HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-29 - Orange Coast Pilot.. YIUI HlllTDll DAllY PAPll TUl SOAY , JUNE :t'~ 1•ltl:l OHANGE COUN IV . C Al If Oil NIA 25 CENTS Girls' gyID coach out, accused of theft By PATRICK KENNEDY O(efM Delly ........ ,, Following a hearing reaembllns trial proceedings, trustees of the Saddleback Valley Unified School District decided Monday against rehiri~ an El Toro High School girla coach because of accusations she allegedly stole money from a gym locker. Sharon Spencer, a three-year varsity basketball c:oac)\ and teacher at El Toro, would ba~ become a permanent, tenured employee o! the dialrlct had ahe been rehired for the 1982-83 term. She was dismlsaed by dJalrlct officials in February following charges by two other women coaches that Ma. Spencer stole $139 from a gym locker on Jan. 14. The trustees' action, on a 3-2 vote, rejected a rulinf made earlier this month by administrative law judge Marilyn' L . Nebon that there was no absolute proof that Ms. Spencer took the money. The law judge'• opfnlon was bued on six days of hearings earlier this year that included tettlmony from Ma. Spencer and her two accusers, coaches Debbie • Moo.re and Sheri Roa. The two coachee contend Ms. Spencer got lnto Ms . Moore'a. locker and took money railed for student actlvltles from sales of tick.eta for • powder puff athletic event. The truatees' re;ect.ion of the law judge's opinion aet the stage Monday tor an hour-long appeal hearing before the achool board with Ma. Spencer and the district repre.ented by attorneys. The district's attorney, John Wagner, labeled Ms. Spencer a "thief" with a "moral fiber we don't need here." M a. Spencer's attorney . George Shaeffer, questioned the veracity of Ms. Moo r e's testimony before the law judge earlier this year, and pointed to the ruling of the law judge in favor of his client and to Ms. Spencer's t'Onlributions to school athlet ics. "S he was the least likely person to take the money," Shaeffer !18id. Attorney Wagner says the two women roaches claim they found the m1 ss1 ng mo n ey in Ms . Spencer's car in her purse and that coach Moore recognized a one dollar ball ~ part of the (See EL TORO, Page A%) Shuttle works Robot arm lifting tested AID AND COMFORT -As paramedic checks her blood pressure, Don M ott of Irvine comforts his fiancee, Kimberly McReynolds, 25, also of Irvine, after she was injured in a two-car collision Monday in Costa Mesa. .,.., ..... ~.., ClwtM ...,., Accident occurred about 5 p.m. at intersection of Mesa Drive and Elden Avenue. After receiving emergency aid, Miss McReynolds was taken to St. Joeeph Hospital in Orange for further treatment, but wasn't hoapitali?.ed. County's jobless rate 'to climb' Orang e County 's unemployment rate, which hit a five-year high in May, is not expected to fall when figures for the current month are released. construction industries for the rise in unemployment in June. While the unemployment rate was up, so was the number of persons holding jobs. Figures showed that 1,124,800 persons were em p l oyed in May . compared to 1,121,400 in April. The figures showed that 76,600 w e re out of work in May compared to 72,300 in April. Yachts moved off beaches after wrecks The skippers of two 34-foot sloops moved their vessels of! Orange Coast beaches Monday with a bit of help from salvage crews and high tides. C APE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia's work-weary astronauts unlimbered the space shuttle's 50-foot mechanical arm for its stiffest workout today, lifting an instrument package the size of a desk "to sniff for contamination" inside the cargo bay. The test, more of a weight- lifting demonstration than anything else, is intended to certify the robot limb for future satellite-hoisting assignments. Ann maneuvers were the main item of business as Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield began a third demandina day in space after imploring Mission Control not to bother trouble- shooting "all the little problems." The lirst little problem of the new day was with the hand- s nare of the arm . Within minutes, Mission Control directed Hartsfield to a backup control and he began the tests. The astronauts went to bed tired and Hartsfield suffered slight motion sickness Monday. Today, Hartsfield'• voice waa booming at wakeup and strong aa he began to move the arm, hinged in the cargo bay, through a aeries of preciee exercilles. Standing at a remote station in the cockpit, Hartsfield unlatched the arm from its cradling device and maneuvered it into position to lift an 800-pound monitoring pack.age in the rear of the cargo bay. The initial difficulty was with the wire "fingers" that were to latch onto the package. At one point, Hartsfield said the "snares do not move: they seem to be fully clO&ed." The arm, too frail to support its own weight in F.arth's gra,vity, was tested on Columbia's last two trips but not so extensively as today. The multijointed cel estial crane gingerly lifted the instrument-filled package and moved it about the bay to measure contaminants and gather data t.o asses.s the shuttle's impact on satellites and payloads in the cargo bay. "The IECM (Induced Environmental Contamination Monitor) is unburdened from its holddown and is being waved a round to s niff for contamination ," said NASA's missio n commentator Terry White. Later, the pilot was to wave (See SPACE, Page AZ )· Woman 'involved' in Belushi death? LOS ANGELES (AP) - Prosecutors are again looking into the death of comedian John Belushi following published reports in which a woman said she injected him with a lethal doee of heroin and cocaine. "We met with LAPD (Los Angeles police) Friday, actually aa a result of the inquiries by the Los Angeles Herald Examiner and the story in the National Enquirer." d istrict attorney's spokesman Al Albergate said Monday. Cathy Evelyn Smith was quoted in the Enquirer saying she was hired by Belushi specifically to test drugs and do injections for him. She said she injected him the day he died, the publication r eported. The 33-year-old Belushi's aversion to needles was publicized after ha March 5 death. Mike Genelin, director of the district attorney's central operations bureau, said Monday that in previous police interviews, Ms. Smith, 34, never ·mentioned injecting Belushi or buying him heroin. Genelin said she told police Belushi used heroin and cocaine and had been shooting himself up. (See· BELUSW'S, Page A%) DEATH PROBED - Prosecutors are looking into the death of comedian John Belushi aga in following publis hed reports in which a woman said she in jected him with a lethal dose of heroin and cocaine. That's the p r ediction of analysts in the Sant.a Ana office of the State Employment Development Department, who say this month's jobless rate will move upward due to an influx of new graduates and summer jobseekers in the labor force. Beyond that, analysts say the usual seasonal decline in school and agricultural employment "will be accentuated by the closures of several retail stores and bankruptcies among investment firms." The sii.e of the county's civilian labor force -the total of those employed and unemployed - stood at slightly more than 1.2 million in May. Alaskan yachtsman Richard Watson, who ran aground in the pre-dawn hours Monday near SOth Street in Newport Beach, was able to get his slightly damaged vessel back in the ocean at about 4 p.m. Orange County Harbor Patrolmen said Watson, out of Juneau, Alaska, beached his sloop -the Deja Vu -after reportedly falling asleep. Hinckley denies 'beating rap' "Certain defense contractors anticipate increased hlring, but layoffs will continue tn construction and manufacturing," they added in their outlook for June. The county's jobless rate in May hit 6.4 percent, up from 6.1 percent in April and 3.6 percent in May 1981. May's rate was the highest since June 1977 when 6.7 percent of the county's labor force was out of work. State employment department analysts blamed continuing layoffs in the manufacturing and NATION Police seek car clouters Irvine police investigators were examining six separate reports received Monday that burglars had smashed windows of foreign cars and stolen stereos. All six incidents occurred at night in neighborhoods near the corner of C ulver Drive and Walnut Avenue in Irvine. The victi.miz.ed cars -BMWs, Audia and a Peugeot -were parked in various locations including an open garage, said police Lt. Bob Lennert. Reagan sets news cont erence WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan will h old a news conference, his 11th since taking office, Wednesday at 5 p.m . PDT in the White Houae East Room, deputy White Houae pl"etS secretary Larry Speakes said today. Band sparks jazz I estival Jaoo Putoriua and hi.a Word of Mouth 8.lg Band draw raves at the Kool Jazz Fest.tval ln New York. Paae A•. Judse may free Haitian• • MIAMI CAP) -A federal Juqe ou~ a DI.an today for the oond1Uonal reJ.Mll "fOrthwtlh" of (,810 Hal\lanl l»lNJ detained ln ftdUU.. 1CrD11 che Unlsed l1aa. and P\iet1o Rim, provided they have "°'*"'• , Harbor officials said Watson left Newport under clear skies and didn't tell them where he was headed. Says h e believes h e was insane during shooting spree Covina boater Arthur Rukasin, who beached his vessel late Sunday in Huntington Beach near Beach Boulevard, slipped his boat back in the water late Monday morning. Both men were forced to summon help from local sal_vage crews. Medfly war ends LOS GATOS (AP) Helicopters were scheduled to make the last medfly spraying in the San Frandsco Bay area .. COUNTY WASHINGTON (AP) -John W. Hinckley Jr. denies that he "be.at the rap" last week when a jur y found him innocent by reason of insanity in the shooting of President Reagan, according to a published report today. In a copyrighted story in The Washington Post, Hinckley said he believes he was Insane when he shot Reagan and three others and emohatically denied that he "be.at the rap," as one newspaper headline said. "I'm not walking out on the street. I'm in a hoepital with bars on it .... They act like l'm out free . . . . It's not that way at all," Hinckley said. Yachting old timers gather The "kids" of the Balboa Island Yacht Club got together for a 60th anniveraary celebration -and IOl'De of them dated back to the 1920.. Page Bl. SPORTS South All-Stan win The South All-ttan I.Wed a Uu.le razz.le dazzle to defeat the North in the Ora.nae County A114l&r football 1ame. Pap Cl. L.lten pick NC'• Worthy NEW YORK (AP) -The Lal~-LUen. • expected, •lac.ct Jam. Wonh)'10f NOrth Cuol1na M !hi lint _Jllok ~BA dialt ..... ll!llo, No. I, ~ '.fwr1. ol DIPlul end U&lh. No. I, ct.. ~ w of°'°""' Hinckley said he was shocked by the jury's verdict -that he was so sure h e would b e convicted that he had prepared a four-page speech to read in court the day he thought he would be 9entenced, the Poet reported. "I respect them (the jurors) now a lot for just saying, 'To hell with what the public said, we think he's not guilty'." Hinckley said during three telephone interviews Saturday and Sunday from St. Elizabeth Hoepital for the mentally ill, where he is confined. Post reporter Laura A . Kiernan obtained the interview because Hinckley called her at I INDEX .At Your Service A4 Erma Dombeck B2 Bwlinem 84-5 Cavalcade B2 Cl.ulified . C5-8 Comk:I 83 en.word 83 Death NoUcell C4 EdJtorial A6 Entertainment B6 ~ 'B2 WORLD the newspaper from the hospital. Hinckley's chief defense lawyer, Vincent J . Fuller, said Monday that the calls were made without the knowledge of Hinckley's attorneys In what were hls first comments to the news media since his arrest immediately after the shooting March 30, 1981, Hinckley also said he likes the hoe pit.al. "I like it here so f ar. Nobody bothers me . . . . They call me Mr. Hinckley," he said. He said that when he arrived at the hospital last Tuesday, (See HINCKLEY'S, Page A%) Ann Landers B2 Movies B6 National News A3 Public Notices B4.C3-5 Sports Cl-4 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Matkets B5 Televilion A7 Tbeat.en B6 Weether A2 World NeW1 A3 , Columnl11 n•1• PLO The Palntlnt LlberaUon Or11nlsa,lon had ~ ... by lhUll Md ldvinlUrtrl,'' writa ool JK'k Andtl'IDfkPll' M . ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIT-....clay, June Ra, 18H ""''\\ \\fl Continued stories II/ ~~EY:S ~ IEWS ... pt•ople f'gan aaklng tor hls Extensive paychlatric outo1t1·aph. testimony during Hlnck.ley'1 trial Hinckley wu toµnd lnnocentof ·~owed th•t Hlnckltiy waa the ahoollna1t by reason bf obaeued w"lth Ml11 Fo1ter lnaanity Juno 21. Docton at St. pursuing her with telephone ca.lb Ellu.betha mlllft eubmit a report and love not.ee in tho mootha on his mental ~ndltlon to the befofe he wounded Rea1an coi.tn PY .Aug. 2 end U.S. District Brady, U.S. Secret Service aaeni J~ge .Barrington D. Parker Timothy McCarthy and now-sch~~ a hearing Aug. 9 to retired O .C. police officer de~ll{~ whether Hinckley is Thomas K . Delahanty outside the ef\.l_\tl~!l· to release from the Washington Hilton Hot.el. hospital because he is no longer a The ~?--year-old presidential da.oiN \0 himself or others. asaalla.nt said he feels IOIT)' for tUked. if he thought he was Brady whose wound to the brain read.v. to ;be released from the has 11eft him permanently hosp.it.al,. ·Hinckley hesitated, disabled. th.~n. said: "That's a hard "He's suffered and his Ute is quesit9n • · . · "l certainly would not what it should be . . . . I just not ,be .a·danger ~ m~self and 1 want to say I'm very sorry about don ~.honestly ~ I ve been a what I did. He was just at the da n.aer to socaety .... I wrong place at the wrong time certalnly ~ould not be a danger . . . . and I just wish, I just to tlie P.I'ftldent, nu say ~hat for honestly wish l could go back SUNi" . before that shooting . . . . and He,.said h e thought there let him move two inches out of migh.t a problem with one the way," Hinckley said. penm:.. . "I don't know if you've ever heard of her," he' said, naming aclress ~Jodie Foster. "I don't think there would be a problem. I don'l "think I would go stalking after her . . . . If we were in the same·room, there might be some problem," he said. He -said that ~ has in his hospital: ·room a picture of her taken from a magazine. .... _, ,; .. The other men have recovered from their wounds. Hinckley told the Post he did not feel sorry for them and that he thought the shooting helped Reagan's popularity. Hinckley read the Post reporter the first two paragraphs of the speech he said he was prepared to give upon his sentencing. EL 'TORO COACH. • • ticket mo~ey because it had a the trustees' decision Monday stud~t_'s ,name s,:rawled on it. was based solely on accusations Wagner also pointed to Ms. that Ms. Spencer stole the Speo~er's admission that last money. yeai: she attended an athletic However, trustees Michael conference in Las Vegas but took Davis and Dore Gilber weren't time off by false)y telling school convinced and voted in (avor of officials she was,bome sick. Ms. Spencer. Trustees Preston (!D.Y(~ver, she was warned and Howell, Kristine Kister and d<><;~ three days pay by school Louise Adler voted against 0f~ic~ ~_ter that incident and rehiring the coach. BELUSHI'S DEATH ... GerUilln said his office will ask police .. to1 interview Ms. Smith again about the matter. ~·should also interview the-Enquirer writers and other people reported to be in Belushi's hotel ·bungalow prior to his death; Oenelm said. The Enquirer quotes Ms. Smith as saying actor Robert De Niro and comedian Robin Williams were in Belushi's bungalow c;hortly before his death. Genelin said potice and district attorney's investigators would meet today to "discuss the investigation and the avenues of explo rations we are recommending " In a copyrighted story, the Herald Examiner said police had not been able to prove or disprove whether Ms. Smith was an accessory to murder in Belushi's drug overdose by aiding him to use the drugs. Robert Sheahen, Ms. Smith's attorney, said Monday he was unable to reach his client in Toronto, Canada, to discuss the articles. The Herald Examiner also said Belushi's fami ly hired two private detectives and sent Belushi's sister-in-law. attorney Pam Jacklin of Portland, Ore. to irurview police. WAS THIS TRIP NECESSARY? V alinda Hash (left) and Jodie Grable "bask" in the subdued sunshine of a cool and overcast dav on D.ily ll'llet lfhoto by 0My A"*- the Huntington Beach sands. They said it "was warm and sunny when they left Whittier. Man goes 'berserk' Highlights of shuttle aboard Mianii plane scheduled MIAMI (AP) -A man aboard a commuter plane Clying from Sarasota to Miami "went berserk," attacking two pilots and three passengers, and tampering with controls before he surrendered, authorities say. Pilot Ron Frank suUered a cut eye as he fought off Enrique Caicedo Lopez aboard Provincetown-Boston Airlines F]jght I 185 Monday night. The four others aboard were unhurt. Frank, 34, and co-piloi Ron Howard managed to push Lopez, 38, of Bogota, Colombia, out of the open cockpit and steadied the craft after the disturbance - about 30 minutes west of Miami international Airport, and Lopez. weeping and shirtless, was arrested, FBI agent Perry Donahue said. The plane was beginning its descent Monday night when Lopez "began beating on the passengers," PBA President Peter Van Arsdale said. "He just went berserk, beating on everyone while the pilot was tryinR to fly," VanArsdale said. Frank radioed for emergency assistance after Lopez ran into the cockpit and began tampering with instruments, Donahue said. But J·ust as suddenly as the inci ent e rupted, the man "became complacent," he said. VanAnldale said the craft was never in danger of crashing. Federal officials charged Lopez with interfering with a flight crew, a felony. He was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital for psychological evaluation, Donahue said. The FBI, saying Lopez may have been under the influence of drugs. recommended he be held in lieu of $100,000 bond. He was to face a hearing today before a federal judge in Miami. The Naples-based airline offers flights from Boston and the Cape Cod, Mass., area to New York and several southern Florida cities. The earner has been in business for 35 years. Verdict OK on Donovan CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Here are sch eduled highlights for today and Wednesday. the space shuttle's third and fourth days in space: TODAY 5 p.m -Dinner ol Deel wttll bart>ecue aauce and lemon pudding 1 10 p.m -Sleep WEDNESDAY: 3: 10 a.m. -Wakeup 4:20 am -Breaklast ol dried apricots. roll, vanWla lnatant breaklut. 5·45 and 6 45 a m -Gatl'Mlt data on o.tense Oepanment p1ytoad. 6 46 a m -Hartalleld 1t11ta pllarm&eeullcal pr~lng test. 1 45 a m Ken Mattingly uerclMS. 9 5" 11 m Radiator teat 10 05 e m -Luncll of ground beet, noodles and chle'ken encl peers. 12 15 pm -Televlalon tranemlselon ol crew 11ctlvlllea. 2 08 p m -Hartsfield exercises 3.05 p m -Navlgetlon checks 3 50 p m -Otnner ol tuna. macaroni and ell-end peach amt>ros.a 6 pm -Sleec> * * From Page A1 SPACE. * • • the parcel about as MatlUlgly triggers steering jets to evaluate how the satellite-loaded arm will be affected by the firings. Israelis say PLO stalling By The A11oclaced Pres• A senior 1.araeU offlclal today accused lhe Pale.tine Liberation Organb.aUon of ital.Ung and lyina about leaving west Beirut, -ana warned this could bring "enave resuJts." He did not elaborate, but the Implicatio n wae that Iaraeli forces might storm the encircled PLO stronghold in the Lebaneee capital. Israel showered we1t Beirut with leaflets Sunday and Monday saying time waa 1ho.rt and urging residenta to flee. The latett warning came after the PLO waa reported to have rejected Israeli demand• to surrender anns and ride buses to Syria. proposing lnatead to keep ~r90nal weapons and leave by boat. The Israel official told reporteni in Tel Aviv that Israel felt negotiations between the PLO and Lebanese offidala were "not advancing as they should at this stage." Israel had the impression, lhe official said, that the PLO "ia not negotiating with their Lebane9e counterpart.a in good faith. They are playing for time and lying about their intention to leave. "We are not speaking of an unlimited time, and the behavior of the PLO can have very grave results," he said. The official refused to di.Bcuss what "grave results" Israel was threatening. "Uur aim is to get the PLO out of Beirut and Lebanon by diplomatic means and without bloodshed. If they refuse to leave, the Cabinet will have to consider what else to do," he said. Meanwhile, the IO-nation European Common Market in Brussels today condemned Israel's 24-day-old invasion of Lebanon and urged both Israel and the PLO to leave Beirut, and Egypt sent an envoy to Paris as part of a new initiative aimed at resolving the crisis and bringing about an Israeli withdrawal. School pot penalty eyed SACRAMENTO (AP) -The possession of marijuana on 9Chool grounds would be punished more harshly than possession elsewhere, under a bill approved by the Assembly Criminal Justice Committee. Cool and cloudy WASHINGTON (AP) -Labor Secretary Raymond J . Donovan, free of the threat of federal criminal prosecution, still awaits judgment in Congr~ and the White House on whether he can politically survive the unproven allegations linkmg him with the criminal underworld. ln the middle of his work, Hartsfield broke the space-to- ground silence with a one word expletive in his finest Alabama drawl. SB1351 by Sen. Robert Presley, D-Riverside, went to the Ways and Means Committee on an 8-0 vote Monday. • Coastal a.«\ end~ 80 9"' 100 In ltle low dell«IS Boat8f1 from Pow Conception to Sen Nk:olas lllllnd can expect _, lo nortllwwt winds 11 IS 10 25 knoll Waclneaday wlln ".J-10 5-loot ..... EIHwll-. winds Partial clearing 11111 afternoon. should be -terly et 10 to 20 HIQlll 87 to 73. Mostly cloudy knots wltll 2· 10 4-loot wind toolgnt with lows or !>4 to 60 wevea encl • 1-to 3-1001 -teny Continued' cloudy Wednesday swell. morning but moally clearing ---------- :.-:8n:°18l 8fternoon w1in "iO"• Temperatures- e lae wll'ere. Ir om Pol n t Conception to the Mexican NATION border and. out 60 mt<. Small craft aclvl~ lor outer coas1a1 waters lroni Point Concepllon 10 San Nk:Olu Island '°' nortt1-1 winds 15 to!25 knots wllll guata to· 30 knots and cllOl)py 5 to 8 loot seas from tile nortll-t Locally. mOally ll!iht variable wlnda lh~ougn toniglll Constcterable cloud• wltll -pertlel 111temaon end evening clearing • • Nol"°""' WH"'-' Ser.<~ 1 00 ~AA US Oeol o< Commeo" Fronts: Cold ...... Warm .. OccluOed ...,. St;itiotmrv •• 8t 69 Ml WllM>n 91 60 Needles 89 66 Newport Beacll 88 66 Oakland 93 73 Onterlo aa 68 Palm Springs 108 78 Puo RoOlea 88 81 Rlve(slde &4 5 '. Red erun '5 57 ~Clly 72 82 Sacremen10 81 71 Salines 11 59 Sen Bernardino 73 81 Sen Gebl'lal 97 69 San Diego 98 78 San Franolaco 68 56 San JON 80 7 I Santa Ana 93 58 S1nt1 Berbere 86 69 Sante Cruz 89 77 Sente Marla 11 50 Sant• Monica 86 58 Slockton 83 81 Tlhoe Valley 86 M Tll«mal 104 71 Torranoe 87 69 90 73 87 82 Smog 67 105 89 66 84 104 11 87 72 68 73 69 87 88 73 82 72 75 89 89 87 89 79 87 104 76 54 82 62 58 58 72 57 56 83 59 56 55 58 60 83 55 58 81 57 60 56 59 60 46 73 60 Donovan flashed the lhumbs- up sign for victory after special prosecutor Leon Silverman announced Monday the.re wasn't enough evidence to indict the Reagan administration Cabinet officer. "D--," he said m no apparent anger or dismay. In subsequent remarks, he never mentioned the outburst. There was no explanation from Mission Control. At reveille, Mission Control beamed "Hold that Tiger," an Auburn University pep song, and Hartsfield responded in rhyme: "Good afternoon, we love that tune." WEDDINGS It would be the first significant toughening of penalties for marijuana since a 1975 law that reduced possession of small amounts for personal use to an infraction with a maximum $100 fine. The bill would allow a fine of up to $500 for any violator, and a sentence of up to six months in jail for an adult non- student, or lO days in juvenile hall for a student. SHOULDN'T YOUR RINGS BE ARTCARVED? For wedding rings os lasting and beautiful as your love, insist on ArtCorved, the finest name in wed- ding jewelry since 1850. Each ring is hand-finished in 14 karat gold. Come choose your perfect pair from our extensive collection of styles. Priced from S 140. L~VICK'§ ""'......,.. ... ttt7 \llfwrf w """ 1wrpm,. bqin ,,..... ..... ,:'l.-:C'·· ............ *°"""'.... • '-'Oilfl' WI .... • SPECTATORS DELIGHT -The tall ship F.agle of the U.S . Coast Guard passes before a throng of spectators in Newport, R.I., during A' Wltephoto the parade of tall ships. The ships were in Newport as their last stop on a three-city United States tour. Governn1ent candidate favored Party founded in 1929 has n ever lost Mexican election VERACRUZ, Mexico (AP) - Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado, a 48-year-old Harvard graduate, is the easy favorite to win the July 4 e lection for a six-year term as president of Mexico, where his party has controlled the government for the past 53 years. But the heir apparen t to President Jose Lopez Portillo faces a tough challenge in trying to find solutions to economic and social problems in a nation divided between the haves and the have-nots. "The great task we have ahead High court upholds TV violence ruling WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme Court has left intact rulings that television networks and stations almost never can be held legally responsible when violence portrayed in broadcasts la imitated in reaJ life. The justices, without comment Monday, r efused to revive a lawsuit seeking $11 rrullion Cora 9-year-old girl sexually abused four days after an NBC movie dramatically portrayed a similar crime. Low er courts sa id the Con s titution's free -speech protections bar such sui ts unless a televisiofl program actually "incites" criminaJ action. On Sept. 10, 1974, NBC ran the fictionaJ drama "Born Innocent." a two-hour movie broadcast in the San Francisco a r ea by KRON-TV. The movie dealt with the life of an unwanted child, a teen-age girl. In one segment, .the girl was assaulted by oth e r fe male reformatory inmates and artificially raped with a wooden handle. Four days later , a San Francisco girl was attacked by four older girls on a local beach and artificially raped with a beer bottle. NBC and KRON-TV's owner. the Chronicle Publishina,, Co .• were named as defendants in a civil suit seeking $1 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damages for the girl. The four girls arrested in the San Francisco sex attack told police they got the idea for their crime from watching "Born Innocent.'' The girls, ages 10 to 15. were chfµged in juvenile proceedings for which all records were sealed. They reportedly are on probation nttw. After one trip to the nation's highest court in 1978, the way was cleared for a triaJ on the civil SUit. In his opening statement on behalf of his young client, San Francisco lawyer Marvin Lewis told jurors: "At no time in this triaJ are we going to prove that ei t her through negligence or recklessness there was incitement, which .. .is telling som~ne to go out, encouraging them, directing them. to commit crime ... "AU of our proof wiU not be based on any type of incitement but will be based on stimulation, fo reseeability. n e gligence. proximate cause," Lewis told jurors. The trial judge then threw out the suit, ruling that if Lewis could not prove NBC and KRON-TV incited the crime they could not be held legally responsible .. The judge relied on a 1969 Supreme Court decision stating that otherwise-protected speech cannot be punished for precipitating a crime unless it is shown to have incited. or urged, imme diate Jaw breaking. A California appeals court upheld the dismissal order. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ~aaalfled advertising 7141'42·5f71 All other esep.rtments 642-4321 Thomas P. Haley ..._.... -Cl*" E.cfcul ... onio. Kay Schultz YllCe,,_ -~of~ Tom MUIJ>hlne e- Mlka Harwy Dir-* "' Matkettno (CWculMloll) Ktn Goddard ~ol~ ~act..een CMr1ee Looa -...MIOt MAIN OFFICE S30 West e.y~t., COit• -·CA. Mall eek!,..., lloa 1560. Coale Mew, CA. "161» C1111yr'9111 ,.., O.enoe CoHt Pub!IM11119 '-'· No,.,..,.,, llof'ML llluflr•tlOl\t, edllorl•I m.ntr or_. •ffilW"*lll !Wftl" ,.,., 1-r-Odu<M •""""' _,., _....i.sio..o1~ ....... -.... of us is to use what we have achieved in moder nization. In development, to raise up thoee other Mexicans who still have not reached levels of material, educational and sanit ary well-being," de la Madrid said in an I nt e r vie w with The Associated Press. "I believe it is the aspiration of Mexicans to be able to creace sufficient, well-paid employment for all," he said during a bua ride between campaign a topa in farm -dotted and oil -rich Veracruz state, 300 miles southeast of Mexico City a.long the nation's Gulf Cout. De la Madrid is the candidate of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party, which baa not 106t a major election since it was founded in 1929. An economist who received a m aste r 's d egr ee in public administration from Harvard in 1965. de la Madrid reviewed the nation's economic problems, his h opes for ridding Mexico of rampant corruption and for maintaining the nation's independent course in relations with the United States and other nations. The employment problem is intricately r elated with U.S.-Mexican relations. de la Madrid said. Mexico recogniz.es the U.S. right to regulate the influx of Mexican aliens, he said, a system "that functions to the benefit of both countries." But the United States is obliged to "respect the human rights and working rights of o ur compatriots. "In the United States there is a r eal s tructural deman d for Mexican labor," he said. "It also follows our own insufficiency in creating new jobs in Mexico." An estimated 40 percent of workillj[ age people in this nation of 70 million do not work. De la Madrid acknowledged differences in opinion between American and Mexican leaders, but preferred to characterize the problems as those among families and close friends. De la Madrid serve d as planning and budget min ister under Lopez Portillo until he was tapped as the new presidentiaJ candidate last Sept. 25. The designation virtually guarantees him the presidency. Until a 1978 party reform plan, only the PRI -an umbrella organization that spans the political spectrum -could field ' presidential candidates. This year there are 1even candidatee for ' president, r anging from the conservative right to the communlat-domi.nated left. With a vut political machine that covers all aspects of political ' and IOCial life -as well u ac:celS to the news med.la -there la Utt.le doubt that de la Madrid will u win. ._, ........ ..., , ........ . We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What dolt't you Ukt? Call th~ numbflr below and your me1aa1e will be ,..cordtd, tran1crlbNI and dt'llvered to lM appropriate editor Tho 11me 24·hour an1wtr1n1 Hrvltt may bt uaed to rteord let· l•rl to the f'dllor on any topic. Mailbox contrlbutor1 mu1t lneludt th•lr namt and telephone number for ve rUlcatlon No clrc:ulaUon Ulll. plt'llO , Toll u1 wh1t '1 nn your mind I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Tueeday, June 29. 1982 s *Al • Democrats Ill powwow 1 984 presidential standings r emain sam e PHU.,ADELPHIA (AP) - With no apparent bta wlnnera or l oaera In the presidential competition at the Democratic Party's midterm conference, the •tandlncs ln the nice for 1984 nomination look WlChanaed. The front-runners -Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and fonner V ice President Walter F . M ondale -retained their positions with s trong performances, and none of the second tier o f prealdentlal aspiranta wu able to joln them. The closing seulon S unday belonged to Kennedy . Nearly everyone jammed into t h e convention hall for his speech 1111 AlllYBll wu anticipating a repeat of his performance at the party's 1980 national convention. Mondale gave the most rousing speech during Frtd.ay's opening aeeaion, and many of the political proe at the conference felt the forme r vice president helped himself with a delivery more fiery than he has used in the put. Sens. John Glenn, Gary Hart, Alan Cranston and Ernest F . Hollings, who all spoke Frtday, provided no surprises -none Racial imbalance seen in military WASHING TON (AP) -The military has become racially imbalanced, meaning black s cou ld d ie In "grossly disproportionate numbers" during the early stages of a war, a study says. The study released by the Brookings Institution propa;ed. a preaidentia l comm ission be appointed to study a lternate concepts of service. The 190-page study said the prospect that blacks would suffer as many as half of the total U.S. combat casualties early in a war "impales the n ation on the horns" o f this particularly difficult question: "Does the fact that blacks will probably die in grossly disproportionate numbers, at least initially, in defense o f nation.al interests outweigh the fact that the armed forces provide many blacka with their only bridge from the 'pennanent und~' to a better life?" The atudy by the avowedly independent and ~hartisan reeearch Institution ed that critics of the decision to abolish the draft nine years ago warned that a n all-volu n teer force "wo uld become increasingly · unrepresentative of ... society." Last year, according to the study. blacks accounted £or more than 33 percent of the Anny's enlisted soldiers and 22 percent of the Marines. That compares with about 12 percent blacks in the nation's total military age population -a figure roughly in line with the black content of U.S. ground forces just before the draft ended. the report said. The Navy's black enlisted representation was about equal to the black proportion of the military-age population. w hile the A ir Force proportion was slightly higher. At the same time, the report noted that b l a c k s are underrepresented in the officer corps. Only a little over 5 percent of those holding com.missions are black , it said. There are 2.1 million men and women in the armed services. Since blacks make up more than half the strength of some combat battalions, the report said there is concern that black soldier s and M arines would suffer a high proportion of battle lo8aes early. matched Kennedy pnd Mondale as stump speakers. So o n the bula of public performances. It 1tJU looka like a two-man race tor the 1984 n o m ination with Ken n e dy holding a slight edge over Mondale. "He's clearly the front-runner at this stage," Rep. Morria Udall of Arizona said about Kennedy. J essie Rattley, a Democratic Party official from Newport News. Va .. summed up the presidential race (his way: "It was excellent," she said of Kennedy's speech. "But we all expected an excellent apeech ... But while many enjoyed t he speech, h e didn't win over everybody. From the commenta I've heard around, it's still between Kennedy and Mondale in 1984." Former Gov. Reubin Askew of Florida. who decided not to compete with the others as a public speaker, spent all his time buttonholing delegates In his trailer as well as at many of the endless receptions. How well the candidates did in thell' quiet chats with the party a c tivists wh o ca me to Philadelphia was hard to asaeas. And since none of them clearly runnin g for the presidential nomination has announced his candidacy, the conversations with delegates were necessarily circumspect. Stay loose. don't get committed. too early was the thrust of what the men chasing the front- runners had to say. As for Kennedy: "I tell them that I'm running for re-election in Massachusetts, that I'm vitally interested in the future of the Democratic Party," Kennedy said in an interview. But what does he say when they press him about 1984? "Then I say I'm working for 1982. l'm going to be involved in the debates in the Senate beyond that . . . I want to maintain my contacts with people around the country and support candidates and work with people and any decision about the future will be made in the future." Fountain Valley. Never say diet. "Live-it?' Overweight? Just a little o ut of month. Get started now. Richard shape? Or both? Don't give G Simmon's "live-it" concept will up. "Live-it" up at Richard et work fo r you. h 's an exciting Simmons new Anatomy combination of exercise, Asylum. Now with 4 2 proper nutr ition and a locations.and many vears positive mental attitude more to come. It's all J . that can last for the rest here. The fun. The fitness ft"lee of your life. Call or come The results. All the right .J.. ~ in co Richard Simmons ingredients for your succe~s new Anatomy Asylum t0day. formula. And all for less than $15 a 'n>u can do it.Join now. <liatter memberships now available.join today and get a flee copy of Richard's new recipe boo~ plus a &ee Anatomy Asylum T-shirt. Richard Simmons ~my um FOUNTAIN VALLEY• 964-8880 18030 Brookhurst (In the Fountain Valley Mall) GLENDALE• 200 N. Brand Blvd.• 500-0423 WOODIAND RILLS • 23210 Ventura Blvd.• 884·2202 BEVERIY RILLS• 9306 Little Santa Monica Blvd.• 550·8879 Look for Garden Grove and Brea Clubs to open soon. Or1ng1 Cout DAILY PILOTITuetd1v. Jun• 29, 1082 etiin records o .. f .. ·tax payments DEAR PAT: Thia 11 the second time I have received • notice from tbe Internal Revenue Service telllo& me Iba I Ibey cannot flod uy record of a tax payment I made. Wllal cu I do to eoHre &bat payment• I make are correcUy credited? L.R., FoUDlaio Valley In the processing of payments, It is possible that a check and accompanying documents can become separated causing errors or delays In the proper crediting of your account, according to IRS. To ensure that all payments are correctly credited to you, the Fresno Service Center adV18eS you to include your name, Social Security number and type of tax, as well as the year for which the payment ia intended on the face of your check. Also keep all caoceled checks as your proof of payment m the event a problem does arise. Bee pollen not enough DEAR PAT: I've aeeo advertlsemen11 that 35 grams of honeybee pollen each day woaJd satisfy the total nutrition needs of the average person. What do think about that? K.E., Corona del Mar Not much. Bee pollen 1a being widely promoted as a health food, cu.re.all, high in protein. and more. However, 35 grams (less than four tablespoons) of even the most energy-dense food component, fat, would provide only 315 calories -not enough to sustain a human being no matter what other nutrients the product might contain. DEAR PAT: I aoderstaod die Fedenl Trade Comml11lon Intends to propose a revlaed rule dealing with ued car aalu acUces. Since the House of Repr. eta&atives joined the Senate lo votfag to reject 's previous trade regulation rale on •led cars, I'd like to know what tile revised proposal locludea. T.B., Cotta Mesa The revised proposal would require that used car dealers post a window sticker in every car, giving the following infonnation: -A warning that spoken promises are difficult to enforce, and a suggestion to get all promises in writing. · -A su ggestion that the prospective buyer ask i{ the car may be inspected by an independent mechanic. -A prominent statement explaining what the tenn "as is" means. -An identification of the major mechanical and safety systems of the car. For each major system, the dealer would be required to indicate whether it was "warranted" or "as is." -A listing by the dealer of the warranties provided, if any. -Information about the availability and terms of any service contracts along with an advisory statement saying that consumers may have additional "implied warranties" rights under state Jaws. The revised FTC proposal is not expected to require used car dealers to disclose known defects -a requirement of the defeated rule. When the rule is formally proposed. consumers will have an opportunity to comment. DEAR PAT: U a person baa an auto accident and pay1 for the damages to the other car, are tbeae expenaea deductible? T.W., Corona del Mar Internal Revenue Service says these expenses are not deductible. Damages to someone else's property, even in a casualty loss situation, are not deductible. ·~ Gor a problem? Then write to Pai Horo-• )t wlu. Par will cur red tape. gelling the answers and action you need to solve in- equities in gove~ni and bus.iness. Mail your queslions 10 Par Horowitz, At Your Service, ~Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa mesa, CA. 92626. As many letters as possible will be ans- wered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and business hours' . phone number cannot be considered. r---------------------, I MAKE MONEY I I using your malling list I I and save $10.00 with this ad~ I I 0 label addressing I 0 list maintenance I I 0 malling list broker I I •Save this ad and ~eel or $10 off your Jim order. I (min. $100 onkr) I I AAA to rLl · (714) 536-2104 1 1 IABEL & MAIUNG UST SERVICE L-~~~~~~.!:!!!!1!'!!'.!!~~c!!:...~~-j ~ {\•~·Stf1(r ~ fl? EXPANDING TO Coro•• del Mar Mondays & Thursdays lff ectlve July 11t lxo.,IMI U••''1 I I u. '11" lu,..,DryO..nfft1 ... ,._, fWeh • OM hy ._,.._ .,.. ,.....,, ..... Dehery ............. 1 Jazz greats stir 'Kool Festival' PE FO MS - V~allat Nancy Wilson performed at Carnegie Hall ln New York joining other jazz greats as part of the lineup in the Kool Jazz Festival. By BARRY HANSON ~IM,,... Wttt .. NEW \'ORK JMZl ba&slata hOVC' traditionally hlld thl'ir pl.aloe -In lht- back of the band. holdlni together the rhythmic foundation whale solol1tts performed up front. But Jaco Pastorius, who with has Word of Mouth Big Band was featured Sunduy nlaht at the Kool Jau Festival, ls no traditional bassist. And the 9-piece band that filled the 1tage of Avery Fisher Hall put on a charging diaplay of intricate, non-traditional arrangements. Pastorius, whose work with Weather Report helped boost that jazz-rock fusion group to considerable popularity ln the 1970s, assembled an impressive group of soloists -including Randy Brecker on trumpet and Bobby Mintzer on tenor saxophone and bass clarinet. Othello Molineawc's steel drum work added a 44Free! That's my kind of price!" -Bob Hope dlnwntlun rarely llt.'Cn in c:onwmpoorury juu Muklng u special appearam•e and 1hurm, the stuge most of the evening WWI Toot.II Thleleman.'l, the sliver-hatred JaU veteran whoee work on ham1onaca was warmly appreciated by th~ ~·rowd of about 1,000 l''rom the opening c~1c "Invitation" to a. rousing rendition of the bluesy "Baby Won't You Please Come Home," the band served up a variety of tunes. Pastorius. a 31-year-old Florida native, has emerged as one of the leading figures in a style that gives electric bass players a significant musical role and not juat a position in the rhythm section. With technical dexterity, the pony- tailed Pastorius crafted melodic runs using chords instead of single notes, fluhed lightning-fast solos and drove the band with auch pereussive intensity you • sometlmn <.vuldn't tell whether a aound waa hi• or th11t ut drummer Peter Erskine or l'Onga player Don Alias. "I play the bus as If l were elaytng a human voice," he On<.'e s~ud. "I play liker spt>ak I like singers . . " Brocker and Mintier Wied electronic devicee w enhance the sound of their Ins trume nts The reault was an interesting effect, but sometimes detracted from their virtuosity as soloists. In clear l y non -traditional instrumentation. David Bargeron was featured in a lengthy tuba solo. And Peter Gordon on French horn offered a haunting musical essay as Pastorius laid down a fast repNiuve foundation with Alias The Kool Jaiz F estival continues through July 4 Get your super new Map Pack at our Grand Opening July 1-3. Come say hello to our beautiful brand new office and pick up your free Map Pack. It's a brand new travel idea that comes complete with a Rand McNally map of your area plus one of the state, and a list of Cal Fed's more than 100 offices state-wide . Supplies are limited, so come in early! Meet some nice 'n friendly people. They're the only kind you'll find at California Federal. Just as important. they're experts at helping you make your money work harder. They got that way by giving more and more Cali- fornians quality money service. So, if you're looking for the best place to do all of your personal banking- whether it's high interest savings, checking with interest or tax shelter investments-come to our place. Mark your calendar now. And be sure to come by and pick up your free Map Pack. We look forward to seeing-and serving-yo u! C CAL1R5RNiACaFEbERAL Savings and Loan Association 800 Newport Center Drive • 640-9181 Houn: Monday throughThunday 9 to 4: Friday 10 to 6 and Saturday 9to1. • • \ Warn ing : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. -- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Tueaday, June 29, 1982 Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be cal led deluxe . Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. 8 mg "m;' 0.6 mg nlcorlne av. par cig1re11e. by FTC mtthod. • • • I •• ' •• . • -. * Orkno-Coat DAILY PILOT/TU•d1y. Jun• n . 18H House 111oves to block Watt's wilderness move The H oUSl' Int t>rlor Committee rl'actcd s harply last week to lnterlor S<.'<.'rei.iry James Watt's attl•mpt to open certt:1ln wildern ess ar·eas to oil and gas drilling. In a 34-7 vote, the committee reco mm e nd e d passage o f legislation that would bar all such activities in 32 million acres of wild e rne ss pre se r ves recomme nded for fe d e ral protection by the U.S. F orest Service. The proposed le g1 s la lio n would impose an immediate ban on drilling a nd w ould permit the reopening of s pecific areas only 1{ the president declared an "urgent nationaJ need'' and both houses of Congress concurred. Under the Wild<1rness Act of 1964. all wilderness a reas would be closed permanently to mining and drilling activities starting at the end of 1983. Stric tly sp ea king, s u c h activities have been legal, but in practice fed eral land managers have complied with the spirit of ' the aet by 1ssumg only a fow 1>ud1 leases sinee Its p~S8a~l'. How<'Ver, thC' picture ehunl(l'U last year with Watt's cull for increased exp lo r atio n and d evelopment nf resourl't:S on federal lands. Leas1 ng recommenda lion s were drawn for wilderness areas in Montana. Wyoming, California, Washington and Arkansas and three oil leases were granted in New Mexico's Capitan Wilderness. At present, about 1,000 least' applications covering three m1lhon acr es have b een filed and art• awaiting a pproval. Faced with a storm of o pposit1on. Watt suggeste d that Congress had better change the law. Without such a change, he said, he believed he was required to approve the leases. He did, however , agree to a moratorium on leasing until the e nd of thi s year, pending congressiona l action . That appears to be imminent, and rightly so. Employee cost-cutters Once a month Orange County supervisors give financial awards ranging from $10 to $1,500 to employees who have ways to cut gove rnment costs. The county's employee suggestion program is six years old. Officials estimate since its inception more than $2 million has been saved -a figure that actually may be low since only first-year savings a rc tabulated for any one idea. What makes the county's program particularly e ffective 1s that employees who come up with ideas get more than a certificate of a ppreciation or a small gift. They get a ch eck fo r l 0 percent of the actual estimated Spoils system Less than l 0 days afte r the primary e lec ti on i n whic h California voters abolished state inheritance taxes, the state Senate, .1 in a re markably 1llog1cal move, approved a bill to save the lucrative jobs of 180 inheritance tax re ferees. The referees, who have only to pass a Civil Service test. are appointed by the state controller and charged with assessing the value of estates to detennine the amount of inheritance tax due. Their pay is -o r was -a percentage of the estate asses.5ed and some h ave been able to make up to $100,000 a year from the part-time jobs. The n ew bill , which originated in the Assembly. would • cash savings. to a maximum of $1 ,500 . The fin a n cial remuneration makes for a strong incentive. Ideas come in all varieties. Recent winners have dealt with everyt hing from seeding of e r osion -pr o n e s l o p es to ma intenance contracts fo r county- owned e lectric t y pe write rs to transferring files among municipal courtrooms. And the ideas ket!p coming in. Many e mployees. like $1 ,500 award winne r J ack Frabl of Huntington Beach, have three or four ideas in the hopper. Keep 'em coming m, county e mployees. The winning idea may be your own . • survives put the displaced inheritance tax refe rees to w o rk unde r the probate court system to set values on property in a n estate for a minimum fee of $25 to $50 uo to a $5.000 maximum. Pro ponents of t h e measure insist it is needed to continue the orderly administration of estates pending revision of the Probate Ccxie and that it precludes abuses that have occurred in the past. Opponents call it the last vestige of a political spoils system . State Sen . John Schmitz., with whom we have to agree for once, puts it more bluntly. Says he. "This is a raw attempt to save urn patron age jobs." Indeed it appears that way. Opinions expressed 1n the space abOve are those of lhe Daily Pilot. Other views e x· pressed on this page are those of their authors and art 1sts. Reader comment 1s invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone 1714! 6-'2·-'321. L.M. Boyd/ Lights out The high cost. of electricity has prompted numerous building managers, i n c l uding c ampus caretakers, to turn off the lights. Brings to mind the observation of Thomas F.di.son: "Colleges shouldn't have to choose between lighting their buildings and e nlightening their students.'' Little better than 40 percent of all the pape.r money afloat ln this country now is in $100 bills. Fifteen yea.rs ago that was true of only about 2 1 percent. Of 1.284 consecutive births, only 32 arrived on the expected dates. Late arrivals, 827. Early arrivals, 425. Theae figures come out of a California atudy. They indicate there's only about one chance in 40 that a baby will be born on the date the doctor predlcb. And almost twice as many bebiea are born late as early. Q. Why ia the amount of alcohol in liquor called lta "proof?" . A. Becauae early sellers offered "proor• ·Of the alcohol content. They O RANGE COA ST DailJPilat c; --~·-.. ~ ..... . ~''~:·"·· ..... '"' ,.., .. Ill ...... , '" "'..... . . used liquor-soaked gunpowder They lit it. If it burned, they satd, that was 100-percent proof it was 50-percent alcohol. Evidently they figured it sounded better to say "100-percent proot•• than to say "50-percent alcohol." Promoters have been known to think that way. Milk and cookies come out first in o ne ranking, anyhow: as the moat preferred bedtime snack. Q. Where in the Bible does it say you're not s upposed to talk when you dine? A. That's in the Talmud: "Eating should be done in silence ... "It's not treated as a matter of reverence, but of safety. To prevent ch oking on food Is it true that som e women who routinely color their hair find It difficult to make the color take when they're pregnant? Such is the claim of one hair exper\. Q. How many times wu Eniland'a Queen Victoria pregnant? A. Nlne. ThorN11 P. Haley Pub II sher Tltomas A.""'""""'' Editor 11r1Nra KrtH•lc" EdUorl•I Pao-ldllOr . . -. PLO thugs ravage Lebanon OCCUPIED LEBANON -Israeli's accusation against the PLO as a rogue elephant whose a rms and swagge r created resentment a nd fear in L e banon 's largest cities was no fabricat1on. That ~ clearer as the initial shock of the Israeli invasion diSStpates and the Lebanese, picking up the threads of life. start talking. THE PLO WAS was born o ut of Israell's statehood in Palesune and its later occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. creating generations of refugees. Once incorruptible, i ts extraordinary su~ in accumulating arms and money despite poLitical failure to retrieve part of its land has made the PLO itself an occupying power -a· power without responsibility The a mbit ion o f the PLO - Palestinian self-determination on the West Bank -remains an exemplary cause that President Reagan may soon decide needs redemption. But the PLO's methods of attaining it in Lebanese cities we visited up to Beirut tend to support Is rael's claim that the PLO has become penneated by thugs and adventurers. "The worst elements in the PLO took over fro m the best," a Chr istian Lebanese surgeon told us in Sidon. A whiff of decaying flesh was in the air from bodies rotting under tons of debris bulldozed ort the main streets. We encountered the s urgeo n by chance. We asked him how the people of Sidon like the Israeli invad e rs . His answer: "If you want to know, come to my farm and !14*' " The farm , o n a s trategic hilltop overlooking the harbor, had been taken over without negotiation, compensation or advance n otice by local PLO commanders in 1974. The house was litter~ with the refuse of six years - filthy unifonns, broken chairs, slogans r:..r:; 1-,-•• -.-.-n-1-1 ~ !- on the walls. That was the least of it. Two small barns were packed with munitions, guns, dynamite. detonators, even made-in-Americ.a helmets still in their crates. Hidden 1n the o rc hard were two heavy-artillery pieces. In a shed in the pig pen were do:iens of unopened cartons of hand grenades. The wreckage of 12 automobiles. said by the surgeon-farmer to have been "requisitioned" by the PLO down in the city, littered the front yard . "You ask how do we like the Israelis," the doctor said. "Now you can see. Compared to the hell we have had in Lebanon, the Israelis are brothers." While the PLO occupied and ravaged his farm, the surgeon-farmer lived in a small downtown apartl)1ent. But for the 60,000 Lebanese in Sidon (a population that had s w e lled with 240,000 Palesunian refugees by the ttme the Israeli army arrived). surv1vmg the PLO was anoth~r kind of hell. A young teacher told us about 1t. A Shi'ite Moslem, she had Jost an uncle killed in the lsraeh 11was1on. Her brother was being held by the Israelis. That would seem to be reason for anger, but there was none .. We have not been able to keep our schools open," she told us The PLO toughs made classrooms too dangerous. Gu ls wert· molested. Schools shut down With her wen• three other young Lebanese A Marontte Christian. a Shi'ite Moslem and a Sunru Moslem Each m tum told a s1m1Jar story an apartment taken over by lhe PLO, cars stolen, thievery in town up by a recorded 5,000 percent. vineyards and orchards ruined ISRAELI SOLDERS were conspicuous everywhere in Tyre and Sidon on our June 22 visit They represented a totality of military power inconceivable to the onJy people contiguous to the Jewish state never -until June 6 -invaded by the might of Israel Yet, in the 1wo cities of Tyre and Sidon, there is reason to believe the Israeli casualty count: a total 250 killed and Jess than 1,000 wounded Perhaps those low casualties had some impact on the Lebanese when the shooting stopped. Perhaps the final outcome in Beirut will change opiruons even here. Bui that seemed unlikely. More probable m the aftennath of the Lebanese mvas1on is this. The PLO is Justly accused of a grave disservice to the people who took them m here and to the people they represent. To them.selves. the disservice IS greatest of all Here's one unemployment solution I wasn't m the least surprised to find in the mail an engraved card from Hiram Frogg University which read: ··w e regret to infonn you that the 98th Comme n cem e nt Exercises, scheduled for June 15. have been canceli?d due to lack of interest." · I RECALLED the shambles created at last year's commencement by Chancellor Hiram Frogg's address entitled, "The Challenges You Will Face as You Go Forth into the World." The chancellor was scarcely 20 minutes into the challenges when the entire senior class bro k e and ran, shedding caps and gowns as they fled, hiding in trees, chaining themselves to statuary and chanting, "Hell no! We Won 't Go!" It was 48 hours before campus pohce could round up the last of them and heave them bodily out the gates. And with the economy in far worse shape this year, I could see why no student in his right mind would even consider graduating. Unfortunately, I figured without our son, Mordred, who JUSl happens to be a senior at Frogg U. There he was at our door wtth a bag of dirty laundry and a defiant look in his eye. "Mordred," I said. "you've flunked out." "No. Dad," he saJd, "l simply felt that ~~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ ~. ART HOPPI 1 after four years of college it was time for me to leave those cloistered halls and go ·out and get a job." A job! That lud always was a born troublemaker. "Mordred." I said, trying to reason with him, "with unemployment at 9.5 percent, your mother and I could never hold our heads up again if you took away a job bagging groceries from some middle-management executive with a wife and children to support. "But I'm sick of college," he said. "l want to get out into society and make Scandal feared more than s in Though ts at Large: -The "cult of respectability'' is the unacknowledged religion of most people. who fear scandal more than sin, and whose aim is not so much to do well as to be well-thought-of. (Which is doubtless why J esus sought out the company of the disreputable). -More wives know the power of speech than understand the power of IYlllY HIRlll silence: for what ls called "sulkJng" ln domes tic discord is often a treater weapon to bring a huaband to terms than a waaing tongue. which only stltfona hia obduracy. -~t we loo.tly call "the outltde world" ta more a refioctlon of ow.Iv. lhan we realise: \he aenaiUve per.on Uvoe Ln 1 world of anubl and .U,hta, the f..,.,ul penon ln • wor)d of ...-U-1 lhe IWIDldoui pttlOft ln I world of demltl and I.hi IJ'UP.'1\1 P'l'IDn In a wodd ol pwd: lot whl\ Wt c..rm ",...Ut.11' II mo1t11 1 rtfractlon of our OVfft ptr1on1Jl\IH In &h• prt1"' of th• uni Missionaries of any sort have always left m e cold. for if a man (or woman) practices h is or her native religion faithfully, he is doing better than 90 percent of the commlllUcants of the converting religion. -Despotism is always bound to fail, for the reason given a century ago by Disr aeli, when that shrewd prime minister observed: "No government can be long 9eCW'e without a formidable opposition." -Driving through the city's slums up through the exclusive suburbs and observinl the garagec on the grounds, I waa reminded of the wry remark made by Emat August, the Elector of Hanover, on seeing Louis XIV 's stables at Veraalllea: "Lea chevaux du roi de France aont mieux loges que mol" - ''The hot"llM of the king ol France are better howed than l.'' (And 300 ye•n llt«r. &he autol of the rich are better hcnad than the f&mllj91 of the poor). -Wh1l mak e• 10 many popular ~t.tnalner9 take IO drink and dn.lp la tht deep~ betWeef1 the public percep\lon of lhtm and their own prlYll\e lrup of tMnllv.. -n.. who .,.. alwaya H~N lht wonl dOi\'t know how to haNtle lht ~when It bet.U. lhtm, Md UilUAlly m.11.e \he ~ of u -• .., •Qmp&e of the lf.tullUllnt PfVpMcy. something or myself " "You don·t even have your bachelor's degree yet," I protested. "You can't hold a Tupperware party without a B.A." "I'd have 1t by now," said Mordred grumpily, .. if they hadn't changed Frogg U from a four-year college to a five-year college." "And next June, if things haven't improved. they're going to make it a six-year college." I said. "ln fact, there's talk of raising the mandatory school attendance age from 16 to 25 in order to keep you young no-goods off the streets and out of the unemployment lines." "But what am I going to do at that dumb university?"' "Get a decent education. Who knows? With a couple of M.B.A 's and a Ph.D. you could aspire to become a keypunch operator. After all. h ave you taken Algebra V yet? Or French XVII?" "It's a bore." "Well, think of your sports career. There's no reason you couldn't red shirt m field hockey for several more years." MOR DR ED HESITATED. "We ll, okay," he said at last. ''But at least let me t ake t h e summer off That place is drivmg me up the wall " I shook my head. "Impossible," I srud firmly "We allow you off campus and the first thing we know , you 'l) be sneakmg out behind our backs to take a job stuffing napkin holders ln some all- mght cafeteria." "Honest, Dad," he pleaded, "I promise I won't even look for work. I'll just lie around the house all day watch..i.ng ~ vee and scarfing leftovers out of the 'frige'." Oh, he sounded sincere. But I know Mordred. He dreams great dreams, but he lacks self~pline. So l called the e&mJ*S police and had them take him back unUl the economy improves. l wonder If the curriculum includes French XXvtJ'> lllllY Ill With all the abule and risk police and other public 11rv1nta have to take now1d1y1 will th• Um. come when nobody wtU want co apply for the~? BYITAHDD -----~~~~~~~-"-~~~~~~-------...--------------------------------'------ • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tue1dey, June 29, 1982 ~------------------------------------------YCIUl19'f----·pen---,.,--,·clul--ing--•~---------------------...:----------------------:--.~:IO'::".(ff):::':.,..:::N<::°'.~:::::::::-----~---: .. ::-.::,=~: .. :,f\a:::P:1:~:d:*:",:.,~ 11 I ...,It\\ -EVEtM- ...... NIWI WONOlft WOMAN Wonoer Women matq\19<• lldet ... ,_ bfkl• hon eymoonlng •t • llMllh af>9 to pnMN1t • group ot Wei· tore from obtlllnlflO • oov· ernment eee1tt • T'H91AM' A OWi wT\O Cleima to l>e Hit• I••'• deughter H•k• Simon'• pralectlon from hwputa!WI 1 1.W.A.T. HAWAII l'M-4 A foreign egent •1.poM1 Mc:Gerrett to Ille poeelbill· ly OI germ wet1.,. end ll'la IOA of H1w1111·1 eugar crop. ID HUMAHl'TIE8 THN>UOH THE A"TI "Ouwn1 An lml11llon 01 Lile" CJ) C88NlW9 1~= •;, "Sk1111own U S A " ( 1979) Scott Beto. Oreg Bradford. A 111noeome young 111a1w latte tn love at Iha looal rollar-<lleco rink, wher• ha 11 challenged by • atreet gang IM<lllf In a champlon1hlp conteal 'PO' OMOVIE • * *'"' "On Th4I Town" (1950) 0-Kelly, Fran~ Slnatta A trio of talion team up wtlll a IOI Orl- and en antllropol0gl1t to find• bMutllut gN1 whoM picture Is displayed In tl'la aubway 1:::10. HUMAN FACE Of' ~ "On9 Hundred Enl8'laln- ment1" A tra....ilng acro- bellc troupe le profiled, Nlu1traUng Iha imp0(1ance of entwtllnm41nl In Iha li"9I 01 111e c111,_ peo- ple (R) ID AMENCAH GOVEAHMEHT "The living Con1Utut1on" CJ)Q!NEWS tII 8AAHEY Miu.EA Barney and hit men become 1kep1ica1 about Ille p<eclncl'e new Oetec- llve 7:00 8 C88 NEWS D N8C .. EW8 9 l<UNOFU Cline ttrugglee 10 aave • )'OUng woman from or~ tddle11on • A.llCNEW8 e KOJAI( Kojllll la thwarted by Ille FBI In his eflortl 10 nab Iha llualw murdwlt' of • pollclmen • w•A•8 •H Ptychl•lrlsl M•tot Freed- man comes to Ille uytum that Is the 40771h to clear hit t-o and finds releeM In 1t1 unique form ol lnaanl· ly. I JOl<Dt'S WILD G IM 18INIES8 REPORT CJ) p .1111. MAGAZIHE 9 ENTERTAaNMEHT TONGHT An lnteMaw with Rl<;haro Stmmona. a nt1: MUPf>ET8 Gu.1: Rudolf Nu1eyev (C)MOVIE *. * "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957) Andy Orll· 11th, Patricia Neal A detel· let ooee from • 1•11 cell 10 national recognjllon on Iha strength of hi• humor and mutlcal tei.nt ail MOYIE • • "Salurd•y Thi t•th" ( t981) Rlcherd S.Ojamln, Pau18 Pranllu A~ di.co-lhll Iha llOuM ttiey'w lnhertled la bl4ng occupied by v1mplre1. glloaU and uaorted mon- rtws. 'PG' (%)MOVIE * * 'A .. Something FM Thi ~ .. ( 1944) Vivian Blalne, CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 l(NXT CCBSI 0 I) l(NBC INBCl z 9 l(TLA llnd l .. e )<ABC IABCl c D KFM8 CCBSI IJ J 11J KHJ· TV llnd. I n?J CID KCST (ABC) t • KTTV (Ind.I s 'e KCOP· TV I Ind I Ct .• KCET <P8Sl Cl e KOCE tPBSI TITLE ROLE -Edward Jamee Olmos stars in the title role of "The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez,'' a docu-drama, tonight at 9 on KCET. Pwry Como. Anny wt.... 1<8 Qiv.o a home by lhrM ~ wtio reno11111 en Old Southwn plantetlon. 7:30 II 2 ON THE TOW.. Featured • min whO 11111 eutogrep1>1 tor 11 mucll 11 S50,000; a man who finds 1oc1tlon1 '°' lllm produc- llon compenlnes, • look at thl Atari plant to -whit goes 1n10 cr11t111g the video g1"'*8. 0 Qt FAMILY FEUO D EYE~LA. Featured: '"' Nini BIBl'lC· herd modeling agency; • looll 11 p<olaulonal extru; a trip lo P1lm Springs. • w·A·s·H Fether MulGlhy wrltaa • pre-Chr11tmu letter home to 11111111 ... I T1C TAC OOUOH MACNEIL / l.EHMA REPORT G MOHEYt.W<E.RS ··succeaa 1n The Stock Marker · CJ) 8ASE8All S111 Diego Padres II LOI Atlgeles Codgers !II YOO ASKED FOR IT FNtuted "J~ Klle Wlrlara .. CH) WHAT ON EARTH Orlon e..n host• lhl• IHl·pecad. llCl·lllted &el· "1CI aeries ~ IEGINNEA 011 In 1t11pe, looll good, end feel gr111 with thla phyalcll 1111-1 program. ~ IJ UHIVEASE Wlltll' Cronkite report• on various occurrencaa end phenomena In thl world of ICilrloe. D Q! IMT MAWNCK Outllrll II tried for murder In • modi ttlal held lft• h0ur1 at the Red Ox Sak1on. (RI • MOYIE ••-.. "~o" (1N8) S-Connety, Brigitta 8ardot A loner ....... I group ot arlllocr111 from Indian llt«* aft .. def911- lng the Apedle Chief• aon rn a 11pt11 D 0 HAl'f'Y °" Y8 Juet as .Joenll ii ready to go study. ChlChl decidle lo pl1y 1111 flald (R) 0 fil MOVIE "S1mmy Somebody .. ( t975 Suaan Strubetg, Jan SterMng A young min becomes Involved with Iha mob end eoon rlaes to power Oul find• hlmaelf In !rouble When he can'I tull- 1111 hla obllgahon• CD P.M. MAGAZJHE Arnold SchwarianGQget 1elll1 about ·conen TM Be1b1nan"; lhl history of 11'11 Gwber Baby Food Company ti) MOVIE * * * "AH&Ull . 0" A ~ .. (1966) Frllllll Sin•- '''· Vlma Lill A women end her COhorta recondl- llon 1 Germen aub;.,,.lna to uae In their robbery Of lhaO-Mary fl) DAHGEA UX8 'Digging Oul" Tha squad Is called ou• to dlton111 a born!> In 111 _.,,ICUlted llC· On T\I Z TV H80 (C1nemaxl (WORl NY , NY IWTBSI <ESPNl 1snow11me1 Spot1191'11 (Cable News Nt'tworkl 1aty (Part 7)(R)Q G HIOVA "locust; Wer Without End" Fiimed In Europa end Afrtca. IOfM of man'a Ill· •t att«npll lo rid hlmlllt of Ille locull 111 examined (R)Q Clf)MOVIE * • "Goin' Ape" ( 1081) Tony Danz.a, Jaaalc• Wal· ,.,. Th,.. Ofangutan1 hold the l)UIM ltrlngl 10 8 $5• million lnhetltence. ·po· (J)MOVle • • o;, "Zorro, Thi Gay Bl1d1" ( t981) Georg• HamHton, Leu1en Hutton Thi hl<olc aon of old C1ft· lornl1'1 f1mou1 juetlca flgllt., la lncepacltlled by • r1dlng kijuf"y. f()(clng hi• loppillh brolhw to don thl cape Ind mlUI 'PO' DMOVllt: * • "flguraa In A lend· ICIPI" ( 1970) Rob1r1 $1\aw, MllColm McDowell In an unnamed country, two "*' llM their mltl1ary pu,_. In !hi hope lhll 11\ey can rlleh lhe border bl!Me capture 'PG' t:310 8 THI TWO M' UI Btentwood comaa up wltll I lltled Englllhman 10 be Nan'1 houleguelt. (R) 8 0 L.AVIRHE AHO 9HR.EY Shirley convlnc;et Carmina to walk down Iha 11111 with hw.(RIO • OOOCOUPLE Fell• brings home '" abandoned baby, much to 09car'• dlscomhtur•. ail THe G0UJEN AGE OF TEl..EWMOH "No Time FM SerG99nta" A.My Griffith portreya • Georgia boy wtio, once Inducted Into 1111 Army, Mii the mllttwy on Ill HI Cl)WCMIE *... "Thi Gong ShOw Movie" (1980) Chuck Ben1a, Robin Allmtn. A TV hoet mull tonland wfth • var<•ty of obttacl11. Including natworll centora. to put logelhw I oollectlon of t>turra act• tor hll allow. 'R' t:OOG MOYIE * • * "Wlllll Mama" ( t980) 81111 Devi•. Erneet Herden Jr To mlk1 and• ,,_t Wllhe>ut hiving 10 eccept W*lflrl payment•. an aging widow tllkM In • ltreetw!se youth u a bolt· Cler (A) D Q!CAS81UCO. ' Casale 1nvetllg81e1 an Insurance clelm when e boll 11 lou"d adrift with no llgn ot lie owner D <!1J THREE'S COMPANY Jeck wrestles with hll con- aclence when he be1t1y1 • fellow chit. (A) 0 • MERV OIWFIH Gunt1 Pet., BenGhlly, .Je<ry \Ian Oyk1, C1t1m1ty Jane, Allison Amgrlm 9 AMENCAN PLAYHOUSE "Th• Belled o l Grago· rto Cortez" Edward Jemes Otmoe 11era tn an Ofiglnlll play blMCf on • lollt belled •bout 1 legandwy gun bit· Ill ~ I T111&1 thertff and 1 Maxk:M-Amartcan. i, DANOER UXll 'Digging Out" Thi 9QUld 11 Citied out to oetoneta 1 bomb In "" IYllC\ltlled llC· tory.JPwt 7)(A)0 9'.JO. 9 TOO Ct.OSE FOR OOWORT H«Wy IMCll 10 '"' -of Jactlle'a engagement in • quite unexpected man. ner. (R) (1:)MOV1E •"A Chenga Of Seaeon1" ( 1980) Sllltley Mac:Lelne, A11thony Hopkln1. A mid· ctt.-aoad C009le try out ll'aUOOLE -Btue Dlvll ( .. ft and DlMn Hedcart NI' In .. White Mimi," about 1 widow •trualll\I to make tndl rMeL Movie aJn taftllht at 9 on KNXT (2). mounttlnvaottlOn 'R' TUBE TOPPERS ~1 LAQnerd H•rrl• IOoll• LH)I' (19&3t °"''"on (II) WAIT UN'T1l Q4M 11 the MOYIM, tpel;iela "111 Haaton, 8uMn M1pwd Kelhetlne ,.o... ltaoy epon1 _,, COMlllf I.Ip AnOtw JIClleot ''*""'' KMGfl Ind Jolhua 1rt1111 on Hoinl IClll Ofllee to 11ow 11111 11\11 .nt t• lier 111 'redlltleil knoll'• 9llO (JO lillOVtl lnn-t OI IOlln•llklv• ""'*'" «WN '""' • K.NXT (2) 9:00 -"Whl"' Mama." Bette u "HoQ wld" (1N01 •Cl\al•~·· ........... "' ...... >'°""I lllncl WOIMll tenor· Davi.a lt&.rl ln ato..v about an a'"'"'' widow '•11 O'~.,,.,.._, MlollMI " ......... ~"" ll9d In hat MeMalten • ~ •".. Oielln A lllgfl ac.hOOI cam-Comtnat1d" ( tt& 1) WIHlaM ..,_,,lft9j\, by uw.. "*' who takes in a 1treetwlae youth ws a Pl.II -.oi-'"" •lafllnO HOldaft. N1110¥ o.oa. " •H•clllng 101 hlC1d1n boarder. Photo, below. poltlt '°' wtld I>'"'"' 11\d N1vy w b COf?lmanOlt 11 dNga TIOld 11 the l'ec>-hilarity wtlltl -11 CIMll-plegued With Mll•doubl perdlnl Collage T'Mllra In d f cut young.I.,• dlc:ldl lo c;onoernlng 1 put ~t M .. bll, 011111 KC ET ( 2 8 ) 9 : O O -"Th e Bo 11 a o ••• Oii • "PWdY "'°'QfGY-~ coet -(l'ltl1 ..., cm ...... Gregorio Cortez. Edward Jamee Olmoe Cll oq. 'PG' Nwt,. Ian V•eeri, WNllWll 1<111, ... 1.. M xi American ln 0~ pl.av ot:JO (l)MOYll (I)• •• ,. "ChuChuAlld MMthe ~ Md Chlta ..-)'I e can }~ ~ ,_. "Sklletown U 8 A .. Thi Philly AMII" {tHJ) Nwlrl llM In t~ Tony a.bout 8 lejendary gun battle. p Oto, eft. (1971) Scott ~· q r"ll Alan Anon, C..ol 811•~ AW.,Cl•Wll\l\lnO mu11011 l•eOIO<CI ~ ltalld.ome All~ .. "*~- that 11tOM • .,,,,.°'.. KA.BC(?) 1000 H .. -to Hart'' The )'OUl'lgtiltt••11•1111o ..... , bell p11~.,.. ».110o1wy ... ,oh for lwlllllment. : -4111 • ' thl IOcal •Ollar·dleoo rink, "' ... eni.t111net becofTla TtptCS 11 Ol\tMlo'• Hfllllll. Harta are left an apparently worthless wn.r. 111 ''~by pennar1 1n 1 ~ to tonl'leoe. Stamp by 8 Collect or before he is • ltrltl gang~ In I ma• moM'I' by rt1U'ln1119 .. D a fl\AMIHCIO "°40 -urde~. ch1mplo111hlp con II It I Iott IUllcaM IPG' Mtcl\Mt TY!'-Mdl<a Illa •oy nN ·PO' 11::80 (C) • • llt;, "Thi M\'llo t>.11k to forecloM on thl 4:IO. VOYAGlt:TOTHJ Men" (1962) Roj>ett Pt ... Weldoll ,.,.,Md L-and KOCE (~0) 10:00 -Jane Fonda, Vanessa IOTTOMOf'Tl41MA •on. s111ti.y JOt*. A, .. ,. ma.m ~".:'co!~~ Red i rave star In A ca demy ... ~a.ion" :1~::,~·,=~ ~ :: • e ..we Award-wiJWng film. • * "Sao\Klty Al~" 110541 or91fl',. 1 bO)'t' I>~ ano HART TO HART John 11111nd. boroth)I l1111dvtor19"tly ltlll In love • ........, ..... '" • ••·•~ with en unm1rried lbtlvl· .......... , befor9 ,,. ,. mur• tn\.Movtt t .... Md "'OCluQ.loll ~-,.....,.._. cleted, ' NfllP ooleotor '::-''8eturdey Thi 14th" ti« ... CD MOVIE en • t11ve1 en tpp.,enlly (tNt) Richard 1en1a-•-, 1:00.IMcMe * • "Huaty" (t980) Helen 9 *• *' .. ~~lmfMS$/lll-~..._.. et-w110. ,..... ,_,_, Mluen, John ShH A ,., .. ( 1970) .,.,.ting ~ _ .. _ -·... '' ,... P-.... --1111 A"""''.... *** "E..._ Of Doom'' Thie Hett• (A)Q -...... . ........... ....._. n•ghtc;lub hOllHI Jefferaon Altpl-• MOYll dltoowr that Ille houle ( 19501 o.n. Andr-. F11-becomet Involved wtt11 , ~tary ol IM f\olllng ***Y. "JuN1'' (1tn) tfley'¥9 '"'*11«1 19 belnt ~ ~· my1111lou1 u"darworld St~•· tllell A(l'Wic,.n Je na 'onda. VenHu ocoujMed by vamplrM. • _,.,,,.. auoc1111 who la •hf"let· '°"" lneludM-* ot tl'll ~....._ Wrtter Ullen ~ end -1ed mon-* * * * "The M.an Who lfled 1>y '* mvtderou1 ,.. rioting and murde< II an HelltnM " dteMI lrlto the ~!.~ Shot Ublrty VlllaM•" to..... Aftemotll Speedw.,, .... UotJ ......... 11962) JamM s 1-ar1, concer1 llleln thrWt Of ~ • • "'rtneh l/lbtlllonl" John W1yne. 1:00 * • 11'1 "Thi SuMvor" reeiltMCUtlfOIUwt\en '* ( 1979) Marytlne Gulltauma, 1:10. MOYIE (18'1) Rot>ert Powtt, Jen. doMll ctlildhood friend Crlt Mll1ln Tllrw women *'A "The TouchablH" ny AQuller A pilot 9ll<"YI,... Malla her help 111111Ille-8'>11rlment '" ( 1998) Jud~ Huateble, 1 cataattopttlc t47 creall CJ) THI! N>OTI M' ''*' _,c;n '°' lultflMmenl Eathw Andweon untcretched and -relies ..ca< 'N' ..OU , Ct MOVIE 9 NlWI '°' tl'la man •HPOf19/ble. "Rock Slerlt Rolllng' • * t;, "Slly Al You A1e" 1:20 (%)MOVIE 2:00 0 • a* "No NuklS" ~ost: Ft1:.klaFI A~110"· ( 1980) Marcello Mutrol•n-* * * "Why Would I Lie?" ( t980) Jec1<1on Brown•. ueeta. T ~mngoa, nl, Nutual• Klnlkl. A (1980) TrHt w 11111m1. Liu Wednt-•dCJf,.# Cro.by. Still• & N81h Tl'll Cr"'"':· °'~: m11tlacl, ml<Jdla-agad man Elchhofn. A compulal"* Day• hne Mov ies Foot1g1 of a Mrlel of anti. Jack. 111 ""'· lmblfkl on en etfllr wtth • llar up1111 1111 1111u1 quo nueleat power COflCe(tl :~~":ri,;.•6!,c;::;;::; teen-age girl """° m•v be ~po'". 1111relU11l10 conto1m lleld In New York City dur- Jun1or1, Carl Plfkln1. (P1n refitedlohlm. -MORNl«J-Ing Sep1emb1r, 1979, I) 11:45 D a THE llE8T OF 1:ao ct)MOVIE teeturlng lhl OoOOle CARSON • • "Thi \lltltor" ( t978) 1:00 CID * * * "SHvlf StrMk" Brotil•r•. C11ly Simon, (1)3a8AOMPT~ Hoit: Johnny C1r10", Mel Farr.,, JOhn Hu11on (1978) o-Wiider. Jill James T1ylor a"d Bruce ~ Ou11te· LIZa Mlnn1111. An 1nci.n1 trom • dletan1 Clayburgh. A mild SPflno•tMn. 11 complied In g MOVIE Angla Olcklnaon, 0-ge galoy c-to Elrlh to m1nnered ooolo. edlto1 11111 documentary 'PG' * *"" "ChU Cbu And Thi MNlar. Nedra \IOU IA) daliroy In evil 8-year-old 1ccld1n11lly become• Cl) *'II "Tl1e Gong Show Philly Fluh" (1981) Al CI> MOVIE gin whO la d•tlneel to be lnvOIYlcl In 1 llnlltll' en Movl1 • ( t 980) Chuck A ill CarOI Bu :: * * t;, "Thi lmmorlll Illa motha< Of I powerlul, tlllaf's blurr1 plot during t 8er111, Robin Altman A T\I tit ' rneb "· n BIC:helor" ( 1979) MonlGI malevotenl t1C41 'R' crou-<:ountry train ride hOsl mull contend with a tJcohoHc '°'""' ... oa11 1/1111, 01-~ario Giannini rm .--...... ..... ~ook st eet --\DJ...,•~ 'PO' va11ety of obSlacles. ..-YI' .,.,. 8 ~ 'I' 1 On trial fOf murdering her • * "Gol11 Ape" ( 1981) 1:30 ct) "Thi Magnlllcenl Hui· Including netwOfk oenlO•a. entlftlllnw :::::;' ~-hUll>and. • belutllul wld· Tony Oenia. JeUica Wll-t .. " ( t978) George H•mil· to pul together • ccillect1on '*' In 1 IC ~ m 1 ow enth11H1 thl juf"y with tar Threa 1Yengutan1 hold Ion. Oavtd Kyte A young ot b1Hrre eels '°' njs rnoraey by relur.~.,. • IOsl her remamorencea of ha< u tultClll. 'PO' the purse strings lo a • .,. boy trlea lo eapose hll enow R (%)MOVIE PISlionlll domnuc Ille mllllon Inheritance PG' step-lather Who 11 lrymg to 3:00 (f4) *'\"On The Aignt * * "H~"(l980) Helen 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT 0 MOVIE sllll his Inheritance Treck (1981) Gary Co!e- Ml<r9", JOhn SIWll TOHtOHT *' .. "lle>tlld<" 119781 Mer-0 * * * "No Nuk•' man MochHI l emt>eck A to21 e NEWS An lnll<Vlew with Alehatd geu1. f11m1ngw•y. Anne ( t980) Jeck eon Browne eoclll worker tries to hnd • 11:GO. D. CJ) 9 a Simmon• Bancron A lop '""'°" Croaby. Slllls & N81h nOfml l home tor a lr•ln NEWS D 9 FAHTMY ISL.AHO mooet 11 llumltt1teo Ind Footage Of 1 _ ... ot 11111. 111t10t1 s11oas111ne bOy with O IATUN>AY NtOHT Four young WOm41n re1urn lruttrated by her untoe-llucielr pow. COlle«11 a 111en1 101 p!Cklng lhe Hoat· Gary ~-Guest. to. time wfllfl 111• WU fun c;ealul lll""Pt• to sen-held In New YMk Q ty dur-ponila 'PG Eubl• Biika, Gregory and g-. and• mirrlecl ,.,_ the man WhO raped Ing Sep11mber, 1979. 3:30 C.C) • * 'Wh111 Waler Hlnw. couple try to •elclndte Iha her to prison 'R' tillurlng 1he Ooob11 Sam Keltll Lersen A D YOU~FOAIT flame.(R) 1:461Q!NEW8 Brothers, C1rly Simon, mountain min 1ravela the F _. "lndl · H .. MOVIE 2:40 NEW8 J-T•""'-and Bruce Northwesl with his hulky Htur,...; • • uman * * * "Tha Whlll Cllfts 01 r·~ p I" d "ln1101 MOVIE Sprlngataan. Is compiled tn searching 10< lhe gr11t rllZI an , Covar" (1944) l11n1 •• "The H11tM" (1980) thlsdocumenllry 'PO' while waler roule SOUlh if1>~!A~~ldt.' Dunne, Ptilll' L1wt0<0. An Trlah Van o.v.re. Joseph (%) * * "Siience 0 1 The! ·o· Col. POttll' and Cllartes A"*lcan wom1n living In Cotten. A tehoollucher North" ( t98 t) E~en Burs-(ZJ • * "Siience OITl>I becoma ttranga bedfel· England •wall• ,_. 01 trlae to recovlt' lrom •net· tyn, Tom Skerrltl In t919 Nontl'" ( 1981) EJ•en &rs· lows when th•y come her aon. whO I• fighting In vou1 brNkdown at her late a young woman's marriage IY"· Tom Skernll I" 1919. down with 1111 mumpa. WMld War II, 1un1'1 home, which IS 1o 1 tr1PP1• leads her to a a you119 woman's marnage e IENNY Hill. e LOVE, AMENCAH be9legec:I by demons. 'PG' Ille of hard Ship In tha wit. 10 1 trapper leads her to • Benny trlal his hand H a STY\..E 2:46 G HEWS dlt'nesa of nonl>ern C1n•· Ille of hardtnlp In lhe w1I· -annoutlClr '"love And Thi Image • MOYIE di. 'PO' dlfnen of northern Cana· Mlllwa" M•Yo<alty unctl-• • ,_. "Thi Bndga Of San 10:00 CID *•* "The Grfft 01 ·po· :.V WfTHOISIEAHO dllaa John and Joanne lult Ally" (t944) Lynn Muppet Ceper" (19811 4:00 8 • * "lmpult>on" "Convarutlona With !ifM to 1 debate 8111, Francia Laderer Charles Grodin, Diane (1972) A1e11noro Rey. Gr-And Jamaa Boggi'" St UN:IERSTAHDIHO a. e MOYIE Rigg. Kwm1t, Fozzll and Kllher•ne Justice A scan- Th• hu1b1nd·•nd-wlfe ~T'"-"'-·~Vt()fl * * ''Klllet Shat1c" (11150) Gonzo trece • tabulous dal wupll wt>an ~ Ing dllcua heir ,,. .,._, Roddy McOowll, lalKl1t• sto6en jewel to London 01 the 1nternelional fll Ml wrH lawn ..._ ~ ~ 9 Cl) WKllP IN LUU. A tl\ettl boll la till-nor\**•* "F1ti-01 becOm1 1nvo1Yad tn I tnur· r_,t booll Ind o .. -.,_ CtNCINNATI ......, thought• on Mt• "' Amari-out by • roung man on • Tha Brlde'. ( 1950) Spencer d8' CIM Johnny F-·· dlUQllto< vecatloll Treoy, Elinbeth Tll'jllof.. ll (~1t *'"' The~ (i} ~ iltl<>WI up unaiqMlciedty •t 0 MOYIE '"'-eapartenoea aH ot wemors Gallllng' ,-,... * • * "Strlc>ft" ( t98 ll 8llt lfll stlllotl (R) * • "Flgutaa In A Land· the joyl and lleedaches mlled A ~ul roOOt Murrey. H1rold Remis A 12:80 B OOUPl.E8 •cape" ( 1970) Robert lnvOlvect with Ille prepatl· defends Earth wtllfl 11 is New YMk cebble 1oo1ong A '""' 11 engared by hit Sh9w, MMlOlm ~ tlonl '°' 1119 dtughler'1 111rea1eneo by King Oar1115 tor excll-t conw-Qlrftrlend's Htr-jealoly tn an unnerned oountry, ~wedding 1no Ille De1th Horror Ill• baat f"-d to Joif1 llim of otllet -""° mw1 llM thllt military 10:11 (Z) *•~"Something FM Corp In ltlllltlng tn tlMI u .S • HEWS pur-. In the hope that The Boyt" (1944) Vivian 0 *a "Goin' .\Pl'" Iv 'R' 12:40 8 CJ) MCCLOUD they can raec:tl the border Blllne, Parry Como Army (1981) Tony Canu. JeSSlca t t:30 8 "& ~ A fellow detecilw ac:cu-before capture. 'PG' w1v. are given 1 home by Wlllll' Three Of8flOU11m McCIOu<I ot l11terfwlng with Cl) MOVIE tllrea coualna who reno-hold thl purM llrlngs to • Country music star Jerry NI ln"'8t"'1tlon of a loan * SI Ot T .. Reed drope by 1111 dlfllf lo "' * .. lence .. e vate an old Soulhern plen-S5·mllllon lnhen11nc1 visit hit old blbyllttar Ao lherk. (RI Nor1h" ( t981) Ellan Burs-talion. 'PG' (R) t2:45 D a LATE NIGHT wrrH tyn. Tom s~-ttt. In t919, 10'.30 CC) ••• "MMg1nl" !:00 (C). *. 'MMganr· D a WIM8LEOON DAVIO lETTEAMAH a young woman's marriage ( 1968) Venn111 Reograve, ( 1968) Vanessa Redgrave. UPDAT!: Oues11: lurlllvll lapatl to a trapper le1d1 hit to a David W""* A schllO· David Warner A SChtZO- A repo11 on dev~ll Tom Brown Ji · Slan Fre-1111 of hardlhlp In lhe wll· phrenlc c1n't accept lhe phren1c can'I accepl the 11 the AH-Engllnd Tennis berg, photOQrapher Annie "*',_. of northern Cena. lact that his ex-wtle I• feel that l'llS e•·wtle Is UebOvllz d1. 'PG' remarrytng and attends remartytng end •Uends ~implonllhlpe 1 ' preaeot-~MOVIE 3: 10 (C) MOVIE her wedding dreSMd as a lier wedding drMM!d as a U 9 A.BC HEWS * * "The French Woman" *a•;, "Ouadrophenla" ~rllla gorilla HIGHTUNE ( 1981) Francoise Fabian, ( t979) Phil 01nlel1, Merk U ··s .. rch And O..troy" 5: 15 CZJ * • ·~ "Somethi11g FM G MOVIE 01yte H1ddon. A bordello Winget! Mullic by The 11:4! (%) * • * "Cheptlt' Two" The Boys" (19••1 \/Man •••;, "Thi Aleurrecilon being kept open by• gov-Who A Brltl1h youth (1979) Jemes Caan. M••· Bl1lne, Plfry Como. Armr Of Zechery Wheeler'· etnm41nt sol>lldy II Iha r•jlc:1• Ille vllun of Ills Iha Mason. Soon atter his wives are given • home by ( t97 ti Angla Qlcklnaon, IMllfMI 01 murder Ind polltl· family for Iha "lreeelom" ot wite'.s death, a writer finds three coullln1 whO reno- BtldlO#d Olltman A potlll-cal IClndll when • I/IP thl Moda. only to dlecover himself rllucltnlly falling vet1 en old Sou"'8rn P'&n· Cll figure 1, repaired al18' customer 11 PhOIOQrep/led thll lhla new IOClll group In love again •pg· lltlon 111 eutomoblle eccldent II play 'R' II .,,.,, motl conllrlctlng 12:00 fil "No Kidding" ( 1961) 5:30 0 •a ill "Ch1pter Two" 12:80 CH) MIN8f(Y'S FOU.1£9 'R' "Carry On" Ging A taml· (19191 J1rMS Caan. M1r-wtth PM1• from a "aome," Ptlytllt Oinw. Rlp Tlyl()( 3:151) MOVIE ty, ~•te '°' money, llh• M1aon Soon 111., his •' ayr1th11= and Stubl>y K1ye join Iha * • "S~lm ~ .. ( 1975) decldel to use the family wtl1'1 death. • wntm t1nds THE Mtnaky BurMlque Troupe J ...... 11 r~ Oeor,_ 11 h~ .... 1 , .... -antly t1illng George lellml !Ml cen fO# • revue IMlurlnn ban. G ....... o..... .....,,,...... • •-m1n1lon as • ho d•y 1n";:: .,,,:::n"' ·'PG· · .. k by .-. · . ., -. ,__ -1 fM -lllhy Chlldren """" -..• MTlpt ... I uan 8' ,,....,. QY·petlll comedv 11rlo-llng lnVOIWd. • LOW, AlomlllCAH l'TYLe "Love And Thi Lm .. ·· Mimi ldoret Wendell'• modUI operandi 18 I thief. .. Low And Thi Sutpielout Husblnd" Sim llu hired • detecllva to 9'l'I on his wlla • Dla<CAVETT 0.-tl: Honl Cole ll>d the Copaaetlcs. (Pert 2) (A) (1:)MOVIE * * "The Jsa Slnget" ( 1980) Nall Oltmond. LIU· tlnQe OllVlar A N-YMk cant°' bruk1 wtth llltnlly trldltlol\ and Ml• OUI 10 find lllCCIM .. • pop mulllr •••• 'PG' RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ........... ~~ 1922 HAltlOI ILVD. COST A MISA -141· 1156- JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk ~T W>S A 6REAT 5LtOE'. WHEN YOU STOLE SECOt4? 8l.St. ~·~Stlkri Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary · Theres only one FiwCrowns. 25% •F· ALL •Y CLEAll• MY ht'Thrv JULY 12* ,,,..., ..,,.,, . '-"' . ~ ,,,.. 1000 N. COAIT MIOMWAY .,-:., 414-4144 Finr dining. 111.A)l <.OASl IClt.HWAV tl')ftONA Pl l MAM l A 1n41 feO Olli ,l ~~·--_____ o_r•n_o•O_o••-tDA_ILY-PIL_OT/_T~_d•_v.J_une_ae._1H_a~~----------------------------- FORD OFFERS II FORD EXP II Ford Care glus Up-Front Cash. Only Ford offers both. UP-FRONT CASH. Take delivery of any new '82 Escort or EXP between now and July 31, 1982, and you get 5°/o of the base vehicle sticker price. You can apply this amount to your down payment or get a check direct from Ford. It's your choice. Limit one per customer. Get It together-buckle up ·. For two years or 24,000 miles -whichever comes first- virtually all you pay for is gas. This limited warranty excludes, as youc:1 expect, accidents, abuse, tires and fluids. But it does cover blades, belts, batteries, aqjustments, scheduled maintenance ... everythingl For two years no other offer covers so completely as Ford Care. Limit one per customer. FORD DIVISION ~ TO \' I ' Diiiy Piiat TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1882 CAVALCADE B2 COMICS 83 STOCKS 8!5 I TIE CIAIT AND THI COUNTY ..... __________________________________________________________________________ ..J ' :---~-s.,-~,~-~-----~\ Sgt. Vic Sagan -will be missed REMEMBERING: L aguna Beach citizens, civic leaders and professional associates said goodbye to one of their finest Monday. He was Vic Sagan, a cop. Cop isn't a term that would have insulted Vic. He'd like to be remembered that way. Sagan was just 56 years old when he died early Friday of complications from surgery. Despite those few years. he had served on the Laguna Beach Police Department for more than 35 years, ,.... having become a sworn TOM MURPHINI ~J\1, officer when . he. was a ~ ,A(\"' rosy-cheeked kid, JUSt out ---------' .... •._...__ of the U.S . Marine Corps after World War Il. He had just reached his majority. The services at St. Catherine Church. high on the hill in the Art Colony he loved, were fitting to a man who had served his community as Vic Sagan had served it. Father James Hartnett, associate pastor, officiated. More than 300 citizens were in standing-room-only attendance in the sanctuary. VIRTUALLY THE ENTIRE police force was there; 34 sworn officers; paramedics, reserves, police Explorer • STILL BOYS AT HEART -These are some of the former commodores of the Balboa Island Yacht Club who turned out for club's 60th anniversary. At left is Richard Deaver (1947). At right (from front to back) are Allan Beek (1942), Morris ~ D I . Erma Bombeclc reveals she a too loathes h er turn the dentist's chair. Page 82. .. Kirk (1944), Seymour Beek (1946), Gilbert Kraemer (1948), Robert Halderman (1950). Michael Smith (1954), Larry Stump (1956) and George Twist (1962). Club started by the late Joseph A. Beek is just for kids. Scouts, parking control officers, reserves and a goodly sprinkling of officers from other nearby departments. Former Laguna chiefs J on Sparks and Joe Kelly were in attendance. Yachting 'kids' get together And who covered the town? Three Costa Mesa police units and their sergeant, who volunteered their time. A coast toast to them. Laguna Police Sgt. Greg Bartz delivered the eulogy about his fellow Victor J. Saga.a sergeant whose gruff exterior -they called him "Pappa Bear" -belied the soft heart of a man who helped kids, counseled rookie officers and kept the peace over the years. VIC SAGAN BROKE IN on the Laguna force at a time when, in affection, you pronounced Lagunacop as one word. The tiny force called you when your dog got on the loose. They gave local drunks a ride home more often than a night in the city facilities. They knew all the kids in town by name. And they knew which ones to watch and which ones didn't need any watching. Those were the days when Lagunacops even had'lheir home phone numbers listed in the book. You think not? In 1950, Vic Sagan's home phone was 1-2998, out in Laguna Canyon. IN ALL THOSE YEARS 8.i a line patrolman, on the police scuba diving team, pistol range master, training officer, detective bureau commander and sergeant. Sagan devoted himself to the good of his community and its pe0ple. There is no higher calling. There is no recollection that Vic Sagan was ever involved in a massive shootout with bandits nor does the record suggest he singlehandedly solved some sensational crime. Police work is made up o f a lot of boredom, mixed with bad coffee. stale doughnuts and constant vigilence. It is a sore bottom and aching back from all those hours in a patrol car that smells like a mixture of perspiration, stale tobacco smoke and too many drunks in the back seat. Vic Sagan did all that. He watched generations of Laguna kids grow up; the sons getting in the same kinds of kid trouble their fathers had gotten into a few years before. INDEED, VICTOR J. SAGAN was a Norman Rockwell rendering of the American home town cop. He'd rather chew out some kid without mercy than give him a ticket. He would rather keep the peace than become a hero. Vic Sagan may have been the last of a vanishing breed. But then, perhaps many young officers will emulate his virtues. Sgt. Vic Sagan will be mtssed along this coast. Balboa Island Club opening reunites alumni from 1922 on By ALMON LOCKABEY of the D.ity Pilot Slaff Opening Day at most yacht clubs is a misnomer because the clubs are open all year around. It's an occasion for dressing up people and boats for a day of pomp and circumstance. But there is one yacht club in the Harbor Area which has never held an "opening day," despite the fact that it is cl06ed down during the fall, winter and spring months. The 60-year-old Balboa Island Yacht Oub abandoned tradition Saturday by celebrating its 60th anniversary with a colorful opening day. BIYC is the youngsters' (4-16) yacht club that, for six decades, has provided water activity - sailing, canoeing, diving and swimming. for youngsters living or vacationing on the island. Saturday's event brought together old timers who were ny:mbers of the club in their youth. On deck were many of the staff commodores, including the first, Bob Griffin, now of Inglewood, who, with the late Joseph A. Beek, started the club ln 1922. They were greeted by the present commodore Chad Clark and his staff. Also present were fourth generation members, the twin grandchildren of Griffin, Jason and Vanessa Brown. Several second and third generation members also were on hand. Gene Baum, club secretary in 1922. read letters of commendation from U.S. Sen. Sl. Hayakawa (who also donated a U.S. flag), and other st.ate and county officials. Assemblywoman Marion Bergeson presented a joint resolution of the st.ate Senate and Assembly in memory of Joe Beek, who. for many years, was the secretary of the senate. Clark introduced his 1982 staff composed of Jevon Hadley, vice commodore; Eric Vinje, rear commodore; HMthtt Manclar~ secretary-treasurer; Nancy Waters, aBSistant secretary- treasurer: Brent Jacobsen, fleet captain; Jeff Hammond, port ca ptairt, and Jeff Houston, dockmast.er. First commodore Griffin introduced his 1922 staff, Jack Crook, vice commodore; Gene Baum. treasure r , and Marie McSpadden Sands, secretary. BIYC has s pawned many world class sailors of today, including Bill Ficker, 1970 America's Cup defender: Dick Deaver, two-time Congressional Cup winner; Henry Sprague Jr., f orm er Finn C lass world champion; Barton Beek, a world Star Class sailor; George Twist, former Sears Cup winner, to name a few. Many former commodores of BIYC also have distinguished themselves in other yachting organizations . Morrie Kirk, known as "the man who can't say no" has served as commodore of Voyagers Yacht Club, Balboa Yacht Club, the Association of Orange County Yacht Clubs, Southern California Yachting Association and the Pacific Coast Yachting Association. He was BIYC commodore in 1944. Morgan L . Morgan, current commodore of Newport Harbor Yacht C lub , was BIYC commodore in 1949; Terry Welsh, commodore of Balboa Yacht Club, was a BIYC member. Both Morgan and Welsh are second generation memers of BIYC. Ted Munroe, a former commodore of NHYC, was a BIYC commodore in 1958. Club meetings were held at the Beek's Ferry office until last year when the c lub moved to a headquarters c:lirectly behind the Carroll Beek Community Center on Balboa Island. BIYC is noted for giving water akilla, life-long friendships and prlcelea childhood memories to generations of Harbor Area youngsters and summer visitors. Former commodores of the club: Robert Griffin, 1922-24; Jack Crook, 1925; Thoburn White , 1926; Bill Merrill, 1927; Dan Murphy, 1928; Berna.rd McNally, 1929; Roben Rollins, 1930; Bill Murphy, 1931; Robert Mc.Kenzie, 1932. • Burrel .1ohnaon, 1933; Robert Fritch, 1934; Paul Pemberthy, 193~; Warwick Hayes, 1936; Testier Ponberth, 1937; Ted Munroe, 1938; Dick Munroe, 1939; Barton Beek, 1940. Bob Klemmer, 1941; Allan Beek. 1942; Arthur Ponberthy, 1943; Morris Kirk, 1944; Robert Yardley, 1945: Seymour Beek. 1946; Dick Deaver, 1947; Gilbert Kraemer, 1948; Morgan L . M o rgan , 1949 ; Robert Haldennan. 1950; Ben Benjamin, 1951. Noel Barlow, 1952; Tony Torrance, 1953; Michael Smith, 1954; Michael Baum, 1955; Larry Stump, 1956; Dick Bridgman, 1957; Bill DeWitt, 1958; Bill Lloyd, 1959; Jim Jones, 1960; Randy Wright, 1961; George Twist, 1962. Carleton Seaver. 1963: Richard Lloyd, 1964; Patrick Seaver, 1965; Jim Fulton , 1966; Tom Lloyd, 1967; Brian Birnie, 1968; Bruce Wachtel, 1969; Douglas Birnie, 1970; Tom Smith, 1971. Kim Jones, 1972 ; Tom Donovan, 1973; Ken Quiggle Rowell, 1974; Russ Quiggle Rowell, 1975; Steve Mott, 1976; Eric Raff, 1977 ; David LaMont.ague, 1978; Chris Witt, 1979; Bill Donovan, 1980; Jim Bub8er, 1981. CAN'T SAY NO -Morrie Kirk got started with the Balboa Island Yacht Club in 1944 and h asn't s t o pped serving yachting organizatipns since. Procrastination: Why we do it Procrastinate: To postpone or delay needlessly. (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, New Ccllege f:djUon . 1978. Houghton Mifflin Co.) By SANDIE JOY be .. o.tr ,... • ..,, I Pro11crastination is dear to Michael Masters' heart. • "I struggle with it," said the UC Irvine psychotherapist, "and I know the agony of not doing )Vhat 1 ought to be doing." , The 31-year-old Masten has 1otten 110 deeply into procrastination that he's teaching l work1hop on it at ucl Extemion.. At the first clasa 1e11ion \Vednelday, one student aaid fhe'd put off u1i1terin1 l&nfil that day and another eald 1he'd Mlayed llln· Jn1 UP. until an hour ~--A &hlrd ,,ucl•n' '°r· ,_td th• r *''• tffoftl. ffe hldn't llpld UJJ 19t. '"*'• RM too bid, Miilen ,,,n11 ... "The hard core procrastinators haven't shown up yet.'' he sajd, but they have until the third class session to join the workshop which meets from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Wednesdays through July 21. The workshop is desjgned to help students learn the real reasons t.hey put off things, Masters said, and to teach them what procrastination is and how to cure it. "Th ere's more to procrastination than meeta the eye," he said. "It's a multi-layer problem so the class is designed to raise the awareness of students about why they're procrastinators." Fear appears to be a bottom line. P~ple procruUnate, Mu~rs uid, becauae they Cear fallure. 1uoce. or lntlmacy or they do it out of rebeWouane11 or a een11 of m11p11C*l prtortu•. People who fMt failure, he .. 1d, 1ee th1n1• In black and whJt.e, perfecllon or failure. They believe Mlf ·wonh. tquall abruty whkh tquala petforma.N». '1Pr«l'uUna\Otl are lira.Id ot that equallon," th• ptyc:hother1pllL MJd, IO, by 1'°' doln1 • Ph or walunc unul the last minute to do it, they don't risk failure because they haven't really tried or tested the equation. "This makes them miserable.'' Masters said. Often such procrastinatton comes from a family background in which there's strong pressure to succeed. For example, if a child in such a family earned four As and one B. the parenta might question why the child receiVed a B. There's also covert procrastination, the instructor aa.id, in which a penon knows they ~·t be perfect so they don't try at all. Fear of auc:iceea, which isn't quite as common as fear of failure, sometime• la coupled with fear of alJenattna people lf • penon ii h11hly NCClllf\&l. People who proc!Vdnat.e out of ntbeWouln-c1on•i wan\ to be oonvoll*1 or domlnlted. Mliltel"I Mid. Procruilnadon 11 UMl&t way to •Y no to any 1ehldule, ruJit cw expectadon whJch II _, • I challenp. •1Qener1Uy,11 ht •=ned, ••peopa. who .,.. Nbt are prtU)' an1ry and &hi• 11 an lndlrw' WI)' W elCprtll .,,,.,, It's like ge tting negative attention." Fear of intimacy which is expressed in not returning phone calls or writing thank you's is found in procrastinators who have learned it's not OK to express emotion, he said. Mispla ced priorities procrastinators are the ones who keep thinking they should be tending to a task but put it off. Tools for overcoming procraatinaUon include uaertion. time nwwaaement and relaxation therapy, Mute.rs aa.i<l "I trY to teach students how to set achievable goala," he explained, "to they can carry them out without sabotage." For example, he aa.id, I don't say rm golJ\41 to be ln the '84 Olymp6cl but I can 1ay ru nan a tub-40 10 K. .. It'• tmporunt to tchedul• IOU. he con\ende<l -"Thinp that aren't ICheduled don'tr\ done." An major u1k1 1bould be broken "''° rnanaa••~. non· ~~ d1rilcw of Wt CIU'Wf IMd"I procram al UCI lxttn1lon, Hfd lluden"9 can ,......, Jaw '"' &ht won.hop b1 mWn1 w .... a • Ul·Ml4. I ,1 1 'I .. -•ANN LAND!M •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE , Nurse's breach of ethics should be reported DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 60, havtn1 a dtfflc ult time w ith family problema. The menopause haa hlt me very hard, and 1 nevctr know how I am going to feel from one day to the next. I went to my doctor and told him how miserable I felt. He 11 more than a phy sician , h e's a compuatonate person -someone I earl talk to. Ile gave me some medication ttult seems to be Mlping, and the chat we had did me a KOOL KING OF SWING -Benny Goodman, the Kina of Swing, can still blow the clarinet masterfully, and some refined, delicate music resulted Friday night at Carnegie Hall for the llrirt "big" concert of this year's 10-day Kool lot of 1ood. I really unburdened myae)t. Laat week, ln churc h , a f orm e r neighbor ot mine aatd, 111 heard you have been ao depraaed lately you are in danaer of losing your mtnd." 1 nearly tainted. When l asked her where ahe heard auch a atory, she aald, "My daughter II a cloee friend of tho nurse in Or. --···'• office." I ru:n shocked, humiliated and angry. ,,ft ....... Jazz Festival. Goodman was joined on stage by Lionel Hampton and Teddy Wilson for a reunion of the 1930s Benny Goodman Quartet minus drummer Gene Krupa who died in 1973. Festival review, Page A4. ~ibra: Review hobby Wednesday, Jane 30 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Someone is generous, extravagant -and would like to do so at your expense. Be aware, protect self ,in clinches and be e xtremely s ke ptical concerning pleas for loans, credit or requests that would require you to co-sign. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Obtain valid hint from Aries message. Focus on contracts, public responses to your efforts. restrictions, limitations and awareness of legal rights, permissions. Check details, including fine print and pos.5ible hidden clauses. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): W ork methods change, individuals who opposed you may now become staunch allies. Focus on employment, basic services, written fostructions and special communication involving member of opposite sex. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Good lunar aspect coincides with cr eativity, aelf-expression, children and ability to stamp your own style. Luxury item or art object is featured -h ome s urroundings are beautified, harmon y is t?,Jtored on domestic front. T fOUI HEALTH DR. PETER J STEINCROHN Cancer risk disputed DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: 11 tbere uy comaectton between breast-feeding your cldl4 ud preventing cancer of tbe breast? We e~t oar first cblld within a few moadll. rd ntller bottle-feed my bab)bt't fer Ida/lier owa pod u4 mlae, I'm w I te make dte sacrlflce. I'm teared of cancer. -MRS. D. DEAR MRS. D.: Thousands of mothen who t>reeat-feed thelr i.nfantl will d..laagree that W• a aacrifice. They CONlder ft a ~ M tor breast.feeding ~Una c:anoer -that'• a diaputed polnt. l know of no tcientUl~ evidence that breut- teedlnc decreue9 the risk of b~ut cancer. Dr. Sre/ncrohn welcomH qunelon1 from re~d•r•. He ca nnot •n•wttr all lndlvldaally but will lnclud• cha.1 of ,...i ••-' In hJI column. &Ind your ~ to him In mlW of IM Dall.Y PUot, P4 .. IND, Cl:R Mw. c.JJI. U4J7, • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA f LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Overcome temptation to skip essentials. Perceive current situation in light of reality. Be aware of basic values, insurance, interest rates and security. Define tenns. steer clear of self· deception. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Favorable lunar aspect coincides with trips, ideas which can be transformed into viable concepts. Relative commands attention, time and will drain energies if you so permit. Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn natives Hgure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Expensive hobby requires review -concentrate now on getting money's worth. Moon emphasis on income, payments, collections and locating what had been lost, missing or stolen. You'll e arn m o r e b y opening lines o f communication. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Moon in your sign emphasizes new starts, fresh approach, ability to be at right place at crucial moment. Personal magnetism soars; people are fascinated by your views and you could become center o f a tte ntion, controversy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): By tak.ing some steps backwards you do not necessarill sulfe r loss. You actually require change o pace -and direction. Intuition works overtime; you sense desires, needs of family member. Aquarius is involved. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus on frlendabips, social activities, plans for travel and a surprise invitation which could result in theater or gounnet dining. Gemini, s~.!.'!,tarfus persons figure prominently. U · · powers of persuasion! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focut on preatlge, basic commitments, career upiradonl and neoellity for a rebu.Udina progr•l'lf· Scorpio, Taurus and another Aquartu.a figure prominently. You could hav~ luck with number 4. ProfeNlonal superior lmm 1Upport. PlSCES (Feb. 19·M.an:h 20): Statua quo la ah&bn.; fOCU9 on oommunJcadona. tnvel, publt1htn1, c:reatlvt uyJe and apectal rela&knhlp with mtmbw of oppolile en. Oaln lndkilt«l ~h ~IJ'\I, P'_.&1"1Ull o( 9d~Uonal projlot. Watch 1111martu.f What ahould be done abo ut thla'! - WICHITA FALLS FURY DEAR W.P.: Carryla1 Information out of uy office ud pa11lD1 It oo aa aoclal 1011lp demonsk1te1 a 1bockln1 Jack of lnteartty, aad very poor Jud1ment. Such a breac~. of etblca abould be reported to the doctor at once. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I a m a cleaning w oman who works in a very high-class office building downtown. The offices are plush and the people who work here consider themselves fancy. Well, let me tell you they are a bunch of slobs. They dump ashtrays in th e wutebaaketa, and when I empty them I get ashes in my eyes. The half-filled coffee cups in the wastebaskets leak through -which means I have to clean up all that slime. And may I say one word more? If you place something in the trash baskets, it will be thrown out. I am no mindreader and can't tell if you put your shoes, trousers, bra and tom hoee in there for safekeeping or what. So pleaae don't acx:use me of stealing when your personal belongings are not there in the mornlng. Thank you -WINDY CITY GRIPE DEAR W.C. GRIPE: Tboasaada of people wllo cleaa offices at al1bt are 1olng ·to ble11 you when they read yoar letter. Thanks for writing. DEAR MISS LANDERS: My wife is extremely overweight . I have urged therapy, pleaded with her, yelled at he r, tried bribery -nothing worked. On the hunch that she might be eating to spite me (and other members of the gAllll l.ANDflS family), I decided to stay off the subject completely and not say one word to her about her weight. S he keeps on eating. I am concerned about her health. She has high blood pressure, does absolutely no exercise and weighs at least 100 pounds more tha n s h e should. lf she becomes violently Ul, I will feel gullLy for having nagged her for so long -and for NOT nagging her these past several months. Any ideas? Her doctor is no help. He . just shrugs his shoulders and says, "It's up to her." -J.D.W. IN BETHESDA DEAR J .D.W.: Get it through your bead that you are not responsible for )Vbat your wife eats.. • She obviously bas a psychological problem and needs to find out why she ls a compulsive eater. That's the first step. If she refuses to seek help for herself, she wm suffer the consequences. My advice is to say nothing, ever again, about ber weight. Nagging didn't help (lt rarely does), and life is more pleasant when you don't. Don't flunk your chemistry test. Love is more than one set of gla.nds calling to another. If you have trouble making a distinction you need Ann's booklet, "Love or Sex and How to Tell the Difference." Send a Jong, sell-addressed stamped envelope with your request and SO cents to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611 Dental visit hits nerve At breakfast the other morning all I said was, "How come you don't know our college school song?" My husband put down the paper and said, "What school song?" ERMA IOMIECI - AT WIT'S END "The one you never sing when we go back for reunions. I think it's disgusting that a man with three college degrees sits there and moves his lips like a chimpanzee." "I get so few requests for it anymore," he said, going back to his paper. "WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT: 'Through mountains and through "And to think men have died for that flag and you complain about a little pain on the inside of your left leg. But then, what do you expect from a man who refuses to sing in church?" hillsides, "Beverly Sills couldn •t sing those songs." "Beverly Sills would certainly try!" 'Through meadows and through dell, 'In busy marts and hamlets, 'Where songs their stories tell'?" He said, "The words aren't relevant. Whoever heard of meadows, dells, marts and hamlets?" He put down the paper again. "Let me gues.5. You're in a rotten mood. You're picking arguments out of thin air. You have a dental appointment, right?" "You got it." ''Those are romantic words," I snapped. "Be honest, what do you think of when you think of meadows, dells, marts a nd hamlets?" "What about the dog?" he said tiredly "I kicked him already." He thought a minute. "Jayne. Icatessen, Fed and Hamburger." POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT "You're pretty cute, aren't you?" I said. "Someone went to a lot of trouble to give you ·a class song that painted a musical picture of tranquility and you can't even relate to it. I suppoee you'd like a few 'whoa, whoas,' .and 'baby, baby, babys'." "Look, I don't like to sing. I don't even sing 'The Star-Spangled Banner' when it's played." "And why not, Mr. American?" "EVERY TIME I GET TO the rockets' red glare, I get a pain shooting down the inside of my left leg." '~ .t • GOlfN ON BllDGE ite1 I<•~ .......... • •t A· a,.,.,, ......,.. ,.-.t Ooo h~ G--o•"'• ~~-=•·" ~ ' BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnera ble. North deals. NORTH + KQ104 ~AKU 0 3 • QJ83 WEST EAST +J 987 •5 ~14 c;;1 885 O KJ8'7 O AQH2 •A t2 • K 1085 SOUTH •Al32 ~Qll09 0 1054 +H The bidding: Nerdi Eut S...tla w .. t 1 + P ... 1 <::? P ... l c;;1 P ... 4 ~ Pua PaH PU1 Opening lead: Seven of O . We vtnlure that even an expert mtrht JO down oa t.o- dayt hand. The temRtatlon t.o win a trick H lnexpen•I•• ly u poulblt can be that aUurlnrl An.r North'• one club openln1 Mel. South eorreeUy rt1ponde4 In tht lower· rukl., tf hl1 lwo four-ca111 eajw Milla. Nonh'1 hand rnalutd LO 11 '°'"ta In 1up- the defenders would take two club tricks. If declarer led a club, West would win either the first or second club trick and give his partner a spade ruff for down one. port or hearts, so he made a jump raise. and South's deci sion to go on to game was automatic. West led . his fourtn-best diamond. Since South surely had a high honor in at least one of the black suits. pros· pect.s of defeating the con· tract seemed to hin~e on a apa~e ruff. Therefore, East WQll the ace of diamonds and shlfted to hia singleton spade. He did not get a quick ruff as he hoped, but the play took a peculiar turn. Declarer took advantage of the chance to win a cheap trick by running a apa.de to dummy'• t.en. South came to hud with a trump and ruffed a dl•lllOlld ht1h. He came back "''" Hot.her trump and ruffed Illa tut diamond with dumnif 1 l11t trump. But now bt w11 fac:ed with an lntolu· ble problftl -ht had no wl'J to pt. -..u to bl• hand to dnw the latt. tnlmp. If bt led a 1ptdt, lut would ruff and The Lrtubl1 wH llltt declarer was a trine too par· simonious in the spade suit. He should have risen with the ace of spades at trick two! Declarer continues by rur fing a diamond high. crossing back to his hand with a trump and ruffing his last diamond high. But now there 1s still a low trump in dummy which enables declarer to re- enter his hand lo draw the re· maining trumps. Now he leads a spade to the king. and when East s hows out declarer abandons the suit and turns his attention to clubs. Sooner or later he will gel back to his hand by ruffing a minor-suit with his last trump. Declarer then t.akes the marked spade finesse. and end• up with ten I.ricks -four apadea. four huru and two diamond ruffs. H..-de'" •IMNe &IN ........ ?' ....... , <:..,... o .......... ....,.,.,. .. a ..,, .. "" ...... 0,.-.. Lea••·" •••• u .ta te -0..--................. ...... ... .,.,.... P.O. a. tit, Ntnr .... N~.""9.N ... ....._ ,._,.w. t. Nn• ........ 11 .. ' JI I ( THE t ' •ILY CIRCl:M BIG Gl:OllGE ' I by V1rgll Partch (VIP) ~ Tl' MBLE" EEDS • "Better not toke the lost one, Mommy, or you'll be on old maid." "Ours not to reason why ·· It's shade. Isn't II?" ,_:\RMADl'kE by Brad Anderson DE'.\~IS THE ME'.\AC•: Hank Ketchum "A lot of games end prematurely in this neighborhood." ACROSS 5 I Taller 1 Slush 53 Lenglh unit 5 Dull flnlSh 55 Zodi.c sign 10 Eject 56 H11an 14 Demigod 61 Unfounded 15 In combll 62 Mlkt lmpul'e 2 word• &4 Rudlmen1 WE 001 A LliiLE LEGAL PKOf>l.EM ANO l WANT YOU TO TAKE CARE OF lT' A DIET IS TOO LITTLE OF A GOOD THING. A DIET 15 MAKINCi A MOLEMILL our OF A MOUN'TAIN MONDArl PUm.E IOI.YEO 18 01henwlte 65 Singer i..nza ~~~ ~~filiiil-17 Nape long 66 &igllttl 19 w .. 1her~ compos. 20 WNC>On 67 M11iner1 21 Bom 68 GooM 22 Wllneued 69 Fodder 23 CUllS 25 Nurnertc prefix 1 28 CattrOlllld 30 Undertake 31 Drift• 3-4 Hevy ehOul • 3e llulng 38Aunt:Sp 3t 0-rlllllng: 3 WOf'dt 421C**" C"-I Q '9tty offtclr UHMMI: ''· 4lc.Mtd .,~ .. ,..... .. ,...... DOWN 1 Boutique 2 Jacob'•ton 3 Lode ylelda 4 Htvtn s Hammer 8 CMwec:I 2t r:owt 1 Oty: 2 w<wdt 21 Pllllt pal'I 5 I Ftmlly cw 8 8"'dtOtl 21 EKPO Of Cub 52 Succumb t Ctltlc 2t Aowtn N Hue 10 AtduOUI I 1 Thttt: II. $4 Hollon 11 ~ 12 Precept• 65 Dllal - 3worctt *3'*°" &7C0n~ ._...._..,_.,_. 11 A·I wf H WW. M Vttcfl 1J ~ LNll 11 ff l.IQUld ,...,. J7~ ...... 11'*'-111 *> ... .., • .,... f4CMI 4t._WI • ......., by Jim Davis A DIE."T 1$ THE. 5U0JECT OF' A LOT OF $TUPIO PLATITUDE5 by Ferd & Tom Johnson 7 J<JSTWAfT--Wc'Li.. ,,., .,_ Go BY TH~ SE,AFOOD COtJNTE~ AND WATCH l>ooMED LOISTERS CRAWL~ND! iWA~! SHOt: I'M AN HOUR LATE TO MEET N~CY . " -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Tuesday. June 29, 1982 83 I by Tom K. Ryan I CAIV'"f H11 NOiHIN Wl1H MY ~WAN' ARROWS. I 'LL BET SHE15 LEFT by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller AND SHE'S MAD CATNIP MOUSE( OH , HE'5 P~Eff'r' NIC.E ON(.£ l,-OLJ G€1 1b KNOW HIM ! 1~AI C.DL.D EXTERIOR 16 JU51 A FROOT ! I CAN1'f (,0 lo l.t.)()RI( A1 1'"€. ICE. C.11£.Aft\ l'ARl..OR 11)1f~\J1' M~ OHKlll.. SOOt\ JE.RK "l,. \ If I \70N'1' ~INO IT PRE,-1~ SOON , 11tt\ 6oNNA SE LA1'E.1. by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont HE: WORK5c:::> HIS WAY IHROU<.SH COL..1.-565 AS A RID5 A"f t'ISNE:Yl-ANc:::>.' ' ,, l I J I' ' ~ I ·~tr.:ae" FIOmlOUI .U.-.. The tollow4nQ oettOI" le doing ~ ITAfttlMWT bullneu N : TIMI I~ pen.one -ClolnQ ( I l P A C I , I C I L I T E b11e1MM U! PROOUQTION&; (:l) INTIR\11810N, \llDIO VIRl,IER8. 1101 W. 3ao30 OunMI Aolld, South L111111na. MeoAr1hut llvd .. 11141. a.n1a Ane, Celllomlt 02071 Ca. 12707 John Mlehtel S•llll, 32038 ~ P~ Jr , 1101 W SunHI Moad, Sou1n 1.ao11na, MICA!thuf 81vd., t 141, 8111\la Ar-.. Cllllomla 12t71 Ca . 92707 Tlll1 butifMll II GOnduQ1td by fl\ Ffri N8ww"rO, 2t 13 LOOMIOfe lndlv\<klal. St • lot ""'"""' Ca IOOl6 Jonn MlohMI SwllltZ Thie ~ It conoucted by • tnle 11114ernen1 wa• 111ec1 With tl'le generei pat1Mttl\lp Colulty Cl«\ ot Ot•noe County on ~ PtlChaOo Jr June II. 1912 Frank Neveno r1t1• Tiiie ... lelna(ll WM Ned with Ille Publl•h•d Or•no• Coat\ D•ll Courtly CWil ot Otano-County on Pilot, June 22, 29. Nrf 8. 13, 1082 June t 1, ttt2 2709-82 ·~-Publllfled Oreng• CoHt Dally "8.tC t«>llCE P11o1 June 15. 22. 29. Jul)' e. 1982 i------------i 2$36-82 ACnlOUa .... U ...-aTA,..._..,. Tn• 10110..,tno 1>«•on It dotno ---------~~--bu"'-a.a; '1CTm0Ua ..,.._.. COLORIMAGE. 229 W. W!l.o4'I NAMI tTATDmNT No. 1&. 00111 M1H. Callfornl• The lollowlng per.one II dolf'IQ 02827 l>tdl,_ M: .i..nM Gueraml. 229 W Wllaorl KEYSTONE ARMS. 08U NO. 15, Colla MIH. C tlltotnla w .. 1m1nt1., A-. Wwtml,,._, CA o2ta7 02ea3. Thie bu..,,.. II cC>lldu<Md by In Davie! Maxw.41 S..man, &Jl!O Individual. BIKb)' Hiii Rd., Lono e .. ch. CA Jamet Guerem• 90815. Thll 111temenl w11 11*1 ,.tlh the tnl• bll.U-11 C)O(lduc:tad by an County Clark of Ota• COUnty bn lndMdu... May 20, 1812. f1~ David M. Sefman Thi a•temtnt w .. filed with the Publletled Orange COHI Dally Coun~ Clerk ot Orange County on Piiot. June 15, 22, 29, July 6, 19&2 J ,... 4 1982. 2182-12 u ' flt0179~-----------Publlah•d Oreng• COHI Dally flt&.IC NOTIC( Pllo1. JuM 8, IS, 22. 29, 1982 1------------2433-12 FICTITIOU8 IU ... H ACTITIOUI ~· NAMa STATftmNT The tollowlng person 11 dolno t>utl,_ ... JEFF'S TRIM 'N' NEAT LAWN SERVICE, 18812 Holklnl. Huntlf'IQlon BeKI>. CA 926-49 JEFFREY ALAN NORTHRUP, NA•ITA~NT Tne following peraon I• doing bull-aa: CALIFORNIA LEASE & SALES. 11762 Garden Oro... Blvd , Garden Oro.... Celll0<nla 92844 Maryenn Fter••u. t9942 Rang•r Lene. Hunt11191ot1 8e11en. Calllofnla 92048 ThlA bualnWS Is 4:00du<:lec:I by an lndlvldYal 16812 Hosltln•, Hunt1noton Beach. Metyann Flareau ::A 9264~ Thll Slaltmenl w&I llled With the Thi• bUSlnees is eonduc1ed by an County CJaril 01 Orange County on ln<IMdull. Jun4I 2S, t9112. Jett Nof1hruo Thta statemenl wu tiled with the County Clltll ol Or~ County on June 25. 1982 F1'221DQ F1111:11D Publl•n•d Orang• Cout Delly P110l, June 29. Juty 6. 13. 20. 1982 277o-82 Publlttled Or1no1 CoHt Dallyl----.,---.IC-NO_TIC __ [ __ _ Piiot June 29. July 6. 13, 20. 1082. ____ ,._wx. ________ 1 ' 2816--82 NOTlCll O* 8All Plll.JC N011C( OF Aa~wftSOMAL _, __ ,., ........ NOTICE IS HERES'!' GIVEN that r_,.,_. undef and pur~l IOSectlOn 1981 um 8TATI...,. ol the Callllomll CMI COde, the The lollowtng peraon1 are d<Wno P<oe>ertv listed below ~ to be t>oalneu( l) ~HITE OR CH IO abendon•d by PATRICK CODY and AMY ELLEN WATZ whoae IHI COSMETICS: (2) VENUS WHITE ad<lrwe .... 1392 Sen Juan Slr•I, ORCHID COSMETICS. 1llOO Dove Tualln, Calllomll. 92080. wtll be Street, ~te 215, N9wpOrt ~. •old 11 1-382 San Juan S1r .. t. CA 9~~ L T H s y s T E M s TU9tln, Cellfomle. t2MO. on .My INTERNATIONAL INC ' I ~ade 15, 1982. It 10:00 A.M. A 1973 H ONDA <:OfPQ<111on (date ol ln<:0<por1tlon· MOTORCYCLE. t.D. 1 1768007987, 6/211/81), 1eoo ~Street. Suite CA LIFORNIA LICE"S E NO. 215, N9WPOf1 eeacn. CA 92te0 7H5245. This ~ Iii c:onducled by 1 DATED 11111 28ttl ~ of June. cori><>rat16n. 1982 Health Sytl•tnl lntematlOnal, E R. DANOFF In<:. K911in C Flndle)' Publl1h1d Orange CoHt Dell Vice ~I .: .Piiot June :18 • .My 5. 1982 Corporal• CounNI 2711+1 Thlt Nltmenl w .. flled With Ille County 0er1c of Oranoe County on J\1(114, 1982 ,,... Publllned Oreng• CoHI Delly Piiot, June I , 15. 22. 29. 1882 2514-82 FtCTmOOSWH MAa.8TA~ Tn• followlng pertt0n I• dOlflil t>u--•: (1) IMAGE CONSTRUCTION ---.. ---IC-..,.-Tll'C-----•co . (b) IMAGE DEVELOPERS. (C) ,.WK. nYt,_ IMAGE SOLAR SYSTEMS; (di __ FtC __ nnoua ____ MISINE __ ....., ........ ...---1 ,MAGE so LA R DESIGN. '5 7 0 NA• ITA,.._.,,. Newport Blvd , Coate Mell. CA 92627 ~o:::.wlng 0•r1on la doing DAVID F LEACH, 8111 Coul ELENI'S GOURMET FOODS Hwy., •211, Laguna Beech. CA . 92661. ~bA s;;~pe Pl .. Newport Thia l>uslnMt la conducted by an Helen eonn. t801 Pl. Stenf\Ope indlvldual. Pl Newport 8ee<:f1 CA 926e0 Oevkl F Leach °fhl• bUslneas IS eoodli<:led by an Thia llllt-1 WU llled with lhe Individual County Clerk of Orange County on Helen Boon JuM 4, 1982. Thia l'lat-• waa nled with lhe County Cler1t of Orange County on June 4, 1912 ,., ... '1to77t Publl•hed Orange Cout Dally P110t. June 8. 15, 22. 211. 1942. 2438-12 Publlaned Orange CoHt Delly ----Pl8.--.IC--f«)-T1C[ ___ _ ColomblaJ\ author Oabrtel Garcia M1rqu11 u)'I he rejected a •t million offftr from Ktor ADtlaoDy Q1loa for movie rt1hta to hla worldwide bn\ idler, "One Hundred Years of Solitude." "Anthony QulJ\n. with h11 mllUon dollan and everythlnj, will never be . Col. Aureliano Buendia (the hero of the novel)," Garcla Marquez wrote ln thti Butn<» AIN!9 newapaper Clarln. A bowler, ln LN Veriu for a ProfeulonaJ Bowlen AAuioclat.lon doublet tournament, came out the blfi winner when he hit a $2~0.000 slot machlnc.- jackpot at the n.m1nao Kilton. Walter Jac,soD, 31, of W~~heatcr, aillf., hll the jlckpot aft.er playing the dollar machine for about an hour. Re had Invested $200 before wl.nnlr1a the jackpot. The kid they considered a ''wimp" al Mode«1to'a Downey Klgh School turned out to be the hero at the 20\h reunion of the Class of '62. ' That might be becaute Geor1e Lucas made himself and hb achool famous by writing the movie "American Graffltf' about prom night at Downey High. . The 1973 film offered a slice of nostalgia about innocent youth growing up in Central California before President K~anedy's assassin, before Vietnam, before Watergate. Of all high 9Chool reunions, this one was a slice of nostalgia for Lucas and fellow students. LUCAS A planned . appearance by talk show host Pbll Donabae, whO!le syndkated program enjoys high local ratings, got a cool reception from "blaBe" New Yorkers. Donahue a~ to cancel a lecture scheduled at the Beacon Theater after only 250 tickets were sold . The theater holds about 2,700 people. Actress Helen Hayes, whose performance in a New Orleans play helped trigger marriage between two members of the audience, has given a call to the couple -44 years lat.er ln 1938, Laureace Jungllag took his girlfriend, Matkl.lde, along with his mother and aunt, to see- Miss Hayes in the play "Victoria Regina." Lat.er that night, forufied with the romance of the play and New Orleans. Jungling proposed. They were married that summer. Miss Hayes called the <.'Ouple at their home in Natchez, Miss., to congratulate them. "She wished us all the happiness in the world," said Junglmg Gov. Edmond Brown Jr.'1 appoinunent of five members to the l l-member California Ar13 Council has been approved by the state Senate without debate. The 23-0 vote approved the appointment of former San Francisco Mime Troupe director and actor Peter Coyote; San Franci!K.'O arts patron Ann Gilbert Getty; president "Stepben Goldatine of the San Franci8C'O Art Institute; actor Charles Hald of the "Hill Street Blues" television series and Los Angeles musician Marl Young. A 34-year-old Marina d el Rey man was convicted in a fraud scheme that prosecutors oontend bilked $8 million dollars from Investors. including comedian Rich Little. Job Duffel! m was convicted in U.S. District Court of mail fraud, interstate transportation of funds obtained through fraud, and aiding and assisting in the preparation of false income tax returns. Assistant U.S. Attorney Henry Ro11bacber said the investors, who also include Dallas Cowboys kicking coach B en Agajanian, believed their investment was a legal tax shelter. when in reality they were not entitled to any tax breaks. Comedian Joan Rivera and country-western recording star Rose Maddox wiU serve as grand marsh als of the seventh annual National Gay Rodeo, an organizer says. PbU Ragsdale, founder and president of the Comstock Gay Rodeo Association, said the event is scheduled July 30-August l at the Nevada State Fairgrounds in Reno. More than 125 travel agencies are booking tours to the rodeo, according to Ragsdale. who said he expects approximately 25.000 Vlsitors from across the United States and abroad. Pilot, June 8. 15, 22. 29. 11142 ----=------~=~=---_________ 2_4_53-_82 fltCTmou8 WU ----------- MAim 8TATDmfT P\lllJC f«)T1C( Pl&.IC NOT1CE Th• tollowlng pereon I• dolno FtC1TT10U9 .,... .. f1CTlTIOU8 au ... •• t>u.w--NA.• ITATl•NT NEWPORT AIRE SYSTEMS, ..,._ STA,_.,., Th• followtng peraon 11 dolno 1539 Monrovia Ave .• Newport The followtng pereo11 11 doing ~ ... 8Mdl Ca 92ee3 ~ ... STAR SCREEN PRINTING. t52 chan. H«iry Norton, 33035 GREEN 9ELT LANDSCAPE, E. 20th Street COlll MU•. Ou1r1Qoef Ct . San Juen~. 117 Virginia Pl.. Coeta Meaa. CA Calil0tnl1 92827 Ca. g~5 t2t27 Vincent 8erh. 152 E 20th Thie~ I• oonduc:tad by Ill\ J-A.. Bte«I, 187 Virginia Str111. Co•I• Meaa, California lndMdual. Pl .• Col1a Meea, CA 11~7. 92827 C""1ee Hanry Norton Thla ~la oonduc:tad by an Thi• butlneu IS condli<:ted by an Thie ., .. _, .... Ned w!\h Ille lndlvidual. lndlvldull County Clark of Orange County on J-R Bl_, Vincent Berll June It, 1982. f1t1114 Thia atalemenl WM Iii.ct With the 1Y C*1I of Orange Countv on Thia 11et-1 waa nled wllll the Publl1had Orenoe Co11t Dall)' June 11 1912 ,.111112 County Cl«k 01 Or•no• CoYnty on Piiot June 15. 22. 20 . .My 8, 1ee2 Publlahed °' Co .. , Olllly JuM 25, 1982. Fttz:aoe 2684-82 PllOt, June UI. 2~ • .My 8, 1982 Publl1tied Orange Coa11 Dally PllllJC f«)TIC( 2574-82 PllOI. June 29, July 6, 13. 20, 1982 I--~=~=~~==:---------------2772-12 FtCnnoua .,_.. Nil.IC NOTICE MAMa 8TAtumN'T ftC11'TlOU9 .,._ .. P'tll.IC NOTICE FlCTmOUa .,-... NAmaTATDmNT The followlnO peraona -dolrlQ ~M: CHE M ICAL ENERGY SPECIALISTS, 1310 C L098f\ A ...... eo.ta Meaa. CA 82e2fi KEM NRG, Inc., a Cel"omla corpora11on. 1310 C LOQMI Ave .• Colla ~ CA 12828 Thia ~ •• oonductad by • corporation. KEM NAG. Inc. Leonard Greiner Presldefll Th41 tl•l-1 wu !tied With lhl County Clal1I of ~ County on June 4, 1082. '1W774 Publl1t1ed Orang• CoHI Dally Piiot. June 8. t5, 22. 29, 1982 2472-82 "8.JC NOTICE The folowlng '*"°"' ..... doing .... .,_ STATIElmNT ----------bU~ u : -.. _.,. 1111\Tlrr FtCTIT10U8 eu ... 18 I 6 A PROMOTIONS, 304 So. The follo..,lng per•on II doing l"wx.n. ,.,,.._ "AME STATE .. NT C«ll«, Slllla Ana. CA 92703. t>uw-M: PICTITIOUI 1UatNl88 The tollowlng pereon la doing I & R Pro<tucis Intl. Inc., a PIZZA 0£ RE.SISTANCE/PIZZA MAMI ITATEMINT bu.._ H : G)illfornla corporellon, 304 So. MAC HINE, 3325 Tempe Dr · Tn• tollowlng p•r•on 11 dolno SOUTH COAST OEU. 3033 S <Ant« SMta Ane CA 92703. Huotlng1on a.en, Ca. 92040 bullneM .. ; Bn.tol. Suite .. 0 ... Coete ....... Ca. Thie·~ 11' conducted by• Rone Id E. Steward, 3325 THE SYCAMORE TREE. 2179 92828 COf'PC)f'allon. Tempe °'·· HunllnQlon e..cn, Ce. Meyer Pie ce. Coate Men. c.-. Ania L Grllhem. 10131 Cutty I & R Productl Intl. In¢, 92849 92027 SIB Drtve, Huntington 9Mch, Ca Jay Matlow, Prealdenl Thill~ II con0u<:1ad by 11<1 WNN11t11 8. Gogel. 2179 Meyw 1 92848 TNe .atemenl WM flied with !tie lndlvlduel, P1-~·Mel&, CA 92827. nit. ~ la conduc:1ed by an County a.to of Orange County on Thie Rooald ~ sia;:: wttti the sane,,. L Gogel, 2110 Meyw lndMdual. June 11. 1982. 1''9U11 ,._.-, ~ ~ COunty on "'-• Coeta Mwe. CA 92827 ,.,,... L Gnlhem p bllalled 0 •"99 CoHI Dally""""'"' -...... Thie~ .. conducted by. Thlll 81atement -111ec1 wtth the u .NM 15 h. 29. Jtif 8 1982 June 11. tM2. ''"* genetal panneraNp County CW1t of Orange County on Pllol. · • • ~2 Publl1h9d Or•no• Cout Delly Wiiiiam B. Goo-I June 1, 1tt2. p~ June 15. 22. 2t . .My o, 1N2 Thia 11atell'lln1 -ftled with the ,.,_,. 2517-82 County QetlC of Orenoe County on Publlthff Otange Co .. I Dally "8.JC N011C( M8Y 12 1042 P1101June1. 15. 22. n. 1eo.!,.. .... P'tem'°"9 wH•H -.-.,. NOTICl ' ,,.. "" .....,, _. STATIMIWT ..._ Publl1ll.cl Orenge COHI Delly The followln9 peraone -dolrlQ ACnTIOUI --Pllo1, June •• 15, 22, 29, 1N2 PWlJC ll)TIC[ ~ • • MAm STA~ 250742 HCnnoul. lllllM THE TILMAN C0 . ..1. 510 w TM tollowlnQ "'ton la doing .... -.,. .. -~ Alie., Orange. \;I, 92981 bullnet&,.:. 0 S NlJC f«)T1C( -.. ,_, Eu~ Finl, 25021 bpt... COHST"V~TIO"f C N Ul.- TM t'*'*'t ciar-w -d<*'ll Or., L.1QUnt twe. 0.. 92ee3 TANTS, 177$1 MltoMlt, tnlM. CA ACnnoul • IR•M • EOCOM Elect rOD lc Syu e m1 of Tu1lln appulnlL'<i Wallace M. Potter, Jr. nauonal 1Uh:s nwn1.18or tor ol("(."lronk •pt·~:h•hl~ WUllam S. Wrlaln, Jr. of Corona ckl Mar hwl ~n promoted to alr«tor of C!r\Clneerina a\ tht- K.in-Ttth dlvlalon of Paclflc Scientific Company ln Ana.helm Five California Flut Bank offlc<'• In lhl• Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area havl" bct•n tramsformed Into "branchca" of Tiffany'• during a promotion l'nding July 9. "Making Your Practice Perf~t1" a marketing communlcaUona primer and plannlna workbook tor proft.wlonaJ tlnna. haa been publithed by ProMark, Irvine communlcationt flrm. Profeulonah practicing accounting, architecture, denU.try, engineering, law, medicine, pwtic surgery and psychology lh Orange County may obtain a free co~)' by writing on their letterhead to ProMark. Suite M, 17801 Main St., Irvine, 92714. Other ln~rested parties may obtain copies at $5 each by sending a check or money order to ProMark. Harold Bouley, owner or Century !l Gold Star Realtors in C.O.ta Mesa, received the Gold Club Award for having one or the highest producing offices in Orange County region 101. E.T .C. Carpet Milla, Ltd. of Santa Ana launched a "Muuny to Tahiu" dealer incentive program for carpets made from Monsanto WearDated nylon. Representatives from the Monsanto Corporatfon, UT A French Airlines, the Tahitian Tourist Bureau and management and sales representatives of E.T C. Carpet Mills attended a reception at the South Coast Plaza Hotel, Costa Mesa. Approxunately 40 Woodbridge High School students from Irvine participated in a "Marketing, Sales and Model Decoration" seminar, sponsored by the Building Industry Association's Homeballdera Council. The seminar, consisting of a lecture and field t.np, involved Candy Berry, sales manager of Turtle Rock Ridge Homes by lrvlae Pacific, and interior designers lrl1b Jones and Ed Knhtbt of C.OSta OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND WIUOKT ICPPINOP Meta-baaed Yel1er·Gatland & A11oc:lates. Al''SA Data Corp0raUon, a Torrance bued compuurr .ervlct>• company, named Haw kl/ HawklDI of lrvlnt: to h1rndll' Its market1n1 communlcAlllorw program. Sylvia Mlcbler of San Clemente haa been appointed muketlng manager for the Irvine Division of Ponderoaa Homes, an Aeuu. Life and c~ualt~ company. She hu been in Ponderoaa Homes San Diego Division Four rep.reaentalivet1 of Standard laH.-uce Company qualified (o the !Inn'• 1982 Leaders Club, a group or its top agents. They are agency managl'r Douglas R. Hume, Jamefl A. Clement, Denni.a M Ligtner and Forreit C. Lind, all of Orange. Brentwood ID1urance Company signed a nine- year lease valued at $2.7 mlllion on 16,940 lilquate feet of space for corporate offlces at the Beverly HUI• Savings Office Ceater acrcm from Mission Viejo Mall. The flrm Is located ln Laguna Hills. Douglas Heckle and Jay Carnahan of Cualunan & Wakefield's Orange County office represented Brentwood, while Beverly Hills Savings and Loan was represented by Cushman & Wake. field's Craig Cooper. Four manufaclurers of quarter-inch cartridge tape drives formed an international group to promote use of such drives by encouraging standards. Initial memben of the Working Group for Quarter-Inch Cartridge Drive Compatibility (QIC) -Archive Corporation, Costa Mesa; Cipher Data Products, Inc, San Diego; Data Electronics, Inc., San Diego, and Tandberg Data A/S Oslo, Norway -held their first meeting in Costa Mesa. J . P . "J ack" Eppinger formed Orange Information Sy1tem1, a computer and office communications company, at 17671 lrvme Blvd., Suite 19, Tustm • v. .... '"· . "' • I • I • • 10 II " 13 " I) •• 11 ,. 00 " -10 1,UI 11 J.~ 22 ,. 2J IA 7t ,.,, ... .00 11 -8kSF • \ 8-le< S.•Oft • COCltUll Af'lll()p S.O.Enl CITtCJf?ll ""'"" NoCnl..O lornnr wt P•llon Trntoer Emhrl wt Olyme>8 US N>lllny Mikrot. un CCTC. > CenlUI E~ c.,.,,.. H•mll.., NorORt\ H•mllow PrlvS.., StaEnqy 810(1"" U>I • ,.,, 1 .. )JI, )'. I 3 , , 11/.11 , .. . ., I ...... , .. ,, > I) 1-. • H• ,,, . S\1 .. ,. 1"" 3 C"9 ~· , Ott llU ""-Ot1 u J \oo Ott IU J"-Ott r1• 'f> Ott IJ) I OH US ... Ott Ill II. 'Oft 111 •• Otf "' 11, Oft tO.O "• Ott 100 •,1 Off 100 .... Oft 'I 1•-. Ott t7 " Oii 'I I • ()tf ' 1 l'.. Ott I I •1. Of• • ' .... Ott .. 'n Oft 1.1 "' OH t ' ,,, Off &.l .. Ott L> .... Ott tJ IJo Off I .I NEW YORK tAPI NI WS .... v .. I Ci"1 Sot< I 1' NL Inv Mii I U • 1• MUI S... '3' tO 1• 11\11 '13 N PrOO" •)I I 1 I , ... tOl-lnQ -hF,. UfWV•ll Hllnco • '7 Nl. •OS h 1 •1 1 •1 MdWIGvt • ., NL N Er• 11 J\ NI. StFrm GI I )I NI. ••••on.\,~...., by C4'0TNT '90 NL HI YIO 9 Sl Nl. In• 5111 1111 "1\ Mii' ,,....,. H ._., II IJ NI. S1Frm Bl • ,. NI. ,,,. NM-AUOCI ,..,,...,,..,<iii I.I Mun 1" Nl. Inv s.I • :JO • ,, """" 1 •1 • ,. Ta ,,,. 1 >l NL SISlrftl In• •llon OI Sot<u<ttl" Grll• 111 1" Pvrun t '1 NL lnw v., 1 Sl I II Grwtll S 11 SIS Pro W•'<tt Ea<ll IS.. NL Outen. Inc . ... EquH S.St us l~~ ,: ~ ~t :~.~,Rflll .~ ~ l,f~ ,.,,~.~~ ... ~· fO = I~:: ~t in":'N ::;: s1".';, llW P"kft •I .... lklll ci::~t410i0' <:-» • I• FIOn~~I .. ,..109 l•Y F'a •SS NL A,,,.r t" Nl. lncom 1 It NL Sl .. d,,_ """°' l""W -vr I H "' ··-en NL JP Cini\ 11 '3 11 •7 Grwlfl c 5-c .. Pru Slit.. '1' 10 16 Am lnO J.. NI. '°"Id --HIMun 11.5-1J IO l'Mlh 12 Sl NI. JP lnco • ., 1 S1 I Mom I,. ••• Pulf\.-fl l"-Al-" NI. .Old (Not ~tl'I N()e( l10S l1'1 (on 11 ~ 11.. I l I -u 1. V.I ... , -bOlllllll T ·-IS 41 It H lnclv$l 317 NL l1nu• I. 1• NL TA ,,,. I •S t 40 • ,. n¥'n ~ ~ lvll.,. ;;iu, WlH Cnt SM t 91 NI. .. ~.~~.~ fO ~l. io:;n.,,,::~r,~~ ll :11 Mt1Qu61 11 '1 Nl. lnl Eq n 11 IJ.. Outn S •• NL <h•roel MonO•Y Chlrt "0 1• 11 11·" 8"41 A.p 12 ,, IJ., Grwtll 1.13 • '° :t:!.~ ~: ~t g~ ·~ ~ :~ ~ St~·:.!oe ~1',. NI. s.tl h J C"P Olr l1 SI NL Oltco I Sl '12 US Ci"1 8 11 I '3 Net Av.. 1 l'O Nl. H .. 1111 ll '1 tS 11 80f'd 1 a NL 4DI• ,, ,. HI. (~lnul JO.. NL Grwtll • 11 • " TH E• 8,. • 01 N•I Ina ")4 NL Ht YIO ll. .. ,. .. C•p Op ".. NI. 4<on• f' n CW NL Cotonl•I f'llnOl I Set 36 K•lllmn n NI. Net S«urltle\ ln'om S ff S" StoO U CW NI. ADV 13 '1 NI. Fu"41 t" IOU N~":' 4 11 ~ 71 teem~ Funds Blltn '67 10 0 lnvt\l 1.71 I .U StnScM • 1' NL Aluture ll 01 NL Grwtl\ •·• 1 S2 ()pt1' 9 s 91 '4 lncom • 91 1 O 8-7 '3 ) 16 Optn 11 41 U 41 StnTa 611 NI. AIM F-HI Yid I«> •.d Tu Elc ,·" ;,IS Grow 926 1o'i1 GrwVt •ll 1)6 T•• E• 16.SI 11ll Slr•llnv •11 '·'° CvYld 11 CS 12 7S 11\(C>m S" •.U '4 WIEq '*' 1 ~ HI YIO I 16 t 11 Pretd S 11 • 2' 111\le 12 .. tc 16 Strei Giii n 11 NL Eaton l.'3 'Ot Optn a,JJ t.IO 44 Wiii 12 tl NL lnllFd 1011 11 17 lncom I U S 91 Voyev 10.7' 111• SunGnfl •.07 9.tl HIYld t.2l • ., TnM011.Sl20.JI fl'otwr ... •11 MunB ·~ .,. Sloe~ I.I•.,. O...wr )1.09 NL TH Maicl rl." IS?t Alf>ll• F 1'.03 NI. Colu Gil\ U 31 NL fnO Giii • jt s'O? Qpln 1 t '39 12··· Tu b •.• S 1 Jt Relnl>W ''' NL l mpGlb 21 JI .... 81rtllT tO 11 II 11 Cwlln A8 I 11 '20 Founde .. Group· Summ U,IJ ,,·" Toi Re • •S s 01 Rt ... rt' • .. NL Tmpl Gt I . ., •.16 A,...rlctn Funds Cwlth CO 1 5-Ut Grw1TI 6.81 NL T«ll t It 10 1} F•irflO S •s ,,)() S.lt<O Stcvr , Tmpl W IS.S1 17 en A 8•1 l.OI I IJ comp~ •' ?7, ···"SI inc.om 11'13 NL Tot Rt 11.11 11:11 '4Ellle Ft.tnO Equll ... NL Trn\ c... ....... Amcp \.M •.22 Comp rv • · Mutel 7 It NL US Gvt 11.1 I 11 Eqult 11 M 10.U Grwtn 12 11 NL TrM-I S3 NL ,.. Mull 10.lot ""' (on<o<O "·" NL Spec• 11" NI. l(ey\1-Miss. Grwtto ,. n IUI lnco 9.. Nl. ,, •• Eq •. ,. ',, Bono IO 61 "., Cew1necll<ut Genr, f'r•nlllln Gr Cu\ 81 13 21 13 M lncom t 7t 10.09 SIP•ul ln~I Tull• f'd 11.5-NI. FO Inv 761 I 12 Funa t~ ~ '!·~i AGE rn J _,. Cu\ 82 IP• 11 t1 111•1 Eq 11 M It 17 Ceplt ''1 10 J'9 TwnC G1 9 21 NL Gn•M • II 10... ~~::"'ea ,· ., .... OHTC 12.12 I) '2 Cu• &I 6 n I "° THE• s SJ s" Gr""" 10 St II " Twn<. Sel 1J 10 NI. '•ncc·°"' 1, ~ •, ~ Ctft\ In• 10 12 1o·u G•wtll 1 J'I '" Cu• Kl ••• 7.tt Oieu111.._ S..m 5-• 16 IJ NL Twnc u1 '17 • 21 ~ '" -c-•ttl c; 11 2t NL Opllon S 11 S S7 Cu\ 1(2 S '.13 •Gt Enr<ilY U I I NL !.<uOOtr F~ USAA c;......, N "-~ • }4 llS Con~·1• ~~ • _ HI. Ulll• 4 ,1 c 9I Cs St ., II I& 19 Giurd 2' II NI. Com SI 10 II NL Grwtfl 01) NI. w,11 w • 19 1 cl ~ •.., rncom 1 10 1 IJ Cu• !>J 6 21 6 19 l.l~y uN•lll Oewl t1 ft NL 1nco • .o NI. Amer Gtntt•I Ctry CM> 11 ts ,. 00 us (iO¥ • JI ... Cu• s.. • 14 s II ""•""' 3 I• NI. CeoGlll Sblt • ~ NL Cap Ba S'7 620 Del1*1,.Gr-(•pO S.M s'9I lf\ltrnl )II t17 P•rtn tJOO NL 1011 NL Uni AC<u S.U NI. Enlrp 1016111• 0.CM lJJ'lll•> £quit SOOSlt Te•Fr •St••• S<llU\ UUNl. lncom tllNLVnllMul l.SNl. HI Yid 1 JJ I 'J Oel-I) 11 16 S1 T HFr s· .. 'lO Miu 9 • 10 fO Oitwl GI 17 cS NL lnll Fd It ti NI. Unit.ct F-Mun 8 It 11 U 03 Oel<ll 6 OS • '' FunO~ Inc Lealnglon Grp Newt Inc 1 00 NL MMB 'CCI NI. 4«m 71' 7 ll Vtntr 10 .. ttM Ta Fre SU S• C 1,. L'8 C l.or tu I0'7 NI<-u .. NL S.-1 40a NL 80f'd •S4 t ... Cm\lli • tJ t 91 Oetla • M 10 S4 lf\~e .. G:.0... 1 •• NL '4E In Tr t 11 NI. S.curlly F-rnlGltt 12 14 14 O.J Each JI 00 Nl. Olr Cap J .. NI. Pilot f;: tl1 GNMA ... Nl. .. ., lllGI • ,. NL 80f'd '" , ,. Con Inc too ... FO Am • ,. ' JJ OeclC• 81 20.. NI. GT P.c ...... ., G•ow 1111 NL Nov1'11 It.. NI. C!quty s • s. , rout Jl.U u. Gr-,, " NL OodCa SI 1111 NI. O•M Op 13., Nl. """ I) 0 NL NY y..,, s.., • .. In-• 1" • SI HI Inc II .. 11-41 H•rt>r ... ,. ... o.. ..... "JI NL CO.II EN< '" Llndnr rl Cit NI. Hv-• II Nl. U•tr• • u I tJ ln<Ofn • 1• Lti PIKP •,A ~·!31 J!·;i:M Or:Y,!~ °1\" Nl. EllnTr '4.111. . Ltom'l S.yiff 0-US NL ~!f<Md FU"O\ MUfll I U S.1t '"'"" •• • 0-'I IHlllTll 1..15 ••• ~· uoo NL ~'#rn l'A NL Am Sit\'" NL 5<1Ene Ll•IW A 011\Fe • 71 1 reyt IJ.lt I l S&S JA JS .... Mui 1111 NI. Ol'Pf' 'W4<,,.. Fd ~ SM 11.Jl Nl. V-11 71 II.ID A .... 11. J ., NL ~=. ~ ~ UN~ S&S Le • ti NL l.Wf AMlttt o~ ., ... ,. tl s.tc= ~ , ,. ~.~~ .. ~: NL 4tn11'4 • .S I Cit • ~ L Gaft Sec '·" NL Atll!W 1.01 7.6J 0 -•SS 1 '• c=~-, -IO•• •--10 . NI. A In-714 NL 5411 Ire -N GaT t 41 !fl. and... I-to •«I HI YIO "11 ti 21 ,,,_ "' ~· _... ~.:.f\• Ill it~ =~ f~ll t~ :t Oriti Ind U40 '!L Oev GI IS.IS 11.22 Inc llol 114 NL Gr-S 1a I 5lt Fvno 11 H NL AN~ 143 > 1J Eeer Glfl '"" ... , Grdt'llA "lJ tJ,. llK-,.., , • =I K~ r. n ·-10 It '°" :;..~ ,!~ :t A Ntlnc UIS ••u 1111111&.__ "}""'~~; UI • ,, lll.r::r ~~SI 11 ft Ti! Ft'I '°' ., .... nu...r ~ 5411 Sii 102• HI. Arnwey UNl••ll aa1.., • 1' I.JI Her1 CS4fi f IO ,;.t IMOf'll 1 tt 1 '1 AIM ttt' !'At lei.II l.11 I '1 \taft(.I ~ ArCllGY't t H NL I'~ .... Hl. rl ., Ml#\! 1·92 •'JI Tl-'•" 141111 S '° •01 I-t.•7 II.JS • ~ -Loy DHn Wllllamt. 21102 I 02714 ..... rTAftlmMT W.f'~C·~~I: Eapr .. a Dr .. Ltguna Hlllt, Ca . . Roger C. Kltllhtm, t77&1 TM IOllowW'9 1*90M ft CIOil'CI (I) jll I ••• •-"""'•• t2t63 Mltc:Nll, !MM, CA 12714, ~ ti! ~~ •• a1oow . .,.,,., Tllla~lloonduC'ltOby • Thla~lloondlle1Mbyln PRO·PLAY!AI INTEA- •~• ~ Ol"Wtl\ 1647 111• H•r UV "·" H $ C.... At ' OTC tee JI b.lt C.9tll $ Ill U.01 lllYftl t.» ... s FllCI • , ,. •.u tnctm f:t •) ;;:~ tr:.: :t ~" F~I MO PerMI M .. ,. • •I Grw91 IO. "" IA•r. 2),Je !fl. ~nc~: t.~ t• J: .:::<~<Ml#~ w= I,~ Lt.1 ,_IT ',. IO,.. l'ICW!tl utt I NI.~ ~ :t: I lt~t~ ~tf'oe: )'.: $~ Ill. GI It S. I H = '-1' •ff "" 10. WL. '°''G IUJ ll.Al1 "-S. .. ;I N i;;:t;~ ,.Uftltl E II l • .i ioJ'i " OM .... ..... ... •••• : • ~ • "' ••• .. .. ~N ~ ... ·= .~ -'i-C 1·1 s,ecr· ~·w u:,.. ... Inc In NI. 11~ 1~ r o._, ~MCO , '° •:; • ~· 141Yld t ~.t v'Gr : A\19,!.hl. 1, hntl Ma. CA~. ,_,_ .. pert'*1flip. ~. NATIONAL. ilOO AlrWe'f A~ ,._ D ._,C*dltldoCW lno., • .--helM ~ "'°llef O, Klrithlm M1e 12t, CO.. ...... CA tl!ltt. C111tornl1 ooo>or•llon, 1100 'ti. Tiiie 1~ _.. lll9d wltfl lhe Tllle .....,_.. Wll llled w1tt1 the PAO-Pl.AYIM WOT INC .. 1 WetfW/11 AV9. .. 11. 1anta Ma. CA County Clertt o1 Ormnoe eouniv on Ooun1Y Clilt1' of 0r111191 County on c1111om11 OOfllO'aton. ~too Altwtlf ft704. Jvttl ii 1"2 June ., itu. A~ CoM1 MIN. OA 920U ,..... ....._ II~ .,, • I ,.,_ • ,_ ,..... ...,._ .. oonctuoted bV. _,.,~ 0 P'ubll~ Qrlllfe co .. 1 Oallw '"bllll!ld Of•• COMt Delly *""...:r:l.AnM WUT INC ,... aeedl 1, ..,, ._ Hot JJ/118 n . "' .Mf 1. 1a. 1112 Not, JuM s , '" n. Ill. 1'1... w...... H. ,ollofll, O.IJlllllr MIMI Vtot,......_ "* =---.. .. ,,. ....,.., -Mid...,, .. o.11111r IA OfMfl 0..., lfl ~ ~ .. OrWllt 0...W 111 -H..... ...... .Mt•,tML ~~ orltr'tJ! ~-:::. ?i7."~,,-:; ·-Ill• Ut NL ("tUlll ":' NL ~,_ tu til 2 ,: J; lf:st ::t: Ui rn tll(M'I tS 1'. 1•1111' .• NL. ~ ~~ IJ~t ~t ~:::"'!?.. l:c.:r~) J'rf.".r W~i~ ~ 1:: 1;11 ~ 'tti Iii =:tl lH: llr. G":~ ·m at 'ti! =t 1a:: ~B\ 'i-1 ~· i~.J"~ ~J1 :...: ill.'" if.lJ'..P tt §j: 'fj ~~ ~ 1in :~:~ , t 1 " nr'at M\~ ·~· 'I~ .. '; ;:tt "l~?iu 'it ~ ,,I 'I '~m":a 'u, J CT( Ci. tft ~ ~ l"D . . fl "wr· v~ I ' :r: ~ 'tr. =t ~t;,.:i«,P. =. t • .:at :: 1.·, ,.·~' I ~,· : f ~i iY1 , ' ~~2' -~ ;r.: u 16ai fl~~·~ I I ilf~ Vt t 'HJ at ~ftt UZ _r _., I ~ NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOYATIOtilltNCl,\IOt UAOUO• '"' .... 'l'O•IC.MtOWIU. 'Ull'IC "''"' •ono ... OIUOIT .uo CINCllOIAft noc• I XtMANHI ANb •tl'O•t lO 1¥ ttil lliAtO ANO tNITtlillt LOS ANGELES tAP) -'fhe retail price of gasoline ha, lncreaaed 1.8 cen\a in two weeka, but otl lndwitry analyst Den Lundberg predict.a lhe price should remam steady through the summet'. The average price rotW to Sl.29 during the period, placing th~ cost about halfwuy between the three-year low of $1.20 a gallon in April and the rerord hjgh of $J.J8 in Murch 1981, Lundberg said Sunday. Dividend increase told Comprehensive Care Corp. of Newport Beach, announced the board of directors approved a first quart.er dividend of 6 cents per share payable Aug. 19 to shareholders of re<.'Ord July 30. This represents a 50 pereen~ increase over prior dividends . . Irvine lease signed Miel, Inc., a Floridj·based communications equipment company, signed a lease for more than 5,000 square feet in the Irvine Company's Executive Park garden-office complex at Main S treet and Red Hill Avenue, Irvine . The company plans t.o move into the second floor of the c·omplex's Toronto Dominion Bank building from its Costa Mesa locauon this surruner. Helionetics stock traded The Pacific Slo<'k Exchange announc.'ed that an Irvine finn, Helionetics Inc. was admitted for trading today as a PSE issue. The common stock of Helionetics is traded under the ticker symbol HLX. Warranty period extended Newport Pharmaceuticals International Inc. haa announced its pos t-effective amendment to the comp an y's registr ation statement extending the expiration date of Newport's B warrants from June 30 to Aug. 31 was declared effective. All other terms a nd conditions of the warrants will remain unchanged. Area firms aid project Construction is to begin in July on Phase I on Kline Center. a 50-acre master planned, multi-use busme;;s park, at the entry of the Ontario International Airport. Kli ne Development of Newpo rt Be ach is developer of the project. The Newport Beach and Ontario offices of Grubb & Ellis Commercial Brokerage Company are exclusive marketing agent.s. Equidon, of lrvine, is the general Contractor, and Langdon & Wilson, of Newport Beach , arch itects. Playboy signs video agreement CHICAGO (AP) -Playboy Enterprises Inc. has announced it signed an exclusive, worldwide license agreement with Twentieth Century Fox-Video Inc .. in a move that could bring video cassettes of Playboy magazine centerfolds and other f~atures into the home this year. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed. Playboy said the first programs, o n video cassettes, are expected late this year , but later programs may also be on video discs. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK (AP) -Sales, noon pfioe •n<I nel <ilol"9'! of IM hHttn mo~t ..:O•c Nf'w Yor-.. St0<" E .-cn.anoe 1sSi1A-s, trading natlonally at more than $1 Monday NL T ~orp (.lfl.SSYC<t MeMPetrl IBM E•xon ~ Am•r T~ T Amer~u E•'t ICOdak 01\nrv w Ph1t1pMorf tonsu l'l:lw Mce>on.10 S<1>1um11ro AmE•P<fl> Coc.tCol• 1>+1,100 <'18.SOO 449 llOO 1"'.200 llll ,'100 )17 100 JS&.100 JOl,SOO JOS,'100 1'18.600 111,wo 71t ·"°° 261>.SOO lt.1.100 7SS.400 UPS AND DOWNS , .. .. .... .1 .. ,. ... ., ... NEW YORK (API T,.,. to11owt119 Its! tllow• the N~w Yor~ Stock E•<"- stoch -w.trranls that IWlv• 90fle \ISi the most ~ doWn tM mos• o.Md °" penent of C<N"91 re~ns•~• ot vol...,. tor noon Monday. No >e<urllles lr-.11"!1 twlow i1 ••• ln<l-..oeo. N•I -p«r<•ntaoa tl\an~s •••ti. Oltf~...C~ bootW10<'fl ttw 1)<9VIOVJ CIO\'nQ price and noon Monaay'a prlOe. N-I S.vlnC$> 2 GNC ~ J t..••rSl.; "' ol PeraclyM S Otl•Ttrm t Sr,ettrG 3PI I OMO Int IQ Wl>fld Alrw 11 NSPw •· t()pl 12 Mn!llAS>t IJ Cl-C Am 1' \lutCMI Matl IS i~ 16 Al-Inc: 17 EA\. wtO 11 GeftArll Inv 1• ~Motrw 10 lt!CI UPS L.tst Cl\9 ~.\>· • ' l v. A l/J ,,v, • 2 S'> ~, •"' ... ""~ )' J • 11 .. 1v .. • 'n U'-• + ' 2 \. ti I 11 • 11"-8l1t • ., ts•11 • 11t 4117 .. "• t•1.. t-'A ,,,. +-... ?8 • ,.,. •"-. ..,.. ,.~ .. .,.. ,...._ II) 1\.it • ·~ 16.... lo ti GA "'bl 1 ~Ol4_1nt U 1p1 1 \IMU 11 GOLD COINS Pct. Up t7 • Up 1•.J Up tol.J UP II 4 UD 10.J Up 1.7 Up 7 7 Up 1.4 UD ti Up •.7 Up t.S Up U Up ,,, Up •.t UP H Up U Ull H UP s.I Up S.I UD lO Up S.t Up U Uo S.S Ptl. Ott ,,. 011 to, Oft '' 0 11 IS Ofl 1 1 Oft •.I Off t • Oft s.• 011 S.• Oft s > 011 S.I Ott SI O!t • • 011 •• Ott ... Off ~· °" .... g: ::T Off .., Off • l ;;: • ...,_ 1 1191 °' . tan.oo • .,. u.ao . ...,. 1 11ey a . un.oo, t.IP N.eo ........ ..-.1..tttoyOLA•UO.UCt ... 'AH1fl81t t• uewll, t t 02 Uoy 01., ao1,oo.11t •:uo .......,0..,.,.,.. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -Salea, noon Monday price and net Change ot the ten moll 8C'llve Amerlcall Stoel< Eac:Oange Issues. trading nat!Onalty at more 11\an $1 BrownFor 8 ~ Oo'T'ePlrl ~~,"\~knot N~st8._t/l Ch•'"P Ho Tubo~•., KoPl>.lrm s TfX'<:Ml ~ Crvst•IOt• METALS 19) soo 181.'Q l t00,100 w,>oo •7.too ~.JOO lS,llOO lS . .00 3J 'IOO J1.)00 J7 ..... 19~ s I/ ,, .. I\. , ... " II .,, + t .., NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonlerrout me1elll prices Monday. Copper 66'"'· 72 ce nts a pound. U S c!M11n,.lon• Leed 24-27 ~" • po<H>d. ZIM 36-37 1*11> a pound, o.11..,od Tin Ml.0647 Met811 Weoll ~lie lb .....,..._ 7!>-77 cents I POUnd, N.V Morcwy S370. 00 per llut< Plttttwm $249.00 ltoY oz., N V SILVER Handy I H•rmal'. 55 100 per troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tho._........._ Setec:ted world gold prlees Monday: London: morning l••lng: $303 40, orl 12.10. l..eMfon: eftarnoon ll•lng· $303.75, oil s 1.75. ,llria: anemooo 11Jt1ng. '303. 43. up~ 1.48. ,, ... """ $304 99. ~. z...td>: 111e ll••no S304.26. oft to.26 bkl. '30'. 75 uko<I. H•ndJ I Harmen: (only dally quota) '303 75, oft S 1 75 ......._..,(only datty quota) s:l03.75. off $1 75. I~: (Only dally quota) 13111.&•. 011 s 1 e• I' I I- I I I I Orlnge Ooeet DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, June 29, 1982 'Cleavage' mudilled musical l y JAY SHARB UTT Altf..-Cl'ttle NEW YORK (AP) -w.u. ha U1hUna la very, nJw. And It. uahert are wry poU\At. But "ClMVll'-'' la the kind of Broadway muale&l that would b4t fun only it you heard about It from a ufe dll\.&nt'e. True, you'd ml1111 tho tlrat·&l't do.er in which a bcauty-ahop owner and her trut·k·drlvh~ btmu alng 1 country ball1Ad, "Bullove ln M\", Or I'll be Leavinai' You" Into two hair Jryt>l'll thcy·r~ hold1"8. You'd alao miss "Boys Will Be Otrla," wherein a draa queen J\Ql only dOC!tl a g~ly awful dance routine with twp chorus boys. but pa on to wryly advise the woman who one. wanted to marry him: "Pleaso, go out and find yourself a good man - I did ." And you wouldn't be able to write home and aay you'd heart:i lyrics that go ''What la thia feeling, why does It taunt me so?" and "Why am I shivering • . . why am I quavering?" all in the same aong. The onJy thlng you could write home or anywhere about is one lovely, touching ballad in the show, "Voices of the Children," in which the cast. playing kids, wistfully sing of the effects of divorce on kids. H TOlllO Edward~ Saddlf'IM< • 58• 5880 • OUltGl 0.~• Molli 6)7 0340 P U •COSTA MIU OAAllGE 81ea Plua £ow;i1ds Cinem~ P1e1l11; 0.11'1141 Oi••t In 529 5339 546 3102 u, 4) 558 7071 OUNOl UA C1,y C111em.i b34 391, • WUTMINSTllll I d#atd) C111em1 Wt .1 891 1935 WUTMlllSTUI tl• wav 39 {)live In 11141891 l b93 ROCKY III IPGle; UnttedAmati ,MjjA NOW PLAYING COSIA IHSA H.troor t.in 611 )~01 MIUICNI fllJO :3c;-~ llllllA PAM •llUltllMITCNI IUtll ·~11111 P.idclonc..,Du-. .. 10 • ., ... __ c;.,.,,.. c- 11u 1111 1010 11u 111103,. bll?\)) •COSTA •u lAGUllA IUl:ll ! dwMft Brr\IOI Sourh Col\I ~·o 1111 1911)11 CITY CEnTER f'~ rN T'll ClfV ClNTlll OAAHG[ • ll' nt2 •11i1ter For ti---l••••r .Sohool , Huntington Center student and adult classes start July 6. Enroll In the mall weekdays 1 to 4 & 7 to 8: savsun 12 to 6. OIWIG( ~\iro~""' WUTMlllSfU IC-.,0\~Wt\I 891 )9)) ',.,.1 '" ' IL~~J::Jll - lt'a tht• liOlt.• ahhllJli moment In "Cleo11vuail'," crnted by two brothl'n, Buddy and Duvid Shc•tflt"lti, both Bnn1dway rooklt"S No doubt thl'y had tht• bcwt of lnwnUuna But the reault la .-two-hour dlaator littered with ailupefy1ng :ikekhl'S, no-taste ladies' wear, lmrn1.'d1uioly forgNtnble songs (excludlng "Voice11"). choNX>KNPhY thlJl makes you wince, and atagin.i thttt rt!minds one of the vuudeville act 11een in the nowd movie romedy, "Harry and Walter Go to New York " • "Cleevage" aa directed, give or take, by Rita Baker, with the skimpy settings by Morris Taylor. The choreography, and I use the term 1008ely, is by one Alton Geno. The names of the show's nine pluyers are being withheld, pending notification or kin. T riumph "A movie of •oaring plea1ure1 1ha1 you hopf! will nrvc-r cmd. To be een &8ain and B8&in , .. and trc-a11ur~d." ET. TH E EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL CITY cenTeR ~~ tfrw '"I CtT• CP•tMI rtf4•'-<.it • l..)t "" LUXURY THEATRES Isl Two Nali11te Sliowi11uOHlYS2.i2Utiltss0tlltrwiStMDted 113t.t4a·x .. 116161~ 2553 /~~. J s * FOR FUn I EX<ITEmEnT j V1s1t Our' .. ARCADE of GAMES* ~~~~'r ~ ,Alnlii)gi ,2:00 2tlS 5 :15 1:00 10:30 n 70mm / ..srAA n. Wl'ATl4 mc;~-NW1 Im) •• .,..a'9()Ullt ""''v-t Sllowf ~t U :OO 2 130 S:OO 71:10 0:00 In 70mm Clint Sutwood *BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru Saturday All Performance• before 5:00 PM (E1cept Spec:lll Eng1gtmtnta 1nd Holldeys) lltl'• ··~·~4.2:o<)"") "ANNIE"'"°' ........ -"'" ... "POLTERGEIST" <'°> ·---.1 .... - "GREASE 2" <N I ·--.--.. - LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "ROCKY Ill" <NI .. .,... OOUY eTtMO ____ ,... .... ,_ "IT AR TREK II: THe WRATH OF KHAN'' 10MM DOlaY STSMO ll'OI .... UI,-. ... - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlk IN ~Alo.llVno 21J/6U-t211 "MEGAFOACE" CNI -.-...-..-.- l "GUN-' 1•AUTffORt AUTHOR" -. ....... ,.._,_ (N) "IT II: THE WllATM OP KHAN" 7'1111111 DOUY ITSMO (N ) -... -.-.- "ROCKY Ill" (N I .... __ ,... ......... faculty ot CondlewoOd 211/131·9510 "t'OMY'I" C•l __ ,....,,, .. "NCHAM> ""YOfl LIVE OM nt1 SUNNT STRtf'" (JI) -.-.- "MEGAFOACE" CNI ---.-.- "GREASE 2" 1~1 __ ..,,,.., ..... SO . COAST WALK·IN louttt Coo11 Hl•or ollfoodwoy 494-1514 "THE THING" 1•1 ., ... _,..._ "ROCKY Ill" cPOI __ ,, __ _ -·---- 11111. ... frl. 7:JO -\II~ Sia 7;.lf .. $Ms" ...... IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllDlfl N UNbER 12 FREE! M.t. ... ·-..., ... fft. 7:ta • Sit.. Sia., ........ l:Oe CM-fl SOUHO • YOUll AM CAii IWllO IS ~ ~ t1f 11!1 .,. CAii AAOIO 11!111 Ol!lOll MXUSOM IOSITOI -llllllf AM IQll1MU 1 •AU QllE.fl IJIWE'.als &JD ON AM MDII ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN f••H•oy 91 ol le mofl $1 179·9150 "FIREFOX" CNI ..... "OUTLAND" c•1 CIN( JI S0\1110 ----------~--· --------"BLADE RUNNER" 1111 ..... "BODY HEAT" (Ill Cllll fl $()\)till BU!NA PAllk BUENA PARK DRIVE IN UncOI" ... .,. We •I OI lflOn 121-4070 BUENA PAllk LINCOLN ORIVE·IN Lincoln Ave Weil of •nott 121·4070 "MEGAFORCE" <NI ..... "VISITING HOURS" 1•1 CINl 11~ 1 .T., THI IXTRA· TIEIHltllllllAL" !NI "ROCKY Ill" cro1 ..... .. CLASH OF THE TITANl"CNI 11.Ill!I• "THE ~~~Q" C•I kin 0..90 ffWY 01 ltoOlllMAI (So ) •CAT PIEOPLE" !Ill f62•24'1 Clio( fl SOU110 ---__ Gol_;:_,_.::;_,_;·_3'!o_,_ I A HA8"1A LA HABRA 01(1Vf IN _ ............ ~-........ - 171-1162 ., .. ,.,. .1 ORANGE DRIVf IN .. . .. MISSION (llltVI IN . " "Flftl,01 .. 1re1 -"OUTLAND""'' CIM "SOUllO ---- "flOl ~T" <NI "MA WOLVll " <"el CIHf • " tollllO "81.ADI RUNNER" 1111 -"80DY HIA r' llll SQCIO AllO ,..., t. Stole COit~ 551·7022 ...... , ....... "' .....,,t,,_ ....... , .. 110 .. , f • •• Ul&U Mii& •ti•. " "' tOUll1 At• H I Ur . ·-.,. 1\1.10 MIUIOlt tllJO 1·1 ~ Id•,.·• lilt t iioi• '"''''" u fNt l .... 4N ••fl-ll• ..... ---·unu HJOHt l&llJU,OllC&P'lll- mmlml. :.·. • :,:::,.',.,,.,.,.. lA...... 40Hf\ J11U1 ........ ~,,. ... ' ,.,,. ..a ••-Hn acc .. ••• •o-,_. •~•"' 1' Diiiy Piiat TUESDAY, JUN! 29. 1982 ClASSlfllD C5 ~------------------------~ ~-Growing menace stalks women pros Tennis tour stars constantly bothered by weird letters, phone calls Pl S:~c2r~~~y . WIMBLEDON, England -The globe-circling ladies of the tennis tour h~ve their own names for them -"weirdos," "kooks," "crazies," "sex fiends." They rarely show their laces. They lurk in the shadows. They are always around. Writing letters. $ending gifts. Making obscene telephone calls in :ihe middle of the night. •' .· "It happens to almost all of us," says Chris Evert Lloyd, America's queen of the courts. "Sometimes we try to laugh it off. We joke about it. But all of us rea)ize it could be serious. "I get alarmed sometimes when I am in a strange ci ty or country all by myself." Lloyd echoes the sentiments of most of her contemporaries when she speaks of this not entirely new but growing menace of secret admirers and warped minds who attach their fantasies to the graceful divas of the courts. "It's as old as time itself," says 72-year·old Ted Tinting, a Wimbledon fixture for more than half a century. "It happened to Suzanne Lehglen just after World War~ and to Helen Willis in the 1920s. "If you are to be a hero or a heroine, you must. take the consequences. These special human beings COMMENTARY (stars) consummate the secret dreams of humanity." JoAnne Russell, a statuesque, 27-year-old New Yorker, said she was constantly pestered by a man who wrote her letters and enclosed self-addressed envelopes in an attempt to set up a rendezvous. "I turned it over to the police," she explained. "Then the police came back and said, 'He has an unlisted number.' I said, "You're the police, aren't you?' Finally, they got rid of him." She said there was one fan who followed her all the way to Wimbledon. "He came up to me, and I said, 'How did you get here?' He said he wasn't telling me anything. But he was just a young man. I figured he was just one of the two members of my fan club when I played team tennis for the New York Apples. letters from apparent!?'. the same person were delivered to the women s locker room. "They were lewd drawings of all of us," she said. "Everybody except Evonne Goolagong got one." "But, I couldn't help think.mg of Son of Sam. He killed girls first." Seventeen-year-old Andrea Jaeger of Lincolnshire, Ill., confided to J ohn Husar of the Chicago Tribune last week that when she was 16, a man followed her from Ohio to Florida. Lloyd received a death threat m the Canadian Open at Toronto last year and had 18 secunty men guarding her throughout the tournament, but that was not her most harrowing experience. "After I won the U.S . Open in 197~, I got a telephone call from someone who said he wu my dad," she said. "I picked up the receiver. Then he started giving all this obscene talk. I burst into tears. I was so shaken the receiver was glued to my "He was a murderer who wrote that he was getting out of jail on my birthday," she said. "He followed me to Florida. He said he loved me and wanted to marry me. My mother and father were worried. But I thought it was funny. ears.~· · ''Later he left, saying, 'I'll wait. I know you want to go to college.' Then he sent me a telegram saying, 'I hope I didn't bother you.' My mother would pull me oH the tour if she knew some of the strange offers I've had.'' Lloyd said there is a Florida man who writes letters to her every other day. "I'm sure there will be 30 waiting for me when I get back," she srud. Tinling called it a syndrome akin to the case of John Hinckley, who had a crush on actress Jodie Foster. Jaeger said during one tournament a stack of South dazzles, tern pers flare North upset by all the razzle By ROGE R CARLSON 0( ttle Dtllly ,.... llllff The South All-stars made it five in a row -a first for the Orange C.Ounty All-star football game -but that wasn't the only "first" Monday night at Orange Coast C.Ollege where the Rebels plowed under the underdog North, 36-13. It wa:> a bitterly fought contest from the outside with personal fouls raising more hair on the back o f the necks than touchdowns and two players were ejected during the course of th game. WHEN IT WAS over Servite Coach Ron Smeltz.er, who'll be coaching many of the South's olavers as the Shrine Game's (Rose Bowl, July 17) South coach, refused to shake hands with winning coach Bob Lester of El Modena. "If you have a gaine on your schedule next season I'd like to play you," was Smeltzer's response to Lester's hand. Then he s talke d away, e nd of postgame discussion (with Lester). Dave Geroux of Edison, M ark Templeton of Foothill and Jim Torok of El Modena proved to be as good as billed. But there were also many penalties -13 for 108 yarda for the South, alon e -and combined with some r azzle· dazzle play at the end wbkh helped mount .the final margin, Smeltz.er was smoldering, to •Y the least. "It was embarrassing for my kids," says Smeltzer. "He (Lester) rubbed il in. They didn't h ave to do that, using fake reverses, reverse passes ... " With 3:56 remaining and the South up by a 29-13 count. the Rebels w e n t to Capistrano Valley's Sam Finch, who took what appeared to be the beginning of an end around and turned it into a 62-yard scoring play with Fountain Valley's Joel Seay on the receiving end. FOR THE SOUTH, it was the coup de grace, the final touch to an explosive night of football, but for the beaten North, it was the last slap in the face. TIME TO LOOK -Fountain Valley High's Matt Stevens (15) looks downfield as his teammate, center Dale Crane (50), one of lour Fountain Valley offensive starters for the South, is ready Delly f'llot ""°'oe by Clwtee ,..,,. to hold off any defensive pressure. The South gave Stevens the time and he responded with 209 yards through the air in a 36-13 victory at Oran~e Coast College Monday night. For the r ecord the South proved superior in just about every d epartment, using eight players in the scoring column. The h e r alded backfield of quarterback Matt S tevens of Fountain Valley and runne rs Smeltz.er also lashed out al the play of the game, which was out of control early. "You have to jump on it right away and they (the officials) didn't," said Sme1t.z.er. "Brunot (Canyon High full back Ed Bruno t) took a deliberate spear In the back. It's not worth it, not to just come out· and try to hurt people." Gentleinen prefer Arnritraj's conduct ~He politel y advances at Wimbledon WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -The gentleman at the All- England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club still refer to the bracket as "The Gentleman's Singles." They must have Vijay : l\mritraj in mind. ~ Ranked 35th in the world on the Association o f Tennis Prof~ionals computer, Amritraj chose not to meet the full Volvo • Crand Pri?t commitment this l Year and so came to Wimbledon through the qualifying ... tournament at Roehampton, a cutthroat route that five-time champion Bjorn Borg of Sweden declined to drive. Then Amritraj sat patientJy through four days of rain to gain ta five -set decision against American Jeff Borowiak in what one commentator characterized as the "most sophisticated" match of the day. Finally comfortable on the grass surface, Amritraj step& to .the baseline and the ball tl)Cplodes off the end of his fluid .erving motion. ' _ Polite applause follows -the crowda here remember h im for all the right reuons: his conduct, h1a put heroics -and aU ii 1uddenly right with the tl men of the All-Enaland and the t.ennta world ln ··~ revolved around "ITly Hrvlce, ' Amrl\raJ Hid Monday af c.r runnlna down PHcal PortH e.1 , 8-2, e~al markin1 the flnt Uml M't belwa the Frenchman In fQl&t ouUnp. 1'TheN w11 &oo much JrtMUtt on a. own 111"\ftOI blcit• If he didn't I" &he tin. Ont ln, he ..... I Wll ua..11 '° wtn " Today. Amri traj took o n 14th-seeded Roscoe Tanner. In other matches, third-seeded Vitas Gerulaitis opposed unseeded Tomas Smid of Czechoslovakia, sixth-seeded Gene Mayer played Larry Stefank.i and No. 7 Mats Wilander of Sweden met Staislov Birner of Czechoslovakia. On the women's side, top- seeded Martina Navratilova squared off against 18-year-old Zina Garrison; No. 2 Chris Evert Lloyd, the defending champion, met 15th-seeded Virginia Ruzici of Romania and 12th-seeded Billie J ean King battled No. 6 Wendy Turnbull of Australia. Top-seeded John McEnroe, the de fending champion, and No. 2 Jimmy C.Onnors, seeded to meet in the finals of the men's singles, both advanced the fourth round of the r ai n -plagued event Monday with victories. Australian Pau) McNamee alao reached the fourth round with a 7-6, 3-6, 3--6, 6-4, 6-1 victory over South African Kevin Curran . McEnroe comfortably sent compatriot Lloyd B ourne pecking 6-2. 6-2, 6-0, but C.Onnon ran into trouble a,ab'\lt another ~fier. Drew Gitlin of Encino, I ., who took a 1et from the left-hander before 1rud1ingly aumtnderl"I 6·2, 6-7, 7-6, 7-&. Aaked lf he'd ever teen Gitlin, ranked 186th In the world, play before, Connon replied: "No. and lt was not tht time for lntroduttlonl. '' Aaked If he wu worried at an)' Juncture or th• thrt1·hour match, Uw former WtJnbledion champion addtd: 111 don't I•' worried. Thi•'• problblx the._, thln1 about m)' pme. Lester responded: "We had a problem here, it was a first game for everybody and we got a mas.5 oC penal ties, a nd probably deservedly . . . late hits." Lester said before the game it was his intention to showcase the South's players, not to dwell on any one portion of the attack. and he was true to his word. "We used every play we had," said the El Modena coach. As for turning points, the South cashed in on a blocked punt to score with no time left in the first half to take a 15-6 lead, but it wasn't broken open until Westminster's M ike Waters recovered a fumbled punt at the North 20, which evolved into Ken Laszlo's 16-yard touchdown run on the first play in the fourth period. THE NORTH rallied'° within 15-13 on the third quarter's ~t poaeession when Servite'• OOug Butler got an assist from Waters to complete a 21-yard touchdown pass to Mike Bowles of Cypress. W aters appeared to have it intercepted, but lost a J'-'88ling act and the ball fell into Bowles' hands. That, however , along with a (See SOUTH, Pace CZ) ANGELS, TEXAS OPEN SERIES ARLINGTON, Texas -Fresh off their aaUafyina leriea victory over the KanaM City Royala, the Ancela betEln a alx·pme road \rip here tontant (5:3& PST) aplnat the TeXM ftanpn. By delNtint the Royt.11, 9-l lunday afternoon the An,.11 concluded the homeuand winNnl kf·ll ..-, Ind~ •• ~ ltmn JC.-. Q&y. Thi Ill, tf\tr IOllftl 1 •4 lO ...., .... .,.. now Uan• 1•1111 bthln~ '\"' Ameno1n L...,. W•·llldlnl ®'!'!· i I ('I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/TUHday, Junt 29, 1982 Will Garvey's streak end tonight? LOS ANC~LES (AP) l>l<'k Wllll•nui. thu 11\Ul\u.it•r or ttll' &an Oil'ao P•dn.'S, wu lvoktf'\M 1u u cupy of th~ NaUl>Nl Le~~ WHt 11\.Hndtna-bf.fore hll cJUb opened a four il'mt• aeril'S M6flln11t the Lo. Angel<•R Dudgt>n1. qune u happy u hl' might h1o1vc t>een It the Padre. hadn't loest to the Dodgers 8-4 Monday nlaht Pedro Gu~rr .. ro honwn-<l wllh om• on Ill the 1ixth when tht• l>uditt'r8 owrcomt.• a 3-2 San Diego lt>od days I've had It before, I've play~ In pain befurt'. but I'll have w ~~ abwt tomorrnw nliht when l get t.o the park and test It ." Thf' Hklppt•r of the Padre1111kt'd whut he aaw. The te('i)nd-pluc~ Padres are stll 1 ahead of tht• thtrd plat-e Dodgers, but the lead la now only two gamt'S And tht> Dodgen., with their third straight win and 1 lth In their last 14 outings to go five aamH over .500, their hlgh mark of the ~NIOn, are only 4 lh sivnes behind the dlvlttlon-leadlng Braves. The Dodgers tr4tlled by a run whon losing pitcher Chrla Welsh. ~-:j, wulkc.'<l Ron Roenlcke to lead off tht.• sixth ond Guerrero followt.>d With his l:Jth homt.•r He'll no doubt play, and hlB manager, Tom L...asorda, said ht.· hopes Garvey ls uble to maintain his i;treak, but he cautioned, "Sometimes streaks do end becau.e ot injuries." St.eve Garvey then ihot a doublt.> to the wall in center, but pulled his right hamstrlng and had to leave the game. "L.A. I• th" team to beat " he was aaylng. "I rt·tpec:l ... tlanta, ver~ much - don't misunderstand -but ai fon& as we k~p the Dodgers behind Us, l'U be hnp'p ." w1Iuams IS stilJ happy, then, o~ly not Steve Yeager cracked a two-run homer and a run-scoring single and Garvey, who has played ln 1.020 games In a row, the fifth-longest playing on streak on record, said of the Injury, "It'll been tight the la.st three or four Fernando Valenzuela, 10-6, camc..-d the win, joining Philadelphia's St.eve Carlton as the NL's first JO-game winners. Still, Valenzuela labored for the aecond successive start Astro GM d e lighted with J .R. 's e ffort From AP dispatches DAYTONA BEACH -J .R . la Richard. making his first start since suffering a near fatal stroke two years ago, began a journey Monday night that he hopes will lead him back to the major leagues. "It took a lot of hard work to get here, and it's going to take a lot of hard work to get·back," the 32-year-old pitcher said after hurling four -.;,,.. , ' i nnings for the Daytona Beach Astros of the Florida State League. "I felt fine. I thought I could have gone two more mmngs." added Richard. who threw 64 pitches, four more than trainers had decided he should throw in the outing. The f ormer Houston I Astros pitcher who was felled RICHARD by a stroke on July 30. 1980, had spent the last month In a special extended spring training program in Sarasota. A sellout crowd of 4.500 at City Island Park gave him a standing ovation before the game and after he completed his appearance. The St. Petersburg Cardinals touched Richard for three runs on three hits in the first inning. But the right-hander settled down in the second -retiring the side in order -and allowed only two more hits the rest of the way. ·Quote of the day George Allen, after being named coach and part-owner of the Chicago franchise in the Cl edgling United States Football League: "Within one month l could put together a team oC free agenta that could be comp etitive in the National Football League." Grich leads Angel All-star charge NEW YORK -Bobby Grich of la the Angels and Willie Randolph of the New York Yankees are locked in a close battle for the second-ba!ie position in the final week of balloting for the American League All-star team. With one more week of ballotmg left, Grich led Randolph by 27,931 votes, 515,984-488,053, the league said Monday. Frank White of Kansas City was third with 462,523 v o t es. 25.53 0 behind Randolph. Final r esu lts of fan baUoting for the July 13 All- star Game at Montreal will be announced on Tuesday, July 6 The top vote-getter through Monday was George Brett of the Roya.la, who. t,\ad GRICH 1,066,897 for the thi.f<l-base spot. Bretl, who re«>ived the most votes in last year's All-star balloting. was 425,966 votes ahead of Toby Harrah of Cleveland. who had 640,931. Fred Lynn of the Angels was locked in a cJ05e duel wtth former teammate Jim Rice of Boston for the third outfield spot. Reggie Jackson of the Angels led outfield balloting with 651.831 votes. followed by 'Rickey Henderson of Oakland with 537,075 and Lynn with 535,731. Rice, with 482,418, was 53,313 votes behind. Left fielder Dave Winfield of the New York Yankees had 4 78,082 votes. Carlton Fisk of the Chicago White Sox led catchers with 995,966 votes, and Rod Carew of the Angels had 869,035 votes for first base. Bucky Dent led ballol.lng for shortstop with 591,733 votes. Carlton picks up 10th victory S t eve <;arltoo be~ame the a l'f:t1onal League's first 10-game winner as he pitched a 1-0 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals Monday night that boosted the Phillies into the National Leaaue East lead foe the first time this season In other games, Nolan Ryan and B ert Roberge combined on a four-hitter, and J ose Crui drove in two runs wtth a sin~le and a scrafice fly, leading Houston to a ram-plagued 6-2 decision over Atlanta. The game was delayed for two hours, seven minutes by a heavy thunderstorm ln the first inning Joe Morgan triggered a six-run first inning with a leadoff homer and capped it with a sacrifice fly as San Francfsco topped Cincinnati 7-1 Leon Durham hit two home runs to power the Chicago Cugs to a 6-4 victory over Pittsburgh ... The New York Mets have placed Hubie Brooks on the 15-day disabled list so that he can recuperate from a pulled left hamstring. easebalJ today On this date in baseball in 1968: Detroit's Jim Northrup hit his fourth bases-loaded home run in a five-week span. and his third in five days. The blast, a third-inning shot off Chicago's Cisco Carlos, highlighted the Tigers' 5-2 victory over the White Sox. On this date in 1937: Ctucago Cubs first baseman Rip Collins played a whole game without a putout or an ~1st. On this date in 1916: Long before baseball was to become a billion-dollar business, the Chicago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds were able to play an entire nine-inning game uslng just one ball. Today's birthdays: Forme r Minnesota slugger Harmon K illebre w is 46. Texas pitcher Rick Honeycutt is 28. Henderson, A's topple Royals Rickey Henderson drove in four a runs and Dwayne Marpby clubbed a three-run homer Monday night, leading the Oakland A's to an "8-4 victory over Kansas City, dropping the Royals three games behind the league-leading Angels in the Atnerican League West. Oakland Coach Clete Boyer handled the team after A's Manager BUly Mattia returned to the hotel suffering lrom the-flu . . Elsewhere. J er ry Remy broke a tie with a three-run double in the seventh and Boston went on to score a 9 -7 win over Milwaukee, allowing the Red Sox to move three games ahead of the Brewers in the AL East . . . Rudy Law hit a three-run double and Steve Kem~ rapped. a two-~n homer as the Chicago White Sox rupped MIJUlesota 8-7. Bulls hire Weshead as coach P aul Wes tbead , insisting he • advocates the fast-break, running game, although he was fired by the Los Angeles Lakers because of his restrictive oHense, was named head coach of the Chicago Bulls Monday. Terms of his four-year contract were not disclosed ... A temporary restraining order has been issued which bars prosecution of any lawsuits against the National Buketball Association until the NBA gets its own hearing in the San Diego Clippers controversy. The Clippers are trying to move from San Diego to Los Angels where they would play at the Sports Arena . . . The Dallas Mavericks traded center Wayne Cooper and a 1985 first -round draft pick to Portland in exchange for guard Kelvin Ransey . . . New Orleans Saints quarterback Dave Wllsoa denies reports linking him with accused cocaine dealer Mike Stracban, a former Saints running back. The NFL's first-roWld draft choice from Illinois said he "wouldn't. even recognize Strachan if I met him on the street." Televl ston, radld TELE VISION: No events scheduled. R.ADlO: Baseball -Angels at Texas, 5:35 p.m ., KM.PC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 7:35 p.m ., KABC (790). Delly Not "'°40 by Ctleltee ltan LOOSE BALL -&ii.son High's Rick DiBernardo (43), the South's middle linebacker, has his eye on a loose ball, but he didn't get it. The Notre Dame-bound DiBernardo led a defensive assault on the North in a 36-13 South victory. From Page C1 SOUTH ROLLS. • • 35-yard burst by Buena Park's Mo Printup for a second-quarter touchdown. was really the extent of the North's game. The rest of the evenin g belonged to the winners, who scored first, often and last. Stevens, voted the offensive player of the game, completed only 9 of 27 (33 percent) behind an offensive front that consistently gave him excellent protecuon. But, as Stevens often did while at Fountain Valley, he went over the 200-yard mark in total yardage, getting 209 with the help of 40-yard plays to Gerowc and Laguna Hills' Dan Blanck and a 47-yarder to Seay. ''Stevens played a marvelous game," said Lester. "He'll do very well at UCLA, that's for sure." "Asked if there was any one thing he could point to as his team's downfall," Smeltzer said,, "Talent. all over the place, but I thought we could put some pressure on Stevens. We didn't." Said Lester: "The offensive lme had a helluva go." Geroux got the South started by rambling eight yards with a screen pass for a TD on fourth down and Tustin's John Collard added a 36-yard field goal. The last play of the second quarter found Templeton bolting over from the three behind the Edison blocking tandem of guard Craig Dumity and Geroux. But the North's last gasp was at 15-13. then the South pulled away with simply too many weapons. too many big plays. Waters, along with Edison's Rick DiBernardo. Santa Ana's Fortino Rivera and others. made the South's defense just too hard to handle. The crowd of 7.100 was treated to one of the most explosive games of the 2l-year series, but it'll be remembe°i-ed as one of the most bitter. The South still trails in the series, 14-9. Poland has eye • on semis MADRID. Spain (AP) - Poland has emerged as a surprise contender for soccer's 1982 World Cup. The Poles. who opened their finals campaign with a brace of goaJless draws against Italy and Cameroon, clinched a second- round berth with a 5-1 triumph over Peru last week. They proved that was no fluke wnh a stunning 3-0 triumph over Belgium Monday and moved to within one victory of a semifinal spot FRANCE ALSO boosted its chances of reachmg the Final SOCCER Four by defeaung Austrta 1-0 in a second-round game in Madrid. The top teams in each of four three-team groups advance to the semis. Two second-round games were played today -England took a nine-game wmning streak into i_ts match with West Germany m Madrid and defending champion Arge ntina played Italy in Barcelona. In Poland's victory, Zbigniew Boniek, the attacking midfielder, scored all three goals as Poland ripped to s hre d s a Belgian defense that had allowed only one goal in three opening round matches. Boniek, playing up front. opened with a bullet-like shot in the fourth minute, followed-up with a 27th minute header and then round ed off a superb individual p e rformance by beating the Belgian offside trap for a 53rd minute tap-in. He was assisted on two of the three goals by Gn..egon Lato, the 32-year-old veteran, who Monday became only the 10th player in history to start in 100 international matches. LATO, WHO played a role in almost every Polish attack, said the Poles were not surprised by their rapid improvement. "When we arrived in Spain we hadn't played an important game with our regular team for several months, so it took us some time to get it together," Lato said. "I was expecting the team to show great progress." Poland now needs o nly to defeat the Soviet Union on July 4. also in Barcelona, to advance to the semjs for the first time since 1974. France's victory. cUnched by a stunning 40th minute free kick from Bernard Genghini, left the French needing only a victory over Northern Ireland on July 4 to clinch a semifinal spot. The Fre n ch beat Northern Ire land 4 -0 in an exhibition match last month. but coach Michel Hida lgo said his team would not be overconfident when they faced the Lrish. "W e do not make any comparisons with the game we played in Pans," he said. Seahawks' Stanle y sign s with R oyals Ocean View High product K evin Stanley, a three-year standout for the Seahawks, has signed a professional contract with the Kansas City Royals' organization and has been assigned to Sarasota. which competes in the rookie league in Florida. Stanley was an outfielder and pitcher f or Ocean View, compiling a .320 batting average and 4-5 won-loss record as a pitcher. Stanley, a left-hander, was chosen on the sixth round of the regular phase of the recent major league draft. SHUmRS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUmRS Designed, Finished ~ Installed - • ..... ' ' ~ . . .,, " MAJOR LIAQU& STANOINOO Am.,~ le1t9ue Wfflem OM tlOfl w L '"°'· o a A~I• C111e900 1<11\Ht Clly s .. 111e Oaklano Te•H M1nru1Sota ~· 211 603 40 31 S83 l 40 ) I 5113 3 Jll 36 514 8' • 32 .. •21 13't 27 39 40!! 13'• Ill 56 243 211'~ f H l..-n OM.ion •2 38 &o6 Mllwauk .. B1ll1m0<e OtlrOtl Clev&ta11d New Vork f0<onto 40 31 S63 3 38 31 S51 • 36 32 529 5'·• 34 35 •93 8 33 35 485 8'> 33 38 •6S •0 Mon4AJ'I tac.fee Bot100 9, Milwauktte 1 Olkli1no 8, 1<an1as Cily 4 ChlCAQO 8, Mlnn9$018 7 Ooly g11mes ICheOule<J Todaf t Q...,eo .Angele !F0<1en 1 61 at Te"IS \M601Cl\ S 81 ,, Soalll• \BannitH!f 6--41 "' 1010010 (Clancy I J>. n C1eve1ano (Denny 4 81 ut Bat11mo10 (McGreg0< 8·5>. " BoslO<I tEcke,.1ey 7 61 al Detro.I tU!dur 2 SI n M1twaukee (CalOweH • 71 a1 N~w Yotk (GuiOry 8·21 n Oaklano (McCattV !> It al Kanu1 Clly 01000 0-01. n cruc..go (Ool!IOO 3 1) "' M1nne101a (VIOi• I 0). n Netlonal leagu. • w .. 1.,n OM.ion W L Pel. 08 •3 N 597 Atlanta San [).ego Oodeero 40 31 563 2'> San Francisco C1nc1nnall HOUtlO<I •o 35 533 4• .. 33 42 ••O 11·~ 31 •2 425 12'• 31 •2 •25 n" PhllAOelp/lil SI lou18 Mon Ir Ml N-YO<k PllltDurgh Chicago lbole•n Olvleloft 41 32 ., 33 39 31 35 38 33 36 29 •8 Mondar'o OCO<ff Oodee<• I, San Diego • CNcaQo II PtlltOUrgh 4 Houllon 6, Allama 2 Phlledelpflla I, SI lOUlt 0 San FranClll()O 1 Cincinnati 1 Only games xhe<!tlleo Tod•Y'IS- 562 560 557 479 8 478 8 387 13 San Diego (Monlaruxo II·• I at Oodeero (Rtuu9·S), n PlttsDurgh (RhoOen 4·9) •I Chicago !Jenkins S-8) New VO<k (Peulo ~I at Mo•ltreal (Roget• 9·31, n SI loult (Andujar 9-5) al P1141edelphl41 (RUlh.en 6-5), n HOUCIO<I (J Nlellro &-61 •t Allan•• (Wei .. 6-61. n NATIONAL LEAOUE OOda«s 9. Padree 4 8AH DIEG'b LOI ANOE'LU eb rhbl IOb l h lM Ricriros, 11 5 o 1 O Su. 2D • o O o Salaur, 2D 4 1 I O Roenlck, cl 3 I O 0 Tmplln. u • 2 2 1 Gu« re<, rl 4 I I 2 J°"" cl 3 I 0 I G.,..,.,, 1D 3 0 I 0 Lezcano. fl 3 o o o Landre• cl I 2 I 0 l(ennoy, c 4 0 2 I Cey 3D 4 0 I I Wigglnt, P< 0 0 0 0 MaraM, II 4 I 2 0 SWlther, c 0 0 0 0 Y~, c 3 I 2 3 SeYaeq lb • 0 I 0 Ru»ell, IS 3 0 0 0 P111man 2D 3 o 1 O Valenzl41 p 2 O O O Wellfl. p 0 0 0 I Howe P 0 0 0 0 Oel600. 0 0 0 0 I EOWrds, ph t O O O D<avcky. p O O O o To1a1s .31 6 8 II M RrTYs. p/I I 0 0 0 Totals 32 4 8 4 ~D1 •-•no• San Diego 002 100 010 • l05 Angeles 020 003 0 IA -6 E-Sa.. OP Loa A~ 2 LOB-San OteQo 6, lot Angetes 3 2B Alcnarda, T Kenne Oy Bevacoua Garvey. Cey 3B -TempielOn HR-YNQfl< 121 Gue,, .. o 1131 SB Temptelon S P111man, Weith .... Diego IP H " Ell •• ao Welall (l, 5·31 S S S 5 2 0 04!leon I t 0 0 0 1 Oravec~y 2 2 I I O 2 Loe Ang<>leo V•le<\"'8141 IW 10·61 7' • 8 4 4 J J Hc>we (S 8\ 1t, 0 0 0 0 0 Welsh polC"90 lo 3 batle•s 1n IM 6m T 2 36 " 46.S72 Cuba •. Pffel .. • P111sourgh o•o ooo ooo • 10 1 Clloeego 020 020 20a 6 II o Sarmiento. Romo (61 and Pena Filer Proly 121. Tidrow (Tl ano Oav11 w Toc:Jrow 3·1 L-Romo 4-2 HR Chle•go. Ou1ham2 (101 Wills IS) A -6 !174 Ptlllllee 1, C81dlr• ... 0 SI LOUIS 000 000 000 0 6 I Ph1iaOe1ph1a 000 010 00• I 1 0 Mura, Sullar 18) and Tenace Carllon and Dou W Carllon 10·7 l Mura S·1 A-3' 440 01 . .nlo 7,....,. 1 Cincinnati 001 000 000-1 4 I San Franci.co 600 00 I 00•-7 11 ' ~brandt. Harri• (11, Htyes IS), Prtee (81 and Van GOfcler. M1111n And Brenty w Marlin 3.4 l llllbrandl 13·2) HR-San Frtnclt GO. MOtgan 14) Eve nt f 101 A-10,867 Aatroe 6, ara'rff Z Houston 230 001 000-6 7 2 Allan la 00 I 010 000 2 4 I Ryan Roberge (9) and .\tnDy M ahler McW1ll1am' 161 H"""• (91 and Poca<oba w -Ayen. 7·8. l Mahler 7-6 HR -A1tan1a Poc;oroba 121 l1nare~ (21 "-12,837 Amerlcan league lled So• t , lkew.,1 7 Mllwaullee 002 OCJ2 021-7 10 I llotlon 000 30 I 50a 9 10 0 VuckOV1Ch Slalon (7) Eat1er1y 171 a .. o Simmons. Ra...,.., SlanleY (81 eno Geoman w -s1ani.y 11-1 l -VUCkovtch 9 3 HR Miiwaukee Howe ll 121. Tnomea f Ill) A-2&.773 A'• .. lloyall 4 OulanO 021 302 ooo-• 12 o Kanou City 000 000 130-4 10 2 Langford, Underwood (8) ano H .. lh, Gura, G Jllekaon (5), C.MI (81 111<1 Oulrk. W-langlord. 8·9 l Gura. 8·4 HR OMiand Murl)fly (l41 A-40.7211 ~8o:a l,TWIM 7 Cllleago 000 TO 1 000-8 12 0 MlmNola 000 020 04 1-7 12 I I.Amp, KOCleman (8), Barojat flll ••>d Flak; Wllllama, Botti (4), P~la (4). W-l.Amc>, 5·3 l -Wllllant. 2·8 S-Berofu 113) HR-Chlc9oo. l<tmO lllJ Mlnr!Mota Hf- ( 18). W8Id {9l A-8,428 MA TIOtllAL LUOut OMllM'-•· 41 1)7 II 41 :Ill 11 2411 41 10 U7 eo 211 n 11 328 •• 131 14 .. 321 "110 ..... " 11 tn u 11 a1• " lit •1 I I )14 et 211 41 .. 313 IO llO 20 60 )I) 312 Angel 1Yer90H 8Aff1NO C11ew eoon. Oown1ng Foll Clark G11ch lynn A8 II H Hll 81 ~l 238 39 78 I 19 )15 207 14 61 I 28 295 299 48 63 I I 29 287 234 30 e1 2 31 2ee 46 8 13 0 4 .207 238 3 I 65 8 3 7 .280 23-4 42 11:1 4 18 278 21111 34 11 11 47 267 74 10 19 I 8 ~ 285 35 87 9 43 253 228 33 ST 15 37 250 30 3 9 I 5 .250 •• 3 10 0 2 227 93 10 17 0 5 183 Baytot e.ruq..,.2 O.Ctnc.e1 Re.Jackson Ro JM!ktOll Fe<gueon W1ttong BurleM><\ K•ll- TOIAll 4~ • 1 0 2 150 18 2 0 0 0 272 2 ~ 339 680 85 310 272 IP Ha-34., Goin 19 A•.. ...., Rt11ko 89 Will 75 Zahn 106'"1 FC)(tcfl IHI Sanc:l>N 36'~ KIM>O H\> MOfeno 4 9'' C0<1>e11 •8 To1a11 679 Pllclllftt H 88 10 WL lllA 22 1• 20 1-0 I S6 1' 6 IS l·I 237 34 19 35 3·2 2 82 85 21 39 7·1 293 71 28 42 •·I 3 12 100 28 38 8-3 3 13 103 26 32 1-e 3 18 31 16 21 3..() 3 111 69 30 41 6-3 37• SS 23 22 3. 7 4 74 SI 21 27 1·8 $48 64 228 322 44.79 3 27 Wlmbfedon -·· S.Cond llound •lnelff Ruis.ii Simpson (New Zealencl) O<tl Chip HOOi>Clf iU s ), 6 3 '6 6-3, 6-7, 11-9 Gene Mayer IU S I Oel Brod Or-ell (Aut1ralla), 6· 7 6·3 6-2 6 I Mari;o, Hoc.<ar (Brazil) Oel Fran<:•~O Gonulez IU s I. 7 .9 ..... 7 -8 7.6 V1jay Amfllra) llno•al oat P~ POf'I" (France) 8 ·2 6 3 6 2 Dev1d Cerler !Autlratll) 001 Anoy AnOrews (U S ~ 3-6, 7.5, 6·7 6·3 9·7. Chrts Johnstone (Ausirottal oot Jay LaplOus IU S ). 6·2, 6·7, 6-4, 6_. Nock Se•lano IU S I del Brian Oo111r1eo IU s I 6·7 6-7 7.5 8·•, 5-1 Roscoe fan-(US l clef Fritz &uenntne IU S l 6·3 6·3 6-7 11·4, Tome• Smid (Cztc;l\o9lovakla) 0.1 B«nard FrlU (France). 6-4 8·4, 6-3. Brian Teacher (VS I o.r Roo Fr........,. (Autlra!la), 7 ·5. 11-3. 4-0, 8-3. MW\\ Edmondton f.Autlralla) def Joao Soar .. !Bru ll). 8·3. 7-5. 8·3 RamNh Krl11tn1ri (Inola) Oef. 0.Yld Dowl9rt (US), 11-4, 7-S, 8-0; Jolwl Att.owllkl (Aualr811•) del Dick Stoclnon !U S.J. 11-4. 6-3, 8-1 ...... e,,.,, ............ JolW'I Mcfnfoe (U S ) OM UOyd Bou<M ~U S.), 8·2, 11·2, t ·O. Paul Mc NamH ~llllAl 691 K..,.,, ~'" t;'.!:ffb). ~. !H. M . 11-4, 8-1, JltnMy IU S.l def. Dr-. Giiiin fU.S.I, 8-2, 6-7, 7-11. 7-15. W-'e 1"*""-M ........ AndrM Jaegei (U S I deif Roe Fa!rt>enk (South Ah1u), 6-3. 7°5, Tr.cy Auttln (US I Oel Kllhy Joroan IU S ), 4·8 8· 1. 8·2, BAfb818 Pollet (U S I del Jane Preyer (US ), ~•. 11-4, Anne Smllh fU S I def Connne V•nMlr (France) 8·3 . 6-2 Sylvta Hantka IWetl Germenyl del Andrea Temetvarl (Hungary). 6-2. 11-2. CIW<I•• Kono• IW•I Germa ny) ael Yvonne Vermao (South M al 4-6 6--0 9-7 Chris E119n llOy<I IU S I cfet 1<11e Latham fU S ), 6· I, 6· I. JoAnne ~~u:1. (US I 001 P1m C1sate !US I 1·6 HIOH SCHOOL Oren9e County All-atar game l•I Otenge Coeot College) SOUTH M. NOllTH 13 lk:Ofe bJ 0 11811 ... NC)(ln All•Slars 0 6 7 0-13 South All·alalS 6 9 8 13 36 S ~ou• 8 PISS trom Stevens lktck t>IOC~edl S COltaro 36 FG N P11n1up 3S run (klCk lttle<I) S Templeton 2 run (pa" lalled) N 8owl<!S 21 PIH from 0..IMlr 1Morf1111 kt<:" S -J1mlso<l 5 run 1S1even1 pus to locyl S Laszlo 16 run lrun failed) S -Seay 62 pass 11om F1nc11 (Ponc:IO< ktc~) Allen<lance 7, 100 teshm81edl o ..... Statletlce N "'"Clowns 14 F'o..,,.._yardt 21_.3 Pusing yaros 164 Paueo 12·26 1 Puru 6-2• Fum1118 ... IOSI 2· I PenM>et·yards a.s I lndl'f1d...i Rvel\lng • 18 34-196 271 11-30-0 3 .34 1-1 13-1011 N Printup, 8·S8 Peter.on, 3·9, Brur101, •·4, B11tler. 3-tor-minut S Morrell. 2-lor-mi~ua 17 Adame. l·f0f·"11nut 6 S leonpl11on 13·4S Gerou ... 11·39 Torolo. 11·61 lUllo. 3·39: Jami.on 2· 1• tftdhldual PH••no N Butter 1 IS-0 103. Morrell. 5· 11· I 61 s s1ev~"s 9 27 o 209 unto. 1 2 o o Finch I t ·O. 62 lndlYi.1111 Rec.l•lng N -BQWles, 5-8!.c Adems, 3.39 Ruberlo 2 23 Aellty 2·36 Pl1n1up I· I S Btancto. 3-61 Seay. 2· 1119, Geroux 2 .. 8. Ten1pte10<1 2· 1•. JamllOn, 2-34 • Lee A ...... "oe lllOftOAY'8 M 8UUI ltltll ef .......... 1 ............ __.., PlfleT IUICI . 350 yatO• My Bar Admiral IAdalr1 14 90 8 20 8 20 81>1•t11 a Rochel !Watdl • 70 > to 8•~ l('l\Qtman (Hiil) I IO Allo r a c ed auo• Mec;lll n • Moon•lleelle< Tonio Co<P0111e Jet, llrete JMn. Euy Roellet 81a U.OI II. •moll• ll'\ ly nrna. ,, ea 9:1 lltACTA (3-8) pelO as• eo UCOM> llACI 870 y.,Clt u.d1•1n (HMll 10 IO 8 00 1 60 SW111 Banll.e< 1a rookt) 4 60 3 80 lo-rrte Bo (Domlnove&I I DO Aleo tll*I Wanyno 8icen1ennlal e ar, Ka1e11e Fette.. Hollybloot. Baton II I'm l~y Time 41113 THIN) llACI . 360 y11d1 .\lvr• Humboll fC,.t198fl 3S 60 16 40 7.00 Country llallter (TO<lll.t) 5 40 J to B., K1nooom tDom1ngvei> • to AJto r~ Big fltM Coov. The Grey Sllaoow, S11enge P"1\lme. T11ina On Trey. Some Cl\Wget Ch!Clt., Alamo 81<1. Too .._,, lime 1031 'OUllTH 11.ACI. 350 )'tr01 Gel IM GolO (PMkenlon) 3 60 II 40 T eo Ann!M Ge!N !Cr.ager! II 20 4 80 Reoo Echo (Pauline) 11 80 Also raoeo Vellaa Juen. Hev• • Oan0y, fM Jaya Plan. SM Trouble Run, Promol Vlf'dlCI, RtetteH l'IOMle Honda .J.i Time 17 89 U llACTA (3 4) oa;d S74 llO Fwn. llACI . 400 y.,d1 Elly N Gey fo\Oalr) 18.80 MUll0.10¥1 (CarOoUI OH-Be ANUred (Hirt) OH-Radar Ahead fCr.aoe<l OH-DM<I Mal S80 2 80 320 240 2 20 2 20 AIM> reced Best ol Me h ale O Tuae. 8foadffl0()( Duck ftme· 20 17 •IX'TH llACf . 350 ytrOt Our MIQlllY Cl\erge< (AtmutSttO) 21 00 II 40 7 20 Aaally The<mot (AOalrl 9 80 9.20 F"irsl Apollo (Tonka! 1 00 Also raced Grtke, Pueblo Cina.., W1t11m Sc-. Mul B Fut, tndlen Road, Triple Itch, The Nabor T1ma 18 IS S2 IXACT" t4-el 0810 $24 I 40 IEVINTH llACE. 400 yarde war Win 1B11ro1 111.20 2.80 2 40 Running Olel (Creage<l 2 80 2 60 Auured 10 Wtn 1s11neDM>Qlll II 00 Aleo rec.cl V., Lou. 8''-IOI Ro¥«, My Spicy Man Time· 20 18 1:1 IXACTA (8-1) Ol ld 148 60 EIOHTM llACf. 350 y91d1 Prtam 8llQ (FryOay) b .tlJ ' tlO 2 40 OH-Wrer>gte Alot!MllCMll) 2 10 2 10 OH-Clllckt Chatl)e( Ber !ClrMI 2 40 2 80 1c1eune1 2 40 2 80 OH Oeod hHI Also raceo Jet•"'•Y Sassy Mr Ma<ry Cl\ICI<, Provo Prospect Time 17 81 1:1 l!XACTA (3·5) Oel<I S 11 40 1:1 EUCTA (3·81 palO $29.80, S2 PICK IOI 19·3 S-4-8·3) pal(f $3.244 80 "1111 I I Wlnnlflg llCketa (IOU< l\orM51 S2 Pldo Sil COOIOlallon palO SS 20 Wllh 23 7 wtMtng llCkell (tl'i<M hOrsesJ NINTH llACE. 400 y1ro1 Ouralron IB1ro1 6 110 3 20 2 40 ~~ lom (Laelley) 5 •O 3 20 5'-8Arac:u<l1 (Ha11) 3 80 AIM> rac.ecl Gays N-11• Newt POiicy. to.Ing• Mltate Poo, Cllarm on Bar Time 20 28 It D ACT 4 (&-31 paid 134 60 Alt8fl0anca -8,515 Wcwtd Cup (at ... ) Ofl()(llt A • l "l °' O.A ,,,. POiand I 0 0 3 0 2 Belg~m 0 I 0 0 3 C RuHll 00000C All o•mea .. , C amp Nou SllOIUI'\ Barcelona .._, •• lean POlllncl 3. 8elg.IV"1 0 ThvtlMhy'•O- Ru•••• vs BelQlum ........ , .• o- RuU•I vt POlllncl 01100,. W L TOf'QA~ Englend 0 o o o O O Spo1n 0 O O O O O Wesl G111m1'1y 0 0 O O O O All 91"'" at San11eoo Bemabeu Sledivm Maoroo Today'• Q...,. WHI G.rmany vs Ef\gllr>O Frldey'o o- Spa1n vs Wesl Germany-Englano lotor WMI Getmany tn ca1e ol !Ml Moftder'• o..- Spa1n vs West Germany·Eng11no Winn« Eng11f\O in ca.a ot lie GROVP C W l TG,OAl'to Argenll•l• 0 0 0 0 0 0 8Jaz;l 0 0 0 0 0 0 ttaty O O O O O O All games 81 Serua S1ao1um Barcelont T oder'• o. .... llaly va Argentina FtlcUJ'• Game Brazil vs 11aty·Argen11na toMt. ttAly in CIM Ol lte ..._.., .• o- Br 111 I ¥9 llalr·Argenllna wlnne t , Argenhna In CH'! o lie OllOUP 0 W LT Q,QAPta F1anc41 I 0 0 I 0 2 Auflrll 0 I 0 0 I 0 NOfthe!n lrelend o o o 0 0 0 All gtmM Al VICenl• lolll<leron Staooum Mao rid Mond•J'•-e Frence 1 Auttrla 0 ~·0- Nofllle<n Ireland vs Au•lrl• 8\lndat'• 0-Northe<n Ireland v1 Franca •IMWINALI Th.....O.-,,MJ• Winne< Group A vs Win,,.. Gr0110 C el BarCllOn• Winner Group B vs Wlnr>er Group D al Seville FIHALI Thlnl "'-.. tllfdaJ, ,,.,.,. 10 Lote< Group A·C g-vs loMt Group 8-0 game II Altcanle 81111dey,""" 11 Winner Group A·C game vt Winner Group B·O ga<ne al Madrid Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Tuud1y, June 29, 1982 3 It's excellence that's rewarded H ow to dent All-star line up: That's Buck y 's concern BY JOHN NELSON A# .,_,.. Wrtt.f He ha. played ln only 37 aa.mes. Hi. baiting average ls . 138. He: hu six RBI, and he lan't even the best short.It.up cm hi¥ own team. With a season Uke that, you shouldn't be ablt' w put o Dent ln the All-11t.ar Gaml'. Yet, with lea than a week left in balloting. Bucky Dent of tht' New York Yanket"S hwi built a 150,000-vote lead for the starting a.'lSlgnrnent on the American Leagu~ squad. He's got chariBma, and he's a genuinely nict- £ella. But without subacrlulng to the philosophy that ruce guya should Cl.rush last, Bucky stmply is not having an All-star season. Tomboy image upsets Jaeger But sh e think s rain is 'nea t ' WIMBLEDON, England (AP ) -A n drea Jaeger wishes the London tabloids would quit calling her a "tomboy" and she doesn't care if it never slops raining at Wimbledon. ''I Like the rain -I think it's neat," gushed the 17-year-old Lincolnshire, Ill., schoolgirl after scoring a 6-3, 7-5 victory over South Afnca 's Rosalyn Fairbank Monday in the rain-plagued All-England Tennis Championships. "I KNOW IT'S bad for the tournament, for the fans and all that, but I've been having a great time. I sit at my window watching the rain drops. I look out the window and write letters. "I usually practice four and five hours a day. But with the rain, I've only been practicing 45 rrunutes and having a ball with au the other kids." She insiilted that she didn't Like the label "tomboy" and wanted 11 put on record that the reason she and her family are settmg up a base in Florida IS not -as one London paper stated over the weekend -because there were not enough boys in the Ch1cago area. "They quoted my Cather." she said' "but 1 know he didn't say it bt.>cause they used the word 'keen.' My Cather never says, 'keen."' T he paper quoted her father, Roland. as saying the family was moving to Largo, Fla.. because "there were not enough boys in the Chicago area." ''That's not true," Andrea said. "We are not leaving Chkago. We are keeping our home there. We are just building a house near Largo where Harry Hopman has tus big tennis academy. "[ like to practice against boys. At Largo, there are more than 20 courts and good boy players from all over the world. That sounds tike I was in a boarding school m Chicago." Mucha 's blasts propel U.S. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Keith Mucha blasted two solo homers Monday, leading the United States to a 5-4 victory over Japan al Dodger Stadium in the second game of the 11th annual USA-Japan Collegiate Baseball Series. Mucha, of Oral Roberts, belted his first homer leading off the fourth inning and slugged his second homer, which broke a 4-4 tie, beginning the sixth. Both shots sailed over the leftlicld fence. Mucha had 18 homers at OraJ Roberts this season. The series now moves to Omaha, Neb., with the teams tied l· l. Japan won the opener 1-0 at Anaheim Stadium on Sunday. The teams play Thursday. Friday and Satur day nights at Rosenblatt Stadium. Righ t-hander Sid Akins, w ho just completed his freshman year at Southern California, went the distance on the mound for the Americans, allowing nine hits. walkrng one and stnkmg out four. Two of Japan's runs were unearned. The Americans coUected only five hits off Japanese pitchers Tomio Tanaka a nd Hiroshi Kogure. Tanaka went the first six innings and suffered the loss. J apan committed four errors and three of the Americans' runs were unearned. Kevin Ward of Arirona collected his third double of the series. Other hits for the United States were singles by John Marquardt of Missouri and Scott Stout of Loyola. It was Ward who almost got the U.S. team even in the first game. Ward's one-out double off right-hander Toru Ni.muro threatened the Japanese team's 1-0 advan tage. But, Mike Aldrete of Stanford flied out and Mucha ended the game by grounding out. Coast oarsman Henley -bound Orange Coast College oarsman Philip Lanon will row· for th e United States national team at the 142nd annual Henley Royal Rega tta in Henley, England beginning Thursday an d continuing through July 4. Larson. a freshman who was named the Pirates' "oarsman of the y~· this teaa0n, will rvw in the number five meat in the U.S. ~te elaht entry. The same U.S. cnw will al9o partldpate tn a btg lntemationa.l reptit ln Amtt.erdtm July 9· l l and ln the World Charnp4onahls-Repua A~. 22-29 tn Lucerne. Swlt.r.erland. At Henley, the U.S. boet will row ln the ptemJer event.. the Grand Challenge Cup. Other crews mttted ln the race are the Bttuah National Crew, London Rowtna Club, Y•le Unlvenity and the Uruvendty of Cali/ornla at Hemley. Lenon qualified for the U.S. boat at a national camp held earlier Olla month at H.uvard Unlwntty. He reoorded the hJahelt ft'1'0"')tfllr ICON at the cunp. The 111on.w II \-9 lo~ IUWftC'h and tndu.rance. ~ e_., 20& ,a.mm. a .... ~ Miah School. Ian Btmardl~LH.e '°"'" ,., oce11 "'"'°' Ytllllcy "-"' 1htll t1p1 ,.., llMOft, Lenon. who llv. tn HunUni'on IMd\, Will row 1i OCC 1P1n<n1•t 9'lllM'\. TRUE , HE MIGHT have ac>t~n the dlrty ·nd ot thu stkk from O«>ra Stelnb~"J\ner when the Yankl'cs own er Im ported Roy Smalley from Mlnn~~· But don't ft't'l 11<>rry for Bucky. Ho lOlt the job fair Mod 11qu.are to SmaUev. who la h1tt.10g 246 with 27 RBI and eliht homers ln !58 pme.. With annourn:cment of the final count one w(.'(lk away, the American League relcaaed figures Monday that showtd Dent had 591.733 votes to 434,032 for Robin Yount of t he Milwaukee Brewf'rs Yount'• reward tor" .313 batting average, 44 RBI. 11 homers and perhaps the betlt glove flt h15 position is second plac.-e, by 157,701 votes. OK. fans. It s your game, your vote You deserve it You pay for major league baseball, at the gate and by buyinl!i advertisers' products. You want to see Bucky Dent, you got him. But remember, you are supposed to be rewarding e)((.-ellenc.-e Take the case of Rod Carew. Fans have gotten so used to voting for him that they just continue. The Ansels first baseman has received 869,035 votes, 271,628 ah~ad of Boston's Carl Y astrzemskt. Carew is h1tung .315 with 19 RBl and 39 runs, not a bad season, even for him. But the 42-year -old Yaslrzemsk1 is having one of his finest seasons. hitting .320 with 44 RBI and 10 homen; Give the old man a break. AT THIRD BASE, for ~><ample, who could argue With the selection of Kansas City's George Brett at thtrd base? Toby Harrah That's who The Cleveland Indians' third baseman leads the league with a .357 batllng average while driving in 37 runs and scoring another 57 Brett, whose 1.066,897 votes leads balloting and tops Harrah by 425,966, has a .313 average with 36 RBI. Close. but no cigar. So fa r , balloting seems t o have gone moderately well for catcher and second bast>. Carlton Fisk of Chicago leads Ted Simmons of Milwaukee 995,966-410,628 for catcher. .Bobby Grich (.280) of the Angels Leads Willie Randolph ~ 271) of the Yankees 515,984-488,053 for second base in the closest AL race. Frank_ White (.317) of Kansas City Is a strong third w ith 462.523 votes. but nearly overlooked has been Jim Gantner (.309) of Milwaukee. Voling for outfielders is a mess. For some reason, fans have missed the mark there by a wide margin Reggie Jackson of the Angels leads with 651,831 votes. followed by Rickey Henderson of Oakland with 537 ,075 and Fred Lynn of the Angels, 535,731 Neither Jackson nor Lynn belongs m the lop three. however. Jackson has rallied hard for a .250 average with 37 RBI and 15 homers. but Lynn continues to struggle, hitting 278 with only four homers and a paltry 18 RBI "I LIKE IT WHEN there are men and women playing together, like here. It's not that I'm the kind to go up to a man player and ask him to hit with me. I only know about five" Andrea said the tomboy sobriquet grew out of her debut here two years ago. ''ll was because l carried a soccer ball with me and played soccer with some boys w hen I wasn't on court." she said. "T he English were surprised, I think , because girls don't play sports in universities here and don't get scholarships." The bouncy, urunhibited teenager said she wa.s never worried in her third-round match against Fairbank, alth ough the husky. hard-hitting South African served for the second set at 5-4. "She had nothmg lo lose so she could h.it all out," Andrea said. "Even 1f I had lost the second set, [ was confident I would take the third. It was just a matter of time." She added that there was a pressing need to end the match as quickly as possible because top-seeded John McEnroe was waiting to take the Cen ter Court against fellow A merican Lloyd Bourne "I knew McEnroe wouldn't like 1t if I went three sets," she said. NASL future bright? NEW YORK (AP) -Howard Samuels, new president of the North American Soccer League. said Monday that soccer has a bright future in the United States despite declirung attendance. "I'm optimistic because of the sport itself. because of its enormous popularity with our young people, because the World Cup is on homE. television for the first ti me," Samuels said after being introduced as the NASL's ch ief executive officer. "In the history of sports -baseball. football -there have been ups and downs. I'm committed to finding ou t why attendance is down." T he NASL, which has been cut from 24 to 14 teams in the last three years. has seen its attendance drop 20 percent this year. League officials have wondered why the huge number of American youths playing soccer does not necessarily lead to adults' watching professional soccer. "It's absolutely t.rue that soccer hasn't made it commercially here," Samuels said. "But I'm sure it will make it and I say to the National Football League. watch out. because 10 years from now we'll be the leaders, on the field and on television " Ml.IC NOTICl PICTmOUl-N Mm 8TAJW ..C1TnOU9 • ·-· file tollowl119 l*•Oft It cSolng MAim ITA.,_,. ~ • Th• lollowtno per.on It Oolng 80NnU Ol'flCl ~lllOOUCTS bu*'cieM •: CO., tl5' MIClllMon Or., Irvine, CA ART A LA CARTE. 32 ()YPfW ea715. Tree LeM. I~. CA 92715. Oo nn 1 l Jull•no. 47200 JANET MAE STEVENS, 32 Ctlerolt•. ~ 8oMOt. CA Cl'preu Tree l 1 n1, lr.,,lne , C A 92365. 9 7 IS. "'111 bu8lne9 " OOllduoted by "' Thi• ~ " ~ by "' lndMdual. lndMdual' • Oonlle L. JullllllD Jenet ......... Tiiie........,. -11ac1 .mt the Thlll UMl oent -flled wttrl the ~ ca... • O.W. Counly on eounty an °' °'*109 CcNnty on JuM f 1, 1112. Mery 11, 1112 '"""' ·-Publlalled Onlnoe Co11& Dally Pu~ Of•noe eou1 1e11y P11o4. .NM 11, ti. H . .Mr !1. *2 Piiot JuM I, 15, 22, It, ttu. u12>&2 ~ , I I I I l l 't --_Or~~' DAILY PIL.OTIT<_~ay, JU"91:9, 1912 / v THE BlllETIN --BOARD ~ I lll't ~II FllewOfll• 260. Illa Ural """1 r~'il 1119 ~t COOt• Off.106d wi., kl<*• ~Oey .,,.,_~._. '*-' HMYV duty t~ lrlCI IN~ clf'lv. tNClle, 1lfll0 anQle and""°''"' VollltMIOOft•poW«ed ,_ ~• and m~r~ Bala ltuo• wltl chatlel\Q4l lhe &cr.IM. courM l)eQlnnni119 at " P m Reote111UC>f'r ~d t•ch 1n1~t1on wlll 0. Mid filday, July 2 rrom t -8 pm at lh• 811110• ~nlty c.nter and IQ&ll'I on Seturd•Y rrom I • m. to noon. I 1 A cock tall plllty and drewlno wtll ba held beQ nn no 11 8 p m Friday ti the community Otlll•' \. .. r;.,. '1'~~1_._,..llall ~amp!lt wlll l\Ott IWO tour·d•Y Cal oranoe Co11t COiiege .._1nnll'IQ July 22 Campi Junior• volt•yball camp• ..,_,, are IOf Olrtt. ~ tt~1~uly 22.25. BeoOl'd camp wlll F\111 camp 11 .. 1 camp dlreC'°'' .,. Steva t>a held July ~-AUO .1 volleYl>All ooech at USC. 09()(1)41. ut1111n1 wOtNf1 WOttWI'• COtld' ,, OCC end Jane HtlQefldOfl, Wd Ce!llPI wt• t>a 9plll Into Regl1trellon tee 1~ 1 and advanced 01oupa. ~1t1nlno. 1n1ermed a•73e 73 t5 tor more 1nrormellon C111 ~5-5078 !?' " • IJ J, n J racln• 1 lie 1982 liet Mer stakes schedule has IM!en bOtlilled 10 !' ~d·brHklng '2 mlllton IOf the uf)4;omlno thoroughbred season w111c:11 begins July 21 Tna wee1t 1v rec1no achedule will be held Wedlldday thrOUQh ~.4on<1ey With at least three 11lt~es ottered each ractno week •fri all, 28 al:l<Sed-money events wm be lealured duWno Ille 43-dey meet wn1ch conctuaes W.ohesdey, Sept_ II With the Del Mar Futurity '&even llxtu,_, lopped ln 10111 value by tne 11"81 day's Futu•lly. '°' an er11meled oroas purse or 5225,000, are worth S 125,000 or mo1e Olne< blQ dlt• Include the S 125,000.adde<I Del Mar Oak• on-Aue t4 and the Del Mar Oefby Aug 22 ,.-.. As. usual, the $50.000-added <><i.anlllde Stllces, 101"11\r ... year-akls at 7'h furtonoa OV« the turt. wlll 111\ioq. the 211-faoe stakes scllodule on opening day .. --.. ;s. 'r .. JiJ 4 St("engtll classes tn and cond11lonlnO n.. walnut Valley StJr~no1g..30 11 w1tnut HIQll CIMO IS scheduled lo• u y Sc=-will be ollered at 3 30. 5~ ~~~ ~ Cotl>>lor the !WO-well" MSSiOll '! rii•"on 11 ~y.ne s ~ \.lllllUC._a~ll pro0rem Is dlrectld by w!d 8fl'9e McN.11 c •at the Unl¥erSlty ot Te.ac ot lnut 990•811111 tor addtllonet Cell S9S-7481 or lnlormatlon -•• ·;c.. 1., O'tl·road 6rantl Prix ...Glenn Walker Harris will head a list of oft.road racers at the Mickey Thompson 0 11-roa<I Champtonsn~al'ld Prix a1 the Los Anoeiel County F IJlllrOUn<I& In Pomona July 10. ~ lirst race of the Grend Prix beQlns al 7 pm , e d tickets are available 111 Tlet!etron and by mail 11 CJIOh the Ml;kwY Tt1ompson E.ntenalnment Group, 5 "oodlyn Ltm!i: Bradbury, Ca . 91010 -~ - fir co\!. ...cr.t:f,1 llUIMli ...... ,.,......., T ll'tOll It dolllQ buel,_. Ml WAflD C~8TftVOT10N.1 3402 P"1l ~ let\tt An1, OA lzJOt AOOOl l'I Al.AN WARD. '401 P11k Drive, 8 ant1 Ana. CA 12101 Thi• tx11IM11 ta oonducted Dy •11 lndlYld\ial. ~Wwd fl\le tl11tll"lefll w• "leQ Wtlh the County Clellt ol Orano• CW(lty oo June 28, 19H Ptllt11 Publl•h•d 0 11nQ• Co111 Dally PllOI Ju1141 29, J11ly 8, 13, JO, 1IU · nu.a l'tB.IC NOTICE ,ICTITtOUI eualNIH NAMI tTATIMINT fhe 1011ow1no pe11on 11 dOtnQ bullnlll aa: PACIFIC Sl!AL COMPANY, 11135 Whllllllf Avenue. Unit A· 10, Coata M .... Calltornle 92827 FredAllCll E Tullper, 7 KamAIM Court. N9wP01t Beech. Ce»fornle 112863 Thi• bU1lnltt 11 conduotad by an lndMduat. Frederlcil E f1.1ll1>1r Tll1s 111toment wn filed with the County Clerk ol Oranoe County on June 25, 11182 I' tnlOI P1.1bll1hed Orenoe Co111 Dally PllOI Junl 211. July II, t3, 20, 11182 • 2773-112 P\B.IC NOTICE ftCTIT10U9 IUllNEH NAME ITATDIENT The tollowtno pe'8on 11 doino bu.-... MAIDS OF OFIANGE COUNTY. t666 N-port Blvd . Coeta Mela. CA 92627 JEANNINE GAHRING. 18202 Mesa Verde Coun. Fountain Valley, CA 92709 ThlS bullnlts 11 conducted by en ln<llviaual. Jeannine Gehring Thts statement waa tiled with the County Clerk ol OranQA County on June 25, 19112 '112211 Put>llsneo Oranoe Coast Dally Piiot. June 29, July 6. 13, 20. 1982 2774-.112 PtalC NOTICE FICTITIOUa llUSINeat NAME aTATDILNT The tOllowlng Pe<IOtll are dolllQ bUaineta a• FLORALS FOR YOU. 6432 Slloo t:ir .. Hun111191on ~h. CA 112647. Mary J Axl, 6-432 Sligo Cir., HunllnQton 8Nch, CA 92&4, Rober1 Flal, 6432 SllQo Cir . Hunllngton Beach. CA 92647 Tllll bU~ Is condllCled by I Qtlnelll par1ners/llp. Mary J Ftxl Tiiis statement wu llled wltn the County Cle<lt of Or•noe County on June 18 1982 F1t1I07 Publlahed Orange Co111 Delly Pilot, June 2.2, 29, July &. 13, t982 271042 P\B.IC NOTICE ACTITIOUS auatNH8 N.AME aTATEMENT .The 1011owlng person II d olno bu~ .. BLAKE CASE SURFBOAROS. 164!> 1 ROMWood Street. Fountain Valley. CaJtlornl• 92708 Blake Lehman Cue, t 6451 Rosewood, Fountain Valley Calllornte 9~7011 Thi• business Is cOl\dUC1ed by an lndMduel Bl1ke L. C111t1 This sllternent was Ille<! with the County Clerk ol Oranoe County on June 25. 1982 F1t2205 Publlehed Oranoe Cont Dally Pilot June 29. July 6, 13, 20, 111112 . 2776-82 Ml.IC NOTICE NlllC NOTICI ·~:r.:.w=·· tl\t 1011owl1111 p1reon T. dol•g bulll\MI .. MAUIO MOVIMl H f 4U·C 11th A'HI , Cotta ~ .... Ca 8H27 H ob•1t I llurn •, 11 1 1 WMlmottt, Aotheilll, Oe 112104 l hi• bl.lallleH I• c:11od11c1ed bV • 1111'11etl l)tlrlnettl\lt> RllMI t l bu1 n1 t 1111 •l•l-•I w•• nleo with Iha Count~ Clefk ol o .. nQtl Coullly un June fl, !9H flll1111 Publlth•ll 011119• COHI Dally ffllol June l'J tll July 8, 13, 111112 :116Ml2 NlllC NOTICE rta.IC MoTICl ITATl•Nf OJ MUOC>t.-NT MTmOUC: .'t:.: ...... Th• lollowlnlf penon1 h•v• atland~ '"' UN of 1114! ll011Uou• t>utlntM n111141• 0 a I( DIVl!~OPMl!NT, t 102 a outn l!I Ce mlno Aeel Sen Clemente, CA 12872 Th• l'lallllOUt l u1tn1H NaMI r111rr1d 10 above wu llled In Ot~ County°" Ap11l 21. 1N2 KIHT A KOIPSl!LL. 1t1 W Al1111ndro. Sen Ct1men1e, CA 82811 NOTI CI 0' NON · MIPONttelUTY Nolkle II hertOy glY9n lluit the 1.1nderllQMd wlN not be r9'0C)llllt>le t or any de bt• or 11•~11111•• ~•rectld by anyont OIMf tllen rnyeell on or alt• tnit d•I• Dated lhlt 11111 Clay ol June, 18112 Aaymond M RacUllOwlkl 1130 SUl'lllth W•y. Port H~. Ce 83041 Publl1hed Orange Coul Delly PHot Juhl 22. 23. 211 1982 2725-112 Wll.1.IAM OVERiNA. 1302 ----------- Cell• TOiedo, 811'1 Clemeui.. CA P\lJl.IC NOTICE 92812 ----------Thi• oo.i-WU oondui;tld by. 1(-oGIM el ft..,.,netlhtp 'ICTITIOUa llY .... H Qelllf ';(.;,,A KQIPMH NAMI ITATl!M .. T Thi• •tll~I w•• Rlecl wtll'I the T~ l()liowtno pefllOnl ••• Cl()lng ,tCTmOUt llU .... NA.Ml ., "TtlMMT The following pereon 11 doing l>Ulllnetl ... t a) MIHI A OANAM!!NTAL IRON (b) Ml!IA IAON, (Cll MU A IRON RIAL eeTA lE. 1•tl l htrN()C;k L-. Coe11 ....... CA 82821 JAMU THI~ SIL "'°· 14 19 81\amrodl ~-ea.ta Mwe. CA 112828 lhle bu.W-II oonduc1«I by 111 lndMO..el J.,,_ l 811«!0 lhl11tat"'*'t wu fllecl wrth the County Clettl of 0t1111Q41 County oo Juna4, tff2. ,1.-m Publltlled Orano• Co111 Dallr Piiot. June II. 1&, 22, 29, t1112 2406-42 'ICTITIOUI IUllNIH COun1 Ctetlo 01 Otano• Count~°" t>u•l'f~:':AAN INVESlMENTS, f'ta.IC NOTICE NAMI ITATIMINT Julle ' 1982 ,1111a 171150 Giiiette Av1n11e trv1n1, VICTOflVLU 8'"NOlll COUttT ~~!.'.o:!:wlng l)er1on It dolno liubll•h•O On no• Co•9•~2D•llY C1111ornla 927 t3 COUNTY°' IAN MMAMHNO C H A" LI~ S FRANK LI N Piiot June II. 111 22. 211 I v JOl'ln 0 L1.1t i.. P 0 80• 1..., Ctvk Drin l4 PO~T, 2140 Aller Plll<le, Coat• 2511·112 C· 19680, 17560 Ot111111 Avenue, Ylatonltle, Cellfomle ti:l:ll2 C ,. ,.27 ltvlne. C1111to1nte 927 13 In ... _ Me"~ et MIN, et11orn11 .. 2.. w11111m D Lu111. P O Box '""' ~ C11ar1e1 F"nklln Orove. 2140 P\ltl.IC MnTIC[ C·tllll60. 175110 Giiiette Avenue. aeon MU.JAM l'AN<a, A1t11 Pltce, Co.It M .... Callforrn• -------~-----c ""'7 t3 • '*-trvrne, alttornl•"" A...,_ wtlo llhMI be decl....o 112127 IUNN<>fl C"'-JOHN O LUSK & SON. • .... llllt IAl•ineH 1• cond11ete<1 by •n Ofl CALw-~' c 111tornle corpor111on. 17550 ,, .. '1Clfll "'--toct, tl>d _,If.., ln()tvtclu•I ......,.,. 0111t11e Aven111. P O Bo• C· 111660. of 111• p.renl Of pere11t" Charin ~ Grove COUNTY OP OflAHGa lrvlne, C•tllornln 112713 ANTH~Y '· 11'1~. thll 1111emen1wu1111<1 wtth '"' roo c~c ... 1w Drlvc • WMt A P>roC. COfp. County Cterll ol Otenge COunty on _.te AM, A Thie bull,,_ 11 condllClt!d by 1 '1uu a "llec:MI June 17, 19112 111 Ille Metler of '•tltlon of llrnllod par1Mrlhlp Attomey1 et Ulw ,,., ... AttTHU9' ftUIZ. M. JOHN D LUSK & SON 14173 OrMft Tt'M atwd. Publlthed Oreno• Cont Delly CITATION (Ptt09ATI) ~~:::~1ai:.rnr"'lon tulle OM ------------! PllOI, June 29, July 0. t3, 2~~~:2 THE ~~~~~U~~:::E AO 27094 Secr1tery Vlolonllle, CA me'2 "8.IC NOTICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Thlt a1a1eman1 wllt hied wllh the ~11~~~:o IUtec:MI To ANDREW AITCHISON County Ckwk OI Otange County on CNe No.° ,,C HU 'ICTITIOYI MllMH Mt.IC NOTICE You are hereby otted 1n<1 June 17 19112 CITATION -FftEIEOOM F"OM ~ ITATllMNT req1.1frlCI to appear •I • hNtlno In '"1... P-"'ENTAI. The lollowtno p1reon II CIOlng 1(-«IUI Ihle COUr1 on SeptembOr 3, l982 11 • Publlsne<I Orenoe COHI Oa11y CUITOOY ANO COtn"ROl bulll~~aa1c PRODUCltONS, '~!~~~A~=~· ~1~~:~c:.:.~s!~! ~.~~ Piiot, June 22, 29, July 6, 1~,~~~:2 (,.:.:E"~~"JF"~~~~i 1780 MonrO'tl•. Co.11 MAM. CA The IOllowklQ P1110t1• .,., <IOlno 18nd to otve any 1eg11 ree.on wny, n1 .. 'IC NOTICE CALIFORNIA, 92127 tklllnetl ... jec;c;ordlno to the verllled pelllfoll l"llUI. To DALE JOSEPH PARKS and QARY A LVNCH, 1538 I~ MANUFACTURER'S OIRECT. "llld with lhlS c;ourt STATEMENT Of Wtn.OftAWAL ROBERT 0 RITTENHOUSE and 10 Avenue. N.-port Beacn. CA 112 t880 N-port Blvd., Colla Mau, O•led. June 3. 1882. FROM PAATNIElllHIP all perSOfls clalmtno 10 be the l11her Thie tw1tne11 11 conduotld by an OA 112827 LEE A. BRANCH, Clerk OPt!"ATINO UNDEfl or mother ot M id minor peraon ll'ldlllldl.lal su p r . m. Ind u 11 r 11.. • . By· TOM BURHS, Oec>uty FICTITIOUS eua1NE•• NAME abOVe named GatY A Lyftdl Celllornle corporeuon. 111781 Helell(LllM a CU'T\.2A, INC. Tne l ottow tno peraon net By ord9" 01 1n11 Court you are Thie 111t1nlel'il wu lllld With Iha Avenue, lrvtne, CA 9271• DD N. lkoadw•ll· .... 208 wllnarawn ae 1 ~Ill partner lrom hereby cited 1n<1 edvlse<I 1n11 you County Cle<k ol Otanoe County on Thlt bullnMa 11 oond11Cled by a tent.I Ant. CA mot 1118 partnership oe>erellng under the m 1y 1ppear be lore the Judo• June 7. 11182. ,,..... corpor1t1on. 1Tel: (114) W...00 llctltloua buslneaa neme ol CIT'I' Pretl<llllQ ln Department OD·1 ol Publlehed Oranoe CoHi Dally Supreme lndu11tlH Publl1h1d Orenge Coatl Delly JANITOR SERVICE at 2 t952 the Super101 Court, localed at PllOI, .kJne 8, 15, 2.2 211, t992. Wlntam W. Taylor PllOI June 15. 22. 29, Jl.lly II, 11182 Cotale. Mission Viejo. CA 1128111 I U S5 CIVIC Or111e. V1c101vltle, 2512·82 P1111<11n1 2037-112 Thi llclflfoul busfneu name Calllorn11 92392 ol the above Tn1a 11111men1 wH llled with 1tat1ment lor the pannertnlp wu enlltlld coun on July 20, 11182, at the Col.Inly Cllr'k 01 O•anoe County ------------1111ed on Octot>et t 1. t978 In 1na 8.30 o'clock A.M ol that <lay, then oo June 17. t9112 P\lJl.IC NOTICE County ol Oranoe and there to show cau.e II any you 1'1114111 ------------1 Full Name and Add•-ot the hav•, wny said person snoukS not FtCTJTIOUa llU.,...I Publlshed Oranoe Coast Dally NOTICE Ofl n.usnra •ALE Pe<IOtl Withd•aWlng PatrlCla Miiie De O&clere<I lree trom tne contrOI ot MAM1 aTMWMENT Piiot, J1.1ne 22. 211, July 8 t3, 19112 T.a. ..... f 11'9 V'8elf G•ac;e. 2 t952 CoMla. Mlllll()n Viejo, n1s par en" ac:cordlng to tne pellllon The IOllowlnQ penons ,,. Clolno 27 t5-ll2 On July 13, 11112. ,, 10:00 A.M .. CA 112891. on Ille hefeln t>ullness u . ------------ALLEGHANY INVESTMENT CO., PattlCll Marie Grace Given under my nand and seal 01 (A) JS CONSULT ANTS: (B) THE P\lJl.IC NOTICE INC.. • California c;otpOrllfoll u oevld Maglt.~ the Superior Court or tne County ot PALMESE COMPANY, 154411------------duly appointed Truet .. under and A ~r~ L.aw San Bernardino, St•le ol Ca1Jlorn11 ToulOuM Clrcle, Irvine. CA 92714. l(..QOM3 purauent to Deed of TNl1 dated C0tp0t1tion this 6 .. 1982 JOMC>h Pe11f PalmeM. t5441 FICTITIOU9 tutaNt:aa Ociober 2, 1980. r-Oed OG1ooer Herbof Lew Cent., County Cte<k and Cltlfk ToulouM Clrcll. tNine. CA 92714. NA.ME ITATIEM£NT 22, 19110, u lnat. No 33225, In J500 lfY1M Awe. ot the Superior Court Shll)'t Anne Pam-. 15'14 t l he IOltowfng Plf&on• are doing l>OOll t3800. Pao-S2.3 ol Oltlclll Newp6rt .. ectl. CA t29IO Ol Ille Slllle or ToulouM Ctrcle, trvtne. CA 92714. bullneea u . Record• In the offic. ol the Counly F1~ Callfornle !or the Tn1s bu&lnets 11 cond11Cled by: I N TER I 0 R S BY L US K 1 Recorders ol Oranoe County. Stale Published Oranoe Coall Diiiy County ol Sen Bemlfdlno JOMPh P. Pel-SERENGETI. 17&50 Olllelle Avenue, of Celllornla. e~eculld by NEAL PHot June 22 29 July 6 13, 1992 J<KePh S11ef Deputy Shll)'t A. Pal.-IMnl. Cllllotnle 92714 VISSER end CARMEN VISSER, 2717.92 Publl1heO Oranoe Coast Dally Tnt. atl1~1 wu ftled with the LUSK INTERIORS, INC• a hutband and wlle WILL SELL AT ------------Pilot June 22. 29, July 6. 13, 19112 County Clerk Of Or•,,,_ County on Celllornle corporation, P 0 Bo• PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST n1m'IC NOTICE 211842 <I. -.,..... C· t9560. 17550 Glllelle Avenue, BIOOER FOR CASH (payable al ____ ,._"°"~~7:"----- June · 111112· ,1 .. 10 trvrne. Cllllornla 112713 time ol sale In 11wtu1 money ol the K-G051e PllltlC NOT1C£ Publl1hed Oreno• Cout Delly Thi• t>usl..-le condU01ed by an United Stalea) at the main lront FICTTTIOU9 llU81N£81 P~. June 8, 15• 22, 29. tll42 untrw:orpor111d auocl11ton other en1ranc;e to Suite 1 1111 Town & NAME aTATIEMENT NOTICE°"-~_ 2451-112 1nan • pertne<ll\19 Country Road, Or11ng1. Calllornla, The lotlowino peflOf'IS are dotnQ TIIUaTEFa aALC LUSK INTERIORS. INC all rlQhl, lltle and lnteteal conveyed butlnffS u . T.t . No. mse>4 Donovan 0 . Huenl\ellens to and now held by II under a said SUNSHINE LIQUOR, 72• W T.D. SERVICE COMPANY U duly Secretary Deed ol T•ult In the property tilth Street, Costa Men, C1lllorn11 appointed Trull•• under lh• P\lJl.IC NOTIC£ This atatement wes llled wtlh the -•1 t .... 1 ··"' County af\d State fOllowl~ d-.<lbed d.a<I of trull NO..,.. ,... ..... ,A .. •T .. ua "" n _.... 92827 .. ...... 'E"'u"'c~TO-:;.. I COunty °""'of Orange County on deacribed.. Hyun Choo Chin 1017 So WILL s LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 'UNOEfl OEEDM ,,;u.f June 17. 11142 ,111_ EXHIBIT A" W•ystde Street. Anaheim Celll TO THE HIGHEST Bt00£R FOR ·-Parcel t Lot 7 ot Traci No. 92805 CASH (payable 11 lime ol Nie In loan No. 4*a/HAYE8 Publlslled Onnj.• Co11t Dally 11263, In the City ot Irvine, aa per Kyuno Soon Chin 1017 So lllwlul money ol the United S111 .. ) T ...... IOIT.:!:,no"°·~0r4 ""'oti....," Pilot, June 22, 29. 1.1ly 6, 1327. 1129~!2 map reco<c:led In Book 335. Pagea t Wayau:le Street. Anaheim c1111. Ill rlQht, tllle ~ 11111t1est ~~ '"' .....,., """'' " ,.... " to 11 tnclu11v1. Ml1cet11neous 9280s 10 end now ,_. by I u • .._ -.. ttll otlglnel or which wu llled lor Maps, 1n the oflice ol the County Ttus tw&lness 15 conductld by OHO ol Trull In 1ne property record on .kJne 18, 111112. In the l'talC NOT1CE ~def 01 111d county individuals IHusban<I & Wile) llefelnaller delerlbed office ol the County RecorO. of Excepttno all oll, mlnerela. Hyun Cnoo Chin TRUSTOR JAMES MUSSLY. en Mid county.11_,t lo you lnumuch F1CTTT10U8 ..,.._,, natur•l oas end other 11y<1rocart>on• Thi• statement wu Ille<! with the unmarried man end RANDY as an examln•llon ol the 1111e lo said ...._ ITAnMRN'T 11111 may be within H id lend. County Cleric ot Ora1"19e County on STEWART,• llngle man. ell u !Olnt 1ru11 property lhowt you may have The lollowlno ~ •• doing Without hOWever. the 11Qhl 10 drlH June t7, t982 tenant• an lnter•I In the Trutl .. '1 Siie ~ M ' lhrOUQh 1h1 surt6Cltl or the upper 1'1119M BEN EFICIARY EN RI 0 U E Prooeedlngt EXCEPTIONAL HOMES a 500 tell ol the aubsurtacl 01 the Published Orenoe CoHI Dally CASTELLANO. an unl'l\Wried man. .....-o«TAHT NOTICE" INVESTMENTS, l6371 SIMw L.Ane. land herlnabov• described. Bl PilOI. June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 1982 Reoofded Juty 1. 19~1 a lnatr IF YOUR PROPERTY I~ IN Huntington Bled'I, CA 92947. r--..ed In dMdl of tecor<I 27 14-112 No. 4•4 In l>OOll 1'4123, page •85 of FORECLOSURE BECAUS!•YOV ALVIN H. HART, l8371 ~ P1rcel 2 An easement lor Offlci.I Records In the o(ffc;e ot the A"E BEHIND IN VOUR PAYMENTS. Line, t4ufl1lf1Glot'I 8Mctl. CA 112147· lngfeu and eQfell over ell prlvl1e Recorder ol Orano-Collnty. Mid IT MAV BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY MARTHA A BLAKE, 20lll2 elreete. (LOii A 10 M lnelul!Ve) of f>OOl.IC NOTICE: deed of 1r1.1a1 descrlbU tne COURT ACTION,endyoumayheve Ml<SlanCI UM. HunlloQtoo 8Mch. Traci No 11263, es per mep MNl2U4 IOllOwillQPfOPl'1Y the legel rlQhl to bftng your account CA 82648. 2 recorded In Book 335 Paga I to FICTITIOUa •USIHEH PARCEL 1 In oood llandlno by paylno an ol CLAYTON T OAKLEY, 1731 11 lnciualve. Mlscelteneous Mapa, In NAME 9TATEMENT Loi 74 ol lrec1 No. !M23, In Ille your past due paymenll ptue Miii C1rdl. Huntington Beoch, CA the office of the Coul'ty Recorder 01 The foOowing persons are <lolnQ City ol lrvlne, County ot Orenoe petmlllld coats end expen1e1 92647. lald county u deeeftbed 11'1 Sec110n t>ualness u Stall of Clllfornll, u shown on • within thrM montha lrom the Oii• This butmea la conducted by. II. Article VIII ol thll certain CYPRESS COLLEGE SHELL. map recorde<I In book '°°· PllQ9S Ihle nolloe ol cSelaull wu recorde<I oenetel partner9Np. o a c 1 a,. ti on o I Co v • n • n II. 6001 Orange Avenue, Cypress. ca 1 5 I o 2 6 b o I h Inc I u •I v e Thll emount 11 Sl .121. u of June AMI'\ H Hen Condit Iona end R111rlctlona 90&30 "'411Gt11fan.ou9 Map1, in the olflce of 22. 1982 and wlll lncreaae unlll c!1'!.'~~1~!'..!~0:::~ 1~ •ecorc:led February 1. 11174 In Book Abed Abdel Shahid, t 1460 the County Recorder of 11ld your account becomea current. You n.7, 1.,a2 ° -..,.... 110611. Pao• t328. 0111c:111 Records. Washington Blvd. Los Angetes. ca Counry may not hi.,. to PIY the entire June • ""' ,,.... In the oHIGe ol the County Recorder 90066 EXCEPT THEREFROM Ill oil, g.u. unpaid portion ol your accounl. Pubhshad Orengo Coast Dally ot said cour1ty 1 Tela al Abdel Metek 11 t6 mlnlfllls ana other hydrocatoona. even 111ouon lull payment••• 2 29 tllll2 Percet 3 An eicctu s ve Gerdenelre Lene. Garden Grove. below• depth ol 500 lee\,..,.,"°"' d~. but you mull pay lhe Pilot, June 8, 15. 2 · • 2513-112 appurtenanl easement over that C•. 92641 the rtoht ol surface entry. as amount stated 11b0ve por11on ol tne 101 contlououe to This business Is conduct!ld by a reMrVecl In ln1trum«111 ol record . Aller thr .. mon1M lrom the datt Parcel 1 et>ove as shown on Exhibit limned partnerahlp • PARCEL 2 of recordlllon of 11111 doc1.1menl Piil.JC ~( •C" to the oenlln amendment to Talaal Abdel M•lelo. An e1clu1lve eesement l or (wlllCh d•I• ol recordaUon 1ppeer1 Oectere11on ol Covenants, Abed Ab<let Shetlld patklnQ purOO'Jtl• oYer lh•t portlOf\ hereon). unteas Ille obllQatlon being Con<llllons •n<I Re1tr1ct1ona This statement was llled Wllh the ol Lot 237 of Mid Trect No. 9•23. lorecloMd upon permltt • longer NOTICE OF DEATH OF recorded Auoust 9. 197~ In Book County Cieri! 01 Orange county on ahown on Eitnlbll "A · to the period, you ha~• only the leg•I rtgtit LIZZIE MAE HALE AND 11217. Paoe 1701, Otf1c1a1 Record•. June 18 l982 0ec1are11on or Restrictions ror The 10 stop the lorecl09Yre by paying 0 F p E T I T I 0 N T O tn the olflGe ol the County Recorde< · F1ti110 Laltee Mnt..-Aaaoclatlon. recorded the enure amount demanded by ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. ol 111<1 county, for thoSe purposes Published Orenoe Coatl oany September t9, 1977. In boo~ you• credlfor u more penlcularly <leterlbed In Piiot June 22• 29. July 6. 13. tllll2 I 23112. P•O• 1265 ot Olllclaf To 111'\d out the amount you mutt A-113901. Secllon 3 01 Article VIII or fhe 270&-112 Recordt, as Clfporl sp-74 Said pay. Of lo arranoe lor payment 10 T o all heirs. beneficiaries, Oeclarallon o f Co111n1n1S. HMmenl II lur1her defined and ~ t11 I ~ ·~ . STATEIHNT Of WITHOfllAWAl FAOM P-"'TNlfllHW The underllQned hefeby lletee: ( 11 The 11c1111ous bull.-name ol the partnership II HOWARD BOOKKEEPING. atop tl'I• loreclo1ure. or II your creditors and contin~nt ConctJttt>ns and Re11r1c1ton1 P\lll.IC NOTICE d11cr1bed In Arlfcl• Vitt ol the propeny It In l0<ecl01Ure lor any . . . 1 recorCled February 1, 1974 In Book Oeclaretlon ol Reetnc1lons for The other re11on. contracl. Bryan L. creditors of Lizzie Mae a e 11089, PAQe t326, Oltlcal Records. NOTIC« OF L•-H Planned Development. Penn end Allon Penn. c/o Glel\dell and persons who may be 1n 1ne oltlce of the County Recorder TRUITEE'I 9ALE recorde<I s.i>tember 19. tll77. In •nveetment . P.O Bo~ 7712, otherwise mterest.ed m th e 01 said county Truetee No. F..JOOS bOOI! 123112. paoe 1318 01 Oltlclal ~ .. fl ranges' d~kets hdlvlduet match t1cto.et1 for tne u,c:omlng C1 11omt1 Oranoes eeaaon In protesslonal t..n le '11• are now on sale 5 12 lc;,llel• prtct1d .,1 $1 s (service court),, (c; f1'1lde) $9 f16Qel enO $6 (gen8flll IO!T'tonlasf~~: ev ~le thr~ the Ana~m Convent • ~on and the Or•noes olllcel ,. 4 ...... \ , rj Ctlfc VIEW .... iie>alAL r.Aal Cem ter(Mortual'f Chai ieF.Crematory " DllTH llllCll DUTTON (2) The llc1ftlOJI buelness name statement of the partne11hlp wt1 llled In Oranoe County on Merch 5, t11112 (3) The p!'tnelpal pl-Of b\111- ol lhe parll'lerll'llP II localed at 8071 Slat er Avenue. S u lie t 4&, Huntlnoton Beactt, C1lllornle. (4) The plr1ner wlldr1W!n9 lrom t he pertnerehl p 11 FLORA WATANABE. reeldlng et 5575 Muir Drive. ~ Parl\. Cllllornle. Flora Watan1be s111-1 llled with the County Clerk of Ot•nge County on Mtrch 5, tllll2 F1MISa Publl•h•d Orano• Co11t Dally PllOt. June 22. 29. July II, 13, 11192 2710-112 3500 PN:1IJC View Drive Ne1Ypor1 Beach ~2700 FRAN CFS N. DUTTON. resident of Newport Beach. Ca. Born in Lo6 Angeles on October 24, 1905. Passed away on June 25th . 1982. W ife of the late Dr. Brigham W . Bennett and the late John Ellis Dutton. Survived by loving daughter, Marilyn Cleary and husband Patrick . Al9o leaves 3 grandchlldren. Kevin Cleary. Kellie Berry and Kristi Alhen and sl.ster H e len Willis. Memorial services w ill be held on Wedneeday, June 30&h at Pacttic Vfew Memorial Park C hapel. Corona del Mar. D o n at i ons made t o '1CTTT10U8 llY ..... ...-aTA,._NT The lollowlnQ petlonl are OOlnO buslneiea ... KOHTIKI MOTEL. 2205 HwbOf Blvd .. Coll• M-. CA 12820. *coa; MORTUAlllS L p Beach ·9415 '~"a Hills 788.-0933 San ~ucw Capistrano ~-1776 ..__ - HAUOll~MT.'"OUVI Mortu...,_, Cemeterl ~torv 1625=1 ler Ave. C M esa 554 WANO·FENG GHIA CHANG, 2126 Hlll1op Cour1, FullfM'lon, CA 112631. Sl11H-PI NG CHANG, 2 1211 H'"'op Cour1. Fllller1oo. CA 9'2t31. KAO-YU CHANG, 2128 HllltOP Cour1. Fullerton. CA 92831 Thi• bullnela la condualld by a Qlnetaf '*"*"''P· ~cnang Tl'tll 1t.1tement wu Ill.ct With Iha County C.-of Orange County on June 4, '1182.. "'"'" Publlthld Orange CoHI Delly Piiot. June II, 15, 22, 21, 1"2. 2432·12 Amyotropic Lateral Sdft'Ol1I ---Pla.IC---..,~11~a----­roundatlon. SIEGEL HCitttoUa ..... M IRVING SIEGEL. a ........... .,_,. resident of Loa AlamltolJ. CA. ~ ~ PftOM .,. doltlG Paued away on June 27, &ON INEAGY, I.TO .. ao11 1982. SW'llivod by hlt wifo ~ c.iter onw. 8ultl m . Ethel, e~ldren . Phyllis IMM. CA 92716. W D b l d PHii. '<X.I" TWll.VI. INC ... an1er, yta nu n an c1111ornl1 corl)of1t1011. 2091 Rk:h&rd Siepl, ...... Sally .,..._ c.-~ .... l20, Kir\cOff, brother David and 1M!11. CA N718. 4 f randchlld~n. Servi ct• 'fNI ~ • Olnd\ICted br • wl I lM held on Tu•lday. "'""*'...Jr~ lnO Jw. 29, 1882 at 2:30PM 1t Ndwd 1<191111 • th• Karbor Lawn Mount Ylee ,,_..... • Oltv• Memorial Chapel ................ ~.,.. s.rAa under the dtncUcln =i. .. or..... _ .. , "' of Harbor Lawn-Mount ~ Ollv• Mo'°tUAry of <:41\a 1~ Burbenk. CA. 111510, Attn: Janice will and/or estate: par c e I • An e • c I u II v e On July 9, 111112. el 2:00 P.M .. Records Mver1 (213) 607·5000 h ...__ f.led appurtenant euement over that MIO-CAL SERVICES. a CeMlornte PARCEL 3: 11 you have any q;_llons. yw A petition as "'"""'n 1 POf110n of the tot contlQYous to Corporallol'I, 4 10 w S.dllto. A non-exclullve ..-n«\I lot yte should contact • l1wye1 or the by Clau~ l. Thompson in Peroel 1 at>Ove u llhOwn on Exhibit CoYlna. Celllomla 9t722 u duly and enjoyment ol Lots 237 and 238 gov.rnmenteoencywnlchmaynaw the S upe r ior Court o( "C" 10 that certain emenament to appointed Trull•• uAder and ol u ld Tract No 9423. teld Insured your loen. Oran~e Counthr....,uestmg 01ctara11on ol Covenen ts. pursuant to Deed ol Tndl reco<Cled euernent bllno further Cleflnecl lll'1d Remember VOU MAY LOSE ~-. condition• and Reatrlctlona March 2.5, 11181, u 1n1t. No. 33e27, ducrl bld tn Arllcle II 01 the LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT that laude I. ompson be recorded Auoust 9. 11174 In Book In l>OOll 131196. P!91 117, of Official O.Ctar1Uon ol AeatrictlOn• '°' Ille TAKE PROMPT ACTION. a p pointe d a s p erson a I 11217. Peoe 1701. Ottlcill Records. ~di In the olfioeol Iha County Lall• MHle< ANOCllllOn ref4ffed In addl1foll to the amoun1 111ttc1 representative to administer 1n the oltloe ot the County Reoorder Recorderl of Orenge Courlty. Stat• to 1n Peroel 2 abOYe. abOve, lllOUld any pr1ot llll .. , llem. the est.ate of Lizzie Mae Hale ol lald c:conty. '°' thoee purpoaM of C.Nloml• D«:Utld by: JOHN B. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A or encumbrance. be dllln(luenl or h l d d u more pentcularty deaerlbed ln CHUN and KU SUH CHUN, HfW • OEEO OF TRUST DATED JUNE 111, beCom4I dellnqunenl. and the loan (under t e . n epen e n \ Section 5 ol Artlcle VIII or the J/T .. TruetOl'S. WILL SELL AT 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION c;a n be reln allted . 1ald Admini11trat1on o f Estates Oecterellon o l Covenenta. PUBl.IC AUCTION TO HIGHEST TOPROTECTYOURPROPERTY.IT deOnquenctee mual be CIKed ... A ct). The pet1tlon is !le\ for Condltlon1 end R11tdctlon1 BIOOER FOR CASH (payable 11 MAY BE SOLO AT A PU8LIC SALE. condttlon of rlln1tatemen1. hearin~ln De~. No. 3 at 700 recorded February 1. 1974 In BOOlt time of .... In lr#M money of the If' YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION NOTICE OF D«'AULT W · 11088 Pege 1326 Oltlclel Record1 Untied Statel) et . lhl Iron I OF THE NA TURE 0 F THE AND El.ICTION TO HU Civic n tA?r ·ve. est, Ln tn the olt~ ol 11141' County Recordel' 1nlrenc1. 11118 'W S111entffnlh, PROCEEOING AGAINST YOU, YOU .,..,. .. OIED Of' TMllT the City O( Santa Ana. ol uk1 county. Senta Ana, Celllornte 112708, all SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. LOM No. 4121/HAYH California on July 14. 1982 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A right, Utle Intl lnteresl 9011V9Yed to 74 Lakeplnll, Irvine, CA T.t . No •• ....,4 at 9;30 a.m . 0 EE D 0 F TR u 8 T DATE 0 and now hllii by II under Mid Deed "~II • .,, ... llddr-or oommon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Thll IF YOU OBJECT to the OCT06EA 2. 11190 UNLESS YOU of Trvat In me Pfoperly "1uated In d11lon11lon 11 11\0wn 1bo111, no GLENDALE I NVEST ME NT . . TAKEACTION TOPAOT£CTYOUR llkfCourltyendStall~bedu: werranly la given ~_1~0 Ill CORPORATION .. duty appointed granting of lhe petition, you PROPER'rY. ll MAV BE SOLD "T Loi 11' of Trect No. 7718, In lhe complet-or COO'ect,_1." Trustee under the lollowtno should either appear at the PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN Cllv of Co111 l\4eH. County of The beneflclary under llld Dead deecrtbed deed ot lrutl' h e ari ng and s t a t e your EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OrlllQI. Stele Of c.itlomla ... per of Trutl , by rMIOn of. bfeectl °' TRUSTOR DANIELL HAYES •• o b ... c tions or file written OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST map ,..corded In boOk 303, pegee deflUll In lhl obllQalione _,,., llnQle man ~-VOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A 35 10 40 lnolualve, Mlaoellaneoue thereby, ,_.,ofofe executed lll'1d BEfolEFICIARY. BRYAN L PENN objections With the court LAWYER MIPI. In the oltlce ol the c:ounty delivered lo lhl undlrttoned • and AFTON PENN, hulbend and before the hearing Y o ur Tiie street 1ddren 1n<1 other recorder ot 1atdcounty EXCEPT wnlten Oec1er1tlon of Oetault end w11e u jOlnl 1enan11 appearance may be In person oommon deslQnatton, If 1ny, ol tne IHEREFROM •II Oii, ou. mlner•I• Demand !or Sale, and wrfllen notice Raco•ded Auouet 25, 198 t u ior b~ your attorney . reel propeny detlCl'lbed 1bove Is and othe< nydrocatbona. below • of breectl end of llecllon to ~ lnatr. No 3 t011n book 141113 paoe 1 y OU ARE A pu<poned to be 1782t Arbor Lane, depth of 500 teet. WlthOut Iha right the 11nder1lgn1d to Hlf H id 118:3 Of OlllClll Recofdt In the ofllce IN!ne, C&lilornll ol eurf-antry. u r..,-vecS In property to N1'-'Y Mk! obllgltlone. of Ull Recorder of Orenge County. CREDITOR or a contingent The 1.1nd1r1toned Tr1.1111e t111trwnente of record t nd thereeller th• underelon•d lllld deed ot tNt1 MCUr .. certain creditor o f the deceaaed, you <1t1c1a1m1 1ny ltablflty tor any Th• 11r .. 1 •ddr111 and Olhlf c;euaed Mid nollol ot brMCh Ind of 01>11g111on1 lrw:luellnO one note tor must file your claim with the lncl«rectneaa of th• atrMt tf.dd, ... common dellgr\lllon. II any. of thl 11eo1ton to be Aeoordlct Mweh ~1 the 111.1m ol S 12,000.00. 1 th 1111<1 other common Oe119r1allon. II t.i ptoPlftY 0-lbed •t>ov9 II tll82 u Instr. No. 82..072659 ot NMJ Thlt the benefldet lnt.,..1 under court or pre9enl l to e 111:1y 111own herein. pvt~ to ~· 1152 Cernetlon, ot11c1a1 Reco<da auc h deed o f truat 1n<1 Iha person al repreaent atlve s'ald u te wlll be m1Jt•, but Ca-ta MMa. ~ 11292t. &aid 1111 wlll b• made. but oblloallol\• ..eured lhereby at e appointed by the court without c;ov1n1n1 or wlrrenty, The und1retgn1d T r ull•• wltho1.11 covenent or warranty, preeentiy Mid by thll t.lllderflOnld; wilhm four montha Crom the ~ or Implied. reoardl!IO tltle. dl101a1m1 1ny lleblllty 101 any ~ °' lmplled, r.gardlng tltte, Tnet •breech ot, 1111<1 defeult In, !I'll l f po11eulon, or 1ncum1>r1nc11. lnoomlet,_ of llMI lttMl tOd'-'~0111w1on. or enoumbr~ to obtf91Uont fOf wnleh IUCfl OMd of date o f flr1l asuance .o lnoludtng 11u. cherg .. and and other comMon dMIQnetlon. II tt1e rerMlnlng Pf1n01C* """ot tru•l It MOVrlty l'tat CICCutl'ld In 11111 letten1 al provided ln Secuon txoen-of thl T"'" .. end ol tne any. lhown ~. note(•) aacutec1 by Mid D..i Of peyment,,.. not~ rnede ot: The 700 of the Probate Code of trutll cr111td by 111/d Dffd ol Seid 1111 wlll be made, but Net, wlftl lnlltMt • In Mid nol9 1natallm1nt ot 1nter11t whtol't California The time for Trwt. to ~Y thl r~ pr1ndpel without covenant. or warrenly, cwldld, ~ II any, under 61loWN due Aprtl 1. tlll2, lllld d • . tum1of111e notl(a) ~by Mid lllCPf-or llnpled, regwdlng 111te, hi tttml ot Mid D..i of Trutt, eub91Quent 1ne11111men1a of 1ni.r..t flllna clainw wlU not expire Deed ot Trual to 11111: ... a.000.00 po11e111on, or 1ncumb,.nc: .. 11 , ~ and ~ of tM andi.ltehltQtt.Otl~on prior to fOur months from ~Ith 1nterH(.lht1ton lrom lnoludlng 11 ... cl'terg ... al'IGTNttMendofthllNlllllOf..eedby • prior 1noumbrenc1. If any the date o f the heari ng Dlotll'lber 6, JM1 et 11 l*l*lt •tq>tnMe ot thl ,,,,.... and of ttle lte1c1 D..i of TNM. Oellnquent reel eetai. tu•." any nouced above ennut11 • 0tlVlded In Mid not-:J '"'*'' c:rtated by Hid OMi1 ot1 L Said u t1 wlll I>• he let on Thal by re11or1 1hereol, 1111 YOU MAY EXAMINE '*'* e<*• lfld 1111y edV-TNIC.toO«Ytl'te~":::cfr',..a 1,,_L"'..""'.L..'.Ntyl.1112atl:OOp.in .. unwalgMd, r...-nt beneflel•ry U 1IO to wllh lnt.,..I. llUnll of the notet.11 by NICI ~thl A--entrW'ICl9. undtr aucl't Hd 01 ttutt. ho the tile kept by the court. If n.e' ~ under Mid Olld Deed ot TNlt to wtt: ~1.(tl.40 t1tt Civic °"*" 8UllctlnO. aoo 111toutld encl d911V91'ed to Mic! duly you are lntereated In the of Trull tiemolore llllGl.ltld Ind with Inter•• t'*-1 frOfTI 1011111 OMpinan A--. In IN etty eppolntect Tru•t•• • wr1111r1 tU ·t d1llv1r~ to th• und1retgnecl • a1~ Pit eM\111'1 M PfOVlctlcl In Mkl Orano-. Dllclllfllltc111otOefeu1titnd09IMncl estate, you may eareq'f wrltttnDeclM•tlon of o.talll and nottC•l ~oot'tenctlld¥anceeot ~·th""" ot '"' ln llla l tor ...._ end hM ~-w11t1 with the court to r~ ve ~ tor Salt. and 1 Wl111en 11~n.2t w1tt1 1ni.rwt 10 cs.te. publOeeton of.,. notlt». 11e _. Mid 61ikr **'*' TNI .... lllCfl Ip e cl a I n 0 UC fl 0 f l b fl Hoti.a of Oefeult and ~IOn to TM benMICllery undlr Mid Olld e of thl ~ .,..._of IN deed of tf'\1111 and alt ctocumtnt11 inventory of e•tate aa1eta .., The undef'llOI*' ~ Mid of Truat lllNtofoN eiuouttd end tlon ....i ~ tlW aboW twl<1tncfn9 ODii=:. HOUltd a...t of the .,.li\ioN e«oUfttl ~ Of °"ll.llf and 1Jec1.lon lo dellY.,•d 10 l"I t1ncttr1l9Md I HOrlbed dH• of lfllll enct .......,, end Ilea and dOlll r--'. r-d ' 11o.-d I ... 110 ... reootded In tfle couritY ltWltMin O.CWllllon °' Dlflllll wt !lllllfMtlid ...... eKl*tMe, eftd ,__....,. 111 """' ~~d reporu t&er..., n ...,., .. ,....ll"OPertY .. ~ ~..,, .... 111141•""""'1ctu111H I• 1u,1n.H To '"•r••ll 1mm••~:1,•u1 ud ectlon UOO 8 o f the o. ... JuM 10, 1tu ,... of Dlf9lllt and~ to ... ...,.-.l'9U,.._ --end 1111 .... -fomUI Probate Code. ALLIQH'-NY INVUT• .... Tiie = Ollo1led .id ... cr\4) ....... -"9r••Y teot to Ge ... Ille lnlll l.~1' Offl~tt tf BUI MIMTOCl . .i. I~ ~ ~ Md~~ OATI0"""94, 1 .. t. '° .. IOld eo ..._ "" uoaall. p 0 ... MN ON ~, IHC. -'* -Ii\ "'--"• T.O llJMOI COU'ANY ....... !"!'' ~ 1.....,;.;;; 1111 TC*llODuftllY-·~-rtllll~·........ =;:.-... 011M 1/11 , w-.~-.• .. _, .-CA g:a I ~.-.ia,'iiiMoaa. If;"' ~!:._-...... ,~·,.::.;:·· r-~--.. ... . wrnJll ...... " "'bf••hld '1r•llM 'eo.•' ... ~. ~;;;'T'ifr "' ~ Dtfff !Detw ~ June .,,. 11, It, '"' 11~ ~ "' 0..:... Otltf "' a... o..., M-MMtM. :, ........... .... ~ ......,91 .... ,. """' ( r.tt0.t1t; r.J~,. !'lllllWIM o.-. oe.t Deity .. . l•Wfll 111 nu HM.-.-I. 16.11. "·'':Lt.. ""· ¥a. •:.n ... , me.n ..... -. "·... #t :.i..ll ,... • • , •a ....., ,...., . ...., .. Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Tuesday, June 29, 1982 Cl CLASSlfllD Ml.IC •JU MUC M>ncl °' tTAiiiiliiii' or ••••an• rr ~.._ -~Of ""Of Of"" Of ._ .. 1:1'-. ~I PIO It MAM1 M1'mOUI ....... MAam ATDDT NIW~T HOMI I.CAN, IMO·.. '"' oilow ,,. ''''°"' "'"' "" fOllOWlllO perlOnt h•v• Ole loiowtflo l*ICIM .,. .....,. ...... ..._._ .~ -... 1N11MMC1 "" 11tt o; me l'totltlow ~ 1111 • °' 1111 l'lc1lll0ue ~ •· Mi •111triw 1,_ ,.._ .,_ .._ *t'llll Mll\A MUA lvtlHlll l'A"t< i\!' ~·'.',.'°!" .. -=rA~~ "*'lft~lAN'fl, IOI Dove Jl.M Ill.ANO MUICANTILI, JOINT VINTU"I NO. H6tlt. TO "'H".::...u .. t\':OCll" "°" lh .!,._ iOQ~~ IMoll. OI Ut·A Merine Avenue, 81tboe 1UIO 01111111 A111nu1 , lrvlne, ......, In -i.tlnd. C.. Hte2 OellfOtf\141 Hf 14 ()AIM ~ •I ~ oo!t-= Tiie l'IOtlllOUt l11tlnn1 N•m• Tiit fllCllllOlll 8111ln111 N1n11 lUIM.IMll\A MllA •• Umtt9CI ~ ........ r::: ~~1 rel•H•4' 10 1bove wH tiled In rtrtrttd to 1bov1 w11 lllt d In Per1ne11lllp, PO. lo• O·IOHO. to ',.'!".; ·~ .....,. b" " undlt Mid 11111 CO\lnly on Jl/lfy 11, 1NI, Otenge County on AU0\111 II, IHO. 17180 Qlllllt• Avenue, Irvine, -.,.,.. ,,.... ' JOMPll Peter '•1-t&<M \ Joen M lmll~\ 1 f Cr1tt CtrOll. c.&lfonlll 927 Ill Delf ol Tr111I I" 1111 property C ' c~~· Ciel M.,, y,., nte0 NOATHWl!ST!RN MUTUAL ~ ~lbecl lOlllOuM r , ltvlM, Oe 92114 ~--t ll"UITOftClYDI A McAAV Ind lal!Y Lou JollMQn, lltl btl Lynne M Downing, 2444 LtFl INSURANCE COMPANY, a Ml.IC MOtlCl WIH"fllD L MGl<AY huabend el1CI fllral Iii. Tu1Un, Ca, Ute<> Peeoc>Gk. Et Toro, Ca_ t"30 WllOOnlln oorporetlOn, ti I 81.t!tll ..-. ' Tille bUt1n1e1 w .. oondUOllO C>y 1 M111belll A. Q1119ano, 8albol Slt .. 1, ekitle 1610, Lot Anoe't'. --....... "~ntrel\lp i.ttnd. ca. 129412 CellfOtl\11 80011 CLASSIFIED Bl!Ntl'lCIAllV: NIWPOfn H..,..I 04H* ..-' ' JollllNll H DownlnQ, 24442 Thie ~ It ~ICI by 1 ~ .. ~!!~.{'!. hl! ............................. ~.'.~!~-~'. hl! ...... . ~!.'!!. ......... }.~! 9!!!!'.~ .•••••.•• !.~!! ~!~~ .. ' .......... !.~~ IHI lll•N .•.•..••.............. LOAN TllUIT #239 ~ p ,.._ PNOOCll. Et T0to. ca ~ -·· "'""'Ml'll\I~ ~ e.Mml>et 24 IHI.. -· L. JOllNOfl b ....... ~ .. -· 1111111. No. aott'l' In book 14231. Thi• e111emen1 wu n11c1 wttll tile Thi• C>ualnett It conouc•eo v • LUSK/Ml MISA INDEX .. 21 ot ............. --...Cl• ltl tlle olftol County Ctwtc of Otanoe COunty on generll partner~ • Llmlled Pllt1'*9111P " "",,,_ ._.. J;ine 4. 1982 Lynne M 00wntn0 lllct\ttd T OllN LOWEST PllOll IAllOI VIEW PlllDIU..U :i:,11e~,:, °'=~~ · ~ r1111 ,,,,_, w .. 1111C1 W11h 111e Seu••llY Te Pbct Y•r u, Cd lolloWlng prQPerty: lot 7!1 of Treat Publlt llt d Orange Co1et Dilly County Cleril of Orange County on NORTHWESTERN No. "'78, In Ille Cltu of Colt• ...... PUot June II. Ill, 22. 20. lt82 June ii, 1912. MUTUAL LIFE 642·5678 .. •• 202.a2 ,,a,a INSURANCE COMPANY County ot Orange, State or P11bt11lltd Orange Co11t Delly OONld l Qoodaon. Thll lebutou• 3 Bdrm 11mlly home with dtrl 11 I grell V1lu1 1 1 only 1259.000. High 11aum1- bl1 loan al low rtll pl111 •11t tlfmel Cell now for detallll &.4e-7171 Prlte WHt &y bayfront Slipa tor 2 *ta, remodt'lt'd 3 bdnn. 3 bath $1 .200.000 Clllfomlt, .. per map reoorded 111 PULIC N()TIC£ PHot June 22. 20. Juty e. t3. t992 M•NOet lltuUS fOI SAL( ~.11~· t~lt: ~= .._.... -24119>112 Thlt 1taten*1I WN ltled with lhe ~ll••l~MM"i• ... _.. ...,,..,. .....-County Clerk ol Orenoe County on "' -• recofci.t of ltkl county boec>I the nwtTll'I •~ June 17. 1982 ., ......... NortMallttty ss1 42 1et1 T 1. ..._ ,,._ "8JC NO net ,,..,m c.-.. 11 .. , YOU ARE IN OEFAUl T UHOf-R A NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, th•I Publlth•d Orang• Cout D•llv ~_;:-.: DEED OF TRUST DATED AUGUST on WIClneed•y. July 1. 1902 •• , 9:00 "=·~· Piiot, Jun• 22, 29, Juty II, t3, 1982 a·~ 7 , 1981 U NLEBS YOU !oAKAE o'Glod!Lm o!Mlcfdey.lnllleroom Th• lotlowlng "-"'rtOn It doing 2713--62 =~-:::.. ACTION TO PROTECT • U Mt ulde IM ~ Truat11'1 ,.. tMl!o PROPERTY, IT MAY BESOlD AT A S .... within the oft1GM o4 REAL bu.._ M ' 1------------I.It""•-~~ PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN l:STATE SECURITIES SERVICE. ELISE ENTERPRISE. P.O 80• PlB.IC NOTICE I.al""• 11111• EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE IOcetld II 2020 North eroectwey, 7200, 1548-D Adami Ave .. COlll ~=~::;' OF THE PROCEED4NO A~A~~ST Sult• 208 In tile City of 811118 ML M~a~~.~~!2:;.ncotM Moutle<. NOTICI Of' TIWITU'I IALI ~..!:i":" YOU, YOU SHOULD COH A A County '01 Oran1•· State ol 1300 Adema Ave I t8M. Coate t..-No. 101mn.1 SoA J.,.AC•po .. rooo LA2YfY50E".; I A Awnue Cotta c • 11I 0 r n... RE L Es TATE ... _. CA 921129. T.I . No. nm.. t:·.:::~ " oan I ne ' SECURITIES SERVICI!, a Calll0tnle Thll buainlM It conducted by an B E N E F I C I A L S E R V I C E -L01011• Meta, CA 921128. corpo11t1on 11 duly appointed Ind ......... , co p NY d 1 1 tad •· ,.,..,.,.. "(If ... , ... ec:tdr-Of oommon TrullM und4it end ~· 10 Ille •TIVV9' M A .. II y IPPO n .. :. .. -·»I• d11lgn1t1on 11 Shown above, no powar ol 1•1• conferred In that Thi•,,':".=:!~ :::1':, with the ~,ti:,~·~,:,~:, ~11~~S~~~ IW ESTATE w1rranty 11 g i ven 81 1c;>, 111 cerialn o..ct of Trull executed by COunty Clerk of Ortinge County on AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ""•attforS.I• oompleteneN Of CC>f(IC1n..a). JONATHAN M. JARVIS. • llngle HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CA SH ~~~::;.~Salt lout IOOI loot .... ·-... ·-IOlll two , .. 1044 IOOll Ulll> IOU ... ·-IA 1'71 1..0 .... ... '"" 1100 tOUAL llOUSIHO Oflfl011T UNIH Pa•H1ller'1 ltHHt All rlll 111811 tdvtttlMd In thlt n ewepeptt I• 1ubtect to lhl Federtl F11r Hou11ng A01 of 1908 wnkm mekH It Illegal to 1dvlftlM "t ny pttflfen- CI, llmlte11on or dlacrlml- netlon ba11d on rec1, color, rellglon, 81x or netlonel origin, or any Intention lo mekt 1ny sucll preftrence. llmll•· 1ur llon or dltcrlmlneuon." IJOI THE REAL ESTAT&:RS Ol-~1m & )(lllY v1~w1 Marint' room. 4 bc;tnn. 3 beth. 3700 aq h . Sl.381>.000. ac.-Nront Liil llLI 11111 t'rune Lado Nord baytront ~bdrm. ~Va ba\h Lge LR . 2 bo:at shps $1,600,000 Rt•modeled a bdrm, 2 bath + largt' rec rm. beam t-ethngs, furnished, pallos $420.000 Lllll llLE UYFlllT heuhttr••• SHI vltw In 8lutt1, He ocean, city llghll end mountain•. horn balcony Of llvlng room 2 Bdrm plu• loft. Hlghly upgrt· dad. dfeem kitchen, •Pl· ....agoon view from 6 bdnn. ~ bath, playroom, ral atelrcue. Fun price darK rm den Boat slip. Now $1 000 000. s1oe.eoo. 151-319 1 • • • • C::. <1~ I I ( 1 -t"' PIH 1Pl H' il '• I Bl YSIDE COYE The t>enellc;ltty under Mid Oeec:I "*'· recorded Hovlml>et 8, 1980. June 4• 1982· f11IO'T7t tP•y•ble at ume of uN In lewful ......... "•-"• of Trust, by reuo11 of • br-.cll Of In Book 13823 of Oltlolal Record• of Publlthtd Orange CoHI Dally money ot lhl United StatHI alt C•-'••1 IAl• C•r•" defeult In tile oblt•tk>nl MC:U<ICI 111 d c ou n 1 y . 11 p •O • 9 4 7. Pltot. June 8, 1~. 22. 29, 1982 right, 111 .. and lnt•• .. t con.-.yec:t to ~~:·::$:?:'' :!: This newtpa~ wlll not 1• k nowlngly 1ccep1 any JIOO ad11erll1lng for reel es-1--------- :: 1111 which Is In vlolttlon Spect.acular bayfrom v1ew 2 br. 2 ba up. 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat shps $1 .000.000 tlltfeby, heretofore exlQlllCI end ~0<der'1 lnttrument No. 7~1. Oy 24211-12 and now held oy It uncle< .. Id ol o..i .... u,..,., • .., dellvered to th• undenlgned • •IMOn of 1 b<MCh Of deflUll In eln n -1o.,. Mo •• written OecleratlOn of o.t.ul1 and p1ymen1 or perlor"'anct of th• Trutl In .1,.. propetiy "" • ., 1..-p,_.; 1to0 of the law. ri: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil OemanC1torS11t.endwrltten notlct obt1g1t1on1 ncured thereby. f'\B.IC N011C£ d~l~TOR. RESOURCES ~,;ti':'-n' ol breech and ol tllcilon to ceuM lncludlnn thel br..ch Of default. SF ED INCORPORATED a ICobl .. 11,... Trlr ~''' t h• unde1119ned to .. 11 .. Id Notte;~·· or whic h w11 recorded K..,._ DIVER I I • .. _. t>e<en.lloort property to S111l1ty Mid obtlgetlona. Fet>Nery 111 1982 .. Recofdef'• 1'1CTT110UI _,...18 OllLeh<>m• C()(poretlon. °':'!rc co ,.,.,. and thettafter the und111tgned lnltrumtnt No. ll:i-059890, WILL MAMSITA,......, BENEFICIARY FAR WEST o.1.,;-~,,., IP UIO uoo -Ulit Ullllt Adverti- sers should check ~ Nld notlee of brMCh and of S"'LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ~u-• .i ,...,. S A V I N G S A N 0 L 0 A N ~ .... ~~.:.~Gr<>••• Rec ded Marc;h 3 "' TllCI ,.,...,..,ng ~tonl are .,.,.ng ASSOCIATION 1toaJ "°'"'' £ac~••1• eiec:tlon IO oe ()( ' HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, bull,_ u · Recorded October 19, 19111 u lltaJ Eo111t1 lll'ool..I 19112 •Ind· No. 82-07~ ol Mid lawful money ot 1111 United Stet11. PARK VIEW BUS INES S lnatr. No 20919 In bootl 1•268. l(MfAlS Offlclal f\eciOrdl 0< a Cllhllr'I c:tl9Cll drewrt on • PROPERTIES, 3500 W Mool'e St.. 7 ,..,,, ... al ..,_ d In Ille Said Hll wilt be made, but ital• ~ natk>nal ... _ ... 8 It'"'• Of pege 8t ot "'""" ,._Of • -. "''""""' ~ .,.,_ •• Sult• "M", Sent• Ana. CalttMnl1 ottlce of the Reoorda< of Orange -U•f•••""" without GOven1nt or warrenly. federal credit union, or • 1tet1 0< 92704. Coun1y: said d.ed of trutt deloc:rlblt c"::..~~.'."mor• !J.•:. e1tpr ... Of lmplled. regarding tltle, federal eavlng1 and toen ueool1tton Llncotn Saving• end Loan .. _ 1o1•-1 ,_,..,. -·• poesn11on. 0< eooumbranoM. to domlciled 1n 1h1111111, 11t oenble 11 Auocltt Ion. • C etlfornl• ,,,. """''lf.-rr·!~" ~:::-; .. ~·' PIY thl'*'11inlng prlncipel 1Um o4 the time ol tale, ell right, tlt11 end corporation. 101 Llncoln Way, ESCRIPTION r ... -... a..nf the notA(t) aecured by talc:I Died of 1n1--....... by It, u Trull ... In .. _,__, P· .... Celtt0<nl1 91754. D : ~'" ""'" T it. with I t t u In Mid note _,.., ,_, "'~' __ , .,,. PARCEL I Dltt>I<•" Uni rust, n ll'll that reel property altui:ll In Mid Nal S. Hatty. 3600 W. MOO<• Lot 6 ol TrlCI 9589, u P«lf map ""° t'lrn provtd9<1. ec:tvancu. If 811Y· under County end State. deacrlbtd 11 Street, Sant• Ana, c.llfMnle 92704. mec:t In Book 407, page 7 to 12 ~ ~!:! ""' tile ttrml ot Mid Deed of Trust. followt MIChH I F. Rowe, 3500 W. lnclullve ol MlscelleMOUS Maps, "*" l'IM, c:hltgll end ex.pen-of the PARCEL t Moore St,_, Santi Ana, Callfomta rec:<>1ds ot 114ld County, Calllornle. lltalMn t. loord T~ and ofthe truata cnllled by Unit No 30 u 1hown end 927~. E11c1p11ng therefrom 111 oU. oil =•.::.:::: Nldo.edot Trusi. Seid tale will be datetlt>ed In the condominium plan Uncoln S1v. & Loan AMn. rights. mlne11l1. m1n1r11 rlghll, s..v~".:."",_r 11111.~".1.~ hel4on Wec:tneMlay, Juty 7, 1g112 •1 tec;ol'ded on <>-temt>et t4, 19711 tn John M. Vunklf. Jf t d th -~ 2:a. p.m at thl Chapman Avenue book 1284 l.,...,p~•• 929 to 908 netur•I G•• rlgh ' an o •• ll~•h io~u· nl ~1 to th• Civic C1n1er · Exec:. Vloe PrMldenl hydroc:arbonl, by wtlll~ name Gau••• for "'"' • r •ny lncluslw of ottlci rtc:Ofdl ot aald Thi• ttlnement wu hied with the known, geother"''' 1111m. e.nd all OI~ 11eo101 &Aiding, 300 E. Chapfl\111 Avenue. oounty u amended by emendmenl Coooly Cll<k of Orange County on produ<:1S dlflved from any ol tM "'"•-• 11•"'•1 In the Ctty ol Orange. CA to condominium plan recorded on June 10, 1982 loreQOlng, that mey be within 0t •-n•l ll•"'"' At th• time of the lnttllt Novemblf 10, 1978 In bool>.. 12918, fl1t1 .. under 111e p 11ce l ol l end t:,_·~·•"'"" p.ibltc:.tlon of thlt notlct, the total ptgee 1602 end 1603 of offk:lal Publl1h•d Orang• CoHI Dally htrelnebove deacrlbeO, together .... ll•M•la .-nount of tile unpaid balance of IN record• of eald oounty Pltol. June IS. 22. 29. July II, 1982 with the peri>elual rlgllt of drltllng, IUSUl(SS, INYESf. ot>llgellon eec:urec:t by the 8b0119 PARCEL 2 2e3M2 1 d tt oucrlbed deed of """ and An undivided on• thlrty·fourtll mining. uplor ng •n Opell ng MOil nNANC( t1tlmated co1t1. upenaea end 11134th) lnterHI 11 •tenant In P'lB.IC NOTICE ~:!:,~::r,:."!'.~o;~g~ ~.~,::.':!!~ tdv encu la 129.900 114 To commonln thltee1nter .. ttn andto oranyotherltnd,lnctudlnglherlQhl '"""''"""'!?P.porl'r dltennlne the opening btd, you mey the common area of Iott 2,'3 end 5 K4Ml'7 co whlpstock or dlrec:tlonally drlll ~;;:;r:T.:::...,. C8ll (7 t41 937-0966 of tn1ct 111158 u per map nled In f1CTTTIOU9 .,..... and mine from land• other than _, .... ..i• DA TEO June 7, 11182 bOOk 438 peges 1 to 7 lnclullYe of NAm ITATD!mNT thOM llerelnlbOVe dete:flbed oil()( 1&0t11tin .TO't NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC ml1c;et11~eous map•. record•' of The f~ pettOnt •• dOlng gu well•. tunnels end st1ana ln\O. ANMOUMC£MENTS, u tald Trus1M. eald oounty es IOCtl Item 11 defined bull,_ u . through or Krota the aublurl-of AM By T,D SERVICE COMPANY. In the t111tde entlfled "deflnltlOnt" LAM.E GROVE II, 17581 lrviM thl land hlrelnebove deacrtbed. l'(JSlll"IAlS & agent of the declarellon or covenanll. ae>utevttd, Sult• 107. Tu.11n, Cellf. end to bottom tudl wlll1>1tocited ()( lDST & JOUNI By Cindy ~~lltlf. condition• end rettrlctlon1. 112880. dlrectk>n•lly drilled welt•. tunnlK Atalllant ....., • ll'Y reoo<ded April 21 19711 In bOOlt La k • Gr o v •. • LI m 1 t • d and tnalta under and t>eneeth or ~~-,,.. one City Boule11ard West. 12&«. pege 951 0j offlc:lal record•, p 1 r t n er 1 h Ip . 1 7 511 1 Irv In• ti.yon<l 1111 ••terlOr llmlll INlftof, Ltpt 1'o11< .. Orange, CA 112868 (the "declaretlon"), end any Boulevard, Suite 107, Tuatln. c.Mf. and to redrlll. retunnel, equip, ~::- (714) 835-82118 1upplements and amendmenll 92e&O matnteln. rep air. deepen end Sw••CI••• Publlahed Or1nge Co111 Dally thereto Llncotn Savtng1 end Loan operate any wc;n well•. Of m..-Tu .. 1• -mo -- -:11)10 lOI) ---- Piiot, June 15. 22. 29. 11182. exo-Pttno therefrom all Oil. oil Au o c 11 II on. • C a II for n I• wtlhoYt, hOWeVer, the right to drlM. SllvtC£S 2~7-82 rlghta, miner el•, mlner1I right•. corporetlon, 10 I Llncoln Way, mlna ttor• explore end operate ,., .... o.r.nw) -----m-rnr_l_C_""'_T_IC_E ___ n eturel gH rtgllt• end other t.tont1rey Pri, Calltomlll 91754 thr~ll 1~ aurlece of tile upper £MrlDnt£NT & n111.. m.i hydroc:art>ona. by wtwl!-" name Thlt bu"'-It oonduc:ted by en 500 leel ot the aubturl-of tile known . .-othermal 11-71, end all unlncorpore1ed euocl11lon other land herelnabove d11crtb1d, 11 mf'AIATIDN K-40tll product• dlrfV9d fl'om any of Ille lhan a par1nerslllp. r.....0 In the Deed lrom the Irvine s.-. •••n.n-a.cr-No. 1MX>D loreoolnll. that IMy be wtttlln Of llneoln Se" 'Loan At111 Company. 1 eotporetk>n, rec:Ofded ''**.,.-:!::.' .. •,. NOTICE TO CREOITOftl 0, undar -th e ptrctl of l and JollnM.Yunktt,Jr Octot>et 4 1978 In Book 12M8 "-' au L K T" AN f Ft:" AN o p, hllelnebOve daac:rlbad together EJiec Vice Prealdent page l53t of Offlclat Rec:ofd1. ' llEICllAlfltS( INTENTIO N O T RANI FER with 1M perpetual right of drHKng. This stetement Wll nled with Ille Atao uceptlng tlltrtlrom thl ""':!'!"" Al co Ho L 1 c 1 Ev ER AO E mining. •~plorlng and oparttlng County Clerk ot Orange County on 1Ublurtace water rlQllll. bu1 wttl'lout """ ,,.. .. LICENSE(S) (Sect. 11101-6107 therefor tnd 1torlng In end June •O. 1982 ,,,,. lh• right ol 1urfec• entry. u ~ U.C.C. end/or 2A0'73 NP) removing the Mlntl trom tald land r.-ved In the Deed from the lrvlne ... c;,.. 1101tt1ol• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that e or any other land, lnGludlnO the 11ant Publlahed Orange Colll Delly Company, e c()(J>Oratlon, rec0<ded C.moru & E41•11>.,,.111 bulk 1ren1fer of personal property to whlp1tocl< or dlrec:tlonall'I dllll Piiot. June 15, 22, 29, July 8, 19112 Oc:1obe< 4, 1978 In Book 121188, ~ and a transfer ot liquor lklense(s) 11 end mine lrom land• other then I 2~·82 PIO' 1S39 o t Ottldal RecO<d1 ,._ .. vw 1t>out to be made thole '-91naboYe dMcr1bed, oll Of PARCEl 2 ~;::_•;_.., The names and mailing address g11 Wllll. tunnell and lhafU ln1o, PUBUC NOTICE E1Hm1nt1 11 auch 11Mm1n11 ._ ol the transterors are: through Of ICfOtll lhe aubeurl-of I are p1rt1cu11r1y ••I tor th In the .--~ ALFRED H STUETZlE, a the lend herelntbove deKrlbad, NOTICE Of' TIIUSffrl IA&.e artlele entitled "Eultnenlt" ol Ille tr°'.,::.Z.. gener•I partner and ERNEST A end to bol1om 9'1Ct1 ..mtpetocl<ICI Of MO. T.f1'22-€Q oectarttlon ot Covenant•. Condi-11 ... _,. ANDERSON a general pertn« end dlrt1C110ntllly drilled welll. tunMll On Frtd:ri· July 23, t9112, II 9:15 tlona and Raltllctk>nl rec0<ded In Mt....U,_.,. ,.., BART J BURG • gen«al par1ne< and a11an1 under and i>en411th or 1.m .. HO E FEDERAL SAVINGS 800k 1237 \ pea• 7411 ot Ofllclal ::='~r=~...:::U enO RANDY BlASKWOOD. 1 beyond the e1ttert0< tlmltl ther'90f., AND lOAN ASSOCIATION OF SAN A41c;()(da, eno re-recorded 1n 8ook Olntt ,.,,.,, .._..,, llmlted partner, 11• al, ALBA-and to redrlll, retunnel, equip, DIEGO. a Co<poratlOn, u Tn;stM 1237t, p1ge 327 of Ofllclel ,., O< CROSS LTD 1 part.-lhlp 2151 maintain, repelr. deepen and underttlatDMdofTruttdatec:tAprH Recordt, under the uctton t:;: ..... &:~ N Harbor BNd Fuller1on C~ltl operate any 9UCll ,...II °' mlnMI II, t981, ex.outed by DENNIS R hledlnga In SUCll 111tc1e entltlad u s.on•ncOaod• ' wltllOUI. h()weV91, the right to dr1H, CHASE end JANE ANN CHASE and IOll0wt: Rlgllts end Outlee: UtUIUes SIAl<•,llHUW'••• ear The names, malling .>ddress and nMntl. slor•. er.pier• and operate recorded April 14. 11181 . as end Cable TeleVlllOn". "Support. ~·~11,,.,Sl .. ..a ZIP Code Number oflhe transferees lhrough the 9Ut1-of the uPPlf'l tnstrumtn t No 14 92 2. Book St ttlemenl end Encroachment'.'.-IOATS l MAalll[ are. 500 1111 of the aut>torlace of IM l 14018, Pege 528 of Ofllclel "Community Faclllllee ~II . SOUTHWESTFOOOS,INC ,a tand herelnabove described. H Record1olOrangeCounty,St1teol ''Private Street L11nd1Clape [QUl~(lll Calllornla co1pora11on. and ,~In the deed lrom the lrvlne c 1tlf()(11l1. wlll tell at publk: auction Maintenance" and "Drainage Over c-11 STEPHEN p WHITE. 10900 LOI Compeny, • C()fp0<8\k>n recorded lo the hlghetl bidder IC>< celh In Community Fectlltl.... -. ...... lltrv1e• AlamllM Bl\ld . Los Alamitos. Calil Fet>ruart 25, 1980 In bOOll 1351 t, lawful money of the United Stalll. PARCEL 3 :::: ~,';' &4"•P 90720 pege 737 of offtclal recordt. 1 11 the front entrenee to lhe old E_.,,.,.1 OVll' thl IOll owned by 11 .. u 11-Ch•ntt That the peraonal property to be Alio e•ceptlng therefrom 1h1 Orange County Cour1houee. located "Subject Ownera" fO< the purpose 11Nu5a1• transfe.red Is described In general aublotl-water rlQhts. but without on Sent• Ana Blvd., between of ixerd stng the rlgllt ol Grant .. ~.r.:::.~: as m • 1 er I at s . s u PP 11 • s • 1 h• r lght of 1urlec1 en tr~ Sycamore St. end Broedvr•Y In the herein u an "Ent0tdng Owner" as -...-•c• merchandise. equipment tor\ .-'VICI In tM dlld from the t Chy of Sant• Ana, Counly of auch 1erm1, 1011 and e11ement TJAllSIOITATIOll furniture. tlxtures and equlpmenl. Company, 1 c:orporetton recorded Orange, Stet• of Cellfornle. au right, rights ••• mo<e completely eflned °"""~ tr1d1nam11 goodwlll, leuehold FebNatY 25. 1980 In t>ook t35t1, title and lnt«•ll conveyed to and Ind descrtl>ad In the Custom l01 ca_.s.1. ""'' lmprovemenll of lhe buslnen page 737 of official record1. I now held by It undlf tald 0..0 of Oectarellon reeorded In Book El«'n< Can k no w n as CROSSRO A DS PARCEL3: Trutt. In 11181 property lltuetld In 12305. p age 1114 of Olflclal ==~i:.s.-•• REST AU RANT end IS loceted •• Eaaamant• •• I UCh eaaemenll tald County and Stal•. detK<lbed Recordl. II-If mo.Sal• lltnl 18050 Brookhurst, Fountain Valley, are particularly Ht torlh In the ea: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Trtaltn.Ttavtl Call!., together wtlh the fOllowlng 1t1k:le entitled "EaMMll'\11" of I lot 1118 of Trect No 11235. o EE o OF TR u ST D A TED !:.:.~•:•i.ru -.,.,. ,.. tUO 9130 ti.JO ,, ... ... lllO trio tllO -dHcrl bed elcoholtc beverag declaration under the H Cllon County o f Ortnge , Slate ot OCTOBER 11. 11111 UNLESS YOU t1tTOMOlll( Ucenlll On Sate General Liquor heldingl In llUdl "1k:le tnlltled C1tllornll, es ahown on I map TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR a...rot '"! t&lo LlcenM No. 47-73612 now Issued tol!Owl: "Rlghtl Ind OullM: llttffl thereot recorded In book 229, PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A -.q,... caauon -tor said premises. for premises end Ceble T.....ilion," "Suppott. page 1 1 to 9 Inc I u I Iv •, PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN llttnH-Vt h1<k• _. loceted at 18050 Brookhurst s ettlement and Encro1chmen1." Mlscell1neou1 M1p1. record• ot EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE ~..:..~.~..,, = Fountttn Valley. CaUfornla "lngr .... Egf-end Rec:rMllOnal tald Orenge County, together with OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Trwu - Th81 ,Ille total c:ons!defatlon tor Rlgfltt.' and "ExdustW Re9tr1c1ICI euements tor 1upport. and YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Vant 951'1 thl transter of said t>ustness and ot comon Arff e.u.ment. settlement ..,,.,, eald to1 1dtotns LAWVER :::.i.;,~·~~ : aald llc:ense 11 thl sum ot $396.-PARCEL 4; any othef tot In eald trlCI, togllhlr 12 Trelalgar. Newport BHCh, auTM IMMIT(D 3•0 oo . Includ ing 1nvantory Eaaement1 .. auch 11aement1 wltll 111emen11 tor e1v11 ot Ca11fornll 112660 G-r": -n• e111m1ted al$-()-, wtlldl conllSts of are pert1cut1r1y HI fortll In th 0...meng1 wtlef• ~ .. ,,.. -"(If 1 111111 eddr-0< common AU•R.-o tlle lottowlng: et1ldl entttlld "Eal«nent1" of t con11ruc11d In accordance with de11gn111on le 1110wn 1bove, no """' decl11111on o f covenentt. apptlclblemunlCIP•l0<dlnencet. warranty l e g i ven•• to 111 ,. ....... 11 .. 1•1 Oeecnptlon s ~'="do condition• end re11tlctton1 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER complellMll or COHtlC1neta)." ... .. ,.,., ,.,.. VWl -f'llJ ftU t'fH immediate Your ad appears in claseified within hours. not. wMltt- and can ba ca ncelled jual •• quicltly when you pt the r11ult• you want. Daily Pilat claatlfled •ds 642·5678 eompany c;heCltl • r~ .;.Jty 25. ion In boOk A OEEO OF TRUST DA TEO APRIL The blMflQlery under aeld Oeec:t g::,. Demand note to be replaced with l2305 pege 74& and ,....,.ec;orded 8 1911 1 UNLESS YOU TAKE of Tn;tt, by re1ton of I breecll Of Coll cesh through t9G!OWS 99,68l og s.pt.,'.nblf II 1977 In bOOlt 12371. A.CTI ON TO PROTECT YOUR deitull In ,,.. obllg.ltlon• MCllllCI ~:~~~. ()emend note, to be marked void et pege 327 of Omo.I reccwdl end eny PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A thlreby. herll10f()(I e1teculed and "" ~~ .................. mj 1 u ch ti"'• 1 • th• •~Is tin 0 eupplementa end emendmenla PUBLIC SAl E. IF YOU NEED AN delivered to th• undtr1lgn•d • -· encumbrtnc. has be«! U81.1mad by ~o (1111 "MH11r Oldlf•tlon") EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE written oec:1er1tlon of Default and 1:~! buyer at cl OH of H Crow S29 t · und« the ~ton '-dlflOl In llUdl OF Tl'iE PROCEEDING AGAINST Demand fO< Sl!e. end wrlt141t'l notice !("'"'"""'-"•• 858 91. All creditors who flied t111tcle entltled M followl: "Alghlt YOU. VOU SHOULD CONTACT A of breach and of etec:tlon to cauM ~"""' clal"'I In thl• escrow h•ve ~ and Outlet: UttllttH and C1bl1 LAWYER th• und1r11gned to ••II 1eld lh rt•d .. t1o•• paid In tult or proceued In T~ ... "Support. Satttement Th• 1tr11t 1ddrH1 or other ptoparty to Mlllf'; Mid obllgetlon•. llll acc:«dance with Mellon 24074 ot and Enc;roec:hmenl," "Community common d11lgn1tton ol 1119 rH I tnd thereafter th• underalgned •0• the Bualnesa tnd Proleeatons Cod• Fec:Hlllee e-nerit" end "Onllneoe property duc1l bed above 11 ~Md teld notk:I ol breacii and of ~':~. That It hat ~ agreed bet-n Over Community Fec:llltlaa." p u , p 0 r 1 1 d t o b • 1 II 1 2 !I elletlon 10 be recorded Maren 10, ,,..,_ 11ld tran1feree1 i n d ••Id Tiie 11reet addreu or other LNtllet'WOOd. IN!ne,catlfOfnle 1982u tn1tr.No 82-0&3elllofMld ~! tr-terors that c:ontld«etk>n 10< common o .. 1gn1tlon ol 1h• reel Said Nie wlll be mede, wlthOUt Otflctal Aec:ordl. ""''' 11.,,. tile tran1111 of aald bullln.-and of propaf!y u ,,.,..,nat>ove dete:flbed cownent or warranty. l'llpr ... Ot S1ld ute wlll be "'•d•. but ""'t' eald Ileen• I• to be pald onty ane< 11 purPOfled to be· 37 St. Tropp, lmplllc:I, regttdlng title. poeMl8lon without coven1nt or werrenty. a=: 1r1n1ler hH been approved by HewPOl1 a..ch. Clllt0<nla Of enc;umbrancet. to pey tne unpaid •KPfM9 Of lrT>ptled, regarding tttle, i..tbor• 0tper1ment ol Ak:OhOltc; BeveflQe Th• u n d •,.I g n • d II• r •by prlnd9ll ....,, of '52.583.37. plul poa1Hllon. 0< enc;umbt8nCM, to r.,..,.. Control, pu<eoant to Sec: 2'4073 •I dllctelmt ell ltebtttty for any lntereet tiww.on M prcwldtd In the pay tile remaining prlnelptl autn of ~~:',.'!'.,. eeq. 1ncorrectneu In eald 111111 lddr .. 1 Note MC:U<ed by 111d Died ot Tl'Ull, tile notl(1) -.ired by Mid Dlld Of 1114.., 'fhtt the herein ducrlbed Of 011\1f cotnmon dellgrlllk>n p1u1 u of llll dlll of t"9 lnltlel Trutl, with 1n11r .. t M In Mid nol• UTIS lt£W tt-tera er• to be conwml'l\eted, Seid NII w111 be m.cie wllhOUI publtcatton ol thlt Nolle• 1n provided. ldv~. If einy, llnder 0_.., • :!~ Get GREEN CMt1 ~ fOf WHITE llephent. ..,,. with I CIUllf1ed Ad :! ___ ea_1_1 _&<1_2_-H7 __ a __ "'" ,,, .. ,,, .. ,., .. ..... ... •lJ< "~ ''"' t1lol r: 97C '* .,., f'll\ fl!; - COROlllDO Cl YS Coronado Island C'USl. bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail. fled· $370,000 w /temw. GEORGE ELKIN S CO 11.214' FIUIOlll 11&1111 YI .. l Senullonal MONACO Model on FEE land with large eaaumebl• loenll Featuring 3 BR, home warranty & lOW PRICE Only 1223,950. 2670 Sen Mlgutl Dr., Newport Beech 75g.1501 or 752·7373 ...-.: Walker& lee Heve 1om1thlng to aell? Clutllltd ad1 do It well. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\ode Or., .. I'll B o7~ oto• 4 llRI 2 IA XLIT f llllClll THE REAL ESTAT&:RS llft "/DtUlll Sell lint? Of SYy flrst'l Thal It llwl'fl thl ~ tlon Why no4 both In one trenaaetton W• can oft« you en unu1Ulll opportu· nlty 10 11tcheno• your p!'el«ll l\Ome, ptld IOI 0< not, u the down SMl)'- ment on en oulltandlng Sig Canyon home on ttll Oolf C()U(M. 144-4111 ,---- '' 1TAYLOH ('0 ~ - Great 4 Bdrm 2 beth home In Cotti Meu Pr098f1Y II being ,.lur· blahed end • .,. 111oe11en1 !~~~~~~~~~! prtc:e. Seiter wttl Hll•t In the financing. 5-48-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS HlRIOR RlllE~IEllOEI $201,0001 Allltll SlLLOl lRE IWY Tl lellllll AU tnnst 110 ••&· YlfW tf l&f, llUI .... ., 1..111111. ... Uty ....... ttr.r""'9t tltk .. ,.al It•• wttt. • IM4rNIM, llllrlf'J, •• , •• , 11 •• , •• , , .......... ., .. . 11 ,ttl,IOO. I••· Saltmit. ~ATERI R0!\1 HOM~~.!'< Ill \I I 1111' ......... H• Ml1ith ••rM ..... fh \l,.,...r...,..•i t .. \h ..... ~ .... ~ ,r ....... '1 "".,.."' 831·1400 lift '9M1• 4!1# ,.._ , ....... m-et00 STAR GA'ZER" .. ~C:~~---lh r l \ Y A W'ILU\'I M. f.-o.#, A<fol•·'t ~ ~ V ""•'.;,,.1 t• '"• S'•t• To dt-'•k>P ~•,,ooe tot l"'9ufoy •f'Od _,,,cl-\ r0t•~PQl"'od•"9 •o.~'' ot "°"' lod-boot~ •'9"' .. ··-l' ... •tc~-· ''~'"". ....... ,, ... ·-· t /}t<Clftil'"" II iO•t .,,,. __ , . , ..... ,. ..... ,. , ..... "~ .... .. .,_ 11 -...J ,.,..,. ,, ..... t ,, ... ,.._ .,, ... . l•lntf\l .... ,. ••tiOO-• f,,_, ··-:t .. , ,~ ,.,.,,, ,.,_ " ...... )• 'Ill~ .. '\ '"'" ..... <. ~~··••'"' ... ...,.00 ·~ ..... 11n.w.1 ,,,. .. ... '" •\•··~ .... .,.,1'111 4J•"'-'v•""°""' .. ,., .. vi...._ .... ''"'• 1'(•" \)Af'lf .... ~,.,.._ ... ......... ,,,~ ,._ .... '°'"' .. ........ VI><• ~·· .. ... ~,.,.~ .. ,_ tt o-' ...... .... _ .. ~­.... _ r.•w 1111 .... ,, ... ~ ,.,.. ........ ""-f't-..C:~· .,,..,.,~! '·~-t ....... __...,. ... _ ''"'"'' u • .. .,,_ .... .... ··-,,_ ·-· ··-•it.ct• -C)Ncvtul eubltel to the aboVil provlllont. 11 werranty. upr .. • or lmplltd, lddltlOnel •tlmet9d amount of ..... Ille terml of Mid Died of Trutt, UIYM US[I SERVICE ESCROW COMPANY. regarding title. po11en1on. or soo.00 10< .cl\llWICll, "tll'f( undlf f-. cnergee . end .-pen-of the ""'""' STARTING: 14262 S..Ch Blvd . W•lmlntter. eneumbrencu to 11t11fy lhe 1111 111mt of uld Dlld o Tnat, TNll .. and of the tNll• ~tld by ~~,., : ea. 92883 on or after Jut'/ 19. 1982. prlnciPll bll.,_ of tile Not• or •-· Cfll'Oll end ftC*I-o4 the Mid Dlld of Truel. I .. •• •11 A NEW BUSINESS?' All other b111lneu neme1 end other oC>llcl*llon MCUf9d by Mid Trust• Seki NII wlll be held on Tuetdey, .,;Hall>< •11 eddr .... UMd by Ille tranlferon OMO of frv11. ...,h lnt-1 end Thi 8eMftQ!ery unOtr Mid OllCI ~ 3. 1te2 et 2:00 p.m .. et IMI g:.~::k •:11 wttllln th,.. yltl'I laet pMI. to fat other eum• 81 provided thtr11n: Of Trull has heretofonl 1xecu11d CMpmtn Avtnut entranoe to the E ACCCKcl"f to Calltomll ._,.aneH I ~ O N S E It I 11 known tot~ era: HOM p1u9 .c111-. If lf'Y, llft<llf lhe end dlllloWtd to Mid Truttee • Clvlo Canter 811lldlng, '00 e .. 1 : and ProteNlon• COde (lee.. 11900 to TM IWl'9 end addf.-of eec:r0ow 1111111 !Mreol IM tnt..i on IUCfl .nnen Dldlor•tlon of DMU1 o4 the CNc>m1f1 A--. 1n "" Chy Of "s:·u• •• -179 ... 0) 111 _,_n 1 doing tlHftln•H 1 I I I I' I llOldlt It SERVICE E8CA W ldvltlOll, end p1ue 1-. Ollll'Oll obllgetlOnt ~by Mid OllCI of OffllOI. ., !NI • ... fMe · -- - --• COMPANY, 1•212 Buoh Bl , tndMPtf'IM1oflMTrue1Mendof Tru•t, 1nd • wru11n Noll~ of At tllt ttm• of tll• 1nlll1I . -under • ~· n1m. mutt • ~ W•t,.,.,,... ee. n883. Ille trUlll eretled by Mid Deed ol OM.ult end Elec110n lo e.11. WtliCll pu~tlon ol !tit• no(IOe, Ille total ~n•I --""' ,,,, • ..,,..,. """" tn. Co"""' Cleflt Ind \ s I s ( ~ '1 O.lld: ~ 2•. 1t82 Truat TM totll 1movnt of H ICI Notice Mid Tf\111111 hit ~ to emount o1 thl ~ .,.._ ol ttll • h•H It P'lbfl•"•d lour Ulftet In • • -I I l I' ~.OH. StUIUll obllgatton. lnc;tudlnO reHoneC>ly .,. r.oordtd on Mefofl '· 1M2 • ot>llgetlOn --by IN lbo"9 •<fl>O ""' ,..., .. -Mf'Ylnt th• 1rea In whlcl't _ _ _ _ J &nett A.~ 1111m11ed f1t1. 011arg11 end 1n1tr11m1111 No. t2·071225 of e1ucrl l>td d••d ot lr11tl •net ~,.J :C 1 .. _ ~le IOC•lecl. 81111 J. tklfg er.ptllMI of the Truet11. 8' 11111 time Otf1a1t1 "9cordl ot Mid Colln1)'. ..11me11d 00111, expen•"• end -·· = ,... -,..._ -·-----I• -""9CI by law \ C a " M 1 l e.ner• partner• oflnll ... publtCetlOn of \NI HotlOe. It Seid ...... IM oonOllCl!td by .dv.nott II l l.292113'1.44. --•= .,. _....,...... ··~--,. • I Vou IMlll't trv•t moclernlecfl-~ B1M1cwooc1 1211.na 20 CtltOmle Po9l1nO _, ~ To OIWl'nlnl ""' OC**'IO *· ,..." -l ftd I• neoe• .. rr In p ......... nt YO'lf' • I I' I I I' no!OOY· I p1e11.o vo • IMll • Limited """" o.tld NM n~te2 Comp1ny #llOH •ddtHLJlnCI YI"' fMr oell (114) )lf-(IMe. r.:-,..,. "'• bulfM• ,....,., Mott bafttlt reQtlfre I..__,,_&... ... __ ~ the C>H.Cll, 01.1111 to""-..,,. Trai ..... OI•-RIAL lelATI pnont """"* .. 1021 • 1)819( ~-~?~ .. --co . .;:: ....... ' IH••·-Of tlllnt to opeft com!MtOl•I ---~~:-7.:--...,lOOl a .,..~-. 80l,IT)4 WID I KCU"'TllS HllVICI. A--. lultl 20r.1 c.. _,,,.,.,...._ ..,........ .._....... ~ \ L A )4 s [ y ~INC .. 1 Ac.tlfOtftlloorporllllton t1104 .....,._. 11 .. ,....._ •MldT~. one TM OAH .. Y tttl..OT ~· _.,. • ~ .. ..._... _.. ~~.::::::''°" •TNflea. °"~::= ,1r:·o11uL ,~: T .D. u.-v1c1 =··.::.·':U·:-..: ftttftl -~lien"'-. •. Wo I' I I I r _~""i.!~;::1= ~Wlllll ly:~J MotQtr. IAVINCla COM ..... O•lly flll°' OllHHIM ..... e1t IM ftM .. ltrt. .. , .... eft4 ] !liF:c e.~::L ~ F=~ .... ~~~ c.:===~~ :•:1 ! r i { f h . &--.,. , o.i1y ,.,.,,~°'a~'~, o~ ~~'~i .. :~~ _'j .... J;-.. l, 9', : ~;tj~~~~~!, !~r~1:.~·~=~·~~~L:~:r.c:"Jb:::·::~:o:::;::""':·:·::~:•~";'=-;NT=··::"::•:::"":::.:...==·=~...!•!!•~""~~~~·~·~·~1•:=•:=•~•::n~•::•=.' .... """'... .... ~ ..... NN "· • ' ............ -•• .. ,,.. .. .._.. -I ....... lflll -°" • Orange Ooa1t OAILV FtlLOTIT'UMd1y, \J~n• H . 1811 .... ,,'"Ill• !'. .. ~!!!.{'.~!.'.{' .•..... 9!~!.'.~~~L~~'!!!..... !'.'.~!!!.¥~!~!!'.'!!ti .• ,. .. ~!!!.¥#~!~{·!~ .. A"r!1,··~~· """ ~"', ,.,, q,,,.,,.,, •• • . . ••• •• • . . ... . . . . .. v• '''"'• v• 11-./-.i" Ual WN C.1t1 ••• , 1014 ., •• ,, ...... "" c ••• ,,,,., c.,,.. ,,, ,,,, Jiii ... ,,.1,., ,,...,, ..... ,,,, .................................................. ~!~ .....•....... •••••••·l••••••••••••• ····"•····•••••••••••• ,,. '~ 1100 ·,~·.:::1N··E··c·-.·:e··K···3·e·r·. ,,., , ... , ••••"•••·············· CtnJH ''' ll•t 31U ,. /L .," 11.T"Ell .AL( ,.. ...,,,.,, ".. •• IUOM MOllE • •••• • · · ••••••••••••• • "•11• #n1 JIM ,..,..,, IHit Jiii L.... .... .. •••••~•• •••••••••••• d 2 I •••••••••••••••••••••• -Q ••••••••••••• ,-.,...,.;, •••••• ••• • • .aHl en, rplca, end unit OC·RENTA' ., ualnt 2 Br I 81 514 • •••••••• •••• • • • •• • • er 111, rai..e ovtt paytMnlt 01 • Guarded community ..... (llMMlll) Jumlne. SUO yrly MeN V«d• 2 Br 1 Be 3 BR 2 B•. 1707 W 811 N-3 er 3 B• Condo•. St,586 per month Owe TU lllLTll Pool a 1ennlt $1550 l•&br'• 1200 to l 2000 By 11141 month only BUT 676 4912 Broket o•r•o•. "' floor, no boe. newly decorated. Newport School• 80'1\ St30.000 Value 1ppro~ fOI llYllTllUll A t 760 8353 • 7S0·33t<1 Ol)9fl 7-c:tayt only $900/mo lor? 8r 2 pett 1475/lllO S475 beeut oond 'frly l800 «~!ft.~.~~ .••••• ~~~~{ ......... !.'!!~ 2 2 0 S 195.000 3 b<JrM, 2'" g • -3b /2b W lk t be h B elk to bffCh A •II Near Shoreclltt 2 Br large MCUrlty, SIOO ci.tnlng e75..00H hnanclng et 1 .,..,~ 1 bath townhouH Make San Clem.rite pride ol Luxury 3 br, 3'~ be du r • 8 0 ac a, w v ext dtel\1. 2 car por1, 7 !I 9 4 2 2 9 w II n d a ---------•1& YllM 18th Pl Open 12·5 Sat/ otter lmmecl Call Ownr/ owner1hlp Modem Spa pie• lam rm olfkl• •,; Nr 91\opplng & echOOle lrom June 20 lrptc:. relrlge. pool Oc 649 13211 IU"IMT HI hi d d 10 Sun,OallylS.John!llol nllh 11y1e lour untl blk 'ato Coro~• Beech C1111e11en&petOK SS&O cup •llC:y July 3 rd 1----------1 •O'lt •--tt D•~rJ'o~P~~~ .. Ro~i'. Agent 831 ·"509 or A\1 780 94 3 4 or apartment houH with 1,200rmo 815_6867 IUH llU ·8223 bet 2Br.l>O•tdck l 500/wk 1785/mo 875_2444 EuUlde I Br Nelurel • tt-073-3988 evea. 97 ·3378. oceen, hlll• & golf eourae 911m 973.4442 ' wood oelllng & cablr1e1t Summer'• '*• · tnJoY Ill lltton.n apQllenOM, tub 1---------•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil vi-. elo•• 10 ev....,.hln~, C••I• ltti• 3•z.. 18r, boat dck 1400/wk $385 PluH c all 3·&. 26r, own parking, Wiii 10 tl a n i. -FOIRlll HUii VI only three year a ol , •••••••••••••••••••••• Yorktown Vllln, s6oo. • arge r. be, beamed 861-9522 c . .... mo (min I eno101ure i" o•rpellno 1•u.w F1••10lll .. ~ ... ,. 11 ' 2 BR 1'"' b•. P•tlo, o•r. 'lOOll lll&Ln L 28 2 b h •n&o • •II n~ hln th• IH 20% Oown& no balloon On tht Point 1 bl .. from thow• Ilk• NEWI Seller lllW TOWlllHH PIOP 11a11•1flllT cells, D/W, 2 carporta,1---------mo.1 A¥all J~I I two -•r• nvenlffll to .. 3 '""' 3 b 2 " 980·4085 -n 0 p 111 $ 6 7 5 / m 0 Nlc;e I Br 1nol far, •dull a. '"7" a.2 •-pyml1 •' ,11vv r, wlll help finance & Hve 2 Br, 2\A be, plu1 lrplc, 2 Ill 111• 1 1 1 v " " •hope. aohOOll a nd ba College P•rk Ownr/ the wedge 2 flr. 2 alory, buyer lhouaandt ol cer oar. PQOI, Jee. ell wl· HouN on a hlll 3Br 1r"'B• • • 559-9285 bel 7pm no pa • re r g , • ec ---------='Pnri~.=· .~3;,~111 Agt Prln only Wkdye ~~~"~~:a A:; C::.~~t v::; dollare111 Selling prlee ol thin biking dJtt•nc• to garage, lncd, yd' kid• & Bluff• lg 3 br, tam rm, Bachelor Ap1 1 room with ra.nge 1350 842-596' ~::,~::i;:"r~01~1!d: ••1.1•-859·l658 without peylng lhe $32&,000 11 way below beach $800/mo . pelt OK 1750 mo Bkr pool. greenbelt $1050 1 ~.ea Walklobeach,allS525t mo 2 Br 2 Ba p111o&pool 646-6162 ~iiiiiiiii.iiiiii•i-iiiiiiiii~I ID DDWMll oceanfront price $340 current replacement 875-2311 or 548·22311 831-4320 mo Agt 544-0134 ulllt palo no kitchen Townl\Ov .. a, car pone, QOO coatl PRINCIPALS QC-RENTALS lllOfllYfllll $300tmo Call Mon Fri patlOt, all bit-Int, lndry Arareopponunl1y 101M· House + 2 unit• Prime MEL FUCHS ONLYI Call owner at l ·&br'• 12001012000 4 Br 3 Ba, beaut decor, 549•11322 • rm 1mall pet Ok Won I •• al beautllul SEA OLIU E/alde S20K below •P· (714) 642-0138 ., South Hunt BHch. ·~ lrg deck, llb vu, guer-11111 ISLAND Lovely "Bimini' .,1.,.., _01• ... pralsal. Xlnt 1nv•stmen1 PHlllll ll11ltlr 750-3314 open 7 -days mile lo the •urf 4 Br d e d g e 1 • H H Convenient ttudlo. S<l75, lSL Mgmt 842-t803 Plan 2 Br Den, 2'.\ Ba ' -· _.. oppty or tu aheller 111·1120 IWPT IOll IFO llll lllW TOWl .. OIH plu1 famlly. pool & 1pa $2700/mo So ol Hwy, clean. hide-----------1 lull aecurity plua every Aaaumable lo.na •II Un· $550/mo neg wino ~~~~~~~~~~I 12.000 1q 11 Owner/ " Veoent New p1lnl Sub· eway ~ltchen Pvt patio, 2 Br. 1 ba, !ii C p 11tea c:onoelv•ble amenity FOt der t4%, 2 Bdrma, lamlly down, or break even EO I lnveator user Xlnt un-3 Br, 2'/tba, plu• llr•· ml\ on Cl'llldren & P••• 3 Br 3Ba. vu, pool. ten· pool. lndry 752-5065 or Full rec. lee 1 seoo mo 1ntorme11on call 714/ room. ear1h tone decor w/20% down $135.000 NEWFOPllORTLOHIERIGEHTS d,~r1e'yr1ng lln Motivated place. 2 car gar. pool, Straight leue or IHse nil. gua rded gote 846·3176 S500 aec 811 Day• 6•4-6494 and greenbelt 1oc1tlon. Wiii trade for auto. ... jac, all within biking di•· with option. S9&01mo St700/mo 638-2800 Mr SlelnblMr. ---------Snazzy at onty St39,900. Ownertagt. 548•4350 or CONDO 2 bdrm, 2 ba. 771 04151546•8240 t 1 n c: e to beach Owner/Agent Call for 2 Br Ap1 $700/mo Plua eves 988-3077 Penthouse, 2 Br & a Iott, A lletlng ot Katia Ro-494·0395. pool and launory 10% S900/mo 875-23 1 I Or appt. 760-8041. 2 Br 3 ea. uen. bayfront ut111 120-11•8. Lakeahore l ennls Club oce1111 view. tennl1, J• berte. ----------1 dn No qu111ty1no Long C1odo•Jol1•1/ 548-2239 3Br, 2Ba, sing le ti Ory pou boat dock, sec upper 1 Br. A/C. pool. ~~t~~OO.$ 13 9 51 mo tJNIC)Ut liC),..f§ f!.r!!! .......... J.~~~ ~~;::'dot~n:g~c~~8 t~:11 1ow••Olltl 1100 II 1111 OF iwnhaa. wtamenltlH, nr g1dgj $k8go1mo ~~ o; Coll• /11111 3124 Jee . uuna, tennla crt. -Lu_M_N_w_p_t_B_c_ti_•_p_t.-~1-1· Re*•t'or1, '"75·"',..,v, SKOOO DOW11 . . •••••••••••••••••••••• TME LIOIY ,.,., bc:h, $776 mo 982-0807 ov • op, ag , e •••••••••••••••••••••• rec rm, nr So CoaS1 " " .. v <7VVV u " Ocean view, Dana Harbor 5" MU 759-1221 •Clean 3br, nr SC Plaza, Plan, $550 incl u111 Chen, lrg bdrm & bl By owner 2 br. 2 ba on 81ulls. 2Br. <>Ba, pool, Rent In Colla Mesa's B•al/aflH Bluffs 3 Br 2 Be poot, SA Gar pool, spa $780 96e-1939 Furn pool, spa, gym, In· I.JM. Ill••' IOOf condo, end unit High ape, low down $225,000 NEWEST g 11 e Cl 2 O ll•iL-•t 324z close to echool. shops & Child ok 752-5822 or ---------1 clds ut111, $325/mo pl11t1 •••••••••••••••••••••• assumable. OWC $87, 893·3151 Townhoma VILLAGE ••••••~•••••••••••••• 641-1460 I Bedroom Duplex, yard $100 dep AYI 7/1 Ally· .... lllLY 1·1Ptl 9m0~ 859-1213 or Ive ~·~~~u1~1:J .~.~:· 3$81r~5038ma,owlbOat dock ~~~~84 s 8 0 0 I m 0 II. 2 H . a H . ¥:~ge small pe~g~:lee _t_1me_._6_3_1_..J_e_20 ___ _ ... ~ -. !~!~!!.~!!r.!!l.!.~ "' $ J 210 GRANO CANAL ---------UllT1 wmH ol pure IUMVry. G11eges, 840-t731 H' IOAT SUP Newly decor Gu pd NICe 2 br rel• req No •• ... Llllle l•l•nd Sharp 3 Im•• 1044 DOVEi SMOIES Trade lor NB ocean-spas In every home • Lux 3 Br 2'"' Ba condo, encl gar. dwshr, pool pets $355/mo 352 VIC· C••l1t1HI 3111 Bdrm 2 beth on the T•r1••,k••1•8•9•7•1··:n•t•loc••h·.·,·k·b·;, melter suite. dining lni111 3Z44 YI bbg AOults. no pets toroa 645·8161 ••••..,..•••••••••••••••• " ~ AREA -CISTOM f ront home Owner rooms wood burning •••••••••••••••••••••• 1'• blks to ocean r Y 642·5073. J bdrm. 2 ba condo, 1 water owe. $575,000 4 Br 2 88 DR FR vu ....... , 1.1 AORES $800.000 37 I 1 Sea-llreplac:ea, micro-wave LEISESll 675-8775, 875-7060 Condo, ? Br 2 Ba SC story No pet• $800 UNIQUE HOMES of Univ. s200.oo' o. $50, .. , h 673 6578 Pt $535 I Rita or Torn Boland 000 down. $ tSO.OOO Out ol the lllghl 1_s_o_r_e_. __ • _____ 1 ovens. private patios & 3 Bdrm detached homes Npt Bch condo, 3 Bd 2 Sa, n aza, N mo a c, end 499-4721, 731-8346 875·6000 AIT.D t2•;.1ntonlvfor5 pattern , th is EASTSIDE TRIPLEX 2 yards,glH'idener provl· lnexcellen1area Avella-$700/mo. 631-1268 Ro· Mfe81iollU unit on-smokers. wlll•1'a1t11 3111 ' bdrm Spanish house plus ded Elegant llvlng only b 1 I d I t 1 bort Mllllkan, agt 642-2142 "' .. a.. yrs.Agent54t-5032 ~u~~mn~~'?~~tt~r~ 2 l ·bdrm apts. $18.000 15mlnutealromFHhlon S8~0/m~:;!,•1ye:r~•~e HARBOR VIEW HMS APARTIEITI Fireplace. pool, dish· +c;;;~·s~~;,;~::~ii'~~~ 2BR/28A WOOOBRIDGE 0 pp 0 rtun1118 s yearly gross. Sep mete-laland, 7 mlnulea to SC Filla others 10 choou Beaut. Monaco, close to Beautllully landscaped washer, pvl patio x LG relrlge, gar AveM $275 l•lll•Hl• 1001 Sgl lam Sac:rll1ce 3 red $195,000 owe Plue or 0 C.Alrport trom. We're lhe ones 10 garden apts Pool & Spa Garden 2 Br $580 Privacy Slng1e only •••••••••••••••••••••• p y m ts I ate Ha Ip I S 8 pa'a1 e ou 891 1·303-887-2887 Owner Just HSI of Newport call tor leuea :::~~~~~ :;f~~~~o Covered parkln9 No 557·28• l 752-5822 IUIP llPLU Your piece In the sun 3 Bdrm 2 bath each. Con· venlent location to bay. belch and shops In- come $1800 mo. Owner may ualtl In flnanclng $355,000. 857-2045 home and private Blvd & ao or San Otego iJ pets --------- Po o I and spa. 25 Older Units Frwy Stertlng at $900 1 \\aodhrldgt Harbor View Home 3 Br 2 Bechelor $400 2 BR relrlg, encl gar A,,.,l•••ll F•t•UiH ,RE.lu. Owner wlll finance Cash flow 2 2 Acres. Zo-month 831·5439, 2473 Ba ramlly rm SlOOO/mo 2 Br w. Ba $525 $430 plus S250 sec 11 "•l•t11 1.._ entire loan The ned 41 Condos Tustin Orange Ave Costa Reallll Lease 644·6977 181 E 18111 642-0856 646-03"1 art 1 30PM •••••• ~ •••••••••••• ~ LOCATIOll price 15 s9e5.ooo $IM Agt 975-0679 Mesa 55 1 :IOOO 3 Br home, trplo, nice •D••• l1i•t JIZ6 SEIWUID on tl'lls 3 bdrm, 3 01 W i iiia• Coh , 14 HITI OHTA MESA Convenient 3Br 2ba, lam, mtBamno .. ~ .. 1.lr•ln• aree. Herbor Hlghlenda. l•H. OCCIPAllCTI ...................... YILUIE Rosewood Modal In Ir-lrehr Eestslde, all large 2 Br 2 l/ps w/d, rig, gas IEITALS Upgradas lnalde, prvt $425/mo 2 Sr 1 Ba 2 bdrm. 1 bl ocean vu vine Groves. Prolesalo-J 1C/Jl0 1100 pool, Income $71,000 BBO fence. dbl gtr. ylfd, hol tub. Nr schoolt. epll patios carports refurbished Ines Utlf New 1&2 bdrm luxwy 142-1200 n ally decorated, up· • Price $775,000 Drive by w Ir I g d n r S 8 1 5 . 2. 3 and 4 bdrm• trom $900 842-3358 Sm pet Ok Won't last at $485 mo No pets 24851 apts In 14 plans 1 Bdttn grades thru-out. former 149 E Bay trien call 556-1448 $625 to $1300 this prlcel Selva 631·7220 from $515, 2 bdrm lro11 j PETE model home. 41h bdrm Br o k e r I 0 w n e r 3 BR 2 Ba Eastblull, avl TSL Mgmt 642 1603 H • $570, Townhouse rro111 converted to formal din. 642-0282. UITSllE July 15 $1200 mo • ••l1a1t•• $640 + pools, tennis, ' BARRETT ... REALTY •m by b·illder. $189.000 lrlffHJ W1tlll1 640-9019 Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba $426 lt•d 3140 waterfalls. pondal Gas C~~~ ~~~ad T;~~~~e E=~~ 3 Br 3 Ba fr pie, micro, Seawlnd 5 Br view. pool/ 3 Br 1 ,,.. Ba S 4 7 5 D;,i~;; ·;~,;~;;:;;r~·i:r: foror1h on Beach to Mc· llltlt IN IRVINE TERRACE 3 BR 2 BA, $225,000 1425 BONNIE DOONE OPEN OAIL Y 1-5 14M111 ~ VOGEL PACIFIC tt573 CAMP\15 Da·IRVtr4E f!1.~~!. !.·.~':t .. 1.~! I OLDE LAGUNA CHARM Unrque 2 bdrm tloor plan. 1 bath, 11¥ rm w/ beamed ceilings, hard- wood floors & cozy log burning lrplc $ t87,500 Full Price MISSION REAL T'r OPEN HOUSE 11-4 DAILY 494-0731 1615 Bayed ere Terr ace, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I Irvine Terrece. Panora- mic: vlewl, lae land, mini WUll HITUS .. 1ete. 11.250.000 Rltey PlllCE IEllOO Realty 673-7478 ,, ..... w/ft•••I•& C..t• .,,. 1oz4 w1mw1n1 YIEW •...•.............•... IWlll SAYS SELL Pool. large lot. 38R 2ba plus guest quarters Lrg1450 sqf13Bdr2Ba Close 10 dow ntown condo with • great H.B. Laguna ... $295.000 tocatlon. Six year old 1...._1211 formal model w/2 car garage & air condltlo· elm nlng. Assume 1s1 & ow-1 ner wlll c arry. Only I ' $128,900. 831-7370 \ ' Prestlflllll Ct•lllt loans 3 Br owner's un11 deck, pool & tennis tennis $1 500/mo Laundry lac pool ge 2br 2ba, bltns, Fadden to Seawlnd VII· 7 yrs old $235,000, agt S8 7 51 mo 64 6· t 184 644-4084 •It 5PM 548-9556 dsWhr, n miles beach lage (714)893·5198 • VERSA! LES 1 bdrm, 833•2650• 673•8849 days. 845-9545 eves •Clean 2 Sr MacArthur Adults. no pets S500rno. IM•• 40# fully furn Security and Weslcllll 3 Br 2ba. new Vig s A Tennis, pool 538_8362 • •• •••• ••• •••••••••• •• racreallon 1acll1t1ee It~. __ E_S_T_l_T_E_S_l_l_E __ 2 br. 1 be WIO hook-up. cpl'g, lovely yard $995 spa $600 Adults Euts1de C M Furn prl" Int Owner will carry 2nd gar No pets S 475 gdm, 646-6789 752-5822 0, 841·1460 WMIFFLETIH room and bath Relrlg. 525-1968, 523-2830 p EtS1de c M Proper1y, 3 2 I 7 8 D p I ace n t I a u.5"3 C•wfllo•s""'·l&vl"'E S285 unlls $125.000 (disc. 5457983 T' ,.,.."' w """ WestSlda Lg tBr w / 1 & 2 Br DilOOVnt on Wiiiiams 30K) Xlnt oppty. Rusty, --·-------1 011 lllVIH &VE. carport. OIW lndry a11111 some models Poot, Spa, 573•7~• POOL HOME non·rllr. 1·821-9006 or Dix condo $1,000/$725 2 Patio Mme. 2 BR. deo. 3 BR 2 Ba. tlreplace. 2 7·2 $400 mo 645-6625 G Y m . Sauna , a 1 c Rm In large l\Ovse, lndry 1213)944_0351 x3488. plus 1011 BR 2'h ba MC lplc. central eir. S725 car garage. lge yerd 846-0819 lac.ltitchen,CostaMesa, + GUEST APT Chris 873-5489 Vogel Pacific 640-6161 $825 mo 1 1 br, stove, gar , lndry rac 2B 1.,,08 S375 mo + s2101mo 957•3955 • ONE OF • Kl D BR lf1Hl•io, Dt11rt, Spacious 3Br. ,..,,Ba, dbl "--II It Close to OCC Avail 711 r. • • .,.. N 4 . 2 8d plu& dan ......,rfleld II If, 1450 5,6_7214 $375 dep CplS. drps, nr Christian home, kll priv lam rm, + btll pool l11otl 2400 garage, frplc, cp1s, drps, twnhm $750/mo Call 141·1121 Beach Blvd & McFad· quiet straight male Nr en1erts1nlng area. Sepe-...................... $750 mo w/gardener Charley 559-9400 Agt 1 BR APT OIW . New den. No pets 893-4894 beach ,275 + utlls Lag ra1e gues1 apt w/llg sz LAIE lllllOWHW 846·2718 or 642-3287 paint & cp1s and drapes h 99 2 86 BR& 1ovelyll11rm,w/lplc Lake lront/Hamlltalr. 4 N~ Condo 2_3 Bd~m. 3 TlllTLElllOl 4 Br Blulls condo w/pool Carport $375/mo Bach $425 mo Pool, Jae. Be 4 · · 2 Only $335,000 Agt bdrm, 3 ba. $675,000 °-• Lovely 3 br, 2 ba. lam Newly redec Avail Aug 1, 851·2175 sauna tennis down-Lido Isle, M, $350/mo 648-4380 or 645-4765 owe 7 14.848-3278 Bath. Child, pel ok Rent rm, crpts, drp1, bltlns, St 100/mo 673-2422 or town 840-2886 summ!lf or $300/mo yrty now buy later Call lor $950 mo 1 yr lse 213/629-5761 2 Br pool, garage $525 DeluKe 2 Br 2 Ba Condo Incl clubhse. 1enn1s Ill CllYOI Splendid, custom lamlly home on ei<tta large lot 5 bdrm plus maid'• quar1ers La1ge llVlng & dining rooms Family room & gourmet kllcheo Beaut pool & ape View ol golf course & moun- tains $1,800,000 IHt.11, ft1•l1 details 631-5055 or 673-5820 eves & wknds mo No pets 1395 "8" beach ullls 675-2055 642-2000 or come by---------Cute 1 br house. 212 42nd w Baker 641-0763 Adults. sec gate ame· ---------C1n11 2100 380 w Wiison WOODBRIDGE 2 br 1 be S I I m m e d o cc I n1t1es $650/mo Hatch •••••••••••••••••••••• con o o. carp or•. S395/mo Call 962·8847 lllT&IT Ill 8'7·25·63 213/592·1S31 SO. CAllflllll EaslSlde cnarm!lf, I BR 1 $615trno 951-4543 Bir-POOL HOME 3 Br. lem $430mo 2 Br 1 Ba. pool aves OHi.ill unsnu Be, recent remod, lge die rm, den. remodeled., laundry rm eeslslde -$4-00--,u-rn_o_r_u_n_lu_r_n_l _B_r __ , N h s Di c yard 130 Magnolia S550 C 1 Or1 em an ego ty.. mo 549-8124 Turtl!lfock lmmaculale 4 beeut. patlO. S1500 Agt 811 or •PPI poot. spa. 18992 Florlda Oeslrable area. 4.5 ac br 2 ba w/lam & dine rm, 760-9333 TSL Mgmt 6-42· '803 8•2·2834, 842-3172 avocado estate Excell Nice clean 2 Br t Ba fncd s97• 675 9005 & I atrium ~ -• Bluffs condo 4 br. 2·~ ba, 1 Br garage, yard No • ..... ,. 011 ... 1 production n11es1ment yCard , enclsd garage 642-3l53 5875 mo. pets $425/mo 367 9 • 1 •7•5 97 36•90 Grove under prolesslo· h 11 d o k , no pats Hamilton. 6,.1•0763 4 . 4 • nal mgmt 3,000 SQ 11 $560/mo plus securny ElEC Hl/21U OOIH Agt. 844-1133 home, al..,,anlly decors-2 5 4 4 0 .. 0 · ----------1 2 BR ga de 8 t N Bachelor, stove & relrlg 5 -• range Turtle Rock 3 patloa. H V. Homes. Carmel. 2 br. r n P · ew blks to beach, ullls incl. H1t1/1 ll•t1J1 4100 ······'··············· SE.WH MITEL Wkly rentals now av111 $140 & up Color TV Phones In room 227• Newport Blvd CM 646-7445 BEACH AREA led 3 Bdrm. 2'1r Balh, 548 -2778 view end unit, 2400 SQ 2 be, FR, DR, LR $ l l 50 pelnt. No pels. $440/mo 1350 960•8263 .... glorlous upS111lrs studio I 1 1 b b 60 9 64 9 o 546 9950 wt360 deg view Scenic Westside 2 Br I Ba tncd c'o,.:~c P:~i &o~~~~~'. 7 -12 6/ o-5 5 --·--------•lmH 3144 wood deck, spa Com-pa110. enc:tsd garage, $1100/mo 855-2882 Beaut spac 4 Br 3 Ba PINE BLUFF APlS •••••••••••••••••••••• pletely chain linked new carpe11, drapes, ---------Condo Incl sep quarters. 2 Br 2 Ba I child ok, no Woodbridge Condo 2 br. $200.000 1n assumable paint No pets S495/mo. L••••• J.•d 3Z41 a u I o m a t I c g a r pets Pallo. view. frple, 2 ba, 1 year new 1n Mini $77 /wk Kltcheneue·Mald·Pool Nwpt Blvd & Wllaon Cotta Mne 5•8·9755 Tlt\DI T IOUL RLlLTY LI.do Realty llnanclng at approx plus security 548-5442.1 ··'·•••••••••••••••••• $t300tmo 760-9313 1.cuzzl, gar gas stove area Desirable upper S•-n •••td• 4200 10•1. Reduced lrorn 770-5629 Charming beech lronl •----------$580 631-6107 end unit All Woodbridge •••••••••••••••••••••• OCEANFRONT Moblle 67~7JOO $437.000 to $398 000 Cozy 2 Br College, front home. spec1acular view, UYFllllT Light Brite. Airy & Brand amenities Near perk, 1,eofto•lar I.I. Homes, seY!lfll $80,000 .,-Brochure avail Contact & back yard S575 plus brick cour1 yard entry 4 30' a.at 11011 New 2 Br 2 Ba. lrplc, 2 pool & more $650 mo Summer rental Spiral Pvt 499-38 t6 Sara Pentz or Al Ogle u t 1 1 s 6 3 1 • 9 2 5 2 , Br 3'"' Be large living rm Summer's l'lere . en1oy ltl car garage, pool, spa. Ca It Joe Ry bus . stairs, sltytlghts. PROBABLY THE 7 t <l -758-305 4 or 552-3600 &dlnlngrm,beachroom, 2Br,ownparklng,wtk to From $795 557-2360, 551·03249-6 lrplc, Pv1 spa 1•n blks LOWEST 714-758-3150 Agent lotsolstorege Forleue bch S950 mo (min 1 545-31t5 be h w kl 85511C3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil PRICED HOME YOU'LL Principal SPECIAL 2br "EXTRAS" only. Call Peggy Paulson mo I Avail July 1 ---------I L•f.H• le•t• 3141 ac · ee Y • Lg gar. 11k-up. yd. $475 for appt. 714/955-2473 675•0652 $425-$435/mo 2 Br 1 Ba •• ••••••••••••••••••• Summer monthly rental FIND IN EMERALD BAYI SHI• A.Ill 1010 Rill E•l•ll CC-RENTALS 750-3314 wkdys 8·5 apt beamed ceiling. OOUllFllOIT July or Aug on quiet II. IEWPOllT Ml Three bedroom horl"e on •••••••••••••••••••••• E • ZIOO A REAL FIND -PR_l_M_E_H_O_M_E_n_e_a_r _E_m_•_· W11tai111l11 3Zfl laundry rm . pool Avail Most eleganl apt. bldg Balboa Penln 2 BR, Charming 4 Br. & large the oceanside 01 the l•-•.•1•,•0•0•0- 1 •0•w•1--1 .... ".~.~'!1.~.......... •••••••••••••••••••••• July Call for appt In Laguna Beach, finest compl furn home Reas femlly room Brick lira-Hwy. wllh beam celllngs. e WA•T TO TRADE 2br w1n1ce raid Bay. Ocean vu 3BR. 2Br. 1ea. RIO, lg scree-TSL Mgml 542•1603 location In town, breath· Cpls pre I . no pets place, country kitchen, large lot, contemporary Sharp 3 Bdrm R-2 lot. pauo. lndry._klds $430 2 ba. p111 yd Walk to ned porch, lncd yd, $625 taking views. 811 bullHns, 675_5538, 837•7949 quiet rHldentlal area. styling and u&e ol private $72,000 assumable 151 Lake Arrowhead home. DC-RENTALS 750-3314 Dell $1300 494-4874 m 0 151 & last. sec S500tmo 2 Br I Sa up-he 8 t 9 d P 0 0 1 . Long term seller flnan beacll, tennlt and pool1. TD Asking $89.900 Call Hamlltalr loc .. lor •0·50' 955 0073 I P4lf unll enclsd garage OCEAN FRONT Dix 4Br, 2Ba. 2 car gar. 1v111 111-7110, 8 17-8121 675-7386,535-6017(Ed) ctng. $229,000 Inc land. Seller wtll llnance $525, 540.1151 spor1 fishing boaL Call O C BEST OCEAN VIEW • patio, aJi blt·lns, laund,Y sub ·garage, elevator -1 irair Pl Fil.ER 000 644-7020 wkdys 752-7691 4 br wllrg gar. Classy 2 Br & sludy, 2 C••'••i•i••• rm Lea&e only $650 & up -...&-spa & pool, bit-Ina $595 b a I h . 2 I r p I c • . U.al•t11J1""H 3 .. za TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 330 Clltt Dr 494-8083 3 8<., 2 Ba. prtce redu-llllll llUL ESTAn ,,., ,,,,,, QC-RENTALS 750-3314 spl93·8686 • .. ~ --------1 ..... ,, ••• ·-.... eed 15000 to '114·500· 1_L ____ B_'_JJ ___ l_0_5_0_1 W••IH ZHO Brand new beaut condo.1_P_r_e_s_1_1g_l_o_u_s_H_1_g_h_D_r_ A~;;,·.~;;·:.;,~;,·~;;;,·~; WTSllE -• Ctessy Condo, poolslde. Ortve by 253 Hanover .• ~I.~~ •• ! .• ! ....•.••• ~~~~~~~~~~:~········~·~·~····~·····~····~········-· 2 master suites, lrplc, 2 ocean vu, w11lk 10 beech. SC Ptza Pool, grdnr S625mo 2 Br 1'1r Ba Elegant 2 BR, den. 3 Ba. sd)aoent clubhOvee mile Then call Leo Henna. le t If I T h d woodburnlng lplc, pool, 10 beach, 2 Br. 2 Ba xtra s ••H MJI • pf tt p..., car ger 850-9778 oays, SPECTACULAR remo-Dlux IBr No pall $475 own ovse, yer • cer-51500 lse 499•3529. 144-4110 Co-ops from $39 000 T•lllO JOfO r' 1 a .. , 960-6233 ev/wknds deled hOme 3 Br 2'1r Ba, & S35 utll. 775·2580 POr1. •ll bll·lns. small pet 805•969•5328 large S200/wk Monthly ' ----·---""" (TAYL~R _ <?_Oj VACANT MUST SELL 48<, 2'ABa, 2100IQ11. 10 yra new. Nr So Cst Pleze. 10%-15'10 dwn. "-king S t85,000 Make olfer. Bkr 768-4008 2-3 Bdrm 3 Beth new condo on park Child ok With lease option Go from tenant to owner 380 W Wllaon 831-5055 or 642-2000. equity price. Co~dos ··,·11••1•1•0•1••1·•0•11•11·••1•1·,··• ~~~t':~~ ~v~r :r"'J' rfd~'ti Quiet Ealt•lde toe, 3 BR 2 backyard. fr pie. sec. Hlghly upgraded & clean ok Wont lest! ~~O~. ';: ~ .T~!l~n6 A~: from $75,000 full prlee alarm, loads ol Fr doors TSL Mgmt 642-1603 NICE 2 Br Iba, triplex, Leisure World Resale• Incredible beauty on 2•1r home, wlll also con•lder Ba. waler & grOnr lncld. & skyllles S 1600/mo A F • LN ---------patio. gar. relrlg, $650. 493-0803 S ale $135, 2 22 p v acres wlln marble. oak 11 duplex or trlplex wllh $795 mo. yrly lse. No 9 8741 49,. 6577 ."r..'.'f'!!~!! .. !!!'.'!~ •• 2,_'!~;,.2 ~;2tw.,!J~~~~:r:.~? 520 SI Anni 536 1453 000 L 4 1Hllal 580 71 ~188378185n500cie paneling, stone columns, owner a unit. Prln. only pets Call Lloyd, Jacobs 4 4-or • B•oli'•,I•• ,..v wkdya ' • -De--M--P-I --R--S--ag. s .. • Iron fence, gates and lease 542-3377 Realty 875-8670 OCEANFRONT Mobile S475. 831-3671. ----------• 1 ar r me ace ea· Ld1 f1111I JOSS exquisite landscaplng •-------• • Homes-Adl11 only. SIOOO l•te 3140 111 I •-• 31~• sBoena.u~~~t 1 3':,-:ru,,~:. •••••••••••••••••••••• $1.295,000. submit • I 4 BR. 2 ba, rec lees. 1 lo $1500 mo Agt •••••••••••••••••••••• l~~-31nBrqu~etBcao~owple~·. ':'.'!!r.! •• ~~! ••••••• '!! .. .., ,.,.,, 1 blk So Cat Plaz.a Sgls 499_3816 Quiet Junior & I Bra vv...., ~ 0 F & C poolalde. Walk 10 1reck Rick Alderette Realtor/ •••••••••••••••••••••• or family Olscuu pel From $375. Pool. rec large pool, garden sat· N EEi Apt ondo ~8-6446 or •93-0603. ,ARI ,LICE Deyelope 731 444.. II $675 645 3381 rentals VIiia Rentals r · BIHll f.,ailiH $750 mo. Purchaae opt. 3 BR. patio wtspa. ahorl rm. sauna, enclad g•· 6;£_5949 • • 675_..912 BrOller. UYFlllT ESTATES w .. ,.;.,,,, JOfl •••••••••••••••••••••• pou 960-6636 walk 10 beach $2,000 rage 17301 Keelaon Ott 4 11• 21h II •••••••••••••••••••••• C111H ''' #•1 3122 Np1 HghlS twnhte, 3 BR. 2 mo. yrly. 213-876-2255 Sleter. 842-7848. 28r. 188. kids OK, nice ~.:'~~cic!.b:~sa~ BeTIER THAN • 2~S PIBo~cl-.R~ lgydecSr;:-•••••••••••••••••••••• ba, tpe, yd Obie gar No" br, 3•,1, be. lamlly room. -.,-,-... --,,-,.-.-,-.--3-1_1_1 ar .. s $4H75 bmlo 9E51-54441 Udo Ille 3 bdrm, fem """ · • • SlllEI llEITAL pats $696 642-5722 lovely ocean vi ew. ••••"••••••••••••••••• or • • a spano $3 00 MODEL 000, low dwn OWC S 160 0 Imo ( 2 1 3) 548· 1546 rm., 2 ba, t July, HAS EVERYTHING 955-0073 China Cove on the beach Lease or lease option. 431•5989 THE COUNTRY CLUB LIVING $3500 August Biii Grun· Cul-de-sac street • Beautllul 1etty view eeeu 4 bdrm, lamlly 2 Br Condo, pool, garage. IN NEWPORT BEACH dy, Rltr. 675-8181 Sun & Sall II Club Otill IHI Eit•tt July $2500 -August room, flrepleee. 2 ba, 3 OCEAN VIEW No pels Eut Coile A tot el en11lronman1 Large 2 Br houee, lum FLEXllLE Fllll-20 min to •••••••••••••••••••••• $3000 Sleeps 6 Beverly patios 8Hu yd Nr S. Exe 3 BR 2'n be deck• ''GOOD Mesa S575. 546-0281. apartment community on Short walk to beach. Newport Center lf1bil1 Bo•t• Morphy 642-8235 (F51). Cat Plaza $900 mo. $1400 4199-<!820 IBr, pool, gae/ water pd. the Upper Bay. Prlv111e Avail. July 111 10 Sept 0111 $210,000 with S 160,000 Tit S•lt 1100 5 74 6 . 5 5 8 5. He Ide Nice IBR 1 ba, trlple•. ral11 req. 147 Flower St. clubhouse and health 1 5th $ 100 0 I mo on 11111 Immaculate 3 Br al 12"/o llxed rale & •••••••••••••••••••••• 9 9-2390 pallo. garage, Stove/ LIFE'' No peta $330 mo. ape, 8 tennis couns. 7 760-944.t or 845-8749 home with enclosed pa-lully amorltzed Newpor1 Beach De Anza 3 BR 2'~ Ba E/Slde, En· relrlg 524 St Anns 845·8161 pools, cloM to buslneaa. llo. lamlly rm, sprinklers No POl~t:o~~3~u7allfylng bayfro7~1 Park M ini gllsh tudor atyte w / $550, 536-1453 wkdys Y!AR·ROUND FUN: ~l~o:!·n1~~11hl:~o~~a~d~ I 111111 frt• ~Ill, 1411:,, and more Owner an-OwnerlA_,,t cond · 1 kdbl Wl1 de, hre-vaulted clgs, m&111er su1-S 1 -------I site Unfurnished bache-S,ee. 3'r/2h, fw xlout. $129,500. ca11 1~~~~~~g~~·~~I place. br c pat o. te, etc $825 mo Ask lor , "I•••• Bi'.Jli 3ZSO oc al Acllvltles "-ri ... ly., __ _.... 979-5370 J--$58.500 Also 2 br 2 Biii. 631•1266 ~'••••••••••••••••••• DI rector • Free ~ DOING IOra. 1 & 2 bdrm apts and •• _,. ..... rt I • IOfj ba . double Wide. corner Cnt• lliu 3124 ACANT 2 br 5 den agl Sunday -. . BUSINESS townhousea ratt1 lll·IOtC nlllJI .. -.~; .... !~! ......... 101 $39,000 Biii Grundy ...................... EASTSIDE·38r. 2Ba. like story condo In quiet Brunch•B80's• UNDER A S540 • $1000 Spec 3 br condo. unlY llULm STULi 675-6161. 1 Br Trailer, private, no new, lle1u1lful yd. $900 adult area Newly dec'd Perlles•Plut Several blChelora and 1 Pk, lrvln•. 1300/wk Lovely lrg 3 Br hOUN w/ 11-". lo .. ILll Wl_.I p e Is• u 111 s Pe Id mo Incl grdnr 873-8708 IV• ba. air. bttna, lrlge, much more. FICTITIOUS Bdrm unite leature fine Com pl. furn· llnent. den. apa & forever vu .. • • • '450/mo 191 plus secu· 2 Br. 1720 Orange Ave. w/d, cpta. drpa, 2 cer QR 1 A T .. dealgner furniture and wUher/ dr)'9', spices & \ ( : ·I l / 111~. ,, • f • • ' ••\I '•Jlt "'<I":;. •11111 LMl8 In Ihle 4 Bdrm home wtlh add-on family rm. Many exuu Including new carpet. Lerge uaumable loan and owner wlll u- llet. 1135,000. Call for more Info. 979-5370 \ ( >I I. I 1l /:· 1t \ ·, I '"II ·• • ' ==== • Only $359.900 Fee Call 2 bdrm. "~ ba. edlta rlty 842-0835. 499·1617 Prefer older couple. Cell encl. gar. Cov'd Piiio, R 1 CREA l IO N : NAME? ecceaday osorr r ... les.rvMeove,or 1~.~ m ore Comm . poola. DIRECT P Large lot Sml ~t OK ... "'" A T • n n J a• Free 11 .. ~ .. ~ lo atrlck or Nr Shopping. Low rent. L•1.••• 1 .. c. 3141 Price Alty 648-3209 no pelt. """" mo. 01 Leaaona (pro & pro you ... .,. Juat lll•d mer months. Smartly apu. 1ennl1 cr1• & VIEW. Fred Tenore, •gl $25,000 841·29"'~ •• ••••••••••••••••••• 2 br houae, new crpta, 586"8137 1hop)•2 Heelth your 11•• Flctltloua lurnlahed modela open Sharron, agl, 562-2000· 831·1286 or 780-8702 .,.. 4 BR n-dee: furn Sec 8 uelne11 N•m• end --L---1-1-11---• ' 1 B ",, t ' 1 paint & dr&PN No ~ta, l.•n•I #l••ll 31SI Ctubl•Sauna• hue not 111 aubmltt•CI dally, VHlllN 1111.ZI flJI ~1111 I gate. pr v c ·· enn s. no ainotea. 1 ohlld OK. ••'•••••••'••••••••••• Hydrornaaaege• It for pullll~tlon. p11111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 24'x64 GREENBRIER Ownr. 4ee-4o38 Rele $450/mo. Cell 4 br & den. 2 bl, din. rm, Swlmmlng•GOll Clon 't forget thet the On Jamboree Rd al OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 8t HOME Lge L.A. Din. Rm Iii I J.Hi 3111 An 1 w 8 , Ad /1 5 5 o, lrplc, prlv. atrium, reo OrMng Range llmllatlot1 le lO Cl•Y• Sen Joaquin Hiiie Rd Avail. now. Weetlty thru kit opens 10 Fam Rm, .!J!r.!••••••••••••••• 842-4300. 24 hrt. c t r . lennla, POOi, pvt I I Au T t, UL rrom date of 1111119. Tiie 144-1100 tumrner. e73-7873 ...... -tbar. 2 BR 2 BA Light Furn 2 BR. 1 b•. blk to l>Mch $1500. 758-t4e5 A, A RT ... NT.! 0 A IL y p I LOT •Ill ·-b.I I .... -*-~- lnl., $15,000, bill et 9v. bch, y~ Adil•, no pets ,, •• '-'•' 1m M l--1 '"-~ ·-1 s I n 0 I•. 1 & 2 publlall -... •IMeme111 LICO BEAUTIP:UL 2 Br. -HU "'~ ,_ e '>ft 500 &: .. l\__,c.A37 *"' A 3 .•~"-"' •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,..,,. ~-".. t J-..................... . S400.000 T Olel Prloel Bett buy on oceanfront. xlnt loc. $326 000 caatl + Haumabl• Sr5K, 10" TO. Own« 640-7080. ..... .,...,.,... """'· v • ...,.., Upper dplx. 2br. frplc. ••••••••••• •••••••••• 8-00l'lle~~ 1 • 1 • • • • • O 11 r lrplo, p atio, adult a LIVE AT BEACH! 18R Wtdoltff lutltttl carport, 1525. $300 91e, HOME FOR RENT & Unfurnlahed•No Glreulatlotl 1Mlu09t llle 11050. t16-t359. Nwpt Bell tr1r 1 15.000 5 Bdrm Formal dining 542·3597, 730-7186 3Y.:ftr·o!::.. ';(~~·: ::;~~:<It• Open ::.'!r•,"~r= ":~::: 1-,-a-R-_,.--. -,-,ove--.-r-..,-1g-.1 13000 dn. $376 peye ell rm. bOn\11 den. Pool & 4 BR 2be. fenced yerd, P91• ~. 646-2000 llkWOO.I appear lfl 1111 t dltlo111 In parkng on Penln1ula 530·592,. dy. 53 t-8"75 IO• enel l"<I Summer gardener $800/mo. Call Aoent no fee • orcl•• to e111>m11 rour '400. Clll 67&.0et2 6PM ev or i.... 2400 per mo 841·M04 --. • •....J...-• t • t • 111 a 11 t f o r 1802 ~ 2 ... ' ... ,_ Aot 833 -28150 or ...... ._, a.-a. J-f --publlc at1011 aen cl ' .,., "'"· lffNIUU OCEANFRONT Mobile 613-6849 ft••lll• V.Z/n 1U4 ~;o-.-;r.;;.r.r;!' ... ;~. ...,..,... appropriate COflY ano • cpta, ~·· faalnt. No ADULT MOBILE HOME Homea, aeveral, seo.ooo. ----------···············-,.······ Bluffe .,... condo .• Br ...;.. ..... "' eh1elt to THI DAIL'f P91•· I .• &-034g PARK on the Bay 1 PY1 4"°3818 •tllH 0•/•talliH HOME FOR RINT 2'Aba. f'Y'ple, gar w/1141C .. ,. I I ' ,II.OT, , 0 lo• IMO, 8peo. 3 8"' 2 .. ~. 99f, b<lrm, den, t b1 too.000; C..•111/•J •••••••••••• • ••••••••• 3 Bdrm. 1750. ,enced ;n~ cpt1 & paint vuv NM Coate Meu. CA 12'Jt belOh 2 bike. 1fly ::::· ~;;,::::.m } .. ~ ...... !.'M ~;~ .... ,.~. S,~;.:.~ w.: .. ,,~ :-:-:·:~ ... ~J:~8tl1,,. =~~:--7.."'8~=:·~~ ::~~~ C.t HWyUnt1 tt3, .,__ Alft.l YAU.IY .. u .... a-1t .... _1-rm ' ' MOO mo. Aleo lfv. Tao., ~... ............ ...2 H4111t"ta SI001m6. Utile po rt ltuch e"kr: Ta...., ;·;.01'11 ;·;,·,;·01 . HOMl'°"NHT • 1i.~1a.11..oomo 001ethlt. ... .. 9 ... .. peld. ~ ywd. Cell 116-3347 NMt new 4-po•, 2 bdtm, NOOO/mo V"V 3 ldrm. 1710 'enoed '°"' ~ & dMn. no {DoYet .. 11th) 4lft I • .... 1101 I 11•11\ HCll wnlt Wiii! COM/ ....... tum ytrd ~-: ..... ~ pet1 Ayt now ..... nit (71 •, "2·111:1 CMllw .. Qe.Olttl flrtCllllOe, 9M1oMc1 pet)o, '•ntt•tle Hr flOm•. I ~ ,_... ' ~MA W.."' N ,., .-aae. t"t-Ill '" lll'lt to '°"' AYlll mo Of 1-. MOO te t1000 =-CHI! flow Now 1 1H, ~1 .NOOO. ~ .... ·..,.Ufl 1"4114 .,.., .... '!1'!,,........., ... _. .,. ~, :fl.~~'! o run•y. "·'"· w·~.r itr~n ... "',... w w•"" Clll ... ,...f. l'~JI ...,.,.. ••· 1en IMlllTE FlllDS Oic*I & i.,._ ~· All olleinta aGr-*:i with pt\Otoe & ,.,.,.fnC*, Cr~tta:~an Good Mof:ninO Af9M'tta. TM Tomorrow lllOW •~ off• to 111 n•• «*onte wflo need I plwot • ••• 111·1• "'°' ou•tefftl .. .._ , .. "'t i•. N'Oft•iMMlf, ftO =r••111t tt .... I ~ -=--=-~ "'W: ~ ........ { a...~:iiiiiilliliiiiiiii'.%:.::1:::::': _____________ -- .....,t:: ..... "i':: I ~.............. •••••• • ••..••••.•. ~ ..••••••...• ~~~!!!!~!!!r ...••... OfffWAU. TAl'IHO Gwdenlna Wanted ••••••---i Oeneret Hou1Kte1n1ng All Teicture9 & Aqou1tl0 Mowtna, acfglng, ralllng FL..\T AATl·OAY or ·~ Aellebtt, reft 10 rt• aicp !!!!!!r •••••••••.... , !•par1 M11onry 011a111., wo1km1n1hlp, re1ll1t1c prtcaa R•ft 5S t-4566 f!~tJ~ •.••••••••••. ,llt1hlng lntlllOf OMlon HANOINQISTAIPPI~ v1 ... 1i11c Scott 14&-tsa& ·~~-±-~~~---'1-''..;".;...; .. ~';._Krt.;.;..l"..;..;.',;_7e..oe;_.;.;....;.•1 I WHplno . ,, .. t1tl ALL M180. JOl8 992..01110 alt. 4 .-......._....,~• mat ... 649-8137 INT/IXT • P"OMPT .,_.._ tN8TALl.ATtON8 Qualtty HouMC!Mnlng •••••••••••••••••••••• Tllll CHIT 149.4747 with • p.,IOnat Toucn 1fi A8A PAPERHANOll'IO .. !!!~f............... 1 Y" tocai ••P ouar lL.IOT"IOIAN-Prload ToPC*t/removed. Olean ~~~~~~~~ Beth 11118·0 11~8 •---------1--c-O_M_M_'_L._/R_l_l_I0-.--1 right, 1'" Htlmata on up, lawn tenov. 751·347C .:;. ---------• ~•1•aln '-'119 °' llMll JOt>t, ••ll•• WAlnl 1 •• ,,.-... -,............. Aemod.Add'"""~ Uo. atee.a1. 17M~I MOWING . CL.IAN UPS ··--··ou""::p··J·o·8··a······ H ... to ct .. n 934.4499 FINOH a DEC1<8 vv; , ... , uo. 390250 = ... Mark Robtnaon Conat. Jac;k H. 9annett, Jr. UO'D l!L.!CTAIOIAN .,Heu • Landac.plng • Small Moving Jobs WIH CIMll your home lor SI,_ \871. 754-0ilt Gen. Contr. 162·1142 Ouel. WOftl·f'liu. rataa ,.,.. , l4t·tt07 Call Mlt<E 149-\3tt S40 lor a.e 11o1M1. PluM CA8tNETS-REMOOEL 8onded I lneured ,,_ aet. 03l·ll0?2 Tom Mow, edQI, rail•. twllC), HAULINO·OAAOINO cell 949-7837 Skyllttl -OraanhH ..... llftllM I... ILICTAICIAN aprtng clean-up, haul d•molltlon, CIHn·up HOUSECLEANINQ Window• 8mt )Oba/Aepalre. Lie Chuck 142•2173 bal 9 Concrete a trM removal. By Seandlnavlan Lady * a 1 llY1M• work. PrlOH etart 11 l•H•W... r •• JI • I I H /1011 Alec 751·'7027 .r.;::-;:n ••••••• op Qui ty 'P9C 1 cat• SERI/" & RIP In handling. 28 >.!' e1'p. Cu1tom w"tlpaparlno. van ~ Competltlw Aatea 1a111tactlon gU411anlMCI, ((14> 1311-4 No overtime. 73()..1363 For"'· Frank 775·0714 , __ ..;.,:.._;, __ .....;....__ fl]• STARVING COLLE0£ 1111t1tlf1 .. lr ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• STUDENTS MOVING •••••• :.r.~.;r.:-;........ Cullom Ceramle ni. CO Lio T 124430 liD'S PL.ASTeAINO Prompt. Call Chuc". SYS tntured. 8 .. 1·8427 ALL l'YPES INTIEXT 8A2-85f4/875-t4ot dya W .. TOH us "'"OWi Tt11turH P1tChlni " '"" CERA~IC-LINOLEUM 00 IT NOW! ... .., ..... YtNr Ollly Piiot ~Directory Rapr11entatlv1 549.,.909 Lloi='c&b~' IU\C>e.C-10. S.t-&203 am. Quick MN. 842-71138 Exp'd 548·2171 If 1 w::::::t 148-8&&•/145-4f44 Raeld Ctn-upa. garden 8 •••·Hll, •"""• 1•1 ••0"·-••••••••••••••••• a..1..11 ....... •-~ " ltn. laln Fr .. Mt '"'"'°" Wiiiy Local. Student wltrU<lk. FrH aat Very ,.,table. .,,,.. _........ .. .1 ... ~ H rV, malnl . trH trim HAULINQ a MOVINQ CRUB·A·DUB FAee !ST 845-825 m e r:r .. estlmalas r!/~.'!'JI •• •• .... .... . . PLASTER PATCHING Rell Bob 875-5851 -• •• • NO StMm/No Shampoo •••It·-.... •---· I Que1tf W.. · ~la 875-8\80 131-50101548·8490 Stain Sc>eclelllt '"t Free Mt. AeN. oncaa. '31 J ...... dry. FrM ••I 838•\582 Oual. w«k. Uc. "7109 ') •• ·7ZN .,..... r r Hauling & quick cletln·up, F/Student w/houHclaan j,.a..11 031.2345 ~ -s..nu Free aat. Ken 030.ll035 yds. 91reges.1<>o-.ttN, & tor lady tn uchga tor .. ~••••••• •••••••• Crpt1 lnllllllrepalred • • Uc. 4lotM LANDSCAPE MAINT prop mg mt Rt ck rant Jenny 979-3979 Drl-ay., Parking Lot Flood dam-a-. Steam General Contreotor Elec1rlcal Contractor COmmertcal a Pf()t)erty 131.08&6, Kr11 13 t-09&3 ----'-------1 Rec>•ff•. Seateo.llng. ctng.654-8510, 973-851«1 Incl .• comm'I, rea. 8 Blllflllll•• S&8 Aaphll 131·4 199Uc Shampoo & tteam clean. Lie. 333217 657-1738 Ind .. Comm, "-a, Lie menlQlfl*l\t, 131·004 H1ullng·1tudant wltruck ....................... . 333217. Ph 557·1738 Ron'• Qardanlng: 9 yrt Low ratu, 1all1bl1 Rallable, matu11 lady w/ ' Dan Hallberg Grading Color brightener•. Wht c •• , .. WIHWlkll!J ......... n .1meo I Hml area. Oualltr at T7!lh9•-1nok2ey 0 u. s I• v a. rel• lffkl hOUHllltlng & Paving Co. Ret/Comt. crpl1 • 10 min. bleach. ••••••••••••••••••• • •••R poaltlon. 1·436·8922 1v1 Lie. 397804 842·1720 Hall, !Iv/din, rma l 15: avg Kit. Ramod .. ceramlC lltt , We don't make you watt reas. ratu , Ma nt t room 17.60: couch $10; c1blnet1. Call now . lrM UC. 37oe89. 031·7823 l1nd1c1p1. NB/CdM. HAULING & DUMP £••'111•/af. A•l••lln chr 15 Guar ettm. pet eat 842..0881 875·1388. JOBS Alk for Randy •••••••i/5•• ........ .. •••••••••••••••••••••• odor Crpt repair 16 yre RESIDI COMM'L/INO. •..u•~ 1 __ ...__ I 841-8427 ' Renovatlng.Sprlnktera ProleHlonal Auto CIH · exp. 00 work m.,1111. Dl•ntl1 20 ~· Oo my own w«k. •nt~ ....._.,•I N-lawns-Clean up nlng. Wllllng. Polishing. Rais 531.0101 ' ..... • •••• .. ••••••••• • UC. 278041. Al S.M 120 Tree 1rlm, Qll\ ctnupt, B1a111/t1m• Dave 842·4853 The Datallart 84()..51119. I---------*KATRINA'S: LIVE·IN cement work Free est. •••••••••••••"•••••••• Bud 649·5285 Automoblle Air Cond. Repair 180 Welts Place C.M. Bontalloe 548·5208 EXCEL CARPET CARE h1kpr1, daUy maid ~. fNU• Call 549-1804 anytime ROBIN'S CLEANING Jack Buttlngton otllce cleaning, crpt ••••••A• .. • .. •••••••• Slll'Vkle • 1 thoroughly Ow / cleaning, 835-2tf8 Wiii fllG1M Complete lawn care. ctMn hOUM. 1140.0857 ner OpettlOt F I I 84" "'268 Clean-up1, tree Hl'VICI, Carpet, uphol, a11a rug lh•ltl•f S.rrlttl rea est ma as .,.v aprlnklera. 931·7570 T.L.C. Houtekeaplng ~~!!!~'!! .........•.. MAGICAL ILLUSIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Reta. Slave 966-6483 PIH P&llTlll R11tuccoe 1n11ax1 30 bi Richard Sinor LI" V" Neat Paul 545·21177 TtH S.nlt1 ~ •.....•.••••.......... 2 0844 13 yra of happy li/r/Ht1lll• LOW RATES-Tree trim· local cullometl . ••••"'• .. •••••• .. •••.. ming & remov•I· 111 Thank you, 131 ·4410 BONTEl<OE REFRIO c11anup1 & Hash hauling PAINTER NEEDS & AIR COND Marine, Fr.. .. t M., ti 11 ll WORKI 30 yra e)Cp, Int/ auto, comm'I. 548·5208 554·70t7 Eicter. Acoustic oernnga I H II rll I lc'd, Ins 140-9308 Davi• Palnllog 847-518£ .!.~ .. ! .. '!11~.~r..! ... _H_E_R_IT_A_G_E_T-RE_E_S_l!_R_V_ EXTERIOR PAINTING l44't1·Dt•l1a·ll1•t4. Complete tree care 17 Cullom work. Free 111 Free eat. Reas. prlcaa yrs axper Dan 552-5377 Rell + fine Int. & ital· Oual work Lk:. 337189 f I • nlng Steve 547·4281 631·2345 .!!.'!~!. ............ . II Moll aubtectt. K-14 RALPH'S PAINTING H •• Day-ev--• .. mmer $1""·~ ln1/e)ll R .. s. rat•. • • • •• • '• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• v .,., u"'" Rel. Free nt. 538•9898 REPAIRS $25 lo $185 Mr Morgan. 645-5178 FrN nt. Call anytime, B&M Painting & Tiie WALT no-2125 Tfl.~•.fJ!!!!~! ••••••• cleaning. Work guar. ••••••• •••••••••••••• " ,,.1~ Service Low Ratea Wnllli•• Free Eat. 845-1711 ARCHITECTURAL PL..\NS lfU .,., .. ' . . ... .,.. .................. • Cl 1 t/P I FOR BUILDING PERMIT lllh '1•11 .. ~.l?'!~~............ Toni 850..0208/842-0405 B:b~!t~~g.~ann;~r~.~~:n ·c:.~ .. ;;!?!!~ti;;· ~.:=.11~~~~~~& ii"ill······u;:;i'ii Hi~~~~:~uVJ~~~T Eic:.'1~~':u~'lg ''ee 891 Int/ext a. ataln1. i-H-u_b_e_r _R_oo_l-ln-g-.a-11-t-ypea--. Typing Word Proc, ~•t· 10 yr1 In OC. Spec. rate New-recover-decks ters, rnumes. term P•· on apll Call 24 hrt, Lie •411802 548•97:µ pera. M8S. etc Rilaa #. 1-995-3488 collect 548-713$ •• ~!!~!f•••••••••••u• 1-C-u-1t_om_P_1_1_n1-lng_b_y-Jl_m_ ,;JOHN HENRY CO"" 1--------- • needed 5-48-7802 want-Cult wort! UC H llr \} ,ta•hr ete Carpentry. alee, Ille. Free 1Upplles. BRICKWORI<: Small Jobe Ras /comm'! Xlnt rets Rooting lor Fine H8o8mn ~!~!!!.~{~~!!!f ..... Newport. Costa Mau, 631•5507 aft Spm Lie 415232 54 • 213 1 lrvlne Raia. 675-3175 'Lei tile Sun1h1ne n · ---ala• •381057 Rob 547-2643 ~.'!~!!. ............. n "-..1 est0 ~f Jo:,.~~8~111 Vanene 117t-4838 ••••••••f:•"•••••• •••• Ori~·. patios. walks. Free DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC NI ...-na• 1 u . HOUSECLEANING DAD p I I R ,,.,)/Hila• Call SunShlne Window Brick, block, cooe<eta, 1 nt ng 1181 rauts ............ A......... C1ean1ng ltd 548 8853 , U T at: •v... •••••••••••••'•••••••• EX E IS OUR BUSINESS IJ" I I eat. No l<>b too small Aepalr1. n-& old. 11 CRPT ·LINO· WOOD P RT HANDYMAN I Smoooothed 40.4479 536-2607 yrs ••P· Bud 552·11582 tnatalled/repalred. Oree Carpentry • Roofing Janice'• Raggedy Ann frff 111 Work guaran-BUDGET RATES ' • 1tucco, very reaa. lk:. t e 11 d 0 a n ( 7 t 4 ) 20% Monthly Dlscoont Bob 548 78501536 ~ Lo min Sml Jobs OK Lie P90ple who need People Ct/1' C•ll Wall te•turn-Aoouatle Lie. 3692660 1•240-308~ Plumbing, ate. 842·60t3 Est. 10 yr1. 675·2514 • """"" 960·0467, Dave (714) Free est, Ins 841·7581 MR SPARKLE all wnd.wa, Flreplacea·Planlers 964-3378 bolh sides. screen• & That'• what the ••••••••••••••••••••.. Hang-Ta~Steel 1tud1 Salling an"thl Ith Thinking of a new home Joan'• Cleaning Service DAILY PILOT LIC'D DAYCARE Lie. 389944 1-532·5649 Dally Piiot' Cl~ti!ci A: tor aprlng? s.. the many Houees-Apt .. Rental• BBQ'1·P1t101-Veneer ltrHal iracks. Honest, dapen-Rala. Free eat. 848-0484 Have you read today's ..... ••••••••••••••••• dat>le. Guar no streaks SERVICE Dl~CTORY Infants A older, 7:30-ls a llmple matter HsUng. In today'e cllaal· Ottloel. 540· 1287 11 all al>Outl 5·30. N.B 63 l -5335 Want Acn Cell 142-5879 Ju1t C4111 842·!le78. nad columna. 142-!le78 Sell Idle ltarna 142-5e78 Ctassllled Ads? II not. MOBILE SERVICE Reas. prices 540-5654 Shop at home. 11'1 aaay you're missing the t>est Rescreena/N-screens with clualfled 642-5878 bargaln1 1n townt NB/CM only 642·9552 Sell Idle Item• 842·5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn'.t sell , we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non~. E•tr-a "'-SUICI) 3. 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDs642•5678 '''/t:::~,."'11 mt.f.!!.~'!t .... !.~!'! .f!~."!.·~.t.'!. .... !.~~¥ 11 .. .11.."!.'!~'!. .... !.'."! IJ.•.'1..tr~~'!. .... !.~01 11 .. .11..tr!t'.'!. .... !.'."! • .'.11 .. '!!!.'.'!. .... l~~ ••••••••• •• ........... hder ........ II• HS K P "kt IC om P • n ton DENTAL Chalralde Asst. JAlllTlllAL Organltar. ottlce person ________ .. . ,.,,.._ (2) male, lam. LOST 6122 ~· 1?va In poa. to lady. Npt. Bcti 4 day wk. EJtp . tor misc dutes Expe-Sales 0.-..altw JOfJ vie Woodbridge Rewerd. 213·617 ·36-49 al1 6PM or ~of school !reining ~~~ 1,;;:a~l~s .N~tlt ~~ 11 enc e n e c es s a r Y Cllllifitd sw~;;~~·c~1: 857-481M Med Sac .. PIT. Eitp pretd 846-3535 ....... u.s CITIZENSHIP 631•6000 T I h cal service lie. Coate MAX LOii Mesa Verde. Trnscbr, 70wpm. Will do IEITAL REOn. REQUIRED Some pl PART TIME. eeneral ofc. • • p 0 n • .,, __________________________ _. Mesa area No ••P nee Part Samoyed. black Ina bllt 968-5953 needed for pleasant, time nlle waxer ope· 25·30 hrs per wk De· S I f1al•J1 II Silll 4300 Of/itt l1at•J 440( Of/itt J1al.J 4400 Wiit treln.' $50,000 tuli streak left eat, red collar. Teacher. now molher ol 1 busy. eatab'd group ntngs Apply. i 23 N peodable person 111 or I II ...................... •••••••••••"""""'"" ...................... amount raq'd, Wiii net 545·1279 would love lo babysit pr1ctlca. E>tf"· nee. Olive St., Orange older Mustbeavall.thru The Classllled Advertl· Shr 3Br hsa, S260 mo. *llLIU lfJIOEI* IUllE 140,000 plu1. Call cot· Found: Rad Cocker SP•· 642·8209. Npt. Ctr. 640· 122 t-liPM, Mon-Fri. Oct. 548•5574 from sing Departmen1 01 the $520mov•ln.Apply250 From1roomto3rooms 1otc .. 300sqft.at$250 lect, Mon-Fri .. Ilk tor nlel, M .. 6125, Banning/ Bl W. IH llOO I llt IOll I hi I t Journeyman/Skilled 1•4PM.EOE. Dally Piiot has an ope· Cedar St .. N.B. aft 5PM 1F8r_?.~ r$~ut6tr~.~·d"-f ~Ir~ apert 1r:;o0.0 1poelcr.,m500o aqcan: Rud I '..o 9 . 8 P M . Bullherd. HB. 962-4282 ,!.'1. •• !!............. I d• d 11 rt 1 t II t' Maintenance Man with PART TI•E ~~~h~~~a!u'ispp~~~·~· 110 A HIT CITt por~t-1....,nn 2""'112"0upon"1. 71'·63" "200 408-8e7 111 SCRAM-LETS IOGlllTUT nee e or P easan . e>1per\ence In plumbing, Evea and/or -kends .... ... ...., BUSINESS busy. lltab'd group alectrlcal & carpentry 1 Must have previous tele-Worillng ladles over 40 Call AM. 833•3223 Ole. manager, con•truc· 11 E Responsible adu ta. over phOne llleS expettience wllnnn to talk about fin-•---------Le11t 8114... OPPORTUNITY Uon exper. req'd. Job prac ce xper. nae work Full time. Mon-Fri. 21, with outstanding. •I· 1 d t .. ., ANSWERS Npt Ctr 640-1122 7 30AM·4PM Salary tractive ,__,5onalltles 10 1ncu 1ng yp1ng approx ding end •haring a houM BAYfRQNT Owner desires p1rtner to s coating & llnll\cial thru P h I R-•--commensurate with ax· ,,... 45 wpm on IBM Selec-• (Newport area). Call teua 7500 ft of new . CJ::> &. L Sand r11ume to· ltl ir.aff, .-. perlence. Send resume work with youlh (ages Irle Salary plus com· "T.L "et64.2-7563Sun· Prlmeottlee.673-1003 1p1ce In Huntington ... _ Smoker·luua P.O. Box 66611, Laguna Enthu1l11tlc, etflclent &. toAd#l009.DallyPllot, 10·141· Call 2·5PM. m1Ss1on 40hrweekwlth day thru Thur9day after e Beach. Le11• guar. a Magic · Halves Niguel, 92077 organized w/bkpg. exp. po. Box l560, Coit• 842-4321, &t 343 EOE an occaslonal Sa\, mor· p.m. Euc; 1u1te1. full 1arv .• perc.nt ownerlhlp In 80, MESSAGE *SEC'Y. 4 d1y wk . C . Mesa. ••esa 92626 PBX An1. serv E>tper. ntng .• Exc:ellenl company -'--------....,-tl.lrn/unfurn., greatly r• 000 ft bid I t MOBILE You can't trult modtl'n 548-3000 "" • · b 111 1 1 di edl Bay beck view. E·blulf. duoed. No lse. 754-0274 b-ac~q. No dgn cp°"avm'~. DOG GROOMING UNIT tec;hnology. I picked up a W/emmnn phone voice LEUL sro•n••y pref'd. or wlll tram Fash ene I nc u ng_~. . 1000 pvt sq. 11• entire 151 ... , ... _,1 h 1 .. ., · DENT. Asal Ortho. Npt. . " -111 644-7050 cal, dental, Illa 1 • .....,an· ." •... _.. ll.U. ca II M r B r 0 0 k 1 111 .. HI ..,..., on the beec . put t A11ertive. high energy. E i-----' I 11 1 ca credit union ate; noor , Incl. den. 2 bl. full -rww• to my ear and go1 a OR rectulter w/a« skllls Bctl. 4 day M·Th Eicper xper.., ......... am Y aw. PlllT SllP OP.Pl" 1-adva~~t bath 759..Q.444. eve 1200 -600 sit,...,... ,,., , _2_1_41_5_96-_2_1_0_5 ____ 1-8---------d d •• ES • RD .. _.. 642 2626 take charge of one man , ~ ·--.. ~· all M~ to mo. °''i:.';; 'oFFICE SPACE lor leaM. mall butlness owner• or pre-recor • ... • for Pr11 NII. Search .. ,.. r....,. • ottlce. SA. Clvle Canter Trainee for shipping & Call for appointment tor ·0u1e1 M to sh< Irvine 2 br buyers. do you need SAGE. Arm Money open. Fill -••ti ••-area. 541.4411. rec111vlng. Fltlme New· 1ntervtew. 642-4321. ext I k Mullan Reatty. 54().2990 approx 2.000 IQ It of PY1 help? EJCpert acMce on •--------0--7141833-1030 •-IHU"R St 1 t 277 apt w same, nonam r. olllcea. Ganerel work Found Preecrlptlon tu-11 you are worth $18,000 port at onera nc ttralght. $285 + 'h utlls llWPllT 111111 .,111, plua reception ~· .~~= ~~=: aes, 22nd. St. Beach, _A_U_T_O_M_O_T-IV_E _____ , per yr. g can prove It, we •Mlrleltt-lwfn 557-9212 Mr Emmons Dr•1111 Celtf 857-4796 Executive omce In can. room. Prof. decoretld. coniultatlon. 17 , Ed, Newport. Call 845·4339. PUTS have an excell. oppty for Top layout 4 aetup ope· P.n-•••11 lilly Pllet vu 14 91 M b bl ratOI' tor Tornos Swtaa --2 rmmles wanted to 1hr nery tage. 5 mo. Xlnt locatlon. At the 406 714·754..0531 Found: Rooatar & Pigeon. 1t1ml11&11 you ust a a 11 to automatic•. Gd luture, EnJov working with lclds. 330 W. Bay St 3Br lurn S. L8{1una hme. Broker 67S-49i2 Fwy & Harbor Blvd. exit, 1----------1 N•wport Beac;h River D 1 hi f 1 prepare flnanclel state-1 and wish lncrea••" aer· Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Fl b _,.. 11 •---------c .. F 1m1-•-PllTID ... ea ers P or ore gn ta p 11 &. tale ~rowing 1hop n Laguna """' p, eam""' ce , sun· s L 1 Coast H 11 os1a mese. Of' more •-• Jetty area. Call to Iden· auto part• experience men • ayro 9 ,,, -• H .. P'" nlngs, utlllze your out· Equal Opply Empli r decil.. ocn vu. $275 per· · agun • wv. Info call weekday1, Wanted. Siient or active. tlfy 5-48-3133 ta• returns A work wl· 'Vu"' 0 ,..vary ,..wy • ••. ••• '°" ptus 'h utll. 499-4884 3 Arch Bay. 500 sq. ft. 751 6191 BBQ rlba. llO.OOO. pretened. Call Gian for tllout someone looking Micro Precision Swiss, going personality, learn tu•ES w/good hwy. vlslblll1y. • 1_52,._790811 •77&-1130 Found Adult Calleo Cat an •P1>0lntment. over your shoulder. we·-71 4·831·9331 Call Chris how to beeome a tralneo - RMMTE Wanted to shr 3 497-2351 OFFICE SPACE FOR Vic Myrtle St. Laguna RIY COVIii ra localed In Hunt Bch. Dubreuil sales counselor Call $$$$ t 10 10 $25 iy, Un br home In Univ. Pai k .,._... Ifft LEASE In Corona dal Full 9«"1oe gardening A Beach. 494-7346. lllW lllfOt nr 405 Frwy Call btwn 2·5PM 642•432 l. Ex• dercover Wear tlQmf area of Irvine. Fem, non· --•r• oe Mar. on Coast Hwy. ap-landacaplng. all equip., 8 .. M • t2N f 1 •ECUllO 343 EOE rt'-"~"'nu smkr Must t>e neat &. Lat> space. 7.000 IQ 11. prox 2.000 1q.1t. Xlnt route. ate. Baal offer. FOUND· Lhasa Apao. Whl. All UW 7"4 8"9 ,.25oo3n or app · Outboard ex per. only pa ....,., ._,,.. responsible. Pvt. pool & Near Hoeg slgnege, prot. decorated. s.19-1174 lam. vie. Magnolia & Ha· 140·1... 1 • 1"' Shock Marine, 675-3263 IUL ESTATE Sll.ES Sales Person. mature, Pl )ac. Comm. tennis & poot DESIGNERS, architects. c111 for detall• week-mllton, HB. 53&-7921 ltHr•I Dffloe We have an opening tor lime. HB gilt shop, 2 blkl. away. $350 mo. graphic artists: lumlshed days, 751·6191 !~!!1.!!.~!. •• !.~~! Found: Cat, Tortotae shell AITt 1101111110 MuSt enloy phone con-.... lst't er OllT two -II-dressed. intelll· 9&3·6900 Call. Ro:ry, 840-3654 wo'a"r°..ehsouto,es.haNreew. Plnocrlt. Coate Mesa 200 .... ft. to P11Y•TE 111n color. Adlt. Blk Ilea col-' Wheal alignment and tact, working with cuslo· Madlcel assistant prel II· gent salespersons fO SALESPERSONtBUYER day1 only. v ......, • 1 NB 84 .. ,.778 brake lie; MC. Own hand mere and detail work. mlted X·Rey Certlllcatlon work In the Newport Be1ch. 842-6222 2800 sq. ft. 40C per lq. $ 1 O ,000 & up Tom ar v-v or CRT Good pay with Harbor area In comma•· tor golf shop private MIF to tnr N.E Hunting· It. &. up. Call Raalono-142·9914 Foond: Male Blk Lab 2 to tool•. AN~PORT Paid vicauon, sick pay, chance tor rapid advan· clal sales and/or rea· club. 30·35 hrs wkly. Incl. ton Bch hae. pets OK. II TIE WATll ma Co<p. 875-8700. 3 mo. Nr W111mtn1te1 TIRE CENTER end health Insurance. cement Call 752-8300 ldentlal sates In the more some weekends Hourly 962 575.. DI 1 2 012 ••=H f.tall Full time Apply In ,...,son wage + commla•lon • ,. x exec. su ta. . sq 4 delu. •a ol11oea. itrategtc J 1 Mall 891-8688 Mon-Fri at BAROEN'S Dr Levin or Judy affluent areas. • LIDO ISL.E $375/mo. 'le ft Newport Arc:hM Ma· location on Beach Blvd 'I SOJS 3 3000 E. Coast Hwy CdM PEST CONTROL 696 C F/ I LEO HANNA 496"5767 for lnt8'VlllW rtna Bldg. 642_.I« HB F t ""'"''fl ,,...: ... •••••••••• .. ••••••• 1t,,.a'11 5 50 BABYSITTER p /ttme. · MEDI AL, t me, troni SR. VICE PRESIDENT SALES SECRETARY utll. non·smotlllt'. . roo e•,....-, .,,.. I.I llm.n •••••••••••••••••••••• Mon &. Wed 9_. M Randolph, Colla Mesa ofc position Mission I T ..a C Carol 675-9449 ftllTAll YAl.Lll sign area. 85e aq.lt. • Lal Oo 0 1 Alcohottsml · " · Y 546·5570 Viejo. Req's. medical... WHllJ • •i•" •· 30 hrs per week, 8:30 to F Rmmta wanted to stir Prime office taclllty loca-Ownr. 2 13.,.50-8555 ltrfalC• 0., IH. Don't lat alc;ohollsm pull home. 642"9905 cratarlal e•pec-. Including Realtors 844-4910 3 Follow leads, HI ap· family type atmosphere led directly across from I la I l'1 4460 Specializing In 1tt A 2nd you to Mll·deatructlon. BABYSITTERS • Must be lllEIAL lfFIOE I n s u r a n c e b 1111 n g . P 0 1n 1 me" 1 9 · he a" Y · E. C.M. home. S42·9835 Civic Center, HSY ac· .!'. • .'!!. •• !!......... TO'• llnce 1949 Let go & llve a llte of 20. Own tr1na. State llc'd 495·1060 Sales phone, ltght typing. Need case 10 lrwys. llulble llmHTll 11111 Robt. StUlar NH/CM sobriety with the help ot & bonded agency. Char-i:~~!::f 11:1!~on~r8! ..... , ... IHL Offlot BUILDING & ~~~:~ze:1~0~u~.o~~n~ 3 bdrm hae share w/ stu· 0111 c 11 s u 11111 1r 0 m 981 1 4966 It Ret 111 R.E. Broker Bd RelltOl's The Moorings. With a lolle 845·3746. C • a dent1. nr OCC. $200 plus 235•1430 sq. tt. For ad· Olltc~ In B~ch Bt!d 842·2171 545-0811 natlonally recognized lllllW lffllOI ~';neni~o~T~~nt~ J:ri~ Pltlma expl for GP Clll PLUMBING DEPT suta, 873~760 • 548-8455 dltlonll Info c.tl Sh I c t E d WIDOW HAS U$ tor TD'• outpatient treatment 1·-n IUlll Jim, C•9·8""" 6-45·«58 . scm111-u:::to:. Y. opp ng en er. n program you never need -~ """ E 'd 40 h k q•w R1199 tern non-smkr Pt'll. I ... 110. space avattabla. Low RE Loans, 10K Up. No to be hOsc>llellz.ad mtsa I~~~~~~~~~ 11 P . r wee • Japanete /Amacfcan lhara 3 bdrm hae. AvaM Ml· 1020 rent. Call Gene Kennin, Credit Check, No Pen-time from work O, time Poiltton• avallable 81 1: lllllS &IHI muSI be able to work Fluent In bOth 11nguages tmmad. $230. 631..0135, Business Propartlu alty. Deonlaon & Aasoc. from your tamity Mor· Huntl'liton 8elCh office. l•lr ttyfht Conv -tong tllf"m care Sat & Sun. Otha< hrs to Typing. SI H. 14 so hr 97S-0700Llsa 300 sq 11. 2otflce1Ult1. Brokerage Co . 873-7311 nlrvt&ev-l,.,,programs Bank SCfoworSavlngs CUTTER Needed Im· a>1p. req'd. E>Ccell. wor· be arranged Apply In Call Mr Y1mu1kl ---------$300/mo. 7141752 6011 .. ., -· ... and loan expar prel 'd . med. kl d & be 111 person Kerm Rim 7141842--0411 Prat. Prof over 40, beau 2 Mark 673-6606. · · DESPERATEI Must H ll avallable & ln1urance Requlraa good typing Yen Iii-tit~ FflPm~0~~ 30 3 ~ 3ri Hardware. 2666 Harbo f> --------bdrm. 2 ba. furn Ocean UIM __ ... In 3rd TD of lt2,500 1211> approved. l)ktlls and fl~ure aptitude ~l ., • : • • : · Bl .. c . ••. eopta who need p-a... I t d N L -$9 ....... h 011-..a-•-1..1 714-842·8044 or apply In "" Th .. ..._..... s':'2 r" o. ~ h aguna. llWNIT PUllSIU Owner dellr• partM!' to :oalght 4 yearnnote. • Tll CONTACT ERSONNEL H e-: • person: 468 Ft1g1hlp 0:,j~yW::-tothe 497 ... 15~ 0 . er 0 n . :fl,~· ,"p ~~ :.~k ~·:::.7,~0~~~t~~g~~~ alter °&P~~~~i 11~ ~ ~o:;:i~~~ se~ri~~~~!d. Locel "4-eaaO Rd .. NB c!=1~~ =;:.n·, SERVICE Ol~~ciOAY BR 2 Ba 6 73--6608. B h L""" 8elCh Loa A-. CA 90036 ll1ll · 19 all llbnt Employed tern. 2 • v aac . LHH guar. a •--/ -·.. ·......-- gel loc Non..-mkr. $240 NEWPORT BEACH paroent ownerlhlc> In 80, ,..,,,._..,.,, tall 1·11t-421·1111 0 .. lf9nl. feffr81 Switchboard Operator ~16 "Tum Kay" Ol1lc:;e $390. 000 1q It btdg cioae to 1....U/ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ...... I U. only at tu•ury Laguna LADIES ONLY-Beaulllul "Branch" office S75. beach. No dn paym't. £#1I1---' Equal Oppt'y Employ9r 8each hotel. Full time. Npt BeeGn private hOml. sem1n1r meeting rooms c • t I Mr . Bro o k' •••••••••••••••••••••• Lilda & V'ICki'S •"en I n g • h 11 t • $325mo. 846-5355 hoorly. Typing, malling, 2t4/596-2105 ........... ,, 1111 BAR PERSON, lull or 3PM·11PM. s .. Margie 27+ nonsmkr to ahr 3 br ~~i-~~8. Call ror Into C••••nhJ ·ruiiift"iiiiiin" ES==• !:~~~'.':::5~~~~.~.or ~~o?.ply . 07 ·'4417. twnhte, $300 + 'n ut111 ---------1 lata/1 4411 An1wartn~ a mall Hr-OUTC .. LL 24 HRS Cand" S1111m1n e>Cr,· 6-42·2880, 1153-5435 Airport ,, .. • EJtac. Sul· •• • •••••• ••••••••••••• 1 1 0 " · 1 v -iii. From 225-450 aq. l1 tfflll. lllP v7 c a . ptr mo. Ill 0201 rlenca. wan11d or IMP/Elq>. Co. ndl. mgr, bt·llngual. 2 yra. up. Mutt ac>eek read. write Chlnt11 & Eng. Sal $1.800/mo Send raaume to: KTA Co .. 7382 8olM Ave .. W11tmln1ter, Ca . 92883 $225/mo near OCC In $l per aq. ft. Many tnras lo ,_ bldg on Coat 14-633-0203 " Or~ County Full or Cott• M111. C•ll any· Call 557_7010 Hwy, South Laguna. Ap-PATI Part Writ• P.O. Boic • time 850-9180 .,~...... * * • 10757' Colt• MeH, ---------Ole for rent lull or pan, proic. 500 IQ. ft. ,.,_. Femlll Mcendanc:y U1n1 9~27 'luMm W Ital 4,JO 19th St .. C.M. Xtnt front ler1t private parking Enlightenment II ... n ltltlfh Ptrltr •--------••• or.-·••••••••••••••• otc loc. Avall tmmad. l>ehlnd btdg. $525 mo. on Eye on LA. 11 now Open 24 hrs 1 day CASHIER 4 houMwaras pane Pt g1111ge. front drl-540•1287 Turner AUoc. 494-1177 accepting mambara. 7 oav-1 weak 1alel. Fltlme. Apply In -av. cloM to beach. H.B. otc &for lndua1 epeca Call: 714-633-0200 Jacuu.1. Sauna. L.00111 per1on: Crown Hard· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 49J.-.Oao3• 548•6440. Y1IW lf'1ll avail. For IN 1tar1lng at u wall 11 tourl1t1. ware. 3107 e. Coast llYllT•f Single. nr L.agun1·1 Main Walt-appotnt9d otnce w/ s.4llO mo. 8-47~ BankAmerleard. Master.._Hwy-'-._Cd_M_____ 011 ... Tll Beecfl. Center ot town. Nwpt Harbor view, •P--·i-Charge, American Eic· hlld care needed for In· Corporate ~ M5 mo. 49'4-~ pro• 1.000 1<1 ft ••-_...._ pr111, Olnera. All _,_ lant In our home.~ lor. 1tatawld1 flnanclat 656-7100 300 eq n. Foot tr9111c, com• 7 14/145·3433. with 1ucll axper. 0111 MtVICll nrm In ~llhlon •• s~T.1~e~~n::.! TOP LOCATION. Hert>Or· Ontwn ~ 4t4-&eee 2112 HatbOt 81. CM _5_5_1..,.,_2_1______ llland. To "'" lnwntory next to Fun Zone. 10~ ~ Buer c..-iter. 30t1-23 8HOP Space. 1h22'. IMt I htul "" Your Cer Aaflacta You atmULIP&IT tm oper9tlon. lhlp~ 20'1\>'. 873-2943. Hwt>of 84d. CM. 5IO I 1200 mo. Avt. now. ••••••••••••••••nu•• Cu1tom Wu & Detail , oolCl~or lnt-.. tlng elVlng, eupply • 12110 1 q . It . Mgr . 7 14.4I7. 2 5 7 2 or Aeaa. • Tony 547·13'1 "" .... Inventory oo'ntrot1 l •-~ ~~.. 549-••• ____ __;, ____ , wor11? Ing, no 11\0t· _, .... 14&-8100. 1...... 494-0059 COEDS • W""'" ·-to .......... ....... on "*2111 Pl'OJecta, Eitper. • • ••••••••• •••••••••• ~ ..... v ..,.. • ... JV ....... r:Q'd. "40-0123 .._ lf.-:1:& ~l~h~N~: •,::=. = !'!tM~.~.~~!M F ADS 9~;.t:~r."~~::. ;:~·,e,;':_~"' I~~~~~~~~ AQ9nt M 1-ec>32 .::-a_! l:... _ _....__ N.8_ ae1s Birch. seoo 1q. anr FR£E .............. ~ "--It. Of , .... MIA aona. ~ II you .,. looking tor • .. ...... 1111 ~. N.8. Want .... ~ Aoant 541-6032• 8ucce11lul, attractlvt perm .. pl tlrne oPP'Y· '°' 11nanc1el ln•t. 70001.I. 900 1 Cal: mlctdt9oeged man, llngle. a hrL per d«Y .,.. would Pwaon ..tth IXP!AllH-11 t. tt 0 0 r . Ao• n t 91 • 1160 up. 2190 ft. lndu· oai.brlty of IOr'tl, 1onQ lltte 10 heir fl'om rou. we Cl In lrwtallatlOn I ~ "''~ aa..!tll ettlal • Otfloa. 110t\,. • time Newport IHofi er• a CPA ofo. wllo rallonel mell•tel..,,,. ol IUITl ,..,., • dondo Circle II Hunt-...... ,. Nlldent now .... Chi need• an o;.ratOf tor larger llY9femt. ,llltll\W, O'c . ,.,__ .,_.,..!': Pr·-6, '"9\on. leeoh. 142•*4. "right lady". 1'0 80• our mini~. Muat l*fl**l1. lailery llMlcl .......... --"' 1"'41 Newplf19eliol\C,t be able t ~ a on ";t•rltno• lrvl"•· !'~~·~of; '1/'.'91.!IHJtl..ll!lf IMf t/11. •""' titA 'o-k9Y 11y 0toUotl. ,.,;:. b•H oompeny. w111 .,.. ...... ,,_ • lll8t ltOO __.. Celttd ,.. .. M b t ..... Jake 1pplloatlen• ftom ... or ......... 110 nlfln•O liillft•H Lid~ ~ ........... 11t-it71 I ··"'· p u ftv1 •:aoam·l :IOpm. Cell 1q. "·HOO eq.. fl 1 MO. nM4• unlurn. , •41rm 1-.;.;.;;;;;;;;.;;..;.._';..;...;_;..;....;__1 o • •••••••• .. '*"'· LOOltld "'· 40t 1.._.711, ~ , .... ft. .., ... ., OOMti INl't· t.oet oow .,.,... ......, ..... •-w ,.,,, 1n Hunt • ....,,_, c.11 r-;;;; ____ _ ~ ,... • ~,., let. ........ ....,.._ ,._ Jlr.<,•"ll'r.Tn••u •• ''"" UM & 11Noen. II "" 111oor .-.up ........, 1aa111cte c"'' ...... ,.. -"-W ,......,_ 111111 .. f1111t 114·tl1-otA To ... ,.._,...... ., •• ' ,, .. lftOflfMy, JClnl ,.,,,.no••· ."., .....,,, .••• ·-o.r.. .. r,.~.-.~ In u~ , __ .,. -tt-...... VIII,._ Ot1lle. ...._ MOtlof'tt. Mt-4070 ' -...._ ..-. .--· ..._ W"".' • ._.. --- ' • n • 111 n t . 0 'M . 01...tf.., Aft.,. I -,... ·......-.;;. ~~~~~'"'fO:~ ·-~ __, ... ,. ~.... .,,..., •• • ......~..... ,., , ...... '"' ••111118 J!':L ,....,....,. ..... -..,__.~..,... ...... ..,.,., HM11C=-~"'--1t. ... , -. .. • 1, !l'9Cl1~Mtt 11 "" with • a.ii11 ..,.,, -Olll. ,. ..., It. Wiii. OllUllU IM ~ Otull'll9f U , ,•, ' l 11 Hl, ,, I I . ' ' ' ~ It • ) ) INTED {,..--"'!<05 ____ ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington BHCh, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach, • Good E.11lnp • 51PtrTripl . ...... ,, ... '*r_m .... 1~ ltmlrt ......... IMI "'11!Pl1. ....... ll!tf a..1--,.,.t f ,...,.,. ,,,, ~.'.'1! •• ,H.'11. ••• 1!.'.f ~.'.'!!1.!,r.!.'!!. ••••.. llf 1~men'1~NIW lolld of\err~ 1t14!rm 111 ••• mnnnv •••• •• ••••••••••••••11••r... 1111 llfll allfl/ 1111 N11IMI OOlhlol\ \0 lilNfl 1111• ""· lbO• llHVt, 1Ntt) ttOO , ~ 0.WMI• .. o ~w:,::.~I~~~ ·~= Top doll.,. tor lport1 ;nr,, ........... 1 ... 7 ~,.,,,,.!,1!!.'11. .•..•. ~,,,,,,!fl!l!hl. ...... 11.'llt.rm. .......•.• lftfil ••......... Y.~ ~ ............ ,~ft f#Jllft •••••.••• W.~f .. OHnl~ T) '11'-"'t, .. 11 M l•o ho11uhold I~ \.Ill• MW • muel Nil NO mllee. MUIT ~OJlllFIOI Cert, Bug1, 0 1mper1, M&lll llllTY'I , llftll "°"._nglt' llUI 1o "*"' bioY· kllon llema Att• 2 I' w'•••· 1o!!•! reruud. ,400 ~·~197 91'~·~~A1~·u'ic ••an IUltT ·~~lupefto,ftctQtYrlfne. '?!!L~,d~•~: Compwltr tlC• 0141, HO. >Cini oondlllon Ql·IMI k~ ~1ia: ~a 1----------1 ,._ .,. .., n ~too. '""' Mlof\.11, 0111...tof n1.11~:t .-ou TOI' 0111< & OAI< wk •116•3111 'll l1w11MI Ull Jll Ulllt ~ . t4•·U8' :..~1~ai ..... ,,., t. fl0-1041. °"'''bicycle oarrllCk. OHAIA 1210. ue.1110 IBM "O" Standard aw ltr~er 1hoo111. al' YILllW&lll ~ 'IO ., 1 BC. Tero• Llghl -------- >Uni oondltlon Ot M2·Ht1 LM TySMIWfllet •~ f0tll•&Jnl. PM Mu11 18711 8eaoh Blvd ttd· tan i..tl\lf. IOllded Tll UlllllT ... naaY 131·11).) MIOIT!"FIANIAN HO· 649-9492 M ii •0.4 10 ..... 2338 HUNTINGTON B!ACH sa1e .. 8ervte.-Lea11no 0.000 mt, 8 yr/00,000 llLIOT.111 •••t 1 .. 1 11 1 ... •ooo fY'1 CARVER ml werrenty U7.000 "~ -.Utln .. ••an rm QIAlA' ITINGAAY AOOM SIT • K/Q el.re. OPllA ChH P lo OP•· 'lO ... u 1llll -·· l'l../ I 76a.oeea or 644-9449. of let• n'IOClll, low"'''"· haa lfnmedlale openlno )Cini oond.130, 0 d con a I 2 7 O rate. Under warranty l31SO. 010-111128 WI llll co "'llllS or~"!: u~ A\V HI Ill ~ -ge Cadlll.c1 In Soulhem tor a l ecr•11ry Oood 642_.0,, 842-4&41 Mu e t 1 •I I I 3 O O "-" "-'"-~·ln• ~oa '0111 1111 P.ntlte 1111 ca111oml1I a .. 1.11 lod8Yf ~. tnorlhlnd. figure 640.0492 tHO Harley 01vld1on, YHa UITIO ....,,,... .. , • ...... ,.,. "'" 1 T •P"l(ide & c9n1munlc1• FOLD-UP Ill<! Oor9eou1 l 1dl11 0 11k. Oolden Annlvernry LI· '"""'Oii• .. • .... ......, NIXT MA DA. "01 )(Int oond Aebll 1111111 llQO ,ai11a ,,ulrtd. Word 01ea1 for vaoatlonf )(Int MlhOQany wood. ALCUl.A TOA with tape mlted !dlllon h ctory I Hmtll Olll '00 BMW 8331, l.olOIO n•" ' eno • •3•90t1 OBO OlllLUO prOOMllno '91114.irent '00"4 100. 84a·4616 11215 848-63615 & memory 50 ou11om. H60 pelnt job. 122,000 eMI for Wtrnet, WM• n ... , ____ 2_e_C>-_i_oee ____ , 1qu1pment eKperl.noe • U~' B•eutllul Mehog eny &40-9492 Many, meny Htru; 1011 I~ 1160-ill:m. 840·7900 • f&CllY'f l '11 Ptrtth Hll 2'ro~t~':e:~o definite ~ Coogenlll, It tu•f B°'*caae t 100. IBM !JltcYtlve Typewrllet ol chrome' gold plall~. Rebfl enoine. Lee• than • 1 hrne• 111 o 1 11ce 1 rodoete 1 d 1 ln 1 J!.•lt(llll 1111 M&-6386 1400 l'rtden Poe11oe 17.000 or 8 846· t8 4 ftl.'J ............ !.~{. llll IAlll Sl um MIU Ml 1114 600 ml New beltety/ 140-1110 '" nt n u1 r • •• ••11 ••• .. ••••••••• Mt* a ... ttOO $mall •74 Honda CT901,.11 bike. / 'IO CAPRI clutcll. no tull Whitt •--------- Complu . fhCt ll•nt IOW llo/n. Hemmond Of'Oatl, couch, relrlg t oo. 2 letge ehll· 2m Ilea '226 * Int tlU 79 RX7 Auto alt 1adlel1 $!1,000 oeo 494-88715 '78 SO\/ \/If"/ cJMn Aun• ~loaf/dental p1ckeg1. Redwood 2118 decking antq. dining Mt, trundll vino unlll aultabll 101 m aeci 3 36 3100-W. Coatl Hwy 1t ·3 000 1 · good. Brn/l1n, 14000. Ple111 cont1ot: JH n, 4.to' long· lllO ~ bed, druur•, lr~IO lhOP or eupply room 160 • 4 Newpo11 eeeoh R8 Pkg. Reil aporty plu• mint cond 6, m 78 911 SC 'Terga, blk, 9 8 e . 2 o 2 9 w 0 r 11 M 1·6?ot t9'\Clno Call ~Im 0, Ken ~reen8_2873& 1 1oci 6 1 • P'-... '"g~.: each. Mite. amen itatlo-19F180rmYZt25, ••tr11. 1826 142·0•05 grHt g .. mllMOe. Plenty lll97-3930. co1k letth, Gott! wh11. 875-5784 · • yU 716 ;491 '" . &e3 .,,. ... , MIY auppllff too n tM-of Hlf ... 4 othef model• #llllltl l1JI P7'1. illnt eood . tll •lfl•· SEWINO MACHINE OPE· en me, • Cir, CM roui 10 1111 we<10:1<1ey 642·2818 WAITEDi 111all1bll (782YOLI Juet ...................... $21.950 8711-8203 1HO llt&Mt• FIATORS. EJcper, q1.11llly C1l1 llJI l<lng·u m111r ... l box only. c1011ng office '82 SUZUKI Liie model Toyo111, netd rtilabte P•rlY 10 OUllE JtH•ll 11SS SEVILLE, lov. mllHgt, minded, plect t at•• ;;;;•iciii:~;·•;;;~·t,ik eprg, nevet uMd, quilted, Thul'ldey. 120 C1bnllo, GS 460L, 11mo1• remal· Volvo•. Plckup1 & van1. ~~,~~ r:0m~:~ ~~,~~:~ GOU •••••••••••••••••••••• uctll•nt cond I t ,OOO co.-a Meta 642-9652 long 1111,_, • 1 wht t>oo-firm. $248 Sult• 2oe 831-7446. nlng on wan. s1eoo. Opn c111 u• todayt 10 auume. No beck UOLIUnSIV'l1 IEW ~~~:.10;;9~~1.12~~~· ~ SPARE TIME HELP NEE· led 1 r8'000 tilled t-52•·180811-ns.1130 11 .... ' n-,.,,,,. to otletl 86t·9168 pmte. due Aak '°'Ro.. '12 ..... 1t Lt Car PM 875-0558 OED. Your own 1111. x1n1 9&0°253.4 2-7 PM ••nn IHI •••:p_£··;·~::···09·:·• ft11llt1 r,.nJ IJTO 842·111400, 558-1008 lllEUTI 30 10 choo .. trom 78 Etegant•. bt11ek 6 111• opportunltlet Up to a.., •..u1 •••••••••••••••••••••• N A tAN ....... :r•••••••••••••• Proto LIM IEALElllHIPI lmmedl111 Delivery trl I 11000/mo. Appl. 0.nnte :".~~••••••••11,.m. &oAROINQ 1100 per mo. 01)111 ~1n, lt6. mo. 78 Oolden F1lcon. 25', (Sartal No. 009341) ver. r p computer, OI· 645-6417 Peli "R" ~sH· 801,. Why P•Y more? Beck F 11 1 d e PI an o •, fully 1111 cont'd . Twn rtU.....,11•& D•I••• 1110 We'll deliver anywhere In ••tll ded. cleen, Kint cond. J I e ,..._ dloO & Oroom1no POOdle ley aree, ':V: lighted 714-638-2771 bed• tub & aho-roll C9tllMt•• •• .. •••••••••••••••••• the world! Come In & MO •• $9500. 675-3659 •ny- I I Ht _., llltt pupa fOt Nie. t!S7·6ffl lftnL 545·2~ Wunttur eplnel pfeno wf up .:..inlng. Sipe e,' llke "''46·tJU w 140•'40 ul II lllllf ct&lf _l_lme _______ _ ffoJ cal IP<>l'tl a Pl'· • ·"-'' 11-~ IOll .._ ..... vlnt cond 1800 new In & out. UMcl VlfY IEACH llPOllTS 1110/JEEP/lllUlllUf C ffl1 forming ert1 publlC•· AKC Reg'd puppies, •••H•w' -• r!'."'~'3· ,~3 · llllle Muat Mil 15750 -•••II tlona. 657-9910 SALE PRICED pful 15% ...................... "..., • ., OBO. 2l3·•"0· t·500 ' WI llJ 8'48 Dove Street 2524 Harbor Blvd., C M. ,•••••••••••••••••••••• h "" USED CARS & TRUOK8 NEWPORT BEACH 549-8023 645-7770 68 Cemaio. new detail TOPLESS MODELS ~~:, 1~dm~~~k:~·~'~e~~ ,}~11 WI I~" f!~.,f.~J.~~!~!!!~~ ftafJltl OIU/IY 1110 COME IN OR CALL FOR paint. amflm 8 trk, 175 DAY• PAID DAILY NB 640--0090 ....,./green tweed,_.. Freearm Coat $350 EK. •••••••;r••••••I'••••••• flEI lPPIWUl. 712-0900 11111 llf!.1 . 115f $3000 968-0748 alt. 8 no Mp• nee • 826-2583 538-9832 ett. ISp:n· cond Cua 111tch Cormi.<-0.Llllo .,, -~ •-11~0 •••••••• :._•••:····~··· Ct1r11J1I llZO TRAVe~Agent, e11per'd. German ShOrthalr Point-1160. '857-1503. CHTll TILi 1400 oieirv11Ln 1dttn1ll -•6 " •1 DEALER IN us A •••••••••••••••••••••• Min. 1 r Sabre eoency. era. AKC, dual champ J~lrw 1110 Made from Fo1d Courier 18211 :~CH BL\10. ••••:·.·.··,·,·;,·,·,·;·,••••• IUr' CARVER• . SH US FlllSTl Elc9cu1 ve Trevtl Serv , b 0 k ' r d ' 8 "" k 1 · .: ..... ~I' ......... •••••• lrr.1u IOlf boK w/1opper, n.eda If· HUNT NOTON B C W h OOd Mt ti lrvlne, 833-9408 714/6 , ... 83 ESTATE: 14 lteme ol di ...... ~ ••••••••••••••••• gl\11 & regl1trellon I EA H ..... .,...... T0.15-IOCE o: o~"~~~ & us~o Sp1lng9'-apaved, ltlota. 1 mond Jwlry Plua 78 Ca· Houeefv&I of elegent lutnl· 536-9832 Ul-1017, 141·1U1 It I••• Chevro1e111 Gu•• s.Jn , dlllac CdV 31K ml lure paintings . trade ~~~~~~~~~~1---;---:::--:;----•••"'•-•••••••••••••••• yr Loves chlld1en. Ttal-tthaea TrlP g' un man•i tor travel trlr. boil 0, 1: T D II ·eo Oat 210 Wagon. Lo llJfl91•& tlH1 ~~~.::..,~. "::"-.!: ..:::;• COHMRL CHEVROLET "'-·· .. ,.. ned $35. 559-8325 t•K Tl••ot witch', Ch-'n motorllome. 645-1986 A•l• l1mt1, ,.,,, op 0 ar mileage EKCel cond c H ' I .... ,, .. , .. -., I A I HOO AM/FM can. 5 apd ompert ouae 0 m· • , (IOUOSUNOAV\ •••••••••••••••••••••• G111m1n ShePhllfd puppy & nugget. 431.92111 PIP .., •-~'• etn11r " Pat'd s4795 545 5736 ports Direct lease end 60 •---------G111gt Sele • Loll ol AKC cnamplon 1200 '"'-~•,·, •-i •••••••••••••••••••••• · · pvt PIY mos 1anslble pymts S•Nt• 116Z Goodiel! Set/Sun 10-4. 759--0265 #11ii••!1, 1011 ..,,~ ,,,.. -~ UTE BODY WORK & For Yoor Cetl '71 240Z high petlOt· Olal 213 Ot 714, MER· ..................... . 879 Arbor St. (Nt 19th & ~ ••••••••• •••••••••••• •7••RC •x•••••••••••• palntfup to 5-0% otl your JOllll••i I Ill mance eng, catm body c E o Es 1 a 2 1 3 o, Sal111·Sll'Vl~Leas1ng .'la\llMt .. r I',' ' I I:' I\ \1 ~ . \ Monrovl1).C.M. ltHll 1•• l.,..S llrO••.,tHtr 1 ·· A LtOOCotorTV bodyshopeat.536-9832 -work & Int, lmmec 7141637-2333 UllLE•101 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 w /atand, xlnt cond.1----'--'-----LI I II -3 Famlly Patio Salel 1 black kitten & I catlco, HP, 1 phue, 60 gal $ 1 5 O Lynn w ork FINE SHINE AUTO ••• I • trHry thruout Musi see to •P· Haven'1 you walled long Slllll '75 \lega Hetchbacll. ale, !>U-1 200 Tits/ We4 /n1n 1-1 bolt t talned, 2 mo• vert. ASME code lanll. 553-5133, alt 6 & wknda OETAIUNG Guer. 2628 Herbor Blvd. ptec. $8500 841-7595 enough to own a Mar-1•1.•0.1111 .11191 • .111141 35,000 miles. new tires. 930 W. 19th St. Conte-980-9526 N9"r uaed '895. Tem1a. _:...645-_2.:..0.:..2_:8.:... _____ 1 __ Fr_ee_P_U_l_d_et_. _64_2_·_54_4_9_1 __ c_o_91_a_M_esa ___ S40-__ 5630 __ '77 280Z. Good cond $4. cedes Benz? Oon·1 1111 • 4 -~ ~ mint cond SHSO Of bett rence table & 4 vlnyl 2 M. 6 mos. champegnel---'---11-2-"63_90 ___ , Atari Video Computer Crager Mags, good cond. Premium prices 000. Aller 2 PM 1h1s opportunity pus you fer..I• 1165 oller. 94s.5 t53 chalts, w11her & dryer. cockapoo pupplea wt 11Ju1ll••H•I IOll System CX2800A, s120. s80 pr. Call 101 details paid tor eny uHd cet 631-5038 by ... aot nowl We have a •• ••••••••••••••••••• 73 Malibu 40r. 30,000 o'atulled chal11. twin •ho 1 '. Adora b I e . •••,•N•T•E·,:~·R·.~·s·::K•••x"' 497.3070 Rick 840-8709 alt 6PM. (foreign or domeellcl '77 B210, xlnt cond. 4 lan1as11c satacllon ol 78 ce,11c311.8 OAOMOIFMI. !lecc or I g m I . S , 9 o 0 mahOQ. heedbrda, booll· 644.2586 "" "" .., iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i:;>;C)ia-;ri;&i';i;;;il".i~t:' In good condition. modets & colors avalla· 1unr • · m • " 845-4199. 645-4203 cete & Great Books by Prolestlonelfy Custom Toyol• dual wheels & ,.. See ue Flt11I •Pd. AM/FM cass wt ble good cond S5100 e11tenn11. droplOll table, Bullt Alllf. HHvy 6aftel 12" llW" 121 diet "'"· $95. Van, S&S tqual, $2700/bll olr I Jiii IUIOH 662·1247 75 El Camino. pf s. ale dishes. bird cage, radio ~~:~~J s~.:.:~1 ~g:i:n,, .22·250 with Redfield ~Z~e~n~ll~h~. ~5~3~8~-9~8~3~2~e~lt~8~iiiiA~s:ph~1~11~. ~6~3:1·:4~19~9::=-lt~~iljljiijl _ 7 _ 5 _ 9 _· 90 _ 3 _ 2 _____ lllPOITI 'IO Cartlll S•t 0•• :f:.~g2~' make ollet clock & amp. lamps. Ood.. 3x-9• Scope. Coat $1 , ·79 280ZX GL pkg, air, 30 0 S R d h b •1 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii misc need• g .. om. 100 Sac. $700 Ftrm. Jett IHI Va• Ou Otter loaded wflo ml. bll\. 1 I uall ''"' e w11 lac .. grey11 ~~~5~38-~9~83~2~at1~6p~m~~li~M~2~·~1~57~0~.~5256-04~~60in•I ... ''I #•mt 58400 65t_9158 NEWPORT BEACH clot!\ Interior 4 speed .55 CORVAIR #1tdH"ll • ~-' New. fits small e111. 111-1300 AM/FM cssaalle Pet! Needs woik $600 OBO ......... ...... ....... -·-Jd --111-1•1 $40. 538-9832 ·11 1200. runa great. good cond 15,000 or beat ol· ...,_ · IOOS t ii 1-0 -•••• ·"""11•••••• • ••• 545-9438 Of 642-<4336 nali•HI .,.. •t• v~ 8 10 20· tong, 364 per n . ,..,,, ••••'•• tires. 33mpg, $895. Call MBZ 280 S.E. 1969 4 dr fer 766-'475 I from 8 10 5 ••••'••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••••••• .. ••• • 775· 1491 any11me. • 644-941<1 sedan White wi g teen PM Antique oak dining room L•l-••I I03 A t Ii S J 11 I I d 1 1 A 111 $4500 11 1---------1 Mt. 8 cht1 Queen Ann, Slfl-l-IEI 121 COIN COLLECTION •••";\•""o. ............• !';.!.' •• !! .• ~.!........ .!11118 '11 Jiii. 1~1 fill f1ZS :93.74~2 ng ' ca 80 Cettca. 19.000 ml, red, '72 MALIBU LAGUNA EMcellen1 cond ext & lnl engine not tunning $600 642-4853 xlnt cond $1000. Ketly Bl.ACK NAUOAHYOE PAPER MONEY lnMI I IP IMPORTANT NOTICE \ '"'·' \k,.o '\.Ii O.UI ••••••••••••••••••••.. xlnt cond. Ta.ke ovw Isa. 9-5 Mon-Fri, 645-7104 538-9832 an. epm BASEBALL CARDS Long lhlfl. Like new TO RE/IOERS ANO Hlgheat casll Immediately '75 Flal 124. 2 door COU· '80 3000, 20.200 ml, fully $200 mo. 5<10-108() STAMPS Todd 536-9832 1500. 5-46-9089 ADVERTISERS for your vehicle Do· pe Mint cond Must see! loaded. asking $22,500 AHi/Hen IOIO G INNERSPRING ex The p7lce ol ltama ad· m 11111 c 0 r 10re1 g n 646-5601 or 549-2463. Ole 973-2141 (Roy 01 Volbw•f•• 9110 327 Chevy V8327 engine ,.,-, •• , ••••••••••• • •• •• KIN • Comp I . b 1 ae CB w I ... ,, 1 ~ 1 LIO"d )', eve• & wk nds, • • • • • • •• ••• • • •• • ••• •• with 350 ttens. shirt kll H•RBOR AR~· TRA FIRM mellress set c ewr ,,_ vert Md by vehicle dea· 561·8285 '74 Flat 128. n-tires, & ' w 1111 YW SEDll " c.. • antenna, push-up, 111 ••••• •••••••••••••••• 19,9 In the vehicle Ciaasl-I---------1-676-3298 HI perlotmance MUST APPLIANCE SERVICE neve< used, worth $530, extras. peiltct, $100 PAllC SALE I muffler. 1011 of x1r111 ---------1 C 0 mP 181 e 1 y SEE $1.000 OBO W ...... , __ .. e $248 del N e fled •dvertlslng columns A t l 1-~ $10001 b t I "'•5 7316 82 3000 T b •• e...,. rec.,. ..... guar. s c ev r 988-6110 •II aa.r"' • o 1 .,.. • ur o mar· refutbls .. --'lll •·~ 1776 &42.:.t653 appliances. 5-49·3077 used queen n , worth 1---------1 LOST MY SLIP does not lncludt any ••••• '1 ••• .,-.-........... cedes. 3 mos new, lets '""' ~ I ." a-. ,._ 11 $399, cash only. $218 U UL &fllllll 24' Oraka C1bln Crulaet appllceble 11111111, license, A•" f101 Bo•'• 1121 than 3.000 ml. All eKtru. mhotorsd. co11mh P}0et1eDIAy ·77 CAPRICE arr~ det Usually home, Compl. 195 988-8110 12000 F/P rranstar tees. finance •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• "Make 111sonable ollat c rome . w .. Clean. loaded, S3000 L.. 957-8133 754.735-0 19•9 w d c I charges.,_ lor llr POI· '11 &11411 IOOOS 1111& lllTlllt Call MOn·Fri~. 8 30-5, Weber ClfbUrlllOtS Po-638-4579 ELEC. range, microwave. aelf-claan oven. Show prize $975. 847-5839 Ft-1200. Waantt & drytr S 125 ee. Olah· waahet S 100. 646-68-48 Refrigerator $350. Gas Stove 1250. 3 yaat• old. 497~955 011 pelntlng • signed. .. • 0~30 hr ya 8 ' lutlon conttol device Gorgeoua black, sun· We can helpl Bel0ta you 73 ,.5944, aves 968•1029 llshed centerline tlms **I Buy** S.UC.pe, 321142 w/gotd Value S8000 certlllcatlona 01 d11le1 root. loaded. Low mltea, t>vy, clleck our unbeall· Cusrom lnler101. new Ct7!,111 HZS & ba1oque frame. I 150. Ed 534_6940 documentBty prepera-take over bank taase ble selectton. savings '67 Matcedes Benz 200. 4 paint, 240 louve<s Must '-r": IMPEAIA·L~·L~B;,~·n· Oood used Furnllurt & _a.._s-_19_8_5_. -----I 11on charges unless s313 per mo 760-l3l3 and servicer cyl. 4 speed Nice de-see to app1ec111e1 Se-Apptla~OR I wtll Mii LIYI Ullllll ·77 MAKO 23' Inboard. otherwise specified by di UllVERSln pendabla cat $2750. rlous lnqultetS only plea· e~K ~~:io. ~~.;4~c~i)~· or SELL for You Send Fur • flltllng & nert>o< the advertl-••••a I ••tVI"'( 2131592-3932 se Cell lot mote Info Le 8 1 he, 1n1 S 8 0 0 llll1DS...... someone you love c r u I 1 Ing I 9 O O o . .t-tJ / lllW 111a ~ -'"' 79 3000, 4 dr sedan, Private patty Please call 968-9905 1.._ .... Nl-IUI ~":~~:!!.~~ 548·2580 n.m P" •••••••••••••••••••••• 2850 H1tb0r Blvd peflec1 cond, lo ml, must (114) lll-0211 -------- I 4th of July. Beat1 the fully equlp'd. $19.500. lllHL "l"sl .• • Uon $1.200 01 best olfet ·a2 Continental Sig senes. ' "' ... - '°' bfldee & fun for the 25' SklpJICk cabin cruiser .••• ~~'.~'.'!! ....••• !.~~ •• 1·· &CCOOST•AIM&E:AO ~~~~~~~~~ :;;~~4~~s ·so BUG. itlnt. rransporta· f!!.1!~.'.".!'.'.. •••• !.~~~ Lii te7..f133 "h•ck" out ol rOHI 2 t 3 -4 3 3. 8 7 1 4 ; Shey tepllcu; pfchupa & ·77 HONDA CIVtC 3001 • 1118 641-2093 10,000 ml, $20 .000 .,,.0 _ New run-Ila matt---. e7~t9. 714-Mtl-0021 ooupea 4 10 cl\ooae 559-422 1 640· 7990 5.ar .. _ ·--1 * llST SELL * E11cepllonally clean ·72 BUS. XLNT CONO Werner •••Y1•• 1En $66. New quMn 1111, BUTCHERBlk.cuttlngtbl. 14' Gregor , hvy duty toml (0067681 (Stk $9500/olr. New tires. New paint. 1un1oot, ---------_. -• 1100. 750-5832 Plack, 1helf. dr1wer. model, 25 hp Suzuki A3093). Prloesa1artlng •I Spllty llllle car. Enjoy 645-9849 custom whla, 11e1eo Ctrntll 113Z LIOUIOATING -Show p rize. $250 . eng., run1 greet. fnet 3 till St,1111 great gas mlleaga Im· tape, new radial•. $2000 •••••••••• .. •••••••••• All N£W APPLIANCES 641-5839 ctlllre. rod hotderl, oara, SALEl-IEIYIOE maculala Inside & out ·e2 Mercedes 380SEC J.J 966_64701754.8870 '76 T-TOP, 4 spd ,828 AT COST M Ulll, .. -& hvy dufy trell« w 2 l.UStH (lBCB0801 Jull need te-"New Coupe," asttal sll· 1-----------l Fullerton Ave . Costa (Maylagl 1 .... NI i••llM llllTW1l aparte. Perfaot for Bale. ltabte p11ty to make ver, blue leather, sun· '79 RABBIT Osl 23K ml Mesa. 8-5 Weekdays WMherA110 '399.95 -..-U.lllTEI $15-00llrm 673-9234 83!·20.40 495-4949 small monthly pmts No root S51.900. (419) Loadadfl Must see to Dryer 00110 S331l115. SUIUIAOI... old contr11.c1s to assume 865·5400 Ohio. appreciate. 640·0646 £/attl• IHS Waahtt LA310 $449.95 4,. Lh .. let M'lllOI 23' IMP, 11ln1. W911<endar 28402 Merguerlle Pkwy No back pmts. due Ask ---------1----------' •••••••••••••••••••••• Wathef LSA8t0 S51095 t wt< old. Cost·teOO M4I Very terge horse 145. & loaded for llahlng too. MIMlon Vleto tot Rose 842-4400, '7' 450SL • Must ae111 '77 Air, atereo c111. Gd 1171 llll (Y Olhwlhr WU701 $519.95 1_12_50 __ 2_1s..&J0. __ 52! __ 2__ Cate $8 Alto made to Many 1111r11. Venaom (Avery Ellll 011 1•51 556-tooe Ptolo LIM Gorgeous creme w / cond 80.000 ml $2950 s4995 82.000 mi. 1 Ow· Olhwlhr WU901 l5'10.95 2 Ume or_, veMttdlrs, order anlmela, you1 lrtr. 1 ,2.500. 538-8574 Open Sundays 1976 Honda Civic. GoOd bamboo tnt Uses ALL 720-0525 nar All wnlle 8~902 (Admlratl xlnt condition $180 or choice of color•. Lulu 30' Cabin Cruiser. twin 1963 Claulc Austin Hea-condition. 57,000 mt. gas. Most popular year. ·79 CON\IT WhtfWhl 23 6 ,I f I I 840-87"" _, ............ , I_, ••ark 111 $7 000 C-'I hi mite age S 16,5001 . cu rt 'g w be 11 ofter b o 1 h · v• '"''"' · engine wltll slip Mull ¥, ,.. • • · '"' & Bast offer Call (7 14) OBO. 675-06S2 Stored 2 yts. Only 1400 !!~~~!! ......... ~~! dlspenaers In door 962-4939 MOVING SALEll Watdl 98111927-7331.927..0014 Jim M on-Fri (801) 996-7068 ---------I ml lmmac $8.950 S1049.95. 1-w-·_T_E_RS_E_O_S ___ ""'_' __ wither & gu d..._, bOth •-.-2-· -.-•• -,,-h-.-w-s-. _T_w_n_o-.-,~ __ 2_66-_68_eo ______ , •---------1980 Mercedes 280E. 4 846·0247 •7• ctln 11.._ Oshwahr OU24B8 ,. uper a .. ..,... .,-.. .., ·-1980 Prelude. 5 spd, sun· dr. sunrf. xtnt cond PP.•---------• 4 -S309 95 w/2 aels ol sheets, mall $150 Plald earthtone 8' Bristol $59,500. Pvt ply 1964 Porsche 356SC. CREVIER root. Bose 1,02 AM/FM St9•500 851_1919 dya. '67 vw. new 1ebl1 eng 2 dr. 6 cyl, ale. 1ea1 de- Dahwsht ou24B6 pad. S7S. 675-1253 coueh & loveseat, both 213/896-2581 $10.000 Call Jim Mon· 000 nde wmty 2 new 8 log amffm stereo S 100. All llke new Fri (801) 266-6890. * '78 320l; auto .. sn/rf. cassette. 58· ml. Gd 855-6420 eves/ wi\nds ~tels,' AM/FM tape d~k: 1 ~~5~3~6~-9~8~3~2 ~a~lt~6~p~m~~· Wllir1poot sell c~!!~1~g5 Large Plate Glass Otes-848-3398 1967 Grand Banks 42, 1---------(114;~v~2K8)1 cond S6250 720-0525 1111tt1 11SO 44,000 ml wrnty, 54.lnrf. = • Mirror $35 bristol, radar. cruise 1,.1t11 l•tt, * · 4 spd • low tionda. Toyota, Datsun. ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ski rack, good cond 01'iaillili HSS Graange~ 1r0Sm1111'~0m91c.~o51 631-3216 Ocehs~s,fl~uh1lnng .• l!mlas1c EAvn-ieady, 2 boat ownat IHI 9S40 mta., (:: 140YCC) all makes. S 199 does II 1113 911 IC $2400 55t-3887 •••••••••••••••••••••• !ft •• o ...,. ~. 0 e-Asking $98K Bllt, .. •••••••••••••••••••• * '79 5281. auto. snlrl, No 1st or Issi. no dapo----------etec blln oven $850. Se-Beaulllul 10111 bed w/ ry1hlng goeal 48-3642 646-4006 GO CART, llbergtas, Indy. (.1t53426151 811 No lie 1841_ Delivers Leattlet lntetlor. new 'll SCllOOCI OlUIOllll 'll • lecilon of cook tops & matclllng Cht Coit N t b"""v, 3hp, game •how ... '79 633cst auto low b paint, S1500 stereo. 16" curu•• llPIEIE , ewpoti B111ch Athlet c vv, 0 " · • anv lease. uys an" car polished alloys. new NEW PAINT+ MOREi -hood• S 1500. Sacrlltce $490. Ranger Bua boat. com-pr .. e S690 8•7-5839 1 ( 5535• e ' ' . Club ••embershlp In •£ .. ms., " .. , ) over our cost All Savers $3900 5•• 5836 IRlllWI oe1-1 BURKE'S APPLIANCES 645-1985 .., • petition teady. every IK· 1---------* '80 320l, 5 spd , lo&· Leasing 63 •• 0189 blueptlnred engine, con· · ..... ""~ 546-8673 1--Ex----0----ctudas transfer fee• Ira. Call to -· S6,950 Tt•tb 1560 ded! (.1t BDV020) i--___; __ .. ____ couts winner. t>est ollBf SO MPG '80 Osl PIU W I Loaded! Economical die- Wlltrlpool waaher, Ken· "'°''alee dryer. 195 ea.' 546-8872 20 aouuve 8k Oeslls s 135. 760-1881 968-6238 ••• ••• • • • •••• ••• • •• ••• ra • aaj engine• Hsndsomal (good tor home use). 1981 To 0111 SR5 ahO 1 * '82 3201; 5 spd .. loa-2 100011 4 I cpt Lo mi Lots of ax· - toveeeat, chair, coffee #•Ilea/ ... ,, lall 1ffO bed, n:w clutch. ne~ dedl (#EB0910) Only 5000 ml S8800 Incl. Call 1-111·2221 t t a s . 9 6 6 • 2 0 2 9 w 1865YJE). table and etld tablte.. 2 lulnalt•ll 1113 •••••'•••••••••••••"• llraa. new paint. 111nt lllK Auto. al e. cruise 675-5764 llLY 112111 drwr Ille cues, wan 0.-•• .................... *Liit 14• cones. 15000. 840-8709 111·1n1 lmmac cond. 731-8630 MEISTER '72 BUS. Xlnl ang Fold HWllll OM•relet cor Sell 11 group or In-aahburn Stege Serie• 2 Mii of sells, Int, meny 111 6PM 208 W tat away bed, must 1111, best Dove/Quall Sts Rtlr""'ator, llke new, 2 dlvldually. See S1turd1y Etec. Gutter w/1remelo aper• perts. Xlnl cond. 1---------1 Senta Ana J••Hr 1130 PORSCHE/ AUDI oflet 840-5278 NEWPORT BEACH dOOf. Ft ost free. $165. II The R111 E1t11era. ber w/c11e. $500/olr. Kept ln1lde. 12000 ·75 FORD Courl8f. runs Closed Sundev ••'•••••••••••••••••.. 1•• 0111 893-9080 2855 E. Coast Hwy, CdM Lab Slt'IH L5 guitar •m· 549-27t1 dye, 850·9988 grut, gd mileage. , ... , '12 llE 13~1 ~ar~r Blvd. '7<1 THING ••• 14 cu ti Whlrtpoot relrlg (blwn '2 & 2PMI. O<, call pUflet, 100 watts w/2 12" 1n ePM $2,5001 OBO 846-1397 CHOICE INVENTORY V12. orig 36K m( 2 plus ar an rove S1crlltce. Mu11 sell. ·79 Cu11asa Sup Brgm 13oo. Shup Cerouael wee61diya, 751-6191 spkra $400 f olr .1---------1,_11_1t_5 _______ 1 VOLUME SALES 2. auto. wire w111s. air. S1le1-S.nlot $1 .500 540-4614 * llST SELL* m cro-wave w eland Solid oall rolftop desll. sloop. Npt. slip. Sec. 1972 Chevy Luv. Wlahett, ,....., n .. '81 Rabbits. 5 spd. AIC, 3 Models for sate All I I 848-9784 Tom or Oonn• 27' ALB IN Vega 011. & . ··1FM Ml I Cond l11·'11 $200. At1tf' 2 63 ,.5-039 54 .. wide, as new, redu-llvet Flutt wflh cue, 113,1150. PP. 548•5558 new paint, mega, AM/FM i 6i7i3i-4i9i4i7ii, ii67ii5iiii·iiii49iii3iiiOiiiiiii~I l 14 131-2333 Snrl. amflm c11s. 111 equipped wltll plush .... '-..a ..... 1• ced 10 $595. 646-4005. $130. call 842-70 18, ate100 caaaeue. custom I O I I C l A II E I ---------1 cond. Cosr $11800. Sell velour Interior & lull PO· u-.... -" 548-6030, MU187 SAILBOAT, 25' Cl1111c re11 bum pet. 1011 of To plac. your message '78 TutbO. spectacular ted $6750 OBO 541·.4001 wet! 1 with suntool. 1 $35. 648--0953 2 compt lull alte Bdrm 1---------Ludtra, w/elip In Npt 111ru. must see s2.eoo. llW before the Taiga, loeded. low ml· ellM & Wkl'lds with T-top (702UGP) New Ktnmore refrlgera· ae1s. $400 ea Sofa & Ollln T•t-1tu1 I Eich. $30001OBO.Sett11 Judy 642-0452 reeding public, teage Tom. 642-1 603, (132WFTI (650XKWJ Just 1 50 loveaeat, earthlonea, LsJ••t•I 1111 2 8 th S 1 M 1r1 n a . •--'-------• Sales-Servk;.e-LeUlng phone 642-6487 V1ln 1111 need reliable pul)' to tor. 1 • $400 both. All •Int cond .••• ";\.~•••••••••••••• 213-592·4086 V1•1 IS10 850 N. Beach Blvd. Delly Piiot ---------••••••• .. •••••••••••••• leke small monthly pmts &48--0953 552·5132 alt 6 ew 6 fl oak Hemllton •--.. -1-,-.-.11-1-11-1--•••••••••••••••••••••• La Habre ClassfOed. &42·5678 Metch to your phone to # 1 Vtftt le1ltr No old contracts to H· Otalllng t ebl• 1nd · • -·~ Che1vti var 1Nc:;ad1. 122-llU ptaoe • 111t-actlng Ciu· 11 lraaat C.Htrl sume. No back pm11 Readtheclaattt.dadlfor equ l pm 't S 700 I••••• l11t 1111. ue w ue n , m . Open Sunday ---------1 alfleded,642-5678 due. Asl\ tor Ro11 INYll YAO 121 538-9832 alt. :gm th• beat deal• In 1p•rt·1r-55.,,.g..~6686....,, ______ ::J' •Ur. Ill Prl Windows & "sev5•0ble t----------------------------SALES IDYllE 842-u oo. 556-1008 !'Milt rental•. &42-6878 ell Idle 11 5•2 5•7 • 1' ' -bench seat. 0 A•ln'I Mnt HOG A•I., .,. HH A•lll 111• 1100 ' Proto LIM ems ..... v 8 flt .. 4. Ille. l:-:-:"9:-3-::·~74::0::-2:--:-:-:-:-:--:-:---:---1. ... ·-.. _•_•_••_•_.•_•_••_•_•_•_ .. _•_•_ .. ....1...•_•_ .. _._'I_._ .. :.:•..:•.:.•.:.••:.:•:.:•..:.•.:.• :;••:.:•.:.•L..••:.:•:.:•:.:·.:.."·:.:·_•_•_••:.:•_•:.:•_· ._._•_••.:..•_1 All Wllll --------'.:========.!=========::::: Ht,ooe. '71 CHEV. VAN ¥• ton. OVERSEAS DELIVERY '70 Old& 98. Original Ow-1,4'3 111-111' 350 IUlbo. Ntw Urea & EXPERTS nllf. grMI motor, good 1------1 WH +MORE. StlOO. or H m N m A shape. $695 IS31·2108 • ..,,,, 1111' otter WU llE Noon to 3 0< 111 6PM. Bu ~ Dwh HTO 1 __ s_T_ev_E_6_4_5_~_508__ VILVO 1912 Del•• ea ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• 'll F "' " 1966 Harbor Blvd Runs good. --... .... _.... .,. ,.. $700. 960·9'36 __ ,,...., -••• Excellen\ cond 12600. HUNTING A COSTA MESA ~ Sllpl av•U d•y. wk Of mo Daya 76'1-0505, EVIi , 141·taGI 1.o-1411 1Htllt lllS 646-0551 640-9611 • • ..................... . ANO SOON 10V LL SE SEEI NG SIGNS llROUNO TOWN CALLING AnENTION TO Side Ill up lo 20' power '66 FORD VAN 8 cylinder, bo11 Bal ltle S 120 3 on the column, $1450., 87~5e24 or belt 64M793 SALES I ·=~io ~~)~ .. ra: ...... vu Sltl .'. • Weekender. Loeded for Aebll enQ .. new tlr ... HO tithing, many t 11tr11. t-'ono_.._body __ . 54_a_._12_1_4_-ll "' Tl IAVE 1 lllCDlfll llUIE IW'. .,...1_19_.500_. 636-_6_57_4 __ •• '.'!!.!~.!!!. ••• 1.~!f I.IP AVAILABLE. up to (or Verd••· lete• ..... etc.) 35'. CdM ., ... ae1tt, so· WE PAY 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot :'nC:~gei1ft~~t:!~ TOP IOWll Claaffled MCtlon (It'• beet to run S Wkdyl e-s. daya tor maximum t>epeeure). H YO\J ANTEO: s up IPect for Fii llD 0111 pay fOt your Id In ldvance we'll run It 3 Cal 25 Salfboat. o.ep.. AUii IAI• daya and onty oh111ge you fOt 21 retel Need IC>IC9 by Juty NITIAl/Al&lll 26. Alan '494-"77 2..0 Harbof BIYd. 2. Get your FREE Oarege Sale ...,,. (all IOAT IUPS OOtTA Ml!S.A you have to do I• come In to the Oalty AVAILABLe 141.aet Piiot & pay for your ~ In edvenoe -~ lleeOtl as• • ..o· a. 141-1at we wtll give yoo twO 11 x .t7 Sign• -52'. t42~t«. e.&PM 1---------11 FREE of ef\arge). HAVf CA.SHU WE "' 3 PrtQe uch pi.c. of JMrchlndlM. Nffd 28·21' P"'' boat OLlll Ull 1llp or m ooring . 4. Have p1enty of ch1ng1 on hana MM111 All TllOll 1(nlckefa, dimes, quartert, halvet, one and five dollar bHl9). 5. Aelu, ~tun, tnd ~)'()\Jr mon.y at the end of the day. IA&YNOT CW.-MI Au.Ma.NJ• ..... , ......... ..,. CONNtl l 'Ht•llClf ' •,41, I JU WE CAN m1111m Befort you buy, coq>art ow samrs, setections ' service. .. • Aetel DIH '8-0 Flrebfrd EIPfll •••··"···••••••· .. ···· * lllST SEU * l•ltk HJO Ctaaa~ yet MHY Brown •••••••••• • •••• • •••••• with gold velour buct(et SEE IS ...... IU10 with lllSy for the lerg .. t and bell V6 thet dellv111 greet Hlectlon ol new and P o w e ' & e c o n . uled Bulctil tn Orange (1AEK068) Juat need eou ~ tod YI 1ellable party to meke n e .natl monthly pmta. No old contrect1 to ueume No back pmta. due. AalC k lor AoH 842·4400. 668-1008 Proto LIM. . I '78 PONTIAC PHOENIX, •I i.. ~ C-.ty lo ml, $2605, 5'~51 292:> Harbof Blvd. Mon·Frl 9·5. COftTA MESA •1 •• 2111 '77 Flreblrd Formule V8, allvet I red, eu10, air, tllt, P/W, PIS, P/9, Pllox. CMJlJM flJI AMIFM S1. c--. to ml, ••••••••••••••••••N•• aharp . mua t 1ac. •JmfUtm ., 14-642·9223. .. Ult '73 QAAN AM 4 dr. We ~ lrl ...... bucllet ... ,., 00111ore, for1M~~ AM /H'4 •• 1,2 00 tlYI l pt~. 14-o7M. LMp lllHllM '71 Trw ~1 llw w/111111 If .. 1111 vebK Int .. qi( lftl, AJC, f1M111 P/I, P/I , AM.f!M c:ete., ... .. ...... loed\lcl, ldnt 00ftd1 Mwt NABFA~ _:=,_· -~--· 1_1CM_,_"'_-"_ tl\DJIL\C r.~ .. ;_w·~~ ... .l!ff-· .. • 'i"" ~ ... ,, ...,,. · nv. ( •"'4,1 \\"'' \4() •If( ........ DRANGI CDABT YOUR HOMfTnN UllY PAPER TUE SOA V. JUNE :!~. 190.' ORANGECOUNfY . C AllFOHNIA 25 CENTS Will doctors help pay for divorce? T ht i.~00 phys1c1an members of the Orange County MediL'aJ Associat1on arc being asked to lend financial support to a fellow pract itioner Invo lved 1n a preceden t -se t ting d1vorc~ lawsuit ln the latest issue of Steth-0 - Scoop, t he OCMA newsletter, doctors a re being as ked to contribute to a "defense fund" Mortgage decision debated Mo nday's landmark U .S. Supr eme Court dec ision upholding the right of federaJly chartered savings and loans to demand full pa yment of a mortgage when a property 1s sold will either he lp or hurt the depressed housing industry Depending o n who's doing the talking. the high court's DE> la Cuesta deds1on e ither is viewed as a shot-in-the-arm for the housing industry or another impediment to the already beleaguered homebuyer. Calling the decision a "tremendous victory for Cali- fornia home buyers." William Morten sen. president of the California Savings and Loan League hailed the decision. for Dr. Mark S u llivan, a Laguna H ills urologist loc ked In a c·ommunity property d ispute with Jmiet SulJivan. Al tssue m the lawsuit now before a state appeals t'Ourt LS whether Dr. Sullivan's medical degree ca n be considered 1.·ommuni t y proper ty and whether Mrs. S ulllvan may claim a share of her former husband's future earnings Last J anuary, the 4th District Cou r t of Appea l in San Bt>r n ardino ruled i n M rs . Sullivan's favor. The appeals court, however , subsequently agreed to reconsider its ruling A decision is pend ing. Regardless of that outcome, one OCMA official believes the issues in the case ultimately must be decldt-'<i by tht.• U.S . Supreme Court. "The q uestions (raised ln the case) affect a n yone wit h a credential, whether it's an air line pilot 's license o r a med ica l degree ," said D r John Bridgeman , assoC'iation president-elect He said any principle that would hold a med ical degree "We are very happy to have ou r historic lender's right restored," said Mortensen. •·But it w iJI be the homebuyer who will really reap the benefits from this ruling, because the bottom line as that S&L as.sociations will now have more money avaiJable for home mortgages." A somewhat different view, how ever. is offered by F red Cra ne, the Riverside a ttorney who represented Huntington Beach resident Reginald de la Cuesta in his quest to have the federal regulation overturned. AID AND COMF ORT -Don M ott o f Irvine comforts his fiancee, Kimberly M cRe ynold.s, 25, also of Irvine, as a paramedic ch ecks he r blood pressure follow ing a two-car collision Monday in Costa Mesa. Accident occurred Dally Not Photo br Cheriee 11.,., a bout 5 p .m. a t intersection o f Mesa Drive and Elden A venue . After receiving emergency aid, M iss M cReynold.s was taken to St. J oseph H ospita.l in Orange for further treatmen t, but wasn'\ hospitalized. "This is an anti-real estate, pro-lender decision," Cra ne said. "It can on ly hurt the savings and loan indus try because brokers won't take people to them a nymore and it won't create money for them." Astronauts test robot arm Mane u vers ch eck m echanical limb for future h oisting Crane added that he belJeves the dec 1s 1on will have no immediate effect other than to take the 20 percent of properties impacted by the decision out of the real est.ate market for the time being. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla (AP) -Columbia's work-weary astronauts unlimbered the space shuttle's 50-foot mechanical arm for its stiffest workout today. lifting an instrument package the size of a d esk "to s n iff for cont.ammauon" inside the cargo bay The test, more of a weight lifti n g demons tration t han anything else. is intended to certify the robot Umb for future satelfae-hoisting assignments. Ann maneuvers were the main item of business as K en Mattingly a nd Hen ry Hartsfield began a third demand ing day in space a fter imploring Mission Control not to bother trouble· shooting "all the little problems." T he first little problem of the new day was with thr hand - sna re of the arm. W ithin minutes, M1SS1on Control directed Hartsfield to a backup control and he began the tests. The astronauts went to bed tired and Hartsfield suffered slight motion s ickness Monday Today, Hartsracld's voice was booming at wakeup and strong as he began to move the arm, hinged in the cargo bay. through a series of prec1S<' exercises. ''The bottom hne is that we'll all talk about De la Cuesta a nd Welle n kamp until the money market opens up and then when interest rates come down no one will care," he said. "The whole thing will die jown in two or three weeks and the only one left will be the seller with federally financed property he can't sell," Crane continued. County's jobless Standing at a remote station in the cockpit, Hartsfield unlatched the arm from its cradling device and maneuvered it into pos11.lon lo lift an 800-pound monitoring package an the rear of the cargo bay. He said the decision now gives the Federal Home Loan Bank Bo a rd "carte blanche" to proliferate mortgage regulations. rate 'to clinJb' The m1t1al d1fhcully was with the wire "fingers" that were to lat.ch onto the package. At one point, Hartsfield said the "snares do not move: thC'y seem to be fully closed .. Orange County's T he California Supreme Court ruled in 1978 an its Wellenkamp decision t h at s tate-license d savings and loans and banks could not enforce the due-on-saJe unemployment rate. which hit a five-year high in May, 1s not expected to fall when figures for the current month are released. That's the prediction of analysts in the Santa Ana office of the State Em p loyme n t Development Department, who say this month's jobless rate wiU move upward due to an inOux of new gra duat es and summer jobseekers in the labor force. · clause m CahfomJa. I n applauding the justices' decision in the De la Cuesta case, Mortensen said, "We hope this will begin to restore the traditional long-term borrower relationsh ip, where both parties know wh e re they stand a nd w hat to expect." Beyond that, analysts say the usual seasonal decline in school and agricultu ral employment , ' ' NATION R eagan sets news conferen ce WAS HING TON (AP) -Preside nt Reagan will h old a new s confe rence, h is 11th sin ce taking oHke, Wednesday at 5 p.m . PDT in the White House East Room , d eputy White H ouse press secretary Larry Speakes said today. B and sparks jazz festival Jaco Pa'ltorius and his Word o( Mouth Big Band draw ravefi at the Kool J azz. F estival in New Y o rk. P age A4. Judse may free Haitians MIAMI (AP) -A tedcral Judi outlined a plan today tot' lh c:ondltJonal releue "fonhwlth" of 1,9JO ~Hallla.na belna d talnod In f acUIUol acrcm lhe Unll.fld Lit.et and Pu rto Rlro, provided th•y hav lpc>NIOf'I "will be accentuated by the closures of several retail stores and ba n kruptcies among investment firms." "Certain defense contractors anticipate increased hiring. but layoffs will co n tinue in construct a on and manufacturing.'' they added in their outlook for June. T he county's jobless rate in May hit 6.4 perecnt, up from 6.1 percen t in April and 3.6 percent in May 1981. May's rate was thP highest since June 1977 COUNTY The arm, too frail to support its own weight an Earth's gravity, was tested on Columbia's last two tnP5 but not so extensively as today The mult1Jo1nted celestia l crane ginge rly l ifted the instrument-filled package and tnoved it about the bay to meas u re contami n ants and gather data to assess the shuttle's impact on satellites and payloads in the cargo bay Yachting old timers gather The "k id $" of t h e Balboa Isla nd Yacht Club got together for a 60th anniversary celebra tion -and some of them dated back to the 1920s. Page Bl. SPORTS South All-Stars win The South All-stars used a litUc raule d aule to defeat the North in the Orange County AH-star football game . Page C l. Phoenix pick s Magee Kev ln Ma1oe , UC lrvl n •'• two ·llm o All-American, WAI choeen by Phoenix ln tho llK'Ond round of I.ht NaUonal Bulw\.ball Amodallon draft &oday. (luller 1tory1 Cl). . ' "property" and permit an ~tranged spouse• a futun• shu11· of earnings ba~'<i on a dl'Wtlt' "1:- kmd of S('ary." "We're potcntaully twcomang indPntured "t•rvunig,'' B11dgt·man said Bridgeman. who said hl' occasionall y lunt'hl'!> with Sullivan, said h<: I!> hopin g members wall <'(>ffil' forth with monetary suµport The l:ll!S <>t·iat1on boar d of cJ1rt-"C:t.ors. ut its April meeting, uuthoriwd the• mont•t.ary apJ)'!aJ to appear an tht-nt>wsletler, Bridgeman said He added thl!r<' w as "some 1naual reta<:en<:e" to rC'questlng assistance for Sullivan. A fter d1S<.·UbS1on, ho wever, assoc1at1on d1rN·tor!> wt-1·c unanimous in urging thl• ne wslt'tl<'r appeal. Bolsa Chica • stirs stormy council meet By ROBE RT BARKER 01 IM Delly Piiot SI•" Ther~ havl' been lots 1Jf storm\ Bolsa Chica d1St:uss1ons ovt·r tht· years but probably none· stormlC'r than Monday night's Sl'!-:-.1on before thP Huntington Bt·a<:h Caty Coun<:al. · Councilmen John Thomas a n d R o n P a l l 1 n s o n w <• r l' qut'Stionl"Cl about poss1bli! l'Onll1L·t Of antt'rCSl. -Mayor Bob Ma ndie at't'ust.>d S(lme o( his colleagues o f pamckmg and not knowing what they were voung about -Councilman Ja<:k Kc·lly accused his colleagues of not haVtng "gut No. l" on the Bol..a Chica. "Stop pussy-foot 1ng around," he said, "we need to come up with a posture." Causing the controversy was a motion by T homas for the City Council to support the Orange County plan for the development of the 1 ,600 acres. The coastal area is located in Orange County territory but lS surrounded on three s ides by Huntington Beach city limits and o n the fourth by the PaC'1f1t Ocean. · Thomas a lso asked the t'Ouncil t.o support the bill by state Sen Paul Carpenter. D-Cyprc"SS. that would take the matter out o f the State Coastal Commission's hands. Thomas' motion passed -1-:i and Pallmson was scheduled to go ti) SaL-ramenw to<l<.iy to make the t·uum·1I mujUritv's [l'<.'lmgs known bdon• an A.sst.•mbly mmm1ttee holding hl'anngs Supporting the> ..it:llon were Thomas. Pattinson , Don M<.1cAll1ster and Kc·lly Opposed wt>rl· Mandie: and Councilwomen Huth Balley and Huth Finle-., Thomas, ·tht-owner of a crane a nd trucking business. was questlunc..od on po!.Sibll• t'On01ct by Mrs. Bailey "It's true. isn't 1t. that you work for S1~nol La ndmark (major landowner m the area) and Amino1l (ma J Or oil producer)?" "I don't work ror Signal," Thomas replied. Deputy City A t torney Art Fulger said 1t was up t.o Thomas to d('(·1de the extent of the work and the possible l'Onf11ct Mrs Bailey said today she's going to pursue the matter with the cllv attornev's office Mrs· Ba1lev ·also declared of Pattinson "You'rt· working for John (councilman Thomas) " Pattinson said latC'r he 1s working part-tame an public relations for Thomas ''I'm calling on people he doesn't have t1mC' to get around to," Pattinson said "I've gotten an his face before a nd I will get in his face again " Mrs. Bailey said she ts taking a ($ee BOLSA, Page A2> State aides blistered over Crystal Cove By JEFF ADLER Of the Delly Piiot Ste" State parks and reneat1on o ff1 c1a ls came to tel I of the11 development plans for Crystal Cove State Park Monday night The cove's cottage rPS1dents came loaded for bear. The residents' questions to a trio of state officials came hard and rast, bitterness. anger and hostility boiling to the surracc· "Do you realize that you're gomg to be discussing people'i. homes?" asked cottage resident Sherrie Mitchell, just mmutrs i nto the meeting .. Whal consideration did you glVe to the children living in the cove and the fact that you are taking them out of their homes and their S<:hools?" As the officials pressed ahead an their effort to outlint' thr 1r proposed development pla ns , INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bambeck B2 Business 84-5 Cavalcade B2 Classified C5-8 Comics 83 Cl"06Sw ord 83 Death Notices C4 F.ditotial A6 Ent.ertainme n t B6 Horoeco~ B2 WORLD they repeatedly we re interrupted by residents who made· 1t clear that they hadn't rome to hear the proposals. "We want to foc·us on what is going on now and why we can't get leases." commented o ne woman .. Added another resident, "Our input on this plan 1s we're really not interested because it's based on the prem1St' we're bemg put out of our homes." When residents attending the crowded meeting at El Morro Elementary School did direct thei r attention to stat e's development plans for the cove, theiri c riticism was equally s tinging . "This plan as 111-conC'Cived. ill- t ho u gh t o ut and wil l be Ill-executed ," said Kenne th Gabriel. "It's a classic example of (See CRYSTAL, Page At) Ann Landers B2 Movies B6 National Ne ws A 3 Public Notices B4,C3-S Sports C l-4 Dr. Stein crohn B2 Stock Markets BS T e levision A7 Theaters B6 Weathe r A2 WoFld News A3 Column/11 flay PLO The Pal llln e LlboraUon Or1anlaatlon had b«'omo "Pf"rmeaU'd by thup and adv nturor1/' wrta. tlC>lumnlat JIC'k Anctcn'lon. P11 Aft, --------------~--·---~~--- HIP Orange CoHl OAILV PILOT1Tue1day, June 29, 1882 ~' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\\t. Continued stories YSTAL COVE. • • l111n auerutk 1mndlt.1SHm.-ss " l'l111tmg out that th(• stall' hud 11ul yt·t studil'd whut rcvtmUt?S 11•11t111l( tht.· 45 t.•ottugog to the puhhl· would gt.·ncrntc. unoth~r 11111n d('i.'lun•d, "Ynu guys haven't c·on'lidercd (lnythmg Your plun '" worthh'K.'l. {;t•t Sl·nous" On seveml oc"Casions, vanous r.·1ndents di:manded to know why r l'sidents of El Mor ro M11l11ll• Home Park, nlso l()Cated w ithin the park con fi nes, were 1 1 antt·d 20-year extensions of 1 ht·11 leases while cottage 11•s1dt:11\s we re ordered to leave. George Dutra, a senior land .1gem with th e Stale General Services ,Department, which is I 1anrlling the evictions of cove 11 ·• 1d1·11ts. C'xplained the evictions w 1 1·1· necessary becau se nf l<'gt ·;latave dircx:tives, the cost of 11·h ·:iting mobile home owners Jnd the proximity of the cottage l·o11imunity to t lw park as a wh•lll'. I l11tra ..iddl·d that thl' July :.n \ 11 lion datt• Sl't for part-lime r1 "11l<•nts of 23 cottages "still •1-..u di; as far a s GS A is 1•1,;1('1 I rled" t'1i: one woman. who srud she 11;1s lkl'n a summer resident of C1·vsi.1l Cove since 1945, called lht· ~tate at:tion discriminatory. ~·~~~ybody in the pcirk should !Jo' .treated equally, at El Morro .111~ Crystal Cove," the woman S<Jl(L Al Willtnger. a director of tht.• Cryi,;Lul Cove Resident s Association. told thl' stutt• tt•mn thi.t. by his t.'llti mall'11, the 11U.1tt.· could rcaliZl' revenues or $26 million over the next 20 yeun1 If the cottugt' residt•nts wt.•rt> ullowcd lo stuy a nd l'Orltlnue paying rent. On the othl•r himu, Ul'<'ording to Wilhnger , it wlll L'O..,t the state $48,000 per cottage to bring them into compliance w ith state build\ng and safl'ty <.'Odes. ''It will cost the sta te $2.5 million to bring them to where the stale would feel comfon~ble renting t hem.'' said Willinger. Located between Corona del Mar and Laguna &-al·h , Crystal Cove is a community of 4 5 cottages that dot the seaside bluffs. Because it 1s said to be the last remaining example of a Calafornia beach community of the 1920s, it has been designated a national historic district. · Cryst al Cove S tate Park. which covers 2,791 acres. was purchased from the Irvine Company for $32 6 million in 1979. The state Legislature, mandating that public access to the new st.ate park be maximized. renewed its order in the, 1982-83 budget that oott.ages occupied by part-time residents be vaeated by July 3 1 and that permanent residents vacate within two years In the meantime, the Crystal Cove Residents Association has filed a laws u i t in hopes of bk>Cking the eviction. BOLSA CHICA. • • .Jim view of the relationship. "This doesn't make for a good h·ci-.:ion-making process," she '(.1\d today. "One usually is rnflul'nced by the person giving I um a paycheck." Mrs. Finley said she opposes 1 ht Carpenter bill be<:ause "it 1 1 kl s C'lou l a way from local P"<>plr: and puts it in the hands of p• •wcrful lobbyists." (~range County's Bolsa Chica dt"v'dopment plan. supported by ''i1gnal Landmark, calls for the d1·v..-Jopment of 5,700 homes, a i OO-foot wide navigable channel to the ocean and preservation of ilJU acres of wetlands (i ncluding 1 It l' 3 0 O a c r es u n d e r s t a t e !'Olllrol.) The Coastal Commission staff h;~ recommended denial of the plun because of a dispute over the size of the wetlands, concerns ;1buu1 the marina and the loss of . wn·ss to Bolsa Chica St.ate Beach pos~·d by the navigable channel. Lust Tuesday, the Assembly F:m•rgy and Natural Resources Committee was slated to act on legislation designed to take the decision out of the hands of the coast.al commission. Approval of the measure would have made the Orange County plan for the area official. But backers introduced an amendment when they realized they didn't have enoug-h votes to get the bill out of committee. The a me ndmen t. which the commiss.ion is acting on today. would aUow Signal to develop res ide ntial uni ts on the mesa blufftops along Warner Avenue. It also would approve a linear park in the northern sections that would link Huntington Beach Central Park to Bolsa Chica State Park. Development of the central lowlands. the area that has caused the most controversy, wouki be decided by a committee comprised of re presentatives of the count y, Signal, the state Department of Fish and Game and the State Lands Commission. Israelis say PLO stalling By The Associated Prets A senior lsrat'll oftldal today ac.-cu.'led the Palt"stlnc Libt=ralion Orga.m z.at1on of st.ailing and tying about leaving west Beirut. and warnl'<i this could bring "l{rnv1• results." Ile did not l"laborute, but tht- i mpllca t ion was that lsraeli forces might storm the encircled PLO stronghold in the U-banese l'&pital. Israel s h owered west Beirut with leaflets Sunday and Monday saying tune was short and urgmg residC'nt.ci to flf'C. The latest warning came a fter the PLO was reportt.>d to have r ejected Israeli demands lo surrender arms and nde buses to Syria. proposing instead to keep personal weapons and leave by boat. The I s r ael officia l tol d reporters in Tel Aviv that lsrael fe lt negotiations between the PLO and Lebanese officia ls were "not advancing as they should at this stage." Israel had the impression. the official said. that the PLO "is not negotia ting with their Lebanese counterparts in good faith. They are playing for time and lyin~ about their intention to leave." Yachts moved off beaches after wrecks The skippers of two 34-foot sloops moved their vessels o!f Orange Coast beaches Monday with a bit o f help from salvage crews a nd high tides. Alaskan y achtsman R ichard Wat.son, who ran aground in the pre-dawn hours Monday near 50th Street in Newport Beach, was able t o get his s lightly damaged vessel back in the ocean at about 4 p.m . Ora nge County Harbor Patrolmen said Watson, out of Juneau, Alaska. beached h is sloop -the Deja Vu -after reportedly falling asleep. Harbor officials said Watson left Newport under clear skies and didn't tell them where he was headed Covma boater Arthur Rukasin, who beached his vessel late Sunday in Huntington Beach neAr Beach Boulevard , slipped his boat back m the water lale Monday morning . Both men were for ced lo summon help from local salvage crews Partial clearing , Coastal Par11el cleartng this a'1ernoon Highs 67 10 73 Mostly cloody tonight with lows ol 54 to 60 C1rnt1nueo cloudy Wednesday morning bUI moslly clearing Wrdnesd~ allernoon with highs "' 68 io 74 f lse w here. from Point Cnnceplton to lhe M e~•can border and out 60 miles: Small cr ott advtfory for outer ooastal waters from Point Conception to San Nlcolas Island tor nonhwest winds 15 to 25 knots wllh gusts to 30 knots and choppy S lo 8 toot 'eas from the northwest Locally, moslly ltght variable w inds through tonight Con1ldarab!e clouds with parllal afternoon and evening c!earlng. ll.S. Summary Hall and heavy r alns hlt parts of Montana and Idaho today. as the Oh•o Valley. the upper Mississippi Valley and the lower Great Lakes had scattered showers and thunderstorms Lower New York and upper Pennsylvania were also struck with scetttred rainstorms and a l('w heavy thunderstorms were rl'porte<l """' eastern Texe' end western Loulstsne At least 35 Na\lonal Guard 11ehcop1et1 were damaged. and uncounted hundreds ot windows were shtlttered by e hall st0<m that ~wept through Helena, Mont., IBte Monday. authorities s.'lld. Hall lhe size ot golf ball• stantmed Into the city abOut 1 p 111 • rolllng In on Inky black cioods from tile west. The hall ripped throuoh skylights ar the state Capjtol. dOflted cers and smeehed windshields and bulldlll!J windows. Thunderstorms and 9trong wlndll w'11pped through the southern hell ol Mlnneeota, with tOt'nedon alghted In Dakota and l\notc• countlea. 8ut lllttt w«• no ropOll• Of damlQB Wloda gutted up to &<> mllff pot l\Ollr l(l lhe Twin Cit ... are•. downing power l!Mt and IMving abocJt l ,000 rHldent1 wllhOut IMICtrk!tty. hmpereturu around Iha nation btilllfe dawn ••notd from 4 7 ln Oulutll, M tn11 • io 9 1 1n Ph'*'ll, A$. oesert and between 90 and 100 In the low deserts Boaters lrom Pomt Conceptton to Ssn Nicolas Island can expect west to norlhwest winds at IS lo 25 knots Wednesoey wltn ".I· 10 S·IOOI seas. EJsewhere, wind:> shOuld be westerly et tO to lO knots with 2-to 4-foot wind waves and a 1-to 3-foot wes1e<ty swell Temperatures NATION HI Lo Pre. Albany 82 65 09 Albuque 99 69 Amerlllo 92 71 Asheville 84 67 98 Allente 86 68 48 Atlante City 78 67 Austin 95 76 Baltimore 92 72 Biiiings 81 62 Blrmlngttm 99 67 2.46 Bismarck 70 45 15 Boise 79 s• 14 Bo11on 77 67 03 Brownsvllt 96 80 Bullalo 83 65 17 Burlington 79 61 Casper 90 59 Chllflstn SC 88 74 Chatlstn WV 87 68 .13 Char111e NC 85 69 .01 Cheyenne 84 54 ChlcaQO 79 59 18 Cincinnati 83 69 .20 Cleveland es 68 136 Clmbla SC 87 72 Columbus 86 68 84 Oal,Ft Wth 94 71 Dayton 83 68 95 Denver 93 63 Des MOlnes 96 71 Detroit 82 66 1 52 Duluth 71 47 57 El Puo 105 73 Fargo 65 •3 .27 Fl11g1tatl 79 44 GrMI Falla 78 87 2.03 Har11ord 82 67 Helena 8,3 59 1.55 Honolulu 87 74 Hout ton 93 78 .03 lndnaplls 78 60 1.69 Jackan MS ee 74 .31 Jackan.,.lt llO 74 .oe Kan• C!ly 87 87 Lat Vtg• 100 74 Liii .. Rook 84 74 .21 Loultvlllt 80 69 .63 LubbOClt 91 7-0 87 Mempllll 82 11 7• Ml1m! 1 87 81 Ml!wallkall 10 &4 Mp!t-8t.P 91 157 Ill Nuttvlllle 88 71 06 ::%r" llO 73 84 72 Norfolk No. Platte Olde City Omaha Orlando Phlladphla Phoenix Pittsburgh Piiand. Me Piiand, Ore Pro"1dence RalelQh Reno Salt Lake San Antonio Seattle Shrevepon S1ou~ Fells SI Louis St p.Tampa St Ste Marie Spokane S)'T'acuse Topeka Tucton TulN Wuhlngtn Wichita 88 73 91 66 89 86 88 70 93 74 88 72 108 82 85 67 64 SS 75 61 72 67 87 71 73 St 97 64 98 76 69 58 80 70 93 60 86 67 89 76 77 d6 65 56 83 86 es es 104 76 87 71 90 76 87 65 CAl.lf'ORNiA Ballerafletd 87 72 81ylht 87 Euttlta 62 53 Freeno 80 S8 l lnoatlet' 80 S7 LOI Anoet-78 63 Marytvlllt 75 Monltrty 87 Need... 105 Oakland 66 58 PuoRo~ 11 58 39 39 28 14 14 16 60 Red BluH 72 68 1 61 Rectwood Clly N 58 06 Sactlmet!IO 73 &O 14 S1llrla1 19 68 San DllQO 73 65 SM FfMC19oO 82 1111 IURfll~IRT • Santa Barbare 69 56 Santa Marla 67 Stockton 79 Thermal 104 U~lah 71 Barstow 83 71 Big Bear 77 43 Blsnop 87 CataJlna 68 S7 long Beeoh 74 60 Monrovia 85 57 Mt Wiison 67 5" Newport Beech 89 62 Palm Springs 104 72 .San Bernardino 87 58 San Jose 72 58 Santa Ana 75 61 Snnta Cruz 89 60 Tahoe Valley 87 46 Snwg The Air Quality M1nag11men t District predict• good air quality today lor 111 area• of the South Coast Air Basin. A Pollutant Standard Index OI 100 11 forecatt for t"-Rlvt<ald• Sen Bernardino area. wllllt a PSI ol 92 •• predicted for tlwl Sen Gebrt.I. Pomona. San Fernando snd Senta Clerlta valleys A PSI of •2 IS predicted for an other areas, Including Inland Orange County, tht hlOh d_.1, ooutal regions end the Big Bear Lake arae Where 10 call (toll frH) for '''"' •moa lnformatk>ll: Oranoe County: (800) 44WtH, Los AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 Rlvtflide •nci San Barn1tdlno oount ... : (800> 387...c110 AOMO EplllOdt c.t'llar· (800) 242·4&88 DEATH PROBED Prosecutors are looking mto the death of comedian John Belushi agai n following published reports in which a woman said she injected him with a lethal dose of heroin and cocaine. Story stirs comedian's death probe LOS ANGELES (AP) Prosecutors are again loo k ing !nto the death of comedian John Be lushi follow ing published reports in which a woman said she injected him with a lethal dose o f heroin and cocaine. "We met wit h LAPD (Los Angeles pohce) Friday. a<:tually as a result of the inquiries by the Los Angeles Herald Examiner and th e story in the National Enquirer," distric.·t attorney's sp o kesman Al Albergatc said Monday. Ca th y .Ev elyn Smi th was quoted in the Enquirer saying s he was hired by Belushi specifically to test drugs and do injections for him. She said she injected him the day he died, the p ub I i ca tion rep o r led The 33-year-old Belushi's aversion to needles was pubhl'ized after has March 5 death. Mike Genehn. din'<:tor of the district attor ney's t:t'nt1cil operations bureau. "said Monday that in p r evious pol1c:e interviews, M s. Smith, 34, never men tioned injecting Belushi or buying him heroin. Geneltn said she told police Belushi u:-ed heroin and cocaine and h~ld be-en shootmg himself up. Police seek car clouters Irvine police investigators were examining six separate reports received Mondav that burglars had smashed wi°ndows of foreign cars and stolen slereos. All six incidents occurred a t night 1n neighborhoods near the corn e r of Culver Drive and Walnut Avenue in Irvine The vict1mtzed cars -BMWs. Audts and a Peugeot -were parked in various locations including an open garage, said police Lt. &b Lennert. Investigators beheve the sam<.· subjects are responsible for the burglaries, he said, but w far there are few clues. Coach accused of theft ousted By PATRJCK KENNEDY Of lhe Delly Piiot Staff followin g a h~·ara n g n•st.•mbling trial prnt·t•t•llings, trustees of th<! oaddlebuck Valley Umfied &.'hool Oi:1tr1ct dt't·ided Monday agi.11nst rt>h1ring un El Toru High School g1 rl:1' l'O:'.lt'h beca u Rc o l at·t·u scit1ons !>h<• Jtlegec!ly stoll• monc•y Crom a gym locker. · Sharon Spent-et'. a thre<: year varsity basketball rnach ~rnd teacher at El Toro, would have becomC' a permanent, t .. nurcd employee of the district had she been rehired for the 1982-83 term. She was dismissed by distru:t ufftc1als an February followu1g ch arges by two other women c.'Oaches that Ms. Spencer stole $139 from a gym locker on Jan 14. The trustees' action, on a 3-2 vote, rejected a ruling m ade earlier this month by ad ministrative law JUdge M arilyn L . Nelson that there was n o absolute proof tha t Ms . Spencer took the money The law judge's opinion was based on six days of hearings earlier this year that included testimony from Ms. Spencer and he r two accusers. coaches Debbie Moore and She ri Ross. The two coaches con tend Ms. Spencer got into Ms. Moore's locker and took money raiS(.'CI for student activities from sales of tickets for a powder puff athletic event. The trustees' re.iection of thl' law judge's opinion set tht· st.age Monday for an hour-long appeal hearing before the school board with Ms. Spencer and the distnc·t represented by attorneys. The district's attorney. John Wagner, labeled Ms. Spencer a "thief" with a "moral fiber we don't need here." M s . Spencer's atto rney , George ShaeffN. questioned the ve r acity o f M s Moore's testimony before the law judge earlier this year. and pointed 10 the ruling of the law judge in favor of his eltent and to Ms. Spencer's l'Ontnbutaons to school athletics "She was the least likely person to take the money:· Shaeffer said Allorney Wagner says the two women coaches da1m they found the missing munt•y in Ms. Spcm•t:r'is cur in her purse and that toad1 Moort' rt.-<.'Ognir.ed a ont• <loll<ir bi U a11 part of th<! tit·kc•t money bt~ausc it had a stuth•nt.'s name scrawled on it. Wagner also pointed to Ms. Spencer's admission that last year she attended an a thletic conference in Las Vegas but took ume off by falsely telling school uff1c1als she was home skk. However, she was warned and clocked three days pay by school officials after that incident and the lrustces' decision Mond ay was based solely on accusations that Ms Spf'ncer s to le the money. Man held in theft of 75 cars A week-long investigation by Cost.a Mesa dete<:tives ended in the arrest M ond ay of a Hunt ington B i:ach man mve!>tigators beheve has been involv~ in the theft of as many as 75 cars. Ernest Roy Shaffe r, 56. was arrested about 4 p.m. al ha s car repair shop, Ernie's Automoti ve. 1J55 Logan Ave., No I, Cost.a Mesa. He was take n rnto custody u n suspicion of possession of stolen property. Bail was set at $2,500. Sgt. Sam Cordeir o said California Highway Patrol officials alerted Cost a Mesa polic.·e to the possibility that stolen vehicles were being sold a1 the Cost.a Mesa business. Cordeiro said that police found four cars, two of them Porsches, at the shop with their vehicle identification numbers altered. The investigation learn led by detectives Karl Schuler and Tom Twellman found records at the shop indicating .that as many as 75 vehicles have been sold there s ince the business open ed in October, 1981 Cordeiro said that police have no way of knowing how many of those cars were stolen . Cordeiro said that police will be going over the records and contacting anyone w ho migh t have purchased a car from the Costa Mesa repair shop. Transient arrested Ill Reagan threat • A Laguna Beach transient was arrested by pohce Monday and turned over lo the US. $("l·rel Service for allegedly making thrl·ats against the lif<.• of President Reagan. Jam es Tanner, 2Y , was arrested at the south end of Main Beach Park Monday by Officer Bill Lux, who was on the lookout for the man after the department was no tified by the Secret Service Sunday that Tanner was bem~ soug ht. Tanner w as booked into Laguna Beach Jail on federal eharges of threatening the hfe of a president Agent Chuck Brewster of the Los Angeles off1(-e of the Secret Servic..-e took custody of Ta nner late Monday Brewster refused to disclose the nature of the purpor ted threat. saying the Secret Service does not discuss its cases with the news media. WEDDINGS SHOULDN'T YOUR RINGS BE ARTCARVEO? For wedding rings os lasting ond beautiful os your love, Insist on ArtCorved, the finest norne in wed· ding [ewelry since 1850. Each ring is hand-finished in 14 karat gold. Come choose your perfect pair from our extensive collection of styles. Priced from $140. LA.VICK' , ... -...n$1na ltlY WJ.c,, 11\t hf u 1urpm•• 1't11n =t:r.l.'Ml.=! O:.."TC.t;: F I ----------- Iranian oil entering U.S. NEW YORK Iranfon ull. ~uu1f\d frvrn U.S . bord~ra durlnt< tlw h05tagl' 1·r1Sl!i lhltt tmdt>e.J ln January I 981, It• ftndini 1ta woy back into thia country, into the US rotlrunf( 1ty1ll'm und into motorl1t11' au tankli. Coaatal States Matkf'tlnat tnc· . ll rt•hnt•r und muketer of fuel product• and a 11ubsld11i1ry or Coaata.t Corp , was the fln1t U S oil company to adknowledgto h1Avlng purehll.lled Iranian 0 11 und ualna It In thti Unl\<.'<l Statee. Prior to tht• aovcmrncnt'8 purchase• C)f 1.8 mm1on barrt>ls for ·~3. l million,. no Iranian oil entered the Unltt.>d State:i •lnc.oe Prwldent Carter bllnned l'Ommercial trade with Iran eight daya aft.er Amt'rlc•rut wt•rt• ae1ied and held hostage at the U.S. Embasey Ill Tehran on Nov. 4. 1979. Thl' hocs\Alges were (~ 444 days later •Haig could leave job by weekend WASHING'rON -Ueorgc P . Shultz, the president's choice for secretary of stuk'. 1s working out of a temporary o"1ce at the St.ate Department while officials are hinting that his preda-essor could leave the job by the week's end. Shultz has been assigned a temporary 0H1ce on the department's seventh floor, near that of outgoing secretary Alexander M. Haig Jr. A State Department official said Shultz is beginning to assemble his personal staff and was being bnefed ''on the Middle East and other hot spots" On Monday, Shultz attended a meeting of the National Security Council at the White House. •Joint naval exercise boycotted NORFOLK, Va. -Only two South American nations will join the United States m a joint naval exercise in the Caribbean, the Navy said today, apparently because of the war in the FalkJand Islands. Chile and Colombia will take part. but half a dozen other countries have declined, the Atlantic Fleet said m a statement. In past years, Argentina. Brazil, &uador, Peru and Venezuela have taken part m the exercises, but all re.iecwd the mv1t.at1on this year. the Navy said. ~Europe raps V.S. trade policies BRUSSELS, Belgium -The leaders of the European Common Market s trongly criticized the United States today, saymg 1ts trade policies seriously endanger free world trade The 10 government C'h1efs. C'Oncluding a two- day meeting, also condemned the lsraeh mvasion of Lebanon and called for immediate. simultaneous withdrawal of Israeli and Palest1man armed fo~ from west Beirut. They also called for a "t'Omplete and prompt" Israeli pullout from Lebanon. •Arms talks ground ~oles viewed GEN EV A, Switzerland -U.S. and Soviet negotiators met today to set ground rules for the long-awaited talks on reducing their enormous arsenals of intercontinental nuclear missiles. Ambassador Edward L . Rowny, a retired lieutenant general who heads the American delegation to the t.alks, greeted his negotiating counterpart Viktor P . K.arpov wnh a salute at the Soviet diplomatic m1sswn on the outskirts of Geneva as the two began their introductory meeting. The two sides are to begin d e tailed presentations of their bargaining positions on Wednesday at the U.S . Arms Control and Disarmament Agency offices overlooking Lake Geneva ~Computer scam lirmN cutting ads TOK YO -~o prominent Japanese electronic companies accused by the United States of industrial espionage against IBM Corp. said today they have cut advertising. apparently until the affair is settled. For the first time the Cabinet al5o debated the scandal, which has rocked computer technology circles and aggravated trade tensions between the \ United States and Japan. Spokesmen for Hitachi Ltd. and Mitsubishi Electric Corp. said all print media advertising has been halted because of last week's FBI sting operation. Twenty-one people, mostly employees of the two firms, were charged with trying to steal computer secrets on advanced technology from International Business M~chines Corp •Bil 'won't enforce' h~ndgun ban SAN FRANCISCO -San f'ranc1sco hc.. become the largest city m the nation to pass a ban on possession of handguns, but the district attorney says he won't enforce the law until ll passes a court test. would "help us make our streets and homes .safe for everyone." But District Attorney Ario Smllh said he wouldn't file charges in conne<·tion wnh the law until th ere has been a "cons titutional determination" of sts validity by the courts. Mayor Dianne Feinstein signed lcg1slat1on Monday making it a misdemeanor to h ave a handgun in this city of 650.000 people, saying it Smith said he believed ''the ordinance is pre- empted by st.a te law and it is invalid." •Budget stalled by funds dispute SACRAMENTO -Two days before the ftSCal year starts, the st.ale's $25.2 billion budget 1s stuck on a $235 million school fundmg dispute between the Assembly and Senate. unless the nvaJ houses can resolve the $235 million d1fference. Meanwhile, the Assembly's fiscal committee Monday approved three bills that could give schools a maximum of $700 million extra next year -but more than haJf of that would depend on the unlikely legislative approval of an oil production tax. Assembly Speaker Willie Brown said Monday that "there seems to be no alternative" to scrapping the fragile budget agreement and starting over - •Mills Brothers Harry dead at 68 LOS ANGELES -Singer Harry Mills, whose imitation of a kazoo launched the mellow- harmonizing Mills Brothers, is dead at the age of 68. manager. Mills had been bed-ridde n smce March. Mills and his brothers first performed in the early 1920s. Their last show was Sept. 27, 1981 in Atlantic City, N.J . MiUs. a diabetic, died Monday at his West Los Angeles home, said Henry Miller, the group's ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P H•:el ,..,_ -Cl"-' ,.:..1-~ Kay Schultz "'°'"' ........ ' -Dhctor ~ ""-'lllftO Tom Murphlne fdltO< Mike H•rv:t [)lrect0< ~ M etlng l(>culetlofll Ken Goddard OlreclOt oC Opet~- ~MecL.ean CoftlroW Chanel LOOI ........... 0.., ......... ..., ... _ ... " ... MOnffll·' rtdn 11 '°" oo ~ -~ '°"' ..... tho t lO 0 m Ull llflt'lr• I '"' w yOul ~· ....... o ........ ..,..... -lwl\Cle' If r: *> ngo = ,r."'.,. ':tJ ~, ro!,"'.,.. ':; ..._ .. ~ ''!/!:jfl =:..,~:.,_••,_. •Nt ~ SI.WI Cl111Hled advertising 7141642·5878 All other departments 642_.321 MAIN OFFICE J:JO WHI 80 St . CO\I• -~.CA M<lil •00"'" So• 15t0. Cata-· CA .,.,. Coe>vr'9"' t'-' °'-Coell P\IOll~1"9 ,...._,, No n•w• >l«i.\, llluSlr•lion•, ..illorl•I matter or~ .. rllMmenl\ "9r•ln may be re9<0cluud wll->.-<lal C-""4\Mon of copyri9ht-ner s.<oncs (fM\ llCl\t-ll'lkl •t , ..... AMw. <:Mllornl• tUPS tU-tOO) SlilKCrfp!ICH> Dy u"l•r '4 IS,._thly I>• mall M SO,.,_,,... T"9 c.,..,. C:o.a•t O.lly PllOI, wltll wllkll I\ corn- l>ln..:t 1"9 -PrM>, I• publlllwd I>'( tM Or•• Coetf P\A>lftN"9 Com-y ~r.t• -lont er• l)Ubllt-Morldey tllfOutll Friday for CCIII• Mew, HtwllOrt llMc:ll, H-lnqton e .. cfl, F-Ulfl \/ ........ 1r.,..,., .......... 1H<11. Sool1'I c .. 11 • ,..,... ,.,,.._, 9dltl0fl h poAlll-\at!KN'n -,_...... TM P<lncl••I llUlllltllirl9 ,....I It at ):JO WHI ••Y $t ...... P 0 It• lteO CCllU Mes., C•fllomla ~ VOL. 75, NO. 1IO Thousand seeking role in 'Dukes' BURBANK -The bluest eyes, the snuggest jeans, the firmest stomachs and the biggest smiles were out in dazzling numbers with their owners who hope to land a job on TV's "Dukes of Hazzard." More than 1,000 young men - many with no act.Ing experience at all -lined up outside a Burbank Studio on Monday and waited about 2 Iii hours for a half-minute interview with three casting directors . We're .Listening ••• What d() you llkt' about the D•ll y Pilot~ What don't you hke" m11111e wilt be recorded, ('&111 thtt numbt!r below 11nd your trnn11t•rl~ and dcllv•rt>d to the appr The.> 111imt• 24 hour 11n1wer1n1 Hr oprlatf editor h•r• to th<' f'dilor on 11ny toplC' Miii vice m1y be uaed to rt<'Ord let box contrlbutora muat Include or v•rl(lC'atlon No clrrulatlon their numl' und te>lt'phonu number ( rail•. pltu11e> T11ll u• what 1 tJn your mlrwt Orange Coa11 DAIL V PILOT /Tueaday, June 29, 1982 H/F Al WAS THIS TRIP NECESSARY? -Valinda Hash (left) and Jodie Grable "bask" in the subdued sunshine of a cool and overcast dav on Dallr Piiot Pttoto by OMY Amlw- the Huntington Beach sands. They said it "was warm and sunny when they left Whittier. ---- Hearing set • ID double slaying Huntington man pleads innocent 1n hacking deaths A Huntington Beach man has pleaded innocent m West Orange County Municipal Court to charges that he hacked h is estranged wife and her mother to d eath two w eeks ago in the family's Sunnycrest Lane home. A prelirrunary hearing date of Aug. 20 was set by Judge Alan Mc Kone. C. Thomas McDonald, Orange County's chief deputy public defender, said that Rene Flores Dayco pleaded innocent to two charges of murder, two charges of robbery and a single count of burglary. The pleas were entered Monday. McDonald said his client also denied the five special circumstance allegations which could lead to imposition of the death penalty if Dayco 1s convicted 1n Superior Court. Ont' o f tho s e special c:1rcumstance c:ounts alleges that the deaths of Shirley Dayc:o, 27, a nd h er m ot her , Phy l li s Harbulak, 65. we re "espa;1aJJy hc1nous. atrocious and cruel, m a ntfes ttng exce ptional depravity " F ollowi ng Da yco 's arraignment an Westminster. Mc Donald told re porte rs he would have no comment on the case "It's too early to telJ what th(• full case is all about," the defense lawyer said. Also declining comment was Huntington Beach p o li ce mvesugator Robert Moran, who a ttend e d the arraignment proce-eding. Dayco, 41. a diminutive and dark-haired man, was arrested in Rosanto Beach, Mex., two days after police discovered the bodies o f his estrange d wife and mothe r -in-law 1n the family home at 1-4952 Sunnycrest Lane. Huntington Beach officers said Mexican police confiscated a numbe r of bloody knives, including a meat cleaver, from the trunk of Dayco's car The defendant's three young children. who had lived with their mother and grandmother, w ere found unhar med w ith Dayco in Mexico. They have smce been turned over to the temporary custody of their aunt pending a heanng in July. Fountain Valley. Never saydiet. "Live-it:' Over·weight'J Ju~! a linle ou1 of month <1t'I -,1ancd now. Richart.I shape:> Or bOlh? Don l g1\t' G Simmon·~ "l1\'C·it ·concert will up. "l.1\'e-i1 " up at HK hard et work for you. II\ :in exci1in~ ~1mmon~ new An:Honw cornbinacion of exerc ise, A-,ylum. Now with 4 . 2 years pr~>~er nutrition ~mJ a local ion:-.. and man\' pos111ve menial a111tmk more to come. It':-all tha1 can h -;t for the re'it here. The fun The filne"" f~ee of your life. Call or come The resulcs. All che right .1. 1 1n 10 R1thard Simmon" ingre<lienL'\ for your ~ucce:-.:-Ill'\\ An.110111~ A-.ylum w<lay formula. And all for le~~ 1 han $1'1 a )(>u can c.ln it Join now Charter memberships now available.join today and get a free copy of Richard's new r ecipe book, plus a free Anatomy Asylum T-shirt. Richard Simmons ~my um FOUNTAIN VALLEY• 964-8880 18030 Brookhurst (In the Fountain Valley Mall) GLENDALE• 200 N Brand Bini.• <;00·0423 WOODLAND HILLS• 2.U 10 Vcntur<1 Blvd.• 884·2.202 BEVERLY HILLS• 9306 Little Santa Monka Atvd .• 550-88'"'9 Look for (.ardcn (.rove: and Brea Cluh:o-to opl'n !'oon. •• • Orange CoHI DAIL V PILOT /Tut1day, June 29, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Nurse's breach of ethics should he reporte d DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am 60, having a difficult time wlth {umily problems. The menopause has hit me wry hard, and 1 never know how I am golng to feel from one day t o the next. I we nt to my doctor and told hlm how miserable I felt. He is more than a ph ysician, h e's a compaasionate person -somL'One l can talk to. He gave me some medication that seems to be helping, and the chat we had did me a KOOL KING OF SWING -Benny Goodman, the King of Swing, can still blow the clarinet masterfully, and some re fined , delicate music resulted Friday night a t Carnegie Hall. for the first "big" concert of this year's 10-day Kool lot of good. I really unbl.U'dened myself. Last week, in c hurc h , a former neighbor of mint! said, "I heard you have been so deprelfjed lately you are in danger of losing your mind." I nearly fainted. When I asked her where she heard such a story, she said, "My daughter is a close friend of the nurse in Dr. -----'s office." I am shocked, humiliated and angry. AP WlNtlMto Jazz Festival. Goodman was joined on stage by Lionel Hampton and Teddy Wilson for a reunion of the 1930s Benny Goodman Quartet minus drummer Gene Krupa who died in 1973. Festival review, Page A4. Libra: Review hobby Wednesday, June 30 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Someone is generous, extravagant -and would like to do so at your expense. Be aware, protect self in clin ches and be e xtreme ly s keptical concerning pleas for loans, credit or requests that would require you to co-sign. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Obtain valid hint from Aries message. Focus on contracts, public responses to your efforts, restrictions, limitations and awareness o{ legal rights, permissions. Check details, including fine print and possible hidden clauses. ' GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Wo rk methods change, individuals who opposed you may now become staunch allies. Focus on employment, basic services, written i"nstructions and special communication involving member of opposite sex. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Good lunar aspect coin cid es with creativi t y, self-expression. children and ability to stamp your own style. Luxury item or art object is featured -home s urroundings are beautified, harmony is restored on domestic front. T rou1 HEALTH DR PETER J. STEINCROHN Dr. St•lncrohn welcom•• que•tlon1 lrom re•der1. H• nnnot an1wer ell /1tdlv/du1Jly but will lnclud1 cboae of _.,.,..i In,.,_, Jn Ju. column. s.wJ your ~ ID him In canr o/ r.M Dally Pllot. P.O. b J oao, a.a. M•, CaJJI, '1621. • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Overcome te mptation to skip essentials. Perceive current situation in light of reality. Be aware of basic values, insurance. interest rates and security. Define terms, steer clear of self- deception. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Favorable lunar aspect coincid es with trips, ideas which can b e transformed into viable concepts. Relative commands attention, time and will drain energies if you so permit. Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn natives figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Expensive hobby requires review -concentrate now on getting money's worth. Moon emphasis on income, payments. collections and locating what had been lost, missing or stolen. You'll earn more by o p ening lines of communication. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Moon in your sign emphasizes new starts, fresh approach, ability to be at right place at crucial moment. Personal magnetism soars; people are fascinated by your views and you co uld b ecome center of attention , controversy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): By taking some steps backwards you do not n~ly suffer loss. You actually require change of pace -and direction. Intuition works overtime; you sense desires, needs of family member. Aquarius is involved. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus on friendships, social activities, plans for travel and a surprise invitation which could result tn theater or gourmet dining. Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. Utilize powers of persuasion! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focus on prestige, basic commitments, career aapirationa and necessity for a rebuildina program. Scorpio, Tauru1 and another Aquartut flaure prominently. You could have luck with number 4. Profe11tonal 1uperlor lenda tupport.. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): Statua quo ., 1h.akan; focua on oommun!catJON, tnvel publl1hln1, ortailve uyl• •l'\d 1pect1i relaUonlhip with mtmtMrr of oppo1U• •x. Oain lndlca&ed lhrouah ~tna. J>"m&h ol educatJonal pn>jlct. Watch INllUArluel What should b@ done about th is? WICHITA FALLS FURY DEAR W.F.: Carrying Information out of any office and pa11lng It on as social go11lp demon1trate1 a 1bocklog lack of lntegrlty, aad very poor Judgment. Such a breach of ethics should be reporced co the doctor at once. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am a cleaning woman who works in a very high-class office building downtown. The offices are plush and the people who work here consider themselves fancy. Well, let me tell you they are a bunch of slobs. They dump a s htray s in the wastebaskets, and when I empty them 1 get ashes in my eyes. The half-filled coffee cups in the wastebaskets leak through -which means I have to clean up all that slime . And may I say one word more? If you place something in the trash baskets, it will be thrown out. I am no mindreader and can't tell if you put your shoes, trousers, bra and torn hose in there for safekeeping or what. So please don't accuse me of stealing when your personal belongings are not there in the morning. TQank you -WINDY CITY GRIPE · DEAR W.C. GRIPE: Thousands of people who clean offices at night are going to bless you when they read your letter. Thanks for writing. DEAR MISS LANDERS: My wife is extremely overweight. I have urged therapy, pleaded with her, yelled at her, tried bribery -nothing worked. On the hunch that she might be eating to spite me (and other members of the q ANN LANDERS family), l decided to stay off the subject completely and not say one word to her about her weight. She keeps on eaung. 1 am concerned about her health. She has high blood pressure. dCX's absolutely no 1 exercise and weighs a t least 100 pounds more than she should If sh e becomes violently ill, I will fc>Cl guilty for having nagged her for so long and for NOT nagging her these past several months. Any ideas? Her doctor is no help. He just shrugs his shoulders and says, "It's up to . her." -J .D W. IN BETHESDA DEAR J .D.W.: Get il through your bead that you are not responsible for what your wife eats. She obviously has a psychological problem and needs to find out why she is a compulsive eater. That's the first step. If she refuses to seek help for herself, she will suffer the consequences. My advice is to say nothing, ever agaitr, about her weight. Nagging didn't help (it r'arely does), and life is more pleasant when you don't. Don 'r flunk your chC'm1SlrJ tesr. Lovi• is more th an one S<'l of glands . ralling ({} another. If you have trouble makmg a distincllon vou need Ann's booklet, "Love or Sex and How to Tell the Difference "Send a Jong. self-addressed sUJmped c>nvelope with your request and 50 cents to Ann Landers. P .O. Box 11995. Chicago. lll. 60611 Dental visit hits nerve At breakfast the other morning all I said was, "How come you don't know our college school song?" My husband put down the paper and said, "What school song?" ERMA 80M8ECIC AT WIT'S END "The one you never sing when we go back for reunions. I think it's disgusting that a man with three college degrees sits there and moves his lips like a chimpanzee." "I get so few requests for it anymore." he said, going back to his paper. "WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT: 'Through mountains and through "And to think me n have died for that flag and you complain about a little pain on the inside of your left leg. But then, what do you expect from a man who refuses to sing in church?'' hillsides, "Beve rly Sills couldn't sing those songs." "Beverly Sills would certainly try!·' 'Through meadows and through dell, 'In busy marts and hamlets, 'Where songs their stori~ tell'?" He said, "The words aren't relevant. Whoever heard of meadows, dells, marts and hamlets?" He put down the paper again. "Let me guess. You're in a rotten mood. You're picking arguments out of ,thin air. You have a dental appointment, right?" ''You got it." "Those are romantic words," I snapped. "Be honest, what do you think of when you think of meadows, dells, marts and hamlets?" ''What about the dog?" he said tiredly. "I kicked him already " ·He thought a minute. "Jayne, Icatessen, Fed and Hamburger." POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT "You're pretty cute, aren't you?" l said. "Someone went to a lot of trouble to give you a class song that painted a musical picture of tranquility and you can't even relate to it. I suppose you'd like a few 'whoa, whoas,' and 'baby, baby, babys'." t 11• •I I.,, " ''TEARS WON'T : ., &RING HE~ .BACK"?: "Look, I don't like to sing. I don't even sing 'The Star-Spangled Banner' when it's played." ''And why not, Mr. American?" 1i , • . "EVERY TIME I GET TO the rockets' red glare. I get a pain shooting down the inside of my left leg." -How kind Of ~OU to en\~hten ~r.·11""· _ ..... ,on that rn.e point f ~ . GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable . North deals. NORTH • KQ 104 1::1 AK32 0 3 • QJ83 WEST EAST •J987 •5 <:1 7' <:1 80 5 O KJ87 O AQ962 +A92 +K l0&5 SOUTH •AU2 <:1 QJI09 0 1054 +74 The bidding: Nortli Eut 8oedt W"t 1 + Pu1 I <:1 Pua 3 <:1 Pu 1 4 <:1 Pu1 Pu1 Pa11 Opening lead: Seven of 0 . We ventu,.. that even an expert ml{ht io down on to- day'• hand. The temptaUon to win a trick H lne1p1n1lvt· ly u poe1lblt can bt 'hat allurtn1I After North'• one elub openln1 bid, South eorrtetly r11ponded ln the lower ranllln1 of hla • wo fouNaril major 1uH.a. NOf\h'a hand "valutd 10 ll pcMnta rn 1 p port of hearts. so he made a jump raise, and South's der.i- sion to go on to game was automatic. West led .his fourth·best diamond. Since South surely had a high honor in at lea~t one of the black suits. pros pects or defeating the con tract seemed to hinge on a spade ruff. Therefore. East won the ace of diamonds and shifted to his singleton spade. He did not get a quick ruff as he hoped. but the play took a peculiar turn. Declarer look advantage or the chance to win a cheap trick by running a spade to dummy's ten. South came to hand with a trump and ruffed a diamond high. He came back with another trump and ruffed hia last diamond with dummy'a laat trump. But now he waa faced with an lnaolu· bl• problem -he had no way to r•i back to hi• hand to draw the laat trump. Il he lod a 1pada, EHt would ruff and Lhe defender. would take 'wo club trick.I. U detl&rer ltd a club, Wt1t would win tither the flrat Of' N<Ond elub &rtck and fin hf1 partner a 1pad• ruff tot down one. Tiit trouble wu lh1& declarer was a trifle too par simonious in the ~pade ~uit. Ht> ~hould hnvr ri!lrn with l he ace or <;pndl'i. 0 l t rirk two! Oeclarrr rontinul'~ hy ruf fing a diamond high, cros~1ng back to his hand with 11 trump and ruffing his last diamond high. Hut now there is still a low trump in dummy which enables declarer to re· enter his hand lo draw the re maining trumps. Now he leads a spade to the king. and when East ~hows oul declarer abandons the suit and turns his allention to clubs. Soonl'r or lat~r ht' will gt-t hack lo his hand by ruffinir 11 minor suit with his last trump. Declarer then t.akes the marked apadl' Clnesae. 11nd enda up with ten t.rlckll four apadea, four hearts and two diamond ruffa. Ho• dt J•• elMon tlte ..... c:1 .. ....,, c~. o... Ult ....... ,.,.,. t.,, ti "Wluhli 0,.aJ .. LH•h," .. d u .U o "'O ................. We ""•P"'i. P.O. l•1 tit, Nww•, l'f.I . OT141. Mu• '"""-,.,..._ a. N•••· ,., ...... ~ I I I I I I I I I I NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTION OUOT&TIOlll• IN(UIDI HAOU ON, ... llilW TOii, ....... ,. PACl"C PIW IOUON, OltlOIT AND (IN(INNUI n oc• lllClt&M•UANll 11..01110 If Tltl lt&&O &ND lllUt•Ct '411.. lffl .. ,.. Nol ... '''" (IHf c,,. ,. < "°' CN>M (flt l:;...alt J ::o ';' J .... + lo INfi<) i II) 12¥> 1" """ • 10 JIJ .... • "' 1~1= :R· f 14... "' , "I'=' C~w ;~ s~ '3 : . .ll 11: 1:::iltt \ * 1 u. f • ~ !Ol'f\ a 1 «> ., ,...., •• I~~ : '?! ,,.. .~~\~ n 1 ' i ., 1 e11PI "I tt 10'• I . .., •• '""'" ) e • U. • ' E nnl• IO t Ith t '-I ntlt {II i 1 t 1 I. • lo. !;t\~ f: r, .~~ ~~ • '-enoorth 1 tO ·~ It'\• '' t110tl9< t1 » t \'t •PHIG I ., , ,, J4\<t . •• En• pl 10 Jl 110 .. .. It tnr.i11 1" 0 ··~ "' ••1"9 e lO .. •'-~n>H n JU Jh • IMllCO lb • ll I) )•I.. Nol .,llW. • I 14 JJh, "° Ni TR tO lit 1~ ~ lnllll\..!" t 11 I• "1• P ., ••• (lo ,... ernal 1 1 Sii tt 11, nltu ,. UO iflo • .. tnltt!<• • 10 1•"' A··· "" ... C••o" ._ • 11 lh• • ~ l!lllh 1 11 11 ~ lnl!IP'1111t ttl 1 I l)\t "' i... .,. 1• I ·~ ,_ C.•• Pw l 40 1 m 10 Equll• 1 tO tS tth l't lltPS. 110-JO 1$"' """ • •-.., ( T 0 / I 1, Equlrnll M )'-'/II lllltr<O t. ) II ,.lo ~f.'' 2 1' • 1 )I••+ '"' 1' tf 1 JO.. Eqmt. P12 JI l 1~\lo ... lnltr pl 1 IJ I .. l'-ail I. ' ... 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SJ 1~ ~'• '> GGINJr~.4S2e2 SS I~ ,1•,~,. ~. ~~iJ,U.: 10 .~t ~: ... ,,, -D 0 .. o .. ~ ~ MaglCI .. 11 tl ••• B•llCP I 80 6 13 JS"i • '"' -GIWFln «) 2111 llV, Yt • BallyMI 10 10 1317 'l'I... '• OMG ti J\•o ·~ GWHW> n 13 92 ,.,. ... M•lonH I 40 10 • 1'1 ••• ,. B•llGE 1 .. I IOll U • '• 0•,,,_ 'lO 11 ,_,. -GMP n I .. • IS ,,.. ~tAst II SS 11• .. 8•11 pfB 4 lO 1100 :11 D•nRIY I 12 a I~ .,.. Grtyll I 'lO S 179 ll''• , •, ~~~t..tnl ~ ,s 101 1,•:-", ~~ B•n<:.ot 1 'lO II t• 20'-,,_ D•n•Cp I 60 • ,,. 11 Gro WI Jl t)-16 -•w• --Bt~ 90 • M 2.,_.. 0Anlel , .. 6 124 ll"i • \~ G owe, JM> JI I ManCr ~ lt I I tl + ~. B p 10 6 s 13' D•rtte. n J 60 I 11 S?.. lto G~hRty \. S 2.,, MlrH'"" l 92 • II) )J\, -'" e:~ 3 20 • 7 3' ' , :~ O•lo<in 9 SI 2•~ "• Grumm 1 «I 2t •? JO'·• , , M.tnvlll 80 12 14 10 .. • '·• 8-0fll• 116 • S tS\\i '• O•IT•r .,. •''> '• Gu•rdl _)6 • 1 IJ '• Manv1gs40 11 11'-o-'• =~~~ J ~ : •i: ;r• :~ g:~· II~ ~} ':~~: :~ gGu::1:,,~, 2180~~ •• ,~1 ,~,, ... '• •• ~ •• 7-Mdtdn i' ~ : ...... ",'.~ •• ••• B•nkTr 1 OS • 'I] 17 • .. 0.yHO '' IO II !le 17 '"' Oil _ -u ~ B-II • s ... '• o.vtPt.. ''° • ,,.. ISlto GullA• .. 131, ..... ::·~ ~ ~ : 3: B•rdCR •IS 1SS lS''> • ''-Ce•nF 11 16 • I 13~•-''• GllSIUI I S6 S ISSJ 11.. "• ... ~-... I 'lO I IJ t3'. 1' e.,nG9 eo w 1 "" '" c.e~ 1 11 111 ""' • .. G11su p1s oe -.. • -... B•-1 t 01 1 lO 10'• CttmP t Ml I 211 141, •~ -' ' M•rrlot lO II 191 U ··-CtlltA I lO 203 "' GllSU pr4 «I 6 17'• '" Mr\llM J 20 10 19~ 3t>. • g:~': 2~': ;! •:~·"' c.uone' 1 1 ,10>4~ ~ g~~u~o~~-1 15~ ~··. ~= -••M •t92 s m ~~; ~ B•uKll 1S.J1 l4 41'-. .. Ol•Chl Ill JO lS'" • Gullon t03' 14 I'",,., ::'l~ :1: 1: 11-'" "- B••Tr s 46 i. IOI 3~ OenMl9 I .., • 2• 111. '• -.._,. -Mt"O It • .. , 31 ' ' Bo Fin l6 • H• Oenn'f'' .. II 'II U'n • HMW IS t ... ~ r~::~ i:,: ~n ~~= ~ ~m: :n·: ·:~ HE::: a;~~~~~~ j m;:.:~ $~;·;: ·~ :i: .. Beker 14 S11• ·~ OretE ot • n tlO "' > :,,; H•IDCn l.60 s u:m 21'•. ,,.. ~'•nc. t :n ,, ,.,, ==~~ ~ : 1; 1:~ g::~ = u: ~~ :; .... : _,, '1•mrP I .. S I 1411't M•l,uE l6I • 161 Jt"'-:::::: .~ : ~ ~... g~ =~ rn : :~;:: .... ~=~~ :.~. ~ :!:~ • i,, :::~~WI lO 4 •::: :~~ • ~ 8e1Gd9 1.9'. 411dt3"'° ~ OE plK •.I? 17 7_s..,., n ~~';:" ~ !; g:~ MeyOS I 12 I XM ?,1~.· :".., BeHtl1 t.tO • 13 uv. ''• OE plJ lS.61 • 97 1 Ma~l9 le 11 41• • "' Be~I• 3.32 S lO 41'11 • "' OE pfl IJ.80 0 11 1~ ~:~:::, J 11 ~~ ~:: :: ~or'~ !.8020 4 11 1 19 1 !!,. lto Bel\da 1)1• 04 I •t • \'1 OetE pr 2 ti I l•V• "" ' ~" B•n!Cp , . 166 ,.... IV• Oe•I•• I 10 t• m.. .,. ~:~~~~ ,~ 3! 2! 2~~: :: ~&:.:~.:It 61~ :~ .... :~ Ben•• pl A JO 2 K "'-OIG•or t.4 6S '"". ~. H•rrl1 •• JAi 24''-. ~. """n.c I ••• ·-··-~ 11~11 ' IS 3 0101opf2U t 20'• ..,.,, • •• -~ Btfity 7S 116 ]'4 o,, 01 .. Cj> t 40 13 10 )Ji' Ha•Ko 1 'lO 6 13 16''• MtGEO 2 6 .. , 11 •I'··• 8fftPO 1:2 • ill IS'l'e 0111n1 2 'lO 11 ,, ,. • '" HartSM 1.24 • ,. 20"'. ,,.. M<G•H t Ill 13 -St .. a St t s~ o• s I ll 100 , I H•rtH '° • '1 '23'' M(.lnl 0 1 '''I• I 1 era~h~ .~ ~ •~ :.~. ~ 01::::d ~ 16 • a 6~ • l"' Hell~ 1.IOe I 6 .,.. 1<\ Mct..oen Ill 411 U HwllEI 714 7 14 l6'"' ~Id , S 110 ..... ::~t l,20 11 : ';,,. ,,.. &:ft!!:'n /Ob ~ 1;! f~ It Ho e\A S I''• Mum 50,. S t•"- 81.,(-0 It 10 7J6 IJll'> Diiion 1 :IOll a 11 1111. •, --· ·1• lt 9' '• '"' Mt01rn M ts SOJ "'" ', 81kHPw 1 «I 40 t~ 'l'O Ol1~y I 'O It 1'11 SIV• • '"' ~!ftl~ .72 i 1: 2~~: • ~: =:~:~ ~ : rs !:~: :~ 81t\rJn I Q ll""-"• Otvrlfn 33 1'-Htfl\t s I w I J50 u3'.., • 't ~r(St 1 I 4 4S BlctlHR t.'2 113 1tlh V. OrP-IO 10 1147 "" .-\t H•lnt pl • 10 1 y50i, • IV. MtrTt• 112 • It t• 9 1::18 I ., 117 u.... ... Oo<'r>tJ IO lll •• ' ..... Hti.nC ) n 12"' '" Merck 1 IO ll m -lit ==~ :.: ~': m~ + '"' ~U ~ ~ g ·:~· \t ::::~~ I~>; b~ :~... lit =~'pt I~ : 1: n~: ~ f i: 1 .~ ~~ •• ll:':.:: • , ·: ·:: ll.. ~ ::::i.t·. •.» ~ •11 ·:~ :::::: rn: • •r. ·:~· • .. 11 4"'-"' Oo.,., • .. • :ill n tteolly t.90 1 llJ •"-•. " Melrm s 14 1• n • 1 1.tO 6 I» 221AI+"' OowQ\ 1.IO 14151 ~. HflAofl to . I "9 MIECllGI .. tlJO 41 • ~ fl' I 17 . 4 ll't• ..... OowJon t Cll 17 JO •t • Iii -!ft t I ,. 31 -lit MIE pfHe.J2 l1fG wl'), v, 1.. • t0 10 -\l'O Or•.. ... 17 14 n , • '"° HewlP' ,J4 U * 0 ~ Mtrl'd 11 )II. I.JIN • m ""' "' Orov to • '" ti "" Huell .o 17 I ,,..., + "' M<llER 1 34 1 n llloi • i.. 8rlJIM 2 IO tl Sal )S Vi 01'08 2 I I•~ HIShffr 90 ' 11 ..... • ·~ MCICTtl t 7' I 14 17°"' ·~Pl t 711 • .. in. ~ Ort~U! .,. ,. ~ .... Hl\/otl IS 10 41 "' "" M!Otn n , OI s .. ~ 8 • 11 IO lO "2l , • ..,, + i.. dU,....,I 2 40 i.3 ll .... • IO Hll~ 10 • t " ·""~ I "I'"'" Br W'/ 1.211 S 1• It 14 OuU P 120 I n1 21 • '"""' _,....,,..,. "'v""'l , .. SOM l UG t I'll S 11t U OVi..• DI t.1'11 110 t0\11 Ii'> Hiiton IA> I Ill JJ1" • MldRot I fO • S t\11 •• :~VI .IO lo2 • IJ~ • ~ Ou-• pl I.JO r r:JO U\11~ .._ Hltttfl II 12 MO t>*-'-NUIHW I 10e • 3J nvt + \It 8~ 1.1' 1 t" \IU • "" Ovu Ill J 15 • -~ .._ Hotldty IO I .. 21l4-~ Mlll&nl t 20 I I I~-i.. I F« 1 IO JIO 17~-"' Oull•pl I.• rlOO 11 +I =Dlt \;IO ~ ,\It 1: ::~ J 1'; J :~ Ir I t * 11 'It. "' Cvl\llr J ,. IS IJt iE. .... Hon"•• Al 11 .. """ • .... MMM > lO 10 ... U"' • .. e uo 10 1 ~ ..., oveu 1" • 1u • ... Hol\w!1 SA • 211 •I~ -. ~nPt.. , .• • 17 "-eutv r •• 1 •1 111'--"' Ovci plA , "' •IOO • • • ~ t M , Jt .. • MlrO(o '° s th-l't 8~ ri: ~ '! it;=~ ~OVQ ~ 1 -" •• ,: :t-;,.; litr'iNll ~ 1l ,ci: ::~. "' =~~' · i.: t ri n:; · ,"' U l I'" i.-" -.. 101~ '1 !!~·v; :;..,~ 1'1 ~ ~· "'Mtl"S¥ Ill 4 II,._.-_ '1.\1 .. ~ U111 '; t: ,..,. • t100 ~ +I Howl'b .., t iO u" • =In 1 1t,1 ;::: :; .. • t'U ',,J~ C:-."" .. r: . s I i ·~... Holnlnt 1..S 1 ,,. 111., l't MooOllH . JJ 1-. •... 1111'.. 1tt .... .... -·-· -~~ ttt .,. ,,,~ tt::; : MclMff .• 1• ., '°"'. "' c•pllWl ,;..c...;c, •• ~. •er:.~ ~~ m1""•1"' -oi 1·10 ,.. ft"'"' Modelll= ': tt 1~· ... t M r lfi .... ~i." .. I • I • \t .....0 11 .... ·• f 'f'• "" IO *ft 'fi:+ ._. •1if·· •n li~i it, 1• ·' 1,; '": ~ er -: ' 11•"·. ~ ,---it. , ........ " t ,., ...... ,i . •"'•·" ~I ,• llJ ~ ~ \ ~ • ~ ~·,t ·1 ~ 1 I• Iii;~ V , ':t ~ ~ f!:!f 11 ~: t • :;~ J ~ -~ ; ::1, .. ~; 1· I .. ~ i ·'~t fl, • -... ,. Utility to cut costs SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Pacific Gas & Electric Co. says It will get more natural gas from domestic suppliers over the next two years and less from expensive Canadian IOW'Cet. A contract change has not been approved, but PG&E claimed Monday it will be able to accept up to 31 percent less gas than under its current contract. GE contracts advance NEW YORK (AP) -Ton\atlve contral"\8 between Oenoral ltlcctrlc: and two aeparate unJona havt clHttd two ouL of thrM hurdles bolore belna 1ubm1ttc!d to• rank·•nd ·ftl vote July e Tho oonfer n c board• of th• lntern1Uon1l Union o( lltctrlC'at Work.en Ind the Unl'4td llectttcal Worken were call d \0 1tpar1tt flllll'lfnp h N toda)' IO ~ &he &en\aUW t!Oft'11t.11 ntM'hld ..._y, &he llne1 _,a.In th nlnk •NWMUI VO '• H/F 81 Kaiser awarded driJling pact K;user Steel Co. hus lx't'n uward<.'Cl a c•onlJ act to build the base for a !J()('Ond dl--t:p water 011 dnlllng platform trJ be located nine milt'!i r>ff Huntington Bt>at.·h Thi· pl:.tCorrn JUl'kel will lw tnswllt-<I 11t tlw BN,a ftt'ld Wht .. re a pu·vl()u11 plutform wui. tnst.ttllt.J in 1980 tn 205 feet of wuter Sh1•1l California Producuo11, fn(·, Cal1forn1a µroducuon subsidiary of Shell Oil Cu, said the 20,000-ton sl.l.ot·I pl~itform jacket (base· St.X'Ut>n) will be assemlJli:d hy Kaiser 1n VnlleJo. with maJor prefabrtt·uuon work being done in Napa and Fontana Approximately 500 w11rk1·n. will be.• cl1rt'<'tly employed at the pc:·ak of f&br1c.at111r1 mid a.sM:mbly Koll sells Grove trac t A 1.4-acre parcel at I 7272 Carde11 Grove Boulevard m Garden Grove has been sold by The Koll Company or Newport Beach to the Dale M Kellogg Trust of Newport Beach for $1 6 million Tht• Newport Beal'h offlt.-e of Grubb & Ellis Comrnt'rl'ial Brukt-ragc Company rcprc.·scnted both parties. Bromar. food brokt•r, 1s the tenant in the 20,044-.sqwm· fuut faL·tltty T-bill 1·a tes increa e By The Associated Preas For the fifth straight week, investors have demanded a higher interest raw tor mom•y they Im.in the government, driving U.S. Treasury short-term borrowing costs to the highest levels since mid· February. The Treasury borrowed $9 b1llton in the sale of three-and six-month bills Monday, nd by week's end w1U have raised $17 billion Fmancial economists expect the Treasury will go on a borrowmg binge m the St'<'Ond half of the year. seeking an estimated $90 b1U1on to $100 billion over the next SLX months and as much as $50 biU1on more m the first three months of next year. The average discount rate on the six-month Treasury bills auctioned Monday was 13.419 percent, up from 13.031 percent a week earlier and the highest since the Feb. 16 level of 14 36 percent. Three-month bills were auctJoned at an average dLSCOunt rate of 13.269 percent. up from 12.88 perc.-ent m the previous week and the highest sin~ the March 27 level of 13.399 percent. Hospital strengthened Creatwest Hospitals lnc announl'ed it nt•gotiated bank Imes aggregattng $40 m1l11on This strengthening of the t:ompany's financial resources follows a public offering of common stock last February and primarily was to fund CHI's $30 million capital 1mprovl'ment and expansion program. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YOAIC IAPI S•lh Mond11y·a •nd twt <~ Of t~ f1ttff•I mG\t Kll\f# N~w Yortri Stoc.:'-. E1tch•,. 1\\4#'\ 1reo1ng "attonaltv 111 more 11'18n S 1 t•l•ttS¥<t llS .00 14' • NL T (.orp 1S4 .100 lS"' I Mf'\41~1'1 Sii 100 ll'• -._ E:a.xon ' 4.s.I 900 11"-.., '• 18M ·~ bOO •l • 1• Amt r t & t 4J/ /00 )() A~rtie'~\ OA.100 t'> • T•no• m t00 11>. • •· AmE•prf"\\ ]qt 100 AP• • ~ t GoodYf'•r ll•.lOO H • t• • E•" l(oelo'I~ 370 100 ll..,, • t g~\,7~s,:~._ ~~ ~ ~~:; :: PhH1pMou l'Jl~ )l'• Mr ;)onctlO }18,SOO 71 ' '• AMERICAN LEADERS Oomt>Pttl SrownFor 8 s WMQB OreroEnv o Intl Bnllnol ~~~~~ Crnt•IOtl l(~yPt\drm • Tvocx-• ' ... l11 • Jt\, .1 1•. * ., s•. ,,. 119 11•. .. ,, • " ,,, • >ti. ... UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK tAPI T~ tollow1n9 "" \l'W>WS th(> Nn-'too. Stock E •(t\M9 itOC>.\ .no w•tr.Mtt~ lh•I h•Y• QOrW vp lllt mo.I ~nd down ,,... mosl ba>o<I on ~rcfnt ot chaniQit-rf'Q.ttdlf!\\ 01 votumt •or -.>Ooy No wt(ut1hf"\ tr.01n9 or1ow U •'~ irt<I uoeo ~· .tn(t perc•n•·~ (~n91'' art ... dUtert'ftC.f! betw~ the p,..vtau\ c'4)Wna price and Monday's price. • .... _ I Me•tevF 1 Wurllllff 3 MGMGHoll • N•t GvP\m S PSEG • tllol 6 Tttfl Ind I GonM<O Inc 8 Planlron 9 Ht<I~ 10 Emi>OE. IMC 11 Munford pj II E~Ol pfA 13 Ar~ Cp t• CenlH Corp IS t..ooeSt• Ind 16 Pr~toyC~ II IC.OT ln<IU\I 18 PUC>tKh Ind 19 Amtac Inc 10 C.111 Tire ,, I(( Slhn pl ,, 0-•111 ~!~~ UPS Le•I .c"Y. uoPc'•• J ' • i,, Up 14 > •• 1 • '• VD U 0 ttl t , ? UO It f 190, • l Up II l 11 t • i . Uo tt t •"• .. UD 100 18"" • 1', U~ I I 11 • + '" Up I J , .. • '• UP 81 81 # "+ \111 UD 1 t 3'"' • "' Up I 7 1' .. • I J Uc> 1 f n • 11, Up 11 21' .. • '"' Up /0 ..... ' ... uo •• 1 • '• Up • 1 1 1>11 uo 61 ?0' , 111. Vo 6 ) ,, I .. uo •• .... , I, Up • J ,... ... uo • 0 4.q .. Up S • A\.) • I . 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NEW YORK IA.Pf met•I prtc.s 1ooay Spot nonterro1" Copp•• 66·~.n c•"'• • pound u S oes11n111on• l..Hd 25-27 C*tlt •pound Z>..e 35-37 -.11 • Pound ~'-tel Tiii $6 21163 ~,.,. WM-compoahe to Aluminum 75.71 C*!IS I pound NY l!hfcwy 1370 00 oer nastc l'Mltll\um $249 00 lfoy oz N Y SILVER Hendy ~ Hatman. $S fS 10 oer 11ov ovnc:. GOLD QUOTATIONS l y TIM AUOCll•ted p,_.. Se!Kted world goto o•t<;es IO<l•y Lond on: mor n1ng II A Ing $310 75. uo S7 00 Leftclon: ellernoon ll•lng. 1309 00, UJJ $5 25 Patlr. afternoon 111tng S300 00 "° SS 2!1 'reMf\111: '311 911, up S6 " %~. l•te hong '3 10 2S U9 '6 00 bid 1310 75 ... eel Hendr & Het"18111: (Only dally quote) &.)09 00, UI> $5 25 ·~ (only oetty QUC>ll) l30t 00. Uj) SS 25 l,..eNf411 1on1Y a..iv QUOl•I 11onc11.a S.n' '~ 1111 U SI SYMBOLS DlllJ Piiat TUl!SOAY, JUN! 29. 1982 H/F ClASSlfllD cs aker treasure chest W orth(y) plenty C Irvine 's Kevin Magee not selected in opening round of NBA draft. NEW YORK (AP) Thl' Los Angeles Lakers added lo their treasure l'hesl of stars today by drafting James Worthy of North Carolina as the hrsl pick m the opening round of ·the National BfWcetball Association draft. ~C lrvme's Kevin Magee, expected to fled in the openmg round, was not d ed among the first round . delph1a expected to pick him, but d drafted Cal's Mark McNamara. thy, a 6-foot-9 JUntOr forward who h the Tar Heels wm the NCAA championship last season. was the first o f as many as n1nC' underclassmen , ex~ted to be chosen m the first round. ~he Lakers, champions of the NBA in t...:e;1981 -82 season, had acquired the No. 1 • ck via a trade with the Cleveland cavaliers, the team that finished in last place in the Eastern Conferenct• last season, and by winning a coin flip with the San Diego Clippers, who finished last in the Western Conference. The Lakers wasted no time in selecting Worthy, who averaged 15.6 points per game for North Carolina last season and scored a game-high 28 points in his team's NCAA championship game victory over Georgetown last March. The Clippers, however, took half of their allotted five minutes before making Terry Cummings of DePaul. another Junior forward. the second choice m the draft. The 6-10 AU-American averaged 22.3 points and 11.9 rebounds for the Blue Demons last season. The third choice, by the Utah Jazz, was 6-7 junior forward Dominique Wilkins of Georgia. Wilkins, compared by some scouts to Philadelphia star Julius Erving 10 his potential for generating excitement in the pros, avera~ed 21.6 points per game during his career with the Bulldogs and was called the "Top Dawg of Dunk" The Da llas Mavericks, choosing fourth, became the firsl t.eam to S<.'lt'<'t a senior in the draft, 6-91"1 Bill Garnett of Wyoming. He averaged 18.1 points per game last season. The pick was somewhat of a surprise because it was believed the Mavericks would take 6-10 center LaSal le Thompson of Texas after they had traded their starting cent.er at the end of last season, Wayne Cooper, to Portland for guard Kelvin Ransey Monday. However, the Mavericks had acquired center -forward Pat Cummings late Monday from Milwaukee in exchange for Dallas' 1982 second -round draft choice. The Kansas City Kmgs immediately snapped up Thompson, the fourth JUnior selected, with the No. 5 pick. Thompson averaged 18.6 points and led the nation with a 13.9 rebound average. The New York Knkks then selected ti -5 senio r guard Trent Tuc k e r of Minnesota, which brought boos from the large gallery of fans at Madison Square Garden's Felt Forum. The fans had chanted for the Knicks to pick Ohio Stale's Clark Kellogg. Tucker averaged 14.8 points per game for the Gophers last seaBOn. Quinlin Dailey, a 6-3 guard from the Un1vers1ty of San Francisco who recently was placed on three years' probation for sexual assault, was chosen by the Chicago Bulls as the No. 7 pick in the draft. Dailey, an AU -American. averaged 25.2 points per game for the Dons dunng the 1981-82 sea.son. How they dr•fted lod•r 1 lo• Ange111 James Worthy (North Carolina). 6-9 lorw8rd 2 San O•ogo Te1ry Cummlnoa tO.Peul). 6· 10 fO•w1rd 3 Utah Dominique Wllli1n1 (Geo<g11). fl· 7 fo,....atd. 4 011111 Bill Gatnetl (Wyoming). fl-9'~ fo,....erd 5 Ken.as City L1Se111 Th0mp110n (Texu), 6-10 cent If 6 N-Vork Trent Tuck1r (M1nn1110t1J. fl-5 gu1•<l 7 Ch•CIQO Ou1n11n Delley tS•n FrencllCQ). fl-3 guerd 8 lndlene Cletk Klltlogg (Ohio Siii•). 6-7 forward 9 Oel!oll CHll Levingston (Wlehtll S11t1) fl..8 fO<Wl!d 10 Atlante Kl!lh Eomonaon (Pu•du•) guerd I 1 Pott11nd Lllayet11 L••et (AllZOOI Slate) 6-3 gul!d 12 Cleveland John Begley IBoaton College). 6--0 gu&<O 13 N-Je1My E•IC SIMC>y Ftoyd (George!OWO) 6-3 guatd 14 Golden Stlll leater Conner (Otegon s11 .. 1. &-4 guatd 15 PhOenl• Oallld ThtrOklll (Brldley) t6 Hou11on Ter<y Teagle (B•yl<><I 17 Kensat Clly Brooke Stee>e>e (Georgia Teen 1 18 Oe1•ott Ricky Ple1ce (R1ce1 19 Oenve1 Robb W11111m1 (Houlton) 20 M1lw1u.... Paul Pressey (Alctlmond) 21 New Je•sev EO<l1e Phllltps (Alebama) 22 Ph•lsdelphla Ma•k McNamere (Cai ) 23 Boston Oamn T 11111 (Cleveland Sta1e1 ------ South dazzles, tempers flare North upset b y all the razzl e By ROGER CARLSON Of the Dell)' Piiot St8'f The South AU-stars made ll five in a row -a hrst for the Orange County All-star football game -but that wasn't the only "fU'St" Monday night at Orange Coast College where the Rebels plowed under the underdog North, 36-13. It was a bitterly fought contest from the outside with personal fouls raising more hair on the ba c k of the nec k s than touchdowns and two player s were ejected during the course of th game. WHEN IT WAS over Servite Coach Ron Smeltzer. who'll be coaching many of the Soulh's olayers as the Shrine Game's (Rose Bowl. July 17) South coach, refused to shake hands with winning coach Bob Lester of El Mociena. "If you have a game on your schedulE' next season I'd like to play you." was S m e ltzer's response to Lester's hand. Then h e stalked away. end of postgame discussion (wi th Lester). Dave Geroux of Edison, Mark Templeton of Foothill and Jim Torok of El Modena proved to be as good as billed But there were also man y penalties 13 for 108 yards for th e South , alone -and combined wtth some razzle- dazzle play at the end which helped mount the final margin, Smeltzer was smoldering, to say the least. "It was embarrassing for my' kids," says Smeltzer . ·'H e (Lester) rubbed ll in. They didn't have to do that, usin~ fake reverses, reverse passes. . . " With 3:56 remammg and the South up by a 29-13 count, the Rebels w enl lo Capistrano Valley's Sam Finch, who took what appeared t o be t h e begmrung of an end around and turned 1t into a 62-yard scoring play with Fountain Valley's Joel Seay on the rec<'1vmg end. FOR THE SOUTH, it was the coup de grace, the final touch to an explosive night of football. but for the beat.en North, it was the last slap in the face. TitE TO LOOK -Fountain Valley High's Matt Stevens ( 15) looks downfield as his teammate, center Dale Crane (50), one of four Fountain Valley offensive starters for the Sou th, is ready O.Uy Piiot Pftotoe by Cherlee Sten to hold off any defensive pressure. The South gave Stevens the time and he responded with 209 yards through the air in a 36-13 victory at OranRe ~t College Monday night. For the record the South proved superior in just about every department, using ei~ht players in the scoring column. The heralded backfield of quarterback Matt S tevens of Fountain Valley a n d runners Smeltz.er also lashed out at the play of the game. which was out of control early. "You have to JUmp on 1t nght away and they (the off1c1als) didn't," s aid Smeltzer. "Brunot (Canyon High full back Ed Brunot) took .a deliberate spear in the back. It's not worth it, not to just come out· and try to hurt people." Navratilova, King, Evert Lloyd advance Jaeger , S hriver , however, are upset > "1:MBLEOON. England (AP) Edmondson of Australia defeated -(.De fending champion Chris Ramesh Krishnan of India 6-3. Evert Lloyd pursued top-seeded 1-6. 6-1, 6-4 and No. 16 Steve Martin a Na v ra t1 I ova and Denton completed a match begun sentimental favorite Billie Jean Monday by outlasting South King into the quarterfinals of the African Schalk van der Merwe, A 11 -E n g I and Tennis 6-7. 7-5, 3-6, 6-4, 13-11 Championships at Wimbledon The match was suspended at but fourth-seeded Andrea two sets each and 10-10 in the J ~ was ambushed by Anne fina l set Monday because or h and No. 7 Pam Shriver darkness. was stunned by Barbara Potter. Lloyd stormed back from a first-set tiebreaker loss to boast a ~. 6-3, 6 -1 victor y over 15 seeded Virginia Ruzict of ia. Navratilova overcame so strong early play to subdue 18-~1ar-old Zina Garrison 6-3, 6-2, while King, playing in her 102nd singles match at the All- Efid Club, tripped sixth- se ed Wendy Turnbull o f A 6-2. 6-3. ith, the No. 13 seed. upended Jaeger 6-4, 6-2. while the 10th-seeded Potter ousted Shriver with surprising ease, 6-2, 6-4. American Joanne Russell did ln ntnth-eeeded Sylvia Hanika of West Germany 6-4, 6-7. 6-3. rd-seeded Tracy Austin tlle trouble ousting We.t any's Claudia Kohde 6·3, 6 All aeven women advanced Into the quarterfinal• of the rah)-j>1-gued tournament. wh!le Carldy Reynold• downed fellow n Pam Teeguarden ~· 7, to move Into tho fourth Re)'Mlda now will face N 1 BetUna Sunp In lhe flruil four\h·round mat.chup. On tht men'• 1Jdt, 1lx\h ...s.ct Otnt M1ytr ptntd tho round of 18 with • 1 O, O·I, &·<> vi lQry over fellow America,, ldt:[Y ai1f 1nkl: No ta Mark TODAY'S RESULTS lhn'• Second Rovnd 81nglH Steve 0.0100 (U S ) de! Schalk van de• Me""e (South Africa). 6-7. 7-5. 3-6, 8-4, 13· t 1 Men'• Third Round Slnglff Mark EomondllOn (Australla) def Remea~ Krishnan (India). 6-3, I-fl. 8-1. 6-4 Gene Mayer (U S ) def Larry Stelank1 (U S ) 1.e. 6-3, a-o Ru8"11 Simpson (New Zealand) def Marcot Hooevar (Brazil), 3-6. 5-7, 8-3. 7-6. 8-3 Meta w111nder (Sweden) def Stanlelo~ Birnef (Czechollovakla). 6-3. 8-4, 6-4 Tim Meyot11 (U S ) def Suhl Menon (lndl1) 8-4. 6-2, 3.-e, 7-6 Stefan Slmonuon (Sweden) def Leo P•tikv' tFlnllfld), 8-3. 6-4, 6-7, 7-5 Joh1n Kriek (Sou1fl Af<1c1) def Pate• Rennert (US). 4-6. fl..3. 8-4. 8-1 Roecoe Tenner tU S.). def Vlj41y Amrltraj lfndll), 8-4, &-4. 4 ... .L. 4~. &-3 H•nk Pfltt• cu.is.> def John Fltzoarlld {Au11rllla). M . 5-7. 6-4, 5-7. 8-2. St-Danton (U.S.) def. CMa Lewll (New ZMl•nd), 7~. 7-6. Nick S1vf1no (U.S ) def 0 1vld Certer (Austrllla), &-4. 8-4, &-4 8111tar Mottram {8rll1ln) def. Chrl• Johnltone (Aullrllla). &-1. 6-3. fl..2. Vltu Oenllaltll {U.S.) def Tom11 Smid ICleChollOYakll), 1-7, 3-8, 6-3, 8-4, &-2 ·-··""""-'Cf ........ Candy Reynold• (U.8.) d1f )1m T ... OV.,derl (U.1.1. &-7, l-3, M ........ ,N'ttl ~ ........ Mtttlt'll NIYrllllOva (U.8 .) Clef. lint OtnllOfl (U.1.)1 _ .. I , &-2 Anne lmffh(u.l .)daf, AndfN.,..,., (U 8). ........ .... .IMll Kint (U 8.) Clef Wtt1dy Tt1tnM <U .. ~t-1 ... 1 ltrlllrl "otter (U I ) dtl "'"' lhrlv•r IUHM,M T1MLA~111 ~·u•' Ct111dt1 KtM• ~ 'l'wwt ·~., ... Vlttlflll llluMI I 1, 1, •· , ~;~I~ .I Ml·~ .. .,.. ,w;o;."*'1~ ••.• ' •• Lester responded: "We had a problem here, 1t was a hrst game for everybody and we got a mass of penalties. and probably deservedly .. late hits." Lester said before the game it was h is intentton to showcase the South's players. not to dwell on any one poruon of the attack. and he was true to hjs word. "We used every play we had." said the El Modena coach. As for turning points. the South cashed in on a blocked punt to score with no time left in the first half to take a 15-6 lead, but it wasn't broken open until Westminster's Mike Waters recovered a fumbled punt at the North 20. which evolved into Ke n Laszlo's 16-yard touchdown run on the first play in the fourth period. THE NORTH rallied to within 15-13 on the third quarter's first ~ion when Servite's Doug Butler got an assist from Waters to complete a 21-yard touchdown pass to Mike ,Bowles of Cypress. Wate rs appeared to have it in tercepted. but J05t a juggling act and the ball feU into Bowles' hands. That, however, along with a (See SOUTH, Page C%) ANGELS, TEXAS OPEN SERIES ARLINGTON, Texas -Fresh off thelr satisfying series victory over the KanaU City Royala, the Anjcll begin a aix-pme road trip here tonight (~:36 PST) ~t the Texaa Rangel'9 . By defeettna the Royals, 9-t Sunday af ternoon, the Anael1 concluded t h t' homc1tand wiantnl 9-of-18 pm19, lncl~ l-of-4 lrom Kan111 Oly. 'IM ~oy1l1.1 afltr lo1ln1 1·4 to OlkJand Norw:tat ~L. .,.. now lhrtt ,, .... behind th• ~L,,._w.,.~ H/F Or•nge Coaat DAILY PILOT/TUMdly, June 18, 1882 Will Garvey's streak end tonight? LOS AN(HU .. l':S (AP) -Dick Wllllam11. thu m.~t'r ut thf' &n OlejlO Padrui, wua lookln6( ul • copy of the N•Uon•I L~ut• Wt'tll 11Jlnd!ngs before hi• olub upuned 111 lour aame aerie• &A&flinlt th~ Loi Angt!lea Dodgers. quJ\e u happy u he m11ht have been u tl'I Pac.ir't!'I hadn't lott to the Dod~ni 6-4 Monday nlaht. Pedro Guerruo homert.-d with om.• cm 1n the aixth when t.ht• Dcxlgt•n; ovt•romt• a 3-2 San Diego leud. duy11 l'w lu1d h belort'. J'w pl•ycd ln µ1&ln bdoN', bt.lt l'U huvu to i;t~ about lOrnorruw ratght when l ~ •t to lhc pnrk and u-.t It " The 1econd-place Padre• are still ahead of the thU'd p~ Dodgera, but the lead ls now only two games. The Dodgeni tn1ih'(I hy 11 run wht•n lo.ing pitcher Chrtlj Wt•b1h, :'> ;i, w11lk{-d Ron RoenJck.-to lt>ad oct lht• 11l xlh und Guerrero followed with hit 13th hunwr He'U no doubt play, and his rru.inagt•r, Tom LMorda, !\bid tw hopes Garvey h1 able lo n1a rnta111 htN streak, but tw cauuuned, "SometlmeR 8lreuloi do end bl'CaUllC of injuries." The: 11klµpt•r of tht• Pa<ir8 Ukt.>d what he NW. "L.A. la the tt:am to bt.>i.t," he WWI eayina. "I reBpect Atlanta, very much - don't m1aunderatand but as long as we keep the Dodgers lx•hind u11, I'll be And the Dodaers, with thelr thlrd straight win and 11th in their lut 14 outlnga to go five &amt!tl over .500, tholr high mark of the seuon, ...-. only 41.Aa games behind the division-leading Braves. Steve Garvey lht-n 11hot u duublt> to the wall 1n center, but pulled hi.a right hamstring and had to leave the game. Garvey, who has played in 1,020 games in a row, the fifth-longt>St playing on streak on record, 1M11d of the injury, "It's been tight the l1111t thrc.'<' or' four F<!mando ValC!nzuela, 10-6. earned the· win, joining Philadelphia's Stevt> Carlton us the NL's first 10-game winners. ha " ~fiiums is still huppy, then, only not Steve Yeager cracked a two-run homer and a run-scoring single and Astro GM delighted with J.R.'s effort From AP diapatcbes DAYTONA BEACH -J .R. m Richard, making his first start since suffering a near fatal stroke two years ago, began a journey Mo~day night . that he hopes will lead ham back to the ma)Or leagues. "It took a lot of hard work to get here, and it's going to take a lot of hard work to get back," the 32-year-old pitcher said after hurling four innings for the Daytona Beach Astros of the F1orida St.ate League. "I felt fine. I thought 1 could have gone two more innings," added Richard, who threw 64 pitches, four more than trainers had decided he should throw in the outing. The former Houston Astros patcher who was felled RICHARD by a stroke on J~y 30, 1980, had spent the last month in a special extended spring training program in Sarasota. A sellout crowd of 4,500 at City Island Park gave him a standing ovation before the game and after he completed hlS appearance. The St. Petersbur g Cardin als touched Richard for three runs on three hits in the first inning. But the right-hander settled down in the second retiring the side in order -and allowed only two more hits the rest of the way. Quote of the day George Allen, after being named coach and part-owner of the Chicago franchise in the fledgltng Unite d States Football League: "Withm one month 1 could put together a team of free agents that could be c ompetitive in the National FootbaJI League" Grich leads Angel All-star charge NEW YORK -Bobby Grich of m the Angels and Wallie Randolph of the New York Yankees are locked in a close battle for the second-ba\e position in the final week of balloting for the American League AU-star team. . . With one more week of balloung left, Gnch led Randolph by 27,931 votes. 515,984-488,053, the league said Monday Frank White of Kansas City was third with 462,523 votes. 25.5 3cf behind Randolph. Final results of fan balloting for the July 13 All- star Game at Montreal will be announced on Tuesday, July 6. . The top vote-getter through Monday was George Brett of the Royals, who had QAICH 1,066,897 for the third-base spot. Brett, who received the most votes in last year's All-star balloting, was 425,966 votes ahead of Toby Harrah of Cleveland, who had 640,931. Fred Lynn of the Angels was l.ock~ in a close duel with former teammate Jun Rice of Boston for the third outfield spot. Reggie Jackson of the Angels Jed outfield balloting with 651,831 votes, followed by Rickey Henderson of Oakland with 537,075 and Lynn with 535,731. Rice. with 482,418, was 53,313 votes behind. Left fielder Dave Winfield of the New York Yankees had 478,082 votes. Carlton Fisk of the Chicago White Sox led catchers with 995,966 votes, and Rod Carew of the Angels had 869,035 votes for first base. Bucky Dent led balloting for shortstop with 591,733 votes. Carlton picks up 10.th victory S t eve Carlton became the m National League's first 10-game wanner as he pitched a 1-0 victory over the St. Louis Cardinals Monday night that boatted the Phillies into the National League F.ast lead for the first time this season . . . In other games, Nolan Ryan and Bert Roberge combined on a four-h1tter, and Jose Crut drove in two runs with a single and a scrafice fly, leading Houston to a rain-plagued 6-2 decision over Atlanta. The game was delayed for two hours, seven minutes by a heavy thunderstorm in the first inning Joe Morgan triggered a slx-run first inning with a leadoff homer and capped it with a sacrifice fly as San Francisco topped Cincinnati 7-1 ... Leon Durham hit two home runs to power the I Chicago Cugs to a 6-4 victory over Pittsburgh ... The New York Mets have placed Hubie Brooks on the 15-day disabled list so that he can recuperate from a pulled left hamstring. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1968: Detroit's Jim Northrup hit his fourth bases-loaded home run in a five-week span, and his third in five days. The blast, a third-mning shot off Chicago's Cisco Carlos, highlighted the Tigers' 5-2 victory over the White Sox. On this date an 1937: Chicago Cubs first baseman Rip Collins played a whole game without a putout or an assist. On this date in 1916: Long before baseball was to become a billion-dollar business, the Chicago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds were able to play an entire nine-inning game using just one ball. Today's birthdays: Former Minnesota slugger H armon K illebrew is 46. Texas pitcher Rick Honeycutt is 28. Henderson, A's topple Royals Rickey Henderson drove in four m runs and Dwayne Morphy clubbed a three -run homer Monday night, leading the Oak.land A's to an 8.-4 victory over Kansas City, dropping the Royals three games behind the league-leading Angels in the American League West. Oakland Coach Clete Boyer handled the team after A's Manager Biiiy Martin returned to the hotel suffering from the flu . . . Elsewhere, Je rry Remy broke a tie with a three-run double in the seventh and Bos ton went on to score a 9-7 win over Milwaukee, allowing the Red Sox to move three games ahead of the Brewers in the AL East . . . Rudy Law hit a three-run double and Steve Kem~ rapped. a two-~ homer as the Chicago White Sox rupped Minnesota 8-7. Bulls hire Westhead as coach Paul Westb ead, insisting he • advocates the fast-break, running game, al though he was fired by the Los Angeles Lake rs because of his restrk tive offense, was named head coach of the Chicago Bulls Monday. Terms of his four-year contract were not disclosed ... A temporary restraining order has been issued which bars prosecution of any lawsuits against the National Basketball Association until the NBA gets its own hearing in the San Diego Clippers controversy. The Clippers are trying to move from San Diego to Los Angels where they would play at the Sports Arena . . . The Dallas Mavericks traded center Wayne Cooper and a 1985 firstiround draft pick to Portland in exchange tor guard Kelvin Ranaey . . . New Orleans Saints quarterback Dave WU.on denies reports linking him with accused cocaine dealer Mike Strac han, a fonner Saints running back. The NFL's first-round draft choice from Illinois said he "wouldn't even recognize Strachan if I met him on the street." Television, radio TELEVISION: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball -Angels at Texas, 5:35 p .m., KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 7:)l5 p.m., KABC (790). Still, Valenzuela labored for the second successive start. o.., P11ot ll'hoto bJ Chartee St.n LOOSE BALL -Edison High's Rick Di.Bernardo (43). the South's middle linebacker, has his eye on a loose ball, but he didn't get it. The Notre Dame-bound DiBernardo led a defensive assault on the North in a 36-13 South victory. From Page C1 SOUTH ROLLS. • • 35-yard burst by Buena Park's Mo Pnntup for a second-quarter touchdown, was really the extent of the North's game. The r est o f th e l'VC'n1ng belonged to the winners. who scored first, often and last. Stevens, voied the offensive player of the game, completed only 9 of 27 (33 percent) behind an offensive front that consistently gave him excellent protection. But, as Stevens often did while at Fountain Valley, he went over the 200-yard mark in total yardage. getting 209 with the help of 40-yard plays to Geroux and Laguna Hills' Dan Blanck and a 47-yarder to Seay. ''Stevens played a marvelous game," said Lester. "He'll do very well at UCLA, that's for sure." "Asked if there was any one thing he could point to as his team's downfall," Smeltzer said,, "Talent, all over the place, but I thought we could put some pressure on Stevens. We didn't." Said Lester: "The offensive hnc had a helluva go." Geroux got the South started by ramblmg eight yards with a screen pass for a TD on fourth down and Tustin's John Collard added a 36-yard field goal. The last play of the second quarter found Templeton bolting over from the three behind the F.ciison blocking tandem of guard Craig Dum.ity and Geroux. But the North's last gasp was at 15-13. then the South pulled away with simply too many weapons, too many big plays. Wate rs, along w ith Edison's Rick DiBernardo. Santa Ana's Fortino Rivera and others, made the South's defense JUSt too hard to handle. The crowd of 7,100 was treated to one of the mos t explMi-ve games of the 23-year series, but it'll be remembered as one of the most bitter. The South stiU trails in the series, 14-9. Poland has eye • on semis MADRID, Spain (AP) .:.ii... Poland has emerged as a !lurprlael <..'Ontender tor soccer's 1982 World! Cup. : The Poles, who opened their: firUlls campaign wilh a brace of4 goalless draws against Italy and .. Cameroon, dinched a second-j round berth with a 5-1 triumph. over Peru last week. I They proved that wa.s no flukei with a stunning 3-0 triumph over! Belgium Monday and moved to. within one v1t:tory of a semifinal• spot. FRANCE ALSO boosted its, chances of reachmg the Final : SOCCER ~~~~~~~~~~~~-· Four by defeaung Austna 1-0 in ' a second-round game m Madrid. ' The top teams m each of four : three-team groups advance to the ' semis. Two se<.'Ond-round games were, played today England took a , nine-game winning streak into its ! ma!Ch with Wc:""St Germany in • Madrid and defending champion Arge ntina played haly i n I Barcelona. I In Poland's victory, Zbigniew : Boniek, the attacking midfielder, • scored all three goals as Poland t ripped to s hred s a Belgian ! defense that had allowed only 1 one goal in three opening round I matches. • Bo niek, play ing up front,: opened with a bullet-Like shot in : the fourth mmute, followed-up : with a 27th minute header and I then rounded o ff a superb 1nd1vidual pe rfo rmance by beating the Belgian offside trap for a 53rd minute tap-in. He was asslSt.ed on two of the three goals by Gn.egorz Lato, the , 32-year -o ld veteran , who ! Monday became only the 10th , player in history to start in 100 : international matches. ! LATO, WHO played a role in : almost every Polish attack, said , the Poles were not surprised by , their rapid improvement. ; "When we arrived in Spain we : hadn't played an important game , with our regular team for several ; months, so it took us some time to : get it together," Lato said. "I was I expecting the team to show great • " I progress. • Poland now needs only to : de feat the Soviet Union on July : 4, al.so in Barcelona. to advance to : the semis for the first time since : 1974. : France's victory, clinched by a : stunning 40th minute free kick t from Bernard Genghini, left the : French needing only a victory ! over Northe rn Ireland on July 4 : to clinch a semifinal spot. : The French beat Northern 1 Ireland 4-0 in an exhibition match last month, but coac h Miche l Hidalgo said his team would not be overco nfident whe n they faced the Irish. "W e d o n o t mak e an y comparisons w ith the game we played m Paris." he sa1d . Seahawks' Stanley signs with Royals Ocea n Vie w High product Ke vin Stanley. a three-year standout for the Seahawks, has signed a professional contract , with the Kansas City Royals' organiza tion a nd has been assigned to S arasota, which competes m the rookie league in I Florida Stanley was an outfielder and ' pitc h e r for O cean View, I compihng a .320 batting average and 4-5 won-loss record as a l pitcher. I Stanley. a left-hander, was chosen on the sixth round of the I regular phase of the recent major league draft. SHUTIERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUTTERS Lrm11 two olltrl Ott ovrcnut Couoo11 OOOo onty to• ~flahOll wMl/CUrk ordt rs CUllOll!tf o.IYS flt fOOllCIOlt u ies Ill Offer tx9fr" July 11, 1H2 t "''Y v••_y ., Pfl llCIM IRQ '°''''on• .,.~.... eouoen 9000 on1., 111 5o1i,,,.,,, C1lll011111 wftt lt yOll , .. IPlt llltlll Ot1•11JP M~ Of I~ K.1nt11e-y F lltd Cll1Ckt11 AUO<•lllOll I ------ Designed, Finished ~ Installed ~ IAft'I •1 ··-..... .. COl9l'llCI ••• taM WA'9 MIAnMe IATMIOOM ...... SI le 21707 ..,_ r-·-.. ..,_Door (Cell,,_ ....,. ..,_ "'-! COITA MBA 641-1219 1126....,... ..... M1St10N VllJC) 49S..()401 ttfnC......C o' as l'-........... ~ ..... J • • DaUyPHot e clautfieds • wortttor : you. C.11 '42'5671 forcauklc 'I, .......... I MS - !S I IUICI ClllT 111P111 &11 /Hiil mcu 1 UE SOAV. JUNE 19. 191i:? ORANGE COUNTY CAllfORNIA 25 CENTS Will doctors help pay for divorce? The., 2,500 physk1an members of the· Orange County Medical Association are being asked U> lend financial support to a fellow practitioner Involved in a precedt>nt-settlng divorce lawsuit. In the latest issue of Steth-0 - Scoop, the OCMA newsletter, doctors are being asked lo contribute to a "defense fund" Mortgage decision debated Monday's landmark U .S . Supreme Court d ecision upholding the right of federally chartered savings and loans to dema n d full payme nt o f a mortgage when a property is sold will eith er help or hurt the depressed housing industry. Depending on who's doing the talking, the high court's De la Cuesta dec1s1on e ither is viewed as a shot-in-the-arm for the housing industry or another impediment lo the already beleaguered homebuyer. Calling the d e c1s1on a "tremendous victory for Cali- fornia homebuyers." William Mortensen, president of the California Savings and Loan League hailed the decLSion for Dr Mark Sulltvari, a Lagunu Hills urologist lo('ked in u com~u nity property dt11pute with IJant·t SuUivan. At lSSUe In the lawsuit now before a state appeals court 1s whether Dr. Sullivan's medicid degree can be considered commu nity property and whether Mrs. Sullivan may claim a share of her former husband's future earnmg11 Last January, the 4th District Court of Appeal in Sa n Ber n ardino ruled in Mr s . Sullivan's favor. The appeals court, however, subsequ ently agreed to reconsider itS ruling. A decision 1s pending. Regardless of that outcome, one OCMA official believes the issues in the case ultimately must be decided by tht' U S. S upreme Court. "The questions (raised In the case) affect anyone with a credt-ntial, whether It's an airline pilot's license or a medical degree," sa id Dr J o hn Bridgeman . assoc1at1on president-elect. He said any principle that would hold a medical degree "We are very happy to have our historic lender's right restored," said Mortensen. "But it will be the homebuyer who will real!y reap the benefits from this ruling, because the bottom line is that S&L associations will now have more money available for home mortgages." A somewhat different view, however , is offered by Fred Crane, the Riverside attorney who represented Huntington Beach resident Reginald de la Cuesta in his quest to have the federal regulation overturned AID AND COMFORT -Don Mott of Irvine comforts his fiancee. Kimberly McReynolds, 25, also of Irvine, as a paramedic checks her blood pressure following a two-car collision Monday in Costa Mesa. Accident occurred Deity l'llot ""°40 1»J C._... l t.,r about 5 p.m. at intersection of Mesa Drive and Elden Avenue. After receiving emergency aid, Miss McReynolds was taken to St. Joseph H ospital in Orange for further treatment, but wasn't hospitaliz.ed. "This is an anti-real estate, pro-lender decision," Crane sajd. "It can only hurt the savings and loan industry because brokers won't take people to them anymore and it won't create money for them." Asfronalits test r oboi arm Man e u vers ch eck m ech anical limb for future h oisting Crane added that he believes the d ecision wall have no immediate effect other than to take the 20 percent of properties impacted by the decision out of the real estate market for the time being. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia's work-weary astronauts unlimbered the space shuttle's 50-foot mechamcal arm for its stiffest workout today, lifting an instrument package the size of a desk "to sniff for contammauon" inside the cargo bay. The test. more of a weight· lifting demonstration than anything else, is intended to cerufy the robot limb for future satellite-hoist.mg assignments. Arm maneuvers were the main item of business as K en Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield began a third demanding day in space after imploring Mission Control not to bother trouble- shooting "all the little problems." The fu-st little problem of the new day was with the hand- s n a r e of the arm. Within minutes, Mission Control directed Hartsfield to a backup control and he began the tests. The astronauts went to bed tired and Hartsfield suffered slight motion sickness Monday Today, Hartsfield's voice was booming at wakeup and s trong as he began to move the arm, hinged in the cargo bay, through a series of preciS<' exercises. "The bottom line 1s that we'll all talk abou t De la Cuesta and We llenkamp until the money market opens up and then when interest rates come down no one will care," he said. "The whole thing will die :iown in two or three weeks and the only one left wiU be the seller with federally financed property he can't sell," Crane continued. County's jobless Standmg at a remote station m the cockpit, Hartsfield unlatched the arm from its cradling device and maneuvered it into pos1t1on to lift an 800-pound monitoring pack.age in the rear of the cargo bay. He said the decision now gives lhe Federal Home Loan Bank Board "carte blanche" to proliferate mortgage regulauons. rate 'to climb' The initial difficulty was with the wire "fingers" that were to latch onto the pack.age. At one point, Hartsfield said the "snares do not move; they seem to be fully closed." The California Supreme Court ruled in 1978 in its Wellenkamp decision that state -licensed savings and loans and banks could not enforce the due-on-sale clause in California. In applauding the justices' decision in the De la Cuesta case, Mortensen said. "We hope this will begin to restore the traditional long-term borrower relationship. where both parties know where they stand and what to expect." NATION Orange County's unemployment rate, which hit a five-year high in May, is not expected to fall when figures for the current month are released. That's the prediction of analysts in the Santa Ana office of the State Employment Development Department, who say this month's jobless rate will move upward due to an inClux of new graduates and summer jobseekers in the labor force. Beyond that, analysts say the usual seasonal decline in school and agricultural employment Reagan sets ne ws conferen ce WASHING TON (AP) -President Reagan will hold a news conference, his 1 llh since taking office, Wednesday al 5 p.m. PDT in the White House East Room . deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said today. Snow falls in Yosemite .YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK (AP) - Summer visitors wete jolted by scenes of wintry splendor today a.s anow fell at higher elevations ln the park. Four inches was measured a t 8,500-foot Tuolumne Meadows and more was falling. Reagan signs voting bill r- W ASHINOTON (AP) -With some of the natJon'a beet~known dvlt r11hta leaden looldna on, Prealdent Reaa an 1l1n•d into law today a bill renewm, the 198~ Voun, RJchta Act. "The rtaht io vole," Reqan uld, "ii Lh• C'rown jewel of American Ubeniel, and we will not ... le• luater dlmlnlahed." "will be accentuated by the closures of several retail stores and bankruptc ies among mvesunent farms." "Certain defense contractors anticipate increased hiring, but layoffs will continue in co nstru ction and manufacturing," they added in their outlook for June. The county's jobless rate in May hit 6.4 percent, up from 6.1 percent in April and 3.6 percent m May 1981. May's rate was thP highest since June 1977 COUNTY The arm. too frail to support its own weight m Earth's gravity. was tested on Columbia's last two trips but not so extensively as today. The multaJointed celestial crane gi.ngerl y lifted the instrument-filled package and moved it about the bay to measure contaminants a nd gather data to assess the shuttle's impact on satellites and payloads in the cargo bay. Yachting old timers gather The "kids" of the Balboa Island Yach t Club got together for a 60th anniversary celebration -and some of them dated back to the 1920s. Page Bl. SPORTS South All-Stars win The South All-stars used a little raulc dazzle to defeat the North In the Orange C.Ounty All-1tar football game. Paae Cl. Phoenix picks Masee Kevin M•1••· UC Irvin•'• two-tlm All·Amlrican, wu ~hc.n by Phoenix ln the 8KIOnd round of Uwt NaUonal BMketbaU AmodltJon draft today. (l'Mller 1'°')', Cl). "property" and permit an estranged spouse a future share of earnings based on a degrt.-e "is kind of scary." "We're potentially becoming indentured servants," Bridgeman said. Bndgeman , who said he occasionally lunches with Sullivan, said he Is hoping members wW come forth wath monetary support T h e association board of dira·t.ors, at Its April meeting, authorized the monetary appeal to appt!ar an the newsletter, Bridgeman said He added there was "some 1natlal reticence" to requesting assistance fo r Sullivan After discus,,1on, however, association directors were unanimous in urgmg the newsletter appeal. Bolsa Chica • stirs stormy council meet By ROBERT BARKER Sacramento today to make the 01 ttie Delly Piiot Steff council ma)Ortty's feelings known There have been lots of stormy before an Assembly committee Bolsa Chica discussjons over the holding hearings years but probably none stormier Supportmg the acuon were than Monday night's session Thomas . Pattinson , Don before lhe Huntington Beach MacAlhster and Kelly City Council. Opposed were Mandie and -Councilmen John Thomas Councilwomen Kuth Bailey and and Ron Pattinson wer e Ruth Finley questioned about possible conflict Thomas. the owner of a crane of interest. and trucking business, was -Mayor Bob Mandie accused questioned on possible conflict by some of his colleagues of Mrs Bailey panicking and not knowing what "h's true, asn't it, that you they were voting about. work for S1~nal Landmark -Councilman Jack Kelly (major landowner m the area) accused his colleagues of not and Am 1n o1 I (major o i 1 having "gut No. l" on the Bolsa producer)?" Chica. "Stop pussy-footing "I don't work for Signal," around," he said. "we need to Thomas replied. come up with a posture." Deputy City Attorney Art Causing the c.'Ontroversy was a Folger said at was up to Thomas motion by Thomas for the City to decide the extent of the work Council to support the Orange and the possible conflict. County plan for the development Mrs. Bailey said today she's of the 1,600 acres. going to pursue the matter with The coastal area is located in the city attorney's office. Orange County territory but is Mrs. Bailey also declared of surrounded on three sides by Pattinson. "You're working for Huntington Beach city limits a nd John (councilman Thomas) " on the fourth by the Pacific Pattinson said later he is Ocean. working part-time 1n public Thomas also asked the council relations for Thomas lo support the bill by state Sen. "I'm calling on people h e Paul Carpenter. D-Cypress. that doesn't have lime to get around would take the matter out of the _ to," Patllnson said State Coastal Comm1ss1on's • "l 've gotten an his face before hands. and I will get tn has face again." Thomas' motion passed 4-3 a.nd Mrs. Bailey said she is taking a Pattinson was scheduled to go to (See BOLSA, Page A!) State aides blistered over Crystal Cove By J EFF ADLER 01 ltle Delly Piiot Staff State parks and recreation officials came to tell o{ their development plans for Crystal Cove State Park Monday ryight The cove's cottage rPSidents came loaded for bear. The residents' questions to a trio of state officials came hard and fast, bitterness. anger and hostility boihng to the surface. ''Do you realize that you're going to be discussing people's homes?" asked cottage resident Sherrie Mitchell, just minutes into the meeting. "What consideration did you give to the children living in the cove and the fact that you are taking them out of their homes and their schools?" As the officials pressed ahead in their effort to outline their proposed development plans, INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 Business B4-5 Cavalcade 82 Cl.as&fied C5-8 Comics B3 Crossword B3 Death Notices C4 F.clitorial A6 Entertainment 86 Horoecope 82 WORLD they repeatedly were interrupted by resjdents who made it clear that they hadn't come to hear the proposals. "We want to focus on what is going on now and why we can't get leases." comm ented one woman Added another resident, "Our input on this plan is we're really not interested because it's based on the premise we're being put out of our homes." When residents attending the crowded meeting at El Morro Elementary School did direct their attention to state's development plans for the cove, theiri criticism was equally stinging. "Th is plan is ill-conceived, iU- t hough tout and will be ill-executed," said Kenneth Gabriel. "It's a cl~ic example of (See CRYSTAL, Page Al) Ann Landers B2 Movies B6 National News A3 Public Notices B4.C3-5 Sports Cl-4 Dr. Steincrohn 82 Stock Markets B5 Television A7 TheatenJ B6 Weather A2 World News A3 Columni1t flay• PLO Th• P1le1tlne Liberation Or1an laatlon had blcorne "permee\ed by Lhup and ldwnturer1t wnto colwnnlm Ivana and Novo. ,... AfJ, . ' I • Orange coaat DAILY PILOT /Tueaday, June 29. 1982 N BS ----------------------------------------------------, .......................... .. Dow Jones Final UP 0.28 CLOSING 812.21 Kaiser awarded drilling pact Ka1~1 Stt'<•I Co ha\ lx"t•n awardL'<i a c:ontract to build the baw for J '>C('()nd d(>{'p water oil drilling platfor m to be loc·ut•:d nml' miles off Huntmgton Beach Thl· platform ,ackct w ill be installed al the Beto field where a previous platform was Installed 1n 191:10 in 265 feel of waler S h ell Califor111a Protluct1on, Inc . Caltfornia prod uC"t1on subs1d1ary of Shell 0 11 Co, said the 20,000-ton stl"t·I platforn1 J<ll'kl•t (base SC'l'llun) wilJ be assembll·d by K a1iwr in Va lll'jo, w ith major prefabnl'at1on work lx'ing dune• 1n Napa and Font;ma Approximately 500 workers will bt· dm.><:tly t>mploy('<i a t the pt'ak of fabrication an d a~mbl y K()// sells Grove tract A 1.4-acre pa n ·el a t 1727'1. Garden Grove Boulevard in Garden G roVl' has bt.'<'n sold by The KoU Company of Newport Beach to the Dale M Kellogg Tru.<a of Nt'wport Beach for $1 6 million. The Newport Beach ufflL'l' of Grubb & Ellis Commt·rc1al Brokerage Company rt-pn"Sentt'CI both part1e. Bromar, food brokc-r. 1s tht· tenant 1n the 20.044 square-foot facility T-bill rate incr ease By The Associated Press For the fifth straight week. investors have .:iemanded a higher interest rate tor money they loan the government. driv1l'lg U S Treasury shor t-term borrowing costs to thl• highest levels since m1d - February. The Treasury borrowed $9 billion in the sale of three-and six-month bills Monday. nd by week's end will have raised $17 billion. Financial econom ists expect the Treasury wiU go on a borrowing binge in the second half of tht.• year. seeking a n estima ted $90 billion to $100 billion over the next six months and as much as $50 billion more m the first three months of next y~ar. The avera~e d iscount rate on the six-month Treasury bills auctioned Mond ay was 13.419 percent, up from 13.031 percent a week earlier and th e highest since the Feb. 16 level of 14 36 perren t. T hree-month bills were auctioned at a n average discount rate of I 3 209 percent Hospita l streng then ed Greatwest Hospitals lnc announced ll negouatf'd bank Imes aggregatmg $40 million This strengthening of the company's fmanc1al resources follows a public offering of c:ommon stock last February and primarily was to fund G H rs $30 m1ll1on capital improvemen t and l'Xpans1on program STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT N[W VQRI( IAPI Sol"' J pm pn<• and nft chdnoe 01 ttw: flth~n ,no\t at hv• Nl"w Y0t 1i1, Stoc: Ill-E •t. tt~n~ t\\4ff'\ lf6dH\Q ndt•ona1lv Al mor• than i ' Ctlt~SVtf' /10,lOO ~!. Nll Coro ·~<ioc> H.-. •• 01am!.nn1 ~~ 100 10•· • '"' MAC.OM ~?• 100 17._ I OowC""m 491 tOO 10'• 1. PlllllP,.~I 01800 JI .. Ex:.ron' .Ul,400 '1'• . . '• M1dSouUI c:k,XJO I I SouChl"rn Co <409,000 11~ • '• ~:;:,r.;f; ~~·= {~ ., '• T •ndy )lo SCIO 11"' Ph1la Eire llO "Oil IC ... Eo~I l(OCMk Jor'I oOO 'l'-c;..,, Eire J1Q 'IOO •1•. .. UPS AHO DOWNS ........ 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Oii s. ()ff H GOLD COINS AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK 1Al't So11~~ JD m pntl' :~t·~'~~M~oc~f •nr .:~~,;:>" .~!~"': ''tt<11no ndltC>Mlly ttt •"')()'-than '' lJom"P1" 11t'f.M • I If) W•nQ ll qe.soo u·. ~·· I' M•"O"rO.I Q\ Q()O • 11 •• ~G~Yf ~v ~':~ .~:: CIHPfDv Q ~.SCIO 1& .. lube>~• ' 41 CJOO 1~4 O~l"lrOO U,100 10'• An• Plan (.p .16.100 J"' HOu<)oll• J~ JOO IJ"' METALS NEW YORK (API m•tOI O<ICes IOOty '• ... .. .. Copper 66'•· 72 cenls I pound U S 0~1t1na11on1 ~ 2:. 21 Gent~ • oovno Zlftc 3S·37 C•nlS e POUnd Of!llV ... td T1ft S6 ?863 Me111s w-c:omppooe lb Aluminum 75 71 c:.<tll e pPulWI N Y Me<cury 1370 00 per nos!< ~II"""' S2•9 00 lray 01 N Y SILVER Handy & Harman S5 610 pe, 1•0y OUn<:4 GOLD QUOT A TIONS I t Th• Auoclated ~, ... Stttect.O w0t10 0010 P• 1e .. 1o<1ey London: morn1"g lla1n11 S310 75 up $7 00 London: •lto•noon 1t•1no $309 00 up U2S Perle: at1ernoon fl•lflQ '309 00 \ID SS 25 Frenllf~rt: \J 11 99. up $15 99 ZUtlclt: late Hllng $310 25 up $4 00 Did $310 75 ukecl Handy & Harn1e111 lonly oany quote) $309 00 \ID $5 2:> a,..-d: (only OMy quotel $.309 00. UD SS 25' a~r. (only dally quot•I labrlca1td $324 45 up U 51 I I '