.M. Ol = Httt.lft .•• low ,,. '·"'· ' !11P 1111 ,.fl'I, I ........ ..._ .. "°' '"'·· ,...~ ..... ,.,..., MMll ,... ........ " • M., ...... "'"'· • n ea rby on Adams Avenue between Placentia Avenue and Mesa Verde Drive East. Smith had parked his police unit directly behind Wilson's shortly before the i n cident occurred. Wison had just finished writing a ticket for a traffic offense. The driver's door of his white Ford was damaged. Court ruling has no effect on Fairview Fairview State Hospital's 1,252 patients in Costa Mesa is not expected to be affected by a Supreme Court ruling today requiring that mentally retarded people committed to state institutions be given educational training anp not be physically restrained. Dr. Francis Crinella, director of the st.ate hospital opened in 1959, said that Fairview has long provided education or training fo r all its residents and has gone beyond st.ate policy restricting the shack.ling of patients. "We have very stringent laws in California and the policies at . Fairview are even strict.er than that," Crinella said. Calling the Supreme Court ruling "long overdue", Crinella said he hoped it would prompt "less progressive" states to upgrade their treatment of developmentally disabled people. The courfs 8-1 vote grew out of a dispute involving a Pennsylvania mental institution. .. . 'Israelis press· ' ' into Bei'rut By Tit• A1aoctac.d Preta Ttahtentn1 their 1tranal1hold on tho bunkel"I of Y .-r Arafat'• betleatd Pal"tlnlan auerrlllu, hr a ell troopa moved In to Chriltt.n eut Belrut today and advanced to the 8tHn line frontier wttb predominantly MOllem w•t s.lrut. The Ia.raeli Infantrymen pushed clo9er to the guerrilla trenchet in the west one day after Arafa\ challen1ed the l1raell1 to attack, vowlna he would tum the Lebaneae capital Into their grJveyard. Meanwhile, aporadlc shelling reaumed around haatlly buUt guerrilla redoubts near the Be.lru\ lntemadonal airport Oft the aouthem ec:ta of the city. Phahnal•t Chrlatla n militiamen. who have held tM eutem hall of Beirut lince thla nation'• 197~-76 dvU war, auided laraeli allles through their territory to the demareatlon line, witnesses said. The troope drove through the streeta of east Beirut in armored peraonnel carl"lera and parked near checkpointa where dvtuan traffic moved unimpeded to and from west Beirut. Bl~ck-bec;eted Lebanete &ftn1 commando• checked tdenUUet under the watchful eye of the Israelis. Coast ERA • • act1v1st .may quit strike With prospects for a national ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment dimming, seven women -including a Newport Beach activist -have signaled that they may abandon their 32-day-long hunger strike in Illinois. The women bad vowed to go without food until June 30, the ratification deadline. One of the s trikers. L os Angeles residen t Dina Bachelor said if Florid8 dumps the ERA next week as expected, the strike might be given up as hopeless. ERA is three states short of ratification. The fasters had targeted Florida, Illinois, North Carolina and Oklahoma as states they hoped might approve the constitutional amendment. lllinol11 requires a two-thi.rd.S vote by both houses for an amendment and lawmakers there have been battling over whether to c hange that requirement. North Carolina tabled the ERA earlier thla month and Florida will begin ER~ disc_ussions Monday. Severa! of the strikers have said there appears to be too much ground to cover in too little time. Zoe Ann A.nflnda, a Newport bookstore owner. is one of the seven fasters gathered in Illinoil. Unlike several of the others, she has reported few me dical difficulties from the lengthy hunger s trike . Three of the women a r e c onfined to wheelchairs a nd several have had to be rushed to hospitals for emergency room treatment. . -.'' Free library . . p ogram offered Registration begins Saturday for the Mesa Verde Libra ry's free s umme r oroeram to be held each Saturday_ at 2:30 p.m. The first "Fantas tic Adventures-The Great Book Escape" June 26 will feature a mime artist in the library at 2969 Mesa Verde Drive East.' Costa Mesa. The program will continue every Saturday at 2:30. . •An . afternoon of games, kite flytng and a barbecue is scheduled Saturday at the Orange Coast YMCA in Newport Beach. The youth festival, free to YMCA members and $2 for \ •More than $5 mil Hon worth of the world's most exotic and expensive automobiles will be displayed Sunday at t he Newporter Cnn. The all-day display, hosted by the Pantera Owner's Club In addition, three a nd four-year-olds are invited to a weekly stor y time every Wednesday at 10 a.m. Storytime for five-year- olds will be held every Friday at 10 a.m. in the library. Also, weekly films and crafts will be offered every ThurSday at 2:30 p.m. for children five and older. For more information call 546-5274. non-members, begins at noon. Participants arc advised to bring a bathing s ui t. The YMCA is located at 2300 University Drive~ Call 6 42 -9990 for m o r e information. )f America, will feature cars made by Ferrari, Pantera1 Lamborghini and Maserati as well as a select.ion of Cobras i nd Porsches. Admission is $5. For more nfonnalion. call 994-0505. 'I ...., .... ,..... .., u....,,.. BANNER YEAR -:--Tall palm trees on the main beach at Corona del Mar's "Big Corona" provide a prominent place to hang banner of the type that will be displayed throughout the city warning against use of fireworks anywhere in Newport Beach. Lawmen braced Calm 4th vowed in Newport In Newport Beach, the law of the land on the Fourth of July is we-a-firecracker, go-to-jail. Another one is drink-on-the- beach, spend-a-night-in-the- cllnk. Police in Newport say both city laws will be rigorously enforced this Fourth of July weekend when the typical elbow-to-elbow crowd is expected to pour into the beach city. Additionall y, several homeowner groups have printed up fliers this year informing residents and visitors that all fireworks -from sparklers on up -are illegal in Newport. Banners saying the same thing will be posted at m ajor interaections. Police say possesmon of any firecracker with the power of an M80 or larger is a felony and that offenders will be jailed and held in lieu of $25,000 bail Possession of smiller firecrackers ia a mildemeanor. between Orange and 33rd streets will be closed at least one of the three days. Drivers who can prove they reside in the area will be pennitted in. Gardiner explains police have an emergency plan to seal off the , entire Balboa Peninsula should conditions get riotous. Following last year's pattern, officers will be put on a 12-hour shift instead of eight hours and four-man tactical teams will cruise areas of the city in unmarked cars. Jeep patrols will be used on the beaches and plainclothes teams will patrol the beach and so-called party areas, :such as West Newport and Balboa. The Orange County Sheriff's Department has· ag-reed to provide three prisoner transportation buses with drivers to aid in ~ and moving arrested people to jail. Police Capt. Jim Gardiner says · Seashore Drive in West Newport Gardiner says last year th.is deployment 8Chedule resulted in a quieter Fourth of July. NATION Pot peril for papas A study shows that heavy uae of marijuana can adversely affect men's reproductive system.a. Page B5. TELEVISION 'Dukes,' 'Dallas' distorted? Are ''The Dukee of H.usard" and "Dallu" show. that 1lve children a dl1torted view of life and apewn deltructlve behavior? hp B7. 'Balboa' actre. 1UrVIYor ~ Cau.toe c.mpbeU ltud& ll out Ind Ja ......... In. feature miDYte •11albaa.0 wilh Tony cun.LW..-...,, I , < >1· l\N<.I UHJ N I Y < Al H OHNIA 2S C.l NT S Myst~:ry· planet sought PiOneer spacecraft scan solar. system MOUNTAIN VlF.W (AP) - Two far-ranain1 Pioneer spacecraft are scannina the frtnaee of the solar ayat.em for an uneeen object. which IClentiltl suspect m11ht be lar1er than Earth and perhape aa muaive aa the aun. Pecullaritlet in the otblta of Uranus and Neptune, the seventh and •llhth planets from the sun, make it , .. ,ery llkelr, there's something out there, • laid John Andenon tif th4' Jet Propulsion Laboratory In Pasadena. ·Broker seeking bailout By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly PM Slaff Comark, a Newport Beach securities and commodities broker that announced plans JO liquidate its business after showing a $4 million 1068 last year, has called on investors to help bail out the sinking firm, it was diecloeed today. Geraldine D . Green, commissioner for the California Department of Corporations said that the Newport Beach firm llent a wire Tuesday to Its 165 limited partners indicating that the company had s uffered "substantial" loeaes. Ma. Green said that the finn earlier had estimated that 1omes for the fiscal year ending December, 1981, were $4 million. She ad4,~. "1 suspect they are estimatina a much p-eater km than f4 nltllion." •' But It's "lmpomlble to predict . . . what we milht find," he told a news conference Thunday at the National Aeronautka and Space Admlnlltratlon's Amea Research Center here. "I've looked at many ~bWU• and I don't like any of them very much." Anderson, who heads the search, said the poaaibilltlea include a 10th planet, a cold, dark star, or even a black hole. But he cited complications that would make any of thOle theories hard to explain. The search is belng made by Pioneen 10 and 11 , whlch left 'ltome •decade ago and made the first explorations of Jupiter and Saturn. Pioneer 10, now 2 Sh billion miles away, has gone farther into apace than any other probe and will be beyond all the . known planets in July 1983. Th e spacecraft, both pronounced in good shape, are on opposite sides of the sun and moving into space at more than 30,000 mph. Anderson said some dlatant object seems to be exerting a gravitational pull on Uranua and Neptune because the orblta of the big planets vary slightly from what astronomen had expected. Such orbital perturbations wer~ used in 1846 to predict the presence of Neptune, which was diacovered almost exactly where it was calculated to be. Pluto, the most distant of the nine known planets, was spotted in 1930 after being similarly predicted. The. Callfo~ Department of Corporations began tnvestiptifta the company's financial condition and record-keeping practb!s 1aat week after Comark 1'!9.uested an extension of lime for W1nl a 1981 financlal statement. At the time Comark blamed the delay in filing 'ihe financial statements on a switch from a manual record keeping, to a computerized system. RESCUE SCENE -David Acosta, age unknown by Cost.a Mesa firemen, is led from a burning van that crashed and rolled down the embankment alongside Cost.a Mesa Freeway, .,.., ,... ........ .., ~ ... "...., near Paularino Avenue, Thursday afternoon. The flames threw a smoke cloud into the sky that was visible for miles to freeway travelers. Ma. Green said the company's records are in "very bed shape" and it ia impossible to determine the magnitude of la.ea. Four department employees currently are going over Comark's records and attempting to reconstruct manually every transaction the company has engaged in during the _last two years, said Ma. Green. Comark is a limited partnership wltn two general partners and approximately 165 limited partners. Under the laws that govern partnerships, the invest.on each could be liable for up to three times their original investment, said Ma. Green. Ma. Green said that lt la too early to say whether the company's failure could be blamed on a lack of regulatory control or if it failed to follow existing laws. Broker-dealers handling· government securities are not subject to rules governing the activities of brokerage houses dealing wtth public lnvesten fh stocks. bonds and commodities. said Ms. Green. Comark dealt majnly with lnatitutlonal clients, such as banks. Mesa man saves life in crash A 31-year:<>ld Costa Mesa man was credited today with saving the life of a motorist he pulled from· a burning van Thursday afternoon .. ' F.d Hanley was southbound on the Costa Mesa freeway about 4:30 p.m. when he said he noticed a van in front of him swerving near MacArthur Boulevard. The vehicle, driven by David Aco9ta, age unknown. according to Costa Mesa fire officials, crashed and rolled down an embankment near Paularino Avenue, before bursting. into flames. Hanley told firemen he raced down the embankment and pulled Acosta from the burning vetucle. · 1 "Tb e damn thing was burning," said Hanley. It acared the ~ out of me. He kept telling me there WfS aomeone et.e lnaide. '' The 31-year--old ·plumber said he ran back to the burning van and looked for anyone else The mural depleting Ku Klux Klan figures has finally been . hung at Irvirie Hlch School, but the controveny and apprehemlon have not died down. Page Bl. Jazz lest al Irvine Bowl The Preeervadon Hall Jus Band will lel'Ve up jazz New Orleem style at Lacuna'• Irvine ~wt. Weekender. BUSINES S' -I I 1 1 .. ~ f f ., , • RESCUER -Ed Hanley is credited with saving the life of a Costa Mesa man he dragged from a burning van. trapped in the vehicle. There was no one inside, he said. Costa Mesa Fire officials extinguished the blaze in 15 minutes. INDEX Santiago • top site for airport By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OfO. Oe1J,... Steff A site east of Orange in the Santa Ana Mountains has emel"ged as the leading'candidate for a·regional jet airport to serve Orange County. That conclusion is contained in a draft re port now being circulated among members of county government's "blue ribbon" committee of business and industry leaders that has been studying the siting issue for more than a year. Further, according to the draft report, the county should pursue with the U .S. Department of Defense relocation of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and the nearby Marine helicopter base at Tustin. . Contents of the draft report now in the hands of committee members were confinned today by knowledgeable county officials who declihed to be (See AIRPORT, Page AZ) ~Service Cavalca<te Clalslfled Comics Cn.wOl'd Death Not.Jca &litoriaJ Home/Garden A4 06-7 B2 Dl-8 B4 B4 D3 A.6 B6 Horoecope lntermiaion Ann Landers Mutual Funds Public Notices Sports .Stock Marketa W•ther World Newa B2 Weekender B2 C6 86,7~ Cl-5 C7 A2 A3 SPORTS A hole lot ol lrouble Thi~--Md~ In .... ~ ....... Of the U.1. Oplft IDlf ~ ,... Cl. I 1 I I Wll~(~I' :.'[CL~lS 19'7 MADA O&.C'C~ 5 apeed • ~ARPI (ASH8A2) '2411 1977 HONDA Accord 5 apeed • R & H (5Q6TOD) '3411 1'71 FIAT 121 2 Door 4 apeed -R 4 H #8409 '2496 1979 flAT 4 Dr. lrevo 5 a~ -Air cond. (823ZEP) •3995' 1969 VW BUG Automatic #4465 '1915 lj 111 '< 'j j I I ,... ' . JB JJ .'..., ·/,J, MOTORS If l'w 1·. :. ·. . FOUND ADS ARE FREE CaH: \t_a.1111 CHblCE INVENTORY VOlUME SALES ·& 1·01 loLAREI . llW Sales.Service-Leasing 850 N. Beach Blvd. La Habra 122-HU Open Sunday IUllE Ollm'S IL.HIT & ~GARDEN G._O.~E S~BARU *) 1 .LOW LDW· LOW . 0.YEllHEAD"fl ........... ~ .....•................ ~·····~························· LOW ·LOW LOW PRICESl·I • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• '70 PORSCHE 911T 68,000 ml, orlglnal con- dition, 5 apee<J, Jook• & rune nloe, all Hrvlo• recetpll, no ruat. $6800. '73 CAMPER BUS 101( mlle1 on fUllY rbll eng .. f/m ta~. rad rdla. very clean. $3850. PP 714/824-7081 COMM Ell CH(VROLFT ,:x_,. 11 .. r '• • I' I I ...... I \ 1,-1 ~ '-\ '75 Pinto Wagon, al t, good cond. S 1300. 631·1279, 562-5252.Jay I l••lllt IHS '80 R1bblt Dleset 4 dr, 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1pd, AC. Klras, lmmac:. --.. -fY-.-tuT--'1 .... ,·---1 •79 TRANS AM W/ T-TOP 54'>-1200 S5895. 110-5181 " *lllT HLL* '89 SQuareback, •Int ClfYlTTI lllU Let Th• Sun Shine lnl cond. a.ti one around. Air dond. & • 1peed Complete with ell extrat. problem free, $2500. trantl Very cle1 nl Incl velour seats, cuat. 832·3027 (358WYD), ez fl"anclngl wtils. Two othef model1 HLY SHiii eiso: (1551411), Just rieed · '79 Bus. 34.000 mites. SS. rellabJa. party to make 000 Firm. Super buy. CllfYlllLO 'll small monthly pmts. No ,, 673-0828 old contracte to at1ume. Mm OIL.. No back pmte. due. Ask T-Topsl •Loadedl Very for Rose 842-4400. nice! (3631). ez llnan· 556· 1008 Proto LIM. cingJ •• Ly •••tit '87 Flrablrd, runs good. _. needs soma body work, '81 MGA red convert, '7'4 Toyota Corona Mane good ~~:i· II. 2 dr H.T. auto., 6 cyt. P.S. A.C. new ti res. #0 1144 Needa some motor work. ••••••• • ••••••••••. ••. runs good. $750 080. .. ,., ..... 'll ... 554-9118 Low ml. Must be _, to ~ppreclete. Haa hard ¥!~!!!a.f~ •••••• !.~~! 4~·5514 831-4675 VILISW&IEI 'll '83 MGB. Jusf restored. ,. 1 P~~ & ; Reblt eng. New pafl)t, 1weetheertt (1DVM888). · 79 Fiesta. xlnt cond $3600. 675-4506 '82 EXP, aicc:ellent cond 10,000 ml. $5600. 857-6673 £iMll• -fH .........••........... '69 MARK Ill loolcs & runs c;t;rome lnt.ior. Bra top. EZ flnenolngl ~~:· $2200. 875-9748 ., 111111 • Ilka new S2350 080. '67 MGB, fair cond. Muat ltWUI 0""91tt THE UlllEST Mll . ..$3400. Dove/Quall Sta. SEl.tCTIOI 87.}-2108. NEWPORT BEACH of l"ate model, low • '17 BIUe MOB, 43,000 m1-833-0111 mileage Cadfllaca In i.ge, 2 lonnet1u COYtll'S, •--------Soulhern·Cattfomlel See new tlr•. overdrive, Kint 1919 vw BUS. An extra ~· todaly!UEllS cond., very ctean. em/Im clean family vehlclel You cauette. $3,000. Call must ... this one todayl c••tLUO 548-0798. (1THH901'. $'4550. Offer "" --------1 good thru 8-21-82. N--2800 Harbor Blvd. 1Ulftl 1141 port Detaun, 888 Dove COSTA MESA ••••••••••••••~••••••• Street N~rt Beach &40•1180 1974 Pamera GTS, silver/ can 833.1300. • · 554-9118 !!!~ ... ~ ..... !~! . '80 ME~f· CAPRI *9'1T, SELL 1t RS Pl\g .. -"ial spcrrty w/ grea\g•s mheage. Plenty of x res. Four other models. (726YOL). Juat need reliable party to make small mol')thly pmta. No old contracts t o auume. No back pmts. due. Ask for Rose bill, 2-4,000 ml, loaded, ~......,..------cu1tom xtra1. Andrew '72 VW PANEl BUS, n-'79 Sevilla, xlnt cond, 842-HOO, 556· 1008 brown/brown, many ex-_P_r_ot_o_L_IM_. ___ ___, 9N•2830 radla, rebll ang. Vary .L I clean In/out. $3100. ,.,,.., . ISO 645-39ss tras. at low blue book '79 COUGi\R XR7 prtoe, 110.soo. 675-3909 1tlllT SILL* ·······················--------1171111 SO '88 vw Faetback, rebll '79 ELOO dsl. $9,775. t..•'•ther Interior, new eng, good oond. S1500 Xlnt. mpg, A-1 conll. pelnt, 11500 i tweo. 18" o t> o , 6 H -0 19 2 o r Loeded. 6 trk &. cass. pollehed alloy•.· new 831-9109 ater. 8-46-7253 ~lnted engine. con-'19 vw Convert. 16800 Cad 78 Brougham Ela- coura winner, beat offw . 080, well malnl'd. AM/ ganc:e. le•th lnt, beau1. FM cus. 49-4-5838 cond. Leu than 40.000 W ' 1·Hl·lt21 , I • O 1• t O mi. sa.ooo. 494-7688 --------1 * * 1 • " 8911 tilings raa1 With Deify Special Edition, Very tew mllde, wfttl cuet, Int. and all 'the toya. TWo other · model• alao. (BOE732) Just nMd reliable par1y to mal<a small monthly pmts. No old contract• to aasume. No back pmts due. Aak tor Rose 842-4400. 558-1008 ~TER •** Piiot Want Adt'. ~ Very clean, ell the ex-;::=======:!::=======;-j .. IOll/1111 tre's, plu1 $700 Blau- f!>roto LIM. 13831 Hwtlof Blvd. punkt atereo 1yatem. ra-o.roan Gt~ d.,, r.otng Miii, pror. • .___. ,..,ft eng, nu pelrlt, rare .... wn11t alloya, lo ml. MUST ........ SELL $5400 OBO. 114 ... 1111 eT3-4383 or 875-99&2 •------------11919 VW RABBIT 4-door '18 Turbo,~ red di ..... 3 Mt, A/C, ate-~:11· IO•ded, low ml· reo1 24'K ml, $4600. (114) . Tonr.-842-1903, e.1-3080: 6'0-0179 eves 84 ...e7 ----------'89 8IUe 8ug.. Reblt eng. '19 921. loeded, auper Good cond. $1800 jlrm. atereo, lmmac . euto 652.attl Pe'a, aot<, QOld, Uln IM• --------1 "*· 123.600. 845-853a. '70 Pop-top camper 8000 ml on motor. good oonct.aooo. N0-5643 ' s 1200/-000. 553-1429 '87 Flreblrd, runs good, needs some body work. $1200/0~0. 553-1429 IPNmlfTY knocks often when you use raautt-gettlng Dally Piiot Claulfled Ada to react:i the Orange Cout marttet. Phone 642-5678 '1981 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD IR00GHAM "ASTIOIOOf .. Cftl. (1CRR592) $}4,995 1979 CHEVROLn CORVEnE T-TOP (412309) sio,995 1979 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM (932WOV) . s9g95 1911 OLDS 91 IEGENCY COUPE (1BIX1'42) s9g95 1911 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE BROUGHAM •DOOR SEDAN (105248) s7995 1979 CADILLAC SEVILLE (691XZT) s11,995 1911 CADILLAC PLIETWOOD llOUGH•M (1CGX359) $15,99~ 1979 CADmLl.1'C IL DOIADO CN.- (1COA411) $11.~5 '