HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-10 - Orange Coast Pilot.. bUlll l:UIT S AlUHOAY . .JULY 10 1'l8:' 149 die • ID Ylll llllTRI IAllY PIPll OHANGE COUNT Y C A l If OH NIA 25 CENTS New Orleans crash Pan Am jet hits residential area KENNER, La. (AP) -A Pan American World Airways ,Jetliner bulldozed into suburban homes just minutes afle r taking off from New Orleans International Airport in a thunde rs t orm Friday. killing a ll 145 people aboard and at least four on the ground, officials said. The three-engine Boeing 727 plowed through two blocks of houses, and additional fatalities were J>05Sible. Eight people on the ground were injured, two critically, a hospital reported. A witness, Bob Ledet, said it appeared the plane was hit by lightning. George Burlage. :. spokesman f o r the Federal A viation Administration's Southwcstt.'rn regional headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, said there wcrt.• no survivon; aboard Pan Am Flight 759 from New Orleans to Las Vegas. Nev. the owner had used has telephone and reported his waft· and three young children had been inside. At ll·ast eight hou§('s in the ar<'a W<'re damagt'Ci by dcbra:,, and fare 0H1c1als saad several were set ablaze'. Luu Rcc·se. deputy d1ret·tor uf Orleans Parish Civil Defc•nse. said the fires wer(• under <.'Ontrol about two houn. after tht' crash. and res<.·ut• workt•rs were looking for any vacums an the hom<.-s. RcS<:ue workers USt'<i portable floodlights to search for bodws into th<' night, while ulala ty work<.•rs laburt'Ci to rc->Ston• powl'r and phont• s..'rv1c·t• m the urea. Eight people were treated at F.;.ist J<'l I l'rson Gen<.•rul Hospital an MN~uru• for mJurw~ sustained o n tht' ground . sa id .., po kt·.., w nm<• n J a<.' q u e 11 n e Ll-cmhard A :s:s Vt•a r old mothN, her d:.iughwr' and ,molhn girl were an '>t·raous tond111on . Ms. Lt•onhard ~1d Two m<.•n were tn•at<-d for smok<• inhalation. and a nia n a ncJ u w o man wer e .1dm1llt-d with unknown lnJUr&es. An 1·q~hth v1c:t1m al the ho:.p1l4.tl wa!'> MPlassa Trahan, an I K month-old infant an diapers and rubtx·r pcinl ... found shortly a f I <.· r l h <' <.' r a s h u n d e r sm1Jld<.•r1ng dt•bras an a des- troy<.·d houM· li er fl'et wer e hunll'd HB fall • • VICtIIn taken off respirator WRECKAGE SCENE -Firefighters and police o Cficers search for survivors near the tail section of a Pan Am 727 th at crash ed shortly after takeofC from New Orleans International AP Wlrepflolo Airport. All 145 aboard were killed, along with four on the ground after the jet c rashed into a residential area. The number killed made th(• crash thl' second-worst in U.S histor y in volvin g a sanglc aircraft, and th(' third-worst Amcru.:an air disaster overall At least four people dwd in houst.'S struck by the planl'. smd Dr. George Bodron o f thl' Jefferson Pansh coroner's office. By ROBE RT BARKER 01 lh• Dally Piiot Staff Thi.' fatht·r of Jn 11:!-yl'ar-old lluntangton Bt.•ac:h youth i.aad Fndav has son was takt•n Clff a respar"ator "bl.'(:auSt..· all hope was gone." He died at 8:30 p.m. PDT h.1d to g<•t up lo go to the bathroom ln:.t.•ad of turning mto tht· bathroom. ht· madt• a wrong tu1 n and walkt•d through a ... 11dmg gla~ door un the bal<.'Ony and f<•ll .. Painting springs to life Ht> said the body l'OUnt was hampered by the severity of the crash and the difficulty of telling whether the dead had been aboard the plane or in houses. "They're still packing up 1.11ect'S and parts of bodies -ll'gs. feet. torsos without limbs," Bodron said. Tht> youth, Craig Maekw. suffl•rl'd seVl'rE' brain injuries wht.·n h<· ft.II l'arly Wt'Cinl'Sdav morning from tht.• i I th fhx.>r of a hotel m Hawa11 MJc:kw ..aid th;.H tht• door to th<.· bakony v.c.1..., open M a t' k 1 1• !'>a 1 d t h a t C r a 1 g fr<·qu<·ntly was a very sound sit ·q)C·r "I It• wort· t1mtac·t lens<'S and he would go to sll'<'P in front of thl' tl·lt•v1:.1•Jll Wl· would makf' him t~·kt.· his ll·nSt-i. oul and go to bf>d und ht• would nl'vt.•r wake up." Laguna n 's wat e r color a Pageant s howcase Flight 759 originated in M1am1 and was to go to San Diego from Las Vegas, said Steven Moor(' with the Travelers Emergenc:y Service System in Boston. Hobl•rt Mackie said his son was unt•onsc1ous and had no brain waves or reflex action. By J ERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the D•lly Piiot St•lf Laguna Beach watercolorist Sco tt Moore better no t pinch himself. He might awaken. His painting. "The Big Catch," is one of 50 works of art being reproduced in the Pageant of the Masters opening tonight an t:aguna. The humorous piec-e. depactmg a pot-bellied man's displeasure with his puny fish t.'Ompared to the sizable catches of a young boy and girl. as on the same stage with the reproduc\ion of such famous artis ts as Wins low Homer. 1 "It's just as 1f l pamted at and hung it fo r the first ume. I was kind of scared and embarrassed," Moore said as he saw the pageant presentation. "[ was just glad when it was over. I felt as though I was forcing people to look at my work." The 2 1/2 -hour pageant. being staged each night al 8:30 through Aug. 29. was seen by the press and other invited guests Friday. Most of this year's art is of a serious nature and that is one of the reasons has humorous piece is being presented. Moore says. Having his work reproduced at the pa~ea~t is an ''honor." It's a first for him, though several other Laguna artists have had their works portrayed in past pageants. Moore. only 32, was selected m February for membership in the prestigious American Watercolor Society on the basis of a painting -"Sea Trout, Newport" - shown al the National Academy of Design in New York Caty. He as the youngest of the socaely's 400 members. the only one from Laguna and one of 13 from California. It was about the same tame that G len Eytchison, pageant director. asked him to create a work for the show be<.·ausc "I Police release name of slaying victim Police have released the name of a 25-year -old Hunti ngton Beach man who was slam early Friday. allegedly by a man he quarreled with at a party Thursday night. Robert Lee Sampson of 19868 Claremont Lane died of a single gunshot wound to the chest, according to Huntington Beach police Lt. Bruce Young A su spect an the slaying, Gregory Wayne Figueredo. 25, of 9809 Cornwall Drive. Huntington Qeach, surrendered himself to polic:e early Friday. He is expected lo be arraigned in W es t Orange Coun t y Municipal Court on a murder charge early next week. Police said he will spend th<' weekend in Huntington Beach City Jail m lieu of $250.000 bond. Lt Young said witnesses told pohce Figueredo and Sampson quarreled about an undisclosed matter during a party Thursday night dt the Claremont Lane condominium. Figueredo reportedly left the party after the argument, but police believe he returned to the <.-ondomm1um early Friday a nd shot Sampson. Young said. Police believe the slaying occurred between 2 and 6 a.m. Friday. A friend found Sampson sprawled on trie rear patio a nd summoned police. Investigators found a 12-gaugc sh otgun. believed to bC' the murder weapon , at th e C laremont I:.an c h ome . The c'Ondominaum is located m the Continentals complex. where Figueredo also resides. COUNTY Pilgrim is the theater "HMS Pinafore" will be performed tonight in the most appropriate setting -aboard the Pilgrim in Dan a Point Harbor. Page Cl. NATION Will consumers spend? Most of the ex~rts are counting on consumers to SJM!nd the U.S . economy out of the recession. But none of the exper" can figure out whether any spending au.rae it likely. Paie 89. Gray suit di•miaed WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal. jud9e dmru.ed on Friday the •29 million awt broulhl aaalrwt former JuatJce 0ej)9J11'nent offidala by f01'1Mr rBI Dinctor L. Pa&rick Gray. , was very amprclised by his te<.·hnaque. Has work is suitable for what we nc"t.-d, people m the foreground and flat surfaces." Moore hasn't had much time to reflec.·t on h tS selection to the American Wate rcolor Society though admits to feeling honored to be in the same c.'Ompany with H ome r , Edward Ho ppe r and John Singer Sargent. O the r awards have come Moore's way -membership in the Nataonal Watercolor SocJety, winning th e Walser S . Greathouse Medal. The list goes on. (See WATERCOLOR, Page AZ) "We do not know the number of casualties there might be on the ground," said Al Sell a, director or fire a nd eme rgency services for Jefferson Parish. "I t was like a big vacuum cleaner went through ," said Vactor Dean, a Pan Am employt'{' who lives six houses from the point where the Boeing 727 hat. D ea n saad the impa ct demolished a neighbor's houae. "and it doesn't look as if there wa<> t'Ver a house there." He said "He's going mto surgery at 5 o'dock (I:! p.m. PDT) so that we can donat(• his kidneys and has l'Vl'S. · "Th<'re's nothing left to do." Maclue and has wife, Norm<i, took Craig and several Ocean View High School dassmates to Hawaii as a graduauon prCS(.'nl. The fall occurred on the las t day of the trip. The drstraught fathc·r said Craig had gone out with ha s friends Tuesday night before returning to hts room al the Reef Lanais Hotel where he probably dozed off. "I suppose a theory is that he Fr'IC'nd!'> abo nott'd that Craig, who plannl'd tu attl'nd lioldt•n Wt•!'>t Collq~<.· 1n St.·ptt•ntbcr. hdd I rl'ljU<·ntlv wulk<-d in n1s slt.>t>p ;ind ::.pt'<'U latc'Ci that this had lc"Ci to has fall Lt Rob<•rt Aton o f the Honolulu Polll't> Department said Friday that there was n o d<>t.erminataon or what caused the at'<.'ltknt hut that an accidental tall wa!'> onl' of th<.· ~1b1hlles PLO awa its arrival of U .N. fo r ce Bv the Associated Press ·Tht• Pal<·stan<• L1bcral1on Organ1wt1on dt'l·larl-d Friday it will nut l'Ons1d1·r anv l'Val'Uallon of 1Lo; gu11rralla~ from. Beirut until .i Un1t<•d Natwns p<.·at.'l' fon·1• arnv<•!-. to tl1s<·ngagt• the PLO· Jsrac •la l'ombatants. Th<it nt'w twist c:amC' as U.S a n d L l' b a n t· H' n eg o t 1 at ors disc·ussed a plan to eval'uate thP guerrillas to Syria by bus after tht• (•mbal tied PLO dropped dt•mands for a polat1ca l a nd m1l1t.1ry pn'M'n<'l' an Lebanon Svna and1l'att'<! at would not al'<.~pl tht• guC'rrallas. however, and a top U S nl'gouator flew to · lht.• Synan capital of Dama.<;(.'US to rrop<•n nt'gouataons As the talks cntC'red a critical phase" Israeli fon't>:> mounted a furious land·S<'a bombardment of the: PLO <.•nclaVl' 1n Wl'Sl Beirut that app<>ared to tx• one of the hcavll's t S&nl'l' the Israeli invasion of L<.•banon on .June• 6. PAGEANT PIECE L a guna Beac h watercolorist Scott Moore sits beside "The Big Catch ," a humorous painting which will be displayed in th e prestigious Pageant of the Dally Piiot St•lf Photo Masters in Laguna Beach. beginning tonight, whe re living models bring artwork to life . Moore's is one of the few humor pie<'es in this year's repertoire. Tht.• n<·got1ations are being <.·ondul'tt.'d in &•1rul through U.S. prc,~1d1•nt1al ('nvoy Philip C. Habib in an c•ffort to avert a 1 hn.•atc•rwd all-out assault by Israel& Cort.·cs on besieged west Bc•1rut Hana t•I Has:.an . po latica l ( ee LEBANON, Page A?) STATE Decision harms home buyers The Supreme Court decision uph o lding due-on -sale clauses is making life difficult for both home buyers and sellers. Page A 5. Brown relies on luck , skill As in past campaigns, luck and skill are playing big roles in Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr.'s drive for a U.S . Senate seat. Page 86. WORLD Reasan nix es ~a treaty WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reqan la refU11n1 to llian the Law of the Sea treaty becau. ht c.lalma provtafon1 for exuw:una minerals from ome.n floors do not protiecrt U.S. economic and wwity lntert1ta. ' INDEX C lassified C3-6 Comics 88 Commen t 86 Crossword 88 Death Notices C3 Entertainme nt C 1-2 Movies Cl-2 Public NoticesB5, 10; C3 SPORTS Relig ion Sports Televisio n Theaters Trivia Weather Youth Sunday~tbe showdown Bl 1 Bl-4 Bl2 C l -2 C2 A2 B7 hary and West ~rmany are girding for Sunday'• World Cup ICX..'C(tr final. Ansels defeat New York, 4-1 Behind. the two-hit pU.chlnc of Geoff Zahn. the Anpll knocked otf the Yank ... 4·1. Orange OOU1 DAIL y PILOT/laturdav. July 10. 1Ha WATERCOLOR. • • But th!. week hu been the topper. A aanlle lit Moon'• face w hen the curtain opened on "The Bia Cat.ch" Friday ntcht at a preea preview. He waa smiling Wedneaday after getting a 7 a.m. telephone call from a Houston fan, Wllllam S . KJtroy, ordering •20.000 worth of paintings. But he seems to derive more satisfaction from letters mailed by admirers than from the money his work brfnis. He mentioned one received recently from a woman in New Jersey, commenting on a "boy fileting fish In someplace called Balboa." "I like it so much," the letter read, "my son wears a red and white baseball cap just like the boy in the painting wears." The writer had seen "Sea Trout" in New York. The painting shows a dory fleet fisherman at Newport Pier with some customers. wat.eroolora as a hobby. He fav0t1 paln\Jnl fl.ahtn, and water ~llC!S becaUlt they are remln'-cent of hi.a youth. The balt and tackle aN.ck ln "The Big Cau:h" la a re-creation of one that once was on the Seal Beach Pier where the artist uaed to flah aft.er ridina hla bicycle from hla home in Bellflower. Moo~ haa paid hia dues. 'He waa a commercial designer. doing progTama for the ,.geant until 1979 when he was finally able to turn to painting fuUtime and move to Laguna from Mission Viejo. He and his father "squeaked" Into a 1978 watercolor class taught b y John Pike in Woodstock, N.Y. That experience, Moore said, was the "turning point." Moore is quick to point out his success has been no "storybook tale." He works 10 hours a day and only recently took th ree weeks off for the first time in three years because his wife, Carol. was hospitalized with an illnes.5. He said Pike, who died in 1979. was the "m ost Incredible wateroolorist l ever saw." Moore learned of Pike while studying each book on watercolor at Saddleback College library after being asked to teach on the Mission Viejo campus. Moore believes he has far to go before reaching his peak. LUCKY HOUSE -A piece of the Pan Am 727 that crashed Friday near New Orleans lies on AP Wlrephoto top of house in Kenner, La. The homes behind this residence were smashed and burning. Moore was influenced by his father , Carl. who painted "I want to be th e b est watercolorist ever. I want to go way beyond what I'm doing now, though I don't know what that iB and that's good," he said. Much work behind scenes LEBANON CRISIS . • • Lots of setup labor goes into county fair adviser to PLO chief Yasser Arafat, accused H abib o f reneging on an agr eem e nt dealing with the arrival timing of an international force of U.S . Marines and French paratroopers to oversee a dlsengagement of the Israelis and guerrillas. He gave no details of the purported agreement, but said, ''We are not ready to d~ any details on the evacuation until the U.N. force arrives." In Tel Aviv, however, Deputy Prime Minister David Levy sounded an optimistic note. He told Israeli Television, "Th e in formation we have in our hands shows that there is a good chance tha t the diplomatic efforts have borne fruit and there will be an agreement." Israeli gunboats, tanks and field artillery unleashed the masmve shelling of Arafat's headquarte{'J complex in west Beirut's Fakhani district. PLO guerrillas fired volleys of Soviet-made rockets on Israeli positions in Beirut's southern and eastern outsk irts and several missiles hit the pres idential palace in suburban Baabda, wounding three g u ards, according to police. President Elias Sarkis was not in Baabda, 5 miles east of Beirut, when the rockets struck, the police said. They said none of the rockets hit the residence of U .S . Ambassador Robert Dillon. where Habib ia staying. Fire damages apartment A discarded cigarette was blamed for a fire that swept through a Costa Mesa apartment Thursday rught causing $10,000 in damage. Zelda Rebber. 1387 Baker St .. Apt. A, told authorities she left a smoldering cigare tte In an ashtray while she took a shower shortly before 10 a.m. Fire officials said the cigarette apparently fell into a bedroom trash basket which then burst into flames. The building was evacuated and no one was injureq. No other apartments were damaged. Fire fighters extinguished the blaze in 10 minutes. By PAMELA STEINRIEDE Of the Dellf Piiot lteft Before the first child stains his tongue with ice ball syrup, or potential prize-winning shee p enter the show ring, or visitors seek the shade and beauty of the Flower and Garde n Exhibit, extensive labor goes into the Orange County Fair Larry Davis, carnival owner and "master of the midway," reports his 80 employees "can set up in two days 1f they have two days, and if they have two weeks, it takes two weeks." Davis' crew "tore down" the portable rides, concession st.ands and ticket booths in Del Mar on Monday, and s tand ready to serve fairgoer s at the "All American" Fair through July 18. Smaller fair operations. such as the Neuhaus-T ra cy Stained Glass & Antiques exhibit, requred four workers, three 12-hour days, 600 nails and $419 worth of lumber to construct their booth. On Thursday night, only a scattering of stained glass windows were in place at the booth, but more antiques. lamp shades and c ustom -made Fair and renglng from 91ound 70 11 tne t>eechet to 90• in werme< vlll9'fl, lowt 55 to 85 Mounttln hight 75 to 82, lows 45 to 60 Coastal Temperatlire~ Nor1tiw.I wlndt 10 lo 18 knotl over ou1w w11w1 with 3 to 5 loot HH through tonight. Light verllble wind• -in,. __,.,.. morning hours becoming _, 10 IOU1"-1 to 10 t5 knot• dllf1ng •ll•rnoon end evening houra. Sout"-1 twell t to 2 feet. Low Cloudl Ind loc.l log '"Vtlt ltlrough mid morning houra, otherwfM lllr. CAUFOANIA e111 .. 1fleld Satstow e..umon1 Big Beer llyThe C.11lln1 Culver City Eur•• Fresno ----------lenc:911 .. California Long Beech LOI Angeles Monrovia Sou1hem C9iltornle 111111 be lelr Montebello except lor coutal low doudt Ind · NMdlee tog In Ill• night end ••rly ~ 9eech morning houri. On1WIO Orenge County c•n •11.pect Pelm SPf.,. high• lrom e bout 70 et the P...oen1 ~. low llOll lnllnd. Lows 54 P..o Roblee 10 62. Rlwt9lde Inland velleyt cert ....,_. hlgN Red Bluff In Ille 909, lows In the 80I. ~ City Mountlln• d tiew hlgtw 74 10 6ecr-to eo. 1ows .a to se. s... W"'etty wtndl t5-25 mph In g.,, Bemerdlno o.-11. NOfttlef'n cs-I hlgtw 92 hn 09briel IO 100, IOwl 82 10 72. Sou1Nm 8an Diego "-1 high• 103 to t 10. lows 72 8911 Frencleco 10 80. 88" JOM Nonhem end c.ntrll Celllornl1 Sent• An• will be mOl11y felr through Sundey 89nt• Berber• exoept for morning low cloudt Sant• M9ft• llOng cout Ser)t• MonlCe Sloc:llton . --Tehoe Ve/Wt U.S. Summary =:::. . Yum• R •In •h o w e r I • n d NATM* thund•r•torm• were wldely ecMl.ed Friday lrOfft Aoftdl to .-.n Ken ... , Ind~ llllO _.reported In Weet ~ It wll cloudy In Ille Gre1t L•llH , much of Mo nl•nf llfld from .outhNMem ~ 6croee Nof'tNn'I ClllfornlL " -eunny C1'#fJf muctl of IN re9I of ttw country. TM forecaet for todly Oll9ll tor .,_. end tlU~ll'IW "°"' "" Otllo v..., ... upper Oreat LlllH. del1 .--.0 ""°"'*" ..,. ......... '1#1# tM upper Mt11111•pl'V1111¥. tlll lower OrHt LM ... ftM MefY!Md lllrOUfh 'lorld•. and lrom thl T1nne .. 11 V1ll1y --.....,,,~ .... --~ ...... tM Ind IOI In tt11 ,....... hllllofttllnellon Md~ .. .. 96 96 93 78 105 71 60 69 95 93 It 83 93 87 101 7t go t<M 17 95 aa 93 82 go 7t go aa 75 67 84 79 72 76 ea 95 n t04 79 t03 .. ... .. .. aa 17 95 91 90 72 81 " 12 t6 • 11 " 17 .. 11 II Lo 69 69 5t 37 72 58 59 51 62 66 61 62 5e 62 62 80 55 70 sa 49 54 63 57 55 49 5e 57 ee 53 55 sa 57 54 sa se 37 76 57 n Le 82 t2 63 70 74 7' • 70 .. ;I 100 , t0100 Natonel w...,,.. ~· NOAA U S O.Ot o! C-.~ Fronts: Cold.,... Warm _. go ae 93 .. 75 .. 15 62 tOO 69 75 79 75 68 72 ~ 93 66 91 92 84 .. 101 ~ ga 92 ae 81 ae .. 93 91 92 92 go 92 " t06 13 87 ... go to to tO .. 79 70 68 72 63 57 69 56 55 67 51 63 45 53 67 5g 73 78 64 71 73 72 69 69 74 ea 76 84 80 ea eg 7t 75 75 70 71 74 72 12 ea· .... 55 70 42 72 H 7 t 54 • AtlMIC C0Nt nertll ol ....... ._ .. d lftOt lft tlll t01 were ~ed' from Aoftda ttlfWlfl ... CWf e.. ...... Ind ,_ ..... ~ .. ,, ... lllf llPllT ' ' .... -i Shreveport SIOux ~W SI Louis St P-Temp1 SC>Oleene SyrecuM Topekl Tucaon Tulia WUl'llngln Wlchlle Acapulco 81rt>1do1 Bennude lk>goll Cureceo Guadalajer1 Guadeloupe Havana Klng11on Monlego Bly Mexico City Monterrey San Juen, P.R Trlnklld Vw1 Cruz C11gery Edmonton MonlrMI Aegln• Toronto veneouver Wlnnlp9g CANADA 95 71 75 67 86 70 go 72 80 55 62 57 13 73. " 73 95 77 9t 73 91 68 "' Le 91 79 84 75 84 75 61 39 .. 77 12 et 81 77 61 73 90 77 ea 79 79 61 " 12' to n 84 73 • 90 32 HI Lo 72 49 74 44 .. 56 75 5t 15 51 71 68 71 74 windows would arrive before the crowds. The F lower and Garden building required three and one - hall months of hard work to create the 20 arbors and gazebos, 12 fountains and a waterfall, 10,000 feet of dichondra grass, dance floor, tea garden, n ew asphalt pathways and 32 exhibits featuring landscape gardens and exotic indoor shade plants. "We used about 300 bags of soil conditioner," said Robert Lamp. director, who employed 13 workers to create the popular exhibit. Vendors at the InternationaJ Food Bazaar agree the biggest task is cleanin~ their food trailers and keeping them clean. Funnel cake chef. Lew Smith of Corona del Mar. who features a batter-fried delicacy covered with powdered sugar. cinnamon or strawberries. has streamlined his portable trailer. Setting it up lakes another helper . 45 minutes and scrubbing. Smith sent the Orange County health code specifications. which he said are the "toughest around," to Kentucky where the trailer was built. A safet y m e a s ur e re co mmended b y th e Orange C o unt y Far e D e partme nt. fir e proo fing flammable curta ins in the cafeteria, cost about $650 -more than the original cost of the curtains. Over a t the animal barns, Kristy Simpson and Christine Leinen put some final tout"hes on their Suffolk sheep tha t w ill C.'Ompete in Sunday's show Thf! sheep received a shearing and wash Thursday night. but the girls will continue to "pack" tht>ir wool until showtime. It too k time and ''All American" hard work t.o put the fair together. but 1t appears to be a labor of love. Luxury vehicle stolen A 1982 Corvette was stolen from an lrvin_e <;h evrole t dealership Friday'-When a man took a test drive in the vehicle accompanied by a salesman and later forced ham out of the car at knifepoint. Irvine police said. The $19.000 gold-colored car was taken off the lot of Joe MacPherson's deale rship, 21 Aut o Center Dri ve , a t approximately 8 p.m. The suspect took the car to a gas station near the Santa Ana Freeway a nd Culver Drive and t o ld the salesman he wanted to phone has father. He returned and using a foldi ng knife . forced the salesman out of the car and drove off. i2 FOR 1 !Au MEMhERsldps I * * * J DAYS ONLY * * * * LUXURIOUS LOCKER FACILITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN ~ * SAUNA, STEAM, JACUZZI * Z SAND VOLLEYBAU COURTS * 1 fl MILE JOCCINC TRACK ~ • INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE PROCRAMS i * CYMNASIUM (BASKETBAU, VOLLEYBALL) * FREE CHILO CARE CENTtR 0 * 16 CHAMPIONSHIP RACQUETBALL COURTS ~ • NAUTR.US EOUIPMENT • * SPECIAL AEROBIC Cl.ASSES ! * :U METER Ol YMPIC PQOL 6 SUNDECK *PRO SHOP * RESTAURANT, BAR 6 SOCIAL LOUNGE * MASSEUR 6 MASSEUSE I ~ ~,,.,,,,. j I ~~COME To~. ~ .'&._ WHERE THE ~ I ~xc1TEMENT 1s::I IN HEALTH AND FITNESS ... Stress tied to' economy By JOEL C. DON 0("'90..,,... ..... An alllng economy rruty be the root of physical and emotional problems and may muke people more pro n e t o a c cidenu, at-cording to a UC rrvine urban phmner An undes1rablt! job coupled with a hard prc.-ssed pocketbook can sign1ficantly boost a person's c:hanc:es of developing health and behavioral problems, said Dr. Ray Catalano. professor of SOC'ial erology. "W e h ave his t o ri c a ll y underestimated the health and behavioral costs of economic change," he said in a telephone in t ervie w . "We hav e not understood the degree to which the economy aHet:ts us. That effect is reaJ and important.'' Catalano, along with UCI psych ologist David Dooley, interviewed more than 6,000 Los Angeles Co unty residents be tween 1978 and 1980. The stud y . whic h 1s part of a n ongoing six-year project funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health, focused on the relationship between changes in the economy and health. The study period involved a time of rising housing pricea and interest rates, a gas shortage. rising fuel pnces and a recession. The UCI investigators discovered people who didn't like their jobs' and we re having trouble making e nds mee t d o ubl e d th ei r c han ces o f developing illnesses or having an injury over those who didn't have such troubles. And those people had 2 112 times the chance of becoming mentally ill The researche rs found the middle cl~ suffered more from changes m the e<.'Onomy than the poor and upper-income people. L ow -in come pfople ha ve physical and emotional proble~ re gardless of th e econo mic picture. Catalano explained. The well -to-do tend to have margins of security m investments that pro vide a buffer from most downturns in the economv . "A middle income person's ca reer choices and income are mo re controlled by a JOb," Catalano said "Those people are more likely than high-income or Jow-inrome people to feel the shafts of the economy." For years scientists and laymen a like have sus p ec ted that unhappiness at w ork, money troubles and other day-to-day stresses can be linked to physical a nd e m o t i onal illnesses H o w e ve r . thi s as the firs t scienti fic study designed lo see if there's a relation between the C<:onomy and health Though the middle class may experie nce most of the brunt of a sagging a 'Onomy. Catalano said physical and me ntal problems occur regardless of age. sex or socio-economic grou pangs. ... NATION 727 top passenger plane. SEA TTLl.t (AP) -The Boetna Co.'• 727. the type ot Pan American World Airways Jetlln•r that cr11hed Friday out1lde New Orlearw kUUna all 14& aboard, ta lhe bHt· tctlllna pauenger alrcraft in avtaUon hiatory. Dick Schleh of the Boelna Commercial Airplane Co. said that u of Friday. 1,823 of lhe medium-range trljeta had been aold to airlines around the world aJncc the 727 fln1t went Into .ervioo in Jt'ebruary 1964. Of lhoee. about l,7GO remain In wrvloc He said aome of tho old r planet have bt'tln retired. craahet rt)IU)ted in 36 "hull loaes," and two alrplan8 were destroyed by terrorlata or aabotaee. The 36 lc:Mll8 included puaenger and freight fli&htl, and not all resulted In fataUUea, said Schleh. Money, Interest rates drop NEW YORK -The money supply dropped sharply In the last week of June, the Federal Reserve reported Friday, setting off a new rally in bond prices and causing interest rates to fall . In late trading, the rate on six-month Treasury bills fell about one-quarter of a percentage point, to 11. 75 percent. At Tuesday's Treasury auction, the rate was 12.94 percent. "This is the best news both the stock and bond markets have had In a long ti~." said Maury Harris, an economist at Paine Webber Inc. The Fed reported Ml, the bask money supply Including cash and funds in chccking- type accounts, fell $3.7 billion in the week ending June 30 to a seasonally adjusted average of $445.9 billion. M 1 is down by $6.2 billion in the last two weeks and well below the Fed's maximum target. Page tells of sex liaisons WASHIN GTON -A form e r congressional page told House ethics committee investigators Friday that he had homosexual affairs with three members or the House and arranged a similar liaison between a senator and a male prostitute, the youth's attorney said. But the credibility of the former page, STATE Leroy Williams, 18, remained at issue. The youngster. who earlier turned the names over to the FBI, acknowledged that he had tlunked an FBI Ile detector test. Williams spent all day Friday with the committee investigators and was asked to return today for another session. Actor to meet investigators BURBANK -Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates said Friday he would like to ask actors Robert De Nlro and Robin Williams if they know anything about the drug overdose death of comedian John Belushi. . Gates said his department has not been able to contact De Niro, but that Williams, through his attorney, h as indicated he well talk with investigators. "The discussion with him (Williams) wilJ be very soon i{ they haven't taken place already," Gates said following the taping of a news program at KN BC-TV studios. New Penthouse trial ordered COMPTON -Superior Court Judge Kenneth Gale, rejecting a new motion that he disqualify himself, ordered another trial Friday for two plaintiffs in the $522 million libel suit against Penthouse magazine. Gale cited what he termed was prejudicial conduct by the Penthouse defense in granting a new trial for Merv Adelson and Irwin Molasky, two co-founders of Rancho La Costa resort who had sued Penthouse over a 1975 article which linked the San Diego County resort to organized crime. A jury recently found that Penthouse did not libel them, but Gale said Friday: "I think the jury should have returned a different verdict." Anti-abortion display gruesome CHINO -Abortion opponents expreseed shock and disgust Friday at the discovery of three fetuses hanging by small nC>08eS in an empty field along with posters denouncing abortion. "It's shocking to think of an anti-abortion demonstration taking the form of having three fetuses hanging by n005eS. That's the working of a depraved mind," said Dr. Nancy WORLD Mullan, a Burbank psychiatrist who is president of the 1,000-member California Pro Life MedjcaJ Association. The fetuses, which previously had been preserved in formaldehyde, were found dangling from ropes tied to an electrical connector box, police said. They were found after an anonymous caller telephoned two television stations and gave directions to a field where he said he had seen three bodies. OPEC fails to reach aeeord VIENNA, Austria -OPEC ministers, showing the strains of a troubled cartel, ended a full day of meetings Friday with no decision on how to carve up their oil market while trying to cool tensions among key members. Indonesian Oil Minister Subroto said after the meeting broke up that discussions centered on adjusting the quot.as for certain members' production. He said the ministers also are considering small increases in the price of oil produced by the African members: Libya, Nigeria and Algeria. "We haven't come to a concrete solution yet," Subroto said. ' Palestinian mayor fired TEL A VIV, Israel -Israeli authorities on Friday fired the mayor of Gaza. the largest Palestinian city under Israeli occupation, in the latest move against Palestinian nationalism. Israel's Interior Ministry will assume the functions of Mayor Rashad a-Shawa, who was summoned before lhe Israeli governor of the Gaza Strip, Brig. Gen. Yosef Lunz. and dismissed for leading a partial strike to protest MAIN Off1CE Israeli policies. In Washington, State Departme nt spokesman Dean Fischer described Shawa as "a legitimate representative and moderate spokesman for the concerns of his Palestinian constituents'' and said U.S. officials "deeply regret" his dismissal. Shawa, appointed mayor in 1975, is the sixlh Palestinian city leader to be dismissed since March. .... ..,SC., c-.-. CA. MAll.._1e.1MO.C•te-.CA.- S trik ing British trainme n wa r n e d LONDON -British Rall threatened Friday to fire striking train engineers. whose union Immediately accused the Con1ervative government of m imicking "Reaganiam" In its attempl to deal with the nationwide slx-day-old walkout. C.,,,.... 1m Ot .... Coe" l"llMllMftt C........, ... _ ......... l ...... ret ............ ,-..... ~ ...... -.. ,..,....... wttNOIC .,_.., .-.mr1•• .t """"',.,..-· Transport Secretary David Howell warned the striking engineers: "The 1trike ii bleeding 1 away the reaourc:ea of the railway and ti.me i.a very short if the destructk>n of the network la to be avoided." We're Listening ••• Whal do you llk• aboul UM Dally PUot? What don't you llkt? Call UNI number below ud )'Olar mna11• wlll be ,..corded. traumbed and dell vend to die appropriate tdltor. TM ..... M-houi' ....... Ntvltt may be uatd to rt(Otd ltl· ten to IM editor oe _.., •e. llaUbo1 coautbuton must lnclude their name ind, .. .,._.,......,. tor vertncatlon. No clrtul1Uon 11111 ........ TIU Iii W9'1l'I Oft your ""'911, '-, ' I Orange Coatl DAILY PILOT/Seturday, July 10, 1882 ~·-; 'Light' sentence angei-s ; T erms for convicte d rapis ts called too shor t I I I j Ch ..-1t.·ntPnclns tn local ' . By DAVID KUTZMANN ()("IM .,_.., '"4>1 tl•ff "l'm 47 years old and I've nev r done anythlna like thll before," F o untain Valley hoW10w1fe Marie Zackowakl aa1d Friday WI she stood in front of tho Oranae County Courthouse In S.nu. Ana. · Wlth Mra. Zackowskl were at least 20 o ther neophyte demonstrators, mostly women, carrying black-lettered placards condemning as too lenient the 12-year prison sentences handed down aeainst two Huntington Beach brothers con victed of raping and kidnapping a leen- age deaf mute girl a year ego. "We're not members of any organization," Mrs. Zackowski said of the protest organized by herself and her daughter. "We're simply a group of very angry citizens." The target of their protest was Orange County Superior Court Judge Mark A. Soden, ~ho two weeks ago sentenced brothers Phillip. 21 , and Randall Maldonado, 25, for raping the girl. Prosecutor Jan Cummings said the attack on the girl was so vicious and crue l as to be virtually without precedent. The Maldonados were accused of abducting the girl in Los Alamitos and, along with their uncle, raping her and then taking her to Santa Ana. where she was offered to other men for money in alley ways. The girl, who testified through a sign language interpreter in court. said she was repeatedly raped during a five- hour ordeal. The Maldonados' unc le, Gilbert Aguilera . 36 , of Huntington Beac h, was sentenced to 44 years in state prison by Superior Court Judge Alice Marie Stotler. But Phillip and Randall Maldonado. who could have been sent to prison for 140 years each. were given the 12-year terms by Soden because he said they deserved a second chance. "It's just so unjust," Mrs. Zackowski said Friday. ' Nearby. fellow protesters carried hand-lettered signs with messages such as "Judge Soden cares about rapists." The Newport Beach jurist said through his bailiff that he had no comment on the demonstration. o.i1r Pllol ll•ff Ptloto TIGHT-L I PPED -Judge Mark Soden had no comment Friday about courthouse demonstrators protesting has sentem·ang of two eonv1c:t<'d rapists During the sente ncing proceedings, Sod e n s aid he believed It was inappropriate "to loc k up the defendants and throw away the key .. " He urged the brothers to cont.act a priest in state prison and attempt to redeem themselves. Mrs. Zackowskj said she and he r daughte r organize d the demonstration after reading of n ew1p1Aper1 and b~comlna ( lncented. "I wu angry and ahout:lna at my family ond neighbors," ahe said. 1-'inully. 11he decided lO v nt h~r onaer by launchina • protett. Mrs . Za c k owa kl and her duughter t•al lcd friend• and ' neighbon and mounted Friday'• actmn s imply by word of mouth. Ann D<-llaDonna, 19 , Mns. Zackow&ki'a daughter, .,.Jd she talked to Judge Sdden for about 20 minutes earlier In the week. She churned he offered no suitable e xplanation for se nten ci ng the Maldonado brothers LO the 12-year terma. "It 's s<td that our victims don't get the same type of ju.slice ·~ that our a1minals do," Mias • DellaDonna said. :• Prosecutor Cummings, who asked Soden to sentence the Maldonados to minimum 63-year prison terms. repeated her a ssertions Friday tha t the sentences are not valid. Ms Cummings said that sente nc·1ng laws required the defendants to receive consecutive mid -rang~ terms that would have put them behind bars fo r at least fi:l years. S h t· sa id she 1s s till conside ring a n a ppeal of the sentenCt'S bul noted that Soden himself has 120 days Crom the time of sentencing to eith er inereast• or dl-crease the tenns. Though she was not present for the d emonstrat ion, Ms. Cummings said she has received ; numerous letters from citizens protesting the sentences. Private services planned for Sporleder Private services are planned for E. B. "Ernie" Sporleder of Huntington Beach, a long-time Douglas Aircraft Co. engineer and a highly respected measurer of ocean racing yachts. Mr. Sporleder died at his home Wednesday after a long battle with leukemia. He was 75. A native of Las Vegas, Nev .. Mr. Sporleder attended the University or Mich igan and graduated with a degree in aeronautical engineering. Following his retirement from the Douglas Aircraft Co . h e pursued his avocation as a yacht m easure r. Recently, he was hono r ed b y the S o uthern Califo rnia Ocean Rac in g Association, which dedicated a c hampionsh ip tr ophy in his name. Mr. Sporleder is survived by his widow. June; two daughters. Mrs. Judy Da\tm of Mtss1on Viejo and Mrs. Jan Steward of Santa Inez. and a son , J oh n , of Glendale. The family has s ugges ted memorial contributions to the Leukemia Research Fund. You'll like your savings and Plummer's value on terrific patio and outdoor furniture! Direct from Denmartcl Fantastic new patio collectlonl The 47" round table nas a ---~ sturdY steel base and aurat>te flt>ergtass toe>. The OOOd· IOOldnO high baCtC chairs SOO(t durable blue and wtatte str1ped cuShlons on plasttc·c:oated trames. The umbrella st.and Is adJustable on free-standing base. BUY NOW AND SAVEi 47 d1a Table s 99 70 Cl1a umore11a S 59 $159 VII. .. . . S89 val ''r • ,vat Umbrella srana S2211a1 As seen In Home Magazlnel White Patio FUmlture Space-age plastic covering sturdV steel gtves lono-term beautv for 1ouno1no or entertalnlno convenience! Plummers Italian patio table accompanies handY occasional tables and your ctlOlce of smart chair styles! ~~~.1.~ ... ~24 ~~~-~~~ ...... ~29 ~~:~~~~ ...... ~65 occaslONI tal>tes • 19 ••n•l~=.: .................... .. ... . • ... .. . . I I l I 1 · • ! ~ . • I . ' '. . . . \ . i ' Deir .............. 111r C--IWY 1 CRUISING-With sunlight glimmering off the i I waters, a boat takes a ride on the smooth ·waters of North Lake Woodbridge Village, Irvine. EHCLUBIVE OFFERING NEW 1981 .. LA TE SERIES" DE LOREANS $19,995 Now. for a limited time, we are offering au new De Loreans at prices far below normal va lue. Here's a rare opportunity for you to buy a one-of-a-kind automo- bile at an !txtraordlnary price. factory Authorized Teohnlclan1 · Perta A••l .. blllty CIWll Chevrolet IOI W. 2111 It. IM ..,_rdlno (714) 111-1133 Call 1111 or "°bt. lader or ,Nd Pope ' Neighbors lend hand Money raised for ex-Mesan's injuries FLOWERS BY . MORR I J'riendl end netahbon of former Colta Mtu realdent Robby Oxford, 12, are coUecuna donation• and orpnllinl a yard Mle to pay hll hoapltal bllla. tie 1uataJned t'Xtenalve lnjurie. when he fell Into an oil rig Jun' 29 ln El Dorado. Kan. where he and hi• family have lived since last fall. yard 11lt1 ThUl"llday In Bania AN. and tamed t300 on Robby'• ~halt. The ule will t'OntJnut lndtflnltely1 and resalable l~ma may be dona~ to Linda Dyer Mnd Barbara Fiu.roy at 1306 South Grange. Santa Ana. Resident.a of El Dorado allo have contributed w the cauae. Robby's mother, Kathy Oxford, 11 a waltreu at an El Dorado lnn where othor HASDONEITAGAIN A Iona-time f4mlly friend, Lisa J . walttetael gave wages and half their Browne of Irvine. aald the boy la In tlpt to the Oxfords. 1st In National. Competition 1973-1978 and 1981 aerlou1 condition and remains In Alao, admlniltrators of the Shrlners Jntehaive care at the Suaan B. Allen Chlldreflll Hospital accepted Robby's Memorial Hospital in El Dorado. He case and as soon aa he ls out of underwent 10 hours of vascular intensive care, will transport him to 1urgery Immediately after the St. Louis. There ls a chance he wlll be accident, and has developed an brought to the Shrlners 1-Josplt.al in abdominal stress ulcer. Los Angeles. At either location. Doctors indicated his right leg may Robby's bills will be pald by Shriners. be amputated and he will remain However, he must remain in El hospitalized at least two years. Dorado now, and the bills are adding Robby's father, Larry Oxford, has up. been working in the maintenance Mrs. Browne said donations. department at the Derby Refinery in payable to the "Robby Oxford Trust Wichita, Kan, two and one-half Fund" may be sent to her at 4871 months. However, hospitalization Karen Ann , Irvine 92714 . F or lnsurancewillnotbeineffectuntilhe informatio n , call 55 1-5752 o r has been employed four months. 972-1853. Mrs. Browne said friends began a -By PAMELA STEINRIEDE And now Mi chi Burrell representing our Costa Mesa and Newport Beach Shops finished in the top third of ov~r 27 countries in World Cup competition in Hamburg , Germany, July 1982. Constantly striving to g ive yo u our customers the best and newest designs in flow ers. Computer seminar in Irvine A s ma 11 -business a.m. at the Airporter Inn Orange County and 25 of computer seminar a nd Hotel, Irvine. its cities. fair wil) be presented by Major vendors a lso three Cal Poly Pomona Sponsors will be the have been invited. profe sso r s and a U.S . Small Business Saddleback Coll ege Administrat ion and For Information, call instructor Au . 4 at 9 chambers of commerce of 581 -4655 or 836-2281. I M ... _. = I ~ ---~ ,,. ........ :U \ !::=:'\ -=--~ -r r r •• PLANTS REG SALE PONY PACKS 11.19 '.69 COLOR PACKS 12.69 '1 .69 4" COLOR 11 19 s .69 e BOUGAINVILLEA e 1 GAL. 14.50 '2. 78 e 5 GAL '14.98 '9.98 e GREEN MOUND JUNIPER e 2 GAL. sg 50 '5.98 e PITIOSPORUM WHEELER! e 2 GAL. 59.50 '5.98 e GERANIUM e 3 GAL (IVY & ZONAL) 112.50 '7 .98 e 5 GAL. CITRUS 115 oo '9.98 5 GAL. AVOCADO 118.50 '8.98 e 5 GAL.CAPE HONEYSUCKLE 112.98 16.98 e 7 GAL. EUGENIA • PATIO TREE SSJ.00 '20.98 e 1 GAL. GARDENIA VALUES T0 13.98 e 1 GAL. BEGONIA "RICH" $1 .98 e 1 GAL. ZONAL GERANIUM e 1 GAL. IVY GERANIUM 1 GAL. DAY LILY 5 GAL. JUNIPERS "TAM" "SEAGREEN" "SHORE" • • VALUES TO 112.00 e 56.98 • • GARDEN SUPPLIES REG. SALE •• • • WATER WANDS sg 98 s&.98 CHACON HOUSE PLANT MIST 16 OZ. SS 49 '3.99 BROWN JORDAN ENSIGN II 42" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS SS95 '369. 48" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS s730 1399. CHAISE 1329 1209. APPLAUSE ICE CREAM SET 35n TABLE W/2 CHAIRS TAMIAMI 1757 '379. 42" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS sn9 1499. 48" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS ~815 '535. CHAISE s319 s219 . TROPITONE TAOPI-KAI WITH SET 42" TABLE W/4 CHAIRS s77a '459. 48" RO . TABLE W/4 CHAIRS s914 '489 • e CHACON VITAMIN B-1 e 320Z. e AMES TOOLS e *PLUS 3.00 REBATE* e SHOVEL 1 e RAKE HOE : GATES GARDEN HOSE 5/8"X 75' e BIRO FEEDER e PERK PET 203-CP e THIRST QUENCHER s1 98 '1.28 sg_gg '7.99 18.99 540.49 129.99 56.98 '6.98 e STARTER KIT r'l 95 '5.95 e INDOOR WATER WAND 129.95 '22.95 e ORTHONEX· 16 OZ. 17.96 '6.48 • COLOR GARDENS • e 10" PULP POT : 12" REDWOOD CRATE REG. SALE s995 15.95 124.95 '18.95 • SOILS/FERTILIZER SALE • REG. "OLD GOLD" OTHERS CHAISE s250 '169. e e MARRAKESH e ROGERS PLANTING MIX e 42" RO. TABLE W/4 CHAIRS s794 '479. e RJd~~-J1·0IL ACTIVATOR '5 56 '3.75 INDOOR PLANTS 4" AFRICAN VIOLET 6" HOUSE PLANTS 8" HOUSE PLANTS 6" KALANCHOE WICKER BASKETS REG. SALE s3,95 •2.so 110.95 15.95 122.95 113.95 56.95 14.50 ALL f!ZES 25~ Off FLORIST REG. SALE SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 136.00 128.00 SILK DEMO ARRANGEMENT r~ °" 1111. ORIPKIALORDIR e 48"RD. TABLEW/4CtiAIRS 1630 '515. JJ LB. 199 • '18.98 '12.98 e CHAISE (NO ARMS) s259 s • e OXYGEN PLUS e .WOODARD 80Z. e 24"X30"TABL E W/2CHAIRS '529 s3z9. e 160Z. 12.99 '1.99 '3.49 • TEA CART 5266 '199. e e TE A CART '304 '225. POTTERY e TELESCOPE e e BEACH CHAIR • • r--:srK.....>~~~-=--=, MOSS & WIRE SPECIAL 14" WALL OR ROUND BASKET WITH MOSS HY" "ROGERS· EMBOSSED POT 12" REOWOOO BASKET U.S. POITTRY (GlAZEDl STEPPING STONES REG. SALE '10.96 '7.• '599 •3.19 •12.00 •1.50 ~­llMM 640-5800 AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDEN CENTER Open 9 to 6 dolly• San Joaquin Hiii• Rood ot MocArthur liwt • Aota. llOfft,..., ~In ttewport leach NURSERY • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORtST • LANOSCN»ING • PATto FURNITURE • ANTIQUES -· -~ . ~ . . ,. ,. i ' ;: . ~ \ • -, . . l . . . . I ...---_..,~~~---------~---------t~--........ _..------------- • Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 10, 1982 Al Mortgage changes tough on buyers N BOA R D -R obert uricch i of H untington ach, a banker, has been amed t o t h e board of ru stees of Cla r emont cK.enna <Allege. o . danger seen LOS ANGELES (AP) -The ch&na-taklna place In mortcaae f'elUlaUona apparently wW ~ke It even tou1her for first-time buyer1 to purc:hue a houae, force a number of current homeowners Into hlaher paymenta and reduce the prices 10me 1ellera can get for their pro~rty. Thoee AR! 10me of the ripples created by the landmark U.S. Supreme Court rullnc lut week that upheld the right of federally chartered N vinga and loans to e n force due-on-1ale clau1e1 requirlna mortgages to be repaid when homes are 10ld. The ruling, known u the de la Cueata decision, and stemming from a Huntington Beach case, affects about 1"50,000 mortaaae loans m ade by feder a ll y chartered S&Ls in California, according to Federal Home Loan Bank Board President Richard Pratt. But other financial institutions a re scrambling to receive the same right. If they succeed, the fallout will be even wider. VATICAN CITY (AP) -Rome fireman aaid at pollution from tour buaes would not cauae the ent Egyptian obelisk in St. Peter's Square to St»t:l•I llapee. "What you're teelna 11 bt.~u.e of tho dl"Cision In the de la Cul .. ta caH, all the other fi n a n cial lnaUtutlons are tryina to set themselves in the poeltJon where t hey are as well off aa t he federally chartered savings and loans," aald Dr. David Dale- John1on, a USC real estate ex per\. State-chartered aavlnaa and loana are pWlhlna for the same d ue-on -sale rights as feder al S&L e, and California Savings and Loan Commlaaloner Linda T sao Yang asked the state attomey general's office to decide whether she has the authority to grant them parity. The California Association of Realtors has promised to fight any euch move by Ms. Yang, but the issue may be moot since state S&Ls could win due-on-sale enforceability anyway by converting to federal status. Many already have. Federally chartered banks may also wi n due -on -sale enforc.-eabllity. U.S. Comptroller of the Currency C.T. Conover, w hose office oversees the Fire Chief Elveno Paatorelli aaid there was corrosi.on of the bronze base of the obeliak and e metal lines holding up the croee on the top, but there waa no danger to pa.saers-by. .My 7-My 13, 1912 Tridtoc11t1r latrl: 3.99 The obelisk, supported by four bronze hones, waa brought to Rome from F.gypt in 37 A.O. by the em~ror Caligula. Pope Sixtus V put It in St. Peter's Square in 1586. Bond issue upheld SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The state Court of A~peal has upheld the validity of a $25 million revenue bond issue to finance construction of r egional waste water treatme nt facilities in Monterey County. At Ult nsa ol soundinc conctttld I must 11, -I 1m Ille most buubllll lft the Gou111111 f11Ny. My home IS 8ofneo. Su11111t1 Ind the f!WI, Pen1nsul1 By body resemblu molhcf-ol ptrll 111111! 1 lllnl ol red 011n1e. Pectoral fins. 1n1I l1ns. th101t 1nd b1e1st llstefully knbutd 1n red orence. Set me 11 Aquatic Tropicals wlltrt I 1m on sale under lht n1m1 "Pt11t Go1111mt" for only 399 VISA •• mo "· .-•• c.ta 111tu 54'-lltl•C.-HarM ' ... PUBLIC AUCTION ESTA TE JEWELRY A FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL VER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBl.IC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China, Crystal~ Porcelalns, Bronzes, European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewelry Including fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chalns, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE NIGHT Fri. 9th, Sat. l oth Sm. 11th, 8:30 p.m. INSPECOON 2:00 P.M. -5:00 P.M. & 1 -I P.M. Sale flchts Property of several prominent Leisure World residents, together with Inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry In flnanclal trouble. Also, out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) Newport Beach Sale Conducted By Beach City Jewelry & Fine Arts (714) 945-2200 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'Tll 5 P .M. YMCA ~-L------------. i COUPON i lDAYSl I 6000 WUNG MY I ------------r··-------------------------------1 AEROatCI : : FREE' FITNEIS CLASS : : e ·-W-F 8AM, 9:15 AM. I 1 noon. 5:30 PM : ~--·------------------------------~ ----------------~ r•••••••········-a ----------------, FREEi : FREEi LAP SWIMMING FIT-TASTIC MUSIC EX!RCISE • • • • • • , , FREE! ! WEIGHT TRAINING 11 I M ttltU Fri &-9 AM 11:00-1 P.M. 5:30- 7 PM, 8-9:30f'M ~---············· Tu-Th 9-10 AM or M·W 7·8 PM I • • : • ------··········- ' Mon. thN Frtd.V I 8 A.M. to 10 P.M. •••••••••••••••• 1···············1 r·····aw1u·m.. ;,;;;·.,.;;;···] , SA VE S$ : : aoo '°' ,, '"°""'9, "° ~ Me .... llllllleion. --. I &N•t 1 t )eclual • ...,,c room. ~ towel ..,,...,, ~ ......, • """" • • Monerdl .... Good """' l4CM2. ""' ......... wllv. : ~SHf • ·-·····················-·········· • ~"'°""" : r·-..r.:&~·-·······················---] monthly duH -':: I r•u -flTml -·· ...... . '"'tl•llon. Good Ult I Tw. w .... lft July ~............ fNew •• ••• ...., ~~~-...l.t ••••••• ~···········-~······-~ nation'• 4.4~0 f ederal banks. proP<>ICd In September that the blnk. be 11v n the due-on-Nle power. A declJlon 11 expected aoon. Th e e ffe c t o t these dcvelopmenta aprara to be an end to many o the so-called creative-financing arrangementa their houaet on the market. "E Cf ec tlvely, what enforcement of the due-on-sale clauH doe• Is remove t hat 1o1ddltlonal value that a C\.lrrent homeowner with an .. umable loan hu been able to capture," Dale-JohNOn said. "But It'• important to "We sre going to request that each o wner com e in to n egotiate a ress~nable interes t rate a djustment." made p ossible by the 1978 Welle nkamp decision by the California Supreme Court, invaJ1datmg due-on-sale clauses on mort gage loans made by •state-chartered savings and loans and banks. The Wellenkamp decision effectively held that mortgage loans are the property of lhe b o rrow e r and could be transferred with the house itself, Dale-Johnson said. This in turn gave homeowners who had low- inte rest mortgages something extra to offer when they put remember that the homeowner was able to c apture that additional value because W el l e nkamp negated the contract they o r iginally negotiated when they bought the home," he said. "In some sense, Wellenkamp allowed a transfer of wealth from the lender to the borrower in that they were able to trea t that loan as t h eir pro p e rty . Now , with the enforcement of the due-on-sale clause, that wealth is transferred back to the lender." Due-on-sale enforcement also could hur\ flrat-time homebuyers becau.ae they wW have to qualJty tor convention•) fl n1nclna at current rates of about 18 percent. lnatead of beina able to uaume older, low-Interest lo.nt. And thoae buyers who dld .. ume older mortgagee problbly wW be having a talk with the ortifnal lender In the near future. F e d eral S&La still are formulating policlea on old loana and no clear-cut tr end• h ave emerged. But It teem.a unlikely that lenders will &eek to force homeow ners ou t of their property except as a last resort. "It 1s not our intent to call any of the loans. However. we are going to request that each individual property owner come in to negotiate a reasonable interest rate adjustment on the balan<.~ of the mortgages." said David Reed. vice president for real estate and lending at California Federal. "The rate we are going to try to negotiate is one that more closely reflects our costs of funds today." We Have Drastically Reduced Our Prices More Than Ever Before On Every Washer I Dryer In Stock! Fri1id1irt ••••• , I Drr•r ... ,,..., ..... ., • au1c1c w.-a ~ • 3 Wash T•mpe Laree C•,•oitJ Elect. Dryer • 2 Timed Cycl•• • Saf•ty Start Button =;;'"$599 95 IE HEAVY oun ELECTRIC DRYER • Permane nt Press a nd Timed Regular Cycles • 3 Heat Options • Porcelain Enamel Drum SAYE 120" IOW OILY $279 95 WHIRLPOOL LARGE CAPACITY • 4 Automatic Cycles • Self Cleaning Filter • 18 lb. Capacity SAYE '30 $3 9995 OILY · MlnAG HEAVY DUTY WASHER • Large Capacity • 3 Wash/Rinse Te mp • 3 Cycles -Reg., Perm . Press & Delicate SAVE $4000 • ----------- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 10, 1982 s (On selected styles and colors-and there are lots of them!) PLUS (50°/o down-No interest financing for six months on approved credit) r~. . Installation (Exclusive at Harlow's in Southern California) PLUS (On all in-stock items) I • (Sale starts at 9:00 am sharp-be early for best selection) Featuring Lees, Mohawk, Bigelow, Gullistan, Karastan, Cabin Craft, Milliken and many more. All carpets are on sale at 10°10, 20°10, 30°10 , 40°10 and 50°10 off! This sale is for a limited time only! • Convenient Credit T trm1 Av11l1blt r ts so nke to co1ne holne to. OAAOEN OAOVE 12802 Knott Street CERRITOS 11404 South Street 1 • 8 111 No G11C1en G•OYll ''WYI 1ACIOH from ,,. Cerf•IOI Mein LONG IEACH 3«> E. 4th Street IAclOM from Seertl (714) ltl·Ml1 • (213) IM·M21 'LACINTIA 127 E 't'orba L1nd1 t I 1 111 WHI ol lt1M1t1•11 (114) .. ,..,,, (211 .... 20 (2114»2221 C°"ONA DIL ...,_ 3131 Eat Coat Highway IActotl ftOfl'I '"" Cfowftt ""IMenll (714) ., .... , H.UNTINOTON IEACH 15073 Goldenwe1t lhfl•nd Doll JoM't a· Coco·11 (11 .. •a.1111 • (21 ..... 1 LAGUNA MILLI 23351 Avenlda de la Cerlott1 1 .. twtefl II T9N & &..U ,.,... blft) (1,.,.., ... -~ STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 am·5:30 pm Mon. & Fri. Tiii 9 .. : ... ·' . •• .. . :, . ... • .c· I • Dilly Piiat Ba I p<> t . Win SATURDAY, JULY 10. 1982 in motorcycle race COMICS TELEVISION 88 812 a t Fairgrounds. Page 83. ' a 0 Zahn's two-hitter sinks Yankees, 4-1 By CURT SEEDEN "Ile was very, Vl'ry strong tonight 1f you want inning single to W11l1e Randolph which was Thut S<.'l lhe stage for thl' offcns1vl.• pl&y of tht• °'IM Delly"°' Ii.ff to call the stuff he throws strong," Mauch s.u1d of t>ventually erasc,-0 by a double play game -yet another SUll'ldl' squl'l'W bunt by Full tu Give Geoff Zahn and Tommy John the Zahn aflC'r lhC' game "Actually, you can overpower Zahn was an typical form, re<.'Ordlng JUSl onl' bring Cr1l·h homt'. What'l> so spet:wl :..bout .1 bwieball and let' them patch on natural turf. aka halters with that stuff " l>tnkeout whale letting has infielders do most of tht> squet·w. parlll·ularly sml'l· Foh has now dont• al four grasa, and you'll have two very happy p1tchen.. Zahn has dont' JUSl that three limes to the work t1mt>s this vcar·1 Better known for their ability to make Yankees this season, af(.'OUnting for three of his 10 Tht• <•nd result was st'V<'ral outstanding plays, • To began with, tlw pitc:h ued }'~oh up so mul'h, opposing hitters bat the ball into the ground with vktories. Yet, somehow, the Yankees haven't been particular~ by shorLc;t.op Tam Foli and s<'<:oncl hl' frll bat:kwurd Gr1d1 crossed the plate bef1m.• the their sinker pitches, Zahn and J ohn went ht•ad-to-u!Jh: to figure him out. baseman bby Grit'h. httlt• shortstop could even makt• has movt-to first. head Friday night at Anaheim Stadium before .. 1 didn't use the same pattern against them The Yankee infield, too, was kept busy. with 41,111 Cans and a Southern California television Graig N('ttll>s flawlt>SSly rt>c:ording several tough Yt•t, Foll uctually amwd safdy at first thanks audience. that I dad before," Zahn explained "l used more outs at third lO thl• Cullowang l'lrcumswnt•t'"l> ll1s bunt trlC.'kk-d slidl•r.. and !>inkers than the other two tames " d h f '---·· 1 I y k f ba Unfortunately for John and h1s New York Fo h was at his best an tht' seventh inning wht.>n own t <' ir..t ...-..• inl', anc un l'<.' arst ·~·man Yankee teammates. the Angel hitters managed 10 It was an 1mporumt victory for the veteran hf' rangt-d far to has lt•fl to snare a shot by Lou Stt'Vl· Balboni dec:1dt-d to lt•t ttw ball roll foul hit a few balls out of the infield and one out of the left-hander. ln his last outang, he dropped a 6-1 Pml•lla and then wh1rl<-d and fired to neut his Wht•n 1t lx.><:amc t•vu.ll·nt thl· ball was going to park. dt><:1sion in swf'ltenng Kansas City. He also dropped runm•r stay fair. Balboni simply µit'kt-d It up and 1.agged The result was a 4-1 Angel victory, their eight pounds and he• was having difficulty putting The Angels opcn<:d a 3-0 lead in the ~>cond Foli going by. But by thl·n, f'oh was running with second straight after an eight-game losing strcak. thl' wt•ight back on inning as Don Baylor startt-d things off with his !>Uch spc.•l-d thut he jarred tht• bull loose for an t•rror. And for those who keep a close watch on the rE!t:ord Zuhn i1miwd the YankC'<'s to a fifth -inning 13th horner of the year One out later Fred Lynn "l'vt• got to g1w 1t a tok1·n run," Foll l'Xplained books, it was win No. J.600 for Angel Manager tripll' to Jcrry Mumphrc•y (which eventually singled and Bob Grich smacked a triple into the later "I'm lx·gmnang lO think thuSt.· p1tl'ht·' arl' G~ne Mauch. ________ a_c_~:_o_u_n_u_'<.l_r_o_r_N_e_w __ Y_o_r_k_'s_lo_n_e_r_u_n.;..) _a_n_d_a_s_1_x_th_-__ l_e_f_t-_fl_c•_ld_l'V_rn_e_·r_fo_r_an_o_l_h_e_r-'r-'u_n_. _________ (S_e_e_Z_AHN, Page 82 I Sweden gets split with U.S. ST. LOUIS (AP) Ma ts Wilander outl asted Eliot Teltscher 6-4. 7-5. 3-6. 3-6. 6-0 Friday mght to pull Sweden mW a 1-1 tie with the Umted Stales after lhe opening day of the Davis Cup quarterfinal round. John McEnroe had given the U.S. an early lead by stopping Sweden's Anders Jarryd 10-8, 6-3. 6-3 in the opening match. McENROE AND Jarryd will face each other agam today m the doubles, McEnroe teaming with P eter F leming against J arryd and Hans S1monsson. T he final two singles matches will be played Sunday afternoon, with Teltscher facing Jarryd and MC'Enroe meeting Wilander. W1lander surprised the tenrus world las t month when he became the younges t -ever winner of the French Open. The 17-year-old Swede and TelLSCher traded service breaks in the third and sixth games of the opening set. Wllander took the set when he broke Teltscher at 30 in the 10th game as the American had a plethora of unfol't'ed errors. Delly Pllol Si.tt Pholo They traded service breaks in tht-fourth and fifth games and in the nmth and 10th games of the second set. But Wilandcr broke the American's serve again m the 12th game to go up two sets to none. FRIENDLY VISIT -Ryan Norton, a 6-year-old boy from DiBernardo. The five w ere on hand at the Shriners' Hospital West Covina, says hello to (from left lb right): Rod Emery. in Los Angeles and will be in action in the Shrine Game• at Dave Geroux. Ma tt Stevens. Brian Lopker. a nd R1 c:k the Rose Bowl next Saturday. ---~~------------~-~-----=----~----~------ T<'ltscher. ranked seventh m the wor ld on the Assoc:1auon or Tennis Professionals computer. came alive. hitting winners from all over the court and nearly ehminatmg his unforl'ed errors.· Italy, West Gerinany seek third title He broke the Swede an the third game at 30. then broke him again al love in the• seventh game . Wilander. h o wever , refused to wilt and fought off two set points before breaking TelLSCher's serve an the eighth game. TELTSCHE R WAS not to tx denied and broke right back although WilandN slaved off four more set points before fi nally s u ccu mbing when Teltscher lofted a pcrfe<:t lob that hit just inside the baseline. Following a 10-mmute break. the American right· hander opened the fourth set with the finest tennis of the day. nppmg off th e first 10 pomts and 14 of the first 15 points to snare the first three games and hold a love-30 lead in the fourth game. But the young blond, firing from the baseline with unerring accuracy . was equa I to the challenge and didn't lose has serve again the rl'St of the mght. Although h e dropped the fourth set to even the mat.ch at 2-2, it was Wilander who was in high gear and Teltscher fighting from behind. The Swede won every vital poinl after that. and n ot even the highl y vocal pro-U.S . crowd or 8,854 could help Telt1cher. World Cup fina lis ts get ju t t wo day r est a fte r arduou MADRlD. Spain (AP) Tht' World Cup soc(:er championship garm· Su:lday will be a s howdown between the tournamC'nt's leading S(.'Orers, Ka rl-I ll>inz RummPn1ggt• or West Germany and Paolo Hossi of Italy The match also wall lt·avl· nnc squad wllh three World Cup tllll'S, tying thc rt'<'ord h£>lcl by Brazil. und will rPkindlc mcmonC'!- of thc 1970 semifinal match m which ltalv edgC'd WC'st Gennany -i -:i m Mexico. · Hummemgge and Rossi. the only playl'l"l' to sc:ore Cave goab in the· final phase> or thl• tournament. each l'l('Orl'd an Thursday's semifinal gumes to hl•lp propel their tl•am'i into the final The stubborn West Germans advan('~'(i with a dramatic victory over Frant't' that wa'> det:1ded by ~nalty kicks when tht• game remained tlt'd 3-3 after a 30-minutl' ovt:>rllml' period. Rummenigge. recovc•ring from a stra1m'Cl right thigh muscle. enll'rcd the ganw whl·n the French held a :1.1 lead m overtime. The· European Player o f tht· Yt·ar almost 1mmcd1ately sOl-rcd the· Sl'cond German goal that put has s1dt• batk into the game W1..-.;t Ccrman Coach Jupp Oerwall said two days of rest after such a long. arduous game might not be l'nough fur his players. "It 1s possible we wall be tired." Dt•rwall said While the oddsmakcrs all along wagered W es t G e r m a n y w o u I d b c 1 n t h l' championship matc:h. alm~t no one figured the Italians would .JOIO them. And Italy's early matches. including a 1-1 llP with 1ncxpc·racnccd Camt•roon. did nothing lo t'nhunl'C its image• But the most glaring Italian wcaknt'SS - n•stang on strnng defcns1vc capabilities whdf' unabll' to mount a S(onng attack - vam~hed Mondav whl'n slow-startf'r Ros.c;i <'Xplockd with thrt'l' goals as Italy shut out Poland 2-0 an a semifinal. R9551's l'mergcnl't' as on£> of the brightest stars of this World Cup 1s startlin,R becauSE• 'It is po.'isible Wl-' will be /ired.· -WHt German Co.ch Jupp Derwall hi' JUSl ended a two-year suspension for his part an a mapr ltahan gam<'-f1xing scandul. The 24-yf'ar-old striker playt>d just three games with first-division Juv<'ntus of lht• Italian IPa~ue beforf' l•nl<'r1ng the t11urnament Italy's UpS<.'t over heavily ravort'<f Br.ml was prN'C'dcd by a 2-1 triumph over ddendang ('hamp1on Argt•n tana an the S<.'t'Ond round. West Germany and Italy made 1t to the final gamc after a grueling series of playoffs, inl'luding a q ualifying r ound spanning two years that determined the 24 teams who compel«! in the final phaSE' The United States and Canada wt-re ehmmated m the qualifiers, although five Third World nations were among the final e mifinal victories two down lor the· first tame. Carnl·roun. Algl·na. Kuwait. Honduras and Nl•W Z<•aland. Although thc quadrennial tuurnam£>nt wai; t·xpandl-d from 16 warns this yc•ar. Northt•rn lrl'land was the· univ unSl>t'<:ll'Cl tt·am to real'h thl· st'<:ond round ·Host nation Spam C'ked into thl• '>l't'Ond round only tn Ix' turnl-d bat·k bv WPsl G<·rmanv 2-1 lx•forl' !m.ooo partisan fans m Madrid· W<'st c;ermany also looked like a prime l:dnu1clutl' to makt.• an early exit. when /\lgc·na dcfl•a tl•d the curn;nt Europt-an t•hamp1ons '2· 1 an tht· firsl round The slow start 1.·ame altt•r th<' Ct•rmuns swept all eight of thl•1r quahfymg m:.itc ht•s. out·Sl'Oring opponents 33.;~ The Gcrmans wall be ndang a four year winning streak against European tt•mn!i w ht•n the t rad 1t1una 1 ra vats ml'l'l al Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu S t adium Sund av Ll•d · on off cns1• by Rummt>mggl' and inspired an m1df1cld by Paul Brt•1trwr. d vett•ran of lht• 1!17-l l'hamp1onsh1p tt•am. thl' Germans arc a rul{gt-0, well-organ1wd umt that never g1vrs up f1ghtmg ThE' Italians, l'aptained by -10-ycar-old goolkeeper Dino Zoff, thl' oldest player in thl' tournament. arc both slick and s troni.t Midfielder Marco Tardelli. a p<>Wl'dul tackler. will be the man trying w dc•struy the German build-ups, while Giancarlo Antognoni will be sett.mg up tht• Italian offensive plays. Will third place he motivation enough for France? ALCANTE. Spam (AP -French coach Michel Hlldalgo had 44 hours to restore \he aplrita of hls team, which ThUl'lday was desperately unlucky In 101ln1 ln the World Cup itoccer lOW'namllnt aemiflnala. France drew 3-3 in overtime time with Weit Oermany after leadlns 3-l In s.vtlle, then io.t on ~natty klcka. Whtie t h e Germana fl ee a chuns*lnlhlp ronrront.atton with lt.aly In Madrid lunday, the Jnnch can fook fcww1rd only to 1 thlrd·platle mawh herw "*>'· ~·• oppQ!Mnt II Poland, bM&.en 2·0 by lt.l~ In sh• other Mmllln1l Thurwdly 1t ..,.lanl, The Poles go Into the macch wtth a major advantage . They were outplayed by the Italians over 90 minut.es, while the French Cough\ for 120 minutes before Ju•t fuillna to reach the tlnal for the fl rat time. It wu a nervr-unallns. au~wttnchlna match -ono thl' French will find It hard to put ~hind th m. For i'"Ameh eoccer, a lood N>tult t.odAy 11 lmpor\ant. Tl'\P bNt J'reN.'h rtnl1h In the World Cup la third In lt68. The Wrrt'nt 1qued, ably lld by Mk'hel Pl1tlnt, now hu a chance \0 malL'h tt\Jt M'hleWmtnl. But wfll that e. mnUvadan enou1h f Of a 1quad both mentally and physically d rained by Thursday'• epic 1iruggle? Many of the French. players wept after Thul'lday's defeat. Detpf te their dlupPCJ'nunonts. both t.eamt hive clone ex~ptJonally well to r'Neh the thlrd-pblce match Unrated at the atart of the tournament, both h1vr dl1pl1yed moment. of t>t:!lht. 1ttrlC'live tOCCer. The Pol• Oopped aplNt tht> Uthl· knit Italian defeNO Thul"llday, but wUI have Zbl1nl1w &onlt k, thetr captain and 1t.1ndoul, hick In action~ Bonlek, Who WU IUI f ot the mllth IPIM\ haly •fttr IW btlna l-AUUOMd durtna the tournarntnt, 11 lhi focal point or moat Polish attacks and was sorely m1-ed against tht> Italians He is among the leading !K'Orers 1n the tournament wilh four goals. Ke will provide a real iest for lhe eometlmes brittle •"rC!nc:h defense. whic h wa.t frequently cxpolfd la\At In the gllllW 111Jnat the oermana. The Pol•, too, mJaht have trouble flndtnc lnsplralion for 1 e.me that ll a dl1t.ant IK'Ond bf9t tlD the final. Wtl.h only third place 1t tu.kl>, th a•me could •h~r be a bore, or 1 ff1Uv1I of 1twktnc ii. phUoaophy of both U'amll IU ... IJ lM l1UH I Roenicke delivers clutch hit PHILADELPHIA <API Hun RCM:ml'kt• wasn't surpnM'tJ that t ht• P h 1 I J cl " 1 o h 1 a P h 1 111 l'., prl·lt·rn-cf to pill h to him r<1tlwr than Stt·Vl Yc•;igt·r 111 thl· llth mnmg Roc·n1l'kl-. .i sw1u:h-h1tt1ng L<Js Angc·le·~ outfielder l'<ime• into Friday night's g<.1mt• w1lh tlw Phillies an a ~-for-30 slump and was only 3-£or-30 batting right- handed and Jhi •>Vl'r.ill thl'> st•ason But thP '25 -vl·ar-olrl 1nok1c- foalNt 1 h1· -.tratc-g v. rd ling .a On TV today channel 11 at 4 tWO·OUl doublt mto l'l•nl1•1 fll'lrl that scon -tl two rum. and t·n<i bled the Dodg<.'r!> to beat the Ph1lhes 6-4 ··Thl• way I WdS hitting. thl·~ (the Phall1l·S) d id thr right thing." said Hoen1l'kl· "[ wa::. struggling But lo SC(• them wctlk Y 1.• a g C' r g a ,. e m c-m o r c• detcrmmauon w trv a httll· bll hardpr '' · He s lash<'Cl thl' fu-st p1tl'h rrom re hl'VC'r Tug McGraw. I I. for his gamt'-w1nning hat . DavC' Stl'Warl. !'i--1. was the winnl'r. working thrC'l' S(.'Orelcss innings 1n rc•hef "It'" ht'l·n a:. rough ai. l'vt• ev<'r had ll as ,1 h1ttt>r." R()(•naekt• said "Nut onlv wasn't I hilling the ball well. but I was striking out It IXJthc·rc·d nw quite· a bit ·· Managt•r Tom Lasorda said hto> had no thought of pmeh-h1ttmg for RO<'nic·ke "because I believe l'Vl·rv llmt• ht· go<':' up tht•rt• h1··s going to get a h11 1 kept tl'ilmg him ·Just kt'l'P swinging You l'an do 11 · If I thought tht• kid t1,uldn't d o n . ht· wouldn't ht• in tht•re" "! mane• th1• dt'('ISIOn lo Wulk 'r'edgl'r." -.c11rl Ph1llll's· Managl·r Pat Corrall·s "Hl··ll grind 1t out on vou Tht• kid (Hoc.·mckc•) was h1timg !IHI raght-handl•d But <Tug) Ml·Graw gavl' him a fast ball right out over thl· plate·· Phailad(•l ph1a·s Bob DerniC'r (orc·<'d th<• ganw into c•xtra mnmg~ wllh a solo homer in the !'lf?hlh to tu• 1lw >;<.•nrc• 4--1 Tabb shaves three seconds off mile mark PAHIS (APJ American Mary Dt'l·kt·r Tabb. formerly of Garden Grovl'. set a women's re('ord for the mile Friday al the Pans lntc•rnational track meet and Fc'rnando Mamede o f Portugal regained the European re<'Ord m the 10,000 meters he lost less than a month ago. But the ml-et was a disaster for British middle distance superstar Steve Ovell, who quit an attempt to shatter his own world mark in the I ,!'iOO meters after coming down with stomach cramps. He was hospiuili.zed briefly. Tabb. who just two days ago set a U.S r~rd in the women 's 3,000 meters during a meet in Oslo, Norway, jumped into the lead at \he start and never looked back. She <.'OVered the dilta~ in a time of 4 minutes. 18.08 k'ronda. knocklna almost th~ IC.'COndJ off th~ l"t'COrd ot 4:20.89 l Sep& 12, 1981 by Ludmll.a V lkova or l h~ Sovl l Unton. Thc- Amorlc1n Clnlthtd 13 MCOnda aho1d of aocond·place Mic Roberti uf C.Md.t, 8u1ve Scou, a UC lrvlne proc:h.w.1, wu 1 w•nlWf' ln \he IOO '"""'"· flnllhlna with 1 u.no of 1 :4~.7tl l . Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT /81turd1y, July 10. 1982 Alexander is sitting in George's dogh ouse From AP dl1patches New York Yankees pitcher Doyle II Alexander, hammert.>d by the Otkland A's in his first start since returning from the disabled list, was blasted by a "thoroughly disgusted" team owner Ceorge Steinbrenner and team officials after the game. "George said he's sorry he signed off this • series of events," Yankee Vice President Bill Bergesch said after talking with Steinbrenner following Alexander's shelling Thursday night. ''If we could trade him tomorrow, he said he would authorize me to do so.·· Alexander, who went on the disabled list after breaking a finger on his ~ ~ pitching hand while punching ALEXANDER a dugout wall May 6, gave up five runs on fiw hits in 1113 innings during 6-3 loss. Alexander . who signed a four-year, $2.2-million contract with the Yankees in the spring, fell to 0-3 this season. What particularly irked Steinbrenner was Alexander's refusal June 25 to go to Columbus of the International League for some rehabilitation work. Quote of the day Elh:abetb Taylor, the actress, quoted in the Adidas magazine previewing the World Cup finals in Spain: "l prefer rugby to soccer. When soccer players start biting each other's ears off again, maybe I'll like it better.'' COMPETITIVELY PRICED ..• CONVENIENTLY LOCATED! LEASE Ott IU1! Roy Carver BMW 1540 JAMBOREE RD .• NEWPORT CENTER • NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 714-640-6444 1982 SU.ARIS GL, DL, WllOIS I IRlTS LARGE SILECTION S~b'S sport swap A NEW CONCEPT IN QUALITY ,.EW AND USED SPORTING EQUIPMENT • SNOW SKIING • WATER SKIING • WIND SURFING • BACK PACKING • TENN IS • JET SKI • SURFING • SCUBA • GOLF 1779 NEWPORT ILVD. COSTA MISA 645-4310 (AQOSS ROM THI GIANT IOYS) HOUllr MON.·SAT. 1CM Baseball today On thl.I d1t.e In buebtU In 1936: Phlhadclphlo PhUltea 1tuaattr Chuck K.lel.n hh four home-rurui In tilt Phil•' 9-6. 10-lnnlna victory ovur the Pltt1burgh Plratea. On this date in 1934: Ocaplll' the fubulou11 pitching of Nt-w York Giant k'rewballer Carl HubbcU, thl· Amt•rican League won the AU-star KUmc. 9-7 ut the Polo Grounds. ln the first inning, after Detroit's Chatllf' Gehringer and Washington's Heinle Manush reached base, Hubbell struck out New York Yankee sluggers Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and Philadelphia strongman Jjmmle F'oxx .. ln the second, Hubbell fanned Chicago's Al Simmons a nd Washington's Joe Cronin, gave up a single to New York's Bill Dickey, and struck out Yankee pjtcher Lefty Gomez. Bell. Sample homers aid Tex\!s wins Buddy Bell racked a two-run II homer with one out in the bottom of the ninth as Texas rallied for a 3-2 victory in the opening game of a twi-night double-header, then Billy Sample homered and singled In a pair of runs in the se<.'Ond game to give the Rangers a 3-1 win and a sweep of the twin bill . . . Cecil Cooper and Gorman Tbomaa t)it two-run doubles to highlight a two-out, seven- run Milwaukee fourth inning and the Brewers outlasted Kansas City, 9-6 ... Ernie Whitt c r ashed a two-run home run and Al Wood s added a solo shot as Toronto posted a 7 -6 victory over the Chicago White Sox. Dale Murray picked up his third consecutive victory after Bl!LL replacing starter Luis Leal in the fifth inning ... Rookie Frank Viola scattered six hits in recording his first complete game in the major leagues as the red-hot Minnesota Twins beat Boston, 4-1, for their ninth victory in their last 11 games ... Larry Milbourne and Cbria Bando belted two-run homers in the fourth inning. powering Cleveland to a 7-4 victory over Seattle. Milbourne, a former Mariner, also scored Cleveland's first run after a leadoff double . . . Dan Ford highlighted a five-run second inning with a bases-clearing three-run double as Baltimore downed Oakland. 7-5. Padres extend streak before loalng ., Dave lU11n:1aa'1 Ue-breaklna II \wo·run hom r In thu bottom of tho .eventh lnnlna Friday nl&ht cap. ped a three.run r•ll y u tht! Nf•w York Ml'tM beat San Diego, 6·3. to ~urn u 11pllt of their twi-nlght double·header. The• Padre• had extcndod thoir winnln& streak t.o lliX IJllmetl by wlnntnw tht• opener , 5-3, as Terry Kennedy 11ingll-d homt-the go.ahead run In the sev<mth lnnlna . . . Elsewhe~ in the National Leagut!, Larry Whitenton capped a three-run firth-inning rally wuh a two-run single to break a 4-4 tie and give Atlanta a 6-4 triumph over Pittsbur~h. extending the Braves' lead to three games over San Diego . . . Willie McGee and Keith He rnandez drove in sixth-inning runs and rookif'S Dave LaPolnt and Jeff Lahti and veteran Jim Kaat held Houston to six hits to lead St. Louis past the Aslros. 3-2 in the Astrodome . . . Joe Morgan belted a solo homer and Jack Clark added a two-run shot in the sixth inning, helping San Francisco topple slumping Montreal, 3-2 . . . Gary Woods drove in three runs with a homer and a single and Jerry Moralea' bases- loaded triple highlighted a six-run seventh inning to lead Ferguson Jenkins and the Chicago Cubs to a 12-0 romp over Cincinnati. Zokol. Diehl share Milwaukee lead lfRookle Dick Zokol, continuing to !I settle his nerves by listening to a radii' headset betwEc>en shots, and veteran Terry Diehl conquered the wind Friday to shoot 3-undcr-par 69s and share the second-round lead of the Greater Milwaukee Ope n Golf Tournament. Zokol los t an opportunity to be the sole leader when he bogeyed the 16th hole ... Janet Coles, seeking her first victory on the LPGA tour in four years. shot a 3-under-par 69 to take a one-shot lead in the West Virginia Classic. Flanagans parents of test-tube baby Kathy Flanagan, wife of • Baltimore Orioles pitcher Mike Flanagan, gave birth in Baltimore Friday to the nation's fourth test-tube baby. hospital orrit'lals said . The 8-pound. 8-ounce girl named Kerry Ellen was born at 4:53 p.m. at the Greater Baltimore Medical Center, said Dr. William Englehart, who delivered the baby ... Joseph A. "Jumpin' Joe" Dugan, a New York Yankee third baseman in the 1920s. has died after suffering pneumonia and a stroke. He was 85. SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY'S LOWEST PRICED HIGHEST QUALITY VIEW HOMES From Page 81 ZAHN SHARP • • • alrlktit und I'm just leaning ocrou to the plote too much. ''He'• (John) a smart pitcher l wus lw:ky to get it down. Fortunotdy, the phch wu• up," Foll added. Mumphrey'is trip!~ in tht< Mth was followed by on RBI ground out by Nt•tllt-11, uc.-ountlng tor the Yankees' run. Thi.' Angels addt-J their final tall y In the fifth 8ll Brian Downing open~ with a triple and Rod Carew hit a HBI sacrifice fly to l<•ft Zahn's gl•m was more than JUSt another two- hitter. h markt'd the finit <.'Omplt•te game by an Angel pitcher sine<! June i 4 when he beat Kansas City. Speaking of b ea ting Kansas Caty, the Milwaukee Brewers did just tl}at with a 9-6 victory Friday night, meaning the Angels' mod.est two- game wan streak has moved them to within one game of the American Leagut! West leaders. "Did Zahn pitch good or what?" Foli asked In between bites of what looked like some type of seafood after the gaml'. "Zahn and John are masters. They can blow you away. They just make it so tough to rc>lax. You can't say enough about the way they patch." · 'r:hc> Angels cic.·tually beat a left-hander in handing John his seventh defeat against five victories. It was their first suC'h win since Dave Goltz defeated Kansas City's Bud Black pack on June 27. * * * ANGEL NOTES: 00"9 C0tbelt may have earned a save Thurlday night on tne Angels• 5-1 victory over Cleveland and suffered lhe lost two n•gMs eerl•er on a 3·2 deleal to Be111more. but Manager Gene MMHfl says lhe s1nkerball rellel spec1a11s1 pitched bettor egalnll Iha Oriole& Corbell 11arned his 10th save of the season Thursday n1gn1. but he maoe the mistake ol throwing a slider lo Baltimore's C81 Rlplten on the e1gnth 1nn1ng Tuesday n1gh1 Rtpken put the ball 1n lhe seats to. h~ Corbett hos seventn loss II was 1h11 only bad P•tch Corbell has lhr on '115 last two outings, S')Bnnong ".even Innings . Don 8ay!M h quietly raised hos batting average 20 points while hilling salefy 1n l!t ol h•s last 18 games More on Mauch The Angels' Skipper la currently 10th on v•clories on the all-hme managing list He ts ninth 0 11 Ole all-tome 11~1 tor games managed at 3.378 and ninth •n years servloe with 22 former Angel Butch HobM>ll. now playing with the 'l'an~ees' tripte·A aflll1a1e on Columbus went l ·lor-3 wolh all RBI Thur$day noght on a 5-4 toss 10 Rochest8f Ten years ago Friday. Nol•n lly•n tossed a one·h•tler at Boston '" a 3-0 Angela victory A year earlier on that date. the Angels played e 20-•nnong game last1no hve hours. live m1nu1es on 1os•ng to Oakland. t-0 Game two of the Mirles tonight p11s New Yor~ s Ron Guidry (8·31 against Ken F0tec:tl (7-71 Game l•me •s 7 05 Sangue favored Sunday INGLEWOOD (AP) -SangUl:. Ac.·k's Se<:ret. Tra('k Robbery and Cat Girl rail •1s tht· big four of seven entries for Sunday's Vanity Handicap for fillies and mares at Hollywood Park. There were no surprises tn Friday's entry list with Sangue. to be ridden by Bill Shcx>maker. listed as the 2-1 favorite l'arr:vmg 120 pounds. BEST LOCATION • JUST 10 MINUTES FROM NEWPORT AND LAGUNA BEACH ... I 1 ·. from 'I VIEW TOWNHOMES in a perfect South Orange County location ... that's Laguna Village, contempo- rary California living just minutes from Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar and UC Irvine. You couldn't be more centrally located, and you can't buy a more quality- built affordable townhome than those currently being offered at magnificent Laguna Village. Designed with a view in mind, each luxurious town home is positioned to take maximum advantage of dramatic vistas spread out in the valley below. The development is built around a 5112 acre. half million dollar rec. center that includes a 5500 square foot clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis facilities, volleyball and picnicking. You may select from 1 and 2 story units with 2 or 3 bed- rooms that range in size from approximately 1010 to 1665 square feet and each townhome garage facility can accommodate 2 cars. It's like living.in a park because more than 42% of the development is de- voted to open space, rolling gardens and greenbelt areas. And. to allow you to completely enjoy your new country-club lifestyle, the condominium concept of leisure living is provided, with exterior maintenance, landscaping and care of the park-like grounds and rec- reational facilities performed for you by a professional firm retained by your Homeowner's Association for a modest monthly fee. . . " i''. /l •'I (,, • 112 I 00 3 BEDRMS, 2BATHS, W 2CAR GARAGE ONLY 5600~i~NT . 12 INTEREST GRADUATED 0/0 INT. RATE~!JASED ON A 30 /C YEAR TERM *EXAMPLE: SANTA BARBARA PLAN Under our graduated pmt. financing plan. you buy this beautiful home for $112,600. Your down pmt. is $5,600, and your loan amount is $107,000 at 12% graduated Interest your flrst'year's mo. pmt. is $1101 plus $94 (est. taxes), plus $90 (assoc. fee) for a total pmt. of just $1285. Your second year's total mo. pmt. is $1369. The third year, it's $1452, and years 4-30, it's $1516. The maximum 30 year fixed interest rate tor years 4-30 is just 1434%. BORM 3 BDRM 2 LIVING MASTER SUITE . .... r- DI NING KITC~EN'. um.R YllW lML SANTA BARBARA 'OOUBlt GARAGE (NTR'flEVEI. ,, -. I , I l . I I ·u.s. sprinter· denied record ,Wind a bit too trong for Smith in 100-meter event KARL.·MARX·STADT, East Oerm&lny (Af>) -Calvin Smith of Boaton , Mau .. ran a 9.91-llet'<>nd 100 met.era Frldoy ut a United S\.Mtl'8·East Cermnny /I track and fl Id moot. 1, lt would have txl(Jn a world record if the tt1llwlnd had not Peen one-tenth ot a second too ,,strong. ,1 The wind was 2. 1 meters per second and the limit is two . meters. The world record for the 100 meters is 9.95 seconds. held ,by American James Hanes. which won In 3A.29 IK'COnd11, tht' world'11 best time thh1 ycur. Thl• ~st G ermon» k'CI l 13-77. mainly on thl' 11tr('ngth of their woml'n, who rolloo up n 6:)-30 murgln ovc.>r their Amt·rll'un l.'ountt•rparui. ln the top rul'l', Marlles Cochr equaled her own world record of 10.88 seconds 1n the.> women's 100 meters. Other top l982 marks a lons with the American 400-mcter relay <:locking were set by thl' East German women's 400-mt•ter rt>l t•Y· 41 99. (the Amurlcan wonwn :wt u U.S. rl'<.'Ot\l ot 42 W in tht• 1H1me run'); the ~·UHi St.'<.'Onds by East Oc.>nnany'" Ellen Fll•dler In thl' women·~ 400-meter hurdles, und East G<'t'mun Udo &yc•r's shot put of 71 f{'t't, 11 ~. inches. Other American wmne~ w('re Chff Wiley in 44 86 In the 400 meters, Sydney Maree in :1:37.90 in the 1,500, Dwight Stones with a high jump of 7 .l) 1h and Carol Lewis with a long jump of 22-4 v. , "l don't care," the 2 1-year-old Smith said of the wind which , .kept him from the re<:ord books. j"I had a very good race. l'U have .another chance at the world ,record." U.S. poloists roll , Smith was cheered by 36.000 tans attending the first track and Schroeder's goal beats Russians , Iield meet between the United States a nd F.ast Germany. which 'ends today. There were no world , records set Friday. Smith also anchored the American 400-meter relay ll'am ~irard goal 'gives FV win ' J ohn Girard sc...'Orcd m suddcn- death overtime to lift Fountain Valley to a 7-6 victory ov<.>r Huntington Beach Fnday night m American Speedsoccer action at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. " Girard hit a rebound shot into the net with six minutes elapsed in overtime for the wanning goal. He had two for the game along with t eammate Hamm l•d 1'rijul·kic. Farzin G havtn of Huntington Beach had three• goals. Huntington Beat·h tied tht· count at 6-6 with three minuws 1-emaining in regulation on a goal by Rico Gnoulher Fountain Valley is now 3 -1 and Hunting ton Beach, 0-4. Tonight. Costa Mesa p lays Orange at 7 and Mission Viejo meets Newport Beach at 8:30 an a double-header. BUDAPEST. H ungary - Tt>rry Schroeder st'Ored with 6:06 remaining to give the United States a 9-8 victor y over Olympic Games l'hamp1on Kussia in the Courth round of the Tungsram Cup water. polo l'ompettlion here. The victory leaves th<' U.S. lied with Spain and Holland for the.· team lead in th<' mternattonal cvc.•nt involving l'1ght of the world's top wate r polo powers. The US and Spain eac.·h have 3-1 rct:ords while Holland 1s 2-0-2 In Friday's game. the U.S. moved an front an the first period. 2-1, but the Russians' tied the munt at halftiml', 4-4. Each team was able to score two goals in t,he third period before the U.S . took a J-2 c.'<.lge in the final period thanks to S<:hrocder's wmnmg goal Tht'.' victory was the first for the U.S. team over Russia in several vears. Sl·hro eder. 1n add1t1on to S<.'Ortng the wanning goal. had another tally to ue with Tim Shaw and J O(' Vargas for the point IC'ad for the Americans. J,am1C' Ber geson. a f o rmer Newport Harbor High star as is Kevan Robertson . each scored unc goal as did Doug Burke. Ironically. three of Friday's scores were by the 9-8 margin Sports on TV TELEVISION 10:45 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - Third plac..""e final between Poland and France. 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Minnesota at Boston. 11:30 a.m. (9) -RODEO -Coverage of the 1982 College Nationa l Finals Rodeo, taped at Bo~man. Mont. in June. 11818' the U.S . defeated Russia . Holland took the measure of Yugoslavia and Spam won over Italy by the same score. Hungary and West Germany played to a 7-7 tic. Thc.• U.S . tt•am meets Holland today a nd thl• winner eould catapult into .the lead m thl· team standings or til' with Spam for tht.• lead. Football league will test for drugs CHICAGO (AP) -United States Football League rulC'S will include provisions for testing players for possible drug abuse. Chicago fram:h1se owner-coat'h Ot.'Orge Allen said Friday ''I think onl' of tht'.' most significant things that our league rt'<:ognizes is the• importam•e of a drug enfort'cment program," Allen said after a second day of mt:'c•tings with leaguc.• coaches and ('X(."l'UtiVl'S. "There wall Ix' tests." h<' said. "The medical pl'Ople wall have to tell us the most errecuvc.• wav to do it. Naturally, there will be some obj('ctions. but the consequl'nc.·c.•s arc manor compared to what happens otherwise." 2 p.m. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE -PhH Harris fishes for big mouth bass on Florida's Lake Kissimmee. CEDAR FENCING Reg. 1.39 each 3:30 p.m . (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - F.dwin Rosario (26-0) vs. lrleis "Cubaruto" Perez (23-0) in a scheduled 10-round lightweight bout. taped at Las Vegas. 4 p .m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Highlights from earlier matches feature fighters from St. Louis, Louisiana and Minnesota. ( 11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Philadelphia. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Roger Stafford (20-2-1) vs. Milt McCrory ( 17-0) in a scheduled 10-round welterweight hout. taped at Phoenix. RADIO Dog-Eared Top 31418' REDWOOD POSTS Super Quality 41818' Reg. 4.59 Orange COHI DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 10, 1982 Bast posts • victory Mlke Bast k'Ored• hl1 flrat-ever Fair D«tby Troph y victory at the weekly speedway motorcycle ra<.-es ut the Orangt> County Fairgrounds In Costa Mesa Friday night. Bast . a six-time national chumplon, has nevl'r won the Fair Derby event until Friday night while Alan Christian of Huntington Beach finished second for the 12th time in l·hampionsh1p races thls season. S h aw n Moran . competing here from th~ British Speedway League. was third with 12 points after spilling in the> fourth heat race of the round -robin program. "Driving well It the beet revenge~• .. Moran went into the ral·e with a perfect S<..'Ore along with Bast but ran lf.;==:=:=:=:=:S::=:=:=:~~~~~~~=========:::::=~ into John Sandona at the r1rst turn and did a :!60-degrrt' turn. He was red-flagged for this race and didn't r("'('eive any points. Later in the program. he won his heat race with Bast but was unable to pick up enough points to win. Moran is a reserve for the world championship sualtfy1ng race 1n Sweden while• brotht•r Kl•lly has made at.to th<' rwxt round Following the t op thre<> ndC'rs to the finish hne were Gene Wood!> with 10 poinl'>. Sandona with 10. OavC' Sims and Make Faria with 9 eac:h . Bas1 had 14 points to lJ for Chnst1an and 12 for Moran. On opening night of the fair. a crowd of 8.734 was o n hand for the spc>edway ral'E.'S SALE 99!. SALE $379 SALE D D Model8St5 MAGNAVOX VCR wfth,....,.. Soft touch function controls. Mechanical tuning. t day/1 event t imer. Transition editing. Remote pause. Special STAR REMOTE Model RB<t265 Baseball -Dodgers at Ph1ladelph1a, 4 p.m .. KABC (790); New York Yankees at Angels. 7 p.m .. KMPC (710). LANDSCAPE TIMBERS Fungicide Treated- Reg. 5.99 $379 Enjoy the ultimate in state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's also a 10 channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display. high resolution filter and an audio output jack. Factory programmed to receive 1 OS.channels. $599 95 ' l Bowl-A-Thon set Sunday Top bowlers from Southern California and the Ama te ur Bowlers Tour will compete Sunday during a Bowl-A-Thon at Kona Lanes m Costa Mesa. Proceeds from the games wa ll go lo benefit the Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California, which helps victims with vocational and medical programs. BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Claaslc White with Palomino Leather. Electric Sun Roof. Alloys. Stereo-Cassette. 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645-"'800 or 714 645-1122. WRIGHT'S HARDWARE { . 50% 'OFF 25% OFF 25% OFF & MOii ON AU ITEMS ti PAlllNG LOT EVEAVTHINO IN METAi. WAlltfi~OUSf EVIAV'T'HINO IN ..WNlfOf'I. look like "Lincoln Logs" 4x8x1A" TEAK PLYWOOD Beautiful Color and Gfain 4181~" ASH PLYWOOD lumb.f Core. Mok" Beautiful Cabinets. Reg. 44.00 Reg. 64.95 SALE $2499 SALE $4999 j i FREE DELIVERY #5230 Star Remote l ••••• , l This 25" star features an all new 19 button Infrared remote contrOI that not only allows random access to 105 channels, but push button controls for alternate channels, HI-Fl sound, and recall functions. Enjoy this ligt)tweight. easy-to-carry 12" diagonal Black & White TV. 100% Solid State cMMia. preset VHF fine tuning. IO • Model 08P101 Big Set performance in a compact 13" diagonal .... This portable Color TV features Automatic Fine Tuning and 100% Solid State chasals. s ~ . ' •• • M~ LHQUI ITANDtHOI =='DI~ • l. ....... 1<111\MI CllV 41 U $73 ....... 47 31 &eel I ~ Q 37 &31 > S..1119 45 3t 636 3 T.,... :M 44 436 11 OelillNI 37 49 430 12 M!nMeole 27 SI 318 21'• Boston M .... IUll .. 8atllm0t• Oell~I Ntw York c1e..ianc1 T0ton10 u1n-.0tV*ON 41 3S 46 35 43 37 40 40 39 40 39 41 37 4S ,,lday • lc- Ant ... 4 -Yv<k I T •••s 3·3. 0.1ro11 2· 1 Tor onto 7. Cnicego 6 M1nl'leSOt1 4, Botton I M1lwauk" 9. K1naa1 Ciiy 6 B1l11m0te 7. Oaloleno S Clevelano 7, Seallte 4 TocMft GlimH , .. 10· ... N~w Yo<I< (Gu1ory 8·31 al Ane .. • (For.ell 7 11 n M1nnH01a (Ca111~0 •·5) 11 Bo11on IHursl 2·31 Ba1t1mo1e ID MarllMr ll·S) a1 OOl1no (Underwooo 4·4) Oe1r~1 (W•leo• 7-S and Mor111 11·01 11 THIS (Mt118Ck 4-S and Sc:llmldl 2· I), 2. 1-n C111cago 1Koosman 2..31 11 T 0ton10 10011 1·41 n Kansaa City (Blue 8·SI a1 Milwaukee (Lerr;h S·SI n Cl<tva4ano (Sutctitte 6-4) 11 SNttle \Btallle 6 41 n Netlonal lMGue WHllfn Ol•..,.,,. W L Pel. GI Allan!" San Ooego Ooc19en 51 31 622 49 35 S63 46 40 S3S 11 45 417 3 1 ,, San Franc15CO 11ous1on Clftconnah JS 48 422 16'> 32 SI 386 19'~ SI LOUIS l'n<llKlelpnt• P11tsoorgh MonlreaJ New Yorlt. Chicago EMl1tn Ohllelon 41 37 45 38 42 40 •2 41 311 46 34 52 FricMlfa le-• ... 5 9 14'~ ~· 6 Phtlacle4Ph•I 4 (I I 1nn111g1I Chicago 12. C1nc1nn111 0 San Ooego 5·3, New York 3·6 San Ftanc1aco 3 Mon1rea1 2 -'tlanta 6. P111sburgh 4 SI Louis 3 Houston 2 Today'• Gem11 Dodger• (Welch 9-SI II PlllleOelphoa (Rumven 6-71, n Cincinnau (~<eny1 5·8 aM Le1t11ano1 3·•1 al Chicago (Noles S 1 and Krevec 1·0). 2 San Diego (Curlis 6·•1 al New VorK Cf llCOM 4 ·6 ). n San Franc1aco (LaSl<ey 1·51 al Monlltal (Gullickson S-81 n P1111ourgh 1Rooinson 9·31 at A11•Na IP Noel<ro 6-21. n St Louis (Forsch 8·41 II Houllon (J N1.,..10 7-61. f'I AMERICAN LEAOUE AncMI• '· YlftkMI 1 NEW YollK CAUl'Ol'IHIA l>b , llbl l>b , llbl Rndlpn 2b 4 0 I 0 OowrnnQ II 4 I I 0 G11t1ey rl 3 0 0 0 Car-lb 3 0 0 I W1•1l1IO dh 3 0 0 0 Re Jc:ksn rt J 0 I 0 P•noetla II 3 0 0 0 R Clar~ rt I 0 I 0 8all>Om lb 3 0 0 0 8ayl0f dh 4 I I I Mupnry ct 3 t I O OeCncs 3b 4 0 I 0 Nen•es 3b 3 o o 1 l ynn cl 3 1 I O Small••v ss J O O 0 CitlCh 2b 3 I 1 ' Wyneg~r c 3 o o o w~1ono 7b o O O o F04t SS 1 0 0 I Boone c: 3 O O 0 lolals 2a I 2 I Tolali JO 4 a 4 ko,.. bf lnnlno• p.jew YOik 000 010 000 Ca111ornoa 030 0 tO 00• 4 E Balboni OP California I LOB N..., York 1 Ca111orn1a 5 3B-Mumphrey Downing G11ch t-IR Baylor I t3) SB 8ay10t S -Foto Lynn SF-Car- Naw Y0<k IP H A EA 18 10 John (L.5·71 8 8 • • O 4 Colll0tnla Zan" fW 10·4) 9 1 1 T I 57 A 41 I It FIRIT OAME ... ng ... J, T\glt• 2 OetrOll 000 011 000 2 5 0 fe•AS 100 000 002 3 4 t P Und-"00. TObtk (II) and l M Parttl/I, 8ulcher Dar won (61 end Sundberg W - Darwin S-2 L Toollt 2·3 HR Tt•u B Bell (101 SECOM> GAME "~ 3. T\glt• 1 OetrOll 000 000 00 I t 10 t TIAH 001 001 Oh 3 I I Pashn1c:k Sou (7) and L M Pamsh Medich. Scttmldl 171 a nd Wern., W Medoch 7.7 L-Paslvuck 1-3 S Schmodl 13) A 19 113 Twlna 4, Red le• 1 Minnesota 000 220 000 4 12 0 8oslon 000 00 I 000 -I 6 0 Viola end Laudner Eckereley and Gedman W-VI041 3-0 L Ecke<aley 9· 7 A ?1 329 lllw Jara 7, Whttt lo•• ClttcagO 200 010 021 6 II T0<onlo o:lO 202 00•-7 11 I Dotson, Trout (4), EICatrtga (8) and Flak. Ltal 0 M1><11y (5). 8 McLeuglllln (8) 1nd Wltill W -0 Murray. 6-3 L Dotson 3-10 S-B McLauglllln (5) HRt -Toronto. Whlll (7), Woodt 11) A-16 131 l teW«t •• "°'"'. 1<81\MS Clly 001 OOt 202-6 II 0 Miiwaukee 000 100 02• -9 11 O Sp1111orfl Cu110 (4) and S•auo111. Calowell Fingers 191 and S1mmon1 w - Caldwell a.5 l Spl111orll 7 ·6 S Fingers 11 71 11R -Kanu1 C11y Slaugh! 111 "-26 983 lndlatl• 1, ........... 4 t;1evelano 001 •It 000-7 Seallle 000 022 000 4 10 I Denny. Wnlu on 17) Spllln•• (9) 1nd Banoo f Bann111er AnoerHn (SI ano SwHI w -O•nny 6·9 l F Bannlallr 1-5 s Sponnet ( 11) HR-C1evetano Bando p~ MllbOU<ne 111 A 14 437 °"°6lt 7, A '1 I Baltimore OSO 000 200-1 t2 O Oelll...O 101 001 011-S 12 0 ~tegor SIOdd.,d (Ill and Oempwy. Keouoll. Owc:t11nko 121. 8Hrd (7). 8 Mclauglllln {fl and N-man, M Heatn W-McGregot 11>-t l K-.gtt, 7-12 S- SIOddafd (8) HR-Oekland MIOrl)hy (tSI. Nm• (ti A-111.051 Ml H 111 '" .. •o '6J3t0 2 3 I I 0 2 'ioo2a t 7 •llt 2 I 0 0 1 I a a t 2 1 2 OuN 11."--0 C1nc1nn111 000 000 ooo-o 6 2 ClllCfQO 10 I 002 02x-12 13 0 8 Sllllltr, Hartll (1). HayH (71 Ind Tr~; JenlOnt and J o.~11 W Jrilna, 8·t 1.-11 Slllrlt 1. 2·7 HR-Clllc:ago. Woodt (S~ A-14,991 "'9To..-..-..1.Mt11a Sen Dleoo 000 300 101-6 1 I 3 Nfw Yor\ 000 012 000-3 8 I Wet1n. Clllller (6 ). O•Leon (I ) a nd T Kttl....oy: ~.Allen (I I and H00091 W - Cllllfet, 4-I l -Puleo. M 8 -0.1.eon (I I MCOMOO ... ..... t.hctt .. a s.,, o.ego ooo o:io ooo-:i 1 1 N4rwVork 000 011 3 h -8 I 1 E1cl'ltlbe1ge1, Oravec•y 151 Show (I I Lucu tel Oeleor> (11 and T K......cly. lf"Ch, Zachry (61 Allan (I) Ind H0d9M W-Zachry 5.3 L-Lucaa. 0·6 $-Allen ( 17) HA-..... YOOI Foll .. 1101. Kingman (201 A-16.546 lfe-e, PlretMI 1><111t>urgh 130 000 000-4 II 0 Allanla 00 I 230 OOx-6 II I Rh<>den E Romo (SI. Guante 171 and T Pana, Walk, C Otu (4), 8edro11an \6) and Bane<1ic1 w C Ouu 2·0 L Rhoden 5·11 S-Bedros.an ISi HR -P111s0Utgh Madlock (II) Easl"' (I) Mor•no (3) A 28 60 I Olanta S, hpoe 2 San Franc•liCO 000 003 000 3 6 MonlfH I 000 101 000 2 6 0 Hamm1k1tt . Barr (81, Hollano (II), Minion 191 ano May Roqers Fryman (81 and Calleo W-H1mm1ket 8-5 L-ROQetl, 10·4 S Minton ( ISi HR -San Francusco Mo19an 16). Clttlo. ( 111. Mon11u1 Olivo1 (1•1 A-31,3311 Catdln ... 3, Aalfoa 2 SI louis OtO 002 000-3 Houston 000 10 t ooo 1 6 O LaPOlnt La/111 Il l Kaai (91 •nd Porter Ryan an<I Pu1ols W L1Po1n1 S·2 L- Ryan 8·9 S Kaai I 11 HR SI lnuos Henduck 1131 A-21 178 Angel averev•• BATTING •• R H HR Rll Pel c ...... 173 . , 8 1 t 20 297 eo..n.ng 323 !>3 92 12 JI 285 C111k 53 1 15 2 !. 283 Lynn 269 41 16 8 29 28J FOlt 266 32 74 2 34 278 eoo-236 14 6!> t 19 275 8ayl0f 331 37 91 13 !>2 175 G11cn :176 3• 74 8 38 1611 OtC•nces 303 •2 8• tO 46 267 Roi Jackson 26t 37 6!> 18 43 2•9 8tn1Quel 85 11 21 1 e 2•1 Ro Jack"°" •2 'J 9 I ) 21• Fetguson 50 l 10 0 2 100 W11to11g 96 10 17 0 5 117 BurlffOn •5 7 0 l 156 Keloehe< 16 2 0 0 0 000 ro1a1s 2 8!>3 373 765 11 J•~ 268 PITCHtHO II' " 81 SO W·L ERA Mahle< ' 2 0 0 oc 000 Hasal•r 40' 1 2~ "' 22 I 0 2 01 Aa.w 50'. 42 22 40 3.3 .) 04 Zal>n 127 118 31 41 •O·• 'J 12 Renko ~·' l 94 24 42 1 ? ) 23 Fo<1ch t291 t 116 30 ., 7 1 3.' Wiit 8S'\ 86 31 .. 4.3 3 59 Sanchel •1 47 22 26 3-0 J 6• 1<1son 17 71 30 42 6-3 3 7• G~u 28'1 26 14 •8 2·2 3 81 C0tbell 57 !>• 21 23 •·1 • !>8 More<oo 491-, SS 23 22 3 7 • 74 Totals 173'> 123 267 362 •T-37 3 45 Tot» 10 {aa-d.., '75 II beta) AMEMCANLEAO~ a u A H Pct W W1'-' Kan5al CttyS8 2SO 33 65 340 Bonnell T0ton10 75 239 39 79 33 t t-lrboell Monn 7 I 283 48 93 329 Harrah Cleve4.anO 79 J 14 65 103 328 Young. Mltwaullee 76 3 10 S5 10 t 328 L M Parr~ Del 61 109 40 6a 325 Coooe< MllwatlilM 7S 311 54 101 325 McRae l(anws C•ty 82 J 14 44 99 315 Wnlle l(anus C11y 72 261 4 1 82 3 t3 8ochle Seettlt! 17 281 21 87 310 Home Rune G Tnomas Milwaukee 21 Tno•nlon Cl&velano 20 Cooper Molwauke& t 9 Oghvle Mll.,aukee, 19. Re. Jack1on, Anoei..11. RUM lilted In McRae Kat'lsas C lly 17 Coo11 .. Molwau•ee 811. Thornton Cleve11no 61 L1wn!.k1 Cnicago 62, Hrbek. Monflesota. 59 Pllclllng (11 OeclaloM) Gu10l'f, New Y0tk 8·3, Caudill SHllle. 8·3 VukOY>Ch Milwaukee t0-4, l alln, Anoel•. 10-4: Gu<a Kansas Clly 10·• Burns, Ch~ltQO. 8-• D Marlinet 8alhm0tt 9.5 Barker Cleveland 9.5 NATIONAL LEAOUE G Al R H Pct. Olive< Montreal 82 306 47 99 324 I Pena, P11tsburgh 70 268 18 86 32 I Kn!Qhl. HOuSton 82 317 45 100 315 Ru JOMS San Diego 78 2111 SS 61 312 ~Mill. ~a 70 237 43 74 312 Mac!IOck P111sourgh 79 292 48 91 312 lo Smith St LOUIS 83 3111 69 97 307 Cane< Mormeal 77 275 50 84 305 J Ray Pollsburgh 8 t 328 •6 tOO 30S t10tner Atlanta 78 270 52 62 ~ HomeRUfta Murphy. At,.nta. 23 l<•ngman New Y0t~ 20. Caner Montreal. 16, H0t'*. Atlanta, t8 J Tl'lomp.on Plltsburgn 17 Clar• San Franc.aco. 17 Rune a.tted In Mu<pl>y Atlanta. 62. 011-Mon11 ea1 60 Clatll. San FranctKO 57. T Kennedy Sa" Otego. se, J Thompaon, Pineou.gn. ss Pltcftlng (11 O.Cl•loMI Lollar. San Diego. 9 ·2 O Roblnaon Pillat>urgn. 9.3 Rogers Montreal. 10·• Sutton. Houllton. 9~. YMtnzutla, Oodetfl, 12·1; Forsch St LOUIS 8-4 Welc h, Oodeat•. t-5; Mon1elu1eo San o.tgo, 1 4 UtUe L.eaue TOUllNA•NT Of' i!H.t.llWIONI OIAtc:t 12 (M Oe-'-AIMttcan U) ,,.....,.,._.. Fountain Valley South 9. Oceerw1ew NatlOtlel 8 Tod•Jll CllamiM-etllp Rob1nw00d ~ Fountain Valle'( South 1 p m ~·-*PGto TUNOMAM CUii' ,.,~..........,, Uftltedl .............. United Stal• 2 2 2 3-9 AuMll 1 3 2 2-e United Stllet aeorong Terry SclwC*ler 2. Tom ~ 2. Joe vargaa 2 Jemie Betve-t t. Dou0 B<n• 1, KllYln AoOeflaon I ........ °'*' Olc;i. ZOllOI H ·8t 134 '.,,, Otenl 61 .. 134 S<.on a1mpeon u ro t3t w.,,,. l 1v1 ea..--1a1 Merk Lr• H ·t7 lle Calvlf'I PMle 70·18 136 Jim Gotbttt 61·87 131 Jell lllOl!IHI\ 70 67 1)1 1111 Call" 67·70-137 V~tor llag•llOO 7 t·68 137 David jf:dw•rdt 66 11-137 And( e..n tt -70-1311 J1J Cudd 6& 73-1311 Mo11l1 Hetalaky l!t·10 1311 Moger M1llb" 611-70-138 Dave Stockton 70-88-138 Matk MtOumt>t • 68-7 t-t39 Jay H .. 1 69-70-139 lob Tway 66·13-139 Andy North 81·71-1311 •:·· Sieve Metnylo 72·81-140 Mika M0tlef 611·7 I 140 Sk .. I• HM lh 70·70-140 M.,k Pleil 66·72-140 Gary Haffbttg 71-19-140 0.0.ge Cadle 11-ae-t40 Matti Celc:IYeGCl\la 70-7~ 140 Tommy v a1en11ne 71-66-140 Pl\ll Haneoo 71-69 -140 lobby Cote et-11 140 Gary Koch 69· 72-14 I Jim Nonla 61· 14 141 Mar!' H1ye1 71· 70-141 fd DOu9f*ly 70-11-1• t Lw ry Zleglet 72-69-14 t Dou0 Tewell 66·73 141 Dan POl>I 70-71 141 JOhn Manaltey 611-12 t• 1 Btacl 8ryan1 611· 12 t• I Eo F10t1 73·68 141 Miki B•annan 74-67 -14 I Gary MQCoro 74-61-1•2 t-towatd Tw111y 11 7 t 142 RH S1kea 12·70 t42 Joo .. MuOO 117 75 t42 G••1n Levenson 71 71 t•2 Chartee Coody 70-72 -142 f'1•"" Connet 11-11 1•2 Larr~ Mia 1 t-11 t•2 Clat1nc• ROH 73-89-142 Bill Sander 72-70 -142 Jim Oet11 71·71--142 Jaco. Refiner 1111· 73 -142 LH [ldttr 68· 74 -142 Dale Douglau 71·7 t 142 Ly11lo11 71-71 -142 Eroc Ballen 70-72-142 Billy Ghuon 71-71-143 Dave Hm 811·74-143 R11< Mu11ngalt 70·73 -t43 Miki H~I 12· 71 -143 nonnie Black 67-16-143 Curt By.um 70-73 -143 Cna~a K<enkel 611·7•-t•3 Allen Millet 72-71 143 Dave Eocnt lt>etger 12 11 -143 lom Simpson 74·69 t•3 ton Nielson n .11 143 l1nOy Mille< 72·1 I 143 Failed to OueNly fouell f eltet Ron S11ec11 Do" l eYtn J'tt'tm1t Z~rley John Meua OouQ B•ao 8.rney Tnompaon B•uc• OevM Ro01t Calvon Clyde Reqo RObetl lhom1>so•• Jell Sanoer• Stl!Yt! ~n'°" Jack Newton Jr Roo Curl Mi•• R111:t ~•u 8augn Vance Heelne• B11111 CM• 1e1 Kenny KflO• Thomas Gray Wally Armslrong Date 0oug1u. LPOA CleHlc 72.72 , .. 7•-70 , .. 70 7• , •• 72 12 ... 10-1• , .. 72 72 , •• 61-71 , .. 73-71 14• 72-'2 , .. 72 72 144 7 1-7~ IU 72·72-IU 72.72 144 74 11 ••5 73.72 t4S 10·15 14!> 72.73 1•!> 67-76 145 12 73 145 16 69 1•5 1•-1• 145 b8-17 145 72 73 t•S I•• w1tte11no. w.va.) JAlllll l,Ul;n 34·J5 69 35.35 70 34-36 70 '33-37 70 3•-37 7t 3•·37 7' 315.35 , , 36-35 71 JJ·.111 1 t 3!>·J6 ,, 40·32 7'} 18-3• 12 36 36 72 37-35-72 J6·36 1'l JS.36 n 34-38 12 36-36-12 35 37 ~i 37.35 72 37 35 72 36.36 I? JS-35 73 38 35 13 311 3• 7J 31-J6 7J 38-35 -73 J8·3S 73 36-37 73 37·36 13 37-36 73 35.39 74 37-37 -74 37.37 7• 38·36 74 37.37 7C 37.37 ·1• 36·38 74 J7-37 74 37.37 74 ,8-36 -74 37.37 74 K11ny Pos11...,a11 Aloc;e Miller Can•y Mo•se M••detll W1lk•ni Malla H&nten Kalhy Young Jan r ttra"• 8 .. oara MO•f\IH H~toa Stoey Ro0on W1111on Al•SOfl Sheolto Bonnie Laver MWy Dwyer Sr""• Ferdon Ca•OI<! Jo Calhaoo M J 'imoin • .,,. .. ~nOt• ReiwinJtOI Jane Blalock Dianne Dailey BetnO.,,... L or o Garoac1 " C.ar 04 Semple ,r,a1ny Marion Becky Pearon Marly Otck••SOfl Pal Meyt<t Judy Cltrk V1Ck1 labOr Beve1ly l(IHS Jon Stephenson Barb8ra M11rah"' Ca1otyn Holl Sl\elley Hamlin Kelty ruoks Linda 11ufll J ane1 Ale• Sus•" MCAlllllll S•nd1a Pos1 Ma•lene Hegge Sue [rll Jf!Jfll~n e11u S.nlof Open (at Portland. Ote.) G-L11t1et Gay Brewer Boo Goalby Arnold Palme< Dan S•ket Jr J-Flecli Ken T-ns Mii* Barber How.. J011nson Charltl S1ll0td Fredd .. HHt Boo Rosburg Bob G•ldt Stan Jawa< Joe Jimenez Mac Ma111 Art S1lve<alone Art Wall JI Oen1t Hulc.hln'°" Tommy w 1n1em1 73-69-142 73-70-143 72-71-t•3 73-71 -144 75-69-144 73-72-145 71-74-145 72-7•-1•6 7•-13-141 78-71-1•7 72-76-1411 74-7•-1411 7!>-7•-1411 74.75 149 71-78-149 73-76-149 72-17-149 75.74_ 149 78-72-tSO 77-73-150 Coeet erH rffult1 •AMTA ANA COUNTRY CLIM w-n·• Memblt·Ow•I T-n-• ~ .... B•" OI P111,,., •• 38 l'IOleS over IWO d•ya Low Orou -Mary Ann P-MI)' IStnlt Ana CCI end Jene Boo1n 1ca111orn11 CC). 143 Low Ntl o-the lleld -Liz Oav111Santa An11 and Chetlene lm,,,..I (Bio Canyon CCI dtl Joanne Breku• (Sanll A.na CC) and Judy Wallh (ft\endly HUis CC) on llrlt l\ole ol playotl Both h.o 129 In regulalk>n play Play Better Golf with JACK NICKL:AUS LOI AIMtffOI ,"40AY'I .... uu• (9"11 of t1·nltfll ~latMfM -tint) 'lalT llACI. '70 Yt1d1 81C411111111\181 111 tTonU I 1 40 4 40 3 00 lucky MOOl'lllgllllt IClefllHI • 00 J eo W111101en Mackrr IM•rll & 40 Alto ·~ 11 hn ~"""~ w ono11 Ho MOie. l'loY V•let1llhl, SPll"O Fury AJ1•bld TllM 46 II ta IUCTA 1e-11 pala 141 00 HCONO lllACI. 400 Y••OI JO<l1t EapteH 1Cna¥tll 7 40 4 80 3 40 wn1111111 (0.lomb•I 12 ao e 40 Doctor Sma•I (Cr .. gerl 3 80 "I'° ••ceo Hera C1111. Come On Old 01.,. r all EHllt, Am11•11cer Go Copper Mlrle Rapid Sia let, VIII If Clipp f1mt '0 78 THIRD llACI. 400 yerda LomllbO (OOmlnQutll 12 40 Ot-l·Pa11la Wranglet (Tonk•) DH·Pa111a1Ch (Cf .. (19') Ot-1 -Otadhell lor pl1Ke Alao r•~•d South.,n Storm H•r•• Venture. WI Cky Jacllr• Sllac:koiroub•• Chic;kt o, .. , .. , IOI• By• Angel• Ren Time 20 42 FOURTH AACI. 3SO yards Outtya Ounenlletg (Mii) 1.ot 00 CnlCll• S..1ye1 (Hart) t I 20 6 •O 6 80 3150 3 •O llatue 01 Wlldom Sty Bunny Ouock Autumn LM (Adalrl Also ·~ 1<11• Capai Have Battle K11 Mular Screen Mr Oooble r aJk Tltne 11 91 S2 EXACT A 16 71 paid Sii~ 60 fWTH llACI, 870 yerda Mr Coll., Latk \Plknll I~ 80 1 00 5 60 SelurOay Warrior tC•H~'I 4 60 3 60 Billy Coritr B"r (0.IOmbal J 'O A110 rsce<J Moneveo G1 eeno li>Qnlont.1 Sea Chic Bouna Panem Lucky le•f Time 46 I!> llXTH RACE. 350 yaroa M~gg•e Mo11on !Creager) 8 60 3 20 ) 80 Toms Cttampoon ( l 011k11 l 00 2 ao Pass Em Streaker 1Pllke1110111 1 80 Also 111ced Mo•cus E•r.>•~~•. My Euv Deshny Swae1 Ct)Slltl Native Pnr111e1 Cosmo111. Mr Raoe• Jel Turmat Go10 Jal Tome 17 98 12 EXACTA (8·21 paid S24 60 SEVENTH AACI. 400 yards M•l Ch•c IC•eagetl 13 80 6 00 3 00 Gaucnos Choice 1P1lken1001 6 20 3 20 T 11pte Sulla 1Ha•t1 2 60 Al.O •ICe<I Ill Pay l11pol1 L•Or M•H Hazaro County 0.... B•OQ"I Cnock Rull'll Ce11 Ba• MlSS Flaming Bunny Caro Ouean ''"" 20 ,, S2 EXACTA 17 81 PB•O S66t :10 EIGHTH RACE 350 yaroi Wf\orlong Sia 1Cr., .. gero 6 60 • ~O 2 60 OU&4 l ll<ly fF1yday1 t5 20 4 60 tit Tiffy Ct18f1t 2 60 Also '•Geel C.rufl'no t-ea1u'f' &•t.1-. M 1s1 1n• 1~ Ang•• J ell a Ca ui• rrePdll f reeioaclt!f Lovely Bu<,j Jtt S~t 8dby 12 PICK SIX 14 6 1 8 7 81 PIO S4 4!>3 70 'A'lfh nine wmning hc,el\ tl•Yt! ht.Jt ,..,. S1 Pick s,. consotahon paoo S 74 60 w11h 119 w1nn1nQ hCkt'IS ftour t'UHWI• NINTH llACE. 0 0 rottdl Oolly• Hape 1Cle<101) 9 XI 2 60 1 40 c...,11and Stephen• tC,tt•fJen l ~O I '0 <.a•ne, In IAOau 1 I 00 Al>O •oCed My Fhgh1 t.>lan ">ound Of Summt!r Ma~tcus t...dsn ,._., O yr11•,.'Hlt" 0t.tc:;9' l•ml! 2201 *2 EXACTA 11·61 P.,d St6 40 T[NTH RACE J~ yooO\ l•d1e1 111a111 6 00 015hoP Cai (M11c11e111 OH-~y Roman S0t1ng 110,.,~, OH·Wb"ward Bu\ ~C~t•l~J rime '196 t7 EllACTA •f,. 21 '1••0 i U bO All•·1o<l.onc;" '' 087 "°''lwood Perk FRIO Y'S llESULTS H>O 2 80 4 40 3 00 100 140 (Ylh of 111-dey lt>o<0U9M>fed mffllng) FIRST RACE 6 '•"'<""l• fQ_. t,'™'~ 161d(; .. f ··~ 00 I~ 20 t 1 10 1 a~n, .. E•u~o" 1S1bHte1 t IO ! 80 (.._,, •11.-Br·• tGu~"tt' t 80 A <tt • •t.t-\) 00 l 1il "' ~u •' W•t <h \ q~_.,..,..11~ MttM>• AU.-f~· ( ~ Ster (_n ... LCJ1~'1 P ,t°'; D'J f 1n '\r f'd • ·~I '1• ••1•'·•'•'•"CI 1tq J (J ik,.t-d 7th t . ...,. I t8 I 5 SECOND RACE t I• 16 mol<ft Ceno1 Glass110001 15 •O 6 60 • 60 ra .. 4.. •a1f' ~va~nzu...-•f 4 60 ') f)f) WD' An~.tJ 1Gve,, >l j fl() At~ 'dt.t:O H1Q" C..tl1~, Qu.-M01t> NtQM oNh1\\l1fl() ow ~60C..y O•n..~ r,tOl•OU r,r('t r 'i'''J"''~ M1\S ()falls SIX.I" Sl DAil Y DOUllf 16 ~' 1>11111 S .. 1 e<I THIRD RACf . I'• miles on lufl Hw H,ogue 1~1a,,ousa<1ye16 40 J 60 ~ 80 fdrly Master (\lak111zu4!4a1 •• 10 9 00 Ccho Pto>ce 1Torot • 5 80 Alao raceo Cneer On Umle•COvtl• Men 5umme1 Creek w .. 11ma San f1ton10 Kulfl'f rn6 Chnst1~n ChnrqC'v• OL11n~HH1 r..n.. t •8 i !> S5 EllACTA 16-61 paid S7•' 00 FOURTH llACE. 6 lurlonos Beaulolul One 10elanou1Hyel llt 40 Wtl\lf'' Sp1rtt tV1ilen1u~d1 SwtM"I Mystery 1McCa1rO"I 16 80 960 820 soo • ao Also •Keo HOI love Buv My ACI c.oooes.a lorn Tt<ne I 09 315 U EXACTA 11-61 paoc:t 5600 SO Flf"OI RACE. 6 tunong• ModeslJ Ble•M (Mc:Cenon'6 40 3 00 7 80 Sunsn•ne Star$111ne 2 60 2 40 Ju<lt•C• tSte•ne<I 4 00 AIM> race<I Sunny R•<>oe C041,..,,., Mane Nilly Matg .. Luct..y Kav A 8ee GOf!e Tome I 10 315 S5 Ell ... CTA t• 111>a•d \54 50 l.IJITlt RACf. 6 turoonos B 1nv1nc1bl9 1McCauon1 • 60 3 40 3 00 Horrron • Ore.m IC9'1anl!<l1l • 60 2 80 Nq Wyn (Mcttarguel • 00 Also race<! Sweet LOO'o Grouv Oa°'1ng OeuoMer ConSldet Me 111sh Aolotue JIOed P.st l1""' 1 10 215 SEVENTH RACE. 1 lu11ongs MHte1 Jono IOuerret II 80 3 60 2 80 St11ke II Big \McCa,,ont 2 60 2 10 L0t•g Live lhe l<o"i) tValen1ue101 3 00 Alto raced Ang1th1h Formula One Karu1an Tome t 21 415 15 U ACTA 14·6) paid SSI ~o 12 PICK SIX (!>·6· 1-4 1·41 l>t'•d $78,87• 20 wtlh two winning llekell (SI• ll0tae11 S2 Pie:~ S1• consolallOft pa111 $911 40 with 57 woflnmg llCktll (five nor11s) EIOHTH RACE 1 1116 m11e1 on 11.1rl Ml Oume1a 1Shoemak.,) 7 00 • •O 3 20 Pin• Salir tCastaned•I 20 •O 10 20 Glamorous Oa•Sl (P111<:t yl 3 20 AllO r•ceo Siar Pattur .. In lrut ~o•m Sw•tl B11d Cannon Boy One Up Time I 41 0 .._,,. AACL I 1116 mtlel on IU<I 0.YelO IBIM:lll ~ 80 3 80 2 80 kara11aan (OelahOU111ye1 1 80 • 80 Plaatle Flf'llMllC (PIAfCt l 6 •o Aleo •aced No Stwtnk1 Donald Susiow Another Tout. He M•n Sam IOfO Et11 f;Alfemely KIOQ Gonzo OetllOO T•-1 42 115 • lllACTA 1'-8) paid sn so Atl8nd.,_ -20,,,1 lwl11 Open (al Ot11ad, lwflJetland) Q11at1.,fln•I lint .. • Uu•ll••n•o VII•• uel Heinz Ouen11111<11 • e 6 4 1 ~ M11eo1 Hoe<1•11• o•t s 1nor M•r•" ti·" , o ll·• JolUI l 1111 C••1t tl• ''"'" Ell•• 6-3 8 J Bill l>C41110n dtl V1c101 Pou• I 0 fl I Wom1n'a l emlllnal• \111y1111a llu11G• 001 B•10~1u H11u1 1 S t 1 ledlH Indoor Cl•••lc (al Sydney, A1111<allal Float Round llnolt• lu•• Ga•n•on llel Moma Jauaovac: li·J •, 1 (1 t .,,il'fl •\tUlllMf fhtl Bw1ty Sto>Je e 'J II I Devi• Cup OUARTfRPIHAI. ROUND lel at, Loul1) Unlled StalH 1. Sw1d1n I JU/tn Mt Enr1>e Ill S 1 cl.ii Aoden Jt1uyo 10·8 6 3 6 3 Mais W11Mn0<'< iSNe\le"I d•I [loOI l•llothott 6·4 7 S ) 6 ) I 6·0 (ti C.,wl•. ll•IY) New ZH land 1, Italy 0 t..1111• l t""'' 1Nt1w leal.,tdl Otl C.0troon Uar•Hl'lll '.I {, 6 I 0·4 6 ) Adndl10 P'14m1H.1 1lhtl';'f 1 .. "'"' ~u!.5811 S1mp~u 6 4 l b \ t: • td•rk,.._,Sil "•tSC1~10tH,) (•I Parle) l't•l'ce I , Czechoalovekla 0 ""'''''""' Nt1111n 1f ,,1n.._.,., 11t-I r Mnd.,, Sm.a f, I ~ / b · J 4 6 f. J han l t'ndl ll.tt-\.'•'J'lnvlt~ldl •ttot<.h I tut.-• 'Y f ul•'f+e 0 J • h 6 \ ~ 1 1 'l t lf1d' .. "'•'°~ -.u!)~ntJNh \al Aarnua, D1flmark) Denmark 2, Eg7pl 0 M•lnoJt•t Mt111env-r• t0~11111d• .. , ""' Ahmvc;J [I M~t1t'lm1 6 4 4 6 tl ~ f, 4 P.,_,, u iilhitfl'.tCh lDt.-mlld, ... ' dPI r 1Jrt!I. f I $dkt>.a lo I b 0 ~ I f> 4 TEAM TENNIS DallH 29, Chlcego 18 (el DallH) Mtto ~ dnubhts St~YP OenlCirt t<t-v1r1 l.~1rtt"n t0dlld4jl def ~l~vfJ ..,,1Jle1,1lll ftm ( n1lhk ~oo 6 '1 Men c-~111glff\ r,,u111 .. ')Uf• thH Denton 7 !> Wom~o • dovt.ilO?> Arine ~fn11f1 Sh•10f1 Wt1!')h iOdlldSI Ot'f Y-1onne V1omaa~ luu•d Uuµ<inl 6 •' Womt!n ') \lllUlt-') Sm1tn Cl"'' \ln•maah b J MuPd 1tuubl\!) l.1J"e" ~n··-h <ltd K 1utt>v,11 CJUUOfll 6 "'i Houeton 24. Phoenix 24 (•t Hou1ton) Mf'' '•>utllf""t 'n,..., r.ull• .. "' , Anov ~iHt11..un l-'t\Oofl'n11• Utt~ h· it M •• u .11 ~rutt' '°4•ctw;1, : "> Mt-t·... I ,,..... (,1ull1(a.i,.on a ... t '~·JtlU-• • iJy •n•••f I) I( .... , r-40\d .,n I ,t1ftu1Uk V ... •uh Wt 1t~ Htou•1lc.Jo11J c.Jt'I Ann "'-,tr'1'1Uf·t • 1n-1 ,,.._ ... ,V.t'd••f ( A l'lo~'t -''''11••' '-1•th.trtt· J• I ~ . ..,, ''"""' 1 c., 0 ,.,.,o,d 4lthtllh-'\ (,tUI • )r r , t•1t>1Jl1J,.1t 1J•I ''" h I" I ,u-l,l,.nl> t 4 lnternetlonal meel lal Pttllt E•anl• In Meters MEN tOO 1 M.,.t l +)H,1n;i •U '•' t(J ? C 1e11 ~111111.(1\ II) 'i ' I t [fr\11 fJ11t1P1fll ! J,•tr ,IH J I f(' ,: 11 .) t1u1 n 1r l 11fHO I r,,,,1t 1'1 10 4t,, A"' t 11r-J<i" • ,plf 11 ttil' ,, lllli'J • ;r· 1 '11u1t ... 1 t.A1..L.ti, 11 ~ 4!> ~, , I ''' ·•' 8,:H,tt t• 1 1•1t t t ~t ' ' th •r 1(1' lt11tw1 i~140<.e1 1'(1 ~'l \ (J• l•••t T;ut11 .. \ 1 , ·•"'-,,, •b 68 !.i JuuJutt!". r, 1111 • 1r • 11oct- •; 0' 800 • 51!-•~ 'icnll 1 I'> • •, 1.; ] Jdm••' ~1Jt11n~o1 JS, 1 .:1 81J Ma1c [1tt-kJPt 1U <.I l 4h i• .: lh•h .. '' C..v·OC.V• .-•.tnc.~ ' •6 58 .-_ ~1ke ,..,u,.tt -'user al ... t ·~ 19 t !.()() ' Mo>" Bo11 IKl'O•,ar I 36 36 2 Ad., F )'rtn lire .tl'10 3 11 16 ' A-1.,.. •.1•"'l.-'@l 1Frar.c.~ l., ... 88 4 ?•Jl G·~c '•" J s 1 • J! '>8 ~ v1a'9"'d f'Po ,J ~ Jq ·~ 10 000 ' J:ptn,, \J Md med~ J•r.ttuQ.t '17 2'1 O!; "2 /4. :i'°flo Sil•a1.u ' ') ' 2, 29 06 ') s 1 ...... .ion .. , 8• lo·n· ,tiO~ 7• • Peter l(oec,h 1KFon ,n1 ;ao: :»& '• ftt·e"v Wa,tt<.e fr~rtte• ?P QCi •, ..eon h1ucHes. 1 Oct'f1d ,._ l S , 41-4 QEi , Jo.tmt". tit.;1n~ fU 6 f 'q 16 1 B.• tSPnPQ1lll 1,01;• .a •01 ._,,., Gu 1rrttt•t.,• • t t "> _,,., 110 Eruru '' 0•1..-'· t b'• 800 ,..., .. y I vn•tt"O '>•·•""'~ \O• Ov•.,,~ J,.tt P...+11101 WaUt•• t...•ad O\ ~"' l dllJny} t 2 . 18 2 r,~.ncc 1t"fprm '" l t)n1i" F.hHJ\~~t••Jtl (an•• µa1o1 •. 11 Ei '''"" ,,,,-,,. ui\t11v81lr\Oif' 11J 1 Moussa I' dll 1s .. ,.eq.111 7 ~ / CJ•IO fl1tll6nhardl 1We$1 Gt>•n1aov1 I 5 J e.,,,., NJQPl IWMI Getman.1 7.~ 4 J•tP• Ws.tolu tPr;,and) 1 3 • 'l ~nl,1110 OaltHl\J~+-r •Sw1t1~t:,1ndt 1·2 • l J 1 l fl!Ufe"I Pu1nc~a1 IHulUltH<y >'· Et • • t ·•"v Mvri~•· 1U <;I 25-~ PV 1 lh1~HV V•gn~Of' r~ • iru ... , '~ -4 l fadttu\Z Sh.1~ll'~..,,(Pt1tand1 1~ ;-f,lf R"ll Ills I 18·0 WOMEN 100 I E•t'•vn Ashforo 1U S 1 1 t 'J 1 • '1ur••nt~ 811)1 1r,ance• l' .. ._. ' Ma••,. <..t111!tt•nP Cn$tt't tr,,u,ct• t • 1n 400 I Sy"'•fl Revau. If ront"' SJ 24 2 M C Cha""""'°'' If ••ncel 53 89 J Cnan••• Aega 1F•a"c~1 54 2S 4 l'lf)rt,nce Le•u 1france 1 5~ 32 5 Mac Chv!' •S..,lterlano ~~ 8• M11~ I Mar V Dec:~~, T dbb (U S J • 16 08 1world 1acord old reco•d Lu<Jm••a VeHtl'Ovol S ovoel un on 4 70 89 S4'1>1emoe1 12 198 11 2 M~c Rob"••, 1Cana<1a1 • J t 08 100 hurd~ t Lucyne Long"' 1PotandJ 1:1 76 2 Gra.yna Rabslyn 1Po1ano1 •2 97 J t 1u•r nce Machaoey 1•1anu" 13 tO 4 M1cnele Chardonnet (France1 13 •3 II 1 ~•uutnce-Monclar fFrancel ,3 •3 800 retay I f•an~ 1B1ly Gosc;tte1 A(OQa N&19re1 I 32 t7 Frlder'• trenNctlone •AINAU Americ:en LMgut CLEllELANO INOtANS S1Qned Mark S11yde1 O<lc/\er FOOTIAU. Canadian Footban L•eau• MON1 REAL CONCORDfS PlfCOO J•c" H1roi~ defftns1"'e f1aUbac~ nn w111"'"'" WllhOul lhe •>gilt ol recall NatloMI Football League BUFFALO BILLS Signed Eugen@ Marve ltnetMK:ket 10 a -·es 01 onfl·Yll• conlr&<:la . CLEVELAND BROWNS S•gnec:t Chop 8anill hnee>ack11 10 a -18$ OI IOU< on11 year con1ra C1 & Named Poul Warlle lo director ol playet telahons GREEN BAY PACKERS Name<! Alber'I R Sl..,,.,.s C:Ofl)('fale tecuflly olhcer SAN DIEGO CHARGERS Signed Cllarl,. Joiner w1<H ·--ano Ja"*' Hams querle<bac:k COlLIGa SETON H"LL -Nam1d Mike Brown _,,.,,, oaae1N11 coach --------- FV softball All-stars \ • ID • action I Two Founwln Valley Hobby So)( tc•a n\.'I wall bt• involved 1n All-s ttu M>ftb.Jll uc·t1un, beginning·; tonight 4 ~· o u n ta 1 11 V 11 11 c· y · i; m in o r . ci1v1i.1on All io.tun; (ll Ii Yl'Urs of, tlj(l') t)(•g111 oll'IHln Ill fi tonight ag;11n11l C'v prc •:o;s J .u P ulmu in the d11 tn1·t 1'ounia111t•r1t ''' A1·nold 1 Park 1n Cyp1 ~·~x T lw d11u hle1~ 1·1i111111aum1 tuui 1wy run~ through W1'll llu.<1d:.iv · 1 And f 1;u11t11111 V.1lll·y·~ mo)Or 1 d1v 1s10n All ... t.m, t I :s J.I vt·ar11 o( J~W) opt·n pbv m •x t Sot~rtlay m tht· d1strtl t t11urnl'V al Stt·arns 1 Purk 111 1.ong Bl·at·h . l.Jl'tng•' lll·1.1rtw1·ll a l f\ p rn That• tournamt•nt l'tmdudl•t. Julv 21 Tht• w111nl·r ~ of thl· two 1 1ournanwnt:. will advanN.· tn lh<'1 • 11.1t1unab 11\ But·n.1 Pnrk the· f11'St 1w11 Wt't'k., Ill Au~u-.t M1·ml>\•1., of tht· minor d1v 1s 1on . All -o,l<lr~ 1m lud1· .Juhl' Andl'fson . .Juhl· B.wl k, K1rn11 B1g l1·r . P.1tly ' (;om1·1., ~·t·l11·1.1 IL.ill . L1sa 11 llarrwv, .ltnnllL1 ll.1rv1·v. Kl'rt ll ;.iwf1·y. Sh 1·ll y M .;rdon. Jt•nnifl·r M.H 1111. Anm· Salzman.\ Ta1a S 1n d1 ·1 J ill T<1h11ro,kl, ,J (' .. s I t' ;1 'I' h " 111 JI s,, rl T ,, I iJ Youngblood Knsta W1d1H:in,,.., Dan;1 PalrTw1 , Fram·1n1· K1v.1liu. Sonja A r1dt•1srn\ Mt•h-.'lo1 L1 .. 1ch.1y and K0:t11• l.>o\.\ tlt'\ Pt•ggy H1glt•1 I'> tht· m,111,1ger. '.; f3ob Sny<h·1 .ind < 'hut'k B1gl1·1 .11·1· th1· (11,11111·' .111d Sh.irrv11111· 1' Hu1h1·r111rd ,, 1h1· 1 h:ipt·irHH: Mc·mhl .,., 111 1 h1· ma.1oi d1v1 .. 11m t1·,1m 1r1dud1 1\.1.11 ' &11 l.11 .J.ll l\I HI " k I' (' ,, ' t' I ti ... I)\ .) . " k It 1'1•1'v1.11 I II I 1 .. 1iti11· l°>ll kt I "'II t\111 \ ll.1111! ........ t•\ 11 <1\ll<'" .J I II ll I I I' I ,J • 'I Ill J.! °' . \o\" II I I\. K 111111M ,\11).!1 Id '.l.11 ltn. i\)11 111 111 l\l 1°1l111 ,1 K1 111 ()\\I'll I "'' 1'1·11 r-..111 l.111,1 Ht"'P" '" S1111h Hu 1· .11 nr11l1 1 T.tlu11,k1 l\1.11' \'tj.!.1 l'.1111 l.1\\111 V\'1 11d\ l"ho.1ln11,, I >1 1111 t-..11'1 .111d ,\h ,,, I .1l.1t rt•' M.1n.1g1 1 111 111• ''"'"' 1, !->.tlh C'l,1v "' 1111 ll11 I.. Hl.1k• .i nd ll,1\'1.t Bovli· th1· 10,11 h1 " K.1th\ Bl.1k1· 1 " t h.o p4'11111t. U.S. bids for 1990 World Cup MADIUI> 1Al'1 Thi· Li S :-,.., , 1·1 ~···d··1.1t1on h.io, ..ipµlwd \11 h•l'>l tht \V111ld t 'up Ill 1h1· t;n1lt-d ~1.1 11' Ill ,•1•111 Ku11 L.1n11n '-<t11·1 c<r ' i.:1 111·1.11 11 1 1h1· ,, d t•I ~1111111 .... 11d I 11d.1\ J)«lc•g,11•' Ill I ht I 1111,l.!.rl'So, h 1 r 1 • 11 I 1 h ' \\ o 1 I rl S t H 1 {' r ~·1·th·r:1t1011 < ..-1 ~A I '"'"' t..ilh.1ng .d"' 111 th•· l '111t1·d SI.ill•-.. 1i.r...,.hl~ ... 11·p11111g 111t11 r1111 Ila l!lHh \\'111 IJ Cup if l'11l11111l11.1 11t. d1·..,1t.!t1.Jt1'1l h., ... , 11.1111111. \\11 luli :I\\ ... Hui L.in1111 11111 ol tli1·1·1· U.S d1·lq~al1 "' ,,, th1· 1·1 1ngn·-.:.. '<ud t h1-.. w;1:. h.1._. d flll trllljl 'l lUll ,1t 1h1· 11lf)l11t'rll ·1 ,1111 -..ur 1 lhmugh with l r1l11r11h1.1 \\ 11! go ti L.HlH)l ..;:11d Ill an 11111•1 \1•" amb1t1on t11 1.1k1 Colom I 11.1 '\.',', ft<1\'t • IHI 11 .1w,1~ !tom · 11 t'ol11n1'11.1 du! d1·1·1dl' 11 l'OUld not d1l 11 ,md FIFA was Ill drffit'Ultv frndrng a l'OUntry to hoo,t tht· ( Olllp( lllltlll, cl dtfft'rt'nl .;11u.1t1on "o uld o.1rts1· .111<1 Wt· would thmk .1hou1 11 but t·v<·n tht•n wt would ".111 1111 Fll01\ 111 ,1 ppt O.ll'h U" Thi• W o1 hi l'up. the· prC'mtt•r .... x:n ·r t1>urn.1tn1·n1 111 lht· world. Is lwld ('\'t'I'\ lour vc«trs :ind ha!> JUst g rown Lo m ·w proportions. The tourn<.1m1•n1 111 Spam. wh1t"h ends Su ndav. in volved 24 national t('am-. playing at Ii st<1d1ums It\ l..J Spanish c.·1t1t>s. In the pa s t . 16 tt•am s have part1t•ipall•d Flf'A d<•l<'g.1tc·" ;mu officials <1nd n l'w~1111·n 1°1J\·c·r1ng the World Cup g,1nw .. dunng the l;1st month h:wt· su~PStl'd the task might be too muc.·h lor ;.i s malJ c·ountr:v hk<· C11lombia. Klick' s tars take two • WIDS _, . I I Orange OoHt D~ILY PILOT/Saturday, July 10, 1882 Bl Fiber may cut cholest r.ol ~eport says absorption of lat inhibited · 8081'0N (AP) -1'.atinc food th1t'1 hlth ln flber may help people flch\ chol•i.rol, one of the moal common aourcH of heart cU ..... 1 a atudv aaya. J'tber makee food P'll more quickly throu1h the amall lnteltlne, and the new reeea.rch AY1 th1a lijnJfJcantly reducet the amount of tholetterol the body •blorbl from food . The atudy, conducted in Italy, UMd medicine rather than fiber to •peed the food's movement, but the reeearchen theorize that fiber may have a l1milar effect ln reduclns the body's abllorption of cholefterol. They said thelr report s\lggests that "manipulation of small bowel transit time might be useful in limiting dietary choleste rol absorption and, in turn. overaccumulation of cholesterol in body tiasues." Just how much of the body's cholesterol can be controlled by diet ls unknown . Some cholesterol gets into the body from food, but most of it Is manufactured by the liver. Retardl• ol where It comee trom, however, choletterol la a SMjor contributor to ha.rden!n1 of th• attertet and hM.rt dlleue. Chol terol la a fat that builda up on arury w&lla. Thll alowa the flow of blood, and when the fat clop the blood veeeela that nouri.ah the heart. the reeult can be 1 heut attack. The study wu directed by Dr. Maurizio Poru de Leon at the University of Modena in Italy. It wu publi1hed In the New ~land Jo~ of Medicine. In thelr study of 33 people, the doctors sPeeded the flow of food through -t&e small lntettines .by giving people a medicine called metoclopramlde. The drug cut the time required for food to pass through the Intestine by about 40 pen,-ent. When the flow of the food was speeded this way. people absorbed between 30 percent and 50 percent leas cholesterol into their bloodstreams. "The results of this study suggest that the rate of transit through the small bowel could be one of the physiologic factors that reculat• \ht ex\ent of chol•terol •bial'Ption In human •belnp," the doeton Wrote. However. th•y ceutloMd that other factore al10 probabl)' Influence the way chol•terol f.I ablorbed Into the body. Nnonl thtM are the levela of bUe lddt ln the lntntinee, the pre19nce of fa\ty ICkia in the diet and the action of thyroid honnon& Eight of tho•• who participated ln the 1tudy iook another dNll that llowtd the moveme.nt ol food thfOUlh i.he Intestine, but thl1 did not increase their abaorp\lon of cholesterol. Although the role of food ln the development of heart dl8eue is still controversial, many doctors recommend that people try to cut down on such foods as meat, egp and milk that are rich ln cholesterol. Other health benefits have also been attributed to high-fiber di e ts. Studies show that nationalities that eat lots of fibrous foods have less cancer of the colon. u~ WILD GOOSE CHASE -About 500 Canada ~eese are herded into net at Lake of the Isles in Minneapolis to be banded and shipped elsewhere. All but 40 birds were evicted. Ev~ry Sunday Bloodinobiles due on Coast Sites include Mesa, wes t county, Irvine, Niguel, Viejo Red Cross bloodmobiles will appear at several Orange Coast locations during the remainder of July: In Co•ta Mesa -Sunday from noon to 4:30 p.m. at St. John the Divine Episcopal.· Church. 183 F.ast Bay St. July 19, from 11:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital, 301 Victoria St. July 30, from 1 :45 to 6:30• p.m.. at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. 666 Anton St. For Ccista Mesa appointments. call 835-5381. In Foantaln Valley - July 26, from 2 :~5 to 7:30 p.m .. at the Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 17270 Ward St. July 31. from 8:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m .. at the King of Glory Church. 10280 Slater Avenue. For Fountain Valley appointments, call 835-5381 In Huntington Beach - Tuesday f rom 2:15 to 7 p.m .. at the Community United Methodist Church. 6662 Heil Avenue. For appointments. call 847-9758. Saturday, July 17. from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m .. at the Family Fitness Center. 754 Edinger-Blvd. For appointments, call 847-7800. ln Irvine - July 25. from 11:45 a.m. to 4:30 Pe11dleton auction scheduled Tuesday The Martne Corps will auction about 250 item8 July 20 at 9 a.m. in Building 2241 at Camp Pendleton. 'I'he surplus property includee refrigerators. tents, tires. ~as Marke t targeted SAN .FRANCISCO (AP) - The Bay Area Rapid Transit District has asked the state Court of Appeal to allow it to oust a flea market lfrom its Ashby station property in Berkeley. 4J"' Dining Set S•le S4J8 -- cans, water cans, steam kettles, food preparation and serving equipment, truck beds. clothing and indlvidµal equipment. field jackets, encyclopedias , televisions, jewelry, cots and sleeping bags. Also available is surplus ammunition. These items can be inspected Monday through Friday. from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Building 2241 where a list and sale tentlS and conditions is available. For information, call Sonia M. Johnson or F.d C. Calac at (714) 725-4331. Skoros 42 .. Dining Set Sale S699 -~ Tropi -kai ~. Ch,.1e s.1. s11a p .m . at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. 4800 Irvine Center Dr. July 30, from 11:15 a.m. to 4 \ p.m., at Global Navigation, 2144 t-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:';;;;;;;;;;;;~~ 1----------..... Michelson St. • For lrvine appointments. caJI ~ HI 83~~5~~·una Niguel -!!!!:J T h u rs d a ~ f r o m l ·. 4 5 to 49 wia ••m IOUtl WATm _,__ 6:30 p.m .. at t e Red Cross South "'~ ~ .. County Service Center. 27324 a.vice nme ''""' 81 vow0oor Camino Capistrano St. For cca1si-_v_ArMl appointments. call 831-6582. OOSTA MISA 641-1219 Firm fined for selling sea turtles ,,,.....,... ... """'°" YIU() 495-0401 2"22 c-.Me c , ..... ~ ............. ,..., .....,,, •• Turnyour unusables • into e usable e cash.call e Daily Pilot e classified • 642-5678. 4o-5o%oFF ~ -nu;,ycJitfMdise- ~ L-f: B£61f6 ~DAY JULY lo iVYSLFAGUE 12-31ds/W0t11 Is-/...._,,~~ l,4o-57Z.1 -r~, VlttJ,~ 10-L> Mo,,i~, fY,~ to-'I Sw1. tz~ LOS ANGELES (AP) Munici pal Judge Veronica Simmons McBeth has fined an F.ast Los Angeles company $1.600 for selling sea turtles, an endangered species , to distributors and restaurants. 1----------L-------------------------- The judge al.so placed El 7 Mares Sea Food Inc. on two years' probation and ordered the company to pay $2,000 to a preservation fund operated by the state Department of Fish and Game. City attorney's spokesman Schuyler Sprowles said the company pleaded no contest to a cou nt of violating the Endangered Species Act. . -Mallin P¢mSprtngs ... Glider , , ,. -... ,, ' S•I• S 108 .~: .. ·:,. ~~;_, ~ 'fS,..>~-> , , i; -· ~·· ·. : .. ti.J-t ·~ ~ ., ....... '--~~· Ch•IH • > ' . S.le S188 J . . . .. , .. -'*"". '1, · ~ Glider .. Sale SJS ChalH NOTICE OF PUBLIC WORKSt.tOP Monday, July 12, 1982 at 7:30 p.nf. Newport B•ac~ Pollce D•partment Auditorium 870 Santa Barbara Drive Newport Beach SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 5 PROPOSED 1982•83 SEWER SERVICE FEES The Board of Directors of County Sanitation District No. 5, which encompasses most of Newport Beach, Is proposing to adopt the same single unit annual sewer service fee schedule ($26.40) for 1982-83 that was In effect for 1981-82 (see schedule below), thus delaying the increase that was anticipated when sewer use fees were Implemented last year. However, the Board proposes to adopt a $15.85 per unit annual fee for all properties with multiple dwelllng units, calculated at 60% of the single rate of $26.40 per year. For example: No. of Units· Annual Unit Fee Total 1 $ 26.40 $ 26.40 2 15.85 31.70 3 15.85 47.55 4 15.85 63.4Q 5 15.85 79.25 10 15.85 158.50 50 792.50 The fees wlll be collected on the 1982-83 property tax bill . PROPOSED 1982-83 RATES . SINGLE UNIT PARCELS (Same FM as 81-82 CONNECTED METER SIZE 1182-83 CHARGE MONTHLY A VERA GE ANNUAL FEE 1" or I••• $ 2.20 4.37 8.75 17.50 35.00 . 11/2" 2" 3" 4" 8" 8" Pl!A UNIT • 70.00 140.00 MUL Tl-UNIT PARCELS (N•w FM) MONTHLY AVIRAQI! • 1.32 ANNUAL FEE • 11.11 $ 26.40 52.50 105.00 21~.oo 420.00 840.00 1,880.00 A Publlc Workahop to explain the fees and answer question• has been acheduled for July 12, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. at the Newport Beach Pollce Department Auditorium, 870 Santa Barbara Drive, NewpQrt Beach. The Board of Director• wlll then conduct a publlc hMrlng on JUW\28, 1882 at 8:00 p.m. at th• Newport Beach City Councll Chamt»Mi ·saoo Newport Boulevard, Newpot1 IMch. If vou have queet1on1 pie-ad the D11trlote' • at (714) ~2110, l!xtenlton a. .. .. • I i ; i I I I j I '1 l .. rnrn [fl] lli1~ ~u ~uck, ·skill aid ·Brown Senate hid By THOMAS D. ELIAS With more than $2.8 miWon 1n the bank and a unlfled Democratic Party behind hlm, Gov. Brown'• election pro1pecta are beuer today than any~ CoulcJ ba~ fOfeelft a few montha a,o. Luclc hat played a role 1n BroWn '• polltionlnc. But IO bu poUt.licel lklll. Flrlt, the luck: The Senate aeat available in the year when Brown 'Clllflllll flCUI . ~ded hia tenure ln the governor'• office obviously had to end -whether voluntarily or not -is occupied by Republican S.l. Hayakawa. Hayakawa was IO weak that his own party cohorts stampeded to oppoae him. They spent more than $6 miDion before San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson finally won the GOP's nomination. MEANWHILE, Brown was doing little or no campaigning and spent next to nothing in the primary. A.nd while he occupied himself with' being ,ovemor, , his chief albatroa wu diaappearlng: The Mediternnean fruit Oy quarantine areas infested laat year have gradually shrunk, making the atate'a eradication effort appear auccesatul. Brown couldn't have asked for a more fractured Republican opposition or a better medfly outcome. though he had lltUe to do with either. But his skill has a lot to do with two other thi ngs: .The unity of the Democratic Party and the lack of damage he suffered during the primary. There was only one tough contest among the six Democratic racea for statewide nominations last month. The Brown campaign has been closely coordinated with that of Tom Bradley, the party'• choice to succeed Brown in Sacramento. "There was a great effort to create an atmosphere where we would be aa free as pos.<Sible of bitter divisions and hotly contested primaries," said Michael Kantor, the Los Angeles lawyer who heads Brown's campaign organization. So the party's rare unity is n o accident. Only pa r ty o utsiders Danie l Whltehunt, the Fre!lno mayor, and Paul Carpenter, an Ora.na• County 1tate Mnltor, joined author Gore Vidal, • complete outaider, In opposing Brown. All had e-xtremely derotiat.Or)' thin&J to aa)' about the aovemor. but none drew a rile from him. Becauao Brown Ignored them all, the~ remained minor candldatea and he 1ulfered no more hann from them than Bc'adley did from hia minor oppohenta. All thia a\lll leave• Brown ln an unusual litua\ion _.for the f:lnt Ume In his cveer, he i. the underdog ln a California election, trailing Wilson by 12 to 15 points in moat J>2U.. But Kantor predicts-the SoVern<>r will thrive on the role. "I remember when Brown entered the presidential primaries late in 1976 and was a relative unknown." says Kantor, who managed Brown'• campaign that year. "He w.u a terrific campaigner u an underdog and he won every primary he entered." And Kantor lan't sure Brown will even be an ·underdog by Labor Day, when the campaign begins 1n earnest. "He's been gaining ground in the polla all year," Kantor said. "And I don't think. after what they've spent in the spring. that the Republican• can outspend us thia fall. They may match ua, but they usually need to do more than that to win." BUT NEITHER Kantor nor Brown will take Wilson lightly, despite the fact that he is a relative unknown outstde San Diego. "He'll be tough." said Kantor. "But no one outalde San Diego knows anything about him except what his own paid advertising said. We'll brin8 him into the light of day." WU.On also may ha~ trouble unifying the Republican Party because of his spotty record or absolute loyalty to Ronald Reagan. "He is only masquerading as a conaervative," said an aide to one of his defeated GOP rlv~l.'l Which means Brown could be much worse off than he ia today by virtue of his rare combination of luck and skill. Thomas Elias, a free-lance columnist based in Sant.a. Monic,a, analyzes st.ate issues. Timber proposal costly By PATRICIA HEDGE P.atricla H edge Ja the Wilderness Society's California -Neva da represen ta ci ve. Although James Watt captures the headlines, the controversial Interior Secretary is not the only high-ranking administration official waging war on wilderness. The administration's pro- development, anti-wilderness bias 1s equally evident in the U .S . Forest Service, run by John B. Crow ell Jr., assistant Secretary of Agriculture. At a time when the demand for timber is at an all-time low and there is at least a three-year backlog of national forest timber that has been sold but not yet cut, Crowell wants to spend $665 million to increaae to a record level the amount of timber cut in the national forests Most of this money would go toward constructing roads mto remote, rugged reaches of the forests where the economic folly of such timber sales is exceeded only by the environmental damage they would cause. THE IRRATIONALITY of this policy necessarily makes one wonder about CroweU's true motive. and raises the suspicio n that his real goal m building roads into these unspoiled areas 1s to forever disqualify them for protection as part of th e National Wilderness Preservatlon System. CroweU's proposal is unconscionable for more than environmental reasons and the fact 1t would deprive future generations of the benefits of wildern~. It is, quite simply. a public rip-off. Roads into rugged. mountainous areas nol only cause soil erosion, stream sediment.aion, and damage to fisheries, they are also extremely costly -sometimes as much as $300,000 per mile. Private timber companies wouJd .. not survive if they made s uch unwtse and uneconomical decisions. Yel the Forest Service builds and maintains these roads so that the timber companies can come in and cut the timber. The American taxpayer pays the bill, while the timber companies reap the profits. As illogical as Crowell's plan is, it is not surprising given his background: before his government appointment last year. Crowell was general counsel for Louisiana-Pacific Corpora ti on, the la rgest, single purchaser o f Forest Service timber in the nation Ln 1980, 40 pel'(.-ent of the company's timber came from the n ational forests. While a corporate lobbyist. Crowell led the umber industry fight against new laws and regulations designed to achieve sound and bala n ced management of the national forests. including outlawing policies which were causing serious damage to the forests' sensitive ecosystems. Toda,Y h e is responaible for implementmg those laws and regulations. and he 1s doing all he can to circumvent them. IT IS PAST THE TIME for hidden subsidies granted the limber ind ustry to be recognized and abolished. Each year, almost one-quarter of the limber sold from the national forests falls t..c'l rec.'Oup the costs to the For est Ser vice of maintaining these lands. Put another way. if these "sales-below-cost" were eliminated, the government would save $150 million annually. On the other hand, if Crowell's plan to dou ble the limber output from the nauona I for~t.<. 1s put mto effect. some $300 m1U ion will be lost. Reagan administration offic1a.ls speak repeatedly of the need to cut wasteful government spending. At a time when impor tant social programs ar1~ being drastically reduced, a pohc:y clt.-s1gned solely to benefit large umtx•r rompames at the small operato r's and public's expense 1s unthinkable. MajOr decisions of Supreme Court summarized .. By RICHARD CAREW A~,.,._ WriMr WASHINGTON -Richard Nixon, illegal alien children, pro&eCUtora seeking to stamp out child pornography, and mentally retarded people in state .institutions all won landmark victories during the Supreme Court's just- completed 1981-82 tenn. In each of those Q_ecisions, the nation's highest court abaMoned the restraint that has been its hallmark in recent years to navigate previously uncharted constitutional waters. But the 1981-82 term, like others of recent years. proved in a majority of caaes to be one devoted to unapectacularly fine-tuning existing law. ' Juatice Sandra Day U' Donn or, •ppoUtted by President Reagan. joined the court just before the term began the !tint Monday in October. Her first term yielded no thunderbolt that will alter .American life fundamentally. But as always. the work of the court's 'nine justices for the last nine months means the C.Onstitution and U.S. law never will be quite the same. Here are summaries of the major decisions announced by the court this term: OFFICIAL IMMUNITY -All U .S . presidents, including R ichard Nixon, enjoy "absolute immunity" from civil lawsuits seekina roonetary damages for actions taken within the "outer perimeter" of their official duties. That immunity is present even when the president violates a citizen's rights. -Other executive officials, even a president's closest assistants, do not share that absolute immunity. They inst.ead are protected from such lawsuits by a qualified "good faith" immunity. -Local communities can be sued for allegedly violating federal antitrust laws through their attempts to regulate cable television systems. ALIENS -Illegal alien children, who have no legal right to be in the country, nevertheless have a constitutional right to receive a free public education while they're here. The decision marked the first time in the court's history that any Illegal aliens were afforded the constitutional guarantee o f equal protection of the law. -S tates may bar resident aliens from "peace officer" jobs, including probation officers and park police. FREE SPEECH AND EXPRESSION -The constitutional guarantee of free speech does not cover any materials depicting sexual p erformances by children. and st.ates thus are free to ban virtually all "kiddie pornography." The decision created a new exception to those freedom s protected b y the F irst Amendment. -F.conomic boycotts waged by civil rights groups such as the NAACP generally cannot be punished under state law because to do so would violate the freedom of expression of those groups. -Local school boards don't have absolute discretion to remove books from school libraries. But the court left unresolved how school boards, and Cederal judges, should balance students' right to receive infonnalion against local officials' authority to control education. -The court also left for another day an unusual free-expression controversy It uutlally had agreed to decide: Do children have a constitutional right to play video games in shopping center malls? ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT INFORMATION • -States cannot automauc:ally bar the public and press fro,m all trials while the young victims of sex c rimes are testifying. -A person's right of privacy can be invaded by the release of government documents even when those documenLo;; at one time were part of a public record. -Law enforcement files exempt from the f e d e ral Fr ee d o m of lnfonnation Act do not necessarily lose their exemption when they are reproduced and used for non-law enforcement purposes. -The government does not have to disclose where it may be storing nuclear weapons or detail what impact that storage might have on the environment. -The Census Bureau's address lists compiled during the 1980 census are confidential and cannot be obtained by communities challenging the official count. THE HANDICAPPED 'Life • 1n later years hard to picture -M e n tal ly retarded p eople i n voluntarily committed in state institutions have a constitutional right to be safe and free from bodily restraints. They also enjoy a nght to be trained if that training can help them secure safety and more freedom. The decision marked the first time the court defined the constitutional protections of those in state mental institutions. ~y JILL DUMAN ~ ................ SACRAMENTO -"I grow old, I grow old. I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled." When the poet T.S. Eliot wrote those lines as part of "The Love Song of J. (\.lf red Prufrock," he was a young man who hauntingly imagined the loneliness ~ despair of a man who suddenly eaJlzes that he has aged, but pliahed nothing of value during his fetime. What ia it really like to be old? 1n a ociety that emphasizes through it1 rntrnrr-rd.ala, ita heros and heroinea, ita DatlW11et and lta fashions the advantages youth, we are given no clear picture of e u a aenior. yet we are led to beUeve Wicka ll ....................... -- ,,,or h11v1n'1 ••k•, · Miidred, lt'1 lu1t t+tt MWS," that aging is something we can only expect to accept, never to anticipate. EXTENDED FAMILIES used to live cl08er to one another. Not only did this arrangement give seniors a continued role in the family, bul 1t also gave the young the opportunity to know people of all ages, to feel comfortable with those other than their peers. .Perhaps most importantly. in knowing seniors. we could more easily imagine ouraelves in later years. Perhaps we cling so tightlr to our image of the "Pepsi Generauon" becauae we can only imagine ow.ilves young. That which is unknown is always frillhtening. So we continue doWning our Vitamin E tablet.a, continue to hotly pun1ue our ima'ges of youth. Middle age and retirement. although IORically inevitable, teemt always to atop ua ln our track•. Surprised report• alway• follow high tc:hool reunioru: "How much 1he/he Ml ch.aftCedl" It's aa If one day we suddenly can't aee the newapAper u well, we oan't. nm u far or aa faat. Tht ch1n1ea lrf' atw1y1 "auddenly" bee9u. \hey are chanps we do not wani to ... ONE YOUNG WOMAN t1 lookln1 forward lo her Hnlor fHn. lh• vlau.allut a IU• compoeed .of poltH plan•, ... With ~ ,.... OWi' wh.I .. wtM, M tnda.. ...-tnwnt of CIU ~nHdln1 lh•lr ~law on tof a Gail S heeh y, in her book "Passages" describes the years from age 20 to 30 as the "Trying Twenties" -a time when individuals grapple with the awesomeness of their own potential and expectations of themselves. Attording to S heehy. age 30 marks a re-determining of "What do I really want out of life?" and the decade between 35 and 45 1s the "Deadline Decade" -a sudden panic in the reallzation that one ls not immortal, that time is running out. IF WHAT SHEEHY purports is true, then perhaps the senior years can be anticipated as a time of serenity, of no longer striving to meet Impossible goals &et for ua by our parents, our 11oelety, ourselves. -The nation's 4 million handicapped children have no legal right under existing federal law to re~ their fuU education potenual at public expense F AMJLlES AND CHILDREN -States must establish "clear and convincing'' evidence, not some lower standard of proof, that a parent is unfit before they can permanently end parent-child ties. DEATH PENALTY -Capital punishment is unconstitutional for "non-triggerman" criminals who never intended to take part in a killing but whose cr ime resulted in a death. -Tht' court left unanswered. after prom.Lslng to aettle the lllue, whether the deeth penalty la • constitutional puniahment for klllel"'I who committed their crlmee whlle juvenllH. The w oman with the cai vision believes her senior years will be free from the pressures of romance. Either ahe will be married or 1he won'\, but \be matter will be aetUed. No mo~ peUent waitlna for Prince ChannJna. She 1ee1 henelf u capable of Uvlnf her later yean without th@ element o romance. h thl1 woman corr.cl ln her COUllT ACCE88 a..umptlON? -The court expanded thOlll lNlanoes Onee a ?6-year-old .,_.. who had Ill whk:h .... prtlor\ tnma• cannot Ion her only hUlband IO~ befcn. ~.'th* eanvtcdam ln fedenl oonfld": "l atm r•ach over In bed, oaun•.wi.ila lhty fall to nllt lht .,.. •1t~n1 &o find him." t ,....Mr ~~at lhMi" Criala. fea1'nc aurpn.d, not by the lidla tC.. -Clvll rl1 lt "IHlen'' who Md~ I\ 78, bUt thM ·dw!'IWI Uwl .... 111•"'1 .... clllrtmAM'6oft m1u..d ., much. That the ......_, U. ....,.. .,. -........... U •wn =-~.,. had Ml d~ ,. ,.. ~ °" ... IW&IU4lity ot . ~, .......... -People alleging violauons of their :ivil rights do nol need to exhaust aU possible st.ate remedies before going m to federal court for help. SCHOOL BUSING -States can limit their court systems to order forcro busing of studen~ only to correct federal constitutional violations -intentional racial segregation -in public schools. -St.ates generally are not fre-? to ban busing plans voluntarily adopted by local school boards for racial desgrega tion SEXUAL BIAS -The federal law banning sexual dtscrimination in education extends to a school's female employees. -State-supported nursing schools are guilty of unconstitutional sexual bias when they bar men. STATES RIGHTS -Water-starved st.ates do not have unfettered power to regulate ground water but must share that re1rulatory power with the federal govemmient. -States are pre-empted by federal law from forbidding federally chartered savings and loan institution:; from demanding tl)at mortgages be paid off in fu.U when the mortgaged property 1s sold. _: Sta~ are free to imposie strict regulations on "head shops" selling drug paraphernalia. -It's an unconstitutional burden on interstate commerce for a state to ban the export to other st.ates of its energy sources. RELIGION -State-run univers1t1es cannot bar student groUps from using facilities for religjous study and worship if other groups are allowed to use t.he facllities CRIMINAL LAW -Police officers with probable cause to believe there Is tome illegal sulbstance ln a car do not need a search warrant to search every container in that e&-. LABOR -Unions can prohibit non-members from contributing to the campaigns of candidates for union office. ~COAIT Thr comment P••f oflh• Dally Pilot tetka to lnlorm and 11lmul1te re•W. by p...._t •n1 a varlet1 ol rommtt1•.,, on toptca of tnttrt•t 1"d • 1nlnnnc.f~ lnfl)f,,....., Mrv•nlftd........,. ,....,. ............. .....,.,, """ ,., ,.. DOTH Fiery entries celebrate the 4th Is it sate to cbme out from u nder the bed yet? Uncle Len's nerves have been -you should excWM? the expression -shot to pi eces lately with all the fireworks celebratmg the 4th of July. · Because of the things that make a loud whistle and the firecrackers going off, Uncle Len retreated to a safe spot under the bed with his puppy, and both of them refused to come out until everything returned to peace and quiet. Now he's only suffering from a slight case of ringing in the ears and some indigestion from eating too many Milkbones (the puppy was willing to share). - 1< r' ·"---;c "''' ., - - ~ '" • ~ "' ~\\ -- Next year Uncle Len and the puppy have decided to invest in some good-quality earplugs so they can e n/·oy the p r e tty sparklers and ountains without being scared out of their wits by the bangs and booms. .----as ,1 ,1 ~ \ ------.. \ \\I•' -\MW. ...... ..,, \ ~' 'ti/ v \\\ ~ ............. " \Ill h • , I For tunate ly, this week's entries were nice and quiet. Oh, there were a few noises wntten out, but brave old Uncle Len can handle those pre tty weU He jus t flinches a httle when he opens the envelope. FIRST PLACE: Julie Watson of Costa Mess First place and $5 go to Julie Watson, 11 , of Costa Mesa for her fancy fountain complete witH,_ stars and sparks. Second place and $2 go to J enny Casey, 9, of Huntington Beach. She startled poor old Uncle Len with her firecrackers, but she was nice enough to include the quieter, prettier items 1 such as sparklers, flowers. fountain s and those good old snakes. Some years Uncle Len has had those snakes creeping all over his backyard while he waited for it to get dark enough to shoot off the other things. When he was. litt1e, it seemed like darkness NEVER would fall on the 4th of J uly. Honorable mention goes to Lynn Crisfield, 13, of Huntington Beach who gets an Uncle Len No-No for using colors in her dra w ing. It's t ough to do fireworks just using black ink, L ynn, but the newspaper can't print all the other hues. SECOND PLACE: Jenny Casey of Huntington Besch A special thank you goes to Kelly O'Guinn , 9 ~. and Kari- A n n e O 'Guinn , 5 1/2, of Huntington Beach , whose great bike drawings arrived too late for last week's contest. While Uncle Len was under the bed with the puppy las t weekend. he got to thinking about another special doggte he enjoys. Everyone knows a b out Snoopy, the faithful friend to Charlie Brown in the Peanuts cartoon strip. Next week Uncle Len would like his friends to draw Snoopy for the contest, but no fair tracing him from another picture. Draw with black ink on white paper cut 4 inches square and maH to Uncle Len, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. Calif., 92626. Be sure to include your name. address and age. Let's face it , U n cle Len 's column is just going to the dogs lately. Youth 'space camp' launched HUNTSVILLE. Ala. (AP) - While the space shuttle was m or bit, 100 earthbound youngsters were using part of their summer vacation to help launch the nation's first "space camp" and 1 perhaps high-flying careers of their own. "This is something for kids who want to do more than swim or make a belt buckle," said Edward Buckbee, the director of the Alabama Space and Rocket Center here, where the camp lS held. "We're trying to get them to thmk about the future and what they're studying. This is a hands-on participation." The first of eight groups or 100 youngsters a rrived a week ago. The children, aged 12-14, were recommended for the camp by their science teachers. The space center sent brochures to schools across the nation about the camp, which 1s open to any student Dog of tlte W eelr .. ... ...., ............ MEUOW -Ell, a black and tan boxer-ahepherd mix, '8 looklna for a home. He la 8 monthl old, h<>UM broken Md friendf y. _.,,, available for ldopUon at the Oranp Councy Humaaw latt;ty, 21632 Newland Ave., Hundnlton a.Ith. Phone 636-8480. with a n interest in aeronautics. By summer's e nd , 8 00 youngsters from 46 st.ates and three Canad ian provinces will visit the camp. "So far, we have not turned anyone down," said Lee Sentell, a spokesman for the center. The session costs $175 and that includes meals and a room at a college dormitory. The name Space Ca mp h as b ee n copyrighted since space cen ter officials were a fraid the idea would be copied. "This is t h e s p ace-far ing generation," Buckbee said. "The youngsters participating in the S pace Camp will become the engineers, scientists and leaders of tomorrow." The camp is the beginning of a permane nt you th scien ce program. Within 10 yean. the center may build dormitories and other facilities strictly for the p rogr a m , Sen tell said . An advanced Space Camp for this year's participants is planned for next summer. lt is near t he Marahall Space F light Center. whe r e the boosters for the apace shuttle were built. The campers get a chance to tour thoee faclllties. The space center, the brainchild of 'pace scientist Wernher von Bra un, is a non -profit atate fadllty. Every mornJ.na, the campers punch codea into a computer called Plato and receive irutruc tio na for the day'a aciivities. 'They spend one week workln1 with 1p1ce hardware and abeorbln& information about aeawpace technoloc. Oh Friday, the last day of-camp, the knowl.ed,. ll put to u. when the younpien conduct a lin'lulawid launch of the 1pace ahuule, complete with a acaled·down ...... ot the cockpit. 'n.. mmpen 1-m about the ~dw-~-~· ~,:;ct .. ~= and laNW and what ~ dYriftl ...... ~ .,......,_, .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 10, 1982 81 Fair's best Orange County Fair. Winn ers are (above) Dana Munson, 9, Newport Beach, doll collection ; Mich elle Van Aker, 15, Costa Mesa, doll house and K a t hy S hi rley, 10, Hunti ngton Beach , dried arran gements. Wi n n in g the h o me a r ts compe t ition is S hey! Aumack. 23, of Newport Beach. worldscope (10 point• tor eKh QUHllon an1wered correctly) 1 Seaetary Haig reponedly reSigned in pan benuse President Reagan decided to (CHOOSE ONE: Impose, remove) u nctions asainst fo reign subsid iaries of American companies that help construct a natural gu pipeline between Siberia and Western Eu- rope. l U.S. nego tiator General Edward Rowny recently met with repr~ntatlves from the Soviet Union for the first round of ST ART talks. What does START stand forl J Scientists predict that a thick cloud of uh from 1 volanlceruption in Me1dco ~Y cause (CHOOSE ONE: a longer summer, 1n earlier winter) In the Northern Hemisphere this year. 4 On Ju ly 1st the second phase of President Reagan's federal income tu cut went into effect. This latest cut reduces the amount of taxes w0tkers pay by .. 1 .. percent. a·S b-10 c·2D 5 In a ruling that could affect students across the nation, the Supreme Coun ruled that school districts (CHOOSE ONE: are, are not) letilly required to do everythln1 possible to help disabled students learn. (10 ,cMfttt It yoU CM Identity IMI penon In ttt. new1) As a former Vice Presi- dent, I was o ne of the most popular speakers at the recent Democratic National Party Con- ference. Some 1nalytts hive u ld the speech bootted my chance to become the party's ( presldent11I nomlMe In 1914. Who 1m n n1e1tchwords (4,.... "" .... oenect _...., ~ the corrwct Secrwwy of State with the President he terted. 1·Thomas kffenon ..aktwd Ntllaf\ 2-John foster Dulle ~ Wathlntton Mteftty Kllllns•r ~Abrehem Lincoln • news picture (10 point. II you an1-r thl1 QUHllon conec:lly) Preside nt Reagan nomin1ted George Shultz to repl1ce Alex· ander Haig as Secretary of State . Mr. Haig resigned over diugreements with the President about the direction of U.S. foreign policy. Mr. Shultz served as Secretary of Labor i nd the Treasury under President .. l .. peoplewatd1/sportlight (2 point. for Heh quntlon 1n1-red conectly) 1 Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus of .. 1 .. recently completed 1n extensive tour of the U.S. to commemorate 200 years of friendship between our two countries. l The star of Superman I 1nd II •.. l ... has agreed to appear again in Superman Ill. but he has said "enough is enough" when It comes to plans for a Superman IV. a-Marlon Brando c-AI Pacino b-Christopher Reeves J At the Ofllnl.utlon's, annual convention NAACP becutl\'e Director .. l .. ursed members to work for increased voter registration 1mon1 bl1dts. 1·Roy Innes b-Coretta Scott king c-Benjamln Hooks 4 Pulltzer Prlte winner John Cheever. best known for his .. l . ., died recently at age 70. 1-thon stories b-musla l comedies c-poems S As l'Nlny as one-fifth of the members of the CCHOOSl ONl: New ortuns S.ints, Plttsbursh Steelers), indudfns <AcHp Roten, the 1N1ue'1 leadln1 rusher, may be lnvotv.d In lllepl drua use, eccotdlna to 1r1nd Jury repons. roundtable , .. 11y ec'"'''" '"° ..... , Should courtt of llw ac:c.pc IMll\lty M I r...an to flnd eomeone "noc ,ullty" of crtmlnel ectlontf Why or why nocf "°"" ICOAli 9' te 191 ,...._ -TOP 1COM1 11 • • '9iMI -11..-.... n to IO,_ .. -0.-. It • ",-. -,., •YIC, '"'" 71.al "UflV "'wt,I() .MN·t !•t !>I :q-g !~N •'4•·t ''HOl1l,1.~1J.{M~ld ' .... ._ ... _ l I '' by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) --------.----..,_..-................ ___. --• r ---- ::::.. ------., ..• "Hey! I've got fingernails on my fMt, tool'".' 1 "O'Brien, you're 1 dreamer." ll.\Rll:\Dl'Kl-: 7·1" JlDGE PARKER I CREATfD 1~15 I>ISH MYSELF, 'KAYo . ACROSS I Fllllr SF•ltn 10 Tree part 14 lflltrument 15-- lnmnt 11 Wclt1I: Pref 179oggel1 down II Odd one 20 Ortllk letter 21 lone: Pref. 23Expunged 24 Elciellent 2S °'*""' MUllMt. 2.orde JOCM*• ,. ..... aaa... 37Aoorcowr "'°"'*' 3fltrlftd .,,.._ U..,._Fr . a IAIP1'1 .. ,... ... "" ..... lee .... ......... ..... 52 Callous 53 Puceful 56 Crazes 57 Tr .. IOMUlblt 62Poem 64 Oec>ar19d 65 Oec:laim 6e Extenstw 67 Snood• M Proi-<:Oon 69 Libertled DOWN 1 V1tlous 2Wlffllfll 3 Tlf MINI lift 4 MleaW..t 5 Not outllde 6 Heel'kln 7 Formerly 8 Vlhlele 9 Kowtow 10 Kldtbec* " Con of 06d 12Glld• ,,...,, .... " C°""*9d HGf.O 14 GfOWI06d ...... by Brad Ander~rt DE.~~IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~ --,.10 F\Vf.EE .. • • ~~ UNITEDFeatureS~ FRIDAY'S PUZZLE IOI.VB> t MCon_., 27 lnelnMd 21Prll«h 2t Non-W<>Rtr 3 t Final WOfdl 32W~ »Equine ~Foureome .a~ 41 <MoeM"9 ~---Item 46 "Clf'OU!' ., ,.,.,. by Harold le Ooux AND HE D0€5f'<T HAVE A &!CK wn=e AND A COUPl.E OF HUN6RY Kl05 ... ()P. WAb IT A COJP\..E OF SICK KIOf> N¥J J A HUN(;RY WIFE 1 --.,..-..,; (lfll by Ferd & Tom Johnson I THINI< Yoo SHOUl..D USE TH' e>1spos.AL INSTE,AD Of A LITTLE' kl!> To GET ~ID Of IT! Pt:ANl'T8 by Charles M. Schulz • I f I r-10 i THIS IS CAtLEPt"WAKIN6 VP JUST IN IME II Tl'MBLE"EED8 by Tom K. Ryan SHOE GORDO ~U'RE A 600'1 NfWS~Y, PEFt::l'. THIS 15 NANCY---COLLECT? DO YOU .ACCEPT COLLECT CALLS? by Ernie Bushm1ller I WANT TO COLLECT THAT DOLLAR YOU OWE ME by Gus ~mo la by Tom Bat1uk t'l'~K ,. "l~KERBEA ~ PERHAPS 40.J'RE Rl&ITT ! fr"W.,>BE A C.OMBINATION CARiAJASH AND BAKE!lAlE WA5N'T 1J.1Af 0REAI AN IDEA ! I l ' I" I I < y • Ball ID consumer court l 11 spe nding surge n ear ? Exp erts p erplexed By JOHN CUNNIFF Af •ualnH• Al\1lr•• NEW YORK -If It la the consumer who must deliver the world 's largeat economy Crom rec:esSlon'a grip, then you and your neighbors are Involved In one of the great econo mic decitlons of all lime. The $3 triUion U.S. economy, largest of all, is waiting for you to s~nd. Consumer spehdlng, it is said, is the drop of oil needed to make the wheels of industry tll('ll. Once moving, the economy will gain speed. Who says so? Many, many popular forecasters. The White House and Its defenders . The wishfu l thinkers : some carmakers and appliance dealers, the local dothier, the cleaning shop, the big retail chain. IEll llllYlll to service Installment debt. Matc h that al(alnst the 18 cents · needt..'Ci to pay such bill.a in 1979. They added in the other reasons. Many of them. The tax cut and the Social Security adjustments would be spurs. The lower rate of inflation would help. And, they assumed, pent- up demand for durable ltfms, on whic h purchases had been delayed two years, would burst and release a tide of buyers into the market for big ticket items and small. ' It hasn't happened so far, and you probably have more spend It, he said. But Professor Georae Katona of the Unlvenllty of M1chlaan and Albert Slndllnaer, • Media, Pa., market ana econ om ic researche r , years earlier had known that ability to spend waa only one factor In whether a person did indeed spend . T hat other factor1 was willlngneu to spend. With that in mind, therefore -and assuming you have a bulky billfold -are you in the mood to spend? There perhaps is the key question in the entire debate. Sophisticated marketing people know that worries over inflation, fears of a layoff, insecurity about the future of the economy in general can be important factors in what a person does w ith money. What do you think? But you, collecuvely, are the one to decide. If it's true that the economy's immediate future is in cons umer c ustody, th e n by probing your own thoughts you have a clue to the future understanding of the reasons than d o es Washingto n or Detroi t or any center of l'co n o mic resparch. If you have the money, why aren't yo u High interest rates probably add to what feelings of insecurity you may have. but even more significantly, they offer you an outlet fur savings that probably is just as sausfying as spending on an important item. That 1s, they offer you a n excellent, hard-to- rt's1st return. HE 'LL EAT HIS HAT -Five-year-old Scott Mullins of Salinas didn't need a rope to lead his horse out for a ride b<>cause his hat was AP WINphnto tempting bait. Sc.'Ott felt the nibbling and took off his hat. whkh he will use for Big Hat Barbecue in two weeks Q. Will you spend? The so-called authorities who claimed to know your mind are pe rplexed. Their fon•casts of recovery depend o n you spending. They w e re s till applauding a small gain in car sales early last month. terming 1t a herald of ra'Overy. when sales plunged agai n . P erplexing indeed. !>pendm~ at? CUNNIFF Cocaine substitutes deadly They went back to their drafting boards and books The consumer. they found. 1s more liquid than at any time in 12 years, sinef;' at takes but 1$ l"ents of every dollar of take-home pav A fow years ago, thl' viC'e pres1dt•nt-eeonomics of a large bank was askl'CI tf he felt a study of incomes. liqu1d1ty and the like offe red foolproof evidence of future l'Onsumer behavior. "Yes," he replied. "Without need to ques tion tho&• you assume would be doing the spending?" he was asked. "Uh yes," he said, e xplaining that 1t was qutte mech anical. Give them the money and they'll In l'arh(;'r recessions that high- 1 n te rt·s t alternative wasn't available. or certainly not to so important a degree. It is a new factor, and 1t complicates that question of whether you are willing to spend. Not just for you, but for all those forecasters who have been wailing months for you to get out to the stores and the showrooms and put on your spending act. And that includes White House forecasters too. WASHINGTON (AP) The government has warned users of novelty cocaine substituws that the products can be deadly The substitutes are sold under such na mes as Toot, Florida Snow. Supercaine, Ultracame, Base-o- l'aine and SupenorCame The Food and Drug Administrat ion warning was issued afte r the FDA learnPC! of three deaths assodated with sniffing or injec:ting the white .,, AL Ti C UISllllll: Royal Champagne Brunch •7 .95 10:30 to 2:30 SundayB~ch Restaur ~ti 673-3322 TALE ai th~WHALE 11£ BMJ :'::" Champagne ~ Buffet Brunch '8.95 Feat uring Eggs Be nedict 1.,,ulot M•nu A /10 S.rY•d Sunday Brunch '4.75 SS.SO With Chompo9n1 SlllDAY IRUllCM 011 THE WATERFROllT 10 Al to •Pl Featufing Huevos Ro nchkos 675-0474 2318 W. Newport Bhd. if~~· SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 A.M. to 2 ... M. COMPUMINTARY COCKTAIL 759-1114 ., •. c...e ""'· Guide Buffet By The Bay CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH '9.95 ($4.9S Und•r 12) Saturday 11 to 2:30 Sunday 10 to 2:30 liliiti A triAil On The W•terfront In Lido Marin• VIiiage ALL YOU CAN EAT S u nday Cha mpagne Brunch 10 a .rn. t o 3 p .rn. $ 6 a 9 5 Malta $ 4 e 95 C~U•rt• s .. t lng Available For Larg e Groups THE JOCKEY CLUI powder products. many of which l'O ntam local anesthetics such as 11doca1n P. proraa n t:' Jnd ll'tra<.:atnl· The l'Ocai ne s ubstitutes can l·ollapsc· blood vessels. reduce hl•art musc·le strength and cause low blood pressure· The FDA ha s t o ld man ufal·ture rs of th e local .inesthe tll'S used 1n cocaine substitutes to more l·arefully rnon1tor d1stnbut1on o r t heir µrodu<:ts so that the bulk ,uwstht>tll''> go only to legally uuthonwtJ l'Ompanaes. If the manufacturers do not l'Omply with the FDA request, the agemy l·ould take regulatory a«llnn to l'Ontrol the production ;ind d1s tr1but1on o f cot·ai ne -.ubstllUU-s The dlstnbutors of tht• 11lc•gal produc-L-; could faee lc·gal action. ~ ~ '1!."(lf/. .. -:.= .. TN,,,, ~ 1 • .,,,, • ; ' OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Champagne Brunch '4.95 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATUIDAY 99' lllAKfAST 8 A.M. to 11 A.M. 3300 Coast Hwy. Mew•ort IHch • Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 Clt1•,a11t lr11ch larhr Cr11i1t1 Departs 10 a .m . & 12:30 Reservations Required 675-7522 1010 UFArETTE ArE. IEWHIT IEAll Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 10, 1912 Ml.IC NOTICf M UC NOTtcf: '':!..~·=· ~.t'.:.-:1· ":m.iow.w:• Th• 1011owln9 ptr1on 11 doing Tiit lollowlng perton 11 doing Tht IOllOWlno '*'°"' are doing ""llMM ... bullnetl U: blltll'lfft •e; MA Q NA · 0 HI M O 11 T"1 . PACIFIC WIST OO"IO"ITI l<l!NT Hl•PAO flfil!I. l TO., 711 I UT I HQ, It I 1 I(~ n brook , IAWIN01 117 If, Alvert ldt , W•t 17th l tr .. IJ. l ulte A•2, Cotti Huntington lellOl'I ClllfOfnlt '2141 Newoort '"°"..i ~ 82113. MMa, Oalltornla 112827 J a mn M Hollowayl.101 MAAION J1AN~"HN.1M02 KI NT TIRI COMPAN Y, I Kt nbrook Huntington DelOl'I. Cornut1 Av.nut, ltllfOWtr, CA CalllOtnla corpOflllO'l. 7 I 1 WHI Cllllornle 92841 Thie bvelnete It oon<IUClttd by an 17111 ltttel, lllltt A·ll. Coeta M .... Tl'lll bUllllMI ll oonducted by an ln<IMCh.tal Ctlllornlt 12827 lndlvld~I M J l.Alfltn Tiiie ~ It conducted by I Jlll"M M HotlOway Thie tltl_,I wu ftled Wfttl the ~mlled l)et11*11\1o. TN• 11119mllll Wll lllt<I wlll'I IM Couflty Cl9rk ol Orenge County Ott Kent HI-Pro nr ... ~Id County Cletk ot Or~ Covnty on June 17. IH 2 • Mmlted per1nerlhlp J 24 1812 ,,.~ By Kent Tire Company une ' ,1n 1aa Publlatllld Ora11G• Cou t Delly e Calll0<nt1 corporation Publllhed 01ang• CoHt o a•ty Piiot, June 11, 21. July ), 10. 1082 (Oen.tel Par1ner1 Piiot. June 28, July 3, 10, 17, lfll!J "91-82 Aleonder David Kent, 2759-82 ------------I Preetdent 1------------1 Ml.IC NOTICE Tn11 1111ernen1 wu lll•d with ttte P\8.IC NOTICE ------------Covnly Clerk of Orange Co;in1y on 1-------...,.....--•1 PICTITIOUI IUllNHI June 24. 1982. "CTITIOUt IUllHIH HAMI ITATIMINT '112121 NAMI ITAT•NT The tollowlng per1on 11 dotng Publlahed Orange Co11t Dally Tl'I• lollowlng per1on 11 doing 1>uJIMM u Piiot June 28, July 3. 10, 17, 1982 bualnetf u : RESIDENTIAL MARKETING 2764-82 HARB 0 R INN' 3 4 5 8 v 11 CONCEPTS, 4 t8 Narclltu• Avenue, ------------Oporto, Newf)0(1 eeecn, CallfOfnta Coron• dll Mar, CA 92825 D1m11c NOTICE 92680 ROBERT S McFARLAND. 418 ----~-~-------Lydie Rucker, 1338 Stor-ood Narclaeu• Avenue. COfonl <Ill Mir. "CTITIOUI 8UllHCl9 Ct . Sen Pedro, C1Nfornl1 90732 CA 92925 NA• t TATIMENT Tl'ltt bu9lne81 II conducted by en Tiiie bullMN ta oonducted l>y an Tl'le lollowlng pe1eon1 11e dOlng lndlvldulll. unlnCOfpo,.ted H 10Gl1tlon otn•1 butllneu H Lydia Rucker than • partnerlhlp H A R v E y M I L I T A R y Thtt 1111-1 w11 filed wltl'I the Roberl S MeFerrend COMPONENTS, 140 McCormick County Clerk ol Orange Coonty on Tl'lll atattmtnt was hied with 11'11 Awnue. Coall Men CA 92826 June 24. 1982 County Cl9rk ol Orange Coonty on COMPONENTS PLUS, INC , a '1U111 July 2. 1992 New York corporellon. 40 Oser Publlal'led Orange Co11t Delly ,,... Avenue. H1upp1uge, New Votk Piiot, June 26, July 3, 10, 17, t982 Publltl'll d Orenge Co .. t Delly t 1787 27S6-82 Piiot, July 3, 10, 17, 2•, 1982 Thll bualneu 11 conducted by a ------------• 2939·82 corporellon PtalC NOTICE PUBLIC ....,TICE Comoonents Plus Inc "" Allred Stodd1r1 Vice FICTITIOUI •UltNeH NAMl ITATl•NT FICTITIOUI •UllNlll NAME IT ATl! .. NT Thi following pereont ere doing The toltowi"" Pl'torl• ire OOlng bull_.. . .• Pres This 1tatement w11 filed wtlh lhe Coonty Clerk or Or1nge Counly on June 25 1982 l'tcrmoua WH i HAMii ITATllmff rn. lol!Wlnel w.on• •• doiNI blltlMM .. I - M I M I NOIN!UllNO AND ORAl'TING lfRVIC H . t7H t l rntanv l.llne, Hunt1ne10tt ltlle:h. CllllOfnle U l47 Mlltt lot1tll0. 1115 I lrltttny 1.ene. HunllnglOtt e..c;11, oe111orn11t 92147 Mtctte ll• Borre llo, 1 Te~1 IMttteny ~. HllnlJnOtOfl Beedl, CllllorN1 92847 T 1'111 bullMea It COl\Oveltid Oy e general 1>111ner1111p Mike lotrello , Tl'llt tlll-1 Wh filed With the County Clerk of Orenge County on JUM 24, 1982 '1mte Pu1>ll1h1d 011no• Co111 OeAy Piiot. Juna 28. July 3, tO, t7, 191, 2752·82 PUBLIC NOTICC FICTrTIOUl •Ul ... H NAMe IT ATllHNT The tollowtng pe11on It doing 1>u11ne1t u 1 FUTURE CONNECTIONS, H22 Turtledove Avenu. Foonta1n V1t141Y. CA 92708 I J""4ES ROBERT AN NETT#., 9622 Tuni.ciove Avenu.. Founlel'n Valley CA 92708 Thi• bu11nff1 11 conoucted by 111 lndMdull Jame• R Annetta Thta 1111ement was filed wtlll the County Cletk or Orenoe Coonty an June 23. 1982 Flnoal Pubhsl'led 011no11 Co111 D•"Y Piiot July 3 10 17 24 1982 2930-82 tORPORATE CONSCI ENCE -R o b e rt Sch w a rtz, corporate vice preside nt for S h earson -Ame rican Express, says h is single - A' Wlreptloto minded missio n is to r eform cor porate A m erica a nd get ric h e r in the process. THE EASTER PIZZA CO buel,_1 U 19441 Slerll lune Rd .. lrvlne. CA OMNIOUCT SYSTEMS CO . 927lS t86t2 M1npoaa Drive. VIiia Perk, NEENA MARIA SMITH t944 1 CA 92887 Sletrl Lunl Rd lrvtne CA inns E c B CORP ' • Clltlornla F1122S3 C.T. CORPORATION IY8TIEM 1w ••Ndw•r New YO<ll, N.Y. 1001t PUBLIC NOTICE K.ool23 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE A·11117S Horses • ID business park Equestrian center open s at SJC complex Part o f a business park a l O rtega Business Ce n t er i n San J uan Capis tra n o is a five-acr e , 80-h o rse equ estnan cen ter . The 80 -acre, $50-millio n business/ office/comm ercial p r oject was d evelo ped by O rte ga Pro perties o f Santa Ana. The 600,000 square-foot mixed-use develop ment includes an eigh t-acre ' public park and architecture designed to comple m ent th e early Californ ia h eritage o f San J uan Capistra no. T h e e q uestr ian facility 1s land9caped and features a large barn with 44 box stalls, tack lockers and t ack r oom s . T h ere are a !so 36 paddocks. Additio n a l a m e n ities inclu de h o t w alkers, w ash racks, groomi ng areas with cross ties. t w o a r e n as a n d exerc.ise pen. Automatic fly control is provided in llllSCDPI By SYDNEY OM A RR Sanday, July 11 the barn and pad dock areas. P rofessional mana g e m e nt by Deed ee Gates, equestria n director / m a n a ger, provid es for t w ice daily feed, alfalfa and h ay cu be d istribution and d a ily cle a n in g o f stalls a n d paddocks. A W este rn sty le t r a iner, Monte N icolaides, and a dressage train er, R e n Hutchings. have been r e tained. "Our future p lans for the center include sch ooling. sho w s, clinics and playdays," said M s. Gates. Ortega Business Center is located a quarter mile east of the San Dieg o F r eew ay a t the O rte ga H ighway exit and is bounded on the nor th by O rte g a Hig hway a nd the sou t h by San Juan Creek . Exclusive leasing agent is Cold w e ll B a n k e r C omme rc ia l Real E s tate Services, Newpor l Beach . l'tmUC NOTICC FICnnout .., ..... ...-nATUllHf T11a tollowlng pwson 11 doing t>utlnMI ... AKA COMPANY, 7051 Meddo1t Of"lw No. IS, "'41t. #47, Huntington BNch.Ce 92847 Abdul Karim Allnla , 705 t Maddox Ori~ No. 15, Ap1. "47, Huntington Beectl, Ca. 92647 Thia butln ... It oondueled by en tndlvldual PtalC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI taUllHall NAMl!ITAftMENT The lollow\ng peraon• ere doing butinNl IL THE NEWPORT ECONOMICS GROUP, INC., 1800 Dove StrMI, Suite 425, Newport B11ch, C1 92960 lntl rlllll Appr 1 l tl l Corpor •llon (a C1tllornla corporetlon). 1800 Dove Street, Suite 425. Newport Be11ch. C1 LYNN E c ·GRAHAM 1831 oorpor•llon. t8fl12 MattPoH 011ve, Tredewlnd• lane, Newpon 'eeacn. VIiie Paik, CA 92667 CA 92680 Thll bustneas 11 conoucted by a Thia t>u1lne11 11 conducted by a cc><porellon general pan neranlp. EC B Corp Neenl Mar11 Smtih E.C. Brumleu, Pres. Tl'll• Slllln'\lnl Wll flied with the Tl'lll llllelTMlnl WU flied with the County Clerk of 0rll1QI County on County Clerk ol Orange County on May 20, 1982. June 30, 1982 .. ,.... '112535 Publltheo Oienga Co1at Dally Publlaned Or1nge Co11t Oa1ty Pilot. J\lne 19, 29, July 3, tO, 1982 Pilor. Juty 3. 10. t7, 24, t9fl~6-82 2683-82 Nil.IC *>TICE Nil.JC NOTICE All: Glenn Q, WHMtm1nn Published Orange Co1>11 0•11y Piiot. July 3 10, 17. 2'4. 1982 2948-82 tn tne Su1>t11101 t.our I ot H•t! Stat' 01 Catrlornia tn ano 1111 the County ol 01anoe · PUBLIC NOTICE tn lhtl M<1tte• ot tne Ellett QI -------·-----Robbie t<aulmOl'I Deceased IMPORTANT NOTICE Not•Ge ·~ ne1eby oiven tnal tn• IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN unoersrgn41<1 wtll ~I 01 p11vate sate FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU to t11e highest ano oes1 b1cJOe1 ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS. ~uOtt!CI •o con1t1maton or said IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY Sui~ttot t:ourt on ot <1fler tne 20tn COURT ACTION. and YOO m1y nave day ot July 1982 at tne ott•c.e 01 q the legll llQlll lo bflng yoor account Paul Tonk ov•cn • P1ofesr.•onll\ 1n good ltanding by payk!g Ill of Coroora11c:.n 2 101 N Broaoway1 your p11t due p1yments pt us Suite 301 Senta Ana CA 927011 FlCTITIOUI •V ... 11 ITAn•NT °' W1TMORAWAL permitted coau and eapenaes County 0r Oranoe S1a1e o J NAME ITATt~ FROM PARTNUI.... wtll'lln three monll'lt from the dale Cdltforn1a all tne "Ohl tttte ano Tne ronowlng PlflOn 11 doing OPl!RATIHO ..,..,_R this not!Qe of def•ull w11 recorded •ntere61 ol $<ltd Ot-ceaseo at the INTERSTATE APPRAISAL bullneu aa f'ICTITIOUI •U .... 11 MAMIE This amount 11 U08 93 H OI Mey time of dealn an<l all 1ne ngnt toltll CORPORATION FIVE POINTS CHEVRON The lotlowlf1g per1on hH 19, 1982.•nd wlll lnci-uritllyoor ~nd 1n1eres1 lh31 lhe estale ol said 92860 Wllllem v. Shrtwibury, SERVICE CE NTER, 18501 Beectl wltl'ldrewn u a general pll1ner lrom account beGomee current Yoo may <le c 8 as e d 11a1 a c q u., e o by Pr~t Blvd., Huf1tlngton BMcll, Ce. 928'8 lhe parlnerlhlp op«atlng under the not l'l1ve to pay the tntlre unpeld opera11on of 11w or otherw111e othef Thie 1111-t ...,.. m.o wtth J emH Vlclor Lopez, 9197 llct lllou1 bu1lneu name ol por1lo,n of your 1ecount, e ven lhan or 1n a<lcJ•t•on 10 tl'llf of said t ...... County CWk of Orange County Nedlne River Clrcle . Fountain MALCOLM & DALY LAW CENTER ltloogh fun p1yment WU dem1nded, deeeated. at lhe time or death. Ill ,,. ",.2 VelleY, Ca 92708 ASSOCIATES, 27285 LU RamblM. but YOO mutt pay the 1mount lllted and to all the certain real property on June 18· h ro · ,,91_, ThCa buelnNI It conouc:ted by an Suite 200, MIMlon Viejo, Ca. 921191 abow '"f Jafed 1n 1ht> Ci ty ot Anahe.m., p bllsned Orenge Coast Delly lndlvldull The llctllloua bu1lne .. name Alter three mon1n1 from the dete c 0 u" 1 y 01 o, an q e s 11 1 e 0 I u 19 28 J "'3 1o l982 Ja~ V Lopez 111tement fOf the partnetlhle> wu of record1t1on of 1n11 document Lahlo,n1a pa11tc.u1<1rly o....cnbed H Piiot June · · u., · 2671.92 This tt1temenl waa flied with the filed on Oecemblf 21. 1981 In tne (wt'llCl'I date of recotcJetlOn appears to11ows to·w11 ; County Clerk ol Orenge County on County ol Orange FILE NO hereon). unlees lhe Obllgatlon being cot 18 ot TrJct 1942 a~ oe< map P\8.JC NOTICE f'tcTTTIOUI .., ..... NA.Ml ITATE•NT The IOllowlng pereon1 are doing butlnet• es. M S .J JANITORIAL ANO MAINTENAN CE, 3301 So Bear Street. •45A, Senll Ana , CA 92704. SHERYL ANN MINOR. 3301 So Bear Street, •415A, Sanll An1. CA 92704 RAV JOHNSON, 3301 So Belt Street. • 45A. Senti Ana. CA 92704 IRA LEW MINOR, 423 E Clarion Drive, Caraon, CA 90745. MARY ANN MINOR, 423 E Clarion Ortve. Carton, CA 90745 Slleryl A Minor Tl'llt ltlt-t WU flied witn the Coonly Cletk of Orange County on June 17, 1982 June t7, 1982 ft78Ue fOfeclOM<J upon Pfl'mltl • tonoe· rec.010~0 1n Boo~ !>4 Pages 26 and F1t1• The lull name Ind llddt-ol perlOd, y04J "-v• only the legal right 'l7 OI M1~flne<J\IS Maos Record~ Pub(Jahed Oranpe Co11t Dally the pe 11on wltl'ldrewlng la to •lop the IOfeciOMHe by paying ot Orange Covn•t Piiot J11n1 tt, 29, July 3, tO. 1982 C H A R l E S O 0 A l V , 4 1 0 0 the enhre 1mount demlnded by mort. commonly ~nown a~ II 14 N. 2680·82 MecArtnur Bouleva rd, Newport yoor etedltOf P•on.-er Otovt> ilnane1m CA 9280S ------------1 Be.ecn, CA 92683 To find out lhe amount yoo must Tne P'"'""tv 1~ ,.,01ec;1 to an Charlet 0 Olly pay, ~ to err11199 I~ payment lo £.elusive Autno11za1ton ano Right Publllhed Ortange Cout Dally stop tne lorecloaure, or 11 your io Sell w11n Mc.Go1vf'y ·Clark Really-t FICTITIOUS •UllNEll Piiot June 19, 26, Juty 3, 10, 1982 proptJrty is ln foreeloaure fOf any Conlac.1 M•"•" Haltbt-rg 17 f.() NAME STATEMENT 2889-82 OJ.her , ... on, contact PCM Really e19.~131 I The following perton 11 doing and Management. agent f~ Walnut '"'ms 01 ~illP cast> ,,, 1ewful I business 11 PUBl.IC NOTICE Malrten1nce Auoc1a11on. 23726 money 01 the Unit.,o Slates on 1 JRA SYSTEMS CO . 91122 --=------------~--B1rtcner Drive. Et Toro CA 92630 tonf11malton ,,, sate 01 1>ar1 caSll '. Turli.dove Avenue, Fountain Valley FICTlTlOUI •US!Mlll tel 1714) 7118-7261 And ba• .. nct-11vicJ~nGt'O oy note ! CA 92708 NA• ITAn •NT II y04J na-.. any quesllons. yoo S"'<urt'<l 0, Mor19.19e or Trust Deed • JAMES ROBERT ANNETTA Tl'le following peraon II dotng should contact I lawyer or tl'le or tne property 50 sol<' Te n , 9622 Turlledc>v• Avenue. Fountern buatneas" governmental agency whicll m1y percent ot amount O•O to ., •• Valley CA 92708 tRVINE CARPET CARE. S8 hew lntured yO<Jr loan depc>11ted '"''" t>td ~ Tn"bus1ne1t1tconducted by111 8roollmont,1Mne.CA92714 Remember, YOU MAY LOSE B·o~oroflersto oem wt11tng~i 1nd1v1dual FREO OEOROE CAPPEUO, S8 LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT wt be •ece111i'd 01 1ne alc><ISAICl• 1 Jamff R Annetta Broof(mont, Irvine. CA 92714. • TAKE PROMPT ACTION 011tce al Jny hint' alter 1ne frat I Th11 t111em«it wu flied wlln tNI This bu11neu 11 conducted by an NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll pu1>1tcatoon 1>ereot and t>el<>re d81e I County Clerk ol Or1nqe County on 1nd1vldull purauent to Anlcte IV, Secllont 1_., 01 .ate 1 June 23. 1982 Fred George CAP911to ol tne Declafellon of C<Wenants, DA 1 eo th11 11n 011y ol July 1982.· I PtalC NOTICE F1920M Thia 1111ement w" filed Wltll the Co11 dll1on• end Rettrlc1lons. AOatyn M.scn1no :1 '1t1• Pu1>lf1l'led Orange Co11t Dally County Clerk 01 Orange County on recorded Augwt 18, 1177 In Boole E•ecultt• ot the Ea111e . Put>llll'ltd Orenge Coaat Dally Pilot July 3, tO. 17 24 1982 July 1, 1982 12339. PIQM 810-899 of Offlc:lal 01 said Robb•~ Kaufman Ii Piiot. June 19, 26, July 3, 10, 1982 2940-82 F1..SS RecOfdl, Oran~ County. Ctllltornta. Deceaied 2991-82 l------------1 Publlthed Oiange Co111 Dally 1 breech ol th• obllgatlon of : PtalC NOTICE PHot. July 3. 10, 17 24, 1982 p1yment of 1uenment1 nu E Paul Ton~o••cil ProtessroneJ : ARIES (Ma rch 2 1-April 19): A ccept invitation to g r o u p , o r gan izational social g~t -together. Hosp ital visit need not be sad 0<.-cas1o n . Y o u can make som eone very h a p py. Gift or poem would work w o nders. Abdul Karim Allnll Thi• •lltement -tiled wttn the P\alC NOTICE County Clerk of Orange County on 1-.-T-A_n_•...;:..NT;.__Of'_WITHOflA __ .,..,.,,...,.-""'.W"."Al~ NOTICE Of' 2925-82 occurred Notice ol .. Id breech Ind Corp0ra11on T1'UITIEl!'S I ALE hen wu hied fc>< record on Mercl'I Allorney at Law TAURUS (April 20-M ay 20): Accen t on friends. hopes, aspirations a n d ways o{ ~ng ~~es "come true ." Y o u 'll be e n gaged m r ebu1ld m g p rocess . A quarius. Scorp io persons figure pro min ently. GEMINI (M ay 21-June 20): M essage received, b y caU or from associate, r elates to career o r personal ambition. You r eceive assurances from individu a l c lose to you and family . CANCER (June 2 1-July 22): Good aspects relate to journeys, sp iritual sustenance, long-ra nge plans a n d pursui t o f ed ucation . Major c h a nge affects d om estic situation. LEO (July 23-Aug . 22): Dig deep for reasons - seek motives. A p plies especially in connection w ith loans -and emot ion a l outburs t s . S piritu al reUectlo n is d ominant factor. June 17, 1982 F1t1ea FROM f'ARTMRMW O I ~RATINO UNGER Publlsned Orange Coaat el Y FlCTTTIOUI IMJ ... l l NAME Piiot June l9. 2il, M 3· tO, 1982 Th• lollowlng pa11Q11 h11 2641-82 witlldrewn M a ~Ill partner lrom tl'le PlrtnershiP operl llng under the llctltlou• 1>u11n1t1 ne me of CANYON CREST RtOOE VENTURE FlCT1TIOU9 ~·· NAM1! STATaMl!NT The loUoWlng pereon• are doing bullneU 11: UL MER SAIL S. sot 29th Street. Newport BNcl'I. CA 92663 S1Ha by SetlOdl Inc.. • C1l1-o rn t e corporetlon, 50 t 2911'1 )treat. Newpo<l Beach. CA 92683. Thi• butln ..... conclUG1ed by • c0<1>0<etlon Salli by Sc:f\oetl W.0 . Schock. Pr ... Tntt tlllemtnl -flied with tile County Clerk of Otange County on June 24. 1982. ,1ti1M Publlll'led Oranoe Coast Ody Piiot, June 28. Julty 3. 10, 17, 1982 2769-82 al 2S301 Cebot Roeo. Suite 1 t2. l eguna Hiiis. CA 92653 The fictitious butlneta name atatement for the partnerlhlp wu Iii.cl on April 23, 1982 In tl'I• County of Oranoe FILE NO F188007 The lull n1me end lddress of 11'1 • pe11on wltl'ldrlwtng IS CHARLES 0 . D ALY . 4 100 M1cArtl'lur Bouleverd, Newport eeecn. CA 92663. Ctlarlae 0 Daly Publlehed Orenge Cout Delly PNot June 19. 28, Julv 3, 10, 1982 2$88-62 Pl&.IC NOTICE VIRGO (Aug . 23-Sept. 22): Focus o n ad ded 1_ ......... ______ _ ic.--FICTITIOUI Mll •U NA• ITAT'ftlaNT vou ARE IN DEFAULT under 8 PUBLIC NOTICE 23. 1982 u Ooc .. m•nt No 1101 N Broadway Su•te 101 82-100374 ot Mid Offlc111 Recordt Sant.i 11,na CA 91706 Deed of T ru1t Oiied 3124178 NOTICE INVITING 9!01 No payment ol put due lmOUnts i7 tAt 558-8655 rec;OfdecJ 417178 In 800ll 12626, NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN tllat nu OCCUfed Therefore. lhe WelnU1 Pu1>1 .• neo Orano~ COdSI Delly P1g1 SOii. Off1clal Records of Mei.Cl propotals wrtt be •-ved by Malntenanca A11oc11t1on does Pilof July g 10 t6 198? Or11199 County CllllO<nfl the City OI Co.II MllA at the ofttee hereby elect to Mii °' cauM to be 3 I 18-82 Unlfls yoo te111 IC1ion to protect of the Crty Cler!t 11 the C.ry Hiii 17 sold the fOltowmg oescrll>ed real ygur prope<ly 11 wiN be sold et • Fair Duve, Cotti MIM. Ca11fornta. property to aatlafy the obligation· ------------Public sale 11 you need en until the noor or 11001 m. on July PARCEL 1: PUBLIC NOTICC expt1n1tton OI the nllure OI the 29. 1982. 11 Wll>Cl'I ttme they will be Un It 8 8 Is Sh Own 8 n 0 ------------ proceedtnga 1g11nat you. you opened publlely and read aloud tn detctlbed 1n lhe Condominium Plan NOTICE OF DEATH OF tl'lould conl1C1 1 l1wy91" tl'le Council Chamber& for recorded on Augu81 18, 1977 tn LOLA L. FRIMANN AND 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FURNISHING AL L LABOR , boo!( t2339. pages 872 to 709 0 F p E T IT J 0 N T 0 : on July 27. 1982. 11 11 00 A M . 11 MATER I Al S . E 0 U t P M ENT mctualve. or 01t1c111t Recotd• or Hid ADM INISTER ESTATE NO~; 1 the office ol ORANGE COAST 'RANl>l-'UH I A I ION ANO SUt:H Coonty ... ' HOLDING COMPANY. t820 Eu! Of HER FACILITIES AS MAY BE PARCEL 2 All4106. ~: 01rry. Su lie 208, Senta Ana, REQUIRED FOR THE RENOVATION An undtvtcJ~I one etgl'lty·nlntn To •111 hc•1rs. benC'f!Clartes. , C1tllorn1a 92705, ORA NGE COAST OF SLOPES ANO PARKING LOT I tt89tl'll Interest es a 1en1n1 rn l rc•d t tors ;:t nd t•o n tt ngen t HOLDING COMPANY, es Trustee, CONSTRUCTION AT SHIFFER common 1n 1ne tee interest in an<l to creditors uf Lola L Frtmann teleol'IOM ntimber (714) 5S7..0842. PARK, 3143 BEAR STAl:ET the Common Area of Lot 1 ol Tract will Mii •• public aucl!On. to tile COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 9643 ... per Mep flied In book 408. and persons who may be hlgM9t bidder !Of c:utl, 1n llWM A Ml or pqna. apec:1!1Catlona. and page 13 and t4, or Ml9Clllaneous otht•rwtsc> tnlt>fl>slC'd tn lh~ money ol 11'1• United S111es, all othet c~treci doc:uments may be Maps. records ol aald County, H will a nd /or esl.ate pay1ble 11 the lime of tale, Ill that obl1tned In the office o t t l'I• sucn term •• defined In t."!8 Anicle A ""ltllon has bt.>en ftled by-oertlln 1N1 pr0Plf1y tlt\ll led In the Oepertment ol Lll111re S.-. 77 e nlltled "Oe fin ltlona ot the ,.,.. I City ol NewP0<1 BMch, County of Fllr Orlw. Cotti M ... , c.tllornle. oecllratlon 01 Covena nt•. Thomas E Zeiher in the Oren9e. S llte ot Calllornla. uPon •-Pt of a nonrefundable fee Condition a end Reatrlctlons Superior Court of Orange O.Crlbed 11 loltowa lot 15, except ol S6 00. II b1dder1 reqyest plans recorded In boOll 12339. page 810 County rcq ues 11 ng t h a t I tile Northeasterly 1 foot tl'lw.at and and epecita11on1 be mllled. the o 1 o t 11 c 11 1 Recor d a ( t l'I • T h 0 ma 5 E z c 1 h e r b e 1 tile Nor11'1euterly 5 !eel of lot 16 111 charge will be $7 50 per Mt. · ' o e c 11 re ti o n' · J. a nd a n y • I I i l 1 responsibility , pressure, c halle nge and suppo~t from NI.IC NOTICE o lder indiv i d ual who pays you m e a ning ful 1--,-tc-nnoua---.. -.. -.. --.. -- complim e n t . NAltlll tTATWmNT The following person 11 doing but1n111 u : TEENA'S BIO N' Lil KIDS, 30100 Town Center Orlw , t..egune Nlguet. CA 92677 In Black 1 of Tract No 772, In the Eecn bid ll'laM bl made on the amendmenta or annexa tio n• appoin ted as p erso.n a 1 City ot Newpor1 Beacl'I, County of proposal form end In the manner tl'l«eto. reprt>Sen tatlve to adm tntster I Orange, State ol Calllomla, •• per p r o 111 d e d 1 n I h e c o n t r • c I The record veeted owner of 1ne t h e e s l a t c o I L o I a L , I I map recc><ded In Boolt 23 Peon 5 d o c u m e n t • . • n d • h • II b • property m()(I commonly known ea F r 1 m a n n 1 u n d c r 1 h e 81\d fl of Ml~I•-• Mepa. In the accompanied by a certified or 20 Heritage, 11vlne, C1llfornl1 la lnd d l Adm nistrallon [ The followlng peraon I• doing ., LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Low -key a pproach bull~ ':·RoouCTIONB. 40 brings desired results. Individ ual you a ided in past Harbor l•l•nd Aoad. Newport is no w ready to return favor . Accent also on basic Beach. Cllll<>fnle 929«> 1 · Mitt Gregory IEart. 140 HarbOr BYO NG DAL AHN , 16167 U~ton Street. Foonteln v111ey, CA 92708 Thia bualnea II condueted by en ln<llvlduel ofhoe of tl'le Coonty Rec:Ofder of cashier's cheek °' a !>Id bond fc>< Jerry l Jonea epen en 1 Mid county not !Ma then tO percent of the DATED May 24, 1982 of Estates Act). The petition ll'le street lddreu or Other amount of the !>Id, mllde peyaole to STATE OF CALIFORNIA )IS IS set for hearing tn DepL :=. common dellQnetlon of the Mid the City of Coat• M... N 3 700 C c Center • real property la 254 Slxty•MCond The Contreclor thlll. In the COUNTY OF ORANGE I o al IVI • Street, Newport Beectl. c.tllornla. perrormance of the work e nd w • 1 nut M • 1n 1e n 1 nc1 Drive. West. tn the Ctly of : ch ores, nutrit ion . h ealth a nd reso utions concem m g l•l•nd Roed, N•wport Buch. argumentative associate o r relative . CalltOfni• 92eeo Byong 011 Ahn Tlllt atetement WU flied with lhe County Ctetll or Or911g9 County on Seid .... wlll be midi wotl'lout Improvements. conform to the Auoc;iatlon Santa Ana, Caltfornta on cov1n1nt or warrenty r99erdlng labo r Cod• o l t he Siii• ol By H R. Stone August 4, 1982 at 9:30 ~.m SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1): Lunar accent on childre n , variety, a d venture, s p ecula tion and a "romantic in terlude ." Yo u m eet e xciting people who ace creative, s tubborn and original. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-D ec. 21): F o llow through on hunch -make concess1o n to family mem ber . F ocus on security, loans a nd comple tion of tra n sac t ion . Y o u 'll regain sen se o f dir ectio n ; spiritual a d viser lends aid a n d com for t. CAPRICORN (D ec. 2 2 -J a n . 19): Re la tiv es express view s in provocative manne r . Maintain balance, h wnd'r and yo u r o wn sense o f fitness. K ey now la to be fle x ible, to diversify and to v erify reporta, AQUARIUS (J a n . 20-F e b. 18): C heck d etails conce-rnl ng pay m e nts. loans. prom issory n o tes . 'Foc:w on n ecessity for revision, revie w and the be8innlni of a re building proceta. PISCES (Feb. 19-M a r c h 20): Lunar cyc le tndkau. l'ftleWed optimism, creatMty and diapl.11 ol couraet o f oonvictiona. Study apedal material, pl'l'P.ml'tl foe period o f Le1Un1. Special ed bill high Thie bualnMI I& ~ by an lndlvldutll. Matt Elf! Thia 1t1tement •• ntec!I wttll 11'1t County Clef'k of Ot.,,.. County Oft June 24, 1982. ,~ Publlal'led 011nge Coael Oally PllOI, June 29. July 3, 10. 17 !. 1912 2r51-82 ~."1.llr .. Tne following !*'ton la doing bUllneel II: K.P.I(. INVESTMENT. 1102 S o uth Et Camll'IO fll••I. l •n Cfelnentt , CA 92tf2. KENT A. KOIE98IU., 181 WtlM Aleu andro, Saft Cl•m•nt•, CA 92972. Thie buetneaa It oonduC1ed by I get'Wll partnertttlp, Ktnt A. ICoeoMlt Tlllt 11atement .. lllect .... tlW CouftCy Clettl ol Or-. ~ °" ~ 1, 1N2. P1l9ll Publlahed Or~Ceut ~ Piiot, .My 3, 10. t7. • "'41.a JuM 10. 1982. fltl1SP Publlt hed Orang• Coaat Delly Piiot. June 19, 28. Julty 30. 10, 1982. ~8: Ml.IC NOTICE tttte. po1111e1on, °' llMlUmbfatlQM Callfornl1 Ind other lewa of the LEE A BRANCH, lF YOU OBJECT to the to aatlaty the ot>tlgatlona MOUred by State of Caltfornl1 eppllca ble County Recorder • and pur1Uenl to the ~ of ule thertlto. Wltll the el!CIPtlon only ol On Mey 24. 1982, befor• tn9, the grantmg of the petition . you oont«red In that oertlln deed of IUcl'I v"'111tlort1 •may ~required unc:teralgned, • Not1ry Publlc In end should either appear at the trult d a ted Mercl'I 24, 1978 , under the apec;jel ttatut• l>Uf9U•nt IOf .. Id State, peraonelly appeared h eari n g a n d s tate you r executed by JON JARVIS,• ainole to wflletl prOCIMdlng• l'l«euncler are H. R. Stone, known 10 me to bl obJ·eclions or file written 1 man. 11 Tru1tol'I, to NEWPOr.T teken and wnklh 1'11111 not O..n A1at. Secretlry ol the CC>fl>O<lllOn . h h • EQUITY FUNDS. INC., .. Truttee, tuperMded by Ille 1><ovltlon1 of tl'le tMt txecuted the within lnatrument. objec tions wit t e cou r t I to ROBERT J. COSTARELLA, M.O .• llbor Code. Pl'9fefence 10 labOf known to me to be the pereon woo before the hearing. Your • ...i ,tcTITIOUI llUllNlll TR u ST E "° FO R ROBERT J . snlll bl tl\lln only In Ille ment\ef executed the wttllln INtniment on appearance may be in penon -~ HAMS ITATl:MSNT ~R~:E1~1~:Al l cfoR~~i-10: pr~~ J.:~ coneldered unleu =· 0~~11eec= '::= or by your attorney. : ~ peBOnt -doing EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST. 11 la m.c1e on a form lwnlehed by l"-1 tue11 oorpc><ellon P IQUled the I F Y 0 U A R E A , 1 EVERGREEN PLANT CARE. 8enellelerll9. recorded 417178, In the City 01 co.ta M..., Ind le med• within lnttrument purau1n1 to i11 CREDITOR o r a contingen t I 21022 M1nesaa Circle, Huntington Book 12829. P1ge 509 (and R .. tn IOCOfdanct wfth the provlslona or By·llWI or 1 rMOlutlonof111 Boerd creditor of tht' dt"l:Cased. you • e.c:t\. CA 92646 rec0<ded 4128178 In Book 12649, lhe propoeal requltementa ol Otrec:10<s must file your clatm w ith the Cl'lrlalOPl'er O. Horn. 21022 Pege 1081, Otenge County), Officllll Eac;h bidder mull~ '"*1MCI and WITNESS my hand and offlclll . . l to lM Manun Clrcla, Hunting ton Record• ol Ore nge Coun ty, alao pr~uelllled • raquffed by law _, court or p resent 1 l ....,.., CA 92848. Califomte. . Thi City Councll of the City of Julia s . WNklnlOll person a l repr esen tative l lnnH Ann Horn , 21022 NotJoe ot Default and Election to Coate .,._. rtMNed thl riOM to Acct. 11013..()98430888 a p poi nted by the cou r t l M-c1rc1e. Huntlng10f\8Mcl\, Sell tne d11crlt>•d rt•I property retect ~Or ell bide. AU.aH AND n.An within four months from the CA t28'fl. under seld OHd of Tru•t WH Eli.n '"Phinney t400 MeoArttwr MM. d l o f first iaau a n c e of I Thie butlMN 11 conducted by r.aorded on Maren 23, 1982 M Cltv OMrtt at tne l"1lte m a e • 111 lndlllldu.r lnetniment No. 82·100292, Oflldal Clty at Coeta .,._. ....,.... ._"-CfA tlllO letters as provided tn Se<.'t.lon 1 Linnea AM Horn fleco rda o l Orange County. Publlln.d Ot1n .. CoH t Delly Publl•h•d Orengt Co11t Otlly 700 of the Probate Code of t "* 111~1 w .. ftled wttll lhl CIJllQfnla. Pllol, JUIY i. 10, 1"2. Piiot. June 19, 28, July 3. 10, 1982. C alifornia. T h e time for eo.nty Cl«tt Of Orange Qovn\y on Thia notice It given lfl compllanoe 2918-82 2te&-82 fill no cJ.iml will not expire M8y te 1N 2. with the written 14>11410Mlon made to ,... •"'-( , ' ,,... t l'I • Tr u1I•• b y the aame M,IC ll)11C( rtalC NOTICE pnor to four monu ... rom • PllblllMd Orano-Coea1 Dally a.nenc1ery. ..,.... OI' TNI ANNUAL ITATWMINT the d •tt ot the hearlng.J Nol, J~ ae. July 3, 10, 17, tte2 On Jllnt :rt, 1N2. wNcti la ,.... -·· -OICl ... R 11, M 1 noUced above. 277742 d•t• ot 1~ lnlCMtl pu~ of ttll9 • .._.. -ef YOU MAY "'X ·~IN -Notice of Salt , the lollowln a .., t PWlJC NOTICl arnountm r.-n tM toe.t W .._.Ult '4 .,.. C......, the file kept by thll ~ -• --t tfl• 11ftpelf -•l•"o• •• 01 "' .. ._ •• ,. vo" en,, interealed m l ~ --f'IOl'lllOU9-1 ~..... • •l.113.f11 ~ .. umttA =·pr"'°"'*'t!YM""tolct.end ~:::...._ 37.391,147 l'Sta~. you mAIY file • , "::a&T.tal' n. fOloWll'O Pl'aoM.,.. dolllO rtuonabt~m•t•d oo•t•. CAPltll •up 1.841,760 with the cou rt to recel,,. I Thi tolowtfle -. ......... : ••Ptft tta , a nd a dvancu . G1-•11tarld 1pec:lal n o t ice o f t he t ......,.. -...... .. QUALITY "". PAOTECTION. =.. ttv•~: ~•Id bl ll t\H 0 cor•1tlllled ~ '· '::·~ inventory O( rile le aetett 1 IM. 1eeo ,_ N~..!..r;, ..._ e11MC,~t~ou~:1111CJ:1i.~'~~ .. •· -1!:_....:~••.:c+ :J· ~~~. uoo:m and of the petJtk>na.. ~n• : 31~..1....N•wport ...... , --.omta ...._, • • 2 · l ,.or-· ·~~.: ; ·~ ....._ .,,; 1,221.490 a nd report• detcr lbed In l ,_, 11~Allft w COONftL~12n !W'lr::'*~:tJ:.•·TH.a/Q· ~~1~CIJa1 anc1 S ect ion 1200 & of •h• 1 =· ~~.::;.,.~ ...... , ... , 'ountaln Val..,, CA 1f1C1 llllMllMtd • T""'91 ,..,...,. ~ '1ii1 Mt,•61 C.Ufornia ProbaUt Code. • • .._ ... ""Died Of Tt\111 by• "*".,_lit== I H,7M.oOO Banf1Mn 1811 C•te :1 1CeM1et1 A. ~ .. vte JOHN IDWAAO l<IUI, llllt OM lilt/fa • ~~ ~.... •M,Ma ,At...., 11·t.aw zJ ..,.,., Ho, -. _._ *' ""· fm'HI, ,ounl•ln Y•ll•r. CA ll·lOOH1,c,...,... If .,..... "'~ M "4 ta at7 ~-c.rr.. ~~ .... , .. , •. -:"&i ..._ ............. .., • ~r~ . ..~ ~-Oilrlatl ... N, r.o. ... "" ...... ~ .... ~·--· ... AIT HO\OIN ca;,; ...... "::r:C, ~ .............. I. I I. I. r ~Ir I . c. ~~=..tt=: .:1!!.~<r:ifJi::.o: ·~-= =.. li.rm.'~":t.· .. r::.-:·ur .... ·:'iii-mr. . ~~. to.~ ~ iJ/Tarl ~-....,..rm • ~ ................... ,.. mr .. .. ' I . . .. .. .. ~ ........ ........ ______ ..._ __ . ___ -- Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/laturday, July 10, 1182 811 .m~a~rn~oorn -Funerals simplified -Congregation pioneers model for rite1 MlNNEAPOLlS (AP) -When a local Jewllh C'Onll"taalion flnt bepn the practice or offerln1 1lmple, lnexpenaive bw1ala fOC' lta deed, aome memben were upeet. But they now tncreuJngly condone lt. The chanp came vadually. Back ln 1977, 10me people h.S felt it was barbaric when the body of a devout member w.. lowered lnto his grave in a plain wooden box, with mourners ahoveUns on the dirt. But recentl y, when another respected member wu Jliven the tame 9ort of elemental funeral, relaUvee say they neither aenaed nor heard any critltjsm. Rabbi Arnold M . Goodman , spiritual leader of Adath Jeehurun Congregation , says volunteers of Its society to honor the dead -Chevra Kevod Hamel -now handle about half the funerals of members. .Poo dman , recently e lected president of the Rabbinical Aaaembly, representing the nation's 1,200 Conservative rabbis, regards his congregation as a pioneer in setting up a model for traditional. slmplilied funerals. He says conp-egations in Hiehland Park, Ill., Portland, Ore., and Washington, D.C., have adapted the method for their own use. But some other rabbis remain dubious. Rabbi Marc Liebhab8" of the Conservative branch of Judaism and publisher of the weekly American Jewish World, says the practice adds to a family's grief. "It returns to a time when people died at home and there were no funeral homes." Rabbi Max Sh apiro of Temple Israel, a Reform congregation, says many Jews see "somethina ghou.liah" in volunteers providin1 1ervices normally done by professionala. Goodman, in his recent book. "A Plain Pine Box," de9Cribes the story of handling vurials aa a struggle against "vested interests" and "fear of the unknown." SPIRITUAL LEADER -Rabbi Arnold M . Goodman regards his congregation as a pioneer in setting up a model for traditional, simplified funerals. The Chevra was formed in 1976 after Goodman, in a sennon, dealt with the impact of American values upon the funeral practices of Jewry .. He suggested a committee study the Halacha, or Jewish law, requirements for respondin~ to death. Months of s tudy convinced committee members that a simple wood coffin should be used, the body should be washed in a ritual proceas called tahara and, because dust is to return to dust as quickly as poaible, there should be no formaldehyde in the veins, no ~la lnfhe coffin. The society decided to offer traditional funerals free to Adath Jeshurun members. The conpgation provided seed money. Memorial donations, and vo lun ta r y contributions from the bereaved, are accepted. Obon celebration set Counly Buddhist• to mark festival Two day1 of f HUvhlH are planned by the Orana• County Buddni.t Church next weekend ln celtbraUon of Obon (Oatherf.na of Joy) t•tival. In Japan, Obon evolved f.rom a 1trictly Buddhlat event to a natJonal f•tival when f amiliee honor thelr dtceued members. Included In oounty fettivltJet wlll be 1peclal •rvicel and dances and • buaar-cam!val. Dlncet wUl be performed at 7 p.m. July 17 and 18; the buaar from 2 to 10 p.m. on SatunUy and 2 to 9 p.m. Sunday. A Japane1e languqe 1ervlce will be conducWd at 1:30 p.m. on July 18, with a 1peclal Enslish lanauaae aervice planned Sunday. The church is located at 909 Dale St., Anaheim. A PROGRAM of inspirational mualc and teatimony will be presenu:d by Loaa., an 11-member ensemble from Multnomah School of the Bible in Portland. The event will be at 9 a .m. Sunday at Mariners Church, Newport Beach. FOUNDING and work of the Orange County Marine Institute at Dana Point will be the topic o f director Dr. Stanley L. Cummings at the 10:30 a.m. service Sunday at the Laguna Beach Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship. APPOINTED u senior minister of St. Andrews by-the-Sea United Methodist Church, San Clemente, Is the Rev. Dr. Charles A. McClain, who formerly held that posjtion at the First United Methodist Church of San Die . • Cllll:l 11111 CONSTRUCTION II undft' wa'/_ on a pariah hall for St. Paul 1 Lutheran ChW"Ch, LaauN Beach. A tall completJon la expected for the facility on Momlnplde Drive. THE FIRST ln a eerie. of 1arden part1e1 for new and pcupective members of Temple balah ot Newport Beach (ContervatJve) will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Newport Beach home of Felix and Flory Van Beek. DOROTHY DOWNEY, a member of St. John the Baptist Parish. Costa MeH, and who has served aa interpret.er in the Polish n.>settlement program of the Catholic Diocese of Orange, has been hired as a job developer for refu~eea. THE REV. ALEXANDER Manv ille has been named patter of Sts. Simon and Jude Parish, Huntington Beach. He suooeeds the Rev. Thomas M. Schneider. who has left the parish to continue study in the area of marriage counseling. A SUPPORT GROUP is being formed for families concerned about Alzheimer's disease . a progressive disorder of the brain. Sponsor o f the group. which meets at 10 a .m. on the third Friday of each month, are the deaconesses of the Neighborhood Congregational Church, Laguna Beach. Meetings are held in the church library. r---'--------------------------- ~ South Coast Community Church Services 8 :30 A.M. & 10:15 A.M. C0<ono del Mal Hip Sdw>ol. 2101 f01tbluff Or .. Corona del Mor "E'o•r Letter Word~., Tim Timmottt, Spuker all 644,: 1350 Tim Tim-•, Fo .. dJ .. P- The family of the Community Church by the Bay extend$ Its hand of friendship and 1p1r1tual fellow· ship to all who are seekers of the Truth We are a loving. caring body of pos1t1 ve thinkers offering both an open mind and an understandln9 heart. Though we are free from dogma and llm1t1tlon of creed. we are a Christian religion based upon the teachings of Jesus -expounding the principles of "at·one·ment" with God and His lovlng presence. An atmosphere ot love. joy and freedom prevails. tn which each person can feel "sate" 10 be himself and to develop his own divine potential It you are seeking a church fam ily like we have described. we warmly suggest. You may altMdy b• home/ Sund1y c11,br1tlon of llf 1 Oyn1mlc 8pnk1r1 • Mualcal Programs Seminars for positive llvlng Work1hop1/Clau11 • Book 8hlp/t1p11 Protaalonal Counaellng service Social and Speclal Event& Sunday School • Youth Group Hollatlc Health Center Wedding Arrangements Service Monthly Newsletter • Nursery care JOIN US SUNDA YS AT 10:00 A.M. 714/645-7650 Dr. Doyle Edson Rev. Fred Davis 148 EAST 22ND STREET /COSTA MESA/CA 92627 Follow your team in the Daily Pillf Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY "You've tried the r•t. NOW try the BEST!" Rft. Dr. •IMnor C. Jedleon CIU8U110N Of' un •IMCl--A.M. c .... c... "Are You A SNIOP" 1011 c. ... ••••• ... .,.... leach ,., ... ...., Mwlc Olraa. -....._..... •Sl ... 244 Church of St. Matthew by the Ses (Tr9dltlonel ~..,, HOLY COMMUNION -l.actl SUnday -9:00 AM (look of COMmOn,,.,.... -112l) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church ~ 611 Hellotropel Corona del Mar The ""· ....... ....,,,., -At-2201 IT.M>HN'a THE DteCOPAL CWH •OoeTA •IA .., ........ or._.,. ...... Hely luchorflt 9:00 W-t -4 OM C:.. ........ ; c..-..... ' '"· VIG4lf .. .., ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCMS YOO 3ZOt Ila LW., lltwpert Beach = .. A.IL...,., .... ...., c ......... ,. WA.&~...._._..._l.1111M .__, .. UL,.,..~.,..,_.._ ...., 01• n • llR tun• s• -...... ...., ._.., ..... ...... UL~ ... CMLmllllf!llAM Pint.__,..... -NI P.11. ~---· ......... ....... .......... Llfllll °"Of ...... .,.. ............ ......,, ...... _,.._.,..... -=-~~II '==-••• ............ -..a.-. ....... WOA8HIP IERVICI ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHNITIAN IDUCA110N ............... t :18 A.M. W°"8HP MRVICll •...•.••••••••••••.•• 10!IO A.M. ---mt·· ...... CHRISTIAN SCllNCI CHURCHl8 ~ '1' TIC MOTHUI ~THI l'IMT CHUl'CH t:# CHNST, 8QINTllT IN 909TON. ..... ~ "SACRAMENT" Sunday, July 11 , 1912 Coeta Meu -Flret Church of Cttrtet. klentl•t _.._v .. 0r .. c.... ..... CIMdt • ...., T,,-.. A.II. .............. -V.-Dr. .~ .................. w..L f·fa P.111. -Ml:lt P.M. tnlM -,.,.. CtMn11 ot c~!~~'"tllt .............................. •1 ..... 1l111t (Nw Y•) c._... • .__,....,_,..A.11. Ct4l.D CAN 'flOYIOID AT MJNDAY llJIMCI Hurltlntton BNch -Ft,.t Church of Cfilrlet. klenttet -·~ .. :~,....,. ...... ca..• ....,_,..A.Ill. ........... _ ......... Newport .._.. -,.,., Churctt of Chrtet, Sclentl•t -Vie Udo. Naw.-t....,.. Chutch I .__, lohoat -MO a 1MO A.M. ......... ....._, a11 Vie Lida Men. Hwv let. -t A.M.-1 ,. Tuee. -7-t ,,M. CNIO C.s Pro.lcleel Tuetdeys -8:30· 1 l:JO A M. 1or Study T ..... Newport heoh -SecoM Cfturdt of Chrtet. lolefttlet 1tio,......v...0r.,c......• .. Cludtt._..,..._._ ... UL .._......_ __ ...... c...e..., .. c.- no. •Vl.-0 TalTIMONY MDTINGI - I P.M. ALL CNUllCMll Al ,,. -~ IMttaf .. st'9llf Illa ....,, ........ -_,..,Illa ...,.... .................... QIN C.. Pl"'1••• AT ALL -¥1C88 WESlWGmt LUTlllM CIUCH .. , ........ <Me111 .. ._ ..... r,.,. a w111 r ,._ lh&) -WOR•• lllMCU -1=11a 10:GIA.M. 'AaTOR -'OIL A. IWll.. ,..,.. -I I C•IT LUT'MIRAN CHURCH ,.v:::=.-= ... &.ealr Y. T.,.., ....._ -111-•11 WOMllr -VICI -a• a 1119 UL ._., ....... ._ ... ~-... UL ctwta11m•1r111L)...,.-• 1111 Sennen Tepk July 11 t :OO & 10:*> A.M. ". • . And The Uvln1 It ... y" CUCH CJf .... KBICE I ~~-=.~= ~~:oA- Miiia • Jt. CIUdl 101 tOllO Frndom of Wor1hlp An Am.rlcon Cholc1 ,,,..,.------ A C«llDIAl WELCOME FIOll M lllTED CUCH Of CtmST ~CUCH COllGIEGATIOIW. e11111n1 .. .,. ,..,.. c...... ..... ..... ,. o.......w ....... ...... •a.-..~ ... ~ce.· IEHCmlOOO COllGIEUTIOMAL eta CH Mlll•'•Pw.t .. _,,,.., u.-lsadl 'M-IMl ... 11.IEYIGDI IMllCM(1 -ll1llllDS ...... lid.-...., ... Cllrdllclllltlllltlwy HA9'80fl C .... nAN CHURCH (Dl119'tn of Clwtlt) ., ..................... .'! Mf."81 .......... n, . ...... Attend The Church of , Your Choice IT. MAM ,_UY'RNAN CHU..CH ..... lff Dr ..... ., ... Me•i-t .... "99 ....... Ilea.ION "9w. T_, .... ~ ......... P8eter u.n. ......... ....., ........ CfU'ch ~ & Adult C...... -9:00 e.m. Wonhlp a.rvtce -10:00 a.m. ......, c.. ............ ,. ..... Cel .... 11111 A Cordlet Welcome lrotn The UNITB MITHODllT CHURCH Cote. MIN Notttl MllA VIRDI UNfTID MITMODllT CtMCH .................... ...... AJll. Dr ............ I Hunttngton 9aect\ flltlT UNrnD MllTHOOIST CHURCH 2721 17th St. 531-S637 ..... e.wae ........ ..... -. ...... ~ ...... _... .... Thi• Sunday Worship In ST. ANDMW'I PRElaYTENAN CHURCH 800 St. Andrftl Aoed • N9Wport 1eect1 • 831 ·2880 °'·,...A. ........ 11~ ...... Worship Services -8:45 and 10: 15 A.M. "A Formulo FCH Greatneu That Disturbs The Werld" The lev. lydio M. S-on4'Gn PROGRAMS e:45 a.m. -Infants Thn.i College 10: 15 a.m. -lnf.ints Thn.i 6th Grade A8C tt1tpl fl11 •• Ill Community Preebyterlan Church '11 ,.,.. ,. .... Lajuna.... 4M-7111 Rev. Arthur J. Tanker*Y Rev. Craig Wllllam1 WC>f"lhlp -9:30 A.M. NURSERY CARE PR0\110£0 OUR•NO SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH OF Ttl COVENANT _, ............ C.... .... -"7 ... .,_.A. Kurrie, hater Terry Me<Mlne, DnctOf of Youttl MINatlM Howard Klllon. Olrec1or of Adutt Mlnl*1el Don Maddox, Director of Slnglea MlrMJlrlel ....., ....... -l:IO ... A.M. C._... e-... -~ tfw'u Mlltta .. A.M. ...._, .,. enltlll 11 -l:IO a tlllt A.IL v.....,.. -7:11, ..... CHURCH OF CHRl8T 117W.W'laeft.C.... .... Ml-l111 We're A Going -G1ow15-Growlnt Churotl IUMDAY IGMCm8 _,. 11VDY t A.M. WOR81W 11 A.M. Ii I ft.IL 10 A.M. -"Swttter Than Honey"~alm 19 6 P.M. -"What If The End Is At Hind?" ......~ .......,_.,... c.te. y ......... SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HAMOR MFORM T9MPU ~ ........ ,..., ...... ••tt.111. ,......,..,.. tt u ~ a st. "1nt ,...., of._........ NI P.11. ~ hmard P. King JamborM & IEMtbtUft Or. MUJlc: Arie Shltllef Nawpcw19eadl, Calf. EdUcator: Nancy Lavin '-............ .,. ....... 191 ,.~.....,. (XTBMPLE SH.AR!!~ ~ -....,., • lurQiy 8chod ) let~T,.... v--. QnM5 •.. 'flood . ........ • 8:11 ""'· kt:1 Mft. lun. t:IO a.m. Mme ..... IAOCl<.a •11--~c....­•1-----.... --M.a.,a ..... -... •'' . . .. • I 1 t I '-\I I 1<11\\ MON•• •:00•~ MIOlll9l.I .UCMI •••IA "Wo!Mn" (tHll Alo.tt FlnMV, DI-Veno-ra POlloe .,. I~ with an unueu.i ptobltnl u New Yortl City le lnve<Hld by a ptck ol dltpltc.O wotvte 'R' I:'° CC) MO\M •• • "Otl Out Your Ha ndkatchlele" I t971) Gat.,d Dtc>aldleu, Pelt~ Oew-e. A YQUllQ and optlmllllc hu•blllld OOM 10 almotl unbt llt vtabl• lengths to 91\eure hi• ..,.. ... , happ"-9. 'R' 1:26 CB) TO CUMe A WOUNTAIN!JUlY 4, 1111 Elevtn hendlc~ !*>- pit, po9MMed by lndomll· able ~raot and clevo- llon, dar• to cl\el141nge 14,4 10 lool-1\lgh Mt Ret1,_ .., ll=aGD VOYA~TOTHE BOTIOM OF THE 8fA t.'00 I IUMMelt l&IUTEI' SEMNOIPfTY TUN TALK • FAMllYAf"P'AIR • WATCHYOUR MOUTH (I) PUeUC An'Al"8 9 NeWIMAl<lM (.$) ELECTNC UKlMO An Eaklmo boy la tu<Sdenly endowtcl with t xt1eordl· n.ry ttecltlcal po-. du•· Ing a megnetlem ••l>t"l- mtnt et tne Hor1h Pola. t:20QINEW9 8:308 DUITYS l~CAT PACEa!TTEM FAST FORWAN> WATCH YOUR MOUTH I NEWVOICE CAPTlOHEO AllC NEWS (I) VOICEOF AONCU&:r~ I rra YOUA llUllNEBI DR.INUGOL.U MUMeO. JUMBO, rrs MAGICI An lntemellooal tftty of the w0<ld's mtllttl 01 lllu- ak>tl l11a1ures Amerlea's Mark WllSO<I. Japan'• Shi· mad•. Diena the Encnanl· rtu and David Coppet- lield. (%)MOVIE • • • "Sllvtr Streak" ( 1976) GeM Wilder, Jiii Clt yburgh A mild· mannarad book editor accld11ntally becomes lf\voNtd "' • elf\111tr art ltwr s tMut tt plot durlrlg • c:t~lty ,,. ride. 'PO' 7:00 8 KIDSWOALD 18 THE FUNT8TONES 8IQ BLUE MAMl.E •a 80P£AFAIEN08 CJ DAVEY AHO OOUATH • • TEEN 8Cf:NE • CHEa<IHG rT OUT fD YOGA l'OA HEAL TH GD WRmNOFOAA AEA80N (I) IHTE:AHA l10NAl HOUR {C)MOW * * • "Burnt' ( 1970) Mar- IO<'t BfandO. Evtr11to M.,. q.-A small Portuguese lalt nd't struogle 10< lnd&- ptndet>Oe Is Hpl<Hted by a crally 18111-ctntury Brlllstl colonlSt (l)FAU.UHE A -1tt lhOwS t M llmllatl· , ... 11'1 spor11 lltoe -11ng lllNog and htng-1jlldlf\g &it HOT WtiftL8 7:30 8 MA. MOON'I MAGIC aRaJ8 888MUAFS I OR. INUOOL.U 0 RICHIE NCH I I0008YOOO I DAWY AHO OOUATH CALJR>ANIA PEOPl.E YOtCEOF AGNCUl..T\JflE • 9IO llLUE MAMl.E GD WNTINGFOAA AEMON (I) INTEANA TlOHAl HOUR CB)MOWE •*'It "Ster Trtlt -Tne Motion Picture" ( 1979) Wllllam Sl\etntt. L.,,..,d Ntmoy. The lonn.t ~ mand., of the U.S.S. Entwl)'IM ...-l>IM hl9 old er-Ind Nit off on a mi.Ion to llf\d ''-myttttt- ous ,,__. rtllPO'l*lble for ... dt9tnlellon ol --out Federation ttar9hlps ·a· fl NEvtR. ~LANO ~-(I)~ 9 MOVIE • • "Prairie Moon" ( 1938> 0.... Autry, Smiley Bur- Mtta. I =-l!STATE WES( ••• "T~'• Greet•• ~turt" 11959) Gordon SQoH, Anthony Quayle I INMEAIY ::.ca'°"A MMOH Cl) TMI '9CING °""" JoMne WOOftwefd llOtt.a • Cllln•H ••I revagan~e .... uttng elnglng. dMclnO. .. ---mime Md rntr• .... .,,.., 4 so • Orange Oout DAlL\' PILOTl811urd1v, Julv 10, 1H2 GUEST -Mickey Gilley is among guests a ppearing in "The Nashville Palace" tonight at 9 on KNBC (4). l:acl 8 (I) TARZAH I LONE RANGER D Cll KIO au..u. ~HOUR 8 OJ FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG -~ "Growtne Up From ~rt" TM Beanaprout• ctlebt•I• CtllneM New Yttr and 10<* lorwatd to the l\iture at tten·tgt<t. IR) II!) WNTIHO FOA A REA80H (%)MOVIE ••• ··T11r .. women" ( 1977) Sltsy Specell. SIMll- le'I Duvall. Two W()(l(tta at • convt ltac ent home deYe!9C) 811 unuautl rtla· UOnahip wlth • withdrawn oetient. 'PG' t:OO •. LIAYli rT TO NAVV. Ill lAV8'NE a ~ IJ WILD. wtU> WON..D ~ANIMALI I IANEST ANGLEY OHOEUPOHA ClA8llC "Tiit Boy With Two Heads" A yOuf>Q boy I~ r-trded for tnwartlrlg t burglary at an antique 11\op wltn a Soutll Amttl- can wtlell doctor'• llllrunk· .,, Mad, 811 old native drum and some bembOo pipes. CR)O G) AMEAIC>M ~ENT {C)MOVIE • • "Oh HHvenly Dog" ( 19601 CheVy Chut, e.r.11 While il'lvtallgt llng t potlll- c.I MX scandel In londO<l, a private detective IS mur· dtfed and rtlnc:emtled .. t acrutty dog 'PG' DM<ME. • •'It "Mooater 111and" (1981) Tertoot Stamp, Pttt< Cualllng A WUlthy, bored youth a nd his o-tdltn .,. INp>Mtclled on a ~ lllttftd ~ !tiled by dane-oua crM- turM. •-*' 8 (I) IUGS IUNHY I "°"° AllNNE1' I Cll~ OZZJE AND HAIWEl 8 O ..wATl4CUFF a w.MIA.DI IKE CiJ WIU), Wll.D WOAl.D OFANNAUI firil AMENCAM GOYEANMINT (S)MOVIE • *'-' ··star Trtlt -Tht Motion Picture' I 1979) Wiiiiam Shatner, l eoNtd Nlmoy. TM former com- m•nder of tt\t USS EnlttprlM re.-b'" his old crew end Nit off on a mlsalon 10 ljnd lht myst.,1- ous ,,_.. ~bit for in. dwtruc11on ol ~­ ous Federation 1l..-hi08 ·o· ».00 I a IP.ACE tr AM IHANANA 9 THUNOAM/ GOlmOOt..D 8 MOYIE *'It "Eat Of Klllmatljaro" ( IM2) Mttllll.. Thomp- eon. Gabby Andre. I CAii CAM C8ITRAl 909JONU • LMTetwa QAMOE -~ OOWANMIHT (H)MOYIE * * * "SST: Oia.uler In The Sky" 11977) Lorne a·-· e..rgaea M«.otth. Tiie maiden n1g111 01 • ~ tranec>ort turna Into • nlghlmtrt wtlen ~· r--. dtedly wus. 10'.ao I AMINCA'• TOP TEH WE'MMOYIN' I NAIL 90CC8' KICKS llQtMQ WITH CIMf1'( MmWCAH ~ 10'.jl (l) PAlllTINO SHOT '1:00. 8 8A8UAU. Minne sota T•ln• at Botton R So~ *•'At "TWC>-Wey Stralcll" (1961) Ptt•r St lltt1, Wiifred Hyde-White A lrlO of ptlson lnMtttl plan 10 brttk OUI. lhtf\ btHk In tgaln wllh1 • truckloed of diamonds OMOVIE * •'-\"Gunn" ( 1967) Craig St-a. Ecr.erd A-- Private eye Peter Gunn Ill &Ilk.ct to lnv"llga1e • 11:JOfitnd =" INC>STAND 1J NATIONAl COlilOE lllOMO ·=Oil f'AINTING -~ANAHCI ANDMC>Nrf ~-HT (8) MUMeO, JUMBO, rra MAOK:I An lntemallooal •rr•y ol Ille world't muter• of lllu- slort INIUI.. Arnttlct 'I M.,k WlllJOf\, Japan's Shi· mtd8, Diana Ille Enchtnl· r... ano David Copper- lleld (%}MOVIE • * * "S.O.B." ( 1981) Wll- llt m Holden, Juli• Andi-. A movlt director .no haa juel flf\lthed • multl-mllllon doll8' hitltey ooee trom enempted eul· Clde 10 • blLtrttly 11\tplfed re-111\oolil'lg or hlS tplc 'R' '2:00 I Cl) 1'R04...UOHI loeT .. •.t.ea • IOC MtUJOH DOU.AA MAN flD QUILTING "Oull1 Aucllon" -~~ AND MONEY '"Houalnf; NI 0-.... - wtitr1, Wl'lel IC Ind. How Much?" (l)MOVE * * '-\ "The Shogun Wtrfl. <WI Gtlklrlg" Anlmtted A ~ robOI deleodt Earth when It la lh<Mttned by Klrlg Datt;,1 and the 0..th Horror~ 12:30 I (I) TOM ANO JI.MY PORT'RAIT OF' A llmND • MOYll * '* "TM LUI Baf\dlt" 11949) W ..... Ellloll, Adrl· .,, Booth. • llll/IMo 12 • W:MADEN'8 TVNI FOR THI FVTIJAE "The ~.. Vic Btadef> repf-bad lmegety In Mrvtng with wiMlng torm (R)O • PPIONAl. ANAHC£ AND MONEY MNtAOW "Renting "' Owf>lng· T"9 ~·· 9 KJOIWOIW..D (C)MCMI • *'It "Blow-Up" 1196e) David I~, V- Redgrtw. W1'tn • youog London pt!Ologra?I* ha some ol hie plc;tlJfM blown ~. he dltcoYwl """81 ~ 10 be• murder ctV ITANDNG ..ooM ONLY "Oltna RoN" Tiit fonntr "Supr-" member wflo hU evolYad Into a 91ng1r1g and actil'lg auoeratar l>t"· 1orma many of her hit• before "" auditnot et C- ..,. Pei.c. In Laa Vagte. 1:00 I Cl) KWOCY KOAlA THIWUNITEM 8MCMI • *'"' ")( From Outer Space" (1"8) To.hlya Wazaltl, Peggy Nell. • MOYll • •'A "Coo• And Robbttw" ( 1973) Clllf Gor- man, Jot BoloOne • MOVll • * * "Spancat'a Moun- ltll\" ( 1963) Hatwy FOlldt, M__. O'Htrt -~"°8eM TMJCI WITH f'~ M04Jf OllClf'\..llll Fred Aogert and left pat· ani. ditQl.a dltelpllN and punltMwlt. • "'"'°°'IOI.ca 9IOl.OOY 0 IH\'9'TM .. lf T*WmK l11tarvlewt wltll ~I Mltotlum, JO*ll ColllM, Ftff9 ow__, and Wattat L~ t report on OIMibttty com,,.••Cltl t11C1orto· --. r.::. ••• .. ,,.,,,., ev.-•• ('811) 0... WNW. M Cla y1111r911. A "'lld· ll'llnntttd ltooil adctOt eootdt11tally baoomH ln\IOM!d In • Blnllttt .,, tlllaf'e Dlilaffa plot durlrlg a -lry 1ra1n fide 'PO' t:00• MOYa • • "Houtton, We've 001 A "'obltfn" ( 1974) Rol>ttl Culo . Clu Oulaoat. D ovn>oC>f' UN FNluted' lllllllng IOI b40 n'IOUlll bMe 11'1 '10tld•'• Lalla~ e OM UG.tw• 11&.AHO D MOY1I • * "Tiit Wiid North" 119112) st-1111 Oranger, Cyd CNwt-. A group of Not1wn llK Ir~• btl• tit aeelftat ntlut't. ·~ IK>l.OQY i =:Ml< • • 'It "e.acti Blanket Sino go" C 1H5) Frankie Avalon, AMtlle Funletllo Skydlv- lrlg and k ldnapplng ... l>tf1 of the fl.In and lrOllC ot Ille lt«14Qt bMCh Ml, at MUllO CfTY NIW9 TOP 'COUNTIIY HfT'S OI' THIYUR HOtll Ttr1ye TUCktl' and K rlt Kri•lolftt IJOf\ 110t10t the 15 lop aongt of IHI u MIKt.0 by IM rffdtt1 ot the nallon'• oldesl country mualo publlctllon, "Mualc City N-" F ... lured ptrlO<rnttl locludt Barbar• Mandrell, The 1 Oek AIOge Boyt tod The' I' Stetler 8'0111et1 Of)MOVIE • •111 "Raggedy Man" (1118 11 Sluy S~. Eric Robttta In 1944, e , .... phone oper •tor In • amtll Tuu town MCl'llicee 11tt atendlrlg In lhe community wlltl'l lhe hu a lhOr1 •ff air with 1 comb•l·bound Mii· or 'PO' (l)MO'M • • * "Royal Wedding" (lt5t) Fred .Utalrt, J- Powell A BOf\Q"and-dBtlCe ltMI ~ • ptrlor,,,.,_ In England a t IM llme lllet a.-i Ellubeth II 11 pu1· llog Ille final louchM on htl' mt1rlmonlel plane 1:10 8 TALK ABOUT PtCTUMI • CM..UGAWS lllAHO 8 NCH MAN, f'OOft MAN:llOOKI Rudy Jordacha (P•ttr Strauaa) lo-1111 glrlfrltt\d and • tchol•rlllllp; Tom (Nidl Hoitt) ltll8 dMOIY 11'1 low • ED MU8IOE! HOMI IN MAIN€ Former Sentt0< and Sec· rttary of St•t• Ed Mutkle corn,,,.,.11 on hit ••rly pollllctl IUCC .. Mt. IM p1t1ldtnll•I nominating 0<~ ano .-the ~ admlf\iatrellon ID IN'Tl'OOUCIHO BIOlOGY (C)MOVIE * * "Le•ve Ytlltrdty Behind" ( 1978, Jono ..,,,.,, c.,n. Fllhat. Fol· low4ng • trllQlc aocidtnt, a COiiege alhlell letmt to llW and tow....., ....... help of an uftd«attndlng young"'°"'an GMOYIE • * .,., "Chu cnu And Tiit PT\lfly FIUh" 1198l) Alan Attoln, CtrOI Burnttl An alcOOolic lor,,,., b&Mt>tll 1)4eyer and • llooll y "'.., .,,,.,,.._ become pert· ntrl In • BC'-to mall• money by tet\lrnlf\g I Iott wllc:Mt. 'PO' a.-001 AGNCU1.. TUM U.l.A. UTTU R•ICALI T.-WHK .. UIUAU • MOYIE * • ''George" C 1976) MM· lhell Thomp&Of\, MlcMlt Mwcler. • INr1'00l.QNO lte>t.OGY (I) WUll:RH OU1'tlOOAlllAN l::IO 8 IPORT8 aATUN>AY IQ..round llgl'l!Wtlght bout ~ Edwin RoettlO and trlela "Cubenllo" Ptru D EVERVMllM Location· live lfom Sell- bOtrd Regal18, San P.oro. I UTTU R.+ICALI OODGP DUGOUT FUTIVM. OF HAN08: ™-N>AD TO OON>OeA CNta RIYtr• ~ with ~ of !he Mallonal n-tre ol the Deaf In a llUrfMliellc journey baaed on the w<ril of poet F. Oar - ola lcwct. ID FAIT f'ORWN//fO "Simul811on And DllC>le)'·• A looti Ill computtta now ~ UMd to almulata Ht. 1111• ettvt11ona 0.,,...,.... IOOGOally,1~ Of denge<out le or-'lled. ~ =:u IUNCH * • "FunhouM" I 1981) Ellul>eth Berridge, SyMa MllN Four •-99t'• "*"' • lrightM nlgtlt tn a ettnlvlll lunhollM IMablt- ed by • demented Mrtctt and hie"'°""'°"' aon. 'A' ... , ~,..~ .. .. UTTl.I MacN..a IUGAAMY ~GOl.D&f QUNR "Hlgflllgfltt" IPlltl 4) eHnHAW au.ta: Tiit K9ncltlle. Ru· rt aa.v. Ut1ta 0..-al Clofoan, IAalle .......... • .,._'\LL LOt MOflae OoclOWI .. ~llMlet CHAIE. USTINCS .MIMI • • * "l ll#t Movie" (1171) .... erooltt. ~ • QUI ,MA. u.a.A..' "HeNC-T-.er." A trlaM .,.,..... tor C.,. fNll Md IW ~ to .... •u.r~MD ''91o-ff911W".tl0 II" Moel-- em tedlll°'°IY OOll.e.ied with medlolM .. Clfltr""19 our oonoepc of---. (I) n.wmc .. • llOO(l (Cit> el(HK(NICI eKTLACIM.t 9'MC<MKI • IC,Ma <CHI • I04J. TV ON.> • tCCIT (AICI •1CTTV CJN.1 W '"°'"TV 11,_J •Wf'"'' ~,,.., (JI) On-TV (!) l ·TV (I) HIO <l:D tCnm .. 1 '11 IWOIU NY., N.Y . CD IWHll (I) ,..,.., ,.....,,.., ......... • IC..,,.,.. ~t "-*'*'· A tormar ~ director and Ill• two cotlor1e lry to ... ,..., ....... .,_~.., ........... ....,._.,.. .. , .. "£.:,. MWA .. ~ ......... th •P•W" M ....... ....... ,,.... .... •llll'U M ........ ............... I I I J fl!!g Mt llUf I .. -""" 9 TMI Ila C..aM .... eum.1..-°" ;r.:- •••14 ''OWll" , .... ............... .lllM .---,. ..... ... .. ........ ........ ................. ..................... ., ........... .. •:-q ........ . TUBE iOP.PERS KNBC (4) 3 p.m. -"A~riculture U.S.A." Bob Roublan. owner and operator or the Crab Cooker Rt.'fltau rant, New port Beach, demon.stratc..'8 how to clean. f lllet and C.'OOk fresh Ciah. KA.BC (7) 8:00 -"Today's FBI." Stress o( working undercover begins to affect the performan('e of agent Ben Slater KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Nashville Palace." Country-western variety show features the Oak Ridge Boys as h 06ts. See photo, lcfl KNXT (2) 10:00 -"A Time to Die." A report on Omega. an organization founded lo help t he term inally ill and their families. btlttted brlefctM 'PO' (J)'M..LUNI A -'* .now. the elmllarl· tlet In apona "k• -111'1g, akllng and ll9110·glldil'lg .MO\lll * • "Falling In Love Ag•ln" 11980) ElllOll Gould, SuBMtlall Yorll A mto o-to Illa 111g11 achool reunlotl 11'1 lht belief lhtl ht can rtllvt 11\t good llrnet of lht put. 'PO' 4:IO I unu lllAICM.t WORLD CUP IOCCER TOUNW.IEHT Hlgllllghta of t MCOnd ...,..lnttlort match win be broeocut !tom Sptln G FAST FOfMAN> "M~ And ThOUQhl" Tht tdV&ne;el made In etorlng, accenlng a nd rttrlevlog Information •re cove<ed. Cl) .,.,a+.u SM Oleoo Padr .. t1 New Yortl Mell cc:> CMMAJC 8HOllT l'UTUM l.'00 8 AMINCAH ADY9fTUM I l'Ml!4M..l KUNG FU 8 WIC>E WON.D OF 8PORTI 10-round wellerwelghl bOUI bttwMn Rogt< St•I· lord and Miiton Mc:t;rorry (from Phoenix, Ariz). • pr..,._ of tM World Cuo SOCC* Tourn-1 ""81 and Mmilinal llighllghl•. World Show Jumolng Cllamplol\Shtpe (from Dub- lin, lrttand). G GNZZl y ADAMI "8 Ille aoc:uaed thief of an Ind tan cNef'. llth ct I eh. Ben laces b anlahmt nt trom Qrlzzty Adams· car• • IOUOGOl.D II> FAIT FORWARD "Technology 01 MuSIC" Mualc 11 It llCed from It• .., .... , acouauc l0<m1 -~MU( "Spolhghl On Our MullUI Family" CC)MOVIE * * * "Butnl" I '970) Mar-lon Brando, Evartslo Mtt- QUN A emell Port~ ISiand' t atrugolt IOt IN»- 0-~ la tl(ploltecl by • C:Hl1y t 811Hltnlury Btl11th eolonlll. mJTIHTYPU Thie Btoadwty r..,,,. OllY' lrlbutt to ,.,,..,let'• grow· Ing oa1n1 In !ht era ~ the Gey Nlf\e!IM and the er>d of W0<1d Wiii 1 a: 11 CZ> MOYll * * '1'1 "OuM " ( 1967) Ctalg St-.. Edwawd "- Private aye Pettt Guon II lllled to lnYWl'O•tt a ~tfMifdet l:.IO. ITMNCM TIU! ITOMll Alexandt< ScOUtby hOsla Ihle l)fograrn abOul j)90C>le w1111 COUl'8Q'8. dtrlng end • puelon tor 11i.. lurnlog momenll ol 1f1tror Into momenu of trtunli>h ·=UPONA Cl.A88IC "Tiie MIN On The Flou" SteoMtl C'Of\..._ hie to... IOt M4IOQla and !ht T ul- llYer'IJ return to OcM1cola. (Partl )Q -~FOOT ~·IQ 9 WIDE WON.D OF PORTS lO-round welttrwtlght bcM1t ~ Rog« Stal- ford and Mitton Mceforl (from Ptloenl•. A~): t ~ ol tilt World Cup Soccer T Outntmtf'f llnal 91\d .wnlflntl hlQhllghla; World Show Jumping C~(ITom Oub- Hn. Ireland) (J)MOYll • *'It "Star Trell -The Molloo Picture" ( 1979) Wllhrn Stlttntt, lec>nerd Ntmoy. The IOfmtr cont· mender of Ille U.S.8 . Enlttl)flM rM~blM hla old er-and Mis ofl on a rnl9elon to find the my.tttl- oua ,,..... r-oonatbll for the dealructlon of 11\H'Mf· ous Federation It~ ·a· ~ amlc....,. 8N9CNIWI YOYll • .... "Flppet" (tM3) Chuotc Connon, Lul<t Htl· pin. • l(OWC • YOYll ••• "&~" 11977) Oevld ~. Joea ,.,.,_ tr, • &#'AND COMl..a .. ,,. u. .....,.,_ .. F'r- ....... .,.. _.. difft. CIUlt ~ of ,_ ... ""9f\ ....... M .... E C"W1 tH">O woo •tn...,., Wl90 U'8IO" MCMm • • • • •·Kramer Ve. Krtffttl.. t t11tl Du.tit! Hoffmen, Matyi ..... A _ .............. . ... ,. ...... °'..., ................. wiiJ~MOOM __ _.A "'"-,_. .•. ,.... ........ .. .-.--.... -• •'15 I I ,_ ....... ............. fl'llMd. 1:.0llWUX *•'/II "Sltr Ttek -· The Motloo Picture" ( 1979) WIUlam Sl\elntt, Laor\trd Nlmoy. The tonner com- mander of lht U.S S Enlatptlaa r-l>IN 1111 old c.-and Mii oft on • mlulon to llr>d IM my11.,1. ous _.., r~blt tor the deatructlon ol nu,,,.,. OU• Fecl«allon atarihlpe ·a· 7:00 8 ..oat ANO ..OU IHOW Fttlur.O 11'11........_. W11h the Rolling St-. Alia. AC I OC. RE 0 Speedwegon 1nd Lover· boy I FA.Mil Y Fl!UO HOU YWOOO: CLOSE UP FM tured •n lnltf'flew wllll Singer Tom ~ at 1111 11ome, a preview of tM Di•· MY movlt "Tron" 8/ld an lnttl'Vlew with Ila 1tar Jeff 8tldgM. G ™£ HAN1Y BOYi I NANCYDMW ..... ,,_ Tiit Hardye ln119Sllgal• when a ptatty b1111d tinge< 11 Oll#ged wllll hit-and-tun dtlvlog. • lAWRE.Nea ~ "Spotlight On Our~ulle•I Family" • CHECKlNG rT OUT FNIUfed: • l)fOllle of San Antof\Jo'a M•yo1 Henry Ct&f\eroa; a r900f1 Of\ hOw thtta g•ntratlon1 o f Cuben lmmlgr•nt1 IMI at>Out thet( hO<'*and O G!) U.I. CHAONICU Poltllcs, Rece And The Ballot Bo• .. T"9 COf\ trove<. Sy IUHOUndlng ttcl1alrlel· tng •nd lls •Neel on mlnor- 11 y voting power •• elq)lored (I) IH IEAACH OF... "Klog Solomon's Mines" (!I PEOPLE'S COURT (8 THE MUPPET8 (C") MOVIE * • * "Aglllle" C 1079) Ouetlf\ Holtman. Vlltl4tUt Redgfavt In London In 1926. 811 Arntticen ......,.. ~ •eoc>t1• -· 8f\d ~ Involved wllh IM*S myttery wnttt Age- tha Chnatle, who n.. left lier unlatlhlul hulband 'PO' (D)aAaOAU N.-York Yet1k ... et Cati IO<nla Angela '?)MOVIE * • • "S 0 B "f1981IWM· lltm Holden. Ju lie Andr_. A rnovlt dlfector who haa ju•t nntlhed e mulll-milllon doll., lurUy ~ lrom attempted sul- clOt to • blzantly 11\spited ~ ol hit aolc 'R' 7:30. ~ RWJll Celet>rity )udgM· Rlcnard Kline. Edie McCl!.!<g, Jaye P Morg811 Guest l<elly Marie . D LOOKATUS ·=-COURT "Spinh.t"'*" And Menl•I Health" A look 11 lllllan at how lt tlnot In New WMY ~porllf• "-.pltltlemo" 8f\d "1tnlet1A." two rorms of rellglou• lofk Ol4furt lrom tht C..lbb9811. 11\to their llN/th ctr• • HOUYWOOO'S CHlLDREN Roddy McOowall nartttH • look at how Ille olllld ..... of yt91ttday and today have coped with 81.,dom 8l1d lie •flermetll (R) (I) l"IQt4T BACK 0 IYE ON IAN DIEGO Ftelured: 811 HOllfl>I from • motion picture of Ille apece 111\Uttle ·a llral voy- age: a r~ °" tNI growth Of dOme hOu-In Sttl Oleoo: 8ill Qrlffllll lnttNlewt Adrien Romero. QI WIB<ENO MAGAZINI F .. tured; a bthlnd•IM- 11Ca1'*9 look t i the movie "ET ; Ollvle H9wton JOlm, and an uptlde dO'l'l'I ,,,., - ~tall In Mltaion BN.cl\ ~.(I) WM. T Dl8NEY "Kldnaooe<I" 8tMd on Ille noY9I by Rob«! Louie St.-.on. A youog boy la abducl.O and Mnt to - .. paf1 of hit "'4ctted unda'a plan to dtlm hi• IMtrhnc». D8HUll'l900MP Boomer trlldtt ~ wtlh a rlctl "°"'an'• pooch (RI • MOV'i • • *"' "Tiit Enemy atlow" 11957) Robert Wlldlul'll, cun Jurgent All Amtrlce11 dHtroyar ~ In • dMdty ... wtffl a Gerl'l*I ~ ~World W# II, eo TODf.nfllll Ari '91 I09fll CHOll under .. ..,.... of belllO under "clalip ~.. '°' • long ~---(~ • MCNtl **\4 '"Tiie ~ Vam- Olrw Kllllrl" (1M7) Roman ~ . ....,..,, ... • .M.etlf't MWNTI ,.... Nie .,....... .. )Olfwd by ...., ,.., ........ ""* ,.,...,, end """ "'91Mft'I ......... ,.~ .... ,.... .. ~.,.IA l•ll ·-...... ,,,. ....... ..,._..,, ............... Clllcl ...cNe .., .. .,,. h1ppl -Ill • ctw-f1f· -aooilty (It., 0 • ll'Ofl'f'I AMllllCA "Ht,, ell' e I 1 H.000 T ennla lhoOl>C)llf'' (j) THI MM<IMO °" APC*OIU ~. OOtlUIM 1111• lngt. lntllMIS) ....iori.. a11d Illa ola nnlng 01 ~·~r8C)hy 91\d ligl'll• 1og .,e ct1ronleled 1n e btnlnd•lht-tCellet llUdy of Ille ulllque pnyalOal 111. __ ,.. .WOYl9 • * \4t "Hlelory OI Tiit World •• Pt11 I" ( IH 1) Mtf 8r00tt1, MedeMM KIM Man't lllutltloul hlt!Oty ·• from Nttnd.,1nt1 c•.,. men to IM Spenlsh lnqul· elllon •• le Hamln.O 'R' uo a a HAllHI' vAll.IY ...... and "" t.uo... c;tty work-oo on •tr•• IR) t:oo 8 (8 THI NA.tH\ltU.I PALAOa Hoela. Tiie Oak. Rldgt Boy a Gunia· EO MCM•llon, th• O•llH Cowl>Oy• ChM rl•tde11. Mlc*91 Glllty. Johnny LM , HBf\11 Wiiiiam• Jr , Janie Frldlt (R) e QJI LOV£10AT A m811 mMll a women ne lnlnke 1)9 •aa merrled to 100 ~· ..,,..,, 8nd • mM pNMt>gtt thetH 8 aecret '"''" • lady end lwlf eon IRJQ G) HEART ANO IOUL Rey Charles •nd Cito Lalnt olltt • IO<lgl"t 01 1aa. blue• •nd popular mtl<>d•.. llighllgllled by • m.ci1ey 01 lunta ltom ' P0<gy And Bess " CCJMOVIE • ' The Clllldtan" C 10601 Martin Shakar Gil Roger• A t trange 1ad1oac:11ve cloud furn• a group or scllook:hlldrtn Into mut· d.,ou, zoml>lft w1111 bl.ck llrlgttnaill 'R' (H)STANOIHO AOOM ONLY "Diena Rou" f"9 rormer "SuoremH" member who n•1 evOlvtcl Into 1 llnglng and 8Cllf>Q ~pa<star pet· forms many ol htl' lllllJ ~or• an 8ud~ al Cae- ..,, Palect'" LU Vegu (Sl MOVIE • *'It "For Vout EyH Only" (1981) Rogtr Moore , T opol J ames BOf\d Ir eeks a crtmlnel wtlo putlolnecl • top Merel Brltllh OtlanM devlct PG 'l MOVIE * * * "Sliver Strta1'" (1976, Gene Wiider, Jill Cleyburgri A mild· m•nnartC! book editor ac:c1dtntally becomes 1nV01ved 1n 1 slnltlter 8t1 thief • bUtrre !)lot during a c:ro.t-c:ounlry train ride 'PG' tO:OO II ([) C98 REPORTS "A Time To Ole" Matltoe Sanders reoortt on lht M1111ct1use11s based Omega. an 0<ganiu11ort founded to help llwt lttm•· na.lty Ill and their lam1Utt Ottl with the many •19Kl• or e1ea1h and dying G la M80 MA<lAZINE em MEWS G lI§J FAmABY ISL.ANO A COUf\lry·-tttn llngtt aa1c1 10 t1•vt htl' ta1e lead 9u11atl11 bfoughl back lo Ille, and an l!nglllh prolaa- sor meels IM legendlf'/ Kil'lg Arthur (R)O CiJ CATHOUC AEUEF SOMCE.S TELElMON Host Oolorea Hope Guee II Doell end P Illy Va n P•ll•n Lynn Redgrave. LOf\I Anderson, Jamfl Earl Jones. Lou Ferrigno, Oanltf Trevanfl • 90l.lO OOlD G!) MATINEE AT THE 8UOU Fttlured "The Vampire Bat" C 1933~ starrlog LIC>f\el AIWlll .,.,d Fay Wray •• Bel· ty Boop canoon, and Ctleptt< S of "Tht Pl\8n- lom Emp1re· c 11135) CR> (O)MOVIE • * .,., "Escape From New York" ( 1981) Kurt Rulltfl. Adrienne Bubteu In 1997, a hardened crlmlntl II olteted • pardon II M c.8/1 reawe the pt'ftldtnl of tht U.S. from the prison city 111a1 Manl\eltan haa become 'R' ouow • • • • "Raging Bull" 11960) Rot>trt Ot Niro. Cathy Moriarty Boxing chatnplon Jake Le Molla'• 1olltudt tor vloltnct btlog• """ -11'1 IM rlrlg bul disrupt• hit l>t"· SONI Hft 'R' 10:30 • IN8IGMT (CJ CINEMAX SHORT Fl!ATUM (ij)MOVIE • • '"' "Raggedy Man" 11981) S.say SO*otk, Erle Roberti In 19U , t 1 .... pl\orlt <>Pt<•tor In • smell r .... '°""" secnflc:ta ,... llllf\dlog In the comm\Jf\lly when at.. haa •short elltlr with a cornbtl·bound Mil- or. 'PG' 11:008D8Cl>llllB NEWS 9 EHTER'T AINMINT THISM!K tnttrvl•-with Robtn Mllcllum. Joen Cotllne, Fe19 Oun•way and Weller Lanlt, •report on '*41brily commtrclt l endorse · mtnll • MOYIE • • * "BrttkOUI" ( 19751 Charin BronlJOf\, JMI lr4t- ltf\d, • MOYll • • • • "The HMttbrMk Kid" 11912) Clletlla Oro- dlll, ~~d CC)..,..,. ••"41 "rwo-way atN1ot1" ( 1H1) Peter S•ll•re • Wiifred ~Wllhe A ttlO Of pt1aOft lnmlt• plall 10 bf..ii OUI, ltwl brMll ltl ... wttfl • ~ Of d~ (l)NOYll • • "Deuol*n 01 C*ll· Mat .. ( 11711 o.lpfllrlt a.y. rto. JoM KIMll. A ~ onlflalthcll~MM "' • lrlgfMned tOWft ....,. ,,..,., '°""' ...... ....... ~...., ........ ~ .............. tt•r.::-MD~ s.•MMIMY_,y .............. , .... '"""'· ,.,.,,., ...... °'*"" I ::Oa~men-M .MDATTMI MMIT'INANOI ... "l'nll WOOClt Ouiln.4 (No.. a)" PNI Wooctt, tM Mii, 81-Oilmora, beta; Mlllt Mallllo, plt 110, e111 GoocllMn. dtumt (~ (I) WOYl9 ***"' "Tr~Otlt" (tMll JoM Weynt, Olan Cwnp- tlell 9 MOVll * * * "Tiit LMt Detail" ( 1974) JllCllt NIChOltOn, Otle Youna .a.AMI ··0t-~·· 11: ... 8 MOYIE * * •'It "lo COlcl llood" I tM7) Aobttl Blllle. Scon WlllJOf\ ~ IVPY'Tl4NI ooa 12:008 T'He~ '1l.a • M..ueJMH NITWOM ''BIOndit'' (l)MOVll *'A "TM HllPPY Hoollt<" ( 197S) Lynn Redgrave, Jell\· Pietra Aumoot T"9 Ille Of New Yortl'• lam<>ue call girl, Xevl8r• Holltf\det. It IOld 'A' t2: to (ff) MOVIE • • "My BIOOdy vaten- llnt" (19111) P8ul Ktlm8n, LO<I H.rler A email town ~ a acerwt of lttror durlog thtlf 1111nutl Vtler'- 1ir..·1 Oa y d..-'R' 12:18 (Q) MOVIE • "Wiid Pltuur .. " ( 1860) Guy Royer, Segr141d Semer A wom8n allen•led by her nutband'• dalll&f\C41 wtlh n11 tter11ary lll'ld• com- pan10n1111p OUISldt ,,,. hO<ne 1:Z:I00MOVIE * • • 'Starling Ov•t ' ( 1979) Burt Reynolds, Jiii Cl•yt>urgll Aller m0f\tt11 of TV dlnnara and bllnd dal... a dlVO<ctcl mega. line wt1ttt tlllnk• 11t'1 IOUf\CI I rut IOYe whet\ 8 1Ctloolltl8Ctier "''*'• hll Ille 'R' 12:31 (C) MOVIE * *'It "Boulevtrd Nigllll" ( t979) RlchBld vruguu. Danny De Le Paz A Chica· no youtn urwtapectedly rtbtfs ag8ln11 !he llend· tr de •nd Ir ad1llof\t of his netghbornood gang In 0<dtf 10 tulltll his own dealra lo get marr141d and help 1111 1touble-ol8gued younger brother •void Mlf. CIM1rUC11on 'ff 12:40 I l MOVIE t * * "S 0 B " (1981) W•I· ll•m Holde n , Jull• An<lr-• A movie dlrK10< who hat jUll finished • mulll·mllllon dOllar turkey goee lrom tllempted IOI· cod• 10 a bltarrtly 1n1191<.0 re-at10011og of hit tOiC R 1:00 IJ MOVIE * • "Hutty Sundown" ( 11167, MIChaet Caine. Jel\I FOf\da D AOCK CONCERT G) MOVIE • • • Masi., 01 T"9 World' 119611 V1nceo1 Price, Char'" BrOf\IO<l e..wa Q!J EVENING AT THE .. "'°" 1:ll0 8 AOCK SHOW • MOYIE * * "TM CutM OI 8'o-l OO I' \ 19721 Wtllla m Simon_,, Roo..i Ctymtre A Ytll·llke beHI holds • 1mtll Calrtornla town tn t Q!'IP ol anxiety and ,_ 1:40 lS / MOVIE • • F8Hy Tale&" ( 1978) Don Sparks Sy Rlehatd· IOfl A handsome p<ince experiences many ltflCOUnlttS U he jOumeyt 111roug11 fairy land In Mtrch 01 the wom1111 wno wtM ~nil htfr 'R 1:46 (!I ABC NEWS (H)MOVIE '* * ''o "HISIOty 0t T"4t World •· Part I" I 1981, Mal Broolls. MBOtftne K•hn M•n '1 illualrious history • · ltom Netndef'lhal cav• ,,,.,, 10 lhe $pal'llllll lnQUI• llllon ·• 11 a1amlf\ed R ~1:8"0W 2-.20 (C) MOYIE • • • "Janis" ( 19741 Ooc- umeotary J•nls Joolln n-from an unhai>oy •nd Obtcur• put 1n • small Texu town 10 Mtcl tM c:tl•rt• .. a IOt> rock 8f\d ~alnger 2:308 NIWI • MOVll • • "~laln Phtf\tom" ( 1959) Franlc L1t1mort , Mnt Marie Sandri OMOYll '* • '1'1 "Otltxy 01 T.,ror' (1981) Edward All>ttl, Ettn Moran. A ~Ip or- encounltts a cott<le of ltlghl8111ng alien crNlurM while looklrlg tor anothtl' _.., lltanded Of\ a for· bidding pl-I 'R. 2:40 (%) MOYll ••'It "Ounn" C 1987) Craig Sl-t , EdWerd Aantt Private aye Pettt Ounn le aalted to 1ro-11gtt• • Qangland murder a.'008 ..... • MOVIE • "Majln. The Mooattt 0 1 Terror" ( 1916) Jun Fujimtltl. M""t T<*tde MOVIE •*'A "Serial" I IMO) Mat• tin Mu&, 'fYMday Wt6d. A happily matrled W•tln County OOUOle -apurrt(I by ,,. 1"lndy nelghbort Into ••040tln9 atternallve ~·R' a:IO®~ • *" ••o.laJry Of T_ .. p Mt) Ectwlrd Albert, Et1n Woftn. A IP« 1 eelp cnw atlOllUfl... . ...,.. of """**" ~ -----IOOltll'f lot _,.., ,..... ........ Oii.tor· ........... ._. ... ..,. •• "Oo Cflme y......,.. 11•1 ..... "--'· Lualllil ... ... v.w.-10TM1 eonw °''"'"" er=;•" •••• .,,. -..,,. Of .,... ..... ....... ,,.. Metts M~U, O.•M °"""" .,.. ~ .. . ..... ........ ..... .................. .._......,._ ... .... .......... ........ Cl EllERTAlllEIT I Clllllf 110 'Pinafore' plays on real ship • It'• openlna nlaht for "HMS Pinafore" tonlght, and thu dre!IS is black tJe -and tennle ahoes. That's rlsht. tennls shoes. What else would you w ear aboard ship, which is where the Gilbert' and Sullivan oper~tta is being staged -on the full y rigged sailing brig Pilgrim in Dana Point Harbor. Tonight's performance. the first production of the nautical musical against such a realistic backdrof, la.a benefit for thu new Nauti<:a Heritage Museum at Dana Point. The show will conti nue F rida ys thro ugh Sundays fo r the n ext three weekends. "Gilbert would have loved h." says director Richard Wayti.e Abel, "because he was a stickler for verisimilitude -he even had the me n's costumes for the· original production sewn by the company that outfitted t he 'Divorce Wars' wins TV L OS ANGELES (AP) - "Divorce Wars," an ABC television movie, has won this year's $25,000 long -form Humanitas Prize. and episodes of "Lou Grant" and "M-A-S-H" took honors in shorter teleplay categories. Winners of the Humanitas Pri zes w e r e announced Wednesday by the H uman Family Institute, which each year honors writers of "those prime-time, m ajor ne twork programs whic h mos t full y communicate values that enrich the viewing public:." "Divorce Wars," written by Linda Elstad and Donald Wrye from a story by Ms. Elstad, was t'Ommended for its "penetrating and painfully realistic probe" of a faltering marriage. "Lou Grant" executive producer Gene Reynolds won $15,000 in the 60-minute teleplay category for penning a "L ou Grant" episode titled "Hunger." The program was praised for "its courage to probe an issue that had heretofore been taboo." In the 30-minute teleplay competition, David Pollack and Elias Davis won $10,000 for a "THE 'E.T.' OF ANIMATION ••• A wonderful family film resounding with love and optimlsm ... sweetness and utter charm." -!in.IC~ Klrkland. TOROl"ITO SUl"I 0 .,. 8' "·II>'"'•' >-r'\•N~> --1~.a British Navy." Abf'l believes his on -board production serves the artistic lrltent of the authors. The Pilgrim iB a replica of the hide- t rad Ing s hip w h ich curled Richard Henry Dana around the Horn during his seagoi n g adventures described in "Two Years Before the Mast." The cast is comprised of 40 voices, selected from more than 150 people who auditioned from • prize "M-A-S -H'' episode called "Where There's a Will There's a War." which was cited for its •·moving and gently humorous treat m ent o f o ne man 's experience of the1 proximity of death." The Human Family Institute this year also awarded a special non-monetary prize to Lloyd Dobyns for his NBC White Paper. "America Works When America Works." a documentary l auded for 1ts "cr eative exploration of the intimate relationship between work and self -esteem." GOFORm "A Heavyweight Hit! A Boxofflce Knockout!" , _ _,...,_ ROCKY ID G NOW PLAYING NOW PLAYING COSTA MUA Edwatcb C-a Cenitr 979 4141 COITA MllA Edwi!ds J own Center 751 4184 ll TOllO ldwards Saddleb.IC' 581 5880 lllVllK [dw~rds WOOObrlllqt' Crn•nu (71'1 SSI OBS OllAtlGE AMC O.~noe Mall 637 0340 OllAllGl S1~1um Olive In (714> 639 8770 OllAllGI UA C~y Crnem.i 6H 3911 WllTMIWIT(JI UA M"t 893 0546 " 'Firefox.' a slick muscular thriller that combines espionage with science fiction." -ROCER EBERT ClllCAGO UN TIMES .. Sure.fire all the wa y! A pulse-quickener from every point of view: subject. action. flight. patriotism, and danger unlimited.·· ARCHER WlNSTE~ \EW YORK PO!'T Clint EA~IV.1hKI hi rtr'''"' ....... lllh• ''""'"'. r ~'Ill ~l1111(·~ St n 1•1n1ito\ tf\ All'' l,.u,~t·r & \.\'t·nrit-11 \\i• llnrnu 1•nith1n·d 1tut Uin•t 11"41 '" Chui t..K''"'MKt c lr11ti11 .. 11 mu .. " ,,_..,,_.,...,.,~,"''"I 1 •111•h• u~I •" MuUO.\' lurn· "8~«1 Hn tf'M· ,,."''' .,, l"nlif[ Thumu' · l•JttJ\1'""'• ( ·•• '" 11a•u~· 04f'"IUffD I• --·· ._ • ..,. .. (.()tAIUflift(Afl()lid ~.u.• ••• .,.... , ..... .,. ''-.. it.ith '"·• ·~-:;.;::;:;;; ... I' 1MA •-l-IW IUQI ....... flfA lllAW II-' lilov., Edw ... -....... °'*"t VlljO TtWWI Or ..... OfM In tto 4022 11u 114e o»• uo ueo 558 1022 •c:ona _.. L...a IUQI ......, wunnara £clw-lllmai Soli1h Cols! Cl-... fclwltds Cinema W1$1 540 7444 484 151 4 &34 2553 .. , J935 COITAMIM Hnat r-&313501 (110•-ACC!P!!!-,,,._1 •PrtN'll«I In MmmCDl...,...-1 SOMElt'HEM IM THE QAAK£ST k£/ICHU Of THE UHIVEML A DATTlE IS ABOUT TO OEGIM . FOfl. SOM£ rT lt'lll OE THDk FlkST MISSIOH. rOP. onmu rT lt'IU OE THE LAST. 70MM SIX·lRACK [l]IOCll.9f rnwm>I" PRESENTATION .... T IUCll l,__ ~ Ortf'N IH Olto ..... ~ Ut HU 111U n r• ... ''"" !ft-'-' 119 un st• IHO CMTA•U u--s..aic-r''"" ~·11111 C•ll 642-5171. Put • f•lllf words to work for ou. ::. ...... , .. -= ... IUH•I .... --IOQll7'0 .,,..._..cctPT •• ,.,..~ communities along the Orange Coast. Heading the company In the romant ic leads a r e Debbie Edmonson as J osephine a nd Douglas Custance as Ralph Rat·kst ra w. Miss Edmonson, who repeats the role she played al Baylor University, also has sung leading roles In ''The Klnft and I," "The Sound of Music and "Brigadoon," while Custance has performed and conducted choral and instrumental music throughout the United States and Europe. Other major roles will be taken by Bruce Remsberg as Sir Joseph Porter. Martha Hathaway - O'Rear as L1ltle Butte r - c up. David Stonema n as Captain Corcoran , Carver Cossey as Dick Dcadeye. Stanley Paden as the boatswain and Mike Geiger as the carpenter's mate. Musical director for "HMS Pinafore" 1s Al vin Brightbill. coordinator of th e mus ic department at Saddleback College. A limited number o f sea ts remain for the four -weekend production. Ticket information may be obtained by calling the Dan a Lighthouse at 661 -1001. KURT M18ULL :r!f .. ,.-~ DAii. Y 1:00, 1:11, SM 1:00, 10:11 (Ill) WALT DISNEY'S "TRON" DAILY 12::JO, 2:30. 4:30. t:JO, t:JO, 1CUO (.-0) •"'9t•• ........ . c MtO\ •U't ... '' ..... a.OtHf ,.,,., Amlil ·.,.O\::::''•m ROMANCE -Douglas Custance a nd Debbie Edmonson sing the leading roles in Gilbert and Sullivan's "HMS Pinafore" aboard the sailing brig Pilgrim in Dana Point Harbor. The shipboa rd performances w1U continue weekends through July 25. Al PACINO "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" DAil. Y 1:30, >.45 6.-00, 1:15, 10:15 (ll'Q) DAILY 1:00, 4:$0, 1:45 1"DRAGONSLA YER" (PO) DAil Y 2''35, t:IO, 10:20 l'dw.nd·, L I 00 lll~llltl'llllCE DOl.aY •nMO , ..... 1:00, ~11, ,.. .. SAT-SUN. 1:JQ, aM, a.:00 1:1S.10:al P-t f ~5.>i~J:~!l,~l: RA;,.1"~~ t•O 673-8350 MAN HAS MACl HIS MATCH HAR.RISON FORD ~ lfUll""" 0 II Fllll. 7: 1 s, t:JO SAT/SUN. 12:», 1:45 5:00, 7:15, t:ao '1'11. 1;90 IATllUN. 1:00, t:IO. l :IO "DEAD MEN e DON'T WEA" PLAIO" ""· 7:00, 10:4I ''°' IAT /IUN. 1. .... 7lCIO, ,_.. , • r1 w , 11 ch ~ J\ [) [) I F B J\ ( K P L A Z /\ I "" •'Hll ""' (.81·5880 f I I •H• J I ' I .•. ,· • f'\.UI DAILY 2::00 "THE •:a. 7:10, 1:50 ·--.::,.i;:~..;:.-.. c..a> THING" Jo.-· I TRACK "ITAR TREK II ---A-lftn--N--t--A.,-~--~--ot---STAA-~---lml-- ''They're FORD KHAN" "'°°'>CTION SWO~""'° DOUY eTaMO HARRISON~ THI WRATH OF ..._....Q ~ bent " 11111 .,,... <"I "'"' i1't IT·--w,. ... T INliifl,.,. soncenen llCAll• YOU • 0 • POL T!RQlllT • POlT!RQEST DALY 1t:11i ut DAILY hU. 4:00. ......... •11. ... ' ta.. Ml ..... ,,.._.. l:JO. l:JO, 10:IO IAT ........ 1111, .... NI. -(N) ....... -=-~:..'Ii DMY•11. .. , .. ...,.. DM.Yllll. ... _ E.T. -1t'rdN EASTV-.ooo DM.Y ..... 1111 -........ '"" WM.TDllf•Y'I 0 TRON" DAil Y t1:M, 1:ao, UO. 1:-.-. .. (N) W.MQC> DALY 1-. .aJLR. ......... 0 DMGON· 'tA, Y.![';Jrt ............................. --------~ Cl Olivier to play 'Lear' • LONDON (AP) Lord Laurence Ollvier wlU portray .. Kina Leu'' tor tne flrat Ume In 36 yean. iaklna the put of the t.raajc Jiero who Is betraye<l by two of hla daughters In a new British television production of the Shakespearean play. The 75-year..old actor, who laat played the part at London's Old Vic Theater In 1946, will produce the play on Britain's ITV network, rival to the publicly funded Brl(lsh BroadcaaUng Corp. Oranee ~DAILY PILOT/laturd•Y· July 10. 1812 ~d, Cobra 11 share early lead TR AGE DY -Sir Laurende Olivier will play "King Lear" in a British TV production. Shakeup note d at symphony Dllf9ftdlna champ&on Id Schmel'ler Is btick out ln f?ont u Trf vta Bowl XXVII opena. but Cobra D la rtaht bellde hlm u Heh m&nq.d only nine polntl ln a touah opener. R11ht behind are Tracy Godfrey, the Over the Hill Oana and aomeone known u Stretch Muaclecra~p. all with eljfht polnt1. Seema the Fraley. and the Delaadoe are aUU content to lit on the lideltnes. By the way, Ed hu an arUcle in the current laaue of Trivia Unlim1led about Broadway it.an who TRIVIA BOWL XXVll STANDINGS 1. Cobf1 ff (I) I . Id ldwnerW 111 • 2. Tracy OodtNy 1•1 9 8tmttl MUIOMlcftm~ (91 9 0-the Hiii Gano (I) • s Th41 OtonrNll• (II •. Nancy Prior (9) 5. Th41 httr ,ICll l•I II. RI<* Warl'I« (2) 7 Walter Wiiiey ( n e 5 • 2 went on to reprise their roles on the 1ereen. On to the 1eCX>nd round of our XXVIIth contest. 1. Concerta Ann Igolie chirped her way to film fame as whom? 2. How many yean did Sleeping Beauty sleep? 3. What TV cartoon character used the expre.ion "Heavens to Murgatroyd?" 4. Name the flrst paperback novel issued by Pocket Book.a. 11111111 T.T. G. ln the movie "The Lon1e1t Yard," what wu (a) Burt IWynolda' jeney number and (b) the final 1COre of the football 1aine? 10. "We ~d a vlllqe Idiot who WM!d to lnaitt elephant tutka came from piano keya," quoth what actreu from her 0.Cared performance In what movie? La•• Week'• AD1wer1 l . The Shadow know• (evil ln hearts) 2. Ed Wynrt (name change) 3. Radar (Big Bird'• teddy bear) 4 . The Waldorf-Astoria (Empire State Building) ~. Maria Montez (queen of Technicolor) 6. Nancy Sinatra (got no slater) 7. North Texas State, the Mean Green after 1968 graduate Joe Greene 8 . "Once for the Asking" (Martin Hollingshead) 9. (a) he walked; (b) double vision (Reagan in "Winning Team") 10. Ned Glass In "West Side Story" (movie quote) llUA fOUllTAlll YAlllY OUlllll UA Mov111 990·4022 (dw11d1 foun111n Vtllty Stl41u111 DI 839·1170 COSTA MUA 839·l500 WHTMllllUlt Htrbot Twin 831 3SOI •OAAJIGf C1ntdt111t ll)4 25S3 Ctllt1111 Wttt 191·3'3~ lllVlllll Edwt1d1Woodb11dg1551 D8S5 •5EJE70MM®WFE!3J SQAAV N() PA!iS£S R(((Pl[O 'Dfl !HIS (N(l'l(,[M(HI In "King Lear," actress Faye Dunaway will take the part of Regan. Also in the cast are John Hurt as the fool, Leo McKern as Gloucester. Colin Bhkeley as Kent, Dorothy Tutin aa Goneril an d Anna Calder- Marshall as Cordelia. SAN Olm<> (AP) - Conductor David Atherum of London l{eta more authority with Robert G. Boyd Jr. being handed the new ·post of managing director in a shake-up at the San Diego Symphony. 5. "A verbal contract Isn't worth the paper It's printed on" was an observation of what famous showman? (Send your answers to TRIVIA, clo the Da.J/y --------------------Pilot, Box 1560, Cosr.a Mesa 92626. All entries must Now it is free to become one of us . 6. Actress Jan Miner is better known to TV commercial viewers as whom? 7. Name the only father and son to each start in an All-Star baseball game. 8. Dede Cooper is the leading character in what play? They're the Hottest Things to Hit the Sand ... Since the Sun! be received by Wednesday otherwise half the player's last srore will be awarded) Trlumpll ••A movie of aoarln1 pleaturea that you hope will never end. To be teen again and again ... end trea1ured." -ET. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL f~ fH( CITY ClfrliUllt <>"•flffiiC • •J.t 9111 METR0.6(lft*YDI Prrms POLTERGEIST A SUYfl SPIB.BOl6 Prldldioo *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm•ncH before S:OO PM (b c.,I Special Enp11menta 11141 Holld1ysl lA MlltAO.A MAii Muodo 01 lo••c•on• LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 I "AUTHOR! AUTHOR0 ---7A.-•'9 I (PO) "ST AR TREK II: "THE &ECRET OF NIMH" THE WRATH ftR KH"N" ltla.l:Ol,UI.-.-.-........ "' 101 ~~JI. ~.:!0 (l"Q) "POL TEROEIST" (l"O) I ·--.-.,.,..,- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "ROCKY Ill" (POI .__..,,.,., ... , ..... Foc11ll\' of Conc111wood 21J/IJ1·9HO "ST AR TREK If: I "THE SECRET OF NIMH" THE WRATH OF KHAN" l --. -. -. ue. - 10:-~vJ:~O (POI co1 "ROCKY Ill" I"°> IN 70MM OOUV I TIMO tt;:M. ....... , ........ 11:11• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAUI IH ~Alo.tAmo 211/614-tHI "THE IWOflO ANO THI IOl'ICEl'llEJI" c•1 ·-------- 1,t.<..UN,t. SO. COAST WALK·IN "THE IWORO ANO Titl IOflCIMlll'• c•1 ., ............. _ "DINER"1•1 1,2:46 a. M l:Jt. •• .a "Titf IWORO ANO THE IOflCINl'I" 1•1 ··u..-··- So11111 Coo11 Hlwoy o t l roodwoy 494-1514 "ROCKY Ill" CH> --···-----·-- A TOBE HOlffH fil111 "PllTD168Sf' S111Y by SlMI SPIB.BfHG ~by STMI 118.8816, llatAB. GRAIS & tM VIClll lhled by HllE HOlfOI Prldlced by STEYll SPIB.8816 Ill f RAI MAlmWl llmlllll:llllllllllllllzlllllmlllllllldl -··- t 1•om4m4121~ 942121~~) t ~--/ A..4/!J.-1.~ fTTHt:EXTRA· "f"IO'l. rr"fr'IUl.J1 • '· TI:RRESTRIAL I :Jt I'll'''° 10:00 12;..JO JtOO •~20 1:00 714 1 10:20 7umm No lllillMI lilljijfwy.ti6J98770/~) SUPlfCIHHI-=~ b.<rCorloOioO. .. V>qeo-,~ :' ll~.fJ ID ~ ":='4m ··~.-c:·~ n.AIHOC.OON ~ "'"'VICTORY l~I . CIMWrtl wtr12 f rtt U.ltss lteteil TBll SUMMER'S DELICID COMEDY HIT! "Tiie _. • ...,,....Ria f1I die ,.. .. ,...." -a.tll0 u· , .. AMll.DTUID "ha e-'J ,....,. . '' _,........,, ..... Imm NOWfUVINCI .................... • c, ..... .,. , .. "A MOVIE YOU'VE JUST GOT TO SEE!" -JOEL SI EGEL GOOD MORNI NG AMERICA ABC· TV 1111111• c 111 ... ~1111119c. 111u i.-1• OltT&leVTIJO H ~ ·--·~ AlllC Or-1111 -. c;... .... 637 03•0 HI Jt3S ' UT-...... WU~Tlll l .. -~ UAOl'tC-_1,.W11tJtO.....IO ~I !tNO U • >t11 H I Mt> ·---'*·•--! • ,ACtftC THlATlllS OlllVf·IM S•' IU£TS lllflt• •OllA t Utll -ll'l•O INl ... t U HAlllall llVO OllJV(·IM 6 OllAMGl OlllVf.IM 1 l • 10 I .. U lu ... t • llllf"'' lllll •AM"" IU-U Al ....... o• lll••u• Ila ""' rr1 7:30 -Sat.. S.. 7 IS .... Stttll al W IMPORTANT NO TICl! CMllORUt UNDER 12 JfUf' ...... ... ·-........ fn. 1• . Sit.. s..... ...... " ,. CM!-Jt ~ • TOU'I Aloi CAii MOIO IS TOU4I UOllVi 'f HO 1111 CAii ~ lllll< oCHll'Ot ACCfSSOllt l'QS/1'0I --.CO AM PUltUMl 1•Al.L CJllE.A ~DI Oii .. !WIG ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ltee..oy fl Ol le "'O" II 179·9150 "BLADE RUNNER" 1111 -"BODY HEAT" 1•1 CINI lo SOUNC ----------...,..------·· ---- ......_,Olr'1H 1 -,._OAl'~F'CNI Clllf lllOUllO 81.H ~A PAM't BUENA PARK DRIVE IN •• ..... "tNJ -"l"ONYr '"' Colli It SOUOOO ''l"Ol. TlllCllllr' CH I -"llA WC>lVll" f"Cll CflllflSOUllO • "•1'"1• LA HABRA 0111¥1 IN ---·--, .......... 171-1162 IJ 4 ._41. I ORANGE 0111\lf IN .. . M l<)SION ,,~ .... ,IN . . .... POL TEROEIST' '"' -"SEA WOl.VES" Cit) C••t fl~ll "E.T ~ Tltl IXTftA· Tll'IRalT'l'llAL" fN I "T*1MAQ1-.a·1•1 -~ 'N' A0U. HtOH" <NI "THll TMNO"clll -"CATN~llll :01t ,, SOUllO-'--- "'lflll'OX"CNI -"MIOAl'O..CF' <NI CIMftSOll'IO "THE MACH <MM.I" 1111 -'1'0CIK 'N' llOU. HICIM" <NI Sof"!to "no ,,.., • Sto•• Coneo• 551·7022 ., .. . •' .. ' •! . . M0Ae MlllOlllAL MO_,..l AL Mr. Incl ,1:'9~ l111i.11. 'OUfltllin "~· glr1 Mf, Mel Mia. l<winelh Ha.rril, Huntington 8Mch, 9111. Mr. and Mta. Oragory l«blill, Hun11ft91on llMotl, boy. Mr, and Mra ThCll'n•• H1.rrl1, CO.• M .... boy, 4'llM " Mf . and Mra. San• Lel•ler, Fountain Y alley, glrl Mt. a nd Mr1. L1w1 •no• K9Mm0te, 8elboa lllencl, bOy. Mr. and Mtt. Ai.Jendro Muniz, Hun11nQ1on IMCh. boy Mr, and Mra John Allen, ~BMch.boy. Mii 11 Mr, and M11. F11nk Cowley. NeWJOM BMGh, girt Mr. and Mre. MlotiMI Mllctllller. C0.11 M .... Olfl. Mr. and Mre. Denni• JOhnlOll, Hunllnoton hlch, otrl. Mr and Mra Wllllam Piercy. Huntington BMct>. glfl Mr. and Mra Bruc;e Holle. Hunttnglon &Mc;h, girt Mr Ind Mra. Donald Herzog. hYlne, boy Mr and Mrt Glenn Grlgaby. Hunllnoton e.ach. bOy ,,_,. Mr and Mrs 01vld lrutaon· Eas1nb1rg, Huntington Be1ch. boy. Mr. end Mrs. Scott Tigg. Co111 Mesa, gtrl. Mr. Ind Mr1 Jonn Skidmore, Newpar1 8each, girt .NM 17 Mr ltld Mr•. Rlc;hetd Cloutier. C0911 Ma ... boy. Mr. and Mrs. Stec>hen Wlntor. Cos11 Mesa, girt Mr . ind Mrt Oennts Achet.,gerg. L1oun11 Beech, Qlrl Mr. and M ra. Wayne Hunter, Huntington Beach. girt, June 19 Mr. 1nd Mra Au1lln Fll1G111ld, Oana Point, girt. Mr end Mrs. Wltlllm Glll•h•lr. Huntington e .. ch,Jlfl Mr and Mr• Ohlln No1rl· ShlfuJ, Newport BelGh. gtrl Mr. Ind M,... Ernest JohnlOll. Newpof1 Beec;h, glr1 Mr. and Mrs Mlrk Smith, Corona del Mii, girl Mr. and Mrs Jay Reed, 81lbol boy JuM" Mr. end Mta Baron Hunter. NewpOf1 Beaeh. bOV M r . end Mrs Lawrenc e Rosenti.rg. Dena Pooni, bOy Mr and Mrs Paul Blec;i., Irvine, boy. Mr. •nd Mrt Fr ederick Garduno. Irvine, girl Mr. Ind Mrs Pe11< OIGraz11. Costa Meu . l>Oy Mr ltld Mra. Mk:h•el Woodl, Hunttnglon Beec;h, glrl. Mr. end Mr•. Brei lrlbullkl, Hunllngton Beech. lll'I June20 Mr, 1nd Mrt. MIChHI Chun. CoSI• Mesa. boy Mr and Mrs. Denni• Richman, lrvlne. boy June22 ~r. and Mr• Robert Halley. Hewpon Beach. girt Mr, and Mrt. 01vld e>o<>m.)'. Irvine, boy Mr. and Mrs. Bredley Cur111. Huntlnoton Beach. girt Mr . and Mr• Brien Dehn, Corona d8I Mer. boy Mr end Mrs Bernard Nagy, Huntington Beedl. g1n Mr and Mrs Reggte Suc;hy, Hunll~ton a..cti. gtrl Mr. and Mrs. Dentel M1er11, Wes1mln1tw. girt 11r1anc11 , CLARK C HARL OTTE M LARK. Connerly a resident f Corona del M ar, Ca. assed away on July 8, 1982. m November 20, 1898 in rescott. Iowa. She was ive In the Alumni section r Alpha Chi Omega and arious other c ivic rganizatlons. She was a tired teach er , and taught n the Los Angeles School ystems from 1926 to 1961 hen she retired. S h e is rviwed by cousins Mrs. obert DeLano of North kota. and Theodore Wells f Kansas, also a half- ther James D. Clark of wail She is also survived y many friends. Graveside ervices wtll be held on onday. July 12. 1982 at O:OOAM at Pacific View emorial Park. N ewport b with Dr. William E. teel of the Mesa Verde nlted M ethodist Church ff iciating . Lanier- ichardson Mortuary. tt.ier direct.ors. MUC Mta Tiie IOllOwlllt pefMftt .,. dOlnt ~ .. , MAICWILL M4•UNI U I .A , I 1t T•mlMI W~, Wle 11, Coela ...._CAtltl? •"""" 1n1ern1tlonal, lno., a ~:ir.·bi:1~!~ 12127 Thie bullnetAI ii 00fld"°1ed by a COIPOtallon lno lryntr lnternatlonal W J, lfyan. Pr11 Thi• •t•l-1 WU flied wtlh the C011nty Oterk of Or1nge County on J\11'; I. tH2. 't'Wr'"" ...... ITAftMINT T lie IOltOwltlQ l*tOnt •1 • ooino N!MMU IOUTH COAIT IOICAT, 11111 WMI ltr•t, Owelen Ordte CAHM3 SOUTH COAST DOBC A I fllNTAL8 INC, a C •lll o rnl1 corpo1at1on, 131e 1 We.i s1r .. 1 Q.,ci.ti Orovt, CA 02643. Th11 ~ 11 conow1.a t>y 1 OOf POllllon South Caul lot>UI l\ellllla lno John R AtonlOll Thlt tltlem.nt Wll llled With Ille County Cletk Of Oranoe COUl11Y on Jun• 23. 1Ha . ,1lllOIO Publl1h1d 011nge Cout oauy ------------1 Piiot, July 10, 17. :a. 31. 1082 ~120-H ,1tl011 Publlthtd Orange Co .. I Dally PllOI, July 10, 11, 24', 31, 1N2 313°'92 NM.JC NOTIC( 'ICTmOUI IMl ... 11 MAMI ITA'RMmfT The foltowtno P«IOM .,. doing bu1lneu aa: PAO-OUCER PRODUCTS 13211 Stella C0\111, El Toro. CA 92830 MICHAEL R08E9'T GABRIEL. 30e'" COlllna StrMI. B111>0e 111eno. CA 921122 HARRY E. GABRIEL, 90 I North Bayfront, Balboa tlland. CA 921122 LAURA M MROZEK, 232 I 1 Stella Cau<I. El Toro . CA 92830. Th11 bual""8 11 conouc;t9d by a llmlled partnerlhlp Mlc;hHI R Gabflel This Siii-i WU lllld with the Counly Cletk ol Orll\Q8 Coun1y on Juty 8. 1982 f1t2173 Publlahtd Or1ng1 Cout Oally Ptlot. July tO. 17. 24. 31. 1982 2938-fl2 Ml.IC NOTICE K-ooat FICTITIOUI IUMNEll NAMI! ITA TEMENT The rollowlng person Is doing buslnest 11 11) 011 Jll MANUFACTURING: (2) DESIGNS BY OU Jll. 23312 O\lne Miit Ro-.d. El Toro. CA 92830 DONN,._ JEAN MAODERRA. 23312 Oune M11r Road. El Toro. CA 921130 Thia bu1lneu 11 conch;ctec:t by en tndtvlduel Donna J11n Medderr1 Thll 1tat1menl WIS flied with lhe Counly Cl1<k ot Orange County on July 7 1982 F112101 Put>hshed Orenge Coast 011ty Piiot. July 10. 17, 24, 31 1982 3139-82 Ml.IC NOTIC£ ITAnMENT M Wl'THOflAWAL fflOM ,AflTMEfllHll' OHIUTING UNOEfl flCTITIOUI IU ... 11 MAME Tl\1 tollowtng per1on has withdrawn ea• O**•I pat1ne< from lhl per1nerW.lp oper111ng under lhe llct111ou1 bu11n1sa name ot S&R Distributors 11 2 1'0 Placentia Avenue, Colle Mau. CA 921127, 731-5213. Tl\1 ttctoiloua busin11a name 1111ernen1 for the pa1lner&hlp was ltlld on Ole. 11, 198 t In 11w1 County ol Orange. FILE NO F178121 Full Name and Address ot the Person Wlthdr1w1no· S11llou1 xaoorarakl• 258 Magnolia Street Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Slellous Xagorarakls Publl1hed Orange Cout 01lly Piiot. July 10. 17, 24, 31. 1982 3137-112 PlllUC NOTICE STATEMENT Of' AaANOONMllfT Of' UN Of' FICTITIOUI IUltN(ll NAME The tollow tng paraona h1v• ebanOonld 1111 UM of the lictllk>U9 buSI,__ ALETA. 3601 J1mbore•. Newport 8eech. CA 928e0 Th• Fictitious Bualneu Name rel1rr1d to above wa1 11110 1n Orenge County on July 7, 19112 BENEDICT J GILANO. 370 SunrlM Clrc;te, Coale Meu. CA 92&27 ALETA PARRISH. 310 1 3rd Avenue. Coron• del Mat. CA 92625. This bulinesa WIS conducted by 111 untncotp0r1tld ueoclatlon other than a par1ne<lhi9 Atela P1trllh lhll Slaternenl WIS tiled with Ille Counly Clerlt ol Of-enge County on July 9, 1982 f1t2813 Publl1hed Oranoe Cout Dally P110t July 10. 17. 24. 31, 1982 310!-8< Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8UllNESI NAME ITAT£MENT The IOllOWlnQ pertons are doing business 111 IAl RELIGIONS OF DIVINE FREEDOM CALLEO THE CHURCH FOR All FAITHS, (B) CHURCH FOR ALL FAITHS. (C ) lHE RELIGION OF DIVINE FREEDOM, 136112 Cypren Street, Garden Grove. CA 92643 R1t1g1on of Divine Freedom Celled The Churdl For All Filths. 131182 Cypreu Street. Garden Grove. CA 92643 This ~ 11 condueted by 1n unlncorpor1ted 11socl1tlon otr.er then • per1nerlhtp Conway Signed tor "" Churdl Blahop Petrlek Gunning B t 1hop Burton E This lletement -• flied wt1h the Counly Cterlt of Orange County on Ml.IC NOTICE '1CTIT10Ut .UllNIH NAiii ITATlllANT The lollowlng person 11 doing bUllMH U SABRA OENT Al OF CALIF . 2279 South HUion, SI/Ill Ana. CA 92704 THOMAS ARlHUR Mc;ELROY, 384 Sunr111. Cotti Mau CA 92704 Thi• buli""9 II c;ondUClld Dy an lndlvldual. Thom11 A McEtroy Thia lllllment WU lllld with lhe CO\lnty Clt<k ol OrMge County on July 8 1982 f1ttt11 Pullliahed Orange Co111 Dally Piiot. July tO. 17. 24. 31, 1982 3105-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FlCTfTIOVI aUSIHl!H NAME IT A THtl!NT The tollowlng peraon 11 doing 1>uslness as. WO L F & COLLEN OER , ASSOCIATES. 1773 I lrvtne BlvO Suite 108. Tustin, CA 92680 GERALD A WOLF. 1773 1 Irvine Blvd • Suite 1011 Tustin CA 92680 This business 11 conouc1ed by 6" lndlvldual · Glf'1td A Woll ThlS stetemenl was llled with lhe County Clerk ol 0111\Qe CO\lnly on July 7, 1982 f112:107 Publllhed 0fl nge COHI Dally Piiot. July 10. 17. 24. 3 1, t982 3138·82 Pl&IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllN£11 NAME ITAT!MENT The 1011ow1ng person is do•no busmen as PARTY TIME LIOUOR 15•8 Adlms No A, Costa MMa CA 92627 LANG CHI NGUYEN 2052 1 Bearsden Corcle. Hun1tno1on Belch CA 92646 Trus llUSIMSS IS conducled by In 1nd)"ldual Leng Chi Nouye•i ThtS s1a1emen1 WIS llted Wllh lhe Counry Clerk ol Orange County Ol'l July 8. 1982 f1t2170 Puollshed Orange Coast Oa1ty Pilot, July 10. 17. 24. 3 1, 1982 2987-82 Pla.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI llUllN£81 NAM£ ITAT£MENT lhe lollowlng person 11 doing bUSIMSS 8S T H E GiM STO N E COLLECTOR. 31198A South Brl•tol Sanra Ana CA 92704 NI AL P LUEK ING 307 Pftnc:4!ton Drive, Cosll MHa CA 921126 Thi& bUStn8N ti conduclld Dy an indlvldua1 N1a1 P LU911•no This stelemenl wH filed wolh 11141 Counl'f Clerk ot Orenoe Coun1y on July 8. 1982. '1t29T2 Pubttst11d Orange Coaar Deily P110I Jul¥ 10. 17. 24. 3 1 1982 310fr82 "8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOU• IUalHESI HA• 9T A TEllll£NT Tl\e loiie>w•no peraon1 are doono 1>us1ness as. POLARIS AOvERTISING & MARl(ETING. 3303 Herbor BlvO Suite H·I. Costa Meaa CA 92626 Polaris Men1gemen1 Group. Inc , a Calllom1a corporation 1503 Soulh Coast 0rl'¥e Suite 3 I 1 Costa Mesa. CA 921126 This business IS conducted by 8 corporat1on Polans Mgr Group. lr>c James W T ruher Jr This stal&menl was tiled wnh the Counly Clerk ol Orange County on July 8. 1982 F1ntlt Pubt1shad Orange Cou1 0 811y Piiot. Jury 10 17. 24. 31, 11182 2990-82 NlJC NOTICE ITA~ Of' MANDOMMl!NT CW UM Of' FtCTmOUI .,..._ .. NA• The lollowlng per1on hH ab endonld the UM Of the tk;11tloul ~name: SWALLOW'S NEST. 345e VII Opor1o. Newport Beeoh. Clllfornla 92860 '--------------1 July 7. 1982 '112111 Publlahed Ofange Co11t Dally Piiot. July 10. 17. 24. 3 I. 1982 The f tctit1ous Buatnasa N1m1 referred to above wa1 ltted tn Orange County on Merc;h 11. 1982 Lydia Rucker, 1338 St~ Ct .. San Pedro. CaHlornla 00732 ThlS butinela is conduc;tld by 1n lndivldull McCOllMICll MOITUAllH Laguna Beacti 494·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HMllQI LAW~MT. OLIVE Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_CIMO,.....S -.L•OAOWAY WOllTUAaY 110 Broadway CostaMeu 642-9150 IA&.Tl-.. C* IMITH & TVn9U. Wll1CUflP CMUIL 427 E 17th St CostaM ... H&-9371 31311-82 ~· -p·~ Jl~'1 Starting a New Bualn••• Acccord l n1 to C•l"omla ..,..,_ .. end lltrOfHllloM COd8 (he. 17t00 to 17UO) ell pereon•dotftt.._.,_ .. Uftder e fk•l"9 Miiie lftU•t , ............. "' With the County Cterk and hewe It ,_.ehed four""'•• I n• MWQ81MW .., .. .,. the ere• In which th• ~llneutetoutff. Th• 1tete"'ent l a r~Ylfed ., lew end la """MfY '" ..,.......,. JOUt '"•lfteH naMe. Mo•t '•"h require ,,... ............. .................... Th DAILY '9LOT ,,. ................ '"' C ................. . ........ """"" ,., .. -.......... . .... , .. , ......... . o, ... ,. c ...... , G••••••·_,..., ., ........ , .................... ., ltl"t 1e.1 LI.AL _. ....... . . ... .. , .... ,. ...,.111n1M..,_, Lydia Auc;ker This Ital-I WU llled with the County Cltt'k of Orangct County on June 2A. 1082 '114112 Publl1hed Orenge Coaat 01lly Pltot, June 28. July 3. io. 17. 1982 2767-82 "8.IC NOTIC£ AC1TTIOUI llUllHlll ...-1TA"R•NT The I041owlng pereona ere doing busl,_n: WEAL TH INTERNATIONAL, 14 Pauma ~. Newport S..Ch, CA 92MO Ric:Nrd E. erttton. 1• Peuma l-. Newport Beech, CA 92880 Bella Whitman, San "'11onlo onw. Colton. CA 112eeo. Thie ~ is COlldUC1ed by • genetel pannenhlp R.E. 8'1t1on Thll ltetemenl -lllld with Ille County C*1l ol Orll\Q8 County on Jvne ~4. 1N2. '*111 Publllhed Orange Coeal Dall)' Not, June 2t . .My 3, 10. 17, 1M2 Z7M-82 Orange Coe.et O~ILV PILOT/8a•urdey, July 10. 1892 ~t'l!.!H!tl.J.'!.f '1.:G'' ,,.,, 1..,1 f!a.fltmHI .......... !'11 .. ,M'!l. .... 1.'.ff !'!l..'IM'!l. ... .T!.ff !t.'1..'le.'!1. .... IJ.ff ~~!~. ~:~o~::.:;: .. mummeuuue /~.rte.'!1. .... 1.~tf Tc0MPA~t0N 11¥9-11'1 IOf INT 0 ll<IN IALll w/good fA by 1.L l&nlU Kind lnlelllgent PttcllCll elderly tidy, 1aft req Flair IOt ~allng MC. Pllflllilm 8,1 18 • ~It ... nurH otf•re' ohterlul Udo 873·4414 Flex hrt Wiii lratn l!arn top pay llklno 7 •• • ' ' 4tf·1481 •nal)lhota In~.,.._ O.i3-Jt78·44t2 <>PICJ In ltl & 2nd comp1nlon1nlp . up C ONSTRUCTION-Sub• Amateur Pf'OIOQtal).,.,I f ran• 10 0 C ' family 0 • nee IMO per1on11 "1• 720-0719 contrac1or•, qlly, good LABORtR. Ill• wor11. 16 neeOtd Part/full llm• wante to ,_ lrvlne or Robt 8allltf NH/CM P IT bkkpg & c1e11oal pertonnancie. rMldenllel, hr. o1tll Newpott a.ecti No axperlenC.e or Mlllno N Q 3.4 t>O. lamlly rm. RE BrOl!tt Bd Aeallore poelllon wanted, N 8 alt .Ubl 780·111159. 9·6 56t·li877 required Wrttt 10' Unt.- houH 0 1 townhouH 842•217t &All-001' area !'tit 873· 1932 vtt .. 1, P 0 Box tU3. NHd by Au~l5th. a..1 WIDOW HAS QI lor TO't eve LlllUY Montebello, Ca toe.40 Rate (213) 4 ·2787 Sat CAEradL1oa1 cn"h.,.lkOKNUopP. 8Nn~ NurM ..... , nlQhl duty, 12 .... 111/0UU S u blll lute po elllona onty, (714) 1140.10 Ill .... • hr thlfl, 170. )(lnl long ""'1 n..a.o for NO Pubtlo P.nMl 111.11 EnloY WOf'klng with klda. 1nd with 1ncreaMd .. ,. <1lng1. ullllH your Oul• gOlnO pert0n1hty, IMfn how to b«ome a trlllMd talH c;oun111o r Call 2 5PM 842-4321, Ext 348 EOE Hou11no. R&O lor well ally 0.Mtaon & AHoo aaH rel• 1178-2055 llbrt1ry Mutl llavt on 1173·7311 Ni...111 dul" '"'•PIGed ad agy ndt call 11111. & min avail. ol mannered M tludanl, "' , 1111. 1oourate 1ypt11. 20 hrlfwlt. ~~~~•:~;~:'.~..'-:gun• AA•11•~••••ll/ Btl• WHIH 1100 88wpm. Oen ore duti.t LllWIWI I I----------l•nNtll/ ....................... plut dellverlff Sal.,y & M S """" 1 , _ 11 I •, •• , .Atroblc Oanoa/!KerclM btnellle. Aalt. lor Ber· l ~.._,.. 8 48/hr l1ll•fl1/ll"ll/ •• !':'. •• , • .'.'........... lnalruclor nttdtd PIT bare. 714-751·2180 Olll'I I flH•ll AllafHlf•••fl S/00 Coeta MtH uea. Call f 11try ltVtl I& llO/llr •••••• .. • ••••••••••••••••••••" Mon alt 8AM. 5•5·2111 IAT& E•TRY Pllllll Appllcnt1on1 m ay b e • .t • • ••• • ••••••• EUROPEAN E)(CHANOE obtllned ti Nwpl C.nttr •1c•p1/nPlll ••~•IH STuOENTS. arriving In RMY llEIEllVI Gen lnaurar'lce agency In Brtnch. 8!18 San Cl•· " ., • • .D..f r.!!~~!1. •• !.~! Auguat. would Ilk• to live mGroen•,' w~y bteon'a'11rtn1 •P•."• cfoor1D1111Ma eEsnatryh•pe• ro!'oennlng1 mp ente Or . N 8. 92860 ~e' nJ11o'~n ':,a)'o!"~7,•p•o~t with tamllles and aueno Y ,. • Y. .. 10 ieut n11tl 11ppllca11on Drapery & wallpaper Store PX 11 1 s kav 1 must Pd Co b• area Mu1t h11v11 pleuanl high achoot ne1tt year • re rem en er ve ., v · &/01 rHume to library ~nec~!~V: ~~l~~:~: Stu oenu are carerutty near home alter training nellta. Salary commen-Admln1ttr1t1on iume ptlftO"allty wlfront olc. i creaned, brig ht. out· Learn a valuable 1klll & 1urate with e~pet Call addreu/ appea1 Accurate tvPlng monew maker. 5500 10· I s Marie 5•g 99"3 ~~~~~~~~~~I • must Full "'~-e11t """ ' going. tun. all •""ak En-ge e xpartar'IC• oma • .. • ' .,.,., ,,... tel price S550/mo rant. ..... h b c S1tary open 553·0644 Call 840-2700 Hk lor gtllh Select I boy or gtrl f81 onutH hOOH Delivery l.tght work. 6 hra Liquor cle<k recent exper tor appt Rob whose lnltrHll m11eh rom man y avallable M on-Fri Hrly salary C11ll preferred Full ttme yours end enrich your po1tt1one Call todly M onlt 833-8000 n1gllt1 Good p1y & per-RECEPTIONIST SWIMMING Pool Chtml· lamtty'a Ille together Tustin 73 1..04111 manen1 position f.ppty c;1I H rvlc• lie Co111 Learn about anolher Santa Ana 542-4763 Dental m person Holiday House Irvine Law Firm. needs receplion111 tor tight IV· p111g & gene,11 otc du· t i es Call L a u nt 833·3622 Mase area No exp. nee. culture white •h•rlng the USAA Ctr 552-3173 FINANCIAL SEC'Y & Liquors 2937 E Coas1 Wiii train $50,000 lull bell of your Ille In Ame-ASSIST ANT OFC MGR· OFC COMMUNICATOR Hwy CdM amoonl req'd Wiii net rtca • A wonderful tx· E•Pt< nee Some back Exp'd Ate yoo searching $40,000 plus Call col-change• EDUCATIONAL olc prelerred, 4 day work lo,• progressive. quality I act. Mon· Fri" Hk tor F 0 U N 0 AT I 0 N F 0 R wk ltlenOly a ootgotng oll1ce where your out· R u d I. 9. 6 p M . FOREIGN STUDY. a atmo1phef• 645-7580 go1<1g p ersonallly & 408-887-0111 non-profit organization i----------dental expertise 1n LIVE-IN COMPANION FOR ELOERL Y LADY 673-6262 RECEPT/CLERK Children'• Book Store Call John Battey (714) Attract1've Girl handhng telephone fl· 1 1 S 559·1972. Max & Sue n nanc111 arrangements & In est-grow ng 8dCllt · Wilson 17 141 731 •0 •79 or pahenl contact os appre- MEDICAL SPECIALIST Do you e,,10" working Learn med1ca1 skills & ' serve m the Army RH· wiln people In plush sur- erve near home Call IO· rouna1ngs then you beck Vallew 83 t 1"'88 .. Sophisticated, attractive. d & ? ' • " (203) 629-2754 collect c1a1e rewarded We l I well groomed glrl 10 are 11 hlQhtv skilled team. day may be lhe one for ust •HI •••I Loil I ,,.., SJOO model privately tor In-happy to otte1 top aalarv o ... ,, .. "l SOIS •••••••••••••••••••••• dlvldUDI 3 ·4 hrs per a exc;ellenl b enel1ts •••~"••••••• •••••••• REWARD Lost taroe Ii· week Strictly private and SHl-00 It qualified New· lur.un 731-049 1 We are a ma1or S&L. 50,,ta Ana !>42.4753 seeking a recep11on1st tor IEAOllFllOllT male Siamese Seafpolnl· in good tos1e Utmost por1 Beach 631-2490 property trom S99K dn. e Answers to Mullin d11cretlon as sured OWC at 100/e mt Existing Balboa lslanO 673· 1248 Great pay • lle11lble hrs our "toan service dept In USAA Ctr 552'3173 _ Newport Beach Candi· MID NI G°HtAl o E ' dlll!!5 must be able 10 DENT Ant Ortho Npt 1 IPM·7f>llll Fro g Sat lyVll 4!> wpm and POS· loans fully assumeble Send photo and detailed 1&2 bdrm. ocean views. LOST: Westcllfl ar ea deacrlptton 10 Bo>c Ad Bch 4 day M· Th Exper n1oh1s 642-5861 4000 se•!I gooO communica· & ROA req 642-2626 Htlarta Way Newport 11011 skills 6 mos gtin'I Next to Oceanside Ma-Grey Cockallel "Corky" No '0 11 , Dally Pilo t. rtna. No. Coast VIiiage. Rewa r d · u '0 • n 1 Box 1560, Costa Mesa. DOG LOVER! Will traon. jiiiBiieiiaiiciihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I oll1c.e ei pe1 r11quired Excel c;ompany pd be· Broker. (714)721·0666. 645-7080, wrk 63 1-4408 CA 92626 r=ound Key r1no w/ 14 keys grooming kennel help 11el11s include dent al 957-6589 IURSES AIDES op11c.ut and dependant !/.~'!!T.!!~.I!/. .. !.~~! vie Victoria & Na11onal, Nead S30.000 3rd TO, CM Ca ll l o 1den t tly very large equity water-646-6386 front home 642-5583 Found 5 M o btk/tan What it means fur your ad fJJ be "clnssifkd" large 0 audience Moat of the people in our community with money to epeod ,...d clualfied regularly. Thousands of pt09pective buyer1 will -your ad. · CIHllfled ad9 642-5178 Sr>ep/Huskle mix red collar Fem 642·0169 Lost Fem tong h air Ge<m Sh41P btk w/lan m a r k in g s. 6 yrs. 'Karma''. lost nr Tony Roma s NB. Reward Dys 645-090 1, eves 720-1321 lost Btk 111-clr sheltte fem Vic· Santa Ana ,._ve CM Reward 552-6 177 Lost: Cocker Span M . bull color. "Bentley . Clay St. N B Clnde 631-7815. 546-4300 X13 Lost M Ter,ler mix. thin. reddish tan. green collar, "Mallhew", Brtslot & Warner. S.A. REWARD. 6~ 1-30091556-8456 Found: Germ Stiep. fem 6/26. Creme/blk N r Ellis/Magnolia Ftn Valley, 964-8060 Found Tan male Cocker Spaniel puppy, abl 5 mo VIC 16th & Newport. N B 556-3053 Found. Goidllfl Retratve< Lab mo<. Collar "Nit ALA & GEE" 840-2840 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Can: U2-Hll LOST. Reward for return of Btk & wn1 sm Collie Lost 7 /f> Nr Yotklown & Beach Bl . HB 536-8111 Lost Golden retriever puppy. vie Tu111n/ 17th CM Reward 631-7053 Lost Malamute. 8 mos old Choker chain. Cst Hwy & Riverside Ave, NB. Reward 2803 W Cst Hwy 645-6351 Los1 dOQ. Germen Shor- thair pointer. brown / white 714 641-5170 Hbr & San Diego Fwy Lost 9 yr old crosseyeo AITO llEOllHIO Whl allgnml & brka Own hand IOOIS Newport Tlfe Ctr 3000 E Cst Hwy C<IM HOUSEKEEPER needed tor busy profes11onll 1n N B . vaned du11es must be eneroe11c & reliable. 5 hrsldy Mon-Frt. car & rer s req utred (714 ) 640-6962 ELECTR8111C Conv . Iorio lerm care coveri1ge Please call Co.,o.E.T e•p req d E•tell wor· p e, son n e 1 de p 1 a 1 king cond s & t>enel•ls 667-2A60 for an llOPI HllHH Flhme. 7-3 30. 3.11 30 E o E Component manulaclu· 714-642-8044 or apply In M/F rer destres engmeer w 1 person 466 Flagship knowledge ol A T E 1n Rd . NB HOME FEDERL SAVINGS & LOAN both ecttve and passive l~~~~~~~~~!'I components Poslllon will qutokty adva,,ce to managerial pos111011 11 qua.11118<1 Submit resYme 10 Box 755. care ot Oatty Ptlol. P O Box t560 Cos1a Mesa, Ca Nurs1no H HPUIVISOR '.l 11 30 lu1t•11me Also RN parlrltmt! I 1-7 L VN lullltlm!' 7-3 30 Hunl 1ngto11 Ber. 847.3515 RfCEPTIHIST B ABYSITTER wanted . mature peraon 40 + Pfef Super snarp olc ~kills req d College grad pre· Id Nr 0 C Auport Non-i.mkr Call Nancy I 754°1910 tor 2 boyt must t>e very ---E-V-E-1-11-1-1---Nursmg d~ndabte own transp LYl'S S90 wk C a ll Pa tty PUil TIME tor 3.11 sMr Compttt -1•-lllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia 8 30AM-5PM 760-5942 Be a earner counselor ltv!' salary Excell bene· RECEPTIOllST Bebysnter teenager for 10 tor a local newspaper his 642-8044 or apply •n rr1endly person needed year old bOy, Mon thru No eitperience n ec es· Pt!rson Flagship Conv 10 handle phones tor Fr I, summer & a It er sary Work only 12 hoors Hospr 466 FtagShlP Rd . Adm Otl•ce ot Se-1ngs school. China Cove. CdM a week S75 to start plus N B <1nd Loan Poshon requl· on the beach 675-1273 add11tonal share ot par1-t·P-A-RT--T-t_M_E_a_s_s1-5-18-n-1-,nl res ltgh1 typing. E11.pe· nerSl'lip's prot11s roence des11ed Call Mi· II IHCll Alt ll• A real tun 101:>1 Optometrtc otc l'trly + chele 754-1801 M comm Ellper p1et. Toby wh11t eehng and cllH· anagemen1 opportunl· 631.3309 Mon-Fri 9. ,.;! E 0 E 11no . Earn S1000 l o lies. For Interview call ORANGE COAST SA· S2500 per mo Supervl· alter 6 00 PM 642-5678 PART /TIME VINGS sory pot1t1on1 available eitt 312 Permanent sates posltton t700 Adams. Cosra 548-7970 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I m retail Ian store. Some Mess ' IHllHPll Gene<al weekeno work We w111I-::::::::: F/ltme exper'd 10, prof INFORMATION on Alas-1rc11n qu111f1ed reliable!• office AIR, ,._IP. NCR ken. out o l slate and person 768-0349 S.i1as overseas· 1obs now ava1-Cl •t• d p 0 s ' I n 0 II e I p , u I table. $20,000 lo $50.000 PAllT TIME asSI .. 5A5·4553 a y e a r c a t 1 Eves anO/or weekends T I BURGLAR ALARM TR,t,1-301·659-9333. Operator Respom;1bte adults over 8 8 P h 0 ft 8 NEE some eiectrlcat 040 21, with ootstand•ng a1 Sales exper nee Cell b twn tracttve pe<sonallttes 10 1 0 A M • 5 3 OP M GEN Ole; .. pit. 4.5 hrs work w111l youth (ages The Ctass1toed AdveflJ· 1131·34115 daily Some ellp nee 10 -14) Call 2-!>PM , sing Department ot V)t 497.1741 642-4321 Ext 346 EOF Oa•ly Pilot has an ope· CUllC&l/PUT TnlE -nong lo< a resoonflble. Looking for Interesting Gen Ol e M usi lype PART TIME ent hus1as11c parson WOfk'l Typing. no shor· SOwpm 10-key b)' toueh. Newspaper Promotion Mus• have prev•oos tete· lhand 8-Noon Ole on Qd wl phones Mature M o n · Fr 1 phone sates eai>etience PC H 6A6-7431 person P/ltme 1-5PM 5 30PM-9 30PM. Sei 1nclud1ng tyP•ng ~tOlt Could lead 10 F/llme 9 30· I 30PM •!I wpm on IBM Se•ec· Ce ... ., Salff Non-smllr prelo Apply $84 00 to sran Irie Salary plus com- 9·5. 621 W 19th CM Then partnership's snare m1ss1on 40 hr wee;. with Ylt•l11 We are IOOklng tor de-H OMEMAKERS w/car pendabte, friendly per-1 needed lor houseclea- son with exper. 1n vii•· ntng service Must be min sales or related nu· thorough. dependable. rr111onal k nowleOoe ro1 eoperienced $5/hr Call work 1n our health tood Otane, 964-9766 Ive msg srore Cesh reo•ater ex· per a plus Xtn1 medical & den tal benefits Unl- torms lurn'd No Sun· days Please apply 1n person. Lmdbero Nutri· tton Service. 3333 S Bristol St 1n So Csl Plaza. c M Are yoo ptenntng a move? Claaslfled ad1 wlll point you In the right direction to find the home you need 642-5678 MOISEIEEPH Family looking tor ma· lure ltve·oul housekee- per Musi have own car & knowledge 01 gourmet tieallh rood cook ing Some evening child care Nonsmoker Rei s req Salar y open N B 673-9 192 01 prol11S M ust hav~ an occu1onal Sat m()(· p1easan1 voice private 111no Excellenl c;ompany Cle!tk & phone casual benefits 1nctud1ng medl- auire For 1nlerv1ew. c;all cal orntal Me lnsuran- aller 6PM ce credit un•on. etc 642-5678 ext 3 t 2 Oppty to, advancement Call 10, appointment lor PEST COITROl TECll. onterv•ew. 642-4321. e.ct Leading tocst pest con· 277 lrol Co needs route 0 C t 1ech tor s1eady 1ob Paid '81111 tat entry ll've1 pos11oon We Daily Piltt train no e•per nee Call 330 W Bay St. Cha< Ire M o" 9 12 Cosia Mesa CA 92626 _9_79_·6_0_2 t ____ 11_Eilqliluem1 ~O~piipllty~E~m~p~ly~r~ PhonP Sollc11ors needed I 1s1 rate 1eson company Sales Siamese. "Cr>alya". Irv Read 1ne cl11slfled ads lor Reward S59·A774 lhe bell deals In apart- lltu"kHJill Dept. 81 SURF g $AND hotel IS looking tor a b1-hnguat night supervisor Mon t hr u F ri , 5pm 10 1 I 30pm Contact Miss Maree at 497-4477 lor Laguna Shores Pro· lrnmed1a1.-openmg tor perty Xtnt working con-o u1 s1de salesmen in a111ons, top compensa· waterworks supply buSI· hon Call Tim 494-0748. ness lo cove, Orange 9AM to 6PM Co Co benefits & ex- oense package s3t;iry ca r s•bikes• •skateboard s* trucks*baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • w alker s•toys ·wagons•••• scooters'hot rods• coupes• trailers*hard tops*convert- ibles•motor homes•tawn mower s*limos 'corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's .. •• •typingtables wheelbarrows• recr eational vehicles•golf carts*model trains*bikes •pianos•cars refrigerators •skates•••••• If it's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot cl111ltled ed.C:.11 ~2·56711ndl friendly acs. VIMrWltl help you turn your WNltl f nto c1ttt . ' Lost Passl)Ofl. menl ren1111 8A2·5678 Shataretl Rouhan1 960-6690 Lost bit.. M puppy w tan teg.s & tece. Vk:tor1a & Canyon, C.M. Reward 840-3893 Of 1· 73'1-43-43 Found Ltlase Apso. Nr Edwards & Slatllf. HB Call 842-0038 10 identity FOWN. HB 968-2520 Foond· Yng Fem. Lab mix. btk/wht cheat. Wtst· mi,,ster & Goldenwest. 842-8173 Found: Fem. Germ. ShOf'· their. recently had pup- pies, vie NB, 675·84118 Found: Fem. German Shepherd. under 1 yr. btu collar, Cathy. 646-6109 eves Found: Orenge kitten. 10 wits, betw. Maple A YorkSl'llll CM 631-2680 l1nu1J1 S3SO ••........•........... Enjoy your weOOlng or epec:lal eventa on beau· tllul ranch with magnlll· cent view. Mlnlttera avail. (714)723-0007 *** lttutlt ,.,.., Open 24 Mt t di)' 7 days·--Jacuu l, Saune. Locale at w ell 11 1ourl111. BankA~lcetd. MMt• Charge, Amerloan Ea· pre11. Olnen1. All ...,..,_ come 714/845-3433. a112 Htn>or 81. CM Your OW Aeflec:ta You Cu9'0tn Wax • Declll Alu.• Tonv 547-1241 COIC>e • Woutd IO¥e to petty with you. Cati 8"' or Kat tlv eny11me. IQ.NA ------- WANT ACTION? plus comm Call CMrhe Classlled Ads 6A2·5678 ~34-6325 Marshal ls is coming to Costa Mesa And now a lllUe bit about ttial style. M arllttalla Is a sell-service retall ctialn reaturln~ brand name lamlly and home fashions at low prices. It s a store you wlll enjoy working In as much as you will enjoy sllopplng In. Come join us. We tiave all kinds of job opportunlllet that can lead to something bigger wllh a style all Its own. We offer an outstanding benefits program Inc luding an excellent medical plan. Ille Insurance and Income prolecllon. and a liberal employee discount We have lull and pan lime positions for • CASHIERS • MERCHANDISE CLERKS • STOCK CLERKS • CASH OFFICE CLERK Full time: 9:30 a.m.-5;30 p.m .. MOJld.y through Frida~ Patt ttme:5:30-t:30 p,m .. Including S11urd1ya and 8undeyl on • rotatJne ~i.. EJCperltnce ~I. but flOt requlr.d lot 111 po11t1on1. In..,._• Wtl lie held • ....... ~ T.....,,...., q 9"41. 11 ................ ~ • ,. .......... ......, -c .... -.., Ital.,._ ... , Ceale ..... , CA... , I ) - " .. .. .. ·~ '• .. '• ,. ....... 11!111 .......... 11!191 .. lmll ........ ~ ................................... __ ~ .... ,......--~ ...... --...... ----~~~~~_.---....... ~---~~-- 1' 11 I I I 11 OrMOe Oout DAILV lllLOTl .. turd1y, Juty 10, 1112 1*.IMi( .... IAI l*.tMtlt .... UI ~~11• .,. .. IJ.I MflRft ••••••.• IMf "'11¥11tttt •••••• ~(~ ~ •••••••••••• Mff """'11 •••••.•• 11.ff """'11 •••....• Mff 1"""1. ••••••••• 11.ff ... ... -"".iiiitiiiilii.~ ,_ All_.. 1N111 tllnin. '11'1 ICtM~ "•frlt•t1tOr, A.KO OOIMt....,. ,......, IA"l"'I ftACIC MOV~• lf'ICIOOt furnh~~ (Mnt: DIMtoNi -., Ytl\ a...,,. .... "' ..._ ._. tlR .......... Wt• 1ttln ~ It' wltllf"t •••'"''· lllnt 11• "'""' lifef, .._, Wtl. •ti.fl~ WfOllthl lfen out•ffr flltnlttt,., 102 ~I~ ':f.::.1 ......... .... .... •111111 ...... up ...,) ........ ~~:\"~:= .-..... 10001• .... 1111 ''",. .. .. or t!!fr.M/JJ / ........ ittt It. Jl!Mt "'"• H .... IH...,.. ,.....,, ""' '°'· """' .. • ~ery """ .... ~ ~ a ....... OOoCI ™ .... ...,. Ot ........ atw Cott• Tlblt '°" INdl ....... ,,.. OIA ~ .... .., 0011•l•er1111 1 career ' 011 CIOttf•1.._ tltaM,..._ t'/1lltlo ~ ~ .. ~ ............ ~ .. • ~t WHT~-~Tll' "°"· WOl'kt Oftlll l•OO Ot rm1" lhlP pupe, 1 Oo!CI IMftCI blM ''"" w/ollM 1111,y OOfftie cllll '1f..rt41. 0111n1t In fHH COii• WflO llnow ·-r art ,.. liioef -~ .. _'" ,,..... -· _., ..... Al-• 73M7M wke, IU. male or ••· 1118 84&-1291 & end tlb4ee/Wall unite • eldtrllll entttln' th• tie a I o 1 11 Ir o RI Ian Ol1mant1 . Ca ll 1pp11r1noa l'ull llme ANTIOUI MA.LL T mite M'-728'11f1 llltM Ii.tent tc>ta Md 1400 111.I-Mn rankl ol the H I tm• 10AM•l"M Mr Tull 411"°411 fOt ~ MOl\•'t11 de~t1m1. 0111 11111 Wtltnl!NI., Ave flllrAIOIAA OA -Din rm N I, mint COlld, 150-1MO ••••':':':':Uoo•••••~~f ploY*t? 'AAMUt'I IN· MS.4117. hc<tlllY 10 11'11111 Labor l4t-llh OAfllOIN Oli'OVI 2 di.:-·.~· l~m' tr~ ld11I lor 1m1ll room HAM TAILI IAW IUMNCI OfllOUP. one e•caeT••y/ Or ........... L Ael8'10 ... "''"· 1.UI 154·1103 Ul1 ....,_ rm • ·-· 11200 7&t.tl2t .... TUll Plly Hllmblld, n~ar "' " "" ,.... .,.... '' ~~~~~~~~~IWhl 1..,.,.., I I f It •1f'• ..., O Wood, w11e1~. alklnQ uMd 1200 441.cM31 ol the !Mdlng lnturtr• lfl ,ufl or lt/llM. lmall Npt bllpng DIC word pro· TIA/ • .._ ;;: r ,,,._. rott· '" r... .. ...... .-........... DfStONU~ 8 FA ..... 114 the nttlon. I• ••Ptll'ldlnO lcn brinch H I•• olo. c11elng. l •I, MOn•l'rl. ........ 1.1roe dr111tr, Circe zer. t8 ou ".: Ilk• new, PedlgrH l'em. Cocker 10 pc beige M01. lrom "° 176-31 llJ1Hl'••..., ,,,, In Of.,._ County M 1 r 1n1 bu 11ne 11• 11200 rno. 71•·7f'-otot Reep, for prOOtNlnQ Ir\• 19~10.0·1. Derk woocs, S300 1141-0108 8penltl. lf>tyed, trtlMd, The Vltllng, HI 1 1400 lffl·WIHI .... ,;:: ............. . II you .,. ll'l1er .. 1ed In 2t3/U1·H13 lll'f/IPT -nulty ' ''*''· buaTMN ~~u''IYst wl$tl!hl.l.ecr8o111cwr1oric11ee llnel11 f.IM ~~~~i1c1~.Y~~ &~!o':1:: 1541.1295 B1111ci 111w. mu11 H ll. ••• .._. --ownh\O • operating • lo I I II I N ... • ................... ":':' 7 II • 2 • .. "TUI ·NTl"T•INI!"'" • rt h I 0 ... 0 0 ,._ ... bu1l11H1 ol your own, AlllTUf Sml l•w otfio. IPICl•ll• r nvu rm n Pl 11190. 649-06715. Cell 11-OIRL'• SChwfM. Fllr1'4Y, r u 11 2 • v v or " "' " " " • 111 • • •' 8 to 20' long, 3k per It lnveet on. hour or your fl Pl"'8T •t llllQ Ill 'ex m1oer1, High loh, Typing, tO-lley, ,., 6pm, moel ~d1y1. x1111 cond. For IOM 15·f2 649·15511 Swinger 500 b)' Kimbell 1540-2132 77S.-14t1 en)11tM. time II our F1al1 hml-Ae11 l al lt• orl•nt~cl 1oeur1cy typlet. Word CAT up. req. 0 111 1711 144 11215 o Ster 1726. 1546"120& Near 11ew ci111i. 4 ch11r-Laro• r-" of s11~ mat• 1111. Calh Judi tor dltlllt compeny near •lrport, pr~lllG dNINd. t1u1 '40·0123 •UtTH PUnl yre. • • Adorebi.. iovtno tabby, 1 11w Couch N1vy 8lu1 oak finish. StllO ""' .... at ~ .. II,. ueel. be11tlltl. bpr 1101 t9q d. M\llt hi~ oat. typeeelttt nNded, .ltm IMARI &TYL.I All chrome e.ecn Crutw. wkl. HOUM brOklll. floral. IOOH CUlhlOlll. 631-0115 rl1I, for Sunta1111111g r•Q Type 70W0m Call Salary 11000·11200 de• porary Poalllon from July 12t.tll 111ce, Ilk• new, '2211 151·72 13 ex e e 0 11 d s 2 0 0 . bla 11keu, 1110 10 80 s~:'al, ~iu:r.~y ':~~: eon111 al 714/7H.4t4t Pontn1d. lng1110'!.,q.u~,1tlf111oonl• 231!dlflowArluto 3.xlAM·SP~d· 22k QOld trim. Ltd. 1u1.· b4111 Ofr. l•a·ll 107 01rman Shep P, 1 yr, 407-4365 00~,k~·~,~~tr~:~. Ir~~~· 915().91571 "' I .. _ M II Cl ... I ., • pet rtc1 ply. Order 'Odey. 1 II , ... boye 10 •Pd bike. AKC, bHutllull Prff only KING INNERSPRING EX-S1115 831-17'"'" POOL TABLc. Bru111wklk ed to h•lp n ,,,. ole 8U·H 18 bit 2·•PM 5315 3030 · gold cnaln glve11 lrH Yello Volkeoyole top to ar, clllHl'l w grind· vv full u , .. atete wtball Hole 11 Lido VIiiao• Hive eomelhlllO to Mii? Mon•''' • • w I 1 • t 2 O order 1 . c 011 d . s 8 5 K • v 111 , chlld1e11. 404·6782 TRA FIRM """"" HI. R1111111dinette,11evtt uMO relum )(1111 cond. $450. 873-49511 Cl1Ulfled ad• do 11 Mii · 84&-4840, ext 202 157~732 11e1111 uffd. wor1h $530. 1200 8,..11215 or 065•1737 l .... l1t WlftH1wll1 Weltera & W•ltre•••• Lrg 1hlppl11g eratu & ue. t2415 del Never .. 31_17.,., I lly Piiat ''' Antique Mwl11g mechlne 111owboolh1 meterl11 Call atd q ee , 0 th v "" 4 • Jol11er. motor 111d . I ..... , ............ '"·:. Serloua carHr oppty. lltldtd. Muet bl over lillll•I D•vld, 1548•4455 u u n r . w r Sall comm/Vee, etc. l8. Apply In weon. Ctbl111t. good eo11d. ..,.,,1111 llll S39t. CHl't 011ly, $218 Sotabed hl·QUtl, q11 , 1tand $160 540·815159 btwn 3-7PM El M1ttcfor RHtaura111 $t00. ,.1 ,, FREE Kitt 3 01 lo del. U1u•lly home, earlhlon11. br111d nu 1548-2377 557-8883 •••••••••••••••••••••• •n•. m .. • 754-7350 S300 831·1786 --------- : WnruMJdna \0 build a labol' pool ot quallfled : TELEPHON! Solicit ore. 17151 NlwC' 81, C.M. 1t '2 OAK "HOOSIER" IOW llo/FT. -:i•on•~::· :t:.~e: alfec· ~-------DESIGNER WAREHOUSE : .,..phlc 1111 penonnel r~ two depertrllmla In : pit. Evea, & Set cabin II Oalc top a11d Redwood 2d deckl11g. **I BUY** e::i~:::.~ 11,o;:•:r~' ~~,~~u~:'f'o~fl~•I~~ •• our ,_..,_ ·-Jl """'' ... ~ ex...-1-nai In : 1541-0383. bottom, w/whlte pOr~e-4-20' lo"g: '''° rectwood Free Pere1111/Slam•H S "50 S 50 ,.. • ..--_...., ~v-,..,.. .,..,_ • a. ,, ~ 1 1 " JI K b1~• a ...-.lte •• kltt-Good u•--' Furlllture & le . He 4 , 11ll'lt home one 01 a kl11d : compoabw room or cam4tr1 depanment work :. flf•U 111 111n eou1111r Xlnt eondl-enc: llO· 1" m Of 911 _,. .... "" ... ., ..., 850 eeo b1111 tamp• & llxlurH . • and-ant lntentllled In neW11:.,.r ---"UCUon, • -.·:••••••••••••••·,·~,· llon $450 83 l -155515 e11ytlmt, 77$-1491 10 wlcl old 841-073-4 Appllal\Clt-OR I wlll NII cond -t • _ _..,.~ -L -nit! l ..!::::b.,.:::'-....._II • -· -,..,,..,. -IO$O Of SELL lor You 5 pc oak bdrm Ml. mo-llllQ prlnll & lflmH. : ...,. .. ,K" """ opportu 91 0 · en:v Y ...., .,. Y tu.&f'-•• ::1.-.••••••••••••••• OLD 1924 U11lverNI gaa C1•1111 I Fu1/l•ll 11&11111 &IOTlll dem atyle. "' n-. orig steined glen, aec.uo· • PUot-• .....,,.... AntQ lov11t11 · Circa atove Marbled gree11 L•/••t•I 1030 ;,;;••t,••:•0·.~·b .. t;•i/:;/ 1....... 11• tt•I Sll 5 o 1 a c s 4 o o rb1•,1'c•' tpu1n1k111 ~~.-: . We ~ ~klna t0 lncreue our put-lime . -labor fomt; full-time ~nlnp may develop In the near rutUR. . We ~ mDllt ln!er'C'llced ln people with &lclllt . In the rottowma ln!U. . . Paste-up : . . ad bulldlna or pap make-up . experience delirtble . : Proof reader . -. Copy Typist . . Auto Pert Tyeist : . with typeeetung a lhty : Ability to work fut and acrurately under ptt91Urt! neceaary. Flexible houn and days. • 1850, llewlttl COlld porcel1l11 with cream •••"';\•~•••••••••••••• He:dbrd" & j;,,.,,. 125 _.. •• ~ 1550· 18eo """"' .. ......, • We need good P909le to 1050. 830·•317 trim. Hu all working Nlkkormet 35mm. bleek. call 645-611i8 . I Ill FlllllTlllE •---------Interior doore $10 •• ••• up appointment• •9"Alll t•• ltl Plf1• x1111 cond 1400. room teneu & mo1e, ... UlllllO&I otlmY tek11 5 Contemporary : lrom our lffwpon Beech B":!"'ss• :50 R &31-8558 m In I con d S 3 5 0 Super condition Obi box Les 957-8133 Exqu1111e reproductlo11 wrougl'tl Iron orlllwork olfte. 111 the tvenlllQ IOf "" HAn WA E 5415-5407 1prl1191 & meltreN. S45 New lull-sin mattress set, WlndlOf ChlllS as shown S50 t53t Momovle Ave, Holiday Inn'• lllW travel 11000 0&8-41137 A••11HUI 1010 548·8140 S65. New queen alza. 111 Cou111ry L1v111g · Npi Bcl't Sii 9-3PM club Silary + commie-C .rr.~••••••••••••••••• M 1 may a M 6 4 5 2 1., : 11011 + bOllUI, C•ll BEAUT hl11e11 hand-HARBOR AREA 80mmF2 15. 2 lOmm ... Kl119 SIH bed 1195, Lg $100 750-5832 magez111e 640-23 14 Kirby vacuum, nHdt • 833-3740 aft lpm wo~ rug. $3,000/Mg APPLIANCE SERVICE PD prism ll11dlf + ••trat drHter & mirror w/2 11lte OllOI appl work & cerpet sl'tam- _____ ·.....,__· __ Circa 1020 842-3492 wa sell recot1d .. guar. $835, ~2-2490 t1an<1• S60. coucl't S50, lllllU llll Ill P o o er . ne w S 5 0 • TOPLESS MbDELS eWt 1pp111noea ~9-3077 chair S20, 964-5~2 II IHH, II. 0111 540·7409 , S75 DAY • PAID DAILY Super 15 Auto room. S40 Ill lll·lllO New $885 • wlll NII 110 exp • nee • 826-2583 M ••• r• •• lfi,.u••"'••••••••7•l•lf•• Kenmore Wul'ter 11e11er used 175 Twl11 bed•, x1r1 10119. + tor S 150 847-5327 Newpo;I Beach T e11n1s '-Working. $25. 552-0553 alt 8PM. tram• & box 1prl11gs King headboard. white. --1-1"-0-11-0-.-e-•u-1--Club Family Mem- 848-0953 ,.111 1031 $55 556-2170 Fref\Ch Prov. Xlnl co11d • "' -bersh1p $650 833-9704 . LOSS PREVENTION STORE 1mmYES Pill 11• Pert Tl•• 1.,.,..... ,,.,,,, •• .,, $ 9 A divorce forces the sele 955 1664 Ul4td kitchen appliances. •••••••••••••••••••••• Set Club chra. blue. 20 60-9678 of 3 beaut couches. 8 eves · ••k tor ove11, cou11ter top Slove, Hlmal1ya11 kltt111, 12 polyester/velvet. good Oak hutch. bookcaae. couch & matching 5 lyde et11k & dlahwasher weeka.1howchamp.lln1 COl'ld.$75 15'47-2005 desk, Colonlal s1yle set plaid loveaeat, per! for Yamaha Ou11ar G-225 wt 640-1878 Se I IP o I n II S 2 7 5. $300 5 O 7 09 t T & 855•9471 Orener, night atand. • wlll sep 4 • 4 amily rm an. ruat cue. new. bought tor ELEC. r111ge, microwave, mahoga11y & ctlle. bed & Bdrm set. dbl canopy bed. drk brwn S 100 both S27 5, will sell St 50 sell-clHll oven. Show n.., IHI frame, couch, collee 9 drwr dresser. mirror, 6 Gorgeous 10· crese111-850·0715 eves prize. S97S. 847-5839 ":;'A •• •••••••••••••••• lltllt, rttlan. ra1t1n di· d r w, l't 1 boy $ 1 7 5 1 h 8 P 8 d c 0 u ch w / Hvy round wrought Iron ----------1Australl111 Shep. Pup1, llella Ml 850-9l75 540_74"" matcl't111g uphol Ibis Small Relrlgerator chmp11 111111. blu81 & v" Oow11 filled cu1h10111 chandelier w/8 ember 4 cu It, S75. black trl1, femalel only N-. t>eaulc det1g11, bei· Sota & toveseat. celery & Pale yellow 11or11 w/ stacked hghts. 2W dta. 963-1172 2 1 3 I 9 9 5 -1 5 8 2 , ge. $550. 640-4366 er .. m, cut velvet, xlnt camel & grey accen11 S75 642-9859 alt QPM Offset Camera Production Operation Striooinc. Experience ln ahooun{~ and halftone work a • : must. Any ttrlppl.na or plawmaklng experimce : plua production-oriented penon who can work : Independently highly dftirable Nights Merahal'9 le a ltlt·MfVlcl retail Chain featuring brand name family and hOme faahlont at low prloll. We otter an ~t1tanc:llng b1Mfl1 p.ckage lnctudl11g an excellent mtdlc1I plan, Ille lnaurance. unitorma. Income protection and a Ub«al employee dlecount. I Ill &PPLIAIOH _2_13_1_7_84_-_,_6_38 _____ , Trundle bed. brand n-. cond 5'50 962-5202 New St,1500 Sac SSOO Leaded glass hanolng Ttf- StOO Xl11t buy! WOOD Oealc wltl't 7 dra-All in great cond Hurry• la11y lamp 4'x 1S" 4 Les 95 7-8 133 Puppies ' • Oolde11 Re111e-ver Six female. 2 male. Freeze1 $200 Wosl'ter & s 10 each 548-4050 dryer St25 ea Olsl't-----------• washer $100 646-5848 Cocker pups AKC MIF 642·9282 we r 5 & g 1 a 5 5 1 0 P 848-3396 bulbs earthtOnfl S 100 2 o ll 47 ll 2 9 '>.. s 4 o Q.,a 1 Sall IOSS 642-9859 all 6PM 857-4 110 ••••'-•••••••••••••••~ ·75 Ktrt>y needs tune-up lllT SILL Mark-Up lntlfl'tlWI Wll be Med on.._.., encl T..-,, MJ 12 and 11 bet•..n t Refrl(V waahers/dryers M111y to choose trom S 100/up 859-0682 Born 6110 from t1m11v- 0<1en1e<1 dog1 968-4384 962·9'487 BEAUTIFUL Student desk very good co11d1- t1on. only S35 840-8709 ell 6PM 4 Rust cOlored upl'tol pa· SUPER GARAGE SALE all S 100/best olle• ho chairs. S25 tor all l'tousehold turn1sl'tlngs. 536-4557 eouchet. cl'tairs. pain----------857-4t10 11n:is. books. 9X 12 tent. 1 ratter hllCl't 5000 lb -Ability to spec type ror a vanety Jr advenwna • and commercial mater1aJ1 Expenem.-e with electronic markup d5r1ble. but not necesury • Ability to typewt would be helpful : Salary dependa on •x~nence a.m. and .......... tM ......, ""'· Coehl ...... 11'1 lk1ltot. Cote. ...... CAtaea MAYTAG WASHER & German Sl'tepherd puppy Al<C Cl'tampion S 175 DRYER, work great. 100!< 759-0265 like new. S250 pr Call ----------• 150· Couch used, tan/ Sota, lovesea1 & cl'taor, green/yellow sl'tadet. x1111 cood Ivory/ green/ very gOOCI cond S250 rust woven d8Slgn. 3 pcs 67S·339 I $600 644-5261 clothes Sat 18290 78-82 El Camino. S255 Santa Car10111. Fin Vel-value S 125 536-85 7 4 ley Formica kitchen tabla Wllh B••llit1' QIHi IOf 5 6 cnairs S60 The D11ly Pilot ii 11n equal opportunity employer. Wom~n ind manor1t1es a r~ ! • e~ tO apply. ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT UC> w"::~~~ o;~~fuTH~ T~~!~t~v'.:.'292f ··········································· I Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line • Bring ltlem or m•ll them with correct cash to Dally Pilot. 330 W Bay St., Cotta Mell, CA. 92626 • Eich item must be priced with no ttem over $50. 20c per line -$1 .00 minimum. • No livestock. produce or plant• An Equel ~ E""*"'9r M,, M-F, 548-364 I Male lrlsl't Sauer. pure· bred. baaulllul. S50/besl Dryer, Ke11more electr. olr 545-7091 ullld 2 limes Stcrlfloe ---------S 150. 731-1766 "POODLES ARE PEO· PLE " Te1cup-1oy- Shop at home. lt'I eaay mrn111ure 546-2848. with elaulfled 642-5678 boardl11g & grooml11g. our famous DIMES-A-LINE Oak Vlctor1a11 McCarthy deak Cost S 1900 aac s 1300, 6-45-1410 7 pc glrl's/leenager or younger 1 yr old la00/080 6415-9219 ,. • No commercial ads allowed ... 11i..._ _____________________________________ ~ ... •••••••••••••••••••••• 557·8393 Mat11eas. Simmons. ~g sz Beautyrest, firm 4 lllAI UIU RM Clualfled Ada ere the mos. Xl11t cond $250 12x 15 blue/green tweed a11swer to a successful ($500 11u) S40-0I17 wllronged 911ds. S40 garage or y1rd Ille! It's 1 536-9832 better way to tell more _c_1_a_u1_rled __ A_o_s_SA_2._s_8_7_8_1~~~~~~~~~~-peop--••-'-----~ DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. BABY crib a11d mattre" TALL m111s 26 ll\Ctl Searl PATIO be11ch set $20. MOVING boxff all 811.911 LAWN mower $30. Gas REFRIGERATOR RCA F.EMINGTON Rend 14x21 STAINLESS steel 1n1ula-ANTIQUE CISI 11011 sew THERMAOOR electrlc $50. Cha119tng table S40. 3-spead bike hH len-New redwood eh•lrt. with tight llds S1 each. e11glne edger SSO. Cer works good S25. Alltlque wheeled 2 shell Sleet Ii· led picnic drink ser11er, macl't1ne base. neat lable range 1op, excelle11t Swing S10 Bed frame dart, wwi. _,, 111ce rad love ... t S23. 128. N.-631-3218. remps, new $12 Orlll typeWrller $2S Antique brery certs sturdy e11-over 10 gallo11 S35 base $38 tO·spaed bike cond1t1on $50 V8111Mllor S5 Ceramic crystal pa1111, Shlma.110 3-epeed Testament In cue, cu-press frame (shOp) S5 RCA tel8V1SIOll (Colo< 25 ough lor Micro or TV Boxes ol line old copper $45 6 ball Croquet set hood black glass froot glazes. • ounce Jers $1 rear hub with coaster settes. record• 123. CHILO'S Upholatered Canopy S10. tee Chtsl years old), 11111 work• $12-$16 UlllqUe old all plate on solid copper $10 50 s Coce Cola with 2 speed squurel each Ceramic beads, brake 111d lronl h111d CoSl• Mesa. 548-9832 platlorm rocker S•O. $3 Batkets $1 S'"91ng 11eed1 lube S 15 ice wood baby buggy trall'>e, bran end pewter pit-coo I er S 1 o 2 O • 11 cage blo-ten excel· several If.rat llld mally brake. exceH8111 condl11· Ctllld earner (bike) SS bags St elcil Artlflclel cream maket (electric) Wheels, even top bows cha<I, treys. t>owla and wroogl'tl Iron bud cage lent condition $30 colors s 1 1 bag Flv0<e-011 $45 727 W 20th MEN'S golf Clubs ss eecn. High chair S 10 Strolet Cl'trietmas tree S2 Bird bre11d new S 15 Long eomp1e1e SSO S•I• carry urns S 1-$25 6 ll'ICl't po-$9 lwo m1111 Crosscut 964-2341 seet1t light s $30-$50 Street. Costa Mesa (rear 548-9702 stroller S20 E1ec1rolu1t cages (4) SJ-14. Camp 1m11at1011 leather tac:ket peckages of fire 11ttll11g hal'ted brass 11\dlor door saw S 15 Solid mal'to-•---------- each. &-drtwer dresser house) 642-5'87 vacuum. llllchm1n11 stools. toldl11g (4) $2 StO. Candles 5c-S5 Ba get tor BBO or campfire kllOCker $1 H1111dmade gany phone table $15 TWO orange !lowered S20. Pictures S2-$2 50. OAK sl'ti""" boollthell 125 BBOtkye·sp11124 91n1-_., bH1~!.,Sd51r10 ~.~w1111~~~m. •,ctr~!'.!h•t· etch Floor waxer $30. tl'tlng su11t. mena. new SOc Huge selection fore-crafttman 101n copper New genui11e saddle lea-swivel kl1Chen Cl'llll'$ SIO 281 o t M A ... -~ u"7 ....,. • ..... --v c 1 t $2 F SS-$10 Dog be,_., 111d Pla<:e andirons arid tool bowl $9. Pewter a11d cut ll'ter small carry ceses each 673-493S Cotti MH:r Sa~~~~:y Oak kitchen Chair $2(). bike (Comple1e) $15. In-tlltcl't S50 Cabinet S15 s~~q~~ar~e S2 Fol~~:o pad $ 10 Mecreme Seti $7-$25 Full Adv glass fl11ger candle Slick woth 52 on BdJuSI sl'toul· DISPLAY 5 fl llgl'tled glass "'8 3 30 Piiie school desk s35 st a ma tic camera 111d Pair night 1t111d1. pro-1 -·t-• (") $2 h tioops, all saes Sc-2Sc ctocks 331n lighted sea· $15 Ha11d carved 111d der strap $5 Double d1spley case $35 Blas11C on., • : pm Old flOUt seeks S3 tor $1 ~no· $10. R~·d "'-r v1--•11. ____.,paint S"5 co 8• '""., ' eac S25 301 P "°""' .....,.. ,,_7" '"" ,....., ' Camp potty 11ew $4 Woman's ll'loea. cloches food 11. eler p1l11tect Japanese wood ma11t1e gas camp la11tarn a11d clay poll 25c-$1 Ice F•RBERW•RE "Ope11 Car root carrier $5. r10 °--.. s 15c-S2 T""'" Twl11 ·-... 111 •"reed• $15. • · ,.., c c • " " ~ """"' -·-.... ,.... ••etal lo~ to eotlee !Oe-$10. 2384 Rutgers Mu ...,8 oca ola ~15. vase wllh copnar inset S6 Brass Coiema11 Ille ches1s r 5.s1s Camp Hearth .. Bro11~ wltl't ro-Gluses 4 lor S 1 Old 1s-50c-S 10. Babv. cloll'te• Kinn S 1". Fa..__.•·• 1" .., r S9 ,._ • "' , • .. ., ' .,.,. .. _ • t ble •• ahes c-~ Drive, Cost• Meaa 161n round Tetecron $5 U11lque old Revere $9 Old oak hanging stove S1s Tool clleSts ,19 •• rl •• lld ,;abob at-sues Gourme1 10c each 50c-$3 "-k I'"". ••-·· cup cott~ maker S1" 1 .... .,..-.,.,.. 50 t " ~ '7'J ~ """ ' A/C compressor '64 546-3819 lights a11d tamps rom SOl•d copper cooking pan PO<Ch swtl'lg $18 Large S3-S 10 E•leot1on cords 11chme111 S50 Corni11g-Plt1g Pot1g table with B .F Goodrich tires ice box S7. Toaste• S2. c d SIO Etect le h f!Yery era IOf floor. table $12. Halld l'tammered selec11011 ot vintage S5-S7 so 1'> ton floor ware 10 cup coffae POI paddles S25. Bukets $2 J78-1S belled E-78-14, Thermoa-Jug S2. Clock (.8) • 1 e•.:.h El~ lcorca"~ Higl't el'talf S l5. Walker $8 ll'ld cellhig S3-S50. Brass cop....,r vase S3. g inch elect"c lal'ls, much brass iock 57 50 6 ton iack S,5. G .e mt•er with lor Sl and $1 each Pa-P185n5R14 st--' '-'t--' r•dlo 16. 1ro11 S3. TV .. • "" ""'" Car b•d $9 Be1sl11e1 ""' • """""""" 0 ope11er s 1 Electric double stude111 floor copper candle stick $5 $8-$<15 8 111cl't lhltlys art $10 Bumoet 1aclt S3 50 bowl, lhrae beater• $12 perbacks 4 tor SI. Jig-radials $2S each Work tables S3 and SS Clo· moto S2 B mper facks S20 Car seat $3. Maple lamp $30 All brass, eve11 Musical brass decauter deco tan S8 Antique and AM/FM cassette car Two love seats S25 each saw puzzles $3 for $1 b811Cl't 811 with drawers lhl11g 50c each Sllurday (21 S2r h ¥1 t I (2) dresser $37 Cerry all shade table lamp, gra-S7 Antique wavy front 4 vintage door sets and radio $35 Cu speakers Blue. gr.ell Drape•. Like new hair blower S5. s·o Closet doors $5. alter 12 u11111 ..... d 2350 eac · re 00 9 $2 50. Lamps $5-S 10 1 5 11 •2 00 • .. """ S1 each Hand Cl~ Pl ce ul te .. In m ern dra-r mal'trvoeny ores-plumb-g t1•1ures ol $5 Home speaLer• Op.n Weaue (wheal) t Iron $2 Steam rollers $3. Lamp $10 Cur·taln r-"s Coll""• Drive, cs6-884" · 0 • Uouble bed $24 50 Twin -,. -" " ~ • ""' -.. " ' geon Sll11ger 12 ater chrome table lemp, ser $39 Ma11y antique porce111n t>rass a11d $5-S 10 Radio gea~ Pair 11,t-61t. 2 pair 8tt Saturday a11d Sundev $1-$5 17698 Santa · bed $15 Sii of dishes S2 U • CORNER group I-"'-"• hose wall mounts 50c moo11 globes 1 II· woode11 trul'lkS. chests g1asa S1-S15 Twe11111 s 25c-$1 Plest1echrls1mas 1(8ft S•o for ell Home-426 Avocado Coro11a "'osa. Fountain V•llev y,..,""" h R bblt h 1 l'te 12) $35 Couch set $10 ' .. " 0 , 11 h b 0 1s1 1 d eac a u c s 1que 19tn llble lamp a11d bo•es $2-S50 Very cas1 troo porceta111 bath tr~s S5-$10 30 gallon mede fooddryerw1th3 delMar 64256125 0 0 w era n Coucl'tS50 Rocking "" $20 S S • Blur ey •11 spreads. (2) S25 eacl't S2 and S 10 Christmas cl'talr S 18 Couch 1110 wilh oval l'talld hammer-antique woode11 l'tump sl11k with brass l1x1mres aqua11um S 15 Slle111 tray• aturday a11d METAPHYSICAL sett-l'te4p unday Two tlmlllO 11111 $10 llld 111es s 1 P11n1 50c. love seal ,50. Olliee ed copper base $20 back trunk S20. Several $45 Sky Ke11ne1 $20 giant pump s10 10 ga1- Su11day 10-3pm Casl't Psychology e11d splrltual NUT cracker at1d batktl SI&. Lerge IOOI bOK 115. Plaatlc tobboga11 sleds desk. metal S3S. Olt1ene Aulhe111lc lobtter trap mutlctl Instruments Ma11y plclura lrames ion aquarium $7.50 Flu- Ollly 19 11 Cllll Dr • books SOc-$7 7'24 ·~ W I wood) $5 Jewelry vw type 3 service ma-(2) 50 eacl't Motorcycle sets S25-S50 TV 532 SO coffee 111ble $35 Antique SZ0.-$50. Large setection muc:h oek S1 -S 10. Un1qll(! nresc:;e111 lights SS 811 CB Newpon Beach 19th Street. Cosll Mesa. stat1d $5. Heel lamp SS. nual S10. 548-1858 rack St. Plastic 11np $8. Linens 12.50_14. Chlld• oak foldl11g double or 111tlque and vintage 18x24 ornately worked a11tenna S7 50 12 Vott OUEEN Size coucl't (wlll't 548-9572. (By Pomona, Lite Wliard S6. Large Ho11d1 motorcycle rear desk SlO. Cotner desk cl'turch pew $35 Large farm 111d kitchen tool• 01111 metal trame S20 converter S 10 Assorted hide-a-bed) s2s l8lll. behind liquor store, muffin 1111 s7. 8 Treek SOUit.RE llvl119 room tebte aprochet t1 Shoe tree 11lect1011 of lnterHllllQ 111d C0114alners 25c-$10. Several desks S10-S50 chairs $5 Plumbing I TV ecrosalromStaterBros) -v •c S30 Living room chalre s1 s 11-~-_, ...,_. 1 7o Petlo furniture and unique chair• tor Hoosier s1a11dlng cast A1111que Mtsslo11 oek parts 25c-S1. 369 black. wh te needt · stereo preamp 1cv "· s5 and SllS. Kii~..__.,,. u ..., • .,r. ~P ... ~-s 15-$20. Twl11 bOK work S25. 35 gallon STAINLESS 91881 !Inks $15. New Solid Stale AM 25c-l 2. &40-1275,...,.. 50c eaoh. Pleatlc gar-1Pr 1" g, S 10 ea ch home Ind office 14450 1ro11 pump $35 New desk SSO Cast Iron and Broadway, C011ta Mesa equarlum tan. k S25. 81n round 481n ,,.,.,, StO radio $6. MtglllfylllQ cir-bage Ude 50c each. 6'hlt ~3•2987 Of S43.()8S4 Set of 4 aturdy old Germ1111 181n redwood maple 1900 schOol dMk S 5 P W " I "el'-._.,. 13tt. p I TR •NSM SSIO o1•-$1 Kit_ .. _ c·"'1l11 l'tardwood foldlnn chalrt planter tuba S3 New "'15 N-Erlctoll ytchls AREA rugs 1 el cage roug t rOll Cllallv ,.. each Cabllleta out of cular lamp ~ a r "' I N cooler r ..,r · "'""'' "" .. ., • S3 Assorted t d S10. Saturday only 2407 Cl'tevrolat vell. sink.~ speaker bOXH, high tzs. 30 g111o11 011 die-50c. 6111x41t alr duel lor 10·SPEED blk11· Boys S25. Tiit av.Ivel olllc• redwood dog llOUM S12 solld teak or mehoge"y 01 10:$; ~n E 16th S (•1 N t 221 Id 131n ...__ --"' 1-.., home 50e Clot"-• 111 Schwl1111 Vartllv, me111 chairs S26-S50 Four oak elld S18. Tllousai:ids of cablnwav ladders, one 10 ra 0 oear • oy • t " ewpor· boll, w•ter 11nk, loam 11 .. w • .. ......, penaer .. .., pump """' · '"' · · ' ' Casile 110 (F1·"-PrlCe) Beech. 645-3264 cuahio~. all for 145. 6'11.S1xlnchWoofer.31n. 5 lug Chevy pick-up rloue 50c-S4 . Box Sturdee (Jap111) good rockert l 20-S50 Vintage ullclrcutated beach area 4 ateps, mike unique lncol 1 $s""Rec d 548 5823 tweeter 130. Reallstlc 1ox 15 rime l 2S Dlth· 9'>fln0• ell<I m111reu $4. r.tll'ldlU011 SSO each. Lat· oak 111d maple achool post card• from 50·1. 15 sl'telvea $7-127 Boxes or L 11 ogs Of BLACK.whlteTVp0r11bla • SA-IOl Solid Stele al• wllMf S30. 3.251nx1tln 546-34715. Sale hours, ge B0091e bo1rd1 $12. desll SIS Pair good fl-lorS1.Gotgeousbronze bollgearhghts llneand cl'tanger s1o Qardell ~0-3 blket S 15, S25, s T e R E o c on , o 1 e reo amplifier S20. Cale»-c:yde tire new S20, •71 9am-6pm. Saturday and 644-6989 nlth Old gold oek dlnlnQ and marble 21 111ch 5 fll!lnQa 10c-S 10 New '• trelhs 1£ 50 Pop corn $35 2060 S111e Ave . 721nx171n . welnut wltl't lal0< Wllh ,...,._ su......., ,..,_.,.......,_,.,.r"'htdoor Sunday 101h alld 11th. ch1lr1 $50 Morocce11 ca11 dlebra from the nylo11ll11e 15cloot Dan-popper JO 35 MM ca- cost. u ese l'tome llter G d _...._ S ... ---....,., "'"""7 ,..._.-...., "' C )000 tlrM, mo.I on ba· ,...,.,...,. leat"-· "21n. foot 1800'1 Sc". 8'3 W. 15th lortl't Corsair bOll com-mere S l5 110 camera ,..., • arrat tumt..,... -S7 81nctisPM)l«ln waN SSO. Walkme11 type ate-1901 L111al Drive, oate ta!'lced Q M rim• s.......,tool s2o 'T'wo's..-..1 ... Street .>IVCos"19 ••esa pass ,28 •• 111Y vinta"" $5 B•ke part• 10c-S3 lpm dlSh modefll $40 Apart-bOK S7. Oval mirror In reo a11d ca .. ene 150 Mesa Nearest cross 8" 80 t3 S25 1 .._ "'' ..., .., wv s 50 ... 69 I ·• _,__, •-d " d 4-l .,. x Pl r. Ge11 BradlOfd high blcit ( ..... tw~ P1~-11a •11d t1ah poles and r•els Bowl•ll<J ball 1 > VW car radio• 125-$50. men ... ze .....,,r,., ryer wooden holder $5 15 191n. Klnn..1-l1W11 cattier •treat. Mesa ver • 175 70 13 •15 145 13 "" ~· ~· 0 u e c 1 01/) $20 ••2 1""07 . .,. w c Rd • • • x tlardwOOd llreslde chl.lfl ••on r o 111 a S 1ree11) .. ._$20. M111v clenlc 1nd roadway Ollll Mesa B1rt1ooteS5.Footloci<-I 1 ""'·"' book• on bualneaa $15. SlO. '86 Chevelle wind esl/ tub House · newS10.E715x14 S17.50. SSO eech All bentwood S0-0135 Saturday :.'111age emio accesso-., 122 Record ft•1vers p• •re g•--m'irror ••s. Electro111c book• S2 thleld, doore. talfnete B"BY ..,...,.v 3 111 1 $25. 010111~ •111t." G7•x14 "' ' ...,. ,.._ -"' " _, .. • ·""· " Ste11dlg de1lg11er chair 9-6pm Sunday 10·5pm rias 111<1 lllM $1 -$25 Old WOOD Coe• Cola bo·-S7-S18. R:leetrle carvt119 Shower/tub e11ctosure etch. New Retllstlc AM 135. each. lO gallon Four new tlr .. 141n 111d S20 H78x 14 S20. S25 Child• hardwood auto 1rv11k $25 Partl"" S"S Wood O·"'• .,::"t k11lle $4. Ce11 opener ~ $35 Shower door S25. Digital L.E.O. ctock radio Propane llnk 135. Ap· 15111 I 10 each Cot1fe-1 8 5 -7 o E 1 4 S 2 5 rocker s9 Old &It 10110 SCREEN dOOf good con-out 2 Model "A" Ori.;; S:,., box s2s"" Allt; R•l\09 hood 110. Truck Small glrlt bike S7.50. $20. Glau veau S1. plle11ce dolly $3&. 'lit ranee table S35. 0 119 HR78x t 5 S 10. J .R oak PO<Ch swing ll5. Set dltlon. 11111<1ard tlze $5. trains $5-s50 Matched """"d pan (ena-'"') SlO. tire 070-15 Se. Pfa)'l)en, Bunk bed S50, W1tnu1 Desk lamp S7 15 Inch Chevy pick-up hood, truckload ol firewood 10 x I 5 S 1 0 . L 7 8 ll • of Olk MW machine dra-557-5791 . 2•32 Cotlege pair classic lol'lg stoall s""'unbeam toa"s""1er Sit. na118. 6 gallon bever~e !Ible pelt1tecl white $15. speaker $5 pair. 2130 !enci.t. door S35 Mc:h. 125. Power edger $25. 1 5 M I ch e I I 11 HR . wert $15 7 drawer wood Drive. Coall Mesa ut1lly sportllgl'tl 545 843 G.E Iron $S. Wlcke"r cooler $8. Hair drler $7. •itorted hardware Doctors Clrcte. Apt D. 73 Cemaro rear end 9•5•0 11• 78x1" •"o HR1••1s " .,.,. c .. " " •' · "" machinist tool box S18. PLATE glass ('I•) 441<76 W 15th Street, Cosll basket $10. Sunbeam AM clook radio S . Step 5c-S1. 2855 Corvo Piece. Costa Mesa. 1542-7580 ...... h.evy plck-u brake • S25. HR78x 14 11Hdl P __ , 3 .. __. et ool S3. Toya and s40•1289 , •AGE drum• $15. 55-4-7165 DESK $SO. wagoll, high tube SIO. txl6.6 Ford 8 ••Y1~ll""'u 1 w"j"d P~· 1101 tempered SIS each. Mesa lbetween1 Pslacenlla kllchen clock $5. J- gamee 25c-75c. Pk:tur11, ..,.. paperbeck colllC> tldll S 10. Basketball hold rim $IS, CIHn Pinto ter 11 qua o '""' c Work be11ch cabinet end Monrov a treetat. 1ery 50c-S2. Wood l11ttr-plclure fremee 50c-S3. AMERICAN Flyer trans-tlon 15c ellCh. Hardbeek BEVELED mirror S10. Set S 63 70 5 tlllOll beverage crock t0ftx361n high S50 Delk 548-0 135 Saturday lock111g bloeks SI each. Pottery dlshee Sc-50c. former S3S KOdak car-book• 50c: eacl't. R9COrdt of 12 amall book a S 1.50. boa rd 111 d rl m I 1 0., r1dl11or 50. 1·3 1 S 12 843 W. 15th Stree1. $25. Doors $5, $25 elCh. 9-6pm. Su11d1y 10-Spm Beacl't umbrella $5. H111d Hou1aweree 50e-S2 0tels S1 each, C11100 TL 50c 8 Treck tapes 11 Lampe 14-S20. Leet and Radio $S. Wall llght 53· Call lll)'llme. Co111 MIH (be1wee11 U110ut mirror• $35 eecn. painted cup a11d seuoer Limp. S1·'"". lrolllng Bodv S45 Old books K2 550 111d auorted ll11e111 tableclotnu Ptaatlc wheel• SI. )ECORATOR dlah SSO P1ece11t11 111d MonroY11 BB hi"""• S10 pair Pipe DRILL Press and motor $10. wr~ht lrOll. cen-• ., ' 1 1•" '""-•• 011 p1lntl'Si $10 Ham1te< ceoeS1. Picture S . St t ) 548 0135 Sit .. ,._ $35 Four Cemper lie board 14. Trl\18fM rode 25c-S3. Old eh1lr $45. Motorcycle Part• 1· ...,, ...,.. • ..,. · framea SI. Kid• shirts Decoretor mirror 50 ree • · --lntulallon S 15 a roll die hotder 3 Boob and s2.Saturdayat1dSullday Mottled bamboo m•g•-Car radio 15. Pueh Sliver tltmware S ·SM· (new, 121 soc each Recll11er chelr S50 urd1y t -6 Su11d1y Electrloflex $15roll,No downs $15 High Pres-paperbacks 50c-S2. Call elter 9am. 548-9085 zlne rack S20 Old tewe· l1w11mower with gr111 vet' tray $15. Dlahet and Handle bars 50c. Aaah-631-t547. Located be· 10-5pm 2-12·14. Romex wiring sure bolllas $10 HCh Antoque rntll grinder ---------• 1ery $1-$35. Pretty tewe-catcher S 15. Smell gta0•-s20ar• 25c-S5. CNlt1 ""hit 25c. 3501 SurMew hind Hoag Hoapltll on ,UTOMATIC wiener S50. 120 each. (250M COii) 6 1Tlre ehal~a_.for Pick-Up S25 Antique drlll S25 SLANT board S 12 Wig 1ery bOQ $10. Otd kitchen kitchen cabinet SS. BrMI 11 • · Pair round tide !:;111 (Tiii« Way), Corona Superior. Dryer SSO Dlll'twuher BoHs special color c;e. tO per ..,, 2-H-78· 14 Booster ch1lr S3. Sull- caee e11d foam heed $3. llne llld ap1cee 11 50-15. floor lemp $10. Dec:oret· llblel t12 each Mltlo-M S SSO V 1 ramie Ille S15 each box tires and rime. on1 lleW eeM S8 Sheets. linen• Hall'dt"f91h0odtypel4. Flowtr YUH 11-135. Ofdlaircovera S2Meh. O•ll'Y l•l•phOnl l•bl• del "· tlurday Ind \QUARIUMS 12> 120. ICuum CHlllt EJectr'lc:aloullelbolfMS1 SI0,$2.5.BenchvlaesSS S3 each. Me11'1 ahlrl• Helt dry«, reguler $3. Amber gla .... and~ Blankelt and ahMtt 12. 135. Wrougtll Iron l)lant Sunday. Aquerlum tqulpmtnt S25 P~ .,,_ SSO. each. Bo111s 11-D nail• each. One Bench grind« 50c: 8lou dt &2 ::. 'r.t:·.:-:-.,,:; :.3;,!8 rir·= ~"=~I~~: :·~ J~!·.~-:oC:::. s;l~;v·;~5.2~1~~ vf:! ~r~~d::~~.:I;~ ~ ~~':~~ :.1.;.·~ot~.:~~ c~ ~: !::'~f':• p~~: ~adp*'~~ 1 15. Mll'I alloer SS. Iron kle11 nude candle~ 4116 dtc«etor b4ltlO 1$, 1822 Monrovtl, 2 blocke Olymplca end Sltllt RI· ... • " ._. ator S&0 22l F10wtt atrucllo11 hangere 25c Up 130. Roll OI Olll lber (Haywood-Wakfield) 150. aklll•' 12 Pe111111 an S35. Cryttal bowl 12(). Plctur• $1 eecti. CIN Wfll of Pla~nll1. a.t· * $12 ttetl. °"'* ""' radio 15. Lato• ctlalk· get · uch. Exterior door 91111 e116 g11ton rHlll Qlrl't ~ Schwinn bike obf•CI• 110-120 Bluet dllhet 1 1.50•14. curteln113 llt. At la wttn 18th 111d 17th 13 . Chlldren·s back bc>efd with wn.111125• Strttt. Co••• Mtlt. Jemba l151td1.8rnoked SAO.S.tllfdeyandSmn-140 Cooktejtf'5.ToYI 10.5pm. 142-5872 Siii ancr ~ cofMc. Tape Recorder 115. StrMI, Cotta~. l)ICkl 13.50. Rolltr Toyota '"' wind ow Sundey Only. M l)IMI Chlllldelie< 135. day, 121h and 13th. 1915 2&c. Ha11d tawnmowtr •--•• _.... """............__ Touter $5 Otfloe ........ 1k11 1 1 I •472 touv«t llO. DlnlnO room IAA$0N Jui: Quart•, • t atle .. ""riming A rnold Ave • Co•'* $10 Electr"" ..._ •10 ·~ ;;:.d~ = ~'::'ct ';;;''1~14.'0'id p11es 11 .di Biby Ci; 0~" C:::~~ Sha!~h /:.,r·.; .. ,. tebl• with chalra 135. plntt and jelly 12., IUO tt~!~110111i'(.;'ew) U ~, Me.71513 15oci Jum~. ~one· Ott hub e1p1 14·11. Ford hat box• 16-110 ltCf'I '"-11 llCll .. Ladlee and F~ur motoroyo11 ti;"; min••· IM-<>~ $Ingle bed SH. El\d and 11 25 OOlltl. Anti-llCh. 20 cup eltctrle WASHER and o---125 Mar. S.lurdly Ind Sun- p.u • ..._... ....a.h .. 78 ,.._ ~~I*\ 135. mene CIOthlnQ I 1•110. ......... "'00·"1 and l..___ tlble I lO. Dlntno. room en jara llOc-14. eech. COllM maktr 110. Fry · 1-dey 14••7904 M eect'I. Corvalf SPY'* L.oren Lane. eo.11 .. 1 o •o• r ve 2.1s-22 12 tlCll &45-14 ,. v • Wtloh 17 lu1dllr "' .... ... ~u "'4K4 Mdl. '"' 120 c •--------r,.... ..,, " ,,_ " 27 C II D I ' ..,.,. ~. ' ,,,_ Q•LLON ~trf"m 1"0. Chtlre, 4 at I H Ch. fnnton 11.,.lrlc ••. 15 MCh. Wood tlble needl ' or~ drum 10 Mw. 079-502?. )t 'r6J Cotta Mell. complete whttl 110, lnP• 1111: atove ill. :OC. 1 Ml 1 6· dlnO l"l\tchlnt 1211. Mii· 4Xt te t.ch. ~tlelfll 3 arc, ~tno · ouch STEf'EO uo. TurntaDlll drum l60 Md! Corvalr min u• S1turd1y ce11 L •ores "'llct. Nle"'lkl MS-3838 llrdcaoH: emtioo 5 ••bit 1 ·Portable QUI Dalton Marwtl td-pot• tOA·UOV eattty · f19'1toned 11~ S& and s10. Couc:tl end '*'' wetk "' v " tier I 10 eacti M41taf $11 AM/FM lttteo I tr eek ding l'MClhfne 136. An'll-ewttct\ b011 fueible $$0, dit'9 tamp 13. Wflltl ,. Chair l30 Comer delk '63-'N Ford P.U. p"'9 . 10-.peect~ oondttl• WESTEAN llyle booll 11. "ouno, can be hunQ redlo 150. 730-N65 que N.C.A. cutt,......, 329 AocMlitt (A) Ooeta lour HI)' Chtlr 1 10. 1111. SltoW, l'l\ldllMSI$. ll480. l44.-M1:2 FFIAMED Oelacrolx printt on 13S. •72" contrut elllelllno'. uo. Patrot or coctcatltl MAGIC Chef ... renoe. 145. N1t1onat Oeoor•· Mtu. tn beck 11t1y, 541-~H 1S158ak•S""'.Cott• TWO drt .. etl 140 •nd 140 eacll. Art Nouve· brown, Ille 11, tlmoat 125 l9l d ..,....., d ,. I ~10o Nd! ~ I tu-Ill~·--COMI NATION u--.... •~._._ ~. ,.._ ...... '"""· C"'.... crome cofltl matter 150. TIRES·. 1 8""'·1'".6 on t ...... 1 10. •no , ........ 2 oaoe . , .,...,,,,, double ov1 .. 1, 0 ••• • • ·-1 . _....., ' itereo, -. --•--.,only . ...,_., -v ·-...,.. .. ·-" ..,.,, 13. 3 Baa aet: 1 zls>l)ltld, d oore. vtr~ ttlr tctlvt alf mitt,.. I 5. 10w4pm.146-2 ttc°'41 player. ooneole fwo--·et18.ct1. MoHe buet HS. Col· fuo wheel tao. 1 10•11.f 'ltr1_btown, OOoCI flt'IWI 2•tOM .. 10. WMtlntftOU· 860. 2414 llnta An I!., 231 I , Wiiton SVfff, 16(), KAn1 IMtlTtle end OHEIT,,._.SIO, .... Cofftl ..... 110. f wo leo10t ....... 121-*50. uo. 1 790-tl on. lug tf llU. 541-IOte r. TV .. le ... Toy bOX Cotta ...... In ,.,,, dr'I-t45~1JO QUUN .. ooueh. wilt! mP~lnH aeo. 20 gellon Wlltltr. ,, .. d. '•r:'' ~ •!!.!,••.1,1.•0ou••~ \~> It =.~01= i~'ona ~1.:~~ !.,.,._, o•11 HtA1. wool , .. , 10. Plnb•ll t•mt •6. ##tit f v 12 •noh bleoll •nd ht,o•·•·bed 111. ,,Tin. 111.,... *"° 111 .... ,. ~rrw I . __. ---.. .,....,_,, ...,,... ., " • Qlrdet I*"' ... IS, Lin-WN.. lan¥O. .... mOOll b Uk 11\d whit I V I , '°'1llillt MeNO .,.. W.it ....... W ...... -MO.~~ tamed ert Pfln'• HO 1rh11t1 IH uoh. tl'ta12ft nltdt .._ OOlfl ~K. ,_ lllCH l10·1 tf, l t111p1 ncieltftt M. fY 1111\ nlldt WOftl .... 31! "'°'* We90t1 t10. Woo-protect••-.-. ,...,...,l..citl1Tlilro llld\.Hiaettal,11'~ f10·1111.10f'7'•14 HO.lleotrt6moter 1.i Mot! A .Mowtt ll-ltl.111.,_ll.Old ..._._...~CA,_....,....,. . dtflbfetdbo•,1l1111ct• klna-•11., .. -. -...eta ..... ...,. w • A • .. • • •·A• tto eec11. ' .,.,..,. H, uo. LtlN Ml!f'I Viewer_ . 1ot1eo113. ldiOOI ,_ 110 ""llfl .,. ....._ .........: li.i "°'"" -•••• to. ,..... 110. -.. .,... w..,.. ....,.,. to • 1tta. 11414 W. 11111 C......,OI"/,_ ....._ t10. I 1I0·11110 t ..... 0°"9I "*9 lent U Tda: ~ f H . 'MiNMllo ....... Ito'~---..-..... &JIJ IMO? l -IMlr II ...... oCMI 1119" -...ia·::au • f!!e.:.t.!t. Ot1t1 Mtta. tlfrit, ,,.., .. ,, 110. ifi7f. M ......... It!:_._.. ,.,,... .M . f.j . ..-U , ttr1 1111 t••H 1 ~ ttlt ..,_ ~ ..... ......,, MO. , .. rlu• IH, 11 fl ·m•!,K,•!,!•.'-!...'!!!.: ii' TJ·1·fi!!' !!'_!I: .. ·= 00 .. ll'W:·i · •. °""" ........ ,... ....... Kltt9'tf'Wltt ™-~ .... -~ ............. ., •. n- -....... ---,.... 1111... ...... = ,... ~----.,....., \!f,' '*' 1~1-• .r::( -!!! .... ........ = ~ "liiF--= ,.:&::'"I..:: L ::.:o S ..... · · ~ .. ~~ ~Jliiii= l!..Y: · · ~1&.:r, l~IJT.U.r.Tli ~ _..._ . ~ I ~ ••••.......... ~~~~'········ !tmfr .............. tmllfl. •.•.......... tn~l!l'!lr.! .. . IRICKWOP\K; lmell lobe. lntlbt IOWHt ,.,.. HvC"'~':." T&i GO OUMllJOll l lmall MOYlnll Jobe Clll MIKE f.i~ 139' Thorough old-IH l'lloned Complete htt0lt1nlng, Aelt. Jan 63 .. 0 fff ~~~·:~m l)(omp1: '*'' ... 1oe. 10 :'tt'1c1et111.:i.~,. Vt• In ., ... t4t.Hl4 ln-tiouM WOid ,roe. Oltm dlOkl a patio CO• 11.a.J••I•• var•. ,re• e111 . r•I• ::-:r •• ••""••••• •• ••••• HAULINQ.Ql'AOINO • fltfl ctamo1111on. olean.up .•• ~~! ••• ;~'··•••••••• COtlCrete & tr" removel 1'11pon1lbl• 0111e. 11lnt OulGil MrY. 642-7138 rel•. will t•M & animal lit "replliOee·'*''.,. llMll• No minimum t42-otet 1ea'1-Pai1oa>v..,.., •• ,..-. •• ~............. 0•1•1c•L •••v1ou ,rompt, 640.2335 Tim Tllll Atta. l'r• NI. 14-.0414 Farthlno lnterlof Oetlan "' " .. '""" Expert Maeonry: Ouallty HANGlNO/STRIPPINO 8kk.PO•TY&>1no•,11te ~!I~ ••••••••••••. fopj)9d/retn0~ Cltln 1.tp, law11 renov. 751•3478 HAULING & MOVING beginning 7.u to •• ,, Looal. Student w/truok. wkly etc. 833·21111 workmenahlp, r .. 11,110 Vl .. -Mc Ioctl &46-1326 PUtdel •viii. 142·8511 prlcet. R•••· &61-4586 ASA PAPERHANGING ll!!ldl•n •KATP\INA'I : LIVE·IN llllcpt'I, dally meld ..,..,, ottloe clH nlno. orpt cl11n1no. 13e.21 ft MOWINO • CL!AN UPS Haullno • Lanct~ng Lewie 875·1180 Aeitpofltlbll tu prof. wtll 1 yre locel exp, Guar • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • #nUf. wor'". Prloee etart at SERVICE & Rl!PAIA ._....__,_ 0r1v.a, patlot. w11111. ,.r .. Fr" HI. 642·9907 Haullno·•tudent w/t1uck melntlln & NC\lfl your homt Whllt you lrl\191 Beolnntno In Sept, No druo1/1lcohol or 1mo· klno A111. avell. Cell Anewer Id •250, 842·4300 24 hra. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " van Ooe>ent Setvtee CO • ABC MOVINO . $8/roll. A* 761-7027 (71') 831·40M :r.m,.;;:;;~•••• H I. No ~'i.~o:o;m•fl, tmooootlled f~7t --------!/.'!fl'. ••..•••••.•••. Mow, ectoe, t1ke. aweep, Low rat H , rellable. 1prlng cl .. n-up. haul Thank you, Steve. Chuc:rc 142-2873 bet 9 _7_5_9_-<>_1_2• ____ _ Oulok, Careful Strvlc. 11,,1,1111 .. 11 Fr" Mtlmal" 552.0410 ••. ••• :r.~.:r.:: •••••••• r/11 ltUll ..,.,,,., f.t . .'H. P..1'. •• •• • • ••• •• DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC am. HAULING & DUMP Aepllra, new 6 old. 1 I JOBS. A1k tor Randy, 1rl· 1 11¥1•• EO'& Pl.AST!RINO ..... ce~A"..4ic·r1te····· 'l'o~ Qullity. S~lel cat• ATLL TYPES PINT/hEXI T ' Plumblno Repalre. •••••••••••••••••••••• Wl!OOINO IOUOUITI yr• up. 8Yd 552.9592 R11lct Cln-up1 garden 641•8427 1tr11, malnt, trH trim llULLM&tm R .. pontlblt cpl, mid 30'1 IOC>ktng to houMllt thl1 aummtr We'll care lor planll, houM. etc. Cell Ktn Haven. 780·0078, ,.,, .... 11 txtur" ate no Fr" Ht Sob 675-5051 In anctllng 2 yr1 exp FREE EST 645·8258 & COfMOM rreetrveel ICH' a llletfme l!uropHn tecMIQue 073·722? tor chlldoart oenttr available, In South Oranoe County. c 111 for ct.tell•. Wall t111turta·ACOU9tlc Fr" HI $41· 1090 Wiiiy PROF SERVICE Competlllve RatN Cullom c.<emtc Tll9 NO ov~lme. 730·1353 Pl.ASTER PATCHING Ptompt Call Clluck RHIUCCOt. lnl/tal 30 5 STARVING COLLEGE yra. Neat Paul 545·2977 87 ·1<108 cty• Hang·T1.,..StHI 1tucta Haullno • yrd cl"n up Lie 3tt944 1·532·55411 Ron'• Gardening: 6 Y" Quick & clean. Free e11 DRYW .. LL T•P ... G aamt ., ... Ouellty et 873..0M& ~~ .............. ~!~ ........... . " .. 1"" 1aa1 r att1 M1lnl/ ---------All TtxtUfH. Acou111C lanct1capt. NB/CctM STUDENTS MOVING '1 hn/ CO Lie T12<1·438. ,,,,.,.. ..!!. •••.. !!•••••••••• Dtl119Waye, Patlllno Lot Flnllh & rough catpentry, Aepalr1. Sealcoallno. cebtnet1, room addl· l'IH HI Ktvln 875-9088 675-9388. If, / l -------------------1 .. ~~!!!.~~!.!I ....... . ~~~~!~!l'!!f •....•••.. ln1ured. 0<11·8<127 ••••••••'••••••••••••• JAY 1'REE CARE. compl. WATCH US GROWi ft .. rllt Pl1•r.l11 Mt~ a. tlump grinding. $&S Aapfllt 031-419tltc 11one. 840-7228 fl!!!'!!.'! ••••.••...... lflllt1 La•4te11l11 ROBIN'S CLEANING John Mullaney & Sona Concrete, brick. wood deck•. rtlanct1C?tplng & tree removal. 770·2953 Your full ltl'Vlpt plumber Lle'ct, 1n1 840·9308 r!f!'J!~f.............. IU•t4I0/141-1212 HERITAGE TREE SERV. o.,, tiallbetg Gractlno FENCE.6 & OECKS TrM trim. gen. clnupa, Servlot • 1 thorO\lghly & P•Ylno Co. Ret/Coml. Mark Robln1on Conll ~~~~~~~~~ UC. 397804 842·1720 Since 1978. 764-0969 - ELECTRICIAN-Priced right, frH 111lma11 on i.toe CK ama11 toba. PIH P&JmH II •LL 1•i 1121 comp1e1t tree care. 11 by Richard Sinor Lie 1; <· • • yrs exper Dan 552·5377 ce,,...nt work. Frtt Mt. cl11n hOUM. 540·0857 Cell 54111" 1804 anytlmt. TIRED OF HASSLES? ~!.~t.'!!! .......... . CorMfltone Carpentry Spec, In Patio Co~ Lie. 39ef21. 873-0359 Tired or gardtntr1 who Rlllablt cieanlno help 11 only mow & ed09? Call herel Rafa. 980-7462 Phll (714) 8111·9801 Renovatlng·Sptlnkler1 280844 13 yt• 01 happy 24 llr 7 ,,,_.., tft -------- Profaulonal Auto Clt1· ~. wuino. Potltnlno. The Detal"'9 640-5199. Fr .. Ml. 498·•014 ~!I!.'.~!!!~ ....... . LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Oual work·Real. "'" FrM "t. 031-6072 Tom ELECTRICIAN Jes1le'1 «a1cttnlng Clean-up1, "" trim 6 matnl. nrv. 540-8035 EJtpertlM HouMkeeplng We f\Jrnlah vacuum & aupplles. N-lawn1-Cl11n up Dav• 842-<1863 Bud 549-5205 local cu11omer1 Thank you. ll31-<1<110 ~!.'1!!!.'!!'!11.~!r.!! ••• r.-.~'.'!~1. ......•..•••• Most 1ubjec11. K-14 Oay-t ve-aummer S 10wk Mr Morgan. 8•5·5176 Automobllt Air Cond. Repair. 180 Wiiia Pl.ct CM. Bonttlloe 548·5208 No Sttam/No Shampoo Stain Spec:lall1t. Fut drt. Free Mt. 839-1 ~82 Sml jobt/Reptlrt. Lie. 233 108-C·10. 548-5203 Etectrt<:al Contractor Ind ... Comm, Ree. Lio 333217 Ph 557-1738 !'.'.~~r!'!~~ •••••.••.••• HOME IMPROVEMENT REPAIR-PLUMBING Carpentry, llec, Ille. Free tsl No lob 100 1ma11. 645-2811 Vaneau 971·"838 Joen·e Cleanlng S.rvtce HOUHl·APll·Renlals VANDENBERG LANOSCAPINO Malnt .. aoct . plantlno, teed lawn1, CIMn-Upt l ltlm Llc'ct 1179°514e PAINTER NEEDS WORKI 30 yra exp. Intl Exler. Acouetlc celllno• Davia Painting 847-5180 EXTERIOR PAINTING IHI/•• !~'!~!!.~{~~~!~f ..••. Cuatom wor·k FrM eat ••• • ··'· •••• • ••••• • • •• .. Let the Sun&hlne Jn" 144111-1 .. 111·•••-'· Ftee Mt. Reaa prl<i" Oual work Lie 337169 831·2345 Olllces. 5'40-1287 fRH HTIIAm Rea1. + line Int. & ital· "'HENRY ROOFINGv Call Sunahlnt Window nlng. Steve 5•7·•281 Stiake-Shlngln-Comp, Cleaning. Ltd 5"8·8853 UlllTll WOl'llO General Housecltenlng Reliable, tefa. 10 yt1 exp 982·0510 all. 4 Sod. aprlnkler & ah rub tnstallatlon Out work only looks Hptnelvt. Check oor prlc" befort you buy! Lie 204518. Call Judy. 6•6· 155 t RALPH'S PAINTING Uc "15232 ~8-8213 20•1, Monlhly 01acount We don't make yoo wait Lie. 3701189. 831-7823 EXPERT HANDYMAN lntle.111 Ren tales. Huber Rooltng·l ll type1 MR. SPARKLE au wnctwa. Ref. Fr" HI. 538-9898 New-rec'lver-decks both Sid es, acretna & RESIO/COMM'LllNO 20 yts. Do my own wotk Lie. 2760• 1 Al 646-8128 Catpenlry • Roolln<;1 Plumblng, etc. °'42·6013 Ouallty Houaecleanlng with a Peteonal Touch Btlh 850-0933 B&M Palnllng & Tiie UC .a411802. S.-8-973<1 11acks Hontat. cteptn· Free esl lnt/exl & stains •-iH•I dable Guar no a1reak1 LOU'S HOME REPAIR Etec-Carpentry-Plumo. Lf•r-''• ,., ... "'" K ReH prices 5•0·565• 10 yrt In OC Spec r11e •••••••• • ••• • •••••• • •• --------- Plaat«·Stueco-Pt1n1 Reu. prices 875·•558 Home Cleaning honest, rt llablt. hardworking & 1eletences 55•·•454 !~!!!~,! ........... . on apts Call 24 hrs. MOBILE SERVICE 1·995-3488 colleGt. Reacretna/Ntw acteena You don't need • gun to "draw fut" when you MAGICAL ILLUSIONS FOR All OCCASIONS HOUSEPAINTINO NB/CM only 842"9552 place en ad In the Dally Find what you wan1 In Deity Piiot Ciuallledt. Housecleanlng + maln1 & repair. Sherry 631·51•5 Reis. Steve 988-6463 In 6 001. Free est. SELL Idle Item• with a Pilot Want Adi! Call now Call Bruce 972·0116 Dally Piiot Clntlllect Act. I 642-5678. DO A LITTLE llUllNEH IN YOUR OWN HOME ~~·.'!!!~~.'!.~~ ... !.~ Ollit• ,.,.,,.,,' Wheek:halr Evernl/ Jen· L1/ .... 1 IOIJ nlnga model. Gold vlnyt •• ~.~.-.•••••••••••• wt apeclal lta•u,..1. Xlnl Metal Secretary dHk wllh cond $300 848-467" right hand phone $65 . . 5'45-6188 Large macramt plan I l·R-epo--saes--Hct--cop--1.,-. -3-M-I hanger S5. Approx 6 11 Model 3MllHS, needs lall 645•6188 some tepalr Phone Paul 641·7I17 ... ,. '11.11 .. ... ~~!f!!~~! ........ . Cla11•l IOIO .••••.......••........ 1911 UVA JET Sii Stock . never raced $1600 Call 5"5-6974 or 12000 • lull l1mlly mem-l·R-8-P-0-5-5e-s_sed __ S_c_tl_p_to_m_•_·1 642-2073 benhlp In John Weyne ---------Tenala Club lot only tic mall addressing Jet-Ski 474 cu In Stain· $900. 7t4/62t·1503 system, Mod 28 Incl less pump $1200 c1bin81 6 supplies As· 645-9190 Kitchen ett w/3 chrs. sume tease 17 P•Y1• al ----------1 gtaylsh. $20. $68.45 ea. or 1ubmlt Used Tad kayak 55&-2170 cash bid Phone Paul $325. (71•'"'"1 7117 All 5. 963-6897 WEOOINO DRESS · Never --~--·------i ----------1 worn, u 12. Wm Cehlll o es k T o p C o p 1 et , Dinghy. 8' lb<gl1. perfec1 TIE PlllCE IS HflULL Y IUIMT" cttalgn. Asking 1200. SHARPFAX 205, xlnt lor summer l un '125· on this 24' trawler with so much t.J)H r, • d C..~ • w •I tJ 979-0692 cond pertec1 tor small Kevin, 675-3732 --------- 1l1111e1tln/ 1010 ••• ~'!!.~~'! ......• !.'.~~ Have 35 Nwpt moo,,ng. needs 45' will cons.der l r ade/an d o t SS 675-3922 Nwpl Bch pvt allp. up 10 45' boat; also side 11e 673-1964, 673-4582 '8 1 HONDA 750 Custom 1500 m1 M ini conct Must sell al $2, 150 or besl olt 963-9595 79 KAWASAKI KZ 400 Good cono111on S800 F1'rm 673-7925 days 8am-3pm ...... 65' lllP or mooring tor Motil Ht•,., l•I•/ aailboal. Npt Bch Joe leatlltor•t• 1110 6<14-0502 ••••• ;!' ••••••••••••••• ----------1 Rent 26 motor r.ome Wa•t 11-tO Iii• witll sips 6, lully loaded ...,. , .. ., ••••• ,. 645-8616 •••• ,. •• ..i I• .... IMMACULATE 27' M/H ftr• ltlH. Oill bt· lor rent. call 846-41546 for 1nlo • ., &ti #410 , H2·4100 24 llrs. ,,.;,,,, ,,,,,, 1110 ••••••••• ~ •• ~ ••••• ••••••••~••••••••••• •• '1!'.~~ ••• 'I!.......... olllce $•50. Call anytime ,..,,, #•ii•• personality she's noticed wherevedr • •••••• ;t •••••••••••••• Two Famlly Huoe Gatege GARAGE CLEAN ouT:' Couch, ltvelors. mtac Wlllltlll SALE & 111 msg 8•8-0227 she goes! Sleeps 4, enclosed hea , Sate. 111 G St. Sat 9·2. Color burst 250 Cemere 25271 Hu~o Act. ___ .;_ _____ I L•i••••I 1130 1 lS f .A k s•~;nless s•-1 & marble 30' saJlbOat clesslc design S I 1"6 July 17 & 18 STEEL CASE; C1denza. ••~•~•••••••••••••• 0 0 ""'a , ...., """"' ~--------~ WANTED 675-9150 w/I'••" $15 3 E~"'-lz-ti un. "'" & w/ptlme •o· mooring 1st 18 10 20 Travel Trallet 5•5-8353 ·-· """"V -SattSun t0AM-3PM conr lbl. 2 swiv etira .. Mdl 1900 Rayflphon Ra-galley. lots of instruments extras. .. · C. ' J #. alt clel'*f $8 & StO. • .. t Berely Legal mafor mlgr sm add mac/\, 2 ChtS dar. F'ututo depth Under, Ca L d y h B k f re S 17 .500 Ilk es both •. ~ .. ! ... !! ....... Mlromatle grill SlO, ~~: ':!.'!r.!! ••• ~......... ol swtm-•r & teotarcta $300 tor .. , or Wiii sell pole winder. OUlflgger 11 i 0 ac t ro ers or mo 548•138 1 r1•il111 Uti/jt. 1110 GIANT Neighborhood ..... , puculet gator• ..,.,. GARAGE SALE • Chine. II holding 11\elr tat an-MP 848-0798 pOIH. hOOkl. lures. lot details 675-0915 _________ _, ••••••• ;!' •••••• ·/ ••••••• S .... •26 •v-·,.,., Sal/ to 1· al"Ylng Mii, me-.._,.s, lurn, eto~. -•· nual Warehouat Sale ----------1 comm '! fls"erman --..=-...._._.__:~~ _. ~ 25' Sllp avall lot July & Utility trlr -" ~ .. _ .. _ .. _. """' •v u•-• ' 72" evec d-". 2 dwrs + "'•"-0433 " pA.4.V~ ...--Aug Great foe In N8 Nda some~ ... ~.,, Sun 8AM. Blkt. games. 181 """".--•Wt, ~om atereo. men' a clothes, Oellgn Nmpie. & end ~ .,_ .,..,. ..u .. , ...., clothes, turnltute, hou-popper, n-t4tC clock, 1828 Newport Hiii Or. Iott of swim_., & leo· Ille dwr wllock. high ----------1 ,,,_0 Only 1200 mo 839-8556 960-5543 Mhold, Iota of goodies. lots ol 1m houuholct NB 64•-8211 Sar/Sun back judge's chair, wal· MERC 650 · $300 13 Boston Whalet. 40hp IHI• l•ll ~ a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tluff. 10c to $3. Sat/Sun 9-5· · lards •1 greatly reduced nul flnl1h, Kint c()(ld, 8 Mlstlon Viejo 859-9096 Mere. under warr . $3900 •••••'•••••••••••••••• ... ,,, l,,H • 521 Jesmlne(tear) Sall t0-5. 9•5 Vlc1orla, C.M. ---------pric.t. No Ctedll cards mos. Old. uklng S299 (teavt message) Mitch. 548-9001 16' Hobie Cat. yatlow wt lkl IOIO CllTOM TRLR IHO Sun 8am. Couch, tablllfl 0<12-9235 Twin bed mattf9U. misc. •cc 8 P 1 •ct Ca• h 0 t 75"· 7200 lvt meg teq auntlMI ullt Like •• • • ••• ••• • • • ••• • •••• • Made ltom Fotd Coutlar 11ereo, klno bed. 10 new ----------• h1hlct Items & clothes. checile only. 101! 8tlol0 AVON REDCREST '81 25· Wellctaft wllh trlr. new $2500. 675-6161 1911 IAVA bOx w/lopper, nu palnl Yendlno mactim.., chrs. Tires -12 18.5 $50475, ••tO Park Newport Sun Dr .. CM (btwn 17th & Copier, electros111lc, un-w/mtr m ount $725 1980. Loaded. Reedy to ---------536-9832 lampe, microwave. toll tome new, some almost lo.-4. 640-5243 18th off Whittler Blvd.). der warrt)' $300 Paper CHh fish, $18,500 bat olr. AMF Calamaran/Outr1g. JO $II ol other oooctlel. ,_ Lg Mfe, m""'9 ctr. ---------6 loner extra 549-11492 5•8-0226 84()..8780 very good conct $350 H G s le $75/bet Olr. Sat/Sun MOVING SALE: Fri .. Sat .. Nevajo lndl•n rug•. top IBM TYPEWRITER, Model ·ao 85hp Evlnrude molor. '78 Sklpj eck 2• open ____ 96_3_·5_2_7_2 __ _ 142~a=te.'ectM. 1965 Amok! Ave., CM. ~a':r:-~pm9.t:C,3 ~11 J~ qlty, collector'• lttma, "C" Standard. S t95. pwr 1111, lo hrs, $1900 cruiser. 130 h/p, volvo Catamaren w/jlb & trlr. Stoc~. never recect $1600 Call 545·097'1 or Saturctey 9"" See Dl,,_.~lne. oller1. 2 am drtrt, 125 5"ll·9"92 642-7058 ct s I . 1 u 1 o p 11 o t xlnl cond. $890. Rick m&11 •a11R PIS ace.TN Bl. (enddl hot t5th ea. 8 pc Corntemporary ----------t ... I 642-65'40ev 6•0·1980, 957-1001 -,-4-· _S_k_1_B_o_a_1_w_/_7_5_H_P SUNDAY 9 2 603'h Ja -I.). 00 1• 1 "· II· Ch ine HI. wht/brwn 1 IOI II •WI IHO ---------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I (I "81;_,1 Book • Furniture, bedl, elr con-nens. kllcri.nware. lutnl-$ tOO/oflet 6~6•6591 Ill •••··'··•••••••••••••• ·73 32' Luhts Sportlllher. Evtnruda & ltallet. xln1 6•2·2073 ~~~ ~ore-'· •. dltloner, china, much ture, MUCH M ORE. evea/wkncts. .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 40' Newpon Beach Moo-1wn 225 Chrya. w/Npt I S l I I D E II cond St70Cll .S48-330'4 · · more. 9-5 Sal/Sun 1082 5•8-8752 CASH ONL 'Y Rl111tfft PlttalMtl ring w/ t8' lnbOarct B ch 111 p S 2 8 , 5 O O LOTS of clolhea. hlhld San Peblo Cr ---------1 Ont way Alrllne tlch1 LAX S50 pr 8<12-2790 5<15-8734 5•6-0351 alt 5 YICllTS' frur•rt•ti,. Items 10• to $200 Sun MOVING SALE. alt 22 yra, to JFK good to A•"' 2 p 0 1•-L -•• •••••'°~•••••••••••••• &-4PM. JOO Fernleaf. " Al«IOUE GARAGE SALE china, kitchen, turn., ' g -•· ARR T • what a deell 3-4' Royal 26' Fiberglass Navy Whtie ...., r5Aft Cia-n, hit • Too mtny nem1 to llst. fools. etc t209 w 88'-St50. 75 ·808• Baby Double Yellow CR '7" TW dll Boat. cttesel molor. OLlllllT SALi ,. YARD SALE beveled mirror $15 Lace boa, Sunctey only BUTCHER Blk. cunlno lbl Head. 7 wks. S•50 Like new $47,500 $ -4 5 0 0 o r t r a ct e ISLANDER & FREEPORT •• !.!~! .......... !.~~~ Sunctey only, 8AM·8PM. lableclolhes $5.00. DIS· .. Family Garage Sale Rack. •hell, drawer 5'46-5UO •o· Royal CR New demo 642-7056 SAILBOATS CAMP-TEL Camper, Cletn 305 La1k1pur hes 25c-S5. Plclurea Evetythlng mutt go Show pri ze. $200 BAM800 BIRD CAGES J a• deal! $155,000 _2_3_' -lm-p-.-xt_n_t _c_o_nd-.-gr-e-at •lnc1e<1lble sa111ng1 $175 966-2180 alt 4PM 233 Polnaellla Elegant S 1 00-S 10 Vlctotlan Anllqu11. turn . hlhld 8"·5839 N-. large. S15 N R ~73_~8~8C HTS weekende1 & fishing •Speclal llnanclng 20352 Acacia. SA Hgts Junqut. Newer wuh chair StO Ftl/Set 1622 Items & much more. For sale by owner ~~75851545-6274 bOal St2.500 536-857" •Slips available mechlne. art obfecta, Momovta, CM (2 blocks Sat/Sun 9-5. 19 Goodwtll WHll ff Jiil &Ill 23· lnbrd. pedestal stee-•Factory toots Nearly new custom bit 8 china. ll nens. lamps, weal ol Placentia btwn Coort B S I ct D II .. , 8 ZEl81RIA FINCHESS7 rinn, ship lo shote F'ull 30' Cabin Ctu11er, twin •Ptev1ew showing of the c,amper. many attas ••.. ,_•_ .. ~.toots. "'Iv-. t61h & 17th SI). ---·-------1 Y a 111 or a • .., io. eavl u . young. pr " M II new Islander 48 unde1 t800 642-1 t63 dys . .,..., 0 "'"• .. ~ Ch II ... 0...,.... 10 f 5'49 7565 545 274 equipment & covers. engine w1s11p us1 se 542 8267 kllctlen MJpplles. 9·3 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Glint garege sale Anti-fer~~; ;f11 1;:';de ~1; • · • $7000. 845-1• 10 $7500 213-927·0014 construction -eves Sii 0 ly 9 ,, T h • quea. lurnltutt, kllclW!n Cockallel1 & lovebltds ---------•000< ptlZes .. ,111,·1-.i 1':1.11 1160 C • • n ""· ru a ood ..... tnva a-rgaln works eccompenled by • '76 Sklpjack, 20·. with ,.., .. u "' •••• If• t 1 1032 g iva, -•·· ...,. • certificate 01 eut"entl· babies & bttectetS ... ,,,•••I •Relteshments •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• reasurea ga ote. galorel 1938 & 1939 Port " c.•5 726• <taller Many e~1ra• A t a llletl p ll•t lllE 1111 SAT 10--4, 3208 N-York Sea 8tttza Dr .. CM. Bishop Pl. N.B. Sat & city. Inspect et my home -~-....,.· __ .. _. ---,,...--1 $6500 '759.9553 " ~. Ct•1l11 IOSO once n me o • • Ave. off Geister. CM 8w511t-Os1o5n7 & P 1c1 1 I c . Sun •II day. 549•4223. by appl. 548-2980 Yng & very tame Cocks· ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• portunlty to lake advan-Reconditioned 8"7·8095 8aby/ Chllctren'1 clotha, llel. S50 w/ltg cege. <12' H Metthews, twn ctsl C&l J 10 Sl1$ I llge of this lslencter ,,..,.. hou .............. Et ---------GREAT YARD SALE. Garage door opene1. 731-2133 Btlllol S59,500PP (213) N I. Yachts' apec:ll!ll purchase 1981 Puch Mui. S300, -•·· -"""· c. Alley Sale. coffee lable, Evervt .. lng mull go. good working conct. w P plan. Incl helmel and lock MOVING SALE . Hie*•· end tablH, twn bed. SatlS~~'1o.3 CUh Orlly. $75. 642·9282 ~;;:1•1 :85 8 1 ' ( 7 1 4 I 631·36001494·"806 UT. II~.... 617'1t Poppy Street. CdM bed, lovetelt. lbll, chrs, IPrlngt, lramH, misc 1911 Cliff Or .. N. Beech. HO Trelnl, switches, 111•11 .f Ol'fl•I I 40' Viking I~ Chlllet Jt~ 11 M41 11 #•l••-./fl'/ IOYI. e1c. Sat only. 2763 Items. 25c to $60. 15811---......,.----.....,....-•••••••••••• ••••••••• 14' l&llSllP 'll Fishing d iving & en •• ,. / Tern Clrcle CM. Coriander. CM. 8·5PM MOVING SALE· Chalr1 $5. tracks & scenery, On 4"6 "THE ENTERTAINER" All glau. tw. Perk l65't, te, ta I ~ men 1. Ca I; 0&11-IN $tHllU f J S0 Thurs/Fri/Sat. Table. 1tereo, T.V. $20 lbl. I 100. 844-6128 Swlnoer 500 by Klmbatl s d b th •••••••••••••••••••••• SactctlH & Ml1c Tack, each Ol1hu plclur" BUMPER POOL T•BLE Sec $725. 645-1295 gen, ld'd w/xtras. 600 ml _66_2_·_2_78_8______ ISl~~d~ ~=lers :. Soo~ 7 9 BI a ck yam ah a 81rct & Parrot Cages. SUPER SALE: TV, moped. books. t"row' rug. 101' " range. ownet anxious IH • II a-" XS <100 new only 2600 10 d rib ct 1 It " BALLS & CUES ya11111a ll ...... Try S•9.500. ,,, •I .,._., them Callloml&. -· • Fix-up Sikes & Puta. ap •SY r . -au . Lieto P&tk Or. N .B. $75 968 "637 -r-TRADE WIND YACHTS J••,•F•l•NN••F•L•Y•E•R••d•e•m••o· .. ··1,· llUIHI YIGITI m6}2 .• 0F9155'' sell $950 Toya, Vlnyl Couch & weight set. golf clubs. across from Oel1ney'1 · • $1600. 995-5480 aft 3 .. Love1ea1. Perimeter clothes, misc. Ftl/Set Restaurant Sal/Sun Wheel chalt , walker, (213) "93-3726. tax deal, offartl 30' 1922 Barranca Rd. Alarm System. M isc. ~4. 3201 Mlehlgan. 1o.2pm, shower lnvalld btncti. Deluxe Conn Splnel Or-eve '7 14> 960-l725 NEWPORT '77. refurb Irvine, CA 92714 'll h•6 CA2IO, R.C. Cola $5.75/ca. 387 •••Id• ..... IH•t C 0 ore en v lny 1 cha I r gen with bench lncld• 24 -4-2-,-,-.-m-ll--Tl-WL--.-, S35K. 39 Cat '78 toeded. 114-141-1121 $450 545-0164 Granada Way. C.M .•••• !~!f!:: ••.•. • .....• WOMEN'S NEW L • 848-4278 g~ge~e::~h~oS;~ .71. glen. slngle dsl. S99K NORD YACHT ~~~~~~~~~~ 'II llZlll HO 631-2085 Goll club•. vec;,u0u7m0. Oellgner T:,1::... eult1. Artltt's O..awtng Tabla w/ 771-3292 AIP. VHF, 11'1tKW gen, _67_3_·_88_78 ______ Renger 26" Xlnl conct 644-5585 Sat 7110, 9-3. 2 tlnka, 2 aport• equip. ' 1 reg. S150-$400. Now $10 11001, lamp. Aeron's, Ouetn btd In owner's 4<1 It Beautllul SwedlSh Ptloed to sell' Newport 1----------1 1o!IMI. furn .. plantt, toye, Brootldalt. H8. Sat/Sun. to S50. IUlll. New & ueed New 19 5/now s 70, httl. • ti ma 1taterm. L.B. sllp, Hklng I I 0 0 p s 2 9 . 5 0 0 moorlno avail. 548-7992 '11 ••114• lhfmtrt ml1c. houaeholct. 274 Ma pit chra, lamp• & lope, jacketa. pant• 50c 960--0402 CUI\. • ••• l'A ••• ~~ •• ~!!..... St5K, try $49,500. 7 1 •I 5 5 2 • 3 7 0 t or eves. CR250. S200/bat olt 8owllng Green Dr. lhact.a. -anllQUll, up 701 Lido Peril 0... Pueh mower and ANTIQUE SINGER TRADE WINO YACHTS 714/821-1503 Lido t•. •4324. UM of Sal ____ 963_·_55_3_9 ___ 1 Fatrvtew/Prtnotton. plcturH & ml1c. 9332 N.8. acroH from Oefa· ,L m-. 135 Treadle Mwtng machine (213) 493-3726. E s • Isl moo"no tor 1 mo ,. u-.... S 60 645 1295 eve (71<1) 960· 1725 '76 rlckson loop, 20 'll lltlt& WT121 8lt·ln range top & OYWI, Molokai HB, Sal only. ney'1 R11taurant Sat/ 546-7739 1 • ---------w /Oulboard. NB sllp $1750. 875-0349 aves. S 1 1250 elec, $35 ea. Kit. count· Hun I. Harbour M oving Sun l().2 JOhn Wayne Ttnnla Club Kenmore MWlng mechlne. ll' OIRll •Ill avall. S 11,500. 875-31122 UL 21 lree~~~8 · ~~.,m~;,~~6·2hm7 . 2817 Sale. Every1hlno got1I ... tl•n,. membenhlp for Hie St in wood cablnal. $45. FI B. tw. 8V7 l 'e, VHF, avail. $8500. 675-3922 Good cond Inboard, Sm·•1 Su-· .. 1 motor.....,.•e. ......, ... .,..~ 4 Sat. 9·2. 3651 Venture •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 559.••93 ' !i•0-7409 A/P, radar, tOKW, enct LIDO 14 wtlh traller .. ~...... -•-..._ (TI Id ct 1-· ct) G ·RAGE SALE L . ..,.. -------'---! $ 9000 $1000. POHlble elip.115,500 needs ting job $100 Yard Sale. 32&4 Michigan. "'· r n a .. en " : ove •fl deck, try 9 • · 714-548-9568 675.3391 BlkH, kg btd. perrot ,,..,.,., ..... good condition, Furniture & opl for Hit l•rtl•f. '"'' llH TRADE WINO YACHTS 673-242<1 C-0-too19 $at/Sun Q-3 )'911ow beloe. greeri S95. lrom Sig Cenyon Home .• ~;•••• •••••••••••••• (213) '493-3728, HOBIE 12 Mono Cat. llke ·sa SUZUKI 125 ' . . 0••;(0••••••••• .. •••• Twin btda, frame• & Call 644-8019 lal't ._... lw., eve (71<11960·1725 LIDO 14, ltlr, 2 Ml salla. n tw. 1800/beat ofr. Need• WOOi S50. NEW ITEMS: Micro-Mini A A E SALE. Walher. hHdboerct1 $85 HI, ---------........ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil many Klras, good thape. 64•·18"3 64•·5585 Dk:tloNly. IMblel. Otfle, ctr y • r • • h Ide.•. bad•. nur new Othet ooocttn. SCRAM LETS We buy end NII quality S 1,050 548-31 t3 ----------1----------Sran 01tngt Cou1 Internet 1 anllact•. Ya· Fri/Sat 206 v1e1orta. San • uMd eportlno equip on 21' lllFUTI 19' OUtrtgger, mull Mii '77 HONDA 750F SS new Conege Swap M .. t Sp cuum, IOys, chlme1, Clernentt. consi gnment Snow Tl&lf Sentane 525, beautllul Very reuonable. a n g In t v 1 r y I a st , c.36 Sunday July {tth · clocks, book•. 7 Cattell, ---------·i ANSWERS Skiing, 'IWlnd turfing. Twin, brenct n-F W.C shape, T'lt hp Honda. 875-7403 870• 7 1 u d•y•. wte· · · lrvlna. 551·2434. July Wnl8hliln water 1kllng, tennis. sutf 270 Cru .. cten flybrld,.., extras, must sell, S 13, Sabot ph·a oar•. t>I•-w/ fiends. GARAGE SALE·De1kt, 10.11 •••••••••••••••••••••• Klt1en ·Fussy board, beck peckln9, •-500. "' -· ----------1 chrl. tofat, tbl1, anti· .. 0 Vfullo S .. LE·. .. 5 F1m11y· New, ultd. Crier · Export olothlng lor all above aportllthtr wltran•om 536-11152 or 547-7623 aid• •tripe, 111n1 conct. HUSKY 400, tut & tolld. quea, ml1c. 8·4 Sat/'"' """ .. ·"pcm• auptr varl•ty. Sat/Sun STICKERS sport•. e.4~310. 1719 dr, twlm •t•p. bow ----------1 1376. 031-4878 $276. 966--2180 alt •PM. Sun/Mon. 2134 National. <tit. bdrm "'· marble 10·6 . 6231 Chinook. Plty1he poor people Wtio Newport Blvd CM. plank. •worctllsh gHr, Catamaran w/Jlb & 1rlr lor 1 ~--••rc •·e •--el 20352 Acacia, S.A. Hgta OM. 4"2·7047 coffM tabla, c•m•rH, W•tmlneter. heve no opinion. They I-~~::-=~-:-~,---outrfggar1, ball tankt. quick .. le, $840 or belt __.. ... _. recorcte, form111, kit. 111 h llf wf. ELEC OOLF CART eto Brand new tlectro-offer Xlnt conct. Rick Save s 1 o a have a '80 Suzuki RM80. good 73 Pop Up Tenl tt1r Stv htt. teebOJC. elec brks $1200 963·1 t22 8 FT TRAILER U·Haul type, ra11 cond $175 546-0438 A•t• S1me11 ,.,,, .t Att11Hrin HOO . ••.••..••.......•...• LITE BODY WORK & paint/up 10 50"1. off yout bOdy shop est 536-9832 All ChtV'f !ruck parts '·• t on lo d iesel R bll transmission lrom S 165 & up 55•· 1850 Stock VW gu heaters 6 volt & 12 Volr, S75 ea No. 479 642-•300. Ad Siiier 24 hrs Shelby 14 · Alum Alloy "ms lit any Mercedes 5 boll p alter n $100 548-0910 A•t11 /11 l•I• •..•.....•...•••••..•• IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The pt1ce ol Items ad· vert1Md t>y vehicle dea- lets in the vehlcle ciass•· loed adver11s1ng columns does not include eny 11ppllcabte taxe1, UeenM. 1tansler rees. finance cherges. lees lot alt ool· 1u11on control device oen111cat1ons or dealer documentary ptepata· tlon charges unleu 01hetwtse spectllad by the 1dven1set btlt•n/ Cl•uie1 ISlf ••••••.•..........•.•. Miil .. l "tJ Shay tepllcaa, pickups & coupes '4 10 choose lroml (006788) (Stk A3093) Prloes atar1lng al • HU H,nlJ THEODORE ROBINS FOR D JfJ6l' t'4AQP,< lft ~H" ~1 (QC..1A ,_.f\A 1,:, r ...... 1(1 Items I brlc·•·br•o. SAT Jui 10th. 9am lo ~~·~tg~u'm~ ST~CK: lnct. 4 new batterlel & nlc9 lnc1. VHF, AOF, Lo-957-1001. 640-1180 chence to win 1 Surl•· conct, mutt Hll. $300. G~ 81 ~1!.,~.~0111,. ~I 2k-$300Ti. Sat.18un. M . 4'>ITIH. 11. 18 .~1 Comet11 .fr,· , ERS. lg~ .. battery ~~~rotr, ran. auto pllot, 2 lath<>-SAIL SOARD: Sallrlder prlnth Sailboard wl1~ _a &42·1505 (Mr. Goleon) 'II T ... 179 NW a.:;;;' 1-':i • Aspen ,.., Univ. "'· o!oc,.. ... aono .... •c ---------•l_m_ .... _e_o_ff_.,_~_-__ 4_7 _1 meters, knot mew. c. SR-2. 62 •Q It NII. I Ultd ~°...~r~ OJI.~! ntw .... 'tH4 YUllU neo • Monr<>NI. O.M. .,., Furn, bede, c19"*. pl9ntt lfll#JUalfll n: Wlf ::i:e ·:~~ V;{J1~';'~r 11• ~5~~;'~e· .!!00 17141 ....... niE :lieR STORE Rune 1<lnt. forOld to NII. ~::~~~~8~~=3 STORAGEu.:.t:.:~oE :.~~= t:,'*:i:,:..n:_:; .. Wa#M ...... ~! .. ~.!~ ... "-!! ~~ !1ak~7~~·:n:.1>'.+. --.. -,----lf-U-1--1 "~i~.1 1~St~~· ,~:H::::~~110,•lnt 'II UI ... 8AL.!, 12t Dr. •• Pin.wood, ''"'I"•· latfnoll In tOdl(e wANTio··:.:_ctututarp Mtrentz Auto Stereo. Sl5.000 CHt't lor my •1~ O"'FSHORE Ketch. (1 14)142-0846 cond )( 977• f Auna OOod toOd Dody CM. let/tllft. M PM ISf..1141. led COlumnl. '4a4t7t to cowr' M~~ Clll mod91 CAR-300, tO w/ tq\llty CK good lflr boat gl;H, rrtady to cru!M, 1HO·..: ATc'=.0~ 1725 or onW . ...,_.1ti. 845-4730 ~i.!~~~.;5~0• HO, ·°'~flnt~~car~. 64~5-~9!!!1!90!.~I owe 75% ol 17t,OOO. ~,,.. ,,,, 10 237CC. Xlnt oond. 'H "0"0 lllU need•,.... :;; Bkr. (7140 875°0001, >CtrH, 4'8•3179 •vet/ torlnQ IHC)O, •r Pl rr• aMI ....,,RP Pa W ...,,,.... JIW •.a..J 8EAUTIFUL 25" RCA I ' Olngny. Whaler type, (213) 493-3728 ...................... wttnct1. 1714171 1.••-•:a.:::••••:e-;;:' ••••••••••n•••••••••• ••o••••••••••o•r:;:: ,,,,,,._. ., Colo( TV ..... 2 yr wrnty. rtfat 1150 IM• It. Finn, ... u .. -• DlrD 1teo Honda CXISOO ,64 pi--....... NM ·~ ..... • # petnttno •-wll• ••••••••••••••••••••u $~48. Free clellvery. 548·1381 .,_ ._ rU F·' I T .... ..1 ., .. ~... • "" -r'fll o4f In oni •• ..... --• I --TV Jotlfl'I 04f.17H '78 low hra, ld'd w/11tr-. UP TO 21rt.1150 mo. .,, nt. t\lm•CIM, ""• nMOI 111 ff&r, ISOO/ .. 1M.111a ....... lend~ you tove'R .. ._ Cl1111c u· l•P•tr•ke owe 76% 01 Hl.500. 873-1149 moat ,..,,, 7400 mllee. Oft 10-1'124• •o 1'-18 1"-"lfulbouQuetOf30 11111~ ..... ,3 Tealc 1teteo oeblnete w/ C.,,tury b9Y boe1. 4 cy1, Owlw .,...iou. • mike --------1 tU00/010. 111..()641, 641-1111 ' "::..:=r.:,!e;:' ,':::. m'all ~ bellooM. ~ KHlno 1 on. PA~H•ad. bltln ;1~., & Teao °'"'· hSOO. &1M111 oll•r (7141 t?l·t007. •WPWT W . ut-tltt, Attenttorl urn••, ... • t•oo Call 11111 Lo .......... oat• l .. ~~ 125 W91t AMS, a PMwy equip. 1 • 561•911• '79-21' ~.._..,,.. (21314»-3120 .,.,, '"0'. '""' lllpa •• -........... n YllMN XTIOO. ldnt ldMI "•nt•r '" ..... t:aa41.0. e . mud! MON. c.11 to .. ~ii out"' r-. c;ablneta w/15" "*'' & Mlteublel'll undar·dllh Cabin . ..;;~;.-;; On.vy 1,.. Udo llrfll'I ~ & co-"' .... IM-111; .,._ cond. ttOO. 141·11 ti NMll\I • ._,, ONLY Wl9TIM MODI.& ..._.. .... I 1'11¥1 a to horu. tOO firm . auto. CeM. ~. '*"· q ,., onty N hf-. lltOO • .,,.,., l1IOO off Oltll wonc. Ml •M l'ICNM. lllOI 'Ceil ~ ., lllO ,._. .,... ~. 641-11N. auto. rwv.i ~ ~. 541-271t ..,_''°'·.,...an '::o~' wa!. H! "It -719 ~!!:.!' "' ....,, ...... ~ID> ' 11 "· ... •1tn evet .. 11 ft Thunclef1llr0, to H, t1 000 • .............._ --..,... --lm-6!•• I w.Ml4 ._ lvll'INde, TraOer. ,.... '11 ,.... lturefi Doa8 ~·· '11......_.1, _.._.. ~ ... , ' J8 LS -m i IJIM IOfty I '' ltNll a white 1•rt HerMr a4oorl~. 'LtCl(A, ouetorn ~It, -.1 ' lO nc. "*'Y..,.., ~te!:'-itJtr •1-111111 • T t 10 dlelll ...... ...,._ ~-.,Ott IOI., IO 11too. ....mt - ---.. ......... ..111~. i. ... •• U'•1111• v, · 1180· tn4111•·100 • •· Miiee ..... ...,.. 11·~·;;;;..-:.uona1 u·'" MWMAKI -. ,.,_. .,..... U...-....... &fl//ft ............... (1111441.aMO.. oletel.Cell lo.:::· Ao· = :..~· 111, ~~ W, w-M• •' ':: .. T:;·,f:1,.~.4r..t ~.-:V.~Ar.W': :-'~:;.~ AJ~.,:.:~·.:.; P!!'-'eo=' =..·::. · '~ ... .,_ i':To'OiU .'41,; ':i :.-m:.~., ,f. ... '11 i1M l9'Mll.11 .. ,ll0-'910 Mfr.,,..,...,_ ;J;G'Wt11 OIMlflMMt--..,. "9MIWll"'9 '1Mll7 ---______ ..,....._ ----- <'I Oran~ O~t DAILY PILOTl81turd1~. July 10. 1vw¥ ·~ l!.ff l1t'!!.11M'11. ... 1Mf IA"'.~...... M. .. ...... M.~ ...... ~.a1es1.lm.~ ...... #.11~.fm ........... fl.'111.Vr.I. ........ .. ····,·.· , .. ·,··1•·1;1.. WI PIY ll!IM .......... 11.ff llttff ........... t!.ff fffl. ............ 11.ff rllr.!!m ...... lltf f.'IN!ff ......... l!.U ~fl!~ ......... "-ff e • " TIP llWI •11 Honc11 c1vio WON ·n 11 DotldO, or1o ow111. ea M11e•eno. e cy1, Pl. AT. lrn1NOW61 .. , 'o-nt l fllllm 01n . 11u oair,t, 't1 VW 'tfto!,IOO "'9· S•.ooo ml, mint oond, 1lmo11 Hite new. HK ~~:~rm:o~··~!~ ''!.!"' u11 ~.':~!·~~~~a~' &~<Gn1 ... ooo .,0•1121 ~l~n!lm.:1~.°'... • J 11,Mt _. 11:1111 ~ ... II H7~ 110 '7t IUP"" Bl!•TLI '7t 8evlfll, .unroof, vel· • .... Plllll --••1•-••1 "' "' low. 371< ml mint c:ond ·u Mu11 , oood cond , r-•--'l l CMo. • dOOt , & 9')Md, 11900 873-7307, eb-1280 12400 Of beet olfet Mutt • IUl.UI ll4llO Hlfl>Of 8lvd tAlrp,··&~.~=e .... ' 11 ••• Call 14$·1481 '72EI Dorado Con1tettlble, • NII 6"·23"t1 llWllY COSTA M!SA OllYllTllLI ·oe vw 8"111. new Plk't. flreml11 green. wt\111 Int, ·ee M111tano. 219 ve Finance • (71•) IJ1-1124 :::::n H:i,°~'1!1.~1::..\:~: 41Pd·M.-Stete0 =~~Oo11~:~:.~'/ clean ~&~?o~O:o:rt,!,s1~:o ~~~ .. N•::: ~:l~t& , ollltack ! • 1t3e c1111lo Ford Pu lhowroom cond. 13.700 I OWMf • n~ 838YOK 120001080 ~e-·•"• • • WI llY ... "~t ott., 844•44t 1. 11111 ·oe vw 111•. new p11n1. 'll • ._ • • . .,.,_, New body ... paint, nMd• ... .,... eng. & brak". 12000 Of -• ...... WOfll. 494-7138 frlk OLOI o··· !11tl>lulf. Buying New bel t. 54t·01&4 601( ml. pwr. l\HlfOOI Ol'••Nll• Hll • Baaed on . ~ill • 1111 ·eo 280 lX P~dl. $$705. 840·6472 •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ,...11 ... 1 : .. ~~~~~ ...... !.~~' '7!> Scout 2xlt. New tr1n1, brka. txhlull eye, rune good, l\dl minor work $2000/ofr 8415-4533, 2131821-3422 ••• TllOll * ••IT 111L * CIHnfft •lock '74 Bvo In . ......u 'll n 2 5 0% • " town! Olx r11ture a 17 Coupe de 111111. 3tK . w/pow. wind., orulH , 13100. 676_13991v m"" IMther, loaded. lmmac OITWI ...... : • o: 1 11elour Miia. Yo-.J euppty """ Low book $5375, HI lllHUI OMNI the fun. (t507a1). Jutt 1t7t llW Duo While on $0300. ull 16100 Loaded! Economical di•· nHd rallabl• party to White Convert Pe11act 840-t 148 HI enilnel Handaomtl make 1rn111 monthly d T k 1 ---------1 ~I 1.1,~I con . a 1 over ••M. 11 1111 (885YJ ) • • pmt1. No old ciontr9911 , s 1t21 o + T 1 fff 111•1r1 · 1 COMMKL CHlVROUT ·>\.~II 11"' 1 It • ' I!;'> I \ ,, f \ ~41>-1200 to 111ume. No 1>1ok •••••••••••••• •••• m ran · •••••••••••••••••••••• llLY llJllt f nance rate ror c lo11d-1nd le11e on pm11. due Atk tor "OM 100011 2 1001 'll •••I IT C111 ror datalla. 851-3942 Chevrolet MIWUI Ollen1t1t • approved credit, July dell11ery only,. ' •-HlghHt caah lmmedllleiy 842-4400, 558·1000 5 ti>eed . Stereo orig. owner. 38,000 ml1. '67 BAJA rune grHt, • OAllAJll LOVlll * OovetOu•il Sta. • License. tu . and tlf\llOI ch1rge e111r1 •• ~lfll _,,, for your vehlcle Do· P1oto LIM. 508TOO 12000. ~8·2370 need• p11m. priced to If you really love C•· NEWPOR'r BEACH Le&N or buy YoUr new ~vyl IM• IS40 muttc or foreign 'll 110 UTOIUll $2111 I 1flfftf 115 sell $1850 !>40-1942 marOI, give me• call I IH·OIH •••••••• •••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• !>51·8285 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·73 llW-4 12. 2 door, 4 h•v• • bunch. tnctudlng • *Brand llW '12 ChlYJ • GO CART , llbergl111, auto. 1tr, 33K, 1uper speed. One Owner Good lully loaded BERLINET· '88 Olda Cullu1 tndy bOdy. :s HP. game cond $4900 700-9091 MEISTER cond 12200 493•0041 TAS . TYPE LT and run1wefl,S400 fl id S lO Pi a. ! sh o W pr I z e $ 6 9 0 •74 710 Sletion W800f!, Z28'a J ulf nMd ratlable 548-3304 • Ith e • 0aUp • 847-6830 A•lfl /•Mrl'4 Real clean $2700orbeal POISOllE/.UDI ·73 Bua. new eng •nd puty to make amall 80 Omega cpe. 116. auto .• Power sle,,1n&' b1•ku. '6598. ~ un.-1 lhl-i •••o •••••"•••'•0 •••••••••• offer 673-0491 13831 Harbor 8lvd Urn. S3.000. Flim monthly pmta. No old ps. pb, air, f00ll1 brand rlldio lour~. ttc '!.!"!~::. •••• :: ••• :'.~~. C.Htll 110l '78 D t 280Z 2+2 Garden Grove John 548-5806 contract• to a1sume No n-$4800 832-8374 • No ~1311108 ... ...,.. • 79 Subaru 4x4 Wagon •••••••••••• • •••• • ••• • a uaun • ........ ,.I•• 1967 llW Sq bk (P•r1• car back pmll due Aak lor _, xlnt c~d $3500 · '73 Jensen Healy. very auto. air. AM/FM. 00,000 •78 CMc anrl •M/FM R R o a e 8 4 2 . 4 4 o O. 11•1• -•1 •• • • •••• •• • ••• •• • •• •••• """' good cond 11k lng ml car clean &. e nno · • "' •e--1•• only) bit •no. ptua 55'"100'" P~10 LIM ~~~ • *B d I '12 Ch • 845·9190 s . . -38M Ster'° CUI New btkl 11 • ... ,:--,--2333 trana plus more S350 .,. 0 •v .7.4 .. W-:.GoN.··.~~~-~~-,;; ran •• '" .-7-9 _F_Of_d_X_L_T_B_r_o_nco __ 4x-4-.' 4200 1·695-8225 . strong. S6500. 816 ~~2-0'1.68 IC>· Beat oH.; • • No Ht 1542-4300. Ad Ct1r11J1t llZO $ 1 ,400 or best ofler • T d Ch ft C f • fully equipped. 48,000 All• ... H 111$ 80 Datsun 200SX. un<llr .,., 3 . 842-9946 ........ ,. •n Sitter. 24 nr• •••••••••••••••••••••• 642-4274 WO-oor eve • P•· • ml. 510.8299. So Celll •••••••••••••••••••••• 19·000 mt. supe< slllfp& -.. ·11 VW Fastback. xlnt SEE US FllSTl 11 t" •ffO • l'owrr \ltr11n1 hvt sprrd old .. t 4 Wheel Ori • DI clean 2-tone peln1. 5 J•Ht 1130 '73 SC. 25K ml. 200hp FmH • ~ v r. Spd, fully loaded w/ AC, ·•'••••••••••••••••••• Polllhed •Uoys P7's 111 cond, new paint. aunroot, we have a good nlec· .. ,;-;••••••••••••••••• • 1,•n~ hll whttl econ d1t~ $6 9 9 8. over 25 units In stock P/Steertng AM/FF II•· '83 Jagu1r )(l(E Coup1. teether Int 11500 st~reo am/Im cassette atereo. lion of NEW & USED 7 t Fury Rebut11 engine. encone eic Ho 018411181 COPELAND MOTORS reo, sunrl.' pwr mlrror11 completely rutored. ayatem, n-pnt, much new tires, •Int engine Chevrole111 ru n s gr ea I S 6 5 o • ... W, • 520 No Harbor· SA antenna & more. $8595 mec:h & body xlnt. Mu1t more. Be 1 t o II er. S l900 C•ll 644• 7 117 · 642 9497 658-8000 831-6030 sell tnla wknd $0500 714-968-9718 646-2865. • e••••• • •••• ••••••• •• • • ••. ,,.,., ISIO 11 ALFA SPYDEI '80 210 Excel cond. Am/ 494"8208 '61 356B rblt eng less ·7o vw Bus, xlnt camper r!!.'!!! •••••••••• !.IJ.~ • *Brand New '82 CheyY • ····1·9··T·o·Y·o··T···P·c··K·u·P··· Bliek Beauty . 32K Fm cass. New llr... 'll .... I.Ill than 500 ml Ne.,.; bat-van, looks good. rune '80 FIREBtRD ESPRIT F d c·t ,. ! A I I s 2001 I 7c. 800 . great. 2nd owner * lllST SELL* • our-oor I I ion • * .'IT 'Ell 1 ownr -m nt • 252ZAH 4 bst or. 111·4 Brown w/belge Int .. sun-tery. clutch, no rust. $2300 559•4095 * $79911. or760-3691 Sally rool.chromewhls Trina White $4500/bst. CIHsy yel sassy. Brown Aulo lroni 4tr colld ~.,, Sport Model, greal ml· U jutl rebll Clean, rtllable 494·687!> '81 llW Rabbit convert , w/gold velour bucket • \IWinR buke~ ltnled gins s9499• teage, cusl. wheeta. di•. '78 2802· 10 ml. aunroor. Fo k 1 $9500 loaded 5K ml $9250 1111 OIEYllln seals. auto w/aassy 116 • t it No b()021 /S41 • 1n1er1or and morel AM/FM cass. stereo, 'qutc see · · '68 912 Targa Rbll eng ( 15078641 Just need re-coppe1 $7000. 640-to 11 PIP 498-7997 New carba, x'lnt. 17500: P.P 752-1784 alt noon lllPAU 2 IMI that dellvers great power ... latr 645 1410 77 llW R bbll kl SJ Has ONLY 67.200 orlgl· & econ (1AEK068) Jusl ............. eeeeeee••··· liable party 10 make '80 Datsun Wgn !> tpd, •11•••• C•I• 1134 · · • • as ng · I II I need reliable party to * , 82 Ch small monthly pmts No AC. stereo. 28,000 ml ••••••••••••••••••••••• '61 358 yellow Orig 095. 2 dr. AM/FM can. na m es. automal c k II thl Brand llew evv old contracts to assume. PP. s4490 575.7414 '70 Ricing with high per· cond All serv. rec. s6. clean. 714-5!>6-7280 ~:a~es,Pa~~~~n~'8:'~~r:i ~~Is e ,:0m~ld ~o~~ract~ • •' • No 1>8Ck pmts. due Alk t0<man~ engl~·· '3200 000. s.42-9771 '63 B1111 Bug 1835 CG en-Could UH some body to assume No back • Celebr"1tv Four-door! • lor Rose 8 4 2-4400. • f•trlli 11U 5-35 5 . • glne. dull carba. good work & paint Good pmts due Aljk lor ROM '1 556-l008 Proto LIM A•ll 1101 •••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Karman Ghia au,,..rb 80 924 Turbo. loaded 80 mech cond S 1450 transporlatlon •sklng 842-4400 556-1008 • Aulo llln~ ~.,, ~trtt•"&· a: •••••••••••••••••••••• . ........ 924. lake over ~.... "" . bP~·· an cond AM/fM tlt sa 9 9 77 Ford F-250. AC. AM/ '80 Audi 4000, 24.000 ml. cond, new headliner, 714•825•1808 673-2912 $1000 or best oller Call Proto LIM • ,.,· 79·46/]lOI • FM. $4000 A C AM I F M 4 d ' OIAllE otlm'I rug•. sheep1kln cover•. ·72 llW Bug Xlnt cond Dawn If (714) 493-8181. -.7-7_G_R_A_N_B_R-IX_._m_u_s_t ---... hlr 840-4992 S8o0otolr 552.j876 · brushed alum wtlfs. ateel '81 928 Porache. Plall-Real clean• s2050 Call e• 1 508 7 00 10 4 oo 10 appreciaie s3000 or • .. HLY AITllllZll radial llr11. Garage kept num, 12,000 ml. $33,500 d 640 7051 weekdays (M·F), (714) be5I offer 645-9246 • •••• •• • •••••••• •••••• IUITIFIL '78 Audi 5000. red w FERRAii $5800 642-7966 ev11/ or besl olr 840-8786 ays . 493-6778 weekend• & • *Brand llew '82 Chevv • 1111 TIYITl ~~~!,v~~~; 1~~~ ai;'~';' IULlllllPI wllnda .67 91 IS. alee sunrf. llHIT 'l1 YW Ill evenings (not alter 900 77 Trans Am T-top, ate. ., S R5 sho r1 bed, new clean s4aoci 644·_1465 · #iw 1111 comp!. orig .. 10 ml. mat-Low miles S howroom Pm ptean) ~:'. ~~~o~~t';Iiy8~~~~~o • El Camino! • clutch. new tires. new I~ •••••••••••••••••••••• chtng luggage s12.ooo cond S2.39,5 559-5010 IUST SELL! S5500 586-7149 pa 1 n t • l n t con d '11 1111 171 Ill or best 1-483-6744 73 VW C • Auto lr•ns 11r cond Y6 $ • $4575/olr 840-8709 alt XI t d $10 000 • .... amper, Estall ·711 Chevy Veg• 1976 Forebtrd Formula eng 22 R•I flnl rlc 8 9 9 8 6PM n ~ 8755. "-' 1 Porsche '64 C, compf 640"9019 HIChbk . 48. 700 mo. xtnt cond Must see to • No JJ16 7'>6!> ... ._._ • · ---~ restored w/new engine $3000 S 375 9 8498 apprec S2750 Dys -r Fo rd P/U 1H8!>753 l 'WU/ •11z $9900 OBO '70 llW BUG 1 4 4-days • .. $1400 Shell CB Lrg ,...,. ~ New...,.,. Beach 12 3 ...... 7 5256 . new pa1n1. 7 14 -7 54-6277 e vs. •••••••••••••••••••••• whee11 ma ~y xi ras •••••••••••••••••••••• s42'.94o5 1 ,... . (red). n-brakes x1n1 '65 CORI/AIR 714-842-3906 • *Brand llew '82 CheYJ • 548-9832 lli'ifU··~ t I • 1978 924. xlnt cond Low cond 631-31"7 Needs w0<k $600 OBO 70 Gra1'd Prix. 78K miles. • miles. 11r. s unroo f $2000 '" 642-4336 auto. atr. am/Im, $1200 • M l"b f d S d f. 1972 Chevy Luv, Wlshell, ~ r.,·,, •1•• $9500 675-9132 -.5-9_1/_W_R ____ ~~~~~~~l a I u our-oor • an. new paint. mags. AM/FM ~ • ., aglop. never _ C•ll 896-4235 days, ' ••••••••• ••••••••• •••• Ill UI f1 J It "'1S 1~t0<ed all or"' blk w t 536-3258 eves • Au tond 1ulo llins O•I • stereo casseue. custom .78 S d 24 $lOOO t•I• ~ v~ • 'V· 1966 Nova, n1w paint, s9 5 . rear bumper. 101s o l PY er 1 . ,.01 YOUI •••••••••••••••••••••• red & wht int car In C.M sta1nles1. ball. exhaust. ~leering V& t"111ne, rte 9 8 lxtras. must see S2,800 belowbook,looks&run• ,.nfllAlOA. • IEW BOl-484·0726 Sl800 cart>. FIE &tires $2200 '!.t.'!.~!!!~.iff •.••• !.~~~. No 08!>8'74!>? l t•I..._ • fantastic. no nicks or _, Judy 642-0452 denis. 36 mpg. $4435. ""IT I '12 IHa•H LI Oar ·74 Dasher stat wgn. No 479. 642-4300, Ad '69 T-Bird, 1 owne<, fully •••••••• •••••••• ••••••••• '67 Ford F600 2'~ ton SllH-IHYICE Jim 548-7245. _, -.. "' IHJ te OltHH Fr••· good condition. S2200 or Stuer 24 hrs. equipped, never dented, * B d N 8 Bobtail. 390 CID engine LUllll , .. __ , EJt· Bucket Seats, Rally best 551 •9612 or ·79 Monte Carlo. sllvet/ tooks&runslantastic.all • ran aw, 2 Chevv. I _,. 551-3276 b 1 118 1 orig. Call Mr J ames, •' encl. van plus I flgate 83 1·2040 495-4949 ms .. SI um ll(U ~IW Mags. Deluxe Trim, Rack lue 1n1er or. air, . 0-548-7245 • I I s . w $4900/ Oller. 979-2000 SllllEllOI ••• • & Pinion Steering. Front ·70 llW conver1 rblt ang, cal 15K mile• $5195 mna I tahon •con! • ewt 132 or 55i-3660 al-28402 Mivguerlle Pkwy Wheel Drive. Luxury nu top , make o Ir 645-6218 '78 T -Bord Loaded, real • A to r,, d 1 ter 4 pm Mission Viejo ...... , ,,,.r111.1t, Interior & MORE! 499-2306 Great shape ·73 Monte Carlo. lllnl lu•ury With 21mpg, Ste-PS Pe'.·:~ndo~~~ lo~t~· ,'rcR . sg 9 9 a• ·72 Ford Camper Specoal (Avery Ex11off1-5) *f•Nf•STIC* '81 Mazda 626 Sedan. 4 30 ~:;YA f~'~wy '67 llW Bug. looks gOOd. cond, cteen body 1nsode ~~~;~~~~r;·3~~~/~,~~· • No 446/11180 ••• 1111 • with cabover camper Open Sundays n n dr Au10. am/Im Spot· $Cl. II runs grea1. $2500 or best & out. recently rebuilt New ures. 642-6540ev * fl•JS * 1es1, 23,000 ml At111ng olr 642--0219 engine. 11000 559-1461 546•3834 ••••• •••••••• •••••••••• .. n 17.495 Owner now has 11 ., Z 63 T Bird Orig 20 yr Old * B d Ill '82 Ch t..111t'C SfilCTV\Aot Co. Car 714-639-6802 (aerial 009341) ·74 Super Beetle, new 11'tnsl•t ~I S • ran neW evv • '78 Ford Ranchero GT nuuL ""'" WE'VE G~T FUEGOSI pa int. tires. up ho I •• ~1.···••••••••••••••• ctass1c. hke new. low mo .. , Bro ugha m. power seies-Service:Leulng PRE·OWftED llllll Cl&IT S250o Best buy • ·715sc1 os~D.600B0A.1gadkecson,d, $2950 759-0650 • C1"tat1"on Two-door! • brakes. s1eer1ng & seat. r13 J20l'1 lrt hrel FIAT SPl>ERS & Xl/9'i 1111/.llEP/IEUILT 646-0170 V~• 1914 ~~~. ~~. !~~~~· .;::;,~ * .7~~~::,00~nlrf MANY TO CHOOSE Fl<* 2524 HatbOf Blvd. CM. Viln 111Z 1 :~ ~-7 ~~~yaler Cordova • i / v:o ~~· ~·; ;;•i• ~·;~ • ~s111~r~,~~~I>' 4,~·&:,:Ulpul $ 9 9 9 8 • vinyl CO'ler on bed Ex· · ·· · EXAMPlE 549-8023 645-7770 ••••• ••••••• •• ••••. ••• m~h good c~d 1200 • No •704 1112 • (4381/CK) Maroon/while loP Lo•-~ · ~· ' ' tras Include. c1mper 77 FIAT Xl/9 •-JJ J •151 '70 Volvo IUS. perfect ("""OhabfeJ 673 8793 ... ._._ shell toP sfldlng window * '79 633c9'. au1 0 .. low 1 l Ma ZIA I l C -I Mlrf J cond . new patnl & in1 d • d 6 3 . 0 0 0 m i .. ..., . • _, .. & temovable plywood mis . (5535418) 4 SPD Stereo, Mags. • . •••••••il0•••••••••••• S1600 675-97411 $3 7 00 I make o Iler '76 I/EGA HATCHBACK • ••••• • •••••••••• •eeee -'t::;,'r11t8~ni~y. c~r.rs~ ~~/;i~:~~~J:,: 1 : gn~yo ~70 ~ .~!SMR 5 ~~Estereo •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. t>1 Y•h• hM•r ;51";:::,!~5v8. blk/btk As~1'::;'sr1a1°:· '~J~1187 : *Brand New '82 ChlYJ : ~4Ee': .. \o:3.900 17141 m.1~7(984322TORl,T) , ..... •tc Browns4'Beloe495 AJH 842 mCARVERIOCE I• lrH&I O.••tJ1 ~l~~~~~o~:r.4:i~10~~ ~n~.g;9,~g~~"~~·l~I Celebrity Two-Door! .. ..... " s21:11 -.... RS •Rl"IOE ~ 1950 9!>7 0330 • Aulo trans pwr ~leerinc • (468XE0) U -• -• • • ~~~'. :1~~~~6~asse1te • wuldow$ & loc~s V6. tic $ 9 9 9 8. Vu1 IS10 • 80 320•. 5 spd . snlrl. ~~ ~g..-Ill LUllH '67 Chrysler 2 dr hardtop No 0?98 1.w.i ·:;;v-.;,:;,~0~;·.;;;· MC C659ZOK> 77 FIAT Xl/9 cLoSEo suNoAvs ovERSEAS DELIVERY ~c;>;-~:1~uns gooo S3oo 1955 T-llRD e 1 .. hlJ e * .'IT SELL * IJl-J1l1 4 Spd. Stereo Cass.. EXPERTS Immaculate. 1 owner car •• ••••••••••••••••••••• 206 w 1s1, Santi Ana a gs Luggage S.11" •1~0 11 • J ••311 • * 8 C • I Super Clean. low miles. Ctosed Sunday ck . Yellow/Dk ••• !. •••••••••••• ! .. '!. UILE llE .,,.,,.,.,, JJ "' S1erhng sllver & has botn Brand New ' 2 hevv removable rear bench ________ _, row 614TMY LUii A 1112 WI YILYO •••,:,~~~'<5~~;;;~;;,-·· 1ops l240600) Only ., i'i';:,!H~;~:~~~1·r1 CH:'~~&~~~~;' 4995 !!~~~~!!.~~.' ••• !!.~~ 100 Tllll '... l~~;~~rE~~d Lo! s~.~~~he*ulll· $12,:~EI PHHI : !oa'~a~u p~,~~!s" Wagon! : (679SWH) Jusl need re-•Ill,,,.,., I $328 60 ICl·HOJ HO-Hll male In personal luxury ClltlUC • •,0<1c-~ Slftllni cruo~t ronltOI s9 9 9 8. llable party to m a~e 78 FIAT Xl/9 IH4 lerot4H Right now, llve models ltnEY small monthly pm1s No I 0 I II Cl ARE II • '13 YILYI Wllll are avallable. poaslbly (11•) 521-9624 • No '>100 /)54 lew h lf • old contracts to assume BMW 4 SP d · Fa c I A Ir• fl I ••• per monlh plus ta1< Lo mi. good eond. ate. one lor you I Just need •• • • • • • • •• •• • •• •• ••• • • No back pmts. due Ask Stereo. Cass . ••Jfltl•I 11H1 48 month closed end aulo. s24oo. 536-3988 rellabfe party to make A I U f4 • • • for Rose 842-4400, Sates-Serv1ce-LeHlng Luggage Rack . Compare House of Im-tease on approved ere---------small monthly pm1s No .!.!!1 •• !............. *Brand New '82 Chevv 556-1008 Proto LIM. 850 N Beach Blvd M a g s . . ports Dlrecl leaae and 60 dit Come In & Isl< for 1977 Volvo 242DL red, old contracts 10 assume. • •' • 'll 011£Yl-J2l La Habra ~~uat,81~ I Br 0 w n ~I~~ 2 ~;n~:bi~/YM";;'~-details! ~1,a;~~rd ~r:~~ o·~e;r~· ~~r b~~\~m~s.j :i:: 4~~~ NABERS • ~ul-0 2,,~ns .~l•~smaro Coupe! • E•tra heads. $700/obo. o~~-:u·n~!y c E DE s I. 2 1 3 0 r IE8~~~~t~!~S 851-6993. 493-4926 556-1008 Proto LIM .. • • •• $ 73150CIHuEr9bol/63. :N:~ ~11're1ton&. • ~~n~~~ ~012ip:. s:i~j $ 5 2 9 5 H::~n~7~~3~alted long N7E~20-0RT IBEAOOCH ~!.~'!1.'f!!!.. ••••••••• ~..(I ! .• ·••••••·;:!!.~! (C:ALEDAIRLALNACCE~ •• :s 0~6~~~;;' ltw W, 12 f 9 9 8 : g" d 62K I "' 77 Fl•T 124 enough to own • Mer-u JIMC •-s M "''tor-• •••••• •••••••••••••••• • WH + ••ORE $1800 or con · m · O<'V. OW· " ,.,., 7"' '8 Cod II C • • ofter ... ner S6000 898-2260 cedll Bani? Don't let ,_.,,. 1111 ~i3ar;;,~·;·;···~i.~~ s1c!n w11rCol~ ~.n;:: *Brand .... '8" Ch•YJ STEVE S..5-6506 ·73 BMW. xlnt cond. Runs SPIDER hniys :Fn'~1~~·::~~ ··s•••••!::~·L••::,•••• runs gOOd, ~utch & reo To111 coat s21.ooo SALEI • n ' • OOd M _ .... , $3500 5 Sl>d. Stereo. Mags. ·~-;.:;."'.;.::no radl1t~ $"50. ··2-·"80 If Bona t • s rt y ' ~!.'!! •• fff!!_f!!_ •• .!.~fJ ~59-4095Usl """. Ml~~gi~1~'.0n ~::ti~ ~~lc!~t1:;all~~ -..;--""" .,, .,.. .,,. ~~;:o~~·~: 7~rl :,v:; 1 • Aulo l11nsy~~MU~011trol po lno • 1111 IUJEI Top dollars for Sports Cars. Bugs. Campers 914's, Audi's Ask fOf U/C MGR .... 1111111 YlllSWllEI 18711 8eacn Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH tc2-2000 WAITED! late model Toyotas. llofvos, Pickups & Vena. Call us today! Earle Ike TOYOTA-YOlYO ................ c ........ .. "' U•·UOJ., uo.u o Wlm USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FUl &PPUll&L Cormler-OellllO OllYl*.IT 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH 141 ..... 1, 141-1111 Top Dolar Paid FOf Your C1rl JHllMI• u. ...... ,..., 2820 Hllt>ot Blvd, Coai. M-&40·5630 Premium l)floee paid fOf Ill)' UMd C8' (IOl'elgn Of domelllcl In DOOd condition ... Ulflfltl ORlllE ctlm'I tlllST $ 549 5 bla. 111&111 !'1!!. •••.•.•.•.. !!.!~ llkestt 875-5658 • t2pns V8 s 14 598• .11• lllllHI U1·20CO CIMMI SEE US ffn fHO 1911 CADILLAC slt1to mor" lllNITI F• I• 111S IOf the largest and belt .•••••••••••••••••••••• PLllTWOOD • No 105711381 ltw lllly ' • '78 FIAT 124 1301 Quall Strtel ••Z!••••••••••••••••• selectlon of new and 78 Ford Country Squire "ASTIOIOOF" ·••• •••••••• ••••••••••••. SPIDER NEWPORT BEACH '80 Tercel. Mind cond. used BulCks In Or1nge Wagon • Piii . every llOUGH ... Mcou· *Brand .... '8" Ch•YJ IJI IJOO AM/FM. star. all xtras. Cou od yl factory option, all re-.. r n ' 5 Spd. Bright Red. • $4500. 642-3555 ~nty 1 1 cord•. out11and1ng cond (1CRA592) • • Stereo. Mags. Racic. '81 300SD. 9,000 ml. lac '80 Supra 5 ...... 1~·ded !~01~;8.164 4 ·1469 o r s14 995 • Silv1r1do Blazer! • V S C wty, enrl. 1nV9f blu, $28. · ""' ~ · "" • .,., ery harp ar. New OOO. 640.s 192 845_7107 xlnt cond. 19195 0< best t loaded diesel tra1le111 Tirses5" 192969. 5 ·72 Mercedes 2~0SE, 4 dr, otter. 754-4062 le p~o~I~ M~ls~~J 1911 CADILLAC • :1oo;~l~t~7'48 $ 6 19 a• Salff-Servioe-Leaslng IO' CARVER IOJ..5 IOCE ·13!\11W ~...,..,__...._..!.-;~'Cl"t~INtf ~VA."'f11'91 ...... 11\flflie1""""' air. rune great $5.000. 74 C0<olla dh1. econ trans. 24' Df•k• C11>1n Cruiser • ltw h tr ' • 873-2424 ~~~3~~· $1750 OBO. •I ;;~=b~~d. 12000 F/P ·~f:.~~:zo ••••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 2002. yellow. sunrf, AM/FM Blaupunkt, perl. cond lnllext. HI ml. $5. 700 873-1588 Katia Afl> MANY MOREi We btleft wt 111 .. Ille ...,,..t ' '""'' priced fllh In S.. Cllilf. 78 300D, Kint cond. LOI· '71 cftl-'la COSTA MESA ( 1948-Wood-Chrysllr • * lr1nd llew '8" Ch•YJ • ded. e.1r1 tlnk. Lo ml. ~"' 1301 (10FJ458) ' nice In & out. $950 979 2100 :~~:~80!~ 7!>1- 7881 . '80 Coro:: 5 ; 8 :::pt cpe, '78 REGAL ~pe. V6, IUIO, ~:·~~4~ $16,995 • ~.!,~~~~!·,r!~1!:ssCon•tt•! • '80 3201, 1 ownr. lmmae. Fully equlp'd Leaving country must aell. $11. 400 ollet PP 700-9000 '78 Wht. & navy 450SL. $4500 llrm. Nice stereo, air, AM/FM stereo. s3. *ll IUl&ll 1980 CADILLAC • tops etc • . ;:~::~;;~:~:: .;::::~:ag::~~:~oor f.~iJ~;;~~:::~:~~;.!! luh cu4, nu ILD0~:~~7~0UPI. No 9263/: .. ~ $20,998.· DICK MILLER ·74 2002. drk grn, nat. Int .. abaolulely xlnt eng .. trana. paint. Int $6000 llrm 495-5882 MOTORS "' ,.. . : .. 1' ' ~ snrf, mini cond. s 13.000 offer Air. AM/FM. Call --·n• a 1 2 I , •• I •• t15--0518. 875-4024 662•2188 ..-•s.•r.. 141-2111 SlJ,995 •-------'71 COROLLA. $895 ofr. OAllUOf • • • '71 300SEL, 6.3, mint Good tlon We apecJ.itre In leun '80 Fle111 Ghia Loaded. '80 BMW 3231. 2 dr, 6 cyt,1---------. cond. 83.000 ml. fully tr;~~ · fa< the business uecu-l6K ml LOCll owner 1971 CADILLAC • 5 apd. tinted glasa. A&-·77 131S wry good c:ond. equlpPed. -11 maln1•1· -tlve & profeNlonal L l k • n • w S 4 7 0 0 SIVILLI caro ...... 25,000 ml. amlfm 'cUMtt• 11ereo' n. d . 0 u I ck .. , • rn..... 1111 L1rs1 ......... 873-2290 "ASTaOIOOf" S 1 8 , 0 0 0 I b 1 t o I r S 2 5 O O A n d r e ~ I 1 2 , 0 0 0 I b It o I r . ••••••C':"• ••••••••••••• && ... 1 .. 2 (30SVPE) 548-7282 873-6606 540·682 t e11t 25 dye. '84 Triumph Con11ertlble "' '74 MAVERICK 2DR .77 5304 lully IOlded blk · 640-0838 ....... Sporle O. Good colld. ...... 35.000 ORIO. Ml. $8995 wi t an ' 1n1, $8500. for MHU 11. 1980 MMe.dee 280E, 4 1 1500 obo. 088-8l43. ... ....... I 12250 642•7054S quick NII. 648-8406 •••••••••••••••••••••• Or. IUllrl, xlnt cond. PP. '18 TR7. IO ml, yeti, gd N~ ·~ IHI C. i 11I ~ •l•T 118,050. 851·1910 dye. cond. new '""· 13.200. ...... .. ........... . •• '!! •...••.•••.•••••• ~.~P!,,Bef.%~ 865-6420 eveet wtinds 063-1900 CA L J 1 ·~·11~f~~~:~·~, 1::~:: ·72 V8, 4 IPMCI. 11.,eo, ble Hlectlon, H vlng1 78 3000. ti'-. AMIFM. V6waH9 IUI 2600 Harbor Blvd. LOlded 845-7253 new paint & tlr•. 1 1450. and MNIOel aunrf. 1lr, ltlnt cond. •••••··--••••••••••••• COJ'-' Mftl 540-9100 645-8044 i•tv•••nv 19800 OBO. 831-4878 ·72 vw ~anet Bua. new 1961 Mercury, white. 4 dr. "'•~•• ---------1 rd lt. re blt e110. Very need• tlOme '#Of1l. Tow '74 Capri, V8 2800, xln1 IM.ll I.... ·oo 3000, to.deO. xtrl IUet 0111n In tout. 13100. Seltllle away. 1150. 8'42-$156 cono. New paint, 11tru. 2,..,. H••..... ......... tank, rww 11r11. 120.l500. 5~a.-221 ·~· .. ., .. 5 '719 1 • tmectll #.' ~0 • ---------11700 ev-1. tf4..0774 '"""cosr"'.:."""M""'::" 982·e3t 2 .. " · _.,..,. • ., n . par . ..100 . '78 Zephyr z.1. 11ereo C.I 111 "' "'..,. • lffl ·1 1 Super BuR. u1r1 ••7·3320. e13.41oe 11191. AJC. 111n1 con0. 1o ••• !•••••••••••••••••• 141•1141 •••••••••••••••••••••• ::er,;,,~~·pd.1>1~248:0 Tll LAllllT mt. a... offer 851-123.-4 '74 COLT. 2 dr .. auto, '02 Hond1 Acc«d. 40r. 1:11~00:.~.c,:.~ :;:;:i obo. 873·1525 llUITlll 'll ~. llUPt •Int running condlllon, llepcl. AM/Im CUI, brl, .. 11 . •1100 0 1 0 . 'Hau s . AIC, 1mtrm of latemodll,IOw~· 2dr,e oy1,.,to,pe,a1 0. r od llrH , 72,000 ml. M300. •tf.4313 11 ... $.411-l!Me ()Nt, ,... .. ,... & pllnt. ge Cadlltlcl In SOutMrn arnllm lleflO. nlW ,.. Ut5. 151·1110 '1I Ho n di Aooord • 14000, •to..a3t3 Cllttomlll lie 111 t.odlyl dlal•. new cultom paint. Hatcntlk, new eutometto, 'll • ..... lln 'To vw 1ua gooe1 condl· 111111 s1oog flmt . 836-11$2 .. ,,.. .,. .,.. lofty AM/FM Olll am/fm oatM1'1e. bOll· Uon. 12.0001 btt ofr, .... Lii ...... -. .......... 1:•.. rldlo OOOd cones. S3e00. 11n1 cond. 40,000 ml. ,.,. .. '" ._..._ ._. ·13 2-40z, , IPd. toedtd, 4974111 snoo. 112.1eo2 1t00 Hert»ot llvd. ..-inrr.r ......... r.-.Tr !NOi. Mldlllln1. Pf'loeO H d · T DI -ffM '71 VAN, •Int cones. di• CO.TA MUA '17 MIJIT. VI, 71K CM11 ~ulotc H I• HHI. :.11,:e. 0~:;:. ~~· ••••••••••m•• .. 11.u IUftfoof, fOktodOwrl bid. •J1•-1MI ml Loldtd, No Mt. If, 271 No 1M •· ._. _.: '7' MGI, t 1000 "'°" Nw ., ••• Niii ..... ...-8001 t1M7M '11 1210, ...... oond. 4 .... No C:O. lei."°°""" ""·lo""· '*t9f ..... lllOO ~ .,, •• ,., '11 Ced ..... '"' "'"' ,,,. ,_.. , ........... 1979 CA.DtLLAC llVILLI ''ILIOAtnt:' (179Y8E) r.tJST SEEi 1971 CADILLAC 11.DOlADO llAllfTZ (074V~A) •8995 tpd, AM/l'M OH i w/ Mr ...... ""'~ -:::O"""' ooM IW\IG!Yt. '14 IUG, r..:;= f01!41 • le "'I, leUe ;. _.,YI, AO,...._, IO 1411111, H700/llt t •ft, 0...,, .... ,,.....,. !!.......~ .. · Mf, WI-*-""" llU011t1t rH1 ofr, "''· I H OO U1 ·11f7f'!!!!l!!!I 711-tOal 714,..._.,. ,,_..,. ~1111, ....... ...,.,..... 1: C\ I OEAOUNES ForTueecs-v thrc·.>gh Saturday publloatlons. 5:3 I PM the pnMe>uad-v. Fo SYnday end MoncMy publicat one. 12:00 noon Saturday. ERRORS Adwiartleen 1hould check INlr ads dally and report trrora Immediately. The DAIL V PILOT ....,.. lllblllty for the first lncorrec:t Insertion only 642-5678 P\B.ISHER'S NOTICE: All real_. lldvilrt!Md In ttllt l'l9Wlpepei Is albject to the Federal Fair Housing Id of 1• which l'Nkel It lllegll to ecMlrtiM "any preference. llmbllkln. or dllcrimlnatlon ~ on ra». colOr. '1tllglon. M•. or nadonlt onoin. or an Intention ton-. SP/ such preference, limltatlon, or dlec:tlmlnatlon." TtW newt~ will not knowln~ 8CCIPt ltl"f ~!ting for ,... ..,... wttlctt It In vlolatlon of the 18W. .UFll SAU a-.e1 . ·-.. _,., .... 1• .. _hN_ . ., c __ ..... ..II C:....illor IC c..11 .. -tr ... -·-1111 ,. ....... v ..... , lllM _._ ...... . .. !..-.... IAl.alooctl , .. "'-=:: ·-... Ii':.,.,.: '"' :.&:~~ --.. ,_a.....,_ ... ._.._ -----'--·--...,.. __ ... Q.AsSIFIEO INDEX IUlESTATl -......... , . ~-tlU forS.lo ·-...... ~ Ii.ti -, ·-~ c., ... ·-~-;-:W~..';r;:r:o ,_ ... ~Vatt•llalo ·-_ ....... _ ·-1.-r_, -·~..._,, 1111 ........ _ -=..."• Trlf Pru -~·-1 -~~a---°"'"'--._,. ___ cin-.. .. _£64_,.,.._ ---·-- •Adi In ttllt category must be p~ Open 9-5~30. Saturdey &-noon (C~ on ~ndey) 330W. Bey Sl. Costa M ... , Ca.111'.11127..., IOITAl.S lJGt --l* Ml) --~ -,,. ----.... ... -.. -... ------ I' - 2 -Orangeeot.lnty R9at ~ate/An AcNettlslng Supptement to t~·bA1LY PILOT/Saturda;, juiy 10.1982 Lingo AEAl&mm NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lush landscaplng enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floor plan. Seller relocating, will be flexible. $259,000. Cell M4-7020. JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below market for quick sale, this ocean view R2 residence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport, 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000. Call M4-7020. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers or Investors. Needs a little TLC but well worth ltl Large lot Is Ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $163,000. Call .loenNI Hendrie at M4-7020. ELEGANT LIVlltG IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, a marble fireplace, oak llbrary, master suite with Jacuz:zJ tub and steam shower, 3 additional bedrooms, a f°"'! car garage, Insulated wine room, full security system, 4 fireplaces and a whole lot more. $1,895,000. Cell Ed Eecano or JudJ Jordan at 146-7020. LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT Handsome traditional 5 Bdrm 4'n Ba home on the bay with picturesque views, family room. sunken llvlng room, courtyard spa, slip for 60' boat and complete security. $1 ,450,000 leasehold Aak for LOIS EGAN M4-7020 HARBOR RIDGE "DEVONSHIRE" An invitation to gracious family living Is yours when you see this 4 Bdrm 31/z Ba panoramic view home that Is sure to revolve around your entertaining. Features Include 2 fireplaces & atrium. $850,000 with $295,000 assumable at 13.25%. Owner will consider trade. Call ED ESCANO or JIM SELLERS M4-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city light views that come with this 3 bedroom, 2'h bath home awash In neutral earthtones. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique lifestyle that typifies Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. Cell Ed Eecano or Dntd Hlnchler at M4-7020. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-50% DOWN This Newport Beach leaeehofd duplex la just a few steps to the beach. Uve In one, rent the other. Flexible Miier offers good low Interest financing $225,000. c.11 De¥ld HlrecNer et 144-7020. EXCLUSIVE HOME IN HARBOR RIDGE "Lucerne" model In exclusive gate-guarded community conveniently located near the Harbor, Newport Center, airport and Irvine center. Ideal for entertaining with 3 bedrooms, 3'h baths, 3050 square feet, view decks, 3 fireplaces, family room and panoramic views of the Harbor, Catalina and twinkling lights of the ctty by night. O/W/C AITO of $519,000 at 12.75% for term agreeable to buyer. $850.000. AH for Ed Eecano at 146-7020. LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located Just a half block to the beach, this duplex has two bedroom units renting at $400/month. With 20-25*/• down, owner will carry for five years. $235,000. Call David Hlr.chler at M4-7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guarded community Is the setting for this 4 bedroom, 2~ bath home with deck, professional landscaping, courtyard entry, high ceilings. fireplace and skylight. $357,000 assumable at 12.1s•1 •. $585,000. Call JudJ Jordan or Ed Eecano at M4-7020. SEA VIEW GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city light and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing available. $495,000. Call JudJ Jordan or Ed Eecano at M4-7020. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Plans for a 10,000 sq. tt formal French home with no houses on either side or behind are lnctuded In the purchase plan of this site. Land ~wner must liquidate but wilt consider a joint venture agreement. $1 ,500,000. Call ED ESCANO 844-7020 SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city light views Illuminate this 3+ Bdrm home with family room, 2 Baths, contemporary styling, 2 patios, courtyard, wetbar, fireplace, breakfast nook & much, much morel $495.000. Call Hallie Strock at M4-7020. GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocealn '"~Is and mountains greatly enhance this Oevonshlr'S 1 Bdrms, 3'11 Baths, 2 fireplaces, 2 large decks i ,~0.000 In assumable low Interest financing. $695,0C. -·• cO ESCANO M4-7020 GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new summer home with Ideal rental units. With 20% down, owner wlll carry at 120/ •. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the ~h with 2 fireplaces, patio and double garage. possibilities are almost endless. $475,000 Fee. Call Steph8nle Bumi at M4-7020. • THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant gate-guarded Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms, den and 2~ bath• featuree an eddltlonat flreplac., vaulted "Celltngs, hardwood noora, wet bar. pool, boat allp, private be8Ch and. stained glaaa. $825,000 with assumable financing. Call JOE CEFARATTI M4-1020. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Crest condo Is within easy walking distance to beach and shopping. Motivated seller wtll assist buyer to purchase this 3 bedroom home with beam ceilings, country kitchen and many other upgrades. $249,500. Call Joanna Hendrie at M4-1020. LINGO REAL ESTATE Newport Beach -844-7020 JACOBS REAL TY .............. Two stories, 3 bedrooms plus loft and family room! Lovely wood exterior, slate entry, expanded built-in kitchen and huge sun deck. Walking distance to beach. Owner will carry BIG, so-o submit your down! Asking $165,000. We Show Waterfront Properties By Boat T~I lll1lll--lmmaculate, upgraded end unit with 2 Bdrm. 2 Baths, plush cptg, custom shutters, shelves, paneling etc. Central air cond. & much more. Only $174,990. LIYELY IP1811 El EU• right in the sand. Four large bedroom, newly remodeled built-in kitchen. and huge family room plus a formal dining room. Spacious living room with fireplace. Take over $500,000 loan at 12%. Asking $875,000. Owner will help. ...llT IElllYS-t111,111 Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bdnns (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plumb, bric k fire place. Large yard w/sprinklers front and rear, cov. patio, room for boat and/or a motor home + 3 car garage. Super location, and terms available. Jacobs Realty has built its reputation on friendly, professional service. W e have a complete property management team to assist in the rental and maintenance of income prope rty. This service insures carefree ownership and lets you like your investment property again. JACOBS REALTY WATCH IT BEING BUILT Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Now Under Construction. The Style Is EngUsh Tudor. The Blueprints Are In Our Office. Will Be Spectacular. $2,200.000. Susan Trlvison's Listing. BALBOA ISLAND PRIME SOUTH BA YFRONT WITH PIER & SLIP Family Estate Consisting Of Two Detached Single Family Homes. Two Adjacent Lots. Desirable Corner Location. Commanding View Of Newport Bay. Walk To Shops. Owner May Assist With Financing. $2,700,000. A Don DeThomas Listing. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CUSTOM -BIG CANYON This Elegantly Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Overlooks 8th Green. Views From Most Rooms. Formal L.A. & D.R. Richly Paneled Library With Cottered Celling. Paneled F.R. Spacious Master Suite W/His & Hers Baths. Pool, Spa. Maid's Qtrs. The Ultimate In Quality & Charm. By Appointment. $2.290,000. Miiiie Howe's Listing. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Spectacular Hiiitop Estate. Magnificent View. On Five Acres. 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Built Home Ideal For Entertaining. Solar-Heated Pool. Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area. Room For Tennis Court, Horses. Guest House. Submit Reasonable Otters. $1,775,000. Binnie Dixon's Listing. HUGE COUNTRY MANOR -NELLIE GAIL RANCH Anxious Owner/Builder M~st 'Sell His Newty Constructed Spectacular Home On Approx. 1A Acres Of Hiiitop VlewS. Soaring Ceilings & Spacious Open Rooms Focus On A Lrg Atrium W/Waterfalls & Even A Rain Forest. An Entertainer's Paradise. Call For A Prtvate Showrng. A Trfvlson-Hlll Listing. ON THE BEACH Outstanding Custom-Built Home. Forever View Looking On Sand & White Water Waves. High Beamed Ceilings & Large Glass Windows For More View. One Of Laguna Nlguel's Finest Homes. Owner Wiii Help With Financing. Priced At $1,450,000. A Hlll-Trlvlson Listing. HORSE COUNTRY Remodeled Home, Approx. 'h Acre. "4 BR, Pool, Spa. Park 8 Cars + A.V. Great Location. Keep 3 Horses On Your Own Property. Great Financing. $275,000. A Debolt-Shipley Listing. EASTBLUFF JUST COMPLETED Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Mariners Point, San Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View, City Lights. Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Amenities. See To Appreciate. $875,000. Owners Will Accept Syndicate Or Trade. Submit All Otters. Marla Bercovltz's Listing. GOLF COURSE VIEW BIG CANYON -Large Double Door Leads To Marble Entry With Winding Staircase Overlooking Spacious L. A. & Dining Room. Den W /Fireplace. Huge Master Bdrm Down Plus 3 Add'I Bdrms. Big Lot W/Paddle Tennis Court. Great View Location. Reduced To $825,000. Bob Thomas' Listing. JASMINE'S FINEST Top Quality Home In Gate Guarded Area. 3 BA End Unit On Quiet Cul-de-Sac. Beautifully Decorated Home. Surrounded By Wide Greenbelts. Parking Spaces Galore. Call Us. $427,500. Muriel Barr's Ustlng. BIG CANYON Featuring The Least Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Prestigious Big Canyon. Shows Like A Model -Bright, Cheerful Decor. Huge Master Suite Plus Private Guest Bedroom & Bath. Owner/ Agent Wiii Finance. Open Sun 1-5. $415,000. John Merrill's Listing. WOODSY RETREAT Split Level Home Overlooking Cherry Lake. Private, Secluded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeled Gourmet Kitchen W /Mexican Tile. Owner Will Carry Financing. Assumable 1st. Truly A Beautiful Spacious Home. Huge Price Reduction, Now $297.000. Lease/Option Considered. Binnie Dixon's Listing. PENINSULA Water:front W/Oock. Panoramic View. Great Location. Redwood Float + SO Ft. Dock. Custom-Built Home W /3 BRs. Kitchen W /View Window Has All Modern Amenities. Used Brick In Outstanding Patio Area Tiled Garages. Great Offering. $1,295,000. A Dion-Maria Listing. BLUFFS Single Level Lovely 3 BA W/Enclosed Yard, Private Patio, On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Painted, Newly Carpeted. Only $222,500. Sally Shlpley's Listing. Rare Five BR Lusk. Two Areplaces, L.A. & F.R. Highly Upgraded. Kitchen Remodeled. 3-Car Garage. Excellent Financing Only $274,000. Sally Shipley's Listing. OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND T.L.C. OWNER "MUST" SELL TODAY Popular 3 BA Delores Plan. Major Greenbelt. End Unl1 W/Spaclous Courtyard Entrance. Vacant. SUBMIT OFFERS. Asking $195,000. Sally Shlpley's Listing. OLD CORONA DEL MAR Recently Listed. South Of Pacific Coast Highway. Two Bedroom, One Bath Cozy Cottage. R-2 Lot. Room To Expand. F'ractlcally Lot Price. $257,000. Sharon Colllns' Listing. BLUFFS BARGAIN EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE. Large Assumable Loan @ 11 ·~·1. & Owner Wiii Consider 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded Carmelita W/3 BRs + Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbelt Near Pool. Vacant. $229,500. Sally Shlptey'• Usttng. (5). #3 AUE FONTAINEBLEAU. Big Canyon, N.B. $415,000. SUN 1-5. #7 AUE VILLAR$, Big Canyon, N.B. $725,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 2642 VISTA ORNADA, Bluffs, N.B. $229,500. SAT/SUN 1-5. 2009 '( ACHT DEFENDER, Seaview, N.B. $450,000. SAT /SUN 1-5. 542 HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE, Prom. Bay, N.B. $1 ,400,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 587 BAY ST .• Westside, COSTA MESA $11 J.900. SAT 1-4. 1126 E. BALBOA BLVD., Peninsula, BALBOA $1,295,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 1087 GLEN CIRCLE, Westside, COSTA MESA $229,000. SUN 1-5. 759-9100 COSTA MESA Remodeled Home W/Lovely Decor. New Butcher Block Counter, Dishwasher. Sliding Glass Door Off Eating Area. Enclosed Patio. Large Yard W/Frult Trees. Only $111,900. Donna Webster's Listing. I UNNYMEAD EIGHT-PLEX Two Attr"ctlve Spanish 2 BR Furnished 4-Plexes. No Vacancies. South Of Riverside Just Off Highway 60 Near Heacock St. Excetlent Terms. Reduced To $249,000. Sally Shlpley't Listing. --· ----··-~_,,.,......,...-~---~=======~===~ -:--_--------· ' Orange poupty. RMI .&•ate/An Adver1'8U\g 6uipplement to the DAILY PtLOT /Saturday, Ju1ty 10, 1"2 -5 IF NEW PAINT AND AN OCEAN VIEW WON'T SELL A HOME, WHATWILI:? A full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 "lean, mean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property. OCEAN FRONT SUPREME In Cameo Shores, total security includes TV monitors on the grounds. 4 Bdrms, work out room, ~anked by the ocean and corner location. Pool & spa with out of sight garage. Owner will finance. A listing o f the Von Getderns. $2,500,000. VERY llAYIHORE8 Remodeted cottage within bk>cks of the beach, country kitchen, hardwood floors, 3 bdrm&, used brick fir~ace, ~htful pa•lo. Ample financing available. $3 5,000 leasehold, $487 ,500 fee 9'mple. A listing of Sara Marvin. OWNERS WILL FINANCE IN BROAD MOOR Harbor View Hills. The owner will carry $250,000 at 12% Interest with no points for 5 years. Great neighborhood, nr. comm. pool. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, $465,000 fee. A listing of Dottle Valentine. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 2708 Ughthou.e. NEWPORT HAS EXCITING HOMES And thla one's a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 frploes and unllmlted view, on top of Spyglass Hiii. Sunny yet cozy, excltl'1 while practlcal. Presented at $925,000 with 200.000 down. A llstlng of Barbara Hutchings. Open Sat & $\Jn 1-5 pm. S Potnt Lome. E X :\ \ 1 I., I_ E ~ CLEAN HOME, NEAT LOAN Roving Jasmine Creek single level 3 bdrm condominium. lush patios, and spa. Assume loans at less than 12%. $385,000. A listing of Donna Schroeder. ON THE SAND With views of Balboa and Harbor Islands, overlooks 5 c hannels -3 bdrm needs updatfAg but sturdy. Owner will finance wtth good terms. A listing of Marilyn Hodges. $850,000. BACK BAY POOL HOME 4 Bdrm, 21A baths, slttln~ vacant w ith auumabte 30 yr. loan of $150,000, and owner anxious. Reduced to $279,000 .• A fitting of Bonnie Barrington. Open Mon. 1.5 p.m., 2221 Francl1co. CORONA DEL MAR HLLSIDE HOME Great ocean view, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with hardwood floors. Free & cleat; 10 yr. owner financing. Probate sale at $329,500. A listing of the Von Gelderns. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 420 DeSota T err11e•. HARBOR VIEW HOMES HILLSIDE Newer Monaco model with pizazz and J20,000 price reduction. Mexican pavers, mirrored wardrobes, patio overhang! Out of state owners will help finance. $229,000. A listing of Rita Boland. LOWEST PRICE PROVEN View home will go at non-view price if buyer has cash. Leasehold and priced accordingly. 4 bdrm In HV Hills. Interesting view, only $295,000. A listing of Dottle Valentine. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 971 Sendcaetle. CDM DUPLEX MAKES CENTS Neat as a new dime! 12°/o financing with 20°/e down. Rents are steady with room to raise. Tree lined street convenient to library, shops and beach. Accurately priced at $289,500. A listing of Nancy Laux. BAYFRONT WITH 40 FT. SLIP View from many windows, airy, spacious 4 bdrm home, large master bdrm suite with fireplace. ,3 sundecks, a cheerful & quiet place to live. Owner will help finance. $595,000. A llstll'lg of Marilyn Rousselot. GRAND CANAUFREE AND CLEAR Cute and clean, 3 bdrm on the water with dock for 2 boats. Owner will finance. priced at MAI appraisal. $575,000. A listing of the Bolands. CDM CANYON COTTAGE Quiet spot on buck gully. Mtn. view, must remodel but OWTl9I wtll e.ry at 12%. Asking $275,000 wtth 20% down. A Hating of Mantyn Hodgee. U~l~U~ ti()M~i. l21ALTOO§. f31tl •f3()()() PACIPlC OOAST HIGHWAY AT M.Allnrua BOULEVARD IN CORONA OIL MA& Dal8b0ut Bay a Beach Real Estate · REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COM.E WITH US TO ••• HYHHU ... A magnificent Mediterranean villa on the water. Five bedrooms, including a master suite with tts own private staircase to a water oriented patio and spa. Located Inside the security gates of this exclusive community. Owner will consider a lease option. Land Included in purchase price ............ $1,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 ... -:-............ 2500 Bayshore Drive IAHH ISUll llHI ... Bayfront. Owner will carry One Million Dollar first trust deed. The view of the bay so breathtaking you could easlly Imagine you are living aboard ship. Five bedrooms, den, maid's quarters. Sixty feet on the water with pier and slip for three boats. Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .. 115 Harbor Island Road llYllE TEIUOE. •• A rare opportunity to acquire one of Newport's finest view properties. Three bedrooms. This offering Is of extreme value because of Its diverse and unspoiled ocean views. Price Includes the land .... $1,050,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .... 1301 Dolphin Terrace Ill C&IYll •. .A totally private and much sought after. four bedroom Versailles. Densely wooded, but with a superb view of golf course. Secluded splendor with distinctive charm and lmpec<:able taste ................................. $850,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ...................... 12 Rue Verte • IHH HHH ... Only eight properties line famed Westwlnd Way. Three huge bedrooms. View from all sides are nothing short of spectacular. All rooms open to the dehumidified indoor pool. Extraordinary financing .. ... ........ ......... ... .. .. .... ..... ... ... $835,000 NYEll SHIH ... Spectacular. yet cozy four bedroom home with restful view of bay and Fashion Island night lights. Dramatic entry of carved wood and Italian foslllzed marble. Huge living room with black walnut and marble fireplace. Carved wood and marble bar with wine vault. Solar heated pool. Spa. Barbecue. You own the land ................................. $895,000 IPHLllS llLL ... Undeniable value. This ptopel'ty takes the laurels for amenities and comforts. plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Liberal financing .......... ............. $625,000 Open Sat 1-5 .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 Carmel Bay Drive llYH SHIES. .Owner will assist with ftrlanclng. Impressive two story home. Lovely bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement with one downstairs and three upstairs. Sparkling pool in front courtyard. Big news!! Price j111st reduced $75,000 ............................... $625,000 l&JllDT. . .Excellent financing. Magnificently upgraded five bedroom, four bath ttome. Lovely pool. . . wrought Iron fenced for protection of email children ...................................... $600,000 UUI& ""-.& ... The best of all worlds. Handsome new family home. Three bedrooms, pkll parents' or maid's quarters. Exqufsltety appointed with solid oak, marble, brasa. wainscoting ~ much, much more. Gon8'der trades. One block to bay or ocean • $549,500 Open Sun 1-5 ............................ 111 East Bay MYD I.all. . .Hugely enjoyable. This four bedroom waterfront Is for those who are fed up .with today's dreary problems and wish to enjoy the dramatic view of water and night lights. Large pier and slip. Price just reduced $105,000 ...................................... Now $595,000 WHTCUFF. . .Impressive four bedroom home. Beamed ceilings In living and dining rooms. Beautifully paneled den. Luxuriant pool size yard. Huge brick patio and gazebo. Off street parking. You own the land ............... $475,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 1118 Somerset Lane l&JClllT. . .An absolute treasure. Beautifully maintained grounds (complete with its own greenhouse). Five bedrooms. Formal dining room. Family room. Pool. Security system. Very special financing .................................. $425,000 IUllE HllHE ... This handsome offering features such appointments as French doors and windows, crown moulding, expensive brass hardware and a completely new country kitchen. Three bedrooms. Splendid financing. Price includes the land ..................... $395,000 CLIFF UVll. ~ • Very private, custom built three bedroom, three bath home with unobstructed view of bay and ocean. Numerous built-ins. Offered by orlglnal owner. Quick p088ession $395,000 Open Sun 1-5 ......... ......... .... 121 1 Kings Road l&YCIUT ... Excellent financing. Attractive four bedroom home. Kitchen and family room completely upgraded. Beamed ceilings. Wet bar with wine rack and refrigerator. Newly recarpeted and painted .. .................. $360.000 l&Ycaut. . .Attractive four bedroom home. Brick driveway. Shingle front. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style". . .yet the amenities are "up town." Sparkl ing pool ...................................................... $339,000 ILi 11111& Ill •H •.. Reduced $35,000. Excellent flRanctng. Ocean and Jetty view. Two bedrooms. Neat'backyard. One block from Big Corona Beach ................... _ ................ $340,000 Open Sun 1-5 .............................. 222 Marigold OlllU Ill Ill. . .Excellent financing. South of Highway. Two story, two bedroom doll house In front. One bedroom unit In rear. Convenient location .............................................. $299,600 IUOlllT ... Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining. Huge living room witH soaring beamed celling. Quality and Informality In one beautiful package. Just l'educed $40,000 Now $299,000 Open Sun 1·5 ........... 1837 Commodore Road OLIFF URI ... Practically everythlng's here. Three bedrQOms. Dramatic living room. Private backyard. Secluded pool. Owner wtll conlkSer lease-option. Call us for -detalls ....... $279,000 ... ftUI ... This sensational four bedroom dwelling has It all. Oversized yard. Poot Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining ................ -..................... $279,00<V Open Sat 1-6 ................. 19« Flamingo Drive 111111 YIEW HIES. The popular "Carmel" model. Three bedrooms. New carpet1n~. Spacious patio. Luxuriant garden. Property m top condition. You own th e land ...... $268,500 Open Sun 1-5 ............ 1930 Port Bristol Circle TH YHS&ILLU ... A place of d igni ty and elegance. Two bedroom penthouse overlooking the bay and ocean. Secunty gate. Pool. Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Excellent financing $259,500 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 100 Scholz Plaza, Penthouse 10 WESTCLIFF ... NEW PR IC E -NEW FINANCING! An abundance of reasons to buy. Conveniently located. Three ~edrooms. Open floor plan. Pool and spa . .. .... ..... ...... $255,000 Open Sat 1-5 .................. 1016 Dover Drive TIE IUFFS ... The popular "Franciscan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Atrium entrance. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue $229,000 Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 685 Vista Bonita THTU HOI YISTl. . .Undoubtedly one of the best buys in Orange County. Three spacious bedrooms. Convertible den. Family room. Impeccable condition. View of mountains and city lights. An opportunity to purchase below value .... . .... .... . .... ... .... ..... ... ... ...... ........ $225,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ... : .............. 23 Rocky Knoll CAMEi IHIWlll ... Never a better time to buy. Pure and simple, this three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. Unheard-of financing. It's great to get so much for so little ......................... $199.900 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........... 512 A"ockford Place OHTA IHI (HITSllE). . .An oppprtunity as limitless as your imagination. Special three bedroom residence set on nearly one third acre. Excellent location. Large fenced-in pool. Owner will help finance .................... $159,500 Open Sat 1-5 .. ............... 2651 Redlands Drive PUI LIN llWNIT ... Neat and clean condo. Three bedrooms, two and half baths. Electrtc kitchen, tnctudlng dishwasher. Overlooks pool and garden. Convenient to shops, banks and beaches. Quick possession .............. $145,000 WUTOUff ... Attractive two bedroom. two bath condo. Fireplace. Mirrored wardrobes. Ground floor. Walk to snops. library and park. Price just reduced $10.000 ....................... Now $129,500 • WUTOLIF1 ... Neat and conveniently located two bedroom. two bath condo. Sparkling community pool. Exceptionally quiet location. Only $25,000 down ........................... $119,000 Open Sat 1-5 ............ 1738 Westcllff Drive #6 llftnm..IOILIPIU Prime locatlen In Eaststde Costa Mesa Nearly a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plana and permits for 26 condos are avallabte. Purchase price also Includes a near new trip.._ Exoet•nt terms. Owner wtll consider trade. c.11 Harriet P~ry ................................. $1.150,000 •~-------· ----... ·-.. _ ___,,="""""""--~~-.__..-------~------------· . ,....____ -- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertletng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. July 10, 1982: 1 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY IAYFllllT UOLISIVE One of Newport's mosr exciting locations ts the setting for this beautiful contemporary waterfront home. Three BR Including grand master suite w/llbrary. Extensive use of stone & marble, mitered windows & skylights enhance the magnitude of this exceptional home pier & slip-security. $4,750,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (H 11) ClllTIY EllLllll ESTATE 5 BR custom home wlvlews from every room. Dramatic circular staircase, high cefllngs & French doors, tam rm, stepdown bar & wine rm. Luxurious master suite w/spa & sauna. Full security. $1 ,975,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (H 12) Ullll lllME MUI YIEW LIT FIRST OFFERING Looking for an lmpresstve address In Newport Beach? Magnificent location with spectacular view -Full ocean-Bay coastline. An within a prestigious gated community. $975,000 Lynne Valentine 6 ... -6200 (H13) Ill OllYN Elegant 4 BR home over1ooklng Big Canyon Fairway. Expanded family rm w/brlck flrepl8<l8 & gourmet kitchen opening to landscaped garden Including pool & spa. Spaaous master suite w/vlew. Security $895,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (H 14) _ IWFlllll LIYlll -llmE 11¥1 4 BR, 4 bath. tamlty home w/room for expansion. Pool, spa, lighted paddle tennis court & separate play yard. Ocean view. ~ated community w/prlvate beach. Land ltictuded. A best value In cove. $795,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (H15) IOIM llME WITI YIEW New on the Market -Elegant Kensington w/spectacular view. Designed for Indoor -outdoor entertaining and family living. Expanded 4 BR, tam rm & formtt dining. 3 fireplaces -marble & mirrors used extensively. Community pool & tennis. $650,000 Lynne Valentine 6«-6200 (H16) UllT 11111 ESTATE UllM Ill I• Hand crafted truly a home of exceNence. Slate roof-brick courtyard entrance -wood floors -leaded windows -walnut carved doors. green house. Rms w/tree top batconiee & cflarm. Format din rm. 9 BR beach & pier & sflp to accommodate 95 foot yacht. $6,000,000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 (H 18) CWFNllA ...... ESTATE Sophisticated living on Lido Isle In ttn 18 room home on 3 Iota -7 BRs & 6 baths! Opens to an expanalve landacaped courtyard & lg. pool. Excellent financing -$1,250,000. Call Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes to see this one-of-a-kind home! 642-8235 (H 19) Q llYFlllT Most elegant & exquisite Bayfront home on Fee land on the market. Approx. 53.75' on the water. DOCK with room for three. boats. Approx. 3700 sq. ft. Totally customized " BR executive home Of uncompromising luxury. $1, 175,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (H20) 111 ..... UYflllT lllllll ... llT IUOI Unique home approx w/8,000 sq. ft. Lg sflp, bayslde lawn. pool, 3 tplcs, plus His & Hers bathrooms. den office/art room. library, gymnasfum. Unusually deep lot w/approx. 74 ft on the bay. Only 5 yrs ofd. $4,950,000. John Macnab, 642-8235. Seller wUI help with financing (H21) · WllTILlff Brlght'n sunny home In great neighborhood. 3 BR + fam rm low maintenance yard. Good financing. CIOM to park. Shopping, & IChoots. $239,000 F .. Jane Paquin 842..a235 (H33) • 844-1211 SPECTICILAll llYFROIT ~olllns Isle -117 ft of prime panoramic view; turning basin & 4 islands! Slip & floats for 3 large boats. Traditronat French inspired residence, over 5600 sq.ft.; SBRS, 8 Baths, game rm. Family rm, 2 staircases & elevator. Offered at $4;300,000 including land. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (H22) 111111 lllSE COlllllllll T~tal security in this beautiful luxurious condominium -Bay & city view, underground security parking. Pool & spa. Magnificent entrance salon w/crystal chandelier. Pool rm & deck area to private boat slips. $845,000. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (H23) lllYllE TElllllCE LllTill Super ocean & bay view from this spacious 5'ngle story residence. 2 mstr suites, plus 2 more lg BR. 4 BA. fam rm, & gam rm. Pool in courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godshall 644-6200 (H24) UllM lllU Must sell lmmedlatelyl Award winning 3 BR Casa Blanca model w/spectacular ooean view. Gated courtyard entry w/spa. Fantastic terms. submit all offers. $555,000 Belle Partch 644-6200 (H25) OlllTIY lllTlll 11 ..UIUffl Just steps away from three private beaches. featuring a 3 BR, tam rm home w/lota of charm & 2 flreplaces. This split tevet home has Its own master suite with a view of the ocean. A fantastic buy. $495,000 lnct. land. Sharon Srtiith 644-6200 (H26) MVll 111111 .. UILlllYE Spacious traditional, terra cotta tiled family rm w/flreplace. Formal dining rm w/beamed celling. 4 BR or 3 + convertible den. Nearty 'h acre w/20 x 40 pool & spa. $465,000 LH Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (H27) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 1459 Galaxy Drive - Dover Shores IAYllll •YI The "legend" model -one BR, den condo sJtuated with steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor. Ananctng ts excettent on this prestigious home. $395,000 Fee Donna Godshall ~200 (H28) PDllSIU ,.IT Absolutely charming 3 BR beech cottage. Superb corner location - Walk to beaches, harbor. parks -Low Down -Seller truty motivated at onty $325,000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (H29) .. LllTlll Try this view on for size! Water. mountains & lights and a beauty of a house just newly refurbished. The best of everything In a big 2 story, 3 Bm home. $310,000 Coby Ward 642-8235 (H30) 111TI.EllOI -........ . Montecito model featuring 3 BR, fam rm w/lnterlor Garden Court, formal din rm, 2 fplc, & many upgrades. Great location on cul-de-sac w/tantastlc view of mountains Community pool & tennis. $267,500 , Sharon Smith 8'44.-6200 (H31) I IPElllL- Charm & style prevails In this hlghty customized Eastbluff home. Lusk bullt w/3BA + lg tam rm & fonnal OR. Part< Hke yard areas freshty landscaped. $239,500 Jane Paquin ~2-8235 (H32) ... ,_ Absolutely Immaculate. Bright & cheery Monaco w/add on bedroom. 3 plus den In park like Mttlna. 8MuU(ul patio. Room for pool. S20e.OOO L" Berbara Callthen 842-8235 {HM) -842-8236 ---·--·· -·----,.------~-~----~------------~--•, I •' ~__.......,.. .... __ ;" ~~.. -.•;,;•,"i~PL---;-:--....._, • ·-~~~~ .• 8 -Orange County AMII ...,An ~'I ~to"* OM. Y~OTISllU •• Mt t0: 1'98t' COTt nL/\LTT @ InVLSTnLnT conrnm BIG CANYON OJSTOM ON THE GOLF COURSE One of the finest famlty homes avaJlable In the Canyon. 6 large bedrooms with maid's quarters and a separate 2 bedroom suite with Its own living room. Terrific view and location on the 18th fairway .. VERY private pool. $1.8 million and owner will help with financing. Owner will consider trad_!S In Southern Orange County. OJSTOM ON THE GOLF COURSE This new listing Is one of the finest examples of contemporary architecture available. 4 bedrooms and ffs own very private pool and spa Recently remodekKt with a VERY modem kitchen. There Is no home In the Canyon with as much privacy. $1 .75 Mllllon. DEANE TOWNHOME -OJSTOM POOL & SPA New on the market, this 3450 sq ft end unit Oeauvtlle provides the ultimate wtth golf course view. Three bedrooms, three full baths, sauna and a huge "no maintenance" yard complete this offering. Huge assumable financing. $799,500. DEANE TOWNHOMI -ON THE GOLF COURSE Thts new on the market Monaco Is ~ched right on the gotf course and Is vacant and ready to move In. The price ts below market and the owner has Indicated he wtll leue, leue/optton or outright sett. Over $400,000 of low Interest financing. Priced at $599,9501 DEANE TOWNHOME -VACANT END UNIT . This Bordeaux model wtth new carpets and paint features 3 bedrooms and 3 futt baths and ts ~t end ready to move In. There Is an oversized yard to accommodate a pool and spa or for your children's playground. Very prtvate yard. $250,000 of assumable financing. Owner will auist. $5()0.000. HARBOR RIDGE HIGH ON A HILL Y-OU wtll find this superb custom home wtth 5 bedrooms, 41,.; bath~. famlty room. pool & spa & gazebo. Breathtaking views of coastline & city lights can be seen from most all the rooms. Sheer elegance can be found In over 7500 sq. ft. of this English Tudor home. $2.65 mlltk>n. CUSTOM -COUNTIY ... Cit WITH ._.. Vf8I One of a kind estate wtth ew11plng bey Md OCMI\ vtewa. ~tom Diane Johneon dellgned kitchen wtth EVERY poeelble amenity. VflfY private epa and room fOf pool. Ewn hM a chtldren's ptayrooml Over. 5,300 aquere feet of custom luxury. $2.3 M*lon. . WATERFRONT HOMES CUSTOM BAYSIDE-MAIN CHANNEL The BEST Corona del Mar has to otter. Right on the beach and bay. This new custom home has 7 bedrooms, 6 baths, private pool & spa, solid oak floors & cabinetry. Large commercial kitchen. $5.75 million. CUSTOM UNDA ISlE -MAIN CHANNa New on the market, this simply fabulous Country French Normandy estate Is situated "on the point" In one of the premier private communities in the world. Over 6000 square feet, with private pool and spa. Over 127 feet on the water and a slip to accommodate the largest of boats. For the connoisseur. $5 Miiiion. OJSTOM HAIBOI ISlAND -MAIN CHANNa This Is the finest home to become available on Harbor Island In recent time. Incomparable adult llvlng wtth Its own pier and slip to accommodate a 100 foot boat. UnusuaJty large grassy lawn on the harbor side. Reduced by $800,000. Price $4.2 mllllon. OJSTOM UNDA ISi.i -MAIN CHANNEL Over 6,500 square feet of sheer elegance with breathtaking views from all Important rooms. Indoor/outdoor pool and spa with retractable roofll Over 76 feet on the water. Sit down bar to View the boat traffic and beautiful IUnlets. Huge uaunable. $3.8 Miiiion. CUSTOM UDO ISll -UDO CHANNB. Can you beUeve $1 .4 Miiiion of assumable ftnanctng on a Udo waterlrontl Your own pier and sMp to accommodate LARGE BOATS and an ovet"Stze lotl This home has a huge custom St. Char1es kitchen and views to take your breath away. $2.25 Miiiion. BOATER'S HIDEAWAY This lovely 2 bedrooms and den adult townhome ts located on the lido Channel with a slip. Great assumable financing Is avallab..,. Professionally decorated by Lois Harding with bevelled mirrors, hardwood floors & neutral tones. Only $495,000. Don't miss this one! CORONA DEL MAR SPYGLASS Where can you find 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 flreplaces, family room, dining room. 3..car garage, spa and city light view for Just $615,000. 32 Mission Bay Or. OPEN 2-6 Sat./Sun. 760-1.900· ,. .. • 'Between tfie !}iiirways and tfie Sea • • • Artistically etched into a gentle hillside adjacent to the fairways oflrvine Coast Country Club,~ Island is oriented to panoramic views oft he golf course, Upper Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the cosmopolitan silhouette of Newport Center and Fashion Island. Explore this semi-tropical environment of exotic trees and flora, emerald lagoons and magnificent landscaping. You 'll agree that Sea Island is, indeed, the definitive statement of fine living, a world of elegance, guarded- gate security, recreation and sophistication that reflects the Legacy of Style for which Newport Beach is uniquely renowned. Select your new residence from a variety of architecturally-bold two and three-bedroom floor plans, ranging up to 3,003 square feet and appointed according to Sea Island's theme of the quintessence of privileged lif esty Jes. from $390,000 to $795,QQO fi p~~!~~s Newport Beach A Legacy of Style. 11 Sea Covt' Lane Newport Beach, CA 92660 • (714) 673-0474 ----· -·--·-~---~~ ...... ~----~----------· •OCIAN VIEW * BLKS TO BEACH• 123 FINANCING AVAILABLE ••• when you take over existing loan on this stunning HARBOR VIEW HILLS Home. Totally remodeled featuring beautiful master suite, gourmet kitchen, & huge lot. Only $259,000 & owner will assist with financing. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •OWNER DESPIRA TEii• Must sell this cozy custom home near the ~an in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The aoaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not nonnally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard complete the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •FREE MONEY• Owner desperate, will finance home at r.ero interest for 5 years. Beautifully decorated home in mint condition. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly decirab1e single story end-unit decorated in sumptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. Great assumable l st Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.2~ payable $795/month. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. , •5 3 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near HuntingtOn Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9'> and pay buyers nonrecurring closing ooe1a. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$727/MO.• Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach . 556-7035. •DEMOLISHED HOME -CHEAP• 963-567 l. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• b all you pay for this 3 br, 1 ~ ba cuUe with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach, 556-7035. •AIANDONED• Artist's chalet w /panoramic ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •MESA VERDEt Affordable living with superb fi.mndng available. Spacious home metic:uJQUSly maintained. Only $13,500 down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$9,600.DOWN• Buys this big 4 br pool home. OVer 2000 1q. ft. Loara Schools. Asking $159,900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with IOllring cathedral ceilings and bright and airy country kitchen. With 4 large bn. 2 ba's and a family room, it's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •TUIN A FROG• - Into a band8ome prince. Specious 3 br, 2 ba home on large comer lot needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 NEWPORT BEACH OFFIC! 2170 Saa lllg•I Drive Me""'1 leacla, CA 12110 (714) 711-1501 • 11.253 FINANCING• HARBOR VIEW HOME Sensational MONACO model on FEE land with large assumable loan!! Featuring 3 br, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *OCEAN VIEW* *StlPS TO BEACH+ Sensational Beach cottage with 12% assumab1e fmancing for only $165,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., New port Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. HARIOI VllW HOMES *SEA WIND+ Lovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 '8rs, private location and assumable financing. Only $259,900!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *103 DOWN* *BAYCREST ARE~ FIXE.R* . Huge executive ranch-style home featunng 4 br s, Crumly room, formal dining on cul-de-sac w/room for R.V.'s. Only $235,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. *103 DOWN* · * 11 3 FINANCING* . When you takeover existing T.D., owner will assist .at 12% on thlS 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACK.BAY AREA. Featunng hardwood floor and shingle roof. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *PRICE REDUCTION* +153 DOWN+ Beautiful PLAN 1 in WOODBRIJX;E LAN'DING located across street from LAKE #2. Features 3 br & formal dining. Owner assisted financing at IOCJ.!!! Only $244,900 on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PRESTIGE COMMUNITY+ Gorgeous 3 br, 2 ~ ·ba. 2 story home in JASMINECREEK. Featuring guard gate. pools, ~nnis. clubhouse. Secluded location with cus~m upgrades including stained glass windows & carved doors. Flexible financing tailored to your needs. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *NEWPORT RIVIERA+ . 3 br, 2•12 ba, !amily condo located on greenbeltf! Assoc mcl':1des pool, tennis & clubhouse. Priced right at $124,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *PRICE REDUCED* 8.753 ASSUMA8LE LOAN On this charming townhome in UNIVERSITY PARK TERRACE. Freshly painted & ready for occupancy. Only $126,950 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$11,700 PRICE llDUCTION* *93 FINANCING ••• * When you takeover existing 1st Trust Deed on this absolutely beautiful PLAN 4 in HERITAGE PARK. This former model features 3 Br, 2'A Ba & extensive u pgrading. Only $139,800!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE IOl2 AdclM Aft. .... ngtOl l1acll, CA 12141 (714)1H-7031 -~--~,_,...------..---"""""9--------·~ .... 11119 ............................................. 1m111111111 .. !! ___ ..,. ..... _ ________ ,...._.._. ________________________ _ -~~-~--=--- l9UI-.· Country enttque, ~t. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba. highfy upgraded kltc:ften, brick frpk:, $295.000. ~ will ftnence. M\'9t .... -• -119 759-1221 . ... , .. ,. 4 Bdrm 2~ Ba w/gwne room. Beaut. decor In fNel('f room. Over v. ao. w/)ac. Asking $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo.•• ..... 759-1221. L81f&i&ll• 2 bd. 2 ba. The ~ w 8"'81. In Newpor1. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/noUce. 1525.000. -__ .. 79-1221 flUILlllU ····-•1111• 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. FMtutlc aun rm., beau master lte.1 · ""IVbie f.p./ocean & city Vu. Huge mMt 911 ''~ tllea. One of the lrgst k "'~and lrg. s>t8Y area. Very, "->·. ~. d aeller. Brtng any offer. Lowe.. ce cuatom at !a,tti,eee., '"5811h~ .• 1:s,401,1ee .. •1,200,000. wtN tr9de equity+ GRT. 1st avail. c.11 •. -... -759-1221. .. mtM fE aH llF BUI You muet 1ee to betleve all thl1 fine wtunnahp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oek cab. beaut. tie, chotce of Ctpt. Npt. Hat•. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13%. • • ...... 759-1221. . •&l•tlmlTW 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge muter ste/sUtlng rm, vu, largest model. 1210,000. Submit any offer on t«ma. • • -._, 759-1221. L8I WllBU'lllT 1.1111 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., MC. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2800 1q. ft. PoH. boat dock/fantaatlc vu. All nu palnts/crpts. $1800 mo.•• -._ 759-1221 --__ _......_ Of~ Cqu(\t)' ~ Eat8'e/An ~laing~ to the DAJLV PILQT/Sawrday, Jli'( 10, 1182 -11 ....... LUii 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beautHulfy d«. loe dectta., fab. vu. Prl. grd.J:!:·' poof & t.W.. $2700 mo. Submit aft • ... -.. 759-1221 • .......... Outstandklg k>catlon w/vu of .,. back bay & Fahion laland. 4 br. 5 ba. form. d.r. DOOi. eoe. 98C. system. StM at $685,000. fee. Wll trade local or leue/optlon. Grt. fln. avail. by Mfler or leue option.•• ...... 759-1221. ....... I Name your terms on this lrg. 4BR, 48A. Home. W/ocean view + Sep. lnlaw qtra. $315,000 L.H. $200,000 1st T.D. 121A•;. wtth excel. terms. Low dn. or trade equity for C.M. or N.B. home or condo. • er ...... 759-1221. ???111 .. ?U.I Fan'81tic twt>or & btly wa from ttW 3 8dr fam rm, nu crpta & paint, trg pool. $340,000. LH. -· ---759-1221 ....... u Fab. Ocean & coastline vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r., f.r .• study, lge. poof & court- yard, pri. bcha. $895,000. Fee. • • .. ... 759-1221. ....... 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr. highly up- graded, Italian marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., study & f.r. has beaut. panellng & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. -., .. .., 759-1221 llUWlllT -lllABWWW Convert ex. IQe duplex to 'f04M prl. res. & llve on the f1neat ~•ch on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 12%. StM1 at aeso.ooo. • • -.. · 759-1221. ..., • .a .... • lml -UIEE ~'9 Liii Owner a1111ted excellent financing! Exoetllnt lnYMtment bargain. Hurry, calt --U. • Lu t1• 759·1221. .... 11 IMATa•numa Call for FREE RELOCATION COUNSELING APPOINTMENT. 5 years experience & knowledge of Greater Seattle area. Licensed In Washington & Callfomla. Call .., LIW 751-1221 or 631-5963. OIEOI TIEii llST llYll vcosta Mesa, 3 br. on A-2 lot $89,000 vlrvlne, 3 br. corner lot home $129,000 vNewport Hgts., Nu 3 br, pvt. $169,000 vcorona del Mar. 4 br, pool, spa $349,500 veayfront, 2 br. fee Incl. dock $379,000 Can now for great financing Info! Now taking offers. Ron Salter 759-1221 . •un• Regal award winning four bedroom townho u se of noble proportions. Spectacular sun drenched grounds graced with fountains, pool & spa. Enviable privacy. Flitt security. $875,000. _, L1W 759-1221 or 631-5963. I• DTITIJ Has It alt! Huge with Pool, Spa & View! A most prestlgk>us location. An entertainers delight w/ unbelievable prloe & terms! Won't last. CaH Pl,_• ... ~ 760-8702 or 631 -1266. ...... Golf course estate on approx. 'n acre . Included are 5 bdrs. 4 'n bas .. family & rec. rooms, poot/spa, 4100 + sq. ft. Must setl quickly! .w• 1tmm1• 631-1266 . RWl•T ILWFI IS PETE J1•1• Beautiful condo. Lg. Patios. Over 2400 sq. ft. $299,000 Fee. Contemporary 2 Br. with partial view of Fashion Island & Back Bay. $289,000 Fee Newport's Best condo values are In the Bluffs. Call Pill Jiii• 631 -1266 ... -.T 2 Br. condo In Mesa Verde with exceltent terms. Price reduced to $94,000. Call am ..... 631-1266. .... This beautfful 4 Br. 3 Ba. home Is located on a quiet cul.ode-Mc ctoee to the patk. Call for owner financing Information, uk for -•rtnM• 631·1266. ' --··. ·-·-·---..,,,..---~~----~---------... ---___ ... _________ _ ·----·l----· ----------·-----------------------....... ---~ 12 -Orange County Real E8tate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 10.1982 This Weekend ! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you 90 house-hunting. All the locations llstled below ue described In g,..ater detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patrons advertising open houses for sale or r...t ift TIM Dally Pilot may list such information In these columns Heh Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 llEDAOOM 222 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-7300 $3"40,000 Sun 1-S 313 Onyx, Balboa Island 673-4062 Sun 12-'4 870 Halyard, Newport Beach 759-1501 $1"40,950 Sat 1-5 2137 E. Ocean. Penln. pt, NB 631 -1400 $305,000 Sat 1-5 2 BR plue FAM Rll or DEN # 3 Rue FontalnebkMW (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $'415,000 Sun 1-5 517 Catalina Or., Npt Bch 631-1266 $189,500 Sat 1:30-5 "40 Canyon Island (Big Cyn) NB 6"42-5200 $219,000 Sat 1-5 1706 Miramar, Balboe Penln Pt, NB 6"42-5200 $300,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *633 Lido Park Or(F2)lldo Vig, NB 760-1900 $"495,000 Sun 1-5 621 Lido Park Dr, C-3, Lido Pen, NB 631-1400 $560,000 1123 w. Bay, Newport Beach 6"45-4220 $290,000 Sat/Sun 11-'4 8 Whitewater, Jasmine Creek, CdM 6"4'4-9060 $335,000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, C.meo Shores, CdM 6"4"4-9060 $"495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 19 Curl Dr., Jasmine Crk, Vu. CdM 6"40-1515 $"438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 I BEDROOM 587 Bay St. (W.lkte) Costa Mesa 759-9100 $111.900. Sat 1-'4 1126 E. Balboa Bl. (Pentn) Balboa 759-9100 $1,295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4381 Margarita (Grntree) Irv. 559-9400 $140.700 1016 Dover Dr .• Westcllff, NB Sat 1-5 631-7300 $255,000 Sat 1-5 50"41 PaMO de Vega, Turtlefock. Irv 760-1900 $159,900 Sat 12-4 2837 Tabego, Meta Verde, C.M. 833-8600 $179,000 Sat 1-5 **1418 W. Bay, Penln. Pt, NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 601 G81)' Pl., Newport Height1. NB 8-45-8269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 **301 N. Stat Ln (Dover Shrt) NB S-42-5200 $526,000-UH Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, C@ronl d9' M•r. NB 831-1..00 teet,000 8at/8un 1·5 501 "I" St, Penln Pt. NB «531-1400 $"438,000 Sat 1-5 2405 Cliff Or, Newport Hts. NB 631-1400 $826,000 Sat 1-5 **~1 5 Ocean Blvd., CdM 760-1900 $1 ,250,000 Sun 2-5 1 Rue Fontainebleau, Big Cyn, NB 760-1900 $500,000 Sun 2-5 535 Huef Dr., Corona del Mar 673-8"49"4 $350,000 Sun 1-5 . 1911 Court St, Bal. Penin, NB 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboll, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595,500 Sun 2·5 11 Rue Marseille$, Big Cyn, NB 64"4-9060 $"450,000 Sat 1-5 113 Via Ravenna, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 1-5 22"4 Via Lorca, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $.425,000 Sun 2-5 3 M pin QUEST h 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 6"42-8235 $"495,000 Sat/S 1-5 a M plue 1 BR QUEST 2601 Waverly, Bayshores, NB 5-49-85"47 Make Offer Sun 1-5 3 M plue FAii RM °' DEN 1218 Keet Dr. (Harbor Vu Hiiis) CdM 5 Jasmine Creek (Jumn Ck) CdM 552-2000/553-1"417 Sun 2-5 *2009 YKht Defender (Seavu) NB 759-9100 $"450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1087 Glen Cir. (W.side) Costa Mesa 759-9100 $229,000 Sun 1-5 1215 Alabama. Huntington Beach 960-2686 $215,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-7060 $569,000 Sun 1-5 1211 Kings Road, Cllff Haven. NB «531-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace, Irv. T•r .• NB 631-7300 $1,050,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road. Baycrett. NB 831-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Brlstol Cir, Hrbr Vu Hms, NB 631-7300 $2te,500 Sun 1-5 •512 Rockford Pl., Cameo Hghlnd•. CdM 631·7300 $199,800 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2851 Redlted• Dr. Eutalde CM, CM 831-7300 $169,500 Sat 1·5 802 Klnat Rd., Newport e..ch 845-8132 tns,ooo s1t1aun 1-s / 4601 Camden Or., Corona del Mar 759-1221 $895,000 Sun 12-5 25 Mainsail (Jasmn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $372,500 120 Shorecliff Rd., CdM 64~6200 $495,000-Fee Sun 1-'4 Sat 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $739.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Dr., Bayshores, NB 645-621P. $299,500-L.H. Sun 1-4 1607 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB 6"42-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 * 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $885,000-fee Sun 1-5 2559 F, Elden. Costa Mesa 675-1771 $152.000 18076 Mt. Norbl Cr. Ftn Valley Sat 1-5 675-1771 $233,900 Sat 10-4 607 Bayside Or., Promontory Bay, NB 631-1400 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 Shoal Dr, Jasmine Creek, CdM 760-1900 $389,900 Sun 2-6 1337 Sussex Ln. (Westcllff) NB 6"45-7~8 $269,000 Sat/Sun 1-'4 321 Kings Rd, Cliff Haven, N.B. 673-7300 $682,500 Sat 1-5 123 Via Genoa, Lido Isle. N.B. 675-1771 $380,000 1218 Key West, HV Hiiis, CdM Sat 1-5 644-4910 $379,500-Fee Sun 1-5 9 Cherry South, Univ. Pk, lrvfne 644-9060 $159,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 17 Monterey Cir., Corona del Mar 6"4"4-9060 $"489,000 Sun 2-5 22"4 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $675,000 Sun 1-"4 * 1906 Pereslta, Newport Beach 5"46-2313 $189,500 Sat 11:30-3 118 Via Quito, Udo Isle. N.B. 673-7300 $639,000 Sat/Sun 2-8 **7"48 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 6"4"4-9060 $1,995,000 Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma. E-slde, Costa Mesa 646-9498 $199,500 Dally 1~5 4 llEDAOOM 2"436 Holiday Rd., Newport Beach 631-1266 $299,900-Fee Sat 1-5 222 Coral, Balboa llland 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 280"4 W. Oceanfront, Balboa Penln. NB 631-1400 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 9R plue GUEST *2211 Tu1tln Ave., Newport Bch 6"46-"4380 $335,000 Sun 12_. 4 M plue FAM RM or DEN * 1412 Santiago, Npt Beach 631-1266 Sat/Sun 1-5 16"4"4 Port Chanel Pl .. Hrbr Vu, NB 5"48-5605 $309,500 Sun 1-5 *"4626 Roicbury, Cameo Shor•, Npt Bch 675-5930 $"476,000 Sat.Sun 1-"4 **5"42 H.,bor Isl Ot(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1 ,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Bia Canyon, NB «531-7300 $8!)(),000 Sat/Sun 1-5 111 Eut Bay, Balboa 831-7300 ~9.500 Sun 1·5 111e SomarMt Lene. w .. ~,.. NII 931-7300 1471,000 Sur\ 1-6 11 Carmel Bay Dr .• Spyglass Hiii. NB 631-7300 $625,000 Sat 1-5 19« Flamingo Dr., Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $279,000 Sat 1-5 20521 Montauk Cr., Huntington Bch 962-9597 $995/Mo Sat 10-5 11'4 Via Ensueno (Mar. Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 6 POint Loma (Spyglass) CdM 875-6000 $925,000 Sal/SuA 1-5 1823 Port Carlow (Hrbr Vu Hma) NB 675-6870 $295.000-Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 3 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 $2.3 milllon Sat 2-5 2412 Clltt Or .. Newport Hghts, NB 645-7189 $598,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 18971 Antioch, Turtlerock, Irv. 5'41-5032 $200,000 Sun 12·3 1097 Corona Ln (Mesa del Mar) CM 631-7370 $149,900 Sun 1-5 25 Warmsprlngs (Wdbrg) Irv. 751-3191 $339,950 222 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB Sun 1-5 642-5200 $839,500 Sun 1-5 192.C Port Weybridge, HVHms, NB 759-1501 $279,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3105 McKinley Way, Costa Mesa 5'46-2313 $144,900 Sal/Sun 1-4 3'474 Windsor Court. Costa Mesa 673-3900 Sat/Sunday 1-4 3202 Delaware Pl .. Mesa Verde. CM 545-9258 $139,500 SatiSun 1-5 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor Vu Hills. NB 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 2-5 3065 Loren Lane, Costa Mesa 979-5027 $122,000 232 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar Sat 1-4 673-6494 $535,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1007 Tiiier Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 64+9060 $349,000 Sun 1-5 2705 Cardinal (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $189,900 Sal/Sun 1-4 * 1840 Tradewlnds, Baycrest. NB ~ $375,000 Sun 2-5 •*319 Morningstar, Dover Shrs. NB 644-9060 $1, 195,000-Fee Sun 2-5 **2'818 Bayshore Dr .. N.B. 644-9060 $1,750,000-Fee Sun 2-5 427 -16th Pl. E-slde. Costa Mesa &«-4910 $229,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Surftlne Way. HV Hiiis, CdM 644;-4910 $275,000 S.t/Sun 1-5 '133 Via Undlne, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $745,000 Sun 1-5 #8 Rue Vlllara, BIQ Cyn. NB 640-6137 $77S,OOO Sat/Sun 1-5 131 Via Undlne. Lido Isle. NB 873-7300 $539,760 Sun 1-5 *14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 8«-4910 $695,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Via Palermo, Lido Isle. N.B. 873-7300 $389,000 Sun 1-5 1« 1 ~ Dr .. Dover Shores. NB 641-5847 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ' 3408 Wlmbfedon Way (Wlm. Vig) CM 646-0303 $255,000 Sat 1-4 **1008 W. Bay, Bal. Penln, NB &44-8080 $950,000 Sun 1-5 2220 Waterlront Dr .. CdM 87$.1148 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 1948 Port ChetMI (HVHlt) CdM ,• MC)..7877 S380.000 Sa 1·5/Sun 1~ ----------------~----- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 10,1982 -13 210 Via San Remo. Lido Isle. N.B. 675-3048/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 BEDROOM **1415 E. Bay, (Penln.) NB 644-9060 $1.600,000 29 12 Carob. Eastblutt. N.B. Sat 2-5 646-1044, 644-1742 $264.500 Sun 1-5 •2936 Carob, Newport Beach 642-7235 $269,000 Sat 1-S * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5 • •4028 Channel Pl .. Nwpt Island, NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1533 Miramar, Balboa Penln Pt, NB 673-7761 $«9.500-fee Sun. 1-5 105 San Remo, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 5 llA plus FAM AM or DEN 2500 Bayshore Dr .. Bayshores, NB 631-7300 $1 ,650,000 Sun 1·5 336 Cherry Tree Ln .. Newport Bch 548-8633 $215,000 Sun 12-4 •1448 Galaxy. Dover Shores. NB 875-2373 Sat/Sun 3-6 * 12 Trafalgar. Hrbr Ridge, NB &44-6200 $2,500,000 Sat 1-5 35 Rldgellne Dr .. Harbor Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sun 2·6 220 Via Palermo. Udo Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $452.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I BR plua FAM RM or DEN 115 Harbor Island Road, NB 631-7300 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 32 Mission Bay Dr .. Spyglass. CdM 760-1900 $615,000 Sun 2-5 * 1848 Newport Hiiis Dr E. HVH. NB 644-8725 $495,000 Dally 1-5 938 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle. NB 6«-9060 $850,000 Sat 1·5 7 8R plua FAM RM or DEN * 1406 Lincoln Ln .. Dover Shores, NB 213/289-7726 $598,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1760 Port Manlelgh, Hbr Vu Homes 644-'4337 $450,000 By appt. CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 M plua 'AM Ml or oeN 10 Seguna, Irvine 613-6900 $145,000 Set/Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM 100 SQhotz Plza Ph 10(Veraallle8)NB 631-7300 1259,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1738 Westcllff Or. #6, Westcliff, NB 631-7300 $119,000 Sat 1·5 * •600 E. Oceanfront 2H. Bal Penln. 558-8835 $249,000 Sun 12-4 *25 Canyon letand Dr. Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-5 2 8R plue ,AM Ml Of DIN #4 Seetcape Dr .. S..wlnd, NB 875-~76 $139,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2190 Borque SPf'lnGt, Coeta MeM 979-2380 t 134.000 -Sat 1·5 20t 19th St .. Balboe P«\ln, NB 831·1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 3 BEDROOM 2237 Vista Hoger. Bluffs. Npt Bch 967-1817 Sun 1-5 2569 Orange, Costa Mesa 646-5096 $115,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 685 Vista Bonita, The Bluffs, NB 631-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 2921 Bradford "B", Santa Ana 979-2390 S 105,900 Sat 1-5 3 BR ptua FAM RM or DEN 23 Rocky Knoll, Turtle Ack Vista, Irv 631-7300 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #7 Rue Vlllars (Big Cyn) Nwpt Bch 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2645 Vista Orneda, Npt Bch 640-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2642 Vista Omada (Bluffs) Npt Bch 759-9100 $229,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES f.OR SALE 3 llEDROOll * 157 Yorktown Ln. (Monticello) CM 646-8396 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 8R plue FAii Ml or DEN 616 Marigold, Corona det Mar 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 2 BR plue FAM Ml or DEN 1845 Monrovia, Sp. 23, Costa Mesa 646-8133 Sat/Sun 10-6 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 Mplua211R 4 tl-411 '~ Dahlia, ~ona del Mar 673-8494 $5'45,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 , ....... ,. * * 506 E. Oceanfront, Bal. Penin, NB 673-7300 $525,000 . Sun 11-5 5 9R pluel 8R 509 Acacia (ocean side of hwy). CdM 645-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 BA YFRONT LOT FOR SALE (VACANT) ••1008 w. Bey. Bal. Penln. NB 8«-9060 $850,000 Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR RENT 2 llR plue FAM RM or DEN 1115 Essex, Wes1cllff, NB 64&-6789 $995/mo Sun 1·5 , SUMMER RENTAL ' laDROOll 431 E. 20th St., Colta Mesa 54M198 $1600/mo Sat/Sun 1-5 * Pool * * waterfront *** Waterftont I Pool - -~· -·-·-· ·-----=---------------...... ---~~---------.. " . --~ ---...... ............. ..,--__._ ______ ,,..., ..... _, _ _.. ......... ;;;;;;.. ......... , 14 -Q,r~ County f'Nf E~An Adverttling &Jpptement to the DAILY ptLOT/Sa~~day, JufV J 0,198:2 . . TE .... COURT EaTATE -VU A_. c•••• a ..... n••MI hw ... .. 1oet2 ...................... ,.... k•llJ ..... a lf•t1m .......... • ...._ ..._. ... ., ., •11•1 a ..... •u • .. .... •11 .... a Al I In I'm; ..... .. •.... , ............... ,,. ,., "-•'"'' recreetl•R 8M a.a_, ..._ • • ..,._.e toca••n. IMlt .. ••,J'nl f/lf ~ •11111!. :==~~:.r== .. "'""""· m 1111 LINDA ISLE-GLAMOROUS Oww ....... lo ex-.... oftilr'I .... rMCla, celftM .... or't 11* le 8 trulJ eacMlftg 6 OIMll reeldenc• wlt9' large llwln9 Md ................................... , ... +4 otller bedrooMe. Plor/ellp for I boat• a;rso.ooo (lllc*ldn a.Ml). BAYFRONT GRAM> AND SPACIOUS Mein ... ,... ... loo••-.............. "°"' tNe..,., 40M ._,ft. rnld1noe. PW._ two .,,....,=· ........................... . SY. be. ~led kltcMft, deft Md meeter ...... w111t .., a 11r11111 ... owe TD .. 12" Int tor 4 ,..... ....... .-CMh. 11.-.-... ..... . LINOA ISLE/WANTS EXCHANGE Owner nffd• to rolooeto. Wiii trade tor com••rcW. llftdltl1trlal • hOIM In .. ,..., ....... , .... 5 .... ....,,.., -....... to 10'. On a gate guarded lela114. Aelll111 ... ..,. BAYFRONT-51' HAT 8UP •u•rl•e to ........ a ....... vv " .... tltte ~-:.'"· a ·=n• WAftllt'ROMT ...... . ......... +111•*•--torfemllJ. --=--lw. ,....., .......... """ ........ 1111dtct111et11-.. wllh brul-fMt --. Fr.a. doer9 lo brtall peeto a ce1ertu1 ..,.... -., extree a decorator •••nltle•. 11,710, .. 0. Fee. 111·1400. . w 1ff1211111.1 •••••••• ,n lffLmT. • • • • • · EXCLUSIVE-71 UNITS On •l•o•t I aor•• wtta. l•t• of ... ..,, Md open .... ,.., .... poo1----11 .. Md ,_ .. .._ --. E1a1l1M C..U II••• looett• and near Newport. Wei .............. and newer a WecMCJ. ~ 2....,, townM ••• ...,.. .... a MdrOMle .. wtaa. pettee. Call W ftnaHl"I dotelt• alld fl04H plea. ::::-aUYUUSllJh loan ··--... OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 P.11. ... w. 0c ............. ,..._ ·-...... ... 314 :·:~ c.. . . ..... . "7qtlde DrtN. "a•antollr.., tt.-... 101 ..... ne. -· ......... ,...... IPECTACULAR-ocEAllMOllT ••• MOM f/lf a ldad" .... ...., te M ilJJIJlcat1lll =ICllfl' .. llllltJt•..., ........... ... aZMclrH• 8'LIRMAaM ..... quarten.. Ill • ,....a•m locall•e. tt.W.000. c .. tor ............... 111-1400. PIER/SLIP FOR 80' BOAT Dr_.,allc HJC4#N lw OR PnMneltotoi'r ..,. ForMal lw. 'run. ............. of w .... ...... Ma1t1r .......... lrepleoe + I MON bedre•••· I lie. Ct11t1• .. a oak c11Jh11ta In kite.._. Upetalre .... ,.. ""· Goreeou• a 1paclou• patio for entertalnl119 a boat w1~11.-.-.111-1-. OCEANFRONT HOME-REDUCEDI •Hutlful CUJtoM ............. of .. nenhlp" CaN a detal. Two eterr 4 bed. SY. be. owner wllf help finance tuper ••nd a eea BEAC....oNT. Now flll-Wall bf 2IM W . Oc••'"°"' a ce1 tor....._ PEl•tSULA BAYFRONT-FEE LMge Md 'C':: ... .__._. VIEW ...., JacM olllla. 7 ;,., I 111*11• .... pello Md •URJry. AH-I h .._ of ..... . Owner -......._ R1d•DM .. tt.-- 8AYSIDE COYE UYFRONT ,,..._.,.._ ........ _ ......... 2 111*11•1,Z...._,._.._ ........... .. ................. ..., ..... pool Md ... ....., .......... .., .......... ,.. land. ~ JOINT VENTURE-OCEANFRONT Rare.....,..•••••°" oerw wttt. exc1l1nt owner tlnanol119. Lari• ••lta. Good .........,, ....... MGIMe ......... BAYFRONT PENTHOU8E-VEW A ..... &IM1.,1t1re 9/f .._.., aM ' ., .-wud1, was•• a ....... eunt1 For the MICCllHful e&eautl¥$ who ....... be ........... _,IM beet ......... & Hiii ... lar9e 6 lllllFllU 0001J311t1d I llM + .... Go•r•et'• kltoa.e•, prtwecr, 1ecu~~i· •••. w,_.. ................ .... .......... OCEANFRONT-CAPE COO A.ppnlng ••tern ce.ar. wMlt II the w.,.th of ltnoM ...,._won beet bMolL a-. Open ......... flnplece end ""'°" ..... -·-.... 111-1-. ON WATER-FORMAL A URGE Lar9Mt of .... unite In ........ 1 .... Udo P9nln. conde complex.~ ...... ft. ....... llwlft9 a .w--. •r•••· phte two beclrOOM IUltee Md den (could M lrd bedrooM) VIEW "°"' oce.. • ..., ............... lllp ........ Decor ........ certMt ..... ....... wall cowerln9e. SSI0,000. Lar.. boat •Hp ......... CLASSIC COTTAGE-WATER Juat In ..... to ...., tor -· -QrMd c--. ...... ........_...,.,d111i11MdreedJto occ.., ..... 2 .,..._., z ............. Pich ... patio with fHntaln' 1t1u1 patle °" water. Warmth Md oMncl, ...... ldk:helc, .... ned .... ~., ...... ea. ....... -to. .. -..-. ......... o.c11a.., 2 ....._ m 1111 ENCHANTING WATERFRONT CowtJ..,....,, IRte a11rdlllat1• •••••=-• :,t,J:od tHte. """' .... •• of tMe • profl11lonal , ........ .... tamnr roo•, formal dlnln1 roe• wltll .................. .,_,,._ "'"'" --.... 3 bedrMlftL l'ter/llp ............... OWner .. CMTJ large_.. and T.D • .....,.. 1os1.•,-. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. 2436 w. c.o... Hwy. ~ .... 631-1400 s.les. Rentals, Property M1magement . 31SMartneAw. ~Island 673-6900 Spe rl.auJ .. a. pt'Operty oe the wa&er ••• 11e11r ?ht waler ••• alMI whit Vn el _ ........ ... -r.......-.,. --·--·· -·--------..-------~""""""' ..... ~---.... ----~---~---.. ----····--· • -----·---·-•• --·-r-••-• ---· -· -• .,. • ----- -_,_ ---~ ' ,_, ~--------r----. . -·· --... ..... le ... Celeb·tity Villa Featured in the July Issue of OC HOME AID . GARlJEll .IAGAZlllE . Reach out and touch the stars! Perched high on the orest of a forest-like hill, this spectacular setting could be a proper place for an eagle's nest! Instead, it is the perfect site for a villa that might well be out of a story book. This charming and delightful country home is a masterpiec..e of perfection ln its authen"ticity of an era in history known for gracious living. Panoramic views from rows of French windows are portraits of r e al life murals of distant snow-capped mountains, a billion city lights, hilltops and treetops ... a dally spectacle for someone fortunate enough to own this incomparable home and setting. Almost 5,000 square feet of living space, on a magnificent full acre, with full grown pines, eucalyptus, and an orchard with dozens of fruit trees, rose gardens, and enhanced by a sparkling pool and apa with never ending views. ' EXCEPTIONAL TERMS AVAILABLE -TRADES INVITED OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY -1:00 Jo 7:00 -DAil:¥ 12:00 To 4:00 Please Phone for Directions Rl~K · ALDERETTE, REAtTf>R \ .- -" --4".'.L!--< • 2 Q a , -.. --............ _._..~ ~--.......... .__.._..,. ________ ..,.... ______ _ • 16 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advert'8ing Supplement to the DAILY PILOTj Saturday, July 10, 1982 JETTY AND OCEAN VIEWS -Fabulously designed Corona del Mar home just 1 block from the beach. Lavish use of wood, brass and stained glass. Finest craftsmanship. 3 bdrms. and baths. $1 ,350,000. CORONA DEL MAR UNITS -Well located rental property just a few blocks from the beach on the south side of the Hwy. Currently earning $1450 per month. Motivated seller has reduced price to a low $229,000. CAMEO SHORES OCEANFRONT -Breathtaking location with waves breaking on the beach and rocks below. Bullder's own home designed with a feeling for the Islands. 4 bdrms. & baths, plus large formal dining rm. and den. $2,900,000 Submit terms. (213) 828-2828 PRIVATE PIER ANO FLOAT -Spacious bayfront home ideal for a growing family. 4 bdrms., formal dining rm. and den. Also, a complete workshop, large brick patio and cheerful kitchen ·with adjoining eating area. $985,000 L.H. 100.% LEASED INDUSTRIAL BUILDING -Prime corner locatfon In South Santa Ana. Nicely maintained tilt up bldg. just 4 years old. Approx. 15,300 sq.ft. with 5 quality tenants. $1 ,040,000 Seller wnt finance. ONLY 10% DOWN -Popular Bluffs "C" plan overlooking the pool. Spacious throughout with 4 bdrms. and 3 baths plus an extra large living-dining rm. Priced right at just $279,500 L.H. Seller wur carry a 90% T.O. Fixed rate for 30 years! (714) 813 4400 -----------------------·----~-------'.::"--- J • • I P t r • orange coumy ~-&11ite/An Ml*tlelng Supplement to the OAJLY PtLOTJSaturcliY. J'1y fd.1W2 -17 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNI TIES lt.lfFS 1111- Don 't miss this exceptional price! Cozy 2 BR split level condo. Deck overlooking wide greenbelt. Peaceful convenient area. Community pool & shopping nearby. lt.lfFS 1111,111 This 3 BR condo is in mint condition. Plus neutral carpets & good location. Priced for a fast sale. Great assumable ioan tool lllffl UI0,000 FEE Rare 1 story Paula plan. 3 BR. Fam Rm home with the largest private entry & back patio on greenbelt. Fireplace in living rm & master BR. Excellent long-term financing. IAY•st Hll .... Sellers have moved & reduced price. Spacious 4 BR, 3 BA, formal dining Rm. remodeled kitchen. Terrific family home. Terrific for entertaining & terrific financing. Assume 1st & owe 2NO. •IAIYM UH .... Beautiful Bordeaux plan in Big Canyon. 3 BR, lovefy wet bar & ail of the amenities of a prestigious security community. At the BEST possible price! PLUS the owner will finance or lease option. •UIYll ........ Reduced $100,000. Owner moving out of area. Must sell! Magnificent Lrg country French home. 4 generous BR. Huge Fam. Rm. Country kit, den, Mds. Gorgeous pool. spa & charming gardens. •un• 11.i•.-Spack>us 4 BR custom home with sweeping view of golf course. Format dining room with reoessed celling. Family room wtth wet bar. Gated area. Perfect for active family. ..... 11.na.- P.wwamlc view of golf course plus charming 4 BR, Fam Rm home. Totally "re-created" with FR & OR skyflghts, crown moldings & 3 Frpls. Designed by Canterbury Interiors. Owner finanelng. lllllMYIEW-.U 1211- Lowest price In Harbor View Hills! 3 BR, family rm Lusk built Malibu plan with large private yard & quiet location. Owner will help finance! Owner is very motivated! 111111 Ill MAI SHl,111 Drastically reduced! Now the finest buy In Jasmin(l Creek. This beautifully redecorated 3 BR + FR home has It all. Thousands of $ in upgrades. Exe. affordable financing ta: 12%. Take advantage. .MSMa•OUU Pll .... Gate guarded community. 3 BR w/large master suite. Sparkling clean. Ideal end unit on large greenbelt. .. Ill.. ., ...... 3 BR home In Old Corona del Mar. One block to beaches. Good sized lot to add on. Some view. Plus lots of charm. snaau 1411.- Lowest priced home in Spyglass. Never before heard of -5 BR + bonus room Nantucket with pool & spa. Great cul-de-sac location. Beautifully landscaped & maintained. OWC secon~. SPYIUIS 1411,• Portsmouth model with lovely pool & patio located on a quiet cul-de-sac near shops ·& schools. 3 BR with family room & wet bar. Call to see. ---....,.. · •Extra large 2 year old duplex nestled In trees on Bayside Drive. Great view from each unit of bay and ocean. Excellent financing on this one-<>f-a-klnd property at a prime location. ---11,l ...... Breathless oceanfront view of bay & jetty. New superb construction. Security, beach stairs, high ceilings, oak floors & formal dining. Seller wtll carry AITO at belt rate. 2BE, den, oLflce. etc. OTHER AREAS ._... ..... •1•,111 Sotona model In the Villas tastefully decorated. LIOM & airy 2 BA, 2'~ bath townhOme. Parquet entry, tlled atrium & attacned daubee ••· "' ·O.efrae tlvlng Just at..,a to ~ , .. .._ ·lMner Wit CO'*der 2nd. • 1oo ... . -..... .aa .. · ., .... G..-tnwstmeM & location. 2 unfta. A 3 IA 2 BA unit & a 1 BR tort unit, both wtth MP9'•• yarde. Good --..mabte loans. Pl•llU,_., PH• Walk to beach or bay from this charming 2 bedroom, den customized home. Long-term financing by seller. Prime Penlnsu,ta location. Don't miss seeing this home betofe. you buy! Call for appointment. L• ISLE 1421,111 Recent price reduction makes this lowest 4 BR home on Lido! Corner location affords beautiful light exposure. 1 block from tennis, beaches & club. Owner will assist financing up to ten years. Hurry! Liii ISU 1412 .... Very attractive 5 BR plus den. Great family home. Good use of lovely wallpapers t,proughout. Close to private beaches & ·community tennis courts . Pl•llU 1111,llO Unique oceanfront with the beach as your front yard. 2 BR, 3 Car garage wtth private financing Including a subordination clause. Fee Land. .... _. 1111,111 REALISTIC PRICE. FEE WATERFRONT. Property wtll ftoat 55 ft. boat & large loan. Builders' own home. 3 BR. formal dining rm, family rm & secluded dockside patio. um&llU ...... Least expensive home on this gate guarded Island. 5 BR, family room, large pier & 8'1p for 3 boats. Lovely bayslde deck & located across from tennis & sandy beach. Excellent financing. 11r•11a 11.-.- Front row center for the best waterfront show In town! The large courtyard patio & bay-view deck lnvtte enter1alnlng. A guarded gate entry. Fee land & financing are plutes. Pl SIU 11-... Pier -slip -Mndy beech+ additional 30' lot. Tastefully decorated 5 BR fumlahed home wtth spacious master bedroom aulte. complete with fireplace & vtew of the mountaJna. ---wnw-Pra dropped $200,000 on oceanfront 48R' holN "' guerd gate oonwnuNty. ~ vlNt , PfilwN tpa, ~ t9nn6a & ~ can be ;:= .-. thlaa.iper spot. S.. ~or lrade. ' .... ...., -.. a ... * ... ' • --~ _; ~ ... · , ..... ' .. OMlft ~taftln _.. ptt118w4"8A .... te en ~ of ·acre. 88 Nd· • flOme of arahltectural significance. Aeator9d In '81. Gu•bo, greenhouse & hardwood beams. PrMcy. ,. ..... ~--•c.a-_ .... ------.. c:mm.l cum-.-KW ..,_ 111111119CllO .. a. fMmWl. 111KW ---...... OM cmEIT ----:ti=. ----IM.lm lftlll-------11191S -1111' CWUI ti _ ... --_. .... --... ..,_ ----..,.., .. , ... cm. .... -·-· .... , ' --------------------------------------n; c 'fl'\~ t f L.'' _.., t •·"' •bf'31\ (t \J '1 '41~9'"' t•'""" <. .... • ,.._ """ • ••• ... ., #ft ' ••·· -~ • 18 -Oranoe County Reari:atale/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 10,1982 ~-e~~!f ........... ~.!-!!:!'! ...... ~.!-!!:!'!.: .... ~.!-!~ ...... !m!f.~!* ....... ~!!!:!'!...... UM llU + NIL ~'!! •••••..•• !.~ ~ ......... ! .... ~'!! ......... !.~ '1!!~.!{ •••• _ •• ! .... ~~ ......... !.~ bExtrha wfldeb 11ot pluds pool.A3 bdrmb. 13 llmTllS ---• at a, a u ous ecor. ssuma e llllM ........ ... financing. $595,500. $140,000. OM 2 Bdfm 1411 W. llJ .. Uf 1 .. l TAYLOJ CO =~te*:!uC: ir= Prise West Bay beyfront.. Sltp9 for 2 boatl. toned R-6, high density. mnodtled 3 bdrm. 3 bath tl,200.000. . ,,......., ......... An,..ieatate~ In this newspaper 11 subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 19e8 Which mllllea It Illegal to advertlM "any ~ ce, llmltatlOn Of dltcrlm nation baaed on race. color. relfglon. aex or national origin. or any Intention 10 make any such preference. llmlta- tlOn Of dllctlrNnetlon. .. Thia MWSPIPll' wlll not .knowingly accept any ad11ertlslng tor r .. 1 ff• tat• which 11 In lllolatlon of the Ir#. Hlllla Adverti- sers should Check thefr ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. ......... ........•...........•. ...,,, 1111 ...•.••.•..•....••••.• ....... 2 ltoty waterfront home with prtvaie dodt a 2 c:. garage located on TM Park• Strip In Arizona. Price J 196,000. Call 873-1230 llllTRIEI 411, 1114,IM Must Ml this weekend. Great 1tart1r home or terrific: tnV'lltmem. lnw. estir19 existing flMnclnQ. Call tor o.t .... 546.23 f3 THE ~EAL ESTATERS 4 Bd 3 a.. OCllM'. pool. patio. S 1115/mo or ..... opt . Ask for Fred 631-1291, 931-2711 City aay1 you can bolld 8 unlll. EICtfemely de1tr1-1~; :o~:. BIG CANYON'S !'Jl1 Very Best Buy IY IWIEI • htttMlll•c .,,.-.., .... FashlOn•ble 4 Bd M .. 1 • IHI lffr ... t I FHlllJ ••· ..Verde pool & ape home. • 1.ar&t Let-IH......., LaHtu,ff 2200 sq 11. aw,_ w111 • 1 o. hnc• _ Twe Ptfftt help finance w/lrg tow • 1e-..au...i ......... ~ PHI I •·a Int. 2nd. HELPll $184, -nm ••-.. SOO . Call Lola ag1. • llMtrtele Stt....., IJdt• 631-12ee, 873-7544 • .. 1.,,.ts, 1r.,.1 I hoer 3 II FllEI • ... lwMt EatrJ F1ttf 111,IOO • Wtt '* -Twt Flr1,1aott Definitely the bat buy In ONLY $695 000 Costa M4IM 3 Bdrm fl. 1 1eer Big 'Q room, Th' · t th ual nd . hard 1: ed huge lot. .,... • 1S is no e us ru own uv wttt't • llttle WO!'ll. could house, but an immaculate home which be mad• Into • nice ta-will please the most fastidious. We ~~~;ie. Muat .. u. cannot find any other aeparate home in Big Canyon for less than $200,000 MORE. It tartJ 1tt *'Y• THE ~EAL ESTATE RS IUI ml -14 l1ni111 TrH le1I s..1er w111 urrt $30.ooo 1,.1 Sat I S11 1·1 1tralght note for 5 vr-. You benefit with• mon-(Ill..., .... Plf"4 .... W ..... 11 thly payment of '924 tit ,... ....... ti Mtlr). Pt/mo. Call now to ... the c:ory CXU'ltry kltdlen . w/rocll llreplace and NW -.. • 11110 -IPllLAll cuatom cabin.ta. S1tt Two Story Nantucket 5 Br with =·t delay. c:a11 Diana beautiful Sunset pool lined with 14,000 t~. red bricks. Tastefully decorated ocAN1~=POL-throughout wit~ wallpapers and VOi.PE shutters. Shows lake a model home! RVM~ Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl land. -----'1111-STl•W .. TUllNW FllD Wiii I VI Channing 4 Br. & large family room 2 !::. ti;:..~~~ brick fireplaces, country kitchen, qulet Nwt Flll\teatic hOme tor residen tial area in modern tract by poolald• entertaining. Buocola. Long tenn seller financing. l~ Full price s 121.0 0 . down. $229,000 inclurung land. 1s1-3tt1 • UJ • 1• .U. UT/• 1·1 ~ ·'" ............... -1211,111-YllWFm F.arthtones throughout. 4 br, 2 ~ ba. family room, dining room. 2,378 sq.ft. View of Pavilion, night Jights & Catalina. Apprailed at $320,000. 3 BR 2 \'1t ba. fttr standing former model. New cpta. Only 124UOO. ~ ()pm S.vSun. .._ ... ,, .. 4 BR wfth added family room and walk-around bar. Only '9UOO. ...,.., ..... '411,000 ~loan •t 12."'. Over 2900 911.rt. of luxury. MOit popular J'.d&ewawr-plan. u.usTU- Popu.lar HB deve~>pmeru, only 2 yna new. 4 BR 3 lk, plUtl loca of amenities. Hl&)l ~ble loan. mflml-Great 3 BR 2\111 ba. 2 car,.,., Owner wlll carry w/mtnlmum down. •11).000 ----.. U\11 bcirllent unlta w/11~ ~ *111 flMncinc. 1ft1 ...U.... UTI• 1·1 .... ,..au_ .. , .. Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for~. Cul de sac st. 3 bdnns, fam rm, $379,~. 1111 ID WIST, NI .. -1 .. WIUY L TIJ&.11 •_,_llM.1111 1111 .. -.... ...... ...... , .. , ... !!!II,.... MMl11 LIQUl>A TION Forced sale, two beautiful pre11tigious Newport pool homes valued at $400,000 wW be eold for $318,000 and $325,000 i.mmed. Fee land. U you are • terieua buyer contact Patrick Tenore at 780-8702 or 831-1266 now! RE/11~ a' Costa Me54 Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 beth, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. L9111U ... lM YI& Ull -IPll -, .. Prime Lido Non:t bayfront. 5 bdrm, 511'\ bath. Lee L.R .. 2 boet slips $1.500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large ~. rm. beam ceilings, fumlahed, patlOI.. $420,000. ll• 11&.1 lllflllT Lagoon Vlew from 6 bdnn, 5 bath, playroom. dark nn, den, Boat &lip. Now $1,000,000. UYSllE COYE SpeciaeUlar bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat allpe $1,800,000. •MlllCIYS Coronado laland cust. bayfront lot. SS boat dock. Plana avail. Red. $370,000 w/~nns. IUFR-SlnP story end unit, ~ uptnded 3 br, 3 be on 1arplt ll'ftnbelt. $250,000. ••1.81 3 bdmw. 2 'h baths condo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ' 1 "' ~ •, ) , _, • •' I ,. • I ,. ***********• * Ill CllYll • :£1es11t l1jntlo CelHill-tr ,,,.,__ Prime location overlooking the • .....-8th green of golf coune. Custom. * built by owner/builder for ru.-tr ......_ own personal residence. 5~ .....-bedrooms, 6 ~ baths. Elegant~ *master suite. Abundant with. Jf-fine marble and wood panellnl. ~ ...._Air conditioned .. Refrigerated~ .....-wine room. Billiard nn. Family -tr i nn. Tn.aly a maierpiece .for the~ discriminatJni buyer. Serioualy ~ for sale at $1,9~.000. F..xrellent i financing avallable. Own•r'1 ...._ new 12.000 ICI· h . home nearly ,....-completed. For appt. to aee e1U ~Wesley i4M'l11 ULNA PElllSIU 4 bdrm up, 3 bdrm down duplex. Great area for summer rentals. All investors must see. Only 5 years old. Best buy on the oceanfront. $525,000. Ill CUYll Most unusual customized home In area. Indoor-outdoor pool with slldlng glass roof. 18' bar, screening rm, gourmet kitchen, play room w/full kitchen & bath. Good financing. $975,000. IALIOI PElllllU Worth seeing & worth owning this brand new 3. bdrm, 3 story custom home. Ocean & bay views from master suite decks. Thermldor BBQ on kitchen deck. Good mortgage loan available. $399,000 LllO ISLE Just listed ... Charming 3 bdrm, 2 baths beach house. Features circular fireplace, brick patto. Completely private 1 bdrm, 1 bath upstairs w/ outside entrance. $349,500. Liii llLE Ii YFlllT FANTASTIC TERM S ... Owner wlll carry 1st Trust Deed. Priced to sell. Near Udo Clubhouse & tennis courts. Wiii accommodate a large yacht. $1,300,000. Liii Own your own dock for your 85' yacht. Profeaslonalty decorated. 4 Bdrm, 3 bath. Random Oak Planked floors. Patio overlooking prime bayfront location. FEE LAND. Security gate, and many more extras. $1, 110,000. U.lllllES.lmL Complete ocean view from this Immaculate 3 bdrm 3 bath home with super large terrace for entertaining, lounging or boat watching. Sheltered pool with large deck space for sunning. FEE LANO. Owner financing. $800,000. llVllYMS llUll Eastslde Costa Mesa triplex. Posit!~ cash flow. Eleven x gross. Near park, schools, shopping. Alway& rented. $189,600 . Liii Delightfully appointed 2 Bdrm, 21f< baths bayfront condo. 2'4 hour security. Sauna, pool, sub parking, cloae to shopping. The most prestigious high- rise condo building In Newport. Owner may exchange. $735,000 Liii UYFlllT Cuatom country Engtllh beyfront home with p ier and slip, designed by Internationally acctalmed architect. 6 bedrooms, 6 baths, gourmet kitchen, form•I d in rm, securi ty 1y1tem. $2,700,000 . -~-·· •••••1t:t:i -'-~~~~~---=----~=-~~~~ ·---_,__----~------------------------------ llftla ,_ ...,. 8HlfS 1.r aJI , ...... ,., _,.__ · -~ •·1 .. ,,,, '"' le , , •• -.-····················1· ....................... ·······~············· ······················ ..................... . ...................... ...................... ••••••••••••••••······ 1••••n ,., "" 1 •••rn..,., M1• .... ....-'~ •••• ,., ff.61 ••••• ,., W• F·-···········••••···· .. !.!~~· .......... :.~-:: '4U.. /s/,., l C..11 lln• Jl jf C.11.., IOU t!..11.., JIU C..11 #114 Jl24 1 .. n•sl•• 121. JlllAIMMll ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••·· ::T ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••· •-· IHI No Fed Loans Here 2 Charming homes, .int _, It •live and well 4 BR 2 2Br, lrpk: &128,00 long te<m loans. tow fl-• 3B1, 2Ba, dbl c11 garage. •••••••••••••••••••t .. Ba, sp~lous remodeted 3B1 house $117 .500 ·xed Interest 1ales, usu-• 1 EASY llVE IP 2 pallos. flagslone frplc. -WED MU beauly. Motivated seller 3 Br-spa S 160.000 mable No d\19 on sale FIXER NOW Motivated o-otfe11 owner-<:us\Om bll tiome Pr'lee llattied 151< • lo 1 Sl36.900 3Br LldO Isle $380,000 clause Owner 673-0188 highly upgraded Wlm-s12g,950, Wllh $29.950 2151< ·on beaut dwntwn WESTWOOD 4Br Wlrlrnt $995.000 bledon plan C lo quallll-down Owner wlll carry nr-new 2 sty, 3 br. 4 be+ LHllY Ct• Ill· 1171 Ftll SAU H Tllll MONDAY NO! ed buyer on lease OP· 1s1 loan bldl. untl rented at $325 Financing under 11% 2 Beaulltul home. frplc an lion Priced 10< lmmeo ltlllw mo. Welle lo beach No BR 2 Ba. 24 nr dOOfman. bdrm, full sz lot $125. sale Agent. 873·3900 ' trlcil lerms No qu8l t 1K 11ale1 pikg. sw11chbo8rd 000 equity Wanl hOme Open 1·<4 Sel/Sun Ml--7721 dn Seller wlll pay all $395,000 submit or apls In Nwpt area Onl't weekend advertlHd .. e fhrer. 3<474 Windsor Coon ck>elng costs & lees & 645-9557. 95S..0782 Monde't -wcwkman due Md prlc:e 9091 $101< ON, $950 mo 4 BA. wtu carry 5<4K 2nd TD at f<oJe Wefl.·n, f<euftor 714-6-4 1-8629 lllT CllllTIOI Beaultlully landscepe<I & maintained 4 Bdrm home Greal corner locallon ,w/e>1l1llng RV access. Owner wm usls1 w/flnanclng .. Full price .. u 1t•R •-12 .a u p . 38 r • exeal. Meaa Verde area . oprll 3 BA, plus FR. plus pool, 5% w/oo pymts fOf 3 yrs -... -Pool/)ec:uul. AM umebla loan. Don't look "" 963-2404, agt. $1798/mo. w. renlal • IU Im with leaa than S30,000. Ow~r wllt carry. Your own prl111te pool I0.5% APR. I guar. to 2 Bdrm 2 Be ""•s dbl P rine o I ,.., b t •1•5 ooo end .,.... se1 In .... Ak 12, fillMllll buy back In 3 yre 81 same """ • n '1 · ,. re 1 e . • ~ • • .....-p .. ,. e .,_,,~ ..... n ~-·ry •---f~ price You can't lose! garage. lovely patio. Own/Agent . Mt-ans. turroundlngs 11 what you ....,...., .. , ~ ...,..,, ~ n...... Set & Sun. 1•5 ..-EaolAI. rtand11d llz.d IOI. Ow-get wllh lhls popular p1• qualllled buyer. Great ..,....,.. Nllltll ner win eerry financing. ceseller Homa In Mesa 1erm1. 3 Bdrm 2 ba. 1205 A~abama. 980-2686 F sale le 00 Verde Plus 3 bdm 1, 2 Mesa Verde Hlghlands. r-<owner _______ _ s:'11 in s:i1ti!~<>r~ @I larl fHCI C•rn• ''' "" IOZZ I ba '<>;a~T!:::a~. · g:.' ~~~1 ~:!~!1~.' 18 DOWI !.' Count" Financl"" assu· If ••• •••••• •••• ••••• •• •• f fXER Ow I 559 •221 ' ... r•a ar COST A MESA nr agl. "" View of lhe ocean and mable and terms avalla· ~ w 81 k 1 0 1 he 1 and ble. Total Value. $335. 111..-2 Cele )) $9S,OOO Dl11m 1·2 Ltt 2 l 3 / 3 3 3 • 3 8 46 & 000. CHh down S 100. Of ••rwlt . 2131902•1298 000 Cell for dele•ls. .. .... u 9 • '1 &. i Easltlde Co11e Mesa. lttt .... I llH•ers -$27 000 Newly dec0<aled 2 Bdrm 1,_ESTORS· II you have lnh .. 11 1111 •7s-ss11 · under appraisal. home on 80x 125 101. $5000 , here's your 11142,500. 751-31111 M A Y 0 C K oN'0rHe··9e;e:·~:2·a;·~; "-· . Owflef 'i*oa1e. Kurry =~o~ ~~~~m~:,~ T~ :'eaar:_ ~~':~ ~~~ J80'Gt'fr.ffri£ condo. 0-wit! flnan. llPlllTIOITEI Oln ·~ WI. Asking $137,500. 842-973-4 ' lAGl.W. 8E..cH ee. $249.000 997-83e2. 1nU 11111 F0< an appoinlmenl lo i-B-Y_OW_N_E_R_4_B_R_4_B_a C714>4M•214e Dick Ressler Rlt r see. c:all 540-1151 hme, """'Ow 2900 •n.fl. 558-8835. Olde Corona del Mer ~t:f!~Mltf ..... ,.. ~ --. charm. new 3 Bdrm 4 Bl Nr Meadowlark Goll ~~~~~~~~~' C..•• ''' llM IW townhouse plus femlly Course. $236,000 1er1n1 ii ••• ••••••••••••••••••• rm Wells of glaaa bring We will gu11an1ee 10 buy Ill CIM $231,000 outdoor gardens Into •IEU YEllE* back 11 same price In 3 UECITIY! Piil ME 1P11 111. 1-1 Sparkling 3 Bdr w/cslm H IAUIA Olftl pool & ape in lrvlne Ter-···-· faee. $1400. Ron Salter -""-' 759-1221. Re/Mu . agl leaf SUP Hlll IAY IEMll H O ME S ANTA ANA Private beach. llte & HEIGHTS Specious 5 cheery comlorlable So. of Hwy. Fentutlc: 3 lllytit rooms. 18' vaulled MUST SELL 48R/28A yrs. 848-0450 Br r emodeled artlsl celllng1, oak floors. en-APPRAISED l140K r-1-, i-~ home Open, light & elry. ergy •fflclenl solar hol NOW S 120K w/57K dn m&ll IMJ ~~•••••••••• • • •• m Living, dining open to water system, insYlated VO OR $130I< w/32t( dn ....... llW TIE UWI lolally p111 backyard. tinted glass. Flexlble OWC. • This 3 Bdrm home mutl Great lerms. Musi sell In terms. Offered •• $370. e•cK e•y Bk 21' -8001 be sold CASH TALKS. H .. E 42 days Delia 831·128e, 000. n n FHA I V A 0 K C a II 2181 1q n ol townhome agl. CCIUI CW ...,_., Huge oolonlal 4 BR, den 540-1151 for more d•-IMng bf'lnga you eH the OREA T OCEAN VIEW. 3 MAL.TORI plus pool. Only $269.500. ASSllf tails. comforts ol Single family BR. 214 ba, tam rm, tlttl.~...,. Hurryl IMng whh ell the .ctvan. Br home. 3 large bedrooms · 0< 4 8'/den, 3 baths. & den. 2 baths, fireplace front & reer patloe. 2 cciir and much morel Wiii ~~ &. CtlrJ>Ofl. Sl05, trade downl INCLUDES THE L ANDI Owner/ •t--5•_9_-_7962 __ Aoen __ 1 __ 1 Age n I 8 7 3 • 9 1 8 7 or IEllCEI a15-1oeo. s569,0001 $4.0000 C-•-645 0303 VA leges of 1ownhome 11-Je,; McCotlough. agt. 175•1111 • • • vlng. • roomy Bdrms. 553-14l7; 552·2000 111 ~--YI 9.5" formal dining, famlly rm. IO lrptc In lllling rm . ...,., bar. New price s139.900. 4 er ~~~~~~~~~I 2 Ba. 1900 9Q ft. localed TllE ILASI LllM/ /Tr14t $69,000 at 1642 PtTI mo. E.SllE IOICEI enc;losed p111 pello w/ lt.l._I Full price $98.500. 3 decking & garden area & rr~ HAVE: 4 bdrms lndudlng bdrm, lamlly room, den. S 17,100 morel Fabulous llnan-In Metal del Mar. Great NEW VIE W TOWN- lerms, low down. Agl. HOMES 2 Master Sul· '31-7370 las View of ocean & liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil nlghl lighls Ou1e1 Area Perks, open spaces SI 25.800 dn >Uni Fin, Hal or Pat BIWef. Agts 673-7300 MAKE OFFER Ll>O ISLE 11S1&.mmw Lovely lrg house with den. 991 & forever view Only $359,900 Fee. Will lrade down. Call Oireel to Pafrlck 0< Fred T enofe 831-126$ or 780-f702 CedllleCS to Uo-Certe Wllaaewr the Fad Roi 'em off the ITllrtet WIUI a Cl .... fled Ad Call Howl 842-6178 l&lfllll PLD 1111 Enjoy Newport on the water at it.a finest. Totally customized 4 BR executive home . Approximately 53.7' on the water with docking space for 3 boats. Excellent finan cing. Approximately 3800 sq. ft. of.. 1heer elegance. Private spa, leCW"ity pted entry. The bett beyfront buy in Newport at only $1.050,000. Call &oday for Y°"" appolatment t.o preview thl1 truly maptfkienl horde and k>catlon. .,, .... .... ..... has been found In The 2 matr au11ee, 3~ba, lge 2040 Monrovia. RITA NEWER 3 Br home w/ clng. No quelllylng Caslle. A .. Bdr. 4 Ba fam rm, 2 frplet, rustle ~~-~~a.~~~~-~TOl9~~~ "91· S40-8149 FAMILY RM, EXCEL-$183,000. m a 1 t e r p I e e e w I WOOCI beam cells an In a ---------1 Don't delay. whlleweler vu Former walk lo prl11a1e beach *F•ll.--f* LENT financing. Call to-cell Olltna todayt CdM pre111ew home of locallon. The perfect la-fllll Colle~ark, &18,000 dayl Ra• R odoera, 55g.9-400 lhe ....,,, lnterlof i....~ rnn.. home In. UWI perfect 3 Br 2 Be, aunahl n a3l-l2M DIANA PIET"' ... POL· ,__ .. .....,...... ;:2.,. S7 OOO dwn. 960 Agt. """ lion on request. C.. Ron ._..t>omood. Fee land home. 5. esauma Salter 769-1221 S..95.000 bte 10en al 12'1\%. 1113 JUST REMODELED WANT: Income Pf'Oj). Of 900. Bob 848·8093 or 3br, 2ba. eov'd patio w/ reeklence w/substantlal ~5098 wet bar. O'#ner 848-Mte equity OR lae/09t w/onty --... --.. -,-----1 llW I • UITlm -5 "-opt•~t .. l l 4 BR 2 ea. 2.000 aq.n. No quallfylng to make ~Ir I 115d.000db· 13 8t 2 WAY lll.IW ••-- -& lhla -1acular 3 ....._ .... g y11 • car ga--• -' ' -... pool, owner llnenced. ....-....,"' 1 1 B b 3 br 2 b&. Univ Pertt •~ $25,000 dWn. at 13% f pool home youre. Jwt rage, poo • 1p1. o • • 30 ._ __ _.._....... ..... F •117.""" ....... ~ .. ,,.709 ~3or 848-5098 Terraoa $149,000. ~ ..,_,••-on ,.,. yre. ull price. 1142 ...;•::..:..:..:..:.:....,.,=...::....,;;::_;~::..:.:..:.:..:.:..t=::-;:::-::::::::::-::7.:::::-T8mll. "91 955--0782 0< t11111pec1acu1., new du· &00. 551-1993 Tiii UYllT• llllTEI Ylll ._..,._a_s_1-eo_10_. __ _ plex. lit U9efl ... be-VA REPOSSESSION 4br, .- neflls & • 1 year 11u•-1 '"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 3 ba. P oo I, Sii 00 0 d n. ., T9I LIFE rantee tool You cen 11aYe1• Lrg 3 8d 3 Ba PoOI home Wh t a t I 1 II all, He .c 11-•11!4 '&WIY ,_ 1136,000. Agt 6'46-7739 located on~ _... E.U:. 3 n.,ofp:.' ~. Dahlle. Tll .... L.-ge lot Witt! 2 Ir. 1 Be. MC. M9tr 8dt ~ M.-,y extras. awn.-w11 .... lat/S.. 1·1 Only 9'A% ln1erea1, so ltoVM. Eaatllde. C.M. Fr.dOora~tohl.IQe help f inance. "Low c.e............ L I H _.. see q\Jiet, COOi 535 Hazel Greet \lelue. 1119,500. PoOI ' peCIO, fonNI .. Down", Ju.II I t59,900. {'~,...... <Mii vftlH lodeyt 3 bdrm. ·2 bath, Ofr': Wouae Sat/Sun. '*'t rm. den, frj)la. & lrt Alt for Ro'*1 MMlken, ... ta,,..,1._,,~:,., formal CSlnl""'. n-"II· 1 7 21at. St./Oranoa awmeble ftnenc:1no .. 13,.t2te v ~ ··• .. _ea_1~._..,.s_18---....----1 t>ut a tew ot ttte menv ~-a·1.a1. et1en & family With oeeen 1men1t1M, Offffed •• v,.,-,.,.,., & d1y ....... 50' tnet to 170& P .. T.I. 12.35.000. Cell J~rr~ IMt I c...,-. ttteet lot, 1350,000, ·~ VA ~ 8mltti llQt el 831-1170 or • 7 •• c.I Open Ftlday 104 ' Bet. 2 ea. xtm w MG-03 f2 few inore ,._ Open Sunday 1-~ Calif. Aaeoo. Bllr talle. MlmlJI -nM100 Cli COSTS ONLY S20,00000WNl3bt'.2'A ...._ •P u 11 -·n-O wnet w/dlecount tr S11~mo. all tax da:. bl. By owner. 1375,000 . ._.-, ""1t111111 tlrr • Hm ....._ ••-I 129,000 to 11 ff>,000 tot dllct ...... edjecent lo dt\I Cell 760-1834. .~~/;...; h'!-J-.'i~.9~ Beeutlful PM Bttatol ea 1 h . 2 8 A 2 ~ b a l*tt. '""-tor wtl furnWI .... -.-.._. _.,._ Bt. 1'1• Ba. Condo. twnhm. 1 1350 mo, Gown~. 30 ,_,. •FULL OCEAN VU* • down 15·$101<. Lo 5$3.-01719llf bed loen • Ho belloon. 13.6% loan Jamlne Of PIY'M"t I tOOOtmo. t°'1iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiil I harp new 3 Bdrm, 3 Owner agt '40-1515 P'IOe SIM. t 411 Oll6 .. • .. ttl Condo. S1U,OOO. Turtle rock Campus View Owner deac>erate • Must a 1111111 -D..IT .-_ ... MO W. wtl8on, ts 1-5055 Sell, 11111 WHk. 4 bd. llllW Wit E/Slde llo"'• + gueet ~':a!.~ 't~~·~964~~..,...~~·~~~!!!! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9 SMt.000.~1141 Ctlolce loc:effon. FonNt houte. alley acoeea. XlnC ptace, country kltcilan, 111 L.1111 ...... , .. TlfW dining room, Cullom area. S 1U.ooo . Call quiet residential area .... Nal 1• Open bHmt 1hruout, H~ . .-..u..,..._ fireplace. vnlque 11v1ng 145-9557, t&&-078t. LC>f\O lerm eeller flnan-•••••••••••••••••••••• "'~. teree llltchen -·~·-·--------~ ""°""' ........ 000 ..... ,__. lulldaf' anxloua, .... w/ ,-~ I owe 11t -Fla11,. T•me room. Gourmet knetten ml lllU -... -··· ...... -.... .,aon to ......... _ no.a.. ..... no ltM, Walle In ....... ............. ........ ........ h .. lge ~ .,.. ..... •&.m .. ,_ --_..,.. ...... utMy .,... end .,,_ ..._.. .....-rw ""'" °'**'Cl to_., C*lr· a 80RM MOH'f"-C:.lLO 3 • 2 ... IWtDe,...... 4 "omea remaining. Ille --*· PocMe.. ~ ~ Vlll:eM OlupMi( tywd. 1'eperate muter TOWNttOUH, uoOo ~ •h 4.800. o."'8 IMM tor 17·60 pt eq ft. eftd Pft'ltior are a big Huge 5twt3be+3bl'/3t>e eulte Pttced t Mii t lfrlm.c. ~ oond.. b .... H • T ... -a & .. ldrm, 3 98, JllO,, plue. 1100 000 4'4Cli< own/bkr 145-1049 • 0 1 ••G•1n. 157 Yorllto.n Y • .,.. •nowr. ,._. t1un1, fen~ed .,6rd. ' • Gteet loc:Mlon ~ 1325.ooo. Cell tor eppt Ln. on '•lrvlew batw. eel Leo Henna. lolM w/ocean 804 • • 1oc18y, 961-1000 ,.., • Wlton. 0,.,.. ...... baadl comm. • _,_ 1w1 Ml. :!i!s~::':: 411 -Llf ~8TIVIA,Mr the lend. Aaaume 1 With 3 Ir. 1W. Ba, fr!*. 1411111 Int•• only !Oen, 20% ly o-w ....... . down. S2MK. 711>4175 OPEH HOU8111 ... OAa. BEAUTY 6 THE BEM;:ti tf11 .. ~...,_ Ttltr Goroeout 4 bd •• •i.De., lrvtne Ternoe. Penor CMi9 ~ Iha ... .,.. f'*> ....... lend. 000. To .... cefl Geor-....... •1.150J.!OO. otne .... ,..,. ... A..ety m-;,,.. .-. ... • -. - • ,., "" ,.,, .. ••nv uopp•n•tt to hNJ OJlllC'rP'1LO_FISlt.UrCJllY, JUiy 10,1982 ......... """" ..... ,.,,,. ........ ......... ........ ......l.J. ... ...................... .....••••••••••....... ..•..•.........•.....• .••......••••••.•..... . ....•••••..••.....•..•••••••••.••••.•..•............................•.•.••••..•...... •:Jiii J.MI 'J::• '"' ~'!ft!!.~ .. /!.ft ........ ~ .. }.lj~ ~~!.~ .. !.!~ ~.!f!!!.~! .. !.!~ ~f!r.!!.~ .. J.ljt ~!!.!':! ....... !!~ . ................. • ":r.' ...................... a.1 a.11 VllW -11.11n ..,.. •11••••••• •-... •11 ....... ····--4 Bf 3 ba poolijecual No .-..mptlon Pfobtem• IMllP P1tlll1 A1aume VA lolln, 13\/r . WIY mTf Expansive m uffs Bay view. 2 Br-2 .Ba, Volleybail court & 3 her• -OWf* wlll cwry Lovely 381 21)1111 cnat-Clean 28r. l 1CHl5/m f"l.n_,_ .. 3 Br 1 ~ Ba w/• .. 1 .... 1 IJ\aircue drastic price reduction. Was $266,000. trplca. $475,000. AUYMe l•t TO wlU) r ... e.rma. "*· one 1tory end unit ~ 2~~ no1 .. 3fd1 ~~2c~ ...... _ .. ,,.... · ~-' $242 500 $172 000 · bl $342 000 undet 12%. 220011q ti: 38' 2\/rba, lee on wide green belt-. ""'· ......,..., • "" ....,, -warm uaed brick frplc. Pnrne Hunt. Bch now • · • m assuma e <>Pen S.t/Sun 1-4 lend. Thi• 11a1 It 111 '°' eeaulltully remodeled ,. d ,__ I• location. $87,000 full price. loans. Call Agt. 4626 Roxbuty. $3.49,000. with country kitchen, •• ~ ••• ~!'!! ••••••. WILi Tl 111111 676-5930 Agent. Dennis Rk::ketta & AMoc:. baths redone -Just CHARMING OLDER CO MJ LJSlD n.-J UW '1EW 111..ea• painted and papered. TAGE -wonder1ul ooet Huge 4 Bdr, 1 ~ Ba w/crackllng frplc. -LllllMI LM/hOld. vtew. Thr .. Arch Bay New plush carpel & freshly painted Lowest priced "E'' Plan 3 Br. Fam. In llT1 -WALK TO BEACH 3 81 Open Sundmy 1-~ almoat oceanfront thruouL *115 000 w/onl $ll 500 dwn to $187,000 Assum Ins. Submit on dn. $175 ,000. Pittner a. plus den. See et 222 Lu-2237 Vl1ta Hoger 1erm1 -1495,000. • . y I 2645 v· ta Orn da $315 000 s an I. An •. e 0 b gonla Sun/ 1-5. Price .......,. .... ....... • --· toll-· u !!tllT;2u ml11 lS a • 646-6093 or 648-509e only $174,900. Agent 111·1111 .. ,..., -...-.. 1:-.1111 •• -. Hl .... 1 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 1140-8206 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 141-111t 111-1111 LOVELY PATIO HOME iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Plmla.I ~ Ao&.-•--• ,, .... .;...; 155' to Dr;, I bl to ocn .. Lm Ill.I ..,_ -.. Im.. J t-....... I... bet\, 2 bf, 2 bl & den Febuloul ,_ hOrnl on SUI0,000 -•ble. fl.. ••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... ::7.':':':'............... ·IR'i··•·T . CIDIY LIU 1123 w Bay. ()per\ Seti ·------I I __. lot nence __ •..',_,12.5,~ .. 0wner1t•~ ... IWl# ..... ... - 51 Sun 1 t-4. owe 11 12%. -oe ... _..-<>-• r-, · may -w ..,.. ..,._ • •-•-II' Trtlk Ul87 1 Antioch. lkbx, llJl,IOO IEPllEllEI El• ._s.._°'_C111_645-4 __ 220_Bk_,. 1 Elegant matter 91111• with fmen. Excel cond, ucigr-.!!!.~•••••••••••• 4 Bf. 2 Ba. D.R . F.R. w ....... .-llreplace and b1lco ny ded w/p1rtlal oce1n 24x60 2Br. 2Bl Goldet g~t';'o~. l~o .Foo· Imposing 2 level erchl-DELUXE VIEW CSONE LDOER. TATE HI I! IY IWIEI pkJI 3 more bdrm9. No view. Total prtc. $325. -1. Adults. Pool. A: lecture In wood & gi9N adull, aecurlty.. L Secluded 3 8r Tudor ~ expet'IM WU ~ to 000 by ownet. 873--6454 1ume Loan SScli;. I a• AJ.T.D.l~tntonlyf0f 5 dHlgn. Located high WANTS OFFERSI C•ll style home In gated IE WP I IT anurequllltyandgrand •-====~=~, optlon7848-8133 yra. Agent 64 l-5032 1bo11e Laguna's l1med todlyl comm. Seller m•" contl-menl'ler to thla unueulll -•NIT - WOODBRIDGE S•c .. by AIYl•r• coaslllne. FH-def trade9 t>e1ow'mert1el 1111m and beautiful property. --OCEANFRONT Mobll r,:-.:o~~:.· ~ ~ c!:r:e.~ ~:i..: fOf quick aM. Call Dien• ~~~!=~:: ~:-..!.!.-I NEW ~~TOM ~~6al. $60,00 Of IM w/opt. 1151-0M4, celllng1 & huge •tone EXPANSIVE 3 Br p1u1 ~I lecilltleL 648-5754 ...a ,., ef lnltalt Mewpon Beech De Aru 1151-04345 ftrec*Ca. 11'1 a rell prize dan, 2~ Be ASSUME • UITll 142-1.:.. Pool & Wlnecelllr baylront Perk. Mir 1 --... -.--,---111---1 winner at: $195,000. $120,000 lat with LOW p...., flew eond. '711 dbl wtde, fin I ---FUU PRICE. DOWN. Call nowt $20,000 DOWNI 3 bf. on $2,400.000 piece, br1dl patio. $51 --MISSION REALTY Goll courM. By owner. n..-"·VSun 1 • 5 O O. B 111 Or u n d 1 ,_,.._ ""5 So ,..~ ....... L--2 Br. 2 Ba. Veraalll•. $375 000 Cell 760-1834 ..,.,..... ..... -Hurryt e.t buy, lltelned '"' · .,., .. _,, -..--•IPll'f ' · · 17 Muir Beech Circle 875-e161 . ..... 111 balcony, ocean view. FOR SALE BY OWNER --------gtaa1 window. ceramic lmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 11~ $238,000 furnished. lo-SEAWIND CONDO eY OWNER l..U.. I ~:d~lrMn~r.:. ....all llf NEWPOR!.,.~G1 TSPRICcoEI-t'9nt~IJ:1 ~ ... ~ 2Br, 1'/aBa, pa11o. pool, &40-9405 e73-l&33 ._,_ lfl "-"'I 3""""' --1egew/8A~N I . ..._, ......,_, ana 2 carlf::r. WM! ............__ ..._ ..____ •• :.':.~~~•••••••••• f ....,, .,,.. AWARD WIHHER 2 Br, FAMILY RM, & 2 1-5. 714/548-9955. .... ' •· --, ... -Spanl1h VIiia, Dover Beauty Salon lor HI£ bdrma.F.-llnd.Veeant. 3 ..... _ "-n.-.,~ 1 .. ,.._,.--------to bch. 13 ,000. Byowner.7bdrm.4b-. ShQre9;7 8t.5 8a.Huna ~retumlngtomcl 8'1ced to alll, ont1 S17t. ~-~~';.~ ::W, ..,...., ..., ""'· ~ .. --87$-l856, 497-420& M•Jor eon11 completed Family Room. poof& u;;-pletw-. City M• 1 900. Hu11y, c1ll now. RAE ROOOERS -·-.al ~ $450,000. F .. 1760 Port spa. completety ramocs. toe. 17 Antique •t•tloni ~Bentler -FEO ~::'tor~~~~.g.':: Owner muat sell thll 3 older renlll units on M1nlelgh Cir Cell lor led. $598,000. Cell Cen-67S-1192 etl &pm -rm. Quiet cul-de-tac. ..-encs. Large country b lld bl d 1 1 1 8'>111. tury 21, At Grambow -------- •• -iw French 5 br. huge fem u • • up ex 0 · ~7 Really. A1k lor Ruth C...,... Mii l ,_ ..... _ 1&12,000. By owner. _ _.... F~"' PrlrM ooean lront loea-•1 • ..... 873-4411 rm, aep ... ._. 1• ''""""' Hon. H50,000. Call Remodeled 3 Br. 2~ Ba. 2131289-7726· l!-.#11 ISi 1 1~~~~~~~~~1 door•. AIC, soler nee-... 73 27•9 n.. ... .....,. 500 ••• -;-/'&:': •••••••••••• Lolltlly condo eltumed on 1-ting. magnlflc:em pool & _v_-_ .. ___ ,_. ___ 1 In ..-'flhOJ ... -..... · IMI IY ... Pacific View MemorlE the wMer. L.Mng 1oon1 la 1.-. 811 IM ._,.. -llPI· p1u1 tep. chllctren'1 8UI LU L.H. S 1891< 1 .. conver-3BR. 3ba. ltY rm/-t t>er. Pllftl, Mwpt ecn. lot 7~ I adorned by crackling ~••••••••• ... ••-5 Bd 3~ 9 o 1 ylll'd. Reduc.d to $895, •Ion. Renewal 199 l . ~lnlng rm, f1mlly rm. Gr•.,. A & B. 8eyYlel P ......... ~ rm. a. n 'I 1 Bf. $99,000 2811 Clrde Of 84M2111 s · c T • llrepl1ce. 111 "'Hier 1215,000. ApprelHd 000. Agt .. 844-80e7 Of 2 Bf Ytew $19<4,SOO · w1mmlng pool. om-err ace. • 2 2 0 0 tulte. Wiim eer1Mc.M Co-ope from 13 ,000 $245,000. Open HouM 644-80e0. Guerded gate, lul rec ptetety remod. Npt Ht1 67~7787 ttlruoul. Priced to ... et equity price. Condoa 7-11-82. 12-4PM. 338 --.. -,-.-.------1 fee. Cell 813-2749 Bllr. h ome . $ 3 4 8 . 5 0 0 . -------- $ 104,000. Hurry, won't from $75,000 lul price Cherry Tr• i..ne. Cll •-~982, ofc 833-9773 ~ lut . Cell Coldwell Lellure Wof'ld Aesalea anytime Tony 548 8133. 8Mutlful 28r twntiee nr IEST. LIM Bank• -FEO 552-2000 24221 PINO de Valenda wet•. Aleume $104.000 ~ ._ __ ,. IHI L.90. Hiie. 714/837-5500 Hew In town? Claalfled et tow Int. & '*"9, )'OU' ~~ 1::W101:.''~ '= U• -can l'lllp you fM9t =7 price. Mull cloH by .,_... •• ••••••••••••••••••• ..__, .... j l•I _. ___.... . '1-30. (2,13) N&-3124 Sun 1-5. 210 Via San -ml11 :-:.-:r=:;•••••••••••••• "' yout .-. M 2-511 ----'------Ra mo . 8 7 5 -3 o 411 . Beautiful 3 bdrm home In 87~2556 Owner/1Q1. prl'iate Pll!*-llke Mtllng. .. •• ...- Fabulou1 11lew1. Seller llftl llllD ... Ulll -• llnanclnt. Reduced to *... Ill* SH wind Condo: 2Br. $223.900. 1441 GMuy Dftwe *mall I MY.... den, 2ba. Upgraded. lll&iif IUUm Unbe lievable VIEW .from =G~~.~fi'3:. Peu1oua 3'00Counaq. fl s ~!~~· :::'ecr:i spacious 3 br home on extremely ooo. bdrm home. try kit· large tot aver1ooking Balboa Bay ' S•W'-0ri .... chen. ocHn vlew1. 2 c•r ger•g• plus large ~ o,_, s.t1$;ws-1-5 block• to beldl. 12% fl.. Hobby Room. Pool alzed Club & Channel. $675.000 i'EE 0t."~us· WOOO-RlTA -.nenolng. $379,000. 101· beaut, 11'l~ped. with.great terms! 2670 San H 1-_ ... Agent 494-4730. Owner will uaf1t at fl-•-•• --''--------i nenclng. Onty '420.000. Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. L8WB ..... , Ope,\ Sat/SUrl. 1-5 Juanita Bowman. 759-1501 P¥t--. 8'IP9t ocn vtew, ~ "-"°' 648-4784. grMt location ...... °'l~~~ .. ;;~-~1~~ tr•d•. ownr/agt.I~ _4_~_,_ ... _·-----1 ..,...,1 ...... OCEANFRONT MobUe F .. land -good ueu-. Hom. ............ $80,000. rnable toen. BeeutlMty PYt. -4tt-3'18 dacotet«S and ~ So. uoi-eotteoe. 2• :. a;-,,;:: = : Iba. pege. 1113,tOO. cell 491-2805 wttfl r ... down. H I•. ooo. o"" t -4 lat & Tllm to todl!'/' a =' I I M'lld Sundey, for 011 beat bu~•-133i ~ LaM. M 2.-n 645-7408 ... " 111AUll I llY• 11n1-e ............ .. , . ..., ' er. 6'n, ..,.. Plut~Coneoe ......... .. ..., .L___.. ' . I ---- OCEAN VU ENO UNIT Prime toe. 28r trl-M Not Crm $~5,000 Bier. T'om Gottl«. 646-9200 llYll-S 1111-•1• '"'1.1 ams Out ot the flight pattern , thla c:wtom home on.a magnifi c ent oppor tun ltle1. Sep arat e g uut home end privet• p ool a nd 1p1. Owner Ml finance entire loan. The prtce II *5.000. .. c... ... 114/M-l• VERSAILLES I bf upota- d9d condo. S.C. pool, c:lubhM. $74K. 1et, a. king I 122K. ~ ~. <Nie. 76().9388 ~ ,..._ +GUEST APT 4 BA, tern rm. + btfl pool entertlllnlng •• Sepe-1 rate ~ ept W/kg N BR & ~NY rm. w/fl*;. Only $335,000. Agt •• ~'!. ...... !.~ llYnllT One of • kind -lovlngty ••llT _,_ malntilined. 4Bdrm, 3bl, Excellent centrll come 2 s1a<y. corner 1ot. eoe1 tocatlOn. 3 bldge. owe. I d<>ctl (3) Reedy to move Realonomlct 87M70I t 1n. s1,200.ooo. IPft.I YIU.IT I O.YkS V. Hlll'1. Realtor Ta ..... I --•1•1•1•.Qll---•I Neer MW 4-ptex, 2 bdrm f 2 b•th HCh unit will l mAL .._ -flrepteoe, eneloled petlo 3 Br. 2t>a. to tot. tr..S. ga1ege. iw.-111. P?!! patios. F/P, xlnt. B•n· c11h flow. Now S 1~!1 nlng lee. Block to bdl, 500. 8111 Grundy, Rltr poot. 4632 RNer S11181S, 875-t181. wt• linen. al 12'h%. 5 yra.•-..._.---,,----.. -.-.d 075-2381. • ••••••••• ?l!!tt •••••. 1,..,. ............ ... .. .. • • , .. i... Nwpl 8cll dup6ell. ~ on lhl• beauutut 48r IMW'9--. OM In from Poaotlno model In Hlf· oceu1tront. Nwpl Bch bor View. Separa1; duplex. OcMrl w from mothef·ln·law quartera. upper. 875-5500 Almoat n-cerpellng.1-Huoe--5br-f3-b.+-3br_/_3be_ C1oM to pool. $309,SOO. <:!WC 1at -Rex. Terms 1~ :t:':.::. 50t Mam CdM "' bdl -440t< ownlbllr MS.-7048 So,~s::-Tri~ ~-·=W· --------1 l ront 11ome . Owner. Ull• .... H00 ,000. 3711 SH Vlllw or oceen anc1 c11y _•_'*_,.. __ . 8_1_,... __ 1e __ -1 ligtlt1. 3 Bdrm, 2V. ba .............. plu1 office, 2 frplca. 4_P1u. ,_ unita. $649,000. -JOdelle lftdl_ scaped, Mly ~. ·SACRFICE SALE! Nele ~ Ranch Custom A ll'l\8lhloi forever \riew of bay & OCftl\ • fottva-you.n. Jwt ln time to cloee t!9Cl'OW & move in, jp time for achoo!. Thia great family home, which oouldn't be better located to walk to all schools has 4 Bd.rms, 3 Bath.a, Camily room & au.,er large prap with pme r,oom. Come 1ee the many amenities this h<M&le baa to offer. It can be yoon with an 8"1' .. umable loan & ~ owner finandJ\I. 8oD Hiiiey, Remit°' on alt• rnanagement. 644-4455 12414 ~ & wlll ear- 8•• 4380 ()( Ms.-4786 IPEI MISE 8r1nd New Homo & ,., .......... . Wlftt to move up? 4100 8Cl· ft, blg bowie, big rooms .. Luxurious Laguna Hilla home in a ranch style tetting. Hone property, hW top view, 4 car garage. Must 1ee to believe! wm comider your ~ In tnde OI' whatever. W(IJ pnMde tpedal financing.. ......... , ... ,, .. .... .. INITllaMftlW ..... Yllmt lllmllE CoMos. no money down la CIHNrtlfl 1111 ry paper OIYo«:ie. must whit• they teat. (7141 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••Ill San Bern1rdlno 548-9522 Agt. BEAUTIFUL ocean end 1re1. For d•l•ll• cell ---------i night tight Ylewl. Exqul 7141720-1517. •~ -..... lite Spanish home 3 8R.l-liiiNiiiiiiiiTMiMiiiil-I --·-2~ b•. den, lormll di· •WNIT ... ..... ..... nln~ •. gourmet kllchen. Rife N.8. dpl11 '3SO.OOO. ULI • ..... ~ llVing rm w/bflek tplc, 160,000 dwn, IQ •1111· 3 8A, 2 BA. S91. AMU-'50.000 dwn. Tlka Oller ~ loan et 1 ~ OW-mable ·ioen. St'J9,500. flnenclng. $255.000 Agt. ner wtll carry batance at Fee. Owner wlll cerrv _•_1&-_e_122 ______ 1 I~ lor 5 ~· with 1~ dn, by owner. ,_ .__ ~ I& 9'a.3923 .,_ 4 llOUMe on IQ tot. ~ A JllST IEll SAi.Ei 0.-llilll Enry Aftnoon. zm1 ._. ftlet {Off~> ........... /S.1-1 1•11111""9, •--OHE--Ofl-A-KIHO ___ ~-Jaft $71.000 P. ...... lllet, CALL FOR DiMCTIOtJIS UNEQUALED VALU! •• ;;r.-;':::":":••••••~~l' approved plan• tor 8 llt-!la ........ 000 ..... "'725 REDUCED $50.000. HO condoe. Buy now a h04cl. ... ,Co, 714~ Mw•• 1319'308 ... ,.,, ···-.... ..... llM111 John Mat1M11 ~-. · -MONEY POWN. PLUS J ... Wallie, 1:11-12'11 BIOlUTEl Y MUST ZERO % INTfAfl'f ,._ 5€.Lll Prime -wtront ~. l-\ acre. 4 If . condo, ~ '300K. hOnll. Penofemlc ooeert Cal Owner to UPM fOf & mounllln views 1311 ....... 173-0241 000. '"*-.... , ... ~l<~I 'JT '(IL1l. ,\C.01JU,Go 'V..o1I.., I Jlr...J "Ill Jo '"~ ""''-'•1u.~ v • -• • . -------------onmge eoumy P\ea1 etattJ1A~cmitt111l'lg=sopprwment to tni ox1cv Plr:'OTZSa'tUrcr""a-y-.,-4-tJ-1y-J .. o ...... 19 .. _8""".~ -21 °''•' '"' "''" ~!!.!~t'!.~.'! ..... ~~!!!.!~!~~.~-!. .. r~~l!!!!.¥~!''~'!!~ .. l !~!!!.¥~1,.~~'!~ .. ,_._~~!~.!~~~~.-!. .. ,_._~!!!.¥~~!~ .. !~'!.~.¥~!~~{~~ .. •••• •• •• • •• ••• •••••• •• ,,,, ,,,,,, C.I• ... llU ~, • .., 1U4 t. .... llM• 1141 ,,__,, ..... ,,,. Wntalum "" I~ tti.~r!{ 1111 .__... ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ~ .. "".,,. Ttl. •••••••••••••••••• :':'.~: •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••• ••• •••••• •• !':''.!'!~~/!. ••••• ~ So Coas1 Plau Special 3 br 1 ba $550 Alto 2 br ... JU• EMERALD BAY Oc .. n OC-RENTALS HOME FOR RENT PllME Huge 5 or 3 oa lam 3Br 2ba, den 541·8077. 1 De 1450. 2652 Santa •••••••••••••••••••••• view. 3 81. 2 Ba pvt. yd. 1-5br'a $200 10 S2000 4 Bdrm. 1800. Fence<! lfWNllTIHOll rtome nr ocean 'value 641-<t744 Ana Ave 851-6228 3Br wUhgarege.stove & Walk to beach $1600. 750-3314 open7-daya yard & garage. Kids & ASSUME large 30 year S169K S83K EO to Nr beach lu• 3Br. 2')Ba SUPER.NICE 1brunlt dlttiwasner.chtld&amall 494-4674 IEACH MOISE peta wek:ome 5'45-2000 12')0~ loans Pav 20% och ior Las Vegas/ lwnhse. tennis pool. SCI'-caiport. bit-Ins $3JO ~;'6~1:1~' S 6 5 O / m 0 · PRIME HOME near Erne-(llMMrl) Agent, no fM down Duplues & trl· Ventura Cty 01 submit elude<! area Seablufl QC-RENTALS 750.3314 -raid Bay Ooeao vu 3BA, -C.•l1.U.iu1 pleites tn CdM & Bal Pen Laimbeer Alty 549-2330 Cnyn V1Uaoe $900 mo ---NEW CAPT 4 PAINT 2 ba, Piil yd Walk 10 By tile month only BUT u. I . ·-.I 1~zs Buy t or buy all. Call --Avail a.1 645-8057 3 Br 2 Ba hOUN. com-3br 1'~ ba K1<11/ pets ok bch $1300. 494-4674 only S9001mo for 2 Br 2 •••• ~.~!!'!!.!!'. ••.. '. .. today 644-742<1 Bkr lt•l•I• pletety renovated Ideally OW, sw. relr. gar. yd, NI !BR b t 1 le Ba, walk to beach. Avail. Resort-Ilk• adult tract nr 15 U t C •• '""O 000 d •••••••••••••••••••••• 38r. 1Ba. $600 mo. Lg IOC.ted, walking distance pa110 $795. 631-4320 ce 1 1 a, Sr P x, from June 20 SC Plza Pool grdnr nt s. . .... -. n yard, West Side schools & •hopping Mar pal o, garage. tovet • equals '<\ of exi sting II••••• f•t•l••H 951-5863 ' 5 Bike 10 ocean Elegant 2 rel rig 524 St Anns 28r. boal dcil '500/wk Otux 1 Bl No pets $485 pannetshlp $18.000 de· •••••••••••••••••••••• Charles Heller Paik off Br Fam1ty Rm & Oen. $550 536-1453 wkdys & S35 utlt. 775-2580 Pf8Cla1ton dedticOon tor Ill ... /du' 3106 E/Slde 3br, 2ba condo. tSth St. Daya 926-t537. $850 Mo. Pluah crpts. · Hlghly upgraded 4 clean 1982 No pv1chase costs •••••• ••••• • •• •••• • • •• lrplc, lge yard. pool, IK . Eves &52• 1324 2·~ Ba Cedar & glass .. Small Fum. I Room Cot-lBi. boat dck '400/wk 0 631-4516. Immaculate & nlGely tum. 2 car gar $700. lllS I PfTI H sun-deck, dbl car prv tage fOf slngle perton In 4'AOlll 11Aln ~~~1!:1~~02~~~~ on Grand Canal, Bel Is. 3 631-55501631·7905 EASTSIOE 2 B ge1age, II.illy m11ln1 ya1d. Laguna Canyon No NIP Ull&fllllT 657•5537 ... 53-0178 Jay. S~.000 depreciallon de-Bdrm & YU Avall yrly r. garag.e. No pell Inquire 81 527 c:ooklng, aep. bath fllc ll .. 111• " ductton for 1982 Easl-$1500 or wtnter S1200 ELEGANT VU CONDO $595/mo. 842-2510. 18th. St. 96().6331 S2501mo. 1st. & 1891 req • 75-4-4592 Trecy. Side C.M 5 Units. 3 yrs mo ~b; 5 ~hba. micro, gar 84e-.848 S7 499.3907 Harbor View Home 3 Br. 2 LUI• IHOIAUIT Old, deluxe 3 Br 2 Ba Water11ont H~. Inc · $850. 4 BR 2 Ba, Mesa 00 mo. 3 BA 2 Ba, lge Ba. family rm. $10001mo Choice pr""'"'rties-$77" Break even w/$75,000 57J..6900 875-17811645-8204 Verde. Dys. 751 _6191; lam rm, close to Mall & z -... -" down. $384.500 SP eves 963_1413 tchools 714-826-7677. l.dt 111•11 J SS Lease 644-6977 4 up Barbara 6.42-4842 631-4.516. CtttH l•l lf1t 31ZZ 3 Br. 2 Ba. lrplC. atrium. 827-3910 3•9A•;·~~·~·t"h':i..".k:. 3 Br. home. frplc. nice • ••••••••••• • ••••• • •••• t•m rm, ov•1ooks park. ·-· 111r11r H bo HI hi nd Air._r•-• .. tr 11111111•-.1 Zzoo Lu •. --"o ... _ furn 2 $850/mo. 64-4-1 t79. .,_ n 11> 3 Br 2ba. bltlns. ,_ cpl, $850 mo Agent area, ar r g a 1• .... .. wtr I# S.lt ...,..., ..,_. 4 8 pool/ l 770.9797. 675-1854 Upgraoes Inside, prvt • •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• br, 2•1, be. lamlly rm. IE•• WOO S r spa, rg yard. drps. 2 c ar gar. covd yard, hot tub. Nr IClllOOls •a.a ld.U J10f LeOulnta • 2 lot.s. each gated entry, pool & ten-.. I cul-de-sac atieet, new patio $750. 962-5121 S900 ... 2•3356 • ••••• •••••••••••••••• "" 100 _,.. b _ ... _ ~ $12001 631 10"" 3 Bd m 2 e a f•-ly kitchen. wallpapers for . .,.. . So Bayfront 3 Br $1300 ""• · _,a Y '"""" • '"' mo • ilU ' 1 • '"'"1 rm. b 0 y. g 11 1 & m 0 m EXECUTIVE HOME near lfl1d,. Vi•i• 3Zf1 · · close to country club Clltilfni JIU n i c ely decorat ed $950/mo.751 _0774 Bkr the beacn.5 Bdrm,3 Ba. •••••••••••'•••••••••• 3 BA 2 81 Easlbklll. avt Avail lmmed. Mary area . appraised at •••••••••••••••••••••• $875/mo.Agl 751-3 191 291Y X•r•lgewl desac HOMEFOARENT July t5.S1200mo. Lew is. agt Re l M ax S8.oooea, w/sell for $6. 1 Br Trallef, prlvale, no 280 !BA, fireplace. en-2 br, 1 be house. lncd lot. Fam rm, dining rm. 3 Bdtm & .5..1ktrm. $750 640·9019 759-1221 or 631-5963 000 ea Cash only pets . u t 11 s p a I d . cfoMd garege & pallO yard , enclosed gara~. fplc. dbl gar. Kldt & pets 10 S800 Fenced yatda 4 2 Br. T 81. N ewport C.11•1 Ill "'I J1ZZ 71"-792-6350 111 7PM $400/mo. tat p1ut ~-(lrlplell) No pets. -evall S500 mo. 4'Q1 875-t642 we 1 come $ 1. 000 garages. Ktds & pelt Hei ghts old cuerom •••••••••••••••••••••• lfiul•ia, Dnttl, rity 642-0835, 499-1617. approx Aug 15. $435. Lerge 39' 2ba Westllde 545-2000 AQenl. f'\O tee. ....eicome. 545•2000 charmer.' open beams. Ocean view. beautllully • "" 842-6872 condo. Extraa. nr beech. Agent, no fee oak floors, spUt level furn. townhouae, ltplc, l•••tl ~4-W'l,H• •11• 3141 s100 "•2 2"""' •utl%,.. $875/mo. 43-4 Cata.Una. pool & pallo. S8951mo. ••••••••••• • ••••• ••••• •• •••• ••••••••••••••• New 2 8R condo. dbl aar · "'" • ...,. •1 Mt tt •---· J•~f N • B . 5 4 8 • 4 3 6 o , 673--0896. Lake Arrowhead Redu-4 BR. new dee, furn, Sec g ar, cloH 10 ocean. '"""" 3<>-2b 2 ....... IW IU ,UI ~ _. ----------ced $40K -lo dn Now gate, prtv Bctl . 1enn11. s -~ "" a. yr ""' ••• ••••••• •••• • ......... •••• ••••••••••• •••••• 631•5476• 494-0395. C.1u ,,,.. 3114 St54K. Btn cusi hm 38r Ownr. 496-4038 63~!~·, ~50 n -F r I. condo. 2 adulta. chlld Ac1oss st. from water. Seavtew 3 br. tam rm Vu. 8eau1 spec. 4 Br. 3 ea •••••••••••••••••••••• 2~ba. Xlnt tenns. OWC • maybe Oii, good locallon custom decor. 3 Br 2 Ba, len, pool, sec Reis. Great view. beau1Hully 63i-5397. 337·1979 •~n .,,. 3111 A v a I I J u I Y 1 e . $1175 2131592-287 1 $1450 759-1092 Condo Incl Mp quarters, decorated. 2 Bf 2~ Ba VIEW LOT over beaut. j;;~~.;·C;~·2•a;.~~~~ II Ml If 2 13/378--2765. 873-3062 lnU• Jlf4 $575 mo. 28r. pllk>. new S1~:o~i~~93f3~ r condo. S1150. 962-6945 d I T h Do ........ & bell Tll LIOIY •EW $500. Collage 2 BR 1 Ba. •• • •••••••••• ••••• •••• paint, orps. cp11. Beck S375/ DI blle h mea ow n • oe n-"""' 5'>• on green Ren1 In Co111 Men's dining a1ea. fnc;d yd. Gar. Turtlerodt.. Bonita Canyon Bay. &45-5778. 642-2267 Westclllf 3Br 2ba new mo. 11 mo m ner. Golt. tennts & Ml ling S 1800/mo ARI for Carol NE w E 5 T g • l • d 2 0 Very ci.an. Chlldren OK. IChOOla. 4Br. 2,ltba. new cprg. lovely y8'd • S99S Malure lldulta, no pets Assume 6%1oan 714 1 751 ·2 160 • Tow nhome VILLAGE no pets 213-471-1671 cpt &palnt.Gard-ILWfl-gdnr64M789 Oule t.Hcure 19g 1 &44-4668. 213/498-7233 CO --4 bclfm 2,,. ba dbl ' Newpot1 Blvd 646-8373 MMUNITY 2 & 3 Br btwn 7 & 88M wkdys S 1150/mo. Own/agt. · • gar, HARBOR VIEW HOMES. fl•t ... ~, l•,.rrl/ 11 • 2'.+ Ba. 1600-1800 sq ti. ---Avall Aug 1, 752·0187 r,nbelt. CioM 10 tehoOI. ca.-..1 Model. 3 tldrm, 2 $400 Attr.cttve furn. 1 Br. ••••H O•l•t•ll H ol pure IUX""'· Ger..,,...., $325. Cottage/duplex. eves. 1'4001mo. &44-29Q9 ,,._ d """"'" M t O..tt r• 14SI •••• ••••• •• • • •• ••• •••• 1 -·' -·--ba Beau. $1050 mo. Ja-en. ,. ...-o, ger. e ure •••••••••••'•••••••••• 1t...,-.1J •-• spas n every home -newly recond itioned. ",_ ,..,.,., frplo _ ..... ., htR cunJ quiet adult No pets s S2 000 t k --· •-• m111er suite. dining new carpet. t BR w/ .. "" >""""· •..., • • -a-1-213-454-510'4 ave • • 1 e over ••••••••• •••• •• ....... rooms. wood burning aauna & fn cd yd No Nr ~ 1900 eq · "'•-.... 979"3923 balance. t week Time Moblle/Nawport/Furn fireplaces. micro-wave pell. 213_..71 _1871 brwn St050. 561•1228 3 BR 2 Ba. fireplace. 2 ... ..,. • .,, 0... hlat ,1Zf Share. San Clemente Drive by 700 Lido Pn ca1 garage. lge yard .,..,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• Inn, vacation Condo. Or. No. s. 2 BR, S750 mo ovens, private patios & 7 & 8PM wtldyl Woodbrl<lge TwnhM. 2 br. $825 mo. Execut"'9 home, city lo Furn Bach apt, stove! (714) 22" """""' vrly yu da.gu dener provl-den 2 ba ~ -t drps I ocean v'-·· Pool J·~·~ f 1 •225 E ., ...... · , ___ IHd. E'-ant llvlng only 2 br, 1 be, fenced yd. kids •ic' .•• 75·.";;-0_v ..... 2~8 · 1.tftr ...... · .......... -re r g. .. mo. ves _,, ok Ind A all A 7 .. •o -o.. zl. 3 br. 2'.+ ba, Iv rm. 631-61SS, Dys 5'49-1343 ~in, lua1, CdMfVteWIUnturn. 1 BR t5 mhltee from Fashion • ry. 11 • ug · 141-llH formal din rm. fem rm, 2 ---------Ctnn 1111 apt. w/fantaatlc ocean lata.nd, 7 minutes to S.C. S495· 5'48-043S 3 br. 3 ba pallo home. trplca, mod. kltctien w/ B••tiltf"" •••••••••••••••••••••• vlewa from llV rm & Plaza or 0 .C.Alrpo rl ..... IUt 11.14 formal din.rm .• lge ywd. Mtlng 8'et, '*"1dry rm .... 3141 YllTI bdrm. $875 mo yrty. Just ••II of Newport •••••••••••••••••••••• Oulllandlng loca11on. ,Ill IAIYM Piil Avail. Sept thru June. •••••••••••••••••••••• PIMll•I HIYI Watemont Homes, Inc. Blvd. & IO. of San Diego ? BR P1U• den or 3 BR & 2 Gardening Jnct.. Poot. S P e . t • n n I • • Gardener & pool malnt. 631-1400 Frwy. Starting at $900 a St, encl yard, ocean 'II.I. etc. $895. 857-6594 eve S8g5/mo-mo. or leaae Incl. $1700. 6-40-6233. In Vitt•"• most pres11-month. 631-6439. 2-473 EKqu1slte 1 BR 1 ea, DEERFIELD OONOO-SBt. opt A.Qt. Fred ~1-12SS. --------- glou• area: 6 acres A•o-Tri-level 1ownhome2 BA 2 Orange Ave., C osta h8ft>or/ocn w <49:J..g594 2ea lowly end unt I• 1131.2f11 WHtclllf 3 BR 1~ BA. cado (Haul & lime grow ea. vu. '950 mo. ~ Mee&. ·--. .. ..... 5• mo 551 ....,.22 • S900 mo. Freeh & clean, In heavy production. Aefe!enoas&credl1appl. t ... im V.al'-,.., .. -.. · ·n Wesldlff. Beaut. hollM & n o pe ll. A v l no w. Cath aop on tr-. Pa-Ewft1n08: 673-5470. agt. 2 br. 1 ba. WID hoo«-uc>. •••••••••••~?. •• ;.-.. WSE•H yard. S8r 2ba. faml rm, &48-2389. ved road. all utl11tlea. 9ar. No pell. $475. HOME FOR RENT .. , llv 1m New cpt·g. no ---------• Must NII, Uklng $184, JllM/d.U ,. 217 80 Pla c e n tla. 3 Bdrm. $776. Fenced 3 8drmdetachedhom. pell. Gdn r . 1995, Verul1 1•• Sl~d lo w / 000 Grow mgmt ava!la-•••••••••••••••••••••• 545.7ga3 yard & garagei KlcU & In excellent 8' ... Avalla-648-8789 undrgrd prk g , aec. baa ·Think of Ille tu ad-Balboa i.tetld Weterfl'ont Elllde: nice ~ 2 Bl'. t pet•~: M S-2000. b1• Immedi atel y . $500/mo . 548-02118. .....;..., 0. 31 Oflly e Cot~ 2 Brie!o~· 1 Ba. fncd yard. enclsd Ag9fl $800/moon t ywie.... Klffl TllBI• ,_~ __ 13_2 _____ 1 ITIOl"Miray. ~;~:.. .,. mo. gafage. ChUd ok, no 11195. 4 BA 3 Ba. laJgl8 Five olhera 10 cmooH h .......... a., 3 Br 3ba, swimming pool. Santa Fe "-'ty, Vteta pata. 1525/mo. plua bonua rm, famlly rm. from. We're the onea to h Npt Hta. I 1'4 501m o. c.1 1.m-1221 M BAVFAONT HOME ..... ..."'"" "" o..... lpl<, pool, ~ ... o .... r: T"' ........ ' ... •o•m•I ....... 2 °' 0'' 1-800 52519910, m33 10 $550 mo. Call for d9-"D". 548-2778. Oyt, 76 1-6101; ...... a1 WMArWte d!Nng. 2"' 1¥. 1i200 I* 133-9773 IHI h# tails 960-2471 Westside 2 8r. 1 BL tncd "8-1413 tna. wty *·Cal 4 BR Btuffl condo w/pool. Id 1111 'IU pa11o. enclad garege. Bu"-'-tlelllt Geotve Ooldbeum. Bt<R. Hewfv red«:. Avall Aug uu•ff~•ouou• ~.'!!'.~uuu• new carpall, drapH, IMf} JM IJl•JMI -.e111 10. f1100/mo. 873-2422 1.1.'s FllEIT Spanllft Estate Llvlngl 8eaut1ful partc-lllce aur· rounding•. Terr a ced pool. Sunken gas bbq, apark11ng foun1aln1 Speclou1 rooms. Sepa- rate dining .,.ea. Walk-In c10eet1. home llke kitch- en & ceblneta. W al1c lo Huntlng1on c.nter. 1 Bdrm·tum. 1505 2 Bdrm..fum from seos 2 Bdrm TownhouM furn lrom $875 No .,_., UtMltlaa Freel 4 ,_ oondoa In Bllhop, 2 BR, So. or Hwy. 1'.+ bllr-S*nt. No ,,.u. 1-495/mo, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 ,,._,, ftw,,,tr..W WAN~Wortdno couple or 2 13-1129-5781 C". Trade or no down from Ocean Blvd. Old plul aecuttty. 548-5442, 3 BA 1\tba, nr WHI· mJILI or tmal4 hlmlly to rent 3BR p4111 c:ten. 09f .. yard, LA QUINTA HERMOSA pymt. 631-7839 CdM. Pv' patio, gar, '770.5629. ~ Mall. Na5fmo. t1arbor View Home. $785. 530 we11m1ni ler 1621 1Patt<alde Ln.1 blk 2 'I'· MW condo &intet 11g5 mo. 780-0807 agl. 1 Br. with •tow. ~N c..11.-01 1 lo~.~ •I "'°"-=· A~ll Aug 1. Aw. 842-714$ w . of Beach. 3 blk• s. of Svlp. Trade or no down 3 br. 2 ba ~. patk1ng. child & amall ~ ». De. "' ~ & ......._ -.. 417 SpectacUlar .,.._ In Pf... Edinger. PrfM. 831-7tl39. lg• Hv, rm wlfrpk:. bit-ok, 14S01mo. 536-1t7t. Oarti.tct, MW painted, I ~ 2 8t. I ... N.B. Height• atlgloua Harbor Ridge. Nl ..... 1 2 bf "°'*· lg o.n. F/P, Ina, ~·~her & d~y~. Npt HQht• 1WMM. s IA. 2 f:rti!=~~~': ~~ .,.._ se::'~52 Pool, apa, tennla. H C. Oulel Junior & t Bra. I~ ba, Whittler. Trade or Cl'PliJ r.,,_, P ,_, ~. tpc, yd. Obie gar. No J g a t • $ 1 g 9 6 I m o . From 1375. Pool. rec. n o d o w n p y m I lge tundeck on 2nd ftr, peta ~ 8'42-S122 lmmac 381 2ba. ~ J~ Beeutltut ~rt Crfft 780-0307 rm., aeuna. enolad ga-631·7i39. enot. gar. Gardener. • ti ............. -.., " ,.. __ ,._ r-. 11301 Keelilon on w-. to Iha beedl. $876 3 BR 2'.+ Ba El~ En-NC. p, ,,_,.,,.., •v•~• .........., 4 Br. M"'Y Rm. 11111 J... ._... 3 bf hM, 1v. ba. weat-mo. Call "2·t8S5 aft. 4. 011111 tud or atyle .,,,1 no pell. 1126, pl!~ Dining Rm. pool. apa, 6'.alltM •-Staler. 8'42-7&48. mlnlW. good ••L Cur-vaulted*· muter.,._ 8"7...S25, MM653' ~ ~ l t200/mo. ~· ••• ~!!!! •••• ~! '9frtly r.11ed. Trade « 2 t>r1 • dell1 • t>M70med7 Aoelllftgl · ••.etc. -seas mo. Alk for Lux, ex~. ouatom llelrne. ~. 2 Br. 2 ba condo. Pool, no ~ ,,_. 1141 !' o down p y mt • n ce 00· cac •· 8111. 631·128e llflnll 10 bch. -48r 3~ all · Harbor vi.w Hornet -3 peta. $550. ::'II'•-:::'••••••••••••••• 13t-7Mt. 1695/mo. 403-6489 option• Incl poo111pa. •~tJCMlfltJa;IBVM Br. 2\+ Ba. p1u1 oueet 7704896 8,!i':l~o~a';~· :3:~ SKIERS OEUQHT • ;er El~ant. epec . home In UM.. SHOO/mo. 790.9293 ~ -~with kltcMfl laclil-lllllu ju ,,,, mo. Incl utll. 4SM-0451 condo. wtk to the Ifft. moet P'eat""°'1• ., ... 4 3Br. 1~ E. 8* home EXEC. 4 br, 2 ba. tam rm. , _...... 3 bf 2 ..... fwn ~*Ve '19!.J ' P9\lo. •••••••••••••••••••••• tr .. for 91n hOUM or br. 3 ba, gamaroom. wlfrptc, 1g ltY rm, tam rm. lrpf a bonul rm ...,., --r • -_..... wet ..... & ftlh-31r 2ba SC PIH air ..... ,, Jl.-6 -ff Molille Home In CenlrW epectacular entry w/ .,._ Cl)t & ..-. S'795 'a Ht ' r.rn. orpta. drr, .bl11nt . pond . S1SOO /"'o. pool. n~ pnt, 25;1 N: :.!flit.:.-:::r.-••• f.'~ •• OI Nortll9'" Callf. By curved lltlrway. Inter· mo. Uel"Co"r n ell. ~-..:"1ew ~ 206a!.1 UO mo. y r In . 181·?372. Sunflowef 09 "8-1197 o.r. (7''1862-374t oom, bit.in V9CI 3 Qr gar. --.*2 1:;, 912 • ..e1 · 873-6820.,.,.. & wkndll. • 1 Br. blk bay/beach. s ome.,...Ofrnountel,,. -,..-MS·a&r 2ba. Tll.... Outet tBr, 18e Condo, 1450/mo. utll. pd. ~ 8Mdt llouM, 4 & ocean. UOOO/tno. 2 Ir 2'~ la condo. ga.. 2 8". 1 ba, bonw/Clftlc9 11500 _....., 2Da. 3 br, ,.,. ~ Pf'OI, dtc. ,,.. ape, paint. Pdo, AC. 2131941"*6. 1123 w. llr, 3 ba. •P9ctacular 761-1015 rlQ8. CorM\. poet '980 rm. wlfrpt. Nr. 1hop1. WOCIClbf100e 662_.... •m•nlflea. 1 1210, 9nct .,..._ ::'l. '9dl. e.lboe II, asM 2 . ...,, "' MKfl. ~. J AS M I N E C A E E K rurn. 11215 111\tvm. WMI MOO mo. H0-417$ • I,.__ pool. luol cMlllO NMrl a 8A 1 811. tum · = ~' ~11'ro'OC>t· 38ftratn. elnOle M, OOf: ~ M moe ...... l.(19 I bf •. 31A ba "°"'9 Univ. ftark 2 Br 2 II MOVI WTO tNt 2 MOfy,' M50 "'°· 147-2122 H .. port P•nln.uT.. ~ gaout daoof w/IOft neut. Aot 751-3191 Wlbtt-IM. C'l)t a dr •. dtw!do. AIC. "'*' 2 ... lldtm, VllW home tod41V. ht·fpeter .nm bllc '° botl. "60mo. "-' • IMI • 1IMI color•. Mint ocn """· 3br CONDO w/P«JA a ape CloM to tllMdl. ,;G) l:f'a1:'! 0:~':1141T,1· Hur pool & tHftle .................. ,.... sra-,.,.2 ....,. "°""' ""* 1n ~ .,,._ QIMtd ge.. pee1o,c1an! IQda Ok MN mo. w f garden•r. M'-1371,sn.atn..,. ''~ fM.Oltt _...,. llllf. ~,,. ~ ..,-:-ewt9!11------• Mnn, Ml• IOC. l 1H, i.d, adulta. lfllO. "91 0C-MN'TAL9 7110o331' M0-1110 aft~ .... -~ •• ,.. ~IOI·~-T 000 ....icr Wanl 11o1M l v/wMdt ......aot? _,. arpt. •• N . O ...... ,.._ ...... ~in' Hws>t .,.. · L.ae • ltft • .,._. ...... Ii*. OC-MHTA!.I Woodbl1dfe nrllb&. ,.,_. a llllf a • "'· 1100 '° 111. taat + aau .. .,. ....,. · -... __ · ,. __ .., 1Mf IN, Of*'l 7/11. N76. 1•5br'a '200 to 12000 or IH opt on I•"•· 11'71. Aft. -...uu Avail. .Mt 11. tn.tta ,.... ,..... • -·-...,... a...11t1 760421' Of*'l 1•dllyi c • -c c -' fOf WJ 10.... ........ ..................... . -.......... ~ = - ........ buy. OC-MNT~t.t COlYlllllfwflg ..... NI o..... ...... wau.nn ...... ;l\eM, ... ~.,... AIWIU ..... ·~ or::...n ...... ~. , • .-1aootoUOOO ... ~~.now.,.71 !"'Ill!!!_...•...,. ler lh , .. , ,-.,1,, ~..,.., ....... ~&,.-... :'111,...~"9• ~-7to-33U Of*'l 14')'1 ocrMHTM.I 7I04S14 ....... •-.....,. _ •nlMo ...... ,,, .. : ...., •. Ml-llft ~ ·-~ -- ·- . . ( I 22 -Or~ County ~.&tat•/ An ·Adv.rUSlna Su~t to .ttw. DAJl.;Y ~ILOT ISatufday, JIMy' 10,.1882. ~!?.~ .,._,, A,.,-..,, .,,_ .. ,, ,,.,,_II ...., 4"' lau.11 If IUn fM lnllh ,. a.. fM .....,, ,..,_ n11 -u.i-.1.dal ralaraldM 1oa1.,.i,w •••••••••••••••••••••• FiM·t;·;;,.···;;;.·;·;; •••••••••••••••••••••• :' ..... "":«::;.............. •••••)'••••••••;,••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPORT~ p...i rm & hOuM In ~ Pttt trv Santa Ana. pvt bdrm & c.n, .... Jll4 C..tl .... #14 •utJ.H,.,, • ...,, ltMi llll bath, pool prlv, M/F ~ w/p<of cpl, age 38. Nr bath. houM 1prlvn. $275 TIE •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• .... } 1'41 •••...-••••••••••••••••• 30. 1275 mo. u1il Incl. UCI. Frpl, patio, PC>OIS. lnclds utU &4 • 15 '480. 2 BR, pool, 2 ~-Ltg 2 Bdr.,ln 4-J)le•. '440 •••••••••••••••••••••• 544•1905 etc Own rm/ba $270 M/F to lhr 291, 2Ba apt IOtll only. 325.J l1th Pt. pr mo, no Piii 557-2333 Near beach 2 er 1~ Ba LuKury 01111 POlnl view Incl utll. 552--0873 on bell In Balboa. $450 H~oan &46-5137 an 1lAM. a1t 8/wkndt crptt. drpe. 1>11-kia. 1rp1e: Condo for 2-3 monlM, mo. + ·~ ulil. 675-4074. • 1 91. gatden ap1, stove & •2 Br. tower. $420/mo. enclld g11age $695/mo. mas1~ tu•lt wltn lrple. Working ladles over 40 833-1550 ref r I g e . No p e I 1. new r""'tl & paint, child Call S36-0921 COUNTIIY CLUB LIVING 1-496-2881. willlng to lln<I & snare a ---------LIFE'' •'>TOI "•11-1377 -·.. IN NEWPORT BEACH house In Newport ., ... Fem IOoklng tor same lo .., mo '" Oil. no pall. 2265 Maple 1·~ ml to l>Nch, 2 bf. 2 A total environment Piil home. no smoking or Call 631-1144 Iv msg. for hnd & shr apt. 97~067, Ups1a1r1 unn 2 81, vacant, &45-9494 ba, bale , tennis, pool & apartment c:ommuntty on drinking. quiet M over 0 M 832-4689 Debbie VEM..AC>UM> PUN: I cnlld 01( S42Stmo. W1111E 19• S595. 213·831-4064 Ille Upper Bay. Private ~uS!.,~jmo share utllt. Reap empl. F over 40 Oceanfront Newport , 'Soclal Activltlet Agent. 548--1168 2 bdrm, 1 ba. new ur· New Studio apt. urn furn. clubllouse and health ""'~ w/15 yr son wan1110 &hr non-smk mature reap Dlreclor •Fr ee Cleen29R2Bacondo,nr pets, paint, no pais S32Smo spa, 8 leMll courts, 7 Roomwithkltchenprlv Nr 4 bf home 1n C.M. or fem, S235mo , yrly, ~-~~.8•80Y '•• s. Csl Plaza. seoo mo. S 4 2 5 1 6 2 Tu 1 1 p 960-1239 pools, close 10 t>uslnesa, shOpping center & bu· N e. w/same (M/FI. Lea-548-1667 :'&'::::::.' ..... -Call 962~897 all 5PM 631-615S *1395 mo 2Br. 288• airport, Flllhlon Island. sUne. H 8 982-7520. se ok Cell 645-7568 Ive _N_wp_t_Bctl __ r_m_w_tf_u_M_h_ea_ i-•-.--Convenient shops on msg much mol't. Large Bachelof. good lo-1Br upstairs, no pals, ref1 Pool. pello, kids OK. no all• Unfurrrished bache-B•l•l• ll•l•l• 4100 · prtv Nr Back Bay $225 Q "I AT cale, private patio, sin-req. $340 mo. 352 Vic-pets Lndry 646-9666, 1ors. 1 & 2 bdrm apts end ••••··'··••••••••••••• Shara 2 BA apl. Laguna mo, 1st, last. 642-6811 REC" I AT I 0 N: gles preferred. $315. 8S9 torte &4S-8161 960-7484 townhousea SElWI ltTIL Nlguel. ooean vu, pool, N.B. pro!. M will lhr 1ge TL~&I (•__:0F ! eF[e0 W 19th St. 2 br, l 'it ba, ftplc. OW, pvl IUlllEll WU.I SS40 . $1000 Wkly rentals now evell Jae, tennis. S275 & dep. Harbor View nome w _,. .,. • c& "'d 2 8 DI 11 N 1 Several bachelors and 1 S 140 & up. Color TV. ·~ elec 21 -35 yrs. Call ad u 11 3 5 +, s 3 7 5 1hop)•2 Hee t h ..,.,.., 8• '· n. r pa 0 • gar. 0 pe '· Lge 2 & 3 BR1ownhOUH Bdrm unite feature tine Phones In room. 2274 661·9766 Iv msg C ............ _. __ 0 Good loclllon. $430/mo. $520/mo. 543-5478 apts, verda, ancl gar. 760--0802 rv .... _,. 631 1232 , designer lurnllure and Newpor1 Blvd. CM M 1 1 10 n 2 1--------- Hyd ·--• 2 rm apl. needs fixing up. fplc. hook-up1. Nr Hunt. 1~~~·~1-. Mova In 10-646-7445 18 roomme 8 1 ara M/F, 3 bf hse. nr bch In 811114~~ 1 Br. $370/mo utlls paid, make adjustment on Hrbr from $575. Chll· d .............. ay or ,·,v-·~ tor sum Br t pl. CM, SlOO/mo. H B $237 (sllr bath) DfMnO ~· carport. No pets, 383 W. rant. Biii 966-2485. dran OK 8'40-6807 mer month;~ Smar II; B [ A C H call Jack 631·'44 18 S 3 O O (own b a In I: 11 AU T'' UL Bey. S.-8-9516. 1 BL upper. enclad ga· AVAILABLE NOW rurn(shed models open AR [A Fam student & mottler _84_1_-0_1_8_1 ____ _ ;rn"~::e•ri·~ Etslslde 2 Br. 1 Ba., patio, raga, SJ15. Avail. nowl 2 Bdrm 1 bllh, 1 Child dally $77/wk ;~r ~°: ::~ t:an': LIVE AT THE BEACH g • ne w ly deaoratad 751-9905 leave mas-OK.Nope11.we1erpald ..... Female 10 share Balboa Bedroomt•FUf'nlahed (Duple•). $625/mo sage. $425 mo. 545-2000. On JambOree Rd 11 • K11chene11•Mtld·Pool 631•891" aves Island hOusa $285 Incl l Unfurnlahed•No 851-9522 Agent. no lee. Sen Joaquin Hilts Ad. Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton 2500 sq It Condo, will ac-ulil. 675-9142 ~=~~:d.~11 Open 2 br., 1 b a., carpets, T~~s!:~. ~n:,!,: h1k!·.;:;: '--u• IHtj #fl 144· 1100 Costa Mast 548-9755 oept 2 adlll. or 1 edit Pro!. M .. non-smkr, 28-35 •_..___.,. drapas, built-Ins. No S450tmo. N o pell :':'7 •• ,;;.;;_;;;,;.;;••••• LuKury Vll\a 8albo8 Con· 1 ... ., ... W. flff ;:,:,. c:ldkl~ J"~1!c,.ld~ to s n r NB home . ---pets. $425 2272 Maple 675-0500. _._, do 2Br 2ba 1327 s/I •••••••••••••••••••••• b • · 1 • $37Slmo. 631-1266 oi.-.... 1131-2927 Moe1 elegant apt. bldg pool, S&SOI~. 552--0853 Furn. 3 91 2ba hm w/pool S5aTl~To8n83'1 w/~8,.Y .. ":3:w na ---------2 91, E.utslde, g11/pal10. In leguna e.acn. tlnml °" ·~ eue. Vety privet•. or ,._..,....,., " 1--------- ....... Spacious 2 B<. 1 Ba. $425. Ch Ok · n O oo Vt location In town. !>Neth· LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. very lu1h g round1 Nurse & CUTE Poodle C.,w. f« Jal 4JSI .......... ,.. 3 Br. 1'.+ Ba. $•175 $430/mo plu1 t e e IUlngvlewl,allbullt-lnt, lrptc, palio, adul1s S1 SOO/mo. Open Sall want lo be your room-••••'·-·••••••••••••••• 880 IMne Laundry lac , pool. 645-1387. h 1 a I• d P 0 0 I . $1050 675-6359. Sun 1-5 43 1 E. 20th St. ma1e In your nic. home Single garage. Co1ta (at 16th) 54e-9556 ~ sub -.vartQ9, elevator A rare oC)pO(tunrty 10 iea-548-61¥:& _173-TTTt Call anytime 966-1998. Mesa. dbl bolt. S50ljno. (7 14) 645-1104 fill&..... .,.n;w'* LHM .only. $850 & UC) .. al baaulltul SEA BAL IS. SI~ 10 bey, 1 M/F 3 B< 3 Ba. hOma in Storage only. 851"2'75 I ...,.,. ..... ,... Specious E. Side Apls. 2 Br Chlldrena Mellon. 330 Clill Dr. 494-8083. ISLAND Lovely "Bimini'" br. great patio. lrpl, gar, priv commty, 2 blks NEED garage for 9PO'I• 1700 ,6th St End gar patio dlhwshr s320 ... 1 1 .. ., Plan 2 91 Dan 2'it Ba $300 wk"' 328'1t Sep-trom bch, 1ac, trplc , car, vie Oakwood Gar- • & atove." Most' tl1U tree. lant ::· ~s :;~: :~ h ~... lull securliy pl~s every phlre. e.1:',J.4-0954 $360tmo 631-7168 BIN dens. N.8. 6'5-7278 (Dover at 16th) No pe11 v.atarbedt. 2450 New· •-n c:onceivebla amenity. Garage tor rent. S60 mo (714) 642-5113 1 Bf\. 1 parson $43S por1 Blvd. 28r 2ba, frplc, deck. S2900 monthly. For In-llYfltlT N 8 Mature working Cost• Mesa . 1 BA, 2 parsons $46S w/d, $1300/mo yrly Cell formallon call 7 141 4 bdrm, 4 bath, sandy Lady. own room & bath, 957•2740 aft 6PM. 2 BR Sletllng al $610 •SPACIOUS 2 BR. loll lrM 1-800-532-3972 &44-S494. beach. dock. S6000 AllO $225 lnclds utlla. 1tl & 2323 EIOen Ave. CM 2 Ba Swimming pool. ask lor CT188 Lido Ille 3 bdrm, rem last. 548-0027; 64•·'4729 Single garage, dbl boll, AIUl•t•tl 6-42-7605 carpets, drapes, ciean & ... Wnl•lulfr JIN rm., 2 ba, $3100 July, N 1 cond ant mature Costa Mesa. $80 mo n-•--1-1." bflgnt, Business & prof .• .,,..rl ""· j -· •••••••••••••••••••••• $3500 Auguel. Bill Grun-wp o· w ' Storage only. 851-2175 ••• '!'!!~~:'!•••••••••• w estllda Lg 1 B r w/ le S450 N •• -.-"'••••••••••••••••• •Clean older 2brl1t>a, dy Rltr 875~191 resp. nonsmkr, S375 +'It ---------.. ,.., l lal Jiii cerpon orw lndry avail r.o:.a·27 731 68~Pll•. Ull llYflllT gar .. yard. S5SO ulll pd. ' ' • ullls. 548-8236 12>120 Garages ror rent, ••••••••!••••••••••••• T-2 $400 mo. &.cs-6625 ' • 3 Br. 2 Ba, sandy beach 752·5622, &41-1460 Balboa Island Ch11mlng 3 M/F to shr new condo In p111 entry, storage or Bachelor, ........ $275 mo. 2 8 ~• •"-25 2 Br 1 Ba. w/ Grpll , drps, 673-4316, 213/282-7733 •---~-Br. 2 Ba. HouM, ln<lry, Ne Frp"' gar mlero cars. $80 mo. 646-2556 , •• , r ,,.,,.,., garage. -yard, E/slde. $595/mo. -• , gar. frplc. patio. No pall. · · "'• ' · Plus ·~~~~~chge. mo No pell. 1395 "B" 675-5068 STEPS lo beach, 2 er, • •••••• • •••••••••••••• $475/ wk July, $060/wk $285. 1st & las1. 1 blk to Olli~ l••l•l fflO ---------W. Beker. 641--0763. . yrty, lurn or unfurn. Ref's Pr Ive I a home near August 675-0349 ooean. 63 1-6543 •••••••••••••••••••••• Yrty 2 bdrm, 1 ba. Deck, ---------1 Speciout 1 81 6 2 Br. 2 r e q · d S 6 9 O I mo 1Tlll/Tus11n, Costa Mesa. · · IXlllTIYE Sll1IS ldry No pata. $650 $425-$435/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Ba. $350-$475, deluKe, 6'2-2127 Prot. M/F, non-smkr, 1 Bf sleep• 4, acros1 Ille IOOlllTE IAVINE. Phone answe- 67S-0349 ap1., beamed calling, new carpet• drapu $250 642-6846 berora street from beach. ring. cor1I. rm. utll pd, ---------laundry rm., pool. Avail. good auislde 1ocat1or1'. NO FEEi Apt, & Condo 7AM or a11ar 9:30PM. $'400/Wk. 675-5088 flllEIS sclry servs, ate. Also Allractlva 1 BR. Yrly, July. Call for appl Mature adults or1ty. Mt -ren1e11. Vint Aen111a. 1 Br 12SO/mo. ul lls paid . .,._.,ti'• •-h•-~e•• desk space. SlSO/up. poulbly IUl!'lm«. TSL Mgmt 6-42-1603 nager 147 e. 181h SI. 675-4912 91()1(~. Cos11 Mesa. .. _, --... _ Oldest & larges1 age<lCY. S-40-9745 ___ Ca1_i_e_7_S-0_2_4_7 __ $500/mo 2 Br. 1 Ba. up-"4". Sp11e. 3 BA 2 Ba lple, gar, Alt 6 leave msg •••••••••••••••••••::: AH ciltnll screened with Private ofc. $175/mo. Nr par unit. encl9d garage, E.side cute studio apl, beach 2 blkt, $900 yrty. 631·S316 MAUl·Kihal 18r lux,....., pholoa 6 retweocies. O .C . Airport. Conv ~.~!{~ •• Y.¥. patio, aH bll-lns. ltundry vaulted ceiHnge, pv1 pa-No pett. &45-1882 Pool. tennlt, lake. club. per dy. Oen view. Credit•: Cotmopolllan park'g, pv1 anlrance, lnel 3 9dr. tamMy rm. 2 Ba. rm. .,.2 ..,.,. t lo. $425/mo. Joyce 2 ... 1y, .. & T-hou&-washer/--. full El Toro 67~210• 67S..N3& ~TMornlng ""*1cas • ulll (reception avail by & TSL Mgmt. .,... -1....., ... Weitze 531•1269 .,,1 "" .... ~.. --•-· .,,. omonow how. ) T trplc ulll rm. lmmed. ' ..., . ityle. Adult• pr•f ' no hOuM prlv. 'I\ utlls. S280 LAICE TAHOE on Water 141· 1• arrangement t ylor' poMUion. $950/mo. Agt Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town-Spac. 291, 28e twnhse, p e 1 t S 4 s O / m o . 111 l lut 566-4038 Iv 48 3b h Crow & Co. 675-55'1 houM In quiet complex, garege, p\11 pelio, bllns, 5-ta-2682. msg. co:npl ~~r~·~c700o1::· 6'2-1423 Of 645-3176 LARGE 1 BR.2 BA.Can-:r~:. ~~.g=~~3~:~ ~2-~P S500 mo WNtcllft arM , Lr9 1 91, Roomwtkltchen prMlega 552 -2 1 IS or eves F::0·~~d 1:1~~~~ri!'~~ ... 111110 ~:o~'n~d~ ·~~: 675--5949 pv1 patio. pool. N-1)' et N 8 1 225 Ella 97~ Newport Beach. Call Newport 81. 1200 -ci n. •r~ ........ --------~EASTSIOE 1ge p\11 2 BR, decorated &45--8152 TS4-1561 O< 673-4538 OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br A nswer Ad • s T e , Only 110c aq ft Good 11. " ,,._....., $530/mo. 2 Br 2 Be. Vaulted clO 2 eundectl1 . 6'2-4300 24 h vlslblllty Cal Pet Joh Townhousee, "' por1t, gar, ell u1i1 pd, $580: •-;:.-J,.. Avail. now. WMlcly lhru rs. 631 12e& e n-3 bdrm 1ownhouee apt 2'h t>a. fireplace, enclo- sed petlO. 1 blk bMcti and lhopt.. App11ca1lon1 accepted. 318-9 Mar- guerite. Corona del Mer. &73-7183 CloM 10 beaeh. 2 Br 2 Ba, lrple, 2 Car ger. $800 mo. yrty leaM No lcldt/ pett. 875-1850 Iv mtig. c.,,,.., JIU ·············1········ 1•211.1• Newly decor. Oat pd, e11cl gar. dw1hr, poOI. bbg. Adu1t1, no pelt. &42-5073. I 8' · Cteen. convenient to bHch a Industry. 1375. 721 W. 181h St. ~280 Roomy oldet 2 tw. 1 •.; be tr~ twMee apt, tgl en ct. 9er. l5U/mo. Aval!. Nty 15, 76'-0eOI pa1loa. all blt-lna. lndry Adlta, no pets. 762·2650 "41 ,,.,. "" tumrner 673-7873· Prof to sllr Condo. hOuea. son -• egt. rm, amall pet olc. Wont 0 2br/2ba C()llOo •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Elkhorn al Sun Valley, all amenities $285 1617 WMtdffl, N.B. 2S6 lasll * teen nr Idaho, beautifully fur-8&2-2449, 966-&479 to 4000 aq, n. 1st. floor TSL Mgmt. 642· 1603 SC Plue. S.4 1575. No K b k l ? nllhed, Sunburtt deluKa Mele Hales PIY to shr HB Agent 541-6032 An. s. 1142~22 1 pet. 152-5822. M 1-1460 enne un por . 1owMouea with garage. e hOIM nr bch. $390. Ans 5-20 tq, ft. S 1.00 par sq. Flreplaca, pool, dish-tsn't he the guy WhO kicked the 3 r. & !oft, 2~ Ba, pool. Ad 882, 842-4300, 24 It., 3975 Birch., N 9 uhef IO X LO sauna & rator1 Pflv., fl· h Agent 541 5032 ~arde.:'~ ~·r1 ·s56o. •u"-'n winning field goal m the '74 Superbowl? st11ng. hiking. horaebacit ''· ----·---- s51.2u1. ... riding, Salmon River M/F lo thr 3 Br 2 Be H8 ---------1 ••••••••••••••••••••.. ~f\("'\~ botll rides, 1..-iflll & golf. hOUM wllh 1. S250 & '-'· BAY TIMBERS 2 Br 1"" 8L 1375/mo I l\....I~"",...;,.; Call 1·2131790-5621. aft 6 848-2441 Spacloue 1 er rrp1e, pool :U~7!., ~~~ H you're not sure w11o (or what) 11.ennellunkport was, 2 tty n....-4 br + tof1. 2 F nonsrnlcr 10 shr 2 bf & ~. & McFldden. No pete. n't fffl '*1-you'1e not alone. Kennebunkporl ts one ba, 2 lfl)la, 2 bale .• ca-duple•. £/Sid• C.M. 141-Mll 693·'4894 ol 14 disllllttiwtly different apartment floorplans al lhedtal celling, color TV. $225 Ind. u111e. 846-7220 --------,•SNM Wllct .. HlmtlllCIOCI Bueti. SeaWllld Y11taae IS SIP• 4 North Short. Stir 38' Me. $225 mo. U111 Large 1 Br. E.aatllde, n• Sparkling o'"n 2 Br, 2 ~ ,~ .... of tot ... _ ..... ..io....c "'Of-•lAn•I plan.nino $285/wkrid. S395/wk. i~• ....... s1oo ......... .._... ti.Itel WOOd belirned oel· ea. tight & aky, encl gar, • .......,, .... , ,..,..,,..,.._ ,, . ......, • ... 1595/mo. 552·8631 '""' ,,,_ ........ ...,.... 11ng1 & cablrwtt• UOhl & pv1 patlO. S525tmo. OM, The ijnd of attention ~ desefvt. S.A, 831-1 !98 an Sprn. airy. 1425. 851-9522 ~-A perlec;I blend of natllre and llv1nc -MStled rn a a.r.11 •,..,, f Fem lhr 3Br. pa1io, trpkl, t>lwn 3-5. 1575/mo. Neir beeoh, fornt Mth blbbq bfoots and qutet ponds. coMd by p;;;:·;;;:;.•;•;;·;a; wtk to t>ch CdM. 1350 I II .... ~ I t"~t 1. • ...... mo • 111 + ltt 720-0850 LMge 1 & adUtt. near mint 2 Bt. 2 Ba •. oreat na Uf octlll "'"*' -0 ... ,tMI$ co .. .., 2be Pertl Neiwport ..,., 8-9PM. Dabble O< Cullan --------' ltlopt, pool, 1111 u111 pd, ••·no pets. 553-1779. sW1mm1nc pools. 1 9'11 llld * convefllelrt loCltion f1Uf Amenltlet. '40-9'59 1 8 6 4 M onro v I a . Oelwle poolalde, xtra ler• S/IOOOff11 Ind MP!oyment Md you've cot I place -&w-.--28f-, -li!-tklry--. -U-2-16 Bna~~11!kr3 ::o~oM~=· .... 0111• S48-<133t ge 2br, 2 b•. bllna. 1nyonewollldproudly clllhome.(Evt11 plut util, rem only. U50+uiii eT~att: From1f'OOffttoSroome. fUlllde 2Br 1ba. pool, dMIW, 1'~ mllll beedl. Kenntbu..-port). One and two bedfOOlll, Oflt Ind two 7 511-7 t e 1 •tid y•, 7 From St.11 a -.. _ft No laundry, 1460, etll Adultl. no,p91a.~. bath IPartmfftts lrOM •1s. 83f..82t4 ----------t ,_..,_..,_Mt, Ak· WESTCLl~t BL'>G "'if -I>.' L-' ~t .', •• .. • 1 •• .1 \II .... J'' .:,c. ' 833-7tl0, 141-1947 53f..l3e2 Single"'°"* Ml 38r flee Met~ ~g F 10 ltv pqrter llVI 2172 Dupont. 3w":t,; ::!n~:...! SlUNNINO f.,ge 2 St. 2 Wl9Rll'm -In MeM v.-to lfW 2br ~una charmer. _ea1 __ ~_M_._m-3 __ m __ _ 7111-1801; Ul·47U ea. oard.n apt., pool. 1 at •. Dllcownt on 1nu.. onv·n-557~7.831-t147 . S300 .utlla.'493--0707 BAWBftlllJ ...._ =-Imo. 710 W. 18th. tOfM ~ POOi. SC>a, nu .. ,.... Aoomm9t41 ....... ,,_., F to llW 2 bt houae w/M, Jr'"'" 2 " '"' ... .....,. pool • :.1.':i l aune. ••o. toetlr29rlll'C.C.M.MIO S.A. Hot• nr Airport, Pr•.-C..tn-*3 ..,.:~~ . ..O 1&28r,141M475mo.uat1 ___ 1_•·-----•• lft0.~142~t S2501nd,lltlle.ta2'tll bee ....... ...,, .. v •• .-.. Aftlll Auguet 4ttl. pd, CllMn, ~pool, no 2 ,,, wttfl P'T· bal· mss .......... Wiiie l-. ~ ..... CA , '"'"''•· yowno l•cJY ,., nonemllr to* s br. I ~ ..... ,. Ut-4114. P9fa, ldMI ror wotfllng OOl'ly, ato1t• dlelil· 2talt fr .. to travel, be duptn, CdM, I 111111 ...... No --~74 CNldrefl .-om.. 2 1 3 cple541-7• waetttr, 080/mo. <714> •tMt Alaoa a pt .. u . to tautt . 12 41. tr .... 1MIOO/lft0. Mon. """ ..... lllfll .. I i»-'llP~ FIVlll Ule S.-,,...., *1w Mf1ll M 111Ci1.. "2·"'2. • oi... 173-eT~ ttlni a.t. t-1. OOnw of ltUdlO-wtt\ catport I ,_ '-n. •-.., 1 •• ., ....... _. 111 .,,,,,,. ....... -. SAYI ~ Adema I ,llrvle• ~ PoOt I ..... No ........ ,_l'loftde.. ...................... ._. Wll .,_. lftY ....... m ... 1H. No,..., --. .... 6*4447. .....-. • ..a.atn N.a .--. Ml 1>11 ~gel coanty Reel ~\ate) An AdYerttSlng suppfeMenf to the OAtLY ft\LOT/Saturdey, July-'f0, 1"M2 -23 VANDALISM HURTS P€0Pl€ rTOO REALTOR ® £Yi!'~ ~--... ~' /J .. ~ Technically, va ndalism is a crime agai nst property. But people are the real victims. When homes are defaced and marred, owners' angu ish is often greater than dollar damages. And in vandalized sc hools, t he stu- de nts suffer. Time and money earmarked for education must be spent instead on repairs. Vandals hurt themse lves, too. Acts that are really p leas for understanding and assistance may not be recog nized for what they are. Consequences could include life-long gu ilt and criminal r ecords. People cause vandal ism, and people can also help prevent it. If you're a person who would l ike to try, please contact us. We're your local board of REAL T ORS®, and maybe together we ca n work out a program to benefit everybody. We already have some material w e'd like to share. A public service of the llilyPilll -, Classifieds 642-5678 ~ . ~ • ,I ~..}~~ . _../"'.." . . ';.--'.; '-7.J ''r. ,., OlllH laW 0111H laW Hlf ..................•..•.............•........ 1 men offloel In Ot. NW ..,. Cty Airport ., ... 714-751-'780 Well·apc>ointed c>mc. w/ -•niiiiiMiliiiii.-1 Nwpt view. Approx 1.000 •WNIT llMI lq. tt. Executive offlee In Can· ___ 8_56-_7_100 __ _ nery VIiiage, 1450/mo. CdM dl11 IUlte, A/C, ample &<*er 875""912 pkg, utU pd. 2855 E. Cat Hwy. 87M90Q P ~~l-~ty •--.COSTA MESA office r o ec ....... 9P9C4I lor ..... tlPPfOll led directly 9CIOM from 2,0001q.fl. ot p~ offices'. Civic Center. HIY •c· G-al work., ... plua cess to trwy1. llexlble reception room. Prof. o fl Ice • u 11 e • Ir o m decOtaled. Xlnt location. 235· 1430 IQ. ft. For ad· At the 405 Fwy & Harbor dlllonal Info call Blvd. exit. For more Info ...... .... call WMkd~ 751-819 1 Ml-11H NEWPORT BEACH "Turn Key·· Office $390 "Branch" office $75. Seminar meeting room• hourly. Typing, malling, phone1. Call for Into FllEE IEIT Lrg olflce ute wl aml vu ol bay. All or P4lf1 from $1.50 pr tt. 2 moe. tree rent to quallfled tenant. Call 845-8$48 IOI' Info 1_1_52_-640_8_. ___ 1 UYFlllT IFFIOE nsTmlTll Fully lmprOV9CI 1500 1q II 1200 or 2400 1q. 11. o.-Bay1l de/Jamboree. luxe office or 11ore _A_v_a11_.1_m_mecs_._840--i __ 92_5_ apace. 14302 & 14304 EllOITlll llfTll Beach Blvd. Btwn 2 881 Dover NB 831-3651 Frwya. Civic Center VII· ' . lag• Shopping Center. c....nw Prime location. 979..a889 latm HTS O< 64S.1260. • ••••••••••••••••••••• Alf'port area -Exec. Sul· .,,.. • a. 181. From 225-450 aq. fl. In ,_ bldg on Coe:lt 11 pet IQ. II. Many 11tr• Hwy, South Leguna. ~ Cell 557·7010 prox. 500 aq. ft. Ex~· 2nd floor walk-up ottlcel. 1125 & IH15 monthly. lJnll pd. Crpt1, drapem, panelqng . Cd M . 752-1830 LHM_. ... Owner dellr• partlWW to leaae 7500 II ol new 1pace In Huntington Beach. LeaH guar. a percent ownershfp In 80, 000 IQ ft bldg cloee to beach. No dn paym't. Cal l Mr . Brook• 714/891-5558 lent private parking behind bldg. $526 mo. Turner Aaaoc. <194-11n ...... "'''"' ,., .... , ..... ,.., 2 bldg1, ottlcel llOl'age (15,880 & 2.880 Sq f't). Excellent corner loc .• partllng, lelN ell or P41f1. Annual ..... wlttl ot:>'lon to renew. FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DI- STRICT, PO Box 8510 Fountlln Valley. Naomi i -4-delu-x-e -otlloel--. -,tr-a-leglc-. -I Wieland 714/842-8651 IQcatlon on Beach Blvd. -1-HB. Front expcaure, foe ••-..,.r_ sign area, e5e sq.ft. 300 to 900 eq. tt. Ontwn Ownr. 213-460-6555 Laguna 494-5888. '"'••trial laW41# *•"""* 1160 ... ;·.i~·;~~;i.i;·~; Akport Area. exec IUlt• upper leY9I uecutlw of· upand1, Cluay aurroun· lice w/pvt bath. Ground dings, prof atmoei>l*e. noor r8C411)llon ., .. and has 120 to 250 aq tt of· «O 1q ft lhop epece. Heel & delk epece from Allractlve. quiet Co1ta 285/mo. Including conl M ... lnduatrlal comptex. rma, receptlonlll, an•· 979-8533 werlng Mrvlce, lot1 01 •-~-B-3-9-75-81-ctl-3e60-- partllng, WP & Tl.II avail. it.· or lea1~ MIA 10:: 833•9978 Agent 541·5032. $300/up: Carpete, drapee, •750 21*" ft I d air 17301 n~A.. H B • up. vv • n u-. _.., · · atrial -Office. 18081 ,._ 842·2834. dondo Clrcl• tE Hunt· lngton, Beach. 842-2834. •SUITE DEALS* tmll WAlllllSI O.C. Airport a,.._ Prof. envlfonment, lull eerv1ce. Approx 2000 1q ft. N< °' no trllle. tndMdual of-Crown Valley Pkwy, l lloaa or deell epaoe, 150 Forbel Rd .• Ml9elon vi. eq ft -3500 1q ft. 1 MO Jo. (714) 545--0215 FREE. 759--1978. 1~~~~~~~A lw ay1 a aal• In 1.: ctaHllled-read the ad• ... Idle ,.... 142-M78 .,.,,, day. 842-5678 •iiiiarn-r r r r r r r r 1 a :te"•I I I I I I I I I I ?LlllP 011· SS - - l&llT 4 ua• Fllll, $104,900-Thls Is a real sleeper. Huge home with 4 Bdrms, needs paint and some cleanup and you will save many dollars, seller is hlghly motivated and has Interesting existing financing. Call now, 546-2313 a Fii TIE Pllll tf 1-Fantastlc buy, terrific investment. Otle 2 Bdrm duplex and one 3 Bdrm house all located on one giant lot, big enough city says, to build 5 units, high density area, much rebuilding. New apartments. 546-2313 SllTI CUil PUZ&'I WMlllll YILUll DHllS-1 Bdrm + den, 1 story, $7300 down, $72 ,900. 2 Bdrm, 1 story, $8,300 down, $83,000. 3 Bdrm, 1 story, $9,400. down, $93,900. 3 Bdrm, 2 story, $11,500 down, $115,000. Upgraded units, all have pools & spa. Call for more details on these and others. 546-2313 · IEMI IASTI.E-4 Bdrm vacant castle! Close to beach! New carpet & paint! 2600 sq.ft. of Luxuryl Assume existing financing , no quallfylngl Priced to sell @ $179,900 963-6767 WUT I IUL-Approx. $6,000 buys you the best Investment Huntington Beach has to offer. A 3 BR townhome. convenient to schools & shopping. No qualifying to assume the existing FHA loan. $92,900. 847-6010 WM'T WT-Upgraded 2 Bdrm 1'h bath condo with lanai and community pool. With only 10% down, It's a bargain! Sale priced at $65,000-call nowl 646-7171 .JIST 110.000 MWl-Assume $59,000 and seller will carry at low rate on this beautiful 2 Bdrm condo with community pool and spa! Just $7 4,900-caJI todayl 646-7171 UIPlm llMI P•an Take over existing flnan~ng with low down on this 4 Bdrm 3 bath Newport Beach home on the water! Seller will carry! Only $199,900-caU now! 646-7171 HWPllT TtWlltlE-Very desirable complex has something for everyone-pool, sauna, park, etc. Highly upgraded end unit. Excellent assumable financing -just llsted at only $124,9001 Call today, 847-6010 IUCll otnlll + IHIU LIT-Close to beach! Build your own rental or enjoy huge back yard! Existing home Is a masterpiece! Assume long term financing; no quallfylngl Best buy In H.B.! Call 963-6767. a 111• IEUS IW, Ut,IOO-lf you are short on cash and not afraid of work this Is the buy of the day ... Big living room, cozy kitchen, 3 Bdrms, all on a big lot perfect for a family. Houses In same area are selling for much more. Call 546-2313 1111 Tl IHOl-Beautlful 4 Bdrm executive home! New carpets! $14,500 down and owner will assist financing! $144,500. Call 963-6767 HILIHS-5 adjacent R-2 lots ready for Immediate development or let 2 existing homes generate Income until you're ready to build. Either way, this is an outstanding Investment opportunity. 847-6010 NEWPORT /CORONA DEL MAR 1111 Tl lllOl-From this fabulous Irvine Terrace 3 Bdrm 2 bath home with ocean and bay views! Assumable financing makes this one a bargafnl Only $265,000-call todayl 646-7171 IT'S I IAlllll Well priced Harbor View Hiiis 4 Bdrm. 2'h bath home + fem rm and RV space! High assumable loan at low Interest rate. Only $419,950. Call nowt 646-7171 LIW MWI l·Z TD•-On this Baycrest 3 Bdrm 2 bath. Newport beach home. Take over existing financing and seller will carry wl\h low down. Sale priced at $239.000. Call now! 646-7171 .. OIST• Tllft.D ·_ Beautiful 3 Bdrm house and a separate duplex with 2 Bdrm units! Close to beachl Assume $190,000 in loans. No negative cash flow! A great Investment! Call 963-6767 FIXEI SHOW.-Assume financing! 3 Bdrm home In beautiful neighborhood! Fantastic VA assumable loan. $93,500 Qi 12%! Hurry, 963-6767 •Y $42,toO-Just 'h block from the ocean. Beautifully maintained, double wide mobile home. Upgraded former model -bright and airy. Owner will help finance. Call today, 847-6010 EXICITIYE FIUl-4 Bdrm Park Huntington home needs carpets & drapes only! A newer home In prestigious area. Close to beach! Call now -owner left area & Is more than ready to help! $165,000. 963-6767 4-PUJ. 1121,tHl-No negative cash flow: super assumable loan + $89,0001 Units need some TLCI Fix and save! One 3 Bdrm & three 1 Bdrm units! Hurry, call 963-6767 llWPllT PHTHHl-New on the market 1 Bdrm & den with superb ocean view! Excellent assumable loan of $145,000 at low rate! Sale priced at $185,000-call today! 646-7171 LIM llST Ill-Delightful home on prestigious Lido Isle! Charming 3 Bdrm, den and formal dining room. Tremendous terms make this our Lido's best buy! Only $299,500. Call today! ~6-7171 MT l . IAlll• Costa Mesa 4 Bdrm, 2 bath family pool home. Assume loan and seller will carry with 10% down! A bargain at $135,000. Call now! 646-7171 PLANNING A SOLID, EXCITING RIAL ESTATI CARIER? FREE -REAL ESTATE TRAINING FOR INFORMATION CONTACT MEtlNDA, 147-9010 -