HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-26 - Orange Coast PilotDllllE CUIT ',/\ll 1HI "'\' HIN I ·1. 11·1 .' ....-A.ld"•~.,- 0.-, ll'tlot f'tloto ~ ll'etncll O'l>onMll ' . YOUR HDMITDIN DAILY PAPIR OH A"I(~( l O UN r V C ALIFO HNIA 25 CENTS 3-way cease-£ ire Lebanon begins • ID BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib advised Lebanon leaders late Friday of a new cease-fire between lsrael, Syria and the PLO following a seri es of devastating lsraeh blows against Palestinian positions 1n West Beirut. The guns feU silent as the cease-fire went into effect at noon PDT, and shell-shocked residents of west Beirut warily emerged for the first time in several days as the thunder of explosions ended. Shortly before the cease-fire was announced, Israel claimed a major victory over Syrian forces, saying its army now controls the w est ern end o f the critical Beirut-Damascus highway. Lebanon's s tate radio said H abib told L eban o n's elder statesman Saeb Salam he had succeeded in arranging a new cease-fire "In a final, firm and lasting fashion." Several earlier cease-fires quickly collapsed in furious battles. with each side blaming the other for firmg the first shots. Israeli nubta.ry sources m Tel Aviv said Israel had agreed to a cease-fire on all fronts and thl' shooting had stopped A Palestinian broad('ast described Friday's lsral•l1 bombardments as the heaviest so far. It claimed 250 people were killed and more than 500 wer<' w ounded.· Habib has been m Beirut fur nearly two weeks. The lsr:whs s trt·ngtht•nl'd tht-1r ~ll·ge of &.•1rut and luuncht'Cl the massive r a 1 d !> .i f ll• r t h e Pa I es t 1 n e L1bt·rallon Organization rejected I!. rcw I · :. c.J <' m a n d s f o r to ta I d1i,armamt•nt of PLO guernUas. n•moval of tht•1r lea<lc·rs from L t• b a n 11 n a n d L c· b a n e s e KOV <' r n men t t'on t ro I ove r Pei ll'l>I 1n1an r<·Cug<·t· l'a mps. Lebam•M• off1l·ial!. said 2 stabbed at O sbourne concert Ir vi n e P olice r e p orted numerous problems, including two stabbings, at a performance by rock singer Ozzy Osbourne in the I r v in e M eadows Amphitheater Friday . T h e r e were few d etails available early this morning Lt. Vic T hies said police at the concert r e p o rted separate stabbing incidents involving two male concert-goers. One was minor and the o ther "pretty seriously hurt" with deep cuts on the face and anns, Thies said. but both apparently would survive. Thies also reported another arrest for assault and battery, numt'rous arn·st.s for possession of drugs and akohol, and ~veraJ arresL'i for public drunkenness. "There Wt.· re quite a f ew ~pie intoxll·ated -we're onJy arresting the worst ones.'' Thies sa1c.J He· addl'Cl that police recorded no1s<· <·ompla1nts from nearby Laguna Hilb residents for the first ume also. Singer Osbourne. who gained nauonal attention in February by biting the head off a hve bat during a concert. apparently conumtted no Similar violations Friday. Thies sajd. Haig departure protest Secretary complained of policy 'shifts' WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. said he quit Friday because American foreign policy had strayed off course. President Reagan named Conner Secretary of the Treasury George P . Shulu to succeed him. of fi c i als p oi nt edly and anonymously refused to say if Reagan tried to dissuade him thts time But onl' of them said, "I think the president had had e nough of 1t." FIRST ADE STATION -No sooner had the June sun come out -finally -Friday a fternoon than Chris Kellogg a nd Todd Richardson, both 6, of Costa Mesa, opened their summer curbside enterprise. Their price is as welcome as the weekend rays. A stern preside nt and an unsmiling secretary of state played out the start.ling drama in terse, natio nally televi sed statements from the White House and the State Department. Reagan a nnon unced the r esig n ation with ritual expressions of regret. Haig t e nde r e d it with customar y expressions of thanks. I Old roller rink, hangout for • teens 1n past, to close doors Bv JODI CADENHEAD Orthe Doffy Pilot Stoff A piece of old Costa Mt'Sa will disappear S unday when thl' landmark Ha rbor Roller Rink closes its door after 35 years. Barry and Kathy May. who have run the rink at 17th Stra-t a nd Superior Avenue for 15 years and owned it five. Me selling th e sprawling building to Safeway Stores Inc .. which plans to open a Liquor Barn there July 6. "W e're 1n ou r second generation," said Kathy, who was only 20 when she· and her husb~nd began managing the business in 1967. "I have a lot of kids who used to come in here on a Friday and Saturday n ight who now come in with their own kids." It was just a cement floor and a bamboo fen<.·e when Tom D<' Forest built the rink in 1947. ln the old days, skaters could roll through the fog only until the fi rst p e r son -amateur o r professional -feU. He grew up listening to his fatht•r's stories about racing around the rink so fast that he bounced off the wails and often broke his wnst. "When I was in the eighth grade you'd se<> 300 people here." rl'(:allcd Ward. "Now we're lucky If WC get 60 '' In its heyday the rolJer rink was a favorite hang out for the high school crowd. Kathy said that it 's n ot unusual for youngsters to come in saying that (See ROLLER, Page A2) Haig was blunt, if vague, in his farewell criticism of the foreign policy he was supposed to be guiding . He did not mention specific policy decisions, nor did he say whom he blames for what he described as shifts away from the ''care ful course of consistency, clanty and steadiness of purpose in foreign affairs.'' Haig told Reagan on Thursday that he w as resigning, a White House official said, and his letter was delivered Fr iday. Reagan called Sch ultz in London on Friday morning to ask him to take over. Shultz told reporters outside his London hotel, "It has come as a pleasant surprise." Whi te H o u se o!Ci c ials. r e questing a non y mity. said DISSATISFIED -Secretary of St.ate Alexander Haig says h e resig n ed becau se h e believes the administration's foreign poLicy has strayed off course. Re agan doesn't intend any c hanges in his foreign policy, despite Haig's criticism. H aig had previously threatened to quit. White House But he said in public what departing Cabinet member s usually say onJy in private: that (See HAIG, Page A2 ) Smith lays ~ff 100 more AnuthC'r I 00 or more workers wcrC' laid off Friday from Smith Tool Co . <ll'CC>rding. to sources at the manufacturing plant 1n Irvine The sc'<.'Ond round of layoffs follows staff cutbacks three weeks ago when 270 workers were handed pink slips. "It was just the right tLme." said Barry. "Business isn't w hat it used to be." Time was when girls m bobby socks and boys with slicked back hair spun around the polished wood floor\hand in hand The roller rink was the only place m town to go. Those were the rules until the rink got brick walls and a roof in 1952. Gordon AUen Ward, 21. Costa Mesa, started coming to the rink when he was only four. He works there now. One coati was enough for them Top managers or the company were unavailable for comment Friday a ftern oon des p ite repeated calls However, several workers at the plant l'OnfLrmed that from 100 to 150 people were d1sm1sscd at the beginning of their shifts Friday Services set for veteran officer Memorial services will be held Monday at 11 a.m. in Laguna Beach for veteran police sergeant Vic Sagan who died Friday of complication s from an earlie r surgery. Sagan, a 35-year veteran of the Laguna Bea c h Polic e Department underwent surgery last week for a stomach ailment and suffered complications late NATION Thursday nig h t. He died at Tustin Community Hospital. Police Chief Neil PurCC'll will officiate at the brief mC'morial services at St. Cath l'fln(•'s Church. 990 T<'mple Terrace The police department will hold more formal ceremonies for the 56-year-old policeman later this summer. Haig re~ignation b ewilders By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 The sudden resignation Friday of Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. bewildered America's allies. Opponents called it a sign of bitter infighting over Reagan administration policy in the Middle East. Court split on book removals WASHINGTON (AP) -A deeply split Supreme Court refuaed Friday to giv'.? local school boards total authority to remove booko• they think are offensive frpm 1ehool Ubr~es. " Home resales unchanged 87 Tiiie Aatodated Praa A real estate trade group aa.id Friday that resales of existing houaes were unchanged ln May, and a financial execu tive suggested the interest-rate ~lem plaguing the housing industry may eue by Scared, mystified Mesa cop guns down exotic animal One attack of pet <-'08timundis 1s e nough for Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Dennis Cost an d Officer Chano Camarillo. They were confronted by the S<'Cthmg. exotic animal as they investigated a r e p orte d burglary-in-progress at the home of Carol Nelson a nd George Anderson. "We came to the room with the a nima l. and I fe lt resistance when I turned the knob," said Cost. who kicked the door open, expecting to find the suspect. "I heard Camarillo say, 'Oh my WORLD God.' in a stunned voice." The hissing JO -pound coati chased Camarillo into the living room then darted back to the bedroom and backed Cost against the waU. Not knowing what it w as, he s h ot the anima l, which is generally illegal in California. M s. Nelson said h e r s was purchased in Arizona, defanged and neutered and had a permit from the state Fis h and Game D e p artment. (Coatis are mammals related to raccoons, but with longer bodies). Italy suffers general s trike ROME (AP) -Millions of Italian workers paralyi.ed traffic and services Friday in a general strike protesting government austerity. Interest rates boost dollar LONOON (AP) -The American dollar, boosted by higher interest rates, hit record hig hs against the French franc and Italian Ura Friday.and then fell back slightly in later trading, still ending the week with sharp gains. SPORTS Quhenberry aol Oamboysnt Kanau City relief ace ls trying to ke(!p a low profile. P• Bl. "People asked me later why I shot a defanged animal ," Cost said. "I saw teeth; it had onJ v its canine teeth pulled out." He fired more shots as the animal reeled and nipped a t a n animal con trol officer who tried to put a noose around its neck. The coati died late Tuesday "T feel like a heel," Cost said "You try to he lp a guy and you kill his pet. "The whole thmg could havC' been prevented. The ne ighbor (See COATI, Page A2 ) INDEX a~ified C I-6 Comics C2 Comment 86 c~word C2 Death Notices C3 Entertainment BIO· l l Horoscope C3 Movies Bl0-11 S TATE Smit h Tool 1s one of the IC'admg makers of Oil driUing bits m the world a nd employs about 4,500 people It 1s the largest subsidiar y of Smith International Inc .. of Newport Beach. The layoffs are the result of severe cutbacks in the new drilling operations since the beginning of the year which havl' left the firm with OVC'rstocked inventories, <.:ompany offtclllls have said The drilling s l o wdown resulted from falling 011 prices a nd a worldwide petroleum surplus PubLic Notices 84,C3 Religion 89 Sports 81-5 Television 88 Theaters 810-ll Trivia 810 Weather A2 Youth B7 Quake doesn't worry experts CHOLAME, Calif. (AP) -Earthquake experts said Friday they're not worried by a quake in an area of northern San Luis Obispo County that w..., jolted just before the mammoth 1857 Southern California shaker. > --- I Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/8aturd1y, June 28. 1882 ~' ------------------------------------~--------------------------- •' Continued stories HAIG RESIGNS. • • he wu.H dl11t·nt.•hunted wuh the polklt•tc of lhc admtnlstrathm he &erve<l. ln the letter of resignation he read at the St.ale Department, Haig said that ht.• and Reagan had agreed thut "consiste ncy. clarity and steadinl'SS oC purpose were essential to success" an foreign policy. A large gathering of d e partmen l emp loyees applauded when Haig appear<'<l tn the auditorium He "8id he took the Cabinet poti\ In \hat spirit. ''In recent montha," Haig continued. "It has beoome clear to me that the foreign policy on which we embarked together was shifting from that careful course which we laid out. "Under these circumstances, J feel it necessary to request that you at'Cept my resignation," Haig said. ROLLER RINK . • • their parents met there. Bob Rush. 21, and Desiree Robbins, 18. both of Coot.a Mesa, were strolling through the rink recently before It opened. They had heard 1t was closing down. occasional illegal beer cans. But liquor and drugs were never a problem, they said. Cigarette smoking that was popular m the Sixties has all but dtsappeared. CHRISTIAN NEW-WAVERS -Four "new wave Christian" bands put on a show Ftiday afternoon on th e sands at 5 lst Street beach in West Newport. Sponsored by Calvary Chapel, Delly Not l"Mto by Nollefd Koefllef the bands were the Lifters, the Chosen Ones, the Lifesavers and Undercover. .. Bob was the floor guard at the rmk five years ago when they met. The couple plan to concentrate their efforts on a roller rink in Garden Grove they bought last year. Canadians may buy partner Tight s ta te budget n ear a pproval "It's sentimental to me because I met him hl'r t'," said Ms . Robbins. The Mays said they had a lot of second thoughts about giving up the place that has been almost a secon d home t o so many youngsters. in west county cable company "This was m y main blood stream e nt1:rtaanment," said Rush, gazing across the quiet, deserted rink. Mrs. May said that it's ironic that liquor w11J be sold in the very place she and her husband kept such an eagle eye out for Sa id Waq:l , "I t 's a heartbreaker. A lot of people have said it's going to be hard not to cry when they drive by on a Friday or Saturday night." Rogers Cablesystems Inc. of Toronto, Canada, is negotiating to buy out its partner in Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems, a cable television company serving west Orange County. Spurring the Canadian firm's bid to buy partner Uickinson CLOSING RINK -Barry and Kathy May, owners of landmark Harbor Roller Rink, say they had a Jot of second thoughts about closing o.i1y PMot Staff f'tloto the old hangout, but were forced to sell because of declining business: Fair and mild California ::~ Night and mo<nlng cou1e1 low ,t,nchor9g41 clouda ond fog ext9ndlng Inland Atlante Ihle wHlland Otharwlaa lelr. Allat'ltc Cty •XOl91 tor llOW cteerlng Sunday Austin Orange County 'higha todoy 70 Boltlmoro 10 75. Iowa 56 to 82 High• 81rmlnghm SundoY 88 to 73 ~ct< Inland vllle)'a con ••1>9C1 high• :a~ noor 80 lodoY. 701 Sundey l owt Bull= ne:~i11n1 wtll hav• nort"-t Burlington wind• 15-25 mph lhlftlno 10 cc~ .. lltn ~. aoulhwet\ S\lndey Highl In 701 ·-n "" and 10W 801. JOWi 45 to 55 Chorltt• NC North.,n d1urt1 con HPICI ~ 90 45 93 87 IS4 43 ea 87 73 81 94 ee 84 55 92 60 71 47 IS3 59 IS3 59 73 se 88 SS 84 78 85 53 ee ee IS4 ~ CNcae<> Clncinnl ll ~ Clmble SC Columbul Dal-Ft Wth Dayton Denver Des Mol..- Oetrolt Duluth El Puo F1lrbank~ F1rgo A9Qllllf Grall Fella Hertford HCl4erla Honolulu Houston lndnaplla Jlleksn Jaclcsn'flle Kana City LU V9QU Utlle Rock loullvlh ~ Mleml MllwM• Mt*-St.P NMl'lvllle NewOflMM N-YOtk NorfOlk Otll• City Omeha Oftando Phlledphlo Phoonlx PlttlbufVl1 pt land. Me ptled, Of9 PrCllltdtnCMI Reno Richmond 83 83 81 87 81 91 81 75 81 82 82 102 80 72 77 74 83 73 86 88 83 82 90 82 100 88 85 90 88 ,73 75 90 87 75 83 87 77 89 83 t04 80 87 81 81 82 .. 52 S4 51 89 49 68 S4 54 89 57 " 62 53 '1 '1 47 51 50 72 78 57 69 . 70 88 75 7t 57 73 75 60 67 57 70 82 60 81 82 70 55 77 47 52 82 65 45 81 Sall Lake Si n Antonio Saa Illa Shreveport Sioux Fall• St Loola SI P-Temp1 Spokane Syracuse Topal<1 Tuceon Tulsa Weehlng1n Wichita CALll'ORNIA Apple V1lley Bakersllatd Barstow Beaumont BIO Baer Blehop Bly1h9 C1t1Hn1 Culwr City Fr .. no L1ncas1., Long 8a9ch Loa Ar. Monro • Mont•ey Mt Wll9on N.edlel Newport e.acn OolCllf>d OntorlO Palm Sprtnoa P118den1 P110 Roblel R~elde R.O BMf R9dwood City Socromento Sollna• San e.m.,.dlno San OlaOO San F ronollOO San Joel Sonta Ana weetwlnd• 1~25mph.Hlgha92 ~!P."!!!"""--------------"""l", ... -.--""!---~----------to 105. low9 In 80I and low 708, ., Soulh9rn dHart• 105 to 110 1 URf RIPDRT bodey, Iowa In 701. D11trt1 cooling 8 d-.ir .. 8undoy. Orlul1 lfkoly on cout of Northun Callfornla todoy.· Oth-IM vorloblo olll\ldl with cflallce of llftowltl ovet nofthem • mounuln• 1 nd north.,n 8 ooromanto Vlllty. Sllglltly IUff ... ... ...... A'I -,,. llMno 3 8 14 Sent• MotMca 2 4 14 COOier. ~ 4 • 14 sen Dleoo County 2 a 10 ~ '°' ~ Uttlo cNnfO· • .... ... J 3 3 a .... Dtr a 8· 8 w Sonto Barbaro Soni• Cruz Sonto Mort• 881'111 Monlr1 Stoellton T lhoo Vlllley • o.igory Edmonton CNW>A MonlfMI Ott ... "9glM Toronto VtnCOUWt Wlnnlpeo 4 84 63 94 70 74 57 88 69 78 53 82 65 86 7' 79 20 76 51 82 67 100 87 84 68 a.. 8'4 86 8'4 90 52 91 67 100 70 87 53 77 " 90 48 105 72 68 59 76 60 88 60 87 51 74 60 77 eo 83 57 13 SIS 74 S4 104 82 69 81 73 60 83 59 102 70 80 SS 87 62 82 5e 84 59 • 75 81 82 55 74 53 85 58 72 86 70 57 17 81 78 81 87 49 70 80 71 55 IS4 57 85 66 ' 74 40 13 47 71 37 84 55 17 H 18 52 71 61 17 .. 78 " Comm uni ca t ions is a disagreement over financial arrangements for completion of the cable system that serves Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley. Wes tminster and Stanton. Dave Edwards, a represen - tative of the Canadian com- pany, said Friday that Rogers had recently put $8 million of its equity into the wes t county system because construction ca;ts had exceeded projections. William Dickinson, president of Dickinson Communicauons. has refused to pay a like amount although he 1s an equal partner, according to Edwards. Edwards. saying relat1ons are amicable between the two partners, declared that Dickinson "can either mat.ch our money or we're going to buy him out." Dickinson, who has offices in Huntington Beach and San F r ancisco, said Friday in a prepared statement that costs to build the syste m surpasse d pr ojection s by s ubs tant ial margins. From Page A 1 COATI. • • "Without commenting on the status of negot iations, it is our intention to assure that, if we continue a s partne rs in the project, it (the partnership) will have adequate funds to complete construction in a timely fashion," he said. Although operation of the system began in the fall of 1981. certain areas, such as Huntington Harbour. southeast Huntington Beach and pa rts of Fountain Valley, have not been wired mto the system yet. Uncon fir med reports have surfaced t!!at cosi. to complete the system orig!nally were projected at $18 million. That cost reportedly has climbed to about $34 million, accordi.J\g to sources. Edwards said construction is slowing while negotiations are under way, but that the system will be completed before October of 1984. He said factors contributing to high costs are the extent of cable undergrounding financing costs twice as high as projections and the large number of apartment houses, which he said are more expensive to wire. ·. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A hard-times $25.2 billion state budget that cu LS state operations in dozens of areas stalled in the state Assembly Friday after winning fmiJI passage by the Senate. The Assembly vote was 43-26, 11 short of the required two- thirds maJOnty of the 80-member lower house, with a handful of liberal Democrats refusing lo vote either yes or no Democratic leaders held the roll open into the evening trying to win the finaJ 11 votes "Ther& were no 'Republican yes votes. A few ht>urs earhe r , the Senate passed the measure 28-8. one vote more than the required two-thirds majority in the 40-member upper house. The budget contains the first spending reducuon since 1943, and legislative leaders said they were voting for it with sadness. "This budget is the result ... of a lot of anguish and pain and sacrifice, and 1t will provide a year o f anguish. pain and sadness," said Assemblyma n John Vasconcellos. "We have manag1..'<i to balance the budget -tenuously at that -despite a $4 billion revenue E shortfall." he said. who told us about the burglary xer cise Set Although Re publicans won knew they had a coatl but forgot p di most of the ma1or cuts they to tell us m the excitement." n ear e n e t on sought, only a handful of them Ms. Nelson doubted that the voted for the bill. coati could have hurt the officers A 13-day amphibious training "Hopefully we are witnessing unless they had stood still and let exercise involving about 8,500 the death throes of the liberal it bite. StilJ, she didn't blame marines and sailors is under way monster" that has tripled state them for the shooting. off the coast of Souther n spending in the past decade, said "It can be pretty awesome California. The exercise is Assemblyman Ross Johnson, R- when it's scared." she said scheduled to end June 30. Anaheim. She also assured the off1l'<!rs a Titled Exercise Kernel Usher The budget 1s precariously replacement was unlikely 8202, the operation will evaluate balanced without a tax increase. "Extraditing coat1s from other Marine Co r P s and Na v Y It l'Ontains only a tiny increase m states 1s a hassle," she recalled, amphibious loadine and assault school funding, no pay raises for noting that they scavenge much techniques. It wi.JI center on state-emj!loyees, and cuts for like their rat·cocm relatives until beaches at Camp Pendleton local governments and state tamed. Marine Base. progl'ams I ·• .. ,___, '. STATE M di-Cal ref orDI approv ed ~ \l'HAMl<:NTO (AP) A swt•t•ping 1111'11'>11• •· tu uvt•rlmul L'ahfornau''4 m1m1moth M1-.li t 11 pt 0Jtr11n1 hy mnkl~ $4011 rrnlllo11 111 1 ut!l .111d n 1•t,1tln~ ll "l'lllr ' lo 1w~11tlutt• lll•11llh 1".111• 1~mtr1wL" w11s 11pp1•11v1·d ~'11duy by tl11· Lt·ghl.11ur(• nnd ... t•nt to tlw i;:ovt•r nor Th• pl1111 , AB'/!J{l bi' J\::;iwmblymu11 H11 h.01 d H11h1nson, D Sant11 J\11u. wus •'l'l''"\l'll 111 tho· ,'\»st•1nloh 1111 a ~ill 11 volt\ two 111"'' th.111 lht• two third~ n1·t:dt•d for p«:>..'kigt· &trht.'t', till' S1•11att• i•lJJll llVt'<I the mL•asure 27-7 Thl' bill impcN.'s 10 pNt't:nt u1-ross·thl· brn1rd cuts in p11ymN11.8 to providers of Medi· Cal servrct-s, makt•t' some r{•duc·tions iu eligib1hty and bt>m•f1ts, and transfers ubout 300,000 Mech-DAI n'<.'lp1ents the mt.>dically mdigt>r1t udulu. or "worktng poor" from statt• w l'OUnty n·11pons1bll1ty Sprayi ng f or m e d f l y b egins I t lS c; ATOS C'orwerned offrt:tals, I'"'"' .I 111 <lll1tou11u l'l'adtl'atron o f lht' 1\1••,lt l•'rr .111l'an fruit l ly menace, renewed .wn;.il -.~n aymg Friday after a ferule "llale fly \\,1-. rou11d in the nation's rich<.'St farrmng area, tlw S.1n Jnaqum V.\lley 1\11 1 I sqrt.in• mrlt· .1n·.1 was 1mme<l1ately 111 ti• 11 d 1111.11 :1nt1111"d h<illtng shrpnwnl of host crops. and a ntrll'·MJUart··nllll• area around Stockton. 85 mile's t•ast of San FrandS<.'O, was sprayed by helimplt'rs carrying bait laced with malathion The fly WdS found at a p rn Thursday a nd 1dentrf1(·at1on wa!. qutt:kly confirmed , tnggPrrng a rush o f trappt>rs and other workl·rs lo th1 an-.1 llr•ctwn, Wils on a g r ee t o d e bate Lt>!-> \NC El.ES C11v r~lmuncl Hrown .Ir ·'" l ::-..111 l>w•t" l\l 1v .. 1 Pt·ll· Wilson havt· I fl Id '" 11 11 ,., Ill .rt l1·,1sl two lt'll'Vtst•d .i .. t,;111•-. dunng th1•1r canir.ugn for the US. ~. ri.1ti· ,, 'J'll1k<'sma11 tor th1· <>li1lt• Leagut> of \A 111m 11 \'11t1·rs s;,i1d l"r1d<1v I 111 I 11st tll'IJ<lll' w.is ~ lwdul('d tor 0l't o ,i1 1 -.ult undetennmed luc:at1on, said Chuck RtJSSll'. th1• Lt·<1~u1 •'s llll·d1a t•onsulWnt. I It' said tlw to..:ut11m µrobably would Ix• S<.1n Frant:isl'u Thi· st'<.ond datl' h<.rd 110 1 bt•t•n Sl'l. "Thl•v'vt• agn·t.U to a minimum of two," said Hossu:• "Tlwr1··.., ... ubst<intial agrl't.•ment to have 11 with a 111<.xh:rator half of thc program would Ix· hl•ad t.o hl'ad J l•batC'. half with panelists " :tl~tor acquitte d in murde r s LU~ t\Nl ;r~Lr:S Pornographtl' movu: 1.11 J, ti fl I lo d11w ... """ .u·r1u rtt1-<l Friday of four lili""l:O l.,11111'1 Va11vo11 bl11dg1'<m murders and ''" .ott1 11q.t1·d 111urcl1•r .ii though ht· h<ts .1111 11111• d t.1kmg k1llt:rs to th{' su :ne .of lht.> ' 1n \• 'l'h.111\.. l ~ocl' · I l11ln11., t•xd.umC'd as ht!> NATION attorneys embran·d him and s pectators gru.pt.'CI at thl• vt•rd1t·~ Hts rc•lt'asc• w.is dt•layl•d by pending ch..1rg<"> ut 1 t>l'<'tVtnJ? stoll'n pn>JX'rly in an unrelat<·J Sant<i M onH<i l'JSt' Atto rney M1tchl·ll Ege~ said ht· hoped Holm<'S would bt· fr!;'(;' "vt•ry soo11, probably n<>xt Y.N'k " l)emoerats unload on R eagan l'll(l.,\ll£LPlllA In front of a banner pr rn b1rn111g "With Fa11 nt•ss tu All." the !>. 1r1• ,.·r .ith. P~tl'l.) 111x·n~d its 198~ t·omcback ~ nd.1v l1y ;itlc1l·kmg Prt>::.1Jent Reagan and 1111 •\ 111g t11w,1rd an l'ntlorSt·ment of the Israeli 1ro\;o-..11ir1 of L<'h<inon a., d way to reunite that ' II 111111 • l!llllll'V A ,1,111 nwnt l'ndor-.t·d in substance by I >1·11111< 1.1111 N.111onal Chairman Charles T . '\l.111o1tr ;11d th1· 1n\'aS1on provides an opportunity for th<• "restoration of L<-banese sovereignty and tndt•p<•nclt•rw<.·" Tht• effort tu g<'I t hf' Democrats to su pport the con scqut•lll'CS o f the Israeli military move w a. ... a ma.1or behind-the-scenes actio n as part y lcadC'r~ and pres idential aspirants began <1 thrt•t•-d.iy conference designed pnmanly a..., a ktl·k off rally for the 1982 campaign. _Jloney s upply drops s harply Tht· nation's basic money t 11 It 1rpl\ an mid-June, the Federal • Bn.1rd rt 1.1ort(-d Friday, wiping out 1 • •I 111, urg1 from C'arlter in the month •rtd l••lu 111).( '-'lllH' Jlrf"'-SUrt·s supporting h1gh , •• ,. t 1.111·:. J-111..rw1.il <1n;tlysts ""'ti the report •Ill ,, • d ''' 11·111 vt Wall St1t'<.'t fears that the 11 •' h .• nk had ttghtf'nC'ci its munt'lary WORLD stance, somt'lhtn~ thJt w1,ul<I pu'h rnll'rc-st rates highe r Bu l th<' r 1• v. l rt• n 11 pr c• d 1t·t1 o n " o f sustained relwr f rorn the· µ«'r'itSlt•ntly lofty interest ratt.-s th.it thn·.itt'n to scuttle any recovery from rl'<.'t~ton The Fed rcporlt'CI that a me<:1sure of funds readily availabl<· for spi.nd1ng, known as M l, fell $23 billion in tht.' w~k ended June 16 to a sl·asonally adJu ... ted $4~l:! 5 h1ll1on .Japanese s kit tis h • ID seam Tur.. VO J<1panc·st off1c1als. treading '\',I"',., th1• J>C'lltlC'ally explOSIV(' < ••mp11t1 1 •< arn" l'3St'. avordt•d making a "1111mtm1 111 Fnday to hand over 12 Japanese I• usPd ln th£' f'Bl I)( tll<'gally buyrng \11 ,., ,, 111 1 ornputt•r <;t."<.·re ts I! \\I. ·.hrngton makt"> a r<'CjUl'!.l for the '" 11,1 tl 111 IM· 1·:0..11 ad1u·d LO thl' United Stat(·S. and Japan rt'Jt'<.'ls tl. th•· already troubled rl'lat1ons b<.·twL·~n tht tv.o countrt<.'S would be further strained But turning th(· at-cuS<'d over to U S. authonues would C'aUS(• a poltt1cal baC'klash in Japan, where tht> C'a<><• has lx"l·n portrayed a'> an example of polt(t' f'ntrapm<>nt that probably would n o t b1• pNmttl«.'d under Japanest· law S pacemen dock with station I MOSCOW A Sovt<>t spaceship carrying Chretien and his veteran Soviet shipmates • , 11 ""v1pl ,·nsm onauts and th(' first Vlad1m1r Dzhan1be kov and Alexander I· 11 "' hmJn t.ti fly in c;~1C<· dockc'<i Friday with Ivanchenkov, were 'feeling well." Tass said I .1 S.ilvul 7 -.pat'<• station orbnmg thl' Earth. the the docking had been smooth. S• ,, r• ·l rH \\ s agcnl'Y Ta~ rcport.t'<.1. Three hours later, the crew floated from I the Soyuz into the space station. where they r Th<' report --.11d lhC' Soy\.17 T -ti spaceship werE' met hy tW() other Sovtet cosmonauts l1 1LJ..1·d with thr· spat·c stauon at 10:46 a.m. who have bC'en working there more than a l 1 'UT and tha t Frenl'h astronaut Jean-Loup month. Tass sard ------------..J I DiiiiPilai r om Murphine t'\I '< Mike Harvey r ... .,.. ~·~.~ ... "'ii '"''''''•'·~ K•Jn <•<•ctdord Cluslfled advertising 7141642-5678 All other departments 6424321 MAIN Off'ICE )JO Weil 8•y SI c ....... Mew. CA. Mall add'"" Bo• l'l60 c: ... te Mff.t, CA 91•1to (oPY•l9M >"'1 Ot'-(twSI Pubttshlr>Q C-y No nf'w\ \tor .. , Uh,1itrat1ons.. f'dltorl•f rn.tt•r Of'~ ver tn•""""'' hfr••n '"•l' blf reproctuc.tld w llhOut '~ t•t Pf'tm•n•on ot <.OOY''9"' OWMr London snar led b'y walkout LONOON -London's subway was shut by a strike Friday and the national ra1l network faced a to tal halt Monday as Britain headed toward its worst spasm of industrial strife since Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher took office three years ago. ~ay Maclean T,,. c.. -,.,. .. 0.Uy Piiot. wlll\ Wiii<" .. <om 1111\.cl ll>e -Pr"s. •• PUbtllhed t>v 11'9 0r.,. (OHi PUOt15"int Comp.tny S.0.1.i• e<llt!Ofll .,. l>Ullth'*' ""'°"""" lhf"OUlll> f rhtey !or C•l• Mone, Htwpot1 8Mcl>, H""Ut\01°" B•oc:h, "°""'-V&llO. trvlne, ~ 8-'h, S....lh Ct»ll A •"'91e "991_. t<llll°" 11 P\Alllshed s.turdeys end S<lftden TM prl1><lpet put>tl.,,.,.. plenl 11 et lJO Well 8ey Sll"OOt P 0 Bo. lS.O, Co.ti llWta. Cllltonli• n•i. Some 1. 75 million subway commuters in the British capita] were marooned in the rain or stuck in traUic jams after 14,000 .1"'ltt<•~ ·Charles Loos VOL. 75, NO. 1n train drivers, signalmen and .._""_""_"ll_'_no_r_d_'°'------------------------...;' other workers struck. r ) I O""'y l"llot o.u .. .., i.o-... "4 ~~ll't' , fN1.... f 'f'OV '10 'W'll' Nhft y "" t •I>"" by ~ .l<1 o "' c•ll """n 1 ' "' llM y"OV• •l"• MU~,.~ ... ~ .:.:!lfY .,.., ~~~·t.," n ,,.i»:: •.-Mt• I~ a"ll "'°"' COOy "'"Ile .-tel We're Listening ••• What do you like about Ure Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Cnll the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and ditlllvered to the appropriate editor • The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters lo the edHor on i.nt topic Mailbox contributor!! must include their name and telephone number for venricatlon No circulation ( ralls. please • Ttll us what'~ on )'Our n\md 642·6086 ... Orango Couat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 26, 1Q82 A.P Wlropholo Shuttle pilots • arrive CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla (AP) A s tronauts K en Mattingly and Hank Hartsfield flew through nasty weath er Friday to an unscheduled landing at K e nnedy Space Center . where the apa<..-e shuttle wus being readied for it.s fourth trip lo space Countdown was on St:hedull' toward an 8 a.m . PI:Yr Sunday liftoff. The astronauts. arrtvlng from Houston, circled the thick black lhunderheads above Patrrck Air Fon.'<' Ba.se. 35 miles south of here. and ... ere diverted to the threc-mrle-long concrete strip near tht• launch pad where Columbia Wil!> being put through prl'· fhgh t tests B o th men pronounced themselves ready for the flight. Tht• nuss1on, a St>ven-day affair to l•nd on July 3, 1s Lhe last of Columbia's tt'st flights. The shuttle's next trip, m October or N o v 1· m b t' r . w i I I b e a n "openrtumal" mission, hauling two c:ommun1cat1ons satellites into orbit On the launch-pad, things were going smoothly. READY FOR LIFTOFF -Thl· s pace shuttle anJ lhe assembly of vehicles that aid i ts (Jight m t.o sp<i<:c st.and pmM'<.l for Sunday's launch on pad :~9-A at Capt. C..111averal in Florida. Two solid-fuel boostN'<; an· on both '>l<ks of J ldnk that supplies ltqu1d fuel 10 th(• shuttle's t>n g111es. Columbia itself is hidden b y St'rv1ce towers In hal'kj.(rr.unrl 1.., V1·h1lll' Assembly Building "W e've been on schedule throughout with o nly a fe w mrnor problems," said a test conduc tor. Bob Webster . Mctrorolog1sts kept a sharp eye o n a s torm front that was h<Jnging over northern F lorida, but the forecast looked good. During a 14-hour overnight hold. techmciar\9' moved through tht• shuttle's open cargo bay doors to service a top-secret Defense .Department payload. TRADE-INS WANTED Dead ar Alive RCA 19" Dll&Ollll XL 100 COLOR RCA I Xl-100 19' -- •Electronic Tuning • l 00% Solid Stole ONLY s299WITH TRADE RCA 25" Dll&OHL ELECTRONIC TUNING OHLY s49995 With Trade QE 25" Dll&Ollll •Remote •4 Speaker Sound SAY[ $150°0w1TH TRADE &E 11" llAlllll PER FORMAICE CILll •Electronic Tuning •Matrix Picture Tube SAVE s50 WITH TRADE RCA 25" Dll&OM&L •Remote Control •Swivel Base s 15 0 OFF WITH TRADE SONY 26" DIAGOHL .Gil -------~~ -~~~ - •Matri11t Sound • 10 Key Remote •Cable Ready $ 2 0 0 Off W/YOlM TRADE r-___ _ RCA I Colo<Trak 19 ' RCA ColotTrall ~ RCA YFTl&O VIDEO TAPE RECORDER MGAl •ITSUBISHl 60" Di110111I SOIY POITAILE IETUW f 8 Hra. Wlrelen Remote NOW <KY $79995 Ill SCREEN f All Modela In Stock for Immediate Delivery BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM THE HARBOR AREA'S OLDEST TV & APPLIANCE DEALER ••• FINANCING AVAILABLE . . ~ VISA• •Beto Scion •Wlrel•S\ Remote •Zoom L.ns SAVE $200 + •zoo' In Ttpt Fiii • -1 • I I I . ~ . '"t I I I , I I ' , ) I ' ' Or1ng• Coaat DAILY PtLOl /Saturd1y, June 25, 1982 Eagle t taken to Catalina Al P•rt of (I th'rce -ycar program to rfM'lltabllsh the bold uaale population on Santo Catalina bland, an eaglet frorn Northern Callfornill was brought to the island Wcdn~sday lo pin 10 others plac.'t>d there 1n years put. The young eaKlct was taken from its parents' ncsl neur Shruit.u Reservoir and placed 1n a hackmg station on the island, according to Ralph Young of thl' state F i s h a n d G a m e Department. Young said a hacking station 1s a structure that stands about 12 feet high on stilts and roughly approximates an eagle's nest. The station minjmizcs human contact with t he young birds, but provides a convenient way for humans to feed thc·m. W h e n.t h e b 1 r d s a r e approximately 12 weeks old. a bar on their "nest" is opened and they are able to fly free. said Young. By then the young birds weigh about 10 pounds and have wingspans of up to 6 feet. He said the dl•partme nt 1s expecting four more eaglets, from nests in Washington st.ate, to be transferred to Catalina within a week. Forty years ago, Santa Catahna boasted a bald eagle count that neared 50, Young said The attempt to re-establish the birds on the Channel Islands is headed by David Garcelon. president of the Institute of Wildlife Studies, in Arcata. and a graduate stude nt at the University of Minnesota. The program ts funded largely by private donation s and is endorsed by both the state Fish and Game Department and the U.S . Fish and Wildlife Servic.-e. F lood p act for can yon due Monday A contract for construction of a flood control channel m Laguna Canyon from Big Bend to the General Telephone Company property is expect ed to be awarded Monday by county supervisors. L aguna Beach City Council members approved plans for the project earlier this month. They call for an underground reinforced concrete box designed to carry a storm runoff of the magnitude experienced about every IO years. In future years, an 1dent1cal boxlike channel will be con structed bes ide the new channel to 1 ncrcasc runoff capability to a 100-year storm. Laguna Canyon has long suffered the effC'<.'ts of winter flooding, and the new concrete channel is expected t.o alleviate much of the problem Flood control fac1l1t1es closer to Laguna Beach have a capacity that is considerably less than the new channel. In order to prevent flood waters from overflowin g downstream, the county will build a temporary restriction in the new channel to limit its capacity to that of the smaller channel. Supervisors are expected to open bids on the multi-million dollar project Monday The work should be completed by Christmas, and the county contract calls for a bonus to the contractor if the work is completed ahead of time. During the work. Caltrans 1s requiring that one lane each way of Laguna Canyon Road remain open. F und g rows I SAN FRANCISGO (AP) Six Japanese companies hav£> donated $100,000 to San Franciaco's Save the Cable Cars fund-raising drive, saying it was a "small measure of expressing lorig-held esteem and affection" for the city. Oalty Piiot Slaff Photo O RDEAL -Charles Brown is reunited -with his wife, Donna, and children Danny (left) and Tony after his night-long ordeal while lost in the Cleveland National Forest. Mes an s pends edgy night in wilderness By J ODI CADENHEAD OftM Delly Pltol Stan Charles Brown, 32, feels lucky to be alive today after being lost more than 24 hours in the s nake-infested Cleveland Nation.al Forest while his wife, Donna, waited with their two small children for him to return. The Costa Mesa cou pie's nightmare began last Friday when they started on what was to be an overnight tnp to Blue Jay Campground near Ortega Highway Tht> Browns had o nly $17 when they headed up the twisting, fog shrouded roads. They returned with $1.5:! and a chilling tale for anyone planning a camping vacation Th<'y woke up Saturday morning to find that their 1972 Dodge had a flat tire. They had mistakenly depos1tl·d their $3 camping fee in the wrong box and had to hand over another $3. not realizing how important the money would be latc•r "A woman range r told us that she didn't have a Jack. But someone else would be along," said Charles. "If she'd have told us that we couldn't use it we'd have asked someone else." It was Sunday before the Browns learned that it is against the policy of the federal Forest Service to lend tools By then, most of the other campers had left "l answered the radio call," said Harvey Dabling.'tt. ranger at th<' El Cariso Station. "We don't lend out equipment because of liability. So I explained that we couldn't help. But we'd make a phooe call. I never heard back." Monday morning <;harles found someone with a pck. He hiked down to Ortega Highway and hitched a ride to Lake Elsinore where he> SJX'nl his last $3 to get the tire fixed . He thought his troubles WC'rt~ over Wearing only a thm flannel shirt. Charles pushed the tire over the winding dirt roads for miles before realizing he was lost. He hgures he took a wrong turn somewhere "I JUSt kepr walking. All the roads looked the same. They kept winding around and getting narrower. I could hear rattlers. 1 yelled for help but the only thing that answered was a coyote." When night came he dug a hole in the cold dirt, using the tire as a windbreak. Meanwhile, his wife was wa1tmg back at camp inside the family ca r w11h their two children, Danny, 5 and Tony, 2 "It was a nightmare," said Donna. I'll never forget 1t. I was hysterical. I prayed the whole ni ht" ~onna said that an elderly caretaker a t the campgrounds radioed the forest rangers and was told they would be unabt& to <;t•arch for hl'r husband for 24 hours. "We-do n 't sea r c h f or 1nd1v1duals, especially adults, within the first 24 hours," said Al Kuehl, a rapger at the El Cariso Statton. ''Then we could only do so at the request of the county sheriff." "Very seldom do people get lost m the city," he added. "But they don't realize what the laws are in the county." Eventually, Charles made it back to camp Tue::.day afternoon with the help of a couple of Newport Beach residents who gave him a lift. It was Wednesday, however, before the couple were able to find someone with a jack so that they could repair their car and head home. ''We just want to warn people 1( they go up there to have a jack and things,' said Charles. "Don't count on help from the rangers." Out of work si n ce March, Charles is seeking help from St. Vincent De Paul Church, which 1s putting the family up in a trailer behjnd the Sandpiper Inn in Costa Mesa. Havmg no luck fmdtng a job, Charles said that he is planning on rejoining the U .S . Army today. "At least this way I'll be able to earn my own keep," he said. 'retried' Crystal Cove • issue S tate p arks o f ficials hope for a turnout this time The last time state Parks and Recreation Department officials held a meeting to announce their planl tor uaing the old cottages at Cr)'lta.l Cove State Park nobody came. So 1'8t.e offtcialJ gamely will try aptn Monday at El Morro Elementary School in Laguna Beach where they have scheduled a aecond public metUn& 1c 7:30 p.m. \o explain their dilYelopment plana to cove l"ftlden .. Pwpm of the lltlllon wW be much the mne M the one held June e. witb mape and clwu .~ tor pubUc lnlpedjon, aaSd i..,. Mce&r,o. chief of the I ' department's development division. Plans for developing the 45-<.'0ttage community, however, have run up against a n ew stumbling block. Members of a join\ Assembly-Senate budget committee have deleted $4.8 million slated in the 1982-83 budget for developing the NEWS cottages for public use. Also, while cottage residents are pursumg legal actions that they hope will forestall their planned eviction from the aging cottages, the joint budget committee rejected a compromi~ and has reinstated language in the budget that lets stand evictions set to beiin July 31. f rom all over CaUfornia is rdunqed up each day In the lllly Plllt • ... ' Brothe r s g e t 12-year terms in kidnap-rape Though tht'y c'Ould hnve bt>en aenk'nt't.'<i to 140 years tn 11\.aU' prison. two Orange County brothers wert> each glvt!n 12-yt•ur terms Friday for the brutal k1dnup ona rape of u tt'<'n-age deaf-mute girl In Moy 1981. Acknowledging thut Phillip, 21, and Randall Maldonado. 25, had rommittc.>d a "ba."W and callous" crime, Supenor Court Judge Mark Soden nev€.'rthess said 1t was mappropnate "to lock up the defendants and throw uway the key" for what was a hn;t offense. A third defendant in the case, Huntington Beach resident G1lbt:rt Aguilera. 36, was sentenced to 44 years in state prison by another judge last month. Sode n said he was aware of the longer sentenc.-e imposed on Aguilera. but felt it was deserved because he appeared to be the 1nsugator of the crime. The 14-year-old v1cum was abducted from a pizza parlor in Los Alamitos and raped repeatedly during a nearly five-hour ordeal. According to the prosecution, the Maldonados and Aguilera assaulted the girl and then drove her around Santa Ana, where they offered hc•r to other men for money "They all 'workt>d together and sold her,"state prosecutor Jan Cummings said, "They made a prostttute out of her." In asking for a minimum 63-year prison sentence for the brothers. Ms. Cummings said their crime was characterized by a "high degree of viciousness and callousness." Defense attorneys. however, told Soden that the defendants were guilty of only one night of ''bad conduct" and did not deserve to be deprived of their families and a nonnal life for the rest of their days. In sentencing the brothers, Soden said they had previously led good lives and held down .)Obs. He said they deserved a second chance. The judge lectured both dark -haired defendants, sitting before him at the counsel table. to contact a priest at state prison and attempt to redeem themselves. Soden also suggested they write their v1ctLm while in prison and apologize for what they did to her. F und for British victinJs s tarte d An Irvine businessman who is a native of England has opened a trust account to act.-ept contributions for families of British servicemen kmed in the war over the Falkland Islands. Alan Staruforth. who was born In Sheffield, England, said he opened the trust account in Irvine on behalf of the Lord Mayor of Sheffield who started a similar fund in England to honor those lost when the HMS Sheffield was sunk on May 20. Money collected in Orange County will be sent to the Ministry of Defense for disbursement to widows and children of lost servicemen, he said. "We thought Amencans and British hving in the United States might like to contribute to the British stand against armed aggression," he said. "I'm really proud of my native land.'' Persons wishing to contribute should send checks to the South Atlantic Trust Fund in care of the Valencia Bank, P.O. Box 18799, Irvine. 92715. Diggers find buried coins SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Fortune-seekers looking for ~y money in hard times have been digging on the fonner site of a posh restaurant rumored to have beeen a pre-Proh1bit1on house of prostitution. ' "I'm not working anywhere else, so I may as well be here," said Lafayette Maxey as he churned the rubble in the lot where the Four Mile House stood until last week. "I'm tired of being poor. It's finders-keepers, baby.'' Brad Lipke, foreman for Star Excavation, said he found five 1940 "Walking Lady" half-dollars when his crew bulldozed the eatery's remains. The way the story goes, owner Benedette Gallo. a vegetable-growing hennit who drove a hearse and vanished a decade ago, stashed jars of silver coins in the restaurant's pi pes. "I was out here yesterday, and the rumor was that two older guys found a sewer pipe filled with silver," Lipke said. ''Saturday, I heard rumors that they found $10 and $20 bills wrapped up in cellophane. I've never seen any of it." \ R11i1ter For Summer School Huntington Center student and adult classes start July 6. Enroll In the mall weekdays 1 to 4 & Antique Show Huntington Center mall today thru July 5. S,,.al•I Special w 23·JIN 29 Kryptocittnn bki'rtis: Sl.79 Loo\1111 11 mt 1$ Ilk• tookmc at ~Wei ttus My body " slender. my sotnc v1Slblt tlo"t my lfltfll knt. Iii~ 111ttmll ors1n1 contained '" 1 Sllvtl '8lt 11ndtr mr htld I em t tminatitc tdOltion to tllt ~rlVftl elld I am on Ult ti Aq~tc T rOC*Ah llftCkf tM 111mc "Glm Ctl ' IOI °"'' Sl 7t VISA. $99 DOWN DILIVUI ANY NEW PONTIAC T-1000, J2000, or 6000 THIS WEEKEND! LARGI llLI CTION I a. magnon pontiac Harbor at Fair Cot ta Mesa 549-4300 HOME VIDEO WHY PAY MORE v RECORDERS v CAMERAS '-'BIG SCREEN v FILM RENTAL v ACCESSORIES v TELEVISION YESI YOU READ •IT RIGHT 24 DELUXE PIECES ALL 24 PIECES S 14.95 lllZllG 24 PIECE NRTllLE VCR OFFER OPEN TO PUBLIC · I l tJ 1 WAREHOUSE ' = ' DISTRIBUTIOI I • CEllTER BUY WHERE THE BUYERS BUY I PUBLIC In addition to our giant retail llOTICE division, Weber's World also supplies other Calif. retailers with RCA products at published warehouse prices. For a LIMITED TIME this dept. will be OPEN TO PUBLIC. Come In Now -WHY PA Y MORE/ • VIDEO RECORDERS • BIG SCREEN • VIDEO CAMERAS • TELEVISIONS 7 to 8; Sat/Sun 12 l .. ililililMiillliiiiliiiilliiiiiiiii•I ~5. l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 26. 1982 $1 million offered for lost jewels A!J'iT~· Enti r\llioor Pb)'lll• McGuire offered• 11 1 A ft-dl•rnl juds•· 1 .. ut'd preliminary SHOW & SALE $1 million cash reward for the return of Ml / flCIS lnJunt•Ucm ogalrut :tlngPr Carole Klnic L'I SUNDAY ~w•lry 1h allegl'I wu stolen while I ,)w Lrlt-d w kt't'p her nt"1ghbors Crom ~lrli cfo~nod by• pn111ugtoua New \'ork wing a rood that lt'ad1 to her mount.am JUNE 27th .)t•w,•for. arrlvt'I In Eau Claire. Mich., for the runch A 11poke~womun for utturn,•y Melvin International Cherry Pit Spilling Miss Kang bought the Robmson Bur 8t!lll 1Wy11 tlw n•wurd was offeN<d Frlduy Championship. Ku1wh on tht• Sulmon ttiver last year 1n uds run 111 nc•wspapers m Las V Pgutt. Burk hurt , a sch au m burg, 111 . Ottwr property owrll'rs testified that Sun Jt'runc·1sco and New York. telephone equipment salesma11 , ts last July they sudcJt>nly found that gatl'S !kill 1s rc•prescnling MillS McGuire in planning to skydive onto the Trt>e· l<'adl nR to ll'ft>lr land had been u $60 million law11uil 11he filed against Mendus Fruit Farm to defend his title. padlocked. H11rl'y Winston tm· . a New York Tournament chairman Uerb Teichman U.S District Court Judge Marlon Jt•wd1•1" started the c he rry pit spitting Callh1ter rult>d that Miss King must give --<.'Ompetition on his rruil farm nt>ar Eau lo Dorothy und Thurlo Frl'nch thl' Allen Neubartb , president and Claire In southwest Michigan rune years combm1:1tion to a lock th<1t's on a gate c.·hu1rrrwn of thc> Gannett Co., was ago. l.illJ(·kmg a<.'l.'eSS to their property Ftatariat Orltatal l•t• FREE admission with brooch at the Newport er. Or Admission only 200 with this ad ft_~ award(•d the Gold Plate Awa1'Ci of the Anwr1can Academy of Achievement. FRADKIN FAIRS 846-1913 'I : FAIREST? Ko . N1•uharth, thr('(? times named the · -rri publishing industry's "Chief Ext.>cutive There's been a bit of a Pac-Man dispute al Miami -Dade (Fla .) Community College, where President Robert McCabe opposed bringing the video game t.o the campus. The madam of one of Montana's oldest brothels borrowed $10,000 lo pay a fine for tax evasion but says she can't raise the $83,000 in back taxes the internal Revenue Service says she owes. NEWPORTER INN Addy• ~ l . of Costa uf tht• Y(•ar," began his news career as Mesa, will Vie July 7 an As:.oc1atcd Press writer m Sioux for the "All-American Full:., SD . in 1950 Girl" title at th t> Othl'r honorees in New Orleans Orange County Fair indud('(J former Red Brigades host.age amphitheater Brag G(•n. James Lee Dozier, astronaut Col C. Gordon F ullerton, hockey star Student • given honor M. Kathryn Burgin ot Huntington Bt>ach, an honor student who wa:, active m a campaign to halt educational funding cutbacks. was named Golden West College's outstanding student or the year at lhP school's recent commenl·ement ceremonies The annual award, named after R DudJe,· Boyce. t ht> ('Ol legl',.S founding president, carries with ll a $1,00U scholarship <:ontnbuted by the A SSOC'lall·d Students. Ms . Burgin was selected by a c'OmmJtle<- of faculty, students and staff members. She plans to use her scholarship n ext fall to s tud y business adm1mstrat1on at Cal State Long &ach A graduate rJf F.d1sun H igh Sl'hoo l 1n Huntington BeaC'h, Ms Burgin h a s done volunteer work at Fairview Stat(' llosp1t<1l . Hu ntington Beal·h Convalescent Hospital, the Huntington Beach Girls Club and the' Santa Ana Woman's Club. Ends cour e Second Lt John R Brennan, son of Donald T. and Gloria Brennan or 304 21 Via Al c azar. Laguna N1gud, has completed the Army's e ngineer officer basic course at Fort &lvmr. Va. W.a ync Gret1ky a nd model -at:tress Brooke Shields. Jim "Tbe Berry Bullet" Burkhart ' world t•hamp1on cherry pit spitter -will prnl'ttt·e his other hobby July 3 when he EHCLUSIVE OFFERING Now, for a limited time, we are offering all new De Loreans at prices far below normal value. Here's a rare opportunity for you to buy a one-of-a-kind automo- bile at an extraordinary price. Factory Authorized Technicians Parts Avallablllty Crest Chevrolet 909 W. 21st St. San Bernardino (714) 883-8833 Call Bill or Robt. Bader or Fred Pope fitness& fashion Richard Ouellette Announces the Grand Opening of His New Fitness and Fashion Phenomenon on June 27th It's called Thats Some Body, and our team ot fitness experts are going to help you bend and stretch I hat body into the greatest shape ever And to emphasize your That's Some Body look. we've gathered a unique and colorful collection o f • designer bodywear and active· wear Plus a special line of condi- tioning products It's a total fitness and tashlon con- cept deslgned to create and main· lain the kind. of healthful vitality and beauty that turns heads. So you can be that special some· body Reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Near the Bullocks. Wilshire corridor McCabe's advisers gobbled up the idea. But the college board of trustees said the school can do without Pac-Man for now There has been concern that students wall spend more time pumping quarters into the games than studying. On the other hand, the games could bring m additional rcvc>nue of $100,000 a year, rhe board was told. ABC Ruby Garrett, who spent 11 years as madam at the Dumas hotel, Butte. surrendered t.o federal marshals t.o begin a six-month pnson sentence for Calling t.o pay $51.670 an federal taxes on her income from the brothel for the years 1975-78 Fnends and neighbors in Melrose. Mont., threw a going-away party in her honor ---·-1 --·-1 -- 1107 Jamboree R~ad Newport Beach Every Sunday ~====-----===-:::::::;:;;-­ M 00 EL Nl960 ZENITHS nu BlST IM •O•·REllOTI CAll fOR PRICE VCR READY COLOR CONSOLES RCA COLORTRAK 2000 -- THE VERY BEST THAT RCA HAS TO OFFER AT NEW LOW CLEARANCE PRICES ... e REMOTE CONTROL-CABLE REAY I I RCA ColofTrak 25" -.2:._ ...,,,, I • \lo --..... GFA942R GFR946R GFA948R e AUTO COLOR TUNING e LIGHT SENSOR AND MUCH MORE GFR763A GFR760A GFR780 GFR788 THIS WEEKEND-FREE 5 YR. PICTURE TUBE WARR. WE STOCK ALL RCA MOOELS- MANY '83 MODELS NOW IN STOCK • 25" DIAGONAL GFR1001 GFA788 25" DIAGONAL REMOTE 1983 MODl:L REMOTE @HITACHI YES. NOW A 25 SET THAT IS ONLY 2 5 8" WIDER THAN A 19" FULL FEATURED OF COURSE e SWIVEL BASE OPTIONAL. MODEL CLB 372 • Swivel base • Cable ready • GT 2000 chassis 9" OlAGONAL AC-DC COLOR TV BACK IN STOCK AND PRICED TO SELL A World leader rn Technology VHS VIDEO RECORDER WITH STEREO SOUND MODEL VR9710-THE ULTIMATE IN VHS RECORDERS WE STOCK ALL MODELS OF HITACHI VIDEO RECORDERS AND CAMERAS ... SHOP ABC VFP 170 PORT. ........ 1829 CC010 CAMERA •••• ~~~M~~ vn 450 8 HR. DECK •• ~~yt,~~1 NEW LOW CCO 11 CAMERA ........ PRICE PFP600 CHARGER ••••• ,sggoo RCll NEW LOW PRICE · No one ~ you mom "STATE OF THE ART" 8 HR, VHS RECORD t 21 DAY Pf!OG t 4 HEADS t CABLE READY t WIRELESS REl.()TE t ANO MORE VFT 650 ............ '75900 6 HR, TAPES·YK250 .... ~11" •r1 ,'{'--,, __ _ REMOTE WHY BUY AT ABC? e ASK ABOUT TERMS e VISA OR MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED t DISTRIBUTOR AUTHORIZED SERVICE ON PREMISES t ALL AVAILABLE MODl:LS IN STOCK e NO COMMISSIONED SALESPERSONS ELECTRONIC TUNING QUARTZ TUNING -,r......,, NOW s31· goo LAST s34900 ONLY CALL CALL 968-3329 FOR OUR LOW SALE PRICES SUPER SPECIALS HITACHI AUTO FOCUS CAM. . . . . . . 1941 SYL.19" REMOlE CONT. . • . . • . . 'II MAG.25" REMOTE .. .. .. .. . '625 RCA PORT.RECORDER ........ '829 ZEM. OR llAS.19" COLOR . . . . . '299 Seventy-seven Fashion Island. Newport Beach. CalUornta 92660 (714) 644-BOOY • .,c.~"o" "\1 ~~ .. ~""""' HOUU Mon.-Pri. 10-7 SAT. 10-5130 SUN. 12-4 t WE KNOW OUR PRODUCT INSIDE AND OUT NOT JUST THE PRICE I QUALITY I INTEGRITY HONESTY teo.M lfookhu,.t llOarftetd Huntington ... ZE•. 25" REIJT£S .......... 1699 HITACHI 13" REMOTE • • . • '349 Hours Mon .. Wed .. Fri 6.30·8, Tues . Thurs 7-8. Sot 8.30-5 • I # • i I ' I t . I t ' • . ~ • ' \ 11 - -• • .. - Orang• Ooaat OAILY PILOT/Saturday. Junt 26, 1Q82 •• The 4th of July There WID Be ... I00.000 Sunburns-250,0000 Burnt Hot Dogs-And If you think it's hot outside, wait un- til you see our low, low sale prices! They are the "hottest" prices we've had all year. We've included everything in the store-carpet, draperies, vinyl and wallpaper. See for yourself-prices may never be this low again. We've included all the major name brand m ills too-Lees, Karastan, Evans & Black, Armstrong, Alexander Smith, Bigelow and many others! So, if you're looking for quality carpet at sell-off sale prices; choose today on quality name brands, all priced for tremendous savings! The c learance begins at 9:00 a.m. sharp-be early for the best selection! A .U. Morse-Schumacher-Van Luit-Sinclair-Wall-Pride and many more all reduced toclear . 10 to 30°/o oft Levolor Mini-Blinds-Very popular to- day. Custom made to fit any window. Dozens of colors. 40o/o off regular price. This week only. Bring your win- dow measurements. (Limit 4 per cus- tomer) Sale Special! Elegant Antique Satin. Two beautiful patterns to choose from, 24 colors. Reg. $6.95 ............ Sale $3.88 yd. Sale Special! Beautiful textured open weave . Two popular styles to choose from. 25 colors. Reg. $7.95 ............ Sale $4.99 yd. Harlow's week-long pre-4th of July sale with spectacular savings on hundreds of ·items! Starts today. We will be closed Monday, July 5th. ARMSTRONG NO WAX FLOORS Sundial Solarian ........... On Sale! Designer Solarian .......... On Sale! Imperial Solarian ........... On Sale! Supre~me Solarian .......... On Sale! Save on Cut and Loop· Subtle shading · and blending of colors-a result of tremHndous styling. Use this carpet anywhere from the most elegant living room to the hardest-used family room. The rnost popular seller in 1981. Six- teen just-right colors. Reg . $15.95 ... Sale Price $9.99 Sq. Yd . Save on Silky Soft Saxony · Antron~ nylon yarn creates this lush, elegant plush carp et. Eighteen shades of ex- ceptional color. Make decorating a snap, Antron• nylon rejects spills & dirt and ~Jives you rugged durability. Reg. $14.95 ... Sale Price $12.99 Sq. Yd. Save on Random Textured ~ Made of the new Antron® Plus yarn .. Designed to rresist soil and stains. Soft and beautiful in 15 shimmering two-tone colors. This lovely carpet is probably the best value in the sale. Reg. $15.95 .. Sale Price $13.88 Sq. Yd. You want to get theAntron® Resists stains • resists soil Thick Luxurious Plush · Made of Du- pont Dacron"yarn for easy cleanability and hard-wearing ·good looks. 22 gor· geous solid shades to pick from. Reg. $18.95 .. Sale Price $14.88 Sq. Yd. Save on Elegant Velvet · The ultimate in elegance and luxury. Antron Plus(i., nylon pile has built-in soil and stain resistance. Solid coloration of over 25 hues will add style and beauty to any decor. Reg. $18.00 ... Sale Price 16.88 Sq. Yd . Two-Tone · Brand new and beaut if u I! Made of the best 100o/o nylon yarn De- signed to resist soil and stains. Soft and beautiful in 15 shimmering two- tone colors. Reg. $19.95 ... Sale Price $16.88 Sq. Yd . Deep Pile · The smooth good looks of a classic Saxony plush. Deep dense pile in 24 decorator shades. This carpet makes makes any home a castle. Made of 100°/o nylon yarn Reg . $20.00 .. Sale Price $17.88 Sq. Yd. Del Mar Woven Wood Shades · Perfect for those hard-to-treat windows. Dozens of patterns and styles. 40°/o off regular price. This week only. Bring your window measurements. (Limit 4 per customer) Grass Ca rpet makes that dull grey patio come to life. It's completely washable; mildew and sun-proof in a choice of 3 gorgeous colors. Reg. $8.95 ..... Sale Price $4.88 sq. yd. Scatter rugs · completely bound. Your choice in a rainbow of colors; perfect for bath, bedside, van or car. Reduced to c lear. Smal I ......... _ .......... 99$ each Medium ................ $1 .99 each Large . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.99 each • GARDEN GROVE CERRITOS 12802 Knott S1ree1 11404 South Street •I B" ~o 0 ••0•" G•o•• "'"'•' 1Ac•oss from 1"41 <An•tO~ Ma111 LONG IEACH 340 E 4th Street 1Ac•os1 trom ~ HUNTINGTON IEACH 15073 Goldenweat STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat . 9:00 am·5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. Tiii 9 Garden Grove Open Sunday 12·5 Convenient Credit Terms .\vaulable (71 4) 8tl·M 57 • (213) 514·M28 (213t ~ (21 ~ 432·2221 PLACENTIA t27 E Yorba Linda t1 '81• Wfl•f of "'"""'~'I (11f) "3·8321 CORONA DEL MAR 3838 East Coast Highway 1•< 10\1 "°"' F '"' C<o••"'' "911eu•1n11 '(114) 113-"43 , .. ,.,nd Oon JOH• I C«o ti (714) 113·75 11 • (213) S ... 2H1 MISSION VIEJO 25098 Marguerite tNta1 A•ll>I\ ti (114) 7 ... 7444 • . .. .. I Dilly Piiat SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1982 TELEVISION ENTERT Al NM ENT 88 810 ~· ....... -., West Germany's win over Austria causes uproar. Q.'J. Royals get save; Quisenberry gets win By CURT SEEDEN Mtti._9ellr 1Jot lt•ft The Kansas City Royals dished up one of their favorite recipes Friday night, but thanks to a pinch of Rod Carew and a ptnch of Fred Lynn, the end product wasn't as delectable as usual. · Oh. the Royals managed to come away with a n 8-6 victory, moving back to within one-half game of the Angels an the American League West, but it wasn't quite what Manager Dick Howser had in mind. . Designated hitter Hal McRae provided the winning hat -a two-run homer off Angel reliever Angel Moreno (3-7) with one out in the 10th innmg, the American League's leading RBI man firushed the night with four more to bnng his tot.al to" 63 on the season. But the key ingredient an the Royals' wanning I Dodgers drop 7-5 decision HOUSTON (AP) -It wasn't a pretty game, but 1t proved there's still quite a bit left to the rivalry between the Houston Astros and the Los Angeles Dodgers The Astros toppl ed the Dodgers 7-5 Fnday on two-out, RBI singled by Alan Ashby and Tony Scott in the sixth inning plus the best relief work the club has seen in quite a awhile. Houston pitcher Dave Smith. making his first major-league start, was not s harp. In two innings, he walked two, allowed four hits and three runs and committed thr~ balks. But all was forgotten in the face of· the Astros victory. "( just love beating the Dodgers," Smith said. "I don't On TV today channel 11 at 10:45 care 1f I do badly or what. This shows what kind of team we can be." Houston and Los Angeles have met in postseason play the past two seasons for the National League W es t title, tho ugh Houston is currently langu1Srung in last place. recipe is o nt> Uan Qu111enberry , who like monosodium glutamate, ls used aa a preservative. In the Royals' case It ls a lead whiC'h the smkerball spec1aJ1st preserves, and the former Costa Mesa High aml Orange Coast College standout had a league-leading 20 saws when he entered the game in the seventh mmng with the Royals holding a 5-4 advantage. And. when Wtlhe Aikens deliver~ a solo home run m the eighth, It made things that much easier for Quisenberry. But in the bottom of the eighth, the Angels cut the lead to one when Carew. who did not start against the Royals' right-handed starter Paul Sphttorff. hit his first home run of the year while pinl·h-hitung for Ron Jackson One out later, Don Baylor's smgle. Reggie The Astro bullpen has received much of the blame of late, but 1t got all the credit Friday. Mike LaCoss. 3-2 . ...picked up the win and Bert Roberge earned his first save -the club's first since May 28 -as the duo limited the Dodgers to two runs on seven hits over the final seven innings. 0 911y "°4 Slaff Photo LOW PROFILE -Kansas City relief whiz Dan Quisenberry. a product of Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College. would just as soon other players like George Brett get m ost of the media attention. Jackson's walk and Fred Lynn, who also had mOllt of the night off, dehvered a pinch-hit double over flNt base to even the score and send things mto overtime. "Somehow, we wound up on the leh side of the (win) l'Olumn," Quisenberry said afterward, looking a little morC' ured than usual. "I've come into the game in thC' sixth annmg before. but It's really atypical of my career." While Quisenberry was basking m the success of has fourth victory of the year, another sinkerball specialist in the losers' clubhouse left a sinkiJlg feeling in the mind of Manager Gene Mauch. Doug Corbett, who sailfld through 2¥J innings of relief, allowing onJy the home run to Aikens. had to leave the game after the ninth inning. Corbett let a pitch to UL Washington slip uut of hand ln the ninth, which a t the time brought on plenty of <:huckles from thl' AnahClm Stadium crowd of 34 ,30 I. It turned OU t, Co1·bct1's µ1t.t·hin~ rurnd wc,:n l numb aftt-rward, and at'{-otdln~ to Muuch, "He faked his way through tlw rest of 1lw mnmg l ll' couldn't throw," Mauch lamcntl'<i The problem has bc<>n tcni.atavc:ly d1JgnCN'd a.-. a numbness of the medial nervt· in hii. right hand "The doctor said he l-ould bounce bal'k in 24 hours,·• Mauch added If Corbett can't, the Angeb will hav1.: been dealt yet anothei: mapr blow to thl'1r bullpen wht>rl' both Don Aase and Andy J lassler have expcric:net>d problems throughout thl· season Quisenberry, meanwhile. hasn't h.1d Loo many (See ANGE~. Page 83) Keeping it simple That 's Quisen b~rry 's new philosophy By CURT SEEDEN Of the D.il)' Piiot Stefl For a man who has played such a pivotal role in 23 of the Kansas City Royals' 39 victories, pitcher Dan Quisenberry keeps a pretty low profile. "ll I have a bad night, it's not that bad," the outspoken relief spec1al1st was saying the other night at Anaheim Stadium "If I have a good rught, it's not that good " Simple -that's the way Quisenberry likes things these days Throw a l'OUple o( innings a night. get the job done and spend the rest of the time goofing off m the bullpen. Let his teammates bask in their suc.-cess and reap the benefits of stardom. That's Qu1senberry's motto these days. "George gets the·attentaon and that's fine with me," Quis4Xnberry said of his teammate. third baseman George Brqll "Oh. I have to talk to a lot of people (media types) m a lot of different cnies but not in the same dimension as. say, Bretl or a Reggie Jackson, Goose Gossage, Rollie Fingers or Rob Wilfong." Of course, Quisenberry was making light of Wilfong's name. The rarely used backup second baseman for the Angt'ls happened to have a good ball game the night before the Royals' arrival at Anaheim Stadium earlier an the week . Yet, Quisenberry was subtle in dropping his name into the conversation, perhaps as a test to see· jwlt bow closely people do Ii.st.en to him. "I'M APATHETIC," he confessed. "I'm not haVlng as much fun this year. I was usually net"ded for one or two mmngs and the rest of the time I could have fun m the bullpen, Now I have to be ready in the sixth inning. It C4Jls my fun time in half." Actually, Royals' manager Dick Howser would probably like to see Quisenberry m a game very night. The Royals have won 26 of the 30 games in which the former Cost.a Mesa High and Orange Coast College standout has appeared. Quisenberry. with 20 sayf!s ~his season to go along with his three victories, is the premier pitcher in the major league this season. In the 62 'h innings he has pitched, Quisenberry has managed to walk to just three batters. He 1s off to the best start of his major league career. Like his pitches, Qui~nberry seems to have total control of ha s hfo J-ic"s comfortably settlt'd m Kansas City ("but 1t gets real l·old 1n thl• wmtc•r there"). along with his wafo Janint• and c·h1ldr<!n Alsia, 211: and David, 10 months Quisenberry was n<.'ver drafted by a mapr- league ball club, whic h , of l·ourst', meant no bonuses, no incentive daUS('S. no bargaining power when he finally inked a contr~1ct with tht' Royab HE WAS ALWAYS 1mprt'SSIVt' at Costa Mesa High. learned considerably undl'r Coach Barry 'I 'm apathetic. I'm not hai·ing as much fun this year .' Wallace during his two yean. at Orangf' Coa<;t and then pitched anonymously for two yl'ars al LaVerne CoJlege. "At first, it (not being drafted) d1sappom t.ed me," Quisenberry confessed. "But I like to think I've proved people wrong. Now I'm not trying lt) prove anything." It is hard to believe that such a mellow attttudt- can belong to Quisenberry who must thrive on intensity when his team is up by a prncar1ou.!> run in the late going of a game for a pennant-contending team like the Royals. He says he is a hardened human bemg today. lt may have had something to do with ~e way he h~d to scrape when he was jusl s tarting out. The $500 to $600 a month he pocketed when he first started out in baseball is a far: cry from lhe money he makes today. "I learned to ltve without money It hf!lped me to know how to control money " Quisenberry said he has invested wisely but not "m the big stuff. Everything I've done (investing) IS pretty boring. I guess l'U have to do something pretty soon •· Quisenberry said therC' 1s a simple axiom when it comes to basebaU players pitchers in parucular -and money. "The guys who get a lot of money are starters. Guy who relieve• don't," h(• stalt.'CI. But he admitted, if your best pitch Is a smker ball, you"re probably (See QUISENBERRY, Page BJ> "I'm just here to do tht' best job I can ," said R o berge. promoted this week from Triple A ball. "I know everyone here can pit.ch . It's just a matter of getting them healthy again." Jose Cruz doubled with two out in the sixth off loser Terry Forster , 2 -4. and scored on As hby's sin gle. After Phi 1 Garner walked, Scott's single scored Ashby. Did major colleges misjudge Dumity? Edison product to showcase talents in All-star game Monday A walk and stolen base by Steve Sax, Ken L a ndreaux's . run-scoring double and an RBI • single by Pedro Guerrero gave r the Dodgers a 2-0 lead an the first. The Astros matched that in the • bottom of the inning when Ray Knight singled with two outs, · Cruz and Ashby walked and ,. Garner rapped a two -run , singled. Landreaux's RBI single in the to p of the second gave the Dodgers a 3-2 lead, but Cruz's two-run double in the bottom of the inning put the Astros on top 4-3. Ex-Saint indicted • By ROGER CARLSON Of tti. D.ilr Piiot 9'811 F.dison High football coach BiU Workman just shakes his head in bewilderme nt. H e still can't believe the best his o ffensive guard. Craig Dumity, could do was glean a scholarship at Weber State. E1 Modena High Coach Bob Lester. the roach of the South in the 23rd Orange County All-star game at Orange Coas~ College Monday evening, says he has an easy way to find out where his major strength in the offcns1V(' line is. "I JU St check with m y defensive line," says ~stt'r "It didn't take the defensive front 10 minutes to find out where 1t was:· This isn't a rap on We ber St.ate. but there are many who will tell you the boat has been NEW ORLEANS (AP) missed -not by Dumity, but by Mike Strachan, a fonner running others who went past him back linked in published re ports "Maybe they went too much to drug use among ex-teammates by size in t his case," adds on the New Orleans Saints. was Workman. "But Craig's closing in indicted by a federal grand jury on 230 a nd he's going to be Friday for the second time in a nearly 240 in the fall. Witb his month on new charges of selling qukkn~ (and 6-2 height) t~at's cocalne. as big as he needs to be. He's a The 12-count indictm e nt major college linebacker. too, but followed reports of alleged drug we didn't play him there and abuae by more than 12 former others just wouldn't take the and prese nt Saih\a players, gamble. Including George Rogers, the "The only bad thing I can National Football League's top think of concerning DumJty ls ru1her laat season, who that he has graduate d. He's reportedly have talked whh probably the fastest a nd best I federal inv.Ugators. ethlete 8.~ ~Interior lineman De n n l 1 I u d e D a n n e I • that I've ever had. &Stnlehan'a lawyer, a1lepd t.he "We',ve had b lgaer and aovemment tried to pre.Utt his stronger. but he's 90 quick and client Into aidina the probe by • NCh a good athlete, it makes hlm offert.nc a plea..barpin deal and f'Nlly aotnethlng special." threatenln& to acfd numerou1 Oumfty atve. you the bulllah char,_ U he dJd not qree. look, peckinf 22~ pounds on his 1 U.S . Attorney Jo1'n Voli frame whh the welshtllfter'1 (See SAINTS, Pace BJ) neck. Although he has linebacker qualities, he's happy at offensive guard. especia lly with his abilities m pass blocking. which really make him stand out m passing schemes. "I have fun at it," says Dumlly. .. It's where the action is (at guard). I'm always doing." Dumity has been going about his business during preparation for the all-star game in a similar manne r a nd he has some pretty solid thoughts about the game. and the opposition. Unless you've been on a nother planet during the past eight months, you know who dumped Edison's No. l ranked Chargers and e nded th e ir 32-ga me winning streak. "Yeah, I'd like to win for that reason," says Dumity. alluding to the North coach. Servite High's Ron Smeltz.er. and North stan Doug Butler (quarterback). Steve Rahon (safety) and Dan Honikel loutside linebacker). from Servite. "I didn't know how it relt to lose," says Dumity. The presence of Dumity m the offensive line gives the South a two-way asset. The running game, featuring Edison's Dave Geroux and Foothill's Mark Templeton , is led by Dum1ty's ability to pull and lead the way. while the passing of Fountain Valley quarter back Matt Stevens gets the protection of a first rate blocker. "I have no idea how smart he is in terms of GPA," says Lester "whatever, but I do know he's a helluva football player A tough kid with all the necessary qualities. "Billy (Bill Workman) did a good job wilh him. "He has one of those strange qualities that good linemen have -they like what they do." The defensive line has had its say, Dumity is the S outh's nugget up fr o n t. So what's Dumity's opinion about the defense? Without hesitation, Dumity rl!sponds: "Pat Ceman. W e've had some tough battles." Ceman. the product of Marina High, will be starting at defensive tackle for the Rebels. Dumity is one of four Edison players chosen for the game - the others being linebacker Rick DiBernardo, Geroux, the fullback, and guard Rick Ponder. DiBe rna rdo, al 6-4. 2 18 pounds, will anchor the defense at middle linebacker. Geroux, who packs 216 pounds on a 6-0 frame. wiU be in the starting backfield. while Ponder 1s a reserve lineman. D1 B ernardo and Geroux, headed for Notre Dame and the University of Kansas. are also 9Cheduled to play in the Shrine All-star game at the Rose Bowl July 17. Monday's game starts at 8 p.m. STRENGTH -&ii.son High product Craig Dl.lmity will anchor the offensive line at one of the guard ,x>sitions for the South Monday. It was a honey of a day at Wimbledon WIMBLEDON . England (AP) - Everything happened to the American kids at Wimbledon Friday. Andrea Leand, seeded 14th, was tumbled out of the women's singles and Kathy Rinaldi was stung by a bee. Leand, 18, from Brooklandville, Md., fell to the lanky West German Claudia Kohde. who won 7-5, 6-2 to reach the third round of the All-England Tennis Cham.p,onshipt. Rinaldi. 15, of Jensen Beach. Fla., 1ot ' over her battle wlth the bee but wu dedaively beaten 6-4, 6-1 by Pam Sb.river, the No. 7 aeed. It happtned in thC? sunny even1na after rain had delayed the~ lot' lout houri and for the fourth day out of five. 'l'he • tournament waa more than 100 match• behind ICheduJe and an estimated $300,000 behind in projected revenue. Shriver reached the last 16 along with Martina Navratilova, the No. l seed, who eliminated fellow Amerlc8.f\ Anne White 6-1, 6-4. Despite the continuing wet we.ther. refere e Fred Hoyles instated the tournament l.tJ 'on ~t for flnlah~ on echedule. The women a Unal ia achec:fuled for Saturday. July 3, and the men'• final Cor the next_ day. . The All·D\i)and Club ordered today's Pl'OI""' to ft.art two houri earlier, at noon. but refuted to llChedLLle play on Sunday, traditionally a blank day. Wimbledon bu 17 F• cour11 and NI IUlmOWlted llmilar lituaUona tn the Piil-I Only eeven matche9 were completed all day Playen •t around fOf' houn ln the .i' \ ' locker rooms waiting for the rain to stop. When the tennis eventually. began, they moved cautiously onto. the damp grass. There, Rlnaldi'a bee cawed moet of the excitement. After beina down 1-4 in the eeconcl set., Rinaldi walked to her chair holding her left arm above the elbow. Shriver went to help her and pulled the stinger out, while a fan tol8ed a package of ointment onto the OOW1.. Rinaldi, laughing, eventually went beiek lau,hina to h« buellne to continue pi.y. Bu t th~ bee had not fln h hed . Photolr9.Phen ahouted to ShrtVtt and t.okt her lt had eet\led on tho beck of her skin.. She knocked It off and Mamped or\ lL ''No penalty polnu tor klllln1 it,'' announced umpire C.thcrlnt Mc.'hvilh \ I I' j .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Jun• 2e, 1982 .... --.... ----------------~ Night ball for Cubs? Don't cot1nt on it From AP dllpatcbes SPRINGFIELD. Ill. -The Ill Illlnola General Assembly has voted to keep Wrigley Field in the dark, with a measure that would leave the Chicago Cubs as the last major-league baseball team to play only day games. Sponsors of the measure, which passed Thunday and goes to Gov. James R. Thom peon. said the former owner of the Cube, the late P.K. Wrigley, assured the 50,000 nearby residents that he would never switch to night baseball. The current owner, the Tribune Co. of Chicago, has not taken a position on night baseball. The Cubs are in last place in the National League F.a.st, and have not won a pennant since 1945, Quote of the day John Stuper, St. Louis rookie pitcher. after giving up Pete Rose'• 3,772nd career hit: "I wanted to clap myself, but I had to concentrate on the next batter." Pitchers use bats to pace victories Pittsburgh pitcher Rick Rhoden Ill doubled twice, scored two runs and drove in a run to help the Pirates beat Montreal. 9-7, completing a sweep of the Expos in Friday's National League action. Don Robinson hit a homer and threw a seven- hitter in the 4-3 victory in the opener. dropping the Expos a half game behind St. Louis in the F..ast ... Dick Ratbven pitched a three-hitter to give Philadelphia a 1-0 victory over the New York Mets, then George Vukovich slugged a two-run double that triggered a 5-3 triumph in the nightcap as the Phillies swept a pair . . . Claudell Washington drove in four runs as Atlanta defeated Cincinnati. 5-2 ... Jay Johnstone's three-run homer backed the seven- hit pitching of Ferguson Jenkin•'. pitching to ~ft the Chicago Cubs past St. Louis, 5-3. Jenkins struck out four to raise his career total to 3.026 ... Right-hander Juan Eichelberger pitched six strong innings and snapped a 2-2 tie with a run-scoring double in the seventh to lead San Diego to a 3-2 victory over San Francisco. George's tongue-laahlng pays off Tho alumplns 'New Y ork Ill Yank , amarUna from a prti-aa.mc lec tur e by owner Geor1e Stelabrenner, brokti out of a hmathy 1COrln1 drou9h\ and hamm red the Clevehmd lndlan1, 11 -3 Friday night 111 Roy Smalley walloped 11 srand-alam homtir and Grala Nettle• added • aolo fthot . . . Elscwhon.t 1n thl' American League, Cecil Cooper and GormH T~oma1 each belted two-run homers as Milwaukee rode a 16-hlt attack to a 9-3 rout of Bolll>n . . . Terry Crowley and Cal Rlpken Jr. drove in runa wlth two-out sinales as Baltimore anapped a 1lxth-lnnini tie and went on to defeat Detroit, 5-2, the Tigen' 11th defeat in 12 games . . . Dwayne Murphy'• two-run double keyed a five-run fifth Inning and Steve McCatty won his fi..nlt game since returning from the 21 -day dlaabled list as Oakland topped Texaa, 6-2 . . . Dave Henderaon hit a sixtn-lnnJng homer and Jim Beattle and two rellevera combined on a four-hitter as Seattle nipped Chicago, 1-0 ... The scheduled game between Minnesota and Toronto was postponed because of rain Glider charges to three-stroke lead Bob Glider retained his blistering n pace and took a three-stroke lead Friday with his 127 total for the first 36 holes of the Westchester Classic in Harrison, N.Y. Gilder scattered eight birdies Friday on the way to a 7-under-par 63 In the second round to go with a first-round 64, three shots ahead of his closest pursuers, Tom Kite and Peter Jacobsen . . . JoADne <.:arner, shooting error-free golf while her challengers were alternating birdies and bogeys, fired a 4-under-par 6a and extended her second-round lead to five strokes with a 135 in the Rochester International LPGA tournament at Pittsford, N.Y. Tied for second at 140 were rookie Patti Ri110 and veterans Pat Bradley, Nancy Lopez and Sandra Haynie. Dodger~ Thomas put on disabled list The Los Angeles Dodgers • announced Friday that veteran utility player Derrel Thomas has been placed on_ the 21-day disabled list because of a broken leg and that highly-regarded rookie Mike Marshall will take his place on the club's 25-player roster ... The Rams have announced that they have signed a pair of offensive linemen. They are tackle Bob Speight, sel~ted in the ninth round, and guard Joe Sherln of Texas, drafted in the seventh round . . . The UCLA women's gymnastics t eam has landed Rhonda Schwandt of Westminster and Kris Montera of Huntington Beach for the upcoming season . . . The Vessels Maturity, the major race of the summer for 4-year-olds at Los AlamH.os. wiU be held tonight as the ninth race at the Orange County track. Some Prices At Below Wholesale! BRANDNIW BALDWIN ORGAN USED UPRIGHT PIANO s1" 5995 ' '• !!,!:! .. COMlllJl 11111 MUI WATtl! HIATM MflllOC*~ &I I• 711•'1 lwWlt T1-•• .,, ••• .,_ Dool (c.11 llOfW ....,._I Y0\11 Ar .. ) COITA MUA ~ 1·1289 ,.,. ........ ""4. MttllOH VllJO 495-0401 ttttt c-.IM c:.,..,_ ,._ .... llrwy. •A_.,"'"" I THINK ABOUT THI! "I really don't know U there la a GOd or If Ct)rlst is H11 Son." M1ny fine people are agnostics. Maybe you want to know, but you are confused. Jesus haa a great word for you: "Seek, and you shall find: knock. and 1t shall be opened to you." Practice makes perfect. wt SHYICI THIM BITTER BICAUSI IMW'S All AU WI SHYICE. 20tWEST FIRST STREET SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 92701 714/835-3171 It may be you don't care •-----------------------------enough to investigate the 1------------------------------ r ea l 1 t y of Christ . Eventually death a pproaches a nd you do care. Agnostics don't die well. Voltaire ridiculed Christianity but cried out on hi. deathbed, "0 God, save me. Jesus Chri1t, save me ... Or posalbly you don't want to believe because you want to run your liCe without God's interference. That Is your prerogative. but sooner or later you wilJ have to face God honestly You can know God. You wer e made for Christ. Don 't play games with your own eternal salvation! "This Is tJle record, that God has given to us eternal hfe ... in His Son." rnar:ifneRS @g)cbas<cb Jombolee Rood ot 81S011 Avenue Newpo rt Beac h, Phone 640 -6010 Worship Service Sunday 9:00 A.M. J D D Model 8315 MAGNAVOX VCR wfthr'fttOt• Soft touch function controls Mechanical tuning f day /1 event timer Trans1t1on editing Remote pause Special $661 25 STAR REMOTE Model RB4265 Enjoy the ultimate in state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's also a 10 channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution filter and an audio output jack. Factory programmed to receive 105 channels. $599 95 • FREE DELIVERY #5230 Star Remote s9999s This 25" star features an all new 19 button Infrared remote control that not only allows random access to 105 channels. but push button controls for alternate channels, Ht-Fl sound. and recall functions. .,--... --~ .. I.a 1 11 .... -rn ,..,.Jl, I -~ -. ------. -I Enjoy this lightweight, easy.-to-carry 12" diagonal Black & White TV. 100% Solid State chalels, preset VHF fine tuning. ·s oo Model DSP101 Big Set performance in a compact 13" diagonal size. This portable Color TV features Automatic Fine Tuning and 100% Solid State chassis. s29900 ____ , .---------~--_.... __ ' . . . . ~ -• Orenge Co11t OAILV PILOT/81turday, June 20, 1982 • From Page 91 From Page 81 West German win SA I NT • ANGE LS STOPPED BY ROYALS. • • • • • causes controver sy MADRID, Spain CAP) West Oermany 1COred u l ·O vktory over Austria Frtd"Y· t'l1m•hing »eeond·round World Cup IKX'\.'tlr berthJ for both ~anu as j<• .. :rlng 1pectatOl'll 11hou1.t.id "fix," burnt-d Wet1t German flags and tried to •torm the field at Gijon's El MoUnon Stadium. Northern Ireland defeated host Spain 1-0 at Valencia, becoming the only unset•ded team to reach the second phase. Spain also advanced from Cr ouµ 5. England, which qualified earlier, ousted Kuwait with a 1-0 Group 4 victory in Bilbao that also assured France of a second- round spot. The 12 te~ <.'Ompeting in the second phase, which begins Monday after two days of rest, now are set. Group A with Poland, the Soviet Union and USI U pa ir share lead BAKERSFIELD US. International University (San Diego) products Mitch Voges of Valencia and Mark Blakely of Temple City share the second round lead at the 83rd Southern California Golf Association Amateur ama t eur golf championships following one- under-par 14ls Friday. Voges, who is 10 years Blakely's senior. went 70-71 at the 6,332-yar d Stockdale Count ry Club course. The 22-year-old Blakely turned in a 68 an the afternoon after a 73. Bt'lglum; Oroup B with &lglund, Weat Gt•t·nwny 1.md Spuln, Group C with Italy . Brnzll und ddendlng champion Argt•ntlrw. 1rnd Group D with f'rance, Auistnu lmd Northern Ireland. Groups A and C wall play in 8ur<'elona, while 8 and 0 will l'Ompett' in Madrid. In Monday's se<:ond-round xuu·t Poland plays Bcliium, und Austria faces France The crowd watl·hing the Croup 2 mat.<.'h between West SOCCER Germany and Austria became susp1c1ous when the game slowed down after Lhe goal. leumg st.and a <.'OnVt'ntent result for both sides. The West German victory by one goal allowed both teams to advam:e, while a high-scoring Wl•sl German victory would have eliminated Austria in favor of AJgeraa, which now 1s oul 0£ the tournament. lf AusLria had defeated or drawn with West Germany, Algeria would have been an and the Germans out. After Horst Hrubesch headed a goal off a cross from Pierre L1ttbarsk1 in the 11th minute, both sides appeared l'Ont.enl to maneuver the ball in midfield The 40 .000 spectators. including hundreds of Algerian fans, quickly grew impatient. angrily waving white handkerch1l'fs while chanting "Algeria. Algeria" and ''Stop the game." Spanish national Lelevision t'Ommentators blasted both sides. "The public who paid money to sec this contest between two of the best teams in Europe are truly disillusioned with this shameful spectacle," a commentator said . would not l'Omment on a pua.-.11Jle µh•u huri(uin "DtU1t1l•I knowt1 we cannot co mment un ""Y p~l'tri11l negotiatlol\/JI and though hl' hll• violnt.ed the c.'Ourt's rult> I will not," said Volz. V"lz said no other 1nd1ctmenta Wl•re c:xpt'Cll'd In th is inve11ligatlon. "Right now. thia la It," he said. Strachan pleaded innocent to the.• additional charges before U S Magistrate M arcel L1vauda1s and was remained free under the $50,000 property bond he had posted after the first indictment May 21. He 1s now charged w ith conspiring with "other persons whose n ames are known and unknown to the 'rand jury• to distribute cocaine,' and with 11 counts of distribution during a span Crom Feb. 4, 1980 to Jan. 4. 1982 If conv1l'ted, maximum punishment would be 75 years in prison and a $125,000 fine. Dannel wanted the trial, scheduled to begin next Thursday, delayed a monlh or two, but Livauda1s said that dec1s1on was up lo thl• lnal Judge. Verom<:a Wicker Woods outdistances motorcycle foes Costa Mesa's Gene Woods was the scratch main event wanner Friday night at s peedway motorcycle racing at Costa Mesa's Orange County Fairgrounds beforl'.' a crowd of 5,780. / Woods outraced Huntington Beach's Mik e Ca r uso, Richmond's Make Faria and Pinole's F.cld1e Ingels. ln the handicap main 1t was Oceanside's Sterling Cogar first, followed by Ingels, Buena Park's Guy Ermoleno, Woodland Hills' Tom M orley,' Wo o d s a n d Riverside's Dennis Bransford. ouUngs like 1''riday night ''1 don't foci too aw~'<!l right now. but I'm ron.aoled \hot we won. It's a blg victory considering we blew a two-run lead. It would have tx.-cn just a.s nlce to win 10·0," Qulsenberry added. "We're a very confident b"ll club with Quisenberry on the mound,'' McRae said "Every tame he enters a j(ame he keeps us in It." The Angels have won 19 of their games with come from-behind effort.I, and the Royals pul them In position to dolt again by jumping on starter Mike Witt for three quick runs In the first Inning. Washington, who batted ninth T hursday night and had a pair of RBI singles. was inserted in the No. 2 spot Friday night. He got things rollmg with a single. George Brett followed with a base hit. and one out later, McRae doubled to right-<>Cnter to bnng both runners home. After Aikens walked, Jerry Martin smacked an RBI slngle to give Spllttorff a comfortable cushion to work with. The Angels got one back when Ron Jackson, making his first start and plate appearance since From Page 81 QUI SENBERRY . • • better suited to stay in the bullpen and have fun unul you're needed. "I guess a sinker 1s a natural pitch for a reliever One-patch pitchers are relief pitchers. At first, when I found out l wasn't gomg to be a starter 1t hurt But I don't thank I would have made 1t as a start.er," he said. "YOU CAN'T throw a sinker for nine innings. Not many people can anyway," he added. The same night Angels' starter Geoff Zahn, whose bread and butter pitch 1s the sinker ball. went nme innings in a 7-2 Angel victory. With less than three years experience an the majors, Quisenberry is hardly a seasoned veteran, yet he talks like one. "When I first made the big leagues it was a real thrill to play here." he said, as he scanned Anaheim Stadium from the dugout. "Now [ like playing here because it's a grass field (as opposed to synthetic turf)." ls there a n ything that really bothers Quisenberry, something that grates on his mind each day? "It bothers me that I can't get on a national commerciaJ," he added, trying to hide Lhe trace of a gnn. May 15. hit the finJt pitch thrown to h1m Into t.be left field 1eata In the bottom of the llrtt Inning. It wa. hla flrat homer of the year. 'three straight singles by Bobby Clark, Tim Foll 41nd Bob Boone, and an error by oonter fielder Amoe. OUs on P'olJ's aigle got the Angels In the fifth at 3 3 Aikens gave the Royals a 4-3 edge In the aix\h with a sacrifice rty after Brett had singled and moved to third on a base hit by Otis. • &c:k came the Angels in the sixth with an unearned run thanks to Royals' right-fie lder Martin, who dropped Don Baylor's line drive. Bobby Grich opened the mning with hi.a second double of the night and 1eored when Regs k! Jackson hit into a double play. The Angels averted tragedy m the l&th 11'\Jling when Bre tt sent a pop fly to <.-enter field which Foll caught, but not before colliding with Lynn. Both stayed on the ground for several mlnulef. Lynn with what appeared to be a knee injury anti Foli with the wind knocked out of him. , Both stayed in the game, however, and were around to watch Quisenberry pick up the victory to go along with a mess of saves * * * ANOl!L NOTE8 -Angel Meneger O•n• Meuch may go with Daw• 00111 In the hnal game ol tl1e ser1es wllh the Royals Sundey 8ruc• Kleon 11 th• achedukld at an•. t>ut he mighl not be ready K1son 11 s1111 sma1llno from a llrni d11ve oN the bet or r .. aa Jotln Onibb, wti1e11 hll hom 1n lhe right 190 on Tuesday A119gl• JeckMn now ranks 38th on the all-lime RBI hat aller his three.run homer Thursday H1a next target la former Chicago Cuba Aon Sento, who has 1,331 RBI Jacllson 11 et 1,322 Mor• on JM:ltaon H1a home run was the 28th or his career against the Royels 111s 1h1ee RBI gives him one more thin he h•d all of last year against K1nu1 Ctty Thord * * * buem•n Doug DeClnce•. who owned • career 197 Oetting avllfage 1n June, waa oattlno 242 lhts June coming Into FrldllY e.vening's contest KanMa City atarter PMI lplltlOfft pitched with a lrllClura on lhe tJp of his rigtlt ring hnge< H• tutfered ltle 1niury on June 9 wtMwl he wu struck by a lln• drtv• oft lhe oat or Minnesota's Mlcti•t Halch9f Tlm Foll'• six-game hitting stre• was snapped 1n Thursday night'• 7 ·2 Angel victory The long- awaited Tllermar Tankard Nlghl II tonlgllt with lhe firs\ 26,000 adults through lhe turnst res receiving, Wl\at else?. a thefmlll tan6t11d The R0yals Wiii send telt-hlnOef Vld9 Blu. (4·51 egalnsl 11.v• "-'lo C7·1) tonight Game ttme 11 7 New port earns first win The Newport Beat·h Breakers picked up their hrst wm of \he American Speedsoccer Association campaign Friday rught by downing the winless Santa Ana Wind, 7-1. Chris Campbell and Peter Trifunov1ch poured in two goals apiece as the winners pulled away from a 3-1 halftime advantage. The match was played at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. Orange Coast area golfers m the running include Paul O'Shea of Newport Beach (72-71-143) and Lee Davis, another Newport Beach golfer at 75-69 144. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Today's TV, radio T ELEVISION 10:45 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Milwaukee at Boston; (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Houston. 11 a.m. (5) -WCT TENNIS. 12:30 p.m. (9) -AUTO RACING -Coverage of the NASCAR Pocono 500 (taped). 1:30 p.m. (4) -WIMBLEDON TENNIS -Early-round coverage (taped), ti.me approximate. following baseball. 2:30 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Third-round play at the Westchester Classic. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY -WBC super-lightweight champ Saoul Mamby (32-15-5) makes his sixth title defense against Leroy Haley (45-2-2) in a taped bout at Cleveland. (7) -BOWLING -The finals of the PBA Doubles Classic, taped at Las Vegas. 5 p.m .. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Cornelius Boza -Edwards (33-3) vs. Roberto Elizondo (23-2) in a lightweight bout, taped from Las Vegas. (2) WORLD GAMES - RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Houston. 10:50 a.m .. KA.BC (790); Kansas Caty at Angels, 7 p.m .. KMPC (710). AN110UE SHOW Newporter Inn Sunday June 27th 10 am -4 pm .. •• : , • I I ' ~ 1 ) r I : ' : • r I \ I • •• ' t : l t , I I . • • t ( ' IT DOESN'T COST MORE TO BUY IN NEWPORT BEACH! LEASE OR IU1! Roy Carver BMW 1540 JAMBOREE RO .• NEWPORT CENTER NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 714-640-6444 lllW 1982 SUBARU PROM $158°0 ..... ~ Deluxe 4 door (#0900). Total CHh prlc'i $8582.82 lno!Wlng tu end llOenM. $8945.52 der.rred r1ayment prlQe lncludlng all carrying charges for forty-eight months. AnnYet Petcent-ee Rat• 1G.2. BIG IRICTIOllS NOWI a. magnon •ru Harbor at Pair Co1ta Me1a S,9.1457 SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY'S HIGHEST QUALITY · VIEW TOWNHOMES in a perfect South Orange County location ... that's Laguna Village, contempo- rary California living just minutes from Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar and UC Irvine. You couldn't be more centrally located, and you can't buy a more quality- built affordable townhome than those currently being offered at magnificent Laguna Village. Designed with a view in mind, each luxurious town home is positioned to take maximum advantage of dramatic vistas spread out in the valley below. The development is built around a 5 i12 acre. half million dollar rec. c~nter that includes a 5500 square foot clubhouse, swimming pool , tennis facilities, volleyball and picnicking. You may select from 1 and 2 story units with 2 or 3 bed- rooms that range in size from approximately 1010 to 1665 square feet and each townhome garage facility can accommodate 2 cars. It's like living in a park because more than 42% of the development is de- voted to open spac~. rolling gardens and greenbelt areas. And, to allow you to completely enjoy your new country-club lifestyle, the condominium concept of leisure living is provided, with exterior maintenance, landscaping and care of the park-like grounds and rec- reational facilities performed for you by a professional firm retained by your Homeowner's Association for a mod~st monthly fee. 3 BEDRMS, 2BATHS, 2CARGARAGE ONLY CASH DOWN P~YMENT INTEREST GRADUATED INT. RATE~JSASED ON .A 30 YEAR TERM *EXAMPLE: SANTA BARBARA PLAN Under our graduated pmt. financing plan, you buy this beautiful hOme for $112,600. Your down pmt is $5,600, and your loan amount is $107,000 at 12% graduated interest your first year's mo. pmt. is $1101 plus $94 (Qst. taxes), plus $90 (assoc. fee) for a total pmt. of just $1285. Your second year's total mo. pmt. is $1369. The'third year. it's $1452, and years 4-30, it's $1516. The maximum 30 year fixed interest rate for years 4-30 is just 143A%. JUST MONTHLY PAYMENT (PRIN. AND INT.) ' $112 600 TO $124 400 28 OUTSTANDING HOMES AVAILABLE 80RIU 8~M2 LIVING MASlER SUllE M9ATH ... r--- OINING l(ITCHIN\ l/ERANDA ------• UPfl£R YICW LMl SANTA BARBARA I i ( Orangt Ooa1t DAILY PILOTIS1turday. June 28, 1982 Los Al., Hollypark results Lee= .... • Tl (4NI .. I ' .. "'"""9> NIT M CI 0 yvd1 My 0 111 ••v•nnllll (Hiii) tUO I 20 3 to M1 JudY (MytM) 16 to I 00 "'4wtatih (llat<IJ 2 4() Aleo rao1d l 011e Oem1. J111 Afire. ~ ll\Oltn, H1a Oood Kid, JIMloa Gee, l1IOll 8trlnQ1 Time· 1U&. • llllACTA 13•1) paid 1147.00 NCOMD RACA. 440 y1rd1 Oo Ooa Choa (CrMQlt) • IO 3 4() 2 eo Slmpll Man (Frydey) 3 40 2 80 TrlOOI 8onue (CatdOH I 3 00 Alt0 rlC*l Meh MllO. C>.M Flying Setnl, O\llele 1n,,..1men1. NNl\vllll Pflnc:.... Setty 000 81lly Time: a:z.ao THIN> •ACI . 360 yetda Etay Six Roclc1111 (ClrM) 10 00 b lOtliOn (Bard) 500 380 100 580 800 Regal PllU ull, J111w1y l!uy IPllkentonJ Alto recld Por11 Fen, Yali.< Fu.I, JumbO Pac:lllc Time. 17. 7 l. ,OUlllTH lllACI. 360 y•rda. Native Emperor (C1rdon ) 7.60 3 80 2 80 Shill N Time (l.aclcty) 3 20 2 40 WOOfty Run (W11d) 2 IO Atao raced: Blow'n Dull, Deck• Rlcti.e, Lightening Felebug, Go High Tymee, Rl8Pl(1 Go. Some Kind• Von-oe. Mr Alamitos Good. Time: 17 80 12 EXACTA 16-3) paid 123 40. l'lf'TH RACE. 400 yards Sia Te IC.roou) 20 60 4 00 2 60 Sgt Pepper Feature (ClertS18) 2 40 2 20 Fr1nci\ F0<oe CHartl 2 40 AltO reoecl Callie C1n, Prlmon111 .. M1111, A1blk1 Jll One TIMI 1118 llX'nt "-ACI. 160 y11d1 ttnoo Clww91 ITonk•I 3 ~O 2 40 l 40 AN11 lomwne (Hen) 3 20 3 20 l u y Leona (Plllt.entOfll 1 00 Alto I.a.cl Ml(lllfOl\I Potq 004deo Ctldll Sky 9u0, Mr Sllewne Dug, Klll)I• Kt1M& nrne. 1101 a llCAOTA 12·0) paid &12 ?O llVINTH lllACI. 3&0 y111)1 St11wbetry Cupeah (Biid) I 00 S 00 3 40 Miu Rarnblln t 11 11..c-.I)') 27 20 16 00 Shit A Wln<ly 0., IMY*) 3 80 Aleo rll<*I TOC>C>1t1 8ug, ~ly Uct.lcfy Splll H .. 11\1(1 POiicy. A lure NllCI, Ml .. W1.1 Slluflll, PM on.t And Horb1, SI Rockll Bar Time. 17.Tll. 12 I XACTA (li·2l p1td 1282 80 llOHTH M CI. 3C.O y1rd1 RMI Eu y ,,., Two (Hall) 4 20 2 80 2 80 RaL11 Your Duku (Mltclllll) 8 20 7 40 Wendy SlllPC>I' (C11don ) ~IO Alto rl!Qld Llmldllla, Jll Sil Baby. Aye Oare. Monsieur Lii Rue. Jiii Maid, My EHy Victory. Rich Coun11 .. Tlmt : 17 11 a lllACTA (8-7) paid S54 60 a '9CK six (3-6-6-2 5·81 pe10 S6.3e& 80 with MYll'I winners (six l\of ... ). S2 Piel\ Six cOfltolallon paid SI I I 20 wllll 134 wtnnetl (frlll 11or11a) NINTH llACI. 350 yarde Breekln Rules (lackey) ll.40 2 80 2 40 Reba l.11118 Lulu (Ctert .. •l '1 80 2 40 Ea'y Olnaro IHar11 3 20 Also raced OH-Stnn1n And Gronn1n OH-Out Voted. Fun Dial, Oetocate AOQ81 Shady Moon Sir. Sl\lrleV B Gayle. Casco Dancer Pro golf scores w .. tchettlf c 1 .. 11c (•I--· N,Y,) Bot> Olldet 64-63 121 Tom Kile 66-64 130 Ptl8' J1cobseo 88-82 -130 Merk Lye 611·68 -134 Jim Colb..-1 69-65 134 0 A Wetbftng 87-88 135 Don POOiey 69-68 135 Weyne l .. 1 70-65 -13!> Kermit Zetlty 88·88 -138 Hubert Gr_, 68-88 136 Mark Heyes 88-69 137 l eon11d Thompwn Alan T-Jim Alt>u1 Lon NielMIO Jodie Mudd Bruce Oevt•n Bob Twav Hat Sutton Don Levin Jay Cu<IO Bobbl WMlll.1nt Bob,,.., .. L8fry Zllgllf Bruce OouQlllU 69 71 /0·10 72·69 10·11 69-72 72-69 73·68 66·73 69·12 69 72 12·69 / t 10 - 68 73 71 10 0ouo Tewell 67-70 -137 ~ ~!~ ~:n -:~~ RocihHter 1ntern1tlonel 1~0 140 rH t•l , .. t4 t 141 141 1'1 141 , .. , ,. , 14 t 141 JC Snead 87-70 137 (el Pttltfel'd, N.V.) Cu1'111 S1renge 70-67 137 JoA•me Camor 67 88 135 Re• Calowetl 69-88 137 Nancy LDOel 10· 10 140 Mille H1H 88-70 138 Pat Br.Olly 68 72 140 Deva Eoehelbe<l)llt 65-73 -138 Sin<!•• Hayn,. 7'·68 140 Georoe 8u<ns 7 1.57 138 Patti Rwo 1'·68 140 Charles Coody 87·71 138 Sally LOtle 6972 141 Jecil Rnnar 69-69 -138 HOiiie S1ecy 69· 73 142 CtalQ Siaoter 71-87 138 Shelley Hamllll 73 70 -143 Gary McCord 77-86 -138 Cathy Reynold• 72.7 1 143 Ji'" Stmons 69-69 138 Coonle CllllWln>I 74-69 143 Meri. McNully 89-69 138 Pally ShMh&n 71-72 143 8111 Rover• 69-69 -138 llarb1ta Barrow 70-74 -144 em GHuon 66-72 -138 Cllhy MorM 74-70 -IU 8'& IStMIM>n 70-88 138 0119 EgoellnQ 13 ·1 1 144 Cl1tll<'Cll R0541 68· 7 1 139 Jan SleC>f*UOn 73 .72 14S Howard Twtlty 71-88 -139 Send•• SP<AZICh 72 73 -145 Jey H1as 69-70 -139 ee-1ey Oav11·Cooi>e! 88 r: 14!> Frank Conner 69-70 -139 Marty Dickerson 72-73 -145 Tom Shaw 70-69 139 Robin W•llOll 73· 72 145 LM EI08f 69-70 -139 Linda Hunl 73. 72 14~ Oil Morgan 69-70 I 39 Jene! Colts 7 1 7 4 -145 IMO Aolcl 67-72 -139 Sll\dre Palmer 70-75 -145 DH Oladl'INI for lourlll lime 11.80 13 IXACTA Ill.ti paid I 11 20 TINTH RACI . &&O y11d1 l IOI B*il. But 1Tot1i.11 7 20 !> 20 3 00 Ntvllda l.llfflb CA(lelr) b 20 2 IO v1nt1101 Trip (C.,dOl•l 2 IO At.a r!ICl<I Ch1101<11 ROQk111J1r flet>1 P•r Uar. lu fun John. fhr1Jp, f~llM You fhr11, Shawna lllll• Man Tlm1. 27 JO a IXACTA 13 .. ) pato '3 l 110 A1tend1nc1 9, 131 Hotlwwood Perk 'llll04V'I •HUL Tl (4711\ ol •d•J tl\ofoveltl>fed mM llllf) ''"" "ACI. I 11 to mllH RICI\ Career CMcHargu11l 31 80 0 80 7 80 Providential 1Gu•rr•) 3 20 ' 80 fllhol (Black) 14 80 Alto 1ece0 E a T11d111on wn11 •Your Bio. Kuga1ou. ca111orn1e Ftg. F1111 Stone. Eac:1u .. v1 CnoiCB Myatery King GaHero Time 1 45 115 llCOND RACE. 1 turtongt. Fo•y Toy IPtnc:ay) 7 60 • '40 3 20 Oreuy !Guerra) 4 40 3 20 lady Fran (Hawley) 8 00 Alto raced Aradta. cn1c1111. B11u1y Blooms, Klulng Girl, Pin Pll. Curfew Time, Flllt Isabella My PrttlCIN M1r1na Flying S111us Time 122 M 5 12 DAil Y DOUBLE 14 10) paid $82 40 THIRD RACE. I II 16 mll41s on turf leading Ad11oc1111 (Ptncay) 3 40 2 40 2 20 He1b Wine IMcCarronl 3 80 3 00 L'tnganue !Toro) 3 40 Also raced O.leclable Oec1s1ve O<e•m LOii Looi. Shparound. Anna Ruby So1n1ont. lit Pumpkin rono 1 43 J/5 15 EXACTA (7·91 01110 $38 5-0 FOURTH RACE. 8 furlong!> Pe111e Power (HtnHn) 118 20 43 60 14 20 Easter Glow ITO<OI 14 20 6 80 Princess L11tah COhvares) 4 80 Also raced Another Tov. Oou6te Tov Dawn Lynn 1 Fancy Golden Madre A" 1mp1en1ve Time 1 10 J/5 SS EXACTA 15 8) paid S2,82!l 00 FIFTH RACE.. One mile. Gentle Honda jLlpham) 11 40 4 80 Sa1a1oga Roxie IMcCarron) 3 60 Vttat Force 1vatenzual11) 3 40 2 40 3 00 Also raced Grey Susan. LO<d ' Sarak1, Elegant Beauty J8111fl9 Angel Time. I 37 LiS118 15 EXACT A (5· 11 oaid $102 00 SIXTH RACE. 'i'" lurton11s Brazenesoan (McCarront 16 60 7 •o 5 80 Emmet Kay CP111cayt 6 20 5 40 ZOlen tHanse11) 4 80 Also raced Prui..ely Pago TB/I~$ BrlQRde Humdonge<, O•stant Bel. 11u1arra11 Sterling Sllve Mo11ey Manager Rouge Choe! Fon" F11end Time I OS 115 SEVENTH RACE. 7 turtongs Ag11a1eo lady IHawtayl 16 00 Gtocca Morra (Mccarron) Lady Gabriela 1Guerr1) 5 00 3 40 2 40 2 20 3 20 Delight Atso raced Gazeta, Marttyn s Nawat's Love. Nola Bord Time 1 21 115 15EXACTA 16·7) paid $91 00 S2 PICK SIX 1!0·7-5-5·3-61 paid $5,09 I 40 w11h 26 winning llc:kel5 (five norse&) S2 Pltk Stll tonsolatton paid S79 00 w1111 S58 winning 11cke'5 (lour hOrses) 4 20 3 •O 3 40 3 ?O 660 Mollvoly Cmslle, Lindy Miiiet 88·71 -t39 Lynn Adam• 74.72 -146 ~II Walkins 70-69 139 Aloce RAtvnaro 71-75 -146 EIGHTH RACE. 6'A furlongs Lenee fen Broeek 69-70 -139 JuOy Clark 73.73 -146 Gray Dendy (H1wley) 9 40 Bob Murphy 72·67 -139 Cindy Hiit 74. 73 1• 7 Petro 0 . Jay (MtCuron) Chi Cll• Ro0t1ouez 70-69 -139 Kethy McMutllfl 72. 75 -147 Shady Fox (Ctstenedal Lyn loll 66-74 -140 Kathy Pos111we11 73-74 -147 Also raced Mindanao, Scofl Simpson 70-70 -140 Pam Goeuen 70-17 -147 Flylng Chick, Alrrollng Mt.JC NOTICE 'IOTTTIOU9 _, ..... NAMI l'Tt'TIMINT I II• tollowlng person 11 doing b\111,_ ... OONI TR UCflON MAINTBNANCI! &EAVICH, 1771' Alv111lde Alll , NIW90fl 0..Ch, CA Cl"'"'' Oai. COtkllllllJ WOtlly, 421'1' Ille Ave , Corona d1I Mer CA 12026 Thi• bu..,,_ I• GOnduoll<I by .,, lndlvldual 011e c w ort.Iv I hit ltllllTWlfll Wll filed wllh the County Clerk of 0r111191 County Ofl June 2, lllU ,I .. M l.IC NOTICE 'IOTITIOUI auaMH NAMI ITAH MINT Thi IOllc>'Oltlng l>ettOl'll are <lolng bu•lnet• .. £RS. 11110 Palk N-porl. No 31&, N1wpo11 8HCh, C1lllornl1 92680 RICl\lrd n rtc:kaon, 18&0 Park ~·· No 315. Newpofl Otich. C11t1ornta 928410 11.lnllllll A EtlC.klOtl, 4020 Via M11tna, No 3()11, Marine di! Mey, C•lllornla 90211 Tllll hu1tn ... 11 conduoll<I by 1 Qllfllral µ1rtr1111hlp, Richard A Ertc;t.aon fhll 1111.,.,.1111 Wit lllld Wllh lril County Clerk 01 Orange County on June 24 IH2 Publl1h1<1 Or1ng1 Co11I Dally Pilot .Nne 5. 12. l ll, 28. 1H 2 2391·82 ,,11121 fuDlllhlll Or1ng1 Co111 Dally ------------Piiot, June 28. July 3. 10, 17, 1982 Ptltl.IC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI 9U'*'H NAMl lTAT9MINT Thi lollowlng P«ton• 111 d04ng bull,_.,, FRIENDS ANO COMl'ANY; 3411 Vie l.ldo. N9WPOf1 BMoh. CA 029'3. Small P.,11. loo.. a Calllorn11 corpotallon, 3431 Weal Maywood'. 8Mte Al'IA, CA 112704 Thl1 bullnlea It conduetl<I l>y e corpotallon. Small Petti , 11\C Inez B Saclll Vice Prllldenl Thie etattmenl WU nll<I Will\ lhl County Clerk ol Oranoe County on June 2. 1982. F 190828 Publl1ll1d Orange Coaet Dally Piiot. June 6, 12, 19, 28. 1982 24711-82 POOLIC NOTICE l'ICTmoua 8U81NH S 2753·8~ PU8llC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI 8 U8INIH NAJH ITATEM£NT Thi following pertonl are OOlng bu .. -... WE!<l TH INTERNATIONAL. 14 Paum• Lene, NewPQfl Beach. CA 92080 Rlclllf<I E Brlllon, 14 Pauma Lane, Newport Beach, CA 926e0 Bella Whitman, San Antonio Drive, COiton, CA 1126e0 Thi• buelneu ts conducted t>y a ge,.., 11 p1tln8'tnlp R.E Brlflon Thll 1tatement was llled with the County Clerk ot 011nga County on June 24, 1982 Flt2113 Publlsned Oranoe Coatl Delly >1101 June 26. July 3, 10, 17. 1982 2768·82 P\&.IC NOTICE NAME STATl•NT l'ICTITIOUS 8USINH8 The lottowlng pertonl are doing NAME STATEMENT buslneu 11 The loHowlng person• are dOlroo 0 4 0 VENDING. 20892 butt°"* H Famswonh. Huntington 8eaeh, CA THE NEWPORT ECONOMICS 927 .. 8 GROUP, INC . 1600 Dove Slreel. 0 en n Is T 11 y Io r. 2 0 6 9 2 Sulle 42!>, Newport Beach, Ce Fern1wor1h l.n , Hunllngton Beach, g2660 CA 92748. Int a rate I e App r a I a a I OougiuFoeter.16lE 181hSI Corporet1on (a C 1tllo 1nla n I, Coale Meaa, CA 92827 corpor1tlon1, 1800 Dove Street. Tiit• bullnaaa II conducted by • Suite 425, Newport Beach, Ca gana<al partnership 92660 Oouglll Fostar INTERSTATE APPRAISAL Thit Statemenl WU hta<l wltn Iha CORPORATION County Clerk ol Oranoe Counly on Wiiiiam V Shr-abury, June 2. 1982 President F1\IOl2A Thi• statement wH flied wllfl Publtahed Orange Coast Dally Iha County Clerk ol Orange County Piiot. June 5, 12. 19, 28, 1982 on June 16 1982 2397-82 Ptl3UC NOTICE F1tlst3 Put>tosneo OrBflOe Coast Dally Plot June 19, 26. July 3 10. 1982 2671·82 FICTITIOUS BUSINH8 NAME STATEMENT Pt&.IC NOTICE Tile !Oltowlng persona are doing -------------bullnus aa 8TATl!Ml!NT Of A8ANOONIHNT SPECIAL TOOLS COMPANY. Of' USE 01' 551 Plerpon1 Ortve, Cotta Meaa. CA FICTITIOUS IWSINESS NAMI! 92626 The 101tow1ng person llH ab v •• sl r A l>d ul-H. ft l . 55 1 en<loneo Iha use Of lhe llCllllOUS Pierpont Drive, Costa MH I , CA buainets name 92626 SWALLOW'$ NEST 3456 VI Tarll Abdut-Haltz, 551 Pierpont Oporto. Newport Beach. Catotornia Drive, Costa Mesa. CA 112626. 92660 Tlltt buslnasa la conduc11d by a The Ftcllttous Bu11111111 Name general par1nerahlp r1lerr1d lo 11bov1 wu fllld 111 T11d K Abdul-Hafiz Orange Coon1y on M11ch 11. 1982 Thia llltement w .. flied with Iha Lydia Ruckar, 1338 Stonewood County Cieri< of Orange County on Ct , San Pidro. Cahl0<nla 90732 June 3, 1982 This t>u11ness 11 conducted by an F1I0710 lndlv1dutl Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally lydta Rucker Piiot, June 5, 12. 19, 26. 11182 Thia alllemenl ,.s filed wtlh the 2454-82 County Clefk 01 orenoe County on June 24, !982 PUil.iC NOTIC( 'ICTITIOU8 llU .... H NAM9 8TAH MINT Th• !ollowlng p111on 11 dotng bullneu ••· HA PROOUC TION, 140 HerOor l1l1n<l Ro1d, N1wpo11 811Ch. C•Hfornl• 92880 Miii Gregory l!atl 140 HarbOr t111nd Road, Newpor 1 U11c;h, C•lllornla 92880 T hit buatne.a II condu~ll<I by 1111 Individual Mill Elrl h111 111\emenl waa 11100 will\ 1n. County Clark 01 011no• County Otl June 24 IH2 '1ti1M Publlall1d Or1r1g1 Co111 Dally PllOI, Ju111 26 July 3 10 17 11182 2751·82 ~UC NOTICE l'ICTITIOU8 8USINH8 PU8UC NOTIC( PICTITIOUI 8U81Nlll NAMI ITATIMI NT Thi IOll<>wtng ~ 1on1 are 110itl0 bol!M .. H PVl!RQRl!l!N PLAN T CAA , 2102' M ll\ffta Ctrcll. l~unUngton Beach. CA 112848 Chrtetopher 0 Horn, 21022 Maneua Ctrcla Huntington BMGh. CA 12&48 Linnea A11n Hor11, 2 1022 Men1111 Cl1c11. HunttngtOfl Beactl. CA 92848 I hie bu11n111 t• conductlld by tn l11dtvldual I 1nnn Ann Horn Thll ataltnllfll WH lilac! wllh 1111 County Cllfk 01 Otanoe Coun1y on May 28 1982 F11CM2t Publlllhed Orange CoHI Delly P1101. June 28. July 3, 10, 11. 1982 2777 82 NAME ITATUHNT E The lollowong PlrlOMI •r• OOlllQ , ____ Ptltl. __ 1c_NO_r_1c ___ _ bua.nl6t H FIC:TITIOU8 IUSINE88 MESA DESIGN INNOVATIONS NAMI! 8TATIUNT 90S Maci.enzia Ptl()e. Cotti Moaa lhe tollow1ng p1raon 11 doing CA 92628 bu1tne11 11 JB ALLRED. 90!> M11ck1n111 HARBOR INN . 3 4!>11 Vi a PlaGe. Co111 Me ... CA 926211 0por1o, Newpon BellGh, Caltlornla C H E R I E A l. l. R E 0 9 0 5 92660 Meci.eni1e Place, Cott• MH• CA Lydi. Rucki• 1338 Stooewood 92528 Cl San Peoro. Celllorma 00732 ThlS bullness IS conducted by an tn11 bUainen ,, con0uc1eo by lltl u>01Y1du1t 1nd1vldual J B Allred Lydia Rucl\er Th•• statement waa litod wun tho Thll 1teremont wM ftled with the County Clerk of Ora,,go Cou111y on county Clerk ol Orange County on Jur•e 10. 198'1 June 24, 1982 F1t1253 F1t2131 Publlaheo Orange Coast Dally Pubhst1ed Orenge Cuot 0111ly PtlOI June 12 t9 26 Jury 3 1982 p,101 Jur"' 26 July 3 10 11 1982 2598·82 l H>6-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BU81NE88 NAMI! ITATaMENT The lollowlng persons are doing bU5111eH OS BELLINA IMPORTS l TO 6363 Voa Carone Drove Hun11ng1on Bttat11 Ce 92647 Dorothy Rouo Ball111ap 6862 Voa Carone Drive Huntongton Beach, Ca 9264 7 Simeon Eugene Belknap, 6862 Voe Cerone Or Hun11ngton Beath Ca 92647 This business 1s conouc:1eo by an 1nd1v1duat (husband & w1lel Ooro1hy Rom 8elk11ap This Slalement WllS flied Wllh 11\e County Clerk of Orange C0t1n1y on M11y 17, 198'1 "'"'°' Publlsheo Orange Coa11 Oaoty P1101 June 12 t9 26. Jury J 1982 2~9082 MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMl!NT The tollow1ng person II doing bu51ness es Bl~E N Z 21551 BrOOkhurSI St • 85 Hunttngl0<1 Beach Ca 92646 Mergaret Mary Zinser 2155 I Brooknursl St "85 Hun11ng1on Beach. Ce 92641! Maroe Chroslona Zinser 165 Pergola, Irvine, Ca 92715 This busoneH os conducted by an u11111corpo1ated anoc1a11011 other than a par1nersh1p Matgare1 Z111ser Tho$ s1111emen1 was Meo with lhe County Clerk of 0fangt County on June 10, 1982 F191255 Published Orange Cout Daily Pilot June 12 19, 26. July 3. 1982 2538·82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The lollowtng perso" '' llO•"g bus1neu as MAGNA-CHEM OIS TR I BUTING 5951 Keooro o t.. Hun111191on Beach, Cehlorn11 92648 Jame• M Holloway 595 I KenbrOOk , Huntongtoro Beech Calitorn1Q 92648 Th•s business 16 condvc:te<l oy an ond•v•<luat James M Ho1tow11y This s1a1emeot was Meo wnfl the Coun1y Cieri. ol Orange COUl'l•y on June 24 1982 F1t2l 32 Publitned Orange Coast Delly P1to1. Junt> 26 July 3 10 1 7 1982 7759 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollow•no persor• ,. ooong business 111 SOUTH CO A ST VALFI PARKING 400 Merrorna' W" ( Co5ta Mesa Ca 9262Ei Steven Broee 400 Ml!r,.mac Way Co~1a Mesa Ca 92&2~ ThtS business os conouc1'"'1 D~ an ind1v1oua1 Slt-ve B11ee Th•• S1a1ement wa~ lllt;rl w1111 me County Cler~ of Orange County on June 10 1982 F111252 Publlsheo Orange c:.0 .. \1 Oa11v P•lot June 12 19 26 July ) 19112 2544 82 M LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TE ME NT Tim Stmpeoo 71-69 -140 Mindy Moor• 73.74 -147 Time· 1 14 D••IO Th0<e 71~9 -140 Kathy Young 73-74 -147 PtlllJC NOTICE v1e10< Regalado 72-68 -140 J-Ale 75-72 -147 NIMTI4 RACE. l ~motes on turf F18'11t2 ~------------PubtothaO Orange CoHI 011ly P~ot, June 26. July 3. 10. 17. 1982 2757-82 P\&.IC NOTICE r he lonowong per son \ doong busmes~ ae Merli Pfeil 70-70 -140 Lori Oar1>lcz 75-73 -148 ProdlgloUI (Onega) 10 40 3 40 2 60 FICTITIOUS tw81NES8 Payne St-erl 89-71 -140 Cllftord Mil Cr_, 73-75 -1'8 Dllvelo (Plncay) 3 00 2 80 N~ ITATl!MUfT George Cadle 70-70 -140 Jo Mil Wul\8m 8~ -149 llthan (Guerra) 4 20 The tOllowtng peraon la dotng L11ry Rinker 7~ -140 Tiier.-HeMlon 77-72 -149 Al10 raced Fabulous Reason. Nono II, buslneN as: Allen Miller 70-70 -140 0onna Wlllll 75-74 -149 tngraa, Rompln Rude. Extremely Captain Ft VE p 0 IN l S CHEV R 0 N ~~ J~t~na il.1i = :: 5' ~ ~~~: ::: ~=~ 2.15 3/5 ~~~';!n1T,!~~E~~~ ~~~ ~~=• :::~~ : :: VIC*I = ~~~ = ::: !1:.~~ 1~s~2~al0 $80 OO Nad~~:~~v~:c~1~c~:.Pi~u!11a~~ !!:.:.2.~~~~~~---..:::::.:..:..=...:..=::___:::::..::I.:.:..:.::::.... _______ ;.;...;.;...~.:....:----~~-~~~------~~,v~~Y.Ca 92708 INTERNATIONAL CONT•llPOllAllY FURNITURE Pu,.l•IA • 110 s l.MI• Avenue • 12151449·&741 •...,LOS......,• ms Nattonat l tvd • 12rn 837·0138 .. VMUT e 1n.o ~ Wrl. No HOttvwooa • 12131765«>401 • IMTA MA• 1soo £ wamer • 17141 ssN>&11 '°"'" "'' • ness HiWtnOme llvd. romance e 12151 J?8 M13 • mtllDlltVllJO • 21191 w rvueMte Ptcwv e 11101495 3254 ... 10 •• -..... , ...... , Alt f\Jmltlft Cf'lft1!d Of tTW ftnHt veneers-"*"' lwmt are UNnembfeO In c:artons fOr HSV OlCk uo PnCts & merchancllse suDleef '° ltoek on nand Thll bullness 1s conducted by an 1ndtv1duat J1mes V Lopez Tnlt s1a1ement was flied With the Counly Clerk 01 Orange Co~;nly °" June 17. 1982 1'1111'4 Pub1t1had Orange Coast Dally Pilot June 19, 26, July 3. 10, 1982 2660-82 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USIHE98 NAME STATEMENT The loUowing person IS doing bu5"'8SS .. AKA COMPANY, 7051 Maddox Qr1v1 No 15, Apl 1147, Hunllngton Blach, Ce 92647 Ab du l Karim Allnl 11, 7051 MaddOll Ortve No. l!i, Apt 1147, Huntington Beach, Ca 92647 Thos buSlntss 1s conducted by an W\dMdual Abdul Karim Allnle Thll llllement WH !!lid Wltll Iha County Ctarll ol Orange County on June 17. 1982 F1111'83 Publlalle<l Orange Coael Dally Piiot June 19, 26, July 3. 10, 1982 2641-82 flta!C NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ST A TEMt:NT fhl loltowtng parsons ere doing buttneu 111 ULMER SAILS. 501 29th S1ree1, Newport Blach, CA 92863 S1111 by Schocic Inc • a Call- 1 or n le corporellon. 501 29th Street. Newport Baacl" CA 92663 This business 11 conductlld by e corpor11ton Salts by Scl\ock w O. Schock, Pru Tllis statement -• hied with the County Clerk of Orenoe Coonly on June 2,., 1982. Flt21:W Publllhed Orange Coaal Oaltv Pilot June 26. July 3. 10, 17. 1982 27611-82 I If it's got wheels you'll move tt faster In a Daily Pilot classified ad. can 642-5678 and a friendly ad·visor will help you turn yourwMitls Into cash . Pl&.IC NOTICE STATEMENT Of< wrntDRAWAL FROM PAlllTN£RI HIP OPERATING UNOElll '°ICTfTIOUS 8U81HEl8 NAME FICTfTIOUS BUSINESS Tiie following person hes NAME STATEMENT wllhdrawn at I gan«al P811ntr from The IOltowlno pet'SOrla are dotng the pannerllhlp op«111ng undar lhe buslneat u llctlllous l>ualness namt ol M 4 M ENGINEERING ANO CANYON CREST RIDGE VENTURE DRAFTING SERVICES '7651 81 25301 Cal>OI Road. Sulla 112. Br111any Lan•. Hunllngton 8each. Laguna Hiits. CA 92653 California 112647 The ftclllloua business name Mike Borrello. 17651 Brt11a11y Sl818"'8nl for the p11r1nersnlp was Lane, Huntington Beach, California llled on April 23, 1982 In lhe Counly 92647 of Orllllge FILE NO. F 188007 Mlchell1 Borrello. 171551 The lull name ano address ot Brittany Lane. Hun11ng10<1 Beach. Iha parson wttlldraw1ng ts Cal!IO<nll 92647 c HAR l Es 0 0 A L y 4 l 0 0 This buSlnesll ts conouc:le<I by a MacArthur Boulev1rd Newootl g_,11 par1narsntp Beach, CA 92663 Mike 9ofrello Cnarles 0 Daly This st•lemenl wos llleo wotn Iha Published Orange Coast Dally County Clerk ol Orange County on Piiot June Ill, 26, July 3, to. 1982 June 24 1982 2688-82 Ptltl.IC NOTICE LAGUNA TATTOO 6!16 Sc• Pa,111c Co1st l11g11wa> L;agun• Beach ca 92651 P11lrrt111 /4 Pavl•• 1949 Con11nen1at Cos1a Mes" Ca 926:?7 ThlS busmen rs conduc1~11 bv an lnd1viou11J Patrocra A Pavh~ Thi$ Sl•lement WIS hied wotn Ille Cou111y Cler• 01 Orange County on June 10 1982 F1112S4 PubhSh~O O•ange Co.;~1 Oa1•v Potot June 12 19 26 July 3 2537·82 Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF TlllUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T unde< a Deed ol Trust dated 3124178 recorded 417178. on Boo~ 12626 Page 508. Oll1t1at Records ot Ora1l9e Coun1y Cahlornoa Unless you take action to pro1ec1 your praper1y 11 will bt' solo II a put>trc salt' fl you n"ed ~" NOTICE OF DEATH OF exotenatoon 01 the nature ot me R UTH S. J 0 NE S AK A ~~~~~~:, !Ya8,!;!,' you you ---Ptm--1-C_NO_T_IC_E __ -t R u TH c . J 0 NE s AK A NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN Iha! -----------•R U TH SCHNITZLE IN on July 27, 1982. at 11·00 A M , al F11121'1 Pubhshad Orange Co1111 01lly Polol June 28 July 3, 10, 17, 1982 2752·82 STAT£MEHT OF WTT'HORAWAL JONES AND OF PETITION the ofllce ot ORANGE COAST FlllOM PAlfTNElllSHIP ESTATE HOLDING COMPANY 1820 East OPERATING UNOell TO ADMINISTER Garry Su11e 208. S1n11 An1. FICTITIOUS IWS«NIH NAME NO. All3881. Cal1lornta 92705, ORANGE COAST The tollowtng p e'9on 11111 To all hel.rs. beneficianes, HOLDING COMPANY. as Tru11ea. Wlllldrewn u a genaral pe11ner from d ' d • tliephc>ne number (7141 557..()842. 1118 pannerlhip Oi)8retlng uncar the e r e ttors a n contingen t Witt sett 111 PUl>llc auction 10 1110 ttc tlttoua t>ustne ss n•m• or creditors or Ruth S. Jon es highest bidder tor casn. rn lew1ut MALCOLM & DALY LAW CENTER and p erson s who may b e money of the United Slates. all ASSOCIATES. 27285 Lu Remblas, otherwise interes~ m the payable 111 the 11me 01 sate alt that Sulla 200, Mlsston Viejo, ca. 92691 will d/o estate· certlln real P«>cierly s11ua1eo "'the The rtc1illoua bu1ln1aa name an .. r · . C1ry or Newpor1 Beach. County ot 1t11-1 tor the panneralllp was A peuuon h as been filed Orange, State 01 Calo lornia lited on December 21, 1181 In Iha by Carol J . Cauer tn the desctibed as IOllOW$ LOI 15, 8KUPI County or Orange FllE NO. Su per ior Cour t of Oran ge the Nor'1.....,....1y 1 toot lhll!'eol ano Fl7~ lull name an<I ld<lr"8 or County requesting that Carol l~a';';tr::~~z, '~ o;7L2o'i~61~: the p erton wit hdrawing 11: J . Cazier be appointed as City of New00<1 Beach County of c HAR LES o . o A I. Y , ,. too penonal representa tive to Orange, Stele of Ca11l0<n1e, as per MacArthur Boulevard, Newport admi n ister t h e estat e of map recorded In Book 23 Pages 5 BHch. CA 92663 Ruth S Jones (under the and 8 of M1SQlfl1n110Us Maos. •n the Cllat1es O. Olly . olflce of lhe Countv Re<:Qlder of Pul>lilhed cxange Coast Oaltv Independent Adrrunistrauon seJd county Piiot June 11, 26, Jutv 3. 10, 1082 o f Estates Act). The petition The 11r111 aodran or .olher 2689-82 is set fdr h earing In Dept.• common deslQnauon of the said -------------00 Ci i "-reel praperly is 254 Sl•IY·teeond fltB..IC NOTICE N o. 3 at 1 v c ....,nter Street NIWPo<t Beach Callf0<nta Drive, West, in the City o f s110 sale wttt 1>e ,,;aoe w1th0ul Santa Ana, California on covenant or werrenty regarding July 21, 1982 a t 9:30 a.m u11e, posM$Slon. or ena.rmbrances U" YOU OBJEC'T t.o the to salltly lhl 01>1og111ons secured by '1tt1n Publl1h1d Orange Coael Dally Pilot, Junt 28, Jul}t 3, 10, 17, 1182 2754·82 Nil.IC NOTlct • and purM.lanl 10 the power of $8le granung of the petition , you conterreo In 1h11 c8r1aon dea<I ol should either appear at the trust dated M arch 24 . 1978, h e aring and s tate your executed by JON JARVIS. 11 stngll · f ') · men. as Trustor1. lo NEWPORT o bJeCtions o r. 1 e w ritte n EQUITY FUNDS. 1NC . as Tru1tee. o bjec tion s W i th the cou r t lo ROBERT J COSTARElLA M 0 before the hearing You r TRUSTEE FOR ROBERT J appearance may be in periM>n ~R°o~E1s~.~~A~ l toR~OR~ no: or by your attorney EM PLOYEE BENEFIT TURST. I F Y 0 U A R E A Benellct11rlel, recorded 417178. in CREDITOR or a con tingent Book 12828. Page 506 land Re creditor of the d eceased you recorded 4126/78 on Boal< 12649, • ' Page 1061, Orange Counly). Ofnctal m ust file y our claim Wlth the R1cord1 of Orange Coun1y , court or present It t.o the Celifomle p e r son al r e presen t ative Notlei ol 0e1.U11 and £tecllon lo a ppointed by the cour t Sall lh• dHc:rlb1d real properly within four mon ths from the under nld Dead of Trull was recorded on Merc:h 23. 11182 u d a te o f f i r s t Issuance o f 1n111umer11 No. 82-100262, Ot11c111 letters as provided in Sectio n Recor de of Orange County. 700 of the Probate Code ot callfQINI C I. ( · Th i ( This notice 11 glwn In compllll!Cll a 1 o rnta . e t m e or with 1111 Millen apptJc;atton rnadl 10 filing claims will not expire 111 1 T r u • 11 e by 111 a u m 1 STAn•WT rw wrrHDftAWAL prio r t.o f our months from 8lnlf1GWV nlOM ,.ARTNllll*""' t h e d a t e o f the h e ari n g On Junt 28, 1982, wll!c:h ta 1111 Of'IRAT1MQ ~ noticed above dm Of 11111n11111 puhHcallon ot thle l'ICTmOUI ..,_ .. MAim YOU MA y EXAMINE Not let of Set•. the tollowtng Thi tollowl ng p1 11on hu amounta r~t lhe 10111 amount wtlhdrewn 111 generel panner trom the file kept by the court. U of tl\1 unpaid balance of t h• thl penneHNP CJC*lllnQ undeftlle you are Interested In the pOllglttlon, -url<I by •hi •bO~ 11ctlt1ou1 bu11n1u n e m1 or estate, you may file a request ~:.:.'~~.'::d~o:.:, INNOVATIVFJIROMOTIONS et 949 w ith the court to receive uptn•••. 1no 1 dv e nc1•. Senta Ane S,., LIQVOI BMctt. Ca. I I I ( t h 92M 1. s pec a n o t c e o e rHpec:llv11y. Unpaid b1tanc:1 of Th• 11c11t1o u1 bualneu neme Invento r y o f estate a11eta obllQ•llon, 1 15,000.00, lnlar1SI, $1, 111111M11I tor thl pat1ntf'thlc> '!fe• and of the petitions 11CCOunta ua..oo: ForlOloture ooet•. W 7 so: " ,_.., Oclo.._. • 'Ml ,_ 1"'-' AdVlnOM. ..O-: Total, 1 18,736 30 c;:,,,~ ol Of.; "'• ' m ,,. an d r eports d eac rlbed In Thi undtt110ntd w11 tp90in11<1 Thi lull nefl'll end ltdd,_ of 1111 S ec t I o n 1 2 0 0 • 5 o f th e end eubl11Mlcl 11 Truec.. undlf pereon wllhcS11w111g 11: OARREl California Probate Code. the Deed of TN lt l>y a lubetttutlon COOPl!R, t332 Chalcedony 81 • Mart 8. ~ £941. recotcSecS 3121111, u lt1t11'\1t9*\t san Oltgo, e .. "1°'· At'9rMJ at Law ~· 11-=~: ~ l'lcoorOI o1 o..,.i co;:'..._,,,.... Halm, C.liet 6 Leff ~D: 812•112. .. ubltlfi9CI Orenoe Cout !)ally "' s. Plower St., UM Fioo ORANGE COAST HOlOINO Piiot; Jl.w 12. 1t. H , J4i1t !1..~tlf 1M Aqe)a QA Ht1t COMPANY, ________ .,.._1-12_ (Ill) dJ.Mtl :. ~OC>lf°'~ Publlthed Orance CON ~ ...,. L °*"*· c.1110-11 •. Put• few words towottl for ou. Dal.lY PUot.. June 2&, 2$, Jul ,,..,.,.,. 2. 1§82 PublleMO Otl~ Co.It Delly • . 279e-8 Piiot. """' "' -Mr " 10. ':..n .. 1 ... -~ ---~--_. ___ .,.. ___ • ._ • liii a a ""' ... t ............. .. Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 26, 1982 ~ . . .. .. MAJOR LEAGUE ST ANDINGI Amerlo•n L•egu• Weatern Olvlalon Angela Kanaa1 Clly Chicago Seattle Oaklano T .. as M1M9$018 Botton Mll-ukee Oetroll Balllmore Cleveland Ne•York T0<on10 W I. Pel. 01 42 29 592 40 28 588 .,. 38 30 .5119 2'• 37 35 514 5•.., 31 42 425 12 25 39 391 13'> 17 54 239 25 fHlarn Dlvlalon 42 26 618 38 30 559 4 38 30 545 5 36 31 537 5•.., 33 34 493 5•.., 32 3• 485 9 32 37 464 10'1 Fr lday '• 8core1 Kansas Cuy 8. A"9•1• 6 (10 1nn1ngll Minnesota al Toronto. ppd . rain Ball1more 5, Detroit 2 Miiwaukee 9. Boston 3 New York 1 t, Cleveland 3 Oakland 6. T exes 2 Seattle t. Chicago O Toclaft Oame1 Kansaa Coty (Blue 4-51 al An9al1 (Renko 7-t)." Mlnneso1a (Havens 3-51 at Toronto (Leal 5-5) Milwaukee (Haas 4-4) al Boston (Tudor 6-5) Oe 1101t (Witco• 5-21 a1 Ball•more (0 Mar11nez 7-4), n Cleveland (Walls 0 -51 at New Yor~ (R1gh8lll 5-5), n Oakland (Keough 8-9) al re ••• (HO\Jgh S-5). n Chicago (Burns 7 3) a1 Seattle (Perry 5·6). n National Luaue Wffl.,n DIWlalen Allanla San Ote<;io Dodaera W L l"ct. 01 0 27 .809 - 31 30 .1181 3'A San l:rar>etaco Ctnclnnall ~•0011on :17 35 614 '"" 32 40 .444 1 t'A 30 40 429 12V. 30 40 429 12'A IHlarn Dlvlalon St Loutt Montreal PhiladalA/lla Naw York Pittsburgh Chicago 40 31 38 30 37 32 36 311 32 34 27 44 ,rlday•a korH Houston 1, Oodgera 6 Chicago s. St. LOOll 3 Philadelphia 1·11, N-York 0-3 Pittsburgh 4-9. MontrH I 3·7 All•nta 5, Clnclnneb1 2 San Diego 3. San Frenc1tco 2 Toclaf• Oamea 583 - 5511 '" .~36 2 600 411\ .466 ~"' .380 13 Dodgeta (Stewart 2-4) at Houston (Sutton 7-3) St Louis (L1Po1n1 3· t and KHt 1· t) at Chicago (Bird 4.7 aud Ripley 2·0). 2 San 01ego (Curt11 5·41 al San Frencltco (FowlkH 3·2) New York (M Scott 5-6 and A Jona• 6-8) al Philadelphia (Bystrom t-0 and Chrlltenaon 3-4), 2 l·n Atlanta !Dayley 3·31 al Cmc1nnat1 (Solo 7-41. n P111aburgh (Moskau 1·3) al Montreal (Lea 8-2), n AMERICAN LEAGUE Aor•I• e, Angel• e KAN8A8 CITY CALll"OANIA ab r II bl ab r II bl w Wilson ll 5 O 2 O Oownonq ll 5 O 1 O u Wshgt sa 4 1 1 1 Ro Jksn tb 3 1 1 l Brett 3b 4 2 2 O Carl!W tb 2 l t 1 Olis cf 5 1 2 o Gricn 21> 5 1 2 0 Geron111 cf 0 0 0 O Baylor dh 5 t 2 0 McRae dh 5 2 z 4 Re Jcksn rf 4 O O O Aikens ti> 2 1 1 2 DeCncs 31> 4 O O O Werth 1 b 0 0 0 O R Clark ct 2 1 1 0 Marlin rl 5 O 3 t Lynn cf 2 0 l 1 Oul!k c 5 t t 0 Foll SS 4 1 I 0 Pryor 2b 4 O O O Boone c 4 0 2 1 Totals 39 8 14 8 Total9 40 8 12 4 Score by lnnlne• Kansu Cuy ':foo 001 110 2-8 Calflornla 100 021 020 0-6 E-Olis, Marlin OP-Kansas C11y 2. Caltlorma 1 LOB-Kansas Clly 7, Calllorn1e 5 2B -M cRae . Grich 2 . Lynn HA-Ao Jackson ( 1). Aikens (3). Carew (t). McRae ( 11) S -·Pryor. U Wshngtn SF - A1kens Kanaat Clly IP H R EA 88 SO Spllllorfl 6 8 4 2 O 2 Ou1senberry (W 4·2) 4 4 2 2 1 O C'*-tnle Wiii '"' 10 6 0 1 a lialtler .... 0 0 0 1 0 Corbell 21\ I 1 t 0 t A Mor'"'° o ... a.11 ~ ' ' 2 1 t lllllCl\a '" 0 0 0 0 0 wr> Ha..i.t ! )·01, A-34,'91 OriolM t. TltleA I Dalr041 010 001 000 :t 10 0 Balllm0ta 001 ooa 10k 6 6 o P•lry P Undarwooel 171. So•• (1) and Perr11n: l'lanagan 1nC1 Nolen, DampHy W-l'lenagen. •·& L-Palry. 6·6 S - Stoddard (6). HR-Oalrolt, lvla (8) A 26,230 ......... '*'!lo•. Mltwaukff 200 012 400-11 t6 1 &o.ton OOt 0 10 010-3 15 3 Larch, Slalon (6) and 8lmmon1: Huret, Apontt (6). Ojeda (7) and Allenton, Gedman W -Slaton. 6·1 L-Hurel. 2·2 HR- Mltwaukff, Coope< ( 131, G Thomas ( 16) A-3U6e. Yank"' 11. lndlana J Cl••et•nO 100 020 000-3 8 0 New York 035 102 00•-11 13 2 81•kt•. Anderson (3) end Bando, Nahorodny. John, L1Aoch• (II) and Wyriegar Eeplno W-John. 5·6. L-Berker, 8-4 HA-Clevelend, A. 8ennlller (3), New York. Netti•• (4), Smalley (3). A-21,948 A'• •• "•"1141'• 2 Oakland 000 050 001-6 11 O Te•ll 000 000 020-2 5 3 McCatty, S.ard (8) and Newman; Tanana. Sollmldl (6), Mirabella (9) and Sundberg W-McCatty, 5· 1 L-Tan1na. 3·9 S- Beard (8) A-18,863 Mart...,.. 1, White 101 0 Chicago 000 000 000-0 4 O Seattt& 000 001 00•-1 5 o Hoyt and Fisk; BHttle. VandeBfltg (0), Caudill (91 and s-1. w -e.1111e. 5.4 L- Hoyt. 10-5 S-Caudlll (12). HA-Seattle. D Henderaon (8) A-28,815 NATIONAL LEAGUE A1tro1 7, Dodger• 5 LOI ANOELH HOUSTON ebr llbl abrhbl Su 2b 3 2 1 1 Thon as 4 2 1 o Landre• cl 4 t 2 2 Puhl rt 4 1 2 t Bal<er ti 5 0 2 0 Knight lb 2 1 1 O Gue<cer rl 3 O 1 I J Cruz II 4 2 2 2 Aoenock rl t O O 1 Ashby c 4 1 2 1 Garvey ID 5 0 1 O Garner 21> 4 O 2 2 Cey 3b 4 o t o T Scott cl 5 O 1 1 Yeaget c 4 O 1 O A Howe 3b 2 O O o Scloset ph 1 0 0 0 0 Sm1lh p O O O O Russell as 3 2 1 0 Spltmn ph 1 O O O Welch p 0 0 O 0 LaCoaa p 2 O O O S Shirley p 1 0 I O Waiting pn t O o o Monday ph 1 O o O Roberge p O o o o Forster p O O o O Niednlur p 0 0 0 0 Orta ph 1 0 0 0 A Pena p 0 0 0 0 T 0181$ 36 5 11 5 T Ol•I• 33 1 11 1 Score by Inning• Los Angetes 210 002 000-5 Houston 220 102 00•-7 Oii Hovalon I t.01 Lot Ar10ela1 11, Ho1.111on la al Lt ndru ua, J C•u• 7 38 Puhl, Garner 88 -au 2. KnlQhl, Rutaatl, ! toolt I We4oh ............. IP H" '"II ID Welch '" 3 4 4 4 1 8 8hlri.y 3'• 3 t t 3 1 1'0<1111. (t.. 2 4) 4' 3 2 2 l 0 Nle<lanfvl' '\ 0 0 0 1 0 A Ptna 2 2 0 0 I 2 H-lan o Smith 2 4 3 ~ 2 o LaCoH (~3·21 4 6 2 2 3 1 Ro'*ge (a, t) 3 2 O O O 0 H 8 P by L a Coe1 (RoanlCk•) WP S 81\lri.y Belli 0 Smtih l T 3 09 A 26,902 CllM I, Cardlnal1 a St Louil 000 001 0 tl-3 7 0 Chicago 000 300 02• 5 u O Andujar. Bair (I ) 1nd Porter. Jenkin• end J Oa•ll. W-Jankl111. 6·8 L-Anduj1r. &-5 HA-Chlclgo. Jollntlone (6) A-18,414 1 ..... 5., llld• 2 All1n1a 101 OOt 200-5 n o C1nclnnall 000 000 002-2 6 0 P Nlekro, Hraboahy (9), Garber (9) end Benedlcl. Ben1ny1. Haya• 17). Harrll (8) and Trevino w P Nlekro, 8-2 L -Bflteny1. 5-8 S-Gerl>8r t 12) A-20,283 'lfllT OAME Pllllll .. 1, Malo 0 N-York 000 000 000-0 3 0 Phlledelphll 000 000 001-1 8 1 F'elcone and Stearna, Ruthven 1nd B Ouu W-Authvan. S·5 L-Felcone, •-• SECOND OAME Ptlllllea 5, Mal• 3 New Yof'l< 000 003 000-3 8 2 Phlladl4phla 000 410 00•-S 10 2 Zachry. Orooco (41. Lynch (81. Hausman (8) and Steam•. Farme<, Read (6), McGraw (91 and Virgil W-Former, 2-• l -Zactiry. 4.3 S-McGraw (11 A-36.775 FIRST OAMf PlralH 4, Eapoe 3 Plllsburgh 001 010 020-4 7 1 Montreal 001 000 002 -3 7 t Rol>lneon ana T Pena. Sande11on. Schatlttder (9) and Carter W -Robinson, 7-3 L-Sanderaon, 6 5 HA -P11ta1>urgh T Pena 2 (S) Aob1naon ( 1) • 8ECOND OAME Plrelae t , Expo• 7 P1t(aburgh 001 200 501-9 14 1 Mon1real 001 010 005-7 14 o Rhoden, Scurry (71. Tekulve (7) llnd NICoala, Burtll, B Smith (71. Fryman (7), Reardon (7). Scha!zeder (9) and Blackwell. Car1er W-Rhoden, 4·6 L -Bumi, 3-9 HA-Montreal, Oliver 110) A-51.360 Pldr11 3, Olenle 2 San Diego 000 000 300-3 1 O San f'ranclsco 100 OtO 000-2 6 O Etchelberger. Luca• (7) and T Kennedy, Lul<ey. Barr (7). Holland (8) and May W - Elchelberger. 6-8 L-Laskey. 6-5 S-Lucas ( tO) HR-San Francisco. Venable (I) A-10.269 • SundayB~ch Restaur lrtt1 Royal Champagne Brunch June Only Two For The Price of One 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 TALE oi e th~WHALE 11£ BMJ ::::r Champagne ~ Buffet Brunch '8.95 Featuring. Eggs Benedict Reg11/or Menu Alt0 Served Sunday Brunch '4.75 $5.SO W ith Chompogne SUIDAY IRUIOH 01 THE WlTERFROIT 10 II to 4 Pl Featuring Huevoa Ranchero1 675.()474 2318 W. Newport Blvd. Jl:yei:J. SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. COMPLIMENT ARY COCKTAIL 759-1854 3901 w. Colst Hwy. I Guide Buffet By The Bay CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH •9_95 ($4.95 Under 12) Saturday 11 to 2: 30 Sunday 10 to 2:30 llIMttAtQD On The Waterfront In Lido Marina VIiiage ALL YOU CAN EAT Sunday Champagne J;lrunch 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 56.95 Malta 54.95 Clail•rea Seating Available For Large Groups THE JOCKEY CLUB ~ bpllllf Cl•= ltu1t -,,,..,,.IH 611 1 ~I-#111.U.I ,,., II:#, ... • 1:11 ,_., Complimentary Valet Parking AEG7fil1SeTRV 11100 MacArttu BotMvard K • x Rtsenattens Requtsttd ---!fg!._!!-(714) 752-1777 World Cup 'AIOA Y'I I COllll Wat! Germany t Aullrt• O England 1. Kuwan 0 Northern lrel111cJ I, $p•l11 O Wlmbtedon Women'• leoend l'ollnd 111>11'" Cl1udla Kohda (WHI Garmany) d•I Andrea l••nd (U 8 ), 1·6. 8·2: Anne Smtih (U 8 ) d•I Sua Leo (AullraNa). &-•, 0-4, v1rg1n1t lluzlCI (Romania) Ciel Petra Oel'- (!lwlliarl•lld), S·:I. 7-6. Barbara Pollet (U.8) del Kim Stelnmeu (U 8.), 8·2, 8-3 llCONO llOUND Group A -POiand, Auu1a, B11tglu111 Women'• Thlfd "4Mlnd llnflM Merlina NIVl lltllova (US ) <111 Anne While IU S ). 6 1. 6-4. Pam ShrMH (U 8) dal Kllhy R1nald1 (U S ) 11·4, 8 I Group B Engl1nd. WHl Garmany. Spain Group C naly Brazil. Argentina Group D lranc:e. Au11r11. Northern Ireland Mondafe 01ma1 Poland •• Belgium lrvlne Open TOOAY'8 MATCHll (al UC INlne) Aut111a •• Francfl Man'• 81"91" lamlftnela World cur,. et•ndlng• (Flnel I rat round) 9 45 • m -Tim Downey •• John Kline, t I a m L1w••nce Oav1daon ve Oevld Helt em Woman'• 81nglaa lemlnnel• OAOUP 1 w t. l 'Poland 1 0 2 ·11111y 0 0 3 Cameroon 0 0 3 Petru 0 1 2 Ptl OF • 5 3 2 3 2 OA I 2 1 6 9 45 ll m Jill 8ec;l< VI MICh9'1• M•u. 9 45 • m -Cathy 0 M"ara •• M1r11 Myora Mlaad Doublaa lemlltnale 1 t o m Ronnie Mancoa-J111 Weill •• ·Advances to second round Janoc:• Me1call-Oan Henson. 2 45 pm -Jill Beck Jim Harper •• M erta Myera-Erlc Ou a de Men'• Double• S.mlllnale OROUP 2 w L T Pta QI" QA ·Well Germany 2 I 0 4 6 3 12 t5 p.m -M1k• Bree-Jell Kuyper vi Joan Bradbury-Phil Hamilton. 1 30 p m - Blaine Patton· Tim Downey •• Nigel A•mstrong-Joon Welh8t • Aut1r1a 2 1 0 4 3 1 Algeria 2 I 0 4 5 5 Chile 0 3 0 0 3 8 •Advances 10 68COtld routld GROUP 3 w L T Ptl QI" OA ·Belgium 2 0 I s 3 I ·Argentina 2 1 0 4 6 2 Hungary 1 1 1 J t2 6 El Salvador 0 3 0 0 I 13 ·Advances 10 M>Cond round GROUP 4 Frld•y'1 tranHctlon1 SASE I ALL w t. T Pit OF GA American Le119u• 'England 3 0 0 6 6 1 BOSTON REO SOX Placed Carne1 •France I 1 ' 3 6 5 Ldnslord thlfd baseman on lhe 15·cl8) Czechoslov&k1a 0 I ? 2 2 4 d1Hbl<1d 11s1 ellec11ve June 24 Called up Ee 1<uwa1t l) 2 1 t 2 6 Jurak ont1elder. from Pawtucket of lh( • Advonctts to second rountl lnternallonal Lea9ue SEATTLE MARINERS -Recallec GROUP 5 Domingo Remos. sl'lor1a1op lrom Salt Lakt w L T Pll GF GA ol me Pacific Coast league alter ne Cleere< • Northttrn 1rel1nd ' 0 2 4 2 1 reverse waivers ·spa1n I 1 1 3 J 3 TORONTO BLUE JAYS Acqu11ec Yugoslavia 1 I 1 3 2 2 Wayne Nordhagen designated nuter-oul Honduras 0 1 2 2 2 3 t1e1oer, from !he P111sburgh P1ra1es ano ·Advances 10 second rouno placed him on lhe d•sal>led hs1 GROUP 6 H1tlonel Le119u• C1NCINNA 11 REOS Pla,ed ~rank w l T Pll GF GA Pa.1ore p1lct1er on the 2 1-day O•aabled 11sl ·Bru ll 3 0 0 6 10 2 Celled up Ben Haye• pitcher. from ·Russia t ' 1 ) 6 4 lnd1anapoh~ of the Ameocan Association Scotland ' 1 1 3 8 8 ST LOUIS CARDINALS Called up Jell -ZN laM 0 3 0 0 2 12 Lan11 p<lc~er from Lou1svilht or the ·Advances to second round Ame,1cdn As!.OC.1a1•on 'J• "-..,,,, 'rN''l' ~ l • ., ~ .... 0•111,at11llt_ -\.b OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Champagne Brunch 14. 95 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAY 99' BREAKFAST 8 A .M. to 11 A.M. 3300 Coast Hwy. 548-2224 Newport Beach Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 iBI~. E ~·CANNERY Sunday Brunch From 9 a.m. 675-5777 Oh111,11111 lru11eh Hu~or Orulsts Depart& 10 o.m . & 12:30 Reservations Required 675-7522 JO 10 LAFAYETTE AVE. /IEW10U IEAO# mAnDARln Geurmet ...........•.•...••••.•••••• : ORIENTAL CHAMPAGNE : : BRUNCH . I I ::30 To 2 :00 • • '7.50 • ~--·-··-···················· in the Mediterranean Room ""'-from 10·3 ~· · 18700 MacArthur Bl., Irvine Alrporter Inn Hotel • ( 714 ) 833 • 2110 ' •• 1 Bl ' .. .. Orange Ooaat OAIL.Y Pll.OTl81turd1y, June 28, UUl2 Plas tic peril proliferating? By THOMAS D. ELIAS While sales and CON1t.ruction of new homes and apurtmenta are cooler today than at any time aince 1960, a hot controversy over fire danger from plastic rages in the building lndustry The four major hotel flres of the last two years have kWed more than 200 people and spurred the debate over use of synthetic building materials. Most of the hotel fire victims died Crom inhaling fumes far from the actual flames. "There is no doubt that increased use of plastics is altering the quality of risk Clllf ORNIA f OCUS m our lives,•· says state fire marshal Philip Favro. ·•Although a new house usually contains about 8,000 pounds of wood, modern building codes allow many plastics in trim, bathroom fixtures, floor coverings, pipes and furnishings. When they bum, they release gases." THOSE GASES are believed responsible for most of the deaths in fires at the MGM Grand and Hilton hotels in Las Vegas, Stouffer's Inn at Purchase, N. Y .• a nd the Westchase Hilton in Houston. "Plastics as a whole are six times as toxic as wood when they burn," Yves Alerie, a University of Pittsburgh public health professor, told a San Francisco meeting of the NationaJ Fire Protection Association. "The gases from plastics kill twice as Cast as gases in a wood fire. That means it takes much less plastic to kill in a fire and the presence of plastic gives occupants much less time to escape a burning building ... Yet most builda.ng codes in California -following a recommendation Crom the NationaJ Bureau of Standards -don't consider the poosible toxicity of plastic building materials. Nor 1s use of plastic in furniture regula ted. despite the deadly gases spewed when it burns. Plastics are so much lighter and cheaper than materials like metal and concrete that they are p roliferating in places where most homeowners and hotel guests would never look for them. "An average 10-foot-square room can contain 1,000 pounds of plastic," says Favro . "And more than 50 t oxic compounds are found in smoke from various plastics." Yet Favro thinks any ban on plastics would be silly. "We have a fierce struggle in California today over plastic water pipes. But banning plastic will not solve the problem. Plastic is here to stay. We produce 8 billion pounds of it for use in buildings, furniture and appliances each year. We've got to control its use and make sure it meets rigid toxicity standards." FAVRO BELIEVES the potential danger from prolifer ating plastic in many homes is "like allowing 200 gallons of g_asoline in a home. We wouldn't dream of allowing that, but we e ncourage use of thousands of pounds of plastic." But there is almost no chance for quick action to regulate plastic. The National Bureau of Standards once required synthetics to be no more toxic in a fire than wood or paper. But that standard was dropped WI "too vague" in 1976 amld claims that laboratory tests couldn't accurately predict how toxic any materiaJ wouJd turn out under ragmg fire conditions. 'l'estin~ has improved !Unce then, but bureau oC!icial Edward Budruck said "There wiU be no new regulation soon. lt takes about 10 years to develop a reliable standard" But lack of a national standard has led to "an e rosion of fire codes 1n California," says Merritt Birky. research director for the national Foundation for Fire Safety. "We've had piecemeal changes whose overall effect is not taken into consideration." But any new regulation would meet stem resistance from consumers and the plastics industry, which maintains that no test has yet shown its products caused any fire deaths. Says Gerald Jones, president of the Build ing Code Adminis trator s International, "Any fire inspector who tells a housewife to throw out her new sofa because it's too toxic had better like tar and he'd better Like feathers." The answer? Favro says California should rate the toxicity of all building materials and fibers. But there is no real hope for any such system in the next few years Thomas Elias. a free-Janet! columnist based in Santa Monica, analyzes state issues. A look at By SOLL SUSSMAN AHoclat9d ,., ... Writer MEXICO CITY They were obsc:urt.· onJy last fall in their roles as a country doctor, a banker and an army g<>neral who describes himself as a born-again Christrian. Now they are among the leaders of Lurbulent Central America , part of a major political turnover in the area. FourlPf the five countnes in the region have cfianged gove rnments since No- > vember -three through elections, one through a coup after a questionable election. new leaders hip Thl' quick <·hunge is dramati(· in a rq~1on as eompac:t as Central America and 1s st.>t agamsl the backdrop of revo- l u Lwn, gul'frilla wadare and a new- found prominPnC·t:'. HerC' 1s a rundown of the new gov- t'rnments in the region and the problems th<'y face: EL SALVADOR: Rightists took con- trol of a llt:'W Constituent Assembly in C'lt'(:lluns March 21:1 and installed ultra- t•onscrvauvc Roberto D' Aubuisson. a former ctrmy mlelJ1gence officer, as 1t.s leader Mortgage banker AJvaro Magana was named prov1Sional president. D' Aubu1sson . allegedly linked to right-wing death squads. has traded in his op<•n shirt and gold chain "macho" image• for pm-stripe suits smce taking of hl'l' 1 hs statements are more moderate now. bul critics claim he still wants drastic m11ltary action to e nd the war against leftist gul•rrillas and reverse the U.S.-backed agrarian reform program launched by the old junta. Magana, supported by Lhe military to break a political stalemate, ts expected to modc.•rate D'Aubuisson's stands. The U.S.-educated banker has no indepen· dC'nt politic.al baS<', but the supporl of the military high t'Ommand c..'Ould be mort.• imporuint. GUATEMALA: A military coup March 23 resulted in a governing junta headed by Gen Efrain Rios Montt. the born-again Christian who makes no se- <'rN of his evangelical views He· promises to reverse the poor human-rights record of previous re- gimes. mdudmg lhat of his deposed prcdocesl>or, Gen . F ernando Romeo Lucas Garcia, compiled as the military fought an increasingly strong leftist in- surgency A question will be whether the promise proves reol enough to produce a resumption of the U.S. m1ht.ary aid cut off in 1977 be<:ause of human-rights rC'Cord Gen. H1os Montt already has broken up onv Srt·urity force that had been al"t:Used of acting as a death squad and J<lllt'tl many corrupt officials. But kJJlings l'Ollt1nuC' in many parts of the country. HONDURAS: The poorest country in the region underwent an orderly change lO a popularly l'IKl~l <.'tvilian govern- ment in November. l0ndmg an almost unbroken t hain of 17 years of mild, perhaps benevolent. military rule. The new admm1strat1on hi!adl'<i by Roberto Suaw Cordova, the country doctor with a broad interest in pohti<.'S. works closdy with the m1htary Suazo Cordova replan•d the prov1- s1onal military regime of Gen Po!Jcarpo Paz Garl·ia that had OC't·n rc•luctant to make maJOr dcc1s1oru. Thl• nt-w govern- ment has a ba(·klog of leftover social and economic woes and no money lo correct them. COSTA RICA: Costa Rica's economic cns1S C'Ontmu~. but Lws Alberto Monge, a career pohtirnm (.>lt'<.·U>d president last F'eb. 7, SC.'<.•ms morC' indined to impose a us ten ty ml'asUrl>S to resolve the crisis than was his prt'ttl't.'l'SSl.lr, Rodrigo Ca- raz.o. The C'IJUntry ha'> bc>t.'ll living beyond its financial mNins for yl•ars. bul is sull <:allC'd a stronghold of dc•mocracy in the region. Monge·. a forml·r ll1<1d<•r in Congress. took office May 8 H<.• must now impose Lhe necC'ssar y aus t<.•rity measures on Costa Rica to bring tht· e<:onomy back into balanl't' and n-storl' its credit wor- thiness m tht> t'Yt>S of the world's major lenders NICARAGUA: The onlv Central AmC'rican nat1u11 without-a recent change of govt•rnnll'nt 1s one of the most explos1Vl' A stat<' of l•mergenc:y enacted m March bf.>c.·<iuM· uf alleged external threats to the· ll'ft1st govc•rnment l'\:'mains m effect The Sandm1st.a National L1berallon F'ront that came to power in the JuJy 1979 revolution Lhal ousted righlist Anastasio Somow feds mcreasmgly be- se 1~cd by whal it describes a s "counter-revolu uonary" forces. They rangC' from dw-hard-members of Somoza's disbamllo<l Nallonal Guard to Eden Pastora, kn"wn "Commander Zero" during the· n·volutlon and who re<.'t'ntly :iti:uscod thl· JUnta of betraying revolutionary goal:-and announ<.'ed he would fight 1t Th<.' JUnta 1s headed by Cmdr. Daniel Ortega Saavt•dra. Nicara- gua has said it will hold ele<:tions in 1985 Former aide defends president's policies By KENNETH L. KBACHIGIAN Remarks by Kenneth L. Khachigfan, public affairs consultant and former special consulUJnt LO President Reagan, are re printed from the Town Hall Journal. The problems facing the Reagan administration are severe. But, if the jury will permit, I'd like to put in a couple of words Cor the defense. Let's begin by taking a look at the situation President Reagan inherited on Jan. 20. 1981. -In 1979 and 1980, America suffered back-to-back double-digit inflation for the first time since World War I. -FederaJ taxes had grown so much that they have nearly quadrupled over the past 15 years. -Hardpressed Americans were being kicked steadily into higher and higher tax brackets. -American productivity dropped two-tenths of a percent every year from 1977 to 1980, falling behind other industrial nations. -The prime interest rate stood at 21.5 percent just before Ronald Reagan took ornce -the highest interest rates since the Civil War. Wicb Q_ """'' __ .. ...__.._. __ ,...._ ''Qtd you hNr something?'' -.. ,,,. -Mortgages shot up to 16 percent and 17 percent, rates which devastated the housing industry. -The value of the 1960 dollar had shrunk to 36 cents while prices exploded by 178 percent. -Government had become a giant intruding into everyone's life. -In the last 10 years, federal spending had tripled. And while the national debt seemed high in 1960 at $284 billion, it rapidly approached and then surpassed the trillion dollar mark. American taxpayers are now paying $100 billion per year in interest on that national debt -a sum larger than the entire federal budget of two decades ago. AND THERE WAS more for the president to be con cerned about. America's national defense had fallen to dangerous levels. Since 1970, the Soviet Union had invested $300 billion more in its military forces than we had. As a result of this massive buildup - estimated at 14 percent of Russia's GNP -the Soviet Union achieved a significant numerical advantage In strategic nuclear deltvery systems, tactical aircraft. submarlnea. artillery, and ant.l-.aircraft defenae.. Add these to the gorwing economic problems and you begin to wonder why the Gippet didn't tum ln his key to the Oval Office and head back to lhe Santa Barbara hil.ll. Quite quickly, the preaident aet about cleaning the mesa he inherited. He ushered in the most revolutionary budget cu ta in our history. The Economic Recovery Tax Act. of 1981 ta the most comprehensive tax bill ever adopted. Margi nal t ax rates have been stgniflcanUy lowered for the first time ln two decade.. The 23 percent acn.-the· board rate reduct.ion wU1 mean about $180 billion In lower taxes owr the flnt three yean. New lncentiw. for •vinp are now •1tabli1h1d, and new depreclallon method. will help buttnell attmulate cash flow by more than $10 b1U1on this year and $211 billlon over the next si x years . This means modern1zat1on, expansion, productivity. and. most important. jobs. CONFISCATORY taxation of estates and inheritances has been hailed. Government profiteering on inflation has been abolished. Bracket creep will never again reward the government by siphoning off the rewards of production, effort and personal incentive without a single vote to raise taxes being cast by our Congress. These and other refonns have .been in effect only a few short months. Indeed the first year personal tax c ut - compromised down to l.25 percent for 1981 -barely offset the massive increase in Social Security taxes set into place before Reagan entered office. The first truly healthy cut in personal taxes won't show up until July 1. Let's look at the tax issue Raising taxes is not the answer to reducing deficits. Between 1976 and 1981, CederaJ revenues increased by $300 billion. But we al.so had $318 billion in deficits. In 1980 alone, tax revenues increased by $54 billion, but the deficit was $60 billion . As tax reve nues increaaed IO did \Ile deficit .. The t~year rate reductions pAS9f!d by Congress last year )lre not some national boondoggle for American citizens. They were the onJy answer to a governme nt. w h ose truly insatiable appetite was sapplng the prosperity from America. The nonparthon Tax Foundation has reported that In 1981 American lncomes were up 124 percent. over 1971. Yet, the typical American family waa net poorer by $427 83 a result of inllation and tripled federal taxes. WhUe there may ~ reuo"'ble 10urces for railing revenues and whllo cenaln tax reductions miaht be adjusted, J think the Anwrican peOple wW not tland for bearln1 &he brunt of Con1reulonal prolllpcy. Let's look at the criticism of Reagan's defense program. We should view defense spending in proper proportion. Sen. John Tower!I. D~ Tex., reports that over the last 21 years, after allowing for mflat1on. defense spending has grown by onJy 12 percent while nondefense programs have grown by 234 percent. Furthermore, defense spending in 1982 is taking about 20 percent of the federal budget, down from 40 percent of the budget ln 1970 and 44 percent under John F. Kennedy. Let's also keep in mind -when charges are being made that defense • spending is growing unfairly -that only the federal government spends money on national defense FOR EXAMPLE, take education. Some $11 billion ia in the state of California's budget for education. Then add to this amount what is spent by California cities and counties. Add still further what ls spent by foundations. corporations, churches, and individuals. But remember , these entities spend nothing on national defense. When you add these numbers up across the country, It la lilly t.o say that defeMe spend1na in the federal budget comes at U).e expetu1e of education. Finally, let's take a look at the debate over aocial programs. It has been repeatedly suggested over the laat several months that budget reforms are st.a.rvlng the social spending to which we are 8CCWltomed. Secretary of Health and Human Servlcea Rkhard Schweiker addressed thil laluo and pointed out the folio~: from 1960 to 1982, h is department a budget ha pown throe timc!s fucer than the rest of the federal budget; while other f~ral apmdtng went up less than abt t1rnea dwina tnal period, 80Cla.l •peDdina wmt up l't ~· 80Clal pro1n~H nted 5 percen& of federal in l~. 16 ~l ln 1980, 2S percmt in 1970, and 36 percent today: and, so-called entitlement pro- grams have grown by about 1,500 percent since 1955. There is ample proof that Am- erica 1s working to care for its own. But we also know that much of this federal money was spent ineffectively and unnecessarily, fueling the inflation that has racked this c'Ountry in the last several years. The debate today should not be over the state o( the economy, but over what it will take to get out of this mess. As the president struggles with these grave problemc; in the days ahc·ad, let us keep some import.ant points in mind. For one. Democratic majorities in the Congress have had 25 unintC'rruptcd years to deal with the nat1onaJ economic: agenda. Why is it that we cannot give Ronald Reagan 25 weeks? Why was it compassionate to introduce policies that took interest rates to 21.5 percent and mortgage loans to 16 percent but 1t so cruel t.o make every effort to bring them down? Why was tripling taxf:.'6 in the last 10 years so helpful whiJe trying to reduce them so harmfuJ? I thlnk the presldent believes 1t la time to take the lead weight off the back of the American people and wm them I008e to ~gin a national renewal. ORANGE COAST D1ilyPilat The comment riaac of the Oa I ly Pilot seeks to Inform and 11tlmulott-rl•u(trrs by present tni a varitt) ot t-ommentary On topiC'!I or lntcre:ct and Algnlfic•nnct-from lnform.-d ob llt'r\'C'nl 11ndspokt'!lmrn TlilomolP. H*i, ~ ·~· J .. If, lttt . -. ----- . ~ a Puppies have happy ending Pictures of puppies c ame pouring into the office this week, and Uncle Len wonders If he bit oU more than he can chew with the subject. Of course, he has the same problem at home, where a certain puppy, named Lacey Mae Dog, has been chewing on everything below knee level, including Uncle Len's shoes, the chair legs and even the cat, who doesn't enpy the experience at all. ~/d-~:::v ' Not only that, but puppies steal socks and bite holes in them. Whatever matched pairs Uncle Len managed to save from the wash ing machine have been destroyed by the puppy, which ts why Uncle Len is wearing one blue sock and one brown sock to work these days. But puppies have one thing in their favor -they're cute, so no matter what r ascall y things they've done, they only have to look up at a person with those big, brown eyes and wag their little tails for a happy ending. - _:.SZ-- .__ -~-- ' (' ) '. It's very easy to forgive a naughty puppy, and Uncle Len suspects the smarter ones know it and practice looking cute when no one is nearby. fl1'9t Place: Jaaon Cairn• of Huntington Beach This week's entries needed no pracuce, though, and Uncle Len was thrilled with such great artwork. First place and $5 go to Jason Cairns, 13, of Huntington Beach for his picture of a thoughtful little dog and a fire hydrant. Second place and $2 go to S heyla Biddle, 12, of Costa Mesa for he r drawing of a patient m other dog with h er busy puppies. Honor able mentions go to Kari-anne O'Guinn, 5, Kelly O'Guinn, 9 1h, Sherry Norton, 11 , a nd J eff Cairns, 11 , of Huntington Beac h ; Scott StickJer, 5, Meghan Stickler, 9 ~. Leslie Pittman (who forgot to include her age) and Catherine Cowden. 10, of Newport Beach; Misty Sulley, 8. Andrea Clark, 5, and 'Greg Rhodes, 11, of Corona del Mar and Cynthia Sialey, 13, and Kahlil Biddle (who forgot to enclose an age) of Costa Mesa. For next week's contest, Uncle Len was inspired by the picture at the top of today's page. Not everyone uses a Big Wheel for climbing, of course, but summer is a great bike season. l•COi'HI Piece: lheyla Biddle of Coate Meaa Draw a picture of your bike or one you'd like to own, whether it's a Big Wheel, 10-speed or beach cruiser. Remember to draw with black ink on white paper cut 4 inches square and send entries (one per person, please, but brothers and sisters can send in the same envelope) to Uncle Len. Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Include your name, address and age and try to mail early so Uncle L e n receives it by Wednesday. He's always sad when his friends' entries arrive after the judging has taken place. See you next week with some fancy wheels. Small animals big demand INMAN, S.C. (AP) -Animal breeder J .C. Williams ignores the warnings and fools with Mother Nature, producing little beasts for big bucks. Over the past quarter century, Williams has built a reputation as one of the world's largest short- order animal breeders -short horses, short donkeys, s hort goats, short sheep and now short zebu cattle. Last year he peddled $500,000 worth of miniature mammals, most of the m t o rich people around the globe who crave the pitter patter of tiny hooves in their yards or even their houses. Fuhion designers, Arab sheiks, foreign nobility -even Prince Rainier of Monaco - have been charmed right out of their bulging pocketbooks by Williams' essentially useless but adorable bushy-maned critters. The horses are by ·far t h e biggest little item. Williams' horselets begin life at about 17 inches from hoof to withers, and grow to a maximum of 34 inches. smaller than the smallest pony. They sell foe as much as $35,· 000 each. Williams sees the price rising before too long to $100,000 or more. "People say they can get $1 million worth of conversation out of them," Williams says. Williams' 120-acre Dell Tera Mini Horse Farm outside of Inman in northwestern South Carolina is now aswarm with • ~ Dlllr ............... HUNTING FOR A llOMI! -Dudlllll la Jooklna fOI' a home with a~= eo lbe hM plenty of room to nm. The Y9U'-.old 1 pointer me. cb1ldren too. She'• available lor adoption at t&e i.....una Beech Anlml1 Shelter, 20812 Lacuna Canyon Roed. 1'w lhelt.er II open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ltY9n daya a weelt. Phone 487-1&52. about 400 horses and another 200 other wee beasties. His feed bill runs more than $150 a day. Formerly an automobile dealer and construction contractor, Williams has loved little animals of all kinds since his rural youth . H e got into the selective barnyard breeding business quite by accident. "Anything little just always fascinated me," he says. "We a lways had big cows and big mules. I kept telling my dad I wanted something little. I never got anything, not even a blamed bicycle." So Williams promised himself his own children would fare better, and when they asked for a little horse, he bought a few and began breeding them as a hobby. About 10 years ago, one of his mares produced a 12 ~-inch foal -still a world record as far as W illiams knows -and h e invited the National Enquirer in to take some pictures. "From that day on. we've gotten mail by the pickup load," he says. "We didn't know what they were worth," he recalls, "so we started selling them for $300. }t WNn't long we were getting $3.- 000. It's grown by leaps and bounds ever since." Of the estimated 200 adult horaes of 30 inches or smaller in the United S tates, Williams claim• to own SO . Having conquered the size banier, he now concentrates on producing exotic colon -pintos, apalooeaa and the like. "It's 90 exciting to come out every day and 11ee what we've come up with," says part-time hlrecl hand and pre-veterinary student Keith Com. The minlature goata, donkeys and aheep are al8o popular ltema, but Williama has great hopes for hJa newe.t Une, the African rebu cattle, miniature hump.becked veniorw of what II known ln t.hll country • the bnahman. WW.laml hal boucht four of thtm, and he IOOn •XJ*U •bu f IYft' 10 IU'Uce hi.a well·heeled clMntalf. . . "'' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 28, 1982 87 Boys attuned to concerts A 34-day concert tour of Canada, erandatand ahowa with Ttinn81M.'e Ende Ford and Della Reeee, and a performance in a football 1tadlwn on July 4 are only • part of 1ummer ac tlvil101 for the 36-member All-American Boy1 Choru.e. T he summer achedule began last week with a one-week training camp high In the mountains of Idyllwild, where the boys (36 member concert/ touring group and 40 member audition/training group) had dally rehearsal.a, voice lessona, and music theory classes. The performances with Tennessee Ernie Ford, last Thursday, and with Della Reese, Monday, will take place at the grandstand at the Southern California Exposition in Del Mar. The chorus was asked to return this year after four standing ovations at la.st year's Expo when they opened Bobby Goldsboro's shows. The boys will have a day to rest before they take the at.age at Disneyland's Plaza Garden.a Wednetday. July l has the boys scheduled to appear at the fashionable Glendale Galleria for two evening performances. On July 4 the chorus will return to Brea- Ollnda High School Stadium for the third consecutive year to participate in the city's annual "Fireworks Spectacular." On July 9, they open the 1982 edition of the Orange County Fair. The next day, the chorus will embark on a month-long concert tour. The tour includes a series of four community concerts on Vancouver Island, as well as four appearances in the city of Vancouver. The boys will also jo urney to the Canadian Rockies in the province of Alberta and will present concerts at the Banff Springs Hotel, the Chateau Lake Louise, and the Jasper Park Lodge. Among the many "adventures" planned for the boys are .a visit to the Columbia icefields, includ ing a trip on a "snowcat" onto the glacier itself; a ride on the Banff skytrain with its magnificent view of Banff National Park; a tour of a copper mine far up on the northern end of Vancouver Island; and canoe trips on what many people consider to be the most beautiful lake in the world, Lake Louise. In six of the cities on the tour, the boys will be staying in homes with host families, and thus will learn firsthand of the local history, the culture, and the traditions in the areas they visit. The chorus was founded in March of 1970 by the Rev. Richard Coughlin as a parish project at St. Anthony Claret School in Anaheim. Two years later Father Coughlin was transferred to another paris h in Costa Mesa , and while there he incorporated the chorus into a non-profit, tax- exempt entity and opened its membership to boys of all races, faiths, creeds, nationalities, and ethnic origins. Dalll' Pttot f'tM>to by ~att1dl O"Doftfte¥ HANGING IN THERE -When you 'r e too short, you need something to stand on before you can shinny up a tree. So a Big Wheel comes in handy for Steven O'Donnell, 6, of F ountai n Valley. Steven's dad was the photographer. Adopted clan now numbers 14 WASHINGTON (AP) -Sally and Davia Clemmons are only in their mid-30s, but they've already got 14 children. Charities of Baltimore, was one of the children's escorts on the flight. M rs. Clemmons said Timot'hy's t,>rother and sister joined her family about five years ago. Their natural mother is dying of cancer in Korea, she said. Their latest addition -15-year-old Timothy - arrived at Washington National Airport on a flight from Korea. And the Clemmons family was not the only one seeing a new child for the first time. Timothy's biological siblings and the other 11 Clemmons children were waiting behind security barriers for his arrival. Cries of happiness could be heard throughout the airport when a group of Korean children, who have been adopted by eight Was hington area families, got off the plane. "It's a tradition," Mrs. Clemmon s said . "Whenever a new one arrives. we all go." When Mrs. Clemmons and Timothy spotted the family, they broke into a run. Mrs. Clemmons wept joyfully and clung to as many of her children as she could grasp Mrs . Clemmons. 34 , coordinator for international services of the Associated Catholic world scope ( 10 point• for aach que1llon an1wered correctly) 1 Prime Minister Thatcher received a tremen- dous reception aher British troops took back the Falkland Islands. But the Argentine defeat lncre'\sed speculation about the future of that country's President (CHOOSE ONE: Leopoldo Galtieri, Nicanor Costa Mendez). 2 Nearly 10,000 Palestlni1ns and Lebanese citizens died In fighting as Israeli troops surrounded Beirut, the apltal of Lebanon. Israel hoped to capture (CHOOSE ONE: Yasslr Arafat, Muammar el Qaddafi) and other PLO !eiders. l Crown Prince Fahd, who has had close ties with Western natioru, took control of Saudi Arabia alter the death of l(lng Khaled. Saudi Arabia has (CHOOSE ONE: supported, opposed) the PLO and Its efforu to regain land from Israel. 4 TflUE OR FALSE: Saudi Arabia Is the largest supplier of oil to the U.S. 5 The Senate Is considering a bill to extend the Voting Rights Act, although Nonh Carolina Senator Jesse Helms threatened a filibuster to prevent Its pan.age. TRUE OR FALSE: Presi- dent Reagan supports the blll. newsname (10 polnu If l'OU c:.n l*ntlly lht• peBon In the ,...,,,, As 1overnor of Califor- nia, I recently won my bid to run as the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate. I have twl~ been a presidential andidate. Who am If 1-pmlde ..succeed, OYercome ~es•lae H xcute, Ju1tlficatlon ).pretext ~reputttlon, fame 4-prevall 4-tcop, prohibit J.snvent ...,P9Mte, controt • news picture (10 polnu II lfOU •n•-r lhl• quHtlon correclll'I An estimated 700,000 protesters marched for peace re~ntly in New York and alled for a freeze on nuclear weapons while mem~rs of the United Nations met for a special disarmament session. Hundreds were arrested during sit-in demonstrations at the U.N. missions of nations with nuclear arsenals. Name those five nations. peoplewatch/sportlight (2 polnl1 for aach quHllon an1wared correclllf) 1 With a 13th round knockout,., l .. ~at Gerry Cooney to retain his title as the World Boxing Council's heavyweight champion. 2 Sports writers and fans have ~en paying tribute to Satchel Paige, considered by many to be the greatest .. l .. in baseball history. Because of racial discrimination, Paige was denied entry Into major league baseball until age 42. a-pitcher b-atcher c-hltter l In a warmup contest at Blrmingh11m, Ensland, before Wimbledon, Billie Jean l(in1. )8, won her fil'lt tournament in 18 months. TRUE OR FALSE : Ms. l(ln1 hu won more Wimbledon titles than any other female competitor. 4 .. l .. holds the record as the richest female athle(e In history, with more thin SJ,800,000 In earnlnp. a-Chris Evert Lloyd b-Blllle Jean King c:-Martlna Navratilova 5 Durln1 the 10th annlve~ of the Water11te bfeak-jn, many newspapen have fe1tured special reviews of the events which led to the resl1n1llon of Prftldent Nixon. Which of these polltlal fiaures has NOT written 1 book about that event? a-Alexender H1l1 b-H.R. Haldeman c-John Deen roundtable ,.,,.tty .....-Cne IOOft) While would t>. your f1mlly'1 Ideal wmmer v1atlon thl• ,...,., and whyl YOWi ICCML t1 .. '" ..-. -TOfl ICOWCI tt .. ti,...... -Ill~. 1' lo IO lllOlftll -GoM. 11 .. 10 ,_.,.._ -,.., •vtc.-..u1.a2 Bl Orange Ca.at DAIL'( PILOT/8alurdlY1 June 28, ieea MO....ca S:10 (SJ WHAT'I UP AMIAIOAI FHtur.a auc:t1on1 trOM Chrl1lle'1 1n New YOflo. 10 IM becikr*' OI Alal)Alna, 1tonore and CO\IPI•• who employ II•• NrvlQQ ol we-m ~k•. Iha 2111 N•Uonel TraG10f Pull &:30 8 VOYAOl TO THI! BOTIOM Of' THI! 8U. 0MOVIE a * ~ "Ol1app .. rance 11977) Oonat<I Su111ar11nd Fr1nclna Rtcatl• An 1ntw· n1llon11 hit man t>eeoma• obNINCI with tiodlng hi• mlMlno w11a 'R' 8:00 8 SUMMER 8EME8ll!A 0 SERENDIPITY Q TUNTAU< • FAMILY AFFAll' Cl) WATCtf YOUR MOVTH (f) HEAl.THBEAT [G) NEWSMAKERS Z')MOVll • • "Sltance 01 Th• North" ( 198 II Ellen Burs- lyn. Tom Sllerrill In 1919. • young womans marrllQI to a 1rappar laaos her 10 • Ill• ot h1rdsh1p in the wol· derness ot northel<n C1ne- d• ·i>G· 9:20\BNEWS , 8:30 0 DUSTY'S TAEEHOU8E 0 THAT'SCAT D PACESETT£RS 0 FASTroAWAAO '8 TO 8E ANNOUNCED Q) NEW VOICE &l CAPT'IONED ABC NEWS Cl) VOICEOf AGRICULTURE OJ IT'S YOUR BUSINESS ~DA. SNUOOLES re MOVIE.. * * '-\ ' A Fistful 01 Oyna- mlt e (1972) James Cot>vrn Rod Ste+ger An Irish revolutoonary and 11 Me.<tcan lhoel wno team up 10 rob banks somehow wmd up bt11ng heroes or lhfl Meaocan revOlutoon H MOVIE • • •.i, Continental 01v1de' t 198 1) John S..usha, Blair Brown A Chicago new sp1per cotumnost 1rave1s to lhe Rocll•es to escape some poh1ocal heal and interview a rec:luSlve n11ura11s1 PG $ THE ISLAND Of NEVAWUZ Animated Tne greedy J B Trumpl\Orn crun-laod5 on tne oSland of Navawuz and tries 10 mo<1ern11e II tor his own personal gein 7:00 0 KJOSWORLD l'ealured v11111 'lllllt• JanllM Hamton ol Tnree·s Com- pany, a reporl lrom Oay- 1on, Ohio on "The Brothers And The S11ter1. a talent· eel bluegrus group 0 Qt THE F\.IHTST<>t'IES 0 BIG BLUE MARBLE 0 @) 8UPERFRIENOS 0 DAV!V AND GOl.IATH ID TO 8E ANNOUNCED Q) CHECKING rT OUT fD YOGA FOR HEAL TH m wmTINOFORA REA80H 00 INTERN.A TIOHAL HOUR 0MOVIE • • GOln Ape (19811 Tony Dania Jessica Wal le< Three orangutans hOld I~ purse 'trongs IO a $5- m1ll!On 1nner111nce PG 7:30 I) MR. liotOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS "In Puppet Parade" BIBSMURA OR. SNUGOlES 0 QI RICHIE NCH I acooevooo CiJ OAV!V AND GOLIATH ID TO BE ANNOUNCED Cl) VOtCEOF AONCUL TIJAE Ell) BIG BLUE MAR8LE gj) WfVTlHO~A REAS<>t'I ClJ 1"'1'.RNATIONAL HOUR t SJ WACKY WORlD OF JONA THAM WINTENI Guest Andy Grlllllh N&(l)MOVIE • •• .., Blow Ou1" (1981) John Travolla. Nancy Allen A sound tecMICian whO work• on horror lilm1 t>eeomes onvolved '" a murder myS1 ery wt>en he WllnauM 111 uaet1>n• !Ion 'R' 8:000 (1) ~ 0 M<WIE * * 'Homa On The Pral- rle t 193111 Gene Autry. Smiley Surnene A cow t>oy'a prize horM oolruns a last car 0 AEAl. UT ATE W£EJ< ID MOVIE ft * ft "The EnlorGar" ( 1950) Humpllrn Bogllf1 z .. o Motle4 I ==EASY ll!i) WfVTINO FOR A MAIOff ($)..OW ft ft ft ft "F1ttlar Of The Bride" (19501 S~ Tre- cy, EllUl>eth Taytor A lather Ill~ .. I of ,.,. )Oya and hM<I~ lnvolv.o """'h Iha ~·•­Ilona for nl• <laughter'• ~wedding U10. Cl) TANN' I LONI MMOll' SPECIAL -Loni Anderson (oC "WKRP in Cincinnati") joins Shaun Cassidy in performance, Cilmed in Anaheim, at 8 tonight on KNBC (4). 0 3KJOSU"1' POW£1'HOUR 0 QI FONZ I HAPPY OAY8GANO m 8EANSPAOUT'8 · Whal Can You Show Ma?' Rol>etl 1tan<11 up !Of hll lrtend1. t>ul doetn'I speak out !or hlmHlf (RI '1!) WRITING~ A REASON UD WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS 0MOVIE * * "J 0 And The Sitt Fl.II l(ld" 111178) Slim Pleil· an•. White 1ra11e11no to Neshvllla, two mt.11iclans hOplllQ to mel<a It big In country muslC ere ~ lr9Clted by I reclned< ellet• ttt 'PO' t'.'CIO I LIA"" rT TO a.AVER 9 LAVERNE& SHIRLEY 0 WILD, WILD WORLD OfAHIMAl.8 Q) ERNEST ANGLEY SI HEW VOICE ~AMERICAN GOVEAHMENT (C)MOVIE • • ft The Cone«! FOf l(empuc:Nll 11980) Paul McCar1ney. The Who A hosl ol rock perlormers. many or whOm get togelh· er "' an all-srar roctc orctinlrl, are lea1ured In 1h1s record ol • set!M of concerts lla4<I for 1~ ~ hr ot re4iel to war-ravaged Cambodia l ti)MOVIE • • "Thi• lime FOfe11er" t 1980) Clllte Plmpatl, Vin- cent Van Pallen A French- CanlOlan glrl !alls 1n IOve with e brash American col- lege 1tudet'll studying In Montreal 'PO' t:30 8 Cl) 9U08 BUNNY I AOAOAUNNEA 0 38PIOER-6Wt D OZZJl AHO HAMIET 8 9 HEAntet.E'f' a MAM&AOllKE -~ '9 OAINCA.N QOYlllNilEHT 9:48 (%) ltotOW * ft * "Why Would I Lii?" ( 1980) Treat Williama, Liia EichhOfn A compur,,,,. lier upMll lhe SlllUI qUO with hi• reruul 10 conlorm 'PG' 10:000 8PACE8TAA8 8 SHAHAHA 0 9 THUHDAM / GOU>IEGOLO 0 MOV1( • 1r The Eye Craa1urM" t 1965) Jolln Aahley. Cyn- rnoa Hull G) OOOOER DUGOUT .., 808JOHE8 fll LMT CHAHCE QAAAGI! ll!i) AMEAICAN QOV£llHMEHT Qt DAFFY / SPUDY (S)' PETER. PAUL & MARY The popular fotk 1rlo of the early ·eo. perlOfm many of their c:laUlc •~ u well u.-ma1ar1a1. 0"°"1E * * •,; "Conllnantal Divide" ( 1118 I) John Belu•hl. Blair Blown A Chicago naw1p1per columnlst tr•..,..• 10 the Roc:tilel to escape eome poliOcal hell and lnlervlew a reclullve neturallS1 'PO' 10:30 0 8ME8Al.L Mllw•uke• Brewers at Botton A*' So1< 8 AMENCA'8 TOP TtN G> OOOOEA F"RE4Motl WAHAGEMEHT WHAT OH EARTH Ot11on Bein holls tht• IHl·plceel, 18Gl·lllled IGI __ ... t1:I09 (1) BLACKSTAR D ®J AMERICAN BAN08TAHD Q WILD, WILD WEST fl) MAGIC OF OIL PAIN'TIHG Cl'i) Pl!MONAL FINANCE AND MONEY MAHAGatEHT (HJ WAil' UNTIL DARK K11Mt1na Ross and S1ecy Keech ttar In 1hi1 cntlllng 110<)' of three men Wf\o ter- rorlH • t>llnd woman alone tn '* apanmant (S)MOVIE 'i\o 'Sllaletown U S A " ( 11179) Scoll Balo. Greg Bradtoro A h1n<1som11 young lhaler laJls 1n IOve 11 the local rollef-dlSGO rink. wnere he Is challenged by a 11reat gang leader In • champlontnlp con1es1 'PG' ll)MOVIE * * . .., ' The lmmorlll e.c:helOf" 11979) Monica Vllll, Glaf'IC4lrlo Gtanntnl On trial tor murdeflng her husband a ~ulllul wid- ow en1nr1lls the 1ury woln her remembrances or he< passiOnere domesltc Ille 12:00 fJ (I) TAOL.l.KINS 0 LOST IH SPACE Cl) ADAM-12 SI QUILTING "Amtlh Designs" Cl'i) PEA80HA1. FINANCE AHO MONEY MAHAOEMEN1' 'Protecting Vovrserl In Tile Markelpl•~ · DM<ME • •'"' 'Chu Chu And The Pnllty Flastl" t 198 t) Alan Arkin, CarOI Burnell An alGohollc former baseball pleyet and • lloolty Slreet en1en11n« t>ecome pa11- ner1 in a scheme to make money t>y 1'91urnlng a loll sott~'PG' 12:301 ~JIEMV **'A "HOW To S1ulf A Wiid Bllllnl" 11965) Anr~ltl FunlclllO. Ow1yna Hlcli· min 0 AUTO AACING "Pocono Spring 500" e AIJll»..12 fl) VIC BRADEN'S T£HNl8 FOR THE FUTURE Popular tenn11 coach VIC Braden lntroduc::.s vtewars 10 hll "lauot> and _ .. phl- loaophy an<I d1tpa111 com- mon myth• 11>ou1 lhe lora- han<I 11rolce (R) Q • PlAIONAL FINANCE NfOMONEY MAHAOEMeN'T "Income Tu An Over- lflew" ~~TIME (!\MOVIE * * "The Jau Singer" (1980) Nell Diamond, Llu- ranca Ollvlet AN-YOf~ cantor breaks wllh temlly tradition and Mii out lo find 1UCCM1 as a pop mullc .,., ·po· 11:'8 Cl) 8AH DIEGO PA~E.8 PAE4Motl 1:00 I KWICKV ICOALA THI MUNITER8 • tMNti. Cl) NAIL 80CCER IOCK8 • &l 840NINO WITH CINDY 11) AMENCAN ~ENT 8 8A8EBAU. * *'A "Tl>a Mllllonalre ' ( 1978) Martin Balaam Edward Alben a WOOOWNOHT'S 8H()tt Regional coverege or Loa Anoe'al 00dget1 It Houl- ton Attros, Mllwaukaa Br-• II Boalon A*' So• ~MOVIE • * • • "Gr end llk191on" ( 1937) .i.an G11>1n, Etleh Von Str<>halm World War I ptl-• conHlct wllh a Garman comtnand1nt lO<.S m IAIOAU. Loa Ange4" Oodoen at Hou1ton A11roa 11:00 8 WCT TEHM8 "HM1on Head TOU<..-1 Hlghligr" .. 8 9wm<M> ~ "The Conl .. t Kid St,._ .. Aoa!n" A young bOy wins a lloca of Cllleil-In a eon· t•t (R)Q I ==MIXtCAH NMONM.~ AHDMONIY "A Bit 01 Noat.algle" (fl) 61l) INTAOOUCING IMOl.OOY Cl) MIE.BAU. San Olago P•<lras at Sen Francisco Gian11 9 U.8.0f'IM Liva COll9nlQe Of tM 18- hole lhlrd round of pley In thl• golf tournament !from the P.ot>1e 8Hc:tl Gott Unllt In Callfornlel (I) THI -.AND OF HIVAWVZ Animated The grae<1v J.B Trumphom cresl'H•nda on the ltland Of ..,,wui end 1nee to mo<lerrilza It !Of hi• own person1I gain I: 1 S (%) MOVIE ..... "Blow ()Iii" (1tl1) John T1avo111, Nancy Allen. A aound teotlnl<ll•n wl10 work• on horror fMm• beCOtNe 11'1...olved 11'1 • muto. myal9"f ~ "- wit,,_.. an HHNln•· lion 'R' CHANNEL LISTINGS 1:IO I IO t.llNUTa 8WIMIUD()N ,..... 8 KNX1' ICBSl G !CHIC INBC> e KTLA (Ind.) ~IC<AICI e Kl"~I ICISl • l(HJ·TV Ctnd ) e KCIT <Al" • KTTV find,) •• IC'°"TV CINI.I e tCCIT Cl'lll e ICOCI Cl'ttl a Orl·TV °? Z-T\/ 1C H80 r tClnarnt~I !WOi.l folY.,N Y e 1wul IHll'NI l"'-llmtl . """''" • Cc.II.it H.-e Htl .. nl a1mway oov.rega 01 ~ round malctlM (from ~. (ftlllend) • ,.TN>OP • tfOVA "A 'lllld ~ To "oOtt fory P9tef10fl" A ponn11t °'IM"""_...._., .-ilftt 9u16e•oolll on ... ~ ... ~a ~ ,... Ill """"" lllrd ................... "°" Er= IHJMOvtl • • "Tiie HMIM " ( lftol Tiith Van Devere. Joaepll Conan A MhOOltaachet oi.110 1acover lrom 1 r1er TUBE TOPPERS ~ b!Mkdowtl ., hat 1111 tunt'• home, which le t>eeleOed by demon• ·PO' • MILTON lllRL.l'I MAO, MAD WOfllL.D <>' COMIDY Bari• 11\llaWI CllUI' rOllllnM by Iha eom.c!IC 11ara ol the pa.11 and MMll the purlleyOfl OI loell y'• humot t:OO •• WITH YOU OIU.IGAH'I llLANO 8 PORT1WT OF A LIOINO "Ch.,lty Pride 0 MOVtl •• ··~ "1ha LUllY Man' ( 19112) Suun Hayward Rober1 MllChum A cow t>Oy ooe• ave<y1 hlno 1 o become • rOdtO 118r G) MOVIE • ft ·~ Len•• Coma Morna" ( 19•3) Roddy M'Oow1ll, Edmund Gwenn. G IHTAOOUCINO llK>lOOY [G) OREATUT 8POllT8 LEOEH08 "Howard CoHll" HO•I Kan Howero CS)MOVlE • • * ft "Far From Tho Madding Crowd" t 1967) Juhl Chrlllle, Ter1nca $lamp A wolllul yoong term g111 1>a1ta11 haraell, t>ul daatroy1 throe man In thaproceu 2:30 0 WESTCHESTER G<X.F ClASSIC Third-round coverage ol thll $400.000 PGA Tour goll 1ourn1man1 (llom We11c1>ester Country Club tn Rye, N Y). 0 GIUJGAN'S ISLAND The caS11way1 are cap. tut.cl t>y 1 J1p1nese 1111or 0 SUGARRAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES SI LoU1s 11t1 Tenne1see &;) PABLO PICASSO. THE LEGACY Of A GENIUS Pablo Pt<:asao • art worlo.s Ille. conlrlbullons and lnlluenu on 201h C4111h"Y art are uemlned '1!) INTROOUCING BIOLOGY 0 PAOFE8SIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $110,000 Showboat Oou- t>laS CluslC (lrom Show- !>011 Bowling Cenler 1n Las \legH,N&v ) (C)MOVIE •• "High Counlry" 1198 I) I omolhy Bolloms Linde Purl An neaped conv1ci and his h1ndlcappe<I gotl· Irland llaa 10 1he moon- 11ln1 'PG @MOVIE ft * "JO And Tha Sall F1a1 l<od" ( 1978) Slim Pick- ens Whtie lravellng 10 Nut.ville two mu1tc1ans hOplng 10 make It big on counlry mullC are ti<le- tracked by a redneck sher- 111 'PG' 3:00 8 MOVIE. • • 'Ma"o" ( 1973) Zero Moster. Desi Arnaz Jr Th& 1<1ven1ura1 ot the l31h century axplor"er are m\ISI ca~y r•Cr8818d Q) MOVIE * • 'i\o "The c1on11 ( 19741 MlchH! Greene Gregory Sterr• ~ tNTAODUCING IMOLOGY 3: IS CZ) MOVIE * * * "Why Would I Lia?" ( t980) Tr .. 1 w 1111am1, ll'8 Eiehhorn A compulllve "" upMll Iha ll•IUI quo With his ralusa! to c;onf()<m PG' 3:30 fJ Cll SPORTS SATURDAY 15-round wee super l09hl- weoghl champiOnlhtp bout D•lw••" Seoul 1,um1>y and Leroy Haley (lrom Las veou. Nav ), lntern111onal Btcycla Clasalc: (lrom Soul· Cler Colo I O ~EAE Location' llva rrom Ana- heim Stadklm. An1helm 0 PftOFUSIONAL 80Wl.£M TOUA $ 110,000 Showboll Oou- l>laa Clanle tlrom ShOw• txi.t Bowltng Canter In Las Vegu. Nev) ll!i) FAST FO..WAAD "The Mlcro-Elecrronlc Revolullon" ElecrronlC cnlps, which help mali.e mtchlnee .. .,.,,.,, .. and are ravolutlonlzlng our work and play. are eumlned QI U1'Tl.E HOUSE Ot'I THE PRAIRIE {ID MOVIE •ft•.,., "The Black Mar· t>ta" ( 1980) Rot>ar1 Fox- worth, Paula Pranl•H Al1er WOflllng on en amo- uonally exhausting child mur<lar caN. a heavy drinking pollc:e dalecllve 11 •••med wttn a po11c-om an to find a malicious dog napper 'PO' 4:00 liJ HEE HAW OUMll Oellld Frluell l Shelly Well. The Shoppe Miiiion Dollar Bend ID MOVIE .. *** Masquerade ( 1965) Clltl Ro1>ar11on Jecll Hawlllna. fJD QUI! PMA. U,SA? "The Ftral Move" Joa finds II too much to handle wfler\ Denita 18111 him out on • data. ll!i) FAIT FORWARD "Toward The Ulllmala Sys. lam" Tiie vartatlel or 10111 lnlormellon !lyltem1. tome of whleh are 11r .. e1y In operation. are adft\lned l!ITMI ~ 1'11.Q -~ ***'A "Darby 0 '0111 And The Utlla PllOC)la' ( t950) Alben ShlfPe, SNn COn- "¥'/ An Q4<11tllh caratalcer 'WM II tl>Oul 10 IOM Ille tob 10 • YO\lnQef man ~tur .. the 111n9 ol the tec>f8Gtlaun1 tl'ld torCM him to grant tll,..wtlMI ·o· ••• WOM.D °"' '°°°"' TOUNWollNT G 'MT P'OJl(l#N/O "PertOnll COl'npu0f!O'' A tool& It llolM GOmPlll••· wtllCft '°'"' .,. .,.... lot a WfloM NW IMdiuftl of 111tqf!M1i.n, ta pr-tees cm-. ....... ,. , ... "" Of OtM· Milt " f 11711 JUIH °"""'' "°'......, M lr'WI f~IMlly INI I .......... _. ........ KN XT (2) tJ :OO -"Th e Range r of Brownstone." An animated romp tflrough Brownstone National Park with Donulu Duck and a h()ljt of bean;. KNBC (4) 8:00 -"A Shaun Cussidy Special " Shoun Cassidy takes a humorowt look at ht~ Ure SC<.' pho\o, le ft KNXT (2) 9:00 "The Duellists." Kt.•1th Carradine, Harvey Keitel star as t~o French officers in long-running f("ud in Napoleonic wars. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Fantasy Island." An nnswcrlng service operator m eets thl' three men of her dreams to rot> ba.ni.1 aort1enow wind up l>ell\Q ll•ro&I or lhe M .. ican revolution 6:00 8 WORLD GAMES I An 1n1ernat1onal 1pot11 spactacul11r with ovtr 1,700 llhlal8S horn 60 coon1r1e1 paruc1pa11ng tn varlOu5 sporllng evenlb 111roughou1 lhe Unole<I Statea (Plr1 3) 0 FR£E4 ALL ~ STARTREK 0 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 10-round 119n1w910hl llghl between Cornelius Boza· Edwor<11 and R0Der10 Eh· zondo (trom Laa \legas Nev ). The Spec;lll lnle<na 1oona1 Mtle (lrom Oaro Nor- way) 0 GRIZZLY ADAMS Q) SOUDGOLD €ti) FA81' FOAWARD ··w orld T elevosoon Po1111cs lhe changes'" new1-gath- 11<1ng te<;hnlque1 and glob- al 1elev1110n 1ran1m1'91on 1118 IAamined Cl) M•A•8•H The ofllcers· weekly paker game al the •0771h os in1errupled t>y three sepa rate eme1genc1es @l NEWS ~ LAWREHCE WELK Songs 01 The lllaods '0 ) BOXING~ THE OLYMPIC $,WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN W1NTERS Gual Andy Grollllh '%)MOVIE • • •.; The lmmonal Bachelor (19791 Monica Volll G1anc111o G1ann1n1 On trial lor murbeung her husband, a t>e•ulolul wod· ow enthralls the 1ury wllh her remembrance• of her pus1on111e domestic hie 8:300 NEWS Ell) ONC£UPOHA CLASSIC ··The Miii On The Floss Tom'• lrlend suogest1 • way to help pay Tulllver'a debll, Tom Slops apeeklno to Maggie when ha Closcov- ers lhe has ~ seeing Philip tport 4) O €ti) SPORTS AMERICA 1982 United Bank Tenn11 Crau.c Men s Ftnllls Cl) wt.LCOME SACt<. KOTTER CIJ) WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS 10-roond llghl-ignt hghl be-Cornellul "Boza' E<1werd1 and Roberto Ell- zon<lo (lrom Las V8Qa5 Nev J Tne Spec11l ln1ern1 honll Mila (lrom Ollo. Nor way) H TWO IN A BOX The mime team ot Robert Shields •no Lorene Yarnell song, dance and perlorm mome 1n a series ol slo.etch es $ MOVIE • • '" ·con1tnen1al 01v1de ' 11981) John Belulht Blair Brown A Chicago new1papar c:otumn"t travels lo the Rockies 10 e&eape some pollllcal heel end Interview a racl<Jllve n1turall1I PG' EVENING e:OO fJ Cl) C88 NEWS 18 N8CHEWS MOVIE • • '" "Thal Funny Feel- ing" ( 1965) Sendra Dea Bobby Darin 0 KOJAK '8 8.WAT. Cl) MOVIE. • • 'The Man With Tne Power" (1977) Bob Nelli \/IC MOfrOw A high school teechef learn• that he hu Inherited 1upe rnorm11 power• lrom h11 111h .. Which render l'llm valuable 10 oovernmenl esp!on•o• ett0f11 SJ Uf' AHO OOMING "Love's Leston Learned" Fr1nclne runs Into trouble when the gell • lllle rote In 'Romeo And Juliet" end her l>Oyfroend <loetn'I (Rl ~MOVIE • • HoO Wtld ' ( 1980) Palll D Arb1n11111a. Mleheat Biehn A high schoot cam- pus becomes the ller11ng l)<Mnl !Of wlld ptanlta and hilarity wl'ltn -al c:lean- out young1ter1 d8Clda to 1•11• on • rowdy motorcy- cle g1ng 'PO' litMOVIE •ft~ "Zorro, The Gay Blade" (198 t I Georg• ~1mlllon, Laurtn Hutton TM 1*0ic &on OI Old C•ll· fOfl'lla'I llllnOUI JUlllCt flOllter le ~•led by a riding Injury, forclr19 hit !oppitrl 1>rothtr to don th• c:ac>e and mule 'PO' e:aoae (J)aHIWI MARY TYLIR MOOM • CAU'OANIA DMAMI "OOl<ltn Cl1Y TOM Boaley reoounta the hl•IOfY of 8811 FtanollOO frOM Iha 184• Gold rlllh thrQU9h the deY ufatlr19 Mt11\0uaka Of 11108 • '°°°"'MADI IN ..,,..., NIO. IN llMOH °'- "Wiii °' .i.natio" l ,,..v...., MOC TO~ M HANPt acwl I ffltl/!l1t ... ....... TM ...,.,_. O•~ ...,.. ,., • fftltelllt "" lel<ll 10 Ina dllCOVilfy (\I p11a1a trMS\111 •nd "'' encounter With Ihle¥• ID LAWAEHCI WEU< "Song• Of The lllands" fD CHECKING rT OUT Ne4y Alverez aod Ana Cobian report on IMIHIQI pregnancy O CJ) IH 8EAACH Of' .. "Liie Salore Birth' OJ PEOPLES COURT Qt THE MUPPfTS Gue11· Jonathan Wlnlers (C)MOVIE • * • Morgan! ( 1968) Vanessa Re<1g1ave Oevo(I War nor A SClltlOptu 11ro1c,. c11n 1 IMlc:ep• th11 reel lhll his e~·w•le 15 remarrying aod 111ends l\8f weel<ltng drene<I as a gorilla f0 )MOVIE • • • "E•Celltiur ( 19811 Nogat Terry NICOi Wilham· son The e•plo<ls ot l(lng Arlhu1 bring power end dHlh 10 the knights OI lhl Round Tabla R (J)MO~ a • 1-t "Blow Oul" t 19811 Jonn Travolta, Nancy Allan A IOUnCI 1acnnie1an whO works on horror lllms t>eComM Involved In o murdef myttery when he w11..-MS an usasa1na· llon R' 7:30 I) DANCE FEVER Celet>ruy 1u<IQ8i Charlene Ttllon JO Heuser, Woll- man Jack GualS Sl&r- guard D LOO!<ATUS 0 PEOPLE•S COURT f.D PRESENT£ Economic Strenglh Th1ougn Unoly H09hllghlS ot Ille second annual con- vention ol lhe Unoled States Hlspanoc Chamber of CommefC& are pf1$81\I· ed m MARK RUSSEU. Wash1ng1on s 1op po1111ca1 sator1S1 pakes run at malOf ••suet end news stories ol tne Cley (I) AOHT BACK @) EYE ON 8AH DIEGO Faarureel report on con lrOlltKI l>Urn pro1ect, a IOo~ 11 lhe growing llel<I ol cot Of analysis. how 10 prepare Scallops MOUN Q! WEEKEHD MAGAZINE CID COHSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS The No1-For·Klds-Only ShOw PtO<IUCIS of spac11t 1n11tas1 10 children end adolscents ere reviewed. lncludlng comparisons or blue 191111 end oranges _$ ~PAUL a MARY The popular lolh lfto ol the early '60s partorm many or their claSllC tunes 85 well ts new m11ar1a1 8:00 0 WALT Ol8NEY "The Ranger 0 1 Brown. stone Donald Duck end a bunch ol t>aers Clute problems !Of lhe elllclanl ranger ol Brownstone N111onal Perk. J Audubon WOOdtore Q A SHAUN CASSIDY SPECIAL Sheun CH81dy takes • humOfOUI look II nla 1111 on the rolO, Loni Ander- ton, Jack Alt>artson and the Cryalll• guell siar D MISS CAUFOAAIA PAGAEHT Fred LI eo... )Otns many young ladlat u 1hey bid 10 repraSetll the st11e In Iha Miii America Paegent In Allantlc Coty II ®l TODAY'S F9I Meggie end anorhar tamale agen1 go un<lercov· er H truckers lo crack • ring ol nl1tcker1 (R) 0 MOVlt * * "Tomb 01 L•gete" ( llMl5) Vincent Pr-. Eliza belh $h4Jpperel ID MRS. AMERICA PAGEANT Bobby Vinion hOsll 1n11 apec1a1 lrom '"-Las Vegu HMton, wtlh Iha undldetes belng Judo.cl on their !*· sonallty, polM, beauty, 11mlty Illa aod community Inv'*'-' a) MOVIE ••ft 'i\o "F .. r Strikes Ou1" ( 1957) Anthony Per- kin•, 1(111 M1ldet'I ID TIWNlNG 0008 THE WOOOHOUSE WAY "Puppies" B1r1>1ra Woo<l- hOuN t>allaYM there II no reaaon IOf a puppy -to dirty In the hOUle or be I nlJIMn<:a 10 1nyona • MOVll * * "The PTIYete UfW Of Don Juan" ( 1934) OouGI• Fairbank• Sr.. Merla Ol>lfon. Don Juan, the lll'l'IOUI romMllC, ""°'11 nit way trom OM ~ tur• to anolher. (I) LA 11N '""°""' ...... CALW()NM ,ltMAHl' (H)MOVll •ft "OOln' ""9" 11N I) Tony Dann. J..-. w• ter. Thtee orlftOUllN ho6d the llUfM ltflnOI 10 I 15- mi!llOn '"'*""* •ftO' .MOYll • • _... "AllOlfl9 lklll" ltNOl ~ De Hlto, C.1'1r Morilrt\I • 1o11l110 d\emplon Jake I.a Molla'• H lllllft for vio••nc:t """"'*"~"'"" ""' llUl Oltf"'1t 1111 ,,,.,. .......... ... OICMNllJMllMA . ........... ., ..... ..il··~ ':'.'f~ .. , .. Clul!IM• -.. . .. -_...,,. , .... --... -'"' ... - ( 1911) Keith Carr•dln• H11vey K11191 8...0 on t story by JC>Mj)h COnrad Two Franch ol11Qer1 eon llnua lhe4r tono-runnlr>O ltud ou11ng Iha Nllj)Olaon4< wan 0 IAMAM MAHOMU. AHO THI MANOMLL lllTIM Guea11 Oo11y Parton. Jonn 6'Metdlt Iha Krotfl Pvp· !)*II (R) G lfD) LOVI 90AT C11>t11n Stut>tng daYalop• an unu1ual rala11on1h19 •llh a woman •nd • n-ly marrla<I coopla mMt up with 1 man trom Ill• 11!...oom • Pl•I (Al 0 SJ AMPICAN ll'LAYHOUH Oppanhetme1· Alter toohtlng unlklCC•Hlully 10 heve n11 MK.urilV t la•r enc• o a1n11a1..a Opl)trlll111n111r 1a1urn1 10 Pt111ce1or1 lor lhe IHI year• ol hll 11111 f Par1 7)CJ •C MOVIE •• "The Jau Slng11' t 1980) Nall Olamond, LAu r~ Of1v111 A New York ClntOf OIHkl W11n lartooly 1rac1111on and Mii OUI 10 !Ind 1uccess as • pop music 511r 'PG ($)MOVIE * *" Zorro. T na G1y Blade' (19811 George •~amllton Lauren Hullon Tne herow: t0n or ok:I Cah- torn1a • l•Moua 1u11oce toghle• 11 1ncap.c11ate<I by a rt<11ng injury forcing h•s lopp11h brother 10 don ""' cape •nd muk PG CZ I MOVIE ft • "Silence 01 Th11 NO<lh ( 1981) Ellen Burs- ryn Tom $h11rr111 In 19 t9 a yovng women s marroage 10 a 1rappe1 lea<11 11e1 10 a Ille ol Mr<11h1p on the w1I <1emass. ol nOflhern Cana- da PG t:30~ MATINEE AT THE BUOU reaturtld Buster K11a1on on Parlor B11<1room And Bath t 19311 a Rudy Val- lee sho1'1 and Chep101 3 ol 'The Pllan1om E1np1rc" f 1935) IR) H MOVIE • • '> Con11nen1a1 Dovode (1981) John Belushi Btaor Brown A Cnocaoo newspaper c01umn1•1 travels lo •he Rock•e5 to escape some potlllcal heat and 1nt111v1ew a reclusive na1ura1111 PG 0 MOVIE ft • ·~ Cnu Chu And The Pni11y Flash pll81) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnell An alcohohc lormer t>ueball player and a l(oolty street enlllflatner becoma pen- net$ In a scheme 10 make money by re1urn1ng a 1091 1u11casa PG 10:00 o a N8C R£POATS The F'&lkl•ndS 0 @) FANTASY ISLAND An answering 1erv1c;e operalOf mee11 Ille lnree men or her dr11ams and a brother and s•sler retum to tile nouse wnere rheir lllner O!ed (RIO 0 MOVIE ft 1r • ·~ 'Peyton Ptaoe (1957) Lena Turner. Lloyd N011n The comple~ reve- 1a11ons ot the secre1 Ille of a small New England com- munlly herl>Or scandals gatore '8 HEWS Cl) SOUDGOl.D m INDEPENDENT EYE "The Lasl 0 1 The Ltllle Br-eroes 10:30 '8 INSIGHT fD ~GOEB TO COLLEGE George Thorogooel Af'CI The Destroyers @ MOVIE • ,.., "L1pS11ck' \ 1976) Mar- gau1 Hemingway Anne Bancroft A lop rashoon moelet os hum11111ad and lrustrated t>v ner un5uc- ceutul a11emp1s 10 sen 1ence lhe man who raped her lo proson R 10:48 CZJ CHARLES CHAMPLIN OH THE FILM SCENE 11:000 a O CIJ ®>13 HEWS 0 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK rnter11laws with Roberl Yo11ng, Eroc Estra<I• Oenn11 Weaver Robby Benson and members ol REO SP4Ht0wegon '8 MOVIE * • • · Masquerade ( 1965) Cllll Robertson Jack H1W1<1ns Cl) MOVIE * • • "Rio Conchos · ( 19641 R1ct11r<1 Boone. Stu- art Whitman Four men Ml out across Ille T••H Cle-I alter Iha C1v1I War to rec.'Ove< stolen Army rlflal earmatt<ed !or IBle lo Iha Apaches. €ti) 80UN06TAGE ·Doc Saverlntan" Doc SeW!flnMn lntrod\leel his new 11u lu1lon band Xiebron In a spec111 per· formence Which ree1ures vocahst Dee Dee Brt<!oe- wellf (R)O (C)MOVIE • • • "The Concert FOf Kampuchea" 11980) Peul McCartney. The Who A host ol roctt pefiormen. many ol whom gel IQ081h· If In 111 a.It· It If rock orc:tiM1r1, era leatured Ill lh•• r-d of I -* OI c~t• held fOf lhe ~ ltt ol ralt.I lo WI MIVaged Caml>Odl.I (()ICZAME "The Bigot Family" (%)MOVIE * • • "The Valley" ( 19721 1k111e ()glat. Mtc:nael Got- hard. A weellhy WOf!\111 tra...... to N.-Gu!MI In MtlCtl of Mtlva &11lfac11 f« ._ Plftl t>outJque, t t:IO. l'IH'tT* NfO MM.a Lou A1wl• we1comt1 gua111 Unft Cllft0td. Ttttt Of ~. Andi• Crouctl. Kool & The~ Chuok terry, lobby Womaak encl Pltty Awtln &J_,_.,..,,. ... ..,.. 10 tN '°' ~ Inf tlll* .. Of,,.~ s,.au~vMOHT HHI lltlll• OlftM I °'*'' ---u. .IOllm '·~-='M W.. ..... '..., ""1WI w._.. ...,_ .... , A.,__ ~IMCfllt oueleCI trom I lln8M IOWI\ I« hall!ng wrllten a GOtlllO\llfl lal l>OOk IMIGofnll the Olljael of romanllo llvalty 1>a1-two Olotahonwl oil ''*' lfJ ICOI f'OOl<I 10 hpetl perlormel'IQal ol varlou1 lnternallonal rock n· rofl 11111e11 are nlghllghl .a (.R) WAil' UNTIL DAM Katherina Roaa and at IGV l(MCh lier In llllt '1\lllfnO llOfy of lht .. man wno uw- tOfltt a bllrlCI wornan alc>M 1n n., apartlM!ll ( Q) AH IVIHtHO WITH DCZZY OIU.UN Round Al>OUI Mldrllgllt'' Ind A Nlghl In Tunl1t1' n1ohllQht 1h11 concari 1aQICI 11 The Sl•ll()(\ In Wllh .. ·B•rr• Pe11n1ytv• n1• $)MOVIE • Gra<1u111on Oey" ( 188 t) Chrlltophar Georve Pa1cn MtcKanzta Hlgn achoot traci. othletu •• e t>eong hl•llUy "Cul lrom Iha l••m Oy 1n unknown koli.< R n ·46 0 MOVIE • • • "Enlllf L•ugh•no" t 1967) Rant Santoni. Elaine May 12:00 8 BLUE JEAN NETWON< "Dave Mason 0MOVIE **'• St•y At You Are t 19801 Mar~llO MHtrooan- nt, Nastataia 1<1n1111 A memad mkl<lt.tged man emoarks on an alfatt Wllh • teen-age g"' who may l>8 rel&llld IO hom 12:20(C MOVIE I • The V1111or I 1978) Mel Feirer Jonn Huston An 1nc1en1 trom • dts1an1 galaxy comes 10 Earth 10 o .. 1roy an evil 8-year-OICI gorl whO IS Oesllnael to l>8 Ille moi,per ol a pawe•tul, melavOlenl rlMle R 12;30@) MOVIE • • ··oay 01 Tiie WOives ( 1973) Richard Cgan Roe' Jason An u -6hetoll lonos homsell up IQillns1 o stranoe oand 01 t>earoeo man whO plan 10 1S04ale and 1an'8Cl< a 'mall town ,0 ,MOVIE • "Cnea1ong Couples The coniugal 11111 01 a t>o< eo married coupl(I gels a snol on lhe arm when they move lrom the prov1nc8l 10 Par •S 1:00 0 AOC!< CONCERT ID MOVIE • • · The Bro91>1on S11at1 gler' 11945) JOhn LO<ler June 01Jpr111 Q) NEWS a EVENING AT THE IMPAOV l MOVIE * •, The Gong Snow Movie t 19801 Cnuc• Bnrus. Rot>on Allm3n A TV 1>os1 must contend w11h a varoaly of obs1ac1es 1nc1u<1mg ne1wor~ censors 10 pul 1o091ner a collec.l•on or b•urre acts lor '"' Show R 1:10 $ MOVIE • • , Con1.nen111 Oovoele 119811 Jonn Betusno Blair Brown A Chicago newspaper cofumn1St !ravels lo lhe Roci..~ 10 escape some pohtleel heal and 1n1e1voew a rectusove nalur e11sl PG 1:301) NEWS 0 AOCKSHOW Q) MOVIE • * ., 'Inn 01 The Frignt en.o People I 19721 JoBn <;o.ltn5 James Boo111 '~ MOVIE * * 'The HHrse" ( 1980) Tusil \Ian Oeve<e Joseph Collen A scnooneac:ner 1roes 10 recover lrom e ner- vous breakdown a• her late aunt s nome. whoch os DtlS!eOed by 011rnons PG 1:55 C MOVIE • * • • 'Gr11no Illusion t 1937) Jean Gabln Eroch Von Slrone<m World war I prisoners conlllct w•lh • German comman<1an1 2:00 IJ MOVIE • • • WhO Killed Tne Cen1ertote1 Mooe! 119771 Barbara Eden. Joan Hect..- ell A roohne missing per- son• case 1a1111 an tn11es11- gat0f trom lhe <1ep1h1 or porno to the f)etghls ot rne t>anktng and commerce wor1CI ·=SHOW 0MOVIE "Search And Destroy 2:300 NEWS D MOVIE • • • "I w an1 Yoo ( 1952) Dene Andoews, Ooroll'Y McGuire ID MOVIE ft• "A Oanoe<ou~ Proles· lion 11949) Pal O'Brien Gaoroe Rott (%)MOVIE I I I "Why Would I l.Ja? ( 1980) Tt'MI WIHtams. Liii ElchhOfn A compulllve liar upsals 1he 1111ua quo wllh h•• refu11l 10 conform ·PG 2:48 l!I MC NEWS 3:00 (S) MOVIE I I I \; "PrlVlll Banll· min" ( 19801 Goldie H1wn EllMn Brannan A well-lo- Clo young women mts111<- anly join• the Army lollow· "'II the death of ha< ,_ hUab8nd on theff W9d<llno ~t.'R' S: 'tO (8) MCME • • "Ooln' ""9" 1194 1) Tony OMua, JMalca WIA· ,., nw... oranovtan• hOICI Ille pur9I .. rlnga to I ~ mlllon~ 'PO' a:ao• MOYll 111 * ~ "Powcfar Town" (1'42) Victor ~. E4"\0flO O'ltltn, A l!Clln- 119C oom9 ln1o oonftlc:I ........ '°'91~11'1 • llUlltlonl p6lntll MO CU> lltCN9 ft•"' "Outdrophenla" (117t) '1111 Olnl9la. Mn WlnV9'I· ~ by The wtto. A ltltlah 1outh i...-IN ~ Of lllt '*"" lot tflt • 'ffledotn" Of IN Modi. aw, to~ lh4ll .. ---group II -ll!Orl oonttrlttlfl9 .... ... llllOYll • • • • "llleolltf tuft" (1No) ~ 0. NftO, CM"Y -••nv toa""' ~--IA.....,'• lltlltu•t ftt •IOltlftH ""'"" .... ...,_ 11'1 .. Mt ·Mlt ..,...,., NI ,_. ....... \ ... t 1 · BUILDING PLANS A drive is under way to raise $6.4 m tll1on an pledges to build an auditorium for lhe South Coast Community Church, wht('h now m<'<'ts at Corona del Mar High School. Above is the artist's rendering of the proposed 32,000-square foot auditorium, to be constructed on the church's 10-acre site in Bonita Canyon, Irvine. Or nge C.001t DAIL'( PILOT /Saturday, June 26, 1982 Hebrew text translated By GEORGE W. C'ORNl<~l.I. Af ".ilglon Wrll•r NEW YOHK "Uttt•1 fut1J1tv' All IK luul.-1" So r~udb the O(Jt.'lllll8 of llw Book ti{ fo:..·dt!!ilillill'8 In whot'a WnTIL·d lh(• hnll J1•wiah u unslallon of th" Bibll• mto l':ngllsh modt· frorn Hw onJ(maJ Jll'brcw text.a. Tht• tre11h w111·dl11~ l'lh'tl dlllt•11ng from th,• u sunl "Vt11111 y u ( vu11llll''' All 111 vanity!" c haructt•rtws thl• nt.•w S<·r1ptu1 ul 1 Pndt•rt n~. compl<'led last month nft,•r 25 yl•.1rs w11rk It wai. u t hrt•l' lltugt· p1<H l'1>S, wi th the publication of "Thl' Wnl111g,;" lht· books of Psalms, Prov<•rb<., J o b, 1 he· S ong of S ongs. &'(:les1ast.es and runt• 0 1 ht•r hooks I mishing the task. Ernt•rgmg w. ,1 t1 ilvgy, It bc.•gJ11 w1 th "The Torah," the first llVl' book~ of tht• B1blc, published m 1963, then "The> Prophc>t.s.'' 1:..!>ut'CI m 197M. and now "Tht> Writings," u m1µl f'llll8 thl brand-new Jewish Scnptun ·:. - Films, talks, concerts slated "We sought tu n •storf' th1· 11·x1 tu 1ts pristine meaning and tht· author's 011~11wl mtent," says Nahum Sarn<1 of Brand1·1~ lln1vt•rs1tv. one of the Bible scho lar.. ""ho turm-d nut tht• latest volume Mos t English tra ns lauu n s of lh<' Bible, including tht· µn•v111u s J,•w 1sh vt•rsion uf 1917, and also the no w lommon ChnsllcJn B1hll·. thl' Rev1st.'d Standard Vt•t siun ''' I !15i. h.iv~· bt."•n l°SS41nllally rev1S1ons of p~bl vers ions TWO NE\\' Jo~h Md>owc·ll films, "Maximum Daung" and "St•,uul Puuh•" will be premiered at 7 p.m Suncl<iy ;.it thl' Crnwn Valley Covenant Chun·h , L<iguna N1 i,:u!'I ProdUCl'r is Johnson - Nyqu1s1 Prcxlucuo ns ol 1\11.;smn Viejo "WOMEN JN TRANSITION" will be the topic of Dr. Walt<·r R Rr.111dt , ,J Nl·wport Beach ps yeho lDg1s t . at Y 1;, ,1 m Mo nd ay at the Community (.'hun·h. t 'ungrt'gat1onal. Corona ,del Mar LUTHE RAN Marnagt• Enn>unter 1s slated at 011itrtct IV corwl'ntum to u1k<• plac·e this weekend a l Pacific Chnstwn Coll<•gl'. Fulkrton THE LIGHT SINGERS, a group of Filipino- Amer1can artist.\., arC' lo prt>sc nt a concert at 6 p.m. Sunday a t th<' Churc:h by 1h1• Sea, Huntington Beach. THE CALIFORNIANS, a group of s ingers who have' enterta1m·d on r .. d w and telev1s1on , will appear at 10 am S und11y Jt the Mc'Sa Bible Chapel, Costa Mesa ''LAUG HTER AN O HEALING" w1U be the top1t o f tlw Laguna Bt:at h Chur(.'h of Religious &·1cncc seminar at 7.:io µ m Wednesday at the Beverly Hills Saving~ <.ind Loan. Speaker will be F..d1c Van Til who has dorw rt-search on the subject CHURCH NOTIS after suffering a heart attack and subsequently undergoing surgery. A WESTERN BARBECUE will begin at 11:15 a.m . S unday at the Neigh borhood Congregational Church, Laguna Beach. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL for pre-schoolers through sixth grade will begin at 9 a.m. Monday at St. Paul's Lutheran Church , Laguna Beach. A SERIES OF Friday parties for high school juniors and seniors are being planned at the Community Presbyterian Church, Laguna Beach. For information call the church at 497-2228. A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS talk show is bemg hosted by Eugene Moore, an Orange Coast College professor of religion. The show is aired at 10 p.m . Fridays on r.adio station KYMS, Santa Ana. 106.3 on the FM dial. However, the Jewish Publ1t,1t10n Society uf Philadelphia s;.1ys its nt•w 81ult· 1:. t..1kt·n cornpleu:ly from the Hcbrt·w lt.•xl in which J l·w1sh Scn ptuTe was wntle n. the.• f11:.~1 d1rt'l.'I 11.m~lat1011 smc·e Jews In :.!50 B.C 1ransla tPd 1t into t;1 t•t•k While using f1nd1ngs ol 111od1•rn an·haeology and biblical scholarr:.h1µ, tlw tr <m sluturs say the effor·t was "to 1t·t;,i1n 1hi-1m:..g,•ry of the Hebrew rather than IO rt•ncl<.>r 11 by l-:ngllsh equivalents anel approximation::. alien to tht· h1bll<.·a l world "We hope to havl' trcmsn11ltt'<.l something of the direc1ness, lhl' s11n phn ty a nd lht' unique ly Israelite expression of p1Pl y tha1 uN.• '4> t'Sl>enllal to the sublimi1y of th1· l lt·bn·w Bi ble.·" AP Wlrephoto NEW MODERATOR -The Rev. James H . Costen (right), of Atlanta, Ga., is the new moderator of the General Assembly, United Presbyter ian Church in the U.S.A., succeeding the Rev Robert M. Davidson of New York City. Costen, who will serve a one-year tenn, received 356 vott"S out of 600 at the Hartford, Conn., meeting. Antique Show/Sale ~ South Coast Daily thru Mo n. July 5 at the Hun11nylori Ce n te r Community Church Services 8:30 A .M . & 10: 15 A .M . BISHOP WILLIAM R . JOHNSON of the ma ll Featuring outst<1nd1ny C '"""u del Mor H1g~ S<~ool. 7101 fo••blufl D• orono del Mo• ·· llortµi1ge } our f'amiJ.~ -tllt-~!<i lip l'our ti( e., Orange Diocese was among 200 Roman Catholic American and f.111o pt>;111 bishops attending an Assembly for Prayer and collec11ons µlus HN1lnge Reflection on Episcopal Ministry in Collegeville, Days entertainment Beach Minn. Blvd at 405 r wy. H B Tim Tim111111"· !:'l1w11l1t·r For In fo: Call 644-1350 Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY "You've tried the rest. NOW try the BESTI" Rev. Dr. EIHnor C. Jeckeon New 'fttouoht ChrteUan l!Y.,..._. New Thought Chrtetlan Churdl Sunday Serttce a Junlof Churctt 15th a lrvlne, Newport 8Mch 1~.30 A.M. 'FROM FEAR TO FREEDOM" Chufch omce: 1929 Tuetln, Coetti ..... Phone l4tr 1032 0181 A Meeaege e•e , ... 1st CHURCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE OF NEWPORT BEACH Member Church Unlled Cllurch of Reltgious Science CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A .M . Chllc:t Care "The Mind Rev. Judy Gole Magnet Pfinciple" 1011 Comelback, Newpoft Beach (off Jornbo<M Rood) MusM: Director • Mou• English 951-6244 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tr1dltlonal Episcopal) HOLY COMMUNION • Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Preyer. t928) MERTZ HAtl of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. J11me1 Hohfeld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COSTA MESA Bay Stfeet et Orange Avenue Sunda1 Sunda1 8unda1 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Inion! ond Child Core the Rev. Conrad Nordqulet, Vlc:er 548-2237 ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCMS YOU 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach 1:00 A.M. Pf•yef' Boolr, Hoty Communion t:OO A.M. Ctlruch School end Adult Education 1~ A.M. flttt 811nda1, ,.,_,_, loofll HofJ Communion auncs.19 lhereeftef'. Hof, l!ucertet. ....... t:OO • 10:00 A.M. NUfMfJ Cere CHARISMATIC MAH flnt 8UMeJ of tM Mon"' -~ P.M. Tueedef -10:00 A.M. Hoff hcMrtet "-Mftt Senlce WI"' &..aylnt Oft Of Hendl TM Rn. Jotln P. Aehlef It, Rectof -P9MMM..,..... • rl."WPORT HARBOR LUTIOM CtUtCH 7110..-Df ..... ~MACH ,......., ..... ,.. .. o-.. A. Ml,._, , .. .. WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:16 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. lllUND\' c..,. ,..,......,. WILCOMI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES 9RAHCtEI ~ ™E MO'fltlR CfiUACH, TI1E ARST CHVACH ~CHRIST, SCIEHTIST IH llOSTOH, MMSA~IETTS \\CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" Sunday, Jun• 27th, 1982 Co•ta MeH -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Scientist _. ..... Ywde Of., Coeta ...... Ctlwcft a 8undey kMof -10:00 A.M. "eec1tnt1 Room,_. ..... Ywde Df. t A.M.-4:30 P.M. Mon. thrv a.L Wed. 7.7:90 P.M. -t-•.tO P.M. lrvlne -Flrat Church of Christ, Sctenttat RHcM .... Joequtn lnt•medlat.• School 4111 MlchHleon (NNt Yale) Church 6 tuncta1 lchoot -10:00 A.M. CHIU> CAllE PROVIOEO AT 81.MOAY SERVICE Huntington Beech -Flr•t Church of Christ, Scientist Ith • °""' """"""°" llMctl Chur'cft a •unclef tcttool -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -221 Main It. Newport Beech -First Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat 3303 Via lido, ... wport Beach Ctlurch & Sunday Schoot -t:OO a 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Via lido Mon. thru Sal. -t A.M.-5 P.M. Tuff. -7-t P.M. Chold c.. PrOlt!Oec! T-~ 9 JO.' I 30 A M '°' Study r._ Newport BMc:h -Second Church of Christ, 8ctentl8t -· 31io ~ V... Df., COf'OM deC Mar ~ a .__, tdtoof -10:00 A.M. "-ding Room -MOO "8" I. Coeel Hwy., CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - I P.M. ALL CHURCHES All ere cordlillty lllvflM lo •lle11d llw1 cllurcll MrvlcN end enjoy Ille pfMlegle ~ .,.. "-""Cl ,._.,,., Cttlld c .. PrOYtded AT AU. 81!RY1CH WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN CHURCH 1•1 Mlttoft A". (Nest to a.n Dt9fo ,,.,,,. a w .. tmlnat• Btvd.) -WORSHtP SIAVJCES - UO a 10;00 A.M. PASTOR JOA A. 8WIOQUlll PHONI -....- CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mteeout1 Synod) 19 YlotoN •t.. Coet8 ..... LMIW V. TorMW, ,_.., -ll1-1e11 \ WOtlt ... lmMCa -1:11a11IOO A.Ill. ...., ...... 6 AcMt .... C .... -e:.. A.M. c......_ ..... ,,..., ..... _ ... , ... S...mon Topic June 27th 9 :00 & 10:30 A.M . "Happily Ever Alter" CIUCH Of IEll&OJS SCDCE ~w of the United ChurOtl of ~ 8clenoe SEACUFP VILl.AGI IUITI 45, 2223 iltAIN ITAEIT HUHTINGTON HACH, CA 82148 Aduttt & Jt. Ctlurdl 10. 10:80 Freedom of Worship An American Choice A CORDIAL WELCOME I HARBOR CHRISTIAN FROM THE CHURCH i-..rTCn cui.,CH OF CHRIST <01ec1p'" of Christ> umu:.u nun 2401 Ir.In• at Santti lubef COMMUNITY CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL 811 HellotrQJM Ave. Corona det Mar 644-7400 'y Mom Ing WOfahlp 10 A .M. 0.n• Swaneon, Minister Donald W. K11t1, Mlnlater 10 A.M. -Sunday Wonhlp I ::===========~ Cl'lurcn Sc1'00I encl Nut_., Cate NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH J.40 St. ~·, Pim 11 Gltnntyre, Liftin Buell 494-8061 KH Ill. RCYl«llOS MARGARfT Alfi R£YNOlOS lllmttn 10 UI. -Slild•J Worthip Cluch Sdlool ' IU«tJ Atte nd The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EHtblun Or. I Jambor", Ntwpoft S.ach Rev. Wltlt•m McOuold Rev. Tony Wolfe Paetor . A•aoclate PHlor LHlle Brockman, Muele Director Church School & Adult Classes -9·00 a m Worship Service -10 00 a m NurMry Cafe at Both Service• For Info: Call &44-1341 A Cordlal Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Costa Mess FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd. Church 8ctlool 9:30 Worehlp 10:45 Charles D. Clark, Minister Coat• Mee1 Nonh MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH WM•hlp a Ch11rch 8choot t:to • 10:00 A.M. Of. Wlftlem E. 81"' CHRIST CHURCH Huntington Beach FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 536-3537 Won1hlp Service 10:15 a.m. 111....-y Cere An Momlno Chufch Sctlool-t:oo a.m. Huntington Beach North COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 6662 Hell Ave. 842-4461 Wonhlp 8entce a:ao a 10:00 l:JO Sunda1 lchoot 10:00 BY THE SEA Foonteln ve.l'-Newport Beach ""'T 1400 w. Balboa Blvd. FIRST UNITED 673-3805 METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Robert Shepard Jr 18226 Buehard St. Worltllp a Church School ea~2513 t:to A.M. Or Carroll E. Word. Mlnlater Wkda1 Pr•'khool Worthlp a Church School Da1 Cat• t:ao A.M. 7:JO A.M.-1 P.M.. A Kn4ll.. ._. atlMCtl NEWPORT CENTER UNITED METHODIST 1901 Marguerite Av.., Coton• del Me' 844-0745 Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M. Rev. Ken McMiiian You Witt .. Welcomed -And ... l.,.ctl FIRST · CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main et Ade~ .._....,._ ._... IUNDAV1 c ...... --. 10lOO A.Ii ..... ",,_.., -.. ""' ... ,... ...... v._.~..,, .... OT ... , .... ,.0........ .,.~ OntlM.....,N ... ~ '. °"""" 0... ...._. , ..... IMA&,..A-GCV0110fif --·· 0-. ----..,.....,_ ... Ctwtet ..... _ .. This S unday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrews Road • Newpon Beach • 631-2880 Or • .-.... A.-·"·,._ Worship Services -7:30-8.45 and 10: 15 A.M. Commvnion Meditation "BY FAITH" Dr John A Huttman, Jr. Preaching PROGRAMS 7 30 s.m -Intents Thru l(lndergart8f'I, Chlld C11e 8:45 a.m. -Infants Thru Adult Classes 10: 15 am -lnlan11 Thru 6th Grade & Adult Classes ABC Helpllne-M S-2222 Community Pre1byterlan Church 415 ForMI Ave., Laguna B .. ch 494-7555 Rev Arthur J iankersley Rev. Craig Wllllams Christian Education Hour 9:00-10:00 AM Worship -10: 15 AM NURSERV CARE PAOVl0£0 A. T ALL SERI/ICES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2850 Fairview Rd., Coeta MeM -557-s:MO Brue:• A. Kun ... PHtor Terry McCanne, Director of Yooth Mlnlatlee Howard Kllllon. Director of Adult Mlnlltries Oon Maddox. Director of Singles Mlnletrlet Sunday Wontllp -1:30 a 10:00 A.M. Church School -Chlldren Ulru Adutte 10:00 A.M. Nuf"'J c:ere avellable -1:30 a 10:00 A.M. v...,.,e -7:00 P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. Wlleon, Coetti M ... M5-S1t1 We're A Going -Glowtng -Growing Church SUNDAY IEAVICH BIBLE STUDY t A.M. WORSHIP 10 A.M. a 9 P.M. 10 A .M . -"O lord, Ou' lofd" -Psalm VIII 6 P.M . - Paul Thomae, Mlnl•l•r -Doug Cote, Youttl Mlnlet• sw~o~~~Me ~ei&1 lebbe"' 8aNIOM fflda1 l!venlnt 1:11 P.M. '•mtlJ 8aNtoe · n ° n n n n' flret Fftde1 of tM mon"' 1:JO ,.M. Rabbi 8efn1rd P. l(lng Jamboree & Eutbluft Of. Music: Arie Shlkler Newport 8-ch, Callf. Educat0t: Nancy Levin '°' lfttormetton cell ..._.,.. ,.,.~ .... ~ *TEMPLE S~AR!tL~, Pr•School -H ... & Sundey School Bar/Mltzveh T,.,nlng Youth Qroup-Slat.mood SeMcM; Friday. 1:15 p.m. Sat. 9:15 a.m. Sun. 9:30 a.m. RABBI HERSHEL BROOKS 817 Wut Hemttton, Coeta M ... 931-mt l'RITT W..alt.awl( ..... ) ,~ lltw. . 1 It "1Cley Of Moftttl -1:JO ~ lchOol, Ad\111 ICI., 'iouttl Oroupt. lltlglea • 1011 CameMteoll, New,ort IMdt ( ... ,.,, •l IM-1• C....., "9NN L ,_.. t lf111 .. 1r ....... YM ...... ••• Orang• CoHt DAILY PILOTISaturday. Jun• 2e. 1982 Fast Eddie makes his move 'rhundertn1 down th• homeuntCh, Ed Schrn rl r pulll'd aht"ad of TrflC)' Oodfnty by a noee with only today'• cont t rt'malnln, bt'tween th4'm and th champlonahlp of Trivia Bowl XXVl. Ed'• perft'<:t 1COrc, the only one of the woek, 1ave Mm ea lu~lf point ~io on Tracy u the third contender, Wlhtlow LcA<:h, elected to 11t out thla w(.'(!k. Thal tl\'ta thl· tt.afCl' for today'• titanic tuale. Trlvlal tidbit: Auguat, 1946, three different w.-.loru of the aong "To Each HI• Own" occupied t he top apot on thu music charts -by Eddy Howard, Freddy Martin and the lnk Spots. And T R I V I A B 0 W L X X V l ST AN DINGS 1 Ed Sc:llmerler (It) 118''> 2 Tracy Qoolr•v ( tO) 118 3 Over 11141 Hiii Gene ( 101 11 1 'Wlnelow LNc:ll (3 >\) 111 4 'Cob11 II (5) 97'~ 5 Wenlworlll C fllmo1e (9) 95'> 8 •The Orovo (5) 7 Nancy Prtor (4) 8. The OlonY11i1n1 (7) 9 John Flu•Hll (3) 10 ·TM &ehr FICll ( 1) 11 Flk:k Warner (1) 791~ 88 39 38 35·~ 35 now (drum roll. rlease) the last 10 questions in Trivia Bowl XXV 1. Franro1!>e Sorya Dreyfus couldn't get all that on a movie marquee. so she substituted what alhterat1ve alternate? 2. A dog named Farley IS at home in what comic strip? 3. Steve HoUand impersonated what comic strip hero on TV? 4. Ruth Harkness brought what animal to the United Sta\.C's in 1937? 5. What actor 1s crechted with playing more starrmg movil• roles than any other? 6. "Soon, unless somebody trusts somebody, there'll be nothmg left on earth excepting fishes" is a wise lyrical quote from what musical!? 7. Only one hC'avyweight boxing champion won his title outside the ring. Name him. 8. Ernst Ludwig is a character from what stage play? ---NOW SHOWING---•oHuM ll IORO DllAHl •• ,. 112 6446 Sffdlt-511 5110 °' .... Mol 137·0340 IRlA IOUlllAlll VAUU DllAlltl Ml•• S.n Plo1t S 19 ~338 Ed•ords 1 ... ,..., \lotloy Ill· 1500 S-01 139·1710 COSTA MIU IRVIH OIAHl UA Cl••"" 540 0!>94 W.odllJtolt• 551 DISS UA Cily Cill-. '34-3111 WUllllllTU I.IA C-nl-4S4t GO FOR IT! TRIVIA BY 1.T. 9. In the movie "Sln(ling ln the.-Rain," name (a) the old title and (b) the new title of Gene Kelly'• hnt t.Mlkie. 10. "Suppoec there's a fire and I call the engines, who am 1 double crouJng, the flre?" was quoted by what uctre1S In an Oacar-wlnning performan~? Last Week'• An1wen 1. Broderick Crawford (name change) 2. Pogo (B. T. Bridgeport) 3. "Spencer's Mountain" (Walton.a Inspiration) 4. Van Gogh (low-sale artist) 5. "Midnight SWl" (stardust on sleeve) 6. John Foster Dulles (Carol Burnett) 7 Sharpie (Gillette parrot) 8. "Take Her, She's Mine'' (Molly Michaelson) 9. (a) A $1,000 bill and (b) her pa.nties ("Dol\'l Go Near the Water") 10. Frank Sinatra m "From Here to Eternity'' (movie quote) (Send your answers to TRIVIA, clo the Daily Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday, otherwise half the player's last score w1U be awarded) Grace in TV films VATICAN CITY (AP) Princ."eSS Grace of Monaco has wrapped up fill'lling here for two religious programs to be broadcast on American television. T he forn1er actress will emcee the half-hour dramatiiations of the Christmas story and Good Fr iday produced for "Fa ther Payton's Family Theater." WHEN IN SOUTHERN CAllfOANV• VISIT ~ ST'UDIOe TOUR ~ .... -..c.. ......... Triumph "A m ovie of oaring pleasure tha t you ho pe will never e nd. To be seen again a nd again ... a nd treasured." Ge11e S ha/it, ,,'BC-TV Today Sh ow ET. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A STEVEN SPIELBERG FILM ET TiiE ExnA· TER.RESTJUAl. DEE WA LUCE PETER COYOTE HENRY TiiOMAS AS EWOTT Ml:SIC BY JOHN WIU.lAMS WR.llTEN BY MELISSA MATiilSON PRODUCED BY STEVEN SPIELBERG A KAlltLEEN KENNEDY DIRECTED BY STEVEN SPIELBERG A UNMRSAJ.. PlcnJllE "A Heavyweight Hit! 1°·.,.""-'"'"""1•"' _ _,r..,...1 ~~.!..~~~ A Boxottice Knockout!" ll~liir==:::~a=a~L~r:.:"ei'·r--i~,"'~·'iiill .. ld f ome M.;1..11n41 .. ROCKY Ill NOW PLAYING H fA COSTA •l(U lllSSICMI YllJO UA ftloy<ft ~ ... on '• V-tp hwllft 990•072 0111~0· 1306990 IUlllA "1111 • lllltll lllG T Dll IUCll •OllAllCll P«•'<l.ntO'j\0 ,, ~ ld•tttO """'11ftO"Ol'\C~ ~ 11141&21 •OIO 111 41111 Olll 61• l~SJ OllUGl ~sfro~t'1" WlS ntllSTlll l O.MO. Contm• WO\I 99• 3935 •COSTA ltllA LHUltA ll.lCN Ed*1'0' &I ur Soi n~ et..\' S•O .... ·~· ISU "°PA.AU 4CCUTt.D •oa """.........-"'I • P1eseo1eo 1n 35mmCXll-...._,1 50MEWHEP.C IH THE DAP.KE!>T P.E>iCHES Of THE UHIVEP.SE. A OATTlC IS ADOUT TO BEGIH. FOR S0MC IT Will BE THEIP. FIP.ST MISSIOH. FOfl. OTHEP.S IT Will OE THE LAST. .. 1! -•• -. ttatiflC. I I • Now it is free to become one of us. PLAYING WITH FIRE -Tony Caprio taunts Dina Fayer about the murder of he r school ma~. unaware that he will become her next victim, in a scene from "The KU .. T .-uaaEU. IN JOHN CARPENTER'S "THE THING" DAILY 1:00, 3:15, 5:.45 1.'ilO, 10:15 (R) Dllallca .S.TAA TP.Etc-..11. ~ll!rn DAILY 12:40, 3:00 5:15, 7:30, 10:00 • DAILY 2:00, 5:00 1:00, 1o:30 (PO) Natalie • movie sought HOLLYWOOD (AP) Paramount P1cture11 has madl• nn offer to buy Nutall(• Wood's last movie, "Brainstorm," fr o m MGM-United Artll:lts , film trade sources reported this week. NNtht>r studio made any off1c1al comment on th<' ncgouauons, which wen.-rt•portt.>d 1n Daily Varwty A Paramount spokesperson who rc•questC'd anonymity said independe nt produc:crs had also made offers for the nearly c.'Ompleled science fiction movie MGM-United Artists r t• c· c· n t 1 y s h o w e d "Bri11nstorm" 'to, ot.her major s tudios a nd indc·pendc·nts with the prospt•t·t of selling its mtt-rcst The fmanc1ally bl'lt•iJgut>red c:om pany had dc•l'tdl'd no t to t'Om pil•te thl' f 1 lm. Bad Seed" at the N ewport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach, through July 3. Call 675-3143 for ticket information. If Pilram o unt or <.inoht•r ftlm c:umpan y buys lht· righ t s to ··Brainstorm," lfrumbull will haw to add special cffe<·ts Al PACINO "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" DAILY 1:30, MS 8;00. 1:15, 1C>AO (PO) .. "DUD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID" ll"GI DAIL Y 2:15, 1:15, 10:15 ~m DAILY 4:00, 1:00 llf f/iR !PG> Ft/BCE DAILY 1:00, 3:00, &00 7:00, t:OO a AU~ SAT. 11:00 DOLBY STEREO FRI. 8:00, 1:15, 10:30 SAT·SUN. 1:30, ~. 1:00 9:15, 1D:30 t•dw.irds LIDO C I NEMA "f''"'OJ<T Bl •U Al I/IA tlrJ<J 673-8350 "' WP<1AT Rf A ( H MAN HAS MADE HIS MATCH HARRISON FORD .., auv. tfUll,,.,, 0 1::11 FRI. 7:15, •.30 SAT/SUN. 12:30, 2:A5 5:00, 7: 15, .. ..30 "THE C:::.. ROAD WARRIOR" ,..I, 1:50 SAT/SUN. 1:15, 5:00, 1;50 ~ FRI. 7:00, 10:40 IAT/8UN.~10, 7:00,11>.AO Pdw.irdc;, SAODL FRACK PLAZA ll !ttRI' Al ltO<llflftl' 581 ·5880 l I 'OR(' . . .. •"'•'• DAll.Y 2:00 4:30. 7:00, t:30 (PO) A SftVIN SNLal"Q PftOOUCTION DAIL V 1:00, S:OO U IO, 7:00, t:OO DAILY 12:1S. 1::25, 4:4S. 7:10, 1:25 . E~r.·· ..... • I I 4 • -· I Trivia bonanza Old .. Warner·movies sold N F.W YORK (AP> -Warnor Communkallons Inc. will ..cqulre the rnualt· publlahlna opuratlon1 o( MOM·UA ltntortnJnmtln\ Co., Wamer 8ros.' pre-1960 film Ubrary and all out1t4lndina 11yndtcaUon contracll for thl' mrrui rn ll deal worth more than $100 mill ion, the com panies annount-'t'<l. Heston touring India, Pakistan DACCA, Bangladesh (AP) -Actor C harlton Heston is visiting India. Bangladesh and Pakistan to produce a documentary film for raising mone• in the United States for relief in developing countries. Afte r H est o n 's a rrival h ere Tuesday , U.S . Ambass~ador to B angladesh J ane Able Coon mtrodul'ed him to a select gathering of local filmmakers and artists. Heston told them American film had done much mor e to introduce the American people t o the w o rld than h a d diplomats. 1 The recent trend toward big-budget fi lms had g r ea tl y r educed the possibility of n ewcom ers in the complex industry of fiLmmaking. But the prospects of good filmrnaking is as bright as ever, he said, even with the growing popula rity of television. The aal~ will help MOM·UA reduce the debt load built up when It at-qulrtid United Artlata Corp .. Frank Rothman, chairman of MGM-UA, 11ald Tuesday. MOM-UA, formerly Metro·Ooldwyn·M'ayer Film Co., acquired United Artlatl from Transamerica Corp. In Jwy 1981: The library of 746 featU.re Wms ln~udea Al Jolaon'a "The Jan Si er," and classic Hum hrey Bogart fil s. including "Casa~lanoa" and "The Maltese Falcon.'' It also includes tllms of James Cagney, Gary Cooper, Bette Davis, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Errol Flynn, Paul Muni, Ronald Reagan and Edward G. Roblnson. Also part of the library are 327 cartoons. The library was sold by Warner Bros. in 1956 a nd was acquired by United Artists in 1958. U.S. Music, the publlshi.ng operation, owns and controls copyrights on more than 50,000 t'Ompositions. The purchase price for the music publishing operations and the film library is $95 million, with outs tanding syndication contracts raising the total amount to be paid to "in exc~ of $100 million," the companiePsaid. The purc hase is subject t o completion of a definitive agreement and appropriate regulatory approval, the C'Ompanies said. Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. 1•t TwollbtinuShowinullfllYS2l2Unlus0thtrwistNottd MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE rtwt ~«1"'9 "'trtct '•M9S a IO .,,.,,,,, l)af9tWI •bOt.if me IU'taOM)' OI n"DVte! '°"'""' '°' lf4W~9 o, ,,.,.,, CIWO,.,, rt=il All AGES "OMITTE 0 ~ Genef'•t Aud.encea 113rd3•X•l11tl6l61~ '2ss1/~"~' ) * FOR FUOI EXCITEffiEnTI V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES* ~°cit~~Tr ~ HARRISON FORD. r:,... rnDDUIJ :m IJL112 llUllllVI 12:00 2:35 5 :15 1 :00 10:30 In 70mm I .S.TAA ~~TH Tl\EIU'.. -NW1 El ••••&~vfll'"'f 'J•I Show1 11 12:00 2:30 5:00 7 :30 10:00 In 70mm Clint h1twood rn ~~:ri.•uhu 2 :45 s," liOCKYJll a Sh9wl 1t 12,tOO 2: 10 4: IS ':20 :30 1 u:40 OPEN 7 :30 NIGHTLY Children Under 12 free Unless Noted CLINT EASTWOOD Clint Eustwoocl 111 'Flr-vfox' F"•·u•h·· I'''""'""' H•llz Munt-!4 · s ... ~ .. ·111111" '" Alt!X Lu:-1k~r ~ Wt:nclt:ll Well mun ''•''"" "" ''"' 1~n«I h\ C.:rultc Thomus · 1·1~"'"""'' tffHI llll\·t·11·111" (;lint Eusl >od c .1r\11hN1I "''"'k· 1"""""'~' u1111 \~•1<1111:11,11" M11ur•icc .JurrL· · ''"'"" 1•u,. c ··•·· •"· 1 'tllllra1.11W1"_;;;;;r.. ~~~-'"'-~-· .. ·-·"'"·::~·:=--:~~~o ,..._ ' f;. '. 1 ._. f •I : ---·-· -~ ...... -......... , fo 1;,,7,~f ,~'I ~ (::.. ,/.,~:',.!~' " ~ 11-·~ "' ,.,. "• . ~:!iii .. . . . . --I ' Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Juno 26, 1982 Bl I U TORO ORANGE fowa•O~ Sadd•~Ddc• 581 'i880 UA Ct1y C1nemd 634 3911 •ORANGE Ora119e Mall 637 0340 •WHTMINITER Eoward> Cinema Wes1 891 3935 WlSTMINSTlR BRIA •COSTA MHA ORAltGE 81ea P1Ju hlwa1ds Cinema Pac1hc Oranoe 011ve In H• Way 39 011ve 111 aq1 3693 529 ~339 546 3102 558 1022 *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Performancta before 5:00 PM (Except Special Engagements and Holidays) , .... MlllAl.1" MAI l Mirodo 01 Rosec:rons LA MIRADA WALIC ·IN 994•2400 "ANNIE" 1PG1 1---lrt\,U. "AUTHORI AUTHOR" "POLTERGEIST" (PGI ___ ,...._ "GREASE 2" 11"0> 1-.--. ......... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IH "ROCKY Ill" (PGI IN 70MM DOLBY SttREO ll:a,-. ...... , ... , .. 11:1$ "ST AA TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOLBY STEREO (PG) ,,., ___ _ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK IN focully Al o.t Amo 21S/6U·f211 "MEGAFORCE" '"°' .-. -., .. ,,. - !AG.UN A 1-.-.-.1-.•w.11• (PG) "ST AA TAEK II: THE WAATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOIJY STEREO (PG) 12*, "'°· --·- "ROCKY 111" (PG 11:JO, bel, .... 1;00. •10, 1':1l foculty ot Condle wood 213 /531·9580 "DUO MEN DON'T WEAR !"LAID" ll'OI ---"ARTHUR" (l'O) , __ _ ''l"OfUCY'S" 1111 ,..,_,....,.,,. ""!CH.AN> l'RYC>lt LIVI!' OH 1* 8UNSFr STillP" 1111 --- "MEGAFORCE" '"°' ,.. ___ _ "GREASE 2" <N> ___ ,,.,_ so. COAST WALIC·IN So11111 Coaet Hhwoy or t1oodwoy 494-1514 "THE THING" 1111 2:11.-. ,,., - "ROCKY Ill" (l"Ol flLOllLY•M.---.-. .. -.-- PACIFIC THE.ATllES OlllVE·IN SWAP MEflS SfU1C" IOUI IUCIS-Sl'l•O IMI OAt Al HAlllOll I LVO OlllVE-IN I OllANGE OAIVE·IN 1 a• 10 l l'tt SAJUIOAJ 6 SUNOAl fl H , ..... , SUN04JS Al AllA>lll• SIAO•u• 11111. In fri. 7:30 -SJt.. SIA 7:15 SMw StstJ al Dua IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHILDREN UNDER 12 fRU! Hllber • w.,.. 11111. hu rit 7:0e • Sal., Sari .. twdlys ':00 C!Nf.R S0UN0 • YOUI AM CAA MOO IS Y0\111 Sl'lM!R nr HO "" w l\AOIO WITH l!lNfl10H ACCtSSOllY l'OSrrclH -lllUNG AM l'OllTAIU I• Aµ ~ llllM-lH$ QI ON AM llAOI) ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN free .. oy 91 Ol Lemon SI 179·9150 "FIREFOX" l"°l ...... "OUTLAND" t•1 ----~- "BLADE RUNNEA'' 1•1 -"BODY HEAT'' 1111 CINt fl SOUND BUENA PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVE·IN llncoln Ave We ll ot CnoH 121·4070 BUE NA PAllk LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l1nco1n A•• Wesl 91 Knoll 121·4070 11.jillll"'' Son Otego,,..,., 01 1•00~~11111 (So ) 962·2411 WI ',IMl"J ~ll ll HI-WAY 39 OlllVf IN "MEGAFORCE" 1~1 -"VISITING HOURS" 1•1 CIHl ,, SOVHil "E.T., THE EXTRA· TERRESTRIAL" 11'<11 -"FINAL AHIGNMENT' ll'Cll "AOCKY 111" '"°' ...... "CLASH OF THE TIT ANS" Cl'Gl "THE THING" 111 ~u• • 'CAT PEOPLE" 1111 C1Hf JI 50UHO a.ocn a1.o so 01 Gll•lliln Grove J1etwoy 891·3693 "ANNIE" '"°' ""REFOX" <POI --"POPEYE" '"°' .. OUTLAND~ 1111 ___ c;_•llt_·fl....;.SOVNO.;.;...;;..._ __ ......... ___ _;c;;.;.1";::..I fl SOUNO __ _ "AUTHUR! AUTHURr' "'°' -"THE CANNONBALL RUN" CINf ." 50\lllO {N) I LA 11A8P" LA HABRA DRIVE IN ''""'"" Dt"'. -~ -' llOIOOt ... 0 111-1162 ',.,AN1..I ORANGE DRIVE·IN ~... • • \ .. J, ~ Ml~SION ()QIVf IN . ' '• w IUlNf R (1 .. 1 /I IN "l"O\. ft"OEIST" {PO) -"BU WOl.VU" CPOI CINE JI SOUNO "BLADE RUNNER" 1•1 -. "BOOY HEAT" 1•1 Sonto Al'\O 1 r.y • sretp c oij•o• 551·7022 "BTU TMK 11 fHS wttATM= KHAN" !NI "VtCTOt'Y" clle) 1-.,-1• 1w 1-1111(! •ti 1~ J~ Ill ~l~~·WIH'<IOI \ lo.Oltll(J! 1111I~111¥ Al PACINO "AUTHOR ! AUTHOR!" DYAN CANNON · TUESDAY WELD \ Evnyhocly. E\>t•rywlu•rc.• 1.-Clwe•ring Al Ptu-ino And Tht• KidA. Anti So Will You! BOB DISHY ·ALAN KING as Kreplich "14M by l)Nl CRUSIN PHxlocro by IRWIN WINKLER • .• ~'.'.~~"b'y~~S~l1~~~11~. D111i lr:'d by ARllltlR IOlllR [!.,Gk,~:~:~.~~~~ .. I • CITY cenTeR ~ Ace Hunter Is the Ultimate Super Heral a GlllDI• HARV!Sl p,m1111 Al AlBIRl S RUDDY PRDOUCllOI A HAl •HDHAll lllM BARRY BllSIWICl · lllOWl UCl . PERSIS lHAMBAllA "MIGAIOBC!''.. 1!111111 IOWAAO llUlllAlll · GIORGI fURlH llC HlMRY sm ll filtj!Jj 11a1t ii JIRROIO lllllll Onttl0t "-, .. MICli4H BUHIA bl!Olhct rroo.ct1 RAn.IOlO CHOW koe Oil a rt»•'' ROBlRl S lACHllR ~.,JAMES WltlTIAllff • AIBIRI S RUDOY& KAI lllOHAM 1 AIORI MOR641 ,,_.., AtBIRI S RUOOY a1·1~e' ei HAflHOHAM ~ --~10~ ,....,_._~•111 1 001_.;.._,. --· • Nllllll~WIWICI'-___ .... _.. '"' ... ,·~· -· ..,.,,....,._ . ~-·..'!!:..!"""'~~~ .-.......... . ............ -·. • ~ &WAHllM ~ IOWARDS \9 WIS fRROOll H••bQ• ••Ad•"°" (O\t• M.-w •171 t U.\ ,.. . ··~ .. ·•· ' I 11111 I ' .. f """ \ ~ m ~ .. . . ~ ~ ORIY(IN <:;'_) ~· ''"""'' ~ f •••• t· Orang• OoHt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 2e, 1882 A Touch of Class ... For V er y Little Startins al Ca sh ... VOLVO DL 2 Door Sedan. 4 cyl .. 4 speed with overdrive, remote control mirror, cloth Interior, quartz clock, tinted glass. full interior carpeting including trunk, power assisted brakes and steering. (215282) (Stk. 1763)" 29 Volvos in S tock • 4 6 More in Tran sit DIESELS • TURBOS • DL 'S • GL 'S •WA GONS 1982 VOL VO DIESEL SALE INVOI + 5 % EXAMPLE: EXAMPLE: GL 4 DSA 4 DOOR SEDAN GL SDA STATI ON WAGON Sunroof. automatic, pwr windows. Invoice '13,067.80 + 5% 653.39 Invoice '13,477.80 + 5% 673.89 Your Sale Price '14, 151.69 Your Sale Price '13,721 .19 You Save '1.699.6 1 11860-728716• FROM SUGGESTED 11.ETAIL You Save'1,782.11 FROM 11au 41318S1 mm~mm ~HUNTING? SUGGESTED R£TAll ,..--------------,--- LEASE 1301 Quail Street, Newport Beach 714/833-9300 213/623-5000 URAND OPENING SPECIAL 1982 Subaru DL 5 Passenger Wagon I White -Automatic Trans. -(Ser. 7033) ONLY$ Mo. and 12 cents per mortth plus tax & license. Cap Cost-$6895; Resldual-$3275; 48 month open end lease on approved credit. Cap reduction $2000; Total Down-$2295. ' ClASSlfllD DlllJ Piiat Saturday, Jumt 26, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today 's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . CLASSIFIED INDEX ~.'~~·.'!.!!.P.~!.'.!.~'! 9!!~.~!,!t! .... !.~!f 1•:f::::,,.11l ,,, !-r.!.~.r. .. ~~~ .... !.~'!f !'.11.!!M1.t!. •••• !.'.~ ~ . .'!1..'!M1!!. ...• !.~o.!I ~'.11..'f.'!.'#. .•.. !.'.!f ~!!/.'..~~!'.~ •.••..... ~!!.t~.~~~ ......•..• F non1mkr a&~. 3 br, 2'A ...... , n••nu ... 9.4'.-••····· •••.•••• Lo1t: P1rro1. grHn RE· ... ,.-SR o•TA BASE •oMINISTR·TOR •• , ... ,_,,,, ... 11 .. 1 .. ,,.,. ba dupl•x In CdM . 9•0 eq ft. prlmt exeo SWIMM INO Poot Clleml-WARD. o.11 IS41·1M1 or •r-, n n ft •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••""••••.,"•••••• 1225/mo July 1 otrlce apac e Mark cal Hrvloe llo. Co1t1 548·'4354 ~,,_!:!f."°'·= MARINE G•1•0• Sala Fri/ Moving S'ate Corner 14th 540·011110 873-5808 M"• ., .. No •• ,, 1190. -,...... ...... , I .I h ,, I d Sat ll·llpm. s 1 $496 & W1lnut, Hunt a .. ," Oulel M to 1hr Irvine 2 br Wiii tteln '50,000 lull Found OMringe Ing hair With or Nlng oompeny ._.I' a~ l t• ~CV t' Op mt' n l ll n Hundrlda of l111m1 s.. S•I & Sun t to 5 Te Place Ytu u, C1ll •Pt w/ome. nonan•kr. NEWPORT BEACH amount req'd. Wiii net C:'· ~' arlnet1 Library. N-port .,.. tnstullat lon oC a lurgt· scale dutn 01me1-•·Lln1. ~01 N 642-5678 tiltft41h tD "'•rt• Q•'*I"' lw Ktr\I (Whf'• lhAlat ~,.,... ..... ,., .. fNtv\tt••I ~'"'-1 ::.~t\t. .. ~t.O M1U 'hAhh IUSIN£SS, INVtST MlNT, FINANCE ::;:::::: ~,,.':r.~· :::::::::: ~>f>.':.!, .. W(fifW11 'olN•f'I '4Mf')' ~ entt'd• Mot111(H TU• ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND ~nift4Mntrf'MnO l at Pool l.11•1 'oll•n ~ .. "" ... p .. ,~···· Soc1a.t nut.a• Tr•lf•I• sm1ccs ........ fkttthl'fl EMPl.OYMCNT & rR£PARA flDN ""hut.th tn\lr~11nn JobW•A\••t• llttp ~ .tftln.1 \t ... MERCHANDISE Avtl~ ::tti:; ""'"".~' ( •t'tttt•'. t ''"''''"4""' l•h Doc• •""tn-10 ,,..., t\lrftth;te \i•ract ~It .. ~--f'' t~"-•*4 C.i•J!h Jt•tlf't La•\tOtk .... ~ 1\.1 ...... r\111\0ttH•~• MllK4'41•MOtil' IA •"t"d \hl\K •1111\ltUrN'f" Ii ('1'f1u• •"''"• •1111•a.-"-'• ~:':: ~~~f,•n"; ~··· c.t~u(h ""-on ""'h~""" t•H ~·r .. 11¥ ..... ~,.,pt; BOATS & MARINE .,....,\.i (QUIPMEN f Ko.ho )h1M '4in1 fl> ~•t\ M.1t1n,. • 'llf•ii Ao.hp,,.,., flo.C• fff'~l t ,,.,,.,, Hoat• S..11 ftoab Slip. ho~ h eo.,,~•'•• &o.b "iolu.r••• TRANSPORTAflON Au o af\ f'•mr,.t" ~ .. 1,. M•'tl l~lt1f'l•t' ==• ~~~r.:' ~Y'Xtr' • Mouw Hrnt.k•lt Htnl fr 11le" l'nv1111 l::;,~,!::1!1't.,,, AUTOMOBILE l.fl\f'tilll • A4>ht1Ut• l l•U •O I«• rt•llun Vwhic. l;i:' ~~~l~l~:=.~O•h ,,, ..... , \ .,.. .\\;tu Lt.nine Autu. W•Mlll'1t AUTOS, IMPORTED t.«"Grr .. 1 Ailk Rurnru \u.Ji AYillA UN&.) IUI'" .... ..,.. ,,.,_ '"'' o.t,wn • irff•f ... , 1t.1..-t. J1u,,:u.1 J"a'cn ..... ,,.,. .. ,.,_..."·· ~ ....... 'il411•1• "''" .. ,,. J~"' '41. \Hilt """'' t'•f"lfl. PNt!.VI S'ufu II~ """""" K~l•No>•• ttM"' !M•h ~ ... !'liulwru tu1nl• h•utnt1f1 \oO.Ht .. ~r11 \1ih11 AUTOS, N£W AUTOS. USED l.•nt-r"I \)I~ 8w11i. ~ •d1ll~H "'-•ITuru l hito\•r""' l hn ''"' l.."um•t L&•hAlll'Al•I ,..,, .... h C.:Wicu 0u1r• ........ Jmpitrt•I l..ttK()" M11Hf't1\ill M~uwo .W~l•".: l.Kttt""'>bilf" t•1mo ... ,,._,.,..,,_ Vu,'4••• '1hind4tt.NrJ \.•.::• ., .. , ...... 1tralght, 128& + '" ut111 :'.1~r;n~~f ~11:~! 'f:g· S40,000 plu1 Call c:ol· 5 8-036 714/l•·IW management system required for Day f'ronl, Delbo• l1lt1<11l GARAGE SALE 8117•47116 Seminar meeting room• ~~\ ~on·Fr~·-~·~ :J' Fo~~~:~n;.0~~~~~.H:,1~ Candy Salesman exp•• integrated log~stics sup 1 port of military 1671~~~61° I --1-S•• !oiueihA~tt llAM ~ rmmtet w1n1alj 10 ahr houdy Typing. malling, 408-857-01 11 ' Adami a Brookhural, rlence. w 1n11d 101 sy1tems Requires sign !leant ~xperient~· .!.!'::'. •• !!.,~~-~••••• Garage Salo 2 overatuf-~~~.fu~;,~,.~g~.~~ ~~~. ~~;.6:~8. Cati to r Info Buuty Salone • Your H B 847-7356 ~;~;~~.c~71~ P ~u110:; In database anti file 11ls'u1·turt• tlt.'51gn, IARAll IALI r&<i chairs. etereo, men'•· dack, ocm vu. 121a per-choice of three From Found: sml blk & gray M 10757, c0 111 Me1a In formation rc•trleval ttwhn1ques. und S•• t2·4 501 J s1 S•· women'e, ol'llldren'a clo· ion plu1 ,_,, ulll 4911--4864 WllTMlllTIR $12.000. 8kr 846-07011 dog wtcoller. Mtll del 92627 formal development ~nd IT\IUnlt'nanc:c or bot, chalrl , maple 1018 ~lngs Man.v 7bargaln•1 Oloer M will al\r Clean 3 br ,1:~ 0;,~~o: ~· ~I~ TUE n tYIR All Mer. C.M 549•1026 OAP'Tlll data management systems. Profit'1en(•y '.I'o~~~:~~rn"~:o-~2°tn M:::im~; Orl~e t 012 1 apt, NB • w "'MIF, apace 14302 & 1430'4 START IUllH Hiii F!~:~.,1~~r:~~~~:::~~ Dining room, lull time With CO BO L , VAX , DBMS, and C 'IM SAT ONLY 9.,. 8232 $~~f·~~~~5\o~onimkg, Buen Blvd Btwn 2 41 yr old Balbot Penln· enaggy, :22nd/ Irvine. experleno9d only $1 hr OATATRIEVE is preferred Exposun· to .!!!~.~ .. ! ..• !! ....... Melloy or HB Beech/ Frwys Civic Center VII· 1ula B1kery re11111 846-1929 tor private country club military systems and sland<.trtls is M1ac ortlc supQllet, 45/8 1nu11n1pot11 Blku. Shere my 2 br & oen, 2'1\ lage Shopping Center wh01811Je bull~ Lo-Call 1rt1r 3 pm Inter desJ'rable deek. 2 pr wtille drp1 men• & women• clo- bll Harbor View condo, Prlrne loclllon 1179-8888 Ctled on the cotner next FOUND Lhua apeo. vlew1 Wed lhru Sun mural panel. 2 Fr e>rov thing. baby clothes. lkl Ne ssooimo + ullla & or 845-1260 to tM Pavllloo 301 Main m11e. vie. Bullock• pkg. Phone &4'4-5404. Send resume and salary history to chrl, also mlac hMhlO & 11qu1pm1 . Tupperware. phone 759-1465 3 otnoe 850 aq ft suite SI. Belboa 2eoo IQ rt lot, So Cat Pleza Kurth Krause, Director of Software' and children 11ema Si 16 Avon bolllff poll dl1h• ---------Completely equipped A 213-431-4174 CASHIER & housewuea S E UI I womens clothes, $100 10 washer puppies lots 01 Sh11e 2 BR apt Laguna avall . or 400-800 sq II hne leue. Prloed 10 Mii Ptt••••l• SJl!IO ule1. Fltlme Apply In ystcms ngineering. t ru~yS.lt-rn 504 2207 Waterfront Or etc Niguel. ocean vu. pool, designed to sull Citizens ~ person Crown Hord Def d S S G :HOO ---------.iw Jae. tennis, $275 & dep Bank Bldg, 301 E. 17th Forlnlormatloncall ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• were 3 107 E Cont ensean pace ystems roup, COM 675 6653 Sat Yard Salo Sal/Sun 9-6 ""' • • alee 21•35 yrs, call SI, C M Cootacl Joh!> MEL FUCHS Lei Oo 01 AlcohOllsml Hwy CdM Mtt•helson Dr , Irvine, CA !l:l715 8-5PM 5 15 1 1111 s 1 ,. o 0a1 ·:~ 661-9766 Iv mso Walsh, 979-4200 PAVILION REAL TOR Don I let a1cononam pull • US Citizenship required GARAGE SALE Etnnic aquar1um, surfboards '~ ---------• E S 111-1120 you to eelf-doslructlon. Chlldcare Need m11urt Equal Opportunity Emplo1er M/F Acceu ctolhe). wea misc -~ IEEI I REIT OITf -.lrport area • xec ul Lei go & live a Ille ol woman, 3 day• 11 week --------"'"" Its. From 225-450 aq II Small bu1lnesa owners or sob1l11y with the help of my home. Permanent vlngs play pen lopld1ry Antiques & Junk Nauonal Working ladles over 40 $1 per sq. ft Many atras buyers. do you need The Mooring• With a 631-3523 Sales equip. 2 desk1. plant•. Casn Register $650 Oak "'" willing to lllk about fin· Call 557-7010 help? Expert advice on llWllTHY pie rrames tao11c Sat S ding and sharing a l'iouae money, but1lnesl o.....,a· nationally recognized OLIRIO&L/PIRT TIME OttRtt••roR ADVERTISING June 26 only cun only Oreuer 250 Wicker (Newport area). Call Ole for rent lull or part .--outpatient trellment -Buggy $150 Oali. Tele-··T L .. II 642-7563 Sun-19tti SI., C.M Xlnt froni tlon1, etc Get going. program, you never need Looking lor lntetHtlnG Corporate headquarter1 Here's a unique oppor· 18136 Leatherwood phoneTable&Cnair $95 I I A I I d conaullallon, $75. Ed, to be hospllell·-". mlSI work? Typing. no shor· f d fl I Way. Irv foll Sandburg Glass Butter Cllurn $40. ""' day 1hru Tnursday al1er 6 o c oc va1 mme 714 754 053 l •"" or etatewl e nancla tunlty tor one who enjoys Way) r~,;: Pm 540· 1287 . • time from work, or time lhand. 8-Noon Ole o,, services firm In FHhlon working with the public -------Mara11tz Stereo 75 watt 25+ working resp female 10 shr 2Br 2ba. emenl· lies Dys 646·0 110, e11es 830-7710 Keren YlfW OFFICE SANDWICH SHOP. Beer from your lamlly Mor· p C.H 646-7431 lllland To run Inventory on tho telephone end Coitl lllH Pith $ l50 Pioneer Ta~ & Wine seo11 19, by nlng&evenlng programs OllPITlR OPER-P/T pperatlon, shipping, rec-earning money at the G··a·r·a·g·e··s··a·18•• .. L••0•1•8•0 0•1 Dock CTN 9l9l $l50 WeH-appolnted office w1 Nwpt Harbor 111ew, ap· pro• 1.000 sq ti owner 548 -9289 , avallable & Insurance elvlnn, aupply ordering, samellme. Stereo Cabinet S75 545-2453. 979-1919 opproved. II you are looking tor a lnve~lory con1rol1 & Your euccesatul sales Goodies• Sat/Sun 10·4 Brother Sewing Macn1ne 656-7100 ~!~rt.!~. f ~!!'. .. '-~~! .' perm .. p/tlme oppty for 879 Arbor St (Nr 19th & S35 l'amster Cag~ ~1 TllE IOllUI 6 hra per di" we would apeclaJ pro)ect1. Expe< experience wlll enable , ~ " 1653 E Lincoln. Orange llke to hear fr~m you. We r::q'd. 640-0123 you to ~ome a key part Monro111a1, C M acoeso11es S 12 Lois or :~~ Bey back view. E·Dlutl ..,,, 1000 pvt sq It entire ISi ':;~ floor • 1ric1 Oen. 2 br. lull -i.<• batn 759-0444 eve fOP LOCATION, Harbor· Baker Center. 30 11-23 Harbor Bid CM 560 & 1250 sq .II Mgr 645-8100, 549-1366 PRIVATE MOllY $10.000 & up lom 642-9914 4647 Long Beach Blvd .. are a CPA o l c who ot our Claaslltoo Ad11er-MOVING SALE -Furn. ~use "sems & Junk 1102 Long Beach tlelng Department 1 001~. linens books ark t Hun11ng1on needs an operelor tor trrl1_...•• ~ Beach 9 4 536 3507 Call 1-100-422·1111 our mini-computer Must 1m Straight commission on Much more Sat/Sun " • • AllM'1 "''" Christian lady will shr du· =: ple.11 apt wtcongenial -., mid-age rem C M Reas ::r( 645· 1062 alt 6 30pm be able 10 type & uM IJHlallst all aales. 2453A Orange Ave C M l.i AR AGE s a 111 8 19 6 10-key by tOU<lh. A~~tg Person with EXPERIEN· II you have sales ablllty. Wilelwood Sal/Sun 1101111111, ,,.,, IEWPGRT IUH Dtff1 SOJ5 Linda & Vicki's ""' CE 1 I t 11 ti & ~ I Cl Ilk Organ, lurn, "ereo. rnd exper helpful but not n n• I • on -a Ml -starter an e patio lbl . misc; hsnlO Furn, stereos misc ........•••........... IHICll Hilt Ul. umtR Pff Tt Mllf LI EIOotlTl/llHHS req'd Located nr. 405 rational m11n1enanoe of MONEY. -will train vou llems & crells Sat/Suri. Fwy In Hunt Beach Call latger sy1tem1. Fulltlme, In CIUSllled procedures 8AM 1604 Sandalwood Garage Sale, Sat 9am 6371 Oeep111ew loll Ne w lana AOams Yorktown) :: M/F lo share Prom Pl 2 .. ~1 Br 2 Ba tennis. bay =: view, $375 5 46-6729 .._. work. 673-7814 hOme Pre•ler leoatlH. lerti•i• Oe. lu. btwn 8AM & 12Noon permanent. Salary beeed For an appointment tor 714-891-0253 on uperlenct. lrvlne-Interview. please call our hr4H 1111• Specta11z1ng 1n t11 & 2nd OUTCALL 24 HRS COOi 900 s/I -amenities TO's since 1949 869-0207 •)~ .... i ..... IU 2110 Robt Sattler NH/CM P r o I M I F 2 5 • 3 3 • -----·----A E Broke! Bd Reallots !~~~~~~~~~ Broiler or sau•e Apply bet-' 230 4 4 30 at The Paradise Cele. 600-D Newpotl Cen1er Or .NB nonsmkr s1ra1gn1. no SUITE DEALS 642-2 171 545-0611 .. ,, pelS to shr 2br 2' rba o.c Alrpor1 area Prot , COEDS • Woulll love to party wi1h you Call Sue or Kathy anyllme 953.9363 '"'" new conoo C M Dave B enwonmenl. full service WIDOW HAS SSS for TO s 631-4391 957-573 1 or no lrllls tndivtdual ol RE Loans. 10K Up No All new Penthse Catellna flees or desk !pace t50 Creelol Check. No Pen-..,.. N-3500 SQ 11. 1 MO ally Dennison & Assoc ---------DANCERS Successful. altracllve •• View. H B pvt entrance .... 673 7311 "' & b11n $300 mo incl utll FREE 759-8978 --·-------middle-aged men. slngle, 1100 te 11,000 WH• ::.'!; 536-0794 Approx 450 sq. tt Zoned ~:~ ~mm-1e_w_a_n-tod_t_o_sh_r_3, C·2 Crpt, pvt bath, A/C $200 mo 130 E 17th SI. :; br. 2 ba house. s25o Suite F, C M 548-1168 Nice C M area Wknds .,111 or alt 9pm 6'46-1356. !!: ¥~!~/.~~.'!!.~!.".!!.~~~ ORA Hf 1 otc .• 300 sq 11. at $250 per mo. 1 olc . 500 sq It. at $400 per mo Call 714-633-0200 ~i Oona Pt garage, lron1 drt· ~:~ veway, close lo beach ::·~ _4_9_3_-0_8_0_3_._5_4_9_·6_4_4_6 __ 1 OFFICE SPACE tor lease, Single, nr Laguna's Main ,.1, Beach Center ol town "' $65 mo 494·3044 ... ---______ , ·~· Storage garoge tor rent :,.; on Balboa Peninsula "'" next to Fun Zone 10'"' x ~-;. 20'>' 673-2943 appro~ 2,000 sq It ol pvt offices. General wotk areas plus recep11on room Prol decorated Xln1 locatlon. At lhe 405 Fwy & Harbor Blvd exit. Costa Mesa. For more into c all weekdays. 011 , • / I ~~oo 151-6101 'llUI ltf ftfll • yy --------- #·•0 •••••••••••••••••••••• OFFICE SPACE FOR •M 1617 Westcltft, N.B. Went LEASE In Corone del ,, , flnenclal ln11 70001.f Mar on Coast Hwy, IP· ""• 1 s I fl 0 0 r A 0 en I prOA 2 ,000 aq.11 Xlnl ~'.: 5-4 1-5032 slgnage. prof decoreled ;;:, S20 SQ II S 1 oo per sq Call tor de1a11s week- •· II 3975 Birch , N B days, 751-6191 :;·~ Agent 54 t-5032 "" '"II) tT)I ,,. WESTCLIFF BLl>G. NEWP')RT BEACH Cott•·••*''"''" O.·.-. '"'°""ft.•"•• .,/ ,., C01'14_.!0ftt"1 /c _ _..,,, ......... .,/-.,....: DFFICl/RETllL 80¢/sq It 328 N Newport Av 1200 sq 11, ground floor Cell Pete Johnson. 631-1286. A.HOHtf•fllff/ ,,,,, .. ,,; £011 I Fo•al/ cetebrlly ol sorts, long time Newport Beach resident now seelcs the "right lady" PO Box 1445, Newpori Beacn CA AHODllCl•Hll SI IX _9_2_66_3 _____ _ Summer lobs. lull & part time dancers wanted tor Bare Minimum Tele· grams Audition• being held this week from 9AM to 3PM Apply at· Bare Minimum. 1807 W Ka· tella, Ste. 216, Anaheim ··•··•·•·•············ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MOBILE DOG GROOMING UNIT 111-0211 *. * ltlHtis hrlor Open 24 hrs a day IEITIL 'T days a week Jacuul, Sauna. Locals Recpl., ortho ottc Expr as well es tourists. nee Xlnt wage & bntts BankAmerlcard, Mas1er Nwpl Bch. &40-0121 Charge, American Ex· DENTAL Chalralde ANt. press, Diners. All wel· Npt. Bch. 4 day ~ EJlp come 7141645-3433 or pro1. tchool training MONEY BACK • SOI Govt 2112 Harbor Bl. CM pref'd. 648-3535 tax refund to all Calif Your C81 Rellects You DENT •··1 Ort"'A N t Custom Wal( • "-t·'I . ..... ...... p • re11dent1 whO worked In ° ...,., .. Bch. 4 day M·Th. Exper. 1979 Send SASE to. SDI Reas • Tony 5'47-8241 & ROA req. &42·2825 Ta• Refund, PO Bo• la•' 1111 110&4. C.M. 92e28. ..;.c-:!f!'! •• ••••••••••• 7fll ---_L Female. Jr. size (7) me- EUWf t IOllRJTI {!~! .. tr!!~'!. .... !.~~~ d lum Work In dulgn Answering & mall ser-Computer System, Mana-ottlce of spor1swear lm- v 1 c e S 2 0 per mo gemenl Controller. Ex· porter Flt modeling. 71 4·633-0203 per l ape Pr gm M/C quality control & clerical --FATE mech O.EC 1134 Ma· duti es. Kether lne. Female Ascendancy thru Pie• pkg prog IBM 3<&. 1-11-7-9"'-9-4-4------Acct a/ p, air Call aft HlfT •--Enlightenment 89 seen 8PM 768-3923 ......,,. on Eye on L A 11 now ------·---Early AM lhll1. No exp accepting members hotlle•t TJPllt nee, 25-45 Woman pre- Call· 714-633-0200 Desires to do typing In I'd Apply In peraon her home. wrn pick up Olpplty Donuts, 1854 with reas distance Ne-Newport Bl. CM ,,. •H.' 114-• ;;., ... ..... ,;.- fl'-• 11~ "~ .... .,..,.,, ... ~~· ./ u 10• ,_,4.Y • IHllru,toy UI gotlable rates DRIVERS 25 y1s ot age Costa Mesa 200 sq. It to • Dl'flrot 141 CALL 833-0423 Gd driving record 2600 sq. fl. 40¢ per SQ One day service Bil WulH 11001-49_4_-_100_1 ____ _ .,,, .... J 't111•1.l ,,. ,1;11 •• :.r / AMP'e p.ttlut\f C•ll Mr. Howard 845·6101 fl & up. Cell Realono-Call 111-0llJ ••• 'I .•... •••• .. ••••••• F/C Bkkpg. typist tor p A. mies Corp. 675-6700 ---------IOCIT /SCTH Ole. In HB MuSI be ex- •adHll leatal 44SO Loll .t fH•' SJOO Pari lime, approx 6 hrs per. F/tlme. 536-3793 all •••••••••••••••··~···· •••••••••••••••••••••• day. Salary negotiable SPM CdM Retail store on Coast ---------1 Hwy, 1650 sq It or 1600 *OELUlE OFFICES* sq 11. Avail July 15 ;~ From 1 room to 3 rooms 673-3658 alt SPM. ..,, , From SI 16 a sq 11 No ..,,; leaH required Adi Air· Co••fltial ~. porter Inn 2 172 Ovpont f,.1111 f41S !IO Call AM 833·3223 ••••• • ••• • • ••• • • • •••• • ::~ -------1 OFFICE 01 HIP =::, BAYfRQNT in newer bldg on Coasc ,. Hwy Soutn Laguna AP· .,~ P11me olllee 673-1003 pro11. 500 sq. ft Excel- .... FOUND ADS ARE FREE Call: 142·1111 Lost· Cat, Tabby lem. Jasmine vie Shore- ;::, Costa Mesa 250 sl suite lent private parking ~~..' $175mo Utll 1ncld 779 behind bldg $525 mo '"" W 19th SI 851-8928 Turner Assoc 494-1177 clltft CdM 760-6057 evt H 8 ofc &tor 1nduS1 space ---------avo11 For rse !tarting at Lost 3182 81k long haired $450 mo 847-995• cat. StOO Reward Called """ '" Exec suites lull serv . ~~"' turn/unfurn greatly , ... " ' duc,ed. No lse 754-0274 ,, . STIRE /IFFIOE Meatball' 673-8972 ~4:445~ e ch ' c I u b . i-Fl-U_C_W_l_l_ll_P_R_ AOCHITUT Otc. manager, construe· tlon uper req'd. Job costing & tlnenclal thru P & L Send resume to: P 0 . Box 6668. Laguna Niguel. 92677 If you are worth $18,000 per yr & can prove It, -have an excell. oppty tor you M ua1 be able to prepare financial lllle- menls, payroll & Hies tax returns & work wl· thout someone looklng over your sllOulder we·· IOOlllTIH DUH re loceted In Hunt. Bch nr. 405 Frwy. Call btwn The Jolly Roger. Inc. has 8AM & 12Noon tor appt an entry level position 714-891-0253 avallable In our Sales &1---------- Cash Accounting Dept. IHtral tfftoe based company. Wiii Personnel Dept at lake 1pptlcallon1 from &42-4321. Ext 277 8 30am-2 30pm Call IUllE COAST 768-" 751. Ill LY PILOT .IUITlll&L 330 w Bay St Ole cleenlng, Npl Bell Cos1a Mesa Fttlme day• P/tlme An Equal Oppty Emptyr eves US CITIZENSHIP Sales REQUIRED Some p/ EAT. CHEAT. GET RICH time nlte waxer ope-& SLIM. 100% Guaranty nlngs Apply 123 N 850-9236. 850-9363 Oltve St., Orange 1-5PM, Mon-Fri SALESLADY PIT The ---------Mole Hole, Ullo VIII. 20 Journeyman/Skllled urs exp req 673-4655 Maln1enance Man with ' e.11per1ence In plumbing. Sales Person, mature. Pl electtlcal & carpentry tome, HB gilt snop. work. Full time, Moo-Fri 963-6900 7:30AM -4PM Salary commensurate with e11.- perlence Send reaume lo Ad # 1009, Dally Piiot. P.O. Bo1' 1560, Costa Mesa, 92826. MHlllel1t-lwt11 Top layout ~tup ope- rator for Tornoa Swles au1omat1c1. Gd. future, growing 8hop In Laguna NIQUel off A.very Pkwy Mforo PJeclalon Swlu, 714-831·9331. Call Chrll Dubfd 11111m11 G.l.C.U hal Imm ope- ning tor • meneg« ol special MrVleel. lnvoiv.s mlfketlng. 1h1re draf11. saving• l)lena, 1oer1. etc Recent COlleOI grad pre-lerr~ Call 558-3110 tor 1ppt MEDICAL. F1tlm1. front ofc poaltlon Mission Vlelo. Req's medk:al se- cret8Jl11 exper Including Insurance bllllng 495-1060 111111 ltlEI Conv • long term cart exp req'd E.11cell wor king cond1. & benellla F/11me, 7-3.30, 3-11:30 714·642-8044 or apply Ir person. 456 Ftag1hl~ Rd., NB PAIT TIMl Evea 111dlor weekends Reaponalbte adultl. ova. 21. with outtlandlng, ar- rractlve personalllles tc work with youth (1g1t 10-14) Call 2 -5PM 642-4321, E.xl. 343 EOE SALESPERSON tor chll· dren's shop. Exp'd 1n retell only Full/ P-tlme. Petite Marche, 642-4714 SALESPERSON/BUYER for golf sjlop, pflvate club, 30-3!rhrs wkly, Incl. some weekends Hourly wage + commission 498-5767 10! 1n1erv1- SALES SECRETARY 30 hrl. per week. 8·30 lo 3. Follow leads, Ml ap. p olntments, heavy ph~. llght typing Need organized & outgoing pereon Balboa Pen1n- 11.11a. 673-0760 scan 111-L11111a1 Japaneeel American. Fluent In both languages Typing, S/H. $4 50 hr Call M r Yamazalo.1 714/842-0411 Secretary llrecter leoretary needed by Huntington Beach City School Dist 12 mos poslllon Ability to take sh or thanll 90wpm, type at 60wpm Salary Sl.201-Sl.489 per month, depending on exper . Appl'/ 2045 1 Crelmor Ln , H B 964°8888 IEHETHY Full/lime position to 1111 Immediate opening Ty- ping, light boollkeeplng & phones. Computer ex· perlence helpful. Call tor app1. 760-1041 SECRET UY Pots. plan1s glU!lti CIO tiles, elec tools ress Sat/Sun 1236 Conway. lrville CM 545-4128 • •• •••••• ••. •• ••••• ••• 2073 Swan Or CM Sat ~:, ~:, ~~ S ~o~IEciu!: ~ 9AM Baby items. Sears Yk mo-r chesl lnr dog cart skis n1t11ng & se- hse Ford van seals. e1c wing nems A hnle D1t ol Low proces·hrn< ever ytt11ng 15181 Cha-lan Cir CTl>e Ranchi lr- SattSun tO 5 v111e 251 15th Piece Apt 9 S 6 26 9 3P" L Costa Mesa Bl • • ... arge I Garage & Swap Sale Too many Items to hat Clothes. P1c1u1es Baoy Large beveled mlrrnrs rum many new items S 15 Dishes. glass & sold under whlse 14146 pottery 25c·S5 Linens Saar•nen. Irvine Jus1 off lace 50c-S8 Plclures $1 Culver Oak ch8Jra $10 Tables ------- 1522 Monrovia 2 blocks 3772 Provincetown Irv west ol Plocerilla. bet· Papasan & Marnasan ween 16th & 17tn c M chrs !llngle oed cou· ctios GARAGE Sale Rocking --------- chr, baby furn, ba.skets, £1•aaa 611c• ctothes, toys. lots o f ••1••••••••••••••••••• goodies 8-5PM. sa1 • Sal/Sun 8-4pm Every- 305 Hamilton thing goes Jewelry, fur-niture household, m&!'y 'ford Sale refrig. bikes, quall•y Items 515 Poplar b<>Olls. misc Sat 8-2. I St blk E ol Herbor on --------- Adams Harbor Greens GARAGE Sale. Sat & Sun Apls 1 O·• Dresser & nlte s11nd, cnra. Bentwood tbl & 4 chrt, silk nower arrgma loose ~Ilk & dr1eo flowers Daskels & misc Cnr ol M oss & Glenneyre 6 Famlty Garage Salel Antiques. nsnld good•. stampe, lnftllable canoe books. Jewelry, cotor TV. TV antenna access pwr supplies, elec res• ::'Ip misc 407 Hamll· !.'.'!r.!!.!!~!! ...... . ---------·1Relr1g dresser w/mlrror rv 111deo game lge oval kg sz bell 50(-$135 cnr misc books. toys Sat/Sun 9-2pm 2211 3293 Arizona, CM Sat Vista Huerta. E Blurt 9 30· 1 30 759· 1843 'f'ARO SALC·Valueble 414 381t1 Street NB SAT Stull cheap, 2563 Eldon 10-3PM Furn , tape- C M Sall Sun/ Mon. stries OOIS, AIC. misc ---------ESlATE SALE • Furn & MUL Tl FAMILY Anlo ml1c Everything mu'I !urn, collecllbles. dolls go 12 11 W Bay St N.B 1859 Grand Plano, C rol 1Pen1n1 Fr11Sa1 8 30-5 top desk. floral arrange· GIGANTIC SALE maple m4ents, mucn more lea earl. microwave. old 5 6 • 6 9 8 2 1 1 7 3 beech cruiser bike art 1<1ngston. CM Sat only deco •waterfall' bed, tOO's or Items 1612 Ir-v ARO SALE Fish rods vine Av (bel 201h & 21st reels, dressers, books St I Sal/Sun 9-6 Motobecane 10 spd bike Furn, lamps, carpeting & sabot. 9' Avon rail, cru1· many sm Items. Sat/Sun ser bike, ship s clock. 973 Arbor St , CM 1urn11ure. BBC dishes misc Sac/Sun 10-5 THREE FAMILY SALE 4230 Patrice Rd 101t Pla- m•sc 28 t E 16th, c M 543 V1C1ot111, C M West or Harbor. Sat 9.3 cen11a. nr Hoag Hosp.) FRI TO SUN 10·2PM Sunelay only 8-3PM Teall 1005 Valencia. c M desk wtsecretary 2 dra- Traller $20, all mot<>< & wer Ille cab. desk & sloe bike pans 50,.s5 BBC cl\r tor ore. Herman Mll- $5 clothes. piano $700 ler round table 2 orange turn chrs, coucn. elec llryer, Oak & glass coffee tabl, 11•1•11 to lia11 4300 1 man offices In Or Cly Airport area 71•-751-4760 300 sq 11. Foot traffic. LOST· Small yellow laun- On1wn Laguna <194-5688 dry basket lull ol clotl\e1. Fett from car In College tor a pe<IOfl who has II· Must llfl)oy phone con· mlled ex per bul 11 t9C1. wori(lng with custo- ambltlous & wllllng 10 mera and detall work learn 1 yr exper pre-Paid vacation. sick pay. tarred Dulles Include and health lnaurance auditing ol sales reports. Full time Apply In pereon some flllng, mall proc.s-Mon-Fri at BAROEN'S sing & general clerical PEST CONTROL. 696 work Excell. beneflll & Randolph, Costa Mel8 P.Tilll l&Lll EnloY worldng with kld1, and with Increased Nr· nlng1, utlllH your out· g<>lng pe<sonallty, learn hOw to become a trained 1ele1 counulor Call 2-5PM. 642-4321, Ex1 343 EOE Resteurant design firm has Immediate opening tor a Secretary Gooll t'jlPlng, shor1hand. figure I aptitude & communica- tion &kills required Word prooeulng & restaurant equipment expertence a denn11e plus. Congenial, small olllce located In the lrvlne Industrial Complex. Excellenl medical/dental package Please con1act: Jean. 6 ... 1-6709 Big. Big Garage Salel chllOrens clothes & roys, ·73 2'h ton GMC w/18' misc Items 333 Santa box & misc 2453 Sante Isabel, NB, 6•2· 1833 • A;;: ~~~·-~.:1~· i;,;.. t shf sunny 2Br 2ba CdM apt. wtsame Pvt bell S3121mo 760-2615. 575-7837 ev/wknds. Rmmale needed to shr CM home. MtF S250 mo. 542-7113 alt 3PM Resp. mature male seeks apt to share lri Npl Bch area. have furniture 642-6456 IPT -llRPGllT &RU. 1200 or 600 sit 90c per sll Mo 10 mo or lease Mullan Realty 540-2960 IEllTIFIL IEWHRT CEmR SHOP Space 15x22'. Park area, Co11a Mesa $200 mo. Avl now REWARD! Please call 7 1 4 . 4 9 7. 2 6 7 2 0 r 641-2818 494·0059 L-o-s-,-. -G-o-ld_c_h_a_rm--br_a_c_e- l•'••ltl•l l,.11/4SOO lel Unusual charms, lo· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • mtly Jewelry, reward N.B 3975 Birch. 5600 sq. 566-S797, 540-3286 It or less MIA ione Agent 541-5032 FOUND. Coc~apoo, grey, _.;..________ CC Swap meet, 6120 HB 1750 up. 2160 rt lndu-Lie tag 6•6· 1929 working conditions wtth 546-5570 a growing co 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil THE JOLLY ROGER.11 INC 17042 Gillette Ave .. Irvine. CA 92714 71~546-0331 AUTOMOTIVE '"'" llllUl tmOI Temporary help needed to convert lllel to mlcro- lllm. Could lead to per- manent po11tlon. Call. Jim, 549-8909 PltlT .... TralnH for •hipping & receiving. F/tlme. New. port Stattonera, Inc: 557-9212 Mr. Emmona SEWING MACHINE OPE· RATORS. E>cper, quallly IUL EITATI l&Lll minded. piece ratee Ana Av Fri/ Sell Sun 1--------- MOVING SALE SAT Eve· rylhlng goes c11e1p Furn, 1711 110 BOii. Pini; pong tbl. tots more. 32111 Arlzone, Me111 Verde. MAKE OFFER Ewerythlq ht1 Sat ~2 Dover Shores area 2039 Shl pway Lane Refrlg, bed. dining room table, wine cabinet. lamps, etc. etc, etc. GARAGE SALE $a•ta Alli Must sell everything •••••••••••••••••••••• 3065 Loren Ln 979·5027 HUGE RUMMAGE SALE • Sl!ll only 9AM-4PM 2002 M/F share sma5hlng 3 Br. With use ol reception, cont. room, kltch, phone, aecrelarlal & word p;o. cesalng. Mall & message serv av1ll separately If desired C1111 Judy, 7 t4/760·0100 strlal . Olllce 18081 Re· ---------dondo Ctrcle #E Hunt-Found Ba11en11 Club lngton. Beacti 642·2834 wishllS 10 place yo M barkless dog lhat yodels T he p r Ic e I s r I g h I I 898·3826 OllUERU• Home Heallh Companion. Moderate asat to recup stroke , llve-ln w / supportive family. CdM Fem Salery ope n 644-0110 We hive en ~nlng lor Coate Mesa 642-9652 two well-dreued. lntelll· SHOE SALES 25 hr wk gent 11l11peraone lo Exe.ii opply Exp pre- work In the Newport I'd. Hrly plus comm Harbor area In commer-Chlldren 'rs Bootery clal 11181 endl or res-&44-2464, Mr. Miiier ldentlal HIM In the more --TO-P-LE_S_S_M_O_O_E_L_S_ affluent areu. GIGANTIC SALE Sal $ W Chestnut. S A. Every· Mon-Tues. only 541 Suri thing 1mmaglnabla, re- St. CM TV. t ool• + l re1hment1 , baked MOREi 646-7018 goods. All proceeds for 2 Ba Huntington Beach --1-EW-Pl-RT-1-0-0-11--home near beach wllh professional male. $390 Eitecutlve office In Can- lncld1 hOUM cleaning & nery VIiiage. $450/mo o a r d e n e r E ., e a Broker 67~912 714/963-8723 s Laguna. Coall Hwy. at M/F over 20 to 1hr 3 br 3 Arch Bay 500 tQ ft apt. N.B .. 2 blkl beach. w/good hwy vlslblllty $250. 207A Colton. 497-2351 CLISE Ti IUCH --.-.4-,,.-ttt1-.. -- Roommate needed H.B. S280mo. Lelllle lle4-7734 2 rmmte'1 needed to thr 3BR houM E.Slde C M L•b ap-. 7.000 sq ft Near Hoag Hospital Ideal for a small 1mall butlMU &45·2111 1280 mo S31-10t3 DESIGNERS. archltecta. ---------1 grephlc ertts11. furnllh«! M OTHER W /loddler otflcH lo 1hare, Incl would Ilka to llhr. houM w1rehou11. Newport °' apt. Up to l300 mo 9Mcl\. 842-s222 1000-1100 SQ It. Call tor oetalls. 675-6251 Found 2 dogs, 1 black, t white, Cockopoo1(?J, l1•ta11 WHtH 4600 Rosa & Meyer. C M •••••••••••••••••••••• ~2-8•30 L001c1ng tor unturn 3 br ---------apt or condo w/encloMd Found F black dog In garage for 3 male CC Tualln, Newport Av & 1tuden11 No smoking, Mlln St. on June 11 drinking or partying 551-1425 Oealerahl p or foreign aulo parts experience preferred. C11ll Glen tor an appointment HY O&HD Hlll HTOI AlllD ........ HnL Switchboard Operator only at luxury Laguna Beech hOtel. Full time. evenin g 1hllt, Need for 9891 111, '82. Rent guaranteed by pe- 1ent1 Locet famlly Plee· H call (714)851-6829 Am llUUllO 3PM·11PM. S.. Margie 0Hhr 1,.eltl1 Ilk Wheel alignment and to apply, 497 -4417 (2) m111e, tem LOST 8122 brake lie nee. Own hand E.0.E. vie Woodbridge. R-ard loolt. Apply __ H_O_U_S_E_C-LEA_N_E_R_S __ 857-48~ NEWPORT W11nled. hOUHllttlng or ----------1 TIRE CENTER Flex. hra. PT/Fl. Own economy duellng, mlO-L.oll Male Ge<man Shep. 3000 E Cout Hwy CdM tr-"• Exp'd. $40--0157 LEO HANNA S75 DAY • PAID DAILY SR. VICE PRESIDENT no exp • nee • 826-2583 ..... , I, TaJftt ... TRAVEL Agent, expe<'d, Realtore M 4-49t0 Min 1 yr Sabre agency Executive Travel Serv , lnAIL lllllHm'f 1rv1ne, 833·9406 APf'opo Fuhlon llland • _ _,,_. p/ 1 ConttmPOflfY European TypeMtter ,........., t me dHlg ner boutique 11 night•. Edit writer exper -.king a Gl' .. ttve lndtv. recfd. Hunt. Bch. area. fOf w .. In ,..tit..... 714-Mt-3939 6 f'llO'l"I, Feahlon bllgrnd. ~ te a muet. CaH btwn. 9 I. ••••••••••••••• • • ••• • • 12, 547·7809 LARGE Solld Oak Oeelc. 1ged F grad atudent. 14 mo Blk/tan, name .. N 8 ., .. , can be •ono "Bullet'', $100 Rewa.rd BABY81TTER p/tlme, - term, mid Aug. Aft. IOpm 499-21&4 Mon .. wed .. M . My Pit. 1 1,J, plUl /11'10, ..... Excell. cond. '40(). 676-0205 or wknd. (213) 434-3714 Found. blue Perak..,, vie home. 842.ff05 t>:."' nu=. e::.nt"t. FVl.I. OR PAAT TIMI LACE ~rtalnt, 102"xN " CdM 2 bf, 2 ba twnhae • lm Wini Wanted· Humble abode Cley 6 15th St., C.M., on BABYSITT!AS. Mu1t be --------Teectltng or ..... ...,._ :;~~re $128. New. e1rall. to •hr. F only, Dix ex~ tulle. 2.0121q tor young woman In O.C June 23. &42-2379 20. Own trane Stall llC'd _._ tttno. i.q, 544-1871 ~ti:. ~~:.~~n_· a_~_a_1esg..;;._. 84_:_1_~_4_M_•_· ~~ (x~/ :~7~nrr:,~~ F~~:e:~~I ':' ,:~~ ~.r."~3~· Cl\ar• = .. ~~~~ :=-=. ~. '.+utlla.Conni.841.e811'-pHlfa .. Mat•-orc:hldl, gttd*", plante CM. 8&7·7005 •aaar•1-• quote,& !_olloWUplon,.. AIAL HTAT! INSU· lunday,June2'7'1tl (1o..4) Midy, 7~9 wknd ,... .. __ , Call M·F, e 10 5 I.Ori, -..,. .. 1 ntwe •· .. 1110 rat no or AANCI Antique oak dreuer1, mentally retarded adults S95·S125 & 1150 Orlen· _o_o_N_'_T_M_,l._S_S_IT __ _ tlal Ruo $50 282 Delmar 0t•11 AtHI 1HS Ave CM Sit/Sun •••••••••••••••••••••• 642-7347 4 FAMILY SALEll Furniture, clothing, anll· F1ut•i• V.Un qUff. genuine-r>aroall\I •••••••••••• ... "•• ••••• Sii & Sun 8--4 5571 HUGE Sale. Sat/Sun, Mallard Av .. Garden 10·4PM Sallllah boat 0 r 0 ., • ( T r • 9 k & 115, mower $75, edger S7&. fO)'S, clothea, roller _N ___ ,_._nd_J _____ _ llca111 990 1 Mereed Al· Little MllS Muftet NI on a ...,, Br00khur1t • Wtr-Tulltt. 1long c:ame a net. epldet and read In the •• --•••&AR ••• • Dally PllOI Claullled - - -MC:tlOn ebOUI Ml .. Miii· Ilk .. , hammoek1.1 ~IPO 111'1 Tut111 end b<>Ughl It blO•. lot CM111 • ..,1ng lor $9.11&. You can Mii equip., camping OHr. your tuff9t and loll of bOOka, tewelry, ~hlnO. other thing• through 4 Oeuun wl'!ll Uf. Dally Piiot C1u111ted OemM, •ttc:IN equip.. Ada. c.tl f<t2·587a i o o I 1 ' o d d a 6 en d 1 . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Some lleW + Mieemtn'I ttmJHM. Set. 8-4 90M Cocilatoo Prime offlol faclllty loca. 213/285-1195 Fourid blaak Lab Puppy, Newport a.on property ~~. up, pref'd, ADVIATl81NO TIA· ...... 1 blk bMCh ctn reep non· t.S dir.clty ecroae from 1bout " mo Name 11 momt. co. D1t1 tnpul ~ & ~ • CHIM MW .. f ... '"'llr. l'kt~UOO mo Civic c enter, 111y 10• l11lat11"·ml' lhadow, ,. ..... C*I 10 t hr11 monthly lln1nct1t Pd.oo. ~,.......,.-...... ,... ...... 1 1 ....... , ..-.In.._, ... H_,,_ ..._, ~ ·-'I-I ....... .._,., I t .......... motlv•t.... d R-,.. ... ...... , ....... "'"· r-,...,. •••• .....,.. .... ~ •••• LM1 f'l!O. _, 111o oe11 to lrwye, flexible ti.,,,,. ldfnU,, .,.._ •. 1 m •· "'"'ft' -eo • .,d. a n tel P 1"· ti yov dnlr• Incl...-~ '"' llN QAMOI IAI.£: Sewing Mly. t11· 025 0 If Ice • "".a Ir 0 m ...................... ,ound rnai. blll • Miit• ... , .. t.,,.' Aoet9. ~· Conteot: .-.ry, ... "°' d•11011 •• ,. I WHHI I For Ad Action Cal a Daly Plot Al).VIS(Jt o'"'"''" ,,,, '"' Hr, 231-100 IQ. tt. 'Of acs-""""1 puppy ,.,,,.,. lllYtt a pr•t'd. 10"'8 "''' • mollvetfd .. 11 Aul ~.,rm1'4:,uu1 1 ~!;f,~· t::,:.b~•a~d ·~~~ ,~ Condo. H. '"""'· dltlonll lnlo Olll a.-n..1,. ,... ill 0 hutle I MIC>lill. IMcl ,.,,,,. to: fo plaot '/fNI ~ I-! ... ~!'!.!"!!!!!!!!~~!!! "'11 • ..,, a•mu, book• ff'ICll, '*'· IN l,f.I. .... • ..... MJ';i':r.'HmoT.._l :.: 111w/ l ~t~y ::: ~leo°8'&.":'~· Wote ,... I~· • Alt fllmltUtt etore fll· men. PAIClD TO llLIJ Ull dep M1·11H LM•Mllf mla puppy ,~ tlfl'I OA. ~ . r...,,. IM*IO, •at-twrM fOI ~vllt•i. by UUt H anour 1.11 """ l told. Orot1 If\• tMI* mhi MM trHotot ·--------lltlON _.. ,.._.. l "'°"" llftlll I llO"f•rd1IM•'•dd1n) 111W •;..,Hi HUntint-':,o.,,: '.,.....,... iW:•Ju:i~G'0o~M1~ r= '~·.:= ~m,r.:ti::~i~0; oe..=.::..r. :=::=,tt.~,~.~ =~s=:: ''"''"..., .. ' ..... .::~r.:o.c 2Mtt'~-~"""°'~~~::.J~~1T~~~~;;;;~1t~·~"·~"""~·~,...~~~Jo=•~·~·~·~·~·~..,...~~~~·J..;;;;~~~~li!:~...,=,..~==..,~~~1J~.,.~==::l.c~19"l::;.o~M~.i4i~-·~'iil1121!•:.:~111~~1c111~11111~m~•~..,...~=t:1•~~~~~~~~ 642·5671 -¥_es 4 t 'I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/S1turd1y, Junt 28, 1982 THE t 'AMILl' ('IRCl'N by 811 Keane • ''We went for o ride out where they keep all the scenery." M \R,..\DtK•: by Brad Anderson "He's hoping Julia Child will drop one of those lamb chops." BIGGt;ORGE by V1rg11 Partch (VI P) "Now THERE'S someone who came up the hard way." DE~~JS THE '9E,ACE Hank Ketchum ~ o c ·'2'f' ! . . • 11 MoMz rs 1r STILL TODAY ?" e) THE WAY ONE OF MY ooY5 HAS A Llh LE PROBLEM THAT l'O L.IKE YOU TO MNOL.E FOR. ME 1 ) I'll Tl£ VOU IN \_ NICf ANO SA f'.£ OH, MY! ALL "THAT 5XPoSURE ToiH!: BRIGHT50NSHINE -- 1HEY SHOULD Be= CAREFUL. ! ACROSS 1 Arara 6 Legends 11 Heel 1• SctiOOI Fr 15 Dodge 16 Porter I 7 F0<g111e 18Mu1my 20 Subdue 22 8rtcken9 23 Fusses 2S Paid up 28 Genoa ruler 29 Bunll JO Mo1e sugary 32 Nul 3• Scolllth pedagogues 39 S1rangt 42 Sl!Otl tlMY 43 Atnplllblln 45 Attorney 46 Kind OI 00""""""' .. , .. .,.,., 50Herrll ... ••• Whitt leftt II ., ........ AW 56 Pieces 58 NHLOf' NFL 60 Nonsense FfHOArl PUZZLE SOl VfD 2 WO<dS 63 Armadillo 66 Finale 67 Ma1clled 68 Copel 69 Beam 70 Stacked 71 Rye DOWN 1 Sea Fr 2 Experl 3 Nfl"Y otllc.91 • Pseu<!onym S MOltltn• 6 Compased c11r 7 warded ott 30 Smell 8 Pr111e 31 Compete 9 Swett drink 33 Female rull 10 1~11ty 35 Clffr ' I African Clly ~ Httvou• 12 ltnglhWIM 3 WOfdt 13 SIUl)id 37 b all If~ ltWoodcul\ff 21 Mlfblt .0 C'L't -n lltllnd Nllli ~ ,. "°°"' lfrOUC • , Joint H Jectltc lyt1e '4 laQUllltt ,, lflotMOGnl ., ......... •e eoa.ci1on SO Potato SI P~ 52 1927 llltf &30rttk ltlltr 55 Grn 57 Soft job ff Alllrt 11 Wing Pref 12 Yllll reeourc.e .. letuetv H Morl0¥tr - P&\Nl'TS THIS PROGRAM WILL SE ~EPf ATED AT mis SAME TIME TOMORROW ... --~~~~~_,---, OH, SHCJ1' UPl- ArJV M¥ NAMe 15 1UM'1..e~E?PS! .. • by Charles M Schu lz by Ernie Bushm1ller HOW ABOUT ~2.? I'M GETTING TO ALL I REALLY AUNT FRITZI ---BE GOOD AT WANTED WAS 50¢ MAY I HAVE$3 c> NO--l1LL BARGAINING--- GOROO THE COJ..J...EL..llVE NOLJN !VIC ~N ILK., 4 PAIC..LIAMENT OF ONLS1 AT1l!:5/5 TO ex.JR Dl0Nli'{ AJ.JD KEN/ OR.SMOCK weL-t.... WHAi WJIH HIS YACHI HAI AND SNAPPY BL.A:ZeR, J: FIGUR8t? -rHIS HAD 10 ee "MR . RIGH-r" ·' GIVE YOU ~h. by Gus Amola by Tom Bat1uk ClA551lAL 'ArR.-GorlAR' ! by Kev in Fagan * by George Lemont SO MUCH FOR M.Y N IGH-r O N "fH6 IOWN Wl'"fH '"fH(;: iY-D-B OL-MAN .' 1)- AP Wlrephoto \:\TIOl ES HEAD EAST Millard Nt.•wman Among the> VC'hlC'IC's will lX' old M erc:edes, 1 ;1111-; ... 111' 1 !{oll~ H11:>'t'l' in Pebblt· Bt>at:h , Stanley S teamers an d C halmers, most t•ostang 1 ".dil. ln lto,111 ~·I unuquc• t·ar s from across the ·at least $100,000. Tht• trip is due to end July 23 •Urltt y 1111 .1 t1.mst·unt11wntc.il t>nduranc:e jaunt. on J e k yll Is land, Ga. ~~~~~~~~~~ O r ng6 Cou t DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 26, 1982 A bit of the country • • remains 1n • TOTTl':NVlL.LE, S1.i 11•11 l-.l.11ul (AP> 111 lhl' lum\lt•t, dm·kl•I\:> i.lrut Ht mw ls'unt yard whtlt' u11 old l hm·k ionk." Into th,• IJt1t•k YL\rd Fulk.' 1 tll>J• th t>lr own hn•w1wxl 11nd fix tlwir own µickupt> Tht•rt"s a :.t'f't•t•n dum 1111 llll' poh1·1• .,wiiun in tlw !<Ull111wrt1111t•, t1nd you c·:m t11rn l<'ft during what pu.'IB1·11 for nJJ<h hou r 1( yol1'rl' t•mdul .about tht" hurflt' l'rCJ!k'ltngs Thl·rt· ur1• 1ic1 s 1•w1•1 "' t111d "" tht'Utt'rS. "This is a plan• tl\.\t tlllll' forgot " 1>ayi. NanC'y Wat.c .. 1 s, .1 nwrntx·r of till' h1stonl'al ~1t.·wty Bul lhl• rupi<l trunstl 11.um. -cll•p h1..•re n's thl· end of the 11111 .111d lhe salC's wx1" art!, wt•ll, bi~ ll·aglll' Behind lhe fal·adt of r ur JI Amt·11t-.1, Tlltll'nvtllt' 11>, for lx•llt'I or wur~ p.111 of Nt>w York C1tv \ I 1 I'.-. a l'\•mnll' corner to tw sun 1111 thl' woOdli:I "JUlht•t JI lip .,r Slc1h•11 "'People ;11· e. 11 "I .i a n1111 (•</ and I h<"1·e . c rime. I o ~ t.• t l1t.• r ., i.i.;n "t lllU(•/J all know W£• New York wl11 11 1111 old 111 11• bur 111-cl down 100 vt-.u ~ t1~11. bul gr .1v1•i.t111wi. from tht• o .11 ly 111110:-. -.11l1l1·.i11111 th1• front yard. H111 ortwr 11t111·:-. tlw t·1ty 1>t.>t•n1S to 1<1·1 1 111-..·r l1y lh1· day'. as dol'S w Ii.HI rural •wh11.11p .n·nio lhul hab . .t l lwt1•d th1• r 1•,t 111 Su1t1•n U.la.n<l '111\'t' 1lt1• V 1•11 :.1.11111 Nar·1·ows Bridge llJ.H'llt'd Ill Jllli·l Tli1· b1 idiot•' 11fCt•1't'd .111 t'!SC.'HfW route I l'olll I ht lil1ght 1 l't•t•f>in~ lll'l'OS!I H1ooldy11 .• 11111 1n 1!1 y .. ;ir' thl' island's pop11lal1011 d1111hlt·d '1'111· \A. a\'1• or clt•v1·lop11wnl has no t 11 ... 111 d T11t11·11vtll1· But its la:.l \\ttfklll~'. !a1111 111"1-cl two year i. ago. .111d l111p111v11111 111 < 'num rl llt'.1d Jun1t:e Hu•.• \.\111111·-. th.it 111 fl\l' Yl'<tn. sh1• \\ 011 I 1•'\11i.:ni11 1h1· v11l.tg1· ""hc·n· she• It.•'> r :11-.1 d thrt·t· thlldH •n and h1111dn ·d-. of 1 hu k1·11s I Ii• 11 o1r1 "1gns 1)11 l h.111).(1" .1lt l'Jdy Ii ,,., · ,1.11 h .J 111,,r11\ • Tltt l111u\t• w1th llw 11011 l-.1 11 1-. Jll'I d11\l.11 tlw l'lli.ld I r11111 1 Mol1tl <hi l1·rm111al Two 11111')1" ~·1 .. 1/r 'IHI ll't•I f11m1 J frl't.'WJ Y I )11 r .dm .... 111111111•1 davs, air from 111111111.11 pl.111L' 111 N1·w J1•1'><'y floa~ "·l'>t .or 11.-. llw 111u1 ky A'tthur Kill, • h1>l\lllP 1•l.1n1 1111." .i nd driving 11·,ut1111 , 111doors l';1n•11Lo; wonder if 1h1 1 .. l.ond' h11~h <.mn·r 1.111· 1s rdated 111 dlt·g.dl;. cltllll[Wcl IOXll waslt.'S 111 add1t1or1 111<Jt1Y ol h l.'r N e w ca K·Offll NOTICE OF DEATH or EUGENIA L. LESTER A.ND OF PETITION TO AOM1Nl8TER ESTATE NO. A·IUtU. To llU heln. benetlda.rte.. crt1dltort end conttnaent cri•dtlon of EUGENlA L LE."iTER ond pt>non1 who ~y bt: olhl'rwl.le ln~l't!tlt.tld In lht• will and/or etta~. A pt!tltlon haa been tiled by JOHN R LESTER. JR In the· Su perior Court of Orange County reque1ting that JO HN 8. LESTER, JR. be appointe d as personal repretE'ntatJve to administer tht! L'8tate of EUGENIA L. LESTER , BA LBO A IS LAND, CALIF. (under tht• Ind epen dent Adm1n1111rallon of Eatatea Act) The petition I.I set for h(•aring In Dept. No. 3 al 700 Ctvtr Center Drive West, Sant.a Ana, Calif. 92701 on July 21. 19112 al 9:30 a.m . If' YOU OBJFCT io the granung of the petiuon, you should either appear at the hc•artng and stale you r obJt"<'llons o r file wrine n obJl'Ctton s w11h the court bt'fore lhe hearing Your appl.'arance may be tn person or by your a tlOmey IF YOU ARE A I t'~ suinrner: Watch for rattlers-0 "r neighbor~ ... , /11rk1·; !. { ICISS lhl' bndgl' to USP the "l.111d ...... 1 dump TottL011v1lll''s open t u•ld' :incl l11 .1dws an• hllt•red with 1,.., 1 1·..i11• .• 111d d1!>1·an ltod furniture CREDITOR or a oontingenl L"recht.or of the deceased, you mui.t file your claim with the l'Ourl or present It IO the pl•rsonal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first 1ssuanl'e of letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of Californ ia. The time for filing chums w\Jl nol expire prior to four months from the• date o f the hearing nouced above ·haded areas du,.i11g h eat of the da ~v I 1 1 ~~ \ N C: I': L ES ( ,\ I' I \1 11.ll' 'llh lb dt•ltghlful .1:-.pt>t·~. . 111111 • r , , ,,b,,, pnnw tum· for It I -.11.i k • ,.. .111d ti v11u h" 1w.1r 1th1ll-. ur do Jll)' h1k1ng in I d1·riw ' .111 '"· 11'-. ,1 good 1dt•.i ">Dmet1mes people will kick things llkt· boards o r maybe an ulJ hubl·ap and 1hen they gt•t lullE'n " using 11 as a shwld Don't put your fingers undt·rneath 1t unul vou'rt' surt' !here's nothing else undt•rmath ll Fdosk1 said dogs are often h1llt'n bv ralllers Sucking the poison out of the snakl· b1w ma) work w onden. m the movtt>s, bul probably won't do much for a real-1.Jfe v1cum. s..iys Dr Andrew Roxly, assistan t dtrt'l'tOr of the emer gency th parimc•nt at H unungton Memorial Hospital 1n P<asadPna •I\ ... w s11n11•1 h1n~ .tl..,11111 II I• .. . ll.11tl1 s11.1kl'S an.• ltkl·lv Lo bl• 1111<1 111 l11lly wooded an·as 111 11 tb1 :r pr t "'' r:ns, mtl'P. 11.1 J..,. 111d ollwr '>mall ro<lPnlS "Dogs will som etimes rush in or st1lk 1heir n oses 1n m4u1s1tively and 'Barn,' they get It But 1f a dog is treated 1n a fairly short period of tww, their chilf'\Ct'S are pretty good," he said. "Suction wtthin 30 minutes. •• l I •i•1<I, .K•·ording lo Dtl·k • j .. .,i..' 1>1 t ilt C1ty 11( Los ,flJ.'.1 Ji'> dt'fJJI tmt•nt Clf Jlllmal g11l.1lt11tl I I 11°1' 111 r hi• morning, tht•y'rc • k"lll '" 1,.. 11u1 i.unning they 1 1• th1 hc.•at us a kind o.f k "" 1q1" F1•l11~k1 "mi "Tht•y ,, I till,, 1111.k CH •I flagMO/ll' ,;r 11\ 11thc·1 \\,u·m spot ltk<· .i ,, r1 111 hl.1c k tPp 11r t onen·tt .10 •11111 rh1•\ 'II l.w ,11 tlw t·tl~t· ltu 111,11 I ' Ft.>losk 1 recomme nded thal pt.•oplc living in foothill areas t>ducat e their c hildren about rattlers and develop more awaren ess about the d angl•r 1hernselves. F o r e xample, he notes 1hat t h e snakes wilf someunws crawl up n!;'xt to a rloor to warm them5elves or s leep under a recentJy-stopped c;ir lx'Cause of the w armth Pvt•n und<'r 1dei.1I conditions, has not proven e ffoctive in hum ans, .. said R oxly, who also advises agamM the movie ploy of cutting an "X" 1n the wound before i.ueking o n 1t. Cutting tht.• w ound will tend to tnfrct 1t, hr said . Whot is rt'comrncndcd 1s 1mmob1hzmg the part of the body where the bite occ.:urre d . F or example', 1f tht> bite is on the leg, splint 11 as if you were treating a bruk('n lt•g. rhttl• 1'1\ u-.u.illv ht·dt..I for t·ovl'I' 1h•1 111 th1• dJy, Fcloskt said '\.\ lw11 11 gr·~ hol 11 becomt•s , 1wM11f1111..iblt for 1hc·m and they d' h• ,,.r fqr •h•· sh,1d1., whu h 1 k • ' 1 ti o • 111 I' \' o • n rn '' r t• 1!1;'1 flll ~I ~llrl "People s ho uld show t·hlit..lren !Jlltur<·s of rattlesnakes so they'll know what they look hke," ·he said "And it's a good idea to keep 1hings cleaned up. to k eep weeds ,tnd grass cut Th('n. 1f 1m ... dcK.'c; rome out to sun . you tan M.'C' hrm · V1et1ms sh ould be kept warm and may be given water, coffee or lt•.i bul not alcohol Thev should Ix• movt'd bv stret.L'her as qutl·kly as possible to medical aid and, 1f lhf'y must walk, they should go •lowly and rest frt'qUl'ntly. In general, the less you move, Lhe less you will c1n.-ulate the poison 11 ""' n• Ill thl' hrush yuu ,,, rrnd 1h1·rn Jnywhere. any 1mJ 111 ~round l'ovrr But they , nd tn ~t t und<.'r things a nd F<'loslu adds that 1( you pick up anything that's bttn lying aroun d m a woodsy area, you should pick it up carefully - IATH NOTICES \\ALTER SIDES ,'1 .1' I· II W1\L;n:H. •• FLllHENCE SIDES. a t!1·11 t ,if n . .r1111.1. l'.1 reo'lrh:nt uf Nl·wport Bc-at·h. • d 1\\.oV "" .Jum :!~1. l. .. p,.~'<.l <iway un Junt' 24. I~ 111 /\11,.:11s1 .HI. H11i !}Ill:! She-1., survived by r11111,1t. Ni.,.''''·"'" Shi ,, hl•I "''°·'Wyman of Nt'wport ;i' 1v .. d h\ h•·t ;.1'l1•r Bt•al·h. l'a and Wavne of v , 11111111 M B:11rw-; nf Lagun.1 Bt·al·h . Ca-. also 1 .. '· <', 1\'l•·mrir1al ~urv1v<'rl by 10 grand- \ 1. "ti I Iii ltl'ld 1Jn l htldn•n PnvJte funeral • ~.i .• , .h11v .!H l~H2 al <;t•rv1cc>s will bto held under 110Pl\l .11 P.111f11 Vtt·"' 1he t.11rell1on of Bal tz l• 111 .. 11 .. I I' irk C hJJ.11'1. Bergeron-Sm11h & Tuthill \!~•II B .. 1.t1 ('.,., In l1t·u 'v\~uhff Chdpel Mortuarv • I 1\\• I !. 111111nt.1111r1n.., n1J\ ••f Coo.w ME'S& 646-9371 - rn 1• I• Ho•• 1\11< •· Ii 1 lo .. r .. t11p Fund \ I • ,. M ff I l u d I v PIHCl llOTHUS SMITHS' MOaTUA.llY ... I M .1111 'ii ll11llt111q1<11• f'lt .. 11.11 ').ll. ,,,, jl'\ P'.ACIFIC VIEW MEMOll.Al l'.AJllC ' •,,'r••h'rV Mori '•J'V l,..h.1rwt t •t 111<1torv l •~ lt P.• f1i V •·w {)r • ,,.,. "'' "v' ti (J.•.u.:h '""" ?/ 10 McCO.MIOC MORYUAllES ilq n.t &• .ll II 414Q4lS c; • l JljUl"<i fl, 1-. 7(-8 09Jl h1,m (..1p1c.1r .mo -t•JS t l7b H.UIO. LAWK-MT. OUYE M1.,lu:iry • C'..emPlery Lo ""'lory tu.h C.,1 h--r Avt• l.O<;IJ MAS/I ~40 r,554 l'llaCI HOTHElS H\.L 110.ADWAY MOITUAlY 110 BromJ>NilV Co'.\I Mou 61'7 9150 IAA.n lllOUOH s.t4TH & TUTHIU. WHTCU,.. CMA"n •'JIC 17111S1 C0ttlt M4f " ll4tl P37 t BOWSER HOBERT M ROWSER. r<>i.1dt nl of Tustin, Ca P;is,,f'd J,,.,.av on June 24, IY!l:l Rom J°ulv 10, 1906 in I S1oux C'1tv. Iowa Survwed by h1~ w1£c Marie. son s Robc-r l W illiam. Ronald M1lkr. and Stt•vcn Michael Bow<;er. 1faughtel"" Rolx-rta Mar1C' Leal and Ro bin M1ch c-l1n(• B owser, 18 grandch1ldrf'n and 1 great- g ra ndc h 1 Id Gravesid e si rv1c1•s will he held on s.nurday. Junl' 2ti. 1982 al 2.t)OP M at Pacific View M1 monal Park. Newporl A••:11·h . Ca Pan r I(' v 1ew Mo1 tuarv d1n·\.'lr1rs SCHAB LE IN DONALll RAYMOND SC'HA.BLEIN. " resident of Co~t.a Mesa. Ca Pa.c;sed away on June· 24 IYH2 Survived bv his ..on Donald of Yucca V.1llcv Ca . brothers Robert of CC>Sta Mesa, Ca and John t>f Was hington. sisters Evelyn Foy. MLldred J nrdon and Manon Makley of Costa Me<ia. Ca SclVl<:eS Wlll be held on Monday. June 28. 1982 at 1:00 PM at Harbor Lawn Memonal Chapel with Rev Andy Anderson of the Prince o f Peace Lulheran Churt·h offic1almg Services u n dt>r the direc tio n of lfarbor Lawn-Mounl Olive Mo rluary of Costa Mesa 540-5554. Mc VICKER OR WlLL IAM C Mr VICKER. a re11dcnt uf NttwpoM Beach. Ca. PUied 1w1y on Juno 22, 1ga2. Bom on F•bruary 2&. 1g19 In J ohn1t.own, p,.nn1ylvanla. Sur vived b y hh wit• l..aVun11. aona Mh:hwl and l\ober1 and dauah\Or Kilty, and !.\ cranttehtldrPn Pr1vace tamur •rv twtd l'at I le View Monutr)' tlll'fll'\lif11 HOROSCOPE By SYDNEY OMARR Sunday , Juoe 27 ARIES (Man:h 21 April 19)· Rec:ent dispute with rt-lauve 1s rt·~lvt'<I Lt'gal papers are located. verify claims Fo(·us nuw on ability 10 make mteU1gent c:onc<.'S.<itons TAURUS (April 20-May 20): New approach to work m eth ods IS neces.<;ary V1s1tor to your home c~ ~d in correcting e r rors Focus on inde pende nce. originality. mnovat1ons and l'Onlact with c reative exciting md1v1dual ' GEMINI (M ay 21 Junc· :r:!O). Analyze recent d ream. Subconscious attempts to break through and provide valuable informa tio n . Pleasure comes thr ough creative activity and achievements of c hild . . CANCER (June 21-July 22): You gain more valid per:spectlve in ronne<:\Jon w ith home, property and farruly situation Open lines of communication , broaden h oru.on and seriously t'Onstder holiday or vacatton travel LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): P ersons who offer counsel also offer ton fhctmg views. Build towards security. but refuse to be buried in details, red tape. Focus also on r e latives, visits. s hort trips and le'lephone call which C'C.>uld aid m clarifying pla n s. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22)· Special mterest in purchast' of photographic equipment is md1cated Accent payments. colle<:ttons and location o f article wh1ch had been lost , m1ssmg or stolen. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cL 22): Desires are fulHlled, str eak o r "bad luck" lS fmish ed You now ride the crest of good fortune F ocus on mde pendence, correct m oves a t crucial moments and circumstances wh.ic h favor your effo rts SCORPIO (Oct 23-N ov 21 ). Perio d of meditat.ton proves benefiClal. Hospital visit could be on agenda -involves individual who aided you in past. See places, people as they are. not m erely as you wish they might exist . SAGITTARlt)S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Focus on fulfillment, ambition, restoration of p ride. You'll have more responsibility, additional challenges and lncre&Bed opportunity for r e ward. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. lg): Individual who 11U1kes many promises may now renegP on some of them. Stand tall, 1how that you have more 1trengt.h than orlQtnally indicated. AQUARUJS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Favorablt> lunar up~ct colncldu with journey, 1plrltual cnUahte.nrne1nt, educaUon and po11lbl publllhtna a11l1nm1nt R~cent roadblock to pro1r e11 la romowd Pl El (11\!b lU·M11"•h 20), You ant aUract.to!f to indlvlduaJ who may "1Un1 ldv•n of )'«>U. Appll w ,...,"' u1" nw, ,,.,.,ti nal po and mo y. l'auw ' If 111 <.llnr I LslanJ. farthPr p:-.yl·holog1t-.1lly frn111 th(' hustk of Manlwttan's T1nwi. S4udl'l' than tht' 1w11 lo11u1~ 11 1.1k1·' l11 get1thl'rl' vta bu' f1•1 rv and ,ub.,..~y lrt part. th1i. torm·r uf 1tu 11dt1on'c; largt>:>l t'Ll\' I'> lovt'CI for wh.1l 1t dcx."I> nut havt• m11g~1nj.!s , '.-.k) 'il.'r:.tpt'rS 'UbWcl\!> poop1 1 ..,n111pt•r i.~r.lfltll Tlw 1x ·11plt ,111 di.i11g111g, tou. M.1lir•·r•11 < '11n111or,, :ii. a< lt•rk at the 1\.i<.il' ,.;.111! Ul\ r><·oplt• don't St..>Cm to undl't sl.111d , ,1ow1·1 JMt1· 11.! 11fo 'Th1·11· n111n· .111d mor(• pt:>oph.• YOU MAY EXAMINE tht• file kepl by the court. If you are 1nteresle d in the l'Sl<ll.e, you llWY hie a request w11h the court lo receive special n o11ce o f the inventory of estate assets and of the pellllons, accounts a nd reports described 1n Section 1200 5 of the Callfom 1a Probate Code WALK E R , WRIGHT , TYLER & WARD C'Olll111g 11111 111 1<· now, ;ind they're LhanJ,!111~ ll m~· .. 'ht -;;ud hlanng h orn' .111d luo man\ i:w·oplt• N1•w1'l•t11t rs d1111'1 'top to c hc1t m the lllJI k1 l Tiu ' dt 111.ind rathL•r than .1 ... k. lt1T '"lllt.-lh1np "PC'oplP a rt II t J.llllllll'd t1llo(Hlwr and thne 1i.n l mud1 1 nnw W1· .111 know our nt•1ghl.iu1~. V11 ~1r11;1 ~·or;m , who has ltwod 011 th1· ..,.111u '.-.lll'(•l .ill years, !>atd whi·n -;toppt·d m It onl 11! the c·hureh c.tnd ..c.kc"ll 10 1•i.plai11 wh\ shr It kt'ti ll 1111 111. ••pit \\ho ninu over from Br ""k 1' 11 .Jt 1 I 1ght1 1 s " SJld K e nny ~l.111• -!~'" .< > 'Th1·\ v1 had to Ix> lo .. u1 \'I\•' Th• \ rC' us..'{J tu hnUS<.":. a lew I 11 1 Ir• 111' • .1d 1 . 11th• r Wt·'re ubed to I wo 111 th re 1 · h11U,1 'S on a block " Attorney a t Law 6%6 WllsbJre Blvd., Suite 804 Los Angeles, CA 90017 6%9·3571 "Wt• don't hav1· m11v11·i.. 111 111U1·h 11t anything hkt• that Lo do.' i.ht· sa1J "But what Wt' do h::tve," she• a<ld,·<l. her face bnghwmng, "1s thr· South S hore Little Lt•agul', wh1t·h 1s gn·at'" M"''11"' hil1· h11us1r1~ and apartment dc•\'1•l11p1111•11ts with names like Wllsl1111 !'ark ..Ul' :.pre admg south I 111111 t}11· l111dg1• llkt' an advan cin g oll 111' T;tl\0·11\ dlt ri·sul1·11L'> have resis ted hv t 1ght1ng 1·v1•rything fro m a \\ ,, t ,. 1 I 1 "n 1 1 11 n <lo m 1 n i u m d1·v1·l11p1111111 l«t a .J1•su1t home for ,,, ploa11, But ,J;1111t1• Rose isn 't 0 1p111111slll ln fl\01· y1·;1ri. shE· says, "It'll 111. .11111lh<.•r Brc1t1kly11" Published O ra nge Coast Daily Pilot, June 26, 27, July a. 1982 2805-82 The town dangles in a umc· warp likl' tht· old tin>s th:.it s wing from it.' tree limbs It'l> not l'l'allv rur:.t. und 11·s not -;uburban n•l. 1·1th<.;r PUBLIC NOTICE K·00680 A l timPs, 1t M't'tn!> tht• pa1·p ol hft• hasn't c hangl'<I mut·h s1nc·1· Ftt-di·ntk Law Olmstead. Jps1gm·r of <.'cnlr;1I P ark. ran a fruit farm h<.•n · lf>O year'l> ago. S11 "hv -.tav'' NOTICE OF DEATH OF E DIT H EL I ZABETH CASSIDY, AKA EDITH E. CASS IDY AND OF PETITION TO AD - MINISTER ESTATE NO. A-113977. There are plC>asant strt~~ wtlh f11w old hou'ic•s gracC'd h't gi ~t·rbrC'a<l trim portht·'.-. ,1nd mansard roof-. You rnn buv JU't about anything ill Mary's, thP largt"'I slorl• m town Parth ln•«•U'il' ll's c h eap . The may1nty of Toltl'nv1Jlagcrs work o n 1 ht• 1sla111I 11r m Manhaltml and shun N• " ,J1' 1~ " ' br 11lg1 tolls and h1ghl'r :• •• 1 .... t.1l1• prtll'' \1., ... 1i.,· bc,,1u•.1 11' lr11m1 Mrs ROS<' 1dn11h ... ht. ll-1 b 'g\pl·d" that 1he 1 1 l 't ha 'i n t ,. "r dug sewer s 1 n T11w·11\ tilt· To all heirs, beneficiaries, cr editor s and contingent credito r s o f EDITH ELIZABETH CA SSIDY. aka EDITH E C ASSIDY and persons who may be otherwise interested m the will and/or est.ate: The 17th 1:t·ntury Con ft rt•nn· H ouse stands o n a r iM' nc•ar the. sh orC' T h ere. on Sept 11 , 1776. the Revolullonarv War hc.•1.:anw tnl'\'1t.ablf• when Bc>n,amm Fnnkhn und John Adams fl'Jt.'l'll'CI Lord llnwl·'s i:w·.it • proposal. "But I wouldn't want t o live .my"" h1•11 • l~· 1n 1h1' <'lly.'' she says. A peuuon has been filed by NANCY ANNE DEAN in the S uperior Court o f Orange Coun ty requesling lhat NANC Y ANNE DEAN be appointed as personal represent.auve t.o adnurust.er th<' estate o f EDITH !-:LIZ ABETH C A SSIDY, ThPy n .·bu11t th1· Methodist < 'hlir1 h · J\l\. hu,h.u1d ""d J rnovt>d here 33 \,1,11-. ,1g11 ·~··•llS(' It W~LS thC' only pl.11·1· w. 11111ld .itford J house," she ''''°' "I Ilk• 11 h1·r1· ~v£>rybody cares ~., 1 1 \ h11dv " 111·11,!hbors" PUBLIC Rf CORDS r r,mklm Cr1Ht ttoql I lot bt II 11 PUBLIC NOTICE aka EDIT H E CASSIDY. C ITY OF COSTA MF.SA. C ALIF . (under th e Etcrow No &50-JH lndl'J'Xmdent Administration NOT ICE TO CREDITORS of Est.ates Act). The petition OF BULK TRANSFER IS S(.'l for hearing In Dept. Births rm-, Mr Hhl ""'!» n -ti J A.uJo 1 AND OF INTENTION C TO TRA NSFER AlCOHOLIC No. 3 al 700 IVlC Cent.er BEVERAGE LtCENSE(S) Drive W est. Santa Ana, HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mer 21 M1 and Mr& Jot-n lr1>land Irvine g11I Mr and Mrs Thomas C1owde1 Corona det Mar t>oy Mr and Mrs Kn5 YOdi>r lrvmf! boy Mr and Mrs H11os111 111>. Nnwparl Beach l>Oy Mey 22 Mr and Mrs Dooald Aooert$0n Huntmg1on Beach. bOy Mr and Mrs John Hao N-po•I Beach. gorl Mr and Mrs John Rob•nson Newport Beach girl Mey 23 Mr and Mrs Slaphen Blylhll, Costa Mesa. boy Mr and Mrs Harry Sm1111 CoSla M&a gorl Mr and Mrs Kenneth Grahom Costa Mesa, girl Mer 2A Mr and M•s Arnold Dovie Irvine. 0111 M1 and Mis Robert l<nuc.11&011, F'oun1a1n Valley, gorl Mr and MAs James Beal. Cotta Mesa. g1r1 Mr and Mrs George Bracllord, Newpo•I Beach. boy Mr and Mrs K11r1 Bayle&• Hun11ngto•1 Beach, boy Mey 25 Mr and Mrs Cermen MollnQ Newport Beach. boy Mr and Mrs Mark Grt1en, Irvine boy Mr and Mrs Fellx Teshinsky Foun1111n Valley boy Mr and Mrt Michael Brady NewPOr1 Btlach l>Oy Mr and Mrs Jellrey BowmRn Hunllngton Beach. boy ... , 29 Mr ano Mrs Robflrt Gelely Balboa. girl Mr end Mrs Paul Schmldl Newpot1 Beach, girl Mr and Mrt WNley Tyler lrvtn.. girl Me)' 27 Mt •nd Mrt Step'*! Sernuellen Costa Meal t>oy Mr 11no Mrt Kllllrt Cuti. Cotll MeN.boy Mr and Mrs Oonal Yooll, Cotta Meaa, girt Mr and M,. lt On fr1e1101y. COfont dt4 Mtr. twin boy• Mr •nCI Mrt Tom Wllll•m•. l10un1 Ntoull, boy Mr. Ind Mrt Jlmt t Grltwotd. N-potl et.en, llOy Mr Ind Mrt rr1n•lln Ohio. HyntlnQIOll CIMc;h, boy Mr end M11. Dontld ltldo, Coeta ....... boy Mr Md Mra. "°°'"1111 WMijeme. HuntH'IOIOfl IMcl'l, DOV Mr Md Mtt '111C1e11Gk ._...., IMll!nfton hlcJI. gffl Mf .no .,.rt NM!' tmitl'l. eo.11 Mfll. 0 t1 Aolf' 11114 Mr1 0.11ta H•,._,, ~ .. , Ml WI J::'. tt I "8111 tM!r Mf l c>"lt•• MP'-d ti , ,.., u1l1 Mr~ Hndm HI Woll um • H 1nl1 191011 Heoch boy Mo .... o 1,h~ I 1Hl•"'o ftjn~d.-.lt.t•r Hur'11n'-'1< n Bf'.r.1cJ1 q1rl Mr attCl Mr~ r.e~I S1•uir C..os1.1 Mesa gnl Mr and M " David Hormon Costa M!".4 q•t1 • Ma)' 29 M r 1n<1 M•~ Motil H"vo•10~0 Costa Mesa o•rt Mt ana Mr1 M1•• Ml*~ Me'>ll ll"I "'Ar ano Mr~ f111 Ott, '-11 r,. Hunllngton BPacl 101 Mr end Mrs GenP I'•'"' ,..,,..,..,1 Be1t:n gul Mr ~nd Mrs Jor>n A!'!l'""'> N1>wpnr1 Beach gorl Mey 30 M1 and Mrs Grn~rHy B1own Ir.me bOy Mr nnd Mri. Peli>• f1lakou1111'' F ounta1n valley <1111 Mr and Mrs fr11!1 ll""'"'' Fount 111n Valley I.lo~ Mr And Mr, Au~s,.11 Hobu••on Costa Mesa. g111 Mt an.1 Mrs Doneld Rvnns Cos1a Mesa. g111 M• and Mr• Knngr fam11ato Costa Mesa. gorl Mr &nd Mr< OouQfjj• S< h111•1ClPr Irvine Qlrl Mey 31 Mr onli Mr'> W1l1t11111 D11yq1n1 Jt COSIO Mesn gorl WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER Mey 1 M1 end Mrs Rindal Kes•ll!H lrVll'>fl Q&rl Mr encl Mrs Aon ')m11ri I os•• Ml'SI boy May' Mr •nd Mrs Daniel M1;1\err11n Founteln Valley glfl M•)' I Kenooln Jonn end E1t1111 Kruf'll"' ,,..,,,,.,boy Mr encl Mis Edwin ROYfi lr'tlne girl Mey 11 St-Olyftr ana J1tu11 C"4ttslM BelbOI 111and. ooy ... , 12 Mr Ind Mrs Mlc:l\HI Hopanuh. HunllnQton Beech. bOV Mr ltld t,4ra 811an lAnlt, Cotti M .... glrl ... , 17 Mr ind Mrt 011eod Mttlj41r lrvtne. glr1 "''7. ,, K1lh'-1 Deon11 , Cot• • ... boy H (S•c• &1oe-e101 u.c.c. Calif 92701 on July 21, 1982 and/or 2&073 B&Pl al 9 30 a .m . No11c.1:" nereby given that a bolk IF YOU OBJECT IO the 1u11os1~, 01 pt'r'ior a1 p•operty and a granting of the petiuon, you I tr.msle• ct hquor 11cense1sl 1s about should either appear al the '0 b" mad!l h earing and s tate your '••P n~.,,,.1~ ma011ng address obJC'Cllons or file wntlen ~ntJ l P God" Number and Socia! . 5.,,.,, 1y 10,. F..Oeral Tax Numbef objections wtth lhe court o• 10.e 1r.in~le•o•1~l are GEORGE E before the h earing Your ..-r lloRC.u~ e936 Bo1sa Avenue appearance may be in person w ,. < 1 m n ~ 1 f' • C a S S or by your a tt.omey. ~• c,4 30 144 A I F y 0 U A R E A lhe ndme1s1 ma1hng 1ddreu. C REDITOR or a contingent dr1d Z·P Code Numbef and Soc111 creditor of the deceased you Securily !Ort Federal Tax Number. . . • 01 the ••ansferee(sl are RUDOLF J must file your claim wnh the SEEMANN 10821 Furlong Drive, court or pre11ent it lO the S.1n1a Ana CA 92705, SS personal represenlltive r,4q.57 4945. THOMAS G DAVI N appointed by t h e court 48 ( 11cve• Irvine CA , SS ,.,~ /8·009!> w1lhtn four months from the r11.1i lhe per~onel properly 10 be dale of firs~ iss~ance .or 113ns1Prtl.'Cl 1s de&cr•bed '" general letters aa provided m Section " rn ~ 1 o r , o 1 5 s u p p 1 1 e t . 700 of the Probate Code oC r•11•rchand1se, eQu1pmen1. (orl California. The t im e for Bu~tn1>s~ Goodwill F1xturos & filing claim.'I will not exn.i,... EQulpm1mt end On-Sale Beer/Wine f ... ~ .---Llcensu No 42 11851!> •nd ,1 prior to our monu"' from loc;a1e11 :ti 8938 Boise Avenue. thc date Of the hear ing W1>5lm•n~tm CA l1>11elher w1111 lhe noltl.'ed above. •01tnw1no tJp,crobed e1coho11c YOU MA y EXAMINE t•r••er.lt)~ toc11nsP(51 42 118515 now th f le knpt by the court If • .~ued lot >Bid prem158S, e I " ed . 'h you are inter est in t e Thel lhe 10101 con11dernllon I<>< estale ~ou may file a ....,..uest I~ transler of S8od busln89t llld OI ' • -.., • sa•d ricens•tl 11 me aurn ot $40.-With l e coul'{l to receive ooo oo. wh•crt consttla or tne s p ecial notice o f the 1011ov.1ng Cash S 1.000 oo. EJcl1ltng inventory of estate assets l1ts1 note with an 11ppro11tm111 and of the petitions accounts balance ol $6 100 00, Exlatlng d d ' "be 111!cond no1e with .,, IPP<O•lrnell an repor ll escr1 d In ba11nct1 or S6,000 oo o.meno nole. S ect1 o n 1200 .5 of the $13.900 00 Promluory not•. $13,· Qaljfomia Probete C'.ode. 00000 ARTHUR J. BD..AVA Thal 11 has Deen egreed bet-Attonaey at Law seld trensfer••<•I ind Old 15'71 W. ltatella Ave., 8'tlte J , ll8n$1e<Ot1S) lh•I cootiCMr1llon tor Analtelm Calli tHH lhe transfer of Uld oo.tn.s Ind ol ('714) u$.01ee . sa•d 11eense(al 1a 10 be paid Ollly 1fle. 1ran11111 hat been eppfOYed by Publl1hed Orange Coast Oepo11m.,,1 of Ak:Ohollc ~ Daily Pilot, June 26, 27, July ConlrOI pursu1n1 lo See 24073 et 3, 1982. oeq 2804-82 T1111 lhl herein detorlbed.,_ ___________ , 1111nsler1 i re 10 be coneurnnialld. tubjlCt 10 ttll lbO .... l)'OYllklnt. at YOUR ESCROW SERVICE 00 .. INC. 16!>17 M1onoll1 II Hiii, WHlm1n11111 C1mornl1 1121183 on Of '''°'July 16, 1982 NtmO 1nd 1dd1••• OI .. CfoW hOld« YOUA r:sccow llAVICI CO , INC ta& 17 MIQf\Ollt at ...... W1ttmln1tu, CA fUH; (7141 •••-3010 DA 1'(0 JIMle 10, tff2 0-ge I YWOU1 TfllllhlMt Ai.H:h>ff J ~ r,:::.o... '""" trtil Ott~ OMll Otlt~ 1tt1 t I U . I ":---------- , Orang• Coa1l DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Jun• 2e. 1082 MUC NOnct ri10UitUt ...... tfAflMINT Tiie °"9wlnt '9'80!1• 111 oOlng ILlutlnM.I ~ 1111.L 0 1 au1LDe"a. ~u 1 La1Jun1 anyon Rd Suite I · t, ~1(1\lna ... Ch, Ca He& I "Olttrl TllOmH Oerey, 04 C111ron AO• .. Ot L90un1 Deaoh c a •Hat MICll ... Dean LOQO naa so CoHI Hwy l •gune llHCh Ce t2HI 1 hie llllllnell II oonOUC:ted by e Qttnlfal IJ8(1net•hlp i.obefl fhomH Caley Mlehaat Dean Loqe Thil 11118"111'11 wH hied With lhe "0 111'10U1 IUllNlll M.A ... ITATIM& .. T fhe lollowlng peraon 11 do1ng oualt)ltl•• PACl"IC WIST CONCRITI SAWIN(), HY ,, Al veralele, NfWPO'I lffolt CA UM3 MAi.ION JfAN LARSEN, 16402 Cor111111 Avet•ue. OttlfO-. CA 11111 bullll1Nll le GOlldUCled Oy an lnOMd\1111 M J Lar-lh11 11•1-l WU !tied Wilh tf\e <:ovnty Cletk ot Oranoo County on June 17 tH2 ,,.I_ Publl•h•U Or •no• c HI Dilly Pilot, Jun• 19, 26, July 3 10, 1982 2881-82 County Clerk 01 Orlflge County on May 13, 11182 ------------1'1 .. MO Publl•h•d Orario• Cont Oany PUBLIC ftOTICE PllOI June 12, 19, 28 July 3, 1982 --,-,-C-T_IT_IO_U_•_•_U_ll_IN-.-.-8-- 25118·82 KAMI I TATEMINT Ml.IC NOTICE I lie lollowlng persona are doing bullnlll al --l'tC--TmQU----.-llU-.... --.-1--1 Hi E El EGAN T OE l Al L 3 4 MAMll ITATW.MaNT Acac1e lr" Lane. Irvine. CA 92715 ROB MCCALLISTFA 34 Acaot• The IOllOwlng C>«tOn• are doing Tree Irvine CA 927 tS ~ 88' DON ANOLf t1>2 fu111n THE MOVERS. 25272 Grtaaom AvOflu• Colle Mel8. CA 92663 Rolle!, Laguna Hiiia. CA 112853. Thll Dullness 11 conducted by 11 MOV·ll E111arprtae1. Inc 01 ganatal pa11narlhtp Calltornla, 25272 GrlHOm Ro•d. Roll MCC1111111er L90un1 HIH1, CA 12863 r111a 11a1omon1 w.s llled wllh lh11 Mlc11111 J . Ne wton, '~Coun1yCl1trk ofOrar,011Coun1yon Smokaetona. lrvl11a, CA 112714 June 10 t982 Thi• bualn ... It conducttd by a ' Qflflflf al por1Mrtlhlp. John L. KoMler Mov·ll Enlllfp•lses. Inc; ne11oom F111251 Pu0hel1td Orange Coaal Oa1ly Pllol Jun~ 12, t9. 26. July t3. t962 25•5·84' Thia a1t1eman1 wa1 Iliad with the Ml.IC NOTICE Courity Clark ol Orange County on ------------Juna 1, 1982 ,1IOl12 Publl1hed Oreng11 Coast Dally Piiot, June 5, 12, t9. 26. 1982 2'489-82 P\8.IC HOTICE ,ICTtTIOUt •UtlNEH NAa. I TAT£MENT K-00405 SUNRIOfl COURT OF CALIFOf'NtA COUNTY 01 OfUNOE 7'00 CMo Centtlf Ck. Weet t anl• Ana, CA '2702 ,.0. 9oJI al a.r.11 An•, CA 92102 Matltlf of: OONALO LANICFO"O 00 .. 00N, CITATION (Pfll09ATE) Ceee No. A·11SS2'1 l'tCTITJOUI MliWill NAMI HATl .. JtT file IOllOWlllO l>lflOl'I .,. dOlng 1>111lna11 at M 8 J JANITORIAL ANO MAIN111NANOI! ,301 So Beu 8trnl, •4llA. lanta Ana, CA 112104 8Hl:M\ll ANN MINOA, 330 I 8o BMI 81r•I, .U&A. 8811i. Ane, CA 17704 RAY JOHNSON 3301 So Dew Otra11, •45A S•nt• Ana, CA 92704 1i.A LrW MINOR t23 E Clerlon D••ve. Cart0n, CA 90745 MAA\I ANN MINOR, 03 E Clarion O•lve, Carton, CA 907'45 Shery1 A Minor Tiii• tlllemenl WU Nhfd with ti~ County CIMk 01 Or•ng• Courity on June 17, 1982 1'111MI Publl•h•d Or1n9• Co111 Dally 1'11ot. Juno 19, i6. July 3, 10. lH2 26flt-82 Ml.JC NOTICE K~ ITATIMINT M wtTHOftAWAL .-.-OM PAtm•i. ... ON~TIHO UNO«i. "CTITlOUI •UtlHHINA ... The lollowlng perton hu withdr•wo 18 a Qflflflfll pan,,., trom the p•rtne<lhlp opor•llng under Ille fk:tltloul butlnaaa n1ma Of DAN4 CASTANO. 18800 Mllrl. NO, 27<1, Huntington BHCh. CA g2648 Tl1a tlct111ou1 bu1l11e11 name 11a1eman1 for the partnerthlp waa flied Of'I F1bru1ry 9, 1981 lri tho COunty of Orange Tt>e full name and realoence ol tho perton wllhdrawlng •• a par1n11r ROC M FROST. 1050 WCltl 9th Sir"'· Eac:ondldo, C1mornl• i.oo M. 'roet AKA Mike "-,,,,., Wllhdrewtng 'llftMf Miiley LOl'liJ, Remaining ,81tMr Ebedolall EellteMnll Ramalnlnt P•rtMr MUC: NOTIC( 'IOTll1CWI IUllMll NAiii ITATIMINT ffte following ptr1on I• 001110 butl,_, H OOM,.LllH HEAL lti, auo Newpo11 Olva . Co1t1 M•u Ce 12027 811ven Michael S1aolo•. 3t11 Lugon1a s11 ... 1, ~port Beach, Ca 9268J Tllll 1>t1•lrlfll 11 curi<lllClllO by an 1nolvl(lu•I S1a11111 M 81eeltc:• fl11t 118lamtnl wU 1118<1 Wltll Ille COi.iniy Clef I. Of °' •noe County 0'1 Ju111 10 111112 F1tlMI µ11bli1ll•<I O••rige Co111 Otlly Piiot June 12. 19 26. July l. 11182 U99·82 Ml.IC NOTICE NOTIC• 01' T1'UITff'I Ull T.I , No, •14747 our famous DIMES-A-LINE TWO 700-15LT "'"w11111JNIOUE old all wood PLA·OOOL RIJ. cooler aplll rime, Ill Chevy Pu baby buooy. 1v1n the S26. 876..0025 lrUCkl and Clmefl ·~ bowt IQ( the top, com-UNIQUE -M-0-,N--C-od_e_ln-. 1837& Ooth1rd, Huntlno· plel• '60 An11Qu1 w1vy trucllng machine trom ton BH<lh 847 2177 front • drawer dreuer th• 1w1nty'1 Sta Old $46 24 Inch Whitney Olk fOOI 91001 s ta 6 Inch f'LORAL king llUd rocking doll Crib $7. bran Tevlor blron111er •P,.•d IJO Six dining AlltlQue oak toldlng 120 Denlorlh Cor111r room chalrt 135 eech. double chutoh pew S35. boal oompan S28. 6 Pino Pono t1ble $40, Bentwoocl mu11c11 ~oo· foot ,, .. .,,. glah llel'I rod Mualcel ln•lrument c.... king hOfH $ t2. 40. e llld z..t>C'o 404 rMI $7 11·17 &O Mover• dolly drawer walnut drH .. , Bo••• ot boat gear $30 Half inch llblt •op. with m1uor $$0 Large llghte, rope ano 11111""• glen, aeaort1d llZH teltctlon ol lnlereatlng IOC·I IO t2 Inch ·0~0 l t7 50·S35 Old tire chalrt fOf hOl'lll ..O of. Pf11to Maatheed lante<n 11111m $35 Flllng cablnel n09 $4·150 Antique o.k 125 Very antique all $25 Upright v acuum Cowboy chair 150 Tiii btHI 12 Inch NAV Ian wllh 111achmen11 $3S swlvtl office ch11t1 lttn with unique blue School deak S 16. Two $25-SSO Several dffk• 0 r 1 e ri 10 n 1 1 n d 0 1 pr111 back chairs I 17 SO $10-$50. Antique Mia, burner SSO New Erleaon each. Chllde 1oy 1rector alon oak Library d11k Yacht cabin ladder•. one S45. Sh. wicker boel sso Many 1nll~ woe>-10 rour atap 01 aolld teak lender• S35. Smoking den trunk•, c:t11111 and and mahoganv S7·S25 atand, copper lined S.5. b S2 sso v u 1 Mena, womens and chll· OJI.et • • lfY an • Make h&ridsome book que wooden hump bactc ahalvea or ? 6 Inch solld drene clothing 50c·S5. trunk S20. Several mual· braas boat anchor door Kllohenwsre S t-$7 60. cel lnatrumen11 $20-SSO. knoclt.er $7 New neo- Clothea mannequin SJ5 Cased brass Trombone, prene steel woven 111 ~':J~~.!"f5 :e~~~~ Conn Clarinet $60 each purpoae high preasure S25 Toole 50c·S35 1612 Larga selectton °1 anti· noee 3116 l.D. 25c toot que and vintage l1rm Fine coHectlon of 30 old ~~~~~. A~:t~e~~w~g[~ and kitchen tools and braH pressure gages end 2 tst atreal Satur· contalnMs 25c-S lO New S6-S50 Several thou· S 9 5 Germain redwood t 8 und high quality U S day and unday • pm Inch planter tubs $3 made a1a1nless steel air- TWO sets Bypass doors New Germain ehlngled cratt hose clamps size wllh overhead !rack lor redwood dog housee 1111n to 81n diameter 25c 106>t961n openings $60 S 12-$18 843 W 15th each or $10 to s 15 per set. and t tel Tb801n Street. Costa Nesa tOO so lb' ol '• inch 135. 893· 79 76 alter 5pm (between Monrovia and brads S tO. Ericson Y11ch1 LEFT hand desk 18x67 Placen tia Streets> cabtri ladders ol solid NEW Icing me QUiii 135 Two white twin 1111 bedaprtldl S tO each Hew twin lint 111Mt1 S3 uch TW1nlfull n~al bed rr1mt1 1 10 each. 4 alt<:e IOHlflf $5. AUOf11Cl Jt- welry S l·S tO Ou1t1r S 16 Hong1ng 11mp $5. N- handmado crochet dol· 111. to walt. kl11nex l>O•" S2·S tO. Wom8f1'a clothing, dre•MI. eiac:ka, oiou .. • and pan1oull1, 11.l .. 9·14 Sl-'6. Satur· day 9·•Pm 1830 Park Ave , Coall Maso . Acron rrom the pa•k Ind llbrlf)' TWO IO·Speed bikes S26, 135 Lampi $5-510 Chairs I 10·120. Book• 50c Blender S5. Kit· ch enware 50c·l2 Games 50c·l6. 521 Aedlanda Ave .. Nevwpon Beach 63 t-0995 _, COIJE"EO Hneland dlln1 bowl $16. Cov.rld lflv0t bOwl S 16 ~ti Pyrex bowie 1 1 each. V1ge11blo 11Hmer I 1 Stiver 11ow., arreno-c $$. Siik blouH, size 14 S5 Sev.,111ono hOUM coot• $3 UCh Several very n1c1 Ill ck tult• S tO each 675-4174 i>O"UeLE ~ $38. Twin bod S15 Tebte end Cllllrl $50 Couch end toveaeat S45 Ol1llH 25c:·S25 Lampi S6-S20 Balllnet 120 Crib mll· tren sa OrtHI• S20 0<'1114'1 $35 TV'1 U IS I 10 each Patio rurnlture SS.S25 Couch end lov .. aett $ tO Rocking ch•lr S 10. C11 bed S 10 Cat IHI SS 543·2987 or 667·1109 COLEMAN camp atove S 15 t<llcheri table and 4 chairs $30. Chlldrens table S6 Twin/lull bed frame S 15 Two wooden Coke boxes S2 SO each WOOden ew1vel table $5 Full size bo• springs I ts 833·2S7 I aller 9am Tho ro11ow1ng persons ere d04ng butlno11 as. G. M. F PROPERTIES, 16752 Con11ruc1100 Way Eaat, Irvine. Call! 92714 G M F Co1porat1ori, • California corporatlori, 18752 Con1lrucllon Way Eut, l"'lna, Clllt 92714 Thie ltatem&nl was flied with the County Clerk ol Orange County on May 28, 1982 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, To DONALD l GORDON You era hereby cited Ind ~ required to lj)paar Al a hearing In this court on July 7, 1982 at 10 30 f1554M THOMAS M. OllllR, INC. A Prot..alonal Lew Cot-p, 1'°1 Dowe II~ l AOO NewpcH'I hec:h, CA t::11MO Publlthed Orang• Coau D•llY PllOI. June s. 12. 19, 28, 1982 2495·82 On July 7. 10•2 al t 00 o'c;IOCll P M 11 lhe Front •lei>• or th• Old Counly Courtllou11, 21 I W Santa Ana Blvd • Santa Ana, Cllll. 92702, In Iha City ot Sante Ana, State OI Calllornl• New Lii• MOrl9tge & 1nvas1 , Inc , •• Trut1• under 1111 Detd OI Tru*' ••tc:uled by R81pll A BarlhOIOm1w & Rou1 M 81rtholom•w hw H 11 recorded Novombef 16, 1981 n document no 18423 In boolc 14291 page 400 ot Ottlelal F}acord• In the oftlce ot the Recort .I or Or1nge County, Calltornla, ~ r•at0n or default In the p11ym1nt or ptrtormanca of obllgatlori1 1ecured thereby lncludlrip the breaah or dot11111. nott<;e o Whleh was recorded Mar 5 19112 u document no 82·077869 1n t>ook page ot ••Id Oltictll RecO!dl . will Mil ti public •uc•lon 10 Iha fllghMI bldde< tor caeh In llWful money of Iha United SlalH. wllhoul any covariant or warranty, eKpratlld or lml)41ed u 10 11111 . po•••••lon , or eocumt>r•~. tor the purpoH 01 paying obllglllona MCured by Mid Oeeo ol Trull, lhe lnlorffl coriveyed lo Hid Truttff by tald Dead ot Trust In proporjy attualed In Iha Couri1y ot Orange. State ot Calltomla and deacrlbed u : A leasehold ea1111 lntoreet In end 10 Lot 15 ot Tr.ct No. 428 t, •• per map recorded lri Book 154 page• 22 and 23 ot Mlacellaneoua Maps, tn lhe ofllee ot the County Record« ot 18ld counly 548·0 135 Saturday k 130. lemp1 and fl)(tUres 9_5 S d IO·S tea or mah09any, one s t-S t5 Divers bag S5. pm. un •Y to four seeps, make tine HEAVY du1y ttre, G70-15 S 10 Playpen S 10 Can opener SS S-gallon Igloo water container S 10 Re- cord players S 10-120 AM cioci.. radio SIS Hairdryer S 10 Cameras S2·18 Pottery dishes t0C·50c P1c1ure trames 50c-$2 Housewares S50c-$2 Elac1r1c c.arv1ng kn1re SS Swim tins $8. Car radios $25-$50. Toys end games 25c-75c Lamps $1 ·S5. Saturday and Sunday. 548-9065 Cr111ltsm1n table aaw BIKE mens 10-speed, Nautical book or display 150 Senders t5. 25A DC name t>rand Look a and shelves $7 -$25 843 W KODAK caroutets $1 each generator $26 Sun auto rides new, utru. wly 15 Street, Coste Mesa Cow horns $10 Siik electric tester arid 11arid below markel prloe $49 (Salween Monrovia and Chinese horse S 15. Small! S20 Eaergerile s IS 548·8066 Placentia Streets) lemp S2 50 Wooden Water bed frame $50 TEN speed bikes 53s and S48-0135 Saturoay 9.5, ();gltal clock S7 Turner Cell Saturday arid PM's, s15 3 speed20lnchglrls Sunday 10·5 prinl $25 Old velvet ONYX bO• $t0 Dried Manaenlla trees $3-S tO Roller skate1 size 13 $3 New Crosha doll with pillow $1 S 20 Glass 1ars soc each Planler bo~es S3·S5 Eleclrlc coltee pol $7 Electnc heater $12. Wooden Gook le Jar S 10 Jewelry S 1·$25 Ear phones S 10 40 ch811net C B Montgomery Ward brarid $35 Square tari llke new $20 Boo Peep doll $20 Large haavy bedroom mirror $35 Glass canister set 120 Roono !able trom Italy $15 Musical me111 car S8 2l72 Maple betweeri' Wtlson and Victoria Saturday 10am·5pm Thll bualMIS II conducied by a corporation G M F Corporation Merit M Fiii Prealdant This stalomenl was IUed wllh the Counly Cle<k ot Orange County on June 2, 19112. FtlOU7 PuDllahed Orange Coast Dally Piiot. June s. 12, t9, 28, 1982 2401-82 POOLIC HOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME tTATEMENT The 1011ow1ag-.,,.rsons are doing t>usln11ss as L 6 L CO MP UTERS UNLIMITED 1400 Ouell Suite t tO Newport Beach, CA 92660 LYNDIA LEE TODOROFF 332 t4 Btuat1n Drive. Dana POinl CA 928211 LOIS JUNE FLOOD 20 102 Jettersori. Perris. CA 92370 This t>uslneH IS conducted by a general p1r1ners111p LOIS J Flood This statement was tiled With Ille County Clark of Orange County on June 10 1982 F111124' Published Orange Coast Daily Ptlot June t2, 19 26. July 3. 1982 2544-82 PlmlJC NOTICE e m In Dept. No. 3 located 11 700 Civic Centllf Drive WW, Santa Ana. Ctllfornla 92702 and give any legal r1uon why, according 10 the verified pollllon llled With this c;ourt The Petition tor ~n1mon1 ot ROY EARL GRAY as Gua•dtan ol DONALD LANKFORD GORDON 1hould not be granlf!d. Oatld. May 2 I, 1982 Lee A. •ranch, Cllftl Joyc;e A. Nollawec:, dOe!l"lJ LAW Of'FICE Of MICHAEL 0 . MAOO't' 1501 N. Broectway Santa Ana, CA t270I (7t4) UMS5e Put>ll1hed Orange Coast Dally Piiot. Jut'l8 S, t2, 19, 28. 1982 2493·82 Ml.IC NOTICE IC-«MOI SUH"IOfl COURT Of CAUFOflNIA COUNTY OF °"""°E 700 Civic: C.nl., Or. Weet P.0.8o11e. l artta Ano, CA t:mn Matltlf ot: JULIE ANN OORO<>f4 (OAVll) CITATION (Pfll08ATE) Caee No. A·113321 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, To CLARENCE CARROLL DAVIS You are hereby cited and required 10 appear II I hearing In this coun on July 7 1982 at t0.30 a m In Dept No 3, localed at 700 CMc: Cent« Drive Weat, 8enl8 Ana. ---,,-IC_T_ITIOU __ a_au_S_IN_E_S_S __ I CaHtornla 92702 and 10 give any NAME 8TAT£MENT leQll ~why, according to 11'18 The ro1tow1no persons ere doing v!lfllled oelltlon llled wilh this court. t>uslnasa as The Pe11tlon tor app<>1n1man1 ol THE EASTER PIZZA CO ROY EARL GA.AV u Guardian ot 19441 Sle<ra Luna Rd , trvlne, CA JULIE ANN GORDON (DAVIS) 92716. sMuld not bl grantad. NEENA MARIA SMITH, 19441 D1ted· June 3, 1982 Sierra Lun11 Ad., lrvlrie. CA 927 tS Lee A. Brenc:ll, Cletll LYNNE C GRAHAM, 1831 JoyceA.NolwtYec:,Deputy T "-~nd L B LAW OFFICE OF c't9i'Mo s ane. Newport each, MICHAEL 0 . MAOO't' Thia t>ullness ts. conducted by a t 501 N. lkCWldW•Y. generll P&r10flfahlp Santa Anti, CA moe Neana Maria Smith (714) l3S-455e This 1talemont was ltled wilh the Published Orange Coast Dally County Clerk ot Orange County on PllOI Junot 5 t2. 19. 26, 1982 May 20, t982 4'49•-82 PUIUC MOT1C£ PUBLIC NOTICE K-«Wt2 FICTfTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT l he tollowlng p11rson Is doing bus1rieas u TEENA'S BIG N' Lil KIDS, 30t00 Town Center Drive, lagvna Niguel. CA 92677 BYONG DAL AHN , 16t87 LlvtngstOI' Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 This buslnt11 Is conoucte<t by an tndtvidual Byoog Dal Ahn ThlS ll81etnenl WU IOed wtlh 11>8 County Clefk of Orange County on June tO 1982 F11t117 Publllhed Orange COHI Dally Pllol Jurie 19, 26. July 30. tO. t9112 2633-82 PUBLIC HOTICl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS HAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1ng perM>l'IS are doing business as QUALITY FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE. P 0 Box 9057, 11217 S1onecress Fountain Valley. CA 92708 BARRY LEE COOPER. I 12 t 7 Stonec;ren Fountain Valley. CA 92708 JOHN EDWARD KEEFE, 16526 Sugarloaf. Fourite1n Valley, CA 92708 This t>uttnest " conduc1ed by a gen11ral partnf!fllllP Batry Lee COOPl!r T111s S1a1emao1 was tiled with Iha. The unpaid balance and estimate ot COlll, &llpan-and aclV8flON &I ol June 14, 1!182 I• S14,lle& 80, said amounl Wiii lncre ... until dlla of "~ . Tile street address and other common dotlgnallon. II any. of Ille real propetty described abOve 11 purported 10 be. 3039 Fiiimore Way, Coste Mase, Calll 92827. The undertlgnad Trustee dlscletms arty llet>llllly ror any Incorrectness of the alreet address and other c:ommon destgnallori. It any, thown herein Da1ao June 14, 11182. Beneficiary Elizebeth 8 Parker,• widow. t 1412 Washington Place, API •C. Los Angeles Calll 900t7 (213) 39t·7472 Trustee New L1l11 Mortgage 81\d lnvf!sl Inc 37 t5 Sea Clltt. Santa Ana. Call! 9270• (71•) 833-9469 PuDllShed Orange Cout Dally Pllol June 19, 26, July 3 1982 28114·82 Hunllngton Beach bike s25 Ze111th 19 Inch CHEST or drawers purse $5 Old kitchen 536-778 t portable blaci.., white TV "H1gh·Boy" style 4 dr•· tins SI 50-$7 Amber et- ENTERTAINMENT cancer S3S. Boys 261ri bike S t5 wars end 2 shelves In ched glass creamer $5 $20 Tire 205· t4 $20 2060 State. Coste Mesa cabinet 361nx221nx481n Carion T L booy S45. $40 A Small s11verplate bowl Tire GR 78· 15 $20 Set Follow Oak Street, home partmen1 stze re· 55 Old bollles ,2•54 pots and pens $12 Va· alter lpm rrigerator $45 642-5937 Old deco prints $4-$35 porlur $3 Jewelry CAMP tent end siove $2S BIKES 2 Qtrls $10 $15. wooden trames and 10c·S I Electric shaver each Toilet like new 524 Plate Qlass mirror 33x69 canvases $2..$4 Wooden $10 Bowling ball and Redwood 4 1n,.4 ln $50 Tub enclosure $50. ironing board $5 wood- cue $8 Handcrafted 21nx8ln Sl each 121112 Walnut cottee table. en shopping cart $10 chessboard and set S20 tiles 50c each &30 Ra· pllnte<f whtle $20 Period clothing and Tennis racquel StO Do-mona Drive Irvine Tat· Snower door $25. Medi· shoet S1·S25. Rugs s10 zen pint Mason jars $2 • Cine cabinet SIO Door each Wicker planter Saturday IOam-Spm race hatdware 75c each As-StO Plant pots 25c S2 CUSTOM drapes. Ilka new wheat color Anti· qua brass decoralor rods included One tor 8tt sliding door $50 One patr tor 611 wide window $SO 548·4 t89 Costa Me Si 2525 Fordham Drive. FISH rods, reelS $5·135 sorted hardware 5c·S5 Records soc each Costa Mesa Tackle lures 25c-S2 540-1289 Megaztries 2Sc·50c WASHER SSO Plaid sofa BABY LINE dresser $4S Dresser $25$ B9111aks . 6 I vw ll 0 d y par I SI Boolts 25c-S5 Mc Fad S50 $1ng1e Oed $25 Bo11on rocker $20 dishes 25C· 2 00 5 1 $1-$15 Gas lllter soc den's Encyclopedia ot Carl grlll $10 Big car 25c:·50c Picture frames Ph steal c 11 e $3 side mirrors detecilable Child's bike $20 OeSk SOc·SS Friday, Seturdey Ladies roller skates, size Y u ur cloth's all sizes 25c·S3 ... • zlne IOc Books soc S t·S3 each Deco ash hoop end ball S20. Spare $I 0 Boys arid girls 90• 281 E 1611'1 Street I 9 $5 Preverilton mega· 4volumn Flower vases $25 pair New basketball Paperback books 25c, 5 Costa Mesa Mans bike $20. Smell tray stand $3 Deco moonled on Ford Mus-Ml.IC NOTICE for SI. Stroller SS. Pie· HOOVER upright vocuum I frames 50c Le~les size magazine reek S2S De<:o tang wheel $20 Three IMPO .. TANTNOTICE lures S2-S15 Traverse $25 Draltlngtable24K36 12,clothes25c·St 2188 figurines $20 each hanging lamps S5 each. IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN rods $7 each Sewing portable S35 Hemlllon Placenlla 1reari j)atur· Bauer dishes $1 50-$5. Womeri's clothing 7.9 FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU machine S25 Mesh Beach blender S7 White day only each Hawaiian shirts Sl-$15 New indoor flag ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS. porl·a·crlb S to Kllchen Rolary sewing machine FORMICA kitchen I able I S6-S 15 Csllecttble 1e-$~1~5~~ a~<! ~11a7d ~ost tT MAY BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY I faucets SS Hairblower $10. Clock radio $4 HOI with 1881 s12 Stereo with I welry S 1-25 Copper dryer $7 50 Bo;s 3~1~~ COURT ACTION. and you may hav11 $2 Kitchenware toys, Pot 36oz new $4 Elec:trtc Reallstlc receiver. Pana. Coricho bell $35. Amber\ sull size 7 S 10 Other tMleg•lrlghltobtlngyour8C(;()Unl book1 rabrlc 10c-$2 Fountain ftmp SS Pie· sonic turntable and wine glasses S24 set 01 1 1 SO $2 7 1 1n good 11andl"" by P•"""' an of Ha d e S3 Clocks $5 le I 1 so Three 8 Framed prints and c othes c-II ad-... '""' " ry r · n ug speakers (riot working) d S2 2569 S A your past due paymontl plus Electrlc scissors $2 50 sleep1ng bags $5 each S paintings $2-$50 Cht· er anta na perml11ad co111 and expensu 3 107 Coolidge, Costa Three air mattresses $3 15 tal\es all Enlry and n es e decor all o ri sl Ave 64S·259 t within three month• from the date passage door knob sets SI 5 S2 S Large Boy ---- ' I Mau each Mattress pump • ., •ach. 63!-2259 Sun-• DRESSER SSO lnlants this nouce o delau I was recorded $ l 50 Two canvas cols .,., -Scout Shirl $6 3065 LO· S S This amourit I• S808 93 as 01 May CONSOLE stereo Pac-$4 each. 28K40 maple day only Costa Me.. ran Lane (Fairview and dresser 50 ota bed 19 1982, and will Iner-untll your kard Bell wllh Garrard picture frame SS Cell CAMERAS S2·S50 Dishes Baker) 979·5027 ~i sg~~~~h ~~~~~~I~~ ~;:.°:~,i;:·:;:,•,~:~n;;'~a ~~~~~t'!~~~u?a;~~h 548·8032 from 9-3prn $20 setting Op11ca1 DINETTE cable with 1eat table $35 Girts size 6 portion ot your account. ewen 6<!2·l207 No checks ¥lasses $2S Shee1s $35. Chrome and glass rtllor ska1es $12 though lull payment wu demand.o, ----------•DUNCAN Phyfe chairs 18, 1 25 Scamp book S2 1amp or plarit atand $15. 642-7018 or 548·6030 bulyoumu11pay1heamountstatad 8 TRACK stereo preamp 535 ea c h A ntlQul' Clubs $20 each 2277 Chest 4 drawer s4s F1111et0 above t20V AC SIS New Frencri bed $50 Mat· Pomoria al Joanne. Brass lloor lamp $10 vHweadsEN$G251NeEacpharF1sly All« thrtMI monlhs lrom lhe date Solld State AM radio $6. Costa Mesa 536-6030 T s 5 c PubltaMO Orange Coast Dally of rocordatlon ot lhl1 document You build TV stand tress. springs sets $50 oy chest 1 epta1n wllael copPBd $20 W&- Counl)' Clerk of Orange County on June 17 1082 P1101 June t9 26 July 3. 10. 1982. (whlcll date ot rec:ordallon appe~ magnlllng circular lamp set Roll bars tor Detsuri LEAD "came" and stained chair with beautiful pil-oar 108 cam $25 Distrl· 2662-82 nereon), unlal• the obllgatlon bei"" S3 pick up S50 540·4IO1 glass SOc each Sneet lows S25 Jeep gas cans bu tor S 15 Carbs s 15. -------------lorecloted upon petmlts a ionQ; 5 Pair speaker bo•es glass S3 t t Pound wll.l! 5 gallori. all 4 ror $25 H e11 v y o t I P u m P s PUBLIC HOTICE p&rlOd. you have only the legal right High 221nS w ide 131n ANTIQUE butter churn blocks S2 Dried and Siik Clothes tree S1S Wall 631-3615 CPP 20$4l to SIOP lhe lorectosure by paying deei> 6ln IK inch W5r>· $40 Brother sewing ma· !lower 10c·25c A5SO<'led hanging earth tones mo----------- T's. No. ,,.._. tho ooure amourit demanded by fer, Jin tweeter 0 chine $35 Hamster cage yarns 25c. Rug punching dern tree design $20 AM/FM earphories S 10 ~ your credllO< Raallatlc SA· 101 Solld $12 Two bikes S 10 eaCh lrame $3. Osnabefg cot· Finger toam $8 Aqua-Office swivel chair S 15 Ori July 2 1982 at 1 t 00 am 1 $20 AM/FM 1rans1s1or 1rigton Beac" 9 .cpm ""'° s s F 1 Rs r AMER 1 c AN T 1 TL E pay, or 10 arrange °' payme11110 " • shlons arid pillows 50c wtlh snett S 15 t-195170 Hanging lamps 4 . 10 F18"0I Published Orange Cont Delly P1101. June t9, 26 July 3, 10. 1982 2683·82 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES' SALE · To tlnd out tho amount you muat State stereo ampllller 1102 Park Street, Hunt-ton cloth en.. yard Cu-rtum S1and t5W36L30H I Cassette brtelcase $4 •NSUAAN CE COMPANY a slop lhe lor11closuro. or II your radio $7 Calculator wlttl SKY Kennel $20 Pa.Ir ot Paperbacks 10c Youth HR t4 lire Brtdgeslone Tummy trimmer $6 MN-80995 Cahlornla corporation as Trustlf! propo}rly 11 In torecloaure '°'any power supply $6 8 inch 30 Inch Snowflake glass bed size springs and radial S 10 4 tires Notebooks S1-S4 Ott1ce OT CE F or 5utces~or TrusteeorSubstllulll<l othet reason, cootact PCM Realty speaker tn wall bo~ $7. table lamps $25 Fiiiy mattress $5 80 square HR70x 15 radials on supplies Sl·S8 Lamps. N I 0 DEATH OF Tru,.ee of inai cerlam Deed of and Management, agent tor Walnut Oval mirror 1n wooden llghts and lamps from loot oak parquel ftlece Chevy r1ms all tor $50 clock. radios S3·SIO MN 12411 I 0 L F: N E 8 R 0 W N Trust e•ecuteo b• GARY M AILEY Melnfenance Asaoclatlon, 23726 holder $5 15 books,pn II I $25 T 6 II Wok Weslbend etecwc Queen size blanket $4 FtCTmous BUSINESS VBARNON IWCEN AKAANlOOLE 0 NEF :ir10 CAROLYN A' RtLEV husba 2 n0d ~~~,~~~l~~~~72~1Toro. CA 9263o; ~~s~~esssS~l~a~l~t~~ =~~~e~l:~gr~;.~~r ~~~~: u~o~~~ds $2 ~g,n t~1~. cost ' $55 sacr1t1ce $20 Two VW hubcaps $4 NAME llTA~MENT and wife anu recorded August , 11 you have any questions. you dooble cnimney student meter globe 1ype han-Popcorn now Presto air Sleeping bags SS·S 10 The toUowtng persons are doing p ET I TI 0 N T 0 198t a5 1ns11umen1 no 26f37. 1n h Id 1 1 Realisllc AM Dig II al hurricane rloor lamp s30 glng lamp SS Two small popped, llke new, coal Stow cooker $7 Paper-t>u I book u t88, page 1438. of Official • ou con1ac • awyer or tha l E 0 clOck radio $20 S I $ 5 S S S s~E~Y KRAULY SALES OF ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Rec or Os 01 Orange Count". governmental ag11ncy which may Gius Vases $I Desk Delicate marble and antique brass and hand 37 sacrl toe 1 Please backs tor 1 Saturday Al 13869 C 1 have insured your loan brass table lamp glass palnled glass lamps $20 cell alter 9em NewPort 9-3 only 64 ·3998. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 12321 . a111orn1a and pursuant to that Remember. YOU MAY LOSE lamp $7 6 inch spealler chimney 520 3 We'-pair Old pine kitchen Beach Near Mesa and 543·D Victoria Costa Harbor Boulevard, Garderi Grove To all heu-s, benef1c1ar1cs, ceer1a1n N~~1ce 01 Dela ult end LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT $5 pair 2130 Doctors jlass globe floor lamp' table s50 Oak swivel Irvine Blvd. 645-1985 Mesa Just wesl ot Har-CA 92640 ••rftd11~rs and ''Onltngenl lf!ction fo ..,.,ll thereundf!f recorded T•"E PROMPT •CTION. Circle. Apt D, Costa O D I h k I PERM"LEEN POOL (C•LtF I ' " ., ' J 26 1982 I t "" '" 14. Sale P8Ck""eS tire office chair $50 Antique 68 DODGE Coronel or rive o uac o "' .. crftd1tors 1•f Jolene Brown anuary as ins rum&n no NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mesa 642-7589 -• d LTD 1 Calllorn1a corporal on ' • 82-030546 of Ofllcial Record1 or starting gel tor campltre typing table SSO Eureka parts Hoods 10 3 speed rive we~ t232i Harbor Boulevard. Ga)den V.1nnt<l' and persons who u 1d Coun1v will unde1 and pursuarit lo Artlcie IV. Sections 1"'· BELT massager SIS Phil-or BBO. 50c Gerton or vacuum 125 Head· 1rans S20 Trunk ltd $10 _B_O_Y-.S-.;.S_t-1n_g_r_a_y_b_1_k-e . Grova, CA 92640 may be olherw1se mterestt'<I pursuant 10 sa10 Oeeo of Trust setl 0c' the 1Dectarallood Roi co,veoantl, co color TV $50 Com-StO case ot 24 30 Inch atrom baby s1rotler $20 Drive shall SS Rear knobby tires $30 Plastic Thlt ..... •~· 11 ond·""-' b 1111 pubttC a"cl1on for '~sh, lawtu ouOll one an oslr ctlona, clel King 0 Lawn P " 11 ht-" 7 U Car seat SIS Walke .,.,.,.__ c """"" Ya m tht> will and/or C'Stalt>. ~ -eco ded Aug 11 t8 t977 In Book mer --eter ........ gi vu • P r bumper S 10 Hubcaps baby b1lo.e cattier SS t;0rpcwlllon h f , . .1 money ot lhe Untied Stales ot r r u ' edger $35 Large nurn· clock S35. Coca Cola lumper S 10 Women's an<! rims $2 Bumper Com""ete 645K14 wheel P-k•~ p--• (Cell!) Ltd /\ pell lion as been •I= America. at lt•e main entrance 10 12339· Pages 610•689 01 Official r f I I I 1 1 I thl I 10 12 "' _ ... ......,., ""' . ' by V1ck1 Ingrid Blankenship Firs! American Tiiie Insurance Records. Orerige Couoty, Callf0<nla, ber o ore gn coma rom I ghted Adverts ng clock c o ng s ze • Jack $5. Other parts S 12 E70iil4 tire $8 Car LH Progll, President 8 breach or the obllg&tlon ot 50c-S30 Antique car GI· $10 Ten dining tables shoes, purses. bells. S1-S5. AdJustabta 1raller 1op luggage earner S8. Thi• 11atament wu filed with the 0rn lhc· Seu per1or Court of ~~';:,~n1~ ·~=·~~1Ya10: '~a~~:•~~~ paymant ot t1sseumenu has Qarette lighter and tiol· $20-$50. Antique cesl chlldrena clothing IOc, hitch ss. Suri rack $5. 545·3838 Coun1TClerkotOn1ngeCoun1yori rangt• ounty requesting Calltornia, all lhat nght. title and occurred.Notk;oofsaldbreechand der $10. Gun cigarette Iron arid Maple school 25c, soc. Stone dishes 851·9l39 ---------- June 7• 1g82 th a L V 1 C' k 1 I n gr 1 d mtareoi conveyed 10 and now natd lien wet tiled tor record on March llgtiter $10. 22S3 Repu-desk daled 1909 S15 tor 4 S3. Kitchenware NO junk Girl's 27ln 3 Publlahad Orenge co!~1~':i:Y Blankenship be appointed as DyltunderMldOeedofTruttlnthe 23. t982 aa Document No bllc..1.._Cos ta Mesa 843 w 16th Streel. t0c-25c Anna Klein SPANISH lesson records speedblkeS20 Llkenew Piiot. June 19. 26. July 3. 10, 1982 rv>rsonal representative lo pioperty ,,1ualed tn said County 82-100374 or Mid Offlclal Records. 548·::.111.18 Costa Mau (between tableoroths, new S2 with bool\s $45 Mattress oak oars with brass oa1 r~ s No payn\41!\t or paat due amouri11 Monrovia and Placenlla Saturday only 903 1 and box springs, lull, locks $40 retell. $20. 2690-82 adm1n1sler the estat0 of and late described 85 Lot 81 ot hit ~ur'"" .... -elore. 1"-Walnut CAR top c1rr1er S20 ood dill 135 0 I S h k ddl $3 N ------------1 ' T 1 N 8278 .... ~ ""' ,.,_ ,.., Streets) 548.Q 136 Sal· Ocaenwood Or , Hunt-g con on · I c oc pa e aw 'Olen .. Brown Vanni·, ... rac 0 .es ... ownooamap "alntananca •1soclatlon doo1 Badmlntonsell2 Lar"" II SOcS2 1nr1 t bl 2 500 PlaJC NOTICE ' • • recorol'O 1n BOOk 32 t. P800$ 35. ... " .. ~ urday 9·S, Sunday t0-5 lngton Beach Atlanta/ pa1n11ng supp es • a a e persoris -------------i (under the lndepC'ndent 36 37 and 38 of Miscellaneous hereby elect 10 Siii or cause to be pillows arid cuantoris Sl Magnotla 9am·3pm Canvas St-$3 Pots and lb capacity vinyl boat K-oor7'1 Ad f E O aold Iha IOllowlng detcrlbed real Stt Ille flKluro S3 Cr-'!k t VER S 0 N 0 I y mp I c pans IOc-$2 Old BOOie $ 10 Small Crattsmari aUl'ENOR COURT Of ministrauon ° States ~·1~s r,ecordS 01 range Co.inty. pr098f'ly 10 Mllsty tt>eoblig.tlcin Ice cream n1!1er $5. IO·speed bike SSO Sch· HEAVY duly dolly $1S of the Month Club patnl sprayer s1s 1t5 CAUFONMA Act) ThC' pcution IS !>et for 8E1 .. ~~np~ng i~-rrom all 011 ~i PARCEL t I Records SOC Used tore-Winn 10-speed $'45 Rot· Aluminum 6ft step ladder 50c.51 womeris ~•ftt"~ new red hlfd "'"tlo brick COUNTY Of Oft.ANGE heanng m Dept No. 3 al 700 rtghl';' mirier~tsc miner at tghl'; Un 1 I 8 8 a• • 11 own • n d lgn and U S 1tamp11 S ror lodu Ille $7 Ten Ra· S 18 Call 548-9420 50c·S3 Sheets 1:ill' ~';;d S3cretall 25c ;;c;h Hand 700 ~ c_..,C., ~-w .. 1 C1v1c Centl'r Onve, West. tn na1ura1 ga' rights end 'other =~t;:f ~'":.~~~1.nl~~7~~ a penny 2188 Pla<:entla mlngton Rand wtleeled PANASONIC ponable or twin $1·$2 Records dolly 10< llghl Sabot or Seftte Ane, A t2701 th c C It y of San ta An a hydrocarbon• Dy wha11oever name -.-(rear> Saturday only metal llbrery book cer1s, plug-In AM/FM redto, sin 33'"' 24C·S t. Old books Skltt $25 each 206 40th ~.AJ.!!.T. IF F 1 M Y" NA Cahfomia on July 14. 1982 known that may l)jl Within or under book t2339• pagea 872 10 709 "• TON !Ires and w ......... 1 aturdy, use tor micro· VHF·UHF T v combine· and pamphlels 10c-$10 Street, Newporl Beach ,,.,,......,.... 1r.e oarcet o f land hareinebove lnctutlve, of Ottlclal Records 01 said .,, '"""' TV ? $12 $18 o E FE Ho ANT : f 1 o NA at 9·30 a.m . desert bed togelhf!r with the County SS-$50 Oriti press $25 w2:v1e.h 1fdr aln 1 ·pla 1 11 o ri S 5 O wood Window blind, never on Penlnsuta Use alley. ICHOEN•O"N· and 0 0 18 1 I~' YOU O.BJEC1' lO the por""luei rtght 01 drllllng, mining, PARCEL 2: Band saw $25. Weed ndc$5eol ': u, 1 n 301mf401n dratting table used, winter white 521n All day Saturdey SUN· .... _ __.,,. ........ _... h ,,_ An undlvltluat one 111ghty n1ntn eater $20. Lamp and !tan · ar,,,e seecl on with tluore•cent lighl S3.50 Two automatic Sunday alter t0:30am ............. ..., "..,...UMMO,..Y•• granting of I to ""'lition, you ••Plorlng and op11ra11ng therefor • t fl e lace eq lpment ~ • .., ..-· • ( 1/89thl 1n1ere11 es a tenan1 In hada SS High p ••sure o r P u SSO Newport Beech cottee makere, good c-No. M 1.ott should ellh<'r appear at th(' =~~e ·:~~~O s!7d ~:~d r~~~~~got~~~ common tn the tee Interest In and lo ~ottles S 15 B~;tt ror S t-$25. Anllque and vln· 873-8897 or 675·6852 condition S 7 50 eacti SCHWINN 20 Inch 3 NOTIC•t You haft been evecs. hC'anng and s tall· ynur l•ftd tncludlng th-rlghlto~lptlock'he Common AreeotLot totTrac1 $5 Slldl 1 s tage door Sela and Pieces green carpeting speed 1 19 50 Hufty The OOUt1 _, ~ 90a&M!4: objt•ct111n!< M file written ;;·dirl'Cl•onally 'd.111 end ..7i~e from 960, a.s per Map filed In~ 406, ~~:'w $25 C~~;:r plumbing lt~tures ol LAMPSHADES (2 new) $4 4lli16t1 approi1tmalely 24 In 10 speed S4 5 •"'*" ,_ lletne ~ u obJCl'll11ns with the lOUrl l land,olharthdnt110111herelnabove page l3 •nd t4. 01 Mlacell•neous 1acks $15 each Smell porcelaln, brass and eech.Two~Pgesenglne (new) SS Saturday orily M orry 26111 3 speed ,.., "'9pOrld wltMn JO dlrr• Reed • b M1p1, record• ot aald Courity as S glan S t·Sl!i Twenty's $15. Heavy sleel BBO 9.5 271 Rochester SI $19 SO All bikes are tM ~ betow. . bC'fon·_ thl' heabenng : nur ~~:;c~:~s ~~.:.' .~~~~11~ •::;:;:.:: tuch t«m !•defined In t.~ Arilcle eleclrlc re1r19era1or 50 Poroelaln GUI Iron bath $15 Full size boxsprlng Costa Mesa Must enter girls Black and whfle 19 If )'OU wtah lo leetl the adVtc. of appcaran<:e may m JXrson the suDturface ot the land entlllod Definitions or th• Fiber glass roll S35 sink wllh brass flKtures with mattress. spotless from Wastmlnstllf inch RCA TV needs min· an attorney In 11111 matter, you or by your attorney. herainabove deacrlbed. and 10 Declaration ot Covenenta, Eleetrlc motors s5.s50 $45 Boxas ol flrie old $30 Bebybed wllh mat· or rep•lr $15 Bumper lhould dO '°promptly'° that your I F y 0 U A R E A bottom such whips locked or Cond1tfon1 and Ru1r1cllon1 Log chain $10 t~S Ar· SllvElf plate on solid c:op· tress $20 Lawnspread. HORSE llCI. 1lde saddle Jack new S2 Ohaus scale wrilt111 reac>on11, If any, may be CREDITOR or a ronlingent dlrectlori•lly drilled wells. tunnel• rec:oroded lri booll 12339. page 610 nofd Ave., Co111 Mesa per. brass and pew ter new $10 Custom made arid halters $3-S~O l.aoe $19 50 6 poof cues arid flled onltme. , and 1118111 under and beneath<>< ot fllGl al Records (Iha 548-7613 pitchers, trays, bowls doghouse$8.Ampflfler,, end llnens, good table rack $1750 Coleman AVllOI U •l•d tu tide lTechlor of the deceased, YOO ~yQf'ld the utertor 11m111 !hereof 'Dacl arllion· >. and any CRIB with maltrau 120. and urns Sl·S25 P1W1er speakers, turnt1b1e, clothH, bloua11. skirts lantern ulti LP gas SS .. J eM andedo. •1 trtbunel puede must hie your claim with lhC' arid 10 radrtll, re tunnel, equip: amend menu or annexations Two twin rattan heed· end cut gins hurrklane Realtone ell $40 Pena· and Oreu. $145 Lee· needs glOt>e Two tibia -_.,. Ud. lfn lllldlloc:le •court or present it lO the ms1n1a1n repair deeperi 1nd 1"r:0 d lf!d board• $5 1ach Rattan candle holder St5. 12 sonic t~rnteble $20. tiler h1ndbag1 S2 All lempe $7 P•1r 20102 ::;8.:'a.:'"1a=iden.= personal representative operate ariy sucll w11111 or mines, prapert~-:'ore"::mm~~':: Ghalr $1 Chlldren'a clo-Inch hond hammered BrandnewklebucketS3. kinda of Jewelry 50c--S2 SW. Spruoe, Santa Ana ....., , 0" appoinlt>d by the court ;11~:''it~~o~~=~1c:;1: ~~~t ~~~1i~ 20 Heritage, 1rvlna. Calllornla la thing, boys size 4 and 5. cocktall tl'laker by Poole Three red n ew throw Plcturu prints and He!Qllll. ott Brlatol, bet-~I U1ted <1tat1 1011c11ar ti within four months from the through the aurla4l8 or tho uppe< .ktfry L Jonea nice branda. good con· Sliver Co. $18. t8 Inch ruoa $3 etch T\Jrntable lramu 50c·l6 Brau ween Jamboree ind conaeto de uri llbogedo .,, •••dace of ftrst assuanC'e of 500 1191 01 the aubt41rtaoe of the DATED May 24, 11182. dltlon $500·$2 Boy's roond Tllechron llectrlc wlfh 2 speakers $20 La· 1tuden1 lemp $'4 Wicker _e_i_rc_h ______ _ a, unt o , d • b • r f a h a e • r 1 o let~nl 35 provided in "-:cuon land heretn•bove dascrlbad, as STATE OF CALIFORNIA Ill · clothes 11z1 14-20 good clocl< $9 Stain .... 11M1 dlaa and girls clolhea lamp S8 Cendle Sliekt BASSINET white 111111n lrl\Madla~• de ... a mllnlfa, '""" T condition S1·S2.50. Boy plc:nlc drink 1«11«, o...., 25c-1 2. Stained 9laa1 S-4 1622 Monrovia, 2 hoodtd with m111ra11 911 ~..Gnta,.,naylllgun&. 700 of the Probate Code of ~~y'nr':!!::10:.m':::v'~ COVNTYOFORANGE I Scout bell ntYar worn ~O &llonS35 Old Whitt St-$2. 18321 Pammy blocklweat olPteoenlla unueu1{1 exctllent con~ puede1ttf'IOltttldetltmpo Cehfornin The. time for 1973 In eooi. 11023 p~ 875 ot Walnut Maln1en1nc:1 St Webelo1 het and machlntl-45 843 Lane, Huntington BaKh Bat-18th end l7th dltlon S50 54&.3080 Ot I, TO THt; DEFE.NDANT: A CIVIi tlUng t'lnirm wtll not expire OttiCUll RecorO• ' ~~ s ICarf suo Gamtt. Ba· lh 81rMI. Costa Saturday/Sun01y Jun• atreet, COii• MIN 546-2712 ~ 11111 ~ lllld by the prior to four months from The etrttt aodreu or other LlE A 8~~H boon bell. Ille• naw Meu (~Monrovia 28, 2711'1 WROUGHT Iron baratoots1----------=.':' ~t you If you wl9'I to the d1Jte of lhe hearing common dHlgn1t1on ot o ld County Recor~ 12.60, 9·12 Saturday. and Plaeltltll ttrM ll) sw1ve4 S2t Md! Slldlno DEEP ... polea, , ... St7 tt"81ew1Uit,youmutt."""hln prQPflftylapurportedlobt te112 782 Allegheny Ava , 5'8-0135 8atu"'ey 9·4, MARINE GEAR pi., di • Mn dOOt ~x72 Stt T~ltbOJI ltetnal1·15 "daye after 11111 aummone 11 not~ above Puao PICHIO, lmne, CA 92715 On May 24, IN2, before rM. Uie Cott• MM& 64w.28 $unday tO.Spm vlll 14 eectt. Old oO run-S~derlng Iron 16 Ctlcutta polea. rttl• aerwd onyou,1Mewtththl9court• YOU MAY l!:XAMlNE Said tale WIM oe med• wtll'IOut 111\deflignad,a NotaryPubllolnend 11lng IJOhtal-45. Woodin H ·l 13 W ood patio wt"* reac>onM to llll complalnt. thl" file kropt by 1hr court. If coYenant or warr..,1y, ••Pl'-or l0t :18tatt.:"tonllty IPPM'ld ROOF rick $15 Tool• RECORD play«. nio. c. boat hook S10 Bronn &73·7200 chair. n ew 120 New ~.=:, ~ ~~~~ ~ you arr-lnternted In the Implied, .. 10 uue, OOMtttlon 0t ~1 · s!.,O:.• ~~o~~i: l 1·t t5. Aadlo 110. Tapt blntt 126. Vint~ dr• c hoc1c1 $7 each AM TWO u..O r.owood ctiai. T•111Mnt 23 r9COtd 11-.,.. ""'' .,. .,.. fll lt!ICUmbrancM to Nllety Ille unpaid ' ary deck, loa1ter, crock l)Ot 811 '1 You dodorate rldlO 11111111 $20. S88 M ~note painted blue bum SZ, &4t-N32 .,ellf. and lllie coun may ttit« • ('ltatl.', ynu may f' 11 requt'St ~•nc• du• on the note or l'\0181 thee •11eoutld Iha within ln•l,_,I, a 10 Heh. Old rldl9 12&. bo•H H . CJ.!lld'• doll radio MO. AM radio '40. 136 NCft. 8111yo reotlver · ~ aoalnet you few IM,...., with tt\e cour t to reee1ve MCureo oy ••10 Oted al Tru11 to ~nowti to me 10 bl the penion wl!o Mecltc.IOl'olltl5. lot AV. wardrobe 15 Yar111. D1nfottll anchor la&. turntable n .. o, work 8TA NLl!! ... 0~1.• ~oor dtiMl•m1111•1r1IOI001111 fn 1111 OOflll)lalnt, wNdl 1pf'c1a1 no l I er of t h r wtt f 4t,031 ~ ... Olv• tht tofloWtng u.acutld 1"° within ln"NNn' on 13111 Ora ,,.. 138. Spa· y1rd101l1.543 Vlcl0tla, ,enden l t·125. l rtH 135, 5A~& ~,, ......:.::-· """:"'....!'~ coulCI = ~n t•rnlah"l•nt ot Inventory of eaune HMUI 11tlm•ted c:o1t1, uoeri1t1 and = o1an:i11e aotc~ 1::,«: 1111 11 ohand•ll•r 1 6 1111111 orr Harbor. Cotia cabin II.MP•• n1w 121 ..-it --v IC>fn.,,. l}O • ...-, ., t.n"' = Ot P"OC*'W and f lh •d"encae et 1ne time of Ille 1n1t1a1 • ..,.._ ewarnp oooler for IW M111. Park In baok. MCI\. Holding tn 110. I ALIM MIPle '* llOOlt S4M1~ ., et!* •• '"u "" 111 ,,,, o o peutlonl, 8C!COUn1a fl'lbltca110tt °' thll Hottel or .... tlla1 lllCtl COtPOfttlOn •-.outed thl "40. CMrte l lln ~. au ~ey l·S. 601 No. In ''ont, ..,. 121, too qu111ty, hM vy, .. ,_ ... o'"'v-A-·1-....... -.,-.. =::.---~ and report• deacrlbed In 11.H• 11 flttnill lnllMMnl IM'IUlnl to tta 11 11, a M wt 11 beaullf~I concll " _,.. v ~.._20.JMt Srctlon 1200 .~ of the aA1lON11f,tHI ~Lawl or a reaoll410nofllalcWd ''**"'"· "'~'Of'ANlt11o t1t,Qlea. bOlllllMCI. 71~1 • 11 ' u • 1«,•lt llt tltJllO• '-~i04:-' ,._ p ,.._,._ '""T ,, ....... '°" .. flTLI elfDlfeator, ~ ••lfHI': U4Q .. ~-....... • laMU ...,_ OI llofl HO "°"'"',,. H ua• •ltolrlo , .. ._ ~utomt.a rotM!i. "4Alt" .. WITHIN ""'~ w......, We11 m11111t1. c 1111 u ot _..,,.,., Otlve:I 111 fMW 1 ._;; 1an1p 1n1e, dt~ '" ClrWNf 11 ..__..,. .. Wrtpl, "••. ,.,.,... .... :.::•:ow,.,:: .... ... ....... , ... ,.••nit .... ,.,. leu h. tMl-.O,AMM ... 111, "°'•· -~~.Olftdl.. , .• ._. YHWBI N IN'. Alltnttft 11 IA• ~~.. =I.~ lallMll llNI W*'Oll .... lll7 c4 twr".,,. 'h•hl"llt '*'DO. tr-r lllie llt ltf, f'Nf f t tfl't :~~~~4 tHl1 ~·i~:":',. ~-·~ '°"" "li: ......, Ille Lf:O'-lM .... u ..... , ·~=~ d:Ja ~Ce•~ MW:--.--::.:.::. a-:.1 '::..=..Tr: fltl/ fM·"H ,,,.. .... ~.~."'°' · ...,_ l.MllF -..~ ... ~10-*0 I~ f.7. Ot4r 1<1t••~_11111 ... ,......,_.,"!!" .. __ _..._ Pub lth•d Ortnt' Cua L .. ~tti!~~ Ot,'"fl et-t'c OA ~ ::r:tNI •.,u.!!!,' llr. W~~~1 ~ .. ,., tU, ~ ~!f!~· wHH ,, :•;;,._•Mill' tt Nit ~J~ f>llot, Jurtn 1 • ao . ""°'· Hl4 '· ' . •-... , ,._1 -,, ~ l~ 1g..,~ .. 1~1~-~~Jj!:!!~MeJN~11~,.11 !W". • ,, 1 llO~rllrl*' CllllllllM • ~ • •· Ml.IC NOTICE ' Orange Co••• DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Jun• 2e. 1982 Cl • Ii I I • ~ • --------· ~ ............. . ~'!l!!lffi.~ •• flit~ •.••••••••.. ~ •.........•. ~~t!".t ....... ~ .... ~. ~!~!!f ........ !~.(ft!!!f •••••••• ................ , ... .., .•. Cuetom oarpentry, dllOlll a p1t10t O\itlltY wor11 Lio #300801 ,,.. .. , .. matH 119g~11 '1M ~ ~ uo·o ll.IOT~ICIAH Lan410ac>lng·Yd CINlf)t HAULINO-OlllADINO '*91od. loeo. 0\1111. WOfll·""9. r1t• T,... ttlm-lxl)lf1 malnt. d•f'llOlltlon. olHn•up. Lio 410881 7to-1HO ,,.. eet 131·8012 Tom 1rrio-t1on. Jim 15t-0129 Conor••• & tr" rernovtl. COMM'IJ~lllD. 11.lCTRICIAN Total Yard Cere by Quid! NfY &42·fl3I l.alln oouple, Hger 10 PIANO leuon1, ,.our plHH , thorough. M•· home. New approac h. IUte, l\OnMI, exp'd Lo-I 9 11e11 on. Lenny oel lnol window• 557-7831 AemOCS·Add'n .. Aec>elre Oml Jo~~r1. LIO THI QAA88HOPPllR HAULING l MOVINQ 113·72~7 -----------.-AITl--.----1 r!-1,.~,. ....•........ v.,., ,... Uo. 300280 W 108-Q..10. 848-8203 PW1onal·~1ble Looll. Student 1111/lruck H-10 clMn 934"4461 Fiii PAllTlll by Richard Sinor Lio. 210e«. 13 Vt• of happy local oultomert. JIClt H Bennett, Jr, Oornlnlo 8'2·4851 lewll 075-8180 f~.rr..-.!'1............. Gan.;~~..'!'a I 882_:!142. rwt O.CtrtdeM • .,.... , ... ,,. H1u11"" & quick clean-up ., ~...i f'ENCES & DICKS ...,.,,,_ neur-'\ Rut. R1t.. • I .. •Hlf . ·• ' •fl ,,, •• ••ar~ Robln&AA Con11 a 1 1----I ... , I n...a& ........ Fr .. NI. Ken 139-8035 vet•. garlQM, JOl>-lllN , f. •••• •• • •• •"••• ••••• • • "" " _.. • • .._ ,,_, ...... 1--------prop mg m I A Io k RelC)Ofltlble cpt, mid 30'1 Since 1079 754·0980 ' ' ") Ht 7!11 1.AN08CAPE MAINT. 931.08&8, J<rl1 931-0963 DO IT NOWI Lie. 30etal Remodel. •• • c lootclng to hOUMelt thll CAlllN!TS·A6MOOIL •dd'n1, ceb1Mt1. :;.. .-&.nu ommerlcal & property !Mlmmet. We'll care tor ... ftr l11"'-r1 S k" 11 t.. • 0 r H n l'l.. 9.48-868e/84S..944 • , lie. 41otoa manageMenll 931·to4e Haullng·1lud1n1 wltruck. plant1, houM, ale. Cell " • ' ------' ---Low "111' r eliable. Ken Htven, 790·8078, Vour01llyPt101 Window• A414't1•ltt•--Rt•H. 1!1ecttr1CalCon1rector Aon'e Gtrd•nlng: 8 yr1 Think you, Steve Service DlreclOfy 548-4909 ••-I d c "" LI Hm• UH. Ou1llty 11 159·1028 _,_,_,._,_v_•_11 ______ 1 AeprtMnllllYI ---------i o"i: !'~rk~t:· rJme. 3~3'217~p~g57.;13; rue, r1te1. M1lnl/ __ H_A_U_L-IN_G_&_O_U_M_P __ 1Retlabla, m1lura lady w/ Ml·Hll, .... a•1 f.'.'r.!.!!m!!........ M1·2348 l!i.ctrlell Contractor lendeoapa. NB/CdM . JOBS. Alk IOf Randy, rel• ... k. hOUINlltlno • No StNmlNo Shampoo 078·g3ae 841•8427 po1lt1on. 1-4311·8922 eve ~~~~~~~~~! s111n spee111111. F111 Genlfll Contractor ~·2~·5;j.9;7~~ HI-Tree Servloee: hvy ctn. dry. FrM NI 8311-1582 Ind., oomm'I, r•. ---------up1, repair tired yd1, reg. BHIHl.,.l•f. AJ-''11 Lie. 333217. 857·1138 llll-n-IO mt•-1 831 11"8 ••••••••••••• •••••••• ••r.°:••••••••••••••••• Cfpt1 ln111ll/repalrecl ·~-•••R "' . "' ROBIN'S CLEANING Ortvewey1, Parktno Lot Flood damega. Steam General COf'lttlCIOr We don I mak• you •tit AYIHtt Lu4u••l•I s.Mc:e • 1 thoroughly Rlpalre, s .. 1001t1ng, Clng 664·8610, g73·8589 Ind., oomm'I, r•. lie. 370881. 831·7823 T I cl ctean hOuM. 640-0857 ~~~!~~~'·········· Renovat1ng0 8prlnkler1 New 11wn1·0leen up OtVI 842-4963 Bud 6411-5286 S&S Asphll 831 -4190Llo Shlmpoo & 11eam clean. Lie. 333217. 567-1738 AESIO/COMM'UINO. ~~~r.nFree nu!~: T.LC. Houeek .. plng Dan H•llt>erg Grading Color brlgh11n1re, wht D.•11llt 20 ~Do my own wOf'k. Call 54g.1804 1nr11me SIM'vlol. Low RllM lf1•lllu1 & Paving Co. Aes/Coml Cfpll • 10 min bleeeh. ••••••• • • ••••• • • •••••• Lie. 218041. Al 846-8129 C 1 Toni 850-o208/842-0405 ••""'••• •••••• • ••••• ••• I.IC 397804 842·1720 Hiil, llv/dln rm• $15: avg •KATRINA"$: LIVE-IN ompllll awn cer•. ---------· MAGICAL ILLUSIONS $7 60 h S 10 hlkprl, dally maid WV. flatU• CltlllfW.lpt, tr .. llrVICe, EicpertlM HouMl!eeplng FOR ALL OCCASIONS A•INltlin roomS5 G ' couo ' office cle1n1ny. orpt ••••••"'•••••••••••••• ec>rlnklWI. 831-7570 We furnllh vecuum & Rafi Steve 1168-6483 •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • cru u•r e'lm pet 931: .. ···-Prole11lon11 Auto CIH· Odor Crpl rep11r 15 yrt _c_••_•_n_lng_. _.,._2_1 _e__ Exp'd G1r~er· tr" trim aupplles. #. nlng, Waxing. POlllhlng •AP Do work my1ell Dt1fll•• I.men Fr .. eetlmltM 845-8268 1prtnkler rep1lr, 11wn1: V•n-971-4838 •• ~!!~•••••••••••••• The Oetallera 640 5199 Reis 531·0101 •••••••••••••••••••••• flHI Crlfrla• cln-up 751..J5g2 __ H_O_U_S_E_C_L_EA_N-IN-G--1BRICKWORK· Smell Jobe EXCEL CARPET C·RE ARCHITECTURAL Pl.ANS ·············'········ IS OUR BUSINESS! N-port, Coll• M .... lljn/lli•• "' FOR BUILOING PERMIT CRPT·LINO-WOOO ···'I!'!'· lrvlnt Rel•. 07S.3175 •••;r••••••'••••••••••• Jeck BuHlngton , ...... , I -...i G Janice'• Raggedy Ann Residential 1ddlt1on1 & Ina la,_, repe r.... reg ••••• ••••••• • • • •••••• Ell. 10 yre. 875-2514 Over 5 yr1 educ1Uon1I Ownet/oper11or remOdel. Don a.1.aeoe Lie. 39g2"C) l ·2•0·3082 HOME IMPROVEMENT Brick, block, concrete, program lnct Weekdlyl. Cerpet, uphOI, •r•• rug REPAIR-PLUMBING Joan'• Cleaning Service llU«O, YfKY rau. lie. 754·1352 eves clHnlng Work guer nr-111 ~ J. carpentry, etec, tlle. Free HouMe-Apl•·Aen1a11 Bob 548·78501539-gllOe I Free Eat 645-1771 -::1.-:. ••••••••••••••••••••• .'J!.!f •• .'r•••••••• .. 1. No Job 100 1m1JI Offlees. 640-1287 Fl I Pl Meture lady w own 1 yr ---------1 ORYWALUACOOSTIC W rep IC... antara Thank yo1.1, 931-4410 PAINTER NEl!D8 WORKI 30 )'fl exp, Intl bttf Acou111c oelllng1. 01vl1 Painting 847·8189 !XTERIOR PAINTINO Cuttom won<. Fr" 111. Reu. + fine Int. & Ital· nlng. Steve 647-<t281 RALPH'S PAINTINO lnlfext. Rau. ret". Rel Fr" .. t. 63&-118118 B&M Painting & Tiie Fr" 111. lnll1.x1 & ataln1 10 yre In OC. Spec r11a on 1pt1. Call 24 hr1. 1 -1195-3488 oollect Cullom PaJntlng by Jim Res./oomm·1. Xtnt ref1 831-5507 lf1. &pm r,~~~ ............ . Farthing Interior Design HANGl~GISTRIPPING Vl11-MC Scott 645·9325 ASR PAPERHANGING 7 yra local axp Guar work Price• Siert II $8/roll. Alec 751-7027 old would llke 10 sll C1•111ll,Ct•tt1l1 Repelre, new & old. 11 M~~=lng~:~I~, __ o_a_1_1u_64_5·_2_8_1 _1 _General HoueeclHnlng. BBQ"1-Pauo .. v-enother chlld. my home, • • • • • •• • •• • • ••• ••• • •• Ufl 9lCp. Bud 652-9582 . .• EXPERT HANDYMAN Relleble, ,. ••. 10 yre llCP Refs. Free NI. 848-o494 642·4205 Cement-Masonry-Block , swHplng. Free H t · C R 11 962~510 lf1. 4 Cullom wallpapering, Walls-Cust. work. Lie. Wall lexlures-Acoulllc m1t ... 845-5737 erpentry . oo 88 _________ ,E-pert MHOnry: Ouallty 11t11tactton guaranteed, ~.~~!!f!!f ••••.•..•• #381057 Rob 547-2683 L~~';IJ&J:.f:'s11~:.1~::9 TIEH ~~::~.g~~·~E~:,N;.3 Sh~,~~~e~~=~e~~~g :,~~~~~~:.'~°5t~~5~5t1c For .. 1: Frank 775-0714 P1yrtll T111ltt Drives. palloa. walks. Free Topped/removed. Clean Carp, plumb, paint, heul. ••862-2649itr• 1lut11IJ1NJ1 Smoooolhed !40-4479 est. No Job too small. Wall lexlures·Acoustlc up, lawn renov. 751·347E yd olnup. Free est ---------•lli .. •.rl •• •.f ••••••••••••••••••••• :t.~.T·•••••••••• 536-2607 H1111g-T1pe-Steet studs 496-3291 Quallly Housecleaning EO"S PLASTERING "f/0 lttllliHttr C'l.//' Cltl Lie. 389944 1·632-5549 MOWING · CLEAN UPS with • Pereonal Touch *A· 1 llYlll* ALL TYPES INT/EXT FULL CHARGE Wiii do • .!'.................... DRVWAU TAPING Hauling . Lendecaplng Beth 556-0156 Top qu1111y. Speclll care TllCtures Patching sml bua. ICCl°I In my M11ure, loving chlldcare All Te.1Clurea & Acouatlc Fr...... 11-42-11907 !~!!~•.( .............. __ H_O_U_S_E_C_L_EA_N_l_N_G __ , In handllng. 25 Yrl •KP. FREE EST. 845-8258 home. All phases Bkklng Ref'1 & fenced yard. Free est Kevin 675-9088 Mow, edge, rake, sweep DUMP JOBS Sy Sc111dlnev11n Lady Competitive RtlM PLASTER PATCHING 1hru lrl•I bll. 548-5793 Near OMV 642-1107 eprlng CIHn-up, haul. & Small Moving Job• EKp"d. 546-2171 No overtime. 730-t3M AHIUCCOI lnt/Ut. 30 Are you planning a move? -c-.. -,-,-.-tl-,-,-.-c.-.-,-,-"-f!!!!'!!~l............. Chuck 942-2873 baf 9 Ctll MIKE 646-1391 SCRUB-A-DUB STARVING COLLEGNQE yr•. Nee!-!:aut 5-45:2977 Classlfted eds wtll point •••••••••••'•••••••••• ELECTRICIAN-Priced Im. PROF. SERVICE Free est. Very reliable. STUDENTS MOVI Get GREEN CUil you 1n the nghl dlrecllon AEMOOEL/AOO.ONS right, lree eallmate on RHld. Cln·up1, garden Heullng ·yard cleanup 831·5016/546-8490 ?n~u~·. u~~· f:,:~CITl~rf.!}.ar;_1d9 t o !ind Iha home you & Carpenlry Llc'CI. 25 large or smell jobs serv, malnt, tree trim Quick & cieln. Fr" 9'!-"" need 642-5676 yr1 exp Irwin 548-2719 Lie. 39682l. 67J~359 Free .. t. 841·1098 Wiiiy 873--0548 Sell Idle Uem1 842-5678 WATCH US GROWi Call 642·5678 , l!l!!t!f f~..... .. . . r.ir.. '1frlt! •.......... 90NTlKOe RUAJO. LOW RATH·Trtte lflm· 'Allll CONO Marine, m ing ' remt>Vl l, I ll eu10. COll'lm'I 841-6201 cteanupe & trMfl twu41ng. IHIM /1 ,,1 ,_, Pru .. , M 1rllnu •••••• .' •• ?li•.!r.:! ••• _a_11.,..•~1~0~11~,....,,..---- M4'1t·lttl11·l ..... JAY TAlll CAAi!, oompl. Free Mt RMI p.k:4il ""' a 1turnp grtndlno ~al work Lio. 3371811. Uo"d, ln1. 840-8308 831·2346 MIRITAOE TlllEE! HAV. IHll Com~•• tr" '*'•· 11 •••••~'-•••••••••••••• yr1 e.xper. Dan 682-5377 REPAIRS 126 to 1196 --- Fr .. WMI. Call anr11rne, T!.1 ... r/~1. •• ••• •• •••• •• ALT 770·2126 Moel 11Ubjeot1, K·14 Huber Roofing-all IYPll· 01y-.v•1umm. .110wtc New·reo<>VIM'·deck1 Mr Morg"?, &45-·8179 Lie. #41 1802. 848·11734 TUTORING Spenleh, v JOHN HENRY CO v French & Enollet1 Mary Roofing lor Fine Hom" Jana 848-10d mOfna. uc •15232 648-0213 "-I• 6-mn ••• ,i,,,,,.. :l'r..!f ••••••••••••••• ···········"········· ''''· ~ BUOOET RATES by Executive Seat'y on Lo min. Sml }obi OK. LIC IBM Sellc1rlc. Stall Mic.I. Fr" .. t. In• 841-7681 corre1pondenc•, re- krH•• port•. ate. Del 8erv evall. ••• ••• ••,. ••., •• •• •,, • CaH P""'. 55~53 MOBILE SERVICE Typing Word Proc. I.Mt· Anc~1/N-tcreen1 1er1, reaumee. term ~ NB/CM only 842·11552 per•. MSS. ••c Real. 1«11111111 hmtn _54_a_._11_3_5 ---·- ·secP.e0iA.P.ies0ro"ao" w'"'•• Your Off lee or ~re •••••• a ••••• ••••••••• Efflclenl/Aell1ble WELDING. No JOb too tmlll Very reuone ~-1n-hou11 Word Proc Call G-al $46~(175. No minimum 842-0969 ---------- 1,.r1 .. 11r1 ~!~~!!.~!~!!r ..... . • • •• • •• ••• • • ••• • • • ••• .. Let 1he Sun1hlM It, .. SERVICE & REPAIR Cell Sunlhlne Window Van Oppena Se<vlCI Co Cleaning. Lid. 548·tl853 (714) 838-4888 201/o Monthly Ot11count "'' MR SPARKLE: Ill wnclwe, ··c~~~~~c·;,~;,;,~·.;,j;·· both side•. acre•n• & Prompt. Cell Chuck. evs 1raclt1. HonHI, depan- 642·658M875· 1408 dya dable. Guar. no 1trea1ke. Rea•. prlcee 5•0·565-4 CERAMIC-LINOLEUM Tiie. Free eallm11e1 Reas. Bob 875·585 t People who need People Thel s whal lhe DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY ''all about• What a Wonderful W•:>rld of Shopping, ngh I al your t1ngertlps every1layl Diiiy PllOI Classll led Ad• To piece your Id. cell 642-5878 and hit a Classllied Ad·Vlaor t11lp you l • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced . Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 DOLLARS Call today for full details. (Non-t~. Extra llnee S1.00) ~ .................................................... . ~1iJ.-.~~ .....•.. ~OJt~ ~1!1 ... !! .•••.... !~¥ ~11.'!!~C.~ •••••• !.~~! !!?!.!!.?~~ .•.... !~! f~!~1l!~!! ........ I!.!! !~!~}!~!! ........ !~~! WESTMINSTER Solid walnut dining room R-••tlll Free Fluffy KIUent to good Outdoor Furniture. Brown 3 piece U•ahaped sectlo- ABBEV se1. 7 chairs. llble, !'lea· ""'"-h 0 m • · C a 11 • v 8 1 Jordon, (Walter Lamb nat sof1, off wl'llte S650. ANTIQUE MALL vlly carved legs. Lealher IEIYIOE IEn. 842-3323 Bronze), 3 loungee $200 Walnut octagon game 11151 Westminster Ave sells S400, Antique LIOUIOATING Adorable 8 wee!< old tab· each, 3 canvu rockets leble & 4 chairs $300. GARDEN GROVE burled walnut armolre, ALL NEW APPLIANCES by klllene. Fr ee and $ 150 llCh, I 1lralghl 644-9138 554•8103 Louie XVI style. Solld AT COST 0 u 1 a I de 1r 1 1n1 d chair S 125, I bronze --------- Mah dressing table/ (MaY1eol 751·7213 rocker S1 50. 7 b1cll Wicker loveseet w. earth· desk, 4 drawer11. $160 Washer A 110 $399.95 rnll $20 each. 844-0509 tone oulhlon1, xlnt cond, Welnul dining rm set with Misc 673-8714 Dryer 00110 $339.95. Free lo loving home. ~5. 640-<t368 6 llhr chairs S 1200 washer LA310 $4411.95 1wee1 neut. cat. mu11 OllmY FIEIOll 675-4800 v~~~.os~'iioSacfillce. ~Int Wuher LSA8 10 s519.115 kMp In hOUM. 11114-6054 Love Seat, Oak Hutch, sm TIOIAI OlOCl 556-9339 Dah-hr WU701 '519.95 JUNGLE GVM SIHm•r Chaise. Side $400 675_4800 DshwShr WU901S54g95 SWING, BARS, ETC. T1ble, Malehlng Animal (Admiral) 642·7502 Skin Chalr9. All lop qua- bff•H 1as ....... A/J.Ji,.tn 1010 23 5 cu ft refrtg w/ llty. CdM. 780-6778. SlOO 848-0376 • ••••••••••••••••••• dispenser• In door 24' llllll King size w aler bed. FRENCH Armolre. t>eve led mirror. 78"•34 $495 675-0205 HARBOR AREA $1().49 95 Flbergt... &42· 7502 complete, eecrlnc. $70 APPLIANCE SERVICE Dshwshr OU2488 846-9424 We 1911 recond , guar. $309.95 Free to gd hm. Blk 2'A yr appllanoee 54&-aOn Osnwshr 002•88 old male Poodle, epayed, White Wool Rug 12' )( 14' s 100 720-1546 $269 ""' trained & dutlng. Cell OlNING Tlble. •lC8" w/2 2· I UY ~I ·"" late m; or eerty lnO'n. e•t e chrs cerved lop LH 957 •133 Whirlpool self cleaning 558-.23 ... ·· · .., ranges from $411 9.95 • 1325· 573-377o Sears portable dish· Gaffers & Settle< micro/ &ITl11E lllW /l&U washer $100/offer e4ec b4tn oven $850. S.. Dally lhru Mon , July 51h. G73· 1265 lectlon ol COOk topt 4 Free admlnton Hunl-HOTPOINT Elec1rlc range. ~~~E'S APPLIANCES lngton Center Mall, 405 30' Ht.rvest Gold, llke 546-8673 Frwy. & Buch Blvd · new $195 675·5292 ~~~~~~~~~ H.B = Electric Dryer S115 Ho1poln1 Good Cond 720-1545 Whirlpool washer, Ken- more elec dry«. $95 ea. 548-8672 Free kitten•. 1 gray, I bfk Need good homee. Call anY11me 831-«71 5 mo. OICI fern. Blldl Lib/ FURNITURE: king u bed. 2 drMM<t. 2 coffee tab- lel. S 1115 all. 887·15'l4/760-7187 GOiden Ret. mllC, 1ttec· Redec. home. Malohlng llonate +. 11-48-6308 designer couch & love Free turtle & tortolM care ••II. Spotleaa. new 1heel1, tend legal 1ltt cond. 551-6418 Mlf·addrHMd 1t1ml*) King size bed w/decoralor envetope 10 enc. PO d SHARPll Queen eofa bed, earth· lonet,$115 844-1437 Beaut. roll-top dHk by Oruel, 2h60 8 dr•· -s. $1000, 850·1950 20 Executive Oak Delk• (good lor home use), 1oveae11, ch1lr. coll•• table end end tebleS. 2 drwr file cues, wall d• oor Sell a.s group Of In· dlvlduelty Sae Saturday al The Real E11a1ers, 2855 E. Co111 Hwy, CdM (btwn 12 & 2PM) Or. cell weekdl}'I. 751-8191 In RUIW UFA $250 540-4101 MAGAA CHAIR INllh Vibrators $100. 540-4101 lfl1t1lluH•• IOIO lfl1t1lluHH IOIO Ollie1 f•rail•11 .t rv. ""' •••••••••• •••• •••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••• ~., .,., IOIS Bir; ,;,,.. ''·'' INTERARMS MK. x 12.000 Futl Family M81Tl· ••• ~.~ •••••••••••••• ······"············· •• Protenlonefly Cullom bershlp In John Weyne Deak, Fiiing C11blnet1, etc. Bullt Allie. Heavy Berret Tennis Club tor only Like new . mull 1811. No Sony stereo system Mcod. 22·250 with Aadllald S900. (714) 821-1503 rees. oller rel used. HP·258. AM/FM. 6 11•k, 3i1-9x Scope Co11 St. WkClya 766-4812: eves & lurnllble, gre11 l llr 100 Sac. $700 Firm Jeff U1ed comm. grade oar-wknd 496-2517 anyone Slightly dam I · S..2·1570, 556-0460 pel, gold/ blue/ green gad but worlla greet. plald 12x24 $64 Office desk, very nice, $75.641-5080 .._ bl .... S..4-61162 coat $550, wlll lr1de for ________ ,_ 8 lo 20· long Jee per f1 Tfanemltter Detectel' VCR. ref rig or eetl fOf Solid walnul COior wonting 775-14g1 anYtlme. · Checic your office, car, $300. 673-8347 ~~2-~i~:.0~:8!l053~'1• --2d ... home lor•unlnvlted '''' IOl1 646-1805 8 to 20· iong, 3&c per tt. ~:!.'i.~'~·: ~~ PAARor·a;~;·c~~;~;ci _5_1_t_s_t_e_r.-o-w-.-,-. -u-n_11_• 775-14111 anytime. ltOf. Selll tor ~500. Wiii Conura w/cage. Very Walnut color $25 Gc:I. Collier B•by Stroller, Ilk• 1111 for $2250. 673-8~7 frlenClly tame S50. cond. 960-9678 _ new S60. SACRIFICE. Hand crafted 673-2137 QUASAR Video recorder 98e-&435 Gra.nClf1thlr Cloclc S800. Two 1dor1ble peach· $260 c:uh. 1162-2331 aft DOLL SHOW Sal June 26. 962-3597 feoed Love blrde In gll-8PM 10-4. St. JOICl'llm Cl · ded r""""' $50. 538-8574 -7--,----.. -.. __..-lhollc Church, 11184 Muel NII Gornam sterling _,,... pc s ereo Ml. m-· -·· Orange Ave. C.M Snedc L1Scalee, 0·6pc dlnnet WY CICUTIEL New $900 Sell 1600. bar raffle Mnlng, 8-"pc lunoh 1181 S20. Grady 848-6948 968-0312 • • + 8 H . all Olher pl-Scr-1 room dlvldlf, ap. Mlllnga. Pk.la 1 or more prox re·· tall ... MCtlont, ... MfVlng pc9. total 191 foldlng. $250. 5'l8-0378 pee. Never u1ed. PP. Tl •• 11 Askin g $15 ,000 548-11149 Nwpl Bch 1ennl1 club ---------lem membership. SSOO WANTED Hl ghchal'. Incl 1ran1 fee 644·26g9 P I• Y P • n & b u g g Y --------~ 548-5447 or 645-8439 l ' UILFlll s 160. 675·0205 Atari Video Computer r!~~ .. !.~.'!!f~!.'. ~.~ "RENTAL PIANOS· Open plan, $15. mo Field'• P i a nos , 714-838-2771 Kingsbury Uprlghl Plano, good lone, nice orlglnal ceblnet. $495. 847-7017 HA 21" DIUI n Very clean, labl• mdl s 135 648-24 29 .,,. 11am tr• RCA XL 100 Co40f TV w/at1nd . .1:ln t cond $175 Lynn •ork 558-5133, •tt 6 & wllnd• 646·2028. Needlepolnl chair, aulhentlc Vlolor111n, car· ved walnur . $300 644-1651 Kenmore Weier Softener $1 SO 720·1545 G E Refrigerator. lroel Bolt 11124 Senta Ana •heel 191· "1"1 con Duncan Phyfe ma.hogan) free. very clean $225. Ce. 92711.' ' 5175· 845•1965 Dining 11ble w/2 leaves. 2 Metal desk1, sofa. 2 Al· Sya1em CX2600A, $125. BUSH & Lene uprlghl Moduler component 497-3070 Rick p I en o. mag n If Ice 111 syslem: receiver & spkre. sound, Xlnt cabnt . Xlnt cond. S100. Mallsae ••• ,, ... Oullt Sll 552·2839 547-2916 Beaullful 1011 bed w/ s e 111 a 1 o . s 1 o o 1ec commerloal 1pkrs, Holpol I I I I Rf in/ I FIF Male Whippet 9 mo. olct matchlnn chr Colt 540-4101 and receiver. Torro rl· IUmFll ---------n • ec r c oven Admlret e '"' n.r, • •II ahotl, l(lnl comp•· $1500. s:crlllce S490. IAllPllml bench, $695 847-7017 548-9995, 831·9947 Chermlng almost antique range. sell clean. $100 20 cu It. Avocado, good nl~n. love• 10 run 846-11185 Steelcase desk w/wooCI ding lawn mower, n-Wurlllzer console pl1no IHI I II. ti vanity $125/best oHer obo 631-4271 cond . $300/ofr 966-490<> ---------• gralnlormlealop,otcu. oak drop teal desk . OEU.llOI VerygClcond $600 I I•• _6_7_3_-_12_&_5 _____ Relrlgerelor Ilk• new. 2 975-5156. 495-0834 Fr" lo ...,....,. home cute Bunk bed, •II wood. itur· S70. 842-1207 _5_4_5-3_5_1_•_. _9...,._. ----• Very large horse $45. 494-4661 ••• ~!!f!'!~'!! ••••••••• 6° 11111, armolre w/beve1ed door Frost tree $165. FRIG10•1AE II""" dy with I'"' chell $1 10. Mattress king site Beau· Cale $8. Also made lo • "'-QL "'-I ,,._ 1 -JO " whl tnnn haired fem kit _, SOFA, pull-out aleeper. · · 1ratl• 1ttf• tlll -•Ill -glass door $225/best 893-9060 FROST FREE, $l50. t-. i'W"ka. 54g....,.,92 · S..6-1985 tyr111. firm Nr new. animate, your choice of ~59 s..2.s-4211 •••••••••••••••••••••• offer 873·1265 1---------931-a109 -· ~ WATERBED . y,. Deluxe earthlones In plald, S175 $350. 540-0117 colore. Lulu 840·8709 SPORTS VAK DINGHY -1,-__.--.-.-,-,,.1-11-,-1 .. -,-1-E;!,T-c;:~~eov~l~ro;'~~!; Ii 1 10_. Pure wnlt• Kitten•. 1 boy, Oek tram• Auto htr Gary 67w347 _N ___ F_ol_d_l_n_n_S-tlll_rw_•_Y_, -' wk.nd1. EMERSON 1tudenl pl1no wtmotor mount. SIOO. ••• • • ~ n -1 girt, 10 W9lk1. s125 67,,92· 68 · · LG Oropteel desk wltop • very nice, pl1y1 IHlly 873-0e-47 S50 644·1651 prize $975 847-5339 ···~~HWtNN"oiALs~··· eeo-1501 . ... darle wood. S300. . For G;'~~~t~le S55 SCR•M LETS s • 2 5 HANO-CROCHETED Freezer $200 Waeher & 20" Fal L•"" like ~ FREE TO "'OOO uouE Franch provlnclal 4 pc 844-5965, S..4-7897 ft • 5'l6·8762/830· 1022 Jet Skl-470 w In, llrtru, S 25 0 S r ..... ,. ·--· "' n ..., bdrm Ml bd. dreseer, •---------4X8 POOL TABLE ANSWERS S 1500 o r trade for 2 Bedepread. dbte bed dryer 1 98 l•h· 75 548-1021 Yg M German Shep mlK, .. ~k mirror 1550 "--:1 •• 1 IOSt Pipe Org1n tn pvt home. Wlndaurfer1 &45-11190 $70 644·1651 washer $100 648-5848 ff..,..,lon t & .._,,.__t .,.... • •••-.. SLATE, $400. t I I I I 12 S"" SA. -1 pro, li"e a -.. • • o ............ , 5411-2370 eves ••••••••••••••••••••• • "•5-8751/•38-1""" 1 au 0 m • c P a Y • r FLOOR LAMP & Relrlgerator $350. Gas ne:-'. Ext7'~~-Se~. $40·1883 QUEEN WATERBEO .,.. " """ L'!:JlJ ·t,'::'' recorder laaturu 5 ,.,,, #w GLASS SHADE. St60 Stove $250 3 years old 52501blt 4gg..,.837 ,,.__, 11,.1 SEATA Queen maltrH• heal.,, frame wllh dra· 011 painting • algned. • -Renk perl cond Value 1 f 6«-1851 •97·4955 • .,.,fmn :r111 8oK eprlng1 & fr1me $50 were. $100. 536-3282 Seucepe, 32x42 w/gold HOUSE $75,000. Wiii sell S85, ~.,f!191 H11 ---------to E Side by Side Frlge Schwinn 24'" 10 IPd. S75. ,(j,;(iiNNERSPAING·ex: gd. cond. 960-9678 OFFICE Size desk, 3 dr•· a baroque fr1me $t75 ~ "::: ~h~ll~: t~ ,_ooo_._•_9_4-_2_3_9_3 ____ 5;,~.i Fi;hin•;•ct.~j;•& W1CIER Ol&IR UI 23.5 cu tt ssoo Firm. or besl ~µ827 TAA FIRM mattreea Mt, King hHdboud, whit•, _,, plu• typewrller tbl 845-1965 painting of 1 lulCury car Wu<lltzer spinet piano w/ bue S99. 501 toio. Bey 644-1851 673-3909 ,.. nevw UMd, worth '630, French Prov. Xlnl oond. S50. 53&-3282 Rancho MeH Verde/ out Of'! the lldiJ of her bench, xlnl cond $600 Front, Balb09 llltnd. Carved Cherry Chair IS1/lli1 He. $248 del. Never S25 g6().Q678 QUEEN Soll ........ Blue. Rancho Sin Joaquin HOUSE. 548-5313 • 873-01&e N 1 h.., _,, Aefrtgerllor, $90 ., I •.1 _.. u1ed quten 11, worth .,..., 0 Alhle ----------y reup .,.s1er..... Good working cond. • • ..':'~.!!!~! ••••• ~~ s31111 caeh onty s21e Gl111 top wrought Iron Wht. print. Gd. cond MOVING SAi.Eii Ward1 i.owery Ou lex Org1n, Evin rude 40 HP, Out· S150 54•4-1651 644-7129 IOW •lo/n , del. 'Ueuelly home, la~ & 4 c:NI"· S150. $50. 536-3282 Brus <*llng tan. 4 tullp wuner & gu dryer, both brand new cond. Xtra t>oerd, Brau bed, ¥., old, be•u· k 1 ii 76-4-7360 Boy• bdrm Mt, trundle WIOIR llghtl. coat 1220, Hll $150. Plaid eerthtone 8' feetur11, dbl keyboard & Slit H4 1111 tllul, very ornate, 1 of 1 •new ade-by-elde re-R•d•Ood 2x8 deciclng, bid, corner deek, t>ook· $100. 552-0799. couch & toveteet, both magic Genie corda. Free----'----- kind, S300. 844.1851 trig, 17cutt. 4·20'1ong;al9oredwood **'BUY** cue, 3 drwr chlll & 5 Smell dinette table, 2 $100. An Ilk• new. teuon1. Pd S2500. A•· ... fl r,,,,., 1ff1 567·1101 fencing. Call Jim Of Ken d r w r c II• et , • 3 o o . captain'• chrs. S55, smell LIVE IAU.1111 848-3396 111ng S 1000. 559.g339 •• •••' •••••••••••••••• ,f; -/) 1~. ~~ ~ e ~> .•. .r; ~ .Y ~· ·~ 1~ l ------- u se lnswer Ad service when placing your ad ... a Dally Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience during off Ice hours and get the responses to your ad ... thi s ,service is only ss .oo week. For more Informa- tion and to place your ad Clll 6"i2·5678 . anY11mt, 775-14g1. Oood ueed F'umlM• & 840-04117. love Mat, 2 foo111oot1. Send IOIMoM you love H' PHfflt ....... If Appllanoee-OR I wlH NII $55. ell axoellent . •bouquet ol 30 beaullful #ult.I ~·A.-!~~~!-!!!!'!~ Encl'd. ma. ltaterm. 2 C1•1111 I °" !~ YloullTlll e;:i::J~:t.~8~.!:~': 557·3119 Helium bllloon1. Lowty hitnmulr IOl3 Singer Touch & Sew In belt •yaterne, 2 AOF, 2 ~·!f•nl 1131 _,._ chalrt & 2 chal••• Scandln1vlan youlh bed. for brldM & tun lor the•••••••••••••••••••••• cabinet, doet everything. VHF. A/P, Fath., trim .... • .............. 141 NII IJl•llll (honey). $600. 646-2g52 Wllh melt. $100. 4th of July. BHI• Iha New Bundy Clarlnet, pd Must Hll $150 84$·942• 11b1, lull. encl. Bimini, 0 642•8980 "heck" oul ol rOHI. $317, uklno S150. 2276 · bHul. cond. 187,900. g~~~~A~~~~'i.n~ ~~ I UY flllfTlll Solld Mapla bdrm eel. t 073·«19. Pamela Lene, a0pt.f. Brother S-lngb Mechlned. 875-0255 I.• 957.9133 good condition. Aleo An lque cherry w ood POOL TABLE. r-...... ball• C.M. btwn Noon·1 PM. new never ••n uee .1---------dltlon, F-1" lene. IUIO mlec llam1 548-8850 dr...., 7 dra--. $250 .,.,. Eleclronlc 4001, $200. 16'g•· Lapltrake Thomp· zoom, macro locualng, New full-Ille mettrlll Mt, · · OBO 542.a960 · and cuee. $75. W11hburn Stage Serles 844•9138 aon 1111/lr111.,, ~ res- only used t•lce, with 185. New queen ilia, Modern coucl'l. 11rlh· 646-64211 Elec. Gul11r w/tramelo • rtl• If--~, ,-.. ~?lr-0• ~7.5 S 3 6 o . c a II carrying cue. S200. S100. 760-6832 tonH, atrlped, nHda .,,.., IM Lar ...... roll 01 Sllvet met• bar w/c11e. $600/ofr. •• I. -.,,,... .,.. .. 645-6138 cl11nlng. $75 OBO. •••••••••••••••••••••• •• S 1 Lab-• 1.5 guhar am· •'""•••• •••••••••••••••----------842-4632 WllTlll l&NU rlal, for untann na p14fler 100 w1tta w/2 12·· 1111 IUlll 11' 23' lnbd, open fllherman, f!!! .•••••..••••• !!:!! • 11111, ..... SOFA BED 8' Royal blue. w/rtaod $150 840-8777 ~~:~·· '76/0B ~j1~ T~o: ~.. Gd c :.,n~l 2 5 0 :'~'. br,o;1o 0 ~YB~ Free ktt11n1, balu blk S41 -111-lllt Good condition. '80. BOARDING $100 per mo. BUTCHER Blk. cutting tbt Sltuer Flute wit"' ~aie. 645-1410 long haired. 1 wnt boo-o I an a 411 O · 4 8 8 4 . Why pay more? Btck A k h 11 d a • • " .. ll#ft, anl••rul, --------- led. 1 raooon lalled. Full tilt bdrm -'· very 4911-2495 8ay arH. Lg. llghted Sahcow' 'c,·1,.· r,2w..Or S130. Clll 842·7018. ·--,,,. • .... IAU l lle0-2534 2·7 PM good oondltlon, antq wena. &45-253e $47•583 " · ~. 84W187 ••~•••••••••••••••! LOST MY SUP Neu--,-ce-1-, -,-yr-old-.-,-o-lo--~~11~·b·0b1:!/1b1~a~~I:~.·. u::,,:;. ~=-m: New TldlemlM Cau.lcal 2·40', 1·80' reechln1: t 24' Drake Cabin CnllMf vtng home, muet keep 1n ;,-;~. :/.r;;', 2 night Olena 40MN4 /!!!'9. •.• ••••• .l!tf G:~~b~c~i.:.; GUlter w/IOft caee, $125. hot dog m • c II In • nett f If heule. S2. ~54 ltMdl HOO complete •• ........... •~.. ESTATE: 14 heme of di• oonct. 1;00. SJM2fl 54&-lor M~ .. ~1·"47 (Mk 494-8904 Of 4114-1748 1110.wood·Chryaler .. .,.,, ~5 . --mond twftY, Plue 70 c.. --... "" 130 :":"A~••••••••••••••••• Matt,_, box tprlng end dlll10 CdV, 3 1 K ml. EXEACYCl.E. S-'t. _,_ .__,.__ .1. •••!f!•••••••••••••••• V81Ue '8000 Peta "A" people. &o.r· • '9 Uf..... lr9rM. Xlnt oond. •121., ltheee Trap gun, men'1 Uttt new. '80. -.__,.,..., ·-· SWAP MEET. eponeorecl Ed 6M-tl40 dl119 & Grooming. Poodlol t wt ofd. coet MOO Nit 7 It pin• grMn Na.ug· 14K TlMOt witch, CMln 973-2131 ._,_, by employff• of Hunt pupa fl)( ..... 1&7..eNt l2fO 21s.e10-5252 hayde aofa with fckl out & nupt. CS31·927t PI P •• r.1~········· Comm Mote> June 21 '11·11' ......... • dbl• btd. 8100 080 JMo"~" bw•r••Y"1p.loT,•n.1n11••. ·-~ ~ ..... "'~ M:30. llM ..-. llYI .~ ~any atr., M llO.;_ Golden Rel pup1, AKC, Oak VlctortM McCar1hy M<Mno.152·MM ;lfMjba-1111 h ,....,., .....,...,.., ,.._...,. bllclM med oriented Mt-41 .... fem1111, 0 wit• Old , d••k, COit 11818, HC ;;;;;::::1 ............ $1 OI Mt Of!W. Aft o.IQn, MwooMltlOO; publlo ~booth• con ---·------ worm1d/1hot1 S1ao. 11ieo. 141-14'0 l!x~ ~ 118 Air....,...., SPM 862-4411 8eorlno. 1t IHO. Cell r.cl Ruth Wtlllama: , .. Ill.I J 807•2782 couoft, t rt , •Int oond. M84020, 3 HP, 1 PhW. 80 o* loy1 bllt• 24". llng•r ~s-eeoo. • ltlr o..n. 714/54-0053 !Of Info LOIT MY IUP lllky Terri« pupa, °"""" O.ery orn. LOOM OU• Yett. ASMI 000. tn. .... .. wt .... ~ ~ NANITUM 14' °"*9 Oellln en.. plone tire from good lhlofl. till, M0-71tl Enllr• Gtr11 whlta be· HeV9t U9ed Mt&. Teirm.. e¥e'e Oftf'f. 161·1•1 Delk, I ~ ~ Cit-f'f.~Wlf, ... ptp home to good ftomM. droom Mt, lnoludet o. 1•112•53t0 POOi. TA81.e. .......c oon• bln9t. t111 ti. · ,,.,., MM 1t4l·Wood·Ollry1l•r M2·803-4 or .... -atte Oiied MlnUt "'*'· • dtwr nopy, ftetM, btd~. &.11~ ..._._...... •• dltlon, --p•~t•. ........ tt7-1144~7187 •••••• ••••••••••:;;-;1 1ao ptua I oompulmenll. 2 brown wtri.gec1 alMllf'I --.,... .......,, .. .....,.. llAUTll"Ul 21" -.oA MOOG O.men lhot11\elr Point• IN.Mto0t71 petlo flirn .• m1u: t1H. 811-8"2 54Ml10 New I rt Hll H•mllton QotofTV ..... 2yrwmty. :CS";. •t0 •r• AKO, du•I cft1mp ~ ......_ brM4 MW 14+.e1"-"9Ckwttl Woodworklnt KlflO ••l .. btd pedd.S Dr •ftl no tablt end 1148. ,, .. :::f· b 0 k, t ~-1-. wk.. L ......... , •• ttltlH, ••• CUllllon flow•t•d L•tho, COmP•••• w7 , .... , lldbnl .1 ... ..., .• .\"IC.'". I. • '0 0 . TV JoM'• .... ,.. 1171 to ft IKIP..IAOK. ? 1411 1..._. lamp1 1t1lrrort t pl.. oouoh, Jdnt NM. 110, 111"'"8. ..... l ?"Wltt ~ UO. Ml OMJ • II PNloo I .I. OOl*lle.... Vol~o Pon I•· o:,r OOb•rman ftupp~, l\t ..... Jt~. .. •. ,... ,,,,,.._.. aw IHVAUO w .. °"'°"" o=r~r·oorreollntt I , • 0. p I 1 y. t ., I ::r~:: r. ~:~·JIC~O:::iitttt':!' 1111•-IONOTOM~AIM riHJJffr/.~ .. = ~".:~.::941• •Int etr.-::.2=::; :'~:-" ~ r:-:'.; .. Mii .... ~~~ Ir:.~ OWfy~"P'• ~:::'!~ ....... HelwdVtye....... l ~~~,~tfff =· _..,,._ ~ u 111. iT~ao'ro"". o o•o .,..., ...... at•. tOM ~· · ""''it; ... AKO °""" ,... ,. .. t wn. ·~--o;... ·~ AW•.-• Nt t .. • • · ...., fjp' . 'fjU" a....• •Hfttlltr , ... • ... ................... ..,.,11. Oell .. t.J ........ i.t ' UO~~. t•t• •ti ........... tttlUt•t• I , .. ,.... -...,,. --...... 0111•1•• ..... ...,.___ ,, - -..., ...... ,. ' ' I I I 7 .. • Orange Ooa11 DAILY PIL.OT/81t1Jrd1y, Junt H , 1182 ~.frJ~ .... l!ff .... ~_. Mtif •·: :,r-~w. ~1.'11..'IH.~ ... l!M .... ~'!.!,.r.t!tt....... ~ ... 1!11.V!f!. .......... n · llllWtiO """"'-· •••••••••••••••• r~. ..n.. • •• 1.,n WI .. '111u 1.1 m_,.. 1111 "'""" .. •~• 1.1'0 ""'' 1115 lal1t 1111 "··'·"···············"··· tulty •ctwt11' t tl.100. Lltf aoov WONC & t• ......, ••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••• :'11•••••il·1'1:"r.,, ••1• ••'•-•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .. • , '. • 1 • • 1 j , • llCM 11e 1.111 10 to rr:: l>tlnllup 10 50~ °" yOuf ... ,.. 'II llhH 111 •• ·u JlNllN MMly, 400 1tn Maz 011 ledln, 7t Ce11e1 AM/f'M, elec Ill II '80 l'IUTA Ohla, 18'< m1, ''' .... •~:>It o•.,o .. ~!e,.14al l•I• 110 bodY lhop M l. Nf.H~I I llll1ll 1&11 6 •od. air, ,,_..,, :rt1< CMY l 350 Irene. Too auto, aunrf. •Int cono '""'' 3&.000 ml. AC, lor the targ••• and ti.11 IOO OWN ... toO W. •" • ml ~ pa1t~ .. ,90 much to 1111 e ir"l laaal lt,000 640·7490 w;od oond 151 oo en.2290 nt::'ut·kl~~.c~~,:~ WAN'i'"co0oc11 •P~ 11~~!t/~: ~to ' 1t4-81S 74'1• & lun 10 drtve 10~ #I 174J 2•1247 ~:!:0'~~k~1 1~eo,.~~: ·94 F11con. uoept1on11 hP (vtnnldi, ~ trallw 1'' cioat Ill 1111n,d/ Pr" JJU/dal e..:f4,.1 I~· -, --. ODO •03·115115 ................. 1 .... ·11C•Hoa.111na good, n-county tod•yl oond, nl P-r. •na. Mlfl, I 1100 Mull Hll thll P•vll1on lrH pref d · 115 01111un 210Z 2 Plue <l 4 We poMlbly have the ball tlrH , olU1Dh & brlll, adlal •10 etc 22 mpg, waatr.eti@ HO 61543 te 1·151111 IV.. ~It Chevy truck per11L ~ apd, Od oond 14500, .,, .... ,.,, ,,,. Hltotlon of uHd MO 11400/bet ofr 404 0807 -suo~' lnVtll•d. 11500 ----3 • 811 1 H -1-ion to dl•••I R b lt Call 8•0 1002 ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• convertlbl .. In Orange .. ~, firm 843.0221. ~3' IM P. clnl ~9110.r ~on ~.~~~~1• p~;~,n: tranemi..1on ttom l 1U ·eo Oii 210 w. on Lo 'U OllYllTllll County tnoludlng • 1878 711~,<;.>~0::~.~,ln~~o~d & loedacl tor fl1htng 100 •rH 1125 mo 148 3033 a up. 55oi•1180 3100 W Cout H""" m111181 hoef cond Xlnt Running Condition MOB. while (311NTP). 11850 OUO 1157•0440 80 Fora l'elrmonl, • dr. Many •'c ltll, V1n1om N OMch-· AM/l'M OH i 8 •Pd '2200 873-3878 101 7 MG B b tu. auto, air, AM1'M t.4800. trlr 111,100 5388574 NEWPORT MO<Htng, Od Cr:gll'M981,goodoond. l'N~.a& l4785,54~513°0pvtpty 88 Ohl AMIFM I'" {545THM). 1078 MO 'IOOtrtllalptO,. •tl111'\#-c--. i-fft-·5_7_18 ____ _ 30• 0 bl -0 -;--1-1-toc:111on 10 311' w1111n1 23' S Pf· att tor datlll• 1• · Mtdrvt wtth meg wl\ff41 R -·....,. -·r £/ I ~1 • " ru ••1, w n w-"~,d~ Loa .. _.. t~ 040-8700 al1 IPM WllTEDI '81 Oa1111n 510 Wgn auto new cloth 11111, brka, (0" Y .. I) 1"77 MOB t o with black/gr•~ 2"25 H••..,.r ........ •H • rrw '"ft'"' vrllh •llP Mu•I ........ ... ....... ... 1 II dlx wood. .. paint """' gr111 $3&00 • .... • • CIOlll 1ntttlor 4 IOMd • -""' UfYW •••••••••••••••••••••• MM 127 733 I 927.()()14 ll1hlng m1ny llt.1111 Toyoll duel wtlMfl & re• lal\1, t , gr n OUO' 6" 8653 blue (11!3USU). 111711 MO AMlfM CHHllt Peri COSTA MESA 1171 11111 fY ' --110,500 &36 61174 dial tlrea, I H Van. 8&8 L•I• mod•I Toyolu e•ok•1·· 11800 ml Al· • Midget brown (909WOll. oond S5.000 or bMt of Ill 2•00 '4to6 82.000 ml. 1 ()w. :11 rlNN f'lLYER demo WANTED Sllp epaoe tor Alpl'lalt,831·41H V01v0t.Ptckup1 &V1n1 lngl 300 64&-27e8 ... ,, 11JI & I 1979 M09 fer 7684751 1rom8to~ • U n., Allwllltl&40-8902 NI•, lb deal ot1&11I Cal 2b S1llboet OMpe· PROPANf C11bur1tlon Cell ue lodeyt '71 240Z. high perfor· •••••••••••••••••••••• (035WWK) Choice ot PM ;;,gn7::Y7-BD'Ulc:-;;::k;:-;R;:i::-v.-;-:l.0::1::d;:ad:::-I~'.'.....:::..::.:~=:=='..... 30 CAL '78 IDaded, SOOK 11111 Need ipece b" Ju"' 5 1 ••an manca eng, otlm body colore, and y••· 11tclttng 02 000 1 12 490 #tt11n Hfl Or Dall ,,11., • '' Y• em . ...,....,. k & 1 MCh from 129116 & up· 80 Ter~I • t4,000 ml · m · · ••••••n•••••••••••••• NOAO 'Y ACH'T 873-6876 28 Al•n 494·0077 548·2828 ;~:out Mu~1't.:.rr::::. warda. Beuer MOtOrl, AM/FM 11ereo, •trea, PVT Pty 975·7414 1961 Mercury. whltl, 4 dr. 34• Rovul CR •74 TW dat SHORE MOORINCI 4 Uk• New Vogue TlrH piec:. 18800. 841•76115 2112.6 Harbor Blvd., Co111 mint cond 642-3555 'l4 APOLLO nffd• eom• work. Tow" Llk'M new 147,5~ Balbo1 !eland, bHI S $2& each. M ... Cell 1170·2500 $4800/olr 642·3656 360 away. 1150. 042-8155 v B • 'f Io c 1 7 6 O O 531·3374 I0 6H....,ll•& '74 B210, nead1 engtn• ttng., pb, pa. 11"1--"---------40' RO'flll CR New d mo 644_4003 e"'• .,.... , work 1375 OBO. '81 MOA 11d conved, 80 Ceuca. tll,000 ml, red Good body & t1r11 Rune 'It Oe•tt SllO Taxrloall $155,000 eo•TSLIPS Tht Ulllmate Car/RV "'O·t>OhrU .. U •1 88l·ll9t goodcond,11050 xlntcond TekeoverlH good.$1050 548-0558 Aune0K031-4040 N O R LI Y A C H T S " Alarm Ungobox. Stand· 645·3803 1200 mo 540· 1080 C '1ll II S 1573·8878 AVAILABLE by oauery. fluhlng llghl WI Ill '78 280Z 5 •Pd. em/tm Ut ·112 MG TO R•Plloar. iclnt 17 ce11c1 lll1baci. 53500 1.! •..• ~! ••.......... L #HIHf. Hfl 15' boll, gl111 over wood. N11Wport 8eaoh 20'. 40 & relay lncludllCI 1420 ve-USED CARS & TRUCKS cue, air. iunrl. wire ~~·: YOUI ~ condition Y1llow/ tan. 831·8131 wkdya' 9-5 01 OOmllPUTlll 0SS0M~;,;~·e·~~:-;:;; r•bll It Ir $250 or best 52 642·4844. 9·5PM lu•. $250 or batt otter, COME IN OR CALL FOF whll, brown IHOO, NUT MAIOA. 19500 5«·7577 •97-38•9 evt/wknd 0AJILU01 cer, good pra. S otr 5-40·11218 ev•rythlng Included, fill APPUIUI. 640·9017 673-0339 ---I'"'' s~ ' brand ne ... In box with 3 c~m'-·· ....... LlllO '78 B210 Excel cond 43K mP" I #GI 1144 rr1 •• ,. 111i W• tlWCllllH In ltues --------22 Cuttyhunk, flber""ass, J rwv .. e. w. n I \I VII ...-U9 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••• ror 1he buSln91• IJC9CU ·7• M I 4 """ ft~. r $'&. -•o , ' r r • , O•'"'ll .. -ml, New tlrH, 4 1pd. M.. ..... · .. us 81\g, .. , .. ·~· center console. ottShore " ,_ 2 1 3 / 7 8 5 • 9 2 1 o , u -u 35mpg 12900 9113-9385 '79 MOB. White 1978 Spitfire, •ln1 cond Ir Uve & prof1111on11. good, needs body woric. flahernian (llkea ~~ko). •1 :~·s·•k•1••9•0•·,·,·w··,•7•5••H•P• 714/646·5605. 18211 BEACH BLVD. ' • • PACllTTI 5 IPMO & C>ut I owner $3500 Lari• leleottH $600, 642·2780 S I ' lb~ ( .. '-'UNTINOTON Be·cH .v.. ' 53'" ""' .. E 759 1139 • u1p or ou r • no E111nruoe. ano traller " " llltlWln.tn l tlllUOIJJ4 v-vv•" ves • Of lew 1112 ting). Tandem o whl $1700 548·3304 AalOI let •111 141-tOll, Ml·Hll '80 Dateun 200SX. under Oa .. 111101 '89 Mu111n9 FHtback g1111a"lled lrlr $ 1,000 •••••••••• '!~.......... 19,000 ml. super sharp & 'll 181 '11 SPITFIRE 13100 I • Hll air cond ' power 1nves1ed Desperate '76 SLEEKCRAF'T 2 1·, IMPORTANT NOTICE clean 2·tone paint. 5 '79 RX7 Auto.1lr, radlal1, OOIYERTllLE Xlnl Cltfld, 759·0623 ltW II ltoolrl braket. power llM<lng. m v a 1 s e 11 $ • 9 9 5 tunnel. 460 Ford, Blue-TO READERS ANO T Op Dollar spd, fully loaded w/ AC, mint cond. 36,000 ml 66 TR•·A, summer tun Great ahap• New r90t. 631·3•)55 print balanced, new ADVERTISERS P/atearlng, AM/FF ale· 497·3930. 4 Spd . Mage, Stereo. v612600 Capri & 4 spo new paint $1500 1., s•1 UAT I Basset ts S5 900 The price of lllml •d· Paid reo, auntf, pwr mirrors/ '79 Mazda GLC Xlnl Blk Pin Stflpe (838YDK) ~BSI, tun & econ $3.200 NA~ .... R~ 645-0758 " 673·3770 veniaed by vehicle dee· F0< Your Carl antenna & more $6995 cond 8 acrlllce for $4596 OBO 493.9595 OJU.dllf HSS Trlt, l SOO 673-0647 ltfS In lhe vehicle CIHel· 831·8030 $2690 Call 4gg.4537 ( :,\ l.J .. 1\ : •••••••••••••••••••••• 1!1' RUNABOUT fled advenlalng columns .llltlHI t UI 76 TR7, runs gooo. 44 ILllMllU '11 35 t1p, trailer. $1000 f1'•1)!!ll•tioo does not Include any l110el1· .. rHry lh£fl•H 11ZI '80 RX7 161150 000 m1, clean, new tires h•<Hl • 1~ .. 1 OlftWS llPlflll 873-0647 ••••• •••••••••••••••• appllc1ble llJtN, lloenM, 2626 Harbor Blvd •••·.·,;.•••,•,;•l•O•R••u·•,•••• Resell Stl .. 1AIK 157 $3200 963· 1990 · • \\ • '.JI• 10 .. ------A.irtr•fl 9110 Hensler tees, llnenct ~0111 Mesa 5-4-0-563< ~ ~ 4•3 W Bay C M 'II S ltfl •1aa IRHllWI OHPEI 21 G lastron 165 Mere •••••••••••••••••••••• charges. lees for a.Ir pol· The 1m1zlng, unique 645-2963 • rt • vO 711 Seville xtnt cones, Loaded' Economleal dle- Crul$tl!' 110 Outstanding For Sale Of• Wiii Trede: lutlon control device Premium prices sports cer of the '80's .82 MAZDA RX7 GS DIO 1•1-1311 brown/brown. many e•-sel eng1n11 H1nd1om•I tor II thing and sk11ng parlner wanl&O to stiare cer1t11ca11ons or dealer paid lor any used car Mull clear Inventory Im-tru, al tow blue bOok (865Y JEI Low ting hrs Cleon tully 75 furbo 310 All •OO documentary preptre· (foreign or domestic) mediately S 19.995 A•k 5 890· air' 1Unroof 'Jr..I 9141 VolhtrlflO 911( I p r 1 c e . s 1 o 5 o O OILY SHH! equipped. tull canvas. gear. wl 400A auto pilot, lion charges unle11 In good condition tor Mr O'Brien Olr \714) am/Im stereo. alloys ••1•9••1•6•• v·w••••S•E•D··,· .. ··• 675-3909, •97.3320 trlr 55 1 25 0ME,newpalnt.223gal SeeUsFlrall 1200 ml·•howroom • •••••••••••••••••••• " ltlWUIOlttntltt 7141;-60•8325 · tuel to be based as otherwise specified by 883-6833 or (714) condl '74 OPEL MANTA runs Dove/Quall Sta close lo Nwpt Bch as Iha adver11ser. 886-8185 St 1.900 Owner 646-7641 good, needs Pllnl S 1 C om PI a t e I Y THE UR GEST NEWPORT BEACH -possible •.., share $42, A11tifafl/ 000. 5•8-0731 all 5pm rttlurbishedfll New 17761 SELECTION 133-0111 21' llllFLITE 500 +'•all expenses or Cl•llitl fSZO !!~!.. .......... .!!.~~ .8a~r~:f!~.2~~~· ~~~: '71 Opel GT. rellorabte. ~~~~esd. ~~1r;:P41;\i1i ot tate model, low mllea· ---------TRADE will sell compl. for S60. •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Spyder Convertible $6250 87S.2172 needs body work & up Weber carburetors Po ge Cadlllacs In Southern 75 Olds Vista Cruiser Twin, brand new F WC I OOO Gary 673·8347 •llfl ''A"tl Runs great Must sett hol. Relleble Ir ansp Ii shed centerline rims Callfornltl See us today1 Wgn, PIS. P/B, •Ir &un· 270 Crusaders llybrldge c,.,,,1 Siii Shay replloas, ptckup1 & $4500 640-8599 !~!!!~!C ....... !J.~~ ~~4~~-~1~· SlOOO/otr Custom 1ntenor ne... MAIERS ~~~~n N~~;~~'ot~:~y sportflaher w/lransom Riot ' IJZO coupes • to choo11 75 Fla1 12• 2 door cou· ORAl&E 11a1n1 240 louvers Musi CADILUC 240-0141 dr, swim step bo ... •••••••••••••••••••••• troml (006788) (Stk .'888 ll.11b111 lihd pe Mint cond Must seel l•••HI f 141 see 10 appreciate• Se plank. swordfish gear MINl·CAB·OVER Camper A3093) Prlees starling 11 l ,1,1., \It·'·' )I\) O.J.lll s4ooo or best offer Q0Uln'S •••'°'••••••••••••••••• 1101.15 1nqu1rers only plee· 2600 Harbof Blvd 70 Olds 98 Original Ow- outr ggers. ball tanks. clean 1111 u·oul $695 llU SI tlll 646-5601 Of 549•2463. EXCLUSIVE Peugeot 604 1978 De se Call for more Info COSTA MESA ner. great mot0<. gooo etc B1and new e1ec110-548·6762 or 830· t022 ' Hlglletl cash 1mmedlllel) luxe. fully equipped Xlnt Private party Please call 640 l 860 shape $695 631·2108, noes Incl VHF. AOF. Lo-tor your vehlcle. Do IASER&TI cond. A/C, sunr1 10 m1 (714) 768 0288 • Noon 10 3 or all 6PM. ran, au10 pllot. 2 lalho· 111otorizH l ikll 9140 mu 11 c o, 1o,e1 g n $8500/obo 673·2428 • '"t -79-E..:L_D_O..:....d_s_l..:....$_9..:·7-7-5-.-1--------- meturs, knot meter, C-• ••• • •••••• •••• •• ••••• 55 t-8285 DEALERSHIP! '7t C11tla11 S11,rt•• temp. etc Very last, long PUCH like new fully lo11tl,. f150 65 VW Bug. Recond eng Xlnt mpg A-1 cond Ate, amltm, xlnt cono ran,1e for diving or II· equip $389 or make of· We'll detlver anywhere In •••••••••••••••••••••• clean. sharp Musi sell Loaded 8 Irk g cass $4000 firm 857-2356 shlni• Take over pay· fer 544-5136 A•l"'I f•NttH the world! Coma In & tea 111* t 11 SC $ t45010BO 547· 1845 !ler 545.7253 ' ••••• ••• r.-••••••••••• *FANTASTIC us at 72 Olde Cutlass. runs man ts ot $372 mo + 1978 PUCH Very good IH••1'1 110J Leather inlerlor, ne... 60 BUG. xlnl trensporte 1980 Fleetwood, lo ml. very good, xlnl tran1p $15 ,000 casti lor my cond s325 lncls owner·s •••••••••••••••••••••• IE&CH IMPORTS paint, $1500 stereo, 16., tion $1,200 or best oller I 0 8 d 8 d. s 1 o 9 9 5 ear S900/ofr 558•9339 equity or good trlr boat manual 494•486t '82 Honda Civics 4 dr * FIATS * 848 Dove Street polished alloys. new 641·2093 544.9736 or tine car 645·9190 ---975 $137.47 plus t8't per mo NEWPORT BEACH blueprlnted engine. con· ---------!Oldsmobile 88 Royal• -176 HONDA 250 Elsinore 1 Brlcklln, gullwlng Closed and 48 mo tease l'tlE-OWfEl cours winner, best otter 73 BUG New eng. nev. 79 CdV d'Elegance Al-1978. 49,000 mites Air, 32' Jellrtes. runs gooo. Moped 5•75 548·9273 ~~~;JJ.:~~-Xlnt COfld ALL SAVERS FIAT 5"1DERS & Xl /9's 762-0900 paint S~~~:,i:,o most new Mich ttru cruise. 29mpg Looks took.i good. very sound JAWA MOPED 714·534-0189 MANY TO CHOOSE FROM Cati 1·11l·t221 Service reds avall Xlnt fan1u1lc. runs supe1b ..ti t A kl GOOD CONO s 75 l«ll•li•••I #11tH., .... 114G -75 VW Bus, 7 pas......,,er cond Loaded wlextras $3550 or best Mr Wll· I ' survey s ng • 1 A•'/ f10' 11~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ER -... $7900 S45 6445 s 6 ~ o o 4 9 4 . 2 o 4 3, 5•6-6242 Vdidn ISJO •••••••••••••••••••••~ 75 FIAT 124 SPIDER ••I, •rthr 1 •Int cono111on $3150 • hams 548·724S 497.3511 ····•••••••••••••••••• ·12 Aud• 100LS. 2 dr PORSCHE/AUDI 891·9355 76SEVILLE p1•010 ••s1 ----79 Peugeot Runs great, 7 2 o c a. ... 111u1 1 --m•leo wnn lie .. ••rtt .. tl ~~ 42' Matthews Twn Ost I 3000 ac1ual mllet $275, odge onver11on auto, PB, AC. anti, FM ... cond P12NJNI • • 71 SU PER Beelle gd Orig o""'4Jr Brown on •••••••••••••••••••••• BrlSlol s59.500 Pvt pty 548-4986 bubble top, rtfrlg, cllem new radlll1, very clean $ ft I ltW 1~1 Hart>Or Blvd cond s1.800 brown , clean 100K 75 Pinto wagon alt. 2131696•2561 tOilet. must sell 14900 $1450. 544-2168 4295 at ..... lll tltef Garden Grove 545.8713 mllee good cond s 1 300 '7t UIAHOPPH 631·2041. dys. eva ,,.. Salta-let'Ylot 573.7713 631 -1219 552.5252 Jay 546 4035 '11 Adi IOOOS 77 FIAT 124 SPIDER Compare House of Im· 79 RABBIT Dsl 23K ml 24' 1979 Sklplack, open mar>.y e11tras. II~~ new $13 995, 557-1566 $275 540·4051 ---------pons Direct teaM and 60 leatll& d '80 Sevllte o eset incld Pl &. ••fO I t • Gorgeous black, eun· s 1110 •••••o 1 mull ... Loade 11 Must see to ' • ...,o•I• ~J 79 MOTOBECANE. xlnl ~'·'1 •t1, roof, loaded. Low miles. u.auty Ilk• new (1ACP5771 mos. sensible pymts. 714 838-2333 appreciate 640-0646 leather, 2 tone blue, xtra ••';;••••••••••••••••• ccnd furn signals. l.-1 IS40 take over benk tease. $ 0111 213 or 714; MER·---------tank Lido Isle 675-4646 '69 Plymouth, 8 cyt, runs, 25 It tll72 Bayl1ner I mags ate s 450 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1313 pe< mo 760•1313 4995 CEDES I s 213 or 78Turt>O.spectecularred 70 VW Camper Van $300.newbelt&grbrks c11bln·Mercru1ser mtr 968_0723 GO CART, flberglu, Indy, da 714/637·2333 Targa, loaded. low ml Bubble top W/l(tra bed C••'1• 9911 640·8665 675 8032 body 3hp am how I a T 64" 1603 new motor steel belted •••••••••••••••••••••• • • ' g e • 78 FIAT 124 SPIDER Haven't yoo waltecf long e ge om. •· ltres butane stove 27 '67 Cemero 327 PB. PS. Pootiat IHS -Ii" Hawaiian Tr1·Hull 111otort1tl"/ prize S680 847•5839 lllW 11n enough to own • Mer-_&4_2_~_4_8_7___ MPG S4500 859 Oak au10. casse11e .tnt cond. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~IP V. 355 Olds Jet. StHll l l 115' 4 WJiHI Drini ISSO .............. ,.~:.::;::::: ~"'r!':".,,5.,":",.~~";' mao~. cede• Bent? Don't let 78 924, 49K ml, sunroof St CM 646-l423 $1500/otr 642-3392 evs 78 GRAND PRIX, nice coricours cond S7500 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • 1h•s opportunity P&H you stereo cass a•r. 4 spd --1 Guud $3~CO 080 67:1-1056 73 Suzuki 250GT rtbll, 76 GMC Jimmy 4 wtlt dr m $5895 by act l\OWI We llev•. xlnt cond Orio paint & 1979 vw conven Xlnl CA•n o/11 9120 645-9246 runs g<>O<l. MUST SELL Lift kit ,_ eog lhockl ,, l1n111t1c 1el1c1lon of owner All serv rec cono AM/FM cassette •••••••••••••••••••••• -••• ,, ••• , s350 OBO 675·6204 tires ~ench 11ireo ca· models & color• avtite-™00. 836--0880 wkdys p I p $ 6 8 0 0 0 B 0 I SEE us FIRST! I 71 Le Mins v 8· rebulll c:.;,,,, 905(i lHond• ST 90 700 IOtll & m~e. $4a0o. 873·J770 . . 79 FIAT 124 SPIDER ble 499-2885 Wltnds/evt 494-5638 We tiave 8 gooo selec· ;~gs a:~~;~"· hitch •••••••••••••••••••••• mllesS395 70 FO<d 4 wnl dr Good =-..::!:i~ec:s:,•.000 .ll•SL.nt•s "76 Turbo Cerrera Loa 69 FASTBACK gd llon ot NEW & USED ___ • _____ _ July 41h Weelcend. Ma,,n-675-0255 cond. Sl200/bll ofr. lllES R""'" l•NflTS $ transportation 5999 or Cnevrole111 73 Gran Am. 4 dr, bucket ~~:o5~;~;~4~500 for 3'1> '78 XR75, xlnt condition, 751-0970 Wiiii"'" $6295 1301 Quill Street ~·0~~5j!g6;;i 27 best ofr 644·9227 :,~:etr~1~~~~7:i~':1r~;1~: -9 recent tuna·up S275. 75 lnrn'I scout 2 x 2 N-831 2040 49µ949 NEWPORT BEACH 'It OAIRIOLn '72 SUPEll IEnLE P/W, PIS. PtB. Pllo•. ~!J~l!,J~!~ ...•.... ~~~ 7S2·6413 ~an~ new brakes, S2500 IUILEl&OI l•W 80 FIAT 124 SPIDER IH·HOG S769~. 1-970-7949 Lo moles Showroom AM/FM ST Cm Lo ml, "'81 Fllcke. beau111u1 crul· 7r1o4 ar1 -6 4 5 4 5 3 3 26402 Marguerite Pk""' 6 t00 mao• 1U<111niec:11an On1y *'IO MZ JIOOE cond Runs perfect• AMI sharp. must sac bit d 1 '10 NOllA 01100 · . .., 13.9$1 m-PBZN:!eil '78 Porsche 924, 10nt FM 8 trk $2,595 otter 1 7141 642·9223 ~~ ~~!:~_: M~stss!nfo Fairing. trunkcase 7,400 213/821·3422 (A~~,v~ri~.51 $]495 SNIT NIH cond. Loadecf $9500 _s_s_9·_50_10 ______ 1 .f'.&..•.~!.'.r·&.·;·'·'······"··1•0• apprec Appr aised at miles. Owner desperate fratkl 1510 Open Sunda~ Sun root. alloys, loadecfl 770-7369. 768-8083 • " $:!8,000 Oesper11e to $25001 besll nowl •••••••••••••••••••••• ANO MANY MORE! Low mllu, very rerell '79 P0<sche 928 loedllCI '74 THIH 11100 ~L---·------69 T·Blrd. never lllt all sell S28.000/best ofr. 559-92911 76 Luv, 4 sPd sllc:k, 48, "This exceptional car la Super stereo tape Im· _5_4_s-_0_7_32_1_s_40-4 __ 6_14_ t 79 El Camino SS V8 orig Not even 1 scra1cn. 64 5·2561 or 673-9301 o o o m 1. ,. 1 n t co rtd ~ We behtve we have the mint 111rougtiou1I" Lie. mac Aut• P6's 30K m1 72 vw Panel Bus new Auto at c. p/S, p/b. Im a11 lo m1 Impeccable Racing Sabot Very tast. 71 KAWASAKl.500 $2650/bst otr 957-0440 ..,, sharpest & lowest priced •203ZOL gold ten leather $22 rdls, rebll eng Very cass S5500 556-9134 thl\Jout $2450/bst Call P11mp Ullman Sall Good Needs work mu51 sell 1981 Toyota SAS short f iats tn So Cahl. OREYllR •ITIU 500 clean in tout $3100 7'•· Monte Carlo L•n· i_M_r _J_a_me_s_s_48_·_72_4_5 __ cond S 5 50 t otr fast $300 OBO bed. new clutch. new CREVIER AftVtlucltsCuirantttd 208W 11tS1 645-8532 546-8221.645-3955 oau orig ownr •Int ~ H14 5·18 3529 549-1953 -----tires. new paint, xlnt * '78 32CH. auto , anlrl, Santa Ana P1relll P7 Tires Porsche 197 1 vw Square back cond clean & lu• 358 cyt .!!.'. ••...•••..•••.••• "OLDE" 20 1980 Harley Davidson cond. $5000. 840-8709 ("438VCK) 114 aaJ-3111 t1ont tires, brand new, runs. needs body work eng auto, PI S, PIS, air 75 Vega Wagon, runs lair. Golden Anniversary LI all 6PM * '79 5281, 4 sPd .. low never been mounted, Sl,000 oeo 945.2323 Must 5ff Mirrors. AMI needs some work S600 F.u 1est 20 looter around I mited Edlloon Feet or~ mis ,(" 140YCC) l97 l 3.5 coupe, 71,000 20 5/50 VA 1 s. S200 ell 5 or 536-2875 FM stereo. sprt rims. OBQ 545-0982 Super racino record custom, $850 paint job 1966 qanchero. good * '79 5281, auto , sn/rl, mites. Sliver wlblk lntr eech 2131785-9210, med red w/wht. nu Hans, i-.......;'-------- Maln. 2 jibs spinnaker ••anu,manyextru.lot< c0voenrhdau't.:3..n.gMursetc•~'t10Y (•5342615) S 22.000 Frank , 7141646•5605 72 CAMPERwt RVaw nu mutller $2400 AotosUstd I I 0 d b I A ,., ' ~ -""" ~ * '79 633c I t I 494-3361 n1ng. AM/FM cass new 551 080 •••••••••••••••••••••• , r vr emo oa e· ot chrome & gold plating apprec. $600. &41·5080 s ; au o , ow • 1 ••••••••• duced to $9 500 Balmer. S7 000 or B 0 646 1854 mis .. (it5535418) ltlO 410 IL 80 911 SC. Targa Llghl tores brks. ball runs 1---------1 dlr 675·3282 --·-------75 FLATSIOE .,., ton V8, * '80 3201: 5 spd. toa-B••'• f1Z1 iold. tan leather 1oaded greal $3 100 633·6653 79 EL Camino, VS, auto P T •••••••••••••••••••••• XJnt cond 2 tops Black 20 ooo 1 5 150 ooo A/C P/S P/8 sunrt 71 TRIUM H 650 IQ81' auto trans . P/B, PIS. dedJ l•BOV020) lllllA ltllTllll • m • yr • I 65 BUS L ' ' ' LIOO 14. nds repair Best very clean. orig cond AIC rebll ..,.,. St 950 * .82 3201: 5 SCd , 108• wltll bamboo Interior ml waHanty 27,000 otsa e.-1ras Lid, new tires. brks & (•tier Seen by a pol s950 544•2168 54e:5533 · -.... • · dedl (llEB09lOI we can help! Before you Pollshed rims Firm 11 ---------Super clean Runs g1eat abatt $6.000 536-8574 760-6086 buy. check our unbelte-$32,500 831·8325 78 930 Turbo. very clean. $2200 963·5146 Kawasaki 175F7 on/oil 79 c11--.. •,; Ton. 8 bad. bl~ ielectlon. savings ---------recent repaint to factory 67 77 Malibu Classic. 4 dr. SllbOt. Phoenix. racing road. 7ompg mint cond v•7 131-1171 MBZ 280 SE 1069 4 dr colorl 43K ml eng r• I VW, new reblt eng air gd cond $22501 ol- rlgging, new Ulman sail xtras $600 64s.7497 k~,;"..o°1~~ ~~~S.~~:fo 208 w . 151 and "ullrvleelYE' RSln sedan White w/green build by Andtal Racing 11 unoer wrnty. 2 new ra-fer 675· 1835 S850 (714) 840·5530 ~anta Ana lntr. Asking $4500, cell 23K ml P-7's, BBS wnls I dtais. AMt FM tepe deck. I---------" '68 SUZUKI 1"5 •9"7402 4• 000 ml ~ I s n I 75 El Camono. pl s. ate c 76 Toyota Long bed. Closed Sunday ULEI I SERYIOE ".,. manual turbo boo91 935 · ... rn Y u r · S2200 or make offer N~::~;~5$50 campr shall, AM/FM, 4 CHOICE INVENTORY 2850 Harbor Blvd. MBZ 230 SL. 1965. Bluet cam. Titanium rlng1. A Ski rack, good cond 979-4027 s Pd , x t n t con d VOLUME SALES COSTA MESA wnt lntr. 2 tops, good FINE PORSCHE I $40. $2550 551·3887 IS' SAILBOAT, needs some work. great trailer. $300 Must sell 1111s --------- weekend. 960·5543 1611 1975 HOBIE CAT w/ trailer, xlnt cond $1850 080. 406·0512 76 CB 750 Honda lo ml $3700/olr 536·4542 & 640_9840 cond. S12.500, 751-2402 000 Gary 673-8347 74 VW Sqrbk. nu oalnt. .65 CORVAIR Isl sold ·79 Xlnt cond 78 Toy P.U. L. Bed SA·5. '80 3000, 20,200 ml, fully '82 PORSCHE runs very good, air cond Needs work $600 OBO $1300 631 4940 Shell, air, am/Im caas. 1976 Honda Civic. Good loaded, Hklng 122,500. ~7~·35:9 ~ I 0 B 0 . P P 545·9438 or 642·4336 S3.ooo. 581-0403 IO I I 0 LARE II cond111on, 51 ,ooo mt. o tc 1113.2141 (Roy 01 CABRIOLET . 81KAW550, 2000 ml, •1, Ford P/U 1H85753 llW Best ofter. Call (7 14) Lloyd), 1v11 & wknds. 20 Tornado Catamaran lairing. kerker. all paru s 1400. Shell, ca, Lrg 996-7068 1~7&-3298 & trener. extra gear except lrame 962-5900 toeel 490 c I M Sales-Servlce-Leutng $2200 (213)784-6905 w S OS 1 Ha 850 N a--·h Bt·vd. ---------KAWASAKI •OO 12K m1 SI CM .,_,.. 62 VW runs well, sun roof $695 72 MALIBU LAGUNA Excellent cond. ext & 548· 1487 int . engine not running ·71 vw Squareback u· 1_saoo __ 6_4_2-_4_6_53 ___ _ N1\Bl~RS <:,\l)ILL1\C CLEARANCE SALE! 1981 CADILLAC ELDORADO llARRITZ ( 1DFJ458) s16,995 SABOT, Melcrafl/ rentals •lnl cond $750 OBO -------.. -5-1-, La 1-\abra satl Race-ready·' like MUST SELL s & PM ft•• 7 111 122·HH $675 673 4306 · at 9 •••••••••••••••••••••• 74 HATCHBACK. good cond. 4 sPd. 60.000 ml. $1095 675· 7396 cellenl condition 27 c V8327 I s 1695 548· 1487 l\evy engine 1981 CADILLAC wllh 350 trans stilft kit fLHTWOOD ~:;'.9963 • · HB 536-778 t Liken-.79 Chevy'.+ Ion. Open Sundey --------1 74 BSA 500B·SO Vietor air, PS. PB. radio $4800 tR1111E ottm'I Islander 37 NB slip Classic. orig equip, xlnt 848--0798 ILt••T Xlnt Financing S59.500 d $800 63l 2310 .---------5• '82 300D Turbo Mer· Private Party 499-4820 con • ~~ Che;~ V•r 1 N~ma~. & '80 4 door Accord. auto. cedes, 3 mo1. new, IHI ---------1·75 HONDA 350XL, Baja ue w ue n · 0 m loadecf. Xlnt cond. S6800 than 3.000 ml All e111raa. Sebot. comple1ely rigged ready, Irick equip $500 Windows & removable Firm 409-'321 Make reaeon1ble otter. for 11lllng 631•2310 benoh seat. S8500 c 11 M F 1 8 30 5 $400. 846-2179 •93·74102 1 . On· r 'I : • ' . .78 Suzuki 370•0 Like -. --------Salas·Servtc.Leaatng ·77 St Wagon. xtnt cond. 731·5844, evee 968-1029 44 Be1ut Swedish 91oop new must see to apprec 71 CHEV VAN y, ton. IVr' CARVER am/Im ster. Must sell '67 M ed Be 200 $29.500 (71•) 552-3701 s800· 631_.,310 350 turbo. N-tires & $3000, 873·2259 ero es nz • 4 c cyl • speed Nice d•· or (714) 821-1503 WH +MORE S1800 or l\ll.S R.Xt·M1\\ 79 Accord 4 door. 5 pendable cer $2750 23' Star & lrlr. $1800 or •• ,., a •• ,,, S•I•/ offer ...... >< ••• , .. .,,,. •• .. speed, •Ir cond • reg. 213/502-3032 offer GOOd cond J .. t l$tot•f• fl60 STEVE 645•6506 .• .,,., ,.. ,. "' ......, gas 35,000 ml $5900 S36 •809 eves ••••• :r •••••• ••••••••• A I W. t·"' •11~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 7 5 2. 8 1 9 1 d a Y • . Gerage Hit, b1r1too1s. • 73 25· tully equlpp•d •., •• n ~~"' 9S1·7523 eves/ wknda.' playpen, clolhH, etc *Liii 14* Sips 8'. eelt contained •••••••••••••••••••••• 1082 BMW 633CSI. 1000 322 10111 II Hunt 8ch 9 2 .. ,, 0111111, trlr. miny 548-5747 WE PAY mllH All optlon1 plus 61 Accord LX, AM/FM ·111 4 Sii 1p1re p1r11. Xlnt cond '72 Shula 18' motor TOP DOWR ~l~1~.~;.,:7~•·;:;.~ = ~~4i!:·0:1~~;ci~1 -,.-,-.-.-,-.-.-... -.-2-J_OS_ Kept lnelde S2000 no mo. $3500, good • a r 1 n d Oar 1 g e , SEDAN. 52850 Mutt S49·271t dyt, 850-9968 cond Call alt 6, FOi USEI DAii 831·3698. Honda, Toyota. Da11un ... 11 . Make Oller 1tt 6PM 542.1502. .. a• .... ._ ~~~~~~~~~I 111 mak ... S199 doee 11. 1191•11355 --= No 111 or 1111, no depo----------LEHMAN 12, fully equip. AV door with screen• POITIA0/111111 '711 BMW 5281, brn, IX· ett. No tic. fee. Dellvera '79 3000, 4 dr Hdan, ped, S225. $35 cept1on11 cond. Loeded. any leue, buy1 any car perfect cond, to ml, muat 548·3520 5'8· 1230 2480 Har~ Blvd. S 11 """ 87 .. 8753 s "'--., COSTA MESA ·'"""'• "" over our co11. All 1vera ... 1 Financing 1v1ll . .,,. 20' SNIPE, w /traller. needs TLC. S175. All. &pm wkdye, 557-3142 SUIT 1400 Slllel Olfl 073--0647 .......... , ..... r,.11,n f11nl II 10 ·······"·············· 78 Golden F11con, 25'. fully Hll cont'd Twn bed•. tub & ~. roll up ewntng Sipe II. Uk• ,_ In & out UMd vert llttle Mu1t Mii $5750 131.+', brll'ld """"·comp! OBO 213·130.1500 w/C4111llf board & rud· , , oar 1700 1~82&-<t042 65 ShU1a • 20. lrvl trlr. ---------1 Salt con111na0, 11100. ,,,,,, Ill~ 551.105 l>#kt I010 Vtr'I nlct 5th Wh .. I •• • •••• • ••• • • •••• • • ••• EJdor•do, 34'. a.11 .... , ... Side Tie In Tuetln park Mu11 NII, I HU Hu1b1nd 111 • To 11 It Meteue cn.anna1. can't wortc. 730-7121 1100 t1Mt... ...... 1J Jllm 1111Ut. 11•1 ........ .... .1~ •••• :r ••••••• , •• , ........ lllDe Mil~. wti Of"'° '=~l'.3:•· c.ycle, flat ~1 042-4121 llN TII .. le IO' ,.._ Utllll~ trlli.t Ult ht '"'· t1H , 111•1111, ....i fremt uo ,...., ~ .,...... ..-...... 141-1410 - ,, 141.UIO D•ts•• ll# L .. atng 834-0189 54&.6355, r11873-5404 Mf.1411 ••••••••••• ••••• •• •••• J•1.111 1131 1001 • 1171 ---.-E-.-,-,----we ;.r.;;;~~;·;979·,~~ hc•pt1on111y ci .. n. 1981 Jagulfl C.11 Cllw $0500/olt New tlr••· GLUI OUI 11 Ba ue r Motore 1 1 645-8840 ••• TllOll 070.2500 Of lloP by tor 1 -.llO-M_8_Z_450_S_L_. -loedld--. .. quid! IC>Pfelllt 11 2925 301< mt, all 1vt red•. 2 Harbor 91vd. In Coela lvoty/tan '"tllor. Imme· M.... We wll1t you< JI · o u f It e . I 3 3 , 0 0 0 . COHl'olHL CMEVRClfT ,._• I " r \\'I !1 41>-1200 . . gu•rl 752-01192 or 64,.....48 '77 JIQ\llf 2 door ·19 3000 . apar• tank, Xln1 oond . 111nroot, Ivory w/lan, t 213/oi31-4483 owner. mini . • loi,900. 111 '11 Ill t7M &71. 11.....024 .. llftl '72 2401. N•w Plrtlll1, • Top doltare for 8l)Orll Aacato ...... Xlnt run· V12. 0tlg. HI< ml. 2 plue 11' ... I&. Cera. l uge, campera. nlng concl. 12500 2. auto. wire wNe, air, Drive your dream oar 914'•· Audi'• ... 2·1131 Oouglll AM,,M. Mint Oond. TOOAYll Oor9eou1 Aek IOI' U/0 MOlll 'fl z. IUIO ""· -.0, lo 17~H1, 17 ..... NO or9IN W/~ Int • •.. .._ I '!~vJ l {J~ ~ AMJN ca., .. Herd .... -ml, 1000 ..... fl'tet ·-ALL .... & ....... pYl'fttt. t7M141 I••••••••••••• ••• -""'- tf7\I ._..IM '11 JIHllH lnt~Of, ::'dao fr8f91 ~ HUNftHOT~ ICACtt 'fl UOI 11"11"'• el t, m• 111 h a l\• df "'!1 to t1•,000• Tf!lt .,... •••... MO,,,..... f\lftt .-i. 1 "'1_4_~. 11,1uu M t1 .... N IOO • ..._.... , ~· ~ '"!! MIU 'II YW I HI performance MUST 11 SEE $1.000 OBO "ASTaOaOOf" New motor. AM/F'M CIS• setle. Good condition 1----64_2_·4_6_53 ___ 1 HOUGHAM COU,. S 1700 6-' CORVAIR 4dr Monza ( 1CRA592) 549·7374. 540-9439 MT xlnt tlres/mecll $600 $14,995 vw 69 Van, runs good. 0 B 0 S a I & P M ' s re1>11 eno. new rad111a.1-53_6--_77_9_1 _____ _ ..... 11 11'5 ...•.....•............ HW '12 lt11•lt Lt Oar IO te Ollttat Fr•• u Buck•t SNll. Rally Mags, Deluxe Trim, Reck & Pinion Steering. Front Wheel Drive. Lu11ury lnlerlor & MOREi EPA Eat 30 ctty. 40 hwy (J.~~!!41) 1111111 OIAIT ... /JIEr/RllAILT 2524 Harbor Blvd, C.M 549-8023 ~S.7770 AM/FM stereo can. Cirnlfl ggz5 moving. must sell Aa· •• .-,.-•• • •••• •••••• •••• king $2300. 730-6278 '67 NEWPORT, alnt lran- 1/ W EN GINE · • 0 H P sport S5SO ( t200cc) runs fine, 6 volt, 493•9595 Ills Bug. Bus, Ghia S250 CHti .. •l•I HJO 494·2•07 •••••••••••••••••••••• 79 Convertible Bug. red. •Int cond AM/FM tape. 26,000 ml, reg gu $85001 best otter PP 75 MARK IV. white. Ups· tick Edition. c1brlolet landau. feet m1g1, beeulllul $3950 675·2172 4117•3249 i--.68--S-EM-l-C_LA_S_S_IC--1 69 Volkswagen Van, May need muffler. but goOd cond New btoc:k. olh•rwlH good cond. orig owner $3,000 OBO $309. 9t9-8011 557-1080 Cerntl• fHJ &8 VW Bug. aunrt, AM/ •••••• ••• ••••• ••••• T.. FM. $2.250 Good condl· 75 T·TOP. 4 1od. 1828 ·74 Renault R-12, 4 •PMd. llon Fullerton Ave . Costa 4 door. 1/c, 1tu10 499-2986 M .... 8·5 WMkd•ye _1_1_100_. _S4_M_1_3_o___ ''2 sunroof Bug. rebuilt. 1 ff1S I U. •--.. 11H yeer guarant .. , pertect ••• •• •• • • ••• • ••••• •• .! .••. -::1:.···••••••••• paint, Int $2500. Ike new 70 Omni 4 or, •t OtlffR iN U.s:A 861•3952 !c!;?~~~~o .:"f.bo~ A•ln Dl"H Mil 14000 932.3142 ~CARVER ·····"················ JOlS-fOtCE M!f. ••••••••.••• !.~! 'loy~A:r~ ~':~~or~:,:,~: -..0-.,,.,ll,) ••ON'I• '?2 AMC HOl'MI 2 dr ... orig ownr $1400 080 -•<• ~~""' din, recent valve lob. 5311·T711 • . aouo WHo4n , . brekH. and auto lran11•7-4-8-wt-noar--.-1-m-1t_m_c_ue_.1 rbll. Rallebte. low ootl a te, P•· pb , 11395 '7t 81twt I n.dew II Ir• n •Po, t t 1 1 o" 841·U11, 641-1011 Mlnuond. toOO ITJilaa, lt500/l>lt 114/4.._..903.._ _______ 1 111.000. 1•1•J14t-NeO 11 ~ 4 c:v b'9 J .. I~ "'f ~ VI .,;,., ..e., ct• .::r •••• •••• ••••• T:'.l ~ .•.•.•.••• I!.(~ •It . .-unnlno. n••O• 11 '~d LTD. no boCl1 1.-94"-.l.Mllnt at"'•••'" au 1 ~~TU'·'""''' .. ' Mm •W ... , ... ., ~ Oa ll •Ft I -,~ "f\lt HU 1!1111 II\ 111·• • •• ~,.... CM111M1• w.m,... a.. .. .,. 1910 CADILLAC ILDORADO COUPI (802277) s13,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI (113YOH) s9395 1971 CADILLAC ... COU,. DIVllll (25401 1) s5995 '..~"'-" Ci .oif5 Oftef Good """' Mondty, t-Zl-12 NABERS C DIU.-"f~' -NAMCMt aw. COITA•e. 540-1160 -. .. . t A a a CEADl.INES Rx Tuelday through Saturday publications, 5:30 PM the previous day. For Sunday and Monday publications. 12:00 noon Saturday ERRORS Advertisers should check their ads dally and report errors immediately The DAILY PILOT assunws liability for the fil'lt incorrect lntertlon only. I i&ZZ Q JW4 us u z p 642-5678 PUPLISHEA·s NOTICE. All real estate edverttled In this newspllp8I' 11 autitect to the Federal Fair Housing Ad. of 1968 wtilch rNkee it lllegel to adYertise "any prefarence, limitation, or diacrimlnation bued on race. color, religion, aex. or national origin, or an Intention to rNke 8lff such Pr9ference. limitation, or dlsctlmlnatton " This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adVertlslng for real _...which 11 In violation of the tlw. ~ ............ -...... ···--... - lltllSES Flt SAU "-ti ·-a._ ..... ·-.. --· '"' Caflols_ .. _ ltlt c.;.. ..... , Ila c.taM ... . .. tr ... -·-11m ,._..,.v.1i.y 1034 -......... ~ 1000 '"'""' .... '-llowh 11* U.-Hdb ICM ~=~11!"1 IOU .... =-~l~ 109 ,,,. SM,..,. C•,.Mrane ,.,. SMtaMo ·-... iw ... ... .....,,~ 1• ..... _ ----11• Q~SIFIED INDEX IUl ESTATE Acrt-ac•,..S.M ·-~--••rws.t. ID :.~':'en, ·-... Cc'fM\f'rJ ..._. rruu 1• ~':~m':i:f:'' Ja '"'° 0..-•n u .. u 11oi. ID ttouMa to bt Mo'Vtd llDO ,.,._p,-"7 -INIYilMtJ Proptrt)' ZIOI Latt ,. Sale mt Mobl .... Bmr Trlr Prh DID M-O...n.Ro«1 -O.~Co l'rop UGO °"' c-~ ,.,., ltlolll OwlolSlet• --~.f'wMiOr•• .. , "" lti~ .. f.alM• EuM•ae -Rut £at1t• ••M ... - "Ads In this category must be pr91)8ld Open 8-5:.30. Saturday 8·noon (Clo89d on Sunday) :n> W. Bay St., Cs>sta Me1a, Ca. 92627-99113 lfNTALS -Pio ........ J .. _L._f_"'-4 -......,.,_,.,..,u., -c...... ........... "' -C....wwM.t V•' -T-''"" --T-lol :Im ar.,.lottl r\utt »111 ~•nVt1f -" "''" J7tO 4pU Unfw" -A.ptJ "'"'or Un' ---· -"-·--...... ......... , UOI c--· .. ,.. StunfNr lh111Uh UDO v ...... ,.._.,_. -........ a.,_ •• -Clat-1w 11 .... .. a::!""•' -11-ol -._.,ll_ol UID ~~ ...... ----..... b - 2 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAI~ Y PILOT /Saturday. June 26. 1982 Dalebout · Bay le Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 OlllE Wnl IS ••• Tl IAlllllES This Is not to be missed. A magnificent and commanding Mediterranean viii a on the water. Five bedrooms, Including a masterful master suite wltlll Its own private staircase to a water oriented patio and spa. Located Inside the security gates of this exclusive community. Owner wlll consider a lease option. Land Included In purchase price. $1,650,000 OPEN SUN 1-5 ............... 2600 Bayshore Drive ME WITI n ... Tl Ill UllN Privately shielded by towering trees. Super custom residence Is a successful combination of superior quality, fine craftsmanship and luxurious details. Five spacious bedrooms. Dining room. Immense famlly room. Pool. Spa. Discover what llvlng really Is ........... $1,495,000 OlllE wm n. . .Tl 11Y11E TUIAOE Sensible as well as sensational. A rare opportunity to acquire one of Newport's finest view properties. Three bedrooms. This offering Is of extreme value because of Its diverse and unspoiled ocean views. The llstlng prlco lncfudee the land ............................. $1,050.000 OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 ...... 1301 Dolphin Terrace ... wm IL •• Tl IPYIUIS •a. Lovely landacaped ground• •r• a gracious Intr oduction to the spacious Interior. Five bedrooms, plus, bonus room. Property boasts a view that embraces the Whole WOf'ld of Newport Beach ... ocean. as well as night llghts. Many ftaw1eee features. . .......... $950,000 .. E W1TI II ••• Tl IM OAIYll Absolutely first rate. An Ideal environment for entertaining and family enjoyment. Huge corner lot assures maximum privacy. Four bedrooms. Totally customized. French doors and windows. Ten skytlghts. Impeccable and lrreplaceable11t Its price. Generous financing ............. $895,000 CHE wm IS ••• TO Ill CllYll .. A totally private, and moat sought after four bedroom Versailles. Densely wooded, but with a superb view of golf course. A country lifestyte . . . with everything but the running creek. Secluded splendor with distinctive charm anlt Impeccable tBSte ................................. $850,000 -Wiii IL •• Tl 11111 lllOD Only 9'aht properties llne fwned Westwtnd Way. tta 1'ome. f'lll'ely change owrMN"a, but when tNs happ9n1 .. It'• an 8Y8frt •.• • ta tttte one. Three huge bedrooma. Vlewa from an tides ere nothing short of spectacular. Extraordinary financing. .. ........................................... $835,000 o.I Wl11I n. .. Tl llYU llllES An unusuaf and functional floor plan provides extraordinary Interest. All rooms are generously proportioned. Five bedrooms. Dramatic view. Private courtyard sultable for pool or putting green. Ex<*lent ftnanctng .................. $675,000 -Wiii ... ·" ln&All Undeniable vatue. Thtt property t9kes the laureft tor amenities and creature comforts, plua a dramatic front row vtew of ocean and city llahta. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Price jul1 redUQed. Liberal financing .................. $825,000 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE COME WITH IS ••• TO llYlll SHORES Super v iew. Super floor plan. Super construction. Magnificent. Four bedrooms. Sliding roof over Immense entry. Pool, Spa. This uncommon master piece Is the talk-of-the-town ... and It Is the only one of Its kind. . ................................................... $600,000 Open Sun 1-5 ..................... 1906 Galaxy Drive ClllE WITH IS. • • TO IOYEll SllOUS Hugely enjoyable. This four bedroom waterfront Is for those who are fed up with today's dreary problems and wish to enjoy the dramatic view of water and night lights. Large pier and slip. Price just reduced $105,000. .. .............................. (NOW) $595,000 °"'E wm IS ••• Tl llftl SIMES Not commonplace. A home of distinctive charm and taste. Totally upgraded and remodeled. Four bedrooms. One of Its many features Is a ten foot solld oak bar, complete, even to brass rail. Pool. Dramatic view. Exciting financing. ............................................................. $550,000 .. WITI IS. • .Tl TIE llllll Pm111U fhe best of all worlds. Handsome new famlty home. Three bedrooms. plus, parents' or maid's quarters. Exquisitely appointed with solld oak, marble, brass, walnscoatlna and much, much more. Consider trades. $549,500 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 111 East Bay Avenue -WITI IS ••• Tl llYEI SlllU The quality runs deep. Out-of-town owner says "Sell It". Fantastic view. Four bedrooms. Dining room. Family room. Pool. Excellent owner flnanctng. Price just reduced ............. $475,000 ... WITI IS. • .TO llYOllEST . The look is confident, not cosmetic. An absolute treasure. Beautifully maintained grounds (complete with its own greenhouse). Five bedrooms. Formal dining room. Family room. Rare move-in condition. Very special financing .............................................. $425,000 -E WRI IS ••• Tl lllYllE TllllAOE It feels as good llS It looks. Rich In old world charm. This handsome offering features such finely detailed appointments as French doors and windows, crown moulding, expensive brass hardware and a completely new country kitchen. Three bedrooms. Splendid financing. Price Includes the land ....................... $395,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ......... 1524 Santanella Terr. .. WITI IS. •• Tl UY•EST The lnspfred work of a master craftsman. For thoee who demand more than tt'9 ordinary. Completely rebutlt with rare artlatry. Four bed~C?Om•· Pool. Spa. Seldom does a DrODertV of ttlle calfber come on the market. Don't min It! ......................................................... $395,000 OIME WITI IS ••• Tl IAYOIEIT · All the luxuries, plus. a down to earth prloe. Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining. Huge llvlng room with soaring beamed cefllng. QuaJlty and i~~=11~~o1.~~~~ ..• ~~~~~.~~~~ •• ~.~.~.~.~C3sJ~ Open Sat/Sun 1-5 .... 1837 Commodore Road -Wiii iL • ·" .., am Practlc811y everythlng's here. Three bedrooms. Dramatic llvlng room. Private backyard. Secluded pool. Owner wlll consider lease-optlOn. This Impeccable offering II also for leaae (furnished or unfurnished). Call us for detalla. . ................................................ $279,000 Open Sat/Sun ........................ 318 Signal ~oad 631-7300 COIE WITH II. . . TO MESA YEllDE A value that will withstand the test of time. This sensational four bedroom dwelling has It all. Oversized yard. Pool, Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Even a half basketball court. An Inviting family lifestyle. Great for entertaining. ............................................................. $279 000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ........... 1944 Flamingo Drive OlllE wm 11. • ·" TIE mlAILl.EI A place of dignity. Refined. Elegant. Endlessly fascinating. Luxurious two bedroom penthouse overlooking the bay and ocean. Security gate. Pool. Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Most of these things are found only In more expensive condos. Excellent financing. . ............. $259,500 . -E wm IS ••• Tl WESTIUff An abundance of reasons to buy. Excellent financing. Owner will even consider lease-option. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor Plan. Pool. ..... $255,000 Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 1016 Dover Drive .Ol9E WITI IS. •• Tl TllTU ... A visual treat for anyone who loves excellence. Undoubtedly one of the best buys In Orange County. Three spacious bedrooms. Convertible den. Family room. Impeccable condition. View of mountains and city lights. Uncommon opportunity to purchase below value. $225 000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 .................... 23 Rocky Knoll -WITI II. I .Tl .... -·-Never a better time to buy. Pure and simple. this three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Superb location. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. Unheard-of financing. It's great to get so much for so llttle ....... $199,900 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ........... 512 Rockford Place OlllE WITI IS. • • Tl DIST& IEU At last. a condo with character. ~ .and priced within the realm of reason. This intriguing tri-level, three bedroom dwelling Is made warm and comfortable with the lavish use of wood and used brick. Wiii trade or finance. $185.000 •E wm 11. •• n 1W1011 w a1e1• Irresistible. A two bedroom (plus den) end unit condo with a fabulous view of golf courae and green belt. A total delight. ............... $189,500 .. WRI II ••• Tl TIE WMA PIAllllU Slmpte. Straightforward. Thlt ta a tbc•~pper ~ Prtme be8d'I aree locatk>n. One untt has three bedrooms, nreplllCe and endOMd patio. The ott. Is a paneled bachelor untt wtth ~alcony and bay view. Generous owner financing. May conllder trades ......... .$179,500 ... WITI II. •• Tl lllTI 1111 Value. An opportunity 88 llmltless 88 your Imagination. Special three bedroom resJ<Mnce set on nearty one third acre. Excellent eutlJde location. Large fenced-In pool. A superb buv. Owner wtll help finance ...................... $169,500 Open Sat 1-5 .................. 2651 Redi.ndl Ottw 111111111 -....... Prime locetlon In Eastslde Costa Mesa. Nea.rty a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plans and permits for 26 condos are available. Purchue prloe also lncludee a near new tr1plex. Excellent terms. Owner wtll consider trade. Call Harr .. t Perry ............................. $1.160,000 NEWPORT~BEACH • -.. _, .. ---·--..""'::I""'--- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 -3 JACOBS REAL TY Jacobs Realty has built its reputa tion on frie ndly, professional service. W e h ave a cornple t e pro p e rt y manageme nt team ·to assist in the rental and maintenance of in come pro p e rty. This se rvice in s ure s carefree ownership and lets you like your investment property again. 2 STllY llPLD just a few doors to the beach . Two plus 2 bedrooms including new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio separates the double garage and both units. Super location. Near shops and market. Asking $250,000 with owner financing the balance. ....... Over 3000 sq. ft. custom Cape Cod on three levels for gracious living and entertaining. This one year old home has 4 Bclnns, family room, fonnal dininl{ room, 2 used brick fireplaces, 3 decks, and is MOST beautifully decorated. Offered at $399~00 .. NPIW llllEI IHEL Two stories, 3 bedrooms plus loft and family room! Lovely wood exterior, slate e ntry, expanded built-in kitchen and huge sun deck. Walking distance to beach. Owner will carry BIG, so-o submit your down! Asking $165,000. IEWPOllT HElliHTl-$211,100 Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bdrms (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All coppe r plumb. brick fire place. Larg e yard · w /sprinkle rs front and rear, cov. patio. room for boat and/or a motor home + 3 car garage. Super location, and terms available . LIVELY IPlllU EUUlll right in the sand. Four large bedroom, newly remodeled built-in kitchen, and huge family room plus a formal dining room. Spacious living room · with fireplace. Take over $500,000 loan at 12%. Asking $875,000. Owner will help. JACOBS REAL TY &1·5-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 • a asst as : z st 10 us St ;; Ct z: : o aa;ss :3 a s1sn10J1p P a o; uuusus 1e•a naun&J euae>o 4 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturda~y~, Jlulnlel 2l6l.l 1l9l8l2•····--------.-.-..._ ..... OPEi SATllllAY 1-1 P.I. 209 19th St., Bal. Penln ................... $319,000 117 Marine Ave .• Bal. Is ................... $272.500 102 Blue Lagoon, Lag. Bch .............. $545,000 2331 Clltt or., Newport Hgts ............ $649,500 502 "I" St., Penln. Pt ...................... $438,000 2137 E. Ocean, Penln. Pt. ................ $305,900 607 Bayside Dr., Promontory Bay $1,200,000) 108 Turquoise, Bel. ts. . ................... $675,000 408-4081h Poinsettia, CdM ............... $272,000 IEWPOllT IS. l&YFllOIT An affordable prlc~ on the water with pier/slip for 30' boat. Enjoy outdoor llving with large patio & deck. Adaptable residence can be duplex or home. OWC large 2nd T.O. $495,000. Fee. OUISIO Oln&IE-WATEI Just In time to enjoy for summer on Grand Canal. Balboa Island. Remodeled and ready to occupy this 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Private patio with fountain plus patio on water. Warmth and charm, gourmet kitchen, stained glass and sundeck. Can be added onto. $595,000 fee. docks for 2 boats. 673-6900. PIEll/ILIP FR IO' NIT Dramatic executive home on Promontory bay. Formal liv.rm. all with views of water. Huge master suite with flreplace + 3 more bedrooms, 3 ba. Custom tlie & oak cabinets In kitchen. Upstairs sitting rm. Gorgeous & spacious patio for entertaining & boat watching $1,200,000. 631-1400. LIH ISLE IWUTIC Spiral stairs and professional decor throughout this spacious 4 bed. 4 ba. home. perfect for the family. Ei<isting assumable loans of $392,000 @ effective 12.3% Interest. Sales price $649,500. fee. 631-1400. llYSHORES FRESH I FREICH A perfect traditional country French 3 bed. 3 ba. wih large country kitchen Brick patios & all amenities for outdoor living. owe first T.D. please see and submit. $325,000. IUUTIFUL llCI HY-YI, YI In a private wooded alcove corner In Newport. Custom 4 bed. 3 ba., formal din. rm .. tam rm., 3 fireplaces, wet bar, VU living rm., recreation rm. w/wet bar. Private pool & spa. Spacious & luxurious w/hlgh beamed ceilings In liv.rm. OWC all at 10.15% APR for 30 years, with reasonable down payment. $579,000 fee. LIDO ISLE CU$SIC Totally remodeled and decorated 2-story in the best Mediterranean flavor. Open, bright 4 bed., 4 ba. 2 patios for entertaining. Stained glass, open beams. OW finance with low cash down payment $445,000 fee. 631-1400. OCUIFllllT COIH YI LAGUNA In a private community with 3 levels of oe<ean VIEW. Luxury 3 bedroom. Great summer/winter rental, OW help flnanc Asking $545,000. 631-1400 f 1011 AFFOlllAILE. • • • • • • • • TO lFFLIHT I • • I • • IOWFIHT IEWPlllT CAPE 011 Appealing eastern charm with all the warmth of bygone days. 50 ft . on best beach. Open beams, fireplace and much more. $850,000 fee. Call 631-1400. unu llWI llPLEl-CHIEI PRICE REDUCED TO $535,000! OW exchange this dream home of 3 bed. + rental unit & maid's quarters. Steps to water & beach. FLEXIBLE TERMS. . .OW listenl 673-6900. It's colorfully coordinated & lovely. llYlllE CIYE UYFllllT Prime Sea Diamond plan on one level with 2 bedrooms, 2 baths plus den. Fresh neutral decor. Private beach, bay view, pool and spa. Security gates. Boat sllp available. Fee land. $775,000. Ml ... IS. IUSTIC 11111mo11 Immaculate and adorable cottage that's very livable and loveable at $272,500. Near all shopping this 2 bed. with brick patio is BEST BUY ON THE ISLANDI 673-6900. , TEllllFIO llYESTllEIT -3 llllESI Beautifully maintained triplex in prime & convenient Costa Mesa location. 102x102 ft. lot and quality built with front yards & garages. $248,500. 631-1400. IHFllllT -50' IOAT SLIP Sunrise to sunset & night VIEW from this gracious & elegant WATERFRONT home. Spacious living room, formal din.rm .• gourmet kitchen w/breakfast area. French doors to brick patio & colorful garden, any extras & decorator amenities. Large master suite + 3 tam. bedrooms. $1,750,000. fee. 631-1400. HlAIOll lllliE -REDUCED 1201,0001 ANXIOUS SELLERS ARE READY TO CONSIDER ALL OFFERS! 180 deg. VIEW OF BAY. OCEAN & NIGHT L}GHTS. Quality details throughout this formal hOme with 4 bedrooms, library, formal din.rm., Immense family rm., glamorous master suite + other fine features. $1 ,995,000. fee. Submit. IEWPO{IT TOWIMOIE -IOCI Spacious & lowest priced 3 bed, 2'fz ba. In a waterfront community with your own boat dock. Greenbelt views & patio In a private area. Good assumable financing. $320,000. fee. Wiii, IUSI, FlllEVEI YI Classic contemporary with redwood exterior. Smooth design and flowing floor plan 3 bed. w/large fam. rm . Pool size lot. Spa, sauna plus glass enclosed decks. $695,000. lFFllllAILE COSTA llEU Per1ect 3 bed., 2 ba. home on large lot. New carpet & paint. OW help finance. Drive by 2260 Federal, & call for details. $114.000. DUPLEX CDI -CHARIER Just 3 blocks to beach. Front house has plank floo.r s & wood burning f 'place, w /two bedrooms. There's a newer 3 bed. unit over a 4-car garage In rear, both in Immaculate condition. Reasonably priced at $272,000. FOllEYER VIEW -REDUCED! Terrific location & large home with forever view for only $649,500 on fee land. OW exchange for smaller home or Income units In this area. Large 2-story 3 bed. + large fam. rm., din. rm. + 3 car garage. Assumable loan. Terms fle)(lble. OW lease/ option or rent by the month, furnished for summer. Call for details. UIU llU/WAITI EIOUllE Owner needs to relocate. Will trade for commercial, Industrial or home In Beverly Hiils. Beautiful 5 bed. w/pler/sllp for boat up to 50'. On a gate guarded Island. asking $ 1 ,600,000. llllllSIU -OlllU HL IUI Two condos with soaring 26' open beams, solar glass, and over 3000 sq ft. Interesting levels. generous size rooms Include 3 bdrms plus open Iott, many amer.ltles. Reduced to $295.000. GLIFFIAVEI -CIWllllll -1241,100 Spacious 4 bdrm home with family rm and dining room. Master suite with Roman tub. OW help finance this property on a fine street. Drive by 421 Pirate Rd. (off Cliff Or.) and call. FllTISTIC IALlll ISL. llPLU French doors, bay windows and 3 car parking with this valuable property. Sold furnished. 2 Bdrms In each unit. Large assumable loans. Submit. $479,000, 631-1400. wmnLtl wam1 Impeccable quality and good taste in this warm and open family home on the water. Classic Interior with 2 bedrooms plus den and large landscaped patio with spa, fountain and fire ring. Your.own boat sllp for 45' boat right out your own door. Owner will help finance for qualified buyer. $618,000 on fee land. Submit terms! 631-1400. llWPllT OIEIT -1241,000 Spacious trl-level with private entry to home with 4 bdrms, family and llvlng rooms and walk to beach. Owner will carry AITO. Fee. 631-1 400. rrtPITI IUOI Sharp beach home. Highly upgraded. Reniodeled kitchen Nice use of wood, Inside and out. A reasonable price for this 3 Bdrm 2ba home. Outstanding financing. Owner will help. Submit. $209,000. WATERFRONT . HOMES, INC. HE ALTOHSQ Sat.a. Rmtals. Property M1magement 315 Marine Ave. 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Balboa Island Newport Beach 67:i-6900 631 -1400 pt'dalldng In prc>IH'rt)' on &h! wat.-r •.. nur IM water ••• and witb Vi~w ,,, welf'r • , • Orange Cvunty Real Estate/ An Advertising Suppl!_ment to the DAILY P~LOT /Saturday, June 26, 1982 -5 coTt nrnur © mvrsrnrnr conrnm BIG CANYON CUSTOM ON THE GOLF COURSE One of the finest family homes available In the Canyon. 6 large bedrooms with maid's quarters and a separate 2 bedroom suite with Its own living room. Terrific view and location on the 18th fairway. VERY private pool. $1.8 million and owner will help with financing. Owner will consider trade In Southern Orange County. CUSTOM ON THE GOlF COURSE This new .listing ts one of the finest examples of contemporary architecture available. 4 bedrooms and Its own very private pool and spa. Recently remodeled with a VERY modern kitchen. There is no home In the Canyon with as much privacy. $1.75 Miiiion. CUSTOM ON A PRIVATE 2.25 ACRE PARK Adjoining a wonderful children's playground, this 6 bedroom mansion has It all. Private pool and spa. maid's quarters, and over 5,500 square feet of executive family living. Owner wttt help with financing to a quattfted buyer. The price ts $1.595 Miiiion. DEANE TOWNHOME -CUSTOM POOL & SPA New on the market, this 3450 sq tt end unit Deauvllle provides the ultimate with golf course view. Three bedrooms, three full baths sauna and a huge "no maintenance" yard complete this offering'. Huge assumable financing. $799,500. DEANE TOWNHOME -ON THE GOLF COURSE This new on the market Monaco is perched right on the golf course and Is vacant and ready to move In. The price Is below market and the owner has indicated he will tease, lease/option or outrlgh't sell. Over $400,000 of low interest financing. Priced at $599,9501 DEANE TOWNHOME -VACANT END UNIT This Bordeaux model with new carpets and paint features 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths and ts vacant and ready to move in. There ts an oversized yard to accommodate a pool and spa or for your children's playground. Very private yard. $250,000 of assumable financing. Owner will assist. $500,000. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM -INCOMPARABLE HOME & VIEW This newly completed English Tudor has It all. Huge gourmet kitchen, 5 bedrooms, a pool and spa with Its own functional gazebo. Huge 20 toot ceilings in the entry foyer. Over 7,500 square feet of sheer luxury. $2.65 Million. CUSTOM -COUNTRY FIENCH WITH SUPER VIEW One of a kind estate with sweeping bay and ocean views. Custom Diane Johnson designed kitchen with EVERY possible amenity. Very private spa and room for pool. Even has a children's playroom! Over 5.300 square feet of custom luxury. $2.3 Miiiion. SPECIAL LAUTREMONT PREVIEW 3,000 square feet of privacy In one of "the" premier guarded gate communities. Superbly decorated with 22 foot atrium entrance. Very private custom spa with extensive landscaping. 4 bedrooms with 3 full baths and a large family room. $850.000. Open Saturday/Sunday 1-5. LOVELY "LAUTREMONT" WITH VIEW Professionally decorated four bedroom. 3 bath, family room and den. Courtyard entry with Kol pond. Owner will consider exchange for waterfront property. $850,000. ' WATERFRONT HOMES CUSTOM BAYSIDE -MAIN CHANNB. Simply the finest waterfront home available In the entire city. Over 8,000 square feet including your own white, sandy beachll 7 bedrooms. prlvat6 pool & spa and a view from all rooms. You've got to see It to believe It$ Super gourmet kitchen. $6 million. CUSTOM LINDA ISLE -MAIN CHANNB. New on the market, this simply fabulous Country French Normandy estate is situated "on the point" in one of the premier private communities In the world. Over 5,000 square feet, with private pool and spa. Over 127 feet on the water and a slip to accommodate the largest of boats. For the connoisseur. $5 Mllllon. . CUSTOM HARBOR ISLAND -MAIN CHANNEL This Is the finest home to become available on Harbor Island In recent time. Incomparable adult living with Its own pier and slip to accommodate a 10Q foot boat. Unusually large grassy lawn on the harbor side. Reduced by $800,000. Price $4.2 million. CUSTOM LINDA ISLE -MAIN CHANNB. Over 6,500 square feet of sheer elegance with breathtaking views from all Important rooms. Indoor/outdoor pool and spa with retractable rootll Over 76 feet on the water. Sit down bar to view the boat traffic and beautiful sunsets. Huge assumable. $3.6 Miiiion. CUSTOM UDO ISLE -UDO CHANNB. Can you believe $1.4 Miiiion of assumable financing on a Lido waterfront! Your own pier and slip to accommodate LARGE BOATS and an oversize lot! This home has a huge custom St. Charles kitchen and views to take your breath away. $2.25 Million. UDO TOWNHOME -WITH BOATSUP Recently reduced (by nearly $100,000) this tine 2 bedroom and den waterfront adult condo has it all. Right on the Lido Channel, with over $300,000 of assumable financing. Decorated to the 9's and ready to move In. WAY under market at $495,000. CORONA DEL MAR OCEAN -BAY -JETTY VIEWS Newly listed oceanfront on a private street in old COM. Most Incredible views of the ocean, bay and jetty available. Quaint 3 bedroom home with oversized lot. Could be a grand remodel. Owner will provide financing & subordinate. $1 .25 Miiiion. HARBOR VIEW HILLS -Yi ACRE WITH VIEW That's right, over Va acre on FEE LAND. Gorgeous ocean and city lights view. VERY private pool and completely remodeled with multiple use of French doors and windows. Custom kitchen with European style titted cabinetry. $750,000. JUST LISTED IN SPYGLASS Large spacious entry with spiral staircase. Six bedrooms. 4 baths, 3 car garage, and family room. This home is located on a large lot with a spa, and room for a pool. Beautiful city light view. Excellent financing. Ottered at $615,000. JASMINE CREEK -NEW LISTING Rare plan 3 In guarded gate -Jasmine creek. 3 bedrooms, family room, 2 full baths, large covered patio with putting green. Two large custom stained windows. Ex..cellent financing. Room for spa. $389,900. 760-1900 220 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, California 6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the _DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 WATCH IT BEING BUil T Magnificent Vi ew Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Now Under Construction. The Style Is English Tudor. The Blueprlnts Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect $2,200,000. Susan Trlvlson's Listing. EXCLUSIVE BA YSHORES BA YFRONT Pier & Dock. Quality 5 Bedroom In Desirable Gated Community. Private Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Probably One Of The Finest Waterfront Views ~vallable. Right At Turning Basin. Reduced In Price To Only $895,000 Leasehold. Call Now. Marllyn Twltchell's Listing. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CUSTOM -BIG CANYON This Elegantly Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Overlooks 8th Green. Views From Most Rooms. Formal L.A. & D.R. Richly Paneled Library With Coffered Celling. Paneled F.A. Spacious Master Suite W/His & Hers Baths. Pool, Spa. Maid's Qtrs. The Ultimate In Quality & Charm. By Appointment. $2.290.000. Miiiie Howe's Listing. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Spectacular Hiiitop Estate. Magnificent View. On Five Acres. 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Built Home Ideal For Entertaining. Solar-Heated Pool, Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area. Room For Tennis Court. Horses, Guest House. Submit Reasonable Offers. $1,775.000. Binnie Dixon's listing. CUSTOM BA YFRONT Promontory Bay -5 Bdrm Home -Lrg Liv Room, Formal Dining - Family Room -Powder Room -Gourmet Kitchen -Slip For 55 Ft. Yacht & Side Tie -You Own The Land -Owner Wiii Assist With Financing. $1,850.000. Cathryn Tennllle's Listing. HUGE COUNTRY MANOR -NELLIE GAIL RANCH Anxious Owner/Builder Must Sell His Newly Constructed Spectacular Home On Approx. 1112 Acres Of Hiiitop Views. Soaring Ceilings & Spacious Open Rooms Focus On A Lrg Atrium W/Waterfalls & Even A Rain Forest. An Entertainer's Paradise. ,Call For A Private Showing. A Trlvlson-Hlll Listing. WOODSY RETREAT ON THE BEACH Outstanding Custom-Bullt Home. Forever View Looking On Sand & White Water Waves. High Beamed Ceilings & Large Glass Windows For More View. One Of Laguna Nlguel's Finest Homes. Owner Wiii Help With Financing. Priced At $1 ,450,000. A Hlll-Trlvlson Listing. PENINSULA Waterfront W/Dock. Panoramic View. Great Location. Redwood Float + 50 Ft. Dock. Custom-Bullt Home W /3 BRs. Kitchen W /View Window Has All Modern Amenities. Used Brick BBQ In Outstanding Patio Area. Tiied Garages. Great Offering. $1.295,000. A Dion-Marla Listing. JUST COMPLETED Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Mariners Point. San Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View, City Lights. Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Amenities. See To Appreciate. $875,000. Owners Will Accept An R-1 View Lot For Trade. Or Down Payment. Maria Bercovitz's Listing. EMERALD BAY MODERN Exciting Ocean View Home -Superb Contemporary Styling -3 BRs - 3 Ba+ Den -High Beamed Celllngs In Den. D.R. & L.A. Sun Decks. Spa Off Spacious MBA. BBQ. Sensibly Priced At $695,000. Joyce Dabolt's Listing. JASMINE'S FINEST Top Quality Home In Gate Guarded Area. 3 BR End Unit On Quiet Cul-de-Sac. Beautlfvlly Decorated Home. Surrounded By Wide Greenbelts. Parking Spaces Galore. Call Us. $427 ,500. Muriel Barr's Listing. BIG CANYON Presenting The Least Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Prestigious Big Canyon. Shows Like A Model -Typically Pride Of Ownership. Huge Master Suite Plus Private Guest Bedroom & Bath. Owner/Agent Wiii Finance. Priced Under Market Value At $415,000. John Merrill's Listing. Split Level Home Overlooking Cherry Lake. Private, Secluded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeled Gourmet Kitchen W /Mexican Tiie. Owner Wiii Carry Financing. Assumable 1st. Truly A Beautiful Spacious Home. Huge Price Reduction. Now $297 ,000. Lease/ Option Considered. Binnie Dixon's LJsting. OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND BLUFFS -BARGAIN Excellent Fi nanci ng Available. Large Assumable Loan @ 1t11t% & Owner Wiii Consider 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded Carmelita W/3 BRs + Cozy Den. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbelt Near Pool. Vacant. $229,500. Sally Shlpley's Listing. HORSE COUNTRY Remodeled Home, Approx. % Acre. 4 BR, Pool, Spa. Park 8 Cars+ A.V. Great Location. Keep 3 Horses On Your Own Property. Great Financing. $275,000. A Dabolt-Shlpley Listing. EASTBLUFF Rare 5 BR Lusk. Two Fireplaces, L.A. & F.R. Highly Upgraded. Kitchen Remodeled. Excellent Financing. Only $274,000. Sally Shlpley's Listing. OLD CORONA DEL MAR Just Listed. South Of Pacific Coast Highway. Two Bedroom. One Bath Cozy Cottage. R-2 Lot. Room To Expand. Practically Lot Price. $257 ,000. Sharon Collins' Listing. 2009 YACHT DEFENDER, Seavlew, N.B. $450,000 SAT/SUN 1-5 542 HARBOR ISLAND DA., Prom. Bay, N.B. $1 ,400,000 SAT/SUN 1-5 . 114 VIA ENSUENO, Mariners. SAN CLEMENTE $875,000 Sun 1-5 7 AUE VILLARS, Big Canyon, N.B. $222,500 Sat 1-5 551 VISTA GRANDE, Bluffs, N.B. $222,500 Sat 1-5 1087 GLEN CIRCLE. COST A MESA $229,000 Sun 1-5 3 AUE FONTAINEBLEAU, Big Canyon, N.B. $415,000 Sun 1-5 2642 VISTA OANADA, Bluffs, N.B. $229,600 Sun 1-5 1126 E. BALBOA BLVD., Peninsula. BALBOA $1 ,295,000 SAT/SUN 1-5 412 CARLOTTA, Bluffs, N.B. $l95,000 Sun 1-5 759-9100 # 2 Corporate Plaza· ------------- BLUFFS Single Level Lovely 3 BR W/Enclosed Yard. Private Patio, On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Painted. Newly Carpeted. Only $222,500. Sally Shlpley's Listing. BLUFFS FIXER Popular 3 BR Delores Plan. Major Greenbelt. End Unit WI Spacious Courtyard Entrance. Vacant. SUBMIT OFFERS. Asking $195,000. Sally Shlpley's Listing. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Low, Low Priced 3 BR W/ Living & Dining Areas Opening To Secluded Patio. Nr Beach, Schools, Shopping. Custom Cabinetry. Good Assum. Loan. Priced At $175.000. Call Now. Binnie Dixon's Listing. Newport Center ' I -. --I O~Q! County Real E•tete/An Advertising Supplement lo the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 -7 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A Sl8SDA.W OF 1ME 1RVM ~y WI• 11111 llUll YllW LIJ -.. IT lffn• Looking for an Impressive address In Newport Beach? Magnificent location with spectacular view • Full ocean-Bay and coastline. All within a prestigious gated community. $975,000 Lynne Valentlne 644-6200 (F11) IWf•m UMI -llYllE OIYE 4 BR, 4' Bath family home w/room for expansion. Pool, spa, lighted paddle tennis court & separate play yard. Ocean view. Gated community w/prlvate beach. Land Included. A best value In Cove. $795,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (F12) •u•• 11111 wm ,.. New on the Market -Elegant Kensington w/spectacular view. Designed for Indoor -outdoor entertaining and family living. Expanded 4 BR, fam rm & formal dining. 3 fireplaces -marble & mirrors used extensively. Community pool & tennis. $650,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (F13) ........,. IAYFlllT •TUI This unique home approx. 8,000 sq. ft. Is an entertainers paradise. Large allp, bayslde lawn, pool, 3 fireplaces plus his & hers bathrooms, den office/art room, library, gymnasium. Unusually deep lot w/approx. 74 feet on the bay. Only 5 years old. $4,950,000 John .• Macnab 642-8235 (F14) llWEI IAY'FlllT -.... FIUllD You own the land when you buy this spacious Mediterranean sty1e home with docking for 75 to 85' vessel. 4 BR, 5 BA. & convertible library/den. Liv. rm., din rm, kitchen and breakfast rm all overlooking the bay. Good assumable loan & owner w/flnance balance w/reaaonable down payment. $1,700,000 Larry Oyer 642-8235 (F15) CIWFlllll IPlllll EITA11 Sophisticated living on Udo Isle In this 16 room home on 3 Iota -7 BRs & 6 baths! Opens to an e.xpanslve landscaped courtyard & lg. pool. Excellent financing -$1,250,000. Call Tom Alllnson 0< Terry Hanes to see this one-of-a-kind homel 642-8235 {F16) 11111 II' IAYflllT -Nearly new on extra large lot. Views of Harbor & Linda Isle. Secluded courtyard swim pbol. 5 BR, 4+ baths. 6 rooms front on the bay plus oversize private entrance guest suite, lg fam rm w/bar & dance floor. $2,200,000 Incl. land George Grupe 644-6200 ......... Close up views from three decks & all rma. See jetty & entrance, harbor. bay, ocean & nlte lights. Low dn. payment to lg. existing loans. Leaded & stained glass modem appliances, beautiful 2 BA & den $925,000 Incl. land. Bea Arnold ~200 (F17) ...... -1IAM'MllL" • Ull llU 2'1l years new. Exquisite detalllngl 1 lot to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BA. 2'1l BA, fam rm, 3 fplcs. $685,000 w/$299,000 assum. B of A 1st. Oona Chichester 642-8235 (F18) • llPD ....... Ill YllWI Lo orlme Irvine Terrace location. Mint condition w/sunset views from 3 rooms, & sh~tered pool. Easy to expand. 4 BR, 21/t BA. Owner w/carry lg 1st T.D. $675,000 Incl. land. George Grupo 644-6200 (F10) . ........,, Entertain In an atmosphere of 8MQanoe In this dramatic residence. Designed around a stalned glass afrtum w/handsome mirrored bar & the perfeci floor for dancing. Formal din rm views • lushly landacaped garden w/pool, spa and waterfall. 4 BR & den l full security system. '675,000 Including land. Cathy' Schwetckert 642-8235 (F20) 644-1200 . .. - U'"AllUll -... muam Charming cottage w/huge master suite. Covered beams & tiles throughout -newly remodeled. New roof, new heating, copper plumbing. New kitchen & bath -Room fo enlarge & build 2nd unit. 45' lot. Bay view. $675,000 Beverly Morphy 642-8235 (F21) 11¥11111111• -WIEW Lovely 4 BR In newest area of Irvine Terrace -sit down view. High beam celling & completety new kitchen. Large courtyard patio. Fee land. Perfect condition. $595,000 Incl. land Beverly Morphy 642-8235 (F22) PlllE IDMTlll 111111 •• ·-YIE1f Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BA, 2 BA. dining area home situated on very lg lot -room for expansion & pool. $495,000 Fee land Donna Godshall 644-6200 (F23) •EIFMRllMU largest lots w/20x0 ft pool & spa. Mediterranean w/tlle floors, oak french doors & windows, 4 BR, fam rm, lg din rm. $465,000 LH Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (F24) VIEW -VIEW -VIEW Lovely 3 BR. fam rm, 2 fireplaces, Jacuzzi. Immaculate "Fantastic FlnanclnQ avallable. $425,000 Berlt Mltchell 642-8235 (F25l IAYll• llYI The "legend" model -one BR, den condo situated within steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor. Financing Is excellent on this prestigious home. $395,000 Fee Donna Godshall 644-6200 (F26) UITILWF I YllWI Lg. 4 BR home w/wonderful family rm & den addition. The famlly- play rm has an ornamental fplc w/ralsed marble hearth, mirrored wetbar & carved celllng. Lg. view lot w/room for play, picnic & party. $299,500 leasehold. Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes 642-8235. (F27) lllY• IM 11111 YIEWI Larger Corona del Mar lot on quiet street, spotless 3 BR, 3 BA Including separate guest suite. 2 lovefy patios. Setter may help finance 2nd T.O. May be best opportunity In town. Ottered at $295,000 Incl. land. George Grupe 644-6200 (F28) ............ One of a kind 2 BR home on a qu'81 at. w/brlek fplc, hardwood floors, charming yards, lg deck & mini ocean view. Access to private beaches. Good potential for remodeling or adding on If desired. Only $285,000 w/land. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 (F29) Ill PllOE 1111111111 • I II NIL .. Big Comfy home In Eastbluff on quiet street. Prime family neighborhood. Hard to beat from the standpoint of price and terms. $269,000 Coby Ward 642-8235 (F30) IEWLY UF•llllEI HPLD This "Best Buy" Is an even better buy now! Owner has just upgraded this low cost duplex In Corona d~ Mar & will aaalst In financing to make everything easy for the new owner. $248,000. Ward -Callihan 642-8235 (F31) llfmTlllTD lllFR -W/Pllllll IPI Bright & sunny "G" Plan end unit, featuring 3 BR suites, each w/prl. bath. Redwood deck spa w/ramada overhang & tinted glass windscreen. Low Int. assumable 1st TD. Priced under market at $235,000 Leasehold. Paula Bally 642-8235 (F32) 142-8235 -, ____ ---=-. 8 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 26, 1982 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Between tfie feirways and the Sea • • • Artistically etched into a gentle hillsick acljac:C'nt to 1 he fairways oflrvine Coast Count ry Club, Sea Island is orienteci to panoramic views of the golf coursC', Upper Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the cosmopolitan silhouette of Newp ort Center and Fash ion Island. Explore this semi-tropical envirnnnwnt of exotic trees an d fl ora, emerald lagoons and magnificent landscaping. You'll agree that Sea Island is, indeed, the definitive statement of fine living, a world of elegance, g uarded- gate security, recreation and sophistication that reflects the Legacy of Style for w hich Newport Beach is un iquely renowned. select your new resid ence from a variety of architecturally-bold two and three-bedroom floor plans, ranging up to 3,003 square feet and appointed according In Sen Island's theme oft he quintessence of privileged lifesty les. from $390,000 to $795,000 ltnm<'OWfM't'! .. A...;.. t<tli<"I •')'l•.,.11'41hY1111 rl"'klt-11._ m.untainarommun IMllUI<>-Aok llOI Mlt~ I •'l"""'lll11th ,,. lor ..... """"'"'vnrr~· r ••.• Shl't'l.1'\lllAhllnl( 11ll 111'1n11. fi p~~u!~~!?s Newport Beach A Legacy of Style. 11 Sea C.ow Lane Ncwpt1r1 Beach. CA 92660 (714) 673-0474 C'jlHE RmE CDIFM'f_ Mrt.11111 l>c-• tlo>llnll'nl C'n 1!*11.! l'ri«r• t'flr<·111·\' .i• ol 1.1111Jlka11o111 ol.111· I • 1214 3 FINANCING• HARBOR VIEW HOME Gorgeous MONTEGO model featuring 4 br, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 with large assumable loan & seller assisted financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. •TURN A FROG• Into a handsome prince. Spacious 3 br, 2 ba home on large corner lot needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 •5 3 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9% and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$727/MO.• Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DEMOLISHED HOME -CHEAP• 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable single story end-unit decorated in sumptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. Great assumable 1st Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.25% payable $795/month. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •ABANDONED• Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below marke t. 963-567 I 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• Is all you pay for this 3 br, 11/1 ba cutte with secluded patio. $1 0.800 dwn and it's yours•• 963-567 I 9032 Adams. Hunungton Beach. !'>56-7035. •MESA VERDE • Affordable hv1ng with :.uperb hnancing ava1la bll• Sp..1L·1ous home' meticutously maintamt'<l Only $13,500 down Asking $l:i5.0l,)0 90:32 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with soaring cathedral Ct'aling:. and bright and airy country kit(•hcn With 4 large brs, 2 ba's and a family room. it's a bargain at $154 ,900. 9032 Adams. Huntington &•at'h 556-7035. •$9 ,600 DOWN• Buys this big 4 br J.X>OI home. Over 2000 sq. ft Loara &:hool., A.~k ing $159,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 •FREE MONEY* Owner desperate, wall finance home at zero intl'rC'Sl for 5 years Beautifully decorated home in mint cond1t1on. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •OWNER DESPERATEll• Must sell this cozy cu.st.om home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The soaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at this price. Secluded pallo/rourtyard with low maintenance yard complete the picture Sacrifice for $171,500. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach . 556-7035. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE" 2870 Son Mlguel Drive Newport Beach, CA 92880 (714) 759-1501 *'ASTILUFF• 11.21% Financing available when you takeover exJSting loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extel'l8lvely prepared for entertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WESTCLIFF HIGHLANDS• Sensationally remodeled·& decorated 4 Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room, skylite, lush private courtyard. fplc & ~wnable financing. Only $299,000 Qn FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •FREE RENT• Choice 4br executive ranch style home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1.200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months t.o 1 year. Large, low interest assumable loan, formal dining, frplc, and FEE LANO. 2670 San Mieuel. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. •11 .253 FINANCING• HARBOR VIEW HOME Sensational MONACO Model on FEE land with large asumable loan!! Featuring 3 BR, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,950. 2670 San Mieuel Dr .. Newoort Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • 10% 3 FINANCING. 103 FINANCING Brand end unit featuring 2 master suites, 2 car garage and numerous upgrades. Owner wants t.o sell TODAY!! Bring check book and make offer. Only $149,950. 2670 San Mil(Uel Dr .. Newpart Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PRESTIGE COMMUNITY* Gorgeous 3 br, 2 1/2 ba, 2 story home in JASMINE CREEK. Featuring guard gate. J.X>Ols, tennis, clubhouse. Secluded location with custom upgrades tncluding staint'd glass windows & carved doors Flexible hnancmg tailored to your nC'<.'Cis. 2670 San Miguel Or , N<•wport Beach. 759-150 I or 752-7373 •BACK BAY AREA • •$135,000· l Br houSl' on foe land f£>aturmg hardwood floor.. & shingle room v. 1th 11~, a!>sumable' 1st T.D Prtc(..'CI for 1mmecliatc sale'" :J670 San Miguel 759-1501 or752-7373 On brand new townhomt•! Ft•atur ing privacy. 2 mstr su1tt' & de/loft OV('rlooking hv rm Only $1 23.950 2670 San M1gut•l Dr. Newport &>at'h 759-1501 or 752-7373 •PRICE REDUCED • 8.753 AS SUMABLE LOAN On this charmmg townhomc• m UNIVERSITY PARK T ERRACE. Freshly painted & ready for oc:cupancy. Only $129,950 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-150 I or 752-7373 •9 3 FINANCING ••••• When you takeover existing lst Trust Deed on this absolutely beautiful Plan 4 in HERITAGE PARK. This former model features 3 Br 2 'h Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $151,500!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PRICE REDUCTION• WOODBRIDGE LANDING Btfl plan I featuring 3 br, formal dining. Located across street from Lake 2. Priced at $244,900 on FEE land. Owner assisted financing available. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Ne wport Beach .. 759-1501 or 752-7373 HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adams Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92848 (714) 598-7035 18'-Orange ~o~nty Real eaiaiitAn Advertising S~meot to th8"0AtLV Pli.OT/Saiuttfay, June is. 1982 Lido R e al ty Presents • • Open House Showcase • • tnl llllH 1-1 LIDO ISLE 121 Yia LI•• Stull Custom Country English bayfront home with pier and slip. designed by Internationally acclaimed architect. 6 bdrms. 6 baths, gourmet kitchen. formal dining room, security system. IPH SlllAY 1·1 LIDO ISLE IOI Via Lillo Soud Build or remodel the kind of home you have always wanted on the BA YFRONT Pier and slip. Asking lot value. $1 ,300,000 OPEi SlllAY 1·1 LIDO ISLE 131 Via UadiH Recent price reduction on this spacious 4 bdrm home on an extra wide lot at the quiet end of the Island. Features den, large sunny patio for entertaining. Perfect family home. $539. 750 IPH HllAY 2·1 LIDO ISLE 11& Via Waziers Fabulous Mexican Hacienda. Hand painted tiles, roof-top garden. sunny patio with fountain, 4 large bdrms. formal dining room. family room, 3 car garage and many extras. Fantastic price reduction. $495,000. IHI HllAY 1·1 LllO ISLE 207 Via lentoH Charmiflg custom country home. 4 bdrm. on 45' lot. Has all the amenities. Custom Oak throughout. French doors. stained and leaded glass windows. Owner will carry. $595.000. IPH SAT & llHAY 1·1 LllO ISLE 221 Yl1 lthac1 Value-Price-Terms ... is what you wlll find In this Immaculate 2 bdrm remodeled home. Owner/decorator & everything Is really sharp. Well below market. Owner anxious. $335.000. '') IHI SllllY 1-1 Liii ISLE 204 Via E~oli Extra wide lot plus pool. 3bdrm, 3 baths. fabulous decor Assumable financing. $595.000. IPll IAIAY J-1 LllO ISLE 212 Via E~oli Completely remodeled 3 bdrm home on a large lot w/South facing sunny patio w/jacuzzi. Owner wlll accept low down, consider an exchange, wlll help with financing. $498,500. tnl llllAY l-1 Liii ISLE 121 Via Flrt11e large 5 bdrm. home with formal gardens on oversized corner lot. High beam ceilings. separate dining room + den. This could be your move to Lido. Owner will help with financing. $695,000. IPH SHIH J-1 LIDO ISLE 224 Yi1 8t1oa Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths. den. 3 car garage Romberger design. Radiant heating. 2 patios. Bullt in storage + many amenities. on 60' lot. $675,000. IPH SAT I SIUIY 2·1 LIDO ISLE 111 Yi1 Quito One of the newest and finest constructed homes on Lido. Features Include sunroof. marble tub and showers. wet bar. high ceilings. hardwood floors, mood lights and much more. $639,000. IPEI HIDAY 2·1 LllO ISLE 113 Via Ravta111 Just llsted ... Charming 3 bdrm, 2 baths beach house. Features circular fireplace, brick patio. Completely private 1 bdrm. 1 bath upstairs w/outside entrance. $349.500. OPEi SHIH 12-J LIDO ISLE 818 Via lido Soud Choice corner location near bay. beach. tennis & clubhouse activities This 3 bdrm. 3 bath home is on a wide lot. Fantastic fin. Large assumable loan. Owner will assist Jn financing. $387.592. IPEI lllllY 1·3 LIDO ISLE 101 Via S11 R1110 New French Normandy, 4 bdrm+ den, French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glass/wood + 2 fireplaces. Large sundeck off upstairs bedrooms. A must to see. $595,000. OPEi SHIH 12·1 LIDO ISLE 240 Yi1 Ehli Corner location on 40" of Lido Isle. 4bdrm. 3 baths, 3 car garage. South patio. This home is looklng for a new owner with moxie to utlllze it to Its full potential. $450,000. IHI HllH 12·1 LIDO ISLE 224 Via Ltrca This 3 bdrm bargain for builders on a 1 'ft sized lot could be your dream come true. Patio Is extra large & perfect for entert~inlng also rm for 2 xtra cars or small boat. $425,000. IHI SlllH 12-3 LIDO ISLE 222 Yi1 Paler110 Just listed this cozy charmer. Best priced 4 bdrm home on island. Features open beam ceilings throughout. Remodeled kitchen. South sunny patio. Submit offer. $389.000. tnl llllAY 12·1 IAICHO SO ,11&e111 i Mtr11a Beautifully decorated 1 bdrm + den condo. Wet bar, 1 'Ii baths, pool and jacuzzi. Spanish tlled patio. Close to frwys., tennis & shops. $149,000. IPO llllAY 1·1 IEWHRT CREST # 10 Wiid ltose Priced to sell In this market. An exceptional townhouse. 2 bdrm + den + retreat + office or sewing room. Parquet flooring In entry & dining room. Close to pool. tennis and beech. $189,500. 673-7300 3377 Via Lido tnl llllAY 1-1 IALIO& PEIUISUL& IOI E. Oct11frHt 4 bdrm up, 3 bdrm down duplex. Great area for summer rentals. All investors must see. Only 5 years old. Best buy on the oceanfront. $525.000. IPll HllAY 1-1 l&LIO& PElllSUL& 1111 Court St. Worth seeing & worth owning this brand new 3 bdrm, 3 story custom home. Ocean & bay views from master suite decks. Thermidor BBQ on kitchen deck. Good mortgage loan available. $399,000. OPEi SlllAY 12-1 CLIFF NAVEi 321 li1c1 Rtltl Spectacular view custom home with 180 degree bay and ocean view. 3700 sq.ft., 2 master suites. 3rd bdrm w/bath. Oak floors, formal dining room, 2 fireplaces, wine cellar. Creative terms. $682,500. tPH SlllAY 3-1 DOYER YILL&&E 1063 DOYtr DriH 2 story. 2 bdrm. 21/2 bath. fireplace. patio. dbl. garage. Pool & clubhouse. Walk to shops & markets. Adult llvlng. Good financing. $149,500. IPll SAT I SHIH 2·1 COST& IES& 2277 Pacific &YI. Beautiful new condos. 2 master suites. Solld oak cupboards. Spiral stairway. Cathedral ceilings, skylights. dbl garage. Ocean & night light view. 30 year financing at 103/..%. A must to see. $125,800 to $173,500. IPEI 11111' 12·3 II& CllYOI 21 CHJH lslallll lriwt OH Ford Road. Golf course & canyon view. Split level condo. Pool, spa. tennis. Good Financing. Now vacant. $265,000. IPD llllAY 12·1 II& C&IYOI #2 Wl•c•tl Fott Most unusual customized home In area. Indoor-outdoor pool with sllding glass roof. 18' bar. screening rm, gourmet kitchen. play room w/full kitchen & bat h. Good financing. $975,000. OPll SlllAY 3-1 ./ ElSTILDFF 2111 1,sswtttl Bank l'.lepo. 2 story. 5 bdrm, family room_ corner lot. Great femlly home with lots of room. Bank ottering new 30 year loan at a low Interest rate with 20% down. See and save $$$$. $232,000. IHI llllAY I ... CLIFF llAVEI I01 St. b4rns Very best buy In Newport. Large lovety and llght, two story condo with two fireplaces. Swimming pool. Only ten condos In group. $169.500. '"' ... , 1-1 IEWPORT CREST 23 Aries Ct1rt Plan 4, 3 bdrm+ retreat end unit. New carpets, one of a kind. Customized throughout. Pool, tennis near beech. 2 car garage. No outside maintenance. $275,000. Newport Beach, Califor~ia • / . • - I _..._ ____ _ -.. __ J Ora(l1ae County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL y PILOT/Saturda FOREST E. OLSON, REAL TORS E. HUllTlllGTOll BEACH W. HUllTlllGTOll BEACH COSTA MESAl llEWPORT WEITMIDTll I 111,000 Nestled on quiet cul de sac sits spacious showpiece. 7 years new. 37' X 18' bonus room w/bath & barf Gourmet's kitchen w/tlled work Island. New low price + exciting terms make this a steal! Hurry! 962-5585. llm•TH IUOI 1112,000 Steel ltl Great starter with low low cash down! Take over $94,800 In loans + owner will carry plentyl Spacious 2 story with 3 big bedrooms plus wee cowboy's retreat. Family room + much morel Hurry! 962-5585. llm•TH IUll/MWITIWI 1111,000 Just blocks from the breakers! Spacious 4 Bdrm 3 beth. Formal dine. Huge master suite w /Paclflc view. Flreplace, wet bar, greenhouse. Great opportunity to beech ltl Act now and save bigger than ever! 962-5585. 11m11T• w• 1111,IOO Vacant giant! Spacious two story accented by dramatic entry, formal dine + gourmet's kit. FamUy rm w/cozy flreplace. Hardwood floors, new paint. Serious seller will assJst with low interest financing! Don't welt, 962-5585. H.I. DOWNTOWN 1203,000 Price slashed! Custom energy efficient home, Bright, airy feeling created by garden atrium. 3 big Bdrms. Mester suite w/bubbllng spa tub! Anxious owner open to your terms even at his below market price! Call 962-5585. FOllTlll YllUY IHl,000 Mediterranean Villa enhanced by extensive use of Imported ltallen tlle. rich oak & marble. Dramatic sunken llv rm. Gourmet's dream kitchen + cheery breakfast room. Formal.din rm + huge fem rm. Mester suite w/slttlng rm. balcony & one of three fireplaces. Rich in detail! Call now for showing 962-5585. WEITllllSTEI 1111,IOO Price slashed! Serious seller offers massive two story at new low price. 4 Bdrm + 2'11 baths. Huge family rm w/cozy fireplace. Oversized enclosed patio. 3 car garage. So much for your dollar If you act now. 962-5585. FlllTlll YILLO 1112,IOO 5 Bedroom ramify home otters .spacCous entertaining areas + formal dine. Manicured landscaping. Sun.splashed patio. Vacant & ready ror fest possession. Don't welt-act fast at new reduced price! 962-5585. IAIDEI 81DYE S 110,000 Specious stanerl 3 big Bdrms now offered thousands below market value. Vaulted celllngs. wells of glass. Security gated condo community with city conveniences! Don't wait-act now, call 962-5585. E. HUNY.INGTON BEACH NUITlllTON IEICN S 115,000 Vacant bargain + pool! Spacious 4 Bdrm + tam room. Fireplace, fun In the summer sun In solar heated pool, In private tree lined yard. Don't wait, act !"Owl Call 894·7521. SUL IUOl/OILUIE PAii 1211,000 4 Bdrm 2'h bath pool home. Close to freeways, shopping end golf course. Features Include huge family/living rooms, den and master bdrm with fireplace, plus large bonus. 894·7521 llmHTll IUOI 1221,000 Ocean view -1 block off ocean. 3 year old 3 Bdrm. 2'h bath house with wine closet, woodburnlng fireplace, skylights, clerestory windows, ceramic tile entry. A large assumable loan. Don't miss It. Cell now, 894-7521 WEITlltlml YIWIE 1211,000 ln·lew quarters -elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath, has 1 Bdrm and bath downstairs. Large living/dining room, den with wetbar end fireplace + 3 car garage. Near Westminster Mall and freeway. Great terms with owners wllllng to quallfy for additional financing. Call 894·7521 - WESTMllSTEI $124,100 Serious seller offers super starter 3 Bdrm. Fun size famlly rm accented by rustic beamed celling. Private rear yard with splashing pool + spa. Cov. patio. Owner may consider 5% down with acceptable offer. Hurry! Call 894-7521. NllTlllTOI 111110111 \ $315,000 Slashed below market! Massive custom bullt trl-level on rare, oversized lot, offering volley bell court, bubbling spa, tranquil waterfall, Kol pond & cozy fire ring! Unvellevable viewl Won't last. call 894-7521 . MllTlllTll UlllM 1441,111 Waterfront home with expansive water view, custom steined glass, ceramic tlle, 3 baths, formal dining, patio, boat slip, master suite with balcony end sunken tub. 3 other bdrms. Call for financing options -894-7521 •T•fll IUCll 1241,111 This tasteful 5 Bdrm home has parquet entry and dining room; pool with Inlaid tlle; large fully equipped kitchen, bonus room with antique repo pool table. aquarium and sunken wetbar. C~ll today 894-7521 OPEN DAILY 8:30 to 8 P.M . . W. HUNTINGTON BEACH Ollll MEil 114,IOO Fixer Is Ideal for investor or first time buyers. Bring paint plus imagination and save $$. 3 Bdrm, garage plus workshop, take over existing low Interest financing. Call today, 645-0303 ClMlllDIE llEEI Stl,100 Security gated townhome. 3 spacious bdrms, large deck off master suite. Community pool, spa and tennis. Owner will help finance. Fantastic value. call now, 645-0303. USTSIDE 1102,000 Would you like the convenience of r.ondo, but security, privacy and appreciation of owning your home? You can have it ell! UnlQue de- .signer owned bungalow. Charming Eastslde Costa-Mesa. One of a kind. Hurry, 645-0303 MEil IOITI 1111,0IO Just reduced $20,0001 Owner anxious. will finance at low, low interest rate. 4-bedroom home, Ideal for family Uving. Lovely tropical yard, pond, and fruit trees. Outstanding value. Call 645-0303. WTllH S 121,100 Spacious condo, has 3 large bdrms plus den, fireplace. Huge family kitchen. Sunny private patio. Community pool, spa and ten nis. Excellent existing financing. Great value. Call 645-0303. llVllE S 121,100 Deerfield condominium, separate bdrm suites, beautiful wood deck patio, garage door opener. Outstanding financing, call today 645-0303. MESA VEllE S 111,100 Priced for Immediate sale! Fabulous hidden l wo story home. 4 large Bdrms, family plus dining room. 2 fireplaces, take over existing financing. Don't miss out, act now. 645-0303. IACI IAY ...... 1211,100 Vlewl Huge 2 story colonial, 4 Bdrm plus den, fireplace In master suite, large covered patio, sparkllng pool. Take over existing loans. See today, 645-0303. PUZA IEL SOL $211,000 Dramatic 4 Bdrm plus family room plus bonus room. Vaulted ceilings, 4 fireplaces. Sitting room off master. Community pool, RV storage. ~ellent financing. Must see, call 645-0303. .. COSTA MESA AT HAMOR a WL90N· 714-645-0303 • . I - I 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 This Weekend! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend a s you go hous!!·hunting. All . the loc ations listed below are descr ibed in greater detail .e!sewhere 1n today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patrons ~dvertlSl!'g ~pen houses tor sale or rent in The Daily Pilot may list such information 1n these columns each Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 1525 Ocean. Balboa Penln Pt 642-5200 $465,000 Sun 1-5 1 BR plu• FAM RM or DEN 1724 Westclitt Or it 12, Westclltt, NB 631-7300 $95,000 Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM 414 Narcissus, CdM 673-5718/646-7215 $179,000 Sun 11-6 * •633 Lido Park Dr (F2). Npt Bch 760-1900 $495,000 Sun 2-5 117 Marine Ave, Balboa Island. NB 673-6900 $272.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 Lago Sud. Irvine 752-1609 $159,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 2013 Miramar, Balboa Peninsula 675-6376 $295,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 221 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 316 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 673-5354 $279,500 Sun 1-5 870 Halyard, Newport Beach 759-150 1 $149,950 Sat 1-5 2 BR plu. 2 BR Apt. ** 105 No. Bayfront, Newport Beach 549-8547 $760,000 Sat 1-5 2 BR plu• FAM RM or DEN 113 Rue Fontainebleau, Big Cyn, NB 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1-5 108 Turquoise, Balb~a Isl. NB 631-1400 $675,000 Sat 1-4 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sa1/Sun 1-5 •30 Rue Fontaine Bleau. Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $495,000 Sun 1-5 213 Iris. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2215 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $925.000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1706 Miramar, Peninsula Pt, NB 642-5200 $300.000 Sun 1-5· 1 t23 W. Bay. Balboa Penlnsula. NB 645-4220 $295,000 Sat/Sun 11-4 * 19 Curt Dr. Jasmine Crk, vu, CdM 640-1515 $438.000 Sal/Sun 12-5 2 BR plu• FAM RM or DEN a LOFT 2221 Mesa Or. Back Bay, CM 644-9060 $335,000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM * •408 E. Oceanfront. Bal Penln, NB 673-5410 $598,000 Sun 12-3 26 WhlsUlng Swan. Woodbridge, Irv 844-9060 $179,500 Sat 1-5 30~ Esplanade, Bluffs, N.-port Bieech 640-0020 $272,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 **301 No. Stir Ln (DOY« Shrl), NB '42-5200 $525,000 UH ~un 1·5 ~ ................ - * •3415 Ocean Blvd. Corona del Mar 760-1900 $1,250,000 Sun 1-5 # 1 Rue Fontalnbleau. Big Canyon. NB 760-1900 $500,000 Sun 1-5 1126 E. Balboa Blvd, Penin. Balboa 759-9100 $1,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 502 "I" St, Bal Penin Pt NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat 1-5 408 Avocado Ave. Corona del Mar 675-4225 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 224 Via lores, Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $425,000 Sun 12-3 2331 Clltf Drive, Newpor1 Heights. NB 631 -1400 $649,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 322 larkspur, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $310,000 421 Vista Parada. Bluffs. NB 642-8235 $235,000 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 62 Drakes Bay, Corona del Mar 640-9760 $495.000 Sat/Sun 2-5 32 1 Kings Rd, Clltthvn, NB 673-7300 $682,500 616 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB Sun 12-3 673-7300 $387,592 Sun 12-3 1911 Court St, Bal Penln. NB 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 512 Rockford Pl, Cameo Hinds, CdM 631-7300 $199.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 204 Via Ebolla, Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $595,500 212 Via Eboll. Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $498,500 315 Iris. Corona del Mar 644-9060 $299,000 3225 Dakota St, Costa Mesa Sun 3-6 Sun 3-6 Sun 1-5 545-9904 $139,900 Sun 1-4 703 St. James Pl , Clltt Haven. NB 642-8235 $300.000 Sat/Sun 12-6 616 Marigold, CdM 640-4521 $385,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 **1418 W. Bay, Penln Pl, NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 9422 Souza. Garden Grove 963-6767 $166,000 Sat 12-4:30 * * 210 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 67~ $575,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 60 1 Gary Place. Newport Heights, NB 645-6269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 3 BA plua fCAM ftM Of OEN 602 King• Rd, N.wport Beach MM532 *895.000 · Sat/Sun 1~5 26'11 Cfrcle Dr i.!._ayahor~, NB 648-8.218 $<iri,SOO UM sun 1-4 1425 Bonnie OooN '"" Tett). CdM 840--8181 1125,000 Dally 1-5 2645 Vista Omada, Bluffs, NB S.0--0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beach 644-1017 $519,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 *318 Signal Rd, Cliff Haven, NB 631 -7300 $279,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 101 North Bay1ront, Balboa Island $815,000 Sun 1-4 211 Opal, Balboa Island, NB 675-4000 $647,500 Sun 12-4 2626 Riverside (Eastslde), CM 642-6368 $132,500 Sat,Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Westclf), NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 •2009 Yacht Defender, Seaview. NB 759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *542 Harbor Island Or. Promon Bay. NB 759-9100 S 1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1087 Glen Circle. Westside. Costa Mesa 759-9100 $229,000 Sun 1-5 **38 Balboa Coves. Newport Beach 675-7060 $569,000 Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma, E/Slde, Costa Mesa 646-9498 $199.500 Daily 1-5 420 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $625.000 Sun 1-5 11 Rustllng Wind, Trtlrk, Irv 644-9060 $247,500 • Sat/Sun 1-5 19 White Water, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $379.500 Sun 1-5 **748 Via Lido Nord, Udo Isle, NB 644-9060 $1,995,000 Sun 1-5 -"- 1930 Port Bristol, HV Homes. NB 631-7300 $268,500 Sun 1-5 '2421 Bunya, Newport (Eastblutt) NB 675-1771 $255,000 Open Sat 1-4 118 Via Quito. Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $639,000 Sun 2-6 1837 Commodore, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $335.000 Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terr. Irv Terr. CdM 631-7300 $1,050,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1016 Dover Or, Westclitt, NB 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 . 2403 Vista Nobleza. Uluffs, NB 644-9060 $280,000 Fee Sun 2-5 • 2651 Redlands Dr. E-Slde, CM 631-7300 $159,500 Sat 1-5 224 Via Genoa, l ido Isle, NB 673-7300 $675.000 Sun 3-6 1524 Santanella Terr. Irv Terr, CdM 631-7300 $395,000 FtMt Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $739,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 ••21 Catalina, Newport Hts. NB 642-7211 $267,000 Sun 1-5 4714 Cortland. Cameo Hinds, CdM 673-5354 $220,000 Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd. Cliffhvn, NB 759-1501 $675,000 Sat 12-5; Sun 1-5 2921 Jacaranda (Mesa Verde), CM 751-3191 $134,500 Sun 1-4 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irv 759-1501 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2609 Raqueta (Eastbluff), NB 759-9386 $249,900 Sat/Sun 1:30-5 1515 Cumberland (Westclitt), NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •3043 Samoa (Mesa Verde), CM 540-1151 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3048 Commodore Rd. Newport Beach 631-0680 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 B!OROOM 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1~ 17 Yacht Truant, Newport Beach &44-7020 ~95,000 Sat 1-4 '**IOI Vlt UdO Sood, Lido !tie, NB 87).7300 $1,300,000 &an 1-e • MO Vie Ebol, Udo i., N8 813-7300 '4&0.000 Sun 12·' 222 Via Palermo, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $389,000 Sun 12-3 115 Via Wazlers. Lido Isle, NB 67~7300 $495,000 Sun 2-6 131 Via Undlne. Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $539,750 Sun 1-5 207 Via Mentone. Udo Isle, NB 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-5 113 Via Ravenna. Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 2-5 **748 Via Lido Nord. Udo Isle, NB 644-9040 $1,995,000 Sat 1-5 20382 Greystone Ln, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $165,000 Sa 1-5/Su 2-6 *2436 Holiday, NB 631-1266 $299,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 •969 Sonora (Mesa del Mar), CM 540-1151 $139,900 Sat 1-5 4 BR ptue FAM RN or DEN 1671 Orchard (Eastslde), CM 642-6368 $149,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 11 4VlaEnsueno,MarlnersP1, S Clemente Clemente 759-9100 $875,000 Sun 1-5 26 Rue Grllnd Ducal (Big Cyn), NB 642-5200 $725,000 Sun 1-5 233 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 673.,.271 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 If 1 St. Tropez, Harbor Ridge, NB 760-1900 $850.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 9 Monaco, Harbor Ridge, Npt Bch 760-1900 $850,000 Sun 1-5 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hiiis, NB 760-1900 $750.000 Sun 2-5 2706 Lighthouse Ln (HVHls). CdM 675-6000 $465,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * *607 Bayside Or. Promontory Bay, NB NB 631-1400 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1749 Port Hemley Cir, HVH, NB 644-9060 $395,500 Sun 1-5 600 Begonia, Corona del Mar 631-1266 $585,000 Sun 1-5 **2616 Bayshore Or, Newport Beach 644-9060 Fee Sun 2-5 1251 Surlllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo. Mesa del Mar, CM 631-7370 Sat/Sun 1-5 427 16th Pl, E-Slde, CM 644-4910 $229,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •2236 Aralla, E-Bluff. NB 644-9060 $294,500 Sun 1-5 111 East Bay, Bay Penln, NB 631-7300 $549,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 Rue Vlllars, Big Cyn. NB 644-9060 $775,000 Sat 12-4 #21 Stlllwater.L Turtlerock, IN 644-9060 ~349,000 Sun 1-5 *1906 Galal<y Or, Dover Shores, NB 631-7300 $600,000 Lse Sun 1-5 23 Rocky Knoll, Irvine 631-7300 $225,000 -:;at/Sun 1-5 **1008 W. Bay, Bal Penln, NB 644-9060 $950,000 Sun 2-5 * 1944 Flamingo Dr. Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $279.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 11 Carmel Bay Dr, Spygla16, CdM 831-7300 $625,000 Sun 1-5 1«1 Galaxy Dr. Dover Shores. NB 548-5EM7 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1007 Tiii« Way, HVH, CdM 844·9060 $389,000 Sun 1-5 •3801 Topside Ln. HVH, CdM 84_..9060 $385,000 S11n 1.5 en Sandcutle Or, HVH, CdM 844..eoeo $395,000 r:ee Sun 1-S 105 Via Sen Remo. Lido Ille, NB 873-1300 $595.000 Sun 1-3 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 -13 3202 Delaware Place. Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 117 Creekside, Turtlerock, lrvlne 642-7211 $316,000 Sun 1-5 *4626 Roxbury Ad, Cameo Shores. CdM 675-5930 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2515 Wlndover, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $459,500 Sal 1-5 18 Cherry Hills Ln, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $1,395,000 Sun 1-5 * 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr), CdM 673-7761 $795,000 Fee Sun 1-5 * 1412 Santiago, Newport Beach 631-1266 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ** 1617 Bayside, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $1 ,476,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2029 Swan Or. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $239,900 1057 Tulare, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $199,000 Sat 1-4 Sat 1-5 t823 Port Carlow Hbr Vu Homes, NB 675-6870 $295.000F Sun 1-5 2412 Cliff Or Heights, Newport Beach 645-7 189 $598,000 Dally 1-5 5 BEDROOM **4028 Channel Pl, Nwpt Island. NB 67~202 $985.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 29112 Carob, Eastbluff. NB 646-1044 $264,500 Sun 1-5 219 Via Udo Soud. Lido Isle. NB 760-1900 $2.25 mllllon Sun 2-5 #2 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn. NB 873-7300 $975,000 Sun 12-5 2661 Basswood, E-Blufl, NB 673-300 $232,000 Sun 3-6 * 1608 Galal<y (Dover Shores) 631-1288 Sat & Sun * •708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5 * 17 Muir Beach Circle, Bal Isle 673-1633 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 5 BA ptu1 FAM ftM or DEN 336 Cherry Tree Lane, Newport Beach 548-8633 $225,000 Sun 12-4 35 Aldgellne Drive, Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1211 Clltt (Clitthaven), NB 642-5200 $385,000 Sun 1-5 1448 Galaxy Or. Dover Shores, NB 875-2373 $1 ,400,000 Sun 2-5 **2500 Bayshore Dr. Bayshores. NB 631-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1-5 121 Via Firenze, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $695,000 Sun 3-6 1034 Sandcastle Or, HV Hiiis, CdM 631-7300 $330,000 Lse Sat/Sun 1-5 442 Begonia. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $569,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 Point Loma (Spyglass), CdM 675-6000 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 BEDROOM * •525 Via Lido Sood. Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $2,700,000 Sun 1-8 e BR ptue FAM RM Of DEN 32 Mission Bay Drive, Spyglass, CdM 760-1900 $615,000 Sun 2-5 * * 115 Harbor Island Rd, Hrbr Is Ad. NB 631-7300 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 BR ptut FAM RM or DEN 1760 Port ManlelQh Hbr Vu Homes 644-4337 $450.000 By app1 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 IRplulDIN •6 Morena, Rancho S.J., Irvine 673-7300 S149,000 Sun 12-3 2 BEDROOM 101 Sholz Plaza (122) Versallles. NB 548-9955 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •25 Canyon Island Or, Big Cyn, NB 67~7300 $285,000 Sun 12-3 * 1063 Dover Dr, Clltthvn, NB 673-7300 $149,500 Sun ~6 2010 Vista Caudal, Bluffs, NB 644-9060 s 199,500 Sat 1-5 2525 E. Ocean Blvd Corona del Mar 640-5560 $499,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plue DEN 209-19th Street, Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •501 St. Andrews, Clltthvn, NB 673-7300 $189,500 Sun 3-6 *# 10 Wild Goose. Nwpl Crst, NB 67~7300 $189,500 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM 551 Vista Grande, Bluffs, NB 759-9100 $222,500 Sat 1-5 *412 Carlotta, Bluffs, NB 759-9100? $195,000 Sun 1-5 102 Blue Lagoon, Laguna Beach 631-1400 $545,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 157 Yorktown Lane, Monllcello, CM 646-8396 Sat/Sun 1-5 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 67~7300 NEW Sat/Sun 2-5 9 Encore Ct (Nwpl Crest). NB 546-2313 S 199,500 Sat 1-4 3 BR plue DEN #7 Rue Villars, Big Cyn, NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2642 Vista Ornada, Bluffs, NB 759-9100 $229,500 Sun 1-5 *23 Aries Ct, Nwpt Crst, NB 673-7300 $275,000 Sun 3-6 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM 11032 Peppertree, Garden Grove 645-0303 $109,900 Sat 1-4 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 300 E. Coast Hwy #24, Newport Bch 675-4010 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BA ptue 1 BR 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $299,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plue 2 BR 408-408'~ Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 631 -1400 $272.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 -3 BEDROOM 430'/r Begonia, Corona del Mar 675-2500 Sunday 1-4 4 BR plue 3 BR **508 E. Oceanfront, Bal Penln, NB 873-7300 $525.000 Sun 1~ BAYFRONT LOT FOR SALE **1006 W. Bay, Bal·Penln. NB 644-9060 $850.000 Sun 2-5 PROPERTY FOR LEASE HOUSES FOR LEASE 4 BEDROOM 1412 Serenade Terraoe. lrvlne Terr, CdM 759-9100 $1 ,400/MONTH Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSES FOR RENT ' M phn l'AM RM or DeN •2989 J~anda, Coa1a Mesa 6-41-8077. $900 mo_ Sat/Sun 12__. * Pool * * Watertron1 * *'* Wltetfront & Pool t . -I -. . 14 -Orenge County Real Estate/An Advertlslnj! Sup lement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 Lingo Rul&IJO'f NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANOI Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floor plan. Seller relocating, will be flexlble. $259,000. Call 644-7020. JUST OFF BALBOA BL VD. Priced below market for quick sale, this ocean view R2 residence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport, 4 Bdrms & low interest assumable financing. $225,000. Call 844-7020. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home Is ideal for first time buyers or investors. Needs a little TLC but well worth itl Large lot Is Ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $163,000. Call Joanna Hendrie at 644-7020. ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top wtth this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, a marble fireplace, oak library, master suite with Jacuzzi tub and steam shower, 3 additional bedrooms, a four car garage, Insulated wine room. full security system, 4 fireplaces and a wh<;>le lot more. $1 ,895,000. Call Ed Eacano or Judy Jordan at 844-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERSI This commercial income property within walking distance of the Hwy. In Corona del Mar has two units with parking In rear. Terms available. $750,000. Call Jim Seller• at 844-7020. GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property within walking distance of the beach has assumable financing, new carpets, new paint and an Ideal owners unit. $395,000. Call 644-7020. FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city light views that come with this 3 bedroom, 2'h bath home awash in neutral earthtones. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique lifestyle that typifies Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. Call Ed Eacano or David Hlrachler at 644-7020. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-500/e DOWN This Newport Beach leasehold duplex Is just a few steps to the beach. Live in one, rent the other. Flexible seller otters good low Interest financing $225,000. Can David Hlr.chler at 644-7020. JUST LISTED IN HARBOR RIDGE "Lucerne" model. in excluslve gate-guarded community conveniently located near the Harbor, Newport Center, airport and Irvine center. Ideal for entertaining with 3 bedrooms. 3'/r baths. 3050 square feet, view decks, 3 fireplaces, family room and panoramic views of the Harbor. Catalina and twinkling lights of the city by night. O/W/C AITD of $519,000 at 12.75% for term agreeable to buyer. $850,000. Aak for Ed E1cano at 644-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located just a half block to the beach, this duplex has two bedroom units renting at $400/month. With 20-25% down, owner will carry for five years. $235,000. Call David Hlrachler at 844-7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guarded community Is the setting for this 4 bedroom 21h bath home with deck, professional landscaping, courtyard entry, high ceilings, fireplace and skylight. $357,000 assumable at 12.75%. $585,000. Call Judy Jordan or Ed Eacano at 844-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. SEA VIEW GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city light and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing available. $495,000. Call Judy Jordan or Ed Eacano at 844-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean, city lights and mountains greatly enhanoe this "Devonshire" model with 4 bedrooms, 31h baths, two fireplaces, two large decks, an atrium and $330,000 assumable low interest financing. $695,000. Call Ed Eacano or Judy Jordan at 844-7020. SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city llght views Illuminate this 3+ Bdrm home with family room, 2 Baths, contemporary styling, 2 patios, courtyard, wetbar. fireplace. breakfast nook & much, much morel $495,000. Call Hallle Strock at 644-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. • GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this income property your new summer home with ideal rental units. With 20% down, owner will carry at 12%. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces, patio and double garage, possibilities are almost endless. $475,000 Fee. Call Stephanie Burn• at 644·7020. THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant gate-guarded Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms, den and 2'h baths features an additional fireplace, vaulted ceilln~s hardwood floors, wet bar, pool, private beach and stained gift.SS'. $825,000 with assumable financing. Call 844-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Crest condo Is within easy walking . distance to beach and shopping. Motivated seller will assist buyer to ~urchase this 3 bedroom home with beam ceilings, country kitchen and many other upgrades. $~75,000. Call Joanna Hendrie at 644-7020. OVER 50 LINGO OPEN HOUSES THIS SUNDAY FROM 2-5, CALL US FOR THE ADDRESSES AND DIRECTIONS. LINGO REAL EST ATE Newport Beach -. 644-7020 Laguna Beach•Laguna Niguel•~ana Point•San Clemente the Southern Orahge Coast ~ _Look to L~ngo First/" Orange Cour:ity Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to lM DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 28, 1982 -1S RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES lllfFS S Ut ,toO Best buy m the Bluffs! Ready to move Into. Split level 2 BR condo. Greenbelt vista Excellent opportunity in Newport. Good terms. IWllll llHWH S11S,HO Don't miss this great opportunity to buy In Newport Beach at an excellent price! Well maintained . 3 BR with nice floorplan. Private yard with large trees Owner to cooperate with financing. •EWHIT CREST S212,000 Lowest price plan 5. 4 BR, clean. bright & cheerful. Near pool, spa & tennis courts. Owner will carry financing. Try 18% down. Move in condition. Call for more detailed info. TIE ILIFFS S211,t00 3 BR Carmelita with private patio overlooking putting green & pool. Very CREATIVE FINANCING & possible lease option. Price reduced. UYCIEST S24t,OOO More for your money! Owner will finance with 20% down or lease/option. 3 BR. 2 \h bath ranch home, well located. Expansion potential. Very clean & lots of charm. ' l Ul.lll Utl,000 s.. lstication & a terrific floor plan with 2 Master Suites combine to provide an elegant entertaining area & a VIEW Patio. Security community with pool & spa. Furnished. UYOlm Ull,000 Sellers have moved & reduced price. Spacious 4 BR. 3 BA, formal dining Rm, remodeled kitchen. Terrific family home. Terrific for entertaining & terrific financing. Assume 1st & owe 2No. t 111111 YIEW .. ES UH,000 Look no morel! All the amenities of this lovely 4 BA Portoflno plan will convince you t o purchase!! Fee land, view, jacuzzi, cul de sac & gorgeous yard -plus, plus owner 10% financing. •DFIELI 1111.- lmmasulate, bright & cheerful 2 BR. den Buckhorn. New paint, almost new carpet. Near schools, pool & freeways. Large yard . Thousands less than similar homes, termsll ..wE11m PIU 1111,MO Best buy In University Park. Beauti ful customized free-standing Deane home. 3 bedroom & family room, brick wrap-around patio, llght oak parquet floors In entry, kitchen & family room, remodeled kitchen, impeccably maintained I N EWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 SAN JOAOUIN HILLS llOAD CUIEO SHIES Utt,000 3 BR. FAM RM on one of the largest lots in Cameo Shores. Perfect tor a couple or family Unlimited add-on possibilities. Room for spa & pool Walk to 3 private beaches. JASMlllE CIEH SHl,&00 Have you been looking for the best buy -here it Is. 3 BR plus ·study. 2 fireplaces. tam. rm. Lovely wall coverings, good condition - anxious owners. A great find to be sure. JASMIH CREEi 1371,IOO Pride of ownership & excellent affordable financing. Gorgeous 3 bedroom plus family room c ustom condo . All professionally decorated. We Invite you to compare It to the finest! CIRllA HL llO 1411,000 Spectacular New Bedford 4 BR, family room, 2 fireplaces & view from living, kitchen & dining rooms. Vaulted ceilings. Utility room. Master suite. Gated community with swimming & tennis facilities. SPY I LASS 1411,000 Lowest priced home In Spyglass. Never before heard of - 5 BR + bonus room Nantucket with pool & spa. Great c ul-de-sac location. Beautifully landscaped & maintained. OWC second. CHiil HL IWI SIH ,000 Imagine If you w ill a large completely remodeled Cape Cod that overlooks Little Corona Beach. Recognize If you dare that this Is today's best value in COM location. Quality terms. CWIH SHIU Sl4tMO If you are looking for an Immaculate ocean view home, beautiful pool & spa, 3 BR's (each with own bath) spacious living area, and land Included In price, look no further! This Is It! OTHER AREAS IRllllLI 1224, 711 Larger 4 BR Fr Or pool, spa, near park & school. A must see for anyone looking for family home. With 20% down we can develop exciting terms that are hard to duplicate anywhel'0 . lWTI.DIOI -IRYllt 1247,IOO . Hedeemed In fQreclosure. Best buy In Irvine. Lovely bright 3 BR, den & family room home In country setting with park view. Lrg. assumable loan I CMOl AWSON ll.EAID BOWi JO CMOt. IU(TEJ ...., MIDSOlt Diii c...u Cl.WKIDG KATtUD AICDO (I.MA CffMll VALE.n llMSHAll COO IAlmOS«I CVM cc.«rn lllll>A llllM$' °" 8MtMA llAUJitM LYUD£WllG JAii: Ill CtlJJ •l llOfTS SUZI DUY CM<lE MCMAHM llMaA DJS MAMwnt EDI OLSON .... llMYHMWY IAY PAMEJ - PHllH U S24t,IOO Sharp duplex fully furnished 8 doors from the sand! Near shops and restaurants. Priced below market, low cash & seller financing available. H LUI SHl,000 Within steps of the bay & beach. Buy for the summer, owner will help with financing. Charming & Immaculate 2 BA, 2 bath & family room with skylight. UH ISU H10,DOO Price reduced drastically for fast sale. Home has been remodeled in French Normandy style. Large 4 BR, den, formal dining room, two garden patios Perlect for entertaining. IAYSMllES 1710,000 Very spacious 4 BR, 41/: bath residence full of charm & privacy. Watch the boating scene or become a part of i t. Owner s will do an exchange. Submit. • PHllSIU Niil 11,421,000 Creative seller seeks buyer who needs a home for 55' boat. Besides charm, location, carefree maintenance security & sweeping views, you'll own a 3 BR Cape Cod charmer. UYSllHES Sl,lll,800 Glorious Cape Cod home on bayfront -Fee land. 4 BR Formal dining. Separate family room. Master suite. Large patio. Spectacular for family entertaining. Sellers wlll consider trades. u .. 11su 11,111.- Fee land large bayfront home on Aate guarded private Island. Mooring for 3 large boats, across from tennis courts and private beach. You own the land & owner Is ottering exceflent financing. llRALI UY SMtMI Charming! Great tun! All describe this exciting 3 BR home surrounded by trees. View to ocean, steps to private beach, trench doors, spa In master BR & designer hardware, etc. IU Dlam1 Stll,111 Cyprus Shores oceanfront 4 BR home In guardgate community. 180° view! Private beach, pool, spa & tennis can be enjoyed in this super spot on Southern California coastline. Flexible financing. DWM POllJG Rm_, _.,. K IDtSCM IWICY-JO> KIOSOll tal.M'ft-. lllTA q(m.£ ..... KAlI Ull.STOfl USA IMlE MMCIA MJla llMCM .... LUCY llOS£ •nm1 cnmu..m lWl.YIYOlllG AMERICA'S LARGEST FUll SERVICE REAL ESTATE . COMPANY \ I 10 ..... 0 1a11ge v1.1U'I il) ·noo1 "-'>lcuo1 ,..,,-1"1\; ""' .. .,.,,9 ....... 1-,. ........... , .. -, . -J HOW CAN YOU FIND AN ATfRACflVE HOME AND AN ATfRACflVE INTEREST RATE? U~IC2U~ §()LUTI()~§ UNIQUE SOLUTIONS: Using a full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 nlean, mean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a pro perty -then sell it! Perhaps to you! TWO MASTER SUITES Award winning floor plan, surrounded by nothing but a park. $30,000 down, financing available. Located In Seabluffl $148,500. A listing of Cath Cray. THESE SELLERS HAVE BOUGHT 4 Bdrm In The Ranch. neat street, well maint. Owner moving west, will finance with 20% down, great terms $199.000. A llstlng of Laraine Shaw. 4 UNIT INVESTMENT Solid. Costa M~sa rental area. $50,000down to 13% loan. Gross multiplier of 11 .0 . Management history available, easy. Asking $225,000. A listing of Dottie Valentine. COM CANYON COTTAGE Quiet spot on buck gully. Mtn. view, must remodel but owner will carry at 12%. Asking $275,000 with 20% down. A listing of Marilyn Hodges. BACK BAY POOL HOME 4 Bdrm, 2 '~ baths, sitt ing vacant w ith assumable 30 yr. loan of $150.000, and owner anxious. Reduced to $279,000. A listing of Bonnie Barrington. Open Sat. & Sun., 1-5 p.m., 2221 Francisco. E X :\ ~t P L E S COM DUPLEX MAKES CENTS Neat as a new dime! 12% financing with 20% down. Rents are steady with room to raise. Tree-lined street convenient to library, shops and beach. Accurately priced at just $289,500. A listing of Nancy Laux CORONA DEL MAR HILLSIDE HOME Grea t ocean view, 3 bdrm. 2 bath with hardwood floors. Free & clear. 10 yr. owner financing. Probate sale at $329,500. A fisting ol the Von Gelderns. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 42d DeSola Terrace. VERY BA YSHORES Remodeled cottage within blocks of the beach, country kitchen, hardwood floors, 3 bdrms, used brick fireplace. delightful patio. Ample financing available. $335,000 leasehold, $487 ,500 tee simple. A listing of Sara Marvin. BEST SELLING AREA Low maint.. no noise. As condominium area Jasmine Creek is tops! This 3 bdrm one level has detail, l ocation and Is Immaculate. $375,000. CLEAN HOME, NEAT LOAN Roving Jasmine Creek single level 3 bdrm condominium, lush patios. and spa. Assume loans at less than 12%. $385,000. A listing of Donna Schroeder. HOME PLUS ATTRACTIVE APT. 3 bdrm "townhouse type" with sunny kitchen and courtyard patio. Over huge garage Is a spacious 1 bdrm apt. Tree lined CdM street. 10% loans available with $150,000 down. Realistic at $475,000. A listing of Marilyn Hodges. BIG HOME -LITTLE /Jl>T. Charming 3 Bdrm. plus den and (arge 'family area. up to date decor and just a block from the beach. Apt. In rear rents at $600/mo. Large 1 ~ o/o loan available. $495,000. A listing of Nancy Laux . Open Sun. 1-5 p.m., 304 Goldenrod. GRAND CANAL/FREE AND CLEAR Cute and clean. 3 bdrm on the water with dock for 2 boats. Owner wtll finance, priced at MAI appraisal. $575.000. A listing of the Bolands. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 210 Grand Canal. NEWPORT HAS EXCITING HOMES And this one's a leader! 5 bdrms. 3 frplces and unlimited view, on top of Spyglass Hiii. Sunny yet cozy, exciting while practical. Presented at $925.000 with $200,000 down. A listing of Barbara Hutchings. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 5 Point Loma. ADULT CONDOMINIUM Near South Coast Center, neat as a pin 2 bdrm. AIC. will work anylhlng to sell! Only $95,000. A listing of Bev White. U~IC2U~ ti()M~i. l?ULT()~§, t31ti·t3()()() • PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AT MacARTIIUll BOULEVARD IN OORONA DEL MAR IEWPORT HEl8HTS 4 Bdrm 21/z Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor in every room. Over 'I• ac. w/jac. A-Sklng $340.000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo. Ill H llYll IOOP 759-1221. LIDO PHTHOISE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avail. in Newport. Sec. -Bldg .• pool. boat doc k w/not lce. $525,000 ... tr lmE I• 759-1221 FllECLISllE IWllOI llllE IEW CISTOI 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. Fantastic sun rm., beau master ste. w/marble f.p./ocean & city Vu. Huge master ba. W /Imported tlles. One of tl'le lrgst lots w/rm for pool and lrg. play area. Very. very motivated seller. Bring any offer. Lowest price custom at s.1 ,ie&.eco .. SJ,soi,eee .. SJ ,409.eee .. $1 ,200,000. will trade equity + GRT. 1st avall. Call Ill tr llYIE lllP. 759-1221. .. CISTOI nua IOllWllY You must see to believe all this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tlle, choice of crpt. Npt. HQts. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13%. •" '"1E lllP, 759-1221 . IEWNllT OIEST CllM 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge master ste/slttlng rm, vu. largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. IM er 11¥11 I•, 759-1221. .... TlllllTl•N 3 br. 3 ba. new cu.stom bit. quality bit, upgraded crpt. & tile, prl. patio. Believe this. $155,000. $107,000 1st at 107.~%. • " ....... 759-1221 LIH WATlllFlllT LOS! 2 br, 3 ba, f.r .. sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. $1800 mo. Ill" '"1E ·-759-1221 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 -17 UYFIOIT LUSE 3 Bdrm, $1300/mo yearly. Call UllY UWIS, 759-1221 or 631 -5963. HIRIOR lllliE LUSE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beaullfully dee. lge decks., fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate. pool & tennis. $2700 mo. Submit all offers. Ill tr HYll lffP 759-1221 SEHIEW LUSE 4 br 3 ba. f.r .• d.r. city & ocean vu . Grd Qate, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo 111 tr llYIE IMP 759-1221 DOYEi SHORES OuJstanding location w/vu of all back bay & Fashion Island. 4 br. 5 ba. form. d.r. pool, spa, sec. system. Steal at $685,000. fee. Will trade local or lease/option. Grt. fin. avail. by seller or lease option. Ill tt llYIE IMP, 759-1221. HYO SIOIES Name your terms on this lrg. 4BA. 4BA. Home. W/ocean view + Sep. lnlaw qtrs. $315,000 L.H . with excel. terms. Low dn. or trade equity for C.M. or N.B. home or condo. IOI tr HYIE HOP. 759-1221. llllll VIEW llUI Fantastic harbor & bay vus from this 3 Bdr fam rm. nu crpts & paint, lrg pool. $340,000. L H. Ill H HYIE HIP 759-1221 CllEO SHORES Fab. Ocean & coastline vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r .• f.r., study. lge. pool & court- yard. prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. IH., llYll ... 759-1221. llAllOI llHE 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr. highly up- graded, Italian marble in l.r .. d.r., kit f.r .• study & f.r. has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. Ill., MYIE lllP 759-1221 llLFClllSEP...ullA Fabulous. contemporary wood & glass custom home on 'h acre view lot. Featured are 4 bdrs., lg. fem. llvlng area, gym & recreation rooms, pool/spa & paddl~ tennis crt. -the sunset tool Priced at $695,000. JAOllE IWllUUI, 631-1266. OCUIFIOIT -OCWFIOIT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & llve on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 12°1.. Steal at $650,000. IM" lftll I•· 759-.1221. llW Ill Y 1.2 I IRISS 10 lllTI -ISllME 11..i'9 LIU Owner assisted excellent financing! Excellent Investment bargain. Hurry, call Ill UOATA, lrthr·hatr 759-1221. WHERE FUICE I SO. ClLIFORlll IEET The best of both worlds! Incomparable Versailles on magnificent sun-drenched grounds in BIG CANYON. All amenities. Complete security. $875,000. Cail IWIY LEWIS for your personal viewing. 759-1221 or 631-5963. I llCllE lllTS-$15,000 A sweet little money maker. Call llAlY LEWIS, 759-1221 or 631 -5963. 10 QllllFYllS-12.1'9 FllUCllli Bright new Eastslde 4 bedroom home with lots of living area, gourmet k itchen, luxurious master suite, 3 car garage. large private yard and payments of less than $2000/mo. Builder will qualify for youl HI ULTH, 759-1221. IELOW lllm 2 Br. condo in Mesa Verde with excellent terms. Price reduced to $94,000. Call AllE •oOUUll, 631-1266. I 11 ESTATE Spacious 4800 sq. ft of elegance with pool spa & view. PALACE PERFECT TH AU-OUT Fee land plus TEAMS. Will trade for units. Call direct to PATllH Tlllll, 631-1266 or 760-8702. IEIA YEii£ This beautiful 4 Br. 3 Ba. home Is located on a quiet cul-de-sac close to the park. Cail for owner financing Information, ask for UIE •.u.aun 631-1266. Pllll II 11111 Owner says "price was right," but reduce to sell. Sharp & clean Mesa Verde 4 bdr. Enticing sp a In secluded setting. Reduoed to $205,000. JAKIE UllUllAI, 631-1266. lllUT TEllS Best value in Costa Mesa -NEW, LOW INTEREST FINANCING avail. on this well-cared-for 3 bdr., fam. rm. home. Priced to sell at $115,000. J&OllE UllUUI, 631-1266. , . i I ·-+ -.... • I '18 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, June 26, 1982 ~ ......... !.~ '9'.!m.~!:?'! ...... i ~~!!!.~~~~ ...... ¥.~!!!!.{~~{~ ...... i;;!!!.~!:?'!. ...... ~!!!.{-!.!:?'! ....... ¥.'.!~.~!W ....... ¥.'.!!!!.{'.~!.'.'.' ..... .. ~~' ~!!.'1. ......... !.~. ~!.'.~ .. t ........ !!!!. ~ ..... ~'1. ......... !.~ ... !!.'1. ......... !.'!!~ ~'1. ......... !.~ ~!.'.~IJ. ......... !.~1 ~!.'.~ .. t ........ !.~! maintained 4 drm ~...-:& • LW ISU home. Great com« lo-Anxloul owner wiH con· c:.tlon w/u.lltlng RV 811> ~-I lldet Ill olfera. CMa. Owflef wit ..i.t •Wiii llnanc:e Nie wlflnanclnQ. FuM Pflc• •Wut INN option. 1142,600. T51-31t1 *Immediate ocwpancy c:::. .. ' --1'-', 'oi , 'I 1 , ---- FIBI wm 1 n Thie houM need9 Iota of elboW or--but --a lltewl ~ante.tic home '°' poolalde enterta.lnlng. Full prloe 1128,000. 751-3191 c:;:: .. -t-' • •' I ......... S Bdrm 11.artef home on oul de aec, room to ex- pend. s.... .. mottvawd and will r,a,ry llnenclng. Priced to Nit at S 116, 000. 761-3191 bstMllff ......... 3 BR 2'A ba, fr .. stan- dlng former model. N9W cpt a. Only S20.tOO. Ooroaou1. Open Sall Sun. ............. Popular HB develop- ment, only 2 Y'' ,_. 4 BR 3 Ba plua Iota of amenltlee. High uauma.- ble loan. ..... GrMI 3 BR 2'A ba. 2 car gaTage. Owner will c.rry w/mlnlmum doWn. S 116, 000. ....... .....,, .... Excellent unite w/ oerao-. JI,..... T ....... ..... HB. exoell financing. S 1, 500,000. lWI lmmaoulete 4 Br. 1'At hofM w/oooc. dflw, pool -8 moa. new copper plumt>lng. 89' ex19neloo- perl9c1 lho9 ...... and fabutoua curb f ppHI. $13,880 down. Only 13. 12% El. 1139.800 ..• .,.., knock• often when you u .. ra1ult·oett1no Delly Piiot Claulfled Ada to re.ell the Orange COHt "*"-'· Ptiooe CM2·5e18 ZM n. llWNIT l&YflllT BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN Spacious. open & aunny 811 view home wt panoramic deck•. on huge prime llland Point ~ doctdng & l)ft(g galore, + you own the land. + OWn« financing, 811 for $965,000. Open Sat/Sun 1·5. 4028 Channel Place. Newport Island, Newport Beach. 673-0202. * 1.,. ... * * IAYllEST AIU Fllll * Huge executive ranch-sty! ome featuring 4 br's, family room, ormal dining on cul-de-sac w oom for R. V.'s. Only $235,000. 670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 r 7141752-7373 *IESIE.UI* Assumable financing. Spacious r ranch style home. Featurin family room, central air cond. t>rivate location. Close to all. On1 '136,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach. 759-1501 o 752-7373 * MWPllTIMEU * 3 br, 2 ~ ba, family condo loca on greenbelt!! Assoc includes pool tennis & clubhouse. 2670 Sa Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. llWNIT llMI """ 21llS. ..... lrtM Cl1•> lll-1M1 Cl14) 112-111 Close to Balboa Feriy, sh ops, restaurant. $91,000 down. 3 bdrm, 2 bath upstairs, 2 bdrm, 2 bath downstairs. 4 . yrs . old, in beautiful condition with good rental income. Asking price $625,000. U~IC2UI: §()LUTI()~~ ---tlUI -YAOUT -aEAP Assumable loans all under 14'li, 2 Bdrms, f.amily room, earth tone decor and greenbelt location. Snazzy at only $139,900. A listing of Katie Roberts. Open Sun 1-5 pm, 4 Melody Lane. LIWIST PllCI PllYll View home will go at non-view price if buyer has cash . Leasehold and priced accordingly. 4 Bdrm in HV Hills. Interesting view, Only $295,000. A listing of Dottie Valentine. Open Sun 1-5 pm, 978 Sandcastle. ... ftlll n1 LIU 1S Mtlalft ....... -.u_ .. ,_ Quiet, park-like .eU.ing. Rm for paddle tennis and pool Great •for orchard. Cul de aac 1t. 3 bdrm.I, fam rm, $379,500 including land. Ask about a 1% interest loan on this home. laAllD HftlUILLll" •1t1,1t1 Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan for large or small family. young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground. floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Best buy in Big C.anyon. Vacant. See anytime. &H-4910. lllYllPIYDIUlllll Sell first? or Buy first? That is always the question. Why not both in one transaction. We can offer you an unusual opportunity to exchange your present home, paid for or not. as the down payment on an outstanding Big Canyon home on the golf course. Why not call us now. 644-4910. 1'WI ILIOll Tl llWPllT UllM W Channing 4 Br. & large family room. Brick fireplace, country kitchen, quiet residential area. Long term seller financing. $229,000 including land. 421-lltti PL UT /IW 1-1 Pllll la.I HUit 4 Br, 2 ~ Ba. ideal family home with ocean view. Community pool & park. Assumable 10~% loan. $275.000. WUUY L Tin.II It., IUU111 2111a.-... ..... ••niiw•Pll .. IT" !1!11, LL MM11t *Now priced 11 $999 000. -&avDfiY 631 -3444 fllEOLntll OMlef deaperatat 4 br, 3 bl. pool, sp1, Laguna Niguel. Wu $349.500 but now NAME YOUA PRICEI 675-9797 Agt ,.....,., ...... 1 ~ La Jolla Area Wiii sell, exchange for Newpor1 or Laguna p<o· P«1Y or carry 10% pa- per. Call Brandon Agt 720-1404 IAYllCW STEPS from this 2 bdrm houae & 1 bdrm house on 30x 100' R·2 lot Only 1255.0001 . ..... .., ,,.,, lulhn •111-lOIO* tfll Hiil UllAIW Come Sunday Sea tills beautiful home. 3 BR. 3'11 ba, fabulous location Call Tim Rhone today IH,MOIWI 14111WLD Call me today, I can attow all 3 units. Fabu· lous lktanclng. Xlnt loca- 11 on . Tim Rhone UHM YllW ...S llWlll Newer Monaco model with pizzaz and $20,000 price reduction. Mexican pavers, mirrored wardrobes. patio overhang. Out of state owners will help finance. Buying and selllng at ~. People who. need ~ $229,000. A listing of Rita Boland. Open reasonable price-that' ~ afMya of-* the Sun 1-5 nm 2307 Port Carlisle wllat cluslfled Is all SeMce DlrectOt)' In the · ,..... • ab0u1 642-5678 DAILY ptU)T 831-128~1° U~HJlJI: t1()Mt:i REALTORS, 67&-6000 l..S EMt c.... ....... .,. C«-. ...... COLDWC!U. BANl(eRC Li l't -·~ .... 4 o 0 ............ .......... STEAL THIS VIEW-VIEW OUTSTANOINO VIEW Property on CLIFT ORIVF. Newport Hel1ht1. Beat o_,eportunlty In the area. REDUCED .ao.ooo tnd 1eUer uya SUBMIT OFPERS. J:xp.naive 4 Bdr. FAM RM. POOL t-. JIM 11tUJWni! CALL TODAY for 1.0W DOWN lnfonNtion. RAE ROOGEIS It/Mil 631-1266 SECLUDED COUNTRY VILLA PERCHED HIGH on top the crest of the highest ridge in the North Tustin Hills, thi..s charming and delightful estate might well be a real-life story book setting in which to live happily ever after! • It is a masterpiece in it's authenticity of an era in ~pean history known for gracious and comfortable living. Secluded on a forest-like hill, every window has a spectacular view of hills and roof tops and a billion city lights! A daily spectacle for someone fortunate enough to own this incomparable home and setting . Al.most 5000 sq ft of living space are on a magnificent full acre just minutes from most freeways, South Coast Plaz.a and John Wayne airport. Aaking price it,195,000 with exceptional owner assisted financing. Exch81\les considered. ................. , .. 1 .... 11n111..,,.....,..,..T .... (Crom Newport Ave., drive on Foothill into the hills S~J!lne, follow left on Skyline to Re9ervoir). 1111 IUUETTI ltllter /ltttlt,.r 711-44-W " 711-1111 Other magnificent execuUve esta18 lrom fl,296'000 to $1,990,000 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 28, 1982 -19 .. ,,, 111 ,,,, ... ,., ,., ,,,, ... ,,, ,., ,,,, ..••.•.......•.•••••. ...................••. .........••........... ll.~~1J()H ll I~:.\ L 'I''\' COllOIA IEL llAll Mo_n~y maki~g rental units, south of the hw>'. Ear!ling $1450 per month with a waiting list. MolJvated seller has reduced the price to just $229,000 and will assist with the financing! PIEi lll FLOAT Family size Dover Shores bayfront home with private dock and 60 feet on the bay. 4 bdnns., formal dinlng rm. & den Large bayside brick patio ideal for entertaining. At $985,000 L.H. this is an outstanding bayfront value. Shown by appointment. DCUIFllHT One of the finest oceanfront locations on the Coast Ove rlooks private cove and magnificent rock formations. Builder's own custom home with 4 bdnns., formal dining nn. and den. For the connoisseur there's a built in wine vault, for the hobbiest there's a separate work shop, the horticuJturest has a hot house and for the e nvironmentalist there's solar heating - there's something for everyone. $2,900.000. LOW IDWI * 30 JURS A most unusual oportunity in these days of variable rate mortgages and balloon payments. You can buy this well located "Bluffs" with just 10% down to a 30 year loan! 4 B<inns., 3 baths, spacious throughout. $279,500 L.H. IDllLE llDIE Located in one of the few 5 Star parks tn the Newport Mesa area. 2 bdnn. 2 bath double wide Lancer in prime end location with lots of privacy. Includes attached sunporch and 2 car carport $42.000 L .H. LAND llOUll ISWI 40 feet on the bay with private pier and dock. Assumable low interest 1st T .D. $1,915,000. SAii .llll CAPllTUIO 5.5 acres with a spectacular view just minutes from town in area of expensive homes. $695,000 with creative owner financing. Horses OK. ClllOU IEL llAll 2 view R-1 lots in a quiet area away from summer crowds. N ext to $2 ,000.000 + ho u se under construction. $595,000 each 75% financing available. 11-1 Sii IEllUlllllO 7.3 acres in a hot apartment area near state hospitaJ and approved for condos. $2, 100,000. lfl>lJSTRIAL BLDG. 100'9 IOOIPIEI Clean 15,300 sq. fl. tilt up building on prime corner lot in South Santa Ana. 5 quality tenants including teller who will stay or move. $1 ,040,000 seller will finance. 17 I 4J 6 73-4400 Utll Ut.21JI "' Hertlcw' .,...., ........ lst.wlalltd IHI llWt c:..-" B11111 111 S1/1 R11111 lfl S./1 B••1n lu S.lt BH111 111 S1/1 B11111 l•t S./1 .....................................................•.••......•......................•...•••.••.............. a ... ,,, IOOZ a, .. ,,, 1002 ,,.,,., '~1 &. .. ,., 1001 c.,.., ,,, ., JIU •.•..•.••.......••.••• •.••••...............• ..................•• ·•···••·············•· ..................... . PDllUU .. I 1411 W. tAY Wfl UT 1·1 Prize West Bay bayfront. SUpe for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & ,,eny vtews. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. Ull llLE HID 701 Yll I.Ill ... .... Ill 1-1 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 YI bath. Lge LR .. 2 boat slips SU00,000. kemodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec nn beam celllngll. furrushed, pal!OI. $420.000 Lllll ISLE UfflllT Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, 5 bath, playroom. dark rm, den, Boat slip. Now $1 ,000,000 llYSIDE COYE Sp«tacUlar bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br. 2 ba dn 2 boat slip& $1,800,000. COROUDD CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Red $370,000 w/terms IUFFSC191 Single story end unit, expanded, upgraded 3 br, 3 ba O? largest greenbelt. $250,000. Piii 1.110 3 bdnns. 2 1~ baths condo near pool. $145,000 Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•dr Or•vr "I 8 67S 6161 WOW! lllT DU•EL ln H arbor Vie w H omes , expanded $265,000 fee. Owner finance. IPO fftSI TIFHRIW (Sea.) 1901 Galat.ea,LIAiit bay view. $1100 per mo. 2 BR and den. Harbor View Homes. um t CDllTA 1-.1111 171-7711 STARNES COMPANY BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at this time. All floor plans. Good views, good financing, good buys. Some lease options. Some including land. Please let our ex~rts show them to you. IPR 1-1 2071 Vista 411 Ire, 1 ,., .. , wi•• S 171,000 IOJ lH O••••• 1 llYel, wltw SH0,000 2007 l1J1, a Ir, 1 IHel Sllt,000 HELEN B. DOWD llUL Tlllg 110. 144-0114 JACKIE GILLIS REALTOR ASSUME FHA LOAN and owe. 3 BR 2 sty garden home. Pool, tennis, bike to beach. $93,500. UNIQUE BACK BAY home on cul de sac. 3 BR dark rm, lge stone fplc As.5ume loan & owe. $140,000. EASTSIDE CHARMER 3 BR 2 Ba, spa home. Huge fam nn, deck w/spa, 4 car gar. Beaut. decor & lndscpng. Lge assumable. OWC. $197,500. U1·I011 141-HIO •FULL OCEAN VU• 12% lowl. Jumlne Crtc Ownw/agt, 640-1515 1M4fl,MUIYI. WE LIASl/tPnH ''"'"'"' 4 bdrm• Including 2 muter sultN, 3'.+ ba. lg !amity rm. 2 frplca, rustle wood bMln oell'a -an In a walk to pflvate beach location. TM perfect ra- mify home In the perlect' !amity neighborhood $495,000 with PERFECT financing. 144-1211 rJn •%[L IJAIL[) & ASSOCIATES Pltun Court Ot'der sale of Har- b<>< View Hiiis 3 bdrm, 2'h b •th w/besutlful oc.an view & night light view Only 1319.500. Broker 551-8181. Open houH Sat/Sun. 870 Sandcastle Otlve. BY OWIER Cdl NEW 38r Condo. 2300 9Q,, Open Sun 1·5. 816 Marigold. $385.000. 640-4521 PIUTlll IPYIUU momn ... Popular 4Bdrm Trade-wlnda mdl $495,000. Owner may exchange or tease option. Mike Crow, Agent. 645-3176 Ill CllllA OUSSIO A perfect houee. very -------..--------•! neat beach Beautllul THINK Sllt.IR! garden. 2 atory, 3300 sq ft. 4 Br. $4-00.000 possl· bfe financing, Any rea· Emerald -Bay oceanfront. Large lot tonabfe otter wllast es- d ~ow. $595.000 an gorgeous view $1,750,000. Open Fri thru Sun t 10 5 at 233 PolnMltfa. Ownef Emera 1 d Bay 3 Bdrm 3 bath with ~6ii7ii3ii-4ii27ii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii beautifu l ocean vie w . Assu mable (inancing. $495,000. Lido Isle Bayfront -best sailboat view and sandy beach. $1,250,000. Orange Park Acres -Two I acre "lots zoned for h orses. -n ear Ridge tme' Country Club. $195,000 & $185,000. ..... , .... lltr. 414-0011 ..... IN IRVtNE TERRACE 3 BR 2 BA. $225,000. 1'25 BONNIE OOONE OPEN DAILY 1-5 ~111 ~ VOGEL PACIFIC NEW VIE W TOWN -llJM HOMES. 2 Muter S11I-htWusll 1#1 MIST llU UWUT tea. View of ocean & •••••••••••••••••••••• priced home In CdM. IHll PllPDTY IUI 1'1111 OIE night llght1. Oui.t Aree.. 179K tor 28R, 18A, tow Smog-fr .. Trabuoo Cyn. Parks, open 1pace1. IMT O&Pf OM dwn & r1Wr w/carry mcm 2100 aq ft hOme & eep. Seifer wfff carry S30K $125.800 dn. Xlnt Fin. Welk 10 bay and ocean of balance at lo rate. c.n rentable guut qtra. ttralght note for 5 yrs. Hal°' Pet Bauer, Agta. tromthl129drmcountn1 '°' lhOwtng at 873-5718 You benefit with a mon-873-7300 ., or 846-7218 °' come to Quallly thruout HI as~ thly payment of se24 c harmer with large open houH Sun 11•8_ eum. ftn. No qual. PIP. Pt/mo. C.ll now to ... •IM 11/IM '"' bonua room wtttl outside 41, Naret.., CdM. S 1 7 5 K , 1 0 % d n , the cory country kttc'*1 •••••••••••••••••••••• entrance. Excetlent fl· i--------- 681--0983. with roctc flreptace and nanclng, OW1* wllf carry Wll - IWl .. Tll I •us C\lltOm cabin•••· $119, lffl INILY 1..... up lo 1200.000 at 13% ....... 1 ... wa 900, 210 GRAND CANAL for 7 yaarl, for ltle rlOht -· • s.aut. 4 BA 3ba condo. Don't ....,..., Little Island. Sharp 3 bu)l9(. '300,000. 408 Avocado Ave. L In ~~ ··2 1200 Btwn. Watemont & P•· o t. ~ ioan. call Dlan4I today Bdrm 2 bath on the .. • clflc. A mott unuiuaf S169,000. 71'1934-t670 DIANA PIETENPOL-water. OWC. 1575.000. ioc.tton a. houN • wide VOlPE UNIOUE HOMES Buying and Hlllng at a 5ft..MOO Alta or Tom 8o4end lot. $545,000. Ownf/Agl. reaeoneble prtoe-th1t'• 875-eooo e7M225 what claultled 11 all Find what you want In PLEX-3 br, 2 ba. tptc: •bout. '42-&e78 Delly PlloC Cl......,._ Ifft ...... 11_. .. ch, meny upgradH, 111 --~~~~~~~~I Ideal owner unit, as· -•• = aum.. S280K. con1lder 2 Bdrm 2 bath plua dou-\.i •II.... trade. Open Sun. 1-4, ble getage. lovely Pillo, 2 bdrrn, t ba. Price '30~ Beaonla. 87$-2500 llendard atred lot. Own-1295,000. Good flnen-OwnetlefCr. • wtn rAnY flnancdng. ctng "'•-1211 1-,_--Tm--.,.....---- lDH HRH A OMy on w. e.yt 2 bf, 2 ..... IM - rlllflf be. 2 frplCe den e11n rm P~ 4 ldrm Tr.0.-11 Light a. brtgh't . Only wtndl model. 1406,000. m 1162 t2es.ooo. owe 12~. ~ ~ excnenoe Of Cell 141-42JO, -............ ~-~~~~~-::I Mflte Crow . Agl -------tc..., "',,., I MW17t ~ ...................... ,__ ______ _ "81...i. I 41' -LIT Clenttlld Ada are th• •••••••••••••••••••••• Wiit! 3 ... 11t4 ":!!lo. anaww to a auooeeatul Don't 6dly, a.II tEAOH~ Unit, 3 bf, _ _!1y~·~~~~-~~·!'~~ie.t~5M!!__J 8lf'llOl~Y'll'dllflllt'1a Diana Todayl t be. 16".000. Mtwr "Y to tel fl'Ol"I .._ ______ __. 11w10, ., • ., a •.i Ma 141..at?t ....,,.. rt Ci?brt g CT + - --···-·------------ 20 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26. 1982 H11111 ,,, I.ti• ...... m w. • ..... ,,, lal• H ..... ,,, S•lt ...... ,,, i.11 H ..... ,,, s.1. • ..... ,,, hl• . • ... ,, ,,, S•lt .•...•..•......................•.••••••••••• ~····················· •........•.••..•..•..• . .•.••.........•....•. ·············•••···••• ............•......... . ••.•....•.••••.•..... ~.'!l!!M.-.!.~¥. ~!.~!!!M .. !!M .. !~.!!!!! ...... !.~~1 ~!~.!~ ...... !.~~ ~! ••••••••••• !~~ !~~t .......... !.~ ~~! ••••••••••• !.~1 ~1.~~.!! ... t.t .. !.~! Ill...,.. YJew Country atmoaphere, city con11enlence1. Custom home of wood/ glaaa. 3Br, 2a.. ram rm, spa. $475,000-fee. Ownrlbkr 780-0795 .,,.,......, ...... Bank apprelted $6451<. Now 1649,000. Builder quite. 4 br, 3'~ ba Bay view custom. Open Sun. 2·5 ~20 Water11ont Of'. Ownlbllr/bldr 67$-1 t48 CdM DUPLEX Juat foreclosed on, needs to be told. 2-3Br, comer IOt 12% dwt\, 1at & 2nd aasumable. Reota S 1800 mo. Call John 752...Q3.42 M·F. Prln only. ...... llPt.D Assume loan: 38drm, 2 bath owner's unit with ... ., ,. ....... FOREVER VIEW lllULI UY Seller wlll carry IOtlll ror ' AWARD WINNER quallfled bvyer Greet BAYFRONT Oc;ean vlewl. 3 bdrm, 4 terms. 3 Bdrm 2 ba, ba. 1111. w/conveni.tlcN. Meaa Verde Highlands, 11CHANN£l REEF" tam. rm, lge gatden, pa-boat trlr acceH. 1130. tlo, formal din. rm, lge llv. 000 3281 Colorado Ln. rm_ Quiet cul·de-aac. Ownr/agl 559 "221 2121 ht• II (Fl) . ..., • ' _ .. _ <11> se12·~1:~r., -EA-S-TS_l_OE_M_A_N_S_IO_N_ ,.. _, -I~~~~~~~~ 11'1 a big, big 2 sty wl1h Seldom offered In this r:. 3Yt baths. good condl· landmark loc:atlon bull-VACANT MUST SELL uon, below market pric. ding Very 11p1clou1 2 4Br. 2'i1S.. 2100 sq tt 10 1>ee1uae owner• have to bdrm, 2 bath with,_ yrs new. Nr So. Cst le1ve for East co11t ping panorwna of New-Plaza, 10%-15'f. dwn. S 149,500 Agt. 642-6368 pot1 Bay & blue Peclflc. ~Ing $185,000 Make•--------- Assoc pool, 1paclous one< Bkr 763-4008 Drive by this 3 BR 1Yt ba aundeclll & t>oet slips. at 2045 Anaheim, then Appro11 $300K of uaum CllOI TltS call and make me an or- loan1 offered at $499, IAIE lffll fer. Ownefl 90t Miidred. .... 1!1,1 11l lllll!i ~ \!:11. ;_l\1-.dt11rn R1nq 1>40 SS60 Anytime E<1stblulf Prof Bldq ON NO PAYMENTS OR 1_64_2_-_63_68 _____ _ 1paclou1 I BA rental. 1--------- both with lofted beem C..11 #tu 1114 INTEREST ON PUA· EASTSIOE 3 BR and work CHASE MONEY TO UN· room, perfect dream Tll DEC. 1. 1982 home on a beautllul cul Sharp E. S Ide 3 Br. de sac street Huge rear Ht.Ba, lrple, raw cpt & yard with flower• and paint l,11ume low Int. lrult tr-. Sellefs Iran•· 1st TO s.ller wut ass111 tarred. Priced below w/llnanclng. $129,900, marke1 with exeflllent ll· 25% dwn 2268 CoflWlll nancing $132,500 Agt Thia Is affordable nou· 642-6368 ceHa. fireptaoes and an • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • honeat-10-gosh swim· 12.71~ WllUll.£ ming pool on one ol Co- rona del Mw'• Pf•ttlest F1Ull•I 1treet1. Walk to beech. $316,000. 144-1211 /Jn NtG[l nl\ILE.Y' ~ A55U[1Af[5 Just In lime lor iwmmer. tnla lovely pool home teaturee terrific flnan- c;Jng 4 large bdrma, ,_ paint. nHr parlla and IChOOll. O ffered It 1139.900. s.40-1 151 ~HERITAGE ~~~20 w n Ir I Ag t l--IA-Cl_IA_f_Olll __ .. __ By Owner. 3 Br. 2Yt S., -3 Bdrm 3 Bath new xlnt llnanclng. $142.500. condo on plfk Child ok 642-0095. With tease option. Go 1--------- lrom tenant to owner 1111.-. 380 W Wiison. 63 t-5055 3Br, 1 'hBa, Halecreat or 642·2000. area. nexlble 1erms, by y owner. Corner condo o w n e r . P r I n o n I y . wlscenlc view. central 1_54_5_·_24_2_8_. ____ _ vacuum, AIC, E A.C.. IDEAL ... _, 1-1 balconies. patlO, dbl ga-WEOOiNG GIFT 111 ~--ft rage wlWO<kbench & ca-lor thole starting a new . • REALTORS • blne1a. 2 nuilr aultea, 2'h Ille together. 3 8' 2ba. 1111 /lfTlll JUST REMODELED ba Anume 12.9% MONTICELLO TWNHSE .... n-m 3br, 2ba, COY'd patlO WI T8'mt 642·2574 In mint cond. E>w!'l8' ~ -t bar. Owner 646-9498 ---------4 b«lroom Including 2 '.::Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ANTA ANA HGTS 48r, rHdy transferred, an-maa1er eutt•, 3Yt ba. tge 1• 2ea. huge ram rm & rec .111ou8 10 deal. 157 Yorll· family rm. 2 frplca, rustle .:U Yllll rm. ftplc, pool, big yd. 1own Lane .. off Fairview wood belwn oell'I • all In Piil .. $25,000 dwn. OWC • bet_, Fair & Wll9on. I walk lo prlva1e beach ASSUMABLE FINAN· 1 3 Yo . S 142 ,50 0 Open Sat/Sun 1-5. location. The perfect fa-CING. Sharp 3 Bdrm 557.7993 MANFRED STEVER, mlly home In the perfect plus family with rem~ i----------1 __ R_llr_._64_&-_8_3_96_. ___ _ ne!ohborhood. $495.ooo 1ed kitchen. 2 yards ror LElllLE FllAI· E/llll MST& MU with PERFECT financing. entertelnlng. Asking 0111 Fee land. 1 145.000. CeJI 540-1 t51 Breed & butter duple11. 441 ..... za Ttn. for an appointment 10 on thlt lmmacut11e 3 B< 1125,000. Attractive II· •-----~•-..1.o -home with encloMd pe-nanclng. Quiet neighbor-_.._. -tlo, family rm, IPflnklert hood. "6-l 11 and more. Owner an-Mike Cfow Ag1 xloua. $129.500 Call 645-3176 - 9TS.5370 i--------- M: ~~~~~~ *MESA YEllE* -E.lllll-2 3Br. 18a. & 1Br, 1Ba In-MUST SELL 4BRl 2BA .2•1,000 APPRAISED $14-0K • law suite, newly remode-ll"•ln LIYlll NOW l 120K wl57K dn So of PCH 3 Br, 2 Ba led, fle11lble lerma. $129, • OR $1301( w/321< dn home. Lge back yard. 900. Or lry IM op1ton. By In lhla 4 Bdrm home with OWC. Greet t.-ma. Ce.II Delta 1_ow_ner_ll4_1e.._2_1_68____ add-on family rm. Many 81<%213)927_6001 MESA VERDE extras Including new 1 .. lllll.•lill••••• carpel. Large assumable 1 • Herbo<I Baker. Lowest 3 loan and OWll« wlll u- Br prlel In area. 1123, •lat. l t35,000. Call tor II HWIU 900. 125 dn, owe re-more Info. 979.5370 House + 2 unit• Prime malnlng 1114,000 H · E/aide. S20K below ap. ••RAii ca .... E • u m • • I t 2 % . pralaal. Xlnt lnvwtmenl ~ .. ,.. 8 48-32551540-4087 opply or tu 1helt1r. Featured In numeroua Open Sun 1·5, 1586 $5501mo neg wi no magazlnel and Preview Myrtlewood. down. or break even of Fine Homes. Thia • 1---,1-1-E-.---...... llWI w/20% down. I t35.000. bedroom masterpiece Aasome 9'i1% loan, ow· Wiii trade for auto emulalH lhe archltec-3 Bd 2 ea. pool, RV ec;... oar wlll help fin 3 br. 1g e>wner1901. 548-4360 or lure of e fine 15th cent· oeu & AJC. Located In y11d. S99,500. 1146-8082 494-0395. ury castle Great old Mesa def Mar. Probate CdM locallon with white sale. make en otter_ le ... /UIM "9ttl THIS SPECTACULAR trl- water view. Superbly 6 •-lev•I 4 Bdrm nr So handcrafted throughout. 31•737o tr -r Cont Plua hH every Naw on market. $910, N-3 Br. 3 88 Condos. upgrade. tile rool and 000 fee. Call Ron Sliter, Newport Schoola. 80% more. Must NII: call now TRADITIO:W. A i e n t , A E I M A X llnanelng at 12'A%. 210 Bkr 646-0709 16th Pl Open 12·5 Sall 75 • 1221 Sun, Dally 1·15. John EHol HllOll RLll.T~ 04M COlll Agent 831 -4509 or 111,IOO 673-3968 eves In EASTSIDE OUTSTAN· 3 Bdrm, 3 baths, super- bly IOc:ated. Community i~!ii!::!:::'::-i g Sa pool, 1ac:uzz1 and tennis. 11 ll1WwlT 11 • /0 Cell Biii, 631-0884, • ,,._ A11ume VA Loan. $611 646-509e Charming 4 Br. & large famlly room. Briel! flre-000 at Se.42 PIT! mo Full ~ place, country kitchen, P<kl• 198,500 3 bdrm. _J CIR L_ quiet rHldenllat are• family room, den. Fr .... """••· Long term Miler llnan. dom Home. Agl. RITA Cling, $229,000 ll"IC. land. 640-81411 •.•.• ,, llUlll .. '1111 J--ll-SlllA--Tl-.... --l-!:~ai:a~4~-Beautllut Park Br1a101 Oflve by 253 HMOvef'. Condo. Low down --A""' 1 ~ u~a 15-110K. low payment, '·-1 ._. ......, ._,,,., I 1000/mo. Low price DING 3 Br Famlly Rm Home only 8 years old PRICED TO SELL a t 1177,500 CALL for LOW DOWN Info RAE RODGERS 831-128& 1 .. 11a1 .. ... ~ .......... !.~ 8Y OWNER 4 BA 4 S. DE Ill STW. EXECITIYE'S DllUM llDME Piil.i 1211,000. Dana Point Duplex 1n A truly magnificent 2 s tory 3Br + Tur1lrock Hlghlenda 3Br Prime rental area Fea-1 low price. Owner wlll 1 b d 1 downs•~; .... den, Northwood Place Plan 3 carry ttnancl~I ures eame cell no _.... flreplac;e & enclosed pa· home Other features include a Cam rm, GOLDEN PR PERTIES tlo l,Mlovs out 01 sta1e dinrng rm, 3 baths and a Jge kit.chen 752•15811 owner wlll provide terms b k r k N Steal this one ror only w / r ea ast noo atura l colors $3SOObuya'h lntlnTur1· St52.500Fu11Prloel lllcluding wallpaper thru-out. Seller is lefoc:k 3Br Condo, ~Int MISSION AEi'lTY motivated. Offered at $249,900. Call appreciation 631-1266 985 So Cst Hwy, Laguna Fr••• •m. c.1 .. 111 u. 111-1111 _A_gt ________ (_l 1_,_>4_U_-o_n_1_ ... 11.,, .. ,,.,. 1040 ...••................. 2Br, on the beach $&1\d, o cen view lrom all rooms. $230 ,000 960-t484 BEACHWALI<. Elegant townhouse llving near the waler. From $145, 000. Bkr. 648--0709 10 DOWI !! View of the oc:ean and walk to the 1a"d 213 1333-3846 & 2131902-1298 12M01tn . ·~" 2 Br. Townhouse, end unit. patio, community pool & klddy yard. Low down or take over SHA loin F P. I 102,500. Agent 682-1700. llYESTOl'S SPEOllL E11ceoent t8f'm1 Spark· Ung lresh 2 bdrm, 2 ba Bradley Model In Univ. Park • VIII I. Completel~ redone Inside end out Very goo d locallon $122.900. 2 Br 2ba, lge patio. Un· der market at I t39,900. 0.f'MI lstttltftt lll-0221 lnlat 1H4 TllnEllOI •••••••••••••••••••••• Gracious living In 1•01 J.Mt 1041 llW TIE UWI s p a c I o u a 3 ••'•••••••••• ••••••••• bedroom, 2 bath rice slashed tor qvlck II MllE home Hug 8 Nie 3 bd, 2 ba.~ Mv, 2t8t iquare feet of outdoor enter-delwtekilc:t>en.bf fut townhome llvlng bring• tal nment patios. area plua guut apt. you all the comfor1a of North end. Walk to llngle family llvtng with Excellent financing. bHch Owner help ft. 111 the advantages of $159,900. nance 1269,500. Peg townhome llvlng. Four Wlllm Cote, Allen Rltr. 494-7576. roomy bedrooms. formal &oiler UL.I H TUI( dining, family room, nra-Great Ooean view, walk place In living room, wet to private beach. 3 bdrm, bar, enclosed private 3 ba. Family room . patio with decking and Owner/Ag! 673·2936. gard41n area and mo<el 642-1183 Fabutova llnanclng ... no 1---------quallfylng. I 163,000. -h-,-1-,_-_ .. -1--,-1--1-10CEANFRONT Moblle Don't delay. call Diana -II •IH 111 HorNS. several. S80.000. today. 559-9400 Nor1hwood POOL HOM! Pvt 4911-3818 DIANA PIETENPOL· 4 Bdrm, 3ba, 3 car gar 1---------VOLPE Ag1. Barbara 552-1985 Lower Three Arch Bay Gn Ocean Vu. OlvorC41 tor-TllnEllOI oes aale. Otter or trade. By owner. 3 bdrm, 2 ba. Ownerl Agt 4119-3144 Xlnt uaum. In. 1184,900. ---------544-9179 eves end Tntll 18971 Antioch, lkb11, wtmda. "er. 2 ea. D.R .. F.R. w W_O_O_O_B_R_ID_G_E_._2_B_R_2 of Unt11. $200.000. 150. B l "g G 000 down, $150,00 0 a. condo, " K. ood A.I T.O. 1~ Int only lor 5 fin. 857-6227. For Claallfled Ad ACTION Call a Dally Piiot AD-VISOR 642""6878 ltst ..... ltm Co-op1 from 139,ooo eqully price Condos trom S75,000 tull price leisure World AeNleS 24221 Paseo de Valencia Lag. Hiiis 7141837-5500 f!I.~!~. ~!I.~!{ .. !.~~? BY OWNEAJMUST SELL 3 br, 2 ba, vi-. spa $195,000 or Oller 831-5479 ftitt ••• ., Yl•• 3 bdrm. 4 ba, Laguna Niguel CUSlOm bit home Super view lrom entire hvtng area Formal dining rm. sep lamely rm & ex- tra game/ aunroom 01· lered at $475,000. Wiii trade for ofc bldg or commercial Call ror de- ta II 1. Gravette A E 454·9566 Ld• f•rnt JOSS •....••••••.•......... POI PUCE ESTATES 4 II. 2~ IA. BETTER THAN MODEL HAS EVERYTHING Cul-~street Sun & Sail 11 Club 20 min. to N-pot1 Centet $210.000 with $160,000 at 12% llxed rate & lully amortized No pojnts or qu1lllytng 770-0347 0wner1"C ' !'i!!!~~ .. ~~;! .... !.~~ llm IWllllllPf $2600 to S3800 lnvett· ment gives you home ownership end all tax advantageal We have equity share programs on 3 & 4 Bdrm homes avall now Call Don at Rushton Realtors 768-1300 yra. Agent 541-5032 ---"-------iHave eome\hlng you want1---------i WOODBRIDGE • ~har-to Mii? Claaalflld ad• do find what you wan I In Want Ad He4p7 ming twnh11. 3Br. 1 ~Ba. It Ml. 842-5878. Dally Pilot Clualflede 642-5878 frplo, patio, 1121.000. · •---------~~ ~·~r/!;."15:~:~· f!I.~!. ~i!!! .... !.~!~1 f!I.~!. ~!!! · · .. !.~~! ~!I.~~~. !'.i!!! • · • · ·'·~~~ WllHllHE TIWllHSI 2 Br. 2 Ba. large patio. Under market at $139, 1100 Corbin Anoe 759-0226. 2BRl2BA WOODBRIDGE Sgl lam. Sacrifice. 3 pymtt lat e Hel p ! 657-2425 lll HIT Gr•t nnancing on this beautllul Lakes condo. Open beams 1hruou1. llreplace, air condltlO· nlng. large kitchen wt eating area & big deck Pools, tannla Ind privacy ere a big plutl s100,ooo. 142-1200 A PETE BARRETI . REALTY Leisure World, Laguna Hills. 50,000! lm;i>:in1• .1n ..t''>l·'"' "''' 1 .. ,1r .... n, I 1·•''41'' ~1'.9i~\\1•rkl h111nr wmrld1 " 1h ,:._c; \XI\' O(X) -...__..-• '"'"'" nt t Ullf111\ clut .1nwn11u-.. l''"···•h 1'fUr) '-4'< uruv. :!t'\.I 'P" 1.11 inh·n-..• , luti, .mJ lmh I.ind" .1p1n.: \\ 11b TT>\~h< .11 Ion.me 1,11 .mJ ..N•pptn)t I ,1ul1t1'"' •:O•lc>rT 1 t 1 .. un• \\ nrld R1 .... 11,..," thl' lnn.•mo,1 r1.,1h, • ''"'l'•'"V w11h lmn"' ·" .11l.1l•l1 1n ..11 rnH' r.init•" T.11~ lo 11m• ,,, <'Ur C'\p1•m•mt'tl ..,,,1,, l'"'""'''"'' v11•w ••ur •1•ln1 I INnc 4'h"w C'lr wnd in th~ toupon wtl.•v '"' ·' lifi11111ful l•r111 h1u1· 1 r1 ... , .... m~h me )'<>Ur tull.uilut bmd•urt• N.1m1• Add re"" knockl often ~ you uM reautt-oentng Dally Piiot Clualfled Ad• to reed\ the Or-. Coeet mar11et. Phone CM2·5e79 ........ 1. 1881<. 64e-08tO ,. -~ - TAY LOii <'<' twllWIY Hr ~b41. l 10i,500. VA 111 Ht,SOO at 1314~. Have somettttno to...,,•--------~• '42 w Wlllon, 1&1-2100 Ctaaalfled Adi do It Wll. WW1t Adi Cit 142-4178 AQI. Rlc:h C/21 All-Pro ttme, appro11 2900 sq.n.1--------- Nr MHdOwlark Golf Ar• YoU P"'Wllfto a~? eou,... sm.ooo term•. Cf~ .,. Wll Point we win guarant• to buy ycMJ '" It-. rtghl dlrecuon bide .. ...,. swtoe In 3 to find th• llorrr. yov yra. 6'6-0450 nead.. 142-5171 """''' Pi lot. -286[ 92 dbllr Xtipmfit§lld na XiiCJd IQi bi JUOWQjd@IS Obiihl&lcpv U1f70¥UJd:nU'Cf'C ''l'"'"'"" ----.. ·v Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 -21 ""' 111 S•I• Ho81t1 lot S•lt HoH11 /11 S•lt H111111 111 S•lt g,.,,, /or S•lt Oti11 J.41 llt1t1 Ot•11 1"1 bt1t1 Oth t 1111 111•1• .••••...•...•.............•.......•...........................•.........................................................••••••••••.••••.•••.................................... . !!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~! !!.'!r.!!.~!A .. !.~ !.!.'!r.!!.~~!~ ... !.~! ~~r.!!.~~~!! .. !.~? ~'!!r.!!.~~!~ ... !.~? •;::';,f,••n 1100 ~!~!l!!r.!!l.~ .. , .. t•I•, t>n1tt,u 11 --------•I VERSAILLES 1 br upgra· lfWPMf •••••••••••••••••••••• HOUSE/8 UNITS _.ti RARE BLUFFS OPPORTUNITIES Low~t priced Fee Condo. Nearly new 3 Br, sing.le story. 80% financing at 9 1;;%. 304 F.splanade $272,000 Open Sat! Sun 1-5 JUST LISTED · FRONT ROW VIEW Lowest priced "E" Plan 3 Br. Fam. $187,000 Assum. lns • submit on dn. 2645 Vista Omada $315,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 Call A.gt 640-0020/760·9678 ILIT PUIAllOIM Thia large 3 Bdrm Dov ShorM home Is lltu•ted on 11n Ml•te 912ed lot. Outat.ncslng UM ot used btlck, CUilom IP• nltle• wltti •II the out•t•ndlng 1uch ••: lor!NI dining room, lar .. t~ kttchen and mueh more. Excellent lln•n c:lng. 142·1200 A PETE BARRETT . REALTY Remodeled 3 Br. 2V. B•. In B•yshores. 1299,500. L.H. S189K lea conver- sion. Renew•I 19g 1 2611 Circle Or. 645-4J218 tlUL FllltU ... ( 3 BA, 2 t>a. Lg lot, tr ... . patk>I. F/P, Xlnt Banning 11e, block to beach. Comm pool. 4&32 RI..._. 1188.000. 0wr1« w111 n- nance. 875·2399 SEAVIEW • elegant & ch•rmlng H•mpton model. l•buloue view• d•aor, apa, pvt comm w/pool & 1ennl• ll1clllttes. $519,000 Open HouH Sal/Sun t2-5 1903 ~~~~~~~~~! Yecht Colina 644-1017 11111.m nuu Lowty trg 3 Br llOu• w/ dell, IC)9 & fonMw YU. On'Y $359,900 F-ee. Cell DIRECT 10 Patrick Of •11• O.C. Ak'port, 68x300' la1 plu1 2 bdrm house. S•nla An• Hta 536-2455. Fred Tenore, agt i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 831·12te « 780-8702 , R&"M~ ..... FHml ICWt YI On the Point. 1 blk from the we<Soe. 2 Br. 2 atory. lge are• In lront lor addition. An ocean view without paying th• OCHnlront price $340, 000. $400,000 Total Prk:el MEL FUCHS Best buy on oceanfront. h YIJlff ltlfftr l(Jnl toe. $325,000 Cuti+ ll.1121 uaumabl• S75K, 10% ____ .. ___ _ TO. Owner 640-7990. PE"NINSULA DUPLEX 206 «th St. Xlnt flnan. SALE BY OWNER Ph 873-8454 for dal•lla larhrYI•• ..... By owner. 7 bdrm.• be. M•Jor conll completed 1450,000. F .. 1760 Port M•nlelgh Cir Call for 9')pl. .... llllMS 2 er. 2 Ba condo. Elc1rH. POOi, f*:lmi, 9f_,belt •v•ll. Mu•t Hit. Prln. only . 841-ugg or &46-7958. llST .. , WTlllff 5 Br. Owner will carry. $264,500. Perlect family house. 644· 1742 llWNllllffH WITllFllllT 4 Sr. Family Room $250.000. L .... or Lea· se Option . Le••• S1500/mo. 873-4842 •WPtlfOIHT Former model 3 Br plua $229.500 AMume llnan· c1no piu. OWner w111 ear· ry. 648-9813 Tierra del Sol Realtor Hedd• Mar08I 84e.1044 IEITMUH .......... , Loe new cuatom home on 1\t lot•. Op•n 1•5 NEWPORT HEIGHTS .,~ • S 210 VI S CONDO ·2 bdrm, 2 t>a, <Hi•· .. un. a an ~• d 1 d 1-.. Ramo By owner p,,.,. •n aun ry. un 87~8 873:2558. dn. No qualtfylng. Long ' term flnanClllg C•ll NO DOWN, no qyalllylng, Brandon Agt. 720-1404 J IMl"9 2 hOuMa. $725.000 , ____ ;......., __ _ eech. 820·9otg (714). 3 Br. Home. frplc, 9fltl, 2 1501a.1511 Miramar St patios. $199,000 Bkr --------· 752·5111, 64S-e289. .... W...... Wiii& TUii ... , 9y --· llN,OOO IN HAVE -Sherp 4 BR 2'A hotel. Mutt NII. 3 Bdrm ba Palermo In HVH<>me9 Moneoo. Low doWn, C•H S2"""'K -.i_ f 0 ( • P P t t 0 I • • on f .. I~. '°' W'4Vr ~ . ' ty. & onty $870 PfTI. --------WANT • Oceelt vu home, YllUllLll In N8/CdM. Aote. ••• 2 Br 2ba, Mlcony, Meu· ~.:.... --· rtty, und«arc:::i•r-........ ~ ..... _,.,.gt. klna MCI Ill lee, 1 __ 7_eo-9333 ___ n_eo-o __ 29_f7_ Uft,000. Good ffnan· WATERFAOHT TRIPI.EX otng. Cell ow,,.,, MIN OH uoo ISLE Laura. !Mt-et5J. 01*1 11.250,000 Set/Sun 1·1, call lrom "801 UDO" gate. 101 8tloD P1Ga. Wtterfront High rlH ... , ... -condo. u. "' tun'\IMfl 8 ... ydy r.m. 6 drm. 2n h . Only ..... 714n52 5710 ttH,000. Appr•IH d """ • u.t.000. Open Houw Thlnk.tll,O of a naw hom ... 27•12, 12-'PM. Hf lor eprtng'J a.. the mtn ONny Tree Lane.. C.. llttlng• In tod~·· cla anytime Tony S..l,MU. lied coknnna. '42·5811 .. llWNIT Miil d•d condo. Sec pool, S112,000 PllOU FU NHr Goll Courae In E· ··:;8·:.,:·;~~·.;·w····1:::· If airltll" clubhN. SHK. 181, as· Bu now with LOW Side Coit• Me.a. 30"1. .,. ---king $1221(, 20% dwn. DO~N or LEASE OP· tllOl l&l( dn wlll B.E. ANUme lit 4 s .. aona ol Fun. Invest NEW MEDlT. CUSTOM owe 760·9388 aves. TION 3 Br Den 2'1't B ·7 1 Lancer 20 ,. 80, TO owe 2nd TO 5.7 yra. In our mountain Pl•Y- Tt• tf 1011111 flu loc•llon & Mclusl~'. corner lot. 648-8612. RI ck 8 k r M I F ground wl\lle -·re atJll In Pool & WfMcellar WESTCLIFF PRICED BElOW MARK· ·-· nl 213-692·2845 • tx.iyera mmet. Write ftrt"tr 111•• L 3 Bd 2 rm; Of call for broc:hure & ., 111 ovely rm, ba plus ET Cllll t0d1y ••T/lll 1•1 Pttlthe l lllt flew m•p• Vou-llnllh honie9 $2 400 000 olc/den, 2 lrpk:a. llQht & -Open Sat/Sun 1-4 •lry wlhlgh cells. Good ON THE BAY FRONT 4·Pln, new units. land· from $10 peq • 35 mod· 17 Muir 8eecn Circle •MUmllble loan wtth flex llWPllT 300 E Cout Hwy •24, •caped, fully occupied. ala or your plan•, wlll BY,OWNEA down $269.500 Open S12l,IOO lovely 2Br. 2B•. lrplc, on site m•n•g•m•nl, bulld •nywhere. Sun· 840·U05 673-11133 Sun 1-4, 1337 Suaaea VIEW CONDO only 3 AC, $109,000 Bkr 12% "'1ancing & wtH cat· thine Real E.llata, 9ett8f' , -~ a~5 1~08 years Old. Adutt NC\lflty 675-4010 ry P9'* OlvOtoe, mull Homes & GWdenl, Box llTIT&lllM Newport Crall Condo, 3Br, 3B•. matr aulte w1 titting rm, Oen view, completely remodeled, Incl new paint In & out, cpt1, Jenn-Air atove w 1 radar. ttaJlan Tiie, Mexl· c•n Pevera. Also haa lhull«s, wet b.,. mlrro- red drs, huge bltln bookcue. frpk:, lkytttet, OYet1lad tub & lnllde- o u talde BB01. Fln .. t condo In Iha Cr .. t. A real VMJe •I $249,00Q. Owr1« dyteve MS-0209 OLIFF llllYE ,.,.,"Yin 4 Bdrm, 2ba, tge fee tot. $5.451(, prln only. Agent. 876-1211 attar 1 m. HYDllllES lllU -CISTlll "'" 1.1 &call Out of the ftlght pattern , this custom home otters magnificent opportunities S eparate gueal home and private pool and spa Owner will finance entire loan. The price It $985,000 Wiiiia• Ct h , .,, .. , 714/ll0· 1100 IUFH • YllW 3 er 2'1'tbe, end unit on lee l•nd. 20% down, OW· ,_ wttt carry tln•nctno to ault your budget. huhliettth ..... '"'''" 111-842' .... ..... .,.. • '" Te<~. Call for appt. Hiii S•n Bern•rdlno 8083, Big Bear Lake. Pr11H1IHI 0..41t RAE ROOOEF\S OCEANFRONT Mobil• arH For det•lla call 92315 71411186-4651. VEASAllLES. 1 bdrm, &31-1268 Homes, MVe<al, $80.000. 7141720·1517 fully furn. Security and Pvt. 499-3316 1---------O.t •I C11•'1 recrullon tacllltles 11¥. 1-T IUOI **llYUTlll** 1reaut.r ZSIO Int. Ownef wlll carry 2nd. m;wr•• Looking lor dupl•ic .•••• ·."';;¥. ••••••••••• 528•1988. 523•2830 P. Bel Air Home. Light •·plex and up. Free Info, Ouptu, Rancho Mirage, lnterlora, 2 bdrm. 1 bath, agt. 780·7089 C· I proparw. $80,000. Wltttama •-,._--C.-1-•""'•=•""•;...tf==,=,-7-f front kHchen. Expanded 1---------Two MP•r•te unt1a, 2 Br, •••••• •• •••••••••••••• llv. dining •rH. Young 1• llm DIST& 11111 1200 aq 11 eeen. By Ow· IPll llll&Y 1·1 ICUI YllW SHI N adults welcome $24,500 Eutalde. 911 large 2 Br ner Grall financing. llllt.Y l(W ti 4 yrt Old. 3 bdrm/2 be BEACH AREA: 2 bt dbl. pool, Income $71,000. 1-328·5555, 340-1&48 _,WPtllf .... .,,. 2050 IQ 11. Wall! to bch $34,500. Low lees 5 Stw Prk:e S775.ooo. Drive by INCOME PROPERTY _, ... ,. Pool a1za bKll d 149 E. Bay then c•ll Extenalw 1980 remod91 Anum~ble 1oan/~wc Park. C.M Miiie Crow. B r o k a r I 0 w n a r Older Tr•llef Pk with llH l•ft no ltud untur· Straight not•°' t uw. mgt, &45-3178 &42-0282. out:,• ,~;~B::0".88 ned. New tr•dltlon•I AITO. pymtt $1900/mo. C..•«dd 120,.000 llWI S 100 M Beaumont style oak ~ore, new eet-11382 owner/911' ~ l llO Realty root, wlrea plumbing, --------''---•• :.":.A.~¥. ••••••••••• Two 3 bdrm hou-on 1 1•714-8">3134 mHtu aul •. kitchen. J.t•t• A.al I anti Yaun 101, E/Stde C.M. Mu11 etc. etc. m•kea thl• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ••II. No qualifying. A r.•~•n. l•mi, beautllully located 3BA Curloue? Open hOUM Sat Tu .. ...., lleal •t 1150,000. ~-___:_ n- 2b• pool home • re.re & Sun. Auume $55,900 Neer ,_ •~leJC. 2 bdrm, Call ..,....,,,, 540-3666. ............... -"one of a kind". Prk:41d 11w1. Int. 2 br, 2 b• 2 bath Hch unit with , ___ -..-_ .. _____ , ••••--••••••••••••••• • at 1207,500 with an .. condo larnHy Mellon, So. llr~laoe, enclOMd p•tlo. llTST&llt• llYU II, UUfllll& aum•ble 1•1 r.o. Cal VlllH No.113. S87, garage, uv.-tat. Pot Hunt, Sch, 4 units, Co· flAUlY UFllTYU Ul ........ lft Its 900. Upgr•dea, utrH CHh flow. Now 1159, vlng1on 1tyle. $239,000. NO<th9fnSanOlegoCty~ Ml 1j 11 Incl. Wiii cury 2nd. 500. Biii Grundy, Altr, Only 125,000 dn. Aa· dHlr•ble ., ... 4.5 •c. • _64_1_.1_1184_. _____ 1 67M161. wme 11% lit. Call now. •vocado &1t•t•. Excell. •12,000 H b k r , g 8 3 • 8 0 0 0 or production & lnvee1ment WI Mfll ~. uk tor Jtm Grove under profeulo- • b . . 5 BR 2b .. neer S.C. PU.a. TAI ml.111 n.i mgmt 3,000 eq. f1 Owr1« w1n help nn.no.. ,. t1YUT11U1 LEVEUIE 11ome. elegantly deoOf•· Hurry -won't l ••t. " 19d 3 Bdrm, 2'~ Bath. 1M •· UYfUIT llftlt&TMOI .... lltw,., 1·1 ........ ,,, .. ,, 2 BA Plvl 2Sr e,pt. .... l .. l 851•9020 11g1 Ult S•ll Clemente pride of Covington 4 Plec nt S.C gtonoui u1>91alra atudlo ---------• ownership Modern Sp•· Pla:u. M•lle your down w1360 deg. view. Soenk: '-•t• i.-•u '"' nlah 1tyte lour unit peyment by the month wood de<;k, sp•. Com-••••••ttA•••••••••••• ap9rtm•nt house with Notea & tr•O.S OK. A• pletely chain llnked PllS'TtlMS ooe&n, hlllt & golf COutM king 1279.000. $200,000 In usumable ._ -••m view. c1oee 10 everything. h .. fl IJMtttt 1 r•i. only lhree years old, t nanctng at approx. 3 Br 2'h b•. former etww. Ilka NEWI 8911., a14' hSNlates 1Q"I. Reduced from model w/1p•. Furn. op. wlll help finance & Hve 111·042• S437 000 to $398,000 uonal. Auume e•l•llng buyer thouiand• of Brochure evaJI Contact loan OWC high 2n<J. Int. dollarslll Selllno price of 15 Units C.M. $40.000 dn SM• Pentz or Al Ogle, rates below mkt $460. $325,000 Is w•y below equals 'It of existing 7 1 • • 7 5 8 • 3 0 5 4 or 000 499-1286 Agt. current replacement pannerahlp. $18,000 de-714-758-3150 Agenl c S precla11on deduction tor Prlnelp•I Wn lal•1tu , ,,, c 0 • t I p RI N Ip A L 1982 No purctiue COSIS. -...,;;wiiiwiiiAlfiir~ttll;R_&;&nMI-•••••••••••••••••••••• "ONL YI C•ll owner •• 631_.518 f fl/ fltlll ._, •r-2Br, tBa. RIO, lg scr ... (7 14) 642-0138 I. • ZIH lllf '12',tH fff ned porch, tncd yd, $94, R•pldty developing arH CORONA del MAR OPUC •••••~•~/.! ••• •••••• wltl'I Ney financing. 2 Br 000, low dwn owe. on Newporl Blvd. In 3br ea Owne< may 8ll· WAIT •• " Ctll 2'11 b• condo. Communt-95S-0073 Costa ~. 66x300 lot Cltl9nge. SS.7,500. Mike condo or home. Trade ty pool 9nd spa. Pvt p.-with i~-OWC M~ ,_c_row_. _60_1_. _s.._~ __ 17_6 __ .,_,,_ ... t OtL I I II ''''"""" ~ ·-F•llbrook lovely 4Br tlo ...,,.. very ,..,x ble. •II II 1111 ttvated to NII. 4-UNITS. 2'1tba, 1g ram rm. pres· 144-1211 ;;;jjj;••;;,;;;•••••••• Aealonomk:a 875-8700 TOP LOCATION tlge area. StrMm, oaka, 1~, •-11 1100 llUU tlWI s..s.8100 or 549·1366 overt ecr•. 1325.ooo. or /Jn NIG[L GAILEY & ASSOCI ATES FORECLOSllE Piil lllE 1927 S911tlago Open Sat/Sun 1·5 Pt•ya Real &tllte lll-1100 ... -l•'••trl•I eell tor 125.000 down. •••••••••••••••••••••• 221 llllllE an owe. Conalder le•ae/ N-port Beech De Anu Commerct .. bldg In bu•y 1n•rt. ZIH opt. Own«. 1·728-03-43 baylront P•rk. Mint locatlof'I. Owner m•y •Ito ····=.._"'u···~~···· _or_"68_-_1_so_1 ____ _ cond. '78 dbl wide. fire-conalde< trmde for tm911 _,,,, ..,_ plaoe, briQI P•Uo, Balboa laland hOuH Cost• M.a 162e Otlmt Lagun• 9Mct'I hae. Pv\. 158·500 Atao 2 br.. 2 $395.000. Lor• V•nce W•y leaMd to Al'M Oen View. Trllde ~~ ·~~= ~·aC::;;; Rttra, 87$-4062 WYITTI UIT'' for? 714-499-3144 87S-8181 u.IY YILLJI( Have o th•ra. Chuck LaQUn• Beect1 hM. Pv1 S~. 831-1268 ArM. Oen View. Trade Newport ~ De Mu Commetcta.I bldg. prime tor? 714-499•3tU b•yfront Puk. M int atreet, perfect lor ret.il, cond. '78 dbl wtoe. fir• olllce. or ? 1190,000. p.a....-. place. bfk;k P•tlo. 873-3777 Agl. BMut. 3 8R 2 L plua $56,500. Alto 2 bt., 2 C..IMhl .. lrj studio w/IUM beth. pool, ba .. dooble wfde, cor,_ ,._1---------1 l•c. pvt. Auum•ble ... II lliMr View lot 139.000 Biii Grundy flfld•••• 11-£111Jw1411 1111 $207,000 IOllne. Appral-Lowetl priced Portoflno 675-e 181 •••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••'•••••••• eed $275,000. Reduced 4 BR, 3V. Ba. boou• rm, · 4 1_ Tuc.o,,n.SAl~n000•: 2~·!>0050 IOUI VIEW to $240,000. W911t bMCll d'nlng rm f•-lly rm tee Int, h la .... Wl4t eq. · 1,.vv, · .., · property Ownrl•gt ' ' _,, • 2 bdrm 1•~ ... edlta. 000 down. 8% return. 'A llCr9 on Loe Arbolea. · · tand . 1319,900. Good , .,,.. ~I Sm~ OK. B'r<*er 7141492_.8g2, seer. 199.000. OMC t•t 714-323--2959 ...... , 11111' •num•ble fln•nclng. ... r · ,...... w/V. dn. Atao 3 9CIJ, 1llew INJ htf 1~ ..._ • ..__. Call Larlllne Sh-. ag1 Nr Sh09Plng Low rent. ac.en view, DM• H•rbor lotl 751< & 85K .. -_,.. 759-9088 $25,000. 841·295-4 on Blun.. 2Br. 2Ba. pool, siMon. Re 141~18 .... "" The lowest priced II~~~~~~~~~ ~ .. 9P9. low oawn. S225,000 '-;=::-;:1-&=-:::---11•ii•ii•ii•ii••ii•ii•ii••ii•ii•ii••ii•ii•ii••ii•ii•m•• home In Newport 893-3151 , .... £-1-..._.... Cr es 1. Two CANAL FRONT, 2 blook1 24'118'4 GREENBRIER ..,., -~ Prtnl9 ,.., ..__. beach. 1275 ,000 In· HOME LQe L R Dtn Arn .,_. ,, ........ --....,, JI# WIM tall• ovw ...... w ....... ...... rooma, 2 bathe, clude1 land. 840·&~8. lch °'*'8 to Fwn Rm; ........ ::£&.::'!'!! ;.;,:i·~~·c;;k,TB,~ mentt on a 2 0,3'1td..M formal dining room, Oocketcs. A E. wetbar. 2 8,., 2 BA UOhl .000 ~Ion ct. 1 ea. iipltt.._.. ..._. 4 home, w11 .ieo oonttW ~no~<><!,~ all~ •WPtlY 111'1 YllW Int., young •dtt1 wal· dUCtton for 1"2· hit· completely furntehed: • duplex or triplex With fOf only $185,000 Owner wfll finance pur-oome l3UOO. 8.40-503J 9lde C.M. 5 ~· 3 YI" Located wind fr'M "°""' ownttt unit. Pt'ln, only --------· Old, dllu ...... 2 a.. _... .. ......... --,,._. '42-33T7 Wlllt1• Otte, ch ... at 10% lntereat & ~.. 8r•ak •ven w/175,000 ...... __,,...,, .. -~.,~-~~~~~~~ lnltr will conilldef trllde-doWn 24'xU QAEENBAIEA d own. U14,l500 SP. ==-~=-= 1-., ... 1-for NPT or Coeta Meu HOME. Loe 1..R. Din. Am. 131-4511. IHton • .,7,500. C•ll i.1'11 realdeftee, Thl9 IMauUfl.tl kh open• to Fem Rm, EA8TSIDI TRIPLEX 2 Mt-3311 or 831-Mea. •••••••••••••••••••••• home ,_,...,_ 4 Sdrm.. __,ber, 2 BA. 2 BA. UOflt bdrm 8C*llltl "°'* p11ie .... r...1-6.J ~am!.== Int., you"Ao'dltt _.,. 2 1-Mnn ..... 111.000 UD •111 V ........ -.::~ ..... i. ofltnlid at t315,000. OOfl9 131• • IM0-6837 ~ JrOl8. e.p. ,,_.. LM• tront!HeM!ltalr. 4 ..... la'-' II• '°' ""1hef Information, LIVE AT BEACHI 18R red. 1115,000 OVtC. bdrm, S M. 1176 000. ;a:••¥••:::=•==:: com.ct~ Hertler\a 11 ofiNpt let\ tt1r S15.000 140WtMll? °"'* fY#C. 1t4-f.46.U7t a.Mil~~.-~ 131· 1218, 0.,.n hOUM ssooo dn, $3711.m ... 21 Older UPtlte NUI ~ Yfto/ .... _ A¥111 ... 15, Sun. 1-4. 111 La Jolla. :0·HH cty. 1·..,.71 CMtt "°" 2.2 .wr.. zo. Mon ... -C.C 2 br. I.... If~ 1---------1 Md .. , ~ T\iMtn. _, ---------....... _,.,. ~-S1M. ,,.._ 17Mlelt COlldO on tM ,all"fty, ..,_ 1·-..,...," el(p09Ure. Lo- ... , t»y uelnt • • Uy Q-m.d Adi. 10"' on.-.-prtoe In ... t tat. "°' Chu lfled Mt. 1top ~ oenw. IOO Tiie , ...... t dt•• '" ..... WHI •• ·• D•lty Plfol 0 ,,.. All. MMl?'I. - ., .. -t j I 2 ··---------- . 22 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 2e. 1982 ...... hnllW ...... ll.J11aldM ..... '1.i.t.bW ••11n lla1rua11W ...... ,,.,.,.,,." ...... ,,.,.,.,,.. • ... H u.,.,.,,.. • ..... Ull1wdH ······················ ..••.................. ················•••••• •••.••....••••....•......••.....•......••••••.........•.•.•.•.....•....••........•...•.•........••...........• '1:.i.,.,. 11n ~!~.~ ...... !.~ ~!~.~ ...... !.~ •••••,.,, ~! ........... !.~~ ~~~.,!1.-.~L.!!.!f ~!,'!r.!!.~!~ ... 1.~! !'!r!!.~~ ... 1.1.'.~ •••••••••••••••••••••• II -• w..i_,. 2 Bf. 1 ea. tnod ..... 1141 Exec. t1ome 4 Bt. 3 ea. Spectacular oon & mtn Big Canyon, pool. •P•. Bkltt• condo 4 bt. 2'-' ba, WINTER Renter, aYI. 9112. ... L., nw patio, encl•d o•r•g•. 9-;,·1·~:;:,d·,;:3e;·t-;:;,; fem rm . formal din rm.. vi-llOme In Mofl11ch tannl• 1895/mo. A91 $875 mo. 2bt,1ba.dn.Lndry & , new carpet• drapee · • 21rplc't ent1oun1 Kol Terrece.3Br.391.S1. Fred 631 -1288, Agl 844-1133 gat.'600.673-5815 Rent In Colle Ma11e palnt.Nopete.'$495/mo'. 111 bllln•. MW pelnt In/ pond c;~vered outdoor• 050 mo. Call owner 631·271t ---------•NEWEST gated 20 pl a MGu 11 54a.-5442 OUl, 2 car 011. lg rear '1 b t 1 f 499-4252 eve• --------W11t.J11t11 31H C•t• .,.. 1114 Townllome VILLAGE u ' Y· • yrd. Call 979·117111 spa. n •• pu 0 · Lrg 4 Bd 3 Ba, comm. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 770·5829. Turtlerock. For ren1al on 4 Br 2'/a Ba. lamlly home, po o I . p 1 t Io, BBQ 2Br, 1Ba, R/0. lg ICirM- 1 Br. Trailer, private, no 2'"Ba l600-l800aq.h.14Br,2Ba.ramrm.lginco 2 BA 1'/a ba, r.auo. gar, •nnual leaM, •c:ceA• to large yard . wat her. $1195/mo Agl Fred nedporch,fncdyd,S625 pet•. ulll• paid olpureluJlury.Garages. bk yd, cloH to •chi•. Yorktown VIias. $600. 6ennl• & pools P~ld . dryer, refrlg. $895/mo. 631·1266,631-2711 mo ut & 1a1t -sec $450/mo. 111 plu• MCU-•l>H In every home -1850 mo ht 1111 + 960-40115 arden~~ '1 po300ol c ea-Agent 496-5980 3 Br home. trplc, nice 955-0073 rtty 842-0835 499-1817 I I 9200 d 6• 1.a "~-H Ill 3B 1 'LB nl"ij pa.., $ l mo. 1----------. • · mailer 1u1te, d n ng MC. ep. "u """" ouse on 111 r, " a, R 9 f • 9 r e q . c •I I New 2Br condo. nr coun· 11ea. HatbO< Hlgllland• C.•'•al••• Butl•i"" rooma. wood burning St. Apply at 660 Cove garage. lncd. yd, kids & 7141675-8804 Hy club. Pool/. Jae. Upgrades Inside, prvt Ui/ruaiiiN JfZS ... ,l~o llreplaees, micro-wave St . C M. pets OK. $750 mo. Bkr $695/mo. Rick 955-2700 yard. hot tub. Nr tcllool1. •••••••••••••••••••••• I Y ovens, private p11101 & •• v d 4 BR 2 B 63 l-4320 TIRnHHI dV or 759-1268 eve & $900 642-3358. Resorl-llke adult tract nt •••••••••••••••• •••••• yard a gardener provl· ,..na er e • a. Nr Beach & Atlanta. 3 br. ded e1-1nt llvlng only tam rm, $650 Agl/ownr WOITIYE •••I lovely 3 br, 2 ba. ram wknds. lido Isla 4 Br 4 Ba SC Plza Pool. grdnr. 1'/a ba condo, avall July 15 ,;,lnui:. lrom Fashion 751·6191; 983-1413 South Hunt Beacll, 'la rm. crpte. drps, blttna, 4 br & den, 2 bl, din rm cualom $1500/mo. Otux 181 No pell. $475 1· ST26. 964-7348 evs Island, 7 minutes lo S.C 1 Br wltll stove. oovered mite lo lhe eurl 4 Br ~J3~~8;;~~ l~k~~: trplc, prlv avlum, rec 95t·2805 & s35 ulll 775-2580 £ JHei 3141 Plaza or 0 C Airport parking, chlld & small pet plus lamity, pool & spa ctr, tennis, pool, p111 2 Br l Ba Newpor t Hlghly upgr9ded & clean .fl.~~~••••••••••••••• Just east of Newport ok, $450/mo 536-7979 V~t N-paint. Sub-WOODBRIDGE 2 br, 1 ba beach. S1500 759-1465 Heights, old c1.111om .1 • 4 BR, MW dee, furn, Sec Blvd. & so ol San Diego mil on chlldreo & pell. condo . car Port . charmer, open beams, 'lr..'.'fl!!'!!!.[~!~'!!'!. g11e. prlv Bch .. tennis. Frwy. Starting 11 $900 1 USTlllE St1ralght 11eue,9o5r tease S615/mo. 951-4543 Bir· '!J.•!!!!.~~'1!. .•• !.~~! oak floors, split level. •-a .. ldH' 31_ Ownr 498-4038 month. 631-5439, 2,.73 Cheetlul 2 br. gar. encl. w th opt on. Olmo. die HOME FOR RENT $875/mo 434 Catalina. ~~ ••• •••••••••••• •• ":'! I/, ..,. Jiii Orange Ave . Costa y111d. w/w cplg. & drpa Owner/Agent Call lor E 11 4 B 3 B 3 Bdrm 1750 Fenced N B 5 4 8 -4 3 6 O , Beaulltul n-er 4Br Island • .'.'!r.!!•••••••••••••• Mesa. S475 mo. 673-4386 appt. 760-804 t ~.~ r~m~rmal ~In rm~. yard g garage Kids & 631-5-478, 494.0395 home. 811 bllna. patios & Furn 2 BR, 1 bl. blk to 5 Bt 3 Ba. Mesa del Mar, ~ozy 2 Br ColllQe, front 8•11/lfll• 2 lrplc'1, ent fount, Kol pell -tcome. 645-2000 E BLUFFS 3Br. den. llv, dbl garage. avail July 1 bch, yrty. Adlts, no peta lrg y1td $925/rno Bob 0< & back yard. $575 plus lbt .. ll 324a pano. covered outdoon Agent, no lee din rm. lim rm, 2'),Ba, Furn/Unlurn Nr Norlh $650 873-8390 Dovie Koop, 759· l22t u l 111 6 3 t • 9 2 5 2 . •••••••••••••••••••••• spa tn beat part of ... rl ••ti JUI newly decorated. no Bay. 6'15-87117 •ii·-n-•, .. J,L-~ Convenient 3Br 2ba, tam, 552-3600. JBr. 3Ba. w/boat dock. Tunl~°fk. For rental on •••• '-r................. pell Refs req Open nae SOUTH BAY FRONT A• ._ • .,.,, •• ... 1 n. d ..... 1 _.. $1450 mo. ennui, ease, aooest to Weatcllll 3 BA 1.Y• be, Sal/Sun 9AM-? 2417 S 1300/mo Yrly lease •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 f/ps. w/o. r g, gas pran new .,,.au . COuvO. 9•n 1731 tennis • pools paid $900 T B boos BBQ r dbl 2 t It 1 le 2 ...,. 0 mo Also Irv err., am t. Prel 2·3 11du1t1 lo share C.1u.I 3JOZ • ence, gar. mas er SI.I es. rp . • I Gardener & pool clef-4 BA 2'/a Be 11400 mo A """ il H I •••••••••••••••••••••• w l r I g d n r . $ 8 7 5 . car gar. 850·9778 daye, Im•• 3Z44 nlng pald'f 1300 mo Both fresri & c,..n n~ 3 BR 2 Ba EutbluH, 1111 Ile op...,. .un Y urry OCEANFRONT/ Summer 556-1«8 960-8233 ev/wllnda. •••••••••••••••••••••• Re I • a r ~q C 1 I I • July 15 $1200 mo Mar Y Lew I S· a g I· ()(I the beach 38', apa. ~OOL M V d 3B LHSESll 714/675-8804 peta. Avl now. 8A8-2389 &.40-9019 759-1221 a< 631-5963 tenlattlc locallon Avail. CLEAN 2br. b•k~ kltch . • 811 er •· r · B d B ,. J fy/A $5000/mo 1g 081 lncd yd pet $500 H'0 Ba, den, xtras, tned 3 Bdrm detached homes Orangetraa CondO 181 & 1~111 1191 con o. 4 ' Spectacular view, lmmae .,,,. •• hi MM 31Z.Z u NPT '?summer/Furn OC-RENTALS 750-3314 yd $900 mo 541-8077. In excellent atea Avella-loll A II I ed $550 2 ~ba. fr pie, gar w/elec 5 bdrm 4'/r be 3 story .. ••••••••• •••••• •••••• Panoramic ocean vlewl. 2 br, 1 ba. W/D nook-up, 8A 1-4:~YFI-b I e I mme d tat e I y . m 0 ~~ 1 :;'r":i S 5 9 5 opnr. New cplt & pelnl 3700 sq' ti. Den.° gourmet 1 bdrm Incl utll, gar Cl'!se 3Br, ram. Drive by 2331 N I $4 75 --• $800/mo on 1 year leue. 551:2780 . $975/mo. 644-5512 kitchen. C111ledrel eel-to t~opr qulel, red d Clltf Dr. Call for detail• g21r7.8Do PP•, • •o• le I .a. Five otllera to clloose SPACIOUS 3 br, 2 be llng LR. Sep OR. 2 i--83_8_·_« ______ _ S2500/mo. 1 a a en ti a • at •-from. We're lhe ones to Gorgeoua 2 story Wood-condo. fr pie. bll·lna, 2 lpca OuldOO< Jae 12800 Cllll #eu J1Z4 Waterfront Hornea Inc 545-7963 Summ«'• llere -enjoy 111 call lor leaset bridge det. townllouH car gar , POolt. new de-mo lnctudlng gard-•••••••••••••••••••••• 631_1400 TOP-NOTCH 4br al e 2Br. own parkl"ij, wtk 10 [Uilut.A.iab Gorgeou1 2 ttory eor Vacant $850/mo 714-873-2t02 CASI IE 0110 Room" beh. 1950 mo. (min t ""'"' ridge townllae 2Br, 2'1rba, fµ2-1155 .-......~I ··-s , -11 J 1 lr~lc, wetblf, eocl yard. Mllllon s llouse lot rent. .I'll UTILITIES PAID ~ r;;, ..__ gar, pool. bit-In• 1600 mo.) Av. 1.tly 1 Rtalrlj b lint. 2 ~··gar. No -t•. OC-RENTAlS 1501 & 1511 Mlnimar St. 2 ll • ._ --· OC·RENTALS 750-3314 1175--06~ -,.... C wrr• _. SSl·JOOO non·amkr. See to eppre. 1-5br's $200 to $2000 S 1600 mo. 111 & laet. omoare before you FURN. 3 BR, fam rm, 3 Br. 1 Ba. "Back Bay". Oulet Eut•lde loc, 3 BR 2 moBurinu p~,., lnl•, c 1 ate . s 8 o o . of c; 750-3314 open 7-days 620-9089 (714) rent Custom design formal dining. 2'A ba on S675. 181. & teat plus Ba. waler & grdnr lncld. ' --· ' 8 5 5 -1 7 7 t , 11 om a le11ure• Pool. bbq tovely greenbelt. Choloe $150, w8let & grdnr pd. $795 mo. yrly IH. No 4Br. 2 '/aBa, community 73 l-7330. IHCH MOISE RIGHT ON PCHll cov'rd garaoe. aurround- llOrne. Kida ok. 546-0659 peta Call UOyd, Jacob• pool, (4 Carrol Ave.) 2br/lba. Beaut cond eo with plusn lendsca- UNFURN. 3 BR. 1orma1 Realty 875-6670 S875 mo 9M-4342 agt. L •-a. JZ~I (H•fl) s1001mo Agt 842-1183 p1"il· No peta. f SPECIAL 2bf enclosed ........ ,. .. By 11141 month only BUT ... $500 dining, 2'/a be on rant patio. deluxekllch, $430 ..... '''-' 3ZZI amw ··'· ...... ............ only $900/mo la< 2 Br 2 Seawlnd 5 Br. IAflw. pool/ 1 .... tum. row of 8ack Bay. Prime CC-RENTALS 7so-.33t4 ~~•••••••••••••••••••• 2, 3 and 4 bdrma. from c .. 11armlng bea~ll fr~t Ba. walk 10 beacll Avail ~~~~o'a'.t ~ 155P~?/mo 385 W. WlllOll 642-t97t view. Upper dplx, 2br, lrplc, $625 10 s1300 ,,ome, spectacu ar v...-. trom June 20. .,.. 811 ""· B••tl• If• Oaorg~ .... o9o191d1baum. E/Slde 3 br, den, lrplc, ca"""'. 1525. $300 aec. brick court yaro entry. 4 •0 • .,_A1 11 be 1 E f ......-'""" Br. 31/a Ba. large llvlng rm .. """ • p, au · ve-J.Mt 3140 SOUTHLAND RlTRS. country kit .• leale. 1850. s.42·3597, 730-7t85 ,1 & dining rm, beach room, 2Br. boat ock $500/wk nlng Star Ln home •••••••••••••••••••••• No pets.. 8A2.0280 ~ BR 2ba, lenoed yard. <.«' D_ • lot• ol ttorage. For teaae $39711 per mo. Bkr c;oop. C.111• '•l #M 3Ul By Airport, 3 br, 2•1a ba. g11dener $800/mo. Call D ')l/s,.._ only. Cell Peggy PattllOll 1Br, boal dck $400/Wk Helen Coffee 873-3883 11.1.'s FllEST •••••••••••••••••••••• patto. 2 c ar gar . 847·81ll.A.. ......... 'l~~l~ r 7 /955-2'73 Jlllll IW.n Com,............ 4 ... taml"' ~ "'' ""'"' .I. or appt. 14 .. e-.1...a, f1e--e Spanllh Eltale Uvtngl "'' ""' "' '1 $700/mo. 873-8270 da)'I IPI ...... J••• . I')# wlld 8 5 ,.., 11111a•&'IE•IT ..,.. •-· home, PV1 beach. Pet ok ~ , .. .., -• ya -· _._ In aide Corona del mer. Be11utltul park-llke aur· $1500. 780-194 3 , E·llde, 2 bdrm plu1llpc. •••••••••••••••••••••• A11 .• 860() PRIME HOME ne.,-Erne-llM1lJ New Country French. roundlnga. Terraced 875-3095. Gar. Lg lot Peta ok. tl BR. 2 ba, lrplc, fenGed W.1 Id Ba Ocean w 3BR 2600 1q 11 3 bdrm•' 3 pool Sunken gu bbq $700 mo. Jcyc41 Wlltze yrd, patio, gardener. lL • '2a y. w · ' Bluffs lg 3 br. lam rm, balha, 11re91aoee. St~• spa;ktlng foun1aln1: 3bf/2ba, 1800 IQ n. 2 car 831-1286 1695. 85S-IM31 """'-ba. PV1 yd. a~ to pool, greenbelt. S1050 to bM<:h. One YNI leaM Spaelou1 rooma. s.p.. gar, 0 bike from watar. 11.51)11 ,. ... ., .. ft... ,euw bch. $t300. 4~ 4 mo. Agt. &A•-0134 • to qualified feml"'. •2200 rate dlnlrv1 ar-. Welk-In $850. ALSO Big Clnyon, •Hl Hl.._.IE/ 1,1111' •• 4Hl••H•Ot.mM.E·F"·ol.U•R•nRE•N•JT.U •• 4. T"'urntle~ro'"'k ~ • ~B·R· "2" .,.Bfa, OCEAN VIEW •1 • "• $995. Agt 842-1183 ,,,.. w ... Cluey 2 Br & itudy, 2 4 Bf 3 Ba, beaut. decor, mo. 875-9935. 218 Mat· closeta, home Ilk• kltct.- bath, 2 frplca. iplral lrg deck. lab vu. guar-goerlte en & cablnela. Welk 10 JASMINE CREEi<. 3Br. 28< eod unit lwnhN, ~ 3 Bdrm. 1825. Fenead atrium. new cpt & paint. atelrcue. $1500/,_ mo. de d gate • H H .... Huntington Center. den, 2 frpic9, end un". tins, gar, nr pool. no y11d & garaoe. Kid• I Fplo, garden. Fam rm. Chl/1er Realty 4~8122 $2700/mo. 311Blr.0All2'L H81 .... II g_.f 2 Bdt Bdrm~~.-mtumtrom' 152~5 Guarded community. peta. S525/mo. 1849A pet• welcome 545-2000 dine rm, pool, lennls. ,. "' "' •u ...,.. Poot & tennis. 11550. Iowa St Sat/Sun Eves •~t no ,.· · I 9 7 5 · 8 7 5 -9 O O 5 : or 49W088 3 Br 3Ba, vu, """". ten· course view, prime loc:a-2 Bdrm TownhouM rum t . . nv-•' ' 11-42..1153 """' I I f ••75 Agt. 780-9333 5411-783. uo••E FOR RENT Preatlgloua Hlgll Or. n I 1 . g u er d ed gate 1 on , a Pot e I I . rom ..-" .., Waln t Sq 3 Bf 2 ea oceen vu walk to beach 1 1700/mo $1250/lease. 8-44-7424 l0\191y modem 28'. aeoo. 3 Bdrm. 1750. Fenced ~· :·pell '11oc» SPECTACULAR remo'. Bl<R lOlO ~·:~call 9-4 yard & gatage. Kids & 552 9~9 0t 551 2193 · deled tlome. 3 Br 2'_. Ba. 2 Br 3 Ba. den, baytront, •·a-e_a_u_ll_fu_l _N_e_w_l)O_rt_C_rff--1 YIEWt YIEWt No pet1. Utlltllee Frwl Three bedroom, two bath hOme. Corona del Mar $995 mo. Yrly IMM. 780-0189 pm, 2 t / P91• welcome. 545-2000. -• . · backyaro, frplc, HC. pon. boat dock. see. Condo 4 Br. Family Am. Dix condo 11,000/1725. 2 Agent, no f-TURTLEROCI< CONDO -al11m. loede of Fr. d00<1 bldg, St800/mo, Bob or Dining Rm, pool, apa, LA QUINTA HERMOSA p1u1 loft BR 2'A ba A/C. ~i>ac:loua 4 bf, 2 ba, trplc, 2Br, t>eaut view, perfect & tkylltea. S 1500/mo. Dovie Koop, agt, Re/ tennis. s12ooi mo. yearly. 1621 t Peft<alde Ln. 1 blk Chris. 1173-5489 tchoola for chlldren In cond. $800. 955..1247 aft 494-11741 0< 494-e577 Max. 750-1221 8A8-0e88 W. of Bnch, 3 blk• S. of CHi. #na 3ZJ4 5PM · Edinger •••••••••••••••••••••• Spaclou1 38' lf•Ba. dbl the trlC1. f795 mo . ..._ OCEANFRONT M oblla Blutt• 3 Br 2 Ba pool .; .. ., •.1.1 .. ' •• ,.II-r,;-·· ....,,.·, cp•• .. _ pelnt & crpt. See Sat or DEERFIELD 3 bf. 2'" ba. . • W..tclltt 3 Br 2ba, new ---1 •••-...,.... .. ..,.. .., .... .,.. O " Homee.-Adlta only. 11000 cloM to ldlool, ltlopt & G9t'g, 10V9fy yard. $995 i---------28r 2~ba,pNlfl'I*; 2 50 mo. w/gardener Sun l2-3 pm. 1 44• F.A .• twnti.. End unit, to $1500 mo. Agt . park . 1800/mo . gdnr.MM78t Quiet Junior & 1 Bra car Q., pool, JliO alt;.,._ 646-2718 Of .f:'2-328T Falcon Ave . .t92-8435 dbl. gat, lg patto, ale, 490-3a18. 790-8384 From 1375. Pool. rec. 1hln biking dfatm to ~ Cond 2-3 Bdtm 3 ...... M-F. tmmed. occupy~ -1706 3 BR -110 wt-9hof1 M •-1-rm., aeuna. encttd g•· b .c .. 1800/ o 0 • • .z leue. Agt. 652-~ • ...-....-. --·-""' ,_ 17301 KeetlOll on 87~23;•t 5'60-nr. · Betti. Chlld, pell ott. Rent .. ,,.,.,.,, •-at•aa walk to beaoh. 12,000 -llU 3 BR 2 Ba. flrepleee, 2 siati,. l"2·?84&. . or rWJW buy l•t•. C.U for ,._, '"" .__ -mo. yrly. 213-U0-22$$ Harbor View Hom•• 2 Cit o1tage, lg• yard. 1---------0C-AENTALS detella 831-8055 or ..... 00. ....... LS..... Wl••W ,. br, 3'A ba. famlly room, BA a deft. 2 b•.1. well kept aa211 mo ~ .._. 3141 1-5bf'e 1200 to 92000 042·2000 or come by • =A $2000 Ullge 3 Bdrm. 2'A BMh lovely ocean view. hOtM a yard. •1100 per hlltw IC•• ••••••••••••••••••• 750-33t4 open 7-d9yt 380 w. Wlleon. 71-Sbr • . to 1 i. Townhou ... Living, di-S 1 8 O o I mo. ( 2 1 3) mo. Call G9rr). 911t. ' OZV STUDIO. non· -liiniiiiiiiiil-2 er 2 aa. trptc 2 C# 50-S314 OC*'I --d1y9 ntno fem lly rm 431 5989 873-ntt or TeG-1397 Ml-lllt 1mok•r 1410 mo. Iner D TIWHlm oareoe wt~ poo1 ,. Bf 3 s.. Famlly N1\. $8501~. 111 a *' f)lui -utu. 494-7718 3 er. 2'/aba, pl1.1• "'"" • .,... Chlld ok. 'sn5: Bonu• rm, 3 aat gatage, depoelt .0 Aldelwood. OCEAN VIEW H' •t Ill' 3 Br. 2 .... two fnpllCM, pl-. !...~ ~!'.~· 587-2380 or 545-3t15. 3100 eq. ft. 1805/mo. 8157·0134 call M-t 111 Exe 3 BR 21A ba decile uni. 3 81 2~ Ba condo, beamed celllnga, nice For Claltlfled Ad jaC, all .. rn,.,. ""'"•.,,.. ~3 aft 0. 6PM. 11400 499-4820 yard. 8aycreat. lt200 ACTlON I an c e t o baa oh . ~akte cftermet, t BA 1 1'A blkt to ooean. Ytly. per month Call Pate Call 1 1900/mo. 875-2311 or 81. recent remod, tge 3 bt,t~ba.19a.tur\decl( Patio ttome. 2 BA, den. ~~U:.,~'&3:~ 875-87T5,875-7oeo Johnion, 831 _1200 DallyPllot 54-22.39 yard. 130 M~. '550 l more. Walle to IChoo6e, fplc, c.ntral alr, 1725. l1IOO. ~131378-3 119 Beeutlfufly upgrecl«l 3 bt. aoetlt. AD-VISOR mo. 54N124 ~ ~. No treflle. Vogel Paclflo ltCM101 1,-. ba condO. frptc. ~ 642-5978 ~ Nloe cleen 2 Bf 1 a.. med kid• OK. 9Ht thlal 2 8d pll'9 d9t'I Deet1letd Condo: 3 Bdrm. 3ba, tlo, e6ee. gar. opnr, pool, 3 Bf 2 BL hOule with ......, .... yard enolad 9erage. 1786/mo. MO-t'18 twnhm. '7&oill'lo. Call ocean view. pvt bch, p•rk. Jeo. Muna. 1746 fwnlly rm. ttplC. lro fi"d· 3 er. i 81. "'*·micro. 01\lld ok. no pell. CLOIE TO BEACH 2 Bf. Chatley 55.....00 AO'I. pool, tennla. MC 9111, mo. Linda: 772-7311 micro. 11lnt loce Ion, deck, pool & "nnla. N1S/mo p1ua MOl#ftv with 011age, !Oft, ftple, W , Unf1.1rn $1300, furn. ctoea to beach/ tchOOtt. H15/mo. 048·11U 2548 Or•nga "£;!' btt•lna aun decka oodbrfdge38r.2~S.. a tOO O. pvt ply Hpt8ohaondo,38d28L 91.200/mo.Mt~"· daye. 645-9&43....., a..a.ah8• • aa751mo'. 630-NT•. · :::!~Y2 ~;'.;.;!.~';.'! 1wosw1ee 11oormo. 631·12t8. Ao-4 • 8luffll condo wJpool. .. .. 3 • 2ba, fam rm, for1Nll 3 It. with gitnige, etowe l llo, 111 91Mnlll• INN-Nice 18A 1 ba. tt1plex. bert Miiiiken. aot N-'Y t9dee. Atftll Aug 1, 38r, 1,,.. 8* 1101M dining, alarm _eyat..-n dllhw..,_, CflMd I anllll did. STN/mo. AwM J4iftJ paUo, tat•ge. Stove/ HAM<>f' Vl!W HMS. It lOO/mo. en-i412 OI w/'lrpkl, lg Ill rm, fem rm ,_, coie. 1 .,.rnt. A;il pat 0 k . I 8 5 o 1m 0 . Ith. ,.,.. tot e.-ot ~ ref rig. 524 St. Antteit ~11~.0~ to 213Jeat-ST81 MW c:pt l pelnt. -111. Alita req. •11 In-136-nrt 8U·04U. Office 9550. ~t.463 ... :::~,o~ 173-3174 °~ POOi. HOME. 3 •• tam mo. 22tt Cordll, o•~:~~I 9ud•I'•'· SbrJZbe. .,.. to betdl 7 .... tttl. .____ .._, "'' rm, dtn. rell'lodeltd. ,. ~ 64 Nr llhopp4J1g & ~ OrllflOMIM Patio Home. 2 ~-:r..r.r.-;:-:. ....... Harbor View Home 3 It. a t>Mul. patio. 11500. Aol FOlll> ADS AR£ FIEI I Cit Mt-111' ~ ~I llr, tnod yd, 2 car MBA YI..,. 3 ChMclren & IMM OK. teeo •· ._ ...,, dlfMt.,.. 3 It. 2 a.. hllot bectc la. f~""' 11000/ll'IO. _1_eo-_em __ . _____ 1 911' w/Of/!IW et¥ a Nfrta. ~ ... trptc, 1115/mo leHt. 11•-~u bet. tam rm. a'*..-. NO. =· oc.an view tnct. c.-. ......,..n. Udo 1e1e ~ .,-a ~~~~~~~~ w/fldlv. Mei. MO-Mtl ei4 llll. Mo pet9. , hm. comm p.ool•, tennlfl, 1 hf j ~ m °'n ':':° MIMipclft Terr. oondO. 28' ...,, fOfsc:B bOet. t bf. f'-' Find #Mt you nnt lft w• ltllt Cll .MMifi am••• Ma 141.-rt ... ldl9 ,._ tu.an ~=~V:.~~!:~"'· 111).ti77. ' , ' l~!o. ~!;;1'°01' :=:,IS mo. '44-ttOS. Deir Plot Orange Co\.lnty Real Eltate'/An Advertlllhg Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, June 26, 1982 23 ~~.'!.~~ .,,._ .. ,, A~•t•ll A1't1•1•11 A,Mt••lr ~II ,._, f 1 ... ,, ... ,.,, 4111 • ltMci flalanl1IN Ualu.aia•M ll•I• I AH l/.J.r..11!" l.Jmn.JM" • •••• ...... • •• ••. ••• • •• •• • • • •• ••••••••••••• ..-. ••~•••••••••!!.!! •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••!~.! ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 New Amt .• ~Ith, frp6C, kit Claaay Condo. poo&alOe. f!!!~.!~ ...... !.~t1 ~!!~./!~ ...... ~~1 ~!!~./!~ ...... !!.~1 ··::1,.· 3111 .!!!r.!!.~~ ... /ljf ~ .. r:.=; non-Imler ~:=~.C:~. ~: THE "liOOD LIFE" YEAR-AOUNO FUN: Soclel AotlvltlH Dlreclor•Fr•• Sund1y Brunch•BBO'a• PartlM•Ptua much ITIOf'I. QR EAT RICIUAT IO N; Tennl s •Free Leuona (pro & pro 111op)•2 Health Cklba•Sauna• Hydromuaage• Swlmmlng•Golf Driving Range a E AMT If UL A·PARTllENTI: Slng lea, 1 & 2 Bedtoomt•Fumltlhed & Vnfurnl1hed•No Pets•Model1 Open dally 9 to•· 81kWH~ .... ......... ........... / .. 880 Irvine (at 16th) (714) 645-1104 ~ ..... / ... 1700 16th St. (Doyer at 16th) (714) 642·5113 ....,...._8 .... l.Mge 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town· pec!oy1 2 Br 2 Be ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• SHORT TERM RENTAL lalge. $200/Wk. Monthly -.;;:•u lftU hou1e In gulet GC>mplex. luxe. new c arpeta , 2Br.2 BLA.pt.avlll.now. PoHlbl•. COIJ"IP· turn '600. 1741 Tu1tln Apt U&lmils large po6l. g11den HI· drapes. good Hlllfde Piiio. tmali yard. llngle Full UN of l'IOuM. Rell ::3~08~~.8 s :1! 4 :, 3°5~ B•eutllully lendtceped ting S875 845-3381. locatlon. Meturt 1dult1 garage. dlahwuher. '9<!· Quiet twnn.. In C.M. 000 675-5949 onr '475/mo Maneger water paid. 1 child Oil no COUNTRY CLUB LIVING $400/mo. 631-5983 l--·-------~ardan apts. Pool & S~ 1 Wk Free Rent: 2 br. 2 be 14 E.. 18111 St '"4" p et 1 . S 5 2 5 / m' 0 IN NEWPORT BEACH l&TFlllT ovarad parking o condo. SC Plaza, new Side CM 3 BR 1 BA. 545-2000. Agent. no fee. A lot al environ men I ,_.I i..11 4IS pe11. apartment eommunlty on •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 bdrm. 4 bath, Sindy Bachelor $400 crpt, drps, frig. Pools. gar. 2617 B, Elden. De4u•• 2 8<. 2 ea. Condo. the Vwet Bly. Private Rm, holM pl1v fOt NnlOf beach, dock. $8000. AllO 2 er. w. ea. $525 carport. lndry. Buallne. $595/mo. 631-1755 Adulta, MC gate. ame· clubllouH and heellh lady. SSI OK. Sm loved Udo Illa 3 bdrm, lam 181 E. 18th 642-0856 N o n• m k r a · $ 5 4 5 Ice 1 Br. encl gar. ldulli. nltlff S8501mo. Hatch ape, 8 tennli court•. 7 pet OK allo. Boatd op-rm., 2 ba. $3100 July, ~~~~~~~~~l.~84~2~·~2~14~2'.__ ____ no pat1, relrlg, alee 847·2M3, 2131582·1531 pools. clOM 10 bullneN, tlonal. Celt 979-3863 In $3500 August. Blft GNn--... -lllY1 So. Cat. Vlllu. 1 br, pool. renge. $350. 842-5964. 1_evea __ . ------airport. Fuhlon !eland. AM. dy, Rltr. 875-8181. 1425/mo. 2 Br, 1 Ba. lplplusamenlttes.$.450. 15/mo. 1Br.1·91. un· 2 Br. with gerage. bal-Convenlenf enope on •mJ1 lfMd1 41 Lllge 2 Br. llo\lle. tum. apt1. p1t101. carport•. 873-54<t6 tvm, 111'1 llvtng rm, newly cony. ttove & dl1n-tlte. Untumllhed been. ••••••'••••••••••••••• Short walk to beacn. Sm pel '*· Won't lut •t 2Br. 18•. kids OK, nloe redecorated, n-carpet. w • •'1 • r, $ 5 5 O I mo. !ors. 1 & 2 bdrm eptl and lllLAll lflll A.val!. July 111 to Sept. tl'll1 price! eree. $475 mo. 951-5-444 d/w. ale. gu & water 536-1t79. townhou-. ~ 1'911t.ell now 1vlll. t 5 t n . I 1 o O O I mo. TSL M --------$540 • 11000 I & 760 gmt 642-1803 or Se Hebla Espanol paid, balcony. carport. 1650 mo. Pvt 2 ea. pet Several bachelof9 and 1 11p. Color TV. .94 ... °' 645-8749 Flreplaee, pool, pvt patio S48-l546 pool & party room, .... OK, lrplc, ecro11 lrom Bdrm unite fHture tine PhonM In room. 2274 Beach lront Beacon Bey & dahwtller. X lg 1&2 Br. MacArthur VIiiage 2 BR. 2 ;1•11!..'2~~~0rne:'!.. ~. beh. 538-6113 designer furniture and Newport 81vd. CM. Summer rentll. 3 Br. 2 garden '""II on E/akM Be ground •1 d 11 .., ..,.,.., -.. -"•v a~··-·•~. Mo-In to-&4&-7«5 Ba. Furnllhed. AllO Apt. fi _. ' ' ''r. en un · Unit 3. Open Sun 12·3. I........ ............,.,_ •• rom '460. 567 ·28.4 t. New eppllc. lmmed occ-'495 mo. 780-9t19 day or retNlrV9 lor eum-8 [ A C H A R £ A 3 Br. 2 Be. to August Spacloua 2 Br.l8a.$425. py. 1825 mo. Eve/1----------1475.497-3690 mer month•. Smartly 15tn.Alloevall from L.a- 3 er . I ~ B•. 1415. Wknd1. 213-377-1221 l&w.t SperllMng clMt'I 2 er, 2 turnlthed model• open $ bor Day month to month. L1 undry tac .. p ool. 2 BR 2 Ba, neer new, up. M' leat.... Be, llgflt I llry. lllCI Qlr. dally 77 /wk · ·_8_7_3-3_85_6_· ____ _ 5-48-9558 f*', '575 mo. $200 dip. iummer"1 '-•.enjoy Ill ~~ 1525/mo. Dee, On Jamboree Rd II KltCfltfttU•Makt-Pool BALBOA ISLAND ft.U --· No pet1. A.vi July 7 , 28r, own ptirtclng, wtk to SM Joaquin Hiiia Rd. Nwpt 8tvd & Wlteon Slp1 4, $300/wk, Aug. 8 Spaciout E. stde A?tL 5'8-33e6 bcn. 1950 mo. (min 1 a i.,._,_ l44-JIOO co.ta M..a 548-9765 on. 975-0578 Encl gar. pno. dlhwehr Adult only 1 bf, utll1 g:· mo.) Av~~~~ '&.,.,., UfZ I.-lat.11 4#1 VM•l»a lnlall 41$1 ~o '::: Molt uttt "-· : =:: :Jijo';i· all 525/mo. 2 Br. 2 B• STUOtO·~oo .. ."i=;k:~ westc11tt .,.. 2 Br. 2 Ba. ... ;.;;; .. ;;;;,·ii ... OCEANF.RONT·;-;·;·;; 1 BR 1 •• ..., T ......... -........ r«"". petlO. lpl, ~ON upper w/frplc, retrlge. .. A.villi. now. w.-1y lhnl 1 BR. 2 ~ ~75 E/5161. 2 t>t, t'h bacon-""'"·-· car port.a, lro;; bell 1475 mo. drepee,. pool. l600/mo. Summ11 center. Spira! tummer. 873-7873. • ...... ~-~ do pvt patio gar wt patloe. all blt·lnt, lndry ....... •"t4 845-0302 atllr9, ekyllgttll. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2 BR Si.rtlng at 1510 ..._:. ,,,_ ,·......, •~ rrn. 11'11111 pet olc. Won't ...,._., frptc, PV1 ...,.. 1.,... blkl 2323 .,........., A CM --.....--. ·-· ,_.., IMtl 1 BR .... Movit ..-.... ....-MAUl-Klhel 18' '"-...,,. ~· ve. relrlg. $825 + utt11. · lnVll Uf4 ...... · ·-•'V• bMah. W..ty.166-1743 • -...., 842-7805 ~. 759-5412 TSl. Mgmt. 842-1903 ...................... ~ng on Pen1111ula. BEACCN BAY FOR AUG. per day. Oen view, *'"--2 •· a...z_1 g Oreng.tr" lbr condo. .c.lle7S-Ol125PM 873-8210 or 875-HH ...,._,, ~. MacArthur 2 8r Condo pool gerage rWUI end unit ow Huge. hOtne. s~ to -· Vig .. S.A. T9"flll, pool. No. pet1 .• Eaet Coat~ •••••••••••••••••·•~ ' e/o, ' pool, fto2 ca.y. 2 bf. t be,,_ pwt bdl I Btlboe. V~ ~~~~~~~~~ •P•· 1800. Adulte. Meea 1575 548-0281 bdrm, 1 be.~ w lennle .•• Aval!. July 6. CAI•. drp1. pelnt. No don ., .. Iha tux AVllll :: 752-5822 or &41-14e0 · · returblehed. Inca Utll. 1475. 876-1434 peta. '540. 876-0$48 July 21-Aua 21. l4000 lnl.& N,..,., f- W I Id L 1 e I 18r, pool, GUI W8tll' pd. 1485 mo. No peta. 24161 Woodbridge Condo 2 br, s 3 BR 2 tor"'°· Cllll Robin (A.gt) ..................... . 11 1 • g r w r«s req. 147 Aoww 81. Setva. 831-7220 2 ba. 1 rew ,_ In xlnl 'PllC· ~ 2 ..... !"' fplc. !!':·. 146-127' c.pon, OIW. lndry. evlll No pete. $330 mo. beedl --. atOC> r•7 ---------• ....... TE 7·2. l400 mo, &45-ee25 &45-81&1 ....... =~•::,r::c!!s: No peta. &45-1882 OcMf\ -.: 2 br. 2 ba, ... --------11 bf, 1tov., ger., lndry tK. ~ Verde 2 er 1 Ba. .... 1lfl amentoea. NHr park. Sf'nlllJ e.dle6or, N9wport .,._ eeo. IWtll. 1u11y rum. FlllEIS IHd La.... ITU ao.. to OCC. Av.II. 11~. garage, let. ll~or, no •u•;;•p;;:.;;;•;;;.•;,• pool I l'llOfe, M50 mo'. ~-l30Q/mo. Uttte t400ni.ec. ._. 5304 Oldest a largeel aoenc:Y· ...... :-.11::-. •••••••• l450.646-7214 pete 1475/ 0 1475 o• llbr llba blln•-Cati Joe Rybu•. ~ =•7 )'Wd. Cll B1lbo1 Twnnee: 2Br A.lldlant91Cf.enectwlth C~~b~.b~u~I~ 1 BR APT. O/W, Ntw eeeurtty, l100m oi.entng. dawtlr, 1·.,.,,,... beech'. 661-4324 M . • 02. 1'AIM, Hlolfy furn., llpe pllotoe & refwenc.. 1 umm1 r , 1 2 0 o I wk. paint I ec>ta and drapaa. 7 5 9 • 4 2 2 9 , wk n d e ~fl~ .. ~ P911. l&OC)mo. '--..... #fl 1 MILE TO 8EACtf :·1:r-";=ii:: : Credltl; COIMOPOlltMI Longt•rm, 1800/mo. Cerport. 1400/mo. 549-7329. ......--...... ...._..••••••••••••••• UNFURN. APT, N.8 . ~ E. Blly Good Morning~. 498-0765 1151-2176 Eutalde 1 Br Netural ~ &42·2357 c •I I W k d Y • v • • The Tomorrow Show. wood celling & cabinet•. """U1111 Moet elegenl apt. bldg. Large 2Br 11>11. 1 l10UM ZlaflllCM>eOll *"' 0 "* to •II new •··-t•lr 2 ,!;.· ,:o'p.f:,'~5 ~~~ $385. Pleaae oall 3.5, 1 & 2_!.:...?';ioun~ on In Lllgunl Beech, nnest from beach. Mini OCMn Summer monthly rentel, client• who need• piece. --r;~~-'-L-' w Blk ... , "7'"" 851-9522 aome3 """""s" · ool, pa, location In town, bfMth. • vu. $750 -1y, 876-7907 J uly or Aug. on quiet llWPll1' 141-18" .,.,.,.,__ 1 __ • __ er_._.,.._"'_ .... _. __ 1 ym. auna, •le lllclngvlewa.allbuNl-ln•. " 81lbo1 Penln. 2 BR, •-.•••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 1 Ba. cpta. drpa. E·SIDE: N-carpet, 2 Br. 848--0619, he 1 t e d p 0 0 I , 1 Br apt. 4 blks to bay. compl lurn hOme. Reu . .,._. lllW ,,,, bllne, no pata. $425 pellO. garage. $440. 160 ... t'LB ... 75 + tut> garage ele 110 548-1288 Cpla pref no pets D441~ YR·L.;·;-;:;·i,~·s~~-, 2272 Maple. 831-2927 21st. 548..()185. $376 o.:.· c;. •. d;: nr ~ only. U50 v, U:,: 3 BR 2 ea. 1707 w. Bel· 676-5538: 837.7949 . w&& ~ retrlg. Deck. no pell. lllHIT 11J 2 br duplex, Nwpt Ht1. no Beech Blvd & McFad· 330 Cllff Or. 494-8083. boa. newly decorated. For rant mo. ot July furn ROOMMATE SERV. 1875. 875-03484. l430mo. 2 Br. 1 Be. pool, pet1. 1500/mo. Open den. No P911. 893-<4894 OoMtl ~t. MCluded I• beaut. cond. Yrty. $800. 28' hie, not tub. n1ee Moving? Avoid depoaltL C.Jm,_ .... t#ll laundry rm . 111t1lde. Set/Sun 12-4. 326 Ogle. Br 2 Bl + Den Town-rge 2 Br. 3 Ba. In old 875--0988 view. Legune Beech. Cut IMng •~1 •• .,..-;;••••••••••••••• Celt loreppt. 2 br. 1 be t rl•"lex , llOuM, tennl1 & '""'"• nr med. vltll on d lflOY«· •--J... ~~mo. 494-6242 T• TnlrdOfttorJune ......_. S .. ....,,-, ....... ""' ,... ._... 833 Dover Or. Ste 2. NB Duplex, 2 br, gar .... _. T L Mgmt. 842-1603 S500t mo. Fenced ydl t>a1cn. 2202 Hu1oC1r. """'",. ocean. Stepa to 1<-~"-U• •••'fi---------• ••1 •••• wet ber No -· New patio new p1ln1 & 9&0-3745 private beech. Leaded .,. u -1° oc""aN FRO T --c:ond.. S:.eo. 2e31s VII 1 Br. garaVi, yard. No • 1---------wlndowa. 3 trplc'a. bee· •••• •••••••••••••••• .... N Dix 48', --------c 1 11 f or n I a . ( 2 13) peta. 142 Imo. 887 B :~~llirh ml. fo beech. $425 mo. Poot, lllCl, mad celllng1 many 3 bdrmNo. 2 ba condo, 1 ~r~· 7~1c0er tgt'7 •• ~v2a111 N~t Ben Weetclltf 1250 53~ Hlmllton, 841-0763 uune, tennle. down· trff1. 12950/~o. yrly. ttory. '*'· S600. • • • · atUfe fernaM '° ahere 2 BR Want Ads C... f.42•5879 town. M0-21188 640-5&29 499-4721, 781-8348 876-73M. 53s-I017 (Ed). w/eame lovety 2tlt 2be C... HI llM •a g1rd•n apt. New •·-•-· ••-,,__. 8 Rental trg tr. pool. 831-5489. •••••••••••••••••••••• P91flt. No peU l440tmo. • ;!r l400 tvm. Of ...... _ 1 D . .... ... __..___....... _,. --........-·· ummer a bdrm townhou .. ept. 548-9950 •U "'""'"· -· __._ •••••••••••••••••••••• o.:.tl vltw, compl fum. Fem. rmmte. 2 BR ept. 2'A ba. llr1918Ce, enclo-1--P-IN_E_B_L_U-FF--ap_T_S-. -JUI ~a:g:-=.:1~ Elegan1 2 BR. den, 3 Be, Mec:Arthur VIiiage 2 BR, 2 11700 cell fof ~. Vo-pf'lv be. 1296 p1ue .,... utl. __., 1 ...... .............. " •••••••••••••••••••••• • • woodbun'llng lplc, pool, 81, ground ltt, end unit. g.-Padtlc: &40-4S 181 996-2001, &42·9702 -.. petto. ""' .,_.,, 2 If. 2 Ba. 1 cN'd <*.no 1 1500 I 4"" 3"'2 New •.....,le: I___. ~ lhop9.. ~tlone '"""'" ........ Wt .,.,. " 9: ""· ... T'5 mo· ~~~. Balboa .... 2 Br. lleepa 8. M/F lhete 4 If. hOUll In aied. 318·8 M•r-peta. Patio, view. trplc:, K b k t? ..,.,...,.... ... , ..,.. ~ .. ..,..,.,..,. S350fllwtt In June •·~-jlleuDI. -ger., gu etov. enne UD pOr • 213-377·1221 . ....._..., Newport Snoru. Nr • Corona ct.I Mar. l580. 631-t101. NICE 2 If 1ba. lttplex, ---------l $450/wtc. 4176-2010. beach, pool I tennl1. 83 -Isn't that the horse that won petio, gll'. r«rig. seeo ....... ,,, 1111 CMrmlno B I UO/mo. '4 u&lla. Oullnl 2 • 1 -514 ' Brite, Alr't' 8rtlnd The Triple Crown In '72? 520 st Anna. !iSe-1453 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 •· 1 -..~:,: 5"1-4340. · ~ . 2 If. 2 611. frplo, 2 ~ *C ... n Studio, u111 pd. · --------JHmlnt , 1860 yrly. car ger•g;· pool, apa. retr!Qe, ci-. Av ... $278. llHon. Parking. Ca ll 28 yr old nonanq prof. t71-4112 Brok•, From 17 5. 557·2HO. ~(D~ ......... Privacy. Slngl• only. 8'3-&410. Bltr. =. ~ 'T: :.= .._, 8hor'8Cllff 2 Br. lwge 545-3115 If you're not eute who (or wn.t) 111 •lrMI 752•512.2 08ftfll l BI', 1 bit from ~ In N:a. SUS/mo. ~.~l2 !!!..~· 25-$435/mo. 28'. 1 Be. Kennet>untcport was, don't feel~ you're Hr 12ba, frpfe. deek, ,,_, ._ ~:.!!,· WIO!!· !'P' 4. +IA utile. 72c,_,744 .. ,._ _... ~ IPI beemad e•lll!:J not •*--Ken-......... ..-............ :... 1a w'4, 1~. c.11 ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• ....,.,,_, '1...,..1.,... oupanoy vb' lrd , " ' ...,....., ,...,.,.,...,.... '"'""',.."" • tel._ 497 EMtlide P of ' ol ... ,._ 1795/mo. 175"-2444. laundfY rm.. pool, A I. dlstlnetfvoet; dlfferem llf)llrtrnent llOQtPIMe at .,. fOf "1 N 2 2 C.M. Fum pttv Fum. CM 18' w/patlo. 1 r I ou~ no . Jiiiy. Call for ~· Seawtnd VIII...., In Huntl~on BMch. ""' 1 room and be1h. fWl'to, blk ffo"' beach oar ma•· on-emoklf, no ~2. TSL ...._, 2 1•--..-1285. • tt ' • "'--ldlnta to .,_.. 2 ...,,.... • ...... Seawlnd Vlllege la a rMU of totally itni••H I••••· en-1644 .,.u_..r loo. OOtmo, 8A2 bMtl ..,._Gd toe In 8::: = ~ /mo. 2 81. 1 ea. IC>-personalized proteaalonal planning, The kind .... ~uly/ :,11,, 1460/mo. IMne. 1380 mo P"" 1111. _ ........ 875-tlOI. ~'°unit· .. · enclldblt ...... uweo:: of attention you deeerve. A pefftct bMl1d of 2 er. 2 Ba. frplc, deck, ~J .. ""::'n~ ... ~I 7~~-· o June 30. Wendy 661..ee1 ._.... __,., .... ..,. laundfl. nature and living -nestled In • loretl wtth Id a 800 1--· "'' • ""-..-. _. OU"..E>C i..a 1 8A W/2 BA rm. babbling brootta and quiet ponds, eooi.d by ~Oii ·.,.!. 1~-3~ Pref mid ~ man. a. ..., flnme Rece s.e-Stir 88r ,,.., l2tO MO. MOO. AOOM w /FULL TSL Mgmt. 842-1803 natural ocean breezes. Add to that tennis -tor 0.7191 l200. 548-18.. '°"' ..... ~. ttwu 10ttl. '520 l'llOW4I. ~ •A 1210. IOTH INC ..,_ courts, swimming Pool .. a epe and a . Room tor ~. ll56 per ~ 1 Ir or .... Ceder St., N.B. · unL 17Ml83 te2&no. 2 er. 1~ .... ~in:;·:~::.'= .::n. ... ~ .. !!!! mo, lit~~::-.... == ~-a= =~·=·~w lM9t a. a.. beamed TownflouMLyard, c:er· would p(oudly call home. (E\4tl F&I Apt. & Condo . ..... OIW. 2 C8fPOt1a. port, II bft-. lmlll pet K~I) One and two bedroom OM ,....-. Wla Rent.1111.. CdM IQ, tum .. pwt. ent.. "o ~e. tt71/mo etc. Wont.... ... .00 171-4t12 er~.. petto l bd\ ............ .. .. b9f. 7pm. TSL MgrM 142-1803 and two apertmenta ~om ..,15 oro. Oar. pr119. Non· """ ... 11141-br.,.-. '""'1"""M.--lfl'l-... --tncl-. ~ md •UfY Wiii e.lboe con-"'*'· tseo. ,.1. ...................... petfo, encl. gar. E/Slde. ow do. 28t 2k 1327 111, ""' In a.ge hOUle. lndry ~ acw. "' so Piiia. MOO. 540-3'M lie.gen Hu on 'AlfaOt pool, seeo1mo.. 662~ *· kitchen, ec.e. ....._ SA. ow. pooe,..,.. rreo. , d Weelcllff .. ,. 1rg. 1 1r. 12101mo. ea1.aea. Child Oil. 7112·5822 Of ::n oarpe •· repH, Con~ 19deoo!Mad. F v ... _ --...... ......, &4M4e0. .. •• ~r.T.:.:.~ Pa11o & pool. MM152 • ~''27i;: 1 .. I .. I .. ow ...... lltOW, °"* 15655 Huntington Vlltaae Lane Hwitlngton 1 -. Vtm••H ..__...... "°' M4 11111 • ... ...--11 ,._ a.adl. CA (71.J) 183·5191 -·-• ~ Newly decor. GH pd, ... .......,...,., ~ F-rom the San oi.go Freew-dr!W north on o" eourt, 1540/mo. Ou..tllouH pvt ent a eftcl ,.,, dwehr. pool, tton. M2t/mo, lat....... a..ctl to Mel!~.'";!___. on I U/H7-Ut2 bUI ....... lltla Pel. Nr.,..;., ~du1t1. no _..,.. aeo.146-4191. McFadden ,:e;;..;;y; atSIM?.-00 H.8. '100. AMn4 s. Bf. 2 ... twrlN, .... "° FumleNngl avallebte • °'*' dally lo AM 'tll UDO aEAUTlAJl 2 er. Rll tMMelpool prlv Nw llLl 1411• lt•me itth • ,.... 1t12 WlleOa "1". cNllc. • ' ftplo, P•Oo, advJte. ooc. ...,_ ' .,_Plot n ,.. M . 1471. •1-M?t. ,,._.,....... ....._,,. For Addltlonal Real Estate, See Page c1 • .. - .... 4 llN• PLIS Nil -Jog to beach. Tiled entry, country kitchen, formal living. Stone fireplace overlooking large rear grounds + pool. Located on large corner lot. Only $144,900. Call 963-7881. llUT ITllTU, 1111,IOI -Perfect starter home or good for Investment, big living room, 3 Bdrms, lovely ·yard with fruit trees & rose gardens. Move in condition. Many extras. RV parking, dog· run, storage sheds. etc .. etc. Call now, 546-2313 DEOITIYE 2 ITHY + 4 •1 + Nil -Formal entertaining. Huge family room + wetbar, gourmet kitchen. Stairs leading to master suite + large bonus room. Patio overlooking pool and easy care grounds. Asking $242,500. Call now 963-7881 l&MAll + Nil -Costa Mesa 4 Bdrm 2 bath family pool home. Assume loan and seller wlll carry with 10% down! A bargain at $134,900. Call now 646-7171 . 1&1.11& llPlD -Unbelievable, fantastic Little Island location. Waterfront property. Imagine llvlng In one for comfort and renting the other for prom. Three Bdrms up. 3 Bdrms down. Upper unit has additional 1 Bdrm plus bath with separate entry from carport. Lovely front patio to watch the sunsets. A rare find at this price. Asking $950,000. Call 546-2313 TWt ITHY + PML, 111,IOO -Beautiful garden homel Lovely green~be!~ ~I Cozy fireplace. $9150 down; pa~ from $734.54/mo. Hurry, 963-6767 LIWUf PllOll IAllll Y'llW -This fabulous 3 Bdrm family home with den Is a great value at onty $259,000. High assumable loan at low rate p1us sellet terms! Call now for details, 646-7171 ~ llUll .. Tl• -Beautiful Lido Isle 3 Bdrm home has just been reduced for fast salel Located close to clubhouse and tennis courts. This one Is sharpl Call about terms. Reduced to $299,500. Act nowt 646-7171 . tnll IAll UY -Great location plus sweeping view of Back Bay! This custom built 4 Bdrm 2 bath pool home Is a super buy at only $209,900 with terms avallable. Call today. 646-7171 PlllE AIU, LIW PllCE -Sellers are being transferred and must sell this lovely giant two • story home In a very select area. Big, big living room with (Jreplace. family room. formal dining. 4 big Bdrms plus a huge bonus room perfect for family entertainment center. The grounds are lovely and it's a perfect family home. The price is under $200,000, which Is below market for this model and area. Call today for showing Info. 546-2313. YIOTHIH HAI TIE IHI -Architectural masterpiece with waterfall and Kol pondl! Assume $83,000 In loans. 10W~'o EFFECTIVE: RATEi $630/mol $129,500. Come today ... 963-6767. llYEITIEIT lnCW. -3 Bdrms, large living room, country kitchen. Large patio -located on oversized grounds + 2 car garage. Owner will help finance. Only $94,900. Call 963-7881 .. IUCI O&ITU1 IOUI YIEW -Steps to sand! 2700 sq.ft. of luxury! Assume low interest loans! Priced to sell at $319,750, Call 963-6767 FH Tll DEOITIYE -A truly custom home for the most discriminating of buyers. Everything Is upgraded. Living rm, rosewood fireplace, rosewood cablne1s and bar area. Family room, teak wood paneling. teak cabinets rock fireplace w/gas logs. Kitchen, range w/double self cleaning ovens. Teak cabinets, luminous oeillng, etc., etc. Master bath, sunken tub new tile throughout. stained glass window. Pool-completely renovated. Walking distance to Mesa Verde Country Club and golf course. Many, many extras. Call, 546-2313 NEWPORT /COROll DEL llR DtNm .... -2 Bdrm 21n bath with den! Highly upgraded. T. 0 ., microwave oven, air cond. and much morel Large assumable loan and seller may carry. Well priced at $134,900. Act now I 646-7171 DTUll HUI -With 15% Investment assume existing financing and seller will carryl This Is a super opportunity In a Newport Beach 3 Bdrm 2 bath, famlly home. Only $239,900 ·ca11 nowl 646-7171 , I LMllll FH A LIW IHTIU PAYllEITt Assume $78,000 VA loan with no qualifying required! Sharp 4 year new home In walking distance to South Coast Plaza. 4 spacious Bdrms plus family room. Hurry, 847-6010 411PMI.l .. E,1111,IOO -Why spend another hot summer when you can enjoy a refreshing dip in your own sparkllng pool. This beauty Is vacant and needs a quick sale. Call today. 847-6010 S 11 Flllll ••L. 1111,000-Contemporary 2 story giant! Sunken family room with fireplace! Prime cul de sac location. Assume 8~% loan-$56,000. $473/mo. or 'owner will h"elp finance. Try lease option. . .hold the price for one full yearl Call 963-6767 .llST USnl -Custom 3 Bdrm + pool. Formal entertaining-gourmet kitchen. huge family room. Massive brick fireplace and much.~u~h more. Located on quiet cul de sac. Only $128,500. Call 963-7881. IEWPHT IUCI TIWlltlll -Very desirable complex has something for everyone -pool, sauna, park, .. etc. Highly upgraded end unit. Excellent assumable financing. Just listed at only $124,900. 847-6010 IUUll SMPPEll -Approx. $6,000 buys you the best Investment Huntington Beach has to offer. A 3 Bdrm townhome, convenient to schools & shopping. No qualifying to assume the existing FHA loan. Short escrow Ideal. 847-6010 llUT TllU -Superb Harbor View Hiiis 4 Bdrm 2'n bath home with family room ·end AV space! Large assumable loan at low Interest rate. Call for details. Priced right at $419,950-act nowt 646-7171 ..,.., 11A11 TllPLD -Pride of ownership units. Owner's unit offers private spa and many upgrades. High assumable loan plus seller terms! Only $560,000, call nowt 646-7171 UYE 11 llWNIT -Beautiful Montego model 4 Bdrm 2 bath with den. Excellent terms, a must to seel Well priced at only $259,900. Call for detallsl 646-7171 PLANNING A SOLID, EXCITING REAL ESTATE CAREER? FREE -REAL ESTATE TRAINING FOR INFORMATION CONTACT MELINDA, 847~10 ..