HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-11 - Orange Coast Pilot'.,llNOAY .IUlY 11 1'111.' DeMy NM""*°-, CMltee llerr FUN'S OVER -After squishing and splasing at the Fifth Annual Mud Olyplpics at University Community Park in Irvine, 13-year-old J ohn Karam took his tum with the hoee to wash the mt.,.ck olf. Co1nniedia Dell 'Arte at Pageant 'nioving' By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Ofltle.,.., Not ..... LAGUNA BEACH -What had been suspected for years concerrung the Pageant of the Masters has at long last been confirmed. That isn't statuary on the Irvine Bowl stage and hillsides. Those figures in paintings aren't ~ mere paint. By gosh -they are human! The art world was turned upside down here Friday night when one of the frailties of being human occurred -error. Three persons posing on a h illside, pretending to be porcelain figures. not only moved before the entire presentAltion of Commedia Del 'Arte was completed but vanished. They left their pedestals to return to the dressing rooms before the center stage curtain opened on the finale of the complicated number. That's a no-no in an event that for 49 years (the first living picture was in 1933) has as its firsl requirement to hold as still as humanly possible. But if it had to happen it came at an appropriate time. It was comic relief to a scene depicting the classic comedians Pulcinella and Harlequin in a variety of situations. There were. in addition to the trio on the hill to the right, others posing on the hillside to the left of the audience. single figures to stage right and left as well as a cluster of posers cent.er stage. It's the most ambiuous piece of the nightly pageant and is presented JUSt before intermission. The miscue seemed to delight an audience consisting mostly of media personnel. civic dignitaries and members of ihe Festival of Arts association. It gave them something to talk about dunng intermission. Cast members can't be faulted. They followed cue. "It was a mixup in lighting and music cues," said Carl Calla~ay, technit'al director and stage manager. Callaway has worked with the pageant 38 years and while he has seen a lot he said this was a first. That was the comment of several longtime pageant observers. "What can you say?" said Glen Eytchiso n , the pageant's youthful direct.or. "We are so close yet ·so far (from a near perfect production) but you can't let things like this get t.o you." The boo-boo didn't spoil what was otherwise a smooth-flowing presentation under a starr y, cool night. The audience commented most and applauded longest for the more humorous productions. The Bil( Catch, a watercolor by (Me PAGEANT, Pa1e AZ ) meeting a VIENNA, Austria (AP) -OPD: ministert ended a stormy two-day meeting Saturday after fa111ng to agree on a new market-sharing system . Disarmament session flops UNITED NATIONS (AP) -The General Allembly'a aec.'Ond special 1e11ion on dilarmament fizzled to an end Saturday, with IC.'Oret of deleptes a1tlclz1na ltl failure to produce a oomprehenllve plan to atop die worldwide arma race. Stolen U.S. lanlc run• amolc M.AHNHEIM, Wt9\ o.rm.ny CAP) -A 1tolen U.8. Army betde tank ran amok 8a~y~ ,Uvouah downtown Mannheim, al~ MUly '600,000 ln dllnllP II ll Cl\llhed Cln, rammed lhc>pl and •le.red ~before Dlunli"I inco 1 mUrky iiwr with the driver ,,. ..... ,,..,., polJoe ll&d. l . -llllTlll llllY PIPll .. (lH /\N<.t I llllN IY I /\I tfUH N 11\ '>li (I Nf -, Few clues. to crash found No emergency call in jet-tower conversations, no lightning NE W ORLEANS (AP ) - Worken pulled more bodies from the 1catter ed wreckage of a jetliner u federal Investigators said Saturday night they had no hard evidence to determine what caused the Boeing 727 to smash into a residential neighborhood, kJUing at least 153 people. Patricia Goldman , vice chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, sald the consensus of 25 people who saw the crash was that no UghtnJng hit the plane u it wu taking off In a rainstonn from New Orleans lnte rnallonal Airport on Friday. It was the second wont air diaaster In U.S . h istory. Ma. Goldman allO said tape recordings of conversations between the crew and the airport tower s howed no Indication before the plane came down that .mything was wrong. "There was no emergency call that we found on a preliminary listening," Ms. Goldman told a GOP ethics unit raps Crean . tactics By STEVE TRIPOLI Of ltle 0.-, ,... ltaf'I Republican 43rd Congressional District nominee Johnnie Crean violated the code of ethics he signe d in the conduct of his vic torious June primary campaign, the Ethics Committee of the county's Republican Party concluded Saturday. But the panel, which could have recommended that the county R epublican Central Committee withhold support for Crean in November or censure him, decided to take no action against Crean beyond issuing ·a statement outlining the violation. The Ethics Committee's four -/ paragraph sta\ement said that Crean "violated the code of ethics he had signed, wherein he promised to condemn the use of campaign materials which distort the f acts regarding a n y candida le." Crean. a 33-year-old travel- trailer m anufacturer. poured about $750.000 into has narrow 100-vote victory in the June µrimar y against 17 o ther Republicans ii\.. the south Orange County-north San Diego County district. His campaign tactics. howe ver . so o utragc•d his o ppo~ent s that the y have unanimously united behind the (Me CREAN, Pa1e AZ> newa confe rence. "There was nothing o n the tower tape t.o substantJate an emergency, but you have to remember that they weren't In the air very long." All 145 people aboard the aircraft. lnc:luding at least s ix from Cali f ornia and 47 foreignera, were killed. Cal- 1forniana known to be aboard were C . Johnson and David Schaffer, 37. of San Diego: Bill Lewis. 49, of El Cajon: Bo b Mathews , 25 . and Dawn Nlehuus, 22. of Escondido, and T . Dollor or Los Angeles. At least eight on tht' ground were killed also. Earlier. an NTSB s pokesma n said both the cockpit and flight data recorders were rec:overed , apparently unharmed. and were sent to Washington for analysis. Ms. Goldman said at wuuld be pr e mature to form firm conclusions on just about any aspect of the crash. mdudmg the number of d ead both on tht. plane and in the neighborhood where the jetliner went down. The crews on Saturday nigh1 continued to pull more bodi~ from the tw1st<>d rubble• LargL sums of money wert.• found on some of the bodies -$11.000 un one tra\teler and $4,0 00 o n a nother. a Jefferson Paris h deputy said. One of th<' plane's stops was to have beC'n Las VL•gas. N<'v - Pollet• in Kenner, whe r<' the plane went down. said a man was arrestc'<i Friday night l'arrying away a" fragment of th<' planc a nd a woman's purse. He was booked for theft, pobce stud. The bodies were st.acked in refr1gerat<.'<i trucks at the airport, wht'rc t•oroners. dental-re<·ords a ruil ysts, pathologists and others began matching names with the remains "The corone r 'i; offa·~ has :.id v ti.l•d 1l has 19 1dc·ntif1ed bodu.~ Thev have another 89 urndenufwd · bodies. Tht·re a!so Jrt'. 1n vario u s plan•s. 95 unattal'hl'<.l body parts," ~id a shl·nffs spo k<'1>Woman. Hote l fire under control Firefighters we re reported early today to have brought a fare unde r contro: 1n the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. I An An;1he1m Fire Department dispa tch e r said f1re f1ghters remained at the scene shortly after m1.Jmght, but ·.hf'y were mostly attempting lo remove smoke from the bu1lc!ing at that time S he said tnere may have been one injury indirectly related to the fire" but no de tail<> were available The fire re po rte dl y was confined to the fourth floor of the hotel, loc·ated on Convention Way near Disneyland . The re were no re ports ava1la hlc on whe thl•r an y guests in l h t hotel had been cvacuau-d or un ihe cause of thr· fire SUNDAY SPECIAL Panic prevents public trips Agoraphobics share fears with peers, venture out to daily d estinations By ROBERT BARK.ER Of ltle .,.., ,... ..... The nine people llUinC ln • .emi-drcle ln the IJvtnc room of a Huntinaton BMch rnobOe home had one th l na i n common -they have all known overwhelming and unreaaon.ing fear. Jived ln conatant dread of recurrences. They sought refu,e from new attacks. counselor, aaid their fears didn't seem so bad after they became aware that othe rs shared the same attacb. But N additional attaclu spread their terror, t he victinw retreated -aome co the solnt that they were afral of leaving home. The particip ants w e r e animated, interesting and they lau1hed a Jot. They displayed a lot of caring about others in the group. T hey seemed more intelligent than average. They have been struck without warning by panic attacks. Almost all thought they were either going crazy or going to die. The ailment that these nine people share with perhap; an estimated 4.5 milllon other Americans is ca ll ed agoraphobia, an abnormal fear of being in public places. The nine people meeting in the m obile h ome o n Wednesday nigh ts with their There was a former school teacher who has had agoraphobia for 15 years . There was a 25-year-old male studying air transportation at Orange Coast College. The attacks were so fearsome that the victims Social changes • raise cases Disorder prompts anxiety, victims dread losing control By SANDIE JOY OftM DelyNoelt.n Agoraphobia -sometimes referred to as fear of everything -either is on the upswing or more victims are willing to seek help. That's what Newport Beach paychol<>siat Ellis Wayne has suggested. Wayne. who's assistant clinical professor of medical psychology at UC Irvine School of Medicine, suggested perhaps more cases of agoraphobia are being seen simply because society is becoming more aware of the disorder and of treatment possibilities. · The abnonnaJ fear o( being in public places is c haracterized by panic attacks accompanied by heart palpitations, dizziness and breathing difClculties, he explained. It strikes mostly women between 18 and 30. he added, noting perhap; the increased number of cases he'a seen have 90mething to do with today's social expectations on women. Wayne said the disease "is extremely anxiety producing" because ita victims fear ctor 8 s ay q pro they'll be seized with an attack and no one will understand what's happening to them. Abo ut one in 160 persons have agoraphobia to some extent, the psychologist said, and, in extreme cases, the disorder can be crippling, keeping ita victims in fear of even leavina their homes. "Nobody has ever died from a panic attack," Wayne said. "lt always goes away . . . The problem is they're em barrassed and fearful of losing control in public and of what's going to happen to them.'' Wayne said he became particu larly mterested in the disorder when, after having had no agoraphobics in hls personal caseload, he was contacted by seven within seven weeks. The psychologist said he's not sure why the disease is more prevalent in women than men or even why people get agoraphobia. All the agoraphobics he's seen. Wayne (See PANIC, Pase Al) INDEX Clalllfied El. E4-6, Fl-6 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Detectlves investigating the 1hootiJl8 death of charactes: ec:tor Frank Christi on Saturday questjoned neichbon and friends who m.iaht have known bow he apent hll lalt hows. Cromword D8 Detlh Notica E3 Editorial Pqe A6 Entertainment 06-7 Featww D8 Anti-Bird leader hopeful '!be Qmpaip to ran ttase Supreme Court OU.f J\ll't.lc9 ac.. Bard Ml petered out, but 1'• .....= hopel lt can be N'Ytvecl. ~Al. ' Flnanae Dl-~ Rabert OardMr A6 AM Landen D8 . ')' ~-,-<_ .... J~ J ; • •-' Th<•rr· was o young hou.~w1ft.• who wa:. fon"<-d to drop ou1 of Goldl'n w,..,, C11lll'gl· JUSt bdurt• graduation. mdanl:v beca uS<· o f her fear or driving. She• told of breaking down when she rec.."C.•1vt.'Cl a lt•tt.cr from Cal St.ate Fullerton that shc> had bet.on al"<'epl.l'<i with honono. But shc l'Ouldn't go l>l'<·au.'iC· she didn't <.'OmplNl' hl'r studws. Ont' o f thoiw present w as 34-vt·ar-old Donna who was an as~·1 s ta n1 d l•pa rlm<.•nl s t on • mana~er a l the· Wt"stm1nster M<lll whC'n thl' pa n1 l· l'amc> 4 1 , yC'ars ago She said .:;he was for<'t:'d lo change• Job~ bl'l'a use o f th<' a ffhcllon and 1~ nuw a se<.-ret.ar v at th<' Fluor Corp · "My hft• ., dt•ad, I can 't go l' v l' r v w h <'r t' I w a nt.·· .., h t' lanwn.l<'<i Do nna s:11d hN f 1 rst a llack camt.> whlll· she> was attending a Christmas sales planning session m Los Ani.wl <'S "h was hkl· nuthmlo( I ever experienced I started to sweat and to h;.•pt•r -vcnt1latc. My heart was pounding and 1 felt lake I had l-hills und fc>ver A fear of death was my strongest thing but I also thought I was going insane." She's be4m treated at hospitals a n d b y t h l ' r a p i s t s a n d psychiatrists over the years. "I've had so many things pumped in to me that I have differe nt, conflicting thoughb ," she says. "["m m a king gradual 1 mp rove mt' n l . I · m 0 K 1 n sitwtions wh<'re f'm on my feet but not sitting down. like in restaurants and movies. "I've had thl• same feeling each (Sff VICTIMS, Pa1e AS) Movies Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Style Television Thea ten Travel Weather 06-7 E3 81-6 D4-5 Cl-6 E2 06·7 a~ A2 ' I •• 0ranoe OOlit DAILY ~tLOT/lunday, July 11, 1912 ,·'PAGEANT 'MOVING' • • • I s....,u.na BNch art.iat Scott Moore, ~our Norman Rockwell coven for .. the Sat~ Eve~ Post a.nd , ~ Commedla Dell Arie drew ,1 ~ugha u well u oohs and ahl. The paaeant o rchestra, ,,d irected by Rlc hard Henn , ,J>layed spirited, Ught-hearted •. ~J*Ument to the humoroua ,,pieces. ~ 1 The orcheetra sounded much • Qetter than in previous years. , Jienn, who composed much of the music , said sound ;~provementa in the orchestra :1p1t have helped. . Sculpture was also popular .. .00 demanded some awkward ~ by the volunteer cast. Among other stagings well :received were Images of Shiva, • ,St. George and the Dragon, Basel Cathedral Antependum, the . 'Dancers of Cheret and Boston Public Library Bronze Doors. Pie ces ge tt ing only a <6lA'lattering of applause were The Cherry Sellers. Le Pecheur a La Ligne, The Fall of Phaeton and Bathing in the Seine. Thur! Ravenscroft. better known u the voice ot Tony the uaer. la narra.rator for the ninth ye.r and cave the unlnlUaied an Art h1atory letaon before the cur-Wn opened on each piece. But there aro apota in whlch the ecript la toO long. Be that aa It may the papant, as always, la entertainin& and educational. Many llnM1me viewen we~ shaldng their heads afterwarda, impressed by ita grand ICale. h 's almost certain thoee who have tickets t o upcoming performances won't 1ee a duplication of what happen'ed Friday. · The pageant is nightly at 8:30 through Aug. 23 at 650 Laguna Can yon Road. Those without tickets have a chance of getting them If they are willing to stand in line at the grounds box office on the day they want to attend. Returned tickets ranging from $6 to $20 are available. Box office hours are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. More in formation is available by telephoning 494-1147. ~CREAN TACTICS . • • 1 announced write-in bid of the second-place· finisher, Carlsbad ~ Mayoc Ron Packard. The statement singled out two j pieces of campaign material 1 directed against eventual third· ~ place finisher Bill McColl by the • Crean campaign, one mailed just : before the June 8 vote. : That document. a brochurE : headlined "McColl Faces Voter : Fraud, Tax Fraud, Conspirac) ! and Perjury Charges!" failed to : note until one turned the page : that the charges were being : leveled only by Crean himself, : not by any officia I cou rl : proceeding. : The brochure, the committee• round. "gave a distorted impression to the voters of th<· actual status of alleged criminal charges against candidate McCol I and gave the distorted impression that McColl himself conspired in a lleged improper (voter) registration by others." The other document singled out was a facsimile telegram labeled "Urgent" which alleged th.al McColl engaged in "masmve voter fraud." County Republican Committee Chairwoman Lois Lundberg, who answered questions a fter the Ethics Committee released the s t atement, said s he· is "certain" the committee did not take stricter action against Crean because "they thought they would be aiding and abetting the Democratic candidat e (Roy Archer) if they did." Mrs. Lundberg also said there w e re "extenuati ng cir c umstances," including unspecified actions by McColJ's cam paign. that left Ethics Committee members feeling that Crean was n ot a lone in his actions. She said the Ethics Committee found "some things that did not seem as pure as they would have liked" in McColl's campalgn, but she would not specify what had been found because, she said, McColl's campaign was not the issue at Saturday's hearing. Mrs . Lundberg said th e committee also did not go further because members "would n~ver back a write-in candidate" over the party's nominee, but she added that the .committee wanted to send a message to Crean with its action. "T here was not a desire by them to say (to Crean) 'you're not going to hear from us,'" she said. noting that the committee's statement specifically called Crean·s actions a violation of the e thics code a nd specifically outlined the actions seen as violations. Fair studied CHICAGO (AP) -A coalition is being formed to study environmental issues poeed by the tentative award of the 1992 World's Fair to Chicago, says the executive director of the Lake Michigan Federation. Daughter follows mother to crowns Storlet by PHIL SNEJDERMAN OfllleDtlJ .......... Ever wonder what beauty paaeent queena do when thelr NtiEn la cancl\MMd? Wtll, eornetlmet they settle down, pt married and produce the beeu&y q~ ot tomorrow. Take t h e case of Karen Hollerman, Mm Fountain Valley of 1971. Today, Karen managet Nadine' .. a women'• health d ub lft HunUncton Harbour . She'• alao the mother o( Sumer Joi, age 4 ~. who may follow 1n her mom's footatepe today when ahe competea In the Miu Pee Wee California Hemisphere pageant at the Anaheim Convention Center. Though still too young for kindergarten, Sumer Joi is already aomething of a beauty pageant veteran. At age 3, she entered the Miss Supreme Beaut}' contest in Newport Beach. She won first runner-up in her division and was named "Miss Personality on Stage." Last summer she was crowned "Miss Pee Wee Orange County" and "Miss Pee Wee Orange County Fair." BEAUTY'S KIN DEEP -Karen daughter Sumer Joi before Miss Hemisphere pageant in Anaheim. Hollerman hugs her Pee Wee California "She is a real ham," Karen says. "She is really cool for her age. I think she's too young to know what stage fright is. She just walks out there and either *** *** Pageant winner a good sport 'I don't see why som eone can 't be beautiful and athle t ic' Another beauty pageant contestant might not have risked it. But there was 17-year-old Kerri Carr taking part June 19 in the Orange County High School Girls Basketball All Star Game at Orange Coast College. Sure enough, one week later she sho'!l'ed up for the big pageant, which included a bathing suit competition. with a noticeably brui.sed knee and thigh, thanks to her athletic.· workout. The bruises apparently cost her few points, however. because when the judging was concluded. Kerri Carr was crowned the new M iss Huntington Beach. The annual co nt es t 1s sponsored by the Women's Division of the Huntingto n Beach Chamber of Commen:.-e. K erri claims s he was as surprised as anyone when her name was announc.-ed. "l was very excited," she recalls. "l was shaking. You don't know what the judges are looking for. I didn't think I had that much of a chance." KERRI CARR Kerri has been competing in beauty pageants since she was 11 . but she is equally -or maybe more.et home in athletic compellt1on . She was a first string guard on Huntington Beach High School's winning girls basketball team. "I'm a very aggressive defensive player.'' she says. "And 1 average about 12 points a game." Kerri also was a member of her high school's varsity girls swimming team. She has competed in a powder puff football league. She enjoys softball and bowling. And somehow she finds time to play racquetball. <She's signed up to compete m doubles at the Outdoor Nationals racquetball tournament at Orange Coast College.) Beauty queens may be stereotyped as soft and fragile. but Kerri makes no apologies for the sweat she works up during athletic competition. "l feel it 1s a good image," she says. "I don't think women should be too dainty. I don't see why someone can't be beautiful and very athletic." In fact. sometimes her athletic skill pays off during modeling assignments, Kerri explains . Recently . she p layed racquetball so that a photographer could acquire action shots of her wearing sportswear fashions. Kerri has two brothers and two sisters, all older. and admits she was a bit of a tomboy u a youngster. She jun lfllduac.d tnarn H~ Beach High and expect.a to enroll la\ Orange C0ut College in the fall. H er goal n ext year is to enter the M iss California pageant w hich selects the state's delegate to the Miss America contest. "A few of the people I know think that if you're in a beauty pageant. you're stuck up," Kern says. "That's the typical reaction from a lot of girls. But my closer frie nds look at it as a good expenence. They're happy for me." TiTLE YEAR -Karen Hollerman s m i I e I n 1 9 7 l as Mi ss Fountain Valley. wms them over or ahe doesn't." "Most of the time. she does win them over ," Karen adds. admittedly speaking with a mother's prejudice. Just 11 years ago. when she was a senior at Fountain Valley High School, a teat·her encouraged Karen to enter the local beauty pageant. She edged out 12 other gjrls for the title of M1~ Fountain VaUey. She collected a crown as Mm Southern California and was fourth runner-up in the Miss California World contest. When her reign ended, Karen continued studying business at Golden West College and Cal State Long Beach. During one vacation she traveled to Saudi Arabia. Married in 197:>. Karen and her husband operated a lucrative silk screen T -shirt busines.'I for several years. Sumer Joi was born m 1978. "Whe n I was pregnant. .. Karen recalls. "I was hoping it would be a girl and I was thinking that I'd like her to Le involved in beauty pageants because it was such a positive thing for me. I met a lot of nit-e people and learned to speak in public. I matured a lot ... Arter her d1vort-e two years ago. K aren worke d as a gymnastics coach before lakmg her current health club job. One of her cl ub ins truc to rs 1s L'Ompeting in the M1ss Cahfomia Hemisphere eageant today. ··1 had my fun days when 1 was younger;· she says. "Now I get just as big a thrill coaching others." Even so. she believes Sumer Joi may retire for a while after today's con test. "This is as far as Mom's going. to lead her." Karen says. "The next time will be when she's older if she stilJ wants to enter " Warm days Syria ref uses guerrillas R ej ection hampers elf orts to e nd B eirut crisis Co(Utal Nort'-t -. 10 to 20 knob with 4 to e tOOI -over out• _t.,.._ UgM variable ~ over Inner waten becoming wa1 to -.outhwe9c I to 15 knob during Iha aft.moon and ~ng hours. ~ ...... 1I021Mt.low ~and ioc.t log night and Mtly mOl'nlng houra other.IN ,.,,, California Southern c.Hlornla wtll be felt through Monday ~t tor tate-ntghl and early morning low delude and loc8I log lllong coast. Orange County can expect "'C;llw In IN low 70. at l>aechn, 1ow eo. lnlend . .._ eo 10 s... Inland vellays wlll haY9 hlgh8 ne. 90. 1ow1 ne. eo. Mountlllne can exP«=f highs 77 10 83. lowl In the 50s. Northern deMrt• wlll heve .-t lo eout"-t wlndt tS.25 mph In 1llarnoon and evening houri. Hlghl 94 to 102, lowl 63 to 73. Southern "-1 highs 104 to 112. IOWI 74 to 82. Northern and Central Celtfornia mollly l1lr through Mond1y lllCllpt for lnctaulng low cloud9 llld fog lllong COM.t. Cooler -COlllt. rang ing trom around 70 al beacha to 85 lo 95 In the valleys. Lows 55 to 65, mountain hlOhs 75 10 82. lows mo.Uy 45 to 60. Smog • The Air Quality Management District ptedlc11 unhaalthtul u quality today In Iha Sin Gabriel. Pomona, Sin Fernando 1nd S1nu Clarita vallay1, the Rlvar1lda-San Bernardino and Hamat·Eltlnora araa1 . m1tropolllan Loe AngalH, 8annlng and the low daaert1. Oood 1lr qu1llty 11 forecHt ...._a In 11'4 South Coast Alf 8ultl. Unhealthful 11r quallt~ for 1veryona ind 1 Pollutanl Standard lndeJC of 255 Is 10t«aSt tor the San Oabrlal and Pomona vallaya, 220 for the ~Sin 8amardlno ., .. and 210 for the San Femaodo and Senta Ctartta vellays. ·Fronts:Cold .,. Warm WW Unhealthful air for Mn1ttlve people and a PSI of Hl3 ts predicted for matropolll•n Loe A~H. the Hamat·Eltlnore r and 8anntng, with PSI 113 In Iha low deMftl. ReClwood City Sacramento SaHnu San 8-nardlno S1n G1brlal S1t1 Ol9go Oood air quaAty with • PSI of too 11 forecast !Of Inland Orange COunty, 58 for the coattll regions Ind 42 for Iha high "-tw and the Big Bair lalca eraa. • S1t1 Francisco S1nll 81r~r1 Santa Marla S1nta Monica TorrlllQa Yum1 Albany Albuqua Anohofaga Atlanl1 Atllntc Cty 102 S4 Aualln .. 72 Wlm«a 1~; ~ ::::::" IO 40 8o1ea 110 73 &oeton 72 57 euttllO NATIOM S4 58 Burllngton ee se Ctltt1ttn sc ff M Otllrittn WV 94 85 Ctlatttte NC E5E ee a C...•ld 71 81 Clmtll9 IC 71 t1 ~ 10 N Olll-l'I Wtt1 '=~ = M N 0. Motr19 " 87 Oetrolt 82 58 Duluth 90 59 E1 Paso 71 50 Falrbankl 94 57 Fat!><> 88 57 Flegst1ll ea 66 Great Fall• 87 54 H1rtlord 75 53 Heten1 73 50 Hono1111u 74 57 Houston 112 5 7 lndnac>ll• 108 78 JICklt'I Jacklt'lvtla 84 53 I(.,.. City 95 113 LIS Veg .. 58 50 l.1llla Rock 87 70 Loulevtlla 80 71 MampN• 95 74 Miami 83 7 t Mllwluk• 92 70 Mpla-St.P 78 80 Nulwllta 89 57 New~• S4 70 New York 90 6 t NO!'f olk 8 1 511 Okla City 91 74 Omen• 90 87 Orlando 84 611 Pnlladptlia 74 .. Phoanlll eo ea PllttburOll 87 71 Ptland. Me • t6 Ptl8nd. Ora t 1 .. PrcMdanoe es ee Reno " 73 RldlrnOllO 83 .. Safi t.all• t1 50 Sen Antonio 71 .. Seattle 17 83 == .,...._,..., .. ._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.__ Sil.out• 1111 •Piil 81 P·Tenp 8"11.,,. iyflCUM Topllla T"'90!\ TwlM W"'*'f'll WllMa ... = = 6:' ' 'I --I I ?! °"""' I : ; ~---= ............ .. • ~- VINeWlf 58 51 103 &4 73 58 73 60 112 « 80 55 90 59 81 50 a11 74 94 78 82 72 92 73 91 73 82 67 103 73 93 75 118 71 94 eo .,. 75 78 &4 e1 eo 87 72 " 74 91 72 83 72 119 &8 75 &4 92 75 90 11. 109 10 es ea 11 81 15 58 .. ., 13 41 .. 7'3 18 M " 74 7t M 77 72 74 .. .. 70 ti " ~ M N II II 11 1M N to ,, .. T7 .. t7 II By Tbe Associated Press Soviet-backed Syria jammed U.S . negotiating efforts Saturday by refusing to accept Palestinian guerrillas trapped in west Beirut, a nd Israeli and PLO artillery plunged into a new round of bombardments. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Morris Draper tried to persuade Syrian President Hafez Assad's government to reverse its refusal Friday to grant entry to the estimated ·s.ooo Palestine Liberation Organization fighters under siege in west Beirut by Israeli forces. But Syrian Foreign Minister Abdul Halim Kh a dd am reiterated Syria's refusal to receive the guerrillas, Syrian sources said. "We would rather hear from Washington on plans to evacuate Israel's invading forces rather than arrangements to evacuate Palestinians o r others," Khaddam told Draper. Lebanon's state radio said. The bulk of the 30,000 troops Syria sent to Lebanon to snufC ou t the 197 5-76 Mos lem - Christian civil war and police its armistice have regrouped in the eastern Bekaa Valley following bloody clashes with the Israelis. Israel invaded Lebanon June 6 to rout the PLO guerrillas from Lebanon, but both conservative and le ftist Arab nations are reluctant to have them on their territory. fearing they could be a destabilizing force . The Syria n s ources said Draper ,was returning to Lebanon t o report on the outcome of his Damascus mission to U.S . presidential envoy Philip Habib. who has been trying for three weely; to arrange a PLO evacuation supervised by 1.800 U.S. Marines and an unspecified number of French paratroopers. France told Lebano n on Saturday that it agr eed in principle to supply troops to a multinational force to h elp disengage t he guerrillas and the Israelis in Beirut. There's lots to see at OC Fair Equestrian even ts, concerts, lumberj ack s how sche dule d A full lineup of entertainment, contests and other diversions is on tap today and Monday at the Orange County Fair. The fair runs from 10 a .m. to midnight today, and noon to midnight Monday at the Orange County Fairgrounds, Fair Drive and Newport Boulevard ·(Route 55), Costa Mesa. Today's events include the conclusion of an amateur and pro(ellional hone show in the new F.quntrlan Center arena. Hol'9e eventa will be held all day. Enltt\ainment \Onlahl features Dean Torrance. formerly of Jan and Dean, ln the amphitheater from 7 to 9 p.m. The Bia Banda ConQlr1 md Dance at 8 p.m. fea(urH tht Oran11 Cout CoUefllend. Mond1y'1 f11tured mu1lcal =form•r wlll bt Elvin from 1 to ·~· the ...... ,,.. ..., llftd wm ,_ ._ IMd °"..:..:~~ :n :.-.... bwmtdanal L.umberjllk lhow • • • at 2, 4. 7 and 9 p.m.; Country Fun Contests (events such as nall driving and rooster and chicken calling) at 11:30 a.m . and 1:30, 3:30 a nd 5:30 p.m .; Funs-A- Poppin' Circua at 1, 3, 5 and 8 p.m .; craft demonstrations all day; gymnastic tumbling contests a t 5 :30 and 7:30 p .m .; the Gourmet Gallery at 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 p.m.; Livestock Contests at 3 and 4 p.m.. and European hypnotist Vandenne1de at 8 p.m. Special events for the two days include the Stunt A c tors Western Show at 6:30 and 9 p.m. a nd Livestock s howing and demonstrations all d~. Admission is $4 , and all e ntertainme n t ,I.a free with admission. Senior dUzens age 65 ·and u p will a e t a apedal $1 admission rate Monday through Thunday. Converter blame d for fire The e1talydc c:onverw of an automoblle apparently started a tire that bumec:t the car and two acrea of bruah off Laaun a Canyon Road la t• Saturday afternoon , Lacun a Beach ""''ilh ..... ~. The fire •PP•,••Uly aiara.d when the w1• -.rn11 DWled &o &ht •lit of tll• roed anct ........ ., ..... Capl llcftMid. Dlwlw1111611. DtwWrrJ ...... ftN .......... ,,... ...., .... 1111' '° .... bruih quic kly, and the auto waa involved before lta ownw could move lt. La1una Beach an d Orange County ftrefl1hier1 controlled the blue m&nut8t atw &hey arrlvett, h.owever. Thftoe were no inju.rf8. The converter, 1 pollutloft. control deYtm an ..._ mn. II located under tlle ur and becD•-~-~ op•rat lon . Men aulo rnlfM'fliDtUnn ........ ., _.. wl&h OD11vwtlft; .. 10 "'9&' owr.,._rw.,llrUill. ' . ' .. FRONT OFFICE -What look.I like another suburban home along Bristol Street is actually .,... ........... lll!rO.,AMINwe the low-overhead headquarters of the Santa Ana Heights Water Co. Water district praise on tap I Customers with small bills recall 60 years of service By STEVE TRIPOLI Of !tie Delly "°' ..... If it weren't for the simple wooden sign hanging outside, most passers-by probably would mistake the white building on a quiet section of Bristol Street for just another single-family home. Even looking at the sign, it's hard to imagine that the structure behind it is a corporate headquarters. The Santa Ana Heights Water Co. isn't exactly a corporate giant, and in this era of water as big business in Southern California it's a virtual non- entity in its field. But don't say that to its 3,600-plus customers. Most of them would probably echo the words of Eleanor Futter. the company's general manager and secretary, who sums up the company's existence with a simple ''bigger isn't always better." And there's a compelling reason why they'd probably back that statement -they get their water for less than the rest of us pay. Looking back on the company's 60th anniversary last week. Mrs. Fuller said its small size and low overhead have kept prices down. Though it started with fewer than 1,000 people in its service area (which includes parts of Costa Mesa. Newport Beach and Santa Ana Heights in the Bristol Street-Newport Boulevard area) and serves only 20,000 today, the company has had some interesting moments. It formed when a number of farmers in the area banded together and two of them. Bryan Bradford and William McCoy, volunteered to drill wells and build a 500,000-gallon reservoir in exchange for compa?y stock. As land in the 1.200-acre area was sold the stock was transferred to the owners for a small fee. In 1936 six acres between Paularino and Baker streets in Costa Mesa were purchased as a well site, and the high-sulphur brown water that many old- timers fondly remember began £lowing into customers' homes. Because of its content the water was extremely soft, and little soap was needed for laundering and other washing chores. Elsie Opp, 84, a customer for 58 years the co mpany still family liked the special water but many guests were put off by its color and slightly different taste. The water h ad ot h er advantages. too . Plumbing fixt ures corroded m<Jch le11 • quickly. and even though the wells have been gone for 11 yee.n the company atill benefits because ita under1round pipes have remained ln aood condition much longer than Oiher plpet. IN CASE OF FIRE -The plant holder on the hearth is a natural in the living-room office of the Santa Ana Heights Water Co. The company alao aurvlved several takeover attempts in the 1960s that ranaed !rom often to buy out the h~' 1t.ock to attempts by neighbortna dties to put the company out of bualneu by annexing key portions of its holdings. Angry shareholders eventually got protection from the county against potential annexers. It was as one of the shareholders' leaders that Mrs. Fuller began her involvement with the company. Today. the shareholders own a company whose holdings have become increasingly valuable in the last decade. far exceeding the $500.000 that once was offered by a would-be buyer. Most of the shareholders are individual homeowners holding one share each. but some are (See WATER, Pa1e A5) Flat-rate tax system fair? OC congrefosmen split on support, specifics of deductions By BARRY EBERLING Of'IN o.-, P1tot 11-" President Reagan has admitted that the idea of flat-rate Income tax system interests him. Orange County Congressmer Jerry Patte rson. D-Santa Ana. and William Dannemeyer . R - Fullerton, agree. In recent Orange County appearances. both men called a flat-rate system "an idea whose time has come." But their fellow congressman. Dan Lungren. R- Long Beach, disagrees. "I'm for it, and at this moment my staff and I are working on a bill that provides for it," Patteraon said. He said a flat-rate system, QY eliminating deductions, would be fairer then than the present progreuive tax system. People earning $200,000 per year would no lonatt be able to avoid taxe1 tbrouch shelters. Nor is it fair that middle class Americans have to pay 40 percent taxes, Patteraon claimed. He added that. if a flat-rate tax of 10 to 15 percent could be established, 90 percent of h is constituents would vote for it. Dannemeyer was equally enthusiastic in his support. "If a flat-rate of 15 percent or less could be established, you would see a renaissance that would baffle critics and liberals who like to redistribute," he said. Damlemeyer said that the only deduction he favors is for charitable contributions, and that he is willing to get rid of that. too. Both men said that the tax threshhold should be $10,000 to $15,000. People with lower lnoomes would be exempt from any income tax. The tw~ differed on oth er CtaelMlect ...,,._... 1141M.-n AleotMt ......... ~ MAIN OPPa .......... c-.-..,CA. ........ ; .. , .... , ... -...CA. .. ~ .. ar._ C.....,........ II~. I .................................. ., .. .............. ~ .... JllJ ...... .......... , .... ~-. specifics of a flat-rate tax plan, however. Dannemeyer ia concerned that more liberal cong.reamen would try to establish a tier system. For example, those making up' to $100,000 would pay one level of tax and thoee earning more than that would pay a hig.her level. Patterson said he would consider a tier plan. though he wouldn't suggest how it would work. Patterson also would exempt Social Security recipients from the tax. Dannemeyer waa non- committal on this subject. Accordin1 to Lungren, the flat-rate Income tax 1y1tem sounda good in principle, but isn't realistic. He uld c harities a r e a stwnbling block, IUaesUng that, lf people didn 't 1et tax decfuctiona for their contrlbuUon1, they wouldn't cont.rt bu t.e. 0 And we lhouldn't lole liaht of the real problem -the pemment 1pendl too much," Luncren Mid • I Orange Oout DAILY PIL.OT/8und1y, July 11, 1982 Ptit finger on unknowij. • That'1 the budget ch•llenge I acing county aupervison ~ ... rao~9 ICHOEMEHL Oran1• County Supervlaora will face many unknown1 Tbunday when they belln the annual tatk of 1haptn1 the budpt lot county IOY9rnmant. By the Wne hearinp on the 1.-ndln1 pro1rama bealn, the ~ty will M 1~ dayt lnio the 1982.-83 filcal year. And by the time the bud1et ii formally adopted -an action 1eheduled for Aua. 25 -the fllCal YMr wlll be nearly two montha old. Technically, 1upervi8on have complied with state law by flvlng preliminary approval to h e proposed U 12 million 1pendin1 plan. They did 10 on June 30 -the lut day legally allowable. As submitted to supervisors. the budget waa about '40 million in the red. Through what all concede was "c reative " bookkeeping. the deficit was erased. But only on paper. Analysts in the county From Page A1 Admlnlttratlve OWce aay the deficit now la doter to $30 milllon. They uy a 14.6 percent lncreuo ln the value of tauble property ln the county will bring In about $4 mllllon. The county alllO will plck up an unanticipated $3 mil11on ln fees from the state Department of Motor Vehicles. And about S4 million likely will be transferred Into the county genf'ral fund from an "ent.erprile" fund established for John Wayne Airport. Those are some of the "knowns." What has yet to be assessed is how the recently adopted $25 billion state budget wlll affect Orange County government. For example. the state budget contains no co s t of living adjustments -so-called COLAs -for social service programs. On the other hand . the county budget contains COLAs for social services. Also generating a question is a $1~.2 million statewide reduction 1n funds for certarn mental health pr<>1ram1. Additional uncertaln""' aurround chanaes In at.ate A14 to Famlllea whh Dependent Children ln eatet ln which both parents are unemployed - changes county analytu 1ay could increase the number of persons seeking general relief Such relief la totally funded with county doll.an. Lastly, there la no ~t on what it will cost t,he count)'10 provide health care for pel'ION classified as medically indl#nt adults. The state, which formerly paid for such care. now will 01",lY provide 70 perce~t reimbursement. "· "So, there are going to be totne unknown factors," concluded Maria Bastanchury, associate administrative officer. "On several Items, we just don't have hard figures." As a consequence. she said. supervisors likely will be asked to take several budget actlOf\s after budget hearinS"s an• completed. PANIC ATTACKS PROBED • • • said. "were functioning people who've done real well in school and held jobs. They're sociable, fairly bright people who've had succes.9ful experiences in life." "We're talking about such things as standing in line at the marke t," he explained. "or going out for a walk." Victims of the d isease fee l hopeless, Wayne said. because th"Y can't control the symptoms. so they become depressed. They rarely. if ever, bec'Ome sui.cidal, though. He added. "One begins to wonder why they have no control over their hves ... It's difficult to convince these people to see how " much they've done." There's "a great avoidance factor" in all agoraphobics who will do anything to avoid a possible situation where they might have an attack, he explained. No single treatment has ~n successful with all patients. and the disease can't be cured although its effects can be minimized by systematic desensitization, teaching of self· relaxmg techniques and assertion training Agoraphobics "always have anticipatory anxiety about what's going to happen to them." he explained, keeping them in a constant state of apprehension. "We're trying to ge t them from an avoidance habit to confront situations, team to deal with them and know they're not going to fall apart or die," he said. Some anxiety is nonnaJ and healthy, he said, when there's a possibility of real danger but. with a phobic person. the danger isn't real. Supportive group therapy is helpful. lt lets them know they're not alone. that tht.>y·r~ not crazy." From Page A1 VICTIMS REACHING OUT . • • morning while waking U{> for the lut four yea.rs. Can r make it to work today? Can I make It all the way upe\ain? "But I'm beainning to realize that lt'a OK to be afraid. l can go into the rest.room and cry for five minutes and it goes away. .. But it aUU scares hell out of me:· Another aaoraphobic. John, Ls a former Los Angeles County Sheriff'• deputy. He was absent from the counseling session but told his story by telephone. "The feeling is indescribable. It happened to me on the freeway when I was by myself and off duty. It was like somebody set off a firecracker right behind me. There's a tremendous blast of adrenaline and it doesn't go away. "My heart was palpitating and I was perspiring and trembling. I thought I was going crazy because there was no cause for the way I felt. "You want to find a safe place so that the fears will subside. 39995 *That'1$98 LAelThM LMtYwa Equivalent Just to go around the block can be terrifying. I didn't even want to go downstairs. Getting up ln the morning is a major. major event." He said a re-learning process has allowed him to improve. "My body has gained confidence that it can get through the attack.a and not self-destruct. You regain confidence when you don't die and when you don't go crazy." He says he had to quit police work because of the fears but joined a commodities brokerage farm . H e now owns two corporations and is a brokerage consultant and says the change in careers has been good. He says he's 90-95 percent improved (he can cope with everything but long-dista nce driving) and credits counseling techniques developed by the New Beginnings Foundation of Los Angeles for speeding his recovery. "IC there's people with problems 1 hope they get into Martha's hands,'· he said . "People shouldn't have to suffer with people like her around." Martha is Martha Watson. a 55-year-old hypno-therapist who has been certified as a counselot by New Beginnings. A recovered agoraphobic. she treats people. mostly from Huhtington Beach and Costa Meaa. for a fee. She uses tape recordings to rebuild confidence. self-esteem. foraiveness. well-being, security and other l'Omforting attitudes. She says victims usually are very self-critical -"U they get a 95 on a test . they condemn themselves for not getting 100 percent." Mrs . Wa t kins s a ys tha t agoraphobics can recover but it depends on how they use the program. Recover y. s h e be lie yes. d e p e nds on clients taking responsibihty for their own Jives. "They can't hide behind t~ei( illness and have people do things \ for them." Mrs. Watkins urges people with the fear illness to cont.act her at 536-7734. SAVE sga* Attaches E•ally to Any TV! New Low Prloeel c.h In on nw,...,.... ,. .. em.-.1 •Ctt~lflllYour~ .. ce_. ........... -... • •DlnoW...W. __ .._ __ _ ..... D1•1M•a1111WW. ... _ .......... _ .... ••••• naan..w.•• ...._ .... . Pizza reelpe: toss crust, r«:tll delivery By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Ofthe~l'tletlteff Twenty-year-old Jeff Fort of Huntln1ton I Beach II IMna the kind of lite that should only exist In a Hollywood beach party movie. On 10me daya. he UH on his roller akates at about 6 a.m. and doean't remove them until midnight. He spends most of his time on the Huntington Beach City Pier. aoak1ng up the aun. practicing skating tricks or just cavorting with the swimsuit-clad young ladles who make up his unofficial fan club. And oh yes, J eff does have a job. He's the skatln' deliveryman for Maxie's, a pizza and sandwich shop adjacent to Mev<well's restaurant at the foot of the pier. "I can get anywhere from Beach Boulevard to Goldenwest Street and up to Yorktown Avenue in 15 minutes or le~ ... he boasts. "I don't stop for stop signs or traffic signals. I always get there in 15 minutes or less. The averase Is about seven minutes ... If Jeff Fort seems to be leading a near-ideal life of summer leisure, well, maybe he planned it that way., Just a few years back, he was a student at Fountain Valley High, living up to a tough guy image and getting Involved in numerous fistfights. After graduation he spent two years in the U.S. Air Force, stationed primarily in Florida. "The big thing there was to go to the skating rink and pick up girls," he recalls. "But I couldn't skate, so I figured I'd better learn." Two months ago, he found himselC back in California, wondering what to do next. "I needed a job, but I don't like to work very much," he says. "So I decided to find a job that I could do on my skates." Jeff approached Andy Velez, manager of Maxie's, which at the time had no delivery service. Jeff offered to distribute fliers -on roller skates -to promote take-out orders that he would deliver. The service has caught on, and Jeff is now doing a dozen or more deliveries a day. Manager Velez says he has received no complaints about pizza arriving cold. "The kid is fast," he admits. "He's a real pro." "I get a lot of weird reactions," Jeff says. "J ust yesterday I was delive ring to this guy on Knoxville. He actually hung up the phone in the middle of a conversation when he saw me coming on roller skates." He says he·s been offered generous tips on his downtown delivery route, from cash to illegal drugs. Jeff says he politely refuses the latter. In his spare time, Jeff competes with the local Oak Street Skate Team. His strong suit is Delly "°' ~to br Gerr Ambr- EXTRA SPEEDY -Jeff Fort is a whiz at delivering pizza from Huntington Beach pier. skating jumps. He claims to have leaped 24 (eet over 10 cruiser bicycles without the aid of a ramp. Of course, not everyone admires Jeff's s tunts. "I was thrown into Huntington Beach Jail once for skating," he says. "I was hanging onto the back of a car while it was going along the beach service road. "The police arrested me for hazardous skating. and they held me for about five hours. But the judge threw it out. He got a good laugh out of it, though." J eff says he has no plans to change his leisurely lifestyle. "When I was going to Fountain Valley High, I didn't think I'd live till I was 20," he says. "l was a hard guy. I got into fights. Today. I figure I can run faster than someone can throw a punch. Unless I absolutely have to. I don't get into fights anymore." DON'T REPLACE YOUR CABllETSI Includes: • NEW DOORS • NEW HARDWAR • CHOICE OF COLORS • DECORATOR DESIGNS llfACI THIM WITH fOIMICA• • NEW COUNTER l =~~~~~~~~ TOPS .r.. CALL NOW ••• 752-5122 FOR YOUI Fiii ISTIMATI Call ... KITCHEN CABINET FRONTS SOUTH BAY AREA.-.. -· .. --··-·-· .. ---·-(213) Ml nn VAN NUY8 AREA-·---·---··-----(211) 711.al1 t..-n OF CALIFORNIA,_,_ 1111 M'flUlv.DA M.VO,. VAN NUYS ummer Fun at DAY CAMP!! GIVE MOM AV ACATION ••• • Needlecraft telecottrse wins Emmy A Coaet Commµnlty Colle1e Dl1trlct televl1lon couree entitled "Ntedlecr__lft" la tht recipient of a l~l-82 Bmmy Award preeented by the Loa An1el•1 chapter of the Academy of Televlalon Arla and Sci~. The award waa p resented to Sand" Harden, executive produ~r. and Harry Ratner, producer-director. at KOCE Channel 50, the PBS alfWat.e atauon ln Huntington Beach. The station II OWl'\ed and operated by the Coast Community College DtaUict. M a . H arden la a resident of Fountain Valley, while Ratner lives In Huntington Beach. " 'Nee&ecraft' won in part because of the instructional approach to the subject and the apeclal use of visuals to enhance the learning," Ms. Harden said. The course employs compute r graphics to show ant.ricate stitches in action. It inc ludes 20 half-hour programs as well as a text and study guide. The telecourse took one year to plan and produce. "Needlecraft" is the second Coast Distract telecourse to win an Emmy. The first award went to "Introducing Biology" in 1978. ~ I ' ~ .) J ) " t E MMY WINNERS -KOCE Channel 50 producers Sand<.'(; Harde n of Fou ntain Valley and Harry Raln•:r of Huntington Bea(·h clasp the Los Angeles area Emmy they f'l'<:t•1ved for thl' television course ··Needlecra ft." I \ .. l I eF .. ldTrtp1 •Crafts .. s e Picnic1 e 5-Mmmine ave JUNE 21ST THRU SEPT. 10th . •A Privcrt. School of Distinction Founded in 1942" -E-n-ro_ll_now----Fol_l_Se_m_es_te_r __,IN FOUNTAIN VALLIY .....,_S_U_MME __ R_S_CHOO--l -...... Stam Sept. 13. 16835 BROOKHURST ST. Reasonable Tuition (714) 962-3312 JULY 6'h THltU JULY *' Clam Dinner 82.89 Treat your taste to our tender. juicy clams. served with fresh cole slaw and golden f ryes. One taste and you'll love 'em! 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesi OWi South 'OI Sift o..to r.., . .tcrou trOM ftdco 14715 Jeffrey lld . .i W1lnt11 UUtl off s.ni. AN Jwy 1 Irvine, 30°/o to 50°/o on selected . infants', girl's ·and boy's appa .r~I Sale .99 to 13.99 °"I· 1.-.-.00. we·,. making a good thing better! Right now you can MW on a Mtectlon of adOfabfe gOOd• to keep Inf ant a, llttle glrta and boY9 comfy, cozy and IOOkln' aharp. ChooM tnta, tterna, eotlda .•. Ind uvet JCPenney ~-~ N....-.l110h only. 1. Orange Coatt DAILY Pit.OT/Sunday, July 11, 1882 Al t WATER. No bidders show for N-M ·land· offer ~l • • (Prom Pa1e AS) larger. The Irvlne Compant• land holdlnal ln the company 1 eervlce area make It t h e largest lndlvldual lhareholdec-with 549 By JODI CADENHEAD aharea, a~d the Santa Ana o<IN Deir,......,. Country Club holds 271 1harn. Ray Schnierer has learned the The Newport-MeH Unified lruatratJon1 of being a property School Dtltrict hold• 62 1hares. owner In today's sluggish Shareholder• pay about two-market. thlrdl the rate for water that Lut Wednesday the business tboee outalde the district pay, manager for the Newport Mesa even th6ugh all the company's Unified School District sat In hls water now comet from the office waiting for bidders on the Co1orado R iver, a source for $3 million Wakeham school much of Southern California. property to show up. The company has just six full-Nobody came. Oh, a couple of time workers now, with two in "lookyloos" from banking and the field and four In the office. real estate Interests turned up to Other field work la performed on see who would lay out a few c o n t r a c t b y t h e M e s a million for the Costa Mesa land. Consolidated Water District "We were kind of hoping that based in Costa Mesa. someon e w ould bid ," s aid But the company's workers Schnierer. "In othe r t imes a lend the right personal touch and builder would have bought the keep the customers happy, Mrs. land and held onto it." Fuller said. But these are not other limes. •'We don 't cod d I e o ur Last January school officials They trimmed J600,000 from the price and 1l1pped on 42 different bidding opUOl\ll, to no avail. The bidding dJdn't dle for lac.k ot effort on the part of the 1ehool district. Officials sent 200 letter• to land developers in the area, some who had expressed an interest in the prop erty in past yean. Another 175 letters were mailed by the Buildi ng Council of Southern California. "It's just the times," said Schmere r. "The builders I've talked to have f 11 expressed concern over the mortgage rate and ther e are fe w building starts." School trusU!eS will consider Tuesday whether to seek a third bid on the property. DMlr ,... ,._. e., Garr .,,__ customers, but they know they were left looking al an empty CRITICAL CUTBACK -A Wet.suited Sur·fer b' ed i h ood d can bring a complaint here," she room when they oHered the temperature, com m w t g waves an 10 · bo d shows intense concentration on has' face as he h . k f d f 'd said. vacant -acre site un ed by T h e district purc hased a 30-acrc par'('CI in 1956 to build an elemcnt.ary and middle school. But declining enrollments left them Without nero for either facility . suns me, ma es or a great ay o m1 -Elsie Opp agreed . "We 've Secretariat Circle, Wakeham cuta back on a glassy four foot wave at the summer surfing. always enjoyed having our own Park, Smalley Road and a _H_an_ungto_· __ n_Be_ac_=h_p_i_e_r._T_h_e_6_6_-_de_gr;:__ee_oce __ an ____________________ ...::co::::.m:.:.:.cpa:::n:.:..y!...:. . ....:W:.:.e.::.'.::.d..:..h:..:..:'k:.:.e_:to::.....:.:k:.:.ee:Jp:....:..:ll;_." __ resldential tract for $3.5 million. HOW TO SAVE 40% AND BUY A HAND KNbtTED CHINESE RUG WITH l b~~ ~i:.;~~~ww~:~~ ;:~~~st~;u,;7 Mml~lmlmU1'1Ml,1'nf M\i"ITI\lQJ To help, here's an informative guide to put you at ease. HOW IS A CHINESE RUG MADE? A Chinese rug is constructed on a loom. The weaver carefully ties each knot in'dividually by hand, making knot after knot, row after row until the hand knotted rug is complete. An average 12'x9' rug has a minimum of 529, 200 knots. Imagine, a skilled craftsman at a loom tying many thousand knots every day, month after month, year after year. CHECK THE BACK OF THE RUG. The individual knot ting should be uniform, clear and precise-and should look as good as the front. Test the knotting. It should be strong, tight and impossible to pull out. Count the number of knots per square inch. The more knots per square inch, the more exact, defined and intricate the design. The more knots per inch, the more labor involved. WHAT IS A "HAND MADE" RUG? The term "hand made" may be misleading. A hand made rug may be gun -tufted, not hand knottted. Look at the back, you'll find latex and glue usually covered with thin canvas. PURCHASE YOUR ORIENTAL RUG FROM BULLOCK'S AT 20% TO 50" SAVINGS. We look for .the same things you do-the most beautiful, highest quality rugs. All of the rugs in this sale are hand knotted from China, India, Pakistan and Europe. -.....i~ ... -..... ~ ..... .,... 9'x6' Aubusson design. Reg. $1650, $989 What a beaut if u/ way to li'VI e. -la' .... OCMlf NA&t, 3333 Br/1101, C.M, 668·061 t. Shop Mona y·Frld•'/ 10·9,'30, Saturday 10·1, Sunday 12·5 MMW WIJO, Mll•lotl Vlt/O Mill. (714) 486 · t t t. Shop Mond y·Frfd y 10·8. S•turaay 10·8, Sunday 12·6. I SAVE 40% ON OUR HAND- KNOTTED RUGS. We call our collection Royal Lotus which includes Dragon, Ming, Aubusson, Peking and many more Oriental designs. Shown, a floral Aubusson. Size Reg. Sale 3'x2' ............... $200 $111 4'x2'6" ............ $315 11119 5'x3' ............... $485 $aO 6'x4' ............... $785 $4"9 8'x5'. ............. $1215 $7a 9'x6' .............. $1650 ,,.. 10'x8' ............ $2385 $1'211 12'x9' ............ $3315 $11# NO BILLING UNTIL OCTOBER, 11NJ2• Buy your rug today and you won't have to pay for it for 4 more months·. WE'LL EVEN DELIVER YOUR NEW RUG IN THE EVENING. Daytime, evening in L.A. and Orange Counties. Tell your sales person at the time of purchase when you want it delivered. Area Rugs, 620 Selection vanes in all stores Sale ends July 24. 1982 •Sub/eel to credit app1oval Any tinance charge other than a S 50 m1n1mum wl/I be c16te1m1ned by applying an Annual Percentage Rate ol r9 2•. lo the /Kst S 1.000 of PrevlOUS Balance and r;>•-. to any excess over S t.000 I t I ! Negotiations produce flight opportunities Aa we have suagestcd in these columns. compromise rather than confrontation sh ould be the basis for solving the pro blem s factn1 John Wayne Airport . Orange County's commercial air transportation facility. That's why we are heartened by the announcement tha t the major litigants in a U.S . District Court laws~it over airport access issues have agreed to settle their differences short of what could have been an agonizing courtroom battJe . Orange County government. as operator of the airport, has agreed to enforce an access plan designed to insure that carriers either seeking to expand or begin Orange County service h ave the oppo:tunities to do so. tl e c ause o nl y 41 Jet departures per day are permitted (a limit designed to reduce noise exposure on a ir po rt -a r e a reside nts), flights for the n ew entrants can only be created by taking away a p ortion of the a llocations e njoyed historically from the airport mainstays. AirCal a nd Republic Airlines. N a turall y, AirCal and Republic aren't pleased with the. prospect of reduced allocat1ons. No carrier would be happy to loee • ahare of the lucrative Oran1e County air tranaportatlon market. But A1rCal and Republic have n ot lost o ut completely. Their flight quota will diminish gradually. not all a\ once, 1giVing them a mple time to expand Into other markets. Both carriers have expanded their route systems in the past and likely will continue to do so In the future . As fo~ other carriers, we also see opportunities. Al ready, Pacific Southwest Airlines. the carrie r that drew the aet.-ess issue into court, has become a beneficiary of the county:s current access plan. PSA entered the airport with two flights. Today. it has three. It is likely it will pick up additional flights during up\o ming re-allocations. There may bl' more to be said on the at"cess issue. Other carriers -like Continental Airlines. Texas Internatio nal Airlines and Ameri<'an West -may still decide lo challenge the <.'Ounty plan. That. of eourse. 1s t})eir right. But overall. we think a good framework for regulating carriers' access to the airport is in place. AU parties had to give a bit, but that's what negotiation is all about. The process has led to a reasonable se ttlement. Refine ocean treaty The Reagan administra tion has decided the United States will not sign the proposed mlcmational Jaw of the sea treaty. a pproved by 130 na lions . L ega ll y. the co mplex document can go into e ffect with or without the United States' consent. But practically speaking . our nation's wtthdrawal from the pact. the product of eight years of arduous n egotiations. means exploitation of the vast resources unde r the waves will be ruled by uncertainty for the forcse<'able future. · It is unfortunate that agreement could not be reached on a question of vast international significance. especially since the global community will need to rely on the oceans' resources more a nd more in the years ahead. On the other hand . we think the administratio n had som e valid concerns about the pact. Muc h o l t h e trt·at ~ was agreeable to the U.S . and those parts a lone represent a significant accomplis hment in d1 p loma<.·y Among oth er pro v1s 1on s. t h e trea t y provides f or 12 -mile territorial l imits. 200 -mil c "economic zones" for use of <.'Oastal resources and free passage of naval forces in peacetime. But provisions f o r an Inte rnational Seabed Authority to r egulate the exploi tation of d ee p-sea r eso urces . s u c h a s trillions o f d ollars in mineral nodules on the ocean floor. met U.S. opposition. A particularly objectionable clause required nations with seabed mining know-how. such as the U .S .. to trans f er the tc•<.·h nolugy to lh<.· inte r national aulhurlly . W<.• agn'l' with th<' a nm1ni!>trat1 u n tha t s u <.·h a rC'quireml'nt would bt• <.'ON<.'iv~ u n d u n I air tu l ' n t e r pr is t' s . Am<.•r il'an a nd European. tha t havC' Sp<'nt millions developing the tc><:hnique . Volun t a r y t ra n sfer of tc•t·hnology . of th<.· sort n a tions alreadv c.Jo. would be much more su1tabie. Tht• U.S. had bet>n on thl' vergl:' o l (.'ndorsing the treaty wh<'n Ronald Reagan look offi<.'t.' las t Vl'IH . H t• d<.•ft-rred anv d<'c1sion . and aft('r a year-long study sought c:onccssions in a nl'W round of n egotiations. But o rfidals WC'r<.' not satisfied with the results and tht.· U.S . was one of four nations to vott• down the treaty al a Un1tPd Nations <.'Onfercnet.· in April. With th<.· lJ S outs ide tht.• trt•a tv . the· outlook fo r seabed mining 1s doud y. Perfl'Cting tht:- tN:hnology and raising the huge <.1mounts of <.·apital would be very <.•xpens1vc.>. and Amt•n can (inns arC' not likt'lv to commit themselves to full-scale mining until a set of rules a<.-cC'ptable to all nations is agreed upon Taking into <.'Onsideration the eight years it took to negotiate the present treaty and the hard fC'C'lings that a re a <.·ertainty following Ameril'an rejection. negotiation of a new at't:ord wouJd b<> a long. difficult task. Evc>ntuallv. however. a sea law trc>aty l'Overing all nations will be a nt'('('ssity. As man turns to the s <.'as for ess entia l r esources. inte rnallunal discord over their ust.· would be intolerable. Seal shooting senseless Th e n earl y tw o -we e k struggle to save the life or. a sea lion whose jaw was shattered by a high-velocity b ullet last month was monitored by millions who read or heard accounts of the tragedy. The vigil e nded last Tuesday when Sparkie. a two-year-old sea JJon. died at the Laguna Beach Frie nd s of the Sea Lion compound. The prognosis never was that good for the injured mammal. despite surgery performed by two volunteer veterinarians who removed bone and teeth from the jaw and placed a steel brace to support the remaining jawbone. Voluntee rs for the marine mammal group did ever~thing possible to save Sparkie s life. When the w~akening aea lion ORANGE COAST llilyPillt re fused to eat. they force JJ?d him a mixture of chopped f i.sh and vitamins. But a combination of the bullet wound. pneumonia. and the s tress of confinement resulted in Sparkie's death. The Friends deserve credit for their efforts. They say the experience leaves them saddened, but d etermined to use the energy and emotion to d o a better job in t he future. The trage d y is o n e that should be well noted by those who ta k e pleasure in s hooting at ani mals. The sense!~ wounding and killing of wildlife is abhorrent to any human being with an ounce of conscience. What might have liven the marksman a moment of pride in his accuracy , left a cr eature euf f erlng for at least 12 days.. Thomas P. Haley Publlwr J'IMNMI A. M11r•t111 ldltor 11,...,1 KNliklt ldltorl•f ,..., ldltor Low morale plagues FBI WASHINGTON -At night, an eerie stillness steals over FBI headquarters, broken now and again by lone footsteps. There are those who swear they have heard the angry snorts of J . Edgar Hoovec-in the empty corridora. Eve·n "those who won't believe In ghosts admit that the late FBl director must be fuming over what h.aa happened to his beloved FBI. He was a master bureaucrat who curried the favor and played on the fears of the nation's elec- ted leaders. HE HAD THEM believing that he knew just how much evil lur)<ed in the hearts of the politically prominent. They were fearful that their darkest deeds were on file alike in St. Peter's celestial books and J. F.dgar Hoover's musty ca- binets. No wonder he became the most powerful and feared bureaucrat in the history of the republic. Yet the crafty old curmudgeon never permitted his minions to conduct any serioua criminal investigations on Cafitol Hill -unless the attorney genera or- dered it and out it in wri~. Even then. Hoover waa inclined to tip_ off th~ victim and blame the powers-above-him for the indignity rather than risk having an agent. caught snooping in congressional closets. Hoover treated Capitol Hill as a protected preserve. The long-departed FBI • chief directed his battles aplnst the Ukes of John DU- Unpr and Kreepy 'Karpis -unUJ Hoo- ver's bulldog visage bttame a national symbol of the crusade against public enemies. The glory rubbed off on FBI agents when Hoover kept on a tight leash. He rigidly controlled what they did, where they w e nt a nd even how they looked. With Hoover gone except for his ghostly influence, the rigid rules have been relaxed and some of the old stan- dards have been discarded. Yet the new FBI, with sideburns and patterned shirts that were once prohibited, is plagued with low morale. Hoover would never have permitted his agents to get dragged into a caper like the ABSCAM excesses. The ex- judge who now heads the FBI. William We bs ter. 1s more moderate in his ways and broader in his outlook than Hoover ever was. Yet Webster is losing his ho ld on the agents who once trembled before Hoover's l'b>wl. J. Edgar arbitrarily transferred agents or banished them to Butte, without an audible murmur of resbtance. But today hundreds of G -men are gi'ou1lng over Webster's per10nnel policies. They don't Gardner's Column like the way he shuffles them whimsi- cally among the bureau's 60 field offices across the country, stirring charges that the transfers are capricious and count- erproductive. ''There seems to be a real concern over the bureau's apparent lack of sensitivity G -J.-1:.-•• -.-111-.-. -~ to its personnel," said a circular distri- buted recently to members of the FBI Agents Association. "This has engende- red a widespread reception among agents that decision makers don't feel much compassion for their fellow agents." What has the agents steaming is Di- rector Webster's plan to transfer about 300 of them within the next year from regional offices which they thought were their pe rmane nt assignme nts. They've put down roots there, both personally and professionally. and fear that the transfers will wreak havoc with their family lives and thetr careers. ACCORDING TO several internal FBI memos examined by my associate Indy Badhwar, the new rotation policy spring& from Webster's concern over a 9eVere "staffing imbalance." The chief is troubled by a shortage of experienced agents in the FBI's ''Top Twelve" office! -Philadelphia, Miami, Washington. Cleveland. San Francisco. Baltimore. New York. Los Angeles, Detroit. Chi- cago. Newark and Houston. These bjg-time bureaus, according to one Webster memo, are being forced to use junior agents -those with no more than four years' expenence ~ "to in· vestigate our most complex cases (while~­ our small or medium-sized offices are staffed with a m.1joril)' of GS· 13 (senior) agents." Webster's solution to this situation is to transfer hundreds of G -men to thP. "Top Twelve" for as long as three years. They're being picked from a large pool of agents who joined the FBI in October 1969. The affected agents are circulating petitions for signatures, hoping to pres- sure Webster into reconsidering hts new policy, or at least negotiating with re- present;.ltives of the disgruntled group. Basically. the agents feel they're being made to suffer for the bureau's own administrative blunders. By longstanding tradition, they claim. rookie FBI agents are sent to their fi rst assignment for seasoning. This relatjvely brief Interlude is f6Uowed by an assign- ment that is regarded as a permanent move. So they settle down -buy homes. raise families "MANY AGENTS believe that the new policy is an a ttempted quick fix of a longstanding bureau problem." said one employee circular Jn addition to the personal hardship involved in the contemplated transfers. the affected agents point out that the plan will cost the FBI millions of dollars In moving expenses. And one insider complained that some of the transfers made no sense al all. Most of them. the source said. involve shuttling junior agents from one small office to another. For example. age nts have been transferred from Kansas City to Buffalo -and replaced with agents from Buffalo. It's enough to rouse J. F.dgar Hoover from the deep. '"Wu 11 ~ to throw out ell the gatecreshers .. Tragedy changed fate of Irvine land: By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner is a semi-retired jurist, freqaent emcee and senior body surfing enthusiu! along the Orange Coast. I often wond~r what might have happened to the Irvine Company had Myford Irvine lived. Myford's older brother James, who had been groomed by their Cather as heir apparent, died. Then the father, J.I., died and in 1~7 Myford had been living in San Frandloo and had had little to do with the company, when he suddenly became a major stockholder and president. Myford, or Mike u he preferred to be cal1ed, wu a big, frier,Klly, homeb' man with a peculJar->wnbllnC pit. He loved to play &oil and the piano and he wu aood at bqth. He w• kind, \houlhtlul i.nd aenerous. He Wll quiet, ,,_.yed and, in my opinion, thy and tr.cun. However, he ,WU no\ UMWll'e of hia polltion •one of lhe MCI\ wMlthy men ln C.Ufomla and be w• pmnfully aw.,.. ol hit reepot'WtbWU. 11 pnlideni of the 1rvine Compeny. Mike a1'o Md • '*" ..._of IOdal NlpOnllb&Uty hit wMllh and poaldon bfouCht him. TBS W80LS Woau> know1 of lht ., ..,, , ........... he turMd I.he ,..... .,. to &he ~ leoutl far tM&r ...... """" ()Wj> ..... "' ....... ~-.aa11 _, -....... lmowft, 0.. ·~ Uwtt.ld I 1NUP of U1 la ........ AMlftd ....... 11dlMC f I Santa Ana needed a Boyt' Cub. It did, but no one had ever done anything about lt. Wlth h1m u a ramrod we did orpnlte a IUCC.'ellful Boyt' Club in that town. He put up 10me money but 11.w to lt that the rest of us and the toWnapeople did t.He Uon'• share of the work. Then one nJaht he had • IJ"OUP of ut to the ranch for dinner when we met • man who w• tdvocatina 10me kind of a one-world pracram. r hllve foraotten the name of the man and the name of the or1anl1atlon. Thi• w11 durinl the McCarthy .,.. when any IUCh notion w11 conaldered Commun.lit lnaplred. The Mtoeanhy lnflu.a Wll tq in Onnp C-ounly Ind It took 1\111 to prwenl IUCh I pn11r8m ft'9n for GM II w.llhy II MU.., ::::;,--of ll, bul it Wll • ........ D-ln I ....... tffon M '°'"I tome'h nt about wor&d .....,. Npftla.N of Uit po,ularlly of th• ,,... The Irvine Coast Country Club was really Mike's baby. In this respect many may not be aware of the fact that he insisted that the club would never be completely private. By the terms of the. lease it had to be semi-private. Mike didn't approve of private clubs. He r thought they smacked too much of · elitism and that everyone had the right to play golf, not just those who belonged- to country clubs. This may annoy the·: present membership of the club but that ' is Mike Irvine's leP,CY· MIKE RAN THE company like a • ranch. lt was the 'Irvine Ranch, not the• Irvine Company. Mike wu the patron with a strong sense of community responsibility. Reel estate development • was sparse. The bi& land development upect occw-red after Mike's death. Of . coune land dewk>puent wu i.nevltablie'j but I wonder ju9t whllt p.th it ~kt;1 have tat<.n undilr Mike. , Mlb't f1ther in~ &Mt the ranc._1 remlin in the f..mly. Tbat ... the purpoee for establWW\a \he foundaUon. 1 I haven't the .u;ht..i klM whitthetk Mike rould have itaWd Oft 1M -a(~ the company to f 11 pf I 1 Z\ OWDift, U .. . could hllve I haw 1 wry ~ ....... , lhat relaUonl betwten \he OOl&.m , the community would be r lpl dlffwenl eoda~. W• wlU •;.:==· lltl ... ... ~ ~ ........,, .............. ..IF llJt ............... , r Caspers Park • • flmen1t1e s OK Oranae County Supervllon have approved •pendlna •298,000 tor Improvement• at the 5,500-acre Cupera Wild meu Park. lmprovemenu at tht county'• only wUdernea recreation park, located off Ortea• H lahway aeven mllea eaat of San Juan Capistrano, will Include &. new restroom and ahowers by the main camPiJ"Ound and new uphalt on the main road, aay park offlclala. The park, owned by the county alnce 1973, la locate d near the baae of the Santa Ana Mountains adjacent to a 4,000-acre bird sanctuary. It encompasses oak groves. meadows, stream beds and bluffs. Wildlife includes bobcats, badeera, opoaaurnar raccoona, mule deer, mountain Ilona and a variety of birds, Including owls and hawks. Orange Ooqt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 11, 1912 AT Deputy enters innoce nt plea A former Orange County 1herJff'1 deputy eteaded Innocent Friday In Oran1t County Superior Court to felony chareee that ht ... ulted and eerlously Injured a jaJl prlloner lut March. After defendant Jamea J . Plereante, 48, entered hi• plu, Superior Court Juda• Lule Cardenas scheduled a trial for Oct. 4 before Judie James Smith. Piersante had been ordered to stand trial lalt week following a preliminary hearing in Central OTange County Municipal Court. He ia ac.'Cused of be~tang and kicking Orange County jail Inmate William Hlni:h. 34, without provocation. Hinch was taken to UC Irvine Medical Center after the beating where doctors removed hi• spleen. Piersante, who spent l~ years with the sheriff'• department, was fll't.'d March 23. about three weeks after the incident occurred. He is free without ball, Mostly undeveloped until 1980, the park currently has two major campgrounds, one for 42 tent campers and for 30 equestrian campers. The park a lso has two restrooms with plumbing, including one with shower facilities. I There is an outdoor amphitheater used for • nature talks and slide shows and an audio-visual viaitor's center, say park officials. TERMITES AT SEA? -You've seen houses wrapped up for fumiga tion, but a boat? Photographer ha ppened upon this scene at Newport Beach's Pro m ontory Bay. V essel DelfJ ltltot f'holo by Lee 1ta1ne could be gift-wrapped. of course. Or, maybe the owner just wants craft to have extra protection from sun and salt air. Saves on maintaining the brightwork, you know. A small area for recreational vehicle camping h~ no plumbing or electrical hookups. The firm of G.A. MacDonald Construction p.a. lnc.. has been awarded the development contract and is scheduled to begin the three- IX'(>nth project th is August, county officials said. Purehased for $4 million in 1973, the park was formerly part of the Starr-Viejo Ranch. It is named after the late county Supervisor Ronald W. Caspers. 1 Publishi:t;1g tips due for write r s A writers workshop, titled "How to Write and Pubhsh Your Novel and Non-F~tion Books," will be presented at OTange Coa.St CoUege on Thursday, July 22 from 7-10 p.m .. and Friday. July 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 111 of the Counseling and Admissions Building. Workshop fee IS $65. Pre-registration is recomme nded, space is limited. Persons may register in OCC's Community Service Office. in the Administration Building on the campus at 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. The office is open M o nday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m ., and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Credit card orders are accepted for Visa or Mastercard. T ickets. if ava1lable, will also be sold at the door. Workshop directors are Robert M. Howland, seruor acquisitions editor for Prentice-Hall, and Dr. Pat Kubis, director of OCC's creative writing program. Workshop attendees will learn essential writing techniques that every editor looks for. During Friday's fiction and non-fic'tion workshop sesstons. f11$.l dlapters of student manuscripts will be analyzed. Sp eech camp slated Ora n ge County children with cleft lips JOE MARTINEZ GENERAL CONTRACTOR STATE LIC. #133291 ************************* • lt"*"""-ComtMrcUI • Alttr1tionl I ltmOdflnt • Kltdtfn I Blth Altt111Jon1 • $j ,,,,, ""'""" • Doon ' ...,..,, Al'""' • P11Jo Wools PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY a FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL VER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBl.IC AND DEALERS WELCOME£ Don't miss this Important sale! and/or cleft palates can 24eJ Fairwd• 0n... Fine China, Cryst al. Porcelains, Bronzes, European Furniture, Oils. Etc. participate in a Speech 17141642-0637 co~~d Meu CA 926:?6 17141646 9700 a n d L a n g u a g e ~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:========~ Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry including St1mulat1on Day Camp fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings. gold chains. cluster beginning July 26. diamond. ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. The camp operated by the Crippled Children's Soc1cty 1s located at the Ba yvie w L earni ng Cen ter 1n Santa Ana Heights. As many as 20 c:hildren. ages 3 to 12. can be acc-ommodated at the camp Mondays through Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. un til Sept. 3. A speech pathologist, hc:ensed by the state and l'e rtif ied by the Americ an Speech/ Language / H earing Assoc1at1on. will be working with th e children Parent counseling and tra101ng also will be avail able, explained Amy Kahn, director of speech pathology for the society. For information, call 1982 SUBARUS IL, IL, Wl&DIS I BUTS LARGI SILICllON (213) 874-3300. , .. ________________ .. SALE NIGHT Fri. 9th, Sat. 10th Sun. 11th, 8:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. · 5:00 P.M. & 7 · 8 P .M. Sale Nights Property of several prominent Leisure World residents. together with • Inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry in financial trouble. Also. out-of-oawn merchandise. TERMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) Newport Beach CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 11L 5 P .M. Vertebral Subluxation: "The Silent Killer" Subluution ia a dise~curring worldwide in epidemic proportioN. It ia a bodily malfunction or condition, just a.a diabetee and heart trouble, for e xample, are conditions. The dirference lies in the fa ct that a aubluxatio n oflen causes other conditions to occur. There are two ki.nds of subluxations: ( 1) An acute subluxation produces sudden symptoms which are of short duration and are sometimes aelf-correcting. (2) A chronic subluxation is of long duration and, if not corrected, can cause severe sy mptoms and d egene ra tion . T h e longer a aubluxation ia allowed to remain uncorrected, the more extreme the resulting condition can become. It has been estimated that as much aa 90 per ce nt of the wo rld 's population suffers from subluxation of varying devee interfering with the fonction of the body and, therefore, interferlnit with normal health. What it a Subluxatlon? Sublu:ution is the term used by Docton of Chiropractic to describe the misalignment of bones, resulting in nerve preaaure or irritation. Subluxationa of the vertebrae of the spine are by far the moet common type. Even the alight.est misalignment can produce pNlSlure and irritation upon nervea, effecting improper communication of vital nerve impuI.e. to the organa, cella, and U..ues of the body. The veat.er the misalignment, the greater the poBBibility of its affecting a nerve, and to a more severe de1ree. The mo re aevere t h e subluxation, the more t he discomfort, pain, and oft.en diaablina illneN that can re1ult. Cau.ea of Sublusatlona We have aaid that s pinal miuli1nment1 which produce irritatiosi of nerv•, or impinae them. are called aubluxa,tiona. A minor •ublusation may occur from the ordinary, everyday atreaaet and atnlm o{ normal llvins, even from auch 1imfle acta aa twi1tin1 or t.unai111-I &.ft unattended, it may btoomt chronic, ,..ultln& in aevere, pelatul condltiona. A laD or --tbs oltm ..... mUw IUblUUtiona. cu bl prodUctd by any type of ahoc I.bl~ O'ltfloeda ta. nervoue eystem'• prot.ctfve mtchanl1m. &vtn the une•oldable and tVtfPHltnt dowawe rd pull of 1rawlty on th• ~ bod' oft.-"troomtt body ...... and plOClw poor pm&urt Hd •IHll1nment of t he eplnaf Hrie~rH •~rt1ult. Abnormal ,., ... ,, ......... ~ ~nd dmtomlidoiol ~~r,.:r,:e.r.:; ·-..=-· ............ " .. ,.., .., ... , ....... ....... ' I of vertebral aubluxations within the nut few years of their lives. One of the me»t common cau.aes of vertebra l subluution in the infant is the birth proceaa itaelf, expecially if forcepe have been used in the delivery. Sublu xations Affect your Health Research has proved that the slightest pressure on a spinal nerve root as it emerges from the apine can reduce the function of that nerve by 60 percent in a malt.er of minutes. T hrough reaearch it wae also discovered t hat by exerting, for a period of one to three hours, the same degree of preNure that chiropractors find in the average patient's spine, many of the nerve fibers and nerve root• rupture, producing poisons which apread to the surrounding tisauea. When abaorbed into the nervea, the poisons will, in time, progreuively destroy them. What are the Danger Sipal1? , If you are suffering from headache•, stiffnen of neck, pain between shoulders, backache, p&in in anna or legs, numbness in handa or feet, or general nervouaneu, you are tufferinc from one or the eight danger aignala that indicate pouible nerve preuure or irritation by a aubluxation or aubluxationa. Peraiatent headaches, for example, may be a warning signal of impinged nerves at the bue of the head. Theae eisht danger aignala a.re the body'• way of warning you that something is amiu. Left uncorrected, the aymptoma will undoubtedly continue to increue and produce even mon 1evere oonditions. Correctln• 8 u bluxaUona The Doctor of Chiropractic locates aubluutiona tbrou1h ortbo~dic, neurol<>Jical, phyaicaI. kineeio cal. and aptnal euminatJons, 11 ,.. u X -ray p icturu. By apinal adJU1tmenta, ln which the vertebra it akillf'ully and canl'ully moved b.ck lnco normal poeiUon. u.. chiropractor ia ablt to nmow the lnterftnnce to the body'• normal nerve control. Acuw aubluxatloae can be comcwd with Jun a rew -Ouetm.nta wtUJ. chronic 1ubluntlosa1 take ~~uen~ adjuetm.nta to 'retrain ta. IDJMlipMd verttbru to bold their normal, non·lrrltathl( po1ltlona. Tht cblroprector'• IOll .. to allow a norael now ol oommu.m.tion to Uld from &ht bnln ud.., ......... arpn, and •r•tt• ID tbt bodr-• ,,., ....... to bMldL ..... , ..... Wft ...,,.. ,... .... to dlt bntn ~ ..... , .... ~ .. ............... ,.... ,....,.,...,, .... hit?? ~ml'] =m.:.~.,, ... ..._ .. relieved and eliminated. When the correction ia completed and the nervoua system ia restored to normal function, the body will cure it&elf: that's the chiropractic premise. It has worked for nearly 100 years on more than 100 million people. Nature usually needs no help-it just needs no interference within the nervous system. How can you atay healthy? By eliminating nerve interference, chiropractic care can not only correct numerous health problems, but also may prevent many conditions from developinJ. Thia enables the body to maintain 11.& natural, inborn resistance to illneu and diaeue. For continuing good health, the beat answer i1 preventive health care. In conjunction with a program of regular spinal adju.stmeuts that will improve the nerve function of your body, and therefore your overall general health, chiropractic advocatell the baaic formula of proper nutrition, adequate exercite, sufficient rest, good poeture, and a poeitive attitude. For you to have a longer, healthier, and happier life, it ia imperative that you be aware of t he fact that aubluution ia truly a diaea.ae that oocura in epidemic proportion•. It is a serious condition m itaelf and can euily develop into condition• affectin1 every part oft.he body. And moat people have one or more vertebral subluxations interfering with some function of the body and, therefore, interfering with normal health. Dr. John Fumiah it a profeuional who apeciali.z.ea ln the detection and elimination of vertebral aubluxationa. Take your whole family for a vitit, and let him detect and correct any aubluutfona you Jnay have. For it la theae malpoeitloned vertebrae which impajr nerve function and ultimately atifie humaa potential. Don't we.it for health-threatenln1 , or even life-threatenlnc, conditio n • to develop. PURN18H't'~.i,& l'AlllLYrml'ftt~-, r l'M• • ·~mu. 201 S N1wJKWt IMYd. COltl ~I CA 12127 (114) 831-51&4 Normal Spine Nene ~ ..... Sptnal Diec Dteo ehowft .. compreeud and w9Clged I Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 11, 1882 ~irCI recall slows to llv JEFF ADLER t(tM DlltJ ,... "'" • simmer, GOP offers hand to refugees Even though the campaign «> ' recoil California Supremo Court Chief Ju1tke ltO&l' Bird flulc.'<i a~r than lht' duy oher the ourth of July, the former ran~c Countr prosecutor d irecting the e fort said the tampalgn's ruse Is sti ll unoldering. Anthony Rackaukas said the campaign wlll not "formally" be abandoned for several weeks. That's in case something happens ln the meantime that could revive the stalled recall effort. Thal something a<X.'Ordlng to Roc kuuku, could bo n •llHe SuprClmt' Court decision d odurlng Propo11lt lon 8 , the victim'• t>lll of right.a lnltlotlve, Uf\(..'Oru.tltutlon I. The rt.'<lull effort waa dropped by one of Ila chief organliers, atatt' S<:n. H.L. Rlchord10n, R· Arcadia, because of a lack ot money and only "lip service" support. ''The people of California deserve Rose Bird ." said lUchordJon ot a n('WS conferen<.-e last week. "They've elected Jerry Brown. The:('(e allowed him to make those appolntmcnl.8." Richa rdson added that It «ltJJ+·- SUN-IN PLUS • CONDITICNEI Lightens hair naturally with sun or hair dryer. 2 69 4.7 oz. • 'iflJ}- CUTTER ltSECT 1£PEWNT ~2.19. would hnvt' bt<t•n o formidable rn11k to '·ollt1et t.ha 731.244 1il1Jnature11 re-quired to atot the rC<·ull measure on th1' bollot. • • • • DIDN'T GET AN Invitation to Tuesday night'• fund-rulalna barbecue at Rancho de Santiago for Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson. R-Newport Beach, and Sen. WJlllam Campbell, R· Whittler? Don't feel too Insulted, The $25-per-person ducat• still arc available through either the Whitti e r Republi c an headquarters or Mrs. Ber1cson's t•ampaigh HQ. Tclcphone numbcn1 ¥rtt &40·4188 or (2.13) 693·9712. • • • • ORANGE COUNTY Republican Party Chairwoman Lola Lundberg hu announced formation of an Aalan Committee, to b ne fit A1lan retugeet llvlni Jn pranae County. . Tht> group will provide free servit.oe to Allton refugeeti who wish to better undeftltand the Amt•rkan politk·al process and gain citizen.ship. Free citizenship classes. In fact, will be pffered. The t.'Ommittt.>e headquarters ls ~D WllOHTI "llll •OX · ~ "The ORB" ~ amnllOUI uu AD PRICES PRE VAil : SUN .. JUl Y 11th THRU TUES . JUl Y 13th "111-lill'I ('\ Decepllvely slmplt. but designed to challenge even puzzle masters. Masters of the MR. COFFEE 10 CUP COfftEUU:I Automatically switches CLAIROL 20 INSTANT tWISETT£R For quick-setting, lasting curls l<X'Atfd at e537 Boliw Avt•nue in We1nmlru1t~r. In t he· 38th Conareulonal Dlilrlcl. BUI Oohr, wlll .-ddrt.111 the Orange County R.,publlcan Hl!lpamc· Council Friday • • • • BILLED AS THE Llbcr"ulrian Party oven\ of tht> 11ummcr in Oranae Count y. Murra y Rothbard'a address on "Reagan and Liberty" will be delivered at the Reiittry Hotel Friday. The 6 p.m. fund·ral.ter. sponsored by the ~nwr for Libcr1.ar1an Studies. will coat $40 per P•'rton Re Mvatlona art• required one! can be obtain<..td by c·alling (212) 633-6600. That's right folks. a New York areH cock . Dohr will tell thoee attendlnj th e meeting ot GOP hcadquarteni about progrea In his <:ampaign against Incumbent R l•p Jerry Pallerson . u Ot·m1x.-rat . "My JOb fr o m n o w lo Nnvl•mbttr 1s to publk1n• just how htx·r<.il ht• n ·ally ii.:· said Dohr "And w offc•r t'Oruwrvatlve alu·rnat1 ves to the libc•ral's worn-out programs" • • • • THE REPUBLICAN nomml'<.' SPECIAL! AGREE lllAllPOOw CONDl'nONIR AHOllTID 'OllllllULAI 1.11 16 oz. IQn()ilo ... SPECIAL! DRISTAN DECONGESTANT FASTIEUU •MTAIUTS •JICAPSUUS :=3.59 .. ..,.§ i'•I•J FAUL russ,,__ __ __ SONATA CONT10ll.£0 now FD11N• SYRINCEA 95 •275' 'I'. (j-flji¥) TIMEX YANILE 24 HOUR 111MER Turns lights ontoll automaucally at d1llerent times . .... ~. 8. 29 •41UB·t:• NYLON ~ Universe ·~~~:~:i%~.19 .99 H22.88 FLUORIGARD DAY PACK , : DNllMI Adi• F1....- 5'h" Finely detailed figures provide a new world of fantasy! ._4.99~ 4ffl)I.• Speed Stick DEODOUNT ... ,, .... 2 " 149 Cihll.• TUMS AlltacW ...,,...,... 75 TAIUTS 1.49 ~1.89 2.5.. • EA. ~=-F~~~=~~~ra:o.z··!l'm··~==; f11ii%1JP!R Skin Bracer Miss Breck Ami SHA~ IWI SPIAY ...,, ...... WOf3 2.39 .. J .49~ ....... -..._ •• ts ·-·?•0111 ..... -............ w• 'fMlll -r 1a11 a ... . We can fill all types of prescriptions and honor most pre- scription insurance plans, as well as Master Card and Visa . Roomy interior stretches to hold prov1s1ons and extras 15· x 11" x 4· "" 7 .95 .. ,., ji•I•) PRESTO 6 FT. WADING POOL 13.88 Backyard fun on those warm summer days. 15" Deep #71U lllllJ Piiat IUNDAY, JULY 11, 1111 FOR THE RECORD 85 Qulek feet An old sport with a new look is speedsoccer, with games being h eld during the summer at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. The All- star game is slated for Saturday night with the Beach Division meeting the Empire Division at 7:30. Area teams in the American Speedsoccer Association include Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine. Newport Beach, Fountain Valley and Mission Viejo. A c tion continues through August. ngels bury ·Guidry, Yanltees, To111my La1orila return• to 1Jte of early successes Tuesday night. B3. 12-6 Ruthven. silences ·nodgerS PHILADELPHIA (AP)·- Philadelphia Phillies rlght- hander Dick Ruthven called b1I three-hit performance agafh.at the Los Angeles Dodaera Saturday night a tflree-~rt game. "I felt great at the be~. strange in the middle -and t:l\ien I got it together," Ruthven said, after the Phillies downed the Dodgers 4-2. behind Ruthven's pitching, a three-run homer by Bo Diaz and a solo shot by Gary Matthews. . Ruthven was 3-13 lifetime against the Dodgers before Saturday n ight, with 10 of those losses coming when he was with Atlanta. Ruthven said he was, "kind of surprised I pi~hed better and I've pitched worse." He got stronger after the fourth inning. when the Dodgers On TV today :hannel 11 at 10:30 got their last hit of the game. ·•It was JUst a matter of getting in the g roove mechanirally," Ruthven said. noting that m the early innings . "I had been rushing. I had to discipline myself to stay back a little longer." Manager Pat Corrales paid him a visit in the fourth to remind him of those basics. "I knew what I was doing wrong," said the right-hander. "But there Is nothing wrong with him (Corrales) coming out to remind me." Dodgers' Manager Tommy Lasorda said 1t was just a matter of Ruthven pitching a "real good game. It looked early like we were going to get him but we never did." Jackson blasts two homers, Angels score 10 in third before 53,851 Lasorda said of Diaz' homer, "Bob (Welch) threw a curve ball and Diaz jumped on It. Re had good stuff. but the guy {DUu) hit a hanging curve ball." Ruthven struck out f ive and walked three as he evened his record at 7-7. Welch. 9-6 took the loss. By CURT SEEDEN o<ttie Dlllty Not ta.n The AngeJs Saturday night proved southpawrnania went out with wing tip shoes and Nehru jackets. The New York Yankees came to Lown this weekend for a three-game series, intent on adding to the Angels' woes by sending three left-handed pitchers to the mound. And le ft-h anded hitters Reggie Jackson and Fred L ynn fueled the explosion. Jackson belted homer runs No. 19 and 20, Lynn added a solo blast in the fourth, and the Angel!! made their return to the top spot m the American League West with a flair for the dramatic. "We just came off an eight-game losing streak and now we've won three in a row," Jackson noted afterward amidst a .;ea o ( microphones in the J.\ngel clubhouse. "Maybe this will lead to something." Actually it led to a short discussion on Jackson's thoughts each time he t-omes to the plate to face hts former teammates. Friday night, Tommy John failed despite a moderately strong outing. Saturday night, Ron Guidry failed - miserably. Much to the delight of an Anaheim Stadium crowd of 53,851, the Angels ganged up on Guidry (8-4) and reliever George Frazier for a 10-run third inning en route to a 12-6 thrashing of the Yankees. Jackson took top acting honors and was rewarded with several curtain calls. He whacked a Guidry 3-0 pitch off the right-field bleacher deck in the first inning and then left the crowd in a pandemonium with a tw o-run shot in the big third inning. "I think you try a little bit harder. You know, I was discarded as old baggage," he said. "Like I can't play anymore. The jury just said he can't play. I just want to show that I still have something left." Jackson . of course. garnered the most roars from the crowd -at least seven counting the times he strode out to right field when the Angels took the field. He even received a modest ovation after Earlier in the same inning. J ackson delivered an RBI single, but then just about everybody in the Angel lineup came up with an RBI single in the third, or so it seemed. Al Davis: LA 's model citizen His dedication to the community is admirable It is testimony to the lack of sentiment in our society that the people instrumental In bringing the Rams from Cleveland the Dodgers from Brooklyn do not repoee in bronze on the lawn of city hall. As a matter of fact, their names are all but forgotten. It is to be hoped this does not happen to the good servants who have labored with such physical and emotional strength to bring the Raiders from the discomfort of Oakland to the paradise of Southern California. More important, Al Davis arrives in our midst. Al Davis is the sort of citizen a city should have. Communities, it has long been a fact, must have pillars. ' Loa Angeles' Jt&in is Oakland's loa. . YOU STUDl" this man'• dedication .to that which la riaht and you sob alone in chorus. Al Davis took note of the Los Angeles Memorial Colileum sitting forlornly without a professional football franchhle to call its tenant and vowed to correct this injustice at any COit and without regard to who puts up the money. "'Ibe Loe Angeles Coliaeum has been at the beart of professional football for decades," Al Davia would aay in a moment of puslon on the 11.epe of federal courthOUle. Asked lf money had anythlng to do with the. ""tter, Davit would thlit financial considera\iona were enUrely ..x>ndary to Lhe dfttre to see this part of1 \he unlverw u.t.eil fairly. Of coune, thll w .. not &he cue whh a.._. fronUeN, Madame Ram, who Davia ...,..... • flnnly oppoeed to the ......,. movt.s loull\. "SM W8M1 ta. Wdtory all to twr.lf," Dlvll mid. "Md I .. , l!tJ • I bllme Mr. Thll II 1 very "-' wri'°" ... .. llCllT w-e. ·--duftltl Uw &rial "''' D9¥t1 . .._.. w 1 _,_... .... •&&h am ... IY!Wf1af ...... ~~UW~ ............. ~ ......... ~ ........... SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER The -figures cast about were two million homes at $10 per game. That is $20 mUJion a game. That is rich. "We are interested In revenues," said Davis, "But we are lnterested in revenues which permit us to compete favorably with the other franchises in the league, of courae." Of course. It is important to note that this community will not be getting a schlock citizen. Davis' talks of a residence in Beverly Hilla as oppoeed to El Monte and the furniture and buaineaa ltema he will be bringing down from Oakland do not represent truckloads of rubble. The moving expenses. which wlll be picked up all or in part b y the Coliseum, are In the neighborhood of $6 million. A highly respectable neighborhood. OF COURSE, it la the wish of Al Davit that certain of hll clients are pennitted to watth the- Raiders play In the comfort of luxury suites. Thia la another example of the Raiden competlfti fairly with their r1vall In the NFL. For lnatAnce, J'ronUere hu luxury wltea at Anaheim Stadium, 90 of them. 8M la not required to there thla r.venue wtth anyone, wtth \he pollibl• exatpUon of th• ms. and thJa brtnet In • «>GI .. mlUJon before anythlna et.. h':mrw. Dav». In ""ldnf ~tnl&. lhare any profit from ColMlwn "'1• hr~. It w• pointed out &hi& &ht..&• wWuld -111iDow ...... UIC and UCLA 11WN1 .............. _._ .. w. will ................. Dlftl ...... T9ll me Iha&._.,"',_. ftlh& ,_., striking out in the fourth. "I don't like to think anyone gets up more for any other team, but I'd imagine there's a little added excitement (for Jackson)." Angel Manager Gene Mauch said. It really wasn't what the Yankees had in mind when they arrived to close out the first half of the season. The Angels, aside from a 5-l victory over Cleveland Thursday night . had dropped eight straight -seven to the left-handed pitching types. Lynn, meanwhile, came into the game with 14 RBI in his last 14 outings and improved on those numbers with one of those RBI sjngles in the thil"d: his ninth homer of the season in the fourth and a {See ANGELS, Pa1e 83) Two of the Dodgers' hits produced their only runs -solo homers by Rick Monday ·in the se<.-ond and Pedro Guerrero in the fourth. It was the 15th of the season for Guerrero and seventh for Monday. Doubles gives U.S. 2-1 lead ST. LOUIS (AP) -John McEn roe a n d pressure are constant companions, and the tempetuous left-hander from New York turns it into another weapon an his well-equipped arsenal. : "It's tough to stay on top," McEnroe said after he teamed with Peter Fleming to crush Ande r s Jarryd and Hana Simonsson. 6 -4 , 6-3, 6 -0 ·in doubles Saturday and give the United States a 2-1 lead ~er Sweden in the(r Duvls Cup tennis quarterfinal match. "It~ a lot easier when you're trying to get there." : It was the first time tjle Am e rican pair have faded competition ~ they lost ihe doubles final at Wimbledon 1ast Sunday in straiaht sett: to Australians Peter McNamara~ Paul McNamee. . "We're not plaYtnc better .;. a teara than we ever ~ve-befoee," McEnroe said. "~tely, we've had our probleln&. We 8hould play all our matcha Wr.e thia. A couple of yea.rs -ao. we W9re concentraUn1 on ttt. doublea more. I ~ we'(,e 11J11t! ioto outer apace or 80lnethlnc." McEnroe aalcl Sweder)'t, doubl• tMm 1'wen '* at u.tr belt today. But tbey are ~ and wlll be back In the fuiun. The Swed" were thorouchly lmprwed with Uallr oppcmelal& I "Mclnroe and ,....... •i-ct very w.U. It -cllftlauTt IW tut pla~ ID , .... mto tM lllilld\." ..... 11.n ClliiDli. .......... ......... Diwll a. . TM • et Orange Oo11t DAILY PIL.OT/Sunday, July 11, 1912 Wynegar's pinstripes a dream come true From AP dl1patclle1 Five weeka into his seventh big· • league aeuon, Butch Wynegar moved from the lowly Minnaota Twins to the American League champion New York Yankees and fulfilled a boyhood dream. "I've always wanted to be in pinstripes,'' the 26-year-old catcher said last week. "In fact, I became a switch-hitter because I idolized Mickey Mantle." On May 12, less than 24 hours after Rick Cerone. the Yankees' regular catcher, broke his left thumb, Minnesota dealt Wynegar and right-handed pitcher Roger Erick.son to New York for utility lnrielder Lorry MUboume and pitchers Pete Filson and J ohn Pacella. "I didn 't have any WY•OAR problems leaving Minnesota." said Wynegar. "The way things were going I was glad to get out. It was depressinl( there. " Quote of the day Du Qalaeaberry, star relief pitcher of the Kanai Qty Royals, descrlblng how it feels to pitch in the new Metrodome in MinnMpolla: "There's no lead safe in this yard. 'there's no fail-safe zone. It's condition red all the time." Mesa's record perfect The Costa Mesa Cowboys r e mained unbeaten in five games Saturday night with a 6-4 win over Orange in American Speedsoccer Association play at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club in Fountain Valley. John Boyle pumped in three goals . Juan Gardenas and Nevill Graff had one apiece and the Cowboys also were helped by an Orange own goal in the victory. The game was tied 2-2 in the second quarte r, but Costa Mesa tallied twice to take a 4 -2 halftime lead and the Cowboys were never in danger after that. Levi catches Zokol In MllwaukH Haw llan Open champion WayH •. Levi, tho only top 10 rnoMY·Wll\Mr In th tit-Id, moved into a ~4·hole tto for tho ll'nd 81m1rday whh Canadian ' rookie Dick Zokol In t.he Oreater Mllwaukc.ie Open Oolt Tournument. The 29-yeur-old Levi, ont.• of thf' m<>1t contlatent playert on lhl! PGA Tour. po11tNI u third <.'Onat.oeutlw 68 Cora total ot 204. 12-undcr-par Cor three trlptc around the Tuckaw&ty Country Club tourlle . . . In Wh ethn1. dofondina champion Holli• Stacy bllatcrLna the <:0une detphe temperatures In the mld-00., Oed a tournament record with a 6-under 66 to tak a on ·•hot lead over Ka&lliy P0tllew11t and Catby Mor,e aC\er the l«.'Ond round of the LJ>GA West Virginia Classic . . f Dan Siket rallled from five strokee back \0 take a one-shot lead after three rounds of the U.S. Senior OJ>!i?n Paciorek, errors do In Blue Jays Tom Paciorek had three hits. • Including a two-run homer, and drove In three runs to pace the Chicago White Sox to a 6-5 victory over Toronto Saturday night. The Sox were helped by five Toronto errors In the first two innings . . . Elsewhere in the American League. Jack Morrl1 scattered seven hits and Cbel Lemon hit his fifth homer of the season to help Detroit beat Texas, 6-0 and gain a double-header spilt. Texas won the opener. 6-5, as Larry Parrish cracked his third grand slam this week, tying a major-league record ... Baltimore Manager Earl Weaver was ejected from a game for the first lime this season in Oakland's 3-1 victory over the Orioles ,.c~llC A s t r o n g re l i e f performance Crom Bob Stanley helped Boston nip Minnesota, 5-4. and maintain their lead In the Eastern Division . . . Former Dodger Rick Sutcliffe threw a five-hitter and Toby Harrah and Von Hayes homered to lift Cleveland to a 7-1 decision over Seattle . . . Paul Molltor slam- med a three-run homer and Robin Yount and Ted Simmons added solo s ho ts to pace Milwaukee to a 7-0 triumph over Kansas City. Oawaon powers Expos paat Glanta Aaclre D1w10a drov In tour ruru wl\h a ainale, doubleo and homo run Saturday nlaht u Montreal opcrwd ll 11lx·run 11 ad and hold on for on A·4 II triumph ov r Son Franci1CO. Winning pitcher 8111 Oulllcklon 11uppor~ his own c.•au110 with two doubll'I . . . Elll1 Valentine kvyed a Clv~-run Courth-lnnina rally with o thl't'<.'-run homur and lai.er singled In a two-run -.eventh u New York held of( San Diego, IJ. 7 . , . Jo1e Cr11&'1 nlnlh·innlng homor llfted Houston to a 4-2 victory over St. Louil, handing 1Ulrter Joe Nlekro his eighth win In 14 decl1lona . . . Dickie Noles hurled a four-hitter and Leon Durham scored the game's only run on Gary Woods' double In the fourth lnnang, DAWION giving Chic-ago a 1-0 win over faltering Cincinnati in the opener or u scheduled double-header. The second game was hultro by darkne111 after n1ne innings with th<' score deadlocked, 5-5 . . . Don Roblnsou. who failed to win a game last year when he was plagued by injuries joined the NL's 10-game winners. limiting Atlanta to eight h its in 8 YJ Innings and doubling home the first two runs as Pittsburgh downed the Braves, 6· l. Despite the loss. the Braves remained three games ahead of San Diego and seven in front of the Dodgers in the National League West race. U.S. poloists nipped by Holland BUDAPEST. Hungary Despite "' three goals ap1cc·e rrom T e rry Schroeder and fo rmer Newport Harbo r High s tandout Kevin Robertson. the United States dropped un 8-7 decision lo Holland Saturday night In the Tungsram Cup water polo tournam+'nl here>. The U.S. was for~'ed to play a man short for most of the evening after building a 4· l advantage at the end of the first period. The setback drops the U.S. team to 3-2 and into a second-place t.ie with Spain. Holland remains the only unbeaten team in the • competition with a 3-0-2 mark. 14.88 4.97 Baseball today On t.hl dall' ln bueball In 196&: Mlnnct0L1 1lua r Harmon K.llltbrew'• two-run, two-out, nlnth·lnnlna honwr off Pete Mlkkel1on 1ave the Twin• • 6-5 victory over the New York YankH!t at MetropolJLln StadJum. It wu perhaps the blg.it.>st victory in Mtnncaow'• march to the American League penn»nt ... the frnnchlllt'' first 1lnce 1933. when It wu lcx.-oted In Wuhington. On this date m le<Jl: Pittsburgh'11 Roberto Clemente rapped an RSI smale In the 10th lnnina to l{ft the National League to a ~-4 victory al San Francisco's wind-swept Candel.stlck Park In the year's first All-star game. Tht' game's most enduring moment, though. t·amc in the ninth, when Giant pitcht•r Stu Miller had his pitching motion broken slightly by the high wands. forcing him to <.'Omm1l a t.'06tly balk. Today's birthdays: Angels catcher Ed Ott is 31. Toronto p1h:ht>r J~y McLaughlin is 26. Ongais breaks mark in Minnesota With Danny Ongals leadmg the • way. five drivers shattered the track · record in qualifying Saturday for the IMSA GT road race at Brainerd International Ra<.-eway· Sunday in Minnesota. With a lap time of one minute. 28.133 seconds (122.54 miles per hour) over the three-mile track. Onga1s was more than six se<'Onds faster than the four-year re<.'Ord of 1:34.149 set by Peter Gregg Former light heavyweight champion Tommy Loughran, a member of th<:' Boxing Hall of Fame. 1s dead at age 79 Loughran was hving al the Holidaysburg veterans home wht•n ht· dit.'<i in hu; slt.-cp. the New York Daily News reported Undl•feated a nd sN·o nd -ranked welterweight contc•ndc•r Milton McCrory withstood an injury lo his right hand w sc:on: a unanimous 10-round dec1s1on over top-ralt>d Roger Stafford in Phoenix Saturday Eddie Lawson won the Superb1ke main e.,,ent and F reddie Spencer capturc-d the pole pos1uon for today's Spark Plug 200 feature in moto:-c.:ycle road ruing at Laguna Set.•a Raceway 3.33 In the second game Saturday, Mis&on Viejo upped its mark to 3-1 with a 9-5 decision over Newport Beach. Men's Sport Shirts Slumber Bag Piiiow Comfortable sleeping bags will dehght all the young campers in your family Table Top Ironing Board 6" Potted House Plants Tyrone Blair. Marwan Assad and Duncan Clarke pace the balanced Viking attack with a pair of goals apiece while Neport had five different players 9COre. The defeat dropped Newport Beach to 1-3 in loop play. Fountain Valley will meet Mission Viejo Thursday and Newport plays Huntington Beach Friday in games on tap for next week. The All-star game. pi ft in g the Be a c h Division against the Empire Division. will be held Saturday night at Los Caballeros. All-stars eliminated &ANT A BARBARA -Kllck's All-stars of Fountain Valley were eliminated from the United St.ates Volleyball Asaociation Junior National Championships at UC Santa Bubara Saturday night, after losina to Westwood. Kftck'• All-•tan had beaten Westwood earlier, 14-16, 15-5, 16-14 but fell to Outriger, Hawaii for the leCOl1d time during the tournament, 14-16, lS-9, &.15. Kllck'• Coach Tim fteed pralad the play of Co1ta M eta'• Paul Coenen at 1euer and Gr•• Kle cker of Hunun1ion Be.ch, an ouCl!ld9 Nu.r. WllTLAKS VIL· LAOS (AP) -Bar· b•r• 8uelaaa of Van Nu11t who lll""9d Med ~ ... ..,.,.. .. r.taJ. I s' -In trUltal •••dlUcpn 1:--, M W•llal&e ... ,, " .. ,. ..... ....... " .. ,. unit. Tnm polyester/cotton sh1r1 with chest pocket. sohd colors. smar1 pnnts or handsome plaids Table-Top untt with Teflon• cover. cushion pad Will hven up any room or patio 1.79 • OUPon1 Reg TM 20 Qt.• Potting Soll .... 1.57 FrffHr Stlctc• 18 sticks in a variety of flavors. Save now. 'Ory meas 2.17 2.96 9.97 3.27 1·1b." Canned Ham Clamp-on Umbrella Banquet Table Legs Ortho • Insecticide Celebrlt( boneless. 2·1b • 8· 12-4 rose and fully coo ed ham. Attaches easily to your beach chair and adds protection from Folding legs come complete flower care. "N4tl wt the summer sun with bolts. nuts and plastic tips. ·Ne1wt STEEt. BELTED RADIALS s44 Pl\JtF.U 1.691och • Rod101 mileage and trocliQn I Ott Cl'lC>nO• (uP 10 !> Qtl • mo-1 fOW•O m<>IOt Ott\ 11 • 1 lntlotl I K mo<I bfond ()11 lole• 3 C noo11 tuonco110t1 (Ill 1.ng .. u 1101 le()flf•t• .... ;~ .... ~,, .. , ... ,,. ....... t QM>IOC ft t,~f lJf~H cod' l ftve •O!Oh l lntpf'< , t OIC>ell • P*'" hydt-wt••m ~ lt•i:>Ot--· ono ou1 ... DV0<tl'IQ> O P<tl)iO<fl llOfll Q!CIOI'> teoll 1 1nwoc•mo11*'c~• 6 In~ I 19'0' fl<ltllQI IOI •90• 1000.ftOn01co1• •,_,..,on •!IOI D<Olt•t Ot• "9"'1v<ll $18 , _ _;_ $§9 a.lance, AotaUon = U.S.~=ra. Help pl' tire lift. I. I lt\lctit lun., Mon. Only Mir Tr,.odwPor R1ili111i 1·10 F ·.t1r•)<Jf1·114') < J( J:, r,,,1, " 2 For$3 Mounting lnduOed • No frod9-tn •eQUWed M llret'M ,,f.f. IO. j ' • J l It llndltill Prtlw Of Chrome lprly Pllnt t kl.• ,.,.... .... or 11-oa.. • dvOfM ..,.y tnlmll. ·-- ... 1.97 18.4-oz. • Propane Fuel Large economy size for stoves. lanterns. •Net wt hru of. 'I ' . .. -t Or1no• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, July 11, 1982 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~'1 'Lasorda's homeco.....,..ing. FromPaoee, i Montreal holds fond memories for im ANGELS BEAT YANKS e e. I • city, a clean city. a gre~t city to raise a lamJly In. And the fans tried their hardeet to make you f~l at home, even If you didn't 1peak a word of French." BYaUCE LOWln ·~ . ...., It ill aomehow fitting that Tommy Luorda 1h~d be managlna In the All-star game In the mu t.l·Uniualed mettopolla of Mont.real, In the first ml leUOn bueball clalaic to be played outalde the Un States. The flower of Quebec, la fleur de la belle province, was for m09t of Lasorda's younger days hla fl«Ond home . He spent the better part of nlne RalfOnl pltchlng for the Montreal Royals when they we~ ln the International League, and the top farm team of the Brooklyn Dodgers. • Lasorda could say "bonjour" then almost as easily as he says "buenos dias" to Fernando Valtnzuela today. 'NOBODY HAD to tell him what a lanceur was. Lasorda was one of Montreal's best. The former left..handed pitcher owna the all-time International Leaiue record of 125 victories for the Royals. ,Gillette, which has conducted the All-Star votlpg since it became computerized in 1970, proVided ballots printed in both French and English for ~ Montreal populace so passionate ly split between the languages as its native tongue. Had the ballots come only en Francaise. Lasqrda wouldn't have been in the least bit fazed. TheJe days he waxes eloquent in French on television in a yogurt commercial. And he knew what a gerant was long before he became Los Angeles' in 1977, succeeding Walter Alston. ~o doubt he'd love to have Steve Carlton as well as Vaenzuela among his own lanceurs on the Dodgers instead of just for one night. Mike Schmidt as His troisieme-but. Gary Carter as one of his recelveurs and perhaps Andre Dawson and Tim Rair~ among h is voltigeurs. \,I DIDN'T LEARN to speak any French at all until I'd been living up there a few years," LaS(>reia recalled. "I'm not what you'd call conversational in it any more 'cause I've been away from it so long. But J can still get by." lie remembers Montreal as "really a beautiful 3.67 And a few folka In Montreal obviously loved him right back. He wu, he bellevee. the only Royals player ever to have a "day" there, given a car and other l{ifta. "I felt even back then that it'd eventually become a major league city.'' he said, "becauae of the support the people gave the team. I remember In 1950 we outdrew a oouple of major league clubs. "I played there with some great playeni who went on to become great in the majors, played with If I'd ever h ad to leave LA, it would be for Montreal. a few of them who became managers in the majors -Joe Altobelli, Sparky Anderson, Dick Williams, Roy Hartsfield ... "I THINK what I said to myself was that I'd like to stay in baseball in some way. And most players, if they want to remain in the game, think of themselves as becoming managers. That's what I wanted to do." He even had a chance to do it with the Expos, but turned down their oUer, preferring to remain in the Dodgers' system until Los Angeles gave him his chance. "But if I'd ever haq to leave LA," he said, "at would've been for Mont.real." ln the '50s, Lasorda dreamed (in English, of l.'OUl"SC) of becoming. say, a Sandy Koufax -until the real one came along in 1955. He likes to talk about how he was the guy Brooklyn bounced out of the Na tional League and back to Mont.real to make room for Koufax. He was with the Dodgers briefly in 1954 and 1955 National League career totals: eight games, 13 innings. 11 runs. no decisions. 7.62 earned run ave rag"' 4.77 18.88 LEADS NL -Tommy Lasorda, the Dodger manager who· played in Montreal, will be at the helm Tuesday night for the National League in the All-star game. and a double In tho 1Jxth. Hla homer came ore relh:vcr Mike Morgan and wu hh1 fourth homer in the last ahc games. The victory went to Ken Forsch (8· 7), although he hardly fooled the Yankeet through six lnnlnga. New York roughed him up for two runs in the top of the third on an RBI double by Ken Griffey and Jerry Mumphrey's ensuing single. Even after the Angels sent 13 batters to the plate and collt.icted their 10 runs on eight hits. two walks and a pair of Yankee errors, New York responded with three more in the top of the fourth. Singles by Oscar Gamble and Dave Winfield, an error by Rod Carew and a sacrifice fl y by Graig Nettlc.-s made it clear that Fonich just wasn't on his game But then. rarely does a starwr work with a nine-run bulgt• "These kinds of games are tougher on pitchers becaus<' Waltrip wins easily NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - Darrell Waltrip ended a brief victory drought Saturday night, running away to an easy triumph in the Busch 420 Grand National stock car race. The defending Wi nston Cup champion raised his season total to six victories while winning for the first time in seven races. Waltrip. a 35-year-old resident of nearby Franklin, Tenn .. driving a Mo unta in Dew - #900 10.88 sponsored Buick Regal, lapped the entire' field in the first 151 laps on Nashville lnternuuonal Raceway's treacherous .596-msle banked oval. T e rry Labonte. drivtng a ChevrolN Monte Carlo. wound up second. about f1 vt· St'<.'Onds behind Waltrip on the track and mor<' than a lap behind an the race. Labonte, who has not won a race this season, finished St..'tond for the sixth time. Approximately 60" Round x 11" Deep 50 Plastic Trash Can Liners Sturdy 1.5-mll thick bags for 20 to 30 gal trash cans. Thermos• Flip 'n Pour 9-in. Oscillating Fan 5-ft. Rigid Polypropylene Wading Pool 9" :?i Portable B&W Tetevlalon Thermos• Quality with convenient spill proof attachment Holds 1 quart $224 13" Olag. Portable ...... Color Television With rapid on ~cture and sound, fine tun- ing memory system and integrated c1rcu1t· ry for greater rellabih· ty KM80920G Your s3 Choice Portable fan with 2 speed settings. sale· ty gnll and whisper quiet motOf. Adorned with favorite Disney· characters. Save' • Wall 0.$ncy Producl!Ons 1.50 1.37 4 97 6-Pr • Pkg. 1.47 Ladles Shorts Or Tank Tops Women'• Thong• Control Top Hote Men's Tube Sock• lntenalve Care· they're not Wied to ~m." Mauch I not~. "They don't want to ~· lay the baH In there and lhefi· don't want to be too fine." ; "Every time l threw one. UwY just attacked It," Fonch co~ later. "I waa just reall[ l atruggllng out there. But lt;t great anytime I can get a wln like that... I "A game like today la what makes baseball fun,'' added thlrli baseman Doug OeClnces, who. 1 did even beuer than h is . t teammates In the third by hittinJ- an RBI double. - "We lost eight straight g~· 1 but now we're back in first place.' i A <:ouple of the guys came along ~ well during the streak. T he): t were swingin~ the bat well -;. ~ ltk<' Lynn ." :1 * ~· ANGEL NOTll: Wrten 9o9 ...... llw• OUI New York • 0-o..nMe In the tNrd mn•no 1t ma1lo.ed the C6th '""'* the ~ have nailed trying to atMt thl1 MMOn Ill 8 attempts for a 59 percent average SI,. Amerlean League record• h•Ye lnclvded ""' ca190ory ~inning In 1973, the top mlltl Nil bffn 52 pe<cenl by Oakland and the Yenk .. 9obb1 Orlcfl'I RBI tr~ In Frid~ n1ghl s v1C1orv over Ille Yan~-wH 1119 flrtt on lhe IHI t I games and only his third In the last 20 Rettle Jecbofl'• two hOn-. runs 11es him for 17th place on the ... ,.,.,. two-0<·m0<e-h<>me run garMa with the trio a( Joe 01"'-"lo· Henti Clreenbeft and L .. - . The 11oc;torv over the Yank-oi-1~ Angels lhe series edge al Anaheim Stlldiu111. 54·!>3 Yankee slarter Ron 01114,,. came into 1he game navino hit 1ust two batter• 1n his ma1or-league career He hit 0..,. OeClnce1 1n the tt'llrd Inning Sa1urday night. le c•me one 1nn1ng alter Ken F-h hit 1ht Yankees .lotln .._,berry. Uc: unttl hltllno OeC1nces G111dry h&dn't hit a batter linoe • • ~vne 29 1980 whef1 he plunked c ....... ancf• l Mike H.,,,OH When llllcll ec ...... • replaced Im Foll 8t stlorlSIOC> tfl Iha fourth 1nn1ng 11 marked hts first appearance ~ July • m Kansas C1tv · h8 Angela end Yankees wr,1p up lhe first half of the -.on ; IOOBV 11 05) Wllh the Yankees sending left· t hander Sh•n• R••le1 (4·4) against ltne • ) Renko t7 2) Germans· record e victory KARL -MARX · STADT. East Germany (AP)· -East Germany defeated the Uni t ed States 207 112 -172 '12 Saturday in the first - ever track and field meet between the two countries. The American men won l20112 t02 1h. but the Ame rican women were trounced 105-!'>2 in the two-day ('V4.'l\l The Am e ri ca n women's coach. Dr. Bert Lyle. said. "The East German women's team is by far the finest an the . : world." " Mc•n 's Coach Sam Adams said, "We are very proud to have won tht• men's duel against the East German team. WC' needed many good performances to beat them .. Tht· U.S . men had · lx'<·n be hand 4 7 -48 after . Fr1duv's events, but .. s tagc:d a comebac k . Saturday to win. The .. I wo m l'n ·were behind·:· ·, 65 -:lO going into ~ Saturday's events. and · · had no chance to catch . ·· i up to the East German : ·: women ... Two weeks ago, the · · • l East Germans won over •;.,·• l h 1• S o v i e l U n i o n 190-178. again on the .· \ s trength or their .,. • wom~n. One week later. the Soviets beat t h e ··· United States 207-167, ··" ·: ~ winning both the men's -: 1 and women's divisions. ~·: l The East Germans will . 1 go to Los Angeles next Year for another track •. the United St.ates J • 24-25. : • 100"11. sohd state cir· cuitry. With rapid on picture and sound. low power eonsump- t ion. Runs on AC house current or 12V battety. Choose from gym or tailored shorts and a variety of lashloo tank tops In stripes or Nylon and suede coo- strucllon In women's Nylon penty hose with White cotton/nylon F11 Vaseline· intensive and f;eld meet l .l: On Friday there w re r - 36.000 fans in the stadi um and~1 000 . Saturday . The · 119.88 Minolta HI Matlc AF Camera Witt\ eutonwtic bPOIW• and butlt·ln Rash. can t6cut automaticelty on a Mlbject from 3 ft. to in- finity. -A-~-:-=:------'-· ·-==-· .. sorlds. xtra Color ·Prints 110, 126, 35mm ' And New "dlac" 13¢ Each Kustomat 4" Prints 22~ Each Get ektra prlntt of ~ fave>tttt ootor anepthott 1,t K mart• UV!nga. Bordtf • lett, t .. turid ptlntt made from any Focal • Of I(~ nega.W.. 4" "-*Av1119111tlrCNll 110, IA. Mfftlllf/llftr full sizes only. 24-ln. Puett """' Wood, palmyra bristles. cotton panel °"*v.,...• o.n. ........... ..,i. .............. .... J 10-13 Savel Care · 10-oz • size 'Fl 01 , anno uncer rep atedly had to ask fans ho only · had standing room . tickets not to sit down as · thousands of fans still :· were waiting at t h e · gates. The crowd ch eered • both the Germana and Americans. American Coach Adam a commente d , "With crowds like that. nobody can aay that tnck and . field is dead." ~ · Calvi n Smlth 'a ", 100-meter run, and a • '· t.lrne of 10.88 llelttAildl by Eut Germany's Ma.rU. i1' Goehr, which equalled ,1 her own world ~. , . ; were tht out1t1ndln1 •· · · J)etf onnaftell l'riday • , . f I On Saturday, ,.all t · Otrman wocnu dllcul 1 • thrower Irina MS?Vftlld C1111Wckllit•.._.dw w o r I ti r • e ,_-,I' o f 8ul11rta'1 Ml'!tl I .......,.¥ " ,_IM I ~ ..... e .. . I I l ll Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/8und1y, July 111 1Ha : Bulletin Board Htvi.DAV JUl,y 14 ~ IOI!, b9Clinn1ng •I 1-; ~yp,..., Community -un tit, an, Ofenot A II the en,, ... CMc Wttlt • t.eNrt Ind '3 Wft~ Cyp,... Tfie '" It St contect Slltt)I ~ t For mort lnfotll'lt 90430 12 i.eSOo &1o0 Oreng. A"'. cyor'!: TUllOAY, .IUl y t7 ~un b9111nnlng II 7:3o P m Mir~ummer N1Qt111 Evt tk 11CentT1 p" 11 18 with • I Torlto AHt84.1renr '" S 10 l•t• rtglt1r111on '' • T ·shirt, IOOd, bttr •no runner1) For lurlhtr fn:'111td ro the 11111 '1 OOO Ma~, 77 t-3e20 o1m111on contact kerb Tennl!ii MICHt:LOB LIGHT CUP One or the liercesr rlvalrlQs In tennis wtll be renewed at tne Industry Holts ond Sher11on Resort when Jimmy Connors and Bjorn Borg compete In 1he MIChelob llghl Cup Julv 24-25. The tourn•ment also IHturos Sandy Maye• ano VIias Gerulalus The match wUI be carrle<l on ESPN and ON-TV 111 the Lot Angeles area Ttc:ker prtces are S22 ~ on Saturday and $25 on Sunday lor preferred n•ll $15 on S•turc:lay enc:I $17.~ on Sunc:lay for reserved sears If tickets lor bOth day• are purchaaed 1n ac:lv1nce. both days will go lor the price ol the Solurday 11Ck81s. For lurtner Information. call (2131965-8524 CALIFOflNIA ORANOt:a -The Orange& w~ play seven home games aga1ntt aeven d1t1eren1 apponen11 at this month's Team Tennis compe1111on at An1neom ConventiOn Cenler The Oranges Open the hom1 season Sunday July 18 agelnst the Chicago Aces Remelnlng home schedule Monday July 19 Houston. Wednesday, July 21 -Dallas Froday Julv 23 -LA Strings. Salurdey. July 24 -Oe~lano Brelkets. Bed,,.lday July 28 Phoen•• Sunsets Thursday July 29 -San Otego F"ats Ticket 1nfo1ma11on is available by phoning S.3-0271 11_1111 competo11<>n this speeaaOGcer moves into • meeting the Emplie week w11h tne Beach 01v1S1~~ al the Amertcan 01v1s1on Sa1urdBY ntgll ... d at LOS Cabollel05 !IO'Ce• ASSOCl8110rl "' Speed s 1S Club 1n Foun1t11n 'llelle1 Racquel and po< II be Fountain Velley aga1ns1 Tl1ursd8y night II WI Newpof'\ Beach wtll .-1 MosSIOO Vie10 and Frldey out the hrsl hall ol 11\4! Hun11ngton Beacll to clOM season I de Thuraday July Games ne1<t week inc u S.acl1 F1id•Y· July 22-Mlssoon VtelO vs H~,n~ing~:' July 2'4-foun\llln 23-0range vs lrvu:·ac~ 1;), SM.le Ana Vt Colla Valley YS NewpOfl • Mas• (8 301 vs N9Wl>0'1 6MCh Tnursd•Y July 29 °'~"e'llleY vs. eci.ta Mel&. Frid•" July 30-Founlll V-"-VI N9Wl)Ot1 ,. J 1y 31-Foun181n --• Seturdey. u vs MIUlon Vlei<> (8 301 21 ee.ch \11. trv1na end on Saturday. Aug R419uter season ga~':noay AuQ 23 All gemes 111 with piayolfs stalllnQ d tea 1 30 unless 01ne<w118 in oea Sports on TV TE LE VlSJON 10:30 a .m . (7) -WOR LD CUP SOCCER F INAL -Italy vs. W est Germany . ( 11) - BASEBALL -Dodgers at Ph 1ladelph1a. 10:45 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER F INAL -Italy vs. West Gennany. 1 :30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY - Hector Camacho ( 15-0) vs. Louis Loy (1 ~.O) in a scheduled 10-round lightweight bout from the Felt Forum in New York. Also: A repeat of the Great Pool Shootout, taped in Las Vegas. (4) - WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN. 3 p.m. (7) -BAJA 1,000-0FF·ROAD RACE 3:30 p.m. (4) -OUTDOOR LIFE 4 p.m. (4 ) -SPORTSWORLD -Segments: Wilford Scypion (21-3) vs. Mark Frazie (18·0) in a scheduled 10-round middleweight bou t taped at Tampa. Fla. Aho: An update on the 69th Tour de France bicycle race and the men's survival run of the Survival of the Fittest competition. (7) - AMERICAN SPORTSMAN RADIO &seball -Dodgers at Philadelphia. 10 30 a.m .. KA.BC (790): New York Yankees at Angels. 1 pm .. KMPC (710). Oll·rOl!ld rae lni AUGUST 7-1 -The IOth on..,084 World Ollan\c>lon annuel Brtdgee1one lnt•nallOMI R-ey ~ II Ml II ANer91c19 FMWre "'9tll I• tne Chtiltengt of 1 1·19'> ,_ for unt1m11.a elngit ~· en 80 dri¥tra. At ll•k• 11 thl l•roee=:1ua ()pell lo off-toed racll>Q, '35.000. PIHM In ci:~c~eduled It the Pernod HH Yy Metel 1119'>• •ndor~~~~!:::liup lruct11 °"*'I~ Aeolttr111on end tlehnlcal ~ all dey Thurtdey, Aug. 5• Practice ..!..~ Wfff be htfd thl PYbllc. Wflf be htfd on,., · .......... 1, CIOMd to Aug 1 beglni wtth practice :!~ft· Aug 8. 8aturd1y, l\'enl 11 12 30 p ""· noon Ind the flrll l .m · ·111• r .. 11 event Sund1y It 11 t 1:30 T tel.e1S tor the 191n annual 1ntern111on11 k1r11e cn.impt0nsh1p1 10 be held 11 the Long Beacn Arene Juty 3 I and Aug I ore now on sate Mo•e than 3 000 ol the world s 1op karate f'911tera 1nckld1ng champtans lrom Ireland England Hofland Spain Vf'ne1ueta Germany Ch1te. Mti11co • Ph•l•ppmes and New Zealand wiU com1>91e 1n the tournament T1cket5 ore pric.o at S7 U end S 10 and 111 now on sa1e at the Arttna DO• offiee Tteketron and all Mutual 11cke1 agencies For 11cket1 or tnforrnellon calf !2131 436-3661 01 (2131 882·2•56 ' .llulfH.•ru~!li Tl'le SupetbOWt ol Motooose Wiii bl at1Q41d •• , .... Los ~ Col1.-im Seturday night "'"" -' of 1ht toP rider• from across the nlllOn compe1lng Rae.no w1H conSASt of tou• 10-llP quallt"'9, two tO·tap ouahfllfs. one 8-lap conlOlahon r~. and o~ 20·1ep m&on eYenl. Racing gets under way al 8 with the final event ending BrO\lnd 11 o clodl T icke1S ere CU""'"Y ave~eble through most lk:kel outle15 and sell '°' S6 S9 $12. $15 end $18 ::;n•l<l•en unde< 10 are adm1111<1 tor hell poet F0< turthe< 1ntorm111on call 12131 748-6131 1982 PONTIAC$ T11DI, J2DDD, 1001, GRllD Piii I 1011n1w LARGE SELECTION McCartney • • w ins again Spring Cleaning, Landscaping, or Repair Work LONG BEACH -UC Irvine student Kathleen McCartney continued h er dom in a n ce in the United St.ates Triathlon Series by capturing the women's division o f the event Saturday in Long Beach . T h e triath lon is an e n d ur ance test. combining 2 kilometers o f s wi m m i ng . o l ~-kllometer bike ride and a l~k run. McCartne( f inished wJth a IJme 0 lWO hoUJ"s, 33 mlnulea a nd 50 lfC.'Ondl. beaUng runner- up C la ir e Mccar y of Santa Mo n ica by alx ~. In &M nwn'• dlvialon, PIU1 bur1h'• S cou MoUna oulllnl.lhed Scott. 11'*1 ot ..,.. t>teao wt\h • wrn nln1 t l m • of 2i•••· ll"'rd1)"1 ''l•Utlon w• dw .oond ut ffw "° bl hlW lhll v r. &OT YOU DOWI! LET US HELP: BAKER EQUIPMENT RENTAL has everything you need to get the j ob done. W• ftNT1 Trucks, Trailers, Garden Equipment, Hand Tools, Shampooers, Plumbing Equipment. and much more CAU. BAKER EQUIPMENT RENTAL t 11 1 1iket,C-Mlll Ml•llll .. --------1 World Cup on the line Italy, German s duel f or o cccr upremacy MADRID (Al') -Paolo Roai of ll4Jy und Karl-Helni Ru.mmenla of Wnt Germany, t..'0- acorln a lead ere In the World Cup eoc<:er tournament, could be the key playen in today's final at San Uago Bernabeu Stadium In Madrid They hove IC'Ored rive goals apl~'<'. and l'ut·h haa the ability to \urn o matL'h with a lightning shot. The mat.ch. in which eoch tt.'am will be trying lo win Its third title. should be the final 90 minutl's or the biggest-cv<.'r World Cup. which has mu1t·ht•d :l4 national teams In a month-long tournam1ml 1n 17 iswdaums in 14 Spanish c ttlc:i About 1 5 hilltm1 On TV today channels 7. 34 at 10:45 a.m. telev1s1on viewers around the world will bl· wau·hing the championship gaml'. Ir the title can not be decided an regulataon times or after a 30-minute overtime period, then it will be replayed Tuesday RUMMENJCGE HAS a thigh injury, and Jupp Dcrwall. the Wt•st German c·oach, d0<•sn't plan to start him. However. Enw Bcarwl. the• Italian mo.rnagl·r. had serious doubts that Rumnwmggc wall fail lo appear an tht-German lineup The Germans have always hetc>n mC!!>lt'rl> ut thl· substitute i.tratcgy. Rumml•naggt>, twil'l' Europc:. .. :in F(IOtball<.'r or lht• Year. sat on the bt•nch fur 90 ltol111ns uowrwd Pc>lond 2-0 1n the 1u:mltln1l1t 'l'hur!Kioy ROSSI IS l'Urrt111tly 11 national hero In Il41y -a SllJI Y book li~Urt.• who hmc bount•t.'CJ back to WOTld ))tllrdum .11l1·r a hrtlwry ~·;mdol and a two.ye r t 'U"JX'n!>tcm l Gc•n t lie.· m1ssc•d the game agalnet Poland lx'l.·auM· ht• ~"'' ..._., v1ng a or1l' match suspt..nision. ! But "' llaly's 1wt•v1oui. g1:1nwi. lw WU..'1 l(iv1•n tht• pb 111 l_:. "'K up :.tar-. Zbt~nww Bonlt'k of Polund. Diego • M.11 .ulon<1 ut Argc 11t111J and Zll'll of Brazil thr~ • 111 tlw m11s1 cl.111..:1·1 o~h i>hoott·n. m thl' tuua narnent .11111 111 'u1tt•t'lfc.cl c·vc·rv lime· 1>11111 /',ciff. lt11ly'i. 40-yl•ar·old goulkl'l.'J>N in gruy n11d bl&c·k. I~ l'Xpt.'Clc .. -d to bec.'Ome thl' oldest mun lo pl.iv 111 tht· 1111,rl 'im·c· tht• W1Jrld Cup started 111 I !l:ill lt<tly won the · World Cup rn ni:H and 19:J8 and WP!'.I Gt>rmany an l!J!)4 &nd 197-l Brazil has won the 1110'1 Cups rn 1958. 1962. and 1970 IN PLAY S.iturdav. Poland c·aml' trc•m lx·lttnd "1th thr1·l· go..ils ·rn thn·1· mrnult'l> and w~nt 1111 lo lw .. 11 r·f ,11111 :{ :! l•>r thud 1>lact· J\ I tc·1 a I :H h 11111\Utl' gu.il lur Fram't.· bv ~tene U 11 .11 ti. tltc 1'1111 ·' '"' h:-toud hl·avv prc·~urc.-ln the F11•1wltt111•11 ;u1d "'llf'l.wd h<1l'k ll1 L<tkl· th1· IP:td on go.ii' II\ ,\t1d1 /t•J S1armal'h Ill 1h1· ·Mth rnmulc· <tnd Sr.·t.111 l\l.1~·w..,k1 1111 lhl· l>lrokt· 1JI h.111111111• .l.11111v Ku1111\~11·1 n1<1dc· 11 .~ I tn tht• uµ.•nrng ltllttUll 111 tl11 't'(olld h;ill J\l.1111 ( "m11 u>I 1 h1l>l'd I lu tlc·l 1nl u :~ :.! Ill thl· i Ith 111111llll hut F1,inl·1 1·•1Ulcl not pr11v1Ul' the • l "(jll.dl/1'1 minutes during Thursday's semifinal against 1r:=======:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:=:;;;;::;;:;:::;;:;:::;;:;:;: France. Then he got into action in thl' 30 manull' ovl'rtame pt?raod and Sl'Ored a vital goal that helix'Ci his team rally from a 3-1 def1cll to tie. tht•n wan on penalty kicks. .4/:"' 1·n'A .-.,Tf W~ At whalt•vc.•r stage Rumml'ntggc goc'S onto tht· field. the Italians wall havt• a man waiting lo dc·al with ham -Claudio Genult'. tht• bag dl'kndcr ol Juvt.'ntus of Turrn He wtll be• thl' Italian lt•am's policeman to try to kt'<'p Rummenigg(• uut of S3 .9S Dinner Spec/al Brf'ddl'd Pork (hop~ or F1~1l Dinner lnctudt>~ Soup or Salact. Ve~l.lble .\ Po1a10 ·oouble Bonus Veal OsccJr S6.95 fRegulcJr S9 9SJ JULY ONLY Live Entenalnment Nightly Tues.-Ladles Night-Well Drinks S l .00 s hooting range. Rossi sc'Ored all three goal~ an 1 taly's Sl'nsalaonal :J-2 win ov1.·r Brazil. the favoriu• for the Cup. last Monday. H e ah;o scored both ,goals when the 1670 NEWPORT BLVD. l*•t Lovitt C.t•,lng COST A MESA 642-8293 642-5509 SANTA ANA 218111. ~!ta, 557-1324 • • • • • you can aave on all C olor Tile oak parquet, on all moaaic tile, and on famoua brand no-wax vinyl Ooor tile. In addition to fine q_uality and great aavin!J•, we'll give you how•to-brochure• on inataUataon and fr ee decorating advice and loan you apecial t oole. Plua, we give full re- fund• on a ll unuaed t ile. 33% ONALL 0 PRE-FINISHED OAK PARQUET lold Gell. medt In our own feclory to eneure you IM flnetl quattty and ''"' ........ Tongue and groove edget mHn prectM IM..,..tlon. r•r11ttr Reg.52C -51$ sale 35$•39~ ~ . ' . " ~ LIAQUI ITANDtMGe AMerlHRLW .... .,.... OMllDN w " 47 ,. 48 S1 44 37 45 40 35 45 38 •• ~I 27 St .,..,.... ometON loe!Gn •• 35 Mhtluk.. 47 35 Blltlmor• 43 38 Dettoll 41 • 1 CllWIWld 40 41 New Yori! 39 41 Toron10 37 •• ~--.. ....... 12. Nfi VOflt 0 Boelon 5, M""-1• 4 OeklMd 3, Belllrno<e I Teua e.o. Oeitoh M CNc8go 11, T0ton10 S MllwM .. 1, Kan-Clly 0 ~7.S..llle 1 ~.-5611 - 585 - .543 2 .529 3 .438 10~ . 437 11 .314 21 ... 513 -IH3 I 631 • .,.. 600 7 49• 7\t 488 • ... "'" ,..,. •• a- .... Y~ (Rewtey 4-41 a1 Meell (Rlnko 7·21 Chk'llgo t&ms 8-4) a1 Totonlo (Clancy 1.e1 MlnnM01• tA9cllern 4-t) 11 Bolton (Tud0t ... , K11111&1 Clly !Gura 10·41 al Mllwaull .. {H ... 4-51 8 1lllmo <1 (Davia I· II 11 Oakleno (l<ongmen 1·5) ~ {8etk• 11-51 11 S..llle (P•ry e.11 Oeiroll (Uj<k;r 1·51 •I Tea4 (T1nen1 4-101. n Netlonel LMGIM WHT£1tH OIVI"°" W L ,ct. Ge 51 32 111• - 49 36 578 3 48 41 529 7 41 48 471 12 38 48 429 15'h 32 62 381 19'"1 EAST£1tN DMSfON St LOUii Pf\UOelpNa Ptlllt>ul'gh Mon I real ~York Chicago 48 31 46 38 43 40 43 41 40 46 35 52 .. llH'deJ'I kotH Phlleo.ll>hle 4, ~ 2 558 -548 I 518 3'" 6 12 4 485 8 402 13'h Cl>Qgo 1, Cincinnati 0 (1'1 game) Cincinnati 5, Chicego 5 (9 Innings. ... spended game) New'Yottl 9, Sen Diego 7 MonlrMI 8, Sen Frllndeco 4 Pltlabutgll 8. Atllnll 1 H-'Oll 4, SI l ouca 2 ,...., .• a- ~!Valenzuela 12·81 el PhileOell)NI 1c11r111eneon 4-41 San Diego (Lollar 11-21 11 ~ York (Sclou 8-8) San FrlncillCO (Fowlk" 3·21 et Mont<eel (Sande<9on 11-71 Clnelnnatl IS..-4-41) el ChlelgO 18"0 W I S I l ou11 (And u)e r 7·7J al Houalon ·~2-101 Ptlltbu<gh (MCWtttlame 4·31 •I Atlanl• {~4-51 AMEMCMt L£AQIJe Aneele 1z. van11 ... • NEWYOM all r 11111 An<llllt>.2b IS O 1 2 Grlll9y. rf !o I 3 1 ~.c:I 5021 Gtnbll,Oh 3 I I 0 Blbonl,Cll\ 2 0 I 0 Wnlld,11 5 0 I 0 Mybry,lb 4 I 1 0 l'Mtlles,3b 2 I I I Deni~ I 0 0 0 Smelfy.u 5 O O O Wyngar.c 3 2 1 1 Foole.c o o o o CALIFOflHIA all r llllt S0Wnln9.ll 2 1 I I 8nquz,K 0 0 0 0 C....W,lb 3 2 I I R Jclltn,rt 4 3 3 4 B Clr\,.rt 0 0 0 0 Baylo<,dh 5 I 1 I O.C.-.3b 4 I I I Lynn.cl 5 2 3 2 Grldl,2b 3 I 1 0 Wlfong,2b 0 0 0 0 Foll.II 2 0 2 I Kellht.lt 2 0 0 0 Boone.c 3 I 1 0 Toi., 34 12 14 11 T0111t 40 II 12 e ._.. bf ,.,,.,.. New Yorlt 002 JIO 000 -II Calilo<nl• 10( 101 100 000 -12 E·Mumptwey, Frazoer. Cetew 2 OP·New Yott! I. Callfomla 1 l08-New YOtk 11, Cllllot-7 28-Gnlfey, ~. Boone. Lrnn HA·Re J-eon 2 (20) Lynn 19) S- C••••· Boo n• SF ·N•lll••· Downing New Yori! .. H II Ell 1a llU Guklry(L ,8·41 2 6 7 7 2 ~ FrQler 4 4 1 0 0 Ml MOtgln 4 1 I 3 1 Ale••nde< 0 0 0 0 0 CallforrMe FotlCh(W 8-T) 8 g 6 S 0 2 Huslef IS.1) 3 3 0 0 I 0 Guidry l>flc:t>ed to 6 baller• "' lhe 3rd HBP·by GutOry 1DeC1nc.•l. by Forsell !Mayberry. Wynegar) T·2 411 A·53.851 Reel Sox 5, TwlM 4 Mln.-ole 000 112 000-4 11 1 Boelon 030 110 00•-5 I 4 B Castillo, R. Davia (7) encl LauclMr. Hurat. 8. Slanley (I I and Geclman. W- Hurai. 3·3. l -8 Cu llllo. 4.9 S -8 S11ni.y (61 HR-M1nneso11. G ae111 ( 121. Boe1on Evant C 11 l A-26.022 A 'I J,, Orielaa 1 Bellimen 100 000 000-I I 0 Ollkllt>cl 012 000 000-3 a 2 0 Mtlf11t192 and Dempwy: T UnOetwoocl. 8Mrd (I) and M. Heeth. W-T. Undl<WOOCI, 5·4, l -0 . Martinez. 9·8. S-BH<d 18). HR-Olktand . Gron (31. Armu (10). A-25.856 F'IMT O.U. ~l.nt-S Ollrolt 001 310 000-5 10 I T••• 400 100 001-8 12 o Wllcott. Rucker (2). T OOlll (Ill encl l M Pwriall. Mallac*. Bollano (4). Schmlo1 (8). o..wtn 111 ano w....., w-o~. 11-2 l -TotMlc. 2-4. HR-Oeirolt, Tretnmell 131. Wockenfun 121: Teu•. La. Parrl•ll (8), Maulfll (31 UCONDGAMe ,,..,. .. ~, Oalrool 003 102 ooo-• 10 0 Tn.. ooo ooo 000-0 1 o MOttlt ...0 Fflttr(. Hough. Mltet>elle 13) Bottano (8) and Sundb9rg W-Morrls. 7-8 L-Houglt. 7.7 HFl-0.lron. Lemon (5) A-42,113 WNte Sott I, ._ .ler• I Clllea90 310 020 000-8 8 0 Toron10 020 030 000-IS a 5 KOC*Mll. E-r· tlS). Hickey II) end Flak; Goll, A.L. Jac:Qon (51. Gervin (9) end 8. Martin.. w-e.c:.trav-. 1.1 l -Gott. 1·5. 8 -Hlc:ll9'( (4) HA~. "1ldotell (5). A-17,0GS. .._..,,...,.... ~City 000 000 000-0 • I ....... 001 310 11tt-7 ,, 0 .... Am111rOnO (4). Hood (I) encl 8IMIQlll. ".,ell and ~ W-1.etch, 1-5. l -llue, W . HA-Mllwllikff, Yount (ISi. • Molltor If). 8lmlnon9 ( 14). A-33.841 . ...... , ......... 1 Clewl9nd 000 003 211-7 I I .... 000 010 000-1 5 I 8'llCMe elld 8anclo ..... tie, • ca.. ··~ NlllaOll (II and &.-W-IW:MI, 7-4. L-... ttte. f.IS HR-Ci.¥14encl. Ha1tl.lt (ttt, ........ lt)A-23'"3 UTIOMAL &.aACMM ~ 4, D lll'llN I UNI..... .... ... .... ..... ., .. ... = . 0 0 0 ...... lit •• 0 0 z:w_:"' : : ~ : =='-I " ~ ~ilii iil11 Iii Jill ·-..... ........ n~== -·· . ... 9 S lt3t T·a-21 A-41.HI PIRl'f GAim C111M1.--.1 CinciMltl 000 000 000-0 • ' ClllceQo 000 100 00•-I 10 0 .. inyt lnO Trevino; N01ae encl J Dl'llL W-NoltM. 1·7. l-lletlf'lyli.~t. M COMDQA-.... ~-· (lue911-0-) C1nc1nn111 101 ooo 120-5 8 o ClliC.ftOO 002 ooa OlO-$ II I lllllfandl. KW!\ (8). Pftc. (71. .._ (I I. H9YM It) llMI Viti\ Go;cltf': Kre...c, Tldrow (71. l • Smlllt (9) a nd J Davi•. HA - Clnc1nn111, ~,., 131. VIII (41: Chicago, MorNn<I (II). Ou"'-m (12). A ao.H4 hpoel.Olerlte4 Sin Franclle:o 010 000 030-4 e 2 Montreat 220 100 21•-1 12 0 laalley, lltelnlng (2), L• ..... (8). HOl!tnd (7). 8arr (I) and ~ OUIKclllon. Fryman (I ) ettd Cetler W-ltaon, M l -lNltey 1-6 S -Frym•n (51 HR-Sa.n franci.co. Eon 1 ( 12) Mon11 .. 1. 011111on (I II A-380711 ... ........... , San Diego 10 I 100 130 1 13 2 ....,,,Vor\ 010 500 21a 1112 2 Cur111, Chiller (7), Dravei;hy (9l ano Swllhef. Lefebvre; Falcone . Alltt<\ (7). •llCI' (8) end Hodgu w -Falcona, 6·8 L- Curttl. 8-5 S-l each (21 HR-San Diego Richardt t 11 New York. Ktnom•n (2 11 VtNent-(6) A-S1,St5 Aatroe4.C...,.2 SI Louis 110 000 000-2 7 I HOutton 200 000 002-• 8 1 Fo;.cl\ and Potier: J Nllic<O and P\ljOll W-J Nlllcro, 8-8 L-Foracll. 1·5 HA-SI LOUIS. Lo SmHh ti t. Houalon. J Cru1 (8) A-31.000 ll'lralM t. lrawM I PllllWQh 002 022 000 II 8 • Alllnll 0 10 000 000-1 8 (I 0 A~. TellUlw (Ill Ind T "-"•· P Niellro. C Ot.z (6). Cowley (I I and 8enecloc1 W-0 Ao«Mnson. lo-;J L-P Ntelo o 11-3 HR -Allanla. WhlMnlon (1) A-39 744 Car- lynn Downing FOii Cletk Boone Bay!Of Angel •"'80" IATTIMG Al II H 1411 1191 'ct. 2711 43 12 I 21 :ra1 274 49 7g 9 31 288 3211 54 93 12 32 288 261 32 76 2 35 284 53 7 15 2 5 283 G<IC:tt DeClncn ~ Jac:i.eon BerllQull 239 IS 68 I 29 271 336 31 92 13 53 774 279 35 7S 8 31 269 307 43 12 10 47 287 265 40 ISi 20 47 257 es 11 2, ' a 20 Ao Jaeltaon FIW1)Ulotl WHfong BU<leton l(efleltef 42 ' !I ' 5 114 !>() 3 10 0 2 200 1111 10 17 0 5 177 45 4 7 0 2 156 18 2 0 0 0 000 Tolala Mahle< HusllH Aase ZaM Renko ForlCh Will Sanc:~z Kl son GolU C:O.betl Moteno Tolllt 2.847 385 779 80 354 270 PITCHING .. H M 90 W·l lrAA ·~ 2 0 0 0.() 0 00 43•.., 29 22 72 I ·0 I 87 !><I'" 42 22 40 3.3 3 04 127 118 3 1 41 10.C 3 12 !H 1> 94 24 42 7·2 3 23 135'~ 125 30 « 8·7 3 St es•.., 16 31 44 4.3 3 59 47 47 22 26 3.() 3 64 77 71 30 42 6-3 3 74 28''1 28 14 18 2·2 3 8 1 57 54 21 23 •. , 4 58 491> 55 23 22 3-7 4 74 712"' 739 268 36A 48-37 , 47 Top 10 ~ ... 111atNb) ~ANLEAOl.M Q M fl Hl'ft. w. Wllaon. ~ Clly59 255 33 1'1 .341 Bonet. Toronto 78 243 311 IO 3211 H•lh.Clewtand 80 319 68 105 329 Younl.MllwaultM 11 314 56 103 328 Hf!*, M-.a 72 217 48 94 32S Cooclf.M....... 78 311 54 103 328 L.M. PwYW\. Oalroll 82 213 40 N 319 ~Rea. KlneM City e:s 317 44 100 3 I 5 Wlllte. ~ Clly 73 Me 41 13 312 Pcxlrelt. CNcego 11 251 29 eo 3 10 ............. G Tham••· Mllwauk ... 21. ThO<nlon. Clewoland. 20. .... -·-· ._.., 10; Cooc>w. Milwaull". 19: Ogllvle, Mawaukee. 19 """• 8atted In Mc Rae . Kansas Clly, 77. Cooper Mllweukte. 118. Tltorn1on. Cleveland 67 lintnS1<1 Chleego 112. Hrbell, Mtnnesota 60 '1tclllflg { 11 DecWofte I CeuotA. S..llle. 8-3. VullOVICtl M1t..eullM 10.C, ZeM. Anoele 1M; GUIOry New Yort< 8-4 Burnt. ChfC890. 8-4. Bark., C-ano 9-S, Sulchlla, C-no. 7.4 NATIONAL l EAOUE Q Al II H 'cl. T Pena P1111burgh 71 l72 30 87 320 Ottve< l.lonue.i 83 311 4 7 99 3 111 Kmght Houslon 83 321 411 101 3 15 l\u Jones. San Diego 78 28 1 55 88 3 13 l.andreeux. Docleen 70 237 43 74 312 MaOIOCk PttlSbu<gh 80 294 48 91 310 LO Smtih. SI LOUIS &4 320 70 99 309 RlchetO.. Sen Diego 58 240 3 1 7 4 308 Carl•. Monlr .. I 78 230 51 89 307 J Ray. Pilll bu<Qh 82 332 48 10 I 304 MorftellUM Murphy, Allanla, 23. Kingman. New York. 21. Cantw. Montreal, 18, Ha<ne<. Allanla. 18, J Thompson, Prlltburgn. 17. Clltlt, San Frll\Ct!(;C), 17 "-a.et.ct In Murphy, Allanta. 82. oi.-. Mon11 .. 1 60 T Kennedy, San Diego. 57 Clark San Franc:tlCO 57 Kingman ....... Yo;k 55 8 Diaz, Phtladelpltla. 55 J Thompson Ptlllbu<gh 55 ( 11 o.cte6oft•) Lolla<. San Diego. 11·2. O Robinson Pllllbufgll. 10.3; Rogers, Monlrlll. 10-4. Sutton. Hou11on. 9-4: "Veletlt""8, Dodg<tn. t2'4: Monlefuxo. San Diego. 7-4. RolC!l, SI LOUIS. 8·5. Carllon. Plttladefpllta. 11·7 LITTLE LUQUE l'LA YOfFa TOURN ... Wf CW C:~ ~a (atOoacwlea~UI ........,..c._......• Roblnwoocl 11 Founlaln Valley Solllh 2 -===~,:;~:=> AINI (411 ......... LI.) ••••••• ,.,.ca-~ Arnertcan .,., Si.nion, 7 30 pm ~ca- f'ounlaln Valley HOt11t va. w .. 1m1ne1 ... Arnerte.en. 7:30 p.m. ,....,..0.. Oceen'llew Amer1Cen·Stan1on 10-va. Founl•ln Valley Norllt·WHlmlnller ~ i-, 7;30 p.m. ......,..ca- OoeenYMw Am«leln-8111111on winner YI. S.........,5pm ...... CMRs.at HMLI.) ~0-Htinlln,lon Valley n WH1m1n11u Nt!IOMI. ·ao P "" W d I •e•aO-IOlle ¥L ~ Vllll9'f 9outtl, ll:IO pm Sund•r July 11 Yanhts et= I •OMpn ti ID.~ . 11 ·~·at Clew., ll·OS Me s at ~ 1:05 29 •Alie• at Y1nam. 11 PlllllM 11 DMlen1 l:OS Aug.1 SUtlle II ~. I -o.clctn II Au.ti, 11:20 0 WLPPC Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Juty 11, 1982 '- AD1e1, Dedier ·Se..e.tlda Anple on "•• KMPC (1iO) Aftget• on TV Chaniet I Dodgen on Radio KAie ('7t0) Dod..,a on TV O"•nnet 11 ·~ .'I , \~ I'~ Saturday -_ 1 • •Oel!MM TY 0..... Mond•r 11 ,. 11 ... tlltll,430 [tpM at ....... 5:35 28 Otallnd •l .... 7:30 ~ It Gta111s. 7•35 . 2 TWHIS at ~] 30 OMcwt It 4.35 Tu•ld•r 19 20 Alie• .. Bait •• •:30 [lpos et ~"" 7:35 '¥1 0.ktand et Alie•. 7:30 Dedcen 11 G1entJ. 7:35 hnns at -... 1'30 _.,. 11 Aeds, •:35 Wedneed•y 1• ---·t~4:30 £.allOI •t OMttn, 7:35 21 Oakltnd •< Alie•. 7:30 ~ et G11nts, 7:3S lwiM II Alll•. 7:30 DMewl 11 Am, 9.35 Thured•Y 15 ~ tt Cle¥ .. 4:35 Meb It '*""" 1'35 22 21 Staltle 11 Anc•. 7·30 s Twins II ...... 1 30 Atlanta et Diiie••· 1 3S Frldey _. 11 City., 4:35 MetJ at DMltn. 7:3S 1t •Alie• 11 Yan~en. S Pltlltles II Dedc11t, 7:35 8 • Aftc* II SeatUt, 1 35 AU1nt1 11 DMctrs. 1 3S 17 ' ' 111 ..... It Clft , I l'()S MttJ It .,....... 1.05 M •An&• •I Y1Mm. ~ PllllliH 11 IWltn. 7 a& 11 Stallle al ...... 1 OS •Oodclll 11 AUtnli. IJ•20 1 •Anc• 11 Seattle. 7:35 AltJnll et °""'1, 7;35 • • Allctll 11 Se11U1, 7:05 AU1ntf 11 °""'5. 1:05 ~· 11 Twins, 5:35 S 11 °""'5. 5:35 10 _... at Twins, 5:35 Reds al DMctn. 7:35 11 Allf* 11 Twins, 5:35 Rtch at .,._... 7:35 12 C11nls 11 o.dc••· I ;OS 13 ....... t~nd. 7:35 C1111ts 11 °""'5, 7:35 14 •An&• II Oakland, l :05 Cl111la 11 ~ 7!06 ,___,..ca- HunlifliltOll Vlllly·WNlmlnll• NlllOnll -.. 8olaa-Founllln Val/Ir/ Soullt IOMr. 5.30 p m ,~.o- Roblnwood va Hunll"g1on Vall•Y· we11m1nt11t Na1lonal Wlnnw, 5:30 p.m ~0-0ceanvl-Nalional v•. Bol .. ·Fountaln V&llev Sou1h wlnnw. I p.m. DISTllUCTllT~ AlwA (et ....... Vlato Lall•) .......,..0- EJ Toto ... Mllalon Norin, 5; llS p m r_.,-.o- Llll• Foreat ..... Mi.Ion Hiiia, 8. 15 p m ........ , .• a- lrvtne Norin ... El Toto-Mletlon Notlh Wll1nef, 5' 15 P m. ~··ca... Saddlebacll vt. Liiie Foreet-MIMlon Hiit wlnl\lf, 5 15 pm Prtur'•O- El T oto.MIMlon Notlh loMf .. Thuraday o -.5 1Spm ......, .• a.... LO• FotHl·Mlu lon Hiii• IOH f VI Weclneedly'I -· 10 1.m ,.,.... (etSeAC--..U) ......, .• a- Sen Clement• vs. lrvlne Soulll. 5: 15 P m , ..... ,..a-. Viejo VI l llQUlll Beach WMMedey'aO- M1..-Soulh ... l lQ<lfll Nlguel, IS 16 pm Tlwndar'• 0-San Juen .,. S1111 Clamente-l.AQunl lleedl wlnnw. 5 15 p m. ,,...,.. 0- Vlejo.~ 8Mcll winner .. Mlealon 50011\.-L.agune Nlgull wlmer,5:15 p.m eetw.,..a.- Vlejo·l•gun• 8Hch IOMr ..... MIH IOll Soulh·L8QUfl• Nlgull loeer,· 10 1.rn San Clemenle·lrvlna Boulh lo••• •• Frklev'• loaw, 1 p.m senton f14-15-rMt-olde) DISTiltC'f II TOUllN._NT (et lntM) .. NfdaJ'a kOfM Lake 1'0< .. I 4 MrA'Of'f V,.JO No;lh 3 Mission H1M1 1 Mission v .. JO Soulh 2 SaoOleOack 23. Ulgvn• Beecn o VtejO 11. Irvine Soutlt 0 iv1e10 1>4tchlr Oen Btanoe11 lll<ew a no·h4111t<J Todef'eO- (at Hen•d P8fk) Irvine Na<lh v1 l•k• Fo•nl. 1 p m -.41u 1on V1110 Soulll vs MllJ•on Viejo No;11' 5 pm lileftde'f'• 0-lnnne NO<lll ·L•k• Fores• ION< vs "-Soulh ~pm u.gun. Beedl Vtl Mrsaoon VteJO Sou11\.-M'"'°" V,.to Notlh _,,,.,.. 7 30 TlllMdey'10- M1-Hiiia .. Saddlebadl, 5 p.m. VlejO vs ff\1-Nortll·Lake Fa<est """"'*· 7 30 OtlTfllCT a TOUflN...,,,. ..... 1 , .. ..._.,,,.,....,.., a..-~V=-lcMll. a p.m. T__..OM!9 ROOllMOOCI .... ~ ~ I p '" • .......... ca- S..-f'-leln Val/Ir/ Soutlt ._ ... Roblowood-WNtmlNter fqf10nel IOMr. 5 p m A .... (et la OuMte ..... ) ~·GM;e Hun1tng1on Valley va. Founlatn Valley Soul/I, 5 p m ~·o.-Bolu vo Huntlnglon v aney-Founlaln Vali.y Soulh .....,_, 5 pm .....,..a.... Huntington v~ . .foun111n v..., Sou111 IOM< .. W.Oneed8Y'• k>Mr. 9 Lm. ...,. (1J.JMf Didi) OtlTNCT a TOURN~ \:.=~"= Hun11ng1on v~ .. 8olM. s p "' ,_.,..0- AOOlnwood YL Founllln Vlll9'f Noni\, 5 p.m • ......,..a-- Fountain V....,. South .... WNlmlnel• Natlonll. 5 p m. Tlwndar'• ca-~~•on Valley·BOIU IOU < va. Ro Fountain V9111ay North io-. 5 p.m ,~.o- Hunltnglon Vallay·BOIH winne r va RoelnwooO-Founteln Val/Ir/ North ..W-. 5 p m .....,..o.- Seavlow vo . Founlaln Velley Soullt· w .. 1m1na111 Nallonll..,,._, 9 Lm. Foun11ln Valley !loulll·WHlmlnaler Nellonel -YI. Thurtdey'I 'llillnner, 2 p.m. Misc. u.a. TrtatNon (II i.o::1:-11) I Scoll Mollna (PttlSl>ul'gh} 2 Scolt Tinley 1San Oiego) 3 Mar~ Allen (1>14 Met) 4 Dave Ho;nlng CSen Franc..col S Oeen H11per (leleyelle, Ca I e F .. dy MaUlmlno IBenlCI• Ca 1 7 Gotclon Bult (Loa A<IQMS) I Oale 8uetc:u (Santa Monlee) !I Tbm R"h tOranoel 10 Kun Maooen (Sen Diego> WOMEN 2 14 00 2 IS 38 2 15 53 2 19 11 2 20 19 2 20 21 2 21 24 121 SS 2 2333 2'24.00 1 Kalh~ McCar1ney (Newport) 2·33.SO 2. Clatra McC1rty (Sama MO<llcal 2'33 58 3 Jutie MoM (Carttb9d) 2 35 58 •• Julle L..-cn (NftlpolS> 2.37 24 s l ..... Mlll6w (Sin 0.001 2 38 22 8 Joanne Dlftllloen• ~en 1 n t 49 7 UM Gonalea (San 11) 2 40 27 I Mew-a Wllllt (HU<ll""lllOll 8N "I 2.4 I 11 9 Ooanne Glebel (Sanla Batbat•I ••·cc.34 10 Robin• T roxall ISerlll Monica I • + '3 ~ Loe Alemltoe IATUflOAY'S lllHUlTS {tOlh .. 11-ftlefll ......,_..-*'el , ... ., llACa. sso yatOJ Flying Wl.M uncr \A<magJ ~ 40 23 IO 10 00 Power Btolt• (Catdoza) 4 00 3 20 Doc LIRby fllCUy) 4 80 11.IJo 1aced Ou1c~ Jnv .. tmonl 8rady1 POP. Mr Erv TwttJ, l f\lnk Six, Maka Milo Nevaoo Oh Simple Man Ttme, 27 67 ta IUCTA (9·111 pelO S5 71 80 SECOND AACa. 3!>0 yardl Tltanl<a To Cl 8' (Mtc:N) 10 IO 5 20 3 20 Htglt Vogue l<"-'MOI< I 5 00 3 00 Dully Dupe 0 onlltl 2 40 A1.o rlCecl Ktnnt111nntc:k, Aunl CIVIi -TU<n Blonoe fleQUltl Sa~ N SNgu# S .. MI S-t Talk Time 17 91 THlflD llACIE. 400 yards WtUv Lumo Luma fHrll 8 80 4 Oil 2 80 Heia Ro11 (Sllneoauglt) 3 40 2 40 OO·One Way Rl<l., (Tonktl 2 IO DO F 1n11ned t1r11 dt1Qua1thed and placed INtd AlllO r~ Game Etlotl Jetsoce GM P11nce J 8" Fllghl Judge Ttme 20 SO F"OUfl"TH llACE. 870 yatd1 LWOecll (KnlOf\11 57 60 18 00 8 20 Fieel MIC:ltey (Bl<dl • 60 3 80 Klnoa Speeay (Treaaure) 4 20 At10 reced Por Oue. Hezana11vea1gh1 ROCkaOOO Tortilla Flat T1ma 45 s~ 12 H~CTA 111-1) pelO $315 40 F.-TH M CE. 350 yarda Roanabtl 18ardl 5 20 2 80 2 40 Cause Ima Polley (Han) 2 80 2 40 8'11 Belly IT onl.al 3 80 Al*> raceO Annie Faye. The G1ey SlleOow Covnl-SPMO. ACIM Ooo T ..... 1835 llXTff llACa. 360 yatds Mr Oulek,,_ (Pllkertlon)24 80 8 00 4 20 FOOla ~ (Hartl 3 40 2 40 Blclu.noa Boy !Cre'll9f I 2 llO Alto rlOICI Toe> R-. Ar,,_ Jon Bolly Cotbel Johnny ChMear Sooner l<n.,r•ved Bo I.loon. Cinnab!Jg Time 17 84 12 llllACTA (1-11paicl$7520 UV.NTH AACa. 350 yards 111111• ..._ (Mlic:Nlll 15 eo ' ao 3 eo Tax Ott Tw (Creeger) 2 IO 2 40 Railroad Witch 1Htlf1) 4 00 AlllO rlOICI Aoclletl On. Efty Ma,_-., Keep On KMP'"Q On T..,,. 11 92 a IX.ACTA (4-41 Peld $37 00 EIGHTM M CL 400 ywoa • Katrs Colter (Ma) 17 60 II 80 7 40 Nublado Jt IOominguGI 111 IO I 20 A90al ~· (T,_,.e) 1 00 Al90 I eced Super A.cit. 8'tgltt HOU<, T 00 Tidy S11 Truc lt t• Toe•. O verrrde Puemon1 .. lk;nny T1ma 20 08. S2 IXACTA 15·81 paid Slll8 00 12 '1CK SIX 111·11-11· 1-4-51 p .. d S tll.094 O wilh IWO WlflnlnO ltc:kllt lftw not'") $2 Pock s .. conSOlatron paiO $254 40 '"''" !>O """"'ng tocttets \lour h<><H91 $2 Pelt Sia scraleh conaclalron P8IO $2112 00 Wllh 41 wrnnmg ltCketl (lhtM ttor-one Kt81ch ot IWO n~ IWO ICtllCl>aJ NINTH RACE. u o yards Leading Star (lackey) 3 20 2 80 2 80 Doc Neef tCrNge<) t4 80 4 80 Miu Ceatl Creotl l>iarl} 4 60 AlllO racaO CIHI)' Native. Sco11 Lewi• Im Kally Green. S1a Fot Sure. C11alOI Time 21 77 S2 EXACTA (7·21 p..O $88 20 TENTH RACE. 350 y11d1 $pMdy POiicy (Tr..,..,e) 10 40 4 40 2 IO S11 Ronny (L.eclceyl 3 eo 2 eo Rodlll 81411 (Tonkal 2 eo Also rlOICI Cetcher Men. WOjetl(MU. SI Rein Ber n ...... 11 ea ta HACTA 13-5) paid $30.20. An.,d..-'t.424 Hoftpood P9R (11111 o4 .... , ............ _..,,., '1flST RACE. 8 tu<longs Ring OI E11n IStblJlel 18 00 1 80 4 20 Rernernb9r' Holly (LIPttaml 4 20 2 80 Hempen a NU<M (H.....,.) 2 IO Also race<I Cougar·a Merk, HHvenly Ballu . La Prlnceua. Katlllnka, l!can• Topper. Pellte Room. College Money. Time I 10 2t6. lllCONO AACIE. 7 l\w1ong9 BJua Jaew 1Guerra1 • eo l 20 2 40 Canntltln (Upltaml 5 eo 3 20 Tullt (0.W-ye) 2 40 Al90 rlCed Royal Gel• Jedi Btrd. Fo;1 Knoa, Golden Style, T V fly« r-. 1·22 215 12 DAILY OOU..E (7·11 P11k1144 80 THIM) AACI. 7 IUflonOL Whelp (Guw<I ) 11.IO 4 40 2.40 OhWget Oreg (OltahOUl .. ye) 2.eo 2. to Fal>Uloua Pe111n1 (Ollvet"I 2 20 AlllO raoecl Hottty O'Toola. Reedy Reo. Pul>llc TradUton. Minced W0<d•. CC>anllt LIQlll l -I 22 2/~ • IXACTA (4· 11 P•td $72 !>O '°"'""RACE. I'~ mlln on lurl 8Mcfl Grow 1Pincayl 13 60 4 20 3 40 WllO Oat4 (Toro) 2 60 2 40 Notbet (P•cel 4 00 . AllO 18*: Be On Time, Dogo. HHI Sl\lp, El Pancno Anoal Time. t ·4 7 116. • HACTA (2-41 pllCI 170.00 ...-rt! RACI. 81• ""'°"II'· MIM EIM (81acltl 32.40 14 40 10.IO RIM 0. Pia {~I tUO 1.00 Mar1 l .. Ann (CMll!Mde) 1 00 A*> ·~ tony!• Oer11ng. Edld. 9urfln C:Ulla. Silent Muelc, O!Etl ~ Crltri, A Fe We ltme. 1'18 31& • IXACTA (4-tt Olld lfef.00 • llXTH MCI . 1 1118 mllM Summe< Sequence IP•ncavJ 380 280 2 20 R\fn Amber Run IH•wle)o) 2 IO 2 40 Allotlln (Guwral 2 80 AllO rec.a· 0.tec:l•bMI, F<>1m11 Reply. Thi• •• My Dence. LOii LOOI. Royally Rewerlle<I Ttma I 4" SIVINTH llACE. 11• n11Jes on lu<I Call Ma Mtal• (PtftCay) 5 80 3 40 ~uf11 (ltphAml 8 00 Hel<I Bell CGuwtal 2 40 3 00 7 40 Al10 ••c:•ll Ayaan Freeo Tom s Se1~n•d• Twne 149 I& EXACTA (4·51 patd S119 50 12 '1CK SIX 11·4·2·4·4.CI plld S 19.632 · 110 with 14 w1nn1no 1lcke1t t•I• horu11 S2 Pic;k $11 con101a11on paid S 195 60 won 466 winning llCl<etl Cllve hOt-1 $2 PICll SIX scra1e11 cohlolahon paid SSC 7 20 w1lh two wtnn"'t locltet• (four ttor-. one !IOtllClll VOHTH AAC«. 6 Juflong• LanOaluca ( Ptne:ayl 2 IO 2 20 OU1 Bold Ou1 l lnl tS•l><Jlel 3 eo oot Barl91110tllf61 .. I OUI AlllO raceo PrtncetJ lV1uttah C11~mbola Time 1011 S5 EXACT A I 1·51 plld SH 00 NINTH RACE. 1 11 16 p11tes Ptaia Prince IKhu y) 15 80 II 80 4 80 tncurat0n IG.,..ra) I 80 6 IO Carrte1s Ten (Bleci.1 7 20 At10 rate d CluO Flu•h Homa Coull Ruling Ao 1co 1or e Gre ene DO 0nc ... ouno1tte0ec11 Beu• W11h .+.ge DO Ft"'"'90 NConG d•IQual•lled lhCI ptacecl sevenlh lune 1 44 115 S5 EUCTA 18·21 petd $235 00 A11et10ance 4> 264 u.s.-1 .. 1 Oerm•nr meet <•• Kan....,.•·ltadC) ................ MEN 200 -I J.,,._ 8utl9f CU S I 2032. 2 Terron Wrtghl (US ) 20 39 3 Frani. Emmatm•nn tEatt Gor,,.any1 20 511 4 O.tMll Kueoeclt (ENI O..many) 20 e3 800 -1 Da\lel w..--1 (Eut Germ I. I 4S.116. 2. J-Mayt (US I I 46 ,7, 3 Johnny Gr•r tV S ). 1 47 O:>. 4 Andreu au ... 1e.s1 G .. ,,..,,,., 1 ., 08 r..000 -1 Doug Pao1Ha IU S ). 13 SS 21. 2 Han11oerg Kunze IEa11 Germany) 13 55 78 3 Steve PlaS«>C1a IU S J •• 01 12 4 OtaJ l(ampe IE•si Ge<many1 14 0 2 76 110 hutdlea -I lltry Cowling IU S I 13 38. 2 HOlgW POhlancl IE.lat GermtnyJ 13 47 3 Mtlln Slewwt IU S I 13 56, 4 Tl'IOn\M Munllall (E .. 1 Germenyl 13 68 3000 al~ -1 H9fVY Mar11t (US I 8 39 48 2 Hagen -.lalrer IEHI Qe.manyl I 40 06 3 Rtdly Prtt,,,.,,,., IVS). a 46 33. 4 Raine• W~•nO•unn•• CEHI Ge<manyl, 8 SS 31 1.600 relay -1. US (Oerelt Aobtneon. Elhotl Tabron. N11 Sunoar C11tt Wiley), 3o1 09 (WOr10 teaoing perta<mance. 111e2r. 2 Eul O..many IUW. Acl\e<mann Cart1an Pell911, Frat1ll Ric;hl• Andreas Knebel) 304 55 Hl -t Delle! Ge15tenberg (Ea11 Germany) 252.3•, 2 Ed Buri.e (US J 24 1-10·; 3 oa .. McKen1.1e tU S 1. 24 1.3 • 4 Roland S1au1< tEa~t O..many1 ne.o·~ OT -I Arm.n l wnme CEH I G41rmanyl. 224-9 2 An Burns (U S } 220 ·8 3 Wott11ang Wernemuende !East GermanyJ 218·6 4 John Powell IU S ). 218·3' • lJ t Jason Gr1mes IU S I. 26 6'>. 2 Uwe Lange. IEH1 GMmany) 25·11. 3 Mike Conle)' (U S ). 25-•'" 4 Frani. Pasc:nei. tEH1 G91manyl 25·4" TJ 1 Pau!Jotdan(US) SS·7•.mcnes 2 Wa•el Gross 1EaS1 Ge<ma,.yl 53·3 • 3 San ya O.,ota b1 IU S I 53·3 4 He1ko Fermumm (Eftt Ge.meny). •9·3 • PV 1 OovtO Votl tU S ). 18·6" 2 Miiie Tully tU S I. ,, ..... 3 Otal 1( .. 1.,, <Eu1 GMmenyl. 17..0~ •• 4 Slelfen G .. be. (Eall Getmany). 111-5 WOMEN 100 hU!dlM -1 Ketsttn Knabe tE .. 1 Garmany). 12 82. 2 Belllne Gae.-u IEl'1 o .. many). 12.113. 3 Slepllan1e HfOhl~ IU S ) 12 80 (Amerrcan recotdl 4 89'111• Ftlio«•kl (US.) 12 92 200 -1 Baerbel Wo eckel IE•st Germany) 21·1S 2 Florence Gntt11h IU SI 22 34. 3 0-.. Wa«lter (Enl Gwrnany) n 39. 4 Randy Gtven1 (U S ). 23 07 3000 -I Jan Mernl IU::; I 9 00 bJ. 2 Ul<t111 B<una (Enl O..manyl. 9 09 78, 3 Francie l•rrleu·Smlln tU S ). 9.20 30 4 Gabf,... Riemann (Eas1 Ge<many). 9 47 55 1.600 rtley -I East Getmany tKtraten Siemon. Sabini BulC!l, Oagmar FluebNm. Merit• Koch). 3 20 23. 2 U S 1Roaatyn Bryan• Ar!IM Emereon Denise Oi•on Slletrt Howetd), 3 23 13 OT -I Irina ~''" IEas1 0..menyJ 234-3 (WotlO IMOtng perlo;rNnce 1982) 2 OtMll ~ {Eut Germany) 216-10". 3 La<ne Grtlftn IU S I. 187-8. • Kelhy Ptl\netl (US ). IM-0 . HJ -1 Jun• Kinn (Eut Germany), 11-5~. 2. AnCl<M Blenl .. IEul Ge<'many. 6-2\•I 3 ColHn Sommere (U.S.). 6·:1· 4 Phyllla BlunalCI" (U.S.). 5-ti 0 I i I ' J I t . Or .. ter Mllwn lcM Open Dtck ZOkot 6S-&i-70 -204 Wayne L..,, Calvin Pee1t VIC10< Regale<lo hrry Dlettl Jim Cottter1 Roge• Mauo .. Andy Bean Oav11 s1oci.1or1 D8¥1d EdwatdJ Motrtl Halt'~ky Bo~ Tway Lllry Zregter Btlf Sanoe< Jay Cuod At>dy N0<tl' .. _ard rw.11y Mark C.IC~vecch•a 5«>11 Sompscn Clla<les Kr en <tl Jay Haas 8'tt Callee Geo<ge Cadle Mike Btannan Dai. Dov<}IHS Jim Dent l on Niel.or ,.,.arlt Lr• Phtl Hancock Den Pon1 Gary McCo;d M•ri. McCumbe< B•ad Bryanl Ed F"l()f1 G•ry Hallberg "4an. P1e11 Tim Norris Jett lltOmMn Doug r...,.11 Errc Ballen Ed Dougne<ly frank Connet G8WI L..,..•M>n s1-,.,.etnv> 68-61-88 204 7().68-69-205 7 1-68-111 205 65-69-72 206 69-67-70 206 68-70·69 207 1";8-70·69 207 70-68· 70 206 6!>-72·71 -208 68-70· 70 208 c;a .• 1•.10 209 72-69-M 209 72. 70·67 -209 6S.73·72 210 68·71·7 I 210 11.71.69 210 10.10. 10 2 10 6:>· :o.1s 210 69-.. ·67 210 59.10.:2 ,, ' 67·70·7• 211 71 69·71 211 74.57.70 ,,, 7 1·71 69 211 71-71-ISll 1tl 72-71-611 2'' 69-67-76 212 71-69-72 212 70-71-7' 212 74'68·70-212 58-71-74 213 69·12·71 213 73-611-72 211 71 69-73 ~·3 61·72· 7J J 13 67 74.72 113 10·61·11> 113 u .13.n 213 10.72.71 ;>t) 70.71·73 • 14 71,71_7~ 214 7171·72 ~14 72.51. 70 l u LPOA tournement (el W""41ng, W.VL) HOHIJ Stacy 71-61' t17 Calhy MO<le 70·611 138 Ka1r.y Poa1i.-a11 70-611 1:38 Alica Mn~ 70-69-139 Kalhy Young 71-70 -u 1 JenF.,raris 71°70 141 Ca1r.y Reync>IO• 7~7 147 ee-1y Ktua 73·119-142 AleunOta RetnN11dt 72.70 142 M J Smith 72.11 1•3 Altson Shlard 72· 71 t43 Mardell W111t1na 71.72 143 Janel COIM 69· 74-143 S11v1a Be<1o0acc"'' 7S·69 144 JUOy c 1a1k 73. 7 1 t44 VrelltTabot 73-71-144 Maffy OIClr•aon 73-7 1 -144 ,,_ 8lllOC* 12· 12-144 Bonnie L-72-72-144 Berbera MO•nNa 7 t.73-t« Martna Han.... 71. 73 IU J-1 Ale• 74-71 145 Jan StepnanllO" 73-72 145 Beth Dante! 72·73 10 O.anne Oa1141y 72 73 t•S Pally Hayes 76-70 1'6 Lynn Allam$ 75-71 146 Vtelu StnQlelon 75·71 -t46 SUSJe McAltosle< 7 •· 72 I 46 Martene Haw 1•.12-t46 J ... ~.,... 8<1lz 10. 72 146 Bev•ty Huke 7> 11 t46 Mary Owv<t• 72. 74 146 Sylvia Fe<don 72· 74 1•6 Senior Open (el P0<lland. O<e.) Oan Srkes Miiiet Batoet Ken Town• A mold Palme< Bob Goalby Gay B<ewet Gene L1llM1t How,. Jottn~ Jac;k Fteek Joe J•menel Bob Gadf8 Bob Ro•l>Urg Ari Wall Jr Robefl Stone Clla<I$& S11tord Robert Er1<;kaot1 Btlly CUClet Pet"' fltotnaon .JoMPh Sood FreOdo@ H ... 7>69-71 2 16 12·14·11 ?11 71 7• 72 :>17 73.71 73 2 17 72·11·1• 2 17 73-70·7S 2 18 73-69-76 2 18 1 .. 13 72 219 73.72.7~ 210 11.11 12-221 1S·1'·12 221 74.74.74 :>22 75-74-74 223 11 74,73 224 7r,.71.77 224 78-75·7:> 225 11·16·12 225 , •• 77.74 22~ 77.74.74 22S 72·76·77 22S DavtlCup OVAllnfl,INAL lllOUND (at SI. Loo;ie) Un11H St .... 2. lwecMfl 1 Jot>n McEmoe-.... et Flemtng <U S I dlt Andlt's J.,ry0.Han1 Stmonuon 1s.....o.-i1. 6-4 6·3. 6-0 (at M-...., Auetr .... ) A111lrelle :I, Cllh 0 McNam ... Pela< McNamara IAu11r11ta)' Oel Belouo Pl'a)Oua·HlnS GtidttmelH•, 8-8, 2-e. a.e 11-2 .. ,, .... ) Fr-2. Cirecftoelowallla 1 Yennicll Hcla'l·Hen" LKonte (Fr.,_) def Tomas Sl'Nd·Pavet Sto1~ 2·1S. 6·3 S.3. 6-4, Ivan Lendl (Crecholto••ll••I del Thtl <ry Tulasne. 6·3 4-6 6·3 9-' I 6-4 (at CeMI, "Illy) New ZNlancl 2. Iliff 1 Adriano Panall•·Paoto Berlotvoc:i (lllly) oat Ruue41 Slmpaon..Cll<m Lewl1, 11-4, O.•. 3..,e 13-11 ~ ... ·.·· .. . .· ... .· :· ·. .· l "' BRAND NEW 1982 IDYOT A STARLIT 3 Door Llftback. 5 speed transmission, MPX stereo radio, pin stripes, wheel well mold lnQs and fully factory equipped. (599431). This week'• ~aJ at only 51199 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL DELUXE 4 Door Sedan. Front wheel drive, MPX stereo radio, 5 speed transmission, pin striping and wheel well moldings. (436123). This week's special at only 55391· BRAND NEW 1982 .TOYOTA TERCEL ' 3 Door Llftback SAS. Front wheel drive, 5 speed transmission. bucket seats, pin atril)Wlg, wheel well mold1"'9 & tully t.ctory equipped. (439373). Thia week's speclat at only· 55899 •• BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP 1h Ton Shortbed. This one has a 4 speed transmission and Is fully equl;>ped. (037859). A summer special now priced at only 55799 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP Standard bed 4x4 deluxe. 4 speed transmission, AM/FM MPX stereo radio, window package, chrome step bumper & deluxe mirrors. (045114). A summer special now priced at only " 58099 ,TOYOTA ·1111 HlrbOr' llVCL - • ., • e Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX aystem. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plussesl We will advertise. qual- ify all prospects, take trade-ins. have available financing & do all. paper work! When your car ls sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to hst your car today• 714-646-93<>3 7 14-540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS Ill ORANGE COUllTYlll 1171 ONILLElm SPIRY COIPf Auto. trans .. air cond .. ste<eo tape. power 11Mrlf19, brak• & windows, tltt 1lltieel, affOy ......._ ""'-Tit-Tone pelfri & low mi..._ ( 1BJK7 ... Oofl't mlll this grNt buy fOf orly *4999 "MM" llESEL 4 IPMd trans .. AM-FM cassette. power steering, power brakes. power windows. st.1nroof & more! Very clean! (0.9TZU). A real steal at only s4599 1111 mn OlnmE UTOllAOI CPE. Economk:al 4 Speed with air cond .. radio, tilt wheel, roof rack, custom Interior, exterior trim package & morel Exceptional Inside & outl (507XJX). 93499 1111 IPEL .. IELllE Cll PE" Great transportation with an automatic trantmlaslon, ste<eo tape and more! Original and clean Inside & out. (772ROH). $2299 1111 TIYITI ORIOi CllPE Popular S speed with air cond .. power steering & brakes, stereo casMtte, alloy wheels.& exterior • trlm'peckage. 1(f0MH538). Don't mlss1thla aterHng silver beauty tor only '7499 1111 TOYOTA COROLLA 0 LlnllCI" Auto trana •. air cond ., power lteertng & brakea, AM·FM radio, extef lor trim package & ..,ore (1BPOS77) Greet economy & super Styling al JUSI *6499 • CELICl "&.T. un11c1" 1 61&LC" HlTCHllCI Economical 5 speed 1ran5mlss1on with atr cond . stereo cassette. exterior trtm package. d.eluxe lntenor & moret (075WFPI A real buy al JUSt s3299 1n1 ....... ...... LIPTllll FtEcolVWV-ie>f\llm'6tl6cel""" 5 IPeed wfth • cond,, atereo cataehe. exterior trim package I. more. (729ZLF). An outstanding buy at ~ 1111 OPEL "DELUXE COUPE" Automatic transmission. elr aond., AM-FM radio, extertor trim package and morel An oulstandlng car In every respect! (854UPO). s3499 "It takes one to know one." Or, better yet, for designer Stevi Brooks it is more fitting to say, "It U}kes one who wears one," to appreciate well-fitting exercise and dance wear. A dancer for most of her life, Brooks has put first-hand knowledge into the deaigning of her line. "After wearini leotard& five houn a day for moet of my life," 1h1 11plain1, "I know how a leotard ~hould look and fHl." Tht nativt·bom Californian betan danclns at the age of 5 and became dedicated to her art. She spent countless grueling hours in extensive dance training through high school and working summer stock in San Diego. At 16, Brooks moved to New York where she worked for eix weeks at the Copa Cabana to earn enough money "ju1t to eurvive." Eventually 1he landed ~on the Ed Sullivan, Peh)t Como and Steve Lawrtnot •hOwa and danced wttb thi .June T111or danoln. ...... ,,,,,.., ,, ... "' Exercise is cheap life insurance ..• C2 Funds to be raised · to battle MS ••• CS The BP.lq1m1nt Rlns ••• c' .. f.l.U!?AD!L . ....., . Ladlel. tf you want to whittle down your '. wailt, arab a broom. . t Before you'rw teqipted to do hOUlework, •w ~ff t~ atrawt. It a huabuld or boy friend ta ~ pt hJm to do the uwtnc -uve your ··1trenath for exerdllnc. · '• Row, take the broom handle-« an old mop handle will do, and put lt acroa your ahou1den with hands draped over the pole and twiat your body. But, don't move your hip1. Thia exerciae. accordtn1 to Charlotte Oromaner, phy1ical fitne•• director at The Sporting Hou.e, is one of the best you can do for 'your waist. VOA Actually, the most common figure problem women have ia not the waist, but the hipa and the inner thighs. "Most of the women I aee want to know how to firm up this area of their bodies." "For these problems I recommend old- fashioned leJ lifts," Charlotte said. You limply lie on your stde, extend both lep straight out on a line with your upper body, flex your foot and raise one leg and then switch to the other side. She recommends high repetition, aay a eet of 30, rather than three aeta of 10. However, everyone has to aet their own pace. Listen to your body and don't try to do too much too quickly, Charlotte cautioned. Charlotte further recommends that you attach weights to your ankles to add resistance. Two-and-a-half pound weights would be a good starter. For stress and those tired shoulders which oft.en result from sitting at a desk all day, try shoulder rolls. Try touching your shoulders up to your ears, then press backWard as far as they will go and then down. For the upper back try bending over and with weights in your hands bring your arms up even with your shoulders. The weight you w.e would depend on your own strenith, but five pounds would probably be good to start with. No exercise aeasion should begin without stretching or wanning up. Charlotte suggests 15 to 30 minutes of stretching every day for flexibility. And don't tell.Charlotte you don't have time to exercise. "Everybody has time to exerciae. It's the cheapest life ins~ you can buy. "You can exercise while you watch television or while you are chatting on the phone. "Every morning when we open the doors at 6 a.m. there a.re women waiting to get in. They exercise, shower and then they are off for work. You can make time for exercising if you really want to s~y in shape." The average age of women exercisiJ.18 at The Sporting House is about 40. "But we are tieeing more and more 16 and 18 year olda. U you exercise and take care of your body you can keep a youthful figure as long as you live. Exercising is doubly important if you are dieting." And even if you are pregnant you can Caillouette-KoJI Dorothy Ann Koll and James Thompson Caillouett.e were married in Serra Chapel, Old Milsion San Juan Capistrano. Afterwards they gi:eeted guests at a reception at La Cua Pacifica, San Clemente. Dori, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Donald Koll of Newport Beach graduated from N~port Harbor High and Stanford University. She will graduate ln September from the Art Center CotJese of I'.>elicn· , Dr. and Mn. James C. Caillouette of Paaadena are parents of the bridegroom, who IJ'aduated from Polytechnic School in P-.dena and Trinity Collete ln Hartfordt_Conn. H~ 11 now a fourth year ttudent at the use ~I of Medidne. Lynn.Mason continue exercising. "We put pregnant women on a program that helps \hem durfna ~ and afterwards to repin their filUJ"ll quickly.' As we talked by the pool, a woman came swimming by. "She's just had her baby," Charlotte said. "Swimming is one of the best exercilles you can do." Of course, a pregnant woman would want to confer with her obstetrician before embarking on an exerci8e program. Mrs. Gregory Walker Walker-Hartman 'The aatden of the home of Mr. and ·Mrs. George Vulich of Bel Air wu the eetting for the wedding of Sabrina Hartman and Gregory P. Walker, both of Mammoth Lakea. The bride la the dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. AahJey P. Hartman of Irvine and the bridegroom is the IOn of Richard Walker of Century City and Mn. Gecqe Vulich of Bel Air. 1 'lbe new Mn. Walker la a graduate of Corona del Mm-ffWl School and ta employed by Seelons Four CcnclOmlnh&ma, Mammoth IAkee. 'n-::::t':"° ii a .,.aduate of Unlvenlty ltich end Is employed by the Chart lkUe, Marnmom ~. Duval/ .. Murdy A candl•lllht oeremony at It. Andrew• .,..,. ..... QUNb. Newpon 8wh. Wll the ~ ,_ .._ • n1a1t of.._.. L, Murdy and ~~dw daulh• of Mr. Ind Mrs. ~ m °'5. llllch 1nic1 .... ill .._. ... len. lr.olUdollll. 111 ..... .. .................. ,i.r.. . ., ................. 0 #pc::: -... $ ... J can buy Charlott. Oromantr, fftntu director at the Newport leach Sporting HouM and 011l1tont Le1lle Oavl1 presented ex.arclM demonetration1 at Roblnaon' 1 Fashion l1land. At the 1ame time the two were Introducing tt,e colorful ~~tton lycra exercl1e wear a111gned bvl.,---~. Stevl Brooks. Charlotte, below, 1trop1 on ankle weight1 and demon1trote1 the correct woy to do 199 lifts to firm the inner and outer th'9h. Leslie works on the upper body while holding fiw pound weights. The same mowm9nts wilt help posture and relieve stress. To keep exercise from being boring Charlotte suggests music and a good looking exercise wear. 'If you exercise and toke core of your body you con keep a youthful figure as long os you live.' At The Sporting_ How.e there are all kinds of machinea and pr08raml let up for keeping or actuevtna a youthful ftiure. However, Cha.rfotte says we have them exerci9e at home if they can't come ln that day. "You shouldn't go more than two days without a workout." Exercise can be boring, so Charlotte recommends turning on the radio or phonograph. Mu&c while you workout can be motivating. "We have a coed weight room and a ladies Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Moore Moore-Hubbard Newport Cent.er United Melhodiat Chl,.IJ'Ch was setting for the wedding of Eleanor Hubbard and Daniel C. Moore Jr., both of Corona del Mar. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hubbard of Corona del Mar. She graduated from Corona del Mar High School and Oniverslty of ;rexaa at Austin. The brideooom. '°" of Mr. and Mn. Daniel c. Moore of Bethesda, Md., attend• Chapman College ln <>ranee and la employed by Viking Value Inc. The new Mrs. Moore works for, Sden~fic Drtllinc ContNJa, Irvine. The newlyweda live ln Corona del Mar. Jones-Marshall weight room. Some women are intimidated by working out with men while others are motivated by the competition." Also fashion -the new exercise wear plays a great part in motivation. "Five years ago we sa_w only black or blue leotards and tights. Now everyone seems to have two or three outfits in bright colors and stripes with matching leg warmers. If you look good you feel more like exercising." THE COSMETIC DEPARTMENT of Nordstrom, South Coast Plaza, will sponsor a · series of Eli7.abeth Arden Advanced Red Door beauty workshops July 12 through July 16. Hours are 1 to 7 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday and 10 a.m. to 4:45 Wednesday. Thursday d1ld Friday. • The classes will provide individualized instruction on skin care and makeup. Admission ~ $10 and will be credited toward any Eli7.abeth Arden purchase. Further information available , by calling 549-8300. A FASHION SEMINAR, "Wardrobe Basics to Build Upon", will be conducted at 11:30 a.m. July 13 in the Individualist Sportswear• Department of Nordstrom, South Coast Plaz.a.'• Joan Bennett, blouse buyer, will coordinate the event which also features informal modeling and ' refn!Shments. ~ MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION ofi• Orange County will hold a Summer Serenade July 15 in the California Scenario Sculpture11 Garden at South Coast Plaza Town Cent.er. The fund-raiser will begin with a no-host cock1ail .i hour at 6:30 p.m. followed by a buffet and'• dancing at 7:30 p.m. Reservations may be made -i by calling the as:sociation at 547 • 7559. , SAN JOAQUIN GUILD RIO (Rehabilitation . Institute of Orange County) will hold ita flnt 1 fund-raiser July 15. A black-tie gounnet dinnel' will mark the opening of the Hans J>raa-Rlt& Res1aurant in Fashion Island and at the aeme time benefit RIO. Marianne Gamer 673-8080 and Barbera Campbell 673-1763 are co--c~ the event. Gale La~ is reservations chalnnAn. Oranae County Premiere Committee of the AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION wU1 hold a chili cookoff July 18 at 6 p.m. at Tbne Arch Bay Clu~. Souch La,una. Mr. Md Mra. Richard Cumby are hoata for the invitational event. , IRVINE HISTORICAL 'IOCIETY haa 1eheduled a July 11 ''Picnic from the P•" a& aM Irvine Hiltorical M\m\111\, The 8:30 pJD. f\md. railer will feature a pk:nJc bllbt diriner pkll a bakln1 auction. Gu"u ma1 ~·r oa;~ lndkatlve of a pk:nJc on the llr'llarte. m.. l . Delphi Belllftler, 133-1408, ot Ann , 8&l·IH2 may be called for"'*-. Olsen enterta ins at kick.off for MS fund -raiser By VIDA DEAN OfttleO...,,._.I .... BENEFIT KICltOFF: A group of Oran1e County's top bualneumen joined Richard P . Hausman for cocktail.a In his Irvine offices to klcko~f fund-raising patron duties for the Multiple Sclerosis Soclety's Sept. 26 benefit. The tempo waa kept light with specia1 guests Merlin Olsen, actor/sports commentator and comedian Tom Dreesen, speeches and stand-up routines, but the emphasis was on ti<'fet selling for the tund-raiser. The group is planning to put ''fun" back into fund-raising with a tum of the century garden party at the Newporter. The event, partially underwritten by the Newporter, will include mimes, artists, handwriting analysts, cocktails, buffet dancing and a presentation of the American Designer Collection from Sak's Fifth Avenue. Benefit patrons attending the kickoff included Gavin Herbert, Newporter President J oe Woodard, Kae Ewing, Bill Flicker. Bob Guggenheim, Edward Schumacher, Dennis Campbell and actor Dennis Burkley. Also Bob Warmington, Gary Burrill, Harry Johnson, Harry Karsten, Robert Little, John Parker, Larry Stone and Bill Voit. GALA EVENT: The Orange County Chapter of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge had all of the ingredients for a great party - fashions, food.'music and sunshine. The event co-chaired by Mrs. Richard Hawkins of Newport Beach and Mrs. Herbert Str06Chein n of Santa Ana was held in the lovely g14rden at the estate of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kurzet of Orange. Three Newport Beach members, Jennifer Severson, Marissa Wayne and Jeri Hawkins, joined professional models and members of the USC basketball team in the parade of fashions. Music was provided by The Maestros. After the s how and dinner guests danced to tunes from the big band era. Pilar Wayne. Virginia and Paul Bender, Carol Blanchard. State Senator and Mrs. John Schmitz, the J ohn Seversons and Mr. and Mrs. King Burstein were among the almost 400 in attendance. Proceeds from the event will help send students to Valley Forge, Pa. for seminars and workshops. Freedoms Foundation is a non-profit, non-p olitical organization pro m o t ing Americanism and preserving and perpetuating the principles in America's Freedom documents. LIVELY PARTY: ''The party was one of our best and a lot of people were enjoying the music and dancing," Carol Westling said of the annual cocktail party hosted by Balboa Cpmmittee of the Or~ County Philharmonic Society. And she gives part of the credit to the lively Dixieland music by ''The Oversextef' and the lovely setting, the bayfront home of the Merlin Nortons, which was originally the Hoag home. The band. remember the name, is composed of seven Newport Beach doctors. Three hundred members and guest attended and the proceeds help s upport free youth concerts, youth music enrichment programs and the Music Mobile. The party was under the direction of Mrs. Winton Ashton. chairman, and Mmes. William Schmidt and Robert Stewart. BENEFIT STARS: Rich Little will headline St. Joseph Hospital's 10th annual benefit dinner on Oct. 2 in the Grand Ballroom of the Disneyland Hotel. Singer Abbe Lane will also be featured during the evening, according to Keith Renken of Costa Mesa, chairman of the benefit committee. Sponsors for the event which will benefit the expansion of the Orange H ospital's outpatient surgicenter, hail from all over Orange County. 95TH BIRTHDAY: Harriette Peame Bryson recently celebrated her 95th birthday. For 43 years the celebrant served as a good will ambassador for Sparkletts Drinking water in the public relations department. She currently resides at Leisure World. Laguna Hills, but retirement has hardly slowed her down. She is a member of the Soroptomist Club, PEO, F orum Club. Foreign Policy Association and the Republican Club. Harriette, as everyone affectionately calls the peppery Mrs. Bryson, continues to attend each of the SparkleU.s Pioneer (retiree) events and has plans to be at the summer party Aug. 20 at Pike's Verdugo Oaks restaurant In Glendale. She is the Pioneer's oldest member. "l like to keep busy," she explains. ANNIVERSAR Y PARTY: Huntington Beach native Boyd Davis and the former Ruby ·' r. a very special boutique for children at ~a Wes tport ~-4 .· 1p Square ?l\l~·· sll .. i s~~ starts Monday, July 12 at 9:30 P.S. w,. now carry ai•e• 7-14 alonA with our infant• and toddl•r• Aift• and 1ty l•• •.. ,,....,_._....,,. • BENEFIT PLAN~ERS -Cocktail party host Dick Hausman, right, with Merlin Olien and Rick Livingston, left, manager of Saks Fifth Avenue, South Coast Plaza. TAKING A CHANCE -Helen and George Conaway of Irvine t.ake ~ chance on a prize as they purchase their tlcketa !rom Merrie Stroechein at the garden party sponsored by the Freedom Foundation Oran1e County Chapter. Bastille Day fund-raiser to battle Multiple Sclerosis In 1789, they stormed the state prison In Paris in an attack against the tyranny of the French king. On July 14. 1982 a group of Orange Countians will attack the tyranny of Multiple Sclerosis with a Bastille Day fund-raiser at La Cuisine of Newport. Forty percent of the funds raised at the black tie event will be used for research while the remainder stays in the community to provide necessary services for MS people In Orange County. "It will be a 'Jewel of an Evening'," according to Kitty Leslie, who is chairin~ the second annual affair. The red carpet treatment will be given guests as they a rrive at 6:30 p.m. and are greeted by .rotating arc lights and soldiers attired in Napoleonic uniforms. Following the cocktail hour guests will dine at pink draped tables from a menu of French dishes personally selected by w11tia.m" Dillcenzo of La Cuisine. For starters, there are four typet of cav- ier served with vodka. Guests will continue with royal de coquille St. Jacques and sorbet de petales de roees. Then there's a choice of escalope de veau Cynthia or Whiteflah aux Juliennes des legumes; poire et chevre, salade de ria de veau and an assortment of pastries -guests will get to try at least four. Each coul'8e will be served with appropriate wines. And if that's not enough for a grand celebration the fund-railer will be hlshllghted with a collection of Neiman-Marcus' sparkling f ashlons. -. Supporting the MS Society, Orange County Chapter, in its efforts to present th is unforgettable evening are diamond patrons: Messrs. and Mmes. Robert Gray. Alexander Bowie, Charles Hester, Alan Rypinski, Richard Allen, Glen Stillwell, Robert Guggenheim and Richard Hausman and Zelma Allred, American Airline. Discenza. Neiman-Marcus and Douglas Oil. Emerald Patrons are Messrs. and Mmes. J . Robert Meserve, Harold Muckenthaler. Robert Peebles. J.M. Peters and Robert Novak, Dr. and Mrs. Stanley van den Noort and Congressman and Mrs. Robert Badham. Listed as Ruby patrons are Hodge L. Dolle Jr .. Robert Coulson, Connors, Coulson and Hoffman , Debbie Prell, Or. Stuart Cummings, Gary Burrill, Warren 0 . Fix. Dr. and Mrs. Irving Leopold, and Messrs. and Mmes. Arthur Zelin. Donald Palmquist, J oseph DeFranc:o. Wilham White. John O'Donnell. Charles Pou~r and Frederick W. Rohe. Female guests will receive a gift of Lys Bleu. a fragranc-e cr00ted by Prince H~nrt Pierre d'Orleans. eldest son of the Count of Pans. pretender to the French throne and male guests wlll be presented golden stick pins. Reservations are still available for the elegant affair and may be made by (:ailing 636-2171. I I , " r-' r.:-~ :~~ --,,,/A. •'\ Dellr Not l laff fltlotoe · GARDEN PARTY -Marilee Hawkins of Newport Beach was ~'0-chairman of the garden party held at the Orange estate of the Sta}lley Kurzets. Virginia Knott Bender, right. and the co-chairman chat at the affair attended by almost 400. ANNUAL BENEFIT -The bayfront home of Mr. anti ~. Merlin Norton provided the beautiful setting for th<.• benefit mc:k~il party hosted by the Balboa Committee of the Orange County Philharmonic Society. Pat Ashton. right. with husband Winton. and Roberta Schmidt, with husband William. were among th<.• 300 attending the annual affair Slate of Missouri were married June 25, 1932 in Santa Ana. They celebrated 50 years of marriage at a reception in the Fountain Valley Recreation and Cultural Center with 100 members of their family and friends Ruby and Boyd are members of the First United Methodist Church in Huntington Beach. where they reside. • Boyd was re tired from Getty Oil Company after 28 years of employment. He also worked for the Huntington Beach Union High School district for 15 years and was a volunteer fireman in Huntington Bcac·h for 15 years. He has retained membership in the Masonic Order for 45 vears. She designs wear From Page Cl Brooks then returned to Los Angeles where s h e w orked with Francis Ford Coppola in "Finnigan's Rainbow" and danced In television specials and series shows with Elvis Presley. Fred Astaire. Andy Williams, Jonathan Winters. Petula Clark. George Chakiris and George Hamilton. -for • • exerc1s1ng 1s l'UI rt•ntly in thl' pnx.·,·s.' ol t'SUib hshing J d~.n{'(' "tudio · Shl' ships to sto~ at-ross lhc· United States and Canada. l-ondun. Pans. the-W{'St lnd1t'S ;md Japan. Brooks produ(:t's adult. l·hddr<.'n's and q ueen-size lines. ls1ws 2 to 48) lndudlng ught.s. leg warmers. leotards. unit.ards (full suit), slacks, ~hpur pants, rip stop pants and shorts. lap/ tehnis slurts and four stvles or basic· shorts. The fashions c'Omc in brifi{ht solids and Slnpt'S of red, blue. purple. aqua, fuchsia and blal·k and white stripes . Ruby. along with Boyd. assisted in the rearing of their two sons. Gary of Irvine and Lester. now deceased. while maintaining a career in the Snack Bar at Orange Coast College for 20 years. She has been a member of Rebekah Lodg~ for -15 years. · In 1972 she began designing leotards and dance pants for herself. At the same time she ra-eived her credentials to teach college danc.-e. She taught modem. jazz a nd disco dancing when diS(.'O was just be<."Oming popular. In the classes h er attire drew s uc.:h compliments that five years later she started designing for others. In the garage of her Laguna Beach home she was designing. cutting and sewing. Piecl's l'an be mix<.'<i and,matcht.>d a nd are so vt•1"S<.1t1k vou l'Ould ltvt· in them. Somt> can ~ouble ' as swimwc<ir or l'ombint-d with skirts and pants for day wear and dr<.'SSy t•vening wear. The Davises are the grandparents of Deanna and Julie Davis and Debbie James and the great-grandparents of Robin James. 1932-1982 -AUred a nd Gertrude Buckman. who met In 1929 when they were both undergraduates at UCLA. and were married June 19. 1932. celebrated their 50th anniversary at a dinner dance in Leisure World Clubhouse II. The Buckmans exchanged vows in Los Ange les and were longtime residenls of West Los Angeles before moving to Leisure World in 1977. YOUR PRECIOUS JEWELRY MAY BE WORTH MORE ·THAN YOU THINK let u. Appr.UM tt For You AaWeH8Vea.., Ootf1Q For 110 y_,., •Nt llltlllU roa row ClNHATIONI ..... MU••tn-ml From this meager beginning Stevi Brooks Dancewear has evolved into a fashion line of 55 styles, a retail store in Beverly Hills and a factory in the garment district of Los Angeles. where she ---·'='- Her fall line whic:h should be ap-pearmg in slort.'S thl' last of this month will mclud~ polka" dots and checks and gray hcathertones. "l want to appeal. not just to t he professional dant'l'r. but lO the everyday working person who wanL" to stay m shape." ·. "'-_ ..... ____ ,..._ ____ i!O!!IFl•S ..,.,.:po_ , Edmonds-Wichner Mr. and Mre. Don W&chner of Hun~ huh lftnounce the •1!1.•1•m1nt of tfi1lr da~. ow.. to Tony ~ IOft o( Mn. Peter lchnondl of Sydney, AuttraliL Diane, 1 IJ'aduate of 0..anp Co.at Collen. and her flance met when he wu auendlna iM World Llft11Ylna Conart. which ~-held ln Newport Belch ln 1978. ln Australia Tony la aqualkl direcior for Sydney'• northem bNchel and he 1ervet u prel!dent of the Auatral'4n " Profellional Llfquardl Alloclauon. The weddlna II belnl planned for Aua. 28 tn ' Kuntfn1ton Beach'• Ffrat United Metnodl1t Mi,s., Donaldson and Mr. Parks ~brks-Donaldson ;~ A Sept. 4 wedding at Lake Mission Viejo ls pknned by Wendy Donaldson and Bradley PaJks. • ~~: The bride-elect l.s the daughter of F.dgar and ~jorie Donaldson of Sydney. Australia, and hf!f fiance is the son of Larrie and Dr. Bill Parks of South Laguna. : , · The couple met when he was in Australia ~tidpating in a wheelchair tennis exhibition in 1980. : She was graduated from Presbyterian Lal:iies' College and Cumberland College of Health Sciences. The future bridegroom's schoola are Dana Hills High and UC Santa Barbara. C~urch. . ( . Parrett-0' Brien The enaapment of Sharon FJlee~ O'Brien to James Robert Parrett la announc:ed by her paren\I, Dr. and Mn. Michael Patrick O'Brien of Newport Beach. . Parrett graduated from San Diego State University and la now attending Western Slate . Colle1e of Law. Hls parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Parrett of San Diego. Mias O'Brien 1raduated from Newport Harbor High and at UCLA 1he affiliated with Kappa Kappa Gamma. An Augwit wedding in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church. Newport Beach, is planned . People all along the Orange Coast rely on the lilly Pllat642-4321 Our Biggest earance A selection of shoes for the entire family. Don't miss outl .Save 33% to aetectlon of ~ styled shoes 60% Check out IN vllluM on.,.. Incredible 0 f0t IN whole flfl'lly. Flt ev«yone Wld wmk INlflY wlttl big aevtnga. baoseout 3 • 99 Ck>leout 7 • 99 ~rig. priced 8.99-'10 Orig. priced •1s-•20 . . k10.-.1 5 o 99 Ckle-.t 9 • 99 Orig. priced 111-'17 . Orig. priced '21-'23 • Not en •tr'" end tine 1vall1ble. Cloe1~t 12 • 99 Orig. priced 12'4-'26 C._t 19 .. 99 Women's ctr.. heela. Orig. priced '36 . .. , Logan .Gerken Mr. and Mrs. WaJt1r 8 . Oerktin of Catone • del Mar announce the ona11ement of thelr : dauahter, ~th Linda Oerk•n, to Peter Burton Loaan. · Prior to iraduallng from Stanford University, Ml11 Gerken anend~ Bowdoin College, BruNwlck, Maine, and The Sorbonne. Paris, France. After r~lving an MBA from UCLA's Graduate School of Management In June. she will join Standard Oil of Califomla ln C:Oan FrancillCO. Logan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Donald Lo$(an Jr. of~Hantlngton. Long llland. 1raduated from Bowdoin College and received a law degree from Georgetown University. He la with the San Franciaco law firm of Bronaon. Bronson and Mt· Kinnon. The bride-elect's father i1 chairman of the board of Pacific Mutual Life lnsurance Co. He ls also chairman of the California Roundt.able, the Uniled Way or Los Angel<.>S and the board of trustees of Occidental College. An August wedding in Corona del Mar is planned. SALE Spring and Summer Clearance 40% to 50% Off Open Sun day , July 11th -12:00 to '5:00 M on. thru Sat . 10:00 t o ):.~O I 02 4 Bayside Drive Newport Beach 7 14-640-cmG We're back home ... and it~ great l l l Filaly, Bidwel's BidticJJe has moved back home. Come see cu beautN "new" st~e and al the excititg new clothes. I • ...... : .. ~­·. ;.. •• .. ~ .. ~ ~. l • • I : It's not Fifth Avenue, but visitors to Hong Kong can find comparable custom-made shoes for a fraction of the price at Shoeman Lau. Cost of Hong Kong tailoring .. is up, but still a bargain By J . HERBERT SILVERMAN ,.,..._ Tr8"1 Wri* More than a century ago, the warlords of China wore splendid uniforms made by the tailors of Hong Kong. Later, British sailors had their uniforms made to order by Hong Kong's craftsmen, with delivery guaranteed in 24 hours if their ships were to be in port for only a day. By the 1960s the Hong Kong suit and its fine tailoring (at prices as low as $50) was as much a tourist attraction as the bustling Hong Kong Harbour. These days, inflation has pushed the price of a top grade Hong Kong suit to around $200 and up, and it now takes three days to produce one, with several fittings. But the result, as seasoned travelers will tell you , is still a bargain. Comparable hand tailoring and the same fine British woolens used by Hong Kong's Jimmy Chen or Denis Sin will cost you as much as $700 stateside. What many visitors don't know , is that there are other fashion bargains to be found in China, handmade with the same speed and meticulous attention. Topping the list are custom-made shoes. Some of the best are crafted in the workrooms of Shoeman Lau Co., located in the lobby of the. Hong Kong Hyatt Hotel in Kowloon. are stitched without glue. They are usually ready for the customer within three days. L ike tailor Dennis Sin, Shu maintains thousands of files, recording the patterns created for each customer. Both keep voluminous workbooks illustrating CU1TI1nt style trends. In both cases, however, they have taken advantage of modem technology to 1nswer the fashion demands of their clients. For example , cus tomers who want a favorite pair of shoes reproduced can bring a color picture. After measuring the customer's foot, Shu will work from the instant picture, faithfully matching color, style, heel height. and vamp. The advantage of S hu's system? The first- time visitor to Hong Kmg can have favorite shoes duplicated on the ~pot without toting a sample from home. An4 once Shu has fitted your foot, you can siniply mail a clutch of pictures to him whenever you need or want new shoes, without returning t.o the colony. Shu and his wife, ,-\my, also will make a leather or suede jacket or a calfskin doublet for about $140. If a lizard or snakeskin belt is on your shopping list, the Shw will charge $20 for it. If you elect to have shoes made of alligator, lizard or ostrich skin, fhe price riaa to $150 - but these exotic m~eriala would fetch an astronomical sum in ~pe. A fitting at Shoeraan Lau's has a ceremonial ' Orange OOMt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Juty 11, 1HI In one of the most dramatic changes in the history of Las Vegas gaming, we've re-set virtually all of our slots to the most frequent pay-offs available in southern Nevada. All types. 'All denominations. Except the giant tacltpot machines. Simply stated, it means you can win more and play longer at the Frontier. So come stay with us and wear a winning.smile. Specta1 Roon1 Rate $17.$~ See the* l show in Las Vegas ~·-Superstars of Magic tn "Beyond Bellet' rBDITIBR Lii nm can now for reMn'Qttons-toll free (800) 634-6966 The owner, appropriately named Philip Shu, le ft Shanghai in 1949 when tt~e Communists took over the government. His shoes -a model of perfect fit -sell for $65, and See Hong Kong, Page C6 , r-~~~~~~~~__.~~~~.....,...~~~-:--::--~~~--i .... ~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~~- OCC wiH offer semester of Mexico in the spri~g Orange Coast College will offer a "S e mes te r Abroad in Mexico" program -featurini, nine weeks in Guadalajara, San Miguel de Allende and Cuernavaca -for the first time during the spring semester of 1983. Eustace Rojas, professor of Spanis h at OCC, will direct the 12 -to 18-unit program which includes the first nine weeks on campus and the second nine weeks in Mexico. "We'll have ample opportunity to visit Mexico City, and focus on ta history, culture and art," saJd Ro " . The approximate fee for he semester. which includes air fare, ood and lodging, transportation an lab fees, is $1.500. For more information call 8' 556-5929 o r OCC's Field S Departme nt at 556-5880. Tour of Farmers' Market slated next month A tour of Los Angeles' famed Farmers' Market will be offered by Orange Coast College's Community Service Office'on Aug. 3. A bus will l eave the O CC Auditorium parking lot at 9 a.m. and return at approximately 2:30 p.m. The excursion includes vi.s· to a variety of specialty s hops, i uding produce staUs, pastry sh o , meat markets .. gift sh ops, an r u•in t restaurants. Tickets, at $1 2, are on sa a t the Ticket Office. Celebrate Bastille D y· Vizie Ln French Independence Dny Wednesday Showley-Wrightson Al Fresco dining All French menu and wine For dining in or transporting to your maison Juillet 14 Featu ng a special fa ion show 11 :30 -1:30 ur la parade Cardillo avel Agency Accen ng French tr el tip!J I I I l" , • Orange Ooaat DAll.V PILOT/8undey, July 11, 1tll Cycles bi , tri and m'otor I' VICTORIA GRAHAM IH11l11•,.._..._ PEK.lNO -The altfftt of Pekin& are a pe.riloue ol»tacle rourae run by blcyt'l"'11, cart, bWIH, moLOrcyclea, h orse carte, pedlcal.lill, rollt1r ·1katctrt1 nr t perform~ra. !' ywalkers and old hobbUna worn n with boun feet. Anarchy rclana in the avenues of ~i. capluil city of nln million people armed wt th 3.2 million bkyclea, 160,000 motor vehlclea and 20,000 motorcycles. About 500 people dio every year In Pf'klns traffic. China says ll hl'B the world's wont accident record. Nlsht driving Is nightmarish because headll&hta are banned, lest they blind bicyclists l.n black on d imly lighted streets. It also is difri~ult to wpol a stray black mule h;iplessly wandertna;acl'Oll darkened Tienanment Square. Pollcerpen roar over megaphones, sometimes Q.U'alnc errant drivers and female pedestrians. :: Uorn-honking is con.sidered a survival technique. :-• : Recently Peking auth.orities tried LO bring • order out of cha06, demand politeness from po11ce · aod enforce a strict new set of traffic laws. But, despite propaganda and penalties, order comes slowly. Taming the traffic is part of a campaign to civilize and beautify the capital. Peking has new bicycle lanes with <.'Oncrete dividers, freshly painted crosswalks, new signs and more traffic Lights. In recent months the city has banned magicians. contortionis ts and other street performers who block traffic . It has prohibited roller skating and dancing in the street. on h11 bicycle whe n ht rode tn&o PelcJna to eeO broruN. After he turned hll poclU'ta lnilde out tor the minimal fine, the cop let him IO· notlna his num«' and commOne for a theoret{cal cht"Ck later Pe king alwuy1 hua had traffic laws, bl.lt they were frtoqut•ntly lgnon.'Cl. r Today. how vur , Chima knows the power of mau.~rla1 inwnllvoti. Fln<'I rangl' up w •17.66. ... 8kydl1t11 and pt'destrlan1 cun be h~Jd are causing 'perils <Df Peking' rftponalbl• tor their own lnJUrl• lf U-.y c:ut in front of a car or tall \0 crcm in the cr09lwaJk. Victlrna pr vioualy demand~ compenNdon In ln c rl'u•lnj amoun\1, oapeclally from fottlanen1. Forelsnen hav bt-en cxpell~ It they wurt' lnvolv~ In a fotaJ O'-'Cld nt with 1i1 Chlne.c, but th11t rould ch """· Th "ciw regulotlon1 '·urtall 1pted to 19 mph. Horn-honk!na I. bannt'd ln the C\!ntr I d lslrlct Crorn 10 p.rra. w ~ a.m. Daytime honklfli la Umlwd to thl'ft 1 halC·M'Ond bluta In 1uccet11lon. Driver and blcyc:Jl1t1 o\IO ore torbktd n '° t>at whit~ on the road. o common pr-"t~ The law now restrlcll one rldt•r t.O a bike -no more mother, !other and baby on the handl bera - und no bicycle stunta. Polle alao are cracking down on lllesal blc-yc:le parking and now will impound a n llll'gal1y parkt-d btkt• unlll tht• o wner brings In nnolhl'r illl·Uull y purkt.-d bake SC)V ILT DLCrl I I N GRAY WH A LL KIL L I California gray whales. wh<>te extraor· dlnary migration is witnessed by mllllons of people along the West Coast' each year. are being massacred by the Russians to be fed to mink on fur fa rms In Siberia. Animal traffic. horse carts and mule wagons are banned from the central city during certain hours. The most important new tra ffic law bans jaywalking by the masses who cross anywhere they please and shout or scowl at the driver who narrowly misses them. Jay walking now is punishable by fines of 29 cents. Pedestrians must cross at crosswalks. Japan, the Soviet Union, Iceland and Norway Bitterly Oppose International Whaling Rules. Such commercial whaling is illegal under Lhe rules of the International Whaling Commis· s1on (IWC) because the gray whales. once driven to the brink of extinction, have been pro· tected for years. The Soviets have used a special aboriginal exemption. provided by the IWC to allow some traditional subsistence whaling by Eskimos. to get a quota of 179 gray whales annually. But almost all of the whales go into the stomachs of thousands of mink, no1 the small Eskimo population on the Siberian coast The mink pelts are sold profitably to the West for hard currency T he new laws, however. reflect a Confucian respc.'l·t for age and people over 70 suit may cross wherl' they please. P oliL'f' now are supposed to help old women across the street and not shout at old men with a cane m one hand and a chen shro birdcage an the other. About 5,000 police -thret.' llm<.•s the usual for<:c -and 2,000 army men and monitors line major strl'ClS to stop viola tors. deliver lectures and collect fines . 'Trucks wath loudspeake rs trumpet the new laws and banners proda1m: "Propagate the new traffic laws and strive to be J l'1v11izcd person." Loudspeakers also inform arriving tram ~ngers they must obey the law On the first day of the campaign. March 1. 43.234 v1olat1ons were recorded. On the se<.'Ond day. most blithely reverted to anarchy and violations shot up to 90,81 1. O n the third day. the violations dropped to 1,914 recorded, but the fines grew stiffer. Police also can raise tne fine for an argumentative violator. All over the city, pol1L·e and violators argued. Crowds gathe red to hear disputes whether the b1cyd1st without a beU sh ould 1mmed1ately go buy one. or a pc.•asant should be> hnL'Cl for not having b1t'y<:le brakes Demanding fmes on the• s pot, policemen frequ ently found themselves forc.·ed to dash about to make change. "Why don't you just forget ~bout it," asked one woman jaywalke r who was Clncd 29 cents. but didn't have the exact change. "Lmpossible," said the red-fac.'Cd man in blue and white. "The law's the law." P olice frequently s to p peasants w ith no money at all. like Gao Fu Chen. who had no bell .Hong Kong ta iloring From Page C5 touch . Only S hu h imse1f wiU measure your feet, carefully e xplaining 'that there 1s an average one-half am.·h difference in most people's foot length and that foot widths also vary. "Even insteps fluctuate an h eight." he e xp lams as he painstakingly trat'es the sole pattern on a sheet of w hite paper. The phot.o technique 1s also. preferred ~Y tailor Denis Sin. If you w ant a suat. ,acket. shirt or skirt duplicated or reproduced in another color . send him a color photo and he wall ma_t.ch the fabric and design t o yo ur on -file measureme nts. (A visit to Denis first, of course, if a necessity.) It's custom tailoring. long distance. Jimmy Ch e n , o n e o f the b est -known Chinese tailors. insists upon three fittings and makes frequent trips LO the United States LO update his fashion knowledge. Some shopping notes: First, it's a good idea to figure out a head of time exactly what you want. The more specific you are about style and cut. the easier at will be for a tailor to satisfy your requirements Secondly, the price of taalorang and the oost of the fabric should be quoted and agreed upon separate ly . H ong Kong's tailors carry an excellent range of woolens and silks as well as man-made fabr ics and the maker's name on the selvage guarantees quality. A price below Hong Kong's $400 (U.S. $80) may mean a poor fit and shoddy workmanship, reflecti~g the rising labor costs which have forced price increases. If your interest extends beyond fashion. Hong Kong crafts people offer a wide range of services, and on a more pracucal note. the Optical Shop Ltd. wilJ produce shatter -proof sun-glasses ground to your prescription overnight. Expect to pay Hong K o ng $300 (U .S . $60). N orma l prescription glasses. run about $2~ U.~. The fees include a comput.enzed eye examanataon. With your shopping List. walking shoes and photo8, Hong Kong's craftspeople are ready ~or you. tsut be forewarned: the ir charm and quality craftsmanship is habit-forming. J. Herbert Silverman is a freelance travel wrlrer JM in Dobt» Ferry. New York. Scentsible Adv ice Every Sunday ,, , ' Thousands of whales will suffer agonlzlng- and Illegal-deaths in the next year because Japan. the Soviet Union. Iceland and Norw11y have refused to comply with international treaty regula uons. If this defiance goes unanswered. the whale killers will destroy the hard-won conservation measures of the 197Q's and step up their ruthless massacre of the last o f the great whales We ask all concerned citizens to join in a campaign to pressure the whaling nations into ending this o bsolete industry of extermination They will stop only if strong economic pressure 1s brought to bear on them. The U.S. government 1s already warning that it will take action to reduce fishing rights in U.S. waters to the offending whaling nations. and there 1s a U.S law that allows President Reagan to embargo fish imports from those nations. You can help hit the whalers m their pocket· books-the only place they have any feeling-by refusing to purchase fish from Japan. Iceland and Norway. Together. those countries supply most of the fish sandwiches and fish fillets served in fast food restaurants. and much of the canned and frozen fish sold in markets. Ask your local fast food restaurants not to use fish from whaling nations The next time you buy fish at the super market. pass up any products from Japan. Iceland and Norway. President Reagan. m a message to the Inter· national Whaling Commission (IWC) last year. called for a moratorium on all commercial . whaling. explaining that. ~efforts in the past to regulate whaling have been tragically unsuccessful and species after species has been successively over exploited and reduced to pro tected status. It is time to recognize the errors of the past." J apan led a bloc of whaling nations to narrowly defeat the measure. which requires a three-quarters majority TREATIES DEFIED The whaling nations are a rrogantly rejecting international regulation of whaling in the face of near-universal opposition to the killing. The United Na1ions Conference on the Hu man Envi· ronment. meeting in Stockholm in 1972. called for a ten-year moratorium on a11 commercial whaling. The vote was 53 to 0. Instead, the whaling nations ignored the appeal and have massacred hundreds of thousands of whales since. In March 1981 . the treaty organiiatlon con· trolling trade in endangered species. the Conven· tion on International Trade in Endangered Species. voted 37 to 2 to place the sperm. fin and sei whales on the endangered list and to ban trade in the products of these species. Japan and Nor- way announced they would not comply. and Ice· land has even refused to ratify the 77-nation treaty. After the IWC decided to halt sperm whaling last July. with a vote of 25 to 1. Japan denounced the decision and is expected to defy 1t. Whale scientists have found that the sperm whale stocks were so decimated by the whalers thal even if there Is no killing. the sperm whale population will continue to decline for many yea rs because repro· duct ion has been crippled. The IWC also voted, without objection. to prohibit continued use of the cruel .. cold .. harpoon to kill more than ten tho usand of the small minke whales. This harpoon carries a ron·explosive head, so death is extended 11nd agonizing as each whale struggles against the huge barbs of the har poon while It bleeds to death But now the Japanese. Soviets. Icelanders and Norwegians say they wlll not adopt the more humane and faster· killing explosive harpoon because it "destroys too much meat." The barbaric cold harpoon would be outlawed under the humane kllllng laws of every clvnized nation If the large-brained sensitive whales were given those protections. Why are the great whales still hunted down so ruthlessly? Not for the products, for there are cheap. plentiful alternatives for all whale products. ranging from lubricating oll. cosmetics and margarine to steaks and tennis racket strings. The whalers persist In their deadly business because they want to provide employment for a few hundred workers for • few more yHrs. The In· dustry 11 virtually dead. Tonnage of whale meet .and 011 11 leas than ~3 of what It waa 20 years ago. when whaling was at Its peek. (Beck then, Japan had ttven vast fleets, each with • giant f ac· tory ahlp and more than • dortn c:1tc:her boats, roaming the ..... Today. jutt ont ftctory thlp with five catcher boata'Mlla from Jtpen, and only for half a yeer. Japlt*t whlllne 1Urvlvn only with mlllfve oowmmenc IUblldlet.) Thi powetfUI n.hlnt lndullrltt of Jtpln, lht SoYltt Onion, latlend end l"bw~ kMp lhllr pemtMntl In 1 hlrdllne, ,,.whltlnt poecutt dllpftethl ~..,..,,...,,The =tf M'lli't ........ ~ ~ ............ ~""""' ....... "'..,...,.le, 1,,...lltlftt .......... Seychelles government retaliated by seizing and confiscating a large J opanese tuna ship fishing ii· legally within the Seyc:helles' 200 mile zone. It is a tragedy whose flnal act-extinction-is now being played oul before our very eyes What will future generations say of us if we allow the ex1er mination or the great whales? WHAT SCIENTISTS SAY Whales have brains more complex than <tny species. including man We might communicate with them one day. learn the secrets of the sea- but only if they are saved from extinction. Carl Sagan writes in his best-selling book. Cosmo~· "There persists to this day a traffic in the dead bodies or whales Thtre are hu.mans who hunt and slaughter whales and ma rket the pro ducts for lipstick and indu~rial lubricant Many nations understand that the systematic murder of such intelligent creatures is monstrous, but the traffic cont!nues. promoted chiefly by Japan. Nor way and the Soviet Union. \Ne humans. as a species. are interested in communication with ex traterrestnal intelligence. Would not a good be· ginning be improved comm1.111cation with terres trial intelligence. with human beings or different cultures and languages. with \he great apes. with the dolphins. but particularly ~ith those intelligent masters of the deep, the grea~whales?" Sir Peter Scott. the great ~aturalist, states: "In light of our present knowledge of these magnifi· cent mammals, no civilised PfSOn can contem· plate whaling without re'Y\JlsiOfl and shame at 1he insensitivity of our own specif$. Whaling is an ar front to human dignity. a de~ment of human values and sensibility.'' JAPAN'S Bl CAMPAIG The Japanese government. wo r ng hand·in· hand with the whaling industry. is fie e resisting any cutbacks in the whale slaughter. Ja n's stra· tegy is to use extreme political and 1~01 mic pressure on anti-whaling nations. Ja1pan government officials are lobbying the Re an Administration heavily. seeking a pr•:>m1s that economic sanctions will not be imposed Japan's Illegal whaling. Against smeller nations. partlcul arly t se in the Third World. Japan has been using ra economic leverage to c rush opposition to allng. In 1978, when Panama called a moratorium n all commercial whaling at the IWC. the J apan government forced that small Lalin Arneric nation to withdraw the proposal and quit th whaling comm ission. As nme Magazin•! re .ed: "According to a diplomatic source. the J apa thre11tened to cancel a sugar deal worth $9.7 million to the Panamanians If the ban was pr home:· In 1980, after the island nation of the Sey chelles won IWC approval of a whale sanctua the Indian Ocean. the Japanese government threatened to cancel a fisheries development al program. When Seychelles President Albert Re resisted the Japanese pressure to stop sav Ing the wholes, Japan reneged on the agreement. The i~'il~~------- The whaling commission has demanded repeatedly that the Soviets explain 1he use or their gray whale kill. The Soviets have stone walled. and even have the gall 10 ask for a higher "aboriginal" quota. You can help save the gray wholes by w11ting to P1es1 ·.en1 Reagan and asking him to call for a zero 4uota on gray whales at this month's IWC meeting. Taken aback by such bravery. Japan backed down for awhile. but 1t ts now renewing its arm tw1st1ng. To its credit. the Seychelles con1anue to resist the pressure. A.her Jamaica Joined the whaling comm1ss1on 1n 1981 and led a strong con1ingent or Caribbean nations seeking an end 10 whaling. none-too subtle pressure about cancellatton of agricultural import contracts and development projects was exerted by Japan. The ln1ernational Whaling Commission will again vote on a moratorium proposal when 1t meets in England this month (July 19-24) Other member nations of the whaling com m1ss1on are now receiving visits from high·level Japanese delegations seeking to persuade them to support Japan on whaling. Many will receive "offers they can't refuse" unless concerned citiiens worldwide raise an outcry against J apan's o ut· rageous tactics. voa CAN HELP Please JOln the international conservation community in the battle to save the whales. The ootcry by concerned citizens has already won pro tections for the most critically endangered whales. Still. more than 14.000 whales will be chased down and harpooned this year. A concerted effort now can force the whaling nations to give up this ghastly slaughter. He re are some things you can do 1) Don't Buy Their Fish. Hit the fishing Indus· tries-which control the whalers-of Japan. Ice- land and Norway by refusing to buy their fish They ship hundreds of millions of dollars wort h to fast·food restaurants and supermarkets in the U.S Ask your local restaurants and markets not to use fish from the whaling nations. 2) Write to President Reagan. Thank him for his strong position against commercial whaling and urge him to resist the pressures of Japan. Ice· land and No rway. Ask him to invoke economic sanc- tions under U.S. law against those whaling nations violating international regulations. His address is: The White House, Washington. D.C. 20500. 3) Boycott all product. from Ja~n, the Soviet Union and l"lorway, the three leading whaling nations. Tell merchants why you are boy colling their products. 4) Send the coupon below for a save-the· whale• ~mphlet telling you more about the whales and whaling and what you can do to help Support our effort by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Save the Whales Campaign. For a donation of $15 or more. you will receive a beautiful six·color print of the sperm whales (as shown) or the humpback whales (in coupon) measuring 20 • ic 26" and suitable for framing. by renowned marine life artist Richard Ellis. If you believe in this effort. please be gener ous Remember: Extinction is the ultimate crime Extinction is forever. Funds contributed will be used to inform the public of the problems of whale survival and how to he lp end the killing. The Animal Welfare Institute is a non·profit. educational organization established In 1951 to reduce enlmal suffering and protect endangered species. We're proud of the way we manage con· trlbutions. A fully audited financial report Is avail· able upon written request to AWi or the N.Y. Board of Social Welfare. Albany, N.V. 12223. 1 Anlmal Welfme lnetltute. P.O. Box 3650, ashlngton1 D.C. 20007 11 want to help. PINN tend me more ln(orrnttlon eboul how I ca11 S.ve t I CJ EncloMd 11 my taJC·dtdUC'Obl 0 Pi.tM Mnd me the _ Spa """" • _ Humpbeck Whele print (II, or mGf'a 4onatlon). Pt.-make c:h«k ~ te llw A....,.. w.tt .. lrwtlt I I 11111111111 SUNDAY, JULY 11, 1012 REAL ESTATE STOCKS HOROSCOPE Alriaan actor Zalce• Molcae tells wh y he coul d not celebrate af tel" winning ., a Tony award. Page D6. I ·Yachtsmen's new tack: hu)ring wheel estate ' By ALMON LOCKABEY of IM Delly l'llot lleff Tired of being seasick? Or maybe just sick of the sea? Tired of being buffeted by wind and seas with no safe anchorage on a long dis tance cruise? Sleeping in wet clothes - if you steer at all. A lot o affluent yachtsmen who answer "affirmative" to the above questions are turning w "land cruising" in Class A motor homes. The word affluent applies as the average Class A motor home may cost upwards o{ $100,000 with all the "comforts" and more of a well found power or sail yacht. C l ass A motor h omes, measuring from 27 to 40 feet in length, are as different from the so-called camper or trailer as is a 40-foot yacht from a dinghy. and lowered from in1lde the coach. Large, com(ortAlble "pilot'• and co-pilot's" aeata affort a full view or the roadway fore and aft, and p osi"tlon gauges and o ther controls at the driver's fingertips. The interiors of most Claal A RVs are fully carpeted and are eq uipped w ith 1eparate generators and alternators to run h o use batteries for air- conditioning, Ughta, refrigerator, TV and radio. The coaches are also equipped with converters to AC electrical power aa well as plug-ins to land power at most RV parks. Revcon boasts that many of ita vehicle interiors are customized for use by pro fessional and industrial uaes or aa traveling blood banks and o ther medical transit services. There has been a decided upswing in inte r est in the ve hicles since the fuel crunch of a few years ago. One of the top manufacturers of Class A motor homes is in Fountain Valley. REVCON CHIEF -Ernest Kniesel says there has been a definite upswing in interest in deluxe motor homes in last five years. Some professional and industrial adaptations include mobile banks with automatic tellers, mobile sales displays, airport shuttle b uses, buses for the handica pped and even personnel su pp o r f o r Continge ncy Operauons for the military. The latter. complete with computers a nd computer operators. can be loaded onto a C-130 aircraft. Ernest Kniesel. president of Revcon's $20 million operation. says the firm doc-s not sell to the retail trade but through dealers located at such mobile h ome outlets as Traveland U.S.A. at Santa Ana Freeway and Sand Canyon Road in Irvine. A roach is powe red by either gasoline or diesel -the main d1frerence is in the $1 5.000 highe r price for the diesel powered models. The pm-c also 1s based on all the extras you want in a custom interior. Standard on many of these big coaches include C B radio. AM and FM radio, four- burner stoves with ovens fueled by propane or other LPG fuel. large re frigerator and freez.e r. wet bar and you name 1t. Revcon claims to be the only manufacturer to build coaches from the chassis up. Some other companies use bus or truck chassis. Trave la nd has d eale rs in almost every kind of recreational vehicle from trailers to virtually every Class A motor roach on the market. Revron claims to be the leader in modern chassis a nd body design, a long with cus tom interiors that include every convenie nce of a three-room cottage -and many more luxuries than the so-called "plush" yacht. Revcon showed a 40 percent increase in sales the past year and is now backlogged to the first of the year on its 27-30s and 33-foot models. Buyers have their choice of a large queen-sired bed or twin beds aft. The toilet facilities are more extensive than the ordinary "head" on a yacht, complete with shower anci tub bath and holding tank. On top of the wide steel chassis Revcon has put a cage of heavy- duty aluminum ribs and stringers like an aircraft fuselage. On top of this substructure are riveted s k i n panels with the same technique u sed on jumbo jetliners. The lower skin panels, as well as the nose and rear sections are molded fiberglass for a fine surface finish and resistance to corrosion. The roof and upper aide panels J Other sleeping fac1Jit1es can be obtained by convertible settees. • are lightweight aluminum which keeps the center of gravity low. Like yachts. the modem Class Revcon also features a built-in TV antenna which can be raised Do these giant vehicles require learning to drive all over a~ain? GOING UP -This Douglas Plaza office tower in Irvine Business Center is example of high-intensity structures built in recent years. New zoning is meant to recognize demand but regulate developme nt and associated traffic increases. Office towers ahead? Delayed rezoning adjusts to climate already set in Irvin e By GLENN SCOTI' O(tfleDellyNotltafl Irvine officials are curious whether more high-intensity office towers will soon go up in their prestigious commercial complex now that zoning rules have been relaxed. The rezoning process was a long and complicated matter that w as at least partly completed last month when the lrvine City Council adopted the new regulations. "It took longer than any of us ever envisioned," a relieved Larry Hogle. the city's community development director, said during a recent interviewt But the final adoptions came curiously at a tlme when new office development is not common, al least in most parts of Southern California. Some construction continues in Irvine, notably at Koll Cent.er Irvine ju.It off the San Dleao Freeway near Von Karman Avenue, where three new multi-atory 1tructuree are aoina up. -But H09le l8id he wonders whether the new l\ddellnes will be te9ted aoon in the Irvine Bu1lne11 Center, renamed from the Irvine IndUltlial Complex-Wert. Said ffosle: "From what we tee of the office OYel"IUpply in Southern California ... It'• hard to know how Iona office conatructlon can continue." Othen in the field ...... that the market toda1 I• not tncoura1ln1 for new off lee dewlOpmenll. But they •• ' the intent of the --will bl m9' lllW &hill d9mde when _....,. __ ,_ .... ..,,... .,. -.......... of ...... , ...,., ......................... llUt &hit 61 ... II a rtll1 ... ot ... ,..._. • &Mn market demand," said Ben Bartolotto, director of the Construction Industry Research Board in Los Angeles. He said office oversupply is a ahort-t.enn problem that will change as economic and demographic pressures cause a new demand for business space. On the local front, Irvine Company spokesman Jerry Collins said preaent inventories of offices should last from two to three years. A fter that, more will be needed. Added Collini: ''The rezoning wasn't to deal with current needs at all. It waa to adjust to a climate that was already set." Indeed, planners noted in extenaive reporq on the rezoning that market demanda in the region have evolved aubatantlally alnce the 1960s, when the county government fl.nt mned the land for 1oe101pece manw.cturt.na. ~ the property became mon expemtve and proximitia to freeways and John Wayne Airport became matt Val\4able, the kinda of ,_ Uo changed unW the complex bu become man and more an attncdw aetU.na for eo1 porate and re,ional he9dquarten. ~ that the oriClna1 l'Olld ~ wasn't int.net.a to handle IO many can. dty leaden added In the new ptOVtalonl that new developmenta ml.9l pey tor projle18 to upend thelu.l~ A formula for .....an1 eoeca, however, promtw to be allDalt • =at.cl • UM i.t of the relOftlnC, Ind off •Y another u mo.!l&tw wU1 be needed to find an equitable dudon. Meanwhile, Hop lakl ,..,.,._ will be waldUftl for new...,.._ ... •~ Gia. to ..., ...... whldMir she •• nt111 --rwwed tn..,_, I FROM CHASSIS UP -· Revcon <.·!aims to be thl' only manufacturer of Class A motor h omes to build tht• t·oa<:h<.'S from tht• <.•hassis up. Workman a t Fountain Valll'Y plant applif'S I mim bt•forl' th1· l·has:-1s in11v(·:-C1long I h1· assPmbl~· l11w t11 tx· topp1·cl with tht· -.t1•t•I. aluminum and I :tx·rgla~-. 1·0<11·h Negative, say the manufacturers. All such vehicles are equipped with full visibility, wraparound drive r compartments a nd full· mirro red re ar visibility. The vehicles are equipped with full power steering and power brakes. Main thing to remember in driving these coaches is to make reasonably wide turns. especially to the right. "Anchorages" in the fonn of RV parka are conveniently local.Cd throughout the United S tates and Canada. manv of lht·m equipped with l'lecti-1cal hookups. water supplies and facilities for e mptying holding tanks. Devotees of motor homes havt• formed clubs in various areas and s pe nd many hours and muny miles of caravaning to resor~ Owners of the Class A motor homes in many cases are wealthy retired persons. Some of the othe r m aJOr 11uilclc ·1-. of KV-. an· E,1·l'Ullve \\1th headquarter. in An .. ht•irn. Winm•bago. Foretravel. \I V6:Je, Rlut•b1rd. King's H1ghw<iy. P 1t'E' Arr u w . Sport~ l'.O at· h c. n J 1'.:xt·ahhur And r('mt>mber. yach•.smen , t ht•rC' 1s n t•vcr a nc('d for a I l' n g t h y a n d e x p <' n :> 1 \o e ··hauloul ·· RV serv1t't' <'l•nters are l1x:ated throughout th1· natiun where most serv1t·es l"an be oht<tmed with no more thdn a d<1;. ·, dl•lay on your cruise READY TO ROLL Tht> :~3-foot Revcon motor home, above, is ready to be delivered to dealer. Below. Maria Bernert inspects the t·arJ.>l'lt.'<i intt-rior and <.lrl'Cm\.-. ul ~ li1mf11rwbh.', long-distance cruise to an "anchorage" or recreational vehicle park. IRS • zeroes in on withholding Agents tracking employees who abusively file false forms THIN of acenta will vtait busine9let to aeek out. ~~ployeea who "abusively" file falae • withholdina forma, he said. A«ents went to about • 5,000 ftnnl in the diatrict lllltt yew. 'l'hcm found auilty ot filinc talae W-4 forms face penal• of '100. the director llici. n. IB8 ii prlnaarUy concerned with taxpayers Who ll1•1•ll1 clelm more than 14 w lthholdi•I ...._. RobertlOn Mid likely tafletl ....... who Wtplly claim to be eMmpt from wt~ or thole who claim 1 hJsh number wt&h no lillal bal6I. To qualify f« ~ ...mpdan..a ,..... mUll haw had no tax IWltll~ 1-,_. Md • npeet no tax Ulblllty dltl ,.... 'l'hlN .._ .... bl1,.......b1161farm 11ln,-. .. ,., , of .uow~ uh .... , ........... . ................ Orange Oout DAILY lltlLOT/lunday, July 111 1882 llllllClllJlllCll Here are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Fri.day, July 9. Data provided by Newport Secu ri ties Corp. . I ' . ,, ~I • r( ( ,•, " ..... 1 tllH 1 I Up~"O N\•ro AUii 1 au .. corp. ALI , 4"r. Ou,, AOOI • uo. u . ' an•u ' liter. IMd·O .. t • ' ....... ..... .., ... T A•••I .. • St. 8 AHr.Tller•I t •~er lftU, MO 10 .. ~ ..... ".~ • I I hnlr C)loon .. Co • II aiflJa. lno, lt'L I) ... 14Cf0f'W rd, tRIO• 1' "41 I~ .. , J~•· t ULO• IS Cal. I, I . Trvt t • 16 Copl atrano lk • 'l Cert (oroller CU L 1 Cervoi1 corp. c•t• 1t Cll•MPMh CNU 10 CUIHnt hnk • 21 ColeMn ., •• ll Cohata ~ •• • U C-roo, Joo. CllJIO 2' c .. prt. Cora CN'H 2' Co•lnCtoo CO"t U Cut-n llaot CU!ll lT Datapowr DNR It Dohtron DUI 29 Dalla 0&1'4• JO Downer s... DSJ. , I U CQ, Jno. H C )1 llP Mloro. lll'tl )3 lldoNldO knk lLDI H lloulu Corp Dill' )5 ltolut.lon Teoh -• )6 h eoyt , Ind. 37 , ...... , ''"· )8 "'"' uer.r. J9 Fluor Corp. •o lluorocerboft •1 t o.-14\hr t.. ll2 C•ntt• l Auto. Sii "" PAllR PLR ' " ... nu• QUA •J Oenera\ Tor•. OTC! .. Oolon v. "· OWH • •s Or••• v. Ho•o OMI •6 Nooltll Ind. '7 Nallonotlo" Hill •8 ffer lt•c• .... HITI I ! 19 Hooe HHlt~ HHCI 'i ~O l•vtrM Ina lMHU 5 I tope•lal '•t. ll'PI 5Z leronh , tnc. -~l ~;~ ~m~ Ul m: ... 55 "41Hf 'r•o. LAS. , • S6 Lion Country OU~ 51 LOI u .. ttoa LU C se Lutllor Mod LUTHU 59 llcCout Co•P· • 60 "•rou•1 s... MSL 6 1 Nloro 0.ftera l -62 14lGt"Ol••loon. M9CCA 6! Mo.-.hou1e lndaMU! 64 M51 0. ta Corp t HSI 65 #aLlonal Cd. #EC • 66 11u1l•• ,.ooa N&UO 67 MehOf\ ftah MEL• 68 ltevport Corp. MDI'• 69 9fevport C•el lfllE 70 lif••port Ph•r• JifW'H 71 New World Co• MON 11 Muoh 1r Kl!d.S MMSI 13 Odetlu ODEl ,, 0..1 .. oto•I OKNl 7S '•Glflo Solt n rsx 76 hr~rord Ptt.t r1rr ._ .. 11 Penn Pac. Corp PPAC i 18 ,,~.,. Hydro P.SUllf ~ 7q P•to lty Co. PDC • •" 80 Prtntront• PTWX• .-: 8' "••P•rt. Oen1. 1'PTG '• 82 tlB Indu.1trl•• Jt81 :• :: ;:~i::~o~~~:. :::: ,• 85 Sohav• 011 5£U 96 51 lleon Sy• St.e•• 87 .St heror•et 3LV • •, :: :~~~ ~~·~~I ~~~ 90 Standard t.o1. !TDL• 9l Standard Pao. srr • 91 Stt n1 Hydro. STC" 91 Sl<tdlo•, Inc. SW!I> 9' Syat.onettct -• .. )'} T•ci,nolo•t ""-t.T'M1tt• 96 r .. p-Stl• TEMP ~ ~ 91 Tr"•n•l•rl"• E• rsrc ~ 99 TR) lndu•t. TRTl •: 99 Ultr• '4•0lc•l - 100 Ultr••Y.Jl••t Ul.TR • 101 Yaltnela hn1' - • l02 Varco Int 'a. 'IJIC :I 10) VTll Co•o. VTllC f• IOI VCS Intl WC5l ~ 105 llTC, Inc. llAF : 106 Vent•• lntl. v11n * I 01 "••P•roorp VP • f 109 Vutoro DI~. Wl>Cl.. ; :~: ~~~~!~:d~o. ir . Vl3& • ! !; :;!:~! ~:~f' :rw • I 1 1 1 1 HIADQUUTIU l.OCUIOW ,.ooucu 11001 Prto•1Prtu I Ol·Ol•O'·Ot CMAllOI CU 'II •Y"' lllO • I fll .. I '"'0 ... ~.,. Mevporl .. H ft l••I•• ua1talo ...... t .... & .. .... , .... h l••lnt o.-.. ,. .. vforL loaoh ro•n•l11 V..11. Ct1ta Nooe ...... ,. '•11••'0• Newport' leaoh Son Jut n cu Ana~ela Al\oftela :::r:,.~.::•oh 8onte AH Alltltt l• Or•••• ~m:~~o!"eo" .. .,.. .. l haolt S.oh ••• Jrvl•• Attahele Coit.• .... a ••t• An• .. •oort kool\ T\latln Sent.a Ana Jr•ln• An1hel• :::r.":rt:••oh lr•ln• AIMl"•l• Ltcuna Mlcol Ana he le Tllotln S.nt• Ana Senti An• ~•..,Port. haoh lr•l"• lnahela Sant• 4.na .. Wpofl ltaoh t..ervno Hl 11• Orana• Nlulon Vie jo !Acuna Hilb lt"•ln• L11una Nll l• t..o• At .. ito• Co•t• "••• lr•ln• ftunt1. 8e•Ctl lr•ln• ~nt1 An• n.tl 1•rt.on Costa Mt•a llft"port. l•aah 'ul l •f"ton tr•ln• Coal• Meaa Slnta Ana Newport. haon Coau M••• lkw&>of"'t Be1eh Ane1'1t te l nal\•l• Anal'leta Mtwport. Stach S.nu •n• Anahtl• lfewport Beach lr•tne Santa Ana ll"•tn• Jfewpor"l 8•1Ch lr•tne W•wPOt't 81U Ct\ T\Jtl ln lu•n• rar1t Mtvport Beach Vt a ta S.nt-1 Ana Cotta Me11 San Cl•Mnt• Garden Oro•• Anaheta lrvtne l..l~·una Ml th. ,..wport 9e1cP!i Or1n1• tUorOOOllOUl•r .,. IOunt aq , a 17a, :::i:';J~·w-t:::i. o .. to1 lla1u11 "'" "61110 u o . • •hn . •••lrl •• ~·w~!.:·:m •. lan-111• ... ~, .. .. ,,,,., I U ll•ftt ~~:::.!·::.~::~. •••l lat.ate ln•tlt . lo0Un1 r11t toooa Ma1n•tlo t.•P• ord.•. Ht1. llood Ooor• .... , .. "'•ftlne loole prdt . lll•ln11 A IOH NI II torr 071. on1r. ff .. l\h ....... . llO\M b<.ll ldt•• ltUo A Toh. A Tun • ,.,.., '"PPIY .r,. Mtoroo,.oo•••or •••· lpeo. •l•o. •1•· lll•l~lf I lOOn lleot.~Y•·• awhoh•• tOo,.ow••• oount.t ft lltnkln& tteotronlca Coaput•r ar1. C:O.,.uttr dl•ploy t••· ttobl I llOMI Op.erat e ho1,u.111 Kt1,th ap11 Power Con• & lAa1r1 atnkln1 Mooltll Caro htmuftodllcno1l1 Prod 01 l pro4uotlon ~::: .. -::~1.~~~~1. Siver ••r•lc•• Irr. Soltftt.lt lo lrt•tru. Vlld ll r. park b ot Trao• lntra••nova C.t"•t •r •••I ••t•t.• 4 SMtrt.. .S.•tna• • lo•'-" Mtor'OOCMtputtr So•l•• S.•loonduct.or iic-U. li'dUat. P"OO••• •ch. .... d i '" 1.10 .. ., f.OO OTC .50 ·1' ntc u.JJI 'i''o Ott ,.oo .oo OTC , JO .to IUDAO , 16 '. 16 IUIOAO ),IS i ,6J MAllDAO .0 ,69 o~ 1«1 llO OTC IJ.00 ~ ::::: ,,::1 1':;1 MAllDAO , JI . JI OTC U.oo 10,00 OTC .ZS ,., OTc t.oo a.oo UllDAO 6.TS ~,00 :::: l~:a, ::i UllDAQ •• 50 1.50 HIDAO •.n •.n IUDAO 1,00 .t' IAllDAO J,OO m I:~ H.SOAO 9, 50 Otc 8.T5 HSOAO 1),TS OTC . 19 .. ~~~ 1:Z: !ITU S.lS OTC • 25 MAllDA.0 t. I) U S>AO 6.so ll.SOAQ 18.2S IASIAQ 1 .00 IA.SOAO .)1 OTC .OS IA9DAQ 6.11 H.SOAO 9.00 U.SOAQ 6.SO IAS>AO 2.00 O S>MI is.so IU IUO • 1} OTC ]. TS UI J.T5 OTC llQ OTC 1.6) RUQAO ), lj ;;~x .. ,. ID. TS 8.15 1 ).2S . 19 ,31 7.18 a.es .2s • 'I) 6.50 11.6) 1.00 . )I s:~i 9.00 6.2S l. I) lf,00 .09 •.oo 3, 75 1. lS 1.69 J.00 Dau e1't.ry teraln1h tSI l~. l) lil.6) foo1tlon1l ., ... otudy ITSI 11.6) 12.so '••t rood r••t•urant •&SO&O 1 l .1~ 11.1s Dru1 Dl •oo•ory WAS>IO 10.T5 10.6) t..eoor/Optlo• l':qulo. WA.SOIO 2).TS 1•.00 ::.::t~t~~·u,.. ln1tr. ::::g i:~ J:~ Dew. Co•puter Syat. .. a ••S>•O t.89 1.18 Ho•Olt•l dl•I · "1U U S>IO 2.13 2.lj tnro ,,.oee1a1n1 Pl"od lfAS>•O 6.-;o 7.00 Mr.:. CT Se1nnera NAS>&Q 41. 7S •. 7S Ello. 1n1t•. l •7J. WYSE 9, 7S 9, TS 011 l Cu U S>IO • 25 • 25 011 .. d Ou IAS>AO • 25 • 28 .soi.,. ff••t tnc '''· Ko•• Co"•tr11ct lon Coap1.1ter prtnt•r• Conort t• r1r•Pl10•1 Rttat \ rurnlt1.1r1 JoJtbl 8t•n ,,,.. &us. Ttltphon• !Sy1t. .2s 10.00 19.lS 1,1) 1. 61 I. T5 9.00 Ot l •nd C11 "'« lnte1r1t•d Ctr o 11obt le l'U)IMI Drtll1na tooh 6 •Cl· OTC 2.6) 2.2S U .SOAO 1. 00 1. I) .. m 2~:U 2U~ :t~~ t~f 111 COllp. Mo.1 con1truct ton NIS>CO •.OO ).H OTC J.SO J.50 WYU S.IJ •.TS VI .... r f'taOYl l du •&3040 Mf1 rab,..loated Prod. •&!DAO p,.oJ•ot. ..-. 1ortv•r-• otc Ptlrket.ln1 S.r•lO•• •&.!DAO Medtoa l ln•t.ru.enta •&.SD&O 01 l I cu n p. I d•. IUDlO Ch onln1 l 'ol Ull ''· IASl>AO 8.00 9. 75 llO 1. 75 . JI ).50 . •11 e.oo a.oo llO 1,75 • ) 1 J.50 . JI f'ount•ln: V1l ltf "4dloa1 lnet.r. OTC 1, 1) U .SOAO 7.lS OTC 11 .00 WTSI T. T5 •'-S>IO ICl , . \) 1.00 11.00 fr•lne tn1tntertn1 & Conat rut lt rt.on lankln1 Or•nge Ol l rtt ld t.oolt • •q. 6. TS .6) lrvlne l!h10 Areh1Plan&ln•tr1. A.n•h•' a •••~roe aeoo••rr HIDAO 1. 1) UC •.U ~:~l .. vport-h •Gh rr•ll ht to,...,.dlq: O. rden Oro•u fut Un #evport haob Santa Ana rountat,, fal. .. wport h1d1 rvllert.on 011 end Ooo uaAO • IJ • I) eo.pvttr "ontroll••• AH 10. IJ 10. IJ S..leoodUOlOf dfflOH UIDAO s.lS 5,00 lon•lnc Ull!AO t.U 2.U •eroap1oelMar1ne PrOd 01"C 1.so 1.1s 011 and au US>AQ 1.1s 1. 38 Auto Put• • Aoo. · SUI 12. I) 12.H . ,..l o.t• •·• 1-11~~ ·10. (O,U! • 9·11· I •It, (O, J6 • ··10· I -1•.o 11.to • •· o ' IC 0.09 14.? It• 1. I •IO,t J,Of l.S 1t. le I NC .so u.1 ll· 1-to 11C (0.091 • U•Jl•tl llC ,.,. •• , •• ,o ... , llO O," t. J II• l•f 1 : O:ff 1~,9 'f:sJ:e: llC O·l' •.• IO·JO•ll IC O, J ,f t•JO• I llO ,ti U.6 l·Jl•ll !!!! o.n 11.a 11-11.11 -'·'' ••• 1·)0·81 llC O, I) f.t IO•llell '° (o.n> • 6-10-•1 ·II, f 0." I). T lf·)l.81 llC (O.O)l • t•lD•lt tie 0.1: 11.1 11·)1·80 • 1·1 . t l .t 11.J!.tt • .I o.U II.ii 5•)1·tl .1 ,t (0,H ) • IZ·l l•tl IC 0.10 6.8 t•SO•ll 110 o.ot • J·ll·IZ • 6.0 (O.OZl • 6·)0•tl llC (O.lll llC z .oz • 1.6 •• •l).2 0.67 MC I.JO • ).6 .0.10 II() (0.0ll llC z.H • l.O 11.9io) • 2,1 l,fS) : u 2::l 11e 1 .•s • 3.2 o.~ • 12-11.11 1.9 11·)1-&0 11.a 11-11-t1 ,,.0 9·30·81 6. 7 11-11-81 1&.9 6°21.11 -10·] 1.11 1,6 9·)0-11 12-)1-91 -12.J•-81 U 1~:I:::~ z.6 11.za.11 u.& a.01.81 llC (O.U> 6-JO·ll llC • • 5·) l·U • 7.6 1.58 5.6 9·)0-91 llC (0.S6l -ll-J•-90 11C 0.16 25.I 12-)l·SI IC 0.69 9.t 12·)1·90 • •.1 .01 6-J0-11 IC 10.061 5·)1·81 11e o.o• T.e 9.Jo-81 11<: 10.1e1 s-11-10 • t.I O.J6 16.J 1·31•81 llC z.12 11.2 ,,.,1.t1 • z·e 0.)6 11.• 12·)1·11 • .s (0. )9) • ll·)l-90 • ),t 1.10 lk,5 9-J0-11 ·)0.8 (0.02) -6-30-11 • 6.T 1.J8 2.9 12.31.81 IC (2.0J) 12.31.11 llO 10.11) • 12-11-•1 • r.1 0.13 10.1 9-J0-8• • •.2 o.n tJ.o s.31.a1 ).) l.9S • 1.0 2.29 !IC • 1) 7.S l·21·U S.5 12-)1-91 90. I 6-JO-I 1 • I.I 0.09 • 1.' 1. )9 llC o. 15 -5.T0.16 • 12-)1-11 11,3 T-J•·S• 20.0 12-)1-10 51,6 •-J0-81 llC (O. U ) llC 0.02 • 1.1 o.92 s.~ IC 0.62 1.1 llC 1.•2 6.9 •c 0.01 25.0 •12.0 10. )01 NC (0.011 • 1.2 2.)0 • \,] 1 •]I llC (0.SSl • ), 11 . 22 tlC • OS • 2. 1 o. •9 7·)1-11 S·l t -81 )·l •-91 •2· J 1-81 •2-25·8• 9· )0·8 I 9-J0-90 ••••• 0.0) 75.0 12-)1-91 • 1,9 o." ... q 9·)0-91 MC L 161 6-JO-!I • 2.s s.ao J.9 •2-J1-11 • 1~ lUH :t~::t: • 1.11 .es s .6 12-11.s • . s~ : : ~~ ~J ~:Jt:; llO .11 2-29-91 1IC co. 691 2-29-92 llC 0.02 IS.~ 12°)1°40 llC (0.)0) 10-Jl-11 -11.6 9·!0-90 llC (0, 19) 6-J0-11 -1.• o.•5 •5.6 1-11-12 tlC 1.12 6.• •2-11-81 -12.9 2.01 l .• 12-11-81 110 (0.25) S-J!.91 · ·~ ·cUl1 1:1 .~:::::: IC 10.021 llC 1.01 10.0 • •.I (O.Ot ) IC .61 1.2 •16.1 o.u J.9 ·ZI. I (0. Ill • •• 1.92 •.2 10-11-11 6-J0-11 6-)0-8 1 12·), _,, 12·)1-90 )·)1-11 12.31.t 1 Investment Seminar 16,JU JS,UI ,,~e I,;., U,UI 9,511 0 a, 1•0,oiJ ,,,., '·" '· 1•• •1.u• 11,HJ 1,069 l ,•06 J00,6t4 .,,,,, '}·s~ ·'" ,Olf n,111 "·"l U;U, 19,101 t.•s6 6,ZI) ll, ,., 117 ,ooo ]6, 121 10,6)1 19,'99 10,ost ), 11, 12 ,HT :~::m '·ou:m )7, 106 120,891 ''·"9 H,100 •J,005 IJ,9Si •,2•s 20, T07 •.so• 169 z,t6l '·I" ::)ll ),Jtl I ,19S 11,su 91 1,0)) 99,U8 161 1,9 II 10, •50 55,HI 11),260 )8,90T 1,282 15,085 10, .. 2 I0, 762 .. m 18,91) J7 ,6T) T•,) 1) t ,Sll • .s 9 291 I 15,0)0 6•.sss 17 ,990 90,•SZ T. 19) 20. 197 5" a:m I, 19 .. IS9 l .. !17 11. ))6 89,011! n.Sl5 19, Th 5,5S6 5.US 65) ), 7 ll ), 22• 188 2J,•S8 26.180 19), T22 21,6)) 2,190 t1),9St •26 111 .129 n.010 111,76) ), t6Z 1,2•5 102,ltS • 1'2 '81 ·m 701 .m 1 ,z18 .159 ·1.m ·202 4)1 T 12 •,TSO s. •99 929 )19 ),209 119 '· )59 .715 9T 1,21• 1,66T s .... 10) ·2. T60 -26 9. 1•0 s. 107 -1, •90 652 606 619 68 Tl• -l .Ot~ 1)),116 -6•9 -1,811 ), )6D I ,U9 1,110 651 -·:m ·I ,669 ·25 .:m 1,999 22. )06 ·501 )18 .1 ,SS9 ·390 1, )6S ... .,. ',2•9 19• 1o:m \ Color Graph• Found to Increase Management Productivity The typlCel ••eol.ltlve today It In • 1tate of confllot. M0tt executive• ope<1t• on the premlM they IMfned In graduate bu1lneu echool: "more lnformetlon lttda to better declalont." Tht oomputtt ega hH oavffd a prollleratlon of . analyala but left the a>eeoullve wlthovt enough Um• to properly utlmllate auch. Recent rete,arch hH lhown that lnlormatlon In color graph form can aubttantlally reduce the eucvtlve't Hllmllatlon time and lncreaH their comprehen1lon of Information for decision making. The Warton Applied Rea .. rch Center at the Unlve r1lty o l Penn1ylvanla commlaaloned by the 3M Company to conduct research to determine If there were any differences In bualneaa meeting• between u11ng ov erhead tranaparenclet and a white board with felt tip pens. The llnds were: • 28% average savings In meeting rime e higher llkllhood of reaching a concensus e lhe presentor using the overhead transparencies waa thought of as more credible and professionally prepared. / lnfoGraphlcs Inc. of Newport Beach now otfera both an easy to use service and a compu1er system 10 facilHate Iha 1ransla11on of numerical Information into color g raph f orm f or bu siness presentations. The color graphs are available In hard copy taste printing, 35mm slides, and over head transparencies Both the tnfoGraph Service and the lntoGraph System are unique In lhat the computer software has "design intelhgenoe" This advancement automates the selection of which format (bars, ,pies. lines. surface graph, etc.) and which layout (horizontal and vertical grids. multiple graphs per page. elc.) best represents the data In an aesthel•c manner. You simple choose the colors and provide the data, tnf0Graph1cs does all the rest! There are two locattons for the lnloGraphlcs Service in Orange County lhe Graphics One store in Costa Mesa on Harbor Boulevard run by John and Chns Overend and the Graphics One store 1n Irvine on Sky Park Circle run by Carol and John Berg Drop by the· neKI time you need to make up a slide or overhead transparency presentation in a hurry Corporate Headquarters (7 14) 675-4385 REAL VALUES .. , .. , .. ... -~"' ., ,,. .. .... ..... ... ".- .. , ': , .. ...,, ""' ; ...... -_,..,,. .. ,,,.,,,. ' ... . .. ····-• .. 1J• .. ... , ..... .. ,, ... .. ,.-.. ...... ;,, .. ,. fl .-.. •' .... # .. ... , _ _.. 1.••- 11t1•" .... ,. A I tAJ• : ..... •tt 1.,•.-_,, , .... .(\. .... •""".at' .., .. , ... ~ • t .... •• 1'914 .. ····" ~·· ~· " ·--. •· ~ ...... ' ... ~ . ... , ... '''" . . .... . .. ~· -.. . . t·• •• o A Data pr ... nted In thla manner ts confusing, grey and unconvincing. fllNANCIAl HIGHLIGHTS lllVllllTOllY -.....__..... 1111111• 11 I In I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1 I ... •••. r1 11111111111111111 r I ' 1 -S O It O J , 1111 A M J J A S 0 , II 0 J , 1 M A M The Same data presented In the form of a color laser lnfoGraph Is visual. concise and easily understood . Visit one of our locations, leave your business card and we'll give you a FREE copy of 3M's book "HOW TO PRE SENT MORE EFFECTIVELY ANO WI N MORE FAVORABLE RESPONSES FROM MORE PEOPLE IN LESS TIME" 18017 Skypark Circle Suite G Irvine 545-1667 2000 Harbor Blvd. Suite A-114 Costa Mesa 631 -5577 on items from applesauce to zippers the Dl.llJ p·llal are advertised every day in ON THE Cable TV Industry JONES INTERCABLE, INC.' M 26 Spirited Reasons for $20,000,000 Mr. Richard G. Swanson, Vice President of Jones lntercable ~Securities, Inc., a subsidiary of Jones lntercable, Inc., will explain how you may invest i n cable TV systems. Cable TV Is an exciting , rapidly growing industry. Learn how you can participate. Minimum investment is $2,500. A prospectus will be available to you at the seminar. No charge. Refreshments will be served. To ensure your reservation, return the coupon today or call (714) 833-9704 (collect). One of a series of sem i nars sponsored by Satro & Co., lneorporated ........ -YOfll lloell ~.Inc:. And All OllW ~......._ea-.. DATE: ·TIME: Thursday, July 22 7:30 p.m. PLACE: South Coast Plaza Hotel Brtatof St., Cotta M- , Nancy Andrew Kathy Baskin Les~e Bush Katherine Cecala Sue Cocke Wendy Costelloe Jennifer Elk Nancy Fredrickson Margie George Bobbie Gilbert Calvin Gormick Deborah Gray Kathy Guarnacci H. Marc Johannes Mary Ann Koblentz James Lynch Scott McLauRhlin Richard K. McNabb TayMcNally Lou Ellen Moore Shannon Murphy Susan Peters Gerald Scarboro Anne Sowers Melanie Washa Martlyn Yankey In the spirit of teamwork. the Board of Directors wishes to acknowledge Pacific National Bank's most valuable asset. its dynamic employees. Because of your dili· gent work. tile bank was able to realize an outstanding $20 million in assets within just five months of opening. Thanks. and enjoy your well deserved weekend in Rancho Bernardo. Arthur 0. Axelrod W Scott Biddle William J. Bowers Jama G. Brakke Board of Dlrecton Robert M. Campbell Charles KnJckerboclcer Jama Lynch • Jules A. Marine Davtd S~ln U. T Thompson Ill Peter 1bwnsend --A New Scandafd In 8Ullnlll a.~ Pt. Surfside off ei-s seven· fl~or plans Anyone wanting a home that epitomizes Southern California need look no further than the new Pointe Surfside condominium commu nity rec.-ently opened in Huntington Beach. Offered in seven floor plans, the new homes are priced from $121,500, with financing available on 30-year fixed rate terms. The Pointe Surfside residences have been designed to let homeowners enjoy a lifestyle that makes the most of Indoor/outdoor living. Sea breezes maintain the mild climate of Huntington Beach year around. Created by the Robert F. Curtis Development Co., Inc., and James E. Rodgers, president of Westfield Development Company, Inc., Pointe Surfside Is a wate rscaped community of 102 condominiums. • Designs range from 954 to 1,425 square feet, with various plans featuring from one bedroom plus den to two bedrooms with den and loft. Model homes and the Point Surfside sales office, under the direction of J ohn Stuart, are open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 4682 Warner Avenue. Information may be obtained by phoning 840-1396. CLOSEV ESCR OWS H AVE passed the 100-home mark at Aliso Meadows, the 248-unit home community in L.aguna Hills, reports Terry Brennan, project manager for Aliso Meadows. Ltd., the developer. "Since we opened early last fall, we have moved in 108 buyers," Brennan noted. Prices start at $79,950 with an interest rate fixed for 30 years at 10.6 or l l.5 per cent, depending on the income of the buyer. Brennan added that the majority of buyers are young couples purchasing their first home . However, singles, single parents, and two singles also account for sizable numbers of buyers. Aliso Meadows was created as an affordable housing project by Fuqua Homes and Aliso Meadows. Ltd., working in conjunction with various governmental entities, including the Orange County Board of Supervisors, the Orange County Environmental Management Agency. the Orange County Housing Authority. and the California Coastal Commission. Sales are restricted to those with gross annual\ household income of less than $38,496. because the loans are government-assisted. All homes must be owner-occupied. Aliso Meadows offers two two-bedroom plans and one three-bedroom model. .The sales office and models are open daily, from 10 a.m. to dusk. Aliso Meadows may be reached by taking the Santa Ana or San Diego Freeway south to the Alicia Parkway off-ramp. (first exit past El Toro Road). turning right on Alicia and going southwest 14 miles to Via Lomas and the models. SUMMER HOMEBUYERS who are seeking a "little somethng extra" when they purchase their new home. will discover a pleasant bonus at Falcon Hill for two eelect homes where the front year landscaping has already been ins1alled. "Landscaping, particularly for the front yard, is always one of the first major expenses and time-consuming tasks that must be undertaken when you buy a new home," explained Robin Richards. project sales manager for this gate- guarded community of luxury single-family homes which is being developed in Laguna Hills by the Meister Company of Newport Beach. With the two landscaped homes priced at $215,500 and $264.400. other residences at Falcon Hill are available with prices starting at $214,750. Financing programs include a 30-year loan with a fixed rate of interest at 13 'I/a perc.-ent (14.25 percent annual percentage rate) as well as a 60130/10 plan which substantially reduces both the down payment and the qualifying requirements. Further information on both of these programs is available through the sales representatives. To visit this hilltop community in Laguna Hills, take the San Diego (lnterstate 5) Freeway to the La Paz Road exit and proceed south approximately three miles. then turn left at Charleton Drive to Falcon Hill. A sales center and models. decorated by Carole Eichen lntenors with landscaping by Land Concern, Ltd .. are open dally from IO a.m. to 5 p.m .. except Mondays when the hours are noon to 5 p.m. For further information. call 831-5380. County industrial parks chronicled Detailed information about major industrial parks in Orange County ls contained in a special report Issued by First American Title Insurance Company. Data about rates. inventory and other phases of 75 projects comprising more than five acres each is contained in the study, designed to help in planning lending, building and selling programs. Of 3,443 acres in the parks surveyed, 57 percent. or 1,964 acres, had been developed. Square footage totaled 14,831.462 of which 4,872,941 square feet were vacant. i "This is an Increase of 1,306,540 available square feet since our last atudy released in May 1981." said Robert Patterson, director of commerclal-Lnduatrial sales at First American. Wan t more business? Your advertisement will make a difference in a .. ,, , Otd&J, Comm• Au•u•t 1 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 11, 1882 WINNER -This formal library and living room of the J .M. Peters Company's Belcourt Hill development in Newport Beach won first place in the recent Gold Nugget competition. Newport builder grand prize • WIDS I The J .M. Peters Company of Newport Beach was presented with the grand award for "Best Single-Family Detached Home of the Year" at the Gold Nugget award ceremon y in San Francisco recently . The competition was ~!sponsored by the Pacific Co st Builders Co nferen ce a d Builder magazine. In addition. Peters won three first place and four merit awards for Chantemar. the firm 's single-family detached home development In Scripps Ranch, and Belcourt Hill. J.M. Peters exclusive view-orie nted condominium community located atop the intersection of Ford and Plan 104, the Biarritz, a one-story Jamboree Roads in Newport -four-bedroom home, also won Beach. merit awards for best single- The grand award went t o family detached home over 3.000 C hantemar's Plan 103. the square feet. Avallon. a two-bedroom -plus den Chantemar also .-:von th~ first residence, whose highlights place honor for best sing.1.e- include cathedral ceilings in family detached development. nearly every room and a formal Plan. Four of B~lcourt Hill, living room w ith extensive w on first place in the bes t skylights a nd a triple set of attached home over 2.~00 square French doors leading to a large feet category . Th 1s home, backyard area. This home was ~f~ering 3.294 square feet of also cited as first place winner in laving area. 1s a two-story design the best single-family detached with three bedrooms and three- home -2,201 to 3,000 square and-one-half baths. On the entry feet category. level, the home features an Plan 214. the St. Croix. a two-elegant formal entertainment story. four-bedroom home, and area consisting of living and ,, Lender••Y• 'Ugly times' for housing "These are ugly times," commented James F Montgomery, the chairman of the board of Greft Western Financial Corp., "the ugliest any of us have ever seen." Speaking to the more than ~00 butldert who attended Walker & Lee, Inc.'a recent eighth annual Insight program. Montgomery further predicted In his keynote address, "Many In our two businesses won't survive this." Montgomery. who also is president and chief executive officer of the subsidiary Great Western Savings and Loan Association. the nation's largest federally chartered savings and loan a s sociation . re - counted several government MONTOOMIRY policies that have brought about this situation. Great Western and Walker & Lee are currently in tht! process of merging to become a full-service real estate organization, offering a full range of re._) estate sales. marketing and financial services. "We are in the midst of a deregulation process," said Mont~omery. referring to the savin~ and loan industry, "and frankly, it is being handled very badly." Congress started deregulation in the late 1970s, he explained. 'more than a decade aftet many industry leaders were advocating it. The process followed was first to loosen the con trols on liabilities. primarily the paying of market rate interest to savings customers, thee allow flexibility in managing liabilities, mostly mortgages. This Is the reverse of what the industry proposed. and became even more difficult to handlt when the prime rate exceeded 20 percent twice ir, thto past 18 months. "The combination of these events," said Montgomery, "has brought our industry to ill knees. The situation ranges from uncomfortable to untenable. depending on the institution and th~ area of the country involved " Great Western, h~ added. "is merely incomfortable--due to its sizef flexibility. and early introduction of variable rate mortgages. The building industry. too, faces many problems. rooted in the state bureaucratic actiont which s 1gn1ficantly slowed or halted the construction of new hous1 n~. dine • on caviar, travel first-class and, o course, live at Sea Ridge:' On The Bluff in Costa Mesa The finest things in life are mine be- cause I'm wonh it. That's why I prefer to live at Sea Ridge, a tasteful townhome community that appeals to my sense of style. Sea Ridge exudes elegance and hints of a sparkling social scene. Recreational fa- cil\ties include a huge heated swimmi~ pool with sprawling sun deck, whirl· pool spa and an open barbecue pit. And, it's only moments away from Fashion Island, the Newport Yacht Club and all the posh of Newport Beach. The chic interiors of these 2 and 3 bedroom homes consume your attention with vaulted ceilings, skylights, private atrium spas and heart-stopping views. But time is precious. So wait not, want not. For La Dolce Vita by the sea, sur- render to Sea Ridge. From $159,950 Salp Office ()pen daily 11 :00 a.m. till 6~00 p.m. Cloecd Pridaya - ' 2175 Pacific Avenue Costa Mesa, 9162 7 1714) 642-2757 • • • -· •• •• :-•• .: ;: •• •• ~ •• .. :~ •• •• ... ... ~ s NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS tllOU'IOlll l~llOI ......................... ". '"'"'· , ................ , ••• c•eec••Hfl ITOCJ hCllA ... H Utt lllNll'U 1• T•l llA .. Alllt l•HtNtf .. •, .. . : I i . 1 .. . . . . ~ l ' • ... Orange Cout OAILV Pll.OT /8und1Y, July 11, 1982 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE 1\iOUtl~'lltUUDI fU0 .. 011 U•t llllWYeU, MIOllllll, ,AC.,IC 'lll't IOUk HHOll HO (111(111114'100<1 ICllHOU 6111 H '0011 IY TMI llAJO ANO llUTIMlt • rises .. . ~ ' -I t • • • I \ . t ~ i • , ' • t ' . l I .. I • t I .. Orange OOUt DAILV PILOT/lundtV, Juty 11, 1111 Tony Award w·inner just a 'I like to act, ju t put me on the tage' By JAY SHARBUTT A1Df .... ,..., NEW YORK Zakcs Mokait:. A black trwrf with an lnfcctlouat Jaush. He waa born neur Johannesburg, South Africa, atrl'w up In u nation of rigid racial ~gregatlon, where "whlte-only'1 slain• summed up life. ' Twl'nty-flve years ago, he made enda m t playing tenor sax or bit parts In films. Then he waa introduced to Athol Fugard. a young white South African writer who "took me Into a whole different world.", That world now includes a Tony award, Broadway's top honor. He won It this month as best aupportlnl( actor in a play, Fugard's "Master Harold . . .and the Boys," a three-character drama about the corrosiveness of South Africa's apartheid policy on the human spirit. Mokae's award came for his performance as Sam, a wise, compassionate waiter and surrogate father of sorts for a troubled while youth whose parents own a seedy tearoom an Port Elizabeth, South Africa. When interviewed. the actor was fresh from a day off, fully recovered aft.er a certain amount of whoopee on lht> night h<' got the Tony and went Crom years of obscurity to nationally-televised limel!ght. MffRD-G(l.OWNYBI PreseRIS POLTERGEIST A SUVlN SPlll88'6 PnOIClioo A TOBE HOlfER film '?llUff6BST' StllY by STMI SPlll8ER6 Saeeq>lay by STMI SPlllBBl6, UIDWJ. &RAIS & MARI VICJlll "Well. today It'll back \0 work," he •YI· "That'• tho thins about the theater. lt never atope. It I aot an 0.Car,I'd be jumplns on 1 plane, goln(l to th Medl\Clrranean. laylng back Cor a while, for a '-'<>uple of weeks. "WT\h a Tony. you can't even set high because half the time you're worried you have to be ready for work tomorrow." ls this the belt.er system? Mokae, a short man with an expressive face, a 11l(lht paunch and glfl for playful mimickry, smiles. "f don't know," he says. "I'm a ham aetor. I like to act. Just put me on .. U}C.. stage." • Mokae has built a solid ~putatJon as a class actor over the years. His credita list five films, including "Darlh\g," television's "Staraky and Hut.ch," and before that, British TV. But the tube ls not the main event in his life. • "I'm basically a stage actor," says Mokae. who has trod the boards In Europe. regional theaters in America, and in New York, where he made his stage debut In the Sixties in Fugard's acclaimed "The Blood Knot." "Stage was pure accident," he says. "It's not something 1 planned." The accident happened when he met Fugard, his long-time friend and mentor. 5£lC' He's just. Page D.7 "1HE 'E.T.' or Al"llNATIOrt ••• A wonderful family film resounding with love and optlmlsm ... sweetness and utter charm." -Bruce Klrkl•nd, TC>ftONTO sur. 4'"'-..... Oireded by TlllE HOlfER 1-~-o ..... -,. .... -, ... -•• -.. -• .,...-.. -------.... ---=1A=·-~:-::::]A::11: Prldad by STMI SPlfl8fH6 nt fRAI MMSfWL :r• ... n ~.2w PLAYi~ OIWIM ..,_ .. , Ect<ilfOS C.-C-111 Edwl!OS SaOdlellltk Nit(, Or~ MJI •1-<llllM'-•19i.•bl9WI• 9794141 6815180 &370340 UA City CNnll 634 3911 DllHJ8Uttll H IHJ'llA i--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--t •coau•u ,..,.,,,.c-,, ~·· l•01 UTOM , ........ s-. )ti SllO UW.IM flllURlOll ,..,..,._0o ... 1n lo• 111•1119 900 H~ '1'1 lllU -11 ... ....,, st•~'" LUXURY THEATRES 1st Twe Mati11teSllowiRUONlYS212UnltnOthtrwist"8ted S 113r1H•r•l11fl6l63 .. 2553/~~.) S * FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES• ~~~~rt" '\7~-0 70mm ~:-::.~·" I 2:00 1:004:001:00 1;00 I 0:00.. ~ s.tl 1st Hour .. Eiiiif'B HARRISON FORD. 8L1Dll llUnlmlf m 12:00 2:30 l:CIO 7:3010:00 f ,• L r 1 •1 I •t \ ~ cotUllfU .... -EOWlfds Town (;enltl Edwlfft Woodlllclge C-StaOll;m Duvt In 7SI OU (714) HI 06SS t1141U91710 WllTlltllTlll UA Mall 1930S46 " •fiN"fox' is one of Clint Ea1twood'1 bett movit'I. It's fun-with leaping, vaulting, shooting, flyin8 11pedal effects." -JOEL Sl£CEL COOD MOR."'ll~'C AMERICA A8C·TV "'Firefox .' A s lick muscular thriller that combine• espionage with t!Cie nce fiction." -ROCEH £8£RT CHICAGO S(J~ TIMES ,, Ton} A ward winning actor Zakes Mokae poses outside the theater where he is Triumph .. A movie of toaring pleature1 that you hope will never end. To be aeen again and again ••. and trea1ured." E:r: THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL U'.M)l>U IJl&ll&.f'I lkXM( •• _.... ..... &.•••· .... - Now it is free to become one of us. stdrring in "Mascer Harold . . . and the Boys." *BARGAIN MATINIEl!S * Monday thru Saturday All Pertormane11 before 5:00 PM (Exc.,t S,.c111 E1191 .. 1111nt1 Ind Holid1y1) l ~ a.tlil.A(,.A M A 1 ~ Muooo 01 •01ec1on• LA MIRADA WAlK IN 994·2400 "ANNIE" tNI ___ ......... .. THI! 81!CRl!T OF NIMH" ------,., "POL TERGEl8T" <N I ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN "8TARTMK .. THI! WRATH OF KHAN" '°='~Y.:..T?::o (l'O) "ROCKY Ill" (N I IN 70fllM DOUY lffUO tll:ll. ___ ......... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI I( IN "THS tWON> ANO THS aoflCIMll" 1•1 ·------ IA<,UN A "AUTHORI AUTHOR" _____ ,.,.. (P'O) "8TARTRIK H: THI! WRATH OF KHAN" .,... DOUY tTIMO (PO) ----- "ROCKY Ill" ''"°' '"'--·--·"" foe1111y 01 Cono1ewooo 213/131·9110 I .. THI! 8ECRET OF NtMH" ·------1 101 ~~1.:J•I "0 .. IAH 2" tNI --.... "DINEA ''1t11 ,.,..,,, .......... _ "ntf IWOflO ANO THIE IOftCEMJI" c•1 ,.., ___ _ so . COAST WALK·IN Souln Coo1t Htwoy ot l rooctwor 49 .. 1514 flilJf ~A J.'A'1• BUENA PARK DRIVI I~ unc:~ .,,. Wetl Ol Cno" 121-4070 f' f _,. .. • A.,• LINCOLN DlllV f IN \11\COI" A•e .... ot l"O" 121-•010 CINtfllOUllO "~ TIRO&ltT" IHI -"HA WOl'llll" INI Clllf • ft SOUllO .. ll ... ~ ... LA HAiJRA :111:-.1 '" -·-·-ft ... ·--17M .. I ---...... OJ.I ANGE (1111\. I ·~ --I MDTMl-:-s ,_ "WAM.OMe Oii AT\.M'nl" !NI "ROCKY ftl" tN> --"··------- ''«. T ~ TH9 IXTltA· ~ITMAL"CNI "T"9 ... CM -.r ('II -""OCK W "OU HIGH" '"' :Btt ,, IOIJIC) --- uFM,OX"tN I -"MIGAl'otter !NI c .... ,. touolO s . • • • He's just a From Pa/I ~ Fuprd 11v1 him hla atart In 11No·Oood Friday,' the playwrt1ht'1 flrat work, •tuM ln 1968. lta premier-., Mokat' Nya. wun't • pul>llo one. It had to be done at a m mbort-only theater to atrcumvent South Africa'• racial lawa. "At that time, black11 couldn't be on at.age with w hltea -1 think Athol wu one of the flrat to do It -unleu It wu a club 1ltuatJon where you Invited people, you didn't pay at the door. ''You could get away with that," uy1 the actor. Mokae had no formal stage training. "You don't have that In South Africa~ it's for white folk.a, not black folk.a," he aaya, gently. It wasn't until London In the early Sixties that he really thought qi himself as an actor. That came during a time of great fn.>edom, of social revolution In England, of free-wheelin~ utirlcal shows hke "That Was the Week That Was' and "Beyond the Fringe" and, he adds, "a lot of drinking, too." It was film director John Schlesinger, who'd directed him in "Darling," who quietly took him to {Jsk for partying with such vigor. "He said, 'Why do you want to waste your time drinking? Go to school. go to school. Maybe you'll learn something.' " Thus chastlzcd, Mokae, who then and now regards himself as "more of a gut actor than anything else," a pplied for entry to the august Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. The school sent him a letter. "You know how the English are." he says. his brown eyes twinkling. He slips into tones of pure ~tonian. " 'Would you prepare two speeches. one ?wther mode rn , ont• rawthe r c lassical , ~akespeare. if you wall '" He prcsenwd h1mS<'lf at a darkened theater Jnd declaimed passages from "The Blood Knot" and Shakespeare, if you will.' " • During the latter, he ac:cidentally knocked over a chair, emitted an obscenity, inwardly sighed but ''lust t'Ontinued as though nothing had happened. l tfiought, 'Well, that's it.' " • To his surprise. he was admitted several months later to RADA. After that, 1t was onward ~d upward, slowly but surely. in the few available eples about for black men. In 1969, Mokae moved to the Unitt.>d States. 1'he actor. who jokingly calls himself "a hard- ~Psycho II' filming slated HOLLYWOOD (AP> -Jus t whe n you thought it was safe to go back into the shower - tJniversal is filming "Psycho Il," a sequel to Alfred fiitchtock's 1960 goth1c thriller. Anthony Perkins and Vera Miles. who starred lh the original feature. s tar in the new ve rsion. BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Classlc White with Palomino Leather. Electric Sun Roo f , A l l oys, S tereo-Ca ss ette. 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or 114· 645-1122. 70MM SIX-TRACK [J]IC*!f !!WmJ' PRESENTATION ._., __ ....,...0.-. ... •07M --O.-•S•1Ul ::-..... :.='s-:'~ -~-~:PH»t Sii SIM "l---l·-__ ... ,,,,,. __ eo.i ..... ~1111 ..,_............,.,,._ THIS SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY HIT! ''The most satisfyi.na film ol the year so far." ~ a.-,11•, LOIANGD.D n•a ''Extremely fanny.'' -Yl-1 ~. NIW YOU T1llD "One ol the year's surprlla!" -In lla4, Nl1J YH& IAILY "IWI NOW PLAYtNG ceeHmu~.,.....s.ouu -U..CllyCW-U•at11 Or1ngt Coat DAILY PILOT /8und1y, July 11, 1982 D7 'ham actor' Pay TV to show 'Pirates of Penzance' travt'lllna man" with no family to Uo him down, HOLL. YWOOO (AP) "Thl' Pirate• of •ttled down, or trlod to. five yRn qo by buylna a Pl·n~n<.'<'" wlll be gl vt'n a 1ncak preview on pay home 1n th• South rn CaUfornla commwlily of lclt•vlllon ''On('Urrcnt wilh IUI national rt!leuc to ln1lcwood. molfon picture thcaLOn next February. "But l really haven't bt>en back lhero much ," Ttw prl•n)Jt'rc. which will be on a pay-pcr·vlew h u "Afte I h 1 ba k Ea.s I bu11h1. wall be the fln1t tlmtt that u flnat·run movie pia;'a month la:er.',Ot l ere, WU C t n a hus bl-en roleuiwd 1lmultanC..'OUBly on pay tOlcvitlon. He went to the Weal Coast, of C..'OUrse, to aet a It will be a ontHJmo only showing on telcvlalon. piece of tho mm and TV action. No end of 1~ge The movie from UnlvPrsal Is baaed on Ja.eph act.on do that, hoping tog ta TV aerlea and at.ay In Pupp's hit New York Shaketpeare Fe1Uval stage ll five years, vowln~ to return to theater once produt tlon of Gilbert and Sulhvun'a 100-year-old they've atrUck It rlc . Few do, though, Mokae oper*~~ film stars Kevan Kime, Linda Ronstadt, concedes. "It depends what kind of actor you are," he Hex Smith. George ROSC' and Tony Azlto. says. "My background In is s ta ge, firs t and Eight more .... performt•rs have ~otton tlckct..s for foremost. . -;:======================~ "But some guys have had JUSt a shot or two in theater and gone out there, and once they get caught In a series, that's ll. They never know 1r they can act In a play again. "I know a lot of actors who've had a series and the~ come back to New York and really want to act. · His round face fllls with regret. "And they don't know how. Basically, they're terrified because TV and movies are so different. They're bits and ple<.-es. they say 'Roll' and 'Cut.' You never act from start to finish .'' An unassuming. down-to-earth man, Mokae seems puzzled when asked why, when he moved West. hl" picked Inglewood for his home. It's a nice town. but not exa(·tly the him and TV t"enler of Aml•raca. That's t!Xa('tly why he likt.'S it. he says. He explains that he's not muc:h for the Hollywood scx:1al ramble. "If you're going to make some mone~ and s tay out the-re. then you're really in trouble,· he says. "You havt· to hve wht•rl• the people" -civilians - "sw y. You have to i:>t' with the people." GORllm "A Heavyweight Hit! A Boxofflce Knockout!" ROCKY ID [Pol.. .... .... .. C..,.-... Cllll{fllllUMJ~~.......-.-... -·~._,.. NOW.PLAYING WA •..r•1•11Am WftlA llUW UA lilovm EOwns ~ C--V.. Twil ~ 0r ... 1n 990 4022 (714) '4to3" 130 Hto UHOU •CMTA mM L.-..a 11AC11 ._ ~Ta fdw.,. ·-~ c.sa a.... fdw ... °'*"' WtSI S40 74U 494 1$14 HU55·3 "I 3t3S CMTl..U -r-'313~1 l•-----1 .,.,._..,111 --.111--1 Ooen Delly 12 'Wed ruga luJI!• tf • r¥ 11AUTHOR, AUTHOR" 11DIVA" <R> "SWORD AND THE <R> SO CE REA" MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Tiie GqleCM °'"' ,.....,. •IO --•llauf"' ..... _,. ol ,,.,,. _,,ID..._ lly "'' ~ rn:J AU AOES~TTID ~a.-.. __ Al.L a m llHO • ,.u .. AECllYE 'WI llAI. ~ 'Wl MOTIOfl l'IC TUM OOOl ~NV 11110\A.ATIOll • They're the Hottest Thing• to Hit the Sand . . . Since the Sun! WCXXJY AU£N MIAFAA~W DSE FERRER JULJE Hf\GERTY Ta\JY l\(HRTS MMN STEENBUl\GEN Techn<olor' $••1t ,. ..... ,.._ ... , ................... ' .. • . ~\?·,: .• "Alrplan 11: Tht &.-quc;I," Paramount Picture'• followup to lta hit ICl't!Wball ~y. P ter Craves will bet back u the pUot, thil time ('Omtnandlng the world'11 flrat commC'rtial lunar shuttle. Lloyd Brldge11 also rcturN u the air controller. pulled out of 8 retirement home to sulde the apace craft LO a safe landing. Raymond Burr plays a judge, John Vernon la a paychlalrlst, Lauren<'<' Landon and Kent McCord are crewmen aboard the 1huttle and Jamee Noble playa an excitable priest. ' ... J . .. I• I••. "' o I •\'•,•j I> ... ,,.' • " • fil I ... >4,1 • J • •t f '\ •• .. .. """'"· ••• , ........... , ..... ~... ~ ".t- "' f ..... .,.,, .,.. • •• • •;r ; • -IJ ' ,.._.,. • ... J < • '• 1 • ' \ tufiYI • J '• If ;,o ... '° • I ~ f ... • f•., 'f1' • t ,• ... '.• y ,,. .. ,. ,. •• • ,, .• • 'r ' .. I .&if • I • .. • t •• ·~· .............. y'"~ 1·11 .. 1ri1a•..i• .. • •'It'.••,••••• """"' ..,,.. ..,,,,,_~,,.... ................ .......... a... I I I I 1 1 .. Orange Oout OAILV PILOT/Sunday, July 111 1912 along a good name D~R ANN l..ANOlmS: A while brwk l rPad o Yel"IM' or a poc; m In your rolumn about a falh ~r who wa pauJng hi iood nanw on to has 10n He· hoped the boy wuuld take good \'Ure of at »0 wh,>r1 HI!.: passed I\ on to HIS son the namt• would be qnsulhc..-d. I hof>" you \.'lln find at. bt"t.'aUI<' 1 havl' 11 W>t'<'iul tea.son for wonting to st.IC it In print ugain. 'fhank you, Ann. A FAITlWUL. NEBRASKA READER DE AR FAIT HFUL: The poe m you want Allll UllDllS 1ppeared In my column on May 20, 1978, and I a m 1leased to run It again. The author -Edgar A. Guest. YOUR NAME You got it from your father, 'twas the best be ad to give. And right gladly be bestowed It. It's yours, the Yt'hile you live. You m ay lose the watch be gave you and ~notber you may claim, But remember, when you're tempted, to be careful of his name. It was fair the day you got it, and a worthy aame to bear. When he took it from his father, there was no dishonor there. Through the years be proudly wore It, to bis father be was true, And tllat name was clean a nd spotless when he passed It on to you. Ob, there's much that he bas given that be \lalues not a t all. He bas watched you break your playthings in Uie days when you were small. KURT Mlun.L. :rltt.lllll ~ DAJl. Y 1:00, 3:15, 5,:45 l:GO. 10:15 (fl) WALT DISNEY'S "TRON" DAI\. Y 12:30. 2:".30, 4:30, 1:30. 1!30, 10:30 (PO) AL PACINO "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" DAILY 1:30, 3:45 l:GO, 1:15, 10:1$ (PQ) You have lo1t the knife he pve you and you've acattered many a aame, But you'll never hurl your father If you're cuef ut wltb hi• name. It I• your1 to wear forever, yours lo wur tbt> while you live, Voura, perha ps, 1om e dluant morning, to a nother boy to 1tve. And you'll smite 11 did your father -with a 11mllt-tha t all can share, If u <'le11n name and I\ l(OOd name you arn giving him to we1r. DEAR ANN LANDERS· I n •alin• l'Ombinc-d fumtlll'::. from previous m<Jrrwgc·i; havt• hu11l-1n problems. Whal can a woman do whc•n lwr husband won't c·oc.>rx;ruh•? Ht'<.'('ntly Lloyd's 11:1-yl•ur-old ::.011 movl'<.J 111 lo st:iy. L loyd f'l'fuscs to lrc.•ul my let.on agl·rs a11d has t>qually. Ht• says he hue.I no hand in raising has own bov (his wife was an t·har~l' of ham). therc·lof't• hl· t•an'l tell him what to do. Lloyd insists, ho~evt•r, that he can tell MY (•h1ldren what to do bt'<:aUNt.' he.• raast-d them for the last five yt•iu-s. I agree he should St•\ up rules for the t•htldrc·n bt'<.·auM.' he IS their fothc•r now But l also l)l·llt•vc.• lw should ll'l•at has uwn son thl' same way Sine<• they an• living undl'r the· same· roof. shouldn't the rules an(,i lhe low bt• dolt'<! out l'qually'> It M..'l'ms likl• my l'haldrl•n gc·t lhl' ruh.~ and his son gets the• love• What do you th111k'.' WILTED I N WISCONSIN DE AR WILTED: I think I see real trouble a head and hope you will take this problem to a professional counselor before your ma rriage blows up. AU the explosive ele ments a re present. Your husband knows be cannot tell bis own son what lo do Ill's too I ale>. so be refu~es to try. On the othe r hand, be CAN control your kids -which should m a ke yo u ve r r. happy. Ins t ead , you a r e complaining. Don t you realize that discipline is a special kind of love? Get with It, lady. DAILY 1:00, 4:50, 1:.45 "DRAGONSLA YER" (PG) DAILY 2:".l5, 1:30, 10:20 OOUIYtlYMO FM. MO, 1:15, 10-.- SAT-t~. 1:30, SM. f.'00 1:15. 10:30 1·dw.ird'> l I D O ........... ::~!!.'.~1: :,· ... : "[" 67 3-8350 MAN HAS M~ HIS MATCH HARRISON FORD &"'\Dir lfUlf""11 0 • ffli.1:15, .... IAT/IUN. 12:30,Z:AS 5:00, 1:11. t-.30 FRL l:IO IATISUH. t;OO, 4:90, t:M "DEAD MEN e DON'T WEAR PLAID" FM. 7:00, 10!45 (l"OI IATISUH. 3;00, 7:00, 10:4$ f'dw.ird<, t,AODL f HACK PLAZA ' ., .. , .. ::,;;:: .,,, : 581-5880 I • ...... 1:15, 4:55, 1:45 Pl.US .. OAllY ~ "THE ....... __ 4:11), 1:'0. •.ao ~ ,,,,. .. ,,___,_.:::,.~~==--r (PO) THING" 21as, t:41, 1~ 10mftl -I TilACK "IT AR TREK II ___ A_l_T'l-Vl_N ____ A 11.dty--epk-....-ol..,,...-+--.s-;r._M_T_f(<; ___ l<.._I. __ DOL8Y IT'IRIO HARRISON) THE WRATH OF INL .. RO revenee ~IE) "They're FORD KHAN" ~TION -.J!.11,.,,..A'O& here " m •~ 1~1 ~Tv..1 ,, .. IT~= :ct:,·n. :u"~ " POL TIROEllT sonc.RER ........... ~ ..... .,., POLTERGEIST DAILY 'lltS, I:*' l'M--. "'" tCtJO 4M. 1100. e:ao 8AT.-euN. t:il, ........ ' DAILY 2:11, 4:U, 7:M, 1:40 WAl.T Dt.-Y·t "TRON" DAk.' tl:IOi ~ 4;M, t:M. teJI, , .... '"• .. , ...... -=- Sagittarius: Tal~n ts spotlighted Monda)', July 11, U H ARJES (Man:h 2l·Aprll 19): Wht~ app«>a~ orlganully to b4t u kt~k will now boomerans In rour favor. Moon In your 1dtin t'Olnddes With 1111tl11tJVt'. ongl1tullly. 11u<.'t.'t.'lil!ful nt•w !lltJrt m 1ww dll'N'llon TAURUS (April :W Moy 20): Information thut had tx.~n wl\hht•ld h1 now re\tealro -you'll bt•nctll as n•sult You guln nwt'l'I." to wnttc•n mutt•rjul whlc:h. 1f 1>ropc•rly lnh·r·pr1•1t•d, l'Un lt.>ud 'lo pro(ltablt• t·ntt'l'PflSl' VlrJ<o 111111v1• plays in 1rnvur·wnt 1•<Jlt• GF.MI NI (M.1y :l I Junt' :wt 1''am1Jy m(•mlx·r scl'I> thl11~1> your way. Pn•ssurt•1> ar.t• l"l'nlllVl•d, tht•rt• will ht• 11-.1son to 1•t•l1•h nHt· Moon t•mphus1:; also 011 I r11·11<.ls . hop1•:-.. w 1shl'lo :ind fuv111 ublt· nt•w i. (.'ANCl<:R (June· i i-July 22): Wh<il appN11'1> lV bl• .i rl'Jl'<'l11>11 "nwrdy u lt'anporury dt•l<iy Know 1l. .ivu1d h1 oudang Takt• udv;rnlJgt-of l'Xt1 J unw to n •Vll'W, rt•VIM.· und J>l'rlt'('\ kt•hniql.ll'S. LEO 1July i :J-Aug 22): Avoad prcx:ras11nul1on Emphw:m. on lon~-n.ing1· plan!>. l01Jmmunac·at111n . publishing und travd l"llllnt.'t"lt·d with M·Ul"t'h Im knowh'<.lgt• Hc•lal1u11sh1p antc•ns1fll0S VIRGO (t\ug :.!:i-Sc·µt :l:l). You'll haw d1:.i1w<· to bt.· nd of lcis111g propos1l11111 Luna1· c•111µha:-.1s 011 l 1narll'aal pro:.pt'<"l." o l 11111• dt1't" lo you. 1111 ludu1g partrwr or mall'. Lc'I go uf pai.l LIBRA (St•fJl :.!:3 -0l·t :!:!> &• n .. 1dy for 11C'w sl.i rl..,, tll"<.'C·nl 1ndt·1wndc·11n'. 1T1·;111v11 y ,encl d1•t1•rm1nat11m. Foc·us ,ilso m1 puhl1t·11 \, clash ol RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTlllY • ..,..... ___ s... 1922 HA,ltlOI ILVD. COSTA MISA -541-115'· ldN1a, ~r&.nt·nhlp propotal und marital 1t.atua. SCO RPIO (Oc:t. 23·Nov. ~ 1 ): DutlH are l'lanrwd. Avoid s.cruu_1t1onulliim Con»ervativ~ !omJly mt•mh1•r pruVl"tl loynlly und <.'Ould be your "6'-e In holt•" F11'11t 1mpnJlf.ll1orui prnve t'Orrt.<et. You'll f'fCOUP lul\:I SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1): Natural uilt·nts surgt• w forl'front: popularity increases and • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA !.01:1al ;11·11v1 1y Ul'l't•lc·ratc•:-. f:mphas1~ alw on aru11tk 1·ndt'.1vw .... ti JVc·I ;11ul 1011Mnl"t' Imprint st vh• ('Al'JlKORN 1 D1·c l:!·Jtin 1 ll). F'oc·us on d111111t ale" st-t'lll'IL.v , 11111loru·mc·111 111 pulal"ll'S Ft't'hng of fe•Sll"ll I ltlll. rru:o.ll ,cllOll IS but ll.'ffilJOrary Houdhloc:k to prngn·-.....; will s1H111 °IH: n ·mo\'l'll AQl 1ARl l 1!' t.l;an :!O 1-'t'I> IHI Trip:.. v 1s1L ... a11d .1 1 lur r \ ol 1 t·4u1• ... 1:-. d 11111111:i11• Jl·t1v1· s1t·nario Mc 111l11•r 111 opp11:-.Jl1 · ''"" p 11v' n1c•an1ngful 111111pl111H 111 1l 1J.(lil1gh1 hur111or \'t•rsJlll11v P JS("E!'-1r .. 1, Ill l\l.11d1 :!tl1 Opp11r tun11y ,., .... " '" 111111•.1s1 11 1t1 11111· l-:111ph."1" 1111 11•m1xl1·hng. 1 l'dt-<·01,111111! .111d ptu dt.1"4 of lu,ur~· 1\c'm .itn1t'fl at h1·;iut11 v 1111! 'Ui 1•1111111tang:- LIDO DRUGS 3445 via lido• newport beach• phone 675-0150 !!.!!.',! .tlll CIONDlllOIWIO SOIAa WA Tll MIA TINO U TlllOOM .__.., ... lit , 11t)/ Set-.-'""" St-at YOU/ OoOt (C .. $t0te --YOU< Ar•I COSTA MISA 641-1289 1S2'Ne ............. ,_SIOH VWJO 495-0401 21922 c-Me c.,1•114-. tS.. .... !ftwof ... ._ ... ..,,., My 7-~y 13. 1982 T richocuter lttri: 3.99 Al tht "'-ol ~undinr contt•ltd I mu\I ~1 I •m lht most bfauhlul '" lht Gou1am1 lam•lr My hOmt is Bor~ Suma11a and lhf Malay Peninsula 81 body ''semblu mothfr ot pe1al w1lh a h<nl ot rfd 01ance P•ctoral l•hS anal Ions 1n1oal and b1us1 IUltlully 1mbtJtd •n rtd orange Stt me al Aquali( 1100'<.als 'llfht rt I am on ~It undtr thf namt Pe11r Gouram1 to1 only 3 99 VISA' -UIO W. B,.tt•Cosla Mesa ~'·1391 •C-..,,.,. & ~ti car s*bikes* ·skateboards· trucks*baby carriages•tea carts*trikes rollerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• scooters•hot rods•coupes* trailer s•hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes•tawn mowers•llmos •corporate headquarters *garden carts Model A's•••• *typlngtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlcles•golf cart$*model tralns*blkes •p1anos•cars ref rlgeretors •1keres•• .... TODAY'S CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 55 Sketch 101 Sugar 16 Plllllpp1ne 701nl-ves 5e Island ofl vegecables llM 71 Vff1tge 1 Soctal Greece 102 Zodiac sign 17 Indian 72 Allows climber, 57 Regions 103 Aromatic measure 74 Blasts perhaps 58 -corpus spice 18 W1lll0Yt 75 M angers 5 &ldgebld (legal wrllJ 104 Turkrsll lrtle warning 76 Ivan or 9 Pundlla 80 Felony 105 Comfort 19 Dregs Nicholas 15 Maltreat 61 Foreign 106 Epltc lor 20 Paradise 78 Crude 21U-62 Hamelin Hample 22 Pushes buildtngs caution. 2 pest 101 Arozona 30 Like unbt.tb· 79 Ships word a 115 Adding river bly bubbly pttSOn5 23 PllOIOQ1'8· cotor to 101 African 32 Forest 80 Egyptian phef"a need M Small nails WOfm c1ea1ure monttl 24 Unl0Ctl9d 87 Tumbler 1 11 Stormers ~ e.iraordl· 81 Thie* Slices 2!1 M-.Up 88 Heap 113 0oM nary person 82 Troia.ye 11em:2 69 S1unled 116 Dieters 35 Skewer 83 Singe WOfdt anim•ll dran 2 36 Playground 85 Annoy•nce 26 "The Male 70 Challe< words chute 86 Sc11oo1go .. 71 Haokneyed 118 Reiaxmg 37 Turbans 87 A1>9roptoate 27 Harangue 72 FuttovS 2 words 38 Prods 88 01sclose<l 26 LA ltme.at 73 ExplOtll 119Goby 39 Swamp seer els II met 7 4 Work hard 120 ASCflblble 40 Beanery 89 S00tled 29 Bread 75 Hoisting 121 Paused 2 words cll1ld spread device 122 Neghgenl 4 1 So 10 speai\ 90 Soft ussue 30 Fritz"s 76 Plains Ind•· 123 Domestoe 3 words 9 1 Collon COUSln ans· 11omes slave 42 Oeceletate bundle 31 E Indian 77 Ever. 10 124 Remedy 43 Covet w<lll 93 Crawler vine Keats amount gold 94 Ass19n 33 TrNmp/l 78 Ou1ver 4.C Mollema· pieces 34 Kiin 79 76 Across DOWN sacr~ l>OOk 95 Ftonl 35 Winter res,denc I Dance 45 Donkey 97 -P1a1nes VetllCle 80 To the rear movement 47 All mel 98 Hums 36 Scares away 81 YOYng pig. 2 Ce11a1n 48 Appears 99 Royal res•· 38 Knaveol Var voe es 49 Pines dence Clubl 82 Instant 3 Abyss1n1an 51 Boasc 10 I Slallone<J 39 Spa1kles 83 Health -ghl 52 Newlywed 102 lnlerMCI 42 LBtge nall leso/11 4 Egypllan 53 Getup 103 Michigan 43 Concorde 84 Tree nu1d god 55 Cozy rooms cily 44 Asiatic 86 Slraw beds 5 Climbs 56 Sllipplng 104 Bravllan COCJnlry 891nnue~ 6 Oppressed corllalner lrM 48 Highway corruplly 7 lrilh 8•Cl8· 57 Winged 105 Geeloe diVldWI 90 Dread ma lion 59 Tiny 106 New Zea· 47 Dlsmounled 91 Nibble 8 Caterwaul amounll land mol· 48 Skirt 92 Tramples 9 Frtglllened 60 Yearn lor lusk featurN 93 Steep rocks 10 Oechned 61 Stratglllen 107 Plkellke 11111 49 Signs and 94 Hit 11 Among 62 Embank-108 T1mbef wolf symbol• 95 LONI Poet men I 109 Wide- SO Glaclal ridge color Ing 12 Hebrew 63 Escranges eyed birdt 51 Ink smur 96Cer1ern le lier 6" Spre~1 llay 110 Pubbfews 52 Glass nomads 13 A Gershwin 65 Certain test 112 Munctl baublee 97 Short drinks 14 Carrie ane-r 114 Pla.za C"- 53 S1op1 98 Costly Nallon 66 Stopping 115 Scoas cap 5.C German 99 Mo11 Hhen 1arge1s device 1 US Fem. French pnyelclat. 100 S1amp1 01 15Smell 67 Senous Nini 1787-1854 app1oval oe111clea 68 Btlll 117 Faulty 2 3 21 2S . -Cl.AlllptlD llcmoN flOf' AH-RI llllJPHat 8UNOAV, JULY 11. 1982 ; =: !~!!!!.{~~!.~'! ....... !~!!!!.!~~!.~(• ....... !~!!!!.{~~!~'! ....... 1 !-.!!!!.{'!.~.'t ....... 1¥.~!!!t{~~!.~! ....... ~~.~.l:'!t .... iii ¥.~m.~IM ....... !~!m.!~l!'t ..... . § f'N°e!w~~~v{.1 °e0w000~00°~~: f!!~~¥. ......... }.'jf f!.".~~~t ........ !.'.f. ~oi1"tuii0R0rYii~f f!!~~~t ........ }.fjf fm'!.'). ........ .J .... '1!~~¥. ........ .J/.ff f!!~~~{ ......... !/.fl 11U To ""•oe your rnea•..,.• .· EXIDITIYE ... HOMES 2 MHtar Sul· ,.. re ... POOL MDII 2 llOfy Wlletfront home lllM tH. View ol ooH n & ti. Ofl 1111 wllh 1>(111111 dock & 2 car : night llghlt Quiet Arai. rHdlng public. Sparkling 3 Bdr w/c1tm o•raoa •ocatld on The to'rt Parka. open ap1c11. of.~~~Ot pool & IPI In lrYllll Tar· Parker Strip In Arizona :1~ $125.800 dn Xlnt Fin. ClaHlllad, 842•5878 race. $1,.00. Aoo S1111r Prtoa $185.000 Call *° Hal. or Pat Bauer. Agt1 759· 1221. Ra/Max. egt. 873· 1230 = 873.·]300 SERVICES Snw1<'• 01rectot) £MnOYMENT & mrUATION Srftool.t ltutrwtton Job •••te-d• Hotplllant.., NA r MHCHANDISE ••••n I• 1411 .,,,., /., s.11 = -DJ ::: -- •1• -----to'IO -- ..••..••...••..•.•.•.. . •.•...........•.••••• ~ WI·.~! I Y \ 1\YLOR CO. }{l-,Al.TOl{S -..,1 .. , l~t·H; BIG CANYON'S Very Best Buy . . • l1tstH411c lrea4•Hr I••• • Ft1r le4rtt•t I h•llJ II•. • larc• ltt-lt11fflt.lly la14soa,.4 • 3 Car larqt -Twt Petits • ltalfflt.I lt .. e4 PHI I s,a • Eltctrttic S.clrity IJSft• • In Ca,,.ts, Ir•• I hctr • ltw •arltlt Ettry Flttr .•.... , -, .. ,,,.,. .... ONLY $695.000 This 1s not the usual rundown hard lived house. but an immaculate home which will please the m ost fastidious. We cannot find any other separate home in Big Canyon for less than $200,000 MORE. h tarfr-ett terry. 14 lurni11 Tree R11d 0111n Sit I Sin 1-1 (S.Hrffy late c11ru4 1111. Call 144-4111 . ,., ,., .......... tlftr). YIEW -IEW .. '1"ln -1n1ws Two Story Na ntu c k e t 5 Br w it h beautiful Sunset pool lined with 14,000 red bricks. Tas tefully decorate d throughout w ith wallpapers and shutters. Shows like a model h o me! Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 Incl land. I TWt 11.1111 Tt llWNIT UUll 11111 Channing 4 Br. & large family room. 2 brick fireplaces. country kitchen, quiet residential area in modern tract bv Succola. Long term aeller financing. 10% down. $229,000 including land . •21 • 1 ... PUii llT/ .. 1·1 .... 1211,ttt -Y11W FIB Earthtonee throughout. 4 br, 2 'h ba, family room, dining room. 2,378 sq.ft. :View o f Pavilion, n igh t lights & ~_!...e.eralled at $320,000. 211 ........, Ml UT!• 1·1 RFSIOf'lllAI AfAl FSIA1£ S£AVIC£S OPEi SUIDAY 1-1 .lllllll CRHl UH,000 2+ den. Decorators own "garden home" with a peek of the blue Pac1hl·. Slop by & sec lht> prettll'st h o u se 1n th i s guard ga t ed communit y with pool & tennis. Take advantage of a fantas tic assumable loan LOO! See this al 8 WHITEWATER UDO ISLE $741,000 Traditional. elegant & spacious describes this lovely 4 BR 311'l BA home featuring oak floors, lead glass. FR doors & <'Xt.ensive use of used bril-k. Sunny south patio on extra w 1dc> lot Owner <1ss1stl•d fi nancing. Sec' this al 133 VIA UNDINE IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 YACATlll All YUR LOH Just beauuful Woodbndgt• 2 BR. 2 BA, plus de n home is situated on the lake separated only by a SC'rene greenbelt Unobstructed view of lake and foothills. Walk to adja<'t'nt beach dub Seller will consider reasonable down. High assumable loan Vat·ant for quic k s ummer Ol't·upanl·y . Offered <1l $265.000 Ask for Mary Welsh. 855-4343. HH OFFEIUH Ovt'r <1 year and a half has passed sim't' a hmm· likl' this model has be-en uffln-d for salt• on the Woodbridgl' Lakl'. Thl• view nevt'r stops from th1~ highly upgradE>d Woods1dt• 1n pn.•stigious gatl'<.l Arbor Lakt· This :i BH plus homt• S<·lS nghl on lhl• lak<· wllh watt•r un :i Sldt>S Shows like· a rnout•I Mirrored dining and living room walls. Wl't b<1r 1n d<'n and w <1 I I p a p t • r s t h r o u g h o u l Fantaslll' fmam·mg Of fl•rl•d Cll $339.900. Gilda F1shl'r 855-4:i-t:i -- A SYMPOSIUM: "WHAT'S HAPPENING OUT THERE?" An in-depth analysis of the current res1dent1al real estate market .... and what can be done about it. JIM WOOD, PRESIDENT UNIQUE HOMES, INC . Thursday, July 1 S, 7:30 P.M. Irvine Coast Country Club Coll For Reservations, 675-6000 Have somalhtog to sell? I SELL idle items w1111 • 1 Find wllat you want 1n Sell things ru1 with Daily CIUtllle<f ads do II well Dally P1lo1 Classified Ad. Daily P1lol Clus1fieds P1IOI Wan• Ads. ----- Celebrity Villa Featured in the July Issue of DC HOME I AND GARDEN MAGAZINE Re a ch out and touch the stars! P e r c h ed high on the cres t of a forest-like hill, this s pectacular setting could be a proper place for an eagle's nest! Ins t ead, it is the perfe ct site for a villa that might well be out of a s tory book. T his ch arming and d e lig htful country h o m e is a m ast e rpiece o f pe rfection in its authe nticity of a n e ra in his tory known for gr acious living. Panoramic vie ws from r ow s of Fre nch windows are portraits of r e al life mura ls of distant s now-cappe d mountains, a billion city lights, hilltops and treetops ... a daily spectacle for s9meone fortunate enough to own this incomparable home and s e tting. Almost 5 ,000 square feet of liv ing space, on a magnificent full acre, with full grown pines, eucaly ptus, and an orchard with dozens of fruit tre es, rose gardens, and enhance d by a s parkling pool and spa with n e ver ending views . EXCEPTIONAL TERMS AVAILABLE TRADES INVITED OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY -1:00 To 7:00 -DAILY 12:00 To 4:00 Please Phone for Directions RICK ALDERETTE, REALTOR 731-4444 Othtr M1plftcent E11cutlv1 Estatn Off••d From $1,195,000 To $1,990,800 I l:GO. VOVMll TO THI IOTTOM CW THI 11A . ...,.. W'IC llllLI l:JI CJ) THI NaNO ONM JoMlle WOOdwercl hottt a Chtne1a H travagan11 IMllmg """"9. denclng, WOh tllll, mime end "'*• ........ ....... a....fewttM Q.Qlll• _ .... ll:OO. MUllOAND THI UQCINWON> • VOUT'H AND THI l~ANIWIM "°'*""' "°°" IUNDAV MON••G M U~I CA L ROMAN CE -Bar bra Streisand stars as Fanny Brice and James ~n as Billy Rose in "Funny Lady" tonight at 8 on KABC (7). OIMOTIONI An Ullll'llnet.lon of whet America It doing to llnp Hui -crlmlnall of their U.S. C11lnn1Np It pr-t- ed, (R) 8 THI Tln.1111.a MCMT Hlttotlan Walter 1Awuw end lewyw Morrie Abtam dltcu• ~ Iha extermi- nation of the ,,_. by the Nuts WM kept MCtat. (R) (C)OINIM IN OONCIM 01H011111•GA When 1111 unruly glfrt t>oaa la lnjur-ed, she la teced with rvnnlng the bull,_ lln- giellandedly and IMrnlng the -Ing ot raaponll- t>Hlty. (l)MOVll • • "Chld<1111 Of Raga" (1978)~ .. mut Griem, Olga Georgaa-Plcot. WO flOR OUlll TIMU .... .,..,.., "'*""' 8CHIA..l.E1' DAYMIN<LA. ,,..., POllWVAN> CAlJlfOfNA PIOPl.E P\aJC PUl.ll ON LOCATION "Rich Utile And The Great Pretendws" The MGM Gtend Hot .. In LU Vega la the aattlng for 11119 "'°""'" CMe fMturtng Iha llfMl•t tnwaaalonill• In America. .MOYll • • "The Uttla Dragone" (1981) Setly Boyden. Chrlt 1'9tenon. A gang of kids Ir.in.cl In karate ,_ -of their triendlt ...... Iha la kldnlc>ped. 'PG' 7:001 TODAY'S NUIJIOH THAT'I CAT . urn.a .. 'olCALI IT•WNTTWH ICIMtlTH CONLAND I ~~ YOGA flOR HEAi. TH ~ne a.X>ND e&mJRV I~ **'A "Med Wed~ey-· (1947) Harold Lloyd. F'ranc" Ramaden. An embltloul ....... .,..., of the 19208 learns that auo- oeet ,_ lta price. Cl)MCME •• "The Amazing Ad\len- tl#99 Of Joa llO" Animat- ed. The eon of an alectron- te. npert~1~ clel agent for the World lnt.illgencie ~ ... '-* of hie faUw '• lat•t ln¥Mtl0n. 7:I0. '1NnfWAY8 +- WHfTMI\' AHO THE "'*1T -~~ ~ON NUTNTION •:ao D OOYllEY GIMSta; ~. EMI G LM ol the Flrat Churcn of fha Nazarene, P•••Cl•n• CMOI Young ot Diamond Bar and Ptt McConnell ol San Gab<lel dillCUH the Fo.1er P8"ent F~. 8 TOOAY'811Ua< WOMAN Cl MUTINOTIMl!AT CAI.VARY ·~K.PRICE • a.EC'TM: OOMPAHY (A) G AMEJUCA: THE HC0H0 CENTURY i THE l.AHAYES KNOW YOUR 818LE MOVll * * * "lnalda MovH" ( 19801 JOhn Sav8ge. O•vl<I MorM A -to tl>a group of regulars •t an Oellland Ni m•y hOld tt>a key to mak"'<I '"• bar1en- der'a dfeam of becoming• p<o bukatball pfaY9f 1 •Milty 'PG' kOO I NeWS OOHf'EAlHCE Pf0Pl.E7 I CJ) OAAl AoeERTS SUAMI: S'mEET (R) iD YOU AHO THE LAW 0 IT 18 W1IWrTEH CJ) El..ECTAIC ESKIMO All &!!Imo boy Is IUdelenly endowed with ••t••<>tdf· ntwy electr leaf power a dur. Ing • magnetism ••P9'i· ment at the Nor1h Pote 9:30 8 Cf) FACE THE NAtlOH B QJ MEET THE PR£88 KI08 ARE PEOPLE TOO Guaata Brook8 Shletds. Klr... Mllt18 Gibbt Al Ul>ell, Pl)'ChOloglat Or Syl· via Feldman, "-tnoer Kriltin JOhnson (R) Cl DAY~ D18COVEAY • THEWOALD TOtoilOMOW , G YOUANOTMELAW 0 kEHNETH coPElAHO G MOWE • • ,_. "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981) Roger Moore. Topol Jamet Bond trecks • crtmlnal wtlo purloined e lop MCtet Bt'ltlah e1e1an .. device. 'PG tM(l)MOVIE * * • • "Raging Bull" ( 1980) Robe<'l De Niro Cathy Moriarty 8ox1n0 Cham9l<>n Jake La Moll•'s •Pllluda for violence b<lnga him ~-In 1"41 ring but dlatupts h•• per. tor\81 life R' 10:00 8 NEW8MAKERS D 0HCAMPU8 "e.rly ChllelhooO Educa- tion" at Mt St Mary's Col- ir unu AA8CAlB l ~MTAUTH OOOOEA DUGOUT THI LAWMAKEA& D YOU AHO THE LAW CJ) MOMINTt IH TIME QI~ WEIKL.Y ®wow: ** "SHrch And Dellroy" 11981) Perry King, Don Stroud. A for- mer South Vletn•- ofllclal Sffk• revenge egalntt the lour Americana wtlo •b•ndoned him In on ambutll during the wer 'PG' Cll MOW * * ** "Kram•• Va. Kremer" (19791 Ouatln Hoffman, M«yt Streep A men belllaa with hi• •x· wlte tor custody of ''*' )'OUnO '°" •ft• .,,. -lie• OU1 on them. "PG' t0:11 • OOOOEA PAE4A~ to:IO. IHTEAFACE DMTS M~ I UTTU AAICALS 9 WICE WOAl.O M IPORTI ll\I• coo;er10• ot W•1t O..meny YI 11..,. "' WOric:I Cup Soccet F1n11 from Med••d Spe1n I "°91"1' ~UUEA M llllAU Loe Angelea Oodga<W 11 ~Plltliee l =:THE LAW MIDAU. Seti Dl4ld0 Plldr• II New VOf'lc Meta f! :.CIJl..TUM U.l.A. •• "Union Clly'' (1880) °*9 Herny. 'PG' "·· MO\tll ••• "flle .lotton llOty" I tM> L.any Pam. Ellelyft ~TN-of At~ le trlOed "°"' Ille ~ .~~~~----._._..,.._..,.,::to::..::1118:..rlaeto ftlfte•M Cllmt LISTINGS •MXTCClll .ICMCCNICI ••YLA ll..i J lllcMC IAICI e #Ma1cu1 ~TV ff...,I e lCIT (AICI 401 On-TV Il l Z,T\I <Ml HIO It > ICIMm,.I IWOllt) NY., H Y. OI CWTU; 111 ,..,.,., ..,,.,,•Iner Q AT OHE Guest David Carradine • UTTL.E RA8CAL8 II) MOVIE • • "George" (1978) Mar- ana11 Thompeon, Mlc,,.te M.,dat, A men. • woman end • St. Bernard Mt oll for •n adv.nturoua romp lhrough the Swlas Alps fD MM~APIECE THEATRE 'Pride And Pra1udlce' · When Mr Bingley movet1 1n10 the nelghbo<hOOd. Mt1 Bennet conaldera him lhe •lghtlul pr()j)8f'ty of one ol her five unmarrl•d daughters. (Pan t)(R)Q '1l) GROWING YEARS Q! UTTlE HOUSE OH THEPAAIAIE I 1:$0 D LITTl..E RASCALS 0 TERRY COLE.- WHITTAKER '1l) OROWIHO YEARS fR)MOVIE * • •,, "The North Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979) Edward Herrmann. 8arbtr• Htrroa Tile new minister In 1 amall town orgarwrM a group ol dotty women 111 hit congre- gation IO atop Iha ltow of church funds to crlmlneta 'G' 11:43 (!)MOVIE * * "The Apple Dumpling Geng Rides Age1n" ( 19791 nm Conway, Don Knott& A pal• 01 -stern outlaws lry 10 wlllk 1"41 strait •NI narrow ·o· AFTEANOOH 12:00 D THE T£MJ8LE SECRET H~tor1an W81t., Lawuer and lawye< Mo,,11 "br&m ClllClllS how 1"41 •irl.,mi- nallon ol the Jew• by the Nailt was kept Heral IA) D LOST IH SPACE 0 SEAACH fa LOAD MOUNT1IA TT£H: A MAN FOA THE CENTURY Trie Final Glory" This flflal epiSOCla covets Mountbal- ten 1 devotion to the advanc.ment o f Brlltah tecllnOlogy. 1nd Robert MtcNell tnt•oduces en Updlled &egmenl lbOul his lt8QIC CIHlh In AuguSI 1979 (Part ll(R)Q m GROWING YEARS "Preachool Physlcll Oeve4- opmen1 C 1MOVIE • • ·~ The Gumbl ll Ral- ly ( 19761 M1ch88I Sarre- "n Tim Mclnllre A gum- ball machine 11 lhe g1and Prll• In • N-Yortc-lo-loa Angeles car race whtch bnngs all sorts of zany charact ers onto th• nation's hlgriwaya e11d back roacla. 'PG' (OJPtPPtH Ben Veteen, Wllllam Kell, Martha Raye llllcl Chlta Riv.re at•• In 1hla Tony Award-winning mutlcat that lraC4t1 • prince's aaarch for lullnlment T8ped •I Ontario'• Hamil- ton Place 0 MOVIE * e "Tl>a Apple Ovmpllng Gq" (1975) 8111 8h~by. Susan Clar'k A cerdaharp 1111•-to talc• posseuk>n or some valuable p<oper1y lor a fr1erld. end la rather -iwlMd to learn tllat Ill•• orphana tr• Included on the dMI 'G' (%)MOV1£ • *'~ ·•M.ci Max" (1980) M .. Glb9on. Joanne Sam. uel. In 1111 Austral .. of Iha not-too.dlll•nt future. ,,,. trlen<la and !amity of a top hlQhway purault p0Ucem1n t>ecome the targets of Mdlatlc motorcycle gang A 1'•0 MOVIE • • "Tt>e Losers'" ( 1970) Wllllam Srnlth. Barnie Hamlhon. Ii) aAowtHo YEAM "Nutrition" QJ OUTDOOA LR Jim Cannlchel hunta bttck duel! on Virginia'• P•rr•· more lll•nd with aporta. man Larry Nlc:aet. 1:001 AGNCOl.TUMU.l.A. n.MUNIT'IN •a ,.. WllK WfTH 04W>IMMl.EY • ADAM-1t •~uica "led Compa,ny" Bt'len It h4lrHMd by Ille Mntor offl.. CM and dllCQllerl the mt jof h81 • very S*'aonet u to 9'1nd. (Pert l )(AIQ • "'°'*" UNIYIMa <I) I• MAHT llW JON CWTHI VUICON 8~T9WOlllLD 1°*tovnd mlfd'-Welglu llout MtwMfl WllfMd ~ ......... ,, .. 111119 ...,.,. ,.,.., ,_.,~ --... tl IN ... T-.. ,,.,... .,..,.. , ... ............. ,... .... "' """ IM ,._. •• atMwll ••nvu•1 ,,,.,.TY CIM.I eilelf.,,.., ..... ,.., , .......... , .......... • •a.-....._., .. r.-.~ ........ ,i~zz:.: -L.-~ ........ j H9w Vonc~ U. Chet ,._ lllOcHout• T rlohft04 Qom. "'"'°" ~ , .. lllt'BO: hcllpeolllng; • Ylalt to Tpleclo lend AeMr• llolf on the Tt~••LOUlal- 111141 border . ,,.~ • HOGAN'I HMOU • AOAM-11 G~UNIVINI ('Jl)WAIT UNTii. 0AN< ICttll.,fne ROH , •••Cy ICeech and Joallu• Bry•nt •tar ill Frederick Knoll'• 1Ulpet1N dramt •bout a young blind woman terror- ized In lier M1nh•tt•n 1panman1 by thr" men I U •llhlng for hidde n drug1 T 8')ed ti the Pep. perdlne Cotltgtt Tllt•tre In Malibu, Call! oouovia * • • "Stay Hungry" ( tll781 Jell 8rldgel, a.tty Field, The Offl>eel ICllon or •n Old Southern femtty If,.. to .. .,. • -Y gym from the hands ol rMl Mitt• apecutatora. 2:00 D IUNOAV LOC!lltlon· llve from Iha Thlld Annuel Str•• C-. btetlon, Whittler 8 GILL.IQAN'S 111.ANO G DIAeCTIOHa An exemlnatlon 01 the blending of CM1U•nHy with 11atM1 rallglona 111 lat• In Amef"lca la pr-tad (RI G MOVIE **** "CH•blan~a" ( 19'3) Ingrid Bergman. Humphrey Bogart G) MOVIE • *'Ao 'Copa And Robbers" ( 1973) Cllll Gor· man. Joa BOiogna Q) MOVIE • •.,. "Oellc•tt Oelln- Quent" ( 1957) Jerry Lewis. Manha Hyer 1:1 TELEV1810N:THE EHCHANT£0 MIAAOA The rote t•vlalon ptaya In American Ill• •• document· ed through • M<le• or Interviews '1l) PROJECT UNIVEASE ®) NEWIMAKEAS l.CJ OENE818 IN COHCPT I Ol THE MARVELOU8 l.ANOMOZ Soma ~ lamUlar Inhabit· ants of Iha land of Oz help • young boy and 1111 wood· en lrtend In thla lilmed stage production by ,,,. Children'• Theatre Com. pany and Sctlool (S)MOV1£ • * ·~ "Where The Boys Ara ( t9e0) Oolorn Hllfl, George H•mlllon Four young women jOtn , ,,. hordes or Ftorlda·bOund cofleglana during Eaater V8Qllk>n @MOVIE * * ·~ "Raggedy Mt') ' ( 198 t) S1asy Spacell. Eric Roberts In 19••. 1 tale- phone operator In a amaff hau 1own NCrllloes her atendlng 1n the community when .,,. has a lhOr1 •lfalr with a eombal·bounel M ii· or 'PG' 2:30 D GIUJGAN'8 181.ANO A roekel Intended for M111 l•nda on the •lland 8 MVP-MOST VALUABU! PLA'nA Tha past MUOn'I beat P'•'J'9n from each divl"on or ,,,. National Foo11>a11 l aague ere p<Ofllad SJ l>AESE.NTE Splrltualltm And Mental HHllh" A IOOk 11 18ken 81 how Lallno1 In New JerM)' •nco<e>orata • asplr1ttamo' and "santerla." two lorm1 ot refogM>Us !Olk culture trom the Caribbean, onto their health care '1l) PRO,JECT UNIVERSE (!])SAMMY Sammy Oavta Sr jOtn' Sammy Davia Jr to review the h1Qhilgh11 ol e CarMr that has sp•nned the entire •anoa of enltlftain. ment OJJSUOAAAAY l.EONAA0'8 GOLDEN GLOW.S LOUillan1 vs. St. Louis 8:00 f) 2 WITH YOU • MOYie * * * "McH•'a N•vy" ( 1964) Ernet11 Borgnlne. Joe Flynn G AUTO AACING "Baja 1000" 8D CALIFOAHIA CONGAE.88K>HAL R90RT "1!) ~UNIWRSE CJ) WONOEA WOMAN ~MOVIE *. "The Hustler 0 1 Mu• Cle 8each" (1980) Rlch•d Hatch, Kay Lenz A emall· time hustler oontnv. • scheme to turn • a1ow!.wt11- ed 811'141teur Into 1 wor1d TUBE TOPPERS KNBC (4) 7:00 -"Jl'a,ht>r Murphy " Moset temponrll y turns ll('hot>l bufldf ~g lnto • 1•mbllna culno. KABC (7) 8:00 -"Funny Lady." &rbra S'rcisand ttars as Fanny Brk't!, downing her. way through com~dy rout i ne~. singing 'he bcttt 2'0ngs und loving th~ wrong men. See photo, l~Ct. KOCE (M) 8:00, KCET (28) 9:00 "Pridt• and Prejudkt '' Pa rt two of five-part dramal.Jzatlon of Jane Austen's satirical classic K,N BC (4) 9 :00 -"Rolle r<:oas tcr." Timothy Bottoms, George Segal star in story about a safety inspector who tries to fi nd an extor tionis t who plant~ bombs in amusement park . batt.,ed brlefc .... 'PG' 4:00 D IPORTaWON.O 10·rouno mlddlawtlght bout betw•en Wiiford 8cypion lllld M111k Fraile (from Tamp., FIL ), GOYer- • ol the 19th Tour Cle Franee cyctlng reca. Sur. vlval of Iha FlttH I. Part 11, with the men·a turvlv•I rvn (from New Zealand) 8 9 ~NCAN SPORTSMAN leVat Bunon lakes • r1no1 ever rafting expedition down 1"41 Zamb91I River tn AlrlGa. continuing David Livingstone ' 1 orlg1n1t route, lormer Mr UnlverM Arnold Schw•rr.enegger aumlnea the enc:tangeree1 North American grluly bear 1n It• Y .. tow11ona National Park h•bltat 8 MOVIE * * 'h "The F .. r ... a V•m· l)lfe KUtera" ( 1967) Roman POlanlkl. Sharon Tela tD MOVIE • • * "Breakout" ( 1975) Ch81 ... Bronson, JIN 11a- 1ane1. • MOVIE **'A "BIOOd Alley" ( 19551 John Wayne. Lauran Bt1eall fill WALL STREET WEEK "Who Has The Ho1 Hanel?" Guest Mark Hut- ber1, editor ol Hulberi Financial Oigaal IA) '1l) HUMANITIES THAOUGH THE AAT8 "Mulll<:· Aga-Old Search For Meaning" CJ) 8TAA TREK Captain Kirk marr-1 beautiful ""°"'an and 11 Obllvtoul 10 Ille impending doom at>out 10 destroy her pl_, 3 MOVIE It • • 'The Man Who Loved Cat O~ing" ( 1973) Burt Reynolds. Sarah Miies (0J MOV1E • • 'h "The Tender Warn. or" (1971) Cherlft l ... 01111 Haggerty A young boy M ia lrappec:t 9nima/I lrea and l••d• them 8i•lnat ,,... hunters. 'G' lSJ PETfiA. PAUl & MARY Th41 populat lolk trlO or tt>a Mrly ·eo. perform m8r>y ol ,,,.., lll8lalC ,_ ...... I .,,_rnetatl81 4:JO. W~OH W&J( INMVIEW(A) al> HVMAHmU Tl4AOUGH THE ARTS "Mulle· EmotlQn And Fe81- 1ng In Sound" 11:00 D l(lJHG FU Two hardened people learn 10 accept pain •• ,,,. price ot love G GAEATUT SPORTS LEGENOS 'Lou Brook" Hoai George Plimpton tlD FlRlHOUNE "Th41 Odyssey 01 A South· etn Liberal G .... 1 Morna Abram. authOt ol T,,. Oay lsS11or1 · • MTTL.UTAA OAl.ACTICA Sl Liff! AROUND U8 fit!> NOVA "Aging· The Malhu .... •h Syf'Clrome· An axarnlna- llon 01 the re ... rch being CondUCl•CI Oil longevity •nd the aging proce11 la pr_,tad. (R) O CJ) CMNEW8 @ THI: A0CKF0Ro FIL.U O!NecNIW8 (C))MOVW * "Tile Children" ( 19801 Matlin Shalt.,, Git Rogera A strange radloac11ve OIOUCI turns a group or Khoolehllelren Into mur- de<ous romblea With black llngetn•ll• 'R' 8:30 D F'IOHT Lt.Ct( • THAra HOUVWOOO 'Hollywood'• Hotteat s ...... G) THE JEFF£MONS Louise 19 •rreld ahe·a going to loM her new friends fD OPERAFOR CHIL.OAE.M ())~NEWS IC; MOVIE * • "Union City' I 19801 Oel>ft Herny 'PO' rH)YESTEAYEAR ... 1817 Dock Cavett hO•ta 1 pano- ramic overview ol 1he event1 and people that shaped one or Iha mo.1 1mpor1an1 years on A,,.,.,1. can history 7:00 8 CJ) 80 MIHVTU D Q! FATHER MURPHY MOMS, lemc><>t8roly tell In Charge of Iha schoot. la conned 1n10 tumlng II onto • P•rt·llme g•mbUng den (R)Q 0 <tJ) COOE RED Joa. Haley •nd Danny .,. tripped 1n • mine lhafl by the flames lrom 10.ic 1ndu1trlal wutt tD THE MUPPETS Guest Roger Miiiet m ASCENT OF MAN 'World WllPlln A World" A vtllt to I Po11Sh Ult m1na begins thos study ol the WO<lcl or ,,,. a1om and the hlltory of tt>a rem•rlcabte ell~-or 20th-<lentu- ry ptl)'llel '1l) VICTORY GAROEH fl'MOVIE • * * "St•y Hungry" I 19761 Jeff Brldgel. Salty Flald The oltbeat lldon ot an Old Southern family fries to Hve a aeamy gym lrom Iha hands 01 ,.., fttale apeculatora 1='0 ID THE MUPPET8 Oueata. Roy Rogers and Dale Evllf\s '1l) PORTRAITS IN PA8TU& ' Sprong W111er r4 MOVIE * • 'Search And 0 .. troy ( 198 I) Perry King. Don Strouc:t A tor- mer South v1e1nemesa 0!11c1a1 aeek e revenge 8Qllnst the lour Ametlcana wllo ab1ne1onee1 him In en ambu$n during Iha WBJ 'PO' '1l) HUMAHITIES THROUGH TME AAT8 "Musoc. Meaning Through Structure" CJ) w •A ·a·H Hawkeye recorcl1 a letter to Ille f•t her Oelelllng Illa day In the 0 It with • mad Tune, a "*"flll corpM end ~otfloer. l:OO ti (J) ARCHIE 8UMCEA'8 PLACE Veronica's ••·hutb•nd paya hat a visit Ind forcea her to make one ol 1"41 hardeat deci•lons of her r1ta ~I O a!CHIPS (C)MOVIE * *'A "Mad Wadnetdey' (19'7) Harold Lloyd Frances Ramadan An ambitious Mff.aierter ot the 1920s tearna that auc- oaaa h• Ila prlea II: 111 (%) MOVIE * * "FuntlouM" ( 1981) Elizabeth Betridge. SyMa Mlle•. Four t~ager1 IPatld • fnglltfuf nlQht In a C8tnfv81 ~ .. inllebtt- ed by • ci-.tad barker Ponct> con .. ders qu11t1ng Iha CHP to beCome I rock Singer (R) 8 ENTEAT AINMEHT THIS WffJ< Interviews with Robert Mttchum, Joa11 C0111n1, F•ya Ounawey Ind Walter l an12. 1 ·,ac>Ofl on c.lebrlty commerc111 andorae- ment• 8 9 MOVll (.l)MOYll • • • • 1'1Cta1111r \t• Kramer" f lt7t ) Dil111" Holf"'8tl. ~ ltr ... A men Ntttea wl&ll .. ••· ""',. fqt cuatody ol thelt ~ '°" .,., Ille ...... out on ltlell\. 'N ' .MOYll * * * "l .O I ··c ttt 11 wu. llam Holden, Julie Andtewe A moYM 91'.CIOt who hM lull flnl"'9ci • lmlffl·ll'lllllon dolt.-turtley goaa ''°'" attempted aul· clde to a llU#rely ln•ed re-8/lootlllO of hie 9Qlo. 'R' t :ao 8 Cl) OHi DAY AT A TIMI 8cM .. der 11 torn bel- taklng Iha beeullful girl lie'• ell£)9Ctad 10 snow up with or the ptatn girt he Ilk" IO t"41 lodge danc. (A) D TMl!WON.O TOMOMOw t;00 9 CJ) AUCI Atloe, up-O¥er Tornmy'• l•lllng grades. putte ,,.,. budding betkatball MIS*· ltat Off Iha IHm. (R) O OJJM<>'M * • • "Rollercouter" ( 1977) George Segal, Tim- othy Bottorna. A aafety lnapactor Cleaparatety 011empta to ~t• tile H IC>f'lionlll who la pt8r>llng homemade axploslvea In America'• telldlllO emu ... ment ptrka (RI 8 WILD IONOOOM "Lair Of The Ttoer" D OR.CHO II) AGAOHll<Y AND COMPANY fD MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Pride And Pra1ue1ioe • Mt COiiins Mleltt a r«.OllQfla. llon lilllth the Bennet ltmlly 811<1 tnlenc:la 10 ChOoae one ol the girts lor a wlle (Perl 2)(RIQ 6!) MYSTERY "Malloe Alorathought" Or Edmund Blcklelgh attenlly MJffe<a the con1emp1 open. ly dlaptayed by hla overbe•rlng wile Jull• (Part 1 )(RI Q IH)MOVIE • • "Only When I L&<JOh' I 198 t) M8raha Mason, Krllly McNlchOI " N- York actreaa ra1urn1 from • C1ry1ng-ou1 cllnlC Cleter- m1nec:1 lo ,.,,_her car- her romaflCe w•lh 1 plly· wright •nd her relallOnalllp wllh her 17-year-old daughter R' (Z)MOVIE * * 'i'I "Miid Max" ( 19801 M .. Gibson, Joanne Sam- uel In an Au11r111a or the not·too-dlllaJ\t lutura the frtenda end lamuy of a top hiOl>w•Y pursu11 potlCeman become Iha 11rgeta or Hdi111c motorcycle gang 'R' t-.ao 8 CJ) THE JEFF'EASONS 8W~OF SURVIVAL 0 JACt( VAN IMP£ ., NEWS 10:00 ti Cf) TRAPPER Ja.iN, M.D. A female convoc1 a prama, IUta baby. • warden and anoth_, or ,,,. 1nm1tft al 1 women' a pneon all wind up In San Francisco General under GOllLO's car• (R) 8tDll) NEWS 8 THE WOAO~ TODAY .WITHMMIAND 8AHNEM Interviews and a.rehlv•I matar111 recall 1"41 rote that the Women't Emerg9ney BrlOllde played 1n e 1937 tit-Clown strike at 0-11 Motors 1n Flint, Mochlgan. '1l> Fl.AM8AA08 "Flying High" Chrlat1n11 and Dorothy throw • surprise party at Wiiham and Sandy'• nat. M- forees h1m ... I 10 Clrk\k 10 Wllllam and Christina ·a engagement IParl 7)(R)O (C}MOVIE * * * "Get Out Your Handkerc r.1ela' ( 1978) Gerard Oeperdleu Perrlclc Oew-e A young and opllmistle hu•b•nd goes to atmoat unbelleveabl• tengths 10 anaure his w1ta'a ~'R' .,. 1=-~'"' weor• "'°'9on" '" Ille ....... ~of lndle.. ~ 1111811• *°"'* I men'I u~ fMdtellOW. • ,..l.ULAO OONYIHT10N fhe ~d AfWIU9I ~Of llnlted Latin AIMfloen Clt- t11n• Conve"llon •• lllghligflted. Cl) WUKIND~ w~ (fJ MO\tll ••• ••LAI M'-al>*" ( tt7tl RIG~ Jordan, Antll()ny Perlilne <8MOYte ••'A "Another Man, Another C"-" (1911) J•,,.... caan. ~ Bujold 11:48 . TMa AOCl<10M FUI D MOVll • •,... "Anotlltr Men, Another Ch-" (1977) J1mea Cun. 0-lew Bujold • MOVll * * •;, ' Utile Mulderl" ( 1971) ENlott GOUid, Mer- cla Rodd 88Nd on the pity by Jute1 Feiffat A man m.,rlea Iha gift 10/ho aavad him lrom muggera. MOVIE • • • "T,,. Return Ot The Sec.ucua S-" ( 19801 Mar~ Arnott. Gordon Clapp Tha mem119<1 of a group or COiiege atuelenta 11e11ve 1n the pro1•t mo... manl Clurong the 60e g•thef tor • -kend raunk>n 'R' 11 :as CC) MOVIE * *'I> "Foxea" (1960) Jodie Foater, Salty Keller- man Tt>a vtctlms ot brOken rion-and uncaring pat- en111 four tMn·8Qe gltla try to soothe tnelr emotional wounc:11 lhrOUQll drugs •nd M• 'R 12:00 G) MIS8ION: IMP08818LE Q) MOVIE • • "Santa Fe StamP6de" ( 1938) Jonn Wayne, Ray Corrog•n The Three MelqUttMra try lo c.IHt a cowboy llCClUMCI of mur- <l«tng • gold proapector (J) 8T AR TAEK (())PIPPIN Ben VerMn, W1tt1em Kall, Martha Raye lllld Chlta Rivera star In this Tony Aw••Cl-w1nn1ng Musical that 1r1ca1 a pr•nce's search for 1u11111..,en1 Taped at On1ar1o'a H•m••· ton Place 12:80 0 MOVIE * * * ·~ '·Gtorla" (111801 Gena Rowlanda, J:>hn Ad.,._ A former gun moll ~ ,,,. protec- t or ot 811 or Ptlanecl 6-year. Old Puerto Rican tergettld by lhe UndetwQrld tor Iha 1nlorma11on ,,. carr-tn a bett.,ad btiefcaM PG 12:~ rtJ MOVIE * * "Chllelren Ot Rage"' ( 19761 Helmut G<lem. 0tg1 Georgea-PICOI 12;43 8 NAME M THE GAME A m1 astng gin add• to 1"41 myatety IUfroundlng tl>a dtte:OVery of .,, endenl menuacript 12'"..&o MOWE • * *'~ "WOiien" (1981) Albet1 Finney, ~ V~ re. POiice are teced with an unusual problem u New Y or1I City II Invaded by a pac:lc of d•spaoeel wOIYes 'R' 1:00 tD TEE>l SCEHE 1:30 9) A8C NEWS QJNEWS f$J MOVIE • * * "The Dogs Of W•r 11980) Ctlrlstopner Walll- en, Tom Berenger Atter ~no 1onured and deport- ed by an African dlct•tor, a mercenary return• 10 lead • revotutlon 'R 1:43Q ATONE Gueat Norman Coustnt CC MOVIE * "A Change Of Seuon1" ( 1980) Shlrtey M8CUlne, Anthony Moplclna. A mid- ~ COUl)te try out )'OUnger perlnera during 1 mountain vac:atlon ·R' **'A "Conllnantal Divide" ( 198 I I John e.luShl. Blefr Brown A Chicago nawapapar columnist 1r1ve11 to the RocJcles to •llQC>e .orne PQlltlcel heat •nd Int.,.,_ • reclutlv. natur allat ·PG· 2:111 8 N£W8 (l)MOVI( * * "Tha Hand" (1981) MlchMI Caine, Andr .. Maroovlocl. BIJMre lncl- dentt •nd nightmares begin happening In 1 car- 1oonl11'1 Ille eftar he aulfers the IOas of • hand 'R' .MOW 2:IO 8 TOOAV-8 AEUG10H OMOVIE **'I> "Raogecly M•n" (19811 Sluy Spacek, Eric Robe<'la In 1944. a 1.i.- ptlona operator In a ama11 T eua town MCriflcaa 1Mr st•ndlng In the community '"'*' She tie. • lltM>rt etTalr with • combet·bound Mii· or 'PG' (%)MOVIE CIUI body·bullcllng cham- pion. I! 111 (?) MOVIE * * e "Foul Play" ( 11178) Goldia H•wn, Chevy Cha..q A llbtarlan antlata , ,,. aid ol en inei>I police dalacttva alter ahe becomet Involved In 1 bizarre _,.. or murder• &.aoland is:'°" 'R" MONE'YMAKEAI "tnnatlon Robln HOOd OI fhe 'llOI" f> *..., "Funny l•Cly" I 19751 Barbre Stretaand, Jtmn c .. n Vauclevltte star Fanny Brkle ernbar~s on • humorous love-hela ra1111onahtp with eono-11., Biiiy Aoae (RI ia IT IS WRITTEN tD MOVIE * * ~ "For YOUf Eyaa Only" (1981) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond tractc1 8 crimlnat who purtoined I lop eecret Br1tllh defenM davlct 'PG' * *'A "Med Mu ' (1980) Met Gibeon, Joanne Sam- uel In an Australla or the not-too-dlttent future. 111e l•lend• end f emit)t 0( • top highway purault policeman bec;ome ,,... targete or Hdl•tlc motoreycte ~ and kidnapping 1ttempt1 8;30 IJ ~ * * * "The G..at Wllkk> P99per" I 1975) Robert Radford. Bo 8¥Mton A rru11r11ec1 Amerlce11 fighter pilot bec:ornet • b8'n- llormlng atunt men In Illa thlral tor action ®ring World War I. D ~Lll'E Cllateeter tctor Ovb Tay- lor end hl8 grendaon go qulil hunting,,._, Albany, Oeorol• • LOI AHGELU WIS( IN MVllW • HUMANmU nw>uGH THI AMI "Drame; QrHt Ag• AMed?" I~ * ** * "T .. •" (tt 7t ) NMt8Ml8 l(t"el!I, Peter flnh The cl..,., "' • poor l ngt1111 1.,mer ......,....,...,.. ..... IMlllY• ~ Md ...... ~.'N' .'°"" •••'4 ··Oittfe" PllOI ................. J ... ~,. ..... ..,,. ............... ,,..... .......... ..,... ..... _. ...... ., .. ICll.UDWllr .. AWf111Mlf!Jlllil_,..,.. Cl) WE.COME 8ACI(, KOTTEA The Sweathoga take • dim view of Mr Woodman'• novel --an axpote thll tek" • pot allot at every- body. (I) wow * * "The Apple Ovmptlng Gang ~Idea Again" (19711) Tim Conw•y. Don Knotts A P111r of -tern outlews try to w•lk Iha atreit and nanow. ·a· .MOW! • e "Sig Wednetd.ey" ( 1978) Jen·MlchMI Vin. oant, Wllllem 1<1n nw .. Celllornl• boVI enjOy the -1 encl IMld until fl'lty begin to rttllH that that9'1 _. IO llfe tllen wai&lllO down tlletr l>Oetd• 'PO' • * ·~ 'Cops And Robber•" f t9731 Cliff Gor- man, Joa Sologna 9J AUST AIA COOKE'S AMERICA "The Ar-.et" World War II propels Arnetlc• Into the •Ole envisioned by Franklin RooM\l'eft, th•t of the.,..._ nal of datnoctecy &> NOVA "Strange Steep" P~a In the fleld of .,_thMlt died lorgotten or rid~. soma In aquetor. lor tllelr hatoic et10r11 ID MMTE~ TWEATM "Pride And Praludlee" M1 C0111na ..ita a r~­ tlon with the Bennet ftlmlly and 1n1eno1 to cllooee one of Iha girls for I wife. (Par1 ~~ *** "lnllci. Mo¥M" 11ta01 JciM s.veoe. DeYtc1 Motte. A ~-to !tie 9'0llP Of ~ M M Ollklat!d bet ~ .... tlle k~ to IMfllnt the ......,,. oer'• df_,.. ef -.a Nit a '" .............. ,~, U ~ k~ O! TN ~ .. f'lft l' ,,.,.,.. ............. ~ .................. .. ......... .................. ...." ......... ,.. 10:30 CJ I.ONE RANGER "Outlaw Of The Plains" I IPORT8 WAAP•lJP JIMMY SWAQO.AAT (l)MOVIE *** "S 0 B 11931)WN· llam Holden, Julia Andr-. A movie director Who hu just llnllheel • mlllll-fTWlffon dollar tun!ey goaa from ettempted aui· dde to • blz.,rely lnaplred re-et\ootlng of hla epic. 'R' 10:41. 9UNDAY UOfl'TI l'AGI 11:00 ee·e (l)ae NIWI ,., . . .. I li'AOAlllW 00..1.0YITHI ~ ~tt An Llnllllltter end C8IOI ~ ,_,. on the l\OC)e8. dt-and ~ Of tlle WOt1d'• CIM- df'tn. I Jlf/ll«'l JIAl.wa.&, INIAK,,.... ....., lbetl llftd a.,. .... ._. .,. ""°""8atw loOll at whet'• new .. tfle _....(I') <ll)MCMI • • • • "l(r111te r Ve KtelNf" I tt1t) °"8tlfl ...........~ ..... A """ ............. •· .... ~ ... ................. ....... -L,. ...... .............. ,, ... .,...,.,. ....... 'R' 2:41 Q NEWS 2:llO CH) MOW * * "Se8rCh And Oeatroy" (1981) Perry King. Don Strouc:t A lor- ,,.,., South VletnameM offlclal '"ka revenge against Iha lour Arnenc:.. wllo •bat>dofted him In M embulll d1.4rlno Iha _.,. 'PG' .... ~ 1:11 (1)~ •• .. ~ow·1191e1 Monica G~ 111oger 0..... Is. A Kem\!Qy 1-pt -Chee'°' .._.In the cown1~_..... '"' =!~ ..... "The~,_... ly'' (lt7t) MldlllM ..,.,.. ltft, Tim MGt!h A ...,_ bell medllM ..... trend ... ln.NewVonc-~ MeeMa -, ....... btlngl .. ..,,. "' ~ c.11.,eotera on to the Nit•'• ....... Md ... ,...., ... . dlCl>MON ••• ,..._. ....-; Otl'lt Oet•le Hewi.1 Ottn, 0-.A ...... ...... .. ... ,, ....... ,._ ............ ., .. .............. ................. ...,), g91;---. ···-. ......... ,., ... .............. ~ ...... r • 1l Indian culture vs. jobs Tribe say lumberins a de1eorallon .NMa l r. Incl Mr•. i.obeft W•rMw, t1M ... , Qlrl r. encl ~rt R001r1 1•1111. llllQIOf'I loMf\, l>Oy .-, encl Mr• To1hlo N11toh. lrvfM, girt .-ir. at!cl Mra. '11ymond Gery, L11.un1 leech. gtrl l(llr. Ind Mra HOllQ 011'\Q Coet1 M ... boy Mr . i ncl Mrt. RH Hu1bn11. H141llngton a .. eh, girt yr. i nd Mr1. Omer 1(1ylr1n. lrvt11. boy llflr 1nd Mra. !ddt1 Ru111t1 . N•port lkleh. girt 'WI'· and Mr• 01rlu1 C1mpl>ell, Coell Men. girl litr incl Mrt T1rr9f'le1 loftu1, Huntington Bll<:h, citrl Mr 1nd M11. S11n14ty Ong, Cotti Mai.gift Mr ind Mr1 Judaon L1H1y1. Nwport BM<:h. girt Mr llld Nre, StepMll Pepp11 N~8"ell.boy Mr 1nd Mrt Robert R~k:I, EUREKA (AP) -Vircln timber towora abovtt tho headwaters of Blue Creek, providlna rcf uae for the golden eaale, tho spotted owl and the wolverine. Pt>pperwood and lnctllll(' et.'<iara rite beside Creson myrtlt>, mudrone, vine maple and Pacific doawood. Salmon and brook trout thrive tn the pr11Une watt•r. It Is not surprising that tour Indian tribes -the Hurok, Hupa, Tolowa and Karok -havu prized the hl9h country n ortheast of here for centuries, reserving it as a sacrl'd plat-e for training medicine men. Nor 1s It surprising that lumber companies have long sought a way into this rugged area of Northern California so they could haul its rare timbers to mills along the coast. The Forest Service says the ar<.-a t'Ould be used for both purposes. Later N•port BMcn, boy ---------------""r Ind Mra Rlcn11d KrlClll. lrv1h1, girl JuneN Mr Ind Mr• GrlgOty K()POI, Cott• Mesa, girl Mr 1no Mre Kiili G1rr11t. Irvine. gorl, Mr 1no Mrt Gery Gl1cld1n, Irvine, gfr I ~· 1no Mrt WIHl1m Runge. Ill, Co111 Men. girl. .IUMH Mr 1nd Mr1 J1m11 HOiman. Cott• Meu, gtrl ~r. ind Mra Oon1ld Ko1loll, Colla Mesi. girl ~r ano Mr• Richard Graham, lrvl!'e. girl. Mr. ind Mrs. R1cn1ro Wright. Huntington BHch, girl JuneM Mr 1nd Mrs Pller Ouln. Costa Meta. boy. Mr and Mra Robert Rod1nb1ugh. Huntington BHch, girl, June 27 Mr. and Mre Lane Jenkln1. Hurittngton Beech. girl Mr. and Mra G1ry Benedict, FOl.l'lt1in V1Jley, bOy Mr and Mrs Cnrys Cnrya HunJlngton Beech. girl Mr Ind M11 J1sp11 Freder1kaen, Colla Mesa. oorl ~· end Mrs Ertk Senulu Newport Beech. boy June21 Mt. 1nd Mrs Oenn11 cnerry. Cosla Mesa. girt ,,. and Mrs Edwin ~hon. Hunl1ngton Beech bOy ~ Ind Mrs Kevin H1yd1n Balboa. girl Mt. 1nd Mra J1mes M1y lrvlne, bOy "You can destroy a people ju s t a s effectively by mentally committing genocide as you can physically." this summN, It will construct the final six-mile leg of the 55-mile Gasquet- Orleans Road. a project ll daims will achit've that goal. But Indian leaders decry the pro.)l'Ct. known as the GO Road, as "culLUral genodde." "Instead of kiUing us off. they're destroying our cultural funct•,m s. ·· says Walt Lara. a Hurok Lndrnn and lo-gger whose famil y members w0Nh1p in the high country. Jack Norton. a Hupa who teaches ethnic studies at nearby Humboldt State University. agrees. "You can destroy a people just as e fCect1vely by mentally commlltmg genocide a s you can physically." June a Norton said. "If you destroy a people's Mt 11\d Mr• Shlgeru Ole•. Cost• religious dignity, worth and purpose. Mesa.girt Mr end Mrs Traey Longarreth. you destroy them " . Coron• 011 M1r. g1r1 The med1ctnl' men. called shamans. Mr end Mrs l(lm Mok Irvine hav" been the traditional leaders of boy.: " Mt 11\d Mrs Lewis Lelleque. the tribes. whil·h do not have chiefs. 01n• Point. bOy The strongest incen tive for building .IUM JO l)e M~. end Mrs Steven Gordon, the road through Humboldt and I L•guna Niguel. boy. Norte counties is the jobs it will Ml. and Mrs Jimu'Cowen. provide. The unemployment rate hit LBglfll BelCll. girl h Mr. Ind Mrs c1yc1101111. Irvine. 18 percent in Humboldt County t is girt.: nd .. Pet~ "--nleton. spring. It passed 28 percent in Del Mr. • ... r• •· """' Norte County. IM,,., girt. The Forest Service predicts the Dm•·ra .. DTICIS road will create 203 jobs. When Del Ill II Norte County residents voted in a ----------•June 1980 referendum. the vow went HAMILTON 4-to-J m favor of rompleting the road. Ot.A INEZ HAMIL TON. Now, Forest Service officials say beloted mother of Evelyn the Indians are the only ones R os~ Keith of Ne wport benef1tt1ng from the Blue C reek B eath. CA . and Hugh region L · Qo r e Ham 1 l t o n o f "We're directed by Congress to Baltl~ore, MD She was manage this thmg for multiple use born tn Mountain Grove, and bene fits for all people .. said Mo.,,1891. Passed away July R h d F · ' t I 6 1982 at Country Club 1c ar erneau. env1~onm~n a 6mvalescent Hospital. Santa coordinator fo r the Six Rive r s Ana., al the age or 91 Mrs National Forest. Hamtlton was wife of Perry To establish "multiple use." the Hugti Hamilton. deceased and grandmother to Ronnie HarJlilton Keith of Irvine and Jon Michael Keith of Pine ·Valley. CA Also great granpmother to Deborah Alic4t Keith and Mi chael Jare~ Keith. Pine Valley Me"'orial services and interment will be held at Melr0se Abbey Mausoleum, Analieim. Sunday. July I I, 1982; 2PM. Reccp11on for friehds of the famil y following at the So Club House DeAnza Bayside Villate. Newport Beach McCOIMICIC MOITU.UllS • Laguna Beach I 494-9-415 Laguna Hills • 768-0933 ~an Juan Capistrano • 495-1776 : , HAUotl LAW~MT. OLIVI Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 Fotttt Service 1-\u approved a muter plan for "the Blue Creek unit." The ruad will open up thl• l'Ountty. The plan will tell whlt'h (lrt'u can be clear cut and which muat be pretervcd. Fernc.iu notca the Indian "power 11te1" -cred areas with names like Doctor Rock and Medklne Mountain -will be protected by hnH-mlle buffer zonet. The tndlaru say buffer tones won't do the job. To them "th e whole country ls sacred." ~ya Norton. For centuries, Indiana seeking eplrltual enlightenment have hiked through the wilderness as part of their rite. "That's why all the other country ii just as important as when you get there," said Lara. "That's what the Forest Servk'l' and everybody else doesn't understand. They want to set aside a spedftt• spot. but that's no ood .. g . However, some of the government's own experts are against the road. In separate reports, both written under government contract, anthropologists Dorothy Theodoratus and William Bright each noted the highway could interfere with lndian practices. "I believe that the inviolate charackr of the Chimney Rock area is of great religious significance to a growing numbt>r of lnd1ans and that road building and logging in that area would vi o lat e, without any compelling reason. the religious rights of those Indians," wrote Bright. Alexander Aldril'h, chairman of the ft'deral Advisory Counc:il on Historic Preservation, has called the road "a case study of inept agency planning and dcc1s1on making that has created an unnecC'ssary c:onf11ct between eco n o m1 <· d f'v elopment and prest'rvat1on." Forest Servll't' o fficials shrug off s uch co mm t'nt s, saying the government 1s required to consult groups likt' th<' l'Ouncal. "We don't hav e t o f o llow th e ir r ecommendations," said recreation staff officer John Hoh. Even 1f the road 1s built, even 1f the trees are cut and hauled to the mill, the m11Js may havl' no desire to saw them. The t'Onstru<'tion industry is in so severe' a recession in California that there is lilll<' d<'mand for the lumber the Forest Servtl'l' wa nts to S<.'ll. The Sierra Club Legal Dl'fcnst' Fund has already falt-d suit to stop the Blue Creek management plan from taking effect. It hopes to c·xpand that s uit to include tht' GO Hoad with help from the Northl•o<ist Environmental Center. "Aft.er workmg illl thOS<' years with Smokey the &•ar. the Forest Service has a high degree of credibility," said center spokesman Tim McKay. "But they've pretty much reversed that in this situat.ton." Md<.av said that besides affecting the Indian sites. the plans for Blue Creek will rum fisheries. pollute the creek with runoff. cause landslides on the s teep h1lls1des and dnve wildlife out of th<' area all <.'Onl<'nllons that the Forl•s t S C'rvtcl' d enies <.·mphaucally. The only pt'<>pll· who would use the road for re<n•at1o nal purposes. says M<.·Kay. a rt' pc..·oplt' "who thmk it's acsthN1t·ally plt•asmg to look at clear cuts " .,.,,.,.... . • :,_CIUOTHHS 'l&L•OADWAY • : • NOaTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Meu 642-9150 SACRED COUNTRY -Chimney Rock is in the heart of sacred Indian land threatened by a Forest Service plan to build a road for logging • which lndian leaders say would amount to cultura l genocide. The lands are located in Humboldt and Del Norte counties, which are reeling under double-digit unemployment rates created by depressed timber m arket. I I IUIUC NOTICE IAl.Tl-... Of4 : SMITH • TVTMu. ~CLWCHAPll 427 E 17th St IY~ ... ~ THe ANNUAL tTATW•NT VIAil llNDl.D DllC~ 11, 1tlt '1CTITIOUI ._ .. N.,_ITATW•NT Thi fol~ "'90'll Ml dolno bllti-M: I' Cotta Mesa I 8'&-9371 t ,_CllaOTtml ~1· MOITUAIY , 127 Mein St. 1-=:-oc• .. 1MMM "-e U.. lnew-C....-., Qr""woed. IN 41t42 "CAEM( O'OA," 1912 GMJIY Or . N9wl>0'1 8"cti. Ct. 92MO Tot11 1dmlttl0 11Nt1 S 41,713,111 Olnltt• Berton. 1000 Blf111111A Tot.i Mlbllflllt 37,397,1.0 LA. Newpott hltctl, C1. 92MO Caplt1t palO up t,149,750 Yvonne Shin, 1112 Oeluy Or., Orou Plld 1n 1nc1 ~t 9"ch. Ce. 12eeo contrlbUted turplu1 1, 1tt.371 Olnt!tl a.rton 8"Clll Surplue Fuodt ~.OH Thie tlltWMnl WU tlted Witt\ the UneMIQned 1uno1 (IUf'l)lull 1.200,7515 County Clerk of Otlfl99 Oouftty Oii Olin (lOll) lrOfTI oper11lon1 1.227,4to JuM I , 1M2 Iner-lo.er.Ml In Cl!Pltll i nd .......... ""'0'..~1 lurlMU• dUflnO 1t11 '" ~-'liblltllM Or1~ Oo .. t ., y lllliltlnclt 1n ,orc.i ~tlonwtdl 111,111.000 '"°'June ao. 21 • .sutv •. 11, tMa ACCIOtnt tlld ""'1h JHll'l\lutftl 41t,tH ;,_ ______ .....;HOM•;;.;..;11~ .,_.,. In '°'°'· Ctllforllll ...,...,.. onct ,.. ...... ... ~ ... .-.....,,,~ . .... .... , ~ ...... ,... . .... .. We ,__, ..-V t"8C "'8 ..... '*'"' ert In llOHr._ W!ttl IN ~ lletelNtlt lot 1t1e _..., ..-. o. ..... It, 1N t lftMI to N INIKIM9 CelnfrlHIDl'llf of ....... OI ~ """*'4 to lew §it=L.:~·1•. ,,_....... °""" ~ ...... Nit'· '°· , '· ''· ••· n, .. ._ ____ _..;;..... ....... ~~~ Orange Ooalt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 11, 1082 I TESTING TIME -A golden eagle looks Like he wish es he was someplace else as Dr. Pat Redig, of the University of Minnesota's Raptor Rehabilitation and Research progr am. .,...,......... examin es the eyes. Says Dr. Red1g: "The golden eagle seems to get the piciure that we're trying to help it. The bald eagle neve.~ gt·t~ it. Tht·v fight U!-. l'Vc·1·v inth of th<' way Where bir d s g o for hel p University clinic heals birds of pre,· ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -She was called "Killer." It wasn't irreverent, it wasn't cute, it was just descriptive. It told staff and volunteers which bird they were talking about at this unusual clinic. "Killer" had been shot by a hunter. The bullet fractured her right wing and left her flightless. A game warden stumbled onto h er last October. a weakened and starving bird in the woods near Hudson , Wis . No on e k nows whether that hunter knew he fired at an endangered spedes as well as this country's national symbol. "Killer" is an American bald eagle. And thanks to the University of Minnesota's Raptor Rehabilitatio n a nd Research Program, she's about to fly free again. This unusual clinic. where patients are likely to come in in brown corrugated boxes. has saved more than 160 bald eagles and a dozen peregrine falcons. also endangered. and thousands of other birds of prey. It ha s n 't been easy. particularly with the eagle. which is always difficult to work with. They are prone to infection arid the very qualities that contribute to their majesty in the skies make them less than ideal patients. They are strong birds with arrow-sharp talons and fonnidable beaks. And even by bald eagle s tanda r ds. this particular bird was a rea I scrapper. Hence. "Killer." Dr. Patrick Redig, chief surgeon at the clinic, patched up the wing and started the bird on antibiotics. Soon the fracture had healed and the infection had stopped. but the bird that had been near death was not yet able to fly. ·rn December, she broke her leg. thrashing about in the captivity that the bald eagle seems to. resent even more than the other great raptors. "Killer" needed more surgery. R edig put her down with Mandated gun advocate sol tens stand· OROVILLE (AP) -The a uthor of a rt'jcctcd ordinance that would have required a handgun in every d ty household said h e'd l i ke on l y t o "encourage" gun ownership but isn't sure he can do so l<'gally. Councilman W ay ne Houseworth said in an interview that he plans to introduce a new version of the proposal that was voted down Tuesday night by the City Coundl in this Sierra foothills town. Responding t o residents, including some gun owners, who said they didn't w ant to be forced to own guns. HoU9eworth said he now prefers an ordinance thot would m erel y e n courage ownership of a handgun or long gun In every Oroville home But he said he has gotten legal opinions that a city ordinance has to require or forbid an actMty and can't just s uggest mr encourage lt. Hou.ewqrtll said he hm't au re what to do. "1 don't want to force anything down anyone'• throat,'' hr said. "Aa lon1 u lt'a Interpreted u 'encour"llt.' I don't care what the ~II." w.~..--ledah«a new ordlMnce In Kenn ... w. Oa., lftd lnt.rod\mld the Mme day .... ,,.,.. .. c:-n YNd to -~. d6vidld Wt •m• Counly .omnm-9ly ol 1, ... anesthesia in the small operattng room on the St. Paul campus and inserted pins to hold the bone in place. In January. he took tht' pins out and she seemed to bt' using the leg well. ln February. "Killer" was taken out of the eagle room at the Veterinary School and transferred to an outdoor pen at the Carpenter Nature Center near Hastings. Minn., about an hour's drive from campus. "The eagles outside do 200 percent better than the ones we keep indoors," says Redig. "We don't know why, but they do.'' "Killer" was in a large wire and wooden pen with a half doz.en other eagles. all on the mend. but not quite ready to holt'.'l> from rain. farm machinery and molC' hills dot the field. where voluntee rs must run alongs1dl' the flying eagle to keep · thl• tcth<.•r from snagging and crashing the.• l•agle to the groun~. "Killer" 1s tossed into the air and shl' flies on a straight hne, unable to soar upward She's caught agil1n and again and tossed up ftve or six limes. ti-aveling a fair d1stan<.-e, but with no real lift. the result of months of l'apttv1ty But Rt•d1g 1s opt1m1suc. HE' likes what ht-sc.-es. 'She'll bt.• ready to go withfa a few weeks." he says. "And when s ht-gcx.-s. sht· won't look back. Soml' of the other birds might land on trees or hop about before: Their very qualitie s that contribute to their majest y in the skies make them less than ideal patients. survive in the wild. Once a week. they a r e a ll flown on giant tethers attached to. their feet. The exercise is necessary to keep some tone m their wing muscles as they recover. Flying an eagle is not exactly hke walking a dog. First the eagle must be caught and they -"Killer" in particular will run and fl ap a seven-foot wing span at and around thC' pursuer. The n the beak thilt easily rips apart the muscles of its prey must be carefully watched. But it's the talons that bear the closest watching. They arc the eagle's lethal weapons. Rawhide gloves are worn by sta ff a nd four high sc hool students who are volunteering to fly "Killer" this overcast spring afternoon. Once caught, the instinctively enraged bird is carted to a windswept bluff overlooking the St. Croix River. Stubble from last year's alfalfa crop. ruts and thl'y go. but th<' bald eagle just g<>l-:. The never look back." And that's the best thanks there 1s for the men and women who trv Lo rcpaJr these most d1ff1cu.lt l·reature:. It 1s no su rprise to any of the m that most ne1ghborh(J(j(j vNs w11J can• for tht· family po<x·h and pussycat. but will h·ave nothing to do with the ;.11hng (·anary or parakeet Birds an• JUSt VN Y diff1l·ult p,tl 11 ·111:-- I ht•\ .11 '" 111 ,, word. 1 lighl v Th I' I r I n s I llH ' t I\' l ' I (' •• r (;I h.ondling. rd ha\'1ng tht·1r wing!. l 'lollfllH 'ff . :oll llt'l'(•SSlllt'S o f tn·atnwn1. lH'dll·::. such trauma and stn -s.-. that thl·1r (•1mrl111cms ol l1·n wors«n W11h J largl· nurnl:wr ol hollow tx>m-s. lht•\ <.1re ~ al!-.11 <"<1s1lv IOJUrl'll ~ lht•\ bat ahoul lo lrt'<' lhl•ms<.•h't"I And lht•\ ,111 'IOll B11d s d o n't '' h1mµ.•1 t1r whuw or l'\'l•r look loo porn )\ until th"~" .ut• u -.1lly 'll k !~.~!¥! ....... !~.!~IN.~ ...... '~'.!!J,!! .......... . . ..... ,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "·~~ ......... !.~ "~!'.~{ ..•..•••. J.~I Ill HUii HITll -HW •PlllM Quality in every detail highlight• thia masnlficently located 5 BR country French estate. Spacious rooms for formal & lnformal entertaining include dining room, tavern room & chUdren's game rpom. Maid's quarters & wine room. Security & pool. $2,650,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (H37) UILlllYI IUlll 111111 II .. ,.., IUOI Elegant French manor home in gated community. Completed in finest detail and c raftsmanship. Magnificent views of Newport's bays, & night lights. 4 BR. 6 BA, 2 fam rms & library add to this home's prestigious & elegant lifestyle. Realistically priced at $1,825,000 incl. land. Owner will assist w/flnancing. Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes. 642-8235 (H38) HWll IUFlllT -IWIH Fll&IOH You own the land when you buy this spacious Mediterranean style home with docking for 75 to 85' vessel. 4 BR, 5 BA . & conve rtible library/den. Liv. rm din rm, kitchen and breakfast rm all overlooking the bay. Good assumable loan & owner w/finance balance w/reasonable down payment. $1.700,000 Larry Dyer 642-8235. (H39) PALATIAL ELEHIH II llYEI llHESI Magnificently designed 5BR French Regency and Greek cl3$iC style residence. Approx. 5600 sq. ft. of living s pace overlooking the bay and formal entry courtyard w /pool. $1.575,000 incl. land. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (H40) "llTE IEISlllTH" Beautiful upgraded "Kensington" with loft. Wood. s uper carpeting. stained glass. bric k s pa in entry .. you name it, this house has it. Assumabie loans + owner will carry. Priced at $625,000 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (H41) Wiii •IHE EITATH Beauti!ully decorated 2 BR, den "Miramar" Plan is the ultimate in design & livabil ity! Great f o r en- tertaining. dining & relaxing. Elegant riving room, gourmet kitchen, a panoramic view. Priced for a fast sale $500,000. Anita Bradshaw 752-1414 (H42) WALi Tl PRIVATE IEHI This custom home has recently been renovated by owner and is the least expensive home available in this exclusive area of Dover Shores Seller is highly motivated. $415,000 Duffy Riebe 551-8700 (H43) THTLE HH PIUllEIT HIE Beautifully decorated "Executive Home" w /huge park-like garden & cover ed patios. 4 BR. Fam rm. formal dining w /many elegant upgrades. Excellent financing. Owner w /carry 1s t T .D . $325,000 including land Belle Partch 644-6200 (H44) IRYllE TEIUOE FEE LAii Charming immaculate home, extra wide lot. S hutters thru-out. Heated pool. Separate badminton ct. Prof. landscaped, automatic sprinklers & Malibu lgts front & back. Walk to Balboa Island. $375,000 Ray Davies. 551 -8700 (H45) WmlFF I VIEW! Lg. 4 BR home w/wonderful family nn & den addition. The fam1ly-play rm has an ornamental fplc w/raised marble hearth, mirrored wetbar & carved ceiling. Lg. view lot w /room for play. picnic & party. $299,500 leasehold . Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (H46) nlH IHllTlll UITUTll fll&lltlll For this 2 BR, 21h BA, formal dining area & patio. Only 1 ~ years old located near Harbor High School & within walking distance of shopping. $123,lrOO Fee land. Donna Godahall 644-6200 (H47) ,_ IMAT ITlllll -• 111111 Seller extremely mo\lvated. 2 story·ACfireplace, Mkro .. comm. pool & apa. Near Santa Ana ahopplnc center & Garden Orove Freeway. 2-2 8RS & 2~3 BRS available with low down, teller will carry 11taJaht note wino paymentt. Call Glaela Jtnklna 551·8700 (H48) IOUAL HOUllHO 01'1'0 .. TUHITY PIWltliltr'1 ltffet1 All , .. , Ml•ll ad\19ft1Nd In thl• ntw1p1p1r II subltcl 10 l ht F9dtral Fair Houalng Acl ol 1968 which makH 11 llltoat 10 1dYertlH "any pr1ftren- c1, llmllallon or dlacrlml· nation bated on rect. color, rellglon, HX or nallonal origin. or any Intention 10 mike any such preference, llmlll· llon or dltcrlmlnallon." Thia newspaper wlll not knowingly accept any advertising for real es- 1a1e which 11 In Ylolallon Ol lhe law EllHl1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e di ately. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. BeHn 1111411 ...................... O.a11•I IOOJ .....•••.••........•.. llESA YEllE 41R I PML/IPA Oulstlndlng valve In Wiis lro-levet home on cul-de- sac Ov~slied IOI. FR w/lrpc. Owner will esslst with financing Ii. great buy al $239,000. 751-3191 f!.~~{ ••••••••• !.~I ,,_._!~~ ......... !.~# 11'"'" auam nuu tmp#'Hllve II •"-word LOYllY 1rz hOUH with th11 com.. to mtnd wl\tn csen, 191 tOfewr 11\tw. YoU view Ille Fr. provln· Only '361.toO '•· Wiii otal .. ttflor olthlt ~ trldt doWn. Call Dir.ct If It Is oot ~[~!€!£ ...... .-'M'''"'::" Ji~:;.i~ea 3 r11n11ntng 8Clm• are ' 1oa111d In 1 11p1r1t1 Dally Piiot wing w/2 81thl. 1-.. f()( 1~~~~~~=~1 classi fied tnl1<talnlng with a 111g1 11 torm11 dlnlno room & f Ad A tion ad . Call Mlbar. Thi twnlly room or C 642·S678 and a & llvlng room both offtr f I di d 1ht warmth 0111rt911CN. Cal a r en v a · ~11um1 txl1Ung loan. Vi Ser Will c111 u1 tor • vl1wlng l\a:ay n:t..t help you 'PP'· 831-1310 u 1 nu turn your TH,\DI 110\ \I ~t \I " OllTI IOI WESTSIDE thtta be· drooma, two bath. customlied lamlly home wtlh eky11ghts. lttllan ce- ramlo Ille, ch"'1ul lemlly room, s~arkim. country kitchen Excellent linen· Ctng S 137,500. 111·1100 MAKE OFFER LIDO ISLE Astlq $257,500 BURR WHITE REAL TOR . IMC. 67!>-4630 AD-VISOR wheels into 642·5678 cash. 11. \IUI< >U H E .\ I .T \' IAYPlllT llME Private pier and float, 60 feet on the ~· Spacious 2 story home ideal for a growing family with 4 bdrms., formal dining nn. and a den. Cheerful baya!de kitchen has adjoining eating area. There's a full workshop for the do it yourselfer. Large brick patio perfect for entertaining or just sunning. An excellent value at $985,000 L.H. 17141 673-4400 12131621-2121 TIM Hort>or Areo'1 loftcJtst htablith.d Real h .. C:O...,.y 11~\ltll( >I l •OCEAN VllW * ILKS TO llACH• 123 FINANCING AVAILAILI ••• when you take over existing loan on this stunning HARBOR VIEW HILLS Home. Totally remodeled featuring beautiful master suite. gourmet kitchen, & huge lot. Only $259,000 & owner wiU assist with financing. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •OWNER DESPER A TEii• Must seU this cozy custom home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The soaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard complete the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 9032 Adams, Hunungton Beach. 556-7035. •FREE MONEY• Owner desperate, will finance home at zero interest for 5 years. Beautifully decorated home in mint condition. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable single story end-unit decorated in sumptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. Great assumable lst Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.25% payable $795/month. 963-6671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •53 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. BuUder wiU finance at 12.9" and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$727/MO.• Buys this channing 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DEMOLISHED HOME -CHIAP• 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• Is all you pay for this 3· br, 1 II'\ ba cutie with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach, 556-7035. •AIANDONED• Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •MESA VERDh Affordable living with superb financing available. Spacious home meticulously maintained. Only $13,WQ down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7036. •$9,600 DOWN• Buys this big 4 br pool home. Over 2000 IQ. ft. Loara Schools. Asking $159,900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with aoaring cathedral ceilingJI and bright and a(ry country kitchen. With 4 large bra, 2 ba'a and a family room, it's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beach. 656-7035. •TUIN A PIOG• - Into a han<horne prince. Spadoua 3 br, 2 ba home on larae comer lot needa help. Seller ~oua. Sacrifice $110,900. 963-6671. 9032 Adams, HunUngton Beach. 656-7035 • ' NEWPORT IEACH OFFICE' 2870 Ian lllglllt Qrlft .. .,.,. leoch, CA l2llO (1'4) 111-1901 One or the ways homes are being hou«iht and aold today la with Buydown Mortgage In a buydown or dtacount.ed mort.g&Se a C&e is paid to the lender to reduce the amount of lnt.ereat l.O be charged on a new mort.gage The a.mount or reduction In the tnt.erest rate desired and the anticipated term ot the loan determines the amount ot the fee Cert&tn banks and sav1n~& and loa.n Institutions orrer the buydown plan. Impact OD bu,yer e Man&e.abl• monU1l,y paymeM e C&n qua.lily Wl\h a lower 1noon111 e "" rnl&M be •tz&bl• bUL e&n b4 pal.I I v buyer Miler or any Lhltd parly e PorL1on or ree paid by each parLy w negoLtable Impact OD seller e orrer i.o pay all or par~ uf ree n.akee lh• properly more &&lable e Doe• nol have i.o Pff>Ylo.ltt pravaw flnanc1na e Recetvn all pl'OC<!eda AL clns1nii While the funds required at closing could be large, the buydown mort.gage could be the method of nnanclng In cert&tn situations to produce a sale Contact a re&l est.ate expert !or the needed guidance Pt1l111l1 Pt& .. , 5 BA. 6 yrt new, Mediterranean VHla . 1533 Miramar h1trt•lo llJ •ltw, 3 BA . pool. new carpet and paint. Irvine Terrace. 1901 Galatea. h•tt lhrt1, ocean view. seller will consider trade. Steps to private beach gate. 4511 Camden. Other fine llstlngs: Harbor View. $265,000. Corona del Mar. $220 ,000, Irvine. $265,000 and Huntington Beach. $119,000. GEUY It CDllTA THE STAINES COMPAi! 760-1397 173-7761 S:. GA'ZEK"~ Ull\ It CIAY l P()t.1_.N ft• Md II J1. ,_ o..11 ..... '°) W.. ~ ,>,. •" ,, , Y' AtcfHrlt•t r• , ... $1_,, • 1 4 n To dev•I~ m•u~ fo• Sundoy, ': oun 19GCl-ordtu:wrftiPC;lnd~to~ ol yout ZGdo« b<rth •'9" )1 ,ttft1 .... .,. ··-,. .. .,,., ... . ._ ,, ..... ... ..... _ •I Qvr' •IG•• •>·••• •• J ... t\Y•1"'9 .. .., .. ... .. .......... ...... •lft111t ., .. •u·1t•f' ....... 'M .. •""""""i .... ~,,~· • 11.25 3 FINANCING• HARBOR VIEW HOME Sensational MONACO model on FEE land with large asrumable loan!! Featuring 3 br, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *OCEAN VIEW* *STEPS TO BEACH* Sensational Beach <.'Ottagc with l:!"b a.-..sumab1<' ftnandng for only $165,000 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Nl•wpc1rt Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. HARBOR VIEW HOMES *SEA WIND* Lovely MONTEGO plan fratunng 4 Brs, private locallon and assumable financing. Only $259.900" 2670 San Miguel Dr . Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-737:3 *103 DOWN* *BAYCREST AREA FIXE.R* . Hu$e executive ranch-style home featuring 4 br s. famJly room, formal dimng on cul-de-sac w/room for R.V.'s. Only $235,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. *103 DOWN* * 11 3 FINANCING* When you takeover existing T .D .. owner will assist al 12% on thlS 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle roof. Only $1J5.000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *PRICE REDUCTION* *153 DOWN* Beautiful PLAN 1 In WOODBRIDGE LANDING located across s1.reet from LAKE #2. Features 3 br & formal dmmg. Owner assisted financing at 10%!!! Only $244,900 on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PRESTIGE COMMUNITY* Gorgeous 3 br, 2 1A'ba, 2 story home m JASMlNE.CREEK. Featuring guard gate. pools, tennis, clubhouse. Secluded location with custom upgrades including stained glass windows & carved doors. Flexible financing tailored to your needs 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *NEWPORT RIVIERA* . 3 br, 2 'h ba. family condo loce1ted on greenbelt!! Assoc mdudes pool. tennis & clubhouse Priced right at $124,900 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-150 I or 752-7373. *PRICE REDUCED* 1.753 ASSUMABLE LOAN On this charming townhome in UNIVERSlTY PARK TERRACE. Freshly painted & ready for occupancy. Only $126,950 on FEE Land. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$11,700 PRICE RIDUCTION* I *93 FINANCING ••• * When you takeover existing 1st Trust Deed on this absolutely beeutiful PLAN 4 In HERITAGE PARK. This former model features 3 Br. 2~ Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139.800!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., NewpOrt Beach. 759-lMl or 752-7373. HUNTINGTON BEACH OfflCE IOS2 Adami AVI. Huntington leach, CA 12141 (71•)111-7011 ....... ....... ,, .. 26 Canyon 1111nd Drive. 8pllt level condo with golf COUl'M view. Poot, 1pa, tennl1, 11ourlty. AHumabl• 11t of I 130,000 1t 11 Y.% VIR, with top l nterHt 12'.4%, payabl• S 1.2 89 monthly. Owner out of 1t1te & w111 111ten to all otfer1. You own the land. Asking $286,000. ONI Ill 1·• LIH llU Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths, den. 3 car garage Romberger +(jealgn. Radiant heetlng, 2 patios. Built In srorage plus many amenities, on 60' lot. $875,000. IPEI Ill 1·1 IPIOTIOIW VIEW Nllll llU 11111 .1~1 •. W. l&f .. UT 1.11 PrlM W•' •1 beyfront. IUpe t• 2 bolta. iwnoct.Md s bdrm. * bid\ fl ,200.000 ' Oce&n 4' 1tlly vt.wa~ room, 4 bdnn, 3 beth, 3700 eq.ft. tUe&,ooo. OcMntront. .... llU ... ., ..... _ ..... 1 .. Prime Udo Nord blyfront. a bdrtn. & ~ beth. L.p L.R., 2 tio.t aUpe t U 00,000. .Remodeled S bdrm, 2 beth + larp r«. nn. beam ceillnp, f\.arnJaMd, s-tkll. ~30.000. Ull& Ill.I UfflllT Laaoon view h'onl e bdnn, 6 beth, playroom. darl< nn, den, Bdat Ill(>. Now f l,000,000, IAYS91 MYI SpectKUlar beyfront view 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 bt, 2 ba dn. 2 tio.t aUpe f 1,800,000. OlllOUIO CAYS Coronado bland cust. beyfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/terrns ILlffS ... Cliff Haven custom home with 180 degree bay and ocean view. 3700 sq.ft., 2 master suites. 3rd bdrm w/bath. Oak floors. formal dining room. 2 fireplaces. wine cellar. Creative terms. $682,500. SlJl&le atory end unit. expanded, upended 3 ---------------i br, 3 ba on larpat &J"ffnbelt. $260,000. Lido Realty 673-7300 12-X. PllWIOtll • Bd 3 Ba, comm. pool, 11 ellve and -11. • BR 2 patio. $1195/mo or lease Ba, epacloua remodeled o p I . A • k I o r F r e d beauty. Moll111ted Miier. G31 ·1268. &31-2711 s138'900' llEWPORT OllEST WllTWlll 1um PlllLM 3 bdrrns, 2'h baths rondo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )41 Bny\•d•· Dr•v• '• 8 bl~ t>lbl Olll•EIOW. lllLllH For sale or lease, •.•oo aq.lt. In Southern Orange County. Financing assu· mable and terma avelle- ble.' Total Value, $335, 000. cash down $100. 000. Cell for details. llAllT FIXER 4 IR, S 104,100 Must Mii this weekend. Great s tarter home or terrific Investment. lnter- ettlng e11l1tlng financing. Call for details. 5•&-2313 LIDIYOHlt Ananclng under 11% 2 BR 2 Ba, 2• hr doormen. valet pncg, switchboard. $395.000 SYbmlt. SuP«lor ., .. or Newpor1 Bea ch. Walk lo the M A Y 0 C K THE REAL ESTATERS f<oJe ffle//i ,,, f<ea ltor 714-641-8629 beach. Huge rooms. lo-• ...... k '""' -IUlllll OllH ve1r, views. tennis couris. ~~ .,II llllAY 1-4 aw mmlng pools , spas, ('7M)4M·214e 21 ••l ... ll, "' ... clubhouse. etc Owner - desperate Call today, l~~~~~~~~I Huge 3 Bdrm home In 5•8-2313 1_ prestigious Jasmine Creek Tennis. pool. guarded gete $372,500 For more Into call Steve Wtllle ASSOCIATED REAL TORS 581-t 100 THE REAL ESTATERS The laslesl draw In the West. a Dally Pilot CleSSllied Ad. Call Today 6-42-5678. OPll TUAY •••nu. P rice down s:n ,000-fee land, 3 Bdrm home has mini-view of bay and ocean, 2 flreplace11, a large family room and the ownera w ill carry the 1st trust deed. A listing of the Von Geldems at $352,500. 1,.1 111 1·1 ,., H1 Pattllta. OlUl-VIOUl-OIW Assumable loans all under 14%, 2 Bdnns, fam ily room , earth tone d ecor a nd g reenbelt location . Snazzy a t only $1 39,900 A hsting of Katie Roberts . .,., 8un 1;5 pm, 4 Melody Lane. PRICH ltllT HI In Deerheld-3 Bdrms, 21h baths and immaculare. Quality de~or , air cond. Private pauo and financing under 12%. Priced below much of the competition at $14 9 .5 00 . A listin g o f N a n cy L a u x-Nych ay. Opu 111 1-1 ••• 2 ... ~ ....... IAYFllHT 6 Bedroom home in Beacon Bay. Now 1.:ompNitive. Free and clear and owner may carr y. Can be use d as d uplex. $995,000. A listing of Mar ilyn Hodges. Opt1 lti• 1-1 •••I leHtl l•J l "-I ~~ l I I ' I I\ I l ) I\ \I \ "-~ I Current Saleable Solution.a _1Q. Tramacdona Lut 30 Days __!! Volume LMt 30 Days J ,5mil. U,_.l()UI: t1()MI:~ REALTORS, 675-6000 H4S Ea.t Coat H ... way. Coroea del Mer Lingo Rul&rGt ....... On The Bluff OverlookJl'\I Bay & Ocean. Cu1tom-Butlt Home. A rchl\ectu rally DHltnt d . M aanlflcent Vlow1. Beautifu l Wooda. Hancblome Appolntmenta. Abundant ClOMt & Storqe Space. · 180 Ft. Fronc..p On <Xean Blvd. C•ll For M ore Info r mation, C.thryn TennHle'a Llttlng . P1....-rt1YllY Cuatom Bayfront. FEE LANO. Parquet Flra, New Cpt.a, 4 BRs + F .R. 3 'h Ba. Separate D.R. Huge F .R . W /W et Bar. Kitc h e n W/Pantry. Br kfst Room. Sa una . 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock . Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1,400,000. M arilyn Twitchell's Lia ting. llllULI .. , •11111 Exciting Ocea n Vie w Home • Superb Contemporary Styling -ln Prestigious Community · 3 BRs -3 Ba + !>en • High Beamed Ceilings ln Den. D.R. & L.R. • Sun Decks - Spa Off Spacious MBR -BBQ - Priced At $695.000. Joyce Oabolt's Listing. IEW LllTill Delig h tful 2 BR Trad ition a l Spanish, ln Costa Mesa. Recently Redecorated. Sparkling, With An Air Of P e rfec tion . Assumable Loan. $159,000. Binnie Dixon's Listing . ITUl l CllH In Irvine's Woodbridge Area. 3 Yrs Yo ung . 10¥.% Fin an cing . On Cul-de-Sac. Fenced Yard . Owner Extremely Anxious. Only $135,000. Susan T rivison's L isting. ® __ ...... _ .. 759-91• uc.,. ....... ... .,..c .... NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH TRADE TNIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lush landscaplng enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floor plan. Setler relocating, wlll be flexJble. $259,000. Call 144-7020. JUST OFF BALBOA Bl VD. Priced below market for quick sale, this ooean view R2 residence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport, 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000. Call 144-7020. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers or Investors. Needs a little TLC but well worth it! Large lot ls Ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $163,000. Call Joanne Hendrl• et 144-7020. ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, a marble fireplace, oak library, master suite with Jacuzzi tub and steam shower, 3 addltlonal bedrooms, a four car garage, Insulated wine room, full security system, 4 fireplaces and a whole tot more. $1,895,000. Call Ed Eecano or Judy Jordan et 144-7020. LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT Handsome traditional 5 Bdrm 4'.lt Ba home on the bay with picturesque views, family t oom, sunken living room, courtyard spa, slip for 60' boat and complete security. $1 ,450,000 leasehold Aak for LOIS EGAN 144-7020 HARBOR RIDGE "DEVONSHIRE" An Invitation to gracious family living Is yours when you see this 4 Bdrm 31h Ba panoramic view home that is sure to revolve around your entertaini ng. Features Include 2 fireplaces & atrium. $850,000 with $295,000 assumable at 13.25°/,. Owner wlll consider trade. Call ED E8CANO or JIM SELLERS 144-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city tight views that come with this 3 bedroom, 2'.lt bath home awash In neutral earthtones. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique lifestyle that typifies Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. Call Ed Eaceno or David Hlrachler at 144-7020. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-50% DOWN This Newport Beach leasehold duplex Is just a few steps to the beach. Live In one, rent the other. Flexible seller offers good tow Interest financing $225,000. Call De¥td Htnchler et &M-7020. EXCLUSIVE HOME IN HARBOR RIDGE "Lucerne" model In exclusive gate-guarded community convenlentty located near the Harbor, Newport Center, elrport and lrvtne oenter. Ideal for entertaining wtth 3 bedrooms, 3'h bath•, 3050 aquare feet, vfew decks, 3 flreplaoes, family room and panoramic view& of the Harbor, Catalina and twinkling tights of the ctty by night. OIW/C AITO of $619,000 at 12.75'1, for term egreeabl• to buyer. $850,000. AA for Ed Eaceno et 144-7020. LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located just a half block to the beach, this duplex has two bedroom units renting at $400/month. With 20-25% down, owner wlll carry for five years. $235,000. Call David Hlr9Chler at 144-7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guarded community Is the setting for this 4 bedroom. 2'h bath home with deck, professional landscaping, courtyard entry, high celllngs. flreptace and skylight. $357,000 assumable at 12.75%. $585.000. Call Judy Jordtln or Ed Eecano at 144-7020. ' SEA VIEW GATE·GUARDEO. COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city light and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing available. $495,000. Call Judy Jorden or Ed Eaceno et 844·7020. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Plans for a 10,000 sq. tt formal French home with no houses on either side or behind are Included In the purchase plan of this site. Land owner must liquidate but wlll consider a joint venture agreement. $1,500,000. Cell ED ESCANO "'4-7020 SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city tight views Illuminate this 3+ Bdrm home with family room, 2 Baths, contemporary sty11ng, 2 patios. courtyard, wetbar, fireplace, breakfast nook & much. much morel $495,000. Call Hallle Strock at 144-7020. GREAT PRICE AND TERMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean·,.~·· and mountains greatly enhance this Devonshlr'S t Bdrms, 31h Baths, 2 fireplaces. 2 large decks l ,~0.000 in assumable low Interest financing. $695,0<. -·• cD EICANO 144-7020 GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new . summer home with Ideal rental units. With 20% down, owner wlll ca'rry at 12•1 •. If you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces, patio and double garage, posslbllltles are almost endless. $475,000 Fee. Call Stephanie Burn• at "'4-7020. THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant gate-guarded Bayfront condo wtth 2 bedrooms, den and 2'h baths features an additional fireplace, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, wet bar, pool, boat slip, private beach and. stained glast. $825,000 with assumable financing. Calf JOE CEFARAm 144-7020. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Creat condo 11 wtthtn euy walking· dlstanoe to beach and lhopptng. Motivated Miter wlll M8tat buyer to purchlH thl• 3 bedroom home with beam celllnga, country kitchen and many other upgredea. 1249,500. Cal...,...,. Heftdrte etM4-70IO. LINGO REAL EST ATE Newport Be•cl:I -844-7020 Laguna Beach•Laguna Niguel•Dana Point•San Clemente "On the SOuthm Oron9• COO.I • Loolr lo Un .. ""''" ONN IUNDAY 1..a P.M. ..... 0 ... --. ............... . 10M I ...... mtv4., ,..A 11~~~ HJ --AW... ........ uw·-=-~· ~ ~c:.---·•--u 11;=~~L;;."'"··-·, ....... ... .., __ ,_._..,... ..._.,._ ,...._ Cdll -.. -"~ M01~-w..-.................. _.,..,... 1111 Klnfa ~ NJteethte ··---10 ... ure, Irvine "'"··· .. --...... w ..... 11•• NIW CA'I COD-CdM A brMd MW two-elory home. Dttve 9'f S14 Marlgold •.. 1u11 1horl blocifll• lo Corona def Mer INecshee. Al queHtf lft Ihle i bedrm, f91ft0r room Mid twlNI dlnln, room. LA"o• VllW 8UNDICK. Cell or tlnanolng d•l•lle ... lt,000. llM400. OVERLOOKING l!Ml!RALD •AV Magnlftoenl "wNtewal.,.' oc..n v•wt "om ..... CUllOM conletnpotety home with ,,...,., Miit• • i bedroom•, meld'• quertet• • 4 'Al be. lteaencie • w ......... gourmet llltoh•n, formal din.rm. MotJYot.cl ....., wHI cony 'lr•t T J). ot 1~ Int•"'· c ... '°' ............... ISM400. 11'f'•% -11"'4% -1H'•'I'• NPT. New tu•ury condo1, 1tepa lo bay 6 beach. Unueuel queltty In tti.M 2 bed. + unite. OwMr off era 11 ~ % tlnancfng. 8rochur" a det.H• on alt• 209-215 1tth St. off Bolboe Bl¥d. From 1311.000. LITTLE ISLAND CORNER DPLX PRICE REDUC ED TO t5S5,000I OW exchange thl1 dreem home of s bed • rental unit a meld'• quertere. 8tepa to water a beac h. FLEXIBLE form•. Colof'fulfr COOJdlnet.cl Ii lovely. LIDO ISLE DRAMATIC 8plrel •l•lra end profe .. lonal decor thrCK19hout thl1 1pec:lou1 4 bed, 4 ba. home, perfect fOI' the tomlly. Exl1tlng eHumobte loon• of 1392,000 o effective 12.3~ lnterfft 8e ... price .... 500 ..... 131·1400. BAYSHOAES FRESH & FRENCH A pert.ct tr.clltlonal country French s bed. 3 ba. with large CCM.tntry kitchen. llricll petioe a •II •menltlff fOf ovtdoor lfvlng. owe flrat T.O. PIHM ... •nd IUbmlt. 132$,000. BRICK, WARMTH, VIEWI E•cellent loc etlon with c ompletely remodeled 3 bed. home Unqueatlonoble cloH·UP view with femlly room end 1uper m .. ter 1u1te. GrHt for entertaining end dally llvlng. $588,000. fM. 131-1400. STEPS TO BEACH Sh•rp be•ch home. Hlghly upgraded. Remodeled kitchen. Nice UM of wood ln11de l CM.It. A rHtonoble price for thl1 3 bed. 2 be. h o me end out•t•ndlng nnanclng. OW help ... aubmlt. S20t.OOO. NEWPORT ISL.CORNER Cheerful a cute b••ch cottege In e "water orient.cl" community. Bright 2 bed. + petlo. Flexlbte flnenclng. Red. lo '225,000. ADORABLE DUPLEX-COM Well prk:.cl ond only 3 blocka to oc:een. Front houee with 2 bed. 1 be .• wetHqulpped kitchen, tlle fireplace end wood noor.. &peni.h erchltecture with new• 3 bed, 1 ba. unit o¥er 4-ear 981'899· ... rMd cefflng, l•ge deck. Ct\ormlng wellpopera a lmmec ulate condition. 1212.000. DRASTIC REDUCTION llftmoculot• Md adorable cottage thot'e "" ttvoble Md lo•NMe •• l272,500. NMt 8'I ehopplng • lhta 2 bdrm wtth brick petJo ta Hie "BUY" ON THE l&LANOI NEWPORTIS.BAYFRONT An eftordoble prtce on the water with pier/a.lip for 30' boat. Entoy CM.ttdoor IMng with large patio A deck. Adepteble realdene9 ~ be duptex or home. owe large 2nd T .8. 1415,000. FH. BEAUTIFUL BACK BAY-VU, VU In • private wooded elcove corner In Newport. Cuatom 4 bed. 3 be., tormel din. rm., fem rm .. 3 flrepl~. wet bar, VU 11¥1ng rm., recreetlon rm. w/wet bar. Prl¥Ole pool 6 ape. Spaclou1 a lu•urlou1 w/hlgh beem.cl cellln91 In llv. rm. OWC •II at 10.5% APA lor 30 yHra, with rHeoneble down payment. 1571.000. r... FOREVER VIEW-REDUCED! Terrific loc•llon 6 luge home with tor•ffr ¥tew for only S&41.500 on '" land. Or exchange for 1m0Her home or Income unit• In thl1 erea. Lotge 2-1tory 3 bed. + large tam. rm. din. rm. • 3 e• gerege. A11umeble loen. Term1 flexlble. OW ..... ,option. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK Two 1tory 3 bedroom•, 2'11 belhi In • quiet locellon. Greenbelt •lew1 end low"t prtc.d In e wotef'front communflJ with boot docll. Good euumabl• ftnenclng. '320,000. CLIFFHAVEN-VU, VU-TEAMS L .... toptlon cw trede down for unite or emetter home. VU with two 2 bedroom unite on lotge lot. pten1 for home plus lueat houM and pool Included In price. ubmlt. snt,500. OtfH by 2001 Klng1 Roed, Newport. EXTRAORDINARY BAYFAONT DUPLEX I tmpoealbte to dupllcot• today In ,.._port ON WATIA. GrendloH property on exciting SOUTH BAYFRONT. l'.ac:h unit hoa lntere1tlng lent. to entoy fore"' VU1 from • bed 3V. be. din. a fem. rm1 .. + 2 n~ a 2 belconlff. ow help finance to quollfl.cl buyer. AEOUCED TO: S1,MO,OOO. 113-etOO. GRANDEUR ON LINDA ISLE A ~ of gr-4 propcwt6one on .... ...... UMe ... ,.,.., """ .... 1•rden1 our brick wolkw•r a dip PoOIJepe to to4at •"t•noe. T1" •lofJ .............................. ....,, fountain. 'ormel ll•lnt room with epeclou1 femlly rCHNn lnoludlnt i.r .. .... .._ ...... ,.,..... ..... ""· + ...... ~ •• , ...... LM9e ouNoof ...... ,._Mat c1oott a .., tot i bMte. 11.-.-. WATERFRONT W/LG aOAT IL• MDUC•Dt300,000 ..... .................. ......, ....... olu~hoUM, ~. o..... 4000 ~ ft., w/4 ..................... ,... ......... ... ... Loweet ...... -.......... UNa. Teh ..,., ~H. Mlt,IOO lft ....... ...., "" ....................... .. .... .. ........ ........... .,... . ....,= ................... .. .. .,. ~ ...... ,. ... ... -.... °"'* ..,. ~ ... .-:. .. ..... ............ .. 111·MM. WA TEltfRONT HOMES.1"1l "t.\l TlMe" ........ ~ .. -=:..~ ·~ ...... ·= I Ull llTAn Hu 11 Alll Huo• with !tool, Spa 6 Vlewll A moll pr .. ttglOUt IOCI · lion An en1ertalner'• delight wf11nbe1t•v1bt• ' pnce' terrMI Won't IN!. Catt Patrick Of Fred "te- no re 780-8702 or 63M2M UYI 11 MlllllA Move right Into 1hl1 bMUlllully maintained • Bdrm •Ingle 11ory home. JI.Ill 2 ml fr~ the bMcll In motl detlrable neloh· bol'hooct. OwMr ottlffno 1 twrlflc financing, Pric.d to Mii tmmedfately 11 St83,IOO 751-31t1 c::::. ,, . _,..., •• ~'• '' ! ' llll TlllS OIE Seller WUI ~rry $30,000 str1lohl not• for 6 yrs You benefit with 1 mon· thly payment of $92• Plfmo Calt now to see the cozy country kitchen w/rock llrepl1ce and custom cabinets $119. 900 Don't delay. colt Diana today. 559.9400 DIANA PIETENPOL- VOLPE What it means #Jr yuur ad fJJ be "clnssifi.ed" Most of the people ln our community with money t.o spend read cluaified regularly. Tbouaands or proepecUve buyers •ill aee your ad. cars*bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walkers•toys •wagons•••• scooters• hot rods*coupes• t r ailers*hard tops•convert - ibles•motor homes*lawn mowers*limos •corporate headquarters •garden car~s Model A's•••• •typingtables wheelbarrow s• recreational vehicles*golf carts* model trains*bikes •planos•cars r ef rigerators •skates•••••• If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster in a Dally Piiot CllHffled act C.11 642·5'71 and • friendly 16- YIMr wtlt MtPY°" tU.tnycKlr WMlttlnto cath. Or1n0t Ooa1t DAILY Pll .• OT/8und1y1 July \ 1, 1912 HOUSES FOR SALE 2 HDROOM 222 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-7300 $340,000 Sun 1-5 1 3 13 Onyic. Balboa tstand 673-4062 Sun 12·4 10 Vienna. HarbOr Ridge, NB 640-9605 $399,900 Sun 1·6 101 Scholz Plue, #124. Versailles, NB 548-9955 $239,000 Furn. Sun 1·5 117 Merine Ave, 'Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $272.500 Sun 1-5 2 BA plua FAM AM or DEN 3 Barrier Reef, (Jsmn Crk) CdM 676-5511 $369,500 Sun 1·5 ff3 Rue Fontainebleau. (Big Canyon) NB 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1-5 1706 Miramar. Balboa Penln Pt. NB 642-5200 $300,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * •633 lido Perk Or(F2)Lldo Vig, NB 760-1900 $495.000 Sun 1-5 621 Lido Park Or. C-3. Lido Pen. NB 63 1-1 400 $560,000 1123 W. Bay, Newport Beach 645-4220 $290,000 Sal/Sun 11-4 8 Whitewater. Jasmine Creek. CdM 644-9060 $335.000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 19 Curt Dr .. Jasmine Crk. Vu. CdM 640· 1515 $438.000 Sal/Sun 12·5 3 BEDROOM 587 Bay St. (W.side) Coste Mesa 759-9100 $111,900 Sat 1·4 1126 E. Balboa Bl. (Penin) Balboa 759-9100 $1.295,000 Sal/Sun 1 ·5 3225 Dakota St. Mesa Verde. C.M 545-9904 $139,900 Sun 1·4 601 Gary Pl .. Newport Heights. NB 645-6269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 * •301 N. Star ln (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $525.000-L/H Sun 1-5 3 14 Marigold. Corona del Mar. NB 631-1400 $669.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **3415 Ocean Blvd . CdM 760-1900 $1,250.000 Sun 2-5 1 Rue Fontamebleau. Big Cyn. NB 760-1900 $500.000 Sun 2·5 535 Hazel Or .. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $350.000 Sun 1·5 1911 Court St. Bal. Penln, NB 673-7300 $399.000 Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboh, Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $595.500 Sun 2·5 113 Via Ravenna. lido Isle. N B 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 1.5 224 Via Lorca. Lido Isle, N B 673· 7300 $425,000 Sun 2·5 900 Joann S!, Costa Mesa 540-1151 $ 110,000 Sun 1-5 2220 Maple. Costa Mesa 979-2390 $109.500 Sun 1-5 •3225 Dakota, Mesa Verde, CM 545-9904 $139.900 Sun 1-4 876 Presidio, Mesa del Mar. CM 759-1501 $130.000 Sun 1-5 379 E. 19th S. (E/S1de) CM 979-2390 S 145,000 Sun 1·5 116 Via Quito. (Udo Isle) NB 673-6915 $299.500 Sun 1-5 325 E. 23rd St. (Eastslde) CM 646-7171 $199,900 Sun 1-5 3 BA plua LOFT 1793 Hawaii Cr. (Mesa Verde No) CM 979-2390 $169,500 Sun 1 ·4 3 BA plua GUEST 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 642-8235 $495.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BA plus 1 BA GUEST 2601 Waverly. Bayshores. NB 549-8547 Make Otter Sun 1·5 3 BA plus FAM RM or DEN 1218 Keet Or. (Harbor Vu Hills) CdM 5 Jasmine Creek (Jasmn Ck) CdM 552-2000/553-1417 Sun 2·5 •2009 Yacht Defender (Seavu) NB 759-9100 $450.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1087 Glen Cir. (W.side) Costa Mesa 759-9100 $229,000 Sun 1·5 1215 Alabama. Huntington Beach 960-2686 $215.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * •38 Balboa Coves. Newport Bch 675-7060 $569,000 Sun 1·5 1211 Kings Road. Cliff Haven. NB 631-7300 $395.000 Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace, Irv. Terr .. NB 631 -7300 $1.050,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1837 Commodore Road. Baycrest. NB 631-7300 $299.000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Bristol Cir, Hrbr Vu Hms. NB 631-7300 $268.500 Sun 1-5 •5 12 Rockford Pl., Cameo Hghlnds. CdM 63 1-7300 $199.900 • Sat/Sun 1-5 602 Kings Ad .. Newport Beach 645-8532 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4601 Camden Dr., Corona det Mar 759-1221 $895,000 &.In 12·5 25 Malnsatl (Jaamn Ck) CdM 840-9592 $372.500 Sun 1-<4 * 1472 Galax)' Or .. Dover Shoret, NB 642·2~10 1739.000-Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 2811 Circle Or., B•v-tlorea, NB 845~211f $299.600-L.H. Sun 1·4 1218 Key Wett, HV Hiiia, CdM '44-<4910 '379,&00·FM t Cherry South, Univ. Pk, lrvlne Sun Ml 844·toe0 t150,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • 17 Mont•ey Cir .. Corona del Mlf ~-totO ...... 000 Sun 2·& 114 Vie Glnoe. Udo lllrt, N.I . .,,.,.. ,' 1111,opo DIRECTORY ICtt , tMt '-'dr dlrtctory wlttl t .. fM• wHfatM •• yw .. llwtt ......... A• !tit lee ..... • lhtt4 ....., -llttcr4Md IA.,._...,. llttell y M¥rillllt .... wtltt-t i. to4ey'1 DAILY PILOT WAMT ADS.'*•• .... ,, .... .,.. ....... ,.,. .... .,. ,..... -lll"tM .. ht .... ~ ....... c ....... , .. ,....., 91145~. 1607 Cornwall (Westcllll) NB 642-5200 $289.500 • 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000-fee Sun 1·5 Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $885,000-lee Sun 1.5 607 Bayside Or .. Promontory Bay. Nt:i 631-1400 $1.200,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 Shoal Or, Jasmme Creek. CdM 760-1900 $389.900 Sun 2·5 1337 Sussex Ln. (Westclllf) NB 645-7408 $269,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 118 Via Quito. Lido Isle. NB. 673-7300 $639.000 Sat/Sun 2-6 * •748 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl. NB 644-9060 $1.995.000 Sun 1-5 20 11 Paloma. E-s1de. Costa Mesa 646-9498 $199,500 Dally 1·5 28 Miner's Trail, (N wood) Irv 559-9400 $199,000 Sun 1·5 * 1087 Glen C1rcle. Westside. Costa Mesa 759-9100 $229.000 Sun 1-5 •2009 Yacht Defender (Seavu) Npl Bch 759-9100 $450.000 Sun 1.5 4004 Inlet Isle. HV Hiiis, CdM 644·6200 $299,500 102 Via Koron. Lido Isle, NB 642-8235 $685.000 211 Opal. Balboa Island. Npt Bch Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 675-4000 $647.500 Sun 12-4 2609 Raquela. (Eastblull) NB 759-9386 $249.900 •3043 Samoa (Mesa Verde) CM Sun 2-6 540-115 1 $ t45 000 Sun 1-5 2921 Jacaranda. (Mesa Verdel CM 751·3191 $134.500 Sun t-4 •2283 Waterman. Costa Mesa 63 1-7370 $235.000 Sun 1-4 1718 Port Westbourne Pl. HV Homes. NB 759-1501 $223.950 Sun 1-5 928 Goldenrod. HV Hills. CdM 759-1501 $259.000 531 Traverse. (Del Cerro) CM 979-2390 $159,900 123 Via Genoa. Udo Isle 675-1771 $380,000 9901 Voyager. Huntington Beach Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 631·1400 $166.500 Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Ad. Newport Heights. NB 631-1400 $599.000 Sun 1·5 •2320 Lalinda Pl. (Back Bay) NB 549-1400 $239,950 Sun 1-5 •426 Flower. (Easls•de) CM 645-4707 $209.000 Sun 12-4 1830 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 642-5399 $239 900 Sun 11-3 4 BEDROOM * 1801 Anllgua Cir Baycrest NB 642-8235 $424,500 Sun 1-5 1024 E. Balboa Blvd. Penm Pl. NB 631-1400 $750.000 Sun 1·5 2127 Indian Springs Lane, Back Bay. NB 631-1400 $579.500 Sun 1-5 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2804 W. Oceanfront. Balboa Pentn, NB 631-1400 $695.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN * 1412 Santiago. Npt Beach 631-1266 Sat/Sun 1·5 1844 Port Charles Pt.. Hrbr Vu, NB 546-5605 $309,500 Sun 1-5 •4626 Aoicbury, Cameo Shores, Npt Bch 675-5930 S4 75.000 Set-Sun 1·4 ••542 Harbor Isl Dr(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1 ,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte. Big Canyon. NB 631-7~00 $850.000 Sat/Sun 1.5 2811 Lorenzo (Mesa del Mar). CM 631· 7370 $139.900 Sun 1·5 111 East Bay. Balboa 631-7300 $549,500 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane. Westcliff, NB 631·7300 $4 75,000 Sun 1-5 24 12 Clttt Dr .. Newport Hghts. NB 645-7189 $598,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18971 Antioch. Turtlerock, Irv. 541-5032 $200.000 Sun 12-3 6 Point Loma (Spyglass) CdM 675·6000 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1823 Port Carlow (Hrbr Vu Hma) NB 675-6870 $295,000·FH Sat/Sun 1·6 ** 1008 W. Bay. Bal. Penln, NB 644-9060 $950,000 Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront Or., CdM 673· 1148 $549.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1948 Port Chefaea (tiVHl1) CdM 840·7877 $380,000 Sa 1-5/Sun 1.4 210 Via San Rtmo. Lido ,,.., N.8. 875-3048/673·2556 S1t18un 1·5 ••IM2 H1tt>or lel Or, (Prom Bay) NB 76t·t100 11,400,000 ""' 1·0 •14H 011ul4~ve, Oo"9t '"°'"·NI ... I-ant ,000 LH lun t ·I 26 Warmsprlngs (Wdbrg) Irv. 751-3191 $339,950 222 Via Koran (Lido Isle) NB Sun 1·5 642·5200 $839.500 Sun 1-5 1924 Port Weybridge. HVHms. NB 759-1501 $279,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 3105 McKmley Way. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $144,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 3474 Windsor Court. Costa Mesa 673-3900 Sat/Sunday 1-4 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde. CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 1132 Ebbllde. Harbor Vu Hills. NB 760-1900 $695.000 Sun 2·5 232 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $535,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1007 Titler Way, HV Hilts, CdM 644-9060 $349,000 Sun 1-:) 2705 Cardinal (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 S 189.900 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 1840 Tradewlnds, Baycrest. NB 644-9060 $375.000 Sun 2-5 **319 Morningstar. Dover Shrs. NB 644-9060 $ t. 195.000-Fee Sun 2·5 * •2616 Bayshore Or .. N.B 644-9060 $1, 750,000-Fee 427 -16th Pl, E-slde. Costa Mesa Sun 2·5 644-4910 $229.000-Fee Sal/Sun 1-5 1251 Surtllne Way. HV Hills, CdM 644-4910 $275.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 133 Via Undine. Lido Isle. N B 644-9060 $745,000 Sun 1-5 :: 8 Rue Vrllars. Big Cyn, NB 640-6137 $775.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 13 1 Via Undine, lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $539.7!:.0 Sun 1-5 * 14 Burnmg Tree Rd. Big Cyn. NB 644-4910 $695.000-Fee Sal/Sun 1 ·5 222 Via Palermo. Lido Isle. N B 673-7300 $389 000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr . Dover Shores. NB 548-5647 $420.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 30 1 La Jolla Or. Npt Bch 675-6670 $376,000 1255 Somerset. (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $395.000 •2708 Cliff Or. Npt Bch Sun 1·5 Sun t-5 63 t-1266 $565.000 Sun 1·30.5 2318 Port Lerwick. HV Homes. NB 759-1501 $259.900 Sun 1-5 621 W Columbine. Santa Ana 979-2390 $169.900 908 Chestnut. E·Bluff. NB 759-1501 $440,000 5525 Highland, Santa Ana 979-2390 $144.500 Sun 1·5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·5 8201 Seab1rd Cr. Huntington Beach 675-1771 $160.000 Sun 1-4 421 P1rate Rd. Newport His 631-1400 $249.500 320 1 Idaho, Mesa Verde. CM 751-3294 $179.900 1124 Dana. (Plaza def Sol) CM 645-0303 $285,000 •2409 Tustin Ave. (Bkby) CM 645·0303 $269.500 Sun 1-5 Sun 1·4 Sun 1-4 Sun 1-5 •828 St. Cta1r. (Mesa del M ar) CM 646-7171 $135.000 Sun 1·5 5 BEDROOM 2406 Francisco. Npt Bch 673-7771 $475.000 2912 Carob . Eastblutt. N.B. Sun 1-4 646-1044, 644-1742 $264,500 Sun 1.5 * •708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isl. NB 675-6161 $1.500,000 Sun 1·5 * •4028 Channel Pt .. Nwpl Island. NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1533 Miramar. Balboa Penln Pt. NB 673-7761 $449,500-fee Sun. 1·5 105 San Remo. Udo Isle. N B 673· 7300 $595.000 Sun 2·5 5 BA pfua FAM AM « DEN 2500 Bayshore Or .. Bayshores. NB 631-7300 $1.650.000 Sun 1·5 336 Cherry Tree Ln .. Newport Bch 548-8633 $2 15,000 Sun 12·4 * 1448 Galaxy. Dover Shores, NB 675-2373 Sat/Sun 3-6 * 1608 Galaxy. (Dover Shore) NB 631-1266 Sun 1·5 *3 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass. CdM 6«-6200 S2.295,000 Sun 1·5 1818 Tanager, (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 s2eo.ooo sun 1-~ 10301 Pol•rl1, Dover ShOf•, NB IM2-8235 M 15,000 LH Sun 12·5 *45 Royal St. 0.0,ge, (Big Cyn) NB 844·7318 St05,000 Sun 12·6 35 Aldaetlne Dr., Hlft>or Ridge, NI 180-l tOO U ,tl0,000 a-,,, 2..e 220 Via P*;:il.Lldo 111t. H.I . l "4..eNO 000 lltllun 'ii I 8ft plua FAM AM or Dl!N 115 Harbor Island Road. NB 631 -7300 $1,500.000 Sat/Sun 1-6 32 Mlsalon Bay Or , Spyglass. CdM 760-1900 $615.000 Sun 2-5 * 1848 Newport Hiiis Or E. HVH. NB 644·8725 $495,000 ' Daily 1·5 • 7 BA plua FAM AM or DEN * 1406 Lincoln Ln . Dover Shores, NB 2131289-7726 $598.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1760 Port Manlelgh. Hbr Vu Homes 644-4337 $450,000 By appt. CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 1000 MacArthur Bl. Untt 98. SAna 979-2390 $71 900 Sun 1·5 1 BR plua FAM RM or OEN tO Seguna. Irvine 673-6900 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BEDROO M 100 Scholz Plza Ph 10(Versa111es)NB 631 -7300 $259.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 * •600 E. Oceanfront 2H. Bal Pen1n 558·8835 $249.000 Sun 12-4 •25 Canyon Island Or Big Cyn NB 673-7300 $265.000 Sun 1·5 15 Evening Song. (Trtlrkl Irv 675-6670 $169.990 Sun 1·5 2 BR plus FAM RM or OEN =4 Seascape Or Seawlnd. NB 675-8676 $139.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2190 Borque Springs. Costa Mesa 979-2390 $1 34 900 Sat 1-5 209 19th St .. Balboa Penm NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sat/Suri 1-5 3 BEDROOM 2237 Vista Hogar Bluffs Npt Bch 957-1877 Sun 1·5 2569 Orange. Cos1a Mesa 646-5096 $1 15 000 Sat/Sun 12-5 685 V1s1a Bon11a The Btulls NB 63 1-7300 $229 000 Sun 1-5 292 1 Bradford B" Santa Ana 979-2390 s 105.900 Sat 1-5 3 BR plus FAM RM or OEN 23 Rocky Knoll. Turtle Ack. V1s1a Irv 63 1-7300 $225.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 ;; 7 Rue Villa rs (Big Cyn I Nwpt Bch 759·9100 $725 000 Sa t/Sun 1-5 2645 Vista Ornada. Npt Sch · 640~0020 $31 5.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 •2642 Vista Ornada (Blulls) Npt Bch 759-9100 $229.500 Sat/Sun 1.5 .~ 7 Rue V1llars. (Big Cyn) Not Bch 759-9100 $725.000 Sun 1.5 •2642 Vista Ornada <Bluffs) Np1 Bch 759-9100 $229.500 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM 157 Yorktown. (Mont1ce1101 CM 646-8396 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 BR plus FAM RM or OEN 616 Mangold Corona del Mar 675-5511 $370.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 2 BA plus FAM RM or DEN 1845 Monrovia. Sp 23 Costa Mesa 646-8133 Sat/Sun 10-6 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 BR plus 2 BR 403-408'7 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar. NB 631-1400 $272.000 Sun 1-5 411·411 ''' Dahlia, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $545.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 BA plus 3 BA * •506 E. Oceanlront. Bal Penm. NB 673-7300 $525.000 Sun 11·5 5 BA plua 3 BR 509 Acacia (ocean side of hwy), CdM 645-7048 $440.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 BAYFRONT LOT FOR SALE (VACANT) **1008 W. Bay. Bal. Penln. NB ~4-9060 $860.000 Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR RENT I M plua FAM AM or DEN 1115 Essex. Westcllff, NB 646-6789 $995/mo Sun 1·5 SUMMER RENT Al 3 l l!DROOM 431 E. 20th St , Coate Mesa 548·6196 $1500/mo Sat/Sun 1·5 HOUSE FOR LEASE 2 HDROOM 15 Sea Island, BIG Cyn, NB 750·1 501 $99!/mo 8urt 2·5 This beawurul toW\'lhome has it all -soar1n11 cathedral ceahngs, 3 ~normous bedrooms, 2 '· 1 baths. ceramic tile kn.chen ~ baths + custom window and wall coverings. Best oi all there'• a 11reat usumabl" loan & wnh $1 5,000~wn the owner will provide financm11 111 ZERO IN REST FOR FIVE YEARS Pril't'd SI0.000 below ket at $149.900 963-5671 ~ 556-7035 WALKER & LH REAL ESTATE 9032 Adoma Ave., Huntington Beach WHILE WITCH FROI LIYlll ROOI Newly remodeled wood and glass 3 bdrm. 3 ba 2 story home an North Laguna. White water view overlooking Emera ld Bay from every room. Entertain on 3 view decks or in built in spa. 375 Camden. Laguna . Reduced to $895.000. 851-6936 (2) 4-plexes, 2 bllcs to sand, Spanish style 2 bdrm townhouses. Condo potential. Garages. $275K ea w/25% d n . P r ine. onl y . Below bank -appraisal. 1-870-9227. '* ' 11.21'-' Financing available when you take over existin g loan on t he elegant 4 Br 'executive home that haa been extensively ~prepared for entertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. WAUCH la LH IEAl. EST A TE 2670 San Miguel Dr., ,..wpot1 leach 759-1501 or 752-7373 Newport Crest Condo, 3 Br. 3 Ba, mstr suite w /s itting rm, ocn view, complete l y remodeled, incl new paint in & out. cpts, Jenn-Air stove w/radar, Italian Tile. Mexican Pavers. Also has shutters. wet bar,· mirrored drs, huge bltin bookcase. frplc, skylites. oversized tub & inside-outside BBQ's. Finest condo in the Crest. A real value a l $249,000. Xlnt terms. Own er dys/eves 645-0209 or 645-5472. 1120,000 With $57.000 down ... OR $130,000 with $32,000 down! APPRAISED AT $14.0,000. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, xlnt floor plan, nice yard. Submit offers -Owner Will Carry. lllT llW! ...... ..,, (211) 121--1/(211) ........ COLDWILL IANKIR lealdentlol leol l1tote Services OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 1823 PORT CARLOW Beautiful 4 Br/Fam. Rm. Montego -single stor y -hig hly cus tomized -lovely gardens -"model perfect" -fee land - excellent financing. Coa!'tlal Ar••o Pro1wrli1·~ Bus: Joann Akf'rman Rf'll: (7 14 ) 6 75-6870 (i l 4.) 675-7f»CJR BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN -Spacious open & sunny all view home w / panoramic decks, on huge prime Island Point, + docking & prkg galore, + you own the land, +owner financing, all for $965,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island, N.B. 673-0202. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, July 11, 1982 NEW VICTORIAN Antique lover's dream home. 4,500 sq ft of authentic quality. All Mah. paneling and trim. Imported ceiling moldings and domes. Antique mantels. Superb Newport Harbor views from 602 Kings Road. $895,000. Open house 2 to 5 Sat/Sun. Phone 645-8532. 631-7624. •OCEAN VIEW • BLKS TO BEACH • 12 % FINANCING AVAILABLE . . . when you take over existing loan on this stunning HARBOR VIEW HILLS Home. Totally rem odele d featuring beau tiful master suite, gourmet kitchen, & huge fot. Only $259.000 & owner will assist with financing. 759-1501 Of 752-7373 WALKER & LH REAL ESTATE 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach Elegant, quiet 3 bedroom, 2 1/z bath home. compact island kil{·hen with special wood flooring. Your plush view 2 bedroom. 2 bath apartment has 1t all & more. Only $545,000 with first-users tax benefits ~ you Sat or Sun 1-5 pm. Chris Hopper. CORONA DEL MAR PROPERTIES 3641 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del M ar 673-8494 38 BALBOA COVES, N.8. BAYFRONT BOAT SLIP. private beach . Lile and cheery 3 bdrm, 3 bath home. Fireplace. Price reduced to $569.000! CASH TALKS!! Owner/ Agent. · *IALBOA IAY PROPERTIES* 673-9117 or 675-7060 PRHTlllHI SPYIWS UEC .... I HtHH Tl 1411,000 Family room, two Fireplat-es and 3 car guragt! o n CONVENIENT cornt-r lot. Ft•utures <'001 patio Extl'ns1vl· Por('ht'S with loL'> of blooming r<l*S Taylor, Crow I Co. 642-1 423 or 645-3176 2400 sq ft Custom, Near New house. 4 bdrms. 4 baths. lots of extras. Tastefully d~'Orated -ready to move in. $539,000. Excellent fi nancing. Open Sat/Sun 1-5. Other times by appt. 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 anytime. ESTATE SALE Clean. good condition, thrl>e lx>droom house with large super yard Sall· sub_Jt'(·t to court a ppr ova I Owne r wll I hl·I p f 1 n<.1 nn· $155.000 MAURY STAUFFER SEA LION REAL TY 673-5354 PICTURE YOUR HOME ON THIS PAGE Wc..'11 takl' the pH:tur<'' It's so anc>xpt•nsive you can't artord tu pass it up Reserve.• your s pace now for our next Picture Album JULY 25 Call 642-56 78 for more inform a tion ...... ,,, Wt !!~.!-!!!'! ....... ~.'!!.!:* ....... ~.'!!.!:* ....... !!!!!.!-!Im ..... ,.,~.'!!.~ ...... . ••••·················· · I ....,,, 1#1 ,.,,,,,, 1111 ...,,,, l•I ~" ,,,,,,...,.,··········'·~' .~~!! ..........• "1 ................................................................. . *****.****** -tc LIQUl>ATION 11!! :r=a Dr.Ir • Ill CllJll .. Forced ale, two beaut.ifal presUgiOUI • ..,.. •· ..... .. Newport pool home• valued at BIG c•llVQN Elea•f l1)11tio C.IHlll: $400,000 will be aold for $318,000 and nn1 Prime location overlooking me $325,000 lmmed. Fee &and. U you are a eerioU8 buyer CIOll&ec\ Patrick Tenore 8th ll'ftl1 of aolf ~· Custom ~ t 760-8702 or 631-1388 now! it-built by owner/builder for hla~ • w..._ o w n personal residen ce. ~ .. t"f' bedrooms, 6 ~ baths. Elegant~ ~master suite. Abundant with~ fine marble and wood panellJ\I. Air conditioned. Refrigerated-tr wine room. Billiard rm. J'amlly i' rm. Truly a muterpieat for Ow dllcrimlnat!~ buyer. Seriowly for 1a1e a& tU&0,000. Exctlt.nl fln1nctn1 . avallabl•. Own•r'• MW 12,000 ~· f&. home Merly .... =--· ror .... '° .. call w lm111 **********' REIM~ ot Costa Me~ llfflllT Pl.II ... Enjoy Newport on the water at ill finest. Totally cuatomlted 4 B R executive hom e . Approximately 53. 7' on the water with dockinc •'*'9 for 3 boat1. Excellent financing. Approximately 3800 IQ. Ct. of 1heer elegance. Private 1pa, eecurity pted entry. The beet bayfront buy ln N.wport al only t l.060.000. c.an ioday for your appof ntm•nt to preview thl1 &ruly m11nutcenl home ind laNUon . .. L E L 0 W Y I I I' I* I llAWOEY 1'1'111 N A VLSY lftftl.~A\11 ....... llMti.tr.J.IW ••••••• lftlft.tlAt'I. ••••• ; lttllJIA* .. , ... ltftft.t¥.!P. ....... lfttft.flr •• .,., ..••••. ~. ."' •.. M •. "... ...~-. "',_ ..._,,, w. .__ '-.... .. • ~ m1'l'TI ..... ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• :"'07:' ••••••• :;o;r.:; .... ,.... ••••••• ~ ••••••••• /. '11ltttt ••••••••• J.'lfl "11t.llttt •••••• JMI '1!11.lfftt •••••• J.fff J. ... ·~.,... J.... l'!!m!l.lm! .. l.~l ~.mn.llfeo .. J.'M ~.rtmt.~ .1.IM •••••••• ~ ··"""·••······ .'lll Wm& f BLUffS*EASTBLUff FIXER NOW WIY ...,, Exp&nilve Blurfa S.y view. 2 Br-2 Ba. ~i.~blu OOft~ MT UITll. s-Al'l•lar 4 Br. , __ nn, 2 • Chann1na 3 Br 1 ~ Be w"" .... ral 1Lalrcele, , ... 1 o•y OfMI drutk price N'ductlon Wu $265.000. H•UOO .,IO,OOO ~---·· ......... b k ...... • In ~\oeM. fiNp.._ Luik l level home. Own1ae MONDAY warm~ rlc fr~k. Prt.rM Hunt. Sch ... -... , now 242,500. $172.000 In auumabl N Clot• • ..,.11MNt Nol l tl •6 7 000 f rt 4 -· -·· onn.el Dllllne I C 11 .t.. .. lot wtU\ lat .. pool. Ttl twl lll Ull. oca on. ~ , u p ce. "oorn. 2 flt•placee. 3 uanJ. • nal. ..... ....U Only f339,000 Com~. By Appl. WALi Tl IUlll oer a1taa• plu• 11ra• 11i0.ooo-~ fl. IUITflL Eutbluff & Br, lam nn. Oftlr wHkHd edvertlH4 11 • flHr. Huae 4 Bdr, 1 ~ Ba w/crackllng frplc Hobby "°°"'· 'ool llad '"1 UITU • fltll OW YllW nance at •U~ °""'* '~-t i-•0 10 000 ......, ·..,."'en due end ll"to..... N l h •· f hi 101' beaut. land•c.l).cl. Lowl'lt pciet.'d "E'' Plan 3 Br. Fam. may aNUt w1eddltloMI _,,,.,.1y v"' ome . .., , . u•. at M d ew p u1 carpet Ql ret y painted Own•t wlll a11l•t at II· linan E• cond. uPVt· lfll 1·1 2111 htfa =:ou~~~:!f...:!i:.:'O:.·:~ thruout $1 lS,000 wtonly $1 l ,600 dwn to ntnefnO, ~ l·U0,000. $187.000 Assum Im. S ubmit on dn. d•d w/ erll•I ocHn ..... llna.l 3 Bt, 2~ bath, hlahty wttt. leee <tfteft ll0,000. OWMI wlll oetry. lat T .0 . %:,~.a.:a,t': 2645 Vitt.a Omada S:U5,000 view T al prlOe HH. \.tPJlraded, $265,000. Below market. ltrlftt. '"''· •~ rebate. •111.000. ITU •UL llT&TI Hl-IHl ..... ., 0 1)<•n Sat/Sun 1·5 ooo bV t7SMSA IPll 1·1 I H11 Yltta .,... Owft/Ateftt. MM171. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ 1~~~~~~!l lffH llO·lllt _. •Mn. Bluff 2 Br, 2 bath, view. l level. Ci t Iii lllf llYlal IH OllllY Ull !!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Redu..'td $176.000. Near p<><>l. ~~555~iii~~~~ .!!.! ... ffl ................................ f lllT II LllO MUI PlllT llW" IPll 1·• 2011 Yhta Ml•• lliii IUT US. PIUlll Ownat w/dl ac:ounl fr Trtllc 11971 Anlloctl, lkbx, llPlllllll II• Lge new Cl.l•tom home 3 Older rental unlll on NEW LLAR ILIHI custom 3 Br. 2 \I\ bath, 10 Ill& Yim 15/8td• home + guaat 1 129.000to1110.000 fOt • er. 2 a.. o." .. l'.ft w TITI on 1'" Iott. Open sa11 buttdabla duplt• 101 '""" Yaew bel • .... .. hOUM,alleyaoceM.Xlnt cuh. 2 BA 2~ b• ol Univ. J,001000. 150. Sac:luded 3 Ir Tudor Sun 1·6. 210 Via San Prime ocean front 1001· ..J.._!2,400,000 a;;n t. Reduced to $198,000. ASSUMABLE FINAN· ., ... l tU ,OOO. Call twnhm. 11350 mo. ooo down. •150.000 •lylt home In glted Remo. 8 75 -3048, tton 0 50.000. Call 11'Muit8:!~nc~-:.. 1·1 111 6"..... CINO. Sharp 3 Bdrm l-=ji14ii5ii.9ii5i5i7i, 9i5i6-0iiiii7ii82ii.iiiiiii 553.0178 4M A.l.T.D. 12'4 Int only for 5 eomm. Seller miy conll· 873·255' Ownlf/llQI. 673·2749 ekr IY OWNER m .-Y. 2 Br, I level, lovely vtew, Q'lwnllywtttqemoo.-11 yra.Agent 5'1-5032 dertrad .. belowm•rket Wlmt.lfP :1·9•05 173-1133 reduced. $2l0,000. kltchen1 1 1. 2 yerd• for WY •"I IP •· •• ,., • Stand New •H o mo & -or uldc la Call DI • llYllllES • .. 1•1 M 1 Yllta •-"'-ent., a n no. Aaklno • Charming 4 Bl & large Condoa. no money down . Ex~11ona1 new 11111ng. spanleh VIiia, D ov•• -• 1145,000. Call &40-115l Motivated owner off.,a famlly toom. Brick fir .. whlla lhey IHI. (714) .... 1e14eJ 1·1 Enloy lhlt beaulllully ~n 7 Br 5 ea. Huge m ...,, 3 Br. 2 V, ba. YM IWl lll Lm. for an appointment 10 highly upg,.ded Wlm-piece, country kitchen, 546-9522 Agl. • maintained la.rge 3 Bdrm ftmlly Room. pool & 1f11 1·1 Ill "8u .... bladon plan C lo quell· quiet tHldantlal a,.a. tM\ W"ll'tJ 3 bath cullt'm home llP•· completely r~ fled buyer on laue op. Long term Miier llnan· la •U ._.. IHI 3 81. den, N>• built for presenl own«. lld $598.000 Call c.n-=· :~ ~~3~· c:lng. Snt.000 Inc. land. -:tl. •• ,.r.:-.;.,, ••••••• _2_8_•_2_8 ... a__.V .. a""ra"'1""1=11 .. : Ptua OUHI Cottage Set.le! Wiii Ulllt With Ii-lury 21 Al Qrambow Open 1-4 Sal/Sun Ill.Liii Pl Fllll 1111 T&l.11 b1lcony. ocHn view. • ... M ltttr nlllClng to well Qualllled Rutty A1k for Auth 3474 Wlndaor Court. 3 Br, 2 Bl. P<ioe reduced You c1n buy lnl o the 1239.000 furnllhad. Le>-l•I IMl boyltf '299.500 2131269-7726 15000 10 St 14.500 Ori-.. privet• oceanfront com-cated 101 Sch04z Pia•. IPll lllll&Y 1·1 HELEN B. DOWD ~HERITAGE . . REALTORS WLYIU.•. MM1M ,,._., 1#1 c.,.., ltl 1111 JIU .••••••.......•••.•••....................... Hllll UY •FULL OCEAN VU• HOME SANTA ANA t3.5% loan JHmlne Ct HEIGHTS. Spacloua 5 Owner agl ~0-1515 Br. or 4 Br/den. 3 baths. Owner detP«•t• • Musi front & ,..., p1tlo1. 2 car Sell 11118 WHk. 4 bd. garage :2~=· $549,000. 673-1148 54~7962 Agent II E A L E s T A T E Wtml-Only 1115,000, 3 Br 2 Bl. lrg yerd. dbl car g• r1ge, pool. •P• Bob 64~3 or 146-SOH CLOSING COSTS ONLY St 100/mo. •II IU d•· ducllble, ad)acenl to clly park. Investor wlll lurnl1h down peyment. 30 yeer llxed toan • No b11toon. Sharp new 3 Bdrm. 3 Bath Condo. S 145,000. .. , ... ,,,,., I"' 2·cth·;,;,~··;~~·=,~~ lonO tet'm 101111, low fi- xed lnlef .. t rll ... aau- mable. No due on aala clluae. Owner 673..0188 SILES BrOkefa or Salelpeople 380 W. Wileon. &31-5055 Full or Patt Time 90% l~or~964~-3&~99~. ~~~~ John C•rey OAI. AECI I; UNITED BROK f R S REALTORS 173-7771 A~ ... U.8.11 .. IAc. '"1 llUI. .Two story 3 BA condo. 2 car QarllQe. model con- dlllon. Excellent terms. $120.500. btwtlla1r'• hldtl Tne lefmt .,, neac>liabte on thll beautiful 4 be· droom home 2 batht, lamlly room. two 11,.. pl1ce1. W11erl1ll end ltull lreM In the garden along with M1llbu llghlll S 194,000 Call lor de· by 253 H1nover. Then munlly of Emltfald Bay Unit 124. Open Sunday 1Ml Otrn .. I c1ll Leo H1nna for )ult '39'.000 3 BA 1·6 7141546-9'55 142•1200 U4-•llO p•u• poo1sM:&ii IEWPOllT llLIW IUlm $127,100 -- T/\Y LOH CO I , Prestlgloua ThrH "rch DELUXE VIEW CONDO, Say, 3 BA 3 Ba, den, adult. aecurlly SELLER take over 1 178.000 fl. WANTS OFFERS! Call nanclng. 1299,000. lod1y1 tails, 979-2390 l•-------•I 1111,IOO Juet 124,500 down. P•Y· menl s S 1883 pu mo ...... , 1112,000 EXPANSIVE 3 Br plut den. 2'"' Ba. ASSUME S 120,000 111 with LOW DOWN Call nowt •• ,, ..... 11111 Only 10'4 down and 11'1 your1. lrrim1eu1a11 3 be· droom home. M l bedroom, llvlng room and 11,.p1ac:e. Good 11- z1d patio for enl.,t•I· nlng. Excellent lc>«Uon. Lllled betow merket VI· lue for quick Nie. SI09. 500. 979-2390 D,.I ltlal IOll Excellent location. 300 8~itd;;·;~;,;,~:·1;;;:•;i )lards from beach. option lo purchaae. Only IUOI 11111 4 home• remaining. Tiny "Htslorlc" cabin on Lease for $7.50 pr sq ft . prime 101. 3 block• from 3 & 4 Bdrm. 3 ea. Jae:., beach. S 139,500. uun1. fenced yard. 414-1111 Some wt ocun views. llNllt ...., .... U Located In C1pia1rano BHch. Call for appl. -m&TI 770-2904 Beautiful 3 bdrm home In llLE" .... lBR. 3b1. hv rm/-1 bar. d lnmg rm. lam1ly rm Swimming pool Com- pletely remod Npt His h o me S3 48 500. 556-4982. olc 833-9773 anumn 2 ITNY +MODERN APT Nt Ba.,1 $365 OOO WI BEAUTY & THE BEACH •N-1111 ... ....,._.II .,.. ltl Prfet lt411-prtv11a park-Ilk• Mtllng. •-~ But:1,.• Fabulou• vlewa. Setler llWNIT 1111,111 NEWPORT HOTS cot- tage w/BARGAIN PRICEI 2 Ur. FAMILY qM, & 2 BL Opn Sal 1·5 Call nowt AAE AOOOEAS ' • • · Gorgeous 4 bd 4 bl. bltn fabol0u1 rinancing. Castle by the sea. $735'. FIXER -financing. Reduced lo Ch1tmlng 3 bedroom ,,_ IHI $223.900. .. Save $$$ 000 To -· caM Qeor. 1111 llAL n glne 558-1809 egl. Ml bedroom 1ulte with •••••••••••••••••••••• ..,., w..- sunken tub Loll Family Ill Wiii •Y Fi bolOu• 3eoG eq It. 5 room and eory lireptece Price sluhed 15K • to bdrm ho/M. Co-.nuy 1111• Loll of uMd brick. POOL 215K . on beaut dwntwn chin, ocean vlewi 2 and mUMI of decking. nr-new 2 tty. 3 bf. 4 ba + btocll• 10 belCh. l 2% 11. Spanlll'I 1n llyla and IM bech. unit rented et $325 ni ncing. $379,000 Rt/Mt\X (211) CH 1M1 41, -LIT ,. ••• • N -•-With 3 Br 1V. Bl, lrple. -,_ By Owner. 648-85MI $98,000 mNtril- Beautiful hOme, lrplc; In bdrm full 11 lol $ 125 OPEN HOUSE 11-4 DAILY E111alde Cosla Meaa. $27.000 under eppralsal. Owner desperlle. Hurry setter w1ll1ng 10 ~11•11 mo Wiik lo beech. No A 494 730 on lhe lllfmll $169,500 trlcitt1<m1 Noqual 11K _g;;..en_i __ .,. __ . ___ 1 5 Bdrm 3•,.. Ba Only $2 t 5.000 Appra1ud 1245.0<>0 Open House 7.11-82 12·4PM 336 Cherry Tree Lane Call 1nyt1me Tony 548-8633 ooo 8<iulty w ani home 18 t5 B•y•der• Tem1ce. or •Pll In Nwpl .,... Irvine Terrece. Panore· 979-2390 dn. Seller Wiii pay all llWll a ... "' lll·2lt0 closing costs & tees & ~ 8,,1. auper ocn view. 645-9557 955-0782 mk: views. lee lend, mint · estate. $1,250,000. Alley Aeany 673-7476 3707 S eA1STOL will cauy 54K 2nd TO al great toclllon. 11eal or SANTA ANA 5Vo wi no pymts for 3 yrs Ir ad e o w n r I a g I 12WX. let. & 1115,0IO 11 IH•••te lous ...... '"' ,.,.. Home+Gues1+1neome owe 111 • Flex. Tltfms ·1::~;;;;;~ 509 Acacl1 CdM nr bctl Spollesa Vacant Duplex IPll llll&J 12-4 Huge 5brl3ba+3br/3ba 211 e,a1, lalMa Isl, 1_4_40_K_o_w_n_lb_k,_64_5-_7_04_6 _..,., 11111 Great loc:atlon. lhopping. Un1urp11aed quellly. beach comm. pool. len· superbly designed with nls, 3 BR 2\lt ba twnhme. "Old world" charm. Solld Gated security. you own Olk floors. olk c1b4nets, the land Assume 12"/o baama. rock llreplace, lnJerHI only loan. 20°'4. much more. 3 Bdrm1, down. S238K. 780-3875 Including master tu1I•. 3 I -baths, family rm. lormel ••• cam dining rm end large roof lnlW llAlllT VIW BACK BAY Huoe COioniai 4 BA, den plua pool. Only $299.500. Hurry! 645-0303 Tarbelt IU· .\IJ OH" , *MESA YElllE * MUST SELL 4BA/2BA APPRAISED S140K NOW S 120K w/57K dn OA S 130K w/32K dn owe. Bkt(213C27-.6001 COLDWeu BANl(C!RO dee«. $647.500. Choioe location. Formal fflllM: ll._... d ining room. cu11om A~ ~~~~~~~~~! fireplace. unique living .:: room Gotwnet kitchen l~~-~~L0~-~--~~~~ V A -IPll al -12-4 ha. tge breaklut ., .. 1: • • a 1 a N'YI opening lo garden COUf • 9 5a • 2 Bdrm 2 ea ~ dbl lyard. Separ11e master F1111 , IO garage. lovely patio. tulle Prtc.d lo sell •t 3 Br 2 Ba. sunahlne $69,000 at $642 PITI mo standerd tlzed IOI. 0-· 1325.000. Call for appt home. s75.ooo usuma-Full price SH,500. 3 ner win carry lln1nctng today. Coldw9ll 8ank81 • ble loan 11 12\/t".4. S 113• bdrm. lamlly room. den FEO 552-2000 :g;= 646•6093 or 2040 Monrov11 All A 11r,a 11 rha 1 1,e1 ~!~.!!~ ..... .!.~1 --... --.. -,--._A_:-·,;.._-·8_t4_9 _1_*_ 4 BA 2 ea. 2.000 eq.lt. C II p k 118 O<>O .l• •-2 pool, owner lln1nced. 0 •G• ., • • • ._ $25,000 dwn. al 13% tor 1_d_wn_._a3_11-_4_960 __ A.=g_1. __ 25 yrs. Full Pfic., I 142. JUST REMODELED Iii• Mesa Verde Highland•. 500. 557-7993 3br. 2ba. cov'd Piiio w/ leIUaHll J lf1 boa I lrlr ecce11 I 125 A R OSS wet blr Owner 646-9498 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • 000. 328 1 Col«Mso Ln: V3 EP ESSION 4br. ON THE BEACH·2Br tux Ownr/agl 559-6221 ba. pool. S8000 dn. mlf I "' condo, owner will llnan· liiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiml::-'::-1::3:::6;;·000~.~A;:g~l.;.54~6-:.:7;7;39~ I No qualllylng to mike ce. $249,000. 997-8382. llUT IT Large lot with 2 Br. 1 Be. thla spectacular 3 Bdrm Dick Aesaler Rllr U'lll -hou1e. Easlslde, C.M . pool home youra. Jull 558-8635. ._ .... FleMtlmc Great value. $119.500. $117,900. Bkr 848..()709 C.INI ltl #II llU Perfecl for the llr1t lime Open Houae Sat/Sun. •••••••••••••••••••••• buyer or retirement COU· 127 21st. Sl.I Orenge. OL. C ... 2•l,OOO pie. Sharp 3 Bdrm 1¥. 631-4516 • balh, lirept-. Prieed 111--------- 38'. 28a, dbl ctr gar11Q9. 2 patios. nag11one 1rp1e. ~-<:Ullom bit home Sl7981mo. w rental = 499-3144 OPEi TlllfJ ld5% APR. I guar 10 --.... --.-.--.. ---• Harbor Ridge cond o boy back In 3 yrs al same -"' Lowest Pflce at $399.900 price. You can't loael That's 1ne 1nem. tor lhla with terms Come see 10 Open Sii. & Sun. 1-5. Laguna homa: lrOf'l'I the Vienna. Call Fred Te- CALL FOR DIRECTIONS 111-2242 Jonn Marsnau. Arnt 1205 Alabama. 960·2686 enl ch 1 , .. _ ood ry por o ,..., w nore, 1g1. lo gel lhru IPll 1-•y 1·1 (owner). sash wlndowe which loolt g a 1 e . 7 6 0 • 6 7 0 2 or IUIL--Y • .,., •0 Dow. I! to lhe sea. Unique 3 640-9605 Agl. IK"' bdrm. 2 b1th fl()()( plan -----=----IEWNIT IEllnS RmMll Colt. Brobr rn1150.1900 View ol the ocean and features Dine/Fem rm.. CAMEi SllOllES Extensive 1980 remodel w a 1 k 1 o 1 he a a n d . double lrptc .. custom 4 er. 3 ba. l>(IOlljacuul has left no stud untur--------- 2 1 3 / 3 3 3 . 3 8 4 6 & cabinetry & eic1n1v uM Volleyball court & 3 n ed New tradlllonal POOL HOME 2131902-1298 of cedar & Old faSlllooed frpla. 1475,000 Auume style oak lloora. new on lll•S bea1>11 'ul .CB• Por1011no rrodel 1n Har· bo• V•"w SP.uarai.• mother tn·law ·Quarters Almosr new carpeting Close to pool S309.500 ., ..... ,., 1-1 1 H4 Pert c•art11 So Caltl Really 546·5605 HlRIOll lllD&E style Illes. Offered II $342.000 under 12"/o roof. wires. plumbing. + GUEST APT B:rr2.W.NP~Ao114 2~ 4sq~,:. i~llCY·EJS219.000 FULL Open4626SaAlo/xS~~ry1-4 master suite. kitchen. 4 BR t1m rm + bllf pool V1e11V o•J oceBdan an2o city ,.. uv etc etc mikes this 110111~ rm '• ba Nr Meadowlark Golf MISSION REALTY 87s,.5930 Agent enterta1n1ng area Seva· plu ~ ?ll•ce 2 lrplcs Cour ... $236,000 lllfmS. 85 So Cit H I ~· beautifully IOcaled 3BR rate ouetl apt w/kn sz S649 ""' Jod-'"" mdl . W'/. ~vna IWIEll WILL 2ba pool home a rare BA & to· ..... y l1v rm wl.l"'c B b.-vvH ,:_ R·~.:::., We Wiii guarantee lo buy (J1•uaJl_all 1 . one-of-a-kind' Priced "V' .,. o a ..,y ..,... or back a1 same price in 3 iiiiiiiiiii,..._..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil at 1267.500 w.th an as-~·-~3:g~·~~?41:s9' --~4~455 __ . Y" 646-0450 FllUllCE!JI aumable 111 TD • •·-C1 11•11. ,_,_ IH4 W.l l&Y • ~ ..... Ul ........... Its. Brand New HomH & ~ ... !."!!~.'! ...... /.! r::::::-:................ o:ARO WINNER .... ....., 1·1 9"-1211 Condos. no money down BEAUTIFUL ocean and MIW TIE UWI ba. ldl.~~~ 1• ••-••1r• IL while they last 17141 mghl hghl views Eaqu•· M MOllE tam. rm, tge g11den, pa-Lovely 3 bd. 3 bl. F A 5'6-9522 Agl site Soan1Sh home 3 BR. 110. formlll din. rm, tge liv $349.000 Incl land lltMr fietr .... , 2 • ba den form111 O•· 218t eq ft of townhome rm. Oulel cul·d•·H C A,_.1 631•1476 O I ·-~-I n11'lg gourmet lutc11en IMng brings you all the .,..... .,.. _. lge hv•no rm wlbrick tore comforts ol single fa.mlly $812·~7~~ LIXllllll ULE II TUIE S50000 dwn Take over llvmg With alt the advan---------1 llPf 1111 ... VIEW • ILIFFS 3 BR. 2 BA. Spa Assu· 11nanc1no 1255 000 Agt ~~~:s tr~~"Z;./~~:m1!:0 __ C_E_A_N_F_A_O_N_T_M_o_b-ll-e 1 S 175.000 Palmer & No assumption OfObleml ~abte0toan S239.500 ~%-_6_1_22 __ _ formal dlninn. t11m1ty rm, Homes. M¥etal $80,000 S • n I a A n a Bob here · owner will ~rry eleh 1,.,.":nder bwill carry SI• Ja1a --··• "'-· """ 846·"""3 ~ ,..,._ "'"""' Isl TO with reas. 1-ms wt v ,. n. Y ownet frptc in Mvlng rm._, bar. ... .. 1. 4.,..,·-38HI """ ..... ,_.,..,.,.... v• 979 3923 C11'•t' • 10'/.'" I d LOVELY P"TIO HO··E 2200 sq ti: 3Br 2'/Jba. lee • • •••• ! .. ' .. ~ ......... ! enc OH pvl p1t10 w/ 'So Lagune COllllQe 2Br " ,... decking & gerden area & Iba. 3•rage $113.900 155' 10 bay. 1 bl 10 ocn land. This has ii all tor ONE OF A KIND REDUCED $50 000 NO more! Fabuloua llnan• Call 4 7_2."5 .. _h 2 b 2 b & d $349,000 UNEOUALEO VALUE MONEY DOWN PLUS ov ""' • '· I en Dennis Rtckells & Assoc. $495.000 644 -872.. ZERO .,. 1~TEREST Fl c 1ng. No qualll ytng. 1123 w Bay Open Sall "' " $183.000. W •11 Sun 11-4. OWC al 12"fo 111·0424 ABSOLUTELY M UST NANCING '> ecre 4 Bt Don't delay, 'l.•H fU,11 llH Seeorc111&45·4220Bkr W"LK TO B""CH 3 Br SEll' Prime wa1~1ron1 horses panoramic ocean c:all Diana today• • • •• •• •• ••• • •• •••• • • • " ~ ~ & movnl111n view:. $355 559-9400 Int ..... Ins WllTOUPF/FH ln4 plus den See et 222 Lu· condo. assume $3001< 000 Broker 499-1526 DIANA PIETENPOL· Co-op• lrom S39.ooo gonia Sun I 1-5. Pr IC• Call Owner 10 11PM lot I I C Fee l1nd • good Hlu· only S 174.900 •nenl details 673-0248 •iatl .. ~, -IOIO equ ty pr ce ondoa mable loan. Beaullfully 840•8208 "• OCEA•• FAO••r '!~ •••• ~••••••••••••• from 175,000 lull prioe decorated ind designed liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiim " " It Clll llTt Lelture World Resalee 3Br 2be with large ofcl • BY OWNER XlNT LDC 24221 Pueo de Valencia den. 2 lrplc1. owe 2nd WITllFUIT FLEX FIN 640-7990 Assume VA roan. 13-,•1. Lag Hiiia 7141837-5500 Cleon 2Br $ 10651mo with raH down. $269. Vacant Site in Cannery lllffs 0..4e•l•I•• No 2nds. no 3rds• Call So. of HW'f. Fantulk: 3 only s 110.000. Cell s7o5 P.1.T.I. Br t emod•l•d 1"11t 540-1151 tor more de-9'A% VA home. Open, 11g111 & airy tails. 4 Bd. 2 Ba. x1n1 ., .. $129,950. With 129.950 WAY llUW llllllT down Owner ""'" carry 111 loan 3 br. 2 be. Univ. Parle i..... .. in.-J IHI 000 Open 1 •4 Sal & VIiiage. Sultlble for 4. I • A I R I h 1 $41 0425 '::'I'.~.':'.?.~........ Sund1t. ooo aq.tt. boildlng. w 111 It ••1• PesslMe g e o a • llLI 111111 -1337 Suuex Lane Ilk• 60 boat Consider Lovely 3B• 2balh cha•· Wnt•hlllfl 1111 Living. dining open 10 Calif. AISOC. Bar 1ot1lly pvt backyard. nµ 100 ! HERITACf halter Terr1ce. S 149.000. • Terms. Agl 955.0782 or Jull '°""Y Ul>C* 3 BA ___ ~ __ 7_40_6___ 11._. abo-.. your work and mer one story end un11 •••••••••••••••••••••• unit, llghl and bright. An ••LE If IWI have your boal too on w i de green b ell UlltSI Oll&ml GrNI term• Mull Mfl In 42 deye Della 631·1266. Hll\llt'~o.... enlert1lner'1 delight .. El 1650.000 1notudel lend Beaullfully remodeled Custom home with 2 $169.500. I E W p •. IT .... 2•1211 wblth country kitchen frplcs oYentze IOI Fruit llll llllll ftlW .. 8lh1 redone • 1u11 1tee1 galore No quah· IUPIUTI twmJ ~~~Ml~!l~l~H~~ _ev_•_8_5_1._60_1_0 ----1 Beautiful Pllk Briflol 2 ...:.. agt. GREAT OCEAN VIEW. 3 BA. 2'h ba. lam rm. $440,000. Jan McColtoug11. agt 553-1417; 552-2000 TIE IUSS llllllTEI Ylll UFI Br. w. Bl. Condo. Low $10K OH. $950 mo. 4 BA. d own 1 5·S10K. Low 3 BA,plUIFR.ptu1poo4. peyment S 1000/mo. Low 963--2404. egl. P<lce $88K. 646--068e. .._ 112.-PbM .at mu 30 ~ 1oen. o w e 11 et 3 BOAM MONTICELLO 12't.%. 28' IM.800. So. TOWNHOUSE. . Coaal Plza. MacAtthur BITS painted end papered lymg. tow down. jusl 4 BA 3 ea. 11/nity rm. 2 3 Bdrm. 2 ba.. lemlly nn L14>'Mld S 129.900 B«r 848.0709 firept.a.e. formal dining ..... _ ~...._...._....., ___..1• Open Sund•y 1.5 rm. l11ge view IOt with .,... • ......,,...,.._, ........--2237 VI I .. apa $375,000 QUiii lacillt .... 646-5754 s • .,og., Otttr IHI lltltf 4M-l111 • ..... !~!!!!!!!!!~~ ....... , ...... ,, .. ,,1st• ••. iii;·-. .. ···;;········ .... •••rm::!: u $20,000 OOWNI 3 °'· on ... ·--·-------· ,., ,,,, '"' SUPPEll has ~ found In The CUlla. A 4 Bdr, 4 Bl m 111erplec e 'N I whitewater vu. Former CdM ptevlew home of Whal an opporlunltyl E.slde 3 8f 2 Bl condo Many ••tru. Owl'l9f will help finance. "Lo• Down". Juat 1159.900 ..... '°' Robert MilMllll, 631-12te imm1c. move-In cond.. V 1 g · P P M I c h I e I vacenl. 157 Yorktown 1_64_2_-oo_n ______ 11 Ln. off Felrvlew belw. MESA VERDE hlfd to Fair & Wllton. 0pn Set/ find. lge 4 BR. 1 tty Sun 1-5. eucco1a. 3 car gerege. MANFRED STEVER, A"r AMfnO $245,000. OWC.. Turtle rock Campus View V ou can retax In Cardrtt !Wu-ut Cloer to UCJ with !'.'!P.!!.ffl!! •• !.~! gotf ~ By owner'. • ••••••••••••••••••••• 1375.000. Cllf fto-1834. Beet htgh cosl ol houS.llQ ..... ,, um* 2 Br 2 Ba double ldMI lor retired. Excellent cond Gr .. 1 cent. O.C. IOCI Only $26,000 or Will trade for equity In house. 0 t< 2772 O.K . 2771 Mon-Fri 750-1326 846-83116 Submit, Agl. 84 t-0290 lhe year. Interior ltl8'>1C· .....;::======::.....:. tlon on requ.1. call Aon ~--::-----_..,;. ________ __:. _______ __, Salter 759-1221 ., ... • ,.., loen .......... Of\ ... 8'111110liler .... "'" •• 11t ""'' ... --Mfl .. & I , year ou•-,..... IOOI y.,..,, ~ It ....... <111•411,.. DIMt. ...... , ...... W.-.s¢'t *qUIM ............ - ; '· u -. D SOON YOU'll BE SEEING SIGNS AROUND TOWN CAlUNG ATTENTIOH TO SALES! 11MW1 lllllllt1ll'M• llU (•Y11'411_....._ ....... , 1. Place your ed In th• Dally Pilot C1111 tned ..-on (It'• belt to "'" s _. tor mmclmum eicpoe1n). " you P111 for yout M In~_._ tun It 3 .. end only~~ tor 21 2. Get your ,,. a.. ....... , .. you hewe 10 do le oome In to the Olly Plot & PllY '°' yout .ct In ... -_ .. .,.~two 11. 17 llgM - ff& of cNrge). 3. ;,...,,pt.11~~·. 4. Have plenty of onanp• on hena e(J'lok• ..... .,.n ... hllYel, one Md nv. dollr bile). •• ,..... .... tuft, -'°""' '/Oii l'ftOMV .............. ' 3 Bedl'OOl'TW 2 Betha tt1.1ae bar Bar BQ pe Bridt Flrep~ Special Financing 11~9.900 ..... Ow!ler mull Ull thl1 WMl<end. Large coun•ry French 6 br, hUQ9 fem rm. 199. maid'•. Frenc:tl doore. AIC, IOllf he•· ling, magnlllcenl pool & ape. plu1 aep. chlldren'a yard. Reduced 10 $895. 000. Agt., 6'4·80t7 or 644-9060. ftlUl.LD 1 Br. ltt.000 2 Br. view I UM,500 Quardild gete, IUll rec. lac. Call 873-2749 Bkr ............. Open Sunday 1·5 &<> 1 Gary Place 3 Br. Low down 1199,000 ClllCEU.01 ut1111T111 Vic Jall'llnakl Bkt 846-&269 I.IE Beautllul 28r twnl\ae "' wetar. Aasume 1 104.000 2 bdrm, 2 ba. end den. et low Int. & neme your Front bdtm haa bMn price. Mull c:loH by enlarged lo make nice 7-30.(213)986-3124 = =~:; :::r; _F_O_A_SAL __ E_B_Y_O_W_N_E_A_1 ..... n M8R. Alf cond. A tetl'ltlc SEAWINO CONDO buy al 1137,900. 281. 1'h8a. petlo, pool. Seawlnd Condo. 2Br, den. 2ba. Upg,.dad. Walk lo beech. Pool & ape Good tMma. 1139. 000 4 Sn ape Drive Open Set/Sunday 1-6 HOLLIS WOOD, AL TA '5%3C..SJa:lllM w oooeAIOGE tee .. by """· Nr. leke. 2 bf. 2 ba. 1 138,600. Ateum. loen OI IM w/e>pt, 161-41~. 111"°43' I •• 2 '* ..... WM! to bc:h . 1130,000. tl'3-1tM. 4t7-420t " ... .,. flr!fff.M ... J.'!f fll!!H.l'!R! •••• J.'!'J SACRFICE SALE! Nell S. l•h Custom Wiftt to move up? 4100 ICI· ft. btc bcut, bll roama,. Luxwio'9 t.auna Hilll bame U. e ranch 1ty,.19riin.1. Horw property, hill cop vtew, 4 c.r ........ Must tee to bltliew! WW oonelder your houst In tnde or wbawrwr. wm prwidl .,... a...ndnl· A llJST SEU SALEI 0.. ..... E¥trY MlrillllL Ml ..... ,._ (Off •1h1M:J) 11•1n.Jln I Cl.91_. I ... I l&Y YllW* Unbelievable V IEW from spacious 3 br home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club & Channel. $675.000 FEE with g reat terms'. :l670 San Migue l Or., Newport Bt>at•h. Juanita Bowman. 759-150 1 or 646-4784. A amuh1n8 forever view of bay & OCMr\ ,. forewr yoW'S. Juat in time lo d.c. acrow & move ln, ln Ume for IChool. 1'h1I ,._t family home • which couldn't be better located to walk t.o all IChoola hu • Bdnna. 3 Baths. family ~ & aupe,r large pnae with pme room. Come 1ee the many amtnft.les t.hla houee hu · to offer. It can be )'OUl'I wOh an 8~ amunwblt ao.n & pMl'OUI ow,.... ftnanalnl. "" .... l ... , .. 1·1 Mii•: ... OCEAN FRONT Moblle Homes. several. S80.000. P111. '499-3816 Newport Beech De Ante beyfront Park. Mini cond. · 78 dbl wide, llre- plac:e. brlctl pello. $58, 500 8111 Grundy 675-6161 , ...... .., Hot .. ,,m..,t .,., In North•••t San 8arnar- dln0 eppn>ved IOt con- dot Out Of 81• .. owr.. wenta ectlonl Allllne 12. 100.000. 1714'67J..4411 lllJt&-... MAll80a A DhilllOnof Unbor In' f!>t fDftll t't Ora"91 Ooaat D~ILY PILOT/Sunday, JuJy 111 1982 M&lllALtll ..... flwlft.fl'lllWliilf ........... flftfl.fMvMMf .. llltft.fMllWtlf .. ,,., .... ., "~fl.... ~ " rm.•.Awlfk ._....., - .._, 6iiiM ..._ HM..._ ftM ......,~ .tW ... fltt!J/ff11. .......... ftffrl'lffM ........ :.f'l!Jff!lt., ........ LAKI TAHOI on WIW ii~iit·i~r .... .. -·-111"1".~......... rmr.51m ...... rmt n•m ........... m1J , •• ;.~·; olml -~ ~ tt....I.. .... .... 1-i ..... 41r t».,11 .... ""'' ...... .... ... ' o•eHIMI "=':t•Pffl/'~ tlO ·11A. ..,..... ,.._ ~ PtttL I M; I 11. Hair, .. 't •·,,. e wporl 00znme000rr.n rrr.r.nm ...... 1T.':J 'n'l'.'!tfor."m"Seo• oo oomj>l lurn, 1100/wll: -· •· •t.tm w .• 'POOU.. ..., ..,... ..-...... l?'?lpetrftO Avttlf/11 ......... OllltOM '/ftf '"' "'° ,., ..,.... .. ~ 111·1'11 or OU Ni .., ~ =~='t':.:~~ =er ~~· ,llfU110mo ~:::1 :,-;-:~·.:s~I f,~:.Aa~ tlllrl :~ri:::,~11~ ""'9~~t:aotlte . .:J:,1 1•-..ro1~p7o:re~ Moat~ lllH *O t11-03U e-!° ~L .... ~Oet~ ~ ---141 ... 71 aa111mo. 'S4 C.tallM. mo 71 lfl l.9guna IMcfl. llneet 2 tly newer 4 IW + loft. a '*°"• N •••• ••aelOfflloe 11M100 04MMew/Unfum. t ·~ • NII N . I . 14 •• 4 3. 0 . Yrty a bdrm, 1 ai.. o.oll, l!lltllde Hr tt>a PoOI locellon In town. bt .. lh· I>•. t' "'1*la. a'*°·· Q • ...;.;.....;;...;..~~----Uft.I NU.IT ~·· •lftftt .. tlo """ l.M99 :s• 2t>a w .. 1.. a"· 1 .... alnOle nouee 13t-5'7t. 4~5. lcfry. No pell. M50 11undry, too' 0111 tall"'G vtewt, 111 t>ullt·lfl•. thedrtl oellltlo. °*'TV ..,_ ._.,., :..M , .. ....., ••• from llV rm a Condo. btr•."' !>Motl. D"I ott. "•dtoorated. 4 '" ilvff• Oondo WIPoOI e1e-oo.a 176-0247 au.7llt0. 146-IM7 " •• t. d p 0 0 I , ""' 4, Nortll lllore. :nw.r.nm .... ~ NMf,. ....... bdrm. ~:'eJ'o!.~ ~'1no. •100, 14Maot No., •••• 1100/tno w/ Newly redec. Avail~ &.-. ., .., Uff ITUNMINQ.., a It. a r~:-~oarag• .. ::v:lor: ::::,~~~~.m:l•ll IWIM .. 2 1>1111 11011 11nll with 131-1400 atao Mt tbe. a yr old ~~•ner . •78•42H ~~\~~~~"::1~7S-2422 F~r~·;,;:•r= la. 1arden ::t .. pool, a30 Cll~. 494-eol3~ &&Ji BIN 1"VIHI~ ,..,.,,_ .,...._ tlrec*iCe. ~ petto, Tri·...,.. townhofnt 2 M 1 condo. a ed111t1. olllld ll1MO ·, 11111 m •1""'*' ... eelrno. 110 w. 11t11. Jll •••••••• !f ....... l.l!!f :f;y C::::ve~et:." ,.r.0 ::.~·10~-;.0!:t·.~r. ... vu. ateo mo.~. ~Y~f'· f:.'loot~":· r.-... ~ u .. "r P4u• din, oar .. vn. pomllon. tt.Otrno. Aoi It. ~.ff!P. ........ Prof woman to w 21f dHli 1peoe. 1110111p. 500. 1111 Grundy, Attr.' Aetere4~ a cnctll •• 213/37a..278&, .~3·10tt ';1"111/;';Tor;;tt"Su.T~U !v:~ ... ~~~r~•tmlnltef t76-661 I tlalf. 14tll·l475 mo."'" .... umtt;:' i:.!,:~ ~. 11Pt. 54M7"6 175-111111 l\'tnlftol, 11'·1410, aot. IMUIAl.D IAY. Ooean LA..01 1 lfll. 2 IA Clft pd, Cltllll, 4"1'94, pool, no S If 2II.Ml'l(fybeach1~---·----·l ll'ttv1111 ofO, 111•1mo. Nr /.-.;,. _, aa1~ l•IMll UIM 1~ Cott&oeir!c,1~ 10 .. • = 3,"J.o~ Ptvt~ •ri:taouJar View In f',t tral t1Nt, lot1ol1t0raoe: ,:;·.::;'.:' wottllng 1173-4318, 2tS/28M733 Shr 11112f<r, l •tOfY, 12211 o ,C. Airport. conw • ........ :;ffmt ...... ~~·W;I~ Vety =· aindt'.,; ~: ..... -41:4. . 1 . pl~ll~u:p:.·t~le~I .::: :!a~40N~nolda utlft. c STEPS to btletl. 2 Bf. ~~u:. r~1e 1 1•.z'k ~~1l: pn'g, pvt tnftlftClt, Md llUY .. lkL Cotteoe 2 It 1 la 1 no pate. 21S·41M871 Nloe 18A 1 bl tr1P1t11 9 • t • I 1 9 9 5 /mo . l.ttla, ~ 111••• yrly, turn Of unturn. Ref• 839·8294 utll (reception ~all by wltll s bdrm• In HCh yHr , .... 9111101,,:.0 btwn 1 a llM wtcdyt. patio garage I Stove; 80~7 • 3 bdrm townhOUH apt. ··~·o ,:,~ ,c-.portN& r. q . d . • a 9 0 I m 0 . Slngle mother hu 38r hae ~~:,:.ni~~nll tylor. unit. 047,000. Owner 170-034'1 ' . S325. Cot11ge/d11ple11, rthlg 524 ai Anna ... J 2'A be. llreplace, enolo-:. 'sses &<49-2:7 o 642·2t27 In Me .. Verde to lht 842-142~ Of 845-3171 ~1Tc:"~to~~r:!c~98r· newiu reconditioned 1550. &36-14&3 Wtcdya. · ,..?f!••~ 1 •-• = :~Poi 1.!>!~ .. ~tlont .. 8., 1 · 1 ,,01' NO FUI Apt. l Condo 667-8207, 031-1147 · • · C.... HI llM 1111 • · "• .. u ~.,., · ....... ""' •· r. ow1r. "• mo rental1. Vina Rental•. .,, ..... 842· 20 645-31711 •••••••••••••••••••••• new carpet, 1 SA w/ "mall Furn. 1 Aoom Cot• •••• ••••tt•••••••••• accepted. 3fll·B Mar-new orpte & paint chlld 1!75-4912 Brok Roommate wanted. malt, Furn ofce fOt rent. prime --3 br, 2 t>a twnh .... \Yle, aauna l tnod yd. No ttge fOf llnglt pereon In 2 Br, 2 be condo. Pool, no guerlte. Corona det Mar. Oii no pell 2288 Maple "· to lhr 2Br apt, C.M. '260 Irv area. Approx a200 eq ~ lg• llv. rm wllrplo. bit· oeft. 213-471-11171 t>twn l.aguna Canyon. No pate. 1560. 873·1183 14&."94. ' · mo. George &42·8381 It tvlllA•"' 1, 11280rno ••-1•,..aay IUll Int, watller a dryer, '1 & llPM wkdVt ce>Oklng, aep. beth tao. no..eeee · or.,... tit~ &49·5H4 ASSUME 1argi 30 ~ crp•t,t:~ ~~';· 2 br. 1 be. tenc.ctyc1, kldl 12501mo. '"· '1u1 reci. la•t• •• 1111 °f';:,t02~·::,r ~ W11m F2;'7'.,n;tr,-.:01~nfr~::1~ 12~% lo1na. Pay 20% roel. gar. Gardene r' ok, lndry. Avail. Aug. 7. 499-3907. •••••••••••••••••••••• mo. yrty lt&M. No kld1/ 2 bdrm, t bl. new Gar· COUNTRY CLUB LIVING A I at 111 & p I ace a 11117 Weatellff. N 8 . 258 down. Duplex•• a trl-Walk to the belct\ $975 $485. 541~31 &th ,_1 Jiii 38r 2ba, SC PIH, air, ~ 975-tt50 1.., mag pete, paint, no pete. IN NEWPORT BEACH 842•9932. at once to 4000 eq, ft tat."°°'· SxH In CdM & Bal Ptn. mo Call 982_1135·att 4 •---.... ,_ i•-•••••••••••••••••••••• pool. nu pnt. 2511 N. ' I 4 2 5 . 1I2 Tu 11 p . A total environment AQent 541-5032 1 Of buy all. Call . . . ~.~! ••••••• ~ s IR 2 a.. CHI Ille Lall•. Sunllowlr ()9, 99M757 83t-et55 apanment CC)ft'll\'ll,lnlty on F/M to •hr •PKIOU• 4 8r 520 eq. It. 11.00 .,., eq. •Y ..... 7424 Bltr 2 br. den, bMmecl celUng, 2 BR plua din or 8 BA & 2 Sl60 mo. Afent, Quiet 18r 18• Condo C.11 #n1 1114 18r upetan no Ptl• r9h the Upper Bey. Private houH In Unlw. Prk. Irv It .. 3976 Birch., N.8. 1• , •-1t c M •~o 000 d nice loc. 101 Acacle. '"-, --• "flld, ___ ~·. 770-9197: 17$-115' --... -t • .:......t. Patio, •c', •••••••••••••••••••••• ,-., ... ~0 'mo. 352• '"-· clubhouH and health wtprot. cpl, IOI 38. Nr A,_,t M t-5032 "'"' .. . . ... • n. $195/mo 493-$499 E ... --I --· .... :.::. ..... .,_., ... 1 .. I .. a... ::: ~.. . ..... ~ 8 tennis COl.lfl•. 7 UCI. Frpl. patio, pool•, _..;.,.....;__. _____ _ equal• ~ of .. 1111ng · 11qulelte 1 BR 1 Ba ...... ,,.,. Jiff _..,. garage. lndry I.ail, • 1.,.,9 _.,.. 1u1 pools, eloM 10 bualneu, etc. Own rm/ba $270 partnerahlp. S18,000 • Elegant. apac. home In harbOt/ocn vu. 493-tSf.i ••••••••••..,n •••• '1'•••• pool. luclld-McFadden Newly decor. OH Pd. 2 br t'A be fr...,. DYi pvt 11-1. Fathlon 11•·-d. Incl utll. 552-0873 l)t9Clltlon Cleduc11on for mo.t pr•tlglout arM. 4 I HOME FOR AE"fT 1460 mo. 147-2822 anol gar, dwehr, pool, • • -· · .,,.... ,.., 1982. No purch ... ooete. br s ba gameroom ltuW. r,-u .. IUf 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. '760 1111 bbg. Adult•. no P•t•. f~.!J.~· g~~· Ho pet•. Convenient ahop• on Working ladlH over 40 e31-45t8. ' t '1 1' ••••••••••• .... A•••••• to S100 Fenced vAldt & ,,,11f8Wllt JJfl 842-5073 .., .. ...,mo. -~M11 alte. Unfurnished been. wilting to find & lhare 1 123.000 depreciation cje.., du<:tlon for 1982. East· tide C.M. 6 Unlta, 3 yra Old. deluxe 3 Br. 2 Ba. er .. k everi w/S75,000 down. $3114 ,500 SP. 631-4518. SIOOO DIWI Nwpt 8ch duplex. Owner leaving area. One In lrom oceanfront. N11YPI ·Bel\ duplex. Ocean vu lrom upper, 675-5500 epee acu a r entry W HOM! FOR RENT · r-•••••••••••••••••:'~.... . lora I & 2 bd t and curved etalrway, Inter· 3 Bdrm. 1775. Fenced garagea. l<ldt & pet• 8pac. 4 br, 1'.t be home 1 er • c.n. oonveriltnt 2 rm apt, need• fl111nO up, • rm~• houM In Newport ., .. com,blt-lnvec3carger. yard & gerage. l<lda & welcome. 545-2000. on lge rHld. lot. New to beach & lnduatry. mall• 1dJuttmenl on townhou-. Non-emollera C a ll Some view of mountalne .,,,.11 .......i~--. ua2000. Agent, no fee paint & cr'.ft. $1-.;Jlmo. $375, 721 W. t8th St. rent. 8111 Nl-2415. $540. $1000 831-1144 Iv mag fo r & 12000 ....,.. .._u .. .., .,...,.. DU Sevetal bachelorl and 1 O.M. 75:_;~~;· Imo. Agent, no fee. ..,,.,., ...,, 1111 111. IHt 1375 dep. 546-4280 Trt-Ple11 2 Br. 1 8&. new Bdrm unite IMture llne1---------1 ---------llll95 4 BR 3 Ba h .,:;.-i;;.., ........... Avail. July 15. 973-8243 Roomy olcMr 2 br, 1~ ba carpet, lndry Ilk-up. gar, dHlgner lurnlture and RHp. empl. F over 40 J AS MI NE C REE I( . b ' ' uge s .. vltw. 3 bt. fem rm. Vu, for appt to .... trH>ltJC lwnhee apt. 1(11 S 4 5 0 Imo. No pe U . acceetOfi.a. Move In to-w/15 yr son wants 10 lhr 3Br/fem. alngle 1111, gor-onua rm, family rm. ten pool uc Rel• encl. gar. 1525/mo . 875-0500. dey or r..-ve for tum· 4 b< home In C.M. or neoue decor w/eolt -·t. fplc, pool, clubhouae, S14So 75e'..1ov2. HOME FOR RENT mer montllt. Smartly N.B. wtsama (M/F) Lea-• ·~ Dys, 7 5 1 • & 19 1: eva, . · 4 Bdrm. HOO. Fenced Aval!. July 15. 7&4--0809 2 Br, Eatllde, ger/pltlo. colors. Mini ocn view. 963.1413 1575 mo. 28r. patio, ft~ ward & gar ..... Kida & Ch k d turnl1hed model• open "Ok Cell 845-7581 Ive p~• 1 1 d ....... • -.· 3 Br. 2 ba condo. ga• & o • n o o g • . d 1 m"" """'· enn •· auar .r· paint, drp1, cpta, 81Ck pet• welcome. 545-2000. water rurn., amenltlH. $ 4 3 O Imo p I u • 1 e c . a ly. 1-----· -------1 k':''*:~!t~!-=. gt •••tYf"" Bly. 845-5778, 1142·2287 Agent, no fM. 759.150 t : 949.4794 845-1387. On Jamboree Rd 91 Share 2 BR apt. Laguna IH~A 114 IL"'1 ... C.•l•llll .. 1 evea. •SPACIOUS 2 BR. San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. J~.uelten' nf,ean. S27~·& Pd~·. c.,,, ,,,., 1114 •• • •••••• •• • • • • • •• • • • • ., 2 B s t I I I .. . .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR 1 'Abe, nr Wett-4 bdrm, 2'A ba, dbl gar, 11•/rualil" 1411 2 Br. 1v. ea .. lrplc, pool, a . w mm ng poo · 44· 1100 •11 eMIC. 21.35 yrs. Call OC-RENTALS mtnater Mall. sea5/mo. grnbelt. Cloee to echool. •••••••••••••••••••••• 191, attached garage. No carpel•. drapee. ct.en & ---------861-97&8 1v mao. WE:_ s' :..urr m 1 <. ~ ... ' .,, . 'I • ~~ t l., • .. . r ,,t1 M1 ~u~o· ' l)eS ti•01 ••n11r .,, ... From 1 room to 3 rOOMI. F1om S 1 18 a aq, ft. No lease required. Adj. Alr-l)Ofter Inn 2172 Dupont Ctll AM 833-3223 Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba OWC lit • Flell. Terms 509 Acacia CdM nr bch 440K own/bkr 845-7048 t·5br'a $200 to $2000 Call 84g..2901 $1400/mo. 844·2"9 Aelort·llke adult trlCt nr pete. Avail Augu-1 4th. bright, 8ualnet1 & Pf'Of. Lu1tury Vitia Balboa Con-1-----_..;'----I 750-3314 open 7-<laye SC Plze. Pool, grdnr. 631_.9M. people. 1450. No pet•. do. 2Br 2b1, 1327 a/f. Male roommate to ahare 2 --------- 3Br, 2ba, nr Magnolle & M llvm Aft. Olux 1 Br. No peta.1485 548-4827. 731-812'. pool, S850/mo. 552..0853 Br. -s>t. CM, $200/mo BAYfRONT S~Br~.t ~~f.:Ci;J, Garlleld. new painted, 3 BR 2 ea. nr ..... ~. 2 & 135 utll 775-2580. ~!~~~~.2:on~ 2 Br. 1 ea. w/ crpta. drp1, LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. call Jack 631_.418 Prime olflc. 873-1003 llllTS WllTll &41-47-« clean. $700/mo. Ordnr car garage, 1Q:Y.rd. Highly upgraded & clean. thru Sat. 9.5. Corner of yard, E/lide. S595/mo. lrplc. patio. adultt. Shr hN In CM, lg yd for Trade tor N.8. ocean----------i Incl "4-5302. ~5799 1826 mo. Orangetr• condo 28r. 1 Ad am 1 & Fa 1r v1 e w 875-50e8. S 1050. 675-8359 doge. S250 mo. + utll front home. Owner. Nr bllch lull 38r, 2'A8a lmmec:. 3Br 2ba, cul-d• ltalttr B1. pool. 1825/mo 5574785 N pet 1iu&1ut.1vallnow.CaJI $800.000. 3711 Sea· twnhM, tennla, pool, M-aac. llp, bulltlne., grdnr, .... 11_ 857-5537, 553--0178 Jay, • · 0 1 Spacloutl 1 Br a 2 Br. 2 A rare opportunity to lea-Wkdy1 548-5160 evee lhote. &73-8578 eluded area, Seablufl no pets. $825 , ph -•• 7~592 Tracy $490. 2 BR, pool, 2 Plf· Ba. 1360-1475, de!Uxe, se at beautllul SEA1--------- C VIH $"""' _!·~T~~·~2~5~. ~·~··~ ·~~3~]1~~~~~~~~~ . · son• only. 325.J 17th. Pl. new carpete. drapee, ISLAND Lovely "Bimini" Fem student & mother hlfftye lasla '1ew A~!:: 8-t.9CS-eo57 mo. .. -.... ....., LIAllll llltl&UIT ~-5137 alt 11AM good ... lllde location. Plan. 2 Br. Oen. 2.,., Ba. w/2 boye needs to ahr 4-Plex, new unite, land· ---------i Lux. e•ec. custom home. Ill OlllYll Piil Choice propertlea-S77S + M1ture adult• only. Ma· lull securltt plua every your hae or apt Olanne sc:aped, fully occupied, 39r, tBa, S800 mo. Lg 'A-ml to bet\. 4Br 3ba, all SP a . t • n n 11 . & up Barbara 842_.842 Upttalrs unit. 2 Br. vacant, ~ 147 E 19th St conceivable amenity. 63 ·8919 eves on site management, y1rd. W•t Side. option• Incl pool/epa. 189&/mo-mo. or leHe 1---------1 child OK. S425/mo. "4 · S2900 monthly. For In· 2500 sq t1 Condo, wlll ac- 12% llnanclng & wlll ear-951-5883 11100/mo.759-9293 opt.Agt.Fred831·t2&e. A ... "-l•tlfaraJljfl Agent.5"8-l18a Spec:. 2Br. 288 twnhse, ~~~"Z~~lon call 714/ c;ept 2 edits. or 1 edit ry paper Divorc.. must E/Slde 3bt, 2ba condo. EXEC 4 bt 2 be, tam rm 831-2711 o'Ttto:':••••••••••••••• Clean 2 BR 2 8a condo, nr garage. pvt patio, bltna. _..,..,. 4· wt 1 Child or Just I edit Er.ec 1u1te1, full serv., lurn/unlum., greatly re- ducect No 111. 754..0274 1 man of1lcet In Or Cty Airport .,.._ 714-751 .. 760 ..... , llMI Ellewtlve olflc:e In Cen- nery Vlllege, $450/mo Broket 675-4912 eeill San Bernardino frplc tgeywd pool lee: lrpl ·,!>Onus rm ~W tcllff .. _ ... t .. ~. & "1•bu.4 1111 S. Cit Plua. S600 mo. nr ehop 1 500 mo Spec 3BR2Ba.lple,gar. Pool, lg lllt, 2 patios. lg area. For detalla call 2 car' g••. 1700•. ' ' ' . es ' ......., · '""'ae •••••••••••••••••••••• Ca11 aa2 ••97 aft 5PM ••2 5••• bal /b I 01 Tit Wlm ~ cpl & pnt S995 20521 d 3B 2b I / "" • .,.. .,.. • ....,.. beach 2 bills. S900 yrly. cony w •y v ew 7141720-1517. •"1-5550/63t-7""'5 ·. · · 'f'1 · r a. am rm, So. Baylront 3 Br. 11300. 557 7883 "•O 6339 ..., ~ Montauk Cir. Open Sat. llv rm New cpt'g, no Ava II . Im med. Mary Urge Blcl*or, good 10-U.STSIOE 1ge pvt 2 BR. No pets. 845-1682 • or.,.. • Dix eHc tw1te. 2.012 IQ wn /er s.11 JM ELEGANT VU CONDO l0-5. 982-9597 peu. Gdnr . 1995, Lewis, •Ot Re/Max cale. private patio. eln· Vauttld clg, 2 eundeclla, 2 Br. 1'A ea. TownhOUse Nurse & CUTE Poodle 11 ~port Arches Me-•••··~;;;.•;,:IW•••••••• 2br. 2'Aba, micro. gar. 2 BR. 1 ba, bonus/otlk:e 646-8789 759'1221 or 83lr5"3 gift Pf'efwred. $315. 859 gar, all utll pd. $580. style. Adults pref . no want 10 be your room-rina Bldg 642-46,.. -., 8s 7~ ~~9'11•~"-.. ,.,.. S600rm. wmo/fr.p.!;.,_N!8· 7'..hop1.ll llUiiwiiini1yii1itiwn•iiiiiiliii·• c.,., ~., ..... 11'•• w . 19th. St. Adil•. no pell. 752-2550 p. I s . $ 4 5 0 Im 0 mate In your nice home '"" .. YIU.fl ~ acre prestige area, .,. .... ., •• ".,.. ~ ., h --lee •-....t. a., ••••••••~••••:":•••••~ Eutslde, 2 Br. Din. rm. •Clean 2br/2b•condo"' S4~2682. Call any1lme. 966-1998 Prime ottlee tac:H•ty loca- ready to bulld, apPf'allld --Good 11 1150,000. Sacrltlce 3 Br. 2 Ba lrplc, atrium. lge 3 b<, 3'A ba home ., Ocean view, beautlfully location. 1430/mo. SC Ptau. S.A. 1575. No Westclifl area. Lrg 1 Br. M/F 3 Br. 3 BL home In ted directly across frOM s85,ooo. owe 111 TO, lam rm, ovetlOOk• park. w/blt-lns, crpt & drpt, •• furn. townhouae, frplc, 631·1232 pet. 752·5822. 841-1480 pvt patio, pool. Newly prlv. commty. 2 blkl Civic Center, euy ae- Sllvolne Realty $850/mo. &44-1119. CIOM to beach. 11000 locatlon. 3 BR, formal pool & patio. 1895/mo. 1 Br. 13701mo utlla paid, •u~ decoreted 645-8152 trom bch, Jee, frplc, CHS to lrwya. llulble (71~17~1•8318 mo . w /gardener dlnlng,2'hbl .$1200per 1173-0898. rt N 1 3 ... W ., $380/mo.83t-7t88 Blh office 1ulte1 from .. .. IEU WlllS 980-1170 mo. yrly IH. Call 1--------carpo · 0 pe •· ...., · lfM. 111 Wnlm;•1ll1 31111--------1 235-1430 aq.11. For ad- LaOulnta -2 Iota, each George Qoldbl!Ymall fa-C..la • .., 1114 Bay. S48-9518· •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• N.B. Mature working dltlonal Into call 50 100 ·'d b •'d 3 Bdrmt 2 Ba, lamlly rm. OC-AENTALS mlly to r-t Harbor'"~ •••••••••••••••••••••• E t Id 2 8 1 ... ti 2 Br l 'h Ba S375/mo •Clean older 2br/1ba, Lady, own room & bath, I y,a IH 11 • .. e Y ., e • n IC e I Y decorated 1•5br'a $20() to 12000 '-'ome M_o,nteno a"v..,...all Great view, beautifully H 1 19 dr. .,..., pta od, plus 1375 ~· c-ta git., yard. $550 utll pd. $225 Inc.Ide ulllt. 1st & • • • close to eountry elub 1875/mo. Agt. 751-3191 7,.,.331• 7 n • .. • " decorated, 2 Br 2'h Ba new Y • e 0 r • e · -..... ' 752-5822. 641-1460 last. 548-0027: 844 .. 729 Ul· 112t area • appralud at qu-.. open -daye Aug 1. 497-4048 condo. 11150. 992-8945 (Ouple11). $625/mo. drapae, near Blvd --------- $8,000.., w/Mll 1or $8, New 2 BR condo, dbl car 3 B wi1h t & 851-9522 & McFadden. No pet•. ....,, 4llO Nwpt c:ondo: want mature. NEWPORT BEACH 000 ea. Cuh only. iar, elou to oeeen. dl:tiwur!ar=d ~=•II 2.~ .. r. ~ .. ~/moN.B. Height• $375/mo. Dix mobllt hm. 893.-489' •••••••••••••••••••••• resp. nontmllr. $375 + ·~ "Turn Key" Olfle4 $390 71~192 '""50 It 7PM 8 5 O Mo F I • ~ · ..,.,., · Mature ....... ,, no ...... 2 br .. 1 ba .. carpet•. ---------IP I t h 111 5•• •2.,• 'B " ..... ..., a . n · r . pet oil , 1850/mo . 84s.2752 ..,... • .......-drepea. built-Ina. No Sparkling ctMn 2 er. 2 r v1 e ome near u •· ........, ..., · ranch office S 75. 631~81, 9-5. 536-7979 Quiet. ucure. 1g91 '4 B light & al encl 17th/Tu.tin, Coeta M.... Seminar mee11ng rooms •••Im, Dnm, ---------Beautiful N-port CrHI Newport Blvd. &48-8373. pets. 25· 2272 Maple. a, .. ry5, ger. Prol. M/F, nol'l-1mkr. M/F tow new condo In hou 1 Tvnl"" alll J_, 14• Sharp 2br w/jungle NEW CRPT & PAINT Condo 4 Br. F1tnlly Rm, 63l·2927 m.= ..,2 Imo. Dee, 1250. 842-6846 before N 8 · Frpk:, gar .. micro. ph;.:ea. 'c~·jj· 1: l~o •••••••••••••••••••••• patio, cozy kltch $430 3br 1-A ba. Kldll petl oil. Olnlnn Rm. rrool 1pa 0... 1ut 1111 ~-""•• 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. ' .fAM or atllf 9·30f>M 1265· let & IUt. 1 blll to 7""" ••"8. l k & h d R d ,..,.. RENTALS 7""" .... ,~ ow ..,. • . .•••••••••••••••••••••• .,............. 1575 . . ~an .... , •5~3 _....._. e e ... rrow ea . • u-""" ~.. • stv, r.nr, gar, yd, tennlt.11200 mo.~ly. Furn Bach apt, stove/ 3 Br. 1·~ Bl. 1475. /mo. Near beach. ~ .,,, ..., .. -taniiiii~ml-s,c'S4~~~fl-c!t.d~.~ M -If patlo.1795. 831 .. 320 846-0e86. relrlg. 1225 mo. EvH Laundry tee .. pool. mint 2 Br. 2 ~· vr7ea7 t P:'~i~:W.1~~~Ei~~bo Rmmte 10 shr 1ge C.M WUTWm 2'hba. Xlnt terma. owe. 111 ~ f1W 5 Biiia to ocean. Elegant 2 Harbor View HOl'MI • 3 83t-et&e. Oya S49-1343 548-95!>6 arM, no peta. "'""' 8. llOUM P'lv ,11 utb S280 home Nr bHch, tac 1200 or 2400 sq. ft 0. 839-5397, 337-1979 Rent In Coate MH•'• Br. Femlly Rm & Oen. Br. 2'A Be. 1*19 guest • =-Yau__,, Deluxe poolalde, lltra laf-111 & t..i 58e-403e Iv Smoker oil. $300. luo olf1ce or atore NEWEST t d 20 $850 Mo. Plu1h crpta, ~wtthkltctlenfadll-•U .,_.......__ E .,,..._ ,.._,. ge 2br, 2ba. bltne . ....;.., . 642-8553aft 8 apaca .. 14302 & 14304 VIEW LOT over beaut. ga • 2'h ... ,.~--& ·--· •141 ---......... d--IL _..__ .. _,, Beach Blvd. Btwn 2 Townhome VILLAGE .... ~ ... g-.. tlel, lafge yerd & petlo, • EnCI nw ....;tlo dlhwllw -·"· "• ,.,,_ belch ... _ w/klt...._ ,......._..., Female 18·35 to llve F-,.~ .... ,._,., Vlf-~ldow In Talloe Don· COMM ITV aun-decll. dbl car prw ga.t>o, wMerfall & fleh. •••••••••••••••••••••• • • .... · Adulta no pets. S500mo """"'" ._._, ...... ...,. b 5 · -·-""'""' ..,_, ner.Goll,ter1nle &lkli"". UN . 2 & 3 Br . ...,.,_ tul"'malnt _,d d S1500 / & etove. Mo.t utU lrM. 53&-8382 . at N.B. 1225 . Ella a oard 7' Yacht In l1ge Shopping Center. A•• um• 8 % Io a'n. 2'h 8&. 1600-1800 eq. rt. .-....-. ., .,_ . Pon . mo. 1.1.'s· Fiii.ST No pets. 754-1581 or 673-4538 Newport Beach. Cell Prime IOCatlon. 919-a889 of pure luxury. Garagea, No peh. loqulr• It 527 557·7372. t BR. 1 pereon $435 ~ An• we r Ad • 5 7 8 . or &45-12eo. 844-4686. IPH In every home • 18th. St. ~1. 1---------Spanl8h Eatate ~t 1 BR, 2 peraona $485 1 & 2 8r Ollcoun NEWPOAT lovely pvt rm & 642_.300 24 hrs.. ---------fUlt Aut/&tenll m1tter aulte, d ining S700 mo. 3 BR 2 ea. 1ge m IL.... Beautiful partt-flke eur-2 BR Stfll11ng at 1510 · 1 on bath, pool priv. M/F over•-p-f--sh-Con--do---1A1<port "" ·Exec. &JI. nAJi room•. wood burning lam rm. c:loM to,Mall & 3 br, 2'A M. Pfof. dee. rounding•. Terraced 2323 Elden Ave. CM eome models. Pool, SPA. 30. $275 mo. utll Incl. ro to r • hOUN, ta From 225-450 aq. It . ... '!!!~ ... ~ .... M.!f llreplacH.:. mlcro·,~v: achOOla. 714-826-7877; ;;;_~~~lu · S 12 50. pool. k&lnllll en1 ga bbQ1 . 842-7805 :~~t:.• u n • · 11 c; • _&U.;;;,-;;:-'90n.5;;;-;;:-D:;;i:;:;-:~:l-~:.~1~::-~;4::~::;'.:..·n.!~~t1~e~;..:7~s9~2_8_5 · ~1rs'5~~;0Many lltraa Save S2.000, take over oven•. pr •• ate pat-... 827-3910 epar ng ountt na. Westsld•C 18 / Luxury Dani Point view balance, 1 week Time yard1,gerdener provl--3....,B-r-2-b-a,_bl_tl_n_e_new __ ,.,.-1 MOVE INTO this 2 atory, 4 Sp1clou1 rooma. Sepe-· ~g r w 2 Br. with garage, bll· Condo for 2.3 months Mele leek• pty to ahr H8 Lt -4 ... Share. San Clemente ded. Elegant llvtng only · ...-• bdrm, VIEW home todly. rate dining area. Walk-in carport. DIW. lndry, aweH cony, stove & dl•h· 11 It with 1 ... ~· home nr bc:h. $390. Ana ... Inn, vacation Condo. 15 mlnutea from Funlon drpe, 2 car gar, covd Near pool & tennle. ctoMta. home 1111• kltctl· 7.2. $395 m,o. 845-88211 w I I h • r , 15 5 0 I mo. ~a:a:'1.• r,.-. Ad 882. 842-4300, 24 Owner dealres partner to (714) 225-9994. lllend, 7 mlnut .. to S.C. ,patio, $750, 982-5121 $1395/mo. 759--0819 en a cabinet•. Walk to 2 8<. pool, ger~. 1525 536-7979. hrs. lease 7500 It ol new Plaza or O.C.Alrport. EXECUTIVE Ho••E near Huntington Center. mo No """• I 95 "8" Pvt home no amolllng or apace In Huntington •--• •·1111 J f "" lllffl ----1 Bdrm-furn, $505 · ,..... · $400 furn. or unlum. t Br. drlnkl~· qu'iet M over M/F to shr 3 Br 2 Ba HB Beach Lease nuar. 1 -~ -Ult eaet O Newport the ..__ch. 5 Bdrm,.3 Ba, __. W Baker 841..0763 ......., • h w1 h 1 $250 & • Blvd. & eo. ol San Otego 2 a;.'Xtra.,... cul de aac 2 br & 4 br. $800 10 2 Bdrm-turn from $605 · · · """''ape. 18992 Aorlda. 30. $2 /mo. share utlla. 8°ftu6"8 • .._1 2 •• 1 'it percent ownership In 80, ... '!.~~~/.~ ..... ~ Frwy. Starting at S900 a lot. Fam ~dining rm. $875. Agt, 844-1 133 2 Bdrm TownhouM furn. 1425-$435/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. 842-2834. 842·3172 55(1..()837. '"07 .... 000 sq It bldg CIOM to 4 new condo• In Blahop, month. 631-~39, 2473 lplc, dbl gar. Kida & petal----"------lrom 1675 lpt .. beamed cellln~. Near blleoh 2 er. t'h Ba. Shire 3 Bdrm home In Employed •Ingle woman beach No dn pavm't. CA. Trede or no down Orange Ave .. Coeta welcome. s 1.ooo lllPfl laundry rm .. pool. Aval. crpt1.drp1.blt-ln1.lrpk:, Huntington Beach. 1350 with 1 child deslrff 10 ~,:J~9 ,':45~58 Brooks pymt. 63 t-7939 M.... 545-2000. Agent, no fee. I 11ory condo, 8 mo. No pell. July. Call for appt. enclld gerage. $595/mo. plus ullla. 840•2932 9\les. lessen her rent e•pendl---------- 2 SUNNY 2b I ..... leue, $950 mo. lease Utllltlea Freel TSL Mgmt 642-1603 Call 536-0921 ture. SHklng llvlno •I· 4 deluxe olflca. etret ..... lc Strip. Trad• or no down gar bit Ina d 1475 .. , n . pen un $500/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. up-1'A ml. to bllaoh, 2 br, 2 oorn w c ....... prtv. r tuat on n a arge " w/ location on Beeoh Blvd. yr. new condo Sun11t r w wor ..... op •••!!ilH optlo /aale 0 S R Ith kit .. _ N I I I h -• Pvmt. 631_7939. OC·RENTALS Y150•3314 a., SI 1UJ 1-5. 2007 Baja. Agt LA QUINTA HERMOSA per unit, encled garage, ba, bale: .. tennla, pool & •hopping center & bu· elngle lather to coordl-HB. Front exposure, 1ge ---------__________ 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• e.«-5215. 18211 P1tkllde Ln. 1 blk patio, ell bit-Ina, laundry •P•· 1595. 213-831_4064 lllne. H.B. 982·7520. nate houeehold & family algn area, 65c eq.lt. 2 br houM. 1g derl, F/P. 2 br, 1 be, W/O hOok-up, AcroH et. from water.1--;;;;•;WmNl;ajjjlT;jj~ll;;:..All;;;i.M"-W. ol Beech, 3 blka S. of rm. •1.._,1 .,....... ,.111 whlle maintaining her Ownr. 213_.60-8555 1V•b8,Whlttler.Trldlor g1r. No pet'-$475. eultorndeeor.3Br2Ba. Edinger. TSLMgmt. 842-1803NewStudloapt,utUtum, 111 ..,·i ,_ ' prHent employment & n 0 d 0 w n p y m t . 2 1 7 8 O P 11 c! en tie. $975. 213/592-2871 Y..,ly Can1lfront, 3 Br. 141·1441 $325 mo. •••••• ••••••••••••••• will continue to pey rent. 631-7939. 54~7983 2 Ba. 2 atory, x.lnt area.---------large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town-M0-1239 MNW lltll PleHewrltetoCIHSilled ---------1 Im.I 3144 docll apece •viii. Brok• Quiet Junior &· 1 ere. houae In quiet comple1t, · Wkly renta11 now 1vall. Ad «717, Diiiy Pilot. PO. 3 br hse. 1v. ba, Weat-BEST OU.l 1br unit T~~j;;~~· .. •tta··c•••••• 87S..912 From $375. Pool. rec. large pool, garden Mt-•1395 mo. 28r. 29•. 1140 & up. Color TV. 1seo. Cott• Meta. ca. mlneter. good area. Cur-ger Utll·pd only $330 --'"~' 2,,b anyon Bluff• ., .. condo 4 Br rm .. HUna, enclad ga-ting. 1875. 845-3381, pool. petlo, llldt Ot<. no Phone• In room. 2274 92828 rently rented. Trade or OC-RENTALS 150-3314 ............ , " a. new 1 • rage. 17301 Keeleon off 875-5a.9. P•t•. l.ndry 841·98H, Newport Blvd. CM. 1---------n o d own p y mt . E/llde: n~ clMn 2 .... 1 cpt & paJnt. Gardener 2~be. lrplc:, f>"' w/elec Staler 842-7848 M0-7484 8'6-7445 F nonamkr to etw 2 b< 631 7939 "' $1150/mo Own/agt. cplt. New Cptl & pelnt. . . $530/mo. 2 Br . 2 Ba.-------------------1 duplu, E/Slde C.M. • . Ba. lncd yard, enclad Av11t Aug 1, '752--0111 St75/rno ..... -Mt2 i.-. ..... I nu Townhou-. car port•, 111111111 ..... BE A c H AR E I $225 Incl. utlle. 845-7220 SKIERS DELIGHT • 1Br garage. Child Oii , no -· OC.AEHTAl.S ~.~............... patios. all bit-In•. lnd7. Lge 2 & 3 "'lowMouae " condo. wlk 10 the Ult, peU. $525/mo. plua 1 ., ...... .....,.,., •-Studio, non-amkr, bua/ rm, small pet Oii. wont epta, ylrda, enel gar, Shr 38r hM. S225 mo. UtW . ......,. Airport Area, e11ec tulle ••Pendl. clusy twrroun-dlnga, prof 1tmo9')here, hu 120 10 250 lq ft Of· llCM & dell! l9tC9 from 285/mo. Including oonl rma, rec«ptlonlat. an ... werlng Mrvlce, Iota or per111ng1 WP a Tlx IVlll. 833-9f11 tr1de for am houN or security 2544 Orange 4 br. pool, lrplc:, '°'" htg. """' •-""to 9'VVU prof t¥Ylf 40 pref. $375 1ut1 lplc, hooll~. Nr Kunt. $77/Wk Incl. plue StOO NC. dep. Moblle Home In Central "0". 548·2778. Nr IChoolt. 1900 eq ft. 1~14 open 1-<layl mo. Incl utll. 4a.-0451. TSL Mgmt. 842-1803 Hrbr. from 1575. Chit· S.A. 831·1198 alt 5'>fn. or Northern Call!. By Weatalde 2 Br 1 Ba. fncd $1050. 551-1228 11111111111 Alt 5 &42-8221 d 0 840-tt07 1<11cnenett•Mlld·Pool --------- Owner (Tt4l 552-3748 patio. enclad garage, WOCld1>ri<lge TwnhM. 2 br, (1•111•) ~'J!r.!!.fm! .. /.~!f Flrepla~.: pool. d l•h· ':vA~~BLE NOW ea.~:..::' & ~~:;55 F= ~r :!: 'Cd~: = ':°'~~~~~~: Lanuna Baach hooM, 4 new carpeta, drapea, den. 2 ba, new ,.nt, ......._, .... _ u• tlo X LO mo .. lat + llt 720-0850 842·"•"4. br. 3 ba, apectacular palnt.Nopett.1495/mo. AIC.$175.84().1241 Y mon on Garden 2 Br. 1580. Ot<.Nopeta.Waterpald. ,._,_1'11 f-6-9PM. Debbie or Cullen ----------. ...,.. v•,... 8 the th ly BUT THE . w--· Pn pa · 2 Bdrm 1 bath, 1 child .... view, nr beach, $48gl(, l>lue NCllflty. 548-5«2. 3 br. 3 ba patio .. __ 'f:'..ly a_920imo for 2 8r 21 557-2841. 142" mo .... •.2000. •••••••••••••••••••••• Bal I 3 b ho """'* 87K equity. Or IN/opt. ''70-&aat. ....__, din.rm .. ....._":;:,-d, , ... rom. w~_!o200..ch. ·Aval · " "''"" Furn. 3 Br 2bll tvn w/pool · •· r uee. wet-~ ol'llce wt 8•• "517 "~~21 10 '"'"-""" ,_ ...,.,.. ''1101 Llr-1 er. EaaUlde. na· Agent. no fee. on Yo acre. v-. private. nonatnllr. prof. M/F. ~t view •-11 1000 ""-v .~ 1 Br. wtth etove. covered Outatandlny location . tur.i wood beerned oel· r.-•• .._. ~ very tuah g:oundi. S.2,$0 +utll.673--04111tt. ;.q."ft. ........,v ' ,. ULI. TIAll perking, chtld & small pet Gardening ncl .. Pool, 28r, boat dc:k S600/Wk llngs & c1blnet1. light a ~':'::'.~ ••• ~':':' 11500/mo. Open Set/ _1________ 65&-7100 Btautllul home, frp!C In olc, $450/mo. 536-7979. etc. 1196. 857+85e4 eve LIFE'' airy. $425. Ht-0522 ......... Sun 1·5. 431 E. 20th St. F to shr 2 br houM w/M. --------- bdrm. lull 1Z lot. 1125, Npt Hghtl twnl\M, 3 BR, 2 DEERFIELD COND0-38", 18', botlt dOk '400/Wk btwn 3-5. ......... 5-4M199 & 873-n11 S.A. Hg1a nr Airport, IAL -- 000 equity. Want home bl. lpc, yd. Obie Qlf. No 281, lovely encl unl, IN .... a&n ja.-~ ....... --. I.a..,..., 1 Br ldult ,,.., 28 2 I BAI.. IS. St-a to bev, 1 $250 Incl. utlll. M&-24115 •If 111' .. or apta In Nwpt arH. -'• 1195. 842-5122 $125 mo. 551·2922 --llllMWP T.__ ....... ..,... · ' r ba, rpto, deck, ,.... ' C"' ... PI. ........ -UTllUR 84 05 ,....., rw_. ---• · lhopa, pool, all utll pd. w/d, 11300/mo•yrty, Call bt, greet patio, frpt, gar. F nOl\Mlllr to lhr 3 br. 2 """ "'"'' -"'" ,..,., 5-57• 965-0782 3 BR 2Y. Ba E/Slde, En-Wlllll llM171 g1~~·~.!~~~1:•:: 1 811. M 0 n r 0 v I e . toll,,.. 1·IOO-MM972 $300 wkly. 328Y. SIP· b• duplex. CdM, 3 blkt ~:~~c:1:11e~v·~:a~ Jntlll gllah tudor etyle w/ 3 Bdrm detached horNe Harbor View Horne 3 Br. 2 I II n day 646-0338 aak for C71ta phlre, 8.1. 544..()914 to beach , 12 4 5 . UNEXCELl.ED l!I\• ...................... vaulted~· muter IUI· In exc.llent ., ... Av .... 8a. lamllyrm.S10001mo. 9runcl'l...O't• .';!,.,..,.. .......... ,,,,.,.,, -..a lln.f 873"8732 VICES. ENVl~NT. B•IHlflnJd" l:ii.~eSt~2:.mo.AtllfO< ble Immediately. L ..... 844-e977.,, ,..,,_.Plue .,} .__ INft _.,., 4 bdrm, 4 blltll, aandy SAVEMOHEY STAFF ~/;J;."i .. ""jjii ua ,_ J:>'~:;', 1 t:':h': 3 Br. home. lrple, nice G"flT':· ...................... ...................... ~\~oc;· =· ~= ~~. ==·;?a-=""'' The~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 38r, , ... a. E. Side home from. We're \tie °'*to .,.., Harbor HIOhland•· "I c". AT I 0 .. ! K b nk ? rm .. 2 ba, '3100 July. s--·· ·-· ...... L~rm a 7~t. lmmlCUl•t• & nicely f\irn. ,.._.,,, ""Mv f Call for ...... Upgrade• lntlcfe. prv1 T • n n I •• F, e. enne u port . '3500 A Ult Biil 0 -· ... _, .... DU ---------°" Grand c.na1. Bal 11. 3 ~"::.,"'a :!;.,am, 1m I 'flld, hOt tub. Nr eahoola. &..eMoM (Oro l P'O Rlt ~ · run-betll, houM prlv. 1275 CdM dlx IUlte. AIC, .,..,.,.. Bdrm & 11\1. Avail yrty: ;;;, 22ea C~rn~tt. w.Mluwtc MOO. 8424351. ~)•f Huitt\ Isn't he the guy who kicked the iii:dy±' =-;:'':.:1=oM;;;:1"=1·=::-.1..:'ncldl~~U1~M.::.,· .!14:.1:.:.-.:!'5'..'..77:..__1 = ultl ~· 2116 !. c.. S1500 or winter S1200 S..9-2042 .. _ .... , 3 '" 2 .. EattbMf, evl ..... winning field aoal in the '74 Surwrbowl? ~ lllenCI ~' ... ,, to ..., ...... apt _;...'- 17 -'--- 00 ---mo. _.. .My 1&. lt200 MO. H)drom 1 11• ,_. • If, 2 IL ~ lndry, on boll In Mo.. MIO C08TA Ml8A om .. w11er1ront Homea, 1no. LOt 5 IR. '*"--. 'P'O. ~1.-MCM01t ~~ ~ro~ .-.. ~~PtllO-~ mo. + \f ""'· 1111-<ta1•. ..-. '°' --. '=: 173-teOO IN. oS*17111.1171. -ft 1 ....... ~ ~~ 1t1 .. '"' • ·-•••1 .. .,. ·--• .. £.. IM ... nt1 ·-= ... '7· n..-~ "*·.!. '!·~ •I A T UL Aupl. · _.. .....,, ~-';".. .. _,, 1 lnCll _.,.__., A•A•T•IMTlt If JOtl'rt not sure who (or wlllt) ~.... 1llr ........ 4, aaroe. the~ IOl*lng for ..ne IO re~ ..... Poto•. 1 to 5 bdnnl. ~ ., • u t 0"'. t I c •• , • !~~~~.!•_i.., .~ ~ don't IMI blt-ptl'rt not·-~ II OM .. , .. , frofll lruch. flrld a. apt.11t-40l7. dtcar ..... --i~ 1175 to S12t6. tt300/mo. 7to-NQ. ~ of 14 --~ dlttettllt ~t _,....It l4001Wk. 11MOel at...., Otbtll9 At --~a....._ Wettcllff 31r 2ba, new .,..,. kMtr yn. -gdnr,.......,. ' & Untufnlef\ed•No s.tWlftd ~· ltlntlflltoll a.11. S.... ~ Is ltwd. ..... ,... .... • ,......._.. Open 1 rlSlllt ot penonalztd protmioflll .....-.; 1.~!1'1 oe1 ' tr!li~te1 -I .. t. Tiie of attlMioft 1CM1 ..... ... lll:ill. Al*ftct•ot..,_llldWw!W-_..ITt1 .... ..... ........ --..... .-. .... .., ;\; ..... ..: ,, ' ,,, "*" OCllll ...... ~ '° • ... Cid. I!!!!~~~ ......... • .... .... ..... ~ ....... -. 1,-•1 conu•I tocaatfl -:e le .......... ... .......... ,..,.......... 1--------· _. (II , ... , = ..... ,,...,al ..... (l• .. ..a.f '" -~ ). °"' .... two ........... twe """"' Melt ....... """ ... .... w:J".:J~ • 'I I I ~"7"!~0,!J tof. ao1n°':...,, lllU PUT .. ,. _,., 00 IT HOWi .......... Your Dally Piiot SeNtc. Directory ~r...,tatlve MJ-llll, ut. HI ~~!~ ............. . Orlvewey1, Parking Lot Aepalrl, 8MlcCMtlng. S&S Alphlt 831-41t9Llc Dan Hallb«g Grading & Paving Co. Aet/Coml. Lie 397804 842· 1720 A•IM•llN ...•.•.•..........•••. ~f!fffl ••.•.•••.• ,.,,.. , ...... Smoooothed ~ ~79 ~H~I.~ .....•. Wl!DOINO IOUOUETS a COfMQM rreeerved !Of a llt•trme EuropHn ·~· 873·7227 ~& •••.••.••••• Flnlltl & rough carpentry. oabln•t•. room addl· tlOna. Mll-7221 FENCES & DECKS Mark Aoblneon Conlt. Since 1978. 754-0959 Co<NfltOM CarP9f)lry Sp«:. In Patio Cov«e FrM HI. 499-4014 • ,.,,.Mmttlttw. lMlllW.~ ••• ll!tw, ••••••••••••. Crpt1 lnetlll/,...,_. l<lt, """°°'· ..,.,. , ... , '"'""'" I kM··~.. OUMI' JOtll Aood clell'I lttiem oeb!Nta. Clll now • tree lftinf. M91c• your l'OtM & . lmlll MO'llng Jobe otno.Q4..N~t7)..... •tl!MM ... a..oee1 ~. Jett tM-1114 Clll MIK! ~1H 1 C1tm c1•1 a patio co-... ..._,_ HAULINO.OAAOINO 11!..•ll~.... vara. ,, •• eall, r•fl, rr.'~•••••••••••• demolition, Olean•UP r.::'••·'·"e'On'n ••••••• Promot .... aw Tim Complete Lawn oar•, oonore11 a tr .. r9n1ov11 Cemenl0•Muonry.~ ' otean-uc>a. trM WVlce, Qulcill aarv. 042·7NI W•lte-uet. WOl'll • ..-. ... .. ,,, • • pt Ink 11,. ' MI k •• #311057 "ob &47•1M8 ':'f'tt•••••••••••••••••• N1-7570 MAULING&. MOVING Ort ,...1,_. W .. I F,_ •t<AT"INA'I: LIVl·IN Local. Stud90t w/lrucll. 1191·,... "'"'· • hlkpra dtlly maid Mrv .. Ill Lewi• 87&.lt80 Mt. No )Ob too ""4111. olrloa' olaanlng, orpi '" S3e-2t07 Cleenlng. ISS·Z1il TOC)ped/~. Ctean Haullng·•tuclent w/ttuck ---------up, lewn r9"0V. 7514471 Low ratH, r•llebl•. QJU C'1f .._,, ••ow· I""" • OL• •N UPS Th Ink you , S I Iv• . •••••••••• .. •••••••••• T:f.~•••••••••••••• "" ""' . ....,., 75no1~8 • Haullno • Llf\d110lf>lng --·-· _ .. _____ _ llUL LM&Tm OfllVWALL/ACpusric 1 Fr .. Mf. 142-9907 HAULING & DUMP ~elrt. new • old. 1 for ohlldc1re oent•r yr1 ••P· 8ud 552•9512 Mow, lldge. r1k•. iweep, JOBS. Allt tor RandV, 1v1ll1bl•. II\ 8outh •Pring clHn·up, haul. M1·M27 °''%, County. Call fOf ~:::;-r=t~~. Chuck 842·2873 bet I PROF. SERVICE det 1· Lio. $ttMo4 1.ssz.5549 am. H1ullno • yrd cia1n up M A Y 0 C K RHld. Cln·uP•. gud•n Oulctl & clean. FrM HI , ........ , 14,. DRYWALL TAPING 873-06411 JIOOUNNl'l'llf All Tutur• & Acou1tl0 Hrv, m1lnt, trH trim. lAGIJlll.' ~ FrM .. , Kevin 875-9088 FrM .... M 1· 1090 Wiiiy (7M)4M·at.M ~~~~~·trial C..tr ...... ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••'•••••••••• ELl!CTAICIAN-Prlc•d AEMOOEL/AOO-ONS right, ltH Htlmat• on Aon'• .Oard•nlng: I yrt Hm• ar•t. Qualltr at raa1. rat••· Ma nll land1cap•. NB/CdM. 875-93ee !~!!!!!~!!''· ...... . ROBIN'S CLEANING s.vio. •• thoroughly ol .. n hoUM. 540-0857 TIRED OF HASSLES? A.ilable cleaning n.tp le herel Ael1. 960-7452 ~~ml.'llfr ••• ; •••••• "upon1lble op11. ••nt ra11. wlll hM a anlrnat "' b9flnnlnQ 7·U to t-1. wt1'Y elo. W •21t9 Aa9pon11Dla tu prof will malnttln a HOUr• vour llOm• whlle you 1r1vel. Beginning In Sept. No drug1/1loohol or emo... king. A•••· avell. Calf Anewar •d •2~1 . &42-4300 24 hra. R"~lble cpl, mid 30'• IOOklng to hou ... lt thl• aummtr We'll oara for pl1n11, houM, etc. Cell Ken H1v•n. 780-8076, rel1 avail f~~~!f!~f ......... . John Mullaney & Sona Concrete, brick, wood decka, reland1eaplng & tree ramo11al. 770-2953 Aenovatlng.Sprlnklera New 1awn1-CIHn up Dave 042-4853 Bud 549·5285 VANDENBERG LANDSCAPING Prof•Hlonal Auto CIH· nlng, Waxing, Polllhlng. The O.tallert M0-5199. & ClrJ*'try. Llc'd. 25 l1rge or 1tnall Jobi. -, .. -.... --lal---.. -.. -..... --Ctt•I 1-mlt yrt ••P· lrwln 548-2719 l,.IC. 311ee21. 673-0359 TrM trim, ~. olnupe, ...... s·············s········ Fl-Fin .......... "·-= LIC'O ELECTRICIAN <*Mnt work. FrM .. ,. Joan'a CIHnl"" S•rvlc• Malnt., aod. planllng, ... ~ 11wn1, clHn-upa & No IHm/No l'lampoo ·-....... --· Quel work Real Call 549-fJO I Stain Sc>ecialllt. Fut Aemod. Spec. R I F • • · rllM 1 4 anyt me. HOUM1-Apt1-Aental1 trim. LIC'd 979-5146 Ol11CM. 540·1287 1---------Auton'IOblle Air Cond. Repair. t80 w.i11 Place CM. Bontekoe ~9-5208 dry Free .. 1. 839-1582 Lie. 419587 720-1280 rM 9't. 83l ·5072 Tom Jeaala'a Gardening ELECTA.ICIAN Clean-upe, trM trim & Ganarel HouHCIHnlng Shampoo & steam clean. WAY CONSTRUCTION Sml Jobl/Rapelra. Lio. malnt . .-v. 540-eo35 Aallable, rala. 10 yrt exp. Color brighteners, whl Remodel • AddttlOnl 2331oa-c-to. 54,,_5200 •---------982-0510 alt. 4 ld-111/af. crpt1 • 10 min. bleach. Lie. 420802 &42-1200 ... ~~ ....••...••.... Pre-school leaohar will Hall. llv/dln. rma $15; 1vg 1 • .1 ......... I lee b1by1ll, 1cllvlll••. roomSS7.50; COUCh $10; Uc. 30MM. A.model. supervised pl•Y· Bulhard chr 5. Guar. allm. pet add' c.blnat & Adami, HB. 964-32118 odor. Crpt rapal.r. 15 Yfl ·~·8M• •· up Do work myHll. _____ sae __ ,_M_s... __ M4 __ BABYSITTING-my home. Rafa. 531..0101 M4'a.a...a-_a .. -......., tncd yd. hol mNl1. Any. -----------....----time. 548·2674 •I EXCEL CARPET CARE FrM •t. Rau. prio.. JICk Buffington Oual. work. Lie. 337169. INFANTS & UP Ownat/QC)9(1tor 631-2345 Day or Night, $50/Wk. Carpet, uphol, "" rug Coate Mua 846-5759 clffnlng. Work ouar. GeMral Contractor Ind., eomm'I, r•. Eleotrloal Contractor Ind .. Comm, Rat. Lio 333217. Ph 557·1138 11t11m1 rum11 wa don't m8k• you w81t Lie. 370089. 831·7823 AESIO/COMM'L/INO. 20 yrs. Do my own WOfk. Lio. 278041. Al &40·8128 !'.~l!!~~ ..........•• HOME IMPROVEMENT Quality HouMOleanlng with a Personal Touch Bath 850-0033 REPAIR-PLUMBING Hom• CIHnlng· honell. Carpentry, alee, Ille FrM r.ilable. h1rdworklng & "'· No Job too am&ll. references. 554.4454 845-2111 I ---------HouMCleanlng + m11nt & EXPERT HANDYMAN rep1lr Sherry 631-6146 Carpentry • Roofing Plumbing, etc. 642-8013 Thorough Old·falhloned Complete heecleanlng. Reis Jan 539.fl199 flfE llTlll&TH Sod, 1prlnkler & shrub lnstalllllon Our work only looks ••P•nalva. Check our pric.t ti.fore you buyl Lio. 204516. Call Judy, 649-1551 lltJtl't llftlH llltJ ~'!I!!!~~! •.........•. MAGICAL ILLUSIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Reta. Steve 968-6463 !!!!~!l' ............. . '~r lacea-Pl_,,1.,1 9 1 .. Plllol..Ylf'IMf Reta, /M .. , 141-0' .. l•P•rt Muonry. Ouallty workm1n1hlp, raall1t10 II{~• Reta, 551 ... 555 f!!!!!f ••••••••••••••• • ABC MOVING • Quick, Careful Servio.. FrM .. t1m•I .. 552..()410 •&-1--• Top qu11l1y. Speotal care In handkng. 25 yre ai1p Comp•tlllve Ratel No ov•rllme. 730-1353 ,,l!'!IM ............. ~ 1!!!11."I ••• 'lt\lllng ll'lttrl« DellCMI CLl"'IOAL 81..VIOU HANOlMGllT"'PPlflO ltlt<PO•Typlng*'llel V .... MC loot1 ... 8-ISH PU/del evall ... 2 ..... 11 ASJll PAPl"HANOIHO f Ut 7 yr1 loOel e1tp. Ouar. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • work, Prlota atert at CtAAMIC TILi 18/rOll. Alfie 7&1·7027 & PIUMblng Repairs. •l•-h FrM "t. lob 815·M51 f/f!!!~:-:-r.:......... Custom c.r1m1C Tiie ED'S PLASTE"ING Prompt C.11 Chuck ALL TYPES INT/EXT 876-1408 dyt T exturaa Palel'llno FREE HT 045-1251 f ttt ltmtt PLASTER PATCHING ~AY0TRfE°CA.Af;,;p; AHIUClCOI. lnt/ut. 30 Mrv. ' 11ump grinctlng. yrt. NHI Peul 545.2977 Llc'd, In• flo40-9308 1/e••Ja• HERIT .AGE TREE SEAV • • •• • • •• '·•••• •• ••••• • Complete trM cate. 17 Ft.trlet PhMaMea yr• 11tper Dan 552-5377 Your lull Mt'Vice ptuf',,'f,., H l ·MIO/M0-1212 r.-.1!.~I. •••• •••• ••••• ..-.-1,,,_-----•-1-1-1-L-L--14-1-.-11-2-1 Mo1t aubjeet.1, K· 14 .!.!' •• ~I.••••••••••••• 01)' .. ve.eummer S10wk ST AAVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie. T124-'438 1n1ured 641-8427 WATCH US GROWi Fiii PlllTIH 2• llr ~, •l••~r ttt Mr. Morg1n, 845-5176 by Alchlrd Sinor Lie ltaNtJ/MIJt ... I WI"''" tltul•f 280644 13 yr1 of happy ••••••••••'l~ •• r.:! ••• •••••••••••••••• ••••• local cu11omer1 Mll'n-h tfa•·lt-4. ' Let the Sunshine In" Thenk you, 631-4410 Free "' Aaaa. rvieef Cell Sunlhlne Window ,.. Cleaning. Ltd. 54&·8853 PAINTER NEEDS OU1I. work. Lio. 337169. 20% Monthly Discount WORKI 30 yra ekp, Intl 631-2345 Exler Acouatlc c;elllng1. ---------MA. SPARKLE· all wndwa, 011111 Palnllng 647·5f815 ~!!!!'!!............... both 1tdes, 1oreen1 & ~HENRY ROOFING~ 1rac:k1 Honesl. depan-EXTERIOR PAINTING dlble Guar no llrHk• Custom WO<k Free eat Shtke-Shlngles-Cbmp Reas PltGeS. 540-5654 ReH + fine Int & Ital· Uc 4 15232 546-6213 nlng Stave 547-4281 RALPH'S PAINTING lnt1ex1 Reaa. rates Rel Free esl. 536-9898 B&M Paln•1ng & Tiie Free ell lntlexl & stains 10 yr1 In OC Spec rite on apts Call 24 hrs, 1-995-3488 collect. HOUSEPAINTING In & out Free est. Call Bruce 972-0116 Huber Roofing-all 1ype1. You don'l need • gun to New-recov1r-decks "draw last" when you Uc. a411602. 548-9734 plaoe an ad In the Dally Piiot W1111 Adil Call now ...•.••...•....•..•... MOBILE SERVICE Aesaeen•IN-ecreen1 NB/CM only 642-9552 lff11t11i1l "'"'" ...................... I &42-5678. WILL BABYSIT $1/Hr Fr" &I. &45-1771 UC. 3S3217. 557· 1738 6 wkl·2~ yrs. M-F. 6arn-8pm C.M. 042·299 SELL Idle llama with a •---------- Dally Piiot <Auliflad Ad. C1-lflad Adi M2·5e78 LOU'S HOME REPAIR Elec-CltP9f)try-Plumb. Pluter-Stucco-Pllnt Shop II home. II'• ... y BRICKWORK Small jobs. lnt /Exl. lowest r11a1, Newport. Costa Mesa, prompl. neat service. 10 SECRET ARIES TO GO Your Office or Oors Elticlentl Reliable ln-N>usa Word Proc. Little MIN Muttet .. , on • Tulfet. along came 1 spider and read In the Dally Piiot C1aa1lflad MCtlOn ltloul Miii Mui· tet'a Tultel and bought II for $9.95. You een Mii your tultll and 1011 ol other things lhrough Dally Pilot CIHllll•d Adi. Call 642·5878 Real. prio. 875-4558 wfth clUllflad IM2·5e78 trvtne. Reis 1575.3175 yr• 1n arff 848-5684 No minimum 642-0969 c ... '"''' ,.,..,,.,,., ·-~~!!!~ ....... !.~~! ... '!fr.!!ffl!r .•• !~!? ffl!.~.!!.~ .... !~ ~~! •.......•. ~!!l.!!.'!.'!!. .••• !.{!f ~!!l..'!~~t!. .... !.{'A '!!!l..'!!!'.t!. .... !.{'! ~ . .'!l..'!~~t!. •... !.'.!! ~!!I..'!!!~'!. .... !.'.'! '!!.'l..'!!!~t!. .... J.l.~ ....... ,,.,.,., ~ Found: 5 Mo blk/lan JtM flg#M 111J BABYSITTER wanted, CONSTRUCTION-Sub· --------•I Shep/Huakl• mill, red •••••••••••••••••••••• mature peraon 40 + pref contractors. qlly, good General , I property from S99t< dn, ., .... owe et 10% 1n1. E•l111ng collar, Fem. 842-0189 Klnd. lntallloent. practical for 2 boya, mlJll be vary performance, realdenllaJ, INFORMATION on AlaS· nurH offers che•rlul dapendlble, own tranap an subs. 760-6859, 9.5 ken, out of atate end compenlonahlp, ••P. 590 wk. Call Patty ---------overseas job• now 1val· personal care. 720-0n9 a:30AM-5PM. 760•59,.2 COOKS Poe. a11all. 2 yra. lable $20,000 to $50.000 FHlfale YalleJ loans fully asaumabla. 2 bldgs. olflce/atorage 1&2 bdrm, ocean l/lawl. t 15.880 & 2,880 Sq Ft). Nex1 to Oceanside Ma· Excellent corner loc.. rlna, No. Coast Village. parking. lease all or part. Broket, (714)721-088e. Annual leue with option Lost: Fem. lo ng hair Germ. Shep, blk w/lan marking•. IS yr1 , "Karm1". 1091 nr Tony Roma's, NB A•ward. Oya 645·0901, a vea 120-1321 up wlbroller & Huie a y e a r C e I I · PI T bkkpn & clerical · • Babyalttert .. nagerlor 10 work Call: 644-1237, 3016599333 Operator po11tlon w1nted, N.B. year Old t>oy. Mon thru Mon Fri 111 2PM 040. • · eraa. Raia. 873· 1632 Fri. summer & alter ---·-"------·~~~~~~~~~I to renew. FOUNTAIN ..... Wuttl J1J1 VALLEY SCHOOL DI· •••••••••••••••••••••• ·STRICT PO Bok 8510 Need $30,000 3rd TO, eva. echool, China Cove, CdM 0..llfef lalet = NurM Mltl1 night duty, 12 on the t>Meh. 075-1273. Ylt .. lea Gen Ole M uet lype SOwpm 10-key by touch, gd. w/phonea Mature person. P/llme. 1·5PM. Could lead to Flllme. Non-amkr pral'd. Apply: 9·5. 621 W 19th, CM • very 111ge equity wller· Loll: Golden rllriaver puppy, vie. Tullln/ 17th CM. Reward. 631·7053 l\r lhll1. $70. Xlnt long iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil W• are looking tor de- cue ref1. 675-2055. BANKING P•ndeble. friendly per· Fountain Valley. Naomi front home 842·5683 Wieland 714/842-6851 i-----·-----Night duty. eon with exper. In vita· TELLER min ulee Of related nu-11111/lff111 •il!:J."' ,,.., 300 to 900 sq. ft Dntwn •••••••••••••••••~! Loil: M1l1mut•. 6 mo• Old. Chok« chain, Cit Hwy & Alv•rtld• Av•. NB. Aewwd. 2803 W. C.C Hwy. 64s-6351 •tJ1. lluW 1111 1tltton11 knowledge to A;;0t,~·o;:;;,·e;~·ei:; hrf.Tlllt WOtk In our hNIUl loocl Laguna 494-5688. u . uma lnstrucior needed PIT. llOfa. Cuti reg\jter ••· Ccnta M•H er••· Call We are currently Inter· per 1 plul Xlnt medlcll Mon. 111 9AM, 54s,.2111 viewing for a Taller & dental benefits Um· ,.,.,u;.i •••tll4Jll lhrtcac• 1t. 1 ... • • ••••••••• ••• •••••••• Speclallzlng 1n lat & 2nd t 160 sq II. cons1a11 ol TD'• alnoe 1949 Lost dog, Germ1n shor· th air polnt•r. bro11Wn/ white. 7/4. 641·5170 Htlr & San Diego Fwy. (part-lime) who wants to lorma lurn'd. No Sun· uppe< level e11eeut1ve ot· Robt. Siitier NH/CM lk:e w/pvt beth. Ground A.E. Broker Bd Realtor• floor reception area and 642·217 t 545-081 t ApartMent Manager. ax· be part of our growth. daya. Please apply In perlanced. mllure COU· person Lindberg Nutrl· «O sq 11 anop space.1 ________ _ Lost: 9 yr Old cr08MY*I S""-. "Chalya". Irv. Reward. 559-4774 pie. 100 beeulltully Selec1ed lndlvldual uon Service, 3333 S maintained units. coutal sh<>Uld have a min. of 1 Bristol St In So Ctt Allr1Ctlva, quiet Coata Mesa industrial complek. IOOW HAS SSS for T0'1 RE Loana, 101< Up, No arH. $750 plus bonus yr. recent experience In Plaza.C M p1u1 apartment, no pell 111 pf\IMs of commercial iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil &42-4907 wkdyS. banking teller 1r1nsac· Credit Chac:k. No Pen-Lost: blk M puppy w. tan _N_B_3_9_7_5_8_1_h_3-'"-.,,--i ally. Dennison & Aasoc:. legs & fee., Vlc1orl1 & . . re . """ aq, 67"7311 c c M A d G -979.9533 AlllY IUllYI lions. II. or IHI. MIA zone.1 __ ~--------anyon. • · •w1r · rNI w1y lo -n extra .,..A_gen:;.__1_5o4_1._50_32_. ___ ir-.. Un9Hll/ 840-3893 or.1·7~ ~at~ra=•s:,,. S750 up. 2160 II. lndu-• .. ~--11·' Found. LhlH Apio. Nr near home 1ft« trllnlng. O..,_ .,,. <>-Tw'I-· I Edwardl & Slater, HB. atrial • "-· 1....,., 1 ..._.. '-I I 1-.M c .. a.2-oo3& 10 Identify. Lewn 1 vlluabla elcMI & dondo Clrcla "E Hunt· ••••••••••••••••••••• gal axp•rl.,,c;a. Soma • lngton, Beach. 842-2834. f.lllffu•tall 1111 1f1NU11 U calh bonuM1. Cl'loo .. . lfflOI ......... ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• frotn many available .,_ UROPEAN EXCHANGE Enjoy your wadding or poaltlon1. Call today: Approk 2000 aq ft. Nr STUDENTS, 1rrlvlng In epaclal _, ... on bMU-Tu1Un 731-0481 Crown V1lley Pkwy, & August. would Ilka to Mva tlful ranch wtth magnlfl-Sarita Ana 542-4783 'toF°:(.~)~~~ Vie-with famlllel end 1ttand cent view. M lnllla re USAA Ctr. 552-3173 high school nut yHr. avlll. (714)723..Q097 _A_S_S-IS_T_A_N_T_O_F_C_M_G_R-.1 lnl'11 Wultl 4fll Student• are carefully * * * EJtpar nee. Soma baek •••••••••••••••••••••• acrHned, bright, oul· Aff--..&ll , .. _._, ofc preferred, 4 day work W11nted: Udo llland t or 2 going, fun, all apeak En· ... , .. .. wk. friendly & out~"" t>r apl, yrty leaM, prof. F gllsh. Select 1 boy or girt OP«! 24 hrs 1 day ··• w/good refa, needed by whoM lnterHtl mltch 7 d1ya a *Mk •tmoaphara. &45-T ~ Sept. 15. yours and enrich your Jacuul, sauna. Loc111 •ttraCtiYe ~...I Our sueca11 In Iha lndu· stry atlOWI u1 to provide highly competitive Mlary and benelll• Including Madlc11. Dental, paid vec.tlon Md mcwe. INTEl\VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY PteaM call: Personnel Dept. 7 t4-7l0-8000 ~ .;--c&mk ....-,,. .-i ~·wport .... 111/llUI TYPllT Fllt·Paced ad agy. nds fall. 1ccurate typist, 85wpm. Gen. otc duties plUI deOverles Salary & banal111. Aek for B•r· b#'L 714-751-2180 Creel• a ,_ life 1ty1el Ektra Income + tu de· duct Iona 751-11985 for appt UTA llTIY PllSll Gen lnaurance agency In Co111 ...... hU opening for Date Entry parson. 10 key a mu11. Pd. Co. ti.- nellt1 Salary commen- surate with ••Pl< Call Marie. 5-49-9923 770-3364/67S-4462 famlly'a Ille together. u well u 1ourl1t1. ft Qll La1rn 1bou1 1noth•r BankAmerleatd, Muter Sophlatlcatad, sttract,,,., Trans to O.C .. Famlly euttura while lharlng Iha Charge, American Ek· wall groomed girl to EOE M/F Oellvlfy: Light work, 6 hre wan11 to lel9e Irvine or bait of your Ufa In Arna-pr ... , Olnera. All w•I· mod•I prlvltely for In· ~~~~~~~~;~ Mon-Fri. Hr1y salary Call ·N.B. 3-4 bd, lamlly rm, rice • A wonderful U · come 714/645-3433 .. dlvldual 3_4 hra per i Monti 833-aoc>O house or townhouse. change! EDUCATIONAL 2112 Harbor 81. CM ··-... Stri"'ty ""vete -~d lllllf&IJ fl NMd by Auq 15th. Best FOUNDATION FOR ....,. "" ..,... -· Rell. (213) 483-2757 Sal FOREIGN STUDY Your Cir Reflac:1• You In good , ..... Utmoat ·--· ' 1 C"•tom W•• a~ .. , dlacratlon 1s1ur1d. --_.r_ only. (714) 640·7016 non-profit organization. --..,.. W• -a growing eom-----------• Cell John Billey (714) RMa. •Tony 647-824 1 Grfft pay · tlaklble hrs. mercial benk with oor· Housing, A&B tor well .,___. ....,...0 ~ .. ..._._,._.. 559-1972. Mu & Su• c~os w-..,. •~ ..,...., ,..~ •• .., .,..,__, ""'lie omc. In 1-·na mannered M . atudant, ·~ • """' ...,.... to daacrlpllon to 8o11. Ad ,.... ..._... age 17 attending 1.agun1 Wiison (714) 731--0479 Of party with you. Cell Sue No. 1011• Dally Piiot. Hilla and -looking IOf Beh HI. 1.774.3344 (203) 829-2754 collec1. or Kathy any t 1 ma. 8ox t&eo. eo.ta M.... • eecratary with ucall9rlt 953-9383 CA Hl2' ciarlcal 11<1111, typing 60 lw. ·'la '/ SCRll.I LETS wpm, plu• dlct1phone. ._1_~!~ NII ftlll• •-I -Affl...... Two ya1r1 111perlanca ,._. ·~WERS -·-· required. •••••••••••• •••••••••• ft1W PHOTO MODELS WN allgnmt. & br'ka. Own 11 you lf'l)Oy the~ ...... ESCOATS/OANC£RS hand loola. Newport Tlr1 of 1 dlv9ralflad Job, -a.-t..Jt. JM Y.itow . OMwey OUTCALL 24 HAS Ctr .. 3000 E. c.t. Hwy, hlV9 the poaltlon for you. ••• ~r;::: •• ;i•••••••• =r·-~ ....at1 _Cd __ M--------1 You will be rlllPOOlff>M OrlJ*Y & wei191per Store MONEY waa STOLEN HOUSEKEEPER needed for menaglng ldledul9, Dentel FINANCIAL SEC'Y & OFC COMMUNICATOR EJtp'd Ara you aearch1ng for a progranlve, quality office where your out· goi ng pareonellty & dental •xperllae In handling telephone. II· nancial arrangemer1t1 & patllf'll cont.et la ~·· dated & r-ardad? W• .,. • hlghly lklllad taam, f\8'>PY to otter top Nlary & e•c•llant ban•llta. $1600 II qvallfled. New- port Beach. 831-2490 In exciullv• Npt 8ch area A• my old Qfll\df>I uled fOf tJuey prof.Wonal tn 1ypln9 corr .. ponO.nce, on CoHt Hwy. Ekc•I to Hy. "Navar gu1rd THERAPEUTIC M AS· N.8., verled dul ... , mull cwrytngoutprofactaand 0£NT. ANI. Ortho. Npt. money maker. $5500 to-your money, guard yovr SAGE be ariergetlc a rallable, 5 IMllllng Senior Ottar. Bctl. 4 d1y M·Th. Ekpar. tat prloa. $550/mo rlf'lt. health." So 1 took his FOf Men & Woman, by hre/dy, Mon·Frl, car & We otter growth Q9POf· & ADA raq. &42·2620 Call 640-2700 Ilk lor advice Ind wNle 1 -oartlflad ma11aur, NB r•I• required. (7 U) tunlty, noellent wortclng Rob. di~ my hMlth, my 780-382.5 M()..41H2 condlllon1, 111ary and 000 LOVER! Wiii lraln, Chemical Lie.nee t;.EY waa STOLEN. ---------ben•flta. Call Cerol grooming kenn•I help. Piil Thuyna at 830.-.00 _9_5_7_-1_589 ____ --..,.-,---1 SERVIC~:s~E. BUSI· IMI f fnM ... . , ......... , ...... ·· .. "S kl t t I •••••••••••••••••••••• • par • w~ • ., rH • REWARD: L011 large fe. • : m•nt eyetam for A .. mal9 SlamaM Si llpottit· • . • -Ull ldantlal Poole wlll net 1 Anew•ra to Muffin We an IMkilll to build a W1or pool o1 qualified • Equal ~portunlty Em· $40,000 plu1. $15,000 ~ laland 173-12.... p'aphlc .............. for two dapenmm te In dowr1 ~ aqulpmt. Wiii · our p19-FfW .,._ If 1'0U haw uparieDr:le In train, no ·_,,. nee. Call LOST: WHtclllf .,... ~room or-.. dep9rtmmt wwk Mr. Jotinaon. pereon to Gray Codlatlel "C«ky". and .,.. ln-....d In .......,... prochatdon. f*IC)n collect It CallfOf· A • w a r d • u r g • n t . oom6der u.. oppinunlU. otfe'ld by u.. Dliq nl1 Ctlemloal Corp.. &45-7080. wrk. 831.....ol Pllot. 408-817·0111, Mon. Found Kay ring w/14 kaye 9AM·5PM vie Victoria l Natlonll. We an ~ to u.a-our pert·Uma C~'1 Book Store CM. Call to ld•ntlfy llbor fcnr. f\&U·time ~may daYelop In In fal1"11rowfna s.ddi. 84~8 the n.r futw'e. blCk V~. a1l-l088 LOii: Blk trl·Clr lhaltl• We are ll'IOlt In~ In peop&e w1th lkil1I fem. Vic: Santa Ana A..... In the foUowt.nc ~ _....a cM. Reward 552-1111 Paste-up WAllB Loet: Cook1r Span. M. ad buildlnl or pete llllllile-up Our current bullneM II bull color, "B9tltley", experiecl dellrlble. lkyrodletlng. We .... Clly St. N.8 . Cinda Proofr1-~ rnanutecturw 1oc*1nO tot 831·7815, 5o4&-4300 X13 ..... • wnoi ..... to take on L-t· M ·-..... .......... ,._ T-'-t ti. mOM llCN•ICed tlaO-.... . • ... _ ........ "'''" """' , .... tronlc MCUr"Y tine~ raddlltt Ian. g,..,, eollr, lllble. Tl\lala a•u•Hlon "M11thew", Brletol & ~~t~P-' T~ proof ~ Wt pro-Werner. a.A. REWAlllO. • ... vlde full llOtOfY .... , M1-300t/JM l fM .._, ~........ Found: Germ. INp. ""'· ~ to ..tt ,_ .......... under you SIW M Wllnt t /21. Creme/blk. Nr ~ "f· rlatie baun Md..,... =-=·= ::.=r*""V*'f, St00,000. ptua a Yffr , _ _.. T _...._ ,......._ po1anu11 fncolfte , we --an .._. ..........,. would be tntet•ted lft .,.,.... puripy. abt I "'°· 1*'1ng lrOlft JOU ~ Ille 1= & ~. N.& ln¥tlll1Nnt --,..~ .... ~~'~----! Qw.ct. ~ IW """ ~ Ootdlr! ,...,..., ~~ ~...... Lab ...... COier. ''tlaAlA 1.-...1... ·-· .... ... ~-Mr. l ·--.. white eattno and CftM· tin g. Earn S 1000 10 12500 '* mo. 8uparvl- aory poalttont avallable. 5"8-7970 BKPR/ACCT. Eatabll•h•d Newport Beach rNI Mtata lnllelt m•nt & development """· Mute "'"' minimum 3 yeett ~1()9. Pr-. l•r real ••t•t•/ OO!Wtruotlon. ,,,..,.,. fl. nanclal 1tatement1 a. audit work ,..,., •• Ex· c:•llent worklf\8 oondl· Ilona. 8Mwy oommenllU- rai. Wlltl~. Pl•H• H nd rt1ume: Howwd, Howw.t ..... l'lltd, h10 .. 1'.0 . 8 011 e•ao. Newport leecfl. Ill II • ,,.,,.., _.. .... prof, onlM. "'"· "'"· NCl' HOMEMAKERS w /car needed tor houseclea- ning service Must be thorough, dependable. ekperlenced SS/hr Call Diane. 964-9766 l11e msg lllllllfPER Famlly 1ook1ng tor ma· lure hve-out housekee- per. Must have own car & knowledge ot oourmet health lood cooking. Some evening child cere. Nonsmoker Raia req Salary opan N .B 673-9192 ................. at SURF & §ANb hotel II loo6clng for • bl--llngu.al night 1uparv11or. Mon thru Fr i , Spm to 1 L30pm Conleet Mias Maree II 497-«77 INSllANCE WILL TRAIN AMBI · TIOUS, RELIABLE PEA· SON WITH GOOD TELE. & TYPING SKILLS. MIN. I YR OFC EXPEA. V.A· RIETY OF DUTIES XLNT WORK CONO & BENE· FITS CONTACT SHA· RON OR JIM AT 754-7612 Llt11e MIN Mutlel NI on a Tullet, along c1ma • IPlder and read In the Dilly Piiot Cl111llled MCtlon about Mia Muf· f•l'I Tuff9C and bought It for $9.ts. You Cati ... , your tulf.t and lot• of other thing• through Dilly Piiot Claulfl•d Ada. Call M2·5e78 I INT DESIGN SALES I•-------· "jursing Flair for decorallng nee MARKETING •• SttPEIYllll Fie• hrs Will train MARKETING 3.11 30 tut11t1ma Alto 499-1461. RN parl/ttme 11 ·7 LVN UI IELPll F1t1me. Reg position Clean see urchin lank, wash g1auware plua misc dut,.s Hvy lil1ing Call Lucy Hanaen. 675-2159 t<erckhotl Marine lab . CdM A Fae ol Cat Tech. EOE M/FIH MANAGEMENT lull/time 7-3 30. Hunl· IMOIOn Bch 847-3515 TRAINEE Nursing LYl'S tor 3. 11 shitt Compeh· t1ve salary. Excell bene· ltlS 642·8044 or apply 1n person Flagship Conv Hoapl . 466 Ftao-htP Rd NB PART· TIME au11tan1 In LIU.UY $12 0 O -Optome-INC olc,-hrly + Substitute position• comm Exper pref Toby needed for NB Pubhc 631-3309 Mon-Fn 9.12 Library Must have on· call lie,. & min avall cl PUT /Tl•E 20 hrs/wk. l l.••at•• I PER MONTH Permanent sales poslllon "" • •O UP llOES•••y 1n retail fan s1ore Some MLS Degree $9 48/hr ' .... weekend work We w111 CUil i lH/IH-Ull 1r11n qualllled. reliable Entry level S5 60/hr ~~C~a~ll~S~u~n~·~M~on~·~T~ues~~ person 768-03 .. 9 App11c&1 1ons may be .:.: ---P-llT--Tl-.--- oblllned at Nwpl Cenler lllfllCAL SHOWJIT Branch, 856 San Cle-Eves end/or W.-ands. menle Or . N.B. 92660. Learn medlcel skills & Responsible adults, over serve In the Army Res· 21 ith t t di t Please mall eppllcalion erve near home Call to· . w ou s en ng, a • &lor resume to Library day tractive personalities to Adm1n1atra11on (same Tusttn 731_0481 work w1lh youth (ages addrasa) Santa Ana 542-4763 '0. 14 I Ca II 2. 5 PM, USAA Ctr 552-3173 642"4321· E.t 346 EOE Liquor clenl, recent ••Pl'. M I 0 N I G H T A I 0 E . preterred. Full time. 11PM·7PM. Fri & Sal nights. Good pay & per-manent position. Apply nights. 842·5861. 4000 In person. Holiday HouM Hllarl1 Way. Newport PDTttm Newsp1per Promotion . Mon -Fri . 5 30PM-9:30PM. Sal 9 30-1 30PM $84.00 to llart Liquori 2937 E. Coa11 i Beaciiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Hwy. CdM. lftlll AlllS Then partnerShlp s Share Minagemenl Conv • long tertrt care 011 profits. Must have ekp req'd Ellcetl. wor· Peasant vou:e, private UtottM Markets desk & phone. c 11ua1 king conds & benelilS alltre For 1n1ervi-. call ICMf, Trtiltts F/Ume, 7-3·30. 3-11:30. alter 6PM. lt1f1 YHr Oarffr 714-642-80U or apply in 642-5678 ext 312 person 466 Flagship ---------Sllrt your new cer-on Rd NB our 3rd shift. earning So4 --·--------i up to $4 50 as you be- come more e11p'd YOUl•--------•I wlll be promoted to mgml & supervisory le· 11811 Call: 714·S37-48 .. 0 Interviews held ev•ry Thurs al 1390 N Cat Hwy .. Lag. Bch. from gAM-Noon E_O.E FOUND ADS ARE FREE PfST CllTltl Tttl. Leading local pea1 con- trol Co needs roule tech tor study 1ob Paid enlry level position We train. no exper nee. Call Charlie. M on 9-12 979-6021. Phone S011dtor1 ~ Isl rate rasort company Are you planning a move? 1 Cal·. tor Laguna Shot" Pro-Cluallted ad• wlll point perty Xlnt worillng con- you In the right direction t•2·Hll dlllons. top compenu- to find th• home vou lion. Cati nm 494-0748, need. &42·5678 1~~~~~~~~~1 -8_A_M_1_0_6_P_M_. ___ _ . Marshal ls is coming to Costa Mesa And now a ntt.. bit about that 1tyte. Marshall• ts a Mlf·eervfce retell chain t..turl~ brand ntme femffy lllld home fuhlona at low prtota. It a a store you wtn enjOy worttlng In u much u you wlll enjOy ahOpplng In. Come loin ua. W• have all kind• of lot> opportunltlte that can IMd to tomethlng bigg9r with a 1tyte Ml It• own. We offer an out1t1ndlng benefits program lncludlng an excellent medleal plan, llte l/lturance and fl'IQOm9 protection, and a liberal employee dl900Unt. Wt MV9 full and P9rt time Pollttona for • CASHIERS • MERCHANDISE CL~RKS • STOCK CLERKS • CASH OFFIC~ CLERK NI time: 9:30 Lm.-8:30 p.m .. Mondly 1hr'OUlft ~. Pwt Ume:S:30-t:30 p.m., lnCklClnl .......... end ..._. on a rot.ting ICMdule. I I .. • Orano-Cout DAU,V PILOT/Sunday, Juty 11, 1811 "" ............ !11•111•••••11Jlllll!lllllillmlff ..... , ... 1Mf &!f'!.tlr. ......... lflmlJP.!!e!! ... llM OIM.'I 1o1•11. , .. rlady, IW Ocwqll. Nor llU• f'()OL TAILI. ~ .................................. ~ ldnt ...... '°' .... •-1• flo~el. IOOH 01111\IOftl· fUH II , ........ , .... larn 1op ,., letclnt "9· 871. '444t21 u~. oond. 1100. ratum. IClnt OOnd. t4IO. ~· If\ 'lfNI ..... Ail dWome leeGft CrulMf. 417-4316 l«-Hff Ot ffl.1711 i'l\'\eteuf ...__... nloa, Ilk• ntw. 1121/ 000 -... -"h • ...__ 4" Jolntr •• 1no1or an• ~. Patllhltl llfM ..... oft. 142·1107 w -.... , ...... I nd 11•"' No~°'..... were l g l au top. t 1 ""'' r91qw.cl. writ• 10· Unf. 24" t1oy1 10 1pa bike. 2011 4hfl~" 140. .....2''11 ·---' • o •·ic .... 'l'ello Volk1oyo11 top 187·4110 Kirby vacuum, ne1c11 ,...,_, .-. • .., , .. .,, cond. 180. Ktvln, work • carpal 1"'aM Morit a. ~ 870•3731 4 R111t cotofad upl'lol. P•· • • " • 110 ol'lelra. 125 tor all. ~o '' • n • W I 60 • POOL MAINT. ~· lllJ'Jal 867·4110 __ 7_409 _____ 1 bit young par ion to .,,,,.,.,, 1111 Soft, IOVHHt & otlalr, Lift UU l•I IHrn a worll In pool GAIAGI IALI ADI NOW •••••••••••••••••••••• xln1 cond. lvofy/ 9-fMnl Band aomaona YoU '°"* malnt. bu1tnau. lob, RW l .. /n. rutt woven dltltn. 3 poa. 1 t>Mutlful tiouquet Of'° t42-mo CLAlllP•D IY CnYI I ~~ ~ == seoo 044. 8 s 1 2t1. ::"'a7i =._ ~ Tll Pl• II "IUUY ULI" P.Tm UUI llLOW ~. Call Jim or Kan Mattr111. mmona. Ko the "heck" out 01 rQtM. h'-24, 1 ··"th _ ........... lt1IOY wottclno With 111c11. 1700 Ooita ;Vii,;: na.1491 u . Bt1utyra1t, ftrm, • 873•4419 on t .. \raw er -• ., ~ and w1at1 ~ Mr• •a.. halalM &.u, ...., ._., .... • · mo1. Xlnt Lc:.ond. HOO per'IOnallty 1he'1 not.Iced wbereWr nln91. utlllH ;.our out· -;;;;;;;;;1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• m:r • .:m ••••••••••• ••·•m:•••••••••••••• C..nll I (1000 nu) sw-0111. Str .. 1addt"'11 pelntlng the pa! Sleep11 41 encloled heed, ro:ng ~ ty, ':: i Two Family Huoa Oaraga OARAOI SALll·OHkt, T'Wln bad IJl•llr-. mlac. •••--1 HJI Paean w/gl1N lnl1yeoft.. ~"· 1'ne f:l2 off In one l f k lnlm 1 •---~•-1:!0 counHl!~~·Cell Salee SW.. ,, , G st. Sat 9-2. ohr1, iof11, tbl1, anti· h1hld 111m1 & c101t11a ••• ~~':':'•••••••••• & and tablal/wall unlt1. ay • ota o tea , at.a •tee • -~ 2·&PM. 842·4321, Exl. 01--111-..1 ::~~:~-• M.. 3u1a, rnlao 1·4 Sall 4410 Plllk Newpon. 8un. Nlllkortnat 30fnm. black, Elegant IOll bad. '400. Jotln Wayne Tannlt Club ialley, lott Of lnat.rwnentl & extru. s.e. EOE .... .. ----un/Mon. 2134 National. 10-4. 140·0243 • 1oom lenHI & mote. 150-1880 Mambar1htp tor aala. Call Udo Yacht Brokers for more T. I •• LI I I •••••••••••••••••••••• CM.042-784'1 MOVINOSALl.al1:t2 yra, ~~~ond . 1380. $1200 Catt B lll ta. detaila, 67~·09l~ . ._., Ellata S.... • GIANT Nalghbottlood Garacia Sela • Lot1 of china, kltohan, turn., .... TULi 833-3150· -~ -~ ---.-. -,.._ UllD ..... Sale 4H A.YOCtdo, lat/ Goodlta! Sal/Sun 10-... toolt. ate. 120t w Bel· M I m. y. M 8 4 6 2 'I•: Wood. w/IMvea. --·:z WESTERN SADDLE &.n.a..:=*~•z+- .... ... The Claulllad Advertl· ~.~~.!:.M fu~~~: 879 ArbOf 81.JNr 18th & boa, Sunday onty. IOmmF2.8. 210mml4: 160. 876--31 1260 (of1er) 1..,,,., 1#41 HH 23• lnbfd, .,.._.. ..... ting Da'*1mant of the ..notd, Iott of goodlll. Monrovia). c. · 4 Famlly Garage Siie :3r';T2~= + axtraa. ••• MITIY '"-1523 ·"••••• •••••••••••••• ring, .W. t• --.. ,.,_ .-...1 Dally Piiot h•• an ope-SUNDAY 9_2 803,.i Ja-Tlr• • 12.18.8 160·170. Evarythlng rnu1t go. • E•qulilta reproduction flllPUOI MllD lal't""' lw., aqulpm•nt & cov•ra. nlng for a rnponalble, 1 ii. tom• ""'· tome almott A.11t1quH, fur11., h1htd Super I Auto zoom. Wlndeor ctillra .. ahO'Nn w/loola. new, uklng We buy and Mii Quality 17000, 145-14'1 Today there are unltml· ttd opportunlttea 1n r.., mate ...... If you join the dynamic team of Pf'ofeaaional• at Coldwell Bank• For91t E. Olton Raa1tor1. Our Co11e Meta/Newporl olflce has Immediate openlnge and -lnllltt you to Join u1 tor a car-open houM. Wedneaday July 14, 1982 7:30PM 2299 Harbor Blvd Cotta Mesa ~2827 Lklenaad or unlloanled, If you WOUid like to llnO'N more about a car-In r .. 1 •late, pteue join u1 for thla Informative ...,.. . nlng. For r~etlons and detalll, plMM call: Jacque Kamp, 845-0303 COLDWeu BANl(C!RO An Equal Oppty Co. IUL m&TI w.11 We hew an opening for two welt-dreseed, lnttlK- gent ulespersona to work In Iha Newport Harbor area In cornmer- clal 11le1 and/or rH · ldent11I sales In the more attluent '"'"· LEO HANNA SR. VICE PRESIDENT . ...., .. ,.,.., ... Realtor• 644-4910 anfhu11 .. 11c par1on. •m ne. (In a y). Book•. new. Lg aafe, mlnu1 dr. Item a & much more. ~ uMd. 175. tn "Country Ltvtng'" 150. . 675-3884 uMd ~Ing equip, on ·75 Sklpjaoll, tO'. with Mu1t have pravtou1 tale-BR Mt. Mor•. $75/bat ofr. Sat/Sun Sat/Sunt-5. 190oodwtll 552·9553 aft &PM. magazin e. 840-2314 conalgnment Snow trailer. Meny axtraa. phone Nies aitp«ienc. YARD SALE 1965 Amotcl Ava., CM. Cour1. Cfll '''' appt. Yam1h1 Guitar G·226 w/ Skiing , wind eurflng. $6500 759-tlt3 lncll.ldlng typing approx. Sunday only, 8AM-41PM, Sea Dlmeao•llna. Giant garage ..... Anti· •••••••••••••••••••••• CHt. new. bought for wale< akltno. 1enn11, tvrl --------- 45 wpm on IBM Stl9C-305 L.arktpUr m&TI IALI qua•. furniture. kltctlan Hlmllayan kitten. , 2 ..... IM.IJ 1275, w ltl aall $160 board, back packing. 42" H Malt~ twn -~:~.:..-~~1!!Yhf ~c!7'iti 233 PolnHIUI. e1-vant Furniture. bad•. air con-goodlel, toys. BllQllM ~•.allow champ ltne. A divorce lore.a the aaJa 850-0715 ..,.. ctothlng for alt above Brletol. Ut.IOO P'. (213) an ~sk;,al S:i.' mor-Junque. Newer waah dltlonar, china, much gatorel 1938 I. 1939 Port Se a lpolnt. $ 2 35 . ol 3 beau& t. couchM. 58: Tretter hitch. 5000 ID. epor11 845-4310 1779 8 9 8 -2 5 e 1 • ( 114) nlng. Excellent company machine. art obJacll. more. 9-5 Sat/Sun. 1082 Blehop Pl, N B. Sat & 955-9471 c~rdc~ ma1c~g 1 '78-'82 El Camino, S255 Newport Bllld CM _7_eo.~1_1-:7'~~~~~- chlna, llnene, tamp1, s•ft Pablo Or Sun 111 day 5-49-4223 ~ IHI P 1 oveeeet. ,... •. or value, $125. 538-8574 .., J'-~'-•••••II• ,.. benefits lnctudlng medf--· • · · lamlly rm. Tan, rull & 1 "'-_, --· ••-· n cal, dentel, llfe ln1uran· llble&chra.1oo1a,tllver, • ''•• .... __ .. GREAT YARD SALE.•• •••••••••••••••••• drk. brwn. 1100 both. Formlcakltchentablewllh 11111 llltH 1111 Atl glua.tw,,...._ 1tl' .. ca. c redit union, etc. kuchen tvppltel. 9-3. ~.!!-!~!!!.~.... Everything mutt go. AKC Dot>e<rnan puppies. Gorgeou1 10• creHnt-8 chair• $60. ••••••;(••••••••••••••• gen. td'd wl •lf•. IOO 11'11 Oppty tor aclvancement. CHI• #tu Golf club•. vacuum. •P· Sat/Sun 10-3 Cuti Only. champ aired, ahow qual. sh a p, d 0 0 u ch w / 567-8393 Maran ti Auto Stereo. range, OWll9f enxlou•. Cell for appointment for •••••••••••••••••••••• orll equi p . 20701 1911 CMft Or .. N. Baactl. ~~8~; :~~2~F · matching uphol. tbl1. #l#IUUH•• model CAR-300. 10 w/ Try '49,500. lntanrlaw. 8'2-4321, ext. Saddte1 & Mlec. Tack. BrOOkdala, HB. Sat/Sun. MOVING SALE. Chelrt $&. Down fllled cu1hlone. c h GrHI soOnd, $90 TRADE Wlllf() YACHTt 277 Bird & Parrot Cagu, Table, atareo, T.V. 120 Germen Shep pupa, 7 Pale yellow floral w/ WulN Ml orlbo 840-taSS (213) 4t~7H. lr~t Oeatt Fix-up 81ke1 & Parts, lnUt e1c ... Dl1 .. aa. plcturn, wk•. 125, mete or fa-camel & grey eccenta. w·•A•NT•••E•D••H·::vy•••d•v•t•y•t•.,•P• BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA -(714t M0-1721 ........ Toya. Vlnyt Couch & G••A•.;:•G•E••8•A••L·E~.··w·:::::. b "k h" 70 male "4-7284 elt 5PM New 11.800. sac. $500. -.. ,le c H cot~ TV ute. 2 yr wrnty .. 2, --• r--. Loveseat, Perimeter "" --oo s, I row rug. 1 · 1 H to cover automouo a ~ • -~ , __ 330 .Bay St. Alarm Syatam. Mlec. dryer. hlda·a ·b•d•. Lido Park Or. N.B . Australlan Shep. Pup1, ~8.';19:'1 cond. urryt 5-45-4730 $148.FrMdlllvery "7t. gtaat. alnole dtl, Costa Meaa. CA 92826 R.C. Cola s6.75/ca. 387 lnternet'I art1t1ct1, va-acro11 from Delaney'• chmpn llnH , blue• a TV John'• 8'6-1?88 AIP, VHF, tt'M<W. gen. Equel Oepty Emp•yr· · Granada wa"' C.M . cuum. toy•. ohlmaa. Reateurant Sat/Sun black trls. len1tlff only. •••llAlll ""6 IHI #•lltll Mltsubtihl under-duh Ouean bad In OWft.,., • --• -63 1 •2085. clock•. bookl. 1 C.Uall. I0-2pm. 2 1 3 / 9 9 5'. 1 5 8 2 , • ••••••••••••••••••••• • l•1lt••1•l1 "'' auto. cast. player new I stattr"I. L.B. llio. •lne IALll Ull Yard s·•e·. 32•• .. ,_ .. lgan. t1r0v·l1n1•.· 551-2434. Juty WOMEN'S NEW CLO-2131784-163&. •••• •••• IM K~~j~~·s·~·h~·~:,;:H;;~j auto. rav .. full tutures'. S65K, try Ml.600 . ., '" "'""'' THlur.i Pu........._ ,._ G .... ..__ .,_ ,_ ---25 R S 2 p • $ 115. 645-1933 ave1 , TRADE WINO YACHTS Drug •tore: calhler. co-Bikes, kg bad, parrot ~ .,.,,_ " ..,,.,...., ..... tr..-12x 15 blue/gra.l tweed 1 watt M :. eavey 833-5524 wk""s (213) ~711. 1metlc1, ctetlvery. Min. cage, IOOll. Sit/Sun 9-3. MOVl...0 SALE: IS pc~ Dee.loner dr ...... aulta, var. Sht ltmala, 2 male. w/lrlnged and•. $40. cabinet• w/15 spkra & -1 J ...,. 17141 IMI0-1726 age 25. D1y1, nlghtl, dlt. 6drm HI, marble rag.1150-$400. Now $10 110 each 548-4050 53e-9832 horn 1 $ 4 5 O 11 rm ... ,. I 114r1, weekendt. AWt at Pon NEW ITEMS: Micro-Mini collee tabla, c1mer11, to $50. 11.1111, New I. uMd ,.._~ · 642-8155. · •I ll' - -Pharmacy, 3130 w . Bat-Dictionary, Bibles, Gift•. record•. lorm11a. kit. tope, Jackat1, pants 50c """""e< pupa. A.KC. M/F. r..1_..1 F B av.. . VHF boa Blvd, N.B. 875-0844. Brass,. Orange Co111 Item• & bric-a-brac. up. 701 Lido Park Or. Born 8/10. rrom lamny-Jnttl 1111 OllJn Tsnillrt I •• ~':"'Jle..•••••••••••• / ' tw. 1 1' ' College Swap Mea1. Sp. 25--$300. Sat./Sun. 9-5. N.B. acro11 from Dela-oriented dog1. 968-4384. • ••••• 7.•••••••••••••• L l 1 •••1 Gl•nll IOI AIP. rtdlf. 10f<W, and Salll C-35. Sunday July 11th. 9 Aspen TrM. Univ. Pk. ney·a RHtaurant Sall 9112-9487 (Marqutee Diamond 101., •• ~,!f!I!!, •.... ~. I·••••••••••••••••••••• a~=·~f'Ni'e~TS GARAGE C E 0 r-I'' I Sun 10·2 "POODLES ARE PEO-VVS2 clarity, F-color) Ma1tl Secretary deak with 1111 OYA (2,3149,_3729 far .. r't let. ,,..,, Color burat L2~~~ ':fl.".,~ •• !I.".!........ . p LE .. T" c up· I 0 y -(Pear Diamond, pt58ct., right hand phone. $65. e"9(]1') M0-1725 wlllash $15. 3 Ecologlzer Couch. ltvtlor1, ml1c. !!!!'!!!'!!!!.......... miniature 546-2848, Sii ctarlty, I-color) Both 546-8188 JET $11 Conalderlng 1 career air cleaner• $8 & s10. 25271 HugoRd. 5 Famlly: Naw. uud, boardlng&groomlng. ~~.~~88.1~7No dealer Delk To p Copi e r . Stock, never raced. change In 19827 Con-Mlrornatlc grill $10. Jig-Sal/Sun. 1o-e. 1uper variety. Sal/Sun hH ,. '•• llHS · SHARPFAX 205, •Int $1600. Call 5'5-8974 or ~!~!~n:f ~~!·~1~f ~~~ uw puzzles galore 504 • 1 t.MA 10-11. 8231 Chinook. •••••••••••••••••••••• Flewle11, be9t colof, 3ci. cond perlec'I lor amllt 642-2073 ptoyec:t? FARMER'S IN-to $1. catving eet1,,,,.. • .'."!r.!~.............. Westmln11ar. Pedigree Fem. Cocker Ruby ring with 1'.~ct. olflce $450. Celt anyllme -Je-1-.S-k-1-4-7-4-cv--ln_S_t_al-n-.• SURANCE GROUP. one tel boolllhelves. popcorn GARAGE SALE • China, Spaniel, apayad, trained, Ol1mot'ld1. 1 75ct. Mar-& Iv msg 848--0227. ..., pump $l200. of the leading ln1Vre<1 In popper, new alee clock, beds, furn, atove. ovene. Ctanlllad Ad• are 1ha lholl. 2 yr1. Nd• home qulH Diamond. l .75ct. STEEL CASE; Cadenza, 645-9190 *H' 111111* White w/IUlltluret etrtpee on trmi.. g.,. elrlCe ,__ Twin 370 HP. 4 boll mains S69.500 ~ Yacht Exchange 71'-675-1800 1011 ol sm houHhold stereo. man'• cloth••. an1Wer to a IUCCNlful w/chtldran, & room to round Diamond ring. the nation, Is expanding 1 H 1n. 1 ... S t/S 828 D 7 K 2 6 2 4 6 Sev~al 0 1 ... r p•~ 01 cont. tbl. 2 swlv chrs .. 0 Cou su . ~ o..,. a un 1 Newport Hiii r. garageoryarduMlll'la run . " • or -,.., ....,.,. 1 1nf .:..~•.,. lnt~asY·1_.. In 10-5. 945 Vlciorla, C.M. NB. 8«·6211. Sat/Sun batter wey to tell more 549·6555 llna quallty Jewelry. sm add. mach, 2 Cl'lra. ·-~ -""' 642-9235 9_5 _._1 645•9190 S300 lor eel or will eetl Dinghy, 8" fbrgls, perfect * I 0 , •• t • , tor summer fun. S 125 owning & operating 1 ....,,,.... Adorable. ~ovlng tabby, sep. 84$-0798 buslnen of your own, 1F, 1 yr, AKC, balvttfull Round 1Spt. RUBIES 72 .. eHc: desk, 2 dwrs + ln\1911 one hour of your , FrM only to "· cltli:en w. only S 1~ .. ~1 Kevin, 675-3732 , ..... ... ,,, llubl1 lime 11 our Fact• Semi· • I w ....., 11# grandchildren. 494-41762 64()....,_ 111' dwr w/lock. high al r• ,..g,_ ••I• WulM 11• back Judge's chair, wal- RECEPTlcLERK ner. Cell: Judi for datallt •••"•••••••••••••••••• •••"•••••••••••••••••• lf«IMMJM Lrg shipping ere tea & .. __ ._,_..,!T. lf'•'I nut llntlh, xlnt cond, 8 •t 96:)....t518 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,....,.., •1 ---------SALES, If you are over 40 SECRETARY/ Order Deak A.fl.... Mf ahowt>ootha material Call ••••••••• •••••••••••• mo1. old. Uklng 1299. Do you en oy working s.1eJ 11c9t/TrMltet and 1 "go getter" this Is Fun or P/tlma. Smell NPt •••• , .. -.-•••••••••••••• Dt\lld, 848-4465 • SEARS TABLE SAW 754-7200 l'.le msg. with people In pllllh sur· *lllllllll'DS* lor you. Attend our lree Ben branch HIH olc. Antq. lova1e1t. circa Free Peralan/Stamese ~~.a;;~~~~~~.'3av•r Copier. elec:trostatlc, un- ... ~-'!~! .... !! .. Mdt 1900. Rayapllon Ra· dar. Futuro dep1h finder. pole winder. outrlg.11er poles, h0oll1, lur ... for comm 'I ttsherman 842-0433 "new '82 n_ .. antar- prite )'8Cttl ""' ..... 14 k"°' Ctui9I •/twin turbo dab. elaoM1 .... led, dnt terma. on dllPleY ~ Newport Vachl tx- cnange. 114-411s..1aoo . roundlng1 -then you n11111U\ product damonllratlon Mer In• bu• In• a 1 . 1850. flewlau cond. ble<:k & White M kitten der werrly. $300. Peper may be the one tor u11 end learn more 1bou1 213/881-2813 $950. 839-4317 10 Wk• old 641-4734 ' #Ju1Jl1•HU _, & toner extra. 5'9·9492 25' Weller aft with trlt. 1980. Loaded. Reedy to lteh. $18.500 bit ofr. 6'0-8791 we are a major 81.L. We're IOOklng lor people 1hl• opportunity. Call for • •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------·MERC 850 . S300 aeelllng. receptlonl11 for lo Join "' In our heallh I I m e • n d p I. c •. SectellfY pit for churctl. lllltll 111 -fanll9n "" WhM4chalr. EllWMI/ Jen-IBM TYPEWRITER. Model Mlulon VlejO 859·909& our toen ~ dec>t. In nutrition company. Ctlll· 546-114' Gen. ofc. dutltt. Oec>an· BRASS HARDWARE •••••••••••••••••••••• oings model. Qo6d \llnyt '"C'" Standard. $195. (leave mesaege) Newpor1 Bffch. Candi-lengl. growth, money & d. b t t 11 y • m v. t . 11000. Na-4537 M •Pl• d OU bl• bed. w/epeclal fNIUfel. Xlnt 549-9492 ... .._ "78 Slllpjecll. 24' o"n fun ...it you. Full & p/ Salel 845-5781, Clll Monday Headbrd & ~am.. $25 S300 """ ""1 ---------ti ,.._ C1V1Mr 130 "'P votwo dat• must be able to time. We train. Cell Ms 1mmtdl1ta opening lor BEAUT. Chln11e hand-call 54w 188 · COnd _., 4 Uk•,_ Exec deek & dv, 4.!~~!.::.:::·~~·M••oo-•• d 11 • · • u 1 0 p'11 0 t . type 45 wpm and poi-Dey, 851-1974 outsi de nlHman In Secte111)' to .-U Labor woven rug. 13,000/neg. Large macrama plant l4de ctir & deSk Ml, Ill .. , ·--,,...... 842-6540ev "" good communlca-watetWOf'kl 9'IPPfY ~ Relatlona f i rm. Lite Ctrca 1920. 142·3'92 Super condition. Dbl bo• t1engar 15. Approx 8 It. tor $175. 552-9553 alt ring w/18' Inboard ---------tlon llkMls. II mos. G'ffl s.... nea. To cover· Orange bkpng DEC word pro· -1Pf"'°8 & rnattr .... M5. tall. 8PM 5'5-8734 ·73 32' Lunrt Spontllhar, office exper. required. Men & women to c.11 on Co. Co. benefit• & ex-CHtlng. 8·5, Mon-Fri. 548-8140 545-8188 1 •••1 twn 225 Chrya. w/Npt E•cel company Pd b•· bu1lne11ea. unique tun pense package. aatary $1200mo. 714-7M-0e09 Antique maple dining rm Ill ... 34' Royal B c h sllp 128 .500·. neflts Include dental, 181 w /chlna cabinet King Size bed $195. Lg $2000 -full f•mlly mem-•••••••••••••••••••••• CR '74 TW dsl optical and dependant If~~.~= ~~m. Call Chattla, lier...,, 11... $1000/off. "6-1"8 · d.-& mln'or w/2 nit• 1>er1hlp In John Wayne ........ ,........ Uke new $47,600 5'8-03Sl aft 5 coverage. PIHH call who know th9y .,.. the T80/se"o/Orowttl llandt S50. COUCh $50, Tennie Club for only ISO pr. 8'2-2790 40· Royal CA New demo 23' Imp, ll1nt cond, grut peraonnel dept at beat call l ro m IALll L•-'---...111,... WESTMINSTER c:flalrl20,964-5302 1900.714/821-1503 PARROT _ what a deall Taxdealll155,000 wHkandar & ltahlnl 1187 2460 for an "'""I ti • X A .....,. ... ,._ ABBEY N 0 R D YA C H TS boat. 112,IOO. ~ • ...... · 10AM-2PM Mr Tull you re an • von, R.E. Uc. req!Hred Twin beds. xtfl long. + Kitchen HI w/3 chr1, Baby Double Yellow 873-3878 E.O.E 84~167. Book. Mary Kay. Fren-Accomplllhtd Peraonna! ANTIQUE MALL lrame & box 1prtnga. grlylah. $20. Head, 7 Wiii , $450 M/F chl9e door to door or SeMcaa. tnc. 11751 WMtmlna1• A\19. $55. 556-2170 658-2170 548-5440 30' Cabin Crul1er, twin ... .., ,_, _. HOt.I FEDERL s~. ~lure~:!,~: ~=:~;,·:':!.,~:~: 3300 ltvlna. •101• NB GAR~~:>VE Sat Club Ch rt. blue. WEOOtNG DRESS. Never _B_A_M_BOO--B-IR_D_C_A_G_E_S_ = ;::.:21~~.Mll ···~;~·.::,..-,·••! ed to tla4p In the Mole Big comm New Item 54~9971 • 100% free polyHtar/\latvet, good worn, az 12, Wm. C.hHI New. large, $15. --..,. S'VINGS & LOAN Hole at Lido VIiiage. eaay sell. ·Need mgr1'. ._...._ ,.. • Large draaear. Circa c:ond. $75. 847-2005 . dutgn. A1klng $200. 5'9-7565/545-8274 *Llft•ar• LlhlfJ· N w P 1 ft 873-4855 Call 10AM-2PM only. Mr. ......... .... '!""J • .,1 1930-1940'a. Dark wood, New. beaut. 84" Slmmon1 979-0e82 __ Z_E_B_R_A-Ft_N_C_H_E_S__ It* 631-38e014e4 410t Read the ciaMlflad ad• for Put your edvwt ... oo me. Ray 648-4187 Tax/NoShtlWang/NB heavy wtth 1c:toll work. ptllowback 1ola (not ......... Baautlf\.lt. young. $7 pr. In harbor or 10 the cape. 40. Vltclng for ChetMt the ball daels In~-aeoa wMn tM rMdefa IUllTllY Uz~~~t Only MUST SELL. Sacrlltca 1ofa-b1d), bamboo 11-·--Ill.I 549-7565, 5'5-8274 Thia 40· twin dsl. Fiber· Fishlny. diving I. an-ment ran•-'-••2 78 -._. .. ,....,, Tl -... _ ML ._,.._. " lflC. $5""". &•n.-051•. "·'I a' bric ......... n. "'-'-. $550. r.l\ily 17 a 18 1 T ...... I d .-.. -· -.... --r-•• 4020 Birctl, Est EOE """' '""' " .,.. ... 840-4"361 ---vv ;s, Yng & wry tame Codi•· g 111 ,. .. _, s un er· I• r te n •• n I . C a II Real Estate oriented Newportll33-8190/Fraa ter Spm, most ..a11ci.ys. BaS~tl tn ~OAM;!,PMf 1181. $50 w/hg c.ge. ~o~Y=~~9E~a~ge: _662 __ .2_1_11_. _. ---- LOSS PREVENTION STOIE 1mmvu Fill •41 Part n .. company near airport. ~-~~~~~~~~I NlUOTtl PLATO Trundle bed. bfand new. r Y ag ma,_. mrgr 731-2133 ... a-t1 !!f -$100. Xlnt buy! ol swtm_.r & leot.,ds 675-1800 19. -excel. Danell ts. Ex pr. 110'1 /IPT -tMARI STYLE 642•92112 11 holding their 111 an-llUH ~ Or.fUl lfH liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •••.-°'•••••••••••••• · ~n~~71~~-4~:1 Sml law offlc:e apeclall-$29.95 nuel Warehouse Sale PiAN0•5;;;..,.,"9;~·4 II' lllfUTI 311::NdN•~~ Y. ~~:= ~ zing In tax mattera. High 22k gold trim. Ltd. sup-..aT llU Design samples & and C c ~Prtfern4 Marshells 19 a Mlf·....W:. i:-taH chain *turlng brand name family and home faatHorl9 11 low prlcea. We o"9( an out1tandlng t>eMftt pec:ng. lncludlng an eKeellent medleat plan, life lnlurance. unlfonne, ltlCOfM protection end a liberal employee di.count. ...................... .......,Md ,....,, .Mr 11 Md 11 llMllewww t e.m. Md • p.m. .... ......, '""' C09ta ...... 1111 ........ Ceet.a ...... CAala IEOllTAIY/P-"'9e Matu re, expr"d, non- smoker. flex hr1. Mall resume to Key' I Seer .. tarl1I Service . 4340 Campus Dr. Ste 21'. N.B .. CA 92680 lllUTllY /OH. New bank (In org1ntza- tlon) has lmmld. need for aecrt1ary wtth good typing and related llklllt. Excel. salary. Located In · San Clemente. Call 492-0411 tor appt. O.C Alrpor1 area. Cor- pora I• headquartara a.king pertonable ...,_ 11aner tor general ottlca duties. Mu1t type 80wpm, accuracy aeean- tlal. Apply In pertOl'I Mon thru Frt, btwn 1-4 pm. to Judy Giiden. 18013 Slly· p.nt Cr. Sult• B, IMnl. Newspaper Carriers tor routes In Huntington 81acli, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • &oodl• ... •$8perT .. . . ..... ,, ... _ CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT accuracy typt11. Word pty. Order today. 1'k BEAUTIFUL Student loll ot swimwear & iao-0 · ~on don lrce TUii NEWPORT ·11. rafurb. proc;eulng detlred, but gold chain given free desk, very gOO<I condl-t11da at grHlly recluoad 1 8 O O • · S 8 c S 7 5 O · Twin, brand new F.W.C. $3SK. 39 Cal '78 loaded. no1 req'd.Mu1thavecar. w /l et 20 ordar1 . tlon,only $35.840-8709 prices. No credl1 card• 642•1485 270 Crusaders ltybfldge S99K NORD YACHT Salary 11000-$1200 o.. 6'5-4840, ext 202 ah &PM. accepted. Ca1h or "THE ENTERTAINER" sporlllsher w/traneom _6_7_a._sa_7_a ____ _ pending on quallflca-1912 OAK "HOOSIER" checileonty.1011Brtoeo Swtnger500byKlmball d r, sw im step . bow 44 h. Bealllful Swedlltt Ilona. Call Ms. Patton. cabinet. Oak top and 0::.11v1cd~~~nl 1~~r~~~ DI.. CM. (btwn 17th & Sac. 1725. 645-1295 plank, swordfish gear. s Io o p . S 2 9 • 5 O O 844-8518 bet. 2-4PM bottom, w/whtte pore. $1300. 845-1410 18th off Whittier Blvd.). Plano, Circa 1889. blk w. outrlfil'ers. bait t1nk1, 7 14 I 5 5 2 . 3 1 o 1 or Mon-Fr1. laln counter. Xlnl condl-a ntique Fr . stool. etc and new electro-7141821-1503 ......._ Wl f•wt-tlon. M50. 631-8558 Early 1900 Walnut Twn NavaJo lndlan rugs, top $800/0BO. 642-6553 111 ~:. ~o ~7t~i.Af~et~ '76 Ertck1on Sloop, 28' ••1••• ._ OLD 1""• U k-sal Bdrm Mt, vanity. cn.t. qlly. cotlac:tor's Items. e lo tboa d NB allp Sertou1 career opply. n.. n...... gaa table. bed1, 1prlng1 & otters .• 2 sm drtra. $25 ---------meter•. knot meter, C-w u r • Sall Comm/Vac, etc. stove. Marbled green matt. Ateo, marble top ea. 8 pc Corntemporary Jllllll& 11 PtAll temp, etc. Very IHI. long avail. 111.500. 875-3922 540·8889 btwn 3·7PM porcaletn wlttl c rHm commode w/lge mirror. china set. whtl brwn S1800. 995-5480 •11 3 range for dtvtng or 11-·7s American Stoop, 28' trim. HH ell working 536-281' $100/t>flar. 6411-8591 shlng. Take over pay· w/outboard, NB. illp TELEPHONE Sollcltor1. partl. Xlnt cond. '400. eve1/wkndi. Deluxe Conn Spt"at Or-menll or $372. mo. + avail. U.500. 876-3922 pit. Ewa. a Set. 631-8!158 7 pc. glrl'11teenager or gan With bench 10009 24 $16.000 CHh for my --------- 841-0383. younger· 1 yr· ol d One w't Atr1ina tlcka1 LAX free lanon1 courtuy equity~ good tr1r boat LIDO 1' ...tth ,,..... ---------•~ lfll UOOIOBO. 8-46-9219 to JFK, good to Aug. 2. Organ Exctiange $1500 or fine car 845-9190 $1000. .,..,.. • 0 HARBOR0AREA···· BAKER'S RACK $150 759-8064 771-3292. . . . 873-2424 ---APPLIANCE SERVICE 4 lier, wtllta Wfoughl Iron BUTCHER Blk. cutting lbl. lftrl• •dhnllll 9· Dinghy. Whaler type, LIDO 1'. trlr, 2 "" ...... We Mii reconcl .• guer. M 5. 645-1295 Rack, shall. drawer. •••••!(••••••••••••••• twit $160 tlkaa It Firm many xtru. QOOd ahapa. W• need good people to appllancaa. Mt-30n Gius eon.a Table sh 0 w pr tu . s 2 0 0 . ANTIQUE SINGER 548-138, $1,050. ~ 113 'fr~ "!.r~~~ Kenmore waao.--Gold leel_.. b·~ _8_4_7_·5_83_9 _____ TrHdle MWlng mechln• s 5 ~ .. ""' ,..,._...,., _., w 1 12•5-$ ._, ~ s160 645-1295 Claulc 18' L1patrak1 antana 25. bHutlful of11Ce In the avan1ng for orlung. •• · 175 645-1295 Fo( .... by owner Century bay boll, 4 cyt. 1hapa, 7'11 tip Honda, Holiday Inn'• MW 11'9Wi t48-0K3 Din. rm Mt, mint cond. W•l If .. llT Kenmore eewlng machine. Orey. $3500. 675-6161 utrH, mu1t Mii, 1 13, club. Salary + ~ ELEC. range, mlcfowave. Ideal lor 1mall room By SelVtck>r Dall, Miro. In wood cabinet. 145. -.7-9---2-1'_0eycni ___ t_--Jet--• 500. •Ion + bonua. C all 1a11-ctHn ovar1. Show $1200. 759-1828 Chegtll. 11c. Open to or-540-7409 Cabin. 11pe 4, big ChaYy _536-__ 1_95_2_or_&.4_1-_7_1_23_ 833-3740 aft. 1pm. prize. 1975. 847-5839 DESIGNER SOFA lers Of wlll trade. All ,_,,,_ .... Hf4 eng .• only 58 hrs. 18900 SAILBOARD: Sallrldar TOPLESS MODfl.8 S all Raff~ o ........_ I works •accompanied by .r:::::••••••••••••••• 5'&-211g SR·2. t2 aq ft .... I Ylld •75 DAY. PAIO DAILY m •tor 1 pc .,_,,... aact. rorn certificate of authentl· • 3 tt seoo (71 "t • 4 cu ft, 75. The Viking. H.B. $1400. cit In·-at my home Remington 70080L, 243 18 It Thunderbird. 50 HP 552 m7.~~· • .. no exp • nae • 1~2683 913-1172 645-1295 y. ....,.... 180 Caliber. w/leutold 2x7 Evlnruda, Trailer. New· • ......., ewe. -·-by ••· 548-29 · •co P •. $ 4 2 5 • P ti port Harbor Mooring. _, -• • ,_ w•,.•HOUS"' "THE ENTERTAINER" Garage door opener. 548-0351 $2250 (714) 985 8007 -_,. .. ._ We wtll train In typeeet· ""~ " S-.nger 500 by Klmball good 11fo!'k....., -..d ' 2 • • ·74 OFFSHOAE Ket~. ting. Require a good SELL-OUT Sac:r. $725. 845·1295 175. "'V 642~9282 ELEC. GOLF CART 12131 44 -3240 di glaaa. reedy to crulM, apellar & good tlenctwrl-SAVE TO S300 OFF Incl. 4 ,_ batlerlea & 13" Boaton Whaler, 40hp owe 75% of 111.000. Ung. Soma dfMng, muat W~~~ KTI~ IFIN~MEASPAINO EX· HO Trltn1. swltchH, lge battery charger. Mere, under w.,r., S3900 Bkr. (7141) 875-9001, t1ava ciMr1 llc:9nae. NMI ---... r•• "" " mattraa 191, tr1Ck1 & totntr;. On 4K8 mtlla offer. 548-5447 Mitch. 548-9001 (213t "'34nt appHrence. Full time at~ ~am· ::rh N~~; _t~b~t ~$~1~9C)~8;;•~·~8~1:;H~~-i·•-.. -1111-.-.. -.-1111-.-.. -1111-.-.. -.-.. -.-.. -; ........ 'f/l ...... lllllllflllll ...... 'f/l ............. ~--Mon-Frl. daytlrM. Call Gatdan Ofow UHd quHn u . worth -BUMPER POOL TABLE 649-2231· ~ $399. 011h only. $2111 BALLS I. CUES TU/-13191 Hllbor Blvd. dal. u1ua11y home, 175. 1 918-4537 .. IHI• Garden Orow 754-7350 WhHt 1chafr , walker. fllttp. fof Pl'GCelllna an-I 537·8333 **' BUY** 1110wer Invalid bench, nutty & lneur. ~l~!O!f>E~N~8!U!N!1!1!"'4!P!"~~ Ore an v 11' y t c ti a I r . tor lnveat. firm In Nptl· Good UMd Furniture & _64e-4 __ 77_a ______ 1 lcl'I. Typing. 10.tcay, I ll'f ..,.._ A~A 1 w111 ..,. Anitra DrrMng Tabla wt CAT up. req. Call Lea 957-t133 or Sf.LL tor You atool. larllp. Aa.ron·a. e40-4123 F,..., '200. w._ a • iW.... New U61now 170. T)paHtl9r needed, .._ dty•t 1125 H . Ditti-•• •• NI •II MC).(M()2 cemtl. PotW'/ '*"'°" ... :-.::. ...,.., •100. ......... Pulfl "'°'"'Md . c,:o.":,: ~. req'd: "-''"' w..,_a/dr}9ra. I llf ... IM ~ ._.,, '35. ~ Many to ottooM from. ~ 111.e133 '41-7731 T . Good 1100/"P. -•1 New M-1119 IMftTW Ml, John WIYM T_. ~ ;f:.· dtot-.ti-::-·Ai MAYTAG W~ .. .. •. ':::.Jrr" t lH , _.,._for ..... 11. ~ ·..... DRYI"-"°'.:.I'-. 10091 ltOO. 000. S .. t49' C:.::-.:Z! ~.:..,. ,,,. Cel lary n .. tUeltlt. Qtll -.1111--.1w . • I Fe Orange Oout DAILY PIL9T/9unday, July 11. 1Na !;°!;~:::i·!'!! ~=:: .... 11.ft ~·~:;;o::.al!! !r!'·lrMflll.;." ~~ ...... ~.!'f·;;;; ~.IMM'lf.i;.U ~=~·m; ~i~"""Mj' '*11!f ......... .. quictc ..... Of *' 'ti ..... 11111. ,M, '4000, mA. ........... l'A "!f'•7muuu•A• •• ~.~.1111 ...... -;1 ';111' ............. 11.11 fr.':iT.": ............... ;m;rn ......... r~. ~ ......... mf oll•r )Cini oond. "loll t4IO -lii:.oll4 140-4MI ~.t,";: =-= 10 '*""I~"~=· •~IMllne Mltm'UWWI ·11tapllyr1.1, at•t•o NM001, ..0.1NO 1912 ~ Lu11, WllMll, clean. a.1::Jalnl. a '°'~1= · UW aw t• Ult !:-, ~s.!!"'uor.:'n: 'ti 111111 .. new paint, INIQt , AMm ,4 ~. IUlly 1 · w/ AO. -Wa ~-In ...... -· ... ..,. M• ... •· 144-MtS 1tareo ~• ... If•. cut10fl\ P1a1 .. ,1no. AM/,, tte-., • .,,.., 1.1,a 111·2MI .. ...e !Of tha bUllneae aaeou-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J~~1~ :;d •• ~~~· '11 IMO IWwt ~~'~· ':::u~tp:.. ':~.~t :C:in~an1, :;::. ~~:' ;-;n;'7 ........ 0 u';T live a ~~. 'Tl .m • W Ownof anlliol.lt • nwllla C"210, UOO/btl Oft. Judy GA2.0<162 831·to30 • fl 6-fl 4 JI •• 'f.'l!!}. ......... J.~!f l.atlt ... ltl1ltelllltll !~i! C::e,':~· :Wat,:: ol!•r .'1.141 eu •• r1001. 113-6531 •81 ,0,d ,_800 2~ ton ULn.IUWlll 'IO Detsun Won 5 spd, OlllVllTllLI 1'10 T•rcal Mind cond tf d4alo.,,.. outtom s*nt. 12 ,, 03 3 2t"". '11 HONDA 7601' 88 new BoOttll, 390 CID engine 21. .. 'Pd·M a-Stereo AM/,M, •tar, all .,,.. ........ •1000 "'"'· 636-H32 1•· l.ldo With 1rallar a co-an 91 n a v a, y I• a t . encl. v1n plut 1u1g110 LUI• AO. stereo, l.OOO tnl, t own« • = UIVOK M600. 8A:l·35aa ltw II ltMlll var. 11800. 170-710 d•Y•· .... S<IOOO/ oflar. 171·2000 83l·IO•O <196-<lt.al "" "''00· 11 •·7'1' 11111 ·eo 8upta, 5 apd, IOao.d. N~~~ ....... n11 .aH•1907, <IM ·•217 ltondt. a•t t32 Of 551-38to al· UllUl&ll llW ffttlll l.11J •Int oond. tt1tJ or belt >4 •••••'""•••••••••••••• , p I.Ma It aM tar ' pm 28-402 M1rgU9tlta Pkwy ••••••••••••••••• •••• otter ,.IM·<10f2 (" '87 MUST. V8, 12K orlO 11 .. lmJ ..,"" HUSKV '°°·fut' eolld. Mlttlon VlelO 'Ila.I llllll'I ... UI f1 . J .. • ml Loaded No !Ul t Sf. FL.ICKA. custom built, 1275. 9"-2180 '" 4PM. '72 Ford Camper 8pec111. (Avory 1!•11otf1·8> •Y AITmlZll ~o• YOUI • 1' Corolla dhi, econ trant, 2600 ~rbor 81vd. eoo. 873·87311 · ' dleMI 9119., bffut. orul• 203112 Acecla, S.A. Hgta. with otbovar 01mper. Open 8undeya PlllOI ,..ITM•IO.l. runs good. 11150 080. Com M~ M0·9100 "'· Mutl\let to 1ppra-•80 Suzuki RM80, good New Ur ... 8-42·85<40.V 8<&&-3417 t975 Rad Fattback, x.1n1 oletal Call to '"· AP· cond. must .. u. 1300. &CArta IULDlllPI ""n & ·71 Coroo1 '79 s 111 h bod ~°i':d1~~o~c·,'~~1~ pralMd 11 .t38,000. Our 8"42· 1508 (Mr Golton) '78 i:;ord Atnch.,o OT 1· !I 11 • -.. ... nice In & out. $960 In I •vp :·r ,m9i 9'. I 0 oy, •v•/wkndt low price 27,000 firm. ' 8rough1m-. po we r ~ fAGUnl It.a/ 1141 8•5·800 PIP 8"45·2581 '11~ YUl&U QIO braltea. steering & ... t. St laa-hrvlce-l.eHlng "H .. _It _,, "'" """' TT:••••••••••••••••••• ·eo Corolla SAS IPI cpe, 497"3329• 873-o4?08 85 Muatang. 8 cyt, PS. AT, • 16' Hobie Ctt, yellow w/ Run• •Int, forced to lflll, Air. AM/FM, radio, vinyl 'H attl'• Ir• .. ,., .. -__ , ..... ",_ 'la.,.,., S-4600 nrm. Nie• etereo. TllE LAlllEIT 1lmot1 Ilk• new. &OK teq. aunrlH Miit. like S!lllO. 8"4"4·8731 lop, hinged, aolld, white Nice Selaotlon! ~ orig. owner, 38.000 mil cuttom whl• 8-46 1980 SELEOTIOI mllei, 12650 o.b o. S.. new. $2600. 875-8111. t9ao He>r1d• ATCllO. •Int ~:~Y~ f~~fud°:. i:'~;:; * '78 3201: auto . an/rt, 3100 w .. t Cou i Hwy .~~':!'~ 'lfe'=''" 12000. 5'8-2379. 1. I t · · 1111 1h11 one! 8-40-514-4 AMF Ct tamtrtn/Outrlg, oond. Xtru $778/bat ofr. •hell lop, alldinn window 1*•3~7V,.C~3) •·11· auto low • Nawf)Ol1 Beach . dr A~o.' em/Im sllleo' I~ l•tu"• l1SO .!.~!!I••••••••••••••• ot 111e model, low mile•· '58 Mu111ng, 251 V8 ,.,.,.,. d 53u• 1"""" .. ~ .. a •TC185 bit ... • v .... ••2 "'•05 •• ·• ge Cedlllect In Southern Rebll ..,.,. . auto tr•At & ve<y """"' con . -· •'IV """" "' • & removable plywood ml• , 15113'5, 1a1 . · '"" • .,.. le11, 23,000 ml. At Ing • • ••••M£••••ls••T•E••R• • • • • •• v• T rlumph Convet11ble C111torn111 s.. u• today! b r 1 k ;·· N • w P; in 1 983-5272 . ,to 237Ci:C, •Int cond. lnw t w/pad & carpet. * ,80 3201; ''pd . 1011• fl•I 111 $7,-495 Owner now hit Sports 8. Good cond IUEllS 0 C1l1maran w/llb & lrlr, XHH. -498-3279 ev .. / L.eevlno Country, MUST de<ll (18DV020) •••••••••••••••••••••• Co. Car 71"4·639-6802 $1500 Obo. 968-8143 $2000108 . 5-48-8538 xlnt cond. 1810. Rick wilnd•. SEL.l.. 13.900. (71') * '77 530!; tn/rf, low '78 Spydar l2<1, SIOOO POlllOllE /llll ClllLUC 011 .... 11. nSJ 8-40-1980, 157-1001 1980 Honda CX500 8"4~108 mlL (8•2TRT) below book. lookl & runl 1383t Hetbor Blvd. f•Jk"'•f•• 1110 2800 Harbor Blvd •••••••••••••••••••••• Fairing, TrunkcaH. Al-* '19 320!. <I epd. A/C. fentullc, no nlclea or Garden Grove ........ ............. COSTA MESA llll•llll I 'lt mott new 7-400 mllaa. A 1 w • y I • •a I• In ("488XEOI dent•. 38 m.pg, '4435. Ill It It '72 VW P1nel Bus. new OITUIS SIPIDI I S L A I I E ll $2300/0BO 871·0841, cla11lfl•d·reed the adt * ·ao 3201, 8 epd 'en/rt, Jim 548-7245 ti· n t rdls. reblt eng Very &C0-1110 . YAom• 551-9291 evert dey. 8-42-5878 A/C (851ZOK) '77 131S. Wiry good cond, Ltul11 clean In/out. $3 tOO ........ lllPIJ 1•1.•111 am/Im cas•atte st--. 11 IAZIA ILO 71• 1•1.2•33 5•8-822t,645-3955 ·77 Ctd F11wd Brn Mint LoaCled!Economlcaldl .. llllL YW ·77 Yemaha XT500, 1dnt • • -··~ • • cond lo ml 101ded sel engine' Handeome• cond $900 642·8712 Vu1 1110 208 W tit, Sente Ane I 2 5 0 0 · And r • • OPE '7 t Super Bug. Ulre 16250/bsl reu o rr (885YJE) OLlllHT IALI work. 8-45-8939 home •••••••••••••••••••••• Closed Sundty 873-8606. 5 speed • Sl1teo llllAOIUTI clean, sherp. Rblt •no. 6•2·3555 lllY 112tll ISLANDER & FREEPORT 'tl OIM-121 C O C B ~ 1,... 2 73 SC. 251( ·ml, 200hp. am/fm, ' spd $2850 SAIL.BOATS 'll IHU 110f Extre heads. $700/obo H I E INVENTORY M•• 1111 AJH ~ Polished 1lloy9, P7'a, Ill obo. 873·1525 71 El OO<ado. orig ownr, llW&ll Clilttrtltt :=~n=-~~· ~::~:~~~u:~1~!I A•"'"• ~.6a3-•~5:9 f•H VOL~ALES •••iiiiii"iimiiit... ~~·1=.'~e.!1=· ·~-= '7-4 BUS. A/C, em/Im ~: .. ~o ;;~.:;';'1' conCl N~V:b~·~~~H •Sllpe available S 1600. 6"5· 7278 , .. "'' ,_ " ~ We cin help! Before you m o r • Be 11 o 11 • r . cau, new tires 5 paJnt Ill 0111 •Factory toura . •••••••••••••••••••••• b\Jy, check our unt>eeta• 714•968•9718 MOOO. "495·8313 59 Cad. 2 door. good • •Preview showlng or Iha 79 KAWASAKI. KZ1000. WE PAY I 0 I I 0 LA ll EI ble Hl•cllon, 11vlng1 '70 VW Bug. good cond1-body & inllrlor, runs t11r 66 Olds Cutlass new Islander -48 under Windjammer IV, nume· and aervlcal '61 356B. rbll eng, .... lion. s2.0CO/ bsl ofr $500 or bell o ffer runs well. S•OO construction roua touring accesaorles. TOP DOLUR llW UllYEllSITY then 500 ml New bat· 673•8599 544·2 t68 5,8•330, •Door prlz" $2700 8•2·9817 alt Sales·Servlce-L.easlng •••.111 lllYIOI lery, clutch. no ru,1. ·72 El Do d C e llbl -•Relreshmanta 5PM/ wknd1, FOil ISED CAllS 850 N. Beech Blvd. ._ W h 11 e S 4 500Ib11 . '71 VAN, Kini cond, di• ra 0 onv r e, '80 Omega cpe. V6. auto, La Habra 2850 H11bor Blvd. ll•ttHH lfa1 1140 -494-6875 sunroof, fold·down bed. llremist green. whole lnl ps, pb, air IOOks brand A once In a lllellme op-11•111 B•••• s.11/ WI ll&IHI 122·1111 COSTA MESA •••••••••••••••••••••• new brakes. runs great. Good cond $3250 new S•800 832·8374 portunlly to lake advan· •••llllt1'('• flfO POITl&O/llUH &40_9140 ••I. 'rtftr 1 '88 912 Targa. Rblt eng 52500 firm. 631•3147 759·0706 or 64'·57'2 1ege or t his ltlander •• , •• :t.' ••••• ••••••••• 2,.80 Harbor Blvd Open Sunday U 111.1 tftt.1H New cerbs. xlnt 17600. 'll •rYllltt li•IO lfS1 Yachts' 1pecl11 purchese Rent: 26' motor home. COST• ••Ee.. • • 6-45· t410. '7-4 Super Bug. $2,800 or -.: •••••••••••••••••••••• Ian """ "'" '75 BMW 2002, -4 tpd, '82 d • d •Or te b t fl 59K I I ool '74 WAGON xlnt c-d P . stps 8, fully 101ded. t•t-••oo 1 1 1 Hon 1 ... ccor . .. , a HW 'll t 1110 t•••• es o er m . e ec sum . · v .. SAT. 114111. 6"45·86t6 ,. ... sunroo · m tape. x n1 5spd. AM/Im c1u. bra. u"""'I•• tltt1 --642-1485 $6795 540·6472 $t,400 or beat offer Mt 1411 cond, 62K mid Runs s8300. ,95..e3 t3 1'" -Bleck w/len Int., Golll 6•2·•274 J1fJ 1l 114 11 IMMACULATE 27' M/H " good Musi sell. $3500. Compare HOIJll ot Im· Whls. lo ml. loaded! $21, '74 BUG, xlnt cond. New 77 Coupe de VIiie. 39K, ---------10All·IPll for rent. call 6-46--45-46 WE llY 559--4095 ' 7 8 Honda Accord ports Direct lelH and &O 900. 675-8203 tires. runs great $2,300. lea I her. loaded. lmmac 1/r11•1tt IHO for Info Hetchbk, new 1utom111c. mo•. 1en1lble pymte 5-48-7759. 6-42..058" Low t>ook $5375 HI ••'tt••••••••••••••••• i!,~~d'::~~r.b:i ~!~ ---------1 CLEAi ClllS '80 320l. t ownr, lmmac n-SC>rly AM/FM CISI Diel 213 or 71•; MER· '61 356, yellow. Orig $6300. sell $58°00 ·71 Fury. Rebuilt engine. them Callfornla. f1'illll, f1'nl 1110 AID TllUCIS Fully equlp'd. Leevlng radio. good cond. $3800. c E DES Is 2 1 3 o r cond All serv c . $6, '67 VW ~S 800• i600 eng. &40· 11•6 run• gr e II S 6 5 o ~ •••••••'•••••••••••••• country mull sell It t, -497-3958 71-4/637·2333 000 6-42·977 I 6-42·9•97 llWIU Hom WANTED •OO ofter pp 760-9000 553·0239 c •• ,,. Ill -------- t922 Barranca Rd 18 lo 20 Travel Trailer '77 5'"'', tu11u IA•ded, blk Honda. Toyota. Det1un, Haven't you walled long 80 924 Turbo. loaded. '80 ·12 SUPER BEETLE •••••••••••••••••••••• 111ti1t IHS Irvine, CA 1271-4 5-45-8353 """ ' -all makes, $t99 does 11 enough to own a Mar· 92• Take OVOf ,.._, Chevrolet •••••••••••••••••••••• 11• ..... 1121 w/lan Int, $7895 lor No 111 or last. no .. ~ ceoes Benz? Don't let 7t"4·825·t808 Sl900 * Clll&Jll LIYElll * 77 GRAN BRIX. mull see ..---• il U•"/'7. 1110 lck ale 6-46 8-466 ~,,...-Call 8•6·746t ~~~~~~~~~~ 11' 1n, '' I Qu • • sit No lie lee. Delivers 1h11 opportunity PIA you '8. 928 Porsche Plell· If vou really love Ce-to apprec111e S3000 or •••••••'•••••• ••••••• b t I W " ' . II ,,. "92•6 Utlllty trlr any lease, buys any car y. ec now • .. ave a num t2 ooo ml $33 500 ·68 VW Beelle. new paJnt. mares. give me a call 1 t>esl o et .,...,. .. Ranger 26': Xlnt cond. Nds some work. $40 f!l!f ............ !J.{¥ over our cost. All Savers tenllstlc selection of or belt olr a.40.a1a6 aulo stick. very clean have a l>IJnch, 1nclud1ng .77 Trens Am. T-toP, ate, :?no'oev~ll S~~ 980-55-43 ---.-.. -.-.-.._-.---1·72 V6. ' speed. tlereo. Leasing 71'163'-0t89 models & colors eva11a-67 9 t 1S. elec sunrf, $2100 5-40.9537 fully loaded BERL.tNET· lull pwr Many ulras. lo liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil -"' ~paint & Or" St450 Honde •79 Civic, 4 spd ble '68 VW Bus new paJnl TA S TV PE l T and m1. absolutely Im mac. -eve __ s·-------1 Top dollars lor Sports 6"5·&0« •8 000 I ••1ch Jll W•MI compl Ortg . lo ml. mat· & b ak. $"""" . Z28 s Just need reltable $5500, 58" 7 t49 CllT .. TILi SllO , m .. tape. "" Ching luggage St2.000 eng. r es~ cvvu or .,,. Lido 1•. ,ir432•. use ot Bal Isl mooring for t mo S 1750. 67S.0349 eves Cars. Bugs. Cempere. -.7-,.-C--, -V-8_2_800 __ 1_1, ShOwroom cond $3.750 llNITI or bell t-483-67'• best. 5-49-9164 par11yhl10 ma, keNsmaltdl 1976 F1reb1rd Formula Made from Ford Coun1t 9t4's Audi's apr' · • n or best oNer 6«·••81. t30t Quall Street mon Y pm a 0 0 box w/lopper, nu patnt I A~ for U/C MGR cond New p1lnt. xtres, Eutbluft Buying New NEWPORT BEACH t978 92•. lllnl cond Low Cleanes1 stock '74 Bug tn contracts 10 assume No •Int cond Must see to 536-9832 I Jll IU.IJH $1700 Eva, 96"·977• Prelude ll"'·tlOO m lles. air . sunroof town• Dix features back pmts due Ask l0t apprec $2750 Dys OlL 21 Good cond. Inboard, Possible 11lp.I t5.500 714-5-48-9568 8 FT TRAILER U·Haul type. fair cond ,._, 1111 • $9500 675·9132 $3100 675-13991vmso R ose 842 -4-40 0, 7t4 -754-6277, evs YILllW&IEI -I ·75 Honda CIVIC WGN .61 3oosD. 9.000 ml, 1., t979 VW Bun White on 556·t009 Proto LIM 7t4·8•2·3906 18711 Beach Blvd • ••••••••••••••••••••• -I I l1SS -· am/Im CUI, nu paint, wty; snrt. sliver blu, $28, •••• I White Convert Perfect Ct1n•l•I 112 '70 Grand Prix. 78K miles 11r Outrigger. must sell Very reasonable. 675·7•03 s 175 548--0-438 HUNTINGTON BEACH '74 COLT. 2 dr .. auto. cro00odr.r3ac,+k'm'°..,,m, 's·2~001nl 000 ~0.5192.6"45·7t07 •••••••••1••rw••••••••••• cond Take over lease. •••••••••••••••••••••• au10 eir amlfm, lt200 142-2000 xlnl running condition, .... .. s 9 I + a ST c II 896 •235 d iood llrea, 72,000 ml. Must seelf 857-'l 1 IO ·72 Mercedes 2&0SE. 4 dr. '12 IHHff Lt Oar C1a1121ormdoeta11sT8ra5~~319e:2 SEE S Fiil l 5;6 3258 ; es ays. WI.TED' t 695 857 2819 air. runs ¥reel $5,000. We have e good ••lee· • v · · • '8 t Civic, • door, 5 • ....._.., •••x It Ct.ttlt frt• ~ • .....-.. 6 3-2•2• " • '67 BAJ A runs great. l ion of NEW & USED ftHl1t)ltl 1110 late model Toyotas, air. 22K. xlnt. Must sell! Ex ucket Seets, Ralty needs paint. priced to Chevroletal •••••••••••••••••••••• _________ , ...................... . A•t• lfniee, 1ul1 .I A~t•,,0ti•1 HOO Sabol plus oars, blue w/ LITE BODY WORK & side stripe, xlnt cond. pal,,l/up ro 50% off your $375. 631--4678 body Shop est. 536-9832 vo1vos. Pickups & vani. D•l11a 1110 $6400. PP. 559-6086 78 3000, xln1 cond. Loa· Mags, Oelu•e Trim. Rack sell s1650. 5,.0•1942 ·59 T·Blrd. 1 owner. fully Call us todayt ••••••• • •••• •• ••••• •• • ded. E•tra tank Lo ml, & Pinion Steering, Front equipped. never dented, Lattr llJI lit ltrtl All Chevy truck pans: '" Save SlOO & have a Ion 10 diesel Ablt. chance 10 win a Surfs· tra.nsmlsslon from S t65 print S1llboerd with a & up 55•·1850 purchase of any n-la· Stock VW gaa heater•. 6 se< during July. volt & 12 Volt, $75 ea. Earle Ike TOYOTA· YOU() .... ~ ... & c .... ...... "u .. nu., ut-to t THE LAZER STORE No -479 ~2-•300, Ad ---------• All thlno• Luer & more Sitter. 2• hrs WE Ill 111~.Lll~lll~lilOii~ 82• W. 18th SI, C M USED CARS & TRUCKS ,~.,:".._:.,-.. ,~ (7 t-4)6-42..0846 A•tll l•t hJ• COME IN OR CALL FOR ---------· ..................... . .. ,,, 1u,. IMPORTANT NOTICE Fm lHlllUL l>#h Hf0 TO READERS AND Cormier-0.Llllo •••• ••• ••• ••••••••• •• • AOVERTtSERS OIEYllL.n Heve 35' Nwpl mooring, The price of Items ad· 18211 BEACH BL.VD needs 45· will conslde< vertlsed by vehicle dee-HUNTINGTON BEACH I r a Cl e I a n d o r S S lers In the vehlcte classJ. 14 l-tOl1, 141-HI 1 'lt 111 UtmAOI auto, 1lr, 33K, eupar cond ~900 780-906t WEEKEND ONLY 77 10111 lCCOlll 2 Hiil 5 speed ·Stereo 508TDO 12111 DICK MILLER MOTORS " I• : .• $18.000 OBO. 751-768t: Wheel Drive, Luxury '7-4 VW 412 lo0k1 & runs 1an1as11e. all 631-9338 W Interior & MORE' SOUAREBACK $1595. orig Call Mr James. '78 Whl & navy .C50SL EPA Est 840· t296, 846-8238 5'48· 72•5 Xlnl cond 1a1 $2-4,000 30 city. •0 hwy 73 Bus, new eng and -.7-8-T--B-ir_d_L_oa_d_ed_, -re_a_I takes. 752-5755 $4989 tires. $3.000 f irm lu•ury with 21mpg. ste- '78 Metoedes 300D. Ivory. (serial 0093• I) John 5-48-5806 1t11 CllRltLET reo. rechners. new hres. snrf. mini eond $13,900 WE'VE GOT FUEGOS' 1967 vw Sqbk (pans car llP&U 2 .-. Must sell' S3250/obo 975..0578, 675-402• -•-tt -·-only). Rbll eng. plus --5'46·383.4 __. .. -· $350 Has ONLY 67.200 orlgl· ---------•7t 300SEL.. 6.3. mint &llO/JHP/IEUILT trans plus more nal miles. au1ometlc fH• 1114 cond. 83.000 ml. fully 252• Harbor Btvd. CM ~1~1er~72~ ~~2-4300, Ad trans ' ~ steering & ··-'••••••••••••••••••• equipped. -11 malntal· 5"4ll--8023 &4S.7770 ---------b<akOI, air cond & morel 7 4 Vege. very iood n •Cl . 0 u I ck t •I•. ·10 VW Bua. x.lnt camper Could UH tome body mech1.....,.,,j·1:;:31 ~7~200 $12 ,000 / bit olr r.U.~ 11U van. loOkl good, runt work & paint Good ..;...."..=...._-__ .;._ ___ _ 540-5621 ext 25 dys, •••••••• ••••••••••••• great . 2nd owner tr1nsport1llon Atklng 76 VEGA HATCHBACK 640--0838 evM #1 DEALER IN U.S.A. $2300. S59'""095 $1000 or belt oNer Cell Auto. radio, 10'# mi W5-3922 lled advertising columns does nol Include any applicable taxes. license. trensler lees, finance charges. tees for air pol- 1 u II on control device certihc111ona or dealer documenlary prepeta· lion charges unless olherw111e spec1l1ed t>y Nwpl Bch pVI Slip, up to •5· boat: 11so side tie 873-198"4, 873--4582 '7' 7t0 Stlllorl Wagon. 19&0 Mercedel 2&0E. ' H&CAR\/ER '8t VW R1bbit convert . Dawn at (7t•) •93-818t. Atklng $1100 SQ..Ot87 Reel clean $2700 Of be91 dr. tunrl. •Int cond PP lViCE loaded. SK ml. $9250 ext 5oa. 7 .OO 10 • OO 77 Vega Wegon. orig. offer 673-0491 $18,950. 851·1919 dye PP 752·178"4 aft noon weekdays (M·FI. (T t-4) owner, 39.500 miles, xlnt T Doi ---------•----------• 855-$'420 -/ wkndt 4g3.6778 weekends & op ar ·~~1~·~1~.·~~,~~.\l.~ ·~~.,<;!;,lcea:'''N!M::. 78 3000. silver, AM/FM, ~~~ ~~-7~~2R:r~~,M~~.!!: ~,~,a~":'' alter 9 00 ~~~· :~~~~6~assette ...... Pal'd ml, cu clean & ing trins, 5 sp Best oNer aunrl, air . xlnl cond. ClOSIOSUNOAYS clean 7t4-556-7280 MUST SELL' 1955 T·llRI For Your Cart strong $6500. 675-8896 552..0738. 8"42·9946 $9800 OBO 631.,.678 Su) 111 '63 Baja Bug 1835 cc en---------"---i Immaculate. 1 owner car. 65' Slip or mooring for sailboat. Npt Bch. Joe 6"4•·0502 ·77 B2 t0. Exoet cond • J 1131 Ill 114Z •••••••••••••••••••••• glne. dull carbs. gOO<J Esute '76 Chevy V1g1 Sterling sllvet & has both *llff 1111 spd, AM /FM cas1 w/ .!I.~!!••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• LOSE l 1tl2 WI mech cond $1450 Htchbk, •6.700 mt, tops (2•0600). Only U1ett1 .. tr11ry equll, S2700tbat otr '11 J&I I.Ill 71 MG Mld091, like new. tOO Tllll 4 ... I 673-29t2 St375 494·8•98 days s12.965 2626 Herbor Blvd 759.9032 Brown w/.._,,.e inl .. sun-runs great. radials. muet ---------1 1-11 _.Ill. Coste Mesa 5-40-5630 1---------root. chr~·whls. Trans 5 e 11 S t 8 O O OB O $ 328 1 60 '59 VW Bug: GOO<J cond, '65 CORVAIA -"'"" · F.• 11.S 714 5•8 95•6 good carpet & 1n1enor. C&llLLAO Premium prices 1•t • just rebll. Clean. reliable. • • 1500CC. $1700 or best Needs work S600 OBO paid for any used cer •••••••••••••••••••••• For Quick tale • $9500. 'll It •l41tt OtlY oNer. Call 673-0-491 642-•336 llWllY (foreign or domesllcl PIP 498-7997 amlfm casaelle. Excel· per month plus tale (71•) 521-9124 Wut 11-10 SH, wfftl Ille edver11ser '"" ,..., I water, Alltit91•/ '''""'" 1• , .. , c1.,,;" gszo ter• least. Gall Aas-• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w t r & 4 # 4 I O , lllEL "l"sl 142-UIO H ltrt. Shay replicas; pickups & In good condition 11.ot 1 1 d 45 000 1 •8 month closed end '72 VW Bug Xlnt cond. 1966 N p 1 1 See us Flrsll ••r•••• ftl• .,4 en con · ' m lease on approved ere-Real cleanl $2050 Call ova' new 1 n · •••••••••••••••••••••• $3200. 772-7602 dll Come In & Hk for days 540-7051 1111n1est. 1>a11. exhaust . .t 1 UIM WEEKEND SPECIALS 30' sailboat claaslc design w/prlme -40' mooring, tst $17 .500 lakes both. 548-1381 PIER UP TO 28 11 $150 mo 873-8145 coupes. 4 to choose from! 1006768) (Stk . A3093). Prices starting at MLY St,Hll THEODORE ROBINS FORD SOuTH COAST Dodge .'888 I l3rb11c Hh d r.~tj \11·~., .~ o:L10 1060 HAA&OA &l\10 COSTA Ml SA 641 0010 25·, Slip avail for July & Highest cash lmmedlat...,. Aug. Great loc In NB -1 Only S200 mo. 831-8556 --,-1-11-,-.-1-11-1---1 tor your vehlcle . Do· g mest1c or foreign llWPllT 1U01 Red. mint. s13.ooo. 551.a2a5 30', <IO' tllps 1vallable 759-0913/673-9003 ---------• 556-171 I '12 OAI HAUi ~.".'.-J1.1!!r..rJ.~ •••••• Shore mooring. oN 101h S! Runt good. good body. ••n'1 1101 Beach, NB. Max. 35 $725 or oNer 6"4µt6t •••••••••••••••••••••• boat. $12,000. 875-4«1. ·73 Jensen He1ly, very 866-2221 '28 FORD P/U needs res-good cond .. uklng Nwpt mooring, •ln1 toe .. lo 1or1ng ~lt75 $4200. 1·595-8225 35', w/e111captlona1 23' 'I• ..... 1111 pwr boll. loaded $11, ·54 Plymouth Plue. runs, •••••••••••••••••••••• 500. 536--8574 needs tst geer, $300/ a. o fr . 6 46 -5724: eva ..... 1,-1 • 6" 1·2875 OJ IOll Allenlle>r1 colleclortl 1959 •••••••••••••••••••••• Edaet Ranger In good 1111 UVA running condition! ONL.V 15501 Call 8"42·2073 or .an Sii 5-45-897-4. It no antwer. SI oc k . nave r r ece d . _p1e_a_ae_k_MP_l_ry'--lng...;;... --1 $1600. Call 5'45-&97' Of ·59 Ced. 2 door, good 6-42-2073. body & Interior, runt fair. 14· Ski Boat w/75 HP $500 or bUI oller Evlnrude a tr...,, x.lnt _~ __ 2_1_ea _____ _ cond. $1700. 6<11-33().4 '58 T·Blrd, 3 1pd w/ O\fefdr!V9. tmmec. ~ rru.-.... -· $15.000. 831-3328 WEEKEND ONLY ll ALFA SPYIEll Bleck Beauty • 32K t ownr ·mint -252ZAH $1111 DICK MILL ER N-01011'> , .. , •••••7;;°•tt••••••••••• MOTO Repllcar, 12,000 C..,..,..,. ml, )'ellow wltan toe> &1---------1 ... , Ill• Int. t 7800. 5•"4·7577, A8'1 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 775-1337 •••••••••••••••••••••• CAMP· TEI.. Camper, dMn 'IO Audi '4000. 2-4,000 ml, S1'l5. 916-2180. lfl <&PM •.... dfaM A C , A M I F M , .a d r , 20352 AcacM. SA HP-'"""" II S80001olT. 552-3178 Neerty ,_ cuatom bit I ' •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Audi 5000, rad w. earn par, m any 11trat. '15 Scout. 2X2. "-trane, beige ¥9lolK Int., em/Im 11100. t<&2-1183 dya, bt1la. aidMult 11.YSo NN ...,_, OMO, ale, • dt. M24297 ...,., QOOd, ndl min« WOftl, ~. l4800. 844-1.ae& """ ,,,, =~~~~~~221-45·•&33, 1111 !!~.~............ ~ ........•..•..... 11111 -1111 ,,.~ ..... , ~ldlttoillod .. 7 ... ••••••••••••••••••••• t"1 l'ucll Meal, NOO. QO CAl'IT, 11ur1tat1. Incl l1olmo1 and lock. Indy. body, a HP gante .,7.,.~lt,...,OdM all~rlu . ht4. .,, """! _ .. _., ____ __.,.._.. .. 11.~!'!!1 ....... 11.1 f.lftll/.lllnf.. •• · 't a Ju 1t y a, ... -• ·n ..,..,_, •114 w-..n. WIH&it'I ILmT & ....... r.'\ .. ---·= ~ .,,. .... uo. ._. ..... , _ ~==· 11 1"'9'1'• .,._! ........... ,... -'IL~lllfl ~ ·==·~ 1·•'.!.c. lttlb 't·•9'4 [~ \ii&.~";ji-_j ' *FANTASTIC* * FIATS* t«.l6E SClECTION PRE-OM» FIAT SPIDS ' Xl/9's MANY TO Ct«>OSE Flt<* EXAMP\.E 77 FIAT Xl /9 -4 SPO Slereo. Magi. Only 57 K 659SMR Chocola t 11 Brown/Beige s4495 77 FIAT Xl /9 • Spd, Stereo Cau .. M aga, Luggage Rack. Vellow/Ok Brown 814TMV. s4995 78 FtAT Xl/9 4 Spd, Fact. Air. Stereo . Ca11 , l.ugga g e Raclt , M ag t .. Orange/Brown 1BUC707. . s5295 77 FIAT 124 SPUR 5 Sc>d. St•.,, Maga, Mint Concltlon. 1ACP571. s5495 '71 FIAT 124 SPID 5 ltMI. 9l1gM "9d. 9..,..,, ..... Alotc, Very aMrp bat, New TW. # tzte. s5995 All>IMIY .. 1 . ............ --t t"'.t" - '7-4 Kerm1n Ghia, superb MU 11,11,11 d 1111 1 carb, FIE & llre1 $2200 •• "..'!1•••••••••••••••• ,., n • ' lllT '11 YW Ill No '79, &42_.300, Ad •••••••• ~~g~~·.=.~~a=: ~;9·;;4G9~·S~000°b;i;; IEACll llPOllTS Low. mites. Showroom Sitter 2• hrs bru5hed 1rum wtils. lteel boolc. lo ml, newir sorat· 8•8 Dove Streat cond. $2,395. 559-5010 -.7-9_t.A_on_11_C_a_rl_o_·_s_il_ver--1/ NAJ3ER'i radial 11ret. Gar-ea kept. cheO, mint cond thruout. NEWPORT BEACH ---------1 blue Interior. llr, V8, lo· $5800. 642-7968 evea/ S-4850 or best. Mr. w11-1&2-8180 '73 ~~f"· c11 15K m11es $5195 CADILLAC. wknds Iiams. 5-48-72-45 U S3000 6•5-6218 A•IH •• ""AalW'I •• ,,,, Al,., •• ,,,, ·74 Dasher atat. wgn. '73 Monte Carlo, xlnl •••••l°•••••••••••••••• ••••• ••••••• .. ••••••• ••• ••l•••••••••••••••• good condfUon. 52200 °' cond. clean t>Ody lnakte beat. 551·9612 or & out. recently rebuilt 551·3276 engine. S 1000 559-146 t CLEARANCE HONDA HUNTING? ~ ... 1 ... · -.. ' ... ...-. =~-~~-iii::!iiiiiiii: . ..... \ I ::-I.=. ------ Before you buy, comp1re cu ~vln11, MMctions & 11rvtc1. '70 VW convert. rblt eng. nu top , meke olr . 499-2306. Greet shape. ~!! ......... ~~! SALE! 1911 CADILLAC '75 CORDOBA. gd cond 111 St .600 1aku 11 631·7135 ·1• Super Beella, new paint, tires. uphol. ----------' runwooo t978 Chrysler Cordova "ASTIOIOOr" Maroontwtilte lop Lo• llOUGHAM COUPI $2600. Best buy! 6A$-Ot70 Cled . 63 ,000 m l . v.i.. 1111 $3 700/meke oller (1CRAS92) .....•................ '10 Votvo t«S. perfect cond.. new paint & Int $1800. 675-97-48 71416-46-0255 $} 4,995 '61 Chrysler 2 dr herdtop, #1 Ytlft heltr .• ., .... .....,1 w.n, lllftll •LEAS• OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS UIU•I -· tllM Hart>ot Bkvd COSTA MESA ..... ... ... , look• & !Uni good S300. 892·•318 c .. liH•l•I HJI .................•...• ·77 Mark v Canler. fabric Interior. S6,300 OBO. Eves 957-0144 ~ •.......... "-~' ....... , Slit '81 Dodge Ven CorMlr· slon with Color TV, 11• reo. Total cost $21,000 new. beat offer over $12.000 by 7(12/82 Ilk .. II. 675-5658 _j .... _ • ..,,, !'~d ............. ~. ~.'l::To•••••••••• "11 Ford Country Squire ,. "" Wagon. 9 PIH • •llOf'Y :'••••••••••••••••••••• factory option. all ra- 73 °'*'*'· S 9'1(1, dMn. OOf'ds. out1tandlnQ cond ,,.,.gooct,new ctutctl a t 31H, I H ·l<H or r.-etOf'. $990, MMMO M~l , llltt ,,,,1~~~~~--1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Plllltl IALll -• l.otT MY ll.IP '°' ttlO llrveot and '*' 2.a· Dnk• c..... CMMt " .. otlon of new i nd ' -f/P ~~In Orenge l--(1-l_•_•_·W_~_i:_;_C_h_'_Y•-I•_'~ ValuoMOOO Ed 134.-..o 1911 CADtLLAC ILDOIADO llAlllTZ: (10 FJ.a58) $16,995 19IO CADILLAC ILDOltADO COUPI (802277) $13,995 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI "AITltOltOO,.. (30IVPE) s1995 1979 CADILLAC llVIUI ''ILIMNll .. (1nftl) • t.IJST SEEi 1978CANl•C 11.DOtlADQ llABITZ f0'/4W., '1995 "' . . .. --- 7 .... 11 . NANCY ~BOY ---THERE'S GOING TO BE A "JUNGLE MOVIE ON TELEVISION I .. '" • • • t I JUST LOVE _JUNGLI; .. ;MOVIES ~----. . WHAT'D VOU LEAVE . IT OVER TMERE FOR? MOW DO VOU E)CRECT ME TO FEED VOU? THE JUNGLE MOVIE HAS BEEN CANCELLED - - -- INSTEAD WE PRESENT \\'SPACE HERO FROM MARS H By Ernie Bushmiller --------. BAW-W ----I. WANT TO SEE A JUNGLE MOVIE WA-A-A-AH ..... - TMEY PROMISED A JUNGLE MOVlE GARFIELD® DENNIS nlE MENACE 1> :> t> Le/We )bUR .:rAO<er r--..,,...._rt ON1 ~ ••• l'M ON THE VERGE OF TEAR&, 6AM ... NOT f>ECAU6E I 'M UNHAPPY WT e>ECAUbE I'M MAD ... AND I MEAN REAL MAO! 6\VE ME ONE REAOON WHY JOHN J: JONEe WOULD LIE TO ·ME THE WAY HE DID! .------.--... , I CAN'T AND I DOUf>T THAT HE COUL.D ! ,....,,...~ Jim ·Davis lHl919A ~ ~!' -... . ... f __,,___ A~D IF ~ OONA'TE MONEQ ~aP U5 GO m 1ME ~05€ PAAAD€ •.. WE'll. MAKE <XX.> A J!~Y~'IRO~ AL.ONG WrTH ALL :&;·AME>Jl1lE5-1MM INCUJOEb! " IHEY DIDN'T H,AVE VIDEO <5AMES l~EN. You1t> RATHER W,ASTE YoLJR SUMMER PRoPPING MoNEY INTO SOME ELECTRONIC ColN SLOT? DOCTOR SMOCK ,, tX>U'LL BE SUPPOftnNG if>OOR LOCAL. 6CHOOL ... B€1N& l15-rED A5 A PA1Fa:>N IN OU~ C.OMMEMORA1lVE ~ ~~ADE 600KLE.i .•. .. ~ GEr wnH1r, PRoF---n.4rs IS If-I' A<:iJE OF TH' COMPUTcR! ' '. A~D c.DN'1RI BU11NG 10 CDN\MUNIW PRl0£ A'f · 1HE SAME. 11ME ! A~D NOf HAVING ANQ UNFOR11JNATE AOCIDENT5 HAPPEN 10 QOUR BU51NE55 HERE! By Geor e Lemont • ,-He "T""H INC:S . -rHA.,-WAS ~ Nex-r ,..o rr ' I ! : • '\ R:QGl&1" tT ! M? IVAY YoilR• GC'f'T"•NG. 1"..Cl'7 I.OU~(;; I . . . tMI YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? Dire ere et INst 11• dlft.r· ... In ...... ...._ bwt••n • •IMI ...._ peneta. How --CH ,.. ......... , Check .... .,.,. ..... tMM lliellw. '•iM.-UIP If ... llllO) 'f ' .... lewt I t P.w>etd 'S . """°"' If •~1'S 't ·11111ttw tt eAMIS 't •~llP II *:> 'C ''*"°"' 11 eAO!O ·1 :-...110 KNIGHT"S TOUR TISTSWITSI A knlaht. In C!heq, rnovealn•nL·.._._. two aquern In one direction end one square In another. A move from A to G, above, Is one exemple. A move from A to J Is anothtf". Now, lera '" If you can complete a knlghrs tour of this dlevram, touching at ftch lettered seg,.,,..,t tustonce. Begin In any Mg· ment. StWKM ffdl seg- 1Mnt aa you proceed. One possible solu- Hen 11 gillllft below 'H 'r '\I 'O 'I 't '>t '0 ',j '101) 01 J WOJI PN>O•d : AeM 111() For Better or For Worse .. CHARM SCHOOL! W...t un you draw to complete the dot picture eboYt? To find out, add lines from 1 to 2, l , etc. <fot-tN ... ' CANTSLEE.P. l fEeL USELe:SS, OLD M~ee. lM GONG-~ AN \NSE.CURE PHASE.- . MA)'ae.. l uUST NE.ED ~SSURANCE. ···· UGlY. tCl·Y l'fAAEt Apply ......... coters to thil ...... , bMc9' _.: 1-Ald. 2-&.t. ~. S-Ytllow. 4-Lt ......... f- F*lt ....... 6-Lt. grtH. 1-Lt. purpM. 1-llack. , ........ . 1 -""· • ... • "' •• . . . ni•• score 2 pol"" NCh for •II wcirdl Jlf. fotlr letter• or .W. -,:.:;;:::.;:..-4~~~ f°'"'4 ....... thei.t• ( ' "i--_...i....-~~ '" ...... ; .... ~ ..... ~:_..... ... .... • ,.,. i ~ by Lynn Johnston IReN PGAlN :TRATMFt/ BE R FEEL lNG-80CtE1V HRS PRES$EDON 05 ····~ I MEAN. "' . • • II ....... ··GORDO. l'M ~NA 6' \..AfE f~ lilORK Af . "NE \CE. CUlM flftL.OR t laMA"f AM \ c,oNNA U~t rot ~? \10 8t'M'tR 1\l\MK '6r ~'™'""m OOtl11 f<>ft<:.ET 1'0 r1..oSs IN 6£1"uJff.N , ----· __, ~OUR ftKG.ER45. e o~ Gus Arriola ,4/0 EAVE NiL.IOOEI< COMEs . WIT#IN ''CHOP" O/t:JTANCE O!= A TE~UANA MAAM' July 11, 1982 . r lllilJ Pilat i'U -~ ~ ttrt?un ~n~ .. ~~ 11!1u~n p11 l dr.J ~;.·~~ i' t~th~1i~ l!rJ!fi11~1 r•it!l-i~11 i ff if I la.s i ,~ltlzJ ~ · l Ir 11 ~1i-~~ I it~ i -. ~ Ii.iii"·.., 9-Q~a~~ ... 1-3;"~3f~~ ~.r~ i f !- ! JJi i,if J~ l ,. ~fl'1~1'11 ~ •1ei~r1; •i~!~: i~ ~~1~l i ~ (zsl1f1 f1 ~ f l .. ~. ~J ~ ~I ~Ii J· ~~t J hfll'al!f~~R. U .1-f R. n~ff h ul1·1 f} ~u ::a. 1 (~: 1. i ~r[ .. [JI! n~;i..~r ft l•tl}Ib:lli ~i ~1a. .. ~ .. 'C~ a . !f f ~l 1. i trs-r1i•· I ~ >t . a •.. ~ t.~ iJ l n~ fl ,r I ~ f! 11. -&. '-~I · ~ ~ i!il_o ~ C). • _ . ... !!rrlD ~ l t 7 ... -7. ~ ~ Hi~H!H! u; t 11 'r 0 'c -' l~J3-lfi§ i1 'Jli i§ f 1 ·1 if'a.A . , . '" e*ll"~§~! . ;A~~ .tu~ Jtrru1 is, l lf!S f .~_;" [ti•f*;f . r.,... ~~·,1UJlf!Ji~titl~ J. M ... ( 9 ~U~1 ' lhf~i(dtMH!~I~ Iii i a~ if 1' !n•lfnlilil~ l~fHfilfir;~~~!U§~rH!i~!JHlitjil!{j!ff!fiiaji 1 s •· s.H0"1' i1i'HUH ~~H!lHiH!ii!lttiIUHHH;Jl~:~f-.I l1!1' ~ a ·~· sudf~trJ~ll ~ l~i•jaff.~~! : rni;HflHi . rt.1 ,, ~, i l 45 SJ' · 1 S ~ ~ -..... f ~ ~ ,. .. IJ ~ i'"~r 1• 1' ~_" •. . •. trJ ,~ i ;-J !.f 3 J JI a.[;. r I · t . . . c; 'O 8 'i~. i . ''" !f ~~~ I rl-r r~t a. -~it ;l~'° if I ~t . "" ' r • i'I c - ., By Mark Goodman 'm a hypochondriac, .. Woody Alen says. We .. lldklg In his New York Oty pmthome apartment owriooking Afth Avenue and Central Park. It ls sunny and~ oullkle, the IOlt of rare and cheery day that brll#dllid the llva ol molt New 'Yorbn and dep es Woody Alen to no end ... About a yea ago," he continues, '1 was suddenly convinced I had a brain tumor. It came to me on a Friday, and I caUed my doctor. What could he Itri? He was sympathetic and told me to come owr to his office for skul X-rays." ADen fidgets on the edge of his chair and plunges Into his tale of Round 243 with his favorb oppo- nent: Death. . "Anyway," he says, "that left me the whole weekend to wallow In anxiety. The wodd was total- ly ddferent to me, and things that were normally ~ had no meaning whabocver. l knew I was going to die, and the ftnt thing I did was cud up In my bed and think, 'How am I going to teD my parents?' "I think when you're dytng," he continues, .. a different sort of reality sets In. I tried to get that Idea Into Stardust M.moria (his last 61m, rekwd In 1980). But this was different -I mean, movtes be- came utterly meanJnglas to me. I dk:ln' think of romnic dads; I )ult thought about the fact that I was going to die, and evcydmg took on a thmp focus. Normaly. • .. ex>mbtlng In the anal things we do; we don't go around looking at• In shmp focus, bem11e we )ult c:an't and too much ~· Tua\ this sharp focus ooma In when you'aa CIO"lWioeci you're gok1g to die, and you think you'I never hokl tt'°9e ndlculous values again. "Well, I dktn't die," he concludes, '"and I went beck ,krto that pn.fab world 90 dwerfy and IUC· cellfuly thlped to deny reality. I ~ I would never bget how hmd that reality was, but of cowwe I went back Into IOft focus. I tried to apleir'I It to &lends, and I didn't work. But I can' belsve how vivid I was -a r..ty tmtie ~." Wal I? Or wat I , In the .net, )lllt more (Jilt b the rac:kq, peinfuly funny n6 ol Alen s..w.t Koellglblrg, a.k.a. Woody Alen, 46, who undmr· ...... wel. any lltllt.,. thlt, whm 'Jneedy tlka cedlr ltlQI, Fmce II ~ In the wlngl. Alll'l 11 dearty ..tom about ....... boutiNtf't the ..... and yet he jt.tlt • d.OJ vlewl IUCh recol- lecacxw • pan of a CXllll'nic coelll*acy thlt wll r.a.ct wry 6dc:t*9; In the aaft focus ol hll Kleen comed'a Not .. ~ Min hM t-l lold'I tD try tD Cllpllm b8d a tw an .... A ca ' ~ ._... ....... t'Dlnqll9, Alm pmld homlge In 1918 tD the brooding S.1 Mi ...... wlh ,....... • I ....,_ .......... ·---mlud ..... . n...thml-~ ............ Alm boll~ dud wt*h ., gut wtwd9d b, men tt.. • tnr ol the allcs. n-wn1111'9 In no w.J .... '"*" the tlt.1Q com,clll -.... "' • esd-~ 7' .. .....,~·-''·- Enjoy CRUNCHYCHEWYNUTTYSWEET Raisin GRAPE-NUTS~ Cereal We take a heaping helping of naturally sweet. chewy raisins and blend them with wholesome wheat and barley nuggets. It's a unique taste that's something extra special. It's CRUNCHYCHEWYNUTTYS~ETt Here's how to get your FREE BOX Send us 2 proof of purchase seals from specially marked boxes of Raisin GRAPE-NlITS Cerul. We11 send you a coupon good for one free box. See mall-in order form below. Offer good for Umtted time only. ".~, .. _ .... • e18ll:l 0£HEAAL FOODS OORPOAAT10N .fl08l llld OAAPE-HUTS .. ,....,_, ndlmlrtoa "' o..11 P'oodt Conlorllliotl Save two ways ... store coupon and free box mail-in offer. ---..,--~ I. -, 1$Wtzl& -·------.. ··--·--~ ::.::=·r=::..-=:===== ~ ··:::-·~ ... ---= i; == -.. -...... -~ -· ....... ,_,... __ "" -·-···--·--·--···--·-... -·------·---•!.!!..,•_,_ --=-=:--·;;--,....~, l•..:.:--'\r ---------------.MA1L .. 1Ne>R.iERRiiMi_i_ii_i_iii-iiiiii_ii_i_ii_ii_iiii_i_i ... for coupon good for one f:ree ball ol @Raisin GRAPE-Ntrrs• Cereal • ......... 90X °""' o.,.111,... c..-111on P.0 ... 11114 lie I rt 11,IL- I N¥9~ two(21 PfOOf of~ ..... ffOl'ft ~ llllf'-d _.,,,u of(QIECK ONE>: 0 11 oz. Alllln GRAP!.fifUT8 c..I. fl'-.nit IM a coupon fof a FREE IOX of 11oa. Aaialn ~UT8. a 24 oa. Aalain OMPE.MJT8 ~· ,...___, ,.... OOUPOft tcw a ~E IOJC of 24 ot. RllllnOfWIE.ftUT8. city ____ .... __ 1 .. __ _ --·---·-._.. ----IW -·•--Oll9r ... .,...u.aA.,..,....,. ... UI0..1- 0lllr __ ......_ ----°'9 ... ........................... _.., ............ ·-::::·."";':-'-~ u.--... -. I .... Warnings The Surgeon Generel Has D1ter11intd TMI C41iene Smotinl ta Dlnglrous to Y• Hllllh. WOODY fconll1l.-J from P099 .. , from the ~ sedrical Bananas and ~ to the btttcnweet Annie Ha/1 and Manhattan, with his former love and cteadfac friend, Diane Keaton - that have made Allen the premier comedk: commentator of our frantic , • fragmented age. Now Allen has returned to broad fun and barbed word games In his latest fllm. A Mldaummer Night'• Sex Comedy, stamng JoM Ferrer, Mary Steenburgen and Woody's latest love, Mia Farrow. (Alen emphasl2es that, published reports to the contrary. he did not many Mia In Connecdcut last year. "I've never even set foot In Con- nectk:'ut," he says.) The 61m, slated to open around the • COWltry this week, bakes William Shakespeare and, after the Allen fashion, turns him on his head. "h's a comic movie," Allen says. "I guess you'd call It a farce . It extols the coun- tJy and summer; It's hopefully funny, hopefully entertaining. It's a stx- person story and. predictably, It has romantic Interaction of people regardJess of who's married to whom. There's a lot of magic and enchant- ment in It. )ust as there was In the original Shakespeare -woods. lakes. streams. h was a happy, for- tuitous event and shot only 35 minutes north of Manhattan . '1n fact," Alen acids, "tt has the same son of affection for the counlry that I showed for the city In Manhat- tan. Actually, I don't like summer, countJy or sun. I Uke dreary weather. I had visions of being stuck In the coun · try, so I made sme I could drive back to Manhattan every night." Therein Ila the deftnltlve existential statement by Woody Alen: the dark canyons of'New Yock as the physical and splrttual epk::ent.er of exiltenc:e. Allen admits that th.ls vtawpoint shapes al of his ideas. 'Tm llmtted by my own experiences," he seys, "and what's of Interest to me -Manhattan, the RUISSan Ta Room, Elaine's, Bk>omingdale's. Baldel, I 1'&tt don't .. to shoot out of New Yock. If I hed, say, a ~t Ida for a movie In Nebraska, I wouldn't do it because I don't want to go tq Nebraska." Allen l9n't kidding. He ls positively neurotic about straying too far for too long from the neurotic city of hls birth and Its fashtonable hauntl. AD he has really done Is move uptown from the dreary, low-rent neighborhood In Brooklyn that formed and defined him. He saw htrn..if as an under- nourished schlemiel 'with wild red hair, encased In a body and a mllleu that bore no re1adon to his perf ervld dreams. Born of th09e twin lmpov· a1shments was the self-deprecating comedy. "I wanted to be an F.8.1. roan," he once said. "But you have to be 5 feet 7 and have 20/20 vision. Then l toyed with becoming a master atmlnal -but you have to be 5 feet 7 and have 20/20 vision." I nstead. as a brllllant teen-ager but desultory student at Brooklyn's Midwood H~h Schodl Mt was a school for emotionally disturbed teachers," he will recall), he became a clown, flr1ng out one-linen for his friends and eventually for the gossip columns of Walter Winchell and Ed Sullivan. AlWr dropping out of New -York University, Allen started wrtttng gags profasionally; first for Hmb Shriner, then for Garry Moore and Art Camey and ftnally for Sid Caesar. His dalre to paform his own stuff took him to a Greenwich VIDage nJght spot caBed the Duplex; soon his comic observations of the Ills and Itches of a neurotic IOdcty made him a popular figure &om the dubs of New York and Chicago to the Hungry I In San Fran- d!co. Hlt favoctte ground was one he sttll en)oyl: the arudety and angst of Jewish Am8rk:an boyhood. "When we'd play softbaD," a remJnllcence went, "I'd slllal second, then feel gud- ty and go beck ... He ftnt trantpOMd his matenal to fUm as the tereenwrtter for a pliecc of lllllness c:aDed What\ New, Puaycat? (corrllttued on ,,... BJ First 1ime Ever Released! iiiiiiiiiiiiiii "IN EXQUISITE MINIATURE" iiiiiiiiiiiiii lOOth Birthday Commemorative 4J SOI,11> GOLD ROOSEVELT DIME Only $20 if you order within 30 days! FREE -_.,-. .. ._. .. ,, •115 =llFDR•ac.11111111 n1• a................ ...... ............... . An exquisiee minialure of the funous this historic 24-kant, 9nun gold piece Rooeevelt dime, in solid 24-karat gold, can be )'OlD'S for just $20. And. you can dofdN-datetJ 1882-1982 to COl1111lCmo-take advlntage of big disoounlS when you ra1e the RooeeYeltCeolennial. ~in qumtity to use as gifts, or to put Franklin Delano R~lt was the away as heirlooms to be passed on to fu- onJy IDID in history to hold the office of IUrC genentions. PresideN of the United SC.res more than A' Sn~ Only Durias the twice. FDR c:ourageously led our nation C-C-aW \es. Orda' Now. out of the grarat depression mankind The9e gold dime commemoratives will bas eva-known. He led Ill of mankind only be Wued during the Cencmnial drou8b bileory't moll terrible w.. Now, Ye.-, -and our $20 offering price is lbe Uniled Sl*S is cdebclting lbe IOOlh guaranc=i foronJy thirty days. Two gold annivcrury of tbit great American's dimes, only $3.S , S for $7.S, each in a. binh. ~ coUector's cases rad)' for BilM It Said Geld gift giving. Qr, put away I ucolJector•s Ccrr m und"' OISly $20 roll" of 10 solid 24-kant gold pieces for lMM bu aealed I scunning ~ just $)2.S. ., • ...._...._, ... of the R.ooee¥dtdimc. in did gold, a -,,. ¢ r111.....,.,,,.,.,,.,.,,,,.,_ bit ... 1882-1912. If )'OU &1 quictJy, llM alfl V.S. O.sa « ,,,,_ .,...,_ ~ -------------------, '*a ,_..., • .,.,..,. -mo-. ou12 an I ......... " ••• IR..,,M.. OlllMiilll o-.--..' 11 ====:.::::,a.a=• ... I I oa.•••••11..-. .... c:..i. I I _,....... -I ' ~--.... __.. -I =:::Tllft:1 ...... NI --I ...... 1 , .,e,:.• .. '.:=.a .. , I ....,., .. ,..._.... a.r I o..._.••-... .... I =.: caD'i .... iii .... • ,. .. zi. I L------------~----------WUllt.i ~ W9CLY,""" ''· -• , _________ , ___ -------------------------~··"'·"' Aa reportH in Mw• 1torie1 in ti.. New Yor4 Timea. lJ'aah"""on Poat, CIUcaso 1HhuM, Miami Herald, Ecolopt, Paul Harvey New• ................. . ROACH PRUFE, #I in University Tests In a report released by the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNJA and published by the EN- TOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, eight commercial and test products that included a broad spectrum of insecticides were tested against a product called •RoACH P1un." The teats were conducted in heavily infested apartments and showed at the end of the 8 week test period lhat with a siogie application of ROACH PRU FE in each apartment. the roach population was reduced by an average 99.S~. By comparison. with the worst results were two widely recognized insecticides airrentty used in aerosols and applied by exterminators. They showed a ~ (no) mluction at the end ot the 8 week tests. Commenting in a letter, the University resean:hen stated: -0.,,. ~e 'lllfMr /illdCOlfdiliorcs llas .,_ lllat-..,,...,,, 0#/i«l. tJw RoACR PRUFE/""""'1afmwida. a.,_ of coclwo«Jc MNJnl dud is IUlldU, ~to all olJwr ~ c~I tW ~~- DiuoH Camera Odorln., Eo•y To Apply Alm Brite. bolder ot 15 U.S. and foreign patents bu just been awarded the first of 3 U.S. patents peD(ing on RoACe PIUPE. Brite says: •Becaaae roaches simply do not recopize RoACB P1un as an inaecticide, they do not try to avoid it by scattering to otber pmtl of J'OUI' retidence • they do with other inlectiQdee Pm tbe electtOltati- Clly dllrled powder sticks to their bocles. Tbey thea caay the po"der bKk into the .............. tbeotbern.dles. 1'beraaltil '°" .. not only the roecbes you see, but .. dw bidiaa md ndliplJirc in the ...... ROACH Plun ia oclortete_ ~ ~ and noo-8llmmbie. The powder it simply IPPied with • teaspoon under kitchea •nlhnces IDd ill Other bidden aras. It cm be Ultd m bomea, ecboola, bolPtalt, ~ .,._new CODStnlCtiol\. If ROACH Paun ii not anillble at JUUi' local baadwae etore. the l1l8llUfKturer wil be llad to eeDd it to ,an. To obtlirJ a one IJO'.D(l &at1•wr, jult MDd 1 cbec:k or money order 6x'l8.90, wbicb iDdadn '°""'' Add tu if 70Q he in QMn& One poand COftf'I up to a 9 room n:tidere. b'I need• atra pOllDd far a 'blar.,... or,.._ Smd to Copper Brite. Inc.. Dept. 12. 5147 \'( JelrrlOft BIYd., Loe ADI ' I Ca. toOJ8. Copiel o1 tbe umw:HitJ teet n ,,.... by • .._ • .., ...... ,Hd •·'P"CI....,. to Copper Brite, Inc .• Dept. A. 0 c..w ......... - WOODY <cont1tt'*' trom ,,.. n b11Mb1 of¥-: In An!* Hal. Allftand ~ rapbJ,m dte; ronoa. There, Allen says, he lamed what Indeed, Allen has now-become an ·the Holywood bal g11Jne WM al ilb!rnational cult ftgure. "Moel of my aboUt: "When you're making a big ftlms bandy top the bruk-ewn picture fer $4 mllllon, there are a kJt point," he says wanly, 9lorfng the of people mound and they tel you huge~ of Academy Awad win· they are Pft*dlJtg vaur lnvatmmt. ner AnnJe HoD and Manhattan. 'Tm I They wanted a girl11id sex-sex pk:ture terribly dependent on a foreign fol. to malce a fortune. I had somedlil .g lowWlg -a llnle in Japar\, a ltde In else In mind. They got a girl-gkt pie-Sweden." ture whJch made a fortune... That, too, is typical Alen. Not on1y· The money made &om ~ wtll sucxes fall to make him wry 1-- enabled Alen to *'"' out on his-own py, if 90m80lle svggests It ahould. he and make the pk:tura that haw will limply deny that It's succes. Even become hS trademark: Alen, the now he won1es owr his new movie, modem O\aplln, ralmlg hlmMlf and Coming out • It will against projected cwryone sound him C1Wt the coels tumn9 ~ sw:h • AnNt of bewtldertng sex and~ dealtl. and &.v.rl ~gt E.T. .. rm obee•d with 1ex and death," "fw never been con8dent ~ he readily c:onceda. "Everybody Is. to do a b6g movie," he says. "But I That's wtlM people are usually taldng allo ttunk they're bad for the lndumy. about, even i the convenadon semns Th8nr's a hysterical quality In Holy- to be about IOl'Mthlng m . In a oer-wood now. The theory 988mS to be ' tabl sal98, Midsummer Ntghts Sex that they're competing with te.levi9cxt, Comedy Is about thee themes." and linoe human stones are limhd to The ftlm is allo an to reflect 1V, people go to movta only for ABen's own tangled romances. Allen's weal spec.1ada." first marrlege, to Hartene Roeen (he was 19, the was 16), ended In divorce, and that suncMred unk>n became the tb.df of his ..ty standup comedy -to the pok1t whln Harlene sued for dGmadon of ct..-aa.r. "'She was ubemely cMdlsh." Alen would recoun1 on-ttage. '"Orl8 time I WM talclng a bath and, b no ramJ11 at al, lhe came In and Milk mybom." .. tmJnd mmllge, to .m.. l..ouile u.-r. ., mded In ~ -but~ ... Alm "-I a..m.d the =:.-:_m:..=::.=~ .... ..................... d .. bNlkup In .. 8ogalt .-• ..., • ~.Sam,"'*" ... to ..... ~ •w:t.lrw an ... .., IDd .... lnlDCMefJl1moundb want. •• ....,~.-tt.- / /. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / FREE TRIAL ORDER FORM ' ' CLASSIC MEN'S SLACKS ', ONLY $9 971/ EACH(whe!1you / 2 buy two parrsJ • • 'tJtY US ON FOR SIZE. FREEi • handsomely tailored; neatly flftfshed to length• 100% Celanese Fortret9 polyester for utti- te comfort • Ban-Rore no-curt waistband • dependable 1J n no-snag zipper • four man-sized pockets • reinforced loops • simply machine wash and dry-always stay ase-perfect • 8 classic colors YES f Please save me time and money. Rush my-Classlc • Men's Slacks right to my door for a weeJ<'s FREE TRIAL. After one week I'll send' only $19.95 for BOTH PAIRS. plus postage and handling, or retum them at my expense and owe you nothing. If I send payment with this order, Blair pays ALL postage and handling costs. My money instantly refunded if I'm not pleased. TO ORDER, CHECK COLORS ANO Fill IN YOUR SIZE. I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I PRICE I S1995 DESCRIPTION Slacks 2723 Navy 00 Gray 06 ., .. ,. ., I WHATSIZE1cwii.:~MNaAre--------ln. (30" lhru 48") Blue 09 05 .,......._. ..... cltcle: I StlOf1 Medium Long X-Long XX-Long• (27-28) (29-30) (31-32) (33-34) (35-36) ()>tXL inseams available in walSt llzes 32 thru 42 onty. ,. O..,_OMra.0-..---------------------------~~T~ I ~·--------------------------~·· I M.-~orderform ~to: &AIR, NPC ......... wua•t. MW CMllO....lwlljiocl -~ I .. .. . j I l . t I . I' RALEIGH Put some sizzle Into summer dining with OUT sauory barbecue recipes /or lamb rlblds, arucy turlcey wings, tangy chicken and much more. BY MARO.. YN HANSEN -... - . 1(14a.)~........... , .. .... c..-.... •c-. ...... l ... l en a ..... _ .... 'Ac-.._.. .. .... -,.c-.JI ----'Ac-.J' ................. I,, ..._,.._ ..... v::.._ ............. I O' a ..... _as ...... l.ffiiii"1lillli"iiiiiii~ .... I. In .......................... .,bal. Add ....... ,..,UJ .....,.....,,.,,._.,, . I I I ! I I I i I I . Jewelry stores charglryou $20.001 HALF-PRICE SALEI Genuine Precious Stone PRINCESS HEART Layered in Pwe 14K Goldl NOW ONLY s995 New. exclusive. gorgeous! It's an exquisite 18" Heart Pendant layered in 14K Gold, created from a Royal Sumerian Heart 2,000 years old, with a sparkling genuine 17-faceted, .25 pt. Diamond in a special mount- ing. You'll wear it to your most im- p0rtant affairs, yet it's for everyday use. too. lrrestible! ORDER WITHIN 7 DAYS FREEi On thlsapecial offer. we will Include a genuine Emerald. Ruby and Saophire. In mountings cleverly designed 1r:> replace vour DiamondlnM lnlta1t: vou 11 have four precioua Pendants of vour choloe! GENUINE GENUINE GENUINE EMe"ALD SAPPHl"E RUBY -------~----------------------------------------Puuh_.s Fifth AventJl' ', • 'It' I I ' '' I I I• ' ' • ' o 89 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK. N.Y. 10003 PC64 Pie .. Nth me __ (Qty.) Pr1noe91 Heer1(a) wlttl • Genuine Dilmond for only H .95 ptu. a 1. 75 flrat ctue pottage and epeciet handNng each. I undlratand If I em not com- s>tet9fv AtitfMd wtttl my pUrch ... I mey 1'9tum It within 80 d-vs tor full refund, .... ~end hendling. of~. FREE OFFlftl 1 em relOOndlng Mfore the dHdllne. PINte include a genuine Ruby, Emerald end SIPC>hlre (all 3) comptetety mounted for my Pr1nceu He.rt. FRiii I enck>ee. 0 Check 0 MO or ctwve my 0 VISA 0 M..-C.d 0 A/E AccountNo ______________ Exp. elm --- l :re• State ZIP"---·--- ' New"°"'A.-.nltldd8.,..Tu. •'•"'*'• ----------------···--------------------------------~ Zest ForRre rte. and 1 ~ buns. Rman to bomng, COWi' Ind cook b about 20 rnnia.. «uni Jtca ..... and ..... \. .... lblolbed. . "" S. Tum rte. Into rnbdnG bowl and edd 3 ~ anlpped d9 WNd, s tllbla- IPOOf\I ~~ anoa and 1 tllbla- IPOOl'I )ulenne-cut .,... onion. s. In Tat.co Ind lemon juk:c. 4. T .. of a lerge hilt ol ~ alwnS\um loll;~~ and pilic:c a layer °' ** lemon In c:edlr °'fol. Place fW\ on top ol lemon *-Ind d wllti rtce &dftng. aa. oper*'9 by ~ wllh cord. Bnattt ¥i wllh mellad tiua.. ~ lemon sllca on top and tptnkle with re· ma1n1ng dil, anoa and ween onion. 5. 8nng foll up around filh and aeal CCI• m and .nda with double folds. Cook owr medlwn-hot coals on an open bruJer !Jtll. To durmlne ~ time: Masure raw fhh. ltuff.d ftlh or ftlh rol- ups Ill thJckat point. If 6sh II plac«I 4 lncha from rndun-hot c:oM, ~ 1lme In ti.Mt. on ~ « tn OOWNd {J1I wtll be 10 mlnutlll per Inch; If foll· wrapped, 15 mlnutlll ps Inch. ,...,.4to6~ ... I •• fliM: Cold Cucumbs Soup. FoG Seaemed Whole Sluffed Alt\, Zuc· d*'I and Tonwmea Pao mn, Com Stldc., ~ ~and~-...... . CHl11'NEY LAMB RIBLETS 1 ........... ......... l.._.-lc ~ ... \4 'n•m• ...... , .... _ I " i11a1 ...... ~ ......... ..... ~Cllllll ....... .... II" $111flm' ..... \4e11111su" .. ................. 1. ht lamb ..... °' ---.,.. rt>-.... .., ... ._.. « Ould'I own. Add ... to .... COliW. I. Add -............ and~ coml ~ ........ '° .... .-.:. ..,... and*"'-b 15 ........ Dniln. s. ConMM .... .a, ..... ,.. '*· ~ amy .............. oil andarmn. .. Pow ~ nt:1t·t Into ...,,., --p1n: add ..... ~ .... ~ wl .......... "'°"' '° ....... tar 2 ···~~·-"·- houn or owmllitt. I time II lhod, cook ~away. 5. Ut rtiets from mertnade Ind pilic:c on barbecue ~. Gdl about 5 lncha from hot c:oM, 7 to 10 .,... .... ; tum, brUlh ~ chutrMy mllNde and -7 to 10 mui. more,« until nlclly browned. 6. Heat ~ chutrMy mll1nade to ~. Saw ... dip wllh ...... Mam 2 to s 8lrvfn9I .._, I I• t tll oa: O\UIMy Lamb Rlilets, Whll or Brown Rici, S....nad Spnach or 5wlla Owd, Mmtn-.1 Cuc:wnbtr s.&ed; O\lled Beer or Iced T•. STEAK SANDWICHES Wl1H IWE a&.SE DRESSING ............ ~ ...... ..... «I (llh-lb.) ... .... Wt ,.. ......... ~ .... ..... ~c-.-- \4 ...... daw. ····= ~ Ila u ' t • Owe k le11111•111 .. ........ ~' "4e11111 ... ·----...... tC1119• SC C ..... ............. cti.ny ..... IM .. _,.._...._ ..... 1. Gdl .... -dlllhd OWi hot ooM to .... .s ~ °' ~. SpttlkJe .... ~ wllh alt Ind pepp9r and plilc:sona~bomd. l. Mllc.e Blue a,_ Dre.ing: In bowl. ol food ptoc:i.or « ~ bi9ndlr. com-- bN a... blue ct..... ~ Ind gtltc. ~ und blinded, but not c:om- plmly emooch. '-*'a bMI °'blue ct... wtiended. W•• f not ~ Im· ... 1 'y s. Spit ....... brwl In twl ~· CombN gadc .nd ~ butter; bMt1 alllldllolbl..t Wth ......... ~.ti In W wl pa.. on .,-'° healt lbout 15 "*"tllla • 4. To ... ; cut ...-.. on d'9 di-- ..... and P.. on -.t. Tcip wlh •..w a.a and -a,_ 0...-"'8· ao. wlh • w °' loll; cut loll .. .... Gllllllh Wlh ....... -dlmv ................... .._ 1 a •n 1 • Sllllt Slndwk:lm ... a. a-Dre1J1ne. ~on flit Cob: a...a..orlcldi.. ......., .. ,..~ ' I Or else we'll give you a full refund. In a taste test. kids preferred Tang Instant Breakfast Drink to the leading orange juice ... And we guarantee your kids will agree. So try Tang and let your kids decide. Use the 3b¢ coupon and save on your next purchase. If your kids don't agree that Tang tastes better than your orange juice, we'll refund your money. Just eend back the unused portion In the package, with the price matbd on It, for a full refund. Send to General Foods Corporation, P.O. Box 4003, Kankakee, Illinois 60902. oner expres October 31, 1982. I r ~ I Q I . I I • I I • ~ roe I I I I I I I lgl Jll ;> .. n<!J I I .,.' lt!IH l[ IHHI i>:n wa. ~rr ll l r;~ -fH!JJ I J ti1t-J ( ,)t ~ . 1' J'I 1 I f I HJ & !f ~ I l 1 ·· 11 I f ' s t ~ i ';-. u-=::: · l r~~ i.. 1 .. • .. il J'I!· If r!rf! I~iH ~ I ~ 11f~r ft~1 ~ .__ HU~JJ H~· Ut hr fipl1 !f 1H~1 • JJ .11 ~. ,rJJiffl ~1rllift' tl .. r'f 11• "i'"Jli i lr[1J .t Jift~rJfi fJ ift ~l J!~ .,,;18' fl £J'a. •r~1~as J liJ t.i llJr l 1· ti J ~ ~ 9" • Q. ... f Ji f a. Bl n.!hf n An original~ in fine porcelain. Hand-painted and issued in a limited edition. Art of exciptlonal charm and beauty, at the very attroctive price of $75. ERIC 1BINEV Is one of today's most beloYed and accomplished animal artbtL An award- wmer at the prestigious E.dlnbur9l Festival Featund In inportant exhibHlons at London's Tryon and S&adrnore gaDenes. And imerna. tionlUy acdalmed for his portlaHs of the en- dearing anmal characbm of the best-selling book. "Watershlp Down." His works are ~ after on both sides of the Atlantic. ~ for the /fnt t1me euer, the artist has turned .. talents to a medium that collectors npectal~ pim: ftne porcelain la.llpture. The result II a wed< of pwe magic, called •f udJla.. don." Crafted In ftne, hand-pmnad pon:eJain, this ~tful work of art wtU be islued at the wry attractlYe price of $75-whk:h mey Itself be paid ln thNe conwn6ent monthly b\ltall. mentl of $25 each. In "Faldnatlon, • lenney portrays an lnqulll- ttw 18bby cat, wtth a~ s-no1..-.Y that wll lnltmldy dwm ~ .... S..,4ng In "*"the a:ulpbn ·-~ ..... ln dal Ewry ..._II mpb...t wllh d*eM ca& ,,,. doM'I ey9I. The ..... p.)k nc.. The wry nap and texture of the furl •f ascination" will be individually crafted, c:omPe1ely hand-painted-and will bear the artist's signature on Its base. Examples of the 9CUJpture will be aafted under the supervision of Franklin Porcelain ln Japan. home of some of the world's most gifted porcelain craftsmen. And ln the tradition of classic porcelains, It will be Issued In a limited edition. At the end of this single year, 1982, the edttion will be perma- nently closed. Just to own this enchanting ICUlpture-to display lt ln your home and show It to frtendt-ls certain to ~ • IOUlte of tadlfac- • don. Whither you admlle beautiful works In ~ or lknply haw a tondr.. for cats. thll II a pllc:ie that wlJ brqi you p&e.n for many J,W11 to come. 10.-rw "Fmcinetion" byErtc~ you should a~ lb be vald. the accom- 1*¥ne Rnr llC11 Appkllftoft nut be • tum.cl to fwMn Pae I h. Ft .... c.nm, Pai...--m 19091 no llm tt.n the dMI I beml: "'-31, 1982. c ... ,_ r---------llt'.SEJNIQ'10N llPft.JCA110fC ---- - -----., : FASCINATION Valkl only If postmarked by July 31. 1982 Frlnkln F\JewlMi mnl6i Cenw, ~ 19091 Pleue KCept my raavatlon for "Fudna- don" by Enc Tenney. This limited edition sculptutt will be Individually crafted for me In fine. hand·palnted porcelaln. I undentand that I need send no money at this time. I will be billed In 3 equal monthly lnDllrnents of S25. • each, beginning when the tculpture .. 1.-dy to be Nnt to me. ........ ----· ............ .., ,.,,,..... . ......., ~------~---Mn. M'-,.__ ________________ __ ~ ..... .., ............ : °'1-------------------1 I l s.a.~:nsa11-~~---------------: u....: One,_ ,...on J l41 ~----------------------------------~ Barbecuing How-To What to Lookfor when Buying a Barbecue Grill ~~·-'··-·" r•=n• I I I I I I I 1. I ·--..... . ''1111JIB•· DOIOv l~ARD OIJ -1a...._m111 v11AL lllUJllT'' Answer this Patriot's survey and Help I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DO vou belleve that POlllDGllAPHY, I 1. ca1m, and DllUGS are de5tr0Vlng the 1 moral values that made America great? I W llC * UP &llJIBIOAI I OYIS OllO I I a DO you believe that PROMISCUOUS SD 1 • and , .,.,., ,,. AllDRTIOll are I damaging the tradlUonal American family? I OYIS DND I • Are you against HOMOSIXUAUTY being 1 u. taught In the public SChools as:.an I alternate lifestyle? I OYIS OllO I I I I I I I I I I I I ANSWER AN> RE I URN TODAY. YOUR OPWION URCENTLY NEEDEDI .,., •.. .,,..., Your support is needed to help Wiike Up America. In return for your answers to these vital questions. I will send you the Patriot's Packet. The packet includes: • G...e F' ........ Documents pnnted Oft ,_chment • AIMftca'• ........ pMrlollc 90ftl8 •Alolderwithf81ftOUatl'IOlesbr .... AIMftafta • AMlrtcen .......... pin. I I I I Dear Jerry. I want to help WAKE UP AMERICA. I O I have checked off my answers above. i ,;.,.PLEASE RUSH ME MY fllEI! PATRIOTS PACKET!> I Mldl~IF--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- AIS&I SNW .. ~IUJ I ........... , ,-C' ' I I I I •1 1 1 I . I ~ 1 : I ! I ' 1! 11 I 1 : 1 · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I When to Call You1 Family Doctot • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • loan lltlOlatelr I & eel ...... ..... . ..•. , ... , .. , ... ...., .......... ,,. l•R .. , .. S1dll S1milt la1szll = =:..~ I ---.... --------= • -!:--:::::1 ... :=:E::::: ......... _ ................ . ----~-!9'---------------------':: AM-. _.. ______________________ ::. °" ........ ___________ .., CIQll ~ :-..:-,.:=-_ ... ____________________ _ :r:--............ 1.~ 1 ~-...... --= ... __ ... _ :=-----·.::.:: .. -~~---..... --·------.................. ~ ............... Ewa . .,._ the U.S. Gowwwa • 1mt 11111 Tbe Oftk:ial Form will be ICftt to .e .._ ...., aat of ,our paJCMcl few proper ~ment ()flee. They will nm• ,_,. for SocW slcurtlJ. do,,._ ...,,_ _, check oa your .x:ount Ind ...t you a idla ol bow __. YOU ...U, laaw •Ucd coddeDt1al ea~ Thia npmt ......... • tbt SocW Slcmily t...s rilbt will tdl )'OU bow mucb al your ... I • .,.. bavt been recorcMd ill ,.._ Socill ~ n '* ... -1a NOi ;11 account year-bJ ,..... na. " • ...._ ,_ • • ... ..o • ... chartl tor •• .me.. -~"-..... -~ ........ ir .......... ,. .... .. ... Q tfi 1,............ 11> .. aboaUltalld ........... .... G9I A Cllld ·-W S' 0 b ac,• Free bpon -l>lpc. SS-M ..,.. .., a .._ • -.. • -.; 18'Cra.Sa91t .,.._ ...... ...., 1011 Fon~ New Jwr 0'102A I« NiOll--. tt1 1; t1¢ ••--1.j , I I lllTURIL VITIMlllS *BIG SIVlllGSI ....;..._ : :'..i ":::.=· ~ ":!!!; [ ...... I ] Join 1hehundrldsof thou..m tMt rety on a1=NIC with full comect.nce for .. perior qlllllity, t..t .vice MCI lowest ~. Tryly 1he best com- bination for your nutritioMI needs. Order today. . . . STAICI BLOCIEI TAIU.ETI 500lftl.of ..-.~­protein-.,.... ~sa•s ICt PIOIETOl Col Olt. ... ........... two.N.-.. Wl..eO.... fOJVitOf E..._.• ~. 1 ~7!! L CALClll ........... y.-C.lciuM ...,J ....... ='• ,,......"""' ........... '° ""' ..,. .•.• .U. Vlt. D. 1 c.!J2!! I A ,. * 24 Hlll'S Senice. * 35 YEARS Experielce ! * ,,.le-A Professiolal Qulity! .. Our Gifts say "thanks!" ~ CAPIULU .......... ~ ...,, tr.e=t:• ..... f '90tt .... lft.Mpen bJMny ~ 100 s121s c..-- I CAIOTEllE ''°"' .....,,.. .,.,..., 25,000 l,U.ofV....,. A ......... tllecerotllM =::...,.. ~s31s OIL OF no• PllllOI( CAPSULES IOOlftl.of ... olt., ...... F°"'""9. c.:.?6'5 CllCEI IOOT ............. Geod-.fOf ...... of ......... ........ 100 s31s c:..-- VITA ••rnt TAe&.lll ........... ........ ,., ==..~ • s41s· ...... - E-400 400 Ind. UniU M....r r1ta11il-E 100 s41s C...-Ules - 600 for 18.16 Al-Nnlr• DOI.Olm ......... .CALCIUM I MAGNESIUM 1ooos21s t9blet1 - IOOfor 1.75 suPER AMINO.Aao T1,r ... • 167-a. Conolnhtl ~$8!! ID for M.96 PAPAYA "'" OHIEI ffom, Tf'OPiol' f rultl ., s21s ....... - IOOtor4.IO 'PLANKTON' ... u .. El=-.. ,I. •I I a. 100 s7t1 ...... - Cl)t.14• C-500 500mg. of YITll ll .C pl•R• Hips per 1llblet =.se•s 100 tot 1.50 lmoort.d BEEF IOIEI Rich in CALCIUM ................... ·----1ooos31s tableu - 500for 1.15 B-15 CALCIUM PANGAMAT£ SO ms. 100 s41s ...,..,. - (21 8ot1let 1.50 PACIFIC KRP 0.15""' Food lodlM per tablet 1000S2H '8lllets - IOOfor 1.•. IAIWIRI YEAST whh8·12 ...,...... .............. :s211 ... ,,!11 C-500 .CllPL£l SH•I· 'C' r.:.:..oo .:ti:t --·Com-...... 100 s4s1 1mblm - Nnm1t SD.£1181 50•&· TA8LlTI ....... ly llound In YEAST! ..:,s4!! BIO·W HERBAL LAXATIVE for . ........ ,,., 100 s21s ........ - 300 for 7.16 HERBAL 110-CAl.ll Hoot ..... ~ ~·-· c.t:::J::' ..-yl .::.'3!! 300fort.• FIBER-RICH 1111 PLUS ......... IRAN PLUI c11-- 100 •1• ....... -__ ... C-1000 phn A• Hips t 000 mt. (.,.m r.u.il-C per blblst 100 s21s tlbtets - 600 for 12.96 al()..SUHA VITlllll-1 250001.U. ,i.. 480 1.U. Vimnin·D '""" "-' , .... ti-001 soo s41s c.-... - 100 for 1.96 HERBAL DIDI01C TABLETS Hlmff•'•Con-tro1 .......... ----ww. ... 100 s21s ........ - &OOforl.I& NATURAL CIUIU "tNEA.QEE" TABLETS oi-1 Nttwet 'Liff' :.::::; deity I 100 ssse ~ - (2) for 12.IO NATUllAL Ptt•1bn1 •1n11.• ...... ~ ... ..., ... , 100 1111 ...... - ... 4 .. ~ ..... - LECITHHI '1200' ICEIOLA 111-ACTlll flAWOIEI a.so~· CARUC CAPSULE I 1200.,.111 ... ,./,:!.. l.eclt· "'"' ... u-.N.twlll ~ 500 ~·5 ~ - 120,.., Vi• Faftlily of 11 -..c~ s.-a-vrt. 25 ...,, Bloft.--!ft• NI· --.eo.,.. _.. .... of • SMper Foock. 1000 sg1s 100 s31s mbtetl -mbMtl - '-~ :IF~·=-lic ............ -· cs:f'1 ~4" 500 for 4.75 250 for 7.50 250 fot 3.96 100for1Ji0 ... , ... VITAMIN CHELATED NAT\MAL . B-6 ZINC Alf Alf I TULE'R CUit ...... 50mg. LEAF ~ ... •J!.r; ,:fc&.(:al ~ilUI Pyrilloxi• TAILETI ,._ Cltr111 Cell· .... . .._ 111.....,..-.. 30 mt. ZJ NC a_.._.,. F..._,Wheoy, of•-.YeMt GLUCONATE c.llfonMI .. , v ... ._:,s31s U:.'3~ 1000 s31s 1000S2H ...... -tlMetl - 100for 1.75 100for1.00 100 for 75c IOOfor 1.75 BEE POWI TABLETS from---.. Hf"91 600mg. 100 s2se ~ - 210torl.IO NATURAL "CIElr v ........ .. , ... QM-. .... .. ........ .::.•211 •t.r7• .... .. cbtlelP'll mld llmg. • 1\.anmg • dolar ba Into • rtng may look <\llBcuk. but once )IOU know the .a« of ~It you C80 make OM In minutes. Magic clacken which yoWlgltel low .. alY to conllrUCt with snail p6eca of wood, ... of rtiboll mld ~. Tu.yack one on top of the other or hang in a row When you hold them up. Wbh a bend ol the wrtlt the blockl can be made to tum- ble one after the other. For the very young, make a rQly-poly down. It can be For IUmmtr fun , c:rWGfll doc.one, crfUllrs -and '"'"· puahed tideways, backwards wtlh felt, tt.y can be worn aa or on lb noee, but It wtl lland pna or made Into r~lllDi up....., ewry time. ,.....,...11 you add~ Pips-dip jlWilry made 111"4*'9· . wlh fllbrtc or cobful pipe' It You and your lcidt can allo a na lnfoimaJ acx:.nt for put .,_._ the game ol casual summer war, and "Saly. Come Home," made making I II a !Pat pro)ect for wlh a mJJk cmton end a golf the yo&mgltel. t•. Another wnk>rl made The bel-&tnge attt.'I are with a margartnc tub and a M1Y to put together. 8adcad bottle cap II the "Bug-Eating ....... _ Buyers Guide At I' 7 ... ~ ........ .... ...._ .......... .. .. --~---=-: .... -..-..: lV .. =:. ... =:':'t.-::: ......... ..., .... _. ...... ...,. ........ . A•trtua l,..IJ .. Co., lea llDffllt . ..._ OM 41211 • --I ~+·1 MoNts mld Hit Vk:tlm." And whit about al of ==-=~c:~ ._ on them end put to- saeth• your own '"rock WC>UP·" . Detailed lnatructlona. along with photol mld 11- 1.umlllb'\I, .. lndudi9d 1n the booklet "fllllt Fun for 5umrMr" ( '368). Fer your copy. M'td $1.50 end 25 c:antl poe9 and handq to: FwlJVl'11•1p P.O. Boa aa Dlpt. H Ml---s.tm N.. "-", N.Y. 10018 Be .,,. to lndude the booklet number, your nanw, addrem and ZIP code. (New York raldenta, add Fiii salatax.) ... ••••••••••••• llDTllR.T. When Mr. T. tails, you listen. So we listened as he told how he giew up as Lawrence Tero, one of 12 kids. on the mean streets of Chk:ago's South Side, how he went on to become the bodyguard for folks like Muhammad All, Rod -~ -~-------~--~------ Stewart and Steve Mc:Queen and how he won the role of Clubber Lang, the fearsome c:haDenger in Rocky m. WHl!RI! IT COSTS TO UVE DQ "I used to watch gangster shows and see those bodyguard No wonder guys just standing around with their arms folded, opening those Congress- men are always trying to vote themselves pay raises. Accordlng to 1980 Census data of 38 urban areas with at least 1 milllon popula- tion, Washington, D.C. ts the most expensive Joca)e In the country In which to own a doors for the boss. And I said, 'I can do that,'" related Mr. T .• 5 feet 11 Inches taD, 213 pounds, not Including several dozen gold necklaces and rings on each finger. (You tel htm it looks silly.) "Next to God, there Is no better protedor than I," reads Mr. T.'s business card and, accordJngly, he's just upped his bodyguard fee to $5,000 a day. What makes him the best? "fm wtD1ng to lay down my life for my dl- ~w role sulis him to a T. ents," he says ... That's why rm selective. rm not wllling home. It coets average homeowner there $528 a month, Including mortgage, taxes, Insurance, uttllties and fuel. Next come New York City, Long Isiand, N .Y., Newark, N.J ., Anaheim, Calif., San Jose, Calif., Boston, Houston, Chicago, San Frandtco/Oakland, Denver/Boulder and San Diego. The least expensive place to own a home Is San Antonio, at only $304 a month, followed by Tampa/St. Pet.enburg, Jndianapolls, Ptttaburgh, St. Louis, B~ New Orleans, Kansas City, Sacramento, Calif., and Cincin- nati. Clndnnatt 'ls also the cheapest city In which to rent, at Western Reserve SchooJ of Medicine recently Inter· viewed 835 mothers, 370 of whom had physically dis- abled ch11dren. "It has often been thought that a dis- abled child has a devastat· Ing effect on the family," she told us, "but we're not finding this to be so." For Instance, slbllnga of dllab&ed chddren do not seem any more likely to suffer severe psychiatric Impairment, as ls often feared, although Besides being danger- ous, false ftre alarms are ex· pensive. Lawrence Hart- shorn read that In his hometown Providence area alone, fUe alarms cost $350,000 a year and that nationwide, the tab ~t run as high as $450 mlllion. So Hartshorn had an Idea. The former truck drtv- A ttol IMa In /h ftlltdng. ... ~ • cyllndrlcal chamber about the Iba of a phone booth wtd'I a c:on- venttonal ftre lll8rm INlde. &t to .. oB the allrm, • pereon mUlt ltilp Wide.:! doM the door. Thll ·~ rMlclly locks hkn In until •• Mlll&Y ··"·- to die for evaybody. '' ---------• they do exhibit more ag. !Je111ve behavior boch at home and at tchool. Rocky's Sylvester Stal· lone spotted Mr. T., now 30, when he won a bouncer contest on lV. We asked Mr. T. If he could whip Stallone in a bout that wasn't staged. "Next ques- tion," he snapped, adding, "Hey, man, you don't bite the hand that feeds you." an average c08t of only $211 a month inducting utilities and rent. Anaheim, Calif., averages top rental dollar -$361 a month. Moreover. mothers of disabled ldda did not say that the chlldren put extra stras on their mamaga. However, cb- YOIOld and ~ modlers did plnc:e more blame on the ....-------------------t d~ children fa theJr mm1lal tnakups: Among that EYIR-&I• 11R MATURATION In the past century, the average age of menarche -the onset of mentlruation -among U.S. girls ha8 <hopped by almost two full years. M reported reoendy In The New Eng- land JOC#nOI of Medldnc, daaa revleWed show menarche ocx:untng two to three months earfm each decade among European women since 1795 and about two months sooner among American women lince 1877. The average age of tTMln8l'Che In the U.S. was 14.75 In 1877, about 14 In 1900 and 12.8 by 1947. h has lewled off since. The authon attrb.ate the drop to tmprowd c:ondltk>ns. In- duding better diet. ~ l'IW~ .... ..,... ....... -~-----·"·-~~ ... Ylc»~·-· e-... -. ...... Mtu eoo.-r CWnMn .,,..,,..,.. Morton ,,.,. -~,!:- women, three times more moChers of disabled kids than mothers of healthy kids said the chlldren amed martial ..... BIRTHDAYS (Al Cancer) ..... -Tab Huntllr 51; Yul &ynner 62. ...., -Bii COiby 45; Chayl Ladd 31; Milal &de 74 ......... -fim1.. ton Ford 40. W--- -Gerald Ford 69. 'J'hun. dlip -Unda Ronstadt 36. Frtdllv -~ Rogers 71; e.t.a Stanwyd< 75. • ~ -Phylis Dk 65; Art UlldetMr 70; Jama ~83. The results from the most rigorous MERIT research to date are conclusive: MERIT taste is a major factor in completing the~ switch from higher tar cigarettes. MERIT Utlrrs 'Jastelbns. Nationwide survey reveals over 903 of MERIT smokers are glad they switched from higher tar cigarettes. In fact, 94% don't even miss their former brands . Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers repon MERIT an eas, switch, that they di/Jn't give up taste in switching, ana that MERIT is the best-tasting low tar they've ever tried. W•mint• Thi Sw11en 61111'11 Ha O.ttnninld ThM a1t•• Sldi'l 110..--10 Your Hlllda. • MFRITBeMs 'bJgbest Uxnpetitors. In addition, extensive unmarked- pack tests confirm that MERIT delivers a winning combination of taste and low tar when compared with higher tar leaders. Dm6nml: The ooerwhelming majority reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. Coa&med: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The prooen taste alternative to higher tar smoking-is MERIT. ..... lilllltl ... lta ~: 1 .. "a.:· 0.6 .. .... 100·1 ffll: 10 .. 'W:' U .. nluiu -100·1 ... : I 111 "t1C 0.1 ....... ,. ...._ nc.....,. 0.:11 MBRl'I, DwsA~ -----------------.;....o....o.~---~~~~~~~---~--~~~-=--~~~~~~~~·~----..;.-- = ..... a M .ld.IM.85 TAKE 5'T&\°St with membership; get The DragonriderS of Pern FREE~ · plus FREE ~rrva11. 11111:.._..._., 1111 , .... .., ·-----.. ... ........ _. SL!' ............... "-· '""'·-... ,. ____ 5 -