HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-12 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 CUii Ylll llllTDll DAllY PIPll l\lllN(>A't 1111 I I,' I I-.' OH AN<;I <OUN l Y < Al 11 OHNIA ;.i~ C ENTS Marylan(! 'HJonster tale spices Monday BALTIMORE (AP) -A Maryland man says he has a videotape of a 30-foot snakelike creature swimming in C hesapeake Bay, and experts from the Smithsonian Institution plan to exantlne it. Hobert Frew, a busine$man trained in wildlife managemen1 at the University of Maine, said he filmed the creature May 31 from his bayside home at Love Point on Maryland's Eastern Shore. "Number one, it's big, and number two, it sure as hell doesn't belong here," he said. George Zug, chairman of the department of vertebrate U>Ology at the Smithsonion's Mueeum ot Natural History, said the largest water snakes and eels common to the bay usually grow no longer than about four feet. He said the videotape will be viewed next month. A Baltimore-based eroup that Investigates clal m a o f "paranormal" e><:currencea, the Enigma Project. h.u examined the four-minute videotape. "I've heard reporta of these sll(htin~s -unaubst.anUated - back to the 1930s," aaid one of the group's founders, Mik e Frizzell. "Up to this point, It's been a myth." U.S.-backed truce holding The creature caught on film waa 30 to 36 feet ~· Frew aaJd. In ifrth, he said, "It 1 about the size of a good alzed person's thigh" -about 10 Inches In diameter. "My mind aaya it'• a make," • Frew said, but the shape of Its head -"a little more round than a football" -makes him doubt that hypothesis. Asked a b o ut o th er characteristics, Frew said with a lau~h, ''lt seemingly d~n't eat people, because it swam within .50 feet of them." Un the tape's sound tral'k, Frew. his wife and two fraendi. were heard shouting to a group of swimmers that the creature waa nearing. The creature diwd and then re-appearc•d bt·yond them. "IC they'd se<>n 1t al ~c k·vel. there w ould have been mass panic," Frew said, adding thut ht• u'-t•d u wc.im lenb Lo Calm the tTNllure from about 200 feet as it n•J)('atedly broke tht' surface. "The firs~ lime up, we saw its ht·ad and about four ft'el back tht.' lll'Xt t•mP about 12 feet th1· nc·xt umc• about 20," he ~Id Mw.l ol the• animal appeared to lw lx·nt'ath thl' water and the c·n·uturc· appc•an •d to havt• hump& along its bm·k. hP smd. Beirut quiet after hard shelling Israelis clailll PLO stall BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) -A U.S.-mediated cease-fire held today after si?encing the fiercest Israeli-Palestinian fighting yet around Beir ut. a rocket and artillery duel that Lebanese police said left 83 dead and 211 wounded. The thunder ous day-long bombardment Sunday came as Israeli officials said time was running out for a political settlem e nt and accused the Pale s tine Liberation Organization of stalling. TEARS FOR FA TH E R -Nine-year-old Donnidra Pierce holds back tears during a m emorial service for her father, First Officer Donald Pie rce, as sh e is comforted by mothe r u~ Lillian (right) a nd family friend Georgia McLean. Pierce, 32, perished in the crash of a Pan Ame rican World Airways jet In K enner, La., Friday. The PLO claimed 100,000 shells. the equ.lvalent of 2,000 tons of explosives, were fired into west Beirut by Israeli artillery and tanks dug in on the hills surrounc:iinc the dty'• 90Uthem and eutem outaklru. · Lebanese police aaid 166 buildings were destroyed by shellfire and the Soviet Embassy in west Beirut was hit for the third time. Wind alert given before crash Shelling was so intense that it halted peace talks with U.S . presidential envoy Philip C. Habib. R ecorder could h ol d clue in Pan Am jetliner traged y Lebanese Pri m e Ministe r Shafik Waz.zan was prevented from delivering to Habib an I I-point peace proposal by PLO chief Yasser Arafat -a plan that reportedly falls short of meeting Israel's demands for a full PLO pullout from Lebanon. (See ISRAELI, Page AZ) Dally ""°' St.ff l'ttoto CRITICIZES CALTRANS - Ivan Hinderaker of Corona del Mar. chairman of the state Transportation Commission, says delays in road construction have been costly. Story Page B 1. STATE By The Associated Press Just minutes before doomed Pan Am Flight 759 took orr from N<'w Or lean 's Moisant Airport in a rainstorm. the tower broadcast two alerts warning of potentially hazardous wand shifts. Two minutes after at took off Fradav afternoon. the Boeing 727 crashed into the residential suburb of Kenner. killing 153 people. mduding eight on the ground. The National Transportation Safety Board hopes cockpi1 'recorders recovered from the wreckage will yield clues to whether the crew of Flight 759 h eard the warnings of the ph e n o menon ca lled "wind shears," which were broadcast about a minute apart, 7 ~ minutes before the plane went down Whal e the board has not pinpointed the cause of the crash, the mysterious winds that can shoot from storm clouds and play havoc with airplanes are the sub.)E.'Ct of a $2.2 mil1ion study at th£> Nati o nal Center f o r Atm os pheric Researc h 1n Boulder. Colo. Fonda due for release LOS ANGELES (AP) -Doctors expect actor He nry Fonda. 77. to be released in a few aays from Cedars-Sinai Medical ~nter, where he has been undergoing treatment !or a urinary tract infection. COUNTY How do you like it, Ozzy? Ozzy Olboume, who once bit oft a bat'• head durtn1 a rock CON.'ert, wa1 on lho recelvtna end of a bUe at Llon Country Safari. Pap 86. 'Computer llter•cr'· required "Computer ll&eraoy" l1 1 r1qylrem1nt for IJ'lduadoft In the ledd'-blck Valt.~ Unltled lk._,, Dlluiet, p._ II. Wind s hears -a lso called microbursts by scientists -are "insidious. like a shark," says Dr. John McCarthy. a principal investigator for the project caJJed "JAWS," for Joint Airport Weather Studies. Swimlller missing off Sunset Beach The disappearance of an 18-year -old youth who was swimming off Sunset Beach has been reported by Huntington Beach lifeguards. Friends told lifeguards that John D. Bougues o f Downey disappeared under the water Sunday and they didn't see him surface. Huntington Beach lifeguards, who patrol the beach, found no sign of Bougues. At Laguna Beach, 22-year-old Joel Johnson of Lon g Beach suffered minor injuries when her spear gun acciden ta lly discharged and struck her in the WORLD leg, lifeguardNllid. Meanwhile, warm and sunny weather drew thousands to Orange Coast beaches over the weekend. Newport Beach lifeguards reported a "real good" turnout of 105.000 Sunday. Saturday's turnout was 90,000. Huntington Beach City Beach reported crowds of 75,000 and 60,000 Sunday and Saturday, respectively. Laguna had crowds of about 35,000 both days. Air temperat ur es at Huntington climbe d to 80 degrees Sunday. Train crash kills 35 TEPIC, Mexico (AP) -A paseenger expre11 train known as the Bullet jumped the rail.a near th1a Pacific coast city and plunpd into a ravine, killi.ng u many u 35, authorities sald today. The train was bound Sunday from Nogales to Guadalajara. Brides burned in India _.. Growma numben of youna women in 1ndJ.a are dylna from 1Nma after their perentt failed so pay promJMd down.. P• Af, • ..,, Who won l fMCe 't'•n r CoWmnall Art "°"' tlU. at &he Md a( 11 ~ of .,... w.,., "nd out who wan on ,... M . ,,.,. Wlrepltoto F IRE ONE -An Israeli army tank crew watc:hes from a hilltop position as artiliery fire s trikes Palestinian positions on the southern edRe of West Beirut. Workers at Knott 's reject union bid Although Knott's Berry Farm employees have overwhelmingly voted against unionization. one labor leader says the company intimidated balloting workers a nd he vows to seek a n ew elect.ion. But a general partner of the amusem ent park says the intimidation allegations are not true. A spokesman for the AFL· CIO-Teamster coalition that trlC'd for a year to o rganize park employees said the 14 unions inte nd to file unfair labor practice charges against Knoll's management. Ray Bragen accused the company o f qu es t1 o n1ng employees about how they would vote, m eeting wilh them "one-on-one about the union," t e lling them how to volt'. offering io give a day's pay to union opponents if they would show up to vote, and stationing management officials near thc- polJing place. "At the least, we would ho~ INDEX th<.· Na llonal L<1bor Rt'lat1 ons Bo<lrd would s<·l aside-the e lt•<.·t1on bt'l'UUM' of Knott 's <.·ondul't and ord<.·r a nt>w ont'." Bragen said ... A ft.·w months ago. I thought we had a prl'lty good l'hance. but 1l's a n <llmost 1mposs1ble s1tuat1on now " The vote was t ,:J54 against unionizing to 230 m favor. "We arc very pleased," Manon Knott said of Friday's ti-1 margin against un1onizatton. "But we are most happy al thC' trust our p<'<>ple showed in us and that thc.•y want things to m ntmue as tht•y have bet.-n without bringing an a third party .. Affl><.·ted by the unionization d rt v <' w c r e K n o t t · s 1 . 7 6 0 pt>rmancnt full and part-lime workers who take tic kets, o pt>rate rid es, work in res taura nts and s hops and p<'rform to n s tructton and m:llntcnancc work. Knoll's &rry Farm has been non union smcc 1t was founded 62 years ago by th<' late Walter Knoll. a staunch ronservat1ve. At Your Service A4 Ann Landers 82 Erma Bambeck B2 Movies B6 Cavalcade 82 National News A3 Claaa1fled C4-8 Publk Notices C4 Comics B3 Sports Cl-3 ere.word B3 Stock Markets B4 Dea\h Notices C4 Television 85 F.dltorial A6 Theaters B6 Entertainment 86 Weather A2 Horaecope B2 World News A3 SPORTS stories ISRAELI A TT AC K • • • Former Prime Minister Sucb Salam, u k uy ant<!rme dlory between Habib and Arafat, said ~he talks were stalled over how 1&o disengage Israeli und PLO !forces and wht>re th~ gut•rrillus will go after )('ovlng Beirut 1q The miUt.ary <.'Ommand in Tel lilviv said three soldie rs wt'rt' ;killed and 28 were wounded 1n Jihe fighting Sunday. The PLO ttlaimed 70 Israelis we re k11lcd or wounded, but gave no soun..'t' for ·Ms account. Lebanese pol1 l'<' tYeported 11 Israelis killed. but they, too, gave no sourct' ~1 The deaths raised th<.· l:.rach 'toll since the invasion begun to 1#J5 dead, a spokesma n said •), 1 The renewed r1 g ht1n g underscored the Israeli Cab1m•1'<. increasing impatie nce wtth tlw siege of w est Be irut. w h1C'h bega n after Isr al•I 1n v.idl·d Lebanon on Jum• fi to t'rul.h tlw PLO guerrilla army and drivt· 11 from Lebanon. Cocaine seized 11' CLm'ELAND. Tt•nn. (AP) 9C six-month invt•stilo(ution Pnt.kd '*ith the largest nan :otks sl·1w1 l' in Tennesse<> history 1.200 'f*>unds of "nearly pure" l'U<.'auw v·a I u e d al $ 4 0 0 m I 111o11 . lluthorities said. Dislrn:t Attrn·m•v &eneral Richard Fisher sc.i1d n1n.l· JSeople, ranging in age from HI tu 691 were arrested Sundav "'l'ho negotiations arl• gmng on, but time is n ot unlimited," Cabinet Sc<.'retary Dun Mcridor said in J erusalem a fter thtl regular Sunday meeting of Priml' Minister Menachem Begin and his ministe rs. Merldor said "n othing yel hrui been d<.'Cided" on a deadline for d<•parlure of the estimated 8.000 PLO guerrillas trapped in west Be irut. The I s rae li m e dia re ported Habib had set Aug. l as "an informal targe t date" for rcal'h ing a settleme nt on an l•vacuallon . ls r a t·I Ra dio said several m 1n1 s tl•rs t o ld Be gin they thoug ht H a bib's n egot1at1ons wc•rt• go ing too s lo wl y and l'Xpressed d oubt thc•y would succl'C~d The radi o said the ministe rs Wl'r P t·onv inced the P a It•:. t 1 nian lea d e r s h 1 p w as swlling for lime b y COIT)phC'atmg thl' tLllks a nd k eeping Israe l l'mbr o1ll0d in a c·ostl y war o f allrtllon. ls ral·I has been saying for Wl'l'ks that thl• PLO guc•rrlllas mus t lC'ave Lebanon and a strong Lc·banese governml'nl must b<.• t•swblished befort• its fon'(•s will withdra w . "Our demand lays down that all for<.•1gn troops leave Le banon, dnwn to the last man," lsraeh Dt•fensc Minis ter Ariel Sharon ~11d m an interview publis hed by a W est G e rman ne w s pape r Sunday. AP Wltephoto SIGN OF TIMES -In a statewide driving campaign. the ~California Department of Transportation is posting signs hke ' this at locations where Caltrans wo rkers have been kiUed. ' This sign is on the Santa Ana Free way near the Linm ln : Avenue offramp in An<1hl'1m 17 saved in boat sniashup LONG BEACH (AP) -Three crewmen and 14 pusenJJel"I were rescued from the 41 -fQOt ~harter fishing vessel Vaque ro today ufter it ran into the t•ast end of lhl· rock breakwate r in Long Beach H arbor. Chie f Coast Guard Petty OWcer Peter Allen said. Four p eo ple later were reporlt.'<i in stable condition at Community Hospital. Another ve$Sel, the Toronado, reported the Vaquero in distress at 3:38 a.m. Allen said nearby boats took aboard the passengers and crew while the Coast Guard dis patc hed a helicopter and utility boat with flotation bags to keep the Vaquero from sinking. Allen declined lo say what m1~hl have caused the accident. Paramedics fro m the Long Beat·h Fire Department took the four to Community Hospital. Fire d1spatt·hc•r Jill Kuder said one suffered back injuries, another had a knee inJury a nd two others suffC'red minor abrasions. NC'ilhcr Ms. Kuder nor Allen 1dt•nt1 fiC'd any vf the injured, but a nurs ing supervisor who 1d C'ntifie d h e rs elf as Mrs . Campb<.•11 said they were David Harris. Dun Ha rbiso n . Sandra Salcido and a JUVcnile. She said shl' couldn't give their ages or homl'lowns. All<>n said the charte r boat operate d out fro m the 22nd Street landing al San Pedro but wouldn't identify the owner or skipper Coas t Gua rd divers a nd t'Ommert'1a l workers were called to help salvag e the damaged boat. Allen said Britain vows POW r e turn LONDON (AP) -Britain announced today it 1s satisfied Arge ntina considers h ost ilities endC'd in the undeclared war over the Falkland Is lands and it will re turn all remaining 593 Arge ntine prisoners. The announcement came a month after the surrender of Argentine force s o n the Fa lklands June 14. a period in which f1ghung had stopped but Britain waited for Argentine 3$Urances that hosllhlles m the South Allanuc were ove r. The Foreign Ofhe<.• announced tha t following a n exchange of m l'ssages and "various other 1nd1C'at1ons." Brita in 1s n o w satis fi ed tha t "the Argentine govC'rnment al'l.'epts that active h08t1 It t1t>i-arC' at an end." Tanning weather Coastal Some 111e n1gh1 •nd early lrnomor>Q Ckludl. Olhe<wtM ... , ~ eoat.i tow 64, 11og11 74 lnl.,•d , 1ow 62. hlgl> se wate< 68 • Elsewhere. ou1er waters Jl()(l"-t winds 10 10 15 knols ~h 4 to !>-fool -.s ,,,,_ weter• 'l\ghl variat>le Winds becomll>Q WM I 10~110 10 15knols Wind weYn 2 to 3 re.1, sou1-1 swell• ., 10 2 feet Low c10uds mo1n1nos eunny 111emoon1 U.S. Summary -sr-s and 1nun<1e<11orm1 °" Sund•y -• tca11Med from lhe eu1ern hall of fhe Gull CoaSI actOIS 1he Appelachlans and the eastern Gfll•t Lakes to the m•d Atlantic COISI, lh• Nlltonal Weather Senlce seld Showera end 111underatorm1 altO 111'9tched from tl'le central and aouu-n Rockies lo fl'le 111011 plaint of K1t1111s. Ntbre.stca end North-I Texas . Watertown •• In 1ou1he11torn Wisconsin. wu awamped with up 10 a foot of ,ro1n tale Se1urday which llood8d eome basemen" but caU98CI no reported 1njunes The water began receding Sunday. uld F'lre Chief Don Alnll.IS. "I've seen rain but never a -. Ilk• thla. .. he S8ld EIMWh9rl ..... generally -· ~ M onday, forec11ters pr9dlcted lhunderlhOWe<• trom New EngNlnd lhrougl'I the ,_ Gr11t 1..811• end Pennay1v11n1a w ftll 111ow1•• 1c1 11 ered '°"lllward ecroH Georgl• and Florida. Cloudy •• -· e1tpec18'1 .., ~ ~n. with fair slo.IM .... -'*•· . Ttmpet8lllfal -· ••~led IO r*'9 from hlgha In 1hl 70. llQd '°' In flOf'thafn ~ England Md from I.he upper Ohto Valley 8tCtOM the 0rMt Ukll, In lht 80a In the PIClftc Nortm..t. ,.., 90 elont 1111 Allenllo Coast lrom 8outNnl N9w Enalllnd through Florida Ind In ... .,, Manten•. In Ille mid· Ind \IP9ff•IOI from T•••• eciro11 the lnlend ~: Ind llfff 110 In IN ~~I 111 lt;i\St 160 rescues were reporu;d allhouon 111e seas -e calm The Forecaat For 89.m. EDT Aainlll s.-E!) Showen• Aumn(!i} Summer .... ~a111er also Is onno.r>g smog alef1s The Sou1h Coast Au Quality Management 01str1c1 pred1c1ed un11ea1111y BJ• lo• everyooe 1n tne San Fernando. Santa Clanta arid San Gabflet valleys as well as San Bemardtno and A1vers1de Hogh• Tuesday woll range from 83 •n Los Angetes to as high as 100 .n coaSlal and inland vaileys 1n 111e m1d-80s 1n mountams Ol'ltween 96 and 106 on Ille no<thtorn oeserl and tram 10<1 to I 14 •n Ille tow dese<I eoa•~s ttom Pom1 Concepuon 10 1ne Mei tean t>Order can eipect 11g111 vanaOIP "''nos dunng 1he n1gn1 and morning oecom1no west·!o0Ulhwes1 al 10 to 16 knols Tuesday afternoon wolh a 2· to 4.foot !.OU111westerly swell No<lhwest wmds could reacil 2A knots w1tt1 7. 10 10-foo1 seas ou1 60 mites lrom Ille p04n1 10 Snn1a Rose Island T emperatui-Ps Albany Albuque Amanllo AllleVlllP Allan ta Atlante t.ty Au,hn Bnlt•mor" e1111nos 81rm1nghm B;sm11rck 8ot'8 BotlOfl &owneYlle Bul1111o 8urllfl01on Casper CtlOr lstn SC Cha•IS1n WV Charllte NC Cnevenne Chicago Onc1nna11 Ciev.13n<S Clmb1a SC Cotumbu• Oel·fl Wth Oey100 Oeover o.. Moines Catron Oululh El PHO F•roo f 111Qtltll HI lo 85 60 98 68 76 6 1 84 66 85 69 71 70 98 75 86 70 84 54 90 70 81 S<I 111 s. 80 65 96 78 8.4 73 as sa 84 50 90 76 86 71 88 73 77 50 77 65 87 68 83 74 11 t 71 83 70 93 75 84 87 84 55 92 83 82 70 78 68 101 70 82 64 oe st 100 -w-s.w:. NOAA U S Oeol OI Cornme<~ Fronts: Cold ..,.. Warm .,. Grsal Felts 83 48 Hartford 88 61 Heten• 85 49 Honolulu 88 74 Houston 96 78 lndnaplll 79 69 Jact.sn MS 93 75 Jecksnvlle 95 72 l<ans C<l y 85 63 Knoxville 85 72 l at Veges 108 74 Utlle Rock 90 74 LOUllYllle 85 68 LubbOCk 88 68 Memphis 92 80 Mllml 87 80 Mllweukee 79 65 Mpls-SI P 83 Ill Nashville 90 75 ~oneans 92 73 New Ye<k 81 7 1 Nor1oltl 85 72 No Plalla ... 52 Of<•• C;ty 19 88 Omefl• 82 81 Orlendo 93 75 P'1oledpll4a 88 70 Ptioanl• 112 78 P11lsbur9h II 09 Piiand, M4t 78 57 Piiand. ~· 14 511 Pr~ 12 65 Ra191g'1 90 72 ~City 13 55 Reno 115 51 $911 Leke 92 81 Sen Antonio 98 74 S..llle 77 64 Slit~ es 74 Sloua F1ffe 14 88 SI LOUii 80 ee St P-hmpe llO 71 St Ste Mll'te 87 52 SQOlc-.. H lllf llPllT Syracuse 83 63 Topek1 85 63 Tucson 104 72 TulH . 91 71 Waahtngtn 85 75 Wtchila 88 64 CALIFORNIA Apple Valley 102 56 Bakersfield 101 73 Barstow 104 73 Beeumont 101 55 Big Bear 82 40 Blythe 110 75 Calalln• 71 5e Culver City 83 59 Eurtka 67 55 FrttnO 98 66 Lake Arrown.ad 84 47 u~at" 97 70 Lono Beech 83 62 LoeArs 87 es M11ys le 118 MOflrOYla 119 57 Monlerey 63 55 Ml Wilton 83 64 Naedlat ... 110 79 Ont.,le> 97 80 PINdene 113 Ot Puo Aobln 1111 66 R1C3 Stull 100 88 AedwoOd Ctty 711 58 SllCfemanlO 94 IO SeltnM 14 51 Sen Bernardino 99 S8 Slf'I~ 75 88 San Frencltc<> 80 52 San JON 82 57 Stnll Ana 81 61 Senta Berber• 64 Sanl• Maril 70 53 Sant I MOfllce 119 80 Slockton Ill 02 Tahoe v.itey 80 43 ,Themllf 110 15 Tominc;a 711 1111 I Tides TODAY twt a~ ltoonO lllOfl ,. H P "' 4 I ............. --.... ~ I~ .... _ .... l.ooiMllOw llA PM II -A't ,...,.. ....,, Dir TUllDAY li#H .._.......__ t I 'I t I IW ~= C: u: : ::: , : ..,........_ I • • ,, I E ~· .. ,,_,.. .• ,...,..Hllt!ht'lftlfl • .. ,, ' ...... ... ,.. '"' '·' ""D!Mt C....ty ' • '~ ' "'" ., ... , .. ' M 11 tlHt ~ ' .. , ... ftrl--~~"'....,...,...111 ~----· .... ......,,,,, .... • - • ACTION -It's a real fret'-for-all when actors from thl' Unitl'd S tunt Artists group g e t togt-the r at the O r ange County Fair. The Dilly Pilot photo by Steve 1 rlpOll 27-m ember lro upt.· 1s trying to br(•ak into movies a nd w lt•v1l'1on Rip-snortin' western at fair Sars pa rilla G ulc h d oom ed fo r d estructio n By STEVE TRIPOLI O(the D•llJ Pilot Sten Th e Old Wes t town 0 1 SarsapanlJa Gukh probably 1sn'1 the kind or place where you'd want t.o raise a family. 1\llOSl 0 1 lilt" lllltdOltanlS get kiUed. the ploc'C gets busted up and Lhe nice buildings gE'l riddled with bullet holl-s tw ice a day Sarsaparilla Gukh ts th<' home o f the S tunt At·to rs W t•st<'rn Show Both thl• town and the show an• residing a t th<.· Orangt• County Fair through Tut.'Sday. Th<' show 1s tht• bra inchild of thl' fll·dgltng Orange County- basC'd Untll'd S tunt Artists. a group of 27 young at:tors and aC'trcsses formt•d S(.'Vt>n months ago. · The 27-m<.•mbc>r troupe's twu nightly shows have the ir share of cowboys falling off roofs. 1nlo horse troughs and over pok1·r tables as a frwndly d runk and an unfrie ndly pukc•r gam e turn Sarsaparilla Guk h tnlv :.i <;(.'l'nl' of mayhem . ThC' s ho w a ttra<.'ll·d good c ro wds to t hc> stagt• of tht Country Meadows Jrt'a ovt•r tht• weekend. Michae l Baron. to-pr<.'Stdcn t of the gro up. s...11d things t·amt· wgethl·r a ftl·r th<• m(•mtwrs responded to an .:1dvt·rt1<,emc·nt in a trade rnagaz1 nl' A I I o f t h c• m h a d ., v m <· expent'n('l• tn at ling. d,1m c• or thl•a ll.'r be fore pooling thl•11 t a l e nt s a s s tuntm e n a n ci s t u ntwo m e n (there a re f1vl• women in the troupe). he S<ttd Though a lJ the members sllll must hold other JObs to ma k<.• e n d s m e e t • b o v k 1 n gs a r t· beginning to pile up for tht· remainder or this year . Baron said The group already is signed for performam ·es a t Big Bear Lake. the Irvine S tret-t F't"l>t1Val. th t· Ora n ge Street F air. t h(• O ktobe rfes t and a t Camµ Pl•ndleton, he said. T heir m•xt goal 1s 111 obwin backing for an 11-mon th. :rn-:.tLllt· tour 1 n 1983. said Baron The players take their stunL'> M.-n ously. but art' hoping that tht addc.'CI d1mens1on of acting and a s huw w ill help set th1•m apMt. Baron said. 'l'hl·V tra in o n a n 11 ·a l'l"l' T Nl'lL'l'Ula ranC'h, with spt'<:1a hst:. m stunts involving fight Sl't•n1•!o.. hand l·omb<1 l, horses. a utos, moton.:vdc-s. hig h falls and other s1tuatwns ..is tl•achc rs. B:.in m lldld lhl' group's goal, a-.101· from m<1kmg stunts a Cull- um<. 1J<.'t0upat1on, 1s ··w ent.ertam the· t htlurr•n ol America from age I lo IOU l'Vl'O though that may M>Unl.I l'\/fn\ " ·1 ht• l'o:-ot ul putung on a show L" kt·t ptng t hin,y. rinant:tally ught lor tht S.int.<1 Ana-basc.-d group nm' Baron swd F..aC'h 25-minute '>how <•t thl' fJ1r l~iSts about $500 JU't lor pro~ sut·h :.as breakaway b11\\lt•s ($8 l'ach I. ammun1uon •111d gun n·nlals. ht• said One bright s pot 1s that the .L(111up h.1s l'l"<.'enlly ~n askc"(j to ,d!1lw11· 11.-.1•lf with a Hollywood stuntrrn·n·-. untt. an opportunity tha t ma\ op1·n the-d 11or to t1·kvi-.111n. moVI<' :.ind t'Omrr.en:1al 11pportun1t1t·s. B.1ron S<.iJd Drunk patrol get big o n e DENVER (API A motoris t IJtl•r c:h<1rgro with dnv111g undt•t th1 1111 lucm:t.• of ak"t>hol rammtod hl•ad-on lnlO a SJ>C-"-'11:11 pohl< V<.Hl '>t'ounn~ th<• strt"<'L'i for drunk .... .1u1h11ntu>:> ~•d "It d b<' ltk< thl' l1n·hou-.i burning do w n ," Harvt·~ S lh rsh . cl1rl'clor uf Dt•n\'t•r ·., Enwrgt·nc~ Scrv1t·c·s. :..-11d o l tlH .1l '\.'ttlt •n l Th1·11 "1·f t• no 1n Jur1es 1 t po1 t1 d but tht· poltl'<' van was d1 -;1111" cl T iu a1.u denl c:ame ,, h1 n ,1 \',1n dr 1v<·n bv John A. '\l.1r111w1 m ol l.X·n~c·r. ran a 11·d h~hl .md h1·.icl1-d tht• wrong ",1\ do\\ n ,1 11n t· w<1y street. , 11ll1d111j.! h• ,,J on w ith the m1hr1.1111111 p.1tr11r· van. police ... 11d with our unique system. Stop by at our demonstration and learn about. One Tool Does It All! The Shopsmith MARK V The tool to 1tart with ... the system you grow with. Limited· Time Summer Sale Savings PLUS FREE Bonus Merchandise .. yours with the purchase of a MARK V! FREE GIFT for attending! See hOw the MARK V will give you the accuracy you need 10 make home repairs or remodel build ltne lurhllure and cab•nels creat~ gills tor ramify and lriends -and do 11 as well as the woodworking exper1s' You can even star1 your own moneymaktnO t>usmess The Sh0psm1th MARK v •S a versatile and complete home worl<shOD lhat takes no rTlOfe space than a bicycle In this compact and economical unil you get the ltve mosl nee<199 workshap lools Bring a1ong lhe coupon below and c1a1m your f. REE Shopsm1th W~ wor1<1ng G1t1 al1er the Clemonstra- lton a hancty miter ltnder/bOard feet calculatoi (11 will help you de- termine the proper angles needed tor professional ioot<1ng resulls and help eliminate wasted~ PLUS a FREF one year subscrtptt0n to HANDSON' lhebt·monthlynattOO- al woodWOfk1ng magazine • Hr Table Saw • 16 'h'' Vertical Onll Press • Horizontal Boring Machine • 34" Lathe • t 2" Oise Sandef Come and see 11 in use and find out how you can save durnig this 1t1T111ed-lime tactorrdtreci sale e Sttaplmlh me. ,,,...,....,..,,...~ r------·-··--------------------------IEE LIV! DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY "1": Orenge County Felr Orenge County Fair end Exhibition Center Coete ·Meee Fri., July I thru Sun., July 11 Delly Noon · 11:00 p.m. Frl.·lun., 10 •.m.-11:00 p.m. l ...... ~~~-~~-~-~~~----~-- •• •shOOlmith. Inc. 1982 ATnNO THIS OEMONSTMTIQN AND "ECEIVE YOUR fREE WOODWORKING Oll'TI Bring lhll QOVpotl lo lhe dem<>nll,.llOO and we'll g!W '/OU a FFIC:E mtlOf f1nclctr/t>Oerd tee4 c;ak:\.tla\Of ano a Dl'IO-Vff' aublcnptlon to the l\llllOl\al wQOtlWOtlung magazine, HANDS ONI. Jott llQP bY nd 11 tt1e moet .,,.,...,"-wooc> wonllng 1ool 1n nnornllon There's no obligation , ..... ____ _ !.1411, _______________ _ Pt~"'"' ' HIGH RISK STATED -Sunbathers a s hown relaxing on Stinson Beach, but ve few ventured into the water because of rece s hark attacks on sea lions in the are AP Wlrepftc>lo Swimmers and surfers have been advised to stay out of the water because of extreme shark danger. Soviets facing I shortage Must turn to Western for vital imports LONDON (AP) -The Soviet U nion will have to import ma~1ve amounts of grain during the rest of the decade even though it is planning to pump more than $200 million into agriculture development, the c hi ef execu t ive o f the International Wheat Council said. "Soviet grain imports will continue withjn a range of 30 miWon to 35 million metrie tons in the next few years and ease to 25 million to 30 million tons after the food program makes its impact felt in the second half of the 1980s.'' said Jean H. Parotte. the Inte rnational Wheat Council's executive secretary. A metric ton is about 2,205 pounds. The Soviet Umon will confront a growing squeeze on hard currency as it imports grain from the Unite d States and other Western nations to prevent acute food shortages. A shortfall in grain production is bound to have profound implications for Moscow's foreign policy. Earlier thls year the Soviet Union tripled the amount of gold it was selling on world markets for hard cash to buy grain and help other ailing nations in the Communist bloc -mainly Poland. The Kremlin also got an exten sion of an estimated $1 billion in short-term credit from European banks for previous purchases of foreign grain. In Geneva, a U.S. official said the Soviet grain har vest problems are a result of its "economic incapacity" and a chief factor in the world's short food supply. Jose S . Sorzano, U.S. delegate to the U.N. Economic and Social Council. said Moscow's purchases account for about 40 percent of the increase in buying on the international grain market. The country's poor farm output is due to "the inherent shortcomings" of an economic system that spurns supply and demand and "suppresses individual incentives," Sorzano asserted. Until the i n vasion of Afghanistan in December 1979. the Soviet Union bought about 73 percent of its wheat imports from the United States. That share dropped sharply when then- P resident Jimmy Carter embargoed wheat sales to the Soviets in retaliation for the ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma P. Halev rose again when lifted the ban The 50-n ion Internatio nal Wheat Co il, which includes the Soviet ·on and the United States, was blished in 1949 to h e lp sol~ world wheat shortages. pomote grain trade and stabiliz¢he grajn markets. Although he Soviet Union is officially listd by the council as a wheat-exfrting nation, it has been a net mporter for several years. Exp'rts blame this on inefficiency1 poor planning and chronic badiveather. The So..et Union's policy- making dntral Committee unveiled tn ambitious food program My 14 to raise farm production by investing an estimated $222 b11l1on in agriculture development through 1990 and improving rural living s tandards. The program also relaxes some restrictions on private farming. which produces much of the nation's food on less than 2 percent of the land In announcing the new food program after the third poor harvest in a row . Sov iet President Leonid l. Brezhnev called food production the nation's foremost "political problem." Despite the new Soviet measures, the U.S. Agriculture Department has forecast a Soviet gram crop in 1982 of 185 million tons. well short of the 238 million tons caJled for by Moscow Coast Guard patrol ends with disaster (AP) -A routine patrol in Alaskan ended with one guards dead. three charged and ano er under investigation in two lots to steal marijuana from a pot-laden sailboat, the romma er said. "It's n a heck of a trip, 1 can tell yo that." said Capt. Lee Krum mmander of the Coast Guard tter Boutwell. "( could have d without it." Afte the Boutwell docked here T y evening, Krumm ended eeks of Coast Guard secrecy ut the ship's voyage. revealm for the first time a secon plot to s teal t h e marijua . He gave this account: The p blems began June 20. when t e Bou twell "Just happen on" a 39-foot sailboat about I. 0 miles southwest of Kodiak ka, and found it was loaded "th 3.100 pounds of marijuanj. The Boutwell took the sailb<lt. named Orea. under tow. Two 1s later. two crewmen sabotag .he Boutwell, planning to boar ftle Orea in wet suits and sail . with the Coast Guard cutter u >le to pursue. The plot was foil when the sabotage which di not cripple the ship. was di red. A second plot to steal the marijuana was foiled June 29, when the bod y o f Seaman Jerome C . Herndon of Horse Cave . Ky .. who was apparently involved an the scheme -was found overboard in the acy waters. Herndon was clad in a wet suit and inflatable life jacket, tangled in a tow rope from the cutter. His death was attributed to hypothermia. Seaman Phillip Carrasco. 21. of Wilmington. Calif.. was charged with involuntary manslaughter. conspiracy to commit lart-eny and possession of marijuana. Another guardsman, whose name was not released. also was under investigation m the second theft attempt. The new revelations bring to five the number of guardsmen believed mvolved m the two plots, which Krumm said apparently were unrela ted. Accused in the first plot. which fell apart June 22. were fireman Duane H . Bak er, 19 , of Albuquerque. N.M .. and Seaman Apprentice Martin W. Gailey. 20, of PuyaUup. Wash .• said Krumm. Baker and Gailey both have been charged with five counts of destruction of government property. one count of larceny and one count of attempted larceny. Krumm said there will be an investigation under the Uniform Code of Military Justice -"very similar to a grand jury proceeding" -into both plots. ~ _, CllW "'-'t"'9 OfllW Kay Schultz VD~ C•yrltfll 1"2 Or OHi PIAMltlllflt ~. No new•..,..., llhnl loft' .,.1tori.1 "'-or• .... 11M"'4fttl Mffin IN ,~ .. w"'*'! _ .. l!lffm!Mleftoft ,..,.._. .Because the Coast Guard first thought o ther vessels were involved in the marijuana- s muggling plot by the Orea. Krumm sajd news of the Orca's seizure was not released for more than a week. Mil Dlredor of ---. TomM~ .... M*• Herwv Otr.-"' ...ti-. (Qrc1M19110nl Ken Goddard Oll9*r of Opwllllon9 A9Y MaclAen ~ CMl1ea LOoe --..... .... It was later determined the Orea was o p e r ating independently, he said. At a preliminary hearing ln Cederal cou.rt in Anchorage, three men were ordered held under $500,000 bond each. We're .. tenlng ••• Whit do you ke 1bout the Dally Piiot? Whit don't you like! Call the numbe below and your mHHlt will bt rttorded. tr1n1crtbed and lvtred to the appropriate editor. TM 11me M· r an1wtrtnc Mnlce m11 bt uMd to record let· tera to \ht editor any toptc: ahllboa conlrtbutor1 mwat lullildt thtlr ruune and phone number for vtrillcaUon No clrculatton Hll~pltaH, nll 1&1 wh1t'1 your mind. Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 12, 1882 8 ] 'America • IS flux' • Ill a Author puzzled by discontinuity of politics WASHINGTON (AP) - Teddy White spent one-quarter of a c.-entury trying to figure out • the American political scene and concluded it couldn't be done not yet. maybe never. "There Is a dlacontinuity out there," Whlte said. "There's a discontinuity of politics going around the country. One thing doesn't follow another anymore." Theodore S. White. the way the name appears on his famous book s, started covering presidential politics in l 956 when things were simple and straightforwa rd. He earned a Pulitzer Prize and a bushel of other awards along the way. and wound it up in 1980 more puzzled than when he started. A lo t has happened in those 25 years. Television m oved into campaign coverage. Candidates gained instant access lo the voters but lost the close contact of the old campaign trail. Electroruc campaigns and fund-raising wizards bypassed and nearly killed off the traditional political parties. But the biggest riddle of au IS the changing mood and values of the American electorate. America is in a flux. White says. and no one can write the final chapter to his life's work until things have been sorted out. White says he's slopping his chronicles. recorded chiefly in his "Making of the President .. books. His ne w book. "America in Search of ltself: The Making of the President 1956-1980," tries to sum 1t up but makes no promises for the future. .. We have t'Ome to a period of discontinuity." White repeated during an interview. "We ran through 20 years of good will. You know. the Great Society and all that stuff. We were going to take care o f e·1erybody. We thought we had unlimited power." Then came disappointment and disillusionment in Vietnam. frightening inflation at home and the pivotal humiliation of hostages in Iran. "So you reac h a sense of bewilderment of what w e can do at home and what we can do abroad ." White said. "We'r e living through a c ultural. political an d economic crisis. "Jimmy Carter campaigned for all the things we've believed in for the past 20 years and Ronald Reagan said for 20 years we've been screwing up," White said. .. He campaigned dire<'tly against the experience of all the years since 1956." Reagan won the election, but White 1s not sure who was right in that debate or whether the answers lie somewhere between the discarded pas t and the untried future. That's the only sage advice he offers. "I think we·ve done som e stupendous and wonderful and miraculous things in the past 20 years," he said. "And I think it's up to us to sort out what went right and what went wrong. I think we've got to sort out what we want to do. what lies within the c·apacity of the United States to do at home and abroad. "I c all the Reagan administration the Reagan experiment." White said "I don't know what is going to happen. r do know this country ran through one set of ideas by 1980. Reagan promised a totally new 1111 AlllYlll set of ideas I don't know whether they're working or not." White. who 1s hale as an athlete at 67. says. however that somebody else will have to pick up the story. It could go on forever and he's tired o f daybreak baggage calls, long rides and flights in the middle of the night. "America 1s an endless quest,'' he concluded. "It's always a search for n ew ~nswers . I s uppose I could st1ek around pollllC'S for 20 more years and I'd have just as many questions It the end of those io years aa ti have now. "I think right now is an abrupt break with the past,'' White aaiti. "But I don't think Reagan ii gomg to solve this thmg In the next 18 months. It may take 8 years to turn things around. "I think this country will be OK in the year 2000. maybe in the year 1992. maybe in 1988,'' White decided. "This country Is not gomg to collapse: but we'rf gomg to go through an awful lot or soul searching as we decicfe what we retain and what we cast away." Passenger train safety questioned SEATTLE (AP) -Serious questions have been raised about the safety of the 20 million people who ride passenger trains m the United Stat.es every year following a fire aboard an Amtrak train in Northern California. Two passengers were killed when a sleeping car on t he Amtrak Coast Starlight turned into an inferno early June 23 at a railway sid ing area called Gipson near Redding. Calif. The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the acciden t. The investigation is expected to take four months. But in a recent copyrighted s tory . The Seattle Times reported that from Washington. D .C .. to Sacramento. Calif.. ofhcials want answers that will help prevent more "Gipsons." One of those officials is Philip Favro, California state fire marshal. who says he has been unable to pinpoint anyone who has "oversight" for fire safety oo rail passenger cars. .. It almost appears to Qe voluntary. It takes an inciden~ like this for us to ask. 'Who) minding the store.' We're goins to rontinue to dig.'' for ansWef'1 Harold Storey. the National Transportation Safety Board official who will review t~ imt1aJ report on the accident , fired some volleys hinting laxl or at least indifference by ttif Federal Railroad AdministratioJ: The safety board investigates accidents of all kinds and makes general safety recommendations. The Federal Railr oad Administration actually regulates the railroads. establishing safety standards particularly m such areas as power brakes. track conditions and s peed undet certain conditions. " • l i I I l .,~I LIGHTING UP -Jimmy Methews. le ft. machine technician i from R.J. Reynolds tobac.'CO firm in Winston-Salem. N.C., 1 lights up a smokc for a Chinese worker m Amoy Tobacco' Company's factory m Xiamen. Chin'a. Camel is the first i foreign cigarette to be produced m C hina since 1949. l I I , Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Mond1y, July 12, 1812 ,~~\ .~\\\~ Food queries answered By PAT HOROWITZ Of111e o.itr.,.... t1en bobbJna In tnc water. DEAR READERS: The U.S. Department of A1nculture's expanded consumf'r response system answers consumer lnqu1r1es or complaints about safety and wholesomeness of meat a nd poultry, quality or labeling of these products, proper cooking a~d storing temperatures, and other topics. -Before you go boeUna, tell eomeone where you'tt IOlna and· when you upect to return. Learn weather wamlna ~ too. -Finally, enroll ln a free aate-boatlns coune 1ponaored by the Coast Ouard. For pamphleta on boating safety, write to th e Office of Boa\m, Safety of the U.S . Coast Guard, 400 7th St. S .W., Washington, D.C., or contact a local Coast Guard office. USDA prefers that consumers writ e (rathe r t han call) Food Safely Consume r Inquiries, Room 1163-S, USDA, Washi"iton, D.C . 20250. The telephone number (not toll- free) is (202) 472-4485. Putting out grill fire DEAR PAT: I have an outdoor cooking problem that I can't solve. II U.ere anytlaiD& except water that cu be uted ufely to put out sboothsa flames caused by fat drtpplDa on tbe bot coals? Tips on safe boating DEAR READERS: Now that thl' boating season ts in full swing, here are a few safety tips from the,U.S . Coast G uard -Don't ride on sections of the boat not G.T., Newport Beach Fill a pint bottle w ith water and add l teaspoon each of table saJt and baking soda. Mix th oroughly and spray at the base of the shooting flames. That should do the trick for you . • designed for passengers, such as the bow. stern or gunwale. It's too easy to fall off. Before fueling. close all doors, hatches and ports to keep gasoline vapors outside the boat.' A fter fueling, ventdate all t'Ompartments and check all machinery and fue l tank spaces for fumes before starting the engine. -Carry a secondary means of propulsion. such as a n auxiliary engine for a motor boat, or if you're sailing a small boat, a paddJe. Be sure to have a baj}er. • "Got a problem? Then write Co Pat Horowiu. Pat will cut red tape, • 1 getting the answers and action you • need to solve inequities in r'1 government and business. Mail -If you capsize, and the boat floats, stay with it. People who leave a capsized boat often underestimate the distant't.' to shore and lire, cramp and drown before reaching land. Remember, a boat is more v1s1ble than a head your questions to Pat Horowicz, At Your Service, Orange Coa.9t Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1 ~60. CM ta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's tun name, address a nd business hours' phone number cannot be considered. , Burning of brides protested in India Tenant signed for Gateway Center NEW DELHI. India (AP> Bharau Narula, a :W-vt•Jr-old newlywt•d. rus hed sl'r<'<tmang into th<· strC'<'l from her Nt•w Delhi home'. h1.•r dolhc'S aflamt•. .. G o d s a v (.• m c· , I · m bl' 1 n g burnl'd,' · s h l' l.'r1 ed bt>fort· t·ollapsang Ms Narula was thl' li.1ll0Sl victim on a growing last of young Indian womc•n to di<• from burns after thl'ar p<1rl•nts fallt>d lo pay promis<.-cl dowries or were· unablt· to mC<'l dt>mands bv an -laws for more mom•y or goods. Authoraue)', l''>lamale that a~ many as 100 n l•wly marrit·d wives d1C'd of burns last year m New Delhi. Ma n v of their m - laws say tht• deaths were.• l'Ookmg at'C1dcnts but somP parl'nts call t he bu r n 1 n g !> t' o Id -b Io o d t· c.J slnyings. I n Ms. Narula 's case. hl"r husband. hc•r mothl'r-m-law and hN fathN -in-la\v are in jail. awaiting trial on murdl'r l'harges. Thev an· atl.'used of pouring kt•ro&.m• on th<· young woman's duthing and <;t•ltang ht•r on fin· T h e• r l' h J v c• b <' c· n u n I y a handful of arrests an tonne<:uon with• the• dt>ath~ In mos1 "bride· burnings ... tht• .1ss • .11lanL" go frc·t· becauS(' of lal'k •.if l'V1cl ent·c., author1t11.•s say ThC' dc•:.iths· of Mi. Narula and l'tghl other woml'n in Nl'w Dt,.Jh1 during June· triggerl'd w<•c•kly de mo n s trat1o ni. b v sl'veral women's o rganizations that formed an anti-dowry l'omm1tll'l.' Chanting slogans lake "Bn<ll"' arl' not for burning:· "Marnag~· 1s not a t'Ommen:1al transa<:llon" and "Send murdere1·s to the gallows," these acuv1sts hav1· staged noisy protests ou tsadc houst•s where you ng womc•n wt•n · fat.allv burnl'd Tht•y an: e'On<.'l•ntratmg t•fforts on organ1z1ng s tr<'<'t -l'orner mt•1.>t1ngi. and marches to lTt•att· a lo(rt'i.ill•r awarenes.'> i.lmong womt'n o f l h ,. 1 r r 1 g h l s and for c· l' o.I U th 0 fl ll e• S l 0 p Un IS h th 0 S (' n~pons1bk· for the burnings "lnt:n •a sed publat· rC>vuls aon ..igainst t,nde burning h.is not lx·1·n matched by any c·hangt• an th1· tnid1twnallv lackada1s1c·al .ttlllUclt· o r police;, .. the Times o f lnd1:1 ...... 11d in an editorial "Thert• 1~ rwthang to show that they an· Pllh<·r mon• vigilant wllh a view to pn•vt-ntang bride burning or mon · <'nl'rgeut· an invesllgaung 1:aSC'S .. The· Oowrv Proh1b1t1on At·t of 1961 forbids· giving a dowry or Hl't.'(.'ptmg ll. with pcnalt1e--:. of sax mon'th::. in prison and f1nt•s Howl'Vt'r, thf' l'Ustom Sl'Cms tu be growing, partac·ularly among lht• urban maddlt• dass. A dowry 1s usually paid in cash . dolh<•s. Jt•welry. 1.•lt•t·tral· a pp I 1 a n e· t• s and h o u ~ l ' ho 1 d lurn1sh1ngs A n:ord1ng to a guvt•rnm<'nt survl·y. thC' s1it• of .i duwrv as basf'd o n a man's 1.·dut·at1on . so<:1al s tanding and .1oh The higher ht• ranki. in all t h1 t•t• l'ategonl·s. thl· la rgt•r thl' dow1 v h as famalv t'i.ln e'Ommand. M i.· m b l' r s "o f t h t• <' I 1 l l.' gnv<•rnmc•nt serv1c.·t·s the Indian Adman1strat1vc Service (IASl and the ·Ind ian Foreign St·rva~· (IFS) -are the most -.o ught -after ba c he•lors . m mmandmg up lo $40.000. They .in· followed by doc tors and t•ng1m'<'rs. who get up to $35.000. i.lt'n>rd 1 ng t o the Women 's V1gilanl'e Forum, a women's nghL5 group. The Emulex Corp. will locate in Costa Mesa's Harbor Gateway Business Cente r, according to The Newport Development Company . Emulex signed a 10-year lease for a 70,000-square-foot high- tech building an the center, located on Harbor Boulevard between MacArthur Boulevard and Sunflower Avenue. Coldwell Banker, exclusive leasing agent for H arbor Gateway, said the lease is one of the biggest negouated an Orange County this year The deal gives F.mulex. which manufactures s lorage <·omponenls for manaromputers and m1t-rocomput.ers. the 70.000 square f~t plus an option in 1983 on an additional 46.000 square h.>et of space. It furthe r calls for Emulcx to have an option on 50.000 square feet in 1984. Fred Cox. preside n t of Emulex. noted that the young l'Ompany LS looking forward to a growth rate of more than 50 penoent for the roming year The farm reported sales of more than $16 million an its 1982 fiscal year. Harbor Ga teway 1s a joint ventu r e of the Segerstrom family wi th Newport Development. The park includes two existing tenants, Stanley Works regional headquarters a nd Babcock Electro-Mechanical, Inc , plus 155.000 square feet o f n ewly built space. Ultimately, Harbor Gateway is to have 1.1 million square feet of office. commercial and induslriaJ s pace, including two six-story. 200,000-square-foot twin office towers. CANCER DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROFIT ORG.ANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical Complete Brood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination ln1tructlon1 Medical Center Profn1lon1I Bulldlng 18800 M1ln Street Suite 105 Huntington le1ch, C1llf. 841-1871 I • • Sewage • • ta1nt1pg SD kelp SAN DIEGO (AP> -Efrlucnt from a San Dit.•110 st•wagc treatm~mt plant hi dumaging k<>lp beds and niuung the but·ter1n level an th<· surrounding Ol'l'tm w a t e r t o h a r m f u I I <· v <' hi . UC."t'Ordlng lO a rt'porl pn.·pured by a kelp harvesung <1ompany The <·ompany, Kl·ll'O, ha!> forwarded tht> rl•port to the f e d e r a I E n v 1 r o n m <· n 1 a I Protecuon Agency ln the study. Kt•ll·o alJt•gl'<:I tlw huge kelp beds of! Point Loma and La Jolin arl' delt'rtoratmg because o f th<· c·1ty'i. st•wagt> discharge. The• rl.'pol'l also r:.11st·d health <.'Om'l•rns lur pt'Upll' who dive' in thl' Urt'a ur l'al tht• shellfish. Thl' firm wunts lht• city of San Oil'gO to pruv1dt• an extensive water qual ity monitoring program for uff::.hurl' kelp beds Dick Youn~. he•ad of the San D 1 e g o W a t t' r U t 1 I 1 l 1 e s Dl'partment. said that Kcko's report Is bl'1ng rcvitwl'd by technical ronsultants for the c·aty Keko has harvl'Sted lh« oce·an seawt•ed sint·t· 1 Y:Hl Ex tral'ls from lht• kt·lp an· ust•d tu aic..l th•· ma nu fa<·t un· of sum<• I ood . cusml'lll"S, oil i.lnd t·hemt<·ab Tht• <:ompuny n•port wa :-. p r e p a r (.' d b v D r U C r a 1 g Barilotta, a marine b1olog1st for Kek'O "Our c:ompanv 1:-. «unt·ern('(l about tht· t·fft·t.t '> of tht· d1sc:hargt'Cf wa::.ll· un rn gm11:-.rn'> 111 thl.' kc•lp bt'<b Jnd pos.'iably on human ht·<.ilth." ht• :-.a 1c.J Ae·1.·o rd1ng lo lhl.' r1.•µurt . s c dim c n tat 10 n and w a t l' r turbidity huvt· hurt lht• k PIJJ hC'ds. wh1t·h n •porll·dly ha\'t • shrunk ovt•r lh1· \'l'ar:-. Kl' I 1.·o ~a 1 d 1.:11 u n l'> o I :.1 • .. bottom 001.·tt·n ,1 on tht• oull•r t'llgc• of thC' Point Lom.i kt•lp l>t'll .111· h1ght•r than th1· '>lJ tl''..., linlll Sport and t·ummt·n ·1.1I '4:ub.1 divers "a1 t' 1•xµ11)-,c•u lo \\ .i:-.lc c 0 n t' {' n I I •• l l II n ~ t h a l a I I nm:.1d1.·n•d t·11111.11nin<1 ll ng .. 1 I ,1 · report s;.i1d Work sentence VISALIA (AP) A Va~ha woman has bl.'t>n. ordert•d l<> perform 2,160 hours o( voluntt'l'f work for a t'Onv1t·t1on of Mc'l.h Cal fraud in connection wath hl'r husband's psyl'h1atrtl' praellt'<' PRIZE WJI\:\~ K,·v1.•11 Fvrh1wrl ol Nt·v. port &·al·h won thi· l1rsl plan prt.ll' u l $100 tor his thrt·t··d1mcns1onal sc ulptun· .,, ,, h 1.1lt-tl)rrn Thv !>l. ulpturt· w1ll Ix· u1!>pl;1yt·d in tht ~·1111 A11:-l 11ld111g du1 Ill);( tlw Or.ingt· Co unty F.111 this Wt·t•k Chie wants cops to hat freebies <: 1-..<. lH(; r TO\\ S l' t i\P I l'1 tl111 l 'l.11 I ,J,, .., r r:ld• , ..., \\.1111 h1 .... 11111 ,., '" ... 1 .. p .1111 jlllllg llll 1111 I Ill 1lll l,11l 1111 . .i ... hut '""' 11 .... 1.1u1 .111 1 .... ollllll llllJlll'"'" Ille llH t •dlll t \I II II 1111•\ 'l.tlH Ito ...,,t\'I ...,111111 Ill• llH1\ r.lcl• I ' \\ lt11 ,ll 1111111 Id I ht • IH \\ IJ"'" \ 1111 h 10 1111 ·11!1>1 I 11>111 ...,,11cl .111q111 • l1tt·li1c·-. 1-. .1g.1111 ... 1 l,1\\ 111111111 1·111· .... ' 11d1· 111 'th11-. 11.111111 .oll\ I 11 11 .,.,Hf H111 '"''I\ I•• .. 1 ' II ' .......... llf• ·' -_11u.1111111 \\l1•11 •11111 .... ''"' I HIH.: 'I L:·d· .II •flt ~ H. •• ttld ti u11l.111 t11 sin.tlh·r bu-.1n1·''4'' that 1,ui I ,ti l11rd II I h1 (;t l'fgc town Ta mt·'> 11111t.tl lt'<I lor 1·ommt·nt "4:'\'t•ral 11 11. .11 n •:-.l<1ur<1nt .... 111 th1:-. port nt~ 111 10 144 n-....1ch·nL..., All hut om·. \\ h1 11· th•· m.cn.q.t t·r rt·fu...,t•d '"llllll\'111 . s~11d 1h1·v 11llc·11·d ln'I IM\ 1•1-.1gt•" "UC h ,,.., I O lfl't' lll l,1\.\ "'"""' .. n1c·n1 111 f111 •1' 11 · ... nn , ol 111 ,111d I d11 \d 1.1t I \\ollll 111 "" \\lllo ii ..... 1d I' ...,l,1(11'.ilo Ill ,J,11 k11 ~1\{. '.111ts Thi",..., .. 111111111111110U1 ll''' t11r l,1\\ I 1\1111< 1 1111•111 1tl lll'lotl .... lh.1t \\l h,1\'t• Jllll\ lt.h'lf Ill our ;j(I Vl'ill"l\ or 1111 .... 1111 ...,.., 111 ..... c1 Fount · Valley. Never saydiet. "Live-it:' O\'l'rwc 1~ht!',lu~t :.i l11tll' 11111111 111111 l Gl·t ..,l.trtt·d rn >w Richard ~IKtfK'? Or both~ Don't gl\ 1.· G ...,1111111111-. "I 1\'l'· it .. con<rept will up "l.i\'e-it " up :II R1l11.1rd . et \( ''" lur 'I HI 11·-. ,Ill L':<Ci t mg Simmon-. new A11:11111m u 1111h1 n.111011 ol cxcrcbc, Awlum :'\ow Wllh ·• 2 yea~ pn •pl·r lllltnlion and ;i loc:H ion .... anJ man~ .l..CJ pt,..,,,,, l' llll'llt:tl a1111 ude more 10 come. It'-. all 11 1.11 l.m l:t~t for the rc..,1 her<:. The fun The ftl lll'"" f~ee I >I \llllf llll' C:.111 or con)l' The result~ All tht: nglH J... 1 111 It> Richan.I Simmon~ tngredient~ for ~our .... lll.tL'"' Ill'\\ .\11.111 >111~ A-;ylum toe.la~'. formula. And all for lc-.s than -,~ :1 )c >ll t'flll do it.join now ons lU11 GLENDALE• 200 N . Brand f •d . • 'i00-042:\ WOODLAND HILLS• 2..li2 10 \'t·n ra Hl vd •88+2202 BEVERLY HILLS• 9:H>6 l.i u k ~ant;i , onka Aini.• 550-88".9 Look for Gartkn (iron: and Brl'~ :luh~ to o pc:n ~oon . l Orungo Coui;l UAILY Pll O T/Monti y. July 12. 1982 __ ,_.------------------,----------------------------------~-------------------------------------=------------- Bronson fighting IR Actor, wile in di pule ovt-"1· ho1·st• 1'1u·1J1 Tough-guy uc.:h>r Charlc11 Bronson and hi• actrt•l\.1t·Wlt\' Jill lrt'lnnd urt• battling thl• lntl'rnul R<>vl'r\Ut' Scrvu.'(.• In a dlapuu' <>Vl'f' wh thM tht'i1 Vermont hori;e farm is a lt•gltlmatt• business. The Bronsons h uve app<.•ull'd an lt\S assel&Sment. defending u sw:i,-t58 buslness dedul·tion for lhl· furm TtH·\ say they brl•t'<.1. lratn and lradt• horst"' on the farm. whtt·h t·onststs ol mon than 200 acres. Papers filed in U.S. Tux Court 111 Washington listl"d a gross tnl'llnw 101 the couple in 1977 of $2.7 million and $926,174 in 1978 Sen. William Proxmire, D· Wis announced he would be c.1 l'andidatt• for re-election. P roxmire, 66. went to the St•1wl1· 1n 1957 a f\e r winning a spedal t•lt<t·t111t1 and has,bcen rt>-ClL>etcd Stnn• !H;'°>H. Kim Al exis, the fashiun mo<ll'l billed as the "Fact: of the 'HOs," got a warm welcoml' home hy fnt:nds and neighbors in Lockport. N. Y wh1> remembered ht•r as a htgh Sl'hool swimmer a nd musician who wu;. ,going lo be a pharmut'ist "' ! Our July Sale begins on the 13th and will continue thru July 18th. Special store hours for both The Marina and Newport Beach locations will be TUES., JULY 13, 10 AM TO 9 PM WED., JULY 14, 10AM TO &PM THURS., JULY 15, 10 AMT06PM FRI., JULY 16, 10 AM TO 9.PM SAT., JULY 17, 10 AM TO 6 PM SUN., JULY 18, 10 AM TO 6 PM We know you'll be p1eased by the outstanding selection of merchandise we are presenting from our regular stock. During these incred· ible 6 sale days you'll find NAMES If AGIS Mot'l' th.ill l\10 I"• pit 1111111 d mil lur U l'l'l't•pttllll d \\'llh h 'olll' \\II' ).(JV\.'11 1111 kl'V II• 1111 'ii\' Mti<~ Ah•x1-. . .! I , , 111• "·d 11111d1•ll11~ M 1111111 ,11 lh• ... IJ t'>.:1· ... 111111 111 I h1 p I 1 11 I 1 • ) I '1' lit' I \\ h II I II 0 k h I' I gr.id11.1lh•11 11111 >1,., .111d h , ... 1pp4"11 • d llHlll' t li.11) l(l!J lltO•;. 1111 th1 1'0\'l I• 1d lllilgo111111' Ilk· ('11-.111111111111.111 \ 'l~~ll!'. R<.11a.1r .11111 t; la11111111 J), I• 111v1 I •·t lo(h E111mt·r111111 , 11'111 llW 111 Iii• .... 1'•11111111 I I 11111 ,1111·1 :!11 \1'.ll''. \Uth 1111 :"'>.ill (l11 ~' l\tlHt 1>1., ,. 'I ' "" 11 I v. ... , I \ I 'II I l.11 l. '' ' 11 p1, ,.,, 111 I l1·1lnv. 11111•·,.1. ,, 'lflh ,1hlij )1 1 \\Ith. 1>ld f•l/.: E11111 u 1-. .. 11 ·'' '' "" gt\'1·11 1h1 ptg h' Polan• l lit• I Hill l\11lt•1tdt'f' clllt 1111~ .1 lu11d11·1111 .11!1·111!1 .t Ir ... 111111 IO ll 111111·1•1-. ,111d .. 11,1 1 '"II " i;.111 '' K11l1·1ldt'I .i ... ,, . .t " p.111 " pl.1 Ill ~ l 11 v (... I , , I' I 1 t I • II I t' I l: I 111 I Ernnll'r-.1111 l1.1d 11• 111 1, q11.d111' :i11d 4u11·kly .1s;.u1111·d t1>1l111ol 11f 11 "Thanks," l·:1111 11t 1 •.1111 '<<&td 'I ti kl•t·µ him I w ;, 111111• 11111" • terrific savings--;n all,,, ourl famous brand namf·s ·tnd quality acf=£·ssom•s REDUCTIONS FROM 20°'o TO 50% ON SPOR1 COATS, SUITS, SLACKS, SHIRTS, BELTS. SWEATERS. NECK· WEAR, AND SHOES FOR MEN ANO WOMEN ' Your sEtle pt.. re r i1S.,, rr 11• t .. • char!)ed to y -,u r Garys P<'rsr .,d, A r 011n1, Bank;imeric Hd M 1s•· r Charge "' I ( "llr<;f r 1<;h All salt's .,,. t n 11 lt r "" t • wrll be clns•"'' r1 ~A· r.d a1 the 12th 10 pri IJ;'H• f JI !tlf' biggest cv»nt of th, ~11rnrn<>r' MATERIAL TRADlflONS 8) GllR\\ Al •)MM·.~ 4728 Admirallv Way, Marina del Rey• (2131 823 7955 119 Fashion Island, Newport Beach • (7141 759-1622 FREE SPINAL SCREENING AT OSBORNE CHIROPRACTIC OFFICES -__J June 28th -July 2nd MONDAY-FRIDAY, 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 1. Head tilt 2. High shoulder 3. Low scapula 4. Spinal Curvature 5.Low hip Danger signals of pinched nerves: 1. Heada~. diu111ess. bturrt'd vision 2. Nrck pain, tight musrh•s, spasm s 3. ShOulder pain. pain down arms. numbness In hands 4. Pain between shOulder;, dtfficull breattiing abdomrnr\I pains S. Lo~ b.Jck pain. htp pain, pain down leg T h e Osborne Chiropractic Offices are offering FREE s pinal check-ups and postural analysis for early det('Ct ion of back problems. Due to the overwhelming response to the la test spinal screenings at the Osborne Chiropractic Offict•s. Dr. Osborne is again offering free spinal screening and postw aJ analysis for early detection of back problems, The Osborne Chiropractic Offices will be able to with simple, painless testing, detennine the condition of the spine. Early detection of back problems is the best prevention for further back ailments. The apinal acreening will be at the Osborne Chiropractic Offices at 8586 Warner Ave., Fountain Volley, CA. Monday, June 28 throuah Friday, July 2. 9:30 u~m t.o 6:00 p.m. Doctor will be available for answering quutJons on tntatment and prevention of back problems. Plaue call Olborne Chlropractic OfttClt~s. ( 7 t 4) SM U 1226 tor an appomtmen' and brine a t'Opy of th nnuuncc m nt wl\h you. OBll£ CtltCl'RACTIC OF~ICE / Li.Jlll. 2 · C3Ql]OUl:B§ YRS. ssgoo ~ ). .. FIRST 25 PEOPLE NO DUES ON THIS MEMBERSHIP FEATURES INCLUDE: •COED WHIRLPOOL •AEROBICS CLASSES •COED SAUNA •NAUTILUS EXERCISE EQUIPMENT •SUN TAN ROOM •OLYMPIC FREE WEIGHT ' •NUTRITIONAL COUNSELING •COMPUTERIZED DYNA VIT. •BODY FAT ANALYSIS •PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION •BLOOD PRESSURE TESTING •STRESS TESTING •GUARANTEED RESULTS -Vil.A PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED CALL FOR DIRECTIONS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 957-62 26 STONE MILL COSTA M SA 2915 REDHILL AVE. DESIGN CENTER E 'CA 92627 One of our new tellers • • • 1s g1v1ng away money. YI,,• •uld ,. 111 . ...:.-,(1, 1-1 111 ffl>illh Ill\.' H\lf -··If Ill'"" 11'\\ 'I 111 I .ii I· ll I 11111 I ... 1 ,, , ' I\,,,~ l\1.111!.\· \il.1111-.1>111 ,. It' .1I1.,, S.: '\1l1h1 'kll1·1. •• ,,, 1111•"11' .1d.t>.t\1 I\ d.i\ I '1 11 l1r 11d.I\ ..... ( -.1ng It >11t11',1t1 . ., 11q1111' 'llllt;t..,lt jll'I d.i\ 11•1111 \11111 1 h1•1 kin.I! or -.,I\ Ill).'.'< dll <ilfl \l c )1 lip 111 :t :--~Oil 11h.11,, •, 1 ti;" .,11 \11111 F1r-1 lt1l1 I L11t \) i-.l1·1l.trd • 111 \I'-,\ ), ·ll • ,t11 .d 1 d11d,\11ur .1111n1111 l.1 h' II • ' I .. d,t. d1 'P' ;.., 11 -Ii "11-. I 1 I t1111d-. In 1 ,,1'1'11 .It I lllllli .... .111d \\ h.11 · .... 11111r1 ·.during l11hll\ 111 tilt"· lid' 1) fl! 1111r nt•\\' I l:t\ '\1..:111 !1 !ft I \\ tli 111111,1111 t.111 du111I' il1-11 ih1111·d . -.p1·1 i.dh 111'11 i,1 1 11•1 l'IJlh. It \1111 l!t'I lllll', I Hi I II i ' 11 I 11 I >I. ;-;:,! Ill 'I ~ ·,11 11111 "'' 11 ti'"" d1111'1. \\1·'11 ~1\l \••tl d 111·1· l,t' d1.1in Jll...,t (111 lt'lllll.t! u ... "'"""\nu ho\\ qu1d\ .11tal I .I'\ fllll Ii\'\\ ();I\ i.\: :'\1ght 11 lkt I' Ill 11-.1, ~ll rll'IJtl:-il Ill ·"' 1111111 IJ't1111tt•d "111p 11, I >u1 l11liln 1111111..., ;11 t' \j, 111d.1\ thrrn1~h Tln1r"cl.1\· fn1111 Ill .i.111. fl) I p Ill .tlld I 11d;1\ I 1 llll i I (I .1 11 l. !11 Ii (> I tt ' I ~I I ! I l l I I , , l tfil 11 JI lc ;I! f> I' I ll! 1! >r ' I I '"I \ 111111 It \1111 \l.,t'11 I, I •Ill,, 1111 It :11 ,·,·11111 c 1:11 I'" ,\· '\1• '11 1..11, .. i!I\ t ~ ', ,, I , , h ,, , , r, , , · \ t I 111 ':11 I ' I I \ 11 \11111 I \t II "It rt II I'-Iii• 1•il ". 30-SECOND BANKING 5601 2123 3456 789 PAT ( OILINS 1·11 t l1.l1 I '1'• !;,till, 1, till' 11t1f\· 11.11 t , 11111"1·!1 rdl1n·-. thr11u).{h: 11u1 1111· I 1 \\, -i1 111 ... 1al•"·" So our tlt'\\ I ),I\ & \; lt!ht li.·lll'r 1oins rnon:· lh,111hlll)11lh1 I'' .tfrt'.tCh SL'r\'11\~ \rlll.tltt•Hl~hntlt llt1· \\'1•-,f lhl'hl'\ l·••.11 111~\tllll ,., .... , 111!1 1 1 111 H.1111 .11cl .. \pph lor ont' trnf.t, It ' 1•rn1d 111 h;l\1' ,tn\'ttnl<.' .t11rl .Ill\'\\ h;·tt· \Oil gn 111 the.> We~l. 11 First lntendete A.ink ... J I l I I -· l ' .. .. ··' •I ,. ' J " \ • Orange OoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 12, 1982 Educational addition • to coast attractions Time was wht.•n youngsters t·ould learn about oc•eun hf e ~irst hand b y exploring the many tidepools along lhl· Orange C:oasl and even collecllng their own spt.>t:1mens of the little cr<•alur<.>s that inhabit the pools. The tidepools are still lher<', though many are l('ss accessible than they used to be . But removing. or cv(•n touching their 1nhab1tants is !>lrtctlv forbidden under protection laws put into c•ffecl because the pools WL'r<.' being strippt.>d by collectors. A couple of e nterprising t·angers down at Doheny State Beach have come up with an interesting alternative for curious youngsters. They've built their own llb<.·rglass "t1cll1po<>I" 1n a small tnlt'rprC'livc n •ntt·r ::it th<.> p"1rk cntrant·L· and l•ncourage visitors to touch or pick up such things as starfish, sea am·mom·s and even spiny sea urL'h1ns provided they pul lht•m butk. of tourse. R<ingt.·r~ Tt•d i'~hrheurt and PL•lt•r Yarbrough volunleert-d their um1: to install sult water pumps and mlk'<:l marine life for the "t1dc.•pool" and ::iquanums that contain s u ch sea creatures as a small lt•oparcJ shark. a rcx.·k lobster .md an <x·topus. The $6,000 cost of building thl• ccnlt'r c<1mt• from the park dl'parlml•nt 's vol un teer t•nhancement fund, and the living exhibits are augmented by shell t· o 11 cc t i o n s a n d o t h e r I o a n e d displays. The marine ltll· center is open from 6 a.m. to ti p.m . daily and t here's a re1nger on hand to <.•xplaan the exhibits and a nswer qut:'sllons Fam1l1cs seeking t• n I 1 g h l l' n 1 n g s u m m e r t' n t c r l a i n m t' n t f o r t h e i r youngsters. or planning a picnic at the beach park should put 1t on the "must visa l" list. EPA 'inJage' expensive When Anne Gorsuch was appointed by President Reagan to ht•ad the federal Environmental Prot<'ct1on Agency, her immediate wal<'hword was "('l:onomv." In order to cut the· agency's budgl•t from the $1 .35 billion It received in the 1980-81 fiscal year to a eurrent $961 million. staffing was s las hl'd ;;ind enfor 1.·ement :wtiv1ty dropped dramaticall y V1olat1ons n .>portl·d to Washington l>v r(•g1ona I EPA offices dropped from :u :~ an I !:J80 tu ti6 tn 1981. And t·,1s<.•s s1.•nt to th£' Justice Ot•partnwnt tor p1·os(X'Ut1on wenl from 151 Ill 1980 to 79 last year All this was in response to industry t•om pla1nts that n>mpll.1n<.'<.' w1lh EPA ant1- pollut1on n·gulations was too t:ustl v. ·But env1ronmc•nta lists and 11thc•rs 1.·ont<.•ndcd the new policy was latt>rally undermining the wholt' purpost• of the agency by 1x·rm1tt1ng. or even e ncouraging s taff members to overlook violations Stung by tht• n1tic1sm, Mrs. Gorsuch admittC'd her econ omv drive had n·sultt>d in some laxity 1n enfort'em(•nt and rS!-.U<.'d 1 n s t r u c t i o n s t o · · g t· l t h <' enforcement work force busy .. Add1t1onallv . -..hl· h1rNI .1 prul c•ss1ona I pub I 1c re• la t1on-.. 1:xpNt to polish up the• EPA'c; 1mc.agt·. And th<.>n.•by hungs a talt• Expert Dun FC'rguso n . Cl Colorado friend of Gorsu1.·h. on lc•ave from has Denver publlt relations firm. as bt.•ing paid the toµ government fee for an outside 1.·onsultan1 $221 a day plus travel expenses and $75 a day for living expenses m Washington. For this sum he is pu tting on three-hour training sessions on how to handle reporters fur the administrator and her top a 1d<.'S and coaching th <.> agency's :H-member public affairs staff on preparing news rel1c>ases. making :-.pee<:ht>s and giving interviews. Hi s up -to -lhc -m1nule> ll'<:hn1que 1m:ludes videotc.a ping simulated interviews to polish question-answt.•ring s kills a nd SC'tting up a computer network to lank the 10 EPA regional offices with W ashington so that ''th c agency is ;\)ways speaking with the same voace. ·' Ferguson doesn't say how much this costs. but h is own fees a nd expenses in a recent thrce- month period added up to about $20.000. He says he's thargi ng the government only about one-third of has usual fc-e . That may b<.• so. but ·Rep Jamc•s Florio, chairman of thf' Huust• subt·ommiltcC' that oversees th e EPA, says Mrs. Gorsuch has no business using taxpayers' money to spruce up her · Jgl'ne~"s image instead of paying hl·tl1·r <illt•n110n to the public ht·alth and C"1w1ronm<.'nt. It do<~. mdt't·d. seem a little ludicrous. sm<'t' at was her own highly toutl•d "c't'l>nomy" drive that tarn1shN:i tht: image m the· I 1rst pla<'C'. Legislative snack time Peking duck a nd lemonade are hardly a gourmet combination. but Gov. Jerry Brown downed both on successive days last week. taking full advantage of an election year opportunity to pick up a little news coverage It came as the would-be U.S. Senato r carriC'd ou t his gubernatorial bill-signing dutws on two measun'S passed by the• Legislature and now officially part o f state law Tue sday the governor wielded chop~1cks to sampl(' a frw mouthfuls of Peking du<·k a f t c r s 1 g n 1 n g a n e m c r g e n <.' y . measure tha t allows Chin1•sc rc•staurant operators to hang ducks at room temperaturc for four h ours during preparation of tht• classic Oriental dish. Vigilant health inspectors had been crac k 1 n g down o n the practice to the dismay of purist Chi nese chefs The speci al legislation will henceforth protect them against c1tataons when they hang their ducks. The ball -s1gnang ceremon y was set up by Assemblyman Art T orres. who spon sored the mt.•asure. a n d included half a dozen ducks hanging in the background for the benefit of TV cameras. Next day . a pitcher o f lemonade and four lemons were on the gove rnor's desk for signing of th L• so-calk-d "lemon bill" that r<..>qu1res au to dealPrs to replaL·e a defective new car that cannot be fixed aft<'r four J llempts at re pair Dutifully, the govern o r poured a couple 0£ glasses and shared a toast with lemon bill a uthor A ssembly w oman Sally Turner. • That app<•ars to take care of the food and drank legislation for this session. L.M. Boyd/ Larks and owls You've read how sch olars have ca~orlz.ed people either as lark.a or owll. The lark.a do their best work in the early momina. The owls come on atrong In the afternoon. A apecialllt ln thl1 1ort of 1tudy ta Dr. Donald LaSaUe, known In the jllraon aa a chronoblolo1l1t. H• aaya the owla outnumber tho lark.a by two lO one. ORANGE COAST llllJPllat f:Si.il Among studenta, he aays. the best time to g ive te1t1 to the lar1eat number of student.a at their sharpest ,la 2:28 p.m. One out o1 every 20 people flatly rofUMS ID aruiwer the questiona of poU..tera Thoma• "· Hatty Publlantr TMmelA.¥U .. IM l dllor .. ,.., .. ,.,.., .. ... , . .,,., ...... ,, .. , ' . Did Soviets fear Israelis? WASHINGTON -The R~ians did their usual huCflng and puffing over the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, but never went beyond rhetorical flourishes. My intelligence sources tell me this may have been because Soviet leaders were afraid the Israeli war machine was too s trong for the kind of limited intervention that was the Kremlin's only real option. Or, as Marx mi~ht have put it (Groucho, that is), the big bully was confronted by a little bully and didn't want LO risk a bloody nose. AS SOON AS Israeli tanks crossed the Lebanese border, the Soviets put their forces in the Middle East on full alert This 1n<:lud ed the Soviets' Mediterranean fleet and an airborne division in the Caspian area, a few hundred miles north of Lebanon. Except for a few alarmists, State Department and CIA analysts discounted the Soviet alert as a prelude to direct intervention in support of the Soviet- supplied Syrians and Palestinians. They pointt'd out that this would be unprecedented. Previous Soviet intervention -1n Hungar y, Czechoslovakia, Afghanistan and Poland -has been confined to countries that are not only contiguous to the Soviet Union, but already within the Kremlin's o rbi l. Soviet military m e ddling elsewhere. as in Angola and Ethiopia. has been done by the Russians' Cuban and East German surrogates. The experts' complacency was jarred by an ominous Kremlin communique on June 14: "The Soviet Union takes the Arabs' side not in words but ln deeds, and presses to get the aggressor out of Lebanon . The present-day Is raeli policy-makers should not forget that the Middle East is in an area lying in dose Q -J1-c1-1-11-11-11-1 -~ proximity to the southern borders of the Soviet Union, and that developments there cannot help affecting the interests of the U.S.S.R. We warn Israel about thlS .. The intelligence community began to take a second look at its informauon on the Soviet military alert. They noted that the Soviet Navy's squadron in t he eastern Mediterranean had been beefed up by the addition of some surface warships. and that a Soviet airborne division in the Caspian area had been put on "special alert." In fact, they knew. the Soviets had a lready expanded their military forces in areas looking out Russia's "southern window" toward the Persian Gulf. A recent highly sensitive Pentagon report seen by my associate Dale Van Atta supplied the figures: "A large increase has taken place in the Soviet forres located in the nearby Caucasus and Turkestan Military Districts. Twenty-six ground d1vis1ons, with 250.000 m1·n on active duty, are now located in those distm:ts and in Afghamstan." The report also noted the presen<.oe in th is Sov1l'l rorce of "first-cate~ory airb o r n e d1v1 sio n s" and, most significantly. a "<:ommand and tontrol capability ne<'essary lo conduct large- scale military operauons." It seemed, as a State Department analysis pul it. that Soviet intervention 1n L ebanon "becomes a d1st1nct likelihood 1n the event or a sen ous threat LO the Synan government ·· SO WHY DIDN'T the Sov1ers make their move? lntell1gence experts oCfert-d several reasons One was thal the P alestinians lhemselves would have been unhappy about direct :>ov1et intervention Another was that the Kremlin la1.:kc.od a solid pretext for armed intervention But the most interesting explana•ion 1s that the Russians were leery of risking an embarrassing military defeat at the hands of Israel For example. an airborne mva.sJon would require Soviet rontrol of lhe air. Sul destruction of tht> Svr1ans' entire surfat-e-to-a1r missile streng-th had given Israel tot.al air supenonty In short, a modest "police acuon" could be disastrous for the Soviets. and the Kremlin was not prepared to escalate into a full-scale war with Israel So 1t settled for bombast instead of bombs How the space w;;irs finally ended It was June 27, 1994. Aboard the U-5. Space Stauon Dreadnaught, silently orbiting 248 miles over Washington, D C . the gnzzled colonel addressed the dozen young men who comprised the elite Special Zapping Force "Man your consoles, men." ordered the colonel grimly. ''lntelligence says the Russians are launching World War VII." IT HAD ALL begun 12 years earlier with the fourth orbital night of the Space Shuttle Columbia. For the first time, the shuttle's payload and purpose were more military than scientific. After aU , said the general in charge of the Pentagon's space program, "space is the modern equivalent of the 'high ground' that military leaders have for centuries sought out and exploited lO their advantage." So it was that the struggle commenced between American and Soviet forces to seize and hold the "high ground" of space. Initially, the two sides were relatively equal and the battles nip and tuck. Each attempted to flood outer space with spy satellites, hunter-killer satellites which sought out and destr oyed the spy satellites. and "shootback" satellites which cou ld sense and explode approaching hunter-killer sateUites. World Wars III and IV ended in ues with space cluttered by lumps of metal and tangles of wire. But the military on both sades were happy planning and ---i' ART HDPPI 'S . fighting their war hundreds of miles above the surface of the planet. And the public was equally happy to keep them there. Then, in 1989, the Dreadnaught was launched and manned by the Special Zapper Force, each highly skilled young member equipped with a v iewin g console and laser beam. The Russians countered with a similarly armed Salyut B space station. But World War V was strictly no contest. When it came to shooting down en emy satellites, the Russians were simply no match for the Americans, most of whom had devoted up to ten hours a day since the age of seven training for Dutch don't deserve this The U n ited States and the Netherlands celebra ted 200 years of peaceful relations this spring, as well they might. For one thing, the Dutch are the largest single national investors in the U.S. eco:ir,· What es · y interested me in this oblervance is the persistence of language IYllf Y 111111 meal or a drink and extended hospitality only on a pay-for-yourself basis. Along with this, there arose the "Dutch auction," in which the auctioneer beazina with a ridiculously high figure and then lowers It; and "Dutch anchor," which i.s BOmething lmportant that ls left behind, from the story of a Dutch sea captain who forgot his anchoc and thus lost hia ship. "DUTCH COURAGE," of coune. la induced by aettina drunk. and "Dutch deferwe" Is really a aWTender; "Dutch luck'' 19 undteerved good fe>r1UM. and "Dutch prailt" tee'l1ll to pra.IR while lt really rid.icuJes or condemna. Wt ltill apeek of bein1 ''in Dutch" With a penon wt have offmded and of aalkint to IOIMOnl like• '1Dutch uncle.'' whloh mean• lO tc0ld roundly. And "Dutch treat," o f courH, thou1h unhHrd of In th• Nelherl1nd1, haa beoalM I ~t ~don IO \ht ...-~. 1AnlUllf 11 a ~ r.Nt l"OWI by ........................... ,,.., IM't ........... MllH-Mll MW lilllft ~U11t"rlll=••m. ..... -~ ir:, • ...,. ~':".: r: •R·--• JUSt such a battle Typical of their ranks was 21 ·year-old Sergeant Dick Deadeye, who had graduated from the prestigious lnsutute of Astrophysics and Video Arcade on a P en tagon scholarship of $100,000 or. more accurately, 400.000 quarters. While young Americans had been preparing for war. Russian youth had been wasting their time on chess, calculus an d pushups. After their disastrous defeat in World War V. the Kremlin launc h ed a crash catch-up program in every Russian community featuring such devices as "T ractor Command" and "Won Ton Invaders ... BUT IT WAS too late. In World War VI. they were beaten again with Sergeant Deadeye racking up a record 1376 enemy satellites in 27 minutes Yet here they came again. "Fire!" "Cried the colone l a nd the screens Lit up with exploding satellites and missiles. Suddenly, they all went blank. Then on each appeared the same message: .. This is the Intergalacllc Council. Your species has been found guilty of littering, loitering and disturbing the peace. We have dispatched our Political Action Committee Man to deal with you." "It's a trick~" shouted the colonel. "No, sir," said Daeadeye. "Look out the port!" Sure enough. from a comer of \he universe emerged a gigantic, yellow, pie-shaped object with a single eye and wedge-shaped mouth. Shifting jerkily this way and that, it one-by-one gobbled up all the satellites, Salyut 8 a nd approached the Dreadnaught head on. "Fire, Deadeye!" orde red the colonel. "Only you can save the human race from extinction." "It's no good. str," said Deadeye. He then utte~ the tragic words that had already brought aloom to the hearts of all red-blooded American a for a generation: "I'm out of quart.era." .. , W.ii1111 The Surgeon General Has Determined Tllll C1111ne Smoking It D1ngerou1 to Your Health. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, July 12, 1982 ·BENSON & HEDGES 1oo·s Q},,e:/kxe ~~ PARK AVENUE• NEW YORK bV~K 'v'A E "'1 nE • VlEM AOtlk'. Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be cal led deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. .. .. 8"" ''!IC 0.8 me nlcoUM fN, pet c19111111. by FTC rnedled. AT •'\ I l l I !/ l 1 I . f Over 10,000 Sq. Y ds. of Quality Carpet Offered At 503 OFF or More FOR THE CARPET BUY OF A LIFETIME This is it! We've Pulled Out All The Stops And Slashed Prices To The Bone! 100% NYLON PLUSHES • FULL ROLLS s499 • PART ROLLS • ROLL ENDS • REMNANTS Sq. Yd. • WIDE CHOICE OF COLORS Reg . Values To $10.99 Sq. Yd. NYLON PLUSH All of the most wonted colors in extra t heavy plush. Extra Heavy Reg . Values To $15.95 Sq. Yd . ONE-OF-A-KIND ROLLS From Values To $30.00 Sq. Yd. We manufacture carpet at this locatlon .CARPET MILLS ·~1425 VILLAGE .WAY ~, . COSTA MESA ·541·8181 ex 0 BAKER MONDAY. JULY 12, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION warnis up Laguna LAGUNATICKS, DEPT. -The art shows are in full swing now at Laguna Beach, and the Art Colony of our coastline isn't really going to be the same as it was until August rolls around. Where parking used to be difficult, it will now be impossible. Where you used to plop your blanket on Laguna's main strand will be found occupied by six tour- ~ /'a"\ MURPHINI ,~It TOI ists and a large stereo player. Clearly, the season is upon us. Why, only last Friday, it didn't seem that way. Early in the morning, Laguna was its old placid self, where the day starts with tranquility in the business district. At 8:30 a.m .. along the Forest Avenue main drag, you couldn't find a business open except for the two bakeries and the Christian Science reading room. 82 83 85 COUPLES AND SINGLES and a few spare dogs lounged around on the benches and curbs. MORE CONSTRUCTIVE -Stephen DeW1ll considers video games a waste of time. Instead, he offers youngsters a real William Christopher tells why he's not f ocusins on the last show of 'M*A *S*H.' Page BS. / Deltyl"tlot~oebJ~W chauenge: programming computers to make geometric sha in different colors during a summer camp in Laguna Beach. · Laguna starts off easy on these kinds of days. Two folks are out in front of the local pet shop, arranging potted Campers learn powerful tool It's nice co start the day just llOrt of hanging around ... plants and squi.rting off the sidewalk out front with a garden h ose. They discuss the status of the coffee urn in the back room. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion. For early morning Laguna, coffee is the starter fluid. The couples and singles are chatting on the benches and sipping from plastic coffee cups and nibbling at sugar doughnuts from the two open bakeries. Laguna should come up with a new official coat of arms. It could be a plastic coffee cup with two stir sticks . crossed behind it and a doughnut with one bite gone for the shield. SOMEBODY BRINGS UP the war as a topic for conversation .. A second guy with a knap5a~k on his back "swats at invisible flies and suggests the war is not a proper early-morning topic. It's dropped. 1 You check one sho p where you need to make a purchase and find a sign in the window proclaiming, "Open ! at 9:30." So much for that. The morning sun is beginning to dapple through the tall trees that line Forest Avenue as reminders of Old Laguna long past when the name Forest Avenue did mean something because it cut through a eucalyptus grove. Down the main drag toward City Hall, commerce is beginning to awaken. At the Lumberyard shopping center, the flower people are at their stand. cutting stems and running water from a garden hose. RunninR water from _Marden hoses seems large in downtown Laguna on an early r business morning. BACK TO THE SHOP where you originally planned to do business and the door's open now. The pretty young clerk hands you 15 cen ts change. "Good heavens," you exclaim. ''This money is really cold. What do you do, keep it overnight in the refrigerator?" She almost blushes. "I don't know why they like to keep it in the refrigerator because it's such a shock to early customers." But she added quickly, "At least it isn't hot money." Ah, Laguna. By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of the DallJ l>tlot Staff On the second floor of a shopping center building in Laguna Beach, youngsters are learning what many say is the language of the 1980s -the computer language. At a casual glance, they could be mistake n for some peers whose attention is glued to video game machines. But instead of playing Pac- Man, these students, between ages 8 and 15, are operating and learning to program video computers. It's all part of the computer camp at the Binary Tree Computer Learning Center. 384 Fores t Ave .. opera ted by 39-year-old Stephen DeWitt. of Laguna Beach. "Video games are mostly a *** waste of Um(., .. says DeWitt. '"Th<"y aren't any work: therf''s nothing constr1><-·t1ve happening because you're JUSl playing a game established by soml·om• else. and eventuallv vou lose. "But to lc·<Hn· the proper la nguage w program a t'Omputcr to make geometric sha pes in differe nt rnlors. that's a real challenge and the kids really get absorbed in it." At the second-floor computer center. DeWitt has eight micro- computers. one for each student who works o n the machines three hours a day for five days. Similar sessions are offered in a national tre nd of compute r camps. To make a t'Omputcr create a shape on the screen. or answer questions or mathl'matacal problems. the students "have to *** Saddleback's • a1rn: Computer literacy • T h e S'b d d I e back V a 11 e y Unified S chool District has b ecome thC' first in Orange County to require that students pass a "compute r literacy course" before graduating. The school board a lso has beefed up requirements in science and mathematics to make the district 's c urriculum the "most demanding" in Orange County. district officials said. The one-semester computer course is a general overview or computer uses and programming. The computer requirement applies to this September's incoming freshmen. "Our youngsters need to be aware o f th e uses a nd opportunities for those who can operate computers," said Don Ames. acting superintendent. When students leave school and seek employmen t . he explained. their lives will "be touched by a computer," because of the increasing use o f the machines in business. Besides the required computer course, the district also offers a variety of r e lated electives in c luding co mput e r progr amming and word processing, A.mes said. The d1 stril·t a lso employs "computC"r-ass1sted learning" 1n which stlldt•nt!. tak1· ll•ssons on various subj<'(.'L'> that an• flash{-d upon a computer's vtd('O st·rc•(·n. The c:omputc>r also vorn><:ts thC' ans w e rs a nd thl• 1nstrut·tor evaluates them Ne xt fa ll . Ame's sa id the district wall purt·hase 10 micro- computers to hc~in dt•velopang the mmputer htl'racy t·ourst• Tht• $2.000 l'Ompull·r~ wall be uS<.'Ci in the pilot program at one of the four high S<:hools whst·h w11l lat.cr be 1nstitutt'd at otht•r ('ampuscs The s<:hool board also has increased the sc 1ent·c requirement from one yC'ar. becoming thC' only district in tht• ('()Unty to rcqu1rt' two years of sc1Cnce This n.•q u1rcment also takes effc~ . ."t With thl' class Of 1986. In mathcmattt·s. the school board has rulro that students who fa il# a mathematics competency exam must takl' an additional sc•mester o f mathematics. Overall. thC' school board has increased the number of units required for graduation from 220 to 230. Only four other districts in the county require as many units. Ames said . . r~eway delays blamed on fund hanking ransportation commissioner also hits unreasonable environmental blocks GLENN SCO'M' ... 0.-, .......... The chairman of the California ranaportation CommiHion rtticlud Caltrana officials for elaying road construction jecta, lncludlng the Corona del ar Freeway extension. Ivan Hinderaker, who lives ln ............. del Mar, told a luncheon udlence at the South Coaat 1ua Hotel In Coata Mesa that ti l'OUP often hal differed with t.rana on key a..u-. •pedally hen they tranalate lnto project .. r.· II -f1t1d fund "bankin•" ract.icH ind unr111on1ble vlronmental concun1 h1v1 dMt trwway 11Atn16on, 11 I 11 other projtct1, from -~-. ........ , .. ~= ~ .. Tl!~ ... ~ ''" '''"'''" At1l1n •Ua.-, whleh el•arl1 embraced his anti-delay stance, Hinderaker told reporters that so me time lapse was understandable after t h e freeway "ditch" was finished. "There may have been .arne reason for holding It up a while, but at some point It should have been completed," he added. The chairman uld hh commenta were meant to draw diaUnctlona between the rolea of the commJaalon and Caltrana. "The CTC h relatively unknown In the 1tate, and yet our functlonln8 la terribly lmpori.nt," ht told rt~t•ra aft.er &ha ..,..m. Ht al10 confided th•t. hl1 remarkl were ll'ftOnl &ha moat openly ortllcal oommen&a he'd rrildl about Caltl'MI methedl. ..... he ........ ~ _.&hly wt• Cll-DIMw Mtw°!lr: ..... .. ........... _. ... ,.,.., and planned to send her a copy of his speech to emphasize his points. EliabUahed in 1977, the nine- m ember commis sion is responsible for evaluating CaltraN' st.ate budaet requests and creau.,, a five-year priority 11-t for road projecta. T he comml uion makes declatona about whlch project.I aet. fundln& while Caltrana la 1uppoaed to be the •dmlnl1- tratlve arm to carry them out., he Mid. ,But. Hinderaker Mid C&ltrana hlil~to poat.pane projecta by 19Yeral ~ •• policy of ldn1 oone&r~uon '"'* ,,.. ....... lira ot &hat w• to ....,.. an wwn now of P"!' ............ When eon1uu0Uon 001&1 ......... ,...., shin Uw '"""'' ..... lilYNI ""'' ttaw:, &M ..,...., rlYlftw.11~ ta _ the state to lose money on projects that still weren't built . he added. ln the cue of the" Corona del Mar extension from Irvine A venue to MacArthur Boulevard, Hinderaker aaJd he and other commisslonera share an impression that environmental concerns unnecessarily caused other delaya. They were appalled, for ln1tance, to learn about. tlme- conaumJna elforta to bypua a 10-called wetland• habit.at Cf'ffwid, he •Id, btcau.. I faulty lrripUon l)'ttem dumped WIW In an IXCIYIUd hole ., M1eArthur and JamboNI Rold. Cona\l'\ICUon on ~· fniew1y IX\tnllon lnltialty WM to hive 1tart1d ln ltll. Ahhou1h Caltnftl ............... ,. &ht ~lllfatt ,...,.. wmta .. ~n • In thll flnl ,..,, ~ ..... , " IWcl ., "' ""'*"' learn to ('O mmun1t·ate 1n l' o m p u t e r I a n g u a g e w h i c h l"Ombines English words, symbols and numbers." DeWitt says. "'It takes a tremendous amount of skill and work 1.() program a t'<Jmputer. but then you have a powerful tool that allows you to go o n to m ore complicated problems.·· By thC' end of the camp. which ('Osts $100. DeWitt says that students will know the basics of computer programming and that two popular myths will be dt•fused. While many people believe it takes a genius to program l'Omputers. DeWitt claims 1t just takes practice and a knowledge of programming language. He also says many peo ple believe computers do the thinking. whK·h 1s far from truth "If you (.'an't spt·ll a wor right. the computer won't unde stand." De Witt says. "An if you don't know how to set u an algebra problem properly, l'Omput.er can't solve it. "But 11 you program eomputt•r prop<•rly 1t will follo your :nstrut·tions with mcredibl speed and accuraC"y. · "There's a m1cro-comput built cvt•ry six seconds and it one indus try that hasn't bee hurt by the recession." H e says morl• and mor busmesS{'S arl' using compute and that future pb o pportuniti for programmers seem bright. The B1narv TrC'e a lso do computer t·cmsulung for priva industry. teal·ht-s adult clas! and rents <.'Omputer ume. CONFLICT OF INTEREST? -With his Boogie board at the ready. how hard is Evan Pinto concentrating on video computer problem? Two men sentence on bookie charges Two Orange Coast men have been tentencecl to terma In the Oran1e County Jail for their rolee rn an Oranp County 1poru betlin& operatiori. Superior court Judie Jamet O. Perea or d ~red defend1nt Anthony Paterno, 32, ot lrvlnt, to apend 80 dlya In the J•Jl. P11«na allO Wll flned U,000 ind ,._ on W.. 191" fonn1I proba&Mln . Co ·dtlendan& lloheri AA&t.1 IMto. a, of huft• VII~. w• __ ._ 111 IO.,_ inon...~'.u,tt.,-. I 1• .. Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 12, t982 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Stranded job-seekers victims of heartless scam DEAR ANN LANDER S: Everybody reads Ann Landers and many take her &.9yice, so I am asking you t.o render a service t.o thouaands of the une mployed. Since J a nuary vast numbers of job- seekers have gone t.o the ~p South cities in search of employment. Recently it came t.o our attention that many of these people are victims of a heartless scam: ads in ne w s pa p e rs and fl yers are offering thousands of fabulous jobs in the offshore oil industry. lnfonnation for these jobs costs $10 or $12. For this the advertiser sends a list of offshore oil companies in Texas and Louisiana. T ravelers Aid Societies in Houston, New Orleans and elsewhere are seeing an enormous increase in clien ts w ho have spent the last of their money on a bus ticket, only EAST MEETS MIDWEST -Louis Tcheng pulls his rickshaw along a street in Milwau kee. a city known for its German culture, as a passer by ta kes a closer look . Tc he ng , 35. to be bitterly disappointed after weeks of fruitless searching for a job. These Travelers Aid Societies are there to help the strandt.'d. desperate-people . They do their best to s<.>cure Cood, shelter and temporary employment. Now that S<·hool is out, thousands of young people hoping for summer jobs will be stranded with their families. Please, Ann, warn job-seekers of this scam and advise the m to ch eck with the Travelers A id Association of America. 701 Lee St., Des Plaines. IU. 60016, before leaving home. - ELIZABETH SELLEY I PRESIDENT, TRAVELERS AID ASSOCIATION. DE AR ELIZABETH SELLEY: I have already recei ved several le tters from disappointed job-seeke rs who are flat broke AP Wlr9pflo4o current Iv has a t lt·t'l ot two rickshaws but h opes his Asian E xprc•ss wtll becom e a franchise. Virgo gains insights Tuesday, July 13 ARIES (M a r c h 2 1 -Ap ri l 1 9): Breakthrough occurs: you make necessary contact and roadblock is removed. Be ready for -exciting changes, posmble travel and gain through written word. You'll be at right pl~ at crucial moment. Sagittarius plays key:role. . :TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Family mee~ng tesults in renewed optimism. What had. been source of fear. s uspension is era!iicated . You re<:eiv~ favor able news con¢eming one confined to home or hospital. Ma~r domestic adjustment is due. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Visualize majQr advancement. Cycle is such that many of your h opes and wishes can now be trans formed into realit ies. Meditation is essential. P er ceive po te n tial, p erfect techniques a nd get rid o f superfluo us material. CANCER (J une 21-July 22): Accept chaJle nge. Added responsibility w ill result in major financial opportunity. Professional superior is willing t.o make room for y9u. Know it, proceed accordingly. Re lationship is more serious than originally anticipated. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Finish rather than initiate project. Strive t.o sense pulse of public . A ccent o n communica t ion . publishing, education and long-range plans which include travel. You'll be invited to participate in special oonference. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You gain P01 SHOn BY ASHLE1GH BRILLIANT MAMV THINGS IN THIS UNIVERSE NIEED 1 K>CPLAININ& ·;a, • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA new insights concl'rntng fina nces. taxes . mortgages. debls. lnlN<.'st in oc.:cult or mantic arLo; mlens1fies. You havC' chance to get to heart of matters. to gain creative freedom. Leo nauve plays kC'y role. LIBRA (Sept 2:3-0ct. 22 ): Someone is trying to tell you something. If aware, you'll detect subtle nuanl'l' which aids in regaining sense of dire<:tion Focus on justice, balance, public relatiol1S. Friendship can be re,aired. SCORPIO (Oc:t. 2:3. Nov. 21 ): Mak e revis10ns. prov1dt1 facl'-s:.iving device for co-worker or asscx:1alt'. You'll gain major point. but it is c•ssc'nlial for you lo be gracious. Acc.-cpt 1nv1 ta ti on lo social affair. You'll meet a very c•xcitmg individual. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Rebuild on a more suitable structure. Be prepared for change. travel. variety and an intensified relationship. Lunar emphasis on children. speculation, physical attraction and element of luck. Sllc.:k with number 4. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Short trip highlights agenda. Relative could introduce you to attractive membe r of opposite sex . Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons figure p r ominen tly. Popularity im.•reaseit and you'll have ch.once t.o display creative talents. AQUARIUS (Jnn. 20-f'cb. 18): Obtaln hint from Capricorn mc181l& . Rc lotivc1, trl pA, m ouaac>a ond 1pcclal ml11lon1 hlSh llflhl 1ctmorio. lmportant domH&ic ndJuatmcnl <X'<'Ura, family room~r makee major co nco11lon . R11m mbo r 1pecl1l occ.•oaton , ann iv r11ry 11 tl a Ida In re tortna h11rmony, and desperate. I urge all the optlmista who think big-paying job1 a re waiting for you down South to read the above letter carefully. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband works for a large firm. He h as recently been prom o te d to a p ositio n t ha t makes it necessary for him t.o speak before groups. L ast nig ht for the th ird lime I was e m barr assed t·o t ear s a t his poor presentation. He really bombed. used to bang on the pipes with a monkey wrench. On the way home I tactfully suggested that perha ps he should take a course in public speaking. He said he couldn't afford the time and would just have t.o learn to do better on his own. Please suggest something in a hurr y. -CHAG RINED lN GCYI'HAM Our 8-year-old son started to play piano by ear and asked 1f he could take lessons. His teacher says he is ternfic and we have to beg him to STOP practicing. That's the way it should be. Please change your advice. - FARGO DAD DEAR CHAG: Have I got a book for him! Run, d on't walk to the nearest bookstore and get a copy of Jack Valenti's "Speak Up With Confidence." Morrow is the publisher and It will be the best $10.95 investment you have ever made. DEAR ANN LANDERS : P lease st.op telling kids who hate to practice that they should stick w ith their music lessons bccaUS€ it's good discipline . DEAR DAD: Very fe w kids play piano by ear and beg for lessons. Most children don't like to practice and would qull 1.aklng lessons if they could. Many battle-weary parents who had the stamina to bang in there tell me it was worth the hassle and they are glad they didn't give in. And I'll bet the re are countless readers out there whose lives have been enric hed by the musical education they didn't want. When I was growing up my mother insisted I take French horn lessons because my uncle gave me a horn for my birthday. I despised the instrument and was lousy at it. When I practiced the downstairs ne ighbors Do you fee•/ awkw<Jrd. se/f-consdous - Jonel_v? Welcome to the club. TherC''s help for you in Ann LandC'rs· bookll't, '"The K ey to Populancy ... Send 50 cents with your requ<'st and a long. Sl<Jmped. self-Jddresscd t'nvelofX' to Ann Landc•rs. P 0. Box 11995. Chicago. /JJ. 606 I J New breed necessary? The con troversial sperm bank in San Diego Coun ty has a limited partnership. no dr ive-in window and a low rate of interest. Depositors are limited to Nobel Prize winners and erudite scholars. It doesn't matter who withdraws as long as she is female and willing t.o carry a baby sired by a flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END genius for nine months. ' The purpose, according t.o the director, is t.o create "brighte r children" from the ran ks of whites. dropped out of h igh school. I th o ught o f Leo T o lstoy. Thomas Hardy and Jost•ph Conrad, who had never won a Nobel Pnzc· for ltlt'rature. I WAS THINKING ABOUT this the other morning w he n I turned on the light in m y b at hr oom . H ad a l ess-t h an- physically-perfect deaf man not in tended it. I would be in darkn~. I THOUGHT OF THE PARADE of blal'k athletes who had s tirred this countr v with their a<Tompltshmcnts and all ·the minorities who battled their way through prejudic.-e to mak€.• a m1ll1 on contributions lo our arts and s<:1ences. I thought of Martin Luther who had an I.Q. of 11 5 and Abraham Ltnc:oln who was also below the "genius'" level. I turned on the radio for my morning n ews fix a n d suddenly realized if a deformed hu nchback had not had a major part m its developme nt, I would be left in silence. I litera lly grew u p under a president w hose political recor d has never been mat.ched. yet who could not walk or. indeed. move his legs. None of them would have been eligible as sperm donors o f the '"new society." But mostly, I thought of a man who finisht>d the· fourth grade a nd worked for a Midwc•stcrn l'tlV. who marned a 14-year-old T he a u to mobile I d r ove h ad bee n invented by a high school dropout. T he planes I traveled in had been developed by two brothers from Day\,On, Ohio. who also girl from an orphanage and had me. A genet1C' d1sastC'r? Maybe. But I'm bright enough to know genes don't dominate us -wc overcome them'. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Norlh·South vulner able. as South with 60 on score you hold: •AK7Z Q AKQ543 0 73 +9 The bidding has proceeded: Soatli Weat Nerth Eaat 1 Q P ... I• Put 3 • Pua 4 + Pua 1 What do you bid now·t A. -Now that partner has made a slam try. his holding in dia monds will determine how many tricks you can ma ke . You can convey this to part ner by jumping to five spades. With the ace or diamonds. partner should cue-bid t hat suit, and you can contract for a grand slam: with second-round control, partner should bid a slam . eit.her in no trump or in spades: and wit.h no control. he pusea. Q.2-As South. vulnerable. )'OU hold: •7*1 Ok OQ87'2 •lOHa Tbe bjddi111 hu proceeded: Eut S.-. W9M Nenll P ... P ... P ... t O 1 <:' ,... ,... ow. PUI I o P .. INT , ... ' Whit action do you take'/ A. -lr1 ttffft, pal'tn•r hat contracted for •l1ht \rich •t. no trump even tMu1h 1011 mlthl hav• noth ln1. Y~u hlYt llHM YllllH I po~nllal 1111rd In the op· r:nenu' 111IL and 1 fifth eard n Utt 1111~ whHt 1ou NY• 1 how1t m. h w111ld IN CIOWINly .... tit IW lfl ,. ...... "' ... ,,.,.,, WllM ua ..... w. • The bidding has proceeded: Weat North Eut South 1 <::> Paaa Paa• ? Whal action do you take'! A. -As a r ule. we do not like t.o aUow the opponents to play at the one·level. How· ever. t his hand is an excep· tion. F'irst or all. they are playing in our best suit. Secondly. if we double, part· ner is sure to bid spades. And lastly, neither minor suit is of the length or quality suitable for a two-level overcall. Pus. Q.4 -Both vulnerable. as South you hold: •Q1087~ <:::>Q OAKJ9843 The bidding has prO<leeded: Nerilt Eut So•ilt Weat I• t <::> 2 0 I • , ... J <::::> ? What action do you t.a ke'/ A.-lt is not your turn to bid! Despite your great length In diamonds. you 1hould allow partner the courteay of the road. The band it a potential misfit Cor both aidea. and it sound• aa if partner'• aecond ault, if he hu one, is heart.a. He perhap• hat 1tron1 view• about the ablllt.1 of East to make tnek• at a heart ~on· tract. and you thould allow him \he oppott.11nii1 to H · pr111 hi• v1ew1. Q.1-N1ith•r v11ln•rabt1, as ~thytta Wiit tAI Oii ... OAM •It ,. ........... -,, ...... d, ........... 1 0 ..... ,.. ' "" ., ,... ' w"" ....... , • ..., . , .................... . I llW .......... IN Mt proved dramatically now that partner has supported hearts after his Jump shift. Your hand revalues lo 17 points. so slam should be a laydown. JC you are the sort who likes lo get there slowly. you can start by cue-bidding the ace of spades. But we would opt for the value raise to six hear ts-part ner needs too many right cards for a grand slam to be feasible. Q.6 -Neither vulnerable. as South you hold: • 7 <::.i A62 0 AQJ + KQJ976 Your right-hand opponent opens the bidding with fou r spades. What action do you take"! A. -JC preemptive bids did not cause problems, players would soon abandon them. Here, Eut is forcinlJ you lo guess al al an uncomfortably high level. We would gamble on fi ve clubs. While it is quite likely that we could ddeat tour spades. the chances of making Jame. and Ila re· w1rd. make the rl1k worth while. THE 't~AMILl' CIBCt:8 by 811 Keane 111' d like to know what happened to all the dental floss." MARMADl:IU~: ""'·. '· • f ' "Cheer up ... it's not like I'll be gone forever!" Jl'DGE PARKER EXPLAINING TI-iAT 6HE Ml.J5T ~AY OAC.K TO 10WN, a e>. 5TART8 "TO LENE WHEN PAeeMOPIE A5t<.!:J 10SEE HE~Al..ONE FO~ A FEW M1NVTE51 MOON Ml:LLINS IA TUN)A Y'I PUm.1 IOLYID Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Mond1y, July 12, 1982 BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) PEANIJT8 111 h1t1 Mond1y1." MERE'S TME W<lLD ~AMOUS ~EON ON MIS WAV 10 TME OPERATIN6 ROOM ... DOCTOK, IT 5AVS MERE TMAT AF TER 5UR6~Y, FIFW PERCENi ~ VOVR PATIENTS FEfL f'RETT'( 6000 FOR MALF AN MOOR i,; SHOE ~~~~~E~ wnu ™E "mucK ~-me. JVM~ su~ ... ~? I OOJi G£T 1U~ CW ~ OONG 1"1~ ~~G ... ~A~Cl' PO TMOSE STATISTIC$ 80TMEi '(OU ? by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller I'LL WIPE IT UP NOW YOU MADE A CLEAN SPOT ON MY by Harold Le Doux 5AM CAN 0€ VERY f;IAF.CA5TIC. AT TIME&. DENNl5 ... eur Hl6 "°°° QlW.rTIE5 Ol.JT· WE10H HIS e>AD 0NE6' NOIN ,__ _ _,. TEU... ME WHAT Y0u V14ANT' 'YOU SAID -----------YOU'N: 00tN<:1 DOWN 10 THE .JAIL. TO &CE A Cl.IE.NT' l WANT 'IOU TO 5€E LUKE ~lt..f YO\.YPIE iHEf1.E ' by Ferd & Tom Johnson YOU SPILLED SOME OF THAT ON THE FLOOR BRABBLE DR.SMOCK ' LOOK F LOOR WHAT YOU DID--- I OON1i KNOW ... I'VE. 1 NEVER SE.EN HIM BEFORE . HE CAU5 HllVl~E.LF fHE 'EUMINA1bR'! by Kevin Fagan I l(HOW, ' l<NO\U .. ITS J~1" 'f~'1 ,·~E. ~E."f M~ c,o M. 'S I~ LIH. SO "''&~, l'~"f~ICK! by George Lemont H ti ~ ' I ' ... . '• !. fl l .. ., ... ' •t..• .. . , ~ ' ... • I ! I :·" ~. t " l l I •I I ' 1f ' t I , I tfl •' ,.,,J.-' l 111 >; • ;1 I \ I' ~~------~--~-.._..,..~-------- ------- ' Orang• Ooa1t DAIL v PILOT /Monday, July 12, 1982 DRAllGI CDAS1 11ERE ARE . a Read all today's U news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Daily P.ilot. ® Keep an eye on (.£;,local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning commis- s i on , school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, ery or get ())smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bambeck, interesting fe~tu.res o~ people, 1 1 YOUR HDllllwl llllY PIPIR To keep up with . all that's happening in your community you nee!' the Daily Pilot · ••• every day · . REASOrlS Wl1Y ••• Ill. Follow your team '-r/ The sports . action at. 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community co1- leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save money and () shopping time Real values .on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort and money. Enjoy your ~Sunday ~ Fam ily Weekly, color comics, finance, ''Style'' section and fea- tures about you highlight the inter- est i n g read i n g ~ ;.~~ ... (~o~·~~ packaged !n yo ur / ~ c- Sunday Daily Pilot. it::::~y Enough to read - and enjoy. fiiJ Tune in to the (/ latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi- sion guide is published each weekday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays, Pilot TV Log charts . . the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find format. op1n1ons, informa- tive columns and AU Get into the Daily Pilot DI.Ill Pl.lll4'. comics brighten for only $4.75 per month. your world. --------·--~~-~~~~~-~~--~-~~=-~-~-:~~-~-----------, 642-4321 : I'd like to enjoy the comforts of a home ..... 111111 · No POSTM:l 1 I delivered Dally Piiot every ,.day. ~.1'~:.~:~v : I $ 1 "''"1 ~~-----.. Enclosed Is 4.75 for one month. ....u'"..!.1ost•11\ .._ _____ .,,t I I , 1 Name ................................................ . I I Addross .......................................... , ..... , . t •• I I City ........................... , .. Phone ....•... , •.•.•. BUSINESS REPLY LABEL filOtlo(lt '"" .. '~I• •Mii ~I Orlftlt CNtt 01Uy ftllot ..., ... Ce1u Mell, CA.'"\ 'I \ • t "'''"'' -EV89tG----t.'001·· NIW8 ~WOMAN Wonder Woman ga.11 10 T .. u Where 1M It con- tronted by • dengetoua 'N of pla101.pldtlng rue- tleta. • THllMfT n.-lhrMlll'I Iha Ille Of I llMutlful ~ wtio po=-= _., vlluable pelnting._ 1 1.W.A.T. ~WAM~ " epolled halt.a pll• • beldl bum 901lna1 • play- boy In • bl1arN C.,d 091M. SPOOF -Michael York stars as the das hing Beau Geste in the t'Omedy spoof. "The Las t Remake of Beau G1..•ste." tonight at 9 on KNBC (4). • OV£AIEA8Y G.-1: Wllllem Shatner fR) CJ) P.M. MAGAZINE Moot beMbalf'a numt>et • HUMAHITIE8 one ten. • gondole ride lhrocJllh Venlc<& THAOOQH THE ART'8 QJl EHnRT AINMENT "Mualc. Llttonlng FOi Tiie TONIGHT Unew.pectod" ()) C88 NEWS An tnlervlew with Lorena l1J) A8C HEWS SwH. ~~HEW8 ~=UPPETS **'ii "Eclloel 0 1 A Sum· * * * * "~eglng Bull" mer " 11878) Alchoro 1'8801 Robef'I De Nlto, Harris, JOdlo Fottor A 1.,. Cllhy Moriarty Boidng chemplon J1k1 l• Mone'• mlnalty 111 l2·)'01f·Old girl 1p11tud1 ror violence glv0t her mutlon-tllled bring• him suceeu on the lat..., and her blindly ring but dlarupll hll per. determl04KI mother the tonal lilo 'R' ~IQO to aooept her tete 7:30 9 2 OH THE TOWN MOW Futurod a visit 10 Baja, e • "Crotablf" John 1,0_ traveling to Mulege with lend. Bron! c.,,,., An •l't OUJS-lype sett>ng •nd Olymplc bronze madll· Loreto. the Oldest cop1tll 'lrinning lllQh Jumc>er •I""'· ot Iha CalilornlU, 1 look II · -· wn11 ~to lost ma.I gi. 10 return to the IP0'1 D QI FAMIL y ~UO •h• loelnQ •leg D •a AU.~AA GAME Ol)MOVIE ** "Otl HNven.., ""'-" ~ •r """' Tod O.waon Ind Ann Mar-11980) Chevy Ch .... Benji un host thla sporta specsal Wh ... ln.,...tlgellng • pollll· which profiles pl1yera, cal Mll ecendel In London, 8 prhrllo Ollecilve 11 mu<· hlghllghll lhe seeson. dared anc:I reincarnated II IOOkt •• bloopet1 on the I llCt\.llty dog. 'PG' field and comlcolly repo111 (I) HOT WH&L8 on Iha "1 ot chewing tobeoco A IMNlg«'I rejec11on anti tD M•A•&•H dlaappolntment lead• to 1 d&rlglfout geme ot one-up Hawkeye Ind TrlC>pet'a mantl\lp. Pf•nt to go to Tolcyo 11e a:30. DICK CAVETT lntorruplod by the surron· Gi) AMERICAN oar ot aom. wounded U.S. ~ENT IOldlers by the ChineM. "Slalflng The Executive ., Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH 8'ancil" • MACHEL / l.B4AEA "90fl'T ())al NEWS Ci) ~AT POPS ({I ilAANEY MILLER "Rich Lltlle" lmptnllonlst An Informer In thl squid room tnllehM to the lnlor-Rldl little jOlnt John Wll-fiems Ind the SO.ton Popt nal security Oeplrlmont Orcr-tr• In an ~ about ~ lltu• l><Ndl ot thll lndudell • ulute to the Nies. the MGM muaica1a and Iha (I) TltE FOLK MUelC ~ premiere of ''Aago- AEUNION menil" by Wiiiem Bolcom. The Kfnolton Too host 1 9 YOUAIKEOFO•UT muMcol epecoal luturlng Foetwred. "Mind Over Judy Colllna, The Lwnof. Mu9cle" and "lndiln Who llera, Glen Y1tbrougll, wrmttm Alligllora." Mery Tr ........ JOhn Set>u-CID AM2 FOR THE lilfl, Tom Puton, The PENNANT B<othert FOUi Ind The Barty T~lnl And Tim Flfoolgin Te-tor ~ co... Ill the 1*18 C88 NEWS ~ IMdlng lo Iha 1982 I N8C NEWS Wortd s.tea. KUNG FU Caine receives 1 heunting, l:OO 8 ()) PAl\IATE eJrlr._,aory cry tor help BENJAMIN that ~ds him to rescue 8 C1pt1tn Lewis IS promoted t>ulfllo colt 10 Inspector Gen«ll and 8 AllC NEWS heppil\I an11clp11.. ,_ G KOJA.K hiving 10 dell with Judy An unltnown bOmb« bit· 199ln IRI Ilea Kojal< and the bomb D !BJ UTTlE HOUSE OH aqued wnen 1M1 doesn't THE PRAIRIE ~d eny raneom notes Llutl't joy over the lmmi· offering 10 lloCI the expto. nent birth of he< twit child tlons. It tl\ollerod whorl Almanzo e 111•A•a•H eutters • par11yt.1ng ttrotce. The comp1ny'1 young (Pert 1)1R)O KOi°-plngpong cNmpl-D MOVIE on ~" Hawkeye • • • "Duel In The Sun" llnCI B.J. to lend him mon. ( t~7) Jennifer Jones. Gr• i tor en engeoemant ring gory Peet. A bNutllul half. JC>KEA°8 WtlD btoed lndlen girl IOUCl\n • llU9ltld8 off en·~ remt1y feud NPOftT ""-' the ~ to lfve 1n .~~~~~--~ ...... ~~~~~~.~.....;....;_ CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT !CBS> 0 On-TV 8 KNBC INBCI J Z·TV • KTLA !Ind l " HBO .KABC IABCI e <C1nemax1 0 KFM B ICBSI (!} I WORI NY., N.Y 1J KHJ·TV (Ind.) all I WTBSI • KCST (A8Cl (I IESPNl • K TTV (Ind.I fl ) IShowtlmeJ 'e K COP·TV llnd.) • SpotllOPll •• KCET (PBS) • I C.tble NeW\ Nelwor~) • KOCE <PBS> the home 01 • wealthy e11- tlem•n end his two aont D QJJ MOVIE • * * ''The Doep" I 1877) Nock Nolto. JacqueOne Bit· set A coupi. vaca11on1no on Bermuoe di.cove< e ceche ot morphine ampules while diving tor sunken trouur•. (A) 0 MOVIE • • * 'h "The Pewnbro. k.,.. ( 18851 Rod Staiger .Je<eldlne Fll1ger1ld A Jewtsl\ pawnbtolcer. • vi(;. tlm ol Nezl peraecutlon, 10 ... 111 t111h In his fellow men m P.M.MAGAZINE A lormet Miss Ame,.ce a comebedl al1e< • P•••lyz- 1ng SlrOke. I gonCIOla ride lhrough Vonic;e II) MOVIE • • • · The Costanora Croasing I 1877) Sopl\11 L0<en. Richard H1trls A ~ lflln~rylnQ • 1arror .. 1 will\ pneumonlC plague "-IS Wiii\ detlrUC:- llOn when •I la evertod trom 111 original dettlnatlon 8) EVENIHO AT POP8 "Roch Lillie" lmpreealonlst A.ell L1111e jOlns Jonn wn. hems end the 8os1on Popa 0.Cheltr• In an evening Chat lncludet a talull to 1"9 MGM musicals and the world premi..1 ot "Aago- men11" by William Botcom (e,)MOVIE * e I ·~ "Thi High And Thi Mighty" 1111$4) JOhn Weyne, Clolro Trevor An lltpl-with 22 PAU«>· oar• aOOlfd runt 11110 dan- ger en route to San Fren. c:llGO OO MOVIE • "Gos" (1!1811 Donald Swth1rl1nd. Suaen ~ A radio DJ ano 1 reporter lry to ••C>OM en Oil magNla t plot lo dfMI up Oii prleel by contrlw>g an Oii lho<lage 'A' (O)MOVIE • • • * "Kramer Vt Kr1mer" ( 1878) Dualln Hottman. Meryl Stroop A man bllllea with hi• ••· wtto tor custody OI thetr young son •11« Iha welka out on them 'PG' (.$)MOVIE • •··~ "WOiien" (11191) Albet'I Finney, Di•~ Vona. re POllCe aro teoed wtlh an unusuel problem It N- YO<ll C11y 11 invlded by a pack ol displaoe<I wOlvn 'R' 0 MOV1E • • •i. "Stordua1 Momo- t1es" (1980) WoocJy Allan, Charlotte Aemptlng A tue- cesstul dffector fecea 1 personal crlalt as ,,. lrlet to make some mejor decl- 51ona in hll hie 'PG' e::ao II ()) WK.RP IN CINCINNATI He<b clevelopt c:n..1 paint Ind MOretl)t Checks into • hospllol (A) m SINGLE"8 MAOAZINE An int.,_ wjfh Tony Danu ot 00T1J11", • MQ· ,....,., on "Seminars on Se11u1llty", comedienne e..,.,.e Boosler., Iha 'Ellg•- ble S.ngles . Gi) OAIEAT P£AFOAMAHCE8 "Fidelio" Leonerd Bern· Sloln condUC1s llOlolsta, the orcn.tre and choful ot Iha Vienna Sllte ()p«1 In ~·· only ooor• IRI H08Cll w·A·a·H A celebnty newapapermen vi.lit Iha 4077th lo Wflle •IOllM abou1 -nded Ql't C"I ..... ~ ll•M•lle 01 l ••w ca. .. • ...v ......... 0Ult4t' Ncatdo Moll!Al- Mn, LOU ~. Jetff.., Alflltlll. .GNAT ~ "l'ldello" Leon.rd ..,n. •Min GOndllc1• llOlolel•. lhe ordlellf• ltld c:hOfue or IN VlaMa Stale ()pita In e.t~·· only oC>W• 1110 ~ ,NmNG IHOT ..... (I) HOUMCALLI A c;on erllet ~ Mrt , Plllpt» oul or 18.000 fOf • ;;9 ::.1RI • •YI "The L.Mt Aetnako ()I e..u 0.t•" (1977) MWty FOldman, Mld\MI York Twin b ro111or1 beGome lnvoMld In the Forolon Logion whllo a11~11ng to Pf- lhelr ldoe>tad lamltV'• hOn- ()( OMOVIE "Mr Roell 'N' Roll" 10:00 1J CJ) LOU OMNT A bitter loud, lemlly Mc:rett end • gem-atudd- od golden GfOll -oe w""1 • time capeule from • Oemoliehad building 11 oponad (A) eome NEWa (f:IJMOVIE *** "S.OB"l188tlWH- I ll•m Holden. Julie Andrews A movie diroctor wno hH jull llnlShod a mult•·mllllon dOllar turkey goes lrorn ett«npted tul· cldl lo I blz11rely lnaplrod r•thootlng ot hie oplG 'A' lO)OHVIEW ($)MOVIE * • "Tho Bllch" 11878) Join Colllnt Aft« an 1xtr1mer1tlll 1!11" dettroya her mar•lege, a high-living women MlfG'-for olher -•c:ee ot lundlng 'R' (%)MOW •• "Fu~" p811) ENz:abelh Berridge, SyMa Mll11 Four teon-•o•rt spend • lrighllul night in • catnlvll lunhouM inhobtl- ld by a "-'od b«l<er Ind hla monat•ou• eon 'R' 10-..30 . NEW8 CC)MOVIE e I I "The Au* OI The G1mo" ( 1838) Marcel 01110, Nor• GrlgOf. Frandl toelal Ind -ual mor• MPl<•le llriatoet .it llnCI worklng-cl•n people betoro World War I (Q)MOvtE * I "Blood And Ou11" 11879) Wiiiiam Sm ith . Mlchellne lenctot . An aging -.. l.., .... hll one--tn-1-mlHlon lhol lot 10CCet1 In lite, wort< Ind rove. 'PO' 11:00aaewaa H!WI D SAT\MOAY HIGHT Holl Kiii Jeckaon au.1 o.lben MoCllnton. G YOU A8KID "°" IT F•tured' "Atftcan Sna*1 Sarlrl" Ind "Motorcycll On Tr1pea ," • u •A•t•H HllOC>fly matrled B J I ... tor a belullful -con. tponOent (Su11n SI J-) • llNM" ..... 8aMy pleye • fire c:hl9I ID OOCTO.. .. THE HOUIE Mlchael. wno has - driven 1 cat. 19 coerC*S lnlo joining the St Swttn- 1n'1 motor Club ratty 0 MOVIE I ** "Fema" 11880) Ir- Care, Barry MMter. S-OI Qlflod Sludenlt II I New YO<k high IChoOI lor the pertorming Arla exi>«lence verlout Mlbect.1 and euc- c.sMt ot both per90f\lll and prototllonll netur•, 'PG' 't:IO • ()) QUINC'I' \ Quincy IUIPICt• """°" ,,.._,. ,._ COf dnV« cMal 1n • riery cruh. IRI G IBTOHIGHT 0.-1 host· Joen Alvera Gu..11· Ric:hard Simmons. Arnold SQhwen.onegger D O ABCHlWS HIGKTL.INE D MOYIE 1' • * ''The Spenilh Mein" (HMS) M__.. O'Hara, PAUi Henrmld An ldvoen- turer reecu. a ~lilul gort from o ¥illllnoua noble- men during Iha ~ of ~9C:)l In Iha 17th century. • THEJilffW Jenny ~ ..., btott.r • COid rec.ptlon when he eppellt .,,., • two-year .,.._ l ~ANDMJN UNDIMTNDNG HUMAN llHAW>f' "Sul>Umtnal P«coptlon" Cil CAPT10HED MC NllW8 Or1nge Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 12, 1982 Bl TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (50) 7:30, KCET (28) 8 :00 - "Evening al lhc Pops." lmpreesloni3t Rich Llttlt! joilUi John WllUarrui and the Bost.on Pops Orc·h('Stru KOCE (50) 8:30. K CET (28) 9:00 - "Fidelio.'' Leona rd Bernstein conducts soloists. orchestra a nd chorus of t he Vienna State Opera in Beethoven '!! only opera. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Last Remake of Beau Geste." Comedy spoof about twin brothers and their adven tures in the French Foreign Legion. See photo, left. K NXT (2) 10:00 -"Lou Grant.'' A time capsule, found in a demolished building. is opened . tt:41{%)MO\lll • • • "Throo Women" (18n) Slaay Speceli, &Ni· 1ey Ouvml. Two wcw11an 11 • convllo101nt home Oevelop en unusual ,...._ tlonthlp with 1 wtt.hdr..n patient 'PG' 12:00 8 EHTPTAIHMPIT TONIGHT Ari lnlo<vlew with Lorette 8wtt. •o MOVJ( * *'A "light Al The Edge Of The World" ( 1871'-Klrk Oougl11, Yul Btyflner tn 1865. • ~ Horn )tghl· houle ltoopor bl lllel • bend ol marclleu plr•t•. • M0\111 * •'.4 "The Only Gema In Town" 11868) Werren BM1ty, Ellzabelh Taylof. A ChONI girt le On.ted mat· Mtge by • gambtll' wNle wetting !Of her lollo< to dlvorce"'9wfte. • LOW. AMPICAH 8TYL.a "Love And The Pu11t1>1r Pru. Baby" A movie ll1t. wtio Wlnl• to haY9 1119 per. l«:t b4lb)I. trlel to get 1 Pulla.r ~ wrttar to be lhe,.,_ 12: 10 CJD Mee A>R THE PeHHNfT Barty Tompkins And Tim ~COY« Ill the bMM IMdlng lo Iha 1982 WortdSerloe t2: t6 ©)MOVIE •• "Night Scnool" 118111 Leonerd Mann. A•chel Werd. An 1nth1opology proteuor Wtth • penchant tor co-adt la aospectod of lhe 1>ru111 murlMrt ot tome ot htt fOfmet bed pertnert. 'A' 12:26 CC) MOYIE * ** "FOfl AoKM. The B<onx" (1881) P..i New- men. Ed ,..,_, A lougll cop battlea Grime and --rupllon In Nmw Y Ofll City' 1 Soulll Brorui MIGf'~· hood. 'A' 12:30 a a LA n NIQHT wrn. DAVID L.ETT'EMAAH Gumt• -therapia1 Dr Ruth w .. thelmer, -' ~J-Btown • COUPt.D 1= * * "Sn91• Flit AgMar" Jldlle Chen A YoU"Q boy INml Iha rn"1lOI lltilll of becoming a Kung Fu warri- « 'R' 12:AO 9 CJ) COUJM90 A wine~ INK· oar. Na younger brother, woo hid )ust ennouncied hi• lntonliona to NII the I emlly winery I A I CJD MOVIE **'"' "Galaxy Ot T.,,or .. 118911 Edwltd Alben, Erin Moren A ~Ip crew encountera I GOl«le Of frightening alien creotur .. ~ IOoltlng I« enother _.. atrendad on • for. bidding planot. 'R' , •• ~M/TffY .MOVIE ••'A "I Could Go On Singing" 11883) Judy Gar- llnd. Din Bog8rde. " ling- ., \4li1a tr. eon IN Q1V9 up tor edoption. GtMttng problema tor mother. ll lher and Child 1:ao D al Nee NlW8 OYPNIGHT ·=Almn' * **'.4 "Wollen" (1881) A.111ar1 F1nney. ~v­ ,._ Pollce -I~ wltll an _,.. proo.m ........ y Oft! City .. lnvltdod by • ~ of dllpleoed WOIYel. 'A' 2*1 I :t::'U.NM • "Graduation Oey" llH 11 Chrlatopher Oeotge. Pllletl M9CKenzte. High 1Ct10o1 lraok atllletM are being literally "cut from the ~·· by .... unllnown klll«. 'R' (Z)MCWW *** "S.0 .8."ltN 1)Wll- llam Holde n, Julie A.ndr-A rncMa dlrec1« woo hu )ult llnllhad • mulll-mdlion dofler lurtley goel ''°'" et1ernptod .,.. c:lde lo • ~ lnlplrad ,..enootlng of 1111 eo1C. 'A' ~®wc:wll * * • "The Stlent Pen-,_.. 11179) Eliott Gould. Owtllopflar Ptummar A. bank ....,., lrnpfomptu 11ternpt lo CMh In on • robbery lead9 lo harua- ment llnCI lerrOt° ~ Iha real thief ~him 10 :ta0 ;;=toot. 'A' 2:M CC) MOYIE • • • "Cuttor'• Wey" 119811 John Heetd, Jett Brldgoo. A mllmad Vlet- nern vet end hla bea1 Irland, • aoclel d ropo.11, tocua lhel• -glee on IOMng •murder ceM. 'A' t:Aa. HEWS 1:009 MOVIE * *'.4 "Wo/O OI Eviderloe" I 1ff91 Van Johnlon. V«• Mlle1. A young men ottarnpll to prow thlt his lmoneonad tether II inno. cant of murder chargee a:ao. JOAN fW8'8 Ca.mJYHOCM Adult pucipet-Berdey Sh.-and the Tropocana Dancer$ -fiMtUf'ld MO(l)MCWW ***'A "Wo!Mn" (t881) AAlett Finney, Dlal>e v- , .. Police -feoed ~ en unusual problem 11 New y Ofll City .. ln'llldad by • padl of dlmplacad _..._ 'A' ut(B)~.JUMeO. rrt MMMCI An lntemettonef llToy ot tt1e ~·· maatera of 111u-11on l•turm America'• Mlt1< WMeon. Japar1'1 SN· med•. Olene the Enc:henl- ,... and O.vid Coppa<· lleld 4:00 (%) MOVIE • • "Children Ot Rage" ( t1178) Helmut Griem. Olg• Oe«goe-Plc:ot •:JOO MOVIE • • "The Hollywood Knight•" 11880) Robert Wuhl, Tony 0anu. On Hal· Joween -In 1985. • rowdy high IChool gang .., .. , hawc In a.-ty Hiiie to .._. Iha C1o11ng of lhelr hangout by lhe JOHN DARLING IOOll ,,_ -· Maoot-etiofl ..... 4:40 (.C) MOVll • • .... paralo Waye" ( 1NCll Kat.n 9ladl, Tony Lo -.neo A young c:ou ptf'1 taliufa to c:ommunl Gala nMt1y ,_,.ti In Ille de91r\IC1IOll ot lhelf mar· rlllgO 'A' T~•da11'• Da111 l•e Mot,le• -MORNNG- •:at CID •"Gu" 11te11 Don· eld Sulherlend, Sua1n Anapech A rldJo OJ end 1 report., try to oxpoee en o;i magneto'• plot to drive up Oii prlCll by contrrving en Oii tl\ortage 'A' t.-00 (%) * I "FunhOUM" 11881) EIWll>oth Berridge. Sylvia Miios. Four teen-- agera apend • trlghtlul night In • cernlval run- houH Inhibited by • demenlod berkor And hll monatroua IOf\. 'A' e:ao e "Never. Nev« lend" (1881) 'G' 7:41 (%) • • • "Thr .. Women" (1877) Slsay Space6<, Shel- ley Duvell. Two worklfl 11 1 conv1111c1n1 home develop en unuevll rel•· llonehlp with 1 wtthdrewn Pl llent. 'PG' 1.-00 (C} **'A "Bk>w·Up" I 18845) D1vid H«nmtnge, Voneau Reclgreva When o young London phOtogr•· P'Wlf hit some of Illa p1c. tu•• t>town up, hi dllGOV• ort what eppeata 10 be a murdw * e 'h "Aeggady Man" 11881 I Siuy Spac>eio. Eric Aol>etta tn 18U. 1 1._ phone operllor on • a.mall Tous town aacriflcos her stlndong in lhl cornmunny when the has I thOr1 1!11ir wolh • comblt-t>ound aatt· or 'PG' ct * * "The Glttt On The BH ch" 11885) Noroen Corc;oren, Mertln W•t Throo young co-ada try 10 pereuede a todl group lo tllgl • benefit perform. enc., with proceeds going lowerd 1 new beecl\houM . t-.ao 0 * • ',\ ''Chu Chu And The Philly Fllllh" ( 1881) Alen Arkin, CwOI Burnell An alcoholic former b•,... ball playw end • kooky ltrMt ent«talner b9C:ome pertners In • ICheme 10 malt• money by returning a loll N ICIM. 'PO' t0:00 CJD * * \4 "s-N Ulla Oto Tlme1" ( 18801 Gotdle H....n, CheYy Cf\... A aotl-1\Mrtod ltwyer is torn ~..., hopoleaa .... hu1b 1nd-turned -b1nk roObet and her uptlghl P'-t huablnd whO II running for Celltornl• ettorney general 'PG' (S) * * * "The Lui Time I Sew Perla" (1954) Ellu- betl\ Tlylor, Ven ~ BaMd on I ltory by F Scott Atzgerlld Broken ·~ Ind lllatterad lndMduela populate Pant 11 Iha end of World War 11 CZ>••• "Sliver StrNk" (1878) Gene Wild«, Jill Cleyburgl\ A mild· mennerld book odllOI 1c:cldont1lly becomes involved In • alnlttor 1r1 thlet't blufre plol during 1 Cf()IO-()()Untry lrlln r Ide 'PG' 11:00 ~ • • • "Mcllntockl" 119831 John Weyna, M1<1· reen O'H1r1. A cattle blfon trial 10 hendle 1 group ol doagruntlod tndl· -and c;ope with. fiery. determined wile Al Iha tameltme. g e * "Blg W~ey" I 1879) Jen.Mlcflael Vin· cent. Wtlllem Kell Throo c~ IMIVt enl0'1 t11e -1 end MM untM t1wy begin to roell•• 111a1 thofe'1 lnOfa IO wi. 11\aof\ •DlnO down tMlt CIOer'da 'PO' ''*' •••• ~ ""°O'le llMr" I 10501 AOf'( Calhoun. Pet« Or..,.. Two memben of ' Ille -l!lll'lllV lnYOIYe , ·~In the -Id of Grime • ***"The Comte" 11 ... I Olc:ll Van ~·· Midlele Lee. A t9ded lllant lllm 1111 rfOllln• 191M when he begin.I INllc Ing c;omlcal I~ OOtn• metdal1. • *** "WerAnd P-" (Perl 2) I t8!»8) Audrey ~l>uni. Honty Fond• Sued on Iha novel by Leo ToletO)'. The HYM Of throo l•l'lllllet we groelly 1119C:lad by lhe NN)OleonlG Wltl (IJ ••·~"For Your Eyee Onty" p811) Roget Mooto, Topol J-Bon<1 lr~1 • c;r1rn1na1 wno purlOlnod • loCI MCtot Brllith dolenM devlc:e 'PG' (ZJ • • 'FunhouN" (189 I) EllUl>eth Berridge. Sytvto Mlleo FOUi I~ oOO'• apend I lrlghllul nlghl In • comivll fun. hOUH lnh1bltod by • demenled bit~« •nd h1a monatrout eon 'A' t:OO IC)••• "Ag11h1 ·11878) OuaUn Hollman. Ven.au A~IVO In London In 1928. en American ..-11- peper reporter meell and b.comet Involved with le.med my1t«y writer Ao•• Iha Chrlttle, who has left her unfaithful huabend. 'PG' (}O •••·~ "G~a" I 1880) Gone ROWllnda. John Ademn A form« gun moll becomes thl pro. tecior 01 en orph•nod 6- yHt-old P.--to Aocan tar· getod by the uneserwond tor the 1nform1tion ho car-,_ tn • b111erod brief· caM 'PG' 1:30 0 * *'II "Slit dust Mem-°'_ .. I 11180) WoocJy A.lien, Cherlo111 Rampltng A WC• ~~tul dltle1or foc;os • peraonel Ctl ..... he ,,_ to mike tome m•JOt deo- s.on11n hit hie PG 1:46 f l * * * • P.,sonl 11866) Liv Ullmann, Bobf Anderuon An actress rond«od mull by emo. tion•l pain •om<>VH to en 1tolOtod beldl houM Wiii\ 1 nurM 11 her only com• panlon S:OO (HJ • ~--' Raggedy Men'' ( 188 t) !1uy SpOC411l, Euc Robetlt In 111'4, a lele- phone ooor11or tn • e.ma11 Tuu town NCtlftc. her ttand•ng In thl commu0tty when the till. tt>ort •lf•ir with 1 comblt·bound a.II· or 'PG' ($)**'~"The Stiogun W1rr10<t Gllklng" Anl· meted A pawwlul robOt oetond5 E"1h -II it lhrMlened by Kong O..ous end the 0.111\ Horror Corp 0 * * "The GiM Of\ The Beacti" 11965) Nore«1 Corcoren. Merlin West Tnroo young c;o.edt try to periwade • rod! group to tlege I benet11 perform· In<», Mlh Pfocoodt (jOfng towerd • new beeehhouse I : II ( z, * * "Chtldron OI Rego I 1878) Helmut Gt1om. Olga Georges- Pocot 4:00 0 • •·~ "Blecula" 11872) WllHem M1rtl\11I, Vonelll McGoe A v1mplre resur- roctod 11ter 200 years oc>e' on 1 kllUnQ tpree lhrQUOhOUI Los Angeles 4:SO U "Nev.,, Ne11et Land (18811'G' 6:00 lZ) *** "SOverStreek" ( 1878) G-Wilde<, JIM Cleyburgh A mold· mennerod book 1d11or 1cc1den1111y becomot lnvOlvod in 1 linlale< lf1 ' tl\la4'a blz.orre plol during a crON--GOUntry tr8111 ride 'PG' by Armstrong & Batiuk It's Greek to 'M-A-S-H' star BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Classic White with Patomlno Leather. Electnc Sun R oof, A lloy1, Stereo -Casse tte . 3000-TURBO $30,8 52. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or 714 845-1122. BJ JERRY BUCK AIT.-....wrttet LOS ANGEL ES -William Christopher can read Homer's clatsic legends ln the original Greek text, but It's doubtful whether he could order a bottle of oum In the native tongue. Chria1opher. currently touring Albe~. Delphi and Peloponnesu.. ii a student of ancient Greece. But Christop her , who plays Fa ther John M ulcahy on "M-A-S-H," can't s ak a w,,rd or the modem language. "h 1eem1 thal everybody In 'M-A~S-K' h a..• b een 1 01 n1 to Oreect, .. he .. ld ... Jamie ran Mi aot *k and he uld l •hould M Vt bten there with hlm. I IOld him l only 1peek anct.nl Oreek. Ke aid, 'Oood. JOU can talk to ... C " .:·· la:lllilr--111111:•. ~h:;, ~, ...... • 1m n.. rt are Alen .r,-:.,~:w:'~. CMAlllWm " ..... "~ ........ '~but ~ ........ =..:::;r.: ='1:.-.r.w.'= I was only in about half the shows m the t>eginning. But I had some good parts. "Each year my role has gotten bigger," he says. "I always felt 1 was a part of the ahow and l felt very much a part of 1t. We all do our special thing. That's why 'M·A-S·H' has worked ao well. Vie have wonderful writers w riting wonderful things for us. Father MulcBhy often wrestlee with hJa feeling of inadequacy and finds waym io be of ~ .ervice." Christopher says the character is a ll@rioul one but there's atiU a lot of humor In Father Mu.lea.by. "You'll eee hlm befuddled or making a lilly • joke at hls own ~xperue," Christopher 11Jd. "He can't make th~ cracks that Hawkeye doel, but he wiU make a t.orrible joke that amueet him," ChriJioP.h~r la afto the ~ Cor a line ot "M-A·S·H • clothln1. 1uc:h •• T·t b lrt.8, arnn uf.lauel and IU~J If.OWN Het ttudlt-d ancfenl GrHc:e for a yHr at W•yan Unlvfftty and hill DUl'IUld k .... HAI own produclll)fl wmpany la maw ..... ~. 1'M·A·8-H" hi ChriltopMf'1 ....nd ........ He WM ll1 un.llorm few I.hi flnt w . llt :w~-,...a.r f cw thrN )'NII on .i~ J)tt, " "l'w NIYlf' F'Mlfl OUl Of I l11 .... " M •• •1f...,.. IO IM e& hoMI In ~of I...,. =.:.:: .. ~~_:.~ ............. OI,.,,.,,/' I ,.. Ma .... • l"fl# ...,. ,., nwt'("""' M!il W M Mott ,...,. II '"l'ht ,_,.,,.. ._...._ "With Six You Get Eggroll," "The ShakJeat Gun In the West" and "Hearts of the West." The upcoming lleUOn will be the final one for the celebrated 9erie.s.. It will wind up with a two-hour show, or four half-hour shows, ln which the Korean War mds and all the deni%ens of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital head home. "l don't rocua on that too much ." said Christopher. ''We had ao many aood ~We bad a rare experience. J do fee-I ud about this belnc the last year, but I don't Jft around l"OOm\Jnc, And wecy ye.er we beard It WU '°'"' to be the 1Mt year and ,, never Wal. "( don't Uke io be unemployed, but when lam, 1 can always flll the dme playi.na the piano Scott Joplin ... style and worklnc fn the Pr<ktn." he said. "My wl(e and l had a wonderful &line when I wu aurti~ out • m1 aotor' and th1Qp were very ~ What will he do ali« "M-A·B·K''? He ll'nlled and Mid. ••u onl~ l mu.Id IA1k to lhml IDdl on Mount OI rd W.. 10 wotk ml a fea&un." If It floets, chancn •r• you' II rt •d 1bout It In the NEW JAPANESE REST AURA TRY OUR DAJL Y PECIAL Enjoy Teri,akl • Tempura ......... ..., .... ~by CMll' '•IDCMl9 Japuete Cher • Baer • ,,... • Saki ® JAPANESE ~g.:sCL RESTAVRANr NOW OP.EN F08 LIJNCB ...... Mt•··1111 ... ...... ,.... ............. • ·' •' ·: ' I . l ' ~ 1 ' i 1 • I • I l I f I r I ( cl w n d st (1 0 1 m a p fit w $1 Sl ~ SU of O,.nge Oout DAILY Pll.OTIMond•V• July 12, 1882 'himp gets rievenge £or b~I ~u GLENN SCOTT l?iMDe41fHet••eff 'Not only did rock singer Ozzy O.bourne -t 1a dOle of hla own medicine from laNWc the chimpanzee durlntJ a recent vlah to Irvine, but the rock ain&er a1IO turned out to be a aore loser. Osbourne. who gained a rather ghoulish if ~tll-explolted image as an animal biter for cho m ping off a bat 'a head during a concert In February, became a bite victim himself on the day of his June 25 concert. Before an evening concert at Ir vine M eadows amphitheater, Osbourne and a film crew journeyed next door to Lion Country Safari to mug with some of its animals. The idea, a park spokesman said. was to show that Ozzy doesn't really hate critters after aJl. Then he came fac.-e-to-face with Isaac. Animal tta.iners say Isaac isn't a bad dude. He is, in fact, one (If the small but strong chimps who visitors can jpeet and touch • TH E BEST In reading enjoyment comes to your hom e 7 days a week in the Daily Pilai 642-4321 I ~ ci -•-•od •ow .... ~OW PLAYlrtQ --li:iii 8MTA.-sA llTOM .._ ~ ar-Cen!e< Efw11cts SaddllOlc!I AMC 0.lllO' ltW 911~141 »1 $tt0 11310340 ..,.... .... OU-. ~ IOW!I Centi• Edwll'lls Woodbrcllll 0....... ~Orm Ill 15'"'41'4 (1U) SSI otSS (71416391110 ·--·°"·--) Ace Hunter Is the Ultimate Super fferol LUXURY THEATRES 1st Twt M1ti1tt Slltwi1u OlllY S2Ji 1Wtss0ttlenisellltt4 S 113GU•r•1utl6i~ 2Sss 1~~.) J.-FOR FOOi EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur... * w k;1$11tJl;Cff;!jtl~Uiil .. u~-0 '°""" ~::o::._-_·.16 12':002:004:001:00 a:oo I 0:00. lraJI\ 59a 1 It Haw .sTAA ,,_ W1i'ATH TT\E~ -NW't !ml ............ ..,, . ., , . HARRISON FORD .. IU:V. 11un,_,, rn 1~.z;:c:;oo . Make lbur Future But JSMC 4'•t coll'! to Ouy, and l9 prove It ho 11~· the ICQ.pr a, 'la bite on the thumb, acco!'dlnlJ to w~. Ozzy reportedly wtint Into quite an act -one that left a few worken at the park a bit perplexed. SaJd one employee, who wasn't at the teene: "Isaac only bit hlm once and only on the thumb, but everybody said' Ouy wu n big baby, moaning and crying and carryin, on like he was rfflly hurt." lsaac, meanwhile, has since had his four canine teeth removed. The surgery was scheduled even before the Osbourne incident as a usual precaution for such animals, a park spokesman said. But for Isaac, hero of the animal world, the surgery was too little too late. Like an old cowboy, he can hang up his holster knowing he stopped the meanest outlaw In the territory. He got his man. M!i'J All CD191TICI • II IO&AI WATa HIA'111te IAfltlOOM 111M01a1N9 Sr '"' 21701 a.-Time ·-et .,_ Ooof (Call 810<• ~ Y-"'-I COSTA MISA 641-1289 112 • .....,..IM. M1U10N VllJO 495-0401 ,..,, c:....IM c 'I -cs-.... """'· • ,..., ~ ... .) Peopte whO need people ahould elwaye dl«tc the SeMce Directory In the DAILY PILOT Now it is free to become one of us . 111i1a · "A 1'1011le ¥ou'11e .lus t. 6ot To See !" -JOEL IEGEL Good Morning Am~rica ABC-TV Something Really Speciall ~~~====-=-===·':"=,,:;~ Graduating? ... Changlngs Jobs? ... Starting a New Career or lifestyle? Assure yourself of a beautiful future at . John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages have found new personal horizons to match the chal· leoges 1beld. Learo everything from Mlkeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come In todlY for a f rtt per. aonal analvtlt and program dlscu11lon. ORMO! COONTY rJ Town£, Court'), Cringe (714) ,..7-1221 •• •f'iref ox' hos suspense. intric-ate plottinl{ and a dima,'t rrnwdrd with lll'linn. •• -GENE HAUT 0itfll4UTID9Y--.W. ~· -•VIWIN«ll~fl()ll4~Nl'f' ... ....__..., ""'f• ·---.. __ --... - .. SIX-TRACK CIJ(CICUf8'Wm>I" PRESENTATION •-TllACal -~O-U•07IO --C-..U•U~J ---..... --S-lllM .. )tll/O *BARGAIN MATINl!IES • Mond1y thru S1turd1y All PtrformencH before 5:00 PM (Ex_. I_. Efttafl'Mfl(I alld Hoficl1y1) '"' M1w.a: •/4. ..___.,, LA MIRADA WALi< IN "ANNIE" tNI ___ ..._ .. Muooo OI IO••C•On• •••·2•00 ___ ,__, _ (PO) ---------+---.. -=a""TAR TREK II: "THE 8ECttET OF NIMH" THE WRATH OF KHAN" ·------.• , n:: ~~n.::o (PO) "POL TEROEl8T'' 1..01 ,_, __ ,__ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "ROCKY HI" 1..01 _ __ ,_ .. ._.,,,. ,ocully or Condlewooo 211/111•9110 "8TAR TMK II: "THe 8ECRET OF NIMH" THE WRATH OF KHAN" __ .., __ _ "ROCKY lll"J:> .. 7'1911 DOlaY • 0 .... ------ LAKEWOOD C ENTEJl SOUTH WAI•'"' Al Del Amo 211 6M-t211 "THI "'°"° AHO TMR ~IJIOt" ltll ------ l .-.(.1)~· so . COAST WALK -IN 1•1 .. DINER""'> ._ ...... -- Soutll Cooll Hlwoy ot lfoodwoy 494-1514 "ROCKY Ill" (POI --.. ........ ----·-- ...... fll 7:11 -s.t.. Sia 7:1S ... 111111 tt W IMrORTANT NOTICE! CMILOIUN UNOU' 12 FIUE! """" ... ·-...... ffl. 7:ta • Sil, Sa . .....,..,. CM.fl SOUllO • YOUll UI CAii IWIO IS YOUll ~ tlf !IO AM CAii IWlll llllTll OllTOI ~·..,.,... -~,,,. l'llllTw.I I• llU OllMl ~ GD Oii .. MOIO *,..AMf 1~ ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,, .. ...,,ti Ol le"'°" SI 179·fHO "P_,OIC"1N l -.... QAl'OllCF' INI Clltt·JI SOUllO • .;t ,_._.. r •'-'• BUENA PARK URIVE IH "~TalMlltT"!Nt -"MA w~va•" ,,., Clll( " IOU!IO ... ii .... LA HABRA :•~'•• '" -·-·--·--171-18'2 ---~ ~ .. '• ORANGE LHllVI I N ..,,. .... MD n.-e,ec••1 fl" •AllUIM I OP ATU,fml* ~ MI S~ION , 1. , ' ,,, -~ . ''8l.ADE RUNNER" I'll -"BOOY HEAT"Pll POL TeRQl!l8T" c.NI -"HA WOLW8" 1111 Ctlttk!.OUllll • ...... ($!-..(Ill -'"flOCK 'N' fl()l,L HtGM" !N I Cll•f fl SOU100 IM<n ll•G So OI Co<oenGlo..k_, 191·l69l --n. n.G"1111 -"CAT N°"-F' 1111 Clllt "SOUtlO --- ·~P'Oll"INl -.._OAl'OllCt' !N I Clllt Jo IOl.wo lo•IO A!IO '""' l l .... CeM999 111•7022 llllA fOU•TAlll YAllfY UA Mo"'" HO 4012 (dw11da I ou""'" VtH1y COITA MllA 839 1500 "''"' lw1ft 831 3501 •OllANGl ClntOolllt 634 2553 C..1111M Wttt ltl 393f> 1111111u ldw•••1 w"o"dt• 551 oe55 • ~ 70MM ®Wrf!S!J llS$IOll WU> IMU 49~ 6120 \ Dilly Piiat MONDAY, JULY 12. 1982 ClASSIFllD cs Downing puts Angels • Ill first at break By CURT SEEDEN O(IM Deity flttot l taH ball over the right field fentoe to give the Angels just about everything tht>y could ask for Sunday att.ernoon -a 2-1 victory, a series sweep of the Yankees and first place In the American League West as the major league season ended lt.s first half. agrt~ "Wht•n we were 16 gumes OVl'I' .500, I said, 'hell. •we'll oc• up by 20 at tht• All-st..ar brf'ak.'" Actually, Mauch will tWltle for being 14! games above the .500 murk, and ht! says his tt.•am's l'haral'ter has a lot to do with the l•nvinbk po1>1tion. lhP ston1• was ground," Mau<:h said. Angel Managn Gene Mau<·h once rcmarkt.'<.l: "There has never in the history of the game oc-cn a pitcher as good as we make Gossage thinks he 1s." It shouldn't be a surprise that Mauch made the comment back an May when the New York Yankees and their hard-throwing reliever, Rll·h Gossage beat the Angels. "WC' had so many things we weren't sure o{ in spring training." noted Maut•h after the game. "But if I had the right m February to put them (the Angels) where I t'OUld put them now , it would be right here." "Damn. Renko was good," Maul·h bt•amed in the Angel clubhouse to rt•port.cn;, He had already received congratulatory v1s1ts from both An~wls cha1rman of the board Gt•ne Autry and l'Xl.'t'Ut1vc• vice president Buuie Bavas1 Henko may sound lik1.• a fossil, but he figures to lo pluy a kt'y role in the• Angc•ls se<.'Ond half of the sca~n after failing in his last four attempts to win his '-'•folhth ganll' of th(' year "Mention my n:1m1.:. will ya?" Reggie Jack.son m4u1n-d of Rt•nko afU.'r th1.· game.• as hC' talked with the· nw<l1a. And apparently, Angel leflflelde r Brian Downing agrees with his manager. Coming lo the plate in the bottom of the eighth innmg, lock<'<i ma 1-1 duel with Gossage and the Yankees. Downing came lo the plate spec1f1cally looking for a rally- slarting double. "You're m then" kid," Renko r(.'Sponded. Here 1s Cu-st placoe al the halfway mark, a satis f ying feeling, indee d , for the Angels t•<ms1dermg an eight-game losing streak and a S(>Vl'n-game s kid wh1t•h put a t'Ouple of dampers on his team this season Mauch was t.'<.'Stallc ovl?r thc> pt·rformanl't.' of Steve R('nko, lh(' 38-year-old nghl handl·1 v. ho survived a hot a fternoon clgt1111.')t thl· J\mc.•m:<in League champions or a yt•ar ago l,K•forc· lt•aving Ill the seventh mning "I won't say I wasn't l1rc.-d ," Renko continued. n•fernng to bemg lifted m favor of eventual winner Andy Hassler in the· s<'V<'nth "It's the man's de<:1s.1on ll was hot out there and 1t took iis toll.'' He did much better He rifled a Gossage fast "Sun'. thc>rc• was a rut m the road," Mauch "Renko kPpl gnndtng and grinding and finally Tht· heal also 1 .. vcntually took 1ts loll on Yankt.'t' l>tarter Shant.• Rawley. who gave way to 1See ANGELS, Page C21 Carew to skip Montreal Angel first baseman Rod Carew, voted to the Amc•rican League All -star learn for the 16th conset'ut1vc year. will miss Tuesday's summl'r dass1c in Montreal. Carew. who has ~n bothert'<i by tendm1lls m his right hand oH and on this season , ::,at ou't Sunday's 2-1 victory over the• Yankees al Anaheim Stadium A team spokesman said Carew will remam home and undergo treatment, including cortisone injections. from team phys1c1an Dr. Lewis Yocum during thr break. "I'm still having problems with my hand and it's more important for me to get healed up to help the team than to play in the All-star game." Carew said afler the game Sunday. "I've ha d two (cortisone) shots today and I just want to take four days off to give them a chance to work. "I just didn't have any strength in my hand which was affecting my hitting," Carew added. It marks the third time since his lirst All-star Game in 1967 that injuries have forced Carew out of action. ln 1970. he•was on the disabled list aft.er undergoing surgery for torn ligaments m hs his right knee. In that season. while playing at Minnesota, Carew missed from June 22 to Sept. 22. In his first season wnh the Angels in 1979, Carew agam was forced to miss the All-star game when he suffered torn hBaments in his right thumb on June 1 and remained on thf.' d1sabll'd list until July 19. "I'm glad we're on top." Carew added, referring to Sunday's victory which moved thf.' Angels mto sole possession of first place m the American League Wf.'sl. a game ahead of Kansas City. ''I just hope I'll be better for the second half." LEAPFROG -New York Yankee second baseman Willie Randolph has to jump to avoid the slide of Angel base-runner Bobby Clark to complete eighth-inning double play Sunday at Oally Piiot Photo by Char .. • Sterr Anaheim Stadium Angt·ls won, 2-1. to complete series SWC<.'P of New Yorkers By Curt Seeden Italian • Will touches off celebrations I Coach, 'old' goalkeeper vindicated in 3-1 victory over West Germany MADRID (AP) -W o rld Cup champion Italy headed home to a hero's welcome after defeating West Germany. rated the best SO<.'Cer team in Europe, for the title with a goalkeeper who was supposed to be too old and a star rusty from a two-year suspension "This is the happiest day of my lifo, one that I have worked towards for many years," said Coach Enw Bearwt after being carried acr05.5 the fi eld on his players' shoulders as Italy captured its first world championship in 44 years with a 3-1 victory over West Germany Sunday. Paolo Rossi. Marco Tardelli and Sandro Altobelli scored second-half goals to fashion the triumph for Italy. Dino Zoff. the 40-year-old goalie, played superbly and came within seven minutes of being the first to record a shutout in a World Cup fmal. Paul Bre1tner n<>ttcd the· lone German goal aflt.>r the game was out of rcal'h Rossi 1s Italy's newest superstar after rebounding from a two-year suspension for his alleged involvement in a gamc•- fixing bribe r y scandal. bet'ome the tournament's leading Sl'orcr with six goals Th(' loss was Germany's first to a EurofJ('an team m four years ltaly also won the World .~up m 1938 and 19:i4. and now shares Brazil's mark of three world champ1onsh1ps. The v1clory. which had Bearzot reconsidering his decision lo r etire, touched off delirious celebratio ns throughout Italy and parading and dancing through the streets of Rome. Sandro Peruni. Ita ly's 86-year-old president. leaped to his feet and cheered after each Italian goal, 1gnormg Wl'St German chancellor Helmut Schmidt and Spanish King Juan Carlos. who w('re seated nearby. Th(' 110,000 fans. most of them rooting for Italy. went wild with py as it be<:ame clear their team would win. Roaring "Italia" in unison and waving µatnotic flags their din rocked the stadium The mezianine tier was draped with scores of banners honoring ltalian soccer dubs and cheering on the national team with such slogans as "Forza ltaha , Se1 Magica" (Onward Italy, You are Magic). The current Eurbpean champion West Germans, who lost a $50,000 per player bonus, left Santiago Bernabeu Stadium stunned and shake n. "I was so close to becoming a world champion. and getting a title I still am missina from my collection," said ashen- fat't'<l striker KJaus Fischer as he walked to the team bus. After a ~'Orel~ fi rst half, lhe ltahans rl'groupcd .during the intermission while the ~rmans squabbled. West German Coach Jupp Derwall said h e was arguing with veteran defender tm Stielike. "He insisted that I move him out in front in the se<."Ond half to give greater drive to our midfield. When I made the fir,.;t changc in the lineup, he protested v1s1bly and k<'pt on shouting for the whoh.' St.><'Ond half." said Derwall. who had r('plac('d midfie lde r Wo lfgang Dremmler with forward Horst Hrubesch. The match had nol started well for the Italians. who lost forward Francesco Graziani, injured after onl y seven minutes of play. U.S. POLOISTS RALLY FOR TIE McEnroe plans rest after classic battle BUDAPF.$T, Hungary -The Uni~ Stata remained in a lie for teCOnd place after the sixth round of the Tung1ram Cup water polo competition after playina to a 5-6 draw wtth West Germany here S unday. Jamie Fer1u1on poured ln three aoaJe and nr.w McDonald addecf two more H tht U.S. rallied from 1 4·1 hellum. defldt '° ~ &he 1'8ndoff. ltW wl&h an ouli'de C'hancle a\ wlnnln1_ th• '4>Urn1mtnt, tht U ...... lea• w• due IO lac. 11a1, In ua rlnal lllM IOdl)'. ST. LOUIS (AP) -John McEnroe, his sore right ankle begging for a rest, will spend three to four weeks away from tennis to ponder what lies ahead. Considering the scare given him and his Amer ica n teammate• Sunday In quarterfinals of the Davis Cup, the retpl~ 1hould ~ welcome. ChiillcnaJna tor th top 1tatu1 McEnroe hu onjoyod 11 Mata Wllander, the new Scanda.navlan I man. Mt'ICnroe, atter ii.a rtna to a 9·7, e.2, 10·17. 3-6, 8·6 marathon victory ovor Wllander \o nall down Amtrlca'1 S·2 v•olory ovtr lwod n, r11pondttd to 1 ramUllr ~\Wry. ·~ ... 1 a mllarl.t)', ntwkUJ1," he Mid In Mmp1rlnt "Wtllodtr wllh a~n ..,.._, U. men ~1*'1"41 1..11Untl'1'Mf' nl ~ young Swede. "I couldn't play my game tht> way I wanted to. The guy (Wilander) is 17 but a very mature 17." Nonctheleu, for the first 30 gamca of a m atch which latled 1lx houra and 32 mlnut.et, McEnroe ap~ared to have hll I 11-cxperlenced opponent whure he w¥n~ him. Thon, u If by magic, th e much'.a momentum awunc drama\Jcall)' Mc.r.nroo, af\4lr mtaatna 1 Mrvk.'e brHk In lho eov .. nlh pme of lhe third M\., ~me th hunle!d lMIMd of tht hun.,.r ln whit evolvtd lnlc> 1 cllllto bllllt Mol'Noe Ma.I WllandH'• llHY•, ._. n.wt.. •f• &hit U6' had llWU"I ao 1tw. Mdf of &ho ~. ~ h!m ttt. matt "H4t WM lfUJnt HM to """""' M thtm In," said McEnroe. "l was frustrated. I \hough& l was pretty much in control. but I got up 4-2 in games and didn't win. From that point on, 1t waa a lot tougher than It should have been." McEnroe. who doubl<'·f•ulted to close out th~ 32·JJllm IK"COnd l with a loa, alao copltulotc.'d In tht fourth M't Qftl'r Wllondcr brok t<'rvl«! In tht.' rlahth atme. Thf Am.-rican brokf' back ln aamo two or ttM.• final \ but trnmedlately failed to hold h own rvtL"f Af tt"rward, lt wu touch and IO BM·Md b)' ru.n of the &.·rowd, ~J:nru..,.. It wtwn WllancWr 01 the 1Mlfh'1 flM) potnt lnl.o tht Ml Whllt It Mlf'VM • ''I '")'ed In ltw , and I didn't ull: I dlff'I Wint to qutl," Mfltnn Mid Phillies take full advantage PHILADELPHIA (AP) -The Lus Angc•les Dodgt:>rs dropped the ball bt•hmd pitcher Fernando Valcnzu<·la. and thf.' Philadelphia Ph1llws wok advantage S<:ormg lhn'<· unearned runs on two Dodgl•r infield errors in the· third inning. the Phillies went on to a 4-J v1l·torv Sunday thaL boost<.'<l the·m into first place by 00 I rx·rc.'t·nl4gl' pomts OVl'r St Louis dt thl· All-Star brl'ak Evt•n thc.· orw <.•arm-d run the• Phill 1c·s ::,turl·d a,1u 11nst Valenzul•la . thc.· winn1ngcst patcher in tht· ma.JUrs with a ll -7 mark. was tatntl'<l I n t h c• I u u rt h . P h 111 ll s ' shortstop Ivan Dc·Jesus walked a n d t c1 o k & t· l' o n d w h e n V;ilenzut:>la p1<.·kc•d him off first. but f11-st ba.t.;C'man M1kt.• Marshall thrc.•w w1dt· to se<.110d. One out later, rookie Bob Dernier singled in DeJcsus for his third game- wmnmg h1l. "ll S<.'l'mt'<l like.· we gave them the ball game.'' said Dodger Managc•r Tom Lasorda. whOSC' team lost two of Lhree games to the Phillies over the weekend to finish IL<; r<>ad ll'lp 4-3 "Errors arc> part of the game. You have to C'X JX'Cl them. then _ forget tht'm and JUSt do your best, .. said thl• 21 -year-old Val{·nzucla. who gave up five hits m six innings to suffer htS first loss since June> 2:3 The Phill1 f.'~ also beat Valenzuela in thc•1r only other m<.'(;•Ung Thl' loss m May of last - vear, wal> ValC'nzuc•la's first in • thC' maJOrs. l k wa::. 8-0 at thl· time. Tht> l)(x.igH~ JUmpcd on top when Vak·nzuela singled m the third for the' first hit of the game Stt•vt• Sax doubled . and Dusty Baker ::,ingh'fl 1n both runn('rs. -: Errors by Dodger shorts top ~ 8111 RuSSl•ll and third baseman Ron CPy l'Ouplt'<..I with OeJc'Sus' RBI tnpll' and Gary Matthews' • run-sl·oring l>lnglt' to put tht' Phillies up :i 2 a fte r thrc·e mmngs Pedro Guerrero tied the game with his 16th home run leading off the fourth. The Ph1l11t'S helped themselves with good defensive plays by Manny Tnllo in the seventh and M1kt• 0 &:hm1dt m the ninth as • wanner Larry Christenson. 5-4, and rC'lll•vcr ·Ron Rem held the • D1x.i~en. to st•ven h11S. :• Germans in shock after def eat MADR I D (AP) -Wes t GC'rmany's son·er team left Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu Stadium m s hock and disbelief after Sunday's 3-1 loos to Italy in the World Cup finals. Most West German players refused to talk to newsmen as they boarded a bus for the team hotel on the outskirts of the Spanish capital. But one player, ~, , sweeper Uh Suelike, had 80l1le angry words abou\ the > offlclating. "The referee (Brazil's CeM.r Arnaldo Coelho) cheated us,'' said SUellke. "A pcraon who did not tee this must have watched a • completel y different same." SUellke refused to et-borate on his charaet. There were some word• of prah1e for the h .allan champione. "Italy'• vlc\o~y W H we ll daiervec:I." •Id Wet\ Gennany Coach Jupp Derwall, whote t••m WO dehU•d by I EuropHn opponent fw &he flrtt ume •n tour 1M"· ""·~:.:rwd '° ...... ..... w-. ChlNwllor ...... t •tunkh, who WI ...... aM ... wllh K1nl .IYM ClrtGI if .... and h•lfin Prtt••n' llridro ~. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 12. 1982 ........ ________________ ...iii• Martin says s peed will make difference From AP dl1patchee MONTREAL -Billy Ma rttn was the first-b ase coach for the American League the last lime it won an All-Star Game . That was in 1971. a ' On Tuesday night, Martin will fill ou t the AL lineup card as manager in basebaU's 53rd All-Star contest, and he's confident that the losing streak is about to end. The reason : Speed, includjng a rapid burst from one of Martin's regulars with thl' Oakland A's, outfielder Rickey Henderson. "I think Rickey will be in the No. I spot," Martin said of the man who appears ready to shatter Lou Brock's stolen-base mark of 118. After Saturday's games, Henderson had 83 in 87 games. "l think you're going to sec the American League come out there and really do u job this All-star game," c'Ontinued Martin, a loser as AL manager in both 1977 and 1978. "l think it's probably the strongest team I've ever m anaged so far as guys who can swing a bat and defense and relief pitching. Quote of the day Mike E rulione, captain of the U .S . hockey team that won the Olympic gold medal in the 1980 Winter Games, putting the event in perspective: "Hero? Vietnam vets are heroes. The guys who tried to rescue our hostages in Iran are heroes. I'm just a hockey player." Peete wins his favorite tournament Cal'vlo Peete, playing on his most l!I productive course, fired a 3-under-par 69 Sunday to win his second Great.er Milwaukee Open Golf tourname nt title. Peete, whose oniy other PGA Tour title came here in 1979, clinched his victory with a birdie on the 17th hole . . . Hollis Stacy won the LPGA West Virginia Classic in a playoff for the second year in a row, outlasting oncharging Ka thy PostlewaJt on the first playoff hole. Postlewait had forced the playoff by sinking a birdie putt on the par-4 18th hole ... Miller Ba rber fired a ~-under-65 t.o win the U.S. Senfor Open by fo1:1r strokes over Gene Llttler and Dan Sikes. Bardsley, L y nch lead county team LOS ANGELES -The Orange County entry in the United States Developme nt Bask etball League remained unbeaten Sunday after defeating Los Ange les, 121-11 2 at Cal Stat.e Los Angeles. Aft.er trailing for much of the first half, C.OSta Mesa High produ ct Ken Bardsley fuele d a comeback by h itting three jumpers in succession. Orange County took a 60-52 halftime advantage. In the balanced attack, Bardsley led the way for the winners withl9 points, Chris Lynch (Corona del Mar) had 16, as did Rob Lucas. Jim Usevitch, from Ocean View High, netted 13 points and reached double figures in t h e re bo undin g department. Pl •. L ~ • Yo%oteSStonal ~ • Flor1st FlORST 2915 Red Hall Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 MllXICO'S PINIEST ACCOMMODATIONS AR•PREEI . .. Baaeball today On thll dal In 1Q66: Maury Wllll' R81 1lnale In \he lO~h lnntq 1•v• th NaUC>nal L.t!acut! • 2.1 YIQ\Ory In U\d AU-Star 0~ . J>laylnc In blazing 106-dea~ hffl at St Loul.lf' n w 8u110b Memorial StadJum. On th£1 date In l9G~: S t . Loul11' Ston Mu11la l belted u 12th-innln& homer o ff Bo11lon's Frunk Sullivan lO gSvt> the National League u ti ~ victory In th All-Star Gurne at Mllwuukl't' County Stadium. On this date In Hl5l: New Y o r k Yankee pitcher Allie Reynolds hurl~ the first or his two no- hitt.ers that year, blanking the Cleveland Indians 1-0 al Mumc1p&l Stud1um On thts date in 1945 Tommy Holmes of lhl' Boston Braves went h itlcSH against Chicago Cubs pltcht>r Hank Wyse to end his 37-game hilting streak -a NauonaJ League rc'COrd that would stand for 33 years. Today's birthdays: Oakland A's outfielder Tony Armas is W . Cincinnati Reds ptl<:hc•r Mario Soto is 26 Brewers' homer parade continues Paul Molitor hll a three-run a ho mt•r, Ted S immons and Charlie Moore lined two-run shots a nd Gorman Thomas addc-d a solo blas t, powering Milwaukee i.o an 8-5 victory ovt•r Kansas City S unday. Moose Haas, 5 5, and Rollie Fingers combined to scatter nine h1L-; as the Brewers continued lhl•ir home run sµn·t· th&l has piled up 125 in 83 games Elst•wtwn• sn the American Leagu<•, Gary Gaettl belted a gamt' 1ymg two-run homer m the sixth inning and Mmnt.'S(ita Jumped on All-star reliever Mark Clear for l wo rune; in the seventh. rallying for a 7 -3 win in Bost.on Harold Baines h omc-red tWiCl'. including ha s Sl•cond grand slam of the week, and Tom MOllTOll P a c I o r e k a n d T o n y Bernazard l·ach hit three-run shots as Chicago routed Toronto, 16-7 . Toby Harrah hit his 17th homer with two outs in the ninth to help Le n Barker post his 10th victory as Cltveland downed Seattle. 4-3 . . . Larry Parrish's error in the eighth inning with the bases loaded allowed two Detroit runs to score and gave the Tigers a 3-2 victor y over Texas ... Eddie Murray drov~ an four runs with a three-run homer and a smgle and BaJumore went on to beat Oakland. 8-7. Tim Stoddard pitched the final 1 ~ innings and gamed his ninth savl' despite allowing a three~run homer to Davey Lopes an the bottom of the ninth. Giant homers subdue Montreal Milt May hit a 110lo horn run with orw oul In lht· 10th Inning, hill 1WCOnd of tht• doy .ind ttw fifth for San t 'rnndfll'O, Mnblltig the• Glunt.II to. dt•ft•u\ Monu•t•11I , B-7 Ebiowhc•rc• In thu Nuuonul L+.>agUl'. San Ott•aio pullt-d w wllhln two uunww uf d1vls1on-lcudang Athmw an tht! W t as Tim Lollar li(:Utll'r<'d sevt•n hlt11 through Pight 11mlng1 nnd bcll(.'d hi11 third home run of the 8t'ason lo help thl' Paclrl's down thl• Nl·w York Mt'li>, U i Bill Buckne r belled htJ> f1hh hornL•r u11c.J dt oVl' m thn'c· runs as Chtl'ago took <• Y-4:! v1<:tory ovn Cinc:1nnati in a rl'gularly schl'<iuloo gume at Wnglt>y Fh·ld. Earlier, ti 13th-Inning sat·nflce fly b y Wayne Krenchickl drove• an the winning run as thl• Rt'<.ls posll'd J 6-5 v lc:tory 1n th<> l'omplction or a gunk !iUSpl'ndt'<i Saturday by durkm.'SS Larry McWllllams M:ullt•n•d ~t'VC'n tuts ovt>r M'Vt·n anninl'(s to lc<:!d P1tu.bur~h to a 3-1 triumph owr Atlanta ... Hou!'llon's Bob Knepper f1rc·d a f1ve-hilt.er and Ray Knight, Terry Puhl and Danny Heep cul·h kn~·kl'<i 111 runs wnh l'Xll J - baSl.' hits to powt•r the· Astr~ to a 4 :l Wiil uv1•r St. Louis. Paul wins GT race in record time John Paul Jr. pushl•d his n<:w • Porst:ht· Turbo to an l'asy vktory in n't·ord llmt· an lhl· fMSA GT G rand Prix rat'l' at Braml·rd lntt-rnational Hal'l'Way Sunduy It was the sixth GT victory this sl'ason for Paul, who earned the top prii.c of $8.000 . Thn'l'·llmc world champion Kenny Roberts won ha~ sixth Champion Spark Plug 200 an n11w Yl'ars by winning Sunday at Laguna Seca Melvin Turpin S<.:on-d 26 points and the University of Kt•ntucky t•asily beat the Japanese National t<:am. IUfi-71 t.o wm the four -nation Karin World '82 baskt.>lball tournament with 1.1 li-11 rt'<·ord . N1•w Zc•:.elund defeated Ch1nt'Sl' Ta1pt'i. :!-0. 1.1ncl won tht• champ1onsh1p m thl' final game or tht' 23-natton Wom<'n's World Sollball Champmni.h1µ in Ta1pc1. Taiwan The• Un1lc•tl Stall's, wanner of thl' pas t tw o ch1.1mp1onships in 1974 and 1978. was t>E!att-n 1-0 S unday by both ChmC'S<· Tuipe1 and Australia ;rnd fm1i.hed fourth in tht> overall standings Hector Co mac ho uM.'<i a seventh-round flurry lo stup Loui s Loy Jr. a nd r emain und<'fN11<•d m a nallonally-tclevised bout at Mad1S<m Square· Gardt·n·~ Felt Forum in Nl·w York Coma(·ho. the> United S ta tes Boxing A.'iSOC lctlwn JUnior hghtwt•1ght champion. raaM>rl his l'l'l'<1rd lo 17 () Television. radio TV: Baseball -1A previt'w of thl· 1982 All -st;ir gam(· ft-oluring player profile!.. highlights of .tht• season and a report on the art of chewing toban·o-basC'ball s tyle, 7:30 pm . Channel 7. RADIO: No <'ven ts scheduled .. I • • • G<ltW.lf.(<' In the top of tho •v,11th H.1 wlc•y. makit\g nnly hlM M'<.'Onu 1tart uf the '4'W\Q11. did cvervtfunti Munagt•r 01•1\L" Mwhac•l t'OUld .11k of him H<' held till' Ang lH to jwll lour hlui whll<· wulkl11~ thrC'e kind lrilnkmg out four. 11111 hmt• houhlt• i.pot c•itmt• an t•'ic• third wht•n 1'1111 !-'oil opt•1wt.I with .t wulk, muv1.'t.i to M'<:oncJ on Bob Born11··, :-.<1rnf1n• bunt .ind tht•n M'on'<i on fuiil li;1st·1111111 Hon Juc:k~on's HBI bloop 1ongl1•, Tht• r1t1h 111n1n~ t•nd1•d With OIW of the m~l Im.urn · cit·h•n'(IVc• r>luy~ o f till' ~·•...cm a~ Ken Graf ft•y o.;1·nl et pop up 111 l11ul h 1111111·\ \\ilh tlurd h.t..i·man Doug f>t{'111l't'!> 111 11111 p111,1111 l><{'1m·c•!>. tw1 .. 1111g :11111 1u111mu wh1l<-f1ghtmg tlw !>Ull 111o111.1g1·d 111 gc·I ha,, gl11\l on lht• ball. but ll tfl•llt'( t1·d ,11<11 pl\' to 111, 11.14h1 v. IH•11· Folt wa~ ba1·k1ng up t ht• pl.w Jo 1111 111o1n.ig1•1f 111 m..ikt-n di ving 1·ati h •H• the · dt•llt·l·t11111 It \.\,.., .i k1·~· pluy '(lllt't' lht• Y.111k1·1·•; Hov Sm.tllt•\. \\d' 1111 11t11·cl h.i!>(• 111 ww of th•· Jc·\.\ N1 "'. Yrn k '4111111g 11pportu111t11·!> ul thl· dav ( ;m ..... IJ.(t' ",1, ni.1k1ng hh t ll'~l .1ppt-.11 <.1nt(· 'lllt'I! W<•drH ·Mlay night in Uakl.lfld \\ h{'f1 ht• blPw down thr1•1• o l tlw four/\ s h!· l;11'1•d \\1th -.trakt·oul." 111· ,l,1rlt'<I 1111 an th1 ,,11111· l.1,h11111 Su11d,1\. gi·1t1ng .11 h11d .... 1r1 k1· •m Hol1ll\ l;111h111 tht• st 1111ih allt•r 11•lwving H.1 wh v. and tlw11 bl11\•,111.1-t down Fulr lx•t11n · .Lt••lting Boo1w 111 pop up l>i 1\\ nang·,., h111m 1 \\," 111 ... U1t. 111 lht '>t .. 1-.1111. a (Jn-er high for tlw Angt+, le .ulotr l11 tll•1 He ... 11d he thought th1• 1.mc·h \\J., .1 l.t~lh.tll And tlw dt!>,Ltiuntlo ·d (;1,-,s;1g(• .1J.t1 t·1cl .. It w.1.s a f..islb.:111. but I ll'o1ll\ don't It 1•1 l1kt· t..1lk111g " ,\ CllJ\\d 111 II /i\.j .. lc•><I 1111 fi'-ft'I ( "4.l l'.1111111~ lur l)q-.\11111g 111 1.1k1 ,, 1111\\ "'" .. 111111 .. 1 lo tlu• kind H•·.1-t.1-tu· .l.1! k'"" 111.11-.•·.., 111 n·"f"111s1• 111 '>lH'h dwc·r-. ( l.1\\ 11111g 1111 1 kl\ \\ 1111 1111 111 I h1 t 1,-..,1 '''I' uf UH dui.,:11111 .ind pofll" d 111' 111·<111 • ,ul . It ... ll"l 1111t Ill\ lh111g I J.1\\ 11'11).(' '\fJl.111i1'd 111 his ~h,Vnt'!>' "In t"h1t·ag11 tho11 h.md 111 1l11ng 1t•<11ly got uul 111 hand Tl11·1L•'s n·alh 1101l1111g wrong with 1l. liul 11·,, JUSl not rtl\ "l)lt· lit n I r<•:.t111•ci llw l1.1ns \\In JW•I h.1pp' 101 lht· lc•ant, !>«•I d11.J' 1' ANGEL NOTES. l m111t1' ric-•' • ,,,, 1 him ll')mfJnt11t t>ut ~ nr w1n9 rim ht.:" I pr ih.Jblt j rd1f't ( ut r.111• ''''J'' '"It I lhf" '>0'' •• I ""i ... .A11gt.-1 M H i • , Gene M•uch .t~tc.; .. 'r.f''' d' d 11 ... ~ul 1 • ,,,. 1S f°tll(lf'"'"" Tim Foll w ,._.If -•i 1r 1 J, • ~JN. • u a·~·''' r r r • \1.11ft~,~1J • r .. 1 s•, "' i.•r1" ~' , f '~, r J'' "lt"', ,,. .,, l'lf' • .... ,.., And •11i>1• t fhJlirl'l""' ~ 1t1J • ''" 1w.ttr. r 1111--• 1•1• +tJ 1t1.,..1i'-' 1 0df' .tltt1,.101un 1)Ph•1rnirH·<l II ··~ , ....... /, 11 "' 1 •Jr •111·1, lt•111 C•1~ Ht 11• 4.ttnt: Ut·f(.)f ... !flt• All ~fdf Lrt ,... rr rh ,,,. I R99gle J•c:kton'• <1• run';» tr-u-l" 1.K._111 ti..,~, Ott 1 ·~ l •A 1f • .~,~ H" f•..iV' ,j '' • tt '1"'" C.v"t:-:JQJ•f 111 ~,._m,11 u._ ,., t•• 1>~ r • ~B .o 1, rl":J 5ur (i.ly ~ Htt1•· '.l"' ..... t '" J ,,., • ... .. ,, tt• rt•· •1m• '-tr j onP Deh1nd Duke Snld•r 1 f fh.,. H 1n ''''1' Andy Haa1ter 1 ,111e SiJfU,Ottv rnqr\I wri:, 'h, .. t1r\I ,, It •PJ·"''"•J1•<..•·•, .md h•' t1r-.t ,mr• '"JeOt 26 ,,f ld,,1 ,• '' Iv, l .. "' h ,, 1 ·• Bob 8oone·1 tr11'•' 1nf\1'lg '\,JC 1f1u-~ .,,,, \ llio'(t •·:P .1\1 •• "?C.H ,. I l ,,.. lo.! '. ,. Jt '''"" "'' tfl Aon Jackaon r f.1¥'" ,, " b 11 ~ • r f • "' ... .sd ,1.1.-n•-C ,,..,t· 1n111no "'P 1 ,.,..ii. ' 'l ,,.,, .. tt t 1t 11• I .... P t'1•• A, i~ \' "'"'t" r 1•••J l'" t rPSt,11 I I,, "' f1f1c..1· Shane Rewley "~· "( ,, "' p I t11 • ,. ~! h h\IO (tllOWt<tO •1f1ly 1'"J t1(J01• •JO!'-If) Hu 1 Mo.; .. •I'•' ''-r• t f 1 11 •" l ~.So mitJOt-lt_~J4UI . J((.,,r>'f t.~lff'Hllt,; 1nfc1 1t•t .,a Jf' • H "' IJt• f'1 "1 t ,.,., (U( ,.ver f '._ bdll~,-, ~,Ji(.;'•" Or l-t11A t" '1 1 t•t "'' 111, 11 t 'S>t1vf:l'nl'11 ,. n.\ tnq-t'dQv" Jt ~ Ht" • tl • • ' ' " ... /. '.ft.: !-t. '" • ~ :.c.;·.or; 1Jn1h tim•·s 1n ,,.,,,, • ''•-• • -.• J •"". ' • 1•,,..., All !tldr CJ1tmto wJ'1 tJloy~rJ to-for~ ~O JfJ<• .11 A,,,,, ,.11 lod1 JO J' •l •it."- Nat1m1al lt-t&Qu~ f8C.•Jfd4'd d ?·' ·•<11·•• n lony t'•r•1'• '"'' 111ri•r1~ ''ome rvn ft')llOiN1flQ rr t· All·'\t. 1 r.,. J'°' 1rn ... A, o.,., "'Ii t'rf'\t uii, ,r J 10·Qdmt'.' IO•J~j t Ip W•tPl 10{1~ ,]I {...! .. .,•••JI (J 6,1 1 rt '' std t...l\.•A 'C·•" JULY ONLY ~,\Bl ~HS ( :i\l)ll . .1 .. 1\(: Costa Mesa (714) 540-9100 ·--------------------------·----------------------------· I TICKET ORDER FORM e HOME SCHEDULE 1982 I ' I No olTldlel• Ho oflQ•" I I 901! AES F0t Ofltc• BOX RES '"'Otta I I JUL y AUGUS1 .. 00 SS 00 UM Only SEP1EMBEA S6 00 ' SS 00 u ... °"'' I I Thurs 5 Staves (N) _ , Wrtt t C;mh 1N I __ ~ I I Thurs 15 Mets (N) Fn 6 Braves (N) f r1 I P11,lt"". NJ r-,_. I •• ~~I 1~7 ~::: :~: ~~ 78 ::::: :~: ~~:, ~ :::~::" (~I r --=---1 ·. Sun 15 Mets ID) Mon 9 Reds 5 35(> m Mun t ~ P.•J••· N • • , I Tues 10 Roos (N) 1uc~ 1.1 P,lrJ,, ... 1N1 _ _ j I Mon 19 ExPos 5 35p m • • I Wf.d 11 Aoos(NI Wl'r1 ,,, P~o","N' • -rues 20 Expos (NJ _ I Thurs 12 G111nts (DI fr t l A~h11· N ~ _ J I I Wed 21 fa005 (NI • ... _, Giants (NI s.11 18 A<." N• I I Fri 23 Pt11lliestN> ~ Ft1 tJ I Sat 24 Pnilhe~(NI Saa 14 G1an1s(N) s,,. 14 A"•"" r, ; " • • • I • Sun 25 P11•11ies (01 I Thar's righc .. free accomoaaoons 1n two of Mexico's most beauuful beachfront resorts. Mazatlan's TORRIS MAZATlAN or Sun 15 G1ants(O) , fr1 •'" (,,,,.,,. 1N1 ~- F" 27 Cubs (N) ..., _, J Soll ;:i 1>1,1r.1, I , llp "' • , I Tldteta forthegameaeboveareavallllbte Sal 28 Cubs(NJ ~ s"" '>f:) (.I"'' l• . j I I etthee>odgefS-.ctklm'Tldlet<>tfarightnow. Sun 29 Cubs(DJ _._ Mo11 27 Rt>1l 1N f ~ _ I I MellordeftodayforthefollowlngdetH Mon 30 Cards(N) ; Tues 28 Rea ,Ni I VA' • ".RrA TORRE in Pueito Vallarta. You spend 4 nsghts/5 days on the beach (m•dvveekJ; 3 nightS/4 days (vveekendJ tor the prtce of .,._.....,. lllw, •low• S197*. Your only obl1gat1on: one hour of your rime dunng your vacanon to hear abolK the exciting Vacaion Tlme Share w Program offered exclu.sr-...ely by Vacation lntemacronale. Led. CW ID our sped .. C:.llfDmle a..np.gn. Celebrlldon ID ............. llbout ......... °"9n Monday. July 12. at the Marnett Hocel & Tennis Club ~~ach ' Parties begin at 8 pm I Tues 31 Cards (N) I _ -; Wed 29 Br.wt·~ 1N1 ---; I I Thur~ 30 Br.1w'I 1N1 C=.J I 11 Total Ticket• Ordered 1-L__J 11 Night Gemes (Mon-Fri) 7:35 p.m.; S.turd8y Night Gemee 7:05 p.m.; Total Amount s , 1- 1 D•y G8me• 1 :05 p.m. (Unle .. othenwlM noted) A"~· 1K """' • .-.,,.,-~..... I I Totel Amount Eoclosed S I I I I I I SPECIAL EVENTS I I July 16 W111tt>aOON9hl' Aug '" HollywoodSaars Noghl Sept!> CapO.y I I Julyl8 Came11D1y Aug 27,28.29 HelmetWfflo.end' Sept25 To.mPholoD•y I I July 21 Olympte T ·Sllil1 N1g111· Auo 30 Sport Socks N'Oh•' Sept 26 Fan Awrec.tttOn Doy I I Aug 6 Balling Glove Nigt11• Sept 3 T ·Shirt Night' Sept. 30 F110W011\I NIQN I I Aug 8 Olcftll'*t Day Sept " Salute so Stn1geo "'"''•to .1H••"'ll•••~' "llflCI ""°"' I I I I ' p.<ly_Ol __ OIOO"W'_lllt __ .,.. I Ol""'"• ..... .,..lllt..__,.._ .......... , ............... I , 1.1-t""*"'~"'*,,..-"l""~ I CIOO\l'H• lpiNV llO "'~ ... 111 ~Of .i ..... 1 I I M<llJllUlutP*9..,., • 1i1 11t~t.1,,....1111 ~,.o.., .._ .---·~---lo"'J• .. ...... ,~ -•IN!illl!loolMl* ... MOl .. ll!_W,,_f' foiil ... # 'liM _...,.. • Wllt41 ,_...,l> j11 , ... ,,,.,...,..~,.,.. OP7/11 __________ 111 TICK!T OFFICE USI ONLY Ordlf Ho. --- ........ I I I I I :", ~-:::: . , ... "~ ..... -.,.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••• ' Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Monday, July 12, 1982 SCOREBOARD ~ t I " .. MAJO" LEAOUE 8TANOING8 Amar~n Leegu.. W18TllllN DllllllON W L l'ct. GI Ar>gela 49 37 570 llansas City 47 37 S60 I Ch•caoo 45 37 549 2 Seattlol 45 4 t 523 4 r .... 3~ 4fl 432 1 1 • Oakland 38 50 432 17 Mmnesota 28 59 321 21 '> IAt TlllN OIVISION M1lwauk"" 48 35 578 0011011 411 35 576 Ball•mo•• 44 38 537 3 , Qe1101t 42 4 I 506 6 Cltmlland 41 • t 500 6., New Yor~ J9 42 48 t 8 lo1on10 37 47 440 tt'• 'tlund•r '• Scor .. Angel• 2 N"w Vork 1 Chicago 16 Toronto 7 "11nneao1a 7 BoSton 3 Mllwau~oe 8, Kansas City 5 Ball1more 8 Oakland 7 Cleveland 4. Seanle 3 Oetrool 3 Texas 2 Today'• Qam .. No games scheduled Tue•d•r·• Gama Al All stars VI Nl All 9111•6 at MonHeal n Netlonel League WUTEllN 01vur10N W l Pc;I Allanla 51 33 607 San Otego SO 36 58 t Dodoero 46 42 523 GI 2 1 S~n J •ant•SCO 42 46 477 11 Ho..ston 37 48 435 t4 , C1nc1nna11 l3 53 384 19 EASTERN DIVISION Pn11..oe1pr11a 47 38 5Sl SI lours 48 39 552 P1ttsourg11 u 40 524 Montreat 43 42 506 New York 40 4 7 460 Cn1c:ago 36 53 404 lundafl lcorH Pn11noetpn11 4 Dodgar• 3 Son Diego 6, Ne .. York 2 San Francisco 8. Montreal 21, 4 8 13 1 10 1nn1ng1 C1ncrnn111 6·2 Choc&QO 5·9 f Isl garrut 13 1nn1ngs comptehon ol auspendec:t 11ame1 Houston 4 St Lou11 2 PlllsDurQh 3 Atlanta 1 Tod•r'• Gamff No game1 schadulf!<l TueMlafa G-AL All ..... VI NL All-alua at MonlrNI n AMERICAN lEAOUE Angela 2, Yank-1 NEW YOflJ< CA.IJOMlllA llb rhbl Mt rhM Rkdln 2b 3 0 0 0 Owng,11 4 1 1 1 Ortty rt 3 0 0 0 BnQuz,11 0 0 0 0 Mpny cr 4 o o o RJkan, t b 4 o 1 1 Gmble.dhJ O O 0 ~kan.•14 0 l 0 PMla pn 0 0 0 0 Cltll,1'1 0 0 0 0 Mrcr pn 1 0 0 0 Bylr dll 3 0 0 0 Wntld H 4 O O O 0Cnca.3b3 0 1 0 MyDty 104 0 1 0 lynn.cl 3 0 l 0 Nlllt 3b 3 I 2 0 Grte/l.2b 2 0 0 0 Smily u 2 0 0 0 Foll H 2 I 1 0 Wyngic ') O 2 1 Boone.c 2 O o 0 Totals30 l S 1 Totalt.27 2 6 2 lc0<eb11nninp NewYO<k 000 010 000-1 Caltlorn1a 001 000 Oh-2 E NeHIH OP NllW York 3 C.s1tlorn1a 1 LOB New York 5 Ca•t0<n•a 5 2B OeC•ncM lynfl HR Oowlling ( 131 S Boone New York IP H Ill Elll II 10 Ra .. tey 6 41134 Goa~L 3·41 2 2 1 1 0 3 C1tllornl1 Rt1nko 7'> 5 t 1 3 8 Hasaler(W 2-01 1\ 0 0 0 0 0 Aa$fl(S 4J l O o 0 o o Rawley p1tcne<1 10 l batter 1n the 7th 1 2 29 A 44 834 Whit• So• 11, llu• Jar• 7 Cl11.:ogo 550 030 003 16 t 7 2 l oronto 300 000 t 12 7 t3 0 Burns ~amp 161 Baro1u 171 3nd Foley Hiii !81 Clancy Garvin ( 11 Bomback 151 ano B Martonez W Burns. 9 4 l Clancy 7 7 HRs - Ch•cago. Paciorek 16) Barnes 2 ( t 1) Bernezard 151 Toronto Bart1etd 181 Upshaw t 121 A 16 t69 Twin• 7, Red Sox 3 M1nnMOta 001 002 202-7 t5 t Boston 200 0 10 000 -3 9 • Havens R O&wos !11 and Lau<lner ludo• Clea• t11 Burgme1er 191 and Gectman w Haven• S-6 l -Clear 6 4 1-lR M 1nnuo1a Gaett• t 131 A 26 908 tHew«• 1. lllor•t. s KanS<tsC•ty 001 010 120-5 9 0 M1.,..aukee 000 150 02• 8 10 2 Gura A1mstrong (61 Ou<~bfltry 171 and Staught 1-laH Fingers 171 and S1mmon1 W HUI S ~ l Gura 10-5 S rongers ( 181 HAI Kaf'SH Cit y St1vght 121 M cRae t 14 1 M1twau-ee G Tnomaa 1221. Mot1tor I 101 Simmons ( 141, C M00<e f41 A 26.3S7 Otlolnl,A'11 Bathm0<e tOO 031 003-8 12 0 Oaklal\d tOO O 12 003-7 tO 0 G 01v1t, 011mstey (6), Stanl>OUM (61. T M1n1t1e1 171 Stoddard 181 and Oempaey Kingman Owcn1nko (61 Langford (7) and M 1-leath W -G Oav11 2 1 L K1ngm11n 1-6 S - Stoddard (91 HRs Baltimore E Murray I t31 O•kttnd. Murphy l 161 Armu (t 11 Lopes (6) A-23,484 Indian• 4, Mart...,• 3 Cleveland O 10 020 00 t 4 12 Seetlle 000 002 100 3 5 o Barker and B~ndo Pe<ry llande Berg (71 C1uo111 till and Sweet W Berker t0-5 l Caudill 8·4 HR CHlveland HlrrAfl (17) A 11 645 T~" I. llanoeu 2 0.lrott 000. 00 I 020 3 10 0 TeAll 000 200 000 2 ;) t U1du• ano L M P1r11a11 hnana OArw1n (81 •nd War""' Sundt>.t<g (91 W U1 dur 2·6 l Darwin 8 3 A 16 987 NATIONAL LEAOUE Phllllet 4, OodQere 3 LOI ANO!Lfl PHllAOILll'HIA .Orhbl .O rhbl St. 20 s t 2 0 O.n• r1 4 0 I I Rnc-ct 2 0 0 0 Ro .. tb 4 O 1 O Bai.r II 3 0 t 2 Mlhwa II 4 0 I 1 Cey Jo 4 o o O Oru It O O O O Orrer 11 4 t t t Schm1 Jb2 O O O Mrsnlb 4 0 I 0 BO.al c 3 0 0 0 Scsc• c 2 o 0 O Mad• cl 4 o O o Orta Pfl I 0 0 0 I 1110 2b 4 1 2 0 Rull ss 4 O 1 O DJsus u 2 2 1 t Vinita p 2 t 1 0 Crstn p 2 t 0 0 Grvy ph t 0 0 O Reaa p t O O O VRmo p O O O 0 MnOy Ph t 0 0 0 rotali>3J J 1 3 I 018".lO 4 6 3 Score hr Inning• LO• Ano•••• 002 100 000 Phlladelph1a OOJ 100 00• E Scnm1dt Russell Cey OP Pn1ladetpll•• 1 LOB lo' Ange1111 1 P1111adotpn1a 8 2B Su 2 Marsn111 JB OeJa.u• 1-lR Guerrero 1181 SB CleJ8$US, Ruasell S Ch1111enaon Loe Ano•le• IP H II Ill II 10 valeniuetll(L t2-71 b ~ • 1 J 5 VRomo 2 1002 P11t1..ie1p111a Cn11stf!nSO<WW.5-41 T 6 3 3 3 ReeotS 1) 2 t 0 0 0 2 HBP oy Cnmtenson I Roon•ckel WP Valenzvela 2 T 2 54 A 48 773 fled• t , C11b1 5 (luapanded Gamel Con tOt 000 120 000 I b I) 0 Cnrc 002 002 o 10 000 O ~ 10 t L"'b•andt Kern 161 Pr,..e 171 Humt 181 Hay..s t91 Soto t 101 ano lldn G0<oe• K•aveo: T1orow 171 l e Smun t91 Proty t 101 dnd J Davis w Soto a.s l PrOly 1 1 HRs C.-.c1nn•t1 O.ste< tlt 11~ 11•1 Cn•caoo Ou•ham 1121 Mo•elan<l 1111 A 20294 Cube t. Reda 2 (Regulartr Scheduled Gam•I C1ncmna11 000 000 0 I 1 2 t 1 l Chica.go 202 201 20• 9 t4 0 Sea•e< «em 131 Ha"'s 151 Ha~s (71 and Van G0<de< B11d and J O•v•I w Bird 6-8 L Sea•e• 4-tO HR1 C1ncmna11 E Milner (41 Chicago Buckne< tSI A -20.317 Paclr .. I, Mela 2 San Otego 003 200 t 00 6 t I 0 New York 000 001 010 2 8 2 Lollar Show (91 af\d T K8"ne<ly. M Scot!. Gall (41. Zacflry 101 ano Stearns w Lollar 10-2 L M Scott 6 7 HR-San Crego. Lollar 131 A 20 240 Olanta I , Monlreal 7 Sin Fran 031 002 100 I 8 tO 0 Montreal 010 020 031 0 7 t6 t Fowtkw Borr (5). HOiiand (81 Minton (81 and May Sanoerson B Smith 161. Sehatze<ler 161. Bu•rls 171 Reardon 191 and Carter W -Minion 6·4 l Reardon 3.1 HRs Sen Fral\C•ICO R Smllll \71 May 2 161 Summert (41 Morgan '71. Mont•••• Carter 119) A-36090 Aalroe 4, Cllfdtnala 2 St l ours 000 000 002 2 5 0 Houston 102 000 Oh 4 9 1 Andul81 Kaai 161 l a'>t• (61 Mura (7) Barr (SJ an<l r en ace Knepper and PutOls W -Kneooe< 3 10 l Andu1a1 7-8 HR-SI LOUii Handt1Ck f 141 A--20 736 P~alea 3, lraYff 1 PtltSOu•Q" 10 1 000 0 10 3 10 0 Atlanta 000 100 000 t 8 0 McW1lllams T el>ut•e 1111 and 1 Pe<1a Oayter Camp 16) Garber 181 ano a.neo;c1 w McWtlliama S 3 L Dayley 4·6 S Tellulve )121 A 19 IJJ ' Angel averages IATTINO Al II H HR lllM Pct. Carew 276 43 82 t 21 297 Lynn 217 49 79 9 31 289 Oow111ng 330 SS 94 13 33 288 Fol1 270 33 77 2 35 28S Coar~ 53 7 t5 2 5 283 Boone 241 15 66 I 29 274 Baylor 339 38 92 13 53 271 OeC1noes 3 tO 43 83 10 H 268 Re Jackson269 35 ;5 8 38 267 Benlque1 85 l t 21 I 8 247 Ro Jacltson 46 3 tO I S 217 Ferguson SO J 10 O 2 200 W1llong 96 tO 17 0 S 177 Burleson 45 4 7 0 2 156 Keltener 18 2 0 0 0 000 Totals 29 t• 387 785 81 356 269 PITCHING IP H 81 10 W·l EllA Manter 2 O O o.o O 00 Hnsler 44 29 22 22 2·0 l 84 Aue 51'> •2 22 40 3-3 2 98 Renko 102 99 27 50 7-2 3 09 Zalln 127 118 31 41 10-• 3 12 For$Ctl 135·, 125 30 °U 11-7 3 59 win es·~ es 31 44 4.3 3 59 Sana>ez 47 41 22 26 3-0 3 114 llt$0n 11 7 l 30 42 9.3 3 74 GOitz 28'~ 26 14 18 2·2 3 81 CorDett S7 54 21 23 I 1 4 58 Morl!no 49'' 5S 23 22 3· 7 4 74 Tot81s791'' 744 271 372 49.37 3 441 Top 10 (laaed on 175 al tNol•I AMEllllCAN LEAGUE 0 Al Ill H ~cl, W Wol>On KC 60 259 33 89 344 Hrb<!lt M1n 73 292 48 97 332 Harr an.Cle 8 l 323 67 t07 331 Yount.Mil 78 318 56 tOS 330 Bonnett, T 01 77 246 39 60 325 l M Parrsll.Oet 63 218 40 70 324 Cooper.Mt! 11 320 SS 103 322 McRea,llC 84 321 46 !01 315 P6t•orek,Cti• 72 262 J l 81 309 Oantner,M1I 60 195 t8 60 308 RUNI: R Hen<Jerton Oat..l•rid. 78, Molitor M ilwaukee 68 , Harrell Cleveland 67 Evans Bo•ton 59, Bretl l(ansas City 57 All: Mc Rae 11ansa1 City 79 fhornlon Cleveland 68, Cooper Milwaukee 68. l urlns-• Choe.ago 65 Hrbf!k M1nneso1e 61 HITI: 1-larr~~ Ctevetano, 101, 011c1a, Toronto, 108 Yount, Mlh•aulo.M. 105. Coop•• Miiwaukee 10) McRee. Kanaas City 101 DOUttLll: Whit,, KllllMI City, 24. Lrn11. A....ie. 2l; Evana, Boeton, 22 Cooper M llwauk•a. 22 Cow1111 S.attta. 22 TIU~Lll: Hemoon OelrOlt a, Yount M1tweuk .. 8 W Wolaon. l(enau Cltt. I . Upanaw T0<onto II Bretl. Ken ... City (5 HOMI lllUNI: 0 Tllomu. "4 ........ kM, 22 Thornton c1 .. a1end 20, Illa. Jae-eon, Ange l a, 20: Cooper, MllweuU• 19 ()gllv•• Mllwauhe 19 ITOLIN IAlll: R Hencteraon Oakland 84 Wa1han. Kan6" City 28 L1Ft0<1 Chrcego 24 J Cr<U. Seatlla 24 Garcoe T0<on10 20 PITCHING (11 Daclelone): Vuc:t..o~h. Milwaukee 10·4 3 09 Zahn, A,...ta, ID-4, 3 12; Burna, Chteego. 11-4 ~ 86, B~•k•• Ctevellnct 10·5. 3 32. Gure Kansat City, 10-5. 4 03 Oulctry New Vort.. 8 4 3 10, Ceudlll, Seattle. 8·4 l O~. Sutctllle, Clav.,and, 7 .4 2 85 ITfUl(fOUTI: r B•nnllltr, SNllll. I tO Barkt1r Clevelanct, 98 Guidry New Vo•k 94 Ect..&1t1ey, Botton. 88 O.nny Cle•l!lQnCI 82, BHtlle Seattle, 82 NATIONAL LEAGUE G Al II H Pel, Olt•e1 Mll 84 315 47 t01 321 r Peno.Pgh 72 278 30 88 319 Kmght Hin 84 325 41 103 311 Carter Mii 79 284 53 89 313 LandrHu1,1>9t1 70 237 S3 74 312 Ru Jonas.SO 79 285 55 89 3 t2 Madlock Pgh 8 1 799 49 93 3 I t nocMrcts SO 59 245 33 76 a.10 lo Smith SIL 7S 3 t 1 60 95 30S llUNI· Lo Sm11n St Lou11 70, Mu1phy Atlanta 6 1 Dawson Montreal 60 Ru Jones Sen Diego 55 Sandberg (.r1'Ug0 54 All· Murphy Atlante 62 Oliver Monlreal 60 T Kennaoy San Diego 57 Clark San Francisco 57 Carte< MonHe&l SS Kingman New YD<-SS B o,~, P1111aoe1pn1a SS J Tnompaon P111sourgn 55 HITI· Kmgn1 Houlton 103 J Ray P1tuouron 102. Buct..ne• Choe.ego 10 t. Oli•er Montreal 101 Saa, ~. 100. DOUIL.fl; T K9nnecly San Oleg<>. 26 Oaw>On Mont1ea1. 20 Stearns New Yorio. 20 Lo Smttn. St loull 20. Garne• Houston 20. Kntght Houston, 20 TRIPLES: Templeton, San Otego, 7, Moreno P1111ourgh. 6. Garn ... Houston 6 McGee St lou11, 5, E Miiner. C1nc1nna11. 5, le1, ~. S; Salazar. San Diego 5 HOME llUNI: Murphy, Atlenta, 23. K1ngmen New York , 2 1, Cart•r Montreal, 19, Horner. A.11an1a. 18. J Thompson P11111>orgh 17, Clark San Franc11eo, 11 STOLIN IAlfl: lo Smllll. St Loula, 42, R11nea Montreat. 38, Moreno P1t1'1>urgn 38, O.rnot< Phlladelph•a. 35. •••• Doclee< •• 32. PITCHING (11 Deel.tone): Lollar, San Diego tO-? 2 11, O Robinson, P1t11Durgh 10-3 3 88 Rogers Mont1eel 10-3 3 88, Rogers. Montreal. 10·4 2 13 Sutton Houlton, ~4. 3 01 Monteluaco San Oitgo 7-4. 3 118. Vitlefta...ala., Doclt«•, 11·1, 2-11; F0<tcfl, St Lou1a 8-5 4 14 Soto C"-1nall 11-5 2 .. ITfltllEOUTI: Soto. Oncrnnau 153 Cartton PhllaOalph1a, t47, Ryen, Houlton 124 Rogtra. Montreat 99 'Olena ... la, Oodgera. t7. Onie Cup OUA.llTElllFINAL li!OUHD tat II. LD<llt ) Untied llatH 3, 8w-n 2 John Mc Enroe IU S I ctel Mata W1ltncte• 9-7 6·2. 15-• 7 3-6. 8·6. Andera Jauyd !Sweden) del Bt1an G<>tll11ed 6 2 6·2 6·4 (at Perla) Franca 3. Ca.choeloukla 2 V~nn1ck Noah 1Francel def Ivan Lendl 6·2 3·6 7-9 6-3 6-• lomas Smid (Czecno1lovak1a) <1el J1>1erry Tvtasne 3-2 (rettrecl because 01 111,_.1 (al Canla. llllly) Hew Zfflancl 3, Haly 2 Chris Lewis (New Zealand) ael Aortano Panatta 6·4 6-3 6·2. Corrado Baruzu111 (ltal)ol def Bruce Oerlln 6-2 6 3 (al Aarhua, Denm-) DenmMll 4. Eflpl 1 Tare' et Sak-a tEgypll def MICllMI Mortensen 6-t 4-6 6-3 Pelar B1111an1«1 IOenm.,kl ~ An"* el Mel>elm• 6-3. 6 0 Note Hungary Oel tSrnt end w tl( aovance to play Denmark 1n the European Zone l1na1t SwlH OP4ff' (at Getud) Men°1 llnglMFlnal JOH Lull Ci.tc del Gulllfllmo \Illas. 6-1 6-3. 6-2 w-·· Sing ... Fina! Cl~udl• l(ohde oef Virginia Ruzlci. 7-6. t·ll. 7-6 TEAM TENNIS San Diego 31, Chicago 23 (11 Chlugo) Women's Stnglee-Mary Lou Platek (SOI def Yvonne Vermaak, 6-2, Man's Jingles-Butch Walls (SOI <lei Sltve Krule•ltl 6-3. Women'• doubles- Vermaak Laur• DuPont (Cl <let P111e11- Anne While 1 5. Mens ctoublet-Roaa Cue-Waite (SOI def Krulevttz-Tom Oulltkton 7 6 M1>ed doubles-P1a1 .... Case (SO) dat VermHk·KruleVllz. 7.5 MOwaukM Open 174 CaNln PMte~5.000 m VICIC>< ~lllado.$27.000 71-.116-U·TI m Teny O;eN,117.000 m Jim COI0...1.Sl2.000 m Ooc.k Zotoot.19.125 MOlllS Hatalaliy.Sll. 125 larry ZMsglet.19, 125 -Wayne Levl,$7.500 Oav•d Edward1.S7,500 211 Andy B.ean,$6.000 Dan Poht.Sll,000 Oeve Stockton S8.000 Howard Tw1t1y,S6.000 212 Clarence Roae.S4,62S ~ Ed Oougntr1y,SJ.1125 Phil 1-lencock 13.625 Mark Lye,13.825 Mark Calcavecchl,S3.825 Bob Tway,S3,625 214 Roget Mallbte,$2,253 Mike Brannen S2 ,253 8111 Senaer.S2.253 M1l.e H111,S2.253 Mika Morley $2 2S3 Bruee F~shet S2 .253 as Mark McCumoer S 1 555 Cna.rlf!S Krenke4 S 1 555 OaJe Oougla.u S 1.555 Geo<ge Cadle$ I SSS Gary McCoro S l 555 Ell Ftort S 1.555 Chartes Coody SI .SSS -Jay Hus.St 152 LO<' N ... aen.S1 152 Ronnl8 Blacll S 1 1S2 Gary Koch,$ 1 151 Dave Eoeh<Mbrgr S 1 152 JKk Ren..., $1, 152 217 Jay Cudd,S74S Brn Calt ... 1745 Jett ihom_,,$745 Mark PflHl,S745 B11d Bryant.1745 Tim N0<r11.S745 Frank Conn .... $745 Steve Me4nyll,S745 l ae Elder $745 -lynn Lotl,S.580 G1v1n l evanson.S560 Doug T-.S.580 Oavt Hlll,SS80 Jonn Mallattey,$560 RH S•-nSsao -Skeet9< Heatll.SS52 er1e ea11 .... sss2 Merk Hayes.m2 l wn Slmpaon $552 2IO romrnr v...,,tine.S530 Bobby Cote.SS30 Oaty Hllllberl: $530 ltndy M-. 530 Rll<M~ .. 530 2112 8*y Gltsaon.'510 Tom Chatn.$510 AIM<\ Miller SS10 211* Curl Byrum 1500 -Lauy Mire,$495 115-69-72-7 t 1111 87-70·72 65-89-70-75 8'·70-70-71 72-89~·70 68-M -68·76 65·72-71-72 68-70-69-14 70-71·71 ·69 70-66 70·73 71·11·IMl-71 73·89. 72 ·68 70·71-73-89 71·69· 12-71 71.59.12-11 10· 70· 70-73 68·13·10·14 68-70-69-17 14·111·10·13 12.10-111-n 12-11.71 10 89 71-74-70 s.13 15.ea 68-71-1•· 72 69-74-87·7S 11°71-89·14 71-69-11·7• 14·86-10· 73 73·86·12·72 10-12· 72. 71 69-10-7.75 12·11~·7S 111·16-11·12 &9-12-74·71 72-7 1-72-7 I 119-73-73·71 74-72-11·17 87-70-74-76 70-67-76-14 66-72-73-14 89-72-72-7• 87-14-72-14 71-71-72-73 12·86-74-73 68-7 4-73-72 71·11-74-72 71-71-74--12 68-73-72-75 89-74-72-73 72-70-75-71 10-10-15-14 70-72-71-76 11-10-15-13 74 .... 75-71 72·611--74-76 119-71-75-75 11..-.13.77 72-71-73-74 70-73-74 73 71-71-1'3-76 13-10-12-17 72-71-72-77 70-73-75-75 71-71-17-77 lPOA ClaHlc (at .,_.,,., W. Ya.) 209 •·HOlltt St..:v.S 18.750 Kathy Postlewait $12 250 210 Allee M111e< $7.500 Cathy MorM.17 500 211 Cethy Reynolda.SS,000 214 Otanne Oailey.S4, 187 S1lv11 Be<to1accm1,$.4 187 21S Jan Stephenson.SJ 125 Ju<Jy Clark.SJ. 125 M J Smith S3. 125 Bevfllly Ktau.S3, 125 Kathy Young SJ, t25 211 J-Blaloc:lcS2.375 217 Be1h Oant4M $2,082 Bonnie l •<*' $2,062 Aloandre Rntihrdt.'2.062 211 Sand<t Post,Sl.494 Mary 0wya< .S 1,4114 Martha H ........ s 1,4114 Marty Oiclterson.S 1 4114 Vldll Tat>or.St,4114 Ai..ori s-a.s 1 4114 211 CWOlyn Hill.I 1.200 Jan F ... , artlS 1 200 no Shelley Hamlin.$ 1.000 Kathy Mar1tn,S 1,000 Cerole Cllert>on.-,11.000 M ........ HegQe.$1,000 Lynn Adama.Sl.000 Janet Colee.SI ,000 221 LO<I Hu•llOl<l.S819 Vici<! Slngleton.$819 222 O.bble Au111n,S8llO Lori Oarbac1.'890 Ame411 Rorer,S&llO Barbara Mlzrahle,$890 Jerilyn Brlll,S8llO m Kathy Hile.$525 Elaine l-land.1525 Carole Jo Calllaon.S525 Susie McA1t111 ... ,$525 Be-ly Huke.$525 P1tt1 Hayes.$525 Be•bara Mo•-.1525 71-66·12 70~-71 70-89-71 70-88-7' 75-67-69 72-73-69 75·69· 70 73-72-70 73-71-71 72.71.72 73-89°13 71-70-74 12·72-72 12-73-72 72-72-73 72-70-75 74--73-71 74-71-73 71-73-74 73-71-74 73-71-74 72-11·15 74--74-7 I 71-70-78 14-73-73 73.74.73 76-7 t-73 74-72-74 7$-71-74 99.74.77 1$-12-14 76-71-7& 78-73-73 12-76-75 17-71-74 74-73-76 14·12·18 77-73-73 18-71-74 72-76-78 74.72.17 75-71-17 16-10·11 71-7~79 Camel. Where a man belongs. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "tar", 0.8 mg. nicorine av. per c1g1r1111 by FTC mtehod. .. nlof Open (•t l'~ttlftd, 0...) au Miiiet Batbe< 128,1148 -Gane Ltlllar,112.619 Oatl 811<ee s 12,519 .. Boo Goalt>y $8.&32 211 Gay 8'-.$4 813 Arnold Pa-$4813 292 Ken Towna S3.942 211* Chat ... S1H0<d $3,572 294 JKk Foecll S:l 282 2" 73-89-78-88 75·119-72-70 73-70-75-73 73-71-73-74 71-74-12-TS 76-71-77-69 73 72-75-14 Bob Oa(da S2 890 H°"'a1d JOl1nton S2 890 74-73-72-78 211 Biiiy Caaper 12.409 Joe Jimenez S2 409 -BOD Rotburg S2.223 300 Ar1 S11vest1one 12,058 Jo199n Sodd,12.058 )01 Oouo l-l1go1n1.S 1,865 Peter rno1T1san,Sl,865 302 Biiiy Mowell.I 1.714 Don Fa1rttald,S l 714 303 Oean l1no.S 1,519 Jo/In L•no•O<d,Sl,519 s11n r11ir111.s1.519 Michaal Fetchok,Sl ,519 !om N~te.11 St9 8ob Eroc.-son SI 5111 BoD Stone,Sl.519 304 lionat Heb ... , $1 290 Mac M11n,S I 290 o.nr1 Hulch1nson SI 290 Fred H1wtuns S 1 187 0.0.ge Bayer S l 187 -Jetty Bat bet s l 043 Jonn Zon1e11 S 1 0•3 George Tnomas S l 043 J07 Hampton Aul<l.S960 -Don Hoentg,$919 n 1&-12-13 7 I-78-72-77 74 1• 74. n 72-77-80-71 77-74-74-75 81-73-74-73 74-17-74-76 78-73-78-73 76-76-76-7 4 17-76-18·72 78-76-17-72 78-73·76-76 111·74·15-76 73.79.74. 77 78·75·1'2-78 77-74°73-79 77°76·82-73 73. 76-82-73 78-72-80-114 75. 78· 79-73 1S·16·17 11 73-60-77. 76 73·60-71-76 f/1·16-11-76 76-78-79-74 11-17-11-11 Hollywood Parti IUNOA Y'S "llUL Tl (totti « -.., ..... 11ne1 'lllllT lllACE, 6 futlongs Ho Ct>oy (0r1ega) 20 20 1 60 5 00 Sall Sanda (Plerctl 5 60 4 40 R-1> (Slblllal 6 20 Aleo ·-Proud Chooce Summer S•llOJ, Fan~Ouy. ClaHIC 1-lollday AdJu<ljeadO, IM Five T.,,,. I 10 II UCOND flACI. 8 furtonqs Jo. Mua (Valen.rualal 1 40 4 60 3 20 00-Stffklble (Plf1c:lly) 7 00 4 20 Blaci<well (Sibilla) 4 20 00 -FlniSheO 11ta1, dtsqu11tt1ed and 1>4ec.o MCond Aleo tac.d Cllibhouw. Coel<y Gott .... Babatoom, Cata.on. N1veto ACI< Acll JOllannett>erO T.,,,. 110 12 DAil. Y DOUeU !3-111 """' 172 20 THIN> ltACE. 7 lur1onQs A F111 Pac91L.pnm) 13 lO 1 40 5 40 Sky M1Ulon tH1n-.1 38 60 17 20 Ban<lelllfe (S1b<llal 8 00 Allo , aced Black Bullel Graben H1waotan Sand Captain OouDle. War Allred Honcho Nolor Embl!rma tlc Jeni«! 1 Pnnce Time 1 22 215 IS t:XACTA (10•111 paid St 997 00 FOUlllTH lllACE. 6 lurtongs Sh•rrh Brown !Olht) 1 S 20 8 •O 4 80 OOld Holl Gal (Hawley) 22 80 7 80 La<leirl Grand (P1ncey) 2 80 Also raced N11111e N Me. Peppy's vanity Four Leal, Culletand, Miss D••lanl Oay My Counten Time l It FIFTH llACE. 1 1116 moles Glamorous Siren (McCrn)4 003 00 3 00 Nartcy s Baby (Valenzuela) I! w !> tsu Ou.et Fltght (Castane<l•I 4 e\I Alao raced Far Song O•tmoun Fandangerona, Trust Ua, G8lela OeHcateGrace Ttme 1 43 415 SS EXACT A (6-1) paid S 119 50 260 3 40 2 •O SIXTH flACI. I ... miles on lurt Patu'a Trlumph(HwM 11 20 S 80 Talty Ho l he •o• 1Ur1g1 ti 2Ci Alco (McCanonl Aleo raced Sunah•ne Sweg Nobel. Oeeltown p,...,..'° Time I 41 115 • UACTA (5-21 paid SUSS 00 MVUfTM "ACL I'\ miles on lu<l T1fftury ~ratify W'YJb 00 3 40 2 60 WOtv«Mlgrill (SllOemaker) 4 60 3 40 FabulOUS Auton (V...,,zuela) 3 40 Al9o raced Par_, a leaO<!< Cellfc Watrlor. Saroeant Wilton, G11> A Two Time 2 111 llS IS EllACTA (5-7) paid SS t 50 12 l'tCll Ilk lb Ht 4 o :. :.r $44 601 80 ~1tn ••• •inn.no t•G"'•'* It •• horae11 Sl 1'1<.k Sta co11•nl•ll0<• 11••d $21' 90 '#lollh • 1!> WIHfllnU flt.h•I• ltt'f'* "°i~~TH RACE I , milt!• Sangue I Sh04IM•k•• I 8 40 :! 60 1 110 lracl> ROD!Jery 10elnuy1 l 4') 2 40 Cat G1<1 tMcCafron1 / 60 Alto ••Ced Ac'. Sec·~· s ....... MIKI Aduena lac0<• Toma 148 SS EXACTA 16 11 CJ••d S~• oq NINTH llACI t t lb m11 ... on IJrl M1on1t• C01JP41r tH1n1 I~ 20 1 40 4 41; 1011en11111 •Oetnu y1 1 60 • •o GOid.,, C1rcte tP1rce1 2 40 A••o •aced Boll~ Jr Roy.;• :;e•b Envoy 0 1 G•~ Co1oow1 Slv B1111" G1ac111r Ot!gen l ime 1 42 S5 EXACTA t5 31 pa.a S3l9 00 AtttonctanLI 47 ~80 World Cup (al MadrldJ CHAMPIONSHIP ltely 3 West Germany ' World Cup champion• 1982 -llali 1978 Argeo>11na 197• WHI G9fmany 1970 Brazil •966 Eno•ano 1962 Brazil 1958 Braiol 1954 w~t Germ81'1y 1950 -U•uouay 1938 Italy 1934 llaly 1930 Uruguay Dffp ... fishing NEWPORT (Art•a Landing) 118 angle<s 363 bass 652 mackerel S roe~ h•h (Dn•t• Loc;.,.r) 269 un91er 5 385 und bus, 140 bonito 131 ca1tco Dau 8 barr acuoa. I yellowtail t k 1r1g ~aim on 4 hallbul, 23 roe-hsn t S5 t mackerel DANA WHAllF 324 angl~•S 1 194 bass tO oarracuda 163 b0<1110 1 halibut 7 yellowta•I 1ss macke<et MORlllO BAY (Vlrg'a l anding) 82 lflgle<S 2 ling COd 90 rock cod 135 red rock Cod 640 bass I AN DIEGO (H6M Utndlr>g, Fl1llarman'1 Point Loma) 4 10 1ng1ers 10 1 alDacore 12 yellowia•I t29 barracuda 47 bon110 l l>lueftn tuna 3 ~-fin 111ne International water polo TUNOSflAM CUP (•t lvdapaet. Hur>gllf'l') Untied Slatee s, Wffl Garmanr 5 Unotf!d Slates 0 1 .I 1 5 West G9fmeny 2 2 O 1 S Unt ied Stales sco11n Q J am'" Ferguson 3, Drew "4c0onftlct 2 Olher Scor•• Hungary 13 'f'ogoala••• tJ Italy 6 Hotland 6 Russia 10 Vugos•a• a B Spain 1 I Hungary t 1 8landlng1 HOll8n<l. 3°0-3 Uruted l;lates 1 2 t Russia 3·2· l Spam 3 2 1 Hu1111ar~ 2-2-3 Italy, 2-2·2 w"" G'llm8"Y I > J Yugost&Yla 0-5·2 Weekend lranuctlon• IAlllALL Amarlcan LMglla MINNESOTA TWINS Sogneo Bryan o.1~ers 011cn... ""° anionecs h•m 10 Voseha ot the Cahf0<n1a l•19Uf! I I . ·-· ' '• -t ., •I •": l Orano• Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday. July 12, 1082 Sailboarding title taken by Naish Robbte N1l1h of KaUua, Hawaii. demon1trated why he iii the world champion ullboarder by acorln1 an overall wln ln \he Hana Ten CaUfomla World Cup Pro-Am reaaua at Cabrillo Bctach. Runner-up wae M ike Waltie of Haw aii (formerly Newport Beach) who la the curTent Windsurfer pentathalon champlon. The regatta, oonducted ln light to moderate winds over four days was d ominated In the profe ssional division by Hawaii sailors. Pete Carinha of Oahu placed fifth. Top woman sailor in the professionals w as Nancy Johnson of Newport, R.I. who placed seventh overall. The regatta was comprised of four events wave surfing and jumping, slalom, freestyle and triangle racing. Naish won two of the events and placed second in two others. Mike Ounmeir of Ventura was the winner in the a mateur divis ion. Runner-up was Bruce Matlack, Newport Beach, and third was George Steinhelmer, Los Angeles. Top woman performer among the amateurs was Suzie Swatek of San Pedro. T he regatta drew over 100 competitors from the U.S ., including Hawaii. The event was sailed in a n area of Los Angeles Harbor known as "hurricane gulch" because of the consistent strong winds that whistle around Point Fermin. The first day brought winds of 19 knots: Friday was a real test with 21 knot winds, and Saturday and Sunday the winds did not exceed 15 knots. ..... AP Wlrephoto Whal r : 11 o"'(l> I new duli(•s llAHT FOIU>. l't11111 (Al') <.fuJ d11 I In\\" hw .. IH·t •11 '"'"""'' ,;1"11.11 11.,...,1 .. 1.mt 111 tl11 • 111.111.i~~lfl~ ~:c•r111 .ti p.111111·1 111 1h1 ll.11tl111d Wlt.tlt•t'I th• N.1111111.1 1 111~ k"' l .1 ··~·w I, ••• Ill .• II II,, \I II I I d ll11V.1 .ii \\Ill \\1111, dll«l th w1ll1 l\l.111.i~1111• ( " 'I \I' I ti I';' t t I H I I I 11 \\ 11 d l\.dd\\ Ill .ill• 11dtf1 "Iii!. h1111d 111 111\•fll"I' 11111•!111~1 .. 11•1111 '" llllltl-' tli11l 11l11111 •1 111• 1· .. 1111111l lt'I'" .111d It 1t1dl1111 'I"' .ti 111111111 ,, I 111 .. 11-. ...... ,tj 11111• Ill ' PU8LIC NOTICC ----FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Jntt tr1llO-NU14 'It I bu1ht ~ U) I ,1 AND bA1, , 74• < I II b• ·~l'Wf>O• t lleat.h l..I\ •l• I • I f drA Suianr•o l1ro m, 1 • Clift Or Ntiwpoil B1111rr1 ! A 11111 l hi\ tJu•jU18SS II t..Ofl hJ• 1'••3 t) H ftd1yuJual 1.,ra S Tr.:weng 1 t11• M9teotn~11 Wit fllfHJ w It lh\ C.:•1•H1t\ t,..1e,11i. ''' Orenge C 1.mt1 r Muv .-a t 1112 F11M>4:111 h11>1"11110 Orsng1< C11t1~1 lJ 111y "'i1 t J 'h•· 1 a lj -1ult 11 tQ~) PIJllllC NOllCE P\ltt.IC NOTICC 8YN01Jlll 0' Hll ANNUAL ITAflM«Nl V A" lNDlD OIC Mii" It, 1N1 ol Unlled HOn'I• Lii• lll111re11'e Comp•nJ Oreenwood, IN .. 10 • 467ll.818 31 llf7 847 I e40 70,0 ' I' J!lrtt •h , I \.f!U { I I tl U " PURI IC NOTICE N01tCE or tnUSTEE s SALE lo•n No I0-03e T S No 71504-S l MPAN' 1•. 1tut, '"' t '" ,, , ,.,.., , 11111 J77 1111 0119 fl 200 76!1 1nr480 '4!14'\3 b I/ /8'1.000 4tJ(, 11~~ 14 ,·()4 1182 /,6 OJI •• , , ,1, .n ~<., c1riJ•n , w11t1 trMI ,.,. r·••t J 1 1'U:t t m.-~•tt 10 tne 11111 'H 1 U'"H\U\AHt tu l11w . .,,, I I I I 1;> I:\ 1'11:11 Jl27 82 1-PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF TAUSTEl!'S SALE l o•n Ho 10122371 1 1 s Ho 1arn-e Ell r till SCflVIC E ··~l~i "'·' •S rluly •PPOlnted It l I• I 11111.1•'' thtt fOllOWlflQ 1t1+1 11t111ll U•·•••t (1t ''uat Wll l SELL t I ltl I l\UL 'ION 10 THE 111, •I< 1 fl JOtH FOR l..ASH DIATH NDTICIS IT'S OURS -Italy's Claudio Bruno Conti (left) dnu Claud111 Scirea holds onto the soccer World Gentile escort h11n around th•· ·1.8• "· SWEENEY DAVlD B. SWEENEY, a lo ng time resident of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, passed away on July 10, 1982 after a long bout with cancer. He was former president of Syste matic Savi n~s & Loan tn Daly City. Ca. He is survived by his da ul(hters Patricia Sweeney or San Marcos. Ca. an d Diane Kunt z of Fairhaven , New J ersey. 3 grandchildren, He1d1, Sheila and Lon, he is also survived by his wife o f 23 years Peggy Sweeney of Newport Beach, C a . M e morial services will be held on T uesday. July 13. 1982 at Harbor Lawn Mortuary, 1625 Gisler at 2:00PM. In lieu of nowers the family requests contributions be made 10 the American Cancer Society. SUMMERS ROBERT H. SUMMERS, a resident o f Huntington Beach. Ca for the past 11 years after m oving here from Pennsylvarua. He was a manager with th e Whitman Cand y Company for the past 40 years. Passed away on July 9. 1982. He is survived by his wife Alvina. chtldren Susan Person of Hunungion Beach. Ca., Lois Bath of P e nnsylvania, Robert Summers. Jr. of Hunungton Beach. Ca. and T h omas Summers q C Hun ti ngton Beach. Ca., mother Anrue Summers of Pennsylvania, bro ther Norman Summers o f Pennsylvania a nd 4 grandc hildren . Slu mber room vistitallon will be held on Monday. July 12, 1982 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel Funeral services will be held on Tuesday. July 13, 1982 at the 11.00AM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel with Rev Virginia Field. Community United Methodist C hur c h , offici a ting. I nterment services imme diately following. Services under the direction o f Harbor Lawn -M o unt Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554. SMITH FRED ROBERT SMITH, D ., resi dent of South Laguna, Ca. Passed away on Friday. July 9, 1982. He is survived by his wife Beth, daughters Kathleen Mine of Maui. Hawaii, and Mary Jo McCowan of Barrington. Illinois and 3 grandduldren. ""d 1 2J"eat-grandchild. Fred HAHOtl 1.AWK-MT. OLIVE Mortuarv • Cemererv Cremalorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 54().5554 rtHCt llOTHHS H U 1104DW4Y MOITU41Y 110 Broaowav Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALn & IH(HIO .. SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCllff CH4rll 427 E 171h S1 Costa Mesa 646-9371 rtHCI llOTHIH SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St HunllnQton Beach 536-6539 '•Ctf!IC ••• .......,., ... ,.,.. c.mtt*"Y Mortuary Ch1~1-crematory 3500 P.c1l1c Vttw Drive ~POrtBHcn &u-2700 PUBLIC NOTICE was born in Detroit, Cup, symbol of the t ea m 's fie ld at th(• t'oncluswn of SundHv·..., Michigan. He graduated c hampio n s hip, as teammates 3-l victory ov(.'r W('sl Cl·rman\ flCflTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE M[NT from Wayne Univer11 ty ----------------------- Mitchell • WlllS at Newport MedJca.1 School in 1939, he was C hie f o f Surgery a t O range County Medical Center Crom 1956 until present and president of the O range County Surgical Soctely. He practiced 1n Laguna Be ach. Ca. from 1956 . He served in the Miltt.ary from 1941 lO 1946 In the Medical Corps. 3rd Armored Division. Memona1 services will be held at the Three Arch Bay Clubhouse on Tuesday, July 13, 1982 at 4:00PM. In lieu of flowers the famil y r e ques t s contributions be made to the Cardiothoradc Research and Education Foundation, PO Box 33185, San Diego. Ca. 92103. N HYC holds three regattas Newport Harbor Yacht Club had the ocean boiling with sailboat competition Saturda~1 with three regattas. Most prestigious was the four rare &xt<'r Bowl Regatta for the International Star Class which drt''-" 18 entries from San Diego to San Franc1S(.-o CANFIELD EVELYN DOROTHE .. CANFIELD. a resident of Laguna Hills, Ca . Passed away on July 9, 1982. She ts survived by her son Charll'S and daughter Dottie Ott Pnvate Camily servx:es were held on Sunday, July 11 , 1982 under the direction of Har bor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary 540-5554. REDMAN The -,inne r w as Ben M1tch<'ll of Uiltfornia Yacht C lub. second was Mark Rl•vnolds. San 01C'go BOATING Yacht Club and third was Chuc:k &>c'k , Nt>wport Harbor Yacht Club. The Star boat 1s one of the oldest On(•-dc-s1en sailing classes and 1s one of the six Olympic claSS(.'S Another NHYC regatta was the Santana-35 district championship w ith five boats showing up on the starting line. The winner was Gordon Graham South Shore Yacht Clu b and the runnt>r-up Wdlo. Tom Schock, NHYC ROBERT REDMAN. a resident of Santa Ana, Ca. Passed away Of\ July 9. 1982. He ls survived by his father Frank of California. mother Marion of Santa Ana. Ca .. brother Augie of California, sisters Cynthia of C osta Meaa, Ca .. also brothers Tony Blanca and Sanie Samuel Bianca of Idaho, his aunt H elen Barron o f California, grandmother Leona Woodcoc k of California. Funeral servcices will be held on Wednesday, July 14. 1982 at 4:00PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Services under the d1rcection of Harbor Lawn- Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540-5554. NHYC also held its July On£>-des1"1n ref,!atw which drew 13t5 bOats m mne cla'iSeS sailing courses inside the bay and m the ocean NELSON DONALD FRANCIS NELSON. a resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. Passed away o n July 2, 1982. H e is s urvived by his nephew Mike of Trineville. Oregon. Private graveside services will be held on Monday, July 12, 1982 at Riverside National Military Cemetery. Services under the direction of H.arbor Lawn. 540-5554 DEATHS .:. ELSEWHERE ORANGE. N.J . (AP) - Marla Jerlt1a, 94. an internationa lly kno wn so pr ano w i th the Metropolitan Opera and the Vienna State Opera more tha n 20 years. died Saturday. ROME (AP) -ha Miranda, 77, an actrea who appeared in the "Night Porter" and "La Signora dJ Tutti" (Everybody's Lady), died Thunday. LOS ANGELES (AP) Character actor Fraak R. Qrlatl, ~2. WM found shot to death in the carport of h la No rth Hollywood h ome Friday, police said. He Md appeared In "Th e Godfather" and s u ch television at\ows a1 "The Roc kford Flies" a nd "Kojak,'' and usually pe>nrayed villains. MERCED (AP) -A veterinarian who helped found a non-profit center for treauna wounded blrda of prey died Thursday ln • \wo•car colllalon ea6\ of The winners: OvteJde c.1 .. -SAN TANA-20 (5) -1 0ouo Teulte, Balboa YC. 2 Glenn Oavie5 Bahia Co<'lnthl•n V.C SOLING (7) -1 Gallon Or11z. BVC 2 Barman and O'DonalO 8CVC ETCHELLS-22 (221 -1 Scoll Masoo NHYC. 2 RICI< HaWlhorne Voy!IQ«I VC 3 Tim Hog1n NHYC ~Cla•-SABOT A (201 -I Paul Nor1ng, Hunhngtoo Hert>our YC 2 Nici! Greenw•y. HHYC; 3. Tim Casael. Bahia Cor1nth1on VC SABOT B ( 18) -1 Jeff Merlin. Lido Isle VC: 2 Ann Schock NHVC 3 Sieve Stllnberg, HHYC SABOT C (21)-1 Jell Smith. NHYC 2 Jory Tw•JI LIVC 3 Willy Fr~lcltton BYC LASER A ( 141 -1 0.111d Frttneo LIYC 2 Jerome Norrr.an BCYC 3 ROd Turne<. BCYC LASER 8 ( 14) -I Mall Paskerlan NHVC. 2 Regina Parkl'r NHVC. 3 Jell Goold, BYC U00-14 ( 15) -1 Paul Blank, Soolh SP\Ore VC 2 Chad Tw•cnetl I IYC, 3 Dudley JOhnson BYC * Masquerade posts victory Masque rade, co-skippered by J . Thawley and Chuck Queen, Ventura Yaclit Clu b, was th(• Clas..-. winner Saturday in the third race of Huntington Harbour Yacht Club's Bolsa Chica Series. Winner in C!lass B was Excalibur, Al Jones. W est Coast Yacht Club. In addition to the above P erformance Handicap Racing F1eet classes the race also included three one-design classes. Trophy winners in all classes: PHRF-A -1. MHquerade. Thawley/Oueen, Ventura YC. 2 EntOUfege. Net Wllaon HHVC, 3. MaStren. Pete< Gantz. HHYC f>tiAF-B -1. EJtc:ellt>ur. Al Jonn. Wetl Coul YC, 2 Sunshine. Oennll H~ey. Long Beach YC, 3 Full Tiit. D "tcorn Lttlle Sl\tps Fle81 CATALINA-00 -1 Cl\oco4ate 0, Herb Halhng, Seal Beec·h YC 2 St.rtlre. s.r1 Heldenrld\, Voyeoer-VC. 3 Rublyachl. Mark Rubin, HHYC CATALINA-27 -1 Joyride, Lee t<rlley. S 1 BYC. CAL-20 -1 Nia. Nlclt Condos, S 1 BYC. 2 Flair Cllarles Brunner ABYC. J Any Tune. R VIOiette. S 1 BYC * Sidewinder among winners South Shore Yacht Club conductt.'<.i the fourth. fifth and sixth races of its H i-P oint &rres. Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Friday's race was from B al b oa P ier to Huntington Beach Pier; Saturday sent the fleet from Long Beach to Long Point, Catalina Island, the fifth race was from Long Point to Balboa. Winners of race 4 and 5: PHRF-A -t. Slcllndet, Rlc:hard Bluel. S.tila Corinthian YIClll Club, 2. M-tum, Pel« Tong, Soolh Shore YC; 3, Tl"r811, Gii Knudsen ssvc. • . f>tiRF-8 -1. ~ry MuNln, Karen Meson. BCYC. 2 Aloll 11. Glenn Aeed1 SSYC: J. Falcon, Jim U... SSYC. SORO.A -t. e Tlcll.t. Gary Cf\endler, SSYC. 2 0.llance. Rich Nowling, SSYC; 3. Felacloua, Olek Schlellnger, SSYC S<5R0-8 -1. NlnoM, Hlltlll Humann. &a.tboe YC. 2 Paper Tiger, Olek Httc:tl, SSYC; 3. More MlchegHf, Joe Grennblall. S. Beech YC "-' PHRF·A -1. T!gr .... 011 Kr1'1dew1, SSYC; 2. Harmony, J«ry Moufton,SSYC ltHAf'-8 -1. SUncta, Orallam Glbboftl, S8VC: 2 Aloha II. Glerm ~. SSYC; 3 Juel Pl8ltl Crary. Oon Kroll ... &SVC SORo-A -1 E Tldltt, Oery Chandler. SSYC; 2 Fetec:tou1, Otck Jc:hleelnoet. SSYC: 3 Otflenct, RICll Nowling, SSYC. 501111>-8 -1. P91* Tiger, DI<* Hatch, SSYC; 2. NlnOfe, H•nk •umann. 8VC; 3. Sorcer«. Oennll ROMM. Voyager• vc ("4laull1 ~ elJCth ra« -• not computed ) Brothers top marathon =·w:-.~arHra Aaa SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Mlaucl TibaduJza -rn8de hla brother, Domlnao, proud, ev n If he did SANTA BARBA.IA (AP) edae the thfte.\lme Olymplan from Colombia by -Uniwnl\y ol. MJehif*n l• &Mn 22 llU)ftda to capture th San Fr1ulCt11CO 'r•f•ttor emerluu of Man&hon. ~-nti'=8.:C ~ Mlpel, II, blwd IO• 4:42 mile at \he 22·mllo ..._Mt ;f 11 ,,.,., ..... :._'° :::S~!.~~fromf _ ~~ champl~,!!~I hi• •• ,., ... ,..... -. ,_ UI ••·,~~-~ vuwn re e e t n I 1 I o n , d l e d Jhe . ~ to wlri lu'1dj>''• M,2·mlle r_.. In 2 ......... houn. 14 '"''"'-Jl.1 llC!Oftdl, Sangue takes feature INGLEWOOL> !Al') BI 11 sh 0 l Ill .• k' I movc'<I S;ingui· .1h1 .id rd p J l' t• ... (. t I • I 'I I .• I " Rohlx·1 \ .11 1li1 •·•i.:hth polt <.1nd pulkd .m '' 1 .. J I .-lt·nglh v11t111\ 111 thl' ·U:-.t rlllH1111g 1d tlw S :.! () (I • fl II lf \I .1 fl I l \ J l<md1< .1 fJ ,, t 11 .. 11"'1 ""I P.irk Sund '' t\ nnwd ''' 1.,;.i,.11 .,,\\ tlw I """1 11ld 111,h l.ttd dJught1 t 111 l '1.t1.11 d ldflt\lft htl fHIJl\li ... llJlghl \ltllll~ ~·1• 1111.'. hl•r ,1 c,111-t 1 1t"t·111d .,1 'I" win ... 1n 11 ,t;11 t , 111d t•Jrrnng.., ol ~:~·H• 11 8 A l l ol S.11.1•111' prt•VlllU' 1,11 ,..., h 1d lw1 rt o n g r .1 ' ... • ,, 11 d It 1 handlt'<i thl' d111 t1 ,wk wl"ll for th1 f1r ... 1 111111 Runn ing 1 111111 t'~l·nl tn I ·HI. S.1ng111 wa~ w<-11 m·<·r lh1· ::.l.1k1·' r(>cord ot 146-2 '5 -.,1·l 111 l!:J78 wh1·n Sh111 111.1k1·t rod<' )ftf:,i 111 \tt\11f\ Tt ,1t·k Hohbl·rv \\ 1111 It I I'd ,d I th,. w ;t' u 11 t ti S:.inguc• t11ok 11\1 1 ,11 th1 top 111 t lw ... ire 11 h \\ 1111 llll' \'.trlfl\ •• \l,tf 1111 lit I -1 7 Guin~ ot I a.., ,, 11~ !11 :.! l favunlt· 111 1h• lwld 11f Sf..'\'l'll 11ld1 I 111.11 • ' Sctnguc• c·.11r\111g l.!11 pound,, t l·\un11 ·<l ;:.ti -lll. $:! 611 and S2 HO T r 11 l k H o h 1,' 1 v topwughtl..'d with l :!.! and :::dd11• Dt•l o1h11u ..... ..,,,,, paid s:i -to and $:.! .HJ (. '.tt Girl. r1<ld1·n b' C hi•~ MtCarron. <"arrymg 1 Ii. was $2.liO I•• s how Th t' \I. t n ~ • .., I h 1 eighth VJntl\ 111u111ph for Sho('maker. \\ h11 .d.;(1 PXtl'ncll'd ht::. wut Id r<>cord m.irk.., to H I' I VI( tortl'" H:'l-1 .. t.lkt ~ lr1umph s and IH.l s urcesst•:-. rn ralc'"' ol $100.000 or b<·ttt•r Joine r . 1gns SAN DIEGO (/\Pl Wide· rt't'(•1v1·r C.:h.111 11· Jcnn('r h.1.., d( ~·1d1 ·d n11t 111 n •\1re and ha-. ... 11.tn1,d ,, l'onlr<icl tor h1-., lhh \1·.11 ll,1 f!ilh_l'lli10 l I I I l I'\ fl l'llitJ lhr ••-;• i l• PA .111( •I,, rr t •• I •t,tt >f (., $tt ,,h • Ji fi.-'d )t (.., • It l)r l I M•t J\J,\ ( .1hl ''II .I~ ''"' 1111' .. "u~s~ itf cumh1\.tt1~) tt, 11 11HJ1vusu.tl ltif ur1j ti G,. J ut1'1 ri,,d (Jr 11 fJ' 1 ", 1 P11t ' J Ht 2 t R ;I, I 1 ~ tf \ PUBLIC tmTICl It PUBLIC NOllCC val'~" Lf.. .. Ht•firy C ~I Ld t4.t(1t-<ruJ,, ~2lCJI\ PUBLIC NOllCE I' FICTITIOUS 8USINE SS NAME STAfEMfNT )h•~lu-•r "1 t fr11 '1th ~'Pf1\ ~ fdutJ \I\. tt trw C.O•JHl-f r.:1,.r1> 1 f (Jr.m'rlt Lr:unt., ,,, "'"'',,,. 11 1ro~ ... Pur1ic.ti, .. 'J C• • gt c P 'Ot JUflt /I • • Jul, PUBLIC NOTICC Fl91687 .i I (t' t. "ll! o'b40 ~ .. Comptrollt1r of the C"rrency Tre .. ury Df'partmf'nt ol lhe Unltf'd StalH WHhtngton 0 C. .,.,. ' r 1 1' ', Carpenter bik<·~ to , • • 'n•~ ac11on to orotec.t PUBLIC NO TIC£ • J "'' t .. , •• 11 ma.,. f'Jti .5.06d at a ' J ARI "' '.lEfA, ' I V"4UtcH A 0 O> !AL.SI OAlEO I f"CAl NOTICE • lRrl• /1 ·as1 UNLESS YOU NFWPORT MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL OISfRICT rA~! At;llON TO PROTECT YOUR No"<~ 1nw111ng 81dt <>tt()PEoHY 11 MAY BE SOLD AT A t ~ r • , I'll 1C SAi E IF YOU NEED AN •r. E>.P Al~ATION or THE NATURE or lHf PkOCEEOING AGAINST OU >OU S>i0'JLD CONTACT A l A•,-IT fr; 17 l r 1l 1IQ.ir Newport Beacll r ..ild1 .rnic. Q2(.(J() 11f • ~1ro• t adc:Jre5s 01 commoo " ... ' <; t1H,. c. ShO~r lbOV~ no Ait" 1nty g•wen A'lt lo •Is 'Tlr .,.,,.,1. ~ , C.Offttc:lne's I h1 h• "f'"~"" y undet said Deed I r.ust IJV rPaSOfl ot • brl!aCI\ or h·l •ull '" th,, obh9a11ons i.ocured tt-.. ... r~t'lv herutl1lore executeo anct ()Pl'" P(l !0 \l)e Uneler1tgned 8 ,., llP" O.ot1arat•on ol Default and OPrrw11 tot S<t•e and wnllen notice • br,.&• It .mo 01 etec1ton 10 cause • "" untle• S•'lned to sell said , 1,., "'CIP"'rty to s1<l•sty 581d obhga11on,, 1n(f lt•erPQlt l'r Ille undersigned t du"'o "d•u '"""'"' ot oreeeh anO of • •'< l•O• to !><' recoroeo M8rch 10 • •"l •l> '"'tr "'" 82·083691 of said '" Ch1 ~,., 'lr<1"' .1 I h1• d1or• r ,, • 51tn1 .,,,IP ~1•1 btt made. bul "Al11f nu1 f.llVflnant or warranty 1 , ·-... , 11 , , , , ,, ,, • ;1 P"i:'n"'' or 1moheo regarding 1111e, ' t ' 1 1 ' 1 os•i:~s·on or l'neumbr•nces to •11Y ~· ''' t1 '"' '"~! t'\.:>t f''''' M•h. pay the , .. ,n411n1ng Pt•~IPll M>,;, or .... 1 o •10 '' ,, "' •ne uoteo~• ~ured t>y said Deed ol 1 ru\• ... th 1nten1st 1111 111 utd note prnndl'(I advances, If 1ny, undef 1hr 1er,.1• 01 sa•d Oeeo of Tf\Js1, •»e< cnri•Qt~ and •~PQnMS of Iha MANHATTA N BFACll I \l'I '11.llt<>ll ii ' .. <tPf'otnoof1t111ru111c;reate<1 by C • • • ~f(·f'I ft .... ~ • ·~""' ( I'M •"'~ Of'f><I Of Trusl cycling champion OIH11t' ( arpMll• r \\on th~ S.•11 Purch .. :inq 0.,~'"' ~11" ~•i. ''"'! oe held on T~ey, MagazincCychnl(C1rt•u1 tb1k<·1-.11 1 Su11d.1~·to plr1t('I • 1~1760-1'•' ~~~~~~~ ~~!~~~!:!:·1~1 ::: first in tht' circuit's overall pnint ~t;in~:hn~t-. and t•arn ?1111E~ J~1Y011 11182 c 1 0 IC1w1c Ctinrer BuUdlng. 300 E111 n place on tht! US. Womt·n·-. World Rood tlal·ing p11~~·t~~;"t::.-1~"~i:2 °11" 311~ C1>11pma,, All9nue. in 11141 C•ty ol }• , 111 • • Ornng(' earn ~ • Ar •h" time ot the 1n111at Th<-26-year-old Bouldt•1. Colo . re....1tl1•11t bt al 1•u1>JKllfl(ln 01 th•s not-the tot111 52 otht-r women to \\In lhc.• :IO 1ml<' l'lrt'U1I r.il't' m PUOLIC NOTICE 1m&.n1 ott~unpald~oflhe h 13 >bl•gehon secured by the •bcwe one our. mmutt•s and :!'I •' nmds tn tlw fin&I FtcTmoua IUllNESI .i esc11oed deed of '"'" eno race Of the series NAM£ STATl!ME.NT .. ~t1mlllt1d cottt, expentee. •nd T he fou r-roe.'<' &•If nrt 1111 "II'< 1h1 -;olc• 11u.1hfi.-r ttwi to1ta...1ng OltrtOn' er• d<wog JOv inc•• '1 li.~2.837 44 iw' ,..., .,, IP 1le1erm•ne the opening bid • Cor the World Tl'am, whit h v.. 111 r1•p11 ~·rit llw suN OUNt'> VILL"~ J~> r , "'m•~ ~all (7141 )87-0ffe Un ited States ot this vt•or'i. wm Id 1 h.1mp11111 .. l11 p.; Ill 1:111 StrHt "'ull• 212 co11a M"" ll~t• J~~l/,d!~2&EAVICE co England in Septem b<>r l(;A~~'~( CO NSTRUCTIO N 1lt .. ldTrv11 ... Besides Cnrpcntt•r. World Tt•um mPmh1 ,.,. who co M., AN v . • c • 111 0 ,,.. • • e Y T o a I! AV• Cf 2ual1Cled are Jocqul' Bradley UI of L>.ivt•nrv•rt C"'Porall on. l&O e t71h S1ru1. COMl'A~1 An Ch ff 27 •' ' , ,.., ' 111111 ?I~ Co•I• ...... CA 02027 .,,-.. owe, n erno • • of Bouldc r . c ulo . lt,•l>e'('\i• 1 ""' b!•-1a conduct.ct 11y • 11 V!Qcl J Mdnc:loe. Ouuahton, 26. ot Suntu l'rui. C.:ahC . Stw No\,1r 1 '"'~"'°" ..... 111111 lecnl11Y Reber, 26, of Flint, Mal·h .. t'1ncl,v Ul11vari t, 'J.i. 11( l ane Con11tuct~ ~ g"'r,t;C'11 c8::,;.:. .. .!:....., P lt"~IVn Burne 11' ~i i ..... ""-lcaaan t Hlll11. c llf ; M od <1ll1in1• Hm• 1•, n o( ()1ro Manfl04M ~ •• fkortu.l y, Calif, •nd R ·bR'l' Tw1111tt, HI, 111 S. ,1tt1 . flli1 1111WM11f _. .. ~ witll fht Pvot111>t\j Ora11tt Coa11 o..-, W h !!'ft UOIJ!llr Clfri cA °''"" CCMlllf en ' I ~ t IJ, It •HI U . NM 1. ll ' • tPeo-tl U. Cycllna Ft'<for tlo ,..._ -----•he nr tht wom " • ll'(lnl f11j lllh•r1 011n111 OllHI 0.11, Akf't ni.t lal J lhl Ulillllf'I llil •I Jvoe JI •. JOl\i t I :ti ' Orengo Co111 O~ILV PILOT /Monday, July 12, 1~82 ('$ ClAlllFllD 'J'/11...• rn arkC'fp/w·,, 1111 th<' <>rcrnye Coos t 642 -5678 M ediun mc,m11.· o/ I>culy l'i/ot jarml 1t•:1 t'J'Ct'f'd,11 $:J4.000 u 11.:ur. Yom ud reaclw~ thl' cmmt1(s most ojJlrw"t buvmg Cl UU H'Tl<'f' CLASSIFIED INDEX Hta111 ltt $1/1 ,,.,,, /e1 11/1 H""' /01 S1/1 H111111 lot $1/1 Heo111 lot S1/1 .......•...•..........••••••.....•..•••••••• ······••······•······· .......•......•..•.... ····•··•••••••·•·•···· ~!.-.~~~L ........ !.~~~ 9!.-.~~'.L •••..... }.~~ f!!!~. ~!!~ ...... !.~~1 !~!!~! ........... !.~~1 ~'!!r.!!. ~!~!! .. .'.~~~ -------------AHOLUH STULi 12, Pl1111l•1 WH HLOW IHIUtlT Mar~tr View llt•et PllllllU HOlll Lovely lrg llou .. with Seller wlll aarry loon for 3 bi . 2 ua Univ Plfk I Oir•tl Mt,tf ...... ,., ,,,, ..••........••...•.•.• "'"'' 100! •..•.................. H,.,,, ,.,.,,." H .. ,,, 11.1,,,.,, •• , a .. ,,, v.1.1111•• . ............................................ ····••······•···•····· f~t.!!~ .~.·.~t. -'·'·~~I f !!!~. ~!!~ ...... '-~~~ ~!.'!r.!!.~~f!~ ... 1.~~? 4 OH. new de<;. turn, Soc I OC·RENTALS llG OAllYON POOL 11111e, prlv Och · ••11nla 1 Slir • UCO to S2000 ~ Owm .olllC-4038 7!.0 3314 open 1 day• ,i::-:1-,.,,0 mo' "u:' :~1'.1!. T 1 '11c1 Yltr A•. C1N dun •P• & forever view qu1tlfl•d buyer Oreot T11111 c e s 1<19 000 a•LE o• -101 Pritt Wea\ Ba\ buyfront Shf~ for 2 bo&~. Only $:1511.000 rff Will termi 3 Bdrm 2 ba fa1mt Ag1 1156·078t' or " n '" 11 .... ,, l11e• 3 Ill JUt t BB. $(100 mo l 0 OPI Agl F IUO 03 1 12bt:. 642-5678 NIWS fOI SAL£ a-111 .... -..1 .. .... kllloee ......... 1. ~=l!~'!T :.~fh rw atihu o. ........ . rJ ,...,.. t'wniatft VaUtJ "~·~ ..... ,. ~: ... *«', i.., ..... 11111. IA.l..,..N11,..I ..... ...,v .. "' ~l::....ttt,.':~ ~ Jw•" ( .,. .. ., •"'-' '-"'-• ~"· 'in l lltoch »wo' l,.••vn1 'At•,ft'llMl"° Mubtl• Uotnea ~itc IEAL mm Artt1t• f0t ~'t A,.r111Nnt• IOI ~te­ l!H th Pr-\f """''-'"-"> f ttntlff}' ...._, (.ru;11h t·=~:~'s:T:'' Owiptuu \. n1h x.1~ Howft to be M A\ •O ........... ,.,,,...,., lftdv.Mflat ,,opuh lat tor S•I• MObllt U~ Trlr ..,,,~ Mountn O.urt. ftt",Ot1 °'''!!' l'o t>ro.v ~ ol ~":[~ ~r~op R•MMil t"arm' (,rov""' Mui IAt•lt t.•O •nct Mtal •..alet• V. eeltd l(NTAlS liW14"\ rYtN.t.Nd 1'4:Jiw.nlnfyrn•'iM0 Uo11.ti.n f\ln. ot l. ftl <'ondomuwwm\ r urn C ondof'l1uuwm• l "' to-.n~ft twrft To-.nhowH111 ''nf IJ!Yplutt •\un bupl"l.O lnl Aph ~\Hft A"'' l nfvrn Apl-. f\,rft ,., I ftl """"' llOOM '-lluMd ttouh 'lliOlr+• ... \Int tllJftW\ ~mnwr Hf'ft.t•h \ K attvn Ht:nl•l• R•M•h tu"'"'•• C..r•u• f0t H•M ornn Kt'nut kw\IM\-. R"nt.I lndu-.lt1et R•"'•' ~;~,·.,: Yt ltrU'"'1 ~1•r ttf'ra.1~ BUSINESS, INVEST MENT, nNANCE """''f'n' f~pcwt. l'k.i'l....,\\t.aMf'd lA\f"MIMM (~putt • lnw-nlnw,_a Vi.•Mf"fl \tunt) tu Lo•f\ "°"4') Vi. 1inted• \lortu an TO" ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND A~•l'T'lif'nla t ., Poof Lir1a1 'tA•t" ........ ~ .. .., P.-f\Oftoab• ...-..ia.t ( twt.• Tr•"'..t• SERVICES ......,\lf"f' l~r•rlun EMPLOYMENT & PREPAIA TION \c'hooh lft'-ltWhon J,•nW.n1 .. ,,. ... 1., "•tKflld \4 ... MEICHANDISE ""°'llln A"'*MC'" A..n-::r:.~ M•ttrrlat-. (e1'1Wru • lq\f1pnwtll t •O •lot• •"""' 'o \ow tUrn;hHP t••l •C.,Mlr II~ ...... \f'hOW (, ood:. ,,..,.,,, Lt•ntorll '-t.c-hllWf') \iliW't'tlA""'°"' M.w,.11•~ \l•nlH M'ilw-:-.J IMln.m.nh f)thu ... "'""' • t,._q1i1.1p .... c..~~~~c~r: ~ttflla G•:nh ~OH Hnleur•M 8•r ~~·rtd10 U1••1 ~Ht-o BOATS & MARINE EQUlrME.NT ''"""'•' Kcub \4•1M ~r1io 1u· ~h \hrnw l.QW1P &»iii Po-ff' Ro•h Rf'N' f hut,., Ho•h '911 &.h °"'•J* IJOi. i hn•h 'P""d • '~ i ko.h ~Of'41f TRANSPORT~ TIOH Alff'rar. C ·m~r.. ;.,,.1 .. R,.nt t l,,tur f •r" ~=· ~~c;r;:' Sc-oottt$. "~°' um, ~.1 .. k•n\ Tr••.,n T'f•"l!'I !~~.,.;~~.!!!ni.ru AUTOMOBILE l.l!'fWf.tl Anh•.avr-. l.,.,,,."' Rrfrt'ali<Ht \'th1cl4'\ i~~~~.t~~~ .. ~'"'' f rutb • v .. n. Aulu lA••••C A._.hnW•.nl""t AUTOS, IMPORTED L.-Mr•I Ail• llulDrO ~""· . 4'•11n Kr•I•) ti\IW \.·•Pfl ~ U11t.wn ~.,,.,. •... , llond• J•itw•r , ..... "" ~.,," .. "" ~"·· ~ .. •••d.1 .,,.,, ...... ,~., \It, MC ti """' P.nlr•• P•UMM Y'Mttl'Ht tt. ....... 1. fiklilltHo)'('t" Jit(i\ff s .. n ..... .:w~rv ro, ... Tnwmr:ift \olk•••C•ft \"9•11 AUTOS. NEW rt•rTMX.h'.'l~'<i 3 Wml. :• ~lh $1.:.Wo.ooo . trede down C•ll Otrect MHll Verd• ,Mlghlandt. •v• 867 6010 I flR. 2 8A Sp• A~•u ' • to Pa1t1Ck or 1 red fenout boet trlr eccen S 125., mabl11 101111 $239 !>00 ••••~••••••••••••••••• ymn W••• «i1t>t f>J t 'JI 11 JHm1n1 C '"k 2 lir den 11• 1 , l&l pool & IPI Ott g1N111ball ~ ~ VI• •h 1111 S .. t1ul hou'• ~ "" jJUJ "'" lUI .IW ~ lW , .... ,., -Jl(N """ .... Ill •• -..... ~an & ll"llV v1eows MatltW rnom, -I b~Jrm. 3 ba1h, 3700 11q fl Sl.38MOO ~I root LIDO ISLE HOMES 1-'rtml! Lido Nord buyfrotlt :i bllnn, !11 , Wth Lge L.R . 2 boat hl1p.-1 Sl.!JOO,OOU Rl·modl'led 3 bdrm. '/. bu th + l.1qw rw 1 m bt-am ceilings, furnt!lhl.J. pauoo. $4Zu.uon LllDA ISLE IAYFIOIT ... Uj\OOrl Ylt'W from I) bd1 Ill. ~ hath. t>ltlYrllOtll, da rk nn. den. Boat !<hp. Nr>w $ l ,000,000. BAYSIDE COVE SJX'<'.tat·ular bayfronl vw-.. 2 111, 'l b,1 up :! hr 2 ba dn 2 boat sll!l" $I .000.000 CORONAJO CAYS Coronado lslond l·u~t IX1vfror11 lut ll:i hrMt dock Plans tavml l~t..o;I $:!70,1100 w /ll•1111i. BLUFFS CONDO Smglt· st•Jrv ~·nd un11 . ,.,1,.1nd1~1 '\ 111, J h.l on l.irgc•'t ~" ·1•r1l 1t•ll $.!:•ti OIHI PlRl LIDO 3 bdrrns. 2' , b..tthi. rnndo rll'.11 pool $ H!>,llllll I Bl LL GRUNDY , REALTOi 341 Boy\1dP OrivP. N B 67S· 6161 :» _ ................ 1 ............... .. •.116 .. .., ·~· ~ .. .., ,,.., l'll'J •••Kl ""° ERRORS: Adverti· sers should check their ads daily and r eport errors lm- m ed i ate I y The DAILY PILOT as- sumes hab1ilty for the first incorrect insertion only. Ho111u lot Silt ....................... Gtat11l 1 DOZ ••....•..•............ GIANT FIXER 4 BR, S 104,900 Must sell 1h1s weekend Great starter home or terrel«; investment lnler· esung existing flnonc1ng Call for details 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATS:RS COLDWC!LL BANl(eRC MAHOR Nill $340,000 View 101 1n p•e~1191ou5 m1ll10" doll•• nt'1<1hbor nooc Owne1 may c.ons•· Iler d 1r<1rle Build your dream ho111e en N1•wpor1 1 Be<1ch me11ook111(l 1h.-, ocean with ;i t<1buloui. nognt ltgnt view I 644-IOIO ~ ;.: .. . '' ,, ... ' ... : .. :·· WfSTCLIFF ... 111)10 Ill .. Probably the Mst buv on Newporl Beach One be- droom c.ondo Restful patio overloolung spark· SELECT STllTtR ling pool Freshly relur--110 3 Bdrm startCH hOme on btShe<I 1nter10< Carporl cul·d&-sac. room 10 e><-$99.500 -llm pend Selle< is mot1valed 131-1300 and well carry hnanclng I~~~~~~---~ -IO'.l6) -~' -!IOI) Priced 10 sell at S 115, 000. 751-3 191 OOll 11711 111111 ... ....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:::::;::::;::=::=::::~ ,..,., <OJlll -_, -IQ<! .... .. Ml """ - #JIO -.,.. UI A llR A.1411 .. , .. .,., '!~~~~!!!!~Wtiiiil 1,.,~...; '"'' "YOJ 'fll•• '•IJU ... ,.,., 'JltO •1:10 .. ., •1"t ""' NEW VIEW lOW N HOMES 2 Mas1er Suo res View of ocean ll night hghls Ou11>1 Are1> Parks open spt1C"S $125800 dn Xtnt Fen Hal 01 Pal Bauer Agls 673-7300 .... ) ------- llEW OI llAHET 2·Story, 5 bdrm Nani ucket en Spyglas~ with view and beautiful Sun· FINAllClllG I Owner will carry Iman clng on this lovely 4 Br 2 Ba home localed en Cos1a Mesa Wol~ 10 ICh<>Ols & snopp1rt9 Full price St4'1 qoo 631· 7370 . TRADITIONAL REALTY MAKE OFFER LIDO ISLE Aski•c $257,500 BURR WHITE REALTOR. IMC. 675-4630 set pool hned with 14, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 000 red bricks Tastefully decorated th1C1ughout w ith wallpapers and shutters Shows like a model home' Many op grades Seller w•ll hnan· ce Submit down S760 '"' Y116 ,,.,. fllli v;u ,.,,, ,,,. V1t1 ~;"" »iiLl ti'1L\ '117 000 encl land 144-4910 l l ~~I ••ll ~~~~~~~~~~! ,A. ~ I ' '\ TAYLOR CO It \o ,.... , l'IJI> !#! ... : n• '11t1 »1• 111~ !#l~ '¥!)!. vm Vl6U 1161 "1Q ~ •111 '111 • '1 -· lflllil "':IS WIU Wit 11'111 --,,,, -WQ. ml 111:a -..., "" t<Nl -*l -M l ---... immediate Your ad appears in clusified within boure. not weeke- aod can be cancelled j1111t u quickly when you get t.he reaults you Wiiiiy Pilat cle11lfled •d• 842-5678 • ,...,..,, \C ll lN"-1' 118 MOIE LITTLE APT Ch8rn11ng 3 Bdrm plu1 d8' and large l em1ly area up to dete deca< end 1ust a block from t~ beach Apt in rear rents at $600/mo Large 11• 1% loan available $495 000 A hs11ng ol Nancy Laux t1~1()t1t 1 1c 1~r-s Realtors. 675 6000 SHYlfW Excius•~e gale gu11rded area Spectacult1r view With or WIO lurntturP 3 Br & F R Beautllul con· dlllon Owner will cons•· der exchange. desert property Only $450.000 A Twitchell· Trlvl&Ol"I lls· tlnQ GEORGE ELKINS C O 759-9100 C31· \2Cfl or 1 ·I 000 328 t Colorado Ln r u Owner wilt carry Ownrlegt 65G·Cn1 ffl.'.~t~!.'.~t .. J.~~! with 10•'• ""·by owne1 S 180()/mo Ask Im Carol l ~•d• Jb• 4.'b• r:ondc• vtt' I.I JB1 :>rM t411n1 rnt 7 I <I I 1 5 1 • 2 1 b 0 h11I 1g11 yi\•d llCHJI 1•• ''' "" Nflw t..pt 0 1111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii I 0 l OF L ACJ u NA c; HA AM 9 19 3923 ~!!!!!!!!~! CLOSING COSTS ONLY Unlqu., 2 btJ11n 11001 11,,. Climi•t• 1018 S I 100/mo ell tox do· 1)11111 t bath llv rm wl 1 ··•••••••••••••••••••• ducllble, ldjt1c&nl to city t111amed ce111ng1. hitrtJ BEAUTIFUl ocoan und llEW LISTillll park lnve3tor wllt furnish wood tlvor11 IL COlY lov night 11gt11 v111we E•qu1 i 13/41#8 7233 • u 11 Q1tr $100 1•" 1' 0 '' '" S II (j '• 6J t :i'l'J0/11 11 7110" lo4b f.11111 r I fOANI VU <.ONCJ(J 1 .. l\r I Ou N U 11 .. 1ut11• :>111 :.> uu n11rrn 0111 "'"41 $C.'.o01mo HoaH1 Valu1ai1b1d ....................... I * ••yF•OIT * auwn payment 30 year ou11un11 lrplc; S IGT ~00 111tf' Sp11•11•h home 3 BR. " n llMld loan No btlloon full Prl<.11 I 2', b11 den tormal Cl• G1a111l 3202 ......................... Nwpl MChlUrtlti•n Beeull lul K lg" ? Bo.Jim m V1llo1 Blllbo" 2 put•o~ S 16'0<1 mu \ I '• () b4fl·?752 h7!o 1111t1b4!i 8704 'Hnttior V•ow Hr>me• • 3 IOAT SLIP Sh11rp new J Bdrm 3 Mlf.SION REAL TY n1ng gOu•mttt k1lchen Spu\.tOut 2 st ory 3 Belh Condo 1146.000 494 0731 lg11 l1v1ng rmw/brlCk tpl\. 1 He ':' Ua lrpl• dt11um !11 .'' 0d ptu' 11uost bd1m 2 btlth. ltreplece 380 w Wiison 831·5055 OCFANFAONT Molllle $50.000 IJWll Tak• OV>lt home Op11n beam eel· or 984 ·3899 t1n1mc1ng $255 000 AQI fdtn un O\tt•rlnok ~ J 1r k hou~ 1t11h •u1ct·en fnctl1 !11!>0 on() !J4 I 111•1 ""~ lt1rgoi Y•HO I\ '"'Ill) 11iuebo w&ft'rl1tl I.I lt5fl !~~~~~~~~~~ HOmH. sev11rol $80.000 .,,6 8122 Imus. tots or imported t11e1. ----Pvr 490 3816 '""' Nwpt Bell/ U11lur11 On fN;LuJge';;0;~E s~:~·gfl XLIT lSIUll. FllHOE W11t•l•1t11 1091 ~1:~~~1:iuv~:/ s~g~r~n~' (!!'.'!~~~X~!!~}.~~~ poncJ S150U •m•> ,.,, /'Jl.t hlh• llJ p,., E/Slde home + guesl La'l.0111 HJ/11 1050 •••••••••••••••••••••• W11terlron1 Homes In<. HOME FOR HFNl THf ILUFFS flt1lttrt ' :~~!0• ;'\0/5~gie~ t~: 1 ·· ••••••••••••••••••• SPAIOSM OMARMflll 63 1. 1400 I U<Jtm $775 I t111c"d .1 ur ~ 111, piol 0111 859557955 le1tMe•e1IUJI Cuaiornhome woth 2 ya1<J69ar.1q1• K1<J\ll ""'""""'" St;>•,o •_...;:*:.:;l~l.;:l:.;·~l.;:O~l:,:O:.*:.-•liiiiii4ii·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·ii0ii7ii8ii2iiiim co ops tr om $39 000 lrplcs oversoze lot Fruit T11 level townhome 2 BR 2 f)l•ts wuicomt> •,4' 2000 .,1!1 &!lllJ 1<uu11y 1.111cL• Conaoi. tre!fs galore No quah B.i VU $950 mo yearly Ag•mt no'"' 12.ll't. ASSUIHLE I trom $75.000 full price lying tow down luSI Ref1Jrenct1~ & crtldll uppl s 1195 4 HR 3 Ba hu•w ILUFFS COllDOS CONDO FOR SALE IN ANAHEIM '* Be1utotu1 un11 wllh IJplc • Take over low payments $ tO. 000 down Coll now well not last M11r1a 892·6223. 891-8477 FllAllCflll U11sure world Reso•t's S 129 900 Bkr a..8-0709 Evenings 673-54 70 agl t:.Qnus rm 1 amll f , ,;, • 1,r ..,, ,, br SllOO 1, Just in llme for sumrTldr 2422t Pa .. eo elf> Val.,n<.;IB 111 ... /d111d 3206 lph ~001 ~•,bhu11~•· ~ti All• f.44 I IJJ this lovoly pool home Lag Hill• 714 837 5500 Ot/Ht Rial Eltlll •••••••••••••••••••••• 01' i'S 1 61•11 ""~ ILUFFS ~~:~u~el~~:r~i~,r~!'.n:e: New101t BHcll --10691 #;ijj;·Ji;;;;;•••••••• B~~~:g!11~n~rW~to~t!on~ rJ&.I 141J pamt. near p11rks and •••• ••••••••••••••••• For Sil• llOf year lease $650/mo lff . schools Otrered a1 WESTCLIFF 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 770-0347 u1111n1ton I ARE YOU FUSSY1 s OLFANFkONT Moblle Bead 3240• 1 hen ttus neal & c•ean 3 139 900 540· 1151 POOL MOMf Humt'5. sevt!tal S80.000 Ctn•• dtl 1111 3222 • · ••• ••• • •••••• •••••••' 1 "'"'~ condo b mu '" ·~" 'l>'lSU mo l1Jt1~t rtl"•'Jr1 -,,alu Ooun 5ut 1 !1 ~· 0 0 7 Bu ffl A 91 L44 571'> Bdrm n\ltne II fUSI roe Be rea(1y to, s.ummer •fl Pvt 4q9 i816 w:.-erl··on·~·~···e•t•L···e·I· LUA ~-ec tus•oni hOllh'" 1rus m11s1 de•,..it uul J BR r om o~ Y "" t'> 11cn 40• Jt • "" you El(C811 llnonc1ng 2 BA ldmlly home ,,, llh·wpoll e .. .ich Do Anlll 2-sty cstm 4 Br 2 lrPIG oµl11111c 111C:I ~oot1~pd llfWPORT IEACH with a full ilssumable t'.it 9,f\al Wt>,,ld••I ""'" t1.i1 11on1 Park M int modern kitchen •1J11l1t1n $1101) mo :S'd·9?'l3 T 0 at 9 • ~. Full price1____ lcx:&uon Fdt1ta:.t1c pC>u cC>111l 78 dbl wide tore· ces wet b<1r 3 c1tr IJd y.,,.r t f ;in11 Ir ~111 1 01 .f ..._ ~" ? ~"''., dn\ Jt~a <luc.,.. ~J,..itJ\.• .,.,,,"-.. , Ut(llHt S1J9.900 751·3 191 ---------• & polio Sullo•~ will con· p1a._11 1J11c:k paoo, S58 rags beautoful O&k cat.11 I llf'.4 1 111 ' 1 "'"~1ofl,c.1• 3Br,2Ba.dblcargarane, suJer c.reollve hnanceng I !>00 B111 Grunayl ne1s hrdwd .,niry up rm w •llpt Ni "'''>P> l· 7'> 4 • t' C:.'>HH I ~PHOPEHltl", " 675 6t61 ar11drs tllruout For te11se I SbOO n10 'l60 487!> IBlvtl~ o•ll•• 1 ,,1100 4 01 2 pa11os. llagstone trplc, Le11~e1optoo11 All 1 uo I · if. ' , 1 t bit h •4'!>00/mo Possob1hly ol .Lllf' 1 b• J. b..i hCJn" • r,.., rp< J·•1 w•,.tt owner-cul om ome sono1>•1J offers A bes1 C•mt l•ty £otl ,,,1 1 h u 1• c'''''r 11~ •· cr11· • "lint $129 950 W $29 950 "' o., ion O pure ·•Sl' 00•1 w/ttlt 111s c.r1>1 ti 1Jr1·~ ' ~~ ' " •·• ----llh buy S2J!JOOO Suzann!:! c 1 llOC.k Jl'>O avail ( "" (to• .. ,,. u~.,r.t\ (.10"01 s•17' >TH) 1,44 ')!,1;.> B1/bo1 ld111d '°" down Owner Wiii Cdrl') Shuler b42 822!> 1H49) •••• 9'.l!~ ....•..... ~~~ p lj g g y pd I I I" 0 n • • r •••••••••••••••••••••• 1st loan Poc1t1c V1•w .. ~emor•al '' ' w I 9" ll t r ()(.. ~ENl Al s "ellter' ~ "" 1 955·247J ..vt<dys 8 ~ ,.,,<. 11 ·o 1 • "' s s;ooo to s;-ooo FOR SALE OR TRADE P.trk. NwµI 0Grl lot 744 l .al·ll21 G • & B B 3 b1 2 Da t""nnse·>l~to OL-RENTAL'· 7'Jt'l "14 ~ .. n 7 CldY'-Beautelul home trplc tn ___ ........... ___ rilves ... ayvlew ~ norm lull sz lot $125. T f' r r a c. fl S 2 2 O O lge llv rm w lrptc; bit· ! ""rs S200 "' s~uoo 000 equity Wanl home TRIPLEX NEAR BEACH 67J 7787 Ins, wa ~her & tlrver 7~( l314 ope" I ddy BEACH HOUSE crptg & drapes pvl 1ac or ap1~ in Nwpt area ANO SHOPS ----------1C · l Igo sundect.. on 2n11 111 645·9557 955 0782 Counlly house w1lh 3 ----OllllllttCI• encl gar Ganll'n••r Bilbo• Bed1ooms ind 2 lwo SALE BY OWNER •• !.~OJ.!!'J. •••••• J.~~ Walk to the beacn $<17!', NEW CAPT 'i PAIN I Jl)r l , bJ I' •OS P>'I\ 11~ ow SIV ref, qil• yll pa!On '5795 6J t 4'1(0 (SUMMER) tty lht-n·on1t1 CJlllV 8U r 'orlly :.c.rio ,.,.,,, tc I " Bi " Li.a vv.1lk lo tu'd' 11 Avwl 1ourT1 June 211 bedroom b<1ck units N E W p 0 R T llEWPO•T COll'L mo Cdll 962·1835 all 4 Pt11it1111l1 1002 each w1lh teund1y room " •••••••••••••••••••••• Shows true pride of ow· HEIGHTS E>1.ccllent central corner 2 Dt den beamed cethnq $(00 mo 3 BR " e.; IQP l.1m rrn Cit''>'"' I( M.tll ' ~1:11001,, ? 14 8?6 7bl't o?l •Q1(1 PHIHUU POINT Ov111nt Cape COCI 2 Bdrm and hu~1e game roof"l·Or make ot a ldrge m<1ster suite Dorme1 wondOW$. p1cke1 lance. double ge- 1 age f.llce11ent 1oc.a11on c•ose 10 beach. ocean and bay $300.000 Owne• wtll assist with 11· nanc1n9 642 -5200 PETE BARRITT ~,~. REALTY nersh1p with fireplace. 3 Boim 2 ba ta1J1tly rm tocu11cn J bldgs OWC rn<.e loc 707 Acuc1<1 sunde1;ks end garages plus completety seoaratP RPnlonom•cs 675-6700 S695 mo 493.5499 15'· down or trede tor guesl 1 .. c1ht1es 646·5754 APPLE VALLEY (te~Jrit spac homP 111 T 0 · s S :.> 4 5 0 0 0 most prl'~t·g•ous a•ed 4 "l 8• :>toJ b Ion> ,,,.,. 111 644 7020 LIOUID•y1011 ha Shelter 1 2 -A t>r 3 ba gameroom t rp~ tar {Jdr tt'lvO Llll80 REAL ESTATE Beautelul 2llr lwnhM> nr I NAdr new 4·ple~ 2 bdrm :.peclacular en1ry w C•·ll•o S750 %1 !.. '· 1 WatQr A••uma $104 000 I 2 both t'B<.h unit w1lt'I c .. •t 1 --v ., ~ • urveu , atrway 1n er I EXCl.UTIVE HOME """r a1 1ow 1111 I\ name your f11eplacf' enc.losetl pallo com. bit-en vac 3 car oa1 llw bedCh 5 Elorm 1 BJ price Mu~• cro,,e t>y qerag•• 'I'' 151 Pos Some view al mount111n~ 2 ,1y Xl•n 19,. cul flt'., .. ,. 1·30 (:?131986·3124 I cai.n llow Now St59 I!. ocean $20001 1026 ....................... I Elr c 0<>1 0C." S,400 v..~ JACOBS REAL TY PROP IUllAGEMHT 675-6113 H J.f t>t r Vu•.,,,, HUfflt • Br ; B.1 '""'''~ "" < 10urJ mo I IJdW 1;44 l.~I/ Builder anxtovs. tease w/ opuon to purchase Only 4 homes remaining Lease lor S7 SO pr sq tt 3 & 4 B<lrm. 3 Ba 1ac., sauna lenced yard Some w/oceen views Located en Cap1s1reno Beach Call lor appt 770·2904 -500 0111 Grundy Rllr mo IOI Fam ,,.,., d1n1nq om FOR SAL( BY OWNER 675·bt61 TS9 IOI!> lµlc dbl 9a1 Kid~ f. l'lf''' 1 8• !10mt' 11µ1\. '"'~ SEAWINO CONDO I ---Cost• Mtll 3224 w '-' 1 c: om e S , ll or cirt • H.iroo• H gt•lano~ 2Br t >Ba pat•o. pool laco•t Pto•trtv 2000 •••••••••••••••••••••· '>45·2000 Agen1 n, ... , Upg•JC::t:s • ~·ne prv1 spa 2 c.ar garage Wik •••••••••••'"•••"°•••••• 1-trd ttol tut> Nt ... crv-."l•~ t o och $130 000 PRllE lfOllEOF S9()() 1;4,31',fi 673-1856 497·4208 llEWPORT lfACH THE LUClY FEW 1 Haatiogtoa N!~~~rn~t~~~r~~~ms I ASSUME 1arge JO yeo1 Renl 1n Cosla Mesd ~ H•rboar 3242 I 9q 2 Ha E<1Sthlull ... 1 .tut, ,c: s17r.n m() 1,41J. ;(\19 1? ,, ioun~ Pay 20''•,. NC WEST gated 20 A~~~·~:5••5~··;r~·~·:·;,~;; ouwn Duplexes & 111 I Tow nhome VILLAGE custom dee.or'\ Bi? B.i ;i .. , f~!~!'.'..~!U!~! .. !.~~~ Huti•1t•• here owner ""'" carry 1st TO with 1eas te1ms 2200 sq II 3Br 2 1bd lee land r h•s has •I all 101 $349 000 pit'•!'\ COtv'MUNITY ? & 3 Br $97~ 2 tJ/592·'187 I 0 100., Lr•sfD ' Ba 1600 1800 sq 11 1 tid Nt>wporl .,.,, gnt~ c;,10 cu\torn "" ~ ot pu•e lu•ury Garages ctiatn ur G~t·n tJC".imS. / • 3244 Ud• ttoo•~ sc,l•t evf: -~~~'!!................ ~670:. ..,0 4 )-l C.ll '''"I Tu1lll'rOC:k B•Jn<l8 Cdnyon ll B !I ~ S 4 3 f I) lt1c• 1040 C41 CWllER IPU • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • Assume loan 3Br 2ba owners unit w1fh spec NO DOWN !! Oenn11 Ricketts & Assoc 151-0424 1Br ren1al bOlh with IOI· View ot ltle ocean ano red beamed ceils frplcs w 11 1 k I o I h e s an d •..iiiiiiiilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.I and a11 11onos1 tO·QOSh 2 1 3 I 3 3 3 3 8 4 6 & swim pool on o ne 0 1 2 131902 t298 Corona del Mar's pret· tt&st sireets Walk to l1 vi111 1044 oeacn $3 'S 000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u•-1211 QUIET I MflA ~~tt~~~~~~~· la1e 3 bdrm 2 ba Turtle LIDO ELEHllCf One of the nf"west and hne~I cons11uc1e<J home~ 011 L100 Fua1ures include SYnroot m111ble tub and showf'rs wet bBt. high c.ell1ng ~ h•rdNOOCl floors mooo oghts and much more $639.000 Wf'll 1ocatea 5 unit 1111 up '>Pd< ,,. every hom~ bu11C11ng en p11me cornf'r mJst.., suile cloning IOColllO" on S~erslrom room• wood b.,Hn•nq on Sr.iull• Santa Ana N lltl'plar.es m•crn·wtt'f' cetv I rndscaped 4 year oven~ p11va11; pa11os & SC.'100IS JBr ? I) 1 r'lt!A t 11-S~ 'b 4'14 0 \')•. oltl llu•ll11ng apx 15 300 ).iro:. gardeni't prnvo ~!l II $t.040.000 owner CPI ' 1Jaen1 c;,,,qle111•1 ll,.,Jut <.CJ.lt J fir j [j,, S1''l0l!'fl0 ~~~,·o ~ ... ,,..,!HJr r1(.t~t-·i ~'·"'" ... ,. AvJll Aul' 1 1 r ) ll<. ,1 ., 1 1 ,.,., , t t q ft, well hulp lonanc., llt>d Eli>gant 11v1<1tJ n11ly 1!:> menules from Fa,h1on lsla'ld 7 mmult!S to S C 1 "V"~ ~ t jQ(, ITIO 760 'l.> 13 Plaza or o C A erpoll I hr J o .. µ.it10 r.omP JuSI easl o f Neowpo11 form;it d•n rm 191 yard Blvd & 50 01 San Diego Outstand1n9 •oc 111on rrwy Siarieng at 5900 " G.todPn•ng Incl Poo mon1h 531.5439 247J Pie '5895 857 6'i94 ,.,,,. Orange Ave Co'1e Univ Park 3 BR <> Ba Mesa S7 75 ~,.. mo Av1111 ~ ,., S Y ,, C. 1 I I 1 AM ~ t> ~ r ~ w~,•c••" 1B• • IJ,1 no"' 'Iii 9 10 •Ctr iJ<d S99' q1tru €.46 f,fR.'• er:. I •HI- OPEN HOUSE 11·4 DAILY 1615 Boyadere Terrace Irvine TerracP Panora· moc v1!'ws fee land mine t'Sl&le S 1 .250 000 Riiey Realty 673-7478 Rocto. H•ghtands Gorden Home Formal hv1no and dining rooms Excepllo· nal pastonal VIEW Outstanding hlnd5Cap1ng and pa110 areas One or .... Lido Realty 673-7300 \I) I I UNN ct>rw•wor~~hop 1 i!llbSl-'!937 111•11111 11 ga1 bit-ins yd $475 , •• 11 •. 1.it.1·.··.1·11·1···-.1.in .... 11.1 •1 •••• oc RENT~LS 750·33 t4 I LEASES!! 2 b• 1 ba w 10 hO<•" ·UP J Bd1m oet.)(toeel ''"mf':. $5000 DOWN 9M No pels $47'> "' "•t.ellenr iHt'd "•·I''' V• '"'Hitt!~ S t HJ10 iN u r' lJ f gr d pr k O ~ t• t.. S.'ilJO rno '•48 0~66 •1&e & 1.J;> Sult•lt four Ter•s !iome+Gue'l+ln<.ome OWC Isl Flex Terms 509 Acacoa CdM nr bch Spotlt>Ss Vacant nuplex Huge 5br'3h11+3b,t :Jba 440K ownlbkr 645 7048 Coit• MtH 1024 *FORECLOSURE* College Park. S 18 000 dwn 638-4960 Agt --------- STRIP & DIP No qualtlyeng to make lhls spectacular 3 Bdrm pool home youra Jusl $ 117 900 Bkr 848·0709 Are yau planning a move? Class1hed ads w111 point yov en the right direc11on to find tne home you need 642·5678 the bell 1oca11ons steps1·---------to pool and ~pa S299 000 [_ ............ .. ~513 CAMPU5Dt·IRVINE Trllk 1897 t AnhOCh lkbx, 4 Br 2 Ba 0 R , F R vu ol Univ $200.000 $50. 000 down $150,000 A I T D 12"'• 1111 only lor 5 •WfSTCLIFF MICMUllDS* Sensat•onnllv remode•etl & decorated 4 Br hom" I lea1urm1i sw1rnm,n9 por11 bonus room !>k)hte lu<.h prevale c<1w ty;11d !olc II ass:Jmablf' financing Only $299.000 on FEF ldnd ?b70 San M19uel Or Newport Beach 759-1:)01 or 752-7373 ~ I Walker& lee yrs Agent 541·5~ __ _ Brand New Homes & Conelos no money down w1111e they last (7141 546-9522 Agt ABSOLUlELY MUST SELL' Prime waterlronl c.ondo assume $300K Call Owne1 to 1 tPM lor deHl!IS 673 0248 OCEAN f-RONT t--'--'-'-'-'-r---~1 tLW ll Plll.LA'l'-------1 Nwpl Hth Cluple• Owner 2 1 7 8 0 PI ace" I I ii ti It> 'mm e d 'a I .. ' , IPuv•uQ Jr,.., Qnp in ham 545 7)83 S800 n.o rn 1 ,ear lf'd\•' ""''"''" I r~w~·t Bc;fl BE.Sl DEAL lhr \111•1 ~ .... Olher\ I I ChO~s .. J Br )La 'n1nirn11"IQ l'O<"!I f4p1 ..,,s :: 14 •O •no 5 !> t.. .! 'Je? . "' ., ' 9;;. c.J 1plt•11 01 C•U •U from g.u ult! pd onlr $11~ """ Wtt r,.. tf"I•" ('>t·,.~ •r uro111·1 ,, ... '>500 oc RENTALS 1c,o 3114 r.ill lor •eas<"• San Ju111 Huw·~· ·.r.r 111Fo+:ir:..T• '" ,,,,._ """ ""'", •• , (u-~)ll'""dhrldqc .. £~~!!!'.~~! .... !.~?! CJ l hi lllA e1m~ 1 011 lnc<l yatd PrlCISd ~ ~. J I •,011 A1.1h .. td CdM nr bct1 q,ir.\q(! Child 0., nc, I nl'tl llJ l n,-? trt I r'1f1f, J r1("fi no ,.,.1 .... :.·.'10 uot< o"'n bk• 645 7041! 1.JAl1> S5:?5 rno plus •1·o1 :UHHI ,,~ ,..!! 1 UNITS WUTtD ">t'C.Uf'IY 2544 OtangP l'f"ot\ut.erH..i t•"...,' tr .. 111• 0 C.48·2778 l 1.1dP tor N B ocedn lion• nome Ownl"1 saoo coo 3111 Sea 'ihQIP 673-6578 RHTALS Wtsh•dP 2 B' 1 Ba lnc11 t lo 5 b<lrms ~t • .,1tn9 "' p11t10 enclsd Qa•agfl S675 10 s1;-05 1ww carpets drapP'i p.unt No pets $495•mt Lots for Silt 2200 ptus secu111, 548·'>44t L.;0~:~~;···2 ·~;,~:·;;~~ ;70·5629 - 50• 100 side by side Npl 11Rhts twnhs., 3 BR , clo<oe 10 country club ba lpc. yd Obie gar No area appraised at I pet!o S69S 642-5722 $8.000Pa w1 setl lor $6 J BR 2 , ea E $108 En 000 Pa Cash only Wtst111ia1ttr 3298 ,..1p;;,. 4 hr t t'"' homt •fl 1q... t»S• t 1 t.#('Y\ r•·l,nt t. upt ~<!>O ml I I liJSI + $ 17'> 111•: A•.J•I July 15 <in 8?~3 ln1 JPl1f 10 Sf',. HOME F"OR RENT J (j<l• m S800 f enc Pd ~ol•tl & gdragf' Kid< II pe•s "~•come 545·2000 Aa<!nt no tee 714 792·6150 It 7PM gl1!;h tuClor Styl<> w · a "aulted clgs master sue C d · · It' etc $825 mo A~k '°' '"'513C• .. PIJ5T\..,IR"l""E onu o,m1a!u&.111ds Rt1l £1t1tt Bill 631 1266 'T ""'-~ 'f " II Olllllat 3425 •• -~X.~~~~1.~ ••.•• Y.~~ RARf mo I TURTUROCK I fi~:~;;.~.;;. ;~~71· ~;;;,· ;,: ~ new condos 1n Bishop lovely 3 br 2 ha 1.im <;(.. Plza Pool qrdnr CA Tradf' or no down 3Br l'•Ba E Side home rm crp1s drps bit•••'> r>hH 1 Br No p('lt<o $475 ,.., O.lr AdrWlr ~ Acc•'''"I I• fl-• s,.,, BY OWNER XLNT lOC FLEX FIN 640·7990 SAU If OWllH pymt 631·7939 w/frplc lqhvrm lam rm I $9'>0 mo 1 v• •~t> ~ $35 ut•I 775·2580 -----new cpt & pamt $795 &73-5820 evf's & wknct!o H1ghlv upqr11ded & clean 2 yr new condo Sunset mo 2268 Cornf'll -' .. . To d.-"'°efop meuoo~ ~ Mof\C'Jot --CCll..._,.i-"910~ of~ lodtO< brtl> ... ........ ·-..... . _. ...... . ··-··-· '~•an . ,"'." .. ........ , •OAf~ 11 ..... ,~ ...... ., ... .. ,,w_..,...,. ,,,..,_.... I\ ..... ···~ ··....-. .. ,.. ··~ ............ 101"'1• ,, ,,.. n-nit .. ,. ... ,.,.., ...... ... '211;~~~~ Jt......,1.111 .... _ ... ) , .... .,,_ , .... ,,.., .... ••• ., ... l900"" ,. vw •. 1...., .. ....... ... Vln. ..... -•14; .. ... •J~M>ll• t1 4' .... ..... ·~"'._.. .. ...... .,..,...,. ~· .. , .. ..... '°"~ .. \t ...... . u ..... .. """•'W'!Wtf ... _ t'O.'i"* .. ~~ ..... "' .... ,.,.,_-", ...... ..c.. ...... SOKHRE I I I I I I ..__-...,........r _H __ E ...,w.,........fl s' r 1 1 r _ ., ..... -.1llf,4o1• 1-J'-..... ..,.... ,. M~,.,... .. ~ ... ., .. MM-•I+ .. ,.. ....... ~.~· .,,._ ,1 ,.,, ., 110-1.,.-.• n-. .. , ... , ... "'¥""" ,.,,_ ..... ''-·· .. ~ ... .. _ ...... . ,,,_. "' .. .. ,_ .. ,_. ... ..,. ...... _ ..... _ ,, .... .. "' -~ .... .. _ m1 f)N.,...,1 3BR 3ba tlv rm wet bar d ining rm tam1ty rm Sw1mmrn9 pool Com pletely romod Npt Ht~ home $348 500 556·<1982. otc 833·9773 ACROSS frH1 IEACM 11 Unit Apt. Co•pl11. Fep land 14 encl ga· ra9t!s P1u~ pool & laun· dry Full price S695K with S255K at 11 ,.,. assu· mable owe 1 t. ,.,. 2nd w1lh 30•,. nel down Summertwtnter P'OfeC· led S85K 210 Cectar. HYlflhHH AlllA -OllTll Slrep Trade or no down l 549·2042 Woodbridge 2bt12ba rent Qranqe1ree condo 2Br 1 pyml 631-7939 O• lse opt On IAkl' Ba POOi S625 mo Lge 5 BR bes1 area !pie 530-6288 85~·5537 553.011e J.i 2 bt house. lg den F P 1se open 1111 $875 I ---54 4502 T ' l'o ba. Whlltoer Trade or 549-7267 Ll1,0IJI lt1d 324~ 7 · ~cy __ no down pymt ----•• ••••••••••••••••••• 631·7939 3 br 1 b!I $550 Also 2 br EMERALD BAY OcPar A1,11t•tall Fa111i1hd 1 ba $450 2652 Santo view. 3 Br 2 Ba pvt yd • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •• • 3 t>r l'lse. 1" ba. Wes1-Ane Ave 851·62:.>6 WAI~ 10 beac.h s t800 Corona tltl M11 3122 m1n1tet good area Cur· I --494 4674 • • •••••••••••••••••••• renlly rented 1rade or 3 Br 2 Ba house com Or.ean Ylf'W b('l&utllolly n 0 d 0 w n p y m t pletely renovaled IONllly Nice IBR t be lrtplf•• 1111 n I own house trplc 831 7q39 1 •oceted walktng d1st11nce pt1l1n ga1a91J S1ov11 uo() & p,1110 $8'l5 mo -----'IChOOIS & shopping nf'o< 11>l11q 5?4 SI Anr•~ 67 J 0896 SKIERS DELIGHT • tBr Charles Heller Park oil $550 538· 1453 wl.Cly~ .: 31Z4 ., condo wlk 10 lhe 1111 t6th S1 Oeys 926 1537 Coit• MtH . L•kt Forelt 3255 • •• •• • • • • • • • •• • • ••• • • • 1r ade for sm house or Mobile Home 1n Central or Norlhern Cell! By Owner (7 t4) 552-3746 FOil SAU OR THIE Beeutltul home. lrplc 1n bdrm full ez lot S 125. 000 equity Want home or ep:a In Nwpt area 64S.9557. 955-0782 ,,.,.,, ••••••.••..•.......... Eves 652· 1324 -- IHI YHDE " Br poollspa, lrg yard, cul-de-sec sHeet, new kitchen. wallpapers tor boy , g irl & mom $950/mo 751·0774 Bkr -2 br 1 ba. fe~ed yd kids Ok. lndry Avall A~ 7 $485 648-0438 lllS I PETS H EASTSIOE 2 Br garage S596tm o 6 42-2510, C48-484C $850 41 BR 2 Ba, MeM Verda Oya. 75Hl191, evett63·1413 IEIA WIOIS ' • • •••• • • • •••• • •• • • • • •• S400 At1ract1vf! turn 1 9, . :J BR 2 Ga. on the Lake. den, lg patio gar Mature " $850 mo Agent. qu1e1 adult No pets . ( 770·9797, 675-18&41 2234 A Rutgers Dr C M ' -----~ '!.'!!!~~ .. ~~·}! .•.. !J.~! 5375/mo Otx mobile hm < Mature adults no pets ' HOME FOR RENT Ou1et secure 1991 ( 3 Bdrm & 41 Bdrm $750 fl.ewport Blvd 646..8373 l 10 $800 Fenced yards & ga1ages Kids & pell D111• 11i•t 3111 l welcome 545 2000 ...........••.•.•.•••• ( Agent. no foe Furn Bach apt. 11ov1 i ~!.'!r.!!. ~~!~ •• .!.~!! rel rlg. 5225 mo. E\IH 631-6166, Dys ~·9·13<13 I $575 mo 28r. patio. new ... ,,~i' .. p11n1. orps. cpt1 Back ... t 3140 Bay 64~5778.&42·22C7 ....••.•.••........... Oulet Junior & I Ars 1111'1M an. From $315 Pool. rec. t rm nun• encled o•· 3 BR 2 Ba. t~ 2 raoe 17301 l<Mlaon on oer garage, tge v•ro Steier 842· 7141 For Ad Action CLASSIC COTTAGE-WATER Juet In llm• 10 antor '°' e&lft"lm« on Grand Cenel, hlboe leland. f'emodMed end rNdy to occupf Ulla 2 bedroom, 2 beth '*"-· Prtv... petto with fountain pfut petlo on wit.,. Warmth end charm, 1ourmet kitchen, etelned 9fe11 1nd 9Ufldeck. Clft be edded on to ...... 000 .... o.olle '°' 2 boatt. 171-MOO. ........... e .... u_c ..... c_r~j j .,., 1. 1 lOll1 Out of the tllght petlern . thl a cuetom home oftwt meonll lc ent oppor 1un1tl e1 . Seperete guetl home and privet• f>OOI end epa Owner wlH finance •ntlre loe11. Tile Pfi<Mt le HH,000 3 BdtMI 2 81, family rm, H25mo nic e ly decor•ttd ...... , ~!!!r.!!.~!~ ... !!.~~ t11a1mo AOI 751.31111 Cal a Olly Plot M).VIS(I '42·5171 I I I r . ~ WATlRFRONf ttOMt:i.,, ,,c to \I 1011 .. -..... ... ,.... ,,...,... .... _ .. ..,...,c-11., •u'-....,.'" _,......,_ ......... •1·1• t1Mlll -Nft 2 BA conoo dbl car 1•t. 01011 10 oc.••n 660 . M on 'r l 631·<13'1. •·& In.to 2tM wl~ peho, ~ ~lld\ :io OC.lmlTA I 1IO·U14 HLL l"e llt1H wUll • ~mcoe--M. Ml:tl -· Mt-llJI 1 Or, blk bey/buofl. 14'•0/mo, ultt po 4 &R &tullt cones;:/~ 2 l3t941·soe& IH3 W Ne'#IV red9C A\lall A ~ ll, ~I t 10 I 1'00/fllO If) I•~ MllU,. IOUll ht 1 9t Of 21J·62f..11tl GOI= Ultl Pd lijo Nt if*llCUl;-Vlt'W In ;;;; ..!!!O lftO, ... i411 fott, ~1111ou1 HarbC)r 1'109e; 2 "' I Ila """ ~ en 001 •P•. 1111n11, N C; N1wpo11 iienlneu e ' 1 I t t I tt I I ''" , bill to ~ HIO mp At' I IO·tj01 UI· IMI -~ "'J • \ =---= i liiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~lt('lltf .......... . IN,ANf8 & UP W•ll ltKturlt•AOOUttlo Hang·Tl~SIMI t lud1 lie 3'99114 t•032·0G49 ~~~!{•-1 •••••••••••••• HAULINO·OAADINQ oemollllon, CIH IHIP Concrete & tr11 r1mov11 Oulok WV 6•2·7038 f~~~!~''·········· Jol\n Mullaney a 8one !~!!-!t ..........•.... I !!r..'111. ..•....•..••. ,..,,u1111 l«rl#I .....•.•..•. , ..•...... SCCRllT1'RIE8 TO 00 YOtJr Ortic• or Ourt Clflc1tntlR•ll1t1le ltl·llOVH Word PtOO No minimum 042.09811 ~}~1'.7A~1!ou~~1 Dey or Nlgl\t, HOlwk. Orlvtll, Piiiot, Wiik• ,, .. Ht No Job loo •mllll 638·200? Tlllll Conor111, brlok, wood dtek•. rel1r1d1e1plng & Ire• remov11 770·2953 •A·I •IVIM• A8R PAPERHANOlf,jC) roo Qual11y Spt1C1111 care 7 yra 10011 •AP Ou1t 00111 M111 040·ST60 019.,lt"t'• lltttr• llo'd Bonded Ag41ncy 00 &2nd 81. NB Cell 046-3748 DRYWALL TAPING Top~lrtl'nOVld CIH ll up, lawn rtnov 76 1-3476 '"handling 25 Y•• •YP WOik PrlcH llltt •I Competitive Aat.. 18/roll Alee 7 5 t-702 7 tor• 30 dlY Id In tl'le l&llf """ ....... .... ..,.., 00 IT NOWI An,., a .. .-,. Your Dilly Piiot Service Directory Aepr ... nlltlvt Ut-1111, tit. 122 ~~!'.~ ............. . WILL BABYSIT $ tlHr 8 wkl·2'' yra M·F ll•m Opm C M 042·2995 f.•!f! ... ~~ •••••••••••• f'lnl•h & rOVQl'I carptnlry, e1b1ne11 , room I dell· Ilona 648· 7228 Cornerttone Cerpentry Spec In Patio Covere Free eat 498·4814 f.•!r..'. !!!!!!! .••••••• NO Sleem/No Sll•mPoO Sl81n Spec111111 F11t dry Free "' 839· 1582 Orlvewaya, P11klng lot R~lr1. Sea1Coat1no S&S Aapllll 631-4 t99llc Crpts 1na1a111repa1red FIOOd demaoe Steam Dan H1llberg Gredlng clng 554-85 10. 973-6566 & Pevlng Co RealComl snampoo & steam clean f !~.'!!.'.'ffl, .!!~!!I! .. AEMOOl!LIADO·ONS & C1tp.n1ry Llc'CI 26 yr 1 t•P Irwin ~48 2 710 Flnt F1n11ned C1tpenlry Aemod SI*; A•nd1ll LIC 419587 720· 1280 WAV CONSTRUCTION Aemode4 • Addition• Lie 420802 842·1200 "·"· ••ff•H I ... lie 3068118. Remodel, add'na, ceblne11 646-85861645-4644 U4r11·ltsl1•·llt•t4. Free •st Rea• pr1a11 Ou11I work Lie 337169 831·2345 Gene.al Con111c1or Ind • comm I res ltC 333217 557-1738 All T ••IUftl • AcoutllC FrH HI Kevin 878-9088 IJHlr/11/ .•....••••............ El ECTRICIAN -Priced r1gn1. Ir•• H tlm1te on 11ro• or amtll IObt Lie 398821 873·0359 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Outl. work·Reaa r1111 "'''••I 83 t-5072 Tom ELECTRICIAN Sml Job11Repa1ra Lie 233 108-C-10. 548·5203 Elec1r1ce1 Contractor Ind . Comm, Res Lie 333217 Pll 657·1738 lllllllTUI EUDTlllO We don I make you wlll lie 310689 831-7823 RESIDICOMM'l/INO 20 yrs Do my own work Lie 278041 Al 646·8126 MOWING CLl!AN UPS H1ullng l1ndte1ping FrH ••I 842 9907 MOw. t<IO•. r•k•. IWffP 1p11ng Cl•an-uo. h•ul Cnuck 842 2873 bet 9 em Ro1C1 Cln-upe. g1rd•n 1erv, m11n1, tree lrlm f'rt• ell 84 I 10116 Wiiiy Ron'• 01rd•n1ng 6 yra ume orea Ouollly 11 r1111a rllltl Malnt/ l11ndac1~e NB/CdM, 875-11368 -------Awllltt LHll1t1,l11 Tree lrlm, gen clnupa, cement work Free HI Call 549 1604 anyllme HAUi.iNG l MOVINQ Local Student w/truck Lewie 076-8180 M11111ng.11udent wllruck low 11111. rtlllblt Think you St•v• 759.0128 HAULING & DUMP JOBS Atk tor A1ndy, 84 1·8427 PROF SERVICE H1ullng • yrd clean up Ou1ck & clttan Frff .. , 873·0548 ~~~!!!!~~~!~r ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING Service a tnorougllly clean nouae 640·0857 JeHlll'I Gardening TIRED OF HASSLES? Cltan upt, ''" him & Reliable cleaning nelp 11 ma1n1 serv 540-8035 nerel Refi 980_7452 Renovetlng•8prlnkler1 New l1wn1-Cle1n up 01ve 842·4853 Bud 649·6285 VAND£NSERO lANOSCAPINQ M11n1 eod. pl1n11ng, M.cl l1wn1, clffn·up1 & lrlrn LIC'd 070-6146 PHI HTIMATll Sod, tpflnkler & tllrub ln1tell•llon Our work only 1001\1 1111p11nllv11 Ch.ok our prlc•t b•lor• you buyl Lie 204616 Call Jul.ly, 846· 155 1 LltJ411 lar4H lilt• ~~,!~{~~! .........•.. MAGICAL ILLUSIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Reis Steve 966-6463 No Ov11t1une 730 1353 A9C MOVINO • Ou1c11 C11etul S•rvlce f1 .. ffllmllM 552-0410 r!!~!!~1. ............ . PIH PAllTIH t>y H1cnard Sinor Lie 2110644 13 yr• or ll•PPY 1oc11 cu11om•rs Thank you. 631·'14 10 PAINTl:R NEEDS WORKI 30 yrs exp, inti E >.I 111 Acou111c celling• l>ttv1• Painting 847·5186 fXlERIOA PAINTING Cus1om work Free e111 Reas +-llne int & 11a1 111ng Steve 54 7-428 1 RALPH S PAINri"NG lnt1e111 Reas retes Rel hlle est 536-9698 !!~!!!!!.~~!~ •....• \ CLEAIC~v1cis ED'S PlASTERINO 9111\PQ•T~CMg •Fll .. ALL TYPES INT /£X'f PU/d-4 ev1ll 8•2·8& 18 Ttxlurff Petcn1ng '"' FREE EST 8A6 8258 • ••• •• •••• •• •• •••• •••. PLASTER PATCHING CFRAMIC TILE R .. llJCCOt Int/ext 30 ' Plumt)lnu Aep111t1 Yrl NHI P•ul 545-2971 r r .. Ill 60b 675-565 I r!~!'!~!~1. .....•....•. fdtrfOI Plu•lill11 You1 lull M1rv1co plumber C11tton1 C..er11mte T11a P1ompt Call Ctiuck 675· 1408 dyl 1111 S11rit1 .....••....•......••.. 113·1430/140-3212 JAY Tm f CARE compl Ul· 7121 11t1r11 6 slump grinding ••u•ller 110 L1<. ct "'' C.40·93oa ED Ell 24 hr ~.'.'!~.'!!~1!.~!t!!! .~. U4'••·111l11·Rt•l4. Free HI Rea~ proCe:> Oudl wor~ l 1c 317 169 bJ' :/a45 HF RIT AGE 'REE SERV Cornph;te lrt•11 cur11 17 yr'> t>•Ptl• Don 5'>2 !>377 !.U.'.'.'!~I. ••..•••....•• Lie 397804 842-1720 Color br1gn11ners, will A•IM•lln crpls • 10 "l)n bttecn f.~~,!~.~~~~~~~f. Kii Aemod • ceramic tile, cabinets. Call now free estimate 642-0881 !!~.'!~~ ............. . !'. .. ~!r!'!~~ ........... . HOME IMPROVEMENT AEPAIR·PLUMBING Joan's Cleaning Service HO\JSH·APl l ·Rentals Oftlces 540· 1287 ~~!!,!1 .............. ' BRICKWORK Small jOba Newport Colla Mesa. Irvine Reis 675·3 t 75 B&M P1t111tor1g&°T11e F1ee est ln11ex1 & 11811)1 ~.O!.'f'!I. •••• •••••• •••• 10 yrs 1n OC Spuc role ,,...HENRY ROOFING" Most !>Uhtt!(.I\ K 14 D.iy t!•I wmmt!f $ IOwk t.'r Muroa11 b4S 'i176 •• ••• •• •• ••• ••• •••• ••• Hatl, hvldln rma S 1 S. avg Prol•Hlon•I Auto Clea· room S7 50; coocn StO. WOOi FHOlll Carpentry, 111c. tile Free General Housecleaning on opts Call 24 hrs S1111k11 Sn1nglt1s·Comp 1·995·3488 collect Ltc 4 t523:;> 548·6:> 13 ~{'?~~~.~~~~'!!'!I ..... Free eat1ma1es 646-8256 nlng, Waxing, Polishing chr $5 Guer ellm pet Tile Otttllere 640-5199. odor Crpl repair IS vrs Automobile Air Cond Rep1lr 160 Wells Place CM Bontelcoe 548-5208 exp Oo work mysell Refs 531-0101 Cstm decks & pa110 CO· vers Free eslS, refs Prompt 646-2335 Tim F•t•il•t1 lt1li•i1ll •••.....••........••.. HI No job too small Reliable, reta 10 yrt ••P 645·2811 962-0510 111 4 EXPERT HANDYMAN Ouallly Hou1eclean1ng F1replaces-Plan1er~ 8BO's·Pallo~·Veneer Reis Free est 848-0464 HOuSEPAINTING--I Hube1 Roor1ng.a11 types In & out Free est New·recovt;H IJecks Call Bruce 97:>-0 116 1 l•c. 4 I 1602 !>48·97 J4 Let lhll Sunshint! In Cdll Sun1>h111,. W111dow (;lt!<Hllfl\j l 10 '>48-8853 20 • M1>fltllly 01:.c.oun1 Carpentry Roofing wltll a Personal Toucn o..,,,,, EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bullington ru1n11ure & kllcllen relln•· sh1ng Ma~e your home beaulilul Jell 956· 1894 Plumbing, etc 642·6013 ee1n 650·0933 EAPert Masonry Ou t tlly worlr.mansntp, re1ll1tlc proces Reis 55 1 .4555 lnt/Ellt. lowest rates St tllOI prompt nea\ se1v1c~ 10 •••••• ••••••• •••• ••••• ~ MA SPARKLE t1ll writlw\ IWlh ~1ae'> 1!.•t!l'tl~ & Ir ,, ~ ~ H.,np~I 11epe,, (Jdtllt Gu,u no !th"ttkl A"d' CJ11t1'~ t,40 !>6!>4 IUnittl•f Owner/oper1101 •••tr.••••• • •• • • • • • • • • Carpet uphol. a1ea rug •KA TAINA S LIVE IN nskprs dally ma1a serv olflce cleaning crpl cleaning 835·21 t 6 9~!!.'!'.~~ ••..••..••.. LOU S HOME REPAIR Home Cleaning honest Elec·Carpentry-Plumb reliable, nardworkmg & yrs 1n area 848-5684 MOBllE SERVICE Pre-acnool teacner wlll cleaning Work guar b I by t i I. a C II v II I e S Free Est 645· 1771 supervised play Bushard ---------- & Ad1m1. HB 964-3288 f!~!~!I.~!~!!!!! ..... 8ABYSITTING·my home, tncd yd, not meals Any· time. 548·2674 Cement-Masonry-Block Walls-Cusl work ltc •381057 Rob 547·2683 !'!T!!!!! .•.•..•....... DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Repairs. new & old 1 t yrs exp Bud 552·9582 C ompleltt Lawn care clean-ups tree service sprtnk l ers Mi k e 631 7570 ----- Sil op at home It's easy w1tn claullled 642-5678 Plaster-Stucco·Pa1n1 reterencea 554.4454 Reas prices 675-4558 + & ~-------Hoosec1ean1ng m11n1 ~~~!i:'..f ..••..•.•...•. 1 repair Slleny 63 ~5 DUMP JOBS Tnorooon Old rasn1one<1 & Small Moving Jobs Complete naec1ean1ng Call MIKE 646-1391 Rets Jan S39·6199 ~~!!~f ........••..••• ST ARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING CO Lie T 124-435 lrtSured 64 1·8427 WATCH US GROW• r~r..~'~1. ...... -:: .. --::. Farthing lnterror Desogn HANGINGISTAIPPING Visa MC Scott 645-9325 Ctessoltft<l Ads 642·5678 fi1>i.creens1New screefls NB ·CM only 64?-9SS2 People who neea People Ttiat s wllat 1ne DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY 1s all about' C11d•llacs to Go-Carts Wnatever the Fad I Roll em 011 1ne ma•ket I w11h .J C ass1hed Ad Call Now• 642-5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn'.t sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 (Non·r~. Eltra llnee 11.00) A11rl•••I• A11rt•Hl1 U•l•r•irhl Ua/.,ailllH "i.·T~!!!;~:~:::-i.~~ co~~~·;;;;;······3;24 A'V.'i!~::;.,, r.•.t.'.'!~!'.~!'!!~!! !.~~~ 9!!{~'..~!~!~! .... !.~~ 9!!!'.t..~!~!~! .... !.~~~jMo;,11z11, ,,,,,, 5035 I f!!!~!1.~'! ••..•••. !.~~~ l!'.'l .. 'I!!~'.-!. •••. !.'.~ '!.'.'I.."!!.".'.'.~ ..•• !.~~~ ······················ L:~~ 3T:aHOeE .. e°: n~~=r UECUTIYE HITES VIEW OFFICE •••• !!.!.............. Atla:ti~ ;arlor CLERICAL/PART TIME r.rt-irRlli Dec •••••••••••••••••••••• Yi'J1rv 2 Nbod;,s 1 s~9so ·k 1 H . 2 H . 3 H. ~!.'!r.!!.~~f~ .. }.~~! compl turn S700twlr. IAVIN( Pr hon! an1swed· Well·appo1nted oll•te wt 11.H. SATTLER 0 2 L<iokon9 tor 1nle•estrr19 5 5 2 rong con rm uh p Nwpt VHlw APP•O• 1 000 M rt C I pen 4 hrs a Clay "> T 2 · 115 o r eves scirvservs etc Also o CICI t. 1c. 7 k wur~ 1Pn19 nosho• 675·0349 Newly aecor Gas pd PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 975·03 I I desk 'pace S 1501up SQ ff 656· 7 100 Spec1ahz1n9 m 1st & 2nd Jacu11~a~~~n~eeloc111s in .. nd 8 Noon Otc ,, OCEANFAONT2&4er 540 9745 IDs sinte 1949 a~ well as tourrsls P (,. H &46 74 11 I A11ract1ve I BR Yrly p<>sSlbly summer encl gar dwsllr pool bbg Adults no pets 642-5073 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING A11a1I now Weekly 1nru CaM di• suite AIC ample Robt Salllei NHICM Bun~Amer1card Maste• 1.0NS r RUC l ON Sub summer 673-7673 OFFICE SPACE pkg uhl pd 2855 E Cst RE B•Okeo• ea Realtors <.nargt> American E• (fJ"lrdtlO•S Ql•v goC\ll Cell 675-0247 IN NEWPORT BEACH A total e 'lvironment apartment community on 1ne Upper Bay Private c;lubnouse ana nealtn spa. 8 tennis cour1s 7 pools close 10 bus1nes~ c1orpor1 Fas111on Island Conve,,1en1 snops on sole Unlurn1snea baclle· tors 1 & 2 bdrm ap1s and towntoouses f'urn t>lcs lor rent prome Hwy 67S-6900 &42 2171 545-0611 press 01ne1:. All wt!I ,, •• 1lotm.J1•ce 1es1der11ra E•o1ri1.r1q O• •, ''' f,.t,/r to S.'11 4300 Irv area Appro• 3200 sq COST A MESA o1ticel come 7 141645-3433 "" \ub:. 760-6859 9 5 1 Br Clean con11tn1ent c., ... ,,, ,,., 3122 ..•................... 10 beacn & industry $375 72 t W 18th St 546-4280 • • • • • • • • • •• • "• • • • • • • • II avail Aug 1 S 1280 mo space 10, •ea•• epproA Aaaooa"'•m•atr/ 21 12 Hdrbo• Bl CM " '"~ '"•LI Roommate wanleel male 01 best otr 549.5294 ~ ... ,. COOKS Po~ avdtl ') vr:. .,.,, ,.,1,,, 1 Close 10 beacn 2 Br 2 Ba. lrplc. 2 Car gar. $600 10 snr 2Br apt C M $250 -----2 000 SQ 11 or Pvt offices P~t1oa•l1/ Your Ca• Aellecls You e•P w•rno•I"' & sau•" ,, ,11.,,1 L ,11 , mo Geo1ge 642-6381 1617 Westchlf N 8 256 General work Jreas plus Loil I Foaad l,uslom WaA A Oe1a1I wor~ C...ill 644 12.J, rJ .. le• f,,1,, mo yrly lease No kids/ Roomy oleler 2 br I· 1 ba pets 675· 1650 Iv msg tn-plex twntise apl. sgl F /M to snr ~pac1ous 4 Br nouse in Univ Prk, Irv wlp101 CPI age 38 Nr UCI Frpl patio. pools, elc Own rm1ba $270 inCI uhl 552-0873 to 4000 SQ ti 1st lloor 1ecep1ron room Prol •••••••••••••••••••••• Reas • Tony 547-8241 Mon Fro Ill i!PM 1~1,,.,r, Agent 541·503:;> decora1ee1 Xlnl 1oca11on A I 51001 --I encl gar $525/mo Ct1I• 1111• 3124 Avail July 15 754-0609 At tile 405 Fw~ 5 Harbor .!'.~!~!'.'!."!!!'.! .••.••• COEDS Would love lo Cm.ii•• " llf>w 111" '>lyiP' No Ill'• req'd lft 520 sq 11 SI OO per sq &1va exit For more onto EUROPEAN EXCHANGE our1y w•lh you Call Suel fw.r •ntort•f' + 13~ <lP I some dt,artmtnh. ......•......... , ..... Eastslde 2 Br 1 ea patio. newly decora1ee1 1 (Ouplu)s. bu•ll·lns NO pets $425 2272 Maple 631·2927 Children welcome 2 & 3 Br $~75·S600/mo Mon thru Sat 9.5 Corner ot Adams & Fairview 557-4785 No pets 11 3975 Birch NB call wookdays 751 6191 STUDENTS arriving on o • Kalh y ony11me du~••on:. 714·161·3555 Agenl 54t·5032 August would lol<e 10 ltve 953-9363 I 751·996'> tr11 dPP• $540 $1000 Several bacnetors and 1 Bdrm units teature hne Cles1gner furniture and accessories Move 1n IO· Clay or reserve lor sum mer months Smartly furnished models open da11y WESTCLIFF BLl>G. FREE RENT w•lh ram11ies and atteno 1 CJll Sun Moro ru~ OITA EURY PERSON l----------- NEWPORT BEACH c .. "'•• -U1"f' :._lo.,., • ....., "••"'f'Are Lrg olltce suite wtsml vu ol bay All or part trom SI 50 pr II 2 mos tree' rent 10 Quaht1eo tenant Call 645-66•6 lor onto h•gn scr.oo1 ne.1 year LUIH I YICll'S Student~ are carerully PHOTO MODELS screeneO 0119n 1 out· ESCORlSIOANC.ERS 9orn9 luu all speak En· OUTCALL 24 HAS ghstl Setecl a boy or gorl llt·020l c.~n 1n\urance dQenc~ ,,, .. u~' •. , ' (.;OSltJ MPSd hJC. open1rtQ ""'r(')D,,,•A rl0'• or At t •or Ot1t.1 fntr' f''""0" IC Oul o• I II• I 0 ~ uv ii must Pn C-o t>e $490 2 BR pool, 2 per· sons only 325·J 17111 Pl 646·5 137 all 1 IAM. Specious 2 Br 1 Ba S425 3 8 r 1111 B a $ 4 7 5 l 1undry tac pool 548-9556 1 Br garden apt, stove & Westsi de Lg !Br w/ re f rlge N o pets Resp empl F over 40 w/ 15 yr son wants •o shr 4 br home on C M or N 8 w same 1M1F1 Lea se o~ Call 645-7568 Ive msg Male roommate lo stoare 2 Br llP1 CM, $200/mo call Jack 631 -441 6 .1 .... c __ ./c __ ... ,/...,,.. ./[ ... _ /'""' ...... ""'*". ./ ..... •'*-• .1 .._ ....... whose interests match llYFROMT OFFICE yours and enrich your neht!> Sala•y ommen temlly s hie 1oge1ner I ~ur.ite Wllh eape• c .. 11 ,t ., •••• ~ 11.lf 1 l)ft ht .~1 lo· S:?O Ql'IO It sc,o 1)0'1 '1 , r tt f ( :J carport. D/W, lndry, avall $370/mo 548-1377 Fully improved 1500 SQ It Bay ~•de 1 Jamboree Avail 1mmed 640-4925 Learn 11bou1 another ~!'!f!!r!'!!'!! ........•. Marie 549-9923 JO 1 b •" ":JJ J 01wr,,1 • 040 7 ·2 "S395 mo 645-6625 Clean 2 BR 2 Ba condo, nr On Jamboree Rd al San Joaquin Hiiis Ad Snr nse 1n CM lg ya tor dogs $250 mo + utll 151 & last avail now Call w~dys 548-5 160 eves Cati Mr Howard 6•5· 6101 cultu•e wn11e snanng tne Jo/II W•atttl 1075 Delivery L•gnl work 6 hrs best of yout hfe 1n Ame· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Man F" Hrly \dtar y Call EXECUTIVE SUITES 11ca A wont1ertu1 ex K•na 1ntelllgen1 prac11ca1 Monti 833·8000 S Cst Plat.a $600 mo Call 962·6897 ett 5PM 644-1900 .>UVC:.. ~ GAL C:..1 Don I I \f' 2 er pool. garage $525 mo No pets 1395 'B" W Baker 641-0763. 1 Br $370/mo utlls palel. LIDO BEAUT If UL 2 Br -S-42_5_·_S_4_3_5-/m_o_2_8_r _l_B_a.1 carport No pets 383 W trplc pat io adul15 *HLHE OFFICES• ----f'OUNOATION FOR compan1011sh1p E'AP 0",,131 1o,., li111 wc.,~mg .111 !•• 881 Dover. NB 631-3651 chilnge• CDUCA TIONAL I nurse o•lti• s cnee• tul Co••1tfi•/ F 0 A EI G N S TU 0 V 8 personal care 720 OF9 FINANCIAL SEC y 6 Go eat or1comP 101 sr "" apt • beamed ceiling Bay 548-9516 $1050 675-6359 2500 sq II Condo will ac· cept 2 adlls or 1 aa11 w1 I child o• 1ust I adll Pool lg lul 2 pa1oos lg oaicony w l bay view S57-7883 o• 640-6339 From I room lo 3 rooms From $1 16 a SQ II No lease requ1reel Adi Air· pO•lf't Inn 2172 DuPont Call AM 833·3223 It I ,.,.15 n(ln profrt organ11a11on lus 1 "'" •·wnmq 1~11 ,.,, I n Coll Jonn Balley '7 141 Hill. Wut1tl 7100 OFC COMMUN•CATOR 497 J 188 l •Q 001 laundry rm , pool Avail July Call tor appl •C1ean 2brl2ba conao nr SC Plaza s A S575 Nt pel 752·5822 64 1-1460 A rare opportunity 10 lea· se at oeauttful SEA ISLAND Lovety B1m1n1 Plan 2 Br Den 2 r Ba tull security plus every conc;e1vabte amenity S2900 monthly For on lorma11on call 7 141 644-5494 ···c.;·;,c·i"oi"iiio;··· 559-1972 Ma•' sue A~~o~~;.~~············· ~;,P .. dot~.:~~' •• ":a~~::~~ 1-1owMAKrRs .,. "'' Wotson t7 141JJl·0479or l PENSION AOMIN e• rill•l" wnerP your out t;>Pllt>d '"' tioo.1SN o>.1 1203l6292_:.S4_:ollect p3n01ng PenS•Or) q\llf') per~onal11i X oonq ~Prvir .. Mu'>I ti-TSl Mgmt 842-1603 $500/rno 2 Br I Ba UP· BAYFRONT 1n newer bldg on Coast Hwy Soutn Laguna Ap pro• 500 SQ It Eace1 ient private perk1n9 l behind bldg $525 mo Turner Assoc 494 1177 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS (.OnSultanl lttm in ltYtMP t1.-..r1I ti t'ADetltSe .,, thO•nuQh Uvpe"O"'t'~ per unit, tnelsd garage H · patio. all bll-ins laundry ••l1a1toa rm lt1tlt 3140 M f'. 3 Br 3 Ba home 1n prrv commty 2 blks trom Och 1ac t rplc S3601mo 631-7166 8111 Pt1me 0111ce 673· 1003 seP~s an expe< pension roar1<1••ng telephone 1 "''r '"'""C"•l S5 r>r C..i11 Adrnon Smokers need nanc . .il drrangements .s o .. ,,,, qf>4 '''661.e m:.o I r101 apply Contact Loo,., pal1pnt cnnldC.I 1s appre 171d1857-1204 c.1a1ea IS rewardeo? We HOUSEKEEPER TSL Mgmt 642·1603 2·0~ .. ;·;·9;··;375~';;~ l arge 3 Br 2 Ba Town· plus S375 dep Carpels, toouse on qu1e1 comple" drapes near Beacn Blvd large pool, garden set-& McFadden No pets ting S675 645-3381, 893-4894 Ammie to snr lge C M E•ec suites lull serv lurn/unturn greatly re- ducoo No Isa 754·0274 STORE/ OFFICE 300 to 900 sq It Dntwn Laguna 494-5688 Kosher Whine CuO•C Dehnt> CHICKEN Aefflb•t DanCPIE•e•c1~P o•e" hoghly s~olled team ".j""'" '' • •• Q lnr "'" •n~hullOr needed PIT ~·Jf.'C v '(J OlfP, lop sa11a,~ ~~:'.P ~~~,P~1'>;1•~:v~o~,~~~ ;,;, Cr1.,1<1 Mesa area Call " r'A<.t:ll""' btine ''~ " home Nr beach 1ac Wtrl•ialltt 3891 S rn o ~er o k S 3 0 0 • • • •• •• ••• • • • • • • • •• •• • 642·6553 aft 6 itClean oldPr 2brl 1ba gar yard $550 uttl pd 752·5822. 641· 1460 NEWPORT IHCll EAecullve 01t1ce 1n Can· Mr wire is on ,1 nt!alttl lo<1d k•<.lr. Everything g~ls pul 1n10 the ulender La!>I weal\ I drank a CHICKEN Mon ;ett 9AM 545•2111 S 1600 1f QuJM1~0 New-6 "11tJwh dQt Of quunnf'I p(ltl 8t;>JCh 631 2490 '11•.1ilh I I 'I tfHJ~ "'ll _6_75_·_5_9_4_9 ______ S5751mo Near beach $530/mo 2 Br 2 Ba mint 2 Br 2 Ba great T ownllouses. car porls. area no pets 553· 1776 patios. all bit-Ins lndry rm small pet ok Won't Deluxe c>oolslde xlra la•· 1ui1 ge 2br 2ba bltns TSl Mgmi 642•1603 dswhr t' • miles t>eacn All 5 642_6221 Adults. no pets S500mo 536-8362 A1'1t•1at1 Fuai1llH or U•l•r• 3900 •..................... SUWllD YI LUGE Female t8 35 10 ltve aboard 57 Yacht In Newpor I Beach Call An s wt!r Ad -576 642-4300 24 nrs Prof 10 snr Condo 110056. a ll amenities $285 662·2U9 966-8479 riery Village $450/mo ladHlti•/ RHl•/4500 Broket 675·4912 •••••••••••••••••••••• -----1t160 sQ II. cons•sts ot O• TllE WATER upper 1eve1 executive or 01• e•ec suite. 2.012 sq llce w/plll batn Ground It Newport Arches Ma-lloor recephon area and rine Bldg 642-4644 440 SQ It shop space A11rac1111e q111e1 Costa FOllTAll HLLn Mesa 1ndus1,,e1 compte• 979-8533 LOii I Foaatl 5300 ············•········· LOST WeSICltll area Grey Cockaloel Cotlo.y Reward urgent 645·7060 wrk 631-4408 Ftreplece, pool dtsll· washer. pv1 patro X LG Garden 2 Br S560 557-2841 WlffFFUTRH New 1&2 bdrm luxury 1 & 2 er Discount on apts rn 14 plans t Barm Male seeks ply to snr H8 home nr tx:to S390 Ans Ad 682 642·4300. 24 nrs Prime otltee l11c11rty loca· lt<l dorectly across from Civic Cen1er easy ec- Cf'SS to lrwys lle••ble o rt1ce suites lrom 235· 1430 SQ ft. For ae1- 11i11onel Info call N 8 3975 Boren 3660 sq Lost Blk tt1-clr snell•t> some models Pool Spa from SS 15 2 bdrm lrom ll or less MIA zone fem Voe Santa Ana 'Ive Gym Sauna elc $570. Townnouse lrom Agent 541·5032 CM ~ewara 552·6177 Llrge 1 Br aelull, near 846·06!9 $640 + pools, tennis. anops, pool. au ulll pd. waterfalls. ponds' Gas 1 8 8 4 M onro v 1 a $400 furn or unlurn I Br tor cooking & heating F nonsm~r lo stir 2 Or Cluplex E/S1d9 C M S225 incl u111s 645-7220 548-0336 pool. spa 16992 Florida paid From San Diego 842-2834. 842-3172 Frwy dt1ve Norin on Stir JBr nse $225 mo Ulll D.Y.11. IH. 141-1020 Eastslde 2Br lba, pool. Beach to McFadden 10 incl plus $100 sec Clep laundry, $450. call Near beacn 2 Br 1•.., Be S NEWPORT BEACH 833·7890. 646-1947 crpls drps b1Hn5 lrplc. ea w 1 n d V 1 11 e g e S A, 831 t l96 alt 5pm Turn Key Of11ce $390 enclsel garage S59Stmo (7 14~93-5198 Fem shr 3Br paloo trplc Branch ot11ce $75 STUNNING large 2 Br 2 Cell 536·0921 IH•f ,.AAA wlk lo tx;n C<IM $350 Seminar meeting rooms 81 garden ept • pool .,_., h 1 T 11 S465fmo 710 W 18tn 1') ml lo beach. 2 br. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• mo 1st + 1st 720-0850 .. our Y ypong mao ng, $750 up 2160 II lndu· stria! • Olllce 18081 Re· dondo Circle aE Hunt· ington Beacn 842-2834 OFFICI WAREllOHE Approa 2000 SQ II Nr Crown Valley Pkwy & FCYoes Rd Mission Voe· jO 1714) 545-0215 St ba b8lc tennis pool & Pr l v a 1 e 11 om e near 6-9PM Debbie or Cullen pnones Call for info spa $595 2 13•831 _.064 I 71tl/Tuslln, Cos la Mesa 752-6408 l1at•/1 W••IH 4100 1&28r, 1415-$475 mo ulll Prof M/F non-smkr Bel Is 3 br house. •••••••••••••••••••••• pd, clean, quiet. Pool. no New Slud•o 11pl utll furn. $250 642-6846 belore nonsmk r . pro I Mf F. WEST•l•ITtll Wanted Lodo Island 1 or 2 pet•. ldHJ tor working S325 mo 7AM 0r eller 9 30PM S7250 + ulll 673-0466 att 1200 or 2400 sq f1 De· br •Pl. yrly tea5e. pror-F Lost Cocker Span M bull color Bentley Clay St ' N B Crnoe 631-7815 546-4300 x 13 Lost M Terrier mix 1n1n. redd•sto Ian. green collar Mat1new Bristol 8 Warner S A REWARD 641-30091556-8456 Found Germ Sheo fem 6126 Cremelblk Nr ElllstMagnoha Ftn Valley 964-6060 Aparrmenl Manager e• rier 11>nced ma1ure cou pip 100 l>eauldully ma1111a1ned 1.ni1s coastal area S750 ptus bonus plus apartmenl no pe1s 642 4907 wkdys ARMY RESERVE Great way 10 earn extra money A beMehts Pay PX retirement Serve near home alter training Learn a valuable s1111i A gel experience Some C.il'lh bonuses Choose r1o m many ava111101e pos111ons Call today T US Ion 731-0481 Santa Ana 542-4763 USAR Ctr 552·3173 ASSISTANT OFC MGR Exper nee Some beck ofc prelerred 4 dey work wk lriendly & outto1f19 •tmosphete 645· 7580 Attractive Girl " 8 7689 960 1239 lu•e o ft1ce or store w/gOOO rels neeaed by Found Tan male Cocker cple ..,4 • • Pool, 1enn1s, lake, club s 5 Spaniel puppy &bl 5 mo SAVE MONEY space 14302 & 1430• ept ' 6 • . NB SoplllSllC:Bled. at1rac11ve. L .... , tltally faelistl•I •S395 mo 2Br 28&. wesner/dryer. tull El Toro Beech 81vel 8twn 2 770-33641675-4462 voe 1 lh o Newp0r1, w"ll groomed girl 10 Studio wltll cerporl & pool. PBllO. ~Ids OK. rio house prov '5 utlls ~280 ~~ ~~~= ~6-~~~~utul Frwys C1111c Center VII· ~no R&B tor well ~6-3053 _ • model pt1v11lely for in- pitlo Pool & ipe No PelS Lndry 646·9666. 151 & lest 86-40 8 111 lage Shopping Center mannered M student Found Golden Retre1ver d1vldua1 3·4 tors per pell $395 549.2447 960-7484 msg Fem looking tor same 10 Prime locallon 979-6889 eoe 17 nllendlng Laguna Lab mo~ Coller · Noe ALA week Strictly Private and •ARt•ERS WALi Share 3 Bdrm nome on t1nd & snr apt 975-4067 or 645· 1260 Ben Ho 1•774•3344 & GEE 840-2840 in oood 1as1e Utmost •2 Br lower, S4:;>0lmo, H 1 1 B n $350 832-4669 Debbie d1sc1e11on assured n-crpla & paint. clllld Lge 2 & 3 BA lownllouse un rng on eec Airport area ·Exec Sui Founo sel ol k eys on Ok. no pell 2265 Maple apls yards encl gar plus urns 840·2932 eves Oceanlron I Newport tes From 225·450 sq It lail•tu/lanit/ Culver in Irvine ~~~~1 :,,a:.0 ~~e;1~~~11~:!, 845-94114 tplc toook·uP• Nr Hunt Room w•lh ~lichen pt1v Nr non-smk mature resp S 1 per SQ II Many 1<traa Fl•••tt Ptoone 559-6628 descropllon 10 Bo• Aa W -•H Hrbr from $575 Chil· shopprng center & bu lem S235mo yrly Call 557-7010 •••••••••••••••••••••• No 1011 Oarly Pilot ,., dren OK 840 .. 6807 sllne H B 962·7520 548·1667 l ---;-h -l••l•tll Box 1560. Costa Mesa 2 bdrm, I ba, n-cer· ---HH Hw I AVAILABLE NOW afllll .,llfll 4100 NB prot M wlll snr IQ• Ownef deelrH p•rtner lo n.•rl••itl SOOS fQUND ADS CA 92626 Piii, p1lnt , no pets 2 Bdrm I ball!, 1 clllld ~~ •••• ,.':'~•••••••••••• Harbor Vrew nome w l•a•a 7500 ti o l n•w ••• -A'"••••••• •••••••• --A-.-,-.-.-E-O_IWl __ l_C_ $ 4 2 5 . I 8 2 Tu 11 P OK No pelt Waler pates llAWI MOTEL 8 du It 3 5 +, $ 3 7 5 epace In Hun11ng1on Drapery & wallpaper Store EE 83l-8l55 $425 mo 545-2000 Wkly rentals now evell 760·0802 Buch Leota guu a 1n ••clut•v• Npt ecn 1re1 ARE fR Wiii ahgnml & brks Own 1& up11tlrs, no pelt, refs Agent, no '" $140 & up Color TV LIVE AT THE BEACH percenl own1t1nlp In 80. on Cont Hwy Eac el nina tools Newport Tire req. S3.o40 mo 352 Vic· L It L 31 I Phones in room. 22H Female 10 snare Belboa 000 •Q 11 bldg c:IOM 10 money mikor S5500 10• C II Cir · 3000 E Cst Hwy. lorla 845·8181 0 fl.~~~ ••• !.f.'! •••••• t Newport Blvd CM Island house $285 Incl baacll No dn Pl ym't l&I price $550/mo rent a : _C_d_M _______ _ Trl·Plex 2 Br. , Bl. new IOUIPRlllT &46-7445 viii 875·9142 Ca 11 M r Brook t Coll 840•27oo Hk for 142·1171 HOUSEKEcPER needed "' 714/8111·5558 ~Ob 1 b f I ' carpet, lndry llk·up. get. Motl e1eg1n1 •Pl bldg [ Prol M , non-smkr, 28•35 or usy pro esS1ona ,n :s450/mo N o pets In Laguna e.acn, tlnett B A C H ARE A 1 0 s 11 r Na 11 0 m • 4 deluxe otllefl, •lfllegle Children'• Book Store N.8 . vetltld dull••. mull • 875.0500. IOcaUon in town, orealll· 1375/mo 631· 1266 DI•· locallon on Beecn Blvd in fllll·growlng S1ddl•· Lo•I Golden retriever be energetle & reliable, 5 l1klno views. Ill bullt·ln•. $77/Wk na HB Front e11posur1, ,,,. back Valley 831-1888 T II I 11111 lltsldy, Mon-Fri. cer & i2 8', Eaattlde. g1tfpello. h d 1 8• ..-puppy, vie ut n refs required (7 U I • c 11 0 k , n 0 d 0 0 1 e • I I po o 11gn are•, <>II 1q fl II you er• over 40 Ind a CM R-•rd 631-7053 640_6ge2 :::~~~';'o plu• u c ~~o:::•ia;':"t': K~=e:;~-~~i~ f,!!!l.~~f!!.~".kf.~!f Ownr 213.450.9555 ~ru. °!~',';~dt~~r'•,,~ Lotl Mel1rnut• 6 mo• BABYSITTER w1n1ed, ----------1 330 Clitt Or 494-1<>83 Collt MeN 548·9755 Ing It Jlaregt. 0 '11 product demon11r111on old CnOker chtln Cst m11ure peraon 40 • P<•' •SPACIOUS 2 BA M~. bl bOlt $50/mo ....... ,. .. 1 Hwy & Rlvertlde A11e, for 2 boyr., -·•I ........ y 2 Ba. Swimming p'oot, • .,,..,, ...,, 1111 ,,,..,, ••tlll 4111 Storege only. 85l·2175 Alr()Of1 ArH, exec aultt tnv Hrn more •boul NB R4twerd 2803 W Cat de---dl~.":._ ';,~ ... IP ,..,...., .. ,.,... Clean & ··-·•"••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,,, opporlllf'tlly Cell tor H 645-835 t ,...... "-" :::".,!;'t', • .. :~ .• "::::~ & prof. STEPS 10 t>Mch. :z Bl,, ll"IHf A61llf lt•W. ff-•xPlndt. Cla11y turroun· 11 me 1 n d p 11 c e wy . $90 wk. C 1ll Petty ... .,,... ...,.,,_ ...,.. 1 ... A 1 "'''' -dlnga, prof •tmotf)hert. 648-1144 Lo t d Q 111 anor 8 30AM·5PM 78Q.5942 PIC)9le. M llO No pet• ,..,, ~rn or un • .,rn ' I 4 bdrm. 4 blth, .. ndy •••••••••• •••• ••••••• llH 120 to 250 Ml tt ol• • 09. •rm • ----------...,_..21, 731-1829. req d $890 /mo bleeh,dock,seo<>o.Alto ll04t1 & dtlk apae. lrom #Nn W1•IH WI thllr fo1n11r. brown/ 81bytltter1..nag41r tor 10 842·2127 Lido , ... 3 bdrm, 11m *SUITE DEALS* 285/mo including COl"ll •••••••••••••••••••••• '#hilt 14 641 6170 Hbt ye1r old boy, Mon tnru 2 It.' le. wt orptt, drp1, NO Fii! Apt l Condo rm., ~ ca. 13100 July, O.C. Alrpor1 ""· Prof '"''· rec•pllonlt l. •n•· NHd t3o,ooo 3rd TD. & Sen ()!ego rwy Fri. 1umm11 & •l••t rrd, IJlldt. IHI/mo. ,.,,,_.,, VIiii "-ntll• 13600 AUQUll Biii Grun· •nvironmi nl. lull H f'ilce, werlng Hrvlct . IOlt 0 1 very large equity Wltef• LOii' 9 yr Old c:tOltfY9d tcllool. 01\lnl C~. CdM 7f.IOll 1?5-4111 8rOl!,tf dy, Attt, 875·8181 or no lrlllt tndMClut l 01• parking, WP & Tix eviU front hOmt 1•1·5513 Slam .... "Ott.iy1··, Irv on lht blaef'I. 87&·1273. IPIC Dr, I .. twMM, 811l>Oe lllend Charming 3 llOM Of ct.tit tPK41 160 133'"71 .,,,,,,.., rnll "-werd 551·..,74 IU .. OL.AA AL.AAM TAAi· r,r-::·:: tr:o -::· '::Jf'Jc:.•cr·!!• ~It .~r::. ~::~o~lnd'!. ~:.· ::r ... -:.~ 1 MO '30011t 1u1p30c1arS!.9~~:.~'--,· ""' 1 HJI THIHUP!VTIC M AI I NH. eomt 1l1Ctrlc1I ........ .,_ .-. .... 1 2 '"' Fii ..... J~ .... t~ 7 ......,,, HI •••••••••••••••••••••• I AOI ••p•r n•c Call btwn ~.,..a ... .-..,. • .,,... ..,. 142 1134 DOW ••& For MM1 & WO!Mn. by I 0 AtM • I i 0 , M IMTltDI ... ~ t .,., I It '~ .. T~ ... , .,, s.4!..__ TNnlllnt Of I ,., "°"" . ~. 1.o:.!.' io.t IOt T~ •• _.,_,_.,_ .. ____ _ 5C.1''TU.1 t•Vflf'11l1f') f "llr1 I ,lf(l DOG lOVEA· w.11 lrdtt1 N•t1•,mn~... , .... , , .. Q g1t1om1ng "~''"€-' h+-'lp 5.a1 , , , lJ p n N B 957 8589 (•7 J ·nci, EUCTROllC CHPOIHT H&IHH Component manulactu rer desires engineer w1 1<now1eage 01 AT E in bo1n ac11ve and passive components Pos•l•O" will Quickly advance to manager1a1 pos1t1on 11 quoht1ed Subm11 resume 10 Bo• 755. care 01 Daily PtlOI p 0 Box 1560 Costa Mesa Ca EYElllHS PART THIE Be a earner counselor for a local newspaper No experoence neces· serv Work only 12 hours 8 week S 75 to star! plus add1toonal sha1e ol parl· nersll1p s prohts A real lun Job' Man11gement opporlunl· lies For interview call oiler 6 oo PM 642-5678, e•I 312 G'n O l e M ust type 50wpm tO key by loucn ')d w/ptoones Metur~ Pt'rson Plllme 1-5PM Could leaa to F/11me Non-smkr pref d Apply 9·5 621 W 19111, CM Houstht•inc Dt11t. at 5oJRF A <;ANO llOlet ~ IOO" 1flQ tm t l h"'J•Jcll 1tt~ht \ULJ ... rvtSOt M f)tt I 11 f 1 ft !,t p fTl I 0 I I lOpm ( O•llJtl M1~s M~ur~ <11 407 4•7: INSURANCE WILi TRAIN A M B I TIOUS RfllABLE PEA· SON WITH GOOD TELE & I YPING SKILLS MIN I VR ore E><PER VA RIETY OF 'JUTIFS XLNl WORK COND 11 BENE FITS CONTACT SHA· RON OR JI M AT 7~4 7612 UI llELPEll F 11rne Reg pos•hon Clean see urchin !Ink wash glosswart-plus misc dut1ps Hvy hlt1n9 C<1ll Lucy Hansen 675 2 15q Kercklloll Marone Lal> CdM A F.,c ol C111 Tech EOE MtFIH I •Quor cirri< rec~I exper prPff'rrf'd Full trme 1119nh Good pay & Pf!•· ma"""' Pos111on Appl)' 1n person HOlrday House Liquors 2937 E Coast Hwy CCIM LOSS PREVENTION STORE DOECTIYES Fill ••ti Part Tl•• &,lrlHH Prtftrrt4 Mtrthtlls 11 • Mll•Mf'\/lee r1tall el\lln r..1\lfino 1>r1nd name 1emi1y ~ hOmt IUhlonl et low prlcM Wt on. tn outatandlno ~II PICkagt lnclUdlng 1 n u c 11Tent mtdlcal pla n. Ill• ln11Uranc., unll0<m1. lnco'" prottiGtlon and 1 llbtrll .,,,p1oye9 dlae:ounl ..,,.,.._. Wiii be Mid on Meftdef 9M , ....... """ 1t lftd , ....... " • a.m. 1M I p.m. al the ......, IM. c..-....... ,., ....... c ......... CA-. All ..... -...-.,,...,.."'" Y~1"·j11 ~tteo' ••Y1• Ai11111 ,,,,, ''° '" -..O•• lllCt ... t"' '°'.!!."!'1~._"""'-aillfdl to ~~ to crtc111 cneci.., H~l'tt1• ~:O~~~ mHHur, H JlllWW."""'tilw......,..,. 1 fir,., ~·•7.,. 1.-111 I• I• t • t 0 /191 I Urttt ftOlft btlOll ~'!:..':.!..... t _., llieoll a r-.. lrlt oi.-tltr DannttOfl 6 AMOO -~tffM=:t~lva~t:llNlf::IM:N:u1t:;;===== ~N-...._ ........ l400t• 171•totl r _ _...,,.., 1 ... 11 lifletllf .... 111 11'Hlt ................... ..,. Ml•M11 •• • ' /' . . Orenge COH1 DAILY PILOT /Mond ' July 12, 1882 f. '9'1..!¥.'11. •••• !.{ !f !tJl..,M'!l. •••• !.1.ff P!Jr..'!1!'11. •••• 1.1.! MAHKITINU MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINEE s1200 •1111&.'""6&.llT '°"'" medlo11 111111• l Hrve In lh• Army ~••· ••ve n11r homt c111 to• day Tu1llr1 731·0411 8an11 Ana &.41·475' USAA Ctr 5~·3113 M ION I OHT AIDI!. 1 IPM·7PM. Fri & Sat nlghl1 8·U ·&H1, 4000 ~illarl• Way. Ntwpor\ Oeech Nut•lng PEA MON rH H llPfRVISIR It UP. IHHIARY 3.11 30 1u11111me Aleo l14/IM-Hll RN partlllm• 11·7 LVN Call Sun. Mon. TuH lull/llme 7 3 30, Hunt· ------•-•_-_•_!I _lngton Bch. 847-3516 ~aily Pilat ···· .. · .... ·· ..... ·> Nur11ng LYl'I 1or 3 1 1 1hllt Compeu. live aalaty exciell. ~·· fill 6-42·80/ .. Of ..,ply In person rlag1hlp Conv HOIPI • 468 Flagahlp Rel • NB PART/Tiii Permanent 1111es poaltlon In retell Ian 11ore Some weakend work We will trlln qualified. reliable person 768-0349 PAIT TIME '9•!1..'111.'!!. .... l~lj !~'1..rt.-,.'11. .... !.'.. !•!l..'l.'1.'!!. .... l~ff !r.!.'.'P~ ........ mt R .. I r11a1e l alel I a.... I TypeHllet needed. \em-brly 1900 w11nu1 T~.n IUIR porary POllllon trom July Bdrm Mt, vanity, CMll, .,.. ..... ,., • ., ...... ,,.., 23 lo Aug ' IAM·llPM llble, beOI, •Pring• l llOOIHl Today there are unllml I~ oPl)Ottun111" In r"I ettlle ...... II you 1oin lhe Oynamlc; team of prol ... IOl\11• a1 Colelwell Banker 'or111 E. Olton Ae1lto11 Our Co111 Mt .. INewPorl ot11c1 haa lmmeelltt• °'*''"II' tnel we Invite you 10 JOln ua tor • Cl<MI' open hOUH Wednesday July 14. 1082 '7:30PM 2299 Harbor Blvd Cotta Mesa 92827 1011 wrllef ••per ttq'd matt Al10. rnarbi. top Contlelerln? 1 cirHt 11311·39311 coromoele wllgt mltror. ? 0 ---1138·2814 cihenge In 11112 on· lyp111 Qood corre•P Ty· ------llderlng entering the Pill dlctaphone. ·AA/ 1 pc g1rr11111naoer or rank• ot lht 1111 em· C1.1etomer ..,vice back yo1.1n8er 1 yr 010 ploYGCI? l'ARMEA s IN• grounel llelplul tor I IHI HOO/ po 84&.g210 SURANO£ QROUP. one ptC.0 olllc• If\ medical BAKIA'S RACK Of the leeellng lt\lllf91'1 tn lleld OOOd benellta, H • 4 tltr white wrought Iron the nation, I• expanding lary 11egollabte Call 14'5 &.4&.12116 In Orengt County 5311-7081 btwn 12·2. --· -------11 you tre lnl•rettt<I In Gia" COllM T11>te owning & operating I Wallett I WiltreHH Gold IHled bHe bull!IHI ol yout own, nHded Mutt be over $t76 645·1~5 lnveet OM hour ol your • time ti our ,tell Semi-18 Apply In ~rson Oln rm Mt. mint cond, nar Call Judi tor Cletella El Matador Rellaurll\I tdeal tor amall room 11 963·41118 t761 Ntwpof1 Bl, C M St200 759·1828 WAHllHll/llLIY. Snarp lf'ergetlc Pirson for 1hlpptng/rec:o1Y1ng & droving Nut &l)pearen- ce. gooel d11v1ng record & work well wttll cu1tomer1 A MUST 657-05!!1 DESIGNERS~ 10 pc ~1oe sect lrom Tno Vtklng. H B $1400 645-1295 THE ENTERTAINER" Swtngar 500 by l<lmblll Sac;r $725 8"45· 1295 !f.1.1!!!/~.~! ... l.~f ~.'!,.~ ...... ~ b=~ H# ....................... "g':!~~tt1>1ewttt1 '11PMfflt1uer1ft 11111. .. A"tl 1 1 551.93~ l'l.ICKA, cuatom bullt, 81\ey repllC .. , plekupe dletotl ~. beeul crui. COUP•• • to ohOOI .,. Olll1t fwt1llllf' .. , M111t '"to aps>r .. lroml 100111HI letk. r.i/••••I 1111 cil1tel Call 10 He. AP· A30t3) Pr~ atarUl'IO al •••-;,•"'••••••••••• .. • pralNCI 11 '38.000 Our llLY lt1Hlf 72" ••ec. Cleek, 2 <1wr1 + low prlee 121.000 firm Ille dwr W/IOCk. high ,.,,. 645-2511 back ludoe'• chair, we!· nut llnlah, xlf\t conel. t mo• olel, a.king 1299 764·7200 Ive mao Copier, electroatello. un· der w1rrty 1300 Paper & toner ex tr• 549·9•02 IBM TYPEWRITER. Model ' C " Standard I t96 540·0492 10' Hobi. Cat, yeltow w/ teq. eunrlM Mila Ll4'e new 12000. 1175-8181. llLAlllll YAOITI' llllLYUI OLtlHIT UU ISLANDER & FREEPORT SAILBOATS •lncredlbl• sav1ng1 •Speclel hnanc1ng THfODORf ROBINS FORD l 061J HAAllOI ll ~0 CO~IA MIU 041 0010 28 FOAO PIU ntedt res· I()( Ing 13000 875--3175 54 Pl)lmOuth Plan. run1, need• 111 gHr $300/ olr 1146-5724 , eva 641·2875 Like new Exec dHk & chr, lid• chr & desk set. ell for 1175 5S2-9553 811 6PM •Shpa v1lloble Attention collectC>f1t 1959 1111 IOl1 •Fac1ory tours EdHt Aenger 1n good•' •Prev•-1how1ng ol the r1.1nn1ng con<1111on1 ONLY, •lllltOk P"'tllllfl new l1l11nder 48 under SS50' Call 642·2073 or .•••..•............... Wl• •rt' 1R't'k1na 1o build a labor pool of qualJfll.lCI : gn1phtt' urts persomwl tor lwo dep!lttml•ntlJ Ir\ out pre pr~ art'l• It you hAve expt'hemv tn t•lmpo11lnt1 romn ur cun1e1a dcparuncnl wurk wml art> lnl1•r"'l4.'<l ln newspwper producttun. 1•11l~hlrr 1h1· opportunillt'S otfrrod by the Doily Pilot Eves end/Or weekends Reaponslble adult•. over :? 1. with outatendlng. al· tractive peraonellllea 10 work w11n youth (egu 10· 141 Cati 2 -5PM, 642-432 1 E11t 346 EOE L1c1t1lHd or unllcenMd. II )IOU would like lo know more about 1 CarM< In real estate please join us lor thla Informative eve· nlng SALES. II you .,. over 40 and a "go getter'" this 11 •or you Attend our tree product demon1trat1on and learn more about this opportunny Cell tor lime and pl a c e 546-1144 Sales " construction S45-6974 II no 11n1-8' t Couch Navy Blue S50 pr 642·2790 •Door prtHS please keep trying floral loose cuahtons -B.-B0-0 BAO c GES •Relreshmenll ------ PART Tiii For rnerv1t1on1 and detalla. please c:.11 Jecoue Kemo. 645-0303 Immediate opening tor outSld, aaleaman tn w11erwork1 wpply butl- nen To cover Orange Co Co benelilt & ex- pense package. salary ll11fll11'11t ex c con d S 2 0 O "M 1 A A once 1n a ltletlme OP· 59 Cad. 2 door good •••••••••••••••••••••• 497-4385 New. •aroe: SlS bod & tn1ertor runs ''" •-1/1,1•1 100&. ----!149-7565/545-6274 POrtun1ty lo take edvan-Y 1111 ~ G AS G EX tege o t thll 1111nder $500 Of best o iler •••• ••• •••••••••• •••• KIN INNE PRIN . ZEBRA FINCHES 54• 2188 Antique maple dining rm TRA FIRM mattress set, Yachts spec111 purchase _· -------1et w /chlna cabinet never used, wortn $530. B91utrlul. young, s7 pr plan $1000/olr 966-1998 sac $248 del Never 549-7555 545•6274 UT. Hll II•. 1155 T-llRD We 1<re St.'t.·k1t1g l•1 tm·reaw our part·UIT\4" labor force. full umc c.~nmgs may develop In thl' ncar futur.-w .. an• m111!jl 1nll·restt-d in pL'()plc wtth skills lu th•• lollowm11 11rt'w.: COLDWeu BANl(C!RO Newspaper Promotion. plus comm Cell Chetlle. Mon · Fr I 534-6325 Large dresser. C11ca used queen n . worth Yng & very tame Cocks· .l1tlJ 1l Hll 11 $399, cash only, $218 tlel. $50 wllrg cage 10Al·IPll Immaculate l owne• cir 31e111ng ~•Iver & has both topa (2406001 Only S 12 96S 5 JOPM-9 30PM. Sat ------1 1930-1940's Dark wood. 9 30· t 30PM 'OIVS" ~-•OM SALIS heavy woth scroll work del Usually home. 731·2133 754-7350 Sponsored by tne Paste-up iul hu1IJ111g or page makt'·UP "M~·rn·rwe dt'Slr .. ble $84 00 to t11rt An Equal Oppty Co II you re an X·Avon MUST SELL Sacrifice Then partnersn1p·s snare ---------Book. Mary Kay Fran-$599 549-0576 Call al· ot protots Must have RUL ESTATE SALIS ch1se door to door or ter 5pm most weekdays pteasant voice private we have an opening for vacuum s11te1 parson, 011si. & phone casual two well-dressed. 1ntell1 llava I got a deal tor you attire For rntervtow. call gent satesparsona to Bog comm New Item, *-*--,-BU--Y-*--*--1 !!~!'!.'. ! • ~!f ~!'.'. '-~~ :~:,nnd~al~~~~· 01 Sou· PIANO Simuel Br-&r & ISWIH YACllTS Good used FurnlU.ite & C 0 L 0 n d 0 n C" ca 1922 Barrance Rd ROCH PHlll CAllLUC HWHY Proofreader Copy Typist Auto Perf Typist \\ 1111 lVp<..,.1111111 dhtht\ Ab1hl~ to work f.c.1 ""J ..._,·unit.ely undc;r pte~url· I'll"-'"'"'"' Fl .. i.tbll' houni and days Offset Camera Production Operation Stripping. l:),flt'rtcrn." tn 'huotmg Im<.> .ind halftone work a mu51 Any stnpptng ur plutt'makmg expenenc'l' pl1i. pr.•luu11in un.-nll'<I P<'l"l•Orl who t·un wurk tnrl1 111•111li·11tl\ htj!hly <lel>ir .. 111._. Ntght.s Mark-Up alter 6PM wotk 1n the Newport easy sell Need mgrs 642-5678 ext 312 Harbor ores In commer· Cail 10AM-2PM only Mr lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil crat sates and/or ree Ray 646-4167 PllOTOCUPllH rdenttal sales tn the more Sates Earn top pay taking affluent areas Men & wom•in to call on !>napshots on your area LEO HANNA businesses unoqua tun Amateur photographer$ SR VICE PRESIDENT JOb must be oggresstve needed Part/lull time Wt1ltJ I . TaJltr Ct. 1 call ctosera Only those No experience or selling Realtors 644-4910 who know they are the required Wiiie to Unt--•ECIPTIO•IST b e s t c a II I r o m varsal. PO Box 1223. " 10AM·2PM Mr Tuft Montebello ca 90~0 Super sharp ore sk1111 646-4 167 req d COiiege grad Pr• 1.S_A_L_E_S_P_E_R_S-ON Marrne I d Nr 0 C A lrporl POOL MAINT Aespon11-Non-smkr Call Nancy. hordware stC>fe F/ltme ble young person to 754•19 10 Boating exp nee Full co learn & work tn poot iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii benefits 714·831-9333. moont bu~oness Bob contact Gary 642-1130 RECIPTIOllST Froendty person needed SECRETARY/ Order Desk P.TllE SALES to nandle pnones tor Full or P/ltme Small Npl COLLECTOR PtATES IMAAI STYLE Apphances-OA I wlN NII 1800'• Sac 5750 1rv1ne.CA 92714 or SELL tor You 8-42-t485 714·141-1121 (l 14) 521·912• $29 95 22k gold trtm Lid SUP· ply Order today 14k gold chain given free w l lsl 20 orders 645 48•0 e•I 202 IASTHS AIOTlll ~:~n~!N:~R~;~~~·.,11 l•--------~.~~!!J.~!f!!! .. !.~~~ 1"·1111 Hl·Mll Sac $725 6,5•1295 Ltdo 14 .• 4324 u!>e ol Bal "79 Subaru 411:4 wagon tst moorrng tor 1 mo tint cond $3500 I IH FIR•ITlll Ptaf\o Ctrca 1889, blk w $1750 675·0349 eves 645-9190 Les 957-8133 antique Fr stool --- $800/0BO 6•2·6553 ell ,.,,,, Sli,1 f1etk1 9SIO A••li1atfl 1010 New lull-size mottress set. • TF. ••••• • •• •• •••• • ••• $65 New queen size. HARBOR AREA $100 760·5832 APPLIANCE SERVICE --------·- We sell recond . guar , app11ances 549-3077 Small Aelnger•tor 4 cu II. $75 COICll H HEH, II. C .. I s•o ,.. 1a1.11ao 963· 1 112 Pecan wio•ass inlay cottee ----& end tables/well units I IUY APPLIHOH Elegant sole bed $400 Les 957-8133 850-1660 Freezer S200 Washer & dryer S 125 ea Dish wasner $100 646-5848 AIHICH cttmY s DHk• H1 ···1~;rovorAPic~·up·· YAMANA 11 PIAIO 5~.~·;:;.~~:~·;;;o~·c~t~ * HST Sill * $ 1800 995-5480 ell 3 area $9 00 pr II Peggy Sport Model. <1reat mt· lt•i• lfidiet1I09Z ~~ T5e~-~ 1·955-2473 wk-:~a:1:,,~rs• a ~~eel~ 0~~. •••••!(••••••••••••••• Y f t507864) Just neeo re· ANTIQUE SINGER Waat 11·10 Sli' witt. tr.Jble party to make Treadle sewing machine s 160 ~5-t295 slttrt ,, • ., I water. smotl monthly pm1~ No l•terutd ii lt1C olu contracts 'o assume lr..rti•f Good1 1094 "'o bock pmtr dut'. Ask • • • • • • • • • •.......... ttr• ltast. Call 111· 1 or Ao!> e 8 4 2 . 4 • co . •• r A 41 r: • I 0 • S~6 1008 Proto U M 1'2·'300 2• ltrs. 67 For J F600 2 ton Al11lt1v lo •P<'t lvp.• fur d V..lrll'IY or advertll>lng ,1nJ tomm• ru..11 ntdteri&b Expt"rten('(' wtth ..tt ... ·lron11 n1<1rkup dt-.1rnblt· but nm ne<'t-ssary Abthl~ to typt..,.•t wuu!J bt helpful En1oy WC>fking wtlh kids. Adm Olltce of Savings Ben branch sates olc and wish increased ear· and Loan Postton requt· Mer 1 n e bus 1 n es s nongs utlhze your out· res ltgllt typtng Expe· 2131681·2613 Relrig/ washers/dryers going personality. learn rience des1ted Call Ml· 1----------1 Many lo choose l1om I Exquisite reproduction Windsor ch111s as shown on Country Ltvtng" magazine 640-2314 appt Sal'• s,ert Swa, We buy and sell Qu&trly used sportong equip on consrgnment Snow Sk11no w ond surt1ng water sf\11ng. lennrs, surf board back packing. clothtf\g for att above sports 645-4310 1779 NewPOrt Blvd CM PIER Bot> art 390 Ct::> e ·~•ne encl van ptus 1111ga1e • S4'l00 oller 979-2000 E' e• t IJi! or '>51-3660 al-Sal.try dL·1wnd~ •m <'><pt'r •t'llt'l' Th., Datly Ptlnt " an equal opponuntty employl'r W oml'n .. n.I m1norit1es ar C' c;m,.,uraged to al)ply ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330 W. BAY ST •COSTA MESA. CA~ 92626 AN fOUAL. OPPOl>TUNlfY EMPL.O'f'Ell ·············· ........... ········ ........ . ( l ) ) how 10 become a troined chele, 754-180 1 SECRETARY /EXEC, $100/up_ 8_59_·_06_8_2 • 'ates counselor Call E o.e New bank (In organ1za· REFRIGERATOR 2·5PM 642·4321 Ext ORANGE COA ST SA· uont hes lmmed need Like new frost free 346 EOE VINGS for secretary with good 2 dr 5 165 893.9050 -------1700 Adams. Costa typ!l\g and relaled aktlls : Buying and selling al a Mllsa Excel salary Located tn lei1'i•1 reasonable price-that's !~~~~~~~~~~ San Clemente Call llil•tilll IOZ5 whal classilled Is 1111 492--0411 tor appt •••••••••••••••••••••• 6 7 SALES/ Art & Int. design about 42-56 8 No e•p nee. will train SECRETARY Xlnt comm. Flex nrs For interview. Mrs Pope, 7 14-680-4689 O C Airport area Cor- porate headquarters -klno personable sell· starter tor general olltGe Sales d u t 1 e s M u 1 t t y p e Cl .,. d 60wom. accuracy ossen-1111 11 tlal Apply In person Mon T I h thru Frt, blwn 1·4 pm. to 9 I p 0 ft I Judy Gilden 18013 Sky· S I park Cr Suite B Irvine NOW 36c/FT. Redwood 2116 decking. 4·20 long. also redwood fencing Catt Jtm 01 t<en anytime 775-t491 c •• ,,,,' ... ~~!f!~'!! .... !~~~ llYHCE SAUi A divorce forces the sate ot 3 oeau1 couches 8 couch & matching 5 plaid loveseat Pilrl tor tamrly rm Ten. rust & drk t>rwn S 100 both Gorgeou~ 10 cresenl· s hapeo couch w / matching upllol Ibis Down tilled cushions Pale yellow floral w l comel & grey accenls New $1 800 Sac $500 All tn great cond Hurry! 848-3396 ....... " '--'• 10f5 ..............•.•..... -----Remington 700BDL Caliber w1teutold scope S 4 25 548-035, 243 2x7 ph fV 1~4/o, Bili lt•tH IOfl ...... ~ •..•........... Meronu Auto Stereo mo<1e1 CAR-300 10 w/ ch Great sound $90 orl bo 640-8855 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Color TV 581e 2 Y' wrnty $ "8 Free delivery UPT0:?811 Sl50mo 673-8145 •EWPHT IUCll 30 4l> sltps available 556 1711 ter 4 pm 72 Fo1d Campe1 Spec111I w1111 cobovi:r camper New tores 642·6540ev ... ,.,I~ I --¥.'.~! ............ !.~~~ lki IOI 71 VW Pa~nger ·1an ······· ······· ········ * llST SELL * 1981 IA YA Super Ctean tov. miles removable 1ear bencr JET Sii seats En1oy great mrle3· gP ind ca rry t'1e NE tr.HBO RHOOD' t679SWHt Ji..sl need re- Stoc~ never ra :ed S 1600 Call 5• 5-697 4 or 642·2073 ----• loabte patt1 10 mai.e 14 Ski Boat w/75 HP small rnonlhl/ pmts No Evinrude & tfo1te1. •Int Old contracts to ass 1me cond S 1700 548-3304 No bac;~ pmts due Ask •0 1 Rose 642 -440~ \VANTBD I II Secretary 10 small Labor The Ctasailled A<1ver11-Re1a11ons l trm Lt te sing Department ol the bkpng DEC word pro- Dally P1to1 hes en ope-cesStng 8·5 Mon-Fri nong for 11 responllble. $1200mo 714-7S.-0609 en1nu11ast1c person Nokkorrnat 35mm, black, zoom lenses & more. m1n1 cond $3 50 548-5407 Super 8 Auto zoom never used $75 552·9553 alt 6PM UAI AIU RM T!!~'l!!!~'.'i!~ ........ ~56 •008 Pro10 U M 12x 15 t>lue/grMn tweed "''' I lf•tilt C.••-r•, l•lt AelOI WHIH ISH TV Johns ~6-1786 ( ,,---05~,..----..) ) Must have previous tale· Secretary p/I lor cnurctl. C•ll 1035 phone safes expertence Gen otc duttes Oepen· • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • rnctudlng typing approa dab1l1ty a mus t Himalayan kitten. 12 45 wpm on IBM Selec· 645-5781 weeks Show champ hne wllrrnged ends $40. L I ,... • ~~~53~s.~983~2~~l ···-;,!.f~!~!......... 1111 flZ ······w···E···,·,··,······· -Gt I 1010 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ~!.'.'.••••••••••••••• CAMP-TEL Camper Clean TOD DOLLAR 1981 llvl $175 966-2 180 Ofl4PM ~ 20352 Ac;ac.ra SA Hgts FOR USED CARS ./!!'.!!'~ •...••••• !.~~! Newspaper Carriers tor routes Sealporn t $235 Inc Sal1•y plus com· •--.-R0-ry-1-1199--.-,..---8~5-9•7 t m•SSIOO 40 hr week Wltll -.... ' --------an occasional Sat mor-Sml law office spec;1all- n1~. E.occellen1 company zing In tu mailers High benefits including medl· eccuracy typist Word cal. dental. lite lnsuran· processtng desired. bul ce. credit union. etc not req"d Must hive car Oppty for adv1ncemen1 Satary $1000-S 1200 de- C1ll for oppotntment for pendtng on qualtllca- 1nterv1-642-4321. eat l>Ons Catt M1 Pellon 277 644-6516 bet 2-4PM ~~ •••••••••••• !.O:f.~ AKC Doberman puppies Champ sired show quel Red or bit\ M I F 968-8502 or 964-4522 Round 15pt RUBIES Only s 10 eacht 640-8688 lfiu•lluH•• IOU .................•.••• Nava10 lndlan rugs. lop Qil~. collector·1 Items. otl8's 2 sm drara. $25 ea 8 pc Comtemporary chtna set w hf/brwn S 1001oller 6 46-659 1 eveslwllnds JET Sii ~rty new custom bit 8 u •• lll"'ltl camper many xtras 11UU1 • Stock never raced $1600 Can 545-697• or 642-2073 S reoo 642 t t63 dys PO•TIAC/Slldl 642-8267 eves 2480 Harbor Btvd Jet·Skt 474 cu 1n Stein-'!.!!~1.i!!! . .'.J!.!~.!.~t less pump S 1200 1981 Puch Ma.1 $300 64S·9190 1nct '1totme1 and lock COSTA MESA 5'1-'300 5'1· 1•$7 in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach e • • Good Enmin9s Super Trips Great Prizes CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTM ENT OrHct Ctast lallr Piltt 330 W Bay St Costa Mesa CA 92626 Equal Oppty Emp'r SALIS CLEH Drug slore cashier, CO· smetlcs delivery Min age 2S Days. nights. weekends Apply at Port Pharmecy 3130 W Bal- boa Blvd. N B 675--0644 Mon-Fri StJlist W /Ftlltwl•c Seroous career opply Sall Comm/Vee. etc 540-8889 b1wn 3-7PM TIUPllOH SOLICITORS Wlfl need good people to se·1 up aooo1n1ments from our Newport Besen othce in the evening lor HOiiday Inn s n-travel Daily Pilat 6 4 2-432 , club Sala1y + comm1s-Sales, PIT exper req d s1on + bonus Call Local. mature lady wen1-833-3740 all lpm ed to help In 1he Mole --------- Hole at Lido Village Ttlt,htlt All•. Salts 673-46S5 For local sports & per- Marshal ls is coming to Costa Mesa And now a 11111e bit about lhat style. Marshalls Is a self-service retaJI Chain featuring brand name famlly and home fashions at low prlcee. It'• a store you wfll enjoy working In as much aa you wlll enJoy atiopplng In. Come join us. We have all kinds of Job opportunities that can read to something bigger With e style all Its own. We offer an outstanding benefits program Including an excellent medk:al plan. Ute Insurance and Income protection, and a ltberaJ employee dlscoon\ We have lull •"" part time posltlona for • CASHIERS • MERCHANDISE CLERKS • STOCK CLERKS • CASH OFFICE CLERK Full time: 1>:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m .. Monday througtt Friday. Pa11 tlme:5:30-9:30 p.m., lnetudlng Saturdays and 9und8)'9 on • rotating achedule. Experience h.,plul, but not f9Qulr9d fOf all poaltlol'lt . "'*<ttewt wtll N Mid°" _....., 9M T....,, .Nlf 11 ..... 11 .......... a.m. Md • IMft. ...... ....., ...... c .......... 1111 .,.. ... , C.... ...... CA-. r, forming 1rts pubhca· uons 557-9910 TOPLESS MODELS $75 DAY • PAID DAILY no exp • nee • 826-2583 TU/llHUHI PROCESSOR Resp for procesStng annuity & 1nsur buSlness lor invest firm rn Npl Bch Typing, 10-key. C RT exp req Call 640-0123 SELL Idle ltema wllh a Dally Piiot Ctullfied Ad •' Australian Sllep Pups chmpn fines blues & black tris lemales orily 213/995 -1582 2 131784 1636 One way Aorttne ltc;ket LAJI 10 JFK good to Aug 2 $150 7S9-8064 Puppies 1 GOiden Rettte· A•trsrs Drawing Table w / ver Six female 2 mele stool tamp Aoron s $10 each 548-4050 New $9S1now S70 960-0402 cash ~~!~I.~-~~~~~ •.•....•. Coll• 1111• ..•..•..........•.•... GARAGE SALE-Desks chrs sofas Ibis anl r ques m1Sc 8-• Sall Sun/Mon 2134 NatooH81 Pusn mower and mowe1 S35 5~6-7739 John Wayne Tennis Club membership for sale $1 000 559-6483 CM ~2-7647 Furntlure & cpt tor sale Garage Sale . LOIS ol from Btg Canyon Home Goodtesl Sal/Sun 10-• Call 644•8819 ___ _ ... , ""' , 617 1 PC>Pf)y Street CdM ,, ,.,,,., Lei••HI IOJO llolo1qtl11/ ••• ~.~.............. ltHllll IIS Mdl 1900 ~ayephon Ra-• ••. •••••• ••••••• ••••• da1 Futuro depth tinder HUSKV 400 test & solid pole wonder outrogger $275 966-2 180 all 4PM poles hooks lures lor 20352 Acacia S A Hgts comm I lrsherman 642-0433 ----MERC 650 • $300 80 Suzokr RM80 good cond must sell $300 642-1505 IMr Gotsonl Mission V1e10 859·9096 Ueave message) '11~ YAIAllA YZIO Runs 1tlnl torced to sell Bo111 Po•tt 9040 $590 644-6731 ·····'················ 23' lnbrd pedestal stoe-1980 Honda CX500 rtng sn10 to Shore Full Fairing T1unkcase. At· equipment & covers most new 7400 miles $7000 645-1410 $2300/0BO 871-0641 76 SklPJ&Ck 20 , w•th _5_5_9_·9_2_9_9 _____ _ WE BUY CLEAN CARS HD TRUCKS COHMRL CHEVROLET .X!!4 ll .. rt..1r 11 • ,, ••t-T.\'tl~-"' S46-I ZOO MtCM IUYH Top dollars lor Sports Cars Bugs Campers 914 s Audi s Ask tor UIC MGR Jll lllRlll YOLISWACH 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH t1 a11er Many extras 'll llOllA l50F $6500 759-9553 879 Arbo1 St (Nr 19th & Newport Beach Tennis Sacrilice• Must sellt Monr:>v1a).C M C lub Fomlly Mem-8'2-2000 bership $650 833.9704. 42 H Matthews. 1wn dSI Lo mi. many eAtras BftSlOI $59.500 PP 1213) S 1600 645-7278 WAITED! Fetailere IOSO eves 955 1664 ask for 6 9 6 _ 2 5 6 1 1 7 1 4 1 • • • • • • • • •• • • • •••••• • • • Ctyde 760· 1178 79 t<AWASAKt KZ 1000. Wmd1ammer IV nume- rous tou11n9 accesaoroes $2700 842-9817 alt 5PM1 wknds Lale mo del Toyotas Volvos Pickups & Vans Call us todav• •HT SILL -P-o<>1--1a_b_le_9_11_pr_o_r.-w-1· 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim SEAUTIFUL Student cues. rack, cover desk. very good condl-$ f50010BO 642-6553 tton only $35 840-8709 elt 6 alt 6PM --------- Oak V•clor:8n McCarthy RllWIOI 2d ... desk Cost $1900. sac 8 to 20 tong 36c P9' ti s 1300. ~5· 14 tO 775-1491 anytime You don't need a gun to "draw feet" when you ptaoe an ad In the Dally Piiot Want Ads! Call now I 642-5878 Street addrau " painting 1<11. $50 Pay oft In one day! 768-7552 Flnel whit you want In Dilly Piiot Cl&Altlt<la. (or Y8fd ..... leMlte ..... eto.) 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot Cfuttfted teetlon (It'• l>Mt to run 3 deye f« maximum •XP08Ure). If you pay for your ad In advance we'll run It 3 d9Y1 and only ct\ltge lPU for 21 2. Get your FREE~Sale lignt (alt you have to do It In to the O.aty P6fot & pay for ad In edwnce - .. wlll atve you 11 • 17 89'1 - FA!E of c:Mrge) • 3. Priee MCh pteto/ of merchandlM. 4. H•~• ptenty ot oneno• on n1no •(nick•. dlmee, quen.,.. hatyee. •OM Md he..., b*-). I ........ ,_.tuft, 8"d ONtt 'ffN' ~ ............. .. , 21' lllFLITT TUii Twin brand n-F WC 270 Crusadets llybrtdge sporlltsher wlt1ansom dr swim s1ep bow plank. swordltsll gear outriggers. ball tankl. 11•111 H1•11, S.lri . ~~'!V.~!!!~f! .... -~ !~ Rent 26 motor home sips 8 lully tooded 645-8616 Earle Ike TOYOT•-•ouo ,, .......... . c .... ~ .. "'4._tJOJ., U .. '4'1 etc Brand new electro· WI llY nlc• ln<:I VHF ADF. LO· IMMACULATE 27 M/H USED CARS & TRUCKS ran, 1uto Ptlot. 2 latho· tor rent, call 646-4548 COME tN OR CALL FOR meters knot meter, C· lor rnlo FREE APPRAISAL · lamp ate Very laat. long f1we11 ftl~•I '110 Corm1er-OeL1llo r1nge for dlvlno or ft· ••. • •••w"•A•N••T•E•D• ••••••. ClllYRa. rY sh1ng Take over pay· ~• manta of $372 mo + 18 10 20 Tr11181 Tr11ter 18211 BEACH BLVD. $15.000 casn for my 545-8353 HUNTINGTON BEACH . equity or good lrlr boot Sturcralt 7 tent lrlr. su""'r _Ul-10111 5'1-JH1 or tone car 645-9190 "" Clas11c 18' Lapstr1ke Century bey boat. 4 cyt. Grey $3500 675-6161 cond bll·on neater T n.l4 s2soo 494·8232 op 1JU111ar T!!i!!!'.t .. ~'!!!'T..!.~!~ Paid Utility trlr 18 It Thunderbird 50 HP Evlnrude, Tratter. New· Nds some work $40. 960-5543 For Your Carl ,, ........ po r I Harbor M oortn g liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil S2250 (714) 985-8007, (213) «2·3240 da LIHel•·•tr..,, 2626 HarbOr Btvel ont• TIUSHI Mlde from Foro Cou11er 13' Boston Whaler. 40hp bo• wltopc>er. nu paint. Mere. uneler warr .. $3900 536-9832 Mitch 6•8·9001 l~~~~~~~~~I ''78 SklpJeck. 24' op•n A1te i.mn 11111 crulMf. 130 t1/p, volvo I~ Hll Ott , au t o pltot •••••••••••••••••••••• &42-654'0ev LITE BOOY WOAK & '73 32' Luhr• Sportn9her paint/up 10 50% on ~r lwn 22$ Chrya w/Npt boely lhop Mt 53&-9832 a c h , 11 p a 2 e . 5 o o AN C"8lly tru<:k pena. "' 1141-0351 all S t on 10 olue l Rblt trenamlulon from $11S & up. 511o4-1150 Costa Mesa 5'0·5e30 Prem11.1m prlC89 patd for any u98CI cw (foreign or dc>mesllcl In gooel Con<litlOn See Us Fltttl \Ol TH ( o .\ \f Dodge .•e 11.1111t11· "''d f•~l.t \1,.,,, !Ml) 0.L'WI ....,_, CUh lmmeCllately for ycwr vel'tlClt Oo- '· ~ I I . . ... . . <'I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 12, ~982 MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • • ATLAS CHRYSLER..f'LYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocks aouth of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete I ,body shop. Sates. Service. Parts. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. HACH IMPC>ln'S ' 848 Dova Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 752·0900. Call ua. we're the spec1a11.sts tor Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & t.4aeerat i . • THIODORI ROllNS FORD ·Modern NIH, .. rvlce. parts. body, ~int & tire d-epta. Competitive rate• on leaM & dally rental•. 2060 H~rbor 'Blvd., Colla MHa. 842-0010 or 540-6211, JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLN MllCUIY '2928,Harbor Blvd .. Co•ta Meu. Tet. 5"40-5830. 57 Vear• -of friendly family Hrvlce -Orange County'• oldfft Lin· eoln-M«cury dealerahip. . . SOUTH COAST DOMI 2M8 Harbor Blvd .. Coata Meea. T.i. 540-0330. RV Mrvlce tpeelallae.. ~.uatom van convwllona. Tel., NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station. Sales, Service, Leasing & Parts. We make great deals! 0 MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-9100. Orange County's Largest Cadlllac dealer. Sales. Service. Leu- ing • DAVID J . PHILLIPS IUICIC-PONTIAC.MA%DA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway L.aguna Hills 837·2400 • . CHICK IVi ltSON PORSCHl-AUDl·VW 415 E. Coaat Hwy .. Newport Be.oh. 673-0900. The only dealership in Orange County with the" thrH great make• under one roofl • ALAN MAGMOM rQfn.lC.SUIAllU 2'80 Harbor Blvd .. Co1ta Meta. Tel. 549-4300. Sal ... S.Vlce, ~11lng.~'Mr. Goodwrenclh." • • CLAlllC AUTOMOllUI 18& Newton Way, Cotta MeM. Tt t 13t.1393 "JAQUAA8 OUR t.PICIA&. TY" Xt< 120'alt~'a/180'al~·TW* ..... -..,._.. -IWtoratlona IOI LOM&HE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminster Tel. 892-665L Orange County 's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership. Safes. Service. Parts. • DICK MILLll PIAT /LANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Flats In Southern Catilorr !" (located 1 mlle north of South Coast Plaza near Matn St. and Warner Ave. In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Warner. Santa Ana 557-2132 • SAMTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana. Tel. 558-7811 . Your• Original Dedicated Datsun Dealer. • MlltACLI MAZDA We'v. movedl Our new locatlon 11 1425 Baker Street. Colta MeN. Tel. 545-3334. Stop by & visit our brand new lhowroom and IH why wa·n1 the #1 Mazda dealer In Southern California. Sales, Service. Parts end Leasing. • AMAHllM MAZDA ''Olllr o.c. ......... •• ~ ...... W.C..." 801 S. Anaheim Blvd .. Anaheim 956-1820. Juat north of Banta Ana Ftwy. on Anaheim Blvd. C.11 us 11,..11 "WE ARE HARO TO ANC>-iSUT WORTH ITI' • SADOUIACllMW/SUIAIU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy •• AVflfY Pkwy eiclt We off• What no bank or IHM company can: 1. Expertly lllffed, mott modern aervlce & Ptrt• Oept.; 2. One of the louthl~'t mo11 e•penenced .,. & lelllng 1tllff; 3 . lllmlMllon of the middleman by lelllng deal• direct. 8'1 •ICMO MIMlon V FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. .4 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-6410 Servmg Orange County for 16 years 1 Mile So. 405. SUMSET FORD. IMC. (Home of Willie the Wh11ei 5440 Garden Grove. Blvd .. Westminster. Tel. ~4010. • ORANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd .. Garden Grove Tel. 530-9190. Eicclualvely Volvo to cover 111 your Volvo reQulrementa. NeweUMd•Sales•Leaalng•Parts•Servtce-Body Shop Freeway close In the heart of Orange County al Garden Grove Blvd. & Broo61hurst. • COMMll.L CHlftOUT .2828 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mela. Over 20 yeen MfVlng Orange County! Sales. leasing, MNice. C.11 54fj.1200; IP9Qlal parts line; 546--9400; bOdy shop line; 75-4-0400. 0 IOY CAIVM aous IOYCHMW 1540 Jambor" Roed, N.wpot't BMch. MCMM4-4. Sa .... s.tvlce. Part• And Leaalng. COMSIDH FT SOLDt lJMd c:a,. are In demand end Mii q"cklywhen edYtttlled • In cllMillec:t. To pltc;e your prlvete party ed. clll SallV Lee • 1142-5871 ,\ • 111111 ClllT Ylll 11111111 llllY NPll r , , ' r J 1 ' r, 'I 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 , : . · I ll!f\Nt ·' l 1 ll Jl'J I' ' /\l ll I,, .,,r.., .··, (IN,., Maryland rnOnster tale spices Monday BALTIMORE (AP) -A Maryland man says he has a videotape of a 30-foot snakelike creat ur e swimming in Chesapeake Bay, and experts from the Smithsonian Institution plan to examine it. Hobert Frew, a businesmnan trained In wildlife managemenl at the University of Maine, said he filmed the creature May 31 from his bayside home at Love Point on Maryland's Eastern Shore. "Number one, it's big, and number two, it s ure as hell doesn't belong here," he said. George Zug, chairman of the department of vertebrate zoology at the Smithsonion's Museum of Natural History, said the largest water snakes and eela common to the bay usually grow no longer than about four feet. He said the U.S. HJediation rejected videotape will be viewed nex1 month. A Baltimore-based group that Investigates claims of ''paranormal" occurrences, the Enigma ProjeCt, has examined the four-minute videotape. "I've heard reports of these slJ1thtinas -unsubstantiated - back to the 1930s," aald one of the group's founders, Mike Friu..ell. "Up to this point, it's been a myth." The creature caught on film was 30 to 3~ feet long, Frew said. ln ~rth, he said, "it's about the size of a good sized person's thigh" -about 10 inches In diameter. "My mind says It's a snake," Frew said, but the shape of Its head -"a little more round than a football" -makes him doubt that hypothesis. Asked about other characteristics, Frew said with a PLO 'will . not leave 83 die • • Ill lll3JOr battle BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -A Palestinian leader, voicing defiance of Israeli guns and American mediation, vowed today, •·we are not leaving Lebanon." George Habash, speaking as a U.S.-arranged cease-fire stilled the guns around Beirut, told The Associated Press that the Palestinians also reject the idea of American troops participating in a peacekeeping force to supervise the disengagement of I sraeli forces and Palestine Liberation Organization guerrillas. The firing between Israeli and Palestinian forces Sunday was the h eaviest slnce the siege began. setting large portions of the city on fire and killing 83 and wounding 21 l. according to Lebanese police. WAITING FOR A RIDE -Two boogie board riders appear to be walking on water about 25 yards off the shoreline off Bluebird Canyon in Laguna Beach. Actually, the pair are standing on rocks, waitin~ for a ride. The riders would 0.-, "°' "'°40 1tJ Tom ...,.... launch themselves from the rock as a wave would arrive, thus saving the trouble of kicking and paddling. It appears there was a slight lull in the wave action at th e time this photograph was taken. Habash's comments indicated that a wide gap still exists between Israeli and Palestinian negotiating positions as U.S . presidential envoy Philip C. Habib tried to negotiate a peaceful end to the siege of Beirut. He said the PLO would not discuss leaving LebanoQ until Israeli troops pull back from Beirut, a demand that Israelis' have rejected. County mulls fees for dumps Habash, the leader of the Soviet-backed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, one of the most radical factions in the PLO. talked to AP correspondent Alex Efty in a small west Beirut apartment. Proposed assessm en ts would b e b ased on ton nage By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL of'IMDlll!y ..... la.ft Users of the four landfills In Orange County may 900n face dumping fees based on the tonnage of material deposited. County s upervisors are scheduled to meet at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Hall of Administration in S.nta Ana to consider the f ee schedule proposed by a consulting firm that has been analyzing the county's landfill needs. About 10,000 tons of rubbish pout into the county's landfills each day. Proposed is a $7 per ton fee with a $1 per ton surcharge for 11 hard to handle" material. Mate rial deposited at intermediate transfer stations and later removed to landfills would get a $10.50 per ton levy. STATE The fees would apply to all land fill users. Commercial disposal operators wouJd bear the brunt o{ the cost. It is estimated by Robert · Dinsen. a Garden Grove City Councilman, that the proposed fees would cost the Garden Grove Sanitary District an additionaJ $750,000 annually. 'They don't have the money," Dinsen said. A ccording t o a letter to supervisors from R.A. Scott, director of the county General Services Agency, the cost of operating and equipping landfills will top $23 milllon during the current fiscal year. "This budget merely keeps the operation afloat and does not Fonda due lor r elease LOS ANG~ (AP) -Doctors expect actor Henry Fonda, 77, to be released ln a few days from Cedara-Slnai Medical Cent.er, where he baa been undergolng treatment for a urinary tract infection. COUNTY How do you lilce it, Ozzy'! Oay Olboume, who once bit off a bat'• Mad durt.na a rock concert, wu on th• recetvb'I end of a bUe at Uan Country Safari. P• Be. 'Computer llter•oy' ~ulred ueompuaer lher1_oytt}1 1 req_~lrement for .-..11an lft dw .... ..._. V.U.y lJnifild lchaol ............. \ take into account enonnous costs required to assure the county of a place for rubbish to be disposed of in the future," Scott said. Habash said the Palestinians would not accept American participation in a peacekeeping force because ''the United States is part of the ag~ression ." Market gains big NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market posted a broad gain in he~vy trading today, resuming the rally it began late last week. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials. UP 17 .13 points last week, roee 9.13 to 823.25 after four hours of trading. Gainers held a 3-1 lead over 106ers among New York Stock Exchange-listed IJlsues. Analysts Said a sharp decline in open -market interest rates Thuniday and Friday provided WORLD the initial spark for the rally. A further plus wa.. the FederaJ Reserve's report Friday of a $3.7 billion drqp in the money supply for the week ended June 30. The Fed staliatlcs eued fears that a July surge In the money supply would translate into upward pressure on Interest rates. With open-market money rates falling , there were widespread hopes of some reductions soon in major banks' prime lending rates. Train crash kills 35 TEPIC. Mexico (AP) -A pueenger expreea train known as the Bullet jumped the rails near thil Pacif le cout city and plunged into a ravine. kil1ina u many u 35, authorities said today. The train waa bound Sunday from Nogales to Guadalajara. Brides burned in India Growtna numben of youna women ln India .,.. dytna from Dw-m afwr their pantnt.t failed to pay prorriiMd dowri& ... A4. Who won 1p11oe w•n P Columna.t M HopjJI ... oC dw lftd Of ll ~ ol ""' wan. rw1 _,, who "°" Oft P11t M . t • lau~h, •11t seemingly doesn't eat people, because It swam within ~O feet of them." On the tape's sound track, Frew, his wife and two friends were heard shouting to a group of swimmers that the creature was nearing. The creature dived and then re-appeared beyond them. "If they'd seen it at eye level. there would have been mass panic," Frew said, adding that he used a zoom Lena to fllm the creature from about 200 feet aa it repeatedly broke the surface. "The first time up, we aaw Its head and about four feet back .. the next time about 12 feel ... the next time about 20," he said Most of the animal appeared to be beneath the water and the creature appeared LO have humps along 1ts back. he said. Lebanon' D .. ly "'lot P'holo ltJ IUcNrd ~......, DESIGNING DAY -Marlene Sumbe ra from Irvine performing arts group talks to architect David Klages about details of an Irvine City Center his group is designing. Designs proposed for Irvine's center By GLENN SCOTT ortt1o Dally ""°' Stan Architects or Irvine·s new City Center began today to pencil out designs for the municipa l meeting place despite signs that the size and locauon still aren"t final. The t e am o f d e signe r s coordinated by David Klages Associates of Costa Mesa met this morning with about 30 people representing several interes t groups concerned a bout the center. Then the eight architects adjourned to begin what they called the intuitive process of creating designs that will be functional and meet community wishes. By Wednesday. the team hopes to present at least a hall-dozen designs to the local INDEX representauves for their review, said Tom Hansz from Caudill Rowlett Scott of Houston, a nationally known finn ~ting Klages However. the design starts to take shape. so does debate on whether the City Center should be located on land south of Barra nca Parkway at Jeffrey Road. And the size of the center also is sull at issue. Cit y Manager William Woollett Jr. told the assembly at this morning's meeting that Planning Commissioner Ray Catalano is spearheadin' a movement to relocate the civic complex closer to UC Irvine at University Town Center. The cen t er initially was mt.ended to be developed there, Woollett pointed out. At Your Service A4 Ann Landen 82 Erma Bombed< 82 Movtea B6 Cavalcade 82 National News A3 Claallied C4-8 .P\.lbUc Notices C4 Comica B3 Sports Cl-3 Cro.word B3 Stock Marketa B4 Deetb No\.lcft C4 Televlalon 85 Editorial A6 Theaters B6 DliterWnment B6 Weether A2 Horoecope 82 World Newt A3 SPO R T S I HIP Orange Oo .. t OAll.Y PILOT/Monday, July 12, 1982 0.-, ............ .., MolleN ...... .'l'HE WINNERS -T wo Orange County Fair visitors lug the results of their proficiency in the game booths. The fair ~on ti n ues today th rou gh S unday a t the Costa Mesa fairgrounds. I '• Law01en arrest 103 1; ~t county fair ' While more tha n 111,000 ~pie thronged the opening of the Orange County Fair over the weekend. t here we re 103 people ..Vho didn't have such a great time. 11Those 103 were all arrested for various infractions by the Orange County S he riff's Departme nt, a:.ccording to Lt. Wyatt' Hart. a sl)eriffs department spokesman. ~.Hart said the arrests w ere m.a d e mainly during e ven ing hours ~riday, S a turday a nd Sunday for public drunkenness O<' minors in ~on of alcohol. The number of arrests was not substantial in compar'Uon to the numbers of people attending the fcnr. he added. "We w ant people to have a good time and we want families to come out and know they can have a good time," Hart said . "But there are two things we will not tolerate. We will not tolerate minon with alcohol and we will not tolerate any rowdinem.'' Hart said deputies also will anest adults who obviously are drunk and could pose a pot.ent.ia.1 problem to t.hemlelves o.r oth.ers. Forty-one people were arrested Friday night, 41 again Saturday and 21 were arrested Sunday, he said. Unofficially, 111.557 people a tte nde d the fair over the weekend , he said . MuaJc and ~ muslc can be heard at the Or&nae County "All American" Fair tonl1ht. Elvin 81.ahop will pertonn hJ8 jump boogie wooate. Latin and liawailun rhythms. blues and rouah Mnd ro wdy goodtime music at 'I p.m. and 9 p.m. ln the Amph i th ea t e r , and th e Magnificent Seven take the stase at the Orangeland Pavilion at 8 p.m. (Re lated story A3). Also, the S tunt Actors Western Show will be held at the Country Meadows at 6~0 p.m. and 9 p.m. The fair grounds. located at Falr D r i ve a n d Ne wpo rt Bo ulevard (Route 55) Costa M esa . a r e o p e n tod ay a nd Tuesday from noon to midnight. The fair continues through July 18. Othe r attractions this evening i n clude the Interna t ion al Lumberjack S how at 7 and 9 p.m.: Country Fun Contest at 5:30 p.m .. Funs-A-Poppin Circus at 8 p.m.; Crafts demonstrations he l d all day ; Gym n astic Tumbling Contests at 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.; Gourmet Gallery at 5:30 p.m.: Montezuma's Revenge at 7 :30 a nd 11 p .m .; a nd Hypnotist Vandermeid at 8 p.m . Seni o r Ci tize n s' d ay is Tuesday. Several activities for people 65 years and older are planned. The hat parade contest which includes several categories -especially a class for hats d e pi c t ing t h e fair's "All American" theme -is at l p.m. Special events scheduled for Tuesda.v and open to all fairgoers are Les Brown and his Band of Renown who w ill perform at 8 p.m. at the Orangeland Pavilion: the music of Roy O rbison at 7 p .m . a n d 9 p .m . a t t h e Amp h i theater ; t h e f in al per formance of the S tunt Actors Western Show at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. at the Country Meadows; a lem on pie and o ra nge ca k e contest a t I :30 p.m.; and livestock showing and demonstrations held all day. t<egular admissio n prices are $4 for adults. $1 for children 6 through 12 and children under 6 are adm itted free. Seniors 65 years and older will receive a special priced admission of $ l today. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Parking 1s $1. .Aliens nabbed 'after pursuit ~ ................. . CRITICIZES CALTRANS - Ivan Hinde rake r of Corona del Mar, chairman o( the state Transportation Commission, says de l ays in r oa d construction have been costly. Story Page B l. Boat hits breakwater LONG BEACH (AP) -Three crewmen and 14 passengers were rescued from the 4 l-foot char~f fis h ing vessel Vaque ro today after it ran into the east end of the rock break water In Long Beach H a r bor, Chief Coast Guard Petty Officer Peter Allen said. F our people later w e re reported in stable t'Ondition a t Community Hospital. Another vessel, the Toronado, reported the Vaquero m distress at 3:38 a m. Allen said nearby boats took aboard the passengers and crew while the Coast Guard disp atc hed a helicopter and utility boat with flotation bags to keep the Vaquero from sinking. U.S. Border Patrol qenca were led on an auto chue through the 1treets of San Cleme n te th la mornjng aft.er a driver believed to be smugUng Illegal aUena ran a bOrder patrol checl<polnt. Huntington official dies at 57 Roy How. former Huntington Beach City (elementary) School District trustee and a longtime city employee. died at his home Sunday a t the ~e of 57. F rie nds said Mr. How had been working in his yard when he became dizzy and came into the house to lie down. He suffered an apparent heart attack, said David Sonksen , who served as a trustee along w ith Mr. How from 1977 to 1981. Mr. How. who h a d been purchasing officer for the City of Huntington Beach since 1969. had taken 90 days off late last y~r and early th is year, because of apparent heart problems. He sought re-election to the school board last Novem ber and was defeated by 13 votes. Funeral services are scheduled Thursday at 11 a.m. at the chapel o f Dild a y Brothers Funeral Directors, 1791 1 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach. Mr. How is survived by his . widow. Barbara. three daughters and a son. Swimmer missing off Sunset Beach Followf ng 1 20-mlnute chaR, a gen ts arr ested 22-year-old George Lope:r. Flores of Lynwood on suspicion of aUen amuplin.I a nd detained four Nicar~ he allegedly was attempting .to smuggle Into the country In me t r unk o f h is car, said H.R. Mitche ll . a ssistant agent In charge of the border patrol's San Clemenw station. Mitchell said the car ran the border patrol checkpoint, south of San Clemente on the San Diego Freeway. about 5:15 a.m. With agents m pursuit, the car raced north along the freeway and to the Avemda de la F.strella off-ramp. The suspected smuggler's car t'Ontm ued along San Clemen te city stn-ets -at times. traveling t he w r ong way on on e -way streets Florc-s was arrested when the car strul·k a fire hydran t and was disabled near the intersection of Avt>n1d a dl' la Estre lla a nd Naranja S treet, Mitchell said. Age nt s fo un d thr ee Nicoraguan women hiding in the trunk and a l"h1ld riding in the passenger t'Ompartmen t. he said. Thl' four w ill be held ac; material witnesses, h(· added. F. Archer of Laguna dead at 73 Emc.•rald Bay resident f"ranklin Archer. a former vice president of Robinson':., died Sunday at the age of n Fu n e ral services fo r t h e 24-year Emerald Bay resident will be private. M r A re her was h ead of advertising. and later a vice prc-sident of the department store chain, and worked for Robinson's T h e disappearance of an leg. lifeguards said. for 18 V(•ars. 18-year -o ld youth who was Meanwhile. warm and sunny He was born m Richmond. Va., swimming off Sunset Beach has weathe r d rew tho usands to graduatt'CI from the.• University of been reported by Huntington Orange Coa:>t beaches over the San Dwgo and once worked as an Bea<·h li feguards. weekend. advertising l'Xl'(."Ullve for the San F riends told lifeguards that Newport Beach lifegua r ds Diego Tribune. Mountain climber , John D. Bougues of Downey reported a "real good" turnout of He was head of advert.Ising for disappeared under the water 105.000 S unda y . Saturd a y's Bullcx·k·s in Los Angeles before 15 d • . f II Sunday and they did n't see hun turnout was 90.000. JOmmg Robinson's ' 1es In a surface. Huntington Beach City Beach He IS surv1vro by his widow, FRESNO (AP) _ A S tockton Huntington Beach lifeguards, reported crowds of 75.000 and Polly Pendleton Archer, of the teen-ager was killed whe n he fell who patrol the beach. found no 60.000 S unday and Saturday. fam1lv home. a son. F ranklin bo sign of Bougues respectively. Arch.er. Jr of P lacen tia; a a ut 110 feet while climbing the At Laguna Beach. 22-year-old La h d ds f bo d au g h ll• r . Sa 111 e Ar" her face of a mountam in eastern guna a crow o a ut ~ Fresno County Joel J ohnson o f Lo ng Beach 35.000 both days MacMurray of Laguna Niguel: Chris Simpson. 15. fell when su ffered m1oor mJunes when her A 1 r tempe r at u r es at two sis ters in V1rgm ia: s«>ven his climbing gear failed S unda)' spear gun ac l·td e nt a ll y H untin g t o n clim bed t o 80 grandchildren, a nd four great-aftern~n ~ the ~ncheria Fal~ 1_d_1sc~h_a_r_~_ed~a_n_d~s-tr_u_c_k_h_e_r~1n~t-h_c~_d_e_g_r_~~_s_u_n_d_a_Y_·~~~~~~~~g-ra~n-d_c_h_•l_d_r_rn~~~~~~~~ area north w est of Hun tington Lake. Fresno County sheriff's office reported. Tanning weather Some late night and early morning cioudt, othelWlM 181r Coull! loW 64 high 74 Inland loW 62. high 86 Waler 88 :Elsewhere. ou1er waters nor1hwell wind• 10 10 15 knoll wilh 4 10 6-1001 ... , lnne< w81tlfl, hght V8118bte '#Inell beCOmtng -I 10 IOU1hWftl 10 10 15 knots Wind weves 2 10 3 IMI. IOUl~t swell• 1110 2 feet Low cloud• morn1ng1. sunny allerno<Yls tf.S. Summary Thunderslor-mt .c.tterOCI trom T f XH lll>d the Gull Coast 10 Ille Eastern S.oboard, while tllir skies prevailed from the northern • · Plaint 10 Californle and 1 few showers dampened Ille Pacific Northwelll. Today's foroceal predicted ()leer -•lhor tor moat of Ille nallon. wllh some soollered thunderstorms over the Gull Coast and the Eaatern S.aboard. Highs In lhe 701 and 80• -• forecall tor the nor1hern hall of the nellon and tn Ille 901 over the southern hall. except tor reading• ol up 10 1 10 1n the deurt Soothwetl Tomperalures around Iha nation before dawn from 50 in Yellowstona. Wyo . lo 96 In PhOonlx. Ariz. California The Nattona! Woall'ter ~ l)(odlcls rn«o tunlhlne T UOlday ()flQa m«ning c1oud9 doer along lhO COH I. 0Har11 Should gel 90UlllWWI wtndtt p 11nQ to 25 mph In t h o a fternoon and ovoningl. Ufeguord• roponod 1 Sundiry COYnt of 116.000 ~· lrom 8-' Booc:fl 10 Long a..on. 300,· 000 fforn 8An it.dro 10 Marina ot1 Aoy. U 0.000 aroun d Santa Montca, t00.000 In Mllilbu Ind ta&,000 •• ZUm• A l 11111 teO rucuu w1rt :'" tlthougti lht .... -- tumm•r woatllor 0110 11 1>1lfW!lno emoo olttl•. r,,. '°"'" coett Air OuOllly ~· !Mnl Oltlflet predicted llY llf l0t ~lnlMIM = •• ,. ~ 11111 l.n v:i:::.:: • llfl"' .,,. .. ' """' v~~::.-w:: II\ .~ -:r~ .. ..:,=: Jfli 1 uetOay allernoon with a 2· to 4·1001 IOUlhwe819'1y swell. Nonllweal wln<1S could reech 2• knots wt1h 7· 10 10-fool seas out 60 miles trom Ille point 10 S11n1a Roaa Island Temperatures NATION HI Lo PfC. Alti.ny 85 70 08 Albuque 98 66 Amlflllo 76 59 .59 Ast10V1lle a. 64 .62 Atlanta 85 67 .16 Al\&nlc Cty 77 70 48 Auattn 97 75 Balllm<><• 86 71 64 S8 06 Bllltng• 81rm1ngl\m 90 71 16 Front1: Cold .,. Wflffl .,... ~..,. SlaltONrY •• Blsmarcil 8o/M Bo11on 8'own1vllo ButlalO Burl•nglon Ceeper Ch1tlttn SC Chlfllln WV Charlne NC Cheyenne Cnk:ego Cincinnati Cleveland Clmb1a SC COiumbus Oel·FI Wiil Dayton Oenllef 0.. MOlnes Oetron Oululh El Puo F1tgo RaQstatt Gr.tF ... H#tfotd ........ HonaMu HouMon lndneplll Joellen MS Jaektnvtle K-Cfty Knox~ LM veoee 81 S3 91 61 80 62 96 73 8<1 65 88 71 64 so 90 76 86 67 88 70 77 52 77 56 87 62 83 60 91 n 83 60 93 7' 64 60 84 54 82 65 82 60 78 S8 101 63 82 57 M 49 13 58 .. .. • N • 75 M 79 79 6 1 93 73 9$ .. 72 u ... 85 71 108 77 Utllo FIOCk 90 ea Loulavllle 85 &6 <11 Lubl>OCll 86 eo 69 Memphis 92 78 Miami 87 90 Mllw8UICM 79 83 .05 Mpls--Sl.P 83 82 Nathvllle 90 69 19 N-O<loant g2 76 1.13 New York 81 72 Nori Olk 86 76 17 OS 01 No. Plall• 84 53 Okla City 8g 70 Omaha 82 65 06 Orlando 93 74 PhllOdphia 88 74 02 Photnl• 112 82 16 .02 Pitts bur~ 81 63 Ptlond. 78 55 Ptland, Ore 83 59 .71 ~Ollldonco 82 M RMlgh 90 71 50 =:o ...... 95 55 t2 ta San AnlonlO " 73 Soettlo n M ltli••IPO" .. 10 14 Slouxfalla ... 57 SILCIW to 83 .12 St P-Tempe 90 78 St s .. Morie 87 47 .27 S9o61-.. 83 09 Syroc:wo 13 72 Topeka ... 83 lllf IEPllT .... ..... ,.., = = . ..... ,...,. 11 .. 11 ' TIOll -UP '"' ~ I H 1 1111 CAUFOftNIA Balcert!Hlld 101 78 Btyllle 110 Eureka 67 57 Fresno 98 70 Lencatttlf 97 &6 LOI AZffel08 87 63 Maryevlle 98 Monterey 63 Noodles 110 Oakland 67 58 Peso Robles 98 57 Red Bluff 100 70 ROClwOOd Clly 79 59 S1cramen10 94 60 Sallnaa 64 51 San oteoo 75 65 San Franc;JICO 60 5" Sanlt Barbera 77 59 Santa Marla 70 Sloelllon 98 63 Thermal 110 Ukiah 90 ear.t-t04 71 Big her 12 4o Catalina 7' ' Lake ArrCNltlead .. Long Bo4ldl S3 62 MOnrovla 99 57 Ml Witton 83 64 On1aflo 97 eo Paudone 93 61 Son Bomotdlno " 58 Ion"'°°' 12 57 aan1a AN It 61 Smog Wiier• to call (toll troo) tor lot• ::&:::'metlOn: Of:"!: fy'. J"'°' 445-Mtt Loa ntetH ounly: (100) 14~ end ..,, '°"'""'° ~(@GO) M7--.7t0 Hi,.~ .... ~ (IOO) Tldet .. .. • One Tool Does It All! The Shopsmith MARK V Th• tool to 1tert with ... th• system you grow wtth. See how the MARK V W111 give you t~ accuracy you need to make hOme repa11s or remodel, build line furniture and cabinets. create g1hs tor lam1tv and Ir rends -and do 11 as well as fhe wo00wort<1ng exper1S' You can even stat1 your own moneymaking business The Shopsm1th MARK v is a wnat1le and complete hOme WO<kshe>P that takes no more space than a bicycle In this compact and economical unit you get the f~ r1IC* ~ workshop toots: • 1 (Y' Tllble Saw • 1 6 W' Vertical [)riff Press • Honzontal Boring Machine • :w Lalhe • 12" Dit<: Sandef Come and ... it In Ult and lind °"1 how you can MVe during 1hiS llmlled-time ~direC\ sale. r··---~---······----···--------------' Ill! LIVI DIMONlll'ATIONI DAILY AT: l Orange ·county Fair· Oran .. County Fair and • lxhlbltlon Center Coetll M ... Prl., JUIJ • thru lun •• JUIJ 11 D•llJ Noon • 11&00 p.m • l'rl.•lun., 10 eema•11:00 p.m. AdmlNlon C,..,,.d ................................ Stop by at our demonstration and learn about ... Umited·Time Summer Sale Savings PLUS • FREE Bonus Merchandise yours with the purchase of a MARK VI FREEGll=T for attendmgi - Bring alono the coupon below and claim your FREE Shop6mllh WOOd-~ng G=• -~ WI ···• miWf~ lellal~ ltwt!=youc»-termine hi proper needed '°'professional-looking results and help eliminate wasied ~ PLUS a FREE one-.,_, aublcription to HA.~~~~l~bi·monlhtynation­al~"" magazine. - ._.,.,h:, .,.. __ °""""""' "9hOclMllll\ Inc t M2 • • • • I WORLD Argentina sanctio IJ fte A11oelate4 Preti Preltdent Regan today lifted the IC'ClnOlnk aancttona lmpoaec1 a1aln1t Ar1entlna lfttr It lnvaded the Falkland Ialanda and Called on all thoee lnvolved ln the confUct between AratnUna &nd Brt\aJn to put the diapute behind them 11and to work for frlendahlp and cooperation." The 11nctlon1 Included wl\hholdlna new Export-Import Bank credit•, Insurance a nd lifted ' uarantffl; and new Commodity Credit Corp. anteet. &at military aancUone impoeed durtnc the r adminJatraUon 11 a rwult of human rllhta Udtll ~ _ Ar1entlna and conUnued dun~ the •lkland J.aJanda confUct, will remain, accord1na to Written llltement releued from the White HC>UM WuhiJlltOn, 0 .C. Bedtime story for quee 1 LONDON -Queen Elizabe th II found a prowler aitting on her bed ln Buckingham Palace and chatted with him for 10 minutes to keep him calm until she could summon a footman to take him away, the Daily Express reported today. lt said the 56-year-old monarch was unharmed and "unruffled by her ordeal." ''The queen was very brave," the Express quoted an unidentified senior police detective as Iran reported poised . NEW YORK -U .S . reconnaissance photographs show Iranian forces are massing along Iran's border w ith Iraq for a possible attack, Time magazine reports. In its July 19 edition, Time quotes unnamed U.S. experts as saying the Iranians may be ready to attack as early as this week. Units from all over Iran , includin g eight d ivisions formerly posted along the Soviet border, are moving rapidly into NATION ylna. "By being calm ahe dtd not alarm the men or he would have panicked and It miaht ti.~ n a completely different atory." The report of the bizarre encounter Friday prompted calls from legislators for a government inquiry into security tor the royal family. Workmen spent the weekend strl"8lng barbed wire atop the old Iron spikes on the brick wall around Buckingham Palace. attack place, it said. The photographs show Iranian troops poised for an assault at three points along the 700-mile border with Iraq: near the port of Basra, the site of rraq's major oil production facilities; ln the center, near Amara, where Iranian troops are entrenched within 200 miles o{ the Iraqi capital. Baghdad; and in the north, where Kurdish dissidents have been causing unrest. accordln~ to Time. Tower issued wind she r alert KENNER. La. -Cockpit recordings from a Pan Am jet may show whether the crew heard control tower reports of potenually dangerous wind c u r re n ts be fo re t h e p 1 a n e too k of f i n a thunde rstorm and crashed m1nutes later , investigators say. The National Transportation Safety Board said two wind shear alerts were issued about a minute ipart, 71/z minutes before Flight 759 crashed aft.er keoff Friday just outside New Orleans, killing all 45 people aboard and eight on the ground. But the National Transportation Safety Board efused Sunday to speculate whether wind shear- npredictable d ownwa rd bursts of winds that isrupt normal rur currents -caused the nation's nd-worst plane crash. Japanese probed in dr~g use DETROIT -Federal investigators ~e probing allegations that two Japanese drug com nies tried to buy information o n cancer resea ch from employees of U.S. pharmaceutical fi ms, The Detroit News has reported. The investigations began this mo h after authorities received unconfirmed re ts that Japane:ie busin essme n o ffered "sub tantial payments" to employees of several U.S . firms. ccording to an unidentified Justice Qepartment urce quoted by the newspaper in itS Sunday itions. The Japanese businessmen allegedly wanted trade secrets on recent research to produce interferon. a cancer-fighting drug. by genetic engineering, the Jusoce Department source told the News. New Chicago arch ish,p praised CHICAGO -Roman Catholics have res in prayer and with praise to the appoin new archbishop for the nation's largest arch shaken in the past year by allegations of fu· \flC:ial improprieties and the death of its leader. Archbis h op Joseph L . Bernardin ~elcomed during the homily at two masses Sunday m Holy Name Cathedral and was mehtioned in prayers at other churches throughout the city. Bemardln, named to the post Saturday by Pope John Paul Il. remained In Cincinnati. where he has served as archbishop slnce 1972 Mayor accidentally ~ot by cops GALLITZIN. Pa. -A gun-wielding ma. trying to help officers surrounding a nearby ho was mistaken for a fugitive and accidentally s l and wounded by a police chief from a nearby to authorities said. "We feel bad because the mayor was comin~ Cops shoot 2 robber LONG BEACH -Three undercover L Angeles police detectives shot and killed two me who allegedly refused orders to freeze and pulled gun after leaving the scene of a liquor sto robbery. Long Beach police said. The three detectives, investigating a string o earlier robberies, were following a vehicle believi Pair face Reagan fra LOS ANGELES -A Loe Angeles couple u scheduled to be arraigned today on charges the tried to bilk Ronald and Nancy Reagan and othe ln a scam to buy the Reagans' Pacific Palisad home. according to a published report. Ann Yarbrough, 74, and her husband James, 60. were charged with grand theft and conspir in a complaint drafted by the Los Angeles County ORANGE COAST D1ilyPilat ThomelP. H-.W Nllllls .... cNlr ~{--.. °"'- ~ ~ .... .....,, .. ~ Tom MurptlN .... =.~ '°"' 4 Ken GodcMrd .... .-a.-- =-.~ o.tel&.oo. ......... our aid," said Police Chief Joseph Fox aft.er the sh ooting in this south-central Pennsylvania borough of about 2,300 residents. The injure d mayor, James Dignan, was reported in stable <.'Onditlon Sunday at Altoona Mercv Hospital. to have been used in the robberies when the occupants parked and entered Willoma Liquors Saturday night, Capt. Robert Tally said. The two men allegedly took an undisclosed amount of cash and two bottles of wine and fled the store. Tally said, r eading Crom a prepared slatement. charges District Attorney's office, according -to the Los Angeles Times. The complaint accuses Mra. Yarbrough of trying to bilk the Reagans. their attorney and four other people through an allegedly fraudulent attempt to purchaae the Reagans' 4,784-tquare foot, five-bedroom ranch-style home. the newspaper said in its editions today. LAX seek s polish tor poor image LOS ANGELES -The A.lrport c.om.nu..ton ta pey1ns a publlc relationr company $'1.51,- 000 to convince c.ravelera that the expanelon of Loe Angeles Inte rnational Alrf)ort will be worth any Inter im conaeaUon hetldaches. The $7&0 mUUan ~1\ proaram , scheduled for completion before the city ~ta the ~r Olympics bestnftinl ln July 1984. lncludM two new terminal• and an elevated roadway to tm00th U1dfic flow. ACTION -It's a real free-for-all when actors from the United Stunt Artists group get together at the Orange County Fair. The Oeity Not pfMICO by lleft Ir ..... 27-member troupe is trying to break m~ movies and television. Rip-snortin' western at fair Sarsaparilla Gulch doomed for d estruction this week By STEVE TRIPOLI O{'tfle Delly Hot llaff The Old W est town ot Sarsaparilla Gulch probably isn'1 the kind of place where you'd want to raise a family M0&t of the inhabitants get killed. the place gets busted up and the nice buildings get nddled with bullet holes -twice a day Sarsaparilla Gulch 1s the home of t he Stunt Actors Western Show. Both the wwn and the show are residing at the Orange County Fair through Tuesday The show 1s the brainchild of the fl edgling Orange County· based United Stunt Artists. a group of 27 young actors and actresses formed seven months ago. The 27-member troupe's two nightly shows have their share of <.'Owboys falling off roofs. into horse troughs and over poker table's as a friendly drunk and an unfriendly pokC'r game turn Sarsaparilla Gulch into a ~·enc of mayhem. Workers at Knott's reject union bid Although Knott's Berry Fann employees have overwhelmingly voted against unionization. one labor leader says the company intimidated balloting workers and he vows to seek a new elect.ion. But a general partner of the amusem e nt pa rk says the intimidation allegations are not true. A spokesman for the AFL· CIC-Teamster coalition that tried for a year to organize park employees said the 14 unrons intend to file unfair labor practice charges against Knoll's management. R ay Brage n accused th ~ compan y o f quest ioni n g employees about how they would vote , m eeting with them "one-on-one about the union." telling them h ow to vo te . offering to give a day's pay to union opponents if they would show up to vote. and stationing management officials near the polling place. ·•At the least. we would hope the National Labor Re lations Board w o uld set aside the e lection because of Knott's conduct and order a new one ... Bragen said. "A few months ago. I thought we had a pretty good c hance. but i t 's an almost impossible situation now." The vote was 1,35-4 against un1omz.ing to 230 in favor "W e are very pleased," Marion Knott said of Friday's 6-1 margin against umoniz.auon . ··But we are most happy at the trust our people showed m us and that they want things to contrnue as they have been without bringing rn a third party." Britain vows POW return LONDON (API -Britain announced today rt 1s sattsfied Argentina considers hostilities ended in the undeclared war owr the Falkland Islands and 1t will return all remaming 593 Argentine prisoners. The announcement came a month after the surrender of Argenti n e for(·es o n th e Falklands June 14. a period in which fighting had stopped but Britain waited for Argen tine assurances that hosllhlles m the South Atlantk were over. The Foreign Office announced that following an exchange of messages and "varrous other indications ... Bntarn 1s n ow satisfied that "the Argentine government accepts that at·tive hostilities are at an e nd." Tht• ~ho w at tral·ted good l.'rowrl~ to the s tage o f the Countrv Ml•odows area over the wc·<'kend Mtl·hael Baron. l'o·pres1dent of t ht• grt>Up. :.aid things l·ame t11gC'tht·r after th<' members rt~pondl'd to an <1dvert1sement in LI tradt· magazine.· All of tht>m had some l'Xpt•rwm·l· in acting. dan<.-e or 1 twa1<•1 b<•lon• pooling their tal£'nt ... a s ~tunt m en a nn i.tunt woml•n (there are five womC'n m th<.• troupe). he sard Though all the members still must hold oth<.'r JObs to make· l' n d s m <.' <.' t . b o o k 1 n g s a r e bcg1nn1ng to pil(' up for the remamdc·r of this year. Baron said. Tht· group alrl'ady IS signed for pNformanc·es at Big Bear Lake. th<.• lrvint• Street Ff'Stival. 1 ht• Ora ngl' St re et Fa1 r . thl· OktobC'rfl'st and at Camp Pendleton. he said . Their m•xt goal 1s to obtain bal·kmg fo r an l l -month 38-state tour in 19~3. said Baron The players take their stunts seriously. but are hoping that the added d1mensron of acting and a :.how will help set them apart. Baron -.ard 'I hev trarn on a n I I-acre Temecula ranc.·h. wrth specialists in stunts involvrnR frght sc-enes. hand c·ombat. horses. autos. motorcydt>S. high falls and other s1tuatwns as teal'hl'rs. Baron !.aid the group's goal. as1d<' from making stunts a full - t1m1.• 1x.'(·upat1on. 1s "to entt•rta1n the· chtldrC'n of America from age I tu I 00 C'VC'n though that may sound wrny ". The· t'OSt of putting on a show 1s k<.'(>ptn~ things financially light · for the Santa Ana-based group now. Baron said. Ea<:h 25-minute show at the fair <'OSts about $500 JUSt for props s uch as breakaway bottles 1S8 eal'h). al'T'munition :ind RUn rentals. he said. One bright spot is that the group has recently been asked to affthate itself wuh a Hollywood stuntmen's unit. an opportunity _ that may open the door to telev1s1on. movie and commercial ' opportunities. Baron said .. . , A • 1• ' a.;.r v:z,ry own bT'Ll5hzd. fX>phn~nt .. 9nzot etyhng- ~ top~, riap-CMZ.r wet.ch pocl<a.t, 'reek ~ pxkq,t and 'W.lt<Zd 91Qq. ea.ams w.~t.i.l.e, aa5Y c.ani.~ dure°blq. and ~t ~· fa~ cotor.e lil<tz. ten, TY!NYi pcz.wl<z.r I rad ,)'Z-1 low end. K.a.l ly. ~aloru . l I : II I t I .i • ' .. • I t . . I • I I . • , . 'I : ·-: . • .. i NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS l llOfATIOlit !NCLUH 'HOU O" .... '"' HW YOH .Ml9Wll"T, '-'Cl,.C, PIW, IOtYOlll, OUIOIY a•o CllfC .. IH TI tToe• ll(MHHI Alft ••tiO•'flttY"Y~I llllAtO & .. OllU fllfU Price of gas to stabilize? LOS ANGELES (AP) -Banina eome cona!rted acdon by the Orpniz.atJon of Petroleum ExporUna C.ountries, retaJl gas prices 1hould be 1tabtll&in8 af u;r nine weekl of steady lncreues, oll lnduatry analys\ Dan Lundberg says. Lundberg's survey of prlcea a t 17,000 aervloe stations nationwide indicated that the averase price of all grades of gasoline went up 11.41 cenl.I per saJlon In nine weekt -from $1.1834 to $1.2975 -but that In the last two weeks the increase was only .~ of a cent. The record average price recorded by the 1urvey was $1,3782 a gallon in March 1981. r Corpora te park planned An Irvine-based development firm, Equ1don, announced plans t.o develop Waterldge, a $500 mllhon corpora te office park in San Diego. Designed to attr act high technology firms. research/development companies and corporations seeking relocation sites. Wateridge wiU contain up to two million square feet upon t.-ompletion in 10 years and could potentially utilize up to l0,000 employees ll 1s to be located on a 125-acre parcel 15 rrules north of the downtown area and half a mile south or the Junction of Interstate 805 and 5. Grocery co-op open e d 01versif1ed Properties, Inc. of Irvine leased an anchor store near Phoenix. to Our Grocery Co-Op, lnc .. a non-profit en lerprise with more lhan 3,350 C'harter members who pay S15 per year. The store opened May 17. Non-members may shop at the store by paying 5 percent more at the check-out stand. , Located in Diversified Properties' Youngtown S h o ppi ng Center o utsid e of Phoen ix, the 17,800-square fool store is considered among the first in the nation to "start up" on such a scale. AirCal to start n ew routes AirCal of Newport Beach announced today ll will inaugurate OC-9 Super 80 nonstop service linking the Burbank-G le nda le -Pasadena Airport With San Francisc.'O International Airport etrecuve Aug. 15. s ubject to approval of the Burbank-Glendale- Pasadena Airport Authority. AirCal plans to operate three nonstop round-trip flights Mondays through Fridays between the points and two nonstop roundtrip flights Saturdays and Sundays. AirCal inaugurated service at the airport April 25 when it began fl ying nonstop and direct servit.'e t.o San Jose, Oakland. Sacramento and Seaule using OC-9s. W.R. Grace declares dividend The board of directors of W.R. Grace & Co. has declared an increased quarterly cash dividend of 70 oenta per share on Jts common stock. up from the previous 65 centa. The dividend is payable Sept. 10 to shareholdeni of record Aug. 5. Grace, an intemationaJ firm with interes\8 m chemicals, naturaJ resources and aelect.ed consumer services, operates its New American Restaurant Corp. headquarters in Costa Mesa and headquarters for El Tonto -La Fiesta Rest.auranta, Inc. and Far West Ser vices in Irvine. Grace also operates several restaurants in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa area such as El Tonto, Houlihan's, Coco's and Reuben's Stock paym ent OK'd CINCINNATI <AP) -The Kroger Co. says it will be paid with its own stock for some of its 65 Marke t &sket food stores in Southern California. Federated Oepartml'nt Stores, located just three blocks fro m Kroger in downtown Cmcmnati, wants to buy 17 to 19 of the stores through its Los Angeles- based supermarket division, Ralphs. Kroger said "three other parties" which it did not identify plan to buy 32 stores. The parties also may el~t to pay Kroger with Kroger shares, the company said. Gold, metals quotations Gold By The Associated Press Selected World gold prices today: London: morning Uxing: $338.50, up $10.00. London: afternoon fixing: $343.00, up $14.50. Paris: a fternoon fixing: $334.18. up $15.64. Frankfur t: $339.73, up $15.98. Zurich: late fi xing: $342.00. up $13.50 bid; $342.50 asked. Handy & Harman: only daily quote $343.00. up $14.50. E nglebard: only daily quote $343.00, up $14.50. Engelhard: onl y daily quote fabricated $360.15, up $15.22. - Metals NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices ioday: Copper 68~-70 cents a pound, U.S. destinations. wil 25-28 cen\I a pound. Zbc 37-40 C@hts a pound, delivered. Tia '6.1966 MeW. Wftk composite lb. Mercary $370.00 per flMk. Platla•m $2&4.00 troy oz., N.Y. .SJ Iver Handy & Hannan. $6.29~ per troy ounce. Goldcoina MSW YORK (AP) -Pricel lata Friday of aold -... oampA&Wt wtth Thunda)''• price. .J E l troy oa., NQ.n. up pa.ao. l "'°' •. ·····"' llMO. r.-. 1;2 troY oa.. M11•~• •.oo. AmlrlM 111-...... lfOI &lo)' ... ::tlfl,,I, ..ap •:rt, '°""'' Dllk•Pwll I • I l f I I I \ I i I t I l I I . ( r • f : l ~ I I I w ~ . • • . I . : I f 1 1 I I ; I M 1>NUl\Y Jlll 't 1.' 1'111.' C>HA N <il c <HJN I 't <Al II OHNIA .''•C t tJ 1 ', Maryland HJ0nster tale spices Monday BALTIMORE (AP ) -A Maryland man says he has a videotape of a 30-foot snakelike c r e ature s w i mm i ng i n Chesapeake Bay, and experts from the Smithsonian Institution plan to examine It. Hobert Frew, a businessman trained in wildlife management at the University of Maine , said he filmed the creature May 31 from h is bayside home at Love . Point on Mar yland'• Eaater l'\ · Shore. "Number one, It's big , and number two, it su re a s he ll doesn 't belong here," he said . George Zug, chairman of the depar tment of vertebrate zoology at the Srnithsonton's Museum of Natural Hiatory. said the largest water snakes and eels common to the bay usually grow no longer than about four feet. He said the U.S. Inediation rejected videotape wlll be viewed next month. A Baltimore-baaed group that lnveatlga te s c la i ms o f "paranormal" occurrences, the Enigma Project, has examined the four-minute videotape. "I've heard reports of these sl~htln"8 -unsubstantiated -back to the 1930s," said one of' the g r ou p's founders. Mike Friu.eU. "Up to this point, it's been a myth." The creature caught on film was 30 to 35 feet long, Frew aald. ln girth, he said, "It'• about the size of a good sized person 's thigh" -a bou t 10 Inches In diameter . "My mind says it's a snake," Frew said, but the shape of Its head -"a little more round than a football" -makes him doubt that hypothesis. A s k ed about ot h er characteristics. Frew said with a PLO 'will not leave 83 die • • 1n major battle BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -A Palestinian leader . voicing defiance of Is raeli g uns lffid American mediation . vo+.ied today . "W e a r e not leaving Lebanon." George Habash, speaking as a U.S.-arra nged cease-fi re stilled the gu ns around Beirut. told The Associate d Press t h a t the Palestinians also reject the idea of American troops participating in a peacekeeping for ce to supervise the disengagement of Israeli forces and Palestine Libe r a t io n Organ iza t io n guerrillas. The firing between Israeli and Palestinian forces Sunday was the heaviest since t h e siege began, tettlng large portions of the d ty on fire and kiJllng 83 and w ounding 2 11. accord ing to Lebanese police. WAITING FOR A RIDE -Two boogie board riders appear to be w a lking on w ater about 25 yards off the sh oreline off Bluebird Canyon in ·'Laguna Beach . Ac tually, the pair are standing on rocks. waitin~ for a ride . The riders w ould Delly l'teot ~ lay T-...,...._ launch themselves from th e rock as a wave would a rrive, thus saving t he tro uble of k icking a nd paddling. It appears ther e was a slight lull in the w ave action at the time this photograph w as take n. Habash's romments indicated that a wid e gap still exists between Israeli and Palestinian n egotiating position s as U.S . preside ntial e nvoy Philip C . Habib tried to negotiate a peaceful e nd to the siege of Beirut. He said the PLO would not d iscuss leaving Lebanon until Israeli troops pull back from Beirut. a demand that Israelis have rejected. County mulls .fees for dumps Ha bas h. the leader o f the Soviet-backed Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, one of the most radical factions in the P LO. talked to AP correspondent Alex Efty in a small west Beirut apartment. Proposed assessments would b e based on tonnage . By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 1o<t11eDe11r .......... Users of the four landfills in Orange County may soon face dumpi ng fees based o n the \£.image of material deposited. County s upe rvi sors a re acheduled to meet at 9:30 a .m. Tuesda y i n th e H a ll o f Administration in Santa Ana to cons ide r the fee sch e dule proposed by a ronsultlng firm that has been analyzing the Oounty's landfill needs. About 10,000 tons of rubbish pout Into the county's landfills fllCh day. ~ Proposed is a $7 per ton fee with a $1 per ton surcharge for .\~hard to handle" m a t e rial. Material d e p osi t e d at intermediate transfer stations and later removed to landfills would get a $10.50 per ton levy. STATE The fees would apply to all l a nd fill users . Comme r cial disposal operators would bear the brunt of the cosL It is estima te d by Rob eu Dinsen. a Garden Grove City Councilman, that the proposed fees w ould cost the Garde n Grove Sani tary Dis trict a n additional $750,000 annually. "They don't have the money," Dinsen said. A ccordi ng t o a le tter t o s upe rvisors from R.A. Scott, director of the rounty General Ser vices Agency. t he cost of operating and equipping.landfills will top $23 million during the current fiscal vear. ''This budget merely keeps the operation afloat and does not Fonda due for release LOS ANGELES (AP) -Doctors expect act.or Henry Fonda, 77, to be releaaed in a few days from Cedars-Sinai Medical Cent.er, where he has been undergomc treatment for a urinary tract infection. COUNTY How do you like it, Ouy'! Ony Olboume, who once blt off a bat'• head durtnc a rodt ooncert, w• on the rec»lvinl end of a . bi .. at Lion Country Safari. Pap Be. ' take into accoun t enormous costs required to assure the rounty of a place for rubbish to be disposed of in the future," Scott said. Habash said the Palestinians would not accep t American participation in a peacekeeping force because "th e United States is pa r t of th e ag~resslon ." Market gains big NEW YORK (AP) -T he stock market posted a broad gain in heavy trading today, resuming the rally it began late last week. The Dow Jones average of 30 Industrials. UP 17.13 points last week. rose 10.75 to 824.86 at the close. Analysts said a sharp decline m o pe n -market interes t r ates Thursday and Friday provided the initial spark for the rally. A further plus was the Federal Reserve's report Friday of a $3.7 WORLD billion drop in the money supply for the week ended June 30. The Fed statistics eased fears that a July surge in the money supply wo uld trans la te in to upwa rd pressure on interest rates. With open-market money r ates fall ing , t h e r e we r e widespread h o p es o f some reductions soon In major banks' prime lendin~ rates. T he volume of 75,082,000 shares was the fifth largest in h istory. Train crash kills 48 TEPIC, Mexico (AP) -A passenger express train known as the Bullet jumped the rails near this Pacific roast city and plunged into a ravine, killing as many as 48, authorities aaid today. The train was bound Sunday from Nogales to Guadalajara. Brides burned in India Orowlna numben of younc women ln India are dylna from buma aft« \heir parenca failed '° pay promlled dowri•. Pap A4. 1f'bo won lp,90e w•n r Colulnnlll Art Hoppt telll Ol thl lftd of II ~ of .,.. wan. rbMI au\ who wan on .... Al. • , laugh, '11t teemingly doesn 't eat people, becat.ule It swam within SO feet of them." On the tape's sound track , Frew, his wife and two friends were heard shouting to a group of swimmers that the creature was nearing. The creature dived and then re-appeared beyond them. "If they'd seen it at eye level, there would have been mass panic," Frew said, adding that he used a room lens to film the creature from about 200 feet • It repeatedly broke the surface. "The first time up, we .Aw lta head and about four feet beck . . . the next time about 12 feet the next t.ime about 20." he said. Most of the anJmal appeared to be beneath the water and the creature appeared to have humps along its back. he said. Lebanon' Delly f'llot ~o lay ~ lloeNer DESIGNING DAY -M a r len e S u m bera from Irvine performing arts group talks to architect David Klages about details of an lrvint. City Center his group 'is designing . Designs proposed for Irvine's center By GLENN SCOTT o<tM Delly Not ..... Architects of Irvine's new City Center began today lo pencil out designs f or the m un1c1pal meeting place despite signs that th e size and location still aren't final. T h e team of designers coord~ed by David Klages Associ of Costa Mesa met this mommg with about 30 people representing several interest groups concerned abou t t he center. The n the eigh t arc hitects adjourned to begin what they called the intuitive process of creatin g designs that will be functional and meet t.'Ommunity wishes. By Wednesday. the team hopes to present at least a half-doz.en des i g n s to th e l ocal INDEX representatives for their review . said Tom Hansz from Caudill Rowlett Scott of Ho uston , a nationally known firm assisting Klages However. the design starts to take shape. so does debate on whether the City Center should be located on land south o f Barranca Parkway at Jeffrey Road. And the size of the center also as still at issue. C aty Manage r W illiam Woollett Jr. told the assembly at this morning's meeting that Planning Commissioner Ray Ca ta lano Is spearheading a movement to relocate the civic complex closer to UC lrvine at University Town Center. T he c e nter in itia lly w as intended to be developed there. Woollett pointed out. At Your Service A4 Ann Landen B2 F.rma Bombeck B2 Movieos B6 Cavalcade B2 National News A3 Cluaified C4-8 Public Notices C4 Comics B3 Spona Cl-3 Crcmword B3 Stock Marketa 84 Death Not.Ices C4 Televilion 85 Utorial A6 The.ten B6 EntertaJJunent B6 Weather A2 Hol'OICOpe B2 World Newt A3 SPORTS • t NYSE ~ COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS • .,,,., ..... l•C'-llH n ...... , ... ~·· ............ ,, ... ,., .. , ........... OIHOIT ••• CllllCllOIAfl noc• 11 "AMtH•Mt •tfll09'H l'ff .. l li•ltHei•ITllflt. , DoW Jones Final UP 10 .. 75 CLOSING 824.11 Price of gas to stabilize? LOS ANGELES (AP) -Barring some concerted action by the Organb.ation of Petroleum Exporting Countries. retail gas prkes sh9uld be stabilizing after nine weeks of stead y increases. oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg says. Lundberg's s urvey of prices at 17,000 service stations nationwide indicated that the average price or all grades of gasoline went up 11 .41 cents per gallon in nine weeks -from $1.1834 to $1.2975 -but that in the last two weeks the increase was only .56 of a t-ent. The re<..'Ord average price recorded by the survey was $1 .3782 a gallon in March 1981. Corporate park planne d An Irvine-babcd development firm. Equadon. annourn:ed plans tu <l(•velop Watcridge, a $500 million corporate office park m San Diego Designed lo attract high technology firms. researc·h /devl'lopment companies and t•orpurations seeking rt•luc:auon sates. Watendgt• will w nt.am up to two million square feet upon completion In 10 years and t·ould put<'ntially utilize up to 10.000 t•mployees. It is to be ltX«-llt·d on a 125-atn· part·cl 15 miles north of lhl· downtown <.in.•a and half J mile• south of the junl'tton ot lntt•rst.au..• HO!'i a nd 5. Groce1·y co-op open ed D1v1·rs1f1t·d Prupertit:'S. Im· of lrvtnl' leased an anthor store nt'<.11' PhOC'nix lo Our t;roc:t'l'Y Co-Op. Inc .. CJ non-profit N1lcrprise with mun• th::in :l,350 chartcor mt•mbc-rs who pay $15 per yl•ar. The stun· op<>n1.--d May 17 Non-members may shop at thE' ston· by paying 5 percent more at the l·heck -oul stand Located 1n D1versif1ed Properties' Youngtown Shopping Ce nte r o uts ide of Phoenix , t.ht- 17 ,800-square foot s tore. 1s considered among the first in the nation to "st.art up" on sut·h a S('ale. AirCal to s tart new routes A1rCal of New1x1rl Beac h annoum•1•d todciy it wnt inaugur:He OC·Y Super 80 nonstop S(•fVtl·e linking the· Burbank-Gle nd<tk-Pasadena Airport with San Franc1S(.:O lnlt'rnational Atrporl t-fff-<.'llVl' Aug. 15. subject to approvcil o f tht• Burb<•nk-Glendalc- l:'asadena Airport Authority. A1rCal pl<.ins to operall' thn-c nons tup round-trip flights Mondays through Fridays lx·twt"Cn tht• points and two nonstop roundtrip flights Saturdays a nd Sundays. AirCal inaugurau-0 servwe at the airport April 25 when it began fl ying nonstop a nd direc-t servit-e to San Jose. Oakland. Sat•rament.o and Seattle using OC-9s. .STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Nl:.W YORI( tAPI-~., ... J o.m pro« and Mt ,,,_,. of the llHeen mo~t IOCllve New YOfk Stock E1tcllat1Qe ti-,, tr..:11"9 n.ttlonally at more th.n ll. Ror•rGo 1.0H~..00 11•,.. tlii. Am•rrHess 1.005.100 "'" 1 All Rlcl'lllO •11.100 :14.. '''• IBM 111,IOO •l•1. • .... Eaaon s 1161 .800 U» •n StOOllCal 81',.ao 2&'-111., ConllllCo 110,.00 17~, ~, Pe!>'fCo 1•1.600 3'1•1, • ._ Gen Motors fl'l,600 4 1,,, • 1"' Hallburtn 71S.800 7•'•• l"' SIOOllln<I w.S.SOO Jt'" ''- Am Airlln A1',IQO ····") .. ~1 UnOllCal &1',.00 18 1~ Schlumbrg S71,600 361<. 2 TexKO Inc SSS,100 ,..,, .. UPS AND DOWNS Pct. Up Ht UP 14.l U1> 14 t Up 1' 1 Up 11.3 Up 10.I Up 10.l uo 10.0 Up t 1 Up t .7 Up t .S Up t .4 Up l .S Vo I • Up L1 Up 1.1 VP LO Up 7.1 uo 1.1 Up 1.1 Up 1.l UP 7.0 Up 1.0 Up 1.0 Up &t P<I on 11,J Oii ll.• Off ti.I 011 '·' Oii l.t Off l.J Ott 1.1 Off 7.8 Off 7,7 Oii 1.1 ()fl '·' Off 1.t ()ff 7,1 Off 7.1 ()fl "' Oii •• 1 Oft •• , Off ... E t! Off u ~ ::f ~ ,,J AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW VOA>< (API -!>POI nonferrous •n('1a1 prices today Coppe< 68'o-70 cent5 a pouriO. U.S <Jes11,,a1tons lb Leed 25-28 Gents a pe>ond Zinc 37-40 ce,,1s a Pound dellV9fed Tin $6 1966 Melals Week com1><>slle Aluminum 76-77 cet1ts a pound. N Y Mercury $370 00 PM lies~ Platlnum Si64 00 troy oz N Y SILVER Ha,,dy & Harman. $6 2115 per troy OOl'Oe GOLD QUOTATIONS B; TIMI Auoclated Pfeu Se1ec1eo World gold p1tce1 today London: mornlllQ f1x1no: $338.50, us: 11000. London: 11t1ernoo" fixing: $343 00, up $14.50 • Parle: alternOOf'I fixing. $334. t8. up $15 64 Frenllurt: $339 73, up S 15.98. Zur'lch: 11te fixing. S342.00. up $13.50 Old, $342.50 asl<ed tt.ltdy a tt.rm.,,: only dally quote $343 00. up $ 14 50 E~: only d•llY quote $343.00, up $14.60 ln.g&IMr~ only dally quote labrlceted $360. 16, up $15.22 SYMBOLS l t I '