HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-06 - Orange Coast PilotI 11 I • 'I) I\" 1111 ... I 1 I".' CELESTIAL SPECTACLE -Moongazers throughout the Orange Coast -as well as the rest of the nation -were treated to a spectacular lunar eclipse late Monday evening and .. ' () H I\ N ( " ( I II I N I ) • (\ I I ( I H w I\ l '> c f N T s early this monung. The moon appeared to be swallowed up by the heavens as the Earth's shadow covered the satellite, turning the lunar body a deep red as our_planet came between D.., HM,_...~ OerJ ~ it and the sun. This view of the event, the longest total lunar eclipse of the century, was photographed from 10:30 to 11:30 p.m . Monday with a 600mm lens in Irvine. Israel says Reagan will send Marines ~to Beirut TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) - Israel radio said today that President Reagan agreed to send 1,600 Marines into west Beirut to occupy positions abandoned by withdrawing Palestinian guerrillas. It said France also agreed to contribute troops to the mission. The radio said the U.$. 6th Fleet , based i n the FederalisHJ plan eyed b y R e ag an LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -After months of public silence on the "new federalism," Prealdent Reagan ts pledging support for a new, slimmer ven.i<>Ol of h1a plan to tum federal programs over to the staee.. The president was meet~ today with 125 legialaton local officiala from 13 Western statea to reiterate h1a desire to give responsibility for some aocial programs to the individual states while the federal government assumes others. Mediterranean, would supervise the evacuation of the Palestine Liberation Organization from Beirut, and Washington would pay the cost of the ships needed to take them out. Israeli spokesmen were not available for comment. The U.S. Embassy also had no comment. In Washington, Alan R omberg , deputy State Department spokesman, said, "I have no comment on It at this point." The radio said the guerrillas would go to several countries, including Algeria, Iraq, Egypt and Syria. It said the guerrillas refused to' go to Lybia, despite that country's fervent verbal support for the Palestinian cause. Western European countries also pressured Washington to keep them away from Tripoli, lest they enhance Libyan leader M o ammar Kh a d afy 's troublemaking potential, the radio said. It said Reagan's position was "a dramatic revolution" in U.S. policy, and that Reagan was taking "a great risk upon himself personally" by committinl{ American troops to the unstable Lebanese arena. The radio said the details had been worked out the past three days by U.S . and Israeli officials. The problems of where the guerrillas would go and how they w ould get there were the main obstacles in three-week-old talks involving U.S. presidential e n voy Philip C . Habib and Under the r evised plan, negotiated the last five months between the White House and state officials, about $39 billion in federal programs would be transferred to the states while the federal government assumed most of the expensive Medicaid program that is costing states '18.3 billion this year. Also. the federal government will keep the $11 billion food stamp program which sta~ and local officials fought taking over. as originally proposed. D.., Plot Pttoto b1 C"8nM lllltt AMAZING FEET -Counselor Rick Feld has his hands and Canyon. This is tl)e first summer Irvine City Recreation shoulders full of play ful charges at a day camp in Bommer Department is offering the crafts-nature-sports program. Ai d to Famil ies with Dependent Children, the basic welfare program now shared 50-50. would be assumed entirely by states. Big brains get together along Coast Reagan. accomparued by his wife, Nancy, arrived here by helico1>ter M ondav from his Santa Barbara ranch, where he Mensa convention in Irvine prompts some ususually 4normal' activities has been vacationing since July 1. They spent the night at the Century Plaza Hotel, where their daughter, Patti Davis, joined them for dinner. Altho ugh the National F.ducation Association, which is holding its convention here . invited him to s peak, t h e president turned the group down April 23. WORLD What do the cream of the intelligentsia do when they get together? About 180 people who think they fit that description gathered at an area hotel this weekend, and it turns out it wasn't all chess games and deep discussions. In fact. the annual "regional gathering" of Mensa, an international society for people with high IQs. resembled just about any other conference at a Soviet jetliner crashes A Soviet Aeroflot jet carrying passengers to western Africa crash ed on takeoff today near Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, the government newa agency Tua reported but Soviet officials refuted to give details about the number of victims or their naUonalities. NATION Acceu to R eagan limited Senior alde Michael K. Deaver ta llmltll'll acol9 to Preeldent Reapn. P ... AB. No w lh•t'• re•1 exelu•ive big ho te l (in this case the Re gistry, across from John Wayne Airport in Irvine.) T h ere was jogging in the morning, a workshop to teach the f i n er p oints of gambling. entertainment (including nightly x -rated movies) a nd even something called the G reat American Tush Contest -in both a me n's and w ome n 's division. I~ comparing derrieres, sitting STATE · in a swirling Jacuzzj and playing blackjack for fun money doesn't fit your stereotype of how smart people should act together, M e n sa members aren 't particularly concerned. The main idea o f th e gatherings is just to be together, said Irvine's Art Mattson, chairman of the gathering. "W e enjoy each other's company. One o f the things intelligent people have found is Tabloid io aid in probe LANTANA. Fla. (AP) -The editor of the National Enquirer says the tabloid will provide Los Angeles police officers investigating the death of comedian John Belushi with tapes and tranecripta of an interview with the woman who last saw Belushi alive. Hayd en campaign 'rolling' Tom Hayden and h1I Campalp for F.oonomlc Democncy both are roWna aJona on echedule. Pece A~. COUNTY that you're n ot accepte d for being bright, like football players and cheerleaders are accepted." With Mensa members. Mattson said, "you can find somebody almost all the time to talk about something with, and you'll be unders\o<>d." Members of Mensa (the Latin word for th e mind) don 't consider themselves elitists for gathering like this. (See MENSA, Page AZ ) INDEX At Your Service A4 EnnaBom~ B2 Calilomia AO Cavalcade B2 ClUlified C6-8 c.omicl B4 en.word B4 I>Mth Not.Ices 04 Edliorial A6 Entertainment B6 HOl'Oll'Ope 82 SPORT!.:; Lebanese negotiators outside Beirut. Israeli forces invaded Lebanon June 6 to crush the guerrillas and have surrounded Vasser Arafat's west Beirut enclave and cut off food, water a nd oth er vital supplies in an attempt to force them out, rather than storm the (See MARINE, Page AZ> Fire m e n keep. busy on Coas t Several house fires, the most damaging in Newport Beach, and dozens of fireworks -related incidents kept Orange c.oaat law enforcement and fire officials buay during the three-day Fourth of July holiday weekend. Fire investigators in Newport continued to sift through the blackened remains today of a fire that caused $200,000 damage to a H o lida y R oad home late Saturday night. Jim Upton, fire investigator, said that officials would try to determine the cause of the blaze that took 24 firefighters nearly an hour to control. The 11 :44 p .m . fire tore through most of the roof and left the rest of the home w ith heavy s m ok e and water damage. according to officials. J oseph and Judy M a d e r escaped the fire uninjured with one of their children who alerted them. Three firefighte rs were treated and released from Hoag Memorial Hospital for s moke inhalation. Fire officials ruled out the possibility that fire~rks could have sparked the fi, ~ near the Costa Mesa city limits at 21st Street and Irvine Avenue. A bottle rocket was blamed, however, for a $40.000 blaz.e that damaged the roof and attic of the Fountain Valley home of ~ Stilwell. 9448 Kiwi Ci.rcle at 4 p.m. Monday. No one was home at the time of the blaze. There were reports of children in nearby streets playing with bottle rockets. officials said. Ray Picard, Huntington Beach fire chief, said calls to the four Net Six cities -Huntington Beach , Fountain Valley, Seal Beach and Westminster -were (See HOUSE, Page A%)' Ann Landers B2 Movies B6 National News A3 Publk Notices C4-5 Sparta Cl-4 Stock Marketa B3 Televtlion m 'Ibeeten B6 Weether A2 World News A3 ~· 8 ·~\ I .., Continued sfol'I•• I --- Local-------- beaclirs · MARINE MISSION ... packed ltl'Onlhold and riak bloody ltrftt warfare. U.S. offklal1 traveUna with Reaaan in California aald tht troop1 -whole tervice btanchet were IUll under conalderadon -mlaht .-ort the ,uerrtllu from WHt Belr»t then take up PQl6dcN abMdoned by the PLO ltahten. Bu t they cautioned that no final •areem.ent hu been reeched, no requeat hu been made for U.S . troop1 and that if they did become involved they would number "aomewhat lea than 1,600, conalderably leaa. Maybe not more than half that number." · The offldala, who declined to be Identified, said any U.S. involvement In the Lebanese situation would be limited and temporary but acknowledged it waa poaalble i U.S. presence would "become part of a final agreement." There was n o Immediate comment from PLO officials. West Beirut Is surrounded by Israeli forces who have besieged the e s t imate d 8,000 PLO guerrillas in the war-shattered Lebanese capital. larael radio u.id U.S . Marlnel would take over po1ltlon1 abandoned by tht 1uerrlllu, ~bly to ward off pomtble reprllal attackl on the MOllem ~opulatlon by Lebanese ChlUtian mlltt.lamen. The prob1enw of where the 1uerr11fa1 would 10 and how they would get there were the main obltacle9 ln three-week-old ta1kl lnvol~ U.S . llftlidential envoy Ph1llp C. Habib and L e banete neaotlatora at the presidentla~ palace outalde Belnit. The talka are aimed at ending the conflict and arraJlll.na removal of PLO forcee. Palestine L i beration Organization chief Y aaaer Ara.tat oUered to withdraw moat of his fon:es !rom Lebanon lf larael would allow the PLO to leave a to k en military presence - believed to be about ~ men - with the Lebaneee army and a diplomatic miaion ln Beirut. But the Israeli Cabinet refused the offer, saying all elements of the PLO must leave Lebanon and vowing that until then, the Israeli army would not ease the grip 9n Beirut. The three -day holiday weekend ended under clear. eunny aklea M onday and Ufe1uard1 alon1 the Orange Co.at reported more than 300 rescuea aa tho uaands of aunbathera J*l<ed breeze-aw ept beaohe.. Wave. l'Ole to up to five feet and awlrllng riptides pulled numeroua awlmmert out to tea cauatna lifeauarda to flah them out ana brfna them back to ahore. P olice authoritlu fro m Huntingto n Beac h south to Laguna Beach aay there were few diaturbancea over the Independence Day holiday., but on Sunday night an 18-yM,f-old Garden Grove man waa shot in the leg at Huntington State Beach as he sat watc h ing flreworka. Orange County Sheriff's: deputies said Ronald Joeeph Roy' suffered a minor flesh wound as a small caliber bullet fired by an unseen gunman struck and passed through his leg. MENSA CONVENTION .. • Lifeguards repo rted peak crowds Mond ay o f 7~.ooo at Huntington City Beach, 75,000 at Huntington State Beach and Bolaa Chica State Beach, 130,000 at Newport Beach, 3~.000 at Laguna Beach, and 10,000 at San Clemente Beach. "Our noses aren't in the air," said R ich Blumenthal of Fullerton, "we're all nice people. We're exclusive -not elitist." Exclusive ls perhaps the best word. Mensa m embership is limited to those who aoore in the top 2 percent of those tested on t w o sta nd ard IQ tests , Blumenthal said. Depending on which test is used, that means you'd need an IQ of 130 or 132 to join. IQ tests have come under fire the past d ecade as b ei ng c ulturally bfased and unfair measurements o f tru e intelligence , but that d idn't bother Mattson either. "We have to have a criteria (for membership) and IQ ls it," he said. It wasn 't all light-hearted frivolity this weekend, however, so don't trash your stereotype just yet. The program included the "World's Hardest Vocabulary Test," talks on hypnosis and programming the subconscious min d, and a matter-of-fact discus&on of what things would be like if there were a war, disaster or general social and · economic breakdo'«Jl. (M e n sa m embe r s d o not necessarily believe thiR will occur.) The society has about 700 Orange County members and about 50,000 nationwide. There are 10,000 members elsewhere in the world. Visitors to this gathering came from throughout the Southwest , N orthe rn California and Colorado. Mattaon said Mensa la non- political and exists mostly to bring members together, but it does have one other goal -the promotion of special educational programs for gifted children. The ide a falls under the society's general philoeophy of "foster ing intelligence in any way we can," said Mattaon. -STEVE TRIPOLI Lifeguards rescued 207 swimmers in Huntington Beach, 7 1 in Newport B each , 67 in Laguna Beach and 64 in San Clemente. 1865 ship piece found MEMPHIS. Tenn. (AP) -A tanner clearing hia field with a bulldozer turned up a piece of metal that re.earchera say may belong to a steamer that sank ln the MiaUisippi River ln ,1885, kill.lng up to 1,500 people ln one of hiatory'a worst ship dlauten. HOUSE FIRES . • • Officials of the National Underwater and Marine Agency, a private, Washington-based firm, have not decided whether to try recover ing the sunken Civil War steamer Sultana and the $18,000 in gold believed aboard, one of the researchers, .Janita Potter of Memphis, said Monday. down for the three-day period from previous Fourth holidays. people using fireworka," Picard said . "They were roore oogniz.ant of the danger to thrir homes aa a r esult of the Anaheim fire (thousands were left homeleaa in a Santa Ana-wind-whipped April fire that swept through several apartment complexes.) The recovered piece was found ln a field about a mile from the prese nt riverbed , in an area exposed when the meandering Miaisaippi changed coune ln the 115 years since the diaaater. There were 111 calls on the Fo urth , 65 Monday and 66 Saturday. Picard said. "We had a lot more people calling in to complain a bout Continued fair Coastal Fair thl8 afternoon after mid· morning clouda. HlQha today 70 to 78. Continued fair lonlgtlt but with low cbld8 let• lonlgtll and ew1y Wedr)aaCSey. Ovemgftt Iowa se to 82. ci.nno Wedneeday 111emoon with hlgns of 70 to 7S Ell••h•ra. from Point Conception to the M•xlcan border ind oul 80 mil••: Nonttweet ~ frOl'ft 12 10 20 knot. with 5 to 7 foot combined -~ out« _1.,.. loday and WedneM11y. locally, 1outh 10 1outhe11t •Inda 4 to I llnoll ~ ..i to 90Uthwwl tO to 15 knot.a lhl9 lfl«noon and ewning. Wind --2 to 4 *'· Souu-t lwela 1 10 2 '-'· l<M cloudlneu tonight and H rly WednHday becomln11 moatly eunny tn the afternoon. ·U.S. Summary He1vy r1ln and h1ll1torm1 Nmt>led ICr09I !fie GrMt Plaine and· the upper M I II ~P4 vell9)'. end tornado 1lghllng1 were reported In North ind South Oekota. Thund1r1torm1 1110 1trucll nortfl-cen1r1I Tex11, IOUlh-11 Ollllhome and .,,. Sout'-1. In the Twin Cltlla of Minn.ota, 1 record reeding of 100 _..t 11 .._.. _, '-! ltrOk• ..tc:tlm• lo 1h0tpltll.wt'11e ~ thunder1torm1 1truck c:entr11 1*19°' ....... Hlllfl wlfldl deltro)'9(1 -• bulldlng1 on a f1tm 1ou1h of Cr ook1ton, In northwe1t MlllNIOta. lmoc:lclng out si- ~ Dakota. rlln and IO """' wlndl ... aocompenled by. crop·d•etroylng hell1tonu ranglno from marble-med to ............ ~ IW\d ..... ~. wlll .,_ tc•ttered over M•!!l•.i mud! of IN A~ and uw CoaM ....... from -"'II T-lfld OllWloml to the ()reel Ull• n 1111 1 11s,1 v.-..i and from .. ~ ,... ftwougll the !Wit Well Coelt. T•mc::;~urat ttound th• ,....,., claol'I t*'f!ld "°"' .. 111 er ..... 1o .... "'°"'*· Mt. California ,,........,......,..,... &:::.!:~• 1untft ln• 11ro11 ~w--­•itee • .,,, 111ornlnt ·=~~ ........... Notttwn ....................... lfl tlllf le II M•ll !ft Ifie • 1ou1h••ll 11 12 to 18 knot1 Wldnesd8\f •11•noon ...,h • 1 lo 2-loot IOU1hwMtlff)' ...... Sixty ,.,. ... ou1 from Point Conclptlon to San Nlcolu 1111nd, the l0<ecut call• 10< n«1hwwt wind• 11 12 to 20 knot• ind HH running 5 to 7 toe!. T emperatures NATIOM .. Lo~ 78 44 90 70 88 70 86 65 92 72 .89 72 80 96 77 ao 8A 75 50 94 88 78 82 .20 72 48 n S& 95 79 8A 53 78 45 77 5e 87 5e 1.110 87 86 8A • n 52 .01 95 eo The Forecaet For 8p.m. EDT AalnL\il Snow~ ...... ~ ..... .,... Srv<t l'IOAA I. S 09:>1 ol CO'"'-•tt Fron11· CclO ~ W3/ffl .,... OtlandO 92 74 14 """ac1p111a eo 81 Phoenix ff 79 P1ttlbuf g11 8 1 eo Ptland, M. 1s •8 Ptlend, at. 71 57 Pr0¥idence 77 51 04 :::v" ~ ~~ 03 Salt Like as 50 77 Sen Antonio " 78 Shower•liill Flurrt.s~ long 8Mc:h 74 82 Monrovt1 85 eo Mt. Wllaon 89 53 Newport Beech 71 eo Ontario 82 57 Palm Spring• 100 ea Puldena 79 se San Bemardlno 14 5e Santi Ana 78 eo Tehoe V811-y 89 35 90 87 • S1ett1e ea 64 Sm og ...... 79 82 aa 10 .43 84 Ol! 94 75 ea 82 75 37 92 89 81 55 90 53 " 71 93 12 et 51 82 47 la IO : ;: ., 1t IO M .. .. 73 11 73 u e ., 75 11 14 " 74 12 .. 11 17 " 71 .. 11 .. " 100 71 • '71 • 15 IO It 11 17 .. 14 ,, 11 ta .,, Sl'wO\'OPC)'t 94 7 4 SlouJI Felll 82 87 St loult 93 74 SIP-Tempe to 74 St Ste Mlfle 77 51 Spok-71 51 Syr&CUM 82 48 Topell1 94 75 The Air Quality Men~oment• .35 Ol1trlct predict• unhHll II.II air quality 10< Mnlltlve pooplll today .11 In the San Femando Ind Santa Clatltl valleyl end the Rl-~ Sin Bemardlno .,.., but good y_, 93 70 r.-. 94 75 air ~ty 10< 1111 other ar-of the h Cout Air 8Uln W~tn 13 70 CAU'ONU ............ Where to call (toll tree) tor 89 71 lat•t tmog lntormatlon: O<inge County. (toO) 446-3829 Blythe ewaa FrllnO lanc:llt« ~~ ,._,.. PMO Aoblll Aed aluft Aldwood City SacnlMrllO Sllnat San Diego a.n ,rwMlleOO IMlaa.tllr• ......... SIOOlllltl Ull'8fl ..,.._ ..... =. : 52 lo• AngelH County: (100) 87 14 242--4022 RIYeflldo Ind San BlnwdlnO 83 55 count ... : (800) 387--4710 ~ 81 AOMD E.pllOdo Center: (800) t1 242--48M .. 52 .. ... 73 57 .. 57 .. 53 71 13 87 14 70 53 7' II H A 12 71 72 42 .. " 10 "' Extended weather SOUTHERN CAl..IFORN IA OOAITAl AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -Co.1111 low Clloudt In night and morning lloure. Othlnii4M lllr. High ..,,..,.,,. nMtMlllM~nftto .. In lnlltld ....... Lo. Q to .... ,. In ll'IOUnUllne ...... ~ In 70s Ind ... In ttlt-. to mid IOI. llllllPIRT ! .. .... ... : ' I ' TREED :-Unemployed actor Timothy Roy say1 he'll live in his Norwalk treeboUle until next Fourth of July in an attempt to lure .,..,..,..... potential employers as well as to get his name ·in the Guinness Book of World Records by breaking the' 182-day mark set in 1978. Family covers coas t on foot By Tlle Auoclated Pren Walk i n g on the beac0h lt took them almost 18 years, wherever possible, the family but the G hormley family has continued the hike "in bits and completed its goal of covering pieces" in the following years. California's coast -on foot. said Ghormley, 61. Some years From Mexico to the Oregon the Rollin~ Hills FBtates family border. the '·Ga 11 op i n g covered quite a bit 01 terTltory - Ghormleys" tracked every step. the record was 1974 with 119.4 They began Sept. 19, 1964. in miles logged. They didn't do so Tijuana, walking to the U .S . well when Ghormley broke his border nearby. Then the family ankle ln 1968. walking only 4.7 -Carl, his wife. Harriet, and miles that year. their four children. Justus, then 21, Maggie, 16. Miles, 12, and Tom. 10 -hiked 13 nuJes to Coronado. "It kept getting more complicated each year , more difficult getting everybody together for the walks," said Mrs. Ghormley, 59. "We went through a period when the children were away at college. In time all bu t T om married. Grandchildre n started coming along." "And. the logistics didn't get any easier e ither," added Ghormlev. "The farther we progressed, the farther we had to drive to reach the starting point for our next walk." 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Free pick-up FREE emuaorr· BONUS CQl.IP0N and delivery at your convenience. """ ~ o -= :t,= =" .. f.1_5 ____________________ _ ••n ,tacu, a DIUVllY • CAU. cOMMUNn'Y .. Alnf YOU • ANAHllM )01 8. s ... e ~II.. • ..... H•ft>at • HUNTINOT~ llACH PHI liMer A"°' ... N l.OSJO • C09TA MllA 1704 .. _....,, 11.. • .... Nl-0110 • LAGUNA l l ACH Mt ff!...-It ..... · .... · • ?IC>OHO • IL TORO UH1 llT-M • .• .H .. Hff • IANTA ANA HMO l .. 1199, A•• ...... ···· .~lt1' • ,ULLl~TON 11411. c11.,... ...........• 11•eoao • IOUTH OAANOI co. IUOI 0.1,,.. ..... M1•lti4 • eMOaNOltOVI , ......... AM ........ "."" • TWTIN/OMNOI INOll\oltleat ............ ,., ... .,. lle6AOffloMA ,_.t '"' ..... c .... 11 ... M0-1111 • Orange Coatt OAILV PILOT /Tuelday, July e, 1982 s Al WOOUJ[UJU~ffiU~OO~ U ~UffiU~ ... ..._ HOLD THE BRIMSTONE -H e calls it "Jumping for Jesus," and jump h e did, through a flaming hoop and over five cars. AP WlrepMto Motorcyclist-jumper Gene Sullivan ended his appearance at the Ajax, Ontario, Christian Life Centre with a prayer session. Haldeman suing governnient Claims seizure of files cost him millions of dollars WASHINGTON (AP) The government 1s trying to turn H .R . Haldeman's own w ords against him to defeat a suit m which the former Nixon aide claims he lost millions of dollars ba'ause investigators seized his White House files as evidence. In court papers. the Justice Department made public White British hobbies to get firearms LONDON (AP) -The image of the friendly, unarmed British bobby is changing with the growth of crime and violence. Police forces are increasingly - and reluctantly -supplying their officers with firearms. Public attention was drawn to the trend by the dozens of armed officers in flak jackets combing north Yorkshire thLS week for a man suspected of kLUing at least three people. including two police m e n . It wa s an unprec'edented display of police firepower, and the hunters had orders to shoot to kill. Television film of squads of officers with h igh -pow e red sn iper rifles .• pump-action s h otguns a nd .38 -ca liber revolvers alarmed many Britons. Police in European countries all carry guns. But despite years of bloodshed in Northern Ireland, Britons are not used to seeing l arge num bers o f arm ed policemen on their streets. Weather cuts U.S. fruit crop WASHINGTON (AP) -The Agriculture Department says poor w eather has s harpl y reduced the nation's supply of fruit, m eaning that both producers and consumers can expect supermarket prices to rise fw1her this summer. "Frost, rain and hail storms this spring reduced yields of most non-citrus fruit ln California and peach production in the South," the department's Economic Research Service said in an outlook report. The police face a mounting threat from anned crim.inala and terrorists. There have been several shootouts and the number oL serious crimes in England and Wales rc»e to a record 3 niillion last year. The countries' combined population is about 50 million. In the United States, with a population of 228 million. more than 13 million serious crimes were reported. London's assistant police commissioner. David Powis, said: "This nettle has to be grasped. We need to ensure that criminals who embark on armed robberies with s hotguns know they can now ex p eel to face armed policemen." ' Police say criminals, who 20 years ago hardly ever !carried guns, now use them at the rate of twice a day in London payroll and bank holdups. Fourteen police officers have been shot to death since 1970 - five of t hem s ince March., including a young policewoman cnppled by a gunman in the northeast England city of Newcastle. The Home Office said guns were issued to police nearly 9,000 times last year. m05tly in London -an average of about 25 times a day. Policemen o n the beat in London are not armed. The only weapons they carry are 18-inch truncheons discreetly stashed in their hi p pockets, a tradition dating bac k to Britain's first police force establis h e d in London by Sir Robert Peel, from whom the bobbies got t'heir nickname. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHsttled edverttslng 714/e42·5e78 All other depertments 642-4321 Thomel P. Halev ~_,a.I 6-11 ... ~ Kay Schultz Woe,,...... --~ol~ Tom Murphlne &Mor Mlk•H~ DncWOl~Mlng fQrNllllOrll !(«\ Goddlfd Dlr-.of~ ~l.-n Ctwtee Looe ....... ~ IGIAIN OFFICE J30 West a.v St .. Costa MHa, CA. M•ll ~ Bo• IS.0, Coat• Mew, CA .,.,. C°"yr'9M 1"2 0r""9t Co.st Publl,!Mnt '-Y· No"~ •tor .. s. lllultratlon~. edKort•I "'-or ... v•rtlM,.....,tS llereln mey be ••P<'od\lc.0 wlll'iOlll -1•1 pennlslloft of <OC>Yf'19'11-•. Se<Oftd ci .. s PHt-oelcl •• Costa Met.a, CMlforftl• ~~~.:~ .=~Piion by urri.r "4 1S "*'™'t TM ~ .... COHt DIMiy Pilot, wltll wftkll 11 c- blMCI !fie -Prftl. ll 11'11111.,_., by ... Or- CoHI Puelllfllflt Company. S--at• --- PVbll•--.., '"'°""" "''°"" •or ca .. Mna, New!IO't a..ci.. H""l1n9'on e.«11, F-.lft Valley, 1,.,,IM, L...-hKll, Sou1ll Coe.t. A 11ftt19 ......... e<lltlon .. ,....._ s.t-" -~ ,.... ~IMl,.1 .,.,.,.1'111"1 pl.m 11 at JJO w.te .. ., Mrwt. PO 1011MO,c .... M.M.c.i~._. VOL 75, NO. 117 House tapes from 1973 in which President Nixon and Haldeman discussed th e importance o f shielding Halde man's personal fil es from investigator s b y classifying them as privileged presidential papers. T ranscripts of the n e wly d i sclose d Oval Offic e conversation s s h ow that Haldeman argued then that his "diary" -nine journals and 50 cassette tapes -sh o uld b e considered part of Nixon's papers to keep them out of the hands of federal prosecutors. But now, the government says, Haldeman is asserting the files were his all along and he lost millions of dollars ln book and movie proceeds and television a ppea r ances because the government refused for years to relinquish the "diary." Haldeman was released from prison in December 1978 after serving 18 months for his part in the Watergate cover -up. His first book, "The Ends of Power," was published while he was in prison and reportedly earned more than ,$500,000. But Haldeman, in suing the government. said he could have netted anothe r $250,000 if be had the White House papers while he was writing . M o reover. he projected another $2 mHlion from a separate book based on his experiences as a Nixon adviser. In legal papers filed in U.S. District Court here, government lawyers said the 1973 tapes show Ha ldeman thought it was in his own best interest that the files be considered part of Nixon's papers. "At the ver y l east, Mr. Haldeman vie wed his loss of custody of the materials as being in his interest and expected that sole custody of the materials would reside in the president," the Justice De partment said. "Thus, the plaintiff (Haldeman) never had the same expectancy con cern i ng uninterrupted custody as would be the case when less sen s itive and controversial property i s involved." The governme nt seized approximately 400,000 pages a few da ys after Halde man's resignation on April 30, 1973. It held them fo r years while archivists scrutinii.ed them under a law p assed a fte r Nixon resigned. The materials were eventually returned to Haldeman, and he donated them to the National Archives. Haldeman filed suit against the government on Dec. 19, 1980, seeking "just compensation for the alleged deprivation of his perBOnal property." In a conversation on April 9, 1973. Nixo n remarked that Haldeman kept such extensive notes "IO that we can laier on write a book.'' ...,,.... .... .., ......... , We're Listening ••• ~"'WM'I' If .,o.i 00 llOI ,.... \'Oljf '*-' l)y t )0 II "' ctll O.IO<• I II /II -!IOU• e<,py "'" ltt oel•*llll ..,,., -...... , If r: • not '!=::-'"' '=' ~ .:."'.l: \\(hill do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don 't you like? Call the number below and your me1111e will ~ recorded. lr1n1cribcd and dellvertd lo the approprlllt editor. The aame 24·hour an1w1nnc 1trvlct may be u1td lo rttord ltt- ltrl to'tM editor on 1ny toptc Mallbo• contributora muat lnciludt their name and telephone number tor vertrlcatlon. No elrculatlon ('1111, plOHC) Ttll ua what '• on )'our mlfNi Budget effects 'grim' State austerity package to hit poor the most SACRAMENTO (AP) -The new $2~.2 billion budget o f "unprecedented auste rity," in the w ords of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., wlll affec1Ystate employees and the poor the most. lt will also affect Californians who have health inlurance, have children in public school• or colleges, own buaine91es, or live in cltie1 or counties -who doesn't? The taxpayers will probably be pleased to know that there aren't any tax increaaes in the budget and four related bUla that went into effect Thursday. The fiacal 1982-83 budget la $235 million lower than that of last year, when inflation was 8.3 percent. Since then, the recession h as r edu ced re v e nues from income, business and sales taxes. Brown and othe r state officials warn that unl~ the economy improves, m ore cuts o r tax increases might be necessary. State law would have required cost -of -living inc reases for welfare benefits, school aid and other programs. But the lack of money meant no raises for some and tiny raises for others. Thus 1.6 million children and their parents who are on Aid to Families with De pe nd e nt Children will continue ge tting the same monthly checks as last fiac.al year. despite the 8 percent inflation. For example, a mot.her and two ichildren get $506 a month. They would have gotten another $40 a month if cost.of-living increases had not been frozen. ln addition, 374,000 of those recipient.a will get benefits for only three months instead of as long as needed. Those are the families with two unemployed parents. After the three months, they will go on county general a.uiatance rolls, with less money. The 700,000 aged, blind and dlsabled persons on welfare will not get any state-paid bene fit increase, but wiU receive a 2.8 percent f e d e r a l raise. T h e current monthly gr ant for an aged or disabled person 1s $439. and for a blind person $492. Those welfare recipients, plus about 800,000 more "working poor" barely above the welfare level, have their health costs paid by Medi-Cal. That $5 billion program, paid with federal and state money, will undergo perhaps the most drastic changes made in the new stat e budge t. Some o f the changes will even spill over into the private h ealth insurance plans carried by m ost o the r Californians. The c h a n ges weaken t h e AP W'lrepMto BICYCLE JOURNEY Lee Williamson, front, and his father, Reid Williamson, ride into Provo, Utah after a 12-day, 723-mile bike trip from Claremont. Calif .. where they live. Reid made the same trip whe n he was 16 years old in 1947. He is riding a bike similar to the o n e he used in 194 7, a single-speed Schwinn. Lee also is riding a single-speed ;3chwinn, but a newer model. Reid beat h is old record by one day. (~) principle behind both Medl·Cal and private h e alth care - freedom of choice. Formerly. poor patients t'Ould generally go to almost any doctor or h ospital, as could rich er patient.II who have private health care. For Medi-Cal pa tients admitted to hospitals. and private patJents treated by doctors or hospitals. the state or insurance companies have paid the going rate. There have been few controls on the 006'ts. which have nsen in ' recent years at 20 percent a year. Under the new system, the state will have one person, a negotiator or "czar," who will sign t'Ontracts with hospitals to care for Medi-Cal patients at a set rate M edi -Ca l pa t ie nts will probably have a more limited choice of hospitals, but the state will know exact ly what the hospital costs will be for a year. The new system will be for hospitals only at first, but could be extended next year to doctors, pharmacists and other providers when a commission takes over the t-zar's job in January. Also m J anuary. private health insurance firms will get authority t.o do the same thing: negotiate con tra c ts , 1n1tially just with hospitals. at set rates. People with health 1rLSuranre might then be offered two kinds of pohcies: a lower rate to go to a limited number of dociors and h05pitals. or a higher rate to continue gomg to any doctors and hospitals. Another section of the Medi- Cal changes will affect about 300,000 persons known as medically indigent adults. Firm loses $6 million in lawsuit SAN DIEGO (AP) -Two homeowner associations and the owners of an ice rink have won a $6 million judgme nt against Johns-Manville Corp .. which s upplied the gro ups with defective building material. A Superior Court j ur y deliberated for three days before returning the verdict Thursday, ending a 14-week trial. Attorney Gary Aguirre, who represented the Costa Viva H omeow n e r s A ssociation, O rle ans East Homeowners A ssociati o n and Gl o bal Properties Inc .. said the award is the highes t i n San Diego's history. The jury awarded the Costa Viva group $5.2 million to fix the walls of 177 condominiums in San Diego's Clairemont area and for loss of the units undergoing repair. The Orleans group won $685,000 to repair 30 units in the La Costa area and $126,000 was awarded to Global to repair the wa lls of their House of Ice skating rink. The lawsuit stemmed from defects in a stucco s ubstitute ma nuf ac tu red by Johns- Manvllle. My brother-In-law. who Is president of a steel company In Mlnneapolls sent me 1 newspaper cllpplng this wHk thet he thought I 'd find Interesting. It waa euthored by Kenneth Adelman who 11 our Deputy Representative to the U.N. (and I would hope, a f1lrly I ntelligent fellow). It was comments on a ,,.._ boOk by Edward Jey Epstein entitled "The R i se and Fill o f Diamonds." I've reed the boOk end I felt the tltle of one of Epstein's earlier books "BetwHn. Feet end Fiction" could hive beef\ 1 ault1btl tltle for this one ellO. &EM WISE elways bought our dl1mond1 from a OeBeers slghlhold«, we pay for thflm When we get them; we own them (some for quite a whlle) and we have never had a oonelgnment arrangement with any wholesaler. Anyone who knows our store would have to agree we be tte r Ill the description of a "small jewelry shop." And we are not unique In this regard. TM ~ with whom I em friendly operate the seme way we do end I have never known of any who get dlemonds on conalgnment. Occulonally wMf\ we oet e clll for eomethlng we do not heve In etoc:tt. we wlll haw our di.mond eource send out a "mem- orendum" Hlectlon for our con1lderet1on and lo ... If It wlll meet out cu1tomer1 requirements. This It ~ llmhe<l lo e 5 <Sey period and the pnoee we no Ngtier then __, . . . If they ..,. .. oerteN\fy .,ouldn't buy them. A MllM Olll cert•lnly could never be dMcrlt>ed H • oon11onment an'Mgement. T'*9..,.. W1tll'9ty too rMny 1t1tement1 In It that were precHded by "II appHrl", "apparWltly", end "Meml to". TMte. wer. too many MCOnd and even third hand quotes. Thar• were some grouly lnacourate etatementa 111.e PIG8 2M .. ,. .... generally ~ tMlt dllmOnd• from wMllMl1ra on COMlgNWt end need not pty f()f "*" unttl t9'ty .. IOld" and 1galn on page 217 "nationwide Jew .. ry chaln1, thougt\ ~ get their dlamonda -"'* dlrtOtfV "°"" Dt8Mrl Of • Delttrt tight hOlder et a lower prloa , do not atlampt to undercut ,.,. lfftlll tewalfY ~ (wNdl eoqu1t911t1 ~ on oon11onm•nt 11 muofl flltfl•r prlc11), .. That II • O(lly .. ......,., Wl'Vt lttln In tflt Jtwtlty M11lne11 ..,_ 1HI 1M ftlft .., ..:..:-....... ,.,... "' '"' ..,. ...... ,. .. Ollar!" II,, o1.w111re 11 I "NI~ Mtiftl• Wt ll1¥1 Miry a.rr. Cef't•fled G1mo1001st CHARLES H. DARR llus•s•e. ....... I 1tla I ....... W12t•H ,._ ............ Oeftnltton of trade ......... often lntOOutMe In the boOk. Mr • Epstein could h•v• uMd th.• MMo9t of • ,._..., to help adft hllv:,~11 I'm == '°""' Oii tfllt boOk • . • I rHitlly IOrff II lnt9tMt "t '"''"' wf'U1 many = •nd ct1torlpt1on1 ot I know Ind --•·ve .... • •I IMlt .................... oon1iu111"• ,. .. ,. ''"' '"- '"}"''"'le" --.:.1·~=~--· If , •• ,....,. ....... I ... ..,....... .. . i l .. • • Orange Oout OAIL.V PIL.OT/TUtllday, Juty 8, 1812 Cellulite fat just a m yth Pac-Man nipped b y suit By PAT HOROWITZ or-.~ .... ...,. DEAR PAT: I laave problem• wlt~ cellallte fat ud l'm tempted to ae1d away for 1ome prodact1 tllat are auppo1ed to set rid of lt or 10 to a salon for treatment. W"o.ld I be waatt11 my money? J.E., Costa Mesa Yes. According to the Food and Drug Administratlon, fat is fat, and cellulite ltaelf is a myth. Products that claim to be a remedy for ~ullte Include special sponges, cactus fiber washcloths, horsehair mitts and rubberized pants. The costs can mount quickly. from a $10 bottle of vitamin-mineral tablets, or a $15 jar of cream, to a $MO salon treatment. Before spending this money on any treatment, consumers should know there is no medical evidence that these remedies work. In fact, there is no scientific evidence that cellulite even ex\Sts. ' Ordinary fat can look bumpy when the fat cells immediately beneath the skin increase in size. When this happens, the strands of fibrous tiss ue that connect fat cell compartments don't give, apparently causing that bulging. waffly appearance. But if cellulite were really different than other fat, doctors should be able to see some chemical or structural variation. However, this isn't the case. A study of LOO people was made at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, to try to find out if cellulite is different from common fat. Needle biopsies were taken from people with lumpy fatty tissue resembling what the promoters call cellulite, as well as from people without cellulite. Pathologists were then asked to compare the samples. The results showed there was no difference -all samples looked like ordinary fat cells. Actually. the only way to get rid of fat is BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Classic White with Palomino Leather. Electric Sun Roof, Alloys , Stereo-Cassette. 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. '79 MERCEDES WAGON Mint. 24,000 ml. One owner. $14,000 leas than a new wagon. Sun Roof. Stereo-Cassette, Alloys. White with Brown Interior. $20,895. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. Make lbur future ·Something Really Special! Graduating? .. Changings Jobs? ... Starting a New Career or Lifestyle? Assure r.ourself of a beautiful future at John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to match the chal- lenges ahead. Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come In today for a free per. sonal analysis and program discussion ~n Robert Powers PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT & MODELING SCHOOLS ORANGE COUNTY 3 Town[, Country. Orange (7 14) 547-8228 a c:omblnatJon of diet and enrclle. And do It whUe YOW' akin 1-•till elaatJc enouah to •J>rina back after the fat ii IOM· You may wapt to order a copy of "Cellulite" for more details on thl1 1ubJect. It'• free from Con1umer Information Center, Dept. 660K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Social Security benefits DEAR PAT: How loas does a person laave to be married to collect benefits 01 aa es-h1baad'1 Social Secarlty beneflt1? Someone told me it wa• 10 years, bat uotller friend said it was 1$ years. M.M., Hutln1toa Beac~ You can get benefits when your ex-~uaband starts collecting retirement or disability payments if you are 62 or older and were married to him at least 10 years. You a1ao may get payments if your ex- husband dies, provided you are 60 or older (50, if you're disabled) and you were married 10 years or more or you have young children entitled to benefits on hi5 record. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat \.l Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, "' getting rhe answers and action you need to solve inequities in n • government and business. Mail SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The maker of the touted com 1nack Cornnut1 11 1uln1 five compani• for uah11 the Pac-Man 1010 on packaaea of aum. PoPSkles, candy and other fooda. · The trademark lnfrtnaement ault claims the dot-munching ~le ii 0 confl.l:llnaly 11mllar" to the Comn4ta iymool, a circular face with an open mouth. The Oakland-baled company aald in a suit filed in U.S . District Court here that the logo of the ~ ropular video game 11 being lcenaed by Midwa y Manufacturing Co. and Bally Manufacturln& Co. for uae in a variety of areu including food. C.Omnuta aays people will be confused by the logo on gum and candy sold by Fleer C.Orp. and on frozen COl'\(ections sold by Popsicle Industries and Gold Bond Ice Cream Inc. The Pac-Man circle has a straight-edged wedge for a mouth, while the Comnuta logo, registered in 1965, has a slightly curved mouth. your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, a.ta Mesa, CA 92626. Aa many lettes as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including rhe reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. The suit names as defendants Bally; Midway. the Bally subsidiary that makes Pac-Man arcade games; Fleer; Popsicle, and Gold Bond. Jt asks the court to bar them from putting a logo similar to Cornnuts' on their food products, as well a s seeking unspecified monetary damages. A ~AIR ARTIS~ -This winning portrait of a girl painted OIJ chµta brought first place honors in the crafts department of the Orange County Fair to Shannon Wegener of Fountain ~~~Y· Her work will be on display through out the fair, July Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • VANTAGE _ ... _ Gii Me~ LIGHTS --·--c ••••••••• NOW son PACK FILTER. MENTHOL: I mg. Mtet, 0.1 mg. niconnt. NOW son PACK FILTER lOO's. MENTHOL IOO's: 2 mg. "11r". 0.2 mg. nicotine. SALEM ULTRA LIGHTS ULTRA LIGHTS lOO's· 5 mg M~lf: 0.4 mg. nicotine, VANTAGE ULTRA LIGHTS. lOO's: 5 mg. "tlf, 0.5 mg. nicotine, SALEM SLIM LIGHTS: 8 mg. "t11", 0.6 mg. niCQlllle, MORE LIGHTS IOO's FILTER. MENTHOi..: 8 mg. "11f", 0.7 ~. · nicotN, CAMEL LIGHTS HARO PACK. SALEM llGHTS, VANTAGE MENTHOL. IOO's: 9 mg. Mtar", 0.7 mg. nicotine, SALEM LIGHTS lOO's: 10 mg. Mter". 0.8 mg. nicotine, CAMEL FILTERS SALEM KING· 16 mg. "t•" t.1 mg. lllCOtine, MORE FILTER. MENTHOL: 17 mg. Mtlf''. 1.4 mg. nicotine. fl. per cigeretta by FTC method: OORAL II FILTER. MENTHOL WINSTON U~TRA LIGHTS, 4 mg. ··1ar". 0.4 mg. nteotine WINSTON · ULTRA LIGHTS 100'1: 5 mg. "tlf". 0.5 mg. NCotine, CAMEL LIGHTS. 8 mg. "tlf". 0.7 mg. nicome. VANTAGE FILTER: 9 mg. "tlf", 0.7 mg. nte0t111. WINSTON LIGHTS, 11 mg. "tat. 0.9 mg. nicotine. CAMEL LIGHTS 100's. WINSTON LIGHTS 100·,, 12 mg. "tlf".0.9 mg. nico1N. WINSTON lOO's: 14 mg. Mt•".1.0 mg. nicotine. SALEM 1oo·s. WINSTON KING: 15 mg. Mtar". ti mg. ncotine. WINSTON BOX: 16 mg. "t•". 1.1 mg. nicotine. CAMEL REGULAR: 21 mg. "l•M· 1.4 mg. nicoln, ~. pet cigarttte, flt Report DEC. '81. -·--... -c.....c.... .... ..,_ .... ..,........,..~ ·-· ......... _....,...,_...,....,,.., __ ........... .. ...... _ ,.,.... ... ,, .......... ..._............ Cit ....... _."_",.......... j~ ... I. J _,...... '-t~ .. Ill\' llOt ............. It.....,..,.,. ...,...,_ ............ ~ ............. _.,.,....,... __ ..... ..,..,.,., ........................................ 11.1 ........ ._ ...... = .. .., ....................... ..... _.............. -.. ......... ~ ..... ----c....-· .,,...._ ................... .... ...... _ ... ,.. ........ i':?1 ......... -... . --·---· ..... c. ... .,. ..... ..__. ..... ., ........... ii .. o•--.• .... ,. r;::",.:.• "' ..... ,,. ..,,.. ..,., ....... , 7'~eo~ THE CAKION OF 75¢ am• ::3 'CC YOUR CHOICE 1 ~~0 ~ ~ . o I @ ... lo ..____..o 11 I Z lo • ... ·. ·. '• . . l --_.,__ _ -------- Lawyers • • • JOIDIDg LA firm Attorney. Thocnu R. M&Jcolm and GUbert N. Krucer. Mn.lot partne,. ot the firm of Malcolm & Daly, Newport BHch, have Jolned the Loa Angeles law flnn of" Wyman, Bautzer, Rothman, Kuchel & Silbert, aa part.nera. Wyman, Baut,zer, wtth offlcee in Loe 'Angeles, Newport Beach and Waahlngton. la COU"'9l to many. bu1lnenea, including MGM/United ArU1t1, MGM Grand Hotela, the Loe Angeles Rama, Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company, PennCorp Financial Corporation, Trammel Crow Company, Teachers Management & Investment Corporation. ARA Services and American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. "Our decision 'to join Wyman, Bautzer, Rothman, Kuchel & Silbert was largely based on the need to provide a fuller range of "Services to our expanding client hue", said Malcolm. According to Kruger, "most of our legal and support staff will also be joining the Wyman, Bautze r firm to provide the necessary continuity of services required by our clients." Malcolm, of Newport Beach, is the founding partner of Malcolm & Daly and finance chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County. He is a graduate and member of the board of trustees of Has · College of Law of the , THOMAS R. MALCOLM • University of California. A member of the board of trustees of the YMCA Federation, Malcolm is on the judicial taak force of the Oranae County Bar Association. Ile serves on the Federal Judiciary Appointments Committee. Kruger is also a graduate of Hastings College of Law. He is a director of the national Computer Law Association and ha.s written and lectured on the subjects of computers and the law. Kruger was formerly vice president and ass is tan t general counsel of Automatic Data Processing, a computer services firm. He is a member of the board of directors of the Irvine Chamber of Commerce and is executive vice president of Temple Bat Yahm in Newport Beach, where he resides. GILBERT N. KRUGER The combina tio11 of the New port Beach Offices of Wyman, Bautzer with the attorneys and paralegals of Malcolm & Daly who wt1l be joining Wyman, Dauber will result in an initial complement of approximately 15 professional staff and a total of 30 employees. Tapes pirated SAN FRANCISCO (AP) More than 1,000 pirated tapes of Chinese popular songs have been seized in a raid on a Chinatown shop. Local police and agents from the FBI a n d Intern al Revenue Service raided Wong's TV and Radio Shop after police received complaints from Crown Record Co. in Hong Kong that the shop was selling pirated tapes for $3. Reuben~s N8'!"J>Ort Beach Introduces our OYSTER BAR Crab Cocktall $1.75 • Oyatera on Half Shell $2.50 Board of Plenty $2. 75 Garllc Cheeae Bread $.50 Along With Other Great Item• Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4 to 8 p.m. Giant Well Cocktails 251 E. COAST HWY., NEWPORT BEACH 173-1505 • SALE STARTS WED., JULY 6th Seml·A•ual SHOE • UP TO Y,, OFF and MORE I FLORSHEll COLE HIHll IRUIO llliLI and others PENAL TO PAPPAGALLO AMALFI SELBY AND OTHERS SILIC1ID STYLIS • llOllM SIZIS AU. SALB AMAL Local, count11, 1tat1, natUmql and intemattonal tvent• come to uour doof'rtep 11.m. ..., Jn tu btight, Ught and llwl11 ,....., .,.. ,, Orange Ooaet DAILY PILOT/TuHd1y, July 8, 1082 Al Hayden's plans advancing CED moving from local to state ,spotlight By THOMAS D. ELIAS Ph.tie 2 of the Campaian for Economic Democracy'• plan to build Itself Into the 1tronaeat single force In California politlcl la proceedina on 1ehedule. The sroup's plan, outlined two Yeanl llO by One Staller WU to eetabllah ii.elf Llrat as a major factor ln local politics around tne state, emphasizing small cities and euburb• where 'the sheer manpower of ita volunteers can . be more effective than television advertlalna. With 66 members or alliee already elected to city or county office, the six-year-ol d organization waa ready thia year to move to Phase 2 -an effort to make itaeU a major factor in statewide politics. The groundwork was laid two years ago, when CED members won one-fourth of the seats at the state Democratic P-rty convention. But the party group has no real power and CED planned to go after bigger game. "We want to have a caucus of 10 or 15 members of the Legislature by the end of the decade," CED's staff director said. Last month's primary election victory by CED founder and chainnan Tom Hayden was the first step in that direction. Until this year, Hayden had never been the point man for his movement, formed from the remnants of a futile 1976 bid for the U.S . Senate. Hayden knew that his past as a Chicago Seven • 11:11.1111111 FDCll . defendJnt and anti-Vietnam War activtat would be uaed againat him and hia group. And Steve Saltzman, his opponent thia spring, tried to wie tt . H e bought full -page newspaper ada to trumpet past Hayden calls for a reduction in the economic power of private oorporation.a and Investors . "Can you imagirte the whole coun!-!J. being run like the post office? ' asked one anti-Hayden ad. But that campaign did not work, as Hayden out- spent Saltzman and won nomi- nati o n i n a predominantly Democratic Assembl y district. HAYDEN The more than $400,000 Hayden raised was used for slick brochures aiming to conv ince voters he is a family man and a mainstream politician. It helped that the district contains Santa Monica, home base for CED and a city Y.fhose government has been controlled by the Hayden group more than three years. But most of the district lies outside Santa Moriiea. taking in the Pacific Palisades area where President Reagan lived almost 30 yean and other wealthy portJona of West. Loa Azl8elea. Hayden'• victory la viewed by hia organlr.aUon u only a flrlt step,. ' It will have a very poeiUve effect. on the credJbLUty of the organization," said one CED leader. Other Democrata believe that If he reaches office, Hayden may no longer be aa concerned with hla organization as he ha.a been while bulldlng It up. "Al soon as he is elected," he will become separate from CED," says Michael Kantor, the Los Angeles lawyer dlrecUng Gov. Brown's campaign for the U.S. Senate. "At .Orne point, he and his o rganiza tion will have independent identities." But CED ha.s always exerted strong discipline on politicians It backs. "An elected official should always be responsive to the constituency that elected him," Hayden said last year. And CED has said it will try to dump any oHicial who turns his back on the group after it helps elect him. So there's no real likelihood that Hayden wiU forget CED. More likely, he'll work t o increase its influe nce b y sponsorirg bills to push its pet causes while also helping other CED members and a llies win election. That is exactly what Phase 2 of the CED plan calls for and it is proceeding exactly as advertised. C\osed wednesdav . g' morn1n · ' • Orange Ooe1t DAILY PIL.OTITueldey, July 8, 1982 Flood warning system could avert a disaster At the urging o( Supervisor Roger S t anton, the Orange County Board o{ Supervisors has now orderl"Ci the preparation of an e mergency evacuation plan which wo uld be implemented in the event the Santa Ana River should ever pose a major threat o f flooding. . Tt has been estimated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. the major Cederal agency l.'Oncerned with flood control, that under heavy storm conditions the Santa Ana Rive r could overflow its banks and d o as much as $9 billion in damage to Orange County. Obviously, s uch a major flood wo uld also pose a serious threat to thousands of lives. Acting partially upon recommendation of the Orange Co unt y Grand Jur y, th e supervisors not only ordered up the e me rge ncy evacuation plan but also called tor a flood warning system along the rive r whic h would alert oUicials and the citizenry should the threat of a flood be imminent. Approximately one million p eople reside in the a.reas o f Orange County that would be moot affected in th e event ot a major Clood. These include the entire river area below the Prado Dam and aJI of Anaheim, Stanton, Garden Grove, W estminster, F ountain Valley. Huntington Beach , west Santa Ana, west Costa Mesa, west Newport Beach and portions of Seal Beach and Cypress. Listed as the most vulnerable o f these are Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach , west Costa Mesa and west Santa Ana. Aerial photos of past major river (loads have shown some o( these sectio n s t o have been completely unde r water as a result of the river going on a rampage. Much flood control has been done along the river, but the danger of flooding in the event of an· extremely w e t winter still exists. And of co urs e. as P<>pulation grows, more residents become vulnerable. The warning syst ems and e merge n cy evacuation plans proposed by the county are more than ever neces.5ary. Don't fetter the Fed There probably is no more thankless a j ob 1n the U .S . government tha n running the Fede ral Reserve System. The Federal Reserve, or Fed for short, w hich serves as the nation's central banking system, is unde r attack from many points - congressmen o( both parties, the a dministration , econ omists, businessmen, labor leaders. The critics ch arge the Fed's money and credit policies have plunged the econo my into its worst pratfall s ince the Great Depression and are k ee ping interest rates at ruinously high levels. Many of those critics - especially those in government - believe it is time to curb the Fed's independence in setting m onetary policy and place it under control of Congress or the executive branch. Any action along those lines would be one of the unwisest economic policy moves Congress could consider. Supervising the natio n 's m o ney system is a com pl ex business. Political control would bring temptations to tamper with those compl exities for potentially short-term gain, at risk of grievous economic harm in the long run to the money system . Inde pende nce from politics has been a keystone of the Fed smce it was established in 1913. It has a variety of duties -banking regulation, con s ume r c redit protection enforcement -but its most important function in today's econo my is s upervision o f the nation's monetary system to e l'liure orderly growth and stable prices. (Among the components o( the money supply are currency, checking and savings deposits and investments such as mutual funds. Beca u se o f the growth of electronic banking. there is some controversy over h ow money should be defined.) Thi s s up erv i s ion is accomplished through somewhat arcane maneuvers involving government securities trading and • banking reserve rules. Before Paul Volcker was appointed c ha irman of the system's board of governors m 1979. the Fed manipulated the money supply to keep interest rates stable. ln a move to stop ballooning Inflation. V olck e r c h~ng ed to ct new strategy : Limiting the growth of money to reduce inflation, and letti ng interest rates go where market forces would take them. Three years later, inflation is down dramatically, but the tight money stance has contributed to the recession and interest rates have soared. Politicians sensitive to hard times are in an uproar, while som e econ omis ts contend the Fed has allowed money to grow too generously. Although Vokker has eased his stance somewhat in response to the recession's severity, he is not about to let the money supply soar, which would probably bring down interest rates, but could also loosen the reins on inflation. Several pending bills would place money policy in the hands of Congress, which presumably l.'Ould be counte d upon to open the noodgates. Others want the Fed under the Treasury Departme nt's wing. The most radical proposal would abolish the Fed altogether. Supervising the money system is not an easy business, and Volcker has probably made his sha re of e rrors since hi s appointme nt. Despite the nation's economic pains, there is no justiiication for letting politicians control the switch. Judging from their efforts at getting the federal budg e t und e r control , the prospects of political control over monetary policy can be described as nothing short of terrifying. The 1913 bill establishing the Fed was (.nacted precisely because of Congres.5' poor performance in monetary matters. Nothing that has occurred in the last three years justifies a return to those days. ,Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex-pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit- ed. Address The Dailv Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 6<42-4321. L.M. Boyd/Teaching talent "Those who can, do. Th0&e who can't, teach." So goe11 the ancient saying. But it doesn't go far enough, unfortunately. To know how to teach is quite a gift. and all too rare. Many of the world's best doers lacked that talent to teach . Take William Shakeapeare, for instanc~. His daughter was illiterate. Q. Wasn't playwright Eugene O'Neill another of those tmpetuoua fellowa who propoeed marriage on tho first ni&ht he met hbl wile-to-be'? A. Quite eo. In a Greenwich Vt.u.,e aaloon, he .. t down betlle Apes Boulton, and ahortly thereafter, he aaid to her. "l want to spend every ORANGE COAST DailJPilat night of my life with you from now on. l mean this. Every night of my life." Their marriage lasted until her death 10 years later. It was about 15 years ago that an electronics firm ln Virginia devised a special telephone switch to give the talker a warning after a certain time and then cut off the phone. Such devices are Wied throughout Japan now. Three minutes is the Umlt on pay phones. 'nlen the caller baa to put In more money and dlal apln. It wu expected to ao (Yllet blc here, too, •pecially wi\h parent.a of~ who wanted to control their phOne time. &at It didn't aeU . ThOmfl P . Haley Publisher Tltoma1 A. ¥11 ...... IM Editor l1r1t1r1 Kr .. INcft ldftor111 P-et lctltor ~lW. DF.llJX'T ~-¥."'Air~ nr \f QMl.:I JA(K ANDlQBY VWRf, MERE tCW ... lF 0Nl1"1 Ml5510N CCWl 'ROL ~:RE "ERF. NOW ... Prison population explodes DALLAS -"T h ere are no outstanding issues in Texas now," said Gov. William Clements in a burst of e nthusiasn . "This means that our problems are behind us. Things are just the way the people of Texas want them to be." That was his first, happy reaction when he learned after lunch last Wednesday that a federal appeals court had struck down some deadlines for reform of the state's prisons. Most important, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans had overruled a district cou rt order requiring "single-celling" -one person per jail cell. THERE ARE, of course, many problems ahead for Texas prisons in the future. I just happened to be with the governor when the state seemed to win a partial victory over inmates who had filed lawsuits charging that overcrowding in state penitentiaries violated the constitutional ban against "cruel and unusual punishment." Prison crowding. in fact, is both a problem and an issue all over the country as the number of convicted criminals increases -500 a month in Texas alone -and the ones already inside penitentiaries keep going to court to improve conditions that are sometimes medieval. In Texas, the state had been putting three inmates into cells not much wider than a coffin; one inmate would be on the floor using the base of the toilet as a pillow. In Alabama and Michigan, prisoners have been set free before serving their ume just to empty cells for the next wave of offenders. In New Jersey, prisoners have been packed into town and county iockups. ln Washington state, the prison population was reduced through the use ----~ RICHARD RllVIS 1·i " of work-release programs -unut two convicts on work-release were charged with murde r in separate cases. In California. whe re space for a ne w prisoner costs $60,000 (below the national average). state voters approved a $500 million prison-construction bond issue this month -.Put, at the same ume, approved anti-crime initiatives that could produce a new explosion in prison populations by increasing sentences. The number of inmates in state and federal prisons has already increased 80 percent since 1973. Either there are more crimes. more convictions, or tougher 1udges and longer sentences. Probably all three: Americans everywhere are more afraid of crime and are demanding government action. But the courts are part of government, too. And inmates are going to court demanding -and usually getting - some measure of reUef from abominable conditions that some people think will eventually cause more rather than less crime. In Texas. recidivism has been increasing: more and more freed convicts appear to be going right back to crime. In fact, after Clements' initial delight , members of the T e xas Department of Corrections begi" going over the details of the lower court decisions that survived the 5th Circuit's ruling. Texas still has either to find new cell capacity or release prisoners before a Nov. 1 deadline to reach a prison population that only doubles the state's tot.al number of cells. And the governor admits. "This lawsuit did bring up issues we should have bro ught up o urselves lo ng ago. . . .Something has to be done to 'classify' prisoners, to treat them differently based on their danger to society.'' "I JUST HOPE.'' he continued, "that we'll be allowed to work this out ourselves without orders from judges. Maybe the convicl's lawyers will be too tired to appeal " They won't be. This will go to the U.S. Supreme Court. and, in some cases, inmates will Wlll. If society wants more cnminals convicted -and 1t clearly does -it has to figure out what to do with · them after the verdict. We -thank God and the Founding Fathers -do have that restriction against cruel and unusual punishment. So, we must resign ourselves to spending more money on the peo ple we hate most, or find creative, alternate ways to punish criminals who are not so dangerous that they have to be caged with their heads against toilets. .., Aides guard Reagan's time ca'ref ully WASHINGTON -Alt.er widespread criticism that President Reagan was overscheduled on his European tour, senior aide Michael K . Deaver became stingier than ever on accesa to the president in Washington. When national security adviser William Clark was out.lining the agenda for British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's vi.sit with Reagan, Deaver interrupted to note one hour and one hour only was allotted for her visit. When Clark responded that he needed more time than that, Deaver snapped back to aay that had better be the cue because there certainly was not going to be one «linute more. Thatcher fared much better than California atate Attorney General George Deukme jlan, Republican nominee for governor and a longtime Reagan ally. On the day aft.er the British prime minister's visit, Deukmejian wu scheduled for a five-minute photo-taking session with the president. Wheh it was suggested that it be followed hy a more leisurely private chat with Reagan, Deavtt fla\ly refused. RR VS. TEDDY Using its own private polls, the White House calculates Ronald Reagan would defeat Edward M. Kennedy for the presidency if the elections were held today -but only narrowly and only by sweeping the Sou th. That's why the president's political advisers genuinely hope for Sen. Kennedy as the Democratic nominee in 1984. They believe that Kennedy is unlque among Democratic possibiUties in his inability to carry any Southern state, giving R eagan -or any other Republican candidate -a substantial cuahion in 1984. AB for today, the White House war gaming shows Reagan beating all comers. "But I must admit," one insider told us, "we gave ourselves the benefit of the doubt on a lot of states." ANTI-JERRY SQUAD National Republican political operatives are forming a "truth squad" to defend Ronald Reagan , and particularly his eight-year record as governor of California. from the assaults of Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. in this year's California Senate race. Brown is trying to make Reagan the issue in his race against Mayor Pete Wilson of San Diego,. But Republican nominee Wilson wants to keep the focus on Jerry Brown and his performance in Sacramento during the eight years following Reagan. Consequently. the "truth 9Cjuad" is being formed to follow Brown a.round the state and "correct" hia charges against Reagan. Among thoee included will be Rep. Jerry Lewis, a former California state assemblyman now • serving in Congress, and Robert Monagan, Assembly Republican leader during the Reagan era. • ----------------------------------------------------------------~~~~----~~~~--~~----~--.: It takes real cour~e to admit ignorance ~· . . Although the late President de Gaulle of France was generally considered to be a proud an$i even arrogant man, he was a shrewd enough peychologiat to know when to discard thla attitude. As Malcolm Muggeridge describes one public incident: ''l saw him on the French television being asked why he had delayed n11n U1111 relealtnc the Ben Sarka 1tory till aft.er the prt1ldential election. Inatead of pttinc hot under the collar, be jult hun,a hill bittered old head 1heeplahly. and muu.ered. ln 1 woeful, ~ vok!e: 'C'ewl man tntxperlenat.'" (11lt wu my lnt>eperMtnoe. ") "nw unwt~ to admit lporanoe, or lnnpelWra. whim II much the w &hJnC. .. of'9ft lft tndeerinl """and h .. ~how, in. "*''I~°""' DfWM Ind YMl&y ifthAW& UI fnm &he fnnk ldm'-'on \hi& w. do "°' know. Another great man, Sir William Osler, would make the grand rounds of a hoepltal, followed by a troop of admiring acolytes. ~etl.mes ~ would stop at a bed, exAnUJ1e a patient, and then acrlbble on the chart the lnitiala "G.O.K." Later, one or the studenta made bold enough to ask the distlnguiahed physician what "G.O.K." stood for. Osler, with a smile and a shrug, re~Ued, "God Only Knows." I waa reminded of thla story when a doctor mentioned the other night that one of his bigaest problemt ln a teachfrur hoapllal la to 1et the lnterna ana retidenta to adrnJt that they are baro.d by eome aympcomt. ''THEY SEEM to feel it la a reflecUon on tMir expenllve medical educaUGn lf they can'\ lmmedlately 1oply their book lftmll\I co 101M CMa.'' M aeJd , ''Thi molt ..tow blandln. °' oaw., ... mlde by U.. who rm. IO ooftf- \hetr' UmltaUonl Of led& o( ~." In hi• 1utoblo1r1eh1, llr Cedric Hardwtd&e NCOUnla Che .... IDOYlnl "'*'*'' he Ml ""' .. ._ In ... ...... It .......... m,.., when 9he w• .. ID IO, In &hilt &rill -In • .,,.. ........ , ill ....... As she approached Portia's "qWllity of : mercy" speech, her face suddenly went. blank. She struggled vainly for a : moment and then moved down to the ~ footlights. "I am a very silly old lady," ahe said,~ "and 1 cannot remember what I have to. say." Almost to a man, Hardwicke • recalls. the audience shouted the familiar·· lines and cheered aa she smiled her :: thanks and returned to her place. She ~ played out the rest of the 1101De to an • enthralled audience. '• ' ,./ Orange Co11t OAIL Y PILOT /Tuelday, July e, 1982 Their special place in Florida sun Onassis, Agne w had trouble getting into Palm Bay Club MIAMI (AP) -The late Greek 1hlpplng magnate Arlatotle Onaula waa om.-e almOlt turned away. Spiro Agnew - when he wu vice president of the United States -allo was left cooling t\is heels outside. But for thoee who get put the guarded entrance lo the Palm Bay Club -a 16-acre community overlooking Biscayne Bay - they'll find the essence of old Florida. The lobby is small, but comfortable, with a marble floor, a grandfather's clock In on e 1 corner, and a prom inentl y dlsplayed embroidered sampler with the words, "God Bless Our Pad." "Thia is really a private cl ob," says Conroe Dinkler, who opened the club 18 years ago. "We're not the most expensive, but we're the most exclusive." Missing from the valet parking lot are the Rolls-Royces, Mercedes, Cadnlacs and other luxury can found at many of the posh co ndomlntum• alon1 Florida'• Gold Cout. But a 1truwh limousine la parked under &1 ~nopy, ready for \h()ee who arrive by yacht or helicopter and need Jround tranaponatlon. "I Just wanted a private club for my frlend1," Ma. Dinkler said. ''Money la.not the answer to happiness or aucceea. But lt help11 a lot." It almost dJdn't help Onulil when he arrived ln hit famed yacht outside the Palm Bay Club's marina -1pecially dredged to accommodate any vessel up lo 130 feet ln any of lta 52 sli~. Someone had forgotten to leave an invitaUon with the dockmaster, and On.aaala wasn't allowed to dock u ntll a clu b member extended hlm an lnvitation. Agnew experienced a almilar reception at the front gate. He bad to wait o u tside u ntil someone advised the guard he could enter. "People expect to'" a pat.ce, but It'• not pretenuoua at all," •Y• Curtia DeWlta, the club'• director. "There are only 18 bar atoola and we can terve 70 for dinner," he u.id. "It'• like belna ln your own home." The club bouta eeveral lighted tennis coW11, an Olympic alze awlmmina pool and a floating heliport w here Ma. Dlnkler occasionally land• her flve- pueenger helicopter. There ts a amall waterfall and a pond with goldfish from Japan valued at $400 each. "We get the finest people ln the world here," aay1 Leo Rou, who rnixee drlnlai at the outdoor rotunda bu. "rve worked a few street jolnta, but here, there'a never a problem. And the cuatomen are great Uppen." "We dldn't even know how to apell 'condominium' in those c:ta ," ahe said. r---~------------------, MAKE MONEY. using your m a iling list and save $10.00 with this ad:tc 0 label addressing 0 list maintenance 0 mailing list brok.er *Save this ad and 'receive $10 off your first order. (min. $100 order) AAA to UZ · (714) 536-2104 IABEL & MAILING U ST SERVICE -~~!t!~~~~!!.~~~~c.!!~~.2!.6!8_J • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • First Interstate Bank's Beach & Adams Office has moved across the street. We 're now open for business in larger new facilities, and we'd like you to come help us celebrate during our Grand Opening festivities July 6-9. You 'll surely want to enter our Grand Prize draw- ing for a fabulous California holiday for two aboard a mod- ern Amtrak Supercruiser. You could win three days and two nights on the magnif- icent Coast Starlight Express. (The drawing will be held July 9 at 5 p.m. While you don't have to be present to win, you must be at least 18 years old to enter.) Also, in conjunction with Hunt- ington Beach 's year-long "Turn-of- the-Century" celebration, we 're offer- ing a special bonus if you open a new checking or savings account with at least $200-free tickets to the Histor- ical Society Tour of the Newland House . Stop by. Our lobby hours are Mon- day through Thur day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and rriday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . Thete one· and two-bedroom •Pllflm~ntt or!Jdnally 10ld for u llule u $30,000. A re<.-ent reeaJe went for $169,000. The Palm Bay Tower -a 27-slory apartment building - was ftniahed In 1972. There are three apartments on each !loor. Some members have purchased an entire floor and converted it Into a single dwelling. Some apartments in the building are worth $750,000. When Ma. Dinkler opened the Palm Bay Club, H had 27P members. It now numbers close to uoo. "They are all friends of friends of friends,'' she said. "Connie was aelectlve,'' adds Curtis. "It la not money, religion or race. It's compatible people who enjoy being with each other -not because of who the person ii:· The initiation fee at the club is $500, with $500 annual dues. Al'~ UPPER CRUST -Connie Dinkler, who started the Palm Bay Club, stands with club director Curlis De Witz. "We're not the most expensive. but we're the most exclusive," she says. FIRST Added conveniences. We've built a better bank inside and out just for you. Inside we now have safe deposit boxes and twice as many teller windows as our old offic e. Ou tside we now have fol:lr lanes for drive-up banking and a Day & Night Teller.~ Tne drive-up windows open at 9 a.m .. one hour earlier than our lobby. The Day & Night Teller lets you get instant cash and conduct most of your other normal banking business 24 hours a day, everyday . Win $50 in cash. Cash prizes of up to $50 may await yo u just for letting us demon- strate how quick and easy it is to use our new Day & Night Teller. During lobby hours throughout our Grand Open - ing, ·our Day & Night Teller will contain randomly di s- tributed. specially marked receipts. Your receipt will tell you immediately if you've won $1. $2, or $50. No deposit or account is required to win. Get cash throughout the West. First Interstate Bank is the onl y bank system with offi ces throughout the 11 Western states. So our new Day & Night Teller join s more than 600 others already serving you through- out the West. The key to each is your First Interstate Bancard. Apply for one today. It's good to have anytime and any-,,. where you go in the West. B=skta Bancatd 51:.CJ], 2:L23 34.5b 7&~ PAT COLLIPtS i ...--~~~~~~1:1,,,,.,,,,,.,.,.,.Barl<. I Beach & Adams Office, 19950 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach• (714) 964-9990 ··············-~--IQ~! ______________________ ......... ____________________________ ____ .. f 'C ·1 • '(I b· "81 ,., 91 9 , I 11 JI b '<· g 1 '{ I 1· I n b 0 JI ., ,I u C: ,, L. 0 ,. 1 'I I , J , ~ . Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, Julye, 1982 ... Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Ciptln1 Smoking 11 Dangerous to Your Health. 1oo·s PARK AVENUE• NEW YORK bV~K V/\E~nE • "1EM A0~t< ... Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called del~e. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. 8 mg ··11r:· 0.8 mg n cod111 "', p1r clg.,1111, by FTC medMld. ... ... ... • ~' ' I I ! j,1 1 1 1 1,1 I I' '! l I, • " ' 1111:1111111111 c•m llllJ Piiat TUESDAY, JULY e, 1982 CAVALCADE STOCKS COMICS TELEVISION 82 83 84 85 • .. How do you handle a . panhandler? Ann Landen sussests an Pase B2. old remedy on ~· 0 n ,. I Adjusting to college :peed not be a handicap . . y JOEL C. DON The pilot project, funded by Of tM Deir Net..... the federal Department of When a group of physically· Education, was sponsored by fnd medically disabled high UCl's Handicapped Enrichment tchool studenta gathered for a Program and was said to be the •pecial program at UC Irvine first of Its kind In the state. ..recently, it looked aa if the The students c ame from ~oordlnators had a cue of throughout Orange County with ~gation -hand1capped-style disabilities that included asthma, ..l--on their hands. diabetes, epilepsy, muscular The blind youngsters managed dystrophy, cerebral palsy and a t o find each other. Thoae in variety of other ailmeiita that m otor-powered wheelc h air-a bound aome to wheelchairs. veer ed away from the hand-Most shared similar feari and driven variety. And the dwarfs concerns compounded by the decided to hang around people nightmarish rumors of college they didn't have to look up to. life that manage to haunt man y a But in tegration easily had been high school campus. ~hleved well before the end of In workshops and seminars the unique five-day program to students we re given "survival l ntroduce the studen ts t o s kill such as assertiveness university life. training, using the library, coping 1 Program coordina~rs noted an w ith test anxiety a nd other am p 0 r t a n t 1ess0 n i n h a t academic-oriented information. ~ccomplishment: The disabled students who n eeded •tudents learned that they'll be note takers or other assistance Individually responsible for their were told where to go for help at social acceptance in a university. a university. "Many of these students feel But the top con~m of most )as very comfortable in their high how to blend in with their peers: school surroundings because they making those seemingly all-· }l ave gone with the sa m e important friendsh ips and students to grammar. junior high relatio ns h ips despite their and high school," said program physical or medical disabilities. director Denise Killpack, herself For most that meant meeting a dwarf. the opposite sex. "When they come into a new "A lot df people are really situation, that's all changed. afraid of being rejected," said They'll have to readjust to a new Susan Torpercer. a UCI graduate 'nvironrnent." s t u d en t w h o w e n t b li n d T hat means making ne w following a racquetball accident friends. But. Ms. Killpack. offered in 1979. ~he consolauon ~hat the first year "They want a social life . an c~ll ege ~Ill general be They're really afraid people drastically different from the/ aren't going to like them. But ?ftei:i unpleasant freshman year people that are going to be with l1l high school. them are going to like them.'' The maturity of most ~liege Though he lost one eye to students would. free the d.1~bled cancer, Mark Hoxie, a Fountain a diabetic, told the students they must f i rll acc,pt their dlaabWties. She Mid she finally accepted hers after skipped insulin Injections and eating blnies sent her to the hospital . "lly looking at me you can't tell what my disability is," she said. "When I went to the hospital with a high blood sugar level I realized 1 was different. It was hard for me to understand why I couldn't be like everybody else." She spent a summer brooding In h e r r oom following h er fint year at UCI. Then one day she told herself: ''If Mary Tyler Moore has diabetes and she can get up and dance and be rich and famous maybe 1 could do it. "What I want each of you to realiz.e is you have a disability but you must r ealize what your limitations are and accept them. From that poin t do whatever you can to get around them. "There are times when it's going to be hard. But once you've accepted what you can't do you· can work with that." The program participants. who were sophomores, juniors a n seniors. planned on a variety of academic goals following high school. Some would attend junior college. Others were ready to make the jump into a major university. UCI officials h oped the program w ould at least encourage all to continue in their education and not fall prey to others who've suggested lesser goals. stude~ts Crom .)Okes and nd1cule, Valley High School senior, isn't ~e said. wary Qf the workload he'll face "There's real peer pressure '?, in college. He said he needed meet new people in high school, assertiveness training to help s.h e add.e d . "In coll,ege the cope with shyness. PRESSURE IS OFF -Denise Killpack , program director, and John McBribe, sign language interpreter, assure Steve Silgailis, 18, OelrPlkl4Steff Photo and Bobby Churchwell, 16, that most college students will spare them from jokes and ridicule. "The tendency of high schools is to funnel disabled people into more vocational programs than ones that make them use their minds," saip Fred Henderson. associate directo r o f UCI's Student Support Services. "We're going to he lp them overcome their physical barriers a nd make them believe in themselves." pressure IS off. You ~on t have to "I'm not ·good at meeting h a v ~ a bes t f r 1 e h d o r a people and talking to them and boyfnend.'' . keeping a con versation," he The 5 8 hand 1 ca PP e d explained. "I'm the type of participants also ~ived advice penon who won't go out and say and e ncouragement about the hello or IOIDething tint.'' aometimes difficult days they'll In eddftion to the more formal face on can,lpul. discussions, the students were treated to some of the pleasures of living away from home for the fint time. They took up residence in the Middle Earth dorms. participated sIDELDED BY DOOR -Bob Palmer of Costa ~esa participates in a mock ambush to test Oelr ll'Mot Pfloto b1 l .. Payne reactions in Orange County Police Officers Academy exercise based on real life. Fake · ambushes_/Save officers Writing traffic tickets and ending disputes can he hazardous Sy JODI CADENHEAD or .. o.IJ .... IUff ' Luckily the bullets weren't real. And the molotov cocktails u.ed by amateur actors were only water balloons. been one of the most danaen>us states for an officer to worlc in," said Wemmer. From 1973 to 1979 an average of 11 officers lost their lives annually. So far this year, three peace officers have been killed in the line of duty. ' Law enforcemen t experts spend houn going over every aspect of the crisis to detennine what the officer could have done differently. "We train them to recog:niz.e danger signs," said Wemmer. in barbecd"es. sporting events and late-night college parties. But they also somewhat begrudgingly sa mpled the culinary Highs and lows that are the trademarks of dorm food. When the topic wasn't on how to meet new friends, student panelists were peppered with questions on how to explain disabilities to college peers. UCI student Chedgz.sey Smith, Ms. Killpack echoed that statement, sa y ing "We want them to be what they want to be. "It may just take them longer to do it" • Felton new OCPS president Philharmonic Society calls 29th season 'most ambitious' J im Felton will preside over the Orange County Philharmonic Society's 29th year of providing more music for more people. "Following our theme we are presenting the most ambitious season yet at no series price increase." said Richard Cole, in charge of concert arrangements. "The L os Ange l es Philharmonic directed by Carlo Maria Giulini will play 10 concerts in two series of fjve each, and an extra concert by the San Francisco Symphony wtth F.do de Waart. conductor. "Violinists Itzhak Perlman and Isaac Stem -both synonymous with 'sold out' concerts -plus 10 outstanding soloists and six guest conductor s emphasisze the stature of our upcoming season. "Plus w e h ave made arrangements for the San Francisco Symphony concert tickets to be ordered singly or as part of t h e se ries to take advantage of the discount price." Felton, a former director of public r elatio n s for A vco Financial Services, succeeds Mrs. L yell Evans who finished her two-year term. Elected to serve with him at the society's annua l meeting were Mrs. Evans, chairman of the board: Louis Knobbe, first vice p,r esid ent; M rs . Fred Schne ide r , Ladlslaw Reday, Hobart Denny and ~· Robert Beechner, vice presidenta; Mmes. Ralph Tandowsky and Robert Weber, public relations; Mrs. Frank P osch , treasurer; Mrs. David Tingler. recording se<ltttary and Mn. T. Duncan S tewart , correspondin8 secretary. Directors elected for one year were Dr. Jewell Plummer Cobb, SPEARHEADING SEASON -James Felton and Mrs. Robert Beechner will lead the Orange County Philharmonic Society as its president and chairman of women's committees. president of Cal State Fullerton; Rear Adm. Howard Roop and Mrs. Stewart. Elected to three- year terms were Richard Cole, Mmes. Eric Dura nd, Leonard Jones, Kitty Knox, Evans and P08Ch. The new board accepted with regret the resignations of Mrs. Joseph Gleason, Richard J . Fix.a and J. Donald Ferguson whose aervice on various OCPS boards, committees and fund-raisers totaled 43 years. The OCPS presidency is the latest in Felton 's vtrt. • ual catal<>1 of busineea, financial, civic and cultural endeavors to which be has contributed leadership. At Avco, he implemented • successful public service ad campalgn designed to promote public awareness of 80cial and charitable agencies In the county before retiring in 1979. His founding and national coordination of the Smokey Bear campaign for 21 years earned him the highest award preented by the U,S. Fo~ Service. Felton's medfa involvement i has included editorial wrtttnc fot the Newport Ensign, editlnc fot Time magazine •nd a vice =·ncy at Foote, Cone & While leadtn1 OCPS' 8Cho&arah.lp and public relatianl oommltteee, be abo Ma --Oil the boards of the Girl Scout.. •But in California, with its Unfortunate disllnctJon of leading t-he nation in police officer kllllngs since 1961, the now make-believe In cidents can bt!colne a matter of life and death later. Many of the deaths could have been prevented had the officers been alert to the fint atana of danger, Mid Wemmer. "'7rhere's a tremendous problem of <."Ompliance in law enforcement in the older officer," aald Wemmer. "They 1tart to U'eat dally encounters• routine and '" ....uL they ant not.'' Blind drivers follow cheers to finish Students enrolled In Golden West Collefe's Orange County P'olice 0 f lcera Academy .,_rticipated recently In the 9'1ercleet led by S1t. Richard We81D•r. an instructor who _...for the Loi Anpa. Police =--~ around oonwn. ~t=.: ltm• noUotd &he 1un••n ...... ''" ............ Ollwn ............. .... ldllld ..... ..... 1«m ........ . ,..... .... ., .... UoMllJ Many of n be their Uvet DCtl'fOnninl duU. that would not be con1icfered on th• 1urf ace darwlroul, Mid Wemmer. Wrltln1 tt1Ulc tloke&a and blwlWta YD. tamaly ~ CWtbl :.....,...tilwn• ........ , ~in .... .................. _ wtMN 1 pllt1111• I.a Ml Ute, ,, Courageous, young blind racers lJ\ 10&pbox can opened some eyes durln.1 Braille lnltltute'a Downhlll Derby race . Twe nty-two bUnd you th s , from the Loi An1elea a nd Oranp County cent.rt. whllktd off a truck ramp and onto 1 May O:lm~y parklnc &ot at Buena Park Mall durine the day Iona ewnt. "I could alwayt wU when we IOl '° "'9 flMh UM blalUlt 0..&11 when the ct.n wwe the loUdH&L" _11ld l l •}Hr·old Owoirrt llMW, ot Anlhelm. Carolyn, the only female ln the event, was a racer in the winnln8 car named "Emanon" -"no name" spelled b.ckwa.rdl. She and her partner, 14-year-old Stuart Ho, of Garden Grove, averaod a lpeed of 20 mph for each f 00-yattl hMt. Each car had a t.wo-pereon team -a partially 1l1h\ed naviplOI' ana a ,..... wtth ... vl1lon who braked. lll1h&ed ~ .......... &hi Wly . ll1nd ...,. bull& ....., own .., with &he .... , fl ..... Pwt& "'~ -.., .... AnPlee-Bnntwood Rotary Cub memt¥tr11 volunteen or their fa~ The El Toro Marine Corp1 Band and Color Guard entertained before 1\ate Sen. John 8eymou.r and ... ww..n Dennemeyer offtcl.alfj opeMd the,_., An IW ... ---1& .... ~ ......... c.lir folkl•ed • honor ,..r', ·-, ................. ..... 1111 .................. 11 .... aaw..a. .,.~ .... .... ...,..1d1• T.....,_ h1IA11• _. trophle11 and Rotary Club memt.n apamond pan of tbe event. Local bu1tne .... aleo helped lponlOI' CIOlllV\lcdGa ., can. '' ----.. I ,, I I ' I :I ·J ., t I I I ., I' . i. ' .. •F •~ Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, July 8, 1982 • ANN LANDERS • ERMA BOMBECK • HOROSCOPE Turning down beggars makes teen 1feel guilty DEAR ANN LANDERS: I 'm an 18-year-old high school student who lives in Denver and reads your column avidly. Please help me figure somethlnj( out. On a recent trip to Los Angeles a vagrant approached me and asked for money. He said, "I've had the flu. I'm hungry and haven't had a drink in two days." I politely refused, thinking I should not contribute to his alcoholism. When I was ln the middle of the next block a toothless hobo asked if I could spare "a little something for a meal." He looked so pathetic I wanted to give him the ice cream cone I had just bought at the Santa Monica NEWEST RAGE -Debra. 6, and Jennifer, 9, daughters of Barbara Minkove of Bellevue. Wash'., model Deely Bobbers -gi.smos that consist of a head strap that sprout antenna-like pier. I lied and satd I had no money. Soon I felt so guilty I wanted to rush back, find the two bums and slip them each a couple of bucks. What is the correct way to deal with these people? Tell them to go to work? Give them money? Suggest AJcoholics Anonymous? I would appreciate a response to this questiqn, and I'll bet others would, too. There seem to be more panhandlers on the street now than ever before. CONFUSED IN COLORADO DEAR CONFUSED: This Is bow my father dealt wltb tbe problem. and I learned from blm. Wben a down-and-outer (drunk or .~ AP~ springs tipped with hearts, pinwheels or characters from the Pac-Man arcade games. In the tradition of the hula hoop, pet rock and yo-yo, Deely Bobbers are sweeping the nation. Aries: Clarify pla,ns Wednesday, July 7 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Physical attraction, important business decisions dominate vibrant scenario. Plans which had been nebulous will have substance. News concerning funding will be favorable. Relationship is serioua. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You are selected to represent company, club or community in special or charitable project. Prestige on upswing; you gain added recognition and make valuable contacts. Aries. Libra persons figure prominently. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): New approach enables you to communicate in additional areas with more people. Focus on education, travel, added independence and outlet for your creative talents. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Follow through on first impressions; intuitive intellect serves as reliable guide. You could have an occult experien ce. You'll dig beneath layers of superficiality. You'll learn truth concerning money. motives a nd emotional responses. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Avoid direct confrontations. Diversify, take ring roads, __,,. By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna Beach HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA • examine, experiment. make inquiries and leave details for another time. Focus also on social activity, public relations, consideration of partnership proposal or marital status. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Low-key approach brings best results. Emphasis on basic chores, people who depend ~n you. pets and employment. Leo. Aquarius, Scorpio persons figure prominently. Special meanings are contained in small print. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focus on creativity. physical attraction. special relationships apd success in speculative venture. ln games of chance, stick with number 5. You gain through written word. Gemini, Virgo persons play import.ant roles. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov. 21): Basic domestic adjustment highlights scenario. Focus on prope rty. security, family relationships and ability to rebuild on a more suitable structure. You gain via diplomacy. Know it, don't attempt to force issues. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Avoid wild goose chase. Direction apt to be muddled, confused. Ask questions, insist on straight answers. Terms can be clearly defined ~ make clear that is what you expect. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Emphasis on money, production. intensified relationships. challenge and added responsibility. You can obtain funding; you locate miming article and you receive credit long due. Another Capricorn plays key role. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Study Capricorn meuaae for hint -and inspiration. Lunar cycle high, 1ky it the limit.. Focua on penonal appearancea. dlrect appeala, ability to perceive pulle of public. PUCES (Feb. UJ-March 20): Ll1ht lhed on art• prevlou1ly darki many f tan, a11p6donl can now bt trldkiated. You pin 1piCial rwaplUon from ,.... ,.,....... an ~tall, l"OUPlt oronlMUonl anit prtva• o~ftrtnot whloll lead1 to 1r•attr ............... ' sober) asked Abe Friedman for a handout, be was told, .. , won•t 1lve you money, but let's go Into this reataurant up tbe street. You can order a good meal and I'll pay for U!' My father wa1 tben certaln that be never turned down a b\lDlrY man, nor did be contribute to anyone'• tiooze problem. I'm 1ure tbls Is tbe way you want to live your Ille. too. DEAR ANN LANDERS: This is for those who are complaining about a penny shortage. A simple solution would be to req\Jire merchants to round off their prices instead of trying to make things look cheaper to the already bamboozled consumer by pricing items at 99 cents, $4.99 and so on. What really bums me up ii $2.99, or two for $5.98. The people who tet these prices must think the customers are morons. Just Sign Me -BUYER BEW ARE DEAR BUYER: Eveh 1f tbe mercban&1 rounded off tbe price. most states bave a sales t*x tbat means you're stuck wltb tbe pennies again. There ls no escape from the tyranny of copper. Resign yourself. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I havei a suggestion that may be a great help to people who frequently get colds and headaches and blame their sinuses on the neighbors' kids, open windows or overheated buildin~s. For years I worked in an office and couldn't fifure out why I always had a cold. One day remembered how upset I was when a colleague who had a runny nose and hacking cough stopped at my desk to borrow 1 my phone. That very day I went out and bought a bottle of liquid cleanser and wiped the mouthpiece. I have kept a bottle of cleanser in my desk drawer ever since and have used it daily. I also got into the habit of wiping off the mouthpiece of the phones at home. It has been 15 years since I have had a cold. Maybe it's psychological, but it works for me. Spread the word, Toots. -FEELING FINE. THANK YOU , IN VA. DEAR FEELING FINE: Splendid idea. It costs very fittle and makes sense. Thanks for sharing. Going to a wedding? Giving one? Or standing up in one? Even if you're already married Ann Landers' completely new "The Bride's Guide" will answer questions about today's weddings. For a copy, send a dollar, plus a Jong, self-addressed , s tamped envelope (37 cen ts p<>Stage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, Ill. 60611 . Diet goes to th_e dogs My husband came into the kitchen the other night, dipped his spoon into a bowl and said. "Ummm. Tastes terrific! What is it?" I said, "Chicken, bacon bits, onions and kidneys." ''What do you call it?" flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END "The dog's dinner. We're having beans and franks. Go wash up." ''Do 1 want to know what's in this bottle filled with brown fluid?" . "You know the only tim~ he reacts to anything on TV is when he goes to bed during PBS pledge week." "IT'S A NEW BEVERAGE for dogs who are 'skk of drinking just water.' It's flavored with beef." "That's quite a jump for someone who drinks from a toilet," he said. "Besides, how do you know our dog is sick of drinking just water? Does he say, 'Yuuuck' and spit it out?" ''He doesn't care:· said my husband. ''For all we know. he's probably a vegetarian and doesn't know how to tell us. We could throw him a raw potato every day and he'd be happy as a clam.'' He tilted the bottle of beef -flavored drink. took a sip and winced. "What did you e xpect?" I sighed. ''Gusto?" My husband had a point. We've never had a dog who sang. talked. wrote notes or communicated with us in any way. "Whattya wanta bet? The only way he'll drink it is out of the toilet." "We just have to trust someone," I said. And trust we have. During the last five or ten years, I've seen the selection of dog food grow from a couple bags of nuggets by the grass seed near the door to an entire aisle of options. On blind faith, I've lugged in cheese and beef pellets, dry food that turns sensuous in its owp gravy, jerky snacks, liver-flavored cookies, bones that whiten • their teeth and cans of gourmet dog food to combat boredom. "LET ME ASK YOU A question," said my husband. "Has this dog ever gotten excited about any dog products touted on television?" GOif ii 011 lllDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. North deals. NORTH • 1086% <v AQS 0 A97 +A52 WEST EAST •KQS · •914 <v KS <v 42 o 814 O KQU +Q108U +KJ 97 SOUTH •AJS Q J10t878 0 J103 +4 The bidding: N.nli Eut S..Ui Wfft 1 . , ... 1 Q , .. l NT PUI 2 <v P .. s Q , ... 4 Q p .... , ... , ... Opening lead: Six of •. When you spot a line of play that offers a 8·~1 chen~ of 1ueceu, you tend to think that that I• 1ood enou1h. But there may bt a better lint available. Tht auet.loft was nra&pt.· lorward. Afttr ao.&t~ rttMd hie lNana, Nonh felt t'-& ~t. ... u .. t wu•p eu..,.n ud ......................... ..... WU flJI Wlllt ,., Ml ,.... ....... West led a cl ub and dedar· er won the ace in dummy. He come to hand with a club ruff and led the jack or trumps. covered by the king and won by the ace. Declarer returned to his hand with the ten of trumps and ran the jack of diamonds. West won and ex· ited with a spade. The long and short of it is that declarer lost two tricks in spades and diamonds for down one. He felt. hard done by. since it was better than a 75 percent chance that West held one of the diamond honors. To improve the odds even further. declarer would still have made the contract after the spade 1hift. if East had one of the spade hoftorl. The hand would have been written off u merel7 unlucky had there DOt been a ldblt.r preMnt. He 1u.,..itd that declarer eould llavt made UM contract b7 nam111 out the last dub and then ,&a16•1 ae. of.,... alld uo&t..r. •t.· t.1n1 up the fou..U. .,.dt fer a dlamoecl d'-td. TIM,..,.,. ftl& &Mi t'-t would M& tut• '"4 ......... dWrlbu· u... TIM kJ'*81r •U rep&. .... ,., .............. 0... , ... Hlft ,,~, .. ~· ... _ ...... _,. . .............. then play ace of spadea and another. Let's suppose that Eut has t.l\e worst possible holding for declarer: K-Q·9-x in the suit.. He can capture the ten with the queen, c:uh the king. then exit with the nine. But declarer ruffs and runs the jack of diamonds. II an honor appears from West, declarer loses only one dia· mond. lf West. plays low and Easl wins the trick, he is end played. A diamond is into declarer'• combined tenacei any other return allows declarer to rurf in one hand while getting rid of his dia· mond loser from the other. Thus we see that. the play of ace and another spade guarantees the contract reprcUeee of U.. di1tribu· tlon. Try it for yourMtr. - ' . . IUlll CUil 11EAE ARE {tl Read all 'today's U news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep In the . . ~­ brig ht, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. ® Keep an eye on ~ local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, pl~nning commis- s i on , school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, cry or get ~smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bombeck, interesting --• Orange Coa.tt DAILY PILOT/Tuetdey, July 8, 1982 Ylll llllllll llllY NPll ·"" I To keep up with • ·· all that's happen_ing in your community yo11: nee!1-the Daily P_tlot · ••• every day l 1 { I ) -" I I• I ' " !I ll ' I 1 . : I I j I~ 1: 1' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---,,: 1 :: I AEASOns Wl1Y. • • lifl_ Follow your team ~ The sports .actio~ at. 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community co1 - leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported b y the Da i ly Pilot s ports staff. Keep up w ith nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! 8 Save money and ~ shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised ev er y day i n the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort Enjoy your gSunday \SJ Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and fea- tures about you highlight the inter- est i ng reading packaged in yo ur Sunday Daily Pilot. .t::;;Y Enough to read - and enjoy. fifJ Tune in to the {/ latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi- s i on guide is publ i shed each weekday in the Daily Pilot . On Fri days, Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find . i : i i: 'I .. !; :: I ;: '• I .. .. .. '· ;· I ....... :· l, I I. I 1 . . i: ,, ()'j, . i . II ~: i o, l . I I I , I' ~. .. ·I > I "Bllyl Don't wipe your foe• on your . . . Mt\RMADt:kE Ot1ng1 Collt DAILY PILOT/Tu.day. J41i1e,1811 Tiii F1'MILt' Cl8CIJI by Bil Keane by Brad Anderson ' r •IGGEORGE ) by Virgil Partch (VIP) ' GP , ''Don't look at me llke that...thls Is my chair, and I'm not moving!" 1-~ ' TAAT's JUST G1NAS WAY OF LETTING ME KNON ™1" l HURT' HER FEEUNG5. • .lt:DGE PARKER .. ACAOSS 47 US-Cen. ·~ ,.,. p-. 51 Stupid 8 Ctonee 52 Put In order 10 Tiww out 54 Wort! 14 lpriltt city 58 Order 15-of HNI Mlft 81 Cdor 18 MM&llo 12 Heed: Fr. ,., .,... 13 ElltrlCted --... AlffliMI nl qa..·.... ~ "..... .. lllOMllOtlll ~.,"" .. '***' 10.....,, 17 WNlwl lllllOolMIOml ...... DOWN .. .,.-,, c.,,.. 1 ""'....,... atClllr ,......,,.. •Dflr •• i i..ner =.~ ::-~ ""'' "' ...... , .. .. ...... ... .... . ,.. . ... ' ",......... 11;: " ..... • r:: .. !!F • ~~SPLAT! WH~Re Do you THINK THIS IS, TH' PUBLIC L~? )I~ by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson • PEANIJTI LOOK AT TMAT LITTLE REP.MAIRED 61RL ... ISN'T ~E CUTE ? IF WE HOPt 10 MA~c.H IN iHl5 l.IE/«'5 'TtORNAME>Sf OF m5E.5 PAAAOt , ~'RE All 601~ rt> HAVE 10 {.(()RK n£1l-I~ A5 A 1EAM ! THAT'S TME TROUBLE WITH 8EIN6 A lime KID •• I C""1 INVITE HF.R OVT TO OINNER ... !NORDER 10 ~H OORGOAL , WE~ All GOfN6 'TO HAVE"IODO~ ~RE! • by Charlt1 M. Schulz --------I CAN'T EveN INVITE I YOO COULD STAHO MER FOR A CUf' OF I ON 'JWE CORNER, AHP COFFEE... EAT AH O«AH6E ... II J , •• vi~IJ:;>. \, I -m1N.C .J0!,1" ASOOT ~L ANIMAL~ E.NJ0-4 • by Ernie Bushm1ller c---........... I I I -., 11 \ ' -EVBM~ ..... NIWI WONllM WOMAN Wllflde( Women unco11«1 • plot to 11..i mllllone ~I dollM• In i.._..• lroM ....... ,)' Ptfl~ .. • THalAINT Simon le ~ Into • ... Of bledlmell, jMlouay end """°" llft• MYlng IM llfe ol • oolonlll prime mlnllt•. I I.WAT. HAWNAFfW-0 Mc:G11rreu 141 G8llld to Sin· gepore by • ,.,,,fled girt hi le Mektng .. a wit,_ to a loG8I llWfdlr. • tUilANfTU THM>UGH~ "Ml*e: ~Old Seatcll -~ * * "Hlgll Counuy" ( 19' 1) Tlmollly Bottoms. Lind• Purl An a.c1P41d convict Ind 111• lllindk:appec:I gll1· lrlend llM to thl moun- tain•. 'PO' (l)MO'M •141 "In God We Tnnr· (19801 M1rty F1ld m1n. ~ Keulman. A nww monll II _, out Into the ~ to , .... money lat 1111 lmpoyetlllled monw- 'PO' UI •. tUIAH FACE OF ~ "It la Alw119 So In The Wortd" A prollle ot U<bln fllmlly Ille, •• typlflec:I by ,,.,. Sun lamlly ol Pangpu New VIM-o-. la pr-led (R) • AMINCAH ~ "Melropolltlllilm" (J)QINEWS a ~ Ml..L.ER A ,_ d818Clhle mlkea l-lt jMIOul Ind llCCU9M al 811rney·a men of being clilhoMll. .,. CilOW!lS CHAMPUN ONT'HE.._..ICENE 1:00 I cm NIWI N9CNEWI KUNGN Caine ch811engae • klllet to be 1118 own fudQI •nd • woman to 11CC41PI thl .,... diet. .~ ... A atoolll-Kojlk to IUl- ttllr"" -~--• w•A•a•H Mysterioue ~ In the 40n111 -10 con- "'"' ti. K-bellef In .,, -wond al d8rnon9 ... ~ ........ I JOKEJrt WLD ····-· MPORT CJ) P.M. MAGAZINE A 6-yeer-<>ld who llM • bionic hind; • woman who run• • "rent-•-wlle" aer- lllcl- (fl IHTIMAINMEHT TONIGHT An lnllnllew wltll Rober1 Mitchum. Qt THE MUflf'ET'8 cn>THEWAYITWA8 ··111$<1 Foo1b1H Upset" use vs. Noire o ..... CilMOYIE * *'~ "Heppy Blrthd1y To Me" (19110) MeHaaa SUI Anderaon. Glenn Ford. Al ~ b90'na ctlopping -•y II hit cirCll OI ellllal lrlenda, • prep IChool Mn· lor worrlea th«t ahe may be ,,.,. next vlc11m -or l)OMl- bly IN klllet. 'R' 7:aD 8 2 ON~ TOWN F .. 1urac:1: • proflla ot leg- «ldwy uk..... pi.yen. America'• lllgheel plld dme foClc'Y: • colorlul 111 .. tory ol Ille 191; • non-t01Klsl luau;• llelicopt• ride. I a r:AIA. v F'BJO IEYEOHLA. FN tured: 1 gun club in r DEADLY GAME -The Harts (Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers) are on a European business trip that turns inw a deadly game of hide-and-seek in "Hart w Hart" U>night at 10 on KABC (7). 114rvetty Hlllt wn.r. I .... weettlly INtn 10 prot1et 1~: • taem ol men wno writ• jlngMa ror com- m.clala, • OfOUCl ol lllgtl ~ • w•A•a •H Bolll Cr\8tlea and IOlno- ~ rom1ntlc 1111aona while lorgettlng their troo- blee al Roele'a B.,, I CJ) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEL I LEHAEA MPOfn' • MONIYt.W<IM "Profeulonal In-tore" (fl YOU AIM<&>~ IT FNtuf«j: "The Min Who l.Nel Wltll A Monat•" Ind "Playing Bllglum '• 2000- Pou<MJ Btilla " CB) MONEY MA~ A 1 .. 1.pec.o OClcumeolary 1.umin. llOW to dru1ic.- 1y CUI food bllla and U"9 money by c:ataJOgue anop. ping .. cn>IAIE'Mll 8.itlm«• Ofk>lea 11 Clll- loml• Angela HO 8 Cl) UNMMI Wiit• Cronlll1• reports on verlova ocamenon and pr.'°"*" In lhl world of aa.- D 18 IMT MAVERICK A "°"911al lllr• Six gun- men to go •11• Ma-1dl . (R) • MOYIE * * * "AMp The Wiid Wind" (11142) John Wl)lnll, Sua•n H1yw1rd. An octopua crN I• trouble ror r..idflnta ol 1111 Aorld• Keys In lhl t&eoa. ea ~DAY8 Al pertlclpl... In • cMI rlghll deflloMlretlOn. Md Fonde .,..._ on )ollllng ...... (A)Q . ..,. **'At "UMC"(1 .. I ~ Inf .......... .--Olly. A ..,.. ~ IMdlc8I oellWll ........ ~ on.a lndldllg _.,,_. llOl lUlta. ·p-~ A 8-)llMr-old wtlo NI I bionic: hand; • -who r.-• "rent-•w41e" --vtce. • MOYll *** "The See Cnue" (1955) John Wl)lnll, Ynli Tumet. 8Med on the now! by Andrew Clew A <*'· m111 captlln commen- ~• • INp of lugiltv. dunng Wor1d W1111 • DAHOPlJXa "a.ct Company" Brian It narUMd by hi• l«llor ol'll- ce< •nd dlacov1<a the m1jo< llaa 1 very peraonll u to grind (Part 8) (R) O 8!) NOVA "Aolng: T .... Matlluselah Syndrome" An examina- tion ol Iha r-Cll ~ conducted on longevity and 1111 aging ptOO.S .. pt-led (R)O (C)MOW • •.,., ··Ecnoee 0t A Sum- mer" ( 19781 Rlcllard Hlfrlt. Jodie FO&ll< A 18f • mln1lly II 12-yM<-old glr1 glvH 11., lllualon-lllled f"lll< •nd II., blindly detlfmlned motller Ille c:our-o-to accept lier Ille. (.8)MO'lll * * * "S.0 .8." (191111 Wll- ll•m Holden, Jull• Andrewt A movie director who llaa jull llnlalled a MYlll-mlllion dollll llKkl)I goee from •llemptld IUl- clde to 1 t>aerrlly Inspired re-ehootlng or Illa epic 'R' {])MOYll • * \.\ "Serial" ( 1980) M1r- 11n Mull, T....Oay Weld A happily mettled M1rln County oouple era apurred by their lret\dy neighbor• Into •xpto<lng 111.,nallve 11 ... tytea. 'R' owow ... "Blood BNch" (1981) John Su on. Bull Young A pelt of police omc..1 have thlir hands luN when they in-llOata the tauM Of beaotlgOer• being audtld 1n10 lhl aand, -to be· -lgatn 'R' 1:30 8 CJ) 1l4E TWO OF US Cubby and Reggie ult Brentwood for advice ..i>out ,,.,. women In their 1111 .. on Illa di)' ott. (R) 8 9 LAYIAHE& IHIM.EY L•\Wne and Shirley try to dlG up aome dirt on • not- ao-nlce celebrlty. (RI Q • 000 OOUP\.E Oscar wine • playful lhOu· aan6-dollar bet wltll In 11 • yM<-dd Mlgtlbor In In 11m wrutllng milch, Md thl kid paya on w1111 oold cUh t:OO 8 CJ) MOVIE • * * "A Slllnlng Seaaon" ( 1979) Timothy Bottoma. Allyn Ann MclMle. o.pitl aultlrlng ltom • 11111 111- ,_, • lrldl ... ~ 1111 IMI y.-ol Ille guiding • loeing eina· trldl t.-n to l.... ,.,.. winning -.on. aa~aco. c....~-lon­ ..., entangled ~ hit for. ,,_ pollc8 lloea ..nlle in-11ge1!ng ti. mwdlt ol • no4ed Cf'lmlnll lewyer ea THME"• Oi(JMll/W'( Mr. FU<ley ra11a lor • WMHlly lady who la pll)llng up to him bec:auae ol hit mlatuen belief thel lie la the bulldtng owner (Rio • MSW Ollff1N 0-ta: Donni Mib, MIU- ,_, MU<plly. MldlMI Kor- di, Thi Ctllpm;.nka. • MYSTBff "Mdce AIOf'ethouQlll" Dr Edmund Blclc191gh 911enlly auffer• ,,.,. con1emp1 open- ly dl1p1ay1d by his overbearing wile Julla. (Plrl l)(R)Q 8!) OAHGEA UX8 "Bid Company" Bt•an la hit bled by hla 1«11or on1- ee< •nd dltcover• ,,.,. m•jor Illa • ......,. penonal u to grind (Part ll)(R)Q (%)MOVIE • • • 'h "Two Enghah Glrta" ( 1971) .JMn-Plarra LNUd. Kika Markllln'I. In pr•World War I Peri•. IWO Welah girl& eng-oe In a rom1ntlc trlengte wltll • young Frenchmln. t:ao8 9 TOO CLOU ~ COtoilFORT CHANNEL LISTINGS Jackie Ind Sar• ••clllnge llj)llrtmenta with European v1a11or1 wtloM ~ la atuffed wltll llrNrml (R) Cl) AWJeOll: 9 KNXT (CBSI 9 KNBC (NBCI 9 KTLA (Ind.I e )CABC IABCI e lt.FMB (CBSI 9 KHJ·TV !Ind.I e ICCST IABCl e KTTV (Ind.I 'e KCOP·TV (Ind.I .e KCET (PBSI e ICOCE (PBS> .0 On-TV Cl Z·TV fl HBO ~) CClnemaxl (fl IWORI NY., N.Y. Q1} CWTBSI CIJ IESPN> 'IJ IShowtlme l .. ._) • Spotlight • ICllble News Nttwork) IMlllB'TO .. IE tBIVTE Get In allape, lo<* good. Md .... grMI wltll thl9 pllyllcal flt,_ progrll'l'I -~~cw ~ "Tiie Carp•INlll bgle" A y<11>ng writ.,' a novel on Ille legendlty Counteaa ol car~1111a Md 11er pet Ngle lnaplrM I gt.-ome -• ot murden. ............ owo TN OOtflotlM ,._.. 19m· ... "" .., ,. .... ..,,. ,.... ...-W• ... edhOt ltmo l)Mn, MCI f lelct beoomu 1mot101111ty lnVOlvtd with a ~ :::'~\.NIM • § twrr TO HAAT The Hlltta' bull,_ - Cllll d~a duflng a -king lrlp to et\ I JiOllO ·~~i...(fll)Q • wm4 Ollll ANO ,,.. "Wt Are EIGl'I Other" Otele De-M. Ruby 0.. Md Ktr.e ._.,4eit" BM· fleld .. .,_.. Ille - of IMlnO bllolt ltwCMlgh the pro.. I/Id poetry 01 10 ··~ "Mallet AIOtetllougllt" Or. Edmund llckltioll allently eun.a tllt contempt °'*"" ly d laplaye d by 1111 Ovetbevlng wll• Julia ~8'1~0 •• * "A Ctoct1wor1t °' ..... (1871) MfllOOlm McOowlll, Patrlc:tt Mtgee. Directed by 8 t1nte y Kubrick. Whan Pollcl cap- tur1 thl INdef ol • t~ eoe oeng ol rl!Plata Ind lnU(dtfefl, 1111 method of reh1blllllllng him ptOY9f ev1<1 mor• tlltHtantng to eoclety, 'R' l.B)MOYll * * ·~ "Hlttaty 01 Thi WOfld -Parl I" ( 11181) Mel Bf oolla. Madeline Kelln. M.,,'a Hluatrlova lllataty - lrom ~,... ca_.. men 10 ,,.,. Splniah tnqul· .,,Ion -la examined 'R' Cl) 13 llAOM"1'0N Pl.ACE (P•rl 6) 10:aol Niwa f\JOHTFAOM IEXT1NCTIOH TM pllOht of the noble and rn1jMtlc crene Ind the en0tt1 ol the lnt•nlllonll Cr-Foundlllon to aave. them from extinction we lllll'l'llned (nlMOYll * * * "Hlgtl RlaJI" (1981) J-Btolln. CIMvon U1· II• A lrlo of greedy fr11nda ptot the robblty ot a mll· lion dollar• lrom • South AM41tlc.,, drug dNll< 'R' OMOYll • • "Tiie Hollywood KnlOhta" ( 1980) Robert Wulll, Tony DIN• On Hiil· io-eve In 111415, a rowdy high achool gang wrMka h«llOC In Beve<ly Hilla to •-10' Ille doling or tllelt 11engoo1 by ,,.,. locM home -· auoQ.. Ilion. 'R' 11:00 •a• CJ) a a NIWI 8 aAT\JfllDAY NIGHT Hoai· Candle• Bergen. OUNI Frink Z&p91. fll YOU AIKID F<>f' IT FH lured· "J..,_ Kiii wwrw1." e w•A•a•H Whan Hew4leye --ternpor llY COfl'VT\andet of Ille 4071111. hi must con- tend wttll .,, "lnY-'on" ot KOf- -~HLL ~ looU .. the ... of .,,~'-""*" C4en from bo'J'f\OOd to rnenhood. I OO<CAWTT oocro.. .. THE "°'* (l)MOVW * * * "Tiie Doga Of War" I tNOI Chrlatoptler Wlllk· an. Tom a.renoer. Alt., being IOtlU<ld Md Oepoft- ld by an Alrleln dlctator. 1 m.cen11Y r.CU<N to lead a rftOlutlon 'R' (Z)MOW: • • 141 ""-'! &Mt" ( 1980) Nlctl Nolte. Sluy Speceik. Tne 11-of e..1 een-•- tlon llgenda Jeck K•OUIC en0 c.,o1 anc1 Neal c ..... dy .,. c:hfonlded, explor- ing I,.,. grOW'lll of their re4•· tlonahlp U Ille)' spend 20 reallaaa y11ra on tll• move.·A· 11::1118 Cl) AUC1 An aartllquak• predlc11on ec:ateellla~and W.1-•llMll'a~ (R) D QITONIGHT Guest t'IOtl. Dllvld &rennet. Ouesll Mallua M~ I.,, PllUI Sorvlno, Robert Eaton. 89 MCNEWI NIGHTUNI fr) MOVIE • * 'h "Or_, Fire" (1955) S tewart Qrll'IOA'. OrlQ9 Kiiiy. A Mll'I aacrlflc:. tlll -found --"" In • South Arnlrlcan -.io mine '°' tM ... ot !hi _,.~ • THEJGIE&OHI o-oe ~ o-i w1t11 .., .. rtc:fl ,,,.,, •• CllMM9.·· • LOW. AIM! ffCAH 8TYLI ''LOW' And Thi Aoom- mete" Roger Ilk• 811118 Jo. but ,.... In low with lier roomm•l•.J*. • HlMAH ,/Cl. OF ~ "It la Alw•ve So tn Tiie Orange Coat DAILY PILOT!Tu.td1y, July e, 1112 TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 9:00 -11A Shining &uon." Despite a painful battle wlth can~r. a track ai.r devotes the lu t year of hla Ufe w the children he coached. Phow below. KNBC (4) 9:00 -''Caaaie & Co." CaasJe bet'ometa emotionally involved with her former police boa. KCET (28) 9:00. KOCE (50) 10:00 - ''Malice Aforeth ought." First of a four-part adaption of Francis Illes' celebrated crime novel. K.NBC (4) 10:00 -"Flamingo Road." The corrupt Sheriff Semple faces exposure by ediU>r Elmo Tyson. WOtld" A proflle of urbln lamly .... .. lypllled by Illa Sun lemily of Pwlgpu New Villlge. 11 pt-led. (R) • CA"1'tONID MC Niwa n :MCB)MCMI • "Ou" (1981) Oonlkl Sutherland, Su a en ~. A radio OJ Ind • report• lry to ••PGM .,., oil magnetl'a plat to drive "9 OU prlcee by c;ontrlvlng en o11 anonege. 'R' t~ e INTPTMNMIHT TONIGHT An Interview with Roben MHcnum 8 (fl fAKf MY lllAHO A bNUllM rnermlld llnda out wtl•t t1um1n tow It 111 •bout, Ind • young pllol goea blck In time to World WW II 10 -Ille r11hef he ,_k,_(R) ewow *** "Tiie MouM Tllll Roar1d" ( 1969) P•t•r Sellera, Ju n 81 berg. When Iha Grind Duchy of Fanwtdi rNliHe lta poor hnenclal llllUI, Ila peoc>le dlCldea to go to war w4tll ..... U.S. to Improve 1hl economy .LOVI.~ STYLI "Love And Thi l)jvoroa Sele" When BIN and Tippy IUC11on on their ~ llloNI p<lor to divorcing. tlll)I find Mell ilem valu- able. • t.N>BWTANDMi HUMAN ECA"'°" ··r u1a. Smell. Heating" (a>t.tOYE ** "Amend• By Hight" ( 1981) Veronica Hirt, Rk:n- •d Boll8. A pr08tl1ut1 ,...,.,. up wltll • Oelec:1tYI Wller'I OM Of hit c.olleego- la murdlrac:I by ollent ahe Mt "" up with. ·JOAN~ co.m>"t "°"" Adull pupptil-Bllrdly Shew 8f'ld 1M Tropcen. o.nc:.a •• ._.ured 1llDI. ()) _,.IN e::.c...·n Hll tellow _..,. Mow llglW al jMlouey -Jotlnny Fi ve r wlna • twoedceatll19 -d. (RI tt::B CC> ftllOY9 * * * 141 "lleny Lyndon" (1175) ~ O'NMI, Mlll- M a.-. A ll8nd8onll IOldler Nnde ac1lon Md ·-In ttll 18111-can- tury ltltlllunny. 'PO' t2:IO 8 al ~TE *»tT Wln4 DAW> LITTIMIAH Oueata : bluea alnger Wl)llll CodlrM, comedian AlcNwd L-ia • COUPt.18 12:AO I :-8..:a ouo A nlglltclub alngar ~ lnvOIVed In 1 aclle m• to lr1me Mc:Cloud'• boat for a mur- der. (RI 12:AI Cl) U'eCTACULAA EVINNCI .. CANADA Poljl~ llumorlat 01"9 Bfoadtoot, lhl Complny Roy•I• 0 1 ncara •nd lemlla ~· C,llg RueMI -.... ured In • llbuloua M\lng ot ent•- tlllnment from Toron10. 1:008 MOYIR * *"' "The Call Of The Wild" ( 1971) John Beclt. Bemllrd Fr-. Bl9ed Oii the atory by Jaek Lon- don. T-men poe....O by gold 1-bat1ta lhl llllnltlta In Ille troun Klondtke. • MO'M * * *'~ "Fe1r SltlkH Out" ( 19571 Anttw>ny Pet- klna. 1(111 Malden Ba&ton A.a Sox pl•yer Jimmy Pll<ull aufte<a • nl<VOUI br11kdown wllen Ille l1thef'1 driving lnlluenoe Ind Ille P'-'" ol Dig IMgue baMt>All get ,,.,. belt• ol lllm ewov. *** "S08 "(1981)Wi.- llam Hold•n. Juli• II.Mr-. A mOVll dltec;tor wflO l\M )Ult flnl9tlld • mulll-lnilllon doll8r IU<key ~ lrom lllM\pted IUI· Clde to• bil.,rlly lnaplrld r•allooling ol 11111 •• 'R' (%)MOYIE * * * "Thi Americlnlu· tlon 01 Emily" ( 19641 J 1me 1 Oun er. Julie ~Rom-grows ~ I Brltlall Wll wkf. ow Md • non-heroic: olli- Olr ualglwd 10 ptovlde lllt auc>erlora w4111 Ille luxurlu ot home 1:108 MCME * * * "Tiie Car"Y TrNI· m•nl" ( 1972) Jamu Coburn, Jenni!., O'Nelll. A ~lllologlat llgllta to ci.ar I collMgul chllged wllll murde< when Iha deuglllet or 1 noted pllyeiGlan die• dU<lng 111 ilMIQ•I ~•lion. 9 .-WS 1:11(IDMOYll * * t,; "St11 Trek -The MOiton Poet1111" ( 1979) Wllllarn SNtner, Leon1rd NlmOy Tiii lorm. com- mandw ol Ille U.S S Enterptlae r-blea hla old crew Md Mt• on on a mlaalon to hnd ,,.,. mytllll· oua .......i '99POf'lllble lor thl deetructlon of numer· oua Feder Ilion et1ralllpa ·o· 1::111 a a..: NEWS OWNmtfT 1:AO Cl) MOYll * "Or1du•tlon D•y" (191 11 Cllrlatopller 0-ge. Plllch MacK- Hlgfl amool trec:* •tlllet• ... IMilnQ "*• ••cut "°"' the ._.. by .,, lftlnown kllllr. 'R' 1•• ~ • • •.,. "Compulalon" (111591 Of'90ll w ...... DMn Stade ...... A cteten .. law· yw piMd• '°' thl u..... or two youllla, Leopold and Loeb, wflO hive commllled murder lor tlwllla 2:1DIBNIWI =1= a. MT PATROL Thi Rat PllrOI ellowa llMll to be caplU<ld In order to ~•German gen.II DMOVE * • "Horner" ( 1970) Don Sc:ardlnO, Alex Nicol A amlll-town lamlly llpet"I- ~ thl varloua aoc:Jll problems ol lata-'60• Aln«lcan youlll. CilMCME *** "The Magic Flute" (19751 Joeef Koallinger, lnn8 IJfTllL A ptlnce and hla lllthful c;ompMlon ... out to ,_ • damMI In dill•-lrom !hi dutc:MI o1.,,.,.. aoroarer ·o· a:118 MCMI * ..... "TN Gun And Tiie Nun" (1971) Pit• Duel, Ban Murphy. A former d81ec1hle recllla 1111 ••P.- rlencla wltll two Old WMI outl-. Smith and J-. 1:11 ..,... ··~ .. .., ..... ,tHO) .... • tin Mull, ~ Wtld A h11191ly Meui.ct Merln County OOllC* .,, IJC)Urfld by lllelt ltendy neigllbofe Into t~tng llt•n•llve llfeltyiea, .... Ul®MCWll "-**"I 0 8 " (1Ht)W~­ llt m Hold111, J11lle Andf-A movie dltectOf wllO llu )Ult lllllel\ed • multl-mllllon CIOll• 1Ufk9'( go.. lfom •llet"nPled aul• Clde lo • bl.IMrlly lnaplrld r•lhOOllng ot Illa IClio 'R' l:IO. YOYMI TO THI eoTTOM °' T"9 UA "l>Mdly Wll•a" •:AO (C) MOVtl •et,; "Fo•ta" (1910) JOdll Foeter, a a11y 1<'41er· man. Tiie victim• ol broken "-and uncaring pat· enta. lour IMrl·lge glrla try to aoothl thllf M10tioMI wound• llltOUQh drug• Md Nit 'R' _/' 4;11. MOYllV e,, "f0f1 WOl'tll" (195 I) Randolph Scott. O.vld Brl- 111 A gunlllnge,.IU<ned· ~man tlndt 1t1a1 Illa pr-with • .. •• anoot., ta "* mor• elfeo- llve tllan WOtda In dMllng with lawteta lllrnerlta. 4~8 VOYAUTOTHI 80TTOM M THI MA "Time lock'' DMOYllE * * "Sund1y Lovera" (1981) Gene Wll<Mr, Roger Moore FOU< middle-~ "-1 In dlfl•ent countr1el -IOllowed u they pur- -lheOr 1moroua IOven· IUIU 'R' Wrdnrsda11'• Daydntr Mo.,frs -MORNNi~ 7:00 0 • • 'h "Roell allow" ( 1980) Paul McCwtnay and Wing• Tiii• rlCOfd or Ille bind.I U S IOur inciude6 parlormancea 01 """.' "Bind On The Run," "Siiiy Love Songa'' and aoma Old e..111 b111aoe 'G' (1) • • • "A Cloe* wort< Ofenge" ( 1971) Malcolm McDowell, P11rlclt Ml(IM Olraclld by Sllnley Kubrlc«. Wiien police cap. lure I,.,. ie.<l8r ol • teen-age gang ot replet& Ind nwrd«••· ,,.,. method of rell1blll1111ng lllm prov" .....,., more 11w .. 1anlng 10 sodaly ·R' 7:30 CS) • • "The AIT\Glng Adver\tutu Of Joi 90" Anlrnllld T,.,. aon ol an e lectronlca exp8'1 ~ a apacill llQMI for the World Intelligence Netwont aa • r1SUll ol hla r11hef'a lat•t ln'ventlon t;«> CC) • • • "Tiie Ruin Ot r11e Oeme" ( 1939) Marcel Olllo. Nora GrlQOr. Frencll aoc:lal and aexuar mores aeparll• arl1toct1ta and worltlng·t l1aa people before World War I (8) ***'A "Glorll" I 1980> a.o. Rowlands. John Ad-A llor,.... gun moll ~ thl p<O- tec10f Of .,, atpllaned g. '1'911-0d Pu8t10 Alc:an Ill• gated by ..... 1111d81-1d lat Ille lnlorrnltlon Ill ~­ nee 1n • b•tt•ed brief· U M . 'PO' t:11 CD ••• "T .... Magic Flute" ( 19751 JONI Koe- lllnger. lrml Urtlll A ptlnca and Illa llltlllul COft'l9lnlOn eet out to r•· cue • dln'llll In distrlU rrom the Clulchea ol .,, _. acwcw• ·o· t:ao g * * • • ··Kr-Va Kr-·· ( 19791 Ou1lln Hollman. M«yl Sl•MP A rn111 Wltlea With hit ex- wfle lor cu11ody ol lhelr young aon all., alle walks OUI on lhem 'PG' 10:00 ~ • • "lHVI Y•l.,dly Behind" 11978) Joh n Rllt8f. C1rrle Flatlef. Fol· lowing a tragic a.cddenl, • coMega •llllel• IMrna 10 11 .... end love egain WOh ltle help of .,, underl1Wldlng young woman * * t,; ''Raggedy MM " ( 19811 Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberta In 19.44. 1 1 .... phone c>perllOf In • "'*' Texu town ucrilloal hit at ending in ,,.,. conilnunlty when Ille llU • ahort •""' wttll • comblt-bound aall-or 'PO' ' (l)••t.t ''WNrtTN ..,... Art" ( .... I OMrld Hl¥tn. ,r.,_._ OoftMo. A dooter bacom11 lnll'OMMI .... --and .....,,.... .... oonduet. lnO ~ .., • fOf'elgn ~,.,.,, 11:90 • * * "Tiit Al>l)le Dump. ling Geno'' ( 1t16) .. ., •• by, IUH I! Cl1 rll A cardllllrp •-to !Me PCI I don Of -~ _,.. PfoC*'IY fOt • lrlancl • and .. reu-IUfPtiMO to IMfft N I three Otplllne •• lnCNdec:t In the CINI {i) ••• ~T~ &tllllon Ot ( 111NI J •m•• Ou n , Jull• AncltlWL ~ ·-~ • M lell wer wld· ""' and • Mfl-llttOlo offi· w MelOntd '° PtcMoa Illa 9Uf*ior. wlttl ttle lullU<lll ol r.om. tl:OO e • "t "Spool!a Aun Wiid" ( t"'4 11 Bela Luooll. Av• 01tdner The ~ 8oya ~ U0 w4tll Ille l~I °'their ..... • * **141 ''The A~" (~art 1) ( 19101 Jolln Wl)'l'le, Richard Wldrnat11. Tiie Bettle ol the Alamo le weged by heroea who llglll to,, .. Texae lrom Ml•lco • * * "Thi Rile And F8il 01 Lege Diamond" (IMO) Ray o .. 1on. Karen 81 .... Thi 1n18MOU9 ganetl«, Lega Diamond. ~ Ila la lndeelruc11ble Md .. ,. out to prove 11 rs:> ••• "Silvet 8trMk" (1976) O..W WMdlr, Jiii Cl•yburgll A mild· mann«ld boOll ldltOf accldanlally bacome1 lnvOIYld In 1 .Weter lrt thief'• bizarre plot during • croaa-country tr.in ride. ·PO' 12:*) {CJ * * * '"' "Thi High And Tiie Mighty" ( 111!><1) JOhn Wayne, Clair• Trevor An 11rp!MW with 22 PN6"'- gers •bOllrd runs Into dan- ger en rout• to San Fran- C<9CO. 1!00@ * * * "SST 0. ... 1., In The Stiy" ( 1977) Latne G•-. Butgeea Mer.01111 Thi m8lden flight ol a euper-.;c tr ""90f1 turne Into • nlglltm-when uboteura rele&M • dNOly wue. 1:80 g * ~ * "Simon" ( 1980) Alan Arkin. Austin Pendle- ton. Scienllata •I• blzarr• ly mledtflC'led think tank convince • bumbling col- lege ptol-INI .... le 11'1 lllen lrom oul• -oece ·PG· (Z) • • 'h "Happy 8WltlOey To Me'. ( 1990) MeltaSa Sue Ander'aon. Glenn Ford Al mu<der begin• chopping -"" ., ..... clrCll of ....... lrlenda, • prep IChOOI _,. IOt worrlet 11111 5'>e may be ,,.,. next victim -or poaal-b!Y thl lcllll< 'R' 2:30 (JJ) • ,, 't> "For V °"' Eyes Only" ( 11181) Roger Moor•, T opol. J-Bond trldla • crlmlnal who puttoln8d • top aacre1 Bfltlatl ~ devlcl. 'PO' l:IO~ **"Heng.at 18" (1980) 0..ran McOevln, Rober1 v-.qw. "--ch- .,. 11 • aeaet ~"'-It lnat ... llon 1n-1o· .. t"8 caue1 of • aa1111t11'• eud- den deetructlon 'PG' 4:00 fr) • * ,_., "Thi Lall Com- m1nd" ( t9SS) Ste<llng H•yd en , Anna M1rl1 Albergllettl. A bind of Texan• including Jim Bowle light• to thl dMtfl In ti-def-of Ille Alamo [$") * * "The AP!* Dump- ling Gang Rldem Ag.in'. ( 1979) Ttm Conwey, Don Knotts A pelt of _,.,., outlews try to wlllk the strlit Ind nwrow ·o· •:ao (C) • • 'i> "Gulliver'• Tra- vels" 11977) Richard Harris, c1111er1ne Schell SIMCI on , ,.,. 11()()' by Jonatllan Swtlt An Engllstl plly&lclln b eoomea marooned on an 1aland kingdom POOUl•lld by tiny people 'G' I: 18 (%) • • * "Tiie Phantom President" I 1932) George M. Cohan, Cleude11a Col- ben A pr-'denllll llPif • ant paya • loot.·lllk• entet1-to llU In lor him on his campaign clrcul1 5;30 D • • ·~ "Gunn"< 1114111 C,.lg Stevena. Edw1rd Asner. Prtv1te eye Peter Gunn la aal<eef to 1n-11- g111 • genglend murder. JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk WINNING SEASON -Timothy Bottoms (right) portrays track star John Baker who, despite battling cancer, devotes his final year to coachina a winning girls' team in "A Shining Season." Rip Tom plays hla supportive father. The made-for-television movie airs at 9 tonight on KNXT (2). ANY C.ot.JNTRV "THAT W A N1'5 TO 5f!NPUS MONEY tS OKAY IN MY 800K! I • • • • • I ·• If It's got handles you'll grab as.le faster In Dally Piiot cl11Mfl9d ads. C.11 '42·5671 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, Juty I , 1982 if e' gets some in Act 11 JAY IHAJ\BUTT "--Gt* NEW YORK -I don't know if muaic&la are n1 to be downwardly Mobil, but a au ataUon la tie aettln1 for Broadway'• "Pump Boya & Dlnetie.," and "Play Me a Country Sona" occun 1A a truck atop. Now. yet another pump-e_rlmer la here - off-Broadway'• "Life la Not a Doria Dey Movie." It'• a aatirl~ revue that almost haa no au ln the fltst act b~t aputtert to Ute In the second. , Set In a shabby, deserted gaa station-bus atop ln . lower Manhattan. lt concerns the hopes and dreams of a gay lingerie sal~man. a singing telegram lady • and wa.ltrea, struggling young actors all. rm not sure if they're wa.ltin~ for a bua or ~ot. But lt'a obvious they ahould've started waiting In Act Two, a show-within-a-show that at lHSt olfers moments of mild hilarity. Round One offers only a wit shortage, with the players singing bf their backgrounds, of fat, of agents; of failure and of yearnings to be stars. No cfiarge should be made for his act. In fact, patro sho Ci be paid to witness such routines as a nun' " ion show" and a number called "The Uh Oh Could It Be That I'm An Oh No Tango," both done haplessly by Boyd Graham. The show's gay salesman, he also wrote its book and lyrics (the tunesmith here is Stephen -•lftlf-TU PM; I'(:\ C>MIOt Qin\f"' [h "°" C....... Wnl ~~I 1011 Ht >US ·-lftll-TIA 4MCOI-..., _,,..,,..l90t"'"' 6ll Ol•O HI )03 -~.t;,f,-.. i!t"ow: ,..-.... G o~ •·Q \trj ,.A.II~,..,,..~ rcow PLAYlrtG --lii7Ji CllTA•U lllllM f"'ilti 11111111 (OWitlO> WOCJCIOl<IQO ~ fet 7U4 SSI CMI)) -wur .... n • St"°""" ()o, .. In ._,ill< • "'Woy 19 011vo In 639 1110 Ht 36U .. ra•u IMWllf En-()nelN C.Offl AMC Otln04 ,,.., .,. 4141 637 0340 -WflTlllllllll ~~/:l,c;-1" ~:1':46 It fOM EO-Mcb S-0..:• )81)110 (ii0 1J~tac.cor1 .-c.-'"--~=.:.-., Triumph . ''A movie of soaring pleasureA that you hope will nner end. To be seen again and again ... and treasured." EJ: THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL lllAl) ntt IN WAV .. •Mt .... ~(·•·,~- tilt tHt CU• CfHfltl U~Alritt_.( • t.)t tll) Now it is free to become one al us . -a ,ft, ' .. -... ~ Oruiano), and •PPM" to have apent aome time watchln& oth•r, far flmftier otf ·BrOt.dway tttvuet. 1'.arly ln th1a OM, we aee how UNU«'etltu1 playere envy 1\ln -Patil Lupone of "Evita" In Jhlt cue. Savapd muaically earller ln "Forbidden Bro.dway," ahe't hit &aain In "Life." The h lt la a mill. Solt Oraham'a later apoof of acton who fake danclna. Believe thla already was cove~ aa "aham danclng" aeveral years aao In the hit "Scrambled Feet." So, t hould one 1ee "Lile Ia Not a Dorla Day Movie"? No, not unleaa they chop It by half and show the good half. Fuchsia Show/Sale Fuchsia Society's annual garden show at Huntlnoton Center Fri. thru Sun., July 9-11. Call 642-5171. Put • few words to work for ou. •• 'Firefox' ii one of Clint Ea11wood'1 be1t movies. It'• fun-with leaping, vaulting, &hooting, flyi ng 8pttial eUects." -' JOEL SIEGEL C<K>D M<JRNINC .O IERICA ABC-TV '''Firefox.' A slic k muscular thriller that -cbmbines e1pion91e with science fiction." -ROGER EBERT CHICACO SUN TIMl:S r§iiiiil&i1 -. ""'""' 0.-·Q6.JSU "A MOVIE YOU'VE .JUST GOT TO SEE!'' -Joel Siegel Good Momin@! Amf'rica ABC-TV ( LUXURY THEATRE-$ ) *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru S1turd1y All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except I~ fll911'Mtfltl tlld Holidlyal l A ... U,Al•.A M A 11 LA MIRADA WALK IN Muooo 01 l o1ec1on , 994·2400 "ANNIE" 1'°' .................... "POL TERQEl8T" <N I ----- "THE UCMT M NIMH" .-.-. ... -.-- 19) LAKEWOOD C ENTE~ WAii< IN "ROCKY Ill" tN> .. ,_ DOUY 81'tllfO -----·- "AUTHORIAUTHOR" -----·-(N) "ITAR TMK II: THS WRATH Off KHAN" ,_ DOUY ITUIO (l'G) ----- "ROCKY Ill" (NI -----·"" '"THI MCMT OP_,. ------tel "'TM TMK It , THI WRATH OP KHAN" M----.... DOUY SftMO (N) ~ -LM -.-. ... -.-!wwwm,w=:;.."2. l Akf W OOO C f N Tf ~ SOUTH .,.,., • ,,. "THI THING .. 1111 ---- A~·~~·M ANAHEIM DIUVHN ,.._ti., ... ..._,, 119-9llO "mLAl>e ..,....."" Clll -"BODY .-AT., 1111 Ctlt( JI SOU!IO 81..il "4 ... ~ ....... BUENA PARK Dl11Vf IN Uncot" A•• Wet! Of l"°n 121-4070 mtN!t .• "ANNm"CNI -"PC>Nft".., C"'l·l'I IOUllO "tMI MCMT Oft _.,.. .-, . -"'TMI lllNVATW IYlr .. c.i • " IOUllO .... _ .......... _ ... .,.. .... U'-IANGI '' I •• .. ROCKY Ill" IN ) __ ., __ "" ----- ..,...OX"CNl -,._OAl'OtM:F' CNI Clllf. "SOUllO •AUTMUN AUTMURI" CNI -...,... CIWA&.L MIN" CNI Cllttfl- 1.T_T-..I~· .,,,..ITNAL • CNI --nu.L AHIONllllmfT"' '"1 ....OCKY "'" CNI -"CLAIM OP TM TITAMI""' ----=-ToeMMT ...,..,. .. ,r Cllll·f!IOUllO C'"". UtUlt -" .... ,_, .. ,IUH ,_¥-.i ntuoo , ... ,.._Ciooll....,.~ .. ,,,, D1llyPHat ClASSlfllD TUESDAY, JUL.V 9, 1982 cs McGregor's E.T. baf fies Angels Honiestand opener ruined by Baltimore southpaw By CURT SEEDEN Of tM Oell1 ..... , It•" Scott McGregor was born m nearby Inglewood, but judging by the way he handles the Angels, there may have been some in the 27,571 m attendant-e Monday night at Anaheim Stadium who think the Baltimore pitcher is an E.T. E .T .. of course, stands for "extra-terrest,iaJ," the current movie craze this summer. ln the Oriole pitcher's case, it stands for extra-tough And McGregor doesn 't need any of the magical powers employed by the lmle alien in the movie. "Since I've been in the American League, I've never seen him pitch anything but good," said Angel Manager Gene Mauch a fter McGregor, with some n inth -i nnin~ r e l ief help, pitch ed Baltimore to an 8-5 victory to spoil the start of a seven-game Angel homestand. "He's a lways pitched like that,'' 1 Mauch continued. "He pitched that way a gainst the Twlna (who m Mauch managed for four years}." For the record, McGregor has now won 12 s traight games over the Angels. His triumph Monday night was his third this season against the Angels. The last time McGregor lost to them was Aug. 18, 1978 at Anaheim Stadium. His only mistake Monday night was trying to pitch to former teammate Doug DeCinces and then tiring in the mnth when the Angels threw a scare into the Orioles with a four-run uprising "I was mak.i.ng good pitches to them," McGregor said of the ninth, m which he was chased along wi th two o ther relievers before Tippy Martinez curvc- bdlled his way to his seventh save of the season. "l was just going after the hitters. I really didn't want to walk anybody," McGregor (9-6) added. McGregor's E.Tness appears to be at its best against the Angels. For instance, he hadn't won a game since June 14 before Monday night, losing two ·and having n o decision sandwiched in between. And h is 3.86 earned run average isn't anything to phone homl' about. "I think I was 11-1 against Detroit," McGregor said, when asked 1f his powers bewilder any other team "But then, they've beaten me the last three times." Because of the Angels' ninth-mnmg rally, the 28-year-old left-hander's final figures weren't that exciting. He was tagged for nine hits and allowed four earned runs in 8 lh innings. Meanwhile, the Orioles roughed up loser Ken Forsch (7-7) for six runs m 4 113 11mmgs. An RBI double by designated hitter Ken Single ton got them on the board in the first, and Rick Dempsey's two-run hom er in the second gavl' McGregor more than enough runs lo work with -until the ninth t But for good measure, Baltimore put together four hits for three more runs in the fifth inning, with Eddie Murray deliver ing a two-run blast Into the Angela' bullpen. "The Orioles have always had great suc."Ceu against the Angels," McGregor not('<i. "We've won a lot of games from them and we come in here confide nt. A lot of guys on our team have family out here and try to keep them happy. "I can't explain the streak (against the Angela). I was pitching very well tonight and then all of a sudden the Fourth of July breaks out all over the place and they start hitting," McGregor added. Baltimore Manager Earl Weaver was hoping for a complete g ame fro m McGregor, but he wound up using relievers Dan Stanhouse, Tim Stoddard and Martinez in the ninth. "My pitchers are tired. They need a night off, but they've been getting the (See ANGELS, Page C3) ORIOLE STAR -Scott ~ McGregor has won 12 straight r.: against the Angels including J three this season. He defeated i the Angels Monday night in :; Anaheim, 8-5. • Braves hearing LA's footsteps?; GOOD-BYE -Angel third baseman Doug DeCinces delivers his 10th home run of the year Monday night in the second Delly Piiot Pholot by Pelrk:k O'Donnell inning, but it wasn't enough as Baltimore recorded an 8-5 victory at Anaheim Stadium. Italy's Rossi scuttles Brazil Spain makes peace with fans by stopping England MADRLD. SP'}in (AP) -In a tournament which has had no shortage of upsets, ltaly 1-ur.1ed in the biggest of them au when 1l blew favonte Braz1I out of the World Cup soccer champ1 onsh1ps Paolo Rossi, who resumed playing on ly two months ago after a two-year suspension for his involvement in a br1berv scandal, scored all three goals for Italy in Monday's 3-2 shocker that put the Italians into the semifinals. Both coaches agreed a ftC'r the spine-tingling thriller that Brazil's hunger for its fifth s traight victor y had been its undoing. Playing desperately for a victory when a tie would have been enough. the South Americans spent too much time surrounding the Italian goal and let the slippery Rossi roam free. Spam. meanwhile. made peace with its fans by battling England to a scoreless tie -a result which meant nothing for Spam in the standings. but which sent the British home and gave West SOCCER Germany a place among t he Final Four. Poland on Sunday fought the Soviet Union to a U-U tie to nail down a se1TUfinal berth, while a surprisin gly powerful French t.eam swamped Northern Irela nd 4-1 to advance. Thal set up the fi rs t all- European semifinals since 1966 and gave the Europeans b ragging rights in the eternal debate over the merits of European and English, police clash MADRID, Spain (AP) - Police clashed with English 1000er fans near the SanUago Bernabeu Stadium before and during Monday'• England-Spain Worlcf Cup aocDer match, but the crowd pourtnc out of the stadium 1enairally was well-behaved Under t.he pretence of a heavy police detail. ~Uah l!lmbwy oftlclala N1d five Britons were reported detained by authorillea tl~•r b9fore or durtna lhe match, but ...all Of thole lndden&a were not lmmld1awly known. Newf'M'\ •w l..,u.h polkle "'""' Ch... It a fflW lnau.h flftl, drtpH In lrhl•h tr1111 .,_. Uw1 ..,. .__, frcwn a -""'the...,""'~ About three minutes from the end of the match, police ecuffled wfth one youth wearing British colors and struck ·him with batons. The unldentlficd youth, who had been waving a flag, tither •fell or w• pu1hro int.o 1eaia below him, brin,ing police tunnlf\i, witneeeea aald. Spanish fans chantint "Araentlna" and ''Gibraltar 11 8panl1b," 1urround1d th~ ln1ll1h team but after the eoorea.. draw . Police walled 20 mlnut11 btfort a•ntly removln1 the 8p1n•ard1 from a otHr.111 ~ .,... Mel aJ\11')' lrltllW pl1y1r1 1111urJd f9r \htlr "°"'*''°" '° ... , lf'\llkN &ht bUI Md t'Cht, South American soccer. The semifinals on Thursday will match Poland and Italy in Barcelona -a rematch of their 0-0 first-round meeting -and France vs. West Germany in Seville. The losers play for third place Saturday in Allcante when the winners go at it for the Cup S unday in Madrid. Italy began with three ties, then beat defending champion Argentina 2-1. Brazil had four s traight victories in th is tournament, had not lost a World Cup match since 1974 and had not missed the Cup semifinals since 1966. I t was gene rally conced ed before start of the tournament that Brazil's talent and innovation put it above the ot h e r 23 t ea ms in the tournament. Roai scored ln the fifth, 25th and 75th minutes. Brazil'• Socrates matched the fl.nit goal in the 12th minute, Roberto l'alcao tied the score again ln the 67th minute, but a furious Bcui.llan asuult on the pl wu unable '° equal Ro-1'• third ~. "ln the 1eOOnd halt, we were playing well and we deeerved to tie the score," said Brazilian coach Tele Santana. "We then tried to win and we c lashed aplnat the Italian defen1e whJch waa J.>l•ylna at Its belt. 111 ve alwaya aald Brazil w .. not unbeatable. Today we've tound a ~t play.,. Ulw Roell in our p1th, .. Sant.ana addtd. Broil, which won \he Cup ln IHI, 1H2 and 1870, w11 a runaway faYOriw '° become the flnt \Mm to wtn four, Now, WM Otrrnany, wtMln ln lte.4 end 1114, end h111, ......... of 1114 and ltll, MW I ..,_ to fNtm ....... ,...... of w.. Welch's gem stops Mets NEW YORK (AP) -T o m Lasorda says the Los Angeles Dodgers are headed in the right direction. And he can thank the direction of Bob Welch's pitches for it. The Dodge r right-hander, hitting just the right spots with his fastball and curve. baffled the New Y ork Mets on five hits Monday night. THE RESULT was a 4-1 victory for the Dodgers and a renewed confidence as they start the second half of the season with what they hope will be a run at the National League West pennant. "We're in the hunt now," Lasorda said. "Sooner or lat.er they'll be hearing our footsteps. I believe we can catch up. There's sull 80 games t-0 go." The d e f e nding w o r ld champions, who have barely managed t-0 stay over .500 this season, are in third place in the N.L. West, eight games behind the Braves. Lasorda is optimistic though. "We have t-0 execute and play Hke we're capable of," Lasorda said. "We need some more of what we did out there tonight.'' What the Dodgers did was play mistake-proof baseball as Welch , 9-5, s truck out eight and R.-On Cey and Mike Marshall each hit solo homers and knocked in two runs apiece. THE DODGERS took advantage of P ete Falcone's wildness to score a run in the first on a bases-loaded walk to Marshall. Then in the third, Cey $ Soo n e r o.r I a t e r they'll b e h earing our footsteps. I believe we can catch up. ) ,. -Tom Latorda ~ I -------------:i ... hit his 10th homer of the year .: and Marshall hit his second. Cey's double in the ninth produced the final Dodger run. Given an early 3-0 cushion, Welch breezed the rest of the ' way, allo wing o nly Dave K.ingman's 19th homer in the sixth. "That was one of his strongest outings of the year," said Dodger catcher St.eve Yeager. "Bob was ve r y s trong. H e had good command of his pitches. He threw a lot of fastballs but also •' was able to get the curveball •· over." That was something Falcone was not able to do. "FALCONE COULDN'T get ·..; his breaking stuff over in the first three innings," said Mets' • Manager George Bamberger. ·? "Welch was throwing curveballs • for strikes. That's what our guys ¢ have to do. You can't pitch on ~ fastballs alone." s Both Cey and Marshall hit ~ Falcone fastballs for their homers 6- in the third. ~ "It was nice to get that big ~ early lead," said Welch. "And it .,,. was nicer to win the game after ~ traveling 3,000 miles from > California. You hate to lose after ~ coming all that way. Now we'll 11 just have to keep It going on this road trip." Leg injury causes Coe .. ! to withdraw ;i LONDON (AP) -Sebas1ian Coe withdrew Monday from a scheduled 3,000-meter race against archrival Steve Ovett because of a leg injury. The highly publicized race was acheduled for the Crystal Palace July 17. All 17,000 tickets for the event had been IOJd. It waa the flrat of three planned r.oee th1t year between the two Olympic ,old medalisu. The other races are ICheduled f« Nice, France, on Aue. 14 and Ewiene. Ore., on Sept.~. O>e alto withdrew from the Brltlah team that WU to meet, Sweden at Karlatadt next w-.nd. Andy Norman, manaa--of the Brtdlh -.n, Mid: .. I\ .. d1ftiNlt co .,. bow Ian& 8eb wdl be out .JJI ~ wtth Cb at ol ....,, Obvlou1t1 U h a 1reu tt 11aln-. tMl hi WW • • .,. ..... Owd .... ~ ..... -.rw. .. ._._._. ..................... ~: ...... .,, ..... ... wDl "°' .. Ill ...... " • Cl Orange Oout PAIL Y PILOT truMday, July e, 1882 .--------------------i~ A speech backlog, Navratilova brief From AP dJ1paidie1 WIMBLEDON, England -~ Martina Navratilova had the laat --.. " laUCh of the ra.ln-plqued Wimbledon t.en.n1a tournament when ahe put up an umbrella at the champlonl' dinner given for hel' and JllQmy Connors. "I mual be brief becauae Fred Hoyles tells me we are l~ apeecb.et behind," 1he said. It brouaht loud lauchter from the audience. ! Roylee ia the refe.ree of the All-England Championship•. He had to catch up on a 1&0-match backlog after rain disrupted the tournament on five of the first seven days. Deaplte occasional 1hower1 after that, Hoyles saw the tournament through to ha' conclusion on schedul~ Sunday. But he had to cut bide the men's doubles matches from five aets to , three -an unprecedented move ln the 105 years of Wimbledon -and he made the mixed doubles 1 pain play overtime and start ln the morning. Anne Sinith of the United States and Kevin Curren of South Africa played four matches ln one day -a total of 96 games -before ~ the title. Quote of the day Rene Lacbema.DD, Seattle l'Tl{Ul&ger, after his Mariners defeated the Yankees Monday to move into third place in the American League West race: "I feel good, but all this is ts just one win. Third place on July 5 doesn't mean anything. It's the end of the aeuon that counts." Hawkes grabs chainpions hip Adams wins women's title Hrian Hawkes of Huntington Beach and Lynn Adams of C.OSta Mesa had little trouble in capturing the open singles titles in the ninth armual national outdoor three-wall racquetball championship at Orange Coast College Monday. Hawkes, the No. 1 seeded player in the men's division, can\e from behind to win in the second game after coasting to a 15-1 advantage and a 21-11 decision in the opener. 1 He f ell behind to Linsey Myers in the second game, 1-8, then c;;aught him at 8-8 and blew him out the rest of the way. It was Hawkes second strai,ght title in the event at Orange Coast. He is rated the"lOp outdoor player ln the country while Myers is one of the top indoor players. But the power of Hawkes was too much for Myers' speed. In the women's competition, defending champion Adams, a product of Orange Coast College who is ranked No . 1 on the pro circuit at the present time, had little trouble in posting 21-12, 21 -12 victories over Martha McDonald of Gainesville, Fl.a. McDonald won the title two years ago before being unaeated by.Adams. Adams won the national i ndoor title a week before the outdoor championships. Hawkes and partner Jim Hicks unseated two- time doubles champions Mark Harding and Bob Olson, 21-17, 21-14 in the open doubles final. Harding and Olson were trying to become the first combination to win three titles in succes&on. Championships were also determined in men's Band C divisions, women's B division and ln junior singles competition. John Urias defeated David Genev,.y ln the junior singles final, 21-16, 21-16 while Steve Lind won over Joe Perez ln the men's B singles, 15-21, 21-19, 11-8. 1 Kendall Weddell defeated Kerry Miles ln the women's B singles final, 21-10, 21 -6. *** . *** .,...,....., .. oMlfttlla~ , .. ~ c..e Collete NIALS ....... °"" ........ Brian Hawke• (Huntington •••Ch) d•I. Lln••Y M yera (V1ncou ver. On"rlo). 21-11. 21-11. ............... Steve Lind del. Joe Perez. 16-21. 21-19, 11-8. ...... 0,..0..-... H1wl1 ... Jlm Hlctl1 def. Merk Herdlnlt-Bob Cleon. 21-17. 21-14. ........ ~ Ou1tav11on-Hubberd del. Welgl'llman-Solomon. 21-13. 21-18. Meft•e c~ Rodrlgua-Gecklef def. Sllln- JC>flneon. 21-13, 21-18. ·-··o... ........ Lynn Adami (eo.e. Mille) dllf . Mertl'll ~cOon1ld (Oelneevlll•. Fll.), 21-12. 21-12. ·-··· ........ Kendell Weddell def. Kerry Mllel. 21-10, 21-8 . ·-.. ·~ Plgloo-Trottcfleund def. Jutlg- Webt>, 21-19. 21-18 . ._...D.-... Cerr-Fleher del. A1tlnw1ll-w-. 12-21, 21-7, 11-8. ...... o...... HldlHierO!ng def.~. 11-21, 21-9. 11-e. ... ..... JOOl'I UrlN def. o.vld ~. 21-111. 21-18. Cl evelan d hopes • race continues I CLEVELAND (AP) -Oty offidala, overjoyed with Sunday'• inaugural running of the Budwelaer-Cleveland 500, say they are looking ahead to biaer and better ~ent.I •urroundina the auto nice next year. "You know I waa aplNt this at tint," City Coundl Preadent George L. Forbee Mid, "but now I am convinced. 1'Jere may be a few th1n8I to work out. but rm looktna forward to It • an annual eYellL'' Maybe the only peraon not in favor of contln&&ina the race, which w• won by CJbla9n Bobby Rahal. ls Cleveland Indiana owner 0.be Paul. In a letter Sunday to Ma~ ~ V. Volnovtch, Paul aaid the clty "damaaed • the Indlanl' atiendance. Baaeball today On thJ.a date ln bueball ln 1833: Babe Ruth of the New York Yan.Qle hit a two-run, thtrd·lnnJna homer off St. Loul1' Wild Bill Hallaftan to lead the Amerlc1n League to a 4'·2 victory h' bueba11'1 tint All-Star Oame. Today'• 81.rthdaya: Pitt.aburah Pirat. first baseman Juon ThomJ*>O la 28. New York Yankees second bueman Willie Randolph ia allo 28. White, Q"\Jlsenberry aid KC apllt Frull mite drove ln three l'\IN Ii and ecored twice, leactin, Ka.nau City to a 4-3 victory over Botton and a 1pUt of Mondat• twl-nJght doubleheader. Jim Rice 1 11 th-lnnlng aacrlflce fly gave the Red Sox a 4-3 triwnpn ln the opener. Fonner Coeta Mesa Hlgh and Ora.nae Coast Colleae star Du QwJaeaberry, notched his 22nd aave ln the nl htcap , top1 In the American League . . . Robin Yoant belted a two-run omer and Roy Howell hit a aolo homer and three sing l es to lead Milwaukee to a 10-4 victory over the error-prone Chicago White Sox who committed seven miscues ... Billy Sample extended his hitting streak to 17 games with a third-Inning single which WMrT-. drove in. the first run in a three-run outburst as Texas posted a 3-2 victory over Toronto . . . Kent Hrbek homered and Jolua Ca1tlDo drove in a pair of runs with a double, backing the combioed eight-hit pitching of Bobby CaatDlo and Ron Davia as Minnesota defeated Detroit, 5-3 ... Du Meyer hit a solo home run and Mike Heatb rapped a run-acoring single to back the seven-hit pitching of Tom U n derwood and Dave Beard as Oakland defeated Cleveland, 2-0. Meyer is a former Mater Dei High School star . . . Julio Cru1 singled home the tying run with two out in the seventh inning, stole second and third and acored on Dave EdJer'1 singles aa Seattle edged the New York Yankees, 5-4 and moved into third place in the American League West. • This July, you '11 discover your paycheck will be bigger be - cause of a 10% federal tax cut. But that's not the only tax break you can enjoy. You can invest in B~ of America's Tax Free Time Deposit -the other great tax break . \ Hubbard'• homer paces Atlanta win Oltu H..,.,.rd't two--run homer Ill In the Mventh l.nn1na Utt.ed Atlanta to a 7-D vic\.ory over the Chlca10 Cube Monday, &lvtnc the Bravee their 1lxth 1tr&laht victory. Hubban1'1 aiame·wlnnlns homer followed ClatadelJ W11bl11ton'1 tingle and made • wlMer of reliever Al Hraboaky . . . Ell4lwhtrt! In the National Leaeue. Ruppert Jones copJ*i a 1lx-run aeventh Inning with a •~le that brouaht home the go-ahead run aa San Diego rallied to beat Montreal, 8-6 . . Onie Smltb, whoae nlnth-mnlng error forced the game lnto extra inninp. 1tnsled to acore Willie McGee with the winning run in the 10th to boost St. Louis pa s t Cincinnati, 6-5. The loss was the eighth straight for the HUNAN> Reda . . . Jose en.ii and Phil Ganer each homered and drove ln three runs to lead Houaton to a 6-4 victory over Pittaburgh. Houston 1ta.rter Joe Nlekro hurled a complete game for the victory . . . CbUI Davia' leadoff triple triggered a two-run sixth inning that carried San Francisco to a 3-1 win over Philadelphia before a holiday crowd of 63,50 l at Veterans Stadium. the largest regular season crowd ln the 11-year history of the Philadelphia park ... Right-hander Tom Hau1man was placed on the :ll-day disabled list by the New York Mets after suffering a mild separatfon or his left shoulder in a base running collision Sunday. Cyclist first to die In Peak race PIKES PEAK , Colo. -A • motorcyclist has become the first-ever fatality in ti ..: 60 runnings of the annual Fourth of July Pikes Peak Hill Climb races, race officials said. Bill Gross Jr., of Colorado Springs, was running in the 250 cc sem i-professional motorcycle class Sunday when he apparently lost control of his cycle near Engineer's Turn about three miles from the st.ani.ng line. Witnesses said Gross was attempting to lift his cycle and restart when another cyclist, blinded by the dust, struck him. Race official' said Gross was struck by another motorcycle. Albeck'a winning formula? SAN ANTONIO, Te-x.u -Stan Albeck, the coach of the San Anconio ~ Spuu, h11 what amounu to a ~ mathemutlcel tormut. for wlnnina ln the NBA. "We want 46 rebounda per niaht., 1& from the centtora," Albeck a.id. ''We wan1 113 polnU. Of th.at tot.al, M ahould come from the aual-da. 60 from the forwarda and 13 from the oenten. We abo want to have the lead going lnto the 1.u.t quart.er. When we do all thoee thinp, we're alm08t unbeatable." Woman sprint champ wins cycle race Two-time world-1print cycling • champion Sue Novara-Reber won the second race of the Self Magazine cycllng circuit, putting on a burst ot speed at the flniah to best 62 other top women riders Monday in Los Angeles. Cloee behind her waa national cycling champion Coule Carpea&er who helped her engineer the win by holdini back the pace and allowing the sprint for victory. Carpenter won the first raoe on the drcult In Laguna Niguel and is the current polnt leader - . . Chip Hanauer'• good fortune was a1ao a blessing for Tom D'Eatb who came out of retirement to drive the boat that Hanauer vacated last fall. Hanauer took over the Atlas Van Lines boat ln tne unlimited hydroplane claaa after the death of Bill Muncey ln October . . . T~e .Toronto Maple Leafs fell two votes short of gaming approval for the propoeed shift of their Americ~n Hockey League farm club to St. Catharines, Ontario, from Moncton New Brunswick. A franchise shift requires approval of nine of the 11 AHL governors. The votes of most qi the AHL clubs, however, are controlled by their National Hockey League sponsors . Half o~ the lsr~eli cricket team competing in an mternallonal cricket congress competition in London returned home over the weekend after a row during a mat.ch with the United St.ates. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Dodgers at New York, 4:35 p.m .. KABC (790): Baltimore at Angels. 7:30 p.m .. KMPC ~7 1 0). Free Time Deposit compares to other investments. Plus, your Tax Free Time Deposit can help qualify you for checking free of monthly charges. with our Combined Balance &rvke. • r ~ • • ~Ir 1 • MAJOR LIAOUI tTANDWOI ArMrioan L.Mgue ... ..,..~ W L l'ct. 09 46 )3 677 45 35 613 t 43 37 638 3 41 38 .532 3\.lt 32 41 438 tO~ 35 47 427 12 24 57 291 22'A ... i.m~ 48 33 580 45 33 677 41 35 639 311 31 520 37 38 493 37 3tl 417 .... 3•.-. 5 7 1 .... Bot too Mllwlilk .. Baltlmor• Oe1t<>11 Hew Yori! C ........ lltld TOIOlllO 34 44 438 t l''I .,...., •• ac..- BaHI....,.. 8, A ...... 6 MlnllHOlt 5 , Dl1'oll 3 Botloo 4·3, Ken ... Clly 3·4 (tit 11"""' I 1 lnnlnga) Mllwauk• 10, ClliolQO 4 Te .. 1 3. TorOt110 2 S..1111 5. New York 4 Oakland 2. Clevelend 0 Toeltp'• 0-.. Ba111more 10 Mlrtlnet 8-51 II A ...... (Renlto 7-2). n Cll•t1ane1 (Btrker 11·4) at Oakland (Klngmen 0-6) Mlnnetola (Redlern tl·GI al 0.lrOll (MOtrl1 8·91. n Mltwa1.1i>.M (Hau 4-5) t1 Cn1<:aoo (Burn• 8·41. n • Bost°" (Tuoor 0·6) at Kantaa City (Blue !>-5), n Torooto (Goll t·4) 11 l •••• (Tanaru. •·Ill. n New Vo<~ (Mo<g•n ~~, II S•allll (Perry 8-7), n NATIONAL LEAGUE .......... OMllclft W L l'ct. oa 4tl 2tl 828 Allen ti San Oieoo 45 34 570 ··~ ~=~r.~ICO HouttOfl Clnctnn111 43 39 S24 I 38 44 463 13 34 45 430 1s·~ 3 I 48 392 18'" Pl\lllClllPhfa SI Louis Montreal Pittlbutgh New York Chicago E"l""' DMt lCH\ 44 35 5~7 45 u 5se •t 38 5•9 40 38 5t3 38 42 475 31 51 378 MondeJ'• lcotee Oodeln 4, N-Vo;k t Houaton O. Pi1tlburg11 4 SI Lout$ G. Ctnclnntll S ( 10 Innings) San Francltco 3, Plllll041l~a I A11an11 7. Clllcego 5 San Diego I , Montr .. I II Today"• 0- 3 3'~ 0'\ ... ,., Dodgen (Stewarr 3·41 at N-York (Scoll 6-5), n San FttncltCO (Barr 1·2) at Phl!Mle'91111 (Chtilltflton 4-4 ), n Houlton (Knepper 2·tll II PllllOulgn (McWllllam1 3·3), n Stn Otego !Curll• S·41 at MonlrNI (L .. 8-4),,, St Louis (Mura 5· 7) 11 Cincinnati (L,.branell 3·3), n Chieago (Biro 4·8) el Alllnla (Camp 5·31. n AMERICAN LEAGUE Orlolee I, Angela 5 aALTllllOM CAl'-OMllA .. '"Ill .. r" Ill 8umOty,ci 4 I 2 0 Owng,H 5 0 I t Otulr,20 S I 2 0 Cartw. lb 4 0 0 0 Sngltn,Clh 4 t 3 2 Qtlc:n,20 5 0 I 0 EMrry. lb 4 t I 2 Re Jktn.rt 4 t 2 1 Rptcn,M 4 0 0 0 Bylf,dh 4 0 0 0 FOf'd,r1 4 o 2 o O.Cnca.30 4 2 4 1 Rnld..H • 1 0 0 ltfW!.CI 4 1 1 2 Omc>•y.c S 2 2 2 FOll,M 4 t 2 0 Ryfrd 30 4 I 2 2 eoon.,c 4 o 1 o T01al1 38 8 14 8 T01ala 38 S 12 5 ._...,...,...... Bllllmor• 120 030 020-1 Celll0tnla o 10 000 004-5 E -FOil Of> -Celtlomla I LOS -BlltlmOf'I II. c.lrlomla 7 2B -0..-, S1nglllon 2. Grich, O.Clnoll 2. Boone HR -C>tn'IPllY (5). E M1.1tr1y ( 12~ Rayford (2). OeClncft ( 10). Re JIClltOtl ( 11), Lynn (II) S -8uml>ty ~ McGregr(W,t1"61 Sttn- Stoelelatd T Martlnez(S,7) Celffotnla " H lll!flNIO 9•;, t1 4 4 1 3 0 2 t 1 0 0 0 10000 lo\00002 Fondl(L.7·7) 41J, I 6 8 2 6 Sanchl'r 4\\ 8 2 2 3 3 Stoelel•r<I plloll<Kl 10 1 baller In the 9th Stenl>ouM pllheoel to 2 bllllfl In Ille 9th T -,.33 A -27,571 TWlnt 5, Tlgtn 1 Ml,,,,.eote 020 002 000-5 7 I Oe1•olt 010 000 002-3 8 3 B Castlllo, R. Devit (8) and lAudn..-; Wilcox, Sou (8) anel Parrltll W-8 Culfllo, • 4.5 L-"911co•. o.s HR•-MIMll Oll, Hrbek ( 17) Oetroll Htr,,Clo,, (IS) A-22.~3 Chandler's title may be strippe d PHILADELPHIA (AP) -The World Boxing Association is threaten i ng to s trip bantamweight champion J eff Chandler of his title, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported. Chandler, of Philad elphia , defea ted Juli an Soli s in November 1980 to win the title, and he defe nded it four times in 1981. But a telegram from WBA Champio nahip Committee' Chairman Luis Batista Salas to Chandler's manager. Beck y O'Neill. threatened to begin proceedlnp to take away the title if he doesn't sign a contract to fight "the leading available contender," the Inquirer l&id In Tue9day'1 ediUona. . The telegram. dated June 20, aid proceedinp to strip the tiUe would beg1rl 1-Wectne.day, but O'Neill laid ahe didn't receive the memaae until \)le day after the deadll.ne. The leadlna N B A bantamwel1ht contender la ~l Irlu1e, of Panama, but J. RuN ell Petti, w~f,:.!JmotH ~· flabta, that Iriarte ha.a Ialled to an•wer ...,.mm or W&.phaM caUa. In hl1 lau Utla defe n H, Chandler def H ltd Johnn)' Carw-at PhOMeiphla. thl No. 2 -.Mndlr of the WM, on Mard\ ................. '° ,...., Klkol •~nea of Mt•lco In .,.... ... ...,, ""'lhet ,..., .......... r I .,_,.. ......... Mllweuk.. 321 010 120-10 11 I CNGeoo 013 000 ooo-4 t 1 LMdl, ''"°" 131 end ~: ~. Trout (t~ Hlekty (7) Md 1'1111. w-llf!j>n. 8-1 t.-Ho)'I, t0-7 Hl'll-MltwMM, ~t ( 13), Howell (3~ A-18,l30. ii'•I. ....... c.....,anc1 ooo ooo ooo o , o Otki.tl<I 001 001 00•-t t 0 Sutclln• encs a.ncto; T. Unci.woocl, ...,, (II and M. HN ll1. W-T. UncMlwoocl. 4-4, 1.-811tcllll1, f ·4 8-leuel (7" Htll- Oaitland, Meyet (5), A-10,0llS. ,.HT O°'* ......... ...,. ... , eo.100 on uw wo 01-4 11 1 Kan ... Clly 000 002 100 00-3 12 1 Hut•t, 8 Stanley (8) 1nel Alle n10,,, Oeelm1n ''II· SPll1to111, A•'!'tltOnJI lt l. Ou!Mftbl<IY I) and Wathen, Quirk 111. SICONDO.-"°' ........... , 8olt0tl 000 111 000-3 ti 2 KentlN City ilOO 020 00.-4 I 0 Ojedt, APOnll (5) and Gedman; Hood. Ouleenberry (I) tnC1 Oultk W-Hoocl. 2.0 L-Ofot<l .. 3·6 S-OulaMbttry (22). HRa- KM\Ma CIT\t. w11111 (3). &Olton. Yutnttnlill (II) A---41,024. lllltftoMn S. VIN-4 N<rW YOlll 020 100 1()0.---4 10 0 S..ttll 102 000 20•-5 1 t 0 Rewl•y. Freil•• (71. LaROClll (1) 1nd Wylllgll 8"1111, 8tlr110tl (7). Vallde ll«g (7). CevdlH (I ) tnCI Ming w -Vend• a.o. 6-2 l-Frl.dlf, 3-2 S -Ctudlll.(18). HR.t- Ntw Votk, Wlnllelel ( 13). MMyb•rry ( 7) A-:10.471 NATIONAL. LEAGUE Dodaen '· ..... 1 LOa ANQf.L£1 NIW YOflK ••llbl eerllbl SaA,2b RUll,11 Bker,11 Cey.3b Grvy,tb Mrahl,rt Lnelr~.ci !loenct<,cl Vegr.c W9/th,p 5 O O 0 Wl1n,cl 4 0 I O 5 t I 0 Bllllr,20 4 0 0 0 6 I 1 0 $t1ub.t1 4 0 2 0 4 1 2 2 Kngm,,, lb 4 1 1 t 4 O O 0 Fair ,II 4 0 0 0 3 I 2 2 Strn•.3b 3 0 1 0 o o o o Hctoes.c 2 o o O 4 0 0 0 Grdm,11 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Fl<:n•.P 2 0 0 0 J 0 2 0 Rajs<:h,ph 1 0 0 0 LUCll,ph I 0 0 0 Torti• 311 4 8 4 Totels 31 t 5 1 kot•bJl-"lt Lot Angela t02 000 001-4 New Vo•" 000 001 000-t E St11tn&, Welch OP -Loa AngMlt I LOB LOS A~ 10. New York S 2B -Ba~.. Steaftls, RuUlll, Cey HR -Cey ( 101. Mtrsllall (21. Kingman (Ill) SB -unor .. u.a LMAnge!M Wtlcn(W ,ti-SI ..... v .... • 9 H II Ell -10 5 I t 2 8 Faleont(l,4-8) 1 S 3 3 Leach 2 3 I I l -2 33 A -33,270 At lroe .. l'lr11M 4 2 0 HOUJllOfl 102 000 300-0 9 0 PilllOu•Oh 200 000 1 10-4 9 0 J Nilkro a nd Pu1011, B11.1mgarte,,, E Romo 1or. Ntemlllln (8) •tl<I T Pen• W-J N11k•o. 7-6 L-Baumgarren. O·? HR1- Put1t>urgh Moreno (2~ J Ray 101. HoultOf). J Cruz (5). Gern« (S) A-10.437 , a.-7.Cub15 ChlcaQ<> 030 000 200-S 9 t Allanta 301 000 2ta-7 10 1 U Smith, Tklrow (7) end J Oa•ie. P Nleltro. Hrebo1ky 171. Gerber (81 enel BeneOtci W-Hrabosky, 2..0 L-L1. Smith, 1·5 S-Garb« ( 16) HAI-Atlanta. Horn« ( 17). HYbOlfCI (5) ChleaQO. J Davi• (5). L• Smllh (I) A-19,1119 Ollnte S. I'll ... I San Fr~ 000 002 010-3 II t Phllacletphll 000 0 10 000-1 8 t Lltkey tnel May, Ruth•en. Ret<I (7), McOr-(9) end B Diaz W-LUl<ey, 7.5 L-Au1tl_,, 8-7 A-113,501. c .................. , St Louil 011 010 200 1-6 ti 3 c-....11 102 000 011 0-S t2 ~ For9Ch, Su111r 181. Kut (ti). Bak 1101 end 0 PO<'llr. Berenyt, Price (7), H.-(101 end Vt nGordet. Trtvlno HR-Clnclnnetl Walk ... (II A-42.562 ...._l.E11po1I Sen Oieoo 000 010 001-8 13 t MonlrMI 300 300 000-1 6 0 Etchlll>lfget. Or-aveclty (4). Ctllllet (51. Stlow (7). LUCH (9) and T K•,,n•Oy, Sanderaon, Relrdon ( 7) F rym.tn (81 end c.,, ... w -c11tt1 .... 3.1 L-Sanderaon. 6-7 S-Lucu (121 HRa-MOfllrMI, c.n .. (II ) San OieQo. r K""*"t (10). A-21.154 Uttte LMaue TOUlllMAMlllfT M i!HAMf'IONI Dletrtc112 (el OcMnwttw ~ U.) lliloftdlly"• ~ Fountain Vlllly North 5, 51.,,ton 4 Tonight'• 0- 0ceanvlew Nttlonll n . Weatmlntttr American. 5 30 WldMedly't Qan'9 Fountain Valley South w. Bolla. 5.30 ThuredeJ''• a....""'91 RoOlnwood •I. Fountal,, Vall1y North, 530 Ffldlrt't ._......, Oc•an•lew Nettonel·W••tm1n11er A,,,.,.k:M winner ..., Fountain Vallay South· 8oluw1,,,,., ' NOTE Cllampionahip game II St!Utelt y at 1 p.m From Page C1 Haaaler A ... AtnkO Zinn FOflQh Wiit Sano Ml Kt.on Kleon Oot1J Moreno Corbell To11tt ~~ ............... ..... ,. , ,. ·'°' no •• 11 1 n ne JN II 11 0 » tt1 ltJ ... " ~ ... Ht M 11 • n .ltl llt .. M ti IO 171 .. 1 ,. • • .Ht K4U10 I J7 211 Ht ., .,. 10 .. "3 t.. M 13 t1 .0 ta. at 10 10 I I 247 •t a 1 1 • 2" ~ J 10 0 I lff .. 10 ,., 0 • 171 41 4 1 0 I IM ,. 2 0 0 0 000 1711 SM 7M U 3H Ht lfl Mft IO W-l Ill~ ,. 20 " 21 I.() let 50.... 42 22 40 )·J 3.0>4 tO 17 24 311 M 3.24 118 "' 30 40 11 4 3 21 127\\ '18 30 40 7.7 3.4& ~ It H 43 4-2 3.49 47 41 22 2t 3.0 3.1-4 7f 71 30 42 e.3 3.74 11 , I 30 42 11-3 3.74 23 2 t 8 11 ,., 4 30 4t.... 16 23 H 3•7 • 74 ao 112 20 21 1-0 o a U7" 01111 21111 34tl 45-38 3.00 Top 10 c ........ ,.ec .... , AMINCAN LIACMM WWhon,~Clly 8oMefl. fOtOtllO Httrlfl,~ Yount,Mllwaull .. McRM.IUnlu cny ~.M.llwluk .. HtlMllc.M"-11 Gr11b0, r .... Q Ull H,ot. 54 234 31 82 350 71 223 311 71 .345 75 291 83 102 .3411 73 2115 52 81 .325 78 2911 42 117 324 12 288 62 " 322 87 2M ,.. es ,322 55 185 18 53 321 5e 118 35 00 .:117 31 1341 27 ~ 318 L M Patfllll,0.ttOll Sllf\Ple, T IXle ....... INM G Tnor'!lal, Mllw111k1e, 2 t, Thornton. Cl•••l•,,CI. 20. Coopet, MllwaukM, t9, Ogllvle Mllwe11kee, 1tl, fie. J101l1on. A~ 17t HtlMllc, t.1inn.o11, 17 "-.. ttied In McRae. K1n1u Clly, 72, Thornton, Cl1v111nel. •&. Coopet, Mllwalrl< .. , 04, Lunn1kl, Clllcaoo. 01. OQllYlt. MllW•u~ ... 50, Hrbelc, Minnesott, 5e l'ttclllnt ( 11 Dlclelon•) VukO•IC:l'I, MllwaukM, 10-3, G1.1lelry, - Yolll. 8·3. Barket, Ci.v.tand. tl-4, Zallft, Angell, t-41 Gutt. K1n1u Clly. tl-4; Burnt. Chloaoo. 8-4~ F. e.,.nllter, SHUii. 0-4 NATIONAL LIAOUI 0 Aa II H l'ct. McO..,SI LOUii 47 t62 18 53 34tl T P1ne.Pln1t>uro11 00 24tl 28 06 341 011vw. Moo1r11f 78 291 45 80 330 Blllor,Ntw Y0<k 55 174 2 I 5!> .3J0 KnlQl>l.HoYllon 78 21111 42 94 3 tl Ru JonM,s.,, 011go 73 2e.t s2 03 3 t 4 Lo Smllh,SI Loula 711 300 88 tl4 313 LMWlr-•·o.dfer• 07 224 40 70 313 Horrllt,Allanla 72 2se ~ llO 3 10 l l>Cy.PIUlburgh 40 108 3~ 52 310 ltomeflllftl Murphy Atlanta, 22. Kl"Ofl'M. -VOtk. t9. C1ttt1. Monlreel, t8, J lhomp1on. P1ll1l>Ur9h, 17, HOf-. Allanla, 17 11-.. '*'"' Murphy. Atlentt. 00. ONvw. MoolrNI, 58 Clwtc San Frandac.o. 55, T Kennedy. San OieQo. ~. J TllOmplOn. Pl111burr· 52 l'tlcfllnt ( 11 Die....,,. Rog•••. Montru l. 10·3, O Robl,,1on. P1111burgll, 0·3, Forech. St Lo1.111. 8-4, Sul•oo. Hou1100. 8-4, Y~ ~ ll·t ; We lcll, Oodttr•, l ·I ; Krukow. Ph11aoetphl1. 8·5. C1t1to,,, Phll1C1•lp111a, 11·7 0..0 ... n.titne Nf.W,OllT (Arl'I Lt"dl"t) -102 ano•er•· 3 barrecud1. 155 bonito. 177 b-. 6211 m1e1e ... e1 (O•ftJ'• Loci!.,} -220 anglers 8 t>arrtcuela, 130 bonito, &117 111\CI OUI, 85 callCo bUI. 31 roctc 11111, • tlalil>Ut, 136 mac11 ..... DANA WH.U. -221_.....841 b .... 211 mec:keret. 33 bonito. t berrac:uda, 3 hallbVI, t wNte -l>Ua, I 181mon, 200 tocll Hlh MOllllO aAY (Vl11'• Lan41"f) -32 anoi...1 8 1N10 cod, 1to ,.., rocti QOO, aeo ollYe bMI, 30 ,.., Ill~ LONO l l ACH (a•IMtnt l'let) -55 an9lert· 300 u nel l>ltl, I tlt llbul, J Oetftcudt .... -to~ 5 9lr>d DUI. 1 ~bVI. tOO macll•el (0-'t WMrf) -173 englera 1 '""'" --· I yllloWlall. 10 b.,,ecuda. 111 bonito, 131 callCO be•. 7tl7 --4 halibut 18 rOCll nll\ HAL 91ACH -180 atlQWL MO""° OHi, 400 mteltatel, 3 hallbul. 2 baNllCU<ll .. .. -205 anglels 10 -"' bUI, 400 ...-cl< ...... 25 htllbu1 IAH DtlOO (HaM Uftdl"9, ,,.,_,,_, ... fi'Olftl LoMAl) -143 engllrs II alb8c0f1. 3 )'1410W1a1I. 27 Mn<! bua. 2 Otttecuc:l8, 8 bonito Hall of Ferne (11.........,,IU) , ..... ,.._,. ..,..... .ionan Krllll Oii. Craig Wlttua, 8-2, 8-7, 8-2. JoM Slldr1 Clef. Jim o.t.ney, 7·8. 7-5. BtlKI Dt-1 Oii VlctOf Amll)'a, 8-3, 8-3, Marty O.vll Ciel Kevin Kerne. 8-3, 8-2. Miki Eatep Oii Paul Ktonll, 6-4, 8-7, 6-4. Mall Anger Oii St...:. Kleege, 6-4, 7 ·S ANGELS DEFEATED • -. . job d one," he noted. "That's what makes baseball such a great game -that ninth inning. You wouldn't get half as many people iC you didn't have the ninth inning." McGregor coasted Into the ninth with an 8-1 advantage. the only Angel run coming on DeCinces' solo home run in lhe second inning. But &ggie JackBon led off the inning with a low line-drive homer that just did clear the fence in the right-field cornet. One out later, DeCinces doubled to center -his fourth hit in aa many trips to the plate -and Fred Lynn whacked a home run into the right-field seats to make the ICOte 8-4. Brian Downing delivered the Anl(ehr final run w1th a one.out RBI lin&le off Stoddard before Martinez entered the game to strike out both Rod Carew and Bobby Grich. The Anlell have now droPped ltx pmet In a row, and t.fiAnb to Kanau Clty'e epllt w1th Bolt.on In a double-header, flnd themalvee one pme behind the AL West DMaion-leading Royall. Dnplte lhe setback, Mauch t ried to aou.nd optimlttlo, particularly after the An1el uprlsln&. and the abWty of two of tu. Jeft..hand hltUJ\I batten -J-.., and Lynn -IO hit for ~ dw .. ft.-handed "'l look., it ... palit.lw •·" 'Meuah ...... ''It'•~ • ,.,. of dine. You.,. 11oW down &he Mtl far • "h&Je, .,, 1"" ... , ., lhlal." The Angels are now one game away from equaling their longest losing streak of the season. * ANML NOTla: Second beM umptr• 1'"9 '•letm o look•d ptelly allly wearing a unlfMm wttlct1 dldn'I malctl thOM Of hi• oth« lhrH COllOlle Monday. Actually, It WH Pelermo who WH we•rino tne u1u11 blv• thin and gray pant•. Home plate ump Motl ~. llrtt b•M vmp 0,.. ICoeo and lhlrd b8M umptr• Miii• flelllr lied lo Mttte lor Angel •we•t pants. blue wtndl><Nkera. Angel cape and even red Angel clNll. The reeaon: Their unlforma t lmply didn't ahow up at Ille 1lrpor1 •. Coming Into Mondey nigh!'• game. Orlolel' left lle!Oet Gery "°9nlcll• had elQlll 1>11• 1(181nat the Anoe!•. I011r of ll)em home •VM. He lied elto clrtwn In nine rvnt . . The oC*l9f With the Ortolee marked the beginning of 17 •trelghl gamH agalnet Eel1em OM9lon OC>POf1911fl. Tiie Angelia wlll -c......and !Of two end tl're New YOtk Yanll-fof thr'M on the CIVIT9lll ~tend • • • F'ridty nlgM'• gel'M wtth the Yllnlt-. wlll be t~IM l¥9d by KTLA, Chennel 5 et 7:35 . D~•• OeClltt .. ' llom• rvn 111 th• MClOnd IMlf'O WM Ne 10tll of tlie ~-ICtoA ,.,... did "°' ....... dtctllot1 agelnet ,,.,. Of10lee "* )'Mr but ... ,. ' .... 1Mr ~ the ION GOrnlng to IMft ~ by a f-2 aovnl . . Mor• on FMMltl: he etrv<* Olll Aoenldl• In the IOUfth Inning, " gew him till ttrilt.c>utt -wNch ~ Ille hlgtl fof lhe .-on. He ftnW1ed .... ~ wlttl ..... The .,., --cOl1CllucM9 tonWit wtth ............. (1·2) ~ ~.,.... 1a.&1 • • Prl<w to"'-earne. tM United &1111• end J"'*' ~ ........... IClfledlllecl to lqUef9 ol'f Ill i: 11. TM U.S. 11 .. he"9 won tllne of the prwlol.9 live ...-. Royals' Wathan fractures ankle KANSAS ClTY, Mo. (AP) - Kanaat Cit)'• John Wuhan. wtat • ~ --.... only four lborl o( &he maP' .... l'ICOl'd f« mtlblrl. IUfferecl a fnetur'ld ... ln &he ftM .... o f M on d • 1 '• '"I· n r1 h' claubllh•dw ......... aftd .. otad·h ... hi wwW .. ... . ............ ...... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Tunday. July 8, 1982 Lea .... = llllCMeo\n n ( ...... , .................. ) NIT AAC9. HO ywdt tHG i.-11 CCl~-::ii) •HO 1t.IO 1210 f llt119fY Wiid\ ( ., .00 • 00 J-* Clwo-w (Herl) 1 '° AllO reo.d: "-,.,.. H'Oller. Trvlr• Luck. LOii of lmoo111y. lold Joll"Y· Paraellddll. , ... ., Tl\ell ,.,., Ail90MI Mllll T ln\I; 18 :17 • IXACTA (l•ll INMG P II tO. UCONO llAel. 400 vwdll. .,,. Go GOI C~ (CrHQr) 0 to ) ..., ),00 0.-1 Rodl•l (LltCl.ey) 7.00 6.80 Hlpplty (Cardon ) 4 10 Alto r-ci; Rooktlt CllatOlf, Alk Carl, ~ • .,.,,,... Mllll, Al• Hoel, P•lleol Go Go. TOUll Jei Too. Trll)OI Bonlit Time 20.28 TMMD M CI. ~00 yard1. F,unny M. (M}'lll) 43.00 10 to t 20 Mahogeny Ctwge (A"'"""") 4 40 3 00 Sit R...,,bon MM (latd) 2 tlO Alto fK-4 Tlllmor•youbugme. Joyiy Clipp..-, Archll Mn. Aabt MAQDle, Jllllfty S1m Vt kttr•u Wit t or11ot1eel oy .... ttewlTClt """"' In IN gilt Tl .... 165tl ,O\MTH MCL 870 ywOt. Go Ott T 0ty (MVlll) 22 20 8 00 6 20 Hoohel DMC> (toni. .. 1 7 80 5 00 Sp.,.lth Amante (Clelt ... I 4 20 AllO rle*I Lucky MoonflOlll•t. Ete<flel CtlwOll ... ClllCk Bar ,,..,,,,. .. Caalno C.- Two, Nllro Cnatlly Time 40 54 ta IJCACTA 12·51 PalO SISO 00 f1l'Tl4 llACI.. 350 ywllt Vi<:le><y Mo<n (Hatll S 90 4 00 2 to FrttM (C .. tro) 28 to 10 20 CMo Pride (AtmueMnl 3 to Alto rll<*l S1'1Qln S-t Olalt SI•. CIOud StrNI<", Cf\Olltl Few, Royal .Iii-. Smooth Summll, Speed Te n me 18 03. llXTW llACI. 350 yardt GIMIQP!ng Ooml'IO (04mba) ~ 20 3 20 3 40 Joe C Oui<:k (B•OOk•l 7 00 1 4U SludlO Drive (Ward) II 40 Also tlOICI Purruy. Wllat TtOYbll. Fr...,an, S1mlet JUQ, Tralln, Cra19 Go Time. 1802 *2 EXACT A ( 1·7) Plld 175 40 aEVEHTH llACI. 440 retell °"' Ptl Pal (Oomlng1.1e1) 31 00 7 00 4 GO Coorp U Go (Hatll !I 00 2 &o Gon1 Go E1ey (Watel) 3 00 Alto ttced SuP<>alt WI,, Skip A So1.1are, Viking Coc>y, Put>ll<: Attllt l•me 2204 12 EXACT A (7·3) pelel SOS .-0 f.IQHTM flACI. 350 nrel• Mom• NIUlff (0om11QZ) 9 70 • 20 2 80 Dupee Lillll a... ICttOOJ.a) 4 llO 3 00 O<angouteng Don (TOflkll 0 00 Also ttetd LIQAJ Chap. Gl"O"''Y• Jll. Nights L1m1t1. Goll~• C Roclltt. Rialiy Sil, Noeonu ChefOllM Gotn,,,.,rlc:h lime 18 ,. ta f.XACTA (t~I paid '34 40 *2 l'ICI( llX (8-2·tl· 1·2· II Pl tO S352 20 With 80 wi""'ng llckete (four llO'M91 S2 PIC:k SI• consoletton pe1d 18 80 with I t08 wtMlng llC~ ... (lhrM l\o<-) ,2 PtCi~ SI• ser11Gh c0<\9olallon Paid S8 00 w1th 027 winning ll<:llllt (two ho<-. °"' ecrttchl NINTM flACI .. 3:1() yeros Frencll FOtce (Cateloza) t7.llO 9 &o a 20 Your Pl-0t Mine (Mite~) 13 20 15 llO Red Mealllls (AelaJr) 5 80 AllO rte.41d Ink~ ~hi, Town Polley, Ctllll Can. Pr•Uy Ret>et'4. V~o. Wreng'4 AIOI, Time 17 78 12 f.XAC:TA (7·10) peld $15 I 20 Alltnelance -7,401. Hollywood Park M()NOAY'a flf.IUlTa 111111 tf -.., "-ouoMltM ~l '1111T llACI. 8 luttonga Prof-Gr_,. (Black)27 00 10 00 8 00 Count CartlciO (Pler~I 8 &o 4 00 Keneloo C... Do (Lipham) 4 00 Alto r ac10. ArndNn. Ho Ctloy. Or G1dOl1, Ourtoo 011100, Coneecuenle, St tftlle, Sl)Mdy T uClor. Time I: 10 216 UC:ONO llACI. One mill Patntec: (~) 5 40 3 IO 2 to Sl*'lled Mace (MoHarquel ~ 40 3 80 Thi Melnod (Guenl) 3 40 Alto rte-.! Pro•IC11n1111. In Trlplleel•. FIMI Rule<, CounMlot Cooney, AuMh lk.cn. Owlhu Timi 1 37 0 t2 DAil. Y OOU9l.E 13-3) paid 1113 20 TIMO flAC:f.. 6 Iii<~ K111'em Gooclore IBlectc) t4 80 7 oo 4 20 Anot,,.. Thovgnt IMcHarouel 18 90 to 00 0om111a (St1oemu ... 1 5 00 Alto •IC*! Aslorl ... My NIU .. PrtnceM, PUZlcllt'I Pr~. Comeoy Act, Prlncnl loy Btl9fll Dawn Hollanelet Royal Qetby'1 Girl Mitt Pet Time t 1031~ ts f.XACTA ( peld $502 50 FOOflTW RACE. t • ml ... Tttblttn (Ptncayl 1 20 4 40 l 20 Seavoy (SllOtmaker) 7 00 4 80 Sword ot Hooour (o.l•houuayt) 3 00 Al10 rtce el: Princely Verdict. C1p111n Orient, Menotti. Ball•,,.,. Preteneled Time. t •9 315 15 f.'XACTA (1·4) paid S tO t 50 f1f'TH llACL t t/18 mflll F1111 Pe\14 AHl90fl 9 20 • 60 3 20 Penng..ove (Gl*'ra) 10 &o 6 OU BlaOfl Bey (Plncey) J oo Aleo reoecl tn<ll.,. O . Prtmlum Deposit Kln91 Dewn, Thal Mome,,t. Cont11110. Genlll Sun Ttme. 1.41 215 ts DACTA (8-21 paid 1214 50 UTM MOa. I lurtonot II ..... (O.lil!OwlN,.} 7 )() ~ to I IO '1 OM lltlMey> t to t 10 ...... ..._, 440 Aleo '•O•O Oeme•. Ml-•'• A a 1a""· T.,.,._.t Wavt, f/Nnent Lad, llOtl H-. fltlnelll)t lleoo. Oott't l'lllllG. HOtlto. TllM I 10 Sii MV.NTM MC&. I ~ Allldl• (Mo¢ertonl t ~ 2 .0 2 20 lk!Oflt L~ (li04lle) J tO a to l'ro 0t Cori (Hawley) s oo Aleo 1•ce4 1w .. 1 Ame,,o• Sh• • A •.ooe. lrt T\I, rt.oy L. Time I Ot V t • lllAOTA ( .. JI !*I U7 ~ a PM:IC ... (M-1+M1 paid S2.~ with t3 I WIMlng tldUMI (IMA l\otMI) 9' PIC1I II• coneol1tlo,, palO SU 40 wnn 2.•67 wtflrliflO llelutla (11\lf l\o<-) U Pic;k SI• tartleh OOlllOlll.lon .,.io 16 7 40 wltn 4 7tl wlllnlnO tlctcel• (lovr hOllM. OM 1C1111cnl llOHTif llACI. I \\ mlln °" Ml •~ B1y (Toro) 6 40 3 20 2 60 The Batt (o.l1t1ou ... ye) :! 80 7 &o P•I ... JOMI (Gl/elrt) 4 20 l\l•o •1oe e1· To·AgorH .4ou Wickett. 8tflHllOl\aJ Guy, l-• Due 0. Bar, Cr•we Hiit, hPIOOtel. Tom 1 s ... en.01 Tltne· 1·47 116 NIHTH llACL OM mill °" lurl P•-ou• (T0to) 7 40 4 oo 3 ..o Sir P• (Ouer11) 8 20 5 80 llllty CIMlc (HIW!eyl ~ 00 Aleo raoe(I Ottnel BalGony. T~def~. Pllnltl, OidOtOI, Utl<I•'• Brothel, Prune Pte a.1 .. Motet THl\e I )4 41~ • llACTA (4-1) peld Sl40 00 Attend--611.785 Wottd Cup 1.c ...-1 llCC*O llOYNO ....,..ac.. .. 1C11111 O, lllQlencl 0. tit ~,,.,..2 ~· ............OlfttM POiand ve, "ely et 8atoe10n1 France .,.., w .. 1 Getmany at S.v1111 PINALS ,..... ,... -.. '"""" Poland-ltlly 1011t •• Fr1nce -w e11 Q.,m1ny lo-•I Allcen11 Cllamplon1hlp -lvndaJ Poland·llaly winne r vt France ·WHI Germ1ny win,,... at MtOrlCI World Cup &tending• llCONO llOUND FIHAl:I Qroup A W l T Of OA l'tt A ·POia/id 1 0 I 3 0 3 USSR I 0 ' I 0 3 8ltQlum 0 :• 0 0 4 0 ~-<:llnehtCI wnlflnal t>ettll NOTE. Aft gemes et Camp No.. St•Cllum Bwoelof\I °'°"" • W LT OF QA Pio Et9at1<1 I 0 I 2 1 3 Spein 011121 •-Cttnct\ICI _,,lllnlll l>erln NOTE All g1m11 Sa,,t•tgo Bern1b1u S tacllum MIKl<ld ~,·.aco.1 Spain 0. Engltnet 0. ,,. 0.-pC W LT Of QA P1• •·Italy 2 0 0 s l • BrMrl , 1 0 5 4 2 Argenttn• 0 ' 0 2 5 0 • Ct•nched Mmtllnat t>e<th Mond•r·• 1core Italy 3 Brazil 2 Group D W L T OF QA Pit c-Fr1nce 2 o o • 1 4 No lr.ianct O t 1 3 6 I Aullrlt 0 I I 2 3 t > -Cl•ncheel Mm•l1nal °"'111 NOTE All games et Vlncenle Cald.,on Stadium, Madrio World Cup Champion• 1tl78 A1gen11na 1974 -Weet Ge<many 11170 -Braz.ti 196!1 -England 111e2 -B<ezJI 11158 -Brull 111~ -wea1 Getmtny 1950 -Utuquey 19.)8 -ll•ly tll3• -tltly 1tl30 -UNQuay co- MonlrNI Toronto ChbQo NAI L •landing• r. .. 1 ..... 0tv..-. W L OF QA P P1• " s 43 29 41 123 ,.. 7 35 26 28 81 1t 10 33 28 30 " 6 12 30 '° 28 6-< a--.. DIYltloft Ft LAuclerdlll 1• 8 •6 •4 •2 t24 T lmPI Bay 10 12 3• 44 30 80 Tulsa II 11 37 40 33 17 Jeclo.sonvllle O t2 28 37 27 75 V1ncouver San Jose S..1111 Stn OieQo Po<rlend Edmooton ... , .... U.Ylelotl 12 6 35 29 28 96 1 t 9 00 39 3 1 9S 9 10 38 32 32 04 8 t ' 31 35 26 70 8 I I 25 20 21 65 6 13 23 40 20 52 Tonlgtll'a 0-.. No gamee ~l'llldulld Monday'• tranNCtlone llASHAU. "-tloNILeeeue NEW YORK METS -Placed Tom Htutman, pttcntr, °" the 21-Clay dlut>lerl 1111 Recalled 9,.,,, Gall, pllch•r, lrom Tielewtter OI '"' •m•natlOnll LllllQUt 1IK Extended BASIC Waa $599.00 In C•t. RSC-7 • Crute Hlgh-Reaolutlon Color Graphic. With e.ae 1 Drifter drifts • ID for victory By ALMON LOCKABEY Dellyf'tlethllt"'9Wrtt- 8AN D IEGO -Harry M o lo1hco'1 69 -foot 118ht displacement aloop. Drifter, drifted acroa the Cini.sh Une here at ~:26 a.m. Sunday to nail down first to fini1h honors In th~ 151-mlle Marina del ~y to San Diego yacht race, co-sponsored by Windjammers Yacht Club of M ar ina de l R ey and Southwestern Yacht Club, San Diego. Drifter finished three hours ahead of Bob Hanel's Double B OATING Bulle t. a catamaran sailing out of Cabr11lo Beach Yacht Club The rest of the 381-boat fleet finished throughout the day w1lh the largest groups .. finishing belween 2 and ~ p.m. The last boat cleared the hmsh tine al 9:26 p.m. Six Oran~e County boats won trophi es in their respecuve classes Allen Brown's Spirit, Vova~ers YC. placed fourth in International Offshore Rule Class B : Morrie Kirk 's Hana Ho. Balboa YC. w as second 1n P erformance Handicap Rac ing Fleet 'A, Details, skippered by Alan Andrews. BYC. was fourth m PHRF-C. Martinique, sailed by Dan Cooper. Capistrano Bay YC. was fourth an PHRF-F; John White's Serena. Dana Point YC, w as fourth an PHRF-J , a nd Defia nce. sailed by Hugh Towle{ BYC. was third an the multihul class Cl111 r .. 11111 IOR·A t Trav1e!M> Terry L1nge,,le!Oer sovc 7 Bnsa Me1ne Ch08U! LAVC. 3 Lone Star Burl Ben111m1n SWVC 4 Heat Wave ) Dick PennlOQIC1tl LBVC !> Roner Cout111 Goh'°" Svnd•Olt! LBYC IOA·B t AuOBCIOUt Mike Kennedy LAYC 2 Rooeo Ort•• Roger C.Mtum PMVC 3 Apogee Mill anel Marty Vogel LBVC 4 • Sptr1I, Allen Brown VVC 4 Showtlme S C.ullrell, KHYC. IOR·C t eaccl>an1l G ~atlel<o PMYC, 2 Hot Rum. Al Cattlllon. KHVC. 3 Primera, R " Follmer, KHVC • HOI Potato. w COlbell. - SBVC, S Pop N Ue, Peter Ktnl LBVC 1 ! PHRF·A I Driller, MoloellcolBaker, ,, LBYC, 2 Hana HO, Morrie Kiri<, BYC, 3 1 I Typhoon. John Olsen. LBYC 4 Carchordon, R McDonald. wwvc. !> Its OK L Beery, Capo eve r:. PHRF-8 -I Pac Min, S11ve Curran. CYC. 2 Sunburst G A1cnare11on . CBVC. 3 :~ Cheshire Fo• G111111n Kerr SM'l'C, 4 Orlon J ,~, Tr06ij8I. KHYC (penOl09 P•OIHI), !> Ca1Ch·22 John Cieri\. WYC PHRF·C I Super111r, Sid Bllnoer, WYC );. 2 Vallowblrd. M Trum,,,.,, SDVC 3 So Long r! v HoltensomlR-. wvc. 4 Details, Alan Andr*""' BYC 5 Eddie Hullell. Jim Llnskey. WYC :•. PHRF-D I Jute• Mlk• Ellu. LBVC. 2 ~· Peoasu1. LM ISllnson CVC, 3 Hetllra A • ' LuOwig SOVC 4 Oa1i.. St.,. Aust1ntRolMs 1c; eve. S Rael••"' S1ran11Coun.,.. SBVC I/< PHRF-E -' Vandll l .. IGO<Oon LSF 2 Vroom. M Gree,, LSF 3 Gerry Jug. Ge<n• PathllOll, S MVC 4 ~llOtl. J Hu,,le< 1 KHVC. S Fetre1a J Osborn. P MVC ·I PHRF-F -I HlaluS BtttonlAdams. CVC. 2 l w1hgh1 W Wiecieman OYC 3 Strokes. D 'I' Tallman, KHVC 4 Mar11nlque D COOPe' "I Capo BYC. 5 Super Plum, 8 GOOlrey. KHVC (JI PHRF-0 -t seoc. 8 Wlllensl .. n. LBVC . 2 Trenqullo Russol8aerW11'l. SBVRC. 3 Cara Sposa, K1ll1,,.../ROM. WVC. 4 Gu1to. G Neill ,,; An;H~~·-~ Pa":g(;~C:'::e N~C':argan•,·' I SWYC 2 Stsu R Harl>Oe, RBYC 3 Enn, A i ) Parker. AGSC. 4 C uamer R Ga.IM. MBYC. S LOGllglen, R GolOen. PBVC PHRF ·I -I Glory, JOhn Plnhero. OVC. 2 ''' Peoesus Jerry Montgomery, ABVC. 3 Alm•·(• Two, Take Taniguchi, WYC, 4 Ral,,bow End P H Macko, SBYRC 5 Sissy. u ca~. S BVRC PHAF·J 1 Artful Dodger. To"1 Cl&ncy. •fJ PMVC. 2 Splnelrlll A ~yes. PMVC. 3 Muneca de Oro Jone11Mao801k1n: WYC. 4 fl $Mena, J While DPVC. 5 Live Wire. Duke Jones, wvc u.: PHRF·K 1 M11ano1. R Wimer. Ana YC, • ) 2 Escape. J lngi.1. S BYRC: 3 Se•enara. B ' Rut11g11n, SI BYC. 4 Abrlgo. S OM,,., Ana II YC S Seeadlet R Ogllby, ABYC U ORCA -I Double Buli.t, Bob Hanel. CBYC. 2 Crossfire. N Crou. SOVC, 3 Oell1"'4t. Hugh Tow1e. eve. 4 Anez c11 D w Na09ta. NYCLB. 5 Avenger. R Conser Ana YC c· .... , •.. IS ) l • Draw BualneM Graphs, Charts, Even Anlm•tlon • Plug In • Program Pak "' tor Perional U-or Exciting O.rnn ...................... a•n•···-······ au····-···--· -•u••••••••tEt >J. ll I U() .,,. - •Attaches to Your TV S.ve on Theae Reduced-Priced Program Paka, Tool CheM w.. .... NowOnlyM.M DtnoW.. ..... ,. Now0nly21.• ftad1elhaek . . . . . . . . IEE IT AT YOUR NWm RADIO IHACI ITORE , COMPUTIR CEITIR OR fUTICINT1'11 DIALER . Orange Oout DAIL. V PILOT /Tuud.y, July e, 1882 It's importftnt to he yourself That's wha t Weiskopf says OAK BROOK, Ill. (AP) -Take lt from l W•tem Open winner Tom Weiakopf: the med.la I and public don't know or underat.and molt of the p1ayen bn the American 1oll tour. Welakopf'• cont.enUona came to litht when a I sports writer uked him what had happened to hla I lnlamoua temper. 1 "I don't think I ever had one. Does that , dlacomflt you? lf It d oes, I'll throw thta ' microphone at you, if you want," replied a 2'miling : Welakopf. I "I'm just one of the cast of characters out here. I We all have our adjectivet," he said. Welakopf does no\ hide the fact he hu been 'one of the game'• ltOnnier characters. · "It's important to be yourself. I fee) like everything I've done, right or wrong, ts lpontaneoua. If I want to throw a club at the bag, I do. I don't want to end up in the loony house. rve '1ot to let it out. I really don't care." With th.at, Weiskopf gave his listeners some public relations advice with tour players. "If they (the media) like a player, he's always the favorite, no matter what he does. He always geta good ink. ''There's a lot of mlsundentood people out here. Their pel"SOnalHies are not the same in here (the press room) as when they take off their spikes in the clubhouse. ''They may be intimidated by you guys. Some of them are hysterically funny, like Ed Sneed. But he gets on the course, he's so conservative he's looked over." K r iek tops Maradona big ~jttllS _ · d . . t t _ ~~~~:·~o~ isappo1n men Kriek •t.Naaled to a 6-2. 6-7, e.2 victory over unteeded Crail Wlttua ln the fint round of the Mlller Hall of Fame Tennis Champlonshtp1 Monday. Krleli, the defending champion. took the fint set with a pair of service brealu, loet the aecond in a 7-0 tiebreaker. He won the third by capturing l~ of the. lut. 17 polnta in the match. A native South African who now resides tn the United States, Kriek took charge in the fifth game of the third tel. Serving at 40-30, he amaahed a volley for a winner, but allpped and touched the net. The BARCELONA, Spain (AP) -Dte.10 Maradona, the dim!nuUve A.raentl.ne with the SlO million price tag, hu been th• tq cUaappouu:mmt o! the World Cup -and he knows lt. ''All went wro111. I d1d eve~lnf wrona," the 21.year -old star N.id Saturday. 'I have no exeu1e. The more I thln.k of it, the more I unders1a.nd it wu juat not my Ume." Maradona told a reporter he wu particularly unhappy with his perfonnancet in Ar1entina'1 2-1 loss to Italy and the 3-1 defui at the handa of Brazil. "I waa hoping to introduce m}'Mlf to my new fans as I know I can. To at.art a direct oontact with them on a positive tone, not Uke yeeterday," he aald. Maraaona has been transferred from Boca Junior to Barcelona for a record fee of $10 million. He will join the team this fall. Maradona was sent off the field at Sarria Stadium here Friday aft.er a bad foul on Brazilian midfielder Batista. After a moment of silence, his exit waa accompanied by loud jeers and whistles. chair umpire, Norris -=-------------------- Bond, called the point to DlllH IUICll Wlttus . Kriek was lnce!Ued. "I touched the net, but the ball w• alrelidy out of the oourt,'t l&Jd Kriek, the No. 11 -ranked player in the world. "I .Upped, but the ball waa almost on its second bounces ......_ ______ .,1__-J when I touched the net. DAVIS grandchildren , Bill and Weiskopf also listed Hale Irwin and Peter Jacobsen l n the same catego r y . 300-GAME WINNER S Early Ye then shifted directions and talked about Wynn (left) and Gaylord Perry talk Billy Casper, a winner 51 times on the tour but before a recent game between the often described as bland. Seattle Mariners and C hicago ,_, wtf.pMto pitchers to win 300 games. Wynn is a broadcaster for the White Sox and Perry continues to pitch for the Mariners. He didn't realize the point was over. It was a judgment call, but it was bad judgment." Kriek double-faulted on the very next point, MARY ELLEN DA VlS, a Floyd Hoover of California, resident of Costa Mesa, Ca. Mary Hoover of Colorado. PUied away on July 2, 1982. Grace Inman of Caillomia She is survived by her and Lottie of Colorado. daughtA!r Sandra Hughee of Services will be held on Costa Mesa, Ca., son James Thunday. July 8, 1982 at B. Davis, Slit.era Janet Ptak 2:00PM at the Harbor Lawn and Margaret Ann Minnear Memorial Chapel. with brother Robert S. Vallery' 1 n t •! r rn en t a er v Ice 1 mother Margaret Vallery imm.ediately followi~g. a nd 5 gra ndc h 11 d r en. Services under the direcuon Services will be held on of Harbor Lawn-Mount Wednesday, July 7, 1982 at Olive Mortuary of Costa l l:OOAM at the Presbyterian Mesa. 540-5554. "Tommy Bolt told me this one. He said Billy ls White Sox. They are the last two like a Rolls-Royce that pulls up to the Waldorf ----------------------------- but then took control. Church of. the Covenant, JOHNSTON 2850 Fairview Road, Costa 0 S C A R B U R S 0 N Mesa with Pastor Bruce A. JOHNSTON resident of Kurrie off1c1atlng. Final Laguna Hill; Ca. Passed Astoria in New York and no one gets out," said Weiskopf, the winner of the Western Open Sunday with a Butle.r National record of 12-under-par 276. A Since he comes from Ohio State, someone re a wondered if he knew lndi'ana Coach Bobby Knight. -_ football h d 1 tnter"!'ent servic~ will be away on July' 3, 1982. He SC e U e S held m the fanuly plot at was a retired Colonel from Greenswood Cemetery, the United States Marine Wayne, Nebraska. Harbor Corps. Survived by his wife Lawn Mount 0 l 1 v e Betty. daughters Sandra 1 lother product of the~ig Ten school. "Very well," he replied. "We both come from the Woody Hayes charm school" Edison Schedule • wins Spence Bay Anierican 'cap INGLEWOOD (AP) -Spence Bay circled the field around the far turn. took over the lead at the eighth pole and won out in a stretch battle with The Bart to capture the 43rd running of the $167,800 American Handicap Monday at Hollywood Park. . Running one and· an eighth miles on the turf course i.Q 1:47.15,Spence Bay finished a neck in front of a determined The Bart, which had just passed pace-setting Peter Jones at the top of the stretch . Spence Bay appeared to be on his way to a convincing victory, but The Bart refused to fold. Peter Jones was third, 12 lengt.hs behind the second horse. The winning time was only 415 of a second off the stakes record of 1:46.25, set by Bold Tropic two years ago. The course record of 1:46 was established by Johnny's Image in 1979. The Vlctory was the third one for jockey Fernando Toro in the American Handicap as he swept divisions of the race in 1975 with Pass The Glass and Mountmarte. Going off as an entry with Tom's Serenade, Spence Bay was made the 17-10 favorite by the crowd of 59,785, largest of the meeting this year. Carrying second high weight of 122 pounds, Spence Bay paid $5.40. $3.20 and $2.60 across the board. The Bart, carrying Eddje Delahoussaye and top weight of 124, returned $3.80 and $2.80. The show price on Peter Jones, with Walter Guerra up and packing 113 pounds, was $4.20. The victory for Spence Bay, the 7-year-old Irish-bred aon of Sterling Bay, was worth $100,100 for owners Nelson B. Hunt of Dallas and Summa Stable of Los Angeles. Trained by Randy Winnick, Spence Bay now has won 14 of 28 career starts, all on the grass, with eaming8 of $505,560. ' Following the top three in order were To- Agori-Mou, Wickerr, Sensational Guy, Le Due de Bar, Crews Hill. Exploded and Tom's Serenade. Finµ sailors have new boat Finn sailors in the 1984 yachting Olympics will have new. identical boats to sail. The Loa Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee h as announc ed that Vanguard , Inc . of Pewaukee, Wisc., has been commissioned to supply all of the single- handed Finn boats for the 1984 Gamet. LAOOC president Peter Ueberro th said Vanguard was selected becauae the firm has diaUnguished ii.elf as one of the premier bullden of uilboata and marine hardware wlth an outstanding reputation for cooslatency ln product.Ion, which ta of ·paramount impor1anl.'e ln Fino NJ.Unc. The Fin n la a one- dHlln class 111lboat •hkh 11 Nlled atn1Je· Nndiidly. 'J1M boet " 14 J• 9 ~ Iona and w eigh s 319 pounds . Vanguard will supply LACXX: with 40 Finns, equaling the number of countries expected to sail in the class. The Finn was designed by Rickard Sarby of Sweden for the 1952 Olympics i n Helsinki, Finland, hence the name. It hu been an Olympic cl.ass ever since. Founded in 1967 by Pet.er and Olaf Harken, V~ is no stranger to tile Olympic games, having served as co nsultants to the Canadian and Busalan F i nn bulldera for the 1976 and 1980 Game.a. "My brother and l are delighted to be building the FiM8 for the 1984 Gamea . We are committed to maklng them .. equal in welaht and dmipl •la humanly po11lbl e.'' said Peter Berken, prHldent ot v~ ~Mete' Swan hoepitalized Fri., Sept. 3 -Punahou (Aloha Stadium) Sat., Sept. 11 -El Dorado (at OCC) Sat .. Sept. 18 -at Vista Sat., Sept. 25 -Banning (Anaheim Stadium) Thurs., Oct 7 -Mater Dei (at SA Bowl) Fri., Oct. 15 -Marina• (at Cerritos College) Fri., Oct. 22 -at Huntington Beach• Fri .. Oct. 29 -Ftn. Valley• (Ana. St.ad.) Sat., Nov. 6 -at Westminster• Thurs .. Nov. 11 -Ocean View• (at OCC) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30) Fountain Valley Schedule Fri .. Sept. 10 -Mat.er Dei (at Cerritos) Fri .. Sept. 17 -Foothill (al Tustin) Fri., Sept. 24 -St. Paul (at Cerritos) Fri., Oct. l -Servite (at Cerritos) Fri., Oct. 8 -Long Beach Poly (at OCC) Fri., Oct. 15 -at Huntington Beach• (home) Thurs., Oct. 21 -Westminster• (at OCC) Fn .. Oct. 29 -Edison• (Anaheim Stadium) Fn .. Nov. 5 -Ocean View• (at Htn. Beach) Fri .. Nov. 12 -Mann.a (at Cerritos) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30) Huntington Beach Schedule Thurs., Sept. 9 -CdM (at Npt. Harbor) Fn., Sept. 17 -Los Alamitos (home) Thurs., Sept. 23 -Los Amigoe (at G .G.) Thurs., Sept. 30 -Bolsa Grande (home) Fri., Oct. 8 -at San Clemente Fri., Oct. 15 -Ftn. Valley• (al Htn. Beach) Fri .. Oct. 22 -Edison• (home) Fri., Oct. 29 -Ocean View• (home) Fri., Nov. 5 -Marina• (at Westminster) Fri., Nov . 12 -Westminster• (home) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30) Marina Schedule Fri., Sept. 10 -at Newport Harbor Fri., Sept. 17 -at San Luis Obispo Fri .. Sept. 24 -Foothill (at OCC) Fri .. Oct. 1 -La Quinta (at Westminster) Fri., Oct. 8 -at Millikan Fri .. Oct. 15 -Edison• (at Cerritos) Fri .. Oct. 22 -Ocean View• (at Westminster) Fri .. Oct. 29 -at Westminster• Fri .. Nov. 5 -Htn. Beach• (at Westminster) Fri .. Nov. 12 -Ftn. Valley• (at C.em'tos) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30) Ocean View Sclledtlle Fri .. Sept. 10 -Estancia (at OCC) Fri., Sept. 17 -La Qwnta (at Westminster) Fri., Sept. 24 -Cypress (at Western) Fri., Oct. l -Sunny Hills (at Htn. Beach) Fri., OCt. 8 -West.em (at Htn. Beach) Fri., Oct. 15 -at Westminster• Fri., Oct. 22 -Marina• (at Westminster) Fri., Oct. 29 -at Huntington Beach• Fri., Nov. 5 -Ftn. Valley• (at Htn. Beach) Thurs .. Nov. 11 -Edison• (at OOC) • denotes Sunset League game (all games at 7:30) Weat mlaater Scbedale Fri .. Sept. 10 -La Quinta (home) Fri., Sept. 17 -Pacifica (at Garden Grove) Fri., Sept. 2-4 -Newport Harbor (home) Fri., Oct. 1 -at <:ompton Fri., Oct. 8 -Long Beach WU.On (home) Fri., Oct. 15 -Ocean Vtew• (home) Thurs .. Oct. 21 -Foun\ain Valley• (at OCC) Frt .. Oct. 29 -Marina• (home) Sat., Nov. 6 -Ed.t.on• (home) Frt., Nov. 12 -at Huntington BMch• • denote. Sumet League game (all games at 7:30) C.rou 4e1 Mar Sdled•le Thura., Sept. 9 -Hununaton &e.ch (home) Fri., Sept. 17 -•t San Cfemente Fri., Sept. 2' -C.plltranO Valley (home) Fri., Oct. 1 -~~\ Newport IWbor) Sat., Oc\. 9 -. • (at SA Bowl) Fri., Oc\. lJ -ll Taro• <at OCC) J'ri,, Oat. 22 -at Jr¥tnl• rrt., Oat. 29 -C-.. u..• (at ()CC) Thun., NOY. 4 ..;_ Untvenit~ (home) flt.,Ncw, ll-••Nn~~ • dlnocm .. VlitW i....,. .... <.U...-e&1il0) Unllll ~ haml ...-at Nt'ltpor& ...,., Costa Mesa Schedule Thurs., Sept. 9 -Santa Ana (at SA Bowl) Thurs., Sept. 16 -Santiago (home) Sat., Sept. 25 -Los Alamitos (al West.em) Fri .. Oct. 1 -University• (at Irvine) Fri., Oct. 8 -Irvine• (home) Fri., Oct. 15 -Sadd1eback• (home) Fri., Oct. 22 -El Toro• (at Mission Viejo) Fri., Oct. 29 -Corona del Mar• (at OCC) Fri., Nov. 5 -Newport Harbor• (at OCC) Fri .. Nov. 12 -F.stancia• (at OCC) · •denotes Sea View League game Mortua.ry o! Costa Mesa McCauley of W13COnsin and forwardirig directors. Margaret Redig also of CAPPS Wisconsin, step-daughter CLYDE P B. CAPPS, a Katherine McDowell of resldent of Laguna Hills. Ca. Sa n ta A n a . Ca . Passed away on July 4, 1982. Arrangements by Neptune Born December 7, 1884 in Society with bu.rW at 1ea. In Lenox, Iowa. Survived by liN of flowers the family his son Clifton Capps of Loe reque.ta donations be made Angeles , Ca., daughter to the American Cancer Dorothea Kraut.er of Corona Society. del Ma r, Ca .. 3 . grandchildren and 2 great· LEABO grapdchlldren. Funeral SCYBLE LEE LE.ABO, a (all games at 7:30) Unless noted, home games at Harbor services will be held on resident of Westminster, Ca. Wednesday, July 7, 1982 at Passed away on July 5, Newport I l:OOAM at the Pacific View 1982. She ii survived by her Chapel. lntennent at Pacific brothe r Terman of Long View Memorial Park. Beach. Ca ., sister, LaVae Newport Beach. Ca. Pac1flc Leabo of Westminster. Ca. El Toro Schedule Thurs., Sept. 9 -Cypress (home) Fri .. Sept. 17 -Mission Viejo (home) Fri., Sept. 24 -at Valencia Thurs .. Sept. 30 -at Newport Harbor• Thun , Oct. 7 -F.stancia* (home) Fri .. Oct. 15 -Corona del Mar• (at OCC) Fri., Oct. 22 -Costa Mesa• (home) Thurs., Oct. 28 -University• (at Irvine) Fri., Oct. 5 -at Irvine• Fri., Oct. 12 -Saddleback• (home) • denotes Sea View League game (all ~ames at 7:30) All home games at Mission Viejo Estancia Schedule Fri., Sept. 10 -Ocean View (at OCC) Thurs., Sept. 16 -Laguna Hills (at M. Viejo) Fri .. Sept. 24 -at San Clemente Fri., Oct. 1 -Corona del Mar• (home) Thurs., Oct. 7 -El Toro• (at Mission Viejo) Thurs .. Oct. 14 -University• (home) Fri., Oct. 22 -at Newport Harbor• Fri., Oct. 29 -Irvine• (home) Fri., Nov. 5 -Sadd1eback• (home) Fri., Nov. 12 -Costa Mesa• (at OCC) • denotes Sea View League game (all games at 7:30) UnleM noted, home games at Newport Harbor) Irvine Schedule Thurs .. Sept. 9 -Laguna Hills (home) Fri .. Sept. 17 -Woodbridge (at Irvine) Frt .. Sept. 24 -at Tustin Thurs .. Sept. 30 -Saddleback• (at SA Bowl) Fri., Oct. 8 -Costa Mesa• (at Npt. Harbor) Fri., Oct. 15 -Newport Harbor• (home) Fri., Oct. 22 -Corona del Mar* (home) Fri., Oct. 29 -&itancia• (at Npt. Harbor) Fri .. Nov. 5 -El Toro• (home) Fri., Nov. 12 -Universi~· (home) •denotes Sea View League game (all games at 7:30) Newport Harbor Sclledale Fri .. Sept. 10 -Marina (home) Fri., Sept. 17 -Cypress (home) Fri., Sept. 24 -at Westminster Thurs .. Sept. 30 -El Toro• (home) Fri., Oct. 8 -University• (at Irvine) Fri., Oct. 15 -at Irvine• Fri., Oct. 22 -Estancia• (home) Fri., Oct. 29 -Saddleback• (at SA Bowl) Fri., Nov. 5 -Costa Mesa• (at OCC) Fri .. Nov. 12 -Corona del Mar• (home) • denotes Sea View League game (all games at 7:30) Saddlebaclt Scffdale Frt., SepL 10 -SA Valley (at SA Bowl) Thura., Sept. 16 -Santa Ana (at (home) Frt., Sept. 24 -at La Habra Thura., Sept. 30 -Irvine• (home) Sat .. Oct. 9 -Corona del Mar* (home) Fri .. Oct. lS -Costa Mesa• (at Npt. Harbor) Fri .. Oct. 22 -Unlversi~ {borne) Fri., Oct. 29 -Newport llarbor-(home) Fri., Nov. S -Ellanda• (at NpL Harbor) Fri., Nov. 12 -El Toro• (at M.1-loo Viejo) • denota Sea Vlew Leaaue pmt (all gamee at 7:30) All home pmet at Santa Ana Bowl Ualvenlt}~ale Fri., Seet. 10 -WooclbridCll (home) Thuni., Sept. 16 -'l\lltln (homa) Fri., Sept. 24 -Laauna Milli (at M. Viejo) Fri., OC't. I -0.. M-• (home) J'ri., OC't. 8 -Newport Harixat9 (home) Thun.., Ol!l. 14 -JINnda• (at NP'-~) Fri., 0:\.. 22 -a.ddaetwtr• Cat SA Bowl) Thin., CM. 28 -II Toro-(bGIM) Thun •• NOY. 4 -~ Np&. J:larta') M, HOY. 11 -1& • ....... v ... ....-.... (till = al T:IO) AU ...,.. at IMM HJlh View Mortuary_ directors. and Lorraine Snyder of OLSON Alabama. Graveside services E D I T H E U G E N I E w1U be held on Thursday, OLSON. a resident of July 8, 1982 at lO:OOAM at Newport Beach, Ca. Passed the Harbor Lawn Memorial away on July 5, 1982. &m• Park. Services under the July 27, 1898 lll New York directJon ~{ Harbor Lawn. City. Survived by daughter Mount Olive Mortuary of Delores Bangert of Newport Cost.a Mesa 540-5554. Beach, Ca., grandchildren PINDER Leslie Martin and John DON A LD EERNEST Bangert and 1 great · PINDER. MD, passed away granddaugh. ter Kimberly on July 2, ~982. He is Martin. Funeral services wiU survived by his wife Helen be held on Thursday, July 8, R. Pinder of Downey. Ca .. 1982 al 2:00PM at Pacific son Rober\ C. Pinder, MD of View Mortuary Chapel with La.kewood, Ca .. daughter Interment at Pacific View Elizabeth R. Pinder of Memorial Park. Pacific View Newport Beach, Ca .. his Mortuary directors. sister Jean Rudman of HOOVER Pittsford, New York, also MARVlN E. HOOVER a survived by 4 grandchildren. resident of Santa Ana, Ca. Services will be held on Passed away on July 5, 1982. Wednesday, July 7, 1982 at He Is survived by his sons 7:00PM at Utter-McKinley Phillip of Chino. Ca .. James Downey Mortuary Chapel, of Tustin and Randy of 9830 Lakewood Blvd., S a n t a A n a . C a . , 5 Downey, Ca DEATHS . ELSEWHERE NASHVILLE. Tenn. (AP) -Harmonica player Deford Bailey, the first musician to make records in Nuhville and one of the early black performers for the Grand Ole Opry, died Friday. McCOl.MK:IC MOITUAl lH Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna H•lls 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAUOI LAWN-MT. OUYt Mortuary •Cemetery Crem1 tory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa S.0-555<4 ,_Cl .. OTMMS llL&. •OADWA Y ...o.TUAAY 110 8ro.OW1y Cost• Mesa 642·9150 IM.T% .... Otf MTM&nm&L WllTQAIP CMANl 427E 17thSt Costa Mesa M6-~371 TAOOMA, Wash. (AP) - Wiiiiam L. Wordu , 72, author and World War ll correspondent for The Associated Preas and the Saturday Evening Post, died ThW'9day. PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) - 9teltlt Roaebtlslt, 31, of ~ of the naUon'a first aeta of . mixed-gender quadruplets to survive Nrly childhood, died Wednelday. He ls survived by the other three quads - Kenneth, and lillters Krysw.I and Kristine. VATICAN CITY (AP) - Archbishop Aaaibale B•pial, 70, the papal nundo to Iran who tried to leCUl'e the releau of the U.S. Embassy boatagea, died Saturday. CHEYENNE. Wyo. (AP) -l.Jlltaa McCrackea, Be, widow of loncUme w~ MWlpaper publisher 'l'rac:Y S . M cc raken , died Wedne.d&y. CHICAGO (AP) - Redred Biahop Qatt. w. Bra•rtt. 81, rtlident betd of the Methodiat Oiutth In Dlinoll from 18&2 until lMO, dledW~. ' J Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuetdl)', July 8, 1982 Cl ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ .. UU ..._ NOiiCi °' NOTIOe llMT'IMe _. --:~NO~~TICl~~OP~-ii!ij~ .. ,~.,--1·--;;~;foifi'i;;i~ii""-... , 11'1 MYmOUI Wll TMllTill't UL.I Nottoe II ~ ~ IMI 1M MID :t='f't/t/M_.TO~ • :c:~~ Oft 11.1M1-.10:00A.M , MAMllTA~ ...._ ... ~ •--· _,,...,_ ... .._H --.. ,_, ALLIQ =.!INViilTMIHT 00 , TlW '*wino perton1 .,. dOll\o T 1. ~ .,.,... ...-o "' "_1 ... "' .... un~ UNDl1' Ol1 ,,_., The P8nOM .,. doing ....,. bu11f11e1 • IMoh Union titvn IGhool u. Ne.~Yll ~"' '""" a nle C*POtttlOn • NI l'ULL llftVI I INC. 11 0111~ wlll rt0~lo anted ••01 or ~=-,.....,. ll'fUIHD'S DILi .. ...,...,,., TNltte vndlr llld llJHIHtlll• 1.15~"· 114 w. 1pooln1ed tru1tu under lht eupp1v1n1 Cullodl•I tuppll11 Tiie IOI -of "Mollee " lttlltol lulte 0 ,._ '~~!3 .. ~: ==-·~·.~,.::,I:'&= :mf.1*1• 0..ll c.llforni. ~lr:1f1~l~A~::o: m eeting Or IQUll 10 tfll the OtfOll* Of -WM fllecl IOr tmt' '...,.,a,.,_,...,. u, IMO, • "*· ~ ~us. In Hy11n Choo Chin, 1011 lo TO THI HIOttHT llDOIR FOR lpeOlllo&tlOnt on hie In lhe 0"lee of reoord Oii NM , •• IMI, In Douglu A and Anll• L ............ 1•'""" • ..., ... ......,.. Wew1101 ltrMt Anellel-Celll C"IH I -•'-ulO Dlalriet. Offloe Of Ille Oolil'lb' "-order C111ll1m, 10111 01111~ ltrll Dr ~U. 'So. ""J 1,; ~ ta.O.. ' '"· · ~ ~-;. ~~''t:~ ~~ Ilda 111111 be 011111'4 m.,ked Mid oounty, le..,,, 10.you ~ 14untln01on 1uo11, ee. ,,.... ' ,_.,,.,, ...... _ .. ~.-.... .,.... ICyUllQ. loon Ollln, 101? lo -M ........ , oh ......... la lllM "Cuttodll l luppt111 I 0 •603", u 111 exlll\INtlon oc lhe Ulla lo Mid Thll buelneM II oondueied lly Ill "'..,._.,,.. ........... , ... re I I -..... ' ... .. ...... .., .. 1 c;on •ddt•U•O lo Allyn I . Aowley, lrult Of°"'1Y .,_)'OU_, lllve lndMOuel ~.~ ~-::.:rH ~11~L :~.O• lrHt, Anaheim, Cell!. ~. ~ o7'r ~1 l>Y1~1 lll!det Mid Puro11 .. 1no Managw, Huntington 1111 tnt-t ill the True•'• •• Douot-A. OrllNlm hu9bMo Md wlf9 Wll.l HU Af Thie bullMM le aonduated by her:.,, It ~.~ 1 property IMot\ UlllOn Htofl khool OllltlGt, PrOOMdlnge. Thie 1111-1 WU lltect wtlh the flUILIO AUC~10,,. TO HIOHEIT I~~ (Hutl>Md 'Wife). TRu8a.:1> ... CAA.IQ w BATLEY lOUI YOflllOWft 11:J Hunonoton ~ANT NCmCI" County Clerk of Ofenge County Oji llODlA fOA CAIH (p1y1b .. el Hrun Choo Chin end JEAN 9.'BATLIY t1uibend Ind ~c!'4t:~'!O, J 'T,"'f'to;' lfl YOUR PAOPl,.TY II IN June 11, 11112. 1""'9 Of .... In lewfUI ~ ot the Tl'lle tllltmenl •• llled wt\h the Wife ' • m~'{J • • flOAIOLOSUAI! HOAUSI YOU ''"911 Unle.d si.•1 11 tt1t ""'" ~ Countr Cltt1! 01 o.-. County on etNIFICtARY. fULLIATON •• =h ~":,,, Md •will 111 ARI! MHINO IN YOUR PAYMEH!~1 Puo11antd Or•no• co .. 1 0111y tnlrenot 10 ll.llM 1, 1111 Town .. June 7, llU 8 A v I N Gs A N 0 L 0 A N pu Eich bid lhall ~ llld IOf IT MAY Bl! SOLO WITHOUT ANT '11ol .lvroe 22. 2t, My •• 13. 1M2 Coull1ry "-d. Or81'91, CllllOt'"-, ,,.,.. A' 8 0 c I AT I 0 N. • c. ti I 0, n I. petlOd ot 30 o.;. '"" y the det: COURT ACTION, end )'OU ~ hlv. H~2 Ill rtohl. 11111 end .,,,.,.., oon~ Publl1hed Orange co .. 1 Oelly coroor111on '4)1Clllld tor 1111 r~t 01 bid• the leOll r1g111 to btlnQ 'I04JI llOCOUnl .,._ 10 encl now held "r 11unoer1 Mid Piiot. June 22, 29, Juty 8, 13, 1982 Recorded Nowmbw 22 1971" Thi eoird of Trutt ... ihali be In OOoO 11e11dlng by peying Ill ot '"~IC N()TIC[ OHO or Tru•I In the property 2714'82 lnetr. No. 31843 In t>OOk 12936. the tole ludOI of the qulllly of your l>UI Ou• p1yment1 plua l'Klm'IOUI ., ... ,. 11t1111ted In Mid County 111d State 1111-IC Mftf"'r pege 902 of Ottlolel Aecotot In 1111 eq. ulPmlf"I olflt'td lt'ld r~v .. tlle permitted oo•I• end upenH• 'fAMm ITATlllllNT dM«tbed 111: ,..._. "" iw. olflol ot the Aloofdet ot 0te1191 right 10 reject en)'°' ell bid• Incl 10 within thrM month• trom the d1te The .............., ...,,...,. Punch EXHIBIT "A" • County, Mid detd Ol lfutl dMerlbM waive 111'1" lr~····I"' , .......... _ lhl9Thnlotkl41 Of ~eult. WU -ded "'·-·--=-:::.7'"V Plf1IOl'll 11• -... Pwc.i 1: Lot 1 Of Trtiel No. TATl•NT OP WlntDAAWA.1. the IOl!owlnQ OfOPl'l'r· LOI 73 ol Deed '.w~1lla2 ,..,..,, t emoutll,. I, 121. U ot June ....__ - I*. In 1hl City Of lt'Ylnl. M per Ole ~~et•· Trtel NO 310. In 1114 Qty ot Coett Allyftl I :=t.I, 22, lt82 1nd wlll lncrHM untll M VIDIO VERIFIERS, 1101 W. -• ,_ "llP ...corded In IOoll ~s. Pagee 1 (ll ....... 1 ..... z.._ ..:::-.=_ -~ 01 M"' 111* ~recorded In 9oo11 ; • ycur eocount ~ CVtrent You IOAttllut Bl\ocl., • 14', s.t\11 Ant, to 11 lnolu•lve Mlaoelt o ',,. "'"""""' ---·-·-t6 ...,.,.. 29 01 M'-!llMOUt M....., llM80lf rney not hive 10 ~ the enllre C• 92707 M the · •n• 111 th• pertnetthlp It HOWARD In i,;;Qitkl41 olthe Coun"' Record« P111>ll1hed 011noe COHI Dally unpeld portion ol your •ccount, ,,_ P~ Jr .. 1101 W ~C: ol .Jo"':.:ty~IHI County B~)K~E~~?.00. buelMM name ot H id County e~~ept the Piiot. July 8. 13. 19ta even though lull p1ym1nt wu MIOA.rthut Blvd .. lt48. Sent• Ana. l!xoeptlng ell olf, mlneral1, atlt-l Of 1..., " .. ,1__._ .. lp WU Not11\Ulllfly 557.42 1 .. t 2944-&2 dem111ded. bl.II you mull Pl'I 11141 Ce. 112707 naturll OM and other hvdfocarbont .......... • ... .-,_ .. , You 111 In def•ull unott 1 deed or f'tltllC NOftl'r amount 1teted lbove. Fr1nk Nev1rro, 21113 l.ooemore thet m1y be within H id tend, =2 In Otetl9I County on Mitch 5· 111111 dtted Nov1mber 3 1918 •iw. A11tt lhr .. month• from the d.ete 8t., Loe Al\ollM. Ca. llOCMl5 without ~. the flOht to dtt• (3).The pr•....l--• ... ~.Of .... -... ~-11nltN you l•k• ec:tlon 10 i>rotec:I aTATl•NT °" UANOOl-..r Of rtcO•dltlOn of lhll document 1'*., ~.:,, condUoCted ~a tlltouoti the M'llOI or \he ~ ""'-,,........ _.._ YOUf prOl)ltty. It rnty be IOld el 1 DI' UH OP (wtllCtl Oii• of •ecotdetlon app.att Oil* -' · 600 fMI Of the MlbeurllOI ol the orthepll1MBhipllloc:aledell07l publlc Ille. 11 ou nud e n PICTITIOUl9UfMll NA• hereon).unlMIUllOblloltlonbllnO ,,_,,.P~Jr llnd h1tln1bove OHcrlbed 11 8181" Avenue, Sull• 145 • eJ1pl111et1on of the n1tur• ot the The tollowlng pueon1 h11•11 lorecloMd upon Plfmlie • lonol< l'CMlll Na erro "He's 8 S!oth's 8'oth." rwetwd In deed• or record ' Huntington Beltch, catllornli. proceeding 1galn1t yoo, you •hould 1b111d0Md the uM of the Flo11t10U1 perlOd, you h•ve only the leQll right cc!i"':v 'c'~t~u tlledCounwtth the ------------------------Perce I 2: An HHment tor 141 The partner wttdrlWlng from con1101 a l1wyw. •Butln•at "lame: to atop the forecl0111re by P•Yk!G n 1 _ .. "' "'II/IOI ty on tnoi.a end egr ... over all ptlvll tne ptrtn•••hlp 1• Fl;.ORA 2550 S1111a Ane. Coat• M .... CA JLM ISLAND MERCANTILE, lhe entire •mount demlnded by June 1· 1982· '1t1• II,_.., (Loll A 10 M ~ve) of WATANABE. ~Ing 11 5575 Muir 112827 328-A M8'ln1 Avenue Btlbol your credltOI'. Trect No. 82t!3. 11 per rnep Dflve. Suen• Pirie. Callloinll "(II , 11ree1 eod• ... or common 1e1end, ca. 112862 ' To lind out the 1rnount you mu11 Publlth-:'. Ore~• Co•at Dally r.:orded In Bo011 335 P~ 1 I Flonl Wllenabe dHlgnellon ts shown ebove no The flct111ou1 Bualnen N1m1 PIY. or to ttrtnge lot payment 10 Piiot N'I 6, 22, • .>iily 0, 1982 11 lndullYe M~s MllC>• Slll-t llled wtth Ille County werr1nty Is g iven •• 10' 111 referred to •1>0111 w11 lll•d In llOP lh• loiec101ure. or II your 2030-82 the offloe oi the County Aecor<MW Cllfk 01 Ofenge County on Mercn oomplel-s or correo1111a1)." Ot111g1 County on Augu1t 13,.11180 OfoPWIY 11 In forecloeure lor 111y •-.,. .,,.ftl'r MIO oounty, M deactlbed In _ 5· t982· Thi blnellclaty under l8Jd Deed Joen M. Smith. 1 f CrMI circle, other reHon: contract Bry1n L. ..--..,,~ II, Article Viti ot that certel '1Meal 01 Truet, by '"'°" of 1 breech or Corone del Mer. CA 112eeo Penn end Atlon Perm, r.lo Glende.le Oecl1tatlon ol Coven1nu . Pl:~.~~n~ed22~;;,ny~Y~~~~·. ~~~y delaull In 111e obllg1110n1 aecured Lynne M. Downing, 24442 lnve•l"l•nt, P .O Box 7712, Condition• end R•1trlcllon1 2716-82 theteby, hlte1otore ••eculed Ind Peec:ock. El Toro, C1. 112630 Burbttlk, CA. 111510, Ann. JanlOe recoro.ci F~ 1. 11174 In BOOll Oellvered to the underalgned 1 Meyb•O• A. Gergeno. Balt>oe MYlf'I 12t31 507-5000. 1 IOM, Pege t326. Otllolal Rec;ord1, PlllUC NOT1"r -111en Oec1ar111on ol Oeleult llnd lllend, Ce 92682 11 you hive any quee11on1. you In the office ot the County ReGOl'Oer ~ Oemlll'ld for Sele, end wn1111n notice Jor\11hen H Oownlng, 2"442 thould cont1c1 • lewyer o r th• Of MIO county. l'lCTlTIOUI llU ... 11 ol brHCh 111111 of elecllon 10 ceu1e Peaeock, El Toro, Ce 112630 government agency whlc;h 'llllf hive P1roel 3 An eactualve N~ ITA.,._NT the undersigned 10 ull u ld Thi• bull,_. Is r.ondUC11d by 1 ln111red your IOlll\. epp11nen1111 H1emen1 over lhtt The tollowlng per1on 11 doing Ofope<ty 10 aallaly aald Obllgellon•. gene.11 par1n1<11t1lp. Remember. YOU MAY LOSE portion of the lol contlguov1 to bullnesa 11: end 1herealler the undersigned Lynne M. Downing LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT ~lfciel 1et>oveU11\0Wn on &l'llbll MAIDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, caused Hid nolloe or brHch end ol Thia 1tatemen1 waa llleo wllh the TAKE PROMPT ACTION "C" to Ille c:«t•ln emendmenl to t68e Newport Blvd., co111 Meal, electlon 10 be Recorded Merch 22. r.ounty Clerk of Orange County on In 1ddlt1on to Ille amount 11e1eo Oeot111t1on of Covenente. CA 112627. 11182. u lnslr No 82--098282 ot June 18, 11182. above. ahould any prior llM ... llen•. Condition• end Rutrlcllon• JEANNINE GAHRING. 18202 said Olflclel Rec;ord1. F14'12:3 or enoumbrencett be dtllnquenl Of l'ICOtded Augu11 II, 11174 In 800lt MIM Verde Court Fountain Velley. Said ule wlll be made but Publl1hed Orenge CoHI Otlly ~ dellnqunent, •nd lhe 1oen 11217, Pege 170t, Offidll Rec0<d1, CA 112708. without coven1n1 or w1rr1n1y. P"ot June 22. 29. July 6. 13. 1982 c • n be r •I n 11111 d , ••Id In the office of the County Rec:Cl'dtw Thll bu~ Is r.onducteo by en lllpt-or lmplllO, regarding 11111. 2816-82 CSetlnquendM mutt 1>1 cured M • ol Mid county. tor lhOM purpoMt lndllltdual. l>C)IMUlon. or encumbr1ncies. lo condlllon of reln1111emen1. u m0<1 Pll11culerly detlcrtbed In Jeannine Gehring P•Y Ille remaining or1nclp11 111m ol PtalC NOTICE NOTICE OF DIFA~f Section 3 o f Arllole VIII of the Thia 1111emenl wu tiled wllh th ltle no11(1) MCUr'IJ by MJd Oeeo of AHO ELLCTIOH TO •ELL Deoleratlon o f Covenenu, County Cletk of Orange County Tru1t, with Interest as in uld nott K.ooet2 UNDl!A DUD Of TllUaT Condition• end Reetrlcllona June 25. 1982. provided, adv1nces, II 1ny, under FICTITIOUI ltua1Nf51 Loen No. 4121/HAYEI l'tCTITIOUI ._ .. NAmaTA1-T Th• tollowlng pttton '' ooino butlnee• .. : JEFF'S TAIM 'N' Ht.AT LAWN SERVICE, 15112 Hotkln•. Hunt1ng1on e.adl, CA 1126'9. JEJ:FREY ALAN NORTHRUP, 168 t2 ~In•. Huntington 8Nc;h, ~A 1128411 Thi• bullneas la condU<:teo by .,, lndlYldu1I. J•tt Nonhrup Thll 11118mll'll WU flied With the County Cle<k of Ofange COunty on June 25. t982. ,~ Publl1hed Orange Cout 0111y Piiot, June 29, July ti, 13. 20, tll92. 2818·82 reeorded Febru1ty t. 11174 In Boole F1t:Z211 the term1 ot .. td Oeeo ot Trust, NAME ITATEWNT T.I . No. E-M514 11088, Pege t326, Ofllc:al Record•. Publl•h•d Orange COHI 0111 f-. chltga end ••pen-ol lht The follOwlng persons .,. doing . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thal ACTrnoua ...... In the olllce ol the County Recorder Piiot June 29 July 6 t3 20 1962 TrwtM end of the llUlll creeled b) Ouslr>eq ... GLEN 0 ALE IN v Es TM ENT um aTA~ Of Mid county. ' • . ' 2774-8 . Ilk! Deed ot Tn.ist Seid .. Wiii be MIRA MESA BUSINESS PARK ·ORPORATION ,, duly appointed The following per.one "' OOlng P1rcel 4: An ••CIUllY heldonThurSd1y.Augu1l5, 198211 JOINT VENTURE NO 328ttl2. TruSll• under the lollowlng bu"'--e: eppurten1n1 HHment ov., lhet f'tltllC NOTICE 2·00 p.m., et the Chapman Avenut 17550 Giiiette Avenue, •rvlne. dHCrlbed deed of lrutl (A) s COMPONENTS INC., portion ot the lot contiguous I entrence, to the Civic Cente1 C1lllotnl1 92714 TRUSTOR: DANIEL L. HAYES, 1 (Bl R S YSTEMS INC.; (C) R S P11ce11lbove11 lhown on Exhibit ,.CTrTIOU9 1ua1••• Bulldlng, 300 EIUI Chipman LUSl</MIRA MESA .• Limited •Ingle m1111 MICROTECH INC., 3100 w. Wimer ··C" to !hit <*'lain llTllNlment t NAME ITATE•Hf Avenue, In the City of Orange. Par1ner1nlp, P 0 . Box C-19560, BENEFICIARY. BRYAN L PENN Ave., Ste. 7, 811111 Ana, CA 92704. Oec;laretlon ot Coven1n11. Tile following p1r1on 11 dolrig Al lh• t ime of lh• inllla 17550 Giiiette Avenue, lrvlne, end AFTON PENN, hu1bend end Four O Mlctotecflnology inc .. , Condition• end RHtrlcllone. ~ 81: publlcauon of lhil notl<ll. lhe 101e C1111orn11 92713 wtfe u joint 1_,-.11 C1lllornl1 corporetlon. 3'l90 w. recorded Auguet II, 11174 In Book PACIFIC SEAL COMPANY. emount ol lhe unpeld bellllGI of I~ NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL RKO•dad August 25. 11181 H w.,.... Ave . 11. Sante Arie. CA 11217, Pege 1701, Offlclel Record•. 1835 Whllllet A~. Unit A-10. obUgellon MOllfed by the lbovE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, • ln•lr No 31471 In boolt 141113 pege 1127()4 In the otflce ol thl County Recorder Coe!e Mesa. Callloml192627 described deed ol iruat ano Wlaconaln COfPOt'ltlon. 811 Sheth I 183 of Offlclel Record1 In the olfk:e Thi• l>Y.U-11 c;onducted by a of Mid county. lot th<>M pu~ Frederlcil E Tullper, 7 Kamalii es11m111d costs, .. penaH. end S1tee1. Suite 1810. Loa Angeles, of the Recorder ol Otenge County; oorporlllon. u more pertloullrly dac:rlbed In Cour1. Newporl Beech, Calftornla advances 1a 1 206.313 62 To Cllllorn~ 90017 aald deed ot tn.111 eecures c«teln Four o Section 6 ot Artlcl• VIII of the 112663 determine the opening bid, you may Thia bullness 11 conducted by , obllglllon• Including one note tor MICfoi.ctlnology tnc. Oect1ret1on of Covenent1, Thia business I• condU<:1ed by •n c;a11(7t4)937--0966 general par1nershlp. the tum of St2,000.00. o. Olcller Condit lone end Rutrlctlont lndMduel DATED June 24. 1992 1.USK/MIRA MES A That lhe benellcill lnltrMI under Thll tlet-t wu tllect With the recorded Fet>Nary t, 1974 In 8oolc Fted¥1ck E Tullper FULL SERVICE INC 8 Limited Pertnetahlp 1uch deed OI trust end the Counly ()er1I of Ofenge County on 110M, Pege 1328, Olfk:lal Rec:Cl'ds, Thi• tl•l-1 wu filed wtth lhe Rocllatd T Oelhl obllg1llon1 1ecured thereby are June 11, 11182. In the olfice ol the County Recorder County Clerk of Ofenge County on as said Tn.istM, S.Cret11Y pr-tty held by the underllgnec:t; ,.1t1S10 Of Mid county. June 25. 1982 By T D SERVICE CO . NORTHWESTERN Thtt • brMCtl Of, end delt•.111 In, the Publl1hed Orange CoHt Oelty YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A '1t220I fl';ltnl MUTUAL LIFE ot>llglllons for whic:h IUCh deed al Piiot. June 15. 22. 29, Jufy 8, 1982 0 EE 0 0 F TRUST O A TE O Publlshed Orange Cont Dally By Kathleen M Patrick. INSURANCE COMPANY lru11 l1 NCUrMy hl8 ocxurred In thlll 2559-32 OCTOBER 2, 1980. UNLESS YOU Piiot, June 29. July 6, 13, 20. 11182 AsSlatant Secrellry Doneld l. Goodaon. payment hu not been made ot: The ------------ TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR 2773-82 One City Blvd West, Manager ln111llment ot lntere11 which P\a.IC NOTICE PROPERTV, IT MAY BE SOLO AT Oftnge, CA 92668 Thta lllt-1 wu tiled with the becetne Clue AptM I, t982, and 811 ~----------- PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN PUBUC NOTICE 7141835-8288 Coun1y Clerk 01 Orenge County on sut>Mquent ln111llmenta of lnterell l'lCN!'f10U• ~A~~· EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Publl1hed Orange Co"t Oerly June t7. 1982 llnd Ille Chltge&. Oelinouendle on ,. •• •- OF THE PROCEE01NG AGAINST FICTITIOUS au ... tl PilOI, July 6. 13, 20, t912 F1tt107 • prior enc;umbrtnce. 11 eny. The following petton It doing YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A NMlm STA~ 290t-82 Publlthed Orange Coeat Delly Oe11nquenl teel Miiie llll ... If eny l>YSIMll at LAWYER. The fotlowlng Piiion la doing PllOI. June 22, 29, July 6, t3, f992 . Thet by ruson thereof. the STAR SCREEN PRINTING. t52 Thi 11re11 •ddr111 end other bull,_WOVuO;,,A COM'•UNICATIO"' P\B.tC NOTIC£ 2713-82 under1lgned. preMnl benellr.lery E 20th Street, Coste Meu. common dealgnetlon, II eny, of the " .., ., under 1uoh deed of trull, hu Cellf0<nle 112627 rell property deecrlbed ebow 19 SERVICE. 117115 Tullp Co11rt. PUBUC NOTICE exocu1ed end dell-Id to Mid duty • Vincent 81rll, t52 E 20111 Pllfl)OfWd to be: 17121 Albor Liiie,, Founteln Velley. C.Ufornte 92708 NOTICE OF";',.:1 .• I AL.E eppolnted Tru•I••. • written Street, Cott• Meu, C1lflorn11 !Mne, Cellfoml&. Sten J. Olck. 11795 Tulip Coun. No l22290 K..-J OeclefetlOn °' o.teutt end Oemend 112627 T II• under 11 g n e d Tr u 1 t • • Fwnlell\ Velley. Cellfornl• 92708 On Jul 30 · t 982 11 00 A M ACTTTIOU8 .,..... for ..... end ~ depoelted wfttl Thia ~ It c:onoucted by .., d l1clelmt 1ny lltblllty ror enu ™•bu.._ Is r.onducted by en s Y tn. '81 " ~ aTA~NT Mid duty appointed TrutlM, M:f1 lndMduel. lncO<,.;t,,... of lhe atrMt eddreM tndlYIOull tetewlele Foreclosure Services, The IOllowlng Pl'tont ,,. doing deed 01 INlt and 111 c:IOcumente Vincent Bl<ll ena other r.ommon .._.,,netlon, 11 Sten J Dick Inc 81 duly appointed Trustee buelnNI u . evidencing obllg11lone aecured Thi• lletemenl wes llled w11h 1114 ..-.. TN• tlatement wu llled with lhe under end pursuant to Deed of LAKE GROVE II 17581 ltvlne her d Cou Cllfk I Or Cou I 111y. lhOwn herein. ,.~. C 0 Trust recorded Mey 15 t98! book S . • I eby. en hu declared 111d doee nry o •noe n Yon Seid ufe wlll be med• ... ut ...... nty let'tl ol range County on 0 c,., ' · tk>vleverd. ulle t07. Tutlln, Celll. he<eby declare alt sum• MCuf9d June 25, 11182. " June 25 lll82 14 ,, •. page 466, Of Olllclel 92880 F1tz2!04 without covenant or werrenty. • F1_ Rec;ords. eKeGuteo by· Jtt1ry E Tllcil, thereby 1mmedlate1y du• end upr-or lmplled. regerdlng U!Je. -• end Oonn M T k I L • k e Gr O Y •. • LI m 11 e d peyable end hu elected end doM Publllh•d Or1nge Co"I Delly potHHlon, or enr.umbr1nce1, Publlthed Orange co .. 1 Delly the office•, ui. ~ f ~~·· '~ Per I nershlp, t 7 5 8 1 lrvlne hereby elect to c.111& the lrutt Pllo1, June 211, July 8. 13, 20. 1982 lnctudlng I•••. chtro•• and PUOt. July 6, 13, 20. t982 ° n Y If' 0 Boulevlrd, Suite t07, Tuttln, Cllll. property 10 be SOid to u1111y the 2772-32 .v-of ...... Tft-t .. --· 0110.... 277t-82 Oflllgl County, Sllte ot CllllOl'nla, 112880 O"""lllOnS ~~~ ,...__ ..... ........,_ UIW ow• _,.. ,,. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION S w•... __ ...., ·-•v7 .. _II' trus11 crHlld by uld Deed ol TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH Lincoln evlng1 Ind Loan Dated 611182 l"UUU\o N0TIC£ T rut!. to p-... 1ti. rernelnl~ f'tltllC NOTIC£ (payable 81 time of .,11 In lewfut A a a o c I • 11 o n • a C e 11 Io r n I 1 Bryan L. Penn f1CTITIOUa .,... •• """'of the noll(•) aecur "r Mid ACTITIOUa IMISMH money ot Ille United Sletee) al ~oo'.rft:!!'~~·k '~111 Llnloo~~7~•y, floBHon Penn N.u. aTA~NT Deed of Tn.is1 to wtt; 142,000.00 MAME ITATl•NT South tront entrance 10 the Ofanga v, · orn • -· y Glendale 1nv .. 1ment with lnttrell thereon from Th I ti I County Old Courthouse, City ol Thi• l>Y81nes1 It con<luc1ed by Ill As l«\llc;lng llQlnl The tollowlng per1on It doing o-nt>w 5. 11181 II 18 --cent • o owing person Is dong S A S al C II .. unlncorporeted CIMO Publl•h•d Or1no• Cout 01lly buel,_ u : IM\im .. prOYided In 111c1'";,te(s) bl.ltinMI u : 11111 ns. late II ornll, 8" untnc;orooreiecs euocltllon other PllOI, June 22. 29, July 6, 13, 1982 NEWPORT AIRE SYSTEMS. ~ COiis end ..,.. edYlllCeS of SONSHINE DOUGH. 8921 ~~I lllte .. ~nd tnle<~~~-onv~~ th11n 111 C>trlnet.shlp 2696-82 1539 Monrovl1 Ave., Newport -·• Crescent, Huntington Beach. Ce """ now ,.,,.d by rt u .. u ... lllld """"' Ltncot<1 Sav & Loen Aun Bellch, Ca. 112683 50.80 with lnl11•t 92648 ol Tn.iSI tn lhe properly 1111uatect ,,., JOhn M Yunker, Jr 1111 .. ,IC NOTICE Ch111ee Henry Norton, 33035 The beneficiary under Mid Deed Ooneld We ne Steinke J $&ld Count" and State described es l"UOL Out .....-c t s •·· c..,., ot Tniet heretofore eKecuteo and Y • r • ' E.cec Vice PrHldent •.,,.,... . en .,..111 ..,,.atreno. d II d 8921 Creeoent. Huntington Beac:h, Lot t1 ol Tract 3097 as per Thts t talement wa1 flied with the VICTORVIU.E SUPEIUOR COUftT Ce 112875 • Y8'1 lo the undersigned • Ce. 112646 map recorded in Book 98 Pages 36 Coun1y Clerk ol Orange Cou111y on COUNTY OF 11\N lll'M'A"DIHO This bull,_ It condue1ed by en written Oedwlllon of defeull and This bullness is condU<:led by en ano 37 ol Maps 1n the olllce ot lhe June 10. 1982 14451 Clric ..._._._ lndlvldull. Oemend tor Sele, end • wrlnen lndMduel. County Recorder ol Hid Coun1y .,.,... Ch tes u-.. __ NotlOe of Oefeull llnd E'--lon to f11120I v~. Clllfomle tZJt2 " ,......,,..,. ~·on W . The underllgned ~ l8kl Oonlld W Steinke, Jr The slreel address and other Publl9hed Orange co .. t Dally In the...._ of Thlt 1111ernen1 waa tlled wtth lhe Notlcle of OeflUl1 llld Elec:11on 10 ~ ~"-'(;" 11"&,:1h lhe ~";"O:,~=i!,'"l00~1': Pilot June tS. 22 29, July 6, 11182 aeon WLUAJt11 "AJU<a, County Clertt of Or-oe Coun1y on Sell to be r~.._. tn , .. _ ~-"' ty lerk of "'OI nty on ' 2634.-82 • ..,_ June 11. 11182 F1flSM _......, ,,. ~ .. , June t8, 1982 purponed 10 be· 2007 H<M1cs11y Rd . wl'lere the rNI property 11 loClted. ,1..,_ Newpo<l S..ch, CA A ""-lltlo ehell be dedend Publlthed Orange Co1a1 Oellv D•ll~ June to, 11182. Publl1hed Orange Co11t Oelly T "I u n de, s I g n e d Tr us I e e Pllll.IC NOTIC£ "" frem the cw1ody llftd c:onltol Pllo\ June 15, 22, 29. July 8, 1982 ALLEGHANY INVEST-Pllol June 22. 29, July 9. 13, 1982 d l1c;lalme any llablllly rot any of ~Wit or ~ta, 2584-82 MENT CO .. INC. '1179-82 lnoorreclness of the Slreet tddress IC.._ AN y .J. PIAZZA, CO .. INC. llnd othef common deslgn1tlon. It l'lCTITIOUI ....... A "'of. C~ 1111 Town & Country Ad . PtllUC NOTIC[ eny, Shown h•ein NANI aTATOmNT ltteau l "ltec:hel fl•• ' Ste. 1 S e id 111e wlll be mede, but The lollow!ng l*'tonl "' doing Anom.,t M ~ flCTITIOUa llUl .. at •....V.0 Calllorn•-,.,.......,. ......,.,...... .. --.. ~ u . ,.,.,, 0.-Tree..... HAMI ITAn•NT (-7·1-·1'"""',.,7'2,"'''" ,..,,....,., .. ,.,.,.,___ wlll\Oul covenenl or werranty, PARK VIEW BUSINESS tutleOIM P\B.IC NOTICE • Street jargon color[ ul talk , BOWLING GREEN, Ohio <AP> Backhand Art blew into The Morgue hot from Bean Town an~ brushed his tail. One quick. solo Canadia~ build-up a.nd he was ready to look for the big st.ore. As gnfters go, he was as good as Fast Eddie but that's punching guff. Forty-some odd w~ hanging loose in his pocket. but Art didn·t need it no. h~avy racket was he, see, strictly ready to pack 1t in and go to Omaha wilh no harm. You say you don't understand? Some confidence man you'd have made in the 1930s, when a brace was on every corner and a bulldog's nose was as near as your arm It 's argot, the street language of the underworld. and a Bowling Green State University profess.or who compiled a book full of the phrases says they're changing all the time. In essence, the character Backhand Art arrived from Philadelphia, The Morgue, running from the police in Boston, or Bean Town. After a sea~ in which he made $50 short-changing a cashier, he settled into the community and started look ing for a bigger game. As a confider,ce man, he was as good as the legendary Fast Eddie but that's bragging, or punching guff ' .~e ~ad a revol ~er in his pocket -··forty-some odd bemg the caltber -but he was not violent. He was ready lo retire from the rackets and 1n the argo_l of confidence men -rest quietly in the proverbial Omaha without hurting anyone. A "brac_e" is a. rack~t or _con game. and a bulldog's nose is a drink with cigar ash. tn it -just for flavor. you understand. The professor. Allan Futrell. says he's not sure why Phil adel phi a had such 11 boring reputation among confidence men -it's other nickname in argot is The Sleepy City. But it could · be worse -Brooklyn , N Y. is known as The City or The Dead. Boston also was known as Highbrow · Columbus. Ohio was called Louse Town. ··Argot 1s a dynamic language that is: constantly changing," says Futrell. a red-haired . red-bearded doctoral student in Bowling Green·s · program in American contemporary studies. "The language chan~es as technology· chan~es. A word or expression may lose its m eaning and consequently its usage over the years." he said. "For instance, it used to be that in · pocket billfards a ball could be ·gummed' or glued · to the rubber cushion on a pool table during play because of the heat of a room. "Well. when the cushions were made more solid it. was impossible for a ball to 'gum· and the word disappeared,'' says Futrell. a native or Rantoul. Ill.. who calls Louisville. Ky his adopted home. It was in Louisville that Futrell studied with a professor named David Maurer. "Maurer was the best when it came to studying argot,"· Futrell says of his mentor at the University or Louisville. ··He knew pretty much everything about the argot or the streets." After Maurer's death in June, Futrell took up the mission or collecting argot from the world of vice, crime and corruption. He says he feels right at home. rta.IC NOTlCE Nl..IC NOTJC£ .. • ....,,,.. NAME 8TA~NT 8lCPf'llll °' Implied, regarding title, PROPERTIES 3500 W •• The following petsont ere doing By Sari leVoff. The following pe11on 11 doing poeeae!on, or enc:umbtenc:es. lo • ... oore St .. VlctOtVWe, CA ent2 buslneu u ACTTTIOUI eu ... aa STA1'MDfT Of' WITHDRAW.U. .\8111\1111 Secre1ery bu1ln-u : pey Ille remaining principal sum of Suite "M", Sentt Ana, Ca/tlomla (1·714) au.ta:7 THE TILMAN CO . S 10 W NA• ITATEMENT "'OM p~ Publlshed Orange Co11t Dilly WARD CONSTRUCTION, 3402 the note(•) secured by .,Id Oeed 01 112704. Anentton: 9'olf O. ~ Ctiepman ~ve .. Or111ge, Ce. 112668 The lollowlng person 11 doing OPl'AATINQ UND€ft Piiot, June 22. 211. and July 8, 1982 Perk Orfve, Slnl• Ant, CA 92707. T 1 1 h and Llncolo S1vlng1 end Loen c-No. Ff'C 11t.i Eugene Fllnl. 25021 E•PreH businesa u : FICTfTIOUa llU ... aa HAm 2664-82 ROOGER ALAN WARD, 3402 ot""~tie ~1~11~ ol l:~u= Auocl1llon, • Calllornle CITATION • '"EIDOM FflOM Or . Legune Hlll1. Ca. 92853 I CALIFORNIA LEASE & SAi.ES. The toll owing per1on hei ------------Perl< Ortv., S1n11 An1, CA 112707. cneted "r Mid Deed ot Truit. for corporellon, 1G.I l.lncoln Wey. PAMNT.U. Loy Oeen Wllll•m•. 25021 18752 G1tden Grove Blvd . Gerden w1thdrewn M 198ftWel p1t1ner trorn PtllUC NOTIC£ Thlt butl-1s c:onduclld by.,, the emount reason•""' eellmeted 10 Monterey Plttl, California 111754. CUITOOY AND CONTA<>l. Expreu Or , Legune Hiii•. C• Grove. Celllornle 92644 the pertnerll'llp opera1ing under the --===.,.....~..,..,....,.....---lndMdulf ~, NII S. Hwty, 3500 W. Moor. (AaA~NT M: ADOf'TION) 92653 Maryann Flereeu. tllll•2 llc11tlOU1 ~ -of CITY FlCTITIOUI WM Rodgef Wiid be~O~ under leld Deed Street. Sente Nia. CellfO<nle 112704. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Thie bue1nMt 11 conducted by 1 Ringer l.tne, Huntington Beec;h, JANITOR SERVICE et 21952 MME ITA~ Thie 1tllement w .. filed with the ol Tn.iat heretofore exec:duted end MlchHI F. Rowe. 3500 W. CALIFORNIA. generel Plf1nertlllp. C•lllomla 92646 Cos111, Mlllk>n Viel<>, CA 92ellt Tti. lollowlng pet'8onl we doing Counly Cler1t ot Ofenge County on dellvered 10 the undefllgned 8 M00<1 Street, Sent• Anl, Celllomle To DALE JOSEPH PAAl(S Ind E'ugene Flint This buelneta 0. OOflductecl by en The llollllout bu11n .. 1 neme bu"'-U : June 25, 11182 written Oeclerellon of Oeleull anO 112704. ROBERT D. RITTENHOUSE end 1o Thia tlet_,I wu llled w11h the lndMduel. statement IOI' the perlnerehlp wu FLORALS FOR YOU. 6432 Sligo '11i:1212 Demand tor Sele. end 8 written Unooln S1v. & I.~ AMII, Ill Petton• olllmlng to be ttlcl ltlher County Clerk of Orenge Counly on . M1ry111n Fl1retu flied on Octobw j 1, 11178 In the c.;Jr., Huntington 8eec:h, CA 112847. Publlahed Orenge Coul Dilly NotlOe ot Oefeult end ElectlOn 10 John M. Yunlcw, Jr, or mottler of Mid minor 1)8111()1'1 June 18, 1912 Thi• 11e1emen1 was flied with the County al Ofenge MlfY J . Flxl, 6432 Sligo Cir • Pftot. June 211. July 8. 13, 20. 11182. Seit The undettloned Md said Eitec:. Viele Preelder11 ebOYe nerned. '111• County Clerk at Ofange County on Full Neme end Add,... Of the HunllnQton Belch, CA II,.., 2715-82 Nollol ot Oeleutf end C:U1ec11on 10 lhl• ... ,_, -llled wtll'I the By °'°" ot Ihle Court ~ -Publlth•d Or•no• COHI 0•11)' June 25, 1982 Pwaon Wlthdntwtng: Petrlole Mlf1e Robert Fl•I, 6432 sllQo Cir., Sell I County Clet'tl of Ofange Coun1y on hereby cited end lldvlled thal ~ Pilot Jvne 22. 211 • .My e, t3, 1982 F1t22m Gteoe, 211152 Cou1a, Mllalon Vllfo, Huntino'on 8eectl, CA 92847. P\aJC NOTlC[ ~~01.!:r~:;!,,; 1~~c::'~'Y June to, 11182. may •PP•" before the Judge 29419-82 Publl1ned Orange Cont 01lly CA 92891 Thie ~ i. conduo1ed by • Oita. June 28, l982 P1119 Preeldlng In Oepenment 00-1 of PllOt. J une 29. July 6. 13, 20, tll82 Pllrlc:il Mlrie Grace gtnetel Plf1ntrll'tlp. K.-Slltewtde Forec;lolura Publlthed Ot1nge Co11t Diiiy the Superior Coun, looeted et. "8JC N()TIC[ 2n0·82 Dewtd WrlY Miry J. Fbcl PlCTITIOUa au ... aa Pilot, June 15, 22, 29, July ti, 1M2 1U55 Civic Or Ive, Vlctorvllle, A Pre...._,, Law Thie 11a1-1 w11 llled wtth the ....-IT'ATl•NT ~i~":,.. 263M2 C111tornl1 1123112 ol the 1bove PM:nnoua Wat rta.IC NOTIC£ COfplfeUoll County Clerll ot Otenge County on The lotlowing 1)8111()1'11 ere doing B Su Ion enlllled r.our1 on July 20. 11182. a1 NAm aTATDlnt'T ""1tor ~ Cetltet NM 18, 1M2. bu"'-u · 'I bllllul "8.IC NOTIC£ 8:30 o·ctoc:1t A.M. of th•t day. then ~ followtlig l*'IOftt.,.. dOlno FM:TlTIOUa llUalNSH ,.. wtM A- Ftt1a07 MAN UFACTURER'S OIRECT, :12:-te.~~ ~:i"'"' end there 10 9'IOW CIUM, It !Illy~ II' NAm ITAT'lmNT Hewp1ft a..ot1, CA._ Publlthld Oren91 Co"t Delly t880 Newpoff BMS .. Cotta M9a, C C PlCTlTIOUI .,.._.. hlYI, why Mid pwaon lhould not I J R PROMOTIONS. 304 8o. The fotlowlng pereon It doing ~ Piiot. June 22, 29, .My 8, 13, tll12 CA 112827. T'/l:'c~':4) 8~J~l:, ~ ITA,.._NT be declared ftM from the oontr<M ol Cer'ller, Sente Ana. CA 92703. bull,_ N ' Published Orange CoHI Oelty 2710-82 sup r. m. Ind u "r I•.. • p .. bll•h•d Or•no• Co111 0•11~ Th• tollowlng PfilOn II doing hi• Pl•~·· eocordlng to the petition I & A PrOduGl.I Intl, Inc., • ( I I p A c I F I c E L I T E PllOI, June 22. 29, July e. 13 1912 ---------..;;........;...-Cllllomle corpotltlon, 18781 Hale Pllo':", Jul"'". 13, 20, tll•2 2111 ... 8 bu8lnMe u : on Ille herein. Celllornla corporatio n, 304 So. PRODUCTIONS, (2) ENTERVISION, i7t7.-z f!lB.IC NOTICE A.,.._, INtn., CA tt2714. ' 'v " " BONELLI OFFICE PROOUCTS Given under my hand end Mel ol Cenlw, 8ent1 An1, CA 92703. 32038 SunNI AOed, South Legun1, ---~~-:--:-~~-- Tl\le ~ It oonducteo "r 1 co .. 2162 Mlchelaon Of., ltvlne, CA the SUPetlor coun of tl'le County 01 Thie bullneea le conduc1ed by , C•llfornla 92t!T7 PtllUC NOTIC[ HCTIT10U8-U oorporltlon. "8JC NOTIC[ 92716, Sen Betnwdlno, Still ot C1Hloml1 oorporetlon, Jann Mlch•el Sw•ttz. 32038 ----~~=~----MAim ITA~ S~ lndutlrtee Donni l Julllno, 47200 thlt 6-4, t982. I & R PYOOUCla tnll, tno. SunHt Aoed. South Legun1. K.-it Tiie 1011ow1no C*'ton 11 oolno Wllllirn w Teytor HClllllOUe MIH•H Ctlerol!M, New'*"Y Sprinoe, CA COunty ca.11 elld Clet'tl ~ Mertow, PrellOent ClllfOf"le 92977. l'lCmtoUa kllWM ~II: f>Neldent lllMm llTA~ 112386. ot the Super10< COUf1 Thie etaternent -fllad w1V1 IN Tiiie bua1nMe le conduc1ed "r en NAm STA~ &lN<t CASE SUAFBOA,.08, Thia 11•14Hn•nt WH llled wltn Tiie IOllowlno pweon 1• doing Thie~ .. oonduc:led by"' Of the Stet• of County Clet1I of °'W'll COUll1:)' on lndhllduel. The following '*'°"' .,. doing 11461 Aollwood Slr9et, Founllln Ille CountV C*lf1t ot Ofenoe CouMy bullfteel II: lndMdull. Celttornll IOI' 11141 .)\MM 11, 1N2. F1"111 JofWI MlchMI 8....-u °""""'II; Valley, Celtfomle H108 on JuM 1''. 1M2. OREEH &EL T LANDSCAPE. Donne'-Julleno County ot Sen BemardlnO Pu«>lltftff Or~ eo.11 Otlty Thll eteternent wee~ wtth the F"EEMAN INVESTMl!NTI, ll•k• L•llm1n CHe, 18451 ,.,.. 187 Vlfglnle Pl., Coate Miia, CA Thi. ttelerMlll w11 ftllO with tile JOMPh siw, Deplrty Piiot. June 16, 22. 2:t • .>iily e. 1w County~ 01 Orenge County on 17560 0111•11• Avenue, lrvlnt, ,.o .. wood, Foun.uln v 1111y, Publl•hed Orinv• c 0111 Delly 92U?. County Clef1I of OfW'OI County on Publltl'lld Or•ng• Co••I Dilly .......... ~ June ti, 11112. Cllltomla 92713 Ctllfornll t270t PllcM, June 22. 29 • .My 8, 13, 1"2 """" A. er-,, 117 Vltflnll June''· 1982. PllOt, June 22, 29. July •• 13, 1"2 .. ...__. • ,.. John 0 . Lu1k, P . o. IOJI "* bullfllM .. oondul;1ed "r mt 271M2 Pl:t...<?'*' ....... CA t2tal. ,.,,,. 211 __ .,,. -Publlehecl Ot1119• CoHI Dell C·195e0, 17650 Gllleltl Avenue lrldMduel. ""'~ .. ~~In PuOlllfted Of•noe Coaet Deity ..._ ..,,_ ""°'·"'" 22. 29. July •• 13. 1 ll'Wl9. Cllfornll '2113 • ... L. c.. w ll)TlC( ~.._A. lr.-i "°'·June 16, 22. a , .My .. 1111 fltaJC NOTIC( iii I ... CCMl'f 27 Wllll•m o. Lu•k. P. 0 . lo• TNla ......,_,, -fllad wttti IM Thie .....,,.,1 -Mid wltt! -.. 2672-42 Of1 CAUN I H .,. • .,. ..,.,._ C· ttHO. 17&50 Olltette A-.e, County a.tc of ar.,. COUll1:)' on w.. CownY OP..._ ~ ..,,~ 1rw.. C.ittome ein1a ,,.,,. n, 1Na =er Ql"1c of OfwlQll ~ on "8JC N()TIC[ ,. CMe a-...... ... JOH H D. lU8K • ION, • ,._ llAm 8TA~ June I, IH2. "t1ta Tiie lo1towln9 pereon I• doing .._...,CA l'ICTmOUI ..,_.. C•lllornl• Corporeuon!. 1'610 Pul>lllNO 0t1noe Coyt OU.r The follOWlno penone -Oo#19 Putllehed Or-. Co -Oelfv ---bullrllll 11: •• ,._. ••tt•t .. .......... •• ..... aTA~ 0111911• Awnu., '· O. IOll v-1 ... . "'°'·"'" •. NI;/ •• IS. 20~982 ~et; Plot, June 111, 22, It, NI;/ !L ltlf P'tCTITICIUe .,..... EAOU! I. ENTl!RPRISU. 101 ~....... TM IOllowlno person .. dOln ~ Clllfotflie t2'11 tn&-a I HT I"' 0 A I a Y Lu 8 IC I n74"12 lllMm llTATW Curle 11,.., ..,.. .. Mt.. Cft'AnDll (llWATI) bullnell 18: , TNia buellwM le eOI du*"' lit' 1 -----------SIMNOETI, 17NO OlletW A._, Thi ~ ,,.._,. -dolrlg 12704 CAM• M... 0 HA" l. I I f "AH KL I llllll'9d ,,.,,,,,. • .-, • ..UC "°1IC( IMnl, c:.ltornll mw PWUC IDTIC( bu9lrlelia ae: '*.Mo v~ 1010 ntl ~OP ntl M~T. 21.0 l4l//ttfJI "'9oe.. JOHN D. lUIK & ION NII I lUIK INTlf'I0-.1. INC., • NhlflOUe 1&1 ll•ll CYP,.IH COU.IGI IHILL. llTftat, ._.AN. c.Mom1e tt ITATI OP~ ...... Ce1Nom1e 9*7 , c.orra oorpoilloo • WWW -CellfCHl)ll OOfPO(atlOn, fl.O. lox ...... -_,,_ IOOt Ot'Mg8 A__,., eypr-. Ca. TNla ~ 11 ~.., To:"~~ CNt1M frllllltln Of'oft~I NdWd •• o..111, .... 8TA.,_. 0-1tMO, 17111 Cl!llette Avtlftue, _.,,.,_, ~ .,,....,.. y....,........... "' I d Ntitet....._ColleM--. ~· TM ,.......,. ~ t1 CIOlnt ....... CelfOmla 11111 The foflowlnt '9fl0n II dotng Alted Abd•I 111•1110, 11490 '· _,. Veaoowl ,.,,;:. •:.,• nerh~: 11 •n: UU7 Tl*, ... .,,_,, Ml llld ..... 1119 ---:-.; MO I ... ,. **"'-.. CDOMuNd ~ .. ~ oe ..... ~ w ....... on ...... ~Ce. .,... ••1me11t -.. wlWI 1111 ~ ... ~ ~ •• "* ~ .. _,....., ~IY CIR .. Of8f'l!I 0-., ... .... ~-~ c!: ::,:;,• =~"" -......... ;:\' ~ ......... """;' ................. "" l::'l.."'=t --=..""li.:.":t.. ... .:.::i:..c:: --'· --"· -~ ·-ii.t~t~~" .. -;=. ~~ ..... ~~:·L· ~· &.--. ~..,, ..... P\I'* ...... or-. CHM"= ~. -:.:-,:i. -=-..~:::j ~ '::t":."C:..-&:"' ...::~ .. ~.,_.c:-;, -..:: ....... .,, t '" I l'I • -Tiiie ................... 11'1 a Piiot, JwM It, NJ, I; II. IO. Mf --1111 , JvM tf, 1tM. tJU• ~-0.:.::71'~-=: -........... -ij:!:~ Qer!i .. 0,.,...0:::.,': Dlllt:,,...A. • ~ ::,..a•• -lllf wjlt Ille """' ,,, *'· L ::&= • 1• , .._ '• •"°"""'f»IMt• =.~J!!._ •: ~ .. :: .. -: 1111....-.0t-.. ffili ,_.._, o.illt"'a ~-t t:illt:°' -_,., AN , 1 , .Mw ~ N,"I, 1 , ~="l'1Zrtw~ "&: r::"" ,.cr:..~n-=-m ..:r~"'·'~ti'I ......... " ... Orange Coaet DAILY Pll.OT/Tua1d1y1 Julye. 1082 • ~ '/'he marketµloc:e cm tlw Ora 11ge Coast Real Estate CLASSIFIED ... !!~!!!!.!~~~'!. ...... !'.'.~!!!.!'.'. !.'.'.' •....•. !~!!!!.{~' ... ~'.~ ...... !~!!!!.~~'.!.~ ....... '!.~~!!~.~·.i.!.•.'!....... '!!~!.'.!~!!!!.'.'! ..... ~!!!!!.¥M~~--! '1!~~'.L ......... 1.ljl '1.-.~~'.L ........ !.~l ,,.-.~~'.L ........ J.Oj! ,, ... ~~'.L ....... ..'.~~ f!!!.•.'..'.'.1 •• • •• '.'···'·'·'·· ~!.'!ft!!.!H ••• •.• •. '°'· • •~11. •••n c.111 ..., 'm INDEX .' •• o.EI ... .. 111 6.11 I IH •••••••••••••••••••••• = A STUlllllll Plll/JAMDt Brend New Hom•• & •••••••••••••••••••••• OC·Al!NTAL8 =: PllllllU 11111 IUOM 110111 with thl1 3 Bdrrn 2b• Condo., no money dow,, Newpor1 Beach O. Ana 1·5b<'1 1200 10 12000 Te Pllce YMr U, Ca" ::: F•buloue • t dlm 3 bath, HOME hOITI• In• detlrabl• •rH whll• lh•y lu t 17 U I b1yfront Park Mint 760·331• °'*" 7-d•V- -Prite We.t Bay bay front. Sllp1 foe 2 boala, 2 11ory Newport Beech In Turi It Rook Cltt n of Coit• MHI. N-roof. 646•9622 Agt. cond. '78 dbl wide, fir• l&mlll 642-5678 MOUSES FOi SAlC lll1V rt!modeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath Sl.200.000. home on the w•terl Low Townhom .. 2 bdrm1. new P41lnt, new c.,~t. ONE OF A KIND place, brick patio. 1158, ::: down, .. lier In trouble 2,,i, ba .. dining area & N.~~n-C ~..';!'·.,37ty UNEQUALED VALUE 5 0 0 B 111 Grundy lfitttlJ WtMt 11-•l ltlllt -Ocean & Jell)' views M arine ro<>m , 4 bdrm. 3 Telte over exl1tlng 101n11 brHklHI nook. Extra 1.,.,..,.,. '" • •• ., 0 1•95.000. 644-8726 875·8181. 3 Br. 3 Ba. lrple, micro, ::l blth, 3700 .,.. h '1.S8M OO. Qcoeenfront Only I 19t.900t 646-7171 bonua I PI CI could be deck, pool & tennl• ::' ..... ~=~·· IWI C•=• ..... K. ,., IOI• -.... ASIUllAILE c, •• ,,,111 1826/mo 1146-1184 Ml •=decJ 10 library or lnl!I~ If d•y•. 645-95"3 -c... ....... ... Coolt lltu , .. o.... ....... ,. a LIH ISLE lllEI :n t_;o ~:::;:~11::=': ~:,~1t'!~Tr.·tTtu=o 0~ ••••• •• •••••••••••• 2 br, 1 bl . W/0 hc>oll-vp. :: Primt' Lido Nord bayfronl.' bdrm, ~l/'a bath belle. Day and night llghl lllWllll Wiii carry 2nd 3 br, front &PPU vaun gar. No P•tl 1475. llT.,. llm rowM.eut Vell•1 llOO -lllf\Oll l u rh IM t:"'" IM4 -00 000 views. Thi• 11 an axoep-row view Blutt1 eondo T11 llttffer 2 1 7 8 o P 1 a c • o t I• Lge L .R · 2 boat shps $l,5 • · N EW VIEW T 0 W N • tlonll bliy 11 1274,500. YOU ri.wi a pllrtner wtth Prof. dec()(aled. Bffutl-Near n-4-plex, 2 bdrm, 545-7983 ,.,., Beath Laa""' Hiib l.&a•M Nll lHI lllu'°" Vlt)O ~r.:'..!'.::h SM '"" Cepntn no iMl61 AA• ..., .... h ,.,.,,. La.a UAI " ........... " llollll.Ho"">~I• 1m mm Atr••c• for Sale A"'1mtnh '°"Sat• BHthPr~,.,~ a..1MU1'r-r1) C.moltry I.at> Cry11h ~...,,...,..,, Prm"' Oflillomift.IUM• Se • °"PM•H l·euu ill• -·•llf.lflt•fll '"'°"" p,_,,, lod....,,al "'-"' I.Gu lor S.I• ll*k Hmo Trll Prh WCNMI\ Dr.wrl A.•'°'' °':'!f' Co Pr09 CM C°""'~ PrOll CM"' St•« '°" ltMMt.r at1nt.Cro .. c• Ru l F..1t1te [.rhana~ Rta.l U t•l• 'A•ant.O IENTALS t*3n l\trru.ilwd .._,n Uaf\lrtu•h~ -•vrnorlf\I C"ondom1Ni.mt f\lrn c--.uw.llUit:ar To-~f"urn Toi-l\Munt l nf 0...lh""'"" OwpltH'\ Lnt IMI I~ ·~ l(lll 1• 101t "'' , .. I .. 1191 ·-111111 llW 1:100 11JO 1000 ll'JO JtOll 1100 llOO llOQ -211111 aoo 2JI» ''°° 2l<» ~ HOO J'IW llOO ZIOO ;100 Ja;ll 1M )OW .)G) l500 ~ .WO .., Ct rwt•l loa\~ Mautt ~, ... ,o loau M•rtMt~, lo•U P~•r ...... R•n4 \.fl•rl•t 11o.us.11 INh Sl1pe Ootb ... -.s_.i .. ~. &o.bSlw•tt THNSl'OITUION A.lrtun t amptn S.att' R•"' llttnt•C' (~u" ==·~:I".:~-.... Motor Hm' Mlf' fttftl Tta1ltn.Travel !::'o._~~!1!1'J.,,., AUTOMOBILE li•Ml•t . Aalt.,.\H:• l'l ..... ~•o Recruh4Ht \ ""'l'1n ~· R.c.-Rt..ch tWr.u•IJriu·:. frWlfU v..., Aut"lAHIR" AuL~Wan1t<t AUTOS, IMl'OITED lit'Mtal AU• Munwo ...... AW>hn UC'•IC'~ B»W t:'•&W• ~ \:<>II l)4bun WIV ---\llXI -!001'1 •• - 11u1 Ylt.0 IM ,, ... tm »H> 1111 "'" .,,.,. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec rm. beam t-eihngs, Cumiahed, patios. $420,000 Ll•IA ISLE UYflOIT ....agoon view from 6 bdrm. ~ bath, playroom. dark rm, den, Boat slip Now $1.000.000 . BAYSIDE COYE Spa-tacular bayfronl view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br. 2 ba dn . 2 boat slips $ t .000.000 COROlllDO CAYS Coronado Island cust bayfront lot 85' boat dock Plans avrul. }\ed. $370,000 w /terms ILIFFS COIH Singlt• story end unn. expanded 3 br, :~ ba on largE'St grc'l'nbt'lt, $250.000 Piii LllD 3 bdrms, 21, baths condo near pool. S 1-15,000 . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR HOMES. 2 M111ar Sul-down ptytMnl on new 3 ful cond. Wiii coop w/ 2 bath each unit wllh 0-1x_co_n_d_o_S-1-000--,-1-72-5-2 tea. View 01 ocean & Bdrrn., 3 Bath luxury broker. OpertSat'. & Sun. fireplace, eocloeed patto, plua Iott BR·2,,., ba AIC night llgMa. Quiet Area condo In Colla Mell 8 6 3 VI 1 t • B oo I ta g1rage, 9~.-lit Poe. Ch 15 673•5 .. 89 Parka, open I PICH ALL • m • n 111e1 876-2478 or 720-0521. Cllh flow Now 1159. __ r _______ _ $125,1100 dn Xlnt Flo 1 1100/mo. All lnterell ABSOLUTELY M UST 500. Biii Grundy, Rltr, N1Gecle&n2Br 1 Ba lncd Hal Of Pit Bauer, Ag11 tax deductlble. Own & SELLI Prime w•terfront 876-6161. yard, eoclsd ger•ge 873-7300 enJoy hllf lnt«t11 ln thl1 condo. euume 53001( ·-· Child Ok. no peta I 145,000 Mlala. Chti\Ce Call Own« to 11 PM for -'"5 S550fmo plu1 1ecurlty SHiii II of • llfatlmef 63 1-5055 d•t•ll• 673-0248 TU UIL n• 2 5 4 4 0 r II n g. • D •• IELIEYlllll ... t1.,,.. OCEAN FAONT FOi lllYEITORlll 5411-2778 Super, cheery, brlgn1 4 lflli 1040 BY OWNEA. XLNT LOC Sen Clemente pride of Westside 2 Br 1 Ba lncd Bdrm, 3 bath family lf523CAM"'5,Ill·lltV• •••••••••••••••••••••• FLEX. FIN. 640•7990 ownership Modern Spa-patio. enclsd garage, home with aep1rate I•· IUOIWILI . lltiut ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii olsh style lour unll new e<are>eta qrapea, m11y room Hide-away T 11 apartment house with paint No pets U95/mo ,. I _. lO'•• ownhouH living near UH 1•LE & ol 8 c. 2 master aulte Separlle .,,,. •• 11 1111•1 -the water Your Choice of • ocean. hllls g I covree plus seeu11ty 54 • .,..4 . children• wing Children •••••••••••••••••••••• lour. from 1145.000 Bltr Cotner location on 40' of view. ciose to everything, 770-5629 can welk 10 111 scnoola. A ntl OUl•D 1148-0709 Lido Isle 4 1>drm1, 3 ~;~~51~1~~e ;:;:,:• S~11~1-N_p_l_H_g_h_ts_twn_h_se_,_3_B_A-. 2- ~:;e;~n,;t $147,500 Call llPlD /m., 1044 ~~:':pa~1oc~~.~~~!:~1 will help l1oaoce & save be, lpc. yd Ot>le gar No THE REAL ESTATS:RS Allume loan. 3Bdrm, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• looking IOf en-owner buyer 1housanda of pets s595 642•5722 bath owner'• unit wltn Tl11k 18971 Antioch, lkbK, wtth mo~le 10 ullll1e 11 to dollars"' Selltng price ol '1 bdrm. 2'~ ba, air cood spacloui 1 BR rental, 4 Br 2 Ba. D.A., F.R. vu lta full potentlal 1450. $325.000 Is way below lireolaee. dl1hwuher. both with lofted beam ol Univ $200.000. S50, ooo. current replacement m1c•o. prlv yard Atll· cell•, fireplaces and an 000 down, $150 ,000 cost I PRIN CIPA LS cned dble gar $850 * ••YFllllT* honeat-to·goah awlm· A.l.T D. 12% Int only for 5 ONL VI Call owner at 1·496·0353 -ming pool on one of Co-yrl Agent 5•1-5032 lldlll (7141642-0138 E/Slde 2 br. 1 ba, den. lge llAT SLIP ron1 del M11"1 prettlelt BY OWNER Tur11e Roctl OFF 1 CE Sp ACE F O A y11d. $700 u11ls pd Ausly SIH,000 streets Walk 10 beach Glen 3BR, 2BA, rent 11. LEASE lo Coron• del 1. 8 2 1 . 9 o o 6 WOWI Lowut priced $315,000 000 monthly. purchue Mar, on Coast Hwy. IP· 213-944-0351 X3488 Apl.l tvro mAI ApU l,..1tf1Un .-lll .\pl\ f\uft w t of 1'IOli lloorn• _, •• #tt.tll ··1.t Ul.lnd• J•ttlA•' J•nun '17l::I 'II.I:> • Vin Vl.JJ 341 Bo y\•de Or•v•• N B bl~ 6 161 bayfron1 home ON BAL-14'-1211 $250.000 645-9555 Lido Realty prox 2.000 sq It x1n1 BOA COVES Large 4 s1gnage prof decorated 2 Br carpets $430/mo • bdrm, 3 bath, double M.111\ Brand New Homes & 67'27300 CeH lo~ details w eek-lenoed yard. water paid Condos, no money down v-75 619 2566 "C ' Orange llreplace. covered pallo ~ while they last (7141 days. ,. 1 636-4120 Call 1-5PM Room• Htl•td HOC•l1 Mott-I' CwolHomH 'Wmmu ltt-f'll•h \'au llOft Rf'nlah Rf'nl.&J. to Shue• c.,.~ '°' "'"' om-. R-.1 ..._•ftlH.&R~..t lftdw.lnaJ Rrahl :~~!v.ancacl MIU Renlah BUSINESS, INYlST· MCNT, flNANCE ......... !?J'P<W1' 8U.tlnft-' V.1ftt.cl :::::!::: ~:c,1 11-~ 101.o&J> .. Oftt"1 'tt.'1Mfd• "°"'•ltt TO 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS, ruso1ms& LOST & FOUND A~nctmtnh Ctr POOi l..ttal 1'ot1ro l.atl a. POllod Pf'rM:iAah• Sot1al Ch••• Travt·I• SEIYICES Sn" ttt 0. r tc1 or) EM'10YM£NT & NErAIATION '.wl'looh lt11lr\K'tl4M' Jott Want~1· Htlp V. '""" M a. t• MERCHANDISE ""4~-"fti1an<n IOICJ uoo Hlll t:IOV •Zlll t>'.il UlO "°' •4lll •Jan WO -16.lO IUIJ) $010 $01) -11111> -lO:D ~100 rno ~ ,,., WO -.$<» - >ool 1~1' 1100 -•10 K .. rm.nn ~h1• 1..omblwilllN )h id• )11h r ltr111Hn1 ..... .... If Upol Pa.nt~. p--YorKhC' filfft•ult k4.iill.t Ru)tc Ro\t'r Su l> s.... ~ba1w fo)''1il• rt11i.u:np11 Vu41i:•••i"" v~,..., "~'·' ""l tlwo. l:ad1ll1u l.arn.rv AUTOS, NEW AUTOS, USED I.: ht\ ruin llti't•l•t '41Mi Conun.tol.41 Cor\'«1.l~ C-ar ~1· lmP1n •I .._... Muffle~ lhrc11r) =':!t.1. p,.,.. f'11!D011Ut Pon&lU rt.un<Nr&trd v ••• ""'° ..... _ One of the wa.ys homes are being bought a.nd sold today is with ABK (Adjustable Bate Mor,gage) .. ,., •ll) tTJI ., .. ""' Vl<I "" ., .. tfi H ., .. '11..i •11.) Yl)O ~'Sf 'il .. t l'll 'fl.Z >16.) •111 ,7'1v •m An ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) is a. loan on which the interest rate ls adjusted at. various times over lte term. The mortgage le tied to &JJ index . The interest. rate of t.he loan ie adjusted u pon the base of the index which refiects the changes in the Indices over the life of the mortgage. A number or In dices are currently used by lenders offering ARMs . The indices could be the Treasury bill or security rates, cost-of. funds rate or the Feder&l Home Loan Ba.nk Board (FHLBB) Mortgage Contract Rate. Impac' on buyer • Lowest 1n1t1&1 Interest rate • lnt.erest rat.e and monU1ly pa,ymeM may be capped • Most ARMs adjusted annu&lly or aem1&nnually • Poaalble e:xt.ena1on or the term Impact on ••Der • Homa beoomea more a&labfe • Recetvea all rund1 at closing Features of the AR.Ms may vary from lender to lender. Look to your real estate broker ror turther deta.lle &nd guidance. , ........ ....... An r.., -. •• acMrttMd 1111111 Advertl- tn thl• newepaper 11 ·-• ... ould check aubJect to the Federal _, ., ' '"" Hout1ng ~ or 1He their ada dally and whlGtl INI< .. It Illegal to report errors lm-lld*11M "any IQftten-oe, 11rNtat10n °' dtecflml· m e d I at e Iv . T h e netton baeed on reoe, DAILY PILOT H · color. rellgton, ••• or aumee llablllty for national origin, or •11y the flret Incorrect Intention to n1ak• any plus much morel Wiii _!.-====::: 5 AIT1~ ~ tr~de for ~~~~i ' ' -4-~-:-~-!-~-~-'Ag:..;_E_S_A_L_E_ ~~~~~~~~~ !~!!~!l!!r.!!l.!.... ~~Li~OE/:~~ ~~~. lllYESTORS I> ul•.llttalysl olrJesPorrt,. --------9% loan only assumable ii lllTS WllTH S850/mo 3 br, 2 ba, DRElll OPEN HOUSE 11-4 DAILY 1 OLIFF 11uy11 Trade 1or N B ocean lttafftrs 1615 B1yad11<e Terrace. S~•1193~~~yso!::· -Iron! hom~ Owner. ~~~~4~ yard. bit-Ins 'DISTRESS llLEI 10% duwn, asaume loan and seller wlll carry for qualified buyer on this large 4 Bdrm ramlly homel Only $135,000 Call nowl 646-7 17 1 s014o,3oooB.dFanthu llc buyd! *lll·lOIO* Jrvlne Tertace1 Panora-55 t_8866 ~~:.~~~~~i.~i::tt: $800,000 3711 See---------- one duplex 2 Bdrm eech estate $1,250,000 Alley SHARP END UNIT, landscaping on in • ... ne rm ome an :::=:;;;:::1 m1c views, lee and mini shore. 673·6578 • .... ,., l•rct J~• City say1 you can build 6 Realty 673-7478 JUST LISTED• ulra·lg bu1ldable lot lll••lfi•, IJfllll, FENCED Near tranap It th t llARIOll YI lllLU 1300.000 A must aeel and shopping S500 ~." sont ebplropecryll JAlll•IOREEI Raf1Cho San Joaquin Mary Lou M arlon l•111t Z4 964·1638askto<Stuart .... uS1 see o e ltlve, a 11111 TARI view condo with 2 Br 2 ••••••••• •• • ••• ••••• •• 546-2313 Quiet, park-like setting ~ bdr. den. Pd1a~ 2 RBeaut Ba, lrplc. decks, land-642-8235. (G•81 •LAIE AlllOWllW* Ptatri~&t CtH THE REAL ESTATE RS IEST PRICE Great starter h ome. Owner w111 con11der All offers. 2 Bdrms. grell Costa Meu neighbor- hood. Lowut priced home In the are• at 1107,000. 75_1-3191 ., ........ THE REAL ESTATERS lllT Cll llTlll Am tor paddle tennis and an scape Y ogen seeping. garage, use of 4 bdrm, 3 balh condo 2 Br 2 Ba lrptc, 2 car Gardens, has spa, ale. pool a d .,. owe pool Great for orchard n s .,,.. · with boat dock & lake garage w/open« pool, Cul de sac st 3 bdrms, alarm system & prof $159.000 644-7020 view '" 1ntereS1 $60K spa Child ok $850 ' S379 500 I decor Xlnt ASSUMABLE Lllll RW. 1-an . I c57.23so ~ 5•5.3115 am rm . Inc U· financing Wiii COOC> with • 1 "' s s u m e o a n a ~ ~ ding land broker Call for appt, IWllll SlYI SILL ~~~~~~~~~ _1_7_1_4_t6_7_5·_2_o_4_o ____ 1BEST Un11 In Pentrtdge 144·4110 675-2478 or 720-0521 Lrg 1450 sq 113 Bdr 2 Ba = WAllT Tl Tl&IE Cove 2 br, 2 bl. frplc. l•lt•lt y,., Ttr•S COl'dO with a great H.B TRADE Lake Arrowhead home. WIO. retrog Wa1erlall ANILITl ITUL! Lovely lrg nouse wlth den. spa & forever view Only S359.900 Fee. Wiii trade down. Call Direct to Patrlclt or Fred Tenore 631-1266 ()( 760-8702 locallon Six year old Hamlllalr loc". for 40-50' view. $800 mo Call Home+Guest+lncome lormal model w t2 car We want larger view t fl hi b t C II Jenny 569-1081 or OWC 11t . Flex. Te<ms "ome 1n Nwp1/Cd M spor s ng OI 8 675 4951 509 Acacia CdM nr beh garage & air coodlllo· Have beaut ;3 br del' wkdys 752-7691 ---------- Spo1lest vacant Duplex nlng Assume 1st & rTW· Lido Isle home oo 45· 101. liil Eillll 4 Br 2'" Ba. garage. frplc. Huge 5br/3ba+3t>rl3ba oer will carry Only 400K eq + cash No newly redecorated. 44oK owntbkr 645-7048 S126.900 631-7370 listers. please 673-3146 Extil•'l.t 2100 S795t mo 975-4 817 • • • ••• •• • • • • • •• • • • •• • 495-58911 335 Aetms Ln F ...... tr ., IWlll ocn• VIEW Huge 5 br 3 ba lam ~ home nr ocean Value COLLEGE PARK TRADI T 10\AL REALTY Harbo< View Hiiis, beau· Plush 18A S15,000 do $169K , $831< EO lo 4b 31> pool dbl er tltul 3Br. den, lam rm, $785 Pl OWC pape1 h f L V I $8;ol a. 556 1098e g cul·de-u c. S450.000 S133.500. 533·3516 evxc ocr as begal 1 ___ m_o __ • ___ _ Fee 760· 1740. entura ty, or S(J m 1 3br CONDO w/pool & spa •Pllmtl ~~~~.~~~ ... !.~~ TU •All •m Lalmbeer Alty 5•9-2330 patio, den. Kids ok $595 TIHE Beautiful 2 Bdrm 1 'A bath upgraded condo with patio end commu- nity pool, plul MCUrfty gatel Only 10% down. Won't teat. call nowt &46-7 171 BMutllulty 11nd11C&P9d & maln telned 4 Bdr m h o me. Ore11 corner location w/exllllng AV acceN Owner Wiii Ulilt w/llnanclng. Full price .....::==y"'•"'•"'1=9=aa..==- $142,500 151-3191 ... , Olllllllm* Q()(g4M)U9 3 br. 21i'I be, 2 story home In JASMINE CAEEK Featuring guard gate. POOis. tennis, club- house Secluded loeetlon wllh custom upgrades including Slalned glass windows & carved doors. Flexlble financing tailo- red to your needs 2670 San Mlguel Or , Newport Beech 759-1501 or 752-7373 OLDE LAGUNA CHARM Unique 2 bdrm 11001 plan, 1 l>llh. Irv rm wt beamed ce1llngs, hatd· wood floors & cozy log burning Ir pie S 167 ,500 Full Price. 2 Bdrm and d8'l home on Lido Isle wlth pier and boat slip for lot value ooty ESTATE M UST SELL Cell 5"0· 1151 f()( mOfe tnf()(matlon. Dellghtlul duplex close to beacn. excellent rentals. Two 2 Bdrm units, dining room. country kitchen fireplace. double 9arage Owner wants large< pro- pel1y Only $289.500 OC-AENT ALS 750-3314 COZY 2br wflg gar. nk ups, treesy yd, now $475 QC-RENTALS 750-3314 THE REAL ESTATS:RS C::. ~f If l T ~PH<JPf 1~111 •, LINDA ISLE-GLAMOROUS Ow11er wUI llaten to exchenga oner• for • ra11eh, commerelel or? Thi• 11 • truly exciting It open realdene• with lerge llvlng and entertelnlng room1. Private meeter aull• l 4 other b1dro om1. Plef/allp fOf 3 boeta. $2,750,000 (lnclud .. land). LINDA ISLE/Red. $300,000 Submit often! l ow down pymt a11d OW Heh~ fCH lerge yectlt °' mot•I with ~11ge. Now one of the loWeat priced homff on l111d1 l•I• with over 4000 aq, H., 5 bdrm, 5 be and pler/allp for lerge yacht s*I• •Ide u ... $1,295,000 WAH RI R0 1' l t-10 "11 ..., "' Ill \I 11•11' ""•'"''" fC, ~• ,1 .. 1•, .. t• rt~ \I,."••• "11 ttt TU t N IU PIUlll 2'1tt • t-11o•U•• ,,. .. ,...,., ~ ...... o~=,~~b~~~d'. :.· \o.. "O l0t~ f<Wf .. rtP .. WO'dt I G E N l I 12 I I R E T H I I 1· I I ll\".,.,.,., . .,.. ............ , ... , 873·9900 llOH .... I S 0 C H E Some k1;1 can do lllOH n•* Is I I j' puule games 1n 1u1t second$ _ _ . _ 111aku me longe1 1nan '""to .---------.. my .•• I SOOPUR I 1--I -, ~,-,~l~I~' -1 G c .... pi.11 •h• th"'"' q•o••d .___._.__ ... __ .__ --'·-•· __,, yov :~~;:;;T,C: :~P ~':'? ~:!' C>rf .... ·• "I" letter Ct. Beautiful home on 1 level Acre. 3 bdrm. 2 ba, llvlng room. formal dining Oen, k1tch, and nice en- lry with Solar Brick at entry Automatic sprink- ler !ySlem fore and al1. auto gar&Qe door Beau- llf ully landscaped and completely fenced and cross fenced Small 1<ac1or end all attach- men1s t7 tree orchard. Big garden area Come see and compare For only $141.000 Call 9161671-2206 SIHYIW FIHPLD Allr&Clrve Spanlllh 2 Br furnished 4-pleK No VB· canctes Good location So ol AIV91'Slde Excel- lent terms. Reduced to S 124,500 Sally Shlpley·s ~ I WalkerB Lee C•lll 11111 1024 ..............•....... E. lllE 1·2 . 3Br, 1Ba, & 1Br. IBa In- law sulle, newly remode- led, flexible terms S 129, 900 Or try lse option By owner 6•6-~768 listing. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GEORGE E LKINS C O 759·9100 l lH&Ll IAY AWARD WINNER Ocean vi-• 3 bdrm, 4 bl . kit wfconvenlences, lam rm, lge garden. pa- tio. f()(m81 din rm, lge llv rm Oulet cul-de-sac $812,000 By owner 673-441 t Lt•1t/L1•1t t,Ht1 ., .. , N-3 Br 3 Ba. Condo1, YlllUILLH Newport Schools. 80·h S2H,OOO f1n1nclng II 12·.i.~. 210 EnJo~ 1he comforts of 16th Pl Open 12-5 Sat/ edult IMog In thla 2 BA Sun, Dally 1·5. John Eliot condo wllh an ocean Agent 831 -•509 or view. A gate guarded 673-3968 eves. area wllh many ameol--1-,-,-,-.-,-1-2-~-,_-L-a-.­ tles Clubhouse. POOi & spa Owner will asslll 3 Br, 2'hbl , 1200 aq ft. with floaoclog. condo. Frplc, centre! vec, ••• HIO 2 car gar w/elec. opnr -· Wl w cpt/ drp1. $93,500 ~=====~=== lo S 1110/mo pyrnts. Full ii price I 129,500. Owner • w lll carry 2nd Bo b Brooke , Aea tlo r 673·2282 dy, 675-5487 ev By owner, f•mlly home, Kiri lg• IOI. M9N Verd• 2 back yard• t()( kid•. pe11 & pool. 3 BA 2 Ba, quiet. no 1rafflc str .. t. PoH 14'"'"' In to re- write exl1llng lo. S 105K Ph f()( appt &41-7033 \ ( .11 I 1l /'I t MISSION AEAL TY 494-0731 ~HERITAGE ' • REALTORS ---- &42-5200 SUPEA NICE 1br unit carport, blt·lns S330 OC-RENT ALS 750-3314 !~~-~!~~.!~!!~.!.~~~ HOME FOA RENT OCEANFRONT ·Mobile ---------j PETE J BARRETI ·•· REALTY 3 Bdrm $775 Fenced yard & garage Kids & pets welcome 545·2000 Agent. no ree Homea, H\'eral $80,000 Pvt 499-38 16 HYUll lllYI Beautifully upgraded home -assomable loi n· price reduced. 3 or 4 bdrms, 2ba $280,000 Lt&H• Ylllqt R.E 41l·1ll1 ~l.~!~.!'.i!!! .... !.~~~ ......... ..,. Co-ops from $39,00C equity pnce Condot from $75,000 full price Letsure World Resales 24221 Pase<> de Valenc11 Lag, Hiiis 714/837-5500 ~'.'!r.!!.~~~ •.. !.~! IEWPORT CREST ht ti•• ... ,., The lowest priced hom e In New po rt Crea l Two bedrooms, 2 balhs, format dining room. wet ber, step down IMng room -all this tor only $165,000. l oan completely assumable. Wilham Cote. Broker (714) 790-1900 llYDllMll UU-111• .,., 1.1 &llU Out o f the fllght pattern , thl1 cu1tom home on.re mag n if i cen t opportu nlt l•l. Sep er••• g ue et home end privet• pool e 11 d ape . OWner wtM ftnance entire loen . Th• prtoe la U M,000. -.c. .... 714/7 .... lllt s .. i ... ... ~.f!~~'~-~! .... !.~~! lttHTll&I DU I~~~~~~ lt•t1l1 ................•..... BHlll f•ni1iH . •...•................ C•1l1 11111 3124 ...................... Buti•1t•• .,,,. 3140 ••.......••••......... QC-RENTALS 1-5br's $200 to $2000 750-3314 open 7-days NEW CAPT & PAINT 3br 1 ''> l>a Kids/ pets ol\ OW stv. relr. gar, yd, pa110 $795 631-•3:.>0 3 b•. 2 ba hse, $750 mo 2 Elegant New England style counl ry manor Lo- cated on a woodsy acre lot 4Br 4ba, 3 lrplcs. gourmet kitchen. exten· slve oak paneling, de· signer Ille, 3 car gar. are just a •-of the emenl· ties Selle< wm buy down eKIStlng loan to 11 '~% • fantastic t11<ms. Call for more lolorm1t1on and appt 10 see Otlered at car del gar . 2 eov'd £,.UI lf1ti 3/41 patios 848-2262 (Nancy •• '••. •••••• • •• • • • • ••• Wynn. egl) 1 Br Traller, prlvele, no pets , ullls pai d $450/mo. 111 plus secu· Illy 642-0835, 499-1617 $7!50,000. 0•11 •H·2ll2 4 BA. new dee, furn, Sec -..:...-~-'----­ gate. prlv Bch , tennis /ni•• 3244 Ownr •96-•038 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.'.'!r.!!. ~~!~ ••• !.'. !! Jasmine Creek 2 Br . den. pool & spa on greenbel1 S1800/mo Aslt for CarOI 71 4 /751 ·2 160 . 2131498-723'3 811111 U•l•1•i1iH .....•....•......••••. thHt1l 320~ ---------..................... . fHli• /OfO BAYSIDE OR/Furn ••••••••••••••••• ••••• Avau Sept 1st. 3BR. fan- LEASES!! 3 Bdrm detached homes In excellent area Av1111- b I e i mma dlete ty SllOOl mo on 1 ~ar le8$tl Five others to choose from. We're the ones to call tor teases \\\,,ld bridge rkahlJ :;;;1.:UNHI l':!'UHarraru1 t•~•'·~ am au llUTIP rm, dock, fl replaces I ottmY Y1L1 • $3000tmo yrty "" i to 5 bdrma, st1111ng et Superb construct ion, SUMMER RENTAL/Wkly $67510 S1100 C1ll11manshlp & dec()(I · OCEANFAONT ting. Ao architectural BBR 2ba $500 m11terplece In prelll-3eR 2ba S800 glous Lemon Heights 3BR 2ba s 1000 8000', 5Br, 8ba. 4 frplc. 1 BLK FROM OCEAN gym, wlne celler Room 2BR 2ba S500 f()( l\()(ses, tenn11, etc 39R 2ba 5551) C ell Alck Alder11te B.AYFRONT HOUSE AHltorl Oeveloper for 2BA 2ba 1 1300 d e ltlls. 731-4444 or Walertronl Horn.I Inc 731-5115 'h 631-1400 ~'~ CutPVsJ>!tlRviME OIA« IHI 111111 ,,I.,_ l1IHI ''°' •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• r11nn111 ..,,,,, •••H BAVFRONT HOME· 1400 Lovely 3 br, 2 be. tam Ill i.Ji /100 to $550 m~. Cell for dtt-rm, crpt1, drpa, bltlnl, •. •• •••• •• ••••••• • •• •. talle 960-2 71 I 9 5 O m o 1 yr I 1 e. OCEANFAONT Mobile C...I Ill #II 1Jii 673-5820 e\IM & wk:od9. M0tnet.~.seo.ooo .•••••••••••••••••••••• Pvt. 4""3e16 Charming 2Br, 1ky11tet. -.WwT •••-Avoc.do St or oen AvaJI -· ,.._ -July 15. 644.e&Ol Bel Air Homa. Li ght ,_...;., ______ _ lntlflorl. 2 bdrrn 1 beth. C.,11 .,,. JU4 front kitchen. Expended • • • • • • • • • •• ••• • • •• • • • • llv, dining .,.., Young II -If adult• walcorne. 124 , m L•Y flW 11ii500iiiiii' ii5AO-iiiii59ii3ii7i· iiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Aent In Oo1t1 M 111 • • 11 NEW!S T gated 20 _ ... ,. WOOOBAIDGE 2 br con- do. and unit, lrple., 1~ bl. Avail now. No petS. 1650. Mr Woodward, 1133-~ TllTUIMI Broedrnoor Plan 2, 3 bdrm 2 be. $900 Pit mo. C1H Klt'n JQMOheon 673·8129 Untv. Pk, 3 bt . t " be twnhaa. evall 71 10, l rMnbelt, pool, ... H . 8 4 5, t4 4 -7t20 , MM?N Dou~ ~ l..enoer with attlldled .urvoom and 2 cer carport. t bdrm• and 2 batha, Prime and loeltlon with nice ,.,o Ind prlVllCY. 142,000. Townn orne VILLAGE COMMUNITY. 2 l ' It. 21,1, a... 1eoo.1aoo aq. tt. of pure h.l•U"i· oareoee. •PH In every llOm• • muter 1u1t1. 4'1nlng room a. wood tlur'nlng -·-•lll ml • flreptacea, m10ro·w1v1 -· •••-owne. pttv-. !*lol l Arbor lab tWfthM. 2 d d ,. t meeter M I ... din. l"lft, "'°" Pf.,.,e1ioe. flmlt• lnMttlon only. --~lion." ·------- 1714t'7M410 lllJIUNllt MARIOR Ct ·~":Ano':..; ...... '"*· frPI, ..... 11 ,;,.,.,... "°"' '9lflioll All upgradee, AlrOll llWld J ..,... _,I c, lrOM Lall• W/tM .._ TNI ,. • ._.,, wlll "°' lltteWfl!!'Y Hoept env .......... ,.,,... ... ---·"'~ ..... I "'""' .. .::: .......... =:. .... --:m ..... !'Ital or o.c A,,,.,, :::..;.:-..:,-.::; =· :-: : .:=c .... ·, -. ":r.u."1"11 °'::':.·.:=:.:.:: =··AH., CHll l.\~eU , Ult, F '\ .. ~.~ ••••••••••• l.'1flllft ••••••••••••• tlttr.ff11!1f«. ....... ~~ ••••••..••.••. ft1.~tlf"·········· 'tllr!lfl. ••••...•..••• tJ~ •••.•••••••• 1'11! •••••••••••••••••• --... •KAT"INA'I : LIVI.IN C .. PM.INO-WOOO OUM, JOA l/ANO&Nll..O ,. ,..,.. ....... " .... C\lltom Cetll"liq Tiii Mv !Nine hOfM, ..,,., Mllpt9. deity meld MfV, IM..,.../,..,..t9d. Qreg l '"*' ~Jobe t.ANOIOA'INCI t>r. AIOhlfd 11,,or. Lio. Y04it IUll aaMoa plum1* Pr~. Celt Chuc*, 9¥1 w/,.,,,... rat ... Ao-i ollloa olaanlny, orpt Lio. "8"40 1·140-*2 Call MH<I 14f.1H1 M•l,,t., eod, plantlna. 210144• 11 vr• Of~ Nl .... /Ml-IHI ... 2-e6'41e1&-140I dyt Md OV9f, M1·Ht1 ~ Ul-21 •• _._,_ HAUllNQ . .QAAOINCI Med l.wM, °*".upe ~ loCal cutlOllWL f lH lfmn "-liable Mother wlll b .. l!l.a••-,.,.,,,., ~ ~A ............ demolltlon. ol1an•UP. 1-"-""-l_lo_'_d_. _ • .,_ .. _8_14_•-i Thanll you. 631 .. '410 a Ill ... , •••••••••••••••••••••.••• !!,!'• !'!.":4&'° olay r.':r.::"A ............. •DftVWALUACOUi°TtC.. MOWING · CL.IAN UP8 Conctetl & ""removal. •-'flui PAINT!" NH08 14 lw <::; ..... ., ... LOW AATE8·Tr" trim---.._. US ,.rot .... onal Maid. rell•· Aepelt 1 old 11 HauMno . landacaplng ~ MfV, 842·1831 -;;w; •• .-.............. WORl(J so YI'• exp. Intl mlno & r1mov1I, all l*filtiiiUU.sniiilli•ii"'---1 bl•. 1xparlanc4'd, ,.,.. .,, • ..:~ = 66HH2 ,,.. aaf. 842·tt07 Hauling & qulc* o!Mn-up. MAGICAL llLU810NS Exler. Acouatlo c.11ing.. •••-'•U•11.•m1 ~' trun heUllnO· r.fm9w.:w.......... rene.. 11/tlr. Call Janet Mow adOI· rakeJ aweap, yda, 0*1911. Jot>-lltaa, & 1'0" ALL OCOAllON8 D1vla Palnllno 847-81le .......... ... ...... Free ••I. Marlln•1 ,.,,.. TIMllt 4te-SOM Walt ttxtur•Aoouttlo 1prlno olHn-up. haul. p ro p mg m 1 • "Io le !Wt. Stave H8-t4e3 W.'n·htlct-ltllM. _5.;..;64_·_7.;.o_17 ____ _ 00 IT NOW! ... ,., ..... Your Dally Piiot ~04,_0ty ll'!IOOOOlMd f4M•47t If--,,. .. ~ ••••£' LHloang.," !,,.~1'.~2•.t1~!9 Clluok 842·2873 baf t 1131.0815, Krla 831.QNS •· lXTERIOR PAINTING Fr""'· R .... P<lc9I JAY TAU CARI!, comp! . .,.,.,,_ ~ _., 1, 38'ri44 . v~ '" _...,. Cu1tom work FrM Ht. Qual, work. I.lo. :)37180. -v. & ll"mp Of"11ndl""', 61J_, /llN. .. AeMooeLiAorM>Na·· am. Haullnt·•tuclenl w/lruck. iAi~~-~~AK~·5;~it"1~·;:. AM•. + llnl Int. & Ital· 831·2345 llo'd. Ina. 0..0.t308 ... rm"ttee • fl...... & Catpantry. UC'd. 2& ?AYWALL TAPING AHld, Cln-upa, garden Low r at ... rellabll, NIW1>Qf1, Cotta MMe, nlng. St111a 547-4281 c.b!Mt• l Car~try ..... 271t A.I TaxlurM' Aoouatlc HtV, malnt, ,, .. trim. Thank v ou. 8t1v1. lrvl ............ *1"·317" R .. Lpu·s P .. INTING IH/l•1• HERITAGE T1'E! SUN. lmall lobl I re Ytt 111p. lrwln ..,..,. l'r .. Mt K9Yln 815·9081 FrM Ml. 841·1ote Wiiiy 769-0128 ,,.. .,., " " " 1" I "t R " ••••••'••••••• .. •••••• Compi911 tr• Giii. 17 ,,.. MdmatM 84 .2003 Fl A laMd c t Flr~acee-Plantac.a nt •• . • ... ret... ...HENRY ROOFING... yr• tltpar. Dan 562-8377 Rne odnS arpanR 'Y1 ll-'.t1•l l.AND8CAPE MAINT. HAULING & DUMP ABQ' p 11 v Rel. FrM NI. 538-9898 Shak•ShlnOlae·Comp, "41prtaantatNI Ml·Hll, ut. UI 6-tr. em . pee. 111\dll •• n;-.·................ "'---~·11 & Pf~Y JOBS. A•" for Randy, !' .. a OI· 11111' 3 mr..-.-.·1 ............ , Lio. 419581 720·12110 1.10'0 EL!CTRIOIAN ;M°~;tm.nta, 93 ;'.:8048 14;.1427 Rlfa. Fr" Mt. a.i8-C>484 B&M Palnllno & Tile Lio. 415232 54&-82t ~~~~~~~~~I FENCES & DECKS COMM'L/RESIO Oual. work·R111. ratM 1----..... ------1·---------iexpert MHonry: Ouallty Fr .... t. lntlext & atal"'· Hubef Roofing-all t'IJ)M. Marl! Roblnaon conat, Aemod·Add'n1-~lr1 FrM 111. 131-6072 Tom Ron'• Gardanl!\g: II yre •••-~ workmanahlp, rHllatlc tO 'I'' In OC. Spec:. ra\a Naw-racovar-<Mcil• ~t ............•. Orl119Way., Parlllng LOI Reptlrs, Sealcoa'\lnQ, SIS Mphlt e31·41ttLlo Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Rla/Conll. Uc. 3t7i04 142-1720 Aa .... tJ .. ...................... ANE SHINE AUTO DETAILING. Gull'. Free PU/ct.I. 842~ Profeealonal Auto Cl••· nlng, Waxing, Polllhlng. The Oe1allat1 840-5199. Slool 1971. 754..()959 v.,-., ,.... Lio. 300250 ELECTRICIAN Hma area. Ou1llty II ••••••••~•••• •••••••• prloM. Rate. 55 t-.411611 on apta. Call 24 hrs, Lie. #411802 549.9734 ~ ll--1 Jactl H Blnnelt Jr S I J be/"'Palrl l ie r a 11. rt I 11. Ma In II ROBIN 8 CLEANING t·H5·34H collect. I -.wn Gan. Contr. 552.9;42 233m108~,_10• 5 ... • .. 20·,. land1capa. NB/CdM. ServlCI ·a lhOfOUOlll'I #fri•f . I _,_ ••• •••••••••••••••••• eon-.. • 1n-.. .. -... \or' ~ v ·~ e1s ... e3ee. c1een ttou• 64()..0857 •••••• •••••• ••••••••• , .. , ... "° SIHITllNo SJllmpoo ...... .. _.., ··'····A············· Stain 8pecleltat. Fut Elactf1c:al ContrtGtor Aftlltt L.IMM..... £)(par1M"liooHkaaplng •A· 1 ...... F1rthlnQ Interior OealQn dry. Free ... 1139-1582 ................ Ind .. Conlll'I .... Lio T I I WI f\lrnllh vacuum & Top qualll'/ 8paelal care HANOlNG/STRIPPINO ,.. ..... ·~ Lie. 308888. Remodel, 333217. Ph 557.1738 ~,'mW. ganF. , .. c nup .. •,· IUl)PllM. In lllndllno. 25 )'l'I exp. Vl••·MC Scott a..6-9325 ..,.,,,, " .. tlll/NP8irad add'n.a. cabinet•. -·~· ori!. · VanMU 971-4138 Competitive RatM Flood damlgt. SIMM a..a.85881&46-4844 lllllTU WmlO Call 649-11504 en'/\ltna. No ovar1lrne. 73().1353 ASR PAPERHANGING ctno-554-8510, 973-8611e WI don't mike '/OU wilt ... HOUSEClEANING 7 '/fl local exp. Guar Sh•-poo • at--...._ ••. W4'11-............,. Uc. 370e89. 1131·1823 ..... l!'!~............ IS OUR BUSINESS! STARVING COLLEGE work. Prlc .. llatt at ..,., '" _,, "-' Free eat n-. • ...,.._ Jankla'1 Rl(Xl9dy AM STUDENTS MOVING $8/roll Alec 75t-7027 Color brl~hlll\e(I, Wiit • .--.... -. RESID/COMM'L/IND. """PERT .... NDY••&N "' 5 Ou_, ........... Ue .... .,1... """ ""' ... ,.. E•t. 10 yra. 87..-2 14 co Uc Tt24-4H crpt1 • 1 min. bleach. •· .. """· • -0 •· 20 yr._ Do my own work. Carpentry . Roofing ""· Cullom wallpeperlng. Hall. 1111/dln. ""' S 16: 1vg 83 t-2345 Lie. 278041. Al 648-8128 Plumbing, etc. 842~13 J~'• ce.:~ng .. ~al · J:'A'r~~·uS: ~~2~1 FaatlatactlFon guk arn•:~· room $7.50; coucn $10: ,. __ 11111,._ 11"1llta.l ., ._, _, n~...,,11-.._.1 • or .. 1: ren .,..,714 Chr S5. Guar. allm. pet ~ •••• :::,.~ ....... ::!!!~'!•~••••••••••••• LOU'S HOME REPAIR Oftlcee. 5'11()..1287 • ABC MOVING • IJ r II • .. Ir Odor. Crpt repair. 15 yrt C Elec.Carpantry-Plumt>. General Houeec:laanlng. Oulek. Careful s.vtce. ..~!!!!r.~!r.:-: •••••••• ~~.~~~~t'~.c ........ . BUDGET RA TES Lo min. Sml Job• OK. Lie. FrM "t, lnl M1·f 581 htH•• . •......••.•.•........ MOBILE SERVICE Re1Cfaen11~ ~· NB/CM only M2·9552 l«t111rl•I ltm ut ···•··•·········•····· SECRET ARIES TO GO Your Ottlca or Ovra EfflclantlRaUal>la !'.-.~~~ •••••.......• Mott aut>jacta, K.14 Oay ..... ..-aummlf S tOwtc Mr. Morgen, 145-51711 Tn.{•.t. ff!!!!! .•••••• Typing Word Proc. L1t- tera, resume., term P• Piii, MSS. llC AHi. 648-7135 !!~~.~~~~!f ..... ··i..1 tha Sun9hlna In" Clllt Sunlhlna Window Cleaning, Ltd. 548-8853 20% Monthly Discount MR SPARKLE· all wndwt, both aldH. 1craan1 & 1r1ck1. Honaat, dapen· dable Guer no atreUa. Automot>lta Air Cond. Rapllr. 180 Walt• Piece CM. Bontekoe 548-52011 IXP Do work m.,1111 G_ .. Contrtctor ELECT RI IAN-Prlcad Plutar.Stucco-Pelnt .... , ...... ..h.. 10.,.... exp. Fr .... ometM 552.()410 ED'S PLASTERING Rati. 531-0101 . l"d .. comm'I, raa. right, lrM Htlmall on R .... prlcaa 875-45511 96'2'.-05'1o':ii. 4 ··-ALL TYPES INT/EXT Lie. 333217. 551·1738 large or ama11101>1.. Mora famlllel are get1lng Textur.. Patchlno ln·houae Word Proc. No minimum 842--09&9 ReH prlca. 540-5854 c. flCMfttlf Lie. 398&21 873--0359 HOME IMPROVEMENT Quality HouMClllnlng Illa cemplng "bug" INI 58 Lh.llflaf. •• !'!~•'•••••••••••••• C•llM .,..,,.,,,,,_ / REPAIR-PLUMBING wtlh p .. T h waar II...,., have a cam FREE EST. 645·825 ::;"'~';" •••• ••••••••••• Cemanl·MatOn ·Block •••••••••00••••-.-::f• ,,.,,.. Carpenlry, llac, tile. FrM a araon ouc ,_ . ,__ • PLASTER PATCHING CLERICAL SERVICES You don·1 need a gu" to Bkkpg•Typlng•Fllet "'draw last"' when you PU/det avell. 842·85111 place a" ad In the Dally ----------4 Pilot Want Adsl Call now RETIRED Lady would Ilka Wall•Cuet ~k lie Kit. Remod., ceramic Illa. ••••••A•••••••••••••• eat. No lob 100 •mall. Beth 558..015fl par that'• not g1111ng to Babyall In your home #38l057 Rob 54l·2W cat>lne11. Call now ·''" Wiii fllOlll .. 5·2811 Home Cleaning: hon111. c:!u:' !'/ow with a ~~~::.~~a~7'£:t.~9~~ 2 nltM a Wk. CdM/N9t. Mllmata. 642..08111 Fr" aatlmate• 845-8258 rellebla, hardworking & Bch. erea. Need• tran• Orlv11, p1tlo1, walk•. FrM Put your ac:lvertlelng mea-reference.. 554 • .-.54 March to \lour phone to SELL Idle Item• with • It!!~!!!! .•.•.••.••.. 1-' _64_2_·_58_7_8 ____ _ portatlon. Have releran· "'·No job too 1ma1t. Have aomatl'tlng to Mii? Have aomethlnq to Hll? aage where the readers ---------• place a IHI-acting claa-Delly Pilot CIMalfled Ad. CM. 548·7802 538-2607 Clualfled Ida do It wall. CIUllfled adl esp It W911. are. 642·15878 Claaallled Ada 842·5878 llfled ad. M 2·5878 M2·5fl711. DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn'.t sell, we'll run It another 3 INES SERVICE & REPAIR Van Oppena Service Co. (7 14, 838-'4e&e Mak• your ahoppl"O H · star t>y uelng the Dally Piiot Clualfled Adi. OLLA RS days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Motl f'llwld .... Ena IMI 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDs642 •5678 19!!!~~ .~!~!~! .... !.'!of S300/up Carpeta. drapes. air 17301 Beach. H B. 842-2834 YlfW lfflOI Well-appointed ottlca w/ ! .. ,,!!!.fM~!!'!. .. !'.~!~.¥M~!~.i!~.'!. .. ~r.!!!!~.'!.~~~~ A~:'1··~!· L" A,ul81•I• l.t,.ulll••I• !~!!!!.~~!!/!.!?!!! !'!!!~~.~!~!~! .... !!.~ !'!!!~~-~!~!~!.. .. !.~~ ~;~:.v~7i:~ 1.000 fniat Jiff • ..,_,, IHd lZff • I J.Mj 3111 11• •t1UI• ••• '!,!!!!!!~!!'_ ••• •••• • • .'!!!!!~!~!!_. •••••• llf'fl11 1 Mf• 520 sq. ti. $1.00 per sq. NEWPORl BtAl.11 -------•••••• ••• • ••••••••• ••• •• -.-;C"';';;•••••••••••••• .!!'!r.!••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• C • 31. #i I IH j 3111 Apt, ~P• 4, 1 blk from tt., 3975 Birch., N.B. ··Turn Key'" OHlce $390 OFFICE llOllL 2 Br, den, Turllerock 3 BR 2 Ba E8f1bluft, avl Yr1y, 1 br. alps 4. Wk"d•: Ce1l1 #IU 3114 •• •.•!~ ... ~ ............. '.'!r.! ..... !......... ......-h. Gar. quiet. ••oo Agent 541•5032 .. Branch" olllce $75. ..ppro•. 1200 "" 11 on condo. AJC. pool, gar. no J .. 1u t". $1200 mo. t823 W. Balboa Blvd 112. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,...... ... ,.. ~ -.. peta. $825. 955-1338 w., ".,.0•9019 $ 700 /mo summer . *M"• Verde 2 Br. 1 Ba. •2 Br. lower. $420/mo. OCEAN vu 2 br. 1·~ ba. wk 760-1982 -SemlnarTmeellng roo1ms Newport Blvd Asking 3 Br. Woodbridge Condo. .,.. $450/mo winier. (2t3) Newly refurblahed. n.W crpta & paint, child dedc. trpl. gar. Adulla. 1-fii~il"l!~I ~d~>'~a. Yg~,~· ,~,8':~1t =~· ~3~1~'a:ete JOtln· $725/mo. Av.II. mid J"I'/. Sham 3 Bdr 3 Ba home In 941-3065 $ 4 9 5 t mo. N o Pe u . ok, no pell 2285 Maple. $585. 2218 Pacific Ave. V11•li,. l1•l1}1 fZSO ~ . ' . : I? -752-6408. w .... 833 •97• 845-9494. C M Bluffs area Sae •••••••••••••••••••••• Call Robl" at 497-25-41. Ba'/Cf1111. Nice yard. Two yir••Lf 1 ira•ir ..., ... . . OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br ~ ~ "••• •i/•I 31•1 llrat then call, 648-3826, .. vall. now. W--"ly lhru· ." ,.~ 2nd floor walll·UP olllces. ftp 1c 8 • 1 kY111 e 1 · Cl••n 1 b"rm 1 blk from Large 3 Br• 2 Bl. Town· "' r i •' ••4 "722 842 """8 " ...,. -_.,. ELEGANT S1200/mo Peta JohnllOtl, be-ac'h. p"rlv p' etlo. gar. houae In quiet oomplax. •••••••••••••••••••••• "" • ., • ·oov summer. 873-7873. :/ c-,_.., $125 & $185 monthly. VIEW CONDO 831 12611 1 1 d 1 Private 2 Br. yard, gerage. 2Br Cottage. w. N-port. ./-Utlla pd. Crpta, drapes, 2 Br. 2,n Be. m~o. ~ • S800 mo 780-1962 arge poo • gar an M • $525/mo. Frplc. ger. y..iu s700 mo. IHl•I• If lt•n 43H .tt ... -pane 111 n g . Cd M rlgt. $750. 875-178t & • .UmrlL* ~;:.5:4~~5. 845-3311. 493-0487 +sec. dep. 64s.1387 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~.:-:.=:--1-75_2_·_183_o ______ l r;,~u.'l~r~ ~;: ~'::::. 64!>-8204· Custom Cedar dealgn 18r, pool. out water pd, ... ,'-,,.. llOOlllTE ./...... ......... 4 deluK• olflcet. strategic Call Books on Tape. i-... ,._, 3141 2Br. 2Ba. ape, patio , refl req. 147 Flower St. .... 314 S.. CJ,...11 1111 locetlon on Beach Blvd. 548-5525 (ult for Jo, ::711••••••••••••••u • aplral 11a111. 1kyllte1. No pa te. $330 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• FllDEllS HS. Front elCposure, IQ• CdM dlx suite. AIC. emple PRIME HOME near ~ BLUFFS CONDO 3Br, lrpk;. 1'n bike to bch. 845-8181 Daluq poollida, xtra Ill· Adult, Slltdlo, stove, r• sign area. 85' aq.fl pd 2855 E C rlkl81y.Ooaanvu.38A, 2 '.t Ba . $900 mo . Yrty$1300mo. UtUlnct. ga 2br, 2ba , 1>1tn1. frlga. ulll1. 1275/mo. Oldeal &largaetegency. Ownr.213-450-6555 pl(g.uhl It 2 ba. pvt )'d. Walk to 840-at07 873•9334 •It 8PM. Meal Verdi 2 Br. I Ba. dawtlf, 1'n miles belch. $560 mo\118 In. 498-8452 All cflenll IQ'~ with •lflm tfflftS* PRIME OFFICE SPACE Hwy 875-6900 beh.$1300.494-4874 garage, 111. floor. no Adult1.nopet1.S500mo. phOtoa &rat.faocea. From1roomto3rooma. CORON .. DEL .... R COSTA MESA ofllc• ·,, WHlcllfl 3Br 2ba, new jaarl-•fl pall. S475/mo $475 *"'" • .,.2 •-t -L-6 C -'ha· ,...............,.11.,, S " """ .,....,., 1~ lee·-. """'OX, 3 BR. petlo w/~; lf\Of1 d. $995 _..... ~~ A,.umnll , ...... _ r.... · ~·.,,,,,.... From 1.16 e sq. ft. No 875-9510 ..,...... ~ -_.,... Walk to ... ach. •2.000 q>l'g. •~7l9., fl.J•m•iM MCUrhy, S too daenlng. --· tr'99al ... n_.__ ,.._ GToodhe T~lnQr~ASmer· .. ~. • leue required Adi Alr· I 2.000 SQ It of pvt otflcaa. 1 .,. • g<lnr, v-.v-v " •••••••••••••••••••••• 7 5 9 • 4 2 2 9 . wk n d 1 .. ~r1 .. &1•& •• 11&1u• ,_ .,., ...... .,.. ,,.,... 1 .. -1 General woO< arMS .... _ mo. yrty. 213-876-2255 ---------t .. tL--w-•·-1 ••-5"9-7329 1 & 2 Br . ....___·nt on •••••••••••••••••••••• Porter Inn. 2172 Dupont • rn . ,,,_ Cu1tom arllat A·lrame ,_ • ._. --· IOme model~~. S~ SUWlll ...,.,. 141-1"9 Call AM. 833-3223 l..,.,t hater reception room Prof. Nice 1BR 1 ba. t1'91ex, patio, garage. Stove/ rafrlg. 524 St. Anna. S550. 536-1453 wtictys. with commanding view of v;fy·;·bd;~:·;·.;.·c;;k: S530/mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. G s • • • e YILUIE Wttfll•ltr HI-Ml! BAYFRONT First class • !vii Mtvloe deco<llad Xlnl location. Npt Harbor. Sparkling lclry. No pate. $695 TownhOuMI. cer portl. Y m • au n • . EXEC. oflleas. Includes At Iha 405 Fwy & Harbor pool and apa. 2 trplc. 67" ,, ... 9 petloa. all bit-Ina, lndry 8-46-0619. ..._ l&2 bdrm tux ry 1 F Blvd exit For more Info I al dint 1 .,,...,_ ........ · u M/F share 4 Br. houN In Prime ottlce. 673-1003 811 amenll ea. rom call ~days. 751-6t91 orm ng. NP. am •-tL-. rm, amlll pet olc w on·1 SAOO lum. or un1um. 1 Br. apts In t4 plena. t Bdrm N1twport Shoru Nr S225/mo. 844-7189 INCREDIBLE Old Madi· rm, magnificent muter -lesll pool, ape. 18~2 FlorldL from $515, 2 bdnn from b h 1 & 1 Exec suites. lull serv., 1---------1 1 VIiie o n aulll with Roman tub , • nJ .. 01 TSL Mgmt 642 1803 842·2~. 8.42:..3172 $~70. Townhouae from eac · poo tenn '· •IEWNIT* c!~!~f~;,~.nleaded w1n~ and retreat. Two huge •••• ~~ ••• ~ ••••• ~.. Aft. 5."642-822.1 J640 + poolt. tennla, s35otmo 113 ullla ~=~~~niieg;~~t_~2;~ Airport Area. exec eulta dOWI, mUllve beama, 3 gueat bdrm1, 3 full Sml bachelor yrty ranlal, NI 2 b et N Near be.ch 2 B~. 1 '~ Ba. waterfall•. pondl! Gaa 1_54_8_·_43_40_. _____ 1---------expands. cta11y aurroun· lrpk:a, meny tr .... dbl. bath•. Only s 1500/mo util. pd, 201 E. Balboe Bl. Cl r. r • req. 0 crptl , drp•. bit· ns, rple, for cooking .. heating IED a lEIT llT1 wmFIL dings. prof atmosphere. plus c:laanl11g. Call 10-5, 875-9562. 752·6925 pell. $355/mo. 352 Vic· encil<I gar1gt. S595/mo. s D gar., pvt. beach cove. 831-8411. AelerencH torla. 645-8181 Call ~21 paid. From an Iago WorklllQ ladles over 40 IEWNIT IEml hu 120 to 250 aq It of· $2,950. per mo. Yrly. Ce• 1 ' I #a JIU Frwy drive North on wllll11g 10 talk about fin· With use of reception, lfcea & desk space from 714-640-5829 plelN. ..!.!'. ••• ! .... ! ....... Fireplace, pool, dl•h· 2 br w/patlo. Nr Beach & Beacfl to McFadden to ding and sharing 1 house conl. room. kltcn. pho"•· 285/mo lncluc:llng cont OCEAN VIEWSll HARBOR VIEW HOMES. Bach rm & bath, deck, wuhar. PY1 patio. X LG lndla"apolls. $475/mo. Se aw Ind V 111 • g e (Newport erea). Call secretarial & word pro· rms, recepllonlat. ans· Beautiful 3 br, 2 t>a. fam. Carmel MOdet. 3 bdrm, 2 view. nr bch. Avail 7-3. Garden 2 Br $560. 538-5018, (213)893-7040 (714)893-5198. "T.L ··at 642·71583 Sun· cesslng. Mall & message werlng service, lots of rm. Avall. 760-8378 ba. Beau. $1050 mo. Ja-$385 mo. 8«-6126 557-2841 lm at 3144 ..... fOOO day lhru Thursday after 8 aerv. avail. sepef'&tely If ~~;~~:78wP & Tix 1vall ,__ .,111 j••f cuzzl 979...,923 Cnll lllll JIU 2 BR 2 Ba. lge.l(ltch. bltna. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• .. ••••••••••••••• _P_._m_. _______ desired. Call· Judy, ---------• ":':',.••• u I -, •••••••••••••••••••••• yarc:I. S550 mo. 1131·3537 1 BR, 1 ba baeh. condo. Nice lurnlahed room In MIF non·amkr 10 share 714/760-0100. FIEE REIT ;" b;:;·i,~';;'ui~·~;;:. C.•'..S.l••• 1 II. 2 II. I II. ev1 Sh1rp. e"d unit. A/C, Coate Mesa. Call after Prom Pt. 2 Br. 2 Ba. --.-EWPH---,-.-UC--1-Only 2 suites left In prime FREE REiil Lrg office SIJlll w/aml vu ol bay. All or pen lrom S 10 pr ti 2 mos. free rent to qualllled tenant. Call 6<15-6646 lor l"lo c ••• ,,t1.1 l1•l•l1 4f1S • .......•....•..•.•...• Off10E ti SllP In newer bldg on Coast Hwy, South Laguna. Ap. prox. 500 sq. II. Excel· tent private parking behind bldg, $525 mo. Turoer Assoc 49•· 1117 view. m pool, "r shop· f1"111'1'ldH JllS Newly decor. Gaa pd, $490. 2 BR. pool, unaul-D/W, pool, tan, tac. Avl. 8pm. 548'6829 tennll. t>ay view. $375. E.xecutlve office In Can· Hunti"gton Beach com- ping & fwys. 1 of hahld •••••••••••••••••••••• encl ger, dwehr, pool, table for children. 325J 715· $A50. 575•1434 Avail lmmed. to non-tmk· 5<18·6729. 673-7814. nery VIiiage, S450t mo m'I bldg. Competitive over 35. $1150. 497-3973 Retort·llke adult tract nr t>bg. Adulls.110 peta. 17th. Pl. 848-5137 111 W•U• ~· 314' drink t.m.lla. Furn bdrtn. Famele 18•35 to llve Broker 875-49t2 rates, prof atmosphere . .. , _, __ ""!fa.. 3,_1 SC Pila. Poot, grdnr. Dix 642-5073. 11am. ••'••••••••••••••••••• Kltcti & ldry Prlv. $1115 abo ard 57. Yacht In ---------call now lor de tells. H B. ofc &/or lndust ap_ ,.,,_ .,, -1br No ..... a ••• .. &•"5 1Br ept, Arch Beach mo ........ ••21 llTIEW•Tfl ~"2471 1 F ) 1 ••••••••••• •••••••••• 11· 77 ..... 5 2•5· 8-0""u1 ~hi L 2 br 2 b -'~ .........,.. Newport Beach. Cell • .,,,.,,.,,. aval Of M atar1 ng II uo••E FOR RENT ut . • . n g 'I rc . a. r........ Halr.hfl, $475 mo. Incl DI It 2012 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. S 50 • 7 99"'• n .., ool R1frl1 No pet a -v t S'--'"" r~ with kit An 1w1 r Ad It 5 7 6 . x. exec. IU e. . sq 4 mo. o4 • ~ 3 Bdrm. $750. F.n-d unn•adad & daen. _..._...~ · · · utll. Contact Miki Ru.. ......,.. .. ~.. • ft N A ....... •• ---------v• ...,. ~•u '941' $ 4 1 5 . 8 8 . 1 3 1 9 . Nit 840-3225 cnan. prtv1t1 bath & en· 642-4300 24 hr•. · ewpon r .... = ...... *SUITE DEALS* ITHE/IFFIOI yerd & gar1gt. Kida & ~ •--t -L-6 u••t•I• 873-0884 trance. ltundry fee. Alto Female roommeta want· rlna Bldg. 642"'644 o c. Alrpor1 ar81 Prof. pat• welooma. 54S..2000. ,.,, iru ..... _ -TWO Sty. •taps to bcf1 lleaplng room with Illar• Air""" .,.. Exec Sul I I I II __ ....._ 300 lo 900 aq. ti. Dnlwn •-t no ,_ • •••••••••••••••••••• B11utllully tendacaped Large 1 Br E.aatllda, ne· 2Br, 2ea ._..., deck•. 2 .. --·. 5.,,79,.7 ad non-amkr 4 bdrm ""'• • · • env ronmen • u -....... Laguna 494-5688. "V'9"' • ,. ___ ~-' •-JT.'•• Pool as 1 ood .... _ ..... __. """' '""'-...,.. " hN.. st-• to' .,_,... tea. From 225--450 aq. 11. or no Ir Ills lndiYldual ol· --"---------_.... ~ ,,..r u garden apte. pa. lure w ....,,..., .....-¥"'911· No pats. reta. .... , ...... ,,.... $ ft MPART I 1~11!-·~ J.Mj 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Covered parking. No lings & cabinet•. Light & 900 mo/y r ly. Agt. Room with kitchen prtv. Nr Beach S205 ptu1 utll 1 per aq. · • flcea or desk apece. 150 /uulrl1l NII ·~ • .-.-;c-;;; .. •••••••••••• Ocaen view. beautlfully pets airy $425 851·9522 •"•&""''" ahopplng canter & bu· 714-63t-3574 '!t&TH St., C.M. Xlnt sq ft · 3500 aq ft. 1 MO •••••••••••••••••••••• Weetcllll 3 BR t V. t>a, fur". townhouae, frplc, 8achelof $400 t>twn 3-5. .--~ allna. H.B. 962•7520. front ofc loc. Avall Im· FREE. 759·8978. N.B. 3975 Bkch. 36&0 aq. S900 mo. Alto Irv. Tarr .• poo1 & petlo. S895/mo. 1 Br 1480 • .,,..,, .._. 311 Prol to allr Condo. hOuN. med. 540-1287 It. or 1es1. M IA zone. 4 BR 2'Ai ea. Sl400 mo. 81~98. 181 e. 181.. westllde, t bdrm. atov., •• -.-..0;r •••••••••••••• An. "919. a'-' M/F, 3 all amanlll•• S2115. P OC .. TION ou•-i Ott ....... In Cd•• w/pv1 Agent S.-1-5032. " ........ N I $350 717 .. th kit II I 882·2449, 968-8479 TO L ,. • 'Harbor· ... ...... ... Both Iraan & clMr'I, no • !:I 642-01156 646-11818 rv"'V· 0 pa 1 · NO FEEi Apt. & Condo rmi. "1 • c pr v, Baker C.nter. 3011·23 bathroom Appro• 175 S750 up 2160 II lndu· l)9ta. Avl now. 846-2389 •U In "D'" W. 18th. rantala. VIiia Rentlla.. pool avall, belut Npt Bch Shr beaut 4 t>r home w. Harbor Bid. CM. 580 & aq ti. No maintenance atrial · Olllea. 18081 i... OC.RENTALS IHc J7ff 645-1928 87$-<1912 Brok«. home S750 or1250 rm+ frplc & patio, Back Bey 1 2 5 O sq . 11 . M gr . $225/mo. Call Lyndy do"do Circle •E Hu"I· · •••••••••••••••••••••• Spacious 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. S 100 dep. 780-8242 bfr $ 2 2 0 2 5 0 •• 2 ..... 1·5br'e S200toS2000 Quiet Junior & 1 Bra. 3 Br . t'Ai Ba. s415. Large 1 Br adult, natr 2PM . are• • · 845-8100.549-1366 873-23t1 l11gton.Beadl.-2· ~. 76()..3314 open 7-d9ya From 1375. Pool, rec. L aundr'/ l ac .• pool. lhopa, pool, all utll pd. 642"111113 tH 1111 H 11• •00• 11111 rm .. •a"na. encl1d g•· 548·9556 !}':, l!,343,,M 0 nr 0 v 1 a · Near OCC, pool. W/D. s .. a r1 3 .. drm condo. Bii• WulH 11 •l• W•• •I• Wul "' ~0-V v s 1 7 0 k " u .......................... ,................... • •• ,. •••••••••••••••••• r1gt. 17301 Keetaon off •Clean 2 B MacArth r • n ° n • 1 m r • pool tac racq ball Cta (•UUll) Siiier. 642-7848. Vig .• s.•. Tr:.....AI•, ....!'., E11tald1 2Br tba, pool, . 730-9328· After Spm. Tan Ct• S300 848-87117. ,.. -"' .,.,.,. COU~TRY CLUB LIVING ~111•---·-----By IM month only BUT ,,_, ,._, J11f ape . $600. Adulll. lau;d~, $4~~· c ell IN NEWPORT BEACH !-J!}!,.'!!.f#! ••• '! .... Mala 1Mk1 pty to ahr HB only 8900/mo for 2 Br 2 :-.·.-;r.::.............. 752·5822 or 841-1460 833• 8 • 848-47 A total environment llWll .oTll home nr bch. $390. Ana ~~w.:',,!0~· Avall. THE weatalda Lo 1 ar w/ Condo, 2 br, 2 ba, Vllltot IP•rtmant community on Ad 882. 1142-4300, 24 · c1rport D/W lndry avail 4, #83. Fae: pool, apa, Iha Upper Bay. Pr1vlla Wkly rental• now avall. hra. 2Br, boat ddc 1500/wtc 7•2. S40o m0. 84&-"8329. tannla. 1845/mo. Cell P11 ctubhouH and h11lth ~~!~.! ~ro~~or2J:4 _Aoo_m_m-.-1.-t-0-,-h-r -38'-h-.. -. 18r, boll dct! $400/wtl MMISIUl.n ,.., 1''61P"T IJM1ll 4 Br 3 Ba. beeul.. decor. lrg deek, lat>. vu, guar· dad g ate . H .~. 12700/mo. 3 Br 38a. w. pool, lerl- n I•. guarded 0•11 SHOO/mo 2 • 3 ... den. ~­Poll. boat docll, MO. btdt. 11800/mo. lot> • Dov .. Koop, egt, "•' MU.18t-1221 .... VlewHolM38'.2 la. ~ ""· •1000/ino. LMllle. ....... 17. 111 Cenron, pool, ape. t•nnl• tltllmo. Agt. ,,.d, 931 ·1111 , G1·1711 ·--, ............ . oar ,., .... It• ytul. ..... "1ril • "&OOD LIFE" ~PUN: Social Actlvlllea Dl ractor•Fr11 Sunday 8runcfl•B80'•• Paruaa-Ptua mudl~ ORIAT RICllllATIOM1 T e n n la •Fr 1 • leMOn9 (J)ro & pro el'top)•2 HHl tl't ~ 6'5-6&25 540·&.497. ape, 8 tannl• courta. 7 · 5250 mo. + ·~ utll. poolt, clON to buliMN, Newport Blvd. CM. 1 BA APT. D/W, New STUNNING large 2 Br. 2 11rpor1, FHhlon laland. 648·7445 642-19113 IVM. pal"l & cpll end drapaa. Ba. garden apt., pool. Convenient 1hop1 on B E A C H A R [ A Roommate to lhr 2 Br 2 Carport. $375/mo. 1495tmo. 710 W. 18th. 1111. Unlurnlahad bachl-Ba Prom. P1. par1l1I vu, 851-2175 SI. 1or1. t & 2 bdrtn apt1 and nn-amllr.1370. 876-3aa9 2 ... ...,.... s525 1&2Br, $415-$475 mo. ulll towMouaal $77/wk ... . ,,.....,, glflgt. .... ._. pool ....... ~ •1000 M/F to ahr 3 t>r, 2 t>a mo. No ........ 13" "B" "''" clean, qu,.., · no • .,_, • hou c •• 2 bike '--w. Be11.r.-&.1..o7113• ~·:,ea~ wor111ng s.--11 blcMlorl end 1 Kltc:Mnette-Meiid-Pool 0 cCi . ·i ·2 2 5 / ~-;·: 2 BR garden apt. New ~ 1 Br 1 Ba. di-=~n~ur':':r': !::: eoat'":':1:: '=755 _54_5-_13_7_0 ____ _ paint. No pat.. $430/mo. • OCC ICCl&IOriae. Move In to-. • ,_ ..... f!!f Roommll4 to lhf 38' hM. 541-9950 nlng room, clOaa to • d f • ...., -mel9I ._..._ ---------· ............... ..,. 541-7214 ti'/ Of ~ Of tum· ····-··············· -·-· .-........ --· · mer mon1ha. Smartly 11-MS-11188 $425-$435/mo. 2 Br.1 Ba. I 1....... d.... •~• apt .• b11m1d celll:J· LM....., t••u• ~ ...... mo ... OC>«I 4 bdrm, 4 l:Mlttl, MllO'/ Mai. or female wn 3 e.mdry rm .. pool. A . St di Ith carport • • beettl, doc*. MOOG. Alto bdrm. 2 ba home In Jvty Celt tor -u o w • ...... s ~-I .... _. ..... • ...... mo 'A TSL. Mgmt -&42·HI03 petlo. Pool ' Spa. No On Jembof• Ad at ~ 2~ .a;oc;·.::. ;;.'.'&.2.1412 • l500tmo. 2 "· 1 Ba. up-pata. 1305. 84 .. 2447. sen ~0::*'1 ..... Ad. '3500 ~. 1111 Onin· F l\OMl'ftllr to etw I bf I* unit, ~ SJl'lql. VILLA MAOEM ~ dy, Nit, llM191. duplex. &/Side C.M. r,:to. ~ b11-lna, laundr'y ::. ::.-:.=·a 1:: LIDO HAUTIFUL 2 Ir. Huntlnaton 8dl oondo, a *226 Incl. llflll. 841-7UO TSI. Mgmt. 142•1803 poae1 wtr/g91 ,,._ Encl lrpfc. :,1 t10, adutte. bf, 1'°' ~pvt pool,._,.. .__ lw ,_1 ~ , ____ .__ _____ 1 o-9 tllftllV ~ •1oeo. 7a.aH. n11 crts, llOO/mo. Al/Ill. r.:~ ••••••••• :.":T v ............. t ,.,. .... ................ ... _ .. =r~::. .. .. ~,.. ... 1148 mo. + l300 dell: 1I02 Oley, IZ bf, 1 be. new Jllty 11 to Aug, 15• Aug, ltOl'lll' Oltl9' fot Nnt ...._..147. 2324 Edin It. cpta •. drpe pelnl. No 1. 5 '° ll(llC. 1S: 141-786'1 on lat boa P•nlneult p.tt. l&40 t7Ma-41 Of .... 1. '*1 to l'\ln iona. 10'-' lt lrt 2 9df. In..,.._ M40 ' pyt ...._. home 4 bf J IOW. 97'4t4S. pr mo, no,...; H1·9* LMgt aer 1be. 1 '*-._ ~ · aft ..,_,,._ from bled\. Mini ooeen .,.,._ ~. •:r. ~ lln111 urag1 , Cotta ..,_ w. •reo ~. 111-1101 r.' .~i. ~: ,, '° ~loth··~ia~ 1 tMlrm. 1.,._"".,.1oeo.s-.1 1a,mllll'• ,., •. 11. 11100 mo. _ 20dl p•t•. pal,,t. no pot1 ..... I... ~· 141-1'01 or ... ,.. -..... ,";'.'*"...._ N t •U. 111 Tulip . No ,......,, N•por1 .. ..,. oendo, ~, .. 1_,·.,..,.. .:·~.:-._ =~~ ~~·=:=:--.f!!..:.. . 1fl0 WellaH Ao. , I~•.,... 0..te ..... ~ ,r,:,,r;.o. ?ICMl?t • =:; a '°· ....... LD ••v. L••· ...,.,. " ... ,.,....... "#'w... ,,.... '"' ......... ........... ... .... _..,.,,...... ...., ... .., ''" ,.. ,,_..mr.......,..... • ·~l ,111 ,_ .~. ... ., ' -N.;i·: '-'~· Q -..rn.'141. ~~:-..... ~-=··-;p;llr ............ t ___ ct __ ::> __ ~ __ > ) (,..-~c:c:;---) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in HUntingfon Beach, FOuntain Valley & Newport Beach • &oocl ..... • S~1r.T ..... . ...... ,. •. ~ • • ..• ""11. .... TJ.ff f'!lr..'IM'll. .... 1.~ff ~It'll.ti... .. !'!r.!lf!l!!M ... l!ff 111.'!,.!fll. ...... w.ff l.fP.r.!.ll!m .. 1!.l!f ~1.'!!1.1-fl!!!!I. ...... M~.~ ...... ~.-............ AUTOMOTIVI MIUTD .. It' Holllt Cat, ~~I 'ft WI.Lil 411P &Jf If IJ ff.u.Jt ng ., .. ,.. Ult .......... .. ll(pet'd Of wi4I ., •• °'Y ...,...... '*' ,unrlM 'f:· ...... • .... , ... ,,., r:;, ..................... 0 .............. .. .. m-'.. WI LIM ~i ~ oleenll\e,c:';~. ::.'..'!...~~: 1~'.!.u~·~~· ESTATE SALE • JUL y 7 /8/9 nw. •2100· ., ltl. , b ,,,, '14 COl.T, 2 df : auto, .. iwENO"t:,;·o~ :4.-;' pr=:.. r:::~ 1·-;t;liiF ArMt.;;, r.otoorl91W• ...... ... ......... .... ... I I L I I • I " .!P!.................... Kini run11ln1: ~dltlon. 'II ....... L•.., H I 11rvlo• llo, Cott• ouelo"'•' P•Y wo,k . ••Bl lUU nHOed 1rt/f1111 time. n .. 1 a •• 111 1·•• .... 1.-..:.-I-. aumn&. looct llf ... 2.000 1111 Many to~ from ...... .,.., No tap,'*' PIHHlll environ"'•"' --Mo ••Plflenol or Mlllng -... -r -YllllTI' 1tl1 m•Tl t ,698 147·2118 lmfMCllatt ~ WIH Ir.In, 900,000 full ntl' John W1yn• """ '*'ul~ Write to Uni· d h .... YUi SAS thorl 1>10, new (atttei No. ootl4 I llmOWit '*''d Wiii net Orange County Alrpon ir111.peoed Id agy ne11 ...., .. ,. PO eox 1223, Antique doJta, antlqu1t an o& or OL_._.. ... 1 clutch. new tlrH. n•w DlllH 11• 14111 f.40,000 plue. 0111 col· be. l)ey, ~t• SM 1111. •ccur•t• 1yp111. Mon11bell0. C• t04140 turnhure lncludlns dlnlna room H\, •-• -palm, •Int oond. S5000 •••••••••••••••••• .. •• llaal llllT '"'· Mon·'rt .. ••k for 8eMc>t Ml'·•~•-Hwpm Oen ore civil" bookcaaee, hand painted China, pottery, 181..ANO!a• "1Le'o'~Te8ll'ORT 840·1709 '" 6PM • • a-1 •-1•-.1111y " u d I , t • I P M , .... n-t Ph.it cMllV9'1et Si i.ty l P R I N T I N 0 hand .... 1 .1 ... ,. b " "' I _.. _... -40l-M7-0111 Do"910uell S\L benellt1. Aak for Bar· Camerapert0n/ •tripper, .Haviland, tool.I, Uncna, ,_.n...... Y •lnotedlt>le N vtng• '87 Ford FIOO 2'.t Ion 262• Hllt>Or lflld,, C.M . .... • II.I •-NI WPO"T B~CH bare. 7 14-751·21~ IUd cemirap•r1oni F.W Cuprien. Lota of aoodlet. •8peclal lln1nclng 8obtall, 390 CID :Iclne 549-«>2' IMll-7170 -••-• _. llflpP41f, 101 86 yr Old •Slipe a111il1Dlt •nol. v1n plut 1111 111 l tlabllehad. Termt Mo AUTO MECHANIC, Alla, 1111...,..'T-• prlnllno GO. Mutt hava a •FIOIOfY IOIJrt 14QOO/ Olft r 979· 000 .74 Rentull ,_.12, 4 apes, gotlablt. Phll IM8·5010 BMW, ,.,r.,I, PortOf\t, •••--• •Pnt11llw ahowtno of 1tie ••t 132 or &&1•3e80 at-• eao AM qualified only n-.cl IP· 8u!)41t mktt., your "'"· 'I"• ••P41' 111 •II pha ... OI lltltl 111114 new ltl1ndtr 41 und•r 111 4 pm • dr, AC, 1191'90. 1 . ply, ~tlon Houaton, Fri/Sat. car nee .. S4 15 da11crm/1trlpplng op.,,. conilruetlon ---------848-87311 ~l&L '!'ex. Call ,red AndtttOn. hr 6 .. 1 -0 7 1 8 • Ilona Top pay & bent• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! •Door prlzN fHI 1110 •1!!~~"!"1-..,,.~~· ~~~~~~~~~ WantabutlMMOlyour 7•1 , 7·2. IAM-1PM . 213·811·1l36 !lit. Ct ll 05l·05oo I.a· •Rttfteht'1'11'111 ··1·1··c··H·e·v···v·:·N··:,····•" l•ll1ln.1 1111 ....... lor -• .. ,lmum ~oet" 71'·6'2·1288. All July 2, "·-iii gun• Hiiia. ••I• WHIH 110f ••••• IHIJ • on~-In a lllttlmt O"-3•0 N... " ton. •••••••''•-•••••••••••• c;ii an .;;;I . outran: 0111 Tt:l-531·0227 .,..,.FINANCIAL SEC'Y & P.Till Ul.11 $~~;······· .. ·· .. ··· ····;;·;;;·.;;·;·1;i4': ;ortu;ily to t•k• edv•~: WH !u~gRE 9$1~~~:, •1 DEALER IN U.S.A . tMd profit In 30 day.. BABYSITTER natdtO, OFC COMMUNICATOR En1oy worlclng with kldl, E11n lop Pl}' by tht Blue 4 whl{1 IOJC, blut tage of lhla latander ollllr. '82 Turbo 280ZX, gun ~ Complete Hl·UP plul welk1nd & or aome Ekp'd. Art you MlrChlng and wlah lncrMMd Hf· beach S300·SllOO wkly. eytt. Natd l ex per YaChll' tl)eelll purcl't .. t STEVE 645·8806 metal gray, w/lthr Int. T. . bu1lna11 oontullant. evH tor a progr1Ulv1, quality nlngt, ullllH your out· Call 838·7811 Alie lor r0-1802 Plat' top, apeeiel rim•. auto, _ 850-()2111 · •42.21111"' olllc1 whtrl your out· golnn nar90n1llly IHrn Jerry Lant. UT. 1111 Ill. A•ttl WHIH lflO 7 ooo ml Su ..... aharp v " going puaonallty & howiob&comeaira1nec1 ---------•BHu lge Bucktkln mare. ''lfio&111l 0 1 1 1,.4 11 ••••······1···,·1··,·•••••• s6001oa194J,;;.~5yrlM •-..i~t1.U••~<1N'IQ Chlldrtn'• Book Stor• BABYSITTER want•d. d1n111 uperllu In aaltf counHlor. Call PUT Tiii Very o•nlla. IS 2 Hd 7•.; Peymanu $380 mo. ...,_,,,,....,.., 1104•&ol06oMol In tait;.lrowtnl Saddle· m11ure peraon 40 + pr1f handling 111ephon1, fl. 2·11PM. 842·4321, Ext. WORK AT HOME yn. $1500 or bat otr 549.1343, 966·6434 CLOSED ~UNOAY~ b• V lty, 8 1· 18&8 for 2 boys. mutt bt ll«y nancl1I 1trangemtnl1 & 3•3 EOE Vec:atlOn club needl EN·• _83_5_·_03_7_7_____ S Pon• or• Cl t> y I h • TOP DOLUR ~ ,. '-·-1••• Cltplflelablt, own trtnap t'--t 1 1 1 no LL.," NT RE p s . ·-1111ndtf Oealtr• ol Sou· -•-pa ""' con ac • epprt· •iraL UT&-•••11 ..., "'"' r ' IOTO FOi U El OARS ..... •••••••••••••••• SllO wk. Call Pt tty elated & r-1tded? Wt "~ 15 -Phon1 and c•r n1c. o1ftllf1~ • thern Cllllornlt I . NHd $30,000 3rd TD, UOAM-$PM. 760-111142 .,. a highly sklllld team. W• hive an opining lor Averag1 1 10 per hr es'rATE .. ;:·o·;;,"i:;b llWIH YAOerTS aw ...... -V 111109 equity wat91• 1:Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil h•PPY 10 oNet top ••lary two well-dre11td, lntllll· comm. Write Fun Time 1"22 Berrt"'"• R" ltont home. 642•5583 1• .... Cert'd diamond lttma. " """ " NmAO/QUll Banking & excellent bentllla g1nt .. 1 .. peraon1 10 lnt'I 1932 •;, No Hiii· Flaltored Ilk• nu •82 T· lrvtne, CA 92714 .. =., Ftlll AOIMITAIT $1800 11Qualilled.90New· work In th11 Newport hurat, LA 90027 ,Bird. 12 011 painting•. ~~~l~1~4-~IU~·~l~l~l~I~~ 2~g~:~i:E~~ -•• '''' Or..,.,.. ,,. ___ 1 Sa"'~a •• port Beach. 631-24 Harbor arM n COO\me,. (213) 8e6-1562 2 1 .. Chtln & ,.,91 -·..-....,.. '"'V .. c111 HIU ind/or rH· nug. · 141·4100 •••••••••••••••••••••• Miking Account1nt with DENT. Aul. Ortho. Npl ldentlal .. , .. In lht m011 S.or1t117 631·927& PP. I.I. l&mll S&L tXP« Strong akUla BOh. " day M· Th, EJcpe< altluent ar111. tor telephone HIM. $4 hr • 59 carat EMERALD, tp· IHl1, II/,, l41· 141l 11..&. .. t Ot, lie, are n1c. tor poaltlon & ROA req. 6'2·2626 LEO HANNA plu1 bOnua weekly Need praised II $12,000 Wiii DNk1 HTI WE IUY _... •• which reports dlrec1ty to SR VICE PRESIDENT n lr•"•"""ttlO Call I $30001 640 668• • • • ••••• •••••••••••••• SpaclalWng In 111 & 2nd lhe Controllef C1t1: DEITIST . ow ..... ,,.... • n. sell or • u n ... ,~~=t~ 1~~/CM Vickie. 754·1801 Genertl dentist wanted, WttltJ I . l•t'." Ot. Charlle 4t2-5872 lll1ttl1UH•I IOIO s11!'.:?:~a=mo. CLUI ClllS R.E. Broket 80 Realt0<a E O.E. ax per 1 an c • d 1 n •II RHllors -4·•910 llOlnUY (WO) ••••••••••• •••••••••'• 64&·0551 All TIUOIS 642-2171 645-0811 ORANG~l~gSAST SA· ~"=ia~~~kf~r-+ lllOIPT/nPllT Ot•••ltr INllfHfll. ~ hl3~ WANTED. 811 ' allp or WIDOW HAS S$$ lor TO'a 1700 Ad1m1, Coate for ntl'I headqu1rterld rtr lo 9 ong, I per ' mooring for Hllboat, RE Loan•. 10K Up. No MIU DON'T lose your tan 'NO<· olc John Weyne Alrpo<t IN IRVINE AREA 775-" 1 anyt ma. Npl Ben Joe. 8'~802 COMMRL CHEVROLET Ctedl1 Check, No Pen· 1:;;;;;;;;~1 king ell day! Greet Inc-area. Mu11 have pleu11n1 High level office ekllla & OUITIING Bullnet• Sale Oen 1 & • ome for short hrs In th• person111ty wllront olc organlzellonal capablll· now In progreu at Bel· BOAT SLIPS :~~731 t'°" ~saoc. Banking evening. Jell, 497-4188, appear Accurate 1yplng lies necessary. Requires aam·s Contemporary AVAii.ABLE ·11.,. II .1r1 .. r fl" 11 ' 'r-t \ .., ~-" \ •AutUH•t•t1/ ,,,,..,,,; W.tl ,, .. , •.........•.....•..... IMt I FtHI S300 ..•......•.•..•....... FOUND ADS ARE FREE Lag Bch. a mull Full benefit pkg minimum 120 wpm ehor· Furniture 193 I Newport Newport Beach 26' · 40' & 541>-1200 TELLERS 1•rv1•/ltllltry Salary open 553·0644 thand. 70 wpm typing Bl., C.M. 548·5618 52' 642·464', 9·5PM " " tor appt. skill• Good personellty ••tLOlll W11t 11-10 Ill' WU&. Full/Perl time posltlont person needed. Gd drl· _R_E_C_E-PT-1-0-N-IS_T_/_TY_P_IS_T_· & phona voice, ablllty 10 LOVE -11• Miii llYll available In our South v1ng red. Minimum 18 Perm-pert·ttme for busy !unction under preuure, Send someone you love tlitrt ,. • ., t Wlttr. Top dollars tor Sports Coast Pleza office. Ex-yrs. Pref. temalt. Call Nwpt 1111 exec autto, et leeat 2 years executive 1 beautiful bouquet of 30 llftrtlltll I• lt•I Cars. Bu~s, Campers. r•ctrlence preltrred. Con-631·2522 Tlr'\lt hvy phones. mual 1ype level a.perlence. Word helium balloon•. Perfect ,.,. , ..... Dall ,... 914~·.·kAfuor 'Us/C ··GR a · proceHlng &/or accoun· tor all oocaslona. Beats ,.. M Kathy Amburgey 50WPM accurately, mor· ting e~perlenra helpful the "heck" out of roses. WI r l • II 11 I , •11 IWlllO 7 540 4066 General nlng or afternoon hra ~ ~ 1 • 14• • INFORMATION on Alu· avall $5 50 hr 10 atert, Contact Irene, 557-6660. _8_3_-"_4_1_9 ______ 1 142·4100 24 lin. YILISWHEI OALlfHllA FEllUL kan. out ol slate and ra111ew In 30 days. Call SERVICE Station attend/ Mink chocker •Iola with -Sl-lp-,-,-v,-,-, -u-p-lo-30--lt. 18711 Beach Bl11d. IAYlllS I LIU ~v:ese$8:o!ggg t~o~~ i Cilinidiyi8i33i·i9i9i7it iiiiiiiiil helper Full & pltlm1, see matching cashmere COM Area S9/lt. Call HUNTINGTON BEACH 695 Town Centet Of. Mr Bolla, 2490 Falrvl-s weate r S 150 ot>o Peggy Petlaon (7 14) 1•2-2000 COsta Mesa, Ca. 92626 a Y •a r · C a I I 750 5787 ,. Equ11 Oppty Employer 301-659-9333. Operator Restaurant Rd CM • 1155-2473 Weelcdaya 8-6 --.-.-.-T-E_D_! __ • • • 040 Captains. Wallert, SEWING MACHINE OPE· Niuo 2056 8MM sound ,,,,,,, 11 .... ,. 111Z . ••••.•...............................•.•••. llWlll Otlm'I Sa1M-Servlc4t-L.tU1ng OILY HTHllZll l&llUIAOI FEIUll INAll lw.llUIPt H1-2MO '8'-4UI I ~ ,,..,, ,1,, N~ ·-..o·o;;;.;;·¥·~· -1 Red wllh bltck/gray , CIOlh lnllfiO< 4 lpeed AM/FM CHHlte. Pert 3100 Well Coa11 Hwy oond $5,000 or beat ot· Newport Beach fer 7~751lrom8 10 5 6•2·9•05 PM ••• ,, f 1J' .............•.......• IOllA llHTlll1 We can hetpl Before you t>uy. check our unbeata· ble selecllon, sa11lng11 and servlcel UllYERSln SAUi I SHYICE 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540-9640 Honde. Toyota. Dallun, all makes, $199 does II No 1SI ex IHI, no depo· sit No Uc fee Oellvera any lease, buya any c111 over our COSI All SlvtlfS '75 Toyoll Corolla, AM/ FM CHI Good cond. S2200 OBO 6' 1 ·6989 'IO Otlloa 141001 Clean, runs great. Alpine am/Im radio. 1ape 642-4378 '78 Toyota Corolla SR5 Med blue w/amlfm can Good cond. S3•00 080 641·6923 days ¥!!~!.'!!t!~ •••••• !~{! '65 vw Bug. Rec:ond eng. c~n. sharp Must sell $1375 836-5912 eves '72 Super Beetle Call: 142-Hll auun Prtstlcifft lal11 Looldng to add to our st•lf • several m1nicu- rls11 C11en1ele not ne· ceaury Rich Ouellette S1lon 200 Newport C1n11r Or Newport Beech .IUITlll&L 20 hrs/w~. Experience preferred. Coll for appt. 898-269 I. H.B. Waitresses. Hostesses RA TORS Exper, quality movte camera With zoom PIER Cocktail Wanrauea minded. piece rates lent $250 Pioneer SX Bus & Bartendtra Costa Mell 642•9652 650 receiver s1so Prl· UP TO 28 tt $150 mo ere needed for a new ---.-vale Eye burglar alarm. 673-81•5 b11tro restaurant Apply TELEPHONE Sollell0<• P/ new $75 OBO 645-5131 ,_S_p_a_c_e-to_r_b_o_a_t_to_3_2_'. Late model Toyo1as. Leasing 71.t/634-0189 Volvos. Pickups & Vans '76 CMc. snrl, AM/FM Cell us 1o<11y1 Stereo. cus Ntw brll1. $1900 8"6-7461 ,.,,. 1112 MOM'S MOVINOll Must find loving home lor "Zach". an 1dcxable black & white M kitten, approx. 9 Wkl old. 536-9832 ell. epm SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Single • Tl*r Choae • Porous TIE my SHOES Some kids can do those new puzzle games In just second•. It take• me longer than that to TIE my SHOES, Lost·Blk/wht Shih Tiu, Harbor & 19th, CM or'I Fri night. COiia Mesa Beau· ly Supply 1916. CM. Re- ward 548-4787 • Lost Cit. R-ard. Solid gray neulered male. Med length fur. 494-8410 IHHHPEI F/tlme, eicper'd. lor prol ofllce. AI R. A/P, NCR Pot t ing helpful 545.4553 CARPEITERS 1 to 3 yrs. expr. Oemoll· llon to finish $8 to S 10 per hr. Bring refs. July 6 thru 9th, 9am to 3pm Santa Ana Country Club. See Jim Wood 011llltr • "" Wartlt11st Mer Tral· ... Over 25. Beal suited for women Mrt Camp, 6'S-0032 ett 12. C.M. CASHIER & housewares sales, F/llme. Apply In person· Crown Hard· 1UN•ll• S310 ware. 3107 E Coast •••••••••••••••••••••• Hwy. CdM Let Go Of Aleoholltml --------- Don't 1e1 a1cot1o111m pun CLEllCIL you to Hlf-destructlOn lctfflltlq/Pllt ff .. Let go & llllfl a Ille of lmmed opening for re-aobrtety with the help of The Mooring• With 1 ll1bl1, con1clent1ou1 n1t1on1lly recognized person good wlllgurea who can use a 10 key ou1pallen1 tre11men1 adding mach , keep program, you nevet need accurate records, do to be hospltallted. mlM bank recs: previous CRT time lrom work. or lime exper. helpful but not from your family. Mor· nee. • nlng & evening programs Approx 24 hr week we available & Insurance otter compeny pd t>ene-epproved. • I ed 1 TIE ... 11 .. s Ills incl g. me or m ice , dental plus profit she· 1653 E. Lincoln, Orange ring 4647 Long Beach Blvd . CIMCO Long Beach 265 Briggs Ave, C M Oall 1-I00-412· llll 141-400 * * * (Closed July Sthl Atl11tis Parlor OURtclL/PUT TillE Open 24 hre a day Looking for Interesting 7 days a week work? 'bplng. no ahor- Jacuu l. Seuna. Locals thend "if.Noon Ole. on as well •• tourist•. P.C.H. 646-7431 BankAmerlcard, MHllf •--------- Charge, Amerlc1n E•· • preaa, Olnara. All wel· • come 7141645·3433 2112 Hlfbor Bl. CM • Your Car Ref1ect1 You Cuatom Wb. & 0et1M • Reu. • Tony 547·6241 • COEDS • Woutd love to • plf'IV with you. can Sue or Ktthy 1nytl me • 953-9363 Daily Pilot classifieds work for you. Call 642-5678 for quick cash sales. Affr1otiY1 llrl 1 9 , S()9hlltlca1ed, 111racttve, A-' the daulfttd Ide for well groomed glrl to Iha beat dHI• In tpart· model prlv111ly for In· ment rtntala. 6'2·5678 dlvlduaJ 3.4 hra p11 WMk. Strlctly prlvat• and In good 1111e. Utmott dl acretlon auured. Great pay • ll11elblt hrt. Send photo and detailed detcrlptlon to Box. Ad No. t011, Dally Piiot, BoJC 1580. Coata MIN. CA 92626 u.A • ¥1111'1 PHOTO MODELS ESCORTSIOANCERS OUTCAl.L 2• HRS MM211 laolii1ist·Swlu Top layoul & selup ope- ralor tor Tornos Swiss automatics Gd. luture. growing shop 1n Laguna Niguel off Avery Pkwy. Micro Precision Swiss. 714-831·9331 Cell Chris Dubreuil IHICAL ltECIALIST Learn medical sklll5 & serve In lt\e Army Res· erve near '1ome Call to- day· Tustin 731·0481 Santa Ana 542·4763 USAA Ctr 552·3173 Nursing LYl'S lor 3-1 1 shlll. Compell· live salary Ell.cell bene- fits. 6'2·80"4 or apply 1n person: Ftagshlp Conv Hospt . 466 Flagship Rd .. N.B. Nursing II SIPEllYllll 3· 11 :30 full/llme Also RN part/time 11-7 Hunlln glon B en 8•7·3515 Nat I leader In telephone marketing •S seeking qualified 1nd1v. 101 diver· slfled work on behalf ol major cllenl corp. Appll· cants must be reOable. lntelllgent. matule & mo- t 1 v a ted Salary plus bonus. II you quallly. please call Mr Gary. 545.5775 POT Tiii Eves and/or weekerrllls Responslble adults, over 21 with outstanding, al· tractive personalities to worll with youth (ages 10· 1'). C•ll 2·5PM, 642-4321, Ext 343. EOE PUT TIIE Newspaper Promotion. M on-Fri . 5:30PM-9·30PM, Sal. 9 30.1.30PM S85 00 to s1an Then partnership's share of profits. Mutt have pleasant voice. private desk & phone. casual 1ttlre. For Interview. call alllf 6PM, 842-5678 •• , 312 9AM·11AM, 333 B•ysodo time Eves. & Sal afler &pm. Main Channel $275/mo Dr , Npt 8ch. 64 t-0383 675-3063 0< 679-9667 Salee SALESPERSON for Chit· dren's shop. E11p·d In retail only Full/ P-tlme Petite Marche, 642-'4 71' Sales ,., . ., .. '"· ., .. , TOPLESS MODELS $75 DAY • PAID DAILY no exp • nee • 826-2583 C1t1 I035 .......••....••..•.... Persten Kittens Sliver, CFA , \Op line s 7141761-2073 alt 5. ~~ ............ !.~f Considering a career Peta "R" people Botr· change In 19827 Con-ding & Grooming. Poodle sldtrlng entering the pups lor aale 957-8589 renlcs of the ••If em· Dobie pup, M . AKC ch. ployed? FARMER'S IN· aired. blklruat, shots. SURANCE GROUP. one of the 1eadlng insurers In _9_7_9_.0_1_\l .. '----- the nelion. la expanding ISlltilt Ttrrltnl In Orange County A~C. Ch sire 557-~621 If you are Interested In owning & operating a business ol your own. Invest one hour ol your time at our Facts Semi· nar Call: Judi for detalla at 963-4518 ~!~~.'/!!!!'.'!!!. ••••••• AJ1t11/1 IJI .......•...•.•........ ·eg Bonanza Debonair )(Int cond 12 5'/o llnance All or consider p1rtner 980·2•71 ~'!t·•' ::• ............•.• f!!l..'I~ ..... !.'.'!! Tl llYI I SIOllUfll llUIE SIU (or Yerd ..... late ...... , eto.) ~ CO-m» ADVERTISING CO.llDNTClt bl*•toec1 MWIC> .. p•raon to handle kty aooount9 lln co-op ott• gory. Able to co..ordtnete on•peraon oo-op d .. ~rtlft•nt and worll ~lilltf'tretlll •• , •• '''"· "'°'"'"' 1rowtfl OPPOfhlnltl••· c.11! .,..,.... '· 11rt. n2 fot appo11111111nt and ~. x=: • 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot ClaaaHled aeotlon (It'• belt to run 3 deyt '°' maximum exposure). If yoo pay fOt your ad In adVance _..11 run It 3 d•Y9 Ind only charge you for 21 2. Get yoor FREE Gar1g9 Sale llgnt (1.ll you have to do 11 come In to the Dally Piiot & pay for your ad In advance - _. will give yoo two 11 " 17 Sign• - FREE of charge). 3. Price tact\ plecl of merch1ndl11. 4. H1v1 p11nty ot change on nano 1(nlcket1, dlmn, quartera, halvee, one and five dollar but1). a. AeAu, have fun, and oount your money Ill the end of "" day. IMLTN.OT CLA ... An A&.&. ...... 11 Earle Ike TOTOT4·YOLYO "OH-ai.4 c ......... . "-lO·tlOJ od40.f4'7 trans, 5 sp Best olfef 552-0738, 842-9946 {~/.~~! ••.••••••• !.~~~ 1 1982 Jaguar 10,000 ml Must sell $22,500 720-1322 • .,,, 1131 ---------· ..................... . WE HY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FRIE lPPWSAL Cormier-Delillo OIEYROLn 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 14l·IOll, 541·3U1 SH US ~ 'OR YOUR , f'llXTMJ.104. ' """' "'"-.. "' fAGUTTI 1'11 MW n COSll llUJ 10 JJ)I . ••.•.•••....•...•.•.• 111 W.IH hal•r 11 tr1111 CtHtyl SALES, SHYICE UI WSlll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS WUllE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 141-HGa 140-1411 A1t11 V1'4 ..... ~ ......•....••••• 1.;tk 1110 .•..........••........ SEE US tor the largeat and bell seleellon ol ney/ and used BuiClls 1n Orange ~~ •I I• Or_,. C-'f 2925 Herbof' Blvd COSTA MESA 979-2500 C"ill1t 1115 ........•.•...•....... OHTEIPUTill ClllLU01 We spec•alize In leases tor the bullness execu· uve & prolesa1on1I Lare• Stltotl11 Of ••• 1112 Ca4111acs ••• 11 Sttold N 1\BERS ( :1\l)ll J ... \\, 2600 H1rbor Blvd (!>\ti Mewi S40·9100 THE UllEST SELECTIOll ot late model, low mtlet- ge Cadillacs In Soulhern Cellfornlal Set us tod•Y' lllEIS ClllLUC 2600 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540-1110 WI ha.,. a good Mlec- tlon ol NEW & USED Cha11rolet1t CONNEL:. CHEVROLET ·~.,., 'l.11 r.~ f1 '•t-.1 \'<If'\ ~46-1 200 '74 Malibu 350, PIS. P/B, air. euto, nds fndr wit. $800/0BO. 1164·3205 £i•t•I• IHS •.....•.........•...•. 1111 IUll Y S.-1195 82,000 ml. 1 ow- ner. All white 84().8902 !!~ ......... !!!! ·n~11111 2 Cir. I cyl, auto, pa, ale. rMt Otlog, new rediall. emlfm ttereo, new ou1tom pelnt. S3&-0M2 ' J ' TUE S DAY .Jlll Y ,, 1•111.' OHl\NClf COUN I 'f l Al It OH NIA 25 CENTS Moon 'swallowed ·op' over Coast CELESTIAL SPECTACLE -Moongazers throughout the Orange Coast -as well as the rest of the nation -were treated to a spectacular lunar eclipse late Monday evening and early this monung. The moon appeared to be swallowed up by the heavens as the Earth's shadow covered the satellite, turning the lunar body a deep red as our planet came between Dely Not ~09 by Gery Al'l'lbf- it and the sun. This view of the event, the longest total lunnr eclipse of the century, was photographed from 10:30 to 11 :30 p.m. Monday with a 600mm lens in Irvine. U.S. ready to send 1,000 troops to Lebanon LOS ANGELES (AP) -The United States is ready to dispatch up to 1,000 combat troops to Lebanon to escort besie ged Pale s tine Liberation Organization guerrillas from West Beirut and help establish a strong central government in Lebanon, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said today. Speakes said President ReaRan Delays hit BolsaChica decisions By ROBERT BARKER Of'tMO.-,Not• .... By falling to act ~vely on the Bo1aa Chica ~ the Coastal COmmiu1on la playtna into the handa of thoee who want to kill the regulatory aaency. a member of the panel Mid today. John Flynn. 1l repraentattve from Ventura, said that by dragging Its fe~t. the Coastal Commiaalon is giving the appearance that it is running scared and unsure of itself. This indecisiveness, he said, Is providing impetus to a bill by Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-Cypress. that would strip Bolsa Chica from the Coastal Commission and put it under the authority of the state Legislature. "If Carpenter's bill passes we can kiss the Coastal A c t goodbye," he said. decided in i;>rinciple Friday night to dispatch the battalion, which would be part of an international peacekeeping force. "The decision was that, in principle. if the government of Lebanon should formally request our assistance, we would be willing to contribute U.S . military units to such a force if needed for temporary peacekeeping arrangements," the presidential spokesman said. Administration officials, saying that any time estimates a.re risky, said they expected such a mission would last no more than 30 days. Speakes stressed that there had been no formal request from Lebanon and that there has been no commitment by the United States. "There is no agreement for U.S . participation, except in principle, and such an agreement w ould be co ntinge nt o n acceptance by all parties. "The s pecifid mission . . would be to assist the Lebanese armed forces in overseeing the orderly and safe departure from Beirut of armed personnel and to aa&st in the transition to the Lebanese government authority in Beirut." Speakes said Reagan had been in touch with his special Mideast peace envoy, Philip C. Habib, and that H a b i b felt th e availability of an international peacekeeping force might be essential to achieving a safe and orderly evacuation of the PLO But Flynn, who said he was prepared to vote on Bolsa Chica d evelopment last month, said today he expects the Coastal Commission to take action at the end o f this month when it convenes in Marin.a del Rey. Deir "'°' ~o by Chettee 9t.n AMAZING FEET -Counselor Rick Feld has his hands and Canyon. This is the first summer Irvine City Recreation shoulders full of playful charges at a day camp in Bommer Department is offering the crafts-nature-sports program. "The .sta ff (Coastal Commwion) is playing too much of a political role. But the plan (by the Coastal Commiaaion staff) has merit and is acceptable with modifications," he said. Big brains get together along Coast Mensa convention in I rvin e prompts som e u susually 'nor m al' activit ies Plans for the low-lying coastal land, surrounded on three sides by Huntington Beach city limits and on the fourth by the Pacific Coast Highway, have been beset by dispute and delay. The most recent round of lays began in April when the oastal Commission staff nnounced it.I opposition to an range County development lan that had the blessing of ignal L,andmark, the principal 8ff BOLSA, Page A2) WORLD By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the D .. ty i-tlot St.ff What do the c ream of the intelligentsia do when they get together? About 180 people who think they fit that description gathered at an area hotel over the weekend, and it turns out it wasn't all chess games and deep sicussion.s. In fact. the annual "regional gathering" o f Mensa. an So¥iet jetliner crashes I MOSCOW (AP)·-A Soviet Aeroflot jet carrying paseengers to western Africa crashed on takeoff today near Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport, the government news agency Tass reported. But Soviet officials ref used to give details about the number of victims or their nationalities. NATION Accea to R~asan limited · Senior aide Michael K. Deaver ii llmitini llCCetl Lo Premdent Retpn. Paae AG. Now di•I '• re-1 ezcl•lve international society for people with high IQs, resembled just about any other conference at a big h otel (in this case the Registry, acroaa from John Wayne Airport in Irvine.) There was jogging in the morning, a workshop to teach the finer points of gambling, entertainment (including nightly x -rated movies) and even something called the Great American Tush Contest -in STATE both a me n 's and women's division. U comparing derrieres, sitting in a swirling Jacuzzi and playing blackjack for fun money doesn't fit your stereotype of how smart people should act together, Men sa m em ber s aren't particularly concerned. The main idea of the gatherings Is just to be together, said Irvine's Art Mattson, chairman of the gathering. "We enjoy each o ther's Tabloid to aid in probe LANTANA. Fla. (AP) -The edit.or of the National Enquirer says the tabloid will provide Los Angeles police offlcen investigating the death of comedian John Belushi with tapes 4Uld traNCrlpta of an interview with the woman who last aw Belush i alive. Hay den campaign 'rollins' Tom Hayden and hi.I Campaign for Economic Democracy both are rollinl a1ona on IChedule. Pap A!). . COUNTY company. One of the things intelligent people have found is that you're not accepte d for being bright, like football player.:; and cheerleaders are accepted." With Mensa members. Mattson said, "you can find somebody almost all the time to talk about something with, and you'll be understood." Members of Mensa (the Latin word for the mind ) don't (See MENSA, Page A%) INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bambeck B2 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Clualfied C6-8 ~ B4 Crcmword B4 Death Not.lcea C4 BditioN.l A6 F.Alertllrunent 86 Horoecope B2 SPORTS forces, said to number about 8.- 000. Habib h as been med ia ting between th e PLO a n d the Israelis, whose forces h ave surrounde d the PLO's West Beirut enclave. Informed Lebanese sources have estimated that the Israeli (See MARINE, Page A%) Lender s, real tors at odds By JEFF ADLER Ofltle~"°4·'-" Mortgage le nders and realton appear to be lining up on opposite sides over the issue of whether "due-on-sale" mortgage provi.aiona should be extended to include mortgages written by state-chartered .bvings and loans. The reaction by these two important components of the housing industry was swift - and almost predictable -today following publication of a news account that the state's savings and loan commissioner. Linda Tsao Yang, may be considering extending provisions o f a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision to m~lude savings a.1d loans holding state charters. Last Monday's high court decision applied only to federally chartered savings and loans. The commission er's action would come under her authority to issue regulations giving state savings and loans parity with federal institutions. While representatives of the real estate industry cnticized the move. they said they were not surprised that such action was under consideration. On the other hand, officials of both f e d e rally and state c hartered savings and loan associations greeted the news with a great a.mount of optimism. "It's a very encouraging sign," commented Anne Bacon, vice president of C.OSta Mesa-based Do wney Savings and Loan Association . "It's absolutely necessary. If we dldn 't get some kind of parity we would have to consider going federal." The president of a federally chartered savings and loan, Jim (Stt SAVINGS, Pa1e A%) Ann Landers B2 Movies B6 National News AJ Public Notices C4-5 Sports Cl-4 Stock Marketa B3 Television B5 Thea ten 86 Weather A2 World News A3 > .. ~ Orange Oout OAILV PIL.OTfTUMdlY, JYIY '· 1812 ----------------~----------------~--~------~~--------- MARINE MISSION • • • acuon h.u a11o uepped 600,000 cMJJ&na. The actual propo1al for an , lntemadonal pe.celceeplnc fon.'11, with U .S . partlclpa\ton, orlgi..,ated with the Lebaneae aovemment, Speakes Mid. 'n. apokeeman did not •Y what &rancA or bnncbM of the armed H r vlcH th• battallon would bt drawn from, but the MOit likely IOW'Ce of troops WU thouaht to be 1,800 marlnee with th• "'U .S . 8th Fleet In the Mediterranean. Becauae the U.S. fore. would b• armed, Speak•• nld, th• admin lltraUon would comply With the War Powen Act and tell eoocr-of the plan. Prtlllldenual nadonal llCW'lty advs.. WUUun P. Clark and other membln of th• Naitonal Security Council telephoned conax....tonal 1.-den of both pai:tle1 thi• mornlna. Speakes added. 1 · SAVINGS FIRMS ... Schmldt of Great American Federal Savina• and Loan Alloclation, a1ao h&lled the report • u being "pc.ttive." Schmidt said "aomethlng i1 obvlowlly neceeaary to aive state savtnaa and loans parity With federal lenden." He 1ald the re1ulatlon reportedly bein1 considered wou ld not only lncrea1e competition between lenders, to the homebuyers advantage, but It 1 also would stem the tide of state eavinga and loans seeking to : change their charters to federal ones. ,l "There has to be something on the state level on this issue tO brin g things back in line," Schmidt said. BOLSA CHICA owner of the 1,600 acres of coastal land. T he coastal commission ' decision was carried over until June in order to w ork out differences. Then the June decision was r put off until late this month • when the staff presented an alternative plan. Meanwhile , the state Legislature got intO Jhe act_ With · delays of ltl own. An aaeembly committee was Crlti~ the prosx-<i flCtion as belns •prem atu re" a n d "llleaal," a spokeswoman for the CaUfornia Amocl.atlon of RM.lton said the or1 anliation would oppose 1uch a reaulatlon 0 vtgoroualy." Julle Stewart, the a.octation'• public relaUona ~·Mid a move to extend the "du e -on -1ale" provision• to sta~e-chartered lenders "would hurt the hoas1ng lndustry and the many more people who would be denied the right of home ownership." Ms. Stewart added that attorneys representing the realtors aasociatlon are of the opinion that Ms. Yang "is exceeding her authority." • • • scheduled to act earlier last month on provlalons to strip the Coastal Commission of jurisdiction. But a committee vote was delayed by a last minute amendment. The hearing on the amendment, scheduled for action last Tuesday, was delayed until Aus. 10. Some observera aay that both the Coastal CornmiSlion and the state Legislature may have been playing a waiting game. Reagan unveils program LOS ANGEL.ES (AP) -After ·montbt of public lllence on the "new f edtraU1m," Pre1ldent RHaan la pledQlna IUpport for a new, aUmmer V.rllon of hil plan to tum federal Pl"OIJ'8ml over to the1i.aa The pre1ldent wa1 meet~ ~ wtth 126 leplaton local otf.ida1I from 18 W.....-n 1tate1 to reiterate hil deelre to 8fve retponalbWty tor llOIM IOdal protp"una to the lndiViclual etaiee while the federal cov•rnment u.wnee othen. Un der the revl11d p lan, neaoU.ted the lut tlve monthl between the White HOU8e and it.ate ofticiala, about $39 bUlJon ln federal programs would be tranaferred to the statee whlle the federal sovernment -~ molt of the expenalve Medicaid proaram that ii co1ttng 1tates '18.3 billion thil year. AJ.o, the federal government will keep the $11 billion food stamp program which state and local offlciall fought taking over, aa originally propoeed. Aid to Families with Dependent Children, the basic welfare program now shared 50-50, would be &Mumed entirely by states. Reagan. accompanied by hia wife, Nancy, arrived here by helico~ter Monday from hi1 Santa Barbara ranch, where he has been vacationing since July 1. They spent the night at the Century Plaza Hotel, where their daughter. Patti Davis, joined them for dinner. MENSA CONVENTION ... conaider themselves elitists for gathering like this. mea1 u rements of tr u e intellige nce, bu t that didn't bother Mau.on either. Although the National Education Association, which is holding its convention hf:re , invited h im to speak, the president turned the group down April 23. In a letter from the White House, presidential aides said "in view of t he developmentl In his schedule, it's certain the president will be .,. unable to add this engagement to hia .commitments.'' .. "Our noses aren't In the air,'' said R ich Blumenthal of Fullerton, "we're all nice JM!S>ple. We'~ exclusive -not elibat. '.' Exclusive is perhaps the best word . Mensa mem bersh ip 11 limited to thoee who acore in the tOp 2 peram t of thole t.e9ted on two standard I Q t e1 t 1, Blumenthal said. Dependin8 on which test It uaed, that meena you'd need an IQ of 130 or 132 to join. IQ tests have come under fire th e past decade as being cultu rally biased and unfair "We have to have a criteria (for membenhip) and IQ la it." be .ud. It wasn 't all Haht-b earted frt~ tbil .........,, however, ., clan t crlllh your lllereotype jllll J9t. The pnicrllD included the '"World'• Hardmt Vocabu)ary Teat," talks on hypno.11 a nd Procramm1nl the IUbcomciOUI mind, and a matter-of-fact dlaculak>n of what things would be like lf there were a war, diaaater or general aoclal and economic breakdown. Pickup of trash day late in Mesa Costa Mesa trash collection will run one day late th.la week because of the FOW'th of July three day weekend, city offkiala confirmed today. Thia same schedule la being followed by all Orange Cout dtles. · Costa Mesa offidals added that they were mlttaken lut week when they announced that trash would be picked up on a normal basis despite the holiday. Co ntinued fair Fair thl• af1emoon after mid· morning cloudt. Hight today 70 to 78. Continued lw tonight but with row cloud• rat• tonight wws ewiy Wedneadey. Overnght lowt 58 to 82. Clewtng Wedneaday afternoon with hlglw of 70 to 78. El1ewhe11, from Poi nt Conception 10 the Me11lcen b o rder and out 80 mll••: NorthWMt wind• lrom 12 to 20 knoll with 5 to 7 loot combined -owr OU1er w1tw1 todey end Wedneeday. Locally. eouth to IOUtheHI wlndl 4 to 8 knoll beCOmlng ...i to IOUt'-t 10 to 15 kno4• thl9 1nemoon end -6ng. Wind --2 to 4 feel. ~t ..,,....1to2 teat.Low cloudlneu tonight and early WednHdly becomlna moetly MMWIY In IN lftemoon. 'U.S. Summary HHVY rein end hell1to1m1 rvml*d ec:roea tM Greet Pfelnt and the upper M....-ppl "1111ey. end tornado 1lghtlng1 were reported In North end South Dekot•. Thunde,.torm• 1110 etruck north-e.ntral Te11 .. , aoulhwUI Ollletle>me and the ~. In tfle Twin Cttlel of MIMMOll. a -d 1-'lng oC 100 Mnl II leMt -heel moll• llletlmt to • hOlpitll. white halHil:Cofnpaned thunderetorm• atruck centrer pert• oC the ... , •. High wind• deatroyed -• bulldlng1 on a term 1outh of Croolleton, In northweet MIMMOll. knocking out power ~ DtlkOll. rain encl ao mpn wlnda -· eocompanled ~. crop-de11roylng hallatonu ranging from m11bl•·•l1ed to ........ ,..,_. encl tfllll~• wtll l>e 110•lt•r•d ove1 Maine. mucll of tM Allentlc encl Gulf OOMC ltMet. from oenlrll T- tnd Otlllf*M to the ar-. I.Mee 9nd tr1 I IJ~ V""'-'J and trom .,. ~ ....... through the upperW.-OOMC. TeM~urea eround th• Miian ~ ,.,,..., from .. lfl -· Nev .. to .. 11 l'tloenbr. Ml. California "" ...... -... ..,... pre~lotl "'"''"'" IGtOH ....... CelfotNe WednlUll\I ..... "''' lftOtnlnt OOHll l .......... Nettflenl ...... ................. ....... •• '"' t• .. "''" lft 1111 I OUlhWHI at 12 to 1f knot• Wedneedsy eltemoon with • 1 to 2·1001 IOUlhwMt«ly ...... Sixty mll• out from POll!t Conception to San Nicola• lelend, the forecast call• tor nott'-1 winds at 12 to 20 knota and ••II running 5 to 7 feel. T emperatures- NAllOM All>eny Alt>uqW A,,,.,.ltlO ~ AUant• Atllontc Cty Aultln Belllmor• ~ Blamardt BoiM Botton Browntvlle 8uffllO eutlngton CUC* Cflettltn SC Charletn WV Cnerltte NC ~ ~ Clnclnnetl ~ Clmbla SC Columblll Oel-fl Wth Oeyton 0.0,,., 0.. Molnel OetrOlt Oulu1h EIPno Fergo Ftaq111n Gr•tF ... Hw1f0f(I Helene Honolulu Houeton lndenph Jadlan MS J~ ~Cly L.111 VegM Utt1e Aodl L~ l.ubbodl Mempfllt Miami .. Lo ""° 78 « 90 70 ea 10 ee 65 92 72 .89 72 llO ee n ao &4 75 50 ~ ea 78 82 .20 72 4e 77 58 95 7g 64 53 78 45 n se 87 5e 1.80 87 65 &4 89 77 52 .01 95 ao 90 87 79 82 ea 70 ."3 IS4 '"' ~ 75 \ ea 82 r 75 37 92 " 81 55 90 53 89 71 93 72 " 51 82 47 82 50 ea ... .. 13 " 71 to .. ... 73 11 1s ue ., 75 ., 74 M 74 82 • 91 t7 M 71 .. 11 .. 4t ,,,_ NHl'le• Se"VoCe NOAA I. S 0.;11 Cl CO'"'-etce Fronts: Cele -.. Warrr WW Mllw8UkM 89 69 Mp!t-St.P 100 78 Nllhvllle 93 75 New Ot1Mnl 93 75 New Yot11 eo 8:! Norfolk 78 87 No. Plett• ee 74 <>Illa City 91 71 Omllha 92 78 Orlando 92 74 Phllfldphll ao 81 PhoenlJI ea 79 Plnlburgfl 81 llO Ptland, .... T5 4e Ptlend. Ore 71 57 PrOYklence 77 61 Rlllelgh 71 89 Reno n 4t Sett l.Mle 85 60 SM Antonio " 78 S..ttle ea 54 sn~ 94 74 Slou11 Falla 92 87 St Louie 93 74 SI P-Tempa 90 74 St Ste Mwle 77 51 ~ 71 51 SyreouM 82 4e Topeka "' 75 1f=• 93 70 94 75 Wllhlngtn 13 70 C~ORMA Bekll'lfteld .. Blythe " £111'9111 85 Freeno S7 L.ancaef• 13 L.Oe~ 78 Maryavtlle ea Need let 97 PNO Roblea 89 52 Red Bk.In H &4 Redwood Clly 73 57 Sec:ramento 64 57 Sell nu aa 53 San Diego 71 83 Sen Francteco 87 54 t4 Senti Barbar• 70 53 Senta Marie 74 Stoelfton 89 59 Ukiah 13 Barttow 82 71 04 BIQ 8ear 72 42 Bl•hop lie 53 03 r.etalln• TO 57 Long 8Mc:h 74 82 77 Monro'li• 85 eo Ml. Wlleon at 53 Newport 8Mctl 71 ao Ontario 12 57 Palm Sprlll(I• 100 ee Puadena 79 58 35 San 8emwdlno e4 5e Senta AM TS eo It Tahoe Velley " 35 Smog The All Quatrty Mlnl!Otfl'*lt Olttrk:t predict• ~ ,,, 71 quellty for ........ peope locMy In the San Fernando and 8antt 52 Clerlt• ~ and "" Alver9ide- ... San llemerdlno ...... '"" 9000 55 air quellly for ... other ·-of e 1 '"' &bulh COiiet Mr IMln. •... :,l~lf llPI RT · w,,.,. to call (toll ''") tor ~~l:4-4WIH LOI Ang•I•• Co11nty: l•OO) 242,-4022 ~and-~ OOlll'ltllia:(I00)'87""47t0 AOMO ~ Oentr. (IOO) W-4111 • if T • loo4 l~ , .. , .. , .. 14 , .. , .. l·t ...... ~ ... N 16 ... ... ... ... .. ::-.. ... I Tides • Drun~ patro' • 1n • action Police arrest 164 ove r holiday week end By JODI CADENHEAD OfhD.-J ......... Newport Beech wu not the place to drtnk and drive -or even IUIP a beer on the beech - after a crackdown on alcohol offeNell resulted ln the UTelt of 164 people dwinl the 4th of July holiday weekencf. Traffic ln=tor Dave s.ne Mid thlit 28 peo were arreeted for drlvlna the ln!luence between Jlrtday and Mond~y. Irvine police arrest 2 in car burglary Irvtne 1>0Uce arrested ' man and a teen·aeer early today In connection wJth a 1trlns of automob ile bur slarlet ln the north eec:tion of the dty. Q ua Tang. 23, of Garden Grove wu booked at Orange County Jail and a 16·year-old male he wu With wu taken to Orange County Juvenile Hall. Police reeponded to a reporte4 car burglary on Chamock Drive and found a late-model BMW with a window smashed and 1tereo radio stolen. The suspect.a were arreated at the nearby Intersection of Walnut Avenue and Ryewood Street, after a witness-supplied description of their car was issued to patrol units. Several stereo radios were found Inside the car, police said. Investigators said the pair will be questioned about six aut" burglaries that occurred last week in Irvine. Another 138 were anw&ed tor alcohol·nlated otfer\MI such u drunk in public or pc r 1 e•Jon of alcohol by a minor. For the llCOnd strai9ht ye.r, the Newport Beach Police Department hu prepared tor the lo"8 summer week.end by uk.lng all 14& oftlcen to work 12-hour lhifta. I T here were 70 officers on patrol at all ti.mes, compared to the normal 15-man shltt. Jeep patrola watched the city beechet and plalnclothet offlcen blended ln With crowds looking for trouble. There were 300 arre9tl ln the d ty, oompa.red t0 242 1Mt year. None wu 1erioua. The three~y Fourth of July weekend barely made a fiz:zle ln C.O.ta Mesa, where police were called to bttak up a huge block petty. The three-day weekend ended with the arreat of 11 people on auaplclon of drunken drivtnc. A b o u t ~ 0 0 p a'rt y go e r 1 celebrating Sunday night o. n Bray Lane, between McCormick Avenue and Londonderry Street, left peacefully after the host requested assistance from officers at 10 p.m. In Huntington Beach, police arrested 34 people for drunken 2 r o bbers ro uted SAN JOSE (AP) -Two would-be robbers fled empty- handed when an Atari security guard inf:errup~ them as they were trymg to steal computers and other equipment from the company's computer division. police said today. drlytnc, lnclud.lna two juvenJ.la Fountain Valfey 10Q9d tour drunken drivt"8 offeme9 dwinc the three-day WMkend. A 1pokeeman for the CalJtomla Highway Patrol .. Jd drunken- drlvl ng arreat1 In the 1outh county totaled 26 and blamed two minor acddenta on clrlnk1ni drlvera. California Highway Patrol officials reported 27 drunken drivinR arreata on the welt tide of the county that lncludee Weatmlnster and Seal Beech. Irvine truck crash causes road damage- 1rv1ne police olflce~· were awaiting cost estimates today before deciding whethet to charge a truck driver for repairs to a city street after his truck overturned Monday. Thf truck carrying 45,000 pounQ,. of charcoal briquettes fell on its Sia~ at 10:55 a.m. as driver James Christian tried to turn from Rockfield Road on to Bake Parkway in southern Irvine. sard investigatOr Mike Ogden. Christian and his wife, Donna, who was accompanying him in the cab, were treated for minor inju r ies at Saddleback Community Hospital in Mission Viejo. The truck's trailer split, but the briquettes didn't spill. However, Ogden said diesel fuel did leak onto the road, possibly causmg damage to the pavement. CUP COIT COUPONS DRAPERY CLEANING A perfect job Is guaranteed on cleanable draperies. Even hems. Perteet pjeat folds. No shrinkage. Exclusive cleaning removes hidden grime-can prolong drapery life! Free pick-up. removal and installation. CARPET· CLEANING 6xciusive Electro-Jet mobile carpet cleaning unit comes to your ~ome- 1t's 10 to 20 times more powerful than units using household current Electro-Jet gets out deep. hidden grit and can prolong carpet life. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Exclusive Triple-Test upholstery Cleanino determines the best method to clean fabrics-~ leather. velvet, brocade . needlepoint. Guaranteed cleaning brightens rolors by removing s0tl-and no shnnka~! AREA RUG .CLEANING Experts hand·clean tine Oriental rugs. Guaranteed protesslonal cleaning for all area rugs-an sizes. all Sh81)eS, all cleanable materials. Free pick-up and delivery at your COfMlfllence. .... Ml-..ccum UDl>GIPATCIDV• fo$75 COIT CARPET CWNING Coupon good lot S20 on regular pnce ol carpet Cleaning on 01ders placed before exp1rat10n date Redeem uPon presentation of invoice One coupon'* order Cot9011 #~-6 upim 7·24-82 CALL cf>IT FOR A FREE ESTIMATE BONUS COUPON $20 ~----~-~---------~----~~ $15 COIT UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Coupon good tor S15 on r~ular pnce ol upholstery Cleaning on orders placed before exp11a1ron date Redeem upon presen1111on of 1nv01ce One coupon pei ordef Coupoll #OP-6 Upim 7·24·82 CALL COIT FOR .A FREE ESTIMATE BONUS COUPON $15 ~----~~--------~~----~-~ $15 : cmT 1 AREA RUG CLEANING I Coupon good tor \15 on regular I pnct of am rug deaning on O«lefS placed bltort tl(Jllrltlon Ollt. I' Reoeem upon presentlt'On of I 1nv0tct One coupon per orotr CoupGft # °'" u.r. 1.24-32 I CAlL COIT FOR A I 115 ESTIMATE OONUS COl:Jf.>GN ! ~----~-~~-----------~---.... 'tQCU' & DIUVlltY • CAU cOM.-rt •Milt YOU • ANAHllM _. 1 • ._.. c ..... er .......... U.9')ae • HUNT1NOTO .. alACH ?Mt..._ 'M ... ~-OUO • C09TA MI U 1tCM .._.,...t r.. .. ...... Mt.Ot'f'O • UiQUNA llACM .. TNN ... ............ 1~190 • IL TORO H H 1 11 Te,. M ...................... ,,.. • IANTA MIA, ... .._,_ .................. I t,, • 'UL&.l•TON I MI I c•"'•" A,.. .......• n .... • 80UTM o.-ANGI CO. Maol Del ,.,... ... Mt·t1~ • GAWNOllOVI tlMl._..,_, ........ tJt-H ft • tWTINIWMOlt••MM• ........... ?at-4aH ...... ...... ,..... '"' ...... c.... ......... I r .. ' STATE Teachers march in protest By 1'1e A1to0iatld Pra1 LOS ANOllLES -Public 1ehool LHchera, anubbed by a vacaUonlna Prelldent a..,an\ .,._ Wdna t.Mfr pro•t ap1N\ ht. adminlttraUon'1 cuta in aid to public .choola and 1upport of we breaka (or private educaUan to the 1t.reet1. Nearly 7 ,000 NaUonal Education .A.odation deleptel were planntna to •tart the lut day of thelr convention toct.y w1th a one-mile march to drUNUMt their oppoaitJon to Reagan'• p<>llcle.. Th• 1.6-milllon member NEA al10 waa jolnln1 for<:•• today wtth It.a arc:hrlval, the Amerkan Federation of Teacher•, which 11 meetlnl ln New York, to lldopt a Joint l't!IOlution at\acldna fteqan'a plan io give tuft.ion tax credJta of up io tM><l to parent.a who aend a child to private echool. HanlJers find backpacker's body YOSEMITE NATI ONAL PARK -A weekend beckpacking adventure ended ln death when one man allpped off a rock and was swept away by a fast-rnoVlng backcountry creek, a park . spokesman said. On Monday, park rangers found the body of Vince L'Heureux, 23, of Belmont, about 300 yards downstream from the spot where he allpped while croealng Falls Creek north of Hetcb Hetchy Reservoir, National Park Service apokesman Michael Oebome aald. L 'Heureux and a companion, Tim O'Brien of Burlingame, were "rockhopping" Saturday on the acenic: Yoeemite s~am. which was swollen with anow 1 melt runoff, Oebome said. O'Brien made It across, but L'Heureux allpped, Osborne said. Moon watchers. jam observator y LOS ANGELES -The lawn outsiqe Griffith Observatory overflowed with stargazers as 3,000 watched a total lunar eclipse. "There are people here from everywhere," David Sovereign, vice president of the Los Angeles Astronomical Society, said late Monday as traffic jammed the road leading to the obeervatory in Griffith Park. WORLD Experts answered. amateurs' quesUona and the astronomical society erected four tele1COpet1. Other moon-watchers brought their own. The moon disappeared in the Earth's shadow at 11 :38 p.m. and remained dark save for a red glow until 1:24 a.m. today in one of this year's three eclipses. Such a trio of eclipses in a single year won't occur again until the year 2485. Economic woes hit Argentina BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -The economic minister appointed after the disastrous 1 Falkland Islands war says he will devalue the 1 peso, lower interest rates and restrict imports to stop what he calls Argentina's "state of decay i without precedent." J F.conomy Miruster Jose Dagnino Pastore, ! who took office last week in the new military government of President Reynaldo Bignone, announced the changes in a nationally broadcast address Monday night. The new policies reverse the free-market philosophy the ruling three-man junta has followed for six years. Dagnino Pastore said the measures were needed because a 10-year high unemployment rate of about 11 percent, foreign debt of more than $35 billion and record numbers of bankruptcies are contributing to what he called "a national emergency." Mexicans have faith in system MEXICO CITY -The government says its triumphant presidential candidate Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado won by three-fourths of the vote, calling the results a show of confidence in a political system dominated by one party. The 4 7-year -old Harvard-trained economist's victory over six rivala was the least lopsided in 30 years for the lnatitutional Revolutionary Party. which hu won every NATION national election since its creation in 1929 aft.e·r the Mexican Revolution. Both the government and opposition on Monday hailed the result as a welcome outcome of a 1978 political refonn law designed to reduce diaenchantment with electoral politk:s. President Joee Lopez Portillo, elected unopposed in 1976. enacted the law to give voters a wide choice of candidates. Penn Square Bank. 'Insolvent' OKLAHOMA CITY -'l'be Penn Square Bank failed in part becaUBe of "a significant number of loans for energy-related purpoees," according to comptroller of the currency C.T. Conover. Federal officials will reopen the Penn ~stronauts begin SPACE CENTER, Houston -Astronauts Thomas K. Mattingly Il and Henry Har1sfield Jr. start answering questions today about their week in space while engineers study an apparently poor performance by two solid rocket boosters that put space shuttle Columbia into orbit lower Square Bank today under a -new name to liquidate It. Conover shut down Penn State Monday night, declaring it insolvellt. He turned it over to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. as receivers. report today and slower than planned. Mattingly and Hartsfield returned to Earth and a July 4 celebration on Sunday from a seven-day voyage that completed Columbia's flights. 'No hanky-panky' at festival RAJNEESHPURAM, Ore. -Although Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh advises his followers, "Never repress it." there was no evidence of hanky-panky as 7,000 of his disciples gathered here for a worldwide religious festival. TV reporter who became a disciple five years ago and who attended the festival on vacation. Despite the movement's reputation, the gathering on the 100-square-mile central Oregon ranch was a model of decorum to outsiders. The faithful are meeting for a five-day celebration that ends Wednesday . "Everybody wants to see th~ sex and violence," said Swami Anand Toshen, a French 3 dead, 12 missing in blaze WATERBURY, Conn. -A man who police say torched a aofa at his niece's apartment during a fit of rage was charged with igniting a flre an hour later that left at least three people dead and 12 missing. waa screaming at the suspect when police arrived, officials aaid. More than 120 people were homelesa today after the fire swept ihrough two downtown apartment buildings Monday. Police said aome of the missing may have been at holiday gatherings awa from home. "You did it. Why did you do It?" the niece ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thom• P. Hlllev ~Md CNlll 6-i... omc- .., ......... .., ..... .. . ' Claeslft9d advertlalng 7141M2·W7'1 An ottter departmem. a.2 .. 321 llAIN Off1CI DOW•tt ...,St , COIUI MHll, CA. M«ll eddf'Ht: 8o• U.O, C•I• ¥H a, CA.~ Copyrl9fll l'l'J Or ..... Coett PwtllltN119 c:-y, No,,._ norlH. lltuttraUOIU, aclMwlel .............. ~tlM ........ lleffl11 "'aJ lie~ .. -"-" 14"<181 pennlstlofl of copyr..,.. --• 500,000 bushe ls o f corn spilled WHITING, Iowa -The com was almost as high as an e lephant's eye when a metal grain storage bln filled with a half-million bushels bunt, covering a highway and knocldng over two freight can. No one was injured. A crack in the co~gated-st.eel structure ownt!ld by the Lakin Grain Co. had been dt.oovered at midday Stfnday, and repair eUorta were under way Monday wMn bolt.a bepn popplna and the break ocx:urred. We're Listening ••• Whal do you like about lhe Dtlly Pilot., What don't you llkt" C•ll lb• number below and your me11••• will be ,.corded, tr1nsmtMld and deUnrtd &o \M appropriate tdl&or. The ••me M·hour 1nsw.rtn1 Nl'Vle-t ::I,. M u1ed to rttord let· ._,. to U. edJtor on 1ny ~. M•U• bulort muet IMh1de tt..tr MIM and lti•lilltonf number lor nrUleaUon. No elre-.latlOft ull1 pteue. T.el 1.11 wh1t'1 e>ft your mlnd ' Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT/Tuelday, Julye. 1982 H/F Delly Hot llaff '9toto CIVIC COOP ERATION -Shuhji Jwatsuki and Robert Mandie. mayors of Anjo, Japan, and Huntington Beach . exch ange gifts after establishing their sister city aCfihation. Huntington gets Japanese 'sis ter' Two neighboring Orange Coast cities have something tn common half a world away after a visit to Huntington Beach this weekend by a delegatio n from the Japanese city of Anjo. Anjo o ffic ials came to formalize agreements making Huntington Beach its sister city, meaning everything from advice to students. tourists and locally- m ad e products ma y be exchanged in the future Anjo. a city of about 125,000 people located 30 pules from Nagoya, Japan's fourth largest city, is less than 10 miles from the city of Gamagori, which last year b ecame a sister city to Newport Beach. The 10-person Anjo delegation and Huntington Beach leaders appeared to enjoy every minute of a busy Independence Day weekend together. An}o Mayor Shuhjl lwatau ki rode In an open-top car in Sunday's July 4th parade and received warm applause from the crowds along the route. Anjo officials alao took a tour of the' city Sunday, and on Monday signed agreements in a ceremon y at Cuy Hall before settling down for lunch with local officials at the C.J. Fish Restau ra nt 1n the Peter's Landing complex al Huntington Harbour. Then 1t was off to Disneyland for a whirlwind tour (Mickey Mouse is a big favorite in Japan) before a pint dinner Monday night. At the luncheon Anp officials presented the city with a number of gifts. including an exquisite Japanese fan and stand, large color photographs of thei,.. city and crafts work done by Anjo school rhildren. Maycir Iwatsuk1 and h is delegation also seemed to take great delight in presenting little mementos to almost everyone they met. The most popular was a stickpin bearing the city's bnghtly-colored symbol. Huntington Beach presented the Anjo officials with a large photograph and a line drawing of the city's pier and waterfront area at the Monday dinner. Local beaches packed The three -day holiday weekend ended under clear, I sunny skle1 Monday and lifeguard• along the Orange \' Coast reported more than 300 r eacues a11 thouaands of •unbathera packed breeze-1wept beachet. Wavec rose to up to five feet and swirling riptide• pulled' numerous swimmers out to tea causing lifeguards to fish the~ out and bring them back to shore.~ Polic e authorities from Huntington Beach south lo~ Laguna Beach say there were' (ew d isturbances over the Independence Day holidays. but• on Sunday night an 18-year-old Garden Grove man was shot in ' the leg at Huntington State Beac h as he sat watc hing fireworks. Orange County Sheriff's' deputies said Ronald Joseph Roy s•Jffered a mjnor flesh wound as ' a small caliber bullet fired by an I unseen gunman struck a nd • passed through his leg Lifeguards reported peak · crowds Monday of 75.000 at · Huntington City Beach, 75,000 at Huntington State Beach and Bolsa Chica State Beach. 130.000 at Newport Beach, 35,000 at· Laguna Beach , and 10.000 at San Clemente Beach. Life guards re scued 207 swimmers in Huntington Beach .. 71 in Newport Beach. 67 in Laguna Beach and 64 in San Clemente. County m a n surrende r s in · car d eath A 35 -year -old man who decided "he couldn't !Jve with himself" has turned himself in to police in connection with a Santa Ana hit-and-run death. Albert Joseph Donne lly of Orange turned himself in Sunday and was booked at Orange County jail f o r investigation of vehic ular manslaughter and felony hit- and-run. said Steve Hawkins. an assistant team leader with the Santa Ana Pohce Department. "He admitted to being the driver of the vehic;Je which struck a pedestrian early Saturday morning ... and then fled ," Hawkins said. Flanting Fourth along Coast ] Several house fires, the most damaging in Newport Beach, and dozens of fireworks-related incidenta'kept Orange Coast law enforcement and fire officials busy during the t hree-day Fourth of July holiday weekend. Fire investigators in Newport continued to sift through the blackened remains today of a fire that c:auaed $200.000 damage to a Holiday Road home late Saturday night. Jim Upton, flre investigator .. said that officials would try to determine the cause of the blaze that took 24 firefighters nearly an hour io control. The 11:44 p .m . fire to re through most of the roof and left the rest of the home with heavy My brother-In-law, who Is presldetll of 1 steel company In Mlnneep o lls aenl me a newspaper ellpplng this week that he though! I 'd f ind lnt9f'91tlng. It was authored by Kenneth Adelmsn who Is our Deputy Representative to the U.N. (and I would hope, • fairly lntelllgent fellow). It was oommenta on a new book by Edwerd Jay Epstein entitled "The Rise and Fell of Olamond1." I've read the book and I felt the title of one of Ep1teln's earlier booka "Between Fact end Fiction" could have been a sultabte Utle fOf' thlt one eltO. ~ ~• entirety too many e1e1ement1 In It thet were oreoeeded by "It appeers". r.eipperently'', end "Mimi to", There were too many MCOnd and even third hand quotH. Thara war• tome gro1aly lnftCOUr•ie etatement1 Hice page m .. ,.......,. generillly,..... tMr dtamond• from Whotu.-. on OOMIOt'lfMftt and need no1 pey fof tMm untll tn.y .,. sold" a nd 19 1ln on P•SI• 257 "n1t101niwld• l•welry chain•. ~ ~get tllelr dlllmOnda '"'* d "°"' Oeltlet'I Of • Deewl holder et • lower p·, .oe, do not atte mpt 10 undetWt the amlll ...-r lflop ~ ~ ns cl6en!Ondt on 0011111nm.,,t 11 "'"'" htoll•1 tr I Ha).•• That I• 1 orur --:•l'l•lltl t 'YI 'H ft II'! Ult laWtlry ...,... ... , ....... .... ..., .................. 1..,.. .,...._,.. ........ ....-i .. Ofllrl .. ltrr ,,, .... ,. 111 I .,_......_ 1MH111~ Wt M\19 • s moke a nd wate r damage. according to officials. J ose ph a nd Jud y Mader escaped the fire uninJured with one of their children who alerted them. Three firefighters were treated and released from Hoag M emor ial Hospital for s moke inhalation. Fire officials ruled out the possibility that fireworks could have sparked the fire near the Calta Mesa city limits at 21st Street and Irvine ~venue. A bottle rocket was blamed. however, for a $40,000 blaze that damaged the roof and attic of the Founuun Valley home of Fred SUJwell. 9448 Kiwi Circle at 4 p.m. Monday. No one was home at the time of the blaze . c@ EiEM WISE Marv BtN 0trt1l11d Oemo100111 There were reports of children in nearby streets playing with bottle rockets. officials said. Ray Picard, Huntmgton Beach hre chief. said calls to the four Net Six ciues -Huntington Beach . Fountain Valley. Seal Beach and Westminster -were down for the three-day period from previous Fourth holidays. There were 111 calls on the Fourth. 65 Monday and 66 Saturday, Picard said. "We had a lot more people calling in to complain about people using fireworks," Picard said. "They were more cognizant of the danger to their homes as a 1 . result of the Anahe im fire." 1lw1ys bought our diamonds from a OeBeers slghtholder, we pay for them when we get them; we own them (some f0< quite a wnlle) snd we have never had 1 consignment arrangement with any wholesaler. Anyone who kno~ our S1ore would have 10 agree we better flt the description of e "small jewelry shop." And we are not unique In this regard. The Jewelers with whom I am friendly operate the ume way we do end I he¥e never known of any Who Q9t diamond• on consignment. Occaslon•llY when we get a c.a for something we do not h•~ In stock, we will hive our dllmond source 1end out a "mem• orendum" eelecuon tor our con1lderat1on end to ... II It wlll meet our cultome ra requirements. Thia Is normally llml11d to • 5 d•y period tftd IN Prlcee ... no ..._ then ueuet • • • If they wwe we oer1alntY wouldn't buy ttlen\1 A MefftO ai oerulnly could never bt dncr1bed H • oonalgnment ~t. ;.;Ion of '1'11de Wme .... often ln.courate In tM bOOll. Mr. Epeteln could '°'av• uMd the MNtoee of • ,......, to '*P edit HARLES H. BARR Ne'f'~ I'm belnG loo tOUlh on tftll bOOll • . • .tlldl I ttacmr air•• 11 1n11re1un1 rMdlng """ IMltY .n11• .. •• •n' dtMrlptlO!'I of ...... I know encl,.... t\lt .. .._. ... lllul .. 5 ...... tnolutl t ttwn frtfli' • r ........ r. •. :r~·-= ..~.--....... -· = --......... .. -u ·-,- Export award for Mesa firm· The MSl Oat.a Col'_P. ot Co.ta Meu will rec..-etvJH the President'• "E tor Exports Award" Friday for '"a foreign trade role. l Rep. Robert Badham, R-Ncwport BHch, wUJ present the award to MSI president Donald an.nan ln an 11 a.m. ceremony. More than ~employees. gues11i v and a Marine color guard are expected to attend. m MSI says 43 percent of Its sales lnvolveJri International transactions t. Sale o f S&L branch es set 11 Beverly Hilla Savings and Loan Auoclation ofa• Mission Viejo announced today it reached agreement ln principle to sell aix of It.a 12 savlnp branches tQ Oakland-based World Savinp for an undilcl~ awn, subject to regulatory approval. The sale is part of a previously announce l : strategy to shift Beverly Hills Savings operaUons from , • a retail to a wholesale banking approach, the firm said.i I · Branches to be acquired by World Savings are Rolling Hilla, Carlsbad. Tustin, Brea, Laguna Hilla and Woodland Hilla. Pho to sh op to o pen In & Out Photo of America, Inc. wiU open its ninth and 10th Orange County locations Saturday. Ceremonies wiU be held from 10 a.m. LO noon and 1 to 3 p.m. at 18050 Culver Dr .. Irvine, and also froin 1 to 3 a t 17300 E. 17th St., Tustin. Taking part will be In & Out Photo president Don Browning and disc jockey Jerry Mathers, star of the former "Leave It to Beaver" TV series. Acquisition completed MicroS1?miconductor Corp. of Santa Ana completed. for a cash payment in excesa of $3 million plus an undisclosed amount of notes, acquisition or the Zener Diode division of Siemens Corp., located in Scottsdale, Ariz., the company announced. Microsemiconductor said it will continue operations at Scottsdale. Zener diodes are used throughout the electronics industry as refe rence voltage sources and other purposes. Firm· reveals losses Rampart' General, Inc. of Irvine, a manufacturer of metal and precast fireplace systems and a real estate developer, reports a $4,379,000 loss for the year ended March :n. or $1.1:>1 a share. , A year ago, the loss was $1,492,000. or 55 cents a share. The firm said much of the loss was attributable to real estate operations. Bank's assets $16.2 million Liberty National Bank of Huntington Beach saJd deposits for the first 28 days of operation totaledr $11.314,000, and assets reached $1~56.000. •U i · Liberty National opened June 2 and recorded~ 1,/ first-day deposits of $5.2 million. · ·: Debt paym ent plan OK'd LOS ANGELES (AP)-A restructw-ed peyment plan on $295 million ln long-term debt has been agreed r •'; on in principle between lenders and Continental j,, Airlines and Texas International Airlines, a spokesman says. "This is a strong vote of confidence for both ., companies and for our proposed f inancial consolidation," said Frank Lorenzo. chairman of 1 Continental and president of Texas Air Corp. Proxy statem ent delayed SpttlaJ to Tile Dally Pilot LAKEWOOD -Purex Industries Inc., announced that mailing of a proxy statement for a I ,. special meeting of shareholders to vote on an ,, acquisition has been delayed. ,, This will allow for consideration by lnatitutions 1 1 : providing financing for the transaction of lnfonnation • concerning a lawsuit Involving Purex. Aerojet drop s 10 firm s LA JOLLA (AP) -Aerojet-General Corp. will sell, s hut or me rge 10 subsidiary companies to concentrate on U.S. space exploration and munitions, a spokesman says. Gold, m e tals quotations Gold By Tile A11ocfated Pre11 Selected World gold prices today: London: morning fixing: $313.10, off $2.15. Ltndoa: afternoon f~: $311.00, off $4.25. Meta.U NEW YORK (AP) prices todav Copper 69-72 ~a pound, U.S. dest.inationa. Lead 25-27 cents • pc)und. ZAM 35-37 centa •pound, delivered. 11a *6.1426 Metals Week compoeit.e lb. AJnmam 7~77 cents a pound, N.Y. Melftr'J $370.00 per ~· Platt. .. $288.00 troy oz., N.Y. Silver Handy • Harman; '6. 780 per troy ounce. Goltlcobu t< ~. •lnJ Bri '. t9d ; U 1l m 9 rioo , ,_l ___ H_l'-------°'•tnge Oout DAIL.Y ,-1LOT1Tueed1y, Julye, 1882 " r A speech backlog, Navratilova brief P'"m AP dJ1patfte1 WIMBLEDON, En1land -m Martina Navratilova had the l11t • la~ of the rain-piqued Wimbledon tennll tou.rnamtni wnen ahe put up an umbrella at the champions' dinner given for bet-and Jimmy Connon. "I muat be brief becau. Fred Hoyles telll me we a.re 1~ apeechet behind.'' she said. It brought loud laughter from the audience. I Hoyles la the referee of the All-England Champlonahlpa. He had to catch up on a ' ' 1~0-match backlog after rain disrupted the tournament on five of the tint aeven dayg. Despite occasional ahowera after that, Hoylea aaw the tournament through to lta' conclusion on echedule Sunday. But he had to cut back the men'a doubles matches from five aeta to three -an unprece<lented move in the 106 yeara of Wimbledon -and he made the mixed doublet pain play overtime and start in the morning. Anne Smith of the United States and Kevin Curren of South Africa played four matches in one day -a total of 96 games -before w~ the title. Quote of the day Rene Lacbemann, Seattle manager, after his Mariners defeated the Yankees Monday to move into third place in the American , League West race: "l feel good, but all th.is is is just one· win. Third place on July 5 doesn't mean anything. It's the end of the se&IOn that counts." Hawkes grabs championship Adams wins women's title .lirian Hawkes of Huntington Beach and Lynn Adams of Co8'ta Mesa had little trouble in capturing lhe open singles titles in the ninth annual national :>Utdoor three-wall racquetball championship at :>range Coast College Monday. Hawkes, the No. 1 seeded player in the men's division, came from behind to win in the BeCOnd game after coasting to a 15-1 advantage and a 21-11 jeciaion in the opener. He fell behind to Linsey M )'era in the te00nd game, 1-8, then caught him at 8-8 and blew nim out the rest of the way. It was Hawkes second atrai,iht title in the event at Orange Coast. Ht; ta rated the top outdoor player in the country while Myers la one of the top indoor players. But the power of Hawkes was too much f.or Myers' speed. In the women's competition , defending ~hamplon Adams, a product of Orange Coast :::ollege who ia ranked No. 1 on the pro =ircu.it at the pre1ent time, had little trouble in poatlng 21-12, 21-12 victories over Martha McDonald of Gainesville, Fla. McDonald won the title two years ago before oeing unseated by Adams. Adams won the national .ndoor title a week before the outdoor :hampionships. Hawkes and partner Jim Hicks unseated two- time doubles champions Mark Hardlng and Bob ::>l.son, 21-17, 21-14 in the open doubles final. Harding and Olson were trying to become the first ~mbination to win three titles in suocesslon. Championships were also determined in men's Band C divi.sion.s, women's B division and in junior linglea competition. John Urias defeated David Genevay in the junior singles final, 21-16. 21 -16 while Steve Lind won over Joe Perez in· the men'• B singles, 15-21, 21-19, 11-8. Kendall Weddell defeated Kerry Miles in the women's B singles final, 21 -10, 21-6. *** *** Three-•• c:MmplaMNpe ( .. Onllee c.... C.-...) P9IAl9 -··o,.. ...... Brien Hewltu (Huntington Beech) def. Llnaey Myere (Vencouver, Onterlo), 21-11, 21·11. ................ Ste11e Lind def. Joe Perez. 15-21, 21-19. 11.e. -. .. a,...,...... Hewkff·Jlm Hick• def. Merk Her~ Oleon. 21·17, 21-14. _ ... .,....... Ouafeveeon·Hubberd def. Welglllmen-Solomon: 21·13, 21-18. ..... co.-... flodrlfl.la.Oeckl• def. 811..._ Jonneon. 21-13, 21-11. ·-··a.. ...... Lynn ~ (eo.e. ......., def. Marthe McOonekl (08'1-""9, Aa.). 2f.12. 2f.12. ·-···---Kendell W•dd•ll cJef. Kerry MllM. 2f.10, 21..e. w .... •eAO.--. Plgloo-TrotectleuNI def. Ju"i>" Webb, 21-19. 21-11. ._ .. ,.,........ Cerr·Fl1h•r d•I. Aatlnw•ll· w-. 12·21. 21·7, 11 ... ............ ~-·~· 17·21, 21-t, 1,.... ........ Jotln un. dllf. o.wt ~. 21-11, 21-18. Cleveland hopes • race continues CLEVELAND (AP) -aiy offidala, overjoyed with Sunday'• inaugural runnln1 of the BudweiRr-Cleveland 500, uy they are looking ahead to bigget' and better event.a aarrouncUnc the auto race next year. "You know I WM apinst tbJa at Ont,,. Oty C.ouncll Plellktent Gecqe L. FOl"b9 .md, '"but DOW I am convinced. There may be • few ~ to work out. but rm look1na forward to it .. an --1 event." Maybe the only peraon not In f•vor of oonUnuJ.nc the race, which wM wcri bJ Oldom Bobby Rahal, la CJeve1and Indianl OWMI' cw. Paul. ln • Jett.er Sunday to Mayor ~ v . Volnovtch, Paul aald the city "~ 1 U... lndMnl' attendance. Bueball today On thll dai.e ln bueball ln 1933: . Babe Ruth ol tM New York Yank .. hh a two-rW\, thlrd-inntn1 homer off St l..oul1' Wild Ball Hallahan to lHd th~ American Lea1ue to a 4-2 victory in bMeba11'1 ant All-Star Game. Today'1 Blrthdaya: Ptttabw'&h Pirat.ee flnt bueman Juon Thoe'n~ II 28. New York Yank"' second buerrian WUlit Randolph la allo 28. White, Oureenberry aid KC apllt PraU ntte drove ln th.Ne runa • and ICONd twice, lffldJ.nl Kanau Cit to a 4-3 v1ctory over Bolton and a aptft of M~'• twi-niaht doubleheader. Jim Rice t llth·lnnJJ\I ucriflce fly gave the Red Sox a 4-3 lf{wnpfi ln the opener. Fonner Costa M .. HJ1h and Orange Coaat College at.ar Ou Qmteabeny, notched hla 22nd aave in the nl htcap, topa in the American League ... Robla Yoant belted a two-run omer and Roy Howell hit a solo homer and three singles to lead Milwaukee to a ·10-4 victory over the error-prone Chicago White Sox who committed aeven miscues ... Biily Sample extended his hitting streak to 17 gamea with a third-inning single which WMITI drove in the flrat run in a three-run outburai aa Texas posted a ~-2 victory over Toronto . . . Kent Hrbek homered and Joka Caatlno drove in a pair ot runs with a double, backing the combined eight-tut pitching of Bobby CaatDJo and Roa Davia as Minnesota defeated Detroit, 5-3 . . . Du Meyer tut a solo home run and Mike Heatb rapped a run-scoring alngle to back the aeven-hit pitching of Tom Underwood and Dave Beard as Oakland defeated Cleveland, 2-0. Meyer is a former Mater Del High School star . . . Julio Cru1 singled home the tying run with two out in the seventh inning, atole second and third and scored on Dave Edler'• singles aa Seattle edged the New York Yankees, 5-4 and moved into third place in the American League West. This July. you'll discover your paycheck will be bigger be. cwsc of a IO'X, federal tax cut. But that's not the only tax break you can enjoy. You can invest in Bank of America's fu Free Time Deposit -the other great tax break. Hubbard'• homer paoee Atlanta win OlnA 811tbard'1 two-run homer Ill in the aeventh lnnlJ\l lif~ Atlanta to a 7-8 vlc(ory over the Chtcqo Cubl Monday. livlni the Brav• thelr sixth 1tra11ht vfctory. Hubba.rd'a aame-wlnnlna homer followed Cla•dell Wa1kta,ioa'1 aln&l• and made a winner of r.Uever Al Hrilto1ky . . . EJJewhere ln th• Nauonal lAque, Ruppert Joaea capped a aix-Nn seventh lnnlna with a ainale that brou1ht / f home the ac>·&hNd NI\ ii I~ San Diego rallted to beat Montreal, 8-6 ... qule 9..,ub, whoae ninth-lrtnlng error forced the game lnto extra lnnlnga, Jingled to acore Wlllle McGee w ith the wlnnlng run ln the 10th to booat St. Loula past Ctnclnnati, 6-~. The lou 'YU the eighth straight for the ltlllA90tlCY Reda ... Joae Cru1 and Pbll Ganer each homered and drove in three runs to lead Houaton to a 6-4 victory over Pittabl.l(ih. Houaton 1ta11er Joe Nlekro hurled a complete game for the victory . . . CbJU Davi•' leadoff triple triggered a two-run sixth inning that carried S-an Francisco to a 3-1 win over Philadelphia before a holiday crowd of 63,501 at Veterans Stadium, the largest regular season crowd ln the 11-year hiltol'}:' of the Philadelphia park ... Right-hander Tom HaHman was placed on the 21-<iay disabled Uat by the New York Meta after suffering a mild aeparaUon of his left shoulder In a baae runnlna colllaion Sunday. Cyclist first to die In Peak race PIKES PEAK , Colo. -A • motorcyclist has become the first-e\fer fatality in the 60 runnings of the annual Fourth of July Pikes Peak Hill Climb races, race officiab said. Bill Gross Jr., of Colorado Springs, was running in the 250 cc semi-professional motorcycle class S undl!)' when he apparently 106t control of his cycle n~ar EnRifteer's Tum about three miles from the starting line. Witnesses said Gross was attempting to lift his cycle and restart when another cyclist, blinded by the dust, struck him. Race official!. said Groes was struck by another motorcycle. Albeok'• winning formula? SAN ANTONIO. Texaa -Stan m Albeck, the coech of the San A.nt.oNo Spur1, haa what amountl to a · mathemalicaJ formula for Wlnnlnc in the NBA. "We want 46 reboundl per nleht. 1~ from the centert.'' A.lbeck llJd. 0 We want 113 potnc.. Of that total,~ should come from the l\W'(ia, &O from the forwarda and 13 from the cent.en. We a110 want to have the lead 1otnc lnto the lalt quarter. When we do all thoee thlnp, we're almotll un~Mtable." Woman sprint champ wlna cycle race Two-time world-aprint cycllnt • champion Sae Novara·Reber won the aecond race of the Seit Macazine cyclina cireuit, putting on a bunt of speed at the flniah to best 82 other top women ridera Monday in Loa Angele.. Cloee behind Mr waa national cycling champion Connie Carpeacer who helped her engineer the win by holdln.a back the pace and allowtns the sprint for victory. Carpenter won the flnt race on the drcult ln Laguna Niguel and La the current point leader . . . ChJp Huaaer'a good fortune wu alto a blessing for Tom D'Eatb who came out of retirement to drive the boat that Hanauer vacated laat fall. Hanauer took over the Atlu Van Lines boat in the unllmited hydroplane clua after the death of BW Mucey in October . . . The Toronto Maple Leafs fell two votes short of gaining approval for the propoeed ahift of their American Hockey League farm club to St. Catharinea, Ontario, from Moncton, New Brunswick. A fr~hiae shift requires approval of nine df the 11 AHL governors. The votes of lll08t of the AHL clubs, however, are controlled by their National Hockey League aponaora . . . Half of the Israeli cricket team competing in an international cricket congress competition in London returned home over the weekend alter a row during a match with the United States. Television. radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Dodgers at New York, 4:35 p.m., KABC (790): Baltimore at Angels, 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710). Free Time Ot:pos.it compares to other inve tments. Plus, your Tax Free Time Deposit can help qualify you for checking free of monthly charges, with our Combined Balance Service. • • t-- Hlllll IUCI I fllll lllCD T lJI S OA V .llJl V h l 'lH.' ~oo·n 'swallowed up' over Coast CELESTIAL SPECTACLE -Moongazers throughout the Orange Coast -as we ll as the rest of the nation -were treated to a spectacular lunar eclipse late Monday evening and early thls moi-ning. The moon appeared to be swallowed up by the heavens as the Earth's shadow covered the satellite, turning the lunar body a deep red as our_planet came between Dllffr ..... ~ .. by 0ery Ambf- it and the sun. This view of the event, the longest total lunar eclipse of the century, was photographed from 10:30 to 11:30 p .m. Monday with a 600mm lens in Irvine. Reagan ~ff ers troops to help evacuate Beirut · LOS ANGELES (AP) - President Reagan said today that, ~ on a suggestion from the Lebanese government, he agreed to send a "small contingent" of American troops to Beirut to help evacuate Palestinian guerrillas surrounded by Israeli forces. A t the outset o f a s peech before state legislators and local officials from 13 Western states, Delays hit Bolsa Chica decisions By ROBERT BARKER Of ttie Deely "°' ..... By failing to act decisively on the Bolaa Chica marshlands, the Coastal Commisalon is playlnf into the hands of thoee who want to kill the regulatory agency, a member of the panel said today. John Flynn, a representative from Ventura, said that by dragging its feet , the Coastal Commission is giving th e appearance that it is running acared and unsure of i1.9elf. This indecisiveness. he said, is providing impetus to a bill by Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-Cypress, that w ould strip Bolsa Chica from the Coastal Commission and put it under the authority of the tate Legislature. "If C-arpenter's bill passes we an kiss the Coastal A ct oodbye," he said. Reagan con firm e d U .S . willingness to contribute troops to a multinational peacekeeping force, "subject to certain condition s" which he did n ot ~pell out. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said earlier that any such American force probably would total up to 1,000 men. The president said Lebanese authorities told U.S. Am~dor Philip Habib over the weekend that "a multinational force might be essentia l for tempQrary peacekeeping in Beirut, a nd informally proposed that the United States consider making a contribution to that force." Although Lebanon had not made a formal request for U.S . troops, Reagan said, he "agreed in principle" to commit Amencan military p ersonnel to a peacekeeping force. ''We're dealing with extremely delicate and fast -moving negotiations to save west Beirut and to bring the withdrawal of all forces from Lebanon," the president said. Israeli forces are said to have trapped a n estimated 8 ,000 guerrillas of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the Moslem sector of the Lebanese capital, a s well as 500,000 civilians. Earlier today. Speakes said Habib, who has been mediating bet w een the PLO a nd the Israelis, advised Reagan that an international peacekeeping force might be essential to achieve safe But Flynn, who said he was repared to vote on Bolsa Chica evelopment last month, said oday he expects the Coastal .JY1,m1' 0 < s•'on to take action at the nd o f this month when it Delly ..... Pftoto bJ c._,.. llMT AMAZING FEET -Counselor' Rick Feld has his hands and Canyon. This is the first summer Irvine City Recreation shoulders full of playful charges at a day camp in Bommer Department is offering the crafts-nature-sports program. nvenes in Marina del Rey. "Th e s taff (Coas tal mmission) is playing too much f a political role. But the plan 'Y the Coastal Commission staff) merit and is acceptable with ifications,'' he said. Big brains get together along Coast Mensa convention. in Irvine prompts some unusually 'normal' activities Plans for the low-lying coasl41 _. d, surrounded on three sides y Huntington Beach city limits d on the fourth by the Pacific t Highway, have been beset y dispute and delay. The most recent round of lays began in April when the oastal Commiss ion staff ounced its opposition to an r(lnge County development Ian that had the blessing of lgnal Landmark, the principal BOLSA, Page AZ) WORLD By STEVE TRIPOLI ofttie D.ity Ptlol Si.If What do the cream of the intelligentsia do when they get together? About 180 people who think they fit that descriptionfathered at an area h otel o er the wee kend, and it turn out it wasn 't all chess games and deep sicussions. In fact, the annlJal "regional gathering" of Me nsa, an Beirut cease-fire collapses BEIRUT (AP) -Israeli tanks and artillery pounded Pale9tlnian guerrillas firing mortars and rockets from blockaded west Beirut today, as the fifth cease-fire in the put month was blown apart by jlWlfire. NATION Access lo Reagan limited Senior aide Michael K. Deaver is limiting acce11 to Prelldent Reqan. P.,. A8. 6 co,..,...men me cocamet OKLAiloMA CITY (AP) -RG Jlabllt D. Do~. &-Calif .• tocl•l Nici &nY•Up'°n ..... ,. llWf .......... Of hall • damn'' .. , ... ............ c. ...... . • international society for people with high IQs, retembled just about any other conference at a big hote l (in this case the Regist ry, acr oss from John Wayne Airport in Irvine.) There was jogging m the morning, a workshop to teach the finer points of gambling, en tertainment (including nightly x -rated movi es) and even something called the Great American Tush Contest -in STATE b oth a me n's and women's division. lf comparing derrierea, sitting in a swirling Jacuzzi and playing blackjack for fun money doesn't fit your stereotype of how smart people should act together, Mensa members a r en't particularly concerned. The m ain idea o f th e gatherings is just to be together, said Irvine's Art Mattson, chairman of the gathering. ''We e njoy e ac h o ther's Tabloid to aid in probe LANTANA, Fla. (AP) -The editor of the National Enquirer says the tabloid will provide Loe Anaeles police officers investigating the death of comediati John Bel\41h.i with tapes and tranlClipta of an interview with die woman who last saw BelUlhi alive. Hayden campaign 'rolling' Tom Hayden and his Campaien for F.cono.nAc Democracy both are. rollina alone on .:hedule. ~ A~ • COlltlTY R1U1dlcappell llild relief ~ lltUdentl ., UC lrWw find • NUef ftOm .... ll!f••u.:r-.of ••-,_..,., .... 81 • company. Une of the t hings intelligent people have found is that you 're not accepted for being bright, like football players and cheerleaders are accepted." With Mensa members, Mattson said, "you can find somebody almost all the time to talk about something with. and you'll be understood." Mem bers of Mensa (the Latin word for t he mind) don't (Sff MENSA, Page AZ ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Dombeck 82 California A5 Cavalcade B2 ClMlified . C6..S Comics B4 era.word B4 Death NO'tices G4 l'.di\Orial A6 En1et1ainlnent B6 Horoecope B2 SPORTS and orderly evacuation of PLO forces. Speakes said up to 1,000 American combat troops might b e invo lv e d in any surh peacekeeping force, and that Congress would be notified in advance of Reagan's move. Other administration officials estimated that such a mission CSee MARINE, Page AZ) Lenders, real tors at odds By J EFF ADLER Of , .. Deely .......... Mortgage lenders and realtors appear to be lining up o n opposite sides over the issue of whether "due-on-sale" mortgage provisions should be extended to Include mortgages written by state-c hartered savings and loans. ' The reaction by these two important compone nts of the housing industry was swift - and almost predictable -today following publication of a news account that the state's savings and loan commissioner, Linda Tsao Yang, may be considering extending pro visio n s of a landmark U.S. S upreme Court decision to include savings a11d loans holding st.ate charters. L ast Monday's high court decision applied only to federally chartered savings and loans. The commissioner 's action would come under her authority to issue regulations giving state savings and loans parity with federal institutions. While representatives of the real estate industry criticized the move, they said they were not surprised that such action was under consideration. On the other hand, officialS of both f ede rall y and state chartered savings and loan associations greeted the news with a great amount of optimism. "It's a very encouraging sign," commented Anne Bacon, vice president of Costa Mesa-balled Downey Savings and Loan Association. "It's absolutely necessary. If we didn't get some kind of parity we would have to consider golng federal." The president of a federally chartered savin gs and loan, Jim (See SAVINGS, Page AZ) Ann Landers 8 2 Movies B6 National News A3 Public Notices C4-5 Sports Cl...f Stock Marketa B3 Televilk>n B5 'lbeatera B6 Weather A2 World New. AS ---------.. ·--- .. ... Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/TUMd1y, July 8, 1812 N - • UP 1.91 CLOSING 711.IO Export award for Mesa firm • The MSl Data Corp. of Costa Mesa ...tll receive the President's "E for ExporUI Award" Friday for lta foreign trade role. Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, will present the award to MSI president Donald Brosnan in an 11 a.m. ceremony. More than 500 employe<.'S, guesttt and a Marine color guard are expected to~ttend 1MSI says 43 percent of its sales invo lve internatiol'\31 transactions. Sale of S&L bran ch es set Beverly Hills Savings and Loan Association of Mission Viejo announced today it reached agreement in principle to sell six of its 12 savings branches t.o Oakland-based World Savings for an undisclosed sum, subject to regulatory approval. '-The sale ls part of a previously an.nounced strategy to shift Beverly Hills Savings operations I "Om a retail to a wholesaJe banking approach, the firm said. Branches to be acquired by World Savings are Rolling Hills, Carlsbad, Twtin. Brea, Laguna Hills and Woodland Hills. Firm reveals losses Rampart General. Inc of Irvine, a manufacturer of metal and precasl firt-plaCQ.syslems and· a real c:'State developer, reports a $4,379,000 loss for the year ended Marl'h :n. or $1.t:il a share. A year ago. the loss was $1.492,000, or 55 C('nts a share. The firm said much of the loss was attributable to real estate operations. Bank's assets $16.2 million Liberty National Bank of Huntington Beat·h said deposits for the first 28 days of o~ration totaled $1 1,314,000, and assets rcaC'hed $16,25fi,OOO. Liberty Nauonal opened June 2 and recorded first-day dt•posats of $5.2 m1l11un. Photo shop lo open In & Out Photo of America, Inc. wall open its ninth and 10th Orange County loea\.ions Saturday. Ceremonies will be held from 10 a.m. to noon and l to 3 p.m . at 18050 Culver Dr , Ir-vine, and also from l to 3 at 17300 E. 17th St., Tustin. Taking part wilJ be In & Out Photo president Don Browning and disc jockey Jerry Mathers. star of the former "Leave ll to Beaver" TV senes. Proxy statem ent delayed Spe~ial to Tbe Dally Pilot LAKEWOOD -Purex Indus tries Inc .. announced that mailing of a proxy statement for a special meeting of s h areholders to vote on an acquisition has been delayed. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS Pct. Up IOI 0 Up "' Up I0.1 Up l.t Up U Up 1 S Up IS Up 1' Up 1 I Up 1 I Up p Up 6 4 UP 6'1 Up St Up U Up p Up U Up S.I Up •A Up 4.1 Up '1 Up U UP 4 4 Up CA Up 0 Pel. Olt IU Olt IU Olt IU Oft II) Off 10.4 Off IU Oft "' Off •.1 f:! ,1 , .. ':t ti .... ••• .. ,, '·' " " MflAlS NEW YORK IAP) -Spot nonlerroue ,.,.la! P<ICeS IOOey Copp•< 69· 72 ce"IS a pound, u S de111nalt0n1 LNd 25-21 '*llt 1 pound Zinc 35-37 cent• • poulld. dettverec! Tin S6 1•25 Met••• w"" compoelt• lb Alumln11111 75. 77 '*'" 1 pound N y ...,cury $370 00 IM" 111111 f'letlfMlm $286 00 l•Oy M NY SILVER Handy & H•nnen. $1 190 pet troy~. GOLD QUBTATIONS ., TIM A111._.., "'- Selected WOt'ld gold PflcM tocllly· London: rnotnlng natng S313 tO, Oft S2 15. London! attwnoon nRlng' S311 00. Olf ~25