HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-05 - Orange Coast Pilot' •t -nm 1,lillll llllY PINI SHUTTLE SETS DOWN ON RUNWAY 22 AT EDWARDS 0.-, ..... ..._... ~ o.y ~ FIRST TIME ON HARD RUNWAY. T-38 CHASE PLANE IS BY ITS TAIL. Parade draws ,usual throng_ By STEVE TRIPOLI O(tMO.-,NetSl8ft_ There waa a lot of sun and a little of jult about everything .ejae for the thousands who came out Sunday to wafeb Hunt1ftctmi Beach 'a 78th annual J'ourda oi • July parade. ·Few problems as multitudes 'crowd sands . Orange Coast lifeguards reported even larger beach a-owds Sunday than Saturday as the holiday weekend reached its halfway point, but there still were few problems. . Two youths sustained broken legs while playing at Huntington State Beach, lifeguards reported, and one minor neck injury was reported by lifeguards at San Clemente's city beach but there were no other problems reported. Lt. Logan Lockabey at Newport Beach said Sunday's ~ crowd was about 120,000. A near abeence of surf resulted in few l'e8CUes and no problems. About 70,000 people came to Huntington City Beach but there were no major problems there, lifeguard Steve Seim said. There were another 75,000 at Huntington State Beac h , according to lifeguard Peter Ross. Crowds on San Clemente's two beaches topped 30,000, but aside from the neck injury there were no major problems there despite three-and four-foot surf, lJf_eguards said. . There waa no report available from Laguna Beach, but police in that city said no problems were reported. • The namll!S of thoee injured at the beaches were not available Sunday night. .· .· COUNTY The crowd that lined the 1 ~-mile parade route several peraona deef (police had no estimate o the alae) ••w polltidam and tdWi, clowm and ---an. roU9 ..... vu•y•• IDlll'ChiQI _. wt mare ID the tw9-bour..,..... Dkll J>-.l• of lb• ... ,..., llllltlllm -the~ ....... marshal, and city reeldent Geor'lf 1'wquhai' .... the dtben pand IDIU'9hA1. . Blue 1kle1 and 80-dearee weather added to the enjoyment. It wu a people'• ~ from the financial standpoint, too. The $35,352 tab was paid aolely through private cc(ntributlona. The Huntington Beach Company RELATED PBOTOS-A3 and Aminoil Oil Co. led the way with contributions of $5,000 and $2,500, respectively, but citizen contributions made up the bulk of the money. Officiala said they received a good response to appeals for a..$2 contribution leJlt out with water bills recently. This year's theme was Hawaiian, and many floats combined the red, white and blue with floral patterns from the island state to create a Hawaiian-style July 4 motif. The city of Orange came away with the top prize for floeta with its Hawaiian Fourth of July entry. Other winners were the city of C.OSta Mesa for beat civic float. Special Olympics for best youth float, and Old World Village for best commercial float. The Orange County Antique Auto Club won in the antique auto category, Co1ta Meaa'a Westemettes we.re voted the best junior drill team. and the Long Beach Junior Concert Band was the best drill team. Wonder lea, a group of young , took honors in the novelty category, and K.laaay (See p E, Pace Al) They preserve the past More than 300 members of the Orange County Natural m.tory Foundation devote their time to Pl'elet'Vin& fomUa. Paae Bl. B USINESS Bu1ineuwomen 011 the mo¥e More and more wOCMn are JoAn1n1 the eo1 porate world, not ;.t to take letww but to dJd.ate ihem. Piie AB. Earlier space try? Success[ ul return could move up launch date DOWN TO EARTH - Unidentified neighbor gives Columbia pilot Henry Hartsfield a hug after he returns home to El Lago, Texas. EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE (AP) -Columbia's flnal test flight was ao 8UCCe81ful the space agency is considering starting the next million ahead of schedule -but that decision Will be up to the apece truck'• t ffnt commercial customel'a. ...,... -guestion .. ll the paylmd9 will lie ready," said Lt. Gen. James A . Abrahamaon, NASA.'1 ..odate adm.ln1atrator for apece transportation systems. "We are now in the operational phue of th.is program and our job ia to be there when our c ustomers want us there . . . We'll go when they're ready," he told a neWI conference shortly after Columbia'• near-perfect landing at th.is de9ert air hue Sunday. Abrah.am9on said the veteran spaceship seems in top shape after its eeven-day flight. The shuttle goes to work on its fifth mission,..pla.nned Nov. 11, with a payload of two communications *** satellites that will be shot into orbiL Abrahamson said both the ship and the people who handle it are so well tested, "We believe . . . we could roll the launch back anywhere from three to four weeks and we would be ready." Technidana at NASA's Dryden Flight R esearch Center, meanwhile, were preparing the shuttle for return to its launch site at Kennedy Space Center, Fla., in a week or so. Columbia's sisterahip, the new Challenger delivered last week, left here shortly after Columbia landed. The jumbo jet that carried Challenger off on its back will be returning to California so the Columbia can be bolted aboard for the piggyback flight. Abrahamson said Columbia's first touchdown and landing on a 15,000-f~t paved runway were "very nominal ," which is NASA-ese for "just the way at was supposed to be." NASA spok esman Ralph ,. * * * Jackson said preliminary figures showed the big ship touched down 3,000 feet into the runway, rolled 8,000 feet and ca.me to a stop with 4.000 feet to spare. The three previous landings were on lakebeds where a missed or overrun runway wasn't a major problem. But when the ship begins routine landings at Kennedy, as planned next yea.r, a paved runway will be the only option. Abrahamson said a quick look at the shuttle's covering of heat- shield tiles, some of which have been shaken loose on earlier flights, showed what "looked like a couple of questionable areas" but no serious problems. "They fared much, much better this time. despite the fact we had a large number of small dents from that hail storm" that battered the craft the day before it was launched. ''The tile as a system iS much more for~vin~ and much more (See SP ACE, Page A%> *** Students' experiments share spotlight By JOEL DON Of die Delly ..... ...., EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE -While more than half a million spectators witnessed the landing of the space shuttle Sunday, a small group of Utah college students celebrated their hi.story-making ef forta. The students were the first to orbit a package of nine experiments in a Getaway Special, NASA's shuttle program to allow just about anyone to get a project in space for a mere $500. The Utah State University students were on hand for the landing for the fourth space mission of the Columbia, following its seven-day, 112-orbit of F.arth. The shuttle has officially been deemed operational and will be used for a variety of commercial and military purpoees. They spent four years preparing for this moment. And when the shuttle made a perfect landiruz on the 15.000-foot concrete Runway 22, the enthusiastic young scientists could hardly contain their zeal. NATION Get whooping cough shots Vacdnationl for whooping couah lhould continue, aay health offk:iala, althoulh there are a few lllde eUecta. Page A4. Teen symbol dJllerent Matt Dillon ii probably the CJDly leX symbol Who ltill ltw. at home with hll puwnta. P• 83. No one was more ecstatic than R. Gilbert Moore, the Utah State adjunct professor of physics who offered the students -while they were still in high school -a chance to put experiments in space. "This is the beginning of the science; that (the shuttle) was the end of the technology," he bubbled. "As soon as we can get those items out. of there, we will start the major work as far as the university experience is concerned." Moore, who now works for the company that makes the shuttle's solid rocket boosters, offered a near-hysterical mome.nt-by-mornent description of the landina as soon as the spacecraft announced itself to the throng widi two pounding sonic booms. As Columbia glided to F.arth, Moore seemed like a father watching his son the quarterback at a Super Bowl game. The students, too, were just as thrilled that the shuttle had returned safely with their experimental package, (See STUDENT, Page Al) , INDEX At Y oUr Service A4 Ann Landers A7 Erma Dombeck A7 Movies B2-3 Cavalcade A7 National News A3 Clawtfied Cl,C3-6 Public Notices C3 Comk:s C2 Sports B5-8 Cro.word C2 Television B4 Death Notices C3 'Ibeetera 82-3 Editorial A6 Weather A2 Entertainment B2-3 World Newa A3 HOtOICOpe A7 SPORTS ' t • • Orange Cout OAILV PILOllMond1y, Juty S, 1112 PARADE WINNERS. • • and buc*, an Orimtal band, mo\OrC=, mlnl-c:an. clowna, funny and mt.rdt.lna wlita. The mayor ot Anjo Qty Japan. ShuJI Iwa~. aJlo rocr. ln the DU'Mle. Anjo Uty 11 Hunun,tao JsMch'a lllter dty. A deleption from the JapaneH elty l• ~edw.d to be hcnond today at a luncheon and ceremanlea. SPACE SHUTTLE. . . eUecttvi than we thought lt would be,'' he ~d. Probably the biUeet and moat expewlw problem of the million came momenta aher launch when the two aolid-fueled rocket booateu that help boost Columbia into orbit sank after beina dropped .. planned into the Atlantic Ocean. The boosters were aaPP*<f to parachute into the ocean and float until picked by recovery ahlps for repeated Wle. . Abnhamaon aid the boosters apparently hit the ocean at MO feet per second, received "a pretty aood ahock'' and promptly aank ln 3,200 feet of water. One was located and examined by a remote controlled underwater sled and "we've decided to recover aa much as we can" with a salvage ship that's belna outfitted, h~ said. Wh.atever la recovered, he said, will be used to investigate the cause of the failure and to detennine whether the rest can be recovered and rebuilt. He said the other bQoster rut the water at a more perilous angle and "it's likely it will be in much worse condition." Astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield relaxed at home today, hailed by President Reagan as Fourth of July heroes for their near-flawless shuttle voyage. Columbia's fourth test flight ended in glory on the nation's 206th birthday with a pinpoint landing at F.dwards Air Force Base. and a flag-waving, cheering, singing celebration of America. In the central moment of a stunning display of U .S . technologioal skill and ltining showmanship, the astronauta brought Columbia from tpece to a dead center landin~n a concrete runway while and more than 590,000 ot er spectators watched with awe. "Unbelievable ... Jutt =~nt.",Reagan taJd of the Later, he told the utroriauta, "You've ju.st given the American people a Fourth of July pn.ent to remember." Columbi,a even provided fireworks _. a double eonic boom swept across the deeert valley, heralding the appl'Ollch of the speeding craft on lta graceful deecent to Earth. The perfect touchdown ended a aeven-day, 112-orblt rnllsion. Reagan used the occasion to call for "establishing a more permanent preeence in specie.'' The White House isaued a d.lrective favoring deployment of an anti-satellite weapon and improvements in syatema giving early warning of nuclear threeta. The message stopped short, however, of endorsing expansion of the apace shuttfe fleet or conatruction of a manned space station, moves favored by the space agency and by the Air Force. National Aeronautics and Space Administration officials added to the drama of the day by asaembling its entire fleet of the black-and-white, stubby-winged space shuttles. As the President s poke, Columbia, still warm after ita return .from apace, aat o;n the desert runway. Challenger, aeoond craft in the fleet, waa perched atop a 747, preparlna for a ferry ride to Florlda and an eventual apace voyeee next year. And Enterprille, the nonorbitina iest thip and first of the line, fonned a premdential blckdrop. As Rea1an flnlahed his remub. be ordered a jumbo jet ~ a.uena-to-take off. n.. mated craft leaped into the deu' ~air, drdlld and m.de a low, flyby aver the 11 nibled spectatcn. More of same Coastal ' $200,000 • Ill N.wpon Beach fire oftidall Mid Sunday \hat a tin which 1\arted Satur~ht ln • !oi:tn.~ •200,000 =. ~ ceu. ot UM fin w• .uu wMllr lnY19tipdon. Three flretl1htera were truted at Hoa1 Memorial =t•l and relea .. d aft,r from the ftN ~ them, fire offldall MJd. The fire cauHd vtriual deatructlon of the home of Joseph and Judy Mader and their 'our children. Three children were not home when the fire started, and the fourth was the fint to notice the blaze. He warned hi.a lleePlna ~ta and all fled the home tafely. · Twenty.four tirefiahten took nearly an hour to control the fire, which had broken through the roof of t4e wood 1tructure by the time they arrived. The fire consumed almoet the entire roof, and there waa further fire damage below that area alona with heavy smoke and water damage. Firefighters reepondlng to the 11:44 p.m. alarm quJckly sounded a call for more help when they rMChed the leene. Flrefiehten tram ea.ta Meu and Santa Ana covered vacant Newport Beech firehouMs While the blaze WU bein8 fought. Mader said hit eon J~ph Jr. alerted him and hit wife to the fire, which apparently originated in a downatal.rs bedroom, Re said the youth was brushing hit teeth ln an adjacent room when he heard a crackling sound and diacovered the fire. Mr. and Mn. Made r were in an upstairs bedroom at the time. The fire attracted a large crowd to the acene near the Costa Mesa line at 2 lat Street and Irvine Awnue. Mader said the house was insured. Wife in Mexico MAZATLAN, Mexico (AP) - 'Ibe wife of a mi..fnc University of Colorado profe90r, Nlcholu Schrock on Sunday visited the aite where her hl.-bmd't truck wu recovered, while con.fuaion surrounded an erroneoua report that a body that "'-Y have been his had been found. • SPARKLING SPIRIT -"The Spirit of '76," one of 10 pyrot.cechnic displays at lrvtne'• firework.a show and concert Sunday, shows oU .............. ..,Ctwte.~ IO~ of its sparks as did many other Orange Coast displays on the Fourth. From Page A1 STUDENT EXPERIMENTS .. desianed to make UBe of the unique :.ero-gravity environment of space. It had been a~ experience especially when shuttle astronauts Ken ~ttingly 11 and Henry Hartsfield failed to tum on the experiments as planned aoon after the June 27 blastoU from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The astronauts, however, managed eventually to find the glitch and power up the experiments, housed in a 3-by-2 foot metal canister. "We were extremely disappo~ted after working four years, seeing such a flawless launch and then to hear that they could not get the power on," said Amber Dalley, a 22-year-old senior mathematics and philosophy maior. ''At least at that point we realized it wasn't our error that caused that and it luckily turned out to be very successful." Dailey's experiment involved construction of a material made of a graphite fabric and epoxy resin. In space, Dalley hoped the resin would spread evenly through the fabric to create a ltrOnger, lighter substance as a potential building material for projecta such as the proposed orbiting space station. '"nle apace station would be the m06t beneficial thing the United States could do," he said. He cited possibilities of making unique materiala as well as purer and more plentiful quantitiee of sought-after medicines. But Dalley and most Getaway colleagues expressed concern that the tightening of the federal budget would seriously curtail America's exploitation of space. ''Tile only thing that ree.l.ly diacourages us is that people can't aee what the applications are for the space shuttle unless it puta eamething on the table right now," he said. Jim Elwell, wbo desianed and built the Getaway's critical computer ope.rating systetn, echoed that f eellng. "The space program historically paid ita cost many ti.mes over in the benefits we have gotten from it such as all the computer technology," said the 23-year-old electr ical engineer. He graduated thia year and works for a Massachusetts firm spedali1.ing in rocket-born technology. One experiment controlled by Elwell's computer was Steven Walker's green algae growth s tudy. Walker, a 22-year-old senior biology major, said such plant life may one day se.rve as a source of oxygen for space stations and long-term orbital missions. "The Americans and the Soviets have done research into algae-baaed life support," explained Walker. He, like many fellow students, plans a career in the space sciences. "W e know so little about what happens to organisms in space. · "If America does not become serious about funding the space program we're going to fall behind and be in the same position in space as we are with imported cars," he said. Terry Thomas, 20, hoped his experiment would create a new metal alloy. His project melted together bismuth and tin. On Earth, these metals tend to 1epa.rate because of differing densities. Israel nixes PLO presence in Lebanon TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) -The Israeli Cabinet unrelenting in its demand that the Palestine Liberation Organization get out of Lebanon . fla tly refused Sunday to let the PLO maintain a token political and military presence there. The Israeli statement came in res ponse to a reported offer signed by PLO leader Y asser Arafat, whereby the guerrillas would get out of Lebanon but leave behind a token military, political and socia l we lfare presence. The Cabinet communique said Israel "unconditionally rejects any proposal for any sort of token political, organizational or military presence of terrorists in Lebanon." It said Israel continued to insist that "all the terrorists, without ex~ption, must leave the land of Lebanon." The Cabinet also said there would be n o change in the deployment of forces in Lebanon without prior .Israeli agreement, rejecting demands that Israel pull back from posl lions on the edge of the Palestinian enclave in west Beirut. But Israeli otficials, who asked not to be named, said Israel was continuing to tighten its siege. Israeli armor has moved to the Green Line separating the Christian sector of Beirut from the western half, refusing to let food or fuel supplies go in. Cabinet secretary Dan Meridor alto told reporters tha\ Prt'rne Mrnister Menachem Begin informed the ministers fi~ would ignore the peace demonstration involving 50,000 to 70,000 Israelis in Tel Aviv on Saturday night. Along with the hard rhetoric, though, there were indjcations of optimism that U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib will come up with a settlement of the crisis. POINT CONCEPTION TO TliE MEXICAN BORDER ANO OVT eo Mil.ES -Out• wat9n ot Poln1 ConoepCton to San Nleolaa llllnd, nottnw.t wlnda 12 to 22 knota with 5 to 7 toot comblMd -end _.. through tonlgM. South ot S•n Nlcorea latand to Sen Ct•m•nt• latand, w••t to ~ wlnda 10 to 18 knote. '"'-wee .... light ~ wtnd9 nlgM end morning llour9 through tonight but aout'-1 to ..i 12 to 11 knot• Clurtng aft.moon and ~ l'loln. Sout"-1 to -' aw•ll 1 to 2 t••t •. low cloud• 1nQ1t1y ctMrtng In tll9 ett.moon. 88 81 88 64 811 57 98 80 75 57 71 43 94 52 IM 52 eo 69 91 70 83 55 68 83 89 88 79 eo 97 75 ..81 83 1M 74 ae ee 91 58 92 70 n ee es. s1 100 74 Fronta: Cclcs .. Wa·r"l .,. Occluoeo ~ S11t ona-v •• He said there are perhaps 400 metal alloys that can be made in space and they may offer unique materials with extensive commercial uses. &raeli defense minister Ariel Sharon said Sunday he preferred a negotiated settlement to a battle in Beirut because of the high casualties like ly among Israeli troops and Lebanese civilians. ~·.U.S. Summary • • n '6 MN t2 • 17 t7 /., 72 10 .. .. 7t n 11 71 11 tt n 94 83 74 41 71 49 ~t 78 52 ~ 71 51 ..... ..,... 87 71 81ytll9 90 78 Cll1111tne 89 73 eur.k• IM 75 Fr.-no - 98 7 4 &,ancat• 94 n Lone 9Mcfl 95 74 Loa~ 97 78 ~ 91 70 MolvcMa aa ee Mont.o.Mo ee ee Mont«9Y 90 12 Mt. Wlleon 71 57 ....,... 99 IM ~BMdl 91 73 OntMo 93 79 Palm Spnnge 71 80 Pued9na 75 70 Puo Aobl9e 99 97 A9d 8lufl 94 71 Redwood City 97 74 ~-10 92 75 :=-a.nardlno 7S 5e San '*'° 104 n SM l'rWICleco ~ : SanJoM ee 54 Sent• AM 74 st Senta..,,,.,. 92 17 8eMa Monka 75 M T._V'*'I 71 S1 T~ .. 74 ..,, __ • 51 PAM...-CA 93 71 Ac..,ulOO 102 .. ..,.,... t 1 70 lermuda ., n .,..,._ 77 43 Cut'ICeO t3 ... "*'*' 75 ... °' .......... M 74 ~ rtduipe .. 71 ...... t7 11 ~ ., .. MoMeeO ley t7 74 Mll8llln ...,,.. .... =.~ IO 11 ..........._, "71 - left "'*"· "·"' 88 51 72 38 82 ~ 102 75 70 57 ee 51 ae 58 S1 80 71 82 7S 80 82 51 ae 58 12 58 88 54 ee 53 102 71 89 82 86 &5 100 ee 81 58 88 50 80 58 87 55 80 50 ee 48 80 53 74 M ee 54 71 52 71 80 .. 55 87 80 ee 41 102 83 74 5t 91 79 .. 10 • 11 .. 41 ti " •n ea e1 • 71 .. 11 to 11 ., 12 :n TT IO n n IO 7t • ft 1111 •Piii hguc:lgelpa 81 ae Trlnldtd 18 73 V«• Cruz ee 75 CANADA "Whatever you do on Earth can probably be done better up there because of the lack of gravity," he said. Among other Getaway experiments were a brine shrimp growth study, a project to film the growth ol duckweed roots, a study ol the effects of :.ero gravity on fruit fly growth, a thermal conductivity test of an oil-water mixture, an examination of the surface tension of a liquid in the weightless environment and an experiment to eliminate flux from solder. Shimon Peres. leader of the opposition Labor Party, said after meeting with Begin that he was optimistic, because negotiations were continui"8 and all the parties involved were approachins agreement on the basic ingred.ients of a settlement. Calgery 55 41 Edmonton 59 50 MontrMI 73 « Ott-. 79 41 A90!n• S2 51 Toronto 73 57 Vencouwr 85 52 Wlnntp9g 88 e.2 ,IATUltll INCLUOI: eCOID WHIRLPOOL •AIROllCI CLA-•COID IAUNA •NAUTILUI UDClll l"QUIPMENT •IUN TAN ROOM •OLYMPIC l'RD WllGHT eNUTRmONM, COUNllUNG •COllPUTllllZID DYNA VIT. •IODY 'A' WLYlll'. •PROPllllONAt INITIWCTION elL.OOD '-MIWJllTING •ITR-TllTING eQUARAlllT9D RllUL Tl 967~228 ~· I r • .:.-~TATE- ' . IMk1na word of concUUona at tstlnlon BMth; a• 2.'7·mdii at.retch ot W91tem Marin County. 4.0 quake. shakes desert . RIDGIX:REST-An ea.rthqualte ~ 4.0 on the Rlchwr IClle ahook the Mojave De.ert on Sunday, but authorltle1 in the 1par1ely ~~area uld no~ 'fU reported. Tbe temblor WM centered 12 mil8I north of Ridpcrelt. about 110 m1lft northeut of Loe Anaele1, aaid a 1pokeam.,i for the Caltech •ilrnolotY laboratory in Puadena. Workers ~trlke Theta Cable SANT A MONICA -'Theta Cable oomJ*lY worken ~ted t.beir employer Sunday in a 1\rlke to try to aatn recognition for union repreeentation. "It's pretty quiet on the Fourth of July," said union repreeentative Tony Butka. "We're there, along with whoever the management ~ who are ~ to keep 'Z' channel on. the air." WORLD At 12:01 -• .m. s8turday, the cable ataUon employeel walked/ out of the atudJo and the channel Wiii blacked out for about half an hour. The company'• four pay 1ervices, the Movie , Channel, the Z Cttannel, Showtime and Home Box OffJee, were operating normally over the holiday weekend, aaid oornpany spokesman John WuielewUi. Domlnlean leader dies of wound SANTO OOMINGO, Dominican Republic - President Antonio Guzman, due to leave office next month, died Sunday after his pistol accidentally discharged, the government announced. In Was_hington, a State Department official said the 71-year-old president apparently committed sUicide. Vice President Jacobo Majluta was sworn in as president at 6:15 a.m. in a brief ceremony before the president of the supreme court. other high civilian officiala and the top commanders of the armed forces. Majluta, 48, said in a nationwide radio and television broadcast that Guzman died accidentally and that "all the armed forces of the nation support without reservation the ·continuation of the constitutional order." Pirate jailed until July 16 COLOMBO, Sri Lanka -A magistrate Sunday ordered a Sri Lankan accused of hijacking an Alltalia jet to be held in Colombo's Magazine Prison until July 16 while police investigate charges against him. Magistrate Farath Gunatillake charged Sepala Ekanayaka, 33, with retention of stolen property and ordered frozen a bank account in which he had depoeited $280,000 of the $300,000 ransom he received in the hijacking eecapade. Gunatillake alao ordered Ekanayaka'• older brother, Satyatala, held for questioning until July 16 after Proeector Upawan.aa Yapa said he received $10,000 of the ranaom. Mexieo holds national elections MEXIOO CITY -Voters turned out in small but steady numbers in Mexico's national elections Sunday, with government presidential candidate Miguel de la Mad.rid Hurtado virtually assured of~. holltted incidenta were reported in generally quiet elections as aome 100,000 armed troope stood guard around the nation's 52,000 polling stations. Another 400,000 police and aecurlty agents were deployed nationwide since Saturday night to guarantee order. LA pair take cross to Lebanon BEIRUT, Lebanon -A Loe Angeles man ~ bia ~ ton. both carry1na mmes for peace, brought their burdens to bellieged west Beirut on Sunday, where they were embraced and kissed by Palestinian guerrilla chief Y aaeer Arafat. Arthur Blesaitt, 41, and Joshua, 11, were trudgin_g through a street in the Palestinian neighborhood of Fakhani, strewn with rubble NATION from 1araell air raida. Arafat arrived on the scene by car. Hugging and kiaalng father and son repeatedly, Arafat told them, "I am very glad to see you, many thanks for your coming." Bleaaitt, a burly man standing hjied and shoulders above Arafat, clasped the l»alestinian's hand firmly with one hand while holding a Bible in the other. Mllllon·plus listen to Columbia NEW YORK -More than a million telephone calla were made to a special number allowing Americana to listen in on live conversations between the Columbia space shuttle and Miaaion Control, American Telephone & Telegraph Co. said Sunday. The phone company logged 1,025,295 calla during the week-long apace flight, aaid Carolyn Zachary, spokeswoman for AT&Ts Long Lines division. She said 8,000 cal.ls were made in the last nine minutes of the light Sunday. The customers spent a combined $1,230,354 to place the calla at 50 cents for the first minute and 35 cents for each additional minute, ahe said. It was the first time AT&T made such an arrangement. • Small-saver rate goes up WASHINGTON -"Small Saver" 2'1"\-year crtlficates aold by aavings and loan associations now pay up to 14.8 percent interest, up from 14.7 pereent, according to the Treasury Department. The department alao said that maximum rates on such certificates aold by commerdal bank.a will incre&le from 14.45 percen•to 14.55 percent. The rates, the highest since February, will be in effect ~ .f uly 19, officiala said. "' Bomb explodes In NY; 2nd defused NEW YORK -A pipe bomb exploded and shattered windows at a travel agency Sunday, and a eecond bomb wu defuaed in the doorway of the Rockefeller Center office of Yuplav OAANGE COAST MAIN OflP'ICa Airline9, police uid. No Injuries were reported. The bomb• that exploded damaged Frian Travel Service Inc. in the borough of Queens and heavily damaged a car parked outside. Daily Pilat ..... .., ... ,c:-.-...~ Freddie Mac bans loan assumptions ThomM P. Htllev N:lllNr _. Qllll (--.. 0-.. ~~ _.~-~ Tom~ ..., =:..~ 0.-... ICen Clocldltd ....... a.- ~ ·==>;=: Mell.-..: ........ c....-...c:.-. .. ~ ... =&;,.. ...... ~. __ ...,..., ....... ~ ...... ... ~--!NY .. ,.... ...... ......... ,,, .. ,, -~-. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Home Loan Monc-ae Corp., baa decided to ban homebu)"'9 ftcm t.kina oYer the low-lnterwt ~ It bolda -an 8Cdon that oouJd further reduce prm of Nlklential real ..... The ICdaD. wbldl .U.. effect Au,. 2. foDow9 tbe dedllorl 1Mt Manda1 o1 the u.a. eu.,..._ Court tbet t.dlnlly cbM1INd .,... end i.n lllllitutlonl ml\ bUl IOln ...umpdonl. Whit do you Ukt 1bcMat U.. DaU1 Pilot? Wtt1t don'& you l~tt Call tht numbtr Mlow _. ,,_, .....,, wlll bt ret0rdld. trwcrtbed and cltllwered IO&lalt '"'°'"''--.tor. TM aaa..M·ftour IUwtftM ..mft •I>'. UNd to reeord Alt· '''' to the ld6tor on any ..,.., llatn• to1tlltlMlton nn•t lntklclt &lltlr ;:~-................ fw ¥1ftft1.U., No tlN91 ..... ~~ ' ~ :tltl • Whl&'I GI reur ..... Orang• Cout DAIL y PILOT /Monday, July &, 1882 RED, WHITE AND BRIGHT -It wu sunny and warm and a perfect day for watching, or being in, Huntington Beach's July 4 parade Sunday. At top, young Costa Mesa women 0.-, ............ .., awtM ~ wave to crowds from city's float, voted best of civic floats by judges, while (below) brotheQ Brian and Eric Martin of Newport Beach take in thc..;;e....;ac;;;..;...;;ti;.;;o.;.;;n.;..... -------- Admiral, Ford Rear Adm. Nicholas J. Frank Jr., 74, of Corona del Mar, died June 30 during surgery at the Naval Hospital, San Diego. He was a 1929 graduate of the Naval Academy, Annapolis, and Posture outlined MOSCOW (AP) -U.S. Am- baaador Arthur Hf.rtman told Soviet television viewers Sunday the United States will use nuclear weapons only ll attacked. official, di~. served in the Navy 3~ars. Following retirement , he was asso ci at e d with Ford Aeroneutronics. He leaves his wife, Helen; a daul{hter, Mrs. George Cody of Palo Alto; son Nicholas 3rd of Camarillo and six grandchildren. Memorial donations may -be sent to the Assistance League of Newport Beach or the Naval Regional Medical Center, San Diego. Checks should bear the n otation: Cardiac Surgery Medical Library in the name of Rear Admiral Frank. Allen Gisler of Huntington dies at 80 Alle n T . Gisler, 80, of Huntington Beach, a member of one of Orange County's early families, died June 29. Born in Ventura in 1902, he came to' Huntington Beach while still young. He was a retired farmer. He was a member of First United Methodist Church of Huntington Beach and several organizations,· including Native Sons of the Golden West and the Elks. He is survived by his wife, F1oteal; sisters Bertha Harper of Westminster, Ida Krukenberg of Norwalk and Ann Fallon of Downey; brothers Ernest of Huntington Beach and Antone of Silverado Canyon, and several nieces and nephews. Callihl( hours are today until 9 p.m. at Pierce Brothers Smiths' Mortuary, 627 Main St.. , Huntington Beach. Services will I be Tuesday 'at 2 p.m. at Elks . Lodge 1959, 10840 Talbert, j Fountain Valley. Interment will be at Westminster Cemetery. Police probe Mesa robbery Costa· Mesa police were investigating an apparent armed robbery at Hoagy's Comer Deli- Grocery, 612 W. Baker St. The robbery oooured at about 9:45 · p.m. Saturday when a lone • man reportedly entered the store, said h e had a weapon and demanded cash. He escaped with an undisclosed amount, police said. Banners scrapped BARCELONA, Spain (AP) ~ 1 Police tore down Solidarity I banners as a partisan crowd it cheered for Poland.here Sunday ' night during a 11COrelesa World , Cup soccer match between 1 Poland and the Soviet Union. I Ii ~ • · 1· t t • • J Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 5, 1812 .. ets don't like fireworks Cough shot risk I IY PAT ROROWn'Z or .. ...., ........ DEAR READERS: The Southern California Veterinary Medical A.uoclatlon (SCV'MA)· wama pet ownen to protect their anhnall aaainlt the danpr of flrewotkl. ' Sudclen, 1harp or prolonaed nol1e produced by flreworkl rmy cawie extenalve damaae to the aeNl\ive nervet of domeetic anlmAla. Such unexpected noile can turn a normally calm pet lnto a nervout, frl&htened, over--exclted animal. Even the moet Innocent looklns 1parklera can cauae unfortunate ICddenta. Carelealy dilcarded sparkler wires ca bum or puncture the feet of both people and peta. Serlout lni.mal damase may be done 'to an animal lf it chewa on or awallows one of these wires, AnimaU, as well as children, become very carelea when excited. Doss should be cloeely controlled to prevent them from chasing 1 fireworks or running into the street ln their excitement or confusion. The SCVMA recommends that pets be allowed to remaln indoors during the July ~ebraUon and al.sq, for especially nervous animals, consider administering a mild tranquilizer. Pet owners should consult with their veterinarian regarding a safe, effective medication. How 'Old Glory' born DEAR PAT: Can you tell me wby tbe U.S. n1111 called "Old Glory," and wbo flrat u1ed tbb pbr11e to deacrlbe tbe flag? . • -J.K., Newport Beacb A Salem, Mass., sea captain, William Driver, is said to have named the flag Old Glory. One legend has it that when he raised the flag on his brig, the Charles Doggett, in 1824, he said, "I name thee Old Glory." But his daughter, who presented the flag to the Smithsonian Institution, said he named it at his 2 lst birthday celebration March 17, 1824. when his mother presented the homemade flag to him. Credit report available DEAR PAT: Cu a governmeat ageacy obtaiD a credU report on me from uy of tbe credit bareaa1 that bave a file ID my ume? -O.K., Co1ta Mesa If the govenunent agency proposes to extend credit to you, collect or review an account with you, employ or insure you, it may obtain a credit report, according to Associated Credit Bureaus Inc. It also may obtain a credit report if it is considering you for a license or other benefit, such as a military security clearance and is required by law to check your financial responsibility. A government agency also may obtain a credit report on you if you authorize it with written instructions or if a court orders it. ln all other instances, the credit bureau BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN (Classic White with Palomino Leather. Electric Sun Roof , Alloys, Stereo-Cassette. 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1)22. '79 MERCEDES WAGON Mint. 24,000 ml. One owner. $14,000 less than a new wagon. Sun Roof, Stereo-Cassette. Alloys. White with Brown Interior. $20,895. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. I I • 1 1982 SUBARUS 1 IL, IL, waao1S I BUTS l l LARGI llLICTION NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPECJAL Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura Sha1hJ bar prepared by oer ramout Japaaae Chef • Beer • Wlae • Sak.I @ JAPANESE · ~gisci. RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH ...... thru ,rt. 11sl0 to 1:t0 D1nMr tro111 I P.tll• lun. from 4 p.m. QwdWedn11d_,, ~=~ ' 111-1111 'IMI L COAlf llfY . ...... may provide only tdenUfytna lnfonnaUon to a sovernment aaency. Such Information la Umtted to yo\lr name, addreaa, former addl'ftlel, ptace of employment, or former placee of employment. Idea can't be guarded DEAR PAT: Cu I copyri•lat U ·ldea I lave for a aovel'? I uvea'I doae m1ell writlat 10 far, bat worry tllat aaotller wrUer may come ap wltll my plot tdea. -T.J., Coroaa del Mar You can't oopyright your idea, but you can protect it by aendlng younelf a certified mail copy of your novel's plot and any l'O\.llh draft material you have completed. Retain the unopened envelope as dated evidence. Written materials must be publlahed before they can be copyrighted. You 1hould request copyright information materials from the Copyright Office, Library of Congn., Waahington, D.C. 20559. Blouse, refund on way DEAR PAT: I ordered lour bloaaea from Royal Sllk of Clifton, N.J., la mld-Aprll. I received balf tbe order and waa told the reat Wll out of stock. J've written twice, but haven't bad any answer. -J .C., Coata Meaa Royal Silk's customer service department report.a that one of the out-of-stock blouses has now been s hipped. If you wish to return it in view of the delay, the company will send you a refund. Since the other blouse is not yet in stock, its cost will be refunded to you within a few days. R efund 'takes time' DEAR PAT: I ordered a sammer bag from BloomlDgdale'1 lD New York on April It . My clleck w11 caabed, but tbe oaly tltlng from BloomlDgdale'• wa1 a notice tbt tbe bag wa1 sold oat aad a refand would be lsaaed. I am atill waJtlag for my $4%.10 refud. -J .C., Costa Mesa Bloomingdale's c u s tomer service department emphasized a refund "takes time," but promised to expedite yours. minimal ATLANTA (AP) -Children should continue to be vaccinated for whooping couah. a eevere and sometlmet fatal dileue, despite the slight risk of damqlna aide effecta. health offlciall uy. "Any vaccine and any drug la not without rlak," eald Dr. Arthur Relngold, an epidemlologlat at the national Centers for Dlaeaae Control. ''The que.tion la whether the rifk a.octated with the vacdne la lete than or greater than the diRue you vaccinate against." Recent natfonal publicity focuaing on eerioua aide effecta of the pertutlil, or whooping cough. vaoclne baa raiaed doubts about rou~ giving young children the shot, which Includes vacdnee for diphtheria, tetanua and pertU91is. But doctors at the CDC contend the marginal threat of serious side effects is overshadowed by the benefit of the pertussis vaccine, which was given to 95 percent of children in the United States In 1980. More than 80 pe r cent of children who receive the full regimen of three doses are shielded against pertussis, the CDC said. Unvaccinated children risk catching the disease, which is characterized by an intense cough and sometimes leads to seizures , degenerative brain disease and death. · "We feel very strongly that the overall e ffect to s ociety of routinely vaccinating children for whooping cough is a substantial decrease in morbidity and mortality," Reingold said. Dr. Edward Brink. a CDC medical officer. cited a-UCLA s tudy of 16.000 peo ple that showed one seizure per I.750 pertuss is shots, one case of central nervoua disfuncUon per • Got a problem'! Then write to PJt H~ro-~ ~ 110,000 shots, and one case of la sting central nervous disfunction per 310,000 shots. "There is defined attributable risk, albeit quite small," Brink said . .. 1 witz. Pat will cut red tape, gecting the ~ answers and action you need to solve in- .,... ·-equities in government and buainea. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, Ac Your Servic;e, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1 !J60, C.osra mesa, CA. 9~626. As many letters u possible will M ans- wered, but phoned inquiries or letters nor includirlg the reader's full name. addre-Ss and businea hours' .Phone number cannot be considered. '., you always wanted to try erno laszlo skincare, but thought you had to put out hundreds of dollars, then you should take advantage of the erno laszlo 75.00 preview membership collection. two weeks only, through july 17. you'll receive individual counsel from the erno laszlo insti tute trained specialist at i. magnin and a preview membership collection of skin care basics chosen for your skin type, about a two·month supply, and a follow·up consultation. the preview membership is available only at i. magnin, and could be your beginning to more beautiful skin than you thought possible. for an appointment with our specialist, please telephone i. magnin south coast plaza 951·1511, extension 266. one preview collection to a customer, please. cosmetics. minimum delivery charge 2.00. • L •• A CDC study detailed in last week's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report showed that among ·1,277 pertussis cases Crom 1979 to 1981, 58 percent required hospitalization• and other complicationa," Brink said. 8 ' ..,~ HOW'S THAT AGAIN? -Her spelling is phonetic, but there's nothing phony about the sentiments of 5-year-old Talora Gr~', one of the younger participants in an F.qual Rights Amendment wake in Monterey. Kansas -woodsIDan, save that tree TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - Despite expert opinions that a century-old cottonwood on the Kansas Capitol lawn lS a threat to passersby. Kansas Secretary of State Jack Brier is campa1gnjng to save it. In a letter to Gov. John Carhn, Brier requested a reprieve for the tree from a death sentence handed down by William Nace, superintendent o( buildings and grounds for the Capitol Complex. Nace said the tree was "living on borrowed lime for the past 15 years,'' and thmks the state is lucky 1t hasn't fallen. Brier wants the tree preserved for historical reasons. "While there may be some concern that the tree is a ha:zard, we must consider the alternative of carefully preserving it rather than robbing our state of a vivid link with the past," he said. Mike Swen son . Carlin's assistant press secretary, 5ald the governor was reviewing the question. n _O~ange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Julye, 1982 Al T h ey won't Chicken I out Hope heads donors for Nebraska's fowl play Bolt Hope ·head1 a lilt of celebriU. helpl.na to brinf ln 1om e tcratch for the aecond ant'~ Chicken Show on July 10 at Wa)'M, Neb: About 40 famoua folk.. have 11nt penonal items for an auction at the ahow, which was started lut year to extol the virtues of the fowl. T he Wayne Regional Arts Council and Chamber of Commerce added the auction to h e lp fund council activities durina the year. · Hope sent an autographed ohlck en-hash recipe , an autographed picture of himself a nd a k ey chain bearing his caricature. Prblce William of Wales is already being commemorated on !J>O<?ns, stamps and porcelain English roees -at v~ry royal prices. Businessmen, hoping to cash in on the birth of the future king, began advertising a host of s p ecial-issue mail-order aouvenira within 36 hours of his arrival June 21. There's a solid silver baby spoon, with the initials of William's parents, Pri nce C.arlea and P rince11 Diana, set in en twined hearts for the ) I 11111 I llGll equivalent of $64. A royal christenlnj spoon with the Engllah roee, the th!Jltle of Scotland, the Irish shamrock and the daffodil -the symbolic flower of Wales -is slightly more expensive, about $63. Clarlato pber M. Cooke, a former Air Force officer cleared of espionage charges, says he has a new iob and is "basically very happy.'~ Cooke said he had several job offers since March and decided to work as a consultant for a Washington, D.C., environmental consulting firm , which he declined to name. The Air Force contended that Cooke, a second lieutenant who served as a missile control officer in Kansas, conveyed classified tnformation to the Soviets on three occasions and violated regulations by failing to report 11 different contacts, most of them telephone calls to the Soviet embassy. British actress Lesley-Anne Down, who is expectinlJ her first baby, said doctors "can t seem to make up their mlnda when it will arrive.' "All I know !JI that it !JI due thia awnmer, perhape next month,'' the 28-year-old actre11 told report.era at London's Heathrow Airport before boardin1 a Concorde aupenonlc flight to New York. Miu Down, a atar,of the British Broadcasting Corp. television series "Upstairs, Downstairs," was accompanied l>Y U.S. film director WUHam Frledkin, 42. She said she and Friedkin, father of her baby, had .no plans to get married. A million-dollar i'ottery winner, who falled in his attempt to claim bankruptcy. hopes his recent misfortunes can be converted Into a book and television movie. . Ken Proxmire, 39, of Fresno, has been unemployed since 1980. A winning Michigan lottery ticket in 1977 entitled him to $50,000 a year for 20 years. · But the former Detroit-area tool grinder a1ao j\dmits owing $33,000 to American National Bank, a debt he suggested paying off at the rate of 50 cents on the dollar. The bank claims it is owed $41,000 and wants full payment plus interest and attorney's fees. MOODS OF ANNIE -Girls mod e ling Annie-inspired designer clothes in Fresno show many different faces. From left are Amie A Robinsons Sale 60°/o OFF AND MORE YOU'LL FIND SIX EXCITING MIKASA DINNERWARE PATIERNS IN 20·PIECE SERVICES FOR FOUR -AT PRICES TO PROMPT AN INSTANT CELEBRATION. Rich solids and a collection of some of the prettiest florals around . you'll see m an instant why lhese patterns are lavor11es Choose from fine china. semi-porcelain and s1oneware 1n 20·p1ece se111ngs which include four each dinner plale. salad plale. soup/cereal bowl . cup and saucer And with lhe1r fine designs and remarkable quality they'll be the focal point or all the fresh. 1maginat1ve settings you'll want to start creating. Bui hurry in . quant1t1es are limited Robinson's China, 67 To order. call toll· free 1·800·345·8501 S49.99 AP~o Nisbe tt, Marissa Bore n , Kelly Bishop and Kaidie Nisbett. .. S59.99 Orig. $ 132·$ 159.90 Choose Strawberry Fair. a delicate fine ivory floral richly embossed on semi -porcelain. Goldwood, a sprinkling of inviting fresh-from-the· garden flowers. Berry Vale. gentle wildflowers with a counTty charm. Or Lilac Haze. a wonderfully fresh color. Ong. $1 59·$179. Choose Lorraine. charming flowers on a fine china classic Or Bluebell. with its subtle delicate blossoms sprinkled on white. . . I • .. .. • Al Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Juty I , 1182 More conflict due in an ugly political race Now that the political dust has almost settled on the late and sorry race f ot Re'publlcan nomination ln the 43rd Congressional District, it is going to be most interesting to see how the Grand Old Party extricates itself from this one ln November. Almost everything that can leave a bad taste about politics and elections happened in this race. It involved a district covering the southern portions of o ur coastline and down into San Diego County. Eighteen R e publi can candidates sought the nomination. Before it was over, there were last-minute "hit mailers" sent to the voters, some sleazy campaign tactics and obscene amounts of money spent. The finale was a n exceedingly slow vote count that left the outcome hanging for several days. The eventual GOP winne r was Johnnie Crean, a 33-year-old political newcomer and travel trailer manufacturer from San Juan Capistrano. Crean admitted s p e nding $750,000 to win the nomination. Little wonder many political · crltica are suggetting that Crean ia t.rylng to buy the congremlonal seat. The winner also employed the political consultant aervket of Butcher-Forde of Newport Beach, who employed some of their famous last-moment mailer tactics that will long be remembered by s'ome of the losing Republican candidates. Thus Crean has earned some genuine enmity and now fa(eS the threat of one or more wrtte-iri campaigns against him by fellow Re publicans. Former Carlsbad mayor Ron Pac kard, who ran second against Crean is one. Rep. Robert Doman, who surrendered his Los Ange les congressional seat for a n unsureeaful try at the U.S . Senate, is another. Meanwhile, the Democratic nomipee isn't really given much chance in this heavily Republican district unless the GOP cuts itself to pieces in the November campaign. So far, the race hasn't been a very pretty picture. It h as been politics at its worst. Disappearing surplus It's a far cry from 1978 when the state of California had a comfortable $500 billion surplus to offset the impact of Proposition 13, the tax-cutting measure approved by the voters that year. The $25.2 billion budget signed into law by Gov. Brown last week carries a reserve of less than $500 million and will offer a mere $2.8 billion in state bail-out aid to local governments instead of the $3 .l billion they h ad anticipated. And the governor warned that additional cuts may be needed if the economy doesn 't turn around and stat e r evenues continue to decline. The budget, which contains no tax increases, is remarkable in that it cuts spending by more than $200 million from the year just ended and is $8 million below 1980-81 spending, a reduction the governor says hasn't happen ed since the Depression years. The budget balancing act was achieved by giving no pay raises to state employees and no increases in welfare benefits to about 1.4 million mothers a nd childre n . However, s tate e mployees will receive a small increase in dental and health benefits. One cost -cutting maneuver that will not sit well locally shifts to the counties the responsibility for about 300,000 medically indigent adults, the so-called "working poor" now receiving Medi-Cal services from the state, for a saving of about $110 million. Medi-Cal e ligibility requirements also will be sharply tightened. The budget offers no cost-of- living increases with state money for any programs. in cluding schools, but a budget-related bill will give schools $50 million in addition to their $8 billion ln state aid, and another $50 million in Decembe r if the eco n o m y improves. A last-minute Assembly effort to give the schools any funds that may be left over from last year's budget failed when the Senate insisted the money go lnto the reserve in case the economy worsens. Wi t h the governor e mphasizing t h a t this is a n austerity budget, the message to local governments is clear: Don't bother asking Sacrame nto for more money because there isn't any. Total equality impossible Arny Rowley, a 10-year-old deaf girl from P eekskill, N.Y ., could read lips when she entered first grade, but school officials in her district made a special effort to ' help her education. _ She was given the services of a special tutor for the deaf one day a week and a speech therapist three days a week . Several te ache rs took courses in sign language interpretation to help communicate with her. Cl~room bells were replaced with lights and she was given a hearing aid to combine with her lip reading to help her under5tand the lessons. The school also put a teletyp,e machine in its o ffi ce t o communicate with her parents who also are deaf. But her parents insisted that Amy should be provided with a sign-language interpreter in her classroom in order to comply with the 197 5 Educ a ti o n for All Handicapped Children Act that requires such children to be given "a free, appropriate public education." The school district protested that this could coet aa much as $20,000 to $25,000 a year. But a federal district judJ(e and an . . appeals court ruled in favor o( the parents and took the position that the law required the school district to pay for a s ign language interpreter to e nable Amy lo "ach ieve her full potential." Last week those decisions were overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. It concluded the law required school districts to give handicapped children "some personalized education services" but did not mean that handicapped childre n must be given "stri c t e quality o( opportunity" provided they are achieving passing marks and advancing from grade to grade, which Arny is doing. The high court's 6-3 ruling does not bar districts from volunteering more extra services and help than strictly required by the law, which this district appears to be doing. It would be nice to think that every handicapped child -indeed every child -could receive the total personalized education envisioned by the parentl of thia little girl Unfortunately, in a tax- aupported IChool system, as the court has recognized, this ia not always J)C*lble. Oplnleftt exprnsed In the-IPK• eboYe er1t thofit et the Dally Pltot. Othef' vie_. ex- preued on this P•ge ere thOse ot t~lr euthoo •nd artlSts. Ruder comment 1s ll'lvJt• ed. Address The Oallv Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Cost• Mew, CA -92626. Phone (71') • 642·021. Justice Dept. vs. senators WASHINGTON -In a display of arrogance w o rth y of Nixon administration apparatchiks, Justice Department officials have stonewalled a Senate investigation of Pentagon wrongdoing. The investigation by a J udiciary subcommittee, headed by Sen. Orrin Hat.ch, R-Utah, has been going on for two years now, and members of Hatch's staff are infuriated at the Justice Department's efforts to stall and derail the probe. "Thumbing your noee at a United States Senator ia an action one should be made to regret," an exaaperated aide wrote in a confidential report to Hatch. My amociate Indy Badhwar and Jack Mitchell have aeen a copy of the report. IT GIVES eloquent expresaion to the frustration of congrellional investigators who try to dialodge nuggets of truth from the rock of bureaucratic obstruction and obfu.cation. ''W e have been involved in congre.ional investiptiona lince 1968, but never saw anythina like this one," the oonfldential ~ complaim. "The indecent manner with which the Justice Department handled thia la aymbplic of its handling of our requeata, and ·indicates that the ~partment doee not view our investigations as serious matters." What la the subject of this investlgation that aeerm to worry the Justice Department 1t0? Believe it or not. it is the case of A. Ernest FiU.Cerald, the Air ~orce civilian cost analyst who blew the whistle on $2 billion in overruns on the C-5A transport plane. What makes the Justice Department coverup absolutely mind-boggling is that Fitzgerald's disclosures were made 14 years ago. He was ha:assed and hounded Q -JAl:_l_Al-1-111-11---~4' !or tellmg the trUth under oath to a ~onal committee. Eventually he was fired. Under pressure, the Pentagon rehired him, but put him in a dead-end, do- nothina job where he couldn't cause the apencfthrift braaa hats furth e r embarramnent. It was only two weeks aio that FlU.Cerald was reinstated in the watchdog job that would serve the wep.yen properly. Yet still the bureaucrats persist in covering up the pel"8eCUtion of the man who baa earned the reputation as the federal government 's No . 1 wbiatleblow~r. AdmlnJatrations come and 10: Republicans and Democrats follow each other in and out of the presidency. Still the Pentago n bureaucrats cover their btata, with help from the Justice Department.. ~ are eome of the petty ways Justice officials have thwarted the Senate investiptors: -Acting on personal assurances . of cooperation fro!ll senior departme nt o fficials, two ~enate inves tigators showed up for a scheduled 9 a.m . a ppointment to look a t pertinent docwnents. They waited an hour. No documents. An official, tracked down by a secretary. relayed the message that he had been "ordered not to give out any documents." The bureaucrats then said there was onJy one Senate staffer they would deal with, like it or lump it. -TWO FBI AGENTS were not permitted to be interviewed separately -a fundamental inves t igation technique. Instead , they had to be interviewed in the presence of "four individuals from the FBI and Justice Department, who monitored what they said, corrected them and inhibited their statements." -p ne FBI agent, asked abou t suppression of evid ence. "started to answer and was cut off" by his superiors. "We were not able to pursue this vital avenue of questiomng," the Senate aides wrote. -Justice withheld crucial documents and even went so far as to doctor one key document, according to the Senate staff report. "The document we FeCeived was just plain phony -a clear attempt to obitruct the work of a congressional committee," the report stat.es. Hatch's staff recommended that the senator j{et subpoena power and hold hearings on the "document outrages." The staff report urged: "If the Justice Department plays tough, we play tougher. They havf thrown down the gauntlet. Now let us pick it up." One more for endangered species list · ''Excuse me, but are you perchance a speckled bog turtle?" "That's right I happen to be one of the last 47 speckled bog turtles left on this planet." , "Boy, do I ever have good news for you! Congress is going to pass a three- year exte nsion of the Endangered Species Act." "That's nice." "MAYBE YOU don't understand. You're on the list!" ''That's nice." "You don't sound too excited" "After you've been around a couple of million..,ears, three more is no big deal." "Don't worry. rm sure that when your three years are up, you'll get another reprieve. We humans have a 90ft spot in o ur hearts for endangered species. We feel that all fonna of life must be pre.erved !or generations yet unborn." "la that ao? Who's endangering ua?" "Well, I auppoee we humans are. Not I, penonally, of course. But you'll have to admit that your bog here, if drained and paved, would make an excellent site for a condominium development.." "I don't think I'd care much for condominium living." "Probably not. But real estate developers have to eat. too. So we're ___ '¥' llTHDPPI ~ making quite a sacrifice in not allowing your bog to be turned into Moor-View Acres." "Moor-View? And I'm a speckled moor turtle. Who elae is on your list?" "Oh, barring oU spills, toxic wastes and other accidents, we're going to save 35 mamrnals including the grinly bear end the manatee, 69 birda such as the condor and the peregrine falcon, 25 reptiles, 45 fish, 23 clams, 61 plants, a.orted snails an( 13 apedes of inaects." "Like the gype~th. the Medfly and . the boll weevil?" ''Are you mad? Thoee pests do millions of dollan worth of ~ to our crops each year. We're doing our best to wipe them out." "I'm certainly glad we speckled bog turtles don't eat anything o! importance to you humans. But if you'll forgive my asking, what gives you the right to decide which species shall be saved and which exterminated?" "I think we've already cli9cussed the answer to that. As we are the species • doing the endangering, we are clearly the most qualifie<:I to determine which are the endangered species." "You certainly do have a point there. And where are you humans on the list?" "ARE YOU SA YING we are an endangered species?" "Not only that, but you are the species endangering your species. You couldn't · be mo re qualified unde r your Endangered Species Act. Yes, if I were you, I'd definitely give yourselves a three-year reprieve." "By golly, after all we've done to you 1 speckled bog turtles over the years, that's darned decent of you io worry about us becoming extinct." "Oh, I think I speak for all endangered species when I say we're not worried a whit about you going the way of the dodo bird. What worries us ia that you won't have the good sense to go quietly ." Opposition imperative in a democracy '· One l"elllOl'l the world move. ahead 10 slowly -if It can be aid to move ahead at all -la that most people do not believe that opiniolll contrary to thttn delerve any r-1 ~lion. They wlll allo• that freedom of , exprwlon la a f:iM thine -up to a pe&nt -but they will n ot •rant tbat . polidel carefully and to reconajder them if necessary. It allows for the free competition of ideM -without which the other fftedoma have little meanJnc ., or vitality. MOit of all, lt helps maintain °1 • c:reettve tenlion in the p>Utbl arena. '\ But whilt we ~Y Up-..rvioe to • thla doctrine, the iy of voters. l am convinced, deeply lf tecfttly) belieYe that the country would be a better place to liw 1n lf ewryone could be m.cle to tblnk their way and the op~1llon would ).Ill dilappear. l Orang• Coa1t O~ILY PILOT/Mond1y, July 5, 1082 AT •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECI< •HOROSCOPE Clearing up mysteries of herpes DEAR ANN LANDER S: I need to , know if I did the right thing. Please tell me. · Several weeka ago I developed some bliatef'tna eoree in my private part.a. I went to the doctor and he told me I had genital herpm. I was horrified. I had been living with thla man for several years and was completely faithful. I was shocked to dilcover that he had cheated on me and moved out the very next day. I wW never be able to forgive him for HOIOSCON BY SIDNEY OMARA Virgo gains I more freed om Tuesday, July 6 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Check leases, license requirements and realize that some regulations are subject to change. Separate fact from wishful thinking -steer clear of self-deception. Focus also on career, ambition, standing in community a nd professional obligations. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): &tablish lines of communication, solidify travel plans and realiz.e that what seemed far away is closer than originally anticipated. You'll gain greater insight into abstract principles of law. Capricorn figures prominently. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Reach beyond current expectations """'"' Y?U'll ha~e wider audience and personal honi.ons wj.11 expand. Be aware of credit ratinp, cash flow and f,inancial responsibility of one who would be your partner . Aries plays key role. CANCER (June 21.Jul1 22): Lunar emphuis on contracta, le,..Uties, marital status. New approach can leed to creater inde p e nd e n ce, o utlet for creative capabilities. You'll encounter stubborn, i.!mperamental, talented people. Leo figures prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Cooperate with Cancer individual. Take steps to insure security. Check safety hazards connected with h ome. Family membe r is moody, confides confusion, seeks aid in regaining sense of direction. First impressions prove accurate. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Restrictions are removed; you'll have greater freedom of thought, action. Member of opposite sex makes promises, not all of which can be f~filled. Be aware, alert and protect your own interests. Gemini plays important role . LIBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. 22): It may be necessary to review, revise and to check source material. You can rebuild a more aolid structure. Focus on family relationships, basic obligations, interest rates and the initiation of procedures leading to busin~ expansion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on short trips, requests from relatives, messages which result in change of travel ptans. Be flexible, but don't lose sight of basic goal. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius natives figure prominently. You locate lost article. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Emphasis on home improvements, domestic relationships, possible purchase of luxury item or art object. Focus also on income, personal possessions and special collections. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio persons play important roles. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Terms will be clarified, techniq\les can be perfected and you pin recognition for effona. Lunar cycle hi.h -you'll be at riaht plat'e at cruda1 moment. Take initiative, wear bright colors, make personal appearances and exude caofidence. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): You locate loat article•. acce11 fa aalned to privlleaed information, relattonabip intenllfied. Older individual becorna ally. lhar9 benefit of experience. You'll have more .... ponalbUity and opportunity for .... ~ . , giving me thia loathJome dile&1e. He bu allO fixed it 10 I can nev,r have another intimate relationship for fear of pudns it on. Infection 1trlke1. Re1e1rcb 1bow1 tbat male• 1et. fu better rea•Jt• tbu female1. For addltloaal baformadoa, write to tbe HerpH Re1oarce . Ceater, HO Sberldaa Aveaae, Palo Alto, Calli. toot, for the lateat ... mott accerate laformatlon aboat 1enital laerpet. 'l'Ulr aew1let1er will keep yo1 la.formed a1 well a1 lift yoar 1plrtt1. Do the aoree keep recurrt~? Do they ever spread to other parts e body? Has anyone ever died from gent erpee? Can a woman with thla curse have normal children? Pleue answer my queationa IOOft. I am -RUINED AND TERRIFIED IN MADISON DEAR MADISON: Herpa Simples D bas reacbed epidemic rroportion1 .. W1 coatry. Yoa are one o approximately H million people wbo bave It. Approximately 500,000 aew cases are reported ~aally. · While Herpe1 Simplex II can be extremely palnfal and a psycbologlcal Diptmare, It ls not considered a fatal disease. The sores do not 1pread to otber part• of tbe body. A woman with aeaJtal herpes can have a beaUby child lf she works with ber obstetrician and follows bl1 Tllat wa1 tile pod new1. Tiie bad aew1 la tlaat yoa may laave blamed yoar 1weetbeart --.t••tly. My coa1altaat1 tell me tbat ID nre eata, It 11 r.11lble to &et 1enltal berpea wltlaoat avln1 aexaal iatercoar.se. So, maybe yoa'd better recon1lder ud stve lllm a call. I 1bolJ)d also tell you tbat 1enal relatloaa cu be safely retumed wlaen botb parties are free of tile sores. la1tructloa1. , DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am married to a physician. I am writing about a very insignificant but annoying problem. I hope you can solve it. Occasionally, when fl attend a social gethering, someone (invariably a woman) comes up to me and says something like this: la receat montb1 a new drag (acyclovir) baa been approved for use ln tbl1 country. It 11 not a cure, but It baa provided a blgb de&ree of relief to berpe1 aafferers wbo apply It after tbe first "I hear you h ave a beautiful home. I probably paid ror a wing of it from all my visits to your husband's office." I need a snappy Ann Landers response for the next clod who hits me with this line. CHURNING THE WA VE -Goofyfoot surfer (those who ride with the right foot in front) churns acl'088 this well-formed wave on the west·side of the Huntington Beach pier. With D.., Not "'°'O br ClwtM Starr ocean temperatures in the low 60s, he's probably trying to beat the section without getting wet. So where's his wetsuit? GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.1-As South, vulnerable, you hold: +8751 <:::>KJtZ OJ87 •N The bidding bu p~ed: Eut • s.-. Weet Nertli 1 0 ........ ow. P ... 1 <:::> P ... I <:::> P ... 1 What action do you take? A. -Partner' a bid I.a not forc- ing, and 7ou, admittedly, do not have mueb of a hand. Nevertheleaa, you should go on to four hearts. Partner ha.a contracted (or nine tricks oppoelte what might be a bust. Viewed ln that light, your trump honors and dcntbletoo dub are adequat. to 1tndertake pine. Q.J-Neltber Yul1erable, aa &o.t• JOU bold: +KTI OAQIMll OAQI •5 Tt.e bldcll111 Ml proceeded: ._. w.-Nerd! l:Mt 1 0 .... o .... ' What do J'OU Wei now? A.-Yow prt....., duty la to ehow tovr ekctO.nt ault ~nd toocl 1'aad. .Jump to three r-..t. -JOU craa support diamondl Jlt.r. U '" bid onlf hro bi&rte, lt will be tm. poemw. to clemibe JOU' P"'•r later ID tlM a~ II , .... ..,..... .., ,.. ....................... , ........t,_ ......... ........ lllln ... with two no trump. What do ~ou respond? A.-With a fair six<ard suit and an outside control 01>' poeit.e a 22-2' point two no trump opening bid, you muat realise that you are on the verge of. alam. The beat way to indicate you.r ambition la by a jump ln heart.a, but not to four hearta -that bid denies slam Int.rest. You can either bid three heart.a now and then, no matt.er what partner does, bid five hearta at your next tura. Or you can jump immediately to five bearh, which ia our pr.fer.nee. Q.•-Botb vul11J"'9ble, ae 8out~ loa boJd: I +&11 ~Q.11 .. oA•+AtT The bldcUnr bu proceeffd: WMt N_..S.. ._.. l <:;) ... J c;:> ' Wlaat aet1on 40 1ou take? A.-Wbat can 7011 do? Not1Uq1 Be cont.nt t.o ac:- cept a lmall proftt. You hHe DO N110D to feel OODldeDt .,.., .......... .,. eeatn.t wttll &Me uat&ne-ti•• cllet.rlbuUoo. ud ... bit -IOU ..W obHptie ,,.n.rto"'4. diamond. What action do you take? A.-An overeaU of one heart may ret puaed out. and • jump to two heart.a these da7s it played u preemptive. So double. Reprdleaa of partner's response, 7ou will introduce your heart suit at your next turn. That should ducribe your hand pretty well. Q.t-Both vulnerable, as South 7ou hold: +QlMI 0 81 O AICU •7U The bldcUng bu proceeded: ._ 8..ellW.-N_.. I • PMa INT,._ IO PMa •o P .. ·-.... ... t .. ,oar ...... lwl'P A.-A trump.YOU mat eta.rt utraetlnr d11mm1'• fup lmmediatelJ to prt•ent cleelanr from ruftlq 1pedee oe U. &able. Wben 7ou pt la .. ~ • 4ia!IMM'4. )'OU wUI Mel ...... trump tD .. e9wt to eoaaplet. ,our •hotap. The trump lead la preltrable to tile ldD1 of dlamonde t't.o pt a *k at duaa17, panaer">. ........ tlaat m&J C!IOlt JOU an ..., te ........... &nuap. Allll WIDllS Please come up with something. SEETHING IN MISSOURI DEAR SEET,HING: You could say, "How wonderful tllat you ~e alive and well enough to enjoy YOUR beautiful home -or would you rather have tile money?" DEAR ANN LANDERS: Many nice gifts were sent to my terminally ill sister. She died without using them. What is the proper thing to do? Keep them, or return them to the senders? Please advise me. It is depressing to see them on my closet shell. - UNCERTAIN IN ROANOKE DEAR UNCERTAIN: It would sadden your sister's friends to see their gifts returned, unused. Give the presents (in your sister's· name) to individuals you feel would appreciate them. Even ii drinking is the "in " thing in your crowd. it needn't crowd you out. Learn the facts from Ann Landers' booklet, "Booze and You -For Teen-agers Only." Send 50 cen ts and a self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, DJ. 60611. llMA IOMllCI AT WIT'S ENO Han d s off • parenting This was supposed to have been the most wonderful period of my life. My grown kids are struggling for survival. All the ad vice I gave them and they ignored is coming back to haunt thern They are getting an opportunity to experience first-hand that man does not live by allowance alone. So how come I feel so lousy? ALL THE TIME THEY WERE growing up. their father and I regaled them with wonderful stories about how broke and deprived we were. We told them how their father scrubbed post office floors at night to buy my engagement ring. We told them how we took eight years to pay off a second-hand shag rug and how we w ere married for five years before we owned a car. We made them sick they missed the Depression. Every time they asked for help, we told them we couldn't possibly deny them the poverty they so richJy deserved because it builds character. We didn't want them to miss a single day of the struggle in their pursuit of the American dream. The rhetoric was easy. Sitting by and watching is the hard part. I hate it. I don't want them to sell velvet pictures from door to door. I don't want them to buy gasoline $2 at a time. I don't want them to eat cold tacos from a doggy bag for breakfast . I don't want them to seU their bicycles and records to pay the rent. I don't want them to sleep cold and wear old. I want ... I want the birth without the pain. I WANT THE PRIDE without the loneliness. I want the success without the sacrifice. I want what I have no right to want. I want them to begin where we are ending without asking or even knowing the price it took to get there. Instead, I must sit like a spectator and watch the struggle they so desperately need. For they are finding out things about themaelves the¥ have to know to live out the rest of their lives. It takes every bit of restraint I have to watch, say noihing, and remember ... IOll.ec>ne did it tor me. NJSIOD BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I t .. . Orange COllt DAILY PILOT/Monday. July 5, 1912 W onien executives changing system ·DONO R -Arts patron 'Jlebekah West Harkness has :l eft a 20 -piece jewelry collection for the use of Nancy . Reagan and future first ladies. 'She died June 17 and leftl an !estate of about $2 million. • By tllt A11od atecl Pre11 When \he rnanqin.g directors of Mush & McLennan met In Waahln1ton In April. Pam Newman took the Eaatern A.ltllnet ahutt.le from New York ·to be there. Bein& there wu pa.rt of her job. Beina more than nine montha pregnant wu not. "I Uke having children," Mid Mn. Newman, who with her lawyer husband alao h as a . 6·year -old daughter. "But traveling LI essential to my job." T h ia time, baby obllged mother's career. Pam Newman's only problem in Waahln01nn was "setuna through dooil:;r--- Her 1on was born in· New York five days after the meeting, and she was back at work as a managing direc tor of the insurance brokerage two weeks later. Twenty years ago, it's unlikely Pam Newman would have gone so far -in her travels or her career. Even 10 years ago, she might have been expected to stay home to care for her children. But now, 30 years after William H. Whyte's bestseller It's a good time I for auctioneer By JOYCE L. KENNEDY Dear Joyce: It this recession a good time for m e to go Into auctioneering? How do I get started? -Y.S., Buffalo, N.Y. Skilled auctioneers are always in demand, particutarly when money is tight because people are selling possessions to make ends meet. Although furniture, real estate and livestock are standard auction items, virtually anything from aluminum plants to Aztec mummies are sold on the auction block. Speaking clearly and quickly, auctioneers maintain a ruhn.ing-chant and encourage bids from the crowd. They hold audience interest by telling jokes and extolling the beauties and uses of the goods. But that's only part of the job. Auctioneers also help appraise the value and condition of the goods CAREERS before the sale. They list and tag items and decide whether to sell them separately or in lots. Then they arrange for an auction date and send out advertising. You don't need a college degree to become an auctioneer, but do need the ability to soothe angry clients and deal with sha.n> business people. "The Organization Man," the title no longer appUea. More and more women are joining the corporate world, not juat to take letters, but to dictate them. Of the nearly 47 million women In the U.S. work force today, 3.1 mJllion are clualfied as managen by the Cenaus Bureau. That's nearly one manager in four, an almost 50 percent Increase the put decade. Women's liberation, cMl rights leglalatlon and economic necellity -from two-paycheck families to divorced mothers - have created thla new breed ol women. Anned with credentials and ambition, they are saying that being a woman, a wife and a mother la no reuon to abandon dreams of reaching the top. The numben at two companies exemplify the trend: In 1970, there was one woman for every 30 officers or managers at Xerox. A decade later, there was one for every seven . And at IBM, there were 2,735 female managers last year -700 mo~ than just two years earlier. They come prepared, too. Women occount for more than 20 percent of all MBA enrollments whereu 15 yean aiio the number wu almoet negligible. Harvard did not admit women to its two. year prosrarn 1.mtll 1963. When Gulf OU C.Orp. publlahed a women-owned business directory recently, It listed l,500 companJea. In Washington, D.C, there's an lnvettment firm called Julia Walsh ~ Sona. 1ubaldiea for child care. Companie• are flndtna the changes to thelr advantage. At Intermedlcs, a medical products company in Freeport, Texu, abeenteeism and turnover have dropped since Its on-sJte day care center opened three years ago. Meanwhile, industries have begun to cater to the women In the gray flannel suit -often "I like ha ving childre n , but tra veling is essential." Many corporations are changing the way they care for their employees. The children are starting to join the car pool with mom and dad, head ing for company - sponsored day care centers. Two hundred and fifty corporations tal\e advantage of the tax benefits of child care aalstanoe under the &onomk Recovery Act of 1981 by offering parent! everything from on-site day care centers to well-tailored, of course. Brooks Bros. says 15 percent of its buttoned-do wn busi ness clothing ls sold to women. At Macy's in Ne w York, there's an "MBA" program designed for the corporate woman -Macy 's By Appointment, a p e r son al ahoppi.ng 1ervice . With one in four air travelers today a woman -usually on company ~ -some bot:els are . providing 11hower cape and lrona. One even often a 1peclal floor for women only. There are 1peclal aemJnan and counea for the up-and-<.lC>n\lna woman. For quick advice, newutanda olfer Workine Woman, Savvy and Working Mother· among the home and beauty magazines. The ladle11 who lunch are talking careers, finance and corporate policy in their own luncheon clubs. And women have be e n admitted to membership in many formerly all -male bastion• like Pittsburgh's Duquesne' Club. The women's clubs spring from the desire of many women to form "old girl" networks much as those that help men get ahead through old school ties and Dad's business associates. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Stat.lstics, 48 percent of the people who get jobs do so through someone. they khow. And , advocates o f female networks say, women still have fewer cont.acts then men. Knowledge of marketing, appraising, .accountlna and economics is useful and auctioneers who specialize in one item such as art should learn everything they can about it. . If you want to auction real estate, you may be -required to be a licensed real est.ate agent or broker, depending on the laws of your state. We~e Blasting High Prices You can learn the tricks of the trade by becoming a helper to an auctioneer or by taking a .two-or three-week course at a school of auctioneering. The schools teach the chants and iome business and management skills. , Once you've learned the basics. you can find work with an auction company or form your own. Handling charity auctions for free and advertising yourself could get your name on people's tongues. Expect to struggle until you're established. You'll probably have to combine auctioneering with other work until you build up a reputation. How much can you earn? It depends, industry representatives say. on your skill, ambiUon and what you're auctioning. Some auctioneers earn anywhere from $50 to $1,500 for a days work. If you work on commission and you sell a multi- ,million cache of jewels, your ~t could be fabulous. A brief, "Auctioneers, number 102,'' is available for $2 from the Chronicle Guidance Publications, Moravia, N.Y. 13118. • Or if you'd like a list of several auctioneering 1ehools compiled by the National Auctioneers Association, send a post.card request to Joyce Lain Kennedy at Box 1560. ~ta Mesa 92626. Ask for "Auctioneer." " SAYE 01 Fl•IDlllE, IE, llnll, WlllLPHL, IU, RCA, SOil 11d IOIE. SIYlllS II EYEIY DEPUTllEIT ••• QUANTITIES LIMITED •• 1st ·coME -1st SERVED NEW 1982 RCA 25" DlllOllL • XL 100 • ELECTRONIC TUNING IOW OILY $499 95 GE REFRIGERATOR SPICE SIYlll 13.1 ou. ft. • 3 Full Width Shelves • 2 Ice Trays • Only 28" Wide ) OllLY $399 95 RCA XL-100 25" ......... GENERAL ELECTRIC • 17 cu. ft. REFER. • Frost Frff • Adjustable Shelves • Energy Saver ••L'$549 9s SOllY 28" DIAGOllAL OUR ENTIRE SELECTION OF TV , VIDEO & APPLIANCES ON SALE NOW HURRY, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND , NO DEALERS PLEASE! ROA VCR .. ·-·· ~J ~ IU/ 111111111 H"•MAL••m •Svp. Mtht Picture •Cable Ready •Two 10 Watt Amps RCA 9" OIAQCM COLOR . \I D1llJPliat MONO¥, JULV 5, 1H2 SPORTS "" . -·-_ . ...,,. 84 BONING UP ON PAST -Lurline Twist, vice president of Natural History Foundation in Costa Mesa. and Margo Stuart, • Angel . come home in ec~nd place after being swept in Kansas Cit y. Page 85 . Deity i-llot lthotoe b1 Richard Koefller development coordinator, examine part of a bison, just part of the puzzle of how the area looked long ag.o. Fossils fit prehistoric puzzle f PRESENTING A PECTEN -Pat Pembrook of Costa Mesa uses pic ks , c h e m icals a nd p a t ien c e t o ready a f~·million-year-old fossil for display to students at Rea Community Center. Natural History Foundation does 'ever y thing a museum does without walls' By JODI C,4DENHEAD or .. o..,,... .... lm8Cine a tiny aea creature dying 15 million years ago tn El. 1'oro~ it.I shell lodg~ beneath the shallow waters that cover the area. Over the centuries layers of limestone form a rock-hard crust around the shell. About 7 million years pass before a leaf falls from one of the many low branch trees into the mud. Eventually thP. ball of mud is carried d ownstream and becomes a thick mass of fog colored stone. When Bob Bell of Seal Beach carefully cracked open both rocks recently at the Orange county Natural History Foundation lab in Costa Mesa the perfect imprint of th e leaf and the white unbroken shell popped out like a pair of precious pearls. T o the more than 300 foundation members who devote their time. to preserving the county's f08Sils, such finds offer a fascinating look into the area's prehistoric past. "It's like eating pe.anuts," said foundation president Judy Haidinge.r. "Once you get started you can't sto p. It can be so exciting." Until the recent opening of the lab at Cos ta Mesa 's Rea Community Center, volunteers had to clean and examine the foundation 's fossils In the ir homes. Storage was left to garages and spare bedrooms. "Our dream is to s tart a museum," said Ms. Haldinger. "We do everything a mwieum does without the wills." Since the fou ndation 's beginning ln 1974, thousands of fo.u lls ranging from a 200 million-year-old clam to a ground sloth bone have been uncovered at 139 sites in the county. Paleontologists use the foesils like pu.zz.le pieces to understand how the county looked millions of years ago. At one time n early a l l of Orange County was a shallow bay dotted with scores of reefs. according to Camilla Wallis. acting curator for the foundation. Much of the county coastline was formed when an earthquake or volcano near Catalina Island hurled millions of tons of jagged rocks at the beach. Later, camel.a, bisons, tap irs, horses and mammoths roamed the area. About 700 di fferent kinds of fossils have been found in upper Newport Bay alone. "You can walk for males and not see a fossil, but you can't go very far and not find a fossil 1! you're looking," said Ms. WaU1s. M a n y of the f ossils a r e d is c over e d d urin g t h e construction of ho m es a nd offices. In fact, NHF members were spurred into action when a huge whale bone was unearthed near F.astbluff in Newport Beach in the early 1970's. "As Car as I was concerned a whale wa s as g ood a s a dinosaur," said Ms. Wallis, whose love of fossils began when she was a young child in New York. "We thought that there ought to be something done before they got crumbled up by bulldozers.'' Before the foundation w as started, many of the fossils found by paleontologists and students we r e simply sh i pped to Los Angeles. Anyone wanting to volunteer at the foundation lab can call 644-5699. No prior training is needed. The lab is open at R e a C o mmuni ty Center. 66 1 Hamilton Street every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the first Saturday of the month or by appointment. EARLY EVIDENCE -Judy Haidinger, president of the- Natural History Foundation's directors, holds deformed shark1 tooth. •' Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 5, 1812 Th~ee summer shows ho.wing in · &' ... TY:&mu.!. 'nw ''aunrner IHIOn" In local theater .. ti off to a roualna at.art lhil W..Und with two co1le,et and a community playhoute unwrapptna their lateat off erinp. . The Junior Wing of the Saddleback Company Theater preeenta Mollere'• "A Doctor In Spite of Hinwelf" thla weekend and next at the college's North Campus in Irvine. An orllinal comedy callf)d ''No Ark Thia Time" la the fare at Golden West Colleie, while the Westminster Community '!'beater opens the claalic melodrama "The Dnankard.'' The Mollere comedy la directed by Blake Gould and will feature "total communication'' -sign 1.anauaae, lip reading and body laniuaie. l>erfonnances will be Th\inday through Saturday and July 14-17 at 7:30 p.m. with 2:30 mafineea t>oth Saturdays and Sundays. "No Ark This Time," written and dlrect.ed by GWC lnatruct.or Charles Mitchell, bowa in Friday for two weekends of Friday ana Saturday performances In GWC'a Patio Theater. Curtain la 8:16 with reservations taken at 894-6070. Michael Aquila la directing "The Drunkard," also opening Friday for a five-weekend run at the Westminster theater, 7272 Maple St. E.L. Cousins, Stuart Elliot, Clark, Burson, Wayne Mayberry and> Wil Thompson are featured in the melodrama, which plays Frida ya and Saturdays at 8:30. Reservations 995-4113. 1 Two other local productions - "The Music Man" at the Saddleback Company Theater and "A Man for All Seasons" at the HuntinRU>n Beach Playhouse -wtnd up their retpecUve runa thla weekend. "Mualc Man" resumes Tue.day and runa th.rou1h Sunday In the Saddleback CoUese theater with· curtain at 8 throuah Saturday and matineet at 2 &turday and 3 Sunday. Retervatlona 831-'656. Robert Bol\'1 "A Man (or All Seaaona" concludea at th}' HunUnaton Beach Playhou'e with only a Saturday pertorm•nce acheduled due to the illness of the pJay'a atar, Terence Doyle. Curtain ii 8:30 1n the Seacllff VIUaae theater, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Reeervatlona 84 7 .44«)5. Dinner theaten alona the Orange Coast are offering musical bllla of fare with "Sugar"1playtng at the Harlequin Dinner P.fa~nouse, 3503 S . Harbor Blvd., Santa ,Ana (979-5511) and "Geocge M" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playh<>Wle, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950). Both shows Farf el the dOg reiil-ing CINCINNATI (AP) -Farfel, the dog puppet who once was a regular on the Milton Berle television show and appeQred later 1n Nestle's commerci• is retiring. His creator, ventrUoquiat Jimmy Nelson, says he'll donate the puppet to the Vent Haven Museum, already the home of hundreds of theatrical dummies, •• Turnyour • unusables ·into e usable e cash.Call e Daily Pilot e classified • 642-5678 • .. including one of the late F.cigar Bergen's Charlie McCarthys. The floppy-eared dog with sad eyes and a milky voice will be wesented to the museum during the eighth annual International Ventriloquist Convention July 8-10 across the Ohio Riv~r in Fort Mitchell, Ky. Farfel joined Nelson's act that included his main char acter. Danny O'Day, during World War II while playing in Chicago. The Nelson act first appeared nationally in 1951 on the Ed Sullivan Show and later became a regular on the Berle show. Nelson, 53, said he decided to call his dog Farfel while he was appearing at resorts in the Catskill Mountains during the 1940s. Pilot advertising is good business for ~ Newport Securities. "The response we have had by runnin9 in t.he Sunday Pilot has been excellenl." Lawrence Burler, Jr. Newp<;>rt Securities Corp. Newport Beach Fountain Valley. Never say diet. "Live-it~' Overweight? just a little ~)Ut of monch. Get started now. Richard shape? Or both? Don'r give G Simmon's "live-ir" concept will up. "Live-it" up at Richard et work fo r you. It's an exciring Simmons new Anatomy com bi nae ion of exercise. ~ylum . Now with 4\ 2 r . proper nutrition and a locarions, and many vea s posicive mental auicude more to come. It's all J . that can lac;c for rhe rest here. The fun. The fitness. f~ee of your life. Call or come The results. All rhe righr .L ~ in to Richard Simmons ingredients for your success new Anatomy ~ylum today. fo rmula. And all for less rhan SlS a Yo u can do it join now. Charter membershJps now available.Join today and get .. . a &ee copy of Richard's new recipe book, plus a free Anatomy Asylum T~sh.lrt. Richard Simmons ~my um FOUNTAIN VALLEY• 964-8880 18030 Brookhurst (In the Fountain Valley Mall) GLENDALE• 200 N. Brand.Blvd.• 500-0423 WOODLAND HD.LS• 23210 Ver:itura Blvd.• 884-2202 BEVERIY HILLS• 9306 Little Santa Monica Blvd.• 550-8879 ,,. Look for Garden Grove and Brea Clubs to open soon. run ntshtly except Monday• at varylna curtain times. * CALLBOARD -Audltiona for the drama "Ral,n" will be held next Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Westmtnater Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., Weetmineter .... the leadlni role of Sadie will be played by Lorraine McWlll.lama, but. other roles are open for 10 men and five women, u well-.... eeveral Polynesian typet .. I • CASTING -Art Wlnalow and Wayne Powell will play the 1 e a d l n 1 r 0 1le 1 o f H en r y Drummond and Matthew Harrleqn Brady In the Irvine c.ommunlty 'Theater'• nroductlon of "Inherit the Wlnd:0 -;P81\in8 Aug. 6 at Irvine'• Turtle Rock Community Park .... other roles will be taken by Tom Kletn, Stan Pritclwd.1.. G~ Pel.Uco, Karol ML'GW, .1JClll Barrett, Mary Benton. Chuck Benton, Randy Crawford, Tim Titus, Richard Di Boucher, Margie Schwartz, Brenda Fuehrer, Julie Wojt.kiewicz, Al Sifry and Elana Sifry. . . . • BACKSTAGE -South Coast Repertory's Lee Shallat will direct "Twelfth Night" for the Grove Shakespearean Festival, which opens July 23 and will play in repertory with "Romeo and Juliet" through Sept. 4 ...• another SCR rejlU}.ar, Ron Boussom, will f?laY Malvolio in "Twelfth Night and Mercutlo in "Romeo and Juliet" .... A~~ WATERGATOR -Gene Barry and his wife Betty Claire will portray Richard and Pat Nixon in "Watergate: A Musical,'' opening in Atlanta Wednesday. They're shown in a recent rehearsal. ( LUXURY THEATRES ) SOMEWHERE IM THE DAAKEST RE.ACHES Of THE UNIVERSE. A BATT\£ IS ABOUT TO DEGIH. A OATTlE DETWEEH GOOD AMO EVIL. DETWJEH A WAP.NOP. AMO A MADMAM. OETVEEH THE AWESOME POWER Of THE STAP.SHlP EN1'EPJ»PJSE AMO ,..E ~ATH Of KHAM. FOP. SOME rT 'tt'IU DE THEJR RP.ST MISSIOtC. FOR OTHEM rT 'tt'IU DE ltfE lASt .. .. ..) Now it is free to become one of us. • Disney's rel~ctant teen idol Ma tt Dillon (not the m arshal) bids for s tar dom Jn 'Tex.' l y 801 TBOMAI A1111b11• ......... HOLLYWOOD -He'a a braah, out1otn1 18·year-old with a wide amllt, clean featu.ret and untanned akin that e11Uy 1tamp1 him aa an eut.emer. Ma" Dillon ii probably t.he only 1ex aymbol who IU11 Uvee at home with h1a mot.her and father. WMn he lan't workina tn movi•, Dlllon rwld• in New Rochelle, N.Y., With hll parenta, Mary Ellen and Paul DUlon, four btothel"I and a allter. Hla lat.eat fllm, "Tex," hu already drawn enth u1la1tlc comment from early acreenlng audtencea, and it ii likely to attrect patrof\aie from teen-age girla. for whom Matt DUlon la a eomewhat reluctant .ex symbol. C~k the teen magazines for evidence. "We flm•N> 'Tex' wlll be the t-reallldc f~ ~f the summer," Dillbn says. "All of the others are f.antutic." Well, almost all. It does aeem that the movie acreens are OM.LON ·,) ' beina excealvely zapped by laael"S, rockets and other armory of the special effects wi?.arda. Is there room for a $5 million slice of life in small-town Oklahoma? • The Dianey people hope ao. Besides their own high-technology, $20 million "Tron,", th.ey are offering summer movie customers "Tex, ' based on the popular novel by S.E. Hinton. Both films are part of a campaign to win a more mature audience for the Disney product. Barber quartet wins Pl'M'SBURGH (AP) -A foursome called The Clauic Collection has been chosen international champion at the annual converltion of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America. The harmonies by the Denver group beat 48 other entries in two days of competition. A silver medal went to the Center Stage Quartet, from Detrolt. Workers and pedestrians were able to hear some of the old-time melodies, when about 9,000 bar~rahoppera serenaded the downtown district frOm an office building plaza. ROCKY III NOW PLAYING .... CftTl.U --........ ~o~oi1 ~sl,~"t ::r::: r~o~ ... , MIA ,,,,. •..-r..,.. ~ .__ llUT-ITO Poc:111l lone• Olive !fl lew-a.d\ HwnllllQlon C-.. ~ (dw-Conenll Wess t114112T 4010 (714)UI 03U 134 2SU ltllUS ·:!.::.: ~~~ , .. ._._....,.,,._, ~·o l•u •H 1su •Pr-tedloaltMIW-...-1 "WO,,DEllPVL ••• Bill LU Arn ••• lllElllOllAIHZ ••• 8ound lo get parent& and children hooked on movies all over again.ff -Joy« Hauxr MDC MotO ~ ......,. ,._OOH ll1/IH PllJOUCTION" 'T>< SlOll I Of -~""' .. "°''"J H(IMON( IWlCXt£'f /Olt<N ~ ()OM DtWi£ lUZJ\IUH Hl\AI_,, [)(ll(C JA(()lj Allt<Ull N\lllEI PA4.t W"AA Pf1£HIWJSS ....,.J ........ ¥11'\ , .... _..·~, ..... Vi' "I~ ...., 1o..,,.-~, ~°' ... ......,v l.,, ... J(llRVGOlOSMllH Mf.l Ciottll!N (' r ...... fY '"4'"'°' I •' -""•• r \ JC>1N P()M{llOY (;All'V GOll>MN lllCH 111\11NC ~S l SIEWAAI ..._... t ,.,, DON Bl UIH 'GNrf GCJll)'MN JOHN P()M(ll()V t> ..,, ' ..., DON Bl lJTH lr•1"•~,.,.~..,.·~· \t.~..., rt..x.• ... ,"'. 't """'""' • 1 1lti\tkl••unWt ci ..-.~·~·-.. 1 -· ,,,....,_,V""Vt"t1 ~~· ........... ~~ ,0.~.!!_~. rtOW PLAYING _,,.... - ··-.. ~... l ...... ·-·""""" ,40 ,... ~~· Olll _,, ... -l•-C..-. c:..Tto AMC 0.-..,. t 7t .,., UI O>•O ll f-l .... S-.OC• Ml MM .... wu-n• St-...~,.... """"t ...... >• (>""'• 1>11110 ffl >H> ----Tl• UA 0tr C.W.. Ill -U •n11 lt>H .. l-0'· ..... ~ .. , ..... ,.......,J Matt Dlllon wu the fil"lt and only choice for "Tex" ln the eyee of the dlnlctor and co-writer Ttm Hunter, who had co-written another fllm Dillon had ~layed ln, "Over the Edge." 'When Tim first mentioned 'Tex,' l wu very excited.'' tht YOW\I actor aa.ld. ''But when I learned 'Tex' wu IOlna to be made by Dlaney, I wun't aure I would fft ln: I couldn't aee m}'Mlt ln a Dlaney movtt.'' DUlon ventured Into the film buatnesa by chance. "I cut clua one day in junior high achoo!," he said, "and 1 wu aeen In a corridor by a talent llCOUt for a movie called 'Over the Edge.' I tried out for It and won. The character was me; I could relate to It without any trouble." "Over the Edge" had a limited release, but Dillon regiat.ered strongly as a tough character. He wu ca.at as the ~ve young man aeduced by Kristy McNlchol In "Little Darlin"'," and as the school bully in "My Bodyguard. ' He has also starred ln "Liar'• Moon" and recently completed "The Outaiden" with Francia Coppola. "Tex" is the story of two teen-age brothers who are on their owe in the quiet town of Bixby, Okla. Dillon and Jim Metzler play the boys. Dillqn says that the character, Tex McCormick, is far removed from his own life. "Tex la naive, unworldly, strictly a country boy," he said. "I had to adopt a simple state of mind in order to play him." T rlam111J ..A movie of toarln~ plea1ure1 that you hope will never end. To be sen again and again ... and trea1ured." ET. THE EXTRA:TERRESTRIAL I • C>l9'1 TWENTtET'H CEHTUAY·FOX •- CITY CEnTER (') "''"((th""'"' °"""°' .• ,. 9211 ••ra---~ .. ,,., .,.. -s-· \et,,... "'"-h• in.,., --111ui.m 11t . -----... • • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday, July 5, 1982 81 I " 'PINlo•' I• one of CUnt £Mtwoo411 bftt mu•I••· h '• fun-with leapl•f• tauhhtf, 1hootl.111, flylnt •~elal effeet1.' -JOA '"l:L GOOD MOlff'llNC A.MUICA. "•flrerux . • A •Itek mu•eu lar thriller that comblnt'1 Hplon .. e wllh Klt'nce fiction." -ROCU HBltT ClllCACU UN TIMO .UC·n' 01s111111u11oe•....,. M01 Mt ~· LWJ A WARNEii (.O ...... UNICAllONI COMPA"V ~ Cob._, ttu/1(£I . ...,...,_ ....... 11............... ..,,. ,, . ''""'""'' . ~ <.,AIHllt U•• Pt. Cc.~' ~l l11 1MI I ~ *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm1nce1 before 5:00 PM (E1ce,t Specill En9111mtnta and Hollclaysl "ANNIE" INI .-. .... _ ....... "POL TERQEIST" Cl'Gl ·------ "THI llCfllT 0 , NIMH" -------t•t LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN "ROCKY Ill'~';:> .. ,_OOUVI 0 .......... ,.. .... , .. LAKEWOOD CEHHR SOUTH .... ,. '" ...,_ MOOO"... I ....... p~ ~HllDW" 111 · ---I (N) "IT AR fiilK N: THI WRATH OI' KHAN" 10lillll DOLaV IT11M O (l'G) -....... -.- "ROCKY Ill" (NI ___ ,_ ......... facull't at Ca"otewaoo 21J/111·9HO "THI llC"ET 0 , NIMH" t--------t•t "MI OMO"CE" -__ .......... --lourll Caa1t Hi.,,y J Ol llaonoy 494-1114 "THE THING" C111 ....... ,...._ AN1'HllM ANAHEIM DRIVf·IN l t••-Y ti Ol l•tllOfl St "ROCKY Ill" IN) --,·---~ ------ ~,OX"cNl -"ldOA,OflCE" '"'°' ____ 1_7t_·_t_l_IO ___ __, ____ Ct~!·.~~ __ "Bl.ADE MINHIR" llll -"BOOY HEAT'' (Ill 81Jl ... A ; All~ BUENA PARK ORIYf IN llN:cMll 1'•• W•1I cM CllO" 121-4070 8\JI NA PAV• LINCOLN DRIVf·IH L•ncou, ••• ••" ot •"o" 121·4070 11.lliill"'• Sofl °'990 frwy 01 '""""""' n.) • AUTlfUftl AUTMIMI" IN! -"THI CANN<>MeALL flutr !NI Clllt l<~U "E.T~ THI IXTftA· TIMIEIT'ltlAL" ll'OI "ROCKY Ill" IHI -11CLAI H OI' THI TITANl "1N1 I t62•2411 __ .__09'_::_~_.~_._;,_°'_} ,.ANMHI" CNI ~X" CNI - - "l'OPSYI'' tNI "OUTLAND" t1111 ~--c_ •• _._ .. _SOUll0...;..;....;._ __ --1~---c•_·H_IOOllO-'----­ -.... HCMT Of' ...,..1•1 -"'THI f'NVAT11 IVWI• tN1 Cllll ... IOUllO A "A flt. A LA HABRA n1t1vt "" -·-·--·-... 17M .. 2 --- 0. A •t I ORANGE [lilt\, t IN "'MC*Yr,... -~-r-. ' ' MISSION [l~l\f IN ' -. .. 1..-w -. .-.. _....._ ............ raJ• ---NOW SHOWING--- AHMlllll fOUITAll VAUIY l•tt 1 n M•I r~ .... re .. 1tt• ~"" ue aoo UIA lllVl•I IMM~ .. 1'161l Ut uu Wtt4~tldt• U! on~ COlfA lllUA (l,..1e1 OllAHf CH!t"'' C.•lu 178 "41 011 .. t Mtfl tll OHO It TOllO StHit NO 511 6110 • OllAllll S1.;,. .. DI 011110 OllAlllC UA C.11 Ci<lttM 134 3 II 1 WHYllll#lflll u• c... .... 1u out ti 10 •i;. ') r;;> r {.) (j , ( l f 'l .. ,,.=- • MMlff 1'19~-~ .. I a.W.A.T. ,__ .. AlwtNM KM ,.._ to ........... a 1IMMyOI IMKMt~Md ..... loelotl to ... 1111 lliii'twfte "' .. Nolf ..... T~.""11) • tlMfl:IJJTm ~lMMTI "Or•Mei Greet At• I .. == .., .... ..,. • • ""-Huleler Of ._.... • leedl" (tNO) Aldlerd Hlled\, Ka, ~ A ....... ......... oontttwe. ..... ..,Uft.~ ............. ~ --~cNm-wi~'U OOHll El II OM&. ~ • .,...CYU! eolfWl .. ff "Loami Goloer'll -t" (1) ..... 41 •• (JI)-. llMYllW Hoel ~ Heme loolll .. lflemcMet. ~end "*" ....... CIOflWlg up on *-IOll Olllol. .MDVII • * ·~On The ....... (Z)MCWm • • • ''The Ameneei-. tlon Of ElllllJ" ( 1N4) Jeme1 Gerner, Ju lie ~...,,,_.,_ ......., • .,...._wld- -Md • --· --oer ....... IO prcMde hll .......... wtllt IN Uur1el Of flOIM. ,..,cm ... NICNIWe 8fNllnmt •Ko.we ........ " frenll I• entaoonl1t10 9-d • wounded Nottll Korean officer wllo daacrtllll 1111 own lnjuty and ~ dlllgl- th• wound• of other ........... "90RT Cl) ~.M. MNMZINI A oompenp tNt ategea Old W• 8l\IRt pNlductlorw; a -wflo l'lendorlfts llllQll end ..... .,.~ (JI) &'TON »tN "-AYI C9mW..PAM TM....,._ rod! wpar- _, Of .. '70a pertcw._ _,, al 1111 llNllfl ""' In an~-'ln hparti. (D)MCWm ··~ ''The Mptlrioul Strenoer"' ( 1M2) CMe ... ,.,_., Ft9d 0.,.-. A dll\ldiw1•19 MlleOlart boy ....... _.., w191 6n engat OI dubloul oftgln In medlawt AuMr1I. 7:IO. I ON THSTOWN "-lured: • vlllt to Nape v-.y: • report on IN '-11'9 Monde'll brottw., botfl Of ~ 119'4 winer- -... mudbelM .. Cllle-r: .~wll*J. net WAI A.-.cA M"A"l"H A JOUf19 -gaon from TOkyO brlnoa llofna to IN -V-W OI !fie .0771t1 tflllll n_, -out OI toudl ... -,,.... pnllCllo-.. CONDUtroR -John WU11ame conductl the Boeton Pope Orchestra in season premiere of Evening at Popt concert at '7:30 on KOCE (50) and 8 on KCET (28). • llW»mL.1 ...... "90RT • llw..G A'f "°" "King fMnoerl" John Wll- llM!e Md IN foaton Popa ~ -Jc*lld bJ 1t1e King llngara. Ille hllr· monl:dng yol.lnO f.nglllh- -whoee tepettolre reno-from~ b.-.. to AandJ ~ ""'-· i TIO TAC DOUGH 'Ma\'NUD ~THON A oomedllll'I '-1 and tour OOlftlc:, cont•tant1 M\o oom~t• egelnll one enothar -'-tured In ltlle Ul-i80ted comedJ II""'* lflo.. MO. (I) llNYAft ~ Jtilttlf'• ---admltw --1alllftlJ treetl Cepteln i.-11 to • rn6dnlght ..... nede -the lolidl;IMll· •.(R) e 8UTTl.atO.aON THS~ Carollne '**' an aoonc· Ing declalon ...., .. ... to fllllp • c:Mclhood Irland who11 llln111 ...... the .. ofher .-tlor1'I baby. (R)Q • 8f NII T'l9( ~tollr'lfno~ -..o1 .. ~oo1- 0l'ft, c.pt. l(Jr1c .. ~ to ~ .. ootonllCa elw end .... • MOVll **~ "A11lgnm1nt: Munlcfl" (1972) AlcNrd 8Maflat1, AOJ 8chaldar. Thepeira11W1t .. _.... Id bJ • Nloon -In ~'41.,.., gold dw- 1r'9 Wor1d W• ll. ., .... ..,..,a. A OC1fnP11f1Y tfwl IC.llgll oect Well...,.~ ftnd tnle looio9 tlWough ... IMll. ·TMl--NW ... .., t Tia • OI ~ .. K.-.. """' loob upo11 .-00 • an ow.t. llClrdno .... to .... Bolton • 1111 ,..,_ hed done ...... ~ l'llm. ~2) -~AT'°"9 "King fMnoerl~ Jom w... llllM end b~Pope On:.N9tra -Jc*lld bJ ... King ...... lb hllr- rnontllng young Englllt;- -wflOM repertoire reno-lrOlft AanalaMrlCI b.-.. to AandJ ..._._.. "-'-· ~MOVll • * ... "lloull'lwd Nlghta" (1979) Alc:Nrd Ynigulll. OeMJ De LAI Pa A Cfllc:a- no youth unexpectedly rlDlll egaliwt the atanO- .,. end lredltlonl of "" neighborhood aiano In ordat to fuli. 1'111 own dellt'9 to get man1ad end fllllp 1111 ~led younoar~~ ..... ®MDVII ***\t ''Wc*lft" (tNt) Mist F'lnneJ, Dlel'9 v- ra. Pob .. '**' wttll "" unueual ~ -H9w VOit CltJ II lnftded bJ a ,,.. of dllCllllOad _,,_, 'A' ~=-···~ "Doctor Zhlv900" ( 1185) Omit 8hwlt, O«al- dlne Ctleplln. Two io-. ltl\iOllll amldel 11\e ... end pMeiof'MI of 11\e Aue. ..... A9volull0n. 8MOVll ••• "Altplenel" (1N0) Robert Ha,a, Jutte H80lf • ty. A,_ .. lirllner'1 ot-f... IO food poleonlng, I -rom--pllot .. P'-.cl Into -W. end muet oontend wttll on- board~•--1119 control ._ end Cllctl9- lllled mamottaa. 'PO' uoe<1>-.. .. QNC81ieAn TM lltaff at WKRP le ...._, to IC* a union wtlllll IN lilallon'I r.ung. dlmtl lo 10ltl.-..(A) ............ GAZINI An lnteMew """" •·foot-ball pla)w ~ Smith: • comic: Interlude with .. _ ,_ Mutphy; "How To 1(111~~·· .GNAT lllN'OMIANCa From Vl1nn1'1 famed Mu1lk••••ln, Leonard Bemltetn conducll 11\e Vlenne Pflllharmonlc In Guetev ._..,.,., SJ"'PhO-a,:o;. **~ "For Y04JI Eyee Only" (1N1) Rao-Moore, Topot. ~Bond traca1 e <:rlmlnal wtlo purloined I t0c> l8Cr9t Btttleh defenM ~'PO' ... Cl) M•A•l•H Wtlle ..... end 8.J. -laboftng OWi. wound-ed, ...-:tent cow, Hot Upe llrueglla to ,_ ~to"" -oertY ~ trip to TOkyO. (A) 88MOYIE ··~ "McMola: The Scet-... O'Hare Ww" (tMOI T Ot'I <Mtll, Morgan Bn1· lanJ. Motion plctut• pr~ ducw ~ 0 . s.tznldt taunclfllll • lnlilllN9 -.'Ch tor IN ec1r-to portre, the heroine °' "Oona Witt\ The Wind." (R) e ITMTMI< •lll~CWTHE waT An t6ectJon for met'lhel .. l'll6d end Sam 101M NI joO 10 Plrkw Tillman'• l'lenel· plc:lcld candidate. (A) • ....VGNff.lN G--la: Jack Klugmen, \ on Leonid KoaloY, Jaclt Ir eGMAT #UUC8UNCU daetruc:llon. , R' ____________________________ ......, ________ ___ . CHANNEL LISTINGS From Vl1n11e'1 f1m1d Mu1lk•1r•ln, Leonerd Bematein conduct• the Vienna PNlllltrnonle In Guatev Mlhler'1 S~ ".!l_No.5. 9 KNXT ICBS) 9 KNBC INBC> e KTLA llnd.) .ABCIABCl e 1<FM8 ICBS> 9 KHJ· TV (Ind.I ew:csT IABCI e KTTV (Ind.) 'e KCOP·TV Clnd.) .e ICCET (PBS> e 1<oce <Pes1 (DJ On-TV (1) Z·TV ®HBO a:J ICIMINX) (!) IWORI NY., N.Y. 111> IWTBS> (I) (ESPN) (I) (Sflowtlme J • Spot119111 e (Cable News Network) (gJ THE GOlDBf Nllf CW T'IUV90N "Requiem For A ~ weigllt" OriglMlly pr~ duced • part of C8S'1 ~ llO ..... ltlll ...__ llan1ng Jack ,.,._,. ~ • glimpM Into the lfllbtly wottd of plUllllgtltlllf. t:IO. Cl) tOm CAUi An 8"'0CIOnlly troubled .,....,.. wflo "**-he ..... .... ,,......... ...... ............ -.... ----..... ~--r.::..-.... '" ••• "11..e H1w1U" ,,., .. .....,,..,.... II~.-.. ..... dler reh""' to 1111 Hewelleft .... ---• )M ..... toulilt ._,,._, ....,,.. ... ldWll Of 1111 ;-:,,.... "°"" ~"Afl1oerl1Mke ..,.,... Md "Ulla 0)4* OllT,.,._ .. . ..,. •*\t "fhe Kida Ate ~ .. (t11t) Tiie W!wl. .................. ltl l\11'• "'form•~••· ,.......... .. ~ prOOIMly -dlWOWlt .......... and .. wlld 111tloe ot lhelr ~.the .... l<alth Moon. -.......... . ..... .....,.,....... al the n --...•N • tlllt LOUMANr ...._ on oNld pornooo-• ~ Md • def*'I ,...,. ................... °' llOW .., • ,.... ltlOllld l to_lll! 1 llelfy. C"> ....... ONfn'll.M 09a ~A1WL.Nf/J NOW Ka, M1llng polntl In the ~· hlllory, trom w .... P.~1~ -In ttu to lta OU«ent ~ In t"8 ~ auto 'lrlcUety "'*' lM tacoo-°' -choil6ded. 9 MMIYMl..UR lemey trtel 10 get rid of • deo-t•t• oon¥entlon ~ wflo -·1 IMw New Yortt C"J. CC>MCMm • • • "Aoethe" ( 1179) Duatln Hoffman, v- ,_._, In London In 1t2t, "" Am«taan -p,..r NpOl'W ,,_.. Md beoonlM ln'IOIYed With fWlled l'RJltWy ..... Ao-- the Ctwtllte. who ..... left her llnfeltMul llueband. 'PO' ®MCWlm * ·~ "For YOAll Eyee OnlJ'' (1911) Rao-Moen. Topol. '*"-Bond trec:«1 • or1rNW who purtolned • tOc> tec:r.e llfttllh cWerWI dalltol.'PO' ....... '9111VM."' tWCJa: THS MW> TOCON>OM CMe "'-• ~ wlUI mamberl of IN ~ n-tre of the DMf In • ...,....lo iOwMJ bMld ' on the _. Of poet F. Gw- ola L.orca. a 9n9MM11mrr ~ An lnMMlw wtth ''WoodJ Wooclpecllar" creator Wal- •Lantz. (D)IMW>tf&W .. OONCM' 09'lld Steinburg parfonM In e oonoar1, taped et YOttc ~ In Toronto with ~ vu-t JoM Cenc!J. .... CZ> OH.Ua.m Q4MIPlJN ONTHS...,.._. ,, •••• <1>08 .... ·IA~Y~ ttoat: .... Henry. Guael; OotdOfl Uglltloot. • YOU AIQD "°" rr ~ .. lndl9t ..... With Fortled Tongue" end ''The Tiger II A JocUy." • M"A"l "H ...... end l .J. - appcMIMd --Ofllcarw of 1"81.ftt. ·~.al ......, hM tun with IN - of pwodJ on•.....,_ '°"' In e lowlJ Old Engllltl ~CAVETT -~ .. THI tQm CZ>MOVlm • * ~ "Thie ll6and Ewtl'I" (1ffS) .Mff Morrow, Faith Oom.gue. A -~ the WOftda II fought ln\oolv- lng two American eolln-..... , 1:IO. Cl) GUNrt e8TOMGHT ~ i-t: o.'ltd er-. Ouelta: Ellubeth ~. Alcerdo Mon...,, AJ .,.,_ -ea MC..-...,,,.. • MDVII * * "l4WcMr Incident' ( 1MO) Ak:8nlo Monlaltlerl. o-va~. • THS&IZ40NI • LOW,.,_ICAN IT'tLI -~ ODfllUll ONA&. Mll'ORT • CN'TIOMmMC .... (D)MCMm ** "88VllOI H.,..,..t" ( 1910) Tom 8kerrlt1, Mldlllle ~ An Aln- can drought cir'-w4ld f . TUBE TOPPERS KOCI: <&0)'1~ KCrr (28) 8:00 -11~ - Stn1era. En1U1h 1extet Joint John Wllllaml and Bolton Pope Orehenra. See photo, left. KNBC1(4) 8:00 -"Moviola: The Scarlett O'Hara War." Search ii launched for actre1t to play heroine of "Gone Wtth the Wind." KA.BC (7) 9:00 -"Best of the West.0 Tillman orchestrates an election for marshal. KOCE (50) 10:00 -"Chrysler: Once Upon a Time ... and Now.'' Key turnJ.na pointa ln the company's history are chroiUC:led. anirMlll Into populeMd .,...,. 'll'G' ())MDVII * ·~ "I'*' Tl'llC -Tiie Motion Picture" (1t1t) Wllam ..... i..-d ~·The tor--l'Nlnder o1 the u.a.a. El• pt'lM fl Tl I ,.,._ 1111 Old orflll lfld .-oft on • mllllon '° tlnd 1N ~ -~reapoi--­v.. daRuoMon 01 ,_ • -,...,atlon.........,.. 'G' ...,. •• ~ "Hietoty Of Tiie World -Part I" (1N1) Mel lroob, ...... Katin. ...,, •• -.ittoue hlltor, - fl'Oln ...... tfllj ...... """ to IM~ ~ lltlon -II lrll8lftlnld. 'A' U:AI (C} litCMm *** "M«oan1" c1He1 v-Aadgrav,, Oellld Wf//lfWll. A ~ can't eccept !fie fact tNl 1111 .......... ~ Md ..... her wedding dr..-d -• gork -· 9naTM&9ff ~ Alt lnterMw with "WoodJ Woodpedt_.' CNetor Wal- 11! lMlb.. •O MCMI ••'A "Swen Song" (1HO) o.llld Soul, Jll Elltent>erry. A former~ prO-.. 1lonal downlllll •kier rnail•one._b6dkweuc> -In• INtot ,_, (R) • MOVll • ... ''The Giant Clew" (11167) JI/If Morro. ...... ~· • LOW..wmu~ enu -~TANDNa HUMM...,_"'°" "sriory~· U:tl (JI) WNf UNTIL o.\M Kethallne Aou, ltecy !(-=ti Md Jolb'8 8ryent ... In F,.... l<noti'• ....,._ drMw llbollt • )IOUll8 bind W011W1 ..-ror- i.d In her MenNlttan ~.. bJ three """ Mercfllng for hidden dNOa-Taped et .. P9p- pardlne Colllga .,,_.,.. In Mllbu.c.lf. -··LAft-..rwntt IMW)LAllOWN ~ ........... ~ ~MbalAaland, OOfT I di I WW C.-0. IA9w. (A) 1: * *"' "HICIPY llnhdeJ To ..... (1M0) ....... Sue Andanon, 06anr'I Ford. Al ,.,..., .,.... dlopplng .-y • her droll of ..... ll1andl, • pr9') ICflOOI -lor worr1-tflllll ... mey be IN Md **'t -or poll6- bly IN dar. 'R' ... Cl) CQl•N9C) A phologrlCJhw c:arrlM out 1 phony kidnapping ~ In orci.r to rid hlm- 1811 of 1111 c1om11-11iv wtte.(R) 1:001 =AUTRY •• ~ ''Ttlundar In The ~ .. (1153) Alan l.edd, o.oor.t1 Kerr. A bind girt ......... to fllllp ,..... tllWoM ...., • lftlR .... ll!l"! to ........ ,. .. .., .... OVW11•rr 1-M/Tff'f ~~ ..,. * ''The Ctllldt9ft" (tMO) Martin ....... Qll ~ A 1trange redloeotlve Clloud UN a f'OllP OI ec:f! a atdlldow1 Into lftlll'• oar-_....~ blldt ==·~ • ... "Upelld;" (1978).Mar- gM.al ... 19We1. Anne Bancroft. A toci f8lhlon mocMI .. ......... end fNlttMed bJ her -~ attempt• to -..,_ IN 1M11 wflo raped her 10 ptleon, 'R' 1:11 .... (J) ,AT COWNI: n. ._.HYPNO,.I v~ ttOlft the ~ Mee raapond ~ to hypnoel1 1ugg11t1on1 made to "*" bJ ... ....,,.., l:IOCID.._ .. ,...~,,_•1111 HOlll a.-wd ...,,. took• ...... lftCMla. ~end .,,. --cori'll ~ on .._ Box Oflloe. l:IO!= ** "Hanow 11" (tHO) Derren Mc41Mn. ~ Vaughn . l:AI .... 1:11 CID MOV9 ** *"' "Wolten" (1911) ""*1 AnneJ, Oial'8 v- ra. Polloe -1--s with an --ptotMln -.... Yortl C1tJ II ln"'!d8d bJ • II-* OI dllCllllOad -'-· 'R' MO.MDVII *. "Glrtl On The ...,, .. ••CC>MCWm(,... "Union Qtf' 'PO' ..• ..,. • * .. ..,.,.. ~ .. (1975) \ Jeck I• Cooper. Ju lie Gregg. ci>~THON A OOMldllrl l'IOll Md tour conl6c: ~ who compete •o•lnlt one another -'8llllur9d In Ihle ---oomady ..... --· ... (I')MDVll * * ·~ "Oodor ZN'l-oo~ (19115) ~ .... oar.-.. °"""" TWo io-. ~ ........... ..,......_Of .. ~ .... "-*"Ion. ••CZ>MDVll * * • ~ "Two Engll1fl Glrtl" ( 1971) Jer..-C'lel re i.-.d, Kil• Mar11hlm. In pr.World W• I ,...._ two WeWI glr1I eno1101 In • ~ tr1arlgle with • ~frwdwiir .. 4:11.MCMI * * ~ "The Kida Ara Alright" (1979) The Who. Rimi of -of IN rOCk bend'• perform1nce1, ~ ...., notortoul proohltJ kw deltroylno "*' equipment and ttw wlld 1nllc1 ol their ~. ttw lete Keith Moon, -~Md wfttl Intel _.... of ttw or°"'P ,..,....,._ 'PO' r .... .,.,, •• . ........ ., .. . -- ... tl>••"~JoM ~.,_C...M ~~ ........ .................. ..... ....,,. .... ..,. ............... •••it· ...... ~· (1M1) T.,._ .......... ~A ~ ....... ~-1111 fUlrdlen are .......... °".""*' ....... ........ ~-... ~= ...... ..... Of IMlly'' (1M4) Jemea Garner, Julla ~.~or- ..._ e lrltlllll ----Md. ftOll-.'91olllil -- -....... to ptowtde 1111 .,.,.,... ....... lulM'lel ,offlOMe. ut CID •14 .,._. •w ,._ HW1 lofloor• (tt?I) P.J. lolal. VlrlCmlt van Patten . A budding _......, at Vlnoa "°"*'di HW1 "* '° ... .... "-'*-to ~ '* mue6o...,... .... ....., MIMoul Mand ~ ttw IOhoo4 ~ throtl. 'fl'O. allO(C}••~·~OfA ._... (1t78) Ndlwd Harr1I. Jodie F-.. A let· mlnlllJ • 12.,..,40 girt 111-..., llluelon--f*ed fMllef and h« b11nc11J dMenftlned motMt Ille OOUtaof to aooapt her feta. 'PO' (JI) *~"In God We TtUIC" ( 1MO) MartJ Feldman, 141'°'1 Kauflnln. A natwe mciM II eant out Into the wortd to ,.... ~ for 1111 ~ rnonMt• 'PO' ;·. * "The IOd Fr«n NcM..ao.elg'' ( 1171) Jan. niter MoAlllll•. Aober1 W.O. A 12-ra'-old girt .......... In and out "' lfoubte .... NnNno .,. town near~. (%) • *"' "HICIPY llrNey ToMa''(1tl0)...._.8ue ""'*-'· 06anr'I Ford. M murder begll'ol dlopplng _, • her droll °' ..... frtanda, e pr9') IClfloal -lor _.,,.. ....... rtWf ba IN nmt *-' -or IJOll'- ~IN ld9lr. 'R' -CC> ...... "Berry l~ don" ('971) AJ9n O'Naal, ..... a.-. A llln6- -.,...., llndl llCtkw'I and ,...,_ In Vie , .. l*llury.,..... army. 'PO' CID * * * ''The ONat ..,.,. Cec>et" (1111) CMrW Otodift, °'8n• Rl9a-....,,,,,.,. ~. ~Md Oomo .,_ • ,..,._ *'6ln...,.. to London. 'G' • (J) * * * "Royal Wed- ding" (ttst) Fred,,_. .. , Jerl9 Powolll. A eoria--d· .,_ ~ ~ • oer· tormanoe In Englwld ., ttw time that o.-i Ellubeth N le ~the llnal 1ouc:n- • on ,..., melrlmonlal .,._., •••~"ForYOA11£,- 0#(' (1M1) RoOlf Moore, Topol • .-,_ Bond tradtl • crilNW who Pl#tolftld • ---....... ~ ~'PG' CZ> • * ~ ''Thil lllend Es111" ( 1156) JI/If t.tom. . F8'1f\ Oom.gue. A -~ IN wctlda 19 b1Q11it ln¥OMng two AINI· lean aclantilQ. U:IO (%) * * "4 "Heart 8ael" (1M0) Hid! Noft9. Sleey Spacall. The ._ of ..... aw••lon ~ Jaca KeroU9c: Md C.ol Md .... C..adJ -dvoN-ded. exp6orlng tN growth Ol 1tlalr ,....tlol llHp -11\eJ ~20,......~on lfle-.'A' 1l:OO G * ''The C..,. C-v- IHI Mon11er1" ( tteO) Scott P9terw, Lind• Con- nell. BelrlQI "'°"' another planet tty to .... Earth'• ,...... c»J810p!Wt end lnNlbtt the boOlel of 11- rnarud to die. ••••"Broken~" (1t54) 8penclll' Tracy, Alctwd Wldnwtt. . ..... ...... ......, ...... a.- ... Mi19Nfl;PM 10. ,..,.. ..... ::::: ... ..., .... . ................... Cl *\t ........... Tlwl'' ,,..., Mertw ........... ~~·--... ........... .. ...... ,.... .... .. 11111 ........... --.. ~·'"' -<111**14''9WT•-T11e ............... (tt7't -----.~ .....,, n. ..,_ .... 1MMer ol tN UAA. ........... IMwllla .... _ .......... . "'61111111 to ....... ~ -~,._a •'ttr .., .... ~°' ........ °"' ......................... 'O' • ** . ..._.,... (11l'OJ Don lowdlno, -...... AllNlto.n ... ... ""'°" ....... .... prob,_,. of let .. •to. ~!IWll. t:ta CID *\t ""°'* ·w "°' .......... (mt)'"'· 1o1a1, ~ VM ,..._ A ...... W ...... .. ....._ ............... ...... to ..... ...._.. .. r'900ld ,_ ,.,.. ........ ....-ll'ftllltlol.-..... pun;,j9I .. edlOOI ._.. throb. 'PO' CZ> •• * "T'he .......... lallon Of ~· ( 1M4) Jemft Garner. Julle Andt-. "°"*-ar-~ • lrttWl wer ... .. end • norM!erc* Ofllo. oer ....-to prowlda 1111 IUpertorl """ .,. luxurtee Of horlle. ........ ''Mol-..lar lllaftd" (1111) T.,.._ Stamp, ,...., Cu1Hno-A .......,,, boted )'Olllfl end hie guardian •t• lflliptllHClUd on I ~ ..._. populeted bJ din- ~-cr.cur.. 1:00 CH) *14 "In God We Trwt" (1N0) MW1y Feldman, Al'°1 Keulman. A NIM ~ le 11nt out Into ttie ..or1d to ,.... moMJ lot ,. inlCM>'lw•l8d monaac- 'PO' .. ~···~·'Thll ........ ~" ( 1165) .Mff Morrow, Faith oam.vue. A -~ ttw wottda .. ~~twoAINl­ lcan ......... ... •• ·~ ''GRen Rt9" ( 1ff6) 8-...rt a...,. Or-K.allJ. A _, -W· ic.. ..... -.found --In • ~ "'-tc:.1-- ald ..... tor.,. ... Of.,. -heio-.. CC>•••''Tom~· ( 11731 Jottnrrt WhMell•. ~~ ..... on Mwti Tweln'I ROlllll. A boy wtlo ._ -.,. ........ llppj ..._ llndl It lrnpoall- ble lo -., out ol ltoub6e, ~...., .... tlOI *"II wttll 1111 buddJ Hue* Finn. 'G' ••• ~ "Aoc:*91ow'' ( 1980) Pu McCartn.y end Winge. Thll _,, of .,. b•ncl'I u.a. tow lndudel perlol--"' "Jilt, .. "lend Oft The Aun, .. "S., ~ Songl" end -Old .... ........ 'O. 4:IO <I> •• ''Huclklat>erry f1nn•• (1974) """ E.mt. Pu Wlnftllld. A JOUf19 boy and • runewey ale¥• become ln"'°""91S In • --of~ .... flieCllng dolor! IN M' I I; pl ANw on • '9ll. •G' ... CZ> •• "Hangar 18" ( 1M0) Dlnwt Mc:GIWI, Aoblt1 Vaughn. ~ lfW • I tec:r.e 00\'el I WI iW ;t lnlblatlon lmiMtlig911 .,. '*-°' • .......... IUd- den daetructlon. 'PO' l:ID (JI) •••• .,.... Gt.at Muppet Caper" (19111) Chari" Grodin. Olene Algg. Aeportera Kenntt. Fozzte and 0omo tr-e lebuloul atolln ..... 10 London. 'G' • *·~"For Your E,.e OnlJ'' ( 1M 1) Raoar Moor., Topol, JMim 8oncl "**8 • • cr1lftWlel wflo Pl#tolftld • top ---...... clefarwa --.·PO· - !J.ta/i.an Cui~ine f<e~lauranl • s to 10 P. m. 489 Valet Parking Behind Newell Realty 494-3676 .... J I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 5, 1982 -J j m.~dandy· Wi~bledon f ina ,.,..,.,.....0 JUBil.ANT -Jimmy Connors jumps for joy aft.er beating defending Wimbledon champion John McEnroe Sunday to win the 1982 men's championship. Co nno rs' win at Wimbledon came aft.er an eight-year lapse. Soviets fit to he tied as Poland advances MADRID, Spain (AP) - Poland ousted the Soviet Union from the World Cup soccer touq:~ament with a 0-0 draw Sunday as police pulled down Solidarity banners draped from the stadium mezzanine. The 30,000 fans at Barcelona's Nou Camp Stadium Tallied strongly behind Poland, and gave the Poles a standing ovation at the end of the Group A second- round match. Poland, undefeated in Cive World Cup games, advances to Thursda y's sem if ina l in Barcelona against either Italy or Brazil. In a Group D match, Alain Giresse a nd Dominique Rocheteau each scored two goals as France overwh elmed Northern Ireland 4-1 in Madrid. The Frenchmen advanced to the aemifinals for the first time since 1958, while the Irish were eliminated from the tourney. Gerry Armstrong scored the lone Irish goal, h is third of the World Cup after France held a 3-0 lead. France's semifinal opponent will be detennined today, when England meets Spain in a Group B match at Madrid's Santiago Bernabe u Stadium. England must win by a two-goal margin -or by one goal if it scores more than three -to advance. Otherwise. European champio n W est Germany, unbeaten against European opposition for four years, will face France. Also today, three-time Cup winner Brazil will seek its fifth straight victory and a semifinal berth against Italy in a Group C match in Barcelona. A France-England semifinal would be a rematch of the first round meeting between the two (See CUP, Page 87) Conn ors t aken to the linJ.it b efore winning • I WIMBl.EJX>N, Ena1and (AP) -Jlmmy 1921 and came beck to win lt .,.in in 1930, once -and that wu the key to Connonl' Connon edaed John McEnroe 8-6, 6-3, 6-7. nine yean later. triumph. 7-6, 6-4 in a 4~-hour thriller Sunday ;nd The orowd of 14,000, bubbUn1 wlth From one aet all, Connot1 charaed retained the Wimbledon men'• 11.nale title excitement af~r the all-court duel between forward and aot a eervke break at the ~ after an •taht·)'Mf las-. the two combatant•, 1ave Connon a of the third. At 5-4, M wu 1ervtnc foe a 1 Connon, 29, outluted the defendina •tand.lna ovation. He went ltraiaht to one tell lead, but ran into double-faultl 1 champion ln an amaalna fln~l. full of end of ihe OOW't ~ kilted hit wife Patti. t.roUble. He hit two doubles, one after ~ brilliant but erratk tenn1a whkp became In the final .et, Connon danced and other, to loee the game. one of the moet dramatic in Wlinbledon'1 1huffled wlth joy u he hit winners. McEnroe eventually won It on a ?t2 106-year hittory. "I guetil I wu keyed up emotionally," he tiebreaker, and It teemed Connon' tltl McEnroe lost h1a crown only one year uld. chance might have gone. after winnlng It from Sweden'• Bjorn Borg, "It wu kill or be killed. But after that The fourth eet went with 8el'Vla! all Ule but he ended his quarrel with the All-kind of t.ennla, after IO long on court, lt was way and the title hunf on anoth4r England Club and regained h1a pride. k1111ng both of UI. It wun't over until he tiebreaker. McF.nroe led 4-on pointa ~ misled the lut 1hot." needed only three more to retain his crowta'. The cheera for Cc>nnon had acarcely dted Both men mixed brilliant 1troke1 with Conpora hit a hot streak, won four out ,f down on <;;enter Court when the club erron, espedally in the early part of the the next five polnta and finally alammedl'a ahnnounced it wbaa maTkhln1 iMcEnrhoe an match. mighty tervice winner to win the aet and onorary mem er. at a an onor McEnroe l1ammed down 19 aces and hit level at 2-2. ~ normally IJ'allted to all champions, but It 10 double-faulta. Connors dJd not serve a The flnal set was contested aml1' wu withheld from McEnroe last year after 11n11e ace in the whole match and double-continuoya roar of cheering and um 1tormy disputes with umpire1 and faulted l3 times. Bob Jenkins repeatedly had to can f linesmen. Yet Connors had the better overall silence. In winning the title back after an succeea rate on fint eervioee -60 percent Connors hit two winning backha~ interval of eight years, Connon w~t against McEnroe's M percent. From 5-5 in returns to break McEnroe's service for a 2i1 short of a record. Big Bill Tilden won It in the third set. McF.nroe never broke service (See WIMBLEDON, Paae 87) t Royals in first on the Fourth Angels come home after being swept KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - Any Kansas City fans who might throw a party to celebrate the weekend sweep of the Angels which vaulted the Royals into fi rst place in t he American League West should forget about inviting Hal McRae. . "It doesn't mean a thing," the veteran designated hitter said Sunday afte r a 6-1 v ictory pushed Kansas City a half-game ~ead of the Angels. "How can it possibly mean anything? It'• nice, but there are too many games left to get excited. If we're five games ahead on October l , then rn celebrate." Roo kies Bud Blac k and Mike Annstrong combined on a two-hitter and Amos Otis, who . refused to talk to reporters, went 4-for-4 with two solo home runs and two singles. Kansas City Manager Dick Howser was taking the same low-key approach as McRae and reminded everyone the Angels took three of fou r from the Royals in Anaheim last weekend. "I feel real good because we played well," Ho wser said. "Your pitching has to give you a chance, no matter who you're playing, and ours d id in this series." Frank White singled in the third, Willie Wilson doubled and both scored on John Wathan's single off loser Geoff Zahn, 9-4. Clark's home run in the fifth eut Kansas City's lead to 3-1. But Willie Aikens singled in the bottom of the inning. went to third on U.L . Washington 's double and both runners scored on a single by Wilson. Otis greeted reliever Bruce Kison with a solo home run in the sixth, his ninth of :::~ear. A.rmstronc relieved · 3-2, 'alter sewn inning, and held the Angels hitless the rest of the way. The Angels-hit town Friday with a 2 ~-game lead over the Royals, but were outscored 19-5 ln the three games and have lost five games ln a row. The Angels return to Anaheim Stadium tonight to open a two- game series against Baltimore. Ken Forsch (7-6) is due to pitch a gains t th e Orioles' Scott McGregor (8-6) in the first of a brief two-game series. After Baltimore pays a visit tonight and Tue&day, Cleveland will be in town the next two nighta for games Wednesday and Thursday. The New York Yankees close out the h omestand with a weekend series of three games. ' "''"" ...... DEJECTED -J o hn McEnroe bo w s his head during Sunday's Wimbledon final against Jimmy Connors. The defending champion was downed in five sets. Otis opened ~he scoring with an ins ide-the-park home run leading off the second. Center fielder Bobby Clark seemed to have trouble finding the drive to deep right-eenter in the bright, cloudless sky. Clark banged into the wall as the ball fell and Otis eaally circled the bases. Dodgers can 't s tand the heat Ryan strikes out I 0 in winning first at Dodger Stadium LOS ANGELES (AP) - When Nolan Ryan went out to pitch the ninth inning, his manager, Bill Vlrdon, told him, "You 're out .there for the duration." This was partially becau.e of the Hou1ton A1troa' bullpen problems as well aa a tribute to kyan, who hurled a four-hitter in beating Loe Angeles 3-0, his flrat ever victory in Dodger Stadium. "I was aware rd never won here before, but I have pitched some good games here," said Ryan, who 1truck out 10 to ext.end his major-league record to 140 for 10 or more strikeout. in a pme. "I knew I wa1 out there no matter what," Ryan added. "I ltlll had IOod ltUff but apbwt the podaen you can never feel too ciomfortable. You can't relax. Not with their kind of lineuP.,.'' Vlrcion said of Ryan, "He'• been th.rowina wry well mmt of hll 1ame1 recently. He'1 th.rowina 1trike1, that'• the bla lhlnl· "The way be WM .,m,. there wasn't •otn1 to be anyone warmina up in that ninth lnnlnl·'' l'or the IO-Y91f-old Ryan, lt WM the fibh Ume d"9 ~ he hM ttn.tick out 10 or man In 1 ,_., He eY9Dld baa reaard at ........ ,. ..... _la Hven deol1lon1 at Dodier ...... ~-=~:-...:= ........ oft..., .Jenr ..... M, WhlWw.~four ~ ..... _. ..... . .. ....., with one out, took second on a balk and came home on Howe's single to center. In the sixth, singles by Jose Cruz, Howe and Alan Knicely produced a second run, and the Aatroa added a thil'd in the eighth on aJ') infield single by · Ray Knight/a sacrifice by Cruz, and a throwing error b y shortstop Mark Belanger. Ryan, who walked only tw batters, was helped out by f Housto~ double plays. The Dodgers now hit the opening in New York thl evening. The trip will incl stops i n Montreal an Philadelphia before next week's All-star break. A cel e bra t io n in Polan WARSAW, Poland (AP) - One Polish fan 1ana "Viva Polonia," and danced for joy when her teem tied the Soviet Union 0..0 Sunday and qualified for the eem1f1na1I of the World Cup aoccer champlon1hip1 in Madrid. Another fan could not bear to watch the aecond half af1er a acorelelll fint period and took hit doc foe a walk. "He aoundl like h1a wife Jmt had a baby," a friend aUd alt.er apedina to him when the pme ended. Waraw'1 ttrwta .,.an ...,. dMert.ed -people ..,.. lDdoon to watch the m11ech • ~. Poland only ftl9lled a tie to tdvanct to the ...,.,,_,,, and bec.uDI OM of the ~ J'our te1m1 In the Wodll 0.. 'n-. ,..,. few ........ ihM the mm dad not beat the._.,,. 'nw JDY Wll lhlt .... would ••fol ... ,,...,_, n.rtw11auullh,......., .._...,...,"'._..._. ........... ,.....-4. ff A ditquallfying him from the next match. '> ''That's a trapdy if we rneit Brml," one fan ~-~ Poles have focu1ed thefr attention on the World Cup• a bright 1pot in what for many W. become a drab exiatence atWr neu-ly seven montht of ~ law. ... P o 1 l 1 h t e 1 e v l • I oil .commentator•, recallln1 thet aupentidonl and lucky .... bad been a held wbm ...._. ~ \bird In 197•, ...... , .. do &bell' part In \b. pre •• a how Sunday. M0Un1 Ui Poland beat Peru 1·1 ••• leJtiumS-Oatt.r&M~ etlOW~wtth ...... N0.1 =" htat1 ... Tht ~ II a oauMr)' MW a"Ul a PiUab IOW it Moui ....... ID Ima, ... II i!g ........ . ..... , .... ,.. .. "" . ...... ...&. . , , ' • t f .. Orange Oout DAILY PIL.OT /Mond y, July 5, 1881 Dailey says sorry to city of Chicago From AP dl1patcbe1 CHlCAGO -Quintin Dailey, the m Chicago Bulla' t"o. 1 draft choice, apologized to the people of Chicago for his remarks at a Wednesday preu conference. ''I want to come back to Chicago and show the people that Quintin Dailey ls a human being, not an animal," Dalley told the Chicago Sun- Times in a report published in Sunday editions. Dailey was sentenced to three years' probation aft.er pleading guilty to a reduced charge of uaaulting a student nurse in a donnitory room at the University of San Francisco last December. Three c harges, including at t e mpted rape, were dropped. "rhe 21-year-old All- DAtUY American guard from the University of San Francisco roused an angry public reaction last Wednedsday when at a news conference he showed an apparent lack of remorse about the assault. When asked if he ever thought about the nurae, he had said, "Basically, I don't. I had to go through the situation by myael'f, so I don't concern myself." That remark and others, including the comment, "When you're a superstar, people are going to think what.ever they want about you," prompted a flood of phone calls to the Bulls' office from women's groups and angry fans who pledged to stay away from the National Basketball Association games if Dailey was signed. They also prompted stinging commentary by the Chicago news media. But Dailey said Saturday from a hot.el room in h is hometown of Baltimore. ''I'll do anything I can to redeem myself in the eyes of the people," the Sun-Times reported. Quote of the day "It's never been my style to rant and rave and fire people. We're going to dig ourselves out of this hole." -EddJe Qlles, owner of the Texas Rangers. Phillies pound Mets to earn sweep Ivan DeJesus drove in three runs Iii with a triple and a single and Mike Kru kow scattered nine hits as Philadelphia completed a double- header sweep from New York, 7-2. lh the first game, Steve Carlton struck out 13 as the Phillies prevailed, 9-7 . . -Bob Horner hit a pair of home runs to back the five-hit pitching of Bob Walk and Steve Bedro1lu as Atlanta won its fifth straight, 4-1 over Cincinnati ... Montreal romped to a 16-6 victory over Pittsburgh in the opener of their double-header, pounding out 21 hits, but the Pirates rebounded behind Mike Easler'• two-run homer. double and sacrifice fly to win the nightcap, 10-4 . . . Terry 'Kennedy'• sacrifice fly in the bottom of the ninth gave San Diego a 4-3 win over San Francisco . . . Keith Hernudez and George Hendrick knocked in two runs apiece to lead St. Louis past Chicago, 7-2. Weiskopf wins duel at Western Open Tom Weiskopf sank a seven-foot n birdie putt on the final hole Sunday to win the West.em Open golf crown, outshooting PGA champion Larry Nelson in a stirring stretch duel. Weiskopf'& birdie gave him a final round of 2-under-par 70 and a record 72-hole total of 276, 12 under at the Butler National Golf Club in Oak Brook. Ill. . . . Sandra Haynie, who gave up the golf tour for four years, culminated a r e markable comeback with her second straight LPGA victory, capturing the Pet.er Jackson Classic, making her the first winner of three major events on the tour. The 22-year tour veteran and one of the pioneers of the organization, added the title in the only Canadian Stop on the LPGA tour to earlier victories in the LPGA and U.S. Open. 1912 PO•TIACS T1111,~2111,llll, 11111 PllllllllDIW LAllGI SILICTI• Read all toda11• new• evef1/da11 ln·tM ..., ... Detroit'• P•try 1hut1 down Ortot .. Daa Petry, a product of 11 Ill Dorado HJch ln PlaDenUa, tcmed • three·hiti.r and Luc. Parrtu and Mlkt lvlt homered fO he~U'olt c1&lm a 8· 1 victory over Bal SW\day . . . JClaewhtrt tn the American Lta1ue, B•tcla Wya11u'1 ..crtfke Oy capped a two-run el1hth lnnina and reliever Geor1• l'raaler picked up hJa MCOnCl victory in u mlny dayt u New York came from behind to edf• Cleveland, S.2 . • • Dave Btadenoa alnlltd home two NN and Gary Gny doubled home another to lead Floyd Bual1ter and Seattle to a 3-1 triumph over Chlcaao ... Luce Parrt1la1 who had only •l1ht run1 batted In afl leUOft, drove in a club record 11even runs with a· three-run NTlY homer and a IJ'And alam ......._ Texu routed Oakland, 11-4 ... ·Gary Gaettl l led off the bottom of the nJnth with his 10th homer of the aeuon, Jdving Minnelota a 4-3 win over Toronto . . . OeuJ1 Eckenley pitched a six-hitter and Toay Pere& rapped a pair of RBI ainglee, u Beeton toppled Milwaukee, 4-1. The victory gave the Red Sox W)dlaputed poaeu.lon of first place In the AL F.ast. F.ckersley, 9-6, walked none, struck out six and silenced Milwaukee's home run bata after the ~wera had tied a major-league record with 35 homera in their previous 15 gamee. . BasebaH today On th.is date in baseball in 1962: Midway through their second eeaaon, Gene Autry's infant Los Angeles Angela swept a double -header from the Washington Senators and stunned the American League by moving into flnt place at the sea.son's traditional halfway point. On this date in 1945: The Cleveland Indians played an entire game against the New York Yankees without an infield assist. On this date in 1939: Jim Tabor of the Boston Red Sox hit two grand slam homers in one game. Today's birthdays: Philadelphia outfielder Gary Matthews is 32. New York Yankees bullpen ace Rich Gossage is 31. Pryor defends welterweight crown . World Boxing Association junior • welterweight champion Aaron Pryor successfully defended hia title for the fifth time by stopping challenger Alt.lo Kameda of Japan in the sixth round of their acheduled 15-round bout Sunday in Cincinnati Kan:e finishes first in race But he fails to equal record Newport Beach'• Mikt Kane brened acre. the finish line a\ Hanalel Bay on the Hawaiian laland ot Maui Friday a\ 5: 10 p.m. local time to 1Hd 23 other aalllna yachtt•ln the 2,UO-mlle 'l'r•n•pac SlnClehanded r1ee from San hanctlco. Kane, who brouaht bl1 53-toot trimaran Crusader aero. the llM ln flnt place two yean ago fallecl to equal h1a own ret'Ord of 10 daya, 19 houri. B OATING Hil elapeed time in thia race waa la days, ~ hours and 10 minut.ee. In a telephone report from Hanalel Sunday, Kane said hit 1low crouing was due to light headwinda for the first six days of the race. "My flrst real weather came during the last four day1 when gale force winda of 36-40 k.nota - alao on the noee -resulted in a blown out splnnaker when I turned off tbe wind. I battled. giant aeas of l~ feet during the Jut days of the l'IC'e, Gut suffered only minor gear failure.," laid Kane. Kane said he was near exhaustion af one point by having to steer the huge trimaran by hand when his automatic steering device wu incapable of handling the big aeas. "I'm just glad to 'be here, deepl\e millina the record," said Kane. AA of Sunday, none of the other 23 yachta had finished the race and Kane said none was expected until late Sunday or early today. Advice offere d "If you trailer your boat, boating safety begins in the driveway -not at the launching ramp," says Joyce Van Etten, public education officer for Flotilla 5-1 of the Coast Guard Awc:Wary. Other precautions noted by the CGA: Check your trailer before beginnina your next outing on the water. Lights Should -be tested, bearings properly lubricated now and at specified intervals during the year. Tires should be inflated to recommended pressure. "The w inch should be taut," Van Etten continued, "plus being locked and all tie-downs secure. Extra gear stowed inside the boat should be properly trimmed (balanced)." "Make sure safety chains are criss-croaed under the tongue of the trailer to prevent loes. All required safety equipment and Coast Gu.ard Auxiliary recommended safety gear should be aboard. These include flares, anchor, running lights, fire extinguishers, horn or whistle." Other necessary gear includes the proper number of Personal Flotation Devices (lifejackets), paddle or oar, pump or bailer, proper fuel containers emergency food and charts. Proper trailering is Ofle of the subjects taught in the Awciliary's Boating Safety and Seamanship courses given free of char~e by Flotilla 15-1. Deity Not fltloto br Gery ....,_ AIRBORNE -Acrobatics like this will be common during the Hang Ten California Cup sailboard regatta at San Pedro, July 8-11. The regatta will see 200 sailboarders competing in the windjumping, slalom, freestyle and round-the-buoys racing. Waltze ready • • to part1c1pate . Mike Waltze of Newport Beach (now residing in Hawaii) was among the early entries in the Hang Te n California World Cup for s a ilboarders beginning Thursday in San Pedro's breezy "hurricane gulch." Waltze is the Windsurfer pentathlon champion and has won several o ther sailboarding championship events. Other entries in the competition inc1ude 1981 world champion Ken Winner from Maryland; and 1981 world women's champion Rhonda Smith of Long Beach and current world sailboarding champion Robbie Naish. The 19-year old Naish has been champion of virtually every sailboarding regatta at one time or another. At age 13 he was the youngest sailboarder to win a worlctchampionship. Recently he won the 1982 Pan Am world championship for the second time in three yean. . . . Tango Dancer, with Lafflt PlDcay Jr. up, got up in the final jump to capture the 37th running of the Hollywood Oaks by a nose over Fueall Lau at Hollywood Park . . . The United States and Canada, tied for first in the overall standings at 6-0, meet tonight at the William Jones C"up men's basketball tournament in Taipei, Taiwan. The winner of tonight's game will be the champion . . . New York Mets pitcher Tom Haaaman will be lost to the· club for an indefinite period of time aft.er injuring his left shoulder during SWlday's double-header against Philadelphia . . . Sliver Back drew away in the stretch and won the Suburban Handicap at Belmont Park u Preak.nesa winner Aloma'a Raler finished third and Kentucky Derby winner Gato del Sol last. . .The official news agency TASS reported without comment that the Soviet and Polish teams had played to a scoreless tie in their World Cup soccer match in Barcelona. The first report, shortly after the match ended, did not mention that the Soviets had been eliminated from the championship Safe t y class b egins FREE! tournament. Television. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. e . 6:30 p.m .. Channel 7 BASEBALL: San Diego at Montreal. Announcers: Don Drysdale and Steve Stone. One of the surprises in baseball, San Diego, tries to stay within range of West.em Division- leading Atlanta. Tim Wallach, formerly of University High, Saddleback College and Cal State Fullerton, is Montreal's third . baaem&n. Juan Eichelberger (6-9) opposes Scott Sanderson (6-6). RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at New York, 4:35 p.m., KA.BC (790); Baltimore at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). • The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 27, will offer an eight-lesson course on boating safety and seamanship starting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Department , 1901 Bayside Drive. The class will include subjects on the safe way to boating enjoyment, nautical language. trailering, boat handling, le gal requirements, Rules of the Road. aids to navigation, piloting and radio procedures. A certificate of completion will b e awarded aft.er the final examination. For further information call Gene at 646-1255; Bernie, (213) 44 0-6524. or Mark , 768-6137. Don't Settle for 5~ % on Your Passbook Savings or the Uncertain Yield of Money Market Funds. We are now paying a fixed rate of on your Investment of SS.000 (minimum) to S99.000 (max· lmum) for your choice of 30 to 89 days. Your Investment Is fully secured by U.S. Gov~rnment and/or U.S. Agency Securities. AMolutely No lrot&era1e feet. For further Information plHse give South Coast Bank a call at (7 14) 540·5300 and ask for Sue Patton, ext. 231 . TM South C~st '4ink Re11ll RepurchlH AtrHmenc r ro1r1m Is noc • wv1n11 1ccoun1or1 depotll Ind Is not ln1A.1red by IM FDIC or 1u1rt1n1ffd by Che U.S. Covernm•n1. H•ndllna tee If lhe &Ank 11 requested 10 r•fX'rc:~M prior 10 m•turlty, •rtie •bove rare Is for the .,.rlod of 6/20/82 10 716/12. ti) ~.'~!!l.!1".£.~st Bank M4W OMCI ltO .... ., '""' • C-• M.w (A •HJt • 111 •14.40 UOO ...... Uf .A&Uf 11Mi1CJ1 10160 WM"" l'Wt'W • fWIWlll\ V•llrf (11' nJOI OAllM MOW •MIU l J t It Hal'IMI ..,._.,,.. • GM•!\ C,,•w. '" tltU SPCBTS TOTE ElG NIGHT., JULY 6 AJ •'s • ladles' style 11111'11 tote 1111 wltll Ille F1•us D1sll F• CIA 11111•11 wlll lie 1tnn to 111 PAID ld•lulons T11sdl1 nl1llt. .1111 8 SZ00,000 (est.) 111•1 DIA F• Clsll Dmtly .. ....., Jll111t, ..... 10 POST TIME 7:45 Racing Nig htly Monday thru Saturday . Ill •z Eudu · Pick Sil l ... From P!Q! 8& €tJP •• • --. wtdeh ~won S.l ln Btlba ~ Ooecll ... HidaljD aaid ht '-oped France'• next =~-=-~~ "Sentimentally. Wt would prefer J:n1land becauH we remember the SW.O match. We wen very below par and we WOUid Uke to show what we can do.'' HktaJco aald. 'Irlah Coach Bllly Bingham eald, 'llJ'a be bfft.en by France ii no dJrtrace. •• . Btnpam, whoee team wu un- aeeded, added, "To win one match in the World Cup was a tremendous achievement. I'm very pleaaed of the effort, organization, <fisclpline and fitnesa of the team throughout." The Irtah midfield was ao busy t.rying to contain Jean Tigana Michel Platlni, Gireaae and Bernard Genshini that ll aeldom had time to launch its own attacks. Once Giresae had given France a lead in the 33rd minute from. cloee range, the result was not in doubt as an estimated crowd of 48,000 watc h ed at Vicente Calderon Stadium in Madrid. France topped Group U of the second round by scoring conaecutive victories over AuaU'ia and Northern Ireland. The Irish were bidding to reach the semifinals for the first time ever. From Page BS • METRO LEAGUE KING -Golden West College baaeball coach Fred Hoover (the one with the golf club) was honored , as the "winningest manager" of the summer Metropolitan Baseball League laat week at Hart Park in Orange. Me~bers WIMBLEDON TENNIS T OUR NAMENT e e e McEnroe's service for a 2-1 lead. The defending champion's crown was wobbling, and to keep it he had to break back. He could only win two points against aervice in each of the fourth, sixth and eighth games, and Connon stayed ahead to lead 5-3. McEnroe then held aerve at love to make it 4-5. Connon served for the title and went to 40-lov e amid pandemonium. Then he made a double tault -his 13th -and McEnroe wu ltill alive, although just barely. Wtth hia next serve, however, Connon wrafped it up. He aimed for McEnroe • forehand. and the return flew over the pdellne. Both pJayera shouted and yelled throughout the mat.ch • they made erron and yielded _yital points. and there were a few disputes over line calla. McEnroe appeared unlucky once or twice, but he was evidenUy on his beat behavior after last year's stormy events'and held his tongue. Connors received a warning for "abuse of an official'' after protesting to a lineman over one call. But the crowd thought Connors was correct in his protest and shouted, "ridiculous" and "rubbish ." Mc Enroe lost another . Wimbledon tiUe -the men's doubles which he held with Peter Fleming. Auatrallana Peter 'McNamara and Paul McNamee beat them 6-3, 6·2 to regain the crown they won in 1980. The men'• doublet are normally dedded on the belt-of- ftw 8eta. ThJa yeuo they were cut t.dt to tm. _.. becawe ol the rain wbich c1Wuptl9d play on five "'the flnt leYeD c1a,. and put the tournament 8el'tcua1y behind echedule. Apart from the introduction of the Uebreak system. this was the McEnroe, Denton I trade angry -wor.d s Police called upon after argument WIMBLEDON, EnJt}and (AP) -John McEnroe and one of his opponents in a Wimbledon doubles mat.ch, Steve Denton, got into a bitter argument late Saturday that spilled over from the tennis court to the locker room and brought police to the acene. Scotland Yard acknowledged Sunday that it had been summoned to the All-England Club, but said that when it got there all was peaceful and there was no reatlOI'\ for any action. Wimbledon authorities d e- 1 clined to oornment. witnessed the mat.ch and gave this version of the row: "McEnroe was sea:ving for the mat.ch at 40-15. He hit a serve that fell close but just beyond the servi.ce line. "The umpire said 'second serve.' McEnroe never said a word b\Jt F1eming said aomething to the Umpire. "McEnroe served the second ball and hit a drop shot off a volley on the return. Denton almo8t broke his neck getting to the ball, overturning the chain on the sidelines. first change in the Wimbledon. ICOring formula aince 1881, when the men's doubles were reduced from seven sets to five. The Connors-McEnroe duel was the first all-American men's final since Arthur Ashe took Connors' title away from him ln 1975. It was the first final between two left-handers aince 1968, the first year of open tennis, when Rod Lave.r defeated Tony Roche. The mixed doubles tiUe went to Kevin Curren of South Africa and Anne Smith of the United States. They came from behind to defeat John Lloyd of Britain and Wendy Turnbull of Australia 2-6, 6-3, 7-5. Alliso n t a k es f ourth win of season DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) -Bobby Allison held off a challenge from Bill Elliott for his fourth victory of the aeuon af1er' a wild muJti-car accident took out four of the top contenders just 25 laps from the end of Sunday's Firecracker 400 Grand National stock car race. Allison, who earlier this year won the Daytona 500 after the rear bumper of his Buick Regal fell off early in the race, at.arting a chain reaction crash, beat Elliott's Ford Thunderbird to the finish line by about one-half a car length. Alliaon, who was the man to beat all day, was leading the 94ay going into the fourth tum on lap 135 of the 160-lap event when Harry Gant tried co lllngshot put Cale Yarborough and Tim Richmond into aeoond place. Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /Monday. July 5, ·1882 Deir Not aw. PMto of Hoover'• Senik Rustlers Metro League team, frien<!s and family were on hand to honor him on a day which was also his 52nd birthday. u~o WINNING FORM -Houston Ast.1"06' pitcher Nolan Ryan follows through Sunday while shutting out the Los Angeles Dodgers, 3-0. Ryan posted his 48th career shutout victory. H a wkes, Adams advance Top .eedt Brian Hawke. of Huntington Beach and Lynn Adami of Coata Meaa have advanced to the cbampiomhtp matches of the ninth annual Outdoor Three-Wall Racquetball Championahipe at Oranp Cout College. Hawkes won twice to earn a spot oppoeite Vancquver'a Linley Myen in today's 11:30 finala. In her women's open aemifinal1, Adams ~aally disposed of El Toro'• Terri Gilbreath and will be pitted agalnat Florida's Martha McDonald in a 1 o'clock match. In one of the best matches of the day, Hawkes wu extended to three games by Costa Mesa's Kevin Asbra, who won the first game, 21-18. Asbra came out loose and confident. building leads of 8-2 and 15-11 {n the first game. Hawkes, however, bounced back with a veng.eance, acoring the first 10 points~f the second game before winning, 21-5, then keeping the pressure on for an 11·4 decision in the deciding game. Corona del Mar's Chris Gieck was ousted by Linsey. 21-10, 21 ·20 in the jtuar:tertinall. Adams won easily in her semifinal matchup over Gilbreath, 21-11, 21-8. McDonald romped to a 21-5, 21-5 triumph over Sue Love of Carlsbad setting up a championship between the tournament winners of the past two years. Adams is the defending champion, while McDonald took the title the year before. Thr..-walt cMlnplone~ ,., Ol'W199 C-1 c.-... Meft'eO.,..O-M• .. Brien H1wk11 (Huntington BHchl del Chudl Cemldcy (Huntington e.ecttl. 21.5, 21·12, K~n All>fl (Cotta ~)def. Doug Orlen (Tu11l111. 21-lQ, 21-18; Ul'IMy Myer• (Vancouver) def Chrlt GI.ck (Coron• d.e Mar). 21-10. 21-20, Greg HOiiand (Tuetln) de(. Steve WIR*' (Al'lahelm), 12·21, 21•11, 11-10 Melt'• Open ............ H•wkH del Albrl, 18-21, 21·6, 1 t-4, Myert def. Ho!Mlnd, 2t-t 1, 2t~ T...,-1 flMI , .. 11:311) Hawk .. vt. M .... W~Open._.._ Ly11n Ad1m1 (Cotta Men) def. Terri Gllbrellh (El Toro). 21· 1 t , 21·1: M1rth1 McOoolld (Gll,_vllle, Fla.) del. Sue Love (Carltbadl. 21·5. 21·5. T ,,.,,., FIMI (at 1 o'dedl) Adami vs. Mc:Oooald Rahal .wins in Cl eveland CLEVELAND (AP) -Bobby Rahal, a rookie running in only his fourth Indianapolis-style auto race, won Sunday's inaugural Cleveland 500 easily, crossing the finish line more than 20 seconds ahead of veteran racer Mario Andretti. Rahal, 29, drove a British-built Mar ch 82C over the 500-kilometer 310-mile course. His average speed for the entire race was 101.234 mph. With about 10 laps to go, his average speed was 98.420 mph. A native of nearby Medina, Rahal now lives in Columbus, as does the owner of his car, Jim Trueman. Rahal's best previous Indy-car performance was 11th in this year's Indianapolis 500. He earned a first prize of S38,- 79 l. The course was run under a yellow caution flag Cor two extended periods. ' The altercation came in a eemifinal men's doubles mat.ch in whic h McEnroe and Peter Fleming , the defending champions, played Denton, from Driscoll, Texas. and South Africa's Kevin Curren. McF.nroe and Fleming won 6-2, 6-4, 2-6, 6-3. "He returned the ball and McEnroe missed the volley. At 40-30, M cEnroe served to Curren, who returned the ball only to have McEnroe h it a winning placement to end the Hadl accused of making illegal offers mat.ch. · Students say former Kansas assistant tried to bribe then:i into attending school The hard-played mat.ch took place on the outside No. 2 court shortly after McF.nroe had shot his way into the men's singles final against Jimmy Connors. The row erupted near the end of the match. Rod Humphriee, tournament executive of World Championahlp Tennis (WCT), "They shook hands. But while McF.nroe was pecking his gear. Denton continued to talk angrily to him. He appeared very IOl'e. "As McEnroe walked thrpugh the crowd to the locker room, Denton quickly grabbed his rackets and punued, continuing to argue. "The two were batting worm bac k and forth when they eniered the locker room." KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - John Hadl, former University of Kansas amistant football coech, has denied allegations by two former high school stara that he offered them illegal inducements to play for K.anaaa. Jeff Smith, now a .opbomore running back at Nebruka, and loeetatu Faraimo, a .ophomore running beck at Ka.nlM State, made the charges in a copyright story Sunday in the K.anau Oty Star. Smith said Had1. who now is offensive coordinator for the Rama, offered him "$30,000 foe four yean" to sign a Jetter of intent with the Jaybawks. Faraimo said he wu offered an unspecified sum "in the thouu.nda.'' U.S. frustrated at Henley Regatta the Grand canie when the jwUol' vnty crews of both Harvard and Yale were knocked out in the 8em1ftnala of \be Lad.lee Plate, both beateb narrowly. Harvard l09t by three-quarten of a ien,th to 11i1. the Oxford Unlwnlty ~ boat, but It w .. the defeat of Yale, atWl\pdnc to rep1n the troDhy It won ln 1979 and lMO, that Wll t&e hMrUnM ltOry of the day for the Arnllicua. Yale W London Unlwntty, wbldl~ ........ the=:::-NCiord two eirllr, bf I ..........,_. a ~at she hallway ...... ~&4:=.:.:-.. -: It ...... ~==-= :!'I: m.= ................ . Faraimo, a native of Vista, de9Cribed one late-nlght meeting with Hadl outside tl\e Faraimo home in February, 1981. Faraimo said he had just returned from a movie when he heard the sound of a car horn and recognized H.adl behind the wheel. ''That'• when he brought a ~;" Faraimo told the Star. "And he tapped iL And he aaid, •rve ~t a lot of ~Y in here'." Faraimo said Haidl told him all be had to do wu Qi a football letter of intent with K.anaaa to receive the mdbey. He aald Hadl allo proaUled him clothlnc and trlpa bome, wblch alao are prohibited under NCAA rulea. The NCAA informed Kanlu in April that it hid bepn a prellmi nary Inquiry Into c:iomDW.nta of ttCl"UI~ .~ by tlw Jayhawka. NCAA poUcy lll'Ohl._• comment on ~ lnYllUaaUonl. 'KaNIU OffliUll, lnolucfin1 head Coach Don rambrou1h. lllO rtfu11d aammenionshechar911 • 11J'1nt ol all, I dfdft't oUer ........ of &hml "* 1ftOM1,0 Hldl ........... "Wtdan'&do.._ It K11••· Wt ....... ,._. ~l=•== =:-=-~·-- starred as a quarterback in the NFL. He beeame an aaaistant coach at his alma mater in 1978. Dennis Cavalier, who waa football coach at Wichita Southeast High School when Smith was a student there, aald Smith told him Hadl had made illegal offers during a meettna at the achool. "When I WU in the meednc 1 was called to our administrative off~ on the intercom," OIYaJ6er aid. "When I came blick the coechee were gone. abd Jeff --left. He Mid what he eorMddend were Ulecal inducements were offered.'' "Money,~.'' Smith di tbe newtpe.per ... ScmetbbW w. .. wW atve you fl0,000 ,_. -... yeera, if you ............. " Cavalier llAd ......... .... what he lhouJd do .-. lhe otfen. UJ llUd Whelbs .... he wanted to M lavolftil tn a ~tllltWlldtflt=.ID ....... :;.: 3*'ti"'" .! =:T. :rr:\!., F.~H.ri:r: ... ~ •. ......... " I I t I I I . I ' SCOREBOARD ~ . . . . ., " MAJOA LUOW ITANINNGI ~~ ................. W L ,.._ Q9 KanlU City 44 32 .519 MfMI 45 34 .670 y, CNcego 41 35 .531 3 S..nlt 42 37 .532 3y, T••• 31 41 .a1 11 Oek141nd 34 47 .420 12\.i MlnneeOta 23 57 .HI 23 ....... ~ Boe ton Mllw9ull• Baltlmore Oelrolt New Yorll CleYeland Toronto 45 32 .684 44 33 .571 1 40 35 .633 4 31 35 .527 4Y, 37 37 .500 9y, 37 38 .493 7 34 43 .442 11 .....,. . ._.. KanlU City 8, MfMI I Detroit 8, Balllmote I New Yorll I . CleYelanel 2 S..Ule 3, Ctlleego I MlnnMOta 4, Toronto 3 Botton 4, Mllwllull• 1 T-11, OaldMd 4 T..,._ca.... Baltimore (MoOregor 1 ·8l at ~ (K. FOl'ICh 7-t). n Minneeota (CU1Mlo 3-5) at o.lrol1 (Wllcoll 6-4) Boeton (HU/'11 2-3 end Ojede )-4) al Kan... City ($plltlorft 7-t arid Hood 1-0). 2. 1-n Mffweuk• (Letal 5-5) at CflaOO (Hoyt 1o-e1, n Toronto (L ... M ) Ill Teua matlet* 3·5), n New Yorll (Rewtey 4-4) et Seettte (8Mttlt6-4). n Clewland (SUldlfle &-3) et Oelcland (Uode1 wood 3-4). n NetloMll.M8'19 . ......_~ W L ll'IK -Anent• 48 29 .m -San Diego 44 34 .SM 4'A ~ 42 39 .511 • San l'rancltco 37 44 .457 18 Houaton 33 45 .423 15'A Cl"ljlM8tl 31 47 .380 1 T'_. ................ ~ 44 34 .514 - St. Louie 44 M .IMIO 1 Montniel 41 37 .lat s PtttaOurgh 40 f7 .. ,. ·~ N9w Yor'\ 31 41 .411 ~ CHc8gO 31 IO .aa 14~ ........... Hoult0n3,~ Monlr9ll 1M. • 10 ,,., •• MptAt .. 7. ... .. 7-1 St. Lou11a 7, a... I 8en OleOD 4, e. ~I Atlenta ~. ClnclNlll 1 T .......... ._.. OMpr9 (Wiectl M) .. .._ Yortr, (Fak:of'9 <M) Houaton (J. Nlekro l ·I) at Plttaburgll (~ 0-f) St. Louie (8. Forach 1·4) at Cincinnati (8erenyl Ml San Franclaco (LHk•y 1-5) at (Auttlwn Ml lchelt>wger 9-1) ., MontrMI( Ml Chicago (Smlttl 1-4) at Atlanta (P. Nlellro'-21 A•NCAN LDGUll ..., ..... ~, C~°""9A KANeAI cm aibrlllill •rhlll Ownglf3000 Wltntf3132 Bnqzr13000 Wthnc4022 RJen phi o o o Brat 3b 4 o o o Orctl 2b4 0 0 O 01i. cf 4 2 4 2 BV!r dh 3 0 I 0 McA dh4 0 0 0 0eC 3b 3 0 0 0 Mt1n rt 4 0 I 0 RJan 1b3 0 0 0 Allne lb3 I I 0 Clf'k cf 2 1 I 1 Wrth 1b0 0 0 0 Lynn cf I 0 0 0 WM 21> 4 I I 0 Boonc3000 Whg•3120 Klhf811000 WlfOpl\1000 Foll• 0000 To\81 28 1 2 1 T<>1a133 e t4 e ---~ ....... Cellfomla 000 010 000-1 K-City 012 021 OOx-..e OP-Ctlltomle 2, ~ City I. L08-Callfor• 2. ~ City 5. 2e-w .w111on, U.L.WHhlngton. H"-Otll (9). CW. (2). e.M81111e •HAD•IO ZaM (l. ... ) 5 9 5 5 0 1 Kleon I 21100 AMe 2 30021 "-C"7 Blad! (W,3-2) 7 2 I I 2 4 Annllrong 2 0 0 0 0 I T-2:14. A-33,380. ,._.1',A .. 4 T-lil 800 100-11 10 0 OeklMcl 210 010 OIO-4 10 1 MNllll ...... (1)Md~ ::few=:'.° J,4!_:.,_~L0 KtOvfll, 7-t t . I-~,~ HA-T-. L. ,,.._ (II. 2 (4). ~!~.-.~ (7). A-41, • ......... , See"'8 20o 000 010-S I 1 Ct*-0 000 010 000-1 • 1 F. lannlettr, \land• ler9 (7), AndetMn m. Ceudll (t) lftd lullna; Dotton, 1etot-(I) Mel Flall. w ... ,, lennleWl M . L-Oo!Mn, M . 8-Ceudll (18). A-21,?ea. ,......,_..,.. Toronto ()tt 000 100-3 S 1 M1nM1ota oiO ooO i01-4 5 o 811M and I . ....,..,__ Wtlltt (I); Viola, A. Oavla (I), Llttle (I) and BYttt•. W-lltlte, 1·0. L-611tb, 9-10. HA-T0f1)ft40, NOMby (8). I . M_,IMt (fi M!Mteota. WWd (12). Oaettl (10). A-4.132. .................. , Boeton 002 010 100-4 12 I MlhnUllW 001 000 000-1 I 1 Eck~ lftd Alleneon, Clild'#ell, 8erriard (7) and 8lmmon1. W-Edc~, 1-6. L--Celetw9!t. 5-8.A- -36.141. MAT10NAL LIAOW ~l,Dlll11reO HOUITOM Loe AMOIUI ..... ., ... Thon •S 0 1 0 Su 2t> 4 0 0 0 Scttc:f 6 0 1 0 Aor*c:f4' 0 1 0 K"fl 1bS 1 1 0 9ellT If 4 O 1 0 CN1tf3110 C.,3b4'010 Omr 2b4 1 1 0 Qr1-r1 I 0 0 O HoR Sl>4 t 2 1 ONy 1b2 0 I 0 Kncy rt 3 0 1 1 Mrtl lb 0 0 0 0 WllgrtOOOO Smec3000 ptlac 4000 llgr•1000 Ay8n,aooo ,.,.p tooo Lndll pftt 0 0 0 Ndn"pOOOO Totalll3e S I 2 T~7 0 4 0 Houston .... ..,0~1 o~ Lot MJll'8t -000 000-0 l-ety, Thon. lelanrr. DP- ~on 4. LOl-Ho"9ton I , Lot ~ 4. 28-Gerwr. H--Thon. T .Scoft. 8-,..._, J.CNz. ......_ • HRD•eo ~'M· . 4 0 0 210 ,.._(L> 1 ,73227 • ........, 1 10002 H8P-by Ryan (Ganley). lelk- ,._, Ayw\. f-2:4$. A-=4UIO. ...., ..... .......... , r• lttllf lStJI 1IO 001 Ol2-t 11 I .._ YOftl 001 010 IOl-7 11 0 c.tlM _, a. ae.; Nilo, Alll'I (I) ft ....... w-c.--. 11-7. L-Nle..i~ ..... !.1!. .... 0la n~-·--·-~ ---..... , ...... ::;J:• = :: ==~ 1, ~ KnMw ..... ae.: -Jonm. L)'lldl Cl). ...._. Cl). ZMllrf (ll. Or.-Cl) ............. W-Kn*Ow. M. L_,.., ,,._, M . A-IO.a7. ...., ... _.. .......... ...,...,.. 010 231 100-11 21 1 ......,,.... 101000110-. 15 5 Aoaar't. lurrtl (I) .., Cettet and etact!Well Ill! Rflodef\, Gllan1• (2). NltrNM -T. Ptn&. W-Aogere. 10·3. L-Ahod•n. 1 ·7 . H"- Montreel, ~(10); Pttt9burgtl, 8erf9 (5). IKCMDGAm ,.,.... ........ MofttrMI 000 300 100-4 8 2 Plttaburllh 011 010 06•-10 15 0 Oulllonon. Schalzeder (5), 8 . Smm1 (8). Fryman (7). Aeerdon (8) end c.ier; O. Aoblnaon, &curry (7), Tekulve (I) and Nlco1I•. W-D. Roblneon, ~-L-Oulllckeoti, M . $-Tekulve ( 11). HA-Pllllburgh, EHier (I), J . Thomp1on ( 17). A-:r.un C.......7,C-.1 CHc880 010 000 001-2 • 2 SI. Louie IOI Ga0 20x-7 I 0 Ndll.~(5).~{7)and J. Devi•: ltu.,.r, Sutter~~ Porter. W-kiper, 1-1. L-, 5-1. 8-841nw (Ill. ""-ClllcteO. Dur'-~:.-2t, 121. ....... SM ~ 000 003 ooo-3 5 0 SM °"fO 100 000 201-4 I I ...,.,.,..._, Mtttoft (t) lftd MllY. Montefueco. Oraveoky (ll and Swleller. W-Dre.-cky, 1.-i. l- HmNMk•, M . HA-left FranclilCo, c. 0.... (10). ~ (11); Sen Diego. Tempteton (4). A-12.5'7. ............. , Cine*lnall .100 000 000-, 5 0 Allanla 002 110 OOx-4 e o 8. Shlrter. Harrie (S). !<Mn {7) and Trevino; Wa111, Bedroalan (I) and Benedict. W-W•lk, 7-1. L-1. 8"Wt9y. 2 .... .._...,,_., (4). ""-AtlMta. Homtf 2 (19). A-41,805. Tep 10 c-... ........ , . AlmlCM LIAOUll eM •M ..... 10 211 ae 11 .au 14 m a 102 ,,.. II 224 II n .344 71 2tO 41 " .321 11 294 51 ... 327 72 2t2 IO 94 .»a IM la 1t U .321 M HO 44 13 .111 11 ae 11 n .11• 58 tll II M .a 11 ......... O .Thom11, Mllw•ukee, 21: Thornton, Clev~ 20t Cooper, .......... 11: ......... . 11: "' ,..,.., ....... "' ""*'· Mir-ta.11. ............. McllM, KanM8 Ctty, 1a: TllornlOfl, ~. es: eooc-. Mh• .... 14: Utllnekl. Cl*ago, 11: Og!Me, ~~~~~Ctty. 55: (11 0 3 3 •) VUllovloh, ... 1Cl-3: Ouldry, New York, 1-3; Blliler, ~. 9 ·4: Zatll'I, Afttela, l-41 Oura, KantN City, 1-4: lkltna, Chicago, 1-4: F.Bannleter. S.ttle, 1-4: Hoyt. Oflloaoo, 1o-e. MAllOMAL LIAOUS OMAH...._ Mo0ee,8t.L 41 151 17 52 .344 T . ..__Poh. le 241 21 15 .341 Ol!Yw,Mtf. 77 2 .. 44 18 .330 ltMOl',N.Y. 54 170 21 55 .324 Knight, Htn. 78 291 42 14 .314 Lo.8tnl1h.&1.L 71 298 ee 93 .314 oe-.Mtl. ee 281 57 ea .311 L.Mf11J)Mpe ee 224 40 10 .313 Lacy,Pgh. -&e 188 35 52 .310 Au.Jonee,8D 72 2tO 51 80 .30I ...... ..._ MUf'Plly, Allenta, 22; Kingman, New Yorll. 18; carter. MontrMI, 17; J. Thompaon Plttlburgh, 17; Clark, Sen FrllllGlec:o, 19. ............. Murphy, Atlanta, 51; Ollvar. Montr .... 57: CIMlt, San Francleco, 56; T. Kennedy, 8an Diego, 53; J Thompeon, Pllttbutgh, 52. ........ (11 Oe1ttt111e) Aoger1. Montreal. 10-3; D Aoblnaon. Pttta«>urgth, W ; Fonch, St L~I•. e-4: Sutton, Hou1ton. 9--4 V1Pun,11, ~ 11.-Ktukow ~ 9-5; ..... DMfM'8 1-5; Carlton, PlllledalpHe. 11-1. .... , ..... fl.tr _.Y'tllllN.TI ,..J':c:.'::.~'·> 9rMdled (UpMm) 29. 12.to I.to T 9rrilorllll (INblleJ 12 .to 5.10 8enolnj (Pleroe) uo Alie> r-.d: ltelnlno4e Kid, Hend 0-"-I,~-Prlnoe F81mer, ..... JCIM, Joe "-'o. lllghlloti.qvlclt, Pt 1 •Btlol'I, NQlll Pollllon. TllN: , : '° 3/l. IKCMe uce. 8 turtonga. Del"*'CI llllClt (91adlJ I 1.00 l.IO 1.40 8\ar 0(0.,..,,(T-) 11.20 IUO Y-.e ~ (Moewron) uo Al10 raced: Z•nyo. Oenelto. laltarooM, Wrllln On l._• Wind, ~ ........... King Tllou M. ....... .,,. TltM: 1:09 Ill. • DA&. y oo.L.I (14t pelO '217.40. ~ MCe. I l/1t ......_ lforwwd <:-1 (McHrelll.ao t.oo uo MNpola .., , .... , 27.20 uo .......... (Mc:Ceroron) I.to Mio l1IOld: l!d'• ~. K..-1 9o, • CHne Pl.ate, ~·· ""*-· AQIW!o. TlrN: 1:44 . • UACTA 1•11pe1e111,oouo. ~ AACa. • IUrlonQll. Aguie (lledl) 11.IO t.40 3.IO Son Of Song (McHargue) 3.to 2.IO Flee! ~ (Plrocey) 4.to Alie> reoect: Morry'• ~. Stl9del Of Gml. s--.11. Aoyel Art. lrWI Hand1, Al Kt1itl1(a, Art'• Luctty Son. Wini• 0-Ctlemp. nm.: 1:11 m . """ llACS. • fur1onOe. Icy 8por1 (McHargue) 5.00 uo 2.20 8BndY'1 "et> l8'loenlell•I 2.80 2.40 Finl CIMe (Mceerron) 2.80 Aleo r•oeel: CountHI C1brlllo, Banllrupt M , TIOga, My Fl\'Ottte Aunl. Miid-Trornpa. Time: 1: 10 115. • DACTA (7..C) Pelc! 133.50. ICXTM llACL II luttongl. Double Dewer! (Lphml 7 .40 4.40 3.00 Mr. NnO....oor 1'""-YI 5.40 3.00 Poley (Mcelrron) 2.to Alie> r9CICI: "-""'· W•'• Allt. IA 8"*11,EaplolMl ..... Tllne: l:OI 115. • UACTA (2-6) pelO 17UO. ~ MCa. I 1/11 f'llllla on lurf. ~'°'(Mia} uo 4.00 2.40 "-Pink (...,_,,, 4.20 2.IO ~&ii~) 2-20 Allo l1IOld: • Hefti"• lAMI. Ellnle, """" OMClencl. Time: b42 215. • DACTA (4-31Pelc!171.00. • '9C« .. 1..4'.".-7-2-41 peld 148, 277 40 with tfw wtnn1nt tlCllet• (llll hOrW). '2 Pie* Six OOlieoleelon peld '603.to """' 113 wlrw*IQ 1ICkllll (1M hOrW). '2 Ptc:ll Six ICntdl OONOl9llon peld 11,578.to wltll two Winning lldt .. (lour rww... -ICrllOll). lllOHTM AACL 1.,. ,,,..., Tango 0.-(""-Y) UO SAO 4.40 F__,. "-(UpMm) 10.to 7.20 AoyW Donna (lliack) 1.20 At10 riced: ISkllllul Joy, CHllll•, Awlfllllon, L.udly Lecly Ellen. Cerry A Tune, Jennifer 8 . Tirne: 1:41. MMTH llACC. 1 1119,,,... on l\lrf. e-i 801t11 (0'1ep) 20.20 7.to 3.IO OltMirnl (Moee«on) UO 3.00 Aompln' Aude (llbllll) I .to AllO riced: 8io.memar, Force 01 f\Meon, MMI.. turo-on. Oemmlle, Moun'9blnll • .,_ WW!'lof. T1nw: 1 :'1 315. • QACTA (Ml peld l20t.OO. ·~:~.049. (:=·:!r;., IN Torn w.-.iopt, ea.ooo .... 1.10-10 m LMry Nalaon, ~7,IOO 11-72..el-71 m eoo OllC*. w .aoo -.. Ao9tf•, tl5,400 ... 12.-.10 Jim Tnotpe, 115,400 87-75-*70 -eurti. Str.._ 112,eoo et-72-72 ... -Mn Pfell, 111,725 .. 70-72~72 o.orge 1uma1~.eoo 11-74-71-71 Doug T_.., M ,IOO 70-7 ..... 70 Torn Jenletne, •.aoo ... 72·73-70 Lanny Wadklna, M.IOO 78-72..ea.aa -l<*ltl Fergua, ... 050 70-73-70-72 . -Jim looroa, 17.000 • lf.73-76-72 Au C9idwell, 17,000 79-71-71..el 117 Art4y a.en. 17 ,000 71-73-71. 72 Kermit Zattey, 17,000 11-71-73-75 Tom Putttel', S7 .000 73-76..ee-70 -8111OllMofl.14.280 72-72~75 Lon Htnk1e. 14.2'0 73-72·12·71 Bob Clampett, 14.280 73-73-71)..72 Wayne~. 14.290 79-71-70-71 lMry Rinker, 14.280 78-71·71·70 Bobby Wadltlna, 14,290 70-76-73-70 Lnrd. T"°'"'*1 7M7·75-73 a.ti er.n.e-. 14.280 7 4-7 4-11-72 -CeMn Peet•. S2.5&1 ~ L.leail•. 12.658 J.C. Snead. 12.569 Ed Sneed, 12.651 s1 ..... Meln)'tl. 12.65t Bob~.12.5611 - 70-75-73-71 11-73-76-73 72·75-72-70 74-73-72·70 73-79-71 ... 73-72-77-87 D.A. Welbrlng, t 1,n1 79-72·71·71 Alan Tapie, f1,n1 75-72·12·71 H .. Sullon, t1,n1 74-74-72-70 -o.ve~ . ..., Aon llNClk. IM3 .... Holand, IM3 Mike "-· 1113 Undy ..... 1113 ...,. ~.1113 v._....,_,..., lAt Bder, IM3 .. 72-76..ee-75 74-70-71·11 75-71-72-73 73-79-7~ ee-n-11.11 74-74-72·73 72-76-72-74 11-TJ.11·13 71-71·73-71 75-70-76-71 73-7$.74-1'3 n -12-n-11 Larry Ollbert, an 1 1&-n-72-7 4 Olbby Ollberl. 1111 n-11.71.74 a, 6wo, 1791 73-73-79-72 Ed OougMrty, 1711 87·74-75-7e O<eo p_.., 1711 75-74-73-72 OWi Haldonon, 1791 72-74-74-74 Wocxty llledlbum, 1191 73-73-74-74 Ed Flort. 1191 72-79-74-72 o.te ~ 1191 74-75-75-70 -.._,., Twtny, 1745 El'lc Ben.n. 174'5 eoo~.1745 Curt 8ynim. 1145 87 75-71-70-71 79-72·72-75 11-1•n-11 74-72-7'1-72 Payne Stewert. 1724 74-7a.a-a2 MMlt Hayw, 1724 74-73-n-73 -. s1 ..... e.n1on. 1110 Brad Bryant. 1710 BIM Kratnrt. 1100 -73-79-73-78 73-75-12· 78 73-7&-78-73 MMlt O'Meara, $881 7&-71·7o..e2 Gery McCord, 1881 72-79-73-71 -Bob T_,,, See6 74-75-75-71 Huber! ar-i. "45 7&-73-75-78 Antonio Cerda, "45 73-74-73-IO ci.-Aoae. aeea 11-1e.n-14 Robert Thompeon, "45 73-79-19-73 ., Morrie Heta191cy, 1644 11-n -79-74 -lMry Mlle. M37 -72-79-7 .. 79 Tommy V...,.llne, "30 7&-72-76-11 -John Ad-. M23 'TS-79-79-a Camel. Where a man belongs. Warnings Thi Surgeon 61ner1I HH Determined Thlt C~ ~ 11 Oqerou1 to Your H111th. ··-'' ~' -- a mg. "tlf'', o.a me.nlcotNev. '* citlft111 b¥ nc mdlod. -Gell Hlrat.a.'3.0l7 Hollle 8taay,t3,0l7 Lori 0~'3,0'7 .. Allot ....... 12"64 Patty Htyee, 12."4 8eth 8ololl'lon. ta ,... Janee Colee. 121~ 8ndta Spuatcn,N ,Je4' - 72-73-77·72 76-74-tf.78 73-72·73-7t 72-71-75-74 74-7e.11-n Connie Ohllleml, '480 71 .. 1-75-75 B11bafa Mox-. '4tO 74-77-71-75 -Robin Waflon, 81.llO 71-75-72-78 Mardell Wltldne, 11.llO 73-74-74-75 M. Sllfiber·o.An.11,llO n -74-72-73 Dot kmaln. 11,llO 72·72·19-79 8Ma lrttocln,IUIO 74-79-75-71 My CWll, 11,llO 75-75-72-74 Vldll Tebar, 11,llO 71·17·74-74 J-lleloc:tl, 111:' 75-*-77-75 Sandra Poe«, 11,220 7o..et-77-t I 8uele McAlltlr,t1 220 76-74-79-72 Cathy~. f1,220 77-73-74-73 Lynn Adema, S1,220 74-77-7e-e8 Sharon Barrett, tt,220 73-74-76-74 -Judy AMlkln. Sl20 74-73-74-77 B.DaYl..cooptr, 8920 74-71-73-72 Pal 9'adttV. 8120 73-74-78-73 -Marty Oickereoti. 1740-74-71-73-74 Katn,, Mat1ltl. 1740 71-80-73-75 -Alllndrl Anlwd1,M70 77·75-75-73 8helle)I Hamlln.M70 70-71-77-75 •1 Cathy Sherk, $590 Barbar• Barrow, S!llO Lori HUllhold, tffO Cindy Uncoln, S5IO Qckl Feroon. saeo Katlty Pllltw1. tffO -e.-ty Huke, '480 Joyce K.amralll.'480 Clflfd AM Cf'Md,'480 Connie ~. '480 8erbar• Mllne8, -Ab Allzm.,,, 1420 .. 79-78-73-74 eQ.74-76-71 71-76-71-79 72·79-74-71 75-75-73-78 74-75-76-77 79-74-77-72 75-73-7&-71 77-73-74-78 71-M-75-75 74-77-76-75 77-73-71-75 Jan Femna, 1133 81·73-77·73 Dianne Delley, 1133 74-77-71-77 Mlltlh• HanMn, 1133 77-76-73-78 -Vlekle Slrlgleton Btencla Ooldernllh Mindy Moen Linda Hunt Lynn Stroney S)'M• Ferdon ClnOy HIH Suale Berning •-iwnateur -71-76-76-75 11.n.11-12 75-79-72· 79 77-76-78-75 72-79-71-77 76-76-78-77 79-75-78-77 77-72-77-81 W.tdC41p «• •s::l,.., MCOMD ~--­FrMOe 4, Northern Ireland t Aulala 0. Poland 0 Toder'eO..... ~ ..... England lfuJlft.~ ~.Mr • Poland vi Winner Oroup C at Batoelona France v1. Winner Oroup B al SeYllle l"'INALI Third Pl--S•turday, July 10 Champlooa/llp -Sunday, July 11 World Cup et.ndlnga °'-:!LAT OF GA Pb.. X·Pollnd 1 0 1 3 0 3 Ruaal• 101103 llelglum 0 2 0 0 4 0 1.-CllncNCI Mmlllnal berth. car,..• WLTOf'OAPb I 0 1 2 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 1 0 I 2 0 T.-,.eo... 8'*" .... England °'°': f T OI QA "'8 ,,.,, 100212 lrtlZll 1003t2 Argmmlnl 0 2 0 2 5 0 T...,..O.... ·-.... Italy °'-:~ T Oii CU -•-FfWIOI 2 0 0 4 I 4 Nor1hern lrelend 0 1 1 3 • 1 Aultl'll 011 231 1...ctltloMd ...,..... betlh NA8l •teRcffnte l•lerft Otww.il W LCWOAlf' Coarnoe 14 5 43 29 4 1 Monl ..... 12 7 35 28 28 Toron1o 11 1u as 28 30 Ctiaoo 8 12 30 40 28 ...,.,_,. ot¥le6eft Fl Lrdle 14 t 48 44 T""'8 Bay 10 12 34 44 TulM 8 II 37 40 Jc:ikenvllt • 12 21 3 7 42 124 30 90 33 77 27 75 • ....,.,. DMelefl Vancouv.r12 8 35 21 28 Sen Joe. 11 I 40 31 31 Seattle ll 10 38 32 32 San Oleoo 8 11 3,t 35 25 Portland 8 11 25 20 21 Edmonton 8 13 23 40 20 hnM(l loofM Fort Laudefd• 3. TufN 2 (OIJ Tampa Bay 2, Jecll1onlltlle 0 Portland 3, San Diego I TOftlf'tt'1 0...... Ho o-rnea adleduled Tueedef'10...... Ho v-acheOuted WIMllluh fl 8UMDAY'I MIUUI .............. ,llW " 15 84 10 95 52 Jimmy Connor• (U 6 I Clel Jolln McEnroe (US), 3-1, t.-3. 6-7, 7.e 8-4 ....... 0.-...ANll P1ul McN1m1e·Pt1er McN•mere (Au1trallll) def.John McEnro.-Pet• F-..ng IU.tl I. !>-a • .__. INeM IMllM ..... 0...... 01c:k StoclllOft•.&eltlne i9un9e (US I Clef M•run Ountrip 1er11 .. n~H .. the< lUCllOll (U 8 I. 6-3. 3-e. 7-5 TIIW~ .. "410.-... Kevin Cutren (8oulll Alrlce)-Anne Smtih IU S I d1I Jllme Ftllol (Chlle)-Cleudle MOftleitO (8'11.ill, 9-3, 1-e. Olea Stodtton·Beltlne Bunge cu 8 1 def Peter AeMert·Lellle Allen (US). 6-2. 6-4. ---0.-... OUM111111 ... Ch1rt11 SlrOdl IU S t·Andrea T-art (Hun!IWYI def Chip Hooc>er· Anne While (U S.I. 11-<1, 9-2. John UOyd (8'11atn)-Wendy Turnl>l;ll (Au1trlli•) def. St ..... Oenton-JoAnne Rutaell (U.S.), 8·4, 8·2 ; Kevin Curren (South Alr le1)0Ann1 Smllll (U S I lel Dick Stockton-Blttln• 9u1191 (US1. 11-<1, 7-11 lllllMdo-llM~ John Lloyd (8rillin)-Wen<Jy Turnbull (Au1tr•ll•I d•I Chrl1 JOhnllone-P•m Whyleaou IAinlralll l, 8-4, M . KeY!n Curren (South Alr1Ce)-Anne Smith IU S I def CherlH Strode (U S l·AndrH T-vert IHvngatyl. '8-~. 7.5, ..... .,......f!MI Kevin Currin (So.1111 Alrtc1)-Ann1 Smith (U S I def Jol'ln lloyel IBrlt..,,)-Wenel)I TU<noul (A.Mlrllll). 2.e. 6-3. 7.5, W..et.ftd treneectloM UUaAU. ~LMt- CLEVELANO INDIANS -Sent J e rry Dybzln1kl. 1hort1top, to CharlHton ot th• ln1erne11on11 Leegue. DETROIT TIOERS -Optioned Aurelio Lc>pez, pitcher. 10 EvanlVllle ol th• Amerlc1 n A11ocl1tlon Actlv1led oa .... Ruck ... pOOher, from Ev1n1vllle. NEW YORK YANKEES -Aec:alteo s1 ..... 8albonl, llret bueinan. from Cotumbu1 ol th• tnternallon•I LNgue. NattoMI LMll• MONTREAL EXPOS -Placed Jerry wlllt•. outllelder. on the 5-d•y dlubl•d 1111 and purchaHd the contrlCI OI Roy Johnlon. outfle:dtr. from Wlohll• of th• American Auodallon. f OOTaA.L.I.. c__...., ...... LM9M TORONTO AAOONAUTS - Acquired Ille r1ghl1 to Ridl Mohr, ~llve end; Rob Smith. oftenalW guatcl: and Oen Moen. llMbedl er. ~om Ille Br1tlah Columbia l..klna In e11chenoe tor their llttl and ~­ round ~eft plelll In 19t3. TMatAMDNU> ATHLETICS WEST -AnnounctCI lh•I Dick Ouax. head coach. reeigned Mimed Bob Sewrle hMd OC*:f\. SflftCES ·-, .. IGll 1111 111111 IOIM lOUAl. HOUSING 0''011TUNITV :: ,... .... , ......... '* Alt rMI ntata 8dvan1Md :::: In thl1 newepapar 11 ,... 1ubj1ct 10 the Fad•ral :: fair Housing Act ot 1968 ,.., which mak .. It Illegal to ::: advartlM "any preleran· 11111 o•. Hmltttlon or dllCflml· 1• nation ba1td on race, ::: color. rellglon. tu or 1• national origin, or any 1100 Intention to make any t• ,. auch preference. llmll•~ tton or dlecrlminatlon " Tflls newtpaper will not knowingly accept any •dvart11lng for real ••· tate which la In violation of the la'N. •:I» llOO UQO JU 11'» IU llOO JOOU ~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil --2* = ,,. --, .. -UGI ---:am :WO llHll1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report ~rrors Im- me d I at el y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability tor the first Incorrect Insertion only. = 1--------1 •H•n /11 S.l• ~;;;;·········i·;o; ----... Diiiy Piiat Monday, July 5, 1982 I Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. •t1• '-•-t--~!fl 'ft"'• ••ffl '-i.J• •tlHI /11 i.J1 •teHI /11 S./1 f•llfl /1111/• ~!!!•I /•1.!.'.l!. •••••• ~~!!.{'!.!.•}! .•••.•• •••••••••••·••••••••• ••• •.••••..••.••••• •• It ,,.,,_, • j ... ~ ~ .. I ~ 11 ••••••• \9:............ ·····•········•····• :.. •.•................. ······•··············· • ..... IHf •••111 1 .... ,,, 1011 l!!.!~~t ........ !.'!ll a. •• •.!1.!L ........ !.~I ¥!!!~'1. ••••...•• J.'!l. ~!t~.' •• ~~{ff!! •• !l.g f~! .. ~{!!!! •• ! .... ···········1··u········· •. ..•.. •.•••••• •.. . •. r;... .•• •••.•••••.•••• r.. .. SPAii • PlmAU Mii ' Olllll=~·: .. ILY STEP~~!~ bdrm EUROPEAN CASTLE 11 ..,~!1!!'!~hlt 2 boa Homa. with popular floor houM & 1 bdrm hOUM rev... a~~r.rut ,. bdrm. 2 b•. Bradley Prize West Bay bayfront. SUp1 for 2 ti, p11111• Double ftral>laet In on 30xl00' A·2 lot. Only bay• 'ty SPECTACULAR VIEW Modal In Univ. Park • remode led 3 bdnn. 3 bath $1,200,000. • lemlly room and ll11lng $255,000! .. ..,..,. VIiiega 1. Con'Plataly r• ---., roo!TI. m&ny, many •x· ..... .., ,,.,. dona. ~ appllanoat. Ocean & jetty views. Marine t'QOCYI, 4 bdrm. "' t,., tnc!UdM nome wtr" ......... Attraoll\19 two bedroom, NEW 5 BR custom, pool, 1pa, game room, oarpate. Ille, dr•P••· bath, 3700 91l.ft. SU8UOO. Otwlnlront, r~ ~2S13 lt•l•* two bath condo. Fire· library and man y regal handcrafted Good location and. gen· Ull llLI •ES f ii\1tt' * .. §~~~t1i~~~~::~ featu~.l for more information and aroue tarmL s 12uoo. Pnme Lado Nord bay(ront.~ bdrm, ~'I\ bath. -----·--111•1111 private showing. Lf!e ~.R., 2 boat sllps $1.500.000. NE w v 1 E w Tow N • GM HOMES. 2 Matter Sul· r L -~ Remode led 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. ~T;,;1 ~~·h~a.06u0~t'~7.: ~.' •• ~!~!IH •• J.~¥. 14MHt V'~ 'I'// 171-0SH beam ceilings, furnished, pauos. $420,000. Parka. open 1paoa1. OPEN HOUSE 11_. DAILY R E A l T y $125.800 dn. Xlnt Fin. 1615 8ayadlre Ttrr8CI, Liiii ISLE llYFlllT Hal or Pat Bauer. Agtt. llHTIW• lrvln• Terrace. PanOf'a· 6 bd .. ba h l 673-7300 1220,000 mlc views, I• land, mini I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ ~~oon view from rm." t '. P ayroom, utata $1 250 ooo .. ,._,I~ d d Boat -11 N • 1 000 000 Peppermlll Aun Exec. · • • · • ....., ar rm, en, iwp. OW • • • • a Ill FllEI hOme with 4 BA. t>Onu• Realty 673-7478. , .......... UMWll/tmtl IAYSlll COYE Spect.acu1ar bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up. 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slii-$1.000.000. COROllADO CAYS Coronado Island cu.". bayfroht lot. 8!1' boat dock . Plans avail. f\ed. $370,000 w/tenns. ILIFFS OllN SmgJe story end unit, expanded 3 br. 3 ba on largest greenbelt, $2SO.OOO , .. , .... 3 bdrms, 2 'll baths condo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3-l ' Boy\•d•· Dr .. N 8 e7S bio l $11,100 room. Highly upgraded & .1119111 lall Oellnllety the belt buy In ~:;:p~lobn~lo~,:~::11~ 2 brd. den.~-:,' 2.R&MAlt. Coate Mesa. 3 Bdrm fl. financing & seller will Ian acapa Y ogere xer. Big llvlng room. Garden•; haa IC)a, ale, huge 101. Good area • 8190 help. alarm ayet•m & prof. will! a llttl• work, could 144-tolO decor. >Ont ASSUMABLE be made Into a nice la· -====~=i;ii;i~ financing. Wiii coop with mlly home. Must aell by i broker. C•ll for appt, the 4th. 54&-2313 WUT ~I 575.2ne or 120.0521. THE REAL ESTATERS OIUP II 1111D S...lt y.., Ttnn 2 ~· 3 BA & a Cata-Hom.+Guett+lncome ltna view LOvaly lg lot, OWC tsl • Fin. Ttfms beautiful loutlon, CIOM 509 Acac18 CdM nr bdl to schools & Faahlon Spotlala Vacant Ou9leX laland. $245.000 La.... Huge 5br/3b.+3br/3ba hold. Barbira Aune, 440K own/bkr 645-7°'8 •••-r.m 4 Bdrm. Including 2 master ault1t, 3~ba. lg• famHy rm, 2 frplca, rustic wood beam call'• ·all In a walk to pvt beach location. The perfect fa· mlty home In the perfect neighborhood. $495,000 with PERFECT financing. Fae Land 144-1211 /Jn '-4 1G[L [iAILLY & f\~~LJ(IAT[5 Priced at $114,900 & lo-. cated In N. Coat• Meaa. 3 8drma 1 'h ea. 2 car garage & encloMd rec room. Good lln•nclng. 631-7370 642·8235. (G47). , .. SAU " .... ~..!!;.. Harbor View HI"'· bleu-••-Y• UllE LAI.,.. __ ., tllul 3Br, den, lam rm, - TIUDITIOUL Rf.ALT) Ocean view on larr: lot. S "'O 000 Ba)'llllw 4Br, 3'hB•. for· cul·de•HC. 4., • · I di I d f This fully reatored level Fee. 760•1740• ma n ng. ttu y. am aeaalde cottage ollars 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iil rm, old CdM bast area. warmth & charm t"eerly I' Make an offer 2220 country" llavor. There l&ml .. El Waterfront Or. Owner/ are 3 bedroom•. 2~ .llWll. bkr. 673-1148. CHI• #n1 lOZ •..••••..•....••...... ~I.~~~.~~~ ... !.~! l•-------•I OLDE LAGUNA CHARM ml& ftllf Unique 2 bdrm floor ,..L ... E plan. 1 bath, llv rm w/ beamed celllngs. hard· ASSUMABLE FINAN· wood floors & COl)' log CING. Sharp 3 Bdrm burning trplc. $167.500 plu1 lamlly room with Full Price remodeled kitchen, 2 MISSION REALTY yard• for entertaining. 494-0731 Asking S 145,000. Call iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 540 · t 161 for an •P· polntmant to tee. ~-HERITAGE . . REALTORS ---- ITllP I ltP No qualltylng to m11ke this apectKular 3 Bdrm pool home yours. Just S 117 ,900. Bkr 8-48.0709 Neat 4Br 2 sty twnhH w/ dbl gar. $110,000. OMC or exchange. 752-8731 IUUll llWTDI ....... ,, ....... , ....... w1rnwam YllW Pool, large lot: 3BA 2ba plus guest quarters Clo se to downtown Laguna ... $295,000 ~1211 .. <UO .. 4Z50 <JOO '* -·~ UGO ••••••• iE.LLER······· "wyl , ••• ,.., lltttr o.. IUYIEW Exclualve gate guarded i--------- batha, lam rm, ~try kltc:hln & guat glr• w/3 llrl!l)laCM, v•ulled balm celling & Fr•nch win· dowa. The large lot otter• IUlldadc, n~tona patio Compl•I• ocean view C.111 #na IOZ4 rrorn thla immaculate 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm, 3 bath home with ... ., F111tolq ..... ,. 1----~----- i ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OCEAN F AONT Mo bile Homes, several. $80.000 *•EU IEL 11.Ul* Pvt 499-3816 WI --Su~ 3 Bdrm, Eastslde Beautlf\JI home on 1 level Colla Mesa apllt level Acre. 3 bdrm, 2 ba, llvlng condo. 3 car garagel room. lormat dining. Great terms with low Den, kllch, and nice en· down payment. Won't try with Solar Brlctt 11 IHll Priced to sell ai entry Automatic sprink· $125,000. Call todayl 1er system fore and aft, 646-7171 auto gar~ door. Beau· lii'.Ifill lif!!I tlfully landscaped and (#J0.1rliJtt:1 ~~:;1.P~e~~l~o'!~~·g ~~~ ---------tractor and all attach· ar·ea. Spectacular vi-. With or W/O furniture. 3 Br & F.A. Beautiful COO· dlllon Owner will conal· dar exchange. d11ert property Only $450,000 A Twitchell· Trlvlson 11 .. ting. GEORGE ELKINS CO 759-9100 .UI Tiii .IE ment1. 17 tree orchard. l••-----Blg garden area. Come l* ::~h~~c;!r{°'~·~ = :7~1.~para. For 1---Tl-ll_ll_A_C_E_Y_l_EW __ ,.. You benefit with a moo-Call 916/671·2206 e..1 model. Npt Tarr-. : lhly payment of $924 .----------L rg 3 Bdrm 2'1\ Ba ,... Pl/mo. Cell now to ... FIUI W1T1 A YI townnoma w/front loca- -the oozy country kltc:Mn This hOuM Medi Iott of llon & ltttklng view. Lo- 11111.m mw Lovely lrg houH with den, 99a & forever view. W/lf>S & tic landlC8• peel garden 't mlu this one, Offered at $425,000 BIH Wedmore 651-8700. "/!:Macnab-Irvine Only $359,900 Fae. Will ~======== tr8de down. Call Ofract to Patrldl °'Fred TW'IOf'a . .... . . .. R&IM~ aupar large tarr8C41 for Seller wlll carry loan for entertaining. lounging or qualllled buyer Great boat w•tohlng. Sheh•ad termt. 3 Bdrm 2 b•. pool with large deck M... V8fde Highlands. speoe for aunnlng. FEE boat trlr access. $130. LANDI Own« financing. ooo. 3281 Colorado Ln $800.000. Ownrt agt. 559-6221 .... Lido Realty 673-7300 E. 1111 •·2 3Br. IBa. & 1Br, IBa In· law suite. newly remode· led. flaxlble terms. $129, 900. Or try 1M option. By owner 646-2768 EMlllLI UY AWARD WINNER ba. kit. w/corwanieoca. A11uma1>le financing. WILi Tl TIWI Spacious 3 BR ranch • style home. Featuring from this delightful unit family room. central 81r I Br, den, gar. CIOM to cond. & private locatlon Main beach. $ 149.950 CloN to all. Only $136. Llpti1 Yllllct •.E 000 2670 San Miguel 411-1711 Or .. Newport Beecl\ i---------. . .. ., ~ Walker & Lee EMERALD BAY VIEW HOME Contemporary home with 4 bedrooms. 3 battts. spa, BBO •nd llrepl•ce. $825,000 6«-7020 11 ,.,. iuz u.e IUl man . ..........•.•........ SIOOO IOWI •• !-.!~.!'!!! .... !.~! -w/rock flraplaca and alboW but wtim a valy Bdrm Miit• I loft. cuttom oablnata. Slit, vtewt ~le hoMe 90t' Call for financing d«ell•.1•-------•1 -800. poo1tfda eftMrt&lnlnli. Full price S131,000. IPll .al l~~~~~~~=~~I Ocean views. 3 bdrm. 4 lam. rm. lga garden, pa- tio, form81 din. rm. lge llv. rm. Oulat cul·d•·sac. By owner. 2 bf, 2 ba Ifft ..... Int condo, end unit. High co-ops from S3i,ooo aaeumebte. owe S87, equity price. Condo• goo 659-1213 or Ive from $75,000 full prtce Don't cMe9y, cell Diana Full price 1129,000. -•y 1-1 .. ~· 751-3191 -.,.,e...MIO 4 Br. 2'1t Ba. Ideal family $812,000. By owner. 673-« 11 mag Leisure World Aasalea B ,1_ 24221 Pueo de Valencia OtANA PIETDIPOL· l'IOme with view of fights •• , .. s,·· ~ HIHs 7141837-5500 Lute/Le... ...... • .~ •••••••••• !.~! , Ii 11 llSZ -... IOU -----------.., --... --.., -..., lllllt --- .... -------- lllllllE SPEllAU Terrific 2 Bdrm condo, with community pool aod spa and security glltal Buyer asaume S59,000 •nd Hiier wlH Clifty with juat S 10,000 down! Only $74,900. C•ll nowl 646-7 t71 THE REAL ES.TATERS 2 Piil llMES 111.ECIEST -Complet•ll( remodeled kitchen w/nu cabinets & appliances & micro, rec- HHd llghtlng, no wax floors. Sp•clous Ille & airy family rm, 3 Bdr. 3 ;:: Ba. pool & spa. No qua· :t: lllylng. Assume $99,800 t t» at 14. 19%. $141,500. ,.. TWI ::: lmmac. 4 Bdr, 1'h B• -home w/OOOCl'ete drive, pool. 8 mos new copper plumbing, gar extenllon, perfect ahop area & fa· bulou1 curb appeal. St3, 950 dwn. Only $13.12% EL S 139.500. 11$10 -----9510 --TllEI Don't delay, call Diana tod8Y DIANA PIETENPOL· VOt..PE *nEE REIT* Choice 4br executive rd.llch style home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1,200/m o ren t all applies towards purchase in 6 m o . Large, low i nteres t ass~able loan, formal dining, frplc. and FEE LAND. 2670 San M iguel. 7 1 4 /75 9 -1501 7141752-7373. ... •UIOTill *114r.llWI* B eau tifu l Plan 1 I n WOODBRIDGE LANDING located across street from Lak e #2. Features 3 br, & fonnaJ dining. Ow n er Assisted financing at 10%!!! Only $244,900 on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. *10~,.,. ..... . *10,. .... . Brand n ew end unit featuring 2 mstr suites, 2 car garage and numerou s u pgrades. Owner wants to seU TODAY!! Bring check boo k and m a k e o ffer. Only $149,500. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. .. NIT llAll lfflOI 2111111 lllptl'"" (114) llll-1111 (l14) 112-1111 ltEISOE I' I I I TRAD F I I I r C t M H £ I I I r , and ocean. Community pool & park. Anumabla IOV.% loan. Price radu· cad $24.000 to S275, 000. 1251 Surlllne Wey. CdM. Roving J~nt Creek single level 3 Bdrm con- dominium, lush pat101, and spa. Aaaume loan1 at leN than 12%. $385, 000. A 11111ng of Donna tr .., WILi Tl SllPPlll .!'!!~ ..• ! .......... . New 3 Br 3 ea. Condos. 3 BA 2 Ba, home In all UllE LIT n ..,,.IU ,.... Newport Schools. 80% edull (35 plus) comm. Dix WITI 110 hs· Vint r....., ,_ ffnanclng al 12'.+%. 210 rec features. $47.500 lull Darling 3Br 2ba. Quiet 144-4110 lttll .. ttll 16th. Pl. Open 12·5 S•tl price wl $200 ground IN •treat Wiii lease option A·2 lot with I bdrm Sun. Dally 1·5. John Eliot monthly. Financing •v•ll. or 7?. $155,000. houM at low lot value. :7g3~3~6:v!;.4 509 or Vicky 968-1383 Llp91 YIH1Ct l .E Plana for new duplex. 1--------IUOIWILI • 0.11.t 411· 1111 Schroader ---- 1'fAYLOH CO I I ~I: SCt.lJl.:M S 189.000 lull•• 12~,. LI, Townhouse llvlng nHr -------- 1 Aealior•. 675-aOOO In H llll'! 3 Br, 2'hb•. 1200 sq ft. the water. Your etlolce of ,.._,, .. Mi Jiii ---- 2 bdrm hOUM on 60 A·2 condo Frplc, central vac. tour . from S 145,000 Bkr •• -.-.1;•••••••••••••••• lot with plans for 2nd 2 ca1 gar w/elec. opnr 8<48-0709 ,,,,,,,,_,,...-unit. $259,500 W/w cpl/ drps. $93.500 ---------1 l;iiiiiiii .... .;;;;;;;:~1111111-St. If .._ In. St 110/mo pymts. Full lrria1 I 044 NEW LISTING-VU BEA'!'f!' On com« by P..-tl wtttl pttwecy, .....,., obatructed VIEW and baautlfullr malnQIMd -JC* can move right In. Gl'Mt appeal from the atNet 6 .,__ JOU haYe • apectoue 2 .. tOfY hcMM wttti gr9nd llYlhg rooM, femllr rm huge llltchffl, bQllard room, 3 b9d. and much mon. CaM tor «Mtalla. 9'20,000. BEAUTIFUL DECOR CONDO Two mMlef Mlltee a~ lo t117.000. Aaaumabl• loan• and owner offMlng tarmt. DfM by 1111 ....-Una, Coata MHaandcallfordetalla. BA¥SHORE8 FRESH & FRENCH A p9'Mct tradHlonal country 'renctl S bed. s ba. wtth lerve country kitchen. artctt patloa a a11 amen1t1ea tor outdoor 11v1ne. owe ttnt r.o. p1aue ... and aubmH. an,ooo, A TfRFRONT HOMl . "< 11~ \I 11111" 2436 COUJ Hwy. , .... ,-rt ..... 31~ ............ . ··-i.'-4 831-1400 973-llOO ... , price S 129.500, Owner •••••••••••••••••••••• 1'1t block• lo OC$an. 2 Wiii carr" 2nd ~ Bob . MOW THE UW11 bdrm. 2 bath houae on , " A-2. Frplc, dbl garage. B r o o k • • A e a I t o r 10 MORE $279,500. 673-2282 dy. 675-5487 llllY ITllFFEl IU Ull IEALn lll·UM PHSTlllltl SPY- IUll momn•E ev y owner, lamlly home. xtra lge 101. Mesa Verde 2 ~ yards for kid1. P8tl & pool. 3 BA 2 B•, quiet, no traffic 1tree1. Pou. 14 'h% In to re- write existing In. S 165K. Ph for appt. 641-7033 Popular 4 Bdrm Trad• wind• modal. Reduced l~~l•IE to $475.000 0-may n"'1Vm exch•nga or IN/opt. V A Mike Crow Agt 645-3176 , , BEAUTY & THE BEACH 9 5(1 Rare and gorgeous 5 BA. , IO 4 Ba. $735.000. Open $69,000 at $642 PITI mo. Sun. 1·5, 304 Narclsau•. Full price S98,500. 3 ·c an Georgina 558-1809 bdrm, ramlty room. den. agt. Freedom Hom•. 2040 2181 SQ ft of townhome llving brings you all the comforts of single family IMng with all the advan· t•ges of lownhome 11. vlng. 4 roomy Bdrma, formal dining, family rm. lrplc In living rm, wet bar, enclosed pvt petlo w/ decking & garden area & morel Fabulous llnan- cl ng. No quallfylng . Sl83.000 0on·1 delay; call oi.na today! 559-9400 DIANA PIETENPOL· VOIPE __;::__ ____ ....,G,_E,..---I M onr 0 via. RITA /\gt. BEACH COTTA 540-8149 Trtlk 18971 Antioch. ~bll, 3010 SMvtew. $359.000. 1---------B .,_ o R FR 1at TO at 10%. 27 yn. 111 PllOI 4 r. 2 ..... · .. . . vu Owe 2nd Q.orglna Of Univ. 1200.000. S50. · IS lmt 000 down, $150,000 55&-l809 agt, II )'OUr looltlng for a bar· A.IT 0 . 12% lrit only for 5 Salling •nythlng with • ga1n on a 2000 (N.T) sq 11 yra. Agent 5't 1~5032 Deity "Piiot Clatllfled Ad 4Br home with formal 1•2-B-A-/-28_A_W_O_O_O_B_R_l_OG_E la a almpla matter ··· Juat dining, A.V llOOltS, gor-Sgt tam. Sacrifice. 3 cell &42-M178. gaoue tamlly rm and In-Pym 1 • I a t e . H • 1 p 1 --------=-,-:.-:,':'.!• Ilda laundry. Asaumabla 857 2045 ,.,,,,,, "' financing. Owner la ready Y-_. __ ·--------------···.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.· .. •••••••••• ~~2~. ~19~~~1 .JJ---..... + corr ~rnm ~ lltmmtm conrnm OPEN HOUSE MOM>AY 2 to 5 JW,....Jln._ **683 Lido Park Dr (F2) N.B ................................ $496,000 I ... .... **M16 exie.n Bl. Corona del Mar ....................... 11~,000 1 Rue Jl'ontalnble9u, a, Cyn, NB ................ ,. ........... JOW,000 ............. ..., .. . I 2 81'c>el l>I". Jlllllilllliil C:r'k , ..••....••.• , ••••••••.•.. ,, •.• _ ............ .--•• • ··•••I ,.. ,..., ... .. \ f >I/. I !l 1:' If ' ... ·.· PML/-.ua with thla 3 Bdrm 2b• home In a dallrabla ., .. or CO.ta Melia. Haw roof, ,,.., paint, -~· Neadt • ,,..,, OWi*. Only l 13UOO. Cel t7t-53~ Tlln.llMI Graclout living In •P•c lou a 3 btdroom, 2 balh home . Hu ge outdoor tnttr· talnment patloe, Exoetltnt ftnendng. 11 ... IOO. -. Cott. ... IEWPHT UEST 1tt ti .. kytr The lowest priced home In Newport Cr e st . Two bedrooms, 2 baths. formal dining room, wet bar, step down living room • all this fOf' only $165,000. Loan completely assumable. W1l11am Cote. Broker (714) 790-1900 •mu.a AIU -_.,. ... , 1.1 •11 Out of the flight pattern , thlt custom home oners magn i ficent opportunltlea . Separate gueet home and private pool and tpa . Owner wtll flnenot entire l oan . The pr~ .. '885.000. -..c.. .... 11411•1• ,.... .. +GUEST APT 4 8R. fem rm. + btfl pool antlftelnlng .,... a..,.. ,... s· ·"'·. "' a 1¥ ""· w,_. On1r II 1,000. A.gt. e•t •MO or 14f.41- . ··. . ' . T•• FA•ILt' ClaCIJI by Bil Keane "We're gonna have o pot\ in our yard!'~ Mr\RMADl:K£ "Isn't that neat? He wants to share wtth the baby birds." ..ll'DG£ PARKER Gt\Rt'llEl..D IN OUR FA~i·PACE.D WORLD, RELAXATION IS PF\ACTICALLV . A L06T ARI ' by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) I ----' . ----. -I "I hete Mond1y1." • by Jim Davis by Charle• M. Schulz -------.,_, SHOE ..;tRE.E PHONOGRA~ RECORD NO PURC~ASE NECESSARY Fl:NK l' WINK£R8E.\N Dear Mr. Dinkle, On behalf of the • ~adena Tournament of Rooes Association ... it is my pleasure to inform you that the West- view High School Scape- goat Marching Band has been chosen to partici- 1--~--1 ! pate in this year's Tour- 1-----1 , nament of Roses Parade! ?·S l .. .\BBL£ 8L8MKK by Jeff MacNelly 0 by Gus Arriola by Tom Batluk However, we will ha1re to decline your personal offer to be this yea.r's Grand Marshal! by Kevin Fagan ~'41 i1MC£. tlr4 ~O ~Ne£ Ol6'MW' ltt ~? au.o 80-41'.iEM AA AA&.f fllCE ON M"f f1f~. by George Lemont eu"1"' :r: PICKec:> UP ANC' ANSWE:RE:f:' 1"He IRON! q ., . NEW HALF DOLLAR -This new half dollar, commemorating the 250th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, has been struck ., .. , .... by the U.S . Mint. It ls the first commemorative coin produced since 1954. Mt.IC NOTICE Directory lists nanie Of mouse Ml.IC NOTlCl NOTICI OP TRUeTU't UL.I NOTICI Of' TMllTll'a aAU "-..... ..... L.oeft .... 10ttal'rl-1 T.a. Ne..,..._. T.9. Ne. nTnoe T.O. SVMCE COMPANY " duty 8 E N E F I 0 I A L S E A V I C E appointed rrual•• under the COMPANY u duty 1ppolnt9d toltowtng deecrlbed deed o1 trutt Truetu under the lollowln~ WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION m~L~~1%1f~~NW~5 ST~E TO THE HIOl{EST BIO.DER FOA HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH CASH (peyeble 11 time of Nie In IA• ...... 1 11 f ...... •· 1e~·1 t.wlul ~pt the United Slit•) ....,ye .... • me o -•• ..... right, 11111 .nit lntereel ~'#Yid to money of the United Stat .. ) ell MADISON W . AP A end now held by 11 under Mid Deed right, 11111 end lnt••t ~Y9)'ed to , IS. ( ) -mouse named of Trutt In the P'oC*tY hertilnllter end now held by It under Mid of Ralph is listed in the latest edition of the Madison deacrlbed: Trutl In the proper1y hereln11ter City Directory. TRUSTOR: EVERETT A. d~e1~oR · RESOURCES When Wisconsin State Journal reporter John AARESTAD and LORALEE L. DIVERSIFIED INCORPORATED •• F AARESTAD. hulblnd llld wll1, llld 0.llllOml tlon erretti looked up his name in lhe latest directory. ~!,A. STEFFY . .,, unmerrlld BENEFf~:v : FAR WEST he was surprised to learn the book said his brother, BENEFICI ARY: KELLY w . s Av I N Cl s 'AND L 0 AN Ralph, was living with him. INFANOER, • merrled m111 .. hie ASSOCIATION. Ralph is not John's brother. Ralph is a mouse. IOle•ndMPlr•t•ProC*tY a1to111 Recorded Octobef' HI. IHI .. F""'rrett1·' who said he has four human und1¥1d•d on•·h•ll lntei .. 1 and lnatr. No. 20919 In book 14258, "' LOREN K. LANOC>Of'l. • mertlld PIG' e 17 of Offldll R«:ordl In lhe roommates, said he added the name of the man, 11 I'll• 1ot• end 11p1rat• olflol of tl'le Atco<der of Orenge ~t pest to his mailbox "JUS' t t.o be sareastk." property " to '" undMded or. County; Mid deed ot truat dll«lbee """ lntnt ... llfllr'tll In conwnon. '"" followl'1 Pf0!*1!: .. e compilers of the directory, which lists city Recorded o.c.mt>« 3, 1919 "' x.-.r MA residents, their occupations and other information, 1n11r. No. 412 In book 13411. Pill' DESCRIPTION: 1321 of Offlclll Recotdl In the olftce PARCEL 1: apparently got the names of the apartment ot the R«:order of Ot'1ng9 County. Lot 8 of TrllCI 9589. "per rnap occupants off the m ailbox. ., Mid o.o of truet d4ileribee the llled 1n Book 407. PI09 '7 10 12 bad b th him fo4lowlng P'oC*tY lnclu1lve of Mlac:1lleneou1 Mep•. "That wouldn't be so • ut ey gave Tiie Eaaterly 75 fHI 01 111, ,_d, 01 aald County. C111torn11. my last name," he wrote in a State Journal article. w11terty 145 f"t ol Loll 1 end 2 In Excepting lllerefrom •II oll. oll The directory listed Ralph's occupation as. Block ~ 01 Trect No. 612. Coet1 rlgllte, mlneral•. mineral right•, M,.. Terrace, In 11111 City ol Cott• n1turel gu rlgllt• end other "student." M..,, County of Orenge, St.I• of hydroc:e1bon1. by wh•t-neme Roger Monforton, manager o f the City C1tlfomll, u per map recorded In known. geothermll "-·end 111 Directory Division of R.L. Polk & Co. of Detroit, Bo Oil 2 o. P •ii•• 1 • n d 2. product• derived trom any of the Mlaoeftlneout Maps In lhe ~of foregoing, 11111 mey be within or said he has heard about people listing pet dogs in th• county Recorder of H id u n d" th• P" c •I o I 11 n d city directories, but never a mouse being listed. c~ryer• tn o.ieun un0er, deed of ~~1rt!b~~:fr:~:\:iri:1: Monfort.on said his company publishes 1,400 truet dated November 29 1979 mining, uplorlng and operetfng city directories m the United States and Canada and UnMll you Ilk• ICllon to 'protect tneretor I nd llOrlng In and gathers about 50 millio n names a year. ~1';"~· 11 1:-"IY be aoldo'' • ~;v:~"'i.no~~-== "P 1 la · ks d ks b I pu c 11 '· you nee an lo wtllplloc:k or dlrectlonelly cfrNI eop e p y tnc an pran on us. ut exp11n111on of the nature of the Ind mine from ltndl other thll1 hope there are not too many mice listed in our prOOledl:'Y, 1gafnat you, you lhould tlloee IMlrelneboW o.tcrtbed ou or directories," he said. ~~;5 :r:str•t. Colt• M.... ii" we111, 1unne11 Ind w111 into. -----------1------------Cllllornl.a 92828 through or ec:rou the aublurl-of PtaJC NOTICE PtaJC M>TlCl "(II 1 atrHt lddr-or common th• l111d 11ereln1bove deecrlbed. ACTTnOU9 .,..... ftCT1T10Ua _,_.. dHlgn11fon la 1hown above, no end 10 bottom IUCtl wtllpe1odled or MAim aTA'RIENT NAME aTATUmNT warranty I• given u to Ill dlrectlonllly drlllld welll, tuntlM QOmj)ltt-or correct""') llld lh1lt1 under end ~th or Tht following 1)9non 11 doing Tile lollowlng penon la doing The beneflciwy under Mid. Deed beyond the 1xl•lor llmlta th«*>I, ~ u : ~ M : ol Trutt by ,._ of 1 breech or end to redrlll, retunn11. equip . .J..O·PASTRY SHOPPE, 191 E. H&M MAGAZINE MARKETING, o.ieu1t in tl'le Obllgatlone MC red m1lnt1ln, repair, d"p1n end 1_r 81 •• Coet• ~ Cllll. 92e27. 10292·H·l2 LI Hacienda. Fountain thereby htniolor• ex.c:vted uend operate erry ad! ...... or rn1r19 ftic:Nrd H. 0.., t2e03 01bbet1 V"'-1. CA 92708. delivered 10 th• underalgneo 1 without. "-· tM 11ght to dr11t. Or .. &:a Mlrlde. Cellf. 90938. Henry C. Holcomb, 10292~· 12 written Decllrlllon ol Oeflllll 11'\d mine, etore. explore Ind operate Thll bullntll " conduc:led by .,, Lii Hadend•. Fount.in Vdty, CA Oernend for Sele. Ind written nofloa through the IUrl-of the UPC* lndMCluel. 92708. ot ... _.. .... f .._..,Ion 1 ~-.... 600 "" of tile eubeurlece of the RlctwO H. 0.. This !>'*'-II conducted by an ............... 0 -0 -11nd hereln1bov1 OHcrlbld, aa TIMI Ital-I -tiled with tilt lndMdllel the under1111n_ed to Hll Hid r..-wd In the Deed from the IMne r--. ,.._., o1 A. ,.. _ _.. • c IWoc>ertY lo Mlilfy Mid obllga110n1. -~• ..,_,. ..,..,. _,., °" Henry · Holcomb 1no there1fter '"' unOeretgneo ~. • c;orpormlon, recorded -"lfle 17, 1M2. ~ ~ -flled wftll Ille cawed .-0 notlCt of breK.h end of Octoti. 4, 1978 In BOOk 12M8, • P:,._ County a.ti of Or.,. County on Plgt 1539 of Ofllael Aeoorcta. _ Publl•h•O Or1"9• Coaat Dall~ June 17, t982. election 10 be recotded MltCh 18• Alto excepting therefrom the Piiot, June 21, 28, July 5, 12, 1982 f1t1f71 1982• " tnatr No. 82"°91419· aub9urf-W91• rlahll. but without 2e5M2 Publllhed Orange Co11t Delly Said H I• wlll be med•. but the right of 1urfac1 entry, 11 -----------Piiot June 21 28 July 5 12 1982 without covenant or warranty, r.......O In ll'le Deed from tl'le Irvine --.,. ,..,,.net . . . . 2ese-e2 •Ill>'-or lmc>llld. regerdlng 11111. ,.._ tlon ..._. ... ~ "" iicr1111lci1. or enc:umbrencea, t.o ""'"peny, • c:o<pore • recor--.. ~TITM>Ue .,...,. •-II' MnTll'C pey the rwnlnlng prlndpll eum of October 4, 1978 In 8ooll 12888, i;...,... STA,..,.,. "-""''~ the nott(e) MCUred by Mid OMCI ot P-oe 1539 of otlldll Atcordl. PARCEL 2: "'1• followlng peraon I• doing AC1TT10U8 .,..... Trust. with lnterllt 11 In Mid note Eaaementt a1 1uc11 HHmenta ~ 11: MAME STAT!mNT provided, ldv111Ce1, If any. under ADVANCED AEROSPACE The follo•lng peraon 11 doing the tenna of lliO Deed of Trull, 1" p1ttlcululy Ill forth In 1111 SE"VICES. 1835 Whittler Awnue. bu"'-M : f-. dlltgM end ~ Of the ertk:Je entltleo "E-11" of the ....... &-6, Coeta ...... CA 92&2'. BUSINESS TELEPHONES Trull .. Ind of the truat• c:r•ted by Oeclaretlon of Coven11111. Condi-....... .._.. Ilona end ReltrtctlOnl recorded In STEPHEN D. MARICS. 22816 OOAY. 78&4 Lii Pllm• Awnue, llld .._,of Trutt Book 1237\ PIClt 748 ot Offlci•I Leo ~. El TOfO. CA 92630. 8uefMI Pn, CA 90820. Slid .... wlll be held on TUlldey. Record•. '"° r..,ecoroed In Book Thie~ 11 conducted by an BRIAN JAMES STRICKEL. July 20. 1982 11 2:00 p.m .. II Ille 12371, pane 327 of Olllclel lndMdull. 1556 Meu Verde Or E . .f27H. Chllpmen A~ entrence to tl'le • Stephen Marica CO.ti M .... CA 92628. Civic Center Bulldlng. 300 EHi Record a. under the 1totlon Ch A In Cl ... heldlnga In IOCll 1r1k:le entltlld M Tiits ltal_,I WIS fllld with lhl Thie bulin.I II conducted by In IP"'ln ,,.,,i;e, the ty "' follows; Rlghll erlCI Outlet. UtMltlle County Clerll of Orange County on lndlvlOull Orenge. end Cable Tellvllk>n", "Svpporl, June 17, 1982. Brlln J. Stri<*el At the time of 1111 lnltlal Setllem1nt and Encro1cllment", f1t1el7 Thia 1111_,1 wu ftlld with the publlc:ltlon of thlll no11c:e, the totll "Community Fac:tlitlle e-n.t'lte", Publl•h•d Oreng• Co111 Dally County Cllt1t of Ot'enge County on emount of tl'le unpeld balanoe oftlle .. Private Street L1ndrc1p1 Piiot, June 21, 28, July 5, 12, 1982. June 17. 1982. obllg1tlon eec:ured by the above Mafntenanoe" •nO "Oral""""' 0-2640-82 P1t~ ducrlbed deeo of trust end ·-..--------------1 Publlehed Oranj,• Co11t Oelly t1tlm11eO co111. 1xpens ... and Community Fec:llltlls". Find whatyou want In • • .... 5 12 1982 Id 11 ...... 981 47 PARCEL 3· ~Plot 0 ltleda. Pilot. June 21. 2 ... v•• , , • vanoee -·· . . e-Tlenl CNer tilt Iota owned by 11er 2656-82 To determine the opening bid, "Subjec1 0wnera·· for the purpoee '::~':"::~~~~~---------------...1 you '"'Y c:llt (7t4I 937..o968. of exll'clting the right of Orent" 11111 lmcll Date: June ta. 1982 .._.., " .,., "Enforcl~ Owner'' " T.O. SERVICE COMPANY ,,,... . u lliO Trutt•. euch term•. 1011 •n HHment B S .. __ ............ right• are more comc>lltely tftned y; ·-111 ._., end clelertbed In the Cuatom Lot GISLER Beach, Native Sons of the Allillll1t Stcretery Oecleretlon recorded In Book ALLEN T . GISLER, age Golden West #74 , Santa ~~=;!':ieee ~!i. P•il• 814 of 0111c111 80, a member of one of Ana, Ca., a member of the 7141835-8288 You.,. In default una.r 1 Deed Orange County's founding Santa Ana Lodge # 794 Publlahed Orenge Cout Dal1y of Truet dated October e. 1981 families. He passed away B.P.O. Elka since 1943 and a Piiot. June 26· July 6· 12• 1982 unleel you t11te ectlon to protect suddenly on June 29, 1982. Charter M ember of the 2907..aa vow property, It mlY be 10k1 '' a Mr. Gitter was born In Huntington Beach Lodge "8.IC N0l1C( D~~DA?,E~NTO:'J'trT g~~~ Ventura County on March #1959 B.P.0 . Elles. SI.nee his NCmC:a op: 9AU OCTOBER I. 1981 UHL.US YOU 14, 1902 and c ame toretirement he wa1 a Of'A8A~""90NAL TAKEACTIONTOPROTECTYOUR Hunting1on Beach, Ca. at an volunteer gardener at the "'°""" PROPERTY. IT Mj.Y BE SOLD AT A early age. He was a retired Huntington Beach Elks ~T~~';:~~Y~"i:1= ~:~~;T~~~ ~v~~EN~~u~~ fanner. He was a member of Club. He will be 1adly of Ille Cellfloml• Civil Code. Ille OF THE PROCEEOINO AGAINST the First United Methodist mil9ed by family and many property listed below belle¥ed 10 be YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Church of HuntinJ(ton friend• and Elka. Beloved ::nt~'£'LL~~J:i~o:; LA~f~afalger, Newport 8Hch, husband of Floteal B. Gial.er, ~ -1392 sen .Nlr'I Street, Celftornla 92MO McCOllMICll MOITUAlelS l,.aouna Beach · 494-9415 Laguna Hills 788-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 KAaol LAWM-MT. OllYI Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 540-5554 ~Tl-~ IMT'MaMMU WISTCw. CMAP'IL 427 E, 17th St Cotta Meta 8464171 beloved brother of Bertaha Tuttln. C1111ornl1, 92680. wlll bl "(II • •treet .Od,_ or oommon Ji&rper of Westminlter, Ida told 11 1392 81n Juan StrHI. d .. lgnellon 11 1hown 1bove, no Krultenberg of Noralk. c.a. Tuatln. Cellfomll, 92MO, on July ~~'oril~:t' t~ 111 Ann F-"-f Do..,......, 15. 1982, 11 10:00 A.M. ......,...,., .....,..., o ... _J• A 19 1 3 HON O A TIMI beotlld•y under 0.0 a .• Erne1t Gl1ler of MOTORCY~E.1.0., 1768007N7, Of Tru•t by r..on of. lwtedl or Huntinmnn Beach Ca and CALIFORNIA LICENSE NO. deftult In ll'le obllgltlone MCUr9d •-·· ' · 7H5245. "*9by. hll'ttolore executed and tone Gialer of SUv DATED Ihle 211111 O'I ol June, delivered to th• lfflderalgned • anyon. Ca. He 11 alt 1ee2. Wfltten Oeclwatlon of Oefeult Ind ved by eeveral nieces E. R. DANOFF Demand for Slit, and """"'1 notice nephews. Friends may Publl•h•d Or1n111 co .. 1 Dally of breedl anc1 of llectlon to'*- all at Pierce Brothers PllOI June 29, July 5, 1982 th• und1relgned to H ll Hid 271M-82 property 10 Mflafy Mid ObliglllOne Sm Ith s' M ortuary on -----------end thirrt11ter the und1ralgn1d M°'t:l, July 5, 1982 from "8.JC NOnct cauMCI Mid notlOt of bfMCh llld of 8·00 ~9'()0PM Funtta1 llllCtlon to be recordtd Mercfl 10, I . . . PICTmOUe...... 1N2 M lnltr. No.12...oaset1 ot Mid ~eervicll!S be oonducied on um STA~ Offldel Aeoordl. Tuesday, July 8, 1982 at The~~ .. dolllQ Seid 111• wlll b1 mt dt, but 2:00PM at the Huntin£t,on bUtlnlM •: without co11en1n1 or werr1111y, Beech Elka Lodp # 195°9 at SUN OlJNE.8 VILLM, 350 E. _,,, .. 0t lfnpllld, 'eoetdillll thle. 10840 Talbert, Fountain ~~"':'·Sult• 212• Colt9 Mell. paHtuiorr. « ~. to Valley, Ca. with Rev. Al LANE CONITRUCTtdN =.:-.=~c::= amen and Rev. Rick ~ 0 0 MP A H V , 1 C t 11for11 I a TNlt, with ..,._ • lft NICI l'IOte nd the Offtcera of the OOfPOftllon. HO Ii. 11111 atreet, Pf~ lllMnoaa.ot _... ...!.....M'Ji Ul'ldll'T--. untlnaton Be.eh B.P.O. W.. 111. Oolla ..._.CA tltl7. 1t1a _... -.._. °' ·-· 1 k 1 Lo d I e # 1 I 5 9 -1:::-' le ooncMtad ~ 1 feea. """'9 • lflCI .,._.Of the tine. Interment wU1 be '""" Col'letructlOn ~ :o·t.:C!l~.':."""' ...... by ad• at Wutmh\tter ~lume ._. .... .,.._,....onTueedlr. eqa•tHy. The family ,,. .... =-... llldwltlltN ~ ::.:=:.;:·::: uan'41 eontributlona be County atrtc of 0.... 0.., en Olrto Ceni.t hlldl119, SOO 1 .. t ade to &he Hun:~!,',? .u.. f7, 1ea. ~ ~--1n 1M C"Y ot In~ Allin "-'bMtMd °'~ c~;:J °':;':!.,?\ ... ,of tlla 1n1t1a1 ltler. Pierce Broth.,; Not. .AN It,•._ I. 1\ft pubH1111en °' 1111t--. Ila to'8I ....... .._ __ .11.~-. -....... -............. .. Wl9 --1 ~ .. .,... alt ... DR ...... :r ... ....._. I'_.., d••"'''' .... • .,_,,, •11• eetllMtect ............... 1 Mf ....... ,~-.... r .. ~ .M1.-v101 -··.:.~-­:Aai"" ~ IMYIQIOO. Ill OOJINif(. • .. "S!":~ :-...-: Efi · •'• care• .i ..r="n I -. 6 4 2 • 5 , . 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 ·2 • t Orange Ooeet DAILY PILOT/Monday, Juty 5, 1tl2 .~!!ff .'!!.ho~·....... ..~!! . .'!. ••••••••••• '1"1.~l!h!t ..... ,,.!fff!.ffm. .. l~f Pr.!mt.ffle ... I~! ~t I ~,, ..... llM ........ u -.. • jjjCS. ::: ••• :r:n ••••••••••• .. -· ..... "5.. ........... • -.. Tlllt e4Ylntate l'OW of m ftMAll/U 0,,101 IPACI '0A "mutt Mii" altuallon • •Y 111• aaa ftt l.l!AH In coro111 d•I 111 ~ RW wtll 09try 2nd. 3 bf, front ..,._ M on eoaet HWy .,._ Aent In Cotta Meea't row view lluft1 OQl'ldo. with euy flnllflOlng: 21A pr~w 2,000 eq.tt. 'x1n1 NEWIST gated 20 Prof. cMcorlt.d. IMutl-2°"b• condo. t1Qn1ot orof Oeooflted Townl'lomt VILLAOI lul oond. Wiii cdop w l Community pool and Call lo~ dii1111 wetk: COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 It bfotler. ()pef'l lal. & lun. •P•· PYI patio. l•ll•r dayt 751-ttt1 2'A-.... 1I00-1IOO lq. It. I 53 VI et a Ion I It . '*'I na.lble. --·-------1 of pure tuwury. Gateo-. 111-2471"' 120...0121. M4·.'fl11 Aelocat~ Bldg. -'PPtox. •PH In 111ery homt • • _c .. _ 2500 IQ. ft. wooct ~ m11ttr tulle, dlnlno le"ffft_lntt ..... ting & compltt• plum. room•, wood burning lunktn UV rm wtwet bet t>tno. 752·20fl. flrtplactt . mlcro-w11(1 & tpc. Din rm w/~ kltch _ cwene. PflV• l*loe a & nook, 3 bdrm plue TU_, ytrd•.!Qardener pr~-atudy, 3 oomp be. 6 min +++ft.II+++ ded. Elegant It.Ing from bet\, POOi, ltnnla. WllTIUff 1&11/PUW 16 mlnut .. from Futll ..,._ •185.500. For Nit ar, 2t>a. 1dnt cond. Lo-2.9 Mllllon dollar tax lll1nd, 1 mlnut" to 8. by ~.· ..... .,..... vely y11d. ~~;<!..00· Ala ~. Write otfe: Pina or O.C.Alrport. ,..,.. ._ .,_ IUM8Dlt In. ~719 Flrtt Yur. Juel eut of Ntwpor1 38% fecttr.. BIYd. & eo. of Sen Diego ABSO~UTELY MUST SE.I.LI Prime waterfront condo, uaumt S300K. Call Owner to 11 PM fOf detallt. 173..0141 TUii W• Wini ltrgtt Yl•w home In Nwpl/OctM. Ht\19 bMut. 3 br, den Udo ltlt home on 45' lol. 15~ or 100% Stete Frwy. Starting at 1900 1 Pre>ptrty II turn key with month. t31·M3t, 2473 caan flow of 16% + .. Orang• Ave., Coeta Moll\ltled Stlltr -Llml· _M_ ... __ . ------ &.-IT&TI UL 400K eq. + cul'!. No At 12~~ and Qat , gor-ff1tar1, p1eua. ya-31Aa led Of*. Ctntlnty not for tveryone. PRINCI· PALS ONLY. Call 873--9372 8kr. Ul1'1m .,....., .... geou1 CondO With ooaen ..U/UY YllW vttw. 3 Br. 2'A le. POOi. 3 bdrm, 3 be, 1515.000. Ian•,,.,,.,,. IOIO •P•. tannle, walk to Try 16'4 dn end you own •••••••••••'"••-'•••••• 3 Br. 3 8a. frptc:, micro. deck, pool & tennl1 1626/mo. 848· 111• dl)'I. 845-11543 """· b .. ch. 1230,000. c.i1 tor •2soo per month •m WUTll Oe1or.t ~. &4G-5100 Tred• for N.8 . oct1n· 2 br, 1 be, W/O hooll·up, TSL Propettltt ---------1 front homt . Owner ii"· No Ptll. 1475 842·1• MWFWTlllllTI 1800.000. 3711 SH· 2 1780 P l1cent11 ~~~~~~~~~ Cult°'" bultt, cor,,., 101, lhor•. 873-8578 _5_4_s._1_g_8_3 ____ _ OCEAN FAONT 2 bdrm+ ount +family ESTATE SALE Ob condo 11,0001$726. 2 BY OWNEA. XLHT LOC. room. C/NJL 1375,000. phJ• loft BR 2.,., bl AJq FLEX. FIN. &4G-TMO ()pef'I SaVSun/Mon 1-4 EJSlde C.M. Property, 3 ChrlS. 873-~89 lePt4.LHMltnl Tak• over low Int IM. 1 Br Condo 17', 750 3 8f home s 117,500 3 8r Condo 1180,000 On PenlnlUlt $429.000 Wattrlront •995.000 111-1711 Fentaattc one of 1 kind s..vttw hofne '°' ..... Lrg yerd w/jec:uUI & l•-bulou• \ltew. 3 8c:lr 3 Bl, 50t ~Av. unite. S 125.000 (dlec. Nice_. ___ 2 B 1 8 ,._ .. 30K). Xlnt oppty. Ruety. ........ '· 1· ""'' non·rllr. 1·121·0008 or yerd. 1nc11d g1ragt . (213)944-0351X3468. Chlld Ok , no pet1. ..atu.n .... , .... Hlghly upgraded tnd ex· pended. 1215,000 fff. Call O«ry Of CftMta 111-11111 111-1111 •HWPllT llYll· ... 3 bf. 2'h ba. fernlly condo loc1ttd on grHnbeltlt A.Hoc . lnclud .. pool, ttnnll & clubhouM. 2670 San Mlgutl Or .• Newport Buch. 759· 150 I or 752·7373 $550/mo. plus MCUrlty, 71 lllTI 2544 Or1nge "O" MITA MIU _s.44-_2_1_18 ____ _ AJtnoat 6 ac:t., 1n prime .Vtttlid• 2 Br. 1 Bl. fnod loecatlon • Jutl mlnut• patio, tnc110 g1r1gt, 10 Newport Beech••· new oarptt1. drepee, Well maintained wllot1 ol paint. No pet1. $495/mo greenery, pool. Ltrg• plu1 aecurlty. 548·5442, 2·story 3 bdrm unite Ind _7_7_0-_56_2_11. ____ _ no vecanclee. Large u-t Br with 11ove, COYered tumtblt loins. 15.600, parking, c:tllld & •me.II pe1 000 (lncludn l111d). ok, $450/mo. 536-7979. - Wl\TI Kl Htl'li I C BR. 2 ba, rec. ftc'1. 1 llOMI ' 1.... blk So. Cit. Ptua. Sgta. REAL ES1ATE or l1mlly OlecuH pet. 6J1•141l\ 1 $750 mo Purc:h ... ope. pou.960~ lrg family rm. eotarlum, #Halila lhllll Npt Hghll twnllM. 3 BA, 2 lovtl)' country kitchen. In.ti 1 'uoo ba,5t~.;9Y5d ..• ~b2~5f2er2. No ~ Walker & Lee 1560,000, loen utuml• •••••••••••••••••••••• _P81 __ .., __ '" ___ _ bit & owntr wtH help. • ..... IOI UIE·· ) BR 2.,., Bl EJSldt, El\· 760--0734 ._... / ---------... J••• , 4 Stuon• of Fun. lnveat Glish tudor 1tylt w OOUI VIEW Cl-'•li 101• In our mountt1n pity· vaulted clga. mut• eul· Plulh lBR. 515.000 dn .•••• ~ • .'."!!••••••••• ground whllt-'re etlll In le. etc. $825 mo. Alk fOf l'.ElllWI ••u • buyer• merket. wrtt• Biii, 631-1266 S785 Pl. owe paper. -S 133,500. 633-351 Eltgtnt New Englend Of call for brochure & EASTSIOE·3Br. 281. tlke cars•bikes· •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages*tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• scooters• hot rods• coupes• trailers•hard tops*convert- ibles•motor homes*lawn mowers*llmos •corporate headquarters *garden carts Model A's•••• •typingtables wheelbarrow s• recreational vehicles•golf carts*model tralns*bikes *pianos*cars refrigerators *skates•••••• If It's got wheels, you'll 9"0ve It faster In a Dally Pilot classlfled ad.call 642·5678 and I f rlend&y act. vlserwlll help you turn your wheels Into cash.· style country menor. Lo-mapa. You-flnlstl hOfnel ,_, beeutltul yd. 1900 ceted on 1 woodsy tcrl i from ltO psq • 35 mod· mo. Incl gronr. 673-6706 lot •dr 4b• s frplce e l1 or your plant. wlll · · · build 1nywhere. Sun· 2 bdrm, 2'ii bl. air c:ond. gourmet kltehen. txten· shine Real Eat1te. Better flrep11ce. dlshwull1r, slve oak paneling, de· Homes & GarOent. Boll micro, prlv y11o. All•· elgMr Ille. 3 car ger. are 6083, Big Betr Like. d*' dble 111' $860 r: ~ :U'':v'= 92315. 7W8~651. 1-496--0353 ex!Stlng loan to 11'h% • *LAD UllWIUI* EJSlde 2 br, t ba. den, lge fantullc term•. Cell for 4 bdrm 3 bath condo yard. $700 utill pd. Rusty more lnform1tlon end with ooat dodl & i.ke , • 8 2 1 • 9 0 0 8 : ~ :.oo-· O"ered II view. ..~ lnt•eet. leOK. 213-944'.0351 X3488 ... , · ••• 2112 A 1 • u m • I o 1 n . 2 Br. cerpe11. $430/mo., -.... I (714)878-2040. fenced yard. -l• paid iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2 5 8 8 .. C " Or an o • . &36-4120 CaH 1·5PM ' I UIE .... Tllm full• IHI ...................... ..... I Tucked tway neu El COLLEGE PARK AREA : Carlao Vlllege llH IP· 2 3 2 6 F o r d II • m . pro11. 20 ac:tn of 119M. 1 $850/mo. 3 br, 2 be. ttreem end the uttlmlt• dble o-r .. yard. blt·lnt . In prtvecy. A emalf mo-$46-4900 blle home for oonven..,._ --------- oe mikes thl• en exciting I w,., larp J4. retrHI. Olltred et $230. FENCED. Neer t11n1p. 000. Call JMri Ritter. end •hopping $500 142·1280 964-t63& uk lor Stu1r1 A PETE BARRETI ·.. REALTY •ntrWc• .... 2 Br. 2 Ba. frptc:, 2 car garllgt W/Of**. pool, ape. Chlld ok. $850 . 657·2360"' ~5-3115 . llUTlf ftlU 1~~~~~~~~~19EST Unit In Pentrldge ~~ T~:,'1~.'::ct:~~~ WAIT Tl 1llll ~~~. ~e~~g~ ~~,~~fl: view, 5000 ft of llvlng on L•ke Arrowhead home. view. $800 mo. Ctll1 full acre. Nothing com· Hamllt1lr loc .. for 40-50' Jenny. 5 5 9 • t O 8 1 or p1re1. $1,950,000 wt sport llehlng bolt. Cell 675-4961 exc.ptlon.i financing. wkdya 752·16111 4 --B-,-2-'lt_B_•_·_J_"_'ll' __ • -,,-pie-. J Rlcll Alderttte 731-4444 IHl 1111,. newly re ecorated, OfA# IHl 1111,. •-"·---$795/mo. 975·48 t 7. I ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~1.~ ••••• ~ •9>5899. 335 Reim• Ln I •di#·-· Huge 6 br, 3 bt. fem. COLLEGE PARK f« lalt 1111 home nr oceen. V1lu• 4 br, 3 be. pool, dbM gar. •••••••••••••••••••••• S189K, l83K EO to $850/mo.556-1098 I ~ .. e 11ch. tor Lu Vtgta/ 24'x84 GREENBRIER Venture Cty, Of aubmlt 4Br TwnhM. dbl o-raoe. HOME •"""LR Din R La.lmbeer Alty 5-i9·2330 $700 mo. Murchlnaon · "'.-· · · m. En1-.v1 ... 752-8731 kit optna to Fam Rm, -· ,... -tber. 2 BR. 2 BA. Ught JatiJI ••=I• Int., $15,000, bal. et 9V•. •••••••••••••••••••••• 11fl _13_g_,500 __ . s..o-__ 5_93_1 __ ... ,.. l'8r1UM-4 ••••••••••••••••••••• !] OCEANFRONT Moblle •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. with~. etow & Homaa, eever11. seo.ooo. C..11..., 1114 dlshwuner. Child & ttn111 I Pvt. 4H-3818 • ••••••••• •• •••••••••• pet o k . I 8 5 0 I mo . 1 Bf. Trllltl'. prlvett. no 536-7g79 Newport Beech Ot Anu pt U . u ti I I p I Id . ---------b1yf ront Petk. Mint $460/mo. 1at plue ..cu-3Br. 28t, alngl• atory c:ond. '78 dbl wide, ftr• rlty. M2-<>135, 499-1817. twnhM. w/amenttlea. M place, bflck patio, 151. tm.. 1144 bet\, 1n5 mo. 1M12-oeo1 5 0 0 . 8 111 G r u n d y •••••••••••••••••••••• NEW CRPT & PAINT i 9i7iMiiitieit.iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Orangetr• Condo, 1 br & 3br 1'h bt. Kldt/ pet• loft (2nd bf), tnd unit. on OW, atv. retr, gar, MT LSTD w1tar. 1595. Or 1560 patio. l7g5. 681-4320 2 bdrm. doubta wide fo. ,_un_tum __ . _55_t_._27_80 ___ l bl, 2 b• hM, 1760 mo. ca1ed In 5 Siar ~f t...... ..... IJU Cir det. gar., 2 COY' Pitt!, Coela Mtae. Att• ::'I.':'::'............... patloe. MS.22e2 (N c:Nd eunroom and car-4 BA, MW dtc. fw'n, Sec Wynn, egt) • port. Attraotlw owner ~ gate, prtv Beh.. tannia. •~-· • nenc:tno. 134,500. Ownf. •.....O:Je UY1llW ,,, 171~!!,':;::o ~.'!'.r.!!.'11!! .. !'.!! Ha 8 IO" Jumlne Cl'Mk 2 Br .. den. .,. n pool & ape on greenbelt. S 1800/mo. A•k fOf Carol 714/751-2110 . 213/491-7233 ,, ..•.....•..•.•..•...•. .. ~ , .· I I ri I 1· I .. I '· ••..•.... .....•...... .. ••.......... .,ftf!•.• ............ ~.............. ~Jtftllfftf.......... ·""11:-,_1111 ..... ~==:···· '"'.~·~ .... ,..... °F.£70,M.rwmt. W .. •W'OCMllCll ~ -"~11 Of p .:.J't4\ =7, H.,._T ...... toll ltuct. ,_ Uo. ,_.. 1.au ..... ~/11#111. •••••• Mow, 90t01 rake, --. • ..,.,. • ._ ~. LeftdlO.,.. & ., .. MN, rwm•-...,.. •Pring oto•n·up, "•ul. yda, ..,...., ~ & "••· ratH , ''•• l at. b.V IUotiard llnot, LI•. Yw Ml...._ Chuotc 10-21n t>ef 1 prop "'I"''. Alo.k ~ llN. ts1-41t3. 210t44. 11 yre of hippy 111 tm/ _ _...._... ___ _ ,, ~t'.7A~D! ~· '°'a ;1 "°1n~ lld ( .. , ,, NIT ... --,. _.,., 00 l't NOWI ... .., .... Your Dally PllOt 8ervloe Directory \; Aepfeeentatlve ... Ml·Hlt,ut. HI CM!net•&~ ,,::::,i:-.-Mr"'~ ~~ •.....•..... FINCH& ~OKI Maril Roblnton Conet. 81no9 1178. 754.otH fer.!.11!!/tt •••••••• No Stearn/No ShM\poo Stain 8peclallat. irut dry.,,.. .... 839·1582 Crpt• ln1ta1Vreo-I* l'lood d.,,,.. 8tMm "'halt.all elng.554-8$10. 973.eHt ~·••••••••••••••Shampoo & ateem clean. . o Orlveweyt, Parillng Lot Color brlgllt•n•r1, wilt Aapan, SMlcoaUno. erptl • 10 min. bleaetl. "' 8&8 Aaptth 63 t-4 IHLlo Hall, Hv/dfn. rml. 15; •viJ ~· Dan Hallberg Grad"'V room 17.50; ~ 110; '-' & ~ Co. Ree/Com!. etlr SS. Guer, ellm. pet 0 1UO. 3971o4 142-1720 odor. Crpt rtf)91r. 15 yre • exp. Oo work myHlf. A•-..1" Reta. 531-0101 -······················ b' FINE SHINE AUTO C...tl c..a.N , OETAILINO. Ouat. •••••••'•••••••••••••• ,. Fr .. PU/del. 642·5448 Cemanl·Muonry·Bloek Wall..cu.t..wor1L UC. ,,rDfHllonal Auto CIH· .-381057 Rob 647-2663 'nlng. Waxing, Polllhlng.1--------- The Detallers &40-5198. Drlvel. patloa, walka. Fr .. .. t. No Job too email. Automobile Air Cond. &36-2fl07 Repair. HIO Wellt Pl809 ... CM. Bonteko. 548-52011 WM c.n '•·l.i..'lfla ·····•·u····· ="';.:-•••• r........... My 1rv1ne home. &per. <BABYSITTING 11/hr. 8 w/ref, r ... rllM. Agel 1 .• wk•-2'-' yr1 . M I F · and over. 857-8291 ~.8 AM · 6 PM . C . M . ~M2·2tt5. Clalllfled Ada 642-5e78 6-...__._ ..__, O"YWAll TA'1NG am. l3t..oMe, fie Nl.oeN VANO.NM ~.,......... WJ. r.n•r.."lJn.Tirnn.. All TelltUNI '~ AHld. Cln·UP•. gard•n Heullno·~t WltNOlt. LANoecAPINO Tllank you, Nt-4410 • .... -..1111 :m ................. . MMOOIL/Aoo-oNI ,,. •t Kev4n 875->IOll Hrv, malnt. "" trim. Low ratoe, relleble. Malnt., •od, planting, PAINTC" NllOI H llf " ••••hr ... eu.tom Ceramlo Titl l OerpMtry, Uo'd, 21 ,, .. Olt, 841·1"""" W'..... Ttlanlc you, ltne. IMd lawna, ~ & wo•KI _,,."""' Int/ Prompt. Call Otluok, 9111 Yfl -.p, tl'Wli'I .....,111 ~1 v.... ... , 1~1tt trinl. Uo'd. 11 .. 11,.. " ""··-•llP· I 4 u. .m--. Mt.....,.111t-ta • r.r.tt":'tt••••••••••••• • ... NO•"•p• .. AIN'f e.x.. AooulttO OlllM"lt. WJ•l4'1.'::'r.7:1 fine l'lNaMd CMpentry !ll0T"l01AN-Pr1Qtd ~"*'j;, 'l '"',...=· HAUUNO & DUMP f!w~ o.¥11 '-'t"'V 9'7-lfM ••tt•••••• ••• • •••• ._ .....,,_ "9mod ~ "9ndall rlg"t 'r" ••t• .,. 0 ... JO ............ ---......... ,., E :'"·W"·;.m. •••••••••••• · · '• • m n ln#legem9ntl N 1-404 ,._ "'" ·-_,., •• .... •••••••••••• ~l...OA PAINTING frr• .... Mali LOW ATll·TrM trim· Lio. 41HI 7f0.1HO large Of ll'l\all )Obi, ' 841-1427 MAGICAL ILlUllONS ...-. F C I.lo SMQ1 17S-03fl Ron'• Gardening: I ~'' , '0A ALL OCCASIONI M """"' tee Ml. Oull. WOf'k. I.lo. 1'11. ml"g l removal, all O~M'l/AUIO. . . Hm• ., ... quality at __ .__,_ llWI. ltove Hl•4t3 ~+fine Int,' Ital-N1·13-41 c:IMnupa' traatl haUllnO. "9mod•Ackl',,._....,_,,, LIO'O lllOT"IOIAN reu. (ltH. Malntl '='9":t'r.~U7"m':'f•••••••• ntrig. Stove 8'47-421f ----------1 l'r•• tit. Matt Inez Very,.... Lio. StoHO Oual. WOftl·AaM. rat• landioape .... llCdM. "°81H 8 OLIANING !fltm ••u p ..... 1,.,. a T"-•-"-554-7017 J~ .. H •~_.t J ,.,. --7a T ,.. •-..a... •~:= _.., -" . ._ ""' :-:::::Po•••••••••••••• ---------_.. • _,.... • '· ,, .. ..,, -1--om "'"'* _._.a .. _ .... • • ... !'......... F'ft Mt. Int/Pl 4 ''""'· VHEN"Y ..ooflNOV JAY TRIE CARI. oompl a.ti. Contr. &52·9142 I LIOTfVCIAN ' olelll llCMO. 7 1~:2tAK: 8mllf ~. 111 Yfl lft OC. Spec. rate Stlak..ehfng!M-Comp. eerv. & itump Ot1ndlnQ. 80fMMd 1 Intl.Ired lml Jobi)~. uc. ~trtm~ • .., ·~'!.."!.., ~~~~~ IMna. ~:~ o1·"tt•P!~;. .. c_a~!_~4. "''· LIO. 41123.2 54M213 Uo'd, lf1a. MO-.t30I · '"'· ·"'···... 233108-C-10. 841-9203 -t WOtll. ,,;;-.. ..... -;....--:--".. flreplaoe.Pi.rlw• s.~ ...,.,_,. REPAIRS •H to t115 _H_(_M'. __ AOl __ TMe--8£-A-V.- llo. 30elll. "9.rnodel, !leGtrlcal Contractor 01111 S.t-11CM anytime. v.,_.. 171-41H llQ' .. Patlo.Vtnaer D&O Painting: MM ratM, Fr• •t. Call enytlme, Cotnpleto trM oare. 17 add'ne, ~. · Ind .. Comm, AM. I.lo Aefl FrM .. , ••• ,. .. 14 frw •t. WOflc guet, WALT 770..2125 yr1 •xi>w· 09n 552-5377 846-llN/........... 333217. Ph 117·17SI ~ HOU&EOllANINO ' . ~ ' Oen (714) M2.o.t7 ~ ...... ._ ...... ··--.. -·H··o·M· .··,M· ,.·::..~::M··e·N·T·· It OUA IU81HElll Expert Muonry: Ouaflty Dev. (714) f64.3378 Huber Rooflo19 ell t}'PM '•'-'-• -.--·-·-_..., .. ....,,_ nun• Janice'• Raooedy Ann workman1lllp. reallatlc --.--------New>~.-.. . .. ·:;::'If,••••••••••••• , .... ,. AMe. prloee. We doft't melc• you_,, REPAIA-PlUMBING E•t. to yrl. 876-2514 prloee, ...... 511-4155 •• _,_ Lie. 1411802. 54M734 Moet ~ K·t4 Quel. work. Lie. ~71... Uo. 370lll. 131·7123 Qarpentry, elec. th. Free ~~ • .-A............. Oey~eumrn« S10wk 831•2345 M'I. No lob too arnell. J--··e ca-...~._._........ "'-'-FartNno lnteriOI' Deelan -..J61AHI-Mr. M«gan, 645-5178 General Cont.rector AUID/COMM'l/IHD. ~2811 ~· -in"'A;;'~ ;;';';;:":I'............... HANG1NG/8TRIPPl"1G :=-:.TA••••••••• Ind,. comm'I. r• ~~:: t~t':k~ EXPERT HANDYMAN ~Al>• 64(). ~.7 ~~~~~ie.. \ll ... MC Scott 645-1326 Lo !~~!T ,x-.rg=· Uc. Tn!•.~ ....... Lio. 333217. 557-1738 ,...,_ i PIU=.t~. ~13 General HOUMClffnlng. Free .. u~ 552-0410 ~SR PAPERHANGING FrM .... Ina 641-7581 "r~~o,.:::.:~:m ~; Cu• ,,..,,.,.,_ ..... ~............... Reliable, refl. 10 yrl exp. •&-1 .W.• 71 yrl local 9JC9. Over. ,.,..,,, P•"· M88, etc. RH• •••••••••••••••••':':';t• -.... LOU'S HOME A-"I"' .,,..,. ,...10 .... .. work. Price• etart a t ., ... 713,. ---~" " ~~ •• ,. ToP quattty. 8pectal ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ..,..o-" K~c.. '*now~::. F,... 9"1mMM 145-8258 E~:C,.,~~~bt. Ouallty Houaecleenl=· In handling. 2& YA: 4Up. 18/rott. Alee 751-7027 MOBILE SERVICE -._.,__....._, ..... II p~~-• T Com--"'h .. -t.. C111tom wallpaper~n , Reaereene/New ac:reena •tlmate. 842-0881 fl#t ~-RMI. prloee 875--4558 '"' a .,..,._ .-. ,.,.. NB/CM """' 642 9552 ---------1 •••••• rr:;-:::r........ a.th 556-0158 No overtkne. 130-1353 .. tlefectlon guarani • -·7· · ..... CRPT·UNO-WOOO ••.U.• STARVING COLLEGE _F_or_ .. _t:_F_rank __ 7_76-0_7_14_ ,.,,.,l.n.J ,,.,,.., •••••••••••••••••••••• i-i-u-.. 1__., ..... G~ ••••••il'J•••••••••••••• HOUSECLEANING P.t ~ • • •• ••• -,_.. -8 ., ___ ....__., __ ~ 8TUOE.,...S MOVING ,,,., ••••••••• • • ••••••• •KATAINA'8 : LIVE-IN ,....., ..,. OUMP JOB., Y ...,...,,..,.,,,.., "' SECRET"AIES TOG"' lie ....... 2....., 1·240-008 .. C•ft'd. 0:••21 1 co Lio T1"• .... •••j!• ••• ••••••••••• " ..., hli(prl. dal¥ maid MIV, & Smatt Moving Jobi ........ -. . -....-..-. W 'S PLASTERING Your Office or Ourl olflo• CIHnlng, erp1 ILa....._I_ Call MIKE 846-1381 --lnayred 641-1427 Efflelent/Rellabte deaning. 1135-2118 tt.:-.-:::a............ F/Student wltwluMCIMn WATCH 'us GROWi ALL TYPES INT/EXT ln-houN WOfd Proc. MOWING • CLEAN UPS t1AULING·GRAOING for lady In excllg• for THtur.. Pat~ N mini 642.()969 a.-.n Haullng . Landac:.plng demollUon, clHn-up. rent . ._.... 971-3979 '"•"-fRU EST. 646-825 ° mum ::1.-:···••••••••••••••• fir• 11t. 642-9907 Concrete & trM removal. 1-----ft-'-•7 _____ •••••-:':r•••••••••••••• !!?!r.:.~!!!f ..... "UM the Sunllhlne In" Call 8unahlne Window Cleenlng, Ltd. 548-8853 20% Moolhly Diac:ounl MR. SPARKLE: all wndwl, both 1ldH, 1ereen1 .a. track•. Honnt, d•J>9n· debi.. Guar. no 1tre01. RMa. prlcft. 640·5654 ORYWA~L/ACOUSTIC Oulok aerv. 642-7838 Homa Ci.anlng: honoe1, RALPH'S PAINTING PLASTER PATCHING CLERICAL SERVICES Repairs. new & old. 11 Have aom .. hlng to Mii? rellable, llardworklng & lfltlext. Aeaa. rat•. Reatueoo1. lnt/•xt. 30 Bkkpg*Typlng•FllM Have aometlllr19 to Mii? yr1 exp. Bud 652·96'2 ClMllfled .CS. do It W911. Sell Idle ltemt 842·5678 rtlfereneea. 554-4454 Ref. Fr• Ml. 53e-91t8 yr1. Neat. Peul 545-2977 PU/del. avall. 842-B5111 aualfled ad6 do It well . ...... fm••"/ l•lfftil•/ .. ~~~!!~ ..... . ............ ,,. ·•·········•·········· !-.t!!!.l/~t/;.. !'.~.'!~~.. Alj':;.. I A':/.nZw ¥.'.'!J!,.'!!!!J! ... !.{!f ~'!-!!.!!.~.!.~ l!'J!l!!.~!~ .... !f.!f ~~-~!~ .... ~ IMM J ·~ Jt.fi Jiff •o•o••••••••o••u•• ••uu•u••••••••••••• pu ye 9ITll <>w-•t• lo ... r 3Br .... ,• NEWPORT BEACH fllEE REIT . SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS •••••.;;,;;;;~-········· H;~~·;;,;;3·e;~2 C.I•..., JIU C..u..., -~ •~ ,,_. Jiii Wkly rent.le now av.ii. 'tt5o .. mo. +''Ai u'iii.1 .. Turn Key .. Office $380. ,_,_. e. famlly rm. 11000/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• -.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• 1140 & up. Color TV. 642-11163 9Ve9 ··eraneh" office 175. Lrg olflce _,It• •/tml vu Bbdr~!d2"!.~0~.!J.•: .. ,2mo· 3. _L ____ ._~ __ -e_8_7_7_. --~ 1 IL 2 .. I 11. Spaeloua 1 Br. 1 8a. ~-LIOO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. ~ ~~ooCmM. 2274 Fem roommat~ want•d =Semin.rT~lng roomlll ' ~~o":·rt ": ,:,r,:1..'~~ ..... ..,., ,..... Ne•ly decor. Gaa pd, nlng room, dOM to occ. frple, patio, a dult•. ·~ ....... .,...,. · ' · y.,.ng. ma ng, · · c Call Kim Joeephaon 3 BR 2 e. EutblUtt, •vi •nel gar, dwihr, pool. ....,.,.., ••so. "'••721•. 11050. 875-8369. 646-7«5 3&. 28• hM. nice CM pho Call lor Info to quallfled tenant. 811 1173-6126 .--..--.,....... .. ., .. , 1250 mo. 646-135& 752 . 64~ '°'Info. _________ 1 July 15. 11200 mo. bbg. Adult•. no P•I•. 1 _.. ........... I .. w .. tciltt ., .. 2 Ek 2 ea. BE AC ff ARE A wknd• °'aft 8PM. Univ. Pk, 3 br, 2'n b• 640-8018 642-5073. --, -1 -•-•• upper w/frple. retrlge, AA-pen area • Exec. Sul-nml twnhH, avail. 7 /10 , s~ 2 81. 1 ea. ~25. Studio with eerport & drllC>M. pool. $800/mo. Roommate 10 "" 2 Br 2 , ... From 225--450 IQ. n. lalill HTS Solr .. • Oratl Mince • Gender DON'T SEE Don't you think op1ome- 1r1111 lhould eneea our eyes with .. No Perking·· llgn1? They ...n to be 1ome1hlng molt ol u1 DON'T SEE. grMnbelt, poo1. ,..... M llYm AYL 3 Br. 1'..\ ea. 1475. petlo. POOi & Spa. No MS-0302 $77/Wk !!_!~~r.·.f'10' .s>art67"'~-~.:1 c~.~r'5s~-1·ot11.0Manyx1ru. ••••••••••••••••••••• S 8 4 5 . II 4 4 • 7 2 2 0 , 3 BR 2 S., llreplaoe, 2 Laundry fae., pool P911. $385. 549-2«7. •ft• _ _,,.. .., ........,. -,. lfnll M.. ,,.,, f fffM JM S4M75S cu guag•, lge yerd. 548-955& VILLA MADERA 1:~.~;:,~p~I~~ .. ': ~~ Roomn\ete 1o lt\r 38( hM, Ofe for rent full or part, In ~.bldg °" Coal .................... .. f Br. den, Turtteroek 1825 mo. •Clean 2 er. MeeArthur 28r, 2Ba E. Sid•. upe-P91•. 1540. 675--0349 eoata .._. 646-9755 mlle/ '-nele. 19th St .. C.M. Xlnt troo1 Hwy, ~th Laguna. Ai>- ;condo. A/C, pool. QM. no a..lttr, Vig .. S.A. Tllftnil. pool. talt'I apt, dtnwlllr & di.-• --2Br 1 .. -1 "-·--I •--•-•-~-MS-USN o le loe. Avell lmm•d. Pl rox1. 5001 IQt. ti. Exkcelln. jl*t. 1825. 855-1338 ••• llH spa. $1100 . Adu I ti. pOMI, wtr/gaa fr•. Encl ..... 09 ..... ,..,.... ..._ --,, Mlle or fem.le en.re 3 540-12117 en pr va • par II _. 752 u22 641 1460 r:araoe· family complex. from beach. Mini ocean •••••••••••••••••••••• behind bldg. $526 mo. ~Br. Woodbridge Condo. • or • ,. + ... ,.,. ..._ vu •750 yrty 67"' 7807 ••-bdrm, 2 ba hom• In TOP LOCATION Harbor-Turner Aaloe. 484--1177 .725/mo •·-" mldJ"' "mo. ._., ..._. · • • "' -•r•-• Hunt. Bch. •220 mo,·~ B-.. -"'·nt•r .• 3011·23 .~ca11 Robki ":1"4e1-254u;~· ~o'fr:·.!.,'!;~;,::: w~~~~.~~~.'•v~ 54a-.t147. 2324EkMllSt. 1.91 llfflllY ~rmck! ~~ utll. 642-1412 H;;;,, Bid. CM. 560 & i-.B-.-o-fe_&/_Of_lnd-utt_IP_aoe_ ELEG.ANT auto mat I e gar . 7·2. $400 mo. 546-4329, Lprrg !o 8d' ~ '!.:;~~tj.~:g 3 br, 2 ba, Mndy l>Metl. Lido iete i bdrm. t= F to lhr 3 br E/Slde C.M. 125 0 I q ·ft · M 0 r · ;:~ For~ ~~ng at ,.. VIEW CONDO 11300/mo. 76G-93f3. 645-e625 aft 8/wiinJI'.' (213) 282-7133 rm .. 2 ba, $3100, July, hH w/26 y r 019 M. 645-8100, 549-1366 mo. • •2 Br. 2~ e.. micro, ga-Harbor View Horn..• 8' 1 BR APT. 0/W, New A r•r• opportunity to IM-$3500 Augual. 811 Grun-Mml-furn. 1300/mo. & 2nd floor walk-up olflcel, ITlll/lfflOI r1ig9. S750. 1175-1761 & 3in e.. Mperate malde pllnt & cpl• and dr.,... 1A1T191 .. at beautlful SEA dy, Ritt, t7M161. lltll•. No 1moklng, no 1125 & 1165 monthly. 300 10 900 eq. fl Dnlwn 64H204. quarter1, beautiful oak Carport. 1375/mo. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, MW ear-ISLAND. LOY91y "Bl.mini" I Mb,,_...... .. ~~7~ohn 9 -7 pm , U1Hs pd. Crpts. drapee, Laguna 484-6"8. IUIT Wll•lllll par~ floor, LR. & o .R. 651-2175 r''· paint. no pet1. Plan. 2 Br. Oen, 2'..\ ea. ....., · ~5~~1:::J I ng · Cd M · IU•llllil lnlilffN Arbor Lake twnhH. 2 trg FdamlllyllAoom,,fllllll 2 Ir. poot, Sl'f9 .. '525 .,.412•51~ .. t82 Tul i p . :::v:~..,~~ !!!'-r!'t.f.,n:.::i, Fdnonemkl 'EttoSllhd r C2 Mbr ••••••••••a•1••••::::.••• mutw BR, 2 ea. din. rm, pon w t water • . mo. No pets. 1395 .. 8.. ...., ..., "" -·-"•7· --.... , up ex, • . . 4 defuH offlea itralegle .8 . 3875 reh. J<IVV eq. brkfst noo«, frpl, refrlg. 11800/mo. 567-7372 w. Beker. 641-0793. 1ar. 1ea. Quiel & ..eure. ~~:ilon call 714/ ...... 111--. .. .,. 1225 lnel. utlla. 645-7220 loeetton on ee.ci, Blvd. ft. or 1 .. 1. MIA zon• All upgrad ... Aerou 2 &. 2\.\ ea. micro, c11n-2 IA garden apt New 1920 Wallace Ave. · Soec 3 bf condo Untv ..,.,... t. ... lfJJI HB. Front expo1Ure, loe Agtlrll 541-5032. Pools end tennla neerby 1650/mo Av•ll now ...--· • oc:een vtew. tennl1, I• k , lrvlne. l300/wk. St«aoe garage for rent Owor. 213-450-e555 strlal . Office. 18081 FW- FOlll> ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142 ... 1. MOM'S MOVINGll Mu1t find loving home lor ··Zach". an adorable btad! & white M kitten, approx. 9 wk• old. ~9632 8". 6pm from Lake W/pvt Beh. waihar, pool, apa. ~No--.... ~Imo 78CMIS78 Pentnou., 2 8' & a loft, Pk.' • · ••••'••••••••••••••••• •Ion ar••· 85c 1q.f1. S750 up. 2160 ft. lndu- •vall Aug 1 u 501 moi u .. -.-... • • ~ 2 Ir. lower, S420/mo, euzzl. S13t5/mo . Compl. furn: lln•n•, on Balboa Penln1ula ,..,_ • .,. l-'23. -.,_,., ,.... MW Cf1't9 & paint. eNld 831-eooo ..,.,._, dryer, "*-& PRIME OFFICE SPACE dondo ..,..Cle .... Hunt· "'ound ~lm1x lri- Or lM. 538-Condot 1 ._ • BLUFFS CONDO Hr, ~pt be~'::: :1:,: ~~ ~~ 2265 Mapte • .,ft_. "B~ 2 ... ....., more~~mm. &pVo.~, =·~~fr~· 10'n x COR08N7~~1L0 MAR lngton, 8"ctl. 642·2834. COIO<.CS m11e & ~. angetree • "'• 2 'AB•. Ito o mo . .. ..,,.· ---· -. ~ " .... •.-.QM. apu, _,.._ ~ ~"· .,._ Ull rtaw 4"' Shepherd, btk & tan loft {2nd br), end Ufllt. on M0-8107 ~ ~ pool"t: A · ... ..,_. --bead! 2 bike. S900 yrty. Sharron, agt, 552-2000. Sing le garage. Co•I• •••••••••••••••••••••• male. Coellw mix puppy, wat•r. 1550. o·r 1585 W 1 lllt 38 2b TSl·..._. 2 1_.. ,._. --No peta. 645-1882 MeM. MS/mo. Storage 1 •• fm l'lurM & c:u1e Pood+9 Mek tan & wht, mlle. 2 tem111e rum. 551-2760 •• e r •· ,,.., _... • _,.. ...................... Huntington 8eh oondo, 2 ooty. 20th St .• 831-0921 .. .,.,. ....., to lhat9 nice home Call Shelllel. Aleo e.t1 & klt- c:pt'g, ICMty Y11Fd. 1186 $500/mo. 2 Br 1 ea. up-~ 2 Bf. ywd, QMllQ9. W&TDl'llD l>r. 1'A ba. pvt pool ten-Am ei ... • full wvlCe anytime, 916-1898. t•n•. Newport Beach r~~1L:~·~~~Cc>~ gdrv, MM76tl :=1o"":i :.: c=y -251mo~ ~~t.:C,~O':ii= ~ ~1~~5.AZ:: a:.;:. 'r ~~:h~~~~ ~E~~~~~.1.~~!: ula•/&.nt/ Anl~ Shelter e«-36tt 1925. 1142-3153 ; HARBOR VIEW HOMES. rm.• ·-=-patlo.$650.UtllltlMPD. 15toSepl.15.548-7501 640-8107 5225/mo.644-71119. f~ "ound short halr•d 875-8006 Carmel Model, 3 bdrm, 2 T8l u..-642_1803 .,.41 Older pref'd or t68-1068 Giii-IOI' rent, seo mo. ••••••••••••••••••••• orange lem eat. vie --------1 ba. BMu. 11050 mo. J.-_.... -e73-6145 ...,.. ..... ,. """' Adam• & Falfvlew Rd "Orangetr .. Condo. 2 br. cu:zzl •Meea Verde 2 8' 1 Ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Nwpt home, 4 br, 3 Coata ....... CM. 54M772 .deck on ltrewn, tennll, 879-3923 Newly refurblihed Delulle poolalde. xtra 1111-1Br. 1a.. .,.. cpl, yr1y, ba, ~oom. Stepe to 2 967-2740 atl 8PM. Alrpoi1 Ar-. ex.c tu"e ~!r, IM .:pool , etc. 1550. k~ l I 5485/mo No peu· g• 2br , 2ba, blln1, 1'hblkltobc:h.'550rno. pvt beecttea. Avail . .My Sfngle garage, dbl bolt.' •xpand8,eimy1Urroun-Wlt.4MING·P~·c~: "857-4"3 M F• 8 W 1133-8974 . . dSWhr, 1'n mllea beech. 875-2010 dyl. 15 to Aug. 15• Aug. 16 to Co1ta MeH. 180 mo. :~~~ ~50.,.. ti o~~ cal Hrvlee lie. Co1ta ITahnllW Ull · Adult•. no P91•· $500mo Sept. 15. 12100 mo. St ,.. 851-a175 1 -... 1-aa• -..Ci 1141 •••••••••• ... •••••••••• Large 3 er. 2 ea. Tl)WT)-538-63e2 OCEAN VU 2 br, 1'h ba. 548-7601or968-1068 OfliQ9 °"'7· fleea & deak ~ lrom Mela area. No •llP· nee. "::'r.-::; ••••••••••••••• Reeon-llk• adult trect nr hOuM In qu1e1 complex deck, frpt, r.:;· Adult8. 2115/mo. Including cool Wiii train. 150,000 full P~~HO~rieer ~ SC PlzL Poot, grdnr. Olx laro-pool garden .. ,: wmfRJTIU $585. 2218 aelfle Ave, Newport BHeh condo, !!'!.!.~!~ .... !.'!! rm1. reeept1on111, an1-amount req'd. WIN net ; ba ~ yd ~~k t~ 1br. No pet•. S4 ting. l67S . .845-33111, 1 & 2 Br. OftoOUnt on C.M. Bluff• arH. See :~ ~·1=im':.9·=: 520 aq. ti. 11.00 per eq. werlng Mrvlee, lots ot $40,000 plu1. Call col-bch 11300 49.._...874 A .__,,,,~ 675-5949. aome mo0e11. Poot, Spa, llrst then call, 1146-3826. 67., ., • ...,., or .,.1 ..... 11 .. 3975 Birch., N.B. perking, WP & Tix avell. lect, Mon-Fri., Hk for · · ir.f.'!ft•lt • .,., .. G y m . S au n a , at e 644-8722, 642-8808 .,.....,.,. ""' .._ Agen1 541.5032 833·9976 A u d I . 9 • 6 P M , l'ound: yg white F lh<>n· haired c al w/eollar, Tualln & 21st. 64S--0681 FOUND: Sm. klUen. Grey. male. Vie. Hbr. Vu Hiiis, CdM. 769--0440 "ound: Beau grey lhort hair kllten. Loving & playful. 759-0440 3 BA, patio w/tpl, Short ",.:_:·:. •;,•,••;.:•:••,;;::. 1,~~.· 01~7/Fwl!!!_ pds1'. 646-0619. 2Br Coll.,.., W. Newport. .... .... 1... S300/up: CarP911, drepet, 408-667-0111 walk to beech. 12,000 ...,_ •• ,,._ •1-••• ...... .. v--F le -.-Y •100 -. 1817 Weetellff. N.8. 25& al 17301 .... A .. H.B ly 21" •7• 2256 •••••••••••••••••••••• No pell. $330 mo. 2 Br 2 Ba+ o.r.. Town-rp ·gar. rly • mo. Apt, llPI 4, 1 1>111 from to 4000 aq. ti. 111. noor. r. .,.....,.,, · · llSTAllllT P&llm l Olt-Blk/wht Shih Tzu. mo. YT · .,,..., .,.. Oee1n view, b .. ullfully &4W161 houM, tennla & apa, nr +MC. dep. 645-1387 l>Metl. Gar, quiet. '400 Agent 541-5032 842·2834. Wanted. Siient or acilve. Harbof & 19th, CM on Fri Nice 1BR 1 ba, trlpteK, lurn. 1ownhouH, frplc, beach. 2202 H•H Cir. i.. Cl••'-Jltl wil. 760-1962 flll IEIT BBO r1b1. 110,000. night. Coate M ... 9-1. patio, garage, S tove/ pool & patio. 1885/mo. M ... Verde 2 Br. 1 Ba. 860-3746 •••••••••••••••••••••• EMERALD BAY , Lag. 1-524-7906/1-776-1130 ty Supply 1816, CM. FW- refrlg . 524 St. Anns. 673-0896. garage, 111. floor, n~ 2 Br. with garag•. b•I· Adult, Studio, 1tove. re-Front row. SP9()1aeular ~~%~!"e':c';: = ull NN\Qe gardening & wwd 54M787 s550• 5*1453 wtcdyt. •u,,..,_ :!!:i:.4~~~~i~. cony, 11ove & dl•ll· ~· utlle. $275/mo. white water view, pvt m'I. 'til'do. Competitive landacaplng, all equip., Loet c.t. FWward. Solid INCREDIBLE Old Medi· ~ 11fl 7 5 8 . 4 2 2 8 . wk n d s w • • h • r . I 6 5 0 Imo . move In. 481-M52 bet\, 384' & def\. 2'Mll -ratee. prof. atmoepnere, route, etc. B .. 1 offer. grey neutered mele. Med ,t•rr•n••n \/Illa on •••••••••••••••••••••• 549-7329. 53e-7978. ~ •• ,,_,. r.nJ.w beachy. Avlll .My, Aug. ~»~ call now for detail•. 549-1174 lenglh fur. 484-6410 oceanfront, leaded win· Quiet Junior & 1 Bt1. ..,. Sept. Agt 4M-002t ./.~ ,.._.. te0-2471 := mw1ve.,:n~·J ~~om,:~::· :,,~r~r;~: 'i~~. ~ ~:: '=~~o;6~~'~: .. !!..'!~ ..... I!!! rwtJM ... W.fllf ~,=-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~bi~.·~~~ .. gar .• ·p~ .. eh cove r •. 1730; Keellon off patloa. all bit-Ina, lndry 642-2834. 642-3172 WWlll ;;c~·;-a·;-e; ;_...... •SUITE DEALS• gotlable. Phll 645-5080 12.950. per mo. Yrly. Slater. 842-7848. :ti amall pet ok. Woo 1 2 84'. 1 Ba. No petl, quiet YILUIE Av811. now. Weeltly ttiN ., -... ...... O.C. Airport -. Prof. AM 71~5&29 t-... .... 1141 TSL Mgmt. 642-1803 .,.._ Reedy now! '455 New 1&2 bdrm. IUXUtY """"*· 873-787'3. erwtr°':'~fulf ~, i---~------ taeular ocean & ~.-::;••••••••••••••• Atl. 5, 642-822. 1 plus~. <426-A 12th. apt• In 14 P'anl. 1 Bdrm ... ,.,, ., ...,. fl# :.:0 or ~ ::;:! 1s0 w1111 a ~ of your taln vi.w Monarch Studio, non-emkr, bu1/ St. from '515, 2 bdrm from •••--••••••••••••••••• 1 eq ft • 3500 aq ft. 1 MO own for minimum coat? · -home, 3 Br. 3 l>fof over 40 pref. S375 NIOe 2. l>r, ,.,. req. No Neer beed'I 2 Br. 1~ 8a. $570, TownllouN from •Ill.ID .,,..... FREE. 75~78. Cell en expert • gu.,.n. $1050/mo. Call Ow-mo. loci utll. 494-0451. '*'· S355tmo. 352 Vic-ct'ptl, drpa, bh-lnl, fri>te. 1840 + pool•, tennl1, IN•M&Te From 1 ~,;t::m.. teed prOflt tf'I 30 deyl. -4~252. .__,, J.Mi 1111 tor1a. MW181 enef.cl QMllQ9. 1595/mo. wat•rf•lf1. pond1I Gu .. I 5 ~ Quiet office In CdM w/pvt Compl•t• HI-up plu• ~OCEAN VIEWSll .:.";{;;; .............. Flrepfaea, pool, dl•h· call 536-0921 for cooking a heating FlllDS = ~.icsr· Air· batllroom. Approx 175 bu11neu eon1u1tant. 8-rtlf\JI 3 bf, 2 ba. lam. "':l231.:·e'::o:·.::,n::. ~· ~ r:11o.1~6L: 2 bf w/petlo. Nr 8aedl & ~'!!'y ~rr~:1. s:~r~~·~~ Ol<*t & larv-t agency por1er Inn. 2172 Dupont. .q ft. No maintenance. 1_850_-0_2_1_t _____ _ rm. Av811. 760-8376 · •r •n r. • lndlanapolla. 1475/mo. ~-...... 1 .. _F_,..._ "" .....--... ~ ..... 11· Call AM. 833-3223 $225/mo. Call Lyndy . N •---•-1 ---------1 $700/mo 1ummer, 557·2&41. .,,. •. 5016, (213...., .. 7,..,, _., o ""'---·to ""....._, .. ---•m 87 .. 2311 ...., -_.,. OCEAN VIEW 11400 1450/mo •lnt•r. (213) _.,.. ,.,.,..,.. .,..... S • • w Ind VI 11 • O • photoe & referencea. BAYfRQNT ..,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• I exe 3 BR 2t,t ba decil• 941-3065 2 BR, refrlg, encl. gar. ,,_,__ H~• {714)8t3-51H . Crecllta.: ~ --Hd $30,000 3rd TD. ~ 499-4820 673-0822 1430. plu1 1250. HC. ~ .,...,, Good Morning Amertc:a. Prime office. 673-1003 nsw _.r_ WI<'/ large eqUlty ....,. ' YUILY Lall 646-03418"1:30PM 1·aA:·;-;•.;;h.·~ ._, fM The Tomorrow snow. WeHppolnted office wl front hOITle. M2·55113 ~ auJ1 JIJI CIMn 1bdrm,1 bit trom Sharp end unit A/C ...................... ...... M11• Exec iultea, full Hrv., Nwpt View. Approx 1,000 •• ••••••••••••••••••• beach, prlv patio, gar. 2y'!,'!,~ :5o":!.1':;~~~ D/W, Poot. ten, )K. Avt'. N~~ fur.~~'!•d ,..~~0'!' • .'n ....... lllr ....:.... d~_..!..llllfllm. No ..... or.at. 7,. .. 'r.,. ,..7• tq. ti .• ,..7100 l•IU'I--., fnll _, br, 2 N adutt twntlM, MOO mo. 760·1H2 WI. 715. 1450. 876-1434 ~~ 5484829 """' .,.er ---•••----_, ....-v• .. .....,... Jf3f hrMu.11 1111 ...............•...... Let Go Of Aleoholllml Don't let a6eohollsm pull you to Mlf-deltruetlOn. L9t go & !Ne a life of aobrtety with Ille help of The Mooring•. With a nationally recognized outpatient 1rea1men1 program, you ,_ Med to be hoaplt.llmd. mlal time from wortc.. or time from your famlly. Mor- ning & _..1ng prograrn1 avallabl• & ln1uranee appr~. 111111-• 1853 E. Uneoln. Or.nge 4647 Long Beach BIYd .. Long Beach .. 1-llMll·llll • !.~· ,nr~·1 ~ =t ••••-* ~ ...... ••~• ='Am Two atory office 1ult• •••••u.• ... •;,•;ma•••••••••• ...... ._,. _, .... _ 1480. 2 BA. pool, unaul-U4t ---Avall lmmed. to n~emtl-M/F .n .. 4 Br.~ In 1v811 In W COel• Meea -"\fWW 35. M50. 497-3973 C t C d d I table for children 326J •• ••••••••••••••••••• d I k .__ ... F bd N t Sh N •INlf C . 8 • ' ... 2 a.. .... * * * u• om • ar H gn 17th Pl ••9.5131 aft 1Br apt, Arch Beaoll Krlt~ ... , .. Id . ~ 11rm85. ewpor OfH. r With f ll all ooka on Tape.~,.... ~~...,. J#I 2Br, 2Ba, •P•. patio, . . .... Haight•. $475 mo. Incl ,..., ry ....... beach, pool • ionnl1. UM o reoep on. 648-5625 (Mk for Jo) Sped 1ng In 1• & INI lflHtlt P.eer ~• •••••••••••••••• 1plral 1talra, 1kyllte1, 11am. utll. Cont11et Mika Ru•-mo. H3-1421 1390/mo. 1/1 utll1. ~!:..~.,· ~~ l"'.JtM .., __ ....... , .. ,C, _... TD'• .inc. 1141 ....._ :M ..._,•day Htcllff 3 IA 1v. b•. frple. 1~ blka to beh. 2 2 redee 548 4340. _...... .. .......... --,-: ---,...., _,.,...... Robt. Sattler NH/CM 1ci-r. ~ .... • 900 mo. Alto Irv. Twr .. Yrly 11300 mo. Utll lnel. ~ool brRe'rr11g ~o pet•. Mii 640-3225 FPURN . rbm. •,o r rent. -• -llJ1 c.etng. Mall & meeeaiee pkg. uMl671~155 E. Cat R.E. Brok.er Id Aeltton Ja-·-•, •·-•· L·--•1 i• BR 21,+ ea. 11400 mo. 873-9384 8" 8PM. · 4 · · Studio $430. •,+ block to hone, oat ng, tenn. -· MN. evalt. aeperetety If Hwy. 642·2171 541..0S11 -~ .... ....., .F. freett & dean, no 1~6 8 "7318• beach, nHr •hopping, ert, pool. Si.p. to beh. Wonclng ledlea over 40 dHlred. Call: Judy, COSTA MESA office u *•11 .. tourlatl . . All! now. 146-2389 ~It 6 utlli paid, xlnl ocHn KI 1. Pr Iv . 12 7 5 mo. wllllng to talk abOUt ttn-71417ecM>100. IPMI for '-· ~ox. IOOW HAS US for TP'I BankArnericard, Muter ••a•• .... 1T.nnuw Large 1 8f. Eamlde. ne-v , • • • 4 8 4 • 5 4 1 o . 64~5734 ding anc1 ahlrtng. 11o1.e .... .._ 2.000 tq.lt. °'pvt aftlcee. ~~~~1:K N~P:. ;:::.~·01~:~1~~ .;:.: 1 .._ •••••••••••••••••••••• tural wood bMtnecl °"" 41M-27t7. 1 s1ee91no room wttll kit· (Newport •r••l· Call E>wautM offtoe In can-Oeftaral WOtk.,... p1u1 :';t. o.n..aon & Aaeoc. come 7141845_3 433. (lb I) ..,.,. II'-' II# llt'OI 1 eeblnett. UOflt 1 ., .... ,, ----t -•• ehen, prfvelo bett1 a en-"T.U llt &42•7"3 aun-n«yV -.111eQo ........ ,_. ~...!!!.!'. !!!~·. 6 ·1 .. 11 ' 2112 Harbor Bl CM By 1119 ll'IOl'IUI Oftl/iJ BVT ...................... airy. 1425. 851-9522 :;.W.:.~:. ... ~ trance. lal.Mdry fee. Atao c91¥fWuTtlurld9yafterl lroller rt'-4 _..., ""' _._ ....... _. .... , 1 ___ .. _--.• _____ 1 ________ _ only S900/lft0 f1of} 8f 2 Yrty 2 bdrm, 1 bL Oedt. btwn W . NO fEEI Apt, & Conde> aleeplr)a JOOftl wtltl eNro P. t1 t1I At .. 408 ~I H9'bof OE8.PEAATEI Mull Mii tCla11lfled Adi are Ille a.. walk to beedl. Aval! ldry. No peta. 1196 WeMllde, 1 bdnn. atcM, rent91. w. "9nt•. houM. ~1te1 • tll Wl1'll INd. •· F« more Info 3rd TD of $12.1100 12% anewer to a Mc mJvl from June 20. 17~t retng. No peta 1350. 717 f7a-.t12 ltoker. Room wttll kltcMn prlv. Mr Diii. w. 111"9, 2,012 tq Cal aull_,., 711-4111 •lf'lllOht 4 ~ "°"' II. o-a.e.or yanl lllleC lt'u ,,... "0" w . 1et11. ft. ~ ArciNa ~ ~ to .... ., 000 or __. °'*• tr.. bett• • to • more , 28', boat ddt MOO/wit l'fele~ ., 145-1921 rtne -· 141.-W Q nMt-• 0o l W11. efter IPM llt-4t11 ...;P_•_ll;_ptet ______ _ PAfl l( Hf WPOR T AP ART M[HVi Uk, b09t ddt '400/wtl •••••••••••••••••••••• wee 1 "· .,.., new Sml bel:INIOI' " ,.,. .. , ~ pool. .. uttl pd. ~ IULn ""'·pd, l01 L.....,. •. 1 8 I 4 M 0" r 0 v I a . ,_ W71Fll I I t7MM2. 112...., 141 o3H 11M111 CW., ., .., 1111 ~---2-lt-1M-. -PoOl-.1 __ , ~ ••••-•••••••••••••••• laundry, S410, o a ll •1-~.~ dlOOt, I Ir. Apt, S700/ltl0. ,_,. tu-TllO, .... 1147 rg -· -w, QU#-...... d. d g. to. H . H. 720-1141. TownllouM: 21; 1\H1a. 1:700/mo. Po04, '*'°· llJde •• ... 9edl "" a '*"· die*, o • • o o "-~ .. _ • • • o • 3 It Ha. vu, Po04, _,. ¥W, nt bOft, AW/I 14. lrt-14U • ...-.1• ~:;0o1i:.erdod ,., ... mo ....... 1.. Condoi I IW, .... waea ' ffm !ft! llM 4, HI. ,., poof, .,_, 2 • a ... ...,, IM!rfroM, • • ••••••• tlnNI. 9141/mo. Cell,.. = ..... ~~,... _14CM4t7ii'.ii:iii:Mili~·i::::;"i" ... ~ • ··-" a1 . ~ ........ , ........ . .... ~,., ·=: PJ: ... ui\', l' WE HAVE THE ANSWER! YOG~ IN THE MORNINGI • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 8, 1982 ...-..-. - . ' ~ " ' e~.;,;a:k~~~."~.=-~~~~~~~3~&J~~-t"~ .. ]a~~~~iMiMi~~ .. J.L~~m ~-~~~M ......• ~ -" ,.__ ni .,_, I i.. 0 .... • ... .. ..!!!!1111 ••••••• rrm 'C.: Wiii I ._ IAfll ~fiMON, h•ll er I* IMl9' •n'll • "" '\lol.Uc:Y tile ~er -·~LOO• h11 .,...., 'H T llrd I t•( •I ...... T!ftll! , =~ m·.tt~.t..•r ...... ••Id ....... tr~rAlll~ ESTATE SALE • MY 7/1/9 ~II, Wo~7ff e.:i '" iL n :i:-.ooo~•=--bOiDi • --:r. .. :!:.:: F=e-:t Jeny L.w. ...... -,........ ..... ... • Good OOfld • ..,, Hoftdl ~-~-~--:rrc~r.ftYll ~ ,,!H'!.11.. ~r.~ .. ~"cri:'':J~ NLL•NY ................... ..,_.,.," ~.:r.:o.~ ~...., aw IA 11• ~"Tl -.. our Ml-41t1, lbt. 14 MIS ~. f 20' 0 A II d •• !l'!ff .......... T:...: ......... ,, ...,.1 ...,. • '"9fel ....,._. ..._ _ NIT,__ Antique doll•. antique and other •• m:rC.!'t.... •• Sloop. ;11:,~:::e::' 1 • llM..,, ....., .., -. .... a-.... net ,___ .._, ·-~~~T~~ furniture lncludlnc dlntn1 room Mt, """• oe.i, ..., lllt, • Miii w/otd 0 L ttaoo 11...,., IPoit a...o. =~~-::-~ ~. Natl ~· CllNIMt.. :~-~-rr'1 ~romotlon, ~~" 0.Pt~ ~r bookctlll, hand pelntad China, pot*'Y, :;:,·1~":.~111fnat. W/preot. new I.I HP Good oond. l1IOO 090 ptlv1tetv lof • 11101\. HO Newport l:IOftM~tilOftM, let. door to door ,_..P91* Haviland, hand toola, lln.nl, palntlna by . l 1IOO. 171-1111. Ml-1MI d i Id 1 a • ll outer Dr, Newport ApPly NoWI e:-.1:10f'M .-. proer1m. Gu9i'lft-1'.W. Cu_._, Lota of __,1_. New• " ou H1mllton1 llLANDl1' 17 Ne ....... , .._, .,_ .._ ~.~:..o.;~:: leedl •JM)toNrt '"' tlrfy. wage plue .,.._., ................ Dratting t able end XlntftMNlne•iOO 1.:.nr..mm •• Tlt'fl In tOOd \ .. ti. Ull"°'' Ill +QM Tilen pertwlNp'I 1Mre OOfMllllDri'J. Hl't. 4PM to •QUIP m' t •• 10 0 . Pr1v• PlttY ~JO '74 Toyota Landcnlleer, d l1orat1on auur•d. $14 400 of proflt1. Mutt t1ev1 9'M. T"'"'"9 II PfOlll.. Ht-tefl 111rdtop. 11710. cn.t INIY • ~ in. :~1':.''%;r. = ...,_ ~ ....,_, .-.. IHMlte '"· ftotent1e1 to 11rn ......... • llM ·•c" ltendlfd INIS, 111#1 84t-1101 aft .. ,... lend photo end dNled .. ct .. ic-l ptlon1, 01au11 aaoo plUI per ... '°' ~. f100 ..... ,,,. .. , WILi.Ti ,., delcfiptlon to lkNC. M Po1Hng 111i p1u1. .....,., ,_~.cell en Interview. o111 : --k....,.12 , . •••••••••••••••••..... 11-. •1M•1• No. 1011, Delly Piiot. 64MW ........................ _ ....,.,._, 1·IOO·Hl·l141, Ht. ...,... ..... ' ' ' 8o 1lllO COiie Mell. Ill illl,.aa _, -MMl71 ellt S11 1204• ~-'kif# .,, .__,,._ Ma O~PIE". Ch41ap to oPe-81 .ii .c-Wk mo ,..xw ... .' 11 ...... l•ll'lllt l"'ll!IPl•to ... r 1 ::ra::................ ;r.r.;n-. ....... TmJ flt•. Under warr1nty, Gl•P• ~1 _,, °' ., ,,.,..., ._. "'" __... Pan ttMe. Tr9¥11 AgeitOy I • ., , " "' o~ Ch I· ' f llY .,,..._ New IUlt-lll9 inenNM eat. M u • t 1•11 . I 3 o o . 8'41-0.... • ••••••••••••••••: • ....:; ~ ,..net. At:-It tlf• 1 tt•t fllTllU.. :S:.: • ltlo~Ult~x~ c:.;: t.. "1_,,,. :ee. New qu••n 1t1e, 141·Nt2 WAN'Pl!D: n · ellp orl llAl1lf& ~~ ~ %'rn:~ ...... ,, ...... fl lun top PIY liking '9ttte :.... t4a:..714 F,.._., HOO. Wllhet I 100, 750-5131 CAI.CUL.ATOR wttll ~ moortne for ullbOll,1 1M1 mlTI • AmttHudor Trevel ~ In YoU1' .,.., :'§: -a memory. 50. Npt. loft. Joe. W-05021 SAS thor1 bid, new Newport. Cell 144 teoo {Cell~. Mon., Tua} == =:=~~ 1!• !~ \1~. ::..:::· • -. .. -54t-9492 BOAT SLIPS I clutch, new Urea, n.W .......... No experteiioe 0t ~ tor t.iephonl ... hr •.M -•--ffll a..... ,,,, AVAIL.ABU! t =~7~t.~~· ....,.... ,.... 111111 " ~ Wrtt •: ~ plUI bof"'9 welllly. Need Aefrlparator like "9W, 2 ..-...-~.................. NawPof19aedlIS',40' a ~~-v"~.,,....,...,,......,...,--- 1 ta s yr9 • ..,,,. OefnoM,. zo ~ ~ venal, ;,o, :,!0:1m, own .,~ c.it ' door. l"rott Ir .. •1es. 2 OOf'llP, tull .. ldrm GAHN Bing. MCCew. 4 82'. 142-4M. MPM 'IT Ferd FIOO 2'A tort f'!l!'p•• :rr;a;; ........ . tlon to""""· .. to 110 ~. Cell for -Ca. IOMO CMr-. 41t.st1'2' 183-tOIO ..... MOO .. IOf• I yra. otd. Hand limed. lg. HAVE OASHll Botllllll, 390 CID~ C:, Iv. 8rll\o ,_ Nr e IH-2111. H.L _.,llY (1111) llSJlll W-'&J,•bot••~ !!~l1hntlooondna1, ::C· :'r-ee"::'~ a.t o1-Nffd11 25·29' pwr 1bott1 ~~~·;,.~~~~~!l:J: ~.! ......... !.~~ s.nta':'n. ~ ~: L111L ~-l PA INT IN Q • ti .. +ttr lannta• '30. • .. ot63 "'..,."" . · v,.. I p or moo r !I g . ul 132 Of 881.3MC) _,. 8ea Jim Wood. ~~. lemly llw, c.mer~ etripper, &52-S132 lfl •. 1Uw I.__,,,, M2-27M t• 4 pm '*'• cMiraa of one "*' lead cameraperaonl ,. -,11 -MEOtTI" NIAN BED-••••••••••:-~ ........ IMI ....... ~-----......,...~ A«Mnltlng CASHIER I hou-arM office, a .A CMc Canter .,._, for 51 yr old IN IAVI~ ARIA _._ -• AOOM UT ~ KIO ... YAMAHA I' GRAND YUi H11 Co nD ...... Flllme. /l,fJtptt In '541_... prtmJno 00. ~ h9ve S High level oflloe _. ... & W.t132 aft. 0 d co" d • 2 7.8 GSE modi! wtllnut 1 yre ...... ,..., I ..... ••••••••••••••••••••• .. ·w paraon: Crown Hard-.,... 11' yreuperlntlphMeaot org1nlut1onal capebllt-841~1•142-0100 • · old.11100.'en-12ie littrttt•• II lt1 ·11 CHEV. VAN~ ion. ware, 3107 E. CoHt 111 .. nht..... dlrtcrml~ oper ... , tlel naoaeury. AeqYir• Hotpotnt Aelrlgeretor ...._ ...... W 3!50 turt>o. New tlf• & ADurD~~ Hwy, CdM Ilona. Top pey & bene-minimum 120 wpm lhot· Frott F,.., 2 door 14ou Go~~ci:v Ladtaa Deak • ._,,_ .... llH .... WH +MORE. ltlOO. °' IU\ INlmJ II.DIA•• ~:for '-r:"r~ups: ttta. c111 Ht-HOO 1.a-thand, 70 wpm typing 11 ya11ow 1100. 54a-7HO M wood. :m;;-:r.............. • • r I I #It I off•. CO-nDNlllJnD ..,... autom•tk:I. Gd. Mura, gune HMlt.. 1111111. Good peraon.itty ' l12S l•t IMe ..... ...... .... 142-4111 H In. ' STEVE 6'M50e Ul\Ul1ft "", ...._Ja...A & phone vo1c1 ablllty 10 Large 011p1av Freeur. we bu'1 Ind ... m Exper""°9d Mwtpapet alet1IMlll••-.-1r.-.... growing lhOC> In l.aeUM P.1'9 1MJ1 1 function unc1er' Pf._,,., HO or tr1da rcr any-B .. utlful Mat1011nyl uaed IC'OttinCI • on Sltpa avall up 10 30 11. 'fl ftrll Y• Peraon to handle k•" tmmed. opening 1°' r• . NlgUel °" Awttty Pkwy. EntoY working with kldl at taut 2 yw1 exeeutl'tlll thing I Ut-8441 or Book~I~!!. oonalgnmant now COM AtH. Hiit. Call Excellent eond. 12800. ac:counta In co-oc> cat. lllble, con1crantlou1 Micro Precltlon Swl11, and wWI ln<:reued ..,: i.~ experience. WOfd 842~. _.... .. ,._ . lkllng, wind aurllng, Peggy Pallaon (714 Daya 781-"805, EvH OOfY. Able to CCH>fdlNt• parton good wlllrr.. 71443,..11331: Call C1ltta nlnga, utmraJour out-Pfooeeetno &/Of accoun-..._,_ #• Hammond orgen, OCIUlfl, 1 ...., tiding, tennis, M.ir1 955-2473 WMkdl)'t 1-5 "40-H11 : one-peraon co-op d... wtlo can uaa a 1 key Dubreull l:'wng peraon ty, !Mtn ting Upar1eflOe hllPIUI. "::;{::;:.............. "'~· dining Mt, INftCll board, back pecking, , 9' Chevy Van, 7000 pertment ·end work =•dd~~:i. mr~~~~d:;•:~ to becOfM •trained Contac1 Irene, 557-eeeo. Dual bk:yde ceir reek, 110. t>• , .drHHrt, lrplo1 clotlllng.!~r .. :i110 1bo7v% PIR mllel, brown, auto., pi t, hand-ln-ti.nd with retell raca; prwlou1 CRT UIDlfETING HIH counHlor. Call SERVICE St1tlon attend/ Xlnt condition tcrMl1 & := & mile. e,,--.. 1 . 17 '" TOP ol 1229/mo Of pay HIH 1tall. Excellent 1 par. helpful but not llUU\I\ 2-5PM. 842·021, ext. helpw. Full 1 plttme,.. 731·2133 549-2973. 1 Plltlcgltn'. INYd CM. UP TO ~;~e~i~ mo. 011 ••l•llng loan or 17, growth opportunltlH. nee. t11DV£Y 343. EOE Mr. Botta, 2490 FalrMw llY'I H" 1l IPlll Cir, CM. lffn ...,..,,.1 . eoo. 891-0322 • 1::1:ae:::i!~~.e::· ::: AllPfox. 24 ht. week. We \JYI\ Ill&. UTITI U&.11 Rd, CM ... 141-t• QUITTING Butlnall Sala ,;, "'' Spece tor bo1t lo 32'. Fina 32. Jaflrtee Po Interview. offer compeny pd. bene-ASSISTANT We have en opening fOf SEWING MACHINE OPE-. now In PfoO,... It Bit-•••••••••••••••••••••• Main Channel. 1275/mo Bolt. Mii. ttade '°' v • •·....a Itta lnc:t'g. m11Jor rnad!QI, two ..a-ctr-....d, lntalll-AATORI. i!xpar, q~ ,...,,. at H" tam'• Contemporary TEC Etectrontc Calh ,. 876-30e3 0t 97t-eee7, saaoo. 4114-2043. •~t _, dental plut profit th•-gent HIHP•rtoni to minded. piece ratH. '20. "4-()339 Furniture. 1931 Nwpott glttat & tepe for dept. sZ:/. L'11t ring. $1150 work In the Newport , Cott• Maa 142·"62 -Bl., C.M. !Mt-5518 1 1700 or otr. 551~728 Cotta ...... :. ~ S~;..,... 2e5 ~~~. C.M. PEA~NTH cHl11albOt11l.,a1•1nlndcommer/or rea:: TO~LESS MODELS . s:i:1Mo~8" ~olleglete ... IHrtflM rt:~~ !~~i/l~~!'t! ... ,.,·,•• -.. _v ... ldentlal In more 175 DAY• PAID DAILY llM-0338 Brand new bedroom, ,.,.. ,_ lllff~· Equ:I Oppty "!'£. •• ..... the no eJCP •nee• "21-2583 t b lea, l1m pt, etc ....... •••••••••o•••• ·~ .................. .. (CIOMd JWy Sift) "'15 Poeltlont to Flit •flluen~~~NNA Schwinn Varally boy't 9711-9457 BEAUTIFUL 26" ACA 8e Bonanu Debonair AUTOMOTIVe • W,/NI\' fm "'No Exper. NMdad fll... .... 1 10-apd, llte blU, 21", Jdnt COior TV Ille. 2 yr wrnty. Xlnl cond. 12.5~ llnence. Ult lnllnltt, -CO:tno tOf lnlarettlng "'Management Potential 8R. VICE Pl\ESIDEHT Learn • tldll & get v... eond 1125. 754-7178 Mitt,..., SlmmOnt kO II 1141. FrM datvety. All Of conekSar partner. UM mec:hanQ/ tac:hnt-WOfk? lyptng, no anor-"'8onuMe & Profl1 • .., L Tlllw le. tulble Upar1eflOe tn ttia An dlrorria IMdl CNIMr :f'=.'~.:OOm:; TV John'• ...._Hee 116().-2471 • dan1 need9d nowt GM thand f-NoOn Ofc "'Exoelent~• RelHOfl ~910 Army A•Hrva. After nice. Ilk• new, 1221i 840-o117 .. ,.,,.. IJk11 II exp. pretarract. Planty of P.c .H: 84&-7431 · on •-.,_ ttllntng MrW one...,. beet otr. 142·6107 1-UW --•••••••••••••••••••••• cu11omer pay work. vtmmedlateH~ __..,,,n., kind Heh month plut .... U WI,_ •-n "• P~t LVS 103U3 Mo-Pleatant environment • ta Ill.I 11....... tor 1\11'1. heedquert..ci two wHkt Heh year. Women'• 10 apeed. Xlnt GOOO ,.,.....0 1100 Zenith. 53&-NS2 lfl 8 pad $350. Vaepe M--' n •er John W a" n a --(call Sun Mon T ) ofe. John Wayne AJrpot1 Eam extra money, PX, cond. 170 Of beet of*. """ · · $150. '79 Motot>ac~ , EJtper'd Of wtll train. Dry : 3 ., '*' .,.., Mutt hew plMMnt retirement benefita. Celt 857·17"8 142~19 ~ AecelYer Technl-Orange Couniy Alrpor1, clelnlng plent per'IOfllllly Wl lront ofc. today: • Moped In par11. Mak• Exe. ~benefttl. 8ea 4 .. 1N6 --appw, Accur•ta typing t~731'4481 Man't5apdltallen-meda ~~~~~ ::r:.-r:oo~:.=v ~~· 845-5131 1l1ar S.W... · i~==~;;r-1 Outboard uper. only. 1 muat. Full banllftt pkg. Sama Anl 542~783 bike, Od oond. '55. 973 842.303e ~c!!':':"' lllDB/&al Sllodt M#lfla, t75-32a :;••ry open. 5&3-ot44 USA" Ctr. 582-3173 Begonia. C.M. 5't-1040 Double bed. nice ~ IHtl I ,,.,.,., '79 Puch moped, xlnt NEWPORT BEACH nl'tlT lmUL •Hll&JIT 1P9t. TUftL AlllT llJJIJ..I haedboerd, l4UO. ~Jl!!!f =:·~~ble, toml, AUTO MECttANIC, Alfa, Fut-plCled ed agy. nda. L .. rn medical tlellla & ~CEPTIONl8TITYP18T -Incentive comoeny..... llllflUh lflf 841-7011 •••• • •••••••••••••• --------.. BMW Ferr 1 Portcfla IHI, accurate typlat, MrW tn tM Army Rae-P•m.-p11Mtma tor buey king Travel Agent wl ••·········;;;:/••n•••••• Sofa & • cewry & IHtl, llulM ..... M Trlll lat qualified ~·need ap: 95wpm. Oen. ofc. dutlee wve neer home. Call to-Nwpt arH exec tulle. heevy ,.... & group •· .... • cream, CU1 valll9t. xlnt L.'-f NII XL.HT COHO. 1225. ~• Allocdofl Houeton, C:.~"::' ~.~ day: ~phonet, "!Ult type ,,.,.._, Computw •· RadWood ht decking. c:ond 1450 952·6202 .. ;;,~.......... 173-3048 •v ,..,. F-" •~-TU911n 731-G411 ~ IOCUrllt9fy, mew. p~lence raqulr,•d. 4-20' ~aleo redwood ' · ...... I LP .,~,_, WE PIY TOPMWI Fii llDUlr. IUI 111211 ~ Nmll/- 2480 Har1>0f Btvd. COSTA MESA .... 141-l•H Wl·llY OLUI UIS · UITl•I COl'INRL CHfVROl ET ._.. ·. . "~ ' S4b-120~ -· .,_ ,_, ---·· II# 714-151-2180 Senta Ana 542-4783 n::fn or 11ternoon hrt •• G ....-of --•r-i 7·1 , 7-t , tAM·1PM, I~~~~~~~~~ us• .. etr.••2 ,.173 ,.,.50 ht to ...... Nwpl/CM ., ... Dene, tendflg. JlmorK.-i rHn nauga .. 7v• I t -Long ehalt. Like new •.. fJ• 1 4-842 2ee •-"" .... .... · -· ...... 540-7168. anytime, n5o-1'111. '*'· oraet at1apt, .. 8. 1500. 546-IOet ....,... .,, 1 -1 ·Aft July 2. mJIL lllPf r9Vlew In 30 dayL Call &52-aete15't-12t4 •••••••••••••••••••••• -11'8 call 713-6&1-ot27 • --._ Cindy 133-9971 Ofd "roceaeorl Aecept C.lr Ml IHll ,..., NII 1HO Harley 01vld1on, Top dollara tor Spor1a BABYSITTER' d d needed tor pleeaant, -Pr« DEC-79 •v-. Im-,•••••••••••••••••••••• •-· •••••'•••••••••••••••• Golden Annlv.rtef" LI-Cart, B~t, Campers, n•• • • bUI", eatab'd. group ,.._, -....... t-~-......... IP I K s ·--A I Ill b ' weekend & or tome ' .,.,.,.. ""'"" _,,, -· Aeeteurant 'm•d opening, growth era 1n ttten~: llver, •••••••••••••••••••••• von In t1t1bl• • oat "lnllad Edition. Ftotcry 9t4'1, A •1 . practice. Exper. nee. exp. req'd. Ex<*I. wo<-potentlll. Clll 986-1100 CF A , top 11ne1. •ff.., Int leN w/2 hp engine, mint c\.ittom: te50 paint Job. Aak fOf U/C MOR evee. 842-2"5 Npt. Ctr. 840-1122 king condt. & baMl!tt. w~: ~:~ 7141791-2073 111 5. Blea 4 wlllfe IOX, blue cond. 1795. 875-542' Many, many uttN; IOI• ---............. IMt Fl tlma. 7-3:30, 3-1 1:30. Cocktail Walt,..... ,., ... ,._ ._ _.. 9'199· NNdt exper rider. 22• Cuttyhunk nwgia. of Chrome & GOid platlnQ. -·-1111 Ben • 714-842-8044 Of apply In 8ul & Bw11ndert ••••A•••••••••••••••• tt"A":. _.., Good man't hOfaa. Reel cent• conaoi. offthore 17,000 Of B.0 . 6'tr1954 •--• kl~ nHd•d tor f.l•Hant, per1on: 48' Flagthlp C..u ... ;;t, ·~R~~·;;;,;,;:9;;,: on.a Of trade. lllherman (Mk • Miit ). ~. ,....-=-~~~...,--~__, 19711 8eldl Blvd. .. MllllT.llT buty, ••t•b d. g roup Ad .. NB ...................... -&·~ p.......... ~73 840-1502 • • a 0 71 TRIUMPH 660 Tigar. HUNTINGTON BEACH Orange Coett SMtga le practice. Exper. nee. .,. 1-oed fOf a new Go;~:.:_ Sele .. Lot• ol ;:-.:,, 1 ....... .7 ~ • Set up tor outbrd, (no bcell. cond. Sll50. 142.,_ MetcJna Accountant with Npt Ctr. 840-1122 bletro raetaurent. Apply: 1 SIV8un 1M. ......-°' -· ......... a.-. 1ge Buchkln mare. •ng.). Tandem big wtll s.u.21ee -------- S&L eacper. Strong .... Dental Nunlng t.Ul-11AM, a33 8e)'9lde 179 At1Kw It. (Nr 1tttl & Doble pup, M., AKC ch. v.,.., gentle. 18.2 Hd. 7~ rn::ltllzled trtr. S11,000 '79 TS 115 Suzuki. low walft'rl! ~nee. fQf ,oMtleft FINHtCIAL SEC'Y & LYl'I Dr .. T · 9dl. ~ C.M. aired, blk/ruet, ahott. yra. 11500 or bat olr. nvHt•d. 9Hperet• ,.,,.... MOO •76 Hondl -• ~ rwpcwta ~to OflC ~TOA tor 3-11 IMl ~ dilil GAAAQ! 8ALE Sun & 879-0111 135-oSn :s~~ell 14896 . El9lnore 1251350, Mike Lite model ToyotH, lhe~. 754-c;-:1 ~·d.Areyou1Wc:Hng ;::~ec:-~ Bll.DIN6' Mon 8:30AM~PM. 2130 J .... J~ ....... " .... ,,, otter. 846-5131 11tar ~::-tz~ & VaM; tor a PtoOI ....... quelty pereon· A~Conv Nattonal Ave. CM C, -. -,. .. 1• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• w - -Q llpm. E.O.E. otnoe where your out-H . . ""'-•'"" ••· -H l=~~~-.,..----t ORANGE COAST SA-going pertonallty & NOtlflt., 4fltll Ad., Pl.111116 DEPT. GARAGE SALE ·Sat/ M ... lrlltl s.ttar pur• TW '85 HONDA 10, run1, 1700 A~=. Cotti ~a·:J!!.. •• .,.~IOl11!.!, ~~ ... ~ ~~.~c1!;~ :~d~ bfad, be9uttful, .,.,.. Twin, brlnd new F.W.C. needl ~=; ~~~~~~~ .. '""" .._.,. ... ~-"" Ex p'd., 40 hr. wMk, booka, mllc. 159 Alber1 ofr. 546-1091 270 CNlldera lybrtdge ~. ,------~------__, t---'~~~~~-f S Mw nandal .,..,..,..., .. & • llPllY-muat ti. •bl• to work Pl. .__ .. ... ...1 apor111aher wltranaom 79 KAWASAKI. KZ1000 • .. _ .. ,_ :::r:o::::::r":-3-11:30 fulllllrna. Alto S.t.&Sun.OU.h,._to !~ .... !~ ....... ~. -'-'-lf1i dr, awlm'ttep, bow Windjammer IV, numa- ._.,.,..,. • RN part/time 11-7. be 1rr1nged. ApptTi In ..,,._. ::.~~'-•••••••••••••• plank, ewordflth g9af, rou11ourtng acoeMOf'lae. TILLD ~'.!!!~ tldlad '-"· Huntington Be h . P•rton: Ka rm A ma •••••••••••••••••••••• "Oki", • aw .. t loving ESTATE: 14 Gem Lab outrlggert, belt t111k1, 12700. 842·9917 aft ===;:::::;::;::==~ If you have~ ae • ....,....7 to top ..-Y 847-3515 H•dware. 2Me Harbor ·~ ,,_. Hutkyl Samoyed adutt F, c.rt'd diamond ~temt. etc. Blend new electr~ 5PM/ wtcnot. WI llY a ·---Of ........ ----..:... & excellent benefit•. Bl .. c . M. -..__...,,....... ....__... .._____. ..... nu ... T-........ :......: '""'F .. ,...,,,, I~ .. ~ USED CARS & TRUCKS .....'..~ an-=~--lng-In 11800 If quellfted. ,,...,,_ Organizer, otflc. par10n •••.:...:;•••••••••••••• ·~~· Bir"J .... 12 Ort p1tn~o• ...... ;;;· .. p11o"' 2i' tt;; -••• W.~ '""" "'' POft leldl. 831-2490 tor mite. dutH. Expe-_,.... 21 .. ·Chaln & nugget: ~-a. Oknot t.:..._..,•, ,.. •-fll.'I'-•.:. I COME INOA CA.LL FOR pla111nt 1urroundlng1, r I• n c e n • c • 11 a r y . s.... .:& ...... _ ..... , ,,,. -~.: --.....-. PID 11f1111M. tllll may be the )Ob '°' 'DE.NT. AMt. Ortho. Npt. 831-«>00. Cl111ifl-.I Movtng. Nead home for aM 831-9278 PP. temp. «c. v.,.., 1811, long ;;;--M;t;·H~~2(;;.~ Cormler·Del.lllo you. Bctt. 4 dey M-Th. Exper. -black "Magic". Lovable. 4.59 caret EMERALD. ap-range tor diving Of II-good eond. 111 11900 mYllUf We are a mllor S&L wtlo & RDA raq. 842-2e2e P.niM Let....... TI I I • L I I I Corm1ndel Screen, 2 2 year old mile c 11 pra!Md at a12.ooo. Wiii 1hlng. like over pay. lak• 842-1353 18211 BEAC)i BLVD. 11 Making qualllled 8P-Mon~FrT.. afternoons. r • other ICt'MM Inlaid, Ce-97Me91. Mii tor '30001640..eeee manta of 1372. mo. + r=-----------1 pllc1n11 to 1111 a teller IEllTIIT Contact: John Lain, Loi •• ,.. blnetl. Furniture. Orient-F kltt 9 ...... old I 15,000 eHh tor my rr.nm, '""' II 'lo .H .. U7N!~7T,o: .. ~ .•• c,H1 poettlon In our Newport General dentl11 wanted. Angelae Federal s.vtnga, al An. Jada. POfotllln, ,.. ena, .... 1 • """1/a..., equity Of good tr1r bolt •••••••'•• •••••••••••• -.._. --~~~ind good"· ~:.::_':;~.t,~ay·~ ~~~~Bl .• N.e . :: =::=,,A:,va;t~ :":a~ w.,:.~: ~~.:'::6f;~ 11ger iiiiiifbi•iiiiii °'"necar.84~111110. w~~:.'.:~:'ic~~~~_:-------- cr• aptitude • mutt. percentage. IM&-2411 ---------Dally Piiot hu an ope-Jewelry. 929 Gevlota, ,.,.,.,. "" e lo 20' long,* per ft. II'.,.. .... 1171 •love, 2 tablH, xlnl. Top Dolar cetlent company peld DON'T ION PART TIME nlng tor • r~ble. Laguna Beech. Seti •••••••••••••••••••••• 775-1491 anytime. T d d lt200, "3-1971 Paid banliftt• lnCluda dental, your tan wor-M1tura peraon IOf d,.... enthu1lattlc peraon. Sun/Mon. 9AM-5PM. wn 11, gen., r• ar, 'lt ...... , .. _ opt1c11 & dependant king all dayl GrMI Inc-1hop. Cotta Mell. Muel hew Pfevloul ..... July 4th. WHkend. 1 ........ Al COIN COLLECTION SSB, dull VHF, depth - coverage. Platte cell ome for thol1 hrt. In Iha "'45-1885. pt1ofie ..... exper1ence block S.W. ol PCH/ BL.ACK NAUGAHYDE PAPER MONEY tinder, end auto pllot. 25', tell cont. 15500. FOf Y""' Cert P«tOnnal dep1r11n9nt. ....,.ing. Jellt, 497~1"8, -P-/Tlme--....,...Pl-.lblle-.....,Cont--ect-Inducting typing epprox. Thalll. W.tl32 llft. BASEBALL CARDS Mlero-wave, Avon, LMw· Steepe 8. "2·7520 JI•• I - H7-2480 tor an ap-Laig 8ctl. l1r9 11-.+ W-"-45 W'Pf!' on IBM Se1eo---------..~~~~~~~~ STAMPS Todd &3&-1132 co, Comp. tithing Mt-up--------.. lJlull It,_, polntment. -1~ _, trlc. Selaty plut com-~·-•I ::: Mutt ... Gomam 11-.... and much more. New '1~1'--l11l1119 II 2828 Hvt>or Btvd'. HOME FEDERAL S&L -•-mltalon, 40 Iv week wl1h :-r&;••••••••••••••••• KING INNERSPRING EX--~·.,. paint and canvat. Boet le •• :::tt7.•••••'"I'••••••• Cotti M..a ,. .. ,. ,,.._., paraon needed. dri-HARBOR AREA TAA FIRM matnaa Mt, LaScalM, 8-lpc dinner 1U1ty equlp'd and In wttty 1~===-::i:i::=., .....,..__, ;~~;~:t.~~=~c!: 2,.1,.11111,.111 ~=~ ~~~ ~.U:::·::r"N=; $"!~= ~~·~~~1 ... ~~a ~~=cs Blnltlng TEJ.ERS FUl/Part time poeltlonl avallabla. In our South Coatt Plaza otnc.. Ex· pef'lence Pfeterr.d. ~ tact: i<;~ ......_ ...... U,_.IUM 1198 Town Center Dr. Cotta .._., Ca. 92121 ==== 831-2522 Tina Nat'l. leeder In tetapholia eel, denial, Ille tneuran-_app111nC91 ____ . __ 54 __ -t uHd queen 11, worth ... Mtvtng PQ. total 181 ner. S79,000 fln1nclng box with tl>P99f, needl (foreign or dolna9ttc:) GALLERY..-, manegar marketing I• •••king ca, credit union. etc. 1---------i 1399. CHh only, 1218 pct. Never UHd. PP. 9Vall. 631--0231 llght1 & raglttratlon. In good condition. with knowt.d9e ol ar1, qualHled lndlv. for dlvw-()pp(y for adWlnoemel"-det. Uiuetty home, A lk Ing I 1 5 , o O o. '79 lnveder. 19 ft. tux bey 531-1132 S.. U. Firltl Madlaon Avenue polth, llfted work on behalf of Ct.Iii for ~•'"-It for f Ad A tion 754-7350 546-9148 & tkl bolt. 210 h i p =:c:~=.·i:: ""'°' cllarrt COfl>. Appl.-lntaMaw, 2-4321, ext. or c **' BUY** O..kt, turn .. mllC. An-Mercrulur. 19900. j.,. l«ri#, ,,,.,, ti.wad, fatNon conedoua. Int~. mature & mo-..... ... I Good uaed FumltuN • rytl'llng goeel 546-3842 W1ll trade ftne 32' Jaffrtet ·····················~ canta muat be ,.....,.., 2n ~ Cal chor, llthlng gear. Eve-1eo-1aa.4 . , ..,.,.,.. F .. xlbt. hourt, chance t1v1ted . Salary plu1 ... ~ I wtll ... ----------1 8edlf'I &preee 1lood for UT& BOOY WORK & :f 0~~'":'f4 ~!15~~ bonue. It you quallfy, 330 • Bey 8t. 0-dv~ er SELL tor You QUITTING ~ Sale ll•hlng, diving, llve-a· PllnVUC> to '°"' oft '10"' t.~ c.U: Mr. Oary, Cotta Meea. CA t2121 •J UUtm .W now In progreaa Ill ..._ boerd °' lemtty f\ln 'tor bOdy 1t10P eat. 53f...M32 _540-0toe ___ • _____ , ___ n_1 ____ -1 Esuet Ope!y Emp!xr. AD· 1• .. "I•-um·1 Contemporary late modal van (714) Al Chevy trudl parte: ~ General Office. 30 "" - - ---• :.umltur9cM ·~~Newpor111 4""2043 . t on to dleul. Ablt. 1ummer, PIT echool Ct••lfted Adt. 'fOAll OM-Oet QAHN Ciifl 642 §678 " · · trarwmlatlon from 1196 ttana. 3031 S. o.. 8.A. etop ~ °"*'· tor WHITE eler>hlllta • LM M' II• Cl1111c 1'' Lap1tr1ka & up. 854-1660 Hlghelt ceth ~ with a Claaaltfed Ad . Century beV bOat, 4 cyt, 1--------1 tor your vehlcl•. Do- Beach _=~Cell~~l4~2~·5e~7~8=J~~~~~~~~~Ct~l~l~llfl~led~Mil~~84Ut~~11~ ~~-"!!';'; Grey. '3500. •n.t191 mutlc or foralgl). l'IMlum ~P.rtect '79-21· ~ Jet _5_5_1-1_28_5 ____ ~ for II occet1ona. 8Mtl Cebln, tlpa 4, big Chevy • , o SOON vou·u. BE SEEING SIGHS AAOUHO TOWN CAWNO An£NTIOH TO SALES I 1. Place your ad In the Dilly Piiot a111.,.. l90llOft C1t'• belt to ""' a .. for mulrnuln .....,. " 10" .,_for~ Id 1n ICMf1olwt'tl "'"1t a ..,. _.. oner dWle ,. tor 11 a. G91~,,...._ .... ~, .. ~ .... todollooNlnto-~ ,..,. ....... ,..,, ... ln ...... -...... ,.... ... ,.11 ...... - PMlof ..... ). I .......... ,..,of .... dWl*9 . . .. . •· H==en•t ot ;:.:" ftan• I( ...... .... -..... .... ........................ ,... ... ............ • \ tM "heck" aut of roeet. ano .. only Ill "'9. "800. Aa•'I 1-.-.M en.......111 54a-t719 ••••• .::'r.':".·~ •••••• Mir* chock• ltole wfth matching c11hm•r• eweeter 11&0 obo 150-61'1 fllllll ll&T ~~••••••••••••~ 15 rt Lyman L..loltrtM. '91 AUDI 80008 11 Perteet cond. Sec. 11. T /O bank IH. 1>av> 500 952·7022, 414 $884 790-134e -...... , .. . ATLAS CHllYSl&ft.YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mela. Tel. 646-1934. 3 blocks! • eouth of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete ililMty shop. Sain. htvlca. Pwta. Service ~. open , litonday thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to r:-1.P.M. on S.turday. llACH NOITS ' Dove StrMt. Newport Beech. Tel. 752-0900. Call ua. ·,. the spec1ali.1t1 for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & aeratl. THIODOllllOllHS.ollD aalee, NrVlce, per-. body. s-lnt I tire depts. tlallft'P9tltM ratee on i.... I dilly '*'1lff. 2080 Harbor .. Coata Meea. 142-001 o or 540C11. . JOHNSON a ioM UMCOLM .-C•Y 212t,tWNr Btwt .. Coate Mll9. Tel. MMGO. 67 v ... of friandty femlly aervlca -er.,. County's oldeet Lin· ootn Mercury dMlerahlp. ., SOUTH COAST 80111 Hetbot •~d .. Coata Mma. Tai. MMmO. fW -.vice •IDlilllla, oWfom VM oonw.Wof-. .. . MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIW,OIT DATSUN 81111 Dove StrHt, Newport Beach. Tel. 1133·1300. At the trlanQ!e of Jambor ... MacArthur l Bristol behind Victoria Station. Salee, Sen/Ice, Leaalng & Parta. We make grMt deelal .. • . MAllllS CADIU.AC . 2900 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meaa. Tel. 540-9100. Orange County's Largest Csdlllac dleler. Sal•. &«vice. La ... Ing. • DA YID J. P .. WPS IUtCMIOMnAC-MilDA Sal•• • Service • L__.ng 24&88 Allele Per1tway Laguna Hiii• 837·2400 • . CHICK IV•SON POllC ... AUIM-;_ 416 E. eo .. t Hwy .. Newport 8-lh. 873-0900. Th• only dMlarttllp In Orange County ~th thaaa thr" grHt .,.... under one roof! • • IOI LOH•Pll POMT1AC 13800 Beach Blvd .. Westminster. Tel. 81l2-e651. Orange County's oldest and largest Pontlae dealership. Sales. Service. Parts. • DICK MILLll FIAT/LANCIA "Probably the loweet priced Fiala "-Southern Cellfomla" (Located 1 mile north of South Cout Plaza near Main St. and Wa"* AYe. In 6-nta Ana.) 120 W. wam.. s.nta Ana 557-2132 • SANTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Str"t. Santa Ana. Tel. 561-7811. Your' Original Dedicated Oatsun·Oeeler . • MllACLI MADA We've movedl Our new locdon II 1421 a.er StNat. Coeca MeM.. Tet.146-3"4. ''°' br I vtelt our brand new lhOWrOom and'" why ... ,. the t1 Maida da9lef In louthem Callfomla ....... SeMce. P.m Md LMtfng. AMM•MMADA "CWJO.C. ...... ..., .. '"9 ...... &.-.c..· 801 a. Anahtlm B~d., Mlhelm ... 1ao. Juat north of llnta Ana Fr#/. on Anlhelm Blwd. c.11 ue flrttl 'WI ARE HMO TO~ WORTH ITI" COSTA MISA DATSUM 2M5 Harbor Blvd~ Coeta MeM. Tai. 540-6410. Serving Orange County for 16 yeara. 1 Mlle So. 405. SUHSIT FOG. IMC. (Home of Willie the Whale~ 5440 Gerden GroYe Blvd., Willtmfmter. Tel. ~10. • IOY CAAYll IOU.S~ 1540 Jambor .. Aoed, ~ a.on. l40 ........... llrtiot, Pttts And L ..... •