HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-20 - Orange Coast Pilot. 111111 ClllT YOUR HlllllWI UllY PIPIR t '.l'N IJ/\l' l llNI .·11 1•111. O HA N GlCOlJN IY C Allf O HNIA '>OC f N l'> Court shul Ile: Hidden coSts of Prop. .8 uni old' · BJ DAVID ~UTZMANN or ... ....,,.. ..... Jud1e11 auorneya and admlnlatntora, prodded by California voten' mandate on June 8 t.o druUcally alter the way felony cuet are handled, undertook major changes ln 0rance County's crtrninal juatlce ayttem lut week. Thouah it WU Still difficult t.o ascertain the full effects that Propo.ltion 8 would have on the 46-J4dge Superior Court in Santa Ana, these developments provided some earltJndication of what lay ahead. -Presiding Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert E. Rickles ordered the use of seven additional· superior courts for criminal trials . Before Proposition S's passage, about 10 courtrooms were set aside for the crtrninal caaeioad. -Many more caaee, perhaps double the usual number, were being scheduled for trials beginning in early Auauat. The trials are required beCauae the voter-approved measure severely restricts the uae of plea bargaining. - -The District Attorney's staff was being r~uffled so more proaecutors could handle cases now scheduled for trial. One admtnistrator in the D.A.'s office estimated that 48 trial lawyers would be needed by Aug. 2, when the first cases came to trial. Twenty-four attorneys now handle the criminal workload. -The Public Defender's Office pJso was planning to re; assign personnel t.o handle the new load of cases. -The civil caseload , SUNDAY SPECIAL meanwhile, where there la already a three-year backlOI of 10,000 cases, wu being given a lower priority. The aeven courtrooms re-assigned to criminal matters were normally uaed tor dvil litigation. At the heart of theee changes was the ao-called "Victim's Bill of Rights," known to the voters as Proposition 8 in the California primary election. The measure was approved by 57 percent of the voters. And even though opponents of the initiative b e lieve it ls unconstitutional, court officials said last Tuesday they must abide by its provisions until the appeals courts say otherwise. Ricklea, Orange Cou~ty.'1 J)l'elidina judge. uld he 11 dolft8 h1a best to aet • jump on the new law. 11We're trying to keep thin8J aotna here on .. normal a baa'8 .. we can," the jwiat said. The biggest unanawered question at thb early stage la hbw much Implementation of Proposition 8 ls going t.o coat the court• -and ultimately, the taxpayers. Court administrators said that while lt can be assumed there will be a "substantial cost impact,'' Its scope ls still hard to gauge. Privately, many attorneys speculate that the operation of the courts could double in cost. And, they aay, the added coat may not brtna better resulta. Weaker caaes will come to trial now becauae of restrictions on plea bargaining. reaultlng in acquittals and reversals at the appellate levell. In addition to changing the roles on plea bargaining, Proposition 8 substantially liberalizes the introduction of certain evidence In criminal cases, includin~ improperly obtained information. It pennits the use of a criminal defendant's prior record, subetantially limits the use of inianity pleas and abolishes the right to bail in non-capital cases. (·The voters also, approved Proposition 4. The initiative allows judges to co nsider whether .a defendant is a danger to the conununity in setting bail. Court officials said it WU hard to determine what immediate effect this measure was having.) Deputy District Attorney Rick Stanford, who is in charge of ~ master criminal calendar. for bJa office, said Proposition 8 has· affected 'letween 50 and 60 percent of the cases awaiting judgment. Stanford estimated that about half these cases would normally have been settled through th~ plea bargaining process. With Proposition 8 on tht books, he said, the number of trials could as much as double. The voter-approved measure prohibiting plea bargaining oq .. certain specified felonies, as well as driving under the influence. Proposition 8 defined plea (See DEBUT, Page A3) Bal Isle couple -killed Outpost ass~ulted British reportedly land on Sandwich I sles A Balboa Island couple were killed and their 18-month-old daughter was injured Saturday in a head-on collision north of Los Angeles, California Highway Patrol officials reported. The names of the victims were not released as of late Saturday because relatives ~ad not been notified, the CHP said. The two were killed when a car traveling north on Interstate 5 near Valencia crossed into their s<>uthbound lane and struck their car, police said. That car, driven by Hector Moreno, apparently went out of control when a third car which ma)' have been involved in a race made an abrupt lane change. according to police. The driver of the third car, 18-year:..old Michael Penn of Los Angeles, was booked on suspicion of manslaughterby the Los Ange les County Sheriff's Department shortly· after the 5 p.m. accident, the CHP said. Penn was not injured in the accident but Moreno, whose age and address were not known late .Saturday, was seriously injured, police said. Three female passengers in Moreno's car also were hurt, police said. The extent of the Balboa Island child's injuries also were not known late Saturday. Delly Piiot '9Mlto by Gefy A"""- TUftNABO UT'S FAIR .PLAY -Gregory Gibson had his hands full Saturday taking Annie, l, Danny, 3, and Scotty, 3, to a toy store opening in Irvine. He's earned his rest and the appreciation of his children on this Father's Day. BUENOS 4IRES, Argentina (AP) -British troops, victorious in the war over the Falkland Islands, landed on the previously neglected South Sandwich Islands Saturday, firing on an Argentine weather station, the Argentine Foreign Ministry reported. , It said helicopters passed over the weather station twice with guns firing and then landed troops to surround it. There was no immediate report of casualties and the ministry's statement did not say how many Argentines were on ·the i.sland.s. The weather station normally had a crew of about 20. In London, a Defeme Mlniatry ·spokesman said "we know nothing about" the Argentine report. The assault on a frigid, rocky outpoet 1,400 mUea aoutheast of the Falkland Islands appeared t.o be a British effort to clear the last Argentine presence from the South Atlantic islands claimed by both countries. Argentina announce d the lei.lure of the South Sandwich Islands, along with another chain called South Georgia, on April 3, the day after Argentine troops occupied the Falklands. Britain tecaptured South Georgia on April 25, but did nothing at that time about the South Sandwich chain. According to both British and Argentine accounts, Argentina has maintained a weather station with about 20 scientists in the Reco~rse near for mobile home ow-ners? Newport, Huntington consider zoning changes, park conversion ordinance By STEVE TRIPOLI O(U. Delly "°' ..... Two possible solutions that help protect mobile home owners while allowing their park owners to profit from increased land values have emerged locally this year. . Their evolvement in Newport Beach and Huntington Beach is not swptising-they contain the two largest mobile home populations on the Orange Coast and both have experienced the threat or problems of conversion ~band. Residents cannot just move their homes -a few worth more than $100,000 -and leave . if a park owner decides to convert NATION land to more profitable developments. There are . very few mobile home spaces available within 100 miles of the Orange Coast. Vacancy rates are estimated at about 1 pe.rcent locally, and many parks will not take a coach that is older than three years regardless of its condition. Owners, who can't move or sell, watch nervously and sleeplessly as the value of usually their biggest investment. their home, drops t.o zero if a land owner converts his property. For many, the only alternative is a substantial increase in space rent, an almost e qually unpalatable choice since most of Spring acts lik~ winter By 'nae A11oelated Pres1 A sprina 1torm lashed the North Carolina coast Saturday, bringing gale-for:ce winda, heavy rain and high tidel, while ihe Great Lakes area shivered ahd tornadoes skipped acrou west Texas . Hinckley jury deliberates . WA.$HINGTON (AP) -Behind doors JZUAl'ded by U.S. manball in the courtroom where John W. Hinckley Jr. WM Vied. the jury studied ph)'lical evidence to dedde lf he wu insane when he shot Preslden~ R.Mpn. Deliberations resume today. · Bu"6et approval certain WASHINGTON (AP) -~ 1M!er01 certain eo s-a 1183 bud8tt ddl week. and JeDra of both .-. are Joc9t• ahem to 1U1Dmer'1 1tnlgle over -lDci'•••• .... ~ C:Utl. this bracket is on fixed incomes. Newport Beach has taken the only definitive action to date. The City Council earlier this year agreed to create .a new zoning designation: mobile home overlay. This is not a new zone, but a zone designation placed over the existing zoning of mobile home parks that are not already mned for mobile home usage. Its effect is the same as a zoning change. Mobile home park owners will have to deal with the city before they can change their land use, and the city can demand concessions such as financial help or new lodging for displaced · J STATE tenants as a condition of granting the change. The overlay designation, which hasn't been applied t.o any park yet, is uaed only on a case- by~ basis. Hearing$ to apply the :zoning to DeAma Bayside Village Park, one of the city's largest. are scheduled t.o start June 24. City officials expect the overlay to help several interests of equal weight. "The .. ordinance establishes n<>t only the r ights, but also the limitations of both the landlord and the tenant," said Craig Bluell, senlor city planner. "It puts d.own in black and white (See OWNERS, P .. ge A4) See Death ·valley -in summer Who in their right minds would visit Death Valley during the summer? Thousands and the number is growing, desplte daytime temperatures that regularly approach 120 ttesrees. Pace C5. . . COUNTY islands. Arge ntina says the station was established after Britain agreed to allow it in 1977. A spoke8man for the British Falkland Islands Co. said recently that the Argentines had been on the islands for at least six years and h e called their presence illegal. He said Britain simply never bothered to remove them. The latest action in the undeclared war came as about 4,500 sickly and emaciated Argentine prisone rs of war churned through mountainous seas to an inglorious welcome home aboard a British ship that the Buenos Aires press claimed was sunk during the Falkland Islands fighting. · Argentine correspondents reRorted the arrival of the draftees at Puerto Madryn, 650 miles aouth of Buen08 Aires, and the junta referred to the soldiers only as "contingents" to avoid the humiliating term POWs for men who spent 10 weeks in tenti, and trenches battling the Brit~ and severe weather. • The junta barred foreign.# correspondents from Puert~ Madryn and declined to name! the vessels bringing the prisone~ from the Falklands, whic~ Argentina seized from Britain, April 2 and Britain took back; Monday. Officials· said the ships: were the liner CantierraJ carrying about 4,500 men, and the ferry Norland, with 1,200. The Defense Ministry in London said The Canberra traveled "extremely slowly" because of heavy weather, that the Norland was still in Falklands wate.rs for the same reason~· and that it didn't know when the Norland would arrive at Puerto Madryn- , J , , I J ~ ' AP Wll IJ~ ••• l TAKING A BOW -Someone's face undoubtedly turned a ' dark shade of crirnSon when a photo exhibit on World War ll : resistance in the Netherlands sort of, er, bowed when that : nation's Queen Beatrix entered the exhibit area in Century ; City. The queen, right center, seemed unruffled. She is to . visit Disneyland today. • INDEX F.3 r;!~fied FA-6JF1-6. \en.word Death Notices Delaplane Editorial Page Entenairunent re.awnna Finance Robert Gardner HOIOl(COPe D6 E3 ~ C5 A6 E1-S D6 Dl-5 A6 D6 S P ORTS AM Landers Mailbox Movies National News Real Estate Sports Stock Markets Style Television Travel Weather D6 A6 El-3 A3- D3 Bl-4 1>4-5 Cl-6 El-3 C5 A2 ' • .l I • West Beirut attack feared BEIRUT, 1..ebanonl (AP) - l1raeU-Pale1\lnlan rnort.ar and rock t. baul n.ap..ct alona th frlniH of the-1ut=rrlllu' encircled Wt'lt Beirut nerve ct>nter Saturday while U.S. and Lob•n •• ncaotla\ort trled \o head oft the arowtna pomibillty of an 11raeH tank-led uaault on tho pa.nicked enclave. M th l.lrael11 moved thelr armor ctoeer, hundredl of cars jammed a Green Une checkpoint waiting to ncape 9te1t Beirut. Tens of thouaanda of .-efugees too frightened to leave the enclave moved closer to the center of the wne, and tens of \housands of othera fled south along the coastal highway. Secrewy of Sta~ Alexander M. ffali 1r. and Sovie\~ Mln11ter Andrei Gromyko rnet ln New York and dltcu11ed the conflict and other h1ue1 . brael Invaded Lebanon June 6 to cruah the auerrlllat and drive out. the Syrlan1, whose 30,000-man army in Lebanon has lncrea1fnsly attacked J1rael'a Chrlldan allies rather than police the 1lx-year-old clxll war annlauce. 1.arael reported late Saturday that. an Israeli patrol killed five Syrian soldiers In a skirmish Friday In eastern Lebanon, 25 miles from the Beirut front.. The terse communique said three laraell aoldiera were wounded. • • "W'' STANDS FOR WAIT -That's what Martin Will1amaon, John Wolle, Cornelius Winter and Britt Williamson were faced wlth at Thursday's Corona del Mar High School . .. DelfrPltot graduation ceremonies on the school quad. At the end of a long line for their diplomas, the four seniors decided to get in a few hand.a of poker to }till the time. The Israelis brought more tank , artillery and infantry reinforcements to the edge of the 10-squarc-mlle stronghold, but respected their promise to the United States to make no move into the Palestinian-held areas during a 48-hour trUce period. The d e adline expires at an unstated time this afternoon. The negotiators, Including U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib, Lebanese President Elias Sarkis and former Premier Saeb Salaam, sought to persuade the Palestine Liberation Organization in the west Beirut enclave to surrender its arms to t he Lebanese army to avoid bloody street battles which the outnumbe red and outgunne d PLO would be sure to lose. It did not say which side started shooting after the patrols encountered each other east -Of Qaraoun Lake nor did it say why the report was delayed tor a day. The clash appeared to be one of the most serious between Israeli and Syrian forces since the two countries agreed to a cease-fire In Lebanon June 11. In Beirut, the Israelis appeared determined to' exploit their military advantage to the ma.ximum and to allow the PLO and its huge arsenal no escape from the west Beirut trap. The PLO publicly vowed to resist and to die fighting, while Its negptiators privately sought a face -saving formula for s ubmitting to the Israeli demands. Proud symbol gets helpfng ·hand '7 ' quake rattles Salvador, 12 die ATWS. El Salvador (AP) - An earthquake rocked El Salvador early Saturday, hurling huge boulders ~nto highways, causing landslides and toppling rural houses. Officials said at least 12 people were killed and more than 220 were injured. an embassy spokesman. "But we had a very serious earthquake and at least the. building didn't fall down." The embassy was built In 1965 and designed to be earthquake- proof. LAUREL, Md. (AP) -If James Carpenter were a poultry man, he would be a failure. In six years, he has managed to raise only 44 birds Still, Carpenter's operation is the largf'st of Its kind in the world. He raises bald eagles. h 's part of an effort to protect a bird that 200 yean ago today was des i gnated by the Continental Congress as the national sy mb ol. In commemoration of the event, President Reagan has proclaimed the day "National Bald F.agle Day." For several decades, the eagle hasn't fared too well -the victim of disappearing forests that deny the eagles their natural habitat and of pesticides such as DDT, which cause the birds to lay eggs with shells too fragile to protect their oontents. The giant birda also were shot, killed in collilions with can and electric power lines and poisoned. Their number fell from 25,000 to f41wer than 1,000 ln th~Jower 48 states. Scientists began to fight back. Research begun In 1945 singled otrt DDT att th~ principal pesticide culprit and it was banned in 1972. In 1977, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began a captive breeding program to supply eagles to states where their numbers had dwindled. The program is carried out at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Cent.er, about a half hour's drive from Washington, D.C . The 4,700-acre tenter is also home to the government's breeding programs for the whooping crane and four other endangered birds. The first year produced only two eaglets as biologists worked to find the right combinations of diet and surroundings for the eagles to reproduce. "It has been difficult. We have been developing and refining our techniques and we are s till learning," says Carpenter, the . 46-year-old wildlife veterinarian who heads the eagle program. This year the cent.er produced a record 13 eagles. Seven already have been dispatched ·to six states. · The first to leave was a bird dubbed Faith by its volunteer keepers. Faith, a scrawny two pounds and still covered with fluffy, gray down, was adopted by the only n~tlng pa.Jr of bald eagles In New Jersey. The pair had not produced offspring in six years. The quake, centered in the Paci fic Ocean about 60 miles south of San Salvador, the capital, also was felt strongly in Guatemala. Nicaragua a nd Honduras. Light tremors were reported in Costa Rica. The U.S. Geological Survey in Washington said the quake, which struck at 11:22 p.m. PDT Friday. registered 7 on t he Richter scale. meaning it was capable of causing major damage. T he Richter scale gauges the energy released by an earthquake, as measured by the ground motion recorded on a seiS'mograph. Every Increase of one number in the Richter reading means roughly that the ground m otion ia 10 times greater. Accidents kill two There were few reports of serious damage in Sarl Salvador but the fortr ess-like U .S . Embassy in San Salvador was hH hard, officials said. Wa lls cracked, water pipes burst, elevators jammed and the ceiling of Ambassador Deane Hinton's office caved ln. "The commissary looks like it had been hit by three hours of v andali s m by reckless teen-agers," said Don Hamilton, The four deaths occurred in San Salvador and in San Miguel Te pezon tes, 31 miles to the southeast, when sleeping people were crushed by falling roofs, said officials at the Red Cr0&9 and at a city morgue. .,..,.....,. TODA Y'S HIS DAY -Today is the 200th anniversary of the bald eagle's designation as America's symbol. Although the strikingly beautiful bird is endangered in 48 states and threatened in five others, efforts to breed them in captivity have met with some success over the years. Little change Brea firm loses million Coastal light verleble wind• through tonight except IOUthw.t to -1 8 to 18 knoll afternoon end evening One to two foot southwest awens Cloudy eiccept partial c1earlt10 during an.noon and evening hours Cali fornia Sov111ern California will be fair tl\rough Mond1y except for c:out•I low CIOVdl. Only partlal oleerlng elong co•at during afternoons NMonai WHl.Nlf SeMcll NOAA U S Oeot ol Comme<ce Extended Forecast Fronts: COid ..,.. Warm ....,. Orange County cen e11pect hight at ~ 88 10 72 bOth deys, 72 to 76 Inland Sunelay LOWS 58 to 63 Moneley hight 75 lo 80 In lnlenel COOnly. Intend valleyl cen eJtl)eCI lllght In the 701, lows neer &I. MOYntaln highs 72 to 82, lows 42 to 55 w .. 1 winds 15·25 mph In d-1•. North~m1 desert l\lotll In 901, Iowa neer 60. Southern TuHdlY· Thureday: COH1•1 erus some tow doud"-nlgflt through mid morning hour• othetwlM felt Hlghe at bMc11M 68 to 73 end llllllnd .,_ n 10 115 Lowa 55 to 83. Mountain areu fair with ruon high• 74 10 84 Lowa 54 to 82. Duluth desert high• 100 to 106. lows 81 ---------- El Puo F~kl Fargo Fi9gllef1 Greet Fiii• Hartlc><d Htlene Honolulu HOY II on lndnapll1 J1ck1n Jeck1nvtle Kllf\1 City Lu Vegu 10 7~ ,..,, t . LowclOYdtand to0 111onO~•t i emp era ures In Nort hern end Central Celltorflta Mostly telr over NATION lntfl(\O( Albl ny ---------Albuque Anchorage U.S. S Atlante Ufflffl8TY Atlentc Cty Aull In Thunderahowere were ac1ttered acrou central THH Into LOYllllana and over South Florida on Seturday, end ehcMef• w•r• 1c11t1red lom nortll•/n MIMIMIPC>t Into 11111 ... ,em Greet Lek .. and from the ••ll•rn Oakotu Into MlnneeotL SklH were 1unny OYeT the RocklH end lrom the centre! portlorf of the Plalnl Into lt1t -tern Ohio VIiie¥, u well • In moat of the Soutll9eet . forece.tlrl Mid. The c.-.. -I WM Clloucly. Beltlmor• Blmllngllm Bllmerc:ll Soi.. Botton BuH1lo 9urllng1on Charletn SC Chertttn WV Chlrllte NC ~ Uttle Rock HI Lo LOYltvllle 82 55 Memphll 88 57 Mleml 81 42 Mllweukee 17 M Mpl..St P 74 83 NufWttle 92 7 4 Ntw Or1Mo1 83 &4 N9w York 88 81 Norfofk 71 « Okie City 91 eo Om•h• 71 58 Orlando 70 57 Phtl•dl>ht• eo 54 Phoenix 88 70 P1tt1burgh SO. 57 Piiand, Me 11 85 Ptlllnd, Or• 1f 41 Pr~ 70 52 Reno 72 59 Alctvnond ee M Sall Like 91 87 San Antonio 74 5t S.llle 83 43 93 66 69 47 72 40 73 35 79 47 75 69 82 45 90 69 90 77 71 59 90 66 93 72 76 55 94 89 60 70 72 61 81 73 83 71 83 50 72 43 81 63 92 89 73 88 18 88 79 85 73 63 92 73 eo 88 103 77 72 53 SyrllO.IM TOl)IO TuctOll TulH Weshlngtn Wk:hlta CALlf'OflHIA Bak81'1li.ld Bera tow Beaumont Big 8Hr Blythe Catalina Eureka Freano LancallM Long 8Nch Los Anoelel Newport Beech Ontario Pelm SprtnQa Puadene PMOROOIM Red 8Mf Redwood City Secrarntnto SallnH San OteQo San Frailcleoo Sen JOH 8-nlt Ane Sanlt Bttbele 'Stockton T e110e Veltflf TMmlal Torranc. &oeM. Amaterdem Alhent 81 58 79 58 97 85 82 ~ 115 87 79 58 94 89 98 70 81 53 70 42 102 74 70 57 112 52 90 81 118 S7 73 83 73 82 70 eo 77 eo 97 eo 75 58 75 87 90 84 72 5t 82 86 eo 52 71 &4 83 5-4 74 58 73 11 87 59 88 ·se 87 45 98 et 17 eo 13 .. Burglars took more than $1 million in negotiable stocks and bo nds, jewelry , cash and computer equipment from a microcomputer firm, police said Saturday. The break -in took place sometime between 7 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday, when the president of MG, Inc., at 2878 imperial Highway discovered that the rear door hacl been pried open, Christian said. He said the missing items included roughly $850,000 in stocks and bonds, $120,000 in computer Integrated circuits and $100,000 in jewelry and cash. 3Years s10900 INCLUDING AEROBICS · -NO DUES- • AEROBIC CLASSES Two pedestrians were killed in separate accidents Saturday afternoon in Santa Ana and Garden Grove, police in th06e cities said. Eighteen-month-old Angel Godoy of Santa Ana was killed In t.hat city at about noon when he was struck by an ice cream truck from which he had just purchased an ice cream cone, police said. The accident occurred outside 2300 W. 6th St. when the child apparently strayed In front of the truck as it was leaving the stop, police said. In Garden Grove. 57-year-old &!ward Marcinko of that city was killed shortly before 4 p.m. when he was struck by a car as he c rossed Garde n Grove Boulevard near the 8800 block, police said. Sgt. Larry Fischbeck said that WiUfam Wiczek, the 26-year-old Santa Ana man who was driving the car that struc~ Marcinko, was not charged as a result of the P rison ers rio t SAN QUENTIN (AP) -Four · guards and 24 prisoners were injured Saturday in a gang- spawned riot Involving some 1,- 500 San Quentin Prison inmates, an outbreak officials called one of the worst in years. For today. th• Natlonel WMlh« Service lc><ec:Mt a ... ttlun6lrlfloWer -the Olwt IHln and from New M••loo Clnc:IMttt ~ Qmble IC Columbw Dal-Ft Wttl DIYlon Denwr 12 72 8tw9¥tOOl1 M 82 Sioux F• 70 43 81 Louta 84 53 95 84 88 eo 12 53 88 70 88 .st 112 1 4 92 82 88 71 73 41 78 81 87 74 112 58. 8ehraln t3 8qkoll 111 • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION eorou Texu to Louta11na. lhowet'I and tllundereflowere alao were expected from tll• OrHt LlkH Into the North Atlentlc atata Sunny elllel ... lot.-.... moat of Calllornla. tl'9 "9na N1v1d1, 1cro11 Ill• '*''-"' two-llllrd• of tl1e A--. ... "°"'*" "" °'"'"' ,.. Ind Mlu lH lpj»I VIiie~ ltito Ute r...-v*Y #Id,,.. ..... .......... Dee Mom. Detroit ~ ~ =~~ IURf REPORT .... Der. IW aw aw IW Belnlt e.rlln &n.tlHI• e•AI,.. Cairo Hono Kono JMltnl Jenltli.tft Jo'burg L.ondon Medfld Mlnlle Mol:•Me• ~ .... = ..... == 11 .. 12 88 90 • BODY FAT ANALYSIS • STRESS TESTING • BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING 81 90 12 81 II • COED SAUNA • NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING • COED WHIRLPOOL ... .. II ... • OlYMPtC FRIE WEIGHT • COMrUTHIZEO DYNA VIT. • NAUTILUS IXHCISI EQUIPMENT • • SUN TAN IOOM • OUAIANTllO •SUlTS accident. Fischbeck said Mar- cinko was not in a crosswalk or an intersection when he was struck. Both accidents remam under investigation, however. The name of the driver of the ice cream truck was not available. HB s usp ect arraign due The estranged husband of a Huntington Beach woman who, along with her mothe r . was found slashed to death Thursday is expected to be charged with the double murder Mo nday, ofCicials said . Rene Dayco, 41 , was arrested Thursday in a Baja CaJifomia beach community, where he had taken his three children. The children now are being held in the county's Albert Sitton Home, and their immediate future is expected to be d e te rmined Tuesday. Police said Dayco apparently was awai\ing a passport to his native Philippines at the time of his arrest. The bodies of Dayco's estranged wife. Shirley, and her mother, Phyllis Harbulak. 65, were found Thursday In their Huntington Beac h home. I I . f \ , i I ' I I I • Orange Cout DAILY PILOf/Sund1y, June 20, 1982 Al Wasteland tapped for energy Plant that produce rubber, medicine may reduce our dependence on oil By JOEL C. DON O("tMDellJ ......... The March for alternatJvee to the naUon'• h avy dependence on imported oil and lU byproducUI has led one ldenUlt to the seemingly barren, aun- parched deeerta of the American Southweet and Mexico. While some may view the area as hundreds of thouaanda of acres of virtual wasteland, UC lrvtne botanist Eloy Rodriguez haa discovered an abundance of plants that produce natural rubber , medicines and Insecticides. Dr. Rodriguez doesn't foresee, however, desert flora one day as the prime source for tires, drugs and bug klllera. ~ut he isn't one to tum down an y opportunity to partially reduce our demand for fossil fuel-based products. "If plants would take up 15 percent of our n~. ~t's a good perce ntage,' he said. "I think even if It was 5 percent it would be pr ofitable for commercial business." SUNFLOWER RELATIVE -Genus Encllia has been found to be a promising source of natural medicines and insecticides. Extracted resins turn toxic when exposed to light. Delfr Plot fltloto by C...,._ I'-" PROMSING PLANT -When stalk-like candelilla is pricked, it oozes a white latex, 20 percent of which can be refined . From Page A1 DEBUT TROUBLESOME. • • bargaining as assurances or commitments by a prosecutor or judge to induce a defendant to plead guilty. In practical terms, Stanford said, the initiative prohibits the district attorney from talking about the possibility of a reduced sentence with a defendant before a plea has been entered. The prosecutor said it is rare for a felony defendant to plead out to a crime without knowing what he'll get in return. Hence, the expected increase in the number of trials. Stanford said the District Attorney's Office is interpreting the measure to be retroactive in terms of plea bargaining. All prior discussions with defendants before the June 8 vote have been terminated, he said. On the whole, Stanford said, he believes Proposition 8 is both constitutional and workable. "Some things about it are bad," he said. "But there are more good things in it than bad." "Generally," Bu tier said, "Proposition 8 is not creating an economic boon to the public. It's creating more problems than any benefits (it was meant to provide)." He said the "economy of the (criminal justice system) has taken a few steps backward" with the new measure. "To a degree, we can adjust, in the se nse of m.J!king some lawyers available in superior court," Butler said. However. the county's public defender said the bulk of his office's workload is handled in the municipal courts. "We have obligations lo (adequately) staff the municipal courts," he said. (Proposition S's main effect is on the superior courts because that's where felony cases are tried.) The federal government seems to agree. Under a three-year, $100,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, Rodriguez will combine his plant research efforts with scientists from the National University of Mexico. The aim is to identify energy or hydrocarbon-rich plants that may one day supplement the world's dwindling oil supplies. Rod(iguez. who is an associate professor of biology at UCI, . said it's the first time the United States and Mexico have entered into a formal venture to study desert plants for potential commercial uses. One of the more promising of desert wildlife is the Perdilanthus macrocarpus, or candelilla (small candle) as it is commonly known. The stalk-like plant oozes a white latex when pricked, 20 percent of which can be refined into natural rubber. Candelilla also~ be boiled for it.a commercially valuable wax, Rodriguez said. He said the plant is a relative of Hevea, a tropical, thick-leaved tree that is the world's main source of natural rubber. The Hevea tree primarily grows in Malaysia. Since natural rubber is considered a critical strategic resource -used in aircraft tires and various parts and fittings - Rodriguez said U.S. defense o fficia ls are particularly Ronald Butler, Orange County's chief public defender, offered a far different assesmnent. Judging from the past few days, Butler said, Proposition S's debut in Orange County is off to an inauspicious start. "The system is in trouble if the first few days are any indication," he said. Rickles said an effort is being made to accommodate the civil calendar as much as possible. He said added emphasis would be given to settling civil cases to avoid exacerbating an already growing backlog. GRATITUDE -Students at Sun View School in Huntington Beach pay tribute to crossing • Delly Plklt IQff ll'Mto guard Ralph Smith, retiring after 10 years of guarding young lives at busy intersections. Cribbage club bids players to tournament Guard's retirement a reminder Court administrator Alan Slater said as many as 7,000 civil cases now awaiting disposition are ''hard-core'' matters requiring a jury or non-jury trial. School's out, watch for children at crossings The Orange County Cribbage Club will hold its inaugural tournament (his afternoon in Brea. Open to all interested, the competition will begin et 12:30 p.m. in the VFW/American Le- gion Club, 206 S. Brea Blvd. Each -entrant will play one game with each of 12 opponents. Eieht game players with the highest scores will be awarded cash prizes. Expected to enter the Brea tournarnnt are Leilani Wade of Los Angeles and Leon Brys of Covina, winner and runner-up in the West Covina tournament. The Orange County club is affiliated with the International Cribbage Association. More in· formation can be obtained by calling 528-1813. Further complicating the situation, Rickles said, is state law which requires that certain civil matters be given priority. This includes requests for injunctions which are supposed to be heard within certain specified time periods. "What can we do?" Rickles asked. "We're caught in the middle." Some relief is expected next month, when four new superior court judges should be appointed by the governor. The Legislature created the new positions in its last session. The county already has asked Assemblyman Richard Robinson's office in Santa Ana to carry legislation for three more superior court judgeships beginning in 1983. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHtlfled advertl1lng 71'41&42·5'71 All other department• 642.,.321 ThQma P. H81ev l'Wllllef -i OWi t-Mt.. Ollar llllAIN OFFICE »O Wetl a., St , COIU 'MM. CA. Mall ~: lox IMO. CCll!a Mesa, CA t'26a C~yrloM 1112 0r.,. Coest Publlsl>l"9 '-· Ho 11~ llof'IH, llllntr•lklns, .clit«1411 1N1ttH w ... ¥e<"llM.._,, ,_,.Ill mey be reprochocM ~ _ .. , ~Hloll of copyrltfll -·· VOL. 71, NO. 171 By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally Piiot 11.tf For more than 400 elementary students at Sun View School iq Huntington Beach, it was the last day of school. For Ralph Smith, 77, Wednesday was the conclusion of a 10-year stint as a city crossing guard. He has been helping Sun ~iew students cross busy Heil Avenue at Silver Lane. For 10 years, not a single stu d e nt under Smith's supervision has been hurt in a traffic mishap. The only person injured at this crossing, in fact. has been Smith himself. One day last year, Ralph had just escorted some youngsters safely across Heil when a Mustang carrying two teen-age.rs veered arQund the comer and tried to evade the stopped traffic by driving in the bike lane. The car struck Smith just a few feet from the curb. He was taken to the hospital with some bumps and bruises but fortunately no broken bones. "He bounced right back," recalls Huntington Beach crossing guard supervisor Joe Caporlcci. "He should have stayed out for a while but he came back just a week later with a pat.ah on his head." One atudent's card among hundreds at his farewell, asked, '1How did you put up with ua for 10 years?" . "The kids and I got along fine," he says. The headaches he adds, were cauaed by reckle.. motoriats who refu.ed to halt when the croaing guard raised hls red "STOP' sign. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Piiot? Whal don't you llh? Call the number below and your me,111e wlll bt recorded, tranacrtbed and deltverefl lo the appropriate editor. The same 2A·hour amwerinl service may be \ISed to record let· ters to the editor on any toPic Mailbox contributors must lnclud• their name and telephonf number for verirlcaUon. No clrculatlon calls. pleue. Tell u what's on your mind. "The worst thing is when you give them plenty of room to stop and they just run right up and then throw on the brakes right in front o( the safety wne," Smith says. "They almost hit the kids." The crossing guard says he was tempted at times to call it quits, particularly after he was hit. "I've been a little shaky since then," he admits. "You don't tum your back on Jhe traffic, that's for sure." Smith came to Huntington Beach 10 years ago after retiring as manager of an oil company in Fresno. H e signed on as a crossing guard to help keep busy, never suspecting he'd be at it for 10 years. "He's been here every day like clockwork," reports Sun View princjpal Robert Vouga. "He gets along very well with the kids. They're respectful t o him because he's respectful to them." Mont St. Benoit Cheese fht· tt.~.,,th llf'4 Oto'"-• Jt ltft, \hhf'\ .. , '''"' tt••n•t1t11h1 I ,h q11,.h1•• l•foftut• ol tlhlln•t•\• t1UJ'\1Tt' hp• th.1 \t II• •tu41ih 111111.• I'" 1h1 h~tl \\mhl f+..-1h•••"' ffl thfJ\t• \\hi• ~A·· •u1•• ,h th•'1"'• ,,, ~· \1 th "''' ( l\t•···· '" ",." '" •h<-l~h·tl ~t '""' uft _.., 1 '' lu••\• Offer Cood Thru 6·27-82 .... "''" ~t4h•"••\ l.t•1l'"'~ f)tt1u H\fl \U• rt· ... -.-111 '" ufh t tf IU \OU ~~~~ ·•;h11111~,"'~11:tn::,1.:" 1~M:~''1~\ ''" '""'" .. " n,w "•"' "'''' '" '"' 111•*'' fl 1lt'h~., I 1IJ11'1C fin +f ••f\h11'1 1\f1'11 ti~,,.... 11\.1 m.111, """"'" "11111 ~., \MM:.,ttlf,, ... • 3oc Lb. Off Regular Price ,, .. ,, '"!'!!' We'll give you a taste of old-time country J<oodnc interested in alternatives to foreign sources of the product. In addition to the candelilla plant, guayule, a relative of the sunflower, already is cultivated and tapped for its natural rubber. The genus Encelia. another sunflower relative, has been found to be a promising source of natur a l m e dicin es and insecticides. Resins extracted from Encelia plants have been shown to be toxic when exposed to light. ROOriguez is developing a variety of insect-killing products from the plant. But he insists natural may not always be better. While scientists warn of the potential cancer- causing pro perties of some insecticides and other synthetic products. Rodnguez said many dangerous or potenllaUy lethal man-made substances have been derived from plants. "You can make identical chemicals that are in plants," he said. "Poisons made naturally by plants are as poisonous as synthetic chemicals. I don't think we s h ould give people the illusion that natural chemicals are better because they are natural. / "Natural may not always be safe." Rodriguez said the synthetic chemlcal era started during W orld War 11 , as sciel'\tists searched for a substitute for natural rubber. Commercial industry turned from plants to plastics. and researc h into various h ydrocarbon-producing species dropped. he said. Scientists have now begun to venture out of the laboratory into the forbidding desert. returning to greenhouses with specimens they hope to cultivate one day like com or soybean crops. "I don't think it's feasible to h arvest wild plants; it's ecologically crazy," he said. "As we develop genetic engineering techniques you won't have to grow these plants. You just get the cells that grow the product you want." -. Through genetic engineering technology, scientists can extract the DNA or genetic blueprint of a plant cell, insert it in different host cel ls and pro duce the desired byproducts. "We've been isolating natural pro du c ts from plants f o r hundreds of years," he said. "Genetic engineering is giving this kind of research a boost. (/f ()/.110 IH ~oath Coast !f Ua ~ l I ,. .. . ' Sch01itz objects to OWNERS MULL ZONE CHAN GE . • • • appraisers CaWni1 lt tM ••i..t veetlle ol u~ apollt l)'ltem," ltate -Sen. John lchmiti, R·c.orona del Mar, voted ap1Nt a blU that would uve Jobi for atate Inheritance tax appnilen who mt t.Mlt Jobi When the tax WU .Umlnatecf by votera June 8. ''Thia bill looka Uke It la a simple attempt to save 183 patronJ.zlna jobs,'' Mid Schmlt&, who urged the po1l\lon1 be eUrnlnated. He c¥led the meul,U'e a "a lut ditch effort to p~rve the laat vestige of the apolla syatem ln California polltlcs." Nonethelesa, the bill waa approved by the state Senate by a 23-9 vote. It would change the appraisers' tltle1 to that of probate referee and permit a judge or a petitioner to have a referee appointed to appraise property in probate or divide estates between heirs. The Senate's action, which also raises the referee's minimum fee from $25 to $50, now goes back to the Assembly for acti9n on Senate amendments. The state's 183 appraisers. whose earnings can re ac h $100,000-a-year, determine the size and value of an estate for inheritance tax purposes. But the tax was eliminated when voters June 8 approved two fnitiatives striking It from . the tax rolls and leaving the appraiaers' jobs in limbo. S e n . Nic holas P e tris, 0 - 0akland, said that the bill would make use of referees voluntary. He argued that it would be cheaper for a court to use a state referee rather than bring in a private appraiser. Dellr ,.._. "'4lto ltr ,...,._ O'OorlMll MOVING MESSAGE -If He indeed went to the beach this month, He undoubtedly gave his disciples In charge of waves and weather new commandments to improve conditions immediately now that sch ool is out and vacationers are due. ;Election fund bill Inoves up Orange County lawma kers ended up on the losing end when five of the county's six Assembly members voted agains t a bill which would provide public funding for some elections. The bill, which ~ the As- sembly Wednesday by a 45-30 roll call vote, would provide public funding for certain elec- tions through a taxpayer check- off. Also, the bill would Umit spending by candidates who ac- cepted public money. The only Orange C.Ounty leg- islator to vote in favor of the measure was Assemblyman Chester Wray, 0 -Westminster. Voting against the bill were Assemblywoman Marian Berge- son, R-Newport Beach; Assem- blyma n Nolan Frizzelle, R - Huntington Beach; Assembly- man Ram Johnson, R-Fullerton; and Assemblyman John Lewis, R-Orange. Assemblyman Richard Robin- son, 0-Santa Ana, was either ab5ent or chose not to vote on the measure. exactly what \he city'• obUpUona .... too. "In tenna of land d9Veloprnent, It atW allows the land owner to haw hla day ln court," and the zone plecH \he cl\y between convenion f pproval and any plan that could unduly harm tenant.I, Bluell uld. · Bayalde Vlllaae tenant•, worried about rent lncreuee Jnd poesible conversion of their 290 apacH, are aaktn1 Newport Beach offlclala to mandate blndlna arbitration ln dlaputee over rent hike.. A 1lmllar ordinance ln Westmlnat.er la the 1ubject of several l e gal challensea. ln Huntlnato n Beach, a propoeed law may be even more comprehenaive. Tlle city's Planning Comml11lon ha1 sent lta approved ver1ion of a moblle home park ordinance to the City C.Ouncll which may take acUon on ~t u early u Monday. The ordinance would require: -Subm1-ion by park owners ot a tenant ualatance plan where rceldcnt.I who live In the park more then 270 day11 a year are reimbursed for full relocation t.'Ollt.I. Thoee who cannot relocate can 1eU their mobllc homes plw ORANGE COAST llOalLI 801111 any additions to the park owner for the full original purchase price. -Reductio n of tenant asaiatance, however, if the total assistance packaae costs the park owner more than a third of the raw value of the land. If the one-third value is not sufficient t o pay the full assista nce, available funds will be pro-rated among the tenants. -F.tabllahment of a mobile home park overlay zone similar to Newport Beach's. -Submission by park owners of a report detailing the impact of any proposed conversion on the displaced residents. Scam due case trial in October Financier Ralph W. McDonald, accused o( ualng his GQlden F.agle Investment C.O. to swindle investors out of millions of dollars, will go on trial Oct. 18 in Orange County Supc;rior C.Ourt. McDonald's trial date was scheduled Friday by Superior Court Judge James K. Turner, who will preside over what is expected to be a lengthy trial. The defendant, a decorated Marine veteran of the Vietnam War, has pleaded innocent to more than 30 felony charges which include grand theft, tax evasion, conspiracy and sales of unregistered securities. It is expected that his attorney, Paul Mast of Santa Ana, will ask Turner to shift McDonald's trial to another part of California because of the ex te nsive publicity which has surrounded the case. It is alleged by prosecutors tha t McDonald, 41, solicited millions of dollars from as many as 1,000 investors on the promise they would receive interest payments monthly of between 10 percent and 30 percent. What actually was happening, prosecutors allege, is that McDonald was running a high- stakes "Ponzi scheme." That is, he was paying off early investors with money coming in from later investors. He had told the investors their money was being used to provide short-term, high-interest loans to borrowers for commercial real estate ventures. The propoeed ordlnanc:e Ja by no mean• a victory tor park ownera, but the provlalon limltlna their liability to dl1placed tenant.a could create 1ubttanual l~ for tenant.I. The reaaon la the ahortap of 1paca to move to. Many moblle home owners Ukely would be unable te relocate ln thla area and would quallf y for ua!atance under the provision forcln1 ownen to buy their <X*hee. But the catch la the rule that llmlu ownera' llabllity. There ma y not be enough money available to cover the lomes of the owners in some parks. The only other Orange Cout conversion controveny involves the 27-acre Treasure bland park off Coast Highway In South Laguna. Residents are challe nging enviromental impact report.I on a proposed 500-unit time-share condominium development for the site, but it appears that developers will proceed with the plan eventually even If forced to rewrite the reports. The county already has accepted a plan by developers to assist long-time permanent residents of the park's 266 spaces. The plan calls for construction on the site of a separate, 60-unit apartment building where those residents will live permanently for the same rent they paid for coach spaces in March 1981, plus au CClSt of living increases. Other residents will be aided by a relocation plan that will cost developers an estimated $1 million . fvi ost residents are unhappy about the prospect of losing their homes on a prime, ocean-side site despite assistance, however. Problems at two other parks appear unaffected by th ese turning points in legislation. Residents of the 4 4 -space Huntington S hores mobile home park in Huntington Beach are preparing to vacate in November. That conversion , a nnounced more than a year ago, w1U not be a f fec t ed by t h e pendi ng ordinance. Residents of the Newport Terrace mobile home park in Newpor t Beach have been complaining about rent increases a nd the possibility o f a conversion . It is not known if the overlay wne will apply there. @ MERCEDES ® . •11111 IOOl-Tllll llllEL Brand new, arriving from Germany this week. Clualc white With palomino leather, elecirlc eunroof, alloy wheels, stereo ca ... tte. 'lllCI SM,6S2 ALll, 1111 Plmla&.Y IWIU PlllPllEI IEllElll Wlllll 22,000 ml. Sun roof, stereo casaette, alloy wheels. White with brown lnterlof. ,.ICI S20,89S OAU Ylllllll (114) 141-4100 BeAKHOQ•FM Beach Bikini Girl . PRIZES * GIVEAWAYS Poor M an Wiii Be H e r e Sunday June 27 • REGISTER EARLY • NE THOUSAllD DOLLARS OFF Cnise ttrough the Dramatic NEW 1982 SUBARU FROM $158°0-"" Deluxe 4 door (#09490). Total cash price $8582.82 Including tax and I~. $8945.52 deferred payment price Including all carrying charges for forty·elght months. Annual P•eentage Rate 19.2- BIG llUCTIOlll NOW"! a. magnon sunaru Harbor at Fair Costa Mesa 549-1417 Bcuefoot ·~ corue~ct, 2811 Newport Blv d . Newp ert Beaeh 875-38 4 1 • Cuslom bikini• (our fabric or yourt1 • Shorts, Blou~s, etc. to match • Well known brand bikini• and one piece suits available Join the Summer Fun at DAY CAMP!! GIVE MOM A VACATION .•. e Swimming e crafts 1i$ JUNE 21ST THRU SEPT. 10th ' r Enroll now -Fall Semester · Starts Sept. 13. Reasonable Tuition SUMMER SCHOOL • JULY 6th JHRU JULY 30t+-i •A Private School of Distinction Founded in 19~2" IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY 16835 BROOKHURST ST. (714) 962-3312 ThruJune26 Panama Canal Aboard the FIVE-STAR SAGAFJORD I Th is magnificent cruise is esco rted by Mil d red Russell, leaving Los Angeles October 28th. 17 days, through the Canal via Mexico and th e Ca ri b bean a nd return airfare is incl uded. Total price starts at s2 1 ao. C al l 7 14-645-2636. (Collect if out of our a rea). World Neighbor Tra vel, inc 2043 Wcstcl1frDrm, Surtr 110 /Ne .. port Buch/ li\ 'l!hMJ / (71 4) 645·2636 Chicken Di ner Special •2.69 GET CASH FOR YOUR ALUMINUM CANS! Orange Coaat College's Recycling Center will pay cash for your 1lumlnum cans. The current market rate Is 18C per pound. Every Tuesday (except holidays) You get the best pert of the chicken. Four Chicken Plenk1L.1trlp1 of whole, whltemeat chicken breast, dipped In our special batter-served with fresh cole slaw and golden f ~. 3095 H.rbor Blvd. In Cosu ~Just South of San D~ Fwy. Across from Ffdeo Open for buy-backs from 10 1.m. to 1 p.m. Eaay acctaa puklng··•Ht- bound off Ad0 1m1 Ave .• between Harbor BtYd. 1nd Fatrvlew Rd. Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 20, 1982 Al K, who ~on the primary races? 1 TM prlmary el lion wu only tWo weekl ...,, lriahtT Then thla one ahould bt uy: Name the five ~-who ~ runnlna for eecrttary of 1tai. In lh• 1eneral tlecllon. Too rouah? Try \heeo: Controller , atate treuurer or atcorney pnerl. · The matchupe now are 11et for the Nov~ber ~election with c:an~ldat 1 from California'• five ,political partlea r~adylnt ihemaelvea for th awnmer-lont campalfn. A rlt'e·by-race breakdown \°' the oontendera ahapes up like thla: l GOVERNOR -Democrat Tom Bradley: lRepubllcan George Deukme jlan; American tlndeDendent James Grtlfin: Peace and Freedom Elllabeth Martinez: Libertarian Dan Dougherty. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR -Democrat Leo U.S. HOUSE DISTRICT H -Democrat Frank v ... ,..; !WpµbUcan Wllltam Oe(\n meycr; Pea<.'e and~ Frank Boehelm. U.1. HOOSE DISTl\lct '° -Democrat P•ul HUM"Mln; Republican Robert &dham; Peace and Freedom Maxine &U Quirk. U.S. HOUSE DISTRICT U -Democrat Jamet SJ*llman; Republican o.n Lungren; PNee and Freedotn John Donohue. U.S. HOUSE DISTRICT '3 -Democrat Roy "Pat" Arc:her; Republican Johnnie Crean; Write-in Ron Packard. STATE SENATE DISTRICT U -Democrat Frank Barbaro; Republican F.dward Royce. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT U -Democ rat Patricia SJ>rinaer; Republican Dennis Brown; Peace and Freedom Paul Haak. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT H -Republican &II John»0n. • ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 11 -Democrat Paul Brouahton: Republican John Lewil. ASSEMBLY OISTl\JCT H -Democrat Robert H&nlOll; Republican Nolan ~Ue. ASSEMBLY DISTRlcr '11 -De~t Linda Wettfall; RfpubUcan Marian Bergeeon. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 71 -Democrat. Cheewr "Chet" Wray: Repubijcan Dorla Allen: Libertarian Charlea Sarr. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 71 -Democrat Richard Robinson; Republican Richard Lonpbore. ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 7' -Republican Robert Fruee. STATE Sapertntendent of Public ln1tnctloo -(non-partisan) Wilson Riles; Bill Honig. ,.,,~ CANDIDATES MEET -Gov. Jerry Brown and San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson are the Democratic and Republican contenders for the U.S. Senate. ' McCarthy; Republican Carol Hallett; American Independent Houston Myers; Peace and Freedom !Clyde Kuhn; Libertarian John Vernon. .~--------------------------------------------------~---------~~---------------------------------------------- 1 SECRETARY OF STATE -Democrat March Sign ups start for day camp Fong Eu; Republican Gordon Duffy; American 'Independent Alfred Smith; Peace and Freedom ,Milt.On Shiro Takel; Li bertarian Martin Buerger. I CONTROLLER -Democrat Kenneth Cory; ·R e~ubU can James Flo urno y ; Ame rican tlndependent Pat Graham: Peace and Freedom Florence McDo~d; Libertarian Mary Gingell. Reglatratlon is open for Costa Mesa's annual Summer Day Camp at TeWinkle Park June 28 through Aug. 20. ; TREASURER -Democrat Jesse Unruh; ;Re-publican Donald French; American lndependent •Robert Charlton; Peace and Freedom Kevin Akin; The one-week sessions are open for boys and girls, ages 6 to 12. Cost is $42 or $45 for earlier sessions that begin at lLibe~an Less Antman. · ATtORNEY GENERAL -Democrat John 1 an de Kamp; Republican George Nicholson; Peace t:!.Freedom Dan Siegel; Libertarian Bartholomew 7:30 p.m. · Registration is being accepted at City HaIL 77 Fair Drive, Room 320. f DISTRICT 2 State Board of Equalization - !Democrat Edmund Kelly: Republican Ernest IDronenburg Jr.; Libertarian Jack Dean. Included in the weekly camp sessions will be an overnight trip to O'Nlel or Featherly Park and sports, crafts and games. • I U.S. SENATE -Democrat &lmund Brown tJr.; Republican Pete Wilson; American Independent rrheresa Dietrich; Peace and Freedom David Wald; fLibertarian Joseph Fuhrig. For more tntonnatlon call 754.5300. \ U.S. HOUSE DISTRICT 38 -Democrat Jerr:y fPatterson; Republican William Oohr; Libertarian •ta Barr. Cell 142-5671. Put • few word• to work for ou. • REPAIRS YOUR HEART WITHOUT SURGERY CHELATION THERAPJtt BEFORE AFTER Blood vessels Blood vessels obstructed by cleared by deposits (thin Chelation (rich & weak blood & thick blood su pply) supply) ~TEENBLOCK MEDICAL CLINIC Free lectures on Heart Disease & Chelation • Every Wednesday 4 p.m. · S p.m. Coll for further information. (714) 770-9616 SHOAT NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION By order of The Board of Directors and other secured parties COMPLETE LIQUIDATION TO REPAY PAST DUE LOANS AND LETTERS OF CREDIT TO BANK (Mitsui Manufacturers Bank of Beverly Hiiis) 100°/o HANDMADE HIGH QUALITY PERSIAN &.ORIENTAL CARPETS a AUG8 INCLUDINQ RUGS FROM IRAN, CHINA, RUSSIA, INDIA, AFGHANl8T AN, PAKISTAN, ROMANIA, TURKEY & EGYPT IN AU 81Zl!8. TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER ON MON., JUNE 21 at BP .M. HOLIDAY INN 25205 LA PAZ AD. LAGUNA HILLS . TUES. JUNE 22 AT IPM MARRIOTT INN 900 NEWPORT CENTER DA. NEWPORT BEACH PREVIEW WILL COMMENCE 1 HOUR PRIOR TO AUCTION A&.90 INCLUDED IN THE AUCTION WILL N A LARQI HLICTIOM OP MONDI MLEAIEO BY A FAMOUS WEIT COAST FOUNORY; WOR«I 8Y .....OTOH, ... RUSSELL. MOtGHIEZ, BAAYE AHO OTHERS wtU -ll'VT OM,... aocK AND SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDOER. A, A, • A, Inc. Ltquldeton TenM: ~~~~~() 545-4667 ~ rpJ TAPE DECi<S 32010 to43010 & RECORDERS Off TELEPHONE COMPACT 26 O/o to 400/o Off --: Off · -c~~~OC~KS::-;&;--hE;;iLE~C~fRMioiiiNIC~ CALCULATORS KIT~ 250/oto430/0Qff 400/o to50 Yo Off CB RADIOS TEST 330/. 42 0/0 EQUIPMENT tiff 2Q 0/oto50°/o0ff ' HI-Fl RADIOS EQUIPME~T 29°/o to 40°/0 - 330/0 to 50 Yo \ Off M :..---~OF~f---=:!---~;· In different stores. but • Different sale items d with budget pleasers. i • all stores are 10.ade d here Hurry in tor many not menttone · best selection. °'""'" ~ILV PtLOT/IUnday, JllM IO, 1W -. \ Minority educational opportunities retained UC Irvine's decision to drop plana to reorganize ita proaram for economtcally disadvantaged ltUdenta and reinstate ita former director demonatratea the unlvenity'a wil.Ungnesa to address community needs and wishes. minority coalition, UCI Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr. decld~ to preserve the EOP structure, combine it with Student Affinnative Action and place both programs -with Gomei H director -under the Office. of Academic Attain. A coalition of Orange County minority groups had expreaaed outra1e when UCI proposed reatructurlng its Educational Opportunity Program (EOP). Manuel Gomez, former ad.m1nistrator of EOP, was to be reutigned to one segment of a divided program. Public demonstrations and a preaa conference were held in ~ support of Gomez, who reportedly raised the level ol rop enrollment of minorlty st'U$fents at UCI. According to Orange County Human Relations Commission officials who mediated the dispute, Aldrich went out of his way to peraonally meet with the minority coalition to arrive at a satisfactory solution to the problem. The co alition has overwhelmingly endorsed UCl's solution and the chancellor hopes to forge a stronger bond between the university and the community. .. EOP minority enrollments declined while Gomez was on a two-year leave of absence. It was durin g that per.iod that UCI offici.ala decided to reorganize EX>P because, they said, the program had seen a dramatic increase in its budget from 1978 to 1981. After meeting with the ·While other UC campuses have suffered a som~what strained relationship with their neighboring communities, the chancellor has shown that compromise and a bit of friendly discussion cal'l bring people closer to the university system. Keep phone all ordable Having a telephone is something taken for granted by almost every American, and most probably would consider it a necessity. But there are growing fears that many of the nation's phone users will be disconnected permanently because the proposed breakup of American Telephone & Telegraph may drive local rates to unaffordable levels. That would be intolerable and we hope Con~ will take action to head off such a possibility. With our society so dependent on instant communication, not · -having a telephone is like being exiled to a desert island. Along with radio and television, the telephone has helped overcome the many miles and diversities that used to separate Americans. . Last Jan. 8, the U.S. Justice Department put a large question mark over the ideal of universal, • affordable phone service when it revealed a settlement with AT&T -also known as the Bell System -to end a 1974 anti-trust action. Under the agreement, currently under review by U .S . District . Judge Harold H . Greene in Washington, the Bell System would give up its 22 local telephone oper~~~g companies, one of which is · ornia's Pacific Telephone. In return the Bell System would be allowed to enter unregulated fields such as ' ,computer link.ups and data processing. It wo.uld also retain Bell Laboratories, long distance service, its Western Electric ·equipment subsidiary and Yellow Page advertising revenues. For the local companies, the most significant result of the .... settlement would be they could no longer rely on Ma Bell to subsidize their operations. John Bryson, president of the state Public Utilities S::Ommission, says Pacific Telephone would need a $2 billion rate increase in 1984 alone to meet service costs, install new equipment and generate adequate revenue. Bryeon foresees a 1984 monthly bill of $25 per user, which he believes would drive one-fourth of Pac Tel's users out of the market. Rural customers could suffer along with low-income users. Because the coat of stringing and maintaining phone lines in remote areas is so much higher than in cities, the high fees local companies would need to charge could put telephones out of reach of many rural customers. Rep. Timothy Wirth, D-Colo., has introduced a bill to alleviate the effects of the Bell System breakup with m easures to strengthen the local companies. Among other stipulations, local exchanges would retain Yellow Page revenues and could continue to sell phone equipment. In addition, they would receive market value compensation for equipment transferred to AT&T. Also, Bell could not bypass local networks to avoid connection charges. Judge Greene has promised an exhaustive review of the AT&T settlement, and we hope he keeps the goal of a phone in every home foremost in mind. Approval of a measure similar to the Wirth bill would be a good way for Congress to en.sure that goal isn't priced out of reach. ·True heroism: No mis takes ' ·' In recent times there has been much emphasis on the potentially life-saving value of training in · cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Many who have taken the training may have wondered, as ',.did 19-year-old James Beck who took a CPR c~ at Golden West . College a year ago, whether they would make a mistake if faced with a real emergency. , Last week at the Fountain Nalley store where Beck works as 1a temporary clerk, a customer titoppJed over and colla~ on the 11floor, the victim of a heart attack. Beck said he didn't even atop to think before trying to rettote ~the vlctlm'a breathing. The ~technique worked rapidly. The • customer revived and Beck went to call the paramedics. By the time that was done, the man's heart had stopped again. Beck repeated his revival efforts. "He went out on me three times," he said later. With the victim safely installed in a hospital c.ardiac care unit and pronounced in stable condition, fire officiaJs gave young Beck full credit for saving bis life. Rarely. they said, can a victim of "full cardiac arrESt" be revived at the scene. Beck isn't planning a career in medicine. He's studying electronic enaineerini· But the next time an emergency ariles, he'll be pretty sure he won't make a mistake. :Opinions expressed In the s~e •bOve are those of the Delly Piiot. Other views tx· , preu.d on tNs page are those of their authors and mists. Reader comment ls lnvlt- ,ed. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mes., CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·,S21. • ORANGE COAST llilyPilat Thomas P. H•l•Y Publllher T....._ A. Mll""'I• Editor 9arfNr•Krel"'lt ldltortet P ... Ecfftor ! KNEW . IT.' - Tea~her layoff policy unfair To the F.ditor. I have just read the June 14 article about Ms . Michele Cella, the Latin ~her who, .despite her capabilities, will loee her job. The most telling statement made to date about the nature of public education MAILBOX in this country can be found in Mr. Kevin Wheeler's statement, "We aren't allowed to take competency into consideration when we're laying off." Have you ever wondered why Johnny can't read, balllnce a checkbook or fill out a job application? There's your answer. Frankly my personal feelings are if we drastically cut staffing of administration and school bureaucracies we could afford to keep good teachers who can motivate and inspire as well as pre.ent subject matter to students. Anyone for a ballot initiative? PETER MACMONAGLE Keep pets safe To the F.ditor: How sad it is to see so many family pets killed on our city streets. Hardly a day goes by that I -don't see one or two animals injured or killed by a car. Somehow, some pressure should be put on the owners of pets to keep them better confined to the safety of the animal's home. V. LYNNE HARRIS 'Good bedfellows' To the Editor: I am 75 years old, male and a Gentile. I am amared that all I read about is the PLO and Israel re the war going on. Why don't your papen let the people know about the murderer Yaaser Arafat? He and Hitler will make good bedfellows in Hell or wtratever it's called. EDWIN F. SLAGEL No fireworks To the Ed.itor: We hope everyone in this area has gotten the news that Laguna Beach now prohibits fireworks. Last year, Laguna was gray with smoke from fireworks being shot off. This went on til morning and even two weeks after. For those of US' who live here. it was a disaster area. U it hurt our ears, can you imagine what it did to our pets? Hopefully you can publicW? this. JEAN VERRILL • leUers lrom re--..,. •tltomt T,,. rl9f>I to,_.,,. iel· Itri to 111 -• °' elimln.tt libel " r.-....s. lAttH• ol JOO -•d• "' '"' ••II lie 91~ prelerenu All lttMn ...wll In· ctu4e t itNtUl't and 1N1lll119 addrtti 11u1 -. _, o. "ltiw..td °" •-•t II wlhd .. I rHton " ...,.._ ,_,, •Ill rtOI 119 P!*ttl>tcl LetlHl INlr be tele.--. lo '42 .... Name ---n-r ot U.. t Oftlrlllolll>f -lie.,,... lor •trlllta hon purpow• Her dad's letter a gift of love This Jetter is being shared by a Newport Beach mother. Her husband wrote it when he learned their daughter was concerned about her role in college and in the future. Tbe author prefers to remain anonymous. Caroline: 0 When I walked through the door, I heard you and Mom on the telephone, and I got the gist right away. One would wish only happiness aoftness and velvet, and insulation from the cares of the world for one's daughter -but I know better than that -that's not right, because it's false and the so-<:alled happiness therefrom would be falae as well. LIFE IS "REAL" and there are constant hurdles -and if we are not to crawl through life, we have to make the step, to try the hurdle, and try again, until the hurdle is surmounted, and go on to the next one. and the next one (it sometimes aeems never-ending), but there is always the straightaway after one has made the effort -a smoothness on the track lhat comes , Gardner's Column without even knowing sometimes and when we least expect. How else can we reach that wne where we can take a moment to smell the flowers and savor the fruits of "trying".and aocomp!Wunent. It's through trying that it all comes to pass, each in his own way, some longer than others, but the real fruits of one's exertion are extracted from the "tryhlg" -trial and error, trial and error -but always "forward" -agaln and again -until. all of a su4<fen, a ray of light shines. and one says to oneself -I have survived, and what's more, I have personally achieved, something no one, or anything or event, can take away. I am my own penon! Keep gritting it out, keep searching, keep getting up (even though the count may be 9), and keep looking forward, and putting yourself wholeheartedly into the fray -and the odds are 1,000 to 1 that you will be"a .. winner,'' much sooner than you imagine. IN MY OPINION, you're almost ~ the corner, reaching that straightaway -where many things will "smooth out'' 'in the natural coune of events and happiness will accelerate geometrically, to a point where you will reach a point of stabilization -but then, you will wish to go forward again, to challenge yourself and to search for new avenues of expression and other more exotic flowers to smell -all then, within a context of your own making (again, a few more hurdles, but this time, you're going to be the architect) -and you will direct yourself much more fully, to those ends lhat are most fulfilling and happy undertakings for Caroline. Take a deep breath, gird up, clench your knuckles, put on a • smile (real or imagined) and go out and take on ''The World". You can and are dolng it - fabulous strides -I think you may be the last one to know. Right or wrong, up or down, rl~ht or left, Commie, or right- wmger, healthy or sick. dumb or smart. smilin' or frownin'. rock 'n roll or opera etc. etc. -here's one Guy who will always be on your side -and most importantly "loves you dearly'. ·Your Dad Ii Ge tting ~ handle on distinctive monikers By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner is a semi-retired jurist, frequent emcee and senior body surfing enthusiast along the Orange Cout. In addition '° life, libetty and the pursuit of happinem. everyone lhould be given a good name -one that la clever, catchy, and distinctive -a name to remember. U~ppily 80CDe of ua have had to go th.rouct\ life with blah nunea. How can anyone with a blah name Uke Robert compete with "Doa1te" Devine, '1Moc:.e" ~&off. "Hwnpy" Goiter or ''Tule'' Van Landlnaham? BW, George, Pete and Tom I can compete with -but not with a "Spike" or a 14'])uke". JN MY YOUTH, my two clo1e1t friend• had 1reat name• -11Ta1a" Atwood and "Spenny" Rtchardaon. Everyone remembered 11Ta11" and . "Spenny" were bt11er, 1tron1er, mnat1er', .more ~ md hMd mon penonallly, but I thlnk the real ~~ ::.1nn::.-::.:!:T!.-= .... a b•&1able ,_ IO a ........ ~ ....... with .., ......... VWJ '*C'.., .w.lhne ..... ,....... ... otaeatthy8*knlnle. The cloae1t I ever came waa one awnmer when a JN)' named Tex Harril atarted to call me 'T.Wolf''. Of coune lince Tex 1poke pure Texan It came out "Wuff". But I dkin't oare -either wu better than plain old Bob. Unfortunately Jt didn't catch on and when Tex a.it -for Holl~· not Tex.u. no Texan ewr rewma to TeQI -ao did ••w\&ft". or "Wolf". BaUw ·an Miio from TaM (I haw newr r-rd ot a .....,.._ alUed Twx) --bit .... t. lt clolin't IMtw what kind ol. •. blah ...... ,. haW. ~ ... ,..,... I ...... wbM ~do ID Tw. I can e.-duw T.-.. ••lllll •a ._ _._ ID DIDllll. ••ffl. ,._.., ~ Tex". "Hi, Tex". Monotonous, and not very informative . Unfortunately I was born in Washington. "Wash" just doesn't Oy, and if anyone started to call me by the full state name I would be mnfwed with a character on "Welcome Beck Kot1er." LACKING A diat.inctive nidmame, I am al't"•Y'S amued when people with catchy names change them to blah namea. The Edmund Browns -father and eon -are ah example. Thwe ia nothlns . wrong with Edmund. It bu a n1ee b1atorica1 rinl -Edmund Burke -md if you want a nida'alme, bow aibout ''F..i Eddie"? Never1helela the father ca11a hinillilf "Pat'' and the aon C.U. hinmlf .. 1-r/". lf ldmund Sr., didn't lllw the ~ Edmund why ln the worhl clid be burden hit IOI\ With the mne .....,.? I neYel' dkt think then ... wry IDUICb love loll between the two wt I think; this , proytl it. AB .U. ._ me to Heemw:k "9D" Bannlfta. Why In .......... of. ... that .. jlod arid bolY Would ...,_. .,_ up a ~\ --IUJie ....... ..J:.. .. '!f Or WhJ DO\ ......... _. ...... -.-tD ..., a dlillMIM --7 ~ :" "\V\aff" -............ - ' llllJPlllt 8UNOAY, JUNE 20, 1Ht ,, TELEVISION B5 Lougsnis in fine form st Nadadores-Mexico diving meet. 84. 0 D -i-- Angels slammed, Kell1p supplies the power· in 7-6 win. By CURT SEEDEN Of tM Dlltr Piiot St1" Rod Carew provided some drama b y waiting until the seventh ln'ning to extend his hitting streak to a club1record 23 games Saturday afternoon, but teammate Reggie Jackaon and Chicago pitcher Kevin Hickey took center stage in the end. Hickey, who says he has idolized Jackson over the years, got the Angels' No. 4 hitter to ground out with runners on second and thlrd in the bottom of the ninth inning to preserve the White Sox's 7-6 victory before 30,666 at Anaheim Stadium. Carew's seventh-inning hit - a two-out RBI single with his team trailing 7-5 equaled the major league high for the season set by Minnesota's Kent Hrbek and was greeted with a standing ovation. IN STARK contrast was the silence that greeted Chicago's Steve Kemp as he belted a Luis Sanchez fastball over the left- center field fence with the bases loaded in the fifth inning to tum an Angel 4-3 lead into a 7-4 deficit. Kemp's timely blast looked like it would go for naught in the ninth, however, as Carew Slngled home Tim Foli and Jackson came to the plate with Brian Downing at third and Carew at second. ' "Reggie's one of my favorite hitters," beamed Hickey, who came into the 1982 season without a major league victory to his credit. "Whenever you're facing Jackson, you have to be careful." Hickey went so far as to recollect the three times he's faced Jackson in his short career. "I struck him out, he got a single pn a hish bou n cer a~d he grounded to second. Heck. he1s an exciting hitter that I'd come out to watch." After the White Sox' bullpen ace, Salome Barojas gave up a ninth-inning sing!~ to Tim Foll and walked Downing. Carew followed with his RBI single to slice the Chicago lead to 7-6. Barojas got Don Baylor to ground out, and Chicago Manager Tony LaRussa played the oddt by bringing in the left handed l'.ijckey to face Jackson. With first base open, he could have stayed with Barojas. intentionally walked Jackson and kept his ace in the game against the right handed Bobby Grich. "I've got confidence in Hickey," La.Jlussa said later. "l don't think walking the bases loaded is a good move in that situation unless the pitcher has a big edge over the hitter who's up next." Young Hickey certainly didn't fit into that category. but he got the job done to help the White Sox move to within a game of the Angels in the American League West. KEMP MEANWHILE, said Sanchez was throwing the ball well, but he just happened to "get a pitch I could handle. "He had a lot of strikeouts, but he just happened to get behind the count." The White Sox's left fielder said he's been trying to take some self-inflicted pressure off, and the end result can be seen in his five-RBI performance Saturday. "I've hit well here the past couple of years. I have a lot of family out here. Now what I try to do is go out there and relax and say 'just play."' He added: "I've done a lot of things that I never even tried or thought of trying and l think they're going' to start paying otf. The main fhing is for me to see the ball as long as possitfle because when I swing hard I have a tendency to pull my head." UPS AND DOWNS -South star Brad Guess, a University High prOduct, reacts to fake of Ron Connors (left), while Jeff Hughes from Fountain Valley takes shot during Saturday .,..., Not "'8toe bf Clerf .... _,_. night's Orange County All-star game at Orange Coast College. North came away with a 78-77 victory. The North took a 23-2 lead at the outset to key the upset. HICKEY HAD to ~o a little bit more •than watch Saturday. Jackson had already clubbed his 12th home run of the year with Downing aboard in the first inning to g ive the Angels a temporary 2-1 advantage. Ironically, Kemp didn't get a good look at the ball he hit off Sanchez. That's because it didn't take long to sail over the fence. Sanchez entered the game in the top of the fifth after Angel (See ANGELS, Page 82) North All-stars shock Rebels, 78-77 By ROGER CARLSON Of 111e 01111y ,.. sun There was still 12:07 left in the first half and a photographer: wandered over to the table and asked if the acoreboard was broken at Orange Coast College Saturday night. At halftime the South had trimmed the margin to 10 points and Leigh told his South stars, "Hang in there, we're lucky to be down by only 10." Indeed the South was lucky to be within range. After missing 19 of its first his 18 points in the first half. The Rebels were countering with )l starting lineup whjch answered that with 11 points (Richard Chang, 4; Rick DiBernardo, 5; Jeff Gardner, 2; Jim Usevit.ch, O; Jeff Hughes. 0). And with 30 seconds left the South had the ball and a 77-76 lead, but Gardner lost control of the baJJ with 11 seconds left and Marusich took it from there. It wasn't, the 23-2 Nor.th lead was true in every sense and the 12-point underdogs went on to eventually record a 78-77 victory before 1.612 shocked fans at the 17th Orange County All-star basketball game. South women rally to win "After watching some of these kids for the last three years I knew we had some who could stay with the South, said ~peranza Coach Mike Moore. "But I was surprised the South depth didn't tum it.· We lo5t the lead, but never lost our composure." .''We were looking to kill the clock to within five seconds of the shot clock." said Leigh. "We had a play set up, but it never came up." -Sff P1199 113 The North's stars were Thomas and Orange's Mike Kelly (who scored 19), along with Katella's Scott Warner (15). In the end it was Servite High's Andy Marusich hitting a pair of free throws with nine seconds left to provide the winning margin after the South had miraculously come from behind to lead by as many as five points (63-58). 20 shots from the floor (that figureJ out to 5 percent shooting) and coughing the ball up on nine turnovers, victory· seemed impossible. And the North was getting it done in every department, shutting off the passing lanes, blocking off the baseline and steaing the ball inside. The Rebels were actually in command lor the final nine minutes, once Ken Bardsley hit a pair of free throws to tie it at 58 with 8:52 remaining. The North regained the lead with 3:45 to go, ~ut Bardsl.ey's 10-footer with 2:35 left tied it at 73 and buckets by Chang and DiBernardo kept the South in command at 77-75 with 53 ticks remaining. The South had one last chance. but spent its last nine seconds having DiBemardo take the ball downcourt and Bardsley put up a 40-foot prayer. The South's 77 points equals the lowest scoring output in the series' history, 14 years ago another Rebel squad managed 77 points in a five-point loss. The South continues to lead the series, sponsored by the Costa Mesa Kiwanis, 11-6. But the difference was the beginning. "They just outhustled us and beat us three ways to Sunday," said F.<iison High Coach Barry Leigh. The South starting lineup was outscored in the first half by Brea- Olinda's Paul Thomas, who scored 14 of Valenzuela closes door on Reds, 2-1 Kuhn could use some lessons • • CINCINNATI (AP) - Fernando Valenzuela got a late start on spring training, but he's again leading the pack of National League pitchers. The Los Angeles Dodgers' tef1-hander, who reported late to training camp because of a contract dispute, became the first nineapme winner in the leagule Saturday when he beat the Cincinnati Reda 2-1 with a five- hitter. . 111 am just doin& cny thine," uid Valenzuela, Who W-OD the Cy Y OUDI and Rookie of the Year awudl with a 13-7 mu-It 1-t )'elf. "lam doiq what l know." In Valen1ueia'a caae, that tranala.&u into nlne vlctorin .,.u.t ftw ic-. 'nM! Mexican ;aewball pttcher swftlldend a bit tn each of the fint five i~ Saturday, lncludiq a ........ bJ c.u-c..dlnO Iii the ~ "*' mired the -12 beam ... bll ..... th oamplllle .... It .... DDd,111' ftfth ....... vtinary. ~~,_t1m,....,r .. wi~ happy with th• ~•Y I've plt~h•d." Valensuela Hid C .. DODG ...... 11) Belgium near second round MADRID (AP) -Ludo Coeck's pl ln the ftnt half gave Belltum a 1-0 victory over El s.tvador SatUrday and. Virtually enabled the BeJ.ciana to clinch a place in the .oond phase of the World Cup finala. Belltum and Brar.il are the only tMma to date to have won both their e>pen1na group pmes in t he world'• bl11e1t 1occer tournament. The Soviet Unlon defeated Nft' ~ 3-0 and Cameroon and Nmnd drew 0-0 ln other adlorl Satunlay. Coe.ck'• 11th-minute 10&1. • hmd. low Ibo&. lft'!e Belllum dM lead In Oroup I, which allO co•prlt•• Ar1entlna and HllifillllY. . TM "talvactorant, trounnd I , .... WORLD, .. II) Laker players sho~ they aren't Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but . . . •All · parties got something out of the most recent dope expose . . . The national magazine got the publicity it paid fo~; the National Football League got another warning .to check out all of lts cloeets and the guy who blew the whistle got a sum of money with which can ~uy . . . whatever he chooees. •When the stunt man was out on a ledge of the •k}'ICl'aper in downt.owl) Loa Angeles Monday, the ownen of the new United States Football League we.re meeting not far away and lt was first thought the fint o\vner' had already been told of his loaes. •If bueba11 is determined to keep Bowie J{.uhn u oomm1111oner, they could at least get him speech and dance leslON. •The moet concrete fld about the Holmes- Cooney champiolllhip thing w .. all the Journallata covertna the fight did ~ tee the aame flsht. ·~Toronto Blue Jaya prove the point that ball clubl without mW.lona1re players don't win u ~ but they. we a lot more fun to ~ · •A total of 500 NFL Dlayers, coach• and offidall were Interviewed and llked lf there would be • ltrike . . . Of the. replylna. 490 Mid "yet" and one uJ.d 1inlybe." •In VOdna thett ....,., ~ wh a one- :t:t==~~ .~~ ':':1~ IOl of .... . • . Ill "' ,, third. •rar 111 the talk of 1aya1,1 an the Jlodtln ~lion ~the •t.tve OUwY ...... ....... It w not out ol the q.-tan thet ·the loyalty ~ champions in generosity SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER the Dodgers owe is to the three million people who pay the frelght. •lt was 20 yea.rs ago th.la week that Jack Nkklilus,won his fint PGA t.ournan)ent. the U.S . Open in Seattle ... Nicklaus defeated Arnold Palmer by three atrok~ in an 18-hole playolf. •Hands down, the Guts Award goes to one John Bulett of Tampe Bay who was an owner in the World Foo\bell League and is now back u a fra:nchi8e proprietor ln the United States Football League. • ••Well, why ehouldn't football o¥>er•te 12 months of the yarT .•. All the other sports do. •A*ed what he Ullnka aboUt today's ba8eball aalaries, ~larly to pitchers with mediocre credendala, Don~ repUet ... "What do I think? l thl.nk l want to cry.' •You know ~ are pUinc old If your Idell never Mud of Tom Harmcin. •Dodier ?tjana1er Tom Lat0rd1 may be clMllc a~ of a ,.U'/ who can lfve but ....... it; • ,. ...... ., LGe ~Nilly nMdl two jll"OflHIDllll hrb $eD ~ wonder-If lt l'Mlly, ....... .......... Qddlnd ......... twrr ( ... n.Jt'ID. .... It) CRUSHES ANGELS -Steve Kemp's grand slam homer in the fifth inning was the deciding blow Saturday. Watson, Rogers in lead I PEBBLE BEACH (AP) - Jack ,Nicklaus surveyed the bi~ board that lists the standings ol: the leaders going into today'S. , final round of the 82nd Uniiec! Stat.eS Open Golf Champions'hip; ''It could be a very good final:: There are some good names Or\ the board," he said. His is among them, not as close to the top as he'd like, but sti]J. very much in the chase for a record fifth American national championship. The top names are those of Tom Watson and Bill Rogers, th~ men who have swept the last fivt Player of the Year awards. They're tied at 212, four under par. and will play in the same twosome today over the last 18 holes for the most coveted of the world's golf championships. But it's definitely not a two- man chase. Thirteen players~ locked within 4 strokes of e6 other at the top. "THE OPEN championship is very important to me," said Watson. who has collected two Masters crowns and three British Open titles, but has yet to take the biggest of them all. • "I'm gonna try my damnedest to win. If I don't, there's always, next year. If it happens, it happens. If I don't there's always next year. You have to be patient." Roge rs , who last year interrupted Watson's four-year reign as Player of the Year and captured the 1981 British Open !· title. said virtually the same a few moments later. I "The key to the whole thing is patience." said Rogers. "Y°ot.t l have to learn from experience. An'/' time you're in the pressure: cooker you need to have the! confidence that comes from having previously won a ~, championship. :; "Sure. I'd like to win, but there will be another one and r another one. It's not a life or\ death situation." They'll be paired together inj the final group off the tee at 1:05 p.m. today. I "Tom and I have played together before and we know what to expect from each other. It won't be mat.ch play. I'll play my game and he'll play his," ~ Rogers, a runner-up ln this event a year ago. ·-.. "I'VE HAD two good ~ to win the ()pen and haven't done it. So this ta the third chance. Maybe ~ third time Sa • charm,"·said Wauon. Watson, 1ritty and frec:kle- £aced, birdied two of the )Mt three holes for a 4-undlr-par ~ on Ont! of hia favorite COW"lm, *ht tnilt-ahroudecl forata and .... and cliffs and Cl'lll that ........ ., the Pebble Beech Golf Llnb. f.:.; Ro1er1, • faat pecw called •'The Panther" by hla felloW prOll, shot a • in the cool, .... weather under~>'·....._*'­that occHlonally leaked • drlllUnc rain. . It wH two ahou beok ~ <Hot• Burna, Sco&t ~ and a pair of traa1p)''~ ~ . Church delegates call interference on NFL From AP dl1patcbe1 NEW ORLEANS -Sunday • m orn ins broadcasts of National 4 •• Football League games are cutting lnto the audience for religious aervtcea and 1hould be moved back to Umes that won't contllct, delegates of the Southern Baptist Convenuon said. "The National Football League has been lnlenaitive to the spiritual needa ol the naUon in its tc;heduling of Sunday gamee at times which would create such a conflict with tel~ rellllous services to the homes of our nation, delegates said in a reaolution passed at the closing session. 'nle resolution said NBC and CBS networks h~ pushed pregame coverage into the 11 a.m. .slot traditionally left for Sunday church f broadcasts and that local stations were dropping morning religious programs. The resolution was passed by a show of ~ds of 20,400 "messengers" representing the nauon's largest Protestant demonlnation at the annual five-day convention. Quote of the day "I always thought coke was somet!tlng that came in a red and white can." -Bam PbUlip1, New Orleans Saints coach on allegations that drugs were widespread in the NFL. Sall On Bunny wins Kindergarten . first colt in five years and only the Sail On Bunny, trained by !!J 75 -year-old Jake Cascio, became the third in the last 14 years to win the K indergarten Stakes at Los Alamitos. He narrowly edged Oynago Victory in the $715,000 event. The Kindergart.en is the richest race in the state of California so Car this year and ranks as the first leg of the Los Alamitos triple crown. Sail on Bunny, a 2-year-old son of Bunny Bid, was ridden by Gary Sumpter and ran the 350 yards in a quick 17.74 seconds, just four hundredths of a second off Tonto Bar Hank's 22-year-old Kindergarten Stakes record. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1912: The New York Giants set a N~tional League record by stealing 11 baaes in one game -including four in one inning by Jose Devore -against the Boslon Beeves. Today's birthdays: Houston infielder Dickie Thon la 24. San Diego catcher Doug Gwosdz ls 22. LEn-llllED1 ......... v 171 ..................... "9y.n? ........... L.ft~ Ceodo? ,.,........., "IDT II IUT OAllP'' SS1·124Sf.r_..-illc ...... 6.80% Limited Time Offer· ~ Au191-~ whh your purci-Of eny -Ponllec. Upon ICl9f.,.,.. Of '/OVf Ct..ill ~ .. ,-.. 1 -lot I~ Of Ille -lln•ftC..S (l •Clvdl"11 lnaurance •nd werrarrty.) llttouglt PARTICIPATING LEHOIHQ IHSTITUTIOHS Oller good t1trOUQ11 .. 22-82. Take your choice of any brand new Pontiac excluding Firebirds and Trans Ams. BIG SELECTION! HIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES! COME IN NOW ... AND SAVEi a. magnon pontiac Harbor at Fair Costa Mesa 549-4300 .. It wae a Chlli night for Giant• CMU Davl1' .Jfand·alam homer 11 caDDed • aiX·Nn &an l'ranNco rally In -the ninth hmlna a1 th Olani. 1tormed trom bthtnd to defeat Atlanta, G-4. Tho Brave. had taken a 4.a lMd ln\o the ninth before San FrancllCO rallJed to 'i>1n tho loea on Brtv reliever Geae Qart.er, &-3 . . . . Ellewh re In the National Leaaut. San Dleao'1 Broderick PerklD1 rapped • two-run pincn alnale and Alu WlulD• followed with a two-run lrlplo u the Pacf.ma exploded for five Hventh·lnntns runt to down Houl\on, 7·1 ... Steve Carltoa 1cattered nine hlt1 and Phlladelphia capitalized on three Pittabur1h enwe \o dump the Pirates, 8-S • . . Dave Kla1rn1n capped a four-run New York rally In the eighth with a three-run homer, powering the Meta to an 8·~ victory in St. Louis . . . J erry Wlalte'1 pinch-hit, two-run double hl1hlighted a four-run eighth inning that carried Montreal past Chicago, 5-2. The victory pulleathe Expos to within two games of front-runnii -St. Louis In the National League F.ast. Yount's blows keep Tigers r ling · RoblD Yount had a pair of II homers, Including one inside the park, and drove In four r uns to lead Milwaukee to a 10-3 victory over slumping Detroit Saturday night. Moote Haat evened his record at 4-4 in going the di.stance and handing the Tigers their sixth straight defeat . . . Elsewhere.in the American League, Wiilie Rudolpb'1 fourth hit of the game, a loft8 single off the wall with one out in the 16th inning, drove in Butcb Wynegar with the winning run as New York outlasted Baltimore, 4-3 . . . Buddy Bell homered twice to carry Texas to a 6-3 win over Minnesota . . . Dave Stapleton'• two-run single keyed a four-run sixth YOUNT inning and Bob Stanley hurled 3~ innin ~s of scoreless relief as Boston knocked off cleve- land, 7-3 ... Consecutive run-acoring doubles by pinch-hilt.er Gartb lorg and Lloyd Motebf in the 12th Jnning powered Toronto to a 3-1 triumph over Oakland, the A's fifth straight loss, all at home . . . Gary Gray and AJ Cowens belted three hits apiece as Seat\le routed Kansas City 10-3, keeping the Royals a half-game behind th~ Angels in the AL West. Jim Beattle, 4-4, struck out 10 Royals in seven innings to pick up the win. Moxness streaks to three-shot lead Barbara Moxness fired a four-• under-par 68 Saturday to open a three-shot lead entering the final round today of the Lady Keystone Open at the Hershey Country Club. Moxness, who has never won a tournament on the LPGA tour, had a three-shot advantage over Vlckl Fergoa and Sandra Haynie, while last week's LPGA Championship winner. Jan Stephenson, was another s hot bac k Martina Navratilova tuned up for the o pening of Wimbledon next week by defeating Hana MandUkova, 6-4, 6-3 for the $23,000 first prii.e in a tournament final in Eastbourne. England ... Super D&ntamweight Jaime Gana of Los Angeles. ranked No. 2 by the World Boxing Council, solidified his claim for a world title shot by stopping Carmello Negron of New York at 2:30 of the fifth round of a scheduled 10-round bout at the Hacienda Hotel in Laa Vegas. THOROUGHBRED "IClll ••• THE BUSllESS EID • TAX SHELTER •PROFIT • EXCITEMENT Where can you Invest $10,000 ... -Wrlt~off up to 60% In the first year ... and still have your Investment work for you year after year? In thoroughbred racing! Champion bred racing prospects avallable. Swr/4Ufe 7~ 2730 CAMINO CAPISTRANO SAN CLEMENTE, CALIF. CALL (714)492-5355 ~ountain Valley Racquet Club Presents SUPER JUlllOR TElllllS CAMP "Make a commlttment, discipline the mind, become anything you want to be." Mark Hlrtler, Camp Director. · DATES: 1st Four Week Session: June 21-July 16 .. . 2nd Four Week Session: July 26-Aug. 20 .. . TIMES: Beg. & Intermediates: 12:30-2:30 M-W-F Adv. & Adv. Intermediates: 12:30-3:30 M-W-F COST: Beg. & lntermeldate: 17200 4 Week Session Adv. & Adv. Intermediate: 110800 4 Week Session STAFF The C•mP la A~ut· Mark Hirtler Camp Dir. ~Formerly of Los Caballeros) • ' • USPTA Pro. Estancia HiJh cOach 1. Stretching & Conditioning Bryant Evans-Owner F.V.R.C. & Dedicated Junior Developer Rod BHUnas-# 1 Player La Quinta Hieh School, Open Toumement Player Susan Omtart-former #1 Player O.C.T.A. # State Heh School Doubles Ch•mp 1981 ~Omara -Nationally RtnMd 14 & under State Hilh School Doubles Champion. 1981 .· .. From Page 91 ANGELS. • • 1\lrtel' Oootf Zahn (7·3) allowed an infleld 1lnalo to Harold Baine•, hit Aurelio Rodrl1ue1 wlth a pitch and then walked BUI Almon. Tony Bomaiard a1naled ln one run \o tltt. th Anael.a' leod to 4-3, and Kemp followed wtth hi.a 11xth homer or the aeuon. lt wu hit fourth career grand slam u well. The AngelJ had opened th Ir 4· l lead on J ack.ton's two-run homer In the flrtt and Foli'a RBI slnale and Almon'a error In the third for two more runs. Chlca10 tirat baseman Tom Paciorek ripped hi.I fourth homer of the year in the foUrth to slice the Angel lead to 4-2. While reliever Jerry Koosman gave up Carew's club record- setting hit, and Barojat and Hkkey held off \he Angels, the win went to Chicago starter Rich Dotson (3-7) who struggled all afternoon before being replaced in the seventh. "I wlah I could struggle like that and get wins all the time," Dotson aaJd. "My job ~ to go out there and not walk anybody - make 'em hit me out." That's exactly what happened, too. Dotson never did walk a batter, but the Angels roughed him up for eight hits and five earned runs. * ANMl NO'RI: Plleh« Ken fonch, whO had lo IHv• Friday night'• game alter throwing juet two Inning•. recelwd a cortteone •hot lmmedl•l•lv titer being 1ak1n ou1. Forech Minered a 1trlllned lel1 llamllrlng II ls not knowll If he wilt mlll hll next 11art . Aellel pltc:Nr AIWIJ .._..., rem91N on • day 10 day b8llle with • perwlalent bKk problem "All I know 19 the doctor lnleoted him todey and IOld him to keec> lee on II." Manager Gene ll1eucfl Mid of hl9 left h9nder . Angel ...,_,, _.. lnnlnge of work Friday night -tl\9 tongest rellef 111ng tJY. an Ang411 pll~ lhl9 Maaon •.• Sllurdey • Whlll Sox •latter lttctl .,.._.. waa once In the Angel orgenlUtlon. H• wu tr9CM<I In 1977 elong with lol*y 9cNtde .,,d Tiied 8"ley In the dHI th•I brought arlan Downln9, Chrl• ICft8411P Md Daft froet to the Anoe!• . . . With hla two RBI Friday night, 0out 0.Clncee llaa now knoehd in 19 rune tn 1111 lut 17 ~Md le MCOnd on the Club wttll 38 From Page 81 F:rom P• 11 WORLD CUP.' 10.1 "1 Hunpry in thelt ODen1Nr aarne. pt.~ .a u,ht dtferwlve aamt throu1hout, hopetul 'Of avoljUn1 enothtr on e-1ided Mtbick. The re1ult leh the Central American• with no chance of advanctn1 in the 24-team competition, but they at lea1t performed creditably. New Zealand allo wu eliminated from the teeond phue ah.er 101lng both lt1 opening games. The Belgians need only a draw from their flnal Group S maich agalnat Hungary In Allcante Tuesday to advance to the aeoond round. The Soviet Union, which ls In Group 6 along with Scotland and Brazil, needs to win It• final game with Scotland in Malaga Tuesday to advance. Brazil, with its two straight victories, already has cemented a place in the second • round - unleH it should lose to New Zealand in its last outing .. The Scots and the Soviets both have a 1-1 record. From Page 81 ' . Olea Blokhln 1parkod th• Soviet victory In M1la11 Saturday. Ho ~ one pl and aultted on two othen u the 8ritty New Zea.lander. crurobltcl under peralstent pl'ftlure. Goalkeeper Frank van lfattum made a atring ot 1enaational uves, but the Kiwi partt.lmert could not wilhatand the pow..-tu.1 Soviet attack. The speedy Blokhln aet up the opening goal tor Yuri Gavrilov after 25 minutes, 1cored the aecond in the 48th and then 1et up the thlrd for Sergei BaltiM;ha ln the 69th. Soviet Coach Konatantln Beskov said he wu "aatlsfled" with the Soviet play, but added that "our team la not yet up to the level of we desire. "We have more work to do sUU," he said. New Zealand Coach John Adshead said that while he was disappointed his t.eam lost, he was proud of their pertonnance. "We came here to learn and to earn respect," he said. t'And 1 think we did that, even in defeat." DODGERS WIN. • • through an interpreter. "When I've won, I've felt great, really. Most of the games have been very close. When I have won, I've been very pleased with myself." Valenzuela isn't the only member of his fan club. "He never ceases to amaze me," said Dodgers' Manager Tom Lasorda. "H e's a treme ndous closer (complete-qame pitcher). There's not too many of them around." Valenzuela has been particularly tough with a lead in the late innings, finishing eight of his 15 starts. "He's what 1 ca ll a super closer," Lasorda said. "You get him in the seventh, eighth and ninth inning with a one-run lead, and he becomes very tough. "There are certain individuals that you see in baseball, once they get a lead m the seventh. eighth or ninth, they become all the more tough. Some guys come to the seventh, eighth and ninth and they start looking for the bullpen. He doesn't even know there's a bullpen." I t was the first tim e Valenzuela had beat.en the Reds in his career. He has won four of his last five decisions. TUCKER'S COLUMN. • • P e dr o Guerrero gave Valenzuela all the support he needed. driving in both Dodger runs. He got an RBI in the first inning when shortsto p Dave Concepcion made an errant throw to first on his ground ball, letting Steve Sax score Crom thi rd b ase. Guerrero then snapped a 1-1 tie with a solo homer, his 12th of the year. in the seventh inning off Bruce Berenyi, 5-7. Pregerson had sat on only one anti-trust case ... It had to do with the litter for cat boxes. •Travel mogul Suri Kim says the recent unpleasantn ess surrounding the USC athletic department has not in the least hurt future plans for Trojan sufferers who move around with the team. •Don Klost.erman. who seems to have a confused title with the Rams, ls talking seriously with the new USFL and will probably go if he can get certain personal matters straightened out. •A brochure from the Anaheim Stadium club says members will get special post game information Crom Coach Ray Malavasi of the Rams, which is more than the media can hope for. •Last suggestion for a fourth for bridge with Jack Kent C.oo~. Geo rge Steinbrenner a nd H oward Cosell is Do nald Sterling. The victo r y boosted the Dodgers to two games over .500, and dropped the Reds to 27-37, still in last place i.Jt the National League West. "I'm very happy to be No. 1 in the win column," Valenzuela said. "I am happier with the fact that the team is winning." MAKE $12.200 FOR COLLEGE WHILE YOU'RE GOING TO COLLEGE. Want a part,time job that doesn't hurt your grades? Or campus life ? Give your local Army Reserve unit a weekend a m onth and a couple of sumrncN duri()g college, and they'll give you over $12,000 for college. Up to $4.000 in college aid is yours just for joining most units. Another $6.000 for four years of monthly weekends and rwcrweek summer stinl". Plu over $2,200 that you'll earn during two summer training periods. All while you 're getting the most o ut o f college. And doing the most you can part- rime for your country. You don't have to wait for college to join the Army Reserve. ff you 're 17 or older ~nd .a ju.nior or senior in high school. join us now! There's no better part,ttme 1ob m town. Interested? Call your local Army Reserve recruiter. For the nurnhcr, call toll free 80()..421-44 22. ln California, 80()..2 52-001 l. ln Alaska o r Hawaii. 8()().423,2244. -. ·' OrAng. COMt DAILY fttLOT/Sundey, June 20, 1"2 South come out firing in secon.d ha1f, !'~~,e:~o Tf\eN were two nUrely dlffe~nt aamea pr-.nwct by two en\lrely different duoe Satl.&tday ~t M the North met th• South lf\ thelr aMu&l oran1• County HIJh School All-1tar women'• buke\ball .-me at Or~ Cout Cou.p. 11\e llrtt half belol\aed to the NOcth and lta orte•two i>_unch of Denlae Tanoa and Shawn S tW'l'Oft. The aecond half, however, wu owned by· the South and lta combination of Anne Dean and , Robin Hotme.. Unfortunately, tor the North, the South had a better -and •tronier -cloelng. Al a reault, the South overcame an 11-polnt halftime deficit en route to a 1urprialnfl1 easr 79-66 triumph. "I juat told them to come out and play hard," laid South Coach John Hattrup of hla team'• halftime defidt. "Our shots didn't tall in the first CAVrTY 'ltOTECTION WITH fLUOltlSTlT 8.2oz.l.41 LISTER MINT MOUTHWASH & . GARGLE For clean breath & daily oral care. 32oz.2.49 <14%d§S- SECRET SOLID ANTI-P£RSPlltANT & DEODORANT Strong enough for a man. but made for a woman 20L 1.39 ~ but 1 knew thOll kJdl could •hoot well. They J(alt had '° kMp ahootJnc." Aft.r jumplna out to a qulck 4·0 lead, the bottom dropJ*i out of tl\e South'• offenae durina the tint 20 minutea. Al. the North W\dem of Sturpon and Tanoe wu ecortna h• team'• flrat 14 polnt:a of \he c.'Ol\te.st, th South •truqlod In acortna juat two buketa over the next 13 f'l'.\11\~te. of play. The end rault produced a 22· 12 Nonn lead that ballooned aa large aa 34-16 with 2:21 remaWna. Mattera mt1ht have been worse, too, had not Holrnel, w ho mllMd alx of her first eeven 1hot.a, finally found the ranae to acore 1lx of her team's laat 10 points of the flrat halt to whittle the deficit '° u . It only took 1:37 inlD the aecond half for the South to ruin everything the North had attained in the tint. rT WORKS IN THE DIYUI BOXOF• 1.11 AD PRICES PREVAIL: Ttn Rralalht. poltata cle»ed the North lead to 37-36 andt •fW a brs.f tJe at 40 and 42·all. the South ran off another 8·0 1purt to take a ~0·42 advant.ap. Holmet, the El Toro Htah eenJor who ~aaed 31 polnta durtna the relUlai' ....on, and • the Foothill aenlor who ecofed at a 26.8 cUp, accounied for HI of th Ir team'• 24 polnta durlnt the 24·6 blitz. TM North never sot clotet than aix pointa after that 11 turnovers (32 tot.al) and aome c:old-ahootina ln the tee0nd half (3~ percent on 9 of 26 from the field), not to mentlon Holmea and Dean, were too much to overcome. "Dean and Holmea are alrnoat lmpollible to awp once they get going," prailed North Coach Debbie Fauel (Valencia High) ... We tried not io change anythtn1, but their defenae and their shooting from the outalde forced UI to." ·•we played bettel' defenae," agreed Hattrup, .. ,.,,,,,,. Sunday. June 20th thru Tuesday, June 22nd CHARW OF TH£ ltlTZ BAIN DE SOLEIL • SUlfTM Oil • 5" 2 •14¥9°+ Cell .. Y£llOW CUNG SlJC(D PEACHES Great for summer dessert, especially with ice cream. 1 .... 2£89C SAVE49~ ; '°"flEI flNIUT CUSTOllEIS: WELCOME! SAV-ON Oruga h .. bMn eervlng Southern California for 38 yeara and we are here to atay. let u1 prove to you that we deserve your bualneaa. Try us once. What have- you got tttl.oee? · -Mlillllfllll•-"4• 1••• ...,.,......,_·rr1111.._ WllTt OI ASSOITtD PUTD. COUii 2·,LY II~ BOXOf 200 .. ,.r1p1.1.1 FOHGE BRUT 33 SPUSM-ON LOTION HA Man's Refresher" For after shower, alter shave. after anything 1 ... 2.49 Cf.\1jl:,_ QllllTTE CRICKET DISPOSAIU BUTANE LIGHTER SINGLE 2 :s1 PAK S Metts in your mouth. not in your hand. i.~ 1B9a ,,.,,,,._ Ceff• FRESH PACK STUWKllY PltESEIYtS n.1.49 I • I I ' I I . t , ' 1 i : I II . 1· 11: : : ,, I :. ,, : ' . . . •• i: : ~ ' ~ .. .. . ( • • I • : ~I .. I I _j I • T • ' ' . ' • . . ' \ i ~ ~ ~ • • ., . . .. MAJOR LIAOU9 IT ANOtHOt '==~ w L ..... Ge ....... 38 17 SM ~City 3t at 511 .,., Oii~ 3& 27 .571 I a..11111 ~~ .507 5 OUlfllld 433 10 Tv .. 23 39 .397 11\o\ MlnMee>ta 15 u 224 24 t. .... DhWen loeton 39 24 .,. Oetroll 35 25 613 2' .. MllwlUll• 3-4 29 540 5 Belttmor. 32 29 525 • ,.._ YOtll 30 30 500 1-.. Clltwlencl 30 31 .482 8 T0<onto 30 35 .462 10 a.turder'• ~ Chiea90 7, A ....... TaKH •• Mlnnetc>ta 3 T0<onto 3. O•land 1 112 1nn1ng11 Mltwaull" 10, Oe4rou 3 8oston7.~3 IMw York 4, Balllmote 3 1111 1nn1ngsl Sultllt tO. Kansu City 3 Toder'•O- Chiea90 1Hoy1 10.3) at Aneeft IWlll 3-11 Baltimore (Flanagan 5-51 at New Y0<k (Jonn 4-e) lloston (Hurst 2· 1) at Clltvetand (8a•~9f &-3) Tana ITanane 3·71 at MlnnHota (Havens 2·51 Mllwauk" (c.IOWell 4·51 al Oetroil (Udju1 0.1) T0<onto (Stiel> 5-7) at Oakland ILangtord 5-7) I<-. City 1Splill()(f16-4)a1 1Perry 5-51 n NatlonelJ.% ... ..,.. w L Pct. 08 Atlanta 311 24 .819 San OleQo 35 27 .565 3t,\ g:r,!ct.co 34 32 515 0'"' 29 37 4311 11 ... ~ton 27 37 422 12'h ClndMatl 27 37 422 12.,., Eaten\ DtWWoft St LOUii 38 27 585 Montr• 34 27 SS7 2 PtlhOelplllt 33 29 532 3t,\ ..... York 33 30 524 4 Pltteburgtl 27 33 460 .... 25 41 .3711 13-.. ~ SatwcleJ'a ec-Doclfete 2, Cincinnati I PllfladelpNa 8. Ptttll>urgh 3 MontrNI 5, c~ 2 San Franc:ilco II. tlanta 4 ..._ York 8. St Louie 5 San Diego 7, ~on I Tod91'e0-Doclfete (Alu• 7-51 at Cincinnati (S..wr 3-7) Ptllladelphla (Rull!-. 5-4) ., Ptlllbur~ (Flhodan 3-6) San Franc:llco (Laskey 5-4) at At111nta (Walk 6-4) New York (Puleo 5-4) at St. Louie (Andujar 11·21 Montreal (Sanderlon 5-4) al Chicago (Bird 4-8) San Diego IEichtll>«ge< 5-51 al Houston (KMc>I>« 2-8). n ~RICAN LEA<:P.E • • Sox 7, •no • • C ..... otlNIA CHICAGO all r llbl abrll bl Downing, 11 4 2 2 O LaFlore, ct 5 t I 0 c ar .... tb 5 o 2 2 e.rrurd. 2b 3 t I 1 Baylor, dll 5 0 0 0 Kemp, II 3 I 1 5 Re.Jell ... rt5 1 t 2 lu%1nllkl. dh3 0 0 0 Grich, 2b 3 0 I 0 PKlotlc. lb 4 I 1 1 Lynn. Cf 4 t 2 0 Squlr .. lbO 0 0 0 DeCncs. lb 4 0 0 0 HIM. C 4 0 2 0 FOii, sa 4 2 3 1 R Lew P< 0 0 0 0 Boone. c 4 0 0 0 Foley. c 0 0 0 0 ~.rl 4 1 1 0 Roarlgz. 3b 3 1 1 0 Almon. as 2 t 0 0 T01at1 38 6 11 5 Totall 31 7 8 7 kot• by lfwllna• caJllornla 2~ ooo 101-6 Chicago 100 150 000-7 E -Almon. Cat-OP -CellforM t LOB -~ e. Cahtor!Q 1 2B - laFlore. Downing, Lynn, Foll HR - Paciorek (4). Kemp (8). Re Jacl!-( 12). SB -Almon R Law S -Bernmurd SF - K.mc> Calltomla Zalln (l. 7-3) Sanche2 Corbell ... "Ill EJt .. 10 4 ~ :> :> 1 a 4\\ 3 2 2 5 5 "'1 00000 Clllceeo Do1aon (W.3-ll 8'~ 8 5 4 o 2 Koosman 1 1 o o I 1 Baroju t 21111 Hlchv IS.31 .... 0 0 0 0 0 Zahn ptlChed 10 3 balle<a In 11'9 5th HBP -BylaM(~) T -302 A -30.686. IM Jqa I, A'a 1 Toronto 000 000 100 002-3 12 2 Oakland 000 100 ooo· 000-1 4 t Clancy, J . Moleughlln (11) and Whl11. B. Merllnet ( 11); Kingman, Owclllnko ( t I). 8-d ( t2) llnd M. HM1h. W-J McL.auglllln. $.3. l -Owchinko, 1·1. A-tll.214. ~t,TwlMJ T-010 102 200-8 11 0 Min,_• ooo 002 t00-3 8 o Matlack, Darwin (7) and Sundberg: R.Oltrn. Pacella (8) and laudner w - • Matlac:k. 2·5. L-Redltm, 3-8. S-o...wtn (2). HR-Texa. e. Bell 2 (8). Hoatelter (7). I. JOl!nton (4); Minn..ota. Ward t7I A-8,486. .,_ 10, .,...... a Mlwllulc• 422 200 000-10 II 0 0.Croi1 000 003 000-3 9 I .._ Md sammon.. Morrla. l ope 11). p Uno.<wooel (3), Sou 181 and l Parrl&ll. F,,.., 13~ W-HeM, 4-4 l -Moml. 1-7. 'HR-Mllw9uk .. , Yount 2 (11). Tl>omu (14). Cooper (It): C>Wott. HebNr (2) A-34.317 ....... 1 ........ , Botton 000 104 020-7 s 2 ~ 001 011 000-3 11 0 Rainey, B. Stanley 18) and Gedman; S..lellffe. Glynn (8). Whhaon (8) and Sando w-Ralney. 4-2 L-Svt~. $-3. s -B .. Stanley (4). HR-Boalon. Eva na (3). A-111.144. Y.._4.0.W..J llalllmor.001 001 100 000 000 0-3 10 2 New YorklOO OOt 100 000 000 t-• 17 O MQG'900'.0'. Martinez (8/· Stoddard (II), Gl'll!l*r ( tO). 0 . o.vta ( 14 and Oempaey; ~ Frulet (7), 0--(II). Er1c:Qotl (12), LaRoclle (f4) and Wynegar. W- lAIAocha, 1· I. l-0. OeWI, 0.1. A-35. 3n. . ............. , ~City 201 ~ 000-3 6 1 ....... 002 122 a\)A-10 t2 0 Of9lt. 0. ~ (Ii), Armetrona (T) Md Qulrtl; a..ttle, VanCMeerQ (II), An6etMn (9) erld ...... W-e..tM. 4-4 L-ere.1. 1-3. H"-~ City, Otlt (T). A-2.2.. tliO. FNDAY'a GAm ~ 7, White tox 2 c:MCA.QO altf 11111 l.tAof•, Cf • 0 1 0 e.rrwd. 21>4 I I 0 ~" 4 0 t 0 u.1111111. dll 2 1 I I fllldoftl, Ill• 0 2 I lelnM.rt 4000 ,.,. • 0 1 0 flodrtgl, ~ 4 0 I 0 ~-4000 NATIONAL LIAOU9 ~1,""-1 LOI AMOl'-11 . , ""' IM,a. 4 Ii 0 l,.Mdru, W • 0 I 0 ...... " • 0 0 0 Oulrtwo. rf4 I I I O.W,, le. • 0 I O 091, I'll • 0 I 0 TilolNit. 3b 0 0 0 0 ~.o too o i.u.... ... 3000 V"""*, D J 0 0 0 09"CMATI . , ""' 11.MllMr, rl 4 0 i g Otet«. ,., • 0 0 Cl\ollOn, M 4 0 I 0 ~.111 4 000 ~cl3111 Ytll, W J 0 t 0 ltfldi. ic. , 0 0 0 T1""'10, o a 0 0 0 S.enyl. p 2 0 0 0 l..ndtly. ph t 0 0 0 ><•m. p o o 0 O Tot••• ~ a 7 2 Tot•I• $1 I a t '"'9bylnMlft ~!!.~~ 100 000 100-2 ---u 010 OOQ 000-1 !-Conotl)Olon 0"-C1nc1nn•ll 2 LOii-Loa MgeM 6. ~II 3. 2a-e. ....._,Cty ii~ Hlll-c.dano ~rtto (12) 91-Ltlldr"u•. l a.a, Uia ....-. 11t H " "' • to Yalnlutla IW,M) 9 I t I 0 4 c..._. !Nfenyl (L.5-7) li•n 1 52215 I 2 0 0 0 0 T-.. 03. A-~7,23e, h,_1,c•1 MontrMI 000 100 400-5 12 O Clllcaao 200 000 000-2 I O GYllkil-. BuM. (7). Frymwi (9), AMfdon (t) and ~ Jtnlclna. w .... __ (8), c:.mpl)all (I I and J 0.VIL W-Bufrla. 34. 1.-w tternano.a. 2·5 a -Reardon 11 11. HA-Cll~. Ourl\am (8~ A-23.352 "" ....... ~, Phlltdalphla 040 110 002-8 10 0 Pllttbufgh 000 003 000-3 II 3 Carlton and B. Qiu; 0 . Roblnaon. T ... u!Ye (9) and Nico.IL W-Cartton. 1-1 l -0 Roblnaon. 6-3 A-13,065 G&Mltl.14'-• San Francleco 001 100 1oe-11 12 1 Allanta 110 0 tO 100-4 13 2 Hammtktr, Bait (5), la11911t j8), Minion (SI) and M•y. Brtnly (ll)t MaNer, G.rber 18). HrabCMl!y (II). Bedre>.ien (II) and Btnec!lcl W-laYtlle. 4·2. L-Garb«. 5...1 HR-San Franc:tsco, Ev.,,. 161. C. Davia ( 7), All11nt1. Llnar .. (11 A-30.4117. ....... c ...... New York 110 000 240-11 13 I St louts Ill 010 t00-5 11 2 Falcone. bcNy (3). Hausman (fl). Scott (8) an0 HoclCIM: Foractt. K-m. u 11 .. (91 and llt\llnmtr. SanchG (llJ W-Hausman, 1-0 L-K-.0.1 S-Scol1(2) HR-New York. Fosttr (8). Klngmen ( 17) A-33,354 P-.a 7, Aaltoe 1 San Otego 000 000 502-7 t4 0 Houston 001 ooo 000-1 8 1 MontafulCO, 1.ucas (1) and T Kennedy; J. Nlakro, 8c>ofM (7). 0. Smith (II). LaCoea (Ill a nd Athby W-Montaruaco. e.4 L-J Nla6iro. 0.5 S-l..ucU (II) A-27.44t Car ... Downing Boone Lynn FOii Grech Bayt()f ~ Ro JadllOf'I ReJackaon Clan; Fet~ Wltlong Burlaon K4"1ehef Totals Hauler GOl1t Renko ,..... Wiii Forach Sanchu Zahn Klson Moreno Cotbatl lotats Anoef 8¥.,egff IATTINQ AB It H HA Mii Pct. 214 34 511 0 111 332 254 ., 73 10 0 287 198 13 58 I 16 286 207 37 60 3 14 388 212 28 60 2 27 283 211 28 M 8 35 .275 257 211 8e II 40 257 88111700260 232 28 57 1 Je 2•e av 2 1 o 3 241 200 27 47 12 30 240 4U51113225 27 2 0 0 0 222 99 8 14 0 5 157 45 4 7 0 2 156 13 2 0 0 0 000 2.224 2113 696 53 257 288 PITCHING IP H U 10 W·L ERA 2·-. 20 11 13 1..() 1 65 1 7 3 4 0-1 257 75'-> 73 111 34 6-1 2 74 42'> 32 111 35 3-2 2 74 OO'h 52 25 ~ 3·1 302 107'\ 112 24 211 5-6 3. 18 36'-> 31 17 21 3-0 3 22 97' ... 92 23 35 7 ·3 3.24 72"1 03 29 311 6-2 3.511 •II\\ 62 22 2 t 3-e 4,44 40'"' 47 11 25 1-e 8 02 603 5411 208 280 34 27 3 30 Top 10 (a-d NI 10l at beta) .....CAN LIAQUI OUlllHl'd. Hlr'rlh, Cleveland 00 235 52 90 .383 Bonnell. T0<on10 53 172 33 60 .3'19 McRae. Kans City 62 238 34 8 t .343 Hrbel<. Mln~la .54 21• 38 72 .336 W Wllln. Kana Cty 34 185 22 55 333 ~. Mllwaul< .. 57 232 38 17 332 c-. Angela 53 214 35 71 332 Yu1ramtl0. BoelOn 50 178 21 Sii 331 Whitt. K...-City 511 2 12 33 68 325 town.In. a.ltnn 46 117 29 38 325 ....,.,._ Thornton, Cleveland 18. Hrbek. Mlnnteo1ll. 15: Roenlei<e, Baltlmor•. 14, G Thomas. Mllwauk ... 14. Harrah. Cleve4and, 13. He.noon. Oet•oi1. 13 """' eatted In McRae. Kanus Clly, Sii. Tl'lornton, Cl8Yeland, 57: luzlnllkl. Chicago. 411; Otla. K-Clly, 48. H<l>el<, Minn.ola. 48 '1khlng <• OedaloN) Guidry. New York. 11· 1. Vukovich. MltwMI~ ... 6-2. Hoy1. CNc:ago, 10-3. Barller, Cleveland, 6-3, Oanc:y, Toron10, 7-3. Zeftn, Af111tk, 7·>: Burna. Chicago. 7-3; Gura, Kansu City. 7-3. CaucllM, S..llle 7·3 NATIOMAl. LiAOlll 0 AB A H Pct. IOrg, St. Louis 49 1111 II 311 .331 Ollwr. MontrHI 60 225 32 73 .324 · Ru. JI, Sn Diego 80 212 44 88 .321 Francona, MonlrNI 44 t3t 14 42 .321 T. P-. Plttlburgtl 53 t lie t 6 e3 3 t8 J. Tumpan. Pitts 53 214 311 ee .318 Cedano. Clndnnlll 5.4 1911 28 63 317 Knighl, Houston 64 250 34 711 3111 Hornet, Allanta 57 203 40 64 315 St-ns. New York 5.4 210 32 ~ 314 • McMM"-Murphy, Atlantl. 111; Kingman, IMw Yori(. 17; J. ftiompton, Pllltburgh. 16; ....... Oedtafe. 12; a-Tero, ~ 12. • "-Batted "' MUl'PhY, Alllnla. 55: Klnoman. New York. 48; B. Oiu . Phlladelpttla. 45; J. Tl'l0mp80n, Plllllburgtl. 44: ~ Oecfetn, 44. ...... (tDedMM) Forlet\, St. ~ • ._2; "°91ft. Monlrtel, 6-3. Sutton. H°"'ton, 7-3, O Roblneon. Pltllburllfl, w. v..._.., Docleaf-. ~ ..... .,....,... 7-4; Anduiet. St l<llM. 6-4: Wf/llc. Auanta ....... Soto tlnannall. M ; Montaluec, San Diego. 0.4 Ledy Keystone Open , .. ...,., ...... ) 81M&-137 70.70-140 67-73-140 12.--141 74-e7-141 7t-71-142 70.73-IQ 70.73-143 74-e8-1Q 7&-ee-1« 73-71-1« 72-72-144 74-70-1« 73-71-t44 73-7t-144 73-71-1« 72-72-144 70.74-144 72-72-1« 70.74-1« 76-69-145 7..._146 73-72-145 73-72-1•5 73-72-145 74-71 -145 75-70-145 70.75-145 72-73-145 71°74-145 71-74-145 73-73-148 75-71-145 70.76-148 72-75-147 71-76-147 76-7t-147 70-71-147 73-74-147 73-74-141 74-73-147 74-73-147 77-71-t48 74-74-148 75-73-148 73-73-148 75-73-148 77-72-1411 76-71-149 7&-73-149 711-70-1411 75-7•-1411 7 .. 75-1411 75-7•-1411 74·75-1411 76-74-1411 75-74-149 611-80-1411 70·80-160 76-74 -150 77-73-150 74-76-160 74-7&-tao 75-75-150 76-75-151 77-74-151 76-75-151 77-74-15t n-74-t5t 73-78-t51 75-76-151 -(_ >· HIGH SCHOOl Oreft94t County AIHt., ~ (at~C....C.,....) Neftfi11, ..... T7 NOltTH -Tho"'" 18, Warnar 15, Mangelt t , Man.tllch 11, l!Y-2, LAlnabtrg O. Moralez 0, ~ O. Connor9 6, Kelly 19. Fr.,,,_ 8. To!Ms ~ 10.tt 78 lount -Oardnef 7, HUQl\te 6, Chang 14, 018erntrdo II. UHvltcli $, Lynch 6. O..gan 4, Smith 0, Tllornu 8, Batdaley tO. G-4, Luc. 6. Totalt: 32 t3-t5 71 Helllima' Nortll, 39-29. T 0181 toula· Nonh. 111. Soutfl t 4 FOUied OUI ~. Alltndancl -1,612 LM AaMe•n IATUN>A't'I ,_.,._T'I ,~ .. ., ........................... , PlllltT llACL-t00 Ytlfdt. '•thef NOnG (tetcllt ., .00 11.00 • 40 ~(=~ Oelombtl uo :·: Aleo 19Cff; DH·T11mlllewwd ~.OH· LtOtf ~1 IM!a C4eDMr, \.Ille To Qo.. l"fterWI. werwwd eu.. ltrnt to,13, • lltACTA (Ml oelcl 9211 IQ. NCOMD UCL NO yerdt Jui At Mlclnlghl (HcclnM)iUO 7.IO 4,IQ Palmed 8\IO::J I~) t.-0 S to ~ CMMro lll'IJ 1.00 Alto r ; ~ SIMy, Twig A lklnny. M-ie M041on, KllOWWhanlOh~ l1me! 17.78. ntlllO UC& 400 ywO. TNdlert=Cretger) ''IQ 4 IO UO Miio II• ' 3 40 a to Ytlut Of (Henl I.to Aleo ,._,. ~ \'OUftO, .. _ Battle, C11ar1ot1 .. lkiO. R9'>ldO Aodlet, 8aMy Ooo Salty. Time: ao.1e, 'OUl'TH ltACL 350 ywd1. Ytgll Bo (hrcJ) . 10.00 4 40 :UO FOOla OI04I (Ha.ii UO UO Jeta Yllua (Cf'MQtr) I.IQ AIM r-O: Jetlora Roat. ChlCIOo Aetl, Jet ftt1, Solltwy Jal, Midnight Saini, Taitt Fi... Too Time 17 711 1:1 IXACTA Cll-3) peld S3e IQ ~ M041. 550 yardl. OtandmN BoJecli (Bard) 6.80 4.00 3.00 Sir Fltrtln Around (Har1J 7.80 3.IQ Nullvllle Red (laclley) 3.00 Alao raced: Mort Excuaee. Klllyt Klptylcat, Jutta Hot Sh<>t. Bobby Oii Oii Time· 27 34 llXTI4 ltACE. 350 yarda Parr PM (Ptl<enton) 44.IQ 17 80 II 20 61111> Come In (ClefleMJ 5 40 3 IQ Fllr1W! (lacltlV) 3 40 AIM> raced. Painled Rel*, M~ Flight Plen, Foggy F0ggy ~. Sky Bug. Ealy Double Tl'lr• Mlei -Cl>lcll1 Polley. T)!Tlt: 17.63. 1:1 IXACTA (4·11) plld '3112.00. llVDITM ltACL 350 yardt Oeba Tum (F!yday) 7.IQ 4 00 3 00 ~ Boy (Cfugerl 5 llO 3.IQ au. T-(Knlgllt) s oo Ala<> r..o Teat Oh Two. Armen .Jon, Johnny Charger, Sit Ronny, P-Em Boy, Pac A Wlllo. Time. 1 f 90. 12 IXACTA (4-e) paid ~11.80. llGHnf MCI. 360 yard1. Ohlrudl (Hlll'I) 16,80 5.IO 5.40 OH-Skip A 8qoara (Cieri-) 7 40 10 80 OH-FIOozy Jet (Cardoza) 2.80 3.40 AllO raced: Chlc*a Charger Bar, A Ulllt Uk• Rel>, Fortht loveo4!1ooey. Ootlo Go Euy. Proud Proeoecl. Time.; 17.78. II llXACTA <&-n O.id $112 80 II IXACTA (S.8) paid $25.20 II ...CK llX (11-11-3........_.) paid 123.020.80 wttl'I IWO wt"'*'9 (five honee): 12 Pldl SI• c:onaolatlon pa.kl $151.80 with 101 Winner. (tour 11or-~ NNnt uca. 360 )'llfd1. s.11 0n Bunny (SumpWl 11.80 s.40 uo ~ Vlelory (Nlcod9mua) 4.80 3.90 T'1!>ia Cl>amplon (Ward) 9.00 Alto r-r Malle Mint c..it. Talle You On. ey v....i. Flarnboy911. My in....1"*''· CM Angel Bug , Time' 17.74. *2 llXACTA (7-tll paid $311.00. TDf1l4 ltACL 360 yarde. Samlel Jug (Tonka) 111.40 7.40 6.60 BllhOO Cat !CarclomJ 3.00 2.IQ Whal TroubM (Pllllllna) 3 20 ""° ,__, Mr Bo Charge. PurrMy. Gotta a. tn.e, Cody9 P09, Indian War Oanctr. Som. Row .. Time· 17 113_ II IXACTA (6-2) peld St3400 AllandAnct: t3.540. Holtwwood Perk IAT\1116AY'I MIULTI (~ .. ..., ....................... , NIT uca.. 1 1116 mll9a. Olslanl CNnn (Mc:O'n) 18.00 11.00 1.00 Otcea (Pierce) 12.90 8.40 Plua Prince CShoernaktr) 3.20 Alao reced Kell'a Boy. Ed'• ()ynHly. Annapolil Bay. Forward Cout1, Leg &al Time I 43. NCOND ltACL 6 lutlonQa. 11etu111u1 G1aa <Mc:Cml 4 oo 3.20 2 90 My Natl.,. Prl-(Pierce) 2e.40 e.eo Kl•• ·em Goodbye (Blacltl s.oo Alao raced: Nan'• Oancer. Allorlan. Gallant L.acly J • Olsiant Alibi. Cajun Melody. la Pola. Sllparound. Robe>er·a T rta , Time I Oii 115. 12 DAILY DOUaE (t.31 paid S4.3 00 TI4MO AACl. One mlla. Mltl'a Magic (Mc:Carron) 4 80 3 20 2 20 aiine PUZZie (VlllenZualal s 20 2 eo .AQ1t110 IPtncay) 2.40 Alto raced: PromlHd Plum. Prince Paleface, T er<*<• laland. Plenle Star Time· 1.37 2115. ti IXACTA (1-4) paid $55 50 fOURTH ltACL 6 lurlonga. tncorporator (Plncay) &.40 s 80 2 .80 Unalallleel (Guerra) 3 20 uo Sam'• COfl'la! tMc:Cerron> 2 eo Aleo r..O Mtrd To Lee. Sarni, ~. Time. 1;08 415. • IXACTA (1·21paidMS00 fll'™ llACE. 8 l\J(k)ngl. Smolcll'I' NltlYe (Sllmkr) 16.20 11.20 3.80 Valentine l tw (Mc:Carron) 3.20 2.40 Oream OI Flt• (McHargual 2.80 Alao raced· Wllarlord Biiiy, SH voy, Vot-. lfilh Bard. 11"* 1 :08 115. ti DACTA C&-2) paid 1 1111 00 llXTI4 ltACI. 51+ lurlonge. c;rtepen (Ouarr•l 8_20 3 oo 2.80 Unoit Ouke (Plncay) 3.80 2.80 Aguila (BlacllJ 4 .40 Aleo raced: Stablltzecl. Eacatatlng, Say I'm Smar1, Hora O'Oeuwe. Tim« 1:04 4/5. MVDfTH AACL 7 ~- In True F«m (Mcearron) 3.40 7 eo 2.20 Sht'a A Swope [Guerre) t LOO 4.80 Brighi l.ady (Valanzuellj 2.80 Alto raced: Kip9y, EllploeM ~. waaltrn Starle t, Prone Poalllon, fflal'a Clua. Time• 1:21. • IXACTA CW) paid 1121.00 1 ti ll'tCIC ltX (S-1-1-6-2-3) pelCI 12.2'8.40 wllh lot winning tldla!l (alll: l'!oraMJ, '2 Plc:lt 81• COfltoletlon paid 133.20 with 2,410 winning tldleta (llft ~). $2 Pldl Sta -•lch _._...llCll• peld 157.20 ....,, 117 winning 11dl ... llOur tiore.. one acra1c:1>1 llOHTH ltAC:S. t\4 mllee on 1ut1. ~ (6hoamallet) II 00 3.20 2 20 Adi • Secta1 (Ptncay) a.eo 2.10 Ml• Hunungton (VlllenlUela) 2.20 Alao ~: Rlllnbow Connection, M ... TIM,OM!town. lime: 1:47 ~/6. MNnt MC8. 1 111e ,..... P. Vlk CMGCenonl e.ao 4.oo uo ...... PrtnC9 Al ~) 10.00 1.00 Fonle Ol lllMeoll (TOf'O) 7.00 Alto rec.cl: a.llM.., Otten, Mtnotll. Hondlo Notor. ll9d ,._.,!Car Time: 1:4' 316. • DACTA ( ... 7) pelcJ 1127.IO. A~b~ °"°""a W L Tl'ta.Of'QA Belgium 200420 ArgtnUnt I t 0 2 6 2 H..ngMY I 1 0 111 5 EJSalvldOf 0 2 0 0 1 11 ~""'"-Ml 0-T....S•J Balg!llm VII HUllQlfY at Eiche WedMadty Argentina va El Salvador at Alleanta OllOut' 4 W L T Pie. GI' Cl.A England 10 02s1 CLeehaokwakla 0 0 1 1 I 1 Kuwait 0 0 1 t 1 1 France 0 I 0 O 1 3 ....... "" Arel ltooond 0-Tocr., England ,,._ Crec:hoalOYalua at Bilbao ....... , Frenoe va. Kuwait 11 Valladolid Tlwrad91 F-n ~lila at Valla004ld 'ride)' England n . Kuwait at Biibao OlllOUP 5 t W l T Itta. QI' GA 8olirl 0 0 I 1 Hondurll 0 0 t 1 Yugoelavla 0 0 0 0 Horlntrn Ireland 0 0 I I 0 0 ~ .,,., ltOUftd o.n.. Today Spaln "' Yugoalavla at ya1tncl1 MoftdaJ Hondurea va. Northern Ireland a1 l.eruoga Tttlwld., Hondlif u n YUQ081a>M at Zaruoga ,rtda, Spain VI Nonl'lem Ireland at Valencia OllOUP I W l Tl'te. Ql'OA Brazil 200 4 82 Scotland 1 1 0 2 6 6 Ruula 11 02 4 2 Hew Zealand o 2 o o 2 8 ,._.....,,.Finl A~ 0.m• TUMC:lay Ruaala "' Scotland at Malaga Wedneaday Brull va N.., Zealar>d al SeYilla COlm09 Toronlo MonlrMI CNalGo NASL etancllno• ... ..... Olwtelon WLQFOA It 3 32 111 1163520 II 6 26 111 3 11 21 34 ~OMelon Fort Lauderdale 12 7 40 311 llba 7 II 32 33 Temot Bly 7 10 25 33 Jac:1taonY1111 6 9 23 211 W•lem OMalon WPte 30 94 27 113 20 75 20 34 37 107 29 89 22 64 23 59 San Joee 10 6 26 27 22 80 VIWICOl/Vtr tO 5 27 24 22 711 San Diego 6 9 26 211 2 I 511 Seattle 5 9 23 23 20 411 Edmonton 5 9 18 30 t5 • 1 Portland 5 II 17 15 13 39 Sis polnll are _.,dad for a regulatf()n or ~lme vlc1ory Four polntt for 1 ahootoul Yiclory. One bonut point for rvery goal ICO<ed With a mulmum ol lhr• per game. No bonus point 1e •-ded lor 0¥er1.,,,. or .rl<>OCOU1 goell letunMf'• lcotea Yanoou-3. ~ 2. ISOI Toronto 7, S... Jose O F0r1 Lauderdale 3. San Oi6gO 2 TOdaJ'• Ga"'" S.anie at New Y0tk ra~a Bey at Edmon1on JacltlOf'lvllllt at Ponland Netlonei Or..acourta toand-T--' tat ..,,.. a.twe) ~I.._. OtQll Leadl (Newport Beactl) d.i Keith Oiepfum (Sugertand). 3-4 (ra!lred); Bobby Silkl (Alameda) del. Gus Vlll1 nuev1 (Thornhill, Ontario. Cantde). 6-2, 7-6. --""* OOOfblee S111t1-0r Lan Sap.ilo (Walnut Creelt) o.i L~Hom Alllet(Paadetla). ..e. 6-3, 6-1. Bob ~ (Newport e.ctl>-Jif'n Htl90fl (Ntwpon BMch) <let. W.-..Qll Howard (San Francieool. 6-3. &-2 Wlmbledon ~"'-" WO.:Wlaa.ot..11 n,. fOllowlfla -...... q~ lor IN "O'll **"' pMcMln ttlt -··"""*cit .. Of Mid WMk'• Wlmlliedon cnarr1plon1111pe Cir ~ If'! !ht ~ OOf!IPlllllOn at _,,,. ~ton. Tarl)'e H.-fotd (touth A.llloa). M ~ (Soultl Aha). Ul Gordon (Soutll Artie•), A•nM lloll'lt (Ca rrOllon, THH ), Kim S1atnme11 \St. Lovie). ltencle Aot'l\Uton (Autlfal •). l1luOIWI s.ywa (Auetellla) ar1d --~ ~I~ Lewis doubles at meet KNOXVILLE, Tfmll. (AP) - Carl Lewi., the cxtraordlnarlly gifted athlete from WUUnaboro. N .J .. score d hla eecond con..'leCutlve double-In the long jwnp and the 100-meter d•h ln the USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships Saturday niiht . fhe 20·year ·old Lewie, a IOphomore at the Univenlty of Houston, won the 100 In 10.11 seoond.s, edging Calvin Smith ol tl\e University of Ala~. then took the long jump at 27 feet, 10 inches. Although the performances would be exceptional for most ath letes, they w e r e rather TRA CK rouune for the multi-talented Lewis. who is ranked No. 1 in the world an both events. His career best in the 100 is 10.00 sec.'Onds, the fastest ever at sea l<'vel and the third best In history And his career best in the long jump is 28·3 'h, also the farthest ever at sea level and second on the all-time list. That magnificent jump came in last yea r 's nati o nal championships at Sacramento, where he · also won the 100 in 10.13. LewlS' double in the 1981 meet made him the first athlete to win those events an this meet since Hall of Farner Jesse Owens did it in 1936. Only one ath lete, Malcolm Ford, ever has won the 100 and long jump in the national championships more than twice in a row. He did it three times, from 1884-1886. In the long jump, which began about 10 minutes after the 100 finaJ, Lewis fouled on his first attempt, th en had jumps of 27-l1A, 27·10, 27-2~ and 27·0112 before passing his final attempt. While Lewis was bidding for his rare double, S te pha n ie Hightower , formerly of Ohio S tate University, equaled the American record in the women's lOO·metcr high hurdles with a time of 12.86. Hij(htower's clockinj( tied the mark set by Deby La.Plante in 1979. Another impressive women's winner was sprinter Eve l y n Ashford. She took the 100 in 10.97, the fifth fastest time in history and only .09 off the world record of 10.88, he ld by Marlies GQhr of East Gennany. Louganis, ·Neyer lead diving meet Greg Louganis made a su~ful return to competition Saturday afternoon, taking the lead aft e r the first day of competition in the MLs,gon Viejo Nadadores-lMSS Mexico dual diving meet at the Mission Viejo International Swim Complex. Louganis compiled a total of 629.5 points in the three-meter event to lead teammates Dave Burge ring (603.25) a nd Jesse Griffin (539.70). Louganis had been sidelined for 10 months with a shoulder injury which had threatened to sideline him from the upcoming Ol y mpics . But he show e d Saturday that he may be back on the right track. In the women•s competlt.ion., Megan Neyer compiled 479.80 points to take a commanding lead over her runner-up, Stella Torres of Mexico. who scored 398.30 points. Neyer is undefeated this year, ha ving won th e U .S . international, NCAA and U.S. national indoor one· and three-- meter events. The meH continues tbia af~rnoon at Misaton Vitjo, beginning at 2 o'clock wi\h the 10-meters. Today's TV t ! I I I ',l \. 11 \ \ ., ..... ea (I) IO MCMAHON AND O()WA,HY Tiit Ttut Oowglrl•. ~ 0.... Md AbM I.Mt join ld MGMlhOn tor e detdng end lioglng VWl- • ~ ..-.i. l:IO. MO\l1E ..... "~To 1(.-p Htr'' j 1N0) MIO 0.'IM. Totell Ft4<Wluh In or«* 10 mMl ,,. ellmony pe)'· "*'''· I ~tly dl\lo(C,ed IJ(MMI detec:tlw treGllt ~ cMlllnquent hullb1111d• 10r a dll!O'oe lewy«. 'R' 1:41. CHN8T°"41EA Q.08f:\JP t.'00. MU8'0 AHO THE WOKEH•ON> G YOUTll AHO Tl4I l8SUQ 1-..e AH8Wl!A8 lllOMPE.A ROOM &UNOAY MOANIHO DlflECTION8 TOWAAO RIECOHCIUATION: PART " HIOfllights of PC>P9 John Paul ll'a visit to Enotand, Wales and Scotland are p<eMnted. (C)JoK>VIE • ** "Home From The Hiii" ( 111801 Robert Mllc:hum, G.orge Pep- P*d A man'a 1119gltlmate _, .. .,..htslife. ®MOVIE * * "Thi• li~ Forevtlf'' ( IHO) Claire Pimpare, Vln- oen~ Ven Penen A French· c.nac11an girt 1111s 1n io... with a bl'Nh American COi- iege student alvdytng In Mootretl. 'PG' (%) AA8CAl DAZZLE lhe uni. Rnc:a11 ,,. fea- tured In fllm dip• and ahonl. 8:30 I FOR OUR TIMES SEAEHOIPO'Y • ROBERT SCHULLER I OAYBAEAK LA. FAST FORWARD m CAUFOAHIA PIEOf>LE ~~PULSE * • "The Incredible Vay. age Of SllflO'IY" (1965) Puppets. Capt. lroy Tem- pest and 11\41 mtohty ll'tip Stlngrey try to atop the 91111 ... lotd. Titan, from ttklng O'l9t the world 7:00 II TOOAV-8 REUOIOH D TMArSCAT 8 LITTLE RASCALS D n\18 WAITTEN D dNHETH COPElAND • DAY~ Dt8COVEAY 8) CARTOONS • YOGA FOR HEAL TH «I SPECTRUM 18 SUNDAY MASS D THE t'ETURN 7:30 II FAITHWAYS D WHITNEY ANO THE A080T D CAMPUS PAOFllE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTAmON "Ecology And Heellh" Guest: Fuller Roye!, M.D. • JIMMY SWAOOARl • MIST£A ROGERS (R) CJ) TV_. LOOKS AT L.EAAHINO 0 SEARCH QITHEWOAl.O TOMORAOW DMOV1E * • 'h "Chu Chu And The Phlll)' flash" ( 11181) Alan Arlun, Cerol Burnett. An ek:Oholic lormlf btMbell pltye< and t kooky llr•I enter1einer beCOme part· ners In a ~ to make money by rl1urnlng • lost sulti;aee. ·PG' (2)~VIE * • a 'h "Atlantic Clty" ( 19801 Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon The estranged hu1band of *' oystet bar weltr"' trrrYel with her pregnant you"041' litter end tome atoler\ hetoln. wllk:l1 he went• an eging hoOd to Hit '°' him 'R' ..-008 SUNDAY~ D tHt8 18 THE Uf'E g POPEYIAHO FRIEN08 8 P£A80NAL DIMB'8ION8 8 UDYD OOllV1E • ELECTNC COMPANY (R) CJ) LET THEAIE IE UGHT ltl .JIERFtt FALWEU QI REX HUtiitBAAO ®MO'VIE • a* "Go4n' Ape" (19811 Tooy Danza. JeuiCa Wel- ler Thr .. Oftnf\11-hOld the 1>UfM 11rlngl to • S5- m1lllon lnllerotenoe 'PG' Cl)fl'C)VIE ••l.t'"The Stioovn Werrl· ort: Gailllng" Anlmeted. A ~ul robOI ~ e.th ....... It la th<..,ened ~ l(lrig Derive end ttle OMttl Horror Corp. t:tO. OOY88EY Ou.t: Stew Allen. • T~Y'9 llACK ~ • .aTtHQ .,..AT CN.YNf'f l ~K.l'NCI -..cTMC OOtlll'llHY I THILAHAYU tCNOW YOUI' .... MCMI "TM MIQlll4tloent """'9" (1971) 0-V-~. 09ll'd IC¥'t. A ~ boy CANDID COMMENTS -Entertainer Steve Allen candidly di.scUlleS the cult that threatened his relationship with his son on ''Odyssey" today at 8:30 a.m. on KNBC (4). lrlee 10 •llPOM "" llec>-l•lhef wno I• trying to •tMI Ille lnhefttence. t:OO.NEWS~ P£0Pll7 ~==) irr•~ .MOVIE * • * lh ''Oetby O'Glll And The Utlle People" ( 111511) Al•t Sharpe, SMn Con- nery An old lrllh carataker who la about 10 ION hi• )ob lo a younger-ma.n captur .. lhe king of the lep<ec:tlawl• and IOfoes him to grent lh<M wisti. 'G' 11: 15 (%) MOVIE • • • 'h "Manhattan" C 19711) Woody Allen, otene Keaton. A New YOl1< City comedy wrltllr brNll• up with his long-time ~ friend 10 squire eround an lnlellecluaMy 111pld 1~ ager 'R' 11:30 8 CJ) FACE THE NATION • Dal MEET THE PRESS I NEW ZOO REVUE DAY OF Ol8COV£11Y at THE WOALD T<>M<>f'ROW 0 KEHHETH COPEL.AHO (IDMOVIE • * * "Sliver Stretk" p976) G-Wiider, Jiii Clayburgh. A mlld· mannered boot! edltOf accldentally become• lnllol>led In • 91nlater wt I hlef' a bizarre plot Outing • CIOM-country lreln ride. 'PG' 10:00 8 MOVIE • • lh "Satan'• School For Gina" ( 19731 Roy ~. Kate Jack9on. A ~ woman enrolle In • P'lvete tohOol tor g1t1e to ln....ii- gate .the unmotllltled 1&11- clde of het ..._. 8TOWMD REOOHal.IATIOH: PART • Hlghllghta Of Pope John PMll 11'1 "'8lt to England, Welel and Scotland - presented. 8 MOVIE • * a "The Secret Ute Of Walter Miity" ( 11147) Danny Kaye. Virginia Mayo. A meek men burdened with domea·llc ettachment• conjures up lllvalont of hlmMlf u • hero. 8 8ASE.BALL BUNCH I HERALD OF TRUTH REXHUMBAAD • THE LAWMAKERS ID MAGIC OF OtL PAINTINO CJ) WE8TERH OUTOOORSMAN QI HEWSCENTER WEEIClY (l)MOVIE • • • "Solver Streak" (11176) Gene WllOer. Jill Clayburgh. A mlld· mennered book editor accidentally becomes Involved In 1 tinlster "1 lhlel'a bizarre plot during a cross-country train ride. 'PG' 10:30 8 (fl l<J08 ARE PEOPl.ETOO Gueell: John Schnelder. Al Ub•ll. Rlehard Simmon•. (R) D AOaERT 8CHUlilR • OOOOEA DUQOUt • FOCU8: PA08flECtS FOR PEACE IN TH£ MIOOLE EAST F~ National Security Advtaor Zblonlew BnezJn- lkl and fOfmer FOf~n Monlster of Frenc. Jeen Frencol9-Ponc:et dteouu "*' feellngl 00 a Middle Easl peec:e. ID MAGIC Of< OtL PAINTING (J) M8E8AU BUNCH !~TVAE U.S.A. • • "Tha Final Count· down" (19801 Kirk Ooug- IH, Martin S'-'t. A mys- lerlove atorm 11 -tt•.n· aport1 the alomle·~ed llifcr8" carrier U.S.S. Nlm- IU beck In lime to Oeoem- ber •• 19' 1, poeltloning the--~~ Herbor end IM edll8nOing J~llMt.'PG' 10:111 OOOOEA PAE ~ME 11:00 ON CAMf'UI ~; Alipei1ory n. ater al Oc:ddentail College. .MOVIE *•'Al "Tiit Allan F~ot" ( 1971} T ot11 GtllWltl, Don ~. A ~ frCWT\ ' another p$anet et..,_ on Earth, looeing 11• terrifying ~-·nger•. • MAITPINCa lHIATM "Flidl4q" Atnle .... Ill Mtlblllhed ac:t,_ with axpen~ wt• ltld • oernandlnQ 1emperemen1 to llat In hie ftlm. (Pan 4) i WAIHINCITON W&K IN REV1f!W (A) (J) n .. a Wl!fK IN BASEBALL QI YOUNG P£0f'l.E'8 SH.aAL "P.R... Miltlonl of Puerto Rican• mlgrete to New YOfk City In ... ,Ch of the Amerle1n drum; the Ill• tty\M of both countrlM are _.. through the eyae of Carlo• H hi• femlly attemp11 lo make II in New York. D (2)MOVIE • • lh "Zorro, lhe Gay Blade" (1981) Gaorg• Hemuton. Lauren Huuon. The heroic too of old Cell- fomla'a remoua ju1tlce lighter ii inc:.pacnated by • riding lnfutY, IOfclng hie lopoilh brother to don the cape end muk. ·PO' 11:10 m 8A8E8All Loa Angelea Dodge.a at Clnclnnall Reda 11:30 8 CJ) MICHIGAN 400 Uw CO\leftge of lhll 400- mile atoca c.,-r-(from the Michloan lntemttlonal Speedway In Brooklyn. Mleh.). D OOLDEN EAGLE AWA AD Ricardo Montalban hoat8 • special honortng Hil9ank performer•. 8 (II THIS WEEJ( WfTH DAVID 8RINl(l.EY 9 TEMY COt.E· WHITTAKER G WALL S'mEET W£EK "Whel's New From Tem- pleloo?" CW.t· JOhn M, Templeton. (R) 8 OUTDOOR UR CB) WHAT ON EARTH Or.an Bean hoa1a thll r.t~. lacMllled eel· enca..-. 12:00. L08t IH SPACE "The Hungry Sea" 9 SEARCH • LOAD MOUHTBATTEH: A MAN FOA THE CENTVRY "The Le~s Of P.-" FOiiowing the Jape,_ 1urrander In 11145, Mountbettan becomas lnllolved In handllng poll· war pollllcal and human problems. (Pert 5)(R)O G SOCCER MADE IH GEAMANY al WIMBLEOON '82: A FORTNIGHT Of< TRAomoH The IOSth All·En9tand Tannls C111mplon1hlp1 from Wtmbledoo ar• pre- lriewed CB)MOVIE a* "My Champion" (1118 t) Yoko Shlmad•. Ch<ll Milefl\lm Thi true story of a female J~ n;Ml.ng champion .. told. Cl) PETER. PAUl. I. MAl't'f The popular lolk trio of the Utty 'SOI perfOfm meny of their cluslc IUllM U well u ,_ malerlal. 12:30 • DIAECTION8 9 MOVIE • * * * "Pethl Of Glory" (111571 Kk'1' Oouglet, Ralph Meeker. During World Ww I, an officer ordert hit men on a suicide mlaalon 11 Verdun and lhen attempta to conceal hll toity ~ demanding the euoutlon of three IOldlera by whom he ..... thr .. tened «I NEW8MAkEM ~MOVIE **'h "Pulp" (19721 MlchHI C1lne. Mlciley Rooney. A Hedy wrttll la hired by en ex-Nm etw to "ghostwrite" h• bM9tf prlnlt ble auloblogrllj)hy. 'PG' • THE GOLDEN AGE~ TI!LEWMON "The CornedlM" Mlctley Rooney ...,.. • an ago- llatk:al oornlc whO ttv1- .. • ·-by dellouf1l'lg ~ wOUtld him. tat.a(%) MOYIE ••• "High Alell'' (tM11 J-8'olln. Cll9llon Lit· tie. A trio of greedy fV1endt plOt !he robtMly of a mil- lion ~ from a South A1Nrtc:en df\IO ctaalfr 'R' t:OO. IUNDAY Locellon: llw lfom Ml.ic: City Mtrcado, Lqa Ange. .... • 1"' MUNfTWW eou.a.MIN Live OOl<'W8" of Ula ,. CHAlllL LISTINGS hOtl flfttl round of '*" In tNe 001f ~(from the ,...,... ..... Golf Urlk•ln~~ I /IOMl..tl ~ID "TN.._ Unlnt" .._ .,... II\ L.oMell "'*" • ICHXT ICISI e KHIC ll'CICI e KTL-111111.I •uec (AICI e ii,..-a 1ea~) e KHJ·TV UN ) e 1tcn IAKI e tcTTV CIN I • UOI' TV llllt t • ICClf 1,111 •••oct ,,.,, c 10 On TV ll l·TV 111 MIO e t c;1 nemu I IWOttl NY.,N Y PJ IWTHI If "'"HI t (ll!ewlltMI ... 11 ... 1 • (Cellfe,...,. ""''*'' ~-'""' .... ................. '-"· C".t •I("> i ........... llMI .................. , ... , ..... .......... lj,,911,., Ull4 m'Jla IWI' ~ . ..,. ...... . .,... """""" ~ - ., ii& • ··--- Or•noe OOMt OAILV PILOT/8unday, June 20, 1812 :.~ ... t-.:: TUBE TO~PEIS al et tlw ,_.., ~ I , ..... IMll'• ...... ....., """' Ind ,.,. ~ .... lMlandk Woman'•~ UOMI H'9h DlllCnf OIMlia (!!Olll Hwall). -· '·"'°°' AOIJll llMPt teeing 1111 !n4llM tneeklng Wound ,,,_ io,,, but no OM alM a--~11 (l)Hou YWOOO M Harrta preaenta llO • alma ftC)Ottl on ,,,_ ~ pie llld ...-n.. w.tllofl .,. "*"" newt lt't !flt pre>-dllel!On 11\<1 gtamour cap1. tel Of 1M rnollle lrlduMry, t:OO e Gll.UGAWI tkAHD OllllgM la eleOltd .,,..._ denl of IN lalend. • MO\l1E • • • "Ale1u•nw Tht Or Ml" ( 18581 Rlohatd lkir· ion. Fredric Maroh. A young MIOedonlan prlnoe conquer. the known CICvl- llud world. • MOVIE • + •'Al "The Hoodlum Prlte1" (1Nt) Ooft t,Aurtty, CINll WOOd. A prlMI 1rlte 10 help crlmlnel• by ffCC>mlng a par1 of their world. • MOVIE • * "Oogpou.nd Shuffle" ( 1117 41 Ron Moody, o.-.td Soul An ex-vaudeville lap dlll109f joint forCM with I wandering prizefighter lo r1IM 11\e money Ille hoofer need• 10 redelm hll dog from a Vancou11et pound. • TRAINING DOGS THE WOOOHOU8E WAY "Nervous Dog•" 8¥bata WoodhOvM anowa llOw to make ev.n "lncurebly" Mfl!oua dog• coolldent and happy. G MOVIE • • • • "A Ster la Bo<n" ( 1837) Fredric March, J-1 Geynor. F .. Ong his °""" popularity lllpplng u hll young wlfe'a Clll'-ii oo the rise, • bto·name atar turn• to the bottle for comfort. ®MOVIE *. "Thl• Time F~" ( 1980) Clalre Pimpare. Vin· cent Ven Patten. A French· Canedl•n girt 11111 In tove with • brash Ame<lcan col· lege 11uden1 atudytng In Montreal. 'PG' (l)MOVIE a a* "Lee Glrll" (111571 G-Kelly, Mil~I Geynor. An Amencan mualcal show hlta the Europeen clrcun when oompllcallons ariM. DMOVIE •lh "On The Right lreck" (11181) Gaty Coleman, MlehMI Lembedl. A 90Clal worker ltiea to nnd a nor· mat home for • lrtln 111· tlon lhoeahlne bOy with • tllent for plcklnQ th• ponies. 'PG' 2:30 D WIMBL.EDOH '12: A FORTNIGHT Of< TAAOmON The 105th AH-En9land Tennis Champlon1hlp1 from Wlmbledoo ere P'• viewed. • GA.1..IGAW• l8lANO • PAESEHT£ "El MBMtrO Pfllnttlw San- IOI" Prtmlt.l\lo Sentoa and Na Ofa-tra are fMtvred, · playlng a verlety of mUllcal pieces from the Anllllel I Cttlbbean and Letln America. (C)MOVIE "The Magnltlcant Hustle" ( 19781 Geofge Hemllton, David Kyte. A young boy tries to expoee hi• 11419· lllhet who Is trying lo SIMI hll lnherltanc.. (2)MOV1E a a •v. "Atlantic City" (11180) Burt Lancuter, SuHn Sarandon lhe estranged husband of en oy1ter bar wallr918 arrives with her pregnant younger- llaler and some llofoen hetoln, whk:tt he w1n11 an aging hood to NII IOf him. 'R' 3:00 II INTEAFACE • MOVIE *** "MelOdy" (1117 t ) Jeck Wiid, Marte L .. ler. Two pr•teens i.wn • Miiie tbOut Mt. u lhey atruggMI th<ovgh lumlng u.,.n.. erMlM In • 8t1tlah achoof. • WOALDCUP SOCCER TOUANAM£HT Chile 111. Germeny or Czecnoek>vakle 111. Eng- land CJ) WONOE1' WOMAN A bl«*.metkel ~ wvhelld recowt"ed from a Rulalan let la put up for 1a1e to the hlgi-t blckMr. QI SUGAR RAY l.EONAAD'I GOU>EN GlOVl8 "HigNighta" (Pert 4) •:30 I NEW8MAKEM SPORTIWOALD 12-round USBA mldd1ewelght chempl~ alllp bov\ ~ Frenk "The Anlrnal" Fle\ctw and Cllnl Jlldltoo (from Atlen- tlc Clty, N.J.); &IMllal of !tie Fll1M1, Pwt 3, with men·a white •1er ew4m and rart (from New z ... land); Woman'• lnvtl1tlonal High C>Mng Ctaealc (lrom HIWlllll. G MOVIE • • • "The Snowl Of l(lfl- rnenjaro" (11163) Gr'90fY Pedl, Susan Hayward. A bt11tien1 writer find• ~ Ing to hie m. In Africa 1fter • ,..,.... and ••tenelllt ~. ·-· MCW9 * • ~ ''The er.dlle Ot O.tth" ( 19741 D1rrett McOaW\, 8lrnon Olklafld. A ~men tlepe In lo lnl!Mtlgate blufrt h9P- penlflgl In Otlloego. -~ • • ''Tht MtllQU8 Of Tiie "td OMUI'' (1M41 Vlftoant Pnoe • ..__ Courl A 121tlo- 09fllury .,,,,_ .... • myeterioul young girt, wtlo C8fflel tM Aid Dlettl pie-s· =:: OMtle. • • • "Olny t.Wy. Only i..any• (1t74) .... ,.... .,_, Glof9e A ...... ..--.. ~ .,, IOifw • --'"°'• """"'-'" a ................ ~ lllalfMll, "· ~ .. "' .,,,,..a ....._ .. ,,., ,,., °"9lflW. 0..-. ..... ,._.., .......... ., ...................... KNSC (4) 1:00 -''Father Murphy.'' Son of the ortatna1 owner of a mine retW'ftl co lay claim to th land. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Five Day1 From Home." Oeorae Peppard, Neville Brand ital' ln film about a convict who breaks out of prbon to be reunited with bil aon. KA.BC (7) 10:00 -"The OU Game." Re9ultl of an lnv.U1atJon lnco federal regula~ion of the oil industry are pretented. KCET (28) 10:00 -· .. Ameria Celebratel Stravlnaky." Maestros Leonard Bem1teln and Michael TU.on Thomas hoet triliute to the compoeer. on tKalt letter vacation. • WN.J.111'&f Wlm< "Wtlac'• Hew P::rom Ttm- pieton?" OuMt: Jom "'- Templeton. (Al (J) 8TARTMK ceot. Kirk 11 c.tptUl'ed by IWO l lrangt Cfeetlll'M who ~ In variou• meglcel fl)(rn6. alMOVIE *·~"They Only Kiii Their MMter1" (1873) J11111411 Garner, Kathatlf\9 Role. A Doberman plnecher RQu<• p.omlnenlly In I.he rnurdet of • pregnant women. CB)TIM£WM t\Me'I dilllMe • lrll*I • ~~ .... • c:»WW.WI ANGl1.8 1:...wa ••• "Don't Go Neer the Wat•" (1967) Glenn FOl'd, Qi. 8cala. World Ww II Nltorl In the South Paolflc fll'ld that they Med only a recr .. tlol'I halt to COITIC)lell \half perad1911. .MOYie ••*'A "Darby O'Glll And The Little People" ( 111511) Albert Sharpe, Seen Cott· nery An Old lr111'1 caretaker who 11 tbOvt 10 IOM hCe fob 10 I younger men cephHM the king of the lep<ech111K11 and '°'°" him to grent three wllhee.'G' "The 1970." Ofcll Civet! concludM lhe documenll· ry -'" with a looll at the decade which Included the Watergate b<uk·ln. Ille A~lcan Blcentennlel oil· ebratlon and Midi trende .. Jogging and dlloo. '-'*'I AGHT BACK UTTL.E MISEAIU WACt<Y WORLD <X' JONATHAN WINtENI GvMI. Mclean Steven_,. 0MOVIE • • "Flgvr .. In A Lend- 1c1pe" (11170) Robert Shaw. Malcolm MeOowell In en unnamed country, two met> flee their mlHtery pVr1uer1 1n 11\41 hope that they can reech the bord4lf before cap1ure. 'PG' 4: 15 (2) AA8CAl DAZZLE lhe Lillie Ruc:a19 are fea. lured In f1ltn ~ end "'°"' 4:30. WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW(~) ~MOVIE • • *'h "Monty Python And The Hoty Grall" ( 1974) Grlham Chapman, John CleeM K.lng Arlhw Md h11 band of knight• encounter glanta, rlddlen and • feroelu• rebblt Ir their Maten for the legend- 00 ~ FUCKEM 8:00 8 STAR TREK 8 '.MBIJCAH ~ CMtyf Tieol .... pan In • reeooe P'Olect tocuelng oo the whooping crane: 8ellWty Johnaon leede en 111-women expedition tl\rougf\ New ~ Pwter Bencnley ~ In the s.. of Cortez otf Bal• Callfor • nla to study the hlmn'Mlt'· head lhark. ( R) • FlAIHOUNE "Shalt We Go Wiii\ A Budget·Balanclng Conatl- tullonel Amendment?" Gueets. J-Oe\lldeon, chairmen of lhe Netlonal laxpayerw Union; econo- mlat Robert Hellbroner, CJ) M0A 0 S•H A amell Korean boy with minor lnjurlel captUI' .. the Mwta of all In the 40nth. 0 NEWS (}llMOVIE a* "GOln' Ape" (11181) Tooy Danza . .i..sto. Wal- '" lhree Ofangut-hOld the purM atrlnge to • SS- mlftloo lnherllance 'PG' (O)MO'llE * • • * "Father Of lhe Bride" ( 11150) Spenoer T,.._ cy. E!lubeth Teylof. A lather experlencel ell of Ille JoVI end hMdadlM Involved with the P'9'* .. tton• f()( hll daughloer'• ~Ing wedding. (I) PETER. PAUL I. MARY The popular folk trio of lhe early '809 perlorm many of their cluak: lu.nM .. well 8S MW materiel. 1:301·== MONEYloWCEM HEAL.THeEA T GAIATUT IPOAT8 , l.EOEND8 "Larry MINn" Hott: Ktn Howwd. 5:At (%)MOYE * •~ "Zorro, TM G~ Bl1de" (1811) OeotQe Hlmlllon, LaKal\ Hutton. the h«olc eon of old ~ fornla'a femoue 11111~ flghltr " ~led by • riding lnllKY. torc:lng 1111 ropptlh broti-to don the c-c>e and mMk. 'PO' 8;001 ~ NEW8 • •••~"Life Wlltl Fa,,_ .. (1847) Wiiiiam Powell, Ir-OuMe. A-end her tour eon• manaot to manlpUlatt tfltlt OI._..... ~atWcal .,.ttlerell. ' • Nft'TMM""" IU8 AWAlll» Alp Wllllon .. tfw --hlr -11111 ..., •• tn~ exb'llllBgllRN ~top R 6 I arti.tl. Ouett9 lncllide l*ne Aoll. l(oot .. The Gang, Ttlddy ........ llfN9, 8,_.,.. WONJ« end Ww. e w·A·e·H CMt* .._... .... ~Iona.._.,......,.. dying pllleM .. ..,. "'8lll809· -~ • • • .....,,,.. I 1t70) ..... C>'8ltln, ...... ,.__, A WOftWI tr"9 to ..... ""..,_ ,_ bMCI'• ...,....,. ,,., • r~ ... ~ "T"8....,..,_TM ~ ICW''nll .......... .............. -r .. c..•---~ ................. "'') .... flt ......... A young man struggles to aecape the clvtchN of hll doml,_ing aunt • THE JEFFER80H8 • FATHERING Thia Fllher'a Dey specie! fOCUMI on how to meet and maaler the challengM tac1;1oday'1 ,.,,.,.,.. ~WHA~EARTH Or_, Bean ho1t1 tht1 tut-paced. fact-lllled tel· encieeer1es. (a) THE CHALICE MOVIE ~ "Skatetown U.S.A " ( 111711) Scott Bile>. Greg Bradlord. A handaome young lkater fella In low et the locel roller-dleco rink, whe<• he " challerlged by a llr ... geng leeder' In e championship conle1t 'PO' 1i00 I w ., MINVT£8 QI FATHER MORPHY Tha _,,,le ton of lhe original owr>« of IN Gold Hiii mine retvrne to lay c1a1rn to the land. (RIO • 8WE£T SOClUN ~ PMGNAHT Sally Kelerrntn hOlll 11"8 IOok •t the experlerloM of tlw •--age Qlflil • they .... .. with the protlllrne of~. • MERV GAIFRN au.le: Z.. ZU Gebof, a.ry Boltwtc*, l=orr..c Ackerman, Brad MllUM, Paul Mooney. • A8CENT Of< MAN "The M1jeltlc Clockwor11" Newton'• IOfld formu&aa tor natural law we acicepl· ed IOf centvrlea untM they ere llnelly owrtumed ~ Eln .. eln's revolutionary theories. ·~GAAOEN WINtem Conrad narrtt• I behind·lhe-scenta looll .. the occupation of hotM racing. ®MOVIE • • * "Sliver StrHk" ( 111781 G-Wiider, JIU Clayburg!\. A mlld· mennerad bOOk adltOf eccldentetly becomes 1n\!Ohled In • alnlller wt thlef'a bizarre plOI during a cr~ntry treln ride. ·PO' (D)MOVIE ••~ "Zorro. The Gay Blade'' (11181) George Hamlllon, Lauren Hutlon The heroic _, of old Cell· tornle'e femoua ju11ic. flohter It l~altld by a riding lnJvry, forcing hla lopc>lah brother to don lhe cac>e end mask. 'PG' 7:30. PORTRAITS IN PAITtl.8 ''ThtMlst" (%}MOVIE *'A "Deed And Buried" (1811) J-Fwenltl'lo, ~Anderson. A emall- town polloeman tnll9ftl.. CfBIM a -* of l>U.wre murders. 'R' l:OO. (J) MICHIE IUNKM'8 PlM:il Tht ot>ject of Stapllanle'• lnf1tua1lon UMt her .. a metr11 of getting c'°8tr to IUB.(RI 8QICHIP8 Jon end Ponctl -d<awl'I lnlo IN tnlOdle ol I pol..,_ tlally d1ngerou1 feud bet_, member• of •oar otub and two auto eut1tom- lzlla. (R) • INTUnAIMNT TMIWllK '""",..... wttt1 T ... lhlre, JOMM Woodwwd, lJl'ld. MY weoner. Sid c ... end "*"'*' of OtlMIP Trlc*. •• MOVll • • .,. "CW-" (1t71) ""~ °'*"'· Jennllw O'Nall. A "*' to" to IN deMn8 of ~ '° flNI • W'l8lt"Y young Mlff'lcan _MIO,.,.__,'llllfttl alhallt. ,~ ..... -•"•,.. ..... ···~ ·-n. .......... ~·· (1 .. 1)00ft Mwf9y. Old Wood, A prleM trtll •o llelp crllftlnal• b)' hi ''" • pan of !Mir ..... ..... ~ hAIDo .. ....., On Tiit i...r llMMIOI\, ~ -.....-..~·· , ............... __ r...:--' ..... "A ........ Te ..... fetf ,_... A ....... .............. ..... "*" ...... . ., ............... . ....... ,.lllllltllllllllll ................... i!l'_ ..... ,..,i • MA1191f .._ ,....,.. .. ,...,.,. ,.,,... Md ,.. Old tlelN L~ *"' U, i. btgi;llt a pt'Otlfftl11e tcr.;,J.""' ••Q • • "TM ""81 c-,c. doWn" (1NO) ICJr\ ~ .... Mentn lf\elll, A m)'9o- 1erloul tlOflft et ... ,rin- IOOl"I tht etomfc.powered elforell catrler U.I I Nim· Ill bKll lf1 time to Oeaemo br •• 1941, poettlonlng tht "'"'~ ~ HwbOf and ttle ad\1-"'0 ~~-flttl, 'PG' (.l}MOVll ---alleolly ...... ....,.., beOtfM ,.,... ""' In ...... 10 ....... ~ w tt4WMlf • '°" IUllOMI, 'l'G' (G)MOYW ••'It "Celt ... ,, ..... (1111) Nino M1nlr9dl1 Adelle Cell. ,,,. ~ vendor I• ch•••cl br ~ .. 111.-~ ,0 ,.... 11\0fteV '°' .. eon·• Ol*lllon b)' lllMlnt hi• wtrH •board the traln1 (2)MOYll * * "lllttle" ( 11771 Patti D' Arban11llle, Mone l<rft.. t..--A young flll't .. x. "'" ewalcenlng oeoUl"t dvf • lflO ,,., a11v wllt\ 1 famlly ftltnd on.e """"'* .... • • * "Gll\181' 8trt1k" (tt7tl Otnt Wltder, Jiii Cllybi;rgh A mlld• mennered booll editor aocldenlelly becom" ln\IOl\led In • 11n111er .,., thltf'• bizarre plot dUl'lng • ct0tt-country train ride. :~::1 =:::"aw. 100CWll uc.-wa M<MI 'PO' .MOVIE a * V. "Chv CIW And The Philly Flalh" ( 18111 Alan Min, CerG4 Bvmett. All elCOhallc tenner bual>all playw and • koolcy etr ... entert•lner beCOM9 par~· °'" In • aon-lo make mOMy by returning a IOt1 8Ultcue. 'PG' a:aG 8 (J) ONEOAYATA TIME Bllrt>Ma rnak• two dll• fOf the aeme nlohl. (Perl 1) (R) 9 THl!WOALD TOMOAAOW t:oO 8 CJ) AUCE ' Mel'a timid and lhy COUlln Wendell shows up for • rwo-weetc 111111. (R) Dal MOVIE * • "Five Days From Homa" ( t9781 George Pewerd. Nlllllle Brand A convlet break• out of prl1- on In a de41petat• attempt IO elude a relenllela lherftt end be 1 reunited wllh hie ton 8 WILD KINGDOM "Voyege Of The Golden Dolphin" D DA.CHO ., AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY • • • "They Cell Me Mr. Tlbb1" ( 1870) Slctney Pol· lier. Mflf11n Landau. After Me+ng hi• trltnd IN't9 the -of I Cl'lme, I pottoa. man la -1MI lbOllt wf\al he eflol;ld do. • TAl.U~THf UNEX~ "I LIU 11 11ere In Wllmlng· Ion" • 8HIAK PAEV1EW8 Roger Ebert and 0- Sllkal reY!ew "Star Trak II. The Wrtth Of Khen" and "E.T .. The Ex1re-lerrMlrl· el." CJ) MOVIE • • ·~ "Slaughterhou" Five' ( 1972) MIChHI Sacka, Ron Leibman (ti MOVIE • • • • 40 Catala" ( 11173) Liv Ullmann, Edward Albert a!MOVIE * 'h "New York, Now York ( 111771 llza Mlnnelfl, Robert De Niro. O MOVIE * • ·~ "Zorro, lhe Gay Blade" ( 11181) Geo•o• Hamlllon, Leuren Hutton. The heroic too of old Calf.. lornla'a lemou• 1u1lice figflter te 1ncaoac1111ed by e riding Injury, lorctng hf8 f<>Wilh brother to don 11\41 cape end muk. 'PG' • MASTEAPIECE THEATRE "Flickers" Arnie end hla old tta~ Letty tum up to beguile a pro1pec1lv• backer (Part 51Q 11:46 9 THE ROCKFORD FILES ID AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Oppenheimer" In the postwar years. Oppen- heimer becoma one of the government'• leading ecl- enlittc advltort. bvl hla opposition to en tll-ou1 arm• ,_ rnak• him a number of pow.1\11 .,_ mlea (Perl 6) 0 CID WMT UNTIL °"RK Kathetine Roaa end Stacy KNCl1 11111 In thlt cf\lltlng 1lory ot lhr .. men wtiO ter· rortte • blind woman atone In her apartment. (JDMOVIE • * "Siience Of The North" (11181) Ellen 8vr1- tyn, Tom Skerrttt. In 19111, • young-·· marriage 10 • trepper lead• her to a ~I• of hardlhlP In the wf1 • detnMI otononh«n cana- csa 'PG' (2)MOvtE *** "High Risk" (11181) Jtrn91 Brolln, Cleavoo Lil· tie A trio of greedy friend• plot the robbery of • rnll- llon dollara from a South Amerlcen dNQ dealer 'R' 8:30 8 CJ) THE JEfffR80N8 George tchernM to gel Lionel to -• matrlege couneator. (Pwt 2)(RI 8 WOALD<Jf< SURVIVAL D JAO< VAH IMPIE ·= • * * 'h "Manhalltn" ( 1979) Woody Allen. Olene Kaatoo. A New York City comedy -iter btMkl up wltti htl tong-time glrf.. friend to squire erouno an lnte41ectually llllPid teen- 'R' 10:00. cj) TIW'Pfl' JOHN. M.O. Gonzo and Trepper'• cooperlllve care prog<em begs an unuauel mixture of par11dpant1. (RI ••• NEWS •• Mt;NEW8 C'-08l!UP "The 0 11 Game" Oen CordU pr-'8 the reeult• o( 1n 1n..,..11g.1tlon Into federal regulallon of the Oii lndvatry. and the ooe" 10 the Amertcan ooneumer due lo lntdequlte enforee- ment of,,_ '9gllla11on1. 8 THE WOAD FOR TODAY • AM£NCA ce.&MTD 8TMVtN81CY M-trOI LAonard Bern- llein and MichMI Tiiton Thom• host a ttlt>UI• to the compoeer, feet~ the Netlontl SymPflony Orohaetre end the Norman Sc:rit>Mr Choir perfonnil IQ m110t 'WM• end -pte from Ille Slrevlnllly reper- tolN. • FLAMBAADI "Point To Point" M8l1( r'ldel 1n the Point 10 Point ,_ wt*-Wiiiiam .._ "Emma" ~; Wll- llem decidefl lo lte"9 Flemberd• after 1111 trvu- menl with Ru&Mll. (Pflf1 4) ~iw. * • • ''Home From TM Hiii.. ( 1 HO) l'Ot>et\ MftoatlUm, 0-p ,..,.. ~. ~ "'81\'I ...,.,.... eon...,,..,...._ (l)MOVta •• • ''911f Cfaly'' 11"01 NcNtd ~. 0.. Md-., . """° "*' ... rnllt8Un ..... ~_,..,. 10:ltlto ... =~ ...,IWAMMT ... ""6\\' '""'* ~ ,, •••• (1) •• -I WllW TMllUNf~ .... ~...,, ............ a...~.~ ._ ~· .Dldl Ven ......; .......... ~ ""'' (l)MIMI ··~ .. °"" Olllt ,_, n. ............ ii:..:.--~.... ,,,,. ....,...._ ....... D MOVIE •in "Naw York. New YOfk" (19771 Liza MlnnelM, Rob«I De Niro During lhe big bend ere of the • 40., a dedicated musician llnda his devotion t0<n bel- hlt mulle: and his toog· etr"' wtfe (R) 8 MOVIE ** * "Tell Me Where It Hufll" (11174) M..,r_, Stapleton, Paul Sorvlno. A m1ddla-1ged hou1ewlfe atrvggles to cllanQe her hvmdrvm Ille wherl she bec:oma ln\IOIVed In • women's coneclouantl$- ralllng g<oup. 12:00. FRANKIE~ (l)WHAr8 UP AMERICA! F•tured: euctlona from Chrfatle'I In New. York to the bec:kroeds ot Alebama; donor• and COl"*8 whO eme>toy the ~ ol "*"" banks; the 2111 Natlonal Trec1or Pull 12:30 . FRANKIE HOWER£> ®MOVIE • * "Thia Time FOfeve<" ( 11180) Clelre Pimpare. Vin· cent Ven Patten. A French· C•ned1an girt tall1 In love with• btash American col· iege student studying 1n Montreal 'PG' 12:3&~MOVE • • • "Cutter's Way" (1981) John Hewd, Jett Bridges. A maimed Viet· nam \191 end hos bes! friend, a social dropout, focua their -11-on eotving •murder cue 'R' 12:45 II NAME OF THE GAME (2)MOVIE •*•'A "Manhettan" (111711) Woody Alten, Diane Keaton A New YOl1< City wmedy wrtter breall• up wtlh hie long-ti~ ~ friend to aQu1re eround an lntetlec1ually vapid leerl· ~er 'R' 1:00 (SJ MOVIE a* *'h "Atlantic City" pll80) Burt Lancaster, SuHn Sarandon The ftlranged husband of an oyster be< waltr"' •rrl- wlth her pregnant youriger lillllf end tome stolen hefoln, which he wenta an eglng hOod lo sell lor him 'R' .MOVIE • "The Awakening" (11180) Chert1on Hetton, Sunnneh York. An archHologlst'1 daughter bee:-pouMMd by lhe melellolent 8'>1t'l1 of an ancient Egyptian ~ 'R' 1:30. TOK AHNOUNCB> (fl A8CNEWI 2: 10 (8) MOY!! • * "Goin' Ape" ( 1911) Tony Oenza. Jetalca Wal- ter. Thr .. on.ngu1a.ne hold the pu<M tirings 10 e $5.. mllllon lnMritanc:e 'PG' 2:158 NEWS 2:26 (C) MOYIE • • ~ "Ouadrophenla" (1979) PhR Olnlefl. Metll Wingett. MUlic by TM Who. A Bntlah youth retecta IM ~ of Illa famlly tor the "hedom" ot the Mod•. onty to~ Iha\ Ihle MW eoc:lal group "Wiil more oonalnctlno. 'A' --15r•~ * •.,. "O\iedr~la" (tt1't) ,.... oenlell.. Marti Wl119ttt. ~ tiy The WllO. A lritlell youth ~ ttMI --.... tlftllll)' for ttle ~ .. ot ttlt Mocla, onty IO dltcoller "* """ ... tOClll group It-more~ 'A' -=-• ..... (J)aNCTACUlM ~·~ ,... ..,,.... ~ ............ ~ "oral• Oanow1 a11; ................. ,,.Crall ._..... .. ~"'· ....... ......_ fff ...... _...."°"'T ....... ............ -*"~~ 'I I : I I I ( l I I I • I Auto. trans .. radio & heater, exceptionally clean and new paint. Must see to appreciate! (265KLL) 52299 1111 ISUZU "LS" COUPE 5 speed transmission, AM-FM-radio, all the factory equipment, just over 11,000 mites, custom wheels & tires. (1CQA945). 5 5799 1174 V.W. llPEI IEmE "lllWllEI" 4 speed, stereo cassette. sunroof & morel Completely reconditioned with new gold metallic paint & aaddle brown Interior. Don't get the bug tlll you see this onel (729405). 5 3999 "114" •SEL 4 speed trans .. AM-FM oastette, power ltMrlng, power brakes, power windows, aunr!)Of & morel \/ery clean! (049TZU). A real steal at only 5 4799 1171 TOYOTA "E·I" lllllTOP Rare 5 speed model for outstanding economy with stereo cassette, custom exterior trim & morel (677RLF). Great graduation gift for only 5 2999 1111 "121"_.. Automatic trans .. air cond., AM-FM stereo. alloy wheel9, cuetom trim package & mor:el Exceptional car In every reapect'Wtth only 15,000 miles. (1BJZ435). 56499 NllWl-The ultimate In economy with a 4 speed trans., AM -FM atereo, exterior trim package, & mor4'. Spotless brown metallic finish with beige Interior. (1CTP811). Just 15,000 miles for only 5 5399 1111 .......... 4 .. 111111 5 speed, air cond., power steering, power brakes, stereo cusette & morel (1AQU383). The uttlmate In economy wltb a touch of luxury at a bargain prk:e of Just • 5 7699 1111 TIYITI 4IMl•Elllll The ultimate Toyota Sedan with auto .. full power, air cond., plus tllt wheel, cruise control, AM-FM stereo & morel Under 22 ,000 mllesl Spotless met. brown exterior with beige velour Interior. (580ZVT). 58599 GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mite.warranty. You can't lose!' BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e1111 TOYITI COllOLU WIUI s3 999 This °"' Is .fully factory equipped and has an automtlc transmlulon. It Is also an exceptionally clean earl (288YHG). This one Is a steal at only •;.;~~:~~~~:~:~,: •5399 whMI. stereo tape, alloy wheels & more. Sterling sliver over charcoal tu-tone with low low miles. (1BJK724). Don't ml81 this ont at just e11JITOYOTIOWOILIFTUCI 55999 5 speed tranamlsalon, air conditioning, AM-FM stereo, rear window shade & morel You've got to ... this two tone beauty! (667WPL). e1111 •m1LET IHTI IAllLI '6999 Popular VI with automatic tranamlsalon, . air conditioning, power ateeting, power brakes, tllt wfMlel, crulM control, ralty wheels & morel A nice earl ( 1 BGC330j. 1111 VOLVO "244 DL" Auto. t rans ... alr cond., power tteerlng, power brakes & very clean. Light blue flnl!Jh with dark blue Interior. Don't miss this onel (187XWB) 56499 1171 Fiii VII OllTUI I PlllEllEI Equipment Includes pow~r steering, radio, power brakes, Interior d8C'>r and completely orlglnal Inside and out! (219WOA). 53699 1110 TOYOTA TERCEL SUI ROOF 4 speed, stereo cassette, alloy wheels, custom Interior & exterior trim. The ultimate In economy & fun to drivel (1AOS832) ' 54699 5 8999 1111 TOYOTA CELICl "LIFTllCI" 5 speed, air cond., AM-FM stereo. aUoy wheels, rear shade & more. Low mlles & spotless In every respect. (413WRA) 5 5999 1171 TOYOTA llPU Automettc trat)a., full power, air cond., stereo. fape, tllt wheel, cruise contr'ol, anoy wheels & morel Just over 27,000 mlles on this metallic brown t>eeuty. See It today! (884XJW). 5 6999 1111 TOYOTA CELICl "LIFTllCI" Auto. trans .. air cond .. stereo tape, power brakes & more. (987SEW) A rare find & extra clean for only 54799 1111 •m·P1111P lllllZILMID Automatic transml91lon, air cond., power steering & brakes, tilt wheel, SIX-PAC camper and low mites! Must see to appreciate! (1Gs.4888). "IL" PIKllE Popular 5 speed with alr cond., full power, cruise control, leather seats, power mirrors, st8f'eo cassette with equalizer & power boost , alloy wheels & rally tires. Just over 8,000 miles.(100K384). •11,999 1911 llZDl "ILC" Popular front wheel drive 5 speed, lully rectory equipped plus exterior trim package & morel Just over 10,000 miles. (1BWY605) Take a look st only 1111-..11¥11 UOYIO~ Llf1llll Economical 5 speed with air cond., stereo cassette. exterior trim package & more. (726ZLF). An outstanding buy at on4Y 5 3299 1171 v.w. UlllY 2 NII UTllllOI Popular 4 speed fuel Injected model with a stereo cassette, oustom Interior and more. (793SYZ). Low miles. A steal for just 5 2 999 , I I Pr e tty By VIDA DEAN 0.-,NeelMutJ...., Don't read thia if you are compl tely satisfied with th products you wie on your halr, nalla and• body. Thia column ii about new products that havt-recently come on the market. So It la for thoee constderlng • change or eearching for a better or different way. Let'• st.art at the top. Here's a new shampoo and conditioner formulated especially for permed hair. They oome from Zotos, who say they are the people that created and perfected the perm. Frankly, I never heard of Zotos, but then I'm not Into perms. My hair stylist says they've been around for aome time and produce about 10 different perms. . Anyway, why a special shampoo and conditioner for permed hair? Zotos says that chemical abuse, mechanical damage, such as is caused by repeated brushing and combing, especially in combination with heat such u a blow dryer, is detrimental to the long life and beauty of penned hair. The cuticle layer becomes disrupted, fragmented and eventually worn off making hair lusterless and unmanageable. The formulas of the two new products promise to protect and help maintain the curl and body of penned hair. Zotos also otfers these tips for your perm: -Wait at least two days after perming before pretty, ·does • IS, shampooing and conditioning. . -Blot your perm dry -do not rub. -Gently comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb, especially when hair is wet. -Do no~ use an excessively hot hair blower or hot rollers. And, of course, use their new Texture Care shampoo and condltloner for all types of penned hair, regardless of the brand used. Th~ products are available at hair salons. ' Next, let's move to the nails. The research chemists at Germaine Montell have created a new line of nail care formulations, designed,, they say, to help nails stay stronger and healthier while providing long-lasting wear and protection. To prime the nails for color application, GM recommends its strengthening base coat which contains • • New th irigs natural pearl and liquid allk enrlcbed with conditioning proteina, vhamina and jojoba oil. Thia non-brlttJe formula can be teamed with Lastlng .Nall Looquer which comes ln 18 shades and topped off with a atrengthenlng Clear Coat allo enhanced with the pearl and silk. A.lJo In the new nail line ii a conditioning polish remover and a nail accelerator cream. The remover promise• to work quickly without smearing. It does not contain acetone. The cream is formulated to "actually help nails grow faster and stronger'' contains revitalin, a protein substance that "penetrates dee'p down where the nail grows." It ii also fortified with essential keratin amino acids to help strengthen nail tissues. GM suggests that it be massaged daily into the skin surrounding the white half-moon portion ol the nail. These nail products are available at department stores. Now for the whole body. From Mary Kay Cosmetics and ln time for summer and swim suits, sundresses and shorts, comes a body care package. It contains a cleansing gel for a good soak, (doesn't leave a ring around the tub), a buffing cream to h~lp remove calluses, a moisturizing lotion to eoft.e~ the skin and a sunscreening lotion to protect you from the sun. A long-handled body brush is available to use with the first two products. May be obtained Crom MK consultants. I have not used any of the products, so I am only passing along the news from the manufacturers. They might be something you would want to check into further. t---=ashions up .:or grabs ~~r:ttaili~-cShe's off to France to show ~ paintings 1n Bordeaux ! ' I• I I I. ·his Fall "Fashion is up for grabs," says . •hyllis Sues. "There are .many hoices for fall. and accessories re more important than ashlons." And, according to Travilla, here is no statement, no one tyle and no skirt length to be onsidered. "Just be pretty," he ays. Sues and Travilla were two of ie four California designers resenting their fall collections at show hos t e d by The ashionables for the National ederation of Press Women's )nvention at the Disneyland :otel. Chairwoman Peggy Cotton 1troduced Fashionables founder lildred Mead , who in turn r ese nted Sues, Travilla , hristin e Albers and Walter •ppe nheimer , husband of esigner Helga. Each narrated a 5-minute segment of the fast- aced show featuring the music f the New York Music ompany. More than 50 of their tShions were spotlighted. Helga, now recovering from .trgery and unable to attend the 10W, and Mr. 0 travel to Europe Nice a year to purchase fabric >r her creations. She is known >r her dresses and ensembles of meless good taste, luxurious rools and silks and d etailed Jnstruction. Travilla designs soft. feminine lothes and says "I simply make 1omen more beautiful." He has ion academy awards for his ashions and at present is esigning the wardrobe for the ~BC-TV series based on the ovel "The Thom Birds." Christine AJbers' collection is xused on suedes and the softest f leathers combined with cotton, atln and wool. She was born in ierman y and ha s been Pe.tect for that big social evening is Helga's Jame gown. the skirt is fashioned with a split up the left side for ease and the creation can be topped with its own matching jacket. recognized by the Los Angeles Chamber of C.omtnerce for her contribution to the California fashion industry. Sues has also been recognized by the LA chamber for her contribution to the appare l industry. The New York native was a dancer before her career as a d1..>&igner began 12 years ago. The fashion ad.vice she gave to the viewers: ''Don't throw anything a way. it will be coming back." People getting ready for vacation trips eeldom mind the drudgery of packing for a holiday, but it can be a chore nevertheless. There la the problem of the wardrobe to consider - sightseeing clothes, dre11y clothes for evening, walking shoes, raingear, etc. Then there are personal Items and ... the list goes on and on. For Penny McManigal, the packing is monwnental as she gets ready for a trip to Bordeaux, France. Not only must the Newport Beach artist consider the wardrobes for herself and the three other members of her family, her "baggage" includes five crates of her paintings which will be on exhibit in Bordeaux from June 24 to July 17. Preparing 62 paintings for shipment is complicated, Penny explained . .Each work of art has to be individually wrapped for the (light aboard Air France. Insurance papers have to be filled out. Then there will be a repeat of the whole procedure when the paintings are returned home. The exhibit, the artist's first outside the United Stat.es, will be in the Galerie France. the gallery of Bernard Ginestet, previbus owner of the Chateau Mflrgaux. The French people will have the opportunity to v.iew Southern California lifestyle as depk:t.ed in PelUly's watercolors and acrylies. Accompanying the artist on th.la trip will be her husband, Paµl. daughter, Lisa, and son, Scott. The McManigals will be the hou.e guests of the Ginestets, who now reside in the Chateau Dufort. for the first week of the exhibit. Meeting them there for the opening will be Penny's mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hinempi of Sacramento. On the first day of the show, the family ,will have another cause for celebration. Scott will be observing his 14th birthday. While the family continues its vacation in Switzerland, where they will meet the John Cashions of Newport Beach, Lisa, 16, will remain at the chateau for seven more weeks and participate In the Los Angeles Slater City Exchange program. The McManigals will return to Bordeaux and the Chateau Dufort for Bastille Day celebrations July 14. Then Penny, Paul and Scott will go to Paris on July 19 where Paul will take pan in the unveiling of a n ew French Ford automobile. Paul is a vice president for Ford Aerospace, Newport Beach. Penny, a second generation Californian, was born in Orange C.ounty. She received her BA at Pomona C.ollege, took graduate art work at Oakland School of Art and Design, Rex Brandt workshops and at Laguna Beach School of Art. She has had nine one-woman shows and nearly 20 group shows. She is listed in Outstanding Young Women of America and her art work hangs in private collections of both individuals and corporations throughout the U .S . and in Europe. Her community involvement includes having serve~ as a Newport Beach City Arts com.missioner from 1965 to 1970, Junior League of Newport Harbor , National Charity League, Newport Harbor Art Museum, district liaison board for the Mentally Gifted program of Newport-Mesa School District. American Field Service board and director of Shennan Gardens Art Gallery 1969-1971. Believing that children should be encouraged to develop their creativity in some some art fonn 'at an early age, Penny taught children's art workshops for the Newport Harbor Museum. And when did Penny begin her own art training? "M y mother s ays I was drawing and showing an interest in art by the time I was 2 years old." A Trio of Travilla's creations: I..A»w' torso black silk tulle dress overl.ayed with golden lace ruffles c:>Ut a t the hemline at left. Gold accents the elongated blouson, t cen ter, and model a t right WHn P,lHted satin layered in petals. San Francisco • R?Oring Camp Hearst Castle . Also Vlsltln1: Paul Muson Mntry, ....... , .. , Ptdftc Coast Hwy to Sin .._ July 21 -24 • $1 ~ Call lol• Pl Imel '~uhlon llllftd ,14.-1 Security Protection Do You OWn A Safe? can It Hold ALL Your Valuables? How About A W•lk·ln l•fe? Atford1ble Security For ",__,.~et.._.., .. ,.., .. , Home Of Offioe • ~· • ~· Cltl Our Coneuttent ! !it : '¥5:-.:.. -.... ' ... °'-'ll!,.._,.• ... va1u __ ..... '°"-,...J iii :e:-..= CIC • r:..'Z:"· , ......,. • ...,rn I ~ I ·' ' I J f • Orange COUt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 20. 1912 Cl • • • Designers show oH 't heir fashions for the Fall . Gobs of fun on tap for Commodores' Ball THE COMMODORES' CLUB of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its 23rd annual Commodores' Ball Friday, June 25, at the Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club. Cocktails will be served at 6:30 p.m. poolside with dining and dancing following in the Pacifica Ballroom. Black tie optional. JOAN BENETT, blouse buyer at Nordstrom, will present a fashion seminar "Wardrobe Basics to Build Upon" Friday, June 25, 11:30 a.m. at South Coast Plaza in the Nordstrom Sportswear Dep@rtment. Informal modeling and refreshments. In conjunction with South Coast Medical Center's 23rd anniversary, 1 the SILVER AND GOLD CHAPTER of the Auxiliary will sponsor a Monte Carlo Night Saturday, June 26, from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. Fun and games will take place in the doctor s' and auxiliary parking level of the parking structure. FRIENDS OF SOUTH COAST REPERTORY Huntington Valley Guild will meet June 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mim Helfrich, 10438 Klamath River Circle, Fountain Valley. Officers will be elected. Newport Center Sunrise ROTARY CLUB will hold a pancake breakfast Saturday, June 26, at Fashion Island parking lot (between the Broadway and the Marriott Hotel) from 7 to 11 a.m. Tickets may be purchased at the site. A champagne brunch has been scheduled Sunday, June 27, at noon by the LIFE..,BEGINS AT 40 SINGLES. Reser<tations are necessary for the event being held in Charlie Brown's, Beach and Edinger, Huntington Beach. 894-9471 or · 630-2494 may be called. RESERVE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION will host a buffet dinner and tour Friday, June 25, at Newport Harbor Art Museum. Tours begin at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7:45 p.m. Reservations are necessary and may be made by calling Richard L . Haeussler at 973-0776. South Couc ,..,, • COila Mna C1. • 64 'o()JSJ • PHYLLIS SUES 'There's lots of choices available in fall fashions' says Phyms S ues. Four of her choices are at left in stripes and prints. At right, model wear striped split skirt and her black top is covered wi t h jack et lea turing Iron t panel detailing. Daily Pilot Photos by Gary Ambzwe 177 Riverside Ave., Newport Beach, CA 92663 (714) 642-5422 Conveniently local.ct behind Newport 8eect'I Poet C>mc. THE COLORS OF LOVE. Express your love in a special way with prec ious colored gems and diamonds. The brill· iance of these wedding bands reflects the su- perb quality we insist on. Let us help you select from our callee tlon. With diamonds ·in 14 karat yellow gold: A. Sapphires. $1.200. B. Rubies. $1 .800. C. Emeralds. $1 .500. Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renowned Jewelers Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA MESA First /et>f!I, Bullock'• wing. (714) 751 -5640 Allin rn luJ V"'lo' In 11>1· ~01111011 Sl>ou • • .. 1 . .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /8und1y, June 20, 1182 Children's Home Society groups hold ·caper IY VIDA DEAN or-...._ .... ._ MUSIC, MAOIC, MYSTICISM and *" loaded wtth food and drtnk IUITOU)\ded the decka of the Cannery when four auxillarlea of Ch.Udren'1 Home Society pulled off the l8COnd annual fund·ralal.oa caper. Th• mor• than 600 that attended were entertained by Juon Chue, country po!inpr and by the maliC of David RUlleU from laland. Othen Uned up for tarot card readlnp y phyak: Louil Anthony RUllO when they weren't boat hopplnc for food which was aerved conUnuoualy for four houn. Mm Huntington Beach, Gina RJvadeneyra, attended u dJd her parents, George and Sandy, and her arandmother Melba Ceccarelli, who won a porcelain 1tatue from Spain that had been donated by J . Jessops of Newport Beach. Don and Diane Dillon were grand prize winners of a Cannery weekend -a Saturday night at Lido Shores Hotel, a dinner and a cruiae brunch. Others attending included Barbara and Ray DeMott (she's president of NB Auxiliary), Carol Harvey, president of Ayudantes, Susan and Robert Beechner, Sally and Al Phillips, Judy and Ralph Morgan, Anne and Tom Forbes, Barbara Burns, new CHS council president, and Dorothy Fitzgerald, director of CHS volunteers. I MAGICIAN AT WORK -David Russell performs a little magic for committee m embers Kay Polovina, left, and Judy Cassity, both of Huntington Beach. Other committee members assisting at the CHS fund raiser were Nancy Locke of ~ion Viejo, Faye Berger of San Clemente, Nanette Sutherland of Newport Beach and Shirley Harris of Huntington Beach. CHAIRWOMAN -Florence Clarke, left, was in charge of the Fountain Valley Mayor's Ball. With her and discussing the city's 25th anniversary celebration are Chamber of Commerce president Franklin Bryant and Mrs. Bryant. Paid Advertisemenr DONATION: The AdopUon Guild pretent.ed two ch ka -one fOl' $36.J..OOO and one for $1,000 to Holy Family Serv1l'ft. ·1·ne 1UUd hu promlled anoth r $6,000 before October for a total of $41,000 thll year. Tho 1ulld'1 recent 211t birthday party at ~11 and Chattin brought In $4,000 of ~ funda. Phylll1 Catpenter, one of Cannell and Chaffin'• deelanert and a l\llld member, and owe Hill co..chalrecJ the event. WED 10 YEARS: Mr. and Mrt. Theodore A. Moeer of Corona del Mar celebrated thelr 60th weddlna anniversary at the Newport Beach Elka Club. Ther were married June 13, 1922, and have lived In Orange County for the put 43 years. He la a reUred safety engineer from the Cali!omJa State Depanment of Industrial Relatlona and Mn. Moeer la a reUred teacher from the Loe A.nplea city achoola 1yatem. MAYOR'S BALL: Mayor Marvin Adler and members of the Fountain Valley council were honored at the annual Mayor's Ball held In Mile Square Golf Club. Supervisor Roger Stanton presented Adler with a plaque noting his community service and a second plaque was given to him by Franklin Bryant, FY Chamber of Commerce president. The ball was part of the city's 2~th anniverslry celebration and during the evening plans were revealed for a fountain fCfr Fountain Valley. Woody Young showed the almost 100 guests the drawings of the fountain which will be in front of the City Hall. Dancing music was provided by the Home Savings of America Band conducted by Dick Emmons. A GOLDEN DAY: Margaret and Lawrence Loughery of Costa Mesa observed their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday at a surprise party in Costa Mesa Community Center. They were married June 24, 1932, in St. John Catholic Church at Glasgow, Scotland, and emigrated to the United States in 1965. Attending their recent celebration were guests and relatives from Scotland, the honorees' five &Ona, three .daughters and their spouses along with 16 grandchildren and one great grandchild. "t... PALS AND PLANS: "After lunch we all went over to see J>i\ar's new home. She's moving in September," said Lee Minnelli. Lee (she's wife to Vincent and step-mother to Liza) came down from her Beverly Hills home to lunch with Pilar Wayne and another longtime friend, Claudia Mirki.J\ at Tony Roma's on Coast Highway. Joining the threesome was Terry Buchanan who is director of all the Tony Roma's restaurants in California. The restaurant will cater the affair when Pilar gets into her home. "They don't usually cater, but Terry agreed to for Pilar," Lee added. Also Lee said she bad just talked with Liza from New York. Liza and her husband, Mark Gero, were off for Europe for the maiden run of the revived Oriental Express. ~ JI GIFTS FOR A SONG -Singer Jason Chase appearing at Medley's and Haryoon He~'11 Nancy Locke and daughter caryn, 9, ch6 out the items offered for sale at the Capen Thieves Market. Items not sold went to the CHS Thrift Shop which opened its doon June 4 and took in a hefty $19,000. CHS geta ~l cents out of every dollar the store brtnp in. READY FOR RIBS -Lee Minnelli, second from left, hosted a luncheon at Tony Roma's for friend Pilar Wayne, right. Joining them are Claudia Mirk:in and Terry Buchanan, direct.or of all Tony Roma's restaurants. ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Supervisor and Mrs. Roger St.ant.on, left, chat with Linda and Ben Nielsen at the Fountain Valley Mayor's Ball. Nielsen is a member of the city council. Effortless Exercise: CAPERS HOST -Bill Hamilton, Cannery owner, and restaurant manager Annerose Beech join Nanette Sutherland, left, CHS auxiliary member, on one of the food boats. Auxiliaries participating in the Capers were Newport Beach, Ayudantes of Mission Viejo, Las Damas of San Clemente and Tiara de Ninos of Huntington Beach. ~ LOVING COUPLE -Fountain Valley Mayor Marvin Adler kisses Mrs. Adler or Mrs. Adler kisses the mayor at a ball honoring him. The evening of dancing, dining and music was in Mile Square Golf Club. The Story Behind Electronic Exercise Using the muscle stimulator, combined with Bio·Health Center·s ravorite diet, Brad As pin went from a size 38 pant to size :.> in just 21h weeks. His mother Norma saw s1m1lar results (size 12 to size 8> in the same 18 day period. These are just two of the many successful & happy Bio·Health Center customers. That's why people are Clocking to Bio·Health Center on 17th Street in Costa Mesa and becoming regular participants o( e lectronic exercise with am a zing results. The principle behind this phenomenon is straight·forward. In a so-called "voluntary·~ contraction, that is to say during e .. eryday movement, the brain sends a signal along a nerve to the "motor joint" of a muscle. This signal, similar to a weak electric currentT is a message to the muscles to contract. I n e I e ctr o · m u-s cul a r s ti m ulationl at Bio-Health Ce nter, electrOdes in the form of conductive rubber pads are placed on the surface of the skin over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups. When a very weak electronic current Is applied through the pads, the signal finds its way through the skin to these motor points and causes the muscles to contract, just as if it bad received a signal from the brain. During the contraction or these muscles, the muscles are actually expending energy and doing the work. Patrons of Bio-Health often comment that the exercise feels thorou&h and really woru the entire muscle. Most say you have to try lt to appreciate it. Doctors aay that 45 minutes or stimulation is equivalent to-800 to 1,500 sit-ups and/or leg raises. Despite exercising your muscles 80().1,500 Umes in 45 minutes, persons feel no pain durin1 treatment and moat don't even feel that familiar aoreneu llke lo normal exerclH. The current stimulates clrculaUon "bicb·at u. . ....,. ti~ the mUICMi e1:w-.,.-lild toxlDI. Blo-Healtb Center. 'par&Mlpn• do r..i a ...,..._.. ;and ftl ...... of their maeltl wl 1ver1 oft•n 1fter \be lat .......... As Seen on Channel 7 Bio·Heallh Center is currently treating men and women from the ages of 18 to 87 years old. Some come to Bio·Heallh Center just for the exercise firming up their flabby muscles and improving their overall body tone . Others, who are over· weight, combine this electronic exercise with Bio·Health Center's favorite diet program allowing a s ubstantial weight and inch loss. At first people say it feels strange and are amazed at how thoroughly it exercises the muscles. Then they relax and progressively work through their 45 minute treatment. Afterwards persons experience a five minute relaxation cycle t~at feels like a massage. Doctors are sending their patients to Bio·Health Center for th is outstanding exercise progz:a.m. In some. cases, these persons are unable to do normal exercise due to back injury, etc., allowing them to now exercise muscles for the first time in years. Bio-Health Center bas a nominal charge to try this wonder machine. On your first visit a trained techrucian will do a full set of body measurements then let you lie atop a padded table for treatment that will take approximately 45 minutes. During this lime the technician will educate you further on what ls transpiring, which gives you further understanding of the sensations you are feeling. After your first treatment, the • technician w{ll remeasure & calculate the results. First time users have experienced inch loss varying from 2" to 9" overall. This change Is primarily caused by lbe toning of the muscle due to the extensive exercise It has just completed. ' This type or equipment has ~been widely uaed In both the medical field and ln areas of professional sporta. In medicine, electronic' atimulation has been wldely used In hoapiuls tor tbe rt·educ1tloa of paralyaed rouacles. In tbeM c ... ~ ....,.. vol'4ntary •••re lie la imPollible, there II olmouaiJ no 1ub1t1tute for electrical ttlmul1tion. In e1ae1 of paraplegia or homiplegla following a stroke, electro muscular s timulation is invaluable for preventing loss or tone or atrophy in affected muscles. Other areas of medical use in clude the treatment of bed sores by improving muscle tone and blood circulation. In Sports. hamstring, muscle strain and other injuries have been treated by doctors without risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits or muscle stimulation In the treatment of musc le and ligament injuries. The practical ad vantages of greatly reducing the time spent by top players inactive due to injury can be imagined. East Europeans became the roremost exponents of electrical stimulation for muscle power tt;fllning. Other countries are using muscle stimulation to train every type . of athlete - from the endurance needed by long distance runners, to explosive power required by sprinters and high jumpers. The fastest girl in the world, Angella Taylor, Cor example, uses muscle stimulation in training. Electronic exercise, however, i s not for everyone . The stimulation could interfere with pacemakers worn by persons with heart disease, pregnant women and persons who carry meta I in t h el r a bdomeos because or SU((ery. Long gone .ue the days when control of calorie intake waa belleved to be the only way to keep in shape. Modem thlnklna now concludes that exercise Is an essential factor in the quest for total body health. Bio·Healtb Center in Costa Mesa also s.,.ciallaes in other European cooce1;>ts which include Cellulite Control and U .V.A. Tanning Beds ancl Equipment. U you want to be more aid", alive and haft • srut ..... body wtthout UM drud1efi .fj • atrenuoth· •••retie •D• uncomfortable dlet pro1..-. ••t ln on tbe actlon incl trJ: '1vtn1 Blo-lt.altb Center on l'nh lft Cc.ta v.. • eall. 8'&-771'1. ----·- Kelly Young Is In her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, whlle her machine Is keeping her In shape with Its electrical Impulses. The familiar algn of Bl~Health Center on 17th Street In Costa m-oonvenlently located In the Von's Shopping Center .846-7117 ' r av ll'UO&IUClt ICllOEMEHL (( ................ l'URNACE CR&!:K -In Aprtl, A record 10~. 000 pereon1 vl11\ed Dea th Valley Na tlonal Monument, S,000 aquare mil of 10me of th moet barren and luah, hotteet and coldeat, loweet and hflhtft terrain ln the \'Ut California deeert. And, It a trend e1C.bliahed over recent years holda up, the 1prawUna detert park with attlactlona Wee Hella Gate Oevl11 Golf Courae, Coffin Peak and the Funer;i Mountains will be the de1Unation ot a record number of au!':'l"er visitors. Vhlt Death Valley, where ground ternperaturee can hit 190 degrees, in the tummer? You've aot to be kJdd~. • Admittedly, \he trip• not for everyone. Ftcures compiled by the National Park Service, whJch administers the park, indicate many will go, however. Last June, more than 46,000 ~ns visited the national monument. The p'revious year's June figure was 37 ,500. Last July, 44,000 visited the park about 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas, compared to 36,600 during July 1980. And last August, more than 52,000 persons went through the park, nearly 15,000 more than the previous August. Temperatures ln Death Valley last week were runnina in the 110 to 115-degree range. That's not bad, when you consider it once hit a record-setting 134 degrees. Who visits ihe vast desert valley, its unique geological formations, its old mining camps and the venerable Scotty's Castle in such weather? "We get a lot of foreign visitors," commented an official at the visitor center located at park headquarters here. The air-conditioned center opens at 8 a.m. daily. Random interviews with visitors confirmed that m any were from Germany, France and England. One German student said Death Valley was among "the top 10" on the list of places he was e.ncouraged to visit before corning to the United States. "Is the Grand Canyon not too far from here?" he ;-sked hopefully, wiping the back of his hand aero. his forehead. A lot of other summer visitors are vacation campers. They can be found under one of the few cottonwood trees at the Mesquite Springs campground at the valley's north end (just a couple of iniles from Scotty's Castle), nestled in the tall tamarisk bushes at Furnace Creek or enjoying the temperate afternoon breeze at Mahogany Flat campground, a full 8,000 feet in the Panamint Mountains east of Wildrose Station. Mahogany Flat is one of the best summer camp spots due to its elevation. Days there are warm, nights sweatshirt-<X>OI. It's a small campground and sites are spread out among pinon and juniper trees. For the fit, there's a trail leading from the campground to the summit of 11,049-foot Telescope Peak, the highest point in the monument. There is nothing like the view from the top of Tele9COpe -to the east Is Badwater, 280 feet below sea level; to the northwest is snow-capped Mt. Whitney in the Sierra Nevada. No trip to Death Valley is complete witho!f a . visit to Scotty's Castle, located at the extreme north end of the monument. Villa d'Este now a By ST AN DELAPLANE CERNOBBIO, Italy -Caroline of Brunswick was a busty piece of Sachertort.e rnit der $chlag. Her marriage to the Prince of Wales "wasn't working out" as they say. So she came to northern Italy and bought the Villa d'F.ste on the shores of Lake Como. It's a grand hotel now, but much of Caroline is preserved. The gardens have been tended sinc:e 1568 when it was built by an Italian Cardinal. Some Cardinal! He built villas a day apart Crom Rome to Como, so that in traveling, he could sleep every night under his own roof. The world was Caroline's oyster and she found a number of Italian oystermen lO help open the shells. She spent her genti!rous alloVl(ance improving Villa d'Este. In the gardens, stone Greek gods nod in niches. An avenue of cypress goes up the mountainside where Hercules has put a half-Nelson on Lyca. (Actually, a famous show girl of the 18th century and her Marquis QUSband planted the cypress, but Caroline used Ute solid gold watering can.) Afte five years, she returned to England where George was to be crowned kmg. He pushed her out the door of Westminster Abbey and divorced her. Since 1873, ·Villa d'Este has been a grand hotel. It has sheltered princes and poets and presidents. (Clark Gable once had my room. It gives you a heady feeling). The drapes are silk brocade. Silk brocade covers the chairs. The elevators are padded with it. From oil paintings ln the marbled corridors, Italian counts sneer down at American millionaires and· the millionaires sneer back. What will surprise you is that it's less expensive than any other deluxe hotel in the world. The dollar buys a third more in Italy than it did last year. The cost per day for a couple is $155. You get with it a big buffet breakfast. (Unusual in Europe where they consider roll& and coffee enough). And l it includes taxes and tips. (Almost unheird of in Europe. The room price is stated. When you get the bill, 15 percent service and 10 percent taxes have • been added on). I A little more than half the people who come ¥re are Americans. Mario Arrigo, the manager, said: "After that, the Italians getting away from the heat of Rome. Then English, Germans. And six percent we get from Auatralia." , Italy, always a country of city-stat.es, has been a unified nation only alnce 1870 -three years before the Vllla d'lllie became a hotel. Am,o teU. the AUltl'aliaN. "We are younger chan yo\l are." The A__. are deliahted. They go back to Sydney and ..,read the word trom King's era. to Bondi beach. We walk to the villaae of Cernobblo. It's a pretty little plKe with • half dozen inN where you ' .. t • • I These sand dunes are Stovepipe Wells. I The castle, on which work began in 1.922, was owned by a wealthy ChicagQan, Albert Johnson. He called it Death Valley Ranch. The name Scotty's Castle came from one. of the valley's more colorful characters, onetime prospector and· wild west showman Walter Scott. Scott, or Death Valley Scotty as he was known, was a frequent visitor to the ranch who entertained · Johnson and his friends with tales of lost gold mines and desert hi-jinks. The castle sits high in Grapevine Canyon. Both an ample water supply and large cottonwood trees are located by the castle entrance. It's an excellent spot to have a picnic lunch. Tours of the castle are offered daily by the parks service. If you 're planning a summer visit to Death Valley, st.op at one of the park ranger stations and pick up a copy of "Hot Weather Hints" and check on local conditions. Whatever you do, take along extra water and gasoline. If your car breaks down, stay with it. More than one desert traveler has collapsed and died walking to get help. If you're planning on venturing into the backcountry on some of the park's many jeep roads, best to let a ranger know. While paved roads are patrolled regularly during the summer, jeep roads are not. And if it just seems too hot and too desolate, hop in your car, truck or motor home and drive over to Beatty, Nev. , You can get a cold beer at the Exchange Club,. play the slot machines and cool off until the sun goes down. grand ho t el can get pasta and prosciutto and melon -melon's in season. · There are e xcellent silk shops. The lake country produces all Italian silk and exports.printed silk to the best boutiques of the world. It's three miles from Switzerland. Americans from Villa d'Este go over to buy American cigarettes we can't get in Italy. . The Swiss come over here. Italians detest them -even though they speak Swiss-Italian. They tell you, "The Swiss franc is so strong. they can get lire cheap In Switzerland. Then they come over here and buy all the groceries in the st.ores." • The Swiss are very straight arrow too. Italians find them a dull bunch. It's magnificent weather now. Warm daya. One blanket nignta. The VWa has floated an enonnous swimming pool IN the lake. You can have lunch on the decks or in the grill room or in the open...air ~~ terved on the terrace in front of the hotel. And in the summer evenin8s you overhear: "And then I aaid to the Prince -." It's the doJce vita. By direct plane from the U.S. t.o Milan. I took the Trans European ExpretS, 8 ~ hours from Paria and it's a wonderful amooth, comfortable tide. The U.S. dollar baa been aoma up. Travel apnta book it and thete people will tend you a brochure: Vllla d'F..t.e, Coernobblo, Italy. ... Otanoe Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Jun• 20, 1112 visitors -.... Death Valley's a nice place to visit, but don't drinl< the water. No trip to Dea th Valley is complete without a visit to Scotty's Castle, l ocat e d in Grapevin e Canyon st the extr e m e north e nd of th e valley. The castle was named aft er one of the valley's 'iiilfi;j~ijt;;;;;~~~~,r~~~~~~~::= m 0 r e c 010 r f u 1 !I characters, Walter S cot t , mor e affection a tely known as De a th Valley Scotty. In one o1 the most dramatic changes in the history o1 Las· V egos gaming, we've re-set virtually all of our slots to the most frequent pay-offs available in ·southern Nevada. All types. All denominations. Except the giant jackpot machµ)es. Simply stated, it means you can win more and play longer at the Frontier. So come staywith us and wear a winning sm.lle. · Speclczl Room Rate •11 ==:~- I ' .. Oranpe COUt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June to, 1882 ·An wmit me-----... to AT&r share owners: . . 918 ·antl•Bell blll , • -~-=--.. --.-~- conHnUes to move through Congress. The time to speak out Is now If H.R. 5158 becomes law, it will aid foreign competition, handcuff Bell Laboratories' research, and-f9F00-6€11 customers-to subsidize other companies foryearS to come. Your opinion is influential in Washington. The thousands of letters from BeH System share owners, written in response to my message to you some months ago, caused many, many members of Con- gress to take a closer look at the issues. Laboratories research and Western Electric manufac- turing processes; -increase government regulation in the name of promoting competition; -encourage foreign competitors and erect new barriers to the introduction ofBellpystem innovations; Most of your letters arrived before Congress recessed for the Easter holiday. Now, the legislative calendar is movtng ahead. And so is H.R. 5158. The • bill is now before the full House Energy and Com- merce Committee, and a vote may be taken soon. · -legislate handicaps and shackles which apply to AT&T and only to AT&T. I Your opinion will make a difference. Please write or telephone your U.S. Representative n9w. The Congress is responsive to the electorate, but only if you express your opinion when the time comes to do so. -H.R 5158 will ~ally ensure years of law- suits in connection with the divestiture of the Bell operating companies and, in the meantime, disrupt access to the financial markets. . If you need more informc;.ttion on H.R. 5158 or the names of members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, pl~ase telephone toll free : If you have any doubt about how your inter- ..J ests, as well as the_publics interest, would be compro- mised by H.R. 5158 in its present form, may I remind . 800 25 7-5050. If you live in New Jersey, call you of some of its flaws. . , Legal tangles. An international folly. 800 452-0200. The numbers will be in operation from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Please speak out for your country and your company. It is not your self-interest alone which compels careful examination of the many unwise and unfair provisions contained in H.R. 5158. The Amer- H.R. 5158 is, as The Washington Post has · commented, "excessively cumbersome:' The Post said the bill could create "an even greater tangle of legal _ restrictions than the past one from which divestiture is now supposed to free AT&T." _ Dr. Otto Eckstein, chairman of Data Resources, Inc., and Professor of Econom- ics af Hruvard University, is only one of many authorities who have expressed objections to the bill. He has called H.R. 5158 a "folly' because it would undermine Americas interna- tional competitive position "in one of the half dozen critical areas of high technology. the telecommunications field:' H.R: 5158 will: -require Bell customers to subsi.dize other long dis- , tance companies; -give fo~ign-based com- petitors access to Bell . ' • ' I I Why AT&T la spending •hare owner money to · publish this advertlaement: A Committee vote on H.R. 5158 may be taken soon. and this newspaper advertisement ts the quickest. most economical means to reach share owners with the facts while there ts still time to act. Our opponent ts not the U.S. Congress. We are up against a consortium of big, resourceful competitors. both foreign and domestic. They are persisting ln a vtgorous anti-Bell campaign because they have much to gain from some provisions ofH.R. 5158. You can be certain your representative in Congress Is hearing from them. Our opponent is also the complexity of the Issues that must be resolved. the Implications and details of which are as yet fully understood by only a handful of people. This makes It easy for special Interests to get away with the myth that H.R. 5158 is somehow mostly designed to protect consumers against higher local phone rates. These are the reasons why you need to express your point of view to your Representative in Congress. And why your Representative deserves to hear from you -now. before the vote. We are aware, Qf course. that many people who are • l')Ot Bell System share own1rs will ·read th ts message. We see no harm ln that. If these arguments for the fair treatment of share owners andlor evenhanded national policy cannot stand the test of publlc scrutiny. they wlll surely not stand the test of scrutiny by the Congress. ican consumer, the American worker and Amerjcas leader- ship in telecommunications will, in the end, be protected- or compromised-by whatever new national policies the Con- gress adopts and enacts. As it stands, H.R. 5158 is a bad bill. The workload of the Congress is heavy. The legisla- tive agenda is loaded with diffi- cult issues. Lets not sit by idly and watch bad legislative pro- posals advance because we failed to speak out. Please com- municate with your Represen- tative in Congress and do so right away-today. ·~~· C.L. Brown, Chairman, AT&T • I ' .. I .._rtl9'A .... llllJ Plllt ~~f ... N'lel4•11-11.1 Stocke of Oranse County High m· IUNOAY, JUN! to, 1912 low • IJrms are listed on D2. CloHd , REAL ESTATE 03 110· National market action .HOROSCOPE oe ::111., CROSSWORD 08 is summarized on D4-5. Cables to boost consumers' grapevine____..,. UWlr.,..... HOME BANKING -Dr. Emily Card wonde rs if consumers are ready to handle financial matters via cable TV. By STEPHEN FOX ................ .,..., SANTA MONICA -ln the near future, you may pay billl, do banking and rener,ally handle credit and financial mat\enl over the same cable that dellven1 your TV .Pl"Olf8llW· Dr. Emily Card la afrfjd you're not reedv to deal with that. "I'm very concerned becaUle I think that conaumere will need, in this new electronic age, an Information source and perhaps even an advocacy source that is centralized and able to be accessed easily," she said. "I want to translate the experience we've had in helping co nsumers i nto financial information that will be available over cable and other two-way capacities, whatever way the technology shapes up." Mrs. Card, president of a new company called Cable Card Inc., has plenty of experience helping consumers with credit matters. As a staffer for former Sen. William Brock, R-Tenn., in 1973, ahe helped draft and pus the landmark Equal Credit Opportunity Act which outlawed credit discrimination hued on leX. She later ran credit hotline projects at the University of California anq at Harvard and has authored many articlee on credit and finance. Mrs. Card's int.erst in credit was piqued, and so waa she, when she waa turned down for a credit card in 1968. ''When I came to California, they had just gotten the BankAmerlcards under way. I came o ut to teach at UC Riverside. I was earning a substantial salary and I went to apply for a BankAmericard. '"they sent me a letter back and it literally said, 'YQu cannot have a credit card in your own name because you're married.' I didn't like it, but I didn't know what to do. I complained but we finally just got the credit card in my husband 'a name," she THE WRIGHT W ~ Y -Hal and Evelyn Wright and their sons Jeff. left, and Stephen Dl9r Plet,......,, NdWd K....._ mark the half century their family has provided hardware supplies in Costa Mesa. Claim to title hammered do~n Wrigh t family's hardware store Mesa's oldest business The H. W. Wright family has watched the city of Costa Mesa built up around them for ~O years and provided many of the saws, hammers, drills and nails for the remodeling. When the quick lunch business at their Newport Beach waterfront restaurant slowed in the winter months, Harry W. Wright and his wife Claire moved to Costa Mesa in 1932 and switched catee1"11. Wright bought old homes that were being tofn down and salvaged anything he could eell -old lumber, plumbing or hardware. With a lot -of hard work and skills, the inventory grew to ,include new merchandiae and a large lumber yard.. Their IOtl Harry W. Wright Jr. grew up helping in the business that he lnherlted ln 1964. Of the earlier days he recalls, .. We were operating before Pink'• (fonner dn.lg store and eoda fountain, uaually COnside:red · to be the oldest busine9s in Costa Mesa). Newport Boulevard was a tree-lined street ,pien with train tracks on the o~ Slde. "The street dance at t he Scarecrow Carnival was the biggest event in town with a population of 3,000. That was way before the Fiah Fry." The present store, at 126 Rochester St., was built in 1956 and an electronics annex opened in 1962 as the empbaals switched to industrial hardware for two decades. Now .. although there's a 100-year-old steam engine in the display window, do-it- youraelfers comprise mo8l of the clientele, and their projects are less arduous. "We have one of the largest bolt stocks in Orange County and a comp~te metals warehou8e," said Wright, au~veylng the shelves of mostly packaged stock. "We also import a steady supply of special tools from Eng_land and Germany for woodworkers, sculptors and hobbyists." Such diversity a nd adaptability add to the store's long run. ~ Even the non-mechanically inclined can browse through displays of antique books, yacht lanterns and old farm engines. Wright recently bought -and quickly sold out -20,000 photographs of foreign scenes and landscapes taken from 1870 to 1920. ·With their own offspring involved in the business, the Wrights look forward to Saturdays -"family days" - when customers come with their children in tow, about to get a lesaon in home repairs. Two weeks ago shoppers were treated to cakes marking the store's SOth anniversary. Joining in the celebration were Mrs. Claire Wright and granddaughters Janice Wright of Costa Mesa and Kathleen Nash of Canyon Lake. recalled in an interview at her offlce. ••tt really lrrl\ated me, because about two years later I was traveUna, and I wu still fairly YOt.IJ\8 to be a profemor, and I had been at a big academic conference in Chicago, and I went to check out of the Parker Houae in Chicago. ''They didn't want to let me uae my credit card bec:aUle It had Mrs. rather than Dr. Emily Card. 1 can't tell you how upeettlng and embarra.alng that was." That experience, and other situations where she was denied credit, led Mrs. Card to begin l'e8eal'Chlng the whole issue of women's credit. She found that lenders just didn't think of women as financial entitles unless they were connected to a male wage- eamer and she set out to change that. Brock said it was 0 your effort, the quality of your research and your persistence which brought us to the .successful conclusion achieved" with the passage of the ECOA. Although lenders are foraid to act differently toward women today, Mrs. Card says, their underlying attitudes haven't changed all that much. "Lenders are not people w ho are going to resist the Jaw overtly. SO basically now what we have ls a situation where a lender wtl1 think about women in the old way but be aware he has an obll1atlon to think a new way," she said. ''The second problem concerns the whole history of women's financial position. In a more traditional family where a woman has never played a very large financial role, she iB still going to have problems with credit." Mrs . Card, whose husband Kent Brosveen is a musician, has done a great deal of personal credit consulting over the years. Now ahe is trying to use the new Sav e y our wa y to financial independence By PATRICK J. KENNEDY or-.o.ii,,......., Ever get the Monday morning workday blues and feel like quitting your job? Newport Beach attorney and financial author Don Olson bets you have. And he claims to know the combination that unlocks the gates to financial freedom and early reti.rement. Olson says if you follow the philoeophy and plans of his new book. "How You Can Quit Your Job and Have the Money to Do It," you can be as financially i.J¥iependent as he claims to be. Olson s;/§8 that seven years ago, at age 49, he quit as city attorney of Inglewood and immediately moved into an expensive waterfront apartment at the Balboa Bay Club. He says he hasn't wor~ sinoe, but spends most of his time playing tennis, reading, listening to classical music and watching movies on his five-foot-wide television screen. Olson says almost any able-bodied person can afford to quit his job if he ia motivated and follch.rs the 15-year-plan included in his $15 book. "One must have a non-apologetic love of money, discipline to save and the ability to work hard," Olson says. The hard work may include mooniightlng at a second job, Olson explains. He admits that the first part of his 256-page book reads like a philosophical pep talk encouraging a love of money and an appreciation for what it can do. The second portion details savings plans , especially encouraging investments in money-market certificates. Graphs in the book indicate that if a person saves $300 a month and invests wisely for 15 years, his net worth will be about $149,000, with a yearly income of about $16,000 from interest dividends. ''The key is saving money, but it takes diacipline," Olson says. "The average American spends more on movies. cigarettes or booze than he saves." electronic technologies to reach more people. "People's credit questions are linked with other queetiona, but it.'• my feeling that the problenw fall into sufficiently clear patterns that I can communicate the solutions on a more mu1 basis," she said. "My vision ls that we will all be doing our banking In the future in the comer of our U~ room (through cable television), she said, explaining that the problem with that ls consumen will be taught how to do it by tq companies who may not always be on their side. "Some of the companies we've had to work against to get our laws will be the same companiee that are pro~r,mming for consum e rs what their information is. "There are 'already companies that we've had to help consumers take stands against that are the ones providing consumers with this information." To be successful savers, Olson says, Americans must throw away "self-destructive" cliches such as "easy come, easy go," or "you can't take it with you." Olson, a bachelor, was born in Duluth', Minn. AUTHOR'S ADVICE -Don Olson claims successful savers start by throwing away "self.-destructive" cliches. His parents immigrated from Sweden and his father was a Lutheran minister. In the 1950s, Olson says he moved to California and worked bis way through college, graduating from UCLA and getting a law degree from use: He says he moonlighted as a plumber, painter and fudge cook while he worked as city attorney of Culver City and, later, of Inglewood. He says he regularly saved 50 percent of his income. Olaon contends that if people viewed money in ternlS of ''work units" they'd have a better appreciation of its value. For instance, he says. it may seem easy to make small monthly payments for' new car, ~t if one realizes that the total cost of the car 11 equivalent to a full year of work, he might keep his money and fix up the old jalopy. "Nobody likes to be thought of as being tight, but there's nothing wrong with looking out and planning for Number One," Olson says. smiling like a man who has money in the bank. Car knowledge becomes mor~ automatic for moni ' daughter By SANDIE J OY or .. ....,,...... . Hot and iw..ed, the,. ataUoo.attendant whined and mumbled about my wanting the tranmniaaion fluid checked. "No," I CIOIT8Cted him. urm f"'8 to check it. ru let YG'I 1cnow if 1 need ouid. With that dmifklation, I papped the hood and .s'Oed in on the appropriate clfp.dck. all the CONSUMER CLOSE -UP whOe ~ l loolred like l knew what 1 WM dolJtl ~-...a hosDI I hedD't fGr.,ct.m where the .,.... 'r'oo «Mpitilir Iii locatld. I a•-t I red md ll'lunlDbmtly AMOUOCed. '1 dan'i ..... ., fluid. dmala~ ' AB ............ ..u D .. 1'ia ..... m1 •n Cbev1 la coDHrned clldn't com• ..... ............... ,...a1..,....'h= •o1 :::.·~. pm'.'lal ., ...... 't ... ... ~--... -... ., ...... ..,. ........... ~ ........... ..... for repain. we'd hope that particular fixlt job would be the laat big one. It never w•. So I did for her what my mother never did for ine. • I enrolled us in a car\care clJnk: '° we'd know aomethina about the machlne910 necellU')' to our way of life in Southern Callfomla. Thus, we beaded one Thuracla_y ni1ht weartnc our ~ orb for the Goodyw ~ Store-at "1be lln.dway, HuDaniPCln Beach, for a four-hour baada-on ...ton ln automotive .,..._ The clinic ian't meant for prof"'1onal mechanic typel. It'• more of an lnldaUan for cw owners, pu1icuJarly WOIWI. who wmt lo know what mU. tbeU'_autol If> -and bow to_, them..... I At thi cltalc. we ldaked and felt Uni and · ...-1n...-, .... hacmof wrtou1Y8taldll while Jo•tbaa Pllll,a, th• Hrvloe 1tore .. .. ~ .............. t.11 •• -1 ...... tll•~•t•••tl• In• -=--TI a.iW~ ...... ..... .... -~~ ... ...... ""W&r:... ... k'• ..... Ill ...... r--.:. ........ ""' ............. level: Wipe off the dipstick, aUde It all the way t.ck into the CMtnc. pull it out and hold it level for the l'elldlng. While the coune "-''t qualified us for ~ with anyone'• Ponche, at 1eut it's belpini us avo6d ni,pta like the time da\llhter's mr cm. to a ct.cl halt on Newport Boulevard at *'*"'lcht. l ltill liale -and whbnper -when I think about rillhlnl eo ber ,_,.... only 1o mm •didn't know a Md lo ct-* the radiator for ooalmt. rd mwr tbouiht to tell her. Aucomotiw ..-chanka llD't a normal mother-dau1hter oanvw•1'an '°'*· a.r.•1 -od'9r Upe we p6cked ~· -Don't ,,, .......,, .... &be cmw ......... at e.d40m,h. ou bmak Old'l'IHMul'• fftmt -°"'of ........ I. -............. to ebedl th air . ...-ure ... ID ....... ,. when the drm.,. cakt It'•..._ ,._llildi tifrun *-• tbe mew..-aDond pmtti. 0.. ,_.,•Mr• ~n md •••oadw .............. -fte ................... ftbiiii>. ....a .. ,_.. .......... ..,m ... -.lf ,.. _,_ ..... It. It'• ............. . -..... out of 10 ...... -'a'• ...... II .. the rfOt .... a.. It -I month. U the car fee)s like it's allppina or the engine ls revving, you could be low on tranamlaion fluid. -Check the oil when the car la on level ground. And, wait until you need a full quart to add oil; never run the car overtuU of oil. -Check brake fluid at leMt twice a,_,., To do th1a. remove the muter qlinder CDYW. If flwd ia requited, either fO'.D' brakes are-wom or a leak in the system la probable. A c:tmdete system check should then be made &y a lel'Viceman, I -U your car hM power at.eerlna. dwck the fluid level ln the power 1teer1n1 pump. It'• fllMY. Markinp on the stick attached to the cap an ).wt like the oil and tranmdllioon dl,.ucka. . The car care cUNea an offend fne at Goodyear '*'-around the nation; The dollll om la In HuntiMton a.cb. To enroll, C9ll Jonathan PlWoli. 111-1111 . ~wtthtbe~~ ... "" ....... the ....... two ........ 11Car Care Ould•" and 11Auto lupecUon Workbook." ., ............ ~,~ ... ., -···-~...., ._. ... pen._.. Ulle ind whln It'•._.. .... wtda main---•• ....... Here are the 11oelc market actlvirie of publicly Cou~ly f!rm for the week ended 18. Data provided by Newport traded Orange Friday, June eour.ities Corp_. -···-··~-~;·-·---;-· ---·--···--··i1n-·i1u-····-· 1 • ···; ......... 1 -·, .... 1111 H ADOUUTPI PRODUCTI 114A"1Cn ,,, • ''" ' cu '" 1HU 1110 UVPUI 1Mn INC• : ~OC&TION 06·~1:06·1' CMUOI I 1 rtoool I I• 1000'1 .......... " ............. _ ............. _ .................... _ .... _ ··········-····-···-·· ........ ··-········· ·-····· I Al•llo Mitri -Liii I u , .. 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Today, according to Russ Harris", ICS president, IF YOU TREASURE YOUR FUTURE YOUR SHIP'S ABOUT 10 COME INI In 1708, a rich Spanish Galleon sank off the coast of South America ... her precious cargo Intact. Experts believe she has been found. A presentation Is planned for June 23rd at 7:15 p.m. ' A LIMITED SEATING l'OR AN UNLIMITED OPflORTUNrTY. Rese1Vc1t1ons Required 714/966-9064 J C PATTERSON & ASSOCIATES. INCORPORATED 4667 Mac Arthur Bou~rd Newport Seam. Cahforrna 92660 POSSIBLY, A DREAM COME TRUE fl '' ,•ovrtMt·rtlf'f11 ,,..,,.,,., C('r't\tJCue" N' 1.tt,., 1n y1j ''°' ,. \Ott< n.-oon ol,.., ~ to IAJfrPWV~'Y''"'"'"''~' \.llftloftti't cMm•v lJf" ""4dt'OyOttrfffY.Jmt'ft'W•fftkMn~<M Of""Y f'f" m.MJt #'I pttf\{)r\ f0 ~tf'CI ~I\ Attend The lost Important Financial Seminar of the Year Renowned author and Financial Advisor speaking tn Orange County! "The Money Ind Tax Game' .. '~ T1tln l1ol1tl11 •How to reduce ,..... ... end buelnff• texM and lncrwe rour ....., ....... Income ... ·How tndMdualt and bu•IMH profeHlon•I• cen cepltal&n on the ednfttegft of the new l~lc "9cofffY Tex Act ••• •How to tep Mldom ........ , of '°""* of ceplt.a end UN them to your ectwntege ... • When to lnvfft, W"8t to lnvHt In, utRlzlng Pf9-W rether tMn etter-..-dollere ••. .,..... ..... .,. DR. H.W. YURMAN, CFP • DlettnfUl•hed ......., • c.fl..., of .... Celete of F1nenoW ........ • ,orMer Chelr••n of the •oerd -• th• lfttemetlollel A1111l1•1n of P1nenolel Plelw•a AUN L ADAMI • C"81nw of .......... end Chief 11 ... "'8 Oftloer, AOAM8 PlllANCIM. QRCKIP DONALD J. FIK• • Pruldent end Dir ...... of ..._. ,.._.. , •..-...-.ADAMI MALTY C<*'OUTION At pert of tlle<Mmlnet, w.,.. ofte<lng • 1-ftour lfttem.# to dt9C\IN your flnenctel Ind tu ptenntng ob)eetlwe. , .................... , .. ...., --.-.1w , ...... ..,. ... .................. ... , ....... .................... .,.."'" .. Oii ~ tor ,....IOl'I .t~11 the number of pagers in service, "is approaching 50,000 and growing every day. "In fact," Harris predicted at a company celebration of the anniversary. "we expect that in 10 more years there wiU be upwards of 400,000 pocket pagers in use in Southern California." Pager growth at lCS has been paralleled by an expansion in the company's employee force and Big enough to be safe ... How safe? $26 miJlion strong ·Locally owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over $150 million for other financial institutions operating revenues. Ten years ago ICS had only 25 employees, most of them operators who answered telephones and took messages in order to contact pager wearers, Currently the firm employs 160 people -only a small handful of whom are operators because computers handle most of the calls. With its banks of modern, sophisticated Small enough to be iieighborly. How neighborly? •The simplest, safest IRA 15% for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account"' -the interest-bearing checking account ·A Small-Savers account, the big hitter's envy! ·A non-stop welcome San Marino Savings 200 Wat Cout Hl1hway NtwPort Beach, CA 92663 64'·6133 electronic equipment, most callers simply touch numbers on push-button phon-5 to tap directly into the company's computer which instantly sends ~gnals out to pager wearers. Revenues also are up dramatically m the decade. from a total of around $400,000 for 1972 to ' approximately $10,000,000 during 1982. ' ' ' I'' I I . . Orange Coat OAll.Y PILOT/8und1y, June 20, 1882 10 steps to boosting your home I J IYLVIA PORT&R lu \he llt'hool IMIQI\ la •ndln& ecrc)9 \M naUon, mlUk>nl of you art ~&na '° mow lf and when you can Mll your pnMn\ home. The actual offer of, or th poten\lal c:hanc of pttlns. another Job la a dlff ren\ city may depend on thtJ one factor. Yo\, ln a hou1tna marke\ more depc~ than any w_,'ve experie~ llnce the lUSO., nelther n w nor exlattna homea are changing handa, even at aubltantlally marked-down prices. Here are 10 at.ep!I you can take on your own to impc-ove your home and put it into 1hape with a minimum expenditure of time and money. · 1) Take a walkJng tour of your home and property, inside and out, looking for flaws. Pretend you are a potential buyer and th n mak• a U.t ot aU Nldlly apparent probl ma. 2) AllJ,n each probltm an Ntlmatod tlme frame and rtsure ou\ a ~all1tic budJret that would cover hav&na the problem eliminated. 3) Give a priority to each problem l11ted. l~ma 1uch u a acufte<i and dlny front door or broken Ught awlt.ch tn the bedroom 1hould take priority over a broken lat.ch on the back fence. 4) Make a realistic evaluation of tho.e chorea you cannot do yourself. Be realistic . Then tc-y to hire the appropriate person to handle thoee taaka. 5) Make 1ure you have your tooll and • supplies aaaembled before you begin work. A last-minute run to the hardware store to get aome paint mixed may throw off your entire schedule. 6) Make a careful 1ppralul of you shrubbery, laWN and prderw. Even a arnalJ lnv•t.ment in aome colorful pl.anti can perk up a aarden a n d add li&niflcantly to the eelllna price of the hou.e. 7) Prepare a calendar and autan a day or a 1pedfic number of daya for doing the task and completing the job or joba. 8) The al»olut.e outaide de.dllne for completing your achedule ls the start of winter and bad, non-1e1Ung weather daya. 9) Schedule the more coemetic jobs (painting, for instance) for wt, 80 your normal living wear and tear won't undo what you've completed. 10) When a prospective buyer ia scheduled to view your home, get out of the way. Belc6urt Hill FORECLOSURE PROBLEMS? (714) 542-5811 Take a POSITIVE APPROACH For a negative situation. ho01es viewed "Versatility" is the term being used to describe the exquisite collection of homes offered at Belcourt Hill, the J . M. Peters Company's exclusive new guarded-gate community in Newport Beach. The New England-styled homes offer two and three-bedrooms, one and two-story attached condominium plans ranging from 2,036 to 3,294 square feet, with 2 'h to 3 1h baths. All Cour models at Belcourt Hill are built with consideration to contemporary comforts, providing residents with a broad array of custom amenities. Profeaalonel Excellence Since 1951 · STAN-SHAW CORPORATION Prime Palm Sprln11 Townhome1- Prlce Slathed Well Below Marked Ri.ick·bou,>m prln~• hold thmuahtlllt thl• lli.auld don •11h~­ thl1 ls not .m .iucrhin! El<Ccrunn,11 h,1r".11n•-bc11utlful 2 ~Jroum home• w11h lakc1, J'l)llls, •J);l•, i.hufftchuarJ. A prlv"tr cummunlty where: you ClWn the lnnJI LENDER MUST LIQUIDATE! . Sales Begin Promptly at 9 A.M., Saturday, June 26 Decorated models open daily 10:00 am .. 7:00 pm Fabulous Finan cing! • 91\i lnrere~! \\ uk 20% Down • 10% lnterc~r w1th 10% °'"' 11 • 11'.lh Jnrt>rt'M wnh 5% I\'"" SinRll··Story Home' • $59,950 Two-Stor~· liiwnhuml·~ • $6l,950 No payments u ncil Oct. I with 30-day closing! Payments from $379.00 per month! ..... ,...,., i .......... ' .......... 1 H~'iO ~.tn I u1' !{,·~ I >nw f>;1lm Srrm.:'· l A ~!!M l ••ntJCI Mak~ f\11,z (714) Hl'·4Z ll' IAKEVIEW VILl.AS ~ ·~ l ~ RAMON RD G) .-...DEAS llAWI COAP. Prices range from $395,000 to $720,000. and a special financing plan is available. The sales office and (our fully-furnished models, decorated by Saddleback Interiors, are open from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. To reach the community, take the Jamboree Road exit off the San Diego Freeway and proceed south to Ford Road. The guarded-gate eritrance is one block east on Ford Road. Further information may be obtained by calling 760-3808. Ocean breezes . Terraced gardens. A business environ- ment that's second to none. Airport, only minutes to the beach. Civic Plaza in Newport Center. Unparalleled executive environments. The grand opening of Landmark Alisos. a community of large luxury residences east of Lake Forest, is now under way. with reservations being taken in the first phase of 69 homes, reports Robert R. James, executive vice president of Signal Landmark Properties, lnc .. the builder. Five floor plans, ranging in size trom four bedrooms and 2,222 square feet of living space to five bedrooms and 2,873 square feet, are available at the community, which is off Lake Forest Drive, just east of Trabuco Road. Prices are from $218,000 to $290,750. Noting that Signal Landmark is providing its own mortgage financing for buyers at Landmark Allsos, James said the financing terms are especially attractive. Seven-year loans, amortized over 30 years. are available at 12 ~ percent interest with 30 percent down or 13~ percent interest with 20 percent down. The development can be reached by taking the San Diego Freeway (Interstate 5) to the Lake Forest Drive exit and driving east on Lake Forest just past. Trabuco Road. Five dec.'Orated models and a sales center are opening daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p .m. More information is available by calling 859-8974. According to Steve Strauss, Pacesetter Homes' Vice President, Commercial -Indus trial Development, their newest shopping center, the Wild West Village in El Toro/Lake Forest. has recorded an unusually strong leasing response. "While other centers are struggling," explains Strauss. "the Wild West Village has attracted numerous tenants in a very short time. At this time it is about 95 percent leased." To explain this surprising success, Strauss points to loca tion . residential support, high visibility. and the combined attraction of a high quality farmers market coupled with the mass merchandising appeal of the Wild West Store chain. "The Wild West Village is very visible from the San Diego Freeway," he notes, "and a great. majority of Southern Orange County's commuter traffic passes by it on their way to and from work." The primary tenants at the Wild West Village are the El Toro Wild West Store and Christians ·F armers Market, with many smaller shops providing an array of goods and services from cosmetics and plants to doughnuts and photo processing. Wild West Store advertising and customer base substantially increase the Center's market area. Two prime spaces are still available; one 1,200 square feet. one 2,400 square feet. Both have exposure to the main street, and the larger retail store has corner exposure to Wild West store customers. The le&ing agent for Pacesetter Homes is Mark Stoner of Commercial Brokers. For leasing information call 770-9513. OWNER WILL TRADE IEWLY REMODELED COROll DEL llR HOISE som OF HllHWIY Owner will trade this beautifully remodeled three bedroom family room home for $415,000 worth of tract laou1ea, condominium• or rental unlta. Will trade with debt or clear. HouM baa $440,000 loan @ 15.5-Jo. amert1HCI over SO years, five year rollOYer. Civic Plaza in Newport Center. A short walk to a va riety of fine restaurants, the Marriott Hotel and Fashion Island. A short drive to freeways. Close to the John Wayne THEC I '-• -.. .. ...... This is the Newport Beach business climate at its best. Garden offices with extensive landscaping. Convenient parking. With experienced space planners to assist you whether you lease 2,000 or 20,(X)() square feet. Offices that, by design, reflect th~ epitome of success. NON available. NON affordable. For further information, call Andrew Schutz at (71 4) 640-0370, or contact your broker. CIVIC PLAZA OF SUCCESS. '• > l t • , .! ~ I J . .i I • ' f 1· t • ... .... .. ..._ ~... , • ,.... ... !Ml Cl• n 11" ,,..,, I ,_ • Ut tt i 11 ,. I~ \'t ij NO, 11 It M 19'1 If l I• -I" 11 I " litl; I,. I llt I f l '-~ -"' u~ " ,,1 :r ' n: : ~ fir .. i.~ .... I" M U "lti I ti.... "'I ll"'t Ill I It .,. ! ,. ,n l44 • Wlo " ~ t~ 1 1 ,,.,,,, ~ .. ~ ~---llt " ~.._. ,::" "1 J t o~ I '~ ~: .~ u )I ~ I 1t II lOI ·~ '4 lit tl'4 u·~ Er,'' • , llM I 41m1 I "' ... lJ )•I t• • IM 1141 Ill. .... , .. , i. • " ""' u.. n"'. "' 1 I• IJI• I"'""° 1 u • ie.> n.. 1-. 1l't ""' , rtNl~ I U• I sm .... •1111 ~ 11. t •I\ &rlNo DI U ff ,.. J 1'4 ltlt •t'4 MN pl i It! .It"'''"' ,._ " t It n; ~r~ =~' .. is ~ .;J ~~ ~lv. ~Iv. :-. "', 11. eu11tl" n • »4 •~ '"' • ..., ti\> llt IYll" U) "-O llt 11. I .. -c-cc - U'-XI CAI 1"41 I .0. I I .. a.IV. 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M •I Con I' pl • SO I ., It\> 1'\o • lo ... , > l1 CMFrt I tO • 1'40 UV. :W >In '> ti~ 10 CtKHG \I • • 1119 n\t 13 JJ'• 1, IOl \4, 9.1 CnG pl 10,. 1100 1011» IOI\> 101"'• • "'· II'• ConsPw , .. 6 J70< 1111. It'• II '• 1' 2'1-t C11"-Pl• 1• I~ 11"' ,2' 11"' + IV. ll~t 2''• OIPw pl• IO 11'0 1' ll 11\t I -<JI; CnPw pll •I <JISO .. ..., "I') "' Sl"' _,,, OIPw Pll 71 "lj() "°" 41 •1 tVo S3 <S CnPw p17 76 1•10 "" •n., " ""' 00 CnPw pll.. 1'60 '1"' ~-411o t•"" 1>'4 CnPw "' • M UI• ,..... ts , t1 Jl\4 CnPw plJ 91 •l I.I 2•Vt ,,..., t w 2t' • tl ... Cn ..... prUI It 1•'4 t1l\ 7• -"- "'" ·~ CnPw "'1 so " ,,... '~ I~ "' Ill> 1)1< CnPw pr1 ll )I) I~ 1' 1' -I') l•Ait "'~ C•Pw pt2 13 IJ 111• II~ 11...._ h 10... l CAIMAir 1'4 •l't )lo ·-V. 11, J' • OontCAIP 111 fl i"' l" ~ °"' "" 71111 CMC pl 1 11 IJOO I I.. 1"-"' ll\o Jl CntlCI> I .0 IHI t~ ~ ,,...__ 1141 ti'• llV. CllC plA2 SO I SJ1'1o R\i SJ 7 .... Jt u... entl(;rp '.o • 1i11 ,, .... m-. na.-1 .. 18 1~ ClllGo pl I M I~ 1111. 1~ ~ ~ CntG9 ,,, SO I 114' J1" » 1't •1-ll QIMlll l • ..,. -.m ts•• IV. """ ..... Con.rel I ,. 1 ... •• 11111 IS'\ 0 1.. 11'-CIO.I t -11 J I>_. H\o U U-.-lo "'· -CnOt pl '"" 1110 " )t" lt ... a... ~ u-od 1 • ,. >t m is-. .. 1~ r • GIOllUll ''' • '" * .-.-"" SS~ 17' ~ I U J 1'l2 -Wlo Jl\lt-4' ~ .. ==.."'I ., m ~~ n: rrt: 1~ 1t'-121<. C.T ' J4 • m ll'llt ...., n "' 1 4 ... tll~ .. IJ..,-4' ..... "" COl'dw• tO • JD ... • t\0.-.... 1'1' "-i c.Nln ... • bl It ,., t\o-"' Ul!o ,,... CONIG t » 11 un 4S"I '"" -1o ''"' 11\'JCM&•• 111 It m *' ,_ --" JIU 2J>t c-e.s 1 JI ilO )Mt ii )I -\'I Jth ,.., CO.Id l • It .... .... ... , ,...,. ,_. tl't s er.it n 11 '"' ~ ''-i.. .,...., Hl•cr-1• s , .. n,,..cm.. ~ " ""' • Cr••"• 1' Wt n ... 12 n -1 ,. ... ~Ct.._. > 1• 12\li 11'• II~+ " ~ ffilt (NC!kN i .. I UJ .-. • J6 -"' \4 tt•~ Crt'N ~ II , r. 1-. ...... 'ttllt-"" 1 "' m. Crmllt(11 1 ... • 1 a ,,_ me n "" I '~ tJ Cr1"ICll 6 11' tJIU2J U !o •1-. 11-. OWZ.I , .. t tMS 11'-fl"-tl\oe-1\o tMol Ult Cl'Ztl pl •-ta . m ,,._ Gl\t 11 ll't tt\i 1r11 Ctz.t,,~05 .. ~1\111 IN ~flt ~ lW ,,.. 14 CMll I .. J llP tt v. u~ " 12 '"' °""' 1• • .,. E ,, .., M'-16" Qllllll 11 H 114 ~ ;:; \'I Jlllt8Clll'fll.fl ta• t .... l QltflllC '·" 1'I 1~ It ... " ~ N'tCWWI 1 t P • .... -1'- Jt lt''1 cw-~ "&..!.!: -'' •• ,.., ,,.. '" J~ n:~ ~ m·~ '"~ ~ IE ll"t OMlllY l.rr' t • 119' iF ==• .. f,.. ~ ....... '"' " .. I~ OMllf. Ill r * l .. I • = 11••, 1 , ..... , .e ,. I !·s ~ 11·: I I ~~ ~·""•"' 1!.. Ill'\ 11 1, I II ttl. ~ 1 ..... ,.,, I>'• '• ,. . . .. 'f" "'' , .. , . lh , .. I ... " ,.., • JI"-•" .. "'•"'" ""-. .\, .. 71'11 llO '"' .. ·1·. '• ' I~ .. '• "' I. I+ 11 .. '• •• . '• _ ...... ~ ..... - Or1n99 Oout DAILY PILOT/8und1y, Junt 20, 1t92 l ~ I r r I ' I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/l&lnfty. June IO, 1911 DIAR ANN LANDIU: Mat ID \he w11e1p Wuted'' and ''hr fttft•'' ~I oftln .. wch ..-u: 0 1 wlah t.o thank aU mr ,,...-for the c&rdl, tlowen, vlli&a and Dhone calla du.rtna my ..-nt lllnea Thank.I al.lo t.o the docton and nW'lll at County General. Sincerely, Jane Doo." Or, betcer ~t: "We W0\4ld Uke t.o thank our trlenda and rtl1Uve1 for the food, flower• and memorial eontrlbutlona at the time of Father'• death. SlnceNly, the John Ooe Family." . The lut time I tent nowen to a sick friend it COit me a bundle. Sendlna a memorial contribution • 111\'t cheap either. And preparina an attractive a.role take. time and effort. People who ao out of \heir way to help bereaved frlenda and relatives are entitled to a personal word of appreciation. To • ~\ be thanked ln a "group" strikes me u a tacky . ,... cop-out. t(. • When my mother died, my two slaters and I I divtded the liat of thoee who had sent food, flowers : and memorial contributions and perfonned special I ) eervices. It took a lot of time to acki}owledge them ~ all, but we did and ft!h good about it. Pleue t'OtnmeJ\t. -O.B. OBAR G.B.: Kiadae11ea are performed by ladMdaa11, aad eacla one 1bo.ald be tbaked. To do lea• 11 boorto. I reeeatly 11w u eaaraved card tlaat uld "YOU'RE WELCOME" -and tbou1bt, 11Wbat a 1pleadld Ideal'' DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I have been married four years. We have one child, aix weeks old. Several montha ago we received a phone call from my husband's ex-wife: She asked "if we would take full custody of their three children. .. We were thrilled. n wu llOfMthlna we,,...,.. hoptna would happen for a lq tlme. Everyone LI happy about thll charure. The children'• aradet have aone up from De to 'Ba. The pretence of theta younpten In our hoUle hu 1t.renathened our marrtaae. The ex-wife looka IO much calmer when ahe cornet to tee \he kida. The problem: Our friend.I and relatives lna1lt on making thoua)lUeu and unkind remark.I about the arranaement. They aay auch Wnp u, "No mother of decent character would give her kida away,'' and, "She muat be very eelfl.ah to have done that -r.robably wanted to be free eo 1he c.-ould run around.' I think It was a marvelously courageoua and unaolfiah thing for that woman to have done. She loves thoee children very much, but she put their best interest first. I admire her a lot and wlah the busybodies would keep their mean-spirited conupj!nts to themaelves. H~lp me, Ann, by printing thj' -WISH WE HAD FOUR MORE (CHICAGO). ·- DEAR CHICAGO: Bere•a JOtll' letter, Ml I 4oa'I &MU II WIJI O•t HJ m4Mllil. P..,a. Jul ... e so 1ot1lp. ne lmponut Wiii 11 tUI neey .. II llappter, And_, P.8.: Yoe IOtlH like a preny .... lady yo.nelr. CONFIDENTIAL to 'It.china to J'bc Kil Little Red Wagon in Wichita Falla: It may be hit llnle red wagon but your kida are rtdinc in le. Don't be a atubbom fool. There are times ln life when one muat compromlle -and thl.a la one of the. times. Take a le810n from the branchea of thOle beeutUul treee around hla estate. If they'd don't bend -they will break. What's the •tory on pot. cocalne, LSD, PCP, downers. speed? Ctn you handle them Jt· you're careful? Send tor Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2.00, plus a long, sell-addnwed, stamped envelope (37 cen.ts postage) to Ann Landers, .P.O. Box 11995, Chic.ago, DJ. 606Jl. 11 :~Taurus: You' I • can expect some change Monday, June 21, 198% ARIES (March 21-April 19): Entertaining at h.ome base is advisable. Accents on visits, communication from relative in transit and decision relatina to holiday travel. You require additional room and should plan on enlarging quarters. Watch Gemini! • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA ('> TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valid hint. Ideas are plentiful -key is to be selective. Intellectual curiosity is activated. Short trip involves relative. Yo,u'll. be asked to revise, review and possibly to rebuild on a ~ore solid base. present gift to individual who helped resolve dilemma. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You could hit jackpot! Accent on creativity, change, variety and money fro~ surprise source. Member of opposite sex pays meaningful compliment. You'll locate items which had been lost. missing or stolen. l Celebration is due! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You have rare opportunity to peek behind scenes. You gain access to confidential data. Focus also on meditation, hospitals and private organizations. You'll meet someone who discusses participation in health club or golf. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on powers of persuasion, suooessful business contact, ways and means of making wish come true. Lunar aspect highlights fUpport from persons in positions of authority. Capricorn. Scorpio, Cancer natives figure prominently. J CANCER (June 21-July 22): Accent on ··domestic environment, decisions affecting family, -concession to one who means much to you. You'll make right move at correct time. Take initiative, LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): ~ou complete TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 73 Turklsti title 130 Tibetan 17 Shaft of today 1 Young pig 75 Metric monk llght 93 Dodge 8 Prattle measures 132 Clst•n 18 Jewish artfully 11 First: lat. 76 Ear: Comb. 134 Revolve month 94 European 18 Bedouins lorm 138 Thread: 19 ConductOf'S finch 21 Verbal: Law 71 Cut off Comb. fOfm wand 95 Siva's wife 22Easy 78 Mlscal-137 Conceal 20 Condition 98 lowaclty gall culatee 141 Morning 27 Stonns 97 Gypsy hOfH 23Welgha 79 Degrade hrs. 29Sacks 98 GIVe mllltary down 81 Chess piece 142 Purposive 33 -Manchu· aid 24 Priestly 82 Smooth 144 M•rlment 35 See44 99 Obligation• garment 83 Matrlcu-146 Pygmy tribe Across 101 set aside 25 Metric lated 148 One of R.E. 38 Dutch land-103 Small fish meeaure 85 Babylonian l .... owner In 10-4 Mliced 2e 81bllcal god aoldlwl America 107 Onty name 86 Geo<ge 149 IL's 39 Stable 108 Emit vapor 28 Courts of Bernard -neighbor denlun 110 Sing aoftty Justice 88 Greek mlle-150 Digraph 41 Wandered 111 Splash 30 Pronoun stone 151 Fruit drink 43 lrllh city through- 31 Chin-89 Oles -154 Spread• ha,y 45 Stash away water pagoda 90 Blbllcal 156 -Oeum 47 Donate 113 Pr1ma 32 Ship clock brother 157 Straighten 49 Seine donna 34 Tanoan 91 Useful 159 Peace PrlH 50 Fr111'1 title, 114 Print•'• Pueblo Latin abbr. donor In Italy term 38 King of 92 Roman road 180 I noc>m41: Fr. 52 Star In 118 Ventllate comedy 93 Colla.rs 182 Frogman PerMUS 117 Slamne 37 Dance 95 Hit 184 R;elaxes 54 Objectives coin movements 98 Street map 165 Blacicboatd 5SCllmb 119 Klltle9' caps 39 Witty saying ab bf a. 186 Laths 56 Eag1e·1 claw 121 Nestle 40 Cloud 97 Clutched 187 Polo, for 57 Embraclngs 123 Serpent 42 Precious 100 Weather· example 59 Arabian 125 Eagle Claws atones cock kettledrum 127 Shield band 44 Breakfut 101 Hamelin DOWN 61 Zoo 129 Overact• Items pest 1 ReacheS creature 130 Truman'• 48 Musical 102 Sports across 83 Honey birthplace dtt'9ctlon official .2Ser~. ' badget 131 Soap plant 47 Yawn. old 104 Boast 3 Correlative 84 Unattended 133 Alpine style 105 Individual 4 Bushy 86 British title region 48 Pronoun 106 Arts. In Old clump 67 Mlldoath 135 Approache9 51 Bristle Roma 5 Biblical king 89Cabbage 138 Mlled'a .on 53Wayup0f 107 Taxi timer 8Even ta lad 139 Olecourage .down 109 Cozy room surfaces 72 Suffer. Scot. · 140 German 55 Barrel 110 Famlty 7 Right· 74 While president 9Uppo'11 group hand page 78 Subdue (1919-25) 58 ltallan coin 111 Dack mop 8 Suitable 78 HlatOflc 142 BOot 80 Roman 112 Ctiar11e's 9Japanese periods featuree court prlncest monUtfK'( 79 Proficient 143 Wotkbaaket 82 Mexican 113 Covet• 10 Roman 80 Compound 145 No~: Ger. paint« 115 Fixed looks official ether 147 Betting Diego_ 117 Watchful 11 Plumber's 82 Par11 advantagea 65 Mllltary 118 Complete tool summers 150 Picnic pest student 120 Harden• 12 Sprinted 84 Sea eagle 152 Seine 86 Envoy 122 Noun eufflx 13 CUIOf'I 85 Arab robe 153 Alfoneo'• 86Plealant 123 Rages killer 87POUMMI qlJMl'I 70 Oneof the 124 Turn aside 14 Oluotvee 88MM-155 Drink slowly Smit ha 126 Gambllng 15 Property only patty 158 Exists 71 Estate of old game ltan'll 90Changae 1e1 Size of shot 72SeallUQ 128 Squlrrele fOf 16 Military 91 Happanln~ 183 LAft· genut ···~pie Implements 92 Parsi•. hand PllQ91 I RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ...... 1 .... ..tS... 1922 HAAIOll IL VD. COSTA MIS.A-541-1156. Setvtce T-Slwta 11 'fOAil( Door (Call Store --v-....,_, COSTAMISA 64.1-1289 152',._,.,.IM. MISSION VU> 495..()401 2"22 C:...-. C ; I 1www ta. .... ....., ... ,..,.,., l'llwy.) Ml.JC NOTJCE '1CTl110UI ., ..... NAME ITATDllMT Th• followlng pareon I• doing bueln8M u : PAOFESSIONAL PARK -5, 881 Dover Drive, Sult• 111, Newport Beach, Qaflfomla 92963. J. H. Richey, 707 9 Mlnldor. Fullerton, Cetttomla 92835. Thia buel-It conducted by • llmlted pattnerehlp. J. H. Richey This~ ttat-t WU ftled with the County CWk of Orange Co4ln1Y on June 9, 1982. ..... Publl1hed Oreng.e Cout Dally Pftot, June 13, 20, 27, July 4, 1982 2800-82 Ml.IC NOTICE F1CTIT10Ul8&.I ...... NAMEITAft....-T The following pereont are doing ~-"CRENE D'OR,'.' 1912 Galaxy Or., Newport Beach, CL 926e0 Glrlelta Berton, 1000 Blrklhlre Ln .. Newport 8each, Ca. 92<S80 Yvonne Shin. 1912 Galaxy°'~ Newport f!SNch, Ca. 92680 , Ginette Barton Thll etatement wu flied with the County Cl«k of Orange County on June 0. 1982. f1t1f1t Publlthad Orange Cout Dally PMot June 13, 20. 27, July 4, 1982 2605-82 Pl8JC NOTJCE I(~ PICTITllOU8 ....... . ,.._ITATDmNT . The following parson I• doing bulillall M : GOLDEN 8TATE ILOODSTOCIC AGENCY, 128 Cabtlllo, Com Meal. Callf. 92827. Jim IMtle, 128 Cabtlllo, Coata Meal. Callf, 92t27. Tiiie tMllieal II conCluc:l8d by an lndMdllal. • J 81a11e Tllll lltatenwlt ... ffled wftfl tM ~ Clerk of Oranoe CoUnty on May 24, 1912. ,,..... ,.ubNlh84 Oran.. Coat Delly Plot, June .. 13, 20, 27, *2 M8CMI assignment, prestige rises, superiors d18cuss possible promotion. Aries and another Libra play significant roles. You are correct in seeking ways to be relieved of burdens not really your own. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You make exciting contacts which eventually could lead to overseas travel. Accent independence, creativity, self-esteem. Leo. Aries, Aquarius 'persons figure prominently. Member of opposite sex talks of "true feelings." I MAV NOT KNOW EVERVTMING, BUT AT L£AST l KNOW EVERYTMING T._.AT EVERYBODY KNOWS. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Intuition is accurate concerning money and individual who would have you put your own credit on line. Refuse ~ to give up something for nothing. Place sentiment l!::==================:::::.i on back shelf. Be persistent in seeking facts. done by handling details, improving basic procedures and streamlining _techniques. A Scori:;id CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Leave details individual cooperates and aids in removing for another time. Key for now is to perceive picture roadblocks to progress. as a whole. Enlarge horizons, welcome invitations and establish communication with one who is PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Good lunar aspect artistic and optimistic. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius coincides with emotional involvement, activities of persons play important roles. young persons, important changes and speculative ventures. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius pe.rsons play AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): What appears a key roles. Stick with number 5. You could win setback is due to boomerang in your favor. Get job contest! Buy tile for 117. a wall, floor or counter - get the other 1/z free! During this fabulous sale we've marked down· specially chosen patterns from our huge selection! They're ready to take home! So begin your neit decorating project while you can get 1/z of it free! GENUINE SOLID, PRE-FINISHED OAK PARQUET TILE Etegent, low -melntenence ftoon, to enhence ttVefY decort RSA..~c 29! •· x 1· x SJtr MBLt PAAOut!T AND Ofl4ER SELECTED .WOOD TILaS ITALIAN QUARRY TILE IN DECORATOR DESIGNS Gorgeous, adaptebl• thade• end pettema enliven any room! Reg. 1.49 '7 A C SALE l'tiA. Renovate a room i., hoUra with our huge array of cotora end p11tteme. Rec~ 7.95 SALE SANTA ANA . ZIOl SO. lrlltll St ........ , 557-1324 E•qulalte colon end .. citing deaignal EJCtremety durable. Reg. t.99 ggc SALE SHEET APPROX. SO. FT. IHIEET IO..O, 11 ANO Ofl4EA RLl!CTl!D PATTERNS 100% VINYL EASY-CARE NO-WAX FLOOR TILE 1~. ~1 .. " 8 .. ulllul petternt In .. ay-1 ~~~ ~:r.:;~ cere, no-wu vinyl tlle. ' · Re,. 79~ 39c ~· :~~--}..~~.~..:~· SALE · . -;., ~ ·:~ " I Q.". Uae our luxurtous, yet· toutf\, c:.qmlc on wall, ftoon and countert. Rea. t.49 '!'/AC SALE I 't IQ."· SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Stntt 547-7711 ' . . Jim,ny Buffett 'great' t:Jt the Meadows BY FRED SCHOEMEHL or .... Dllr,......,. · Countey rocker Jimmy Buffett wu . quick to ' remind the crowd at Irvine MMdowia amphitheater laal ·week he and the Coral Reefers have a reputation of belng aomethtni of a party band. That wasn't too surprialna a statement from Buffett whose real or lmalfned eteapades have been well-chron icled ln past hits like "Marqueritavllle" and less known IOfll{S like "Fool Button" and "Livingston Saturday Night." Buffett undentandably was pleued with th.e reception from the sell-out crowd at the less-than- year-old amphitheater. It, too, liked to party. Evidenced by the line at the beer/wine/popcorn stand at the left of the stage. Evidenced by the smell of, marijuana in the Oran~e County night air. Evidenced by the cocaine in use m the restrooms. The sometimes-Colorado, sometime-Caribbean resident drew much laughter and applause from the crowd when he said the members of the band had just ended a long spring break, were living healthy and had given up intoxicants. Then, warned Buffett, "Just wait. In four weeks, they'll be coming up and asking, 'You got any?'" . Well, there was more to the evening than lots of joking about booze and dope. The music was, in a word, great -as much a SOME't(HERE IH THE 04RKEST R£ACH£S Of THE UNIVERSE, A QATTl£ IS AOOUT TO 0£GIH. F"O'-SOME IT "IU OE THOR FIRST MIS~. F"O'-OTHE.P.S IT ..,IU 0£ THE LAST. compliment to the Meadows sound system as Buffett and the Coral Reelera. ' Buffett wu definitely upbeat from the ballad, "Co~ Monday" to the rip-roaring comment on carnlvorism, American style, "Cheeteburger in Paradise." ("I like mine with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57 and French fried potatoes, big Koeher pickle and a cold draft beer ... ") Without exception, concertgoers filing back to thefr <!an rated the performance -the band's second on its current tour -"good" to "great..." Well, there was more to the evening than lots of joking about b~ze and dope •. So~. however, suggested Buffett spent too much time on ballads rather than eome of his more fast-paced songs. Two notable exceptions, both from the White Sport Coat and a Pink Crustacean album, were "Why Don't We Get Drunk" and "Grapefruit-Juicy Fruit." Beyond Buffett and the Coral Reefer s, concertgoers also had some comments on the Meadows. LUXIJR THEATRES lat Twt MJti11tt Sllow i11u OfllY $2.~ Uillus Othtnrist,Jlted S 113r1N•X•l11!l6)61~ 2551 /~r.. J * FO~ FUnt EXCITEffiEOTI V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES* ~rg.'r.:T Clint Lutwood .......,,ilV""~HIFFDX Generating aome con tention this aeuon la the Meadows' method for gettin& post--00ncert traffic from the parking lot to the nearby San Diego Freeway. The moet direct route to the freeway is to make a left turn from the Meadows entrance onto Irvine Center Drive. You can make a left turn only 1f you carpool and park in the carpool lot, end up in an 'overflow lot or request 1pecial consideration when arrivtng for the show. Otherwlae, you'll be directed to park ln other areas from which can are forced to turn right on Irvine Center Drive an1i travel to Lake Forest Drive to reach the freeway. It'• a less direct route -and a slow one. Loi. of people forced to go right on ~ Center were making U~tums !IC> they could get to the freeway more quickly. A wider Irvine Center Drive would help. • · Another traffic jam ~hat ha~ some ~ovice amphitheater attendees dlstraugnt was the line to the concession :itand at the left of the stage. ' Better to avoid that whole mess and take a few minutes to walk down to the main concession area where lines are shorter and service prompt. Regardless of which stand you go to, bear in mind that a large beer -32 ounces ~ will cost you $3.50. h Gulp! .. ITA .. TREK II THE WRATit OF KHAN" AL ,ACINO "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" , DALY 1i:.. 2:ID 4:11, WO, ........ (N) JIMMY BUFFETT ... Country rocker (Jlt'ltTHf. ..... ~ """" .. (It) IAT/auN. ...... ''THE ROAD WARRIOR": ,, ......... IAT/IUN. ~ t:11, 10:2I "DEAD MEN DOWT MAR PLAID" IPOI DAil Y :b40, 1'.IO, 1o:aD IW)'~ DAll Y 4:25, 1:15 flJA} ~aaun ' NEW YORK -Le.lie UIPJ'.IW "" ........ at \he Nalto ThM .. r, brUlblna-makeup on her hijh cbHkbonH and talktna al>out her dau1httr DanleUe, 12, who wanta '° 80 lnto lhow bul&M9. "I never uy don't," the 11)'1. "I 11y, 'Be what y0u want to be, bu\ pt an education, dear. There are 1-n UIMI 1n thll bualnelt.' " Mill Uuanw, one of the lucky few, hMn't IMn many IMn tlmM in her 33-year career, which btpn at ue 8, when lhe played Ethel Watera' n1eOe ln the oJf 'liBeulah" terlee. · •• i. After that, there were aueet 1hota on the' muton Berle, Arthur Godfrey and Sid CaeMr atw:>wa,, then a 1how~ for her linclne talenta and a b6,000 prize tor her mualcal knowledp on TV'a •'N.me That 'l\m~." Then there wu a Columbia Recorda contract &n41, at 17, ltardom, aln~ old reliablel for three yeata on Mitch Miller's "Sina Alon8 With Mitch." Then nlghtclube and, ln 1967, Broadway. Thttre alao waa a Tony award tor her exuberant, lmpre.Jve debut in "Halleluha, Baby!," the Arthur Lal.U'entis-Jule Styne muaical that tried to tele9COpe 60 · years of black hlatory ln America. 'Thia month, the doe-eyed Mila ugguns, who migrated to Hollywood 13 years ago, returned to her native New York and Broadway, opening in a three-woman, 24 -song revue of blues classics, "Blues in the Nhrht." "It's funny.'r she muses. "I'd moved out to L .A. because the TV industry had started to move out there and I thought it was time to make a change, do something different. "But .my husband" -Grahame Pratt, her manager -"was a contributing factor. He's from Australia and he'd had enough of the cold weather here. He said, 'We need some place warmer.' So out we went. "Well, we loved it. But when this came up my · hl¥!band was ready to come back. He said, 'I've had enough sunshine and swimming poola. It's time to make a change again.' And it1s like we never left." "Blues in the Night" is her third go a t Broadway. The second, "Her First Roman," bombed in 1968. She grins. "It was one of th09e · things where everything was perfect aQd nothing worked." A serene-appearing, soft-spoken woman of 39, Miss Uggams first was approached about "Blues" while going through a difficult period in her life, the illness, then death of her father. She'd just gone back on the road, she says, playing clubs, concerts and Las Vegas after a year's break. The "Blues" producers asked her husband if she'd like to return to Broadway. "At that time, I'd managed to come down with a Jerrible virus and didn't want to hear about anything. But he said, 'They're really serious about it. Do you want It?' " He explained what the show was about, "and I finally said, 'Yeah, I would -if It's as ~ood as they make it sound -I would be interested. It waa,and here I am." Miss Uggams grew up in a middle-class world, in New York's Washington Heights. Her father was an elevator operator and his wife a former dancer at Harlem's famed Cotton O ub. She credits them with giving her a happy childhood, and her aunt Heloise, a performer in the Broadway and road company versions of "Porgy and Bess," with both her formidable knowledge of shaw tunes and, to a large extent. her training in voice. Capable of the funky as well as the more sedate kinds of singing, she says she never was secretly unhappy -musically speaking -during her years as the wholesome sweetheart of the schmaltzy "Sing Along with Mitch." "No. we did great composer music, even though everything was in two-four and four-four. But it was interesting for me because truth is, I was a real rock-and-roller when I was younger." Did she ever fear the Miller musicales gave bet the image of, well, a stone square? She ~ smiles. · "No, I n.ever let that bother me,' she aaya. "When I started doing my club act, I did other things -a little hipper. shall we say? I did what I wanted to, music-wise . . . "My audience now doesn't even know me as a singer," she contends. "They know me as an actress. ' TMy dOa't knOw who Mitch Miller la or wu. Th9y',. ...,.._ I can lln,.'' 8he aurlbutH thll to dram.at.kl roi.. 1he'1 had on TV, 1tatt.lf\I with "1 Spy," &11d the more recent ~Uon ah Sol In two top-rated mJnllertes, "Ro0ta" and "&clcatalra al the Wht\e HOUie." It'• nice, 1he aaya, bu\ 1he'1 aad ln one major reapect: Neither 1how created a demand for black actors and actrellel, either in TV or tum1. "We thoucht there'd be a whole lot of ca1llni for black acton and actrellel after that," uya Mi.Ill Uggama, who acored a bre9kthrouth on the racial front during her Mitch Miller era u the only black performer regularly featured on a network TV aeries back then. ''But lt just didn't happen," she continuee. "I don't know why. I hear all kinda of storiee, none satisfying. I'm lucky because I can ling. When things don't happen ln one area, I can go to the next. "But friends o( mine who are st.rlctly acton and ~ thlnp are very dlfflc:uh for them rtaht now. A lot ha~ hard t1mel rYlnC the rent. T6ere aren't nouah rol around. True, 1ht1 aay1, aharp cuta In Hollywood production ~ve hlt acton of au racet. But "we're the fint to be ucriflced, unlorlll.nately. And thlnp weren't that terrific to beaJn with before thlnga got bad for '9verybody.'' She apeakl without bltterneea, only a gentle aadnett. She amJles aa the interview moves on to happier ihlngs, her 'daushter. her eon Juon, 6, and the fun 1he's having right now. "I'm just glad to be back," ahe aays. N 70 MM 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO edwards TOWN CENTER IN SOVTB COAST PLAZA SAN DIEGO F REEWAY AT •IUSTOL A ~TON Aereu Fr•• S.•dl Ceaat Plaza Betel C..taMe .. <111~101 Q-1"1' IOJ f'll\l~'I ~·~·II RPIQl(ll) -~ !Ill.II Al PACINO "AUTHOR! AUTHOR!" • ~I I t BACK ON BROADWAY -Letlie Ugama, dressed for her opening num~r at New York's Rialto Theater, stars in "Blues in ihe Night." Tbey mare tbe laughter, tbe love, tbefnutrt:lffon ... and tbe bathroom. Anyone can be afatber. But nol every father deserves a standing ovation. I • 751-4184 · szso s~oo DYAN CANNON · TUESDAY WELD . BOB DISHY ·ALAN KING as Krepta teic by IM~ ~ i,, c1111• Under 12 Ge•eral Ad•. .. •.• Written by ISAAEL IOOVllZ Directed by AR1ld HIU£R ~~~~~~~ DAILY 10:00 A.M. 12:30, 2:45, 5:20, L-00, 10:20 ·.CLINT EASTWOOD ' l Ind~din~ "ON GOLDI N . I ltOND" lltu9 .. CHANPTI O' PIRI" MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE AU a e ANO IHl rlLMS RECEIVE THE SEAl 0# THE MOflON PICTl.IAE COOE 0# SELF llfOUlMION Bl'.~T A<TRh' -K;uturirn: lkphum Hl'.~'T ACTOR -I kn!) hmd:i ....,_.,. ______ .I _.. ..... wt powillc .. ..wa I I GOFORm "A Heavyweight Hit! A Bo>U>fflce Knockout!" ...... .._ KYID ...... ._ . .,.._ ... Uftft8t1Artlltl ~! NOW PLAYING 1mA COSTA ..a ...... "LIO UA Mov11t Hltbot T-YotfO !win "° •022 631 3501 830 6990 ..... PAM •-.TIMIT'Oll llACll eaMU he* l.JllC4M ~ ["""' ~ CNdDIM (1Ulltl 40,. "'om 634 2SU .... ,_... LMGllAIUCll Eftm 8r~tOI Sootl! coast 5'IO 7U4 •t• ISU • NOW SHOWING AllAMllM ~=-' ~Ht .... khliUI na.eue 5'1·5HO °'Witt Mii IJMIMO lll A '°'*TAii V.WY MA .. t ....., ... ,..,. UH»t ,._. ,...,. wi,.. au uoo ...-. OJ a>Wno COllA MHA 11¥111 OMllll UA Cilltlllt M!l.°'M W..~t Hl·Ol&S UA Qc, e-,o Ut.)t ll COSTA MIU tf-fl 0..1111c..t .. 01'1 t1t-414l WflHlllH lH UA CO.-IU °'46 *BARGAIN MATIN81!S • Mond1y thru Saturday All Perlorm•ncH before 5:00 PM (Except Speclll En91 .. 111tnt1 and Holidays) t A MlliAI 1A MAI Mlrodo 0 1 t o1ecrona LA MIRADA WAik IN 99•·2•00 ' "ANNIE" IHI _ ..... -. ..... "AUTHOR! AUTHOR" "POL TERGEl8T" tH> ,.,., __ ,....._ \'OllTM lMOW SAf 10 AM .. GREASE 2" IN ) ,..,-. ....... ,. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "ROCKY Ill" IN ) .. ~ DOUY 81'tMO ·---, ..... ,,,,. "8TAR TREK ff: THE WRATH OF KHAN" .,... DOUY 8TIMO (PO) -. ......... -.- LAKEWOO D C fNTfJl SOUT~ WAI ~ IN Al OllNr.o 211 6Mot211 "HANKY PANKY" (H ) ,,.. .... .,._ •' I I A •' ,,_f A , ___ .,..... .... ,.. (flO) "8T AR TREK Ii: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOLaY 8TS"IO CPO) ,....,,."' .... -.- "ROCKY Ill" IHI ___ ,..._"'" foc:utty 01 Condlewooo 212/H1·9HO "'OIADMIN DON'T ftAJI PLAID" IHI ---"AlllTMM" '"' ---,;., -,!" ,~ "IUCHA"D ...,.VOii LIVI ON THe aUNRT 8TAll"' 1111 --- "GREASE 2" IN) ,,., -........ ,.,. "GREASE 2" tPo> ____ ,,.,_ so COAST WALK IN Soutn Cool! Hlwoy 0 1 lfooawov 494-1514 "GREASE 2" <N> __ ,,.,_ "ROCKY Ill" (PO> --"··-------- ,AClflC THEATRES DlllYf.1111 SWAI' •UlS sr1nuo ftVA auu1 -vu•• ••• o.u •fl HAlllOR l lYD DlllYE·IH 6 OAAllGE DllJYf·lll U ll !OJ"' l &IUMU 6 Sll#O.U r11u ~••••-o., &lWll1• n .. •u• AHA!o<l l'-' ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN freO"CI\' ti OI lemOfl SI 179-tl50 ---- "ORI.AH 2'' <POI -"AMl!RtCA.N POP" t11I Cllll JI SOOllO fhl! ,.,_.PAR• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN lltlCOI~ A•• Wetl Ol lll\Oll 121·•070 11.lllf II"" Soft Oleoo '""' ot ~·(Sol "P()M(Y'8"tlll ...... "OOtN' AU THI WAY" 1111 C#lt ,, '°""" "l .T., Tffl llCTllA· TS"llllTlllAL" tl'OI -"'IN.AL A89IONMllfl" INl "ROCKY Ill" IHI -"CLA8H OF THE TITANS" 11101 "IT All Tltll< Hi THI WllATH °' ICHAN'' (l'OI .... •vteT°"Y"1l'OI f62•2'81 Clllf fl SOUNO. ... __ Got_'f_,~_,1_,_;;_~_) "A ..... "1N1 -"POPEYa" '"' Clllt R SOOllO "AUTHC>Rf AUTitOfU" !NI - I I "MOOIRM '9lOllLella" IHI ClMf " SOUllO I A M,tti"I,, 0 "FIRIFOX" <NI ""' "OUTLAND""'' ::Net ,. IOllM> ---~Tl~l•r' !NI "M A WOLYIS"<NI CHll JISOUllO .... OCICY HI"'"' -lA HABRA 0111\1[ IN .. CAUH Of' THI TITAN8" """' ... -. ---.. """' -17MN2 -- A' ORANGE DI/IV( IN SOl'IO Ar>O I rwy •srot:Con~• 151·7022 """ .. . GOlll 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. QOAEN AND 0MAA SHARIF ct.-1 tW8li I ......... ta.. ..._..._ .. &e .... a WMMt ........ , ...... ..... ... tU..ttit• .. ,.••• .. &e • &a1& ... t ............ ,.,.. dealarty, u.. ,.......,. .. .. ...................... , la U.. 4al'k altRt wlte&cee· .......... w.., .......... c .. , .. IM4I tlM Wbttt7-H. W ... e-r, Pal• 8..cla, Fla. .,. ...... e ......... hM .......... tlM .... kl, ,.u..1 A. -Re1pondln1 to a takeout doubl1 u really a llmple mat- te r. Your hand faU. Into one or thrH cateroriH: al-Weak (0-9 pctlntl). To make same, partoer will have to have a hand con· aiderabJy better than a minimum double. You ahow thia type of hand by almply blddlnc your loo1e1t 1ult at the cheapeat level. However, with 7·10 polnta and a atop· per in the opener'• ault, bid one no trump if your hand I• balanced. If you have a choice of suit.a, show a four.card major befote a five-card minor, especially if you can do so at the one-level. lland la to b4t played, you 1tari with a eu•bld of the •Dtmy 1ult. That d0t1 not promlH tither flr1t· or Hcond round control of opener'• 1ult, u would a nor· maJ cue·bld. rt almply create• • rame forcJn1 altuat.J6n, and uk• the takeout doubltr to atart ahowlnJ hl1 four-card 1ult1. The doubler ahould give preference to a major 1ult. There la no need tor either partner to jump. alnct t he bidding cannot die until game baa 'been reached unle11 aomeone doublea the opponenta for pena ltlu. Jumpa 1hould only be uaed to indicate extra valuea, u1ually in the ahape of a aolid ault. '"di"'"' l . • 0 I • P ... 4 • P ... 1 What action do you take? Q.3-Aa South. vulnerable, you hold: +AJ7 c:::>KQ97ta OAK +Ke T he bidding hu proceededi Weat Nertll Eut Soatll 1 • PIN I • OW. Paaa 2 0 P ... 7 What do you bid now? Q.4-Neither vulnerable, 11 South you hold: +82 c:::>QJ8 o w ·+AQIOH Par tner opens the bidding with one heart. What do you respond? Q.5-Both vulnerable, aa South you hold: . +92 <:?64 OKQ9853 •SH The bidding has proceeded: North Eut South Welt 1 • 2 + Pua P ... 3 . p ... ? What do you bid now't Q.6-Neflher vulnerable. 11 South you hold: +J1095 <:?KJ6 OQJ5 +76' The bidding has proceeded: W eat North Ea1t Soatll • 1 <::> Obie Pa11 1 • What action do you take? Look for answers on Monday. bl -Invitational U 0-12 pointal. Since partner should have the equivalent of an opening bid for hU. takeout double, you are In the game zone. If partner has a good minimum takeout double, i.e., 1'·15 polnta, you want him to bid game. You get thi!J message across by jumping in your Jong suit, or to two no trump with a balanced 11-12 points and preferably double stoppers in the opponents' suit. Note that this jump ia not. forcing and CAn be made on a four-card suit. Here, too, it Is sound policy to jump In a four-card major rather than a five-card minor -it is ea1ier to . make ten tricks than eleven. T hat leavu jua t one reawnae -~nverting t he double to penaltfea by paa1· log. You do that in one case only: where you have length and stnngth In opener's suit and reasonable def,nalve valuea on the aide, auch aa a n ace and a king. Note that your paas virtually demands that partner lead a trump. The idea b that you want to draw trumps to prevent opener from scoring his low trumps via ruffs. Yo ur trump suit ahould be at least as good 11 Q.J-10-9-x. When you pua a takeout double, you should expect to 1core more by penaliJ:ing the opponent.a thu by making any contract of your own. If you pass slm· ply because you don't know what to do, it's odda-on t hat you have chosen the wrong action! R•bber b rld1e cluba tbroqhout tbe country ute the loar~eal bridse format. Do they know aomethlq yea don't ? Charlu Goren'• "Four·Deal Bridi e" will teach yoa the 1tratesfea ud tactic• of th.ii fut·paeed ac:tloa s ame that providea the cur e for unendl n1 rubbera. For • copy ud a acorep•d, aend Sl.75 to '-Gorea·F Ollr Deal," c/o tJaia newapaper, P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648. Make cb ·.:kt payable te Newt· paperboou. ~ . Q.1-East-West vulnerable. u South you hold: ,, •AQS-4 c:::>AJ 8Z OJ105 +Qe The bidding has proceeded: . , . Norda Eut Soatb Welt 1 • P... 1 <:::> 2 0 p ... , ... ? .·.· cl-Game-going (13 points or better). If you are unable to bid game yourself because you don't know where the What action do you take? Q.2-As South, vulnerable, you hold: •KQJot715 <;:;14 0 5 +KQ107 The bidding baa proceeded: .• . : .·· "8.IC NOTICE NlUC NOTICE FICTmOUe wee ,ICTmOUI .,._.. FICTITIOUe Wit K.--NAm 8TAru.NT ,..._ I TATl•MT MAim &TA~ '1CTIT10U8 llU ... ta The IOllowlng pereon9 •• dcWlo Th• tollowlpg person ,, doing Th• followlng pertOn II Going NAME 8TATIMl!NT ~ •: ~ u : ~ -The tollowtng ~ -doing A) PAARA OISTRl8UTOA8: 8) NEWPORT GRAPHICS. 350 E. TOf> TIJNE 13. 802 E. 17th St.. ~ M: PARA OISTRl8UTORS; C) PAARA 17th SI., Ste. 115. eo.le Mela. Ca. Same"-. CA 92701:. INTER'AMEAICAN COLLINS W H 0 l I!: S AL E; D) PAR A 92627 a.tty lOu Henlng, 1922 Pn STREET PARTNERSHIP, 3'51 W H 0 l ES ALE; EI PARR A MKT Enterprlt:a, Inc. (a S1M1ne Ad., Sente Ana, CA 92705. Airway AYenUe G-3, Costa M,.a, M A I l 0 R D E R ; F ) P A RA Celltornle c:orporetlon). 22872 fhla ~ 11 c:onducted by en Calilornl• 92626. MAILORDER; GI PARRA MAIL.: H) Montalvo Rd., Lroguna Niguel, Ca. lndMdulil. lnt.,llll'MWtcan Bulldera Part....ntp. PARA MAil, I) PARRA LABS: J) nen I a.tty Lou Harding P811'*'9t\lp .• Callfomta Umlt:d Jt• ::~ ;·~ '. P A R A L A B S ; K I P A R R A Thie ~ II conduet:d by e Thie ~t -llled with the Partnerthtp, 3151 Airway A-..nve, c H E M I c A L s : L ) p A R A corporation. County Clar1c of Orange County on G-3. Coat• Mesa. C.llloml• ~. HEMICALS; M) PARRA; PARA, MKT ENTERPRISES INC. June 0, 1992. lnt.,:rtcan Builders Pllfl~, ._j 2813 Newport Blvd .. Newpon MlfVln K. Tett. '1t1f74 1 Gentral Pllflnerthi9. 3151 Alrwey ., , CA 92683 Sec1y.·T~ Pu.bll1hed Ore'hoe Co11t Di lly Avenue. 0 -3. Coate Me t a , EOE CorporetJon, a CaMotn1a Thl9 at:i.m:nt waa ftl:d with the Plot, June 13. 20. ~7. Jut; 4, tlNl2. Cellfomla 92626. eotPOF1tlon., 2813 Newport 81vd., County Clerk of 0.-enge County on 2602-82 North Amer.can Hou1mg. Inc... 1 Newport Beach. CA 92663. June O. 1982. · •-.,. CeNfornl1 eo<POF•llon. 3 t51 Airway EOE Corporation '1t11IO ,-~ NOT1C£ Avenue. G -3. Colla Meu. ·,·: AulMll Ev-Publlthed Or1nge Co11t Dally f'ICTITIOUe .,..... Calltornl• 92626 .. . Preeldent Piiot June 13. 20, 27, Jutt ... 1M2 ..... eTATlmWT Thia buslnMI la conducted by a Thll ltal-t .... Ned wtttl the 2tC)4..82 • Omlted partnwsllip County Qertt of Orange County on ----------buel~°":;"IO pel'IOnl -doing North Am:r<can HOU9ing, Inc. ·' ·' May lO, 1982. PlaJC ll'fX( (A) XCEL JANITORIAL ~~~man ~ ~ ~"9 SERVICE; (8) MOPS AND RAGS Thll atet-l wu flied with the ·'I .uu.. ..,_......... .... • MN-80tts CLEANING ~.AVICE, 555 Paulerlno f"_,_, Clatk ot Ore,._ County on ;o. 'h. .. if71 ..... c1., .. utte am NOTICE OF DEATH OF IT102. Coeta M .... Ca. ne:ze ;;;,'1, 1e82. ..,,... ~~· N:wpott B:ac:h, CA t2teO I 0 L E N E 8 R 0 W N Lawrence Emu Boucher, 555 F1t0907 F1•112 VANNICE AKA JOLENE ~~ #Tt02· Cotta M-. c a. Publl1hed o,..nge Coest belly Publlthed Orenge Coa91 Defly BROWN AND OF Jackie Lynn Singer. 555 Piiot, .Nne 6. 13. 20. 27. 198! ;:' Piiot. June 6. 13, 20. e7. 1982 p E T IT I 0 N T 0 Paulatlno #T102, Cotta M-. Ca.' 2 .. aa-a2 2489.a2 92929 , __________ ADMINISTER ~TATE NO. Thll bu11r-. 11 conducted by 1 PtllllC NOTICE P\alC NOTIC( All38&9. general~. --------- FlCTmoua aua ... aa To all heirs, beneficiaries, Jackie L. Singer 1 FtcTTTioua auatNEH •TATEMENT creditors an d contin gent ~ ~·"':;'~IMedCC:!'y'~ The ,::=,.:Ti!,':':. doing • peraons are doing creditors of Iolene Brown June 4. 1t12. 1 ~-. V•nnlce and persons who F1'07a J.D MC VALE co .. 2120 So Pu LL MAN Av EN u E may be otherwise interested Publl1hed Orenoe cou t Dally Br11tot. Suite 212. Santa Alla. CA ~NY~~!~~~~~lt~or::.NJew~3:r~ in Athe willu·tl an~~~ beeestatef:Ued Piiot June 8, 13, 20, 27, 1~72-82 927°.:~thur J . Vetentlne, 22 12 B:ac;ti. c.. 92MO pe on ,...,. n Windward Ln .. Newport Baach, CA Donald w. Shaw. 1303 by Vicki Ingrid Blankenship 92ee0. Avocedo. Suite 220. Newpott in the Super ior Court of iety Scoll McCen. 251" Alder Ln .• B:aon. ca. 112680 0 Co t ti Cl'IEMATlON IUNM. AT SEA .co.ta ....... CA 92627. M"ton 111d Pet Oottlleb Trust, r ange . un Y requea ng 646 7431 Thi• bu._ II conduoted bV a 1303 Avocado Ave .. Suite 220. t h a t V 1 c k I I n g r I d -oentfal partnarlhlp. Newpor1 8:ech, Ce. 926e0 . Blankenship be appointed as , Our lller•ture tella the Arthur J. ValentlM This ~le oonc:tucted by • personal representative to comple te atory of our Thll etat-t was ftl:d ~ ttie general P~r:i·:.·s~ew I administer the estate of IOClety. ~~~or Oraoge County on Thia 11etamen1..;,11 flled with the Io lene Brown V annice (ellew_,...._ ~ · · ,,..,. County Clerk ot Orange county on (under the Inde p endent c-. •· Published Or1n11• Co11t Oally June O. 1982 Administration of Est.at.es Pilot. June 8. 13, 20. 27.1"2 '1t1tn Act) Th ti . la f 2476-82 LAYMAN, JC>Na• • DY• . e pet uon tet or LAWYlflS hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 1 corper• ~.. Civic Center Drive, West, in Newpo11 9-t1,Ca.aaeo the Cit y of Santa Ana. Publl1hed Orenge CoHt Delly California on ~uly 14, 1982 Piiot "'-13. 20. 27, July 4, 1982, al 9:30 a.m . -------~-3-8:._1 IF YOU OBJFrl' to ~ "'8JC NOTICE granti.ng of the petition, you -----------1 should either appear at the ~~A=-hur lng a nd state your The toltowlng ~ •• doing obEtlons or me written bualnell aa: "'"' ob lions with the court KNOTS FOA POTS, 2234 be ore the hearing. Your Orang• Ave .. Colla Melt, CA appearance may be in pereon ~7. b Carolyn Jane Thomaa. 2234 or 'Y your attorney. IALTllH•HOH SMTH & TUTMlll WHTCUFf= CHAf'll '21 E 17th St Costa ~ ~6-937 1 PIHClllO.,.._S SNn'MS' NOITUAIY 627 Main St ~ntinQlon Btrach 536-6S39 Orenge Ave., Co1ta Mt1a, CA I F Y 0 U A R E A 92921. CREDITOR or a contingent Thll '-"--11 oondUc1ed 111 111 c:rec:Utor of the deceMed, you ,,. PAC911C ••w lndlvlduMCarotyn .. nion-must file your claim With the ....OIW. rMK Thll etat-•t -Ned 1'WI court or praent it to the Cenwtery Mor1u1rv ~IY °""' .. ot <>rmnoe ~ peraonal re preaent•tlve Ch..-1-<;rematOtY -.. i 1·, 2. appo inted b y the court 3500P•11tc view on~ within four months from the Newl>Of1 BH ch date of flrat laauance of 64'-2700 letww • provld.d tn s.cdon ---------1 700 of the Pnib9te Code of Califor n ia. 'The time for M nllOUI ...... flllnc c:laiml will not expire ..... ITkT IT priQr to four 1IXlntha from ~.~ "'~ the date of the hearin1 L PAN<• I Mt notic!d &bow. Oovet o~::~ ..... ,.,, •eeo11. YOU MAY 'l:X AMINS o.llofftll . the file kept by the court. lf .,....A.111• h1 , .,.._ you are interHted In the -.:..::. ~,~,:· ...... you may file. Nqllm& ,.., •• ..,. with the coun so rece've ~ t11111-. 1p•crlal notlce o f lhe '*.....-;;~..,~ .. lnveneory of .Ute_. -. ~---.... • and of I.he ,.Utaam. •ga,.. ill and reporta dncnbH I• ~ .. n= ·~r:!t: &IOI.I of .•la• I: ·---==.-' ..... .. SHULTZ JOHN CEX:IL SHULTZ. I age 39, a r eald e nt o f Newport Beach, Ca., ~ aw ay on June 17 , lf82. Survived by his wife Judy, chHdren Mark and K.an1e • ShullZ and I sister Linda of North Hollywood. MfJl1'C)rial · · servlc.ea will be held on t Monday, J une 21, 1982 at r"' 2:30PM at Harbor Lawn Meroorial Chapel with Rev. ~ Joe Buonuaiul officiaUna. JI! Services under the directloll • of Harbor .Lawn -Mount O l i ve M o rtuary and Memarla1 Park ~. HOADLEY JUNE E. HOADLEY, rel6dent of Indio. Ca . .._. < away on J une 17, 1111. Survl~ by h•r b~ .. Jack lbdleY. 2.,.. ...... and Mtcha•l Hoadley, I da~ttra Kathlene a .. and J urlyn A1llD. l brother Tepe .. ~ ..., Carol MoultruP! ellO auntwd b)' 3.,.......... s.dtaUon of tf.e lbM'y ilii Ml9 of Chrilsdan 8willl. di beheldon~.J-• t• M T.:00 PM a& ....... HHrl Catholic C•uNh. ......... Ca; 1111 ••• a....alf.1R1Mry .. :i ....... , . ·~·£::fit El'-"' .. ·--~~ IN SEIVICES s..-,.,.. O.rt<to0 EMPt.OYMEMT & Plf PAIATIOM SC'"'°'*' IMINit(ll9ft Jolt Wa.ud • HdpW-ll•f MEICHANDISE I • "he marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 Ora• Coa11 r•IUJnt• bought 42% o/ all MW care told in ''" count11 lait 11nr 1vm througlt tMJI compmt cml11 m: of tht counl11'1 population. IHI..... • ,__ ·-·· ...... ,., "" I ...... ,., "" '""' ,., ,,,. , ...... ,., ,,,. ·,~ "-!!!!.{'!.!~.'! ••••••• .......• i............. .. ... IW .... • ••••• 1 ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• ····~ ;_ I JM• ··•""••••••••••••••• I '"' ._ I 1111 ._ II IHI ""'''' 1,,.. _,,,, ~"'· I r't 1 'iir 1 i 1 ·:-, ... ;.~00·i/ai .. ~!':r..~.··.·~J· ... ::~·~:;~~:~ .. ~~·y .. ~ ............. ;;~·;~~ .......... • OPll 11111 TINY I 1111 llllffl "-$795,000 ffe. New Interior paint and floor coverl.nga. • -• Fantaat!c vacation resort, primary IOUAL MOUeM Unbelleveble prlot for Completely remodeled ocean view. 3700 eq. ft. 2 muter IUltet. r eaidence or lnveatment. 3 Bdrm. OTllEll LllTllll H VHomea -Carmel model. choice expansJon. $265,000 fee. Peninsula Point, 5 BR, Uke new. Walk to ocean or bay. $449,600 fee. 0,,011ruNtn , tlll• huge home. The kitchen w/nnOlu oab'::'• 3rd bdrm with bath, oak' floore. Formal home ln THE HEIGHTS with decked pr•lcelow~•beellr1ee• .~~' ~ec':!cs~tlng~ n~ .::X dining rm, game rm with tlreplace, wine I F 1t1 hMllW'• lttlMt :..1 to 'ih. 11:11 per900 noore. Spaclout ltoht a cellar, much more. Creat,ve terme avail. paUo & ape ln the aun. ew minute ::: ~I ~:'a ~t:::.=~ who look•. Perfect for airy tam. rm 3 er s a.. ,... .. In walk to panoramic view of bay & •,• lnvMtrnent or grHt fa· pool & 1pa. No Quall· 2 bdrm 2 bath upgra""-"' condoa with ocea n . Many other amenities Huntington Beach Condo - $119,600. * aubJect to the Federal mllu homa Call now tying. Auume m.eoo at ' u~ lnclud'"'"' cl••n air & you own the !5 ~~~~!':. ~rw:a!i~ ~·t iut. S:.e-2313 • 14.f9% 1141,aoo ocean view. Security guard, pool, land.~;;;~ to ... actvef11M ·•any prefwen· 1Wt sauna, clubhouM, &. aub parking. GOQd *'"... 111 •--PIHi :: ct, 11m1t1Uon or dlec:tlml-financing. $247,000 to $275,000. _, HVHomes -4 BR, $249.600 . Shows beautJfully. •• nation t>u.o on race, Immaculate 4 Br. ,.,.. OPEN ~llil\IY 1 5PM := color. religion, HX or home w/r.orrc. drMI, pool '1Ulllln • •• nat1on11 origin. or any fllllLOll · 8 moa new copper Ylt .IHlll1tk1, ltllftr :::: lntenth?n to m11C1 any plumbing, gar extenllon· •• euch preference, llmlta· fLDllLE perfect lhOp .,.., and 111·1111 1•1·1211 '* tton or dlacrlmtnallon." tabuloue curb appeal. • ... _._ tf --..... •--..-....A 0.....ltn Cameo Shores -$886,000 fee. Try Jeau option. Steps to ocean. Turtlerock Highlands-like new, $35,000 down. Try lease option or lease. :: FIUIClll 113.950 down. Only -__,,.. ........ ._.. ,.. Thi• newtP1$>91 wttl not n.~-thl• 3 yr nn Pon· 13 12% El. 1139,500 kno wlngly eccapt any .... , .. 1d11ertfelng tor real ... dwoaa b\1111 townllome In :: Ille Which It In vlofatfon Northwood. Setler want• ""'~t dEelEau •»> ol the law. to move and will carry "'"" , 1.ae $80K at 12% tor 10 yrs. call Diana today J: Call now to ue the DIANA PIETENPOL· 1100 E •tll I custom tile work In the VOLPE •• I.. I Advert • prl covered patio wt .,.9 9~00 : sers should check greenhouse window 3 Bd ~~~"~" ~··~ .. ~~~ := their ads dally and 2'.-\ Ba MP· D.R .. tuecloua OITSllE OllAJllH UllO report errors Im-poof & spa. s165·000· 2.eo Don't delay 3 Bdr 2 Ba. epa, entry = med I at e I y . The call Diana today. crtyrd. leaM opt. avall. 5 ~:~~~ ii~~~tyT ~~; DIANA Jci~~~~POL-~~~~'.llc~ril~I~~:'~: noo 559·9•00 xon. agt. 759-9100. the first Incorrect Comp.1e before you buy. 8 mMI• Mller·wtth an Insertion only. Clullfled "*'•It eaay. :f:cuve cl111ttl1d ad. &42·5678 842-5978 ·-------- HOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 117 Marine Ave., Balboa Island, NB .673-6900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 512 Redlands Ave., Newport Bch 675-6670 $219,500 Sun 1-5 Lido Realty 673-7300 lllAI Tiii llE 8et11r wlll carry 130K llralght nota lor 5 yr.. You '*1eflt with 1 mon-thly payment ot 11124 Pf/mo. Cafl now to '" the co:y country kitchen with rock llr1pl1ce end custom cablnete. a 119. 900. Don'1 delay call Diena today. DIANA PIETENPOL· VOLPE 559.9400 Went Ad HeiP? &42-5878 All a 1111 209 lndlanapolis, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $129,500 Sun 1·5 208 Turquoise, Balboa Island, NB DIRECTORY 631-1400 $675,000 Sun 1·5 2034 Vista Cajon, Npt Bch 759-1221 $275,000 Sun 1-5 17396 Sandlewood, Univ Pk Terr, Irv 759-1501 $129,950 Sun 12·5 .. 2137 E. Ocean, Penln Point, NB 631-1400 $305,900 Sat 2·5 ••225 Grand Canal, Balboa Isl. NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *633 Lido Park Or (F-2) NB 760-1900 $495,000 221 Via Ithaca, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $335,000 Sun 2·5 Sun 1-4 122 Agate, Balboa Island 673-5636 $350,000 Sat/Sun 12-2 2 BR phn FA~ AM or DEN 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, Cd~ 644-9080 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 213 Ins, Corona det Mar 6«-9060 $575,000 Sun 1·5 * 10 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 642-8235 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 *19 Curl Dr .• Jasmine Crk, vu, CdM 640-1515 $438,000 Sa1/Sun 12-5 1123 W. Bay, Balboa Penln 64~-4220 $315,6oo Sat/Sun 11-4 3 BEDROOM 5041 Paseo de Vega, T-urtleroolt. Irv 760-1900 $167,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 2331 Cllff Drive, Newport Heights, NB 631-1400 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 502 "I" Street, Penln Point, NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat 2·5 36 Rue Fontalnbleau, Npt Bch 6«-0«8 $599,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 420 OeSola Terr, Corona Hinds. CdM 675-6000 $329.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1946 Port Lockalelgh, HVH, NB 644-4289 $198,000 **3415 Ocean Blvd., CdM 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 1 Rue Fontalnbleau, Big Canyon, NB 760-1900 $500,000 Sun 1·5 314 Marigold, COf'ona del Mar, NB 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2647 Westminster Pl., Costa Mesa 6:45-9429 $140,000 Open Sun. 1-5 ** 1418 W. Bay, Penln. Pt., N.B. 675-6161 $1 ,200,000 322 Larkspur, Corona del Mar 631-1266 .$310,000 Sat 1-5 Sun 1-5 616 Marigold, CdM 640-4521 $385,000 Open Sun 12·5 * *42 Balboa Coves. (Coves) NB 642-5200 $550,000 Sun 1·5 *1820 Tahuna Terrace, CdM 644-8200 $2'-5,000 LH *3225 Oekota. Cotta Mesa 545-9904 1139,900 1911 Court Street, Bal Penln, NB Sun 1-5 Sun 1-4 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1·5 801 ~ Pl., Newport Helghta, NB 54~269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 I M .... PAM Ml or DEN 1218 DeYol'\ ln (W.Cllff) NB 831-12H '231,600 S1t18un 1·5 25 Malnaan, Jumlne Creek. CdM 640·1612 Sun 1-4 1588 Myr11ewood, Cotta Meta &4&-3255 t123,to0 Sat/Sun 1·5 't200t Yacht 09fender (8eavu) Npt Bch 751-1100 M50,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 **542 Herbot Ill Dr, Prom Bay, NB 769+1100 t1,400,000 Set/Sun 1·5 2057 Port Bristol Cir, HV Hms, NB 644-9060 $230,000 Sun 2-6 2039 Shlpway, Baycrest, N.B. 631-7300 $249,000 Sun 1-5 ••38 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 675-7060 $579,000 Sun 1-5 * 1016 Dover Dr, Westcllff, NB 631-7300 $255,000 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk. Irv. Sun 1·5 759-1501 $280,000 Sa 1-5/Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore, Baycrest, N.B. 631-7300 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terr, Irv. Terr. CdM 631-7300 $1,050,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 501 Riverside Ave .. Nwpt Hgts, N.B. 548-2687 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 120 Shorecllff Rd., Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 118 Via Quito, lido Isle, N.B. 673· 7300 $639,000 Sun 1-6 2011 Paloma, E/Slde, Costa Mesa 646-9498 $199,500 Dally 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores, NB 1>42;2510 S-739,000-fee Sat/Sun··1•5 · 1525 E. Ocean Bl, Balboa Penin Pt, NB 642-5200 $465,000 Sun 1-5 420 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $625,000 Sun 1-5 *2009 Yacht Defender (Seavu), NB 759-9100 $450,000 Sun 1-5 * *542 Harbor Isl Dr, (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sun 1-5 2421 Bunya, Eastbluff, Npt Bch 675-1771 $255,000 Sun 1-4 "2105 Yacht Wanderer, Newport Beach 631-1266 $329,900 Open Sun 1-5 3422 SagamOf'e Or, Trinidad Isl, HH 644-6200 $399,950 w/dock Sun 1-5 3126 Cork Ln, Costa Mesa 966-1528 $113,000 Sun 1_. 101 North Bayfront, Bl, Nwpt Beech Sun 1-4 4 BEDROOM **2804 W. Oceanfront, BBlboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $725,000 Sun 1-5 2127 lndlan Springs Ln. Back Bay, NB 631-1400 $579,500 Sun 1-5 474 Hllledge Or, Laguna 8'tach 855-0517 S..69,000 Sun 12·5 1948 Port Chelsea, Newport Beach 640-7877 $360,000 Sat 3.5 3133 Ketry Lane, Cotta Mesa 549-0886 $145,000 22 COfal, Balboa llland 51s-e921 S539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 12.3 mllllon Sun 2-5 **1024 E. Balboa Bl'vd, Penln Pnt, NB 831·1400 $1,750,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2152 Stitt St .. Cotta Mell 54e-2313 s10.-.eoo Sat 10-2 **748 Via Lido Nord, Udo 191, NB e.-.-.eoeo . Sun 1-5 •1.-12 Santiago ~ BMClh &31·12te '375, 8at/8un 1.6 780 Via Lido Soud, uoo ..... NB 873·toe0 t675,000 lat/Sun 1·5 114 Via Ensueno, (Mariners Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sun 1·5 **607 Bayside Or, Promontory Pt, NB 631-1400 . $1,200,000 Sun 1·5 #4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, NB 631· 1400 $2,200,000 Sun 1-4 •910 Nottingham Rd, (Dover Shrs) NB 675-6000 $249,500 LH Sun 1·5 1255 Somerset. (Bycrat) NB 631-7370 $395,000 *2708 Cliff Or, Npt Bch 631-1266 $565,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 2001 Yacht Vigilant, Seavlew, NB 644-9060 $520,000 Sun 1-5 908 Chestnut, E-Bluff, NB 759-1501 $440,000 2632 Crestview, Bayshores. NB 642-8235 $299.000 LH Sun 1·5 Sun 2-5 * 1459 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores 642-8235 $465,000 LH Sun 1-5 *3366 Wisteria, Costa Mesa 545-17Hb $165,000 Sun 1-4:30 *2020 Calvert, (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $190,000 421 Pirate Rd., Cllffhaven, NB 631-1400 $249,500 Sun 1-4 Sat 1-5 18971 Antioch, Turtlerock, Irv. 541 -5032 $200,000 Sun 12-3 •867 Presidio Dr., Mesa del Mar, CM 751-0250 $159,950 Sat/Son 1-6 20832 Skimmer. La Cuesta, Hunt. 8ch 964-33 11 S 183 ,500 Sun 1-5 114 Vlq Enaueno (Mariners Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sun 1-5 15 Cherry Hiiis Ln, Big Cyn, N.B. 631-7300 $895,000 Sun 1-6 23 Rocky Knoll, Trtlrk, Irvine 631 -7300 $225,000 Dally 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $299,000 SaUSun 1-5 * 3165 Bermuda, Mesa Verde, C.M. 631-1266 $18".500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2236 Aralla, Eaatbluff, NB 644-9060 S294,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1805 Glenwood, Baycrest, NB 644-9060 $349,500 Syn 1-5 233 Poinsettia. Corona det Mar 673-4271 $624,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 19<>1 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 ** 1617 Bayal~ Or., CdM 644-6200 $1,475,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 105 Via San Remo, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Romo, Udo tM. N.B. 675-3048/873-2558 . Sat/Sun 1-5 3126 McKinley Wsy, Coeta Mesa 545-7«7 t1<M,to0 12" Londonderry, Coeta M ... 5*-2313 11~.500 1441 Gataxy Or., ~ 8hrt, NI ~7 M20,000 lat/Sun 1-5 *"2e Roxbury Ad. Cameo Shorel, CdM 875-5130 M7S,000 8at1Sun 1·5 I -.oOll \ **'°' Via Udo Nord, Udo let, NI 87M181 tt,1100,000 8un 1·8 **'°II Channll Pt., Nwpt llt., NI 173-0202 ..... ooo lat/lun 1-1 111 Vie ,.,_..:e'-"' 1111, N.1. en-noo •••.000 Old CdM -R-2 lot. Owner will carry financing. $220,000. Huge lot -~ acre. Cor ona del M ar. View o{ e ver ything . Owner will finance. HVHomes -Lease $1100. 2 BR. lll-11tl lll·lll1 GEUY & CHllllTA STARNES COMPANY 5 BR ptu1 FAM RM or DEN 35 Rldgellne Dr. Harbor Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2,650,000 savsun 2-8 17 Muir Beach Cr. Spyglass. Npt Bch 640-9405 $2.400,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 #5 Rue Fontaine, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $785,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 **2500 Bayshore Dr, Bayshrs, NB 631-7300 $1,650,000 Su(I 1-5 •1211 Cutt, (Clfhvn) NB 642~5200 $385,000 Sun 1-5 •3 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM 644-6200 $2,295,000 Sun 1·5 * 12 Trafalgar, Hrbr Rdg, NB 644-6200 $2,500,000 Sun 1·5 8 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN **115 Harbor Island Rd., N.B. 631-7300 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1848 Newport Hiiis Drive East Harbor View Homes 642-8235 $495,000 Dally 1·5 7 BR ptu1 FAM RM or DEN 1760 Port Manleigh, Hbr Vu Hiiis ~37 $450,000 By appt CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 1724 Westcllff # 12, Westellff, NB 631-7300 $95.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 BR plu1 DEN 10 Segura, lrvlne 673-6900 $145,000 2 BEDROOM 1728 Westcllff # 1, Westcllft. NB Sun 1-5 631-7~00 $105.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 209-19th St., Balboa Penln, NB ..... ~.~--~4~0 .. ~~-~~ .. ~~-· . Sat/~un 1·5 621 lido Park Drive, C3, Lido Pen. NB 631-1400 $560.000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 304 Esplanade (Bluffs) NB 640-0020 $272,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 551 Vista Grande (Eastbluff) NB 759-9~00 $222.500 Sat 1·5 •314 Avenlda Cumbre (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 102 Blue Lagoon, Laguna Beach 631-1400 $545.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •314 Avenlda Cumbre, (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $199,500 Sun 1-5 2424 Vista Hogar. The Bluffs, NB 631-1400 $179.500 Sun 2-5 3 BR ptu1 DEN 7 Rue Vlflars (Big Cyn) Nprt Bch 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 29 Hlllgrass (Trtlrk Hinds) Irv. 673-7761 $265,000-fee 4 BEDROOM 404 Columbia, Newport Crest, NB 631-1400 $249,000 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 ll!DROOM 700 Lido Park Dr .. Lido Penln, NB Sun 1.5 Sat 1-5 631-1400 $39.000 Sat 1-5 300 e. Coast Hwy No. 270, N.B. 675-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1 .... 1a.5 Monro'tfa A.,., S~ 23. Coeta Meea &46-3133 $$9,960 Open Sun 10-e I • ..._ PAM NI or DIDI 17&0 Whitt~ A.,.~ #'7, C.M. e~ M2.000 s.t·1~ • DUPUX1!8 ·F.OR' &Ate a•,..1• 1510 AHlone.:.boe lllllftd, NI 813-llOO 000 8atllun 1-S .-11-411\i o:==: = .. e7~M 1141.000 let/lun 1-4 IUMM•ll lllNTAL ..... ••1'00 VII Udo NIN. CU. ._ .. ....... . ... , .. l Orange Coaet DAILY PIL.OT/8und1y, June 20, 1882 SOME OF CALIFORNIA'S MOST DISTINQUISHED PROPERTIES Priced Over $1,000,000 .· IAlllFIOllT OOUITIJ 1111111 Superb construction . finest craftsmanship & decorating, an arc'hitectural masterpiece. 8,000' on 9/ 10 of an acre, electric gates, sweeping views. 5 bdrma, 8 baths, 4 fireplaces. gym/wine cellar. Room for horses, tennis. Prestige Lemon Heights area. $1,990,000 (apj. full acre lot available also). HILL TOP COUITRY VILLI Channing & delightful 5,000' country french, beautifully decorated, high atop Lemon Heights on 1.1 acre with magnificent view. 5 bdrms, 31A baths, 6 fireplaces. $1,195,000. Submit terms, trades. 1 acre site, great views, exclusive location. $400,000. IUIATIO PlllOI HIHUllY Incredible beauty, elegant 7,000' on 2 lA acres (aome flat, some very hilly). 4 IA beautiful marble baths, expensive oak panelled walls & ceilings, exquisite decor. Stone columns, iron fence, el ectric gates, gorgeous landscaping. $1,296,000. Submit tenns, trades. OLISSIC UUITRY IAlllOI Behind magnificent cobblestone motor courtyard & huge iron gat4tll .• 8,000' on full acre, 5 bdnns, 8 baths, 5 massive fireplaces: wine cellar. Just completed, will decorate to suit. $1 .450,000. Submit tenns, trades. 1 acre, almost flat, great view. Surrounded by huge estates. $225,000. 9/10 acre site, pretty view, fine area. Has small fixer or tear-down house. Plans for 7 ,300' estate included. $365,000. RICK ALDERETTE Realtor /Developer 731-4444 or 731-5115 ........ TWO-'*'"' on 1 lot Tai(• over VA loan. !'aid•. t1451000. 0111 Pat, 1ot. 1111.1111 or 790.1755 I IU l'rl,IOO OrHt 1t1rt•r hom• In oooct ...... 2 ldrm con· ao, ll.IP•t prlCI, good i.rma. 641-2S13 THE REA L ESTATE:RS Mora ,...... at• o-ttltlt 0'9 C8"'Pi"I ''but" tl'lll yaer, "~~·C411ft· p•r lhll'I not O•lttng u .. d. Nit It now with • w tl'llf'9I fMt Wltl'I Dalt, C~ Ad. Piiot Wllflt Adi.. RESIOEHflM. AOL ESlATE SERVICES lllWI m Before your very eyes this 3 BR, 3 BA house becomes a 4 BR, 4 BA home with pool, spa & workshop! U in escrow by July l, you may own this beautiful Cameo Shores oceanview property for $749,000, FEE, with exceptional financing. Him ,.. IUIYI IAY BRING DAD & his DOLLARS to this DYNAMITE 3 bedroom custom DESIGNED home on the peninsula. DESPERATE builder' will make any DEAL!! Reduced $100,000 to $695,000. 2100 E. HUI ILVI. 10:00&11 ft lsOIPM IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 bl11go .,.. "" ...... . ,~ ... -ll'llYYln Just profeuionally decorated. Uke new, aophllticated 2 BR+ den, 2 \..\ BA, bar, pool, spa, beach & security. Price reduced $96,000 to $446,000. Only $30,000 down. Debbie Fratt 642-8235 . '=~' S~\\.~1A-"£~s· :::: ----_. ~t CV.• I. POl4AN---- • t4'ononll" Ille 6 ocrombled -d• below lo moire 6 ~..pi. wo<d'-Print i.tten °' -h Ill Its fl"9 Of IQ\IOfU . I HAGUTT 1 1 1 1 r 1 I WELAEY I I I I I I I PA KM UR I I 1~ 1· I I TOVREX I .__I -, -, -,r-1 -i I went 10 a marriage .__..__..__..__.._ ___ counHlor. He told me to I t,.lt my wife llke a guest In l._.,,..H_.O,_C.;...,.-C_I,...E_,_-c. our houH. I did just thtt, ._'_._I _._I _._I _._I '_._I _, ~~d th• next day she - I • mi'.i'0 I' r I* r r I' I' I' I' r' I •r=l 111111 •111 llllll·Lm .....,. 11 Ol•slfleatlH 1100 NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH ,. . LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located just a half a block to the beach. this duplex has 2 two bedroom units. With 2-0-2.59/o down. owner will carry for five years. $235,000. C•ll D.vld HlrKhler •t 844-7020. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-25% DOWN • This Newport Beach leasehold duplex Is just a few steps to the bea~h. Live In one, rent the other. Flexible seller offers good low interest financing $225,000 C•lt D•vld Hlrachler •t 844-7020 TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance this al ready magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floorplan. Seller relocating, will be flexible. $259,000. Cell Dorothy Slmpaon •t 844-7020 THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms. den and 2'/2 baths features an additional fireplace, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, wet bar, pool, private beach and stained Qlass. $825,000. C•ll 844-7020 ANNIVERSARY EST ATES This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers or Investors. Needs a little TLC but well worth It! Large lot Is ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $169,000. C•ll Joann. Hendrie •t 8"-7020. THE SHOAECLIFFS IN CORONA DEL MAR Large assumable First p~cteller will carry a large Second on this charming home wit~ 10 '' kitchen, hardwood floors a large patio, family room, ,,._ 'I.One cooler.' In addlti~n. this 3 bedroom, 3 bath home ~.. njoys use of a private beach. $650,000 C•ll DOrothy SI~ •t 144-7020 JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below market for quick sale, this ocean view R2 residence has good Income potentlal. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport, 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000. Cell 144-7020. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Beach condo Is within easy walking distance to beach and shopping. Motivated seller will assist buyer to purchase this 3 bedroom home with beam cellfhgs, coun1ry kitchen and many other upgrades. $275,000 C•ll JQann. Hendrie at 144-7020 ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, a marble fireplace, oak library, niaster suite with Jacuzzi tub and ateam shower, 3 addition•! bedrooms. a four car garage Insulated wine room, full MCurlty iystem, <t fireplaces and a Whole lot more. $1 ,895,000 Cell Ed lac.no or Judy Jorct.n et M4-7020 MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERS! . This commercial property on the oceanside of the Hwy. in Corona del Mar has two units with parking in rear. Terms . available. $750,000 C•ll Jim Seller• at 844-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get. set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city llght views that come with this 3 bedroom, 2'/t bath home awash In neutral earthtones. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique llfestyle that typifies Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. Oall 14 EsoMt tr lnl4 llrsollller If 144-1120. (;AEAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new summer home with ideal rental units. With 20% down, owner will carry at 12%. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces. patio and double garage, possibilities are almost endless. $475,000 C•ll Steph•nle Burn• •t 844-7020 GAll:AT PRICE AND TEAMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean, city lights and mountains greatly enhance this "Devonshire" model with 4 bedrooms, 3'12 baths. two fireplaces. two large decks. an atrium and excellent assumable low Interest financing. $695,000. C•ll Ed Eactino or Judy Jordan •t 144-7020 GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property within walking distance of the beach has assumable financing, new carpets. new paint and an ideal owners unit. $395,000 C•ll 844-7020 SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city light views Illuminate this 3 Bdrm home with family room, 2 Baths, contemporary styling, 2 patios, courtyard, wetbar, fireplace, breakfast nook & much, much morel $495,000. C•ll Hallie Strock •t 144-7020. . PAEST1r:·~us HARBOR RIDGE This spacious luxury·· ~o ... 1um l9aded with upgrades has oak haldwood floors.~ I. '/J'e entry, plush carpeting, large deck overlooking thb . aces plus 4 bedrooms. family room. 3'h baths and "· galore. $595,000. C•ll Joe Cet•rattl et 844-7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guarded community Is the setting for this 4 bedroom. 2'/t bath home with deck, professional landscaping, courtyard entry, high ceilings, fireplace and skylight. Just beautiful! $585,000 Cell Judy Jordan or Ed Eec.no at 844-7020 GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This well cared tor 4 bedroom, 3 bath home haa Impressive city light and Catallna sunset views plus gOOd assumable and seller financing avaUable. $495,0001 Cell 'uclJ .lordan or Ed lec11no •t M4-70IO. LINGO REAL ESTATE -844-7020 OC[J\NF'HONT DUPL[X Clme to Balboa Ferry, 1hop1, re1taurant . • '219,000 fir1t @ 10% '315,000 Second@ 10% Cuh to ezi1tinq loam. A.kinq price 1625,000. 1O "1• Findncing I /07) ·188 }:,% II~ Liii llLI llOLlllYE-OllTll HYFlllT 85' overlooking· the yachting of Newport Bay & skyline of Newpc)rt Center. This generous 4BR residence presents a mood of tasteful ambiance to be shared w/ family & friends. Gracious entertaining areas abound incl. a bayside terrace w/pool. Rich woods thruout. Wine rm & separate maid's qtrs. Air cond, security, pier & slip . $6,600,000 . Lynne Valentine/Dona Chichester. 644-6200/642-8235. E-35 OllEI SHIH-YIEW I IElOI A spectacular 5 BR -two family room home etched on the bluff above a white sandy beach offering extreme privacy & wood sey atmosphere. View of Bird Rock - crashing surf -jetty and offshore islands . $2 ,500,000 . Lynne Valentine 644-6200 E-36 PllOE IElffHI A home with the ultimate features for a luxurious lifestyle. 60' boat slip, 3 BR, fam nn & formal dining. Stained glass everywhere, .Jennaire, central vacuum & air cond ., Marble fireplaces, security systems, bayside patio & 2nd story balcony. $1,550,000 Bobbi Ryan 752-1414 E-37 111 HST IF SPYIWS The finest ocean & bay view from this beautiful Southport model. Custom pool, spa & much more. 5BR, 4 ~Ba. Owner transferred & eager to .sell. Will assist w /financing. Submit all offers. $995,000. Myrna Boom 551-8700 E:-38 1111 lllE OllllMllllM Total security in this beautifl(l l~ous condominium -Bay &l\l:tfy view, underground security parking, Pool & spa. Magnificent entrance salon w/crystal chandelier, Pool nn & deck area to private boat slips. $845,000. Barbara Aune 642-8235 E-39 U1U1 llllE lSTATES Beautifully decorated 2 BR. den "Miramar" Plan is the ultimate in design & livability. Great for entertaining, dining & relaxing. Elegant living room, gourmet kt t chen, an<l panoramic view. Priced for a fast sale $500,000. Anita Bradshaw 752-1414 E-40 IPJIWI DOEPTllUL With tenns to match . Beautifully decorated Portsmouth model -lushly landscaped courtyard surrounds an i,ntimate pool & spa. Terrific financing. Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 $450,000 E-41 PElllSILl PlllT OIAIMEI Absolutely delightful 3 BR, 2 BA. cottage. Located on corner lot w/ lots of privacy. Steps to beach, harbor & parks. Fantastic financing. Potential plus. A best buy at only $325,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 E-42 TllTLE 1101 PIUllEIT 1111 Beautifully decorated "Ex.ecutive Home" w/huge park-Uke garden & covered patios. 4 BR, Fam rm, formal dining w /many elegant upgrades. Excellent financing. Owner w/carry 1st T.D. $325,000 including land Belle Partch 644-6200 E-43 lllT• 1111111 .. Wl1I NIL This 3 BR home offers a spacious, light & airy feeling w/lg bedrooms & plenty of storage. The yard is very private wflg pool. ~ & cabana. Good financing. $249,500, Bill Wedmore 551-8700 E-44 · lllTI~·" llH•H Sparklina emotional atmoaphere prevails In thJa 3 + fam nn Lusk beauty. Numerous custom features & \&Plf&des -Newly l.and8caped w / parklike rear yard. Th.ii shows like a new home! Excellent location adj9Qent to park. $239,500 Jane P81QUln 642-8236 E-45 • . • I •n.•11111un.t IO,\T ON THI IAV, PLAY ON THI OO!AN lpeotout, open & tunny etl V'lew hOfne wt penorlfn6o declc1, on huge prime lllend Point, + ~ l Pl'kG ~ + you 01111n ttie lend. + ~ flnancfng, all '°' SMa,000, °'*' Sat/Sun. 1-a. 4028 Ct\w\nel Pt.oe, Newport letMdr~ BMch. 873..0202. UST OUIOE LIWEIT PlllEI IAYFllml This cus~m designed Victorian has never been lived in. The interior includes: family r oom, fully equipped kitchen, living room 3 bedrooms and 2 'h baths. Aiso features 3 fireplaces, spa in master bath, brick patio, upper dec k overlooking the Bay and slip for 35 ft. boat. Open house with owner 101 NORTH BA YFRONT, Sunday 1-4. . , i lllT ....... Beauutul 4 br. S ba 2 story home atepe from the park. ~ume jumbo lat T.D. at 9~4' and seller will finance balance at 124' with 2°" down. Price $207,000. ANNE McCASLAND 631·1266 ....... Ideal for inve1tor. Larse lOCJ, lat T.J>. and seller will carry aecond T .D. Full price $94,500. ANNE McCASLAND 63J-1266 .MUM PUlllaJ DrasUc reductioo on gorgeous 1 new country French home near harbor erftcance. Extensive use of oak & leaded glass. Beat •priced new home on the Penlnaula. Now only $575,000 - Builde r w /trade. JOYCE WALTZE 631-1266 234 E. 17th St., Cost. Mesa 631-1266 4482 8arrwa Ptwy, hN 559.9400 •15 Corp0Ht1 Plaza, Npt 8ch 759-1221' • 12 '.4 3 FINANCING. HARaOR VllW HOME Gorgeous MONTEGO modeJ featuring 4 br, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 with large assumable loan & seller as&sted financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or752-7373. •TURN A FROG• Into a handsome prince. Spacious 3 br, 2 ba home on large comer lot needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 •5 3 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two ba\hs. Builder will fi~at 12.9% and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556·7035. •$727/MO.• Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DEMOLISHED HOME -CHEAP• 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable single story end-unlt decorated in sumptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. Great assumable 1st Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.25% payable $795/month. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 656-7035. •AIANDONID• Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• Is all you pay for this 3 br, l 'h ~ outie with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. IX>32 Adams, Huntington Beach, 556-7035. •MESA VERDI• Affordable living with superb financing available. Spacious home meticulously maintained. Only $13,500 down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556· 7035. •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with soaring cathedraJ oeil.inp and bright a,nd airy country kitchen. With 4 large brs. 2 ba'a and a family room, lt's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adum. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$9,600 DOWN• . Buys this big 4 br pool home. Over 2000 aq. ft. Loara Schools. Asking $159,900. 9032 Adams, Huntinpm Beach. 556-7035. •Fiii MONIY • Owner desperate, will finance home at zero interest for 5 years. Beautifully decorated home in mint condition . 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. _ •OWNIR DISPIRATlll• ' HllEllU- 1•11 W, UY .. UT, ... Prt• W• •>' bl)'front au ... for 2 '-"' mnodeled' bdrm.' blth ll.200,000. ' U~l~U~ §()LUTl()~i --CLEAN-VACANT-CHEAP AHumable loans all under 14%, 2 Bdrms. family room. earthtone decor and greenbelt locatlon. Snazzy at only $139,500. A llstlng of Katie Roberts. Open Sunday 1-5 pm. 4 Melody Lane. BIG HOME -LITTLE APT. Charming 3 Bdrm plus den and large famlly area, up to date decor and just a block from the beach. Apt In rear rents at $600 mo. Large 11 'A% loan available. $495,000. A llstlng of Nancy Laux. Open Sun 1-5 pm. 304 Goldenrod. BACK BAY POOL HOME 4 Bdrm. 2'11 Baths. sitting vacant with assumable 30 yr. loan ot $150,000, and owner anxious. Reduced to $279,000. A llstlng of Bonnie Barrington. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 2221 Francisco. U~IVUI: li()MI:' REALTORS, 675-6000 2443 EMt Cout H~way, Corou del Mar Ocffn & jetty views~ room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 eq.ft. fl.38&,000. OcMnfron\, -.... llLI-· l llNL.91-....... , .. Prime Udo Nord beyf ta(lt. & bdrm. 5 ~ beth. 'Lae I.. R .. 2 *' .Upe ll.~1000. f<emodeled 3 bdrm. 2 beth + Jere• rec. nn. beam eellinp, furn11hed. patloe. '420,QOO. UllA till llYRllT t..aaoon view from e bdrm,~ beth, playroom. darlt rm. den, &111 aUp 11.350.000. IH•E Gift Spectacular beyfronl view 2 br. 2 ba up. 2 br. 2 be dn. i2 boet .Upe $1,800,000. DIRDIAIO CAYS C.Oronado laland cusl. bayfront lot. 85' boal dock. Plana avail. Red. 1370,000 w/terms. IUm ... Single atory end unit, expanded, UP8faded 3 br. 3 be on largett areenbelt. 1250,000. PUI .... 3 bdrms, 2 ~ batla condo Mar pool. $145.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.S Roy,·d~ D•·•• '• 8 f>l~ t>lt>l LA CUESTA BEAUTY Huge 4 Br with game room. 3 full baths. Ceramic tile entry. Lots of glass. Master suite bath with sunken tub. Hot tub in landscaped patio. Fantastic terms. Assume 1st TD and owner will carry large amount. Frice $183,500. Oall l111 1 ... ua .. 1t11 IHfilrJ21 ...... tttleeH4-H12 •IASTaLUff• 11.21 % Financing available when you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for en tertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WESTCLIFF HIGHLANDS• Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room, skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc & assumable financing. OnJy $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •FREE RENT• Choice 4br exL'CUtive ranch style home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1 ,200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months to 1 year. Large, low interest assumable loan, formal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 714/7~9-1501 or 7141752-7373. • 11..46% FINANCING $30,000 DOWN• Available!! Fabulous TURTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME. Featuring 3 br's, fplc, gourmet dining and private courtyard. OnJy $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •MUSTY, DUSTY & VACANT• •$ 109 ,()()()... 9.9% assumable financing available on this tastefully decorated S Br Townhome. Vacant & quick possession. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. , •PRISTIGE' COMMUNln• Gorgeous 3 br, 2th ba, 2 story home in JASMINE CREEK. Featuring guard gate, pools, tennis, clubhouse. Secluded location with custom upgrades including stained glass .windows & carved doors. Flexible financing tailored to your needs. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •IACK BAY ARIA• •$135,.000. 3 Br house on fee land featuring hardwood floors & shingle room with 11~.assumabJe 1st T.D. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$1,000. •REIATI• On brand ne w townhome! f eaturing privacy, 2 mstr suite & de/loft overlooking liv rm. Only '123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 7~2-7373. •$95,90(>. Costa Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with !Brie yard. Freshly painted. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *93 FINANCING ..... When you takeover exiating lst Truat Deed on th1I abeolutely beautiful Plan 4 in HERITAGE PARK. 'l'tWI fonner model features 3 Br 2~ Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $151,500!! 2870 San MJcue1 Dr., Newpon Beach. 759-1501 « 752-7373. ..PllCI RIDucnGN• WOODlllDOI LANDING Must sell this caiy custom home near the ocean in ''Old Town" Huntinpm Beach. The toarina cathedral ce~ with 5 akyliahtll and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at th1a price. Secluded patio/courtyard "1th low maintenance yard complete the picture. Sacrlfkle for '171,500. 9032 Adami, Huntington Btfl plan 1 featurinl 3 br. fonnal dinlns. Located 8Cl'om streel from Lake 2. Priced at $244,900 on FEE land. OwMr ..a.ted flnandna .--~available. 2670 San Mtauel Dr., Newport BNch. 7~9-1501or762-7373. Beach. 556-7035. --•• .. ••' ' If RVMtt.'< REDUCED TO SELLI Super 3 Bdrm 2 bath apltt level Laguna 8Mch homel Enjoy IM beautl- tut ocean and city llghll view plu1 financing that makes thla one afford•· blet Priced right at $229 ,000, c all now. 846-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS TWO FOR llE VALUE LIYe In one and rent the ottlefl N-front unit plut recently refurbi.hed home. Motlvlled seller saya submit all olleral l'erm1 offered. Only 1 ·ft,'· C•ll to .. y, .. :m1 NEW VIEW TOWN - HOMES. 2 Maater Sul· tea. View of ocean & night lights. Quiet Arn. Parka, open apacea. S 125.800 dn. Xlnt Fin. Hal or Pat Bauer, AgtL 673-7300 l RUL IARUlll Rare on the market custom bull! 4 Bdrm 2 bath pool home with views of the upPlf 8** Bay of Newpof1 and city llgtlts. Seiter twma avai- lable or trade! 8-rgaln priced " s2og,950-call now! 648-7 171 THE REAL ESTATERS OCEANFRONT LAGOON 150' OF BEACH 7000 sq tt building pad. .65 Ac L1Costa'. Carl1b- ad S275K. 581-9695 .IASllH O•EU .,.Is .. 1-4 2111111111041 Huge 3 bdrm home In preatlgloua J11mtne Creek. Tennta, pool, guarded gate. $382,500. For More Info CIJI: Steve Wittie. ASSOCIATED REAL TORS. 581-1100 2 LlllRY TOWllllEI 2 beautllul new town- homea located In excel- lent area. All the rooms are extremely l1<ge with 2 muter bdrmt, perlecl fOf Joint owntrlhlp. N.-vw lived If\. Vety 11trec· tlv• financing. Call for detail•. 548-2313 ri•m1 LOWEST PRICE IN NEWPORT . for a 2 8d OOfnef unit overlooking pool In Park Lido. Vaulted celllnga. gerage, termL $1 t9,900. F0t m0te Info call Lola Miiier, IQ! 831-1288 or 873-7544 IMMEDIATE TAX BENEFITS ........... •11411~ ...... Orange Oout DAl~V PILOT/Sunday, June 20, 1ua WM.1111IWI "'°"' 11111 ~ Uftlt • 1 It, defl, gar, oloM to Main bMOft. 1141.tSO ""':,~u ... TM 110W of ........ .ood ttwuout qur • ldrm llome i.nctt wermtll to the 1n- IOfm111ty of our home. ,OOI, apa and 9P8ftmenl PurchHe thl1 fantH tlo new Sproul duplex for only 15 .. 5.000. Wilt 1 .... ,.. ••• ~ both unite, man&Q9 It for youl Sell later 4 Br, 2 ~ Ba. ideal t.amily home with u 2 condoe, enfoy the new 15 year oceen view. Community pool & pu-k. dtpr1otatlon aohedule. 3 bdrm, 2~ -TllTUIMI '" ...... -llT&YI leautlful 3 bdrm home In private parti.llk• aetttng. l'ebulou• vtewt. Setter financing. Reduced to 1223,900. ~" oereoe add• o..1-reblltty. Offered et 1385, 000 .... ... ,1.1 1111•1r. Aaumable 10'4~ loan. $276,000. bath, 2 b~ 2 bath with bay view. 1111 WL• WAY UT/• 1·1 llTI• 1-4 .. lllmYWl&lll FabulOIJe 3800 eq. ft. a bdrm home. ~try klt- ollen, ocean vlew1. 2 b!OCJI• 10 beeeh. t2% fi-nancing. 13 71 ,000. Agent 494-4730 M2·1Z• j PETE twt 1&.•1 Tl ..,., m ... .....~... <('f<J~"11a dd vlfai ChannJ.na 4 Br. & larle f~ room. ..,. at!. _ L _, ~-'-. • rQ '"91" ' 8ARR ETI REALTY fireplace, country kitchen, quiet \ u 'UJ{W't«e4> 67~-~, 61 aidentlal area. Loni term 1eller 3'41 E. Co•et Hwy., Corona dtl Mar Allllm financing. •2~.000 lnclUdlng land . mwllPIYDllW Sell first? or Buy first? That la always the question. Why not both in one transaction. We can offer you an unusual opportunity to exchange your present home, pa.id for or not, as the down payment on an outstanding Big Canyon home on the golf oourae. Why not call us now. 644-4910 .. Wiil.i '" uu 1-.r. ••nun ua• YllW u.u 1111 1111 Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sa~ st. 3 bdrms, fam rm, $379,500 including land. Ask about a 1% interest loan on this home. ........ On The Bluff Overloo&png Bay & O cea n . C u stom-Built Home . Arc hitecturally Design ed. Magnificent Views. Beau tiful Woods.. Handsome Appointments. Abundant Closet & Storage Space. 160 Ft. Frontage On Ocean Blvd. Call For More Information. .... UITWI , TUii, LUii/ ....... Ill.I Only $15,000 Down. Luge Aarumable Loan W/30 Yr Fixed Rate. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd T.D., Low Interest. Lovely 3 BR Bluffs End Unit W /Wrap Patio On Lush Greenbelt... lmmed. Poesession. Reduced To $199, 500. Sally Shipley's Listing. IUNW Exclusive Gate Guarded Area: Spectacular View. With Or W/O Furniture. 3 BR + F.R. Beautiful Conditio n . Only $450,000. A Twit.chell-Trivison Listing. Pl.-TNYllY Cµstom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquet Fl.rs, New Cpts, 3 BRs + Conv. Den. 3 Yi Ba. Separate D.R. Huge F.R. W /Wet Bar. Kitchen WI Pantry. Brkfst Room. Sauna. 3-Car Gar age. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1,400, 000. Marilyn Twit.chell's Listing. ....... O wne r Is Getting Desperate . Spectacular Golf Course View. This Listing Offers Privacy, 3 Lrg Bd.nna, 3 Ba, F.R., 3-Car Garage & Lovely Gardens. Enjoy Entertaining In Thia Dramatic Home. Priced At $725,000. Trudy Stubblefield'• Listing. ..,., Ill& Custom 3 Bdrm + Fam. Room. Fontlal Dining. Prof.·Dec:orated'. Lovely Patio ~BBQ. Pool & Spa. U The Price Fita, There Are Few Homes In Beach Area Any Better. Only $229,000. John Roa' Listing. 11-.Uf...ul Attractive Spani.ah 2 BR furnished 4-plex. No v-cq>fcw. Good location South of Rivertide. Exclnt teTma. Reduced to $124,500. Sally Shipley's llaU.ng. 7~9100 ® :=.~· ~!!.~•••••••••J.'!f '.fr'ULL OCU.N VU• llWPllT •HT 1~.Q~aC: .:J• HERITAGE REAllORS Jutt bring your clothee & '•:::::::::::!iii l1'IOVe In to thlt IMtant r home, BHutlfully UP· Ull IPF•-...TI -------- graded and decorated, Unobftrueted penorarnle Ill& ftm tpeCIOua 2 Br & den. 3 view, ocean, letty, big ~arbor/Baker. Lowe.\ Ba, wall! to beach & COiona, Catalina. Exlll. price 3 bdrm In Area recreation facllltlH . 3 BR 3 8' home w/gueet 1123.900. S25K dn. Prtca tor Immediate .... htt below, Jut! ttera OWC remaining. 194,000 & utter wlll help w/ trom the beech. One o a a 1 ll u m e • t 1 2 % financing. Full p rice klndl Call 840-5553 tor 848-3265, 540-4087 1239 ooo 151-3t91 app1. a••-UYI• S1.500.ooo -•-• l•-•riiiiiiiiiiri--11 In lhll 4 bdrm home with .. price reduction. Seller --==-===~=---------• motJveled 10 1111 thlt r ...... , • Trtlk t8t7t Antioch, lllbx, drwnatlc new ~front CNnnlng 4 Bf. & i.oe 4 Br. 2 S.. D.R., F.R. vu tiorn.. ~t views. I II Br fl of Univ. 1200,000. S&C>. Vwy epeqal amenhlee & am Y room. lek r• 000 down, $150,000 1tepe to !flt bMeh make pt~1 • COIJI ntry kitchen, A.l.T.O. 12"' Int only for 5 this an outltlf\dlnQ off• qu et rH denllat arH.yr __ ,_._Age11..;;,__1_6A_1_-503_2 __ 1 ring. $1195,000. ~PEN Long term Mffer flnan--SUN 10·2. 3 tlle5 coast cloa ... $229.000 Including Flowert & CO!Ot fltl the land giant backyd o f this Hwy, South Laguna. Oil.Liii Pl fllll Woodbridge S&S Twnh-~ 3 Br., 2 ea. pr~ redu-u . 3Br, 2'hBa. only ~~ ... 'S C9d 15000 to St 14,500. lt84,000. Good termt. ,. .. ,, .. , Drive by 253 Hanovef. GOLDEN PROPERTIES Then call Leo Hanna, 752-1589 Ag\, WOODBRIDGE • Char- 144-4t11 ming twnhae, 3Br, 1'h8a, ITUU Lovely lrg 3 8d houea widen, eo• & forever vu. Only $35UOO F-. Call DIRECT to Patrick or Fred Tenore. agt 63 -1 or 710-1702 add-on famlly rm. Many extru lncludlng new carptit Large attUmable IOan and owner will ... T .\Y LO}{ CO frplc, patio, $121,000. 17141494-1 77 $15,000 dwn. A11ume 1-_.ll .... L.:..J.:....:.::•.,;....:.:N:....:....Wl.:...:...::....:..._1 ______ ~......:..- Ln., ownr/egt 759-1o&7 •,. OWIEI FllUCE I slit. $135,000. Cell for l~~~~~~~~~I more Info. 979-5370 Pll·••--•1 Beat Weatllde locale, 3 Br. 2 e .. plu. epa. Low d o11tn to auumabl• loans. $123,000. •11~ h ..... -u.•-AITO 13% 5 yeart or O _. lease oPllon. Uk 3 Ba. W E S T L I F F • Turt ocll -apectacular Pan0tamlc O<lean/beaet'I GAIT view, unbeatable terms. view. $469,000. Owner/ YI \ f >I l / 11 F If 2 Br plus den. John Agent 855-05 t 7 or 3 Bd. 2 Ba, llexlble Marshall. Ag\. 831-2242 544-2170. terms. HARRY FREDE- IT--R-1--P-LEX.--$-55-.-000-d_own_. RICK, egt 83t-t268 • • ', , I •.~I '• PROPERTY HOUSE &42-3850 &48-1889 PUI 1 Auume 111. TO 9.,.,%, OWC Balance at 12% Prlnelpela only Pano<a· WTlllC l ·I Ltt ......... .....,. Newty decorated 2 Bdrm home on 80x 125 lot Room to build. Fifi! TO $102,000 ueumable at 14%. Atklng St37,500. For an ~tment to .... call SAO-11s1 .... ,.., 1011 In the ChancellOt ~. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. plus den wtth front bdrm tr\larged to make nice lam. rm. wltll lll<ytlght. Air eond. Patio cover. AllOC. pool and tennis. $137,900. mle ocean views. $325, --------OCEAN VU ENO UNIT Prim toe. 2bf'. trl-M Npt Cr•t 1235.000 Bkr Tom Gottler • 846-9200 ~-·HERITAGE REALTORS MESAVERQE llU Q111 .. Harbor/Baker. Lowett 3 · II, If IWY Br. prie. In area. $123, Ck>M to Ill the things Close 10 beach, 2 bdrm. 900. $25 dn, OWC rt· that are the pul11 of 2 bath, clean now with malrilng. 194,000 u -MtH Verda. Four b•· a u m 1 a t 1 2 % . ···•··••···•······•••· ..... 1 BR Dana Point Sea- Ylewt Pool, 19al T.O. 30 yr loenl St05,900, 11,350 mo. 831-e&ee , \ f >I l / 11 F ti 000. Broker 499--1526 lllUlllSllll ... ...... ,, ...... ,......, nlEWltll YllW Pool. large lot: 3BR 2ba plus guest quarter• Close to downtown Laguna. .. 1295,000 144-1111 /Jn Nl[,f l Cl\ll l r & l\':iSUCIAHS drooma. Hlghly upgra-potential for addition. 646-3255/540-4087 W fHlj 'IHI ded. A houae whoae $279,500. ..'l.~!~•fl••••••••••••• •Tl - many valutt belle Ill O&llEI llOWIS I. -1·2 ButUflM t.,ower Three Arch Bay Grt ISTltl . ' .. ·. .,, .. price. OWner wlll help fl. Brighi cheery 3 bdrm & 3Br, tBa, & tSr, 1Ba In-IHft IHI Ocean Vu. Divorce for-2 FULL SIZE LOTS ('I• n8"()9. lt3<4,900. den. Pool lllze yard. Prl-taw 9'.llte, newly remod• •••••••••••••••••••••• oet ..... Ofter or trade. acre plus) lushly planted 111·1* I.I. vale beactlea. 1220,000. led, flexible terms. 1129, IJOll llWI • l~tt. OWner/Agt 499·31« & In prime North end l&llY STllffD 900. Or try lee option. By 2 Br. TownllouH , de-...... ..... locatlon. Sprawtlng split i.l.tM 1118' '* SU L.11111&1.n. OWnet 8*-2768 11gh1u1 tnd unit wtth pa-' 1 ~ t v t . home w / 3 b d ...................... lla..uM ey awr-COiiege Perk 4 llo, commun1Cy cC: & ,.. emC:d:lald''• BORMS. MnllOed by 2 STEIL TllSI 3 Br 2'~ Ba & den. Pr1ced way below mar1!et 10 Mil. Newpof1 llddr-for only $162,000. LOW DOWN. Attume tat T.D. Call Todayl RAE ROOOEAS, agt 631-1286 CAMEO SHORES Cuatom 4 Br. 3 Be. pool, Jacuzzi, kol pond, 3 frplc 'a, $476 ,000 . 675-5930. ...... ..., $400,000 Total PrlQel Beat buy on ocunfront, l(fnt roe. $325,000 euh + attumable $75K, 10·~ TD. Owner 640-7990. ~ l eNrmlng 3 bf' & ~~~~~~~~I Bf. 3 Ba. Meume VA klddy )Wd. LoW 0t Newly r wood baths, fHturH HARO. loft. l.9elopt Of trade l0t :: OWC 2nd, SHO,OOO. talre over extatln.g VA 11\d glue 3 bdrm. 3 be 2 WOOD FLOORS, FORM. ii unlt9iiiii.ii8ii73-1Miiiiii5.iiiiiiiil .......... .,,..... Pmclpela only. 55&-t091 toen. FUii pt1ce 11oe.aoo. ttory home '1n North La-DINI! RM., OCEAN VIEW SEAVIEW -elegant & 4 Br on home, 2~ U.... Agent. 682-1700.. gt.In&. Whlt9 water view & loeda ol c:t\arm. Ext• charming Hampton ITT1111'111 capetlof" tMI. GOOd "-~ Emerald Bey riOt Med• T.L.C. '425• model. fabulout view• nencing. , .. fMd. S7t5, 9MuCJtu1 4 bdrm wlpool • MWI 11 from every room. Ent~-000 FULL PRICE. decor '""a ....,. comm I STiil 000. -"' lam rm. New petnt View of the ocean -walk tlllrl on 3 view deckl Of'" MISSIOH REAL TY wtP<>Cit ;t.;,n°"iit8dltlel: + MODERN APT. 1rftM fMffle U and copper pig. Plank I o t h e 1 a n d • built Jn apa. 375 Cam-985 So. Cat Hwy, L.agurla s55o,OOO. Open Houae Nr Baya, $385,()C)(). W/ 85t~ or 552-e111 Hdwd lloora. L.A. and 2 1 3 I 3 3 3 • 3 8 4 8 . =S.~t~ to (114}49'-1111 Sat/Sun 12-5 1903 Yacht bftn labulo)la financing. a nt r y . S 159, 9 5 O. 2131902-1298 Colina 644-t017 save~ W&.n IY OWIEI Ctll _7_5t_..o2_so_Ag11_0wnr_-1-4 B-R-. ,-.,.,-be-. -Onty-$5000-• IOUI VI llPLU ~.!.'l.~L.!!!~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NEW SBr eoricso. 2300 121 000 4 dwn. $1070. monthly. Walk to beaeh. two 2 Br SIPEll YILIE ~~(2~1~1~) ~·~H~·-~~1 eq ft. 1 !lf l.t I Call: Agt. 731-7587 1 Ba unlta, Immaculate 4 BR 2ba be 2 fir• ~ Open Sun 12-5. ~ ,., BY OWNER Tri-level condition. Reduced to places ~ petlo •lO~tt. ...... lllt. 818 Marlgold. . 2 Br condo, E'alde. tiorn.. nr. bud!, 2 yra $299,000 w/$45,000 w/~.,'guBBO. Dot gar, •Priced at only $399,000 $385,000. 540-4521 Monthly pymta credited old. 112.000 cash n... dwn, auume pr\Wlte tit RV parking clubhou• •2 Story 3yr old custom -·-•-towards down. call Pat. ded. I 157 .ooo. YOU ol $264.000.at 13% for 6 Sytv81l aetttne lmmac:u'. -Call for Information -wr..-875-177t or 760-1755 Ouallly. Andy, 536-2547 r..: ~or~~ ~7,,,,a1te. late. 1 149,soO. Harcum BKR. 6715-3859 2 ttory, 3300 tq ft, 3 yra Ag!. days, 980--069e ...,_ & -"""'' .,....., "' & Hom R.E. 49f-8551 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil old. Gourmet llltch. 3 ..... ... tpea. 11lnt fin. 233 Potn-.... n..... WEElEllE• LUii LIT Mttla. 87~271 ~-'""-11.ll'-' LtMI BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Be n wttlt llO .._, fttwl IPll lllLY 1 .... 210 GRAND CANAL Little' Island, Sharp 3 Bdrm 2 bath on the water. owe. $575,000. UNIOUE HOMES Rita or Tom Boland 875-6000 2411 ... ft. of CUSTOM HOUSE. Excellent financing. $639,000. 87s-692t "11H 1e.i.1a11 1111 . ....... , .••...••..... DELUXE BEACHFRONT Bee1 location, 3 Br 3 Ba, owe. 1790.ooo. eo..1 Proptftlae 873-54t0 __ ,.. OWner wlll carry 2nd. 3 Bdrm 3 batlon. 1485, 000. IPllsm&Y 1-1 1UIL ..... M2-lllO j PETE BARRE TI REALTY Open Set Sun t-5 Super financing available hme, approx 2900 eq.tt. Only 3 block• to Bluebird -. on this 4 bedroom r81lch Nr M eadowlark Goll Canyon beach. A quaint Da<llng . 3Br 2ba. Quiet .,;.rt.1"' leff.. style home. In lmmacu-Course. 1236,000 terms. 1Br home wflll a large street. Wiii 1eue oPtlon Waa $645,000. Now late condition end within We wlll guarantee to buy greenhou11. Fenced or??? $155,000. 1549,000. Bldr must 11-short distance to the back at aame price In 3 yard, quiet street. Hold l.aplll YllllCt l.E quldate. 4 bdrm, 3-A ba beach. Seller very en-yr'I. 846-0450 for Investment or Juat 411-1111 · Bayview custom. Open xlous to move. Call for 12600 DOWN 90 days to good llvtng. $172,000. Sun. 2·5. 2220 Water-l'TIOl'e details. $124,950. relln. 'Ji "'I from ocn, 41_ 4-1111 front Of. 979·2390 .,. Ownlbkr/bldr 673-11~ fMIMtlt IHlotltll 2Br. 2Ba. MC. Complete BY OWNER/MUST SELL 3 br, 2 ba, vi-. spa. 1 195.000 or olfer. 63t·5479 Try 10% down on this --------• • _... INlllHfi· ' rec. lec:ll. 960-4888 ~ f!!!~.!re .....• J.~~f great 3 bedroom ram11y IWIU LU* TIWI . .....,.... ..... ,., lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .... 11111 home. Hu extra large u. lest Mfl ~·-El llllEL TER- vlng rOOtn and flreplac:.. End unit 1 BR 1 Ba. walk RICE OAll BBQ In back yard and 2 Br. 1 B .. + 1 Br. 1 Ba. only • f-mlnut" from to shopping or bike to ~~~~~~~~ Large 1 leY8I condo with 72x105' A2 lol Do not the beaet\. Now prie.d at bchooo' Awdtt/ ~plat x. 170,· ..... ..... view. 3 Bdrm & den. I Only ••09,500. Call · ta .. e 111 w d tturb tenanta. t 528 979-2390 g 0 0 d 1erm 1 . Bk r . Tiny "Historic" home on Showa Hke a model. 20% Ora nge. $1211,000. 982-0103 prime lot 3 block• from down & OWC financing :;~!045201 ~...,! wl<nda, Ill-HM --------1 bMch. St39.500. at 12%. Offered for -... -..w1-3707 S. BRISTOL ..... &--a....t 1149,500. SANTA ANA 2Br. on the bMdl sand, """""'----I W-'--I.I mu WEiii ocen view from all Excellent loeatlon, 300 "--MU91 Mii 4 br, 2 ba. Xlrlt r o o m 1 . S 2 3 O , O O O . yards fr0tn beech, 3 BR 2 •1-2111 floor plan. Appralted et 980-1464 Ba cottage, n.da WO(t(. I~~~~~~~~~ $140,000. Prlcfd at Appraised for W.fi I llSI $120,000 w. $70,000 •--1--JH~ lt75,000-wlll sell for •••••••~~••••••••••• down. S135,000 w. $34, ·~ .. 1199,500. · ~:~~c. Bkr <21a> ··iiiw.iii.uWi.. , ';';'~ ':!.. Piii PUOE JUST REMODELED ~~~~~~~ • IHE s B': 2 ea. 1ge poo1 anc1 ESTITIS 3br, 21>a, cov'd patio w/ ::: 2 181 square fHt ol tpa. Manlve flrepfaee, 4 II, 2\.i II. wet b8'. <1ttner' 848-Q-498 all LST0 townhome Uvlng bf'lngt aotl'll ocean 'flew. Excat-BETTER THAN IAITllll you all the comt~• of tent financing at 13%. MODEL Cape Cod eh.,mer -~ single family Nvlng with .... 9.500. HAS EVERYTHING wer 3 Bdrm. Ataume tat all Ille advantagH of I Imler Cul-d•aac: 11r .. 1 TD of St00,000 et t~.1% townhome living. Four Ultra-aopfllstlcated 3 BR Sun & Sall II Clul~ 111,21& Large covered patio, fnpleca, double ear ga- rage. Excellent condl-2Br, den, roofed patio, 2 lion. $t35,000. Owner frple, 1123 W. Bay. 30% will ,._..'"' 1st toen. Best dwn, owe below m111. -·1 • only St37,500 and '1W· roomy bedroomt, l0tmal & den home, Just steps 20 min. to ner may carry. Hlghly dining, family room, fire-from the aand at Cre-Newport Center upgraded. Call Diana place In Ill/Ing room, wet acent Bay. Romantic $210,000 wllll t teo,ooo Cappel 63t-1288 bar, encloHd private ooulal view f•turtd on at 12% fixed rate a 1315,000. 845-4220 °1 terme. patio With deelllng and tH t Laguna Ch.rm fi.llly amofttz.d. IOYER SlllRES 14~ 1 Galaxy Dftve 4 Br. Den. Formal Ol'l.trig Room. 2 Flreptacet, 3 c ar garage ptu1 large Hobby Room. Pool llzed lot, beaut. landscaped. Owner wlll •9'1•1 et fl. nenclng. Only $420,000. Open Sat/Sun. 1-5 RoblnllOll: Ae*10t 14t-M41 PENINSULA DUPLEX 206 44th St. Xlnt nnen. SALE BY OWNER Pt1 673-6454 for detalla •un• "'° ... FAIRWAY/LAKE VIEWS! Fabulous tocetlon, large 2 Br. 2 Ba. + Den. 10' oeUlng1, apa, ao. expo- sure, highly upgraded. Immaculate. 1575,000 . Anume very 18fgt toan, low down. Guarded communlty, shown by =·· °C' 711CM817 .... llSPIUtl Sel1lrlQ et tosa In H#bor View Homea. Hlglhfy up- graded Cermet. Atldng $250,000. Aaume 200K 12%. Ownleg1 780-HH NIL ... +llEST APT . ONE-OF-A-KIND: 4 Bd, fam rm, + bttl pool entertaining arM. ---rate gueet apt w/kg ar Br & lovely llv rm w/ ffple. Only '335,000. Agt. ~380 Of 84~785 c./ltr&U• .., ........ lltr, ..,. Ml-112t ................. !.~!!~~~~~~~~ BEST BUY MESA VERDE P*'<*I fOf qUlett NI« 3 Br exec. pool tiorn. ,_ golf oouree -"' owe 111 t 2%, rney take 1 trede. Cal l O l •n • C ape ll 8'1-1211 garden arM and morel Houee Tour. $845,000. No point• or quallfylng. Fabul01J1 flnenctng ... no a4-1111 77CM>347 Put Y'O'K *"'-tlalng me. ~.1r~~3= .... ,.,.1.. • Owtwttl t :-.:.::1:-l'Mder9 ••11nt111DT ... .,,. "' .... ~ Choice E. Side 38r, New CUICOtn bulft a ldr 1'4Ba hofM wlfrpl&, new pa1n1 a cerpe1 lllt\H)u1. 2\t l a wooCI a glaaa AltU!M tow tnt tit TO. home w/22.00 eq ft, view Owner Wiii flllP flneloa. :=:0r ':t::' =. Offered at l tH,tOO. 000. Ungo 4""41SO 22ta Cot!WI. ewr.1aet S..i-2042. llSA VERll 2779 TERN C•CLE t~~IMp()L. ~.'111! ..•• !~ ~~~.!'!!! .... !.~ ~.W!lt •••• !.@f . ' •. ;. RVMt\'< lmagnw an ~ one bt'droom l.-ur\' Wotld hornt complete with u~.000.000 . wonh ol country club ammlt"" prlv-. :dt.i wtty, JOO tp«:ial lnttrftt clubs and luth ~~ Wldl , tlNnclel and ~'fldlitla ~.I.mu~ Wotld R.ales 11 tM fortmOllt rulty c:Ompany with homn avallab!. In , all prb ._... '1ilk to ont ol our eiqMMidd S.lel Covnetlo"' vltw ow color Hom.~ or Mnd In tht CO\IPOft ~Y fctr 1 -..likll broettun. MNee Nlh Int your full-«>lor bmch\U'f. ---------------------------- 1 .. ~f.~.~ ...... ~m.~IN! ....... ~m.w.~1.-... :: .. M!!.~'!:'.1!!1.t1 ..... 'ln.'!.l.~t'!!1.'~ ..... l~.f~ .. Pl!ttft.f~ •. P.t!m.~ •. ~.¥~ .. ~~'!fP.'!.~~~ '9'.ii#t.flr.A •• /.'.ff ,,.Wftl.~.~l.'M ,..c.~u 1111 ~1 ,,.. !~tt!tf!?m!r.l!Jf ~......... • • fllll.lfftt ...... IMf fM9.!'.'.~ ... 11.! ~l.f!r.~ ... 1.ljf ~.'.".r.!t.ffH! •• !~f! ••.• ;r.!!'!~ ............ 7.1!.~ ......... h 7 B!!ACH UNITS on 2 loll. .....,. ... / ..... \.oytly ~If, '" .... "'*· PRIM9 H<>t,il .,, lm«llld LIASl/OPTIOH Yetfly • 1 '" Iba. dtct, ULI ti TUii lllWNIT Mlll'l =~=~~od~.'=ai ~:~';,t on ~h1bt1ou .. , Hr, ~ fi 14~2111, ~ lay. 3BA, 2 be. IM yd. Bkltt• "*'°"' tnd un11 ~T·o7~~4m°"'rom EASTBllfFS FINEST O...at Ooeen view, walk !.xotlltnt c.ntral corner Aot 761·2694 CltlanMI ~. MH/mo. a.2-12 7. W elk to bctl. 11500. prim• yrnblt, ,:iool. Va· 10 prtv11a t>Mcll. 3 bdNn, locaOon. S bldg• OwMr •'T IUTI .. ,.._..,. cant. I 200 or I lt0,600 8peoloue ttudlo Al)t wtth 3 b •. Fam II y room. financing 11 fl FINANCING e.autlful and large ar tn HY II UI IPTlll OCIAN VllW 144"°4" flrep1-. w11 bar a ml· 3 Br 21A bat.ha, 1pUt level "E" pla.n on the cliff and on your own lMd. ThlR 1pacloua home haa a gorgeoua bay vtow from ,.lrnott every room. 2~ down and owner wW carry fb\Qnclni to flt your budpt. Call today. Ownar/Ag1 973·2036. R"lonomtc• 076-6700 IO VIiia Balboa, 2 pa1to1• 1111 0 M Adlt Modular Clatty 2 Br l ttudy. 2 Lrg 4 Bd 3 Ba, comm crowave. 1 .. 00 mo. lnel. 042-1183 llHR ~!,Y,,''{1'o!~'s~~~/i~= l=~/a.•r llome i1 'appro• aeoo !t:::'~.'af~i,:~:~ ~~109's1~:":gt B,~.~· (i1~:.:::,.~~74~.,m1, IQt IHll hi IOIO TAI lllLTIR c1nt1r1 In Orengt Co, 31 mo. e4i 4 t». Ctla11tr ANlty 490·6122 &31·1288, 631·2711 Furn Bach ipt, utll lnct'd •••••••••••••••••••••• PH llYllTllUll Trade for 0111 ... proper• :nt~':1o~:i'°".'• A~~I CL!AN 2br, bakers tdtcll.. or 493-H&e Big Oinyon. pool, •P•. S4U, Nut 10 Hoag Lovely 2 Br. ouatom home • 0 Id 1i.11nctudln9 H1wall. !full J 1 1.. 1.,..,.,.1 IO o•r, tncd yd pet 1500 p •1 1 HI h 0 1 189•1 .. Ho•1· Summer rental pralll,loua N. Santa <>In lemantt pr I Of price '3.3 mM~on & S8 ul\I "Uil .,,.,,.,., mo. 0C"·RENTAL8 '700.3314 ru, g OUI g r. 1tnn I v mo ,.g1 Ana 124,500 owo. owner9t\lp. MOOttn Sp• mllllon W1terfront Homee Inc OCMn V\4. walk 10 btecll. Fr ad . 8 3 1 -1 2 8 6 . 159 mo. 1552·1744 Xlllt terme 875·8882 or nl1h ttyla lour unit 831-1400 2 br, 1 ba, W/D hOOk-up, SPECTACULAR rtmo· 831·2711 957-2719. 1par1mant llOUH with Agt. 84"·91513 gar. No pell. 14715 d.iect horn.. 3 Br 2~ ea.1-2-8--1--0tn--/llo-t -, -b-I A,,,,.,.,, oc .. n. hllla' gOll COVrM Covington 4·PltMH So ._, .. __ 2 1 7 8 D p •• 0. n I I. b•oky•rd. ff pie. HO. r p u• w u ' u. I I '" ........... "' • '""· 111-0414 Bi ~~~t!:u;o 3:r~1~'1tj~~; view, 010 .. 10 everylhlng, Cat Plaza. A11ume 1o1n -,"::J.,.Ji Jiit 5415.7993 :•·~~~·1•1~~ $'1~~tC:,' ~a;;~•h & t::ci~'m'~'!'!gt~ ····'·~!~.! .......... . ------~~~_,,.-. I C •2 only l hrH yure old, a OWC Try 215% down. TOP NOTCH 4 br aio •n•.• •t Al ...... 6 .. 11 ~2-3850 C11 .. 1 '''#It 1111 --_ _ _ _ -----centre A . usum1 o • atlowt Ilk• NEWI Seiter P r I n c • on I y . 8 k r (:j,•••j•••~h•••••••• · i" ...... " "' "' ...... ~ •••••••••••••••••••• •• 300, $977 mo. PITI. FP wlll l\tlp nn,l'ICe & save 645-8100, 15 .. 11·1388. arm no. I 1 001 1 1899· Roomy OCE"NFRONT ••oblle ENJOY VIEW from both 3 bdrm 1ownhou1t IPI e 2ea bl 121,000 la. Ptnlltlt $IMl,OOO. 7151·91411 buyer thouaanda of yny "'"'1 • Br e., gar. pool, blt-llli ~ " '"' 1 IN 4 1>< 111 horM 2·~ be. flrec:>lec:e. enc:IOl-\~·~utll~111n:1~0.'': :~: e>c:.an view· wheel end dollarelll Sellin ptlce ol Lou 111 lilt IZH UOO. Ooaat Prop. OC-Re.NTALS 750-3314 Hon1"·Adlt• only, SlOOO ~°'rec fled 1S1395tmo ad patio 1 blll bMcti 1 159,1500, ~31·70153 or deal 3 Br plus ratrett. la•n•lt $325000 ta w~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 073·5410 SPECIAL 21><, an<:IOMd to I 11500 mo. Agt 7~19 and shops Aj)plk:atlona 544-6016 n. be John M1rell•ll. current retilacem1n1 WlttrfHlt Ltt C•-'•lrHf ,,,,.,,,, patio, deklx• kltcll, "430 499"3818· acctpltd. 318·B Mar· Agt 831·2242 lf•trtulty cottl PRINCIPALS Radding CA 13010~0. ••fu••••••••••••••••• OC-MNTALS 750-3314 VIEW OCEAN CANYON LEA1 SE 1 1N, GATEdO 8'18·1 guerlle. Corona del Mar. UIMI YllW II In Santa Ana for tllt ONLYI Call owner at 10% dn. Agt 815-7414 Modern 5 BR 4 Ba, 2 llv E.ltc 3 BR 2~ bl decks "11 .. 0 •ake an moun· 673-7183 By Owner. Must 11111 I l 11 I I I I I I IE dllell'nlng l1wes1or. TINO (714) 842-0138. rma 3600 ft. POOi. walk .... t.lal 31Jf $1400 499-4620 taln Pool and tennis ---------Reduc.d. 5 198,000 L·H OltlTH units evellable, one end #1ut11•1 Dtlffl, b 0 h I 1 2 o o ••• •••••• •h•••••••••• · court. 3 BR S 1900 mo Oua1nt 2 Br 1 Ba 514 Monaco 3 Br. low down. $1,700,000. Low-low two bedroom•. Recently Rapldlly developing .,.. '""' Z4H 21s-37W119 . 2 8lV,3 bftlome 2 fri>ICS. m•u BJH1 3ZSO Barrell Riiy. 842·5200 Jasmine. $850 yrly Open Sun 1·8. a.4-~. down. 1100,000 on IM remodeled throughout. on Newport Blvd In •••••••••••••••••••••• lam rm. on quiet et. Cts. •• ••••••••••••••••••• Lido I I 4 B 4 B 675-4912 Broker. L led 1 Co 11 a Nu 1 M • 1 a . P1lm SPfl"G• Condo 1 Br. C.r,.• ''' #11 JUI to bch & marln•. $875 4Br. 288, eul-de-aac. nice 1 • r • WUTll" m . option. JI.GI. 497•1744 lo~ San~:~~·~~~'~ 66x300 lot with Income 1 Ba. split level. 11etp1 "· •••••••••••••••••••••• Plf mo. 493.4750 Ivel p. 110. $1 3 5 m 0 CUiiom Sl600/mo L~~~: ,3,!~.t~o:~ .. 0.~ NEWPORT HOME. Fee 12~'.(. l9t I 11111000 Why nol give UI a c1ll lor OWC Mot1v1ted. completely furnished. Comlor1abl9 4 br famHy 553•1405 951•2805 block 819 Corone S..Ch. Lind. Heve 140,000 I• llH•lltlt ltall detalle. S189,900. Call Realonomlca 675·8700 LOClled wind free 90Ulh =rn:·1~~be~f;4:U· f!.e:~!~~~J~!!~./.~1 W'f.••• •l•HI 3Z5Z 3 Br home. frplc:. nlct $1200/mo 675-5851. cash. Send otters 10: PO on lllls b"utlful Porto· I I t 12 I end. S.aullful grounds, · · HOME FOR RENT •• •••••••'••••••••••• area, Harbor Highlands Box 1117 4 N aw po r 1 llno model ln Harbor ''1 • • pool spa, tennis. Perteet 3 Bd 2 Ba. dbl gar. newly 3 Bdrm. $825. Fenced New 28' condo, nr coun· Upgrades 1n1lde, prvl 2 BR. 1 ba. beam celling. Beach.CA92863 View. Separatt mother· 0,et 1111 11·2 wet.kender 4 rentable In redeoorated, Corona yard a garage. Kida 8 try clvb Pool/Jae yard,,hottub Nrachoola I pool,blt-ln1.decka,S600 122 Agate, Balboa Isle se11on S87 .500. Call Hlghland1, 51175 A 1111 pets "'°ome. 1545-2000. $7415/mo. Rick 955-2700 $950 ~2-3358 Isa 673-0473 larlttr Yltw llt•H In-law quarlera Almost 3 comm·~ spa~ plus 2 848-3317 or 631-4465 711, 760-0138 Agent, no fee. dy, or 7 59-1268 evu/ Lg atudlo apt, new . cpl. By owner. 7 bdrm. 4 ba. new carpeting. Cloae to bdrm 2 ba pl a ept Whit wk d Major const completed pool $309,500. wl 1 '? L · ••Ill IEAll UIEu 2 Br 2ba Cape Cod 2 ttry. HOM~ FOR RENT n a. 1'•• JHa drps. paint, mo Imo. le- $450,000. Fee 1760 Port So. Call! Really. s ~ le;;' g•cr 0 1'18: •! 4 s .. sons of Fun, lnveat beam cell. wood PM •l'g. 3 Bdrm. 17!10. Fenced 3 er. 2 Ba. huge back Ct J1t111JO 3211 nanc:y s5oo mo. agt. Manlelgll Cir Call for Call 1548-5605 11 4 . !'7 a . 5 4 3 6 gr In our mo1.1ntal n play· lrplc. corner lot on Or· yard ~ garage. Kid• & yard, ocean view 2nd. ••••~•••••••••••••••• _5_5_1_·6_1_30_. ----- appt. 1111,100 213·876-1437 ground whlle we're stlll In ohld. No peta. 1850, pete welcp~. 5415·2000. floor. $950 yrly or mon· SPECTACULAR VIEW Bachelor, quiet. nr beach. 84.._.337 loall L••••• IOll a buyers m1rkel. Write 644-2311 or 640·7085 Agent,. no lee. th I y . Av a 11 . now I 3 br, 2 b•, pool lac. July yr 1 y '$ 3 2 5 . E 11 es 2 m111tar bdrma, 2 'll ••••••••"'•••••••••••• Co•l1•/a/a•1/ or ca.II for brochure & 760·1977. 1 S875 1·728·4511 6 7 5 . 8 1 4 3 . d y s Condo llJ Ow-~:::;,s;. ~Jl~~ :;;s~~~l 3"s~~~~0!.!~~~.·w •• .!!~ .. ~!~!!! ••• !.~~ ~:~'sio0~:~,~~t= ~:?:~~~ :'!0~~~ ••;;!~I''• '"O .. .~'i! .... !J.~!ll!~.'!.~·A~~.'. ... !J.~~ N~·:r3~:~:1111 2 Br. iaro• fttr 831·2242 Allractlve large corner Tucson. Arizona 25,000 els or your plans, will Br. 3 Ba. 2600 IQ. ft. 1 ••1••1•11•••Tl•••llY••••.,;.•;;.•• 3 Bdrm, Ht Bl OOlldO. 2 Br oottege. knolly pint. exl decks, 2 car port, 0 VIII lot Superior financing sq. It 11,900,000. $850. build anywhere. Sun· year 19118 lor 8 qualified """"' A/C, w/w carpets. mo· frplc, walk to oeech & ~r~~.r';1i3~44~;6;:~ :i~r~dg s8f:5•000 ";;; S385,000, 661·3956 ~00 do;" 8.,,. return ~lne Re:• ~11~ B~ter lamlly. s22 ootmo. Oa11 yoo ttarted In real dern 11ppllances, gar. perk $7150 499 1997 ~~1g·.~·~tj:i~01;~~ 2131447•2992 873-3717 Agt. roker 141492•4892 omes ar s. ox 71418715-91135, 218 Mar· aatate owneraNp. patio close to pool 8 rec ~ • 3291 $795/mo 675·2444, _________ , _____ .;;;.__ ____ Ottfl ,,., ,,,,,, nn• Ill 6083, Big Beer Lake, guerlle. 2 Br Townhouaa with area In beautiful Mlulon ,,,., •• ,,, 673-44"2 1 II IOWll HW IJITlll •••••••••••••••••••••• • 92315. 7141866-4651. pool, H.'J. S575tmo. Viejo. $625 FI L plus ;9;·;;;,·~;;k:··.;;;-b;; --------- Newport 1 BR condo. 11 IEAYIEW #1j/11 Bt•fl 00 re-~er,5noo Hin0°R~ PAUi IHEllT ~!!~.!!m •••••• 1.~~ i.~1~" Cot11.Meea. 1100 clean. 962-0793 criitdren 'a pe1' weicome' N~CH 2 ,:;5. 1 ba. so ot Furn elegantly decor•· Very nice 4 BR 2'/l ba Ftr S.11 I 1 Call Now Bkr M Jim Monterey c .c .. 2 br, 2 ba IEW Tl ..... ES 1 Br. Duplex, EHtalde eva1 S775 mo 495-2258 ell Remax 675.1331 tedl Pool. spa & club homt with vltw. glass •••••••••••••••••••••• 1163-8000 or 968-0206 condo on the Fairway, 2 8 2,h ba pl frplc 2 C.M. 1450. HOME FOR RENT 1PM Top security S 159,500 endoted apa UMd brick Newport Beectl De Anza western exposutt. Lo· '· ' ua • • -1• ~ In 3 Bdrm $750 Fenced i-C--,--.-.-----i 3 Br 2 81 2 car garage. $1.950 mo. 631·6666 patio, WOOCI floors Ind baylront Park Mint D•~llxtl/ cer gar, pool, Jee, all wl· ~ a .,..your V991mtnt · · •• ••laJ••.1 Av1ll 7-1 $650/mo 0. more $469,000 Agt call cond. '78 dbl Wldl, fir• Wetl price In area. $159, thin biking dlatanoe to started. yard & garage. Kida 8 u.i .UtH 34Z5 Pean 759-1211 OWIEI &UIHI Netalle, 875•6000 or piece. brick patio, •lt1 ht 1111 1100 500. 675-3909 be 1 oh . S 8 o o t mo. Agent 882·1700 pet• welcome. 545.2000 .•••••• ~! ............. . $58 500. Al 2 b 2 •• •• • • • ••••••• ••• ••••• 675-2311 Of 548-22311 ""RENTALS Agent. no fee ResQrt·lll<a ldutt tract nr Coiti .. n• 31U 2 Br, 2 B1 condo Extras 873-6571 • 90 r.. Sill H TUii WE T&llE. IEY, ..,.,.. C ••••••~'•••••••••••••• Pool, Jacuzzi. greenbell b1 .. double wide, corner 2 br, 1 ba condo. Pano-Qr.,-RENTALS 1·51>1''1 1200to12000 S Plu. Pool. grdnr i vall. Must ••II Prln Panoramic ocean view lot S39 000. BJll Grundy 56 Units w/pool 4 clbsh· ramie lake vleW, comp. 1·5br'a $200 to $2000 750-3314 open 7-dayt f..,..rf ,,.,A 3Zll Dlux 18r No pets. $475 •Clean 3br, nr SC PJaza, only. 6 4 1 •9499 or condo on Iha bluffs 675-6161. ! s1. Torrence Well •• -.w••••••••••••••••• & $35 ulll. 775·2680 SA Gar. pool. spa. $760. 646-7958. $150,000 lee. 673-3777, m1ln11lned. close to remdld. 6 blks. lrom 750-3314 open 7.oeya 9301 Velardo. 3Br 2ba. Super lllatp 38r, fam rm, Hlghly upgraded 4 clean Child ok 752·5e22 or Agt IHI. kit lltlt Whle IObl. 9.9 gro11 mulllpller He...,.nly Villay •kl area. IEW TtWl ... EI d/w, dlap, nu palnt. 2 cer den, pool. spa. quiet 1---------1 641· 1460. Ill OAIYtl 3 Bd 2'h 81 Monaco. 24 hr guarded comm., pv1 exec living. $599,000. 644-0448 WEmLlff YILW TIWIMSE 2 bdrm, 1'h ba, edits. Also 20 units Newport Sl29,500 675--3909 3 Br, 2"'bi, plus fire· w•r. lge yd, RV acc. realdentMll loc. $1550. Hunt.Harb .. dhc2b<,2bl, --------- Large IOI. Sml pet OK. ~~a~ib~!1~:~1ra~!J~~h O•t of C•••'1 place. 2 car gar. pool, 110025/mo 11111~7+9 ~76.. Jl.01. 760-9333. ~~.r 7~~73~:54 rte. N!!Y"·d~c:~~'. ~e'!p• d, Nr. Shopping. Low rent r r • r I t Z550 1ec. all within biking dl1-1 . cleanlng. " ..., 1 Leue or lt8H optJon Ja. i---------1 Quiet gard. & pool vu. 2 S25.000. 847-2954 delllll•. Agt. 645-9850. • ••• ~~!!!. •• ••••••••• t a n c • t o b • • c h . aft S.30 pm. amine Creek, no. 6 plan, .-,~ult oondo.src10~1 set· :~~I o,:~~1~:.s~~ ~:~~: br +den/guest. new de-[IR'llH Miiis Pt1Hlwt O..h Flew Duplex, Rancho Mirage. $900/mo. 876-2311 or 3 Bdr, den pool/tennis. ng, near · eza. 11-42•5073 "HWPltT llOlll OF IElll•" NEW MEOIT. CUSTOM ,,, ... ,,,. ... Pool & Wlnecatler Ftrtttr Yltw $2,400,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-4 17' Muir Beach Clrclt BY OWNER 640-9405 673-1633 Big Canyon by owner Broadmoor Plan IV, 4 BR 2'/t ba. Great Vlewl Cul· d&·SIC. $825,000 644-4904', 754. 7724 &FFllllULI AOUL T MOBILE HOME PARK on the Bay 1 bdrm, den, 1 bl S60.000, 3 br.. 2 b1 $68,500 2 bdrm lurn. $45,000 2 bdrm $25.000 300 E Cat Hwy Unit 113, New- port Bee ch Bkr 675-3347 3 Br. 21h Ba remodeled In Bay Shores. S329K L H $189K lee conversion. Renewal 1991. 2611 Cir· cle Dr. 645·6218. cor All applns Incl 9% 24,w64~ GREENBRIER 16 new units ,62•000 C·1 properly, $80,000. 548-22311 $l550. Ag1. 760-~333 POOi, spa. secur 1 Br. loan. $225,000. Agt, HOME.Lgel.A.Oln.Rm. lncomeperyeer.onalte Twoseparateunlts.28r. IE F 6p7a3~81o189 S450 Eves 642-5327 or 673-3777 ., 1 1200 .,.. t• each By Ow· 11r I I WCI -111 1111 Westclllf 3 BR ,,,., ba. 1----------1 kit opens to Fam Rm, management 1~-,. I· ...., ' · s; -AFFORDABLE BEACH wetbar. 2 BR 2 BA. Light nanclng. Wiii carry pa. ner · Great llnanolng. TIE LIOIY PEW On tennis crt, pool, lee & !~ ~~· :!~s~;CxJ'::i~: HOUSE. Price S 130,000. 1n1 .. you no adlls wel· P8f" Olvorca. mus I 1e111 1•328•5555• 340• 1646 ReEnt IEnSCToata Mea~·0a oar. etc. 1500 mo. Both fresh & clean, no ~l.'.~'!!!~!!.f!'!.".i!~!A S26.000 down. payments come $39.500. 540·5937 San Bernardino area CARLSBAD watertront. N W Oa t e d ~ 960·21129 H.B. pet.. Avt now. 646-2389 lllllll :~:,~~";~· y~ ~~T{':~; MOBILE HOME dbl wide ~1!:~2ri.~~t7d et 8 111 magnificent view. beaull· 6gM~hu°NOY. V2l~L:~~ WALK TO BEACH Bluffl area condo. 4 er 1Hi•HI• 3101 28r. adlt Pk. Walk lo ' lul 10 28r, 28a condo. .,_ •21 Lake 1 room cot A I 2'h BL 1...,.,..1800 "" ft .. . • 2~be. lrplc. oar w/elec •••••••••••••••••••••• appt. supermarket. S25,950. la'"O•t 1·-r.,r!l •ooo asume ex sting loan ..... · 1.-I Q"'-" I ,_ " Yearly 1 Br furn Bay .l.t •• Or.1' l'lrltl • •• L> w/am down or exotic C8r. 1 of PIK• luxury. G11agea, ..,,.... or .,,.. a ng .... .,ny opnr. New cpts 8 paint. • Agt 557.9390 ••••••••••• ••• •••••• 7 63 3689 apes In every llome • yard. No 0oQa. $335/mo. 11,050/mo. 844·5~12 view. Inc u1111 & gar MlllM ULn ---------17 room motel, 10 kltche· I 141 1• W•tar -·"". 9e0-390g $525/mo 875-6870 or Except buy. Lg 2 br, 1 be. 1 nettaa w/15 aeparete ---------. meat er aulte. d in ing ---.,....------•SPACIOUS 3 br. 2 b• 675-8404 ask for Connie 141-1281 Choice loc. SH,500. Bdrms. H e . 1 blk 10 O.t ii 11•11 rooms, wood burning •••IJ.az"" condo. trplc. blt·lns. 2 644-4033. 548-4012 beech or .. 1 posalblllty 1toNI,. UH fireplaces. micro-we~ •·-., ... 4 pool d CHll #111 3124 lu Cl•Mll 1111 $575 000 CT S225 000 •••••.,.••"•••••••••••• ovens. "'!vale patloa & ...,: U _,. car t!ar., ,•· new • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1---------1 ... LE .. E L ,... • • • • • •• •• • • • • •• • ••• • •• ,,,.,.,., ~...... 950/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• I I .., dwn • Ga.ry DeRob.blo, 8 61 acres, some timber. yerda.o. 1rdtnar provl· ......... _,.. CASA IE ORO 10., .... ._ 1-1 270• f i-IM Dix 2 b(, 2 be condo. gar.. &42·1155 ,. • ""' 24 wide. 2 BR. 1'h Ba. 631•1288• ant rontage on paved ded. E._ant ng only 1 I 1 I Aral time buy«• or In-Costa M-Owner wm .... road Elec 811111. Some 15 mlN.llts trorn F81Non HC., r,io . ac, enn •• OC-RENTALS ALL UTILITIES PAID Vt$torl wlU love this 2 carry at 12"• wtlh min dn. llnl Wlml financing avail Write: Island, 7 mlnut .. to S.C. S600. l4-67$·•85' 1·5br'I $200 to $2000 Bdrm contemporery pym't BONDED 91243 Trade for NB ocean· Wm Young Rt 1, Box Plata or O.C.Alrport. /mat 3Zf4 750-3314 open 7-days corido w/deck, patio, 710-4211 front home Owner 84A8, Washington GA Just e11t of Newport •••••••••••••••••••••• llreplaoe & UM ot pool. s8qo,ooo 3711 sea-30673 I Blvd & ao. of Sen Diego Exec hOITl8 4 er. 3 Ba. IUCll llOUSE Just S 1og,ooo lingo NICE 2br 8x40, '.It bfk to shore. 673•6576 I &. ., Frwy. Starting at $900 a tam. rm., form11 din. rm.. ( ... •Ell) 498-4950 shops, bus. Costa Mesa ••t•ll, 111•1, morith. 631·5439, 2473 2 frplc:'a, tnt fount, Kol 646-2684 ~22.000 dtpr1C1allon de· Gror11 Z100 Orange Ave .. Coll• pond, covered outdoor By the month only BUT I•• J••• ducllon for 1982. East· •••••••••••••••••••••• Meaa. ape. In beat part of only $900/mo for 2 Br 2 Compare betore you rent Custom design leatures 1>001. t:Jbq , cov'rd garage, surroun· dad with plush landsca· ping No pets 1 Bf. furn $500 365 W Wilson 642-1971 Cu/111••• 1011 Attll•I /or $1/1 lZOO side C.M. 5 Units, 3 yrs 40 Acres prime p1rc:el, ---------1 Turtleroek. For rental on Ba. walk 10 beach Avail ••••~•••••••••••••••• •••••'•••••••••••••••• old. deluMe 3 Br. 2 ea near town, xJnt for horee 5 Br 3 Ba. M ... de4 M8f, annual '-· ecoaas to from June 20. 1-ll--l-------OCEAll VIEW Break even w/$75.000 ranch Paso Robles. Bkr lrg yard $925/mo. Bob or tennis & pools paid. Hf •fllll *'*SELL ** 26 ocean vltw acres. down. $384,500 SP 7141556-6171. Dovie Koop, 759-1221 Gardener a pool clea· 28r, boat dck $500/wk ••ti Tlll! natural estate building 631·4516. FENCED 5 ACRES REIT Tl m PUI nlng pald/1 1300 mo. • ••••••••••••••••••••• I I 0 l..tr . R f • c I I 1Br, boat dck $400/wk II wlH "" llt site K>cated above gated EASTSIOE TRIPLEX 2 Level. oaks & wlllow Gets you started In reel 1 1 r a.Q ' 8 ,jlOlll IUln 1 acre eq. estate Loe•· comm. In San Juan Hiiis bdrm Spanish house plus 1rees. Rancho California. estalt ownership. 7141875-6604 led In exclusive Aqua· Must sell. $1,975,000. 2 1.bdrm apt.a. $18,000 Land West, 1-676-2040. 2 Br. North Costa Men. LEAIESll PllP IWIAUIEIT gate section. $750,000 Submit terms or trade. yearly gross. Sep. melt· Rtil &'.lllll $476/mo. 111-1171 3140 H.l.'s FINEST or will trade for NB-Irv· 0 a r y 0 e Robb Io. red. 5 195.000 OWC. 2 Br. Townhouse with 3 Bdrm de1ached homes, ________ _ Versallles Condo jusl r• Laguna home or twnh· 631·1266, agt. 1•303•887•2887 Owner lxtll•IJ.I ZIOO pool, H.B. $575/mo. In t.ccalltnt aree. Avalla· Spectacular ocean/bay duoad to ,78.500. Com· me. Call Rosemary, ••••••••• •••••••••••• 1 Br, Duplex. EHtelda ble Immediately . Vu. 4br, 2'/rba, OR, lam. 4 9 8 • 7 1 3 1 0 r 20 ACRE 25 Older l'.Jn1t1 OCEAlll v11n11 S600/mo on 1 yetr 18818. rm, eltg1nt. $1975 mo Spanish Ellate Uvlrn;il Beaulllul park·llke sur- r ou ndlnga. Terraced pool. Sunken gas bbq, sparkllno founlalns Spacious rooms Sepe. rate dining area Walk·ln cloHts. home like l<llc:n· en & ceblnell Welk lo Huntington Center lortabl• mini bdrm unit 7 14 8 3 3 O 7 3 o F II Cash flow 2.2 Acres Zo· " Iii" C.M. 5450 Five others to cllooae Pvt., comm. 759..0092 or bacllelor unll. gated ,; .:i.. b . ut llYEITllEITI ned 41 Condos. Tustin. 26 ocean view acres. Let's get yourlrivntment trom. We'r• the ones to Clll collect 408·996-0561 comm t y . Ao en t coo My ,...._, onus 0 ·No Managerr1ent natural astate building llarted. 759.0120. Co-o Bkra. ·Leverage ,_s_lM_. _A_oi_._9_7_5-0t1 __ 79 ___ , alte 1oc11ed at>ove gated Agent 882·1700 C8ll for lauea. -· · 5 Br. 3 Ba. lam rm. din rm, 1,.1 llt 12·1 REDUCED 150.000. NO Subst~~.•nJ~":'~rt In· s21~~~~~~~~:~nder ~:S~·,1~11s8;1~~rs.~~·~· Convenient 3Br 2ba· lam. l\\boclbrldgt ~~~0~·t~":n~~a:. a,.1 S.1 11·2 MONEY DOWN. PLUS vestment. Initial Invest· market, Bkr 643·8381 Submit 1erm1 or trad'a. ~~~·;.~~:: ~f:,· ::r~ Reilft S 1650/mo. Alt 5PM. l22 JI.Gate, Balboe Ille ZERO-INTEREST Fl· ment from $6,000. Pur· HOUSE/6 UNITS Gary 0 e Robb Io . w 1r 1 g d n r . S 6 7 5 , SS I·"""" ,_64_'-' __ oa. _____ _ 2 bd -12 b ..... 01 NANCINO 'h acre, 4 Br. chase prices from S38. 631 1266 ant 8 ""'"' • -r... • .,.vi c 11 le Near Goll Course In E· , __ • __ • -'-,... _____ ,_s_5_&-_1« _______ 1 an Ph>.lnhw 3 Br. 3 Ba. 2 story, pool/ ap1cH. What wlll you orMS, p1noram ocean OOO. Central, North and Side Costa Ma1a 30'{. WAIT II c..1M -· tennb S1050 pay? Llttad at '350.000 & mountain views. S355, SOUlhern C.llloml1. dn wlll BE Assume 111 or a EU11lll Luxurious Turtltl'ock 3 I><, PROPERTY HOUSE 1 Bdrm-furn. $505 2 Bdrm-furn from $605 2 Bdrm Townhouse furn from $675 No pets Utllllles Freel Agl 714-673-5636 or 1:'jjjoooiiiiii.ii8'iiokiiiiiieriiiiii4ii99ii·ii15ii26iiiiiiiiiil C INVESTMENTS TO owe 2nd TO 5.7 yrs condo or horne. Trlde lrittllJ .... 2 ba, crp11, drpe, bltlna. 642-3850 642-1010 -213-876-1 .. 37 1• ltlt (714) 112·1112 R I ck 8 k r M I F Fell brook lovely 48r 3 Br. 3 81. frplc, mlc:to, 1 yr .... '950 mo. Eves &,_D_'-_c_-...... __ T_~_h_o___ LA QUINTA HERMOSA LOWEST PRICE In Harbor Sil A ftlMll iii~~!i!i~~~iiiij_!2!.:13~·~59~2~·!2!:64~5~---2'hbe, lg fem rm. pres-deck, pool & tennis. _w11_n_d_a_9_7_3·_58_20_· ___ wov -·•-" v"" .... 16211 Parkatde Ln. 1 blk Hlghl1nd1. 3 BR, 2 ba 4 Bdrm, 2'h ba, t>eeutl· SPIOT•••Ull tlge area. Stream, oaks, $895/mo. 8 48· 1184 3 BR Woodbridge condo. 2 bf. 2 ba. on golf cour· W of Beach. 3 blka S ol I • I II d t d _.. lllCOME o~r 1 acre. $325,000. or dava 645-9543 -Avl July 1 •125 ,.._ mo se. Pool, 1ennls ct. $ 1075 Edlnner amrm.pool •• 178,000. uy •ocorae one YIEW aetl tpr $~5.000down. '' · • • ,....... · mo.851·1811deya, ··• Owner/Ag1 955-0609 green bait. Gr .. t family 4 separate hOIJMI on lrg OWC. Consider lease/ •••• flll Bob Blaclllldge 5152·1800 760_1197 -147·5'41 l iirw.a•y IEllm ar111 Fantastic financing 5.5 acres In picturesque E.alde c M lot $77.500 opt. Owner. ~.72&-0343 __, days only. , ____ ._·-____ 1---------~wr•" Ottered for 1181,000 San Juan Capistrano Heh Bulldar package or 1168•7607 38r, w.Ba E. Side home -4-8-r-. _C_ol_'--__ P_ar_k_H_om_e Siu"• lg 3 bf, lam rm. Quiet Junior & 1 Bra Custom·bullt. corner lot, -•-••at with a view from Sadd· rt1dy to go for 6 condos., _________ , w/lrplc, lg llv rm, tam rm, ""'V'9 pool gr .. nbell $1050 From $375 Pool, rec 2 bd ,._ -.r111 leback to the ocean. Se· J Wei 631 1266 new °ft & -·•nt. ••"" neer pool, 1choo11 & ' · rm .. sauna. 1nclsd 01· rm + gua1t + family , -roe family home. Ex· oyc:e tze. • • FREE & CLEAR ..... ......, p • k A 11 • 2 0 mo Agt 644--0134 C NIL $375 000 ..... eluded but convenient to nd mo. 2 8 8 cor n e 11. r · v • · "· · · • · rage. 17301 l<eeteon oft room. I . ' . cellenl ., ... 4 Bdrm, 2'1l IOWl'I. OWntr wlll flllanca I I uat. P•rk. Gen. part· 549-2042 I 8 7 !I / m 0 · Ev I I 4 8r 3 81, beaut. decor, $1118f. 842·7848 050PE1NRSlvA~SldUeNAv1-S ba, awox.,.. ICle. Very ~115,000. n11er101no1torouytr nAeptprlnoxc. 640·11538, 01ya/Wknd1 lrg deck. tatl. ""· guar-----.. -~-.. --,-1-4-1 .... customized, lovalydeoor. • . • LUXURY~ Br. 2 Ba. Con· 857-1291. d 8 d g at 8 , H . H . I.t•••• • Owner may conalder S7 l5,000 tQUlty 6 1260, do, frplo, dbl garege, U700/ ••'••••••••••••••••••• LIH ISLE Lo• new custom horn• on 1'h 1011. Open 1·5 Set. & Sun. 210 Via San Remo . 8 75·3048 . 673-2656. 2 HOUSES on 1 lot. CIOM to bch Foreclosure. Sacrifice. 751·2«2 llEW LISTlll No. Bluffs. Remod. "E" 3 br & fem. rm. Beck Bay view S 187 ,000 loan Pt1ytH1 760-11678 ag1. Sell thlrlg8 feat wtltl Delly Ptlot Want Ad9. 11618 option. Offered lor 000 sales comm. Want pool & 1pa. 1150/mo. lllTW mo. Furn. '-•ouna Stach lu· $269Ul,500L .• ll 2712 t-,-,-.-.----.--.... =-,.-.-.==--1 hploamna' Somr lhlooa~~·orbof~ 642-5290 2, 3 and 4 bdrme. rrom S 8r 3Ba \'U pool ten· xury stuoto. ap1, sa11111te · '"" ·-1625 to 11300 ' d' ' TV, .. un•. maid servloe. • 4·Plex, new un111. land· & clear. Baacll area. F1mlly hor11a 38R 28A nll, ?,uar ed gate pllonH. &115/wetk, ~ ~ seeped, fully occupied. Own/agt. 975-0142 otoM to acllcSola. garde-1170<> mo • 499·2227. • on 1111 mantgament, 1------'------1 ner, relrlg, W/D, O/W, 12% financing & wlll car-Laguna Beech hse. Pvt, Otsp. $725 mo. 979·8899 ry paper. Divorce. muat Area. Oen View. Trad• \ 11111,1"'' 111 sell! S11n Bernardino for? 714-.. 99·3144 See 1782 New Hampatllra \II. :tr _ ' llarhn1 h11t•,1nwn1 \'11 ;;:~72~~1r61d,'talls ca11 1·,-,-,-,-,-,-,,-,-,-----i ~ s:!°~fy,· ~~I= . -------1...:...:..:.:.:..::.:...:.:....:..: ___ 1 w,.tH ZIOO &44-6996. c. •• ,,d.i 2110 , .. ,. a.a ,.. ·······;;;;.r-eo······· -e.-.. -ctt-2-br-. -tnod--yd-.-2-car-' I••"" llOO IHtt .... Octanlront lot. Laguna g., W/Of>'lf, atY l refrlg. 11.s.'tt ,. ......... L. .• -..-••••~"';;.¥ •••••••••••• 10·2 bdrm lownhouae or Newport Beech. w/gn:lnr. seas. eeo-64111 .,._,.,~~Ma:l"Tllft: a_. E "&UIY apll plus 4 bdrm ranch 700.9!196 ---------1 ... ,... • llOUM , Xlnt ,.,'Ital .,... • .. w. e W0008RIOOE 28r. den, __________ , Tu Slltfttr Flelllble 11nanc1n9> ftr'lced 3 l'drm llf'llllY home. ato, w/d, ratrlg, frplc. Near,_ 4-$X, 2 bdrm. to NII at leM ttwi 10 x Priflft PartJ Formal dining plus bonus 1175/IM , 881·2042 2 beth aach unit wllll grou. cait Wm lake over Y'Nf ~ rm. Pvt mHttr aulta. Turtlerocll 4 BR 2 88 llreplece. encloted p1tlo, ' WOLFINGER REALTY "*111 on a 2 6r 3 Bdrm $660/mo 'Without 91rde-' garage, ~-111 Pot 21)..~t3H llorne, wtll al90 conlidtf ner. a.2•300& 1---------1 c11h flow. Now 1169,1---------·1 1 dupleX or trlplell With ""EGANT VIEW CONDO 500. Bill Grundy, Rltr, 11111 Al lfFEI owners unit. Prln. only ..... 67 .. "1"1 R•2 ""77 28r, 2~, mlct01 gar, __ .,.., __ ., __ ...._ ___ 7 unite, Ill J Brdm'a lo-·"" ~~ 1750 mo. 875-178 t , cetad In HetMt. Aaeume 533--4300 ---------• a#Mt ILYI, OM. •111.000 1n io.nt. awner I I ------,,--.._,...-, Top lo"tlon Priced w111 conalder any r.uo-.!.".~'.!••••••••••••••• Cllarmlnt •· Sid• 38r, rtvflt. Apclrox 1IOO aq ft nabll "'"" ASklnn .,., • ....._ .. w/2 IM 11'1 ttont wtttl 3000 1q tt s1ao.ooo '3'~1370 • • ....,, lanldtl yda, ltOO mo. 14&311U .. OflOt .,.. tn ,.._,. Pr•• • .-H.•• • • • •• • •• • •• • • • • oed ~I llt. For turtlllf ..... /llatl IJlf E. 18111 It •• 3!.!J..Ha, I ' •• •• • ••• ........ •• •••• ....,.. ...... ...., .mo. n o, • Avail hot 19th W '1UM 14442S7 TR,\[)f ·1 If)\.\ I. h'I \I J ~ MEI. FUCHS 18 ·2 8A hte. Nice yd l --<>LD--,-A8"'°"'°9----p-Mr. Ott. 1700 mo. 87s-43'42 11M1H ·THE "liOOD LIFE" Wt!81i8.AU lPlflTllEiTS - Beautifully landscaped garden apts. Pool & Spa. Covered parking. No pets Bachelor 1 Br 2 Br 1"• 811 t61 E. 18th $400 $460 1525 642-0856 lllH. ICOIPUCYl $425/mo 2 Br. 1 Ba ap11 1)atlos. c1rpona Sm pet Ok Won't les1 al th1t1 prlOel TSL Mgmt 642·1603 • 2 br nr S C P~ S.A Pool. spa $550 Carport 752-5822 or 641-1460. F.replace. pool, pv1 patio & dshwsher X lg 1&2 Br. o•rden apts. on E/sida trom S460 557-2841. Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba. $425. 3 8 r 1 ·~ ea $ 4 1 5 Laundry lac .. pool 548-9556 YILU COlllOYA Spacious E. S•de Apts. Encl gar, paUo, dshwshr & slove. Most utll free. No pats 1 BR, 1 pei-son $435 1 BR. 2 persons $47! 2 BR starting It S51C. 2323 Elden Ave. CM 642-7605 • 2 Br 1 Ba Newly retur· blshed $495/mo No pels 833-8974 $495/mo 2 Br 2 Ba. Apts Beamed celling. frplc, garage, laundry rm. Avtll June TSL Mgmt • Cleari 2 Br Mac.Arthur Vig . s A Tennis, pool, spa $600 Adults. 752-5822 or 641-1460 $360 1 Br. 1 Ba. Apt. enclsd 9arage/e1rport, p11lo. lndry rma. bit-Ins, close to Ill. TSL Mgmt 642-1603 1 Br E/Mde. am bot oozy wllota ot natur1I wood. $370. 851·91522, 3-5!30. Wesllld• Lg 18 r w / carport, o>w. lndry. avall 7·2. $400 mo. 645-6625 Super 2 Bdr 1 S., plUll'I carpet. paflo, port & pool, BBQ. 645-0362 1 br, stove, gar .. lndry fac. CloH lo OCC. Avafl. 7/1, 1450 5"&-72 14 1 BR APT. OI W. New paint l q>te end drapee. Cerport. $400/rno. 8151·2175 2 Br pool, gwage. S52S mo No pets. 1395 "B" w e.kar. 641-0763. 2 BR 1 Ba, COii, d!ll' bllna. no pats U25. 2272 M~. 9S 1-2927 2 8r. w/rwfl'tge 2273 Ml!Ple. "'3$. M&-5004 --· S430mo. a " , I&. pool, ta111•u1ry rm., ••teNe. Cell !CW W'· f8L~ _..,. i i I I t • Or~ge Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 20, ~982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH 8AVIR8 Sell your no-tonger-needed Item• for oah. It It doetn't aetl, we'll run It another 3 ., Pl OLLAR I daya FREE. One Item per ad, mutt .,. priced. Sorry, no real eetate or commercial ada. Call today for fu11 detall1 . ... ,.... ...... ..,. ..... ., .. a aAYI glNEIJ CLA881FIED&642 •5678 fmH/.M! •••••••••• , Aatu,....11/ ~!.f.!.~ .... !'!f NI llt*4ll/ flound: Chlld'e etroU•r Tllaah fer HtrJ• L.11 I ,, .. , '5th a 0t1ve Me calt 10 ftilll• I Int Jtl H'J ~;~-;;;;,~-;;;•fiH Identify. HO~M7i •a•. . ..................... flOUNO· Miii Cook•r 01111 VIH /M1111rc1rd Gu111n· 8p111 .. vie. W1rn•r & !Md II you quallly? Fl· Graham, HB. 840·U82 • ) I 4M I 91 I t It It 41 Olllll llatll 44 la,llfrlll .. atil4ltM Both ol u1 ~re ~Ing ~fr A,.,,.,,.,. A,.,,.,.,. ':~!!!!! •• !~!~.! ••••••• !. •• '.! •• ~ ••• ! ........ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••··'··••••••• thl1, bo~h1 1o nu• ao ;e· f,.'--'•t'4 Dal, nh614 l•llnldl4 1 rnan omoet In Or you oug,. 0 ave • •· •••• r.r:r:: ••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• :...................... • ..... , llA• Ci.at\, r"90tl lern•te IO c~ "."por1 .,.. . t775 up. 2180 It. lndU· Iller'• 01y 1n11'1 nie. .. n1nC1lng 1v111 CIHr er•· Found: yg M Cit, blk & dlt profile. 714/841.0585 wtlt, Dana Point, wUI give L•t Go 0 1 AlconoH1ml to 0000 nome M1·t118 11~ •~-~11·~ ., IH a. •111 Ap11 & townhouMI on •hare new luxury town· 1 · Sin.I · omc:. 18011 Re-It can be Both of ut •re _,, -•· "' • tl IN ,.....,, '• • t .. ~ B•y "~~ oo-m"-hOuM w/aame. 137&+ •.t 14• 51.,.780 dondo Clrc1•' IE Hunt· ~ .. 1ng you' 111 -.. Ion· ........................ u ., ' ·····"················· ... ......,., "' .. --"' -1 Ir. glflQe. yard. No IH1t ''' NO FEEi Ap1. & Condo n11y with I tenn11 courte. utll Pool. jao 9-42-0911 IP'f·AllPllT UU. lnglon, Beech. 842·2&34 d11t wllhH for every· pet1. S425/mo. 387 9 •••••••••••••••••••••• rentm. VIiia Ren111a. 7 pool•: IMIHlon 9P•: lo· Steble F w/ chlld nda F rm 1200 or 800 elf, tot per •-i·-•i w,......., ~,,, thing that'• h•pplett In .. 1rnll1on, 841-0783 Oefulle poolllde, 111" 1"· 875·41112 Brokel' ~ vlewa: ahopa on lite, m•fl lo Mlp find r... 111. Mo to mo. or IMM. ~."/~.l!~ •• i:r •• :.... the deyt lhe•d of you. Don't ,., llcohOlltm JXlll Founo M Shltw .... ,._ you to ••ll·d .. true1lon. collar, vie At11nt1 & Let go & llv• 1 1111 of ... 8 ..... -7e eol><lety wllh the help ot _N_.-.w1 __ ancs_. _" __ .,,_. __ "_'_ O• 2br, 2b•. blll)l ,1---------Bachelora, 1 I 2 Bdrm. 3Brnrbch.830-5893 Mulfan"-'ty.540-2980 Retired, P•lm Sprlng1 Mawy Fllhel"t Day, la· The Moor1ng1 With a ,,,,..,,, Jiii nation ally recognized ••••••••••. ••••• •••••• E.tlde 2 Br, 1'h Ba, D/W. d1wnr. 1'-\ mllea t>.ach LIDO BAYFAONT New furnl1hlng1. Aent1---------1---------1 couple looklno for fur· tner le aomeone you encl. o.,•ge. no Piii. Adults. no pell $500mo. ~BA 28A 1 1800/mo. rr•~ monthly from S989. M•I• rmmete •hare 3 1 ... PIO nlthed hOuM for Ill or look up to no matter 548-1955. 536·8352 873-4315 (213)282·7 3 l14/144-1HI bdrm hM In Irvine. Bdrm It--IHter pert of "'"'"*" Cd lo-how 1111 you gr0w. He 2 BR ~.,den •Pt. New WMlfFLnHI Part I ..-unlurn $200 mo plu• 'I\ wr-• c.tly, 873-4992 w11cnea over you, car.a ... I o ...,, 1440/mo ow,...... utll &S 1-3168 FlrSI o1 .. , • full MrVic. t>ecauM you are hie t't9960 .. ¥ 1· · · 1 & 2 Br. Discount on -Wl--.1-L-,-1-11T-.. -1-EXEC. olfloH, lnclud11 Looking for unturn 3 bf child. You wdl. talk, some model•. Pool, Spa, a; -Shere beaut. 48r CM all •menl1l11. From llPI or condo w/enclolld run, pl•Y· Me tHChet Npt Mgll 2 BA, l'A ba. G Y m . S eu n I , e IC · COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Av•ll. now. 1350 week home $220/$350. Pvt $225/mo. 9'14·7189. garage for 3 rne1e OC you, "God II Love"· tpc. gar . no P•ll. _8'4_&-_oe_1_9_. -----1 IN NEWPORT BEACH up. Agt, 875-8170 bath In 1 rm. 642-1737 s. Laguna, Co•ll Hwy. It 1tude"''· No 1moklng, you-tilS CHILO $496/mo. 842-5722 IAlllEll WALi A tol•I environment TRADE Maul bch front John or Julian 3 Arch B•y. 500 eq. It. drinking or partying. -T-tn--.-,-mo--t _d_m_l_e •"art-At community on condo •nyllme for em Hou•e lo ahare In c ... w/,ood n_.., vlalblllly N-.d tor Sec>t. 111. '82. 0 e m 11 1 a r ONE WEEK FREE RENT Lrg 3 Br Townhoua• ..., """' ~ m -, .,_1 1...__. b ... thll 1peclal ........ .,... 11 t"'e Up_, B•y. Private Motor Home trom July •" 10 lnc~dl~ ut 49 ·2"51 ._, gUll'.n _, Y ,..... ..._.... 2 br. 2 b• condo. SC Apartment Frplc, encllld " , .. ,,.. .., ., , --• f 1.., p•-for you ~1ub .. ou•e end ne111n 11 30 562 1899 aft 5PM ~ 30 ren11. .......... em •1· ._.. • Pl.za New crpt, drps, oar luge yerd. Near v " 0 • • • <>· Quiet office In CCIM with Mcall 1714)85l..e82t On Father• O•y rlfrlg. Po011. c1rport. In· Munt Harbour Children apa, 8 tennla courte, 7 2 bdrm furn houN. Nice Sunny MBA. pn ba/phn/ pvl bathroom. Appreil=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil arid Every Day dry 0 n bus 11 n e OK. $675 840-8807 pools, ciose 10 bullnMI, family arH. Stepa to cir TV. view, tennla, pool, 175 all No maintenance 11 •• Oed, I love you Nonsmkra s545+. Near beach 2 Br 2 lull Ba. ~~~~·nl~~tnl~~o~!a~dn beach, 1rihopa. ~est spa, etc Quiet M/F S350. $225/mo Call Lyndy ~~::v~~ =~ __ L_o_v_e_ll_w_a_y_s_. C_l_n_d_Y_ ~2•2142 unique apt, huge deck. alle Unfurnished bacne-$='wk"875T,~8 rom 631-0377 LY mag. 675-23 l l Newport Baach or Coate MAPPY flTlll'S llY QUIET 1 br. encl. gar. privacy, separate en· tors. 1 & 2 bdrm apta and ---------! Responatble non-smoking --.-~--.-ff-1 ---l Meaa. Reply to P.O. Box Tl HllY ldulll, no pets, lrlge, trance NO "'"II S650. h 1400 W •IJ f•trl ot 2686, ••t••lon v•~to. C• ,..v town ooses. tt lam to shr my 28r La-L b 7 000 ft m... ... "' So the whole world e I e c r a n g.. $ 3 5 0 . 833-3307 $540 • s 1000 8 space. • sq g2690 842·5984 ---------Several bachelors and 1 2 bdrm hse, very near ouna hll. 49~·0707 Near Moag Mo1p1ta1 .,~~~~~~~~~I know• lhal you're the 28r, 11-\81. $375 mo. + water and Newport Pier. Mature. resp rmte wanted Ideal tor a 1m1ll 1ma111. 8EST 2 Bl', 1 ba w/lrplc. pvt $376 dep. Cpta, drpa, nr Bdrm units feature fine Avail June 27th thru July tor 28r apt Parkwesl, Ir· business. 8~5·21 11 Working, non·amoklng Love from KELLY patio, carport, nr Costa Beach Blvd. & McF•d· dealgner lurnllure and 2nd. Aug 8th thru 22nd. v 1n 8 11v 1111 1mme0 gentleman, 80 dealrea Meu park. 1450/mo. den No pets. 893-48114 accesSO<les. Move In to-Aug 211 tnru Sept 5 121oimo plus "A ut ll~ 12x16 otllce with adJol· room/beth w/pvt entran· Happy father's Av 111 Ju I Y 1 • ca 11 day or reserve for sum· 648·7958 Non-•mkr pref Tony, nlng balcony for rent or ce. nr beach Apt/home 540-0708 2 Br 2 Ba + Oen Town· mer months Smartly 0 leaae Newport Center or other? Call Hoover ttouse. 1ennla & epa, nr furnished model a open 81tbo1 lalend so. baylront 551-0988. 975-4983 call Ocean view. $400 mo w weekday• 7 .45 err 10 Day DADll W111alde. large, llry. 2br beach 2202 Heu Cir daily. at turning basin. Avall Monday Sneets 780-9054 "' 30. 720_..387 1 .. 1b1 upper, $425/mo. 960-3745 July 110 31. 3 br ~den. 30ce --.-n-&_B_a_y_V_1e_ws_Sh_e_re-1 Tnank1 tor ev8f)'thlng 11111111, cleaning No -2-B-r-. -2-8-a-. -1-~2-5-1-mo--1-11-1 On Jamboree Ad 11 ba Sllp tor 45 boat my ti.aulllul Promonl""' DESIGNERS. architects. lllutlli•Hll You're the best'!' u 1 d Its I " s J 1 u1 Ad Fully futnlshed $4500 -·' graphic artl1ts furnl1hed Love. Barbara p 's-.t . 58 u on Y & last plus deposit S200 an oaqu n "Ila POlnt Villa, lrplc, tennis, offices to snare, Incl. lut1l1 41SO --------- 54 1 21 4 Portlano, 980.,...38 144-1100 Plua teeurity & cleaning pool, etc 28r, 2Ba. warehouae. Newport •••••••••••••••••••••• June 20. t982 Eutslde 3 Br. 2 ea. patio, c . 11 JI m M c c e II II 875-6327 Beach. 842·6222 .. lllFCHISE Allen King, Yoor the b(,~f frplc, 2 atory. S660/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba llght & •unny. Luxury VIiia Bilbo• Con· 675•6387· ---------1 ----------1 4 bdrm house nr RIVER· DAD In the wtlote v.orld 640-0997 enclsd garage. private do. 28r 2ba, 1327 all. _2_8_r_1_e_a_lu_rn_.-,lt-b-loc-k-1F~~m~S21~:~o~~~·~P~ WATERFRONT OFFICE SIDE 1570 per mo . and I love you Happy ou1p1tlent treatment program, you never need 10 t>. no1p1talllld. mist time from worlc, or time from your family. Mor· nlng & evening programs available & lnaurance approved. TllE 11111111 1853 f . Lincoln. Orange 4647 Long Beach Blvd., Long BMCh can 1-I00-422-llll SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Taught • L-ay Marlcup • Vortex Choice · Studio CHECKED OUT I went to a marriage counMlor He lotd me to treat my Wiie llke a guest In our nouse I did 1u11 1n11. and lhe next day ane CHECKED OUT '!.•1~t.M'. ....•. !.~~ lllUY WlllH P• • udly announces the arrival ot her n-baby sister June 17. 1982 STEPlllllE llllE Linda & Vicki's PllTI lfflLI HOHTl/IAllOlll OUTCALL 24 MRS. 189-0201 * " • &tl11tls Perler Open 24 nra 1 d1y 7 day11 weell Jacuµt. S9i.ln1 Loc:ala as well •• t our1111 8an11Amer1c1rd. MHler Charge. American flt· press. Dlnare All wel- come 714/845-3433 21 t2 Harbor 81 CM Your Car AellectS Yoo Custom Wix & Detail Reas • Tony 547·824 t Proleaston11 Man 36 seeks respo1111ble at· tractive young Woman to shere walertront est•te. pool. boat. lie 1n ex· change for some light housekeeping, occas10- nal babysitting Salary possible Call 8"'0-t776 T11v1l 54SO ......•......•••.•.... patio. S525/mo. pool. $850/mo. 552·0853 10 beach. Summer spe· Sch 1340 Pl"s 'It utll. Now avail. below mrkl. Water and Gardener In· Fathers Day. MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 Ba. Dee 968·6608 ---------1 1 S2 25 tlll 7 1 w Best suite on Newport cl'd. 714-552-9393 all 4 Steven gar, Included. Large ---------1Westollfl lltra lrg. 1 Br. c 8 · • · 831-3862 Harbor. Chris 933.2900, yard, IOW91' unit. No pets. Lg. 2 Bdrm, 1'1t ba. aml Completely redecorated. 675·357 1 or 851·0~31 ---------i * * Lt I l'i ' 5300 Western Airline Ticket . ~! ........ ~'!. ••• •• •••• L.A. to ? Good tlll Aug $475. Wkdys. pis call patio In well maintained Patio & poof. 645·8152 Rick Rmma1e wanted to llve In 01 THE WATER l•list11/l8Hll/ * *K HG 759 4 229 k d 4 unit bldg. 7711 Ellis 2 BA hse In CM . For ...... 2 •• , , • • : w n 8 Mgr apt o 1455 owner 28r, 2Ba. 1 . car garage. V1t1llt• IHll}I 4Z50 further 11110 call Cindy ..... x. exec. 11111te, ,012 IQ 6181811 Tt "" lroatost la .. 549.732g 673-3115 d1nwahr, refrlg, lrplc, wtr OCEAN.FRON°T"i&.•;•9; 546•7900 tt. Newport Arcnea Ma· •••••••••••••••••••••• PINE BLUFF APTS. pO, no pets. $600 mo ---------1 rlna Bldg 642·4644 ••• s.... ..,,, ..... ., ..•. ,n 2 Br. 2 Ba. 1 cnlld ok. no 2 Br. 2 Ba Apt. evall now. 979-8574 or 642-4658 Avail. now. Weekly thru Mature person snr NB FlllTlll YlllEY O••rluJt. 5005 Pi:iEA. PAUL & TOM p lo lew 1 le Patio. small yard. t1ngr. evea summer 673-7873. Highland Ave area !\Orne ••• A<ri ••••• ;, •••••••• pell. al • y • rp • garage. d lshw•aher.•---------w/prot person. $250/mo Prime office lacltlty loca· u•••AT THE WlllEllS! J9CUZZI, oar .. gas stove water palO 1 child ok, no Bachelor apt • Dover IAll, UWlJI or $100 wk. no lse. tee! Olrectly acrou from Fluff & fold. Grosa 111• Pa•, •-•"I •J•• $580. 831-6107 Pet 8 . S 5 2 5 / m 0 Shores. non smkr. $350 Beauttlul Wn11er Conoo 645-0911 Civic Center. easy IC· come s4oootmo Full -" 2 bdrm, 2 bl unlurn. $500 545-2000. Agent. no lee. mo. Utll pd Ask for on KaanopU Beactl Ammate Irv area on 0011 ceas to trwy1. flexible price 16000 C M Olllm mo. Call after 3 P.M. Ginger at 641~ 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath office 1ulle1 from ... 0 6754 get to teke Dad FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 142-Hll 751-1508 BHli8flH 1."·. has range. refrlna, (213) 173-5211 course. 2Br, 2 Ba resp 235·1430 l<I It For ld·1---··------lo the ball garnet u L-Jl,.Z "' ..-non·smkr. pref fem dlllonallnfoc•ll SWIMMING Pool Cneml· ANGELS vs ROYALS LOST.Manscustomsilver E Side 28r, lg patio. gar, a11-•1 .,. carpets & drapes, 4 •L•• SPA GS 551·5720 I II C S 26 0 b I J 11 I •••••••••••••••••••••• b locks to bay. Days p,. ... IN l .Y.I. 110, Cal serv ce c . 01ta aturday, June ! I race et. une . r- 11. '82. Paid S350. want $150. 548-9285 eh 6 ~!!!!!~! ......... . Jd1 WHtH 1015 ..•.......•........... Clean. hardworking fem w/well·behaveo small child s eeking live-In nskpg, ch1IOC:are or nse- Stt flng Spec 111 good health & nutrition Xlnt refs. 661· 1191 new paint, no pets. l 20 STUDIO CONDO · Frplc. 6 3 1• 9 7 8 5 Eve 1 PRIVACY? M /F Pteuant, quiet 10•0 Mesa area No exp nee Congratulations Dadl vine Meadow s Rock E. 20th SI. $485 mo. refrlg, patio, spa, across 548•1288 · New 3 BR. 2 BA homes, twnn18 Coit a Mesa. 141-" Wiii train.· 150,000 tu1i (Tlckela cen be picked Concert Great sentl- 646·0100, 646-6219 f rom bch $4 75 mo. ---------pool, apa, bbq, stereo. s 2 2 5 p 1u 1 in u t 11 . IEWHRT PEll•llU amount req'd. Wiii net up at the Dally Piiot. men tel 111fue Steven -F-em-. ___ k_s_w_o-rk-on-ya-c-ht 2 Br. 1 B .. $435. Car...,ts. 962·4914 2 BA 2 c:ar gar, 21h Ba. dally maid Sir From 831·5963 940 I I $40,000 plus. Call COi· 330 W. Bay, C.M.) Dreyer, 714·640·7824, In Npt Beach Exor'd, "y t •--'c 11 I ~ $125 n"'ht ---------aq. t pr me exec. lecl. ••on-Fri .. •1k for r~~~~-:~~;;~'iii7~"'~7~~2~iiiii!iiiiiii!iijiiii~ Live-in nuree Local References 957-3063 x 109 drapee, gar1ge. patio l'....j JI,.,. rp,.., ., • a app · nv.. "' 111 M k .., g .,.. tree to travel on boat Laundry. 657-6932 ~,..,., ,,,, condo. Close to beacil, P•lm Springs Aes«1 Newport Condo, preter o c e space ., Rud I , 9 . 8 PM • del111efie1 631·3823 bet CONoouci"r~·c;;2·.;,~ pool, IP .. Avail lmmed Aentlls. 213/879·8208 fem non·amkr over 25. 673-6606· 408-887--01 11 #tG!:J,n, ftal oun : M allco Kitten, lOam 2 Br. 2 Ba frplc. balcony, 1 & 'h plul 'h b• 2 Cir· S 8 5 o 1 m 0 c a 11 aay S375 mo Scott 642·6617 300 eq h 2 ofllc:e suite GRAPHICS CENTER SIJS ~lo!': cOllar, Knollv1lle & --------- pool, J1cuul. No pets. portl ~ u~•.:t 1760 2 13 /9 1 2 -8 5 8 5 , llAll • SJI/-Need M I F Prof only $300/mo. "'d lo~. NB/CM ... 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• l'O and, Huntington P/tlme secretary wtreal 1580/mo ,. .. ,3115 • ·-... ·-·. 7 "'78"'"' n--I 1 "', .. v ___ ,.._ 7 "' v " elchi. on Sat nTght. e•tate exp Not Sch .-or · mo.552-94190wn/Agt. 14154.,.. ~. ;i;.u41,.32~"'v• 25-33, non·smkr, Mlfk8~ equip , low overhead. FlllA1.f1 8-98"2 1; .. 673-8tl8 Lge bacn llPI. good locMI. ll 2 er. 1'h B .. TownhouM .__---~-~~-I straight. no pet1 to lhr le d OWi compt. training. Xfnt Notes with a lace value Pvl P•llo, snglt prel'd. 1--1tyle. Adult• pref .. no Elkhorn •t Sun Velley. 28r. 2'hBa. N-conoo In Ill II oppty. Low dn & term1. of $71,250, $115,000 & Loll Calleo/white k1t1y B1l'I. W18IH 11H 1315. 859 W 19th St. IOOIPlllT p e 11. $ 4 5 O /mo ldeho. beaulllully fur· CM Dave B 83l-439I, Owner Clellrea pertntf 10 831·5577 S215.000 secured by 111. Arch Beach, Laguna. ••• •••••••••••••••••• CM 1 Br. Condo, epac:lou9, 548-2682. nl1hed, Sunburst deluxe 957.5731 lease 7500 It ol new liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil T.O.'t on 1+ acres of A-ard Cell 497-3551 Amway Olstrlb, F.T.IP T Light Bnle, Airy & Brand new , xlnt loc•tlon. 1 Br. VerMlllel PenlhM towmhouN with garage. Quiet, reap M rmmte to space In Munt. Beach. WllLllALIR oc.an view property In LOST F I Ch I t splendid oppty for 0000 N~. 2 Br. 2 Ba frplc. $650/mo. 955-1833 on court, ss•oi mo 3 Br. & loft, 2'h Ba, pool, shr 2 br house, C.M. No Lease oueran1eed • a San Juan Capistrano emae ocoa e l earnings Local Amway .... " sauna & resort prlv II ... 1 1 80 IEEMI area. Wiii discount 1o Lab Named Oaa Vic Oistrlb Au111 yoo. Appl. micro. 2 car garage. £•1/.••• "~"' •141 213/687-3292 bua · • drugs. please. s200 Incl. percent owner ... ,p 11 • Beacon Ba Pl••se call 55" "049. .... •· thing hiking horseback " 9 ooo ft bid f t In the tul growing flee· yield 200/o. Maturlllea In y, -.,.,, P 0 0 I . Ip.. $ 8 5 0 •• ••••••••••••••••••• 213/387-5900 . . ullls. 64v-103 sq 0 (l OM 0 ., 675 0068 AEW·Ao :::=o .... c:::i""'".-.............. 7 360 5 5 31 5 riding. Salmon River beach. No down pay· Ironic Security Bu1ln111. 18, 23 & 35 months. • · "' 55 •2 ' 4 • 1 OOUIFlllT LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br boat rides, tennis & gOll. Glll•fl Ill l••l 43SO ment C•ll Mr. Brooks at This Is a recenlon proof lnterell paid monthly t-L-O_S_T_·_b_la_c_k_m_a_tu_r_e_M l /P l•pr 111,IOO Most elegant llPI bldg. fr pie. patio, edults. Call 1·213/790-5521. ••••'••••••••••••••••• 714/891·5556 business. We •re 1 M•· CALL 71 4/640-4404. cat. neut & declawed. Const exo .. computer FRIU I lfW OllltS 1 & 2 bdrm condoml· nluma each with auto· matlc 2 car g111age. flre- place. 1kyllght, patio, d l 1hw•sher, etc $4115-$595 111-ltOt 1872 Monrovia Costa Mesa In Laguna Beech. finest I 1050. 675-6359. Newport ocean front 2 Br E·slde CM. sgle on prlv NEWPORT BEACH nufacturer loolclng fOf a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill "Ernie ', Nwpt ecn Pen Stt'y. tt S 14,.00 IOCatton In towlnl ,bbr,ea,th· N WlTll 2 81. sleeps 6. Avail. alley, uta. cie7 an itoriige "Turn K-" Offlee S390 wl\oleaaler to handle the To pl.ce your mesuge area Wayne 8-47-4788 or T/ 60, Insurance co ~S:'~otv::'. • Pu~l-on~.. June 19 to July 3rd. only 160 8 3-3600 "BrenchL office $76. moat sophisticated elec· t>efore lhe 67S-5557 R-•rd Accompl15he<I Personnel Charming 1 bdrm, newly 752 9466 OI''' • I ,.,.00 S Ironic security system on reedl"" nubflc, Services. Inc sub ·oarage. elevator reclec'd. Oellghllul patio. • · def "'•II "'"' emlnat meeting rooms the market today No ··• .. -Tr•de your old atull for 3300 lrvtne, • 101. NB Lease ontv $850 & up 5 t North Lake Tahoe Lake-••••••••••••••••• ••••• hOYrly. Typing. malling. phone 330 Cliff 6f 494-8083 ~'11" pre1er'd. $62 nc front house. $JOO to 1617 Wettcllft. N 8 Want phones. Call tor Info ~~~~~~~:N;•c~~~~t 09ity Piiot ~~pi:,o:,•.•~2~~~8 • 545.9971 . 100% Free OCUIFHIT 673-8145 $4001~ 673-8052 llnanclel Inst 70001.f. 752·6408. RED $30,000. 100% SE· Clasallled, 642-5678 BABYSITTEA·mature pet· 1 11 11 o or Agan I ---------1 CURED BY INVENTORY ~~~~~~~~~ Aa•t••1taHll 5100 son. 3 hrs per day, all LAKE TAHOE 541·5032 l.C. lJllNIT AIU EARNING POTENTIAL = ,•••••••••••••••••••••• day Tues no wknds lncllne VIiiage's mos11•5-20-sq-.-11-,-1-.00--pe-r-sq-. 130 sq, 11. full servlGe $75.000. + FIRST VEAR. Refs req 673· 7594 beaullful vacation rent· ft .. 3975 Birch • N.8. e.xecutlve office avail Im-CALL TOLL FREE: DO YOU NEED TO als Homes. chalets, Agent 541•5032 med Corne r o t 1 IOO ••• llll BABYSITTER needed for condos. 7021831-28'46 Jamboree/MacArthur. • ·•11•-Lose & Keep Weight Off? occas1onal wknds & ,,.,,,, ,. ,.,,, 4300 ....•................. WESTCLIFF BLl>G. NEWPORT BEACH \ 0"'•' #1!>\I< ,. ~' t>ll •">C ......... . Beautifully decorated aXT I· 141 wkdys, C.M 751-8962 with bay window s. ASK FOR MA. SAWYER Stop Smok ing? evs 752·2567. • Control Stress? Improve Your Memory? Handle Depression? Overcome Shyness Learn Total Concentration? Improve Your Ability to Sell? Overcome Fear & Wo rry? Develop Your Creativity? Relax M ore? Get auislan~ with juvenlll' behavioral oroblems. poor grades, low aell·worth. etc. You can do aU of theee while relaxing to music. No drugs. No hypnosis. No 1trenuoua or strict regimes. The 1«hnique uaed works even when other attempt.a have failed. P.A.l.R .. a non-profit organliatlon. Is offering very low·coll, 6-week. gl'l acquainted, money·b•ck proarams, In connection with a 1taliltlcal data gethertng proJe'ct T F elephone .A.I.A. at (714) 842-0919 7602 Talbert Ave., Unit #5 Huntington Beach Bring this Advertisement with you for a free session. You must call for an appointment !!i!1 STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? lllYSITTEI Mature. lov•no person for Infant Wkdys 7 30 to 5:30, my home preferred Reis. CCIM 780--0686 1'4 BABYSITTER tor 2 boys eges 9 & 10. 3 deystwk. Salary open N.8. 833·0512, 645-3836 IAIYSITTH Responsible teen needed tor summer Job N.8 . area. 4~8pm. 631·0891 Banking TILLERS E11perlenced. Part time (20 hrs wt&.). and tull tlme position•. Huntington Savings & Loan. 8987 Warrtef, M 8 Beauty Salon: Rent 1 st•tlon In New· port Bee ch . 714/631-7043 BEAUTY SALON located nr Fashion t1land has lhe following openings: Quelllled h11lr1tyll1t, w/ lollowlnga pret Ou9lllled m1nlcurl1t. Opening• tor rental rm for mHHUH or etec- troytls. • ThoM lntlfllled s>IMM call m•n•ger for Inter· vtew at 540-6023 Beeuty Preetlglou9 M1on nMC11 •11l111n1 for co1or111. Wed-Sat. Rlchlfd <>uel- le«e SalOl"I 200 Newport Center Of., N..8 . ... / .... ..,, Newporl 9HCh pvbllc ,....lone firm ...... ~deb .. lndlvldu•t to mon4t0f bMk: bOottlt• P1no n-41. Peyet>i.., reoelobl" and dally Joum*. Mutt lie~ ptlo( llt~r and M ab .. to woflt with our ac:<Ioun• tante. t t ,000 per MO IO a tut. fl•f . pref'd 714• 720-0IM 1 I r •• •• 0 $aj ·- ,~,'.7.!'!ou ~ '°'. IC> di'/ Id "'the .... , ....., .:::, 00 IT NOWI .... ,....,,. Your Diiiy PllOt 8ervlc1 Directory Ropreeenlatl~ 142·11'11, .... 122 ~I!':!!~ ....•...•..... Clflll-ays, P11klng Loi ROS>alr1. SealcoetlnQ S&S Aaphlt 831-4199Llc ALLSTATE PAVING ~llng-Strl1>1119 Ret>atra Comm.IRMJd. Lie •397362 8A5-a181 Oen Hallberg B,.dlng & Paving Co. Rea/Coml Lie. 397804 8'2· 1720 ~~'!!!I ••••••••••• TEENAGER BABYSIT IN YOUR HOME. CMINB. 557-2279 llt~~~~~~~=~~=~~~~~~f1.= .. ,,,lf! ............. ~ ......... ~ ............ ~"'~'"'········ 1•1•11 .... Wlef Ctllld g.,. Wei Mllliofl •i<ATllllNA'I LIVl·IN 'O"MIOA COUNTIN Cotlegeltudenl,Y9fYIMp. "011N'8 CLIAHIHO U. ~. •. Vl•Jo nome, Atlol1 l ~I:~ :i':!n~,d :':i ,~~lfa~1 ~. ~i~•y,1.v'AJ'::' ~~1"°'~':g7 CUMOm ~ .._, Jtr°t!.."!!·.!."111!~ time, _c_...,,_ln0_.;;.._l3J. __ 2_1 _e __ 1 ~1' ~ ea. "' uo mo. ,,., ,..,.1L H-oAAAl~A""' • j»ello• Q111Nty WOftl. ..,.._,.... ... --2-2 . • .., ' -"" vv-.. ......... Lie. naoao '· ,,.. .. ti-C ... ILD OA"l /hllH•· .....,,., ••••• •• ........ w. Id Ing ' 'Id wk I YA pp. Xlnl refl. m1t .. 08'·6'11 My .. --, ,._11 ..... ••••:.•"•••.,.••••••••• OAPT-llNO.WOOO 64t4tt5 ''" .. t. Lori 116·93'3 n ........ -.., AACHtUCTUAAl ~NI IM\llllC:ll!'IP4ll~ Gl'9G ...... ----CfUMll'-979.7395 FOA BUILDING Pl!"MIT Uo. Mt~ 1·2~SOll ••••• •• .. •••••••••••• T.L..O. HouNtlllPlnG ••• ,,.-..... , ••••••••••••• Chlld o.,. In my c M AHldentl•I lddltlon• .. HOMI IMPAOVfMINT lltVlce. LOW All ... PINCH I 0101<& . . __ ........ ........ e·1 ... AA ~· .. eP•l'"·PLU"'ll~ Toni J&0-020110•1-o406 .. ,, .. •obln ....... Oon•t home, tovtng molher, r .... ..,., ... """" .. • vuv " ,.. ,, M """ .., "" ..,., C • • •••••••••••• Car-try, Ille, Ule. ,, .. •":r.rllN Hou··"--'~ 81 ....... 1 ... 7., 1 •• ,....;9 axp. t1echer. ,.,,, • !'!r.!fll Oarden=Wanled ,._.. ~ ..,......,"' '"""' • """""'"'" namu, 3 & up, S.1-1091 tit. No IOI> too tmlll 1 f\.lrnt1h v1ouum & •-•• • • • •• •• • • • • •• • • • ••• MowlnQ. &ftg. tekfno. Oltf MS..28 t 1 CABINETl·F\l!MODl!L. M I ~ llt I/ OAYWAl.l.IACOUSTIO 1w1tplng. FrH Htl· 11 tuppll ... SkylltH • Grunnn ':~!/! ••• f, ••• ~1!~ ••• Aepalra, new & old. 11 matN. 845-.5137 01r.,.ntry . M1tonry V1ne1 .. t71'"'4838 Window• REMOO!UAOD-ONS Yft l lCP. lud tl52·95e2 LAWN OARE Aoonng • Plumblng HOU81!CL!ANING 548·4809 & Carpenlry. Uo'd. 25 Wiii lextur .. ·Acouatlo Comml rnld. NwpllCM Drywall • 81uooo • Tiie 18 OU" 8USINfSSt Ci ·•t ltmH yra exp. Irwin 541·2110 Heng-Tepe-Steel atud• Xtnt, rollebi. WOfk. Remodel. J.B 844-0000 J1ntce'1 Raggedy Ann •• !,-.-••••••••••••••••• REMOOEL./AOD·ONS Lie, 380944 1-632·8540 Onr/Ol)r, B11ry 848-7412 EXPl!RT HANDYMAN Ell. 10 yr1. 878-2514 No Steam/No Shampoo & Ctrpentry. Llo'd. 25 DRYWALL TAPING C11pentry ·Roofing PROF. HSECL.EANING S taOCrptl ln1tilll yra exp. Irwin 548-2710 All Tlxluret & AC:OOIUC TIEii Plumbing, lie. 842·8013 R111•Rett1bt1•Rel1 FIOOCI ~:::; St .. m Fine Finished Car.,.ntry Fr" 111 Kevin 878-0088 Tol>i)edlrornovoct. Clean JACK OF ALL. TRADE&-Wlndow1. Gtry 551·1137 olng 554·8510. 973-8588 Remod. Spec. Randall Orywalt-Plutw-Slucco up, lawn renov. 781·3'?8 Call JIC1l dfY Of night Joen'1 C11a11lng Service Shlmpoo & llH m cl .. n UC. 4 111687 720·1280 New/repel' Aeouello MOWING · CLEAN UPS •e75·3014* Houtel·APll·Aen1111 Colo, brighten•"· Whl COMM'U RESIO. eelltng1. Wiii 1n1ur11. HluHng • Landtcaplng COMPL.. HOME MAINT Ottlc... 640-1287 crpll • 10 min. b!Meh. Remod-Add'nl·R•rl Wlllf' blullng. SPMll•h F, .. UI. 8A2.ot07 C1tp. ptcerpentry, G•n•r•I HOUHCIHnlng. Hell, llvldtn rmt I t5, 111vg Very reu. Lie. 390250 teicture Dan 052-9905 RHld. Cln·upa, gerden roughlflnlth. dr1. wndwt, Rlllablo, r111 10 yr1 HP 'oom $1.50; couch 110, Jecit H Bennett. Jr. _fl_w_tz_l_l_l_l ______ 1 11rv, m11n1, ltH trim. feneu. drywall. p1tn1 9e2-0510 1ft 4 · chr '6. Gu8' etlm Pol Gan Conlt. 552•9142 •••••••••••••••••••••• Fr" ell. 541· tote Wltly 754-0899 odOf Crpl repair. 15 yrs Bonded & lntuted ELECTRICIAN-Priced SHIYO'S GARDENING ....... -11 .... ~ .... -.-----~!fi. ~3~;f;~ myutf. -.. -.-... -.-,-.... --.-.-.-.-.-~~~·c!r:,~·~~:t• on ''Total Verd a.re" ••••••~MP•J•oas·••••• excel CARPET CARE uc-~~~t~-· Uc 3tee2t. 873-0359 ~:~~~;:~~;:· &c:i~:.reo~':1J3~~· JllCI< Buffington 646-85W645-'M4 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN T, .. ,,lm-Eit.,.n mllnt. Owner/operator Oval work-Reu. rat.. Irrigation. Jim 851-0129 PROF SERVICE Carpet, uphol, area rug U•'H·hsl11·lt•••· Free Ml 631-5072 Tom Hauling • y11d ctNnuP cteantng. Worl! guar. Free est. Reas. prices. Total Yard Cini by Quick & clean. Free est F'ee Ell. 845· 1771 Oval. work. Lie. 337169 ELECTRICIAN THE GRASSHOPPER 673-0548 HOUSECLEANING + MAINT. & REPAIR Stierrye 831·5145 sfui11ey·1 Houaecteanlng Exp'd·Rellebl•·Rets ••882-2849•• !t!tfff. .•••.•.....•• r~1~ ....... '~············ l,IOlll, block. oonot9tl, INcOo, Y9f)' r .... lie. &ob ..-.1e50153f.ttot fn PUlftllll O.Wa lelflnkler lyWima. ALI. TYPH INT l lXT fr• •tltNttl FAE! HT. MM218 770.110t Flroptacee-Plenter• PL.AITlFI PATCHINO 880'1-P1tloe-Veneer ""'UOCOI tnllelCt 30 ~I. ,, .... t. 84e-o.8A 'f'I. Neal. Paul 6•5-2977 E•port MHonry: OUllll'/ 11...i workm1n1hlp, reallallo ••••••• '11. •••••••••••• prtcte. ~11 551·•5&& 11 ILL 14'· ll2t !!!!!f ••.•••••.•••••. •&·1 ....... Top qu1llty. Spec:l1I Oita In handling. 25 Yr• ••P· CompeUUve Ratet No overtime. 730...1363 STARVING COL.LEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lia T 124-4315. tntured. 8A 1·8427 , WATCH US GROWi ..... ". '"* ~·!!~t!~!'.~'! ••••••••• BONTEKOE RE.FRIG: • AIR CONO. Ml,lne. auto, comm't. 5411·S208 ~!."!~!.'!~11.~~r.!! ••• U•'11·lt1lp·lt•H. '"' ·····················~ Cullom Cer~ 1le PtOt'flpt, Oell ~ • ..,_ M2·fst4/t7S· 1• cly'I Cl!AAMIC•LINOUUM Tiit Ftet eetlmllll Re11. tob 11s.a5t ,,,.,."'" ....•........•....••.. LOW AA n:s. Tree trim· ming a tomonl. alt oletnupa a 1r1th haullnQ. Free ••• Ma,tlnet 554-7017 JAY TREE CARE, compl. aerv & llump grinding. Uc'd, Int . 8'()-9308 FrM "' Rell prtcet Oval work Lie. 337188 831·?345 '''•"•1. ----------· r'-~'!!~1. •.••.•••••••• •• ••••• E•·,· .. ~·.·T·• .. •••••• ¥.f!.'!~I............... Moat tubjocl1. K-14 ftl "' I REPAIRS S26 to $186 Oay-sumrMr l10wk by Richard Sinor Lie Free ••I Call anytime Mr Morgan. &AS.-5178 2110644 13 yrs ol happy WALT 770·2725 local w11omera. 1---------1 TUTORING IN ENGUSH Thank you, 631-4410 Huber Roofing-all typea AS SECOND LANGUA· ----------1 New-recover-deck• GE PAINTER NEEDS Lie. •4 111102 5'8-973.t Jo~ ZO<ger 5'5-3839 WORKI 30 yrs exp, Intl Exler Acoustic oetUngs "JOHN HENRY co " "11.i•• l1rdt1 Davia P.alnttng 847-5t86 Rooting lor Fane Homea • ••""••••••••••••••• L1e 4 15232 s..a-e213 Word Proceaat~yptng. EXTERIOR PAINTING documents. computer Custom wortc Free est. 1~.,~J11tl1• procau with epelllng Reas. + line ant. & S11i-•••••••••••'-••••••••• correction Revl1lon1. nlng Steve 547-'281 BUOOET RATES tell, 1111y Many type f!!.~!!t!!I ••.••••.•. Prof carpel cteanlng. apt & restdentlat Lie & bon· ded. Aleo clean-up jobs. John 642-0357 5 Smt job1/Repalr1 UC. Pe ·--al """~dable 63l·234 c 5 8 5203 r..,. •• ......_, HAULING-GRADING , I ---------1 233108· -10. ' • Oomlntc 642-'851 demotltlon, clean-up .!/!.~~••••••••••••• Quality houMete1nlng & windows too! Weekly, semt-monthl or mon· thty Jutle 83 ·9181 Lo mtn Smt jobs OK Lie styles, high quality, ree· Freeest,lns 841-75111 sonebta N o ta ry . ,.,,.11 TH1IH Smoooothed 540-4479 Ind .. comm'I, res wo .... u ...... ,. .lllllltlt ltr•••tr Concrete & tree removal Good & ReHable Rel1 Farthing Interior OeSlgn General Contractor ~ T ci.....w._ Lady wlahea Day Work SttH•• 76t·l314 BOOKKEEPING Speclallztng In accoun· ling lor the Independent attorney or 1mall law firm. Also real estate In· vettment & p'operly management accoun· ling. 675-7 t06 Lie. 333217. 557-1738 ' QuRt!',·~ Free est. Ken 839-6035 Quick serv. 642-7638 ____ 54_9·_·_0_36_3__ I HANGING/STRIPPING .., " .. " Visa-MC Scolt 645-9325 .••..•........•.•...•. MOBILE SERVICE Rescreens/New screen• NB/CM only 642-9562 ~!~~!~ .~~~~!!!f .•.•• f !!!~!/.~~'!!!!!~ ..... Cement-Masonry-Block Walls·Cust. work Lie. #381057 Rob 647-2683 Orlvea. patios. walks. Free e11. No job too 1mall 536-2807 C11to• WH4rn1ki•f ~ 631 ma LANDSCAPE MAINT. HAULING & MOVING g,,,,,,,,,,.,. 1 ••• •••••• ••••••• •• •• • J,. 645:2942 Commerloat & property Local. Student w/truok ••• •••••••• • • •••••• •• ASR PAPERHANGING Crown moutdlng, entry , lie 410908 managementa. 63l~46 Lewie 876-8180 Re1pon1lble cpl, mid 30'sl 7 yrs local e>1p Guar doors, mantles, boot<· · looktno 10 housealt this work. Prices start at cues. cedar lined clo· Electrical Contractor Ron's Ga,denlng: 8 Y" Hauling & quick clean-up. summer. We'll care for I $8/roll. Alec 751·7027 sets. Wood aoluttona 10 Ind . Comm, Res Lie ume area. Quallty al yds. garagea. Job-altn. & planla, houM, etc Call Custom wallpapering, -oodproblemsl 333217 Ph557-1738 re11 . r ate1. Matnll prop mgm t . Rick Ken Haven 7606078 1 ~ 63 0865 K I 631 0953 · • · satisfaction guaranteed. 63t·l528 landscape. NB/CdM . 1• • ra • rels 1valt. For est· Frank 775-07l4 ~I!!'!~!!!! •••••••••••• *Sprinkler Repair• Res.lcomm Commerc111t Landscape Servloes 957-83811 "Let the &inshtne tn" Call Sunlhlno Window Cleaning, Lid. 5•8·8853 20% Monlhly C>lscounl *RESIDENTIAL* MonthlyQtrly Olscount Chris 957·8388 Cadillacs to Go-Cans Whatever the Fad Roll ·em ott lhe market With a Clas1ilied Ad Call Nowl ~2-5878 Ci/1' C11t lllllNTEll ELHTlllO _6_7_5·_9_388_. ____ 1 HauHng. Student will haul We don't make you watt anything. Free est. ~~!~~!1 ••.•.••.•..... BRICKWORK Small Jobs Have aomothlng 10 Hll?I Nawport, Coat• Mne. !~~': ~!~.~!~! ...... . Resldl aml bu1tne11. SERVICE & REPAIR Speclal monthly ,al81. .......••.•••.•.•..... CHILO CARE My home, Infants·• yrs. Xtnl rel1. C.M. 645-88-46 Get GREEN calh lor WHITE elepll6nta with a Clualfled Ad Call 642-5878 Lie. 370680 631·7823 People who Med people Robert, 714·493·2146 thould alwlyt ctleck lhe SELL Idle lloma wi th a SeMee Directory In the Dally Piiot Clutltled Ad. DAIL. Y PILOT Cluelflld edl do II well. Irvine. Rais 1175-3175 *•BRYANT'S•* Wallcoverlng Removal All types. 642· 1343 Van Oppens Service Co K I I h s d (7141838·4666 64 ~.4009 o' en Y Sell Idle ttema M2-6e781Want Ad• Call 642-6e18 ¥!.'I..'!!!~'!. •••• !.{!f R.E Sates ¥!.'l •• '!!!~'!. .••• !.{f!I! ~~11..'lf!.a.~'!. •••• !.{~ lf..'}l..'!!!.'.'!. .•.• !.1.f!I! ~~11..Vf!.a.~'!. •.•• !.{'!'! ¥.'Jl..'!e.'.'!. •••• !.{~ IJ!.Jl..'!!!'!!. •••• !.l.~ cARPENTER -SUQC8Safut cuH1nP11T IEITAL w11Tm MEOUllto PlttTI cuu ¥!.'l..'!!!'.'!. •••. !.l.Oj ll!!.'l.!!M'.'!. •••. !.I.'!'! ¥.•Jt..'!!!.'.'!. •••• !.I.~ Sates SALES yacht mlgr firm In NB Pe,manent tun time, Mon Oynamtc. patient orient-llCIME ve111ete Mech. needed by Ctlc Photo. P1rt tam• reqs exper c11penter fOf 1hru Fri. 8 to 5. olc e>1pr ed N.B. practice needs P/t • S l ,200 plus/mo Hunl Sch City Scllool saJH clerk needed lor gen woodw<>t'k Must be pref Xtn1 benefi ts bright. motlllatect, enlhu· ~:~u~:! :;14k~e~' Dltt Exper. required. drlve-thru pholo store sell-starter. pref wtown Wkdys call 540·1614 ask s1ast1c team member $1.260·$1,569 per mo Starling pay S3.3Sl llr tools. Req team worker '°'Cherie ROA or comparable ex-llSIUIOE depending on uper Mu11 have outgoing per· wllllng to w ork. Call Color Anatysls tree by per, salary open FGS hes opening• lor Apply: 20451 Cralmer sonall1y: Salee/cash 6<45-6351. 9AM· 12 noon. be com t n g an Am . 646-2481 eicp'd. Individuals to ..,. Ln .. H.B. 964-8888. regls. expr. helpful. AP· CASHIER Flllme poll· way Ota t r I but or. IESlll OFFICE vl08 Personal Line acctL MEDICAL, Flttme, front ~~w~~~~ ;,~~~oc~ 18 0 8r Ilona. Gd. pay, growth 760-9284 lor app1 F 1 (7) Musi have gd oral & ofc position. MIH lon call 874_7080 co .. 6 looallona Metro emate Jr. 1 ze me-written communication Viejo. Req'a. medlcal..,. Car Wash, 2950 Harbor Ct•llHI.. lt•Htlt ~:t~· 0~~:!~~w::,s\~ akllls Salary commenau· cretertel ellper. lnciudinQ Bl., CM ltl• porter Fii modeling. rate w/exper & abtllly. tnsu,anee b llttng . OllLI OlllE 16-25 Female preferred. quality control & clerlcal Pd. co benefits Advan-495-l060 CAREER OPEii HOUSE COSTA MESA NEWPORT TUESDAY JUNE 22, 1982 7.30PM CALL MISS KELLY Ul·OIOI FrtHlillH Silts PT/FT Own hrs T'8m SECRETARY II $100.000 per yea• ca•· you 10 build own bu1t· lber comm ness Call 645·9210 for appt. To sett manufacturing ----------1 package an your Area SECRETARIES wanted 10 Comm $2500 per sate w0<k m tew otlices Sa· Send resume to PO Box lary based upon uper . 6201. Laguna Niguel. Ca no legal exper neceas, 92677 must have maturity, ----------1 good secretarial&. oll;ce SALES skills. an ability to learn, $$$$ $10 to $25 hr Un· w/lrain Start July I. dercover Wear home 1982. Call 667-8081• or Huntington 8eedl Union High School District hu an opening for en lndM· dual with good secret•· rial 91\alls Mull be able 10 type 50 wpm and take shorthand at 80 wpm. PROVIDERS/Your Home Must tlke Harley Davi· dullH. Witt train Call cement potential For -----------• trvtne. Eatn money, i tay son's & able to tr11vet Katherine. Thurs or Fri appl • call Pauttne, MEllO&L llOllnlllY Call Sat. • Wednes 979 •• 9... 5<49-8909 Npt. Bch. Some college al home. Ca.re tor your .. .... & ...... bk d 1 Produclton Artlat needect, last growing graphtc1 lactllty, comptlmenllng typesetting & camera depart. & creating comp1 req'd. Hunt. Bch. area 714-536-3939 parties 645-77.« 667 • 717 1 ca111oday and get ell the I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW-sseECCAR~E~TAARR~v-:.~p;,;;T~-1 answers to what a luture I S 1 1 50 Appllce11on1 are being accepted dally through June 25 Please apply at Room 131 or call: chlldren & visiting chll· 6•2PM only 891•8809 llSUllllOE m""'"'et gr · pre · 000 Groomer, exper. M ust type 75wpm. ----------• In resldentlal Real Eatate 0 es Accurate lyp no wpm Sales could mean 10 you. \11 na K'!'•orss + ability to transcribe dren. Be part of a pro-COOi Corona de4 Mar. FGS has opening In Re· 759. 1833 PROFESSIONALS fesslonal chltd care net· Needed lmmectlll'lely for 644-<4000 newel Dept. for person to ----------1 .. · work , share In the lastfoodcrepe &ometet quote & loltowup on re-M ODELS for llngerle knowledge ol an 8111· reSlaurant Min. 2 ye11rt lriHfSt SoltMI IH new11ts. Auto rating or shop. Over 16 pref'd. bllshed & respected .. rty 1 F lltl Class 10 train school bus underwriting exp prel'd. &48·6444, Seen!)' Panty Chlldhood Prnnram. Celt e11per ence. u me ~-ell I & bo -• da 1 752 5878 N B drivers now being for-""'c sa ary nus Chlld's World Chlldr8rl't y · • · · med. If Interested. apply. Pd co benefits tnctudlng Center. 552-'858. COPY TYPIST Hunt. Bch. Caty Sehl co pd dental plan lrvtne ad 1g1ncy has Dist .. 20451 Cralmer Ln . Contect· Jerry, 549·8909 Clerlcal n-ty created position, HB 536-7519. Appllca-MAlllmll reporting 10 traffic Must ttons accepted thru CLElll nPIST :~:~d=~~~ ~o~~:.~;~! -E 6-:-:3-:-~-!-,C-IA_N_/_P_L_U_M_· The corporate olllcel ol proofing sk1tl1. Work BER • Successful yacht a major mortgege ban· fast·pa~ed. bul fun 10 mfgr firm In N.B. reqs king firm have an Imme-WO<k for Mary 979-7000. indiv exper an etectncal & d1ate opening In their COSMETICIAN Llc'd. for propane systems In the markellng department llllme makeup pos In M arine &t or RV ind Position requl'" flexible top Npt. beauty salon. Musi be self-starter pret pertOn who ts wllllng to c e t t . L 1 u r a • w/own tools. Reqs team help with a variety ol 213·27"·8575 wortcer wilting to work PAJe~~ ~~~t ev.- nlngs per week tor over· flow 5 PM lo ? Litigation e•perlence Non-1molcer only Newport Center ~6-37~ lllOIELS Auditions held June 16, Wedn81d1y, et 6 pm: Ttlfanys, NB, 3rd fir. MuSI be 2 1 or over. Motet MUAIHI (Oft.) exp'd for 31 unit motel In Dana Pl Catt· 493-1S46 OIL IOILPTIEIS Sll,000/YUll CALIBER ONLY Expenence required in REAL ESTATE, TEA- CHING. SALES OR MA· NAGEMENT. People who hava now reached • fork In lh• roed & would Ilk• 10 be reprogrammed tor• new career. Appl onty Call 9AM-Noon, M • Kelly, 830-4945 P.THIE l&UI COLDWC!U. BANl(C!RO 2299 HARBOR BLVD COSTA M ESA C A 92627 An Equal 01>9ty Co RETAIL SALES MGR For • chlldren a bout•· que, unique oppty for an enlhYstaaltc 1ndlv Please can for appt 549· 1461 Sales ~,.; Good w/people. 10 run BROKERS· one person church of· NATION'S LARGEST Salts l1111l1p OrHtt C .. st IHI R E. Lie req or sponsorship FAST START Complete Training HtQh Earnings Fer l•f• ·ull flee C M 548-2237 SEOllETUY Entry tevel ed agenc:y postl\jon avall Must be responsible. organized & type 50 WPM Salary $800 mo. Call 6<41.0111 IEOlnHY Brokerage ltrm In Npt H•UHSD 10251 Yorktown Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92~6 714-964-3339 Center has lmmed ope-Equal Opportunity n1ng 10< 1n<11v with gd I E typing & communication mpl0¥9f skills Hrs 7 AM·3 30PM ---------Cail Arlene La Sor, SEWING MACHINE OPE· 644-911 1 RA TORS Elcper, quallly clerical duties. Oualifled Cati 645-6351. 9AM·12 appltcanlS must have COUNTER HELP wanted, noon.GENERAL OFFICE· good typing skllt1 & exper or wilt train. Ory-Must type 45WPM, tral· minimum 1 year previous cleane'8, 30846 Coast nee OK, sm company, olllce experience. We Hwy, So Laguna. good beneltts. Call Ann Lt1al S.oretirt Nawport Center Real Estele Llttgat•on Firm need• experienced Legal Secy. Xtnt typing, dicta· phone & shorthand a musl Salary open. 640-6960 We are lumlng away business and need 1 ex- pr'd prof. nail seutptr- wflh 1 tlttte.fotlowlng. Top comm or guar salary plus addll. bonul prog· ram. Education avalla· Enjoy working with k1d1, and Wish lnueued eer· nlnga. utilize your out· going pereon1t1ty. leatn how to become a trained sates councalor Call 2·5PM. 642-4321, Ext 343. EOE . ADVERTISING Here's a unique oppor· 1 641·7177 tunity lor one who en1oys ~~~~~~~~~!!SECRETARY • Hvy I)'· wOfklng with the public I : ping E>1oell. skltls plus on the telephone and Sales Person. mature. P/ voracious reader req'd minded. piece rates Coste Mesa 6<42·9652 Oller good setary & b.-COUNTER HELP Mature 642-9363 bte ---------- Sam peon & 0et1tah IUL ESTATE SALES earning money 11, the time, HB gift shop, No shorthand, non-smkr same time 963·6900 Reply In confidence to· SOCIAL SERVICES PROGRAM COORDtNA· TOR South County. Must be famltlar with agenole1 In Orange County Salary d8f)efld1 upon experience EOE 492-7451 , Eves 831·7438 nellls. Please call Marcia person, cafetarta styte liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Strack al 752· 7670 rest Racquetball Health GENERAL South Coul Pteu Need 2 exper people In Le11l Stor1tary Ask for Glort1 546-7186 commerctal & tndustrl11t Your succeHful sales COLLINS ASSOCIATES e>1perl.ence will enable j SllESPfllSOI 567 San Nicolas Dr • Shearaon American ChJb In Irv EYentng pos .. E>1press Mortgage Corp 5. to, Mon-Fri, Sat 9.3. 1601 Dove St. 973·0838 9 .. , HARDWORKERS WANTED IMMED. Newport center Reat iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil real estate for auccesslul Estate litigation -Flfm & growing firm. Best needs experienced Lel;lel 1111111 lJHI working conditions In you to ikcome a key part , Eat · cneat. Gel rich and Npl Bch, CA. 92660 1 of our Classified Adver· I slim 100'/, guaranteed • 11 s1 n g o e p a r t me n 1 _85_o_._9_23_6_o_r _8_5_0·_9_3_63 __ , Newport Beach 1-----· ----- Equal Opportunity Emp. CllTOMEll SYS REP. A challenglng opportu· nlly 11 open at Schweber Etectronlcs, a reading eteetronlc distributor, lor an lndlv. who Is sell· motivated , has good communicative sktlla and one who pays anenllon to detail Jr College education pref .. but not required Please conlacl Barbara at. 556-3880 Socy Xtnt typing, olcla· Conv • long term care N e w p o r t B e e c h phone & shorthand a exp. req'd. Excell. wor· 714-646-5051 must . Salary open. king conda .. & be~lts. Real Estate Straight commission on all sates OLEH nmT $11r900 640·6960 Fltlme, 7•3.3o. 3·t1.30. COLDWELL BANKER/ 714·642·8044 or apply In . 11 you have sales ebtllly, are e selt-star1er and Hke MONEY. we wltl train you In Ct1111tfled procedures For an a1>9om1menl for lntervt-. please c11tt our Personnel Dept at 642-4321, Ext. 277 lo aselsl ofc. manager In dally dullee. Typing 40-45wpm, an1werlng phones. & flllng 25 hrs. per wk. $3.50-$-4.50 hr. based on expe,, Reefs. gd. transport allon. Great loc;allon & working conds. Call . Jim. 673·"302 $J,.i,.Qu9 v ll PHfffMs Lic'd R.E. • Ac•nt Excellent opportunity tor experienced, 11ggr111ve reatdentlal rM118 pert0n lor Newport Beach eree Cell Mr. Cllhcarl. ltlf1I hH. Seo. ""I Fltlft tf Wert .. , ... , .... "' 760-8816 eM-9058 Peopfo who need peop6e Enthusiastic, efficient & V'lt hferitltt lholJkl alW9yl ctl8Ctt the Qrganized w/bkpg eitp. 11 .... Ptsttitn SeMce Olr.ciOfY In the 4 day wk C M eu. ll.a ,Ht-•111 DAILY PILOT 5<46-3000 ,... • Loss Prevenllon IHlllH'S ltiHU' ilf~i;H~U~,.----=-~ll~~~~~~i;I l•1t11tti11 1H5 Ja1lndit1 • 1005 IUPllC llPllYllll ... ,.rt .... 1a has •n tmmed opening tor an e11per 'd, Lou Prevenllon Agent. Apply tn .pecson. Peraonnal, 10AM·Noon. Mon·Frl .. 2 Fashion Island. Newport Centar, Npt. Bah, CA. EOE MIF • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • Equlvalent to 2 yrt1 ex· Summer School . . Summer Camp 0 . ORA.VCE: cnrsrv s OLDF.ST I(, nsF.ST PR/l'An: Sf'/100/. Remedial or Accelerated Classes ,,..._.., ........ ,_ 1557 W Mable. An.iht>lm Phone iH lllS2 pertence operetlng type. selling equipment. Type 60wpm (1811). Operate Compugraphlc types••· ting equipment & super- vtee other• In equipment operation & pasteup for 'iiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiii~ • dally (Mon-Fri) new-i epaper. S 1,322 per mo to MANAGEMENT atert plus benefits. CS U L B P;e r s on n e I , 213-496-4031 • , ... s. •• ., ..... Marketing Manage- 1ment For M/F teenager. Pick· up my 5 yr old from pre-school & look aller for 1 hr. at my home. Vic Sante An.20th St .. CM ~6-3366 evee. Hardwere ctefk, exporlen-Trainee ced. Sea.I Beach. (213)430-'329 $1 200 Holt M/F Part•llme. dan- ce & !revel club. Earn S$ • I have lun. Frank or Alla Per Mol'\lh To Stlr1 ~or 542-9047 .P,-*t Trlltlillc HOUSEKEEPER .... .... ••••••••••••••••••! Full cllarga, cle1ntng, ., ....... 1111••• parson. 466 Flagahtp FEO trvlne ts now hiring Rd NB full time raat estate " agents. 1ralntng avalla· NURSES Aldee. Full time. 7 to 3 & 3 to 11. Apply: Hunt. Sch. Conv. Hospt .. 847 -3515. Pra·Cert. ctu-are offered. lfFIGI OlHI Community mental heellh ctlntc. 20 hra/wlc, 4 deyt. Allitt ctlntcal di.. rector Very light typing. $4 50/hr Colla MeH. Call Becky, M 2-0377. OPPllTllm llAHIR llOl We are ACI PARKS & RESORTS & -are ..... king 4 hlgllly motivated & profesalonal sal11 peo- ple. If a cllance of ma- king $40,000 pet year or more & lull company be- n11t11 appeala to you, then you ll1ve what we want. Call for your pet· 1onal Interview. Alk for Mr. Schuler 5'7·0172. OPPORTUNITY Do you want llextbte hour• In a Ntllfylng ca· r-thll eontrlbut" to hHllh & Hll devetop- mon 17 Free tretnlng. fringe blnlflta. **&42-5270** ble. Many ellcellent be- neflla, call for conflden· Uet Interview. 552·2000. Ask lor Ml" Armttrong IUL HT&n UUS We he\19 an opening fOf two welklreald. lnteMI· ganl s1t11per1on1 10 work In the Newport Harbor area In commer· clal sales 1ndl or ree· ldentlal talel tn the m0<e affluent areas LEO HANNA SR. VICE PRESIDENT • ...., •• T•Jltr o •. Realtora 644-'010 OWllE COAST UJU PILIT 330 W Bly SI Cos1a Mna An Equal Oppty Emptyr Sales 0111 •••• ,. CHll ••• .. , ... Must have tran1p Call 545·0795 or 6'S-0076 Sa tea OIEll I IEOEPT/HHI Nil Ullll llLTI 11 you're gd. w/l1ure1, Specl1llty game store hat tmmed opening tor organized, neat dt· entry level, permanent, pendabte -need you II our front ofc. order desk full-Um• aalet poallton. Game knowtedte & ll1ir for buay men·1 toltetrlol lor Mlllng flne merchan· co. In Irvine. Exp. req'd. dlse des1rabte. Contact 10·key IOUCh , t ype 50_60. 11,000 comp . Janet Poland 645-5021, pkg. 540.0737 Sates Delivery aales per· ----------1 aon. $50to I 100 per day . IEOIPT /S.o'J Catt M1ture, pettonable per-730·9 t 11 att 10'.30 eon. full time, ploll1nt ---------Faahlon 1111nd offtca Satn; TYJ>lnQ Ind trlnlCffblnQ Experienced out11de ae· req'd. Beck office mec1i.. IMpeopte for progreulve eel oxper deelreble. trave l agency. C ati Salary commen1uret1 1_5'_7_-8_7_83_. ----- with exper Ind ltllllt For appt Ev.a end wlcen<l1 &A0-5353 ll•TWT ULll ..... Noflded for I MW llfcl· SALES. Eatn extr'-mon· ey. Oppty to be flnan- CIBlty Independent. Mike u mucn 11s1.ooo1 mo or more In y°"r spire tltM. FOC' tnfor 982-0207 ting fllnoat • IHhlon S.111 Mgmt cent• 1n FetHon 1e1enct. Ir 1 y 1 u ••• laundry A errandt. le Iv l 14-~l- to 11111. Mon. Wfld. Fri i;;;;;;; t-12. MUST rl9d & wrlll j 1-hhh 'RGdcliffe Hal EnQlleh, have aet, hive ld111 r1f1rence1 Ind love dot9. 14<4.f2M ···----------· SUMMER SCllOL -4 JAYCMf ----- For Ad Action Cll I ~Plot --- wtl•I you're wonh? 1 -""' 27 yr1. old and my 1 It yMr In the llOll1h & nutrition lnCIUettY. I midi •,000 oomm., the 2nd Oou~ I Orflloa • 111,000 Ci.Ml l I NW II Oo- tlelo a hew a meoNfl· oonl t10...-(' on Ult '°""J.o:• fllvt • ~ ... :.:::--· ... ::Mii' ...... • .,. . ..,, ¥-. ..... SALESPERSON Headquarters ofc. ol the 1 Jolly Roger Restaur11nt chain has an opening lor an exper'd Exec. Secre· Fast growing company tary to the Vice Prealdent seeks salesperson dest-of Operallona. Pos re· rang high earnings. Must quires exoett shorthand & be brtghl, hard WOfklng typing skllls & ollera a and ambitious. No door variety ol reaponatbltl· to door salea. no eves or ties Prior restau,.nt ex· wknds. We provide Ira•· per would be a definite n1ng Call for appl. plus Lovely olllces ex· letllltlilt• Ill Ct. call benefit package 114/IH·IHl Apply tn person lrom 8 OOAM to 4:00PM al SALES REPS THE JOLLY ROGER INC IEEIED 17042 Glltelte Ave , Storer Cable T II 11 now lrvtne 7 t4-546-033 t accepting appllcattons j.~~~~~~~~~~ for sates represenlatllle SEORETAllY SUMMER JOBS-Full & par1-tlme Dancers want- ed lor Bare M inimum Telegrams Auditions being held Wed June 23 & Thuns June 24 from 9AM to 9 3PM. Apply at· Bare M inimum 11107 Well Katelta, Sta 216, Anaheim. TAN WHILE YOU EARN ... Resort tntervala It now hiring tor pubtlc rel•· uons Can· position Related sates Highly quatlftad. sell-I and/or educettonat mollvated tndlv. w11h 8K· background helpful. cep1tona11yp1ng skills lor Mark 531-2401 Pteese contact Storer proletsionat 1erv1ce11 personnel al 831-3242. training dept. Knowledge ~~~l~fter~~2~,.~~~! Tum to today· a ctaaelfled of Mag Card ti. N8WPOl'l I= for tho beat buy1. Beeeh aree.&40·8950 Find wh1t~want In _6_•_2_·56_7e ______ 1ctassllied Ads 642•5878 0111y PUot fled•. ) ) (,... __ (05 _____ } ) Newspaper carriers for routes in Huntinp Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • 6o0cl .. , ... . s.,.,, • •• ,. .. Puls11 w.a•••umu Ul ....... l... ....._,...., , Otlftle Cout DAILY PllOT/IUnday, June 20, 11U l'I llM'lfnllt ... 11.ft ,_br.f. .... MI ,,,. ... w. ..... J!tf p ....• l.'llft.IJ.ff ~I. ,,. llrlf::•" 11 '**•· -..,1Hut ONI· UCM a 9'd • eoort. ro m1 ... ~ .......... n 1 H .. t to get Mft ..,, ouatom btt. a .. :'fc• M .. ~ ........ Xtr•. Ulc• -Ml"tl ~. . "* ,.,.1r llTlllVllt :• :'!!~'t :!~.:' .~ ""· "· .... 1010 ~ ,.,-., pto•u.-• ~ YMd .... TWl'l'IL l .,f,ooo. /.ep•r•t• to P•ug•o::.• ort, 1111e nu. ooupea. • to ollooH M'Tl·NIO We,,."-Ille l*fect Hll .,, 000/bHt Oft Mufti-eng, HO ml. ltomt (0011111 (lttc. POOL T&blt, AMII lop of ti • alll boat. 148-IM1°0t 11i.1ao1 • l(tra. a . 141-7010 A30t31 "''-atenlnt It lint. 4'd '. atate, belOe 11'1'1 l~d~~ Oreft L1.11. 1• T.. ....... ..... MY ... felt tOC11 b.il ,.,urn wt ..::r,: ._ • .. 0 0. ~• new&'.4'260 ...... .. eooeu. MOO. 494·1111 Trlr , oover . • e'T e ....., ... 780..0301 21 INlltltU4 ~., 0. 2200 w. eo... Hwy • .,.,,,,lft/ ::-~-a.~= IU... 2 o.!.~u:•, ..... ~ ,_,,.,, I.I 10 order 1nlm11a, your • " • _. ••••••••••••••••• •••• Chlhue.IWI AKO. l'lla.le I 6-... 1tJ -nalcer. Honda out~. 'll f ll&ll -- THIODOAI ROBINS JOAD )qt.(1 HAl "-()1 1\1 l(J (OHAMl',A '•41 l'JIO 1$\'llle. t'1fn co!Of,. "'°· :::r::: •••• ::r:....... MOVING TO IAUI. ""'9t OllOIM of OOIOtl. l.ulu lllncterd VH, radio. '""" :.,~-,..10 Old 64t-O<t11 MOVINe-Muet Miii ler• ltlj ... !\Im, Nit. \eolt, '40-t?Ol elt IPM 'fl lift.ml tr ~ rlaQlnt. lt,160. t>< . .,.,,, .,......,1 81 k ....... ,_1 P g1lnet Plante, 0101ne1, 10 icict 9ollwfnn .itce M'~"---Slp1 e, lmmao. oond, b9e1 ofiir. Can Amy et KAWA '79, KZ400. Xlnt t983 Oleulo Auetln HH· toe ,.,..,... ""'" wttYthlno trom A to 1. HO. Hemmond Clloro :W-" .. 1 w/tttlltf', 11ew Int. a 213·434-3401 oond. Only 1200 ml. i.y Maflt. 111• 17,000, c.ll 2'AI r.art. fully trained. t70f &eyldM Terrace. organ '400. loolt1, di•· ,,,.,..w •.,. v1:1r_;.J..! 2.900 firm 17• CATALINA, •to ... 50, 7Wt40-6010 JI M F 1 (IO I) Mui .. n. 150. 65f·UH lun/ Mon/ Tuee 1.a Ml muotl ~ 1111'Ai 0 °0 m"o'7. ....... r.... u ..vv• "' m on· ' Early AM or lat• PM. Plecientla, C.M, (next to USIO CAAPITING In ltlatol. lnbrd. TV, at9'90, Honda 8T 00. 'TOO total 288-8890 CNN.... Mu• Pet HQep.). oood oonct Neutral or H' PHfflt lhlefll If VH,., ellp. 122,700/ btt mu .. ases -19-9-4-p--,..-,-1-18-c- AKO Ae~'d . PllPPI••· ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 142-5421 eny cfey let Mrtlltont allldtt aootP-l!nol'd. ma. ttaterm, 2 otr. 7141e04-7t84 816.020& 110,oot.'~:11'J1m Mon: SALE p !OED ptua l6~ VA.AO IAl.E: ~lee. COO• 1t•lun 27, No hold table. Atte. prtoe pl..... btlt eyatem1, 2 AOf, 2 RANOEA 2fi·. Xlnt cond. ·7• YAMA'"'A •RA ,......,. Fri (&01) 25f.Ut0. off 111 merctian,OIH w/ lilno tPPff•nctt 16420. ovttt. "Id approx HO aq It. VH' A/P Fatrt 1 1 " .n ....., """"' tllla ad. Parker a ''''· l'urn., l amp•. mlao. 146-1711 IY meg1 t b • 1 11 ' ct It ~ :r. Npt. Mooring avall. COl'd. Xli,t ou mlteage. '49 BENTLEY Mtrk VI NB. H0-0000 848·2tU. ns~ Sanie b'e.'ut. uoon'; 117,;oi: 648-7992 evea. 1525. 4'2·1104 btl 2:30 blk/ Y•ll xint. oond: Al(c -'n, ..... n-·"'tr • .._ Ma A\#9, No 109 C.M. 8 l.lna lllalneaa pllone WANTED. Zeigler Feclal 87,. ,....5• Racing Sabot. v.,,, tut. pm. 117,600. 876•3909 "" · ...,.,. -• eyate m, otntleman'a Exttc!Mr. Call aft 15:60. ''"'16• " -,1 malt, 1160· Garage Sale • Lott of d,_, ltltQ. OOOIC ""· 146-too5 18' W004Mn Boat. ~m/'s'::.~~~&':eood 11¥ OYCLE '5t Wiiiy• wagon, 2 Wiii 970-2053 Goodltel Sat/Sun 1M. I hHltl Petto furn, WANT TO BUY palnttd nHda lltlle Honda CT ·tO 1500 drive, run• great, Sae rlH ,. Ft #f 879 ArbOr St. (Nr ltth l antq . be,lltub, Oatc C«amlo mould. Duncan WOl'k, ~ la trailer SABOT, h ,'• Netlon11 ml ... , aulo Clute~. Hbar 1796/obo 848-4005 'l~••••••••!•••~••••••• MonrovJI) C.M. rod(er.. prtillback ctlra., SSA a Dunc1n $ 7 A Oood condn ballttY llkt Champ, 0 Hanry, xlnt rtlea .. tor AV '!.'~q. __ Fr" to.good home. 2 yr ' BBQ, air compreaaor. H&-8407 ' new,20HPMttcengllkt cond. 1425. "3·6272 1395 ~72 Claulc 1984 Corvalr f7~~~~~s ~frge~!1l.Y ---------~'!s.":lng~ ,:~~1:::1•1 •nttqlul•b•· !alllr •Ind t>•r :1~f?'."l::'~~l':1~n. new, _!!•~ting cablH A ...... Ill '79 Yemalla 850 es>ec*al 55.000 mllff. saoo OBO. no exp • nee• 828-2&83 Electrlc Stlrt Dryer. has " 11 ., 01/l fat.Jim I contl'v.• '"' otflet' acott. S..utll\11 llhape, 71A HP vtty clean • • 54!·4053 guarantte. Xlnt oond . Older male Coctcapoo. atoo •· dHIC, tabtH, Im•• ,. II ft400" lw. 875-8491. Honda, Extras. 113,900 11250. . ~ M0-5325 I TRAVEL Agenl, •l<P«'d, $100. 832-3027 good dl1po1lt1on, no1 mleo. Sat·Sun 1&th, 20th. ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Lr.1•181 l•I mutt 1,11 538 1 ... 52 MGA '58 compltt•I)' rt- Min. 2 yra. Sabre agency. Refrigerator Ilk• new. 2 good hme w/older per· 2171 Rural Pl. Coat• Fltlllng gear, bow11ng, golf ... ~:""'-.•••••••••••• '78 27'Aft BAYl.INER 547•7823 · • • ' '79 V919a, built mechanlcally. Executive Travel Strv.. door. Frott fret S 185. IOll Eva, 983-t 172 Miia )( St 22nd & N-· otub11 fu"1,. h•hld, rote of 9 wood dlllll . & IWiv.I ''Victoria." Fly brldOt, 'txotll. condition. 1900. $2500. 714·840-4050 lrVlne. 833·9408 port goodlt11 S1t,/Sun. 9.4 chalra, Country French VHF radio, bait tank. 27' VEGA dtl. tloop. Npt. Call 845-6879 aft 4PM TYi>tNtttr nttdtd Pltlmt 893-9080 F=a~o1~ 11~~!1~: Seara tool chest, frig.. 17921 Baecom, Univ. Pk. ~fiC."':. w~:.1~i depthftndtr, outr\Qgera, allp. Sac. 113,950. P.P VESPA tOO SCOOTER. I Htll!ilH/ nlghta. Edit writer uper Refrigerator 1175. Wuner 64&-3075 llghte. etc. Fr11Sun 2302 '--•H .. ,. 833-MOO, aak for Dawn. w/traller. BEST OFl'ER. 548·555& Wlndllhltld, carrier, seat V1i11/n 1130 '*I'd. Hunt Bctl . .,... a. Dryer 1125 each Xlnt Columbia Or .. C.M. '::'r................... 848-2843 .... 20 back. etc. 1200 ml. Ilk• oo.".<.ARr··;i ·o;,;,····;u 714·536-3939 ~ 831~87. 2 Mixed Breed PuPl)lea. Returning to Holland. SAVIN "750":J mach, Faat11t 20 foot• around. new. $895, 844-8097. body. 3HP, BI S, 1r50. WarttlouMd':.c.. S50 to DOUBLE Oven. tltc: like Vary .sweet lemalea; 8 MeOVINO SALE: Mull Mii Mull Hll •II pa11onal 1900. ~ -8e66 17' GAl.AXIE, 110 , econ. Super racing record. t980 Sin kl 1a50S I k 963 5272 1100 _, ay. Call MW. Redecorall"" $75. wke old. Call ~5-8398 Jve~ylhhlngl Antllquel to balonglng1. Mo1tfy t V8. Only 100 ln.18,500. M-'n 2 Jibs •nlnnak-ft~ 1•50u ....... _ _;I I~ e • 730'..9 11 t aft 10:30 968-7327 ··• Lo111no 1 'ft' otd epaYfd 3~n8 .. 5 Lu~:.~o ~·;•c~ Eur()9esanlt ans ttlQutt.ts 051•1• SCM Copier, IBM lYP•· 875-0344 .,,';',Our demo 'boat.~ ;;k~d " · ..,_, -"11 f WllHI Dtln1 IJSO fem orang• cat. all 1hot1 979·5027 rage a a un, writer, calculatOf, toner '10 •1 • lilflltt duced to 19,500. Belmar, 97S-0430 •••••••••••••••••••••• Phllco Ford Frottl/H Must move. 6"2·2899 BI um on t • or ca I I & paper. )(Int. No rea1. • dlr. 1175-3282 .IHP 'll PIOllP #utllBllH 17cu ft refrlg.ltrMier Loll of gOOdles, clothes, 497-472_. ofter rtfu..O. 549·9492 Sponflallet. 310 Cryeltl' '79 Suzuki 185DS, good • _.,11L llllY11 •••••••••••••••••••••• Brown. xlnt cond. S 175. Used French door a & englnet F•1t1 •33 500 LIDO 14 d .. 11 "'"s15 5 ,.._ ,i 100,a 98 furn, tabrlce. June 19 & II I ,.._ alt. 7pm & wknde. · • • · . con .... u11 " y, ton model, auiom· au~ -···'·'-·"••••••••••••••~• 960-9675 or 2·5355 wlndo~s, 175 pr. Doon: 20 1o "·30 1 All 12• • I 1UI 644-5983 Treller. cover. $900. $450 975 0430 " ,_-. 35x79 & 421179. Win· '1 ..... . n ey, " •••••••••••••••••••••• ELEC. TYPEWRITER . • Irani. & readyl (5795). EZ --------•IWestlnghouM relrlger•lor dows: 50x87 & 42x72. & M 31 Clearbrook Ln. Ullll llU Ponabla, good eond. TUWUI 780-0301 1977 RO 400, K&N fitters. financing! WESI~~~TER (white). iood condition. 720·11188 C · 2010 W. Central Santa 175. 7118-71133 Britto!. loaded many tll· Sabol, Phoenix. racing S&W lllocke. 00 pipes. HU Miii! SIOO. 84 •7358 1890 Love Seat a.nd Chair A.nil. Sat/Sun 9·5. Push tru 1&9 500 rigging, new Ulman ull, Stored winter•. clean. ANTIQUE MALL Sears portable dltll· 6 New wrought Iron win· 1125. 6x4 WOOden elgn. lawn mower, wet ault, OFFICE FURNITURE . 21l-592·4098 $650. (71416"0·5530 11150 548·6480 117o5lAwO .. ENtrnlGnRaOterVEAw.. wasllef. $100 dow guard•. Free, you 10am to 3pm. 22}2 tlrea. camper refrlg, di· OHie, ! c:flalra, fltlng <:a· '7" Sea Swlrl 17', V·8 P CAT bit Apr '78, lull 1981 Kawaekl KOX420. CHYHUT '12 I• • w•iEL tllYI SRHIU ltElll 673-1265 remo11t. 569-5577 Avalon, Cost1 Mesa, off nlng room table and blnet. •195 all. • 1554-8103 Wllaon. Chafrs. 887-15441780-7187 OMC 110 , trlr, auptr recew/xtrapeplnnoear. only99mlltl ~~~~~~~~~jAvon lntletable llftboat FREE Haircuts olftrtd by 1 11 a r p mu 1 t 1 •11 flberglua box, tun cover S 1.000. 673-<t417 W•nut dining rm aet with w/2 hp engine. mint Carlton Intl by lk: styllsta ---------1 !~09·550500/olr. 644-4135. •710, 493--5350 '12 , ..... •11Aa llO 8 ft hr chalra. I 1200 cond.. 1795. 675-5428 every Wed eve at 7:00 .._ _1 .__, "" ltll I# .,.. * • •· a • ..&. * --•• 38'40 So. Plaza Or. (So. ,.riut•tt ,.,.,,.,, •••••••••••••••••••••• ••"' _... 5K ml, grNt cond, c;om. Sllvetsdo model & loa- ded! (65531 El llnan· clog! .,,5_.aoo Aefrlg lg 2 or. S 195. Coast VIiiage) s A. No •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• French top Rabbit. yng, Prtce reduced on this 24' '79 23' O'day. loaded. p 1. 1 t o c x I 1 8 o o. ---llU--.-.-.---I Washer & gu dryer, dlx calla. I HY FllllTlll Mull aactlflot braod new ~lgrttd. peraonallly +. Bay/Ocean Trawler In Very clean, trlr $14,500 759·9581 HLY Sl l ,1111 multl-cycle, new cond. L.A. chairs, tables, $15 982-3940 mint cond. Must be aeen Oller? 1----------NOw••i...,. I Set-Sun June 19·20. $245 & I t95 or both only M~le Golden Retriever. LH 957-8133 lamps, mlrrore & pl<:· . to truly appreciate. Lot• '75 Excalibur 26'. Grea1 7 5 Harley Davidson -v•Hrt et Fr" admlttlon tllhlbll & 1395. Garden Grove Ap· 1,; yrs • frff to good, CHINESE Red Coroman· turt1. 71,./978-9457. l.arge-ttrong hutch & of teak. many lnttru· shape. Many extrae. Sportater. fresh moror. Oo11t/Oualf Sta. Mitt. Huntington Center pllance 13 19 1 Harbor affectionate home. del Screen 36 .. )(42 .. 3 FURNITURE: kl bed l.op-earred pedigreed ments & extru. For Terrific buy at 510,500. trans, blue over allver. NEWPORT BEACH Mall '405 Frvr; & Beech Blvd. G.G. 537·63~3 . S..2·8020 panel. $200. 673-8979 2 drnatr1. 2 ~,,:.ta~ rabbit $35. 540-145g more details call lido Lido 14 No. 3811. Great 661-5604 833-0565 Blvd, H.B. Open Sun 11.4 All white male German lt1 1195 all COCKATIEL bird with Ya c tit Brok tr•. cond. Trlr, cover etc. •Ill B••ll, i.Jri . Amer. Otk •ldtboard. •• I IOZO Shepherd. Free to gOOO Full •dlze bddrml I eet. \If/Ir/ Se7·1544i780-7187 cage $85. v:lt tame. 875..()915. Just $2499. ···~''"' ' 110 80 Chev~ Blazer. great china clolet & early tlec Jett II ho-"••9750 goo con 1 on, antq · u7 """ 673-2050 f: cond 11 e "~ 27 000 110\/t. 873-8423 • •••'••••···~~··••••••• .. ~ . .,...,.. . white, brass handled, .. -... 23' lnbd, open llsharman, ••••• •••••• ••••••••• .. ·-~ . ------·---Schwinn 29 Stingray KITTENS. free & cute, 8 heedboatd/btd frame, ·~ Parrot let Ult, S800 JI.Int bayt>oat Of day flan. SUNFISH 14' Meta Mod· 'l• '"" 21' miles. 973-4959 OAK DESKS; HOOtltr & S25 wks old. Utter boll rral-dresser. mirror, 2 night TWo drewer, ~"oond. cell Cindy • r . I 7 5 0 0 0 B 0 . ti, 1 mo. old. List prtee )(Int cond, 48,000 ml, ftub 1510 ml9C. 269 Slet1c1 St. CM. 642-5107 ned. 979-1478 Julie stand• $500 complete, 135. ~1 ~ 1546-7900 845-1410 11395 Wiii Mii '°' 1895. loaded. $21,500/0BO. •••••••••••••••••••••• 148-5835 n~-h Cru1~ with front ~35 ·-... c Hurry! 720-1875 1131·27271548·3663 --m•• 11'9 '12 •• .,_ .... MALE Germ Shepherd, ••-• IU.-I &..a.. p,...1 SILE I -1.5• fRENCH Amolre. beveled brake. New. S125 excell watchdog. Single Brau bed like..-. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••':"A:::'...... LOST MYS 30' Wood Sloop w/new OR RENT. 81 Tloga mini IWll 2 W.I. mirror, 78"x34", $495. 1·993-9748 5-40-7585 mattren. SPfJngs, etc. WISTlll ..-.i 'RENTAl. PIANOS' 24• Drake Cabin lg,'ulltf engine, locale Newport motO( home. SIPS 5-6, Automatic trane . air 875"-02Q5 Boyl' bike silver 20" NI· $125. 544-5198 w/llaod 1150 84041n Open plan, 115. mo. 1._ F/P sllp. Try $19,500. An· generator. air, ewnlng. cond & OD (..,_481. EZ LAROE so110 Oak Oesk. ahlkl. •l~t co~d $75 l anil•ll IOSO .. nu -n -· FOf aa.1t· ., .... old a H FI• 1 d ·a P 1 • n 0·1 • &wwv xlou• Bkr 846-<t005. 645-3009 °' 962·9996 flnencing' OBO. 979·1478 Julie" •••••••••••••••••••••• "" "'""' r•" "'"'di 'a a'' ...,.. T.B. 714-838-2771 1948-Wood·Cllryaltr M 5 t•U •11 na21 ExQell. oond. KING INNERSPRING EX· Ptrklng lot Hit • beet V"" no yr """ · · 130 organ 4 : Immaculate. 1111/111 Dti/il• 1110 • ,.,. $400. 876-0205 24" Schwinn Crul1er TRA FIRM mattr ... set. prlctt In U.S.A.. 11785 gelding, bot h trained YAMAHA 8' GRANO Value $8000 Owner reduces price to •••••••~••••••"••••••• LACE Curtains, 102 .. x83.. 2 mos old. xlnt cond, never used, worth $530, Edinger. 1 blk w. ot Wt1ttm. ~2998 03E Model. walnut. 7 yra Ed 534~940 sell. anxlous. Bkr Boc::k· ully enclosed 8'X4')(4 It $12"-"'48 7903 $2"8 d old. S8800. 873-8289 mlller 646·4005 trailer. Locking rear . CRYIOUT '12 II CHW Oii PIOHP Sllverado model! (4606). E2 llnanc"'9f ea. 7 pairs 1125. New. '" '"' • sac. ., ti. Never Harbol'. 839-7299 #1-1/•• ... I '79 ZODIAC MARK IV GR o T I I 675-0205 SCHWINN Boy's Stingray. ustd queen 11• worth •••••••••••••••••••••• BUSH & Lane upright with trailer with Mere 80, 11111 11 -StHI oors. 0" on apr nga iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 20 .. red Gd cond S50 S3f9, caah only, 1218 ... Lh .. let INTERAAMS Ml(. X piano, magnificent xlnt cond. Mu" Hit NEW R.\CING SAILS ~~~~· ::i~':. ~~~~ ~~: Antique Pine HarvHt 6"2~53 . ' dtl. Ueually home, 1 wtc old. Colt se0C> aell Proreaelonalfy Cuetom •ound. Xlnt. Ctbnt., S&IXJS 493-98l3 IMMAC. 6n-5492 494•249_. or 49.._.7<10_. HLY 111.IHI table with drop ltaVM 754-7350 $250. 213-830-5262 Bulh Rlflt. Heevy Barret bendl. 1&16. 14•7017 · UI< for Steve ..... 14 to 18. CounttY Boy's 10 spHd Hufty KING INNERSPRING EX· Antique Dining table/ .22·280 wltll Rtdlltld Ii "-" llf4 MUST SELL • (2 boat ... ,,, f/llf llWUI CIMnelet French f .. lltlg. Appraf. ::,··~2~· Sell for TRA FIRM me.ttr... ... chairs. New aeat up-3x·9.:~clo~oo· ~~t $1, .~ •••••• ~....... =~) ~~ ~'lo ,,.,.. I010 All. STEEL 6x8 TRLR Dove/Quall Sis. Nd 13200. Mlf 11500. . ,_...., UMd, worth S630: ho 11 t tr Ing . $ 8 5 0 . 100 ~. rnm • .Htf Golf Ck.lt>e. mtnl, c:ompl l.O".'°Mercs 150 llrl. Alh •••••••••••••••••••••• Hvy duty tlr• + 1PB1e. NEWPORT 8EACH • 548-405' SCHWINN GIRLS' UC. 1248 def. Never 5.44--5138 142"1570• 558-0480 .., w/c.t a bag. Uk• ready $14 900 Firm dyt S'1de Tie good cond. 5450 Of best 20" Ftk Lady, llh ,_, uaed quHl'I n . worth Oen tum. Sola. brown vt.. -·-2111--MW $125. 53e-7719 (213) .278-8610 Of wttl otter. 494-2995 833-0555 Antique oa1c a. brU9 fut. 175. ~1021 1399, <:Hh only, $218 nyl, qn IZ hide-a-bed & 8 to 20• IOnQ, se. per ft. .,_.'S WIT Sin wtcnds (7 l4) 67:J..2058 To 18 ft Marcus Channel taller, new, cycle. flat 1977 DATSUN PICl<UP !'!ture oo41tctlon: offlot. del. Uaually home, matehlng oversize chair. 775-1491 anyllma. I $100. 873-8145 -· bed. $350. "'ftulpment lnc!Ydes • 4 ~rm llv & din rm + 1""'111 754-7350 4 brn vlnyl club chre. 5'8". 125. 545-S.08 'I 1· 11' lftiH n•r 18' Power Boat + 842-3528 "-'1 MVwr~t aide P*"· Ph. •t1rl.J1 UJI 6"4-7701 COIN COLLECTION SURFBOARD 8'0" Lance. Many exlru. 86 tip:' II' I rt I rt ltm I, speed trans & a camper 633·«11. •••••••••••••••••••···,**'BUY** 8f;:::L~~~~'6s Tllrusler,3 wtce old.Pen. 18500. 588-0799 ,12.C:0~ ... 67~80:f .,. "' "'' ~~1~~~8~:0~~'3L6~ IOW Ho/n . Good uled Furniture & Oak Victorian McCarthy STAMPS Todd 538-9832 $160. 648-7010 I Atttll•rln HOO llTl .. I Redwood 2x6 decking, Apptlancn.OR l will eetl ~~;~1M~~,!~~95· HC Beautiful ·-"di"" gown, SURFBOARD 6'0" Lance 2255'0WCEILLC,RAFT,N03~A .... ll·IO' 111,""' •• LiTe·aoovwoR.<·&·· ~=p~~~ti:~~~~~1e~28 •-w I •Hf 4-20' tong; alto redwood or SELL for You .._,, ... Twin Fln, 3 wk• old. Perl. au c, tw n ,.1 ... ,. ,..., I w•tlr. pelnt/up to 50% otf your Dove Street, Newport --lencl o. Call JI K Italian Wicker TH Cert ez. 9, ball type, white $180. 846-7010 Mercrulstfa. Bimini top, bod sh t 536-9632 Belach. Call 833·1300 Sunday, June 27th (1a-.) ng. ~or '" ll&lftll AIOTlll like new. N-'400, eell Chiffon. acc:easorles Incl. trailer, bott 11 In naw l•terHft4 11 ltl l op" · .... 111111 llWNIT IUU Info. Frtdleln Falt• 848-8983 anytime. 775• 14 t. 1........ HS·HH fOf I 150. call 536-7719 s 1 7 5 . 9 8 0 . 5 8 9 1 • s u RF B 0 AR 0 e. 0 .. condition. s 12.000 Arm. .. ... , ..... c.u An-FINE SHINE AUTO '53 Ford F· 100, 398 Chevy Brand new in carton. sin-Stltttl br~ table lamp. 2 536-1030 Scllfoff, 360 series. rwin 892·2124 W 1 r A 4 # I l I , DETAILING Guar eng. rurbo 400 1r1ns ~~ai:;cd~~~n;:;':". NS:0~1~:!e ~:!~~:~: months old. N-S~. 3.5 Briggs & Stratton ver-fin, pert. $140. 846-7010 142-UOO 14 _.,.. Fr .. PU/dtl. 642·5'449 Xlnr body & lntr lots of 5 325 or best o ffer $100 75().5832 Mil for $100. S36-7719 tlcal llhalt rebll eng. $45. SURFBOARD6'0" Schroff 1978 20 ft SKIPJACK tnocnavyn to dttUCkl••ep.artRsb:l 't". ~~~~~ 0' besl 494-2695 C h 8 f 1 Of offer. 842,...784. Cltm. shape. twin fin. Volvo Penta. Owner 11.,.rt •rlH I. · 11· Naugally,de sleeper ouc • I, x nt cond. .. pert. $140. 646-7010 wants offer. See at New· Sllpt avell day, wk or mo. transmlaalon from $165 '76 luv, 4 spd stk:l!, 46, A••lll•m IOJO Radlel Arm Saw w/arand, couch. white, good cond. Celery grn. loose cu· Mclane 20 tront throw port Pac:llk: 6"5-3860 646-0551 & up. 564·1650 000 m1 . xlnt cond • .,.,.•••••••••••••••••• nice cond. Mu1t stlll $200. 675-7812 lhlon. $175. 640-71811 reel mower & catcher. fV'-b"'' · reah Trick Fl·194 heads. $2650/bst olr 957-0440 I llY lPPt.JlllOO S295 OBO. 848-4005 8' Uvlng Rm couch, brown Oiied walnut clltlt. 8 orwr ~~~' o o d $ 1 o .o. lilll 1 .. 1H IOll * 1e.,.,tt1 ~ DOCK SPACE: 10 min. to L-g57 8133 ., __ lfvl _,... .. & old $100 Go d plus 3 compartment•. ••••••:f••••••··~.··•••• Boston Whaltl' ReYengt N.B. Jetty, 18' & 32' 3 ang1es2oova1118•31to~Z28 8 '6B7 Folrd390F60c0o2''> 'ion .... • ..-ul g""' t>atn r<>Ofn g ' . o S90. 5411--0378 SLIDING WARDROBE BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA 22demo. Very low hours. avail. NOW. 673-6204 sprga. · ·v•"' obtal, I engne STOVE, QH. apt tlzt, faucet, new. 1200 ('I\ of cond. 675-7812 DOORS S30 Color TV sale. 2 yr wrnty. Xlnt cond. Loaded with P S eer1 Wll I encl. van plus llltgare, worksQood.$76. wholtHlt or dl1count Oarkwoodcoffee&2end BOSTON ROCKING 496-4038 $1,.8.Freedellvery. extrae. Take any reH Wanted. Nwpt allp or orscne79t9 nac s~» $5500/oller 979-2000 544-4485 ptlce). 494-2695 tables. Lovely condition. CHAIR, PAINtED. $35, TV JOhn's 6"6-1786 offer. e73-2050 consider 'It share In stoc::k · 11 1 · ext 132 or 551-3660 al· i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil $99 all 493 1472 648-0378 MOSES paJntlng. Rend• small cruiser. 631-7226 631•0363 te< 5 pm C.a1111 I · · red In etaln glaH mo-Phllco S.S. contolt stereo 12 ft Alum Jon boat w/2 Biii vw engine, 40 HP. New r...J .. l •I 1030 Club chair & o ttoman Custom made furn: Sora. ulcs. 13,000 OBO & r • c . PI a Y • r w I HP Johnson Mira. Great NB pvt allp, up 10 45• not rebuilt. Mutt see 1~1~~ ~~ lwy PU,·~ ton. ••• ~:ao. ••••• ••••••• s 125 both. l ite avocado overstuffed chair. sofa Authen<:ity furn'd. Aft 8 Wallensak Ca11 rec:or· Bay Boal $300. 673-4342 Hllboat; also side tie. $800 gga.1327 15100 553--0325 KONICA AUTO.T color. Exoeptlonally nice table, and tables. Xlnt Call 6"1-1829 Shown by d. r I n d r k (;ab SLR. F1.4. 200mm ttle-493·1472 cond. Mtdlt. style. Call appt only · 18X24X70. Very good IEST llQ 673•1984· Datsun ZX: Ski racks $40. '75 Ford F100 \ T Pickup 89111...., 111 apptlanots at photo, 3X ttlaconv . LOVESEAT S30 833·3800 or 840-8614 S100. 548-8807 28' Unlntte StF ... $32.500 DOCK tor 20· boat. New· ChSh::;:121:_•4'f~n~s ~S Air. stereo. ~ns good: coai ... WHhtrs, dryers. nUh. mters. 1210 Pvt EARTHTONES DESIGN •It 6 30 pm. wkdyS c:,:by Strolle<. Ilk• Home But CB Browning ~7~ • $42 ~I I c r 8 f t • port Bay. $120 mo. h 714/84M050 $1000. Aft 6, 631·5507 LIQUl>ATION SALE relrtgeratora. d i sh· party. 673-8096 493-1472 74"x30" maple table 968-8435 Tube Ht with hHtar. 33:·· Pacemalier S/F 714-875-7414 eec · · '74 Ford Courier Pk:.k Up washera, rangt1. bltn Minolta Weelhermlllc 175. Commanche Slltronlc1, •80 s89 500 ' Sid• tie fOf pe>wer boll, Cragar Mags. good cond wlcamper shell, good ovens & cook tops & +water viewer, $50 Sol a . custom• c hoc · 673-3691 Bal Isle FlllPLAOI antenna wire 1450 takea 3 6·:· u ~I t 11 t • s d n up to 35'. 1225 mo. Also. 175 pr. Call lor details cond. yellow s 1499 llooda 673-3096 brown, ottoman. walnut Free etandlng. black , all. OBO. MUST SELL. •76 ss2500 aide tie up to 18', 840-8709 •It 6PM. 754-1428 • base. orig $1800. wlll .Ari D.aco. 3 piece met· 2215 c--Dr c M ··· • llrlt't a,,H•HI C•tl 103$ sac. $300/make olr. ched bdrm furniture ae1, with pipes, new. Cat>ln -·.,,-·· .. . . 3 7 • S 11" er Ion $125mo. 675-9847 Ii I i 1111 OllH 011t. 1141 ... tr, 0.1. •••••••••••••••••••••• 730-5861 very good cond. $1200. perfect. S260· 63l·1218 Zenith Trane-oceanic '60 ... $110,000 Side Tie up to 30' power ~!'!.' •• !! .. ~.! ....... . ~~~~·~ .... ~·~·~l~2~~~Lovable t>lack/wlllle 1<11· Full size water bed, hta· 831·5794. .IW Tt•lll OHi ttanelstor, t1 band rcvr. 40' 0$eFever Trw. boat. $195. 673-9t27, IMPORTANT NOTICE ~~,~~e:~~T::~t3~ev~~ tens w/sho11, $10 10 Two new 30x60 .. book· R 'I ' F II lnci. -athar. like new New ... 89,500 873·5209. TO READERS ANO d G d b d 0 good home 538-1927 ter. & ralls egu ar am Y mem· $195. 675-9057. 4 8 . C •I 2 . ~ 8 ADVERTISERS con . oo o y an Ward'• Gu n..-4 mo. $60/obo. 559.5477 c:attl, walnut rinlah. Seo bershlp lor 111e. Evu Ketch 1119 000 Th 1 1 It d Int. All frftway ml. S2 • .. 200. Let's ~Din r--tte Mt SlamtM kittens. purebred pair. 848-4293 714-859-0715 HI tac h I R • c e I 11 • r I 50• G·;a,,d Banke 2 to 11'•1•tllliN e pr ct 0 ems 8 • 500. 548·5533 • ..... Bluepolnt 10 wk• 175 King sz water bed. heater turntable, Sharp slereo ... -~. 1 1,, 5 000 •••••'-••••••••••••••• vertlsed by vehicle de•· 1--------- $100. walnut coffee & 2 . & ralls BAO BACK? X-long etec. .. .... , •• ~ CHI. Sound RtMlllCh ............. r ... ,4 • ···"·" likn 1140 ters In the 11thk:le CllUI-'62 FORD Unlbody, mags, end lblte 1175 Of best 496-0l 70 $85 559.5477 bed, new cood. Elevat• SIUt l , 8, 1o dtetaeS. epeaktra $500. S4e-.t028 675-1800 •••••••••••••••••••••• 'led aclVtf'tlllng c:otumn1 tires, '71 drlvetraln. $750 on.r. 984-9G75 Jeff or n-. 1040 _ head or leet & glvH Blou1te, alack•. •w•a· AM/FM St-~ & r~d .,1._. * .,.,,.. PUCH. llke new, tu111 do11 not lnclud-any firm. 546-8233 Chtrtt. :.-A<;................. .._. toothing manage for t bl 1 --_.,. .1u. avsa equip. $389 Of mike of· ~bit tax .. 11oense ---------Pelt "R" people Boar· N llEin II, otll health & comfort. $250. '"· ·~•r•. even ng player In olled walnut Alt Cabin, tlbergl11a. hw. 544--5138 ttanaler fHa, '11nance '82 FOAO Lon9bed, w/ Have aomethln~to Mii? ding & Groomlnn. Poodle MO Ill_, ISl-lllO 67~10241780--0155 oowne. om• never cabinet "45 552 5534 twin dltMI trawler Prof. ..... ,,... ..._ fOf al poi.. cmpr. lhtll, reblt. 8 cyt, Cl "'~ ...... It ...... ·.., worn. Xlnt prlcta. Must • · • .. ~ft• ss5 500 ' Motoc.ne Mo,_,. -r.,_, ·-' reblt 3 ..... trana. Cln Ila .eu..,. -· pupa for Nit. 957·8589 New cheat of drawere, "'1. _.95-t303 Sylvania 24" Conaolt <:of.. NEWPORT YACHT Ae ,._ ,.... IU11on control device $1 200 ~8233 . (or Yerd ••, l etet. hie• etc.) 1. Piece your ad In the Dally Piiot C'811tfled ..ctlon (It'• belt to run· 3 dlly. for maximum ex~). If you pey tor your .ct 1n ecwance •'II run It 3 deyt end only chtwge you for 2t 2. Gee your FREE Germge Sele tlgna (all lO" h9Ve to do la come In to the Delly "°' & pey for your ect kt edvenoe - W9 Wlfl'JIW you hwO 11 x 17 Signe -ffAU c:Mrge). 3. Prtoe MCh .,...,. of ~el)dlle. dblt matt. but & hdbrd. Gold drapaa w /velinc.. or TV. work• good. s 135. EXCHANGE I t50 644-5138 certlltcatlona or dealer • 1150 comp!. Ha....293 188 .. by 8 tt. llkt new. ~-3528 . 675-1800 docu(Tlentary ptepara· '82 Che'<I. ,,. f pickup. '78 Motobtcant Mo~. tlon 'chargu unlesa Runs, Med• work. MOO. JENNY LIND Oreuer/ $100, cell 536-7719 *'79 38' SCARAB gd condition $300 OBO. otherwlst apaclfled t>y Call 754-8318 aft 6prn. Chartgtno tbl. Wht., Ilk• Dining rm 10 llta cha~ ... M u,. Wiiiie w/tunburat etrlps 979"8208 the •dllertl1tr. •75 El Camino. clean, new. 190. 968·7327 lier. White WOOd/metal. II, It. on trlr. 'garaged •Ince '78 VESPA CIAO moped, auto, air, 60,000 ml. RECLINER <:hr .. bit<., hvy S30. 538-7719 ••• ~!~! .... !!~! new. 370 HP Mtrc1.· good condition. $200 or .C.t/faH/ $2200. vlnyl, wingback. Xlnt. MlrrOf, gold lett framed, Tlnllll mTI $69,500 btlt olftr. 979-8208 Clwlf1 lllO 548-92111 s7e. 988·7327 48" x 84". 1125, call Si 10, $30. 873-8098 NEWPORT YACHT SOLEX MOQed, VfifY good•••••••••••••••••••••• 1981 Toyota_S_R_5_1-ho""'r'-t FOf Salt: Solid oak 7-tltr 536-7719 EXCHANGE cond. to mlltt $175. 'II •n ....... bed. new clutch. new unit w/amoked 'gtua ~ dlvldtt Atltfltla foul weather gear, 675-1800 983-52-72 Bttutllul atlOW cat. Muet tlrea. new paint. xlnt •"""-· rec;ord cab!Mt, prok 7·a~1. 4 aactiO:: =k~\:..g:;t•. 11 M. 28' Setty Ber tender •L Pr!Qe 18760 oeo cond. $5500 uo-i709 rolfaway Wdtlng. deak. foldlng n60 S4&-0371 • Runabout w/rectnl en· 135--7850 da T'uee-Slt aft 8PM atatlonery drawer. rm. . . Ill .... Ill gin.. 13.950 or 'A Int• l"iiiiii;jii ... iii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_..111111 .... .,,"' .......... _, ... ~lllll .... ._lllllllilli. m.culate. ~new. 40 ..._ IUll .. e'f3-80M _ '"' w/ellp. 8krl0-• percent off. S.Crmc. at 135 9715.7554 84M005. 1500. 842·3477 .,,., ____......... 1-------- 4pm. New Whit• .......... v gown. ne.,er worn.1 tlz.• 9·10. e· Tall bOOkCHt. Solld 1100. 811~104. ---------1 1tall'ltd wood. M•l\Y - lhelvtt & In OOod concl. •-I 3 5 • t 8 O • 9 e 7 5 o r Nwpt Ben tenn11 club "2-5355 tam "*'!btral\lp. 1700 lnc:I trMa fw 144-2tte \\' f l I( l N ! I . if' l c' I' I ~ 1M6 CHIVIOLlf t Qr. M.T ...... 1 owner-Mll'ttt (S8MI04) '1411 1974 PIAT t M lttwt c-pe 5 11)Md • low ml!MI (82eLPT) '1111 1977 MAIDA O&.C c-pe 5 aPMd • SWARPI (ASH842) '2411 1977 HONDA Acc•r~ 5 speed-R & H (50eTOO) '341& 1978 PIAT 121 2 Door 4 apeed -R & H #8409 '249& 1979 FIAT 4 Dr. Ir••• 5 speed -Air cond. (823ZEP) •3995 1969 VW IUG Automatic #o«M '119& : I j l J '< ' j j ·. ' 0 ) '\ J) -~ ·~ I . MOTORS " " :. ' : . REMEMBER OAOI with. F1ther'1 Day meu.ge 642-5678 Win 4 FREE TICKETS to an Angela Oamea Dall)' Pilot Classllled Ads '"•n.n knock• often when you uae r11ult-getllng Dilly Piiot Cl111lfled Adi to reech the Orange Cout mar1cet. Phone &42-56711 CQ..,;Nf:ll ::; HfYRC UT '"~... . ,. 1 ' \' ~ !>41>-1100 .. 11111 Top dollar• tor Sport• Cari, 8ug1, C1mpere, 914'1, Audl'1 All! I« U/C MOR ...... nun ... 18711 BMOh BIYd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 1•2-zooo . .... T• DITIO IUmllllll I~ · 31oo·w. Cout Hw)I. Newport 8eedl 842-9405 w1m11 ~ &ARIEi GROVE SUBARU *) .* LOW Low · LOW . OYIRHIADll •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \912 ,,, ... t ,,,, "' • • COMM Ell CHEVROLET x~ .. H 1r'•,, , ' r. I \ \1 f , ' 54~1200 OllYllUT 'll milt UILI T -Topal Lo1dedl Very nice! (3131). EZ fln1n· Cingl •YPHll ..... .....,.... OcNe/Ouall 811. NEWPORT e~CH 133-1111 fi.Untld HTI . ..................•.. '77 T-Bltd, al poww. Ex- cellent cond. 12475. 840-7290 NABERS CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! · 1911 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD llOUGHAM ''AStaC>aOOf" CPI. (1CRA592) $14,995 1979 CHIVIOLn co1vm1 T·TOP (412309) sio,995 1979 CADILLAC FLllTWOOO llOUGHAM (932WOV) . s9g95 1911 OLDS 91 llGINCY COUPI (18tX142) 1911 PONTIAC IONNIVILU llOUGHAM 4DOORllDAN (1052411) s7995 1979 CADILLAC llYILU (e91XZTl s11,995 1981 CAMLAC PUITWOOD aaOUOllM (10GX3M) s15,995 1979 Ciii.1 AC 11.DOUMCPt; (100M11) '11,995 NANCY . HOW OUR FAMIL'f 15 SCAT1UEU ALL OVER .. SPIKE5 IN NEEOLE5_.· BELLE'S IN KANSAS crrv.. YOU MEAN TOMMY SMITH IF 't'OU LOOKATTME GALEN PAR TOOM~, li'LL DRIVE YOU CAAZV . N0 - -ITS TOMMY THAT~ .. TOMMY SMITH RIDICULOUS SMITH We FOP.CED iHEM ONTo RSERVAifONc;; WHERE iHEY Co.JU> ~AAEL.Y S<f: our A -"'r' L../VING I . By Hank Ketcham WE E3ROKE OUR IREATf5 WITH THEM[ ANO ~HTERED 1HE ~FFALO iHeY t?fEPENDEO ON ~ FOOD AND ~LiER! <l<J<l EVERY MORNIN6 I COM6 IN HE.RE AL.ONE .,. AND 1 TAL.K TO THEM !. THEY OOTfA OE WOKE UP 0~NTLV ! . MQON MULLINS I , ~ f WOW, MooN. Y~H --WELL, IT1S IH' ONE THrNG I CAN COOK UP 85SID5S · .. ,,SPAGHETTI!! _lviY FAVORITE' ! --FROZE;N . DOCTOR SMOCK YeAH .' f,-'5 . e1G, li"'S YlSL-t.-OW ANP ll'S ROLJNP! ORANGE; ..JUICE, kAYo. . I ' • \'OU HM A NO CANOll.~IMP'IV .... ~~Vl ·'~V ,, "!t.bt.W '". ifw, So•~rtlllf! • . -- CA• YIU nun YOU• av11t ,,... .Na. 1ent • ....,. ..................... _.., ................. .... .. ,.. ....... , a.di ·--............. . . .....,.,..,...,... ............ ).,.,..,_ ........ ... -. ,_._ tf,.... 'I ~IW 91 tui-e~ 'C .,._ '1 ....... !NIM 'I '~IO :T'l'INI ..... .,. .... on• '-ble with tht ---het .... down. Now, e cNI· lenglng quHtlon •rlMI: How II It poul· ble to turn all of the hlta upslct, down Jn ' ttnt turns, moving lftolii.~ two hits lnHCh turn? Remember, two Ntl cany two) m,1y be tumid Heh time. and tht Nts art all to be face up In the end. P.S.: Coins Plead ... •nd •• n .. or ,C.11"8 cer• feced up Md 40Wft mey ... Ulld . lnstNd cf Nts. • 1 -.e 11 ,_,. t ,~:_:: OYllt LIGHTLYt ,,.,. It fMN tM1t -wy te lkM a a-111 :-....-muo at -w crou a stum. Drew 1"'91 to eornpletlt picture. COMeoN,'/OOIWO··· L.E.A\IE DADD'{ A\.ONE. ' GRIAT DAYI AM ............ C9lor'I ... .., te .. Mt ... rnent Hower 1-Rtd. 2-Lt. purple. J-Dk. ,..,,... 4-f.t. ......_ S-Flnla. 6-a(adc. 7-Dk. blue. I-Dk. I"""· t-Dk. ..,..._ . . . . . ... TMU ICIOt'e J _. Mch fot •II ---=-.. .., ........ "'°'' __ ___.,____...._ ..... .,..... "".....,.. "' ........... ., .. ,....... · ...., • ..,., ;weAellf '"""4 . L nn Johnston ONE DA'/OF THE. 'YEAR· LET IHE. RX>R GUY HAVE.. SOME. PEACE AND ~\)\E.T." t l I' I I 1. ·: ' SHOE·ll· ·· '· l'M~llil~ 11 LDU9(_ 1mOt{S .. Ital)· CE!! ,,,,o~ WJ./ETJ.IEI< 10 e,o F'ECI< -rJ.le l<LJNT C~ICK~ .. ,,., By .. G~.s Arriola MacNelly TOO Mt.JCH · WINO fle~E . .t=:~M T~" WHe(f1E~ COt:r-r· • June 20, 1982 lailJPilat FOR JANE FREEMAN, national presi- dent. Girt Scouts of the U.S.A. WIMllt ... dM Gd Seo.II. doing to co.DbM the permillM.,... ..... ~.,.... toclmr? Allo, ... Qrl Sc:out cooldee ..... ~.,..,...,. redpea? -E.f ., Nlegela F ... N.Y. •When a girl becomes a Girl Scout she agrees to live by the Girl Scout Promise and Law, both of which encourage fairness and respect for oneself and Scouting out raped for onaelf. others. We beJieVe ttul ·Girl Scouting combats the negative influences of socie- ty by offering glris a place to learn and grow in a supportive environment. Our cookies are baked &om special recipes by bakers licensed by Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., the national organization. In 1981. some 116 million boxes were sold by Girl Scouts. Sales grossed abOut $200 million to fund new programs. FOR BOWIE KUHN, Cornmilsloncr of 8Mebe11 With the lllCICW of later ............... In the Na- ticNMI footbal 1-gue 9Chedule. why b.l't auP ...._ b•lllNlll done thew? -R.W.H •• w.1.-'I. e 1 would question whether lnter-<:Onference N.F.L. games are any more suc:casful than lntra-cooference games. In any event, baseball tcheduJes are balanced. meaning an teams play the same schedule. This ls ob- viously the fairest form of schedulng. FOR JENB.EE HARRISON, star of 1Vs Th~& Com· pany la II 1n1t1hlll vou"n a,_. ...... ? -D.F., S.. Miao, . Calf. • •Ya, in the lmM that If there's a group of ~ ,. sHdng around, looking bored to death, ru get them In~ to aome kind of ac:ttvtty. But rm not a buDy -I don't tall people what to do, although I tend to be a little loud and agip-esllve. FOR GEORGE M10tAEL. author of Oeofgis Michael• S.O.... of 8-wtl/ul Hair (Doubleday) wt., 11 •....,.._cut...._ th-. a .......... cut? -M.P., f'a9oe. Pa. •A one-length haircut In a smooth style praerves a mlrrodlke appearance. A good wedge cut, although it appecs cut In steps, ls the same length all over the aown. Only hair at the nape of the neck Is 91'*fuated. Dorothy Hamtlfs shining hair II a perfect example. THSTI YOURSELF FROM 1HE •ASK" EDITOR FA1HEll'S DAY flASHE.S: Singer Vikki Carr (now branching out Into other areas -she'll host an upcoming · revtvaJ of the late 50's and early 60's show, Queen for a Day) told of her start in show business: "After long hikes on the road, rd come home tired. One time Dad said, 'Let's talk.' I complained, ·rm so tired. How about ln the morning?' He replied by telling my sisters and me a story about a couple with a beautiful For Can; father knew bat. garden. The man was very proud of his ro~. One day one produced a most lnaedlb&e bJoom; he and his wife agreed such a gorgeous sight should be shared with others. They cut the rose and displayed It for the townsfolk to see. Then he was heartbroken because he had plucked It. Sadly he went to the garden and, to his SUl'prise, where he had cuBed that rose, there was a new bud. Says Vlkkl: .. The moraJ of his storv was. a rose (or me or anything one treasures) should be shared; and also that God has a way of replaciflg beauty." ... Although Nikki, Burt 8-:harach's _4aughter who's going on~ calls her father .. Burt," Burt calls his father -cotumnist-author Bert a.di· m.::h -"Dad." Explained Burt's Mom, Irma: "Out In caJifomia, ~one calls everyone by their first names. but Bwt was raised In the East, where things were, and are, different." 8acharacN Are Burt and his Dad in dose touCh? Yes. They.cal< for hours: QI'\ the ph9fl'! -:-~ often without touching on important matters. (P.5. Bert Is too shy to mention this, but we know that his son never once puts' down fhe phone wMhout5aylng, .. Dad, rm proud of you.") ... "My father was tuch1 a bundle of enegy that he had litde trouble keeping slim throughOut his lifetime; but fve never bem so lucky." Truman Daniel This II M.geret Truman Dmlel talking about Prell- dlftt 1iuman .... What caused her to make this statement? The new book, The Southampton Diel (Simon & Schuster) by M.rda Cohen and Scumt ~· which she claims .. has been a real boon to me .... Reid Shekon, the ortglnal mJllionaire Daddy. Warbucks In the Broadway musical Ann'8, thought about what he'd do with oodles of money ln real life. "rd otdet a flmo to take me wherever I wanted to go," he decided. "That's what luxury means to me -not having to drive In heavy traffic." PRO P.. Ge-nulnts, policy analyst, The Heritage Foundation PRO Ano con CON ~Claude Pepper (0.-Fla.). chair· man, Sel«t Committee on AfJng Price indexing of Soda! Security bendts w a oonservalve mecha- nllln for maintaining the pwchas· Ing power of benefits. The JS.month lag time b8fore the cost·- of.hlng edjustnMmt ls made also erodes the value of benefits, and i.. year's budget am wtll reduce Social 5-c\Dtty pr<*dlon by $25 While Soda1 Security was or1glnal- ly ln..oo.d to act as a basic 6oor of protedk>n cturtng retirement, polmcal prasura have led to. Ir· responsible benefit Increases which have frequendy oUtpaced Inflation. Thus, It is not surprts· Ing that the average retires re- c:etves about five tlma the value of bit contd:ludort. A bmlt on cost.of-llYlng payments could return beneflll to levels mor. In ~ With con· trbldona and lmprov. the tyltem's current flnan· dlllfllh». Should Then & a Umlt on Social SecurUy c:o.t"OflJulng Payrnenf9? bllon. Gtv.n the men precarioua economic dr- cumlCanca of the retired and dtubled, It's not unru- IOnllbll to guarantM the re.i value of a poction of thetr lncoma. Cl Mt FAMILY WEEKLY. All !W* ........ I ( YOU CAN WW INSTANTLY . Just look inside 811)' sPeciaJly- marked box d Big G Cereals for a Money Macf'lilte ~ c.d.)00 might win $100,000, $1,000, or $100, Instantly! · VOU CAN COl1ECT . ANDWWI U8e Game Csdl you'w collected to complete the Colect rl Win Game eo.d on the back of any per1fdpd911 Big G Cefeat be..~ could win prizes from • $1 .00 coupon to $100,0001 • YOU CAN SAVE up· TO 800 RIGHT NCM! Clip and use all four coupons and save 80¢ when you buy Cheerios,, Whealles,Trix, or Donutz cereals. Great eating for the whole family, ana tour chances to Win in Big G's . Money Machine Game . GET GAME CARDS t4 ANY SPECIALLY MARKED BIGG CEREAL BO<ES. IC f705~---~~W@~®~ I • on yo ur nex t purc hase of I I ~·,~~;,;: Donuts Cereal- ; fO CONIUMl" f hlt c:ovpon gOOd o"IY on 1h• I I pmd""' lftdlul.-1 Only...,. COVPO" --I PVf'ChAIM My otMf UM rn•y C'O"•tftvt• tnkld Gov Po" "Ot trMtfWHM I 10 A(t~lltA Al...,...,*"""' .,.,ot t~C®DOf\ on,,..~°' tN tipK.tt-ct I OH.6'cl G• ~ .. ~ ... ·~ .. ~-h (_°"'*'You 'W) .cx.-.0( •ct1 ,,.. I.a:·~ I e;~n!~~.!:~::nt:!~~~.:.~~&;~~,~ I l.,11d P•tH•• "01 •~ 1•t\.•~Y •uth•l"l"'t '1v v• Anv Mlltttnpl to rpriff•"' thttt co111pon I oUtfl'MU tlt111t •• 11rnv1tt•d hrt•11t ,,..,, rNt1r1w'r '""'" '"'"'(l"fe•O~f qu•11tlf•~ I r'ilw p~1ch.11Hd "'"'' lw<-mb'".rt•rl .,,. 11•011•141 IU <MP°'•'" IN~011•ft•t• (trumwu t1Jhftttl M t'1ti'flJ l hf . .,, t/'tdlO• '"'''lf'fl witwn 1.,,.., ~I C'ff'I~ ..,,.,,,. I _t. ..,_. •"-•'• ptof\fb11ed k ""Md or "'Qt.1l•ted Oood °"''" '" I 20C Cl c~!~~.:."'• r~a:,.c .. ~ •• ...,. 11100 0""1 70S i.: ______________ :!J r1os I I - I I I I ~""8o~ t , , -....-i .... : :20C I I f12s I -3- I Cbeenos on your ne•t purchase of ... 70S ~~W®rd®© I on your neJCt purchase of I : • Cheerios : I I 1- 1 73$ I on your next purch•se of ®, I 71S I _J ~~W@rd®©] on your next purch•se of f , Tri~® i I I t2~C-__ -~~M.ws_ ~ ___ 73 ~ - 99% tar free. I Has Determined S eon Genera Health. Warning: The uri. g Is Dangerous to Your That Cigarette Smo in . • I. The Jo.b lnte1vlew: Th1ee Steps to lmp1eaa Sy Peggy J. Schmidt E very job huntar knows 'that a prospeciive employer UNI an in· terview to stz:ie up a candidate's Interest in the company and quali6catlons for the job. What many applicants don't reab!, however, Is that las tanglble factors often play a big role In hb1ng decisions. The following findings by psy- chologists and employment experts show how pollshlng your approach can help you land a job. 1) Pint lmpc 111 IOM un make or bnM VoUI' cUnc:. of bme ...... oUlly c:omidned for • Job. In fact, studies show that how well you oome across during the /ht four mlnuta of an Interview often determines whether or not you'lt' be asked back for a second Interview or offered the job. Considering that fow minutes bare- ly give you a chance to shake hands and sit down, how can an interviewer pasa juQgment so quJc:kly? "Visual dues are the key factor ln deveJoplng a ftnt Impression," says Prof. Thomas McGovern, a counseling psychologist • at ~ Commonweakh University. In one of McGovern's many studies on nonverbal oommunlcatlon, profes- sional interviewers reviewed video- tapes 'of job candidates to decide which ones would be invited for a sec- ond Interview. Not one of the ap- plic:ants who fatJed to oonsistendy look at the Interviewer, smde or gesture was chosen. · Before you set foot In a potential employer's office, practlu your "hello,,, handshake and tmall-tdl skills Wlh a fr1end playing the role ol Interviewer. l)lat..._. .. more lnh- mc:.d by ~ lnlormlldon thllft by an ownll good employ. ment record. Few job appbnts ever fuJfiD an anpioyer's Wion of the ideal candidate, but there are ways to pre- sent younc1f In as good a light as pollllle. For Instance, Dr. Jama Slk:k, who J responsible for career In· f~ ljltemJ at PenNYfvania State ~. ~ that whefl responding to an obJecttve quadon O.e., .. Have you ewr wadced In sala?"), for which the.,..... II "no," It's bett8r to MY IO and follow It with tnformanon that will help your cue (I.e. • .. . . . but rve had to develop ula lk.lllt in ~ with dents on the t.lsphone"). S) Fm·-II .. lmponml a ,..,, J. ~-----o/f!Wdr.i ltOn Your Am .lob (Allon ... .lMlJ. • ,MM.Y~ • .-.IO.-•t factor • ~ me In hiring dedllonl. There Is no magic formula for hitting It off with evay interviewer. Your bat bet Is to relax and be younelf. That's not easy when you're trying to convince a stranger to hire you. But tf you assume a different personality simply to please the inter- viewer, you may r~ It after you're hired and you or your employ- er dilcover your styles are not r91 compatible. a.J er, As a special Pother's . Day message, a noted sociologist explains how a father and son can grow to be loving friends. By Lewis Yablonsky. Ph.D. • • • the security of knowing his father Is there for him. yet he has begun to strike out on his own and de- fine himself In hfs terms. During these years the son will most likely be- come belligerent about his Ideas and opinions, even when he knows he's wrong, and he may even begin to act in a rebellious manner. He wants to do everything his way. His behavior Is a reftecik>n of his need to separate from his father and his f amlly and become a person In his own right. More and more of the son's time will be spent with his peen. During this aitica.I separation phase, many fathers behave foollshly, exacerbattng a natuialJy uncomfottable sttUation into a dreadful one. Where did that acquiescent llttJe boy go, they wonder. And who Is this arrogant monster-who, incidentally, Is begjnnlng to eclipse his father's physique and physi- c.al strength? They believe that by exerting control over their 9005, they'll ease the problem. But If these normal expressions of rebelbon are squ~ed by a repressive father, the son's emergence asafuD, spontaneous, aeative man can be retarded and the fathe.r-son relationship can become a lifelong dis· mter. Serious problems may be avoided , however, If a father and son have a good understanding of what ls happening between them In this stage of their relationship. One way to better understand this pha9e II to take a dose look at the playful physical auet11on that ocx:urs between father and son durtng adoia- cence -In the fonn of boxing or wresdlng matches. This has all the ingn!dlenlS of their larger loving c:on1tsc:t that centers aroWld sodaJ and ~ tlonal illues. In a physkal encounter, the father II usualy bigger, phY*aiv stronger, and a inore ex- pert.nc:ed fldlter. He is aleo more expertm.c:.t In nonph~ ways. A macho Ww may hi h9 eon knockout punches ~ ha IS stupkDy blind to the ....... ol the mock jouttlng. He " unew.e that his eon It te.atng his IOd8I and emodolMll --· and that he needs ... .,..on .:.. Iha fadw -Wtlh whom he c:en try out hit MW Wws and ptrClpllont ol the wodd. lneue111•. a kMl1g, ~ W.1-hla eon how a Jot ol pndlce pundM9 to tell hit ~Ind llll lrctual ••'lllh -wllhout ~ Ing • knodDS punch. n. ... the '°" to try out. v.n.ty of OUlllglOUI ~Ind blNwlolt without being hurt. The father wtll ab9olb some of the "blows," 9nd the son learns somclhlng about the worid around him In a safe situation wlh hJs loving father as the "adversary" teacher. The adoletcent period in a father-son reladon- shlp may be more dtfftcult now than ever before. In P"'!k>i.Js generations, fathers and IOIU had more predte rules for relating to each attMr and there were fewer value con8k:ts between them. And In moet c.a there were Clll'taln cuMoms and rites of . p•age that eeMCi the male's tranlitk>ft from adolaoenc:e Into manhood. Sons did not have to 6ght their fmhers for. autonomy. Because of the nipd1y c:har9ng aodal slualiorl In Amenca today, the expeclatiow• of a '°" in las predle and there Is often a genenllonal value con- ftlct. For example, In my adoeanat yws, proba- bly las thmi 1 percent of adolaoeidS ever smoked marijuana. Today well over half have tried it. My standards on ctn..g uae conflict ahaply with those Of the sodety my son lives in. It's esaential, therefore, that fathers and adolacent sons communicate regularly about their ~· Man-to-Man Frtendlblp (age 20 through adulthood) If .the early years of ego blending and the adoles- cent wars _are handled property, a father and son will emerge as separate entities and loving friends. Unfortunately, this extremely rewardlng relation- ship Is not always achieved. Too many father-son relattonshtps become Irreparably damaged or they Nl'Min stuck In 10me unresolved phase of develop· ment. Man-to-man frtendshlp can be ~ted by a number of factors In the arber relationship. One cause of this problem Is a father who, because of his own ego needs or cultural penpec:Uve, does not let his 800 become a man. He has ~ dJfBculty letting go of his "tlttJe boy." Some faihm behave this way because the .. chUd" Is somedne they can control. In this situation a son may be mature In other areas of flis life, but he rernainl subeervtent to tm father when In his praence. In general, the father who attempts to keep his t0n In the dependent-tOn role ts Insecure about hlmeelf. This ls what had heppened to Frank, a young man who at 25 joined my therapy group bec:aUM he Wal ftghttng fie. quendy with his wife. We qWclcJy det«mlned that tNdr problem WU moet MYerC when Frank and hJs wife returned &om a viii to Frank's domineering father. ~ his father's praenQ8, Mank acted BM a lltlle boy -with no opln'°"8 of his own -and according to his wife, who was alto In the therapy ~. hit voice Mi changed Into tome- ~ Ilka a teen-.r'• tqUeak. Thll ~ Wat not Oft • """'*"""' ... '*""'• the WMr had loc:t.d the eon Ir*> the -=ond ... ol ~ Mink cMdn't know how to break Jc,.. and he .. turned the ~he6.toab9'*. . ' The ...,.... rfrcted not m, r:..'s mm· aie but ., his ds -• probllllon ollcs It • COINC- tlonll Nlltulll for ~ dllln- quents, ~ he became a son-type buddy to his wards rather than a m<ft appropdate father figure. Sometimes he would even retnforce his wards' re- belUous attttudes toward his bosses, the "fathers" who ran the camp. Once Fnink !abed the hold his £zither had on him, he began role-playilg wlh ocher members of the p.ip and rehelned aiding up 1D his w. and reii6lQ to hm on a man-to-man blsls. A4 a result d t-. new ai*y, his 1.dalb.t9'1'wlh hll ""4le and his perbmence on the j)l> ~ 9!Jdbl1dy. lnltialy his father was very Ul*l when Frank uted what he'd practiced In rolei)laying In real llfe. .. AJ. ftrst my dad couldn't believe It when I re:mted his usual dk:t.atortal orders on how I should run my lfe," Mank lold the group. "But I stood up to him, much like 1· did In the sessions. I tried to reason with hm and I was arnamd at how m\dl tente my argu· ments made. He lstened to me for a change, and did not tn!at me M<e a bad teen-ager. We leaned how to cal< on a man-to-man bllllia.,. Before a man becomes a father. he should con- sider his relattve sarengths In each of the three fathering phases. The. early years of fatheilng re· quJre time and the ability to be a loving and com- passionate penon In the nurturing of a yoWlg chlkrs dewlopng. personality. During adolescenc.e, a father needs to be a knowledgeable, senslive authority In dealing with a natura.Dy rebcUlous'lialf- chlld/half-man who ls trying to separate from his fathe.r and deftne his own ~. In the lalt Phase. a father requftl the ablllty to relate to his grown son as an equal without domination. A father's awarenas of the normal problems and the varied expectadonS of his changing role In the three phases can be of enormous value In sb1vlng toward the goal of effective fathering. Another key to harmony Is the maintenance of relevant, open and meanlngfuJ commundation between father and son -commWlk:alion that Is not con· tamlnated by any exod:Jaant or set-tn<ement dreams tf¥it the faahe.r has for hJs 90n. If al goes well, a father and 90fl can achieve the demred goal of a harmonious and vital man-ro.man fnendthlp. Those who have such a relatton-flll ~believe that lt Is well wocth the stn'9Qle. .., • • By ffiattlyn Hansen What makes a good cup of coffee? Aroma, certainly, flavor and a rich- ness and smoothness. Although percolator- brewed coffee Is popular, It lsn lt the best. The bolling temperature of water pro- duces the pumping ac:tlon up the stem of the percolator and over the ground coffee. And boiling coffee means the delk:ate flavor components break down and bitterness and overacidtty surface. Drip methods, on the other hand, produce delicious coffee. The freshly bolled water is poured over the ground cof- fee, and then It slowly seeps through the grounds -just once. The coffee's flavor re- -mains unchanged because the ftnlshed coffee never bolls. GromMI Rula for Making Colee The best proportion of cof- fee to water: 2 level table- spoons of ground coffee to each 3/4 cup of water. This applies to every coffee brew- ing method except Turkish, wtwn tt's best to follow a traditional recipe. Colee Tlpe ' •To keep ground coffee &ah for sever\ to 10 days, store lt In a dghtly sealed glass jar In your ac&igerator. • If you buy vacuum- pac:ked coffee, place It In a cool area Ot's not necasary to refrigerate It unless the can's been opened ). Once you open the can, store the cohe 81 above. • Always freeze coffee barw In an airtight container. Tu.n's no need to thaw the beans ~grinding them . • 1(-.p your co«. pot ~clean. Rlrlll the pot and wipe aw.y al tum. and l'llklue d.aly; onca a week. ~ • ll*:lel co&e- pot c:mn. . • u. cold, hlhly drawn -totnw~.cof,. .. ... .. -ItS More you . • Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heelth. 171n9-"ti(, 1,4 1119-l'llCOW IW. I* c""'11 by FTC llltltlod .. '01 may already haw wm an Pmic in the park! Erner the KRAFf Grand Prbe: ~picnic ma lifetime in the park m your choice Pack up and go on a week long pialic to the park of round trip transportation, deluxe accommodations, your choice anY\Vbere in the U.S. You and up to meals, park attractions for one week and $1,000 three other family members will receive first class, cash. Or choose $10,000 cash. r--------i REDEEM. NOW I 12° I ANDSAVE I I with these I ! sbe~ · I I frtan KRAFT j 12 I o ----srott1c~-- (KRAFT) .Qver 1,000 Pm.es. 'ibti may aheady be a winner! The myatelloua Tettot Of Panic Attacks This profile, a composite of case .. . •tu;tones, ·mL&strata a frightening· bUf Peter J ., a 40-year-old treat.able lllnaa called panic dl9order. businaanan In good health, "It's a very common IDnas," says Dr. Is playing golf on a Sunday Abby Fyer, a research psychiatrist at afternoon. Suddenly, on the Columbia University and co-dlrec:tor 13th tee, he begins shaking and gasp-of the Anxiety Disorders Clinlc at the Ing. "I can't breathe. rm having a New York State Psychiatnc lnstttute In heart attack. rm going to die," he Manhattan. stammers to his colleagues. They rush Panic attack vld1ms typ6cally will him to the hOlplta1 ~room, experience a sudden and incXplk:able but doctors ftnd nothing wrong with wave of tmor, often acx:ompanled by him. A few nights later, In a restaurant such symptoms as breathing d!fficuky. wtth his wife, the same thing happens. pain or a feeling of ttghtnat In the An ambulance races him to the hospi-chest, palpitations, sweating, shaking, tal, whee he's admitted for a fuD• dizziness and, perhape most &ight~- serla of tats, but again, nothing Is Ing of all, a sense of unre.allly, of los- found. Hs family doctor praatbes a Ing control, going aazy or even dy- tranqulltzer which relaxes him, but still Ing. the attacks persist. Eventually, he Most sufferers haw their ftrst pank quits playing golf and avoids dining attacks in early adulthood, although ou_t. He never again wants to be there are those who experience them caught helpless and embarrassed In thetr 30's, 40's or even later. The when an attack takes p&ace. cause of these attacks Is not yet understood. However, It Is known u.o Andenon 11 a frwJonca wntn wlto .,,.. that after treatment wtlh trycycJic an- ~ In healdt l!Dpb. tklepiwts, such 81 lmlpnm'*le, - a nonhabit·fonnlng drug whose major side effects are drynaa of the mouth and conttipadon -over 80 peroe:nt of patients become panic &ee. The at· tacks may recur, but can be blocked again with medlcatk>n . Recent raearc:h suggaa thls Is a phvsJologlcal IDnas, that Is, panic at- tacks are not caused toleJy by such factors as PllJIChologkol stress, says Dr. Fyer. Doctors have discovered that some people experience such at- tacks when they become out of breath after exerdle. This ocamence Is caled the "effort syndrome," and doc:tcn hypoehellze that. that lndMdUlk produce men than the U!'llll amount I I of aac:tk: add <an organic add produced In the mu.de Uslue during exerdle). and b presence somehow triggers panic attacks. In a current project at the New York State Psychiatric In- stitute, Or. Donald Klein. director of raarch, has found that roughly 70 ~t of patients with a pdor history of panic attacks wlll experience an at· tack when given an Intravenous Infu- sion of todium lactate IOluHon In a laboratory sttuatk>n. In the earty stages of panic disorder, the attacks occur randomly and are clearly deftned by thetr symptoms. Aft.er recurrent attacks, most vlctlms begin to ltve In a constant state of dread, anticipating the next panic at- tack, says Dr. Fyer. U not diagnoeed early, panic disorder can ultimately progress to phobias, such as ~a­ phobia (which Is characterized by a fear of &eavtng home or being ~), fear of flying or fear of riding In elevators. . The initial treatment for panic dis- order, says Dr. Fyer. is usually one of the trycycllc antklepressants. Pa- tients are then encouraged to re-enter L sttuations they were avoiding to prove to themselves that they no longer panic. Sometlr1ies this trabnent. called daentlllralloo, ii given In a 1'111 WoUP lltualkm. ... Arthritis Strength BUFFERIN contains aspirin. And aspirin is the pain reliever doctors prefer for reduction of the painful inflammation that often accompanies arthritis. Take Arthritis Strength BUFFEAIN . It reduces the in{lammation Tylenol· and Extra Strength Tylenol can't. . Hritis BlllfEllll U.. onty • dtl'lded. C> 1982 Briatol·M)'era Co. Becw arthntiS can be Hrioul. If paln pereiltl more 1han 10 days °' redneu Is Pf9Mnt. corwuh your doctOt imrnecMl9ty. -~--- M&NT~OI... I.-. --··· . l . : ... ,jl;f tjUf l · . . ·~~~ ., , . r 1 1 .. . ,~, ·~ \ . r a.s .lf:;lh,J1J ~f ·~ .. ~ i rl ~ .i"I ;.:~-~lt_f~ i[~ ::.-fi ..! rr e . JJ ... , 'Jlri ,.f f"t:f =-~~r,1·11 I '----~· ~· 'f ··~:1il ii l!H[~11 ~ : '~-,1 rh . Juna.Jh r . [U 1?f I! ! J.1i ~ ! ' 1~1 1 . '.'-.1111 1~'1 1 tnhi•t i ~~~;~ t !: . ~ t.~·' 11ri J urf n• ~ _. . Y-l°~ ~ --Ir rsa. .1 f l . ~.,_~~ ~ J'r :.lf;ll1a1 1 ~p tu n~1 ~:~!f · f ~:•,a u1 1·1 1rH~!Pl· :~~·~ •~, r ~ ~a~2 · .~11 .l a if~'ff~lf li~f'!ff( . ;l~'i'f'' }Jtil[t!1 ii ~!ro l ·l' ! 1Har1~i ·rtr · z tll t~ ' ~Jl'lUI i .~~ !rif liff J~a.f ~r1rf ~-, 'fJt '['· l ~,.., lt11Ja.~' !~!~f 1~,~: . ftf 1· a J ~~ t~J f .r ~ r~~a.( lo tljf ii [lil;i [flffl 11.~1t a~. !.! !. ~ . ~ Id l'~ ill[<a J[l ~, sa.I -= l s!lti~9 ~I ;!~ir. 5! f ~rll!1~J~rfl}s ~ if (' ~ ;». i rr !· e. "ill! • !ils..r "g "•11 1 t t· < iS' ~ .: t~p,•riP.1•11 [~HHifji~HI ~ j; tl MiJ!~llh~i!Hi~f rr~f~ff 1. if I !.f ,·!h t,dJu tH~f!hJtH;1 1 ~I ri n!;idHtf~H~f 1!lthi1! J, ~ID[. ··· '1JJJ1t 1 1°!dfU[HiHJf~?~h~[ i!j-ifHUfl Jl .&-.· [ i 8 w a:• .. 1l~la.t"8:!11 . !9f~11 .... .a~~~~~ I ~s~1~-~!l 'li l _ . a ~ ...... i a-I o t!~" .. =>"''I gi u f'5 ~ t -i'f Q.'C i !( 41"' 'CO~ .... -~ -~ Jj·n1 !1JH' fb 1 nr~u!hh ii!!I f(?ifJ~~ ll .· . I I f ~.· = a; r , .. , ~·l . ·g.f a:11r11sS'1.•< ~; r ~)hi-f f · · ( l .o 11~,,,ll ~~-mr•11 · g 1·1j . f Kif r 8 fl Ii lD J 1li i~~ jt g;ft ~' • I I-:t ,,~ ,'rirJ , J . 1 ~g il ir .. tl ~ · ~ffl~ 1 a-l ~I . . Is· II EACH Thafs $15.00 Less Than Our Own Advertiaed Price of $24.881 J.c..f;'le ~ Al.ni Clodc I GREAT FEATURES •Homa• ........ Seeol* . • .,.,. Date• Alarm. Sriooze Alarm. Light-up.,...., PLUS Fold-Out Emel Back Realty .... ng-Convenlent. dependable, and accurate to within aeconda per yearl Thl8 LCD Quartz marvel will etick-up any- wher'e ••• and on a deak or counter ..• and 1raV9I along with you Jn pocket or puree. Lota of great featurea: hours, minutes, aeconda, day, dm, alarm, snooze alarm, and light-up dl9pl91. Plua, a handy ..... back and a FREE WALL HOLDER for Instant atick-up. Hand- 80me, sturdy, super-compact ... Thia very aame clock told Jn our catalog for $24.88. Now yours forju•t S9.n each •.. Great Gift ldH fULLY......wnmD The~ Mini mrm docll rune lltu.Actly 12.711 .... ,_eecond-We ~It to be ............ ,.....,,..,_YNI'· "notto ... ly 1MCJ!*lll,....., r.cum ..,,. .... ,....... (ucept ~ • .._....our po1or•to ,..... .. ordera ,,.-.-. "CNdlt cwd ordera .. pni c 1111 cl upon Cnclt...,RML O.,.na~:~plftent • I 11111 ..... CltlJt. wMooma,) Um&m_,, .. vz-nta. ............... PL 1'711t v.P ,._. ftllll lllf LCD lllftl A11rm ....._CDUmO>•L A 1'8J ..... f//#I ....._,,.1nu ,.., IDllY MQC' CllMIWfrlE. C 0.. a.kw •. 77 -tl.10 _.. f"ftlNT NAME ------a«:r:..e.::a.n ........ ..,.,... _____ __ ,... .. n =•· ..... II'=-;= M-. _.. ... tlll) CITV -II': C~AiiiiL-.~ 8 &::.'1.~Cfl1 •cw ~:.!. .... ~ ~ • .., "11"• ........ 0 {Jiii .............. -Dtll .. ._. ... ti ,;;,~ , _____________ ._.MJIJ. .... ~--------------.,,, 1be Quality to HighCOSI Inflatable Boats! Why pay $600, $1000 or.., mont tor an~ bolt? Modem techK>logy Md new, improY8d matet1als now make pc ntie lnacpentwe -yet long-4elting if1ftalllbte bom. Prices start .. just $110. For lakes, rNers, ponds. ~ and awn ocean surf. F'!Shing, camping, fMNUMlng, )1BCtrt tendUlg •.• Sea Eagles glY8 )Q.I more tor )Q.11' morMPfl Quality canon, dinghies and moDmount boaa. •For FREE brochufa, fin In cou· pon below and mall to: Sea Eagle, St. James, NY 11780. Or phone 10LL FREE .., ...... 1..-....a 1111, at.133 Oregon ......... orly: 1-800-452-t847, ad. 133 ·---------------------------------~ I FM38 I D ..... _ .... oolor...... I I I ._. I I AOOM19 I I arv I I sum: I . I I I I I : I I '---------------------------------- - Correctol: The modern, gentle laxative so many women are using today. Yk women are always on th~o. Doing so much for so many. There's no time to be irre ~· But when you are, that's the time to take Couectol Ta lets. The Correctol Tablet special formula combines a mild laxative with a softening agent. Its gentle, overnight action helps you feel like yourself again. No wonder so many women prdcr Correctol. Correctol. The modem, gentle laxative so many women are using toda)t P1CIK rud and follow label din:ct1on1 -B32!Sii~ Correctol'--~C·98·r-IOUA}s . .,lnc Thl9rooMDp •tllc1*1lllldDr ...... .., ...... ............ ll•lngrec:•l•d. Thltl roof-top wntii.tor may be identified from outllidl the home, on the roof. by'the uduelw hood configufation (on left) Md by entering !he ettlc to lnlp9Ct the beat of the motorfpr a S..... modll number 758.848380. The wmiletof hM a light gniy, molded poly.vinyl °"'* hood and -. eold by s... pritnertly durinCI 1880 end 1981. lhilf CM1alrl condtione, .. Yentilanw may CMfhelit Md pol9ltlfy caldl fire. °"'*9 .,. caltioned to dlecontinue uee of the an.c:.d ven- tilelof end Ulglld to lnwnec:lllllltl contlM:t: r-.ro1r,.........., 1-ICJ0.326-4130 In .......... oalleat (IMt ... ., II 1e Hft l:tO a.&•1:11 pA Ila ndllJ lwD .... fttdlly 11111 ................. .. lMI PROllEM DOd NGr AFFECT Nt'I <m41R MOOEl SEARS VENTILATOR. Make Your Own Fabric Flowers ! Fa bric Flower Leaflet No. 301 Includes tnstruc- tton.s and patterns for making wild roses, dalsla, baby's breath, camationl and poppies In rayon, nylon, velvet, cotton 0t ltlk. s.nd $1.50 plau $.25 for ~ and hand/Jng for ach le•O.t to: fH1lfv Weekly MafullM P.O. Boa di o..t. A·l M6'towtt SUttoe N-York, NY. lOOll /nchHH n•nw, .adra.1 zip cod• •nd '-llet numNr. ,._ .......... II# ... _, av NonMn l.oil••nz . Men and women have different reasons for seeking divorce, say famlly-ltfe experts Gay Kitlon, of Case Western Reseive Uni- versity. and Marvin Su.man, of the lJnl. wntty of Delaware. The team intemewed more than 200 men and women who had Ned for dJvorce in Cleveland. While both teXa listed '"lack of communlcaUon" as their No. 1 marttal complajnt, men ranked "c:onfbct of sex ro&er" second and women ranked that eighth . The MCOnd most fre- quent complaint for women focused on oonftk:ts about the need for personal In- dependence. In general, women were more likeJy to mention a spouse's lnftdeltty and emo- tional Immaturity as reasons for seeking divorce. Men were more llkely to single out overcommitment to work and prob- lems with in-laws. SlgnlftcantJy, men's third most frequent response was, "I'm not sure what happened"; for women, that ranked at the bottom of the list. Eight out of 10 women blamed their husban~ for the brakup; men we-e · more bJcely to take the blame upon them- selves, or to say that they shared It. Childhood Ch0tea 8ulld Chatacte1 Do children's chores play a slgnl6cant role In eGabllsh1ng famlly bonds and values, or are they a burden holdlng back youngsters from succas in their IChool work and their IOdal life? Sodologllb Lynn White and David Brtnkerhoff, of the Unlvaslty of Nebruka in l..inaWi, inter· viewed nearly 2,000 Nebraska parents wtth chJldnm under 18. They foWld, among other things, that nine out of 10 youngsters have NgUlar chores wlgned to them by the time they are 10 years old and that boys are more llkely than gk'ls to • have household tuka they are regularly raponllble for. Until a chlld reaches adolac:ence, the rae.orchcn say, chores probably mun men WOik for the pmwms. Why. then, do parents .. their youoglterl to hq> .. home? The mlln ,..,., molt plNntl glWWM~~. Other parents Wt that char.. '""' • means to unify a family. A few s-erdl l9ld they needed the twlp, or felt ~ lhould learn dorMldc ... Itta ch6lren get okMr, tt.. appws IO be a dw'91 In perm\t.J ............. dMJNI, the .. IMldMn nae., from .. ~ wll bWd • ...,.. of·~ to "tt II tw or rm her~to~." ... For tbe ftnt time tn tbe btstory of collecting ... Miniature Plates of The Worlds Greatest Porcelain Houses Royal Co~ ... Wftlgwood ... Glrwrl ... RO)'tll Daulton ... H11111/IUUI ... Norlllllw ... L/Mlro .•. C<Nllport . . . RO)'tll Won-ntn .. . KAJ#r . . . Mosa . . . VnfMno .. . Hutscbnlrntbn' ... 25 grNt po,.. ulaln bosun of ti# w:orUI, MCb r.pranttftl by an orlgl1t11I "''""'· ,...,,., plau crw1ta1 11)' tbllt bouu uprnsly for tbts coll«tlon. Now, for the ftnt rime, the srcau:st porcelain houles of the wortd have agrttd to patticipak In the Cfnlion ol a colJection thal has never ~n al· rcmpcc:d ~ A collection so unusual -and ao f.acinating -that It will be trcuurcd today and prtzcd by NlUtt ~mJons for many years to come. AYCmbllng this collection has~ a major chaJknF-Involving four years of prq>ar.Won by 1bc Franklin MinL R.tprcscntativcs ol thc mint uncled throughout the world during that rime. approaching lhc most amous porcelain houses and persuading them to become a pan of this hlJ(or- lc undcna.ldng. An original collector's plate from each poicclain home Each ofrht 2~ porcd.aJn hown rcptt· scnted has created a mjniat~ plate sol•ly and •xclrulwly for dUs colJcc. tion. lr:s own master anlsU have dc· signed the platc. and its skilled craftsmen have produced it to exac1· Ing sundanb or quality. And each minJ.atutt plate caprurcs the theme or the f.ndjtiooaJ style of ltl maktt. In additioo co the uniquc desip. nch plate will bear on Its rcvenc the name and klcntilytna mark of the porcelain 00.. tlw anted IL Each ol the pllkS will be lnll1pio& md dlsflncdvc 1bc Royal Copm· haF'n ~. tor cumplc. portrays the palace ol Queen Margrethe JI of Den· mark. The Wedpood pl.au. In Blue Ja.pcr. bean a railed cameo portrait of Josiah Wc:dpood. The Okura plate depicu • lnOW)' heron. symbol ol FOCI 1onuiw m the Orient. And cbc H&Yibnd of 1Jmote1 pi.e bean a ctmnuns daWI of birdl aDd ~ The lndMdml ~ ~ ln&Ucr ..nay. Yet. l09dhtt. tbcy ~ a bcaadlll and tw.onloUI co&kcdon. The pdcc .,, cadl plllc ii. '19. '°· md -•-.-.-pdcc ii ..... ... ,__ dapkc " •moauy pccwa. Beady ,.,.... home' todllr ... chcrilb foe' WIDOllOW' la JOW lw. ........... COUocdoa wtll be. focUI "' ..... -...... rMioa. So dl9l JOU can dllpllly ft ~ ™d•dp. a' Cw A collection of· 25 miniature plates -c:ach one diJl"cttnt - each designed and produced by one of lhc world's most f.unous porcelain houses exclusit>ely for this series. HAVllANO WEDGWOOD ROYAl WORCEST~ NORITAKE hardwood ~ will be provided -at no added cbartc And a spttially written fo&dcr wW accompany each plate, dac:rilMng IU design aod the porcelain howc dw cratc:d IL .Subscrlbc by July 31st The minW~ pbtcs wllJ be sent at chc rate of one per month. 50 that you can build your coUcction COOVCO· icndy. 8caWic Ir will lakt ~ i>r each porcelain home to craft its plate, tbc application below should be mailed to The franklin Mlnr. FnmkUn Center, PA 19091. by the dale sated: July 31. 1982. To ~ tlw ~ co1kcao. la )"OUt ho&W. Chis cu-~ bardwood ~ will ~ prO\'tckd -M no llddltloul ctuqr. C-tMIN -----Str•~••mo .. APPUCATIO,. ---- 1 ' I I 1 NJNIAT\JaJ! PLATts O F THE 1 : Y OU.D'S GUAT PORCELAIN HOUSO : I I I I 1 /'1-# """' by Jiiiy JI, /'JIU I I I £•11; OM col.l«Hon p.r J>rl'IO'f : TiwPnMIJDMIDI FraakUD Ccnlu. Pcnmylvanla 19091 l'k1ae cntn my IUbacrtption to MJnla· tutt Plala ol dk '&'brid'a Gttat Potc<- lain Hout«. cocuildnt of 25 n.1y cnft.td ~labltt ptan to be WOI 10 me 11 rbc rate of one per nionth. I nttd K1ld no lllOftC')' now. Plcuc bW IH •19.50• for each •i.u.tw'c I p&IU la lllt\'IDCe of ehtplnnt. A hard· : wood ~ wW be pro¥1*d 8l "° : lddkioUI COil. ....__, ___ _ ,,_,,,,..,.... _ __, ~~~1:11111or:aari.,...e&::1 .. ·••":1WWW_::ll"'_ Mr. ..... ...... __ _,,_-::=..,,_,,,,,..,_,...,,_,,,,...,.. ____ _ ca.y _________ _ ' I Uc.Zip I ... : L----------~---··--·••••••~ Tim GUICI• OP DmATH We've heard of fooebal widows before., but now out of Austin, Ta., comes the ca1e of the sports divorcee. Thanks ID ESPN, the 24-hour cable spol1s network. a 30-year-old (former) hUlband reports he watched at least two hours of 1V sports a day and sometimes eight straight hours. A nJghldub doorrNpl, he got off &om work at 3 A.M., turned on the tube and nodded off. "fw even waached horse Jwnl*lg," the poor fdow It quoted as saying. Not su~ lngly, his wfe got a md an- YOU CAll'T L&&ft HOI• AGAIN ::rt ~d m:-:. ~ CLAUYIW Ewn • 5Chonlchildren around the country whoop wllh joy • summer vac. non begin, many of the 119,000 students at 90 select Los Angeles schools are d at their desks. Under an experimental year-round !Choo& plan, In- stituted several years ago to reduce overaowdtng In pocnr areas, students end up attending the normal • 1~ days but may go for 90 I days followed by a JO.day break or 45 days wtth 1S days off. Only thiee-quar- ters of ea students are In 9Chool at any one time. There are no ftrm data yet on how kids are doklg under the year~d plan, but parents say their chil- dren arc bettm' behevad, las bored and are &e.nlng men without the standard three·month summer lay- off. repoc1s Joyce King- Stoops, a95lttant dean of education at U.S. C., who 9W'Veyed 150 parentS. As she noles, the tradJ.. tional ldlOOl calends Wal designed when oun was an 11!J81ian sodety and chl&- dren were needed at home for the spring planting and then could Ntum to aclMJOl .. the ... harval n. MM¢_,, .,...._. ""~Ma,,,.. .. ""'· -~-.~ ~~ v.~­........ Mor,Nt/UCaaper ~A9 no fun, sued for dlvorce. Hubbl; pleaded nolo con- llmdoe and no doubt went home to watch something .. the bocx:f ftnals live from Barc:eJona. mRnmAYS (5wlday. Gemkl1; rat Can- «*') ~ -Ulen~ man n ; Anne Mooay 37. ~ -Jane RU9ld 61; Maureen ~ 57: Martde Hartley 42 . .._.. ., _ KdlKrilaAebOi146; gy Wider 76; Uldlay w.-33. UWrJ :he - Bab F<me 55. n..---NmrrWl eou.w 67. F'lldl!p -June l...oddl81157; Cady ~~- T~ to. .;{{aJt O!UUlt ... VITAMIN . PRICES THIS LOWI We probabfy could not offer you quality vitamins at these advantageous low prices If we sold in stores. But with maik>rd8r .. they're yours. So act now. Save as you've never saved before! ................ ._ ..... _. (,a ~--..;.._~;,,__~~-------------------­....... ~~--~---------------------