HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-14 - Orange Coast Pilot--- BY PATRI~ J, KENNEDY or .. ....,,.....,. Author Judy Blume'a book.I, banned earlier th1a •Plinl by the Saddleback Valley Onlfled School Diatrict, are back on the diltrlct'a library lhelves -at leut fot awhile. Ma. Blume'a books, whkh deal !With problems and adjustments fadna adoleecenta. were banned f.run librviee in the district's 19 elementary schools and three intermediate echoola earlier this year after several parents complained of sexual ref erenoee In the novels. Ma. Blume's worka were allowed to remain in the Ubrartee of thrttlstrict's four high IChoola. Former Superintendent Richard Welte had the books removed from district libraries pending development of a library evaluation policy for literature that's protested. On Tuesday, district trustees unan imou s ly approved a committee evaluation pollcy on controversial books. QUEEN'S "GUEST" -Michael Fagan, 31. is shown leaving Bow Street Magistrates Court in London after a hearing on burglary charges. The policy returns the Blume novell to diatrict 'Ubrarlee until they are formally proteeted and a final decision t. rendered by an evaluation committee, comprited of representatives o f school admlnlatratora, teachers, librariaN and parents. . Books by Ma. Blume that were temporarily banned Included "Forever," and "Are you There, Gbd? lt'a Me. Margaret." Ms. Blume's boola are written from an adole.cent'a viewpoint and nationwide surveys place her I H<J\N I ,, I ()l!N I'( l l\l ,, • IH N IA ."• (IN I<-, • ID schools workl among the novela most widely read by teen-88era: "ln all faimeea to Ma. Blume, (eexual reference1) are a small portion of the overall Impact and Intent of her booka," aald John Daywalt, acting superintendent of the district. He aaya h e r books are generally aimed at a maturity level between grades seven and 12 and "deal with youngst.en growing up and making adjustments to new situations and Interacting with their (fiends and parents." The district's new policy states, ln part, that library material should "enco1,Arage growth In knowledge, and develop literary, c ultural and aesthetic appreciation, and e thical standards." It further states that no books shall "be excluded because of the race, nationality, political or religious views of the writer or because of ita style or language ... Ceruorah.ip of booka shall be challenged ln order to maintain the sch ool'• reponalbllity to prov id e Information and enlightenment." Prior to the truatees' action, the district had no specific guideline• t o evaluate controveraial booka. The new policy provides a three-level proce11. During a committee'• evaluation o f a controversial book. the book will r e main In school libraries pending a final decision, the RQlicy states. Phone hike set Boost could add $7.50 to monthly bills SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -In a move that could add up to $7.50 a motlth to residential and basic business phone bills, a Pacific Telephone Co. official says a rate increase of up to $1 bj.llion will be sought within several months. John Dennis, assistant vice president of regulatory planning, said Tuesday he didn't think the incre.ales would be that high, noting that the rate pr<>posal still is being formulated. The $2.50 lifeline ra te m ay go up moderately, he said. The average monthly residential phone bill is $32, including toll calls and other services. The rate application will go to the state Public Utilities Commission. A decision, said Dennis, probably would come late next year. Dennis said considerable work remains on the application and tha t the possible $1 billion increase was far from firm. He said it would be "more likely less than that." PUC President John Bryson last month warned that basic costs of residential service could soar to $25 a month by 1984 unles.5 the House version of the 1982 Telecommunications Act 1S passed by Congress. He said the bill would count.tr predicted effects of the antitrust settlement between AT&T 11.nd the Justice Department being reviewed by a federal judge in Washington, D.C. Both the antitrust case and the legislation call for local Bell System telephone companies like Pacific Telephone Co. to be divested from AT&T. Pacific Tele phone has esuma ted th is divestiture could; bring a $10.50 a month increase: in the basic phone rate. Heavy losses told Iran invades Iraq in new offensive By Tbe Associated Presa County approves dump fees The compan·y also wants to recover reve nue lost over a Federal C o mmunica tio n s Commission ruling that takes effect Jan. l in which Pacific Telephone will not be able to sell or lease new terminal equipment, such as home phones and switchboarda. An AT&T subsidiary would handle such businesa. IRAN Iranian forces invaded Iraq and captured hundreds of Iraqi soldiers in an offe nsive t o "liberate Iraq" and topple the regime of President Saddam Hussein, Tehran radio claimed today. Landfill users will be assessed $7 per ton for trash Ignoring pleas from numerous .cjty leaders, Orange County Supervisors Tueeday approved fees for users of county-owned landfilla. Under the f ee sch edule, landfill ~rs will be charged $7 per ton of material deposited. A $1 per ton surcharge will be assessed for certain ''hard to handle" materials. will · be assessed at a rate of $10.50 per ton. Represe ntatives of several cities unsuccessfully requested that supervisors delay action on the landfill fee program. Several claimed supervisors were acting too hastily in the wake of a consultant's report in which t h e f ees were recommended. City leaders said they were unable to get a copy of th e final report until last Thursday. Orange County had been the only metropolitan county in the state not charging landfill u.ers. County government absorbed landfill expenses via ita general fund. In addition to approving the landfill fee program. supervisors adopted 13 othe r rec - ommendations aimed at re- solving waste m a nagement issues. "When people hear rates may be doubled, they immediately think their bill will be doubled, say to $64," Dennis said. "But if the basic rate goes up $7.50, the (average) bill only goes to $39.50. "We still feel it is important that tele phone service be universal in California. The lifeline and (business) ser vice rates will be available for a long, long time in California." INVASION -Iranian forces have invaded Iraq and reports indicate the push was directed at the main port of Basra. An Iraqi military communique said Iranian troops pushed six miles into Iraq along a six-mile front . Bu t it s aid Iraq counterattacked and inflicted heavy losses on the invaders. "The enemy began retreati.Jll under the courageous blows of our heroic forces, leaving behind la rge numbers of d e~d and wounded," the Iraqi conununique said. Rubbish takerl t o county- operated transfer stations for subsequent transport to landfills *** Dumping fees ''There are simply too many u nan s wered q u estions ," complained Costa Mesa Mayor Nonna Heruog. She suggested that the imposition o f any landfill fees be postponed until July l, 1983, to permit cities time to renegotiate contracts with rubbish collection firms. Troubled sheik seeks honie The Iranian attack appeared to open a new phase of the Persian Gulf war launched in September 1980 by Iraq. Hussein's army invaded Lran and scored initial gain s, at one time occupying portions of Iran's Khuzistan Province before the Iranian army rallied this year and pushed the Iraqi forces out of I.he country. lower for individuals Individuals who ca rt household discards or yard trimmings to Orange County landfilk will not eteape paying a dumping fee -but the amount likely will be modest. The precise amount to be .. e•d on pueenger cars and ,pickup trucks containing ntbbiah has yet to be determined, Mid Sam Randall of the county General Services ~· But balled on the $7 per ton fee approved by supervi8ors, Randall aaid the fee charged for a half- ton truck load probably would be $3.50. A8ked what the charge on a pallllellger car with a truckload of discards would be, Randall said, "Goth, I couldn't even guess on that." Under the board's action, the fees are scheduled to go into effect in 90 days. Supervisors refused to delay implementation of the fee schedule, saying a postponement would serve no purpose. "We could study this report from Engineering Sciences (the consultant) far into the future. But what would we gain?" asked Supervisor Harriett Wieder. B oard Chairman Bruce Nestande said the county is facing major expendituren relati~ to waste management, including landfill acqu isitions, landfill clos ures, resource recovery projects and equipment purchases. County officials project that about $23 million will be spent on solid waste management during the current fiscal year. BUSINESS Clear as crystal Waterford crystal has been famous for hundreds of years, but the present factory has been in operation only since 1951. Page Cl. NATION Bou• •tam .ex ,..be WASHINGTON (AP) -AnMd with new bpi =111111-•.::.====.:~ uMCI cocaine and othen may have •n1a1ed In ~ual .. wtth ...., ... p1191. St. Louis beckons multibillionaire Arab ST. L OUIS (AP) -An adva nce team for a Saudi Arabian aheik embroiled in a financial dispute with a Florida hot.el will fly to St. Louis on Friday to determine whether the city would be a suitable home for the sheik. "I want to talk to people who can fill me in on the proe and cons of the city and ita future," said Ellis Rubin, an attorney for Sheik Mohammed al Faasi. . .., "I'm not saying we're going to move from Miami," Rubin said in a telephone Interview with the St. Louis Poet-Dispatch, "but we are comlng to look at St. Louis first.'' The sheik became embroiled in a diaru te with the Dlplomat Hote in Hollywood, Fla .. a Miami suburb, last week. The hot.el sued him for an unpaid $1.5 million hotel bill, and the sheik COUNTY was jailed for about six hours July 6. An estimated $15 million worth of his rugs, jewels and other items were impounded. Al Fas& paid the hotel with a "The sh ei k is very angry." cashier's c h eck Mo nd ay, permitting his entourage of 75 to begin moving their belongings from the posh beach-front hot.el. He then filed a $1 billion counterclaim 88ainat the hotel, contending the incident caused him to suffer "trauma." Abou t 30 other creditors, Including a painter and a dry cleaner, quickly began lining up to collect money from the 27 -year -o ld s h ei k , who reportedly is worth about $6 billion. Childrens Hospit!fl aided Nine members of the Balboa Bay Club in Newport s.ch have formed a fuDd-rallina IJ'OUP to aid Childrena Hospital of Or-. Comity. P"ap A6. Tillms the Irvine •il FamiJMI in the Irvtne ..._ ant JD'nl_ blck to the toil and arowlna their own YIUIM. hie Bl. from Florida Some $200,000 was paid to creditors, Rubin said. The sheik moved to Florida aft.er fire destroyed his Beverly Hills home, where nude statues with painted genitalia prompted local complaints. He began considering another move after the Florida hotel impounded his jewelry. Rubin said. "The sheik is very angry - this has left a bad taste in his month," said Rubin, addlnS that Al Jamil, the sheik's financial analyst, would join him on the advance team. St. Lo uis was chosen for inspection because a local disc jockey sent the sheik a telegram Inviting h im to e njoy the h ospitality of the Midwest , Rubin said. U St. Louis doesn't work out, he added, the sheik is considering a move to Kansas City. INDEX The official Iranian broadcasts, monitored in London, did not elaborate on the invasion reports, whi c h co uld n ot be independently verified because both sides bar correspondents from the war Cront. "Our Islamic army is corning to liberate you," Tehran radio said in an address to the Iraqi people, urging them to "mutiny." "Our forces will not lay down their anns. until this infidel agent regime and all symbola of treUon in Baghdad have been toppled," it said. Tehran radio claimed that hundreds of Iraqi 80ldlers had been captured in the offensive it said began Tue,day night. A la t e r broadcast quoted I ranian leader A yatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as telling the Iraqis to welcome the Iranian invaders and "cut off the hands" of Hussein's followers. At Your Service A4 Horoecope B2 Business 84-5 Ann Landen B2 California A5 Movlel 87-.S Cavalcade B2 Naticoal News A3 Cllilllfled ~ Public NoUcee B6J)4~ Comics 83 SJ)Ol"Q Dl-4 era.word B3 Stock Marketa BO l>eath Noticel D4 TelevWon AH Editorial A12 Thea-. 87-8 Jl.nwtainment B7-8 w.t.t... A2 Food Cl-13 Wotld New. .u Art Hoppe I 82 ~POf?T~ • I Orange Oout DAILY PILOTIWldMldlV, July 14. 1811 .,..,....... ·WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? -Phyllis Diller had a lot of Qrie-liners as she confronted the press Tuesday while applying tor Medicare. The comic and concert pianist turns 65 Saturday. She made the application in the Westwood Village section of ~Angeles. '. Police seize five •)• .. in meter break-ins i Newport Beach police have al'rested a 23-year-old Costa Mesa man and four local teen- agers after purportedly spotting tflem counting change obtaJ.nea f~ six double-headed parking rrieters. Costa Mesa or Newport Beach, were turned over to parental custody. Police said a fifth teen- ager was being sought. Soviet WASHINGTON (AP) - Callln1 for a 111trate1y of confidence" ln dM1lnp with the Soviet Union, Secretary of State-deqnate 0eorae P. Shult.I 1atd today the Unfted. Statea ahould neither 1eek oonfrontaUon with the Soviets nor ahdnk from crit1clzina them. "I think we ahould make It clear that, dependina on Soviet behavior and how tfiey conduct themaelves, we are prepued to have as conatructlve and beneficial a relatlonahtp aa Polllible,'' Shultz told the Senate torelgn Relations Committee ln th e seco nd day of hta confirmation heartno. Sen. Charles ff. Percy, R-ID,, the committee chairman, said he planned a vote later in the dav. and tt appeared virtuallY. certain the panel would recommend confirmation by the full Senate. Assistant Republican Leader Ted Stevena of Alaska said the Senate would act quickly, possibly by Thursday. Shulu, a fonner secretary of Space shuttle gets lift to Florida EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE (AP) -The space shuttle Columbia, whose return to earth July 4 was personally greeted by President Reagan and his wife Nancy, took off for Florida today riding piggyback atop a 747 jumbo jet. Columbia left four minutes before its scheduled 8 a.m. departure to beat the high desert temperatures, said Ralph Jackson, spokesman for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Dale Ernest Rarick of 3144 Beu St., Costa Mesa, jailed in rfewport Beach on suspicion of i)ossessiry.g stolen property, was later released on bond. , The four juveniles, all from Officers had been called to an apartment in the 1300 block of West Balboa Monday morning where they purportedly found the group in possession of about $120 in change, along with six battered parlcinR meters. Detectives said all six of the meten were destroyed. "li it got too hot, we might not have been able to take off," Jackson said, explaining that take-off length is a function of temperature and weight. Jacbon said the temperature at the time of take-off was 80 "degrees, while desert temperatures have been topping 100 in the afternoon. Sentencing in fraud slated The Columbia, which has completed four flights. is being flown to the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Fla., to prepare for its next flight, tentatively scheduled Oct. 29. befan i.J.s. District Judge David V. Kmyon an ldx counts ap1nR him and hil company, National Jet Industries Inc. LOS ANGELFS (AP) -The operator of a defunct Orange CDounty flight· school faces sentencing Aug. 30 after admitting he defrauded the f.e d e r a 1 g o v e r n m e n t b y QVerbilling the Veterans Administration for training ex- secvicemen. Herbert Daniel Hill , 38, ~eaded guilty here Tuesday The U.S . Attorney's office charged him last Wednesday with 14 counts. Hill admitted he overstated the number of hours flown by former servicem en pursuing vocational education through his company's school ir. Santa Ana. The mated shuttle and jet were to stop for refuelinsc at Dyess Air Force Base near Abilene. Texas, and complete the trip by evening, assuming '!verything went according to µ1:m. Sun, fog mix Temperatures .,. Coaatal oa.... tog 1a1a night ano ear1y morning otherwlM sunny. Coutal low 83, Inland 57 Coaatal high 70, inland 80. Wet• fl1, • ~ 81eMlele, llght variable winds ~o~tll•••t 10 lo 18 knot• alt.,noon and evening hour•. 8lu1fl to IOUthweet wind -2 ~-=-dec:reqjng lo 1to2 feet .. able low cloud"-and tog with only pertlal 8'temoon claering. Albeny Albuque Amerlllo Mhelltlle Atlllnta Atlen1e Cty Austin Beltlmcwe 8llllngs Blnningm BlemMcil BolM Boston Brownsvtle Buflllo Buf11ngton Cup« a.t.tn SC .S. Summair .E~ . Chicego Cincinnati ~ Clmbla SC Ce>Unbw R9lrl end lhunderat«me -· Otf-A Wth ed from Virginia through Ceylon orlda and from eastern o.n-19nt-• ac:fC* .-tam TeUI. Dae Molnee lmllar condition• rui:had &-!.t0:,1 llln06I 10 nonr-i North . kota, and from 1outheut ~~ ~ aero•• northern ~ Aaln ahower• were wldely =:,::,• er.i from nonhem uun end rthweet Colorado acrou ::=::., uth-central Montana end Houeton em ldlho. lndtlaplla ha tllunderetorm• over .,_..,,MS utllwaet Mleeourl alto oducad 1trong wi nd at .. L9 IM 68 100 S4 90 II& 85 87 M 69 85 89 95 73 89 72 89 58 90 88 82 58 92 83 92 71 97 77 79 80 80 82 91 50 88 74 85 S4 88 71 81 55 88 82 85 81 82 81 87 71 IM 81 92 73 85 81 81 80 98 88 82 S4 78 58 " 72 78 1M 87 ... ee 52 91 83 12 65 87 75 M 75 .... 84 91 70 " 72 17 .. II IS 10I 71 .. 71 84 84 90 .. 81 n 87 74 81 13 17 13 .... 17 • t3 18 17 1t .. IO . .. 17 .. • n IO .. 111 • • • .... 71 11 Fronts: Cold ..,. Wwm WW Occluded ..,.. Slabolwy •• PrcMdence =:o" Salt Liil• Sen Antonio S..ttle ~~ St Louie St P-T8r!IP9 St Ste Mvle Spoll- Syr- T~ T_, Tu4N WMhlngtn Wldllt• 89 89 95 M M 85 93 78 ... 93 79 89 eo .. 105 M 93 89 107 90 113 70 Ml. W11eoo 73 Newport BMcl'I 53 Orltar1o ro ~~ 5e Sen Bemardlno 72 Sen Joee 83 Senta AN 70 San•• CNz ~~ Talloe Valley 80 83 .. 78 75 77 87 Smog 71 61 .02 100 71 .. 78 12 63 101 10 112 11 51 101 11 .. 75 IS IO 91 ., 70 100 83 10 53 .. 51 17 100 a tOI 11 10I 7't •• 1: :: .. II .. IO ' 82 16 70 83 " 61 110 73 90 58 " 57 .. 61 80 83 78 51 83 42 I ' • views labor and cre..&ry ln lhe Nlxon admin1atratJon, wu nominated by Ptealdent Rea1an after Alexander M. Ha.la Jr. ~ from hit State Department pcet over poJJcy differenc:es that have not been fully e>eplained. De1crlbln1 his view of U.S .• Sovie\ relations, Shultz said, "It ahould not be a strategy of •11re11ion, not a 1trate1y of confrontation, but a IU'ategy of confidence, •trefli\h and reallmn about what they are trylnc to do." • "We ahould not get ounelvet ln a pOllition of f~ to aay hat la reality becaUM t~ m1ght bother aomebody," he said. On another illue, Shultz said he oppoees setting a date for the termination of arm• aalea to Taiwan. Haig in one of his last acts as secretary, submitted languaje to the White House for a joint communique with China to settle the dispute over arma sales to Taiwan. Con1ervatlvea have c harged that one of the alternatives 1ubmltted by Haig declared that the salea "will eventually be tenninated." Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Arlz., a supporter of Taiwan, asked Shulu if he favored continued anns sales to Talwan with no cutoff date. "Yes, sir," Shulu replied. .,.., ..... ~.., MclWoll It...., GOING UP -Who challenges lumberjack Greg Downing to climb a 90-foot spruce spar pole as fast as he can? The other competitor is shown on Page Bl. .,.., .......... .., a.tee~ SAWDUST SOUNDS -Ananda Udovich, a 10-year-old Laguna Beach musician, entertains visitors with her trumpet at. the Sawdust Fesrtval in Laguna Beach. The Sawdust, along with the Art-A-Fair and Festival of Arts, will be open daily through Aug. 29. Massage parlor faces court closing Costa Mesa ofCicials have won a court order that calls for the closure by Aug. 6 of the Atlantis massage parlor on Harbor Boulevard because it lacks a conditional use permit allowing it to operate. Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Cro5by Jr., who issued the preliminary injunction Monday, delayed implementation of his order until August to give owners of the massage parlor time to either appeal his decision or apply for the proper city permits. Two years ago, the city's Planning Commission and City Council rejected a condJtional use permit for Atlantis and its operator, Los Angeles College of Physical Therapy Inc. Assistant City Attorney Eleanor Weaver said it was unlikely the city would now reverae that action. "It would be an exercise in futility" for Atlantis to re-apply, the city legal adviaor said. The city turned down the permit request for several reasons, among them insufficient parkina for the building at 2112 N. Harbor Blvd. and the fact that aJT"eSts had taken place there for alleged prostitution activities. But the primary reaaon, Ms. Can Handler Weaver said, was that there was .. conflicting evidence on who actually operated Atlantis. At one time, it was believed a Beverly Hills man was the owner of the massage parlor, but officials said they are not certain now who operates iL Beverly Hills attorney Joshua Kaplan, who represented Atlantis and Los Angeles College of Physical Therapy lnc., was not available for comment on what action he plans. Kaplan could go to the state 4th District Court of Appeal before Aug. 8 and win a further delay in Cro5by's ruling. The Orange County District Attorney's Office also tiled a lawsuit against the massage parlor in late May seeking to have it closed down because of alleged prostitution activities. That action may now be moot, Ms. Weaver said. Murder ·protested SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -Christian Democratic leaders and legislators converged at a murdered colleague's funeral today to protest the 13th k.illi.ng of an opposition group member in nine weeks. PORTABLE B.ECTRIC CAN OP,ENER ·sale Priced 119.88 Elaewhere To 134 •. 99 ~ ~ T--------=-=---===--=--=----------- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wtdnllday, July 1 .. , 1112 8 ~mu~rnrn Child abuse story 'surprises' founder of sperm hank ESCONDIDO (AP) -The founder ot a •perm bank that llmUa ill donon to adentilts and Nobel PNe wlnnen aakl that he doem1t uk proepective parents about child abu.e, becauae It may not be a hereditary problem. Nevertheleu, "'Robert K . Graham, 75, aaid h e was aurprised to learn that child abuae accusations had been made abinat the huaband of a woman wno gave birth to the ban.k's first baby. "We put out a questionnaire to all couples who want to participate In the progr am," Graham said in a telephone interview Tueeday. "But we don't include a question on child abuse because we are more concerned with hereditary factors," Graham said. ''Child abuse may be a product of their environment and not necesaarily a hereditary trait." The mother of the first "Nobel Sperm Baby," Joyce Kowalski, 39, of Phoenix, lost custody of two children by her first marriage in 1976 after her current husband, Jack, 39, after an investigation by the Illinois Oep•rtment of Children and Family Services, the Chicago Tribune reported Tuesday. "That's a pretty serious charge and I'm a little surprised," Graham said. "I can't aay I'm elated. It indicates that we may not have chosen as wt.ely aa we might have the fint time around, but that doesn't affect our program. "Here's a couple who ii sincere at present and have probably learned their lesson . If Jack Kowalski didn't care for her former husband's children, he may well care for this one because he did the insemination himsell." Graham , a one-time optometrist who made a fortune when h e invented the shatterproof plastic eyeglass lens, founded the Reposi tory of Germinal Choice, as the bank is called, in 1979. Only William B. Shockley, the 1956 Nobel Prize winner in physics and a proponent of the theory that blacks are genetically inferior to whites, has publicly acknowledged contributing sperm to Graham's project. The sperm bank announced ln May that a woman artificially impregnated with sperm from a mathematical genius gave birth to a healthy. nine-pound· girl on April 21. On June 22, the National Enquirer reported Mrs. Kowalski was the mother of the child, named Victoria. Florida to spray marijuana fields TALLAHASSEE. Fla. (AP) - Florida officials have announced plans to spray the state's multimillion-dollar marijuana crop with the controversial herbicide paraquat. The spraying will begin as soon as authorities locate a marijuana field big enough to makl the operation worthwhile, Law Enforcement Commissioner Jim y or,k llid. ln the past., when Florida police have dlacovered marijuana plants on drug raid&, the plants have been uprooted, a painstaking procea. Lut year's marijuana crop in Florida was estimated to be worth $400 million. Marijuana grown on small plots near the University of Florida is known as "Gainesville Green." Lloyd Vipperman, a narcotics agent-turned-defense lawyer, estimates 50 or 60 marijuana growers operate within an easy drive of Gainesville. 1n the 1970s, a U.S.-subsidized paraquat program wiped out much of the Mexican marijuana crop, but controversy developed when it was learned that some marijuana sprayed with the herbicide was reaching U.S . markets, possibly harming consumers of the illegal weed. GET THE MESSAGE DAVID? -A Trojan Horse, 12-feet tall, stands outside a Fresno hotel where David Stockman, U.S . budget director, was speaking. Fresno residents, upset UWll ..... over Reagan adminlltratlon budget cute, built the horse. They aho protested other administration pol.ldel Monday. Drug firm charged in • suit SAN DIEGO (AP) -The attorney general's office is accusing a Los Angeles County firm of marketing an unapproved drug billed as an aid for problems ranging from heart disease to baldness. The suit was filed this week in San Diego County Superior Court against World Institute of Health, Inc., of Walnut; eight individuals associated with the company, and 2,000 as yet unidentified people. It seeks at least $500,000 in fines, a permanent injunction, and restitution to people who lost money ln the operation. A receptionist said company officials were not available for comment. Attorney General George Deukmejian s.aid the company distributes a product called Gerovi tal. Company officials claim Gerovital can help people with such conditions as blood disorders, bone or joint diseues. eye or ear disorders, heart problems, sexual Impotence and bal~. Deukmejian said. Such claims are barred by the state Health and Safety Code, he added. He said the code also forbids the sale of a drug which has not been approved by the state or federal government. Gerovital has no such approval, the attorney general said in a statement. The suit also claims that the defendants also violated the law by failing to include directions on the Gerovital label on how to use the drug. Deputy Attorney General M. H o ward Wa y ne said the co mpany u ses an illegal "pyramid" scheme to distribute Gerovital. Participants pay a $40 membership fee and $86 for a s upply of Gerovital, he said. They then receive a commission for each ne w salesman they bring into the operation, he added. Wayne said he didn't know yet how many people had invested money ln the operation or how much ln restitution his office would eeek. But he added, "It looks from our Investigation that there is a lot of money involved." He said the suit named 2,000 John Does as defendants under the assumption that there could be that many people involved in distributing the product. Wayne said the company was based on Grand Cayman in the British West Indies but recently had been headquarte red in Walnut. Nursing home issue • stirs controversy WASHINGTON (AP) -More than 40 groups are appealing to the Reagan administration to abandon proposals that would relax nursing home certification rules, claiming the changes could hurt residents in the Cacilities. The nursing home industry, however, supports the reg- ulatory changeir which would l ead to fewer scheduled inspections, give a private accreditation operation the power to review Medicare and Medicaid facilities and alter the manner of re-inspections where nursing home code violations have been found. But 44 consumer organizations signed a statement opposing the proposals and sent it to Health and Human Services Secretary Richard S . Schweiker on Monday. Man d rowns BASS LAKE (AP) -A Long Beach man. Edward Vincent, 23., drowned while swimming at Bass Lake in Madera County. Vincent sank while trying to s wim to a floating barge Saturday in the central[ Sierra Nevada lake, sheriff's deputies said. Gem Talk ·•w e oppose the proposed regulations as a step backward and a removal of essential federal protections," they wrote. The American Health Care Association and the National Council o n Health Centera, representing the industry, said the proposals were acceptable with some modifications. "We don't think these regulations are perfect. We do think they are regulation at its best," said AHCA spokeswoman Julie Trocchio. "We are concerned that there seems to be a feeling among 90l'De people on the Capitol Hill that federal oversight of nursing homes will be reduced and there will be a problem for residents because of it," said AHCA governmental afiaira administrator William Hermelin. Di.sctlalon of the changes came as two congressional panels planned hearings on their impact on the 1.3 million people in nursing homes. The proposals would replace annual state-run i.naped.iOna for hospitals and nuraln1 homes serving Medicare and Medicaid pati ents with a flexible inspection &ehedule. WHAT A.RIDE -The Skydiver, a ride much like a ferris wheel but on which occupants of can can go upside down, was toppled by heavy winda during a thunderstorm at Casino Pier in Seaside Heights, N.J. lt fell onto the Himalaya ride causing $400,000 in damage. No one was injured because the rides were not in operation at the time of the Monday accident. By J.C. HUMPHRIES Crrtif1rd Grmol01111t. A GS CtHalfled ~ .... 714M2-t111 . All ottMf depettmenta M 2-u21 MAIN OF'Pla mwut a.rk. c-.. ...... CA Me11 ...... :e.1Mi1,C.-.~CA. .... COPY•• ttll Or ... C.tt ........... ~ . ... _....,.., ....... ~ •• .-.n.1 ......... .. ,,..-tlw-.S fl9r'9ln m.,, IM ~-..._. 1'9(1el ...,... ....... , .... 1'19M_. Suspect in £ir es GARDENA (AP) -A Bible- toUng Loi Anaeles veteran, John Alden Stieber, 47, wbme mo\her Mildred ·~ h.aa a hJatory of mental problems. is belnl held today by detecti\199 inveatiptlng a lel'iea of anon fires at area. cbW'Ches. Call 142-H71. ftul • ,.,. word• lo work for A MACE OF SILVER symbol of authority WASHINGTON (AP) -A IJ'OUP II Mkinl a federal to rwvene a lllCl'eCY ~J aDQw che public to eee MObi.J Corp. document.I submitted ln 4 libel trial bro'uaht by the oil flnn'a~t. The Reporterw Committee for Freedom of the Prem told u .s. Diatrict Judie Oliver Guch In leaal papen th1a week that hit MCftC)' order amount.ed to prior; reltraint, and ~ua w. Wepl. The committee called i&- reqUC!llt a "telt caee" to atve t.hl neWIS media and public die ....... coNtitutional right to publiab news of dvil Clllel as they now have ln crlmlnal Uiala. Guch did not lrnmedlately act on the requeti. Mobil attorney. Judah Best had no comment. : Mobil president William Tavoulareu and bis eon. Pe~ flled a · $50-rnilllon libel auij against The Wuhlngton P~ They objected to two storiea ~ Novembtt and December 19'7f that laid the elder Ta~ aet "P his son ln a ahippin& ~ so that Mobil could give the son'• fltm milllons of dollars lb business. Last No. 5, Guch mued ~ order allowing Mobil to desig:nate documents as confidential~ meaning they could be sealea from the public. Last week, as the trial was beginning, Guch continued the secrecy order and a.i.o granted _}l second request from Mobil. J1e ordered each day 's tri~­ transcript sealed for 24 hours to give Mobil attorneys a chance to make certain that no confidential Info rmation was releasef accidentally. If the transcript contained i nformation t h at Mobil considered confidential, Gasch said it could be aealed permanently -even ~h the. public and news media would be. present during the live teetbhony. "This court's orders ... place a n u n p r e c e d e n t e d a n d' comprehensive obstruction to public access to court records that operates as a prior restraint of free dissemination of information In the public domain," the reporters committee said. · , "The First Amendment guarantees a public right of access to civil trials. w.torically I civil prooeedlng:s have been • open· to the public as criminal proceed. ,, The trf.· Supreme Court hM handed down four major dedslons since 1977 on the rlghta of the public and news media to have accesa to documents and proceedings ln criminal cases. But, according to the reporters committee, the Supreme Court has not had a major case on tNl.. First Amendment rlghta of the ; public and press to have ~ to : dvil cases. · The reporters committee ~ · founded in 1970 as a cost-flft legal defense and research fund for news media legal problems. Four news reporters joined tht!•, committee in Wing the suit. 1983 budget cut SAN DIEGO (AP) -The San Diego County B oard of Supervisors has tentatively approved a $.,10 million fiscal 1983 budget tha"is $2 million less' than last year's spending plan. I ........ ......., h ........ , We're Li•tenlllfl ••• When things get• a bit out of control during meetings o f thl' H o use or Re presentatives In Washington, the Speaker of the House calls upon the Sergeant at Anna to restore order. 'nw eergeant carries a four.foot silver mace. There Is no record of lta ever havlq been phyaic:ally Wied to briOI an unruly Conare-man under oontrol, but It Is an lmpoeinc symbol of the seraeant's authority. The sliver ITlace haa been In the HOUie for HO yean. It Is a beeutUul work of the lll~l'll'T\lth's art. ttMted ln 1841 by William Adamt. a dlsUnculshed New York silversmith. Sliver wlndlna• are bo~nd around 13 ebony rodl. and all of this &. topped ~ • silver llobe and ...... WMn ~ cornmJilloned Smith to do the mlll.'9, &My pa6d him .... 111 value lodtt wOuW a..... •mini, VAL ST. LAMB!AT PAIA I '' GARDENIA CANDLl8TICK81175" Whal do you Ukt about IM D1U, Pilot" Whit doft't you like? Cell the number below Md ,..... IMllll• wlll be recorded lran1ertbtd and deUvertd to UM 1pproprt1t1 tdttor. ' The 11mt a4 hour •Mwriftl llt'Y6ff m11 be u1td to record ltt· tera to I.ht tdltor on any top6c. llalUio• HIU'lllMd«t Miii& Include lhtlr nenw 1nd l•..,.,,.. ,....., for nrtnuuon. No rtreul1tk»ft calla, plflM T•U UI whit '1 °" ~our m.,.., of coww. The .,..., ..... ..... IO IWiftl \M ._ ........ Nrd Con1n11, whea a b1er1I• con1re11•1n, •ftK~rtcl ~-' U" remarlu of 1 Kew Yerla ,.,,.....::: .. · ............ .... y.... I ... .,. ••• ............... _ .. ...., .......... 1 Orange Oout DAILV PILOT/Wednetda~. July 14. 1912 ... 'Glaims assistance ordered By PAT HOROWITZ or-. .... ,..._ DEAR READERS: In addition t.o boolting the llmit on Small Claiml Court IU!ta from $750 t.o $1,500 last Jan. 1, state law now requires th.la court to provide an advtaory aervk:e to uaist both plaintiffa and defendanta in using the court. In Orange County, the Office of Consumer Aflain is conducting regularly scheduled information meetings. Separate counseling sessions are held for plaintiffs (penons with the complaint) and defendants. Topics covered include where and how to file a Small Claims Court case, cross clairna how to prepare your case and what to expect ~court. For more information about the Small Claims Court advisory service, phone 834-2502. A recorded m~e will tell you abOut the dates. location and content of the meetings. Marriage p enalty eased deduction wu not available for the 1981 return, but the deduction ln 1982 la & percent (10 percent ln 1983 and 1ubeequent yean) of the le11er of $30,000, or the amount of the earned income of the lower-earnlnl 1pou1e. The maximum deduction in computing adjusted groee lncome II $1 ,&00 (6 percent of $30,000) in 1982, and $3,000 (10 perc:ent of $30,000 in 1983 and thereafter). For example, if you earn $12:000 and your. husband earns $1&,000, your tax in 1981 wu $6,160, assuming a taxable l.Jl(.'Ol'ne of $30,000. In 1982 you can deduct $600 (& percent of $12,000) from gross income, reducing taxable income to $29,400. This reduced amount, under the lower 1982 tax rat.es, Is subject to a tax of $6,429, or $731 'ess than that lmpoeed in 1981 on the same amount of gross income. ~ DEAR PAT: I've been tblnklng aboat genial a job now that my two children are ln 1claoof. Bat, everyoDe tells me I migbt as well for1et It dae to tbe anfalr tax sy•tem tbat penall1es married taxpayers. In otber words, I woaldn't 1et to keep macb of wbat I coald earn. However, I've also read tbat tbe new tu law eases this penalty. Can you tell me wbat effect die tu law wlll have? In 1983, you can deduct $1,200 (10 percent of $12,000) from your gross lncome, reducing your taxable income to $28,800. This reduced amount, under the lower' 1983 tax rat.es, is subject to a tax of $4,748, or $1.412 less than that lmpoeed in 1981 on the same amount of gross income. This deduction in 1981 on the same amount of gross income. This deduction for two-earner married couples is allowed in computing adjusted ~ income and can be claimed even if the taxpayer does not itemiu deductions. S.G., Corona del Mar The "marriage penalty" refers to the different tax rate schedules used by single and married taxpayers that set a higher income tax on the income of a two-earner married couple than would be imposed if each spouse were taxed as a single person. The Tax Act of 1981 provides for a deduction Crom the "Got a problem ? Then write co Pat' Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the answers and action you need to solve inequities Jn government and business. Mail your questions co Pat Horowitz, At ~ qualified earned income of the lower-earning spouse for couples filing joint returns. This Your Service, Orange Coost Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, ~ta Mesa, CA 92626. As many le tters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. .. ' ~ ••• ·l '1 ,, '• 1· . •• NEW! 20-Pc. Boiled Shrimp .~ . , \ Dinner s].59 ~. \ !.. ._ .. ....J._ Twenty tender shrimp-served chilled in the shell-with fresh cole slaw and crackers. It's a cool and refreshing summertime treat. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa M esa Ou't South uf \in °'"o rw~ _.,,o,, f1om ~~SG:;...:;_,,,.~,__, FPd<o 1<1715 Jeffrey Rd."' W•lrou1 1u•• oll """'• """ fw, I Irvine Newport Beach Fubion hland 644-4411 at Mr. Elllot'1: South Coast Plaza 557-6080 Ban eyed on video games SACRAM!lNTO (AP) -The Sactamento County Plannina Commllaion la propoalng a ban on vtdeo game ln1tallatlon1 In 1rocery store1, convenien ce markets and 1u stations. The conuru..lon uked ita staff to prepare an ordl.na.nce to be conaidered Aug. 12 by the Board of Supervt.ors. Commlaalon Chairwoman Judith Chaix said the body was trying to address the many complaints It received from the public relating to the popular video games. The proposed ordinance would ban inatallationa at convenience stores, liquor storea, gas stations, clothing stores and groceries. They could still be installed in places like bars, hotels, restaurants, theaters, airports and arcades. People installing machines and those with current ones would have to get a county permit, and make sure the machines were at least l,000 feet from schools and had adult supervision. Businesses with three or more machines would have to be 500 feet from residential areas, supply restrooms, and prohibit use of machines by school-age children during school hours unless the c hildren w ere accompanied by an adult. Attorney Craig Kipp Powell, who represents video game operators. estimated there are 9,- 000 machines In the Sacramento area. He said 10 percent of them are in convenience stores. Sam Eng of the Sacramento Valley Amuse m e n t Owners Association said his group would fi~ht the proposal as "a violation of our basic rights." APWl ... htl FLORIDA FUNNEL -As seen from an airboat in the flooded marshlands of the Everglades, a funnel cloud reaches down from the black skies. The tornado touched down in an unpopulated area without doing any damage. Daredevil leaves hospital JEANNETTE. Pa. (AP) -l\'fotorcycle daredevil Evel Knievel, who figures he's broken 35 to 40 bones in his career. was released from a hospital where he was treated for the latest fracture, a cracked rib. Knievel. 43, said he cracked a rib tip while popping wheelies -standing his bike up on its rear wheel -on a private road in nearby Irwin on July 4. ... ~ .. s.w. .... ,.,,. -"" dllldc d.lalld -T1«Nltf Mt 4 1'1 ,..._ <• 11*/a) llftiw, ,,,.,,,lie, ,.,.._. In Fountain YalleJ 1j)835 Brookhurst (714) 962-3312, A Prlv•te School of Dlatlnctlon Founded In 1942 A •on and d a \.ll h t er of bandleader 1Gl•aa Miller are entitled to nearly •800,000 in royalU. from recorda releaed after hia death more than 36 yean eco. the New Jeney State Suinme Court hu ruled. The rul.lna goes aaatnat the heirs of Miller'• former leeal advlter who en1ineered the ,..-.. ol the records. Separate lawsuits in New York and California previou1ly settled other portions of MWer'a mt.ate. The New York decision gave Miller's heln all income from an office building in Manhattan. MWer'a now deceaaed adviser, ' David Mackay, aettled the California action by buying out the faoilly'a interest in the big swing band, which still tours. Entertainer Sammy Davia Jr., who converted to Judaism years ago, arrived in Israel for a three-day visit with Israeli troops in L~banon and wounded eoldiers in hospitals to show his sur.port for their cause. 'My reason for being here is quite simple," Davis told report.en in Tel Aviv. "I want to go by and see all the wounded IOldlers and aay hello to the guys who are out there fighting, to brina them whatever I can and let them know that people all around th e world a r e surportive ... srael's Army Welfare Aaaociatlon and tourism authorities have organiz.ed visits for Davia and other entei:tainers in an effort to boost morale and EVERYDAY lfl'ma11111M. ~Cl{ .,.. z.•.• 7:t0. t:ao, ... c:cumn ,. CCll1'Dn ll:JI IA, l:JI, 3:30, S:lO p.111. FUllS..A.fOPPll' CllCUS l:IO, l•. S:tl, 1:00 , ... cum IDlllBTIATDIS MO., tourlAm dUJ'inc ltrae1'1 war on Palestinian 1uerrlll11 ln Lebanon. ~ Actor Telly Savalaa arrived with hla 9-year-old 10n Nlclaola1, whose mop of blond hair contrasted with hia father'• bald pate. They were en route to the Britlah Open golf tournament ln Troon, SCotland. He said he had come mainly to support friend, Tom Wel•kopf, who won the Open ln 1973. After the tournament, the actor said he will return to the United States to begin filming ''A Pennant for the Kremlin" in which h e plays the <.'Oach of a Soviet baseball team. Entertainer Debby Boone has become the second pop linger to make an unhappy debut on Broadway this year. Her musical, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," closed after generally poor reviews. The 25-year-old daughter of singer Pat Booae toured with the show for nearly a year before lt opened in New York. The bad notices and poor advance 'ticket sales caused the show'a demiae, with a loss of $1.2 million. said a spokesman for the producd.on. Lut March, teen idol O...y OtmHd made his Broadway debut Jn a revival of "Llule Johnn~ J onea," Geora• M. Collia1 1 1904 fla1-wavln1 musical It a1IO WU panned by critics and cloeed quickly. R111ell Hoban, a writer of children'• booka and acience fiction, wu named winner of the JolaD W. Campbell Memorial Award for the best acienoe fiction novel of 1981. Hoban, an American who lives in Lolldon, was cited for hia novel "Riddley Walker" about We in a futuristic world 2,000 years after a nuclear holocauat. Nell Barroe of Vista, Calif., a book company representative and former librarian, was named the 1982 winner of the Pilgrim Award for scholarahip in aclence f ictlon. He was cited for contributions to science fiction bibliography and criticism. Mick Jagger and the RolllDg Stones ended a 15-year absence from Ltaly by playing before more tijan 60,000 acttaming tans in Turin. For more than a decade, many groups have refuaed to perform in Italy becauae of unruly crowds. The Stones last played in Italy in 1967. Police reported no incidents at the concert. WUUam "Buddy" Ca~r IV, son of Bllly Carter and nephew of former President Jimmy ALL ENTERTAINMENT FREE WITH $4 ADMISSION mllASTIC Til8.llQ COWTESTS Mr t-11, S-.lll' 7:30,... ....:TWlDT l:JO, 3'.JI, 5-.lll ,... IMSTOQI fUlt COllTDTS Six Slag•• Conllnuou• Enlertalnm.nt l:IO, 4:tl ,... ••rw1..,. 7:Jt.11•~~ """3TIST V,..,__._..-. 1:00 p.m. & 10 p.m. ORANGE COUNTY ALL AMERICAN FAIR SPECIAL EVENTS LIVESTOCK AUCTION My 17, Al Day RODEO My 16 -8:00 p.m. My 17 -4:00 & 8:00 p.m. My 18 -3:00 & 7:00 p.m. Save up to '41 00 1 pair Adnission $3 $1 for Kids \ ... ,.1111rWeJ ........... • rr1a,.,_., 10 ..... ........ ....... _ ..... $4 CIMtl (1-IZ) SI hlWlt SI s.llrs • Mr IZ. 13, 14, 15 SI MKNaf"'• Mr U II Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wedneedll)', July 14, 1812 ... ., ... .,... ... TEXAS-SIZE LAUGH -Jlm Natx>rs lets go with a bjg la._.gb as he shares spotlight with Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds at Austin, Texas premiere of the movie, "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas." The film, based on the "Chicken Ranch," an illegal h o use of . prostitution long tole rated by Austin , authorities, opened Sunday night. Thousands attended the premiere ceremonies. f Carter, was married at the home of country music entertainer Tom T. Hall in Nashville. Sweazey, 23. Billy Carter was best man. i meetings in Atlanta, said Miss : Lllllan Carter, the matriarch of : the Carter family. who attended Carter, 21.,manied Marlene Jo The former president was unable to attend because of the ceremony. J -------miiiiiil--liiiil-------. I GET THE RIGHT IDEA! COME INTO • ALLIE D'S Giant Mid-Summer SALE! SAVE 50% to 70% on Table Lamps • Ceiling Fans • Track Lighting • Floor Lamps • Outside Lighting • Chandeliers Fluorescent Lighting To assure the most varied seletion of all sale items, it's desirable to visit our showroom ay your earliest convenience . Visit our showroom and receive a 2lfl wan night light by Ouolzel PRl!I! We are Southern California's most complete selection of lighting at competitive prices. 222 Victoria St. Costa Mesa (Across from Nursery1and Nurseryj 646-3737/646-8194 Hurryl Sale Ends July 31, 1982 Annual Shoe Sale ~ BASS REGAL FLORSHEIM CLARK'S NIKE 9-WEST NICKELS FAMOLARE NATURALIZER BARETAAPS and many morel • ( . • .J ' i I -A Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Wednelday, JUiy 1•, 1112 V"W'•Al'IR CONTROVERSY LOOMS -A plan tern the California condor's slide toward XWIDCtllOn faces another controversy as federal · ta aeek to take chicks and e~ from the e birds' rocky nests in the Southern omia mountains. GRAllD OPElllllG E July 19th (Mon.) thru 24th (Fri.) COOP DECI I E CREAM SHOPPE FREE SOFl DRINK WITH EVERY ICE CREAM PURCHASE & balloons for the kids MARINERS VILLAGE ACROSS FROM THE COFFEE IMPORTERS VlSIT OUR PATIO OVERLOOKING SCENIC DANA POINT HARBOR 493-7773 493-8849 oupon CapJltl PWOltCT YU c.lT llnt Ho•t DRY EXTRACTION CAIJPET CLEANING ........ ~ ·-. -. ., ·---... ""' .,_ .... "-·-~ .... ...,_ --••••••cr•Y USA IO~on YU CAIP£T IS lUf mY Ml> IEADY F<m IMDIAlt USE. MC ·-II\'--~_.. =-•mav..-. CALL lllOW FOi A fill DOIORSTIATIOfl I EJ11M1'( som CllST CllPET CllE C714) 541-7921 weo--,..0w~ otscounta on rentals, accessories, b·lank tapes. cartridges, etc. 11a1 .......... ....... ,.., 20% OFF ''Ea~o , , =:12·==-•llrtho Ofl t .. -.. JS Mba. t9r1it .. I or for ,.. yMl'o lellt at i: ba'a a:-Club 11 The ~croup doea. wlll be tb• Bay Club 1 flr1t Currently nine memben ol °"' gbtlantbrol* .;:don lwle Newpt Bwb chab .,. ton•• • Up el t• own . Why t. tt a fu.atl,rala!ot" jtoup for u.i bll.nl lor1111ed? Chll~.-ena Hoep&~l of 10ral)p · l""We all prlmarllY 10Claliae Cou.nty (CffOC).11\ey'll •rw • ,~ anywayt" Colton eaJ.d, the 'bqaril \ol ~ for the "and tlnce the Bay Club la a orauWiation, ·Wh&ch wtl1 ~ fabuloua flclllty, we have a toJely of Bay Cub memben. home." "We'll probably have an Initial Or, In the more formal memberafilpofabout50people," lanauaa• of the eroup'• uid David Colton, one of the 1tatement of purpoae, the original nlne.,"We could probably oraantzadon will allow Bay Club have 150, but we want to 1ta11 memben with common buslne. arnall." lnterelta to Interact aodally to Approximately 50 people will benefit the businell community be recruited at the orientation u well u CHOC. July 29, at which Vlck Knlfht, And why did it pick CHOC? CHOC's director of community "Most of ua are young married relations, wlll pre1ent a 1lide people who have children or IOOn ahow. will," Colton aaid. ''CHOC Once the fun4-rala1Jl8 group ac:idreme9 a problem we could has been established, It wlll encounter in our own lives. Thia a nnually donate money for givee us more penpective." specific items that the Childrena He added that, becauae CHOC Hospital needs. For example, i.a a local inltitution, the group With Purchale Of Model 19£0<7'6W, Receive Sl9C03 Stand At No Charge •444 Colcw Monltor SVSlem Pr90<omrnoti1e Scon Remote Conlrol Qvon'l ElicirOf\IC TUnll'IQ-91 Channels Energy Consclous4 Sohd Stole ChOssls In line Block Moir•• Picture Tube ()IQilot ChOnnet Numbers wt1l be able to .. the NIU.lea ot \heir tffaru. SeverU typee of fund·ra!Mn are planned. The Urat wm probably bt a TGIJ' 1ummer Codnall party at the Bay Club wtth an entrance fee of about flO. Colton Hid that the eroup would like to have four major functiona a year, and mentioned a winter black tie formal, a ~. r:on1 theme party. and a ween party u pcmlbllities. "We will alto 1po.n10r or ualat In luncheon meetings with euest 1peakera," Colton aald. "Speakers will be from CHOC and from the busine11 community, to help members secure their o wn 1UQCe11es.'' A 10-K run and pancake breakfast are alao being considered. But, just becaUle the sroup'a memberahlp wUl con1i1t primarily of Bay Qub memben doesn 't mean that outalde aaai.atance will be tpUmed. OllFIRT lllPlll Yoo can buy " <iown con-4on .. r flltC ~ "~" bu1 how dew. II COtnPMv'Owck rtw cbff.,r..nc .. • tit thv qool1ry ~nd th .. numh.n nl OUIK<'' uf 1h" down fill (if ttw "'" ol 1tw n iml1>11.i II> •I lor~ .. no~ 'I (i{ th.> qUdLf\ of lh<' t'\IM C"'t't lhcluny1 ri! wtw1h .. 1 thv oclun!l " \IUMlllll<'\ld 1'101 10 kftk ft K Y"lt" tit ... tw1I"" you c•n ~ pu..,...ty '·"<'II f.,\ho0t1 ~ ..... , "' It.,' wnoo Scandia Down' Comforter•. Comp••• ual You 11110n't ftnd a Htter comforter bu\I an\lwhue. COIOIA DIL llil 27118 E. COMt Hwy. 72MSU LAIVIA ll&CI 1"80 8. COMt Hwy. 4tt-33tl ··ro.,, '-«•I DOWN E:apero" 19" :.-:t Color 1V SlondOrd COOOC•'Y tmed ~ 4-cyctes-regulor damp-dry petm0nent-p1ess and ~le 3-dfY!ng ielect1ot\l AfC-Automo11cr. $ 2 2 8 Quencv Control 100'\ soltd-1tote C"<>S$I$ In.lone pie;. 1..-e tuoe l'(Slem Automollc Fre· $ 3 Quency Con1101 Energy ~ 100'!1. Sohd Store ChOUll VIR Cl,. curtrv 17 8 349 Litton® Microwave LOIO-MeoHn-One• 1ets vov COOi< corilolete meals ott ot Of\Ce or ston ocl'len ..,,"' one dllh or two. then odd 0 INtO lood OS you COOi< Mem· orymot~ progom cootuno at 11'19 IOuCtt ol a finger I 00'!1. solid·stote elec1'0nlc: touch oonlrol pone! -t.760' Not Avallob<" Son J-e,na,,do Cafeteria Special c .. aa"• '"~ windm ,, S1&a""' fob'e-Mo urt VO"\ IYCH002X GI• VHl/VkJeO cauette tecorder R9cordlng time se- lector. troc:ktno oon-$ ~~~~ 544 lope coun ., with memory Your Cholc. t-Gallon• .... Your choice of 1-gol- lon Japanese Box· wood or lto llon Cypress. 822 : . , I we are featuring Quiche Lonalne and Mexican Quiche Seroed with a Fresh Spinach Salad 4.45 Or picnic .by the bandstand with our Rxxl-to-00 7ty our Refreshing '1\llne Cocktails ,,..,..,,. ,,,,.,.,, on~Square In a hurry? 1'fdc up a tasty sandwk::h and a soft drlnk at our Islander Snack Shop acfjacent to the concert area. It .. travels so well! .. See's Summer Variety Pac k That's wha1 1'ustomers sav about our popular Summer \ ariety Pa.ck . a special selertinn of St>e·~ r1ualit' candies put togf'thrr for 1h1,. "eason of the year. It indudP" a ran~P of 1aste-tcmpting d~li~h~,, from nul rolls and fuJge to 0 1\'1 nit~ Pu ff and a de lie ious piece appropriatPIY namer! .. Summertime .. ! But. of rour..,e. !:'O many ''ustomf'r!> sirnph 1·ontinuP to enjo\' their favoritf' assortments of See·s Famous Old Time Candit's ·in thP good old summf'rtime. as well as 111 "!'ring. autumn and wintn. For (J l \l'<H~ of 11ll thP season:>. no othrr l'Onfr1·1inner ha,, n1rPd to match Sef''s qualitv 111 Ser':-prn·p~ . ..,,, ,, .. Q~~~~ Time that travels llght. From Seiko, the ideal gift for every traveler. Travel alarm clock with accurate quartz movement folds into a slim wa·llet-sized case. Five-min~te snooze feature . Choice of beige, black, brown, or burgundy case . ss9.50. F111e.ie-ttn~ 1917 Where the besc surpnses begm. Fashion Island (714) 644-1380 • Newport Beach Also Greater Los Angeles • San Diego • Las Vegas For Pleasurable Dining In a Cool Tropica l Setting Before the Concert We Invite Y o u To E([JIE~ FLA CE Where Moderate Prices for Qual ity Dining Begin '3.95 Quiche & Salad '4.25 Soup, Salad & Roll Our homemade desserts are renowned! We serve Wine & Beer, Espresso & Cappucino, too Join Us! 640-6390 89 fashion island newport beach -near Bullocks WI/shire - ; STUFF'D ROii NEW YORK STYLE SUBS Under New Management DAILY SPECIAL s2. 95 GRILLED HAM & CHEESE 12. 75 GRILLED ROAST BEEF & CHEESE 12 . 75 GRILLED CORNED BEEF 12. 75 REUBEN SANDWICH 12.95 Complete Line of Italian Sub Sandwiches Cigarettes. Gum, Chips, Mints, Etc. Serving Breakfast & Lunch Fresh Italian Chef Salads $2.95 Soup of th.e Day goe Beautiful Ocean View 640-5752 107 Fashion Island Newport Beach Between Buffums & Bullocks We l nv.ite 'you to v1s1t our exhibition-style kitchen where you can watch us prepare all of our freshly baked goodies. • Old fashion cookies • Croissants • Cheese cake • Carrot cake • Croissant sandwiches and box suppers 6 f fashion Island Newport Beach, CA (across from N~lman Marcusj ,, , .. ,, ,ti J'i ·~ '• , -- . ~ ' ' J ' w ' I • . ' I t..~ D -Robbie Benaon. 1l'°• and Karla De Vito, 29, ~ h O · a t a r r e d I n lJSl'aodwar,'s "Pirates of ~' carried their make-believe ldVe to the altar Sunday in the bride's home town of 'Mokena, Ill. • . Orange Cout DAILY "LOT/Wedneed1y, Juty 14, 1912 Pop~ • n cl o t b • r pa rt y aPDOU\Uw PQliUonl ln uw perty. ,.,rre...._,.., weN aeouHcl of Dimu. n.8noo w11 appolnt.td 11 •ll1n•d with Tom UM interim execuUvt dlnetor a•a Ca•pal~a f#r and John Hanna, of Irvine, w11 DlimacrMJ. 'l'hll lflit appo•nted parll1m1ntarl1n, lecl • the lwmadan of a eplllw aocord1na to outcolnl executive ~-~:= dinaW .. J'oet«. A"•._ W9*b llPW .. ~ Adm, pnlldent ot 1 property co •-I If h clevelopqwnt and manqement N •autepete ~ n t • eompany. laet waa elected to JIU'tY............., party office when he eerwd 11 A1lo •i.et.d to~ poet. ~ ln 1978. ==-~y'&.ita Ana : A onetime alde to former will ...w ' 11 the party'~ vice Orange County Democratic Rep. chairwoman· Weatmlniter Richard Hanna. Adler currently accountant Jl~ Evans elected -il managing Democrat Frank party treaaurer: and Leonard Barbaro'• 1tate, aenate campaign Lahtinen, of fulahelm, elected to in the county a newly created a third tenn 81 eecretary 32nd dlatrict. · Hts wlfe, Loulle, is a member Followinl hla election, Adler of the Saddleback Unified School moved quickly to fill several District Board of Trustees. SA Freeway widening eyed .But $600 million project may not come hef ore 2000 Th e Orang e C o unty Trans portation Commi11ion thinks an eight-lane Santa Ana Freeway between Irvine and Downey would be just fine. But don't hold your breath. It may be 2000 before the work is aax>mpliahed. Commissioners decided Monday to continue studies on an eight-lane alternate to the congested freeway , long considered a roadway relic by transportation planners. The existing freeway has six lanes, three in each direction, between the San Gabriel River Valley Freeway in Downey and the San Diego Freeway in Irvine. It ia estimate d that reconatruction of the ·freeway to add one lane in each travel direction would coat between $500 and $600 million. In throwing 1upport behind the eight-lane alternate, commiasioner1 went againat a suggestion that the route be expanded to 10 lanes, or five lanes in each direction. Commissioners opted for the e ight-lane alternate a f ter learning that a 10-lane freeway would coat more than $700 million and require ma11lve displacement of. homes and businesses along the freeway corridor. Expansion of the freeway I.a under study by the transortalion commission, a state-created agency, and Caltrans. Peop le all along Dl.llJ Pl.I the Orange Coast rely on the BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Claisslc White with Palomino Leather.· Electric Sun Roof. Alloys, Stereo-Cassette. 3000-TURBO $29,900. Call Virginia (714) 6-45-4800 or (714) 6-45-1122. Hoat Fam/II• Needed Now Exchange students from Europe arrive next month to spend a school year in your community. PlelWJ open your home and heart. • Share a wonderful family expenence • Build lasting· friendships • Show America at its best • Promote interna/IO(laf underatand1ng You can select your student now Please call John Battey (TM) ,._ttn Max and Sue Wilson (TM) m-4M1I or Anna 1-(IOO) :aa •• 0< co11ect: (IOI) la-2714 Educ.ti,,,.., Foundation Ftw Foreign atuct, a n')('l·P•Ol•l oiganoutoon . PIZ~~ HOME DELIVERIES HAVE CHANGED A LOT SINCE THE OLD DAYS Now Men-Eds mot>1tP ovens SPeed delicious PIP.'19 hoe piuas to your noor '"minutes Fo< prompt service phone 646-TI36 INewoort Beach/Costa Mesa-17th andTushn) or 847-1214 (Huntington Beech-Beech and Hell). Get the Pizza with Pizzaz acCount, and are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation-which itself is new supported by the full faith and credit of the U.~t. Safer than , there ain't. T-BlllCERTIFICATE Riut: . Annualtlt'CI Y1rld: 13.098% 13.723% For dw pcnod ol 7/H/ll 10 7/19/IJ MINI T-BlllCERI'IFICATE Rlt•: ""'-lllJloel y trld 11.797% 12509% For dw pmod of 7/1}/tl 10 7/19/ll 11 ldt on~Jt b3Md1y,. thtcumnl ntr. Rmrwal M lnll\lri«y. SIJbfca to the ntes Ihm fftVaill~. Federll rqulltlons prohibit ~al inrms on thar llXXIUlllJ. The T-Bilt has a $10,000 I minimum, the MiniT-Bill $7,500. I Both are subject to a substantial interest penalty for early with- drawal. For further information about either account, or any of our other financial services such as interest- eaming ~'stop at any All- state Savings office or call collect (213)240-5913. Want thrills? Try a roller coostei: Want safety? If )Wfe looking for a safe, secure way to •ma stea~ reliable high interest rate on )OOC savi~ Allstate Savi~ recommends our 6-month T-B.ill or 91-day Mini T-Bill. , Tty Allstate Savings. ISIBllf Beth have~ rates d retum for the full term d the • \0 2a• A•nlvenar~ .... Party Thurs., July 15, 2:00 p.m. 'Til 8 O'clock o Take Advantaae Of Our I One Day Only Super Special LOWEST PRICE •Hor s D' ouvres and Champagne** 3295 NEWPORT BLVD. t<f/. CALL NOW! 0· ~~ 675-1171 .. '\ ~~~~~~~~~ If you're in business you need Coming A ug ust 1 UNAMUSED -EPA Director Anne• Oonuch didn't think her depletion in Sunday's ··~··comic ltrlp was all that funny. 'Doonesbury' not so funny to Gorsuch TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) -A ''Doonesbury'' comic strip about Anne Gorsuch pleased her children, but the director of the U.S. Environmental Protection ~ aya it "atretched the limits of my 1eD1e of humor." Mra. Gorsuch aaid public flcwa have to be thick-skinned, but u1d: "You have to remember that government employees are ~pie, too. I uaually read the funny papen: but thatatretched the llmita of my aerwe of humor." In the Sunday atrip, drawn by arry Tnadeau, a buame9unan ls · in front of her desk, P'"UUM:h abe ia not ahown. He ya hia company haa "only a toxic waste dump, but it d cost my company mllllooa f dollars) to clean it up. that otherwi8e could be in exploration.,, 'All Univenal Petroleum is in1 for, Mra~ Gorsuch, la the EPA eue up a bit and off tboee eager beaver Carter IMIO'V'l!l'll who keep threatening to suit against us," the man ues. replies the nation wanta air and clean water, and so she. The busfnesa man lee, '.'But . . . but . . . I t you were on our . . . " final panel indicates Mrs. ia "winkinc," and a tiny moc:~ a factory litd.nc on her belching lmOke. The aigha in relief. rwelght7 Just a II e out of shape 7 Or th 7 Don't give up. " ve-lr' up at Richard Stabbing death trial ordered Two men chara-ct with the found ln September, 1981, in a atabbinc death of a 20-yeuo-old ahallow irave near a nunery in Million Viejo woman have been rural eut Irvine. ordered to atand trial 1n Or.nae County'• Superior Court on The prosecution has alleaed chara• that could lead to the . that Leitch and Thompaon lmPQSltfon of the death penalty. planned the death of the youna Pollowlna five days of woman, who waa ltvln1 with teatfmony in a preliminary Leitch'• ex-wife. Accordlna to hearlns In Central Orange the testimony of a jallhouae County Munidpal ·Court, Judge informant who aald Thompeon Samuel Taylor Jr. ruled Monday gave him detaila of the crime, there wu sufficient evidence to Left.ch pro~ Thompeon .... order a trial on murder charaes 000 and a aM.lboat lf he killed for defendants David Leitch, "'23, Mita Flellchll for hlm. of Laguna Beach, and Thomas Thompeon, 26, of Orange. Judge Taylor ellmfnated a rape charge against the two men but bound them over on another count of robbery and a spedal circumstance allegation of murder committed during a robbery. If con victed of first-degree murder and special circumstances, Leitch and Thompeon could be sentenced to die in the gas chamber at San Quentin Prison. Prosecutor Dan Brice sa.ld he might re-file the rape charge against the defendants. The two men are accused of killing Ginger Lorraine Fleiachli, a Bal boa Island boutique employee who dated Leitch. Miss Fleischli's body was Silk flower workshop set Floral desig'ner Ki Yung- Martin will demonstrate the latest silk flower arrangement techniques tonight in a program sponsored by the Coastline Community College Floral Guild. · Floral Guild. The workshop will begin al 7:30 p .m . at the Bayview Leaming Center, 2531 Orchard Drive, Santa Ana Heights. The $2 admission fee will benefit the Floral Guild's college programs. Ma. Yuna-Martin is designer in residence at the San Lorenzo Flon1 Gardena. She has been judged one of the top 10 dealanera in the Southern c.litomia 6ota1 contest. It ls alleted the two killed the young woman ln a Laguna Beach apartment after they had been out to a nightclub with aeveral other people. The preliminary hearing for the two defendants had been delayed several months while Thompson's attorney unsuccessfully 1JOught to have the preliminary hearing cloeed to the public. Clark again heads county transit panel Ralph Clark, a member of the Orarule County Transit District's board' of din!Ctors for 10 years, has been re-appointed to his eighth one-year tenn as panel chairman. Clark, county aovernment's representative to the board, has served as board chairman since 1973. He is a member of the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Picked as vice chairman was Buena Park attorney William Farria. Clark was presented with an antique fare box once used on trolley can to recogniie his 10 years of service to the board. The transit board la composed of five memben -two efected officials from county government, two c)ty council membera from communlti~a aerwd by OCTD, and a public member. mental attitude that can last for the rest of your life. Call or come In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today 'rt>u can do It. Join now. mmons new Anatomy ylum. Now with 4 URRY! I tlons, and many ore to come. lt!s all here. he fun. The fitness. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for ~r succe"" formula. And all for less than $15 a month. Get started . Rlchatd 5/mmom Ive-If' concept wlll work you. ms an excltlng com- of exerd!Je, proper rttlon and a po5/tlve RNAL DAYS I SMIRNOFF VODKA 1.75 LT. . l SEAGRAMS l..CROWN ~ISKY ... 1.7!.,T. AD PRICES PR~VAIL: WEDNESDAY JULY 14th TitRU SATURDAY JULY 17th -•-~ 10.49 1\49 Srtlra-.1 '-tv- ·-~·.~-.­.......... __ --.,, ....... __ ,_ . ······· ....... ;iri~ HIRAM WALKER'S TEN HIGH BOURBON WHISKEY TAYLOR W»"OINIA CELLARS LIGHT WINE •UINTCUIUS • UINT VIN llOSl •UINT._ . 3.3a LA PAZ MARGARITA MIX CANADI~ MIST WHISKY CARLO ROSSI WINE •CllAILJS .... ·-..,.,.y OLD CROW BOURBON WHISKEY ~2GAL l.89 :.:. 9.99 JOSE CUERVO TEQUILA .......... SCORESBY SCOTCH ..... I Orange Ooa1t DAILY Pll.OT/Wtdneeday, July 14', 1982 SOMETHING TO JAW ABOUT -John McCosker, director of San Francisco's Steinhart Aquarium, shows sharks' jaws for an exam le of the size to which some white Swim U~o o great white sharks off the coast of Sti Beach have caused officials to close the be es to sunbathers and swimmers. The beache eopen today. • scare townsfolk Humor, fear mix in small seaside ham le i ' harks STINSON BEACH (AP) - The bar aervee a drink caUed the Great White Shark. The theme from "Jawa" accompanie1 the local 1urf report. Llteauarda wax phlloeophical. Residents ot thla picturesque coastal hamlet at first 1eem amused by the great white sharks that have been swimming off1hore for two weeks. But beyond their jokes, they are nonplussed. And moat people can't wait for today when It Is supposed to be safe to go back m the water. Since the great white sharks arrived in this pic turesque hamlet, swimming has been banned and the mangled bodies of sea mammals have washed up on shore with unnerving frequency. John Mccosker. director of San Franc isco's Stein hart Aquarium. is one of several consultants helping the National Park Service decide what to do with Stinson. the most popular beach in the San Franclaco Bay Area . Stlnaon Beach 11 no 1lranger to adversity. Some hornet went dry five yean ago during the century's worst drought. In February, the century's worst floods cau1ed heavy damage to hillside homes. The village I.a at the western foot of Mount Tamalpals, where a trailside killer murdered seven hikers during a two -year nightmare that ended last fall. AB he rolls beer kegs from his Sand Dollar Restaurant to a pick-up across the town's two- lane main street, fire chief Kendrick Rand says, however, that the movie-like shark crisis lS the most bizarre problem of au "What was fiction suddenly came to life here in Stinson Beach," he said. wiping his brow with the sleeve of his yellow volunteer firefighter's shirt. "The fortunate thing Is that nobody has gotten killed or hurt." Rand and otheR apolabt tM NatJonal Pvk Service I°' Ck.Inc 1\1 beech to twlmmera. They ·M)' the media have done a aooCi Job alertin41 ~pie to the dancer. ' Scoh Tye, who'• bfea a llfeau~rd on the beach nine yean, •YI 1harlu have always been preeent farther from ahore. But they have never been ' major problem. . "I've been awimmlng in these waters 10 years," he said. '11f you climb mountain•, you worry about avalanches. If you fly a1rplane1, you worry about crashing. It'• the same thing here." He recalled that a Cishing boat caught the biagest great white on record three miles from Stinson's crescent-shaped beach two years ago. It weighed two tons. Rand invented the Great White Shark drink to help relieve the tension. It's a concoction of vodka, white creme de cacao, ice, half & half and a scarlet dash of grenadine. program to begin SPECIAL SAVE84e The s umme r s wim program at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa continues when the third session of 1982 begins July 19 1n t h e OCC swimming pool Forty-minute classes are available Mondays through Fridays from 9 a m. to 4 p.m. during the two-week session. Fees are $15 per student. Participants include 3-year-old toddlers. non- s wimmers. beginning s wimmers. advanced beginner s a nd intermediates. Also. a "Mommy and M c" program has bet•n added for children from 1 to 3 and their mothers. [nformation can be obtained by calling 556-5880. Marke ting meeting planne d Duffie Fryling. president or sales marketing for Bar tt Irvine. will be e speaker at the Ju 28 meeting of the S & Marketing Counl'l f the Building In d s try Association of thern California. Beginning a 6 p.m ... the dinner m ing will be held at th Newport Sheraton ewport Beach. Second achieveme will be ho For inf mation, call (213) 625 771 • se inar scheduled Riive Seminars will pre&ent a three-hour program on foreclosures, approved by the State Departme nt of Real E;tate for three hours of continuing education credit, July 29. Robert Von F.sch Jr .. a real estate attorney. will present the program at the Quality Inn, 616 Convention Wa y. Anaheim. For information , contact Ronald Amaro, 995-2100, who owns Rave Serninan and the Red Carpet Realtors office at 2666 W. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim. tt:®MOUTHWASH & GARGLE . Ass't Flavors 32oL 1.39u. .-1t1111·• ST. IVU ALOE VHA Ott JOJOIA SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER COMBO PAK -·.:OL2059 cw1g.i• REVLON FLEX HAIRSPRAY Keep that "1us1 slyled" look in any weather ASS'T. FOMllUS PAllOf 1Mggc ,.. 2IOSHEm 71° BON-BON STYLE HOUSEWARES Ideal lor kitchen. workshop or laundry room. • IOUGllMECll IUC«CT ( 11 QT.) • STOOGE STAClD (ll'h"1 HW'17~") • llOUIHNlCll IUC«n (l2QT.) • IECTANGUUI WASTHASUT ·(#2141) • LAUNHY USUT (#2MS) • IECTAMGULAI WASTHASUT (#2145) YOUR CHOICE! 2.99 .. CHAISE LOUNGE WITH THE WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! ·== CHLOR-TRIMETON HCOMGISTANT llP£TAIS 2 Up to 12 hours continuous 24, 49 relief · I • SAVE90e llnactJn. -CIUlll TINACTIN MTIFUNCW. CHAM Kills most athlete's foot fungi 15.-.2·.69 NIW2.a4 eg HOP. IA. .U KllUDllll .. ·-·· CAllllATICMI ._ __ _.. P-.. ICE CREAi 4 Ya GAL ROUND SAY• 11.00 V05 HAIR SPRAY With the natural look that lasts W'TFonuus 110L2.19u (i\IJji.J.• THERAGRAN r · THERAGRAN ~ llQM POTOCT VITAll SUl"Pl£M(Jfl ioonus 6 01 30 TUt..m .Al~ IA. •tWW:t1• nm "FIRESIDE" 4 QT. BOWL WITM BASlET ~----:--..-- •J§il.J.i PAMPERS 1 · DISPOSAILE DIAPERS ''"''·'·• llQIOYlr t TllLE TOP I BRAZIER Heavy gauge bowl with cranlt-up dev1C9 '°' grid height adjuttmenl I ORGANIZER-Connie Greaser , Rand Corp . executive, organized Women in Business in Los Angeles to help working women solve problems. . C.11142-5171. Put a few wordJ to work for ou. . . Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y, July 14, 1812 Al I • Unity boosts business women • • NEW YORK (AP) -Men Connie Greuer Lt e founder of Luncheon Club to ttnd other "The \ooller the network, the have been dolna It for years: Women In· Bu1lneu In Loa women In banklna· rnor. It worlu," ahe Ayt. "lt'a tndlni atock tJpe on the aolf Ancelet, an early network that In the laat three yean, two ah&rlni ex~rlencea and 1ett.tna coune, di.c:wilJ\85tion1 on arew out of a unJveralty aemlna.r booka on networklns, one by aupport. It a knowtn, eomeone the tennia ooW1, In.aider ln 1974. Mary Scott Welch and the other elle la there. lt'a gett.tna oontacia view• of corporate U e over "The Initial durpoae waa by Carol Kleiman, have hit the and aharll'\I them and knowina drink.a at the club. aoclallaatlon an flndlns one market. what'• out there." ' It'• the "old boy network," a another and reaJ.W.na we weren't The National Astoelatlon of Ma. Moore notes that the U.S . web of IOdal tlpe and advice that the only ones havinl trouble," Female Executlvee waa founded Bureau of Labor StatlaUca uya pasaea from aeneratlon to ahe uya. 10 yean .,0 by Wendy Rue u a 48 percent of all joba come aeneratlon, company to company, 1'The first lep of the old gl.rla' "positive aupport system." In through personal contact, and and la aa venerable an lnatltutlon networkl had to be formallz.ed," each laaue o! Its publication, The "the higher you go in the u the boya' nJ&ht out. executive tower, the more jobe "Men have always been ""l'i'he Jooser the network, the more it are filled by word of mouth." tau1ht to be part of the team I. ' Women find beauticians and and help each other,'' aaya Deane k J , h d baby litters by word of mouth, Laycock, founder of the Beeton wor s. t s s aring experiences an women active In networking say, Lunch eon C 1 u b and the ao there's no reason why finding National Alliance ol Profesaional getting Support." a new and better job can't and Executive Women ' a happen the same way. Networks. Manr organizations, like the "Women were taught to be says Ma. Greaser. head of Female Executive, it lists the Financial Women's .Aaaociation In nice and have frienda and went publications for the Rand Cor~. names and phone numbers of N e w York and Women In their .eparate waya, espedally in Santa Monica. "We dldn t women throughout the country Business in Los Angeles, make after getting married." know who one another were. We who want to at.art a network. sure employers have the name of corporate boards through lta 1 ·But now more women are had no place to run, Uke a local One of its promotional leaflets at least one woman on every list Corporate Board Resource. playing the corporate game -pub, to meet other people with declares: "Networking la Getting of people for every job opening Founder Felice Schwartz aaya, and fonnirul their own teuna. the aame problems." Ahead." and recommend women for "It used to be corporations just "Old" and iTnew girl networks'' "So many of us were isolated," Elaine Moore, a sales director corporate boards. wanted a woman who wouldn't are cropping up as women bestn saya Mrs. Laycock, who worka as for Mary Kay Cosmetics, became Catalyst, a multifaceted make waves. Now, they want a to look at each other as a resource a trust officer at Fiduciary Trust president of the association's woman'• organization, has been w oman who w i 11 make a they never thought they had. Co., and founded the Boston Career.Exchange in Cincinnati. w orking to get w ome n on contribution, not just be tokens." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BARBASOL CRUEX IMVICIUll ........... Assorted Formutu ... , .... Kill• Jock Itch Funous U& 3.49 RIOPAN OI RIOPAN PLUS .... ,...,,... I Suspension with ~ Simtthetont 12& 2.19 ---~. DESENEX AlfT1fUNUl POWDU Medicated Foot Care •i§i·'·· MASSENGILL , .... Ill ... ANorttd Fragranca .,......,. (M&•) SAVEsoe MOULAll 0 11 MINT 1¢/1 .. :c~u .. 6.99 --WATERS PORT !'}!~~-. tteond, month. day, date ~-29.95 SAVEBOe HEAD & SHIULDERS lllAllPOO LOTIOll lllOIAAll Ofl CONOITIOHINO WIDf li!IOAY, JULY t-9' ~ IATURDAV, JULY 11'h WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! ·== BEST of Nl\TURt ZINC ~ ·::-3.29 8AY••4.00 CUllOL'DRY GUY' STYLING DRYE VibmitC •w..-11< I«' ~ ................ --··-- aAv• so• <l§ji.J.i TREND UUMDIY DnUOOT Heavy duty for a Clean Wash Cifjlt.- CRYSTAL WHITE u.w hWI• For Dishes and Flne Fabrics Assorted Fragrancts (F-.YllZI) .. & 1.19 •i§*'·- NO·PEST STRIP llllCl1CM IClllS Flies and Mosquitou Indoors Grants awarded Eight Orange County human service agencies , have been awarded United Way program grants totalling $30,000, agency officials have announced. The age n c ies are: Camp Titan, the Center f o r Genetic Blood Di sorders , Human Options, the National Foundati on of Wheelchair Tenrus, the Orange County Trauma Society, Outdoors for Youth, South Orange County Commu nity Service Council. and Stop-Gap. 6 students · get awards Six Orange Coast high sch ool stude nts have b een awarded $1,000 coJlege scholarships by the Irvine Company for community leadership, the compa ny h as announced. · The students are: Sandra Greer , University High School. Irvine: Glen Kauffman, Newport Harbor High S c hool : Debi Loof- bourrow. Corona del Mar High School; Lisa Milum. S .E.L.F. School. Irvine : Miriam McKenna. Irvine High School. and Laura Rush, University High School, Irvane. Asians aided Medellas (Medical, Dental, Legal Ladies Soc iety) 1s o Uering scholarships to Asian- American students who wi s h to attend professional school. Chinese, Japanese, Korean or F i lipino students who are U.S. citizens and Orange County residents may apply. ' For information, call Mrs. Karl Nishimura at 544-3136. Leukemia unit picks 2 Two Orange Coast r esidents, K enneth Nicolas and Jenifer M o nroe , h ave been elected officers or the Tri-Co~nty chapter o( the Leukemia Society of• America. Nicolas, Costa Mesa, • wa s chosen vice president. Mias Monroe, of Irvine, was named eeqetary. Orenge Oout DAILY PILOT 1Wedn•d1y. July 14, 1882 ump fee det;ision. a inancial necessity The euy thing Tuesday for ~e Orange County Board of perviJK>n would have been to w to preuure and delay action implementing a fee program at ~ty~wned landfllls. ~ The board tnatead took the more d ifficult course. And the qorrect one. ' In 90 days, it will cost ciommercial and non-commercial .).en of county landfills $7 for · ton of rubbish they deposit. ed hard to handle materials ace an additional $1 per ton dharge. Weights will be estimated and it is assumed the householder 4n'1ving with a small load of yard ~anup material probably could pay as little as 50 cents or $1 to use the dump. On their face. the fees might seem a bit stiff. But some facts need to be kept in mind. Orange County is the only county in the a~ate that does not charge for rubbish disposal. There are only four landfills lh Orange County. Two are in some jeopardy due to _ leas e difficulties. One can't be expanded due to community pressure. That leaves only one landfill that can be permanently relied upon. The county has plans for a ne w landfill near Irvine, but its development is way off. There can be little question that the county must have new landfill sites. Even if sophisticated resource recovery and recycling program s can be implem ented, there must be locations to deposit what cannot be transformed or reused. Th e cost s o f o perating e xisting landfills and purchasing n e w s ites are extreme . The county's general fund budget - which traditiona lly has supplied the funds for landfill operations - is facing many pressures. Thus, some form of fee structure w as n eed e d t o f i n a n ce wa s t e manageme nt. And, in o ur vie w , the proposed fee system makes the most sense because the revenue will come from the landfill users. And while it is a virtual certainty residential a nd commercia l trash bills are go ing t o g o up, the nominal increases seem a small price to pay for staving off what rould have been nothing short of a waste management cr isis. (;Jobe-trotting cos tly · When things are quiet in Washington, members of Congress usually take advantage of the lull · tO indulge in some overseas travel. In an election year, the emphasis is OR domestic trips to visit the home constituents. This y ear's July reCess found much of both going m -and it's costing the taxpaye rs plenty. A survey conducted by The ASsociated Press estimates that the average monthly bill for congressional travel is well over $1 million. The 435 House members and tbeir aides are likely to spend about $8 million a year in travel to aRd from their districts. Some make the trip every week. The 100 Sen ators spend about $2 million. Travel by the 42 House and Senate committees costs at least another million, and overseas tntvel probably adds another $2 to $3 million. Accurate figures are hard to come by, because the House and Senate use differe nt reporting m e thods a nd som e trave l on military flights is not charged to congressional accounts. Costly as congressiona l travel may be, it pales beside the bills for preside ntial excursion s. These involve legions of security and c ommuni ca ti o n s p e ople , he licopters stationed at eve ry stop and even a rmo re d limo us ines flo wn in adva n ce t o e ver y destination . The tab for President Reagan's 10-day European tour will com e to about $12 million. It's all a far cr y from the days when presidents s tayed pretty much in the capital and members of Congress lived and worked in their dis tricts, trave ling to Washington only as needed to take care of the inte r ests of the ir constitue nts. Of course the mileage covered b y our lead e r s h as incr e a sed astronomically w ith the jet age. But whe the r a ll the trav e l is giving us more for our tax dollar r e m a ins v e r y muc h o pen t o question. Weeding out ch e ater s A long overdue state bill limiting students' ability to receive unemployment benefits has been signed into law by Gov. Brown. The fact that it took legislative action to stop this quasi-cheating on government aid explains !he indignation of many of the hard-working citizens who voted the Reagan administration into power in the h ope it would unload free-loaders. The federal cutbacks in aid have, in some instances, appeared to go too far, with the result that some innocent people are being hUrt. 1 But this state action clearly was · tified. tor the past half dozen years, aa the result of a court decision, almost every student applying for unemployment benefits has received the aid without question . Withou t the new restrictions, it ia estimated about 26,800 students would have received benefits this year at a cost of more • than $30 million to California employers. H e n ce f o rth , s tudent applicants will have to prove that they have been self-supporting for a minimum of two years from part-time work; base their claim o n a c tual loss o ( part-t i m e employm e nt; b e seeking and willing to accept work under the same conditions they had before becoming une mployed ; be in a la bor market where there is a reasonable demand for part-time w o rk ; and use only schoo l a tt e ndan ce to limit their availability for work. Th ese are l e gitimate re quirements tha t will e nable students who must rely on part- time e mployment for their own support to receive aid between jo bs. while e liminating t hose simply seeking a hando ut t o augme nt pare ntal or othe r support. That, o f course, is the in tent o f al I unemployment insurance. ()plnfeM eJrpreSsed In th& space •bove are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· prhsed oo tnls page are those ot 1ne1r author s and artists. Reader comment 1s 1nv1I· fd. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O Box 1S60, Costa Me$a, CA 9262'1. Pnone (7 14 l ·~·4321 . · C.M. Boyd I Barbecue cr e dit apeda1 rneclwUm\ that allows her t.o "~' her unborn back lnto her own Ullues, thereby rep1n1na her own •tre'nifh. Q. Is there any way an amateur can tell whether • vlolln 11 a rHl Stradivarh.11 or jult a ~ A. At leMt one way:· Stnd la.bell ..... printed ln block lett.n, but the ... thne dJcitll w .... handwritten. Search for missing not over WASHINGTON -Commandos are wailing to rescue their long·los t Amer ican comrades still be ing h eld prisoner in Southeast Asia. AJI they need ts solid evidence or the missing men's whereabouts, and a go-ahead from the government. President Reagan has promised to take whatever action is necessary to recover soldiers and airmen who are known to have survived years of captivity In Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia. Already. CIA-trained commandos have carried out one raid into Laos last year in search or American prisoners·of-war. THE CIA RAJDERS made the foray after the Pentagon had studied refugee reports a nd aerial photographs. T he photos showed human shadows that looked too large to be cast by Asians. and an arrangement of logs that appeared to spell out the number 52 on the ground. At first the commandoes were driven back by gunfire. But a month later, two of them managed to reach the camp and ta ke p ic tures of the occupants . Unfortunately, not one was American, and there was no evidence to show that Americans had ever been held there. Though that daring raid didn't pan ou t, the administration is prepared to follow up future leads. One source close to the situation told my associate Donald Goldberg: "It is a current capability. There are people capable of performing that function." By presidential proclamation, July 9 was National POW-MIA Recognitio n G -Ja-1:1_1_11-11-11-1 -~ Day. The purpoee was to remind the nation that there are still more than 2,000 American eervicemen who have not been accounted for -more than se~n years after the end of the Vietnam War -and that hundreds of them may still be alive. There are some Americans who need no such reminder. They are the families of the missing men, holding their annual meeting in Washington this month. It is the 13th annual meeting the POW·MIA families have held. What nourishes their hope after all these years is the spate of eyewitness aC'C'Ounts of POW sightings in recent years, mostly from refugees who fled Southeast Asia. Just since 1979, the Pen tagon has received 3 72 such ac.'COunts. AJrttady this year, 31 willleaes have been in terviewed, three of them clai mi ng to have seen Ame rican prisoners alive within the last several months. THE STATE DEPARTMENT takes a ske ptical view of these reports, on grounds that desperate refugees will say anything they think will get them into the Uni ted States. Ye t most of the re fugees who provided information were already Ji ving here. and had nothing to gain by concocting a story. The Defense Intelligence Agency is convinced that Americans are still being held prisoner in Southeast Asia. French prisoners were held in Lndochina for as long as 25 years before being released. Yet the Pentagon is reluctant to make public the informati on 1t has on the m issi n g Amer icans. Adm . E .A . Burk halter, ac-t1ng DIA direct or . expla1nl'd t hat if the Vietname se d iscovl'red that we kne w of an American's whereabouts, they might take steps lo rid themselves of the embarrassing evidence. Brown appointees beginning exodus The countdown has begun. With less than six months of his two tenns as governor left, Jerry Brown's "team" has started to split the scene. It is one by one at the moment but very soon the tempo will increase and be like rats leaving a sinking ship. For in seven and a half years Brown has managed to appoint nearly 6,000 persons to key state positions, more than 800 of them to the courts. EXCEPTING FOR the judges, most of the appointees serve at the pleasure of the governor and those appointed for specific tenns can only remain at the expiration of those terms if reappointed by the next governor. Thus the November elecuon, which will decide whe the r that will be Attorney General George Deukmejian or Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, looms all important in the lives of all of the appointees. If the voters fa vor Re publican Deukmejian it is certain there will be a thorough housecleaning, for the political philosophies of most of those brought into state government by Brown will be totally unacceptable to the Duke. A change of governors then will mean a · real top to bottom change in state management. Only those pro~ by the cloak of civil eervice have nothing to fear. So, ln one way or another, Brown's people will be working hard in the campaign, not fo r Brown, t h e ir benefactor, as the next U.S. Senator, but for Bradley who they hope will be the -, IAll IATIRS governor come January. They figure, as Democrats, their chances to remain on the job if Bradley wins are good. But their calculations may be wrong. Bradley, though a Democrat and a liberal in 90me ways, la not the same breed of cat as Jerry Brown. He is more an establishment man, pro-business. and not given to the flaky ideas which had dominated the Brown administration. He will be anxious to build an image as governor far different from Brown and he can't do that by keeping on the Brown selections who, by and large, constitute the greatest collection of freaks witnessed since Barnum put together his circus. Ev~ thoee who might be acceptable -and there will be strong pressures put on Bradley. if he wins, by the legislators for them -will have to compete with other possible choices. For, in his years as mayor. Bradley has put together his own team. Through those years he has come to know them well and trust and rely upon them. It is natural then that he w ill be a n xious t o bring them to Sacramento. SO, FOR GREAT numbe rs . the handwriting is on the wall. Some have already departed. Among the early leavers were Gray Davis, the governor's execu t1 ve secretary for seven years, and Mario Obledo, his health and welfare agency secretary. Both sought to strike out for themselves in the world of elective politics. Davis is after a seat In the Assembly and has won his own party nomination, almost assuring him of a victory in a district heavily registered in favor of Democrats. He will find life as a freshman member of a houee of 80 will be a big comedown Crom his role as surrogate governor. Obledo was far more ambitious. He ran for the Democratic nomination for governor. His high hopes of capturing more than a million Hispanic votes were s hattered on election day when he received a paltry 127,000 out of the 5 million votes cast. 'Role models' missing in today's so c i e ty The World Almanac and Book of Facts recently polled 2,000 eight h-grade American pupils to learn which penons they most admire and would want to be like when t.hey SJ'OW up. · The children were asked to name their top 30 heroes. Their leading role model IYlllY 11111 ! . - ~ ~. lun)ed OU\ to be a ICJft1\ eciOr named Burt Reynolds. He wu followed by tuch namee M Richard Pryor, Alan Alda. Steve Manin, Robert R.d.ford and the late John Beluahl. (AlthOUC)\ halt of thoee polled Weft ,Srla. only five women wen on the Ult -all ~. modela or pop llft8tn.) Then wu not • *'I» name Oft &he Ult who WM not an lftt.tneiner or a eporta fll\ft. Not • tta..-n&n Nol • ldenlllt. ""Noc an eu&hot. Not • ~-. musician, sculptor. architect, doctor. lawyer or even an astronaut. These are young people who will be starting high achoo! next year. 'they were born and have grown up in an era of incredible change in almott every field. It has been an age of dlacovery;of invention, of Innovation in a doze n Important attu. Yet not OM of them would care to model hlmlelf or berwelf upon a figure who has made a real contribution to the world. What. la wrong here? I am not Interested in ~ blame, which ii a mott unproduc:Uve form of analyala. ln the bro9dett MNe, OW' whole culture ls at faUlt -our tducational •y.tem. our quality of publJc life, our unbalanced ple of rwwirdl. our penonal and IOda.l val um. 8oddll Mtd roll models men than ~ythlnc ..... They r.-1 ~ they cm\ km up IO and .......... '"'9y -.I ~ ,..... who do lhtntl lot ~ ,....., ...... u.. .......... ~ ,,.... ......... oC ..... Ulf of ...... :.!n:·==-~·..;.·::. ":.l~l.:J ~-.-. ··- performers and athletes. Our heroes and heroines are not people who have done big things, but people who ha~ Made It Big. Our current cult of succ.eaa must be balanced by an appreciation of human values and humane activities, ., that our young people are not beguiled and seduced by the ephemeral, the vuJ&ar, the flamboyant or the synthetic. A na\.ion that does not respect and reward real accompUahment.t in the arta and &dencea, ln atatemwwhlp and public 1ervice, la weakeninc Ua own moral flber and prepart.na for 1\1 own collapee. " . . ......... . Orange Co••t DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, July 14, 1982 -GRTHESE HOTVAWES AT PEP BOYS ,..._....~ fltOl'll IS A COIUIJSTIOll CATAlYST 10.Ml/lA TlD TO: •Make yovr gasoline burn mofe cc>mptetely and cleanly. •Helps keep Carburetor Cleon •Reduce Emissions and engine wear •One tube treoh 590 up to l ~ gollons EACH of gasoline. &ulljeet 10 -on,,_ c°' wax • Waa any lit• car on lfts than 15 minvt•• • Simply Jpray on & wipe off to get a~t·333 WOK f1n1Jh UCI SUPER SOUND VALUES FROM ••• AUDIOVOX YOUR CHOICE OF ••• TRI-VOi llGll OllAIJTY AU-SEASON MULTI-GRADE HIOHf'ff~I 1o~J!se96~ . . All AM~-550. s IAND. so wan SPEAKER SYSTEMS w~oawr:• Al.OtOro< STEREO POWER • • • I ' , ~ J ' 2,ACX Off8t IOlllcaY ... 89~. u~,:-~ WIRE 14' "~WHEEL 1111 COYEIS COITA.U HU l~llfOL IT 10 O' IAN DtCOO 'WY 'HONC• Mt·llU .. ... ,.._ . e TWEETU • MID- lANOf ~ WOOFER ftl-VOl • V • f" OVAL YOll CIOICI 3e MlRIH •CM Of.__,, •C-·---&..*C.. a.. ·=:~ • 1r o..rp,.-·~v-.. ., ..... ~ o.dV .. 1oo .... .3~ lntar ,.. MODEL #PC-1 .,.. POCKO COMPRESSOR THI PHflCT IOADSIDI '1 A COMMNION. FITS INTO &f OLOVI COMMITMINT • H'igh iwetwre hoM w/quick conM<I toggle chudi. ,-. ·~~~==cord 1 "91 WITH VINYL UG • lighter pluo. Va ..sA~L 100% REAL -=@====-SHEEPSKIN SEAT CUSHIOI Radial Tires with ultra-wide, /ow profile styling r&:a-:= G/T RADIALS $45ss··;:n= . SIZI Nia •10 h ( ... ''°l 10lt14 --... $2'° nu 1011 t• ....... ft $2 63 '7'5 70lt •• S.J.ft neo ,,,l 10lt" MS.ft S2" ,..l 71»1) l'tUS 11 I• I I I nu l'Ollll -"-~~-$48 99 .. .._. ...... ft $3 13 J SIZI Nta ....... ... '71l-U '62 ... UJ2 '7ll -t• U.J .ft 12.'9 ,,.~-·· "'·" $216 '1U60ltl ........ suo '71l 60lll $77.ft U40 ~X>S.-tl ~lVS U Ol 1 I I 30 MONTH llMmD WARRANTY * ~ ,,,. .................... , .. PEP BOYS STILL GIVES A LIMITED ROAD HAZARD V\IARRANTY* AT NO EXTRA COST! TMI PD IOfl OMS A UMfT10 W~ OH COINfU Tiit$ l'OI A 5"CIND NUMNt Of MONTH$ AGAINIT AU ~ MAlAIC$ 1H ~ 'ASSINOll CAI USI. lWIW>fO l1IU Will M ~ ~ NOIATlO MONnll.J AONITMIMT CHMOI IAllO OH lltOUlAI sauNO NICf flJ l1MI Of ~. \\I"''"'"' ~EVBM­......... ..... WOMAN Wond9f WOlllllll mutt .. w Joe Altlin.otl' a dtuglll., from -. ..-of • ""*' '°'* ••. • TMlaMIT Aller 13 lntelllgence ~·a .,. mg.nlou1ly murdered, th• Saint -.... the Identity of Moecow'a dllel ol police I l.W.A.T. HAWAII AW.O A M#ll(IM blrll\dey parly f0t Mc:Gerrett encll wtth 1n 111ernpe on 1119 Ille. • OYPIAIY OuMt: llCIOt MWlln S'- (R) Q • HUMAHmU THtllOUGH n. ARTS "llter1ture: The Synthnla liS **~"The H«th A~ ,,,..,.. .. 11979) Echdrel HetnTl9nn. Berbe11 Harrie. The ,_ mlfllater In • 1m111 town organlzM • gtoup of dotty women In 1111 Cong<• gellon to etop the flow of Churc:tl luridl to crtmlnal• 'G' (l)UOV. **'h "Zorro. The Gay Bled•" (1981) Georg• Hemlllon, LAu<en Hutton Tiie hetoic; ton of old Call· lornle'• f1moua juatlce fighter 11 lncapacit11ed by 1 riding Injury. l0tclng hit klppilll ~Olhet to don the cape end mUk 'PO' •uov. ** * "Simon" (1980) Alen Artlln, AultJn Pendle- ton. Sdenlllts It.~ IV ~ INM tank conw-• bumbling col- • Pf~ thet lie .. '" lllefl from OUI« aii-. 'PO' .. I 00( CAVITT AM&ICAH ~ "Pllilolopllles Of ~· ewllltlc>n" Cl)alNEWS 9 aAMEY Mll.Ll1' A dell we1m111 II picked up lor IOlidtlng, Ind Wojo llWlml Ille ICy Hudeon In pur1Ult of • burgle<. CD>MOYll *'"' "Chelper To Keap Her" (IMO) Mee Devis, Tovmh ~. In oro.r to mNt hie eMmony pay• menu. • -tty dlYOfCld ptlv8M deeec11Ye trlldt• down dlllnqulnt hustMlnda fore dNcwCI lewyer. 'R' 7l00 I eel NIWS NmCNIWS IWNQFU A tneeabf• plot unfold• to llK• c.in. bedt to Ch4nl end OltUln deeth. ·~NEWS An -"" 1119"191 I t ttellllng • pllnter'a truck hU Kojelc beltled ""*' the thief'. lawyer cso.tl'I -to Wint him out of jail. • a.t•A•t•H Hewtleye end B.J decide to do IOIMlhlng ebou1 a hellcopt« pllot wtlo u- nati-to gal'-bettle-- lleld brlc-8-brec to NII 11 __ .,.., I JC>KER'I WILD • ••11E81 MPOftT Cl) ft,M. MAGAZINE A IOOlt at Chine· a corpa of "btnfoot" docton: using • ~ to metctl the coui*I for • high lldloot dence. 0 INTMTAINMINT TOMGHT An lnMrMw with Genii Fr.ndl. !~ *** "IMlde Movff" (1980) John s.v •. David 8 KNXT CCBSl 8 KN8C CNBCI 9 K TLA (Ind I .KABC IABCI • KFMB IC8SI 0 KHJ TV llnc:J J e KCST (ABC> e KnV (Ind.I e KCOP-TV llnO I e KCET IPBSI e KOCE IPBSI 0 l H c • " ( s PERFOR MS -"L ive From Lincoln Center" telecast features the wor ld renowned flutist James Galway tonight at 7:30 on KOCE (50) and at 8 on KCE:l' (28). Mo<M. A newcomer to the group ol regul•rt at an Oekllnd bar may hOld the key to m•klng the bartan- d1<'1 dr1am ol becoming e pro l>Ullatblll player • raaluy,'PG' f?:)MOVIE * •.,.. "Gunn" ( 1967) Craig St-•. Edward 4M>e< Private aye Pat« Gunn 11 aaked to 1nv .. 1101ta • ~lend nwrdet 7:.IO B 2 ON THE TOWN FNtured· an IKorclam In Slit. Colorado, talk •bout the Prltlkln Otel. a prohle or folk singer Jo111 Baez I Q) FAMILY FEUD EYE OHL.A Featured a prollla o t Liberace, a look al we<ld· lngs. • 1rip to 1 Los Ano•· 181 ahOP Iha! spec;11ha t tn erotic merchandlae • M0A•&•H A gretelut pall«lt e1evo1 .. hlmMll to Ha-M<eye W111la Rader 11111 In love and Klinger marr-by Short· waveredlo I CJ) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEIL I LEHAEA AEPORT ID GMAT PE.AFOMtANCE8 "Live From Uncoln Center J.,,_ Galway Plays Most· ly Moart" Au1111 Jame• Gelw1y perf0tma with and conducla the Mostly Mozart Orcheatre In• con- cen lrom Avery Fllher Hill Ill YOU ASl<EO FOR IT FNh1ted: "Tattoo Artist" Ind "Baktwln Chtmpa " l.-00 8 MR WV.UN lac'• glllfri.t>d goes out on 1 date with his !Mist friend, Leo. (RI a a ~L PEOPl.E. Feetured: a duoe ranch In Wiles: Chico, Calllornta, "lruitarlana": a lozarcl· lreeper. • reunion ol black World War II WACS (R) 8 MOVIE **"""~Of The Gun I 1967) Jamee Gunar. Juon Robarde Wyatt E8'1) atelk• the man who kllled his t>rot her 8 0 THEOREATEST AMENCAH HEAO White on a Carobbeln vacation, Ralph, Pam an<! MIJ<well b4ICOm4l the tar- gets ol a temfylno vOOdoo cult.(R) 0 MOVIE * * AdventU<eS Of The Queen· ( 1975) Robert Stack, Ralph Bellamy The tlves or passengers aboard a l\Jxury ahtp 111 endar" gered as a revenge plot unfolds agalnst a multlmll- Honalra who 11 among them. at P.M. MAGAZINE A loolc 11 China'• corps ot "barefoot" doctors. uslr>g a computer to mateh 1ha couplff lor a high sctiool ~ • MOVIE "ACllOI Amigo" (1976) Fred Wllllamton, Richard Pryor S) GREAT PE~MANCES "Live From Lincoln Canter J-Gatway Plays Moll- ly Momrl'' Flut11t James Gway performs with and conducll th• Moatl y Mo:tart OrcheStra In a con- On TV l TV HBO CC1rwm,., 1 IWOR1 N V Ill y iWTBSt IESPNI l~l1mf'I cert lrom AVlry Fisher Hiii . CJ) CL08E-UP IR)TOCUMBA MOUNTAIN: JULY 4, 1981 ei.ven tiandtcll>ped peo- ple, possetHd by 1n<1om11· able cou11ga and devo- tion data to cn111ange 14.4 10-loot-hlgh Mt Reln- lef (O)MOVllE ••'I> "Sperrow" ( 1919) Randy H«man. Don Gor· don An emateur private detective aats out on a mluion to hnd the murder- '' or • poput1r eongwrllar ($)BIZARRE .. o,_,., SeQU«ICI 0MOVIE • * * 'h "Forever Female" ( 19S3) William Holden, Ging« Rogers A lovely, youthful actr... tends ttie sp1rkla and talent needed to gal• young piayWrlght's productlOn off the groun<l 8:30 8 (I) ADAMS HOUSE A IOCill WO<kllf it forced to Ilk• Cl<Htk: measures to help .,, elderly uncle wtlo deapl-him. Q) 000 COUPU: Fella 1a tormented -he learnt thll hit ••·wife It d11tng tha brother • ol Oscat'a grrlftllnd ( S) LAl'F-A-THOH A com.dl111 0011 and four comic contntanll who compete age1nat one enother ••• laatured In thla uncen.aored comedy oama show t:OO 8 Cl) MOVIE * * '"' "The Kiiiing 01 Ran- dy Webst«" (1981) Hal Holbrook. Orale C1111< A Loulalena couple lnvntl· g••• Iha 111a1 snooting ot lhetr son by Houlton portc9 ott~re (R) 0 Qt THE FACTS OF LIFE Jo per1uadea N•lllle to prtnt 1 atory In the IChoOI paper r-'1ng lhel one ol their leactwwa WIS once arrested for Clrvg uM (RI fl ®) THE FAU. GUY Coll -Chea lor a blll- 1ump1ng 1pec111 forces expert (R) Q) MERV GRIFFIN Guests Oen.., J T11v1n1t, Jobath Wlttlama. Wll Shriner Kid Creole and the Cocoanu11 .C MOVIE • * • 'h "Barry Lyndon" I 1975) Ryen O'Neal Mari- sa Berenton A handeome sotdler ftnel• actton 1nd romence In the 181h·CM· lury Bt11lsh army 'PG Hl MOVIE • *'"' "Galaxy Of Terror" (198 t) Edward All>erl. Erin Moran A apaceanlp crew encounter• a coterie ot frightening alien creaturM Whtie IOOlctng tor another veasll strlnded on • for- bidding planet 'R' (S) THE MAKINO Of AEJI08IOIE Retieerta11, c;oatume fitt· ings, m•k~p -•Iona. and th• pl1nnlng or clnematogrephy and light· rng are chronlcled In a behlnd-the-eoenes ltudy or the untque phyale•l 111- ness Mfles (l)MOVIE ** • "S.O B "(1941) Wd· tt•m Hold1n, Julie Andr-. A movie director ""'° ,... just flnllhed • rnultl-miltlOn doller turkey QOM from attempted IUI· clde to • blurrely lnaplred ,...ahoollng of his epic R' t:30 0 Qt LOV£. SIDNEY Sidney agr-to alt In on a -nee that Leurle has arranged In their ap1n- mant (R) Cl) MITSUVE AHO NE LUE • Sf>olilQhl The work• or Jap-se- Americen poet Mltauy• Yam1C11 end ChlnH•· America" poet Nallla Wong •re juKtapoMCI with • (C.,ble Nf'W\ NehVO<k I r.,. newt'.... 8lld .... don!....,, .,_ of u • hllltory. (Q)MOYll * • "lel"9)' The IAlh" (IHI) Rlclllwd lelljernln, fl1u11 PrentlM A ooupi. dllCO\'tt lh.at Ille houte 11\eYW lMetll«t II Ming oooupled by vamplrH , 0h09t1 Ind IMOr'ted mon ti~ 'PG' .MOVll •• • "l .0 .8."(IHt)Wll· llem MOiden , Julll Andrewt. A mOYle dltector wllO hH jual flllllhed I multl·mllUon doller turkey OOM trom •119111l>tld IUI· clde 10 • blHtrely 1N91rld ,...anootlng of hia llC)lc. 'A' 10:00 D a QUINCY A ~le lne..tanoe ln-tl- oa1or iwap.ctt I CloM frlelld of Ol.llncy'• ot kilting hi• hOtM tor the ln-.r~ •i Jii. ,.EWI 8 OYHM'rv Ale•I• confuM• Krystle lbOut truatlng Biika, Nick reject• F1llon. ind n-lyweda St*Ven and S1mmy Jo return homa (R) fD MITSUYE ANO NEUJE The WO<kl Of J1p1- Amerk:111 poet MlllYya Vemada 1nd Chln•H· Ameri can poet Neill• Wong .,. JUXtlpOM<I with ,.,. new1rM1s and .... dom-aeen .,... of US hlatory ((1MOVIE 8 '"t "LtptUGk" ( 1978) Mar· gaux Hemingway. Anne Bancroft A top Cashion model 11 humltlatad •n<l lruat11tad by h« unsuc- oe11lul 1tt1n1p11 co ~­ tenca the man who reped h« to PfllOn 'R' 10:IO ti) HEWS '1!) INSIDE BUSINUS TOOAY "The Record Bu1lnen le Nol Ju11 For The Big Guys" Dick Goldberg 111111 with a recording artist I producer and Iha ownar of a small recording compa- ny (R) HJ MOHEY MATTERS A last-laces Clocurnent1ry eumtnea hOw to cut food !Mita Clrutlcally and how to save money by catalogue shoppln,;,. 11:008 0" (l)dlQ) NEWS 8 SATURDAY HIGHT Host· Robert Klein Guests Loudon Wain- wright, ABBA. 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT FHtured "Dolphin Magic" and "Mii Wh1elch1lr Amerk:a " Q) M 0 A08°H I" order to reJM ~ 10 Mn.Cl hi& Korean housebOy to medleal achoo!, Hawk· aye Mii up • ratfte with the pt1ze being a ...... end In Toltyo with one of the nurMS. ti) BEHNYHIU Con man Benny plant 10 relieve a bo<>kle ol hl1 cash. ti) 8U81HU8 REPORT Cl) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE Mtc:h... lttlnda e leclutl on the 1ppen<1111 given by the c1um1y Or Crowfoot fF{)MOVIE • • "Search And Oea•roy" (1981) Parry i<ing. Don Stroud A for. mar South Vletn1meM 0111c111 •••k• <1v1no• against Iha lour American• whO abandoned lllm In an ambush Clunr>g the war 'PG' Q)MOVIE * • 8 ''t 'Allee Swfft Allee" ( 1978) L•nda Miiiar. Paula Sheppard Members ot en 1t11i1n-Ame11c1n tamlly 1ra vlc1imrzed by 1 peychotlc murd«er In lheCr mktat 'R' <lJ MOVIE • e "Oaughtera Of Dlfk· ness" ( t971) Delphine Sey- •ig. John Katlen A couple on their hOneymOon 1<rlv• In 1 frightened town wtier• many young women have -lly .,_, mysterioutly murdefed 'R' 11:30 IJ (I) MOVIE **"" "The New Mavet· lck" ( 1978) Jemae Q.,.,..,, Jack Kally. The legendary Maverick t>rothera Ind their YoUng ooualn Indulge In • Mrle1 of acr.-to con money and win ladiM' hMttl O Q)TOHtOHT Guest hOtt: Join Rivara GUMta· J1me1 Coco. Gary Shlndllng 8 9 ABCNEW8 NIOHTUHE 0 AllOOO'I CHILOAEN Miiiion• of the world's chll· dr'en live In • dellcete bel· 1nce be1-! Ille •nd dNth, hope end dlNj>elr. at THE JffftMON8 A 1t<1nger ctalma to be LoulM 't long-tost daugh- ter .IAHFON>ANOION fD UNOEMTANOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR "Sexual Mollvltlon" ID CAPTIONIO A8C HEWS .TUBE TOPPERS KOCIC (~O) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 -"Liv From Lt.ncoln Center." Renowned flutiat Jamee Galway conductl and perform• with the Mostly Mozart OrchH tra. See photo. lett. kABC (7) 8:00 -"T he Creat eat American Hero." While on a vacation ln the Caribbean, Ralph, Pam and Maxwell are targets of a voodoo cult. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"The Killing of Randy Webster." Hal Holbrook, Dixie Carter star In story about a couple w ho investigate the fa tal shootlng of their &on. KNBC (4) 10:00 -''Quincy." A close friend of Quincy's is suspected o( killing his horse for insurance money. Cl) U IAOMPTOH PUCE (Part 3) U MOW! • * ~ "Gunn 'I 11167) CrliQ Stl'tlena, Edw1rel Aen« Prlv1ta eye P1ter Gunn la 11ked to lnv .. tlgete a ~Ind m.Hd« 12:008 INTMTAINMENT TONIGHT An lntl<Vlew with Genie FrlOOla. 8 11) LOVI BOAT tdentlcel twine MC<elly swlteh llancae. • Yentrtto- quilt tHm uM their dum· mi.. to aquebt>ta and Julla fella In love. (A) at MOVIE • * '-' "Slaughtarhouaa Five" (1972) MIGhHI Sack•. Ron Leibman Based on Iha novel by Kurt Vonn•out Jr A men encounters w1r. midd.._ CIUI living Ind ecat••Y In hll Ml<Ch tor fulllllmant of lhe Am«oc.an dream .., LOVE. AMEIUCAN STYLE "LOW And The Eskimo" An oil con1tact hinges on Atlen't hotpltlllty, H die· lated by the courteslea of the north 12: 15 CC) MOVIE • 'h "The Happy HOOker" (19751 Lynn Redgrave. Jean-Plef're Aumont The Ille of N-York'a lllmOUa clll gin, X1v11r1 Hollander, latOld 'R' 12-.30 0 Qt LA TE NtOH'T WITH DAVID L.ETT£RMAN GuHll former Beetle drummer Pate Bell, author Suaen St-nan. comedian Charles Flafsch- er. • COUPl.E.8 D MOVIE • * '"' "Tha Mevarrck ~.. (19SS) Barb1ta Stanwycll. Barry Sultlven A hOtal owner lnvotved with • gang or NStlen fellt in love wtth the delecUve !recking the thlavea. ~= • • '-' "Zorro. T1'8 Gay 8t1de" (198 I) G•orga Hlmilton, LMwan HUiton The heroic _.. °' Old Cell-- fornl• '• lafnoua N•llce fighter II lncec>eCl1ated by • rlding Injury, forcing his lopp!M brOI'-to don the cape end mUlt 'PG' 12.'M CID ST ANDINO AOOM OHLY "DI-ROM" The former "Supr-" membet wtlo h .. evolved Into • llnglng and ICting IUl)«tllt pet· forms many of her hits before an audlenc:e It c ... Utl Pllace In Lu Vegu 12:40 (%) MOVll ** "FunhouM" (1981) Elaebeth Berridge, Sytv;1 MllH. Four tM n-egera spend • lnghtlul night In • cernlvll ~ Inhabit· ed by • demented t>etller end l\la monatroua eon. 'R' 1:008 MOVIE • • '"' "Far Horizon•" ( 1955) Cllertton Hff1on. Fred M1cMurr1y. Two frontlemnen ~ the Loulal1na T «tltory eftar 1t1 pureh-. • MOVIE • * '"' "My Favor1te Spy" (1951) Bob Hope, Hedy L•m•rr. An American enterteinet ~tone•• a 1py In ore!« to obtlln Mall plena lor the U.S (D)MOYIE * • • "The Hunt«" ( 1079) Steve Mca-. EH Wal- tech Rllpl'I "P9P1" Thor· aon INda • Clangetou• 111• 11 • modern-<11y bounty hunt1<. 'PG' t:10 D MOVIE * • "Honor· ( 1075) Anthony Paga, Vari Vlacontl. A young c;op Mt• out to evenoe the m<Hdef of hll flt'-by underWOl'ld moblleta, 1:aol~NEWI OYINltaH'T O MO'M * *"" "Hletory 01 The WOt1d -Pert I" (1981) Mel BrOOka, Mldellne Kihn M1n'a lllualrloua history •• from Hew\derthel ca-man to the Spanlth lnqul- altlon -1• •••mined. 'R' 1:40 8 HEWS 2.oo m MOVIE • • • • ''Great E•pecll· Ilona'' (1947) John MHl1, Vlletla Ho~ 8aMcl on the story by Chenea Olelc- ena A young bOy'a Ille 11 dMply 1nnuanced by a ch1nce encounter with an eteeped Pflton«. (C)MOVW • * * "A Clockwork Otenge" (1971) Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee Olrac ted by Stanley Kubriclc. When polk;a cap- ture the leader or • teen- age gang or 11p.111 ane1 murderers. the method of rehebllltatlng him pro- evan more threatening 10 toelely. 'R' M<ME * ** "F1111e"(l!l80)lr- Car1, Barry Miller.' Sl'tl«ll gifted &tudenta II I New York hrgh IChOol for the performing erll experience VlttOUa MlbeclcS 8nd IUC• c:Msa of both 11«sonat and proleaatonal natur .. 'PG' 2:05 CS) MOVIE • * "The Hind" (t94t) Michael Caine. Andrea M1rcovlcci Blutra lnci- d1nu and nlghlmaru begin happaniog In a car· toonl11'1 Illa altar he auttera lhe lou of a hand 'R' 2:108 MOVIE * • '-' "Ho1t111 Gun1" ( 11167) George Montgom- ery, Yvonne De Carlo. When • lederel marshal eecorta 1 wagonload of outla-Ind undeslrablel to prtaon, he dlSGOver• among tNm • women with whom lie had onoe bM<\ In tove. 2:20 (%) MOVIE * * • "Fout Pl1y'' ( 1978) Goldle H1wn, Chevy ChlM. A llbrartan anllsll the aid or an inept porica detective altar sh• becomes lnvOlved In a btiarre _. ... of murders and kldnelJPl"ll attempts 2:ac>Q)NEW8 2:AOD HEWS 1:00 8 AAT PATAOL Un .... a t1rge P1nzer unit ii dettroyed. It spaOa d11- 1111r to t he Allies' advance 1:30 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA ''Mec:nw-Strike BICll" O MOW *** "S.O B "(1081)Wll- llem Holden, Julle Andr-A rnOYie director who hel jult linilhed 1 mvlll.,,.,lillon doll•< turkey goea from attempted 1411- Clde lo a bltlmlly lnllPired re-llhootir>g of his epic. 'R' S:llO (1) MOVIE * * ·~ "St1t Trek -Tha Motion Pletura" (1979) W~U1m Shalne<. Leon1rd JOHN DARLING ~.Ti.t .... .. "'_.. .... u.•• "'"""* ,_ I , .. 119 oAdllfWMd ... lff M I ~ ....... .....,... OUI _.., ,.,. ~ •1111 ft' t"'9 delfNGtlOI\ Of numer· -,..,.,loll ••IAfllpe ·a· •:JO 00 MOYll • *"" "Olluy Of Tetror" (1911) ldwltd Albert. Erlll Motan A ~c·­ enoounteta • eoterle Of lrlgh*"119 elten OfNIUrM w11111 IOOlling tor enotller veaMI atrcinded on 1 tor. bidding planet 'R' CZ)MOVll •• "Oeught•• Of Derk· ,,... .. (1971) o.lphlne Sey· rig. John K8fllfl A couple on their hOney'rnoon arr hi• In a frightened town ..ti«• many young women h•v• ,_,,iy ~ m~at~y f. mu•dered 'R' 4:2&(C)~ * ** "Jania" ( 107•1 Doc ument1ry J1nl1 Joplin rl-from en 1.1nh1ppy and obscure p111 In a ,,...11 T .... '°"""' to head the chart• H • top rock end blUH linger. 4=*> 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THI SEA "O•yOf E111t" Q) MOVIE • "Monatar From The Surf" (11163) Jon Hall. Sua Ceaey A tether'• jeatou~ paaalonl CIWM him to Ill rortze ills son Ind the young men's girlfriend Thur•day'• Dnyti•e 1tfot.~if"11 -_MORNNG- 1.00 (ZJ * • * • "Raging Bult" ( 1080) Robet't De Niro Cathy Mor1any BOAlng champion Joke La Mona's 1ptltude lor violence t>r1ng1 h•m IUCCHI 1n the ring but. d1srup11 h11 pet toneJ 1111 'R' 8:30 (CJ **'" 'Echoes 01 A Summer" ( 1976) Richard Harne, Jodie Foller Ater. mlnally 111 12-year-old g1tl gives h1r lllu11on-f1tled lather and har blindly datumlnad mother the courage 10 eccept he< late 'PG' 7:00 Ufl * * • "The Great Muppet Caper" ( t98 t ) Chula• Grodtn Oien• Rigg. Reponara Ka<mlt, Fozz.le •nd Gonzo trace a labuloua llolen jewel IO London 'G' 0 * * * * "Kramer Vt Kr.,,..er" ( 1979) Ouslln Hottman. Meryl Streep A man battles with his ex- w1fa lor cuatOdy ol their young ton 11ter She wallla out on 111am. ·PG' 1:15(%) •**"Sliver Streak" I 1976) Gene Wilder J1N Clayburgh A mild· menne11d book editor accidentally becomes lnvotved In • alnlatar ert thief'• btzarre plol during • cro11-country tr 1ln r1e1e 'PG' &::ao{C) **~"Two-Wey Stretctl" (191 1) Petu Sellers, Wiifred Hyde· Wl'l•te A t rro of prison Inmates plan to bre.k out then brnk In 90aln with e truclcl<>ad or diamonds t:OO U * * "The Apple Dump. ling Geng" ( 19751 Bill BrK· by, Suun Clark A cardaherp ao•-10 11111a possession of some valu- able property tor • friend. and ls rat her aurpr1sed lo leam lhlt three 0<phana are Included 1n lhe deal 'G' 10:00 C1 * * The Hulller 0 1 Muscle Beach' I t980) Rletiard Hatch, ~ay teni A sm11fl1me husUer con- trives • schema to turn • llow-wllled amateur into • world ci•u body-buildmg c;tlamplon OD * * "H1wmpal" I 19761 James Hampton, ChrlllO· ~ Connelly Meml>et'a ot Ille United StatM Cavelry try to edjuat to riding carn- ala lnltffd of horaas rn the untamed, lawleta T ex1S or the 18008 'G' Cl) * * "Spy With My Face" ( t966) Flob1rt V1ugM, Oavrd Mc:Callum To C111eover the key to a new 1upar-waapon an enemy spy agency creates 1 double for UNCLE agent NIPole<>n Solo t0:1•Cll •• .. ,~·· ,, .. ,, .... llf'f ..... IYMa ...... ,_"""" ... ~ . """""" lligM 1n • w~ iun. ~ lnl!Ptfed by • ~ted Owtter lll'ld Ill• montf<O\ilt 10t1 'A' tt:OO . • * • "l llNW'I" (tNOI Allin Arkin, Auft~ ,....._ ton Sclan1t11t at a 1>11.,, .. ly lnlldlt9"led ''*" ,.,.. ~vtnee • bumbling COi. ~prof-tllet he II an ~ from OUI« ..,_. 'PO' 11:<10 Cl) • • • ·~ 'Doctor ZNY•· go" I INS) Omar Shatll, 0«1.ldiM Ch..,_n Two IOvera llrUCIQle amlOlt Ille lj)lrlt Ind patllofta of tlMI RuMIM Rl'llolulion ti"OO G . *'" Het•C-Iha Olrll" ( 1953) Bob Hope, Arten. 011\t ., • •·~"The lton M1jor' I te.43) Pat O'Brien. Robin Ry1n Frink Cav•,.al.IQll'a 1CC.omplilft· men1a In W0tld Ww I Ind on the foolDAH field .,. c;hronk:lad e * • • "Oatactrve 810. ry" 11951) Kwk l!)ougiH, Elnnor Parker A N- York Ctty detect111• 1ttac111 1111 work with a mini~ zaat until the eflectl begin appeerong In hie pereonll, olt-Cluty 1111 Ind everyday rel•llOl'lshlpa \?J * • • "Foul Play" ( 11178) Goldie Hawn. cnevy ChaM A lrbr1t1en ltlliatl the 1111 ol an inept pollce detective altlf ah• bec:omes lnYOIYad In I b•z•tt• aenes or m1.1rde<1 ano kldn,PP1ng attempt• 12:30 (C) ••*'""The High And The Mighty' ( t9S4) John Wayne. Claire TrevO" An a11p11ne W1th 22 ~­ gars aboard run• into den- ger an route to Sin Fran- c•SCO 1:00 0 "Mr Rock N' Roll" 2:00 2 e • * S1lve< Stteall" ( 19761 Gene Wiider. Jill Clayburgh A mild· mannered b<>Ok adttor acc1Clentally bacoma1 lnvotvad 1n • a1n111er .,, threl'a biZarre plot during • cross-country tr am ride 'PG' 2:30 0 * * * • "Kramer Va i<t1mer ( t979) Duttln Holtmon Maryl Streec> A man battles with his .-. wife ror custody of their young ton aher she walks oul on them 'PG' 3:00 Hl •'>"In God We Tru1t" f t9801 Marly Feldman. Anay Kaufman A natve monll la Mfll out mto the world to raise money lor hos 1mpover15/led monaat· ery 'PG' SJ * * •• "Kremer VL i<ramer" f 19791 Ol.lll1n Holtman Maryl Streep A man battles w1fh his eK· wite tor cullody of their young son alter -wallla OUI on lhem 'PG 3:30 C * • * "Tom Sawyer" ( 1973) Johnny WM lker, CA+este Holm Baaed on Mark Twern'1 novel. A bOy who llvK ,,.., the M•S- Slppr Flrver fonds rt 1mpou1- ble to slay out ot trouble, ~1811y -he tagl along wtlh hi& buddy 'iuC* Rm ·o· 4:00 fJ * * * "OeughtW Of The Mind ' \ t9611) Ray M1l- llnd, a-Toernty F01- tow1ng the Cleath al hla young Clll.lghter. • top gov- emrnanl sc1M1111 beComM llarmad When htlf 194111 beg1na appea1tng t>etore him Z, * e * '* Rag+ng 8'111 ' I •9801 Robert De N1to. Catlly Moriarty Boxrng champion Jake LI Mott•'• aptitude tor violence t>rinos him wcceas 1n t~ 11ng but dtS<UP1' h1S per• sonal Illa R 4:30 @ • * "The Little Dr'•· oons (198 ti Sally BoyOerl. Ctms PeteNOn A gang of kids ,,,,nee! 1n !Iwate rea- cue one ol th&ff friend• wh«o ""' " k kt napped PG' 5:30 CCJ • *·~"Two-Way Stretch · (11161l Peter Sellers Wilfred HyO• White A trto or prison lnmetes plen to break out, then t>raak 1n agern with• lnJCkk>ad of diamond& '0) * • * • "Rag1r>g Bull" ( 1980) Rol>erl De Ntro, C.thy Monarly Bo••ng champion Jake La Mott1'1 apllluda tor violence Drrng1 him MICC9U In the ring but dl'lruptl htS per- aonel 1111 'R' by Armstrong & Batiuk l HA"TE 11, HA'TE IT, HA,.E tT, HA-J'E Ii , HAIE tT/!! F".ACE. IT • .JAN! YOU'R E NOT GETTING OL-DER ... YOU'R E GETI1NG f51TTER/ CBS' pilot of 'Adams House' shows potential tensitivit.y and humor has them placing Nlet above people . All the 1how '1 character• take turna dumplng on Ollbert. One MU If hie atuptdlty comes natw-ally "or does be prlC1Jce b9Jna a Jerk." Mi.II Valentine'• ch aracter, Chrl1 Bennett, an1w er1; "He takea lNIOrW. '' GUbert'1 the ldnd of •~hy fellow who wanUI to be known • Ollbert. '°• of coww, everybody calla hlm 00. A nannlnl ... ii OU'a tie, ~bed by one co-wwbr 11 neon. AnoO\er chanG1M •YI \hi U.S. "lnw...-.. When do you a.p the batwrtll?'' AJthoUO -of &hla .. IUnny.Jt ·-=~ .. much W9eln lhe IO.ftn.u .. llhow. ·nM ol lhll lltoam Wwld -.n IO bo In &he mot1 _... rhlrac .. n and their r•a.Uonahlptl=&N pnidumr Alin la• Md d.,._ J•Y .1 dla • weU ........ ......,, ~-ac..,o \he ~ ...... la ,....., &M~~ ( , • :r...• ~. ... ... ~· , ':11R .~= I a pipe, ls baldlna and bas a gray beard. After tyin& toruaht'a 1tory lnto • too-.neet bundle, the cut ia ..embled for a CJnal poke at GU. While he'• borlna everybody et • meetina. be ub for ~uettiona. A c:olle.,ue rallel h1a hand: 'Yeah, what'• the capital of South Dakota?" Scentsible Advice Every Sunday .... Dilly Pl'at . Guess who stopped by El Toro over the weekend the Mistress of the Darlc in the hot sun. Page BB. WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1982 ·CAVALCADE 82 111mm111111 caum COMICS 83 STOCKS BS • sin due s courging? NEWPORT BE.ACH PURIFIED: When it comes to the sins of indolent behavior and squandering of money on the part of youth, Newport Beach municipal lawmakers have served notice that they're not fooling around. Pac Man now has crimped jaws in Newport. Well almost, anyway. The august Newport City Council is poised for adoption July 26 of a new municipal code that cracks down on the monumental new American pastime of -playing video games. Those games that gobble up quarters faster than Pac Man can chew the enemy are to be regulated. Youth may not play the games during school hours, or after 10 o'clock at night. r.\ No games w i 11 be ~~allowed within 1,500 feet JIM MURPHINI ,~ 1 of_ a ~chool campus or ----------------~ ..... -----w1th1n 100 feet of a residence. YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP the video machines out of range, you see, because clanging, banging, shooting and whirring noises might lure students down to the corner with hot quarters in their pockets. Clearly, everybody got pretty uptight about the video lure. Educators felt the kids were playing hooky so they could squint for hours on end into the glow of .video game tubes. Parents worried about the same thing, plus lunch money being gobbled up by Pac Man, plus no homework getting done around the house. · Video game addict pleading for just one more quarter . . The cops also fretted t~t the more. ~eak-minded_ could be lured into a life of cnrne, burglarizing around m the search for quarters to play the games. You can see there's been a lot of social ~est cr eated by Astro Wars and the other video ·diversions. Newport Beach has always been a city worried about sin. You can tell this by the lack of saloons in the town. AFTER JULY 26, Newport may be the p~t town in America in regard to purging its limits of video games. Nobody has attacked the watering holes in recent times, but one feeble attempt to establish a dirty book store drew considerable attention and finally a torching by parties still unknown. Newport Beach has worked hard at j>urifying activities within the city .limits. Over the years, there has ~n gambling, sexy movie houses and peep shows, bingo, bookies, pool and beer halls (or both in one place), and assorted other sins of the flesh. Municipal government, aided by sharp-eyed law enforcement, has managed to put down most of these fires of the devil shortly after local appearance. 0.-, Not flhotoe by NcMrd Koetllef UP A TREE? -Less Kinley rolls a log and despite his precarious position, right, wins the contest because Ted Reames is already in the water. In other action at the International Lumberjack Show at 2, 4, 7 and 9 p .m . daily at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, Ron Downing and son Greg race up 95¢foot spruce spar poles. Total time up and down was 35 seconds. F.arl Marcellus shows chair carved for a child in the audience. Growing green things • 1n the e arth THE TROUBLE WITH sin is that the minute you discovered one and get it rooted out of the municipality, something new lurches forward to threaten those who are easily led down the paths to wickedness. Saddlehack College provides the soil, growers supply perspiration Video games, while noxious to many, do seem to pale beside some of the other forms of wrongdoing. But it looks like Newport will put the damper on the habit. What will come next is anybody's guess. The technology of finding w ays to separate the sucker from his quarters always steadily advances. M°A YBE SOMEBODY will invent an electronic device for comer liquor stores that will help the kids do their homework. That might be a way to turn an evil into a virtue. • • 1rport question holding pattern Harriett Wieder and Thoma, RUey wanted the ltUdle9 to end. The four 1lte1 under conl6deraUon included San Juan Creek eaat of San Juan Capilerano, Bell Canyon, another location ea1t of San Juan Capl1trano, 8antta10 Ca!'yon\ .. ot Qrante. and. the .vmea rorcm R111rw C.• In Loe A.rWllll. • military airfield. The ........ ldendfs.d .,.., ...... , ...... bJ • oamul*'I ftni IM .. ._., ...... .. , I ntllft WW9 tald In Jw ... -"· ..... ..,... ., ... ................ .a .... !fl!trU11 for 1lrporl .... JI,•• By PATRICK J. KENNEDY oftM 0.-, Not • ..., To beat the high price of food and reap home-grown flavor, Carol Ward tills a small parcel of soil in Irvine, thanks to the Community Gardens project of Saddleback College. Despite initial costs to condition the earth , buy lmecticides, and put up a small wire fence around the 10-by 20-foot parcel, Ms. Ward of MilSion Viejo 1aya she still saves money. But the best part, she says, is the harvest. "The taate la 90 good that once you've had fresh vegetables out of the prden you can't compare them with what you buy in the It.Ore ••• ahe cla.lma. Ma. Ward and her daughter, Stacy, 15, h.:,~•t watered, pulled a few and plucked et,ht larp cucwnber1 off the vine. In upcomtn1 weeka, 1he •xpectl to pick frillh cantaJoupee. tolNIU.. oom and beanl few the dinner table. Ma. Ward'1 family ta one of abOut 100 who 8'nOI April haw ,__. &he llMl1 PO plotl at the IMM~· lohool cilfWek •Y lf any of &hi........, ,__.. dlCUD'id '° ,.... ................ '-"" WW be ,_.. OUl MIR ,__.,,AWll .. U.111...., "u"'"'" 111tu wouttl ·ll• r gardeners. But from the w ell-ke pt appearance of nearly all the parcels, it seems that most of the gardeners are planning to stay awhile. Sandra Slayback, program coordinator for the college, says the parcels create a gardening opportunity for many south county condominium o r apartment resident• or for homeowners who don't want to dig up their yards. "Corn stalks aren't very attractive growing around a jac\mi." Ma. Slayback quipe. The college.., w whLhich has ita main campus ln Million Viejo, staned the project ln Irvine lhil April when state f1nanda1 cuta dimmed proepect.1 of conatruc:ttna new bulldinp on the vacant land. In put years, the property WM Ul9d for ore.nae arovea and com fJeldl. Ml. Slaybeck •ya. The c:olle1e haan' t made money off the project yet beca'-M of the Initial coe1I to clMr the field of ~hilh ..... lay waw plpe1 and fenot the.,... to ~J. out vandlJI and hUftll'Y •• "There are • lot of accanpUlhed...,...,.... • allO aom• novioel ~tnaaltftl w.up lheAr &It 11111h11.,,MK--. I llut :::.. ..... ~~ ~w ... ..._. ' , 0 o~ I I , • .. Orange Co11t DAii. V PILOT /Wednetday, July 14, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ART HOPPE •HOROSCOPE res ponsible for in-laws' imposition DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please, please 1 print thls Jetter, since 1t may be our only hope for a peaceful future. We are all faithful readers of Ann Landers. My h~band. daughter and I recently moved here from our home town. We have lived here four months and have had exactly one weekend without my in-la ws. We know they are crazy about their only grandchild, but they don't realize what a strain their presen<.-e has put on our marriage. They invite themselves to every outing we plan. None of our friends or relatives can visit u s because they are always here. We love them and get along fine, but enough is enough. How do we get liberated? -TRAPPED IN LONOON DEAR TRAPPED: Your husband must 1alk to his parents in a loving but forthright manner. If be is unable to do so , be 1bouldn't blame them for imposing. It's bis fault for permitting the imposition. I've said it before and 111 say it again -it takes two types to create the situation you describe: parents who have t h e CLEAN HAR BOR -M o r e than 100 volunteers recovered about 10,000 pounds of trash from Newport Harbor Saturday during the second annual "Clean H arbor Day." Cancer gets Thursday, July 15 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Check sources concerning investment tip. Emphasis on payments. collectio ns and ability to increase income pote ntial. Steer clear of schemes which skirt law . L e gitimate money-making opportunity will become known. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): This is your power-play day. Lunar. numerical cycles highlight pressure. c hallenge. responsibility and breakthrough to greater rewards. Judgment, intu1t1on a re on target. You succeed b y m a king p e r sonal 1 appearances, direct appeals. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Look behind scenes for answers -realize when string has run out. Means let go of past. direct efforts towards new projects a nd chance to become more independent. CANCER (June 2 1-July 22): Wish comes true through new contact and focus on creative resources. Member of o pposite sex is drawn to you and has no intention of being secretive abo ut it. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Spotlight on advancement, career, standing in community and intuitive flash which provides solution to dilemma. Family relationships are intensified. You regain proper perspective and sense of d irection. VIR GO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It is , necenary to be analytical -look for '°' s1on BY ~SHLEIGH BRILLIANT .. ln1en1Ulvlty to a11ume tbat their married children want to spend all their free time with them, and a weak, ton1ue-tled ion or daughter who lacks the . maturity and c ourage to Issue a d eclaration of Independence. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Because of childbirth und the natural aging process, many o ld er women su ffer fr om L'mbbrrassing incontinence. To put it bluntly, we wet our pants when we laugh heartily, cough or sneeze. When we consult a physician, we are told it's ''natural'' and we will just have to p~t up with it, or r esort to surgery which might not be successful. Why is it that d octo r s who are s upposed to be knowledgeable never tell us about the Kegel method of e xercising the pubococcygeous muscle? These simple exercices require very little time and they not only help solve the wet-pants problem but can lead to greater sexual e njoyment for both husband and wife . Please request your physician-readers to leam about the Kegel method if they 0.-, Not • ..,, ,..... P articipants include Oeft to right) Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce officials John Rader and Carol South, and Newport Beach Mayor Pro tern Evelyn Hart. wish • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA reasons, discern motives and verify travel information . Perceive potential; social life accelerates and you arc making important contacts. Gemini, Sagittarius persons play key roles. LIBRA (Se pt. 23-0ct. 22): Cash Clow resumes. Focus on escrow, secret act.'Ounts, tax shelters and details concerning legal commitments. Emphasis also on financial status of one close to you, including business partner or mate. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): People wilJ be consulting you, es~ially whe re legal affairs are concerned . Your views may conflict with mainstream. Be aware of public responses, n eed for change and pos.5ible secret hiding places. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Basic issues need attention: check employment possi bilities. s p ecia l services a nd requirements of dependents. Focus also on domestic tasks and pets. Family relationships command personal observation. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Define terms, see people and places in realistic light. Clash of ideas need not deteriorate into loud argument. Focu s on rpmance, variety, speculation and sweeping changes. Cancer, Virgo, Piscea per110ns figure in scenario. AQVARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focus on mortgages, payments du e, ch a lle nges, reapon1lbiUtle1 and opportunlUea for promotion. Older individual _provldea experi~nce and pomtble fundina. Preetlae ii on line and you're Ukely to recefve necuury credit. PllCU (Jeb. 19-March 20): Reach beyond ourrent expec\atJon1. A rela\lv• provlcl• uy lnformaUon. You 'll ''rlke chord of Yalv.r1al apJMal. You'll alto .. DG .. f(&llJ GDmPlfW ~l and Pl" 1ppl1u11 from '''"· Ari•• "'"''' ~&ly. ' don't already know. Many women -both young and old -will be extremely grateful. -NEWLY ALIVE IN ROCHESTER DEAR ALIVE: I have 1ugge1ted the Ke1el method ln t1ll1 apace at least twice In tbe last few yeara. It may not solve severe problem• of Incontinence, but It certainly will be ltelpful to many. And your claim re1ardln1 increased 1exuaJ enjoyment ls correct. If your gynecolo1l1t does not know aboat tbe Ke1el method, be or she hasn't been keeping up. Flnd a new doctor. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'd like m· say a word to th0&e readers who had a lot to say about your old-fashioned hairdo, your tacky three-piece outfits, your teeth (are they real?) and your jewelry. BACK OFF, folks. Ann Landers can't please everybody. Some like her hair short, others like it long, lighter, darker. up, down, streaked or parted in the middle. Some prefer no jewelry. smiling, with teeth, without teeth, dimples, no dimples. side view, front view. There's no pleasing everybody. Wife duties I star ted to crawl out of bed Thursday morning to go make my breakfast as usual when I heard my dear wife. Glynda. in the kitchen singing, "I Enjoy Being a Girl." Of course! The ERA was dead! In fact that wonderful gal, Phyllis Schlafly. had held a big party in Washington the night before to celebrate "the commencement of a new era of harmony between men and women ." So I pulled the covers back up under my chin. Nor had I long to wait. There was a tap on the door and in popped Glynda with a tray. "Fresh -squozen orange juice, ham and eggs and hand-ground coffee for my lord and master," she said with a smile. I GAVE HER A LOVING pat on the bottom even though the eggs were a bit overcooked. (I must admit, she did them perfectly the second time.) And after I had finished my breakfast, my morning paper and my first cigar she picked up the tray and asked if she might ''bother me for a moment" as she needed my advice. "Certainly," I said, glancing a t my watch as I buttoned my freshly ironed shirt. "That's what we h usbands are for. "Well, dear," she said hesitantly, "I was wondering if you'd mind if l gave up my job as a long-distance truck driver in order to stay home and devote myself to you and our two darling children, Ma lphas ia and Mordred." I frowned, I did miss Glynda those five nights a week she was out on the road, but . .. She quickly took my hand. "l realize we girls know nothing about money. dearest," she said. "Yet perhaps we could make do without that extra income. Malphasia. come tell your father your latest plans." Malphasia entered wearing a middy blouse and a big pink ribbon in he r hair. ''With your permission. Daddykins.'· she said after kissing me respectfully on the cheek, "I'd like to drop out of Harvard Business School. I've had a lot of career oCCer s, but I just don't think being a corporate executive is any job for a girl." I NODDED. "You've got a good head on your s houlders for a female," I agreed. "but what will you do instead?" "I thought I'd stay home and take Home :Ee," she said. "I'll never catch a man unless I can learn to make some of Mom's special recipes like chicken-stuffed meatloaf g ANN L4NDflS Leave Annie alone a nd Instead write a k•tter to a person in prison, or a home for the elderly. They love to receive mail. -YOUR SEATTLE FRIEND DEAR FRIEND: Thanks for tbe defense, but I enjoy all kinds of mall - even the critical stuff. Le t 'em write. It shows they car e. It's not always easy to recognize love. espe<:iully the fu"St time around. Acquaint yourself with the guidelines. Read Ann Landers' booklC'l. "Love· or Sex and How to TC'// the Ddf<.•rence." For a copy. mail 50 cents and a long. self-addressed envelope with your rcquc·st lo Ann Landers. P.O. &x I J 995. Ch1caf:[o, 111. 606 J I. blessed AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER with mushroom-soup sauce or hand-sculpted lemon J elJ -0 with marshmallow topping ." Mordred, who had <.'Ome in unnoticed, tousled Malphasia's hair. "That's right, sis," he said . laughing. "Even that article you were reading in ·Amer ican Girl' about 'Twenty Musts for Love her Fingernails' can·t do it alone." "Oh. you nosy one.'' said Malphas1a. punching him humorously m the tummy . "And what about you, son?" I said. •·Are yo u s till d e t e rmined t o becom e a professional Sufi dancer?'' Mordred hung his h ead s heepishly. .. Gosh all hemloC'k, no. Dad." he said. "That was just a phase I was passing through. I went down yeste rday a nd joine d the Marines.·· ''I wish you wouldn't use that kind of language around Malphasia. dear.'' said Glynda. "SORRY, MOM," he said. "But lots of Marines say words like that. Anyway, they're sending me to Paras. Coo-la-la, those French chicks!" "What about Tammy. your fiancee?" Glvnda asked. · "Oh. she·s promised to wait faithfully for me," said Mordred . "h 's only a fou r-year hitc·h:· I clapped ham on the back. ··By George. son~" I said, "I knew that some day you·d make me proud of you." Wh e n 1 h ad fini s h ed my ch1t'ken-stuffed m C'atloa f a nd sculpte d J C'll-0 that C'Wn!ng, I st•ttlE:'d in my easy chair Glynda brought me a Ix-er and bowl of prNzels and JOincd me to watch the fights on tec-vee, while she embroide red a pillow slip for Malphasia's hope chest. Al the very first comme rcial. she looked up at me shyly and whispered diffidently, "Don't you think. dearest, that somehow there's a n e w e ra of harmony in our marriage?" I was touched. ·'You're the best little w ife." I told her. patting her on the knee, "that Phyllis Schlafly ever made." GOIEN 011 lllDG! BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH +.197 <:1 lOI o AQ103 • totu WEST EAST •IU •O <:i U 1:>8715 O J74 O IUU +QUU •KU SOUTH • AKQ108 l:>AKQU OU •A The blddlnr: 9"" Wee& Nerdl Eu& t • p ..... , ... 4 . , ... 4 () , ... .,. , ........ ... Openlnr lead: Qu .. n of •. is to nx the trump !luit ir a Cit exist.a. Three trumps to an honor is mor~ than adequate support ir your hand has the values for a potitive re· sponae. Blackwood would not have h.elped South -if North did not have an ace. South would not know how many diamond 10Mr1 his aide had. So South cue-bid his &ct! of clubs. then leaped to a rrand slam when his partner ahowed ftrat-round control of diamonds. West led the queen of cJubt, and when dummy came down It lffmed tha\ declarer would have to nly on a diamond nneaM for tu. fhnd tlaJn. However, deelu· .,. .. w , ... ,. beeau.. hie aJde i..w all the hlsh truape. ai.. CC*ld land U1!rtff• lricb with a dum•1 rtv.ra&J U t.rumpe-.e.a. Oec1ant WOil the ftm ~ wt~ &M ac. of duba. LllH Mlel'e4 d ... •1 by tffr\lki11 tt.e tlflll of .,,..,. ""' &M ..... A. elub ... rvlld wt&tl ~ ... .. .................. .,. Willl.W.iMJlft.IWa ...... ., ......... , .. ~ ..... " .,..,,. .. .,., ..... 1111" ~ ...... trumps and fall back on the diamond finesse. But when both followed, the hand became a virtual laydown. Declarer rurfed another• club, crossed to the ten of hearts and then ruffed dum· my's last club with hi.a own laat trump. The ace of di&· monda wu the entry t.o the table to draw the last oppoe· inf trump with dummy's seven. On this trick declanr discarded hla loelor diamond. Now declarer'• hearts took the l.ut four t.ricka. The dum. my re•trsal allowed South to seore •Uc trump tricks, nve hearta and • trick in each mlnor for a total of thirteen. , .. F.\lllLl' ClaCIJI by Bii Keane "Are you going out for o team, Mommy?" MARMADIJKE by Brad Anderson "He's gaining on us ... I can hear him breathing!" Gi\Rt'IELD G088LE.' SMACK! 5LURP! ~(Y SELL. TH~ BLASTED <iAR/4E IF You WANT·· BUT ,,....__,.,,,, Hor 1HESE! Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wtdneld1y, July 14, 1912 Ill 81& GIORfil by Virgil Partch (VIP) PMNIJTI I I J , "H~{/~11 I ,_,~ ~ TIJM8LIW EIDI ! AVIOS, 915~ 11JM~WEUS! ~I '( HCOMe f'RESIPliml: OF MEXICOLl'LI.. 1 ~kt<.,, visrr'bO WHeN 11..t?A" Mv' ! A'™lliS 10 CONQUER VOUR C:OIJl\t'mYl" i ------- 'bu HAVe AWFUL. "G 1'7eA.S, Sl-6-A~NZO GFWJVe. f ~Jt--.:---4ol ~~W--,,..:""'-11 "Oeorge, rtmembtr what the p1rlt r1nger Hid •bout feeding the btart?" DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum 1----~ ..... - ~ I " • I ~-j 1 7 ''1 ' ~ 'TAAT WAS A OIQ'JY 'TRICK ... KILUN1 OFFIHE eAOGUY WHILE 1 WAS IN THE M'JNROQM." by Jim Davis 5TAV Rl()HI WHERE YOO AAE OA lME T£"PV BEAR GET5 IT /·.=--~-- SHOE GORDO 1 'l<JIJ..L ~A ~ ~ 7-14- PICK 11 OJe. _______ .. FIJNK~ •INKERBEAN DRA88LE OIL 81'10f;K QOO'~E -rnE 'ELJMINAiOR I !(?- BOT lJJLJ'R£ ONll,> EU:.\JE.N 4EARS OL.D !! l'M M°RAIO ~·1 ~. ~ \Jol>\.0 fl'tRIC.l( 11~\HK MAtCr. OS ME. 8WE~ OUR f.£.1 ~It> ~ 'fAA1 eo6 ~ ~UM . IS Jl>S1' ~~RO- -~l { 6E.'51t>f~. If 14£ AA~N'i Cl°'"1 oN &I HQt.), IAMkt~V EVER MAKE. , ~ 141M ~flc!OUS? 0,, ......._ weL-1,,, YOO KNOW -n-te HOSPl'T'AL.. IS NOW PO'T'1"1N<9 001"' A Wl!l!K&,Y PAPl!!R; He's WRl1"'1 NG 11'S C!SOSSIP COUJMN .' PON 1-r YOU f by Chari• M. Schulz by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller by Gus Arriola by Tom Batiuk ! AAPPEN 10 BE ELEVEN AND A AALF ! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont I ~ Orange Co••• OAILV PILOT/Wtdneeday, Juty 14, 1882 Journal Oftlclel, the French ~ernment.· owned new.s-Mt. ordered • Luerlt.e r tmaatna •_ya~ trom EOCOM Electrouc Sy1ttm1 ln Tuaun, for dellvety ln October. Claytoa Staard of ll'vine hu ~ named a aenlor vice president of the Joint venture/ oon.ttrucUon loena dMaJon of ~eanoa/ Americo ~en Dntlop mt1t Corporaatoa, Nowpor\ . He ., a tormer 41VUl&On p~nt of Barratt American of Irvine. Job Me1e'°>' of San Clemente haa jolnod the Newport BeaCh branch office of commerdal reaJ eat.tte brokerage Iliff; Tbora & Company u a markeUng aaociate. He has been affiliated with Busineea Properties, Grubb & Ellla, and as principal of hla brokerage firm. TM Elect.ronic Devices Division of Rockwell latenaattoul Corporation in Anaheim announced It signed a license agreement wllh SEEQ Technology. Inc .. San Jose. under which the dJviaion will obtain s~ process technology and prod,uct design. · lateracuve ~y1tem1 Corporation, Santa Monica-based firm involved in software develbpment systems. sleeted Jansen A11ociate1 lac. of Irvine to handle its advertising and public relations activities. Distribuco, Inc. announced it plans a major expansion at its Keeler Foods subsidiary in Santa Ana. ll is hiring about 40 sales personnel formerly employed by International Foodservice of Los Angeles. Keeler!s faciJities and product lines are being expanded. Keeler Foods is a wholesale distributor of f~ and related products to restaurant and institutional feeders through Southern California. Racal Dana la1trument1, lac., Irvine engineering firm, has moved into a $3.5 million retearch and development faciHty designed by Howard F . 'hlompson & A11ociates, Inc.. Irvine architectural and planning firm. Eq1lldon Contractors of Irvine was general contractor for the 96,000-square-foot, two-story. structure located on a five-acre site east of · Goodyear. north of Geronimo in the Irvine ' Industrial Complex-East. Racal-Dana is a manufacturer of electronic • instruments and test equipment. Rep. Robert E. Badham, R-Calif .. addressed the SbUey Inc. Management Association. Shiley is an Irvine -based critical -care medical device manufacturing organization and a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc. Terry K. Bloomfield of Huntington Harbour has joined the New York-based executive search firm of Abbott Smith Associates, lnc.. as vice president for California. The firm specializes in recruitment of personnel and training profe&<1ionals. Mourcb Bank appointed Barbara E. Moore of Laguna Niguel as assist.ant vice president to bead the escrow department. She had been with Security Pacific National Banlt. Steplien Yem of Anaheim baa beeil named vice president -corporate 1ervlce1 for the BeaJtllWeat Foudadoa, a nonprofit heelth ...W. mullihospital network bued ln Chatsworth. He haa been heading its office in Orange County anct ~ing plans for a · "HealthCity" complex ln The American Consulting Engineers Council named Wa hler Auoclate1 winner in its Mariners Escrow • reopens in NB Mariners Fecrow of Newport Beach, after a three-year hiatus, has reopened. · Mariners Fecrow was established in 1971 in Newport and ve,w to six locations. Mn. Jackie Skantedt Penney again heads the office and is joined by two fonner aaaociates, Dana Perisi and Sally Casler. Her husband. John C. Penney, acts as legal oou.nael. M8rinen Fecrow is located at East Meu.anine, 4 Corporate Plaza Drive. No oney equ r To Start Any Non.Judlclal Foreclosure IENEFACT Professional Trustee Services (714) 1554711 engineering excellence awards competiUon. The entry was for a seismic safety study of the Camanche Dam on the Mokelumne River near Sacramento. Wahler Associates has offices in Ne~port Beach, Palo Alto and Denver. M. Ted Inouye of Alexander Grant & Co .• Newport Beach, has been elected secretary of the Orange County/Long Beach c hapter of the California Society of Certified Public Aax>untanta. Directors Include James Hoffakl of Mosa Adams & Co .. Costa Mesa; Paul Sandeen, Price Waterhouse, Newport Beach, Howard Bland of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co .. Newport Beach, and Harvey LyDD, C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, Costa Mesa. William C. Seeger of Irvine has been promoted to controller of TRW Information Services, Orange. Sales and marketing director Jean Billa and salesman Clay GUberc of Walker & Lee returned from eight-day vacationa to London, courtesy of Santa Ana-based Golden Wes& Homes. They were recognized for sales achievements at Peachwood, a MontclaJr manufactured home community of C/L Inc.. which features manufactured homes from Golden West Homes. Costa Mesa veterinarian Bruce Baaenfeld has received the Outstanding Alumnus Award from the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. He is director of the Dover Shores Veterinary Hospital in Santa Ana Heighta and president of the Southern California Veterinary Medical A..ociation. Golden West Homes , Santa Ana manufacturer of manufactured homes, promoted Willia~ Oakes of C.OSta Mesa to vice president of operations. Harbor Boalevard of Can of Costa Mesa, selected Madellae Zackermaa Pabllc Reladou/ Adverttalq of 'l\astin, to develop a public relations pl"08ram. The 12-year-old group of 11 dealerahi_j)S ii_ on Harbor Boulevard ia compNed of Atlaa Chr)'Uer- Plymouth. Bauer Moton., Connell Chevrolet. Costa Maa Datam. l'.arl Ike Imports, Johmon & Son Lincoln-Mercury. Naben Cadillac, Inc .. Orange c.o.t AMC/Jeep/Renault. South Coast Dodge, Inc., Tbeodcn RobU» Ford and University Oldsmobile. Uta Vu Waper of Corona d.el Mar baa been promoted to account coordinator at Bauo le Alaodatea, i.e., Newport Beach-baaed advertising and public relations firm. The Newport Beada Marriott Hotel & Teub Clab appointed Bar oid Qaeluer director of marketing at the Newport Beach Marriott. He is a former aaaiatant football coach at New Mexico and will reside ln Laguna Niguel Barry F. Bto• has joined KJmtioct. IDc. of Santa Ana aa vice president of marketing and sales. He waa fonnerly with Anaheim Manufacturing Company, a division of Tappan Company. BUI Beu hat joined Goldea West Capital Grotap as vice president of the Newport Beach reel estate oompany. He hu been with the Allaon Company, a mortgage banking organization. J% Manetlq Services of Brea appointed 8'art Barba of Anaheim public relationa coordinator. She has been wtth Abbott Power in Buena Parle. and fonnerly was a cusiomer eervice repreeentative at Islander Yachts ln Irvine. Centennial Plaza opens c.entennial Thrift and Loen baa moved lnto the new $2.3 million Centennial Plaza on Brookhunt Street In Fountain Valley near the San Diego Freeway. The Irvine office of Aahwill Burke la arrangina sale. in the 25-unit offic:e..oondomiwn project. The plua was developed by Orange County Bancorp, of which Centennial Thrift la a wholly- owned subsidiary. f'I •• L ~ • ·y0%otessional ~ ~ Florist . R.CA6T 2915 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 Pulling the cash plug Banks le t failing firms 'die with dignity' BJ JOHN CUNNIJl'P ............. NEW YOl\K -Pl 1• 1 ti b).' their own tpeda1 probleml and by the ,..WU w..m.. of the economy, bankera are talldna touCh u.. days. Even to the J)Of.nt of d1lcumlna when to let ~die peecefully. "A• lendtra, we have a reaponalbllity to our banka to recocnJ.11 when a bulinem lhould bt Weer\ off \He monetary life- IUpport l)'Stem we've provided," •YI Mike Hewett, an Alabema bulk vb pnlldmt. In hla oplnton, commercial borrowen Who look • 11 they won't mab It "ahould be allowed to die with 'cUcnlty' rather than continue a 1low deterloratlna exlatence supported br, an inf\Won of ext.ended CNdlt. ' Newett'a advice caniea wQht. He ii chief io.n office!' of :tlnt Alabuna Bank of Montpnery, and tu.~ were offered to fellow members of the National Auoclatlon of Bank Loan And Credit Officen. To survive the teeeslion, he wrote In the auociation's newaletter, many buslne11es must alter their operationa. Some won't make It, and will "try to atay afloat by borrowing more 1111 llllYlll of OW' bulk'• money." When that point la ..,_ched, he •YI· the dreaCl moment of reality ii µpon the loan officer. If the officer ii to be reapoNlblo to the bank and to depolltorl, he uya, he or the mUlt consider pulling the plua. He offer• these criteria for estabU.hins when that time has arrived: -Th e Inability of management to reoognir.e It has a problem. -Failure to realign and reform a declining buaineaa ln the belief that aoon every- t h 1 n g will return to 'the good old days.' -A dis- organized management which never knows where It stands -CUNMP, and constantly has a profitability and cash crisis. When those three criteria are met lt'a either bank or busine81man . "A decllnb\I equity pmldon can put your bank ln a situation where lt hu more to ~ than the owner," he uya. '1No matt« how aolld your relaUonlhlp ~ been ln the s-t. your borrower may ~ th1a fact one day and pay you back by 101na bankrupt." It ii happening with ~ frequency. LMt yejlt, aooordina to Dun & Bradstreet, at 1eMt 17 ,000 nonf lnanclal companiet failed, more than double the number of failures ln 1979. 1be' rate has speeded up thla year, with . an annual rate of 23,000 failures in the finlt hour four montha. Lending lnatitutiona -credit unions, savings lnatituUona and large commercial bank.I -a1ao have had problems with failures and forced mergers, aometimes with the failure of one aerioualy damaging others. An example o f the chain reaction occurred last week when the Penn Square Bank, Oklahoma City, failed becau.e of poor loans, damaging other large banks, a score or more of aavinga and loan associations, and perhaps as many as 150 credit unions which deposited with Penn. Computer course offered "Take a better look at financial... statementa," says Newett, and ask questions. ,;Of course, your customer will have rehearsed many of the answers before he arrives in your office, but ask anyway.'' Anthony Schools of N~rt Beach haa developed ' An Introduction to Mic:rocomputen" aa a six-hour, two-phue course for anyone considering purchasing a microcomputer. Courses begin July 31 at Anthony Schools' facilities in Sepulveda, Colton, Loe Angeles, Covina, Garden Grove and Torrance; on Aug. 2 ln &ea and Palm Springs, and Aug. 4, in Santa Ana. In September, Anthony Schools will begin microcomputer software training in accounting. word processing · and pro forma analysis. Anthony Schools, long known for real estate training in California, is a division of National F.ducation Corporation of Newport Beach. Because of the downturn. and strains on both le nders and borrowers, the basis for loan- making has changed, Newett ( reminds loan officers. Now the decision might involve termination of the life-support system. OVER THE c OUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND HEW YORI( CAPI -Mnl a<llve owr-~ ~~"':.led iui:.c. "ASO. MOC • •. . •n .. JIO •"'-6" ~ = ;:. ~ ::.: ~ : ~ 9'1bv . .. m ,lDO ,.. ni. -~ OW T,. • Jl't.100 1 M ISV. 111111 • ... • m ,a ,...., :11v. -v. lltnM .. Ut,taO 2""' ,..... + Vi E .. UD.taO ,, JtYt • " Sur • • 2~-,. >IV. ..... • • . 11>.IDO 10-. ~ + I.\ MW Miii 1US "l '"" "'y i.Cll I.., !Mt..., t.tt NL ltltt04fl 10.1' "L ISi~: Onltfl J.7• U7 lllCGln 1S1 U2 Trl'd un ....-all tnt 911 .... 10,Jt lftlllfllrY S.• Hl l~tal: 1"°'9 .... • . ,. ltlY!il 11.'J 12.41 lll'ftl t." •.71 NI llllK us J.17 Ted• U1 1.6' ll'llllMI 1 ... a.u ""'lftltlt 1.16 Hl 10 ..... w::~: Cit U1 S.W Ort • lUO Y"').21 f.41 HO "54 .11 I ,.... ",.,,., ...... -.. .,. ·'° °'l! us t.., llW 17. lt ".» ltw .. SI 7,ot Sl7 4ll 2.»J U'7 s. .. --- CtlWl U.Jt .. l Miii I• CD "L Llrd A-.lt: AHi.. 7.,. 7.72 e ... ,, t.s. Ge •s.• '"'' om t.n t.n Wller.i lro: l"Uftd 10.JI 11..SO =" a: !J: us c;o. 7.11 us Mliu FIMrtel ; MIT t .. a I0.2 t "''8 10.• 11.oe Ml 1111 W.St I Ut t .11 ....... 11.0I ,,,,. 7.SI 1 ... S.• 6.10 lllTra .... 10.Jt oowm l'ct. Up JS.O Up 1•.1 Up ls.A Up HA Up "·i UP 1U "" u.a Up 1U Up 1).l Up 12.J Up 11.A Up 12.J Up ,, .. Up 11.1 Up 11.I Up 1U Up 111 Up 11' Up 11' Up 10.I Up 10.0 Up 10.0 Up '-5 Up ••• Up '" -Lat C1l!I Pt:I. t(alJISI pl 1) -~ Off 21.1 OellAPtr •Vt IYt Off U .0 J !*4alT SVJ IVJ 011 JL• • ASlr .,... ,.,., Yt Ofl 1•.J s ~-"' .. Off 16.1 • Mwloft ~ -. Off 1U 1 us e.r ~ -,,. Off u.• I PETCO Ill. -11tt Ofl U.2 • ""°" ,.... " Off u..o IO GU:s1En ,_ Yt Ofl 11 A 11 E)\()w ""' • -.... Off 11.1 12 ""$ M V. Off 10.S 1) Mc ..... -1 Off 10.S ,. ., '" -" Off 10.A U ~Et!crt Ullo -1'1'1 Off 10.2 16 -·· ,,.,, -..... Off 10..0 17 ..... JV. "" Off 10.4 11 5¥ml>T< •~ -'It Off U " Gtfoetfn Jl4 -" Off t.1 II HlclOG S -Yt Off t.1 21 Scotll• 'M -v. Oii •.1 22 ~·· ~ -.... Off u D EnaAav S\11 -Yt Off U ,. 1$St: S\11 -.... Off u ZS IMl'le N V. OH t.3 • ()\¥£ .. ___ , ____ .. Off l.l 10.17 11.M Jt.t'J NL ' l.17 NL UI NL lftaw!I s .. County hank already in black Marine National Bank of Sant.a Ana has reported Improvement In oporatlna results for the second quarter and flrat half ending June 30. Net Income was $100.502, or $.17 per •hare for IJw quarter and $102.625 tor the fint half, or $.17 per share. Higher loan volume and dt:poaita, Increased interest spread and higher non-interest income were cited for the improvement. The bank was opencid n July 1981 at Harbor and M4lCArt.hur Boulevards. Printronix earnings up Printronlx fnc:. of Irvine, manufaccurer of minicomputer line printers, reported hiaber operating results for the quarter ended June 25. F.amings w~re $1,492,000. or 39 cents per share, on sales of $19,292,000. This compares with earnings of $1,202,000, or 31 centa, on sales of $14,375,000 for the corresponding period a year ago. Hughes property purchased TUCSON. Ariz. (AP) -Seventy-five million dollars changed hands as a Tucson-based joint venture purchases about 19 square miles from the estate of billionaire recluse Howard R. Hughes Jr. The initial purchase was followed by a series of sales of parts of the land for about $45 million. Starting off the transactions Monday waa the signing of d~ transferring ownership of 12,328 acres from Hughes' estate to a joint venture fonned by Frank ·Aries, president of Aries Enterprises Ltd. of Tucson, and Pima Service C.Orp., a subsidiary of Pima Savings and Loan Association. Firm to off er tours Golden West Homes will offer a series o( factory tours in July and August. The tours, to be conducted at Golden West's Santa Ana factory, will run Saturday and Sunday, through Aug. 15. There will be tours at 11 a.m, and 1 p.m. Saturdays, and at l p.m. Sundays. The plant is located at 1929 SE St. Andrew Place. Cabinet chie f to sp eak Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis will address the Industrial League of Orange' County on Jul~ 26 at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. The program begins at 11:45 a.m . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YORKIAPI l"l .... Oo.,._ ....... ~undly,Jlll.11 SI Ind ~19 :rt! et~~~ JD Tm m.n JUS4 Jlt.1• Jfl.72-1.12 lS UU !OUO 10l16 IOU4 tar.St--0 ... 65 St1I Sit ... JnG J1H7 l".U-0 ... .. ~ '"""' . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . 1,-.. -,,. Tr_, .. .. . . •. . .. . . . . .. . .. . 1,47~-: ~ !:~ .. :·::.:·:.:· ... ·:.:·:::::.:·: ,~:m: _,,. -'4 · · · t; WHAT STOCKS DID _,,,. ... ~ +l -" HEW YORK IAP> Jiii. 1J T-y Mo! 152 ... 11'5 .. . , HEW YORK IAPI JIA. 1J METALS T~ 210 211 .,,. 1 23 Prn. "-J, 212 211 "' 1 • NE'W YORK (AP) -Spot non,_ou. met81 prioM Tu.day: . C...., ~71 cents a pound, U.S. cMetlnatlona. LMd 29-28 centa a pound. Zinc 37-40 centa a pound, ~. • Tiii le. 1795 Metals Week oompolfte lb. All•"'-78-n c.nta I pound, N.Y . ...,_, $370.00 per nu.. ~ S2S4.00 troy OI., N.Y, SILVER~ Handy A Harman, 18.450 per troy ounc:.. Orange Coatt DAJl.V .-1LOTIWtdnetd1Y1 Juty 14. 1811 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 1ftl!flr ~ ITATWT °' ,.111 .. 011 "' HUGu•W.:.iUX' HMiol l ... ,,. .. -=:1';tE,... ~ OIU'f.: .. ...-NOTIOI O• UO,TION o• NOTICZ OP D&ATH OP re'?=1~ P•rton1 111n °'~~AM INA MARY COkllT AND .JJ;.X\.'::.aou•LH 1 • IMndontd the uee of 111a r1011t1ou• tURPLUI DllTAICT llllAL 0 P P & TIT I 0 N T 0 fTIONIR1 ff 11 WTllMD TMT TMI tM.1 ~Mine "°""" ADMINllTl'!A EITAftNO. 'f'LM* Wll.L II CIOMDUOTIO ~· Hll/W ,A .. TNI"'· Two -NO.·~ A·llttlT. ( • •DIMY1 ••o•o• llt&ALI ()II .,.. '''""" I Y1 Oorporalt 'IU_!.1 lull• 160, NOTICl 11 HIRHY IVIN THAT To all htln, be'Mftotariea llM CAL"OaNIA POITINO AND ~ IMof\, C911Yornla HMO THI "OUNTAIN VALL IOHOOL ' lowM ~ ot Illa LJnlt«I 1\1 ... ) ••••.,._,,'-AW) •OIUll•I cOMPMfY 19 N. Tll• ,riot1t1ou1 lu•l11H• N•m• PllT"IOT 1111 oeoiarMI 11111 1111 crtdltore a nd cont1n1ent -., 111rltllt.1111111\d in,.,.~ *'~ LAKI AVI., IUITI ltt, retttr•d to above wH flltd In lollowlna,.., P'OC*'IY wt1t not 11a c r•dhora of INA MARY ~ ~.-.YuW} 14 li'lcl now ll4llG by 11 Ulldtr Mid ........ .._ .-PAI~ CALIPOMIA ltlMI OrlllOt Coun'1onMatoll6, IMO. '*<ladlor olUlroom. Pl.tfpolM: COHRT and pet90n• who lM. .,._,, Oaad Of Tr1111 In the property '--_, ........ "41 Tll.8 MO. IWll1...... HUOHH INVllTMINTI, 1 TMCllen' LCNnOt ll\ 1uicMO A be th lie lnte led 110ncm Y• .......... ...._ llatlkllllW OleOtlOodl ...... ,_, ~ '-" ..... YOU " IN Oll'~ULT UNO("~ ~Ill Pl"Mttlllo, T'M> 00toot111e 11 111111.,d lcllool, loo11td 11 ~~ wrll ::/or .-.::.' TIMI ..... ...,...._ ........ ,_, T~~ OIOl'OI L IM"ICH ................ a .... "9IMll DIED cw T"UIT DATED JUHi ~1 ,..~ .IUl.ttt~, NawpOl1 laadl, 1Mtt ldUOltlon i.-. Hunt111gto4' A U I h ........_ [·l,..., ....... ,_., .................. anCt LUPI IM"IOH, llutbend Ind -.... ••• ...... 111'7 UNLfll y~ TAKI ACTION ...... 1or1111 .. .., laeofl. Clllf0tnl1. pe l on ........ n i~ ~ ....................... Wlfl • ~ ... to ... "" ldYlol of TO PROTl!OT YOUR PftOPIRTY, If Harvard c. Wllcll\, 230 W•t Tll• IOlfd ot TfUllHI of 111• by Theodore Fred.rick ... ............ ....... tlNIFICIAAY: PAO C..IH TIO ... attcwney In 11111 m1t1or. you MAY 8! SOlO AT A PU9UC 8ALI. wi.tarla, Aroadla. c.lllornll lllOOI P:ounlaln Vlllt y 8CllOOI Olllrlct Cohn In th. Su~rior Q>un If YoU Wllfl lo ..... lhe adYlot of Md WHY' TU T£0, l'N9band Ind .... "'° prOfllP~ IO 11111 yoi;r IF YOU NIED AN EXP'-ANATION John K. Wiiien. 11~ Fellen rfllOIYtl 10 ..... Illa flOINtl .. IO f Or "-an 1tlorn1y In 1111• metier. you ... )Olnt Lenalll9. ~ °' ~. lt WIY mey.,. 0 F TH I NAT u R l 0" TH I L••• ROid, Aro1dl•. 0 1lllornl1 lndle•ttd •bow lllloat lllt t•m• 0 •lli• '-NU.Oty requeeuna llllould do IO J)fOll'IOtly IO thal your fteoordad Mey 111, 1HO .. 1111111 ....... • • PROCHDINOAOAINSTYOU YOU 8100t a11d oondlllont •lll•d In Ill• that Theodore Frederick r~orplMdlf\O,lfllly,mayba No. 11041 In boolt 13808, page Av'. 01 u ••• f ........ SHOULD CONTACT A '-AWYtA. 01nltl R. 8ur10111na•r. HO Aelolullon 01111• 8oltd, AatOluOon Coh rt bo • ppol n ted .. "*'on time. 1138 of Ott!Clel Aaoot~ In Illa Office ... "°"'"°"' _ .. .......... ~ Ti. tOllOftlt ~ .,. 'oint bullrllltM: JUDY'I , )HI ltltlOI, COtt1 Meaa.~t2tll Judy'• 00110 MOia, IM , I Clillotnla oorporltlon, Nn •11eot, CO.II MaM. Ofllltornla laH Tiiie bulll-. II conducted ~ I COfpOt •llon. NtH• Coat• ..... lnO Uwftt!Oa .., ... , ''"'°"'' Tiil• '''''"""'' Wll ftled wltll '"' County Cieri! Of Of enoe County on J\1111 21, IH2 ,111171 PuOll•llld Ortnv• Co111 Dell) PllOI Jyne 23, 30. Jutt 7, 14, Itta mt-U ,....,..,. 11 trtMl••• ttu•fa NOTICl!llllataoyglwnlhlt""' Oaford Road , Sa n arlno. No 13-51 penonel repre.enuulve to AVllOI U•l•f ha 1lfa of111eAaoorderofOfenoeCo1.1n1y, ......, ....,. Ult..• u•• , ... a c111riar l'lninc:lat corporftlon 1 Calltornta tttot Tll• minimum monthly luH admJnJ ~ th Ht.ate ot Ina tl•Ma!14ffa. II lrl911nal puad• llid deed o4 trull delcflbae tile•-------------• Ult.. ,....... ....,_ Corporeuon 11 Truac .. undtt i11a Thia bu.in.ti wit oonducltd by• oavmant tor Ille lwm ot 111e ..... 1 r e ...., oeMt• Uf. • 111lll1FlOla • I~ prOPWfY: •-ic W\YM't ••flaa.&..ta"'8cmoltu.,. OHd 01 +ruit rec:ordad 11 0-11 partner9/llp, ~ n<>' be'"' 1111n 1512.15 par Mary Cohrt, C o1t1 Meaa, -.,. Uf,,...........,. Tllll POnlon of Lot Hof Trec1 ,._ ""'-. ......_ lnttrument Numbaf' 13026 on Junt HUGHES INVESTMINT8 mon111. Tiie minimum monthly ..... CA. (under the Independent de• flea. &... la lftloftineateft.,. No. 863. u par MIP rac:ordad In ,ICTITIOUI ....... , "ti U1t1d dtltl 1ollcl11r II 8, 1811 In loot! 12231, Pega 1312 Sy: Wiiiiam W HUOllOI. Jr., p~rntnl tor IUbMquanl parlodt Admlnlatratlon of Eatotel ..... BOOie 111• Paga 42 of Mlleelltlnlout NA• ITATllllllJfT oor-.o dt "" lbooado en ••• of Official Aacotd• In Illa County Partner m1y bt ICIJ\letld by llle Coneumer .. -t) ......_ •'ti ,_ t f 81 U•t•d dHu 1011c11er al Map•, In Illa office ol Ina County llle fOllowlng pertonl .,. 60ll'O ••unt o , dalltrr1 llicerlo Rtcordar of Orino• County, TN111a1emantwuftladwlllltlla P rice lndu ennuel 1var1gt '"' · ine peu on .. ae or c:onttjO dt un aboQado en aa•• Rtcorder of Orange County, bualflMa1t· ~ dt .. """"" Celllornle. ot wlllcll Deed of Tr1111 County Clerk of Otenoe Count)' on tenlctld II Ille end ot Illa IMM hearing In Depl No. 3 at 700 • I u n I 0 . d. b . r r. II. c . r I 0 C111tornla, d11crlbtd .. IOllOWI: EXECUTIVE SWEETS. 315 15111 au ~1 o lltQIOIOn, II l\e'f American 81111n111 end Loin June 2l, 1882. period. A MWfllJ depoelt may Ila Civic Center Drive Wt!lt, lmmadtatamantt. dt aat1 menera. P1rc•1 2 " 1nown on • map St1ta1, •2. Huntington Beec:h. CA 1lgun1, p111d• 11t re9111r1d11 Anocl1llon 11 the hntflc:lary, by HUflTSDt.llt MtLl.IR. CdLION required prior to OCQUplllOy. Santa Ana, C A 92702 on eu raapuaeta o llaOaelon, 11 llay ,_did In Book N . Paoae 10 ltld 112848 lllmpo, reuon of dtll4.ll• In tlle payment or llMDIUY No. commlltlon 111al1 Ila paid WIY Ju~ 28 1982 at 9.30 am 1toun1, p11ed1 H r reglttt•d• • 11 ol Paroel M•o•. In the offloa of B1tb1ta J Jevortlly, 316 1&1n 1. TO TI41! AESPOHD£HT; The patfonnanet Of obllgallon1 NCUttd hlte 1'000 l1CanMd rtol .... ,. broktr In 11111 ' D.....:,....,. . . 11tmp0 . lht County Rec:ord•• OI uld SUMI, •2. Huntington 8alcll, CA pellUonor 1111 lll•d • ptllllon llleteby and Nollet ot Delautt Md 4000 .... Attfwr ....,,--, ragud, ind llltra 111111 b• no YOU O.i::w ...... ~ to the County 112848. 001111111•10 'f(Nf ~.If YOU f .. e.nanciwy•111ec:tlon to c:au11 to be Mlwpof1 IMdl. C.._.. -d eduction from lny propoHI In IJ'anUng of the pethJon, you YOU AAE IN DEFAUt. T UNOEll A JOMplllnt E Javouky. '873 , ..... NIPOllM wllllln 30 dl)'t ot IOld Illa property b4llow daecribad ft..U da11tmlnlng tlle lllgllaet rtlpotltlbla should either appear It the TO THI RESPONDENT· Tll• DEED OF TRUST DATED APRll:23, Edlnburgll Ori~. Voungttown. Oftlo Ult data 11111 111111ummon1 11 lllVlng .,_, reoorded u provided Publl1ned Or•no• Coal! D•llY bid-. hearlno and lttte r,our pttlllon., 1111 llltd • pellllon 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION 44511. --on )'Ou, yollf dtflUll mtY bt by law, end mot• tllen tllr .. monllle Pllo1, June 23, 30, July 1, 14. 11182 s..ltd Pl'oPOUI• to leua Mid • . OOl'IOOtllirlg YOUf marri.oa. "you fell TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Tiil• l>\ISlneta It COl>dllc:led by • ....o and t11a OOW1~.,.,,.,1 llavlng alepud •Inca t uc:ll 21'4S-82 propat1y muel bl rtcelYld by tlle objection• or file wr tten to lllt 1 tllPC)Na wttNn 30 dt)'t of MAY BE SOl.O AT A PUBLIC SALE. oanatll pennerllllp. ~ oontalntng lnjunclMI or r-dallon, wl• on July 30, 1982, 1111 .. 'IC NOTICE dalaOaled oflloar 11 the Fountllln objection• with the court lh• dltt tllll 11111 1ummon1 11 IF YOU NEED AN EXPL.AN.ATION Batbat• J Jevortlly Ofier ordOtt oonoemlrlO dMtlon of Frld1y 9 15 1.m • 11 tnt front f"l.ltK. Valley Sc11001 Dl1trlct Education before the hearlna. Y our -*on you, 'f04l/f dellUll may Ila OF THE NATU RE OF THE Ttllt 11a1ement wu filed with 111e property, IPOUlll 1uppor1. clllld antrence 10 Ill• Old ()fanga County flCTITIOOI I UllHlll can ..... 17210 01111 Slreal, Fountain appearance may be In penion entered and tile COUrt m1y tnltr I PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Counly Cl6f'k of Ofanga County on ou1tody, clllld 1upport, 111ornty COut1llOUM, located on Sehl• An• NAMI! ITATl!llMNT Valley, Calllornll, 112108. no lattt b tA Judomtrlt oonttlrllllg lnJullCll~ or SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. June 21, t982 llMa. ooau, and auctl otller rellaf a1 Blvd .. b11wten Sycamore st a 111111 2:00 p.m. on July 28, 1882. or 'Y your at..,mey. otllat ordatl aonaamlng dlvlllon of TM propart)l 1boye dalcrlbld dou P:1tltot tMy bl orenttd by tllt court The 8toeelway, Sanll An1, Callf , Mii al bll~~~°:lng '*'°"' 11• dOlng Before 1cc1pt1ng 1ny written 1 F Y 0 U A R E A property, 1pou111 1upport. cnlld not nave • 11ra11 lddr•n or Publlahed orange Cotti Delly ooi,,..._,, of W11Qt1. laking of oubllc: euc:llon to Iha lllgllaet bidder APOTHECARY ASSOCIATES. prop1Hll, 1111 deleglltd officer CREDITOR or a contingent c:u1tody, clllld 1upport, 11torn1y common d11lgn1t1on. Dlrec:tlona PllOt, June 23. 30, July 7. 14, 1982 montiy or property, ex oilier cour1 for oun, peyable •t the Umt ol aaia 4222 Campus Drive. Ntwpon tllall 0111 tor oral bidding. Any creditor of the deceued you '-· ooete. Md auctl Olhat r.itat 11 MIMclant to loc:ata the property may 2733-42 autllortled prooeedlngt may llao lin lawful money of Ill• United person wno ht1 naretolora • mey be gr111ttd by tha c:oun. Tiie Ila obtllned by tubmlttlng • Wfltten reMllt. Statu, wltllout covtnent or 84:~'{'E~~~~~~·N~~RESCRIP-•ubmllled 1 wrllton bid may eubmlt must file your clalm with the garnlallmant of w.get, talclng ol raqU09t within len dtya lrom tno DATED July 2-4, 111112. w111an1y, tJtPltuld or lmpllad, 11 an orll bid exceeding by 11 i.ut court or present It to the money or property, or olllar c:our1 11111 oublloatlon ol 11111 notice to Ille LEE A. BRANCH, 1 o 1111 a . p 0 a11a 1 1 0 n 0 r ~~:.~~E!~~?.~1~~s~!olr&uar. llva (5%1 percent tne lllQllMt written personal representa tlve autllottzad prooaedlnQI may eieo btntt1c1ary, whoH name ind Cterti enc:umbranc:a1.lllrlghl1ndln1w .. 1 Strttl, Suitt 203. N__,,,,. eo.c:n. bid Tllel\lgheatr~llblebldder appointed by the court raMlll. addrtu 11. Ctco Equity, 11220 By Kallly SWM1Mt, con~ to and now lleld b 11 ·-,,.... • th•H be required to t•ecull Illa . LEE A BRANCH, Newnope. Sulle 114, Fountain Otc>ulY under ,aid Deed 01 Trull In an~ 10 Celllornla 828GO. rorm of IHH, such lormit llH within four months from the Clafll Valley, Callfornl1 Allentlon Cal Publl•ll•Cs Orange CoHt Dally 1111 property In lh• county ot 11m';~~~ :~~::::::n:~.cooducltd lly 1 h1rttolore been epprovld by ttw1 date of !Int isauance of av J. T. RUNYON. Woll Piiot. Juk'f 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4. 1N2. Orange, s1111 ol Ct llforn11, INTERNATIONAt. Board ol Trull.... lettel"!I as provided In Section Daputy "(II• llraat 1ddrna or common 3116-82 dMCribad u IC)llc)wt PRESCRIPTl.PN Tiie Board of Trutt-111811 mike 700 of the Proba~ Code of Publllhld Ofange Coul Dally d11lgn1tlon II 1llown 1bov1, no ----.---.-IC-NO_TICt ____ PARCEL 1· CLEARINGHOUSE. INC the detwmln1tlon N 10 wtlathat 10 C llf I Th I f Piiot, July 14, 21, 28, Aug. 4, 1982. w1tr1nty It g iven 11 to 111 n-. Unit No. 5 t. u 1hown ind ..... Niki fac:lfftlee wttn ten (10) a orn a e t me or 318~ comptat-or correc:t,_)," dteerlbed In the Condominium Plan :,1:~~::i Ltvll, d1y1 tiler rl094pt of bid• filing claims wU not e xpire The beneflClary unde< Nld Dead NOTICI Of' TIWITll'I IALI! recorded on January 12, 1917 In Thi• slilement wes llled won lhe lnforme1lon concerning the prior to four months from P\lll.IC NOTICE of Tnm, by reuon of• broacll or i.-No.. l<RA.llAN boolc 12031. page 1seo ol Ottlclll Counly Clerk ol orange County on propotal 1llould be lddrautd to: the date of the hearing (IT IS INTENOEO THAT THE dallull In Ille obllgatlona NCUrld T..t. .... ~ Reco<dtolNklCounty July 2 tH 2 FOUNTA IN VALLEY SCHOOL 'ced bo SALE WILL SE CONDUCTED ON thereby, lla<etolore executed ltld NEWPORT HOME LOAN. INC ... PARCEL 2 ~ . DISTRICT 172 10 Olk SH••• nou a ve. BEHALF OF THE TRUSTEE 8Y dellyl(ad 10 Ill• undat1lgntd • duly ~tad TNlltt ulldef I.lie An undMdld on.MYanty tourtll A, ftA ~~CCA"O Founleln viit.y, e.ittornl• 92708: YOU MAY EXAMINE CALIFORNIA POSTING ANO wrltlan Dacl1ttllon of Oafaull and ~ datcri~ dead of tru11 ( 1174) 1n11ru1 u • tenant 1n "':::.*ioM,(:OfPO'•llon• (7t4) 8•2-8851, Allenllon: Neomi the file kept by the court. If PUBLISHING COMPANY. 1028 N. Oamll\d tor Sala, and wrlllen notloe To THEUHIGATHESPUTBLBICID~~TFIOONR common In Ille lee lntl(Mt In •nd to ATTORNl!Y8 AT LAW Wlal1od. you are interest ed In the LA I( E A" E • s u IT E 2 0 I . 01 btHCll and 01 tlec11on to cause ~ t11eCommonAt11aof t.0111 and2of uo 0 111: July 1, 1982 fil PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91104 the undetalgned to Hll Uld CASH (peylble It time of Mia In TtlCI ~ .. per map Iliad In boolc p 01 =AllTHUi. •OVUVAllO FOUNTAIN VALl.EY estate, you may ea request TELEPHONE NO 2131681·45481 Pfopft1y lo NII•'>' tald obllg1tlon1. lawful money of tile United Stet•) 379 Paget 31 10 32 lnc:lual'fe 01 NEWPOR~ACH, CALIFORNIA SCHOOL DISTRICT with the court to r ttetve CPfl 122'19 tnd 111e1ttllt1 th• und111ign1d .. right, 11119 Ind lnt-1 conll9yld Mlacelleneo11s Mapa: 1ac:ord1 01 t2tlO Jam• O. WOMI s p ec 1 a I not ice o f t he NOTICE Of' TitUlffE'S SALE cauMd laid notice of brMCll ano of to end now Mid by h under Mid Mid County, 11 IUCll ,.,m la defined F112ea Clark ol tlle Soard inventory o ( estate aesets NUMeE" M27 elac11on to be recorded February o .. d of Trutt In tnt properly In Illa Artlc:le enllllad "Oallnltlon1" Publlthed Orange Coa.1 Oally Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally and of the pcUt1ons accounts Trualot P'EKRI. M.H. 24, 1982, u ln1t1. No. 42-06473 In 1141ra1Mfttr deac:rlbld: of the Oadatlllon ol Covenanll, PllOt. July 7. 14, 21, 1982 • . YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER,., boolt of Mid Ottlc•ll Record•. TRUSTOR: JOHN A. KRAJIAN Condition• •nd Rutrlc:llon• PUot. July 7 1• 21· 28· '982 2966-82 and reports described In OEEO OF TRUST DATED JANUARY St ld .. ,. )'till b• m•d•, bUI end DIANE R. KRAJIAN. lluat>.-.d recorded on July 29 1978 In booll 2977-&2 Sec tio n 1200 5 of th e 8, 1978 UNLESS YOU TAl(E wl1noul COY•n•nt 01 w1rr1n1y, end wife. 111130,paga793ofOttlcillRecord1 1'\11.JC NOTICE Pl8JC NOTIC£ C&hforrua Probate Code. ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR aJIP' ... or Implied, regarding ttlle, BENEFIC IARY : BANI< OF ol Nkl Count)' (tno "Oac:J111t1on"l ROBERTS BARNES PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A pot-Ion, or tnc:umbrenoes. to AMERICA u INll .. tor ORANGE 1 n d a n 1 mend m 1 n t 1 0 j NOTICE Of' MAll•HAL'• I~ CITY COUNCIL · • PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NE!O AN PIY Ille remllnlng prlnclp11 aum ot BELT PAINTERS PENSION FUND 111neu1~ thereto PLAINTIFF· WINDJAMMER CITY Of' MY• Attoniey at Law EXPt.ANATION OF THE NATURE Ille nole(I) aacurld by Mid Dead ol •1eeeo.o. 'PARCEL 3: INVESTORS 1978-3. ate. VI NOTICtf °""*JC 4100 MacArtbur Blvd. OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Trull, wltll lntl(ttl .. In Nkl note Rlcordtd ~aty 13. 1880 U Euernanl(1) u 1UC11 ..-nant(1) DEFENDANT: PETER H. PAULSEN, .. ANNO OM U'tfCIM. t'. 0 . ISH ZllU YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A ptovtdtd. Mlv1nc:ee, H any, under Instr. No. 153e1 In bOolt 13501, 'le/ere panlcutarly set lorth In Ille •I 11. No. 2911 182 TAU• TON PltOPOltfD N rt B la CA IHfl LAWYER the tannt of Mid Oaec:I ol Trust. P*OI 745, Of Offtc:lal Record• In Ille Article entltled "Eas.menll" ol Ille Sy virtue of Ill execution IMUad IV OM>INANCI ewpo eac • NOTICE II ller1by given lhll Firll ·-· cflarget and •xpen-ol Ille office ot Illa Aac:ordet o1 Orange Oaclerillon under Ill• s \icllon on June 11, 1lll$~ oy tna ::iupertor PLEASE TAKE NOTICE tllal Ille 714/833-0730 Cllarter FlnanGll l Corporation. a Trutt" and olllla tru111 crNttd by County. Nici deed of tru11 dttc;tibal llMdlng(I) In well llf1lcle entlllad u Cout1. Count)' of Ofenga, State of City Councll of Ille City of lrvlna Published Orange Coast Corpor1uon, 11 Trustee under tne Nld Dead of Tn.i1t. Slld aale will be tlletollowlngproparty: loflowa "Settlt m 1 nt ind Callfornll.upon1ludclrnen11n1arec1 propoiH 10 adopt rt1olulloni Daily Pilot, July 7. 8, 14, Oeed o l Trutt recorded es lleldonTueldty,August3, l082at Perotti: Lot 15offract No. 7800, e ncroacnmtnl" 1nc1 "Common In favo r of WINDJ AMMER c.lllllg • mpadel ~ e6ec1lon 1982 ln1trumen1 Nu mber 3&•70 on 2-00 pm et tile Ct\apman Avenue u par map recorded In Book 304, ArN EaMmanl," INVESTORS 11178-3 u ludatnent IOt Illa purpoee of eubmlttlng to the · January 27. 1978 1n 9oo11 12545 e ntra nce to t h• Civic Center Pag11 36 10 37 1nolu1lve ol PARCEL 4. c:radltor(•I andE PET£R H. voter• of Ille City ordlnaneH 2962-82 PllQ9 318 of Ott1c:iat Records In Illa Sulld lng, 300 E111 Cll1pman Mllcallanaoua mapa, In tlle offtco of E.-iit(e) u tocn __,I(•) PAULStN .. 1 dablor(I). lmpo11no • 1peclal tax upon _.,. _,..c county Recorder 01 Orerige County, Avtnue, in 1111 Clly of Or1ngt, Ill• Counly Rocorder of 11ld la/are partlculany 111 forth In the 111owt119 1 net bl enc:. of $450 . 1dml11lon1 to llYe avtnl1 and ,._ -·~ C1lilornla, ol wnoch Deed ol Truit Cllllornl1. County, Patcel II: Non-exc:lu1lva Artlde antltlad "Eallmenle" ot the 003.0CJ a ctually due on 1110 lnc:r ... 1no Ille ••lltlng tu upon Am11lc1n Savings a nd Loan Al tt11 lime of 1ne ln11111 ~t ~for tnor-Dac:l•t1llon of Cova n a nt1 , Judgment on th• data of tlla tranatent ooc:iupeney, ~· MN llt!l Aaaoc:tallon is 111e 8-loctary. by 1>Ubllc:l110n ot 1n11 notice. Ille total Ind aor--prt\rlle •trwt1 .. Condltlon1 e nd At1trlct1on1 lilllllnoe of Mid f!QCMton, I llevt PLEASE tAt<E FURTHER NOTICE OF DEATH OF roaaon of cleleull In Ille payment or amount o111 ... unplld balanoeottne HI fortll In Ille dtcl111tlon ol ,_dad In book l11tl 4a0 ...._, llPO'I .. Iha rtgM, !Illa and NOTICE THAT Tuaacley, the 27111 partormenc:e of obliglllonl MC:uted Obligellon MCUtld by Illa lbova cov1 n1 n11, oondltlon1, end of Oflldlll Aaoorda °' ~ ......., of Mid~ dabtor(•I di)' of Jt/ty, IN2, at 7:30 p.m. In Ula AM AN DA M • thereby, and No llce 01 Oeltult and duc:rlbtd dHd of trull end rtttrtctlone. (the .. ......, Oidlnlloo") Ind ~ Ill .. ~ In t11a ~ ot lrvlnt City Hall Counell Ctlamber, D I TT 8 ER N E R A N D 0 F Banafk:lary·a elecllon to cause to be eallmlled c:o111. expene11. tnd OEYOVE ARE IN DEFAULT UNOE.R A 1111•1dft'le11t1ot111w 1 ..... ....., Otlft~ 9tata ot Oallfornla , llMpla"-'c• 0 111f 11•.athel~O •1._1and11 PETIT JON TO IOld the property below deKtlbed advances 11 S100,5a3.00 O OF TRUST OAT ( o nd« tlla lac:tlon llaed"'9(•) In fl tbed • '*"= r " or • ADMINUTER ESTATE NO naving beef1 recorded u prc>vldeCI To detwmlna 1ne opening bid. JANUARY 22. 1te0 UNLE.88 YQU euc:ll Artlota tfttltlad • ronow.· Lot No. 1 .... PWOll 1. loot! No. c:onelderetlon of Mid 1~tton1 • by law ano mort 111an 1hrtt mon1ns you may call (714) 937-0968. TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR "Ownare' .. 111111 and D11tla 1· ........ No. 11, ,,.. No. , ..... and any PfOIHI• or obJac:tton1 A 11'1'!. lllYlng e lepud •Inc• 1ucn 0111 July 7. 1g92 PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Ulllltlaa Md Cable Talevtlfon": ~ '-• 1100 Quall, ltlerato. """' Nlldant or llf'9clled To all hein, bendic:lariea, record•llon. WM! on Fridly, Augusl ESCROW ENCOUNTERS PU8UC SALE. IF YOU NEED AH "Utllltlaa" "l11pport ind Qey Of~ 8-d\, ~ ot buelnou opera tor or owner c reditora and contlnaent 13, 1982, 9 15 AM 11 the rront INC. EXPlANATION OF THE NATUM .....,_ .. " ........ It" _... Gt--. .. Of C1111DmeL oblgMld to pey 9'ICtl lllW ""-edl f A d M entttnee to Ille OLD Orange County u uld Trusttt. OF TH! PAOC£EOING AGAIN8T ;;.;;;;;;;;;;.; ~I':'.* ... ":'."' NOrU • ......, GMN"M IMAI• I Wtlttaft PfOl .. t eo-in.t er t on 0 man a . Coun~. loc:ll«I on Sante Ana By: T.O SERVICE co. ~~~ SHOUl.O CONTACT A p~:.1*f0f _: :i:J•:.Ji:=.'o.~ ~~'"':.~~a:::.~~== :!:!iw::.•w;:i~a8~~~c:i1:n1: ~J11111nNeloe, Tiie StrHI addrtn 11 7 Rue 0\19' thoao ~;"l.lllttl 1~ •101 J1rnbotff llYd., City of "°"' • fOf Iha~ . tn ~will and/or estate· 111111 public a11c:tlon to tlle 111gnes1 Aallstant Secr•••rv Viner., Newport BNdl, Callfomla of Trec:t 9123 • per 'NIP !lad In NRport Beacfl. County of Ofanga, lnq11lrl91 wltll regard to 11111 A petition hM been filed bidder for c:aah, p1y1ble at tile time OM City 8ouleY1td w .. 1. 82ea0. book 3e5 pegaa 2t to 31 ~ ,._ ot ~ 1 .. ... at manar end ~ for copial of ol Nia 1n lawful money Of Ille United Orenge. Callfornl1 82888 "(II• 11,..., 8ddre11 or common of ~-Mapa. ,_di of pubic auction to Iha l'llgM9t blddat, Iha propoead «dlt•~ .rlOUtd Ila by Frederick Mauer in the 511111. w1111ou1 covenan1 or (714) 835-8288 dt1lgn•tlon I• 111own above, no llld County, lllOwn 11 Pll'Clll 5 tor c.11 111 lawful mon.y of Iha d1racMd to City Clet1' 1 Offloe, ~ Superior Court of Orange -.ranty. axpreMed or Implied. u Published Orenge Coa11 O•lly w1111nty 11given11 to Ill and6onExlllbll "O"oftllatoartllkl UnlladSta .... llltherlght,tlllaand of IMnt. ltWla ~Hiii, 17 County requeatlng that 10 11111 po11 e11 1on or Pllol.July14,21,28, 1982 cornptat-or correc:t.-1:· S11pplementtry Oac:leretlon ol lnterllt of Nici Judomanl dabtor(1) ~;:::: ROld.,e, (714,'7~ Frederick Mau er b encumbr1nC., 111 rlgnt end Interest 3194-82 Tiie benalldery under Mid Dead Co11en1nu. Condition• and In the aOOYe Cleac:rlbacl property, or Dattd· J~12 1ta2 · •appointed 81 per aona l conveyed to Ind now lleld by II MUC NOTICE ot Trutt. by 1MIOll of 1 bread! or Rattnc:tlont l'KOfdad on Januety 10 mucll lllartof a1 m1y be · • · . under Mid Deed of Tru" In Ind to defllUll In Ille obllgetlona llQKed 12, 1971 In be><* 1203t, page t571 ~to utl.ty Nld axacullon. N:cl C. Rowlend, l"epre9entatlve to lht property I" 1111 Co.unty ol tllateby, lleratofora eicec:u1ed and Of Offlclel ~d1 ol llKI Count)'. wtlll eccrvad lnltrfft and c:o111. ~eari:!·. Pal~ the estate of Amanda M . 011n.g• Stitt ot Ce111orn11. delivered lo Ill• undersigned 1 1n<11nytmandmen11111are10. 011td:July8, 1982 ~ty 1. Dittberner (under the dalc11bedaafOllowr wrltlan Oaclat1llon of Default and for Ille l>Ull>OM ol Sltlalylng tne C>Mslon: Harbof Publltllad O~•no• COHI O•lly Independent Admin.Letration LOT 75 OF TRACT NO 7844. IN Demand for Sala, and wntten notice lndebled,_ aecurld by Mid Dead DON E. RHEA. 82 . THE CIT'I' OF NEWPORT BEACH, of breach end of tlec:11on to CIU .. of Tnnt lndudlng ,,,. ,_ ChlfgM Marat\11, PllOI, July 14• 111 3187-82 o f Eltates Act). 'Ille petition COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF lllt u"deralgned t o H ll H id and expan-Of the Truatee Ofange County ia aet for hearin& in Dept. CALI FORNIA, AS PER MAP property to Mtltfy 9'ld obllgatlonl, Tiie lllUI addrau 01 othll By: 8. Smltll, Pl8JC NOTlCE No. 3 at 700 Civic Center RECORDED IN BOOK 314 PAGES ind tller11t111 Ille underalgntd common deslgnallon of tne l.bov. Oaputy Drive West in the City of 2 7 T O 3 e I NC Lu S 1 II E O F Cll.ead llld notice of brtec:h ltld ot dHCrlbed property 11 10 Perk HOWARD f , HAMJ•ON ~ C0UWT S ' A ' C lif i MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE aieetlonlobaAeeotdadMercto28, Vlala.ltvlna.CA92714 P'WftW.Attomay Ol'CAL*~A anta na, a orna on O FFIC E OF THE COU NTY 11192 u in.tr. No. 82-105&57. Thi total amount ol Ille llf'Opald 4e41 lllllc:Al1tlur 9hd.., COUNTY Of' OAAMOI August 11, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. RECORDER OF SAID COUNT't' FOR S•ld HI• wlll be made. bul balance ot Illa Obllg1tion MCU•ed ...,. 2IO 100 Ctwtc C..... Df"'9 Weet IF YOU OBJECI' to the THE PURPOSE OF SATISFYING wltllo11t covtn1n1 or warranty. by .. Id OHd of Trutl tnd ~ 9aadl, CA-SMta A-. CA ll7'01 granting of the petition, you THE INDEBT'NESS SECURED BY ~~~:,:.'':'~:'~'."~.; =.:!~:J.:=·.~,~~1:!; Publl•~~!:~g• Cout Dilly LA=·~~ PtfTITIONH: lhould either appear at the ~~~~l~~F6~u;~~~~u~~ ~Iha rwnlllnlng princ:lpal tum ot of th• lnlt111 PIU>llcatlon of '"' Piiot. July 14, 21, 28, 1982 RllPONDtfNT: ANTHONY •• hearing and atate your EXPENSES OF THJ; TRUSTEE Ilia note llCUrad by Mid Dead of Notice ot 81111 It tlt9,209.91 3193-82 CtOm objtttions or file written Tiie •trHt ad reu 01 otller TNlt. wllll lnlet911t al In Mid "°1• Currently dated euhlet'• ~ lllllllC*S (,a..,y LAW} bj: I l h h common dellgnallOn of Ille above-prOYldad, adYancat, II any, und« or c11tlfled cllec:kt wlll b• P\llLIC NOTlCE c-Na. O•ttr o ct ona wt t e court datclrll>ld property Is 21 Mon1aa10 the tarme ot Mid OMd of TNll. acc:eptable to Ille T11JatM PfOvldld NOTIC•t You tww 11aaft •Yid. be ore the hearing. Your 01 . Newport 8Hch, C1lllornl1 te., c:t\ergat and ll!l*\IOI ol tlle they .,.. drawn 1n f1vor of Arlt NOTICI Of' "'9L.tC IAU! The -1 may daolde ....,... )'Oii appearance may be ln pel"90n 92825 Trustw Ind ot the 1rua1a crMled by ~..,.,., Ananclal Corpor•llon ltld On July 28, 1ta2 118:001.m. In without ,_ llelnt ......., ......_ or by your attorney. Tiie 10111 •mo.int of the unpaJd Mid Deed of TNll. uflafec:lo ry ldentlflc•llon 11 111• baHmtnt a1 eeo Newport ,_,,......... ""'*' • .,._ "'-' 1 F y O U A R E A blllanoe of Ille oblloa11on 11c:urld Said ule wlll be held on evallabla. Ctntar Drive, Ntwj)ort Beacll, "'-"""'"..,..on....... by ••Id 01td ol Trull a nd T11unday, JUiy 29, 11182112;00 p.m. DATED J11ne 24. 1982. c.tltomllo, Iha following dttc:Tlbad 11 you Wiit! to_. ttie ldYlca of CRE~ITOR or • cont1nc~nt rt11on1bly u11maled co tu, ., Illa Cllepman AYanUt entrance to F I R s T c H A R T E R I"'-' property wtn Ila IOld II 1n allorn•)' In 11111 mllllt. you creditor of the decealed. you lllpatl-end •dYllnc:el II Ille time the CMc Cent• 8ulldlng, 300 E. FINANCIAL publlc llUc:llon, wttnout rtterva: llloukl do'° promptly 90 11111 your mUlt file your claim with the of 1111 1n111a1 publlcauon 01 1ne ~ A--. In the City ot CORPORATION, (1) Furniture, Including • aofa, tttpOnM or l)IMdlng, 11 Illy, msy bl oourt praent It to th Nollet ol Sale II 1248,412 SS Orange. CA. u TruatH love teat with plllow1, 0111111 fllad on time. or I t t ' e Currently dlled eutllef't cllac:k1 At tll• llm• of tlla lnlll•I 111 Altome)' In Feel lounge, 2 brau bit 110011, u.ted II• lido demenclldo. El persona repreaen a tve or c1111ttad c heck• wlll b• publlc:atlon ot 1111t notice, the 101e1 ddr-ot Truat"' metcfllllg m11oon C111n• v .... aoap trlbunll pulda daddk' contra Ud. appointed by the court ICClePl•ble to tne Trutt" pro\'ldld amount of Ille unpaid bllanca ot Ille 150 Nonll Pllm SlrMI dllll and towel holder, 1trtw eln IUdlencll a menoe que Ud. within four montha from the 11\ey ere drewn in lavor ol First Obllgatlon llCUrtd by t11t abc>W ullerton CA 112635 b11kel1, pl11llc w•ll• b11k1t, rttPOtld• danlro de 30 dlu. Lea la dat f fl t i f Chertar Flnanc111 Co1por1llon •nO daecrlbed dead ol trutl ind et: (7t41871-3221 bledtboatd ... Oh<lnt, 11traw tan, lnlonnaclon qua 11gue. le e 0 ~"'~ua~~.?-ullafaclory ldent111c111o n Is "tlmllad c:o1t1, expanMa. end Publltlled Oreng• Co111 Dally 2 touctlnllllc: ononea. 1 IMlllat beg, SI Uat1d deHI eollcltlt 11 ttera U .,. .... ~ ln ~--.... evalllble. adnncH 11 1187,453.37. To July 7 14 21 1882 1 broom, 1 t>netc.a, 1 IUllc:aM, 3 conttlo cit un abogado en wte 700 of the Probate Code of Dated July 6, tte2 ci.tannlnatllaopenlnOl>ld.youmay · · • ' 2899·82 dr-dt-.. ••unto , dtbarl• 111cerlo California. The time for FIRST CHARTER Ollll (114) t37..o9ee. (2) Kltellan ltaml. lllCludlng 1 lmmldl•l-lt, de Mia mantra, filing claJ.ma will not exni-FI N A N c I A L Deted: "'-30, 1882. pt&JC NOTICE round wooden ll01 pltta. 1 paper •u r .. pueet• o alagaclon. 11 hay r--CORPORATION. •WPCMWT Hom LOAM. .ec. towel lloldar, paper c:upa, mop, 1lgun1, puadt Hr ragl1trtd• , prior to four montha from es Tru1tM • N1f ,,_..., ACTITIOUe .,_.. pyru boWtt, po11. pane, ~. 11ampo. the date o f the hearing By W.H Hardin ., T.D. 11av1c1 COMPANY MAm STATllmWT H1mlllon Suell blender. dl•ll 1. TO THE RESPONDENT: The nodced above. Ill AllOtnl)' In Fec:t ....... ' Thi followlng l*'IOnlU n doing drlllnlt, 1 Ml Mlk-Englllll ~lnty pttlllonar 1111 lllad 1 palltlon y OU MA y EXAM I NE Addr-ol TruatM· ., CllMIJ ----· bullrlMt M ! dllhte, blue c:Mtlt1et .... concatnlng '(<Nf marrlega. II you, .. , the fil k t b th u 4150 NOt111 Palm Slraal _............, T 0 T A L C 0 MP UTE R (3) Ml1cell1neou1 llem1, to Illa a rttpor1M wltllln 30 dayl of e ep Y e court. Fullaflon, Calll0tnl1 92635 o. Cltr IMI. -.-. SERVICES. 8550 w.,,..,. Avenue, Including U1or11d 11n~1. men'• th• d•t• tllet 11111 111mmona 11 you are Interested In the Tet (714) 871.:1221 or.ip. CA-Bulle 250, Founteln V1ll1y, clollllno. hammer, ac:rtwdrlvar, ""*on you, your dtflUll rney be eetate, you may file a request Publlahtd Or1ng• Cot1t Delly (114) .,_ Calffoml• 82708 n-.-lng ....,_, let ct1e91, Time. antarad and the court may enter ' with the court to receive PllOt. July"· 21. 28, 1982 Publllllad Ot1no• Coatt Dally Herbert Hemlllon H•rdlng , cloc:tl, umbrall1, record•. 10-11. IUdOrl'*lt c:ontllkllnO lntunc:tlw Of peclal notice o f the 312s.&2 Piiot. Jutt 7, 14, 21. 1882 -.... 82 =· ~-~'...Huntington ~~11kat1, ~...?.'.!""· mlloellaneout other ordarl eoncamlng dMtlon of lnv•ntory of ea•·t• aa•••-P\lllJC N0TIM' .. _.. .,..,_ ... ....., .....,1 room .. ._. . property, 1pou1a1 1uppor1, chlld "' .., .. _.. •~ -----------i~~.~·92~;'.'71 "'11""C:cw!.~~~ eu1tody, clllld 1upport, 1ttornay andofthepeUUona,account. AC'nnOUllUIMlt M.IC M>TICt Tlllt ~ 1e c:otlduc:1ad by , 1tt7 and 1 .... b)' the Ul'ldarllO!lad liMI. COi" and 1UCt1 °"*,..... • nd reporta dncrlbed in um ITATW "°"''°"' .,_.. ,_,., partMt'lhlP. lltldlofd. to dl'90M of parao1111 ~.rmt~:' .~0'::, =ng'": Section 12 O 0 . 5 o I t be ~'°':IV o--.,. dolllo ..... - -.. -HOtbart H. HatcffrlO property left by IM tenant In NI money °' pr--., Of ot11ar court fornia Probate Code. .. • ...,rT 8H R" 2 -..... :::::=::..:'..::="" .. ' .-...... Tllll ataletMnt WM fllod wttll the Promotory Orlv1 'Watt upon IUttlortncl ~ ....... -11111o Pall E. G....... ....."" .. ' A ... 112 Martin ,,.. _.,. ....... -~ .......... ,, __ ... ,.._.. ~ ~ ,. __ ty :'# ....... .......... ~ ..._ ,... ~..,,.. .. _, 8lr00t, Sut19 1M, ltl/lne, Celllomla .,.,.._ • ........... , ........ "' ---""""'' on .... ·-PtOC*'IY .,. 1 ... reault. A....., at Law t2f1& WllNIMCH~t. HO HO Mt 2. 1"2 and efl• notlot to Mid DATED Fib. 2, llllt. lllt z. Gany 191 .. ltl D1r11 EMfman, 25ea VllUi OrM, ·ao1 J-..... , .. •oad .. ..:..port' P1llNI Mnant. P'Ot OCOlll ~ comact Lit A. IRANCH. ·--. 1>•' _,.... ~ ............. ,....-..._,_ 9-· i..e-, ~ .a..c, · ._. Publlallad oranr 00111 oe11y Flcnftoa ~"""et ''4n20-2411. Qtttl --•• -w-. _,., ..._......_ .. _ .._9.,1 Ft1ncle toMmare Not,~ 14, 21, 2 • Aug. 4. 1Nt Deted: JtJty 10, 1N2 ., AOMf111 Ooddltd, (1174141) ~on.=;,~~= ::!!~~~ ==·~1; l'1 ll7-A' ~om onto' Y Po In t '"blla~r C°"t Dell Publllhed Or~ Cout l<en Ma111tl, 1078 Ollarry ~ LaAnn 8-aft. ~ MOTIC( w..t 2ao Pro111ontory Orlvt Not. JtJty 14, 21T. Aug. 4, ,wJ. ~ Pilot. .fuly l ' 14, 20, :uo. l.ono ... di. Callforn11 ::!=.~:'. ~~·..!!.1-i ~~.~· ""'°°" .---.... c• 8....,. 11~ _.1 ... .--o. Motaa. .>f.,cuo PlllO ~ ..... ~ _.._ • ._, _., .. ,_, IWIL.La_.,, " ,_, -_. d• Luna. Ant11atlft, 1llforn1a.., ta ..,..,. •• • ~ • T11a tot1ow1no l*tonl .,. 601110 rr:-:..,. •• ~ NOTICE ..UC ll>Ta w~. ~ 11 oofldllotad .... • ....... o:=~~I ~T'::AIO INOUITIUAL ::.~c.....,....._ HClihOUIM-11 ----~~~-----1..,_.,,.,..,.llhlp, ..,. ftlll I e• .. 11M 1ltll Illa PAl'THIA9, 1803 A¥0Gldo, 1111M •.. MW 8TAW K..-Je1!* O. ~ Jt. ="-~ OIW'IO Oourlt)' on :::e.r••POrt 1aac11, c a nfornla .... ,;:'...tr:;.C-~ .. D•lly tiu!,.~•oo ~ -60ll'O ~Ar....r•u11111••••••11 ~ ':':'=.allad~ '!: ,_, .... ' Tllbol •11ac11t11, ti ""°'· -14, 21.1:1 .. Oil.I ' AIOOIAOOI. ~ .... tolowll• l*Wll... JtJty •• IMI. ·------------· PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •UllNES• NAME STATUftNT TlllO fOllowong pettons 11• dOlng 1>us.neas as AO UNO TABLE PIZZA, 11 tO North Tustin Avtr,ut, Orange. CA. Reys· Pilla, Inc • Ca111om11 corpo1111on 2085 lhu11n SirMt. -=B-292 Costa MNa, CA 112627 Tn11 b<Jsmess It conducted by 1 corpore11on JI Pt8' Raya PIZZ:a. Inc Aaymond E leclev11a. T111s 5181-1 was llled wllll Ille Co.inly Clerk or Orange County on July 6, 1982 F1t2751 Bena ESCllOW ENTEllP"••E•. INC . P.o. •ox 11517 Sanla Ana, CA '2711·11117 EKf-•l201MMF Put>llshed 011nge Coal! DaHy PolOI July 7, 14 2, 28. 1982 2976-82 P\8.IC NOTICE P'ICTmov• •USIHEH NAME STATEMENT The following peraon os doing t>u .. ness u BOB S MOBILE FOREIGN CAR SERI/ICE. 10438 S111nu Rover Corel•. Foun1a1n \/111ey, CA 92708 ROBEAT LOWELL SWEESY, 10438 Salinas River C11c1e Foun111n V1lley CA 92708 This t>uS1nHS is c:onducled by .,, 1nd1v1dual Aot>en L Sweesy Th•• s1a1emen1 was filed will! ttw! Co.inly CH!rk ot Orange County on July I 1982 f1t2572 Put>hshed 011nge Coast Dtll~ P1IOI July 7, 14 21 28, 1982 2910-82 PllllC NOTICE ftCTITIOUI IU ... H NA• IT A TEMENT The lollowlng Petton• are dOlllQ bllsl._u. l•I CALIFORNIA NAILS (b) NAIL DYNASTY, 1749 Newport Blvd , Coste M .... Calllomla 92627 Tammy RM W11go, 11101 w. MecArlhur Boulevard. No 18B. Senll Ana. Celllornla 92704 Oevld Alban Wtrgo 1601 W MacArtllu• Blvd NO 18B, Slllll Ana Caltlorn11 92704 Tllla bllain.s 11 conducted by an lndivldUll. Tammy Rae Wargo This state<nenl wu fNecl Wltll 1ne County Clerk or Orange Coun1y on June 2 t, 1982 F1 ... 111 Publlslled Orange Co111 Delly Piiot, June 23, 30. July 7 14, 1982 2699,82 Plll.JC NOTICE K-OGlll STATEMENT Of UAHOONlllENT OfUMOf flCTTTIOUI .., ..... MAME Tiie following person II•• lbai>dorled Ille UM Of Ille flelltlo.ia bullne11 name CHOICE TRAVEt. CENTRE at 2112 Dupont Drive. !Wit• 220, ltvlne. Cellfomlt 112715 Tiit llc1111ou1 t>u11nen ntmt rtftrted to 1bove was llled In County on Jl/IUlfY 12, 1979 Ken 81rk1wl, 21841 Slullre ~. Huntington 8aacto, Clllfomla 112848 Tllll bu.,,..... wu condoclld by 1n lnd!Vlaual, Ken Batlcewl, llgNcl Janel a. 8ar1cewl. Tiiis llllemenl wu hied wllll Ille County Clarll of Orange Count)' on dlle lndleetad by lltt atamc> IC)OYe, Filed JUiy 8, 111&2 w1111 tr. Count)' Clerk of Otat199 COUtlt)'. f11eNo.~ Publlahtd Orange CoHt 0111y PllOI. July 14, 21, 28. Aug. 4, IN2 3181-42 Nit.IC NOTICE IUPtfR IOR COU RT OP: CAL#'OM!IA COUNTY Of OMNCME JW Ct.tc CaMlt °"" .... ..... .... A-. Callfomta ...,. MAMIAO.M PETITIONER. HARRY ROSE RESPONDENT: YOLANDA ROSE IUMM=:.a:-y LAW) CAM ~ NOTICll VIiii hew .._ ewd. Tiie ~ ...., ......... ,_.....,. r••r •••111 llaarf •"'••• r•• ................. .,.. ....... -.uMin ...... . .,.. ................... .. lft......,"' .......... ,.. ......... ,....., ...... ,.. ,...... ......... .., .... ............... ..... ·~~ c.... Deity uai---. ...._rno. ~ 1118-la INO.IU.l.A .. 800 H9wpOf'I '*'* -,,.,.. ...., .._ It ...._~ttll ....._~.... Ol'MI, S. HO,~ lleadl. t .. ITIAL I., INCOAPOAAHO '"bu.Md 0,..,._ Coeat o.ii-..1------------~ • .._. •~-Jell" O. L"I~ a loft, 1 •-.,. --CAtlllG, 11111 lkniark Cttcio. 81.tlta 0 -..... ., .. 1 -....... ' _ _.....,. ,_ 0 llf "1 • .. ,,• 1116G ..._ "9"•ft4 Hoe~ll AIOCIAOOI. IA fl ~CA 917", .--., .._, '14• 11• 1M2 ~--,..~---._-------=:': • 00'=:.. on, fl!.!.!!.110UW., ... w11 c.v .. 1 Mule• 011porat1011, C._lt OftY'Ow '*"' ...,...,...._ • ~~--~/ 1 -.. ,,_, ~ tot. Maalao, P.I'. ~I 0tnta "'~lllOll, ' It ,,.._ --_ .. _.,,l/Oellforn a. T"9 r.tio.tnt "'"" •• 4ol11 HllO.. ~ .,.._ 0. ~ IW IN., a """""'-1'°° ..,._ • -t TNe • Tiie """'lt ...... ,._~:.-:1mrno, l.-'AITMHO'I Ml~AUMHT, ..,,.,:,::-II oor•UCllltMI ~a , ..,.._la• ..... llr T~-•·='l..m---~~~ g!j~· °""•• ...... A; '-"01 IDWA,_O J. _....._ SAi f'Att N1 d:"""r.•• O . A ewe.NI .......... &;:..-=.. :'r.'e. =-.. =.w.:.."1.'!;i: '~== • "' la:. oi!i.= '= •• rfll""" ~ -"····· ~~. tUI • , I ! ' LOOK DEEPLY -Hypnotist Vandenneide brings people under hJa spell nightly at the Orange County Fair. Trance master a hit at fair By STEVE TRIPOLI O("tlle OeltJ .......... The two men look in bewilderment at each other. How is it that they, complete strangers with no idea of how they got there, suddenly find themselves dancing cheek-to-cheek in front of nearly a thousand amused people? And why is it that they literally cannot pull them.selves apart and out of this embarrassing predicament? Everyone else in the Grandstand Arena at the Orange County Fair knows the answer full well - they are just two of the Rvera.l dozen people who fall under the spell of the hypnotist V andenneide every night. Vandermeide's two nightly shows use an abundance of eager volunteers from the audience as subjects and produce aome crowd-pleasing belly laughs. The shows are free with a paid admission to the fair. At a performance viewed this week, Vandermelde chose 21 subjects for hypnosis from about 50 volunteers after a brief on-stage screening, then proceeded to demorutrate the power of suggestion by making them forget their names (and teareh. the stage floor for them), play invisible pianos, beat their chelta like Tarzan and perfonn a number of other harmlem stunts before a highly appreciative audience. The hilarious finale hM MCh of the IUbjecta begin to leave the stage, thinldn8 they are no looftr hypnotized; only to have pr evtou.ly planted suggestions bring them b.s for more. One young man kept returning to the .._. clabnlng to have left a pel"80l\8.l object behind, orily to be outfitted in a "lost" wig, negligee and 9Carf that left him acratching his heac1 when he waa finally awakened in front of the crowd, dtt99ed more like a hooker than a fairgoer. Vandermeide, the surname of Dutch-born hypnotist Benjamin V~de, has been doing this sort of thing for 31 of h.la 49 years. and says he still enjoys it. "I'm still amazed by hypnotism -I'm not bored with it," he saJd after one show. "I enjoy it if 'peOple enjoy the show." Vandermeide says hla older brother first interested him in hypnotiam and taught him much of what he knows. After hia arrival in America "inany years" ago, he went to special 9Chools to further his knowledge before turning professional, he said. • Vandermeide telll audiences and reporterS? alike that he believes in Rlf-hypnosis. and that: even his act is meetly llelf-hypnosis because thei aubjecta allow them9elvee to be hypnotized. He says sell-hypnosia can cure bad habits and bring people a bet1er life. Mt.er each show he does a modest busineM selling tu. book ($2) and record ($6) on the subject. V andenneide spends a l'>Od portion of each year on the road and away from his Salt Lake City home, living in a camper he aha.res with his wife, who alao is his onstage 8111istant. One of hia subjects this week. Louis Nevitt of H untington Beach, said he never had been hypnotiied before but •• a believer after his experience with Vandermeide. Thia was after he'd bft!n hypnotized into . loudly telling the audience that the whole thing W'U a farce, just before beil\I awakened for real. .-··n-r; ·- I I & I -1 Orang• Coa1t DAIL y Pit.OT /Wedne1d1y, July 14, 1982 This · movie direcior's couch not for casting DALLAS (AP) -Corne lie down on Frank Perry'• couch. d..i. with the Mafia, &nd hu a love affair. room.'Noneofthat.'Howdoyou fe!'el? "Oavld and Llaa.'· to "Momml" What do you want here?' And you Oeareet," to "Monsignor" -are 1& t x am l n e lt th It w ay. That' a human reeplto from the Spaclf ~izmcie. d1rec11nf." . euperhwnan bl.rblrtana and ·~ Perry willfnlly 1ubject1 himltll to effects wlW'dry that aeem to have aelf-analylil. invaded all dnt"ma ln r nt yean, That'• what Faye Dunaway, Chrlltophor Reeve and Burt Lancuter and other aeton have been uked to do when they appeared in the d.lrector'1 movlee. Perry Myt he worka like an analytt with hl• actor1, qull1lna them - &ently -about the fY\OUVet behind their Characte1'9' actiona. "I've alwa~ been wry pntle about It," he aald. 'My 1t.ro.,,,_t 1utt ta to be like an analyst who la Ible to help tM paUent to believe that every at.ep that ihey have accompll1hed on the journey wu achieved by them." The only actor he wu reluctant to 1ubject to hil "psychoanalylil" wu Lancuter, who •tarred in the 1968 film "The Swimmer,." ••My ~ntl felt it very dltflcult to Many of hJI earlier picture1 w~ expre9 any kind of affection," he written by h1a flnt wlfc, Eleanot l aald. "My mother, who I'm aure Perry. The 52·~Mr-Old dlrectot "°" adored me, never Mid, 'I love you.' la marrled to Barbara Ooldamltn ~ "There'• an intimacy that I don't ~~~ .• f of "Little Glo. rt.a, Happy a~ think you can pt in 'Raiden of tht1 ...... , ChtUtopher Reeve portray• a prieet in Perry'• lateet film, "Monatsnor," 1ched uled for release around Chrl1t ma1. Reeve'• character, a Vatican prleat, juggles the hifh morala of the church with financial ''You don't do lt whh Burt Lancuter," Perry Mid. "I uked hlm queeUona. Never tell him. Never •Y· 'I want you to chain amoke,' or 'I want you to cry,' or 'l want you to feel abandonment when you leave th1a Lott Ark.'' and that'• eomething I've AU of Perry's fllml -"David and aot to do," he Mid. LlJl8,'' "Dlary of a Mlld Housewife," "Maybe it11 becauae that's what I "Rancho Deluxe" and ewn ''Mommi'( wanted and never got, either from a Dearetat" -tUlve had one thlnjt fJ!. pe.rent or an analy1t." common, Perry ea ya. All are . a~ Perry'• films -from hia first, "people trying to re~h each other." _________ ..__...,__..,:_ __ ....:;......:;;...... __________ ~--- Ace Hunter Is the Ultimate Super H•rol rEllllFtJilllJ-. • a PlllWtOM llC!\R ,,, -...-------··--·--"--• I 70MM SIX·TAACK [X)locl.wn!Rjf • f>RESENTATION --~--C-..'4•tlto --C-6:141,,) ::afllllo :..~~ ~~TU -:i::.- S2'U:lt '81-H >H.. --• *"---M)tl110 ( .. __ C..l'W• ~·•1111 "°---·-- lll(A fOUllTAlll VAlUY OllAHl UA MovltS 990·4022 Edwards fOllftl..,. Vetl•y SIH1<1111 0 I 839 8710 COSTA MUA 139 l600 WESTMl.STU Hltbot Tw1111131 JSOI •OllAlllGf C1ntdom1 534 1553 Ctn11111 Wtat 891 393S lllVlllE Elhtt.,ds Woodb110,1 SS 1 085S • ;;;i,. •• " • 70MM CS:tu-~l 11SS1011 vu> flMl1 ·~ mo Now it is free to become one of us . llilG. LUXURY THEATRES tat 1" .,ti111e sa..i1csONlYS2.2A Ullltu Otlltfwise Mettd S tll3M4•1•111ll6t6J~ 255J /~c;!,) * FOR FUOI EXCITEmEOTI V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES* ·::.~~':•;'," *BARGAIN MATINEES • Mond1y thru Saturday All Performancta before 5:00 PM lb• Special En1111ment1 and Holid1ys) "ANNIE"'"°, -··-...... "THIE HCRIET OF NIMH" ------1•1 "POL TERQEIST" tflG> ...., __ ,,.,_ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "ITA" TMK II: THE WRATH 0, KHAN" 7°='~v.:..'=o IN> "ROCKY Ill'~ .. ,....oouv a o ___ ,_..,,_ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl~ IN "TMa I WON> AMOTltE~M .. •.-1 \Ul,Z:ll,---- l AC.UNA "AUTHOR! AUTHOR" "ITU TltEK n: THI WRATH ()ff KHAJf" ,..... DOUV H•MO (N ) .......... __ _ "ROCKY Ill" IN• ---•••-.n:1i •oc..,11y 01 Co1101ewooo 211/IJl•tllO "DINE"".-1 ·-·-.--- SO. COAST WALK ·IN so..,rn Coo11 Hlwoy ot ttooowoy 494-1514 •TffE tWOM> ANO T.-IOACI M"" 1111 ., ... ._ ... __ "ROCKY Ill" <N> -.OM.••·-----·· .. - 11111. In Fil 7:JO -Sat.. S.. 7:15 ... Mn fl Dllll IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHILOREN UNDER 12 flUI! .... .. ·-..... llw fll. ,,.. • s.t .. s-..... " '"' Clllf.ll SOUllO • fOUll 4M CAA iWllO IS Tt)Uf! VlMill 'If NO AM CM MOIO WITH IGllmOll M:CUSOllT POSITOI -lllllG..,,. l'UllTMU l•M.l '*"! DMMIS al Oii ""Maio ANA.Ht1._,. ANAHEIM ORIVf·IN ,, •• ....., .. 01-.-st 179·9150 ..,..,Oll"CNI -.... OAl'OflCr 1N1 Clllt II M>IJllO l \J t ~A PA Pr BUENA PARK DlltVf IN llftCOI" -Wett OI ~ 12M070 ''tll.ADE RUNNE"" ill> -"80DY HEAT""'' Cllll ft !OU'IC POl. TERQmlST'' CPel -"HA WOLVll".., Clllt ,, M>llllO -"'1NAL AHIGlallJt.,. CPel B!Nii .• ~-r:~..:.~l ltn<Olll A•• W•tl 04 CllOn 121·.070 Clllt·"-"PCM.'9_, ..... -"IUWOl.ftl"INI Cllll fl IOUllO . ~ ... ~ LA HABRA .• . , __ ....... _ ... • ,.. .. 1 ~·PllOllllO ---......or.,.. -.... ~ .... Clllf " '°""° ._.,._hwy • ._c._.. ... 1022 .. -· ~. .. I . .. ' . , ... ' ... • .... By STEVE MITCHELL °' .. °*,... .... Several hundred fana turned out to llM thelr favorite 3-0 movlo horror hoaie. ln El Toro -and they didn't even have to wear the .Wy aia-. . 1• with polite attc!nUvenea. lt wu the ad·llb Q&A the "Wh .... do w. ~ thelit ~ ftlmilt We buy 'crowd came out for. them by tM ll'Oll -t.he AJ'Clltr the betc....• "How do you 1tay in that dtta,'' another She did offer aome ienoua 1advice f« lhole viewer uked? 1..1-.. ..,..,_ .. "I've 1ot an lnduatrlal atreflilh bra." 1ee ..... oa an _ ... "' career. Elvira wu aaked about the quality of the "Juat JO to kollywood and hang out. Elvira, "Ml1tre11 of the Dark," on KHJ, Channel 9'• Movie Macabre, atood atop a flatbed truck 1n the Canada Buain.. Cent.er parkina lot Saturday, dlatributJ.na more com than an fowa w horror tum she hoaui on the televtalon ahow. "That' a what I dJd." ~~~..:.......__ tanner. ~-11111111!!"'1'! The crowd that ahowed up to eee the TV terror peraonality carried pJacardt, cameru, arid 1n one case, a Dracula 009\ume complete with flowing cape and teeth. "Elvira -your aet waa blsger on my 1et.'' read one placard, carried by a leering middle-aged fan. The vol.uptuoua Elvira dld not dlaappolnt her fans, many ol whom waited two houn under a hot sun for her promotional appearance. While many of the queetlona were peraonal, the responses were ~ulck -and oft.en cornball. "Are thoee real,• the boeomy atar wu aaked? "Of course my fl.nge.malla are real," abe cooed. "What do you think they are, allicone or something?'' "Ia that a wig," another asked of her raven black hair? "No, th.la ls my real hair," she said. "The wig ia underneath." "Where do you buy your clothes?" "Frederick's of Transylvania," she gisgled. The questions -and answers -got worae. So did the public announcements she Deir Not PMto .., ..... flllklMI HORRORS -TV movie hostes.s Elvira grins at a fan's question during a promotional appearance in El Toro. The "Mistress of the Dark" captivated several hundred onlookers. delivered, advertising the dozen or so shops and stores within the complex. Merchants within the center chipped in the $1 ,500 to bring Elvira to El Toro. And while the pitches for upholstery firms, a feed and tack store and a chiropractor were met " 'Fire( ox' has suspensr. intricate plolling nnd "A Movie l"ou've Jus t 6ot a climax crowded with action." -GENE SHALIT I To See!" -JOEL SIEGEL Good Morning America ABC-TV ........ ..,.~ -·- r-· MONEYIN · \ YOUR POCKET I Start saving today . Ca 11 642 -4321 and ask our circulation department for home delivery. Coupon Savings -one more reason· people a 11 along the Orange Coast value the Daily Pilat --......... ~------ • "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" "DIVA" <"> "SWORD AND THE <"> . SOCERER" . The Saddleback Company Theatre Presents A SUMMER OF AMERICANA Fifth Season 1982 DEATH of a SALESMAN by Arthur Miller Directed by Brian Donoghue Winner of both the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award and the Pulitzer Prize. WAYNE GRACE Starring JACQIEL/NE SCOTT N "" .... "-,. •' ....... 0 July 22 through August 8 (Except Mondays) 'ti (1141 S4I 1514 ,:r w Tuesday-Saturday, 8 p. m. curtain MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE 1"' __ ol,,. ,. .. .,. •to- -·-,,. -•"""1 ol : ...,,.. _ _,,_o,,,.,,,..,,,... Sundays, 3 p.m. matinee only SAOOLEBACK COLLEGE FINE ARTS THEATRE Tickets: '7 and '6 (group rates available tor 25 or more) FOR RESERVATIONS CALL : 831-4656 Monday-Friday 10-12 or 1-3 REAL VALUES on items from apples~uce to zippers . 11.llJ p·llal are advertised every day 1n the Think Think Think Think ThinkThink Think ThinkThink Think ThinkThfuk Think T!J '1< Think Think Think Think Think Think ThinkThink Think ThinkThink Think ThinkThink Think ThinkThink ThinkThfuk~ . S-1 ~ I WldnMday, July 1,., 1982 SLIM GOURMET MEAO ON WINE OUT OF THE KITCHEN SUPERMARKET SHOPPER 04 06 o~ 010 Small dessert puffs are plum good ... CB to see crystal's itppeal By MARY JANE SCARCELLO 0.., ,.., 'Md ldltof Beams of Ught are caught In icy depths. reflected and refracted to startle the eye with aharda of rainbows. Faceta on all sJdes have been cut ln precise, geometric designs of deceptive simplicity and amazing intricacy. Such an object takes time, nature, science and art for creation , and just money can't estimate the value. A diamond? No, a piece of crystal produced in a town on the south coast of Ireland and known all over the world. A tiny name hidden away at the bottom says Waterford. Some people would say that good food and Cine wine would taste the same served in a paper plate or chipped jelly glass, but others might disagree. They collect the crys tal pieces to display and use to make special oceasions even more special. Each piece o f Wate rford crystal is hand blown and s haped, according to Maria D o n ega n , a factory representative who appeared rec e n ti y at Robinson's i n Newport Beach. Accompanying her was Thomas Hayes, a master engraver at the Irish factory who demonstrated his skills for customers. Most people who know about the crystal have heard that the company goes back hundreds of years. What many don't realize is that the present factory is only a bout 30 years old, restarting after a 100 -yea r halt i n production. STEADY HANDS -A closeup shows the engraver's wheel as he prepares to cut into the crystal. The fiber in his hand is for polishing afterward. The original factory was begun by brothers George and William Penrose in 1783 and continued until the mid-1800s. Export problems and eco nomi c conditions forced a shutdown in 1851 , and it wasn't until 1951 that crystal was produced in the little town again. flattened from a glob of hot glass and the piece is left to cool. Ex~ crystal is removed (rom the top to be recycled (as are all pieces not passing inspection) and ink lines are drawn horiwntally and vertically on the glass. although the exact pattern never is applied. A master cutter puts the first cut into the piece with a carborundum wheel, judging the depth only by feel, and then it can be turned over to a cutter or apprentice to complete the desi~ with sandstone wheels. many as 80 wheels of varying sizes and thicknesses (some as small as a pinpoint) which are attached to a stationary mol.Qr. Crystal piecr-s are held up to the wheels. which spin and c ut designs with a <:arborumctum abrasive powder maxed with oil into a paste. For the uninitiated, cuttin~ into a fine hunk of patterned crystal looks dangerous. Hayes says, "You become a(.'(;ustomed to it, but you never b ecome careless." For mos t factories, such a hiatus would be fatal, but the Waterford name had been kept alive by both collectors and other c rystal c utters who often referred to a "Waterford cut" or "Waterford style." So in 1951 craftsmen from o ther parts of Europe, many displaced by World War II, arrived to teach skills needed to What many don 't realize is that the present factory is only about 30 years old. create the crystal again. _ Crystal is polished with a cork According to Ms. Donegan, J wheel and pumice sand . who le ads tours through .inspected and the Waterford the factory, crystal ~ composed stamp is placed on the bottom or of three e lements: red lead (lead in an inconspicuous spot. Sinl'P oxide). potash and silica sand. all defective pieces ~ recycled. Ire land imports the raw nosecondseveraresold. materials now. but they once arrived at the port town a s ballast on ships. The finished product mus t c:ontain at least 20 percent lead to be called crystal, she says, and in fact the Waterford contain5 33 pe rcent, which is the highest possible amount. (The lead content makes crystal softer and more able to withstand the vibrations caused by cutting a nd e ngraving designs, according to Hayes). The lead. potash and sand are heated to about 1,400 degrees Celcius for 36 hours until the mixture becomes a bright, molten mass with the texture of soft toffee or honey. Each piece is blown and molded by hand, at first in a· wood shaping device and then in a metal mold. For goblets, made in three separate pieces, a blower first for ms the basic shape of the bowl, working the stem on while the piece is still hot. The base is The fac tory pro duces 36 patterns, accord ing to Ms . Don e gan, 32 of which are available in America. Designs with such poetic titles as Tramore and Alana are chosen from Irish towns or girls' names. Newest pattern . exc lu s iv e l y at Robinson's, is Mooncoin, named for a small village ne ar the factory. In addition to patterns, applied by cutters. p ieces can be individually engraved with something as simple as an initial or as ornate as a picture of the Santa Barbara mission. For Hayes, an engraver with the factory since 19~8. the work is an art form in three dimensions similar to sculpture. Apprentices for engraving jo~ combine work experience with art classes, studying calligraphy. anatomy and j1l0de11ng to learn the profession,. Hayes can choose fr om as Larger pieces are the bag problems, he admits, because they can weigh as much as 20 or 25 pounds. and contro l is difficult. Hayes lifts weights in his spare time to keep in shape for the exacting job. Hi s o n e-of -a -kind w ork includes two massive trophies for the Bing Crosby golf tournament at P ebb le Beach, replicas of seve ral famous American presidents and a portrait o f Stanley Marcus in honor or the Neiman-Marc us s t ores' 75th birthday. Although not everyone will own such a large or valuable piece of Waterford. all crystal should be handled with care, according to Ms. Donegan. Automatic dish washers are dange rous because o f the extreme temperatures. Crystal should be washed in lukewarm. soapy water, rinsed in clear water and guarded against scratches . Chips should be polished to smoothness by a glass repair specialist to avoid further fractures, she says. H e r informati o n has been gamed during the five years she has worked as a tour guide at the factory Six wome n a r e permanent tour guides, and a total of 20 show tourists around during thC' busy summer months. Groups of 12 or 15 visitors are led on a 45-minut.e tour through the blowing and cutting areas, but the engraving de partment is not open to the public. The factory, which closes down completely for three weeks in August each year, employs about 3.000 workers. It isn't the only rcao;on for tourists to see the fourth-largest city in Ireland she says. Caty re<:ords date back to the year 800. and local scenery andudcs ancient Danis h and Norman walls, Reginald's towec built m 1003 and a beautiful l'OaStlanc Al thoug h no one can be said to take Wate rford crystal for granted, 11 finds its way into most homes m town, she says, and several local pubs are lighted with chandeliers produced at the factory. Americans frequently visit the town, and the United States is the largest importer of its crystal. Some objects. such as Christmas trel' orna me nts. were created especially for the Amer ican market. Iced tea glasses bega n he re a nd were expa nded to interna tional sale because of their SUl'("<'SS. Waterford crystal has been crafted into such diverse it.ems as lamps. ch ess sets. cake knife handles. candle holde~ vanity sets and even doorkno~. and most can be personalized with eng~avmg (Orders for Christmas delivery must be placed before July 20. according to a Robinson's spokesman). But m most people's minds, Waterford crystal is a goblet glinting in the fire light at a b ea ut if ully a ppointed dinnertable. It's clearly a work of art. Orange Ooatt DAILY PILOT/Wtdnetday. July 14, 1111 e scream· for ice cream I uonal favorite pull the f reeze on heat 2 plnt1 r11pbtrry OR 1ttawberry 1wirl Ice cream, 1e>ftened SAUCE: (Yteld: 3 ~ cups) "cup 1uaar 2 table1poon1 comet.arch M cup oranae Juice Julee 2 tableepoona water 4 tea1poons tAlthough Americans' grenadine 1yrup t ortte flavors a.re at.ill 1 p a c k a g e ( l 6 nUla, chocolate and ounces) frozen sliced rawberry, in that peaches (not In syrup), der, there'• a lot of thawed l'ftt in many others. 1 p a c k a g e ( l 0 Peach, coffee, butter o u n c e s ) , f r o z e n can, mint chocolate raspberries in syrup. 'p, pralines 'n cream, thawed and drained OR p p e r m i n t a n d l cup Cresh raspberries ueberry sw irl have For bombe. place a ir devoted fans. You 2-quart charlotte mold d order a different (or a straight-sided mold) vor everyday for two in freezer 30 minutes. nths and still find Usi11g an ice cream spade remalntna •uc:e. STRA WB E RR IES JUBILEE • aervta11 ~ cup ( \.'i a tick) butter ~cup 1upr 2 tabletpoona water 2 uble1poon1 strawberry liqueur 1 teaapoon grated lemon peel 2 p i nts fr es h strawberries, cut in half 1 quart blueberry awlrl ice cream 3 tablespoons brandy M elt butter l n a chafing dish; add supr, wate r , s trawberry liqueur and lemon peel. Heat over medium to h igh heat, stirring constantly, until sugar la dissolved and mixture la slightly thickened, about 3 minutes. Stir in 1trawberriee. Spoon Ice crMm lnto dllh•. Heat brandy until hot but not bolllna . Pol.Ir lnto atrawberry mhcture and lanlte. Pour over ice cr eam and 1erve lmmecUately. CHOCOLATE CHERRY FIZZ ! 1erv1J111 4 scoops chocolate ice cream 4 ICOOpl New York cherry ice cream . 2 tablespoons white creme de cacao 1 can (12 ounces) lililck cherry IOda, chilled Alternate 1coop1 of chocolate and New York cherry lee creama m each of two tall c hllled gla11e1 . Pour 1 tablespoon of cream de cacao over each. Fill glaaaes with soda. Serve Immediately. A REAL BOMBE -An elegant ice cream dessert offers layers of cool flavor to end a summer meal. w ones. or large s poon, pack If you'd like a gala peach ice c ream over --------------------------------------------------------- rl in your freezer bottom and sides of f a special occasion , chilled mold about I-inch k e an ice c r ea m thick. Freeze until firm. be. Though it looks Pack raspberry swirl ice gant, it's si mply cream into center. Freeze tructed by spading s e v e r a l h o u rs o r pooning peach ice overnight. (If planning am against the bottom to freeze longer than d sides of a mold, 24ho urs, cover with n. g it freeze, then aluminum foil after g the center with a firm.) Meanwhile, for y-sw irl ice cream sauce, combine sugar and alld freezing again. cornstarch in sm all ~. Strawberries Jubilee saucepan. Stir in orange ves you a red, white j u i c e , w a t e r a n d d blue sundae. If you. grenadine until smooth. a t the brandy that Bring to boiling over ~ into the sauce, you medium heat, stirring ctn flame it just for frequently. Boil and stir ef!ect. 2 minutes. Remove from Chocolate buffs will heat; cool completely. Eoughl y enjoy Add fruit about 1 hour late and cherry ice be fore s e r v i n g . To ms, fizzed with black unmold bombe, dip mold r r y sod a . T h i s in warm water. Run a ~Jegant, easy drink is spatula around edges. t ther way of enjoying Inve rt onto c hilled cream. serving plate. Return to AC H-RASPBERRY freezer to harden . BOMBE Remove bombe from 8 to 10 servings freezer about 15 minutes ~BOMBE: before serving. Spoon a 3 pints peach ice small amount of sauce ,am. softened over top of bombe. Pass DECORATOR -Ann Ubaldini of Fountain Valley dresses up a wedding cake for he r dike decorating class at the Orange County Jl&ir's home arts sweet shoppe. The new allidition will prepare samples from hibitors' winning recipes for sale during e run of the fair. argest cake • wrong 1aws he 127-foot-wlde, -foot-long plain low cake covered icing colored red, Ile and blue and ted wt\h stars was .-y to celebrate aUon'• 206th • ondon BroifStea ~~¥1198 to an ""'_., ~ s1" lb. .,;.i.., "' SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT Link Sausage f.--JgM ~Pot\ t: 59' Beef Cube Steak = Safeway Ham Patties Cooild ~ '1" Boneless Stew Meat ~ Beef Chuck Roast Sll~M!y lb s1 M Thin Sliced Meats 9:t:l lb 1198 p . F s.1tw.,_ Mu1 rem1um ranks , .. , 1-1b g s1 791 Fresh Snapper ~~-,.•111 Fresh Western Oysters Fresh Monterey Squid Fresh Dover Sole FtMc11 Breaded Cod 1~s1 111 lb 12" t; 11 " Shrimp ~1e1e.z·,: Cut-Up Rabbits ' ~""""'""'~~"" ... """ ,.._.,._ SwH I & Jvlcy ,, .. , Fresh c.rots Red Plums apes 51 ' ~ -, -· Yellow Chill I mperial GROCERY GROCERY • s2s• 2¢ Kai Kan Cat Food (lftd ci 4'~ s100 C-i•Sunklst Juice ~ tr 79' 11> s1" --: Oasis Drinking Water ~11311 C-i>Del Monte Relish..s-12-.t 85' Jll 2P..f 53' t: 81Hot Tomato Sauce .:.. 6~ s100 ~ s1e11 tE [>Smuckers .c.mm!.~~ICCl4dl 1~ 79' .., 11211 :z=:t' Grainbelt Bread Mr~ lb 522' Farmstyle Rolls ~ 2:: 89' C-i Lucerne Sour Cream ,...,. 89' ~ 59' C-i• Lucerne Ice Milk ::!. 11" ID 11" • 3 ~ s1 oo· ~Kraft Velveeta Sias 1~ 11" ~s=;;;;~ ~~~~ l llll<!Std SlltwlYS (hceot Ca111011at C-i·Burgie Beer 1l.: 2 ,~ 1700 .. Popov Vodka eo-Prool ~.:! 1719 mmtAndre ~ampagne -.. Z. 11" mc,Helntken Beer s:..-:.•311 •Ten High Bourbon t= HEAL TH & BEAUTY Pro-Tutted Toothbrush ::-" Twin Blade Cartridge s..r Oietac Capsules Buffered Aspirin Tablets s....., • CATCH™"~ MVINGSI I Help kHp your dog In peek I condl,lon with Cycle dog food. I Like Ashla~ Whippet, age 10. He 's a Cycle" dog. Cycle provide• him with the proper I nutrition he needs to help him atay flt at each stage of llfe. Feed your dog Cyclell ' I everyday, and help keep him In peak /. condition, too. Our label says we clean and disinfect and deodorize. MadewlthREALBEEF ••• "us OIL for your dog's coat I SAVE I Orang• Cout DAIL y PILOT /WednMday, July 1•. 1181 ., STORE COVPON • S~ME 50 •... __ .. ,...c.<t•·-· ........ 50 -·-_ ... __ ,. ... _.,.._ . ........... --..--·--.-_______ , __ _ on your next purchaN of ~ ~:.::.=:. =:::-....... any size, any type Cycle• dry dog food ~:.-c:=-:~•.: .:=.~::.::,...,..:.;-..!: lmii --·------·--.,........,_.,..., ..... ----.. .__..._,,_.,.. __ -· ---c., ............ ,_ ""_ ............. ,,_ ___ _ . --l#f----·--....... COAPORATION NC04252300 --------------STORE COOPON bbl 002 til.2'ttt SAVE so~ On Any Size of Plae-SoP LIOUIO CLE.ANEA ,,_ ''"'*'-"""·-·-·-.,...; ........... .....,.._, ..... _____ '-·----.. -· = .:!7:.:.. "'=' .. ':-'T..:;:: ::.i·:; == :.:.::J .,... e--""""'*' ... --.....---.-.. ____ .. _ .. '""_ ~·-·--·-••It,_ ,. .. .,-....-.c..., c:..av-1/IOtllt -... r.;,-:..-::rwJt:n·.""C:..~~~ ~ .. ---11 .... SAVE20c' ON PEARL DROPS' TOOTH POLISH Regular Spearmint Cinnamon --------------- l.Ol.4 3 102645 15~ ~s.,.-iot on 2 peck9991 any size, any flavor TDPJ1JIM:r 1'UF•Ollq9 -. .. --·-ei. .. -.,...., ... _,..,._.,.re..,...,...,,._ .................... ,,_ .... __ ,.. _____ _, ....... -'"" ~ ............. --.. ---...... ------•t-fll'W ........ t11U$J1 --•U.S ... , -Cloll -''* c-...... _,,,_....,, ___________ .,, _.,.......,_., ______ ,., ____ _ _____ .....__Qflll P01to10l.-... -llot_ ... .., _ ____ ., ___ _ 1.1111---... ...-. ............. . GENERAL FOODS CORPORATION -- .. - fl4 Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Wedn .. day, July 1•. 1882 eep all ~he · waste from going to the waist ~mburger la a good J('mple o( cookout food can be planned for r uaet. Ground meat ghly perishable, and It's removed from geration, all the raw t should be promptly ped into patties and ed on the grill. The X ras can then be ~. gerated or frozen for use. ter use? What good I co ld coo k ed burgers? If you stop ink about it, cooked burge r is a l so ned grQund meal - first step towards 4\ci ng many oth e r s !f 11 e t d i s h e s a n d c ·~s e rol es . l n fact, 1 ·r\over h a mburge r • ed over the coals has l fat and better flavor t the hamburger you i d brown in a skillet. ' amburger leftovers c~ ·add lean flavor to s~'ghetti sauce, chili . g 1lash or any othe r f ily favorite that b fins with browned ground meat. You might like to freeze meal-size porµons of barbecued bur,.gers for just that purpose. Here's an extra-easy, low-calorie, on e -man pasfa dish that's ideal for left.6ver broiled burgers: ' ONE.STEP 'SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS \t!TH LEFTOVER BROU..ED ~ BURGERS 4 leftover broiled Food costs still rising From Tbe Aaaocla&ed Pren Grocery bills went up again last month for the second month in a row, according to an Associated Press m a rke tbask et s urvey which sows s up - ermerket prices have risen 3.5 percent in the first-half of 1982. The June increase was an even 1 pe rcent. a sligth improvement over the ;May boost of 1.3 percent. Higher meat prica were responsible for ~uch of the rise in both m o nths, with s upermarket prices reflecting increases a t the wholesale level. The AP s urvey 1s based on a random list of 14 ·commonly purchased food and non-food items. The items were priced at one supermarket in each of 13 cities on March l, 1973 and have been repriced on or about the start of each succeeding month. The findings are not weighted to reflect seasonal adjustments or to show what percentage of a family's actual grocery outlay each item represents. The latest s urvey showed that th e marketbask et bill increased during June at the ch ecklist s tore in e ight of th e c it ies surveyed, rising a n average of 2.6 ~rc.'t:nl. The bill declined in four cities, down an average ' 1of1 1.9 percent. and was unchan&ed in one city. The overall. average 1 chanle wu an increase of 1 percent. Comparing prices today with thoee at the atart of the year, the AP found that t h e marketbasket bill lncreued at the checklllt store in 11 cities and dec...-d in two. for a lix-rpth price boast of 3.~ fltreenl. In 1981, ln ~traet, t h e ma et.baake t bl 11 dwina the flnt ldx thl of the year, ~by 3.7· percent. :t yt91''• priOe drop ......, in pm1. by m-~= :;:I: IOIMt forlOIM oen and, u th• ..un.dtodroD. ""' ... fte ... , ... ....... ~·~= I I I nhamburaora 4 tabl eapoonti 'I\ cup chopped looa ll with foll and each 1ervina. combine 1 toma~:.~= :i.fwed miCncedrumfretblehhpa•=bl~uyrger llll llURIR oniun'A cup chop~ bell ~:,o~c·6J~t.-t•uo~:n.,~t~~~ cci:~~a~~~ •,~dbl~= 'i. wp tomato ulce .,. pepper m nute11 (udd u llulo over and proceu l ~ c u pa b 0 1f n g Into a pot: add next 6 3 t&ibk .. poons ralslna water. It net-d c d) . amooth. Sorve In chilled w•ter ingredient.a and heat to Ro mu no c heese and Subatltute ahredded J ~ teaapoons curry Sprinkle with peanuta bowls with a few lee 'A c up sliced o r bolling. Stir ln broken treah puraley. Makes Cheddar cheeae for the pow er just before serving. cubes, If desired. chopped onlon vermicelli, a little at a t o ur 11ervlng1, 370 Romano. (Top with l teaspoon dried Makes four servings, 320 For undrelled Jefiover Optional: clove of timo. Lower heat and calorleseach. ahreddedlceberglettuce, thyme calorics eu·h with .alad: Add 1 tablespoon minced garlic cove r . SI mm er 1 0 MEXICAN STYLE: If desired.) Per eervtng, 5 1 tableapoon dry-cblcken breast haJves. low-calorie commercial 'A teupoon each: mlnutet, atlrrln, Add h.alf-cup chopped add!Uonalcalorlee. roasted peanuts RERUN GAZPACHO Italia n -s t yle salad dried oregano and basil occaslonall y, u n ti green be ll peppe r , 2 SHORTCUT CH ICKEN Arra nge c h i(' k en Leftover tossed salad , dressing to the blender• 6 ounces vermicelli vermicelli la n early teaspoons vinegar and COUNTRY CAPTAIN pieces in a shallow chilled (with an oil and along with c h opped (hi h tti) b k tender. Uncover and half-teaspoon ground 4 pieces leftover nonstick roasting pan. vinegar dressing) vegetables and tomato t n spag e · ro en simmer until sauce 11 cumin. Substitute spicy-broiled or barbecued Co mbine r emain in g Spicy t.onwto juice juice. Each servte (with up 4 tablespoons grated thick. Spoon o nto 4 seasonedtomato julcefor chicken· i ngredi e nts , except Refrigerate dressed l ow-c a l orie sala d extra -s h arp Romano plates a nd t op eac h the plain tomato juice. 1 6 -o un ce ca n peanuts, and spoon over salad promptJy. 'dressing), approximately cheese serving with grated Omit dried basil. tomatoee,brokenup chic ken pieces. Cover Tomakegazpacho:For 90 calories. Hundreds of Key Buys every week! When an item costs us less. it costs you less! That's the whole idea behind Lucky's Key Buys. They're our way of reflecting extra savings through manu-• facturers' promotional allowances. · Look for the bright green and : yellow Key Buy tags on hun- dreds of items every time you shop. Key Buys ... that's BONELESS 169 ROUND STEAK FUii Cut, BOnOeO Beef LC I. 1 I I •.: basic value from Lucky. FRYING ,..59 CHICKEN wrlOlt IOdV. Soutnern ClnlOe A BONELESS lD 169 RUMP ROAST Slrtoln Cut. loncltCI Beef •ouno SIRLOIN TIP STEAK -.u-o--.... • II 1.98 CAN NED & PACK A ( ~l U £~~ .............. 69 ?SALAD DRESSINGS Ulll'tlll--11----~· ···· ••Of •1\•99 r~·~.~A~S •or-.89 £~A~! ~T~T~!°''°' 1.09 CANNED & PACKAGED r TREE TOP 159 APPLE JUIE~i. •rt r HARVEST DAY 39 -~~VII '1 Ol Cln e or Wnolt ICemel I MAZOLA 229 CORN OIL •Oi lti l S~~R ~~O . . nor 1n .69 r~ll~1,fEREAl npu o• 1.99 r~~~:..~INK M~~!~~ 1.39 £~~.!l:.~.S-~AR .... ~ 1.49 r~1~~.~~~~ ~~ ... 1~.89 r~~?!..~_T ~.~q~!°!,.1.55 r ~~~R. ~~AX.. . .or .,.. 73 £ OEt MONTE PINEAPPl.E 59 ~-:i~ ......... ·•~ai -. £DEL MONTE SPINACH 55 •·· ••••· •· • •.. •• ..•.••••• ,lot CM • r~~~~~~ ~~ ~EETS .. °''""•47 £3 BEAN SAi.AO 75 ~QliMT ••••••••••• ···''°'CM• £HEINZ CIDER VINEGAR 99 ........................ ''°' 1·n • £ A-1 MEAT SAUCE 97 •••·•••••••••••••••••••••••lOl'l1\.e r !!_N~ ~~ ...... aoi N 1.29 £PET EVAVPORATEO MlK 47 •·············•••••••••••••11QICM• 2.~~.?.~.~.~ ~?F~~~i<M2.53 ~~'~E!.~t!~K.~~~~ 1.29 r~~~~l.~OllON . 75 r~~ .......... -.89 [)AIRY 1.... r fHJ/l N l~~.~.--.45 l~~~1 .19 £COTTAOE CHEESE ~=-~~ ........... ••mt 1.59 DAIRY & FROZEN HOMOGENIZED 193 MILK Lady I.ff Galon ltl f" MORTON'S 67 ' ~f!~M ~!~~IO•. LOW FAT MILK ,_.,,. .• ""1~11\ 1.88 ~~OE A~ L~~~~ ~~~n-.80 ~DY ~.EE BUT'.~~ ... or "" 1.81 I~~~ ~~~SING .. "°'cno .49 £~AL ~AR<?AR~"!fcnt 1.29 £~VE~T.~~~ ~S lOar ..... 79 r ~~~~.~-~~~., .. 59 r~~:~~°'-1 .69 r ~~;~!~~~!RITOS 77 (9(';alftll( .. I UOl IOJ • £~~~~TICKS . ••or '°' 1.79 r~~RS ~~ COR~<• ..,c 1.09 ·r~~!Y!,., .......... ,,Ol <M.89 HOUSEHOLD & PET r ~~RCiE~!l eo.319 r SPIUMATE 69 PAPER TOWB.S Pl'ln!tO 75 Sf loll • r ~~.~'.~~·~· ~~~~ .,.1. 79 r p.'~~·.S?L. ~~NE~., OI IT\ 1. 09 r !.!~~~~ ~?~~ '°' _ .5 2 I!!!.~~.~ ........ °' m 1.45 I~~~~~ .... norrt 1.59 l!.~ ~~~~!~ MOtc¥ 1.14 I~~.~~ tut•" 2.09 r~~·~···· •ftotua.37 r~~.~ .......... 75 l!!~~~.000 ~11w2.28 Francisco Oropiza Saved s10.36 ''I found out how low Lucky's prices are.'' Francisco's own week's shopping totaled $87 18 at Lucky The same. or comparable Items at the supermarket of his choice totaled $97.54. That's a savings of $10 36 at Lucky' THI l•~•n June 28 t982 (Oocumentatoon on Ille t HOUSEHOLD & PET r s.~R~N ~S~ ~~':c., 1.68 r e~!_TISSUE 109 ...ncaAHOlrtO JOl\IJ!t' • r ~~..!~~T. u o1t1\ • 75 ... DELICATESSEN ITEMS r ~~!.~.:.:· ~. 129 r ~~~~~~~~~R 1001 ~ • 99 I OI°"' 1.09 LIQUOR & WINE P LOS HERMANOS WINES , __ ca..-_ 2 99 ·--·· , Hf'tll\ • l~~.~'911\ 9.99 . l~~~. ·~•"eft 9.89 DELICIOUS PLUMS •• or 11111tct1 BE>RIPI 08 WATlllm.ON ICUl. "'-10t LI e • t ' Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wldntlday, Juty 14, 1H2 New milk at World's Fair WASHINGTON (AP) -Thousand• of con1umer1 are 1ettln1 their fl.rat taste of UHT milk at the World'• Fair ln Knoxville, Tenn., thlt aummer, saya the Aariculture Department. "l'J"he letters UHT a\and for the ultra-high temperature at which whole milk is proceaed. After packaging, it can be stored on shelves anywhere at room temperature for up to six montha. packaged ln lterlllzed cartona made of layers of paperboard, toll and polyethylene to keep lt sterile and out of light" Ordinary puteurlzed milk is heated to 161 degrees Fahrenheit for a minimum of 10 seconds and is packaged In plastic jugs or waxed cardboard containers. TIDE LAUNDRY DETERGENT •oz. 171 oz IVORY SOAP 3 PACI< BATH BARS 4PACI< PERSONAL SIZE JACK or CHEDDAR ..,. WHOLE OR HALF • ·$249. CHEESE Althou1h UHT milk })as been available to 1.:uropeans for 20 years, it only recently has been introduced on the U.S. consumer market, according to a recent rep o rt by the department's F..conomic Research Service. After 14 to 20 days of refrigeration, the few surviving bacte ria in pasteurized milk multiply enough to cause spoilage. Modern UHT milk was developed in Europe, beginning in r.81 r.87 $18.,9. SALMON . .••....•••••.•• "· .L SMALL LOIN .s3ss "'"~-------"'"" LAMB CHOPS ....... 11 .. 1913 and through several lt------------------------~;._-----u stages thereafter. But one of the biggest breakthroughs occurred with the development of a separately sterilized container by a Swiss firm, Tetra Pak, which began marketing the milk In Europe m 1958. "Euro pean marke t penetration of UHT milk I ~~~.~.~.~~.~~~.~ .. 2.65 I !:10~ .. ~~~~~ .......... 1.96 ~2~~! .. ~~~.~.~ ........... 44 The UHT milk display at the World's Fair is sponsored by Dairymen, Inc ., a regional milk marketing cooperative in the Southeast. The milk is from Dairymen's new plant in Savannah, Ga. w~initially~owbuth~ l~~~~~=K~.~~~or~K=i~~~~,~~~M~t~~~------------------~' taken off clramatically 1newpr1eeH01> .. 11ec11ve during the last five ~~~~~OU9h years," the report said. "U UHT milk catches on In the United States, other cooperatives are expected to follow suit In building their own processing facilities," the report said . "The reactions of this year's fair -goers will , undoubtedly, act as barometer for the rest of th~ country." The report -written by Stephanie Arnold and Tanya Robe~ -said UHT milk 6ffers convenience to consumers, eliminates expensive refrigerated storage for processors and trims refrigerated transportation costs. "In UHT processing, milk is heated to 280 degrees Fahrenheit for a few seconds to destroy bacteria and heat - resistant spores," the report said. "Then it IS Costs to consumers are 15 to 30 percent less than pasteurize d milk in Germany but are greater in Britain, it said. Currently, tJ .S . sales "are somewhat limited," with mos t g o ing to Hawaii and Alaska, nursing homes and some recreational uses . However, the report said man ufacturers are gearing up for U.S . grocery sales as new plants begin production. The costs of UHT milk "will depend greatly on costs of advertising to acquaint consumers with the new product and the ability to utilize the capacity of large-scale processing plants," the report said. Lowes t prices not best buys By lite Alaodatecl Pren Seven or more ounces The lowest price tag -whole, ready-to-<X>Ok doesn't always signal the chick.en. enriched white b e a t b u y a t t h e bread and sliced bacon. supermarket. Now you're ready to The Human Nutrition compare prices. Suppose Information Service of bologna costs 91 cents for the U.S. Department of an eight-ounce package Agriculture recently and ground beef costs looked at prices for a $1 .80 a pound -the variety of meats and prices the USDA found meat alternatives to find in W~hington. The two out which ones provided would seem to be about the most protein at the equal In cost, since the ·lowest cost. per-pound price of the The results ol the bologna works out to study may surprise you. $1.8Q. Bologna. for example, is You would need about more expensive than six oun c es of the hamburger when you bologna, however, to get compare the two in 20 grams of protein. Six tentl8 of the amount of ounces costs almost 70 protein you get for your cents. money. Peanut butter is more expensive than chicken abd chicken costs more than turkey. The USDA hued its report on prices of almost three dozen items In Washington , D .C ., supermarkets in February 1982. The department retearchers ca1culated how much of each item would be needed to provide 20 grams of protein; that's about one-third of the dally amount recom- mended for a 20-year-old man. You would need only four ounces of ground beef to get the same amount of protein. That would cost you only 45 cents. The hamburger is cheaper. In its study, the USDA found that e n ough turkey to provide 20 grams of protein would cos t 25 ce nt s ; an equivalent amount of chicken would cost 29 cents and a comparable serving of peanut butter would cost 30 cents. Comparing price9 also can save you money when you're trying to weigh different brands or pack.age siz.es. A table showing the relative arn.ount of protein ln different foods is included in the USDA report o n price comparilons. You can get Suppose a 7 'h-ounce a copy by writ1n1 to box of cookies sells for 58 USDA News Center, ce nts, a 13-o unce R o o m 4 0 4 -A , package la 82 centa and a Wuhlngton, D.C. 2050. one-pound bag is $1.10. Alk fOI' report 381-82. Which one la cheapest? Thett la no.charge. The unit price of the Here la a general guide small box works out to • to how much of t0me just under 8 cents an popular foods you need OUMe -58 divided by to pt 20 ..-.. (about 7 ~. The middle package three-fourth • o f an ii a little over 6 centa an ounce) of protein: ounce -82 divided by Three o u n cu -13. And the wge bag la peanut butter, canned just under 7 centi an t una a nd A merlc•n ounce -110 divided by prc1C19 c:t..e. 1 6 . T he l 8 -o '4 n.c e J'our ounce• -dry packqe la the best buy. beana, beef llver, lean Many p e op 1 e sound beef and canned miltakenly MIUIM tf\e 6-n. ~ llUDe • alway. the I' l v • o u n c e 1 -chMpllt. The only time ready-to-cook turkey, you can make tha t whole ham wlth the ~ bowwvs, II ...._In. ,._ ~ when U.. libel • the mM.lalllllilb._...t paclca1•r:;cUlcally ,. .... Of blel Wflh .... .., .. iD ' .... . .._..._ ,h,... U ..... omy • --'rntr• 1IH," for ••ample. -•• ,_......: rc111r11••••••11ti1• ....... c ........... ,.,.,. .... b• ,,.,..., ........ lt111&1tl .. , .. , ••• ., ... .. .......... The Disc<Ult Supetmartwl QGOD ON MCUM OR M1H llZI. U1J.lJ. l'MID? ---------1 I l '" " ... '.t ~I -~--------------------------------~-~-...-------~--___,,--,..----·-------- Orang• Ooa1t DAILY PIL.OT/Wldnlld•v. Julv 14. 1811 Real · wine merchants aµ endangered species '' JBllaY D. MEAD theftl, The)"l'e ao'hl to l e 11 • x pen i I v e 1 y MEii ii Wiii very dark, th• body rich after a few yean In the buttery flavon and hish NIW MARKETING need Your'•uppOrt more el1ewhere. The •mall and mouth·lUUnJ. But cellar. alcohol. thl1 win• 11 -lt11 Hd to He Che lhan evtr. If you want merchal\U ca nno t '79 wu l'lOt IO wann a W illiam Hill 1980 lntenae.IUko tMfllvon. llNl}l, lndepenct.nt wine them to b• uound aurvlve on yo ur year u '78, and ao the Chardonnay (about ,$17) I like the ame1l1. and I me~hant puain' from tomorrow. that mean• purchuei of a few only make. wine from 1982 releaaea were wtne haa more 1ubtletlet, when I tuted thil wine would probably brine it the'..-e~.buttherelano you•,.. 1olnt to have to apecialty l\t'ma. hill.aidevineyardJl\hlah looked forward to with and i11howlng much u a barre l aampl e out for friend•., a qu~ that real wine reachlnyourpocketand HILL RELEASES -elevatlona, which ytefila aome co n al d erable more complexity, if a alongside last year's convenation piece. J merchanta are a dyina puU l>Ut a few dollan Wllliam Hill la the name 1mall crop• of lntenae anticipation. little leu fruit, than it.a re lease from 1979, l would not try t.o drink it breed. morethanyouplanned. ofthemanbehlndthe varletal character.The W llllamHill 1979 predeceuorattheaame preferredthieone.Isdll w i th a meal. The Pleue undentand that And It allo means you'~ wlnee, but the word hill winery's flrat releaaea Cabernet Sauvlgnon point. The wine ii not do, but it's almply too big Intensity would cloy lo.DC 1 a 11\ talk l n.1 In gob>a to have t.o buy all ha1 another tmportant lut year w ere ln1tant (about $15) I prefer thi• cheap,·but I think it well and powerful to drink in be fore t h e meal was generalltiet. Aho your winee from them, implloatl<>n when it media darlings (thl1 wlnetothehlghlyt.outed worth the money, and an y kind of quantity , through.Thereilalloa understand that I'm even the everyda_,y jug comet to wine under the column wu first to write and almost too-Intense feel that no one will be From the big . golden question regarding it.a saying the small wine 0 _w_ln_e1_· _tha_t .... y_ou_co_u_td_bu ..... Y.___W_i_lb_' a_m_H_i_ll_l_a_be_l_. _H_l_ll_a_bo_u_t_th_e_m....;)_a_n_d_ao_t_he_..;..19.;...7....;8._. _T;;..;h....;e_co_l_o_r _la_a_tl_ll_d_taa_pLJpo..__ln_ted __ ln_th_e_w_in_e_..;..c o.;;....;..;l o;...;r....:.'......;...;t h.;...r._o;...;u;...:g2,.h..;._r_i..s;p.....;.e~prlce. merchant Is a dying breed, not a dead one. ln fact, If more folks are aware of what they're losing, perhaps a few years will be added t.o the wine merchant's lifT~n~~ things that ma e it r eal wine me hant yaluable are the /very thlnp that are forcipg so many out of business. I'm talking abo4t the pet90nal touch, a knowledgeable person on duty at all times to ans'wer c u stomer questions and to offer guidance, a necessarily limited but fine selection of all types of wines, and the genuine interest in both the product and the cuslOmer that is so all important. It• sounds like the p erfect formula for success. The problem is price. When you offer service and whe n you spend time with your cust.omen, price cannot be rock-bottom. The point is that people are buying wine i n discount super- marketa, and price is winning out over service a nd knowledge, once again. When the discounters an d volum e win e merchants first appeared, the small wine m e rchant stll l maintained one distinct advantage -selection. The little guy might not have been able to carry the thousands of labels, but there was the ability to stock the small, estate wineries that were in demand. The big guys are learning~ and while they may not deliver t.o your door. have the moat knowledgeable clerks, or know th~ir customers' first name. and drinking tastes, they have learned about the small wineries an~ they still offer lower pnces. The pressure on the little guy is increasing. Just how impor tant are these giant, volume stores? Well, the wine t industry considers them very important. Where a few years ago fine "'wine ries wel'e afraid their image would suffer by being sold i n a s upermarket at - mos ph e re , most of them are now actively soliciting such business. Liquor~Barn, a rapidly growing example of the discount wine and spi rits merchant. recently opened a new store in a small northern California community. I was in the neighborhood and decided to drop in for the grand opening. Had the public known, it was an a utograph - seeker's paradise. Ernest Gallo, rarely seen outside Modesto, was there with his wife. Joe Gallo, the 80h who appears to be the marke ting heir- apparen t , was also present. Other big names from wineries large and small had stopped by to help the new Safeway-owned Liquor Barn celebrate its opening. Everyon e was drinking Domaine Chandon Blanc de Noirs and nibbling Brie and pate. lt·was a very classy party, and one that wouldn't have been nearly 90 well attended even a coupJie of years ago. The wine induatry bu chanced itl attitude about the bi8 warehouae type wine men:hanta. I mlaht add that my own auitude la being forced hno cMnce· Ni l wandered up and down the aWel of this new store, I w• ~ at the wkle variety of llbtll I l9Pfwt1Wd, JnlnY frm\ the nnall•t and most exclu1tve California ~lnntn1 to uncMrl U.. appeal. r ....... .---. ... Th• •••11 win• .. lir .. ..,. ............. =-if 101n1 to .. ., ~,.~,..... --~ •.. ,. BEEF CHUCK BONELESS LB. LIOHT ll'READ, 90WL KRAn PARKAY a.oz ZH, AltOfl'TEO COlOllS NICE 'I son • BEEF BLADE·CUT .~buek Roast La. LIMIT s na PAJllll,Y Wlln.& W....Y LA8T8 BEEF L.ARGE·END • •• • .. AllllOICAN IUCll ·BORDEll CllESE FOOD 1'41 ------------------------------~----~------- HOCOJ.AT&, COCONUT, 8.ANANA ------@} fllODM-cHUIL NPf'P<>HI. UUSAOI OR COMllNATION lllJ'S PIZZA MOPtt Morton ere .... Pies UJCrt• narAIU1.T rill.a .unLTLAeft J.AaOE, FANCY 8WEST YellOW' ·Peaches • WIL.IC:* L~ Ml.Al YAllllPM 1a«11.19 ,_,., •Mil '1.79 UOWll J*WY Of.AH J VA.ltsrTIU !J4l 11.79 UIUR ....... IUUl u 11.89 ... KIU. .... IV~ll•U u12AI SAISMl NII CHUC« "11AI --llAST --u11AI 1•.u =-w-.m-.. 11.99 -~A.NO .. 11.91 •MAST HU--*'" u 11.81 .. llAST •EH CHUCKCl.HTflll OJ1 "11.59 ·-~SlUI • CHIFFON ASSORTED SPILLMATE TOWELS HU mESlUI .u, .. SftJIOSIUI HUllOUNO tmm--~Kl• .. •2A1 .. •a.n .. 12.11 •HIHPATTIS Ha••.11 Sea6ood Spectoes .. •2.11 Lt 11.11 S~tce COeQ1 S pec10M ........................... 0..., •i.e:r. • NTATI SAUi $UCCO TOOAOf." NSTIW .. uG' ..u 11.ll • FOR LAUNDRY. FAMILY llZE TIDE omRGEllT 111.0Z f AllllC eontlllffl FIUI. TOUCH M.QZ lAOOIC..u '"'" ..... u ."_ .... u ... _ .. ,, .. ,,,.•11• ... _ .. . ..... ~ I I Picnics take a tastx path With warm 1unahlnt A t t e r . y o u h a v • and lar.y w kendl, our enjoyed Picnic Bttf thouaht.1 tW'n to outdoor P 11 • I , t r y o t h • r fun. What could be more combln4tion1 of 1ptce1, ln keeplnt with thil time vegetablu and rice ot yHJ' than a picnic at prepared In the aame the beach, ln the park, or manner. on a Jl'IMY 1pot off a PICNIC BEEF country road! PILAF Plcnlc1 usually are l 'A pound• beef 1pur·O f·the-m oment round, cut Into 'A-Inch evenu and although ~bet great fun, the lunch 1 medium onion , often conai1t.s of ordinary chopped sandwiches and a few 1 clove aarUc, finely cookies. chopped W l th ju s l a 11 t t 1 e 2 tablespoont oil ~ i.upoon orqano W ttaapoon tlnnamon ~ ttNpoon allJplce ~ cup uncooked rice S tablt1poon1 flnely chopoed pAnley tlour tortillu Plain Yoeurt Slice<i toinatoet Golden ral.alm Plne n\.ltl Lettuce leavee Brown beet, onion and garlic tn oil. Stir ln broth1 oregano1 cinnamon ana allJpice. Hut to bolling; reduce heat and aimmer . SO minuteta. Stir In ricle and cover. Simmtr 20 mJnutet longer or until tender. (If neceuary, add water U mJxture drlet out before rlce ll tender. If there la exceea Uquld, uncover and alrn.nwr 5 mlnutea or until UquJd evaporates.) Stir tn paraley. Wann tortlllu ln foll in moderate oven or over crlll. Spoon beef mixture into tortUlaa. P111 yogurt, tomatoe1, ral1in1, pine nut1 and lettuce to add u you Uke. Maket 4 to 6 eervlngl. Orang• Co11t DAIL y PILOT /WtdMlday, July 14, 181a PILAF TO GO -A beet and rice mixture makes a chanae from ordinary 1andwtchu on a lazy day. ,, ol planning and home l cup beef broth preparation , you can .~----.....;_------~~------------------~----------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------,1 tum picnics lnto a real ,• culinary presentation. And this doesn't mean toting along a cumbersome load ot serving dis hes and utensils. Picnic Beef Pilaf is a flavorful and fun picnic entree. The aromatic beef and rice mixture is prepared at home and packed in a wide-mouth thermos. Thia will keep the pilaf warm for several hours. Picnic Beef Pilaf is not only an e..fsy a n d delicious entree, but it's fun to eat as well Into the picnic basket go Dour tortillas (or plta btead) and small CQntainers of f Ogurt. sliced tomatoes, golden raisins, plne nuts and lettuce leaves. Everyone help s himself to a big spoonful of pilaf on a tortilla and tops it off with any combination of the condimen ts. Remember to have another thermos along -this one filled with ice cold lemonade or minted iced tea. Beef round1 cut into cubes, is the cut of beef suggested f« Picnic Beef Pilaf. Any of the econotnical cuts will work well as the mixture is simmered for a long time to bring out. the wonderful flavors and to make the beef so moist and tender. Cooking with class A CULINARY TOUR of Paris, including a .balloon adventure, will offer a visit to famous cooking schools and gourmet sh o ps from Sept. 21 to 30. Price is $3. 700, with a $500 deposit req,uired. Call Coas t Travel in Costa Mesa at 549-7100 for more details. COAST HARDWARE in Laguna Beach will offer Betsy Moulton teaching a quick, easy and elegant dinner ~rty preparation at 6:30 p.m. on July 15. Menu will include hot brie with nuts, cold bee t and cucumbers soup, scampi with Pern o d , Pasta Prim a v e ra and strawberries Romanoff. Fee is $20. Susan Slack will instruct in preparing a Japanese picnic lunch at 11 a.m. on July 20. Fee is $20. Call the s t o r e at 497-4403 for enrollment in formation. BROEK-MOORE i n Laguna Niguel will offer a Lunch and Learn class at 12:05 on July 19. Students ca n see a demonstration, obtain a recipe and e njoy a potato, ham and Swiss cheese salad. Fee is $5.50. Roy Pingo will teach a c~ in pates at 7 p.m. on July 15. Menu will include brandied chicken liver pate with cucumber rings, pate maison du Roy and pate en croute with cornic hons and Dijon mustard. Fee is $15. Dolores Hoffman will instruct in a variety of Mexican finger foods at 7 p.m. on July 23. The menu will offer a buffet of d i pa a n d h -0 r a d'oeuvres. F" '8 $20. Betty Mo~hon will offer a clam for children in grades 3 throuah 8 in • preparing Ol'Alllill• "" 10 a .m . on July t8 . Featured wtll be omelettea whh four fllllnlJ, •lad and hot btnd. Jee .. tlO. AM Dr9yw wtU offer a Grwk p6enlc at 7 p.m. on .July at • .c.nu will Include OrHk lemon .up, phyUo applttltn, 1prou&.cf la•b loeYH, ...... breed .... and tollH brlkl1v1. FH aa lllJO. C1U 'h• •&or• '' ==:.=!'- • --____. -· IRVINI AANCM BULK GOODS SESAME BRAN STICKS 119 Saltd ot UnNllec:I -BULK ONLY Rec. 2.251• lb 1n11na Ranch FatlT*t Markel Rec. 199 RAW TRAIL MIX Bulk or Packaoe<f 2.39/• lb FRESH 139 Rt 119 GRANOLA'S -ooNE·Nurs. Rec. PITTED PRUNES 2 1C9· ORANGEJALMONO, 1.79;. lb 111 oz. pllGtlege • CINNAMON/APPLE - ""'"~STRAWBERRIES FRESH/ FRESH/ OUR STRAWBERRIES ARE HAND-PICKED AND DELIVERED DAILY TO ALL THREE /RV/NE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS STORES/ Pick of the Season ... TREE-RIPENED 39~ 4~. s1 oo NECTARINES .' Sweet as Honey -LARGE SIZE CANTALOUPE CRVENSHAeW MELONipe 29~ 4~. s1 oo Fresh, Extra Fancy ITALIAN SQUASH Irvine Ranch's Own Sweet VALENCIA ORANGES .CORN on the COB IT'S PICKLING TIME!! Fresh Picked PICKLING CUCUMBERS 49~ 39~ --------------------------------------------------------------~ Golden. first-of-the season, local! Hand picked, packed in ice and delivered within hours every day to each Irvine Ranch Farmers Market i-...-...EAFOOD Fresh Idaho RAINBOW TROUT VITAMINS & COSMETICS Miii Creek Rec. 850 ELASTIN LOTION & CREME -• •. s11 .oo Mill Creek DARK TANNING LOTION -a oz. Rec. 3.50 AvallabCa1 tMTu.llnandNewportllorHonlyf MEAT~,_ ___________ _ .. .......................... 1 ~~ lUR~~ BREASTS -8-IOE~~~ .r.~~ Rec. 1.981• 1 ~~ Rei. 2.91/11 POT ROAST ................................................ Rec. 1.891111 1 ~~ Ci'Oo RO'AsT ............................................ Rec. 2.891111 219 E l ' lb 1tra ean . .--1 s9 SHORT' RIBS .............................................. Rei. 1.891111 lb CHUCK STEAKS Mamated ................... Rei. 1.98111 169 a-NNATURAL FOOD EL lb ISIONS Neldams ~~.~~!Ip~~~~~~ s149 & butler 11 oz. size. Reg. 1.89 Marzett I SLAW DRESSING 8 o.z. Reg. 99" .69 -.BAKED GOODS HOMemade Ir-Me Ranch Market RAISIN BREAD , ... ..., SJ~ Matured 2 years -CHEESE OF THE WEEK -49s Vintage Reaetve from New Zealand -Rei. lb SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE 5.95,.. COOKED -READY TO SERVE -Rec. BARBEQUED BEEF RIBS 2.911• BROWNED -Slloed to Order -" Rec. BREAST OF CHICKEN 4.491• Summertime TREAT ... Freshly Prepared WAI.DORF SALAD Rec. 1.79/11 • RONDEl.E -3 Flavors -PEPPER - FRENCH ONION OR GARLIC & HERB - 4 oz. Rt1. 1.69/11 HOT LINE: 1714\-831 4408 2~~ 3~~ 1~~ 12 .. 1 ·We velue your auggeatlon1 how we cen _...you better. Aak fot JOl1 Hubberd, Pfealdent .•• Kethy Wayne, Vlce-PrHldent ot Tony Perez. O..al Maneger cona~OllT •11nMAveMe .............. °"" 111 ...... ............... -- ,..,,.. 111a ... wport Av.nue .. lnlM ....... ... .....,. ........ ,.... . """.,.,. ,. •' • 1 '• • I(; '. l • '!...•· .. .~· Cl" .-1- •' , I .,, ! •• ... -. ... ~ r. .,.,. .1.· •• 1 . ., .. ,. '• . '. II • I• ' .... ... ·. ... , .. , , . -•. , , .. .. .., '· . .,\. .. • ·~·ft "J~ { • l•Yh, Orange Cout DAil. V PIL.OT/Wedntlday, July 14, 1812 0 .elums go around the :wo~ld Pluma have a CQft\pliceted hiltory. One variety ot plume cune from the reston ot the Caucaaua Mountains and the Calplan Sea. There the ·Turka, Moniot. and Tartara, ,flowlna back and forth In w1rllke m11ratlon, maintained a crude a1rlculture, arowlng pluma long before the Greeks and Romans began fanning. I 1 tabltlpOOft lemon or Ume Juic. l {able1poon cornatareh Choeolaw Sauce apen on ... Uy ll'Hltd bakl~ ahMt. Bake ln •» clllne oven 20 to 25 mlnutH until lllhtly browned; cool on wire ...... and attr untll thlckeMd, l to 2 minute•. ChUl. Split prepared puf11; fW bottom halvee with about ~ teupoon plum mixture: add topa. Arranae on aervlna ~late . Drlule with Chocolaw Sauce. Makel about2.\li ~n. Chocolate Sauce: PLUM PUFFS - FretW plumt fill tmall puff paatrlea for a ta.sty awnmer detlert. Wild varieties of plums are found in nearly all the temperate parts of Europe and r--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;__;;;;;;:;::;;;;:;::;o;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: Western Asia from the Prepare Puth: II\ medium 1auc1p1n combine water and ot1; brln1 to boU. Reduce heat; 1tir in flour and ult with wooden lpOOft; ltlr vi80f0Ully untll mixture leavea aidea of pan. Remove from heat; cool 1ll1htly. Beat in e11•. one at a (lme, until smooih. Drop scant teaspoonsful 2 Inches Prepare Jltllln1: In 11ucepan combine plwna, ~ and lemon jWc:e. CoOk owr medium heat undl .-r and Juk:ee flow, & t o 8 mlnute•1 Coaraely pu ree In blender; retu rn to aaucepan. Dluolve corn•tarc.h In 2 table1poon• water; atlr into plum mixture: cook Warm \4 cup apple jelly aver low heat or heat. in microwave on full power 20 aeconda. Add l tablespoon ex>eoa, 1t1rring until smooth. Makea about 1A cup sauce. Mediterran ean northward into Norway, Sweden and Russia. In the New World, plum culture was begun by American Indians who selected and grew the best specimens found in the wild developing varieties which ·~uropean settlers also ~ame to prize, particularly the Chickasaw plum and the Wild Goose -so called because it grew from a 9eed dropped by a goose. ' . Other plum varieties were brought to the New World by colonists. Choice plums were selected, and the pi ts planted resulting in many varieties in local areas.' Outstanding varieties were carried West by migration. Plums are more widely adapted in the United States than almost any other deciduous fruit. This is because different varieties are adapted to different climatic and soi l conditions . Commercially, in the Un~ted States , production comes largely from the Pacific Coast region.~ Ca lifornia plum production is centered in the fertile ·San Joaquin Valley area. With over 140 varieties of plums 1lVailable, the fresh plum season begiJ\s in mid-May with the Red Beaut and winds down in September with the Roysum. When selecting fresh plums. a slightly soft tip end is a sur~ sign of ripeness. You can ripen unripe plums at h~ in onJy a few days. J.ust place several together at room temperature in a loosely closed paper bag or ripening bowl. Store ripened plums in 6 the refrigerator but 14eturn them to room ~emperature before serving in order to taste them at their best. Try making a unique plum dessert with Petite Plum Puffs. Fresh, juicy plums provide a tangy, tart and low-calorie goodness for the filling used in this dessert. If you're one of the few people who isn 't counting calories., drizzle the chocolate sauce on your plum puffs for a rich and flavorful treat. Next time you're in the m.arket, shop for juicy, delicious plums. Today's varieties have little in common with the plums of history. But you'll enjoy fresh plums every bit as much as the Turks, the Huns, the Mongols and the early American Indians enjoyed their plum vari.eties.' PETITE PLUM PUFFS Puffs ~cup water 2 tablespoons vegetable oil ~cup flour ~ teaspoon salt 2 eggs Plum Filling 1 pound fre s h plums. sliced (about 2 ~ cups) 'A cup sugar , VONS LOW~PRICE COMMITMEftT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY . . 120UMCf: 811.G-SEMI SWEET U'llT ) (Pllrchne tNef llmil<f'e!I. ptlce 1.99) PRODUCE ll'I IC• Tt "-•>OOI i.e .33 ltaHan Squnh I""''..,,, '"'I'" "" UI .19 Fresh CA!bbage ""' .. nr4w-Mff ~.39 Romaine Lettuce !lrlC••rrl•>O'I 59 Large Troplal MM'lgoa tA • ""'"' JCIK0~-"'1 ~.99 Sweet Blueberries ~V~l(J(P'R'IC(O 111 .29 Pickling Cucumbers '""" ,A 399 Hanging Pathos FROZEN FOODS I Hl/ C""' Oii l"IUT """'°' Snow Crop FM Alive •lot l!O'l Roman Me.a Wtme. 1\nJ fill~ a-t"'1f" "''""' .. ~ C & W N.ttunll Fruit Pops ""' ""' Ohl Boy o.tc Btud .89 .89 }49 .69 179 VON S RAKf · HY • '"°' 61\>t tO Pecanhtrta •~II "NI l 00 0-0'CJI'! VOM ...... ' ' ------Wftl.-PJmWI :::er lo-,...dlilooll---.............. .. ............ ,... ...... __ ..... "4<a .. -....... ---.-.. ..,,..., ...... .. ..._. ..... ....,.v......, ... ..i.d~ ....... -......., ...... __ t20 .. -~,..._ ... ... ;-::..":=.-:-..:.~-~ •. ----... -·-··-...-----·.,.,.,.... .. --.... -"""" -.,.. -k '~-..... ~-............... ....,_..,....,._:, eL-...._ •• VODKA PLU8DOUBU! COUPOll&· I ~Trell 80TnE -904'll00f' LW'llT <. !P\ttlwoM-. ..... '"O ~ 9191 LIQUOR tlOl C-. 11~11[0.0llUOKT 329 Hamm'18eer ·~llOmt 1()99 Sc:oreaby Scotch I 1 ~ llOTI\L Sl!IAIClln .1149 AndlntAce~ I )UTQI IOn\L. llal,llO!i!..-.; Robelt~TlllleWlne9 399 120l. CNlll.~K.llt.0 Oll\JOl!t }59 Sim 9rke Beer I 'l)UTU llOTIL! 999 GIMy'•Gln )UTIJI 11TL.-.11a>110K. H!MTV llUllO 399 a.lo Chabla Bllnc: DrLICA TESSEN ,.,, •. ,. .. , Ht M tl11:M eo Qll~llO 8 llllllltlmlnn -....... • 149 .99 .33 GROCERIES 0:.. ~-llU.U!t> ona TOf1'1Moca .65 tt(Uott~ .39 ~CutBans 17«1<£CAI' .39 J,.l>byl Sweet Pus ...ou.c:r: fl(Q.•t#AOI AUTO fVl\OllS .83 Frulmncl Fruit Dr1nka touf<t~~ .69 Sewr'I s.. a-. °"¥1"11 l OOIOtt llO' cuow .33 Cniamettes ~· ~CAl'-SC.W .79 V~Cocktal ~--~--249 C.H.B. Preeerves ttOU'OC1 .11,11.~ OllCIUCHI' 159 ~Pewlut8'11W r>&'Fo;,w.o ]33 S I l ~VI< I '-ll A l < >< ll > ~llOl'ltt 111AOACll Whiting FWeta •llCJW'< OU'llOftftD Jumbo 8Clllope Hf-Al TH L Hf ACHY ,,,....,., ,,..,.,,,.,n'll'I• ,_lgtlt OUlfd Bronn Dtod. .. ~ ...... ,. "Y'lllffl) ... \111,\ ~Pt....,.a ll'Wllr>(l tlOIWf-lOl•I~ ICM '~ ~ ... &-cn111.... - MEATS I Atll[ """ -ltAll Boneless Stewing Beef l'!llDl<5U1i£0 Beefl.Ner TAS1f. ""-' l rllOlV' ll.11 'MG Stalk-Om ms !'\29 Lii .:::. ..a 199 lll .69 ~675 lASTl:""-'T NIOll!" 1•0l Pl<O •• 309 Steak-Omms ~ >0"$5U'll'lllcr ll9P910 FMC)' Sliced Bacon l9 )49 MEATS T Alll.t llr'IO ICU Porterhouse Ste.aka , 1'8lr ....... flUT Cube Steaks r '-l!lL IU"'Cl-Cl'l<Tf:• cur Beef Chuck Steaks lll 27.8 lll 2 59 lll 259 Lii 179 .11 239 FACETS IN CRYSTAL WKAl A Fll8(.IL00S 09PORTUt'WTY! FOii THE MXT 9 ~ YOU'U. SAVE Oft ~ 1111!<2 OF F...a:ts W'I CllYSlAL llV LmEY. ... ,~ , .. ~........... ... ..... .. .... . ,,. .. · ···-·-···· --. '. . . . .... . ' . "'" ..... . . . . . ~ .. . OOM'T FORGET THESE flME DECOAATOR TO<ICHES TO CC>fl'IPLETE YOOR SE!: '"''"'""'.......... • .... ¥1• ,,.,~, ....... .... .,,, ........ .,,,,., ... '''" .,,,..~, ............ .. :~,::::-:;:=:... ~ ;~:: :·::= f::: _,4,. ....... ("...,,,,,. aM 11\•wl,.f~ ...- do you spell relief? ot camp cooking and next, thouaanda of teary- Ul wave aoodbye to bualoada of n u they depart ln a cloud of WARM WELCOME -Kim of Costa Mesa won a division throuah the middle, c•mpen dilcover why lt'a called the Meu Hall. Even deaert, normally the favorite part of a meal, comes under fire. "We were suppoeed to be extra aood tor our counselor so we could have chocolate pudding wlth whipped cream for dessert," laments one amaU camper, "but what we got was chocolate chalk ,with lard on top, I think." "I always sat next tQ the girl who threw up," another camper says with dlaguat. "She wanted to go home, so she threw up everything, even the punch and cookies." She pauses thoughtfully and adds, "But I do thlnk the cookies were abnormal." Parents greeting the grimy camp survivors can rest aaaured they have the upper hand with the broccoli and turnips for at least a week while the effec\S of camp cooking wear off. A mother popping a frozen pizza into the oven as a quick dinner for the returnee can have her guilty heart gladdened with the words, "Gee, Mom, it's great to get some home cooking again." An extra treat might be ice cream with chocolate sauce for dessert just to show the little rascals how much they were missed. Here's a recipe for chocolate sauc.-e almost too good to be wasted on the young. The brandy or rum adds a nice flavor, but it isn't enough to make it X -rated. CHOCOLATE SAUCE 1 cup heavy cream :If.I cup sugar . 6 ounces ( 1 cup) semisweet chocolate chips 2 tablespoons brandy or dark rum 'h teaspoon vanilla Heat the cream, sugar and chocolate in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring gently until chocolate melts and mixture bubbles, about 3 minutes. Use a cooking whisk or hand mixer to beat vigorously, until smooth and well blended. Heat to boiling, reduce heat to low and boil gently, stirring frequently for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Stir in brandy or rum and vanilla. Serve at room temperature or slightly warmed on ice cream. Stores well in covered container ln refrigerator. MICROWAVE VERSION: Put cream, sugar and chocolate ln 4-rup glass measure. Microwave uncovered at Medium-High stirring once until chocolate is melted, about 3 minutes. &eat vigorously with whisk or hand mixer until smooth and well bl~nded. Microwave 4 minutes longer. Cool slightly and stir in brandy or rum and vanilla. "Welcome Home, Dad'.' table setting at the Orange County Fair. Fruit desser can cut calories Summer should be the 'Ai time for eating lightly, cinnamon watching calories and 'A cup 0 g n a c, c u t U n g o u t he a v y wanned desserts. But if you're a and top with ice cream if desired. Ignite Cognac a nd add to warm chocolate sauce. M flame individual serving dishes starts to subside, ladle sauce over pears. Serves 4. dedicated des1ert lover, Cut banan n half t h e t h o u g h t o f le ngthwise a brush eliminating sweet.a from both sides with ttle of your diet may be too the orange jui Melt terrible to contemplate. the butter In arge llCllWlll Cllllll Jtcipe U that's the case, try shallow pan o low experimenting with he a .t . Add sill fruit~baaed demerts. remaining ~ The COIJ)binations are o r a n g e r l n d endle9a, eapeciall~ if you ,cinnamon. Heat. s have a bottle of Cognac. often. until the , To Unpre11 gueata at a starta to bubblt;. summer gathering, try a bananaa, cut 11 fruit deaaert flambeed and heat th thr1or.1-.\ with Cognac. You'll (about 3 m ute never regret having bMting co tly wi given up chocolate cake. the syrup in the pan. lpite the c.cnac and OOONAC Ute lfhatever freah fruit ln eeuon and reuonaJ;>ly P.r6eed. Cut 1n&it aibe.. 1.-w 'atra rrw1, 1rapea, whole. lhefndt and in ~ cup or ---· Omtly IUr frul . Cover and rerrtaerate overnl1tu. a.rv. in .... OOIDpoW dlltl or ..WL MNANAI~ 4 ftrmripe ........ ,... ......... )lloe ~·if.9=· ..., "''" .... pour it ove~bananll. Serve the with aome of t e syrup a~ned oler. Banana .. lie 9ft'Ved ,,.,., mke ot a Cl'Ulft. 4. . PIWUI . RSL!NB PLAMBB ~ cup cheeolate fudp mut'9; bclialemede or boUJ9d 4 cooMd ot canned pear halva ..U dn&DICS 1 pint vanilla le. cnena (opll: ..a) '4 1up Co1n10, w.,.... ,_,= .... .. -· ... ... • .,. ..., •• h .. ,. ""•• ..., ta.1¥11 ... Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wednetd•y. July 14, 1982 0 eiiol Introducing Weber's new Jalapelio Bread, an authentic Mexican-flavored bread ... made from the finest com, taco seasonings, peppers and onions ... baked a special way to make each soft slice perfect for sandwiches and great with meats. ,-.-------------- SAVE when you buy one lo.I of 'Weber& t=::3 HOT (PICANTl) 01 MILD (MlDIO PICANTl) ML G&OCl.aa When .tll the terms ol this~ haw bftn fulftled demp«IC>n must ~ Shown upon rtqut " Consumer ~' JMY by me customer •nd by you. lntersute &randt '°'l>«•Clon win MY1 ~ tu. Cuh v&lue I/ 20lh ol 1 c On!)> one «>upon per redttm chis coupon ror 20C plus 7t h&ndlfla on putcN.K ol lndMdUAI. fAmlly. Of 0ta..U.non Coupons wtl ~ r~med I one io.t o1 We~r\ j.tilApeno lkt4'd. Any olMr UM <On$dtutts only whert lntt~t•tl' ll<ands brHd ts M>ld lntt~Ullt II<~ I '™"1.lnvoktsprOYldloJtproololpu1eh&Mohufllc:lerttstockof Corpor&Clon, P.O. &o11109. MlnnHpols. MN S~60 Wd>ef's l<UAptno 8ruil 10 CC>Ytr COUpOns ~sented fot It · Oki tllPffts NO't'l'mbtr 30. 1982 £-26 I ~----------------------------------~ ON and get fresh and clean as a whistle! ® ,------------------------------------, 20012 SAVE 200 20012 I ON 2 BARS ANY Qf iiii/J l/11'1111 * ..... : I I u q 0 0 0 s a a • a e c . Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/WednMday, July 14, 1882 I Coupon trading · business goes under • ID By MARTIN SLOANE DEAR MARTIN - 1..aat Septe~ber I roapondcd t o a n~w11paper adver tilement lrorn a rompany called Coupons United In Brooklyn, N. Y. The company offered to trade ce nts -off coupons with me for an $8 annual membership fee and an additional handling charge or $1 for the first 2~ coupons plus 3 cents for eac h additional coupon. I sent Coupons United a check for $9 and 25 coupons. I waited six weeks and, not having received anything. wrote to the company. In response. 1 rece1vt'<.I a note s tati ng that Coupons United had been taken over by the Coupon Trad e r Magazine, also located in Brooklyn, and that my cou pons would be arriving soon. I called the Coupon Trader and was told that it was backloggt•d but that I would be receiving my coupons soon. Several week s went by and, still having heard nothing, 'I called again and spoke with Ralph Bakke r , the pr es ident of the company. He said that the company was clost.'<i f o r two w eeks but promised that he would send out my coupons. Two months ha ve gone by· and I haven't received a thing Can you tell me whether this company 1s stall 1n business? -L .M .K . from New York City. DEAR L .M.K -I have received several letters similar to yours asking about the Coupon Trader. When I first tried to call the Coupon Trader, I fo und that the phones had been disconnected. Then 1 sent Bakker a te legram, to which he responded. H e sa id that the Coupon Trader had been closed since December b ecause of business problems. He said that he had thousands of unopened orders but no longer had the starr to process them Bakker said that he hoped to raise mon ey and be back m business soon. But in the intenm he has taken a full-lime job. &xchanges usually prosper for the first few months. The operator s pend s long hours sorting and sending. but the work 1s fun and thf' extra money helps. But news of a good coupon exchange travels f ast, and the initial trickle of mail turns In to a steady stream and then a torrent. The children and spouse of the operator are pressed into service, 1 and soon friends and neighbors must be hired to do more of the sor11ng and sending. But these people want to get paid for their work; for them, it is a labor for cas h rather than a labor of love. It soon be co m es apparent that paying wages for all of this work makes a coupon exchjilnge a v e r y expensive business. The modest fees that made the exdiange sound like such a wtnner can no longer cover th l' overhead. As great expectations turn into losses a nd dwindling bank accounts, the exchanges fold their tents and shp away into the night. It is unfortunate that when coupon exchanges go out of business, a lot of coupon clippera wind up getting clipped themselves. CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS Bevera1es (Ftle-8) Clip out this file and keep it with similar cash-off coupona - beverage refund offers with beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed proof• of purctwe while look1n1 for the 1'9qUlr.d refu nd form1 at the au p e rmarktt , t n new1pa p er1 and ma1uln••· and whtn tracttna with frl1nd1. Offen may_ no• be available ln Ill ll'NI of •h• rountry. Allow 10 WHU '° '"9lY• 11eh rtlund. '"'-tol~ ~ an...,. ....... I, Thi• w ok 'a r~fund .of fere hav a total value of $21.84. BRIM-DECAFFEIN- ATED COFF;EE. Gen-~ r al Foods Corp . R e~e l v~ a 60 -eent ~'Oupon for Brim ground. Send the r e quired refund form and thu 2-lnch 1quaro cut from the lid o f any Brim ground. Expires June 30, 1983. CANADA DRY Sparkling Offer. Receive a $I coupon for Canadp Dry Mlxera and •6.97 In coupon• for other merchandlie. Send the required refund form, four proof• or purchuse (n<-'Ck labell, body la II or c11p liners) from any lamlly~slze (28-ounce or liter) bottlee of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Club Soda, Tonic Water or Seltur. Or llt'nd thl' form and two proofs Crom 2-11 ter Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Regular or Sugar Free. Expires Dec. 31. 1982. ADVl•TISID ITIM AVAILAllUTY CUAIA'fTlll IUPEllAllET IHIPPEI 1..lPTON Sun T ea Offer. Receive a 50-<.-enl <.'01.1pon for Lipton Teit S.p. Send th required refund form and the top pan el including white price apot from one 24-count box or l wo 12-count boxes of Lipton Family Size Tea Bags. Expires Sept 30. 198Z. LIPTO N $I Coupon Refund Receive a $I coupo n for Lipton lnatant Tea or l<.'C.'d Tea Mix. Send the r<>qulred refund form a nd three labels from any or the following Lipt o n products: Instant Teu (2-, 3-or 4-ounc:e size) or ked Tea Mix (24 -, :ii-, 48-or 64 -ounce size). Expires De<:. 31. 1982. MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE $1 Coupon Refund Offer. Receive two 60-cent coupon• for Maxwell Houac Inatant Coffee. Send the requlrud refund form and tht: Inner seal from the lid of any Maxwell House Inatant Coffee. Expires Nov. 30. 1982. SEALTEST Naturally Swf'et Orange Juice OCfer. He<:cive a quart or half-gallon carton of Sealtest 100 Percent Pure Orange Juice from Concentrate. For the quart of Juice, nd th«: required refund form and Unlveraal Product Code &ymbolll from fou.r I -quart carton• of Sealte1\ 100 P ercent Pure Orange Julee from Concentrate. For the half-gallon of julce, aend the form and UPC symbols from four halC:gallon ca rton11. Expires Sept. 30, 1982. Here are two refund forms to wriw for: Jergen s Soapi;, Jergens $3 Refund Form Request, ~. Box 4105, D e p • rfl e n t 0 5 , MonUceUMlnn. ~536~. lwquet r thll form mus\ ecelved by &pt. 17 82. Thta offer good a refund of $1. $2 : 3 -explrl'I Nov. 3( 2. Th~·1t o rr crl'. El Pio. cxas 79977. Rt•qui;l!> or the form requted thJB $1 offer mua bt: ec:e1ved by Sep. I, I 2. • • .. + .... , \.I: ,, ¥'\ '<. ..... , ... ,uo 'C ru •• •r·l • .... ••thl • QIP ,.,. "" , ... yav.1 • ""'··· f •CfP'•\\J'\fh •~•·VJ•f( .. ~ .. •• • IWtrvJ • 'r) tM ••.•rYt•'·'•r 'IV Ai A ll ,.... .,,,iw ....... ,..( .... , • ')Yllillt;t.Jt.! 'f~ "' .. ,, .... !•flu -···· ...... , •IWll'••'' ij &Pia'\ .. fC • I''''\• '•.i•f wa\t 1Nf &j\l'"''I 'P•''"'"'' ' •fl'.( ~ f N t.,.•, \ ~ .. ,, Red·X rags Mark s~orewide Reduc~i a,, ov•~T•TY tt('..Mf\ •n1 •vto r,o \AH 10 Cl•1!t\O••o••l~I P COtr.1¥111(14l u\I PllCH l'FICTIVt 1 FULL OllYS ~ Sllclng Size 19 · uu cucumbers ea .• ~ Market Basket 5 9 ~ Spinach . 2~'°nL • Marker Basket Cut Beets or ~ Sliced 3 11-01. $1 ~ carrots c,aon: II II II • • • • NA TUR All Y YOUR TOTAL SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK THIS STOREWIOE SALE INCLUDES MARKET BASK ltROGER HllLCRPST AVONDALE ANO COST CUTTER NO FRILLS PRODUCTS STOCK UP & SAVE DURING THIS TREMENDO US REU X PRICE R l BACI( Market Basket Chunk Light Market Basket Tuna sugar u.s.o A Ch01ce Beet Boneless Round st $ 71 ~ .2·LI>. PkO. ·aeef Patti Mix .... 1b. Market Basket .89 corn Beef 1 79 Brisket . 1b. • u.s O.A. CMlce eeef Round Boneless ondon 1 98 U rolL ... •b. • rket eas~et. Reo Or Hot ~p rk Hb 89 ~saw1a1e ...... :. ~ MTxeo vegetables .. 1t:. 38 ~ ......... °',.... . ~ cranberrv sauce ... 't: . 4 9 ~ ·~u•"" ~ CnocOlate Drink Mix . 1. 99 ~ • c• 1~,.. ..,_" ~ SpantSh Peanuts 'f: 1.49 lI A'Udri'an Potatoes •1: .59 }I M titlnd DrtlllngV. 79 .. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wednetdey, July 14', 1H2 Cll Italian taste for mushrooms . A ccor d l n I '() .bollln1 ealted water 1 olove carllo, mlnu• Remove with• deflnJtion, "a l'hallerme" accordlna to packa1• cnaahed 1lotted 1poon and Ht de 1 c rt b • 1 a d I 1 h dlrectJone. Add tun. and 1 pound 1~ett.l aalde. Add aarllc and c:ontalnJnc m"1hroom1, r.erved muahrooml to 1 ~ cup1 half and reeerved mutnroomt to which may &l~ you an 1auce: cook until hot, half cream drtpptnp Jn 1kUlet: 1aute Idea t.hal l\&lian1 UM a about 2 minui.. Serve 1 tablespoon tlour untfl solden. about 6 lot of muahrooml ln thelr over~ puta. ~ teupoon Nlt mlnute1. Meanwhile, oooki.hc· They do. YI ld: 4 to 6 port.tona. ~ teaepoon baell cook ,,,_,hett.l accordlna Here are two 11mple le.ves, cn.aahed to pack•I• directions. example•: out-of-the-MUSH R 0 0 M AND Combine cream with ordinary 11u~ for puta SAUSAGE ~ c u P I r a t e d nour, Nlt and basil. Add "a l'ltallenne". The first SAUCE FOR PASTA Panneun cheeee to 1 k111 et w Ith la a mushroom and 12 ounces fresh RlnH, pat dry and mu1hrooml;cookand1tl.f tomato sauce 1eaaoned muahrooms sll~ muahrooma (makee until thickened, 2 to 3 with garlic, black pepper 2 t a b 1 e a p o o n a about 4 cupa); aet ulde. m I n u t e a . S t I r t n and ltalJan 1eaaonin1. vegetable oil In a large akillet heat oll Parmetan; cook and stir What makes it unusual 8 o u n c ea awe e t until hot. Add sausage; one minute. Serve over SAVORY -Tuna and mu1hroom1 combine tn a aauce for tubular Italian pasta. la that canne d tuna Italian aau1age linka, cook until browned on drained 1paghetti. supplies the protein. The ,~u_lced~~~~~~~~-b-o_t_h_a_l_d_e_1_,_a_b_o_u_t~5~-Y~ie_ld_:_4_to~6~oo~rt_io_na_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­tuna·muahroom sauce may be served with the usual topping of Parme1an . Or, if you like, sprinkle some chopped fresh parsley over the dish at table. This sa uce teems particularly at home with a tubular pasta such as rigatoni or qu. but spaghetti or linguine may also be used. Another hiahly flavorful mushroom sauce uses sliced sweet Italian sausage in\a light sauce made with C!'eam and Parmesan cheese, as in the famous Roman dish, fettuccine Alfredo. Fresh mushrooms are as readily available as the produce section of your nearest super- market these days; they're now~ grown in 28 states. Mushrooms will keep several days to a week in a plastic bag with several air holes punched in it with a fork or knife, or, simply. in their original container. TUNA MUSH ROOM SAUCE FOR PASTA 12 oun ces fresh mushrooms 2 tablespoons vegetable oil l can (16 ounces) whole tomatoes, broken up l teaspoon Italian seasoning, crushed ~ teaspoon salt Pinch ground black pepper 1 garlic c love, crushed l can (7 ounces) tuna, drained and flaked l pound rigatoni or other tubular pasta Rinse, pat dry and slice mushrooJ"911 (makes about 4 cups.) In a large skillet heat oil until hot. Add mushrooms; saute until golden, about 5 minutes. Remove from skillet and set aside. Add tomatoes, Ital ian seasoning, salt, black pepper and garlic. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer. covered , until flavors are developed and blended, about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, cook pasta in Smokers • was ting money Smokers taking extra vitamin C to protect their h ea lt h are deluding themselves and wasting their money. says a nutrition authority. Dr. Victor Herbert, Chief of the Hematology and Nutriti o n Laboratony, Bronx VA Medical Center, and Professor 9f Medicine at State Uni'{ersity of New York Downstate Medical Center, says these smokers are "seeking false. comfort by taking vitamin C." Herbert expla ins that while it ii true that such ' people may have lower blood le9els of this vitamin, these lower levels are st.ill within the normal ranae -10 times the deficiency level In hi s r ecentl y published book . "Vitamins *nd 'Health' Foods : ihe Great American Huttle," Herbert aaya. "Al klnl • you 1elec'1 your food1 dally from all four bMlc food IJ'OUP' (milk, meat, ve1etable1 and fruit•, and brftdi and cerealt) you wltt a•t all the nouriahma\ you need . .. In Amsic:a, d&aNtie ""°""" i. u. '-dlna cau1e of d••lfl fHY•ntabl• b)' Hlf-=lnt ....... Uw\ .... ,.,,by &1kln1 vllamln C:, •••ll•rt whe •rt ...... ,.... .... , ""'' ..................... , ......... " "''-'" a 116••, ' Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers· "cents off" coupon and get double the savlnqs when you purchase the item. Not to include "retailer '. "lree' or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 15 thru July 21, 1982 Assorted Vartette1 Western Hemth Bread lYJ lb.loaf .73 Shank Portion Faa111er John Smoked Ham per lb. J09 llalphl Natwal Sliced Swiss Cheese Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off" coupon and get double the savinqs when you purchase the item. Not to Include "retailer ', "free' or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item Excludes liquor. tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Cu1tomer Coupon Effective July 15 thru July 21, 1982 USDA Choice Beef Round London Broll 119· 4'h"x4'h" Ralphs Sllced Ham 8oz. pll:g J6? ASSQrted Varteues Rice-A· Roni 6V• oz. box .57 Dolly Mad•son Ice Cream 229 Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off" coupon and get double the savlnqs when you purchase the item. Not to include "retailer ', "free' or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item. Excludes liquor. tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon 1nd Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 1 s thru July 21, 1982 UICUlllTll> TICDI S s2~s> Only at Jkdphll Details at all Ralphs Stores Red or Black Juicy Plwns per lb. .39 Tree Top Apple Julee 6401.btl. J49 (Reg lnotfs Pr1ce-S995) Child's Tickets .. ~6:9s .98 ••••Grocery ValuH~:;==:-·.;.;.:.:.:.~P~.:,.;o:n:ia:1~c:.a:r:e~V~a~1u:e:s~;;;::- USDA~ .... lblftd.1 ........ 1 ': 2.19 T1.,.._.llet .... 1tec1 3'0L .99 81ttom Rou11d Roast Grapefruit Juice IHI. UIDA Cholc• .... "°"nd 2 89 AU«ted ''-1.39 Eye of Rou11d Roast ~J ":. • Alouette Cheese 4oL plog. USDAC~ .... CINJk (~":. 2.49 Meat Wieners , lb. 1.49 Cross Rib Roast p~g USDA ~·hef ct...cli·f...ell ~":;: 2.59 ........ WllCOflal11 ":;: 2.89 Beef lrlsket C.llly Longhorn UIOA CM6ce-.... ~':'. 2.19 Bakery Values Stawl .. ._t ~ .59 UIOA CMlce .... ,...... ~s: Z.11 Eil '• Honer Buns ~ llrtelllTltlteall aw= C«M C. ... ,.cll O< ~-.99 ulOAai.a.. .... ~ u\6.\f -2 58 .......... Slrtolll Tiii loaat ClllU1 .. • 1.99 2001. .... Fronn Food ValuH ": 2.49 ;;.,,.,.._ .85 1toa. ......... ~ ':* 3.49 .......... 11R .79 "3.29 ER• Wlttlaa ,. .. ............ t2oe . .99 .... .... -Appetite ShoPJM V1luH Liquor V 1luH air.. •••.. Vt':* 3.21 ~ •.. , ,.:: 4.41 lii9u I.Hr• "'':. 1.31 iinl .. ·1 llMlka •L.ew91t ,..... ..... ~ ........................................ ~ ...,......, .......... ....,,~ ........ ...... ............................ , ................. .. '":I .II ~·<M°' lllcH 35 Olllellt 2 99 Green Beans ''c':.i • Atra Clrtrldge f.fo • Aou•ll• Refried Be1ns ~ •. .....,I l-fll•Ofed Instant Tea .......... Pru111 Juice t1d9 01t1rgent 11c':.. .48 Dave Cream 1c~ 1.57 1 79 o.tl.4oa.O<~et 10L 1 49 2•j! • Collate Toothpaste •b • 40.:t 1.09 M.:a 3,48 1.59 1.19 •••Produce/Floral Values••• iir.ddTo•atoes ''""~ Bell Peppers llllN ..... In• D•lo•s ,.. •• ............. =--·er: ......................................... ~,.... .. ,,,.... "'......... . .... ... ...... ,... ................. .., ........................ lll!illlll,., .. ,... .............. , .. ............ . Prtoe1 tfftotlw9 ---~ --"lltf'.uMW . aa• 411~~ I ' ' • • Orange Cout OAtLY PILOT/WtdnMday, July 14, 1Ha dd flavor with marinades ~ •XDINI OW' In bowl or Jar combtne 1 wupoon •"'IN' Worceewnhire Nuce 9'1dC>yment of tood1 -all tn1r•dlent1: blend 1..t teupoon linaer ~ cup cataup ........ oompltx flavor Wtll, u .. to marinate In medium oowl 2 tabletpooN Nlad wJ"tlli ,tenderhln1 lamb, beef or chicken. "°mbhM .U lnlredlehtl. oil ~ CUtl of meat.a. Grill or cook u dealred. Uae u a marinade for 1 can (6 ounces) '?bty een be dtilca\e or Any leftover marinade ch icken, aparertba or frozen c oncentrated rob'4U, have 1en\l• may be heated and ham. To 1rlll. remove or an 1 • ju Ice . ~. or be tart and a e r v e d a a a n meat from rnaril)ade, and l"fll'Onatltuted (3 cui;it) ta.ty. accompaniment. occaalonally bruah Comb t n e a 11 There ta al moat no Yield: Enough to marinade on meatdurtng1 tn1redlonu in large lillPUltry, meat or game marinate 3 PoWlda meat. artl.llna, , saucepan. Brln1 to a bOil Ok a t c a n n o t b e Yield~ 2 \Ii cup1 over med I um he a t , nwiftated, and In every QRANGE SOY O~GE TOMATO atirrtna constantly : «M>k'a repertoire} there BARBECUE SAUCE-BARBECUE SAUCE reduce heat and simmer ahould be a var ety of 2 cups oranie juice · 1 tablespoon sugar 4 6 m In u t es or until mlrlnade recipes to IA cup &KJY sauce 1 ~ teaspoons aalt reduced to 2 cups. Use as chooee from. ~ cup c hoppe d 2 teaapoona c hill a aauce for chicke n , TENDER TOUCH - Marinades can te nderize rougher cuUI of m~at while adding a spicy taate w a dlah. For the moet elegant scallions powder spareribs, or ham. barbecue of the year, .~~~l~te~as~poo~~n~sa~lt~~~~~3~t~a~b~l~e~s~p~o~o~n~s~_...!Y~ie~ld~:~2~c~u~ps~.~~~~~~....:...'.~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~:!:!:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ahrin\p are steeped in a ~icioua Grapefruit- Melon Marinade made wi_th pureed cantaloupe, elJJ,ived with grapefruit .'Mee. perked with dill ~eed and aptced with hot pepper sauce. The shrimp retain their succulence and the aubtle aauce enhances their natural goodness. Orange and grapefruit juices make delicious marinades; the cl tr us a4,ds piquancy while tenderizing at the same time. All-Purpose Citrus Marinade ls excellent for beef, poultry and lamb. It can be made ahead of time and kept for several weeks in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. It adds a sophis ticated 'touch even to stews. Orange Soy Barbecue Sauce combines orange juice with soy sauce made pungent with ginger and scallions, to give ust to a barbecue. Orange Tomato Barbecue Sauce takes a different direction: orange juice is simmered with chili powder. Worcestershire sauce and catsup to make a rich, robust marinade that will do wonders for cbicken, spareribs or ham. GRAPEFRUIT-MELON MARINADE 1 medium-size, ripe cantaloupe; peeled, seeded, cut in chunks l lh cups grapefruit juice . Iii cup vegetable 011 • 1 teaspoon dried dill weed .. 1 teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon hot pepper sauce 1 pound medium or l~'rge , fresh shrimp, peeled and deveined 2 medium-size, tart· apples; cored and cut in wedges Wedges of fresh pineapple In container of electric blender or food processor puree cantaloupe. Add grapefruit juice, oil, dill weed , salt and hot pepper sauce; blend well. In medium bowl combine shrimp and grapefruit juice mixture. Cover. Marinate shrimp 2 hours in the refrigerator. Skewer shrimp, apple wedges and pineapple wedges onto skewers. Broil 4 to 5 inches from aource of heat, basting frequ e ntly with gr$pefruit juice mixture until shrimp is thoroughly cooked. 6 to 8 minutes. Yield: 4 to 6 servings. ALL-PUllPOSE CITRUS MARINADE 1 ~ cups grapefruit juice Iii cup olive oil ~ cup tomato paste 2 teaspoons salt ' 1 teMpoon dried leaf oregano, crumbled 1 teaspoon dried leaf basil, crumbled 1 clove garlic, c:nlShed .}>atio punch Here .. a recipe for a ~ fruit punch With the aabtle flavor of almonds. It's juat the rilbt kml cool drink for ·~ly_~tio party. I FRUIT PUN"CH . 4 ouncea IUPf 2 pinta water ~ cup arnarfttO tea, brewed auon1 and .uowed to t'lOOl ~ cup fruit ayrup (•!c· cherTy or l'Upberry) · . 12 (rah QI' mnMd diemel ' 4 teupoom lemon ...,.r--==~ .. ... the ....... w "'.Jr:".=.: ... ,,, ....... , • and frul' .~ ... w.-: ., .... ;'"'I:-:. .......... , I • PRICES EFF!CTIVE 7 DAYS 8 A.M. THURS .. JUl Y 15 THRU WED .. JULY 21 , 1982 Voe Poe Sliced .. l·lb. BARM BACON lB 1.69 Grode A FOSTER FARMS DUCKS ....... LB .• 99 Fresh Cubed PROVIMI VEAL CUTLETS .. LB 4.99 frMh Extra Leon PROVIMI GROUND VEAL .. LB 2.89 PROYIMI FRESH VEAL eS~~~CHNITZEl 5 99 • SCAllOl'INI • • .,AMAGIANA -· • i1... .......... • -· .......... ,..... -!:cP.Lnua . 1.24 DRY IDEA ROLL-ON . . . 1.59 1.59 1-.......... ...., SIUCIENCE SHAMPOO. MPRt FACIAL SCRUB .......... . 3.66 .... C:..0......_.,.'9.0ov ' SERGEANT'S FLEA COLLAR ... .. I. 99 JUMBO HASS AVOCADOS 39.( TllOl'ICAl MANGOES ................................. EA .• 49 FARM,RSTYLI PARE-RIBS Fresh Butt Portion PORK SHOULDER STEAK For Sh"h·~o·bob . BONELESS PORK CUBES Stuffed PORK LOIN CHOPS PORK LOIN CHOPS. P0<ific Fillets FRESH • PORK LOIN RIB END LB. 1.89 2.89 ... lB. lB 2.49 . LB. 3.49 ·e 9LB. Center Cut PORK LOIN ROAST LB 2.39 Fresh, Smo11 Site PORK SPARE RIBS ............... tB. I .89 FrMh, Picnic PortiOfl PORK SHOULDER ROAST .......... lB .• 99 FrMh, Butt Portion PORK SHOULDER ROAST ...... LB. 1.69 FRESH RED SNAPPER La. 1.28 frozen South Pacific F.or.n Peeled & O.velned ...... o •-••-· MAHI MAHI FILLETS ................ tB. I. 98 COLOSSAL SHRIMP ~.~.~~~~ ta. 7.. 99 Froren Jumbo, Pon Ready Fre\h Monterey FROG LEGS . ..... . .............. Le 3.29 BUTTER FISH FILLETS ............ ll. I .79 HAWAIIAN BREAP l~OZ. KING'S SWEET ·9 lS.01. 08 S.01.'MIOI.& Sliced MOTTS APPLESAUCE .................. 1. GEISHA WATER CHESTNUTS ....... 65 15.S.01. •9 ka. Con S&W KIDNEY BEANS......................... GEISHA 8AM800 SHOOTS .......... 69 7-10 01. 5"'oll fl\9. 6-oa. btnl lorve Pitt.d NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS ...... • 99 SAN FERNANDO OLIVES . .. . .. ....... • 99 12.-. Aid. VorieMs I KERN'S NECTARS ............. ... ......... .4 5.25~ 01. Aul. Varietln LAURA SC UDDERS CHIPS .. ... .. ..... • 79 28-oa.S & W OVEN 8AKED BEANS ........... ...... .. • 99 .69 16-;pa. Solod, Cut, Shell GLOBE A-1 MACARONI ............. .. 1S.2S S&W GARBANZO BEANS ............ 49 S.01. Ant. Von.ties, eo... 0,..-... 89t W1SHBONE LITE DRESSING .......... • 79 l4'o1. lteg .. Haory . KNOTI'S 8BQ SAUCE .................... 89 20-oi. T eriyolli KIKKOMAN SAUCE ................... 1.65 GOLDIN .... Cl•OUllA BANANAS 0.-tv u lb Socll LONG GRAIN RICE W.I ..... IS-01 Coo BAMBOO SHOOTS ~,... 62-~9 LOWIN SODIUM HIGH IN flOTASSIUM 2 ·a~. fflfP-!f.!!~ v--.,.1 si.:.o -2.2-or ~9 6 .19 -· SOYBEAN PASTE • 91 '°"' ...... i ,, .. , ""• RED BEANS 2.31 ••• DRIED SEA WEED 59 "-W ....... o l-01 (.,. .. . ...... ........ .81 e l'ltG. HOltSEUDISt1 POWDER .. ... .. • 79 14·01. Asst. Von.tiel • .. ,.. ..5 ClllAM ... I ... ~ .. e /I / 12 .... VAN OE KAMP FISH FILLET . . .. 1.91 l•.U · IS.S-01. Aul. Vorltti" SARA LEE PUDDING CAKES 1.79 ' •• Go), KNUDSEN SHERBET ........ .,.. • I.If t., CW... .... -... 10.1 Ci..•.., C ..... -· GallN GIANT ENTRHS ( OU .. OM MUI I'\ •••• •o"4fol'fl Wel•h" GARDENIA STRING CHEESE . la .. ,. ECKRICt1 CMHSE 'RANKS ... • E! Jimmy Oeori 12-oz. Plig. PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS ~A 1.79 Jimmy Deon link\ or Potties 12-oz Pltg I 89 PORK SAUSAGE .. . . . EA. • Real McCoy 12·or SLICED PASTRAMI EA 2.98 Real McCoy 12-oz SLICED BEEF BACON EA 1.89 BEEF LONDON BROIL USDA ROUND • THICK·CUT 89 CHOICE n:~K1 1.11.I • HAMM'IBIER ~·~~· @-••cID 2.98 750.ml. White, Gold RON RICO RUM .................... 4.89 7SO-mf1 CLUB PINA COLADA ............. 2 freih COCONUTS ......................... EA .• 49 -----..__ * ----- -.. -.. --... - - ------------- -------~-----~-------~-------.-...----~-------~-~-~---~----- QUITE A PEAR -Layers of fresh pears are combined with lettuce. Cheddar cheese and mayonnaise for a salad that's as pretty as it is good to eat. Layers add up to a salad The idea of layering vegetables to serve as a salad hU recently swept the nation, appearing at church suppers, family g e t -tog eth e r s a n d eve rywh e r e a quick - and-easy salad is needed. The sim ple and a ttractive idea of layering various salad ingredients can be used for fruit salads, too, as in this Seven Layer Fruit 'n Cheeee Salad. It' starts with fresh pears. When selecting pears, remember that they are picked when mature but still hard to the touch. Pears develop the beat flavor when ripened off the tree. Guard against overripening, too. Pears rip~n from the inside out, so it is quite easy to find a pear that feels ripe o n the outside but is brown and mushy inside. Pears should ripen at room temperature unW the skin at the stem end yields to slight pressure. Final tip: When using chopped pears, toss in lemon juice to prevent them from browning. SEVEN LAYER FR UIT'N CHEESE SALAD 3 unpared pears, chopped 2 tablespoons lemon juice ~ cups shred ded lettuce 6 tablespoons Imitation bacon bits 2 'A cups shredded Ch eddar cheese (about 10 ounces) 1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing Toss pears and lemon juice ; reserve. Place lettuce in 4-quart bowl. Top with 2 tablespoons imitation bacon, 1 ~ cups cheese, the pears, 2 tablespoon s imitation bacon and the remalning cheese. Gently spread mayonnaise over top. Sprinkle with remaining imitation bacon. Serve immediately. Makes 6 to 8 servings. S weet nectarines 'A cup melted butter '14 cup dry sherry 2 tabl es p oo n s Orenge Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednHday, July 14, 1982 Our label says we clean and · disinfect and deodorize. Does yours? Compare labels & you11 wa nt to try Pine-Sol® ... and -ve with this coupon. CIS 1982 Aml'rtt ;n Cyrln.111'\tCl Comp,1ny -------------~ STORE COUPON ~ soe SAVE so~ 11 " & I ~ ~I gl ~I --..1 California firs t .ip fresh peaches The nectarine -one of s umm er's many delights -is one of the world 's o ldest fruits. Grown in China, their cultivation soon spread to Greece, Rome. Spain and Britain. tarragon vinegar 1-~~~----~~~~~------~~~------~~~~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More peac hes are grown in the United ] States than any other coun try. It started when early colonists planted the fruit in Florida. Later, they introduced the tree to the northern reaches of the Atlantic- Coast and took peaches with them during th e g r eat W es t e r n movement. In r ecent years, 66 percent of the nation's frees tone p eac hes r e a c h e d the fresh marke t; 17 percent were frozen; and, 8 percent c were dri ed . All clingstone and 9 percent of freeston e peach es were canned. · Today, Californ ia ranks f irst in peach p r o d u ction with a potential 1982 freestone crop of 41 0 million po und s, whic h is 7 percent less than last year. Other w estern states with significant commercial operations include Oreg on al 13 million, down 8 percent from 1981; Colorado at 11 million, down 45 pe rcent; Idaho at 7 million. down 42 percent; and Utah at 3.5 million pounds, sharply down at er, 71 percent. Washington. with its 1982 freestone crop at 27 million pounds. is the only Western state with an in cre ased ha r vest '1 over last year, according ' to U.S . Department of Agriculture marketing specialists. Last year, the peach crop was 7 million pounds less. Quick tips Cr'f!l)el are really eaay to make and freae very well. Cook a •double batch and lnterlaf with w...S .. per aft.er they are aool Onr-wrar with alu mlnu rn fol and frHM. Tuw and UM accordta1 to your• tavon. ....... When flllinl CN.P"t pa.. die c:npe -.. H rYiDI pl1i.. Spoon '~--tMC*l• al ........... ,... ... eadl owr &be fllll .. ~ ........ .,.....11111 &he .,.,. around the ......... ~rt:•. IJltl I California's chngstone peaches -used strictly f o r canning -are forecast at 1.08 billion pounds -down 10 percent from last season and 28 percent from the record 1980 crop. But a s urplus is e x pecte d b y g rowers because their markets a re falli ng faste r than the supply they have on hand. There will be no s u r plus for fr esh peaches, because the 1982 freeston e harvest nationwide 1s down 30 percent. Overall U S . peach production 1s expected to be abou t 2.18 billion pounds, whit:h is 22 percent less than last season a nd 30 percent below the 1980 harvest. Severely r educed crops m major eastern growing areas will re qui r~ addition a I shipments from the rest. But with pea k July harvests, peaches should be in good supply for s umme r s nacks this month. New World explorers b r o u gh t th em t o America, but as small and white fleshed. a form we would hardly recognize today. The e legant gold a nd red b eauties we so enjoy e v e r y s umme r w e r e developed by California horticulturists in the late 1940s. Now is t he pe rfect time to keep them on h a nd b ec ause - according to markeung specialists with the U.S. Departm e nt of Agriculture -they will be in plentiful supply throughout August. So sweet are they that the y n eed l i tt l e accompantment but, if you want to use them in an in teresting main dish, as well as eat them out of hand, try ch icken and noodles nectarine. CHICKEN AND NOODLES NECTARINE 2 broiler frye rs. halved 1A cup catsup 'A cup water 2 tablespoons soy sauce 3 o r 4• f res h nectarines 'h pound spinach noodles l 5·ounce can water chestnuts 11 cu p sca ll1ons, chopped Salt and pepper. to taste Wash chicken a nd pat dry. Arrange in 13 by 9 by 2 inch balong pan. Mix catsup , water, butter, sherry. vinegar and soy sauce: pour over c hi c ken . M arinate several hours. turning often. Bake sk in -side down at 425 degrees for 25 minutes. basting often with the sauce. Turn and baste: bake 35 minutes long£>r until tender. M ea nwhile , di ce nectarines to meas ure 2 'Ii cups. Cook noodles according to package direct ions and drain . S p oon sa uce fro m chicken over noodles; ro 1 d 1 n n e c l a r i n es , chestnuts. scalhons, salt a nd pepper. H ea t through. Turn onto hot platter; arrange chicken on top. Serve al once. Makes 4 servings. THI HAM 50 GOOD WI IUILT A STOii AROUND IT. • 8olt9d and amoic9d up to ~o h<M1 •Solral tlc9d OfOUnd the bOne. •Cover9d With 04A tecret glaze. ...,, at room t«npetorure 10 no '*>t#'IQ ~euorv. •Mt cal. orct« onct pick tt up. WE DO CA TEAING• GIFT CERTIFICATES I ,"Ii' ..• ~ ,~,, ....... . ... Now Mrs. Smith's makes manicotti, cannelloni, quiche and crepes. In 14 delicious varieties. You'll love 'em all, because they're made with the fi nest ingredients and all the quality Mrs. Smith's is famoos for. So try one tonight. I Boys •nd glrl11 0 or older -, I I I I I I I I I I I c II Ml-Aft1 1nd 1ppty toct•v. ....... -.......... 1191_5 .. SllllS11191•U .. $11111111101111!19115 ._. ....... _.ll!lllO...,o~s"'llls..-o.-u'!OO""#lll"IZ...,~ ..... -.,....,-,.""'!I"""•'!"""!""'• -·~'""""""'!~~-:-"';"""""".,......_~~~"'."'""""~~...,.....~~---------- - 4 - MOTHER -Actress r.issy Spacek has . ven birth to a girl, ' chuyler-Elizabeth Flak. in Loe Angeles. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Kids get ... computer 1 1 lclasses I A computer pro - < gram ming worksho~ ' is among the children s enrichment classes being qffered at three Orange Coast locations from Aug. 16 through 19 by the Gifted Children's Association of Orange 1 County. The program, for children 10 to 15 years of age, includes classes in rantomim e, s ign anguage , drama , dinosaurs, fossils, magic, clowns, volcanos and zoology. Local locations are: -Huntington Beach -Glenview School, 6621 Glen Drive. : -Irvine -Rancho I 'S a n J o a q u i n I! Intermediary S chool, 14861 Michelson Drive. -Mlulon Viejo - Saddleback College, '28000 Marguerite Parkway. Classes, times and enrollment information may be obtained at any , Orange County library or by calling GCAQC. , President Lorrie Farrelly at 998-9173. Volunteer leader 1! honored 1 1 1 Harriet Witmer, a 1 Corona del Mar resident and Deepwater Chemical Company chairman of \he board, has received a UCLA Alumni Community Service Award. I Ms . Witm e r ha s worked with s u c h I Qrange County I organizations as the Boy I Sc. outs, the Children's 1 Experience Center and I the Sherman Library 1 1 and Gardens. She is vice president and adviser to the South 1 CQast Repertory's 20th I anniversary campaign, and a life member of the JJCLA Alumni ~ssociation and the f hancellor's Associates. I I 1 Red Cross i· collecting 1[ refugee aid · The Orange County I chapter of the American Red Cross is accepting 11 ash donations to aid an 'I estimated 300,000 J..ebanese refugees made bomelt9 by the current ~flict in their country. Funds will be used by ~-e international ommittee of the Red ross of Geneva , :Witzerland. to bring ~cal aid and supplies ., Lebanon. Becau se of ransportation if ficulties. cash tions are freferted donationa o food or goods. Orange Co••' DAIL v PILOT /WldnMday. July 14, 1982 INFLAT A9LE VINYl FUN BOAT REG. 1.99 6" -40"x60" size, 1- person boat in heovy-guoge vinyl. ~ ~' POCKET T-SHIRT REG. 3.59 2" ~00% cotton for ' men. Sizes S-Xl. .... MAGNUM POLARIZED 60''x10'' VINYL POOL SUNGLASSES OR 3-PC. POOL SET REG. 12.00-14.001'A9 Polarized tenses ... reduc. ~· "'-''• and women's styt.s. SO'x~" ARDEN HOSE REG.299 4.59 CAST IRON HIBACHI REG.399 5.99 YOUI CllOtCf ~~~ !.R!~~ pool, 5" ball & swim ring or YOUI Hanno-Sorbera pool. CHOla BEST.__ __ _ BUYI •MAGK MAllUI llOUIO CUYOltS, It' • ITirt'• AUOAMlf l~i...-, SlllTCM 'AD. st ct. ::ir.-·;,. • ITat"' ACAeAMlf ~:-- ,_. OIOICI .... , • CllAa.tS ...... RHEINLANDER 12-PACIEI DU ... ,AD 24 d . • f"11r ACADAMll aMtSTlllCnOll '6ftl4td . ~~279 • wana CDlOIS a , .. """ StvMI . """ '"""· TUY Of 6 COlOIS r::;-~ ~o~ NO IRON SHEET SETS TWIN SIT RIG. 11.998" Muslin sheet . ._, in- cludes flot, & fitted 3-PC. ..... plus 1 pillowcme. sn SAVI 34%-44% ON LAIGO 4--PC. sm· ... 16.tt I •. H.tt ' .... .. Ml SIT .... SIT ... SIT 14.99 22.99 26.99 ULTRA TOUCH NO ·1RON ~ PERCALE SHED sns -.1t.ttTW 13" 65% cottan/35'4 poly'- •••• , .. flat & Fitted i.fC. ..... plus 1 pillow cote. sn . •17 ... I ....... I ...... ""• -sm -1111 21." 27.M M.M --IUTa111"91mf ... ICAm. FORTREL ® POL YESnR FILLED BED PILLOWS STMDAID SID WdV REG. 26" 5.49 UCH FOi ....... IA. ---2M7.ff IOTCIB TOWELS & ACQSSORIES IEG. W -3.29 ULTRA TOUCH BATH TOWELS IN DfCOIATOI COLORS :-.:w3M '·" 55c.2s• I Potholden, OW9f\ BATH TOWELS mitts dltft dotha • 100% COTTON • FASlllOll COi.Oii & dlah towel1. Ill. S.t9 . I" Mocha, °""Y .... #fmo.. • Yelowand Pod"•"· . . -.a."•~umTOWa ....... l.M ...... " .. ~--QMI ••••••• 1.19 SAVE 20% .. 52% ONIVDmtl"8• OUt llGANTK DOMISTICS Din. ... a lllllJ Plat WIONHDAY, JULY 14, 1812 ClAlllFllD 05 ·Query: Depth? Ta~ent? Enthusiasm? · A1nerican circuit red-faced again TAKING HIM OUT -Yankees' baserunner Dave Winfield sends the Dodgers' Steve Sax air borne durin g the sixth innin g of Tuesday's All-star game in M on treal. ., Wlrepttoloe Winfield's hard slide prevented Sax from complet ing a double play, advancing Milwaukee's Robin Yount lrom first. It represents a dream oncepcion would like to split MVP trophy B WD...L GRIMSLEY ....... o.. •• ~ ... MONTREAL -David Ismael Concepcion .,...'W'lllfld the MVP trophy aa if it were made of .alid ld -it repreeented a dream of many years -but hinted he'd like to chop it up and pass some of e pieces around to others. They all had a part, he said, in the second- ..... ,·.,'"'• two-run homer that gave the National eague a 4-1 victory over the snake-bitten rican League in Tuesday night's 53rd All-star ball game. There was, for instance, his wife, Dillia. "When I was elected to the All-star squad, my · e told me, 'Dave, this is your 13th season, when are you going to win an MVP?' " h~ said. "I had that on my rhind." Then there was Luis Aparacio, the great America n League shortstop of the 1950s and 1960s, a fellow Venezuelan on hand Tuesday night as part of a "Sa lute to International Bueball." "I was 80 happy to see Luis," Concepcion said. "He is the great.est shortstop who ever lived. I told my.elf I should do something big for Luis." Acroes the field in h e enemy camp was Sparky Ander11on, now troit manager and an American coach under Martin. Sparky was manager of the Cincinnati ' "Big Red Machine" which under him won· ve diviaional titles, four pennants and two world piona~ in the 1970.. "Sparky was always nice to me," Concepcion 'd. "He encouraged me every way he could. I am he was proud of me even though we beat his " with Houston and later the Giants. Cesar Geronimo was plucked by Kansas City. Three of the Reds' brightest stars departed for New York -George Foster to the Mets, Ken Griffey and Dave Collins to the Yankees. The remaining remnants o f the Big Red Machine were Concepcion, at shortstop; an aging Johnny Bench and Dan Driessen. Bench, despite all-star status, never pushed for W hen I was elected to the All-star squad, my wil e told me, 'Dave, this is your 13th season, when are · you going to win an MVP ?' I had that on my min d. -Den Conc.pclon a big, long-term contract. Driessen is having his best season and Concepdon's loyalty was rewarded with a $4-million contract which will extend over the next five years. "I am happy where I am," says Concepcion. He said he will never forget the influence left on him by Tony Perez. Perez abhorred the stereotype given Latins by the press -lazy and irresponsible. He sought to erase the image with rnen such as Concepcion, and succeeded. "When I was young I was wild and hot-headed," Concepcion said. "Tony was always there to settle me down." On Tuesday night at Olympic Stadium, with the NL trailing 1-0, Concepcion came to bat in the second inning with Dale Murphy on base. On the third pitch, the AL's Dennis F.ckersley fed him a slider. "I had a hunch I was going to hit a home run," the 34-rear-old shortstop said. "I told Manny Trtllo before left the dugout. He just laughed. "It really felt good when I got my bat around . on the ball. In fact, I've never thought much a bout hitting home runs -just one this year." MONTREAL (AP) -The National League did it ipln, and Al Oliver, who hu played for both aidel, tried to explain why. Manqer Tommy x.....-da'a National Leaguers beat the American i...,ue in the 53rd All-star pme 4-1 Tuada~nleht with Dave Concepcion of the CindnnaU the aame'a Moet Valuable 'Player, 1Upplytna a two-ND homer. Despite their 11th ltrai&ht victory and 19th in 20 games, the National laguera, now leading the eerie. 34-18-1, were .pin being uked if they are that much better. . Oliver of the Montreal Expos, who played for the AL aa a Texas llanger, sat in front of his locker and tried to abed .ame light on the subject. "THE DIFFERENCE In both leagues is that while both have super players, the National has more of them," said Oliver, who leads the league in hitting and has knocked in 60 runs. "I think maybe the personality of the National League players ls more outgoing . . . There was no question about it, there was more enthusiasm on our squad. "Tonight (Tuesday) every time somebody did something, there was nobody sitting down on our bench." ' Oliver had a double, a single and scored a run. He was overwhelmed by the standing ovation he received during the pregame introductions. "I had to fi[.tht back the tears," he said. "AS DUSTY BAKER told me when they were applauding, 'that was a lifetime applause.' It was a long time eoming and I appreciated it," said Oliver, who has sometimes felt short-changed in the recognition column. The victory also was a triumph for the once- mighty Cincinnati Reds, who are mired in last place this season in the NL West. In addition to h.is homer in the second inning that gave the Nationals a lead they never lost, Concepcion was the middle man in a crucial double play and also reached base on an error. Reds'' teammate Mario Soto, who pitched four innings Sunday. worked two scoreless innings, striking out four. And Cincinnati reliever Tom Hume came in to retire Texas' Buddy Bell for the final out of the game. Concepcion said winning the MVP award which includes four World Series and six All-star games. HOMER RATES HIGH FIVES - Cincinnati's Dave Concepcion slaps hand of Dodgers' Steve Howe~ others following his two·run homer off Boston's Dennis H~ said of the home run, "He (American League starter Denni. Eckersley of .&.ton) tried to pitch the ball away, but the slider didn't break. It was up and in." It was only the second home run of the seuon for Concepcion. one of the "survivors" at Cincinnati. The Reds have traded or lost through free agency Pete Rose, George Foster, Dave Col.Ilns and The difference in b ot b leagues is tha t wh ile both have super players, the Nation al has more of th em. -Mont ..... '• Al °'"' Ken Griffey. But they have ke pt Concepcion, their shortstop, and given him a rich, multi-year contract. Soto and Hume shared the relief laurels with the Philadelphia Phillies' Steve Carlton, who worked two innings and struck out four. Carlton started the double play that bailed the Nationals out of the fifth inning. "We got the Ame rican Lea,gue's fastest runners," Concepcion said of the p1ay on which Oakland's Rickey Henderson and Kansas City's Willie Wilson were retired. SOTO SAID WHEN HE got in trouble in the s ixth and seventh innings. he turned to his changeup. "I threw three changeups and a hard fa8tball to Boston•s Carl Yastnernsk.i in the sixth," said the •- right-hander, who leads the NL in strikeouts this season. .. And I got Wilson and Bell with changeups in the seventh." 1n the sixth, the AL had two on and two out when Soto fanned Yaz. 1n the seventh, he had runners at second and third with one out when he struck out Wilson and Bell He also got pinch-hitter Andre Thornton of Cleveland on strikes for the first out of the seventh after Lance Parrish of Detroit doubled. "I am a fastball -changeup pitcher. My changeup is my second best pitch. It's my breaking ball. I go to it when I get in trouble." Winning pitcher Steve Rogers of the Expos, who gave up his first runs in seven innings of (See ALL-STARS, Page D3) Eckersley in the second inning of the All- star game. The four-bagger proved to be the winning margin. Lynn knows where it's at for Angels' futur~ It's the bullpen which will sin/c or carry them to the Am erican L eague West title Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and uked me, but . . . •Cal Poly Pomona, where Roman Gabriel la held football coach, hat canceled a rout of Rama coech Ray Mal.avail beca-.-of ''ladt of interelt" . . . in Cal Poly or Ray MalaVlllf •Anpll outfielder Fred Lynn •YI the temn'a champ6onlhlp chancel rest with the bullpen and that cenatnly ahiftl the reaponllbWty to one of the .,_. where It beior.. · •Oeorae Allen of the ChQao entry ln the Unltlld Statee Football X.....,. •YI tht USFL pla)'WI wW be __. for narootks, but ttw.e pla)'WI rnay not be a81e to afford an)1h&nl mol'e than chMD wine •.. In whkh e11e, ,-a..~ t81twWcfO. e in,. ~ of &he abcMt mendoned -~ II ct'9l 8'mmanl, a formic' teleYtlklft -*w ... =• 'rf ..... ..,,. In ohai'll ol 1 pro'-'Onal fCN a.yu.~11 &aewwat to ~::: .... Aiw411,.., ....... _. °'. ~'.-.;~~ a..::s..a.ou•w _.,, ....... ;~ ............ SPORTS COLUMNIST rlmKER from Oakland to Los A.nieles gets the entire $6 million, it will show one hell of a profit. •The Chlca10 Bulla' top draftee Qulnt.ln Dalley, who was arrested on an attempted rape charge, says he wiahea only to prove "l am not an animal" ... Well, he la Pl\I into the NBA and that is moat certainly a zoo . •U the Dodpn re-qn Steve Garvey, a fat lady can beat Steve Sax in a foot race . •Don Klotter1nan still carries tbe title of aeMraJ manaaer of the Rams but he Ml not been eeen or heard from in mon\hl . . . the llU media IUkle will be publiahed thll month and w01 ~ iht mauer -lf, indeed -~·· ...... .,,..,, ., all. • U \hey can llftd hUl'llM blf.nl!I lntD ....-. they lhould be able to ................. .,... ...... All ..... llf"'.'- .,,. ti Walt o.rrtlm\'1 W.-aa taw11 fir tlli ... Dlilla .. c.t\ .......... ..,. ............. ••Lii ..... .. .............. .,, ......... "" ..... , ., . • . . r- 1. a DI Or•no• OoHt DAILY Pll.OT/Wedneeday, July 14, 1882 HIGHS AND LOWS -Montreal pitcher Steve Rogers (left), the winning pitcher , fires away in the first inning. In the second inning Angels Reggie Jackson (right) and Billy's big honor taking a nosedive BERKELEY -Upeet that hia Ill native city of Berkeley didn't name a whole park after him, Oakland A'a Manager Billy Martin has uked that his name be removed from the bMeball diamond where he played u a boy. "I was aeWng towels at Kenney Park before a lot of you were born," Martin uid in a recent letter to Recreation Superintendent Frank Haeg. "I was expecting probably the greatest honor of my life, when I was misled to believe that the park w o u ld b e named for me. "Just because one of your members fought against me, you c am e up with a compromise naming just one field at Kenney Park for me," he added. llMTIN The Berkeley baseball diamond was named for Martin, 54, in a ceremony on June 4, which the city council declared Billy Martin Day. At the time, the manager graciously signed autographs and gave a short speech, according to spectators. Quote of the day Golfer Tom Weiskopf, when asked if he knew fellow Ohio State Buckeye Bobby Knight: "Very well. We both come from the Woody Hayes charm school." Rams sign Bechtold to contract The Ra"1s announced Tuesday , ·[i] they have signed their third-round 4. • draft choice, center Bill Bechtold of Oklahoma, leaving only their No. l pick. running back Barry Redden, unsiped. Terms of the contract w ith the 6-4. 255-pound Bechtold were not announced. Reiden, from Richmond, was the school's all-time rushing leader with 3,324 yards ln 707 carries. ' His age nt, G eorge Kickliter, said negotiations have deteriorated and he doesn't expect the running back will be signed by the Thunday deadline set by the National Football League Players' Aaaociation. If Redden hasn't signed by Thunday, the NFLPA will assume negotiations for him and all wisigned drafted players in the league. "We'll give them another offer before the 15th." said Jack Faulkner, the Rama' assistant aeneraI manager. "It doesn't take that long to sign. Obviously, at this point, we don't think the agent's proposal bas been reuonable." Fred Lynn got tangled up in going for a ball hit by San Diego's Ruppert Jones. The American League lost , 4-1, for the 11th straight time. NFL makes offer; Garvey unphased NEW YORK -National Football [i]. League owners, resuming contract 4. • talks w ith the players, offered Tuesday to increase minimum salaries a s m uc h as 56 p e r cent and to r e duce compensation that the union says has blocked free agency. The owners' pay proposal, $60,000 for a fifth-year player, is still far less than the $140,·. 000 the players want. Players now earn at least $32,000 alter four years. The owners' proposals, the first solid offer presented during s ix m o nths of nego tiations, ,1so includes increased post-season pay, i.naurance coven11e and injury protection benefit&. Only two days are le ft before the GMWY CWTent collective bargaining agreement expires. "We gave it to them, and now we'll .ee what they aay," said Jack Donlan. executive director of the NFL Management Council, which fonnally submitted the proposals. "It would be a miracle to settle things before Thursday." said Ed Garvey, president of the players' union. "The expiration date Thursday has broughl the realization that we have to negotiate." Italians stlll whooping It up ROME -Two days after the m World Cup soc:x:er victory over West Germany, Italy still was in a state of euphoria on Tuesday, with red, green and white flags of the Italian Republic draped on shops and houaes ln Rome. The Italian players were given a hero's welcome when they arrived in their hometowns after being wined and dined by Italian President Sandro Pertini at the presidential palace on Monday. One of the warmest greetings went to local player Bruno Conti when h e returned to Nettuno, the seaside resort south of Rome. Dedeaux gets Olympic post LOS ANGELES -Rod. Dedeaux, baseball coach of the University of S outhern California Trojans. and Ron Lane, who played for him, were appointed Tuesdal aa co- com.rnisaioners for the demonstrauon o buebal1 at the 1984 Olympic Games. Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee president Peter V. Ueberroth announced the appo!_ntments. $27,082 dally double payoff CORNWELLS HEIGHTS, Pa. -E A lucky bettor at Ke ystone Race Track Tuesday walked off with a $27,- 082.20 daily double payoff -the second highest double payoff ln racing history. The unidentified bettor wagered $3, hit the mammoth double when 38-1 lo~ot Granite Good Girl posted a 1 ~-length triumph in the first race, while 33-1 Fag ll, captured the aeoood, hia first victory ln two years. Granite Good Girl paid $78, $18.20 and $6.60, while Fag ll returned $68.20, $25 and $9. Mercer said. BYC hosts jun'ior sailors Balboa Yacht Club will be 00.t to 17 match racln1 team• starting ' Tbunct.y in the 16th Govemor'a Cup coni.t !Of' junior aallora between the .... of 15 and 18. n. ..,... wW continue throuih S.&urday wtth two-boat r..-beUJI .aw an a.-..20 11.oops. W..... ol the OcMirnOr't Cup wW be dlil · lldpplr wl erww who haw ............ ,,,. ....... .. fll&tlltlll aftliir ......... Yacht Chait'• t1..t Co.:C•lonal Cup .-,cear•u.m "'•· an •r*" WMh lhe~c ~---ol _.-,_t=; ......... ' yeer'a aeminar will be Amy Roee, a former two-time winner of the Governor'• Cup at well aa an experienced match recer in 12 met.ert. TM Saptana-20 WM chmen for t.be ~ t1mt ~ ol the extnmely tt1ht clu1 rult1 that make them vinually equal ln perfOl'IMnae. In the lntentt of O::f.lele eqult7 a ~t a.. wW oandn&ie to~ -monhGI' dw ~ dat11 durlnt &he HrlH. Onl1 ~•n&allon aJlo•ed 11 one oom,_. ,,_,_.WWblll&lltdlDIM= .,, *•llllN1 ..... IN# .... .......... SELF-OIAECTE TRUST MAY BE VOUA ANSWER llnlldnlll 714) H5·11t Saturday evenlnC'• 31st tdluon of the Shrine All-atar football prne at Puadena'1 Roel Bowl.WW be featurt.nc five Oranp CoNt area pradueta and th• backfield could conceivably feature three Sw.t lAQUe ttan. Edlaon li.lah'• Dive Gerowc, who'll be headlNr tor KaNlu next, la a fixture at full1*k .na Fountain Valley'• Rod Emery, !pored for the Oranp Count}'. pine, wW be the •tartlna tailbllCk. Th.Al year 1 pme took a audden cha.nae with the lnlertlon of one San Dleao player for the South and one Bakeratleld player from the North, and u luck would have it, Fountain Valley quarterback Matt Stevena may be playl.nc aecond fiddle to Jbn Plum of Heli>c HJ#l. . Nevertheie... it'a a bl8 moment for the Orange ·Coaat area with those three, not to mention JJ.nebecker Rick DlBemardo from Edi.ton (Notre Dame-bound) and Mater Del lineman Brian Lopker. Partidpating ln thia Mame la no amall honor or endeaVOl'. 'Ibe pme, feeturtna the beet from the anduatina bJah achool cl.aa, aemanda a lot from ihe individual player, lncludin( two weeka of hia undivided attention -virtually day and night. HOUled in dormitories, it'• more like a pro training camp and oonliderina the potential pitfalla, there la a lot at stake, with plenty to loee, little to gain. All-star games have a way of aorting out 10me of the beat from the thought-to-be best, and although mo.t already have their futures lined up, there la a lot of pride sitting on a fence, waiting to be knocked oU. The game is now a North-South Southern California format, it uaed to be a North-South state conflict when at the Coliseum in Los Angeles. I, for one, will never forget the 1957 game which featured Anaheim High'• Mickey F1ynn and Downey'• Randy Meadows ln the South backfield. The South's coach waa th e legendary Clare VanHoorebeke of Anaheim. What a mismatch. A crowd of 85,931 showed up to watch the South slaughter the North imposters. When it was over the North had spanked the South, 32-0. Another shocker was the opener in 1952. The Baseball today On this date in baaeball in 1970: Cincinnati's Pete .Roee crashed headlong into Cleveland catcher Ray Fosse to 1COre the winning run in the National League's 12·innlng 5-4 All-star game triwnpn at Cincinnati's new Riverfront Stadium. Trailing 4-1 going into the ninth, the NL tied the game on Dick Dietz's home run an RBI single by Wlllie McCovey and a , sacrifice fly by Roberto Clemente. In the · 12th, Rose, Billy Grabarkewitz and Jim Hickman reached Cl yde Wright for c onsecutive two-out singles, with Hickman's hit chasing Rose acro68 the plate. On this date in 1968: Atlanta slugger Hank Aaron belted the 500th home run of his career -a shot off Mike McCormick -aa the Braves beat the San Franc:bco Giants, 4-2. Today's birthdays: Former Baltimore pitcher Steve Stone, winner of the 1980 American League Cy Young Award, ls 35. She's slow enough to play SAN DIEGO -Basketball coach m Richie Spears of the San Diego State women's team was out scouting h igh school players and came back with a unique report on one player. "She's the perfect point guard for our style of play," he reported. "She's too slow to play out of control." Blair gets Fordham coaching post Paal Blair, who spent 17 years in II the major leagues, has been named head baseball coach at Fordham University. Blair, 38, played with Baltimore from 1964 to 1976 before going to the Yankees for two seasons ... The NCAA Division I basketball committee announced Tuelday New Orleans will host the finala of its 1987 tournament and Kansas City will host the 1988 finala. The '83 fina1a are aet for Albuquerque, the '84 {1nal.s are in Seattle, the 1985 fin.ala are aet for Lexington, Kentucky and Dallaa will hoat the 1986 finals ... Temple University buketball coach Doa Ca1ey has resigned after nine years to take an aaalstant's job with the Chicago Bulla . . . The San &Mt Diego Chanrers traded safety Pete Sbw to the New York Giants for an undiacloaed draft choice . . . The suapect accuaed in the May shooting of Baltimore Colts linebacker Mike Woocl1 will be tried as an adult. Victor Gomes, who turned 18 Tuelday, was charged with five counts of attempted aggravated murder ... Running back Gerald WU.Wte, the Denver Bronool' No. 1 draft choice, has silJM!d a aeriea of one-year contracts with the National Football Leque team ... The Kanaaa City Chie& acquired veteran aafety Jimmy Allea for an undi9cJmed 1983 draft pick ln a trade with the Detroit Lions. Televlslon, radio TV: No eventa IChedukd. RADIO: No ewnta ICbeduled. 1171llW1211 11;111• ..... lronn wtth bleok lntetlor, • Uoellent condition South had all the guna, including LA Jeffer.:in'1 Romrnie Loudd, Santa Monica's A.O. WUlJaml, Monrovia's Hardiman Curetqn and San F~o'1 John Hermann, all future pro players. It was 1uppoeed to be a cakewalk, but tnste.d the South waa forced to aettle for a meager 20-19 victory. A lot of great college and pro players have played ln th.la one -including Heisman Trophy winners John Hua.rte of Mater Del High, Mike Garrett from LA Rooeevelt and Jim Plunkett from Lick High (San J011e). . And each, along with COW\tleu others, will tell you, this is a game they still remember. The Shrinera put this game on -forgive them if maybe they bore you to death with some of their patented chest-thumping. Sometimes the only way they can get the recognition they deserve is to give it to themselves. The fact is, the Shriners do a lot of good things for crippled children, and Saturday's game is one of the showcase events of the year for the Shriners. It's alsb a great showcase for the players, assuming they aren 't embarrassed by someone trying to prove the experts wrong. A year ago the South was the favorite with Edison Coach Bill Workman and Banning Coach Chris Ferragamo at the helm, but the Rebels were only able to escape with a 15-15 Ue with the help of Orange County officiating. Geroux, Stevens, DiBemardo, Emery, Lopker -this may be their final start as "high school" players, but it surely isn't the end of their c.areers. Stevens is headed for UCLA, Emery to Nevada (Las Vegas) and Lopker to Ariz.ona State, along with DiBernardo (Notre Da me) and Geroux (Kansas). But it might be safe to say, none will put in much more time toward one game and one effort than they have for this one. Game time is 8 o'clock, assuming the parades and fooling around. which begins at 7. are finished. It's being televised live on Channel 11 if you can't make it in person. • • • CHECKING AROUND -Corona del Mar High product David Perel1teln, a freshman water polo star at Bucknell, is among 73 athletes to be named to the school's Dean's list, which requires a minimum of a 3.5 gpa . . . University of Kansas has picked up another Orange Coast area _product - Fountain Valley High lineman Steve Clower will join with the eight Edison High products on the Jayhawks' football roster ... Edison High's football game with Punahou Sept. 3 is being switched to Kaiser High, located within the shadow of Koko Head at the eastern com er of Oahu. Pate holds lead PEBBLE BEACH -Steve Pate, 21, a member of the UCLA Bruin golf team, who plays out of Birnam Wood Golf Club in Santa Barbara, led 65 players who made the 36-hole cut in the 7 lst California Golf Association Amateur Championship Tuesday. The field will be cut to 32 players after today's round at Pebble Beach Golf Links, where match play will begin Thursday and continue through Saturday. Pate was a stroke off the pace after the opening round with a 68 over the 6,506-yard, par-72 Cypress Point course. He had a 74 Tuesday at the to~gher Pebble Beach Course, which is 6,799 yards with a par of 72. Deep rough has been left at Pebble Beach after the U.S . Open Championshjp last month. Trailing Pate by a single stroke are Steve Bogan. 33, Los Angeles, and Tracy Nakasaki, 20, also of Los Angeles. Each had 7ls at Cypress Point on Tuesday, after posting even-par 72s Monday at Pebble Beach. Newport Beach's Lee Davis ia at 150 after shooting a 74 Tuesda y. Costa Mesa's Ste phen Rhorer is at 153 and John Burckle, also of Costa Mesa, is one stroke back at 154. From Page 0 1 TUCKER'S COLUMN office I'06ter of the Rams for the names Stan and Ollie. •flatly put. the Yankees miss Reggie. •First things first and the first thing to be determined is whether Vince Ferragamo'a ONE good year in professional football was for real. •Idea for a TV series ... Celebrity Dueling . . . First opponents -Jimmy the Greek anCI Howard Coeell. Coin legislation approved WASHINGT ON (AP) -T he Se nate on Thursday approved and sent to the White Howie legislation establishing a commemorative coin, prograrr_i to help support the 1984 Summer Olympic Games m Los Angeles. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wednndav. JUIV 14, 1982 DI never Rogers: It will • happen again NO MORE -George Rogers says cocaine is history. ~ • • • .,, .. MAJOR LEAGUE ITANDINQI American LMGW WHT'EM DMalON W LPelOI 49 37 570 47 37 560 ' 45 37 .5-49 2 45 " 523 4 35 411 432 I HI 38 50 432 1t 28 59 322 21'A ILUTl!llH OIVlltON Mllweull.. 48 35 Boeton 49 311 BeltlmOre 44 38 • Oelr<Mt 42 4 t Clevelano 41 41 New YOfk 39 42 TOfOlllO 37 47 ,_., .. ._. loll AN-et.,. 4, Al AJl-eten I T~t·eo­NOllMIM~ llMM9y0-.. ....... et Clevelet>d. n Ttx .. at TOfonto. n Kan ... Ctty at Bot1on. n Seenle et 8al11more, n 09lcland et New YOfk, n ChleaOO at MllW91Jk ... n Detroit et Mlnneeota, n ... ttonet LMDue WHT'EM~ • l 51 33 50 311 46 42 42 48 37 4a 33 53 IAITUtN DIVlllOH PhlllC!elpNa 4 7 38 St. Louts 48 39 Pltltll\Hgh 44 o&O 2btttrMI 43 42 New YOfk o&O 47 Cl>lalgo 311 53 . T..-Y-• lcorw "IL AA-9Ult'S 4, Al All-etllrS I TOftllM'• 0..- No g-~ Tlwndet'• 0-,.._ Y or1\ et Docteera. n 578 576 .537 3\.\ 605 6 500 6\.\ .481 8 ,440 It'~ Pet. 08 607 581 2 523 7 477 11 435 141~ .3114 Ill .553 .552 .524 2~ 506 4 480 8 "04 13 "tlent••·~ MOlltrMI et San .OMlgO Clnelnnall al St. Lools. n Plttll\Hgh at Houston. n PlliladeloNA at San FrandKO, n ALL·STAA OAME NetloNl9 4, ~· 1 AMEtlCAN NATIOMAL alt rhbl altrhlll R Hnclln 11 4 1 3 0 Rainea II 1 0 0 0 Lynn ct 2 o o O Canton p o o O o WllllO<> ct 2 o o O H0tner p11 I o o o Hf!*< pll 1 0 0 0 Soto p 0 0 0 0 Brett 3b 2 0 2 0 Thptt> pl! I 0 0 0 Beu 3b 3 o o o v11nz:1a p o o o o Jll(;l(aon rl 1 o o 1 Minion p o o o O Wlnllekl r1 2 0 1 0 H-. p 0 0 0 0 COQPer lb 2 0 I 0 Hurne p 0 0 0 0 E Murry lb 1 o 0 0 Rote lb t 0 0 I YO<Hlt M 3 0 0 0 ()!;,,., lb 2 I 2 0 Gtlcfl 2b I 0 0 0 o.w.on C1 4 0 1 0 y llttdll ph t 0 0 0 S<:nmclt 3b t 0 0 0 Oul9nb<y p 0 0 0 0 Knight 3b 3 0 0 0 Mc"-epll O 0 0 O c.rt.,c 3 0 1 t Ftngenp 0000 Penec 1000 Fltll c 2 0 0 0 SINrt e 0 0 0 0 Partleh c 2 0 1 0 Murphy r1 2 I 0 0 Eck.,tly p 1 0 O• 0 Cncpcn M 3 I 1 2 Thrntn pl! 1 O 0 0 O.Smllh M 0 0 0 0 C1anc:y O 0 0 0 Trltlo 2b 2 O 1 o Bannlslr p O 0 0 0 Sax 2b t 0 I 0 Whit• 2b , 0 0 ~ Rover• p 0 0 0 0 Oolf\tleph 1UUU Jon.pll 1110 Bek.,11 2000 L Srnlth II 0 0 0 0 TC>lalt 33 1 8 I TOI.Ila 29 4 8 4 Ametlc:an ac.... bf~ 000 000-1 Netlonal 021 001 OOx-4 E-Sax. Hend¥"°'1. 8ell DP-National t LOB-Am«lcan 11, Netlonal 4. 28-0!Mw, Parrlth. 38-JonH HR-Concepeto11. SB-Rain••. Pena. Henoereon. SF- Jec:UOn, "-~ ~Ill C1eney Bannlll9' OliiMnbarry ~ •M"IJl•IO 3 23321 1 00000 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 , 1 0 1 1 200 0 0 FloQert (W) 3 4 1 1 0 2 C«tton 2 t o o 2 4 Soto 2 3000 4 Valenz!Ala °"' 0 0 0 2 0 Minion "-00010 HOW9 '"'00000 Hume (8) 'A 0 0 0 0 0 WP-Rovere T-2.53 A-68.057 Top 10 ("-41on 171 at INQ) AMllUCAN LaAOUll OM" Ml"et. W, WlllOO. !<.City 80 2118 33 88 344 Hr!*<. Mlnneeota 73 H2 ote 117 .332 """"'· c~ 11 923 87 101 .331 Yount, Mllweult" 78 3t8 68 105 330 Bonnell. T«onto n 246 3t 80 325 P.,,..,., o.t!011 13 2 t6 .-0 70 .324 eooc-. ...._.. n 320 s5 103 322 McAae. ~ °'' ... 121 45 101 315 ~.~ 72 2'1 31 81 30t a.nttw, eo 1H 11 eo .30t ..... O. ntomu. Mlhra"k ... U ; ThMnton. ,.,.,.., 20: ....-. Anolla. ». eooc-. i. ....... It: <>Qlh'le, ........ 19. ...... "'° .. Mo"H. Ka111aa Clt7, 71, Tllornton. Cle......,d , M : Coop«. ,..11wau11 ... H . ~.~16. HrMl&.~•.•1 "7C::Ji!' Ol°"'°"9) ~ ... 10-.:z.-. ....... ~':4J.~Yrn1, ClllHIO, 1•4, ilerftat, • \CM: o.,., ~ Clly. 104. OWNry, ..... Y0111, M ; ~. hMtlt • ._.; ...... c~.1-4. ManouL Lia.. .,. .. " ..... ~.,...,... ... ,. 47 '°' .a21 T ...... ......._. 11mao •j" n:rts-y~ -~-= .;.~ .. 7. :: !ffl m-"'= ., , 8 H ii rsi"8n~1 NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Ooorae RcMrtl"I, the New OrlMN Sainta' No. l drift choice and the National Football Loque'• Rookie of the Year, admila ht hu Wied cocaine but won't do It aaaln. "l made a miatake and ll will never happen again," Rosen told a new• conference Tue.day ln h1a tlnt public reepon.19 to reporta of hit ct.rua uae. "lam aorry for what I did,"ne taJd. ··1 made a mlltake, and 1 have to live up to that." Rosera, who led the NFL in rushing and aet a rookie ~rd wlth 1,674 yardi for the Saints last 1eaaon, aaid he underwent testJ.na and tteatment for drug abuae lut week at a Florida clinic. ffia attorney Ed Holler and Sainta Coach Bum Phillipe alao appeared at lhe news conference, but neither would an1wer any que1llon1 ro1ardlns the cocaine acandal aurround!na the wam and the NFL. PhWipa aald it wu probably the mo.t lmportant new1 conference he had ever attended. "I've been tO a whole lot of p1'88 oonferencet In my yean ln 1porta - tOme bad, IOme 1ood," he said. "l've nev r been to one u lmportant u t thlnk thlt one la. , "I think tt'1 important for th1a football team, thil town, the NFL. "But it's more lmportant for a bunch of individuals who have made a mJ.atake -but not a mlatake that can't be rectified." Holler de.cribed Rogera' ln'Volvement with the drug a. "a brief recreational uae of cocaine." Publlthed ~porta lut mo.nth quoted unnamed tourca u aa,yins Roa~ra told a federal ll'and Jury in New Of-lema he 1pent tl0.000 on OOCM.lne lut teMOn. U.S . Ol.trlct Juda Veronica Wlc:ker hu l.Muod a Pl order tor anyone who m.liht be involved ln e cocaine ca.~ lnvoMns former Sainta running back Mike Strachan. Strachan it 1eheduled for trial Aug. 30 on charges of dlttributing cocaine. A number of current and Conner SaJ.nt.s playen were called to testify before the panel that tndicled Strachan. Holler, reading from a prepared 1tatement, uld RoJCera apent July 7 t.hroush July 9 at the Palm Beach, Fla .. lnatitu~. He 1aid R ogers underwent psychological and physical testinR LONG MACM (Oweft'1 Wherll -351 angi.t. t wNll -bMI. 2 l>WTllC!udl, 2M bon4to. 1.718 Nnd b .... 2 hallbul. S.0&1 mad< .... .. nlon (14-11-yMt-olda) DlaTIUC1 II TOV.UISNT (el HM-lerd P-, !nine) T.....,.a aeor .. UN NOA<> (Dwl II. L.al\dlna) -8' ~' t 1>errec:ud1. 121 callOo baaa.L 4~7 aarlCI baaa. 18 bOnllo. 30 rook lltl'I (1"9flt O'Cell) -204 angter1: 714 tand bau, 110 oalleo b111, t yellowtall. 38 bonito. t barreeucl•. 930 mackerel, 18 1ock llah L~ Al•mlto. TWIDAV'I "HUI. Ta (and at 11-nleht ~ .. -ttnol "fllT MC«. 350 yaroa Sa<ldlebeck 3. Mtaalon HIHt 2 TeHtfll'a 0.-.. By Beclu•no (T reuure) 17 40 t 20 4 80 Truly A Chic (~reagar I 7 60 5 20 l'fTCMING (11 D«ClllOMI) Lollar San D•eQO 10· 2 D Rob1n1011. P11111>urgn. j()-3. R~1 Montreal 10-4, Sutton Hou11on 9·4. Montelutco. 6111 Diego. 7-4, Yelenauel•, Dodgere, 12·7; F0tac'1. S1 Lou•s. 8-6. Soto, Cillelnnah. 8-5 lrVlne South VI 'MIMlon Hiiia. 5 p m Mlaak>n Sow1n .... VleJO-lrY\ne NOrth -. 730 pm n. ....... , .• caam.. Wedneaday't winner• play, 6 p "' Sa<ldlabac:k •t. VlejO-INIM NOflh wlnnet, 7.30 p,m Cant hlna Doll (Hert) 4 4C AllO <aced SM Trouble Run, 1(1pt Anotf 9oon1 R..,...auon. Noble Champion Aocl!e1 Reb Tirne 1 e .oo '2 Ill.ACTA \1·61 paid $125 40 includlna drua KtMnina and labor•tory taai.. "George Rosen w .. found to be healthy emot.lonally and med1cally and shown to have no &lgna of dependence oa cocaine or any ot}ler hablt-formlns drug," Holler uid. "It was de~nnined lhat Georp h..d a brief recreatioflal UM of COC&lnt!, and th.at there is no evid nee ot any use of cocalne or hab1t-formlna drugs 1lnce January of 1982." PhillJpt said he can forgive Rogens for his mistake, but doesn't want anyone to lhink he condones uae of drup. "I'm certainly not a believer ln drugs, but I am a believer in people," Phllllps said. "I am convinced In my mind at is over ang done with," he said. Truckers drag race at OCIR that Diesel truck drag rac ing r e turns t o Orange County International Raceway m Irvine Saturday and Sunday. Angel evereg .. ••TTJttO OllTfllCT a TOUftNAMINT Atu1 Canadian Football Laegue IAITIRH DIYll!Of4 llCONO "ACI . 350 ya101 Jetwrlgnt (Cerdoza) 2 80 2 80 2.40 The big rigs stage thei r two-day American Trucker championship with drag racing on Saturday and a truck roadeo event on Sunday along with a truck beauty contest. Ca1ew Lynn Downing fcMI Cle1k 8oont Baylof O.C1nc.a Fie JIC~ton 9en1que1 Ro Jacilton F .. guton Wilfong Butleeon I(~ Totti. Ma/\1 .. Hassler Aat• Renko Zahn FOftch Will Sanchez KlllO<> GOitz Coroen MOfeno Totlla Aa II H Hfll "••1Pct. 278 43 82 ' 21 297 277 49 79 9 3 I 289 330 55 ~ 13 !3 286 270 33 77 2 35 285 53 7 15 2 5 283 241 15 66 I 211 274 339 38 92 13 53 271 310 •3 83 10 47 288 269 35 75 8 38 287 85 11 21 I 8 247 46 3 10 I 6 217 so 3 10 0 2 200 96 10 17 0 5 177 •5 4 7 0 2 1511 1112000000 2914 387 785 8, 3511 269 l'ITCHIHG IP H ea 10 W-l. lltA ., 2 0 0 ().() 0 00 44 211 22 22 2-0 ' 84 51'" 42 22 40 3-3 2 98 102 119 27 so 7·2 3 09 127 118 31 41 10-4 3 12 135•.., 125 30 44 8· 1 3 59 85'" 86 31 u 4-3 3 59 •1 ., 22 28 3-0 3 114 77 71 30 •2 6-3 3 7• 2a·~ 26 •• 18 2-2 3 11 57 64 21 23 1-7 • 58 49•,, 55 23 22 3-7 • 74 791"' 744 271 372 49-J7 3 .. ~J::90M ~ " M HltMI 35 1 n 3 s 237 42 74 2 29 283 32 &6 Ill 52 301 43 17 16 53 359 •9 100 0 28 119 22 33 7 28 , .. --Junlot Hlofl) ,_.., .• aoor.. Founlefn Vt lley Sou1n 9. Se••l•w 8 llOblnwoocf 4, W .. tminal., Nalional 3 TOftltM'• 0-SN\/\ewvs w .. 1rn1ntter National, s pm ~·o-Fou111aH1 Valley Sou1n va lloblnwoocl. 6 pm ArM II (at I.a O"lnt. "4811) T_.,.'t leor• Founlaln Velley North 12. Hun11ng1on Vatt.y I TillltMaOO.... B<Mta "' Fou11ta1n VCll!ey NOnn 6 p m ... "'dey'tO- Hunllnglon Valley "' W.Onnday't IOt«, 9 am s.n1on C13-J:!~'::•l OllTMCT i2 T N'r (al Echoft Hteh) t ueeday'• ac:or. RoblnWOOC! 12, Fountain Valley NOflh 1 Ton19"l't 0- Founlain Velley South w W•tmln•lt< Ntllonal 5 p m TlwndeY'• 0-Bolaa vt Fountain VaJ191 North. 5 pm Frtd9f'• 0- Huntlnglon Valley w . RoblnwOOd. 6 Pm .. tut'def'• u- S•••ltw vt Foun1a111 Vellty Sou1n- W•lmln1ter National wtnnef. t a.m Foun1eln Valley South·WHlmtn11tr National IOt« w. Thur9day't '"'"'*· 2 Pm OllTiltCT 54 TOUNtAMIHT ~=:; fOfonto Montreal Ha""llon Ollawa W L T PF PA Pio 0 0 I 24 24 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l l 54 0 0 t 0 1 SS 0 WllTl!RN DIVISION E<lmOl'lon 1 0 0 SS 8 l Brtlllll Columb•• I 0 0 s I 3• 2 w1nn1peg I O o 31 21 1 Calgary 0 0 I 2• 24 I SHkalcnewen O 1 O 21 3 t ,0 Thurtd•y'• Score Ca1oa•y 24 To•or>10 2• F11da1·• lkore W1nn1P<'!g 31 Sa~atc:newan :?I hhHdaf• Score Br111.n COlumbtl SI Ham111or> 34 lund•r'• lkor• E.Omon1on 55 0 11awa 7 F11day'o Game W1n111peog 81 Mo111real. n Saturday'• Gem• Oll•wA al Hamilton n ro1on10 al Edmonton n Sunder'• O.m• 9.,11t11 Co•umt>ta a1 Sas1<atc:ll•w•t1 HIQH SCHOOL All·•IM roeten J1IT.._GAllR , .. llOM hwl, ... ..,.,,I p.M.) NOflTH fUme, po.., ecbool Colleee Mark Andr .... la. San Marina Slanl0td Greg B91dwltl. g. Sa11 Gal)fief CP (SLOI Rob Bertlet1. rb, Monrovia Cttrut Fran!< Be1ehkolf. lb. ReMO• UCLA Jeff Bregel. 01, Kennedy USC Ron lkogclon, c, Font-H.,.,,.,O Ron Brown. d1. Bi~ Ama1 USC Go<Oon Bunctl db, San Fern Att1ona CA11'1blo o. Oro (Tonktl 5 eo 3 8C Holey POCllett (Mltc:Mll) 4 40 Aleo rec:aO l(Jptya Kite Overllme Fog Shel Cl-. Raya Ch0tu1 Lantyt ~ Ttme 1801 THlltO RACE. 870 y1tt01 Mlll1 In CahOOta (Myiea) 10 20 S 80 3 8G Dtemono S1arttare (Broolc1) 8 20 4 60 Wonderful Roekel (Ff'fd•y) 3 8C Aleo raOed· Speedy Ball. Good Aen0t1 JealatnlPPY Tom Time 47 24 FOUftTH !\ACE. 350 yards Running Dtal (CrMgAtl 6 40 4 80 J 8C Deb• Turn 1Fryc1ay) S 00 3 9C C10 Bar Moon (Ware!) 5 6C Alto racecl Play Tun Val LOU. Ch"MK Reo. Btlnl(e<I Of1 A .. urecl To Win nme 11111 S2 EXACTA (2·51 paid $31 20 FIFTH "ACE. 350 yeroa. Chunky G1lflna (Creager I 6 60 4 80 4.00 Chou Fleur (Adair! 15 60 8 8G Trucllle "ngel ("rmslrong) 8 60 Also raced The Good Satnt, Tu001 Wrengter. Ven Reques1. Faac1ne11ng Widow. Shua1en Sa Arure Te Se•\ Shttle'f Time 1832 llXTI4 ltACI. 350 y1ttC11 Rebels Saini (Arm111ong) 13 20 6 20 4 20 Fly To The Moon (:Altehell) 9 80 5 •O Euy Nilcl (Dominguez) t 00 Alto r11C9<1· Wendy Stripper lucky Blow, Easy OouD,. Thr .. , I Juana Tudor, Euy Leona. Wendy FMtu1e, Go Euy Lady Time. 17 114 12 EXACT A (4-7) palO S70 80 l«WNTH MCI. 550 yards Anna HI (HVI) t 1 80 4 60 3 00 SooJnd VenlUfe (Lac:lley) 3 40 2 4C The bobtail big rigs are capable of covering the quarter mile distance in under 17 seconds and reaching top speeds of nearly 85 miles per hour. The action will be highlighted by the $1,000 Nocona Super Truck competition with the winner taking home the cash. There will also be three elapsed time handicap brackets for the bobtail diesels. Sumday's a<.'tion find s competition in driver skills such as trailer backing through an obstacle course and the transfer dump C.'Ontest where drivers must switch their trailer boxes to the tractor 1n side-by -side competition. More than $5.000 in cash and trophies will b e distributed to the expected 250 competitors. Marsnall landreaux Bak• Guerrero Su Moncley YMQef Mor .... Cey t09 9 30 2 13 11 0 3 0 2 Pet. 343 312 294 299 .278 277 275 272 260 252 250 250 244 229 204 tlS 227 t a m -"""'9 Not1h va u.guna ~ Noon -I.eke FOfest va Saddlebaek Jerf'f Devit. wt, Burtought NO A1lz Oen Foote. g, v.,duOO HIMt Glendale "lo CNlnce Al All (Peullne) 2 80 Gates open both days at 8 with competition starting at 10 each morning. General admission ts $7 Saturday with pit passes $3 Sunday adrruss1on is $8 includmg pit admission. A weekend combination ticket is $15. Children under 12 are admitted free. 312 31 81 10 34 e 325 35 62 10 35 28 3 7 0 2 244 34 61 2 22 ThOmae Ot1a Scioecl• Roenlol<• 45 4 11 0 2 83 11 1(1 2 9 196 20 40 2 19 65 8 12 ' 6 To19ls 2762 350 738 73 339 l'ITC...O • M -IO Howe 53.,, 4 1 10 2e Yalenluela15111'1 142 42 97 ReuM ·~ 129 29 71 Romo 27'1" 19 12 17 ShU\ey 7"' 8 4 8 Weleh 125~ 115 47 89 Stewan 82 80 28 48 Foti.. 43'h 39 13 21 Niedentuer 22 27 15 111 Pena ~ 37 20 20 Hooton 5 7 69 17 28 Tolalt 787''°' 752 260 457 ... etA S-1 169 12· 7 2 82 M 3.29 0-2 ~29 0-1 3.54 9-8 3.58 5-4 3.62 3-5 4 18 1-2 4 50 0-2 480 t-4 537 46-•2 3.58 Am•leut' b111bell o..,...c-1y.--..~ W L Pct. AllaMtm Ranger• 12 4 7 SO Ana1'e4m Pl1a1.. 12 4 750 Spertan1 9 4 892 Garden GroYe Raklet1 10 5 667 Anaheim Royall 8 10 .3 75 Orange County Catelin«lt 5 9 367 Anehelm Or10lee 2 11 1 .5-4 So Calif Dodger9 2 1 1 154 U.Weelt'•"9Mft• ......... a....-.1 $9W1aN 000 001 0 -1 2 I Rangert 000 111 •-3 8 2 McGrew end Occhtplnll, RIOOe l and Flecky HR-Rangen, Flecliy ~7."-"1 Ranger• 200 200 :!00 0-11 8 I Spartana 130 010 100 1-7 7 2 HAiiam and Fl«:lcy, Vonoette (8); McGt- and Ahoclenbllk.,. HRe-flangen, Rhoclenb<lk.r. Spart-. l ....... . ~a. ...... 2 Raldet1 100 0 II Plrll• 000 000 002 2 7 3 Goooane ancl Grllftthe. , Alig (81 a110 Ileen, EtplnoH (51. HR -Raiden. Davit: Plret•. Barnaa. C I CatclWlla 003 000 0-3 3 0 Or10lee 002 000 0-2 10 8 Weltl Autlln; ~ et>d Baluyoncl HR -• Slnltll DNMl,~2 Or~ 202 ot1 o-8 8 4 Cardlnala 010 100 0-2 4 I OueyrHI and MeCullo"gn; Blllt 111d Olllranlen. unu LEAGUE ALL-ITARI ...,. '11·12·JW-olda) OlaTNCf a T~_,.,. AIM 1 (It ....... U.) f .......... a.... OoNln,..._ "INricen .,. Stanton, 7 .30 pm ,,.....,..a- Fown1aln Valle\I North ve. w .. 1"'1""''" "'-'can, 7:~ p.m. ,......,. ..... ~anvi.w American-81an1on 101., VI Founta in Valley Nortl1-Wu1mln1ter Amer!CMI io-, 7:30 p.m. ........ Gallte <>caar> vi.. American-Stanton winner ... a..vlaw. 5 PJ'll. • 3 p m -Mlaalon Hiiie ... MlallOfl South ._.,..o..- (.C Hananl Patti) 1 p m -lrvlne No1th-Lagun• Bea~" winner •• lrvtne Soulh 4 p.m -Lake F0t•l-Sackllebacil win~ vt MIUIOn Hllll·Mlulon South wlnne< lllloftder'• 0- 5 pm -L8ke f"M•t~ ~ 119 MIMIOn H~ls-M1ulon Soulll IOt« 7 30 p m -lrVlne North-Laguna 8-1 -VI Sun<ley't 4 pm -r.....,..o.-s pm -LOMI''• brll(;i(el gen-. 7 30 pm -Sun<1ey·1 ""°winner•"-' NOTE Loter brecltet g-wffl be played Wednesday. July 2 t (1•30) and Thuraday. July 22 (7 pm.). The ehampiontl'llP game w111 be pltyed Frklay. July 23 (7 pm.) and SelU<day, Juty 24 (9 e.m.), II ,_aary Amateur tournament c..._...c~ieMp cac ...-.. 9eecfl a cnw-,..., ......._L...,_ 142 -SI-Piie (Sanle Betbtt•l 68-74 143 -s1-8ooan (Lot Ange!MJ 72·71, and Tracy NallalalcT, (Loe Angeietl 72-71 t4A -John Flannery(Sallnu) 88-75, and Cotey P•vln (Oxnaro) 10-74 145 -Craig Oevlo (Sepulveda) 87-78: Cr91Q s1 .. nbttg (Studio City> 71-74, Joe Ttrnburlno (San JONI 70-7S, t48 -Sim Rend<Mpll (Sanle Barbara) 12-74 147 -Don Ou Bolt (GlendOfa) 73-74 David Hobby (Santa Alla) 77-71, (La JOiia> n -1t. o.,., v....., (Al~) 73 149 -MlctlM Miles (Cypr-) 74-75. Gary Morlata (Oelllandl 73-78, Jett H9'1 (Solan• ~I 12-n 150 -Jim 0..-(Peclllc Palltadee) 7 1-79. Mike Eve11a (SellnH) 89-81, Don Shevonlll (YMbl llnclal 73-17: Lw Davia 1-.iort 9MQll) 76-74. Clem Rlcl\tll'daon Jf rsa11n .. 1 77-73; Mn 1111111.iy er~ Ctty) 74-76; Ktlllln Moe (Alatna0a1 tl·IJ; Uan H0<nlg (Fretno) 74-76; Sieve Schroecl., IMenlo Pltfkl 78-72. Jeff Wlleon. 76-75 t51 -Wiiiiam Bentley (San F1enei-) 7t-75. Mlcheel Turner (Van Muye) 76-76, RoCler1 910mber9 (~ 72-19. RuMlll HelllllO (PleMMton) 72-n; Gery Shermeno IGreenb•e•) 72-711. Ray Palllgrlnl Burlingame) 73-71. MIChHI Allen (HllllbOrOUQh) 7 4-17. 162 -Dav1c1 G-111e11no-1 78-74: Kent Teylof (El Cajon) 7S-17; Chucic Wall (E11cino1 77-75: Mark Johnaon (Bartlow) >&-78. et>d Duffy Wlldor1 (Tanana) 73-71 t53 -Gille n Stainer (Palo• VerdH) 72-81: AOOer1 Bain (Peloe V.,del 1 1-12: Robert Summett (Rlelto) 79-74, Mickey YOkOI (loe Mgeieel; Stephen Rhorer ceo... M ... ) 76-78; Gr99 8rudlner (Manhattan 8Mc:tl) 76-77, Vic WM< (hpulveda) 73-IO 154 -JOfln lkKCl<te (Coeta MIN) 80·74. Marco Duel IModHto) 72·12, 01: Biii (Oli<lencl) 7e-t•: ~ "'*""""' Horth Hollywood> 78·78; David Morrie =c; Gr<MI 7&-79. SI-Henly (&ante ) 74-IO: Oaty Beyty CV«be Uncle) 79-75; T.,,,, FM-(Atlllodl) 76-Tt: John lltoelle (Loe "'toe) 73·8 I; 8111 Aaberg (8acr•mento) 14-IO; Wayne.ca..~ OMI) 78-71; MICllMI fJ9ell"'M (Phllburg) 71·71; am H~d. 1&-1' 165 -Ed...,,., (Sen ca.r-t•) 18-17. 9ootlV Lallken (WlllttlW) 75-eO: K ...... ..._ (.S"' ()1990) 7•11: JOlln Cranaton (Loe A.lloal eo.;n: OaoM IMtly CL.11911M Hiiiei T6o ft; Mlnllall ~ (F-Clt\I) 90-T• Er1c: Hwnmoncl, di,~ Venture en-Hll. Ant. Valley Ara SI Dena Hill, rb, Oatl\I Oregon Don Hl11. 01. 81t/lop ArNlt long a..ch SI Den KUf .... ' b, All• Lome Vt.eh St. Eddie Lewie, rb, Van ~ Ple<Qe C Mellory. lb. CWveland LBCC 0.0. MOOle, Mui< Watl'I S1 c NleaUO, lb, Arcadia CP Pomona P Nlcholeon. -. S Barb Utllll 11<uce Pltfka. 01 °"'.,.., use Jimmy Aeyf>oeo. lb. San Fem Allz St Erk: Roger e. I, Collon UCLA N 8an1Iago. qb. Bald Pl< Ml SAC Biel<• Smith. qb. Loe Alloe L9CC Mike Ward, "'" Lompoc Santt Batb CC Onno ZwaMVeld, dt. canooa Pk. UCLA IOUTM Greg 9allte. fb, Banning Ariz SI Aaron B<own. db. s Montca use Monte! Bryant, 01, Banning Utah F1enll Clll\191. c. Bell Gw0en1 lBCC o.vto Cltnton, -. Mary Star UCLA Net; D!hr'.-Oo, .. ldleoft ........ o- "M '-J, .-. Ftft. Y..., Ne•-l.Y Bob Gumarwian, lb Garllelel UCLA David Oe«Mla, ,.,, f.dleoft K-~letl Gotovee. c. E~•nz• Cal St Full Attrld .i.<lklnt. Ob, LynwOOd Arizona arlMt lophf. 9, Meter Del Atta. II. Chrla MelM.t. g. Cer110<1 Brigham Young Jim McCullOuQh, di, H-t UCLA Hen!< NMman . .,, • L8 Pol'f use rtm O'KMI•. di. SI Bernard El Cemlllo rory Penkopl, ot, LB WMllO<> UCLA J4m Plum, qb, SD Hall• San OMlgO SI Tom Prutcop, lb, S1 J 9oco StanlOfO St-Rallon Ob, Servlle Long BMcn SI A Slanltlewta. wr, St Peu4 Pepper dine Scott Stec>l*>t. le, Manual "1U "'" SI MM! lie,,_, qb, Ftn. Vellef UCLA Guy Teelallllar. di. Sanle Fe New MftVICO Mark Templeton. rb. FootntllLong 9Hch S1 J9fome T1"!<. Cb Ru'*lou• USC ErnHI V111a1rHI k Carton A•kanttt Genry Walth. lb. l B POiy Nev·l V a-- Toronto Mont,_. CNcaoo NAIL U.ITaMDIVWOM W LOf'QA ....... 15 ' " 32 44 132 12 11 42 31 34 109 12 8 35 21 21 te 7 13 ,, 43 30 70 IOUTMM DM9tOM FOrt L.uderd... 15 t SO 49 46 t3' lulu 10 11 44 41 38 15 Tempe Bay 10 14 31 4a 32 112 Jec1<eonv111e 9 12 30 31 21 82 Wll'ftMDMaeoet 12 20 41 41 32 102 12 8 SI S2 29 17 to 11 40 :M 14 12 10 tt " 37 30 18 I 12 27 24 2a 13 Edmonton 1 14 :ta 42 22 eo Sia po11111 wt 9Wllt'de0 tor • ~ Of' • >YertlrM vtctcwy. Fout POtn1t tor • "'°°'°"' •Ac:IOfy. One bonul point tor ~ OOll tlCOf'ed Wltti • maxlm\lm Of tiw. per o-. No bonue pOlnt la -dad tor ov.r11me Ot tlhoolOlll ooeie • ,___.. .... Nogatl'*=---Monl,....etC--y.,__ at For1 ~ ~-...,.. EdmontOn at Por1lllld CN0100 at a.n Joee Alto <eced Viking Copy, Wer Win Nuhvtlle Red rime 27 Ot. 12 DACTA (6·21 paid $A 1 20 EIGHTH M CI. 350 yardt. FMture Tntt (Crtaoerl 4,80 2.80 2 60 Audre Do (Hertl 3 60 3 40 Catrlld Away (Myleal 11 &C Tiny Troll Tlma To Snu Timing Whetalotlafog. TC>lally Hot. MIM Eeoy Sia ChanQee Time 17 79 12 IEJIACTA 17-4) paid '15 00 *2 PtCtC 11x 14-2-8-4->11pe1<1s,1.323 ec with '"'" wtnnere (tt• h<>rMI), S2 Pk:k SI• oonao1a11on paid I no 40 w11n 9• w•,.-• ,,, ... "°'_, *NTH llACI. 350 yard1. Na1lve Emperor (Carooia) 5 80 3 20 3 00 Fu1 Rep<tn1 (Hert) 3 110 3 00 Mighty I Can (Cr~) 4 80 Allo recad l oom Son Tomi Dream Machine S11n1 Coull. Go High TymH Rocket Snepper. S avanna Book Sc:all Cl1bber Time 17 80 12 U ACTA (10-8) paid S22 20 A11enclanoe -6.582 u.a. Pro champton.tilpe (II ._.._, ...... ) ,.,., "CMlftd ...... Gullletmo VllU Oel Bttd D<-tt. ~ 6-2, 6-4, Ellol TelllCher 0.1. Chrl1 Mayotte 7-6. 6-2. Eddie OlbOI def Devld Oowlarl 6-4 6-3, JOhn Alea.,,.,_ Clet Freddie Sever 6-4. 6-0. Jimmy Brown Clet Bernaro Fritz 6-4. 6-1. Mille LMCh clef Seot1 Mc:Ca!n. 6-3 6-4, Ivan Lendt 08I St-llHloter. &-4. 6-4. YaMIO Noell <let JOM J-. 6-3, 6-1 .. ,.,,...., Dret R.clft9 NOGOnl Su~ Truck elus fO< qUlellffl 18 QUllllflerl regatdlen of Glen. winner earning 11.000 Three • I brackets tor (a ) lull lruekl (dumpt, rHdy·rntaers. refuse h1ulers>. (bl !WO-axle bObtalls and (c) lllr...uJe bObtalr. in handicap •tart competition. GllH open et 8 1.m .. compellllOn llMU at 10 a.m and fln•I allmln1t1on1 beQln at 4 p rn tklndaJ ltoedlM. llNutp ContMt rr1n1far dump contHI In 110.·by·ttde timed events. combination trailer be<::kl~ and car nauler becking ctUMS on quarter mile Ir eek Beauty contHt Judolf\9 wlll be In tO caleQOrles with pOlnts ew1rded lor paint, Chrome end c:ondlllOn of truck• Tiie lte1d1 Cat>ovet l>OC>lell. conV«tUonal boblall, cabove< comb•netlon. conventional comblnatton. oump transfer comblnauon. car lr•nf poll. ready ml11 truclla. enllque (pre-955); small fleet (2-5 true.kt). IWO mu•t be shown, large neet (sb plus 1ruck•I ti• rnust be ent.,ec:t l pedete Scre1rn1n g Eagle. a 1•1-powerad lnternallonal Eagle driven by Gary c.tveny, wlll make runs bOth deys. Country·-•e<n band will perform both d•ys al 2 p m Admln6on Gene<a1 eomllllon $7 SelurOey, pn puses $3 Sunday SI lnc;ludH pit admlulon Weekend combination, $15. lncludH pit edmlulon both dey1. Chlldren under 12 admltlec:t frM. Cavs' Huston refutes owner CLEVELAND (AP) - Cleveland Cavaliers guard Geoff Huston (iisputes claims by team owner Ted Stepien that some players on the 1981-82 Nattonal Basketball Association team were habitual drug users. Huston. one of 23 players who wore a Cavalier uniform during the 1981-82 season, said Step1cn's analysis of the team's poor 15-67 performance was wrong. "Our losing was not due to drugs," Huston said. "It was du.- to not having a good nucleus of players at the beginning of the season," Stepien t his wee k said he suspected "two or three" players of habitual drug use. He de<:lincd to name the players. "It is tus (Steplen'a) team, and if be 1uspects someone ls using drugs, he has a right to speak out about It," Huston said. "We discussed it amona team members a nd there were problemt on other '8ma durintl the season, but not with ua." From Page 01 ALL-STARS • •• Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wtdnteday, Juty 14. 1882 British Open lures leaders .,._ TBOOW N, Scotland (AP) -Jeck Nlckla.ua and • -.moo, on the list ot th• walk1na wounded earlier In theJWeek. are on the mend and ready to hookBrl ue_ ln lnother duel, th.ii Umo ln the 11 lth tiab Open golf champlonahJp. Tb The anclent event begin• lta 72-hole r u n unday on the Royal Troon Link.a, 1tre\Chlna aome 7 ,087 yards through gone and heather alona the Flrth of Clyde. The most lnt.erNlional of all the worWt major events, It ha.a dnwn a field of 160 players from some 27 nations. Aalde from the host British, the largest oonUngent, 32, is from the United States, the nation that ha.a. dominated this event ln the years since World War ll. LEADI NG THAT DEEPLY talented contingent are Nicklaus and Wataon, who engaged ln a final holes confrontation for the U.S. Open only four weeks ago, with Watson winning on a dramatic, chip-in birdie on the 7 lst hole. And, it would be no surprile if, when the British Open comes down to Its last few holes Sunday afternoon, it is stUI another Nicklaua- WatlOn matchup. Recent history says it's very likely. Either Nicklaus or Watson has been fint or second in six of th~ last seven British Opens and. in 1977, only a few miles down the coast, engaged in that incredible shootout al Tumberry. with Nicklaus pla~ the last two rounds 65-66 and losing to Watson s closing 65-65. BRITAIN'S LEGAL BOOKIES agree it could happen again. On the eve of the championship, Watson was installed as the 4-1 favorite and Nicklaus listed as the second choice at 5-1. Each is seeking a fourth British Open title which would match the most by an American. And e8'.Ch co~ into this one with his game in order, with confidence and enthusiasm high and despite a acare early in the week with no physical problems. Wat.son skipped practice Sunday with the recurrence of a chronic problem with the little finger on his left hand. He couldn't grip the club. "Everything's fine now," be said Wedneeday ~wever. "I just took some aspirin and it cleared up'. [ ve been able to play practice rounds the last two days. No trouble." Nicklaus, too. had some physical problems. '1 BAD A TOUCH OF THE FLU over the weekend," he said Wednesday. "I'm over it now. Just a little weak .. and that's clearing up, too." Watlon. now the winner of six major professional titles, has taken three American events this season ls second on the year's money-winning list and ~ chasing a fifth Player of th.e Year title. Nicklaus, 42, has coll~ted a record 17 major prof~ional titles, including four U.S . Opens, five PC?A's. five Masters and three British Opens. It is in thia on~. however, than he owns his greatst record of consistency. In addition to three victories, he has been second seven times and third three times . "rm playing well. I always get keyed. up, exated about the British Open. There's no reason I can't win again," Nicklaus said. HIS RECORD SUPPORTS the .iatement. He'e won once this year. lost another ln a playoff and waa second three times. on e of his stronger performances in the last five years. Seve Ballestel"OS of Spain n:p1e9enta the chief non-~ ~t. But the mem.uial young Spaniard said he ts having trouble with his swing and lacks confidence. That put.a the focus on a cadre of Americans as the leading contenders. Topping that list is Craig S~dler, the Maste~ champion, leading money- wmner and a three-ume winner on the American -IOW'. • Vet.eran Ray Floyd, defending titleholder Bill Bogen and PGA champ Larry Nelson who has played very well in recent weeks, are' other top threats. "All I can say is that I'm prepared. I'm prepared as w ell as I can. My attitude and confidence are just where I want them to be" said Rogers, who last year used his British Open ~ctory u a springboard to Player of the Year honors. flOltC8 !!. ~ W.I YOU Allll'lhlVll.Y ~A OllO 0' T"UIT, OA1'10 ~ '' 1t1'1. UNL.111 WM1 '~'" AcT'lott TO 'llOflCT YOU" '"fflU'I, If •AY II Af A "*'IC IALL IP VOU AM tou.u.TfON '11' THI OlfM&,.OOllDWe HA ' Tou.-.. v:_u IHOUl D CONT ALA On Allg~t 111. tNI, It tOtOO A.Iii' .. at the ,.AIN INTAANOI TO LAWYIAI TITLI INIURANOI OOM,ANY, 610 NO .. TH lli'AIN 8TAllT In lht City of SANTA A~. Oo~nly o f OPIANOI. ltatt ot 0 1 lll ornle , OALll'OPINIA RECONVl!YANCI OOMPANY, a Callfornla Oorporallon, 11 duly IQC>OlnlM Ttual• llnder 11111 oertln Oted Of Truat .. ecuttd by JAME3 ... 'IELIY, llnolt man .. liUl lOf, rec0tdad on JlllUltY 11, 1179, 11 lnllrumtnl No. HOH. In 80011 13004. P111• u 11, 01 0 111c1a1 Reoord1 of Or~ County, ltllt Of C1lll0fnla, under the 1>0W9r of .. lhlrtoltl OOl\llined, will 1111 11 puOllc IUCl11on 10 IN highMt bidder fc>r Cllf\. °' ctleCk .. dtlct1becl below. ptyiblt II tilt llrM of Illa In lawful money or lllt Unllt d SlllH of America. w4tl'IOul watranlr ..... or lmplled •• 10 Ill 1 , uu, IJOIMlllOll or encumbran"', Ill right, tltlt and lnter•I now held by h 11 IUdl Tr1111• In lind to tllt lollo•lng da1crlb•d properly 111\llltd In 1ht llO<eaald Coul11y and Slllt. lo wft: A.a 11111 Otrtlll1 land tilUlltd In the s.... of Calltornll. COunty of Otange. City ol lrvll\e. OMcribld 11 followl: PARCEL I. Unl1 349 ... lflown Ind defined on 11111 certain COndomlnlum Plan recorded Juflt 22, 1978 In Book 12727. P•o• 1745 of Olllcl1I Rtcord1 of Orang• County. C1lllOfnll PARCEL 2: An undivided 114-4111 lrllerMI 111 and 10 Lot 7 of Traci No. 10137 u thown on 1 Map recorded In book 4 28 , p1g11 4 1 lo 50 o f Mleotll1n1ou1 Mape. record• ol Orllf\9I County, Clll!Ofnle. together with 111 lmprovtmenu tllerton. tAC9'>1'"8 therefrom COndomlnlum U11ltt 313 tllrough 358, lnc:IUICIVI, loe;lled ,....,_ PAACEL 3. An txclu1lv1 111tm•nl lor penclng Ind rt11ted purpot419 ovet 11111 portion of Loi 7 ol 181<1 Tract No. t0t37 u thown on ulllbll "A" 10 1ht Decllfllloo ot Aetlrlc:11on• lor Tiie Springs Condominium, recorded Aprll 2 t. 19 7 I. In !><><* 12644. page 120 of Olf!Glll Record• Ind , .. _did May 3, 1978 In bOOk t2680. page 578 or Ottlcill R1c;ord1 of Orange County, Cllllomll (h«tln1f1er referred 10 u "o.cl11111on" H carport 1p1C11 No 349). Slld ..-nerll II lurtlltr dlllnld and dacrlbld lf'I Artlclea II and Ill Ol lllt Dec:llflllon PAACEl. 4: A non•itc;lueive .....,,....1 lor lflgf-, lg(lll. UM Ind enjoyment ol Ille Common Aru dellgrleled In the 01clar11lon, .. Id a111men1 being lurlller defined and dncrlbld In Artlcl1 1 11 and 111 o f lh• Oecllrellon The tolll 1moun1 or Ille unpaid prlnc:lpll bllMCe, 1n1er111 thlteoo. 1ogeV11< wtlh reaaon1bly ea11m1ted c;osta, IXPI"-11\d ldYlnc:M II Ille ume of 1111 11111111 publlclllon of 11111 Notlee are S4t.514.51. Cu<rlt'llly d1led Cltllltrl Chec:llt Of Certified Chick• pey1blt lo Ille TrutlM or bidder.,. eccepllbll to Tru1t•• provided proper klerlllflc:ll loo la 1vllleblt. From lnlorm1tlon which the Trustee d11m1 rell1bl1. but lor w h ich Trus 111 m1k11 no represen11t1on or werran1y. 1111 tlree'I IOdrMI Of Olher common dellgrlelloo OI Iha lb<Mi d11etlbld property 11· 349 Streamwood, lrvll\e, Californll 927 t 4 Seid Pfopert}I ii being IOld for 1111 purpoee of peytng 1ht c>C>llgallonl secured by said Died ol Trull Including I-end upen-OI Ille Trut1M IOCI of S.. Oiied June 28, t982 CALIFOANIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY 91328 11 Mid Trull" By. Suunne ForlhlOCI Eitecull ... Vlol Pfllldel1t 9•5t Corbin Avenol Norlllrldge. C1tlfornl1 Ttl: (213) 701·2368 Publlllltd Or111ge Co111 Dally PllOt. July 14, 21, 28, 19112 2997·82 llily Pilat cla11lfied ad• 842-5678 ..C IG11Cl MUC llmCl ~!'A~~ AM .... f Ulll9 A ,_, ••• llULf ..... AI------..;---~~,~ ~ 1fW -I~ •llD o• f .. Ul'r OATI• NONI0/1'9IUl'IW'lu OOM,AN6J..!:'"'"'V l111own " '° 'em SW f • ..,. '"'· u Liii YOU TUI oon• .. -. ....-.,., T.I..... 1 ~ 1torow ~ ff 9iA • Af A ~ AuTION TO ,aOTIOT VOUI TAii AOTIO• TO .. OHOT YOU AM IN OUMJLT A .. T,_..,0tl'oilllllatT,......0t IAL • t• OU··::• O$COCIWl~~111AT•IO&.DATA TOUll '"°"""'IT MAY N 0110 0' f PIUIT DAflO ~ TNMe. o4 tMI _., ... MMW 01 TMI llA' flUaJO · I' T0U -M IO&.D Af AW M&.&. • fO" ,.~ 1J, 1M1 ~YOU ~.,o4 TNtt _,... ~ "°9IM' OfTMI MOOWUll f!"~T!C! Oil TMI MAW -M ID'UIMTMMI OI ftll TAK& At:rrlON TO ""°'10T YCMI ,_, I l'IWtled IWI M !Ml tOll TOU. YoU 1ttOULD COMTAOf -,,_ "900-~ NATUM Of Tttl Hto08 .... MOM&. IT MAY I& IOU> AT A and H Plfl le p roperty, Ind LAW'fla. A TOU, Yo.} w.D CONTACT A AOAt•lf TOUwv'.tu INOUt.O "°9LJC ....... ., YOU NUD N4 re G 0 rd e d MI 't It. , '. , I I .,,.. °" ,.....,... IALI LAWYU. cowrltl:T A LA IDC~TIOH °' TMI NATUM ln1ttument no. 30107 In 110011 T.L-.... MOnol OI NOnol OI,..,... IALI Of THI ,.~ AoMNiT 14011, pa9e tit, oi Ofllolal ~.;. HIPlllSY GIVIH 11\at T1IU9flt't IALI T.L Me. •Ml YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A lllaootdl ol Otangt Count't on ~ 4 lNa T.t. Me.._. HOTlCI II H&MaY GIVIN ttlll LAWYlft Calllornl• •nd purauwit to that ..oo o' .,;..., tA Mid d 1n't at NOTIOl 11 H1"'8Y GIVl!:N, that on on WedMllMIY, ~ 4, 11i1, 11 lt1n•8h1w Oorpo11t1on. 1 ~~~ Nolloa 01 01f1u1t and toom Mt ••Ide for 00,;1~011~ V!ednelcM.'t· JI/It 11~1te2. 11 11:00 t:OO o'clodl a.m. ot Mid~. In Iha c1111orn11 cotpor111on •• duly ,._..,., 10 W ~ rtoOfditd T"*-1'• ...... wMNn tn. Oflloea °' o GIOOk 1.m. or Mid , In the room room .. 1 u ldt for 0011dutll119 1ppo111ttd TtullH unde r &111 ~1olloa!!.;. 1NI M lnltNmtnt no. llllAL llTATI HOUllllTlll Mt Mlde few~ Tnlttee'• Tl'UMW• ............ tM ofllOli lollowlng clelefllltd deed of.,,.. --.....,, o4 OftlClll lll900tdt of lllllVIOI looeted et 2020 Nor1ti ...... within the offtcel of REAL of AIAL llTATI HOU .. ITlll WIU. lfl.L AT PU.UC AUCTION old Oounl't. will under end ~ lultt IOt In IN CltY or llTATll HCUAITlll HAVICE. IERVIOI!. klG4Md .. 20IO ..... TO THI HIOHUT l lDOIA ,~ pureuant 10 Mkl OWd of TNll ... tent& Aft8. County 'Ci Otange. lhlte tootled et 2020 ~ BrOldW•'t· 8'oadWe';. IYl1e 20t1 In lhe C1tY of CASH Or It Mt lonh In 1eat1on II publlo llUGtlon fOf OMfl, lawful of Calllornla RIAL n' 8Ultt zot, 111 lhe City ol 811111 Ana. $11111 Ana. County or ()rangt, IUM ltt4'1 of the Civil Code. 11 tight, money of Ill• United StalH of llCUAITIU IPYICI 1 ~~ Ooun11 of Orange , Stitt of o f c111torn11, IAN W-A .. INO lltlt and lnttr• aon~ 10 encl AmttlOI , II lh• North front OOfPO(atlon. .. ~ IPPolntM Trw-Clllfornll, IAN lli'AAINO SAVINOI 8 Av ING. AN 0 L 0 AN now lleld by It Under Mid OMd ot antrenoe to Ille county courtlloUM. tff undtr and Plltluanl 10 tilt AND LOAN AISOCIATION •• Al80CIA TION. I 0 1llfornl1 Trust In ..,. Pfoperly ••nan. 700 OMc Canter OtNe Wttt, Minta pow. of Hll conferred In th•l C1lllornl1 corpor•tlon. 11 duly corporation, 11 duly appointed deeoflbecl: Ana. Clllfornll, all ttlat rlgh1, lltlt oen11n OMd of Trwt executed appointed Trull .. under and TNll• under and pureuent to IN TAUSTOR. and lnttrttt con~ to and now ,RANK J. DUAANTI 1 m.,,,: pureu1n1 lo tht power of 1111 power o f HI• conltrred In that Robert C1ptron Tllom11 a nd held by h under Mid OMd off~ man encl GAAY R YoVHG ......... COl\Mrr«I '" thal owteln Ottd of Ol'1llln Deed of Trult ~by Ptttloll M0trow Tl'IOtllll, Trual .. !!'_~e property lltuatld In 11ld man: reoordeCI ~ 13 •1:1t"'j;; Tru1t e-.cuted by CYNTHIA E. al STEPHEN PELLETIER and unc»f o.ci1tlllon ol Tr"91 dettd ......,..ty and 8tlte dltoftCled ea: 80011 13nt of Of«cia1 Atoordt ot PELLETIER. a merrled' woman. CYNTHIA E. PELLETIEA. hulblnCI Auguel t I, 1980 Lot tOofTrllCt t7t2, lnttlec:llyof o ld County 11 page ll1 l reoor~, APfU 4, tNO, In 800k and wife, recorded October 31. BENEFICIARY. Coate Mela. II lhowl'I on 1 mep Aecorder'l lnetNmem No 92 ' 1Ht2 o< ()tflcltl Aeootdl ot Mid 1HO. In Booll 18118 ol 01110111 Tiie Slmon•Ellrenltld Group. reoordad In 9006! 50, PIOtf 32 to r-.on of 1 bf'lllch °' ·J...:·': County, 11 page 1903, Aeoordtr'• Aecotdl of Mid County, 11 PIOI lncorporaltd. 1 C1111ornl1 :lllClutlYloflli'~MIPt. p1ymtnl or perlormi nG• of th• lntlrumentNo.&111.byrtalOlloCI 18-41, A.coreltr'1 ll\1trurnent t(o. corporallon . 11 1g1nl for ... ~ ... ~of the County Aecotdtr oblloatlont H cured thereby braadl °' Oefllllt In ~· or 4854, by -of 1 brMCtl °' undltcloffd prlnclpal1 known u "'_,..,..,.County. lndudll\g Ulal bf.-dl dllalMt' performance of 1111 obllg1llOI\• default In IHIY'l'l*'t Of perlonnanCt SEG· t22. pur1u1n1 10 Loi n Elle.pt therefrom 111 011. 011 NotlOt of wtllOtl wee ~dad ~ 11cured 111•reby, lncludlng that ot !tit 00110ailon1 MCUred theflby. Perllc;lp111on AgrMmen11 dllld mlnertill end other llydrocatbonl. 8, 1982, .. Atootdet'• lnalrutnenl brMCh Ot dtlllllt, Notlot ot WhlCh ll\C:ludlng iNt bfaadl 0t ci.111111, Flbruery 10. 191 t below I dte>tll of soo ..... w!Uloul No. 12-122924 WILL SELL AT w• -dtd Matdl 23, t9a2, u Notlel ol wHclh ... recorded A"'1I ~dad Ftbruary 24. t981 .. lllt rlglll of 1url1ot entry, 11 P UBLIC AUC,TION TO THE Aeoordtr't lnllt1.1m1 n1 No. 8, t982. 11 Recordtr'I lnetn.imtnt 1n11r No. 21278 In !><><* 13W ~...wd In lnttrumenll °' reoord. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR 0A8H 12-100333. WILL SELL. AT PUBLIC No. 12-l 19194, WILL SELL AT .,. 19~ of Official Aecordl In tn9 he lttWt eddfMI ot Mid property llwflM money ot the United ltllttel• AU CT I 0 N T 0 THE HIGH E 8 T P U 8 LI C A UC Tl 0 N TO T H E off-ot the Aecotdlr ot Of111\91 le 190 F.Otrll Avenue. Coate or 1 CMNer'• ctl9dt dreMI on ' BIOOER FOR ~. lewful money HIGHEST 8100EA FOR CASH, County, Nici died of lrut1 Cleectl* ........ Calllomll t2t2t. ltltl Of natlOnll .,.,. I ot the United St.WI, or. eMhltt'• lawful money ol lht United Stat•. Iha lollOwlog Pfoplrty' N1m1 and addrau of tilt fed«al Ct9dlt union ~ 1 •tMe or cl** elf-on 1state °'111tlonal or 1 Cllhler'1 check dteMI on 1 LOI 17 01 Tr1Cl1 No. 2991, In the l>lnlflG!ety 11 wllOll reque.1 IN tedlfal MYlrlOI and iOan :.=:.: bank. • •late or ltder11 credit at.ate °' netlOnll '*"'· 1 ecate or Clly of Co111 MH•. County of H I• 11 being conduc1td: Clly domlClltd In lhla state 111 Ible 91 union. 0t I.._ Ot '9dtrll uYlrlll9 Mderal Ctldlt union. or 1 lt•I• oi OrlnQt, 81111 ol Cllitomla. • per Ftdtral Saving• & Loin c/o the tlmt ol 1111 11 rivht~ end and IOln MIC _.Ill, domlClltd lri t.dlrll uYlnQl end IOln ...ocltllOll map rtcotded In 8ook t70, Pao- SllHr eon I Arntrloan e. prt11 lnt.-t held bY " 11 TMI• In tllle stat!!_~.,...... II the time of Clomldlld In thlut111. 111paylbll11 20 10 24 lnciutl~ of Mltcellaneou• Mof'tDl!ll C«p .. 120t E. H!ohllnd Ulal '911 property' lllluele In Mid NII, Ill ngm, .... encl lnteNll held Iha tlmt of NII, all right, Ihle and MIPI. In 1111 Oft!Q ol Ille County Avt .• S111 Btrn1tdlno, C11r1orn11 county and Slit• dHorlbed 11 by II, 11 Trull••· In lhal ra11 lntereat held by 11, 11 Trutl•. In Recorder of uld county. 92404. lollow9' • proc>ertv Ilium In .... County end Ullt ,.., property llllull• In llid EXCEPT THEREFROM all off. gll. Olrec:tlona lo the 1bow property Loi 4fJ Trec1 No 4204 Stall, detcrtbld 11 lolowl: Loi 8 ol County ll'ld 81111. detcorlbld 11 mlnar111 and olhtr llydroc:arbon may b• obtained by raquHllng '"IP ,_did II\ boOk 149 ':.:: 81oc61 6<!0, In the Corona dll lli'w follow9: aub111ncea lyi"il t>elow 1 dte>lll o1 umt In writing from the blnetlc:laty 24·21 of Mlacellineou• • M Tract. u P« map t900fded In Book Loi 7 of Trect No. 6931. u per 500 f"I from Ille turf-ol llid wllhlll 10 d1y1 lrom Illa llrat record• ol Orange Co u~~;· 3, PIOM 41end 42 otMllotlllMOUI mep r.oorded In Boole 280. pagee 5 prop1r1y, bul wllll no right of publicltlon of tllll notice. ClllfomlL • Mapa, In the of1lol ol !tit County to 8 of M~• Mapt, In the turf-lt'llry, 11 re-...ci In cMed Slid .... will be macs. whl\Out Th• etrHt l ddreu or other Atcordlf ol Mid Coul\ty. ofllol of Iha County Aec:orc:ltf o1 recorded In Deedt of Record. oov1n1nt warranty, 1xpre11 or common dnlgni llon of the real Tiit 1tr111 1ddre11 or otlltr Mid County. MAY BE ALSO l(NOWN AS· 3()83 lmpllld, u to Ihle, ~ Of property lltftl~ dtactlbecl 11 common d11lgn1llon of tllt real Tiit 11r11t 1ddre11 or other Capri Line. Colt• M .... CA ~mbr.,,_ lo 1111tty the ool*d purported to bt: 1o74 MIHIOll property lllrell\aboYI de9crtbecl Is common d11lgn1tlo11 ol the real "(II• tlr•I lddr"' Of common .... anct due on the nott Of l104M OrlYI co.ta Mtaa Clllbnla. purported 10 bt: 508 Merigold property llereinlbove deecrtbld Is d11lgn111on 11 anown above. no MCUrld by Mid Ottd ol Trutt, to Tn'• unde ral'g l1ICI llere b Avenue. Corone del Mar, c.lll0<nl1. purponed to be: 1841 Pon Cartow w1rr1n1y 11 given u to 111 wit: S27.0SO.oo. plUI the followttlg d l•cli lma •II lla blllly for in~ The ul1derllgnld hlr•by di.ctalml ,.._,Newport Beach. CllllomlL complll-Of C4frec:I,_)."' 111lm1t1d co1t1. tJ1ptn111 and ~ In Mid lttMt lldd 111 llablllty ror lllY lncottlC1nMI II\ T II• u n de ra Ion• d 111 rt by Tht blnlflclaty under llid Deed ldvlflOIM 11 Ille ume of the lnltlal Of other c:omrnon dellgrlatlon r-H id 1lrHI 1ddrtu o r 01h1r d l1cl1lm1 111 ll1blllly for any ol Tru11. by reuon of 1 brNCll or publk:atlon of Ulll Notice of Sele; Said 1111 wlll be rnedl wtthout common dNIQnetlon. lncorTIC1nMI In Mid 111111 lddr-dellUll In the ot111g1t10111 NCUred 111lm111d 1ru11t1'1 ftH In the warranty u,preH or lmplled Said 1111 wfll be m•d• wlllloul Of Ollltf common dlllgtlallorl lh«eby, herelolore executed and llnOUl11 of S934.80, plul lnlereat 11 regarding lltlt poueulon 0; w1rr1n1y, upren or Implied. Seid 1111 wtll bl midi wtthOul d1llv1r1d 10 Ill• undertlgned 1 t7 75 PtfC*'ll per "'"""' on tlle encumbrancea' 10 H tlefy •1111 regarding !Illa, pOHHtlon. or w1rr1nly, upreu or lmplled. wrl11en Olcilrltloo ot OellUlt and unpaid b1l1nc. from 12· 1·11 to prindplll bllano9 of the ~ 1ncumbt1nct1, to 11t11ly Int regarding 11111, po11111lon. or Demand fOf Slit. and wrfttltl no6c4i 111•. plu1 any 1dvenc;e1 th• other ob4lgatlon -od 111 •..: prll\Glpll ~ of the Not• or 1ncumbr1nc11, lo 11llaly Ill• of brNCh and of tllCliorl to cauM b1nallcl1ry llareunder may be Ottd of fruit. with lntereet encl other obbtton -..rid by uld prfndpll bllance ot tlll Note or Ill• unoer11gned 10 1111 u ld authOrUtd Ot obllglled 10 pay, If otlllr tulTll 11 provided thefeln• Deed of fruit. wl1tl lnterllt end Olhet obllgetlon NCUfed by Mid property to 18ltsfy Mid obligations, any ll'ld any IOGfVld Ill• Qf\ll'QM. p1u1 ~. If eny under 1119 ollltr 1um• u provided therein; Ottd of fruit, with lnter•I and ind 1ner11l11r thl undtralgn1d YOV AAe IN DEFAULT UNOER A terme tller.ot end 1ntei.t IUdl ,.,. ~ " ll'IY, under the other 1um1 .. provided , ... .,.in. cauMCI 18.lcl nouce of brNCll lnCI ol OEeo Of TAUST DATED MAY 14 ldvanota encl plul .... :.ro.. lem\I lhereol end lnter .. 1 on IUCll plul actvenc.a. If any, under "" lllC1iol1 10 bl Recorded AprM 1. 1981. UNLESS YOV TAKE ACTION and us*-of the Trutt• ancf of ldvWICell and plul 1-. cllafgea tenne thereof end 1nt.-i on IUdl t912 as 1n11r No 82·112310, ot TO PROTECT YOVR PROPERTY, IT the tNIU crMted by Mid O..CS of and·~ of tht Tndt" and ol ~ ll'ld plul '-· chervee llld Ol110ll Recordl MA'f 8E SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. Trv1t The total emou t I Id llll IN9t• <7Mled by Mid Ottd of and~ o4 the TNSIM and of Said 1111 will be m101, bul IF YOU NED AN EXPLANATION obllQallOI\ lncldudlno ,~::iv Trull. Th• 10111 amount of Hid Ille INl1S cneted by Uld Deed of WllllOul cov1n1n1 Or w1rr1n1y 0 F THE NA l URE OF THE t1trma ted fet1 chargu llld obllg1llon, lncludlng re110111bly Trull. Tiie totll amount of .. Id expreu or lmplled regardlng 11111'. PROCEEDING AGAINST YOV. YOU ~of the TrualM at IN tlmt 11llm11td 1111, cll1rg11 a nd obllgatlon 11\Cludlng rn101\1bly posMNloo. Of encumbr11\C91. 10 SHOULD CONTACT A 1.AWVER. of lnltlll publlclllon of tNe Notice II uoer-ol ttlt Trutl•, 11 lhe time t1tlm1t1d f1t1. cll1rg11 and pay Iha remllnlng principal sum of Oiied J..-29, 1962 '18,S 14.32. • ot lnltlll publlullon of this Notice, Is _.,.,_of the Truet•. II lhl ,.,,,. lhe no11(•) MCU<ed by Mid Deed of IMlr-'AllleftoM lllPf9M Oiied· Juty 9 t982 144.9".55 of Wtlll publlclllon of thll Notice, 1a Trull. wi111 Interest u In Mid note .__ C.~..,.,..,., I .REAL EaTAT£ DATED June 25. 1982. 121.368.10. provlclld, l<l•lnce9. ti 91\y. under ltMWft • ............ C..... SECURITIES SEAVICE SAN MARINO SAVINGS Dated: Juty 9, 1982. lhl ttrmt of Mid OeeO of Trust. ·~-C11111t1•'• •......... 1 C111fom1e corporal~ & LOAN ASSOCIATION, IAN llAWO IAVINOS AND 1-. cl'iargee 1110 111pen-ol the Mttde A. er-. • TNlt• ' • Clllloml1 corporation. LOAM AUOCaATIOM. 1 Trull" and of 1111 lruat.s created by AtM. VIOi ......._ By· (S"'••>'o J .. 11 Trutl•. c•11• _,.. .... , Hid OeeO of Trull. 12011 ............ AN. "•·P~ ..... orger, By: RE.AL ESTATE 8': MAL EITATa UCUN1111 Said .... Wiii be lllld on Augutt 1111 ...._ ..... CA... 2020 Noft11 8'otodway . SECURITIES SEJIVICE, ~ 1 C• .... OOf'l*etlolo, 2nd, 1982. 11 t 1·00 A.M., et the (71•) ... 1111 SIJlte 206 • I CllllOfnll c:orpor1llon. _,_ .... ., .. Afet1t lront entrance of Slln·Sllaw lrt. •a 317 Santa AM. CA 92706 111 Agent 0.1. ...,..,, Ila ,......,.t Corporallon. 23 t5 E 11111 St Publllllld Orange Co11t Dally T~ (7l4) 953-e&lO By: 0. J. Morger, -N. ...._.,, •• Sal\11 Ana, CA 92711 . Piiot, July 14, 21, 211, 1982 Publllhed Otal1r Colt! Dally 111 Preeldlnl IMte AM. CA-tlt10I fl'MI lotll llTIOUl\I ol tile unpekl 294142 PMol Juty 14 21 2 11182 2020 Nor111 Broadway, fn') .,...10 b1l1nc1 01 the obllg11lon MCU(ld - -----------__ • ___ • _· ___ ::.3..:.:1~:::::::.2 ~~·,.~:. ,. ... 27...... Publllhed Orange Co11t Dally by n ld properly 10 be sold, ...,, ..., .. ""' • .,.. Pllol, July 14, 21, 211, 1982. logtlllef wllll ln19'111, late cl'iarges. l'tll.IC NOTICE ..S llll( Tel: (714) 953-8810 318742 llld •llm111<1 costa, •Ill*'-· Ind -~=~..,;..-~~;._ __ -----------Pl.lt>lithtd Orange Coat Delly PMot. ---------_:_~ l<lvlllClt. 11 of Ille dlla ne<eol. Is F1CTTTIOUe ..,._.. F1C ........ ----•• June 30. Juty 1, 14, t9t2. rtaJC NOTICE S203.329 22 MAm ITA,....,.-r .,,.....,. --2717-12 011t Joly 8, tlll2 Th• lollowlng ""'°" II dOl"G NAME ITAT'lmlfT ________ _:.:.:.:.:::~1 NOTICI "* STAN·SHAW ~ ~ Tht tolkl'lrillQ ,.,._ -doir'O rtaJC NOTICE TIIUflU'I IA.LE CORPORATION FANTASTIC VOYAGE, 3481 ~ u ; ----'"'."""..,.....-~;,_--T.S.No. am .. Nici Tru11 .. Wlnd1or Court. Co111 Miii ELDER CONSTRUCT~ CO.. K .... tt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 11111 on By STA~AW Clllf«l1il 92828 ' ~tE Balboa Btwd., Bllboa. Cl. ~="-80UYM Wedllelday, July 21, 1912, II 9.00 CORPOAATION Han G. DeMeyer, 34fl1 W1ndtor TO<M ~lllon. Cllltomla. l9MI C..-Y.., il'ertrw9J o'c6odt 1.m. ot Mid day, In the room 2315 EQI S-t..,lh Court. Co111 M111. C1lllornl1 t t07 E Balboa Blvd., ,.,....,,_ Cl ~ = c• .... _.., Ml ulde fOf conduc:111\g Tnistee'e Slr-92828 ,...., ............ a -' Salle, wltNn Ult ottlc:ils of REAL Sanlt Ana, Cll1IOfl\11 Tiiis .,.,..,_.II c:onducted by 111 9...,.,1 NTI FS: CHUCK KENNEY ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, 927lt lndlvldull. Tlllll bu11MA II conduc:ted by 1 end DA.RAYL ZIMBRO dbe KENNEY located 11 2020 North Broedw•y. (7 t4) 542.5311 NWI G. DeMeyer general l)lf1nlr1lflip. REAL ESTATE Suite 206 In Ille City of Sanll ML e L Br Thia atat_l _ lllld witt'1 the Toree COrporlllon DEFENDANTS : CYNTH IA County '01 Or1ngt Sllll of Publltn!ci bn ""'(! Courity Clertl ot Orll'IQt Courity on Tllra at Oor*dll-1E.-Eldlrf..:_.!r~I~ ~OOOERESSON, KERRY ANDERSON Calllornll. BELL TAUST DEEDS. Pllo1 July t4, 2;~~'~ 19::~~~~ June 2t 1982 .._. ..,,.. •-.,.., 1through5, ~ INC., I Clllfomla corpC>flllon 11 -----------• · Flfliea County Clerk of Or11101 County on 8'_,0MI duly appointed Trust• under 'aoc1 Pota.JC NOTICE Publl1lltd Orl'1g• Coa1t Diiiy June 9· 1912 0.. ARIT .. ..,.,.., O~ purtu1n1 10 the power ol nle --~=-----~.;..;.;;._ __ Piiot. June 23. 30, My 7, 14, 1962 f11107S CAM --"Mm conferred Ill 11111 certain Ottd ol tUPINOR COURT 01F 270142 Poblllllld Or1ngt Cont Dilly NOTICll Y• Mw Mell ..S. Trust tJltculed by Jania L Murray C~OMtlA Pilot. July 7. 14. 21. 28. 1982 Thi-'...., dloWe eaelMt ,_ II\ unmarried womlfl end 8.1110fn4i COUNTY O* ~ - _________ .,:n.:.:.:72:.:.4::2 ...._,. .-W Mllll ~ _.... A. Wllty. 1 widow 11 )Oln1 1t111n11 100 Ci.tc CeMw Dftft Weat. JM ,....... wtttllll IO.,...._. ,_did June 111. 1981. In Book ._ .. AM. C..._. flCTITIOUI .,..... l't8JC NOTICE IM 11 ~ btloW. 14108 of Offlc:lll Ricord• ol uld Maner ol Petition of ARTHUR NA• tTAnmN't FICTITIOUI 9U...... you ..,th 10 Itek the acMoe of County, 11 page 263, Aecofder'I RUIZ. JA. T111 lollowlng peraon la dol1111 N.u. tTAn.NT in allorney In lhl1 m111er. you lnttrument No. 29811, by rlllOl1 of • CITA~PftOllAn) l)oalnees 11: Tiit rOllowlng P«IO<I• ... doing ltlOUld do IO promptly IO 11111 yoor I brffCfl Of delaufl In payment or CAIE ft AD Z10M VAUGHN'S INTEAIOAS, 1401 butln11111: :!::"' ~eeponee, II lfly, may be performance of Ille obllg11lon1 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Klngt Aoecl. N--8No11 c • BACK B•y P"'INTE on Ima. 11cur1d thereby, Including 11111 CALIFORNIA, 926fl3. _,....., ' "' Newpor1 Ce11l.r 0rh., Su~:·,~: A y II 0 I U I t • d fl I 1 Id O brllldl Of detlUll Notice of wlllcn To ANDREW AITCHISON Judy A. Vaoghn, t401 Klnge Newport BMcll. CA 92eeo. ' :::;'dido. II trllln1nei ,uede w11 recorded NoWml>lr 30. 1911, You are hereby cited and Rold, Newport 8Mcll, CA 92W. LIHOr'• M1n1gem1n1 and _..Ult..... • nda I In 8ooll 14305 of Official Aec:ord• of r9qulrtd IO IPPll' II I hMrlng '" Tllltbulll,,..lscOl1ductedbyen 0111 Servlce1, Inc .• 1 Calllornla ::;:-:~la= dilnlrO 11ld Counly, a t p191 1252, llll1court0t19-3-l2118:451.m.ln lndlvlclvll corpora11or1, 8l0 Newport Cel1ler llR ... Aloordlr'I lnatrumenl No. 32028, Dlpll'tment 9. IOCated It 700 CMc l't8JC NOTICE Judy A. Veughn Drtvl, Suite 1130. Newport 8eacl'i Ti WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION :;enter Drive WHI, Santi Ana Tlll1 •l•lemtrll WU lllld wltll lhl CA 92eeo. . U•ttd d ..... 1olloltar •I TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Calllornl•. and to give 91\y ltG.i eptune DEATHS . Coooly Clefk of Orange County on Tllll bullnnl II conducted ..... conMjo de UI\ lboQado '" .... CASH, lawtul money ot the Unlttd r111on why. according lo tht ,CMMATION llUAIAL AT 8EA July 1, 1912 corporation. YT I I u n 1 0 . d. b. r r I h I c., I 0 SI~. Of I Clllfller'• c:tlldt drlWI\ ~ pellllon lllld wttll tt\11 court; 646 7431 Ftmn L-'• M~ & lnmldtllltMnte. dt eata manera. oo I 11111 or n&lloMI blfllt, 1 1t1te ind wtly 11111 Adopllon P11lllon 1 -ELSEWHER Publlillld Orange Co111 Dally Dell Servtc.e Inc. ~~.!....~ 11 hey llgunl. Of i.derll etedlt 111\k>n, or 11111• Of lhould !IOI bl grll'lted ,_,,_ 11 c Our llterature tells tha E PilOt, July 7, 14, 2t, 28. 1982 ~ J. NlelMn. Prea. .,._ -._.-Ida 1 tltmc>o. 19deral llvtngl ll'ld loan a.odallon CMI Code ~224 complete atory of our --------~29:.1:..:1..:-&~2 ec!:;:~•~t~~~I~ ~~~OE=O~S:~ ~ ::n=:::.•:•;.;:,:.r:-~ Deted:L~A~B~~ ~ PlllUC NOTICE Juty 1. 1982 plaintlftl ag11nat you. "you Wllh to 1nter11t lltiCI by 11. u fNtt•. 1n etertc ...._ __ _,.... BALTIMORE (AP) -worked KCBS r.dio ln San ,,_. dlllilndtlllllewlull,youmuat,wttllln tn.t rMI proc>ertv lltua11 1n Uld 8Y Tom Bumi ~~;~====~~~~~Vlr&I•. la Golllot, 77, an FrancDco f« many.,_,.• "'IC1'TT'tOUS .,_.. Publl111ed Otano• c 0111 Di ii) 30 0 •1• •ltlr 1111 • iummoni 11 County ind S1111. d11crlbed H Dtp.lty merican urna st who an on-tbe--air foil to various Th• IOllOllWlng perton 11 doing Mitten l'llPOfW9 10 the oomplell\t. map rec:0tded 1n ~ea. pegea 22 2111 M. .,..._.,, A ~ 11 .---..._ ITATUm:Wr Pllol. July 7, 14, 21. 28, 1912 Wwd °"you. Ille with thll court I follows: LOI 49, TrlC1 2173, M per KLllN a C~ IMC. ~LA WK-WT, OLIVE MO(luarv • Cerreterv Crematory 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 , ... CINOTHIH UU.NOADWAT MOITUAaY 110 Broadwav Costa Mesa 642·9150 t~n&IHGHO .. MTH & TUTHIU. WHTCLJff CHAPll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 64&-9371 .... ClllOTHHS IMffMS' MOlnVA&Y 627 Marn St ~MQ1on Beach 536-6539 - became a .eroine of the station penonall tlet and ~ u: 297 5-8 2 Un1M1 y011 do eo, 'tOU" defallt w!I & 23 ot ~· lli'ape .-. -French Resistance durln,1 anchormen.___ VOLUME ASSEMBLY. 30tt rtaJC NOTIC£ be anier.d on IC)pllcltlon ol tht Tiie llrHI 1ddt1u or 0111er leMe AN. c..,,,. 9119 w 0 r1 d war 11 • d 1 e d LOS .... 0 ... ...., (AP) _ No. F H1ll1d-.i. 81n11 Ana. plalnllft. and tllil court m-v anter 1 common dHlgr1allort 01 lh• rHI (7'4),...... Th _.. K n.n ~ Clllfomll t270S '1CTTTIOUe .,._.. judgment llQ9ll\lt 10U fOf Ille rellll P'operty aa her9lnlbo¥t delQlbld Publl1hld Orange Co11t Dall) u~~ay. nown II the Ala& a..IDe BJ~. 82, Danny Ru Reynold•. 7878 NAm ITATIMmfT demendld0 Id I~ ttle1 cornplelnt, .tlldi I• purported to be: 913 Darrell Piiot, Jul't 7. t•. 21. 28. ttl2 Limping Lady becaUlle abe screenwrller-w ldow and R1p101. Huntington 811ch, Tiie lollowlng ptr1on 11 dolftQ c u r11u t n g1rnl1h1Mllt of Street. Coll• Mela. Cllllomla. 2t8CM2 wore an artificial leg • a collaborator of d irector c.111orn11 92&41 bull,_ u: wtOfl. Ilk~ of t'llOMY Of Pf'OC*1Y Thi undlrllgnld hlNby cllsc:lllm• result of a hunting aa:ident, AlfNd Bltll:bcock. died July 1nJ~i:u~-Is conducted by en M,W.P, ENTERPRISES. 21125 or other ,. ti reque111<1 In thl Ill lllblllty lot any ll1correc:tnet1 In Mrs. Oon1ot was one of the 6, two Y'Mft after the muter Dinny A4lll A9ynold1 ~:9~2~~ A~. Al1lhelrn. ~· ~ 29, tM2 ~rHt ~:,~~11 or o tller f'llll.IC N()TIC( Central Intelligence of~auocwnbed Thl11111em1111w1ttllldwltlltht MICHAEL WILLIAM PAYNE JAMESB.HARAIS. Said 111:-:81 be made without IUf'IRIOR COURT o• Asency'a f i rst women _ • County Cltrll of Orenge County on 2125 Wtll Brldgepor1 Avenue: Cltrtt w1rra11ty, 111prt11 or lmplled, C~ employees July 2. 1982. Anaheim. CA 92804. Br: C. Galavtz. regarding tlll•. po11e111on. or COUNTY°"~ · FRANKLIN, lnd. (AP) -,,._. Tiiis bullnMI 11 oonduc:ted by.,, f//00/De D«MY6 1ncumbranc11. to 11ll1ly tllt .,.. Clwlo C...-... °""' .... DETROIT (APZ B Rnbe'll ff. Meeller, 85. a Publl1t11d Orange Co111 Dally 11\dlvldull. A' -j~ Diii cdru prlnelpll balanGI of Ille Nol• or .,_._ •-c•• .... - A. Pf .. '. 69• a ormer -~ retired .Indiana United Pllol, July 7· 14· 2t. 28, 1982 Mlcl'l.i w. Payne ...... _.,.._, oth« ObtlQatlon MCUrld by NICI -...... _.,_ -·-""""' M t h d bl h 2935-82 Thie 1t11-1 wu flied with IN t1111 ....,........... o..ct of fruat with lnlll'ell and' llAllMA• °" ~e ldent of Emer~lr Tu':_..~v 1 0 1fta _!-~vpe, ~~arted County Clerk of Orenge County on a.-.• other 1um1 1i provided lhtra.lfl: NttlMll~ DOMMO W. YOST t Corp died .._...., 11 -,..,. "'8.IC NOTICE Joly 2. 1912 1101111,... ......, CA ..a.-plul lidV~ 11 any \11\det flli MIPCMIDeffl ~ L YoeT .. y. attack. _, ,,.,,,. Publl•hld Orange Coa1t D•lt't "'"" therllot Mei lntnt on tven lll•••DM ,--..Y ':? Mo ---l'tCTmOUI .. H•ll Publl111ed Orat199 Cou t DaKy Piiot, Junt 23, 30, Jvko/ 7, 14~ 1"2 , and plus tw, ctlll'OM CAim.. PD• NTEREY (AP) -MEXICO CITY (AP) _ NAm PllOl, My 7, t4, 21, 21, tH2 2746-32 and~ of tht Trull• and of M01'C8 Bemer Weld. 88, known in Raal •-Cu'--f::: The ~AlllmWT 294M2 ·-.,. the tNlll cr.aled by Mid Deed o1 " .. ....,. .... ...., n. .-t Northern California radio• -•-•-•~ l" "'"'' ore 11u11r1111 ,.,_ -dOlrlll "-NOTICE Tru1t. Th• total emount of 11ld _, ..... ._...... ,.. .._ dn:ie. 8I "FrlendJy Clyde " plllll...,,_ L-'I )'eeR JUOr':, 279 Weetmll... .... .....C MOT1C( N:1mOU1 WM obllgetlon, lna4udlng rMtofllbly r~~f -::.a:·i::.:•:::,r:: the wo•ld'• ,.0,., ,1,,;0 mldent Fidel CHt<•'• -"!"·--• """'_.,,._ -llT•W •llm., .. Im, ''"I"'"' -•If -player. di«1 Friday. Welch £~~~uy.nlat reclme, died J11dy1 WellMlt11ter, 1110 •• I .... .,.Ta.wT ~loWfng ,.,.on It doing ~~.N!.:.m: ...................... .. • _.. C allfornl1 oorporatlo11 171 Tiie IOlfowlng peraon 11 doing FO • 174.33 ' •.......,Ill Wll -,.. ~~'!·~.el. Wettmlnlter, bu11nttt Mt MANUfl U Ill 8 EA S 0 NS OAfii> June. • 24 lMa. ................. ,.. Ill WORTHINGTON Minn ........,, _ _...,. (A) z IAtE COMf'UTl!A. ~ .. ,Well 11Ch .... LL_..,....,.,_..-,.._ ........ -... Tl II N•u ' · Thll~leooncMtildby• SERVICEl :~•Alf JI.-;'· Coe1a Me11. C111forn1a ~~~--· • ..,..... _. ~· lk9l'i!11.:-l~tJ~O~~!: oorpond~ Weitlnll_,, N. ~~V HurltJnftOn • tlt.22 ~ ~~~ AW*/ ~T=n.TATE u.I .. =-• ----------pla1er and band leader ~..,...... CA9*7 ..... ·--,,,_._,,~ MOUflfTIUKAVICE. .._..,_....._ ... . DOOL wtic.e <Wft'I' deled bide '° Thia 11 ~ "STlVIN o. zwubA. 1 .. H Thlt ....._ 11 oondll*d a ClllOrnla ~•!loft • I 1?1 • -... • HELEN DOROTHY the lt20a. cftedTUMday. eountvc:::::'c::"~': t':.,~ HundntlGn lladl. lld11cM&. . tiymri =~Morow . ~-== ... '-la DOOL, a .....sem of s-1 JUne 21, 1Na. Thia._.,... i. oonouctld 111"' ~ 0.0... .. ....... • II ..... .._. MIS ..... el lkech Leiaur W Id f lf&W YORK (AP) -~ lftdMdUel. 0::,1 i 1 ueut-lledWltlttll toaoNonnBloedWllY ...... • • .._.. _ .-:;.-,!f,T,;S:2~~::-i r.'.'!t:.·!.~·i·~=~ ·.~: ..:..":" ... "if.'l"-.~E eo:--di".! 1::£: -· ~ -"".:.: ;::. ~· ::~r· .. ~\~rr:.:T.!i ••,.l•od by h .. bt'Olbu cuun ol m•ny of tb• MUC _ ..., 'l.. '"' .._ ~ ~ ~ :> · P..i_C..::..., _ •'i3i" -•',t:.A -• Allen T . Bump, nletH world'• rnou famous -'T ,ubll!IMCI °' .... c....,..._ · ' ' · mi• IO.JWl't7, 14, 1111. 1. TMIJ9 ow LwM WWlnP-m. Qlory CV1GOnilW. died ThUl'lday. __,_.. "'°" Ntt 1, l'.1'1. It, t• tTIMt TM,.......~ I!.,_ ltrn; =.. "'== = ;:,:' .. :"'".;'! Oiiiit"W.W' MUC '!1!L :"ii':":,"3'iil;.':I RobetJ Wlllln1ham and ~Ulen .0 1WSo ~~ ••...,... .. dOll'8 ~talf' ~= ,,.., '"" ..:'H* • f:lllL~ .. -wSbo , ...... -...... -~.:·--,..____ -..r.r: d": Harbor Lawn M1mor1a1 tr11ldtne of Wood•erd ....... ..,.•111,..;0:..:. IMMI ..._ .. .,.,. ._ ·~~= _. 1111"'!.~~./!-n.·•!:{t-c;W, e:.=;·.=E;1r:,;·J ..:... -• ~::ru•;"f!t:;~ -....-:i E ..tlh low. waa. I. •roadc11\l n1~ Inc ., died ll'llt ......., a... lllllM. ~ ANN ~I~ of lite ..... VIHe T1Mn!llJ. TNs ....._II•..._ 11r 1 :s,:.:"'•· Q~ CA I ................ Chunla --......... n-.. ....._ lw.iii1 I .,,....... ' ,.,., •• H .... -... . 'II:".,. ...... .. -... , •• iJi;.-__ ....__ _____ ..... e,;..:::"~ ~'ll!P.l'z..=: ~;.:·: ~wa:P.,_..~;;.; ••lleujal 'I IVt JiM'J•:"liL.., ~ ....... 0!1 ...... J;l'Jr, af ~ ~· ~'ft,. ~'"' .-.v.ft'W ~..,. lta ~A~ ,,_..._...,.....,. TN....._....,. .. -.. ~tll=IAN ,,,c1•tO, 10111 .,._... Id =• .......... , lwll. CA 1l=·~·~t110~~~"~:o~ IC:OTT ~ MMTA, t01U ~·~~ •• Nll VIit• :::::"•· ~ laaoll. CIA Oel Valle, An111e1111, C111torn11 .!Otlll'HIHI LH AIAATA, UIO~ , 411 Avocedo 101H lircllwoocl, Hunlln9to c..t. t"'..::.. ~Ille aoa1 ~ ~ .. ~ by • TNa bullrlllt .. oonducttcl by • llmlled per.viettNp. ..... ~-::. IOo'lt LIO Aberla 1llll 9'ata!Mnt Wll ftlad wttfl 1111 TNa ··~· ... tllacf with County ca.. of Ofanoa County on County Ctn of ar.,.. County on Jurw t 1 tMI .11#'8 t1. 1112. • • ·~ Publl•htd orana• co!~ ~~" o~an~ ~0W P:~ "°'· JUM '°· ,Jvky'P, 14, 11. 1 , • • ' • Hee-12 2"6-12 ------------PICTmOUI ....... •~----------MAm ITATIM9NT .-... IC NOTIC( NllC NOTIC( T"-followlnt pereon 11 doing 1-----------PICTmOUe .,... .. buall-. •: -.. ...._ ITATl•NT , AAC MAL TOM, 2792 Wllnut '8Cnnout WN TM f04IO\ollnQ l*tOfll are doing AV911Ue, Tuatil, Cllltornla llHIO MAm ITAT'ftmN'r llullrlllll 11: lllmH E. Aloh, ITU Port The --........ --.. ATIC Manlal"h, Newport leach. f__...., perwone we~.., l. A. l IALL LAUNORAM ' ,._,.._,_•,-~ aa; 1211!1 8. An1helm loultord, ..,..,.,.,_ &-D l T MACH IN I! A Y AN 0 Al\lf*m, Ca11tom11 TNI bullntlll 11 OOllducWd by In SUPPl'I, 1701 I . Ulmbttt Aoed, Donald W. Htwkln1, HOI lndNlduel.i-E. Aid\ Unit C, la 'tllbfa. Celllornla 80831 aartloa, Long Bt1ch, C111fornl1 0 l T ..,........, I Celltornle 80815 fNa ~II~ by'" oorporatlotl, 1101 !.. LMrlbett Aoed, Margaret A. HallJlllnt, 5101 lnc!Mdum. ,~ Unit C. la Hatwe. Cellfomle 80831 Berrio•. Long lelleh, C1lllornl1 TIN~ la oonduc1ed by• llOe15 P 11b111 h Id 0ren111 C 011 t oorpot9110n. , TIMI bullMll ta condueted b)' Daily Piiot, June 30, NI)' 1, 1', 2l, D a T In..,_.. lndtvldulll (Hulbend l Wife) 1•. Oontild A. LcHcft, Oonlld W. Hewklnl 2904-~ Preeldlnt -· I Thia lllt-t WM ltled wltll the P\lllC ll)TIC( Tlllt 9'Uemen1 WM neeo wltll the County Cllttt of Orenge County on -~~=~~~==::--County CWk of Orenge County on, June 28, 1982. PICTmoue .,_.. June 21, 11182. ,,_., NMm ITA,_..., ,,._,. Publl•ll•d Orange Coaa1 Dally Tiie followlng 1>9fMKI 11 doing Publl1llld Orang• Co11t Dally Piiot, June 30, July '1, 14, 21, 1982 ~ea: Piiot, June 23, 30, Jvtty 7, 14, 1982 ~2 8 l D COHSTAUCTION, 3001 274442 Aadlllll Ave., Ilda. 5, &lite 108, --.,. NOTICE COltl MIM. CA.II~ ..--.no 8088Y DEAN DANIEL, 12521 --==~~===.~-! Dale StrHt, Otrden Orove. CA l"ICTITIOUI llUIMI 112641. HAMS STA.,._., This ~ 19 condUctld by en Thi followlng l*IOMI are doing ~ .. : lndMdual. Bob Denlll TYPE·A·ORAPHIX, 3178 Thi. ... _, ... llled with the ~~ ~;:e 11•· Colla ...... County C11ri1 of Orange County on Jon Sharnt>org 6 A110C111 .. June 2t, 11182. (Jon c . Sll1rnborg -owner). • Ftt1tM Arborglln. lrvlnl, CINIOfnil 11271• Publltll~ Orang• Coaat Dally Thlt bull,_ 19 conducted by an Piiot, June 23, 30, My 1, 1•. 11182 lndMdual 270242 .ion C. Stllrnborg -------.,.-"""'-TlC[____ Olis tll1-t ... llled wltll the ---'"--~~""~==--County c.11 of Orenge Coumy on PICTTTIOUI .,.._.. June 28, 11182. NAME STA'RmNT • F1tillll Tiie tollowlng per1on 11 doing Publl1h1d Orange Coast Dilly bulineN 11: Piiot, June 30, .My 7, 1•, 21, 11142 IAQLI CONSTRUCTION 2800-82 Ml.IC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI _. ..... NAMI ITA.,._.., Thi lollowlng PIBOfll lrl doll10 butlnM8 ••: VIA LIDO ONE HOUR PHOTO, 3841 Via lido. Newport BHoh, California 112883 • Simon Kuywan Chol, 21130 Joaquin Ortve. Bufblnk. Celllornla 111504 Kl Hwll'IQ Chol, 2930 J<>1quln Drtve. &urbanli, Calllornl• 111504 Thl9 bu...,_ 19 conducted by 111 ifldMdual. Simon Kuywan CllOI Thia •t••-· WN Iii.cl wttll the County O..k of Orange County on June 28. 11182 F1e:tm Publl1ll1d Orange Coaat Dally Pilot, June 30, July 7, I•, 21, 11182 271111-82 COWMV, Mt2 I d11• ... laM. Huntington BMcil, Cllttornla 1126'8 J1m11 w. Walden. 11111 t2 -----------1 Ml.JC NOTIC( Edgewood ~ Hunllngton Beecil. • .-r -~===::-::::::::::=::---CllllorNI 112&4e ACTmOUI WN ACTITIOUS ..,._ .. Tiiis ~ 11 conduc1ed by en NAm ITAT'lmMT ..,.._ STA~ lndlvldull. The IOllowlng pertOnl -doing The lollowlng pertON .,. doing J-W. WllOlrt ~ 11: bu..,_. ... Tllll ll•t-11 ... flied wltn llll JUOY·s. 213e B<u Miii, 8<... MEDITERRANEAN IMPORTS, County Clll1I of Ormnge County on Clllfomla 112821 20511 See Cow~. Colt• Meu. July 2, 11182. Jvdy't BrM. Inc., a c.llfoml1 CA 112627. ,,_ COl'POflllon, 21$8 B<N Miii, B<-. J 0 H N 0 E M 0 ST H £NE S Publltlled Or1ng1 Co11t Dally Calllomla 92$2 t CHACONAS, 2059 See Cow ~. Piiot. July 7, t•. 21, 28. 11182 Thie~ II conducted by. eo.11 ...... CA 112827. I _________ 29084 __ 2_ 1 eori>«atlon. MARGARET C. CHACONAS, .,._.,. NOT1CE Judy'• B<-. Inc. 20511 s.. Cow ~. Colt• Mela, ..-~ L1wrenc1 l1rMI, CA 112827. PICTITIOUI llUltNIH Pf'Mldlnt Thia bullnlN Is conducted by ..,._ SfA'RmNT Thie N1-1 wM lhd .. Ill the hu1blnd and wife. Tiie tollowlng person 11 doing County Cllf1I of Orenge County on Margaret C. Chec:onat butl""9 It' June 21, 11182. Thl9 ltllemlnl WU llled wl111 the p L MAINTENANCE, 10•85 LI Ftetm County Clerk ol Orange County on Marmoll AYlnue, Fountain Vlllty. Publl1hed Or1ng1 Co11t Dally June 21. 1982. ,1,1_.. Cellfornla 112708 Piiot, ~ 23, 30, July 7, 1•. 11182 -· Mimer1o JimH Rigulndln, 2743-112 Publl1ll1d Orange Coaat 01lly 10•85 l• Marmota Avenue, Piiot. June 23, 30, Juf)l 7, 1•. 11182 Fountlln V1lley, Calllomla 112708 Ml.IC ll)TICE 27111-82 Tlllt butlllllt 11 conducted by en ACnnout __ .. lndlvldl.lll. NAM1 tTATUmJIT Marner1o J. ~ The fotlOllltng petlOfl 11 doing Tllil 1111-t WU llllcl wltll the ~ - County C19'k of Orenge County on ARC ANIMAL HOSPITAL July 1. 11182. SALES AHO RNAHCE. 2792 W.,,_,, F1mSN A-TUldn Ce1k1tn11 8.2e80 Publlllled Or1ng1 Coaal Diiiy ~ E. • Rldl D V M 1153 Piiot, July 1, 1•. 21. 28, 1~ ~n= Newi>Oi1 8 .. c11. NI.JC NOTICE TNI ~ .. condue1ed by ... ----------~1~dil.tt .. -.-r JllMI E. Rich. D. V.M. FM!tlilOUa MWN TNI 111111•11 -lllecl wlttl the NAMI 11' A T-.r County a.tt of OrWIOI County on The folowlng '*'°"' -doing JI.-28, 1tC. bl'*-11: ,,... JUDY'S , No. 25 F11hlon P11blltMd Of1nge Co11t Diiiy Square, Imperial 6 BHcll, l • Plot, Jurw 30, .NII'/ '1, 1•. 21, 11182 Habra, Cllfomla 90&31 ~2 Judy'• l• Hebre. Inc .. • .,._.,. """'~ C1llfornl1 corpora11on, No. 25 ___ .--____ ""....,,'-.~~-- Fllhlon SQuarl, Imperial 6 8-:tl, ftennout ..,_ .. la Hlbra. Calilomla 90&31 NAm tTATEmfn' Thl9 ~ 19 conducted by • The followlng per10fl I• doing CO<"porltlon. bull.-u : Judy'1 LI Hlbft, Inc. ALEEOA SURF SUITS, 221 ........ tti..-ence•t-t w':-:e:'='ti!. Main StrHt, Hunllngtop Beacll, ••nm Cllllornl• 112&411 County Clertl of Orange Coun1y on Mrt. Lola Jetnelt• Brown, 308 ~ 21, 1982 Ro«>ln Hood, Colt•.,._, Cllllornll "'1m 92827 Publl1hld Oran91 Co111 Oally Tllll bu"'-11 conducted by en Piiot. June 23. 30, July 7. 1•. 11182 lndlvlduel. 27311-82 loll J. &<own Ml.IC ..,,.llCf Thie 1111-t ... Ned w1tt1 the ------""-----County c.11 of Orenge County on ... ...., ACTfTIOUI .,_ .. NAMllTAT....n' The folowlng per80N -doing bullr>ee9 -JUDY'S, • 10 N. Euclld, AnllNlm. CellforNe 92801 Judy'• An•h•lm, Inc .. • C111tprnl1 corpore11on, • 18 N. Euc:ld, Anlhelm, Celltomla 112801 Thie bull!.-.. conducted by • C()l'pOfiltlon. JvdY• Anlrlllm. Inc. ~ ...... Prllldent Thia ttatement -!led with the County Clerk of Oreng1 CouMy on ~ 21, 1982. ,_ Publl1Md Or1n99 Coaat Dally Piiot, "'-2.3, 30, J4Jlly 7. 1•. ,. 2736-82 June 211. 1982. F1ma Publl11ted Orange co .. t Dally Piiot, ~ 30, Jvtty 7, 1•. 21, 1982 280e-82 ACUUOUt...,H•N NAm l'TATUmllT The Jolowtrlg ~ -doing ~-MANCHESTER BOOK CLUB. 2$54 '°"" Grand A-. Santa Ana. CA 92705. Oloucll1or Pu~ Co~ Inc.. 1 CalllOfnla corporation. 31311 P1110 NaranJ•. San J111n Ceplanno, CA 92f75. fNa .,.,..,_ .. conduc:t9d by • coi-rpOl"""'rdol-n. O~tor Publl8hlng CO .. Inc. -------.,.-lm\-ftl'r____ M.0 . Armltrong, Pr-. ~ ""''~ Thia II~ -ftled with the County Cl9'tl of OrWIOI County on June 21, 1982. F191C11 Publl1h~ Or•~ eo .. 1 Dilly PMot, June 23, 30, J4Jlly 7. 14, 1982 2735-82 Ml.JC NOTlC[ ... ...., l'WCTlnout W...H NAMI 8TAftmNT The lolloWlng pet'90fll -doing ~II: JUDY'S, 82• MIHlon Viejo Mill, Mlulon Vl1jo, C1lllornt1 112691 Judy'I lo• Angel••· Inc , 1 Clllltomlll corpot91lon, 42• Ml9elon VlefO Mell, Ml9llon Vlljo, Celllomll ll'H81 Thia ~ " oonduelld by • COl'POf ltlon. Judy' I LOI Angella. Inc:. l.lwfence ,., .... Pr..,_,I Thie 1111-1 w .. lllld wttll lhe County Clerk of Orenge County on June 21, 11182. F1t1m Publl1hed Or1ng1 Coaat Dally PllOt, JUN 23, 30, July 7, 14, 11182 2741-82 PlaJC NOTICE PICTI1lOUI .,... .. NMll ITAft•NT The lollowl11g per.ons .,. doing bu~•: POLIKO LSKY -NEWLIN COHSmUCTION, 2707 Aurora No. 1, San11 Ana, c.lltornl• 112704 Jolln C. Pollkoleky, 2230 Ri.tgera No. C. Co1t1 Mell. Cellloml• 112927 Wlllllm l . Nlwtlll, 2707 Aurora No. 1, Sanll An•. Clllfornll 112704 This ~ 19 c:ondue1ed by • ~ perlnlrlNp. John PollkO!lay Thia •t••-· WM llled with the Coun~ Clertt of Orange COunty on ~ 8. 111e2. ,,.., Publl1lled Orange CoNt 01lly Piiot, "'-30, J4Jlly 7, .... 21. 11182 2711&-82 f'M:TTT'IOUI .,_ .. MAmlTAft-.n The ~ pet90na WI dOlng ~-: TNT (T-H Tequill). 3300 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport 811c11. Cllilomll t2teO ..... ,. C•r111•r•U••· • <;1t110rn11 corporation, 3300 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport 811ch, Calltomll 112880 nw. bu..,_. It .oonductld by • corp0r1tlon. E. Allyn Corporltlon Allyn Clno Prelldent Tiiie 1tat-t -llled wfttl the County Clertl of ~ COunty on JOiy 2, 1M2. ,,.... P1.tbllthed Oranee Co11t Dally Piiot. Nty 7, 1•. 21. 21. 1te2 2!3iMi HChHOUI an lllM umlTA~ The talOwMll .,.,.. .,. dOll'O ~--GAAY'I OLAH HAVllOW. HOt1 AtCldla. Ml•alOfl Vl•Jo, ~-1 G•rr Alen Tobey, 21011 Arc9cla, .,....,,, VlelO. Cellfotftia -1 lu1111 Anne Tobe~1 A(oede, M'"6ofl VlefO, • tltl1 Thll ....... II OOf ..... ~an llldMdwll. ~·ArN T-., Thll 11111 "*" .......... Countw _. f/f °'9111 OouMy on ........ ,,,.., . ,.... "" ........ O!,.. o~· m ................ ., ... . - Orange Oout DAILY PILOT IWedllMday, July 14, 1882 Medion incomt of Dallu pjlot famflit• excetds $34,000 o 11tar. Your ad rtacht1 the county's moat affluent buflfng audience. •• CLASSIFIED INDEX ~.~ ..........• .__ "' ,,,. .... "' .. • .... -.... •. !'!m.~~! ...... . ~ ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• r:-:; ••••• .__, J.a.lt ~ ••••••••• !.'!tf ,,,,,,l .......... JMf ~~ ••••••••• l.'M l"mV•T•••••••••• .~ m97e74 P111111U1•a FORECLOSURE T1PllCIYMM.Call SOYICES IW ·-'"' ltd ... = , .. , .. a ·-... 1111 ·-IP 1111 ·-... ... •• , ... ..... ...,,, ...... , PrtJ.e W•t Bly blyfront. 81Jp1 for 2 boata. remodeltd 3 bdrm, 3 blth $1,200.090. Ocean & jetty vlewa. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, ,3700 IQ. It. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. UMllU .. 11 Prime Lido Nord biayfront. ~bdrm, 6~ blth. Lee L.R., 2 boat alip1 $1,500,000. AH reel .. tele ed*11Md In thl• newapapar 11 aubJecrt to the Federal Falr Houelng AClt of 1NI Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. which mlk41 It llleQel to bMm ceWnp. furnished, patiol. $420,000. ed'*11M "any i>r•en- oe. "ml\etlOn or dllGflml· ... llT nation b•Md on rece, UllA ISLE IA1rw color. rellglon, ••• or La(lOOI\ vtew from 8 bdrm,~ bath, playroom, nattonal origin, or any dart... d n --t -11 Now •1 000 000 Intention to make any • nn, en. D<'9 ... p. • ' • · IUCh ~1.,ance. llmlt• IAYllM •YE tlon °' dllCflmlnatlon." Spect.acul&r baytroot vtew 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, This MWIPIC* wm not 2 ba dn. 2 boat alipa $1,000,000 . knowtngly accept any ldvettltlng for rHI ••· ..... 1111 Pickup over $600,000 equity ovemlaht. Once tn a lifetime opportun!Jy. Won't last! .Primest Orange Cty 2 ~ ac. hilltop ocean view new est.ate. Pool, spa, waterfaU., electr. gates. 5800 lq ft w/360 ~ v iew of all O .C . T ennie court + hellcoptor pad area. ASSUMABLE LOANS & TERMS. Originally U.ted for $2,200,000. Sacrifice at $1,128,382.63 approximately with $350 ,000 approximate cash down. Only the lefioua need c all directly to PATRICK TENORE. 760-8702 & 631-1266. RE/ MAX Realtors,~· Brokers weloome. late Wt\lctl .. In vlol•tlon , ' 1• of IN i.w. Coronado la1and C\»t. bayf.ront Jot. 85 boat l: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dock. Planl avail. B.d. $370,000 w/tenna. RVM~ of Costa Mesa ·-·-) ... l'Nt ,. ·--llot Diii .. ----1'Nt -- 1111111 Advertl· 981'1 should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. c:: ' ' -'t-', ,} ~·· I I .......... Sln&le aiory end unit, expuded 3 br, 3 ba on larirtSt areenbelt. t2a0.000. • .. 1.81 3 bdnnlt, 2~ baths condo near pool. $145,000. MAKE OFFER Ll>O ISLE llllts $257,500 BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 675-4630 ASSUMABLE FINANCING Great 4 Bdrm Newport f.amily home. Pool, many amenities. Existing larp lat TD ia assumable. Seller will al.to U1ist with financl.ng. Asking $279,000. To aee, call Bonni.e Barrington, agt. c.... ., ,,., llU C.la ... '"' .•............•.•••••• . ........•.........•.• ...... , .. ,.,.. Hom.+Gu.t+tncorne owe t11 • A9x. Tennt 609 Acecla CdM "' bc:h Spotleat Vecent Duplex Huge 5br/3be+3br/3bl ..OK ownlbkr M6-7044 Great location, lflopplng, beadl, poof, tannll, apa. 3BR. 2'Mta townhouM. .UT IT11111 -.................. P-1ec:t tcw IN ftr9t tliM bl.Iyer or retw.r-t cou- p6a. Sharf> 3 Bdrm 1'4 beth, llreplece. Priced mt only 1110,000 . Cell 540· 1 15 1 '°' more cs. t ...... ·~HERITAGE . .• REALTORS NEW VIEW TOWN · ~tldland~ ~ HOMES. 2 Muter Sul-lntereat loan. '238.000. tH. View of ocHn & By ownw (714) 7ll0-3875 night llght1. Quiet ArM. lj~===m:===-~·~~=~~;:~~ Park1, open ap1c11. 1125,800 dn. Xlnt Fin. Ullf• MIM CLOSING COSTS ONLY Hal°' Pate-. Agt1. ... ••• 11100/mo. all tu~-'"73 7300 ductlt>te, ed)acent to otty " . ,,..... W/.1111111 perk. 10...-CW .... fumWI ~~=iiij~~~1 .... h1al 1,,, HllW&ID ftlW ::;' .:,;."'~ :.::. i •••••••••••••••••••••• Pool, lwge lot: 3BR 2be Sharp naw 3 Bdrm, 3 .. l&LI • Tl&ll plua guHt quartera. Beth Condo. 1145,000. e-rttlul home, lrptc In CloH to downtown 380 W. wtaon. 831-5055 sw ...... Ol<Mtw, -Ill UllM'I DlfttntEMT & Ye'J Int.., bdrm. full az lot. 1125. ~· 1295,000 °' "4-3899. 000 equity. Want home M4-Jl11 ~ 12-Tlttl _ •Outatandlng Broad· J .. w-· . *' moor ""4f •-· • • ' 71°' •• 8dnnl l Fam Rm MOClt.U • •e.ut Pool ' Spe or apta In Nwpt area. --ILIT •-..... 845-8557, 95S-0782 ~ , E/Sld• home + guett ..,.., 'I~ tloule, .-acow. >Ont .. ~~ ..... !.~ ~ ~~~~:12,Call l....Ua MUIMM ~ : •Elactronlc Sec. 8ywtem 4 191 A-OILS ==~~Floor ...... -.. .... f!!!~,!!~ ...... !.~~1 = .i : II~ .... OOO' Solld CoMa MeM rental Immaculate 3 Bdrm 2 Al.*'1 *' llf c.._ .... i:~..:...... -Ill.I I '!' ., ... sao.ooo down to bathe • batht .,. MW. c.. : """4111 13% loen. Oroee multl· AU new kltc:hln. copper • ......,.. =iev.. -plier of 11.0. M•nao•· plumbed, large alirr 11""'9 Only 3 left. e.ut. 28R 5"':.i. 5 =~ :.:=~S:2v5~~~ ;Q. ~oee ~: = !~ r::J°v:,~ ~~ ~ c-. : 111ttng of Dottle Valen· N)'. Excahnt llnandng bdrmt are meat., wit•. ~-· am tine. available. 14900 total down. 11215 :=.Mt? :: U""'IOOs t1()._...,.., 142-1200 11°'h1111. PID>"'*'•Y• 18· .. Ho~t1°:. :::.,~!:::' = ~~~;;;;;;;;;;;1 ~~ 87~L:so wk n d 1 1 2~-6•p m . Oflk'c 1'11<11 • i:. .. , -ii j 648-3578 =~~t~ 5 STE:!! ~Bdrm New In.town? Cluallled LI HWI ~=: ..... , -houM & 1 Bdrm houM can help you meet many UITlllE ~r.. ... 111,.,,Slttoo : ~6~~· R-2 lot. Only ot your need•. 642-5678 ~~==~~~~~I Cute 28, houll. Owner WTS & MAlllf[ lalllH .., Pr•,. flexlble. Bkr 538-1463 . ........ A1111m1bl• financing. S p1clou1 3 Br ranch 1tyle home. Featuring famlly room, central air cond. & pr1¥ete location. CloM to ... Only 1131. 000. 2870 Sen Mlei* Or .. Newport l••cll. 758-1501 cw 752-7373. ~ Walker & Lee . .--.-. EllPMEMT ......... Flm ..~ 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -•IJI-,.. 3 Bd 2 Be. pool, RV ac-1• College Park, S11,000 dwn. 83M9eO Agt. -===!!!!!!==I ces1 & AJC. Located In = NEW CAPE COD-CdM Meaa del Mar. Probate : •••t•n ute, make an offer. -knock• often when you A brend new two-etorJ home. DrM bf 831-7370 -use rffUlt~tlng Cally 114 M•rlgold ••• Juel ahort block• to Pilot c1111lfled Ad• to CoroM d9I ..., bWhM. All ......., In reec:h the Orange Cout tNa I bedml, ,....., l'OOlft end tonMI mer11et. dining f'OOftt, LA.RGI VIEW SUNDeCK. PhOne &42-5678 C•ll for fln•nclng detella .... t,000. cars•bikes• ... •skateboards• : trucks.baby :: carriages•tea : carts•trikes : rol lerskates • walkers•toys :: •wagons•••• ;: scooters•oot :m roc:1s•coupes• trailers•hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes*lawn mowers* limos •corporate headquarters •garden carts MCM!lel A's•••• • typlnQtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehlctes•golf carts•mocte1 tralns*bfkes *planos•cars refrigerators •skates•••••• If lt'100t wheels, you'll move ftfaNrln• Dally Pltot clalilflld ad. Cell .. I-Manda frllftdtyado vl..,WtU MIPYl'I P.· llM40G. WATERFRONT HOMES."< Ht \I f'llll' '-ti.-.... Mr•••I ... rn,.....-., '9......,....., Ulto•.1_,llwr ~ ...... - 131-1400 UflTED STATES POSTAL SERVICE EXCESS PROPERTY P<Of*TY _.,.. 10 ........ -... ---ln-'lelloll 10 llld •P.1.0 -C·2 le 1oCA1teO al 1620 WMI F1r11 Street, llenla Ana. CA 92701. contltllng of -o•_,411y 27,'2t •I Of-· IWld Adi-ti 10 IN -••n bounMr( Of Ille en.1oi 8lallon Pott Olfice, -l'lelt1 Sir-end PllCillc A- ~ 1>k1t wlll 1M1 -el "'9 -!Isled IOcellon unlH 2:00 p "'· p O.T °" ~ 1$, 19811. al -tlrM -wtll 1M1 putlllCly _.ecs end ,_ el U S. Poetel ..,_, w-., Aooglon, 150 ci-rt A ....... S... 8Nr>o, CA '°' addltlollal ..... O< IO OlllMI a bid ~IOI• COlllACI llW.~ Oenerel~ "9el &t.-~ • MAO u ............... NO °"""' A-left .,._, CA MOtt T~C411Jl7 ..... TJUDI T 10\,\L RE \IT~ M0<1 families ere getting the camping "bug" thll ~. II )'OU have • c.m- per that'• no1 gattll\g uMO, Nil It now with • CIUlllled Ad. 3Br, 2se. dbl car o-aoe. 2 petloa, llagetone "'*· owner-cuetom bit home. 1129,850. Wlttl '29.950 down. Owner wW e.ry 111 loen. ....... ... nn IE.PO 111r11u.-a.t EASTllOJE .COSTA MESA. 3 bclttft, 2 be, fnplacle. ~ dOwn. no t=me 83F1°'3 ..,"'""", ............ ~ .... a .... o~•~•~•.-'"""",....~4""""'_,, ...... ._...,.,... ...... ...,,.....~•..,u,...•"4"' .... ~• .. u,....o-•~ ..... =--=....-~ ............... ~+-..s---•.-...... --.............. ~-----~· .· Oran Cou t DAILV PILOT/Wedneed1y, July 1•. 1912 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH IAVIA8 S.U YQUr no-longer-n11ded Item• for ouh. If It doeitn:t •ll, we'll run tt another S dlyt FREE. Ont Item per ad. muat be priced. Sorry, no real eatate or commerclal 1d1. Call today for full det1U1 . ... ,..... 0 31 ...,. .... t1M) · .n OLLAR I 3INE8.;J'AYI . CLA881FIED8642•5678 •""' .. !um.~h.~ ....... ,.~fff!.~.~· ....... ~.~!!.·~.'t ..... ~.~ ....... !m.~~ .. «~tm.f,/!~.'A~~. ~1.'!!f~J!.&!l~~I A':-1.::.H ,~! ........... !.'!tf Ollw ... /al H• ... ,,..,. , .... • •• •.~r.i! •• " •• ff •• •.•.t. •• J..•. f ftlf11W.~ .... Mtf &.. 11•.llMA ••••••••. u ..... 'm. ................ 1.~~f •--• ..... I."' ,,. .. ,, ,..,, 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• e:mo1~ ,.,,, ... 0¥9f 40 ···m ... iimi.iirra .. ~ __. • :-;;· LAQUI m n·, me. ::;i: l' •• -.-.~ •• "':f':l .... •••• ••••"•••••••••····· ••• C..I• •••• Jl•I l111t• 11ome ,,..,. 17thi ...................... ULI ., ..... 60.111~ ;i! ~··~ 00,-AINTAl.I LUlllU 8SMtetlMNlet View '" pr• Mllut• ldull. ho. 1 Ir ................... :r.. ru1tln. 642·8148 IY "'tel IR\/IN!. Phone 1n1w•· 1&.111 Tl lmll I I W p I I T cloH to country olub t-81>1' • ttOO to •aooo 3 ldrm cte\"°'*9 "°""" 1t1gtou1 Herbor AldO•· cottage, utll pd. No pet1, 2 bdrm, 2 ba, rpc, git. ring, conr. rm. utll pd, 1700 llt '*919 In H.I . No aru • ippra lH d a t 150-3314 oc>en 7-deye In exotllent .,.., Avail .. Pool, 1p1, tenn11, MO. 1460/mo, 649·"477 dye. X.lnl .,.... of "1 ... Verde. Fem1te, 1 block bHch, •clrl 11r111, etc At10 moneydownonOUl'un· llllm 18,000M, w/ ... t '°' 18, 3Br, 1Bt, MOO mo. Lg bl• lmm e dlat e ly 9•'• l 1tt 8 /mo . 2 BR 1 II. turn IPI on 1580mo.982-7940 38th. St Ne~ort dH ~•c•. 1190/up. tque 11\ere tppl'eClallon 3 Bdrm, 2 bl lamlly rm 000 eJ. Cu h o nly, y1td, WMt Side. $100/mooq 1yMtiMM. 90·t307 Newporl Pe nln1ul1. Yi 1 Br.1370/mo. utlla paid, 1250/mo. 873-49 . _&_.O_·t_7_9 ____ _ llnenclng. C1ll 0 10. plut comoi.tiiy ...,.,,,. 714·792-aao •ft 7PM H1·81a "v• other• 10 ohooH bqui.lt• See leland con· blk to t>ch. $950 ino. Aot. 1tov1 refTtge. No pet•. Lu• 01n1 Pt 111-Condo 1811 w .. tclllf, N.B. 2158 lfookt. f14/H1·&95e gueet t.cllltlM. 648-8754 .... ,.,_ ~.. ., Ir. 2 Ba. lrplo,, •trlum, from. We're tM OMI to do'°' !MN. 2 If 2'Ab1, 87&.1642 383 w. B1y. 548·9918. lor 3 mo., m11tet 1Ylte to 4000 ICI tt 111 floor . .,., -·., " look oetl fO( i..-. on go lf oouree . 'ull with lrplc, pl, 1p1. Agent 541·6032 ~ IH4 FOR SAL.a IY OWNIR ....,, 14M tam'"'· ovw • Pelk· 11w, . ..rb-a..r MCurlty. Club lnclud" .,l•t•tl ,,.1 ltht Jiii t-49$-2881, 844·9539. •Wlf iiiiiiiiiiin• SEAWINO CONOO ••h ••••••••••••••••";l H50/mo. 844-1179. "'""' nufe ~· epa, tennll. htOO. IJa/ruaJg" •••••••••••••••••••••• 111111 #111/1 4J 5~ ~a:& ~11.ooh per -:· • br 2 2Br. 1 .... a •. 1>9tlo, PoQI, OCootd &d811ver Min• on Ill& Wllll k allU h 114-417~711 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11.llAOIUTI ••••••'••••••••••••••• A~t 541_50;~ " N, · .. • ba, Univ. Plfk IP•. 2 cat ~:r." Wik tor• o Al.,.,, Cll •Ide 55 :MIW Newpott Twr..,_ 3 br, 2'A "1Mt lfhd 2 bdrm. 2 b1.1Ppll1nc... IUUll lllTIL ~ert10~•· !1.•!+10200 . to7" b,c .. ~ .• ,;!...;!'00. •bow._.P~eroo. 40 ecdr ... ~~oer'f'Y 2d':~'-:';"/,:"ci • I· b• oondo. r.001. 110 •••••••• :~ •••••••• •••• g1r, tdry, no pea. $526 Wkly r«illl• now •viii. erme. . t • ......, or 8 ... 1 "'" •vv g,..t ....... 1 Ylf •to ,, .. ,. l'l>••.lf\I... 17.,.1mo. •• .... 1 1 ... r .... ....., 1v-" now ~98-8804, •93-7448 we 117 10. r!llw, good llMY9. gr .. 1 18711/mo. Ag1. 791-3191 "" ... .._, " ..,,, , .. ,, .... • I 140 & up Color Tl/ Ulll .. po1e nt111. 18800 or New 2 BR condo, dbl Clf lllTW 2br/lba on PCH act09I miture ~441 •••tl•it•• PhonH In room. 2274 WESTCLIFF Bll>G Nf WPCIR I 9[ ACH Wllll I -Pitt. trMM. 8711-aeot. ger. oloH to ocu n. 1 to 8 bdrme, •tarting •1 from Bey, M50/mo, 11t ltMi 3140 Newport Bllld. CM WIWIPllll .... PALM DESERT CONOO I 8 5 0 . M 0 n . Fr I . 1875 to S12t5. l lalt. 842-1113 98'· c.n.. '"..., ,, ...................... 646-7445 • • "5'• ,. • •••• ~ •••••• ./. ... ~ ~=-·"-"' Not too 111• for tummer ...... ...... • .. 1...,. ... 1 .. .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 15711/mo. Ne1r be1ch, fun for the whole flll\lly, °""' or excm111g9 • ..-..u-"" "" • ..... llYI • TlllY1 CloM to bMch, 2 8r 2 Ba. mint 2 Br. 2 B•, no peta. B [A C H AR [ A = ~ ~= ~1m: Thia 68R h~ hu 11111 ~;~ 1t3~ I 13 0 • O O 0 · 8hll'P 2br w/Jungle 2 BO • BAYFAONT lrptc,~2 ..... Cit g11, l800 842· 1339, 553-t776. iurroundt~ i n Interior • gre1t 1ree • good Ii-petlo. coiy kltctl l430 30 FT DOCK mo. . No kk:l1/ $77/ k nanclng & low. low prlol •--' 1111.. OC-Al:NTALS 790-3314 Nr lido Vlll1ge, 1879 peta. 8 5·1850 1¥ mtei Deluxe poolalde, •Ira l1t· W .1 .... -.1 ... ___ , ..( ........ . 1 .......... ... I d tr um. Nlcely 1 r1te t~tt S""""OOO ..., •• 81 .. ,.. ge 2br, 2b1, bltna, extetlot. with • ·-·-· lxfi UH II -If mo-to-mo. ..-vv52 Lg 1tudlo 9Pt. New cpt1, diwtlr. l'A mllel belCtl. Kttehenelt•Mald·Pool 1>9tlo. Nie. 11-Coby Wud 842•8235 •••••••~r.•••••••••• LUX. Newport Terr1ce drp1, & p1lnt. lmmed. Adutt1, no pelt SSOOmo. Nwpt Blvd & WlllOn Cdll Mr Howard 64!"> 6101 tumabl• loin 11 tow (Hfi1l 4 new condoe In Bllhop, 111 LltlY rlW condo. 2 BR. 2'A ba. occup. $4715, 9151-8130 536-8382 C01t1 M... 541·•9755 lntlfMt rete. Turtle Rock CA. Trade or no down Rent In Co111 Met1'1 Fptc. Quiett Poot, etc. y 1 --------.....c. Olen. C1111or det1t11. llitll llY pymt.831-7939 ~:w~~:~eg~ltl•LdA~~ Kldt OK. 1896 mo. f!!!~.!f~ ...... /!~f WllffLITIH :ri~v:i~c::.~~·~~ •llLIU lfflOU• 1297.000. lllTll 2 yr. new condo &.rnMt COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. tt523 l'AMPUSDl:fRVINt 837-2818 Roomy older 2 br. 1•~ bl 1 & 2 Br. OilCOUnt on $300/mo plut aecurlly From 1 room to 3 rooma. Trtlk 18971 Antioch, tkb•, 4 Br. 2 Ba. D.R., F.R. w of Univ. 1200_.000. 150. ooo down, ,190,000 A.l.T.D. 12% Int only for 5 yrs. Agent 5'41·5032 B11nd New Ho met & CondOI, no money down whit• they tut. (714) 546-9522 Ag1. ~.~'.~ ••• !.':ff OLDE LAGUNA CHARM Un iq ue 2 bdrm floor pl1n, 1 b1th, fly rm w/ bea!Md celllng1, h1td· wood lloort & cozy log burning frplc. I 187.500 Full Price. MISSION REAL TY 494--0731 Chumlng w1tertront Strip. Trlde or no down 2,~ B 1800 1800 It trH>lex twnhM IP'· 1gl IOITWI models. Poot. Sp1. dep $300 2309 w . From $1.18 I Ml tt. No horne.4'h BR,4BA,dln pyml.831-7939. 1· • Ml·· TllnllUOl F1ntlltlc¥1ew,dr1mitlc 3 e ncl. gu. 1 5215/mo. Gym, S1una , etc . Oce1nlront, Newport le1Mrequlred.Ad).Alr-llnd ... 6--.... & tennta ol pure luxury. G1r1g11, BR with exciting country 84e-0819 B h 8 3 £ porter tnn. 2172 Dupont. ~~illible'.'$3'2ootmo. 2 br houM. lg den, F/P, •Pll In 1very home • Lovely 3t brd, 2 b•.:11'1"" type kllchen . Prlvlte Avail. July l5. 7M-0809 · eac · 7 "41 "4 c1u AM. 833-3223 1¥• bl, Whittler. Tr9de or muter 1utte, dining rm, crp '· rp1, u n1, community. Children weleome, 2 & 3 2 Br. with garage, bat· l•••ll l••llll 4100 Miry Lou Mii ion, no dow n pymt . room1. wood burning 1950 mo. 1 y r lie. B11rettRlty 642·5200 Br.$476-SSOO/mo.Mon. cony. atove & dtah· •••••••••••••••••••••• BAYfRQNT 842•8235 (H52>· 831-7939. 1trepl1c11, micro-wive 873-5120 ...... & wl<ndL thru Sit 9.5 Corne< ol w ••her • S 5 5 0 I mo · U"lllT 3Tr•de or no down pymt. 011en1, prtv1te p1t101 & .... ~rl•i• ..... h~ .. ~~'J'!!~.'!. ••• /.~{f Ad 1 m; & F 11 r" t e w 538-7979. 4 bdrm, 4 b1th, 11ndy Prime office. 873· 1003 831•7939, y1rdl.1Jltdener provl· 3 bdrm, 1'A 01. 1850..., Br1nd new 4 Br ooeen w 557-4785. No pet1. $400 furn or unlurn. 1 Br. be1ch, docil, $8000. Aleo Ewec aultea full aerv ded. Eteglnt IMng only ...... h 18992 F Lido I le 3 bd I • . .. SKIERS DELIGHT • 1Br 15 minute• from Futtlon month. C1ll Doug Am-ome, very near beech, 1490. 2 BR. pool, 2 per-pool, IPL lorldt. I rm, im turn/unlurn., greatly re-llland, 1 mlnut .. to S.C. merm1n wk 891·2000, not yet l1nd1c1ped or IOnl only, 325J 171h. Pl. 842·2834. 842·3172 rm .. 2 bl. 13100 Juiy. duced No 111. 754-0274 tcr~~~o,.orwlk•m'o ... ~.• .. •llort. Pl11a or O.C.Alrport. Ev 873-1792 dr1ped IO you can rent 648-6137 •It 11AM. NHr beech 2 Br. l'A Ba. 13500 Auguat. em Grun----------..,. """ now tor only 11000 pr dy. Attr, 675-8161. lbmHL Mobile Horne In c.ntral Jutt e11t of Newport 3 Bd. F.R. pool, nr trvlne mo. 7141973·4818 1 Br. g1rden 8')1, itove & crpta, drps, bit-Ina, frptc, 1--1T OllTll ... or Northern C1llf. By Blvd. & IO. of 8111 Diego H.S. $800. Av1ll. July 15. 1•1, 1 g e . N 0 p • 11 . enclld g111ge Sl595/mo. I Br. •leeP• 4. 1cro.. the ~ ...... IL"'I OwTlef (714) 562-3748 Frwy. Stifling I I 1900 I 549-3598 w .. 1.i.1111 '"' 1370/mo. 548-1377. C1U 536-0921 tlreet lrom b91Ch With UH of reception, Stnot• 1tory "Bon111·· month. 831·5439, 2473 •••••••••••••••••••••• N S dlo 1 1 1400/wl<. 875-50&8 conl. room. kltch. phone. Sltulted on 1 l>Mutlful fll 1&L1 II TUii Or1nge Avt .. Cotti Turtterock: Leue Option/ SplC. 4 br. 1'A bl home Cle1n 2 BR 2 Ba condo, nr ew tu apt, utt urn, Meret1rl1t & word pro· greenbelt with pool. Two Beeutlful home, frplc tn M.... 'I\ lntereet, 3 Br. 21t Ba. on lg• rHld. lot New S. Ci t Plaza. S800 mo. 1325 mo 3brl2b• 1 lly hM. pool. ~ling Mall & message pr1¥1te p1tl01, 3 bdrma, bdrm, lull az tot. I 125, ---------r View Rent '.ii· paint & apt. 1750/mo. Clll 982-8897 1tt 5PM 960· l239 gardenl, 1751dly, 2 wk Mr'< av1ll. 1199<llely If 2 blthl, new c1rpet1, 000 equity W111t home SUNNY 2br w/workthop 631· 1 68. 111. 1111 + 1376 dep. E11lalde 2 Br. 1 B1., p1t10, IARllUI WW min. S.-8-61961gt d111red. C111 Judy. lmm1cul1te condition. or •Pl• In Nwpt .,... ol~e~i~~~ y~:i~14 W••U ,.,,, 3141 Avail. July 15. 973-8243 n . w I y de c 0 r 1 t e d Lge 2 & 3 BR townhouM r~.t.·.'!~~.!.!~!!!~!~~~ 7141790-0100 Neer echoota Ind lhC>P-_84_S-_9S5_7_._9_5s-o __ 1e_2 __ 1 _________ ••'••••••••••••••••••• lorappt 10 -· (Dupl••I $825/mo apts, yards. ancl gar, LAKE TAHOE on water llWPMT lbOI ping Mike offer 1215. Hllll f&ll E/elde: nice cle9n 2 Br. 1 Nice IBR 1 bl . triplex, HOME FOR AEN1' 851-9522 lptc. hook-ups. Nr Hunt 4 Br 3b•, exec home. Ellecuttve omc. In Can- 000 Bl. fncd yard, encl1d p1t10, gar1ge, Stove/ 3 Bdrm. $750. Fenced Hrbr. from $575. Chll· compt furn s7ootwk VI 1 S 0 1230.000 equity In 31 glfage Nice. relllble 11-refrlg. 524 St. Anni. ylfd & g1r1g1. Kid• & 2 br ·· 1 bl . c11peta. dren OK 8'0-6807 5 5 2 • 2 1 1 5. 0 r e u e. nery 1 ige. 45 /mo Acre Gentlem1n F1rm mtly. 1 chlld olC No petl S550, 836-1453 wtcdya. pell welcome. 54s-2ooo. dr1pu , built-In• No 975 ,,311 • • Brotler 875-4912 near Eugene • neetled In $500/mo. l)lua MCurlty. S A,_,1 no fee peta 1425. 2272 Maple. 2 Br 2 Ba d/w. p1tlo. -v II Tl( WATll ... ctntury old rn9Ple tr-. 25•4 Or1ng• .. 0 .. pect1culer oce1n & ·-· • · 831-2927 1tngte gar1ge. w111er OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 2 tlory, 4 bdrm Colonlll S.-6-2778. ~:::!1\=. ~onBr~ Ct•'-Jal .. I Sp1Ctou1 2 Br. I Bl. $425. p:ld, leund? f~21;hlld Av1fl. now WM«ly thru ~x N~~~l~~ home2~h ~-~t· BEST DEAL 1br unit B1. $1050/mo. Clll Ow· Ulllua/M" 3415 3 Sr . 1 ... Ba 1475. ~.;. ~8o8et ';1°· summer 873-7873 rlna Bldg 8'2-4844 chin . .,.epftM::M.°btinl . gll' utll-pd only S330 oer...,.. 499..-252. •••••••••••••••••••••• L1undry lac . pool. """" · gent, no ee. Lido Realty ~~:r;;.18.;.~r~~~or OC-RENTALS 150-3314 EMERALD BAY. 3 Br 2 ~i~: ~~~'1.'rg~n~'. 548-9556 2 Br 1'A B1. $375/mo plus ~.'!~•l!.!!.~~!.'!.!.~~ FMITAll Yw.n ~Macnab-Irvine 644-81 sn5i..1400 W t I B 1375 dip. Crpts. drps. Roommate w1nted. mile. Prime office facillty IOCI· 6 7 J. 7 JOO ____ 1 _____ WM111<M 2 Br. 1 81. lncd B1. frplc, brick petlo with Dlux 1 9f. No petl. $475 81 1 de Lg 1 r w I Quiet. older person prel to shr 2Br IPI. C.M. $250 ted dlrec11y 1<;rOIS from OCEANFRONT Mobile __ .;;....;.......;.... __ ...;...._~ p1tlo, e ncl1d g111ge, Ip I . I 1 I 0 0 . & 135 utll. 7715·2680. Clrpc>(1, O/W. lndry. avlll Nr Beach/McFadden. No mo. George 6"2-6381 Civic Center. IHy IC· HomM, ......,11. sao.ooo. ·--------.i latal1 new c1rpet1. dr1pe1. 213/876-2255. Highly upgrlded & clMn. 7-2. 1395 mo. 646-8825 pell. 893-4894 cH1 to frwye, ttextble Pvt. •~818 ••••••••• •••• •• •••••• • paint. No pet1. $495/mo. 2 B 1 1525 2500 ICI fl Condo. will IC· ---------A __ B_S_O_L_U_T_E_L_Y_M_U_S_T_, ., .... ., __ ,, .. _~ p1u1 MCurtty. 548-5442 WI.HI •mi JllO Orangetree condo 2Br. 1 ~: ~p.f,~m-5 ··B·' W•H• ltaei 3141 cept 2 adtta, or t adll ~~~f4~0'~'.'~\~;~X 1517,000 IN ., -· ._..,., •-770 5629 . •• ••••••••••••••••••• 81, pool. S 825/mo W ••'••••••••••••••••••• w/1 clllld or Juat 1 edit. ASSUMABLE LOANS SELLI Prime wllerlront •••••••••••••••••••••• • ' HOT TU B ATRIUM 3 867-5537, 553-0178 J1Y. · Bllter. 641-0783. IGWFlllT dllton•t Info call S pectacutu view• of condo, •Hume S300K. Cnll #tu 3114 Npt Hght1 twnhM. 3 BR, 2 bdrm, 2 ba, 18215. Quiet 7$4-4592 TriCy. ••2" ••3"/ 2 B 1 e M Poot, lg kit, 2 plltoe. lg l.Y.•. IH. c II Owner •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 d Obie cl c II St Child OK .., ~ "mo. r. 1. Oil elegant apt. bldg. baleony w/bey view. Emer1td Bay ind' the 1 to 11PM for 1 Br. Traner, prlVlt•. no b1, pc, Y · f:"· No r u r · · 3Br Condo Aug 111 1700 1p1., bHmed celling. In Lagun1 Beech, llnes1 557-7883 or 640-6339 141-1020 oout from thl1 prlv1te detalta. 873-0241 Pe 11 . u 111 1 P 1 1 d . pet• 1195. &•2·5 22 ~.:' P~~=~'·:! mo. + <Mip. 1550 ·1q ft, l1Undry rm., pool. Av1lt. tocatlon In town, breath· M/F 3 B 3 8 h 1 NEWPORT BEACH :'::~o':~~ n::;: ::.~.~ Olilt 1HJ llt•lf $400/mo. 111 p1u1 MCU· 1111 '111 Hllll. By ·~1 •12.sPM. 2'ABa, g11age opnr, pe· July. C.,I for 1ppt. taking views. all buttt-lns. r a ome n ··Turn Key" Otflce SS90. •••••••••••••••••••••• .-.. 842-0835, 499-1817. 38 1'""-E Sid ho 11•/85" 108 97• ....... tlo ...,.,rt_ .. ,_ Her .. ~ • TSL Mgmt 642·1803 he It• d Po o I . prtv. commty, 2 blk• PoOI and lddltlonll Miier ... , r, T•""' . • me .. •· • ..,....,..,., • ..... '"'-•• """ "' iub.·g1rage, elevator. from bch. jac, lrptc. ··B11ncll" office S75. fl n1nclng. 11•0.000. #Ul.11..... ~ a.. •• a. 11~• w/frplc, IQ Hv rm. l1m rm, Edinger. 847•1111 1500/mo. 2 Br, 1 Bl. up-1360/mo 631 7168 Biii Seminar meeting rooms " -• ,. ~ cpt & pllnt. 17"" •''1-' .. vi~ •-1 ,,_ unit, ~•-" ~.,..,.., Leue only. 1850 & up. · • 840-7020 •11 •·•1 II• •• ••••••••••••••••••• ,..,._ • ., ' "'' r•· ,,,_ ....... .,...._. -...-330 Cliff 0 •9 8083 hourly. Typing , malllng, .f~ •• ~~••••••••••••• 4 BR,,_ dee, tum, Sec mo. 2288 Cornell . ••••••••••• •••••••••• A&1rlmt•,. r.r.Jg" p1tto, Ill bn-ln1, eun<lry r ... 4• phones Call lor Info ~ llAL UTITI OCEANFRONT Mobile C;,....., Bdl tennll 5'49·~2 HOME FOR RENT Vrtt;:;••••••••••••••• rm ~ •6 • L 3111 ROOllATE 752-~•08 . ..,,. ., · 3 Bdrin. & 4 Bdrm S750 -.... ~-'-.. •t'•• · ti-'• •--""'------~ llllb ,,. HomM, NVtrel. NO.OOO. · 4f6..t038 3 br, 1 bl S550. Also 2 br, to SSOO. Fenced ylfdl & ~~.~.::Jt •• f •• ~ TSL Mgmt. 842•1903 •••• ••••••••••••••••• Atrport eree • Exec. Sul· ........... i;;;;·~··· P\lt. 499-3t1• ......... j "" 1 bl $450. 2852 S111t1 g1r1g11. Kid• & pell OcHn view, bHutllully Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town· s~~r~o or~r"n 2~; FllDERS tea From 225-450 aq fl. fal .< N9wport 8-ctl DI Ania•••.....-"••••••••••••••• An9AY9. 851~228 welcome. 545-2000. furn. townhouee. frplc. hOuM In qutec complex, req "d . s 690 /mo Olde11 & l11g81t 1gency $1 per9C1 tt M1nyxlr1S. Co·OP• from S3 .000 b a y front Perle. Mint .,_,,.. Cfe9k 2 Br., den. 2 ... 1 ... / d Agent, no f.. pool & 1>9tlo. 1895/mo. t1rge PoOI. gerden Ml· 842 2127 AH cilenll ICIMfled with Call 557-7010 equity price . Condo• c:ond. '71 dbl wtd9, ftr-. PoOI & ..,. on greenbett. ...d fj 1:. crp~ ... 1rPt • ., •---1. J'-f 873-0896. ting. 1875. 845·3381, • phOtOI & referencee from 176,000 fl.rll j)(tc. piece br1c* 1>9tlo 181 a 11QO/mo, Alli 1°' Cerol )'II • I · llm• mo. •..,_,, -• -. 875-5949 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo Credtta: Cosmopoll1an Leleure Wor1d ~ 5 0 0 : B 111 CJ run d y 7 1 4 I 7 5 1 • 2 1 I 0 • 87S-5098. ..-.-.~••••••••••••••• Studio w/refrtg , micro-· rentll1. VIiie Rentlla G Ice 24221 P..o de Valene!• 87Mlll 21314fl..7233 1575 mo. 2Br, petlo, MW wi ve. 1395. 808 Avo· 1530/mo. 2 Br. 2 B•. 675--4912 Broker ==~A~.· Ltntu41n Owner dellres p111oer to leue 7500 It of new 1p1ce In Huntington Beach l e11e gu•r a PlfOlnl ownerah1p In 80, Lag. Hiiia 7141837_5500 ,._.,..,· ._..... 11111"1111 pllnt, drpe, cc>t1. Back c*'<> (~ 875-ea11 Towntiou-. car PQ(11, I t•l llll --..... .,_.__,_ .. .J EASTSIOE 2 Br. glfage Bly. 64S-5n8. 842·2287 ,._ • ,.,,~ 1>9tlot, ... blt.fnl, lndry ..,.rt ~ - -• .,.,...__ 1595/mo. 842·2610 .... 11 tu 1.,. rm Im.ii ...... Ok Won't -..... rt .... C'. 1.,.~ ,.,,..,. '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ..... 848 ' •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ..,...., . PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS •• -.•c-••••••••••••••••• •••• -.,~;;••••••••••••• ,..,,II JllJ ~ • llYm IYL $400 Attrec11ve turn. 1 Bt. laatl P1clflc View Memorl1I •••••••••••••••••••••• llfl& ftlll 3 BR 2 Ba, flrec>lece, 2 den, lg petlo, !JM. M1ture TSL Mgmt 842·1803 Prol M 25+ nooamk1, to ooo eq fl bldg CIOM to shr 3 br home tn CdM. buch. No dn p1ym't llftllMlll AIU -OllTlll htf 1.1 aoau Ou t of the fllght patt e rn, t h lt custom home offer11 magnif ic e nt o pportun lt l et . S eparate guest home and private p ool •nd spa . Owner wtll flnence e n tire loan. The price 11 S985,000. -..c.t •. w. 714/7M-lM Plfk, Nwpt Bctl, Lot 7.... LIOO ISLE/Unturn.• '""""'! cu "lllge, lge y11d . quiet 1dult. No pet1. Alt. 5. 842-9221 G ,.,.. A & B Bl)'lllew L 48r home In eel 4 Br. """" IP&. lrg y1rd, • T ~ r r • c •. $ 2 2 0 0 . i!:tton .. Clll lor C:1111' cul-de·llC atreet, new 1825 mo 2234 A Rutger• Dr. C.M. Flrept1ce , pool, dlth· 873·7717 •l500/mo yrty. kitchen. w11tp1per1 for ltllter $375/mo. Olx mobile hm. wUher. P¥1 Piiio. X LG PO boy g lrl & mom a•• 11-Mlture ldutll, no ....... Garden 2 Br. $580. "----'-' NEW RT BCH/Untum. ' 7 -· &• ...--557-2841. .,_ _.,., Beaut & 1ge 2Br In VIHI $950/mo 51-0774 Bkr. Quiet. aecure. 1991 1 ________ _ ,,._,. IHO 1B11200tb 1 omo'·. 2 p1t101, 2 br, 1 ba houae, rncd Ill CAIYOI POOL Newport Bllld. 848-8373. BAY TIMBERS •••••~"'•••••••••••• yerd. enclosed g1rag1. • ti. If• Specloua 1 Br. lrplc, pool llWPllT .... '\. W1tertront Home1, Inc. $500 mo. Agt 875-1842 S P a . t e n n I • , •• •I & more. Excellent otntral corner C&lt 831-1400 1895/mo-mo. or leue lfMi 3140 141-llH •-· •--3 ...,.,, OWC Mesa Verde. 4Br 2b1, II · opt. A11. Fred 831· 1266, •••••••••••••••••••••• ..,...,..,.,, ~·vv•· . •-•1.-. • l ' ••-Ae1lonomlcl 875-8700 ~-11 U .,._ mlly hm. Nr ach11. 1>9rk, 631·2 11 L11rge 1 Br. 1dun, near •••••••••••••••••••••• lhopplng. $850/mo lnoli l----------1 HI 's FllEIT 1hop1. pool, all utH pd. IHU YW.l'f Tulllett.r Nelr new 4-plex. 2 bdrm, 2 b1th HCh unit with llrepl1e1, encloMd petlo, glflQI. 9¥•-111. Pa.. 011h flow. Now 1 159, 500. Biii Grundy, Rltr, 87M181. Balbo9 lel1nd W1terlront wtr, gardener. 714/ Wettclltt. 8e1U1. houM & • • 1 8 a 4 M onro v 11 . Cott1ge 2 Br. 1 Bl. 1 881-7117 y1rd. 3Br 2bl . lam/rm. Sp1nllh Eltlle Uvlngl 548-0338 ye11 te i ae $850/mo. llv rm. New cpt·g, no BHutlfut p1rk·llke 1ur-•--------- 770..0347. E. COit• M .... 2 Br hou· pell . Qdnr. 1 995, rounding•. Terr•ced E11t1lde 2Br 1bl, pool, It-~I#. J••• M , Ilka new. 1450/mo. 646-8789 pool. Sunken OU bbq. l1undry, 1450, c 1 11 -naa •• 11 .-842·3837 1p1rkllng lount •ln1. 833-7890, 846-1947 •••••••••••••••••••••• Tll lllfn Spec1ou1 rooma. S~•----------W11ertront horMI Lovely •Cte1n 28r hu, w / 3 br, 2,A ba. prof. dee. rite dining.,..._ Wllk-ln 1&2Br. $415--$475 mo. utll 2·1ty,Cl1m4Br,2frplc. g1r1ge, relurbl1hed, i menttlel. s 1250 . cloMt1,homellllekltch-pd,cie.n,qulet,pool,no modem kitchen IC)pll1n-quiet. no pet1. 1500 mo. 529-8983 en a cabinet•. Wilk to pet1, Idell for working eet. wet bit, 3 car g• 831-7220 Huntington c.ntet cpte 5'8-75e9 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING pvt b1th 1 '"' blk1 to C 1 11 M r Br 0 0 ks IN NEWPORT BEACH beach. Gar w/lndry Incl 7 •9 55£• A 10111 environme nt $450. 673-2418 1 __ 14_1_v_1• __ -. ___ _ 8')11r1rnent eommunlty on ---------4 deluxe office•. 11r11eglc the Upper Bay. Private Femile 18-35 lo live location on Beach Blvd clubhouse 1nd he11th abolrd 57' Ylchl In HB Front eKposure, 1ge spa, 8 tennis courta. 7 Newpor1 Beach. Call sig n area. 65c sq ft pools. cloae 10 business. Answer Ad • 5 7 8 · Ownr 213-450-8555 airport, Fashion Island 642-4300 24 hrs. Convenient shop1 on Prof 10 shr Condo, houM, lite. Unfurnished baehe-a 11 amen It 111 S 2 8 5 . * lfWHIT * tore, 1 & 2 bdrm apts 1nd 662·2449, 966-8479 Airport ArH, exec autte townhouses. up1nd1, cteuy aurroun· $540 • s 1000 F nontmkr to ahr 2 br dings, prol itmosphere. Several bachelors 1nd 1 duplex. EtSlde C M, h11 120 to 250 aq 11 of· Bdrm units feature line S225 Incl. uUla. 645-7220 fleet & desk ac>IOI from d11lgner furniture 1nd Shr 3Br hM. $11115 + utlli, 2815/mo. lnctudlng conl llCCISIOfte.. Mo111 In to-plus $100 MC. dep. S.A. rma. receptionist. 1n1- d1y or r-for IU!T>-831· 1 ttl •fl 5pm werlng tervtce, 1011 ol mer months Smartly parking, WP & Tlx avalt furnished models open SAVE MONEY 933-9978 dilly Wiii 1h1re my belutllut ---------N.B. home. 646-5355 S300/up· C1rpe11, dr•pea. ARIZONA Commerclal 1-1. eeoo 1q It bldge. Fr.. & c:le«. Tr1de for hou1e 11 bMch. 548-3974 or (2131 rage, t>Mutlflll Ollt cabl-lllffl ... 1 Bdrm-tum, l505 net1, hrdwd entry, UP· Ftutll• VIII 3134 2 br & 4 br. aaoo to 2 Bdrm-furn from le05 On Jamboree Rd at 1lr. 17301 Beech. H B 1 ...... • ....... 1~....... Fem loolclng lor 11me to 842 2834 ... ...., --1 _...,,.. S.n Joaquin Hiiie Rd. lind & lhr 9C)I. 975-<t067, --· --·----- gredea thruout. For ..... •••••••••••••-'/.•••••• 1875. Ag1, 844-1133 2 Bdrm TownhOUM furn. 12500/mo. POMlblllty of HOME FOR RENT from 1875 Studio with e1rport l 1••·1100 832-4819 Debbie VllW lfftol petlo. Pool & Spa. No ~ pelt. 1395. 5-49-2447. -l-ID_O_B_E_A_U_T_l_F_U_l_2_B_r_, Oce1nlront Newporl , ~ell·l=n!~off'c;e ~ option to purch&M. Boet 3 Bdrm. 1776. Fene.d IEWPllT 11111 Piil •E dock 1110 1v1ll. C1ll y1rd & g111g1. Kldt & v..ny C1n•I front, 3 Br. + G ST PT g I. 1111 P • g g Y P 1 t t 1 •on · peta welcome. 5-46-2000. 2 B1, 2 llory, xlnt .,.._ 426-9976 non-smk m1ture rHp 'ftl>I ·..,......ox · ••--lrplc. petlo. adults ICI fl SAe•-Sl050. 975-63511 lem, 1 235mo . yrly. 845-7100 No pets. UtllltlM Fr•I UE A •• !!!f!! •• ~r.t!f...... 1·955-2473 wkdya 8-5. Agent. no fM . doek apece 1vall Broker 2 bdrm, 1 ba, ,_car----------1 548-1687 pet1, p1tn1, no pet1. A rife opportunlty to .... _N_B_pr_of--M-_.-1-1 -lh-r-...._-•CdM dtx Miiie, A/C, 1mple 4 BR. fM"I rm. + btft pool ... UEAll'l'IVE 875-4912 LA QUINTA HERMOSA ::iselnlng ::-w~g ~ ••NIT IUll ..... ':9u"·11 •;;:•'.. ,.~. Blutfe ., .. condo. 4 Br 16211 Plfkllde Ln, 'blll I 4 2 5 . 1 e 2 Tu II p . H It be1utlful S EA H. erbor View home ..,,...w pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. C11 831..e155 ISLANO. lovely "Bimini'" Id u 11 3 5 +. $ 3 7 5 Hwy. 675.etoo r.... 'i -. 2'Aba fr..... glf 1.......... W. of Belch. 3 blk1 S. ol BR l llY rm, w/fplc. ASSUME l1tge 30 )'Mr •••••••••••••••••••••• · ,,_, w .,... Edinger. 1Br upetllrt, no petl. ret. Only 13 5 ,000. Agt. 12Wl~ to1n1. P1y 20% Sparld.lng 3 Bdr w/c:ttm Lux. e•ec. cullom home. opnr. N9w cptt & pelnt. ••t •••1 req. 134() mo. 352 Vic· 148 4380 or 84S-..765 down. Oupl•xH & trl· pool & IP& In lrvlne Ter· '"'mt 10 bch. 48r 3b1, Ill _1_9_7_5_/mo ........ _144-__ 5_6_1_2 __ 1 ______ ._._____ tori• 84Ml8l ptexM In CdM & Bel Pen. 111Ce. 11400. Ron Sifter option• Incl pool/1p1. OC.AENTALS Quiet Junior & 1 B11. ---------BC::::,.~~w~~ Buy 1 or buy Ill. C&ll 75~1221. Re/Max, 9gt. 11100/mo. 759.9293 t-5br'• 1200 to '2000 From 1375. Pool, rK. EASTSIDE ... p¥1 2 BR. Plan. 2 Br. Den, 2'~ Ba. full MCUrlty plul every 790..0802 COST A MESA office conce lv•bl• 1menlty. LIVE AT THE BEACH lpeOI for .... 9PPfOX, 12900 monthly. For In· Femlle to 8h1te Belbol 2.000 sq.fl. of pvt otttcet. tormetlon c1lt 714/ l1t1nd houM. 1215 Incl General work -plut 8«-6494. utll. 875•91 42. reception room. Prof. wflll• they IHl. 17 141 tod1Y 844-7424 Bkr. 2 br, derl, bMmed oelllng, 2 BR. 1 bl, bonut/offtc. 760-3314 oper1 7-dl)'I rm., t1un1, encl1d gl· ~~'.'~i "it2 P~~'. 546-ff22 Agl. liiiiii11KiiiiiiWIDiiiiiiiiiiil ~~,:: .. 41~~1cl1. M<X,W~P~~87~hop1. IUOI 11111 : .... 1~~!1~~ off Adttl, no pet•. 752-2550 ~~=·2A~~lt~·~r:r. p[~· ~h ~~·r~o2!!~ ..... Wlew leMs W-" •~·t-'" It tllt E 1 (lllm) ., •---1. -•f *Cleen 2bf/2ba condo nr No pett. 1800/mo. 1728 $376/mo. 831-1268 DI•· decorlted. Xlnt tocatlon. At the 405 Fwy & Hlfbor Blvd. exit. For more lnlo c.11 wMl<dlyt, 751..e191 -"""".., "un up leg1nt, 1p1c. home n lge 3 br, 3'.+ b1 home •..,_,, -t11• SC Ptua, S.A. 1576. No Bedford Lane. 548-1533. n11 ..... ..... building In prime comer most pre1tlglou1 ., ... 4 w/blt-lne, crpt & drpt. By the month only BUT •• -.-.~••••••••••••••• Ill.I. 1'1111 location on S.O-etrom br. 3 bl. gameroom. CIOM to beech. 11000 only $900/mo for 2 Br 2 THE pet. 752•5822· 641-14eo Yrty. 3 br. 2 ba, frptc. oar .. -F.-m-.-.. -(2_2_·-30_)_r_m_m_1-.-.-hr 3 BR. 2 BA. Sp1. Aleu· In South Santi Anl. NI· •P•Cl l CUIU entry w/ m 0 . w I g Ir d. n . r . Be. Wiik to beach, Av111. 2 Br 1·~ bl, 810 Jo9nn SI. ow. 1 blk 10 belch. 3BORM on belch. Bii· mabl• loin. 1239,500. Olly l1ndteap«I 4 YMf curved 1talrw1y, Inter-980·1170 lrom June 20. Adlt1 pref. Sml dog Ok. 675.,.912 bkr. bot Penn. Frptc. Indoor FH Owner wlll cirry old bulldlng Apx. 15,300 com. bit-In vec 3 car g1r. ••aooD _84_5_·M_!S3 ______ , WESTCLIFF. 2 bdrm, 2 p1tlo, v1ulted celling with· 10% d b owner Ml· fl. $1,040,000 owner Some view of mount•ln1 DC-RENTALS 2Br. boat dcll 1500/wtc $250 mo 111 & tut ptu1 97 ... 39~3 . wlh help fln11noe. & ocean. $2000/mo. 1·50r'11200 to 12000 Lge bletl ~.good locale, b•. flrepl1ce D1hw1hr. depo11t. 873-e438 Ilk 759.1015 750-3314 °'*' 7-d•YI lBr, boet dck 1400/wk pvt p1tlo, 1ngl pref'd. relrl?" Pool. $700. tor Brien. OCEAN FRONT NEW CRPT' PAINT .11..a IU&.n LIFE" 1315. est-w. fttt1 st, _84_w_2_2_._146-_582_5 __ -------- ev OWH£A. XLNT LOC. CHI• .... 3114 3br 1'"' ba. Kida!-• Ok. --•••••••• , 8tngte ~. QUMiC rMture ..,. • T11&Y1 "-IX. '1N. M0-7tt0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,..., r".,... -•••••--tio. 1 OW, 1tv, refr. ger, yd, 1.,...111 ~ PUM: pereon, pet , no petl. 2 90 • BAYFRONT llLI IY.... p1tlo. '7915. 831-4320 soct•I ActlvltlH 13t0 tnc utll. 848-73'42 30 FT DOCK ... .,.. ""rm/wet ber. H.,bor VleW Hom9 3 "'· 2 0 Ir . 0 t 0 r . Fr.. t br, edult ~ l'IO. Nr Lido Vlll•ge, 1875 dl"lnt rm, t•mlly rm. 81. fMllly rm. 11000/mo. au n d ~ J _ Refrtg, _pool. No pete. _rno-__ IO-fl\O __ ._e_7_5--0e62 ____ 1 1.tmmlno pool. com· L ..... 644..-n. Brunctletl80'.. 423 w. ~· l4t-M1e ---------1 ~ remocs. ~ Hta 1\ ,.,."''""' .... ~,,:: 2 bdrm. 1 1:1e ~ unit h Ofl'I • • • 3 4 9 • 6 0 0 • lh1rbor lm~llTWfll l'o Q" I AT ... 4112, ofC m.tn3 IU C RI A Tl 0 N 1 T e nnl ••''•• &..-one (pro l pro t hop )•2 Hetlt h ~Saunee Hydrorn 111 JI• ~ llAUTIPU &.: A'ARTMlllTl1 811!1 lu 1... 1-.!.I. ... ~,,,,,__ I Unfvrnla'*l•Ho '"'••Model• o.-.n ~·'°·· ...... 111 .... ,, ,,. .... "-=="'-iffifi m ...., ,.,,,~ ' It • , ............ d,., =::"' retrltN, w1ter • t ol\lld oi. "° 4Hf"'O.L •0-1=: .,.,,. .... F• Ad ACtin Cal I = IAYFllDIT DFFIOE Fully Improved 1500 ICI It B11y1lde/J1mboree Avail. lmmed. 840-•925 LUXURY OFFICE SUITE Cuatom decor, gt•n lobby & 2 t1rg1 exec. off~•. 915 ,1q. fl .. euy 1erm1, 1v111. lmmed. Prime loc. It OOf1*' Of J1mborM & MacArtNlr, $1500/mo. Call IUrren 11 762-5444. lllT lllLO Office epece, Newport C«lf•. 720 eq. ft. """ or untum. Avail. M'/ 1t Wendi. 844-7520. .. ~ •• ~jA~•.=:;;1~·:; ~.~·.:_ ........... ~!!'JI .............. 1!nfft!!:a~· • AIO MOVING • ~~~t;,-;:;~Sf 'Wl~i~%~~:)" & o.penery, Uo'd. .. rlGhl, ,, .. """'•'• on ._ LA ... ,... HIAfflnt·•llldenl WltNOIC. Oonor•I•, brlolc, WOOd Qulolc, CINful lerYtoe. HANOlNO/IT,.U•PI Vour Ottloe or Ou11 yr1 up ltW ...._1111 1erge Of imall jobe. T,. tr1m, gen, ~. Low ,. .... rellabta. dectla, r~ l ,,... .. tmetee &eto0410 v1 ... MO loott ..._.,2' l fllcianVAellabta Lio ~1 111.o35t oement WOtlc. l'r .... t Thank you, lleo. tree~ 17~1113 ........ NO ln·f\OuM WOid Proc l'1ne ~ Cttpentry • • Cell M .. 1804 ~lme. 71M1lt •&-t .... AIA ll'APeAt4A""'I No mlnlnvn 642-0MO Aemod. lpeo. ~ LIC'D ILIOTflllCIAN ...... Gar -------l'ltnov~lert T~ 8oeo191 oer-. 1 vr• local MP· °'*· Lio. 41Hl1 720-1HO Qull. WOl'tt•AMI. rel.. • denlnO P..af'. HAVIOI New 119 "' . 2& Yrt •llP work. ll'rlOH etert et LM-1/tn ,,.. ..,, '31·007a Tom CIMn-upe, ,,... trim & H~ • yrd ~ up Dave M2-411S Comoettttve 'Aat.. • It/toll. M9o 7'1·1027 •r.r.':" •••••••••••••••• ~ ........... . w~~T:~= 11.IOTAl<MN fnlllnt. llWV. S40403t Quick~~:.:'" •t __ ~ __ .,._,._,_,._& ___ No __ ovwt_1mrne_. _1so_.1_t_S3 f.l111t!t~ v:n'~';!: ~Reo Lio. 420902 M2·1200 8ml jobt.lfllepelra. Uc. L,..__ ---------VANDINll..a STARVING COL.LIQI ••:u ••• e".:.:fll•l•NQ••••• (114) 13" 4'"'"" 2~ IOl-C-10. Mt-1203 ..-:i:':'l:;r.'o••••••••••• ·N-'-•'-LANDIOAPINO 8 siD'I PL.A •" ., . ....., 'Wilfl & rouph oatS*\ll'Y. cabt11ett. room •ddl· ttona. 94t-1121 ...... ...... ...... HOMI IMPAOVIMENT .... ~r........ Malnt .. IOd, pl111t1ng, OTUDINT8 MOVING ALL TVPH IHTI EXT •11, ll'r" •t. JllMe. PtiOe1. lleo1ttoel Contr~or AIPAIJll.PLUMllNO Joen'a ClMnlng lervloe Med tewne. ct.en-u~ & ~· u~~· Tutur" PetoNno :~'••••••••••••••••••• Oual. WOttl. Lio. ~7198. Ind .. Comm, ,... Lio Clf1*'try, ... Ille. Free H~Apte-Aent• trim. Uo'd. t 7 ... 1141 WATCH 'us GAOWI FREE E8T IM&-f251 CERAMIC TILE '31·2346 333211. Ptl H 'M7SI •t. No IOb too amell. OflloM. M0-1217 & Ptumbl"" Repeltt fllr.!. •---' 1454111 ·--am PLASTl!R PATOHINO ... .wnff G ·•Con ·-IUmll R081N'8 CLEANING ,. .. -•-l~l•tlllr. Raatuoooe. lnl/ewt, 30 FrM Mt. Bob 176-685I •• •••••••••••••••••• .,,.,_ treotor -·-Sod -rink• • .... ,.,b m: .. 0rp'9 lnttlll/repelred Ind., OOMll'l'I ree. We don't mike YoU welt EXPERT HANDYMAN ~·I thmh~ lnetaliatlon. o:r ;·~;k • ••n;.•;Uillli•••• yra. N.-t. Paul 645-2977 Cullom ~ramie Tiit l'tood darn •. SIMm I.JC. "3217. S57-173t LIO. noen. 931·712~ Pl C•r•ry. ".:'21ng 1" oleatl houaa. 5'0 . I 1 onl)' lookl Hptn•lve. by Richard Sinor. Lio •• , .. &.Ii• Prompr Call Chuck cln0.114-1510, 87S-15M CREATIVE Muonry, RfSIDICOMM'U INO um ng, etc. -80,. TIRED OF HASSLES? Oheck our Pf\Oea befOft 2toe44. 13 yra ol happy ~~ ••• m'••••••••••••• 875-1<108 dye l'*"POO & eteem ctean Concrete. Cerpentry. 20 yr1. Do my own W<>ttl. ';,~'SCHOMI! A!f~I~ Rell•1l!9~~ng 1!9'2P la ro11u1 Jbuy l• }1~·1255041.511. 1oCe1 «ielomera ,..,... Pl .... 11 •rH •·-'"f Color brl~lll•n.,t, wht Bui l d to 1u1t. Lio. Uo.27I041.A164M12e .. ._.. areeiitry•.-ovm.,. heret .... a..W-74v C ud)' --Thenk)IOY.831-4<&10 VourfullW'Wice~mber '' -... ,. ~~~~~~~~~I 148-078, Plutar-Stuc:co-Pllnt I.__., a a....1-........ • ••••••••••••••••••••• :: Cfl)lt • 1 min. blHoh. r--------RMf. prloM 17~558 General Houeecletnlng, -rot --_., PAINTER NEEDS 111·1411/ 1211 JAV TREE CARE. eompl Al~I H .. , llv/Clln. rma Sl5; •Vfl c.,,_ WHtlWltl•• Reliable, rate. 10 vr• exp. lllff Lewll I ..,... WORKI 30 yra exp, Int/ •1 •LL ••• tl•I Hrv & stump grinding. •• ••••••••••••••••••• room l?.00; COIJCh 110; •••••••••••••••••••i'I• Painting · Cerpantry 892·0510 aft. 4 • l!xter. Act>uetlc oelllnga. ii: ii: -· a Llc'd. Ina &40-11308 ~·~:S Lot '*" a . Guar. ellm. pet Kit. Aarnod., oeramlc Ille. Ceramic tlle. Quallty Quality HouMOteenlno s.r.tee. 111 .. 141 D•YI• P1lnt1no 847-5188 24 •r \;i pl••Nr tit -------------• ~ odor. Ctpt repair. 15 )'rt Cl blneta. Call now .,,.. wortunanlhJ· Rtfa. Fr• with. Paraon•I Touc:ih HERITAGE TREE SERV S&S Aepflll 131-'190 ~· p.,.ot°!loOr1k m)'ealf. Mllmata. &42.0M1 ---------_ .. _1._H_w ___ &-_5_20e___ Beth l50-0933 ~!!~ ............ C~ERl~PkAIFNTING 1 b•f4tU.•JJ-.alr yCroempe•~. ~!°n .. car52~537177 Dan Hiii~ ~ -.... ..... c d k & lo ... _, I'~ ,... E·~,..,,.,.... .. ,._, .. ·-·----------u •• om ..... . '" " .•••••••••• ,,~.-:r:::... ~...... ..... ., -v --"'V --------atm ec I Pll co-•-""' _..,.,.. -.......-· ..... ,..,,..,, HOUSECLEANING MAGICAL ILLUSIONS "-a.+ fine Int & ttal· &44'tt·htil l·ltme4, & Plvtng Co. Ree/Coml. !XCEL CARPET CARE vere. Free eata, rafa. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ben'I Home lmprov. & FOR ALL OCCASIONS nlll" St...,. 647_..211 $LOW RATES$ Lie. 387004 142·172C Jedl Butttngton Prompt. &4$-2335 Tlm Furniture & kitchen rettnl-Melnt. 094.5231 B)' Soandln1vlan Lad)' Aefl. St-tee-14e3 •· Free ear. Reu. prloM. TrM tnmmlng & removal, OwMr/operator _________ , thing. Mak• your hOmt .. .u. Exp'd. 54&-2171 RALPH'S PAINTING Oual. work. Uc 337189. all ete1n11pa a mowing ~!'.~••••••••••• catpei, uphQI • ., .. r~ ,,,_,,ti, betutltut. Jell 85f.1H4 .! ... ~D!,(U•M•P••J•o•!•s•••••• Homt ctaanlno: hontat, .,,..,. tntlaxt. Re11. rarM. 831·2345 554-7017 Prof"elonal Auto Cl••· °*"Ing· Work gu1r. •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 rallable, hlfdworklng & •••••••'••••.......... Rtf. Fr" Ml. 538-0808 l••••f ltmtf nlng, Wulng, Pollehlng l"ree ht. &46-1771 *KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN c.n..U.,f & Small Moving Jobt raterancaa. 664--44&4 BRICKWORK: Small jot>e. B&M Pllntlng a Tiie •••••••••••••••••••••• Taltli•I, TM oatallen &4o.61to. ~.'/.c..n." ~f,fe!· :.~Zn~~~ ::';i e,-;;;,;,~~. ·L::;;·~;;~~ Cd MIKE Mt-1se1 Tnorougn o6d·t11Noned ~-~:~ Free Mt. Int/ext & 1111n1. PJ'S~i~s~o~:~ERlR ···M;~ ~i,j;;1~~·.;.•t;•· Automobile Air Cond. ·~t-M~;:_9j;k • cleaning. 835-21 18 elaen·11p.1. tree Mnllce, HAULING-GRADING Compl9tt hMClelnlng. Fir-'~,..,_.. 10 yr1 In OC. Spec. rate COUNSELING 85 t-0700 Oay-111mmer S 10wk ~r. 180 Well8 Pltca .,-eprlnklara. M i ka, demolltlon, elaan-up. Refa. Jan 539-8109 Bea:;p;rloa-Venear on 1pt1. Call 24 nr1. ---------1 Mr. Morgan. &45-6178 CM. Bontakoe 541-5208 #~~~~7-~:e3 n.-111 83 1·7570 Concrete & ""removal. Wiii olatn )'OYr nome ••· Reta. Fr .. •t. 949 ()494 _1._ees-__ 3<4_ee_e_01_i.ot __ . __ 1 ...... 1..~.•• ••••••••••••••• ---------1 '::/.-.'••••••••••••••••• Oulek ""' 842 7831 HOUSEPAINTING ,, Wi•''" C/11•l•f. L'-ltf'"'• ..._.._ "*ti"'" wllka Fr.. DR"'"ALUACOUSTIC TllEEI · · pertly, own tranaport•· Expert Matonry· ""··11ty In a F H ._ __ R 11 •••••••••••••••• ••••• ... _,. ••• :l!'r ••••••••••• Utnw., ...---. • R-~lr' •• ~ & Old. 11 HAULING & MOVING llon. 84&-0001 •ft 3PM. . ..,..... out. , .. •11· u..... 00 ng·all types. "Let tne Sunanlne In" Prt-aehoot taaenar wll •·No Job too amall. ,.... ,,.._ Topped/ramo~. Cleln Local. Student wltruek. HOUSECLEANING workm1n1hlp, rMll•llo Call Btue. 972-0115 New-recover-decks Call Sunsnine Window bl by alt . ICI l vlt 1•• !138-2807 yrs txp. Bud 552-9582 up, lawn ranov. 751-3478 Lewi• 175-8190 HONEST & RELIABLE pricM. Rtfl. 551"'65S lnl/bt, towear r atH, Lie. •411902 548-9734 Cleanlng, Ltd. 548·88S3 euper.'IMd play. Bulharc Conerete-1m111 or lga Wall taxtur•·Aeoulllc MOWING • CLEAN UPS HaulhlQ 4 qulelt clean-up, $8/tlour. &48-3700 Custom 8'ldl-Stone Pfompt, n.-t MNto.. 10 ,..,.,.,,;. 20v. Monrnly Dtscounr & Adema, HB. 084-3288 Jobi. Remove. replace Of Hang-Tape...St ... lludl Heuring • L·""'~AA:gl yda, ,,.r ..... , lo .... , .. & Block·Concrate-Stucco ...... In ~... ••• ..... ,. 145-Uc. 3~ 1-532-5540 -·-.. ....-...... .. I ,_ ,.. -~-......... • •••••••••• A ••••••••• MR SPARKLE: an wndwa, BABVSITTING·my home ~· a5l2 Fr .. Ml. 842· 7 prop. mgmt. Rick ~.~!!!!.'!:!'t •••••••••• _Rtfl __ ._F_r_•_eat_._54_i-_M_8_2_, -,n-1-18-x-t-. _H_o_n_e_a-t,-,-0-b-.-,, BUDGET RATES llOlh atdH, screana & lnod yd, hot mella. Any. CONCRETE WORK & DRYWALL TAPING Mow .....,... rake aweep 831-0885, Krla 131~53 RHponalbla epla, xlnt Brlekwork·1m111 or IO• Cnrlatlan. Prompt. Gd Low min. Sim JOb• OK 1r1eks Honest dapan· time. 548-2174 ILOCK WALL REPAIR All Taxturea & Acouatle '...,,.., ' '---------joba. 100·1 local refa. refa. FrM ffl. 851·8878 lie. Fret eat 641·7581 dable Guar no' srreaka n1 5278 •ti 5PM FrM .. , Kevin 875-9088 c•prlng ~IHn·up, naul. HAULING & DUMP reta. wlll hM & anlm•l lit Sine. 1999. &4M5t2 R I 540 5854 INFANTS & UP. • · a~~ek v42·2873 bat o JOBS.~ tor Rendy, beginning 7-24 to 8-1. I '•Mr/•• l«lfl•ii•I Simtll eas prces. • Day CK Night. $50/wtt. Get GREEN eun Have eomatnlng you want ---------841-8427 wtdy ate. 133-2119 Stlllng anything wltn a ••,.••••A••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Window wasning, avg 1 Cotti Mesa &4$-5]5' 10< WHITE altphantl to Ntl? Ctaulfl«t adl do RHld. Cln-upa, gardtn Tne r .. tesl draw In tne Dally Piiot Clualfled Ad W....,.,,_tng-Palntlng CLERICAL SERVICES aty $20 Avg 2 sty $35 Find whet you want In with 1 Claulfled Ad It well I C all NOW. Hrv, malnt. tr•• trim. ClusJfled Adi, your one-Wall .a Delly Piiot la • elmple matter ... AMJoom'I. Seandlnavl1n Bkkpg•Typing*F1lell Screens 1nel'd. 673-780• Dll.ly Piiot CIUlllledL Cell 642-5678 842-5871. FrM eat. 541-1088 Wiiiy atop thopplng center. Claullled Ad. 842·5878. fust call &42-5678. qulllty. Hllmar 548-7575 PU/del avail. 142-8518 Mark '!!!!'.~.!!~!~! .... ~.~~ l•:f!:!!..1 SOIS ~!!.,.!!.~f ... }.~#!! IJ!.'l.,.'f!!'.~'!. ••.. !.I.#!! ¥.!.'I..'!!!'.~'!. .••• !.~#!! IJ!.11..'f!!~'!. ••.• !.'.~ ~!!l..'f!!'.'!/. •••• !J.!f llWNIT II.Ill ••• -.u::;::-.!l'. ••••••• Found whit• ,..,...,.. 1ong llSnllM FL.Ml PDIM &UT NANNY needed by tatner IUL llTln llLll '!!.'I. .tr!.".1.'!. ..•. !.~ ~ .1'!!.11 .• '¥!~1.t.~ .•.. !.1.~ Executive ollloaa 1 000 ft PARTNER WANTED hair eat w/blue ayea, N B gourmet seafood Sewing production exp. tor 2 yr old ton wno We have .,, opening tor Salee to 1,850 ft. Attted. well BBQ reet. Gre11 loe.10K. neurarad me.le. 494-4&42 ~~'r~"!t~~~__.0:-Costa M .... &42-0651 ~~~~.e~1:7~;: two wefl-drMMd. Int... CllHifitd malnt1lntd bldg. Neer 524-7901, na-1130 FOUND: Cat, tong hair, .. ., ...----• Hll ..... 535•9893. gent uleaparaona to SECRETARY/ Order Desk Typesefttr ~eo 1am- Fu11 or P/llme Small Npt porary l)OSltlon from July Ben branen 11tu ore 23 10 Aug 3 8AM-5PM Mar In e b u 1 Ine s s Edll writer exper raq'd Hoag Hoapllll. Cpts, orang• w /wht PIWI •P•taon. Apply In P•r--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii work In th• Newport T • I • p h • n • mini bllnda. Dedicated MINI RESTAURANT Woodbridge. Gentle: son. call for appl. Marketing co. need• 10 H11bor lrlt In commer-213/681-2613 536-3939 p«lng. Prof. environment 8Mr & wine. $30,000. 559-1108 875·2588 Rate. req. damonatratora over 18 111111 AIHI clal 11111 and/or rea-Sllll Secretary 10 small Labor In qlH&t .,.._ &45-3323 641-92991978-1919 (4-1) ••-•-•is tor dynamite new pro-Conv • long term Oil'• ldentlal Nlal In the more T.. Cl 111 d Ad 1 Retarlons llrm . Liie daya •--w ~ •••f Found: Golden RttrteYet, -·-duetl No exp. nee .• -affluent .,... 11• •11 e vtrt · bkpng DEC word pro-=:'l. ,,,,.,_ ~ tam. Approx 5 yra. I need 3 a.xper eanvat-train. ExpenMI •dvan-e•P req'd. Exe.II wor-LEO HANNA ling Deparlmeor ot the eesslng 8-5. Mon-Fri. ••WNll IUll• N~·;d tic)ooo0 ;;;•Tc) Hunt t n gt on Be h 1411'1 for my Fountain Vly eed; wortc locally, or tra-k~ eonda. a beneflll SR. VICE PRESIDENT Delly Piiot nu an QPe· $1200 mo 714-754-0609 1101 Dove St. Prt1tl· ..,.,., ~equity water: 963-68'41 Sb!'!l1n0eae. ~o aAetkllnlg, vt l w/group. Call Ma. ~~~-a.42-~l!°0r !"d~3?~ .... ._ I. 1....aa. Of, :1~hufor111'111r:sponperaj1ob~, ,_See_r_e-tary--F-IT-. _S_m_ll_l_E_n_· gloul N.B. toe. Perteet ......_t ..--...... •~2-"'"'•" <>-• per .. r. 1 or Pridgen 10·4 Mon Sat '"8 Fl I ,....,,, •J""" G tor 1110,.,_, Olllca tull• """' ,,.,.,..., '" ""'°" ,,,-••Iii 113110 Mr. Jenkin•. 964-2239 tor appt. 848•4157. • pereon: 4v ag1n P Realtor• ~910 M111t h1va prev1ou1 lele-g'r Lab: ood typing · .. _, ._ ·-~ ~' iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Rd .. NB pnone aalea experience akllls. ahollhand requl· from 810 thru 3000 aq. ft. 1 11Ut •••••••••••••••••••••• CASHIER, evening•. ••· ~~~~~~~~~ RECEPTIONIST lnetudlng typing approx. red. 8-5, M·F. Sal comm lmmed avail. MlnutH SIJJ * * * per. mature, Spagnattl 0-aJ Hurling 45 wpm on IBM Sele<:· w/exper. 549-1083 lrom O.C. Airport. For ••••-•••••••••••••••• &ffallfis Parltr Bandar, Newport Beh. INFORMATION on Al... LYl'S lrvtne L•w Arm. need• ttle. Salary plus com· 1--.-.0-'Y-1-.._--80-1-- mora Info call U. Um.II Open 24 nra a day 645--0651 uk lor J~ ken, out of 11•1• and raceptlonlat for llgnt ty-mltalon 40 hr week wttn -""' 1.¥ ... llO. ......... Ot. let, 7 daya • week O&lltU OYe<-Jobi now avaJ.. lor 3-1 t ltllrt. Compett-ping & general ofe 011· Ill oecatlonet Sat. mor-Sml law ollloe apeetah· Ml· 1111 Specilllzlno In 111 & 2nd Jaeuz:zl, Stun•. Loella Expar wltn leadarehlp l1ble. S20,000 to "°c .000 ;:;':'. :1:."°''r:'~P~ t I ts . C a 11 L a ur I e nlng. Excellent compan)' zing In tax tm•t1tert '·wHlgnd TD'• afnc:. 1949 as well 11 tourl1t1. • Y • • r • 1 11 : Fl hi c.,.., 833-3822 ben91111 Including medl· accuracy YP 1 · or lllT lllLIT Robt. Sattler NH/CM 81nkAmel'leerd. M11ter ablllty. Good wttn llgurea 30l-659-9333, Operator paraon: .,, P onv. ---------• ell. dental, lllt lnturan· proeeulng desired, but 720 sq ft tumlltlld for R.E. 9rolcer Bd Realtor• Ch1rge, American Ex· •nd nave txnlneaa Nvyl 040. Hoapt .• 486 legahlp Rd.. •IEOIPTillllT* ea , credit union, tie. not req'd. Muat nave e&r. artlats or archltaeta. 8<42·2171 545--0elt presa. Dlnera. All wet-s .... axpar llelptul. Fun ~~~~~~~~~j_N_.B_._______ Oppty for advanoement. Salary s1ooo-s1200 de· Newport Canter, av111 WIDOW HAS ... f TO' coma 714/845-3433. place. pretty faantona. Gan Ole M111t type "1111 --•-•• Mull b• able to com-Call for appointment for pending on quallflea-7 20 w -~~7520 ... or 1 B C Starting rate $5.50 plua ~-o.' rii:-..-munlc:ate w/rnlllion.irM. In _...___ ........ 21 xt tlon1. Call Ma Patton. • • anda.,..... RE i..oan., 10K Up. No 2112 Hatt>or I. M lneant1ve1 to quallfled ,,..._.,.. ... 1 key by toucn, Part/time weakanda. ,.,.,,_, ,,_._ ' • · 6 44-6518 bat. 2-4PM CNdft Check, No Pen-Your Car Ren.eta Vou peraon. APPLY Baek gd. w/phonea. Maf\tra Good pnont voice, ~'='t!~t~.;..,~ 2n :!i Otast Mon-Fri. LAGUNA BEACH-Down· llty. Oanniaofl & Aaoe. Cuttom wu & Datall StrH t No. 25 Faahlon ~~· ,:.':"::· F~-,~~~: knowledge ol general eutala front ofe type of SILi •••(•ID town, 500 IQ ft $276. 973-7'11 Rtu, •Tony 547-8241 l•l•nd. Newport Beteh. N . k af'd ... pl . proeedurM. Start Imme-lndlvldull to Join 1 team Pffet -" Stop by 333 3rd St. or Phone call• a no not on·am r. pr · ,..p Y· dtatal)'. Cell Marta 11 330 ... St tor T ahlrta. Some expr. call (213) 393-2347 COEDS • Would love to 9·5. 821 w. 19th, CM. 751-8522. or nlgn energ)' Haeu-,._.a MeA._, C~ 82&28 Morning Sun Shirt Co. ---------r ••--•IJ/ party with you. Call Sue IUllUl/PW Tiii GUYS & GALSI Don't 1oM --------tlves. Mutt hive • poai-....,., CM. Cell 831-3494 OcHn view, private of-,..,, ·&/ or Kllhy anytime. Looking lor lntarHllng your tan WO<klng Ill dayl PnAaCIKf~INPGl•t·eTComhe ~~ly· tlve mental ettl11de. s-; Equ:I 0gptr Emplyr· fleea, Newport Center. &.d I 1_. 953-9393 worll? Typing, no lhof-Great Income for ll10rt ....., ,.._, lary eommanaurate w ltyfi11 W/Ftlltwl•& Tetepnona, aec:ratertal, •••••••••••••••••••••• thand. 8-Noon Ole. on nrt. In tne &Yentng. Jeff. nMdl PIT help lo box u;per. Stnd reauma to SAi.ES. If you ere OY9f 40 Serlo111 e1retr oppty. Typist Good corresp Ty· plsr dlcraphone, ARI Cu11omer Mrvlee b~­ ground helplul IOf • laar Paced oltiee rn mtdteal lleld Good t>enef111. n- 1 a r y negot1a1>1e Call 536·7587 blwn 12-2 nPIST We're looklng ror FAST & ACCURATE lyplll wlln ability ro PROOFREAD Starr lmmedlarely Salary open 720--09• 1 WUEMOISE/HLIY. Snarp energetic peraon for 11hlpp1ng11eeelvlng 4 driving Neat appearan· ea. good driving record a work -11 WIH'I cusromers A MUST 557--0551 wou r11octssn, lmmed opening In an Ir· vine L11w Ote. min 1 yr exper, knowieooe of CPT wor<t proees'°' llelplul C•JI Laurie. 833·3622 office Hrvleat tvall. 4,,...-•ll llll Lm& I _1,. P.C.H. 548-7431 497_.188• Leg Beh lndlv p111 ... Congenial our new nHdquartar• and a "go getter'' thll la Sall Comm/Vee. etc S2 00 /mo & up .•••••••••••••••••••••• •-• atmoaphera. Call offlcea, PO Box 8201, forYoU.AttandourfrM 5.a-388ebtwn3-7PM ~fl.~.~~~~'. •••••••.• 758-9038. .. ..... n. ESPCHOORTTOS/MDOADENOLSERS CONSTRUCTION-Sub-Hair 0r .... needed, VII· _54_8-_5_13_o_c_._M_.___ Laguna Nlgutl, 82e77 product dtmonatratlon c t .. - _ eontraotora, qtty, good lege Faire Miii, Leguna PART TIME SITTER 1 and learn more about Ttltrclt•H Alf Salts ••I ,.,,. "'·---iJl1 -OUT CALL 24 HRS performance. reeldenllll, <>-~ .. 494-1""" I ,:, or l ... Tll•lf thla """""unity. Call lor F I p 1' & •••• ••• ••• ••••• • • ••••• .,..._ V..eton 8lbte Sc:tlOOI NM2tl 111 euba. 760~59, 9-5. _._.... __ •· __ YVV __ .__ nvaliu. no nurling care .....,...... or oea • ors per. Gar•ge Sate • Lois or ... WI H11 .AJty lt-23 ._11:309m HOMEMAKERS w /ear or work. UH of awlm· Supet •harp oro. •kllla 11 m • 1 n d P 11 e • · forming aria public&· Goodlesl Sal/Sun 10-" ···~· .. ·••;::,:.;••• C.M. crud, of Chrtlf CHI needed for houMCle•· m I n Cl Po o I & TV raq'd. COiiege grad Pf• _54_a-_1_1_44______ Ilona. 557-9910 879 Arbor St (Nr 19tn & _.r_ -217 w. Wison 045-3191 THERAPEUTIC ~AS-Exp'd tine cook, tutttlme nlng Hrvlea. Must be _55_7_-5_54_5 _____ ~~~.:·kr~·8~n~~~~~: Telepflone Sala Monrovia). C M In ,_, bldg on CoMt SAGE I .. , .. I .. ' d thorougti. d•t:ndable. ,._ n11111• 7".1910 ULIS Earn Big Money by the • "'TS ., •••1•1111 Hwy, South '·-·na. ........... Ml II# For Man a Women. by n g .. 1' .. ea 1" 00 ex.........._.. /hr. Call "'' -.,..... If wou'ra an X-•von. s s ... ..,. • ~w .,,...... ortente.. '"PP'" In n.ar ,.....,_......,. Eve• 1.nd/----"-da. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ' ,.. be•eh, 300 • lOOO/ A • oll bl l pro11. 500 aq. ft . Exoal-•• •••••••••••••••• certified ma11tur. NB u . ,.. ' ... • Olene. 084-9788 tve m'"". ---· Bo"'", ••ery Kl", Fran-nllques a c ecta e1; lent prlvtta parking SWEET SUCCESS 760-3825 eon: Pufflna, 3050 E. ...., Respon1lble 1dult1. over UaPllWf chi; d~ to door or _w_ee+1 __ ._c_1_11_s_36_·_7_5_1_1 _ gas dryer 17<16 Ana- behind bldg. S525 mo. Congrett to Elalne, Al· ~.~ • :713 H w Y · Cd M · .ulllPll 21, wlln outstanding. at· vacuum Hlee pereon, Ttlt,lttH S.lloHtrt helm. C M Thurs/ Frt i Tu-•-·-. •"•11"7 k-of H.8. for lolo Ing •-.al .,.. ... 1., · n..... r ·-~ treetlve ~llltlal to Frtendly perton needed 9 5 1 ,,_ ,._,.. .. -., In an alrplane lor 111 ~So~!!!•••••••••• _C_O_O_K_S-Poe-.-av-al-l.-2-yr-a-.' ~! to'~g=~ work with youtn (agH ~°o~.·~~p~~S~~ ~fg9 ~rm~. d:i~~t~C:::: =di~ 1111':,':t~l~e~~ • j ITllE/1fF111 time, 7111182 k i..U I exp w/broller & 11ute nome or female Haeu· lO· H ). Call 2-5PM. and Loen. Poetlon raqul-aHy aell. Need mgra. memakar• Evet 3-9. No #11du,i1t i 300 to 900 IQ. ti. Dntwn ""I 1.-M $JIO UltnltlM 10I work. Cell: 844-1237. Uve and to care ror 3 yr 842-432!. Ext. 348. EOE rH llgnt typing. Exp• Celt 10AM·2PM only. Mr. eelllng Airport area C•ll •••••••••••••••••••••• Legun• 494-5888. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Mon-Fri., art 2PM old. Exehenge for eep. PUT n• rtenee dellrad. RI)' 643-4187 alt. 1p'm, 968-0151. ~'if.".~'. ....•••. !.'!!.! ,' l•IHtd1l l••tll4111 LOST: Waatell!.' er•~: Credentlaled ttaenar. In Counter Clerk & aome ~uml~I :ary111~·~u'1~'....!'!: Newapapar Promotion, Call Lindi 754-1901 S11M TELEPIOH SAUi HTIOIE ICE IOI ••• ••••••••••• •••••••• Gl'9)' Codc1tlel Corky . my nome tutoring m1th. driving. Pert Time Help, ...--M 0 F 1 E.O.E. •• • 111 1180 aq ft, eonelata of Reward • urge n I . reading Gradee K-". Mre Orfvera llcense ,.,,. "'-• Engllsn, drive and pre-5 30~M ; 30PM S ORANGE COAST """' '" women to e on Cash paid dally. C.H Mr, BRASS HARDWARE upper......, executive of-~7080, wnc. 831-4408 Putman 548-8151 ere·~. 7U\1•1-.0. ~·1 aent qualllltd ref. : • : • 11· SAVINGS bualnffHI, unique fun B. 631·81•5 $950 96&·•537 _...,. • .,.,.. .. 640-6224, 840-4309 9:30·1:30PM Job mua1 be eggreaalve ---------1---------nc. w/pvt bath. Ground Loll: Blk trl-elr ahaltl• $14.00 to 1tart 1700 Adema. C.M. 1 c:d c:k>Mrl. Only thole TELEPHONE Solleltors. For sale antoque quills ~ reoepft t~M Ind tern. Vic: Sen11 Ana Ave, ••11. tfutfl 1111 C=~!!!,·~~~ dry ............ ..,., Then pllflnwehlp't ltlara ~~~~~~~~ who know they era the pit. Eves. & Sat. $85 & up .._ aq .. ..,... apece. CM "9wwd 552-8177 ••• •••••••••••••••••• ......... • .,,.,.... II SURF .. !ANb llotal •• ot profit•. Mull n1ve Restaurant b •• t e. I I I, 0 m 6" 1--0313 963·6675 Al11aet1ve, quiet Coata ' Apr.fOUntlng Delloountar PIT Mon-Fri , ....... ,no 1~ 1 k• .,..,,., •• pleasant voloe, private MEAT SLICER and Pcx-10AM-2PM Mr. Tull Mesa lndua1rlal eompla)(. ENSION ADMIN, 811· • • """' "' ..,,., • ..,_ .. 979•8533 pan d 1 n G p • n e I 0 n I 4-8PM. See Harold. 406 nlgnt 1upervl1or. Mon dHk & pnone, CHual llon control peraon to &48-4187. Fl\IM\ ans consultant firm In trvlna E. 171n St. CM t II r 11 Fr I , 6 pm to attire. For Interview. call operate Hobart Slleer. N.8. 3976 Birch. 3aeo aq. uunu NI .... 1111 axpar penalOn IEmST 11:30pm. Contact Ml•• arter 8PM. Exper. pral'd, but Wiii It. or la11. MIA zone. Admln. Smoker• need Maree at 497-44n &42-5878 Ht 312 train. 9:30AM to 8PM, Agent 541-5032. ID[ fRE£ not • ....-.. Con•..,.. L ........ General dentlat wanted. ---------1 P t C 1 Fl Id A Mon-Thur. 8AM to 1PM M .......... , ._, """" INSURANCE H ontro • ep. Sundl)'. Al>fJlY 10AM to $750 up. 2160 ft. lndu-(714)857-1204 experienced In all •-~_.. needed lmmedl1tely. Ell· 120t2PMto4PM.Lort'1 _. ..... -----. 1·"11 ....... Cal pto ..... e.ca11en1 m • -p•rl•ne•d • 11een••d •u-vu..,. "" .._. ANSWERING SERVICE .... 2 t.1 .... lltr..._ • Kitchen. 3077 S. Hll'bor dondo Clrele #E Hunt· : ' percentage . .,....,.. 41 ------only 6441-9330 P/tlme -· wknd• anv E1t1bll1hed lrvlne lneu-· · 81·· (Hlrtlor 11 Cemage lngton, Beteh.142-2834. MZ·llll nO\lra. No exper neoaaa. DOG LOVERI Wiii train, r ane e broker•"• w/ P.Tm llLIS Or.) S.A ~LES Tatepnona 1011e1tor1 wanted, no exper nae. Tuat tlm.I Fr1 9 AM to 12 noon. Al>fJlY Penn)'llYe<. 1880 Pl1eantla Avt. COit• Men. -wa•-Call 64&-IOOO. EOE grooming kennel natp. ., ---------_.r_ --957-858G excel. reputitlon requl-~~~oy~~kl~~~ k .. ld•r.' SALESPERSON Marine ---------AWtox 2000 aq ft. Nr A , Git rea an account 1dmlnl· anu ..... , ,.._._ -na•y crown valley Pkwy, & Loa.t: Mat1mutt, 8 moa ttraCtiYe · ORV CLEANING 1tr11or. Thia commercial ntngt, utllt:r:a vour out-han:twar• 11ore. F/tlma. --Forbea Rd •• Mllalon vi.. old. Choker c:hlln. Ce1 .._..._lea ed ltt Ive lmmedllt• ltart lex tulty poettlon requtraa a hlgn OOll'CI peraonatlty learn Boating exp. nee. F1111 co. O.C Alfl>O't .,... Cor- jo. (714) 545-0215 Hwy & flllvaralde Ava. ;;tj";,'ro~med ~~ 10 e)(.plriencad dagrH ol taehnle at flow to become 1 i rllned ~··G714-831·8633, por•t• ht1dquartera NB. "9werd. 2803 W. Cal • • I ftl.-. knowledge and atrong HIH eounHlor. Calf ""'',_.,; f!IY. Matllng penonable Mlf· 3SO. 1100 ex 1200 aq ft. HWy.145-9351 modal prlvllely for In-in ... 111r ciarlc:al eldlll. 2 p1ua yra 2•5PM. 842_.321• Ext. atetter tor general ome. Call for 1mtnltle 1, dlvldual 3-4 hra par • exe41tent 11lary end axpr. In tg&flCY environ· 3-48. EOE Setting anything wttn a dutlaa. Must type 875-8251 eo.ta M... ~~ 8 fut'tir.:::o week. Strletly Pl'lvll1e and atrong Compeny benefltl mant. Hlghty competitive RMI &tile SllM Dally Piiot ClaAlfled Ad IOwpm, ac:c:ureey ftltn· Approx 2500 aq ft offtol '""" wtbleck face~ In good t11ta. Utmoat •Wiil )'OY beneftta. Pleua call Judy la a llmpla melter • . . tlll. AP 19013 Skypark 1nd w1rahH apace. Verda.,.._ M2·C>149 di aeration 111ured . • Gr .. t opportunity with: Bell 7141752·2255, ext 111111 just call &42-5871. Cr. Suite B, Irvine. TOPLESS MODELS $75 DAY • PAID DAIL V no exp • nee • 828-2583 TtW TllOI lllYll Exper'd Claln CaJ Ort ver's Lie LARRY HUN AUTO CENTER. 182 Lagune Canyon Rd. Le gun• Beaon. 494-3000 833-8968 • Tll/llUIAllOI Plllllllll Resp. for ~ng nulty a lneur. bu1ln~ tor tnvHt. firm In '!~~ Ben. Typing. 10-key, CRT up. r aq . Call &40-0123 Cantrel Coet• Mell. Great P1Y • llexlble Id. lnt'I ~ OrlC*)' 500. Anderton & An· IPll - F ..,.. d A 11 Loet· Ledtea Go4d Square Send photo and detllMad C1all'llng flnn. daraon ln1uf1nea Bro-----------------------------.! enc ... y . v1 now. · deac:rlpUon to 8oJL Ad • Extr10tdln•n1 reputltl· l800 per mo .... 2-0llO mounting with Marqutt No. 1011, Diii)' Piiot. on -, kiri, Inc. OiarnoncfRlng. REWARD Bo 1,..,. ,.~ • .,_. E.O.E. MIF/H Approx. 5400 111 lel'°9d ...._..3 lft 8. 11 """· ""'"'' -· •40-1311 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim outtlde atorage. CM/SA CA 92829 u er-. 1200 mo .... 2-8M2 .... lnflll • -Am-------con Management ... tall rfufM ......... a..94 wtll lllgnmt. I bttt1. Own ltefl• ltltttl ...................... 20" .,,_bird cage w/2 lland toots.~ Tlfa 11AP11Y •111111 118t• Tralllft Wanted: Udo lllend t CK 2 rnecMn1c11 Minge aln-Ctr., 3000 E. C.t. Hwy, 1ztl l.epl ht .... a-w , ...... , br apt, )111)' law. prof, F a.,:1rct1. Storen on CdM st-::6;;,, new earw on ~5 reft. needed by ,.,.,.,.._.My 3, _Blb)'9ttter ___ needad ___ klnd-1 n11111.. our 3rd ehlft, Mrnlng ... 77~/87M492 7141'4CM061 tovlng, 4llCI* PltlrM. 1 of PAIT Tm up to $4.00 u you tie. ---------r 'ovnd: Cook1t1a1, vie. 2 attnoona, 1 aw. weak, Be • cerrl« counMtor come more •'d. )'OU Houalng, A&B lor ••II INclfl/Htll, H8 . m "I h o m a . L I n d a tor • tociat newspaper. wlll bt promo1ed to menMr•d M. tluct.nt , M1·1411 7eo-.&832 No experience n.oH• mgmt. & aupervlaoty ... • 17 lltlendlna u liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Ml'Y· wonc orl'f 12 hOuf'I wi.. Call: 714-637..(840. lk:tl HI. 1.n~ Fwnd: ltendwd ez. Fem. 8riJno •weak. $78 to etlrt plue Interview• held every Oolll• wt broken red ~lone! .,,.,._ 04 pan. Ttlutt. Ill 1SIO N. Cit. •st •/lawM/ ~~utlfu~~· flE CLERK netehlp'e proftte. Hwy .. Lag. Boll. from ,.__ ,, _ __.. ame. • A real fun JObl 9AM·Noon. E.O,E • •• :.-;;:;;; •••••••••••• -·· CUSTOllR MltllOllMM opportunl-~~iiiiiriii~~~1 h' • ll'OUND: PrH orlptlon ""· 'or In!.,...._ cell BIMl AllT. .... re--h -. in HeMf'd Plfit. SERVICE .... t:OO PM. MJ,.M71. ... Si::t:f;;........ (ry, 111r1. ... Nt-:4110 eat it2. Dr.'a oftlcet, TUH l Tllure only, II Toro. ~............ Feufid: ~, .......... , TJ'G-1tl0. beClll V~1·1-~::.::::~~~.Hl~t~ :~r~O:O::rrect If )'till .. over 40 Md a 714 ._ 4IU but not '*'' "lr'V· "to .....,... "" 11 ,_... Oullorft,..... beOIC •Wiii train mot1v1ted you. Attend our It ..._+ .. .a Ykl 10th ~pertofl ...._ ......... jllfoduot ~tMIOn & • ......_ HI ... a u _, -Md tewn mON e -.-L.~..::.:.....-to .. "911,......,, Oii 18' .,.*'--a~;_ . .,._ _____ , •MecllcOI, det1t1I, paid 1 I fll' e a ft d p I I t e , &Ml: .,_ ......... PH/ ~ eCG • .... , ,.. .... JC.""" 4 ""' ..... \· Jetft ti.e ...,., '" '" u• l•w1rd1, Very 1 ts•• =W ""'=-~. =.b• .. '•lftam .. , .. ~~:.r,1.i -.... ,. . 0,., Today tnere "''' untrmlt-ed opportunl\ltia In rMI eat1ta allea, II you join tna dynamic team or pror..lon• II Coldwell Barlker F0<eat E. Olton Ra1llor1. Our Cotti ~Newport offtol hat lmmecli.te opening& and we lnvtt• you to Join ua lex • career ot*'f lloueo. W~y ~:~H2 22" HwtlOr llvd. CoetlMeN.12127 Lloeneecl Of unlloei!Md, II you would Ilk• to know rnOf9 ebout • 0... '" ...., .., ........ jolrl Ill tor thll In~ .... "'"" ( l Newspaper Carrier,s tor routes in HuntlngtOn Beach, fountain Valliy & Newport Beach •·Good lw: ... .• ,, ... .• ,. .. ,,. .. OOLLECTOll r LJTlS IMARI STYLE $29 95 22k gold trim. Lid aup- ply. Order today 14k gold cnaln given l ree w /111 20 ord er • 645-48•0. ext 202 t S&OO REWllll t ....... , ........ . 20" brass bird cegt w/2 mec:nanleal orange tin· glng birds Stolen on Balboa Pen1nsula July 3 71 4/540-4058 lew Ea1I••• 0.1tttry Fai r ON THE GROUNDS '""" • Part.tr 11100 W. Cat Hwy. Nwpt Sat July 17 10.5 a.erltll Ot11hy F• Elgnt d .. lers wttn coun· try antiques and New England Cl'alts Old Roll Top Desk w/ awtvel •di Cllalr $2975 o.Mvtred. 549-315:1 ~~!~~ ...•.. l.~!f HARBOR AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE We Mii racond .• guar appllanc:.e. !Mt-30n ELEC. ranee. microwave, ••If-clean oven. Show Pf'1M. 1976. 8<4 7-5839 I llY IPPUlllU Lea Hf ... W F,.._., $200. WalW & dryer St25 ea. Ditti· ...,.. $100 I•• 5141 Under count•r d l•h· w1"'8<. Oarrera & 8111- tlar, Wh itt, t '/t Old , " 413-tOto fllefrlg/ WHhen/drr'Oft Many lo CflOON fr6"1 • 1001\lP. l6t.oeA " ....... "*""-.. .._. ............ . ''"''"' .. ,.,, .... . ...... I .. Orenoe Co11t DAILY PILOTIWedMlday, July 14, 18U Mlt'f4W. ...... W.<f f'lll'lr'!· .. .:..... . lMl'm1. ....... IJ!l tllW/m.-tft ... IMt ewr..M...... . A•:=~ .... h.'ll.1"'11.... ... #1.'llt.~ ...... ~.~~1.4'~ ...... ~.tit ........ .. "'"'~;In~·~ :~1v~•\i'~~lloJ::. ttn:=1!'~ ~i °:!' 7J. Alrtlftl :'~ 0:1.~ "A6 :r..= ••fl.;. IOOV rm.r.r" WI PAY '1!41 ........... 11.fl llllf."'11. ..... 11.. -=·-·-'!ti &i•,-.. ._ooado VOlll oond I • ... -· .,oo. ~.r::.: ,,,.,, •111' OOfld. "''11 pojnl/1.tfJ 10 ~ ~, TIP MWI -lllT•t 111 DlAUR IN us A miiiiiiii .... .. ood ~o Unit Kit· ., ...... • • 1i· .,. tWMd .,.. •UTOHlfll tl>I "'· 1001• MO-1• body lflop ... IH-NH •• Ill W•., ~' "'°'' ~ . . . • .. '.., ot1en... .. .. •'**'ft• llAUTIP'UL •tuc11111 tug 1 100, llli ole •h•lf~, •• ,· 1•• Ho• Oat,~ w/ I Ull :r:·,0,'r*.0,100.:,', u,n.•vlna'•, ~ we ,.1,,,.. '".._ nltl\ -eo ,... .... lllM I dNk. V1fY-aood OOf'lcP• cell Ut-IOH 1 • l ' • i.q, MWlle Mill. L.111• A If! fflt a• a• 111111 ._.. ...._ ................ ~· *· 4N-0,?4 0t tlon on1u 131. HO-ll'ot , how f' 0 • uoo. now. UIOO. t ?M1t1. '"' -==-1-••t and MfVloel · '""' .... --__,. 4tl-OIOI. en t!tM'' t dr1C19t, aofd With blk 141·113 uuu • .... ,... ~•--lllVlllm ~ tllle I Pf'MeUIOnet. . WHVt, U!lder drp1 10 IM'°lllTANT H()'tl()I 14IO Hatbor 81Vd. '6411 ~· ,_, NIWC)tl!C(HJP Llrlt ...... .. """IGl,.ATOfll. 1111• fatly 1900 Welnut Twn m•lotl. MO. N....031 •'--'--' I I L I. 11 I TOA~ra •• ~~D COITA MUA l&Lll I..... NIW'OlllfN'to l1WJ..O-.,... ... ·-~l ... fret, two-dOot 8drm .... Vlnlty, cNM1, -........ nq ........ HSO Ha.1>ot llvCI. ClOHO IUHOAn •• l1M. Ma-toeO teble, beda, eprlnga a 10 fl WHITI ANTIQUI ,.,,__,, ~ YIMI' The one. of llet111 ad• COSTA MESA •-·" I" -1-IH a.w. matt AleO n\atble toP IATIN·LINIO OlllA!tH ••••••• ........ •••••::;:: --•• 119f'tleed by vehlOlt dM-... 1411 -1 , .. II llMt:I ....,, ..... Lat.. oommocte :.Wiige mirror Na.~ OUITAA. Arlcinl clWIOllf, -•-lar'l In the~ cUlelo 141-IUI .................... .. 2 dlr Gold. aaeo 530-2114 48 .. SOUAR! GOLD OT lrend n•w. 110. ca11 alllllT UU fttcl ~llG oolWMI WI lft LUii I 11U IUI N~ 114-1341,14().9335 • ~24'1 181.ANDllll.&,flllltt<mf doH not Include 1n~ OLUI A••a '78 Honde Aoootd .,.. ..... C ,., ~ ::-::-:---------11 po. gltl't /IMneoer or TOMAN 110, SAILIOATI epplloebte iu ... llotnM. Wlft Hatehbtl, new tulOltlatlo, llltlrlaeratot. Apt 1IH , l~nger. t yr. ofcl. Cell ~8 OlllH t.nllsn I •I~~ trenafer IHI. 11ninct Ill TIHll new Sony AMll'M c... $ GIMI\, ':!e....418 /080. 648·H1t er dre•Mt & dH k, yell I I ·== flnonolnO oh8'0fl, ,... tor air pot. redlo, ~ oond. l3e00. 328 60 2COO HArbot llvd. a KING INNl!R8PRINO ex. :!'!·ad oond. ..l.tf'A'!!' ..... IJ!. ·, avell&Me ~~',f .. "-.~~t,roo'r dd•.v~!~ 497-39 • Ca.•• MtM S40->91'i tove, IPI 111•. TAA FIRM mettr ... Mt, ...... 180•toe 1 Uke new !xeo dell( a oflr • ootory toun ...... '"' "'" -Honde, Toyo11. Det1un, Pet monttl S*il 11X 01Mn1 M5. never uMd, worth 1630, Early Amerloen rn•n'• tide ohf & deek Mt, ail •!t1'9¥19w ahOWlnO ol the document1ry preplr•• oll mel!M, 1 199 doee It. 48 month oloHd end 1• llft.U 549.44115 aac. $248 del, Never drMMr w/4 drawer•. 5' 10{ 1175. 1182·tH3 aft new lelander '41 under tlon OhatDH unleu No 111 or tut no depo.. ,, ... on •~roved or .. ' e.oen .. Del, 28,000 ml, uHd q uHn 11, worth high. 1311. 1ee.1429 8!tM oonl1ruo11on otllerwlt• tpeclfled bV ell. No lie. '"· Otllvert dlt. come In & u6\ for x.lnf cond. 1 ownw, 110 l!!r._ln 1010 1399, c11h only, 1218 , •Ooof prlnl the edv.ttlMI'. env IMM. buya any oar c1ete1111 900. t7t·7200 dye ••• GIR·L·s···s··c·H·w··,N··N···· del. V•u•lly hom•. ...,.. ..... ... Archltecta metal pl.n ""· •Aefroahment1 over our COtt. All Saver. •u• llNITI 876-0&aa aft PM. 754.7350 76f.1428 1o.dwr w/beM,-"' cit, A onoe In • ~kne oP-•-HIOt*t Coah lmmedlately Leulng 7141834-0tH BIKE, 135. 040-4341ev.e,411-331' portunltr to teke edYln-_.,.,,,,/ lor your VthlOI•. Do· , 148 Dove Street fll Wlm 876-0831 **' BUY** dys. tao• o Ihle lalander tfMl#t II• m .. ttc or tore•gn 80 Pr .. ude. 28K, amlfm NEW'°AT BEACH 24" boya 10 •Pd bike. 12111 AIU Ill S21 Large 3 pi.Ge U ehecied YIChta' aptOlal purGl!Me •••••••••••••••••••••• 551-8285 oaat, •le, P•rl. eond. 712 0110 llUOTill Yello \/olkecycle top Good uMd Furniture & f~ lhaG twwd wtth ·Wooden Aeceptlonli t plen. -MA"ll 17000/obo. 642-!155"' • or late"'°"'· IOw mflM. eond . 185 . Kevin , Appllance.OR I wlll Mii rft._1 _ _,,ftllda1 .... .; ... ~no • unll wtdrewere. 1150. UT. 1194... 8Ny ~ ~~ & Al,_ m-'*' '77 Acc0td. AC, ltlnt oond. fdul 111 &,Cedlllece In Southern 675-3732 0t SELL l0t You mua -· .....,....,,...2 873-724& ~ 1f .., 11 ooupee. 4 to ohoo1e •••••"•••""•';-:;,•••••• l-4200/offer. •••••••••••••••••••••• lfornlal 8-119 IOdaVI lllTIU &llTllll from l (001 711) (ltk. Alla..... 1111 828-9864 SaJea..~IMtlno IAllll Ill lfrt l&lt 7' hfoh II 5W wooden edj. ... ... A3093). !tr1oM 1tertinO It ...................... ••••1••• Webco Frame Shimano HI 1111 Hl·HH ••IHI "" lh9Jf unit 1100 Spon1ore d by the •Y... '71, 11111• OYet ..... pay-'11 Aoeord. • dr, ti ep, -O&llWO Cranka. Oood cond. Prl-I llJ Fii-i •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-7245 11111\det Dea1er1 Of Sou· menta, 1208 pr mo. 12K mltea, loaded, xlnt, 111&11 2800 HarbOI' Blvd. ced 10 u ll . SHO . 1111•n 2 yt old Oelewar• Ot\lef R V tllemCelltomla. &404115 17,950. 673-0058 •fl H1-IMI 41Ml4t COSTA MESA 982-7657 L.. 967-8133 llUy In training St•k" eceptlon ynl/ Wood llUllll ,_,. A-~• 1•11 8PM, ---------1New lull•.1l:re mettreea Mt, ~rod,uctng mateln foal le ~g~~'!/s.Table combine. 1922 Bwrenca Rd, el':"!••••••••••••••-'~ .. '79 Civic: Auto trans, f•nfl 1115 141-1111 ls11'la1 $85. New queen 11:re, ... c q tlrat•. Delewart 873-7245 Ir.Me, CA 92114 '78 Audi 5000, red w. 000 mllee. S3500. 14' ••"•-•••••••••••••••••• ---------#11ttl•l1 1015 S100. 750-5832 Chief mare, In foal tc 11•1•1 ··-beige vtblr Int., am/Im 6-48·8329 '78 TOYOTA '79 Elcio DleNI. 18995. ...................... Acqltlrete. Acqltlralt Hayea Modem for~ 11 ,... ••• It el 4 d CELICA OT E11cel mu•· A 1 cond. llW llo/n , ..... yurllng told. 59'7-1013 computer wltop lln• c1::. C::-aoo~·011.;: •79 Civic Wegon. 4 apd, * lllT 1111 * Loaded. 5-7263 Redwood 2118 decking, H URI, ti. 0. 597-2229 tollware 1300. Drew ISLANDER 37 NB Slip 644-1415 new tlr .. , xlnt cond. OH, WHAT A FEELING! 4·""' ~· t190 redwood t•A NI 1•t-llll R*"' Ouert~ HotM G-•. 636--0449 Xlnl nnanc1ng 159,500. Attention OOleetOttl 1Ht '72 AUDI 1008L 12600 obo. 497-5289 or Perfect combination of ~ Hl1 •v ~ • -v ..-. ., Private l'\.Artu ... l!llr.lltt. .... """' EdMI R I d -~ __ .. ........., •ly· •••••••;_.~~=··••••• lencino. H Jim or Ken ding, prof trelned, a yr• ..-'' -•v an9er n ~ Look• & rune good 1950 67S-.887 ~··-... , wlU ....,.... • ..,..,......,,_, anytime. 775-1491 Beautllul Antique Solld old. Chellnut 12600 f!.f! ............. 1!!? 17' Fl1>«otu1 Sloop w/ ~I ,.~2~201 73 L;! 536-1789 ---------1!"1·. 6 1ouapdvr .. ·• w~~~.·1· * laalll • -• Oak Table w/2 leaYH 8"7 ..,.,,, t .. r Xlnt ~ .. 11""" .... ...,.. .,.. "" •-1•••• lf&.l . 11J~ ..VC ..... "~ -·-C..nH I S295/0BO. 771-3292 "' .,_, ........ .......... 837-133e"""· ._.., ""' 54~7'. If no enewer, '75 AUDI FOX ~ ••••••• "!'!!': ••••••• ? I024UBV) Ju11 Med r• II you rHlly love ca-r..1-••f 1030 P J"1fl"' 1111 S50 pr, 642·2790 l*eM keep trying. 4 dr, eulo, new eng, ·74 Karman Ghl• Coupe, ll1bl• perty to make mar0t, OIYe me• ctlll. I •• ~':"'""-.•••••••••••• ecan w/glaas Inlay cotfM ••••• -:~••••••••••••••• PARROT • what a deall .. UT 121t MOTD Repllcer. 12,000 tren1, brakH, redlalt, Peralmmon, 30.000 orig amall monthly pmtl. No he .... a bunch, lndudlng Nlkk0<m1t 35mm. black, & end tablet/wall unit•. Round 15pt RUBIES 913-5272 xlnt cond. $2900/ OBO. ml, mint cond. 15.000. old contract• 10 auume. fully loaded BERLINET • zoom lenHs & more, Elegant aote bed. 1400. . Baby Double Yellow ml, yellow w/tan top & 497-1057 Donna 846-0169 eves. No back pmtt. due. "911 TAS , TYPE LT and mini cond , ,350 . 850-1860 on~~=hl Head, 7 wka, 1450. l'l&llTllll Int. S7SOO. &•4-7577, tor Rou 842·4400, Z28'1.Ju•tneedr .. lable 548-5407 u11110•• OHmY 548-64•0 Flberglau 963-5272 775-8337 '76 Fo11, 4 •pd. 41 door, '74 Karmen Ghia, IUPf'b 558-1008 Proto U M. perty to meke amall - -#•dla1n 11111I Io.. ._. •le, 11m/lm ttereo, 111n1 cond, new heedll""· , monthly pmta. No old Super 8 Auto zoom, E11qulalte reproduction •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ::;w .... --Lido 14 darll bkle white l«tNlllUI cond. $2000 OBO. P.P. rug1. aheepakln covera, 72 Mane II Wagon 1895 or contract• to uaume. No neYer uMd. $75. Wlndaor chalrs u enown Elgin turret lath•. lever C,:.i~;;·c~~·n &;t,;i°<)r: <**. 1979. Ullm.;, Niii, irr_u1,,_ n•• Ken: Day• 835-9692, brushed alum whl1, 1tNI otter. Air, AM/FM. Cell back pmt1. due. At« '°' 552-9553 alt 8PM. In "Country Living" crou tilde, 11050 or or-gan with t>engti lnddt 24 cover, treller, 12700 .••• ~re'.~~~•••••••••~'? Evee 87M718. radial ur ... Garage kept. 662-2788 Ao a• 8 4 2 . 4 4 o o . YHhlca FR2. Auto, SO magezln• 640-23 14 fer. 548-11490 AM free l•uont court11y 58&-8287 DWI! Blue Sofa bed for ID 111 $5800. 642-7986 ev111/ '71 COROLLA. $695 olr. 55&-1008 Proto U M. mml 1en1, Winder, flash, appt. Homellte 12012.a v. 4 r:y, 0 r g an Ex ch an 11 • van 1100. Nevet uMd. •••••••••••••••••••••• wknd• Good trantp0f1atlon. Zll IAllllt t'f1 metal cue Accessories. llYNOl l&l.EI 8 h/p, generetor. '81 $1500/080. 771-3292. ...,,, IUp 845-0758 '70 GHIA $1500 862-2788 Sliver and black, many Mike Sl65, 542·9192 A divorce lorCM the Mil mdl, uMd 25 hre. $1250 1938 Conover Cable ,_.. lf1, · ·~··ti!:· Runs g5rea31t_,3'°""527 ru•t. ·72 COtolla. AM /FM. air. extr11. $3500 or beat ,._ 0 01 3 ......... u, ~~-.... 8' llrm. Bob 642·1730 Or•Ad Pl-~. ••1n1 cond. •••••••••••••••••••••• l/Jlllll zt.ff $"""' •11 .. , .. _,, I JS """"' """"'" -· -"" .., Slip avell., up 10 30'. CdM -::.··11 ' i•~o ...... c .. ..,.,., olfw. 714/931-4777 •••••••••••••••••••••• couch & matching 5' #1.nUa ... I ,,,. $41500. Cell 875-2478, .,.., $9.00 pr tt. Pegey •• ~!••••••••••••~~. ...,,.. •r·•i 1156-82241 Anlh. ""-'-I ft·-E1,..l1I~ Olltt pteld loYeMat. per! tor •••••••••••••••••••••• 720-0521 °' Tern. 1 955-2473 wtt. ,,., ~ • ..,._._ -lamlly rm T111, ruet & Wheetctlatr. Everest/ Jen-·' • • GO CART· flberglaea, •••••••••••••••••••••• 11' .. fi 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• KITTEN Sm11 1111er. long s 1 _........._. G daya 8-6. Indy. bOdy. 3 HP, game I •••••• ••••••••••••••• -.E II Fiim heir (2 Callcos) 1 grey, 1 drk. brwn. 100 both. n ng1 ,,.....,..., old Vlnyt lftria• lfMilanllfJ .. I S "0 '78 TA7 lo ml -'I "" •" Gorgeous 10' c reaenl· w/•---lal lealutee. Xlnt •••••<Ii••••••••••••••• W•-" IMO Ill• ........ a .. ow pr ze. " ' ' •-' ..-we he-• ~ood ..... ~ yellow. Free to good ......., -1 r """ 847 5939 eond new "'" S3 200 ·• _... home. 841•2075 •hap e d couch w I cond. $300 84&-48741 For Nie lnduttrlel MWtng slttrt ... tf I ....... . IALll-IDYIOI 963·1990 ' ' . llon ol NE & USED matching uphol. tbla WEDDING DRESS • ......___ machine. S550. I t t I I I Wllll Chevfoletal n.., IHO Down lllled cushion•. ._........ 831....059 I trll • I ••• '69 Plymouth Aoedrun· Vi a 111' :-~•••••••••••••••••• Pale yellow floral w/ worn. az 12, Wm. Canlll ftf• ltlH. Oell Alls· ner. 393, • apd, elr 831-2040 496,..949 .! .• !.'!'!~••••••••••• COMMa:.. AKC 00 ......... mll p les dHlgn . A•klng $200. •r..r"-IJ~-.-... b ..... -··· ... '71 VAN I t -~.. di .,.,. n pu P • camel & grey accant1. 979 ,,~92 ~· •• ::-:r.~ •• ~~ wtr Al #•It rr• ber, rune 111. --• xn ""'""• x chemp aired. show qual. N s1 800 s $500 """ • ' 1250. 548-7364 28402 Marguertle Pkwy eunroof. told-down bed, CHEVROLET -. . ec. . 1at•1 •-.a I•-••2 ,.._ •• .. _ Red or b I k • M I F · All In great cond Hurryl NIYtJo Indian rugs, top W ..__ :;_.1 -..911 --•• ~ Mlatlon Viejo new brtk ... run1 grMI. !IM-8502 or 964-•522 843-3396 qlty, collector'• Item•. .:C, ~aPortl i: ty f """' lhlNI 15$0 (AYery Exit off 1-5) SU us r-1 $2200 llrm. 631-3147 .... ,. I ~ • • I r-l ·. , •• Au•trallan Shep Pups c otters 2 am dr¥9 S25 u ng eq · on PIER •••••••••••••••••• •••• Open Sun<laye JOI TOUI • '7" BUG, 11lnt. -~"'. u-. arpet. blue-green 2• sq. ea. 8 pc Comt-~ ...... con1lgnm•nt S now 1 .. 8 ""'"' ._...._ _______ _ cbln_~ntr1111,n,•em•· -~eons ty&. yds. $25.00. S<lS-1097 china set w-ht"/,....brw-n' Skiing, wind iurllng, UP TO 28 n. S150 mo. • 0 Toyota, long bed ,..n..i.UOA, tlrM, rune great. S2.300. '75 VEGA Hetchb•. ell, !1 4b-I 200 -... ......, , t lkH 1 It .,. "]" .. 1 ,. 13K ml. StlC'eo. chrome ~ -n & 5418-7759, 542-05S. AIC, 351< -•, -t~. 2 1 3 I 9 9 5 • 1 5 8 2 . ANTIQUE MAHOO DBL s 100/olter. 646-859, w• er no. enn • eu.. v ...... ... wheela. Xlnt cond. Sett .,_ "" ·-,,_ 21317a..1638 BED nr new mitt/box _..es/Wkndl. board, back packing, BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE otter. 531·3103 _. -.. '72 SUPER BEETLE mint oond. Sl6S0/080, Pupplff 'h Gol~ Retn. sp. $225· obO. 875--0838 Garage door opener, ~!~gJ~.;~~.·~~;; ~·~o~~·'l:;i 1n1h ISH 'H UOl's Art ltrol fACIUTTI ... ca11';.~•e1 .:;::.1g~ 4 •Pd good Yer. Sl11 female. 2 mile. Sngl bed, $20, lov-at. iood wortllng cond. Newpor1 Blvd CM. ••.79TOYOTAPic;tuP•• Nice Selec11onl 1111 Miii st.tlfll llUi ~UlM '68 VW Bu•. ,,_ paint, cond. $15001 b'11 olr. $10 each. 548-4050 $20. table & 4 chre, $50, 50. 642-9282 uuon Night Vlalon Gog-642 .... 844• 9 to 5pm. * lllT ... L * * '78 3201: auto., an /rt, eng. & brak ... ,2000 °' 963•5018 UELTIE"PI ~~~34~ock maple . BUMPER POOL TABLE g111, paid $8500. Hll ftWNITllAll ._ (*413~7V9C63Kl3c·'.·euto .. low #•11l4•1ln1 1140 b9t 5499164 z BAUS & CUES 16500. 875-8809. IO' 41• .. u... nail, Sport Model. greet ml-... •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 • • '70 Malibu. 350, p/a, p10, to st .. J your heart. AKC. Klngslze weterbed Mor-$76. 9e&-4637 ...,.. leage, cust. wheel9, dl11. mis .. (5535418) •II uefe~ 1 Cleenell llOCk '741 Bug In air, radio, auto. S1200 male, lemele 8 wks. · n: •-~•-IN-1111 Interior end more l * '80 3201·, 5apd., IOI · 'r• townl Dix leeturea. OBO. S.0·1281 . Shot. $150 • Up gen Wa..,.,... mattr .... Fumltute & r#tt f-........ M' 11-..1 It _ ... . 536-6'028 custom frame, comp. from -. ,..,.::__ --,,.,., "" l1150b71864) Jtull need rke-dedl ( 1BDV020) -, ro-n 13100. 675-1399 IV mag '62 557-2187 s250 or b•ll offer. ,....,. .. ':'11.-:-1.,.'7"'' •••••• ••••••••••••••• ... ,. f,-J I a e par y to ma • * '77 5301; 1111/rt, low t 1 HW 17,=-7:--::0::--~--:---.;;..I . ...=..::.:....::.:.:.: ___ _ BHutllul R•d·Rutl AKC 551-0278 ...., ........_ • Merantz Auto St•r•o. ·:::c ~ llll am.it monthly pmta. No mta. (S.2TAn rtfiill ha' 4 Hher •1•t. ;o8n. C..tia•lal "" Oober p ........... 1 - -111 :• model CAR·300 10 w/ MJ old contract• 10 auume. * ·79 3201, 4 apd .. A/C •• I • good condition. S2 °''•••••••••••••••••••••• Marle~:~rg u~;:::: Lerg• H Ctlonal t o fa, eto-20, --1 ell. OrN t eound, 190. •0 •1•,·•,••1•••0••••,•1°••• No becit pmtl. due. Atlt (.a&XEQ) ~:~~= ~r;o ~:1~J27: S 1• 9 8 1 2 or ~ 7 01 tel Unee, OSA approved, 8 beMltcarptfulet 400140)'da0. good•ll n&-1'9~ per ft. orlbo 6401155. ~~1Aooeo••P 842u·~~oo . * ·ao 3201, 5 IPd .. ""'"· mo1. sensible pymt1. , * •-* __..... 493 ... ,,1 C e ll -·,-·-~ roto .... AIC. (659ZOK) Olal 213 or 714. ••ER· 67 vw ... ~.look•""""'· L""" atated u the u111-....-1. ~ . 6"-8819 ._._ • ._.-... BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA •n Sii ••1-•111 m ......... ......... _,.,, no;g1s;nn SAOOlE Cdor TV Mie. 2 'I'--.. • '67 Ford F800 2'~ ton -• CE 0 ES I 1 2 '1 3 or runa great. S2500 or best I mete In per.onal lulcury. Golden Aet. Puppies lmponed country fllQllefl l250(ofht) 1141 F Ofllf!lflry_ .... ,. Stock, neY•r raced. Bobtail, 390 CID engine 208 W. 1st, Santa Ana 7141/637-2333 olr 642-0219 Right now, five model9 M&F, AKC, 6 wtca, $150. b • n c h I 3 6 O. Oy a M4-1523 rv' ,;::.., 6'6-17ae $1600. Cell 6-46-81174 °' encl. ven plua llltgat• Cloaed Sunday '69 vw t ere aYallable, po11lbly 495-9139 831-7309,..,.. 87:MIM '75 Kirby 642-2073. $4900/ otter. 979-2000 HeYen't you waited long conY. nu pn , nu one for you! Jult Med Fr" to gd home Auatra-SIO!beei :"' ~. T .... etereo oeblneta w/ exl 132 °' 551-3MO el· CHOICE INVENTORY enough to own a Mer· top, rblt •ni & autol relltble party to m•k• llan Sheep dog · Fem 1 Antq. wicker dreH lna 536-45a7 bltln PlonHr & r .. c Cullom 18' 1111 boet. MUii 1., 4 pm VOLUME SALES ced11 B•nr? Oon'I let Ir an 1 · 3 O O 0 b o · small monthly pmll. No yr apeyed ·10 ..,1~g tableS300.Clrt:e1t18 ~.11000.561·9119 He to eppreclete. & thl1 opportunltypu1you 875-7508. oldcontr.ctlloueurM. 832-0231, 840:414123 eeeu11ru1~~-~ °"' F:=,a,...k~ tabtewtth s:;:d °!'~ 1'~1:/ ~~.oootbtt 7541-8822 ·~,t~°'~.~~::"c:=~~: ~:~i:::u':~~~~tr:~eo~ ·~~!,~·io'!~.~~$~·9~ ~:r b~.~~·.:~:.~ A•g. Male ~!t Bull. 2 Eng. s id eboard w/ 557-8393 12eo.a4s:i320. · Newttree.842-6540ev IOI lollllEI l!'IOdels & colOre tY•ll•· 873-4195-. 556-1008ProtoLJM. yea~~· Sir• Little 0•· beYeled mirror• 1700. ,,..,...,,.,.,, Mechanical Lien Sale on llW ble. ·•5 Squar•back, poor 1982 Unc04n Cont. si.... 5v~~ ,;,..,S7 4. OO or best. 831-213-4 e wJ)ort INTELIVISON end alx •••••...-.•••••••••••••• July 24th, 1982. SAIL .111 IUIMll " ..,_I L d-~ .,.,....,_, ••ch Tennie Club tapu S326. Call ev•· C..-"11 Sates-Servlce-Leutno 11_.99 cond. $400 °'best reel nature 99r ... 0• ..... "~-tel ..... _ ... _... Viel Ian emberehlo. I ,..... •• , CHEVROLET. 900 So. 850 N. Beach Blvd r-•• otter. 6-45-8M9 S20,000 559-4221 ftH II fH IHS ~~';;'$300. O< lr~19t~Jee. l650 F~fJ. nlngs. &42-2S.O •• ~! .......... !~~ Cout H'9hwr;, Laguna L• Habte 1301 Quall Street '88 Camper Bua. Many 1980 Unc:oln Cont. MARK •••••••••••••••••••••• 63t-2tJ.4 769-350 Beech, Ca., et 10 A.M. 122·1••• NEWPORT BEACH Free kittens 10 good ... ,, I J1M1M Nearly new cust«n bit 8' 1968 Chevrolet Pick Up, ••• t••t•OO extraa, S2300, Call VI Belg•. loaded $12, home 3 beau1 kittens 7 s lld o k h 1 t d !m 1 cemper • many xtre1. • 13"808Z 10410"'. Lie. Open Sunday .... • 494-5226, 497-5377 000 ' • 0 • up 0 1 ere Steeping beg S25 Genuine J .. ,. S 1800. 842-1183 dye " • 559-4221 wtc1 old. 631-4933 Grand f •th er rock er er my surplus. Cont act •••• ~-.. ••••••••••• 642 8287 • •041725. Cell!. plat" ll&lltE Ollm'I '78 Marc.cs .. 3000, lvOfy, '81 vw Rabbit ConY, seoo 1--------- Yng M. Brittany Spaniel S350. 63l-21J.4 Charles aft 6, 645-2731 '-••tal Hll --· ., anrl, mint cond. $13,900. ml. Never reglatered. Al c.n.lfl H,l ml: ------------------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 73 Chevy Crewcab truck, rUI 1$10 ILHIT 975-0578. 675-4024 M F/M atereo cua. W/W •••••••••••••••••••••• m•. to good home Beaut. lrg maple cocktaJI FLIG HT JACKET Med 1111 UYI "•T, V8, 1.uto, ~ A'""nt, •••••••••••••••••••••• ·79 ,,..___ $10 •""' $47-3503 table /2 fold .... _ •·-· · .,., ·--...., ·77 vw P••.....,,,,,.,r Ven $ '80 3000, load-'. xtra 1·~1 llree. Met pelnt. Special .,..,..,..,n• •'""" or • w u wn ,... $25. Genuine Army tur· Jn s 10'~' Mii cont'd carnpr, * ... -, If . .,..U * tank ~tires"" $20 500-Hat•. $/whHI. AT . bell otter. New tlree. Lo Free to gd home. Aullra-ves S350. 548-5676 plus. Contact Charlea 111 II 11 41 1 d $4995 • "v-• ' · I L ded Sllverlwtllt S 8 S.5 273 . Pl ' ll nt con . . Super Clean, row mlle1, 9~2-8392 S9•90. Marty. 973-1345, m . oa . e. llan heap dog. Fem. 1 Canopy frame tor crib. . • , S 957-1877 removable rear bench Sale•-Serv•-~lee•lng , _6_73_-_13_41_4 _____ 1_7_60-_97_2_• ____ _ yr. spayed, IOYlng. white wood, S25. REGINA CARPET toc k, n•ver raced. ~ ..,.... #C 1141•· 832-0237. 640-44123 552-2839 SHA .. POOER, 1.... !1eoo2_20.7c3a. II S45-8974 or ....... dlH 1, ..... _ II~• aeet1. Enjoy great mllea· fY'"'t\/ CARVER •••••••••••••••••••••• '77 Rabbit, new t1re1, fell IHI ,., v .,.. ,,., "' .... '"' ge and c arry the l'L..11 71 MG Midget, Ilka new, good body, rune xlnt .. •••••••••••••••••••••• For • good home. Lake Entire contents of Lg 1 Br $ l25. 5"8-94l90 AM •••••••••••••••••••••• N EI G H BO AH O O DI l(lJ.5 ~.a~ 1W run1 great. radla11. must Mu It ••II 1 his week. 73 9 P .... Wgn, Air, A/T, Tahoe Shepherd ml>c apt. $1,000. You move. Men'1qualltyault1&aport ... ,,, #u&• 1981 Bu~andy Puch (679SWH) Juel need re-r1&. . .11~t: Lii' aell. $1700/0BO $2000 OBO. IM&-414-'. ~~1,~ ml. 1933 Pu P •. 1 2 wk• o Id . 675-2543 coats az 42R & L. w38 Lsl-•I "" M~ ~.;, 640-S 00 II able party to ma lie "S~:..".. ~,: ~1 714-S<l8-9546 .78 VW w .. t .... ••ta. Jtlnt . • · · 531-3771 evee Dini"" Room Suite. 42x72 Lv mio. 833-8203 . ~··:-~~·~~ .. d~··••• ........,, ' tmallold conmontr.-.!."ttytoPf.!'!!·.!'.?. 'll II-..~•--, -~ ... ~ !::.111 ....... 7S51~!:d LTD: Oood cond. M• & Female Rabbits, 1ebi: plus leaf a chairs ~•n-wl~wvi .,.,, llPOf'k PEUGEOT 103SP. Lo ml--· ......... 1980 BMW 6331. Loaded. ..,..., -""'"' ,...,.. ,...., -.. ...,... lalny tame Fr .. to good 2 Medlt b SI iey' Misc. mattreu11, cou-t S2500. (no engine) 111ge gd cond. 1360 No beck pmta. due. AM Beige $22,000 amllm cauette. E•c.1· Cati 7141985-7253· Aft 5 c.ii 5'&&-8233 an 5 .. ~ 830·,_,,7 arm, · Y an • en.a. 4 peat• bdrm •L at Hana Dickman Boet1, cut1 M&-1782 tor Roae 842·4400, 559,..221 le nt cond. 45,000 ml. 7141642•9281 · ........... """" • yrs, hand rubbed lrult· w111 Mil ......... A. •9"' ... 11o but --•1 ... ,. "'7"'" · ·55 FORD 2 .. ~ 62 ooo Tumlt IOSO wood lop, side MtYlng ... ._. .. .,.. ..... .,......, ""' 55&-1008 Proto UM. C.J!!. 111S $3200. 772-7602 '11 fllTUCI mites, 1 owr:;."' No body ...... ~!!............. bar w/glua doors. Ort-Stars U.. SW ... ,,, I.wt 1141 .,.,.,,,In/ 'II fm YU llll :• ••••••••••••••••••• MG Midget. Convert. Mutt Hiii Xlnl cond. damege 1700. 645-128& Cont-""'•"' ~i·e ..._..., i lnal $3500. Selllng 9 X 12. New S125. or bat ••••• •••••••••••••••• •--......._ 1111 .._.... 1 HO 81 Ceprl OS, 5 apd, ~Ml 1974. Auna well BHt Sunroof, em./hn ... ..-,1--....;;.. _____ _ _ .. .,.... " -""" 1000 "••5595 PlllO •••fJ -••• ....,., eng .. ,_tree. FM ceaen• cu•tom Int · -.. ,,__ IHI aola & love -t. oek 5 ·.....,.. otter. 648-7202 .... •••;;ec;·H~ .. CXSOC)0 long bOdy. 548-1274 PB PS air' only 7 oo0 o 11 er. $ 1•0 0 Io b o, 11ereo, new pelnt & tlret. ~.":.':'9-'· pc bdrm Mt $400, P~ King Water Bed & Heater, LOST MV SLIP a 1 'S7m e ' 675-0872 S1500 648-2885 •••••• •••••••••••••• coff" & end tblea, SW&-smell wave 1125. SCRAM LETS 24' Dfat<e Cebtn CrulMI' Fairing, Trunkc .... Al-A•,., WulH lllO m . . 73·5287 . 'II ... I. WI dlah g1asa dlnl"ll eet 673-72415. • 11111 F/P moaS2300t ~0B·o142011-0ml'!-1· •••••••••••••••••••••• C.11 1111 'ti llHn 11100 tr '7! t~~S.AINC-~·connewd Gd cond. 642-4810 S350 bootlcaee San o ANSWERS · v "" • .. HYO •••••••••••••••••••••• Ofr. Nu perts. •99-4722 cu • • 11 n . _., Comp' onent ltereo !1 2 Rocker/Lounge Chair• a ( 1948-Wood-Chryaler 659--92". $2800, 8.42·8208 #ul... ,,~i A--... 1 ... .,., Ot1omen $150. 130) Top dollare for Sport• ·74 COLT 2 dr • to lt..J 1141 •••••"r•••••••••••••• .......... .........., 673-7245 Hotbed. Probe Value aeooo '79-80 BMW A85, xlnt Cara, Buga, Campera, xlnt runnfng co~'d1t:'on' :-r:••••••••••••••••••• '74 Toyot• COtolta. Runt ·ea Muateng, 289 V8. Swtttl. Aaunl Ed 534-&e<lO cond. many xtru, to ml. 914'1. Audl't 1 · ·741 OPEL. auto. wagon. perfect. Look• rough. Rebft eng., euto trane & Ptuth dart! green Yetour WORLD , $2600/ bl1 ofr. 5-40-~21 Alk f0t U/C MGR i ood t rH. 72.ooo ml. $1300. $675, call 875-9748 braku. New paint. aola & lov11eet. orig. Ftrull alze bed. co,m50pl. w/ 1 signed up with an 42 H Matt"-9, twn dli. ~.25 dy1, 840·0838 ---1•895· 857•2819 71417541-7642 "•In 11,. S200010BO. 548-4531 c:oet $995. Sell '°' S250 ame. 1 yr old, . lnt•rnetlonal employ-B<tl1ol.159,500 PP. (213) ··-"' i . -. 548-2855 850-0715n69-3813 8 9 8 2 5 8 1 ( 7141•---------1 ........ •·t1u --'71 OPEL GT. runs good. •••••••••••••••••••••• 'II ... ~ -· ment eg«lCy Now not • ' '7" H~ .. -)(' .,..,.. -,, _ •"'""' n '70 V....._ 1 • • ., ....-t Sol ..._... 8 ,.,..., am 1 not. ...._:..1':i 780-1178 v vi.... ......., 1a111 8eectl BIYd. ••••••••••••• • • ••••••• ~ rm. .....v -.... ..-·-MACH 1 Futbedt 1 V8 Old Mehog. •-poll•r a_,, q-SZ. moe ::'."..'.:' 1, t of=: I Xlnt oond. MOO. HUNTINGTON BEACH ~--0987 oood., ,,_ paint l Int. cannonbell twin beda. old. earthlon ... S325 ·-•· m ou """" Cla11lc 18' Lepatr•k• 642-2011 •••.-S1850 675-9748 4 apd. Swwoof. 12500· $1200/btt. 53~8035 OBO. 557-2187 an. 4 over the WORLD. Cent~ bay bolt 4 ~ -·-,.,... 11$1 . 873-8971 t Tl 11¥1 11..alfll. 111111 llU (Of Y..t ................ etc.) 1. Place your I d In th• Dally Piiot Clullfted Mcilon (It'• bel1 to run 3 days tor maximum expoeure). If you pay for your ed In •8fl09 we•n run It 3 days and only char~ you for 21 2. Ge1 your FREE O•ege $ale elgnt (ell ydu ~ to do " com. In to tM Detty Pttot & P9Y for your ed In edvMOe - we wttl gtw you two 11 x 17 8'gnt - FREE of char~). 3. PfiCe MCh pfd ~ ~-. o r..,. 500. 87M1a1 · ·~90~:,nrc,~ ~,=: :i~ WllTDI ······;;:l·S·TER·········· ~1.!..,.• ~ ~~·.· ~·. ,1•1 16 ft Thunderbird. 50 HP $1200. wtc 75t~700, htn. llll. iw ..--•1• ._. -.. ""'" a12l)O Evlnrude, Trailer. N--6-48-8275 POl•AIE/Alll °' bel1 of*. "2-t71t port Herbor Mooring. .., l&Lll. lllWll AM 12250. (714) 985-800'7, .,,., ••n l.i•/ 13831Hart>ot01YC1. --iu.. •-0-u-... -iWJ-,,---.,-1 (213) 442-324l0 da I 1/J ., lllf Oatden Grow OVERSEAS DELIVERY •••••••••••••••••••••• 13' Boeton Wheler. 40hp ... ~~ ... !!!~........ ........... EXPERTS ILlllllU '71 Mere, undef warr .. 13900 Rent: 28' motor home. Le..... .n.ua -- .;:t:1::':°; •• open 11pe 8· ~~· "~=:• 114 111-2111 Ul~Yllll L~·=~ CNteer. 130 hip, voNo FOt '9nt: 20' motor home. ~ 644-UH• ....... , I ..,, 111 • .,.. '81 35e8, rblt eng. .... 1968 HerbOt Blvd. ... q lnel Hend9omel d 1 I , auto p 11o1. 'l/ery olea n. Compl. euto, a ir, UK, auper than 500 ml, N-bit· COSTA MESA (HSVJE). 642.-.o.v equipped. 9n-a1ss B m cond. 14100. 1•eoe1 tery, olutoh, no tutt. Ml-Im .. Mil •T IUtll USED CARI & Tfl!UCl<S ,.,.,, llU W h I u . I 4 5 0 0 I ba t. -------~ COME IN OA CM.L FOA ...................... 494-8175 11177 Votvo 242Dl. r9CI, ...... .... ,_ ll'fl•M W •Wtt'i ·ao 824 Turbo, io.ded .• 80 1t111d1td tren•.t at•«>. ~eta. ,._._.......,.... ., •-llllM 924. Teike ovw ....... clean. S48DO/ofr. NEWPOftT MACH ._.._.._...., -·····-7 .. .... 851·"93. 4t3oo4t2t '" ••• --.it FDllll 1.......,6-1IOI - ~~l..W~::8H •va111F1 ·~~.!~~Jitt.e~•nt''~:~:: ~!'!f1.f!!I. .......... ,_,_ ,,., - Muet ... I l9300 080 J11ft HJ •••••••••••••••••••••• Nl ... l, .. ln1 ,~ 536-2887 , ' •••••••••••••••••••••• 1t7t Flrebltd Formula, Ill.. xlnt ~. MwM .. to Top l\al-10 911 ET~ MM&, 0t appreo . uuo. Dr• llUllll beet otr/\rade. fOf the ..,,.... and beet 1 14. 784.U11; • va, Pal.I 554-7805 M·f, 4M..a13 ••leotlon of new and 714-1414IOI ... • 3100 W.. CoeM ...,Y. 'U H8C. White, reblt ~-=,. tn ONnfe ... m·~ f« Yow Cerj Nliwipoft 8Mdt ....,/trana. Many xtr•. ~ •1 • •••n• 1 • .. a.._ v•l.:' .. "· nooo . •• iiiii-·· U:•!---= '1!! ............. 1!.M M':t 1!11 1u 1 •oz .,,.,, r...., 1...., _., COMa .._ rt 1a 18, ~good oond, *ID NS OOO/of'lr 8 .... "'* & ,_ baie1 fi':'o ~~·n ~'r:°• . .U.-t ~~r.u_uotoo>. 0111, 11a.eeoe. .-...11 .,.. -,_. n l'IAT ,,. ._...""'" :':ml'l~ ......... r.-.~1 - tMlltl ~, ....... .. =~~NNJ ._._.a.... 1M •t.a• ~ ......... , ·n ,.... ,14 o.w. Good ""' AIM~ =:-=~~·· --~ ..,,. L • Ianorin.I pleu from numeroua c:lty leacfera, Orange County Supervaon Tueeday approved fees for Ulen of county-owned landfilla. Under the fee schedule, landlW wien wUl be charged $7 per ton of material deposited. A fl per ton surcharge will be aueued for certain "hard to handle'' materials. *** Dump fee hikes budget Huntington Beach city officials wUl have to raise $600,000 to balance the budget, than.ks to action by Orange County Supervisors to charge fees for the uae of county dumps. The $600,000 is the estimated ooet for using the county-owned landfills for the rest of the ti9cal year. Fees are slated to begin Oct. 1. City costs for the full 1983-84 fiacal year are estimated at about $1 million. Some city officials, complaining they weren't given enough time to weigh financial impacts, indicated today that they rn.icht charge residents a uaer fee to meet the new costs. The city currently picks up the tab for all residential trash collection at a cost of about $1.8 million per year. The city budget was about $1 million out of balance without the landfill fees. Qity officials planned to make up the difference by using reserve funds. In Fountain Valley. residents pay $3.98 per month for trash collection. Resi<fents aend in the money via city water bills and the city turns it over to Rainbow Disposal Inc. 'the company ia expected to pus any increaae along directly to the homeowner once the 008ts are broken down, an official aatd. Foes increase SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - 'Ille State Bar's governing body ii joining other groups asking the state Supreme Court to declare \mCQnstitutional the Proposition 8 anti-crime initiative. Rubblah taken to county. operated transfer s\aUona for aubeequent transport to laodttlla wW be uaeaed at a rate of $10.50 per ton. Representatives of several cities unauccesafully requested that supervisors delay act.Ion on the landfill fee program. Several claimed auperviaora were acting too hastily ln the .,.., .... ,.....~......_. ....... GOING UP -Who challenges lumberjack Greg Downing to climb a 90-foot spruce spar pole as fast as he can? The other competitor is shown on Page Bl. Trash strike ends in Huntington, FV A strike by West Orange County trash truck driven and loaders was declared over today by an official for Rainbow Disposal Inc. Stan Tk.aczyk, vice president of th.e Huntington Beach firm, aaid all the company's 45 to 50 trucks were out in the field today in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley picking up ~H :...,;. .d e .uviaes rem ents to put out trash on regular collection days. Strikers backed PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) -About 15,000 ~pie, many banging broomsticks on empty kitchen pots and pans, demon strated near the pretldentlal palace to support striking schoolteachers and protest the hlgh cost of living. He said delays in some cases are running up to a day but that the collection should be back on schedule by the end of the week. Tkaczyk said nearly 100 workers walked off their jobs Monday morning in a dispute over holiday pay. He said the company was following contract provisions. A representative of Teamsters Local 396 in Los Angeles, the union that represents the workers, confirmed that the walkout war an Uh5anctioned wildcat strike. Tkaczyk said about 75 of the regular workers had been rehired and the others were replaced. The company provides residential trash service in Fountain VaJley. Huntington Beach and Sun.et Beach. BUSINESS Cl~ar as crystal Waterford crystal bu been famous for hundreds of years. but the preaent factory bu been in operation, only Ii.Doe 1951. Page C~. NATION Home starta sei probe WASHINGTON (AP) -Armed wtth new 11181 =---~=...-::=:~ uMd cocaine and other• may have 1n11pd In hanaaual -. wtth a.. .... JMllll. Baei la die w•lu •I SF ................. ~ ., ....... lwh ...... 1ftll••--1111if111mN--.filtAlO. lllTlllTll llKI I 11111111 Hllll OliANl.I l 11lJ N 1' t id H tlHNI/\ .''• Cf NT ~ fee for county landfills wab ot a CCJWultant'a report ln which t•e feea wer e recomme.nded. City leaders uJd they were unable to set • copy of the final report until lut Thunday. '"11'ere are simply too many unanswered q ue1tion1," complained Cotta M.. Mayor Norma Hertzog. She au&elled that the impoaiUon Of any landfW feet be po1tJ>Oned until July 1, 1983, to permft ddes time to rene1otiate contract• wlth rubb&ah collection finna. Under the board'• action, the feee are acheduled to so into effect in 90 daya. Supervbon refUled to delay implementation of the fee schedule, saying a postponement would aerve no purpoee. 11We could atudy thia report from Engineering Sciencee (the consultant) far Into the future. But what would we gain?" uked Supervitor Harriett Wieder. aoard Chairman Bruce Neatande aaid the county la facing major expenditures relating to waste management, including landfill acquisitions, landfill closures, resource $7.50 phone hike recovery project.t and equipment purchuea. County offida.la project that about '23 million will be 1pent on 10lld waste manaaernent during the current filcal year. Orange County had been the only metropolitan county in the state not charging landlW U8en. County government absorbed (See DUMP, Paae A!) seen Pacific Telephone may seek increase of $1 billion SAN FRANCIS<X> (AP) -In a move that could add up to $7 .50 a month to residential and buic buainees phone billa, a Pacific. Telephone Co. official aaya a rate increase of up to $1 billion will be aought withln eeveral months. John Dennis, asaistant vice president of regulatory planning, said Tuesday be didn't think the increases would be that high, noting that the rate proposal still la being formulated. The $2.50 lifeline rate may go up moderately, he said. The average monthly residential phone bill is $32, including toll calls and other services. The rate application will go to the state Public Utilities Commission. A decision, said Dennis, probably would come late next year. The company alao wants to recover revenue lost over a Federal Communica t ions Commission ruling that takes effect Jan. 1 in which Pacific Telephone will not pe able to sell or leaae new terminal equipment, such as home phones and switchboarda. An AT&T subsidiary would handle such business. "When people hear rates may be doubled, they immediately think their bill will be doubled, say to $64," Dennis said. "But if the basic rate goes up $7.50, the (average) bill only goes to $39.50. "We still feel it is important that telephone service be universal in California. The lifeline and (business) service rates will be available for a long, long time in California." Dennis said considerable work remains on the application and that the possible $1 billion increase was far from firm. He said it would be "more likely less than that." PUC President John Bryson last month warned that basic costs of residential service could soar to $25 a month by 1984 unless the House version of the 1982 Telecommunications Act is passed by Congress. He said the bill would counter predicted effects of the antitruat settlement between AT&T and the Justice Department beinj( reviewed by a federal judge in Washington, D.C. Both the antitrust case and the legislation call for local Bell System telephone companies like Pacific Telephone Co. to be divested from AT&T. Pacific Telephone has estimated this divestiture could bring a $10.50 a month increaae in the basic phone rate. The legislation conta ins a number of provisions to help divested companies. It would allow local phone companies to retain Yellow Pages. revenue to mee t the cost of providing local services. And it would give the companies compensation at market value for assets transferred to AT&T. Quick OK of Shultz predicted Heavy losses told St. Louis eyed Iran invades Iraq in new offensive by sheik WASHINGTON (AP) Callinc for a "atratesy of confideriDe'' in de8.Unp With the Soviet Union, Secretary of State-designate George P. Shultz said today the United Statu should neither aeek confrontation with the Soviets nor ahrink from c:riticizinC them. "I think we thou1d make it clear that, depend.inc on Soviet behavior and how they conduct themaelves, we are prepared to have as constructive and beneficial a r e lationship as possible," Shultz told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in t he second day of his confirmation hearing. Sen. Charles H. l>ercy, R-m., the committee chainnan, said he planned a vote later in the day, and it appeared virtually certain the panel would recommend confirmation by the full Senate. Assistant Republican Leader Ted Stevens of Alaska aaid the Senate would act quickly, P,CJ88ibly by Thuraday. Shultz, a former ·1eeretary of labor and treaaury in the Nixon administration, waa nominated by Presid ent Reagan after Alexander M. Haig Jr. n!Slg:ned from hia State Department post over poliey differences that have not been fully explained. Describing his vie-w of U.S.-Soviet relations, Shultz aaid. "It should not be a strategy of · aggression , not a strategy of confrontation, but a strategy of confidence, strenith and realism about what they are trying to do." "We should not get ourselves in a position of fearing to say hat ia reality becauae it might bother 10mebody," be aaid. COUNTY BJ fte Ataodated Preaa Iranian forces invaded Iraq and capQand hundreda of Iraqi soldlera in an offensive to "1.ibente Iraq" and topple the regime of President Saddam Hua.ein, Tehran radio claimed today. An lraQi military communique -.Ml Iranian t.roo~ pushed a1x miles into Iraq alOhg a six-mile front . But it aaid Iraq counterattacked and Inflicted heavy lometl on the invaders. "The enemy began retreating under the courageous blows of our heroic forces, leaving behind large numbers of dead and wounded," the Iraqi communique said. (See IRAN, Page A!) SUCCUMBS -Former baseball star Jackie Jensen, 55, died of a heart attack today. Cblldrens HOBP-ital aided Nine membera of t he Balboa Bay Club in Newport 8eecb have formed a fund-raillinl lfOUP to aid Chlldrem Bospttal of Oruie C-ounty. Pace A6. Tillins die Irvine soil Famlliea ln the Irvine uw are aolnc *k to the aoil and lfOWina their own vitdtt. Pip Bl. • IAAN INVASION -Iranian forces have invaded Iraq and reports indicate the push was directed at the main port of Basra. Heart attack kills former star Jensen • SOOI'TSVILLE, Va. (AP) - Jackie Jensen, the American League's Most Valuable Player in 1958 and a former California football star, died today of a heart attack, his wife said. He was55. Katherine Jensen said her husband woke up about 2 a.m. with chest pains. She said he died en route to the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville. Mn. Jenaen said her husband complained of feeling ill Tueeday evening when he returned from the summer baseball camp he operates. Jenaen, who played 12 years in the majors, hit .286, smashed 35 home runs and drove in 122 runs in bis MVP year with the Boat.on Red Sox. INDEX ST. LOUIS (AP) -An advance team for a Saudi Arabian sheik embroiled in a financial dispute with a Florida hotel will fly to St. Lou.La on Friday to determine whether the city would be a suitable home for the sheik. "I want to talk to people who can fill me in on the proe and; cons of the city and Its future," aaid Ellis Rubin, an attorney for Sheik Mohammed al Fassi. "rm not saying we're going to move from Miami," Rubin said in a telephone interview with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "but we are coming to look at St. Louia first." The sheik became embroiled in a dispute with the Diplomat Hotel in Hollywood , Fla., a Miami suburb, last week. The hotel sued him for an unpaid $1.5 million hotel bill, and the sheik was jailed for about six hours July 6. An estimated $15 million worth of his rugs, jewels and other items were impounded . Al Fassi paid the hotel with a cashier's check Monday, permitting his entourage of 75 to begin moving their belongings from the posh beach-front hotel. . He then filed a $1 billion counterclaim 'against the hotel, contending the incident cawied him to suffer "trauma." About 30 oth er creditors, including a painter and a dry cleaner, quickly began lining up to collect money from the 27-year-old sheik, who r~portedly is worth about $6 billion. Some $200,000 was paid to credit.ors, Rubin said. The sheik moved to Florida after fire destroyed his Beverly HWa home, where nude statues with painted genitalia prompted local complaints. At Your Service A4 lioroa'Ope B2 Buatneta 84-~ Ann Landen B2 California A5 Movies 87-8 Cavakade 82 National News A3 Orfied D6-.8 PubUc Noticel 86,.()t.-6 c.oma 83 =Maraca Dl-4 .... 0-0.Wad 83 B& Death NOU.::. D4 ~ A14 Sditar1a1 A.ta 'lbea ... B?-8 l'.ntlrtalnment B?-8 W•tmr A2 rood Cl-lS Wedd Newt A3 A.rt Hoppe m SPORTS t ' I ................ 9911!1 ................................ ..,...~------------· Oranoe Cout OAILV Pll.;OT/Wedneeday, July 14, 1112 IRAN IVASION ... mars jetliner The Iranian at1adt appeared to ln "'Buhdact have been toppled,•• open a new phue of the Penlan it aa1G. Oul.f war laUnched in ~wnber Tehran radio claimed that > JAKARTA. lndonala (AP) - A Sl.naapore AJ.rllnel pl.aM with 361 peop~e aboard made an emer1ency landina ln J akarta after two of lta four enalne1 apparently were cloaed by uh from a volcAno ~t erupted in the area, alrllne offlclala eatd today. 1980_ by Iraq. Huaaetn a arm)' hundreda of Iraqi aoldlen had invaded Inn and acored initial been aaptw-.d in the offenalve It 11ln1, at one tlme occupyin1 Mid blpn Tueeday ntaht. 1>ortlona of Iran'• Khullatan A later broadcast quoted . Provtnoe before the lranJan army Iranian l eader Aya toUa h rallJed th1a year and puahed the Ruhollah KhorM1ni u terun, the 1nQl forces out of the country. Iraqta to welcome the Iranian ~ oUJdal lran1an broedcuta, invaders and "cut off the hands'' monitored in London, did not of HU11ein'1 followers. elaborate on the invasion reporta, Iraqi military communiques On June 24, a Britl.ah Airwa)'I jet plunaed 25,000 feet after all lour enaines •puttered out in flames aa the plane flew throuah aah clouda from an earlter eruption of the Mme volcano - Ga1Wlg8'Wlg, in west Java. Tilat plane, on a London to Perth, Auatralla flight, landed safely in Jakarta, too. w h I c h c o u 1 d n o t b e ~ Loodori and Nicolia Mid independently verified becauae the !?uan was directed at Dura. both 1ide1 bar corretpondenta Iraq a main port about 15 miles from the war front. weet of the lranlan border ln ''Our l.alamic anny fa co-'"'"' to extreme IOUtheut Iraq. ..... 16 They said '-"''• army "halted Jiberate you," Tehran radio said· ... -. in an address tb the Iraqi pebple, the enemy's advance on Basra urging them to "mutiny." sector ... and then launched its counterattack w~e the Iranian • ''Our forces will not lay down forces were retreating leaving their anna until this infidel agent behind larp numben of dead re"1.me and all aymbola of treason and wounded." A spokesman for Singapore Airlines said Its Boeing 747, en route from Singa p ore to Melbourne, Australia on Tueeday night, landed at Halim Jakarta International Airport. There were no reports of injuries. DUMP CHARGES • • • landfill expenses via its general fund. In addition to approvi.ng the landfill fee program, supervisors adopted 13 other rec- ommendations aimed at re- 1olving waste management 1.-ues. Count y o ffi ci als were tftatructed to continue monitoring *·* * Vumping fees lower for (• individuals Individuals who cart household discards or yard trimmings to Orange County l.andfilla will not escape paying a dumping fee -but the amount likely will be modest. The precise amount to be aeeesaed on paseenger ca.rs and pickup trucks containing rl.abbish has yet to be determined, *id Sam Randall of the county General Services Agency. But based on the $7 per ton fee approved by auperviaors. Randall -1d the fee charged for a half. ton truck load probably would be $3.50. Asked what the charae on a RBJlllengef car with a trucldOlld of diacarda would be, Randall aid, '4Gosh, I couldn't even sue-cm Jhat." Season unchanged PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commi.-ion will leave the ocean sports fishing aeaaon unchanged until it has a clearer picture of how many fish are available. reaource recovery systems, use the beat available technology in operating landfillB and fonn a commission to monitor waste management practices. Valley weighs proposal for seniors' home Plans to build a six-story · citizens residence adjacent to Fot1ntain V11lley Community Hospital will be the subject of a hearing tonight before the F ountain Valley Planning Commission. Moat of the city ia governed by a 50-foot (about three stories) height limit, but this measure does not apply to the industrial area near Wainer Avenue and Euclid Street, where the senior h;owsing !~ropoeed1 acmrding to city offi . The facility is propoeed by the Fountain Valley Medical Development Company, which owns the hospital and nearby medical office buildlnp. The Planning Commiaaion meeu at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall, 10200 Slatu Ave. Restaurant opens with benefit f ete A dinner benefl Una the Rehabllitatlon Inttltute of 0ranae QJunty and marlWl4i the formal e>penina of The Ritz will be held -at that l"e8taurant in Newport Center's Padfk Mutu:tl Plaza Thunday at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $250 per couple, and reservations can be obt.aint:d by calling 673-6636 or 673--8080. He said the plane's engines malfunctioned while flying at 37,000 feet about 100 miles south of Jakarta. Galunggung erupted about 7 p.m. (5 a.m. PIYI') Tuesday. The volcano, which has erupted several times in the past few months, sent black smoke and a.shes 2,300 feet into the air. Valley tot places in state meet Sumer Joi Martino, the 4-year-old Fountain Valley girl who is following in her mother's footsteps in beauty pageant competition, was named second runner-up in the Miss Pee Wee California Hemisphere contest, held Sunday in Anaheim. The youngster had earlier won titles as "Miss Pee Wee Orange County" and "Miss Pee Wee Orange County Fair." Sunday's statewide competition wu for aces 2 to 5. Sumer'a mother, Karen Hollerman, wu Mias Fountain Valley in 1971. The winner of the Mila Pee Wee California pageant waa Natalie Wolford of Rowland Heights. She will compete in the na1ional contest in Philadelphia. Proposal loses LOS ANGELES (AP) -The City Council defeated a proposal to seek voter approval to tax vidcogame arcade operators $250 !l machine. Coun cilman Hal Bernson sponsored the measure, then voted against it Tue9day. Sun, fog mix Temperatures Cotu1tal 0.-tog lilt• night llnO ewly ~~~. CoHtal low 63, Inland 57. Coutal high 10, Inland 80. Wat9f ffT. a.wtw.. light vari9b6a Mnd9 e.outhw••t 10 to ta knot• llftarnoon and •v•nlng hourt. South to eout~ wind" -2 ta 3 IMt d9cr.alng to 1 to 2 ,_, ~low~Wld log with onty l*tlal 9ftemoon ~ f}.§. Summary Thundam-_.. -n..o "'°"' 9CIUtham 1awe to the r .... PllnMnclM Mid c:onllM*I ov• M9br.-. Md Color.Oo today. "91n •lao t•ll In Wlecontln. ~ ldaflo Ind llllrlOl9. Storm• alto war• wld•IY ....,.. trom FlonOe to Virginia. , ...... ~much of the ~ Pllllnl. Iha ~. .... Olllt019a Ind • b9nd from !f•w Engl•nd to th• low•r Ml I •SJSJI V"-f. Cloud~• cov•r•d lh• !19!"*" Coelt. 81ow-movlng thund•retorma ~~r.inalfldllllllon ••l9f'!! N.t>r .. k•. downing a m::: P•t•rtburg end :~.~~ L•kff. from Florid• to -"°"' Mont-. '° .. ,.-eo.t. 1 C::!urH around tit• ~ ~ d9wn r.,.O from ~~W..,, .. toMln •• NATION .. Lo .... 84 54 100 ee 90 116 .05 85 67 94 70 90 71 95 74 911 10 89 63 90 911 .15 82 51 93 55 .23 92 .. 97 75 79 S4 80 53 91 (>5 .16 88 76 .35 15 87 --------------------------------------845 " 81 53 86 86 .50 85 u 82 61 87 70 84 86 92 72 84 61 81 51 86 88 .13 12 62 78 60 " et 78 61 .03 87 50 86 5t .09 91 80 82 5t 2.80 81 76 .01 94 71 .01 14 .. 11 12 93 76 11 n .a .. .. 10I ., .. . ..... IO II ., n 11 11 11 ... 11 87 .. ., 87 70 t3 n 87 73 .3e M 65 ,CM 89 70 87 63 .HI 93 74 90 70 111 85 83 62 89 51 73 5e .07 " .. et 10 .oe 95 57 " 69 " 72 ee 53 oo 93 71 16 116 IM 71 93 76 .ot 79 S4 81N 80 50 .. 72 .5C 106 78 .,. n ., n .. 72 c~ .. t7 107 10I 101 a 100 Le 158 78 71 118 • '4 lllf llPllT · 8lyttla 113 83 Ce1111ne Ill 6' Cutwf City 78 62 Eureka 71 51 F!9tn0 100 .. Lanc:aatar H 71 Long 9Mdl I& 63 ~ 82 63 101 Monrovia 85 eo Monl9ballo .. N Mont-.y 70 54 Mt.,Wlleon 82 65 NeaCSi. 112 • Newport 8Mctl 70 ., Otlkllltld 81 ae Onlllrio " ae Palm Springe 110 11 P...o.ne 90 69 Paao Roblee 101 68 Rfvlr1lcta N A9d 8lufl .. .. ~City 15 51 Reno " 53 a.aremanto t 7 u Ulnm 70 u SM ..,_dlno .. 11 SM Gertel IO a =~dlca 71 ea 53 SMJGM .. .. a..AN IO • ..,,....,_. .. .. lent• Cna 71 .. ..,,.....,. n N Smog . w".,• to etll (ton tr .. ) for ~~~; ...... Loe Ant•I•• County: (900) 241..00 •.......... __________ ..... Md len ........ ......... 7-4710 • AQMI) ....... ~ _,.,, M..._ t • ,., ........... WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? -Phyllis Diller had a lot of one-liners as she confronted the press Tuesday while applying for Medicare. The comic and concert pianist turns 65 Saturday. She made the application in the Westwood Village section of Los Angeles. Crash victim Lisa Garlich services set Santiago • airport backed By FREDERJCK SCHOEMERL or .. .,..,,......,. · A "blue ribbon" panel of Orange County buaine11 and industry l eader• haa recommended Santiago Canyon eut of Ora.nae u a lQcatlon for a new Southern C\llfornla regional airport. The panel, in a unanlmou. action today with one member abstaining, sald the Oran1e County Board of Supervlaora should immediately enter negotiations to purchase or reserve Santiago Canyon for the international-type air facility. The site under study is owned by the Irvine Company. ln its list of recommendations, the committee appointed by supervisors in early 1981 said John Wayne Airport should not be expanded to handle more than the two million travelers per year it currently serves. The committee said that future work at John Wayne Airport should be done strictly for safety, convenience or efficiency. The panel also recommended that supervisors encourage the U.S. Department of Defense to "seriously explore" relocation of Marine Corps air stations at El Toro a nd T u stin to relieve airspace congestion near Santiago Canyon. Funeral services will be held Saturday for Lisa Garlich, 18, of Huntington Beach, who was killed Sunday in a traffic accident near Parker, Ariz. Services are ,.cheduled at noon at the chapel at the Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home, 7801 Bolsa Ave., Westminster. Huntington -wins award for safety Lia. a eenior at Hunti.n,gton Beach High School this year, wu riding with three friends when the car ran off the road and overturned and she was thrown out, a relative said. Miss Garlich is survived by her mother, Barbara Peters, of Huntington Beach; father, Bruce Garlich of Costa Mesa, and brother. Greg Garlich of Huntington Beach. Second draft resister held ROANOKE, Va. (AP) -A college student who says he could not do what "God would not have me do" has become the second person indicted for failure to register for military service since mandatory registration was reinstitu~ two years ago. l!Jlten 1!:l..Ler, 20, of La Verne, Cali!., who attends Bridgewater College near Harrisonburg, Va., was indicted Tuesday, and admitted the violation at a news conference in Washington. Eller is a member of the Church of the Brethren, and Charles Boyer, a spokesman, said it teaches that to participate in war is a aln. The City of Huntington Beach has received an award from the Orange Coun ty chapter of the National Safety Council for "an outstanding" safety record. W. Don Morgan, a ·Safety Council board member, said that Huntington Beach had the best record of any Orange County city participating in •Women college graduates are invited to attend the first of three summer coffees of the Westminster-Fountain Valley branch of the American Association of University Women. Member_ship in AAUW is •Bolsa Chica State Beach ia offering campfire programs at 9 p.m. at the beach. The programs are given by rangers and lifeguards. The schedule: •The Huntington Beach chapter of th e American Association of Retired Pen10na will meet July 20 at 12:30 p .m . at Murdy Can Handler PORTABLE ELECTRIC CAN OPENER Sale Priced 119.88 E!Mwhere To $34.99 the program. The award is based on employee safety. Morgan said that to the best of his knowledge, no employee lost work time during the year because of injuries o r accidents incurred in the line of duty. He presented a plaque to Huntington Beach Mayor Bob Mandlc. open to all women who hold degrees from accredited four- year colleges or·uruversities. The first of the three ~ns will be held Monday, at 7:30 p.m. For information call Reba StUes at 891 -1122 or Catherine Follett at 964-1443. July 17, t he California Coutline; July 31, sharks; Aug. 7, those amazing gr un i~n; Au,. 14, the Callforrua Coastline; Aug. 31, the amazing grunion; Aug. 28, sharks. Recreation Center, 7000 Nonna Drive. Membership is open to all people 55 years of age or older whether retired or not. (' ;~~~) .MM. , ' WORLD •Israeli Jets ., 1'e ............... . llneU jM1 , .... mock bomblna raidl 0YW ~ JWnat toaay, but a NpOr_t ln larMl ~ Prime Minilw Menacbem 8-in hal dedcMd to live U.S. clll>klmadc eflona u much dml • II need«f to end the crUll P•~~" radio laid Becin had told Howard Squadron, chairman of the council of prelldenta of American Jewtah or1anlzat1ona, that tnvldlna wlet Beirut to ouat the PLO stage raids would caUH many braeU and LebaneH ca1ualt1H and dama1• relatlona with the United Stat.ta. · ,,_..,WM no immediate comment from Bectn'• oftio9 on the report. It contruted 1harply with the tone of recent Iaraell -..erUona that time II ~ out and that Iarael 11 prepared to drive the Paleatlne Liberation .Or1antzatlon'1 auerrlllu out of Beirut If they do not acree to leave peacef\llly. •Palace "'larms sald lpored • LONOON -Brltiah newapapera accuaed Bucldnaham Palace pollce today of ignoring nolly a.farm cal.18 by Queen Elizabeth n when a grubby tntrudel' crept into her bedroom, and said that a chambermaid helped her get rld of him. . The accuaed Intruder's mother also apologlzed to the queen today "aa one mother to another" .and said ahe was deeply grateful the mpna.rch did not panlc. There wu no inunediate re.ction from the royal family. The respected Daily Telegraph uld the 56-year -old queen wae furiou1 over the security breach l.ut Friday when the man shinnied up a drainpipe, cllmbed through a window. wandered around corridora and sneaked lnto her second-floor room. •Cops killing of prof charged CULIACAN, Mexico -A small town police chief and two police officers robbed and killed an American college profesaor on a quiet country road, then covered up the crime with the help of other local lawmen, Mexican proeeaaton charge. Four Sinaloa state officials have been fired for bungling the investigation into the death Of Unlversitv of Colorado economi~ NATION .. profeeaor Nicholas Schrock. according to su;~ Attorney General Jorge Chavez Castro. Schrock'• body was exhumetl last weekend from the old cemetery outside San Ignacio. a town of 4,000 about 720 miles northwest of Mexico City. It waa Identified Monday using medical records sent from Colorado, Chavez said. • EHA issue back in Congress WASHINGTON -Vowing the women's equalitt~ "will not die," supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment are reintroducing the meuure in Congress just two weeks after the original amendment failed to win ratification. ''The ERA ia about economics and civil rights, not about lifestyles," lfl1d Rep. Patricia Schroeder, D-Colo. "The Issue of equality of rights for women will not die.'' Rep. Margaret Heckler, 0 -Mass., said recently. "Current economic conditions have made the ER.A's passage even more vital today than it was when th.ia saga began in 1972 ... •Weight eyed in Pan Am crash 'I NEW ORLEANS -The Pan Am jet crash that killed 154 people probably was caused by a combination of violent winds and an almost capacity load of passengers, baggage and fuel, a New Orleans new.paper reparted. A National Transportation board spokesman, Brad Dunbar, aaid, "We don't omment on that aort o1 thing," when Mked boui the copyright story in The Times- Picayune, The States-Item. The story quoted unidentified federal investigators. Pan Am Flight 759 crashed Friday afternoon shortly after takeoff from New Orleans International Airport ln a torrential rainlion:n on a fhgbt bun kiami to San Diego, via New Orleans and Laa Vegas. • CopyrllJht law extended WASHl~GTON -Saying that thou.ands of jobs were at stake, Congress haa oven1dderi Premdent Reeaan'• veto and extended a copyright law de9laned to fuel ht.me. for North American publlshers.. It WM the first of .even Reagan vetoes that the Democratic-controlled Hou.e and the Republican Senate managed to overturn. One of the others, rejecting an emerl{ency STATE spending bill, was sustained when the llou.e attempted to override it later Tueeday. The vote on the copyrtght meuure was overwhelming. 1be Howie vote wu 324-86 and the Senate's 84-9. A two-thirda majority vote la required to override a veto. Congrese' action extends the manulactwing clau.e of the U.S. copyright law whk:h has been ln effect since 1891. .. •Bill •Ives bulld,.,rs break SACRAMENTO -Gov. F.drnund Brown Jr.. bowing )0 "hardship" in the housing industry, baa signed a bUl permitting a delay for energy conservation measures in new dwelllnla. 'nle de1-y is in AB1843 by Aaeemblyman Leroy Greene. D-Sacramento, which had been sought by the <;:alifornla Building Industry Aa9ocf.ation. Brown reported signing it Tuesday night. . The standarda, developed by the state Energy Commmion. went into effect Tuesday. But the bill -effective lmmedlately - granted an exemption for housing for which the local building permita were issued on or before June 15. •Pan Am crash brlngs LA sult LOS ANGELES -A $70 million wrondul death auit haa been filed against' Pan American Worid Airways, Boeing Corp. and the U.S. pemmmt for the family of two women and three children who died in Friday's Lndsiana plane crash. an attorney laid. The suit, filed Tue.day tn LCl9 Angeles federal court, stems from the cruh of Pan Am Flight 759 in the New Orleans suburb of Kenner, La. The plaintiffl att Elaine and Arthur Cunnings of Howell, Mich., who1e San Diego-bound daugbten, Patricia Hartford and Judith Cunn1np and ~ David Hartford, Christina Hartford and Joshua Cunn1np. were a.monc the 153 people who died ln the crash. CIH•lfled ......,..... 714M2-M11 All other.,.,...,,.. 142-4121 Texas Air Corp. gets Continental MAIN OPFICE •wHt-..,k,C.UMeM, CA. ... 14 .-..: ._, .. ,C..C. IMM, CA.~ C..r._ 1'm c.r.. c..st......,. ~. ... _...,.., ................ ,......,., ... _,..._.....,. _., .. ,._.. ...... .-c ... .,.. .... .,,..,,..,.._. LOS ANGELES -The acqulaltlon of Continental Airllnee by Texal A1r Corp, hM been approved by ltOCkholden of both campenlee, cal'Plnl a Ione tak.over battle atalecf by the ~airline. Stockbolden owrwhelmlnsl)' approwd the n•f: 1'allda)' at :;.~!::.~ at both~- I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedntldey, July 14, 1882 H/F ' a returned1 f By PATRICK J. KENNEDY or .. ..__,......., Autbor Judy Blume'• ~. banned earlier thia aprtng by ~he Saddleback Valley UnlCl'(p School Dlatrict,' are beck on i!ie diatrici'a library 1helves -~t leut for awhile. , Ma. Blume'• book.a. which deal 1 lw1th problems and adjualmef\\S facing adoleacentl, were bann~ from libraries in the district's 1~ elementary echools and thrJtf 1.ntennediate echooll earlier l,t)iJl year after several pareJ'l t~ complained of eexual references ln the novels. Ma. Blume's works w el"'e allowed to remain in the librari~ of the district's four high i;chodlS. Deir Net ....... .,~ IC_.., YUM, YUM -Jimmy Taylor, 2 'h, of Garden Grove battles the sun for possession of his ice cream cone at the Orange County Fair. The fair runs through Sunday at the fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Former Superinte nde nt Richard Welte had the boolos removed from district libraries pending development of a Lib~N evaluation policy for litera""f that's protested. On Tuesday, district trustee* u nan i mo u s I y a p pr ov e Ol•' committee evaluation policy on controversial books, ·I The policy returns the Blume novels to di.strict libraries unJiJ they are formally protested and>~ final decision is rendered by ~ evaluation committee. comp~ of representatives or scho9'4 administrator s, t e a c hers. librarians and parents. Rita Coolidge stars at OC Fair tonight Books by Ms. Blume that w41'1 temporarily banned includlJ- "Forever," and "Are you Theri Singer Rita Coolidge will perform her blues, ballads, rock and country songs, and selections fr om h e r latest album , "H eartbreak Radio," at the Orange Co unty Fair Amphitheater at 7 and 9 tonight. Also, bluegrass music by Montezu.ma's Revenge is offered at 7:30 and 11 p .m . in the Country Meadows. Over at the livestock area of the fair grounds in Costa Mesa. showmg, and demonstrations of various livestock are scheduled. Events scheduled daily include the International Lumberjack Show at 7, and 9 p.m.; Country Fun Contests at 5:30 p.m.; the Funs-A-Poppin Circus at 8 p.m.; gymnastic tumbling contests at 5:30 and 7:30 p .m.: Gourmet Gallery a\ 5:30 p,m.; Hypnotist Vandermeide at 8 p.m.; and crafts demon1trations held throughout the day. The carnival area features numerous rides, games and booth1, and the adjoinina Intemadonal Food Bazaar offers a variety of dellcades. A.aide from these activities, clowns, mimes, jugglers, marionettes, dancen and bands will appear every day at different locations. On Thursday. livestock showings and demonstrations will conclude. Activities slated for Thursday afternoon include the International Lumberjack Show 2 and 4 p.m.; Country Fun Contests 11:30 a.m., 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.; Funs-A-Poppin Circus at 1, 3 and 5 p.m,; Gourmet Gallery 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.; livestock fun contests at 3 and 4 p.m. Grammy~award winner B.J . Thomas appears in the Amphitheater on Thursday at 7 and 9 p.m. The special $1 admission fee for senior citiz.ens is in effect through ThUl"llday. Adult tickets purchased in advance are $3 and '4 at the gate. The admission price for children 6 through 12 is $ 1 and children under 6 are admitted free. Parking is $1. The fair grounds are located at Fair Ori ve and N e w port Boulevard (Route 55), and a.re open from noon to m idnight through Thursd~y. The gates open at 10 a:m. and close at midnight Friday, Saturday and Sunday. God? It's Me, Margaret." ~ Ms. Blurne's books are writte from an adolescent's viewpoinl. and nationwide surveys place ~Vi works among the novels most widely read by teen-agers. "In all fairness to Ms. Blumer. (sexual references) are a small portion of the overall impact and. intent of her books.'' said Joho Daywalt, acting superintendent· of the district. County actions The Orange County Board of Supervisors Tuesday took the- followtng actions: -GAVE THEMSELVES a pay raise. Their annual salary · will increase trpm $38,344 to $41,766. -ADOPTED A FEE schedule requiring users of county landfills to pay a $7 per ton fee. The program will take effect in 90 days. ' -HALTED FURTHER studiee on locating a general aviation airport for private aircraft at one of four suggested sites. They included two sit.es east of San J~ Capittrano, one east of 1 ~ Orange, and the Anned Forces Reserve Center military base in ' Los Alamitos. -APPROVED A $560,000 program to employ 14 persons to ronduct inspections at finns that generate hazardous wastes. • Inspections are designed to reduce illegal dumping of such , wast.es. Supervisors also ordered preparation of a hazardous · waste ordinance. ~--N , -WITHOUT COMMENT, ratified amendments to a plan to : regulate how flights at John Wayne Airport are allocated to, : commercial airlines. The amendments form the basis for a. ,... settlement in a lawsuit over the airport access issue. A court} hearing on the settlement will be conducted Aug. 9. -DELA YEO FOR 30 days consideration of a report on·· ~ how best to meet future needs for courtroorp space. S upervisors ~ were told recommendations will hinge on the availability of space in the Chet Holifield Federal Building, a one-million square foot , buildina in Laguna Niguel. The county is attempting to acquire , : the building. -ORDERED A study on uae of private firms to handle certain services now provided by county government. The study was propoeed by Supervilor Ralph Clark. . . . I ,• ~----------------------------------------------~·: ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------..1 --· riiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~r.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil l Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certifitd Gtmolo11i1t, ~GS A MACE OF SILVER symbol of authority When lhinp get a bit out of control during mHtlng1 of the Houae or Repreaentallvea tn Wa1hlngton, the Spe•ker of the Hou.e calla upon \he Sertreent at Anni to reetore order. The aerae-nt carries a four-fool 1llver mace. Thne la no record of i'8 ever havinl been physically Uled to bring an unruly eon,.--nan under control. but lt la an lmpo9lnc symbol of the Hr1eant'1 authority. The 1tlver l'MCe hu been ln UMI 8°'* fOf' 140 yan. It ii • bMud.ful work of the 1Uwrsnith'1 an. cneWd ln 1841 by Wllllam Adame, • dllUftCUlahed New York allveraml\h. Sliver wtndln11 are bound arou_nd U ebony rodt. and all ot th.la la t.opped ~ a .Uver SJobe wl ...... When ~ CDllllldlllamd ...... '° do the .... ...., .... him ... ltl value IOMY Wald bl••• ..... ol COUIW9. The ...,., ...... ..... '° IWlftl ... -...... ..... Con1re11, wla•• a lhor111 HRlr .... ••· eapretl ~_, th• remarll1 ef 1 -.,.,. T.erla '•··="··--· .. Virtllr~ M$1Ftl ......... -----. VAL ST. LAMBERT PAIR 911 GARDENIA CANDLESTICKS 117500 I i I • • • ' ' l t .I I NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS ~Tllt.-a tNUUH ••••Helt •Ml lllWVOU, Mt•WUT, ,.C.,IC, ~ew, eot'tOa HUOlf 6110 CINCINNATI lf9U I kCJIA .. lt a•t H-..n t ... TMI lliAtt -'"O l•Hllfl t H/F Housing prices to fall 15%? SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -A bank economlat pred.ictal lhal lntett:1l race. coupled with a court n&llnc on .. wnable loaN could whittle 16 percent oU the price of houaing ln Callfomla, the snott expenAive Nie ln the nation to buy • home. Ted Olblc>n, Crocker Bank vice pt'elident and eenior economl.at, estimated that ~ prices will drop at lt~aat 6 percent. in 1982 and another 2 percent or more ln 1983. Mortgage J.nterett rata, now about 16.5 percent, could f&ll ~to 14.6 or 15 percent by mid-1983 and to 12 or 13 percent by 1985, he said. However, if lnterest rates remain at the 16 percent level, home pricet oould drop by aa much u 15 percent by 1983, Gibeon aaid. Irvine firm 's earnings off Alpha Microsystems of Irvine reporta lower ee.rnings with net income of $24,601, or l cent per share, for the quarter ended May 31. Income in the corresponding 1981 period was $289,817, or 16 centa, prior to the cumulative effect of an accounting change, which brought net income to $379,817, or 21 cents. Sales fell to $5.363.251 from $6,207,487. Alpha Micro designs. manufactures and mark.eta microcomputers. June retail sales drop By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 Economists counting on consumers to pull the ea>nomy out of recession were dismayed by the government's latest report on retail sales, which showed many shoppers stayed home in June. The Commerce Department said Tuesday that retail sales, including those of cars, plunged 1.5 percent in June from the month before. It waa the sharpest drop since October and followed a~ 2.7 percent sales gain in May. Auto sales declined 6.9 percent. "It's not an encouraging sign," said Robert Gough, vice president of Data Resources Inc., a Lexington, Mass., consulting firm. "If July and August follow suit with new declines, then I'd say we're in trouble." Realty meeting planned Jim Wood, president of Unique Homes, Inc .. Corona del Mar, will discuss the real estate market at a meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m at the Irvine Coast Country Club. For information, call 675-6000. Valley chamber plans Expo The Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce will pl"e'lent its third annual "Business Expo" July 27 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, Costa Mema. Chamber members will display products and tlerVices. For information call 962-4441. Upgraded Rabbit due TROY. Mich. (AP) -Volkswagen of America lnc. will introduce a high-perfonnaoce version of the 8-year-old Rabbit subcompact in the 1983 model year, a VW official says. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOIUCIAll'I Fl .... ~ ...... ~..ay,Jlll.IJ. ..... •1 .... ..... . , .... " • 14 .... .... _ .... -~ JD ,,,,, T,, :rtS .. ~ ~,._ f! JD Tm m.11 aus.c JlU• sn.n-1.n ~~ m::m~~~:U:t: \.:a :.:· ·:::.:-.-.·-.-.:·:.::::·: ~:m:: ~~ .:::.:·:.::·:: ... :·::.:·:::: 1Ur.:: WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOllK CAPI Jiii. U TOdly ... 152 ... 11'5 .. " NEW YOllK CAPI Jul. 13 METALS ~. deJ, 211 217 "' 1 • NEW YORI( (AP) -Spot llOntrroue met81 pnoee todq. c...., IMM-71 oent• a pound, u,s. dMtlMtlona. Leed 2tr.2s oent• a pound. I ZIM 37...0 oente •pound, dallvWed. I Ttrft sa. 18M ,..... w.-oomooeMe lb. illllill .. ••Mtlln••• 1a.n <*U a PGUnel. N.V • ...., s:s10.oo Pllt .... • I ....._ 1264.00 lfoV OIL, N.Y. I SILVER ~ ' ~ Handy I Harman. 18.470 ~r tro~ OYnOe. :· ·~ i I I I • Cout DAil V PILOTIWed.,.Say, Juty 14, 111a ..UC Mna ....,. Oil.,........ ..... !IAf !J!ff!f \WWW f. _...... ..... OI',.,.... MU .. ,iiiiiiilill~ ittM •uuif'ro.r#m ~E.':.J· UUI~&!~ YOU AM IN DVAJA ~~ TA~ AuT .. M '.i:ft' w:~: TUI •oVlo1f'To 'HTIOT pUo O ' OUIT OA UO ..... British Open lures leaders A T~ff • A ~= MT ~~1MOULD ~tMI.!:.~ IAU ifli • ._AN YOU._ it10PHT'I, IT lllAY II ~IW tt, tit\ ~YOU ,,~!~~"~~lllm1lli~l!r~r:=~~= *"* MU»ATA~UU.•YOU =·AOJ~~:e~ ~'M I! ' ~ .... AM IXPl.MAnoM Oil,... ..ueLiC I ALI. ,,. YOU NHD AN , TftOON, Scolland CAP> -JllCk NlcklaUI and Toim WatlOft, an the lLlt of the wtlJdna wounded • ....... IA \hi week. a.re on \hi mmd arid reedy to book ue.. tn anolher duel. &hll \1me ln the 111 th BriUab Open aolf ohamplonlh.lp. The aoelent event be1Ln1 tu 72-hole run Thunda~ on th• Royal Troan Llnka, attetchlna ... 7,067 yarda throulh gone and hMther alon8 m. Firth of Clyd6. The tn09t international of all the world'• major evenu , It h.aa drawn a field of 150 pi.yen from 80ll\e ~7 natSona. Aalde from the hoet Brltlah, the largest contmaent. 32. la from the Un1'8d St.atee, the nation that hail dominated thla event in the yean a1nce World War ll. LEADING THAT DEEPLY t a lented continpnt are Nicklaus and Watton. who enaaged in a final holes confrontation for the U.S. Open only four w eek.a ago, with Wataon winning on a dramattc. chip-in birdie on the 71st hole. And, It would be no surprile lf, when the Britilh Open comes down to lta 1.ut few holes $unday afternoon, it ls atlll another Nicklaua- 1 Wat.on rnatchup. · Recent hiatory says it's very likely. Either ~ Nicklaus or Wauon has been tint or aecond in six of the 1ut 1even British Opens and, in 1977, only a few . miles down the coast, engaged in that lncredible ahootout at Tumberry, with Nicklaus playing the laat two rounds 65-66 and losing to Watson's closing 65-65. • 1 BRITAIN'S LEGAL BOOKIES agree it could happen again. On the eve of the championship, Wataon was installed as the 4 -1 favorite and Nick.laua listed as the second choice ai 5-1. Each Ls seeking a fourth British Open title, which would match the most by an American. And eech comes into this one with his game in order, with confidence and enthusiasm high and despite a 1eare early in the week with no phyai.cal problems. Watson skipped practice Sunday with the ~noe of a chronic problem with the little fln,ger on his left band. He couldn't grip the club. "Everything'• fine now ," he said Wednelday, however. "I just took aome aspirin and lt cleared up. rve ~n able to play practice rounds the last two days. No trouble." Nicklaus, too, had some physical problems. ''I HAD A TOUCH OF THE FLU over the weekend " he said Wednesday. "I'm over it now. JU8t a Uttle weak, and that'• clearing up. too." = Wawon. now the winner of six major professional • Utw. hu taken three American eventa this seaaon, la ~ on the year's money-winning list and is 'chasing a fifth Player of the Year title. Nicklaus, 42, has collected a record 17 major profemlonal titles, including four U.S. Opens, five PGA's, five Masters and three British Opens. It is in th1a one, however. than he owns h.ia greatat record of oonaistency. In addition to three victories, he hu been second seven times and third three times. "I'm playing well. I always get keyed up, ~excited about the British Open. There's no reuo11 I can't win again." Nicldaua aaid. BIS RECORD SUPPORTS the statement. He'a won once th1a year, lost another in a playoff and wu ae cond three times, o ne o f hla stronger perfonnances in the last five yeara. Seve Ballesteros of Spain repreeenu the chief oon-American threat. But the memuial young Spaniard said he ia having trouble with bJa swing tnd lacb confidence. "<>Cl<. 1 ,,..,,.... -.... _.. A Yw. YOU IMOULD OOWTAOT A NATUM OP THI NOOllDMe !XP\,AHATION Oii THI HATUfl! anCI HPlt1t1 propatty, and ~..,._ &eAUllT YOU.L.VOU IMOUt.P THI ~~ AQAJHIT , ... ~ reooteled -..o ... tftt.. ...,.,.,........ MO'nOIOI' COWTACTAUWTU. YQU YOU ~o COffTACT A ln11r11m1nt 110. 101011 111 book f.t.. .!t..!Jlt ..-.. _.. ..,.,..... 1AU On A11011•t ti, tH 2, II 10.00 L.AwYl ft. Oft~:..--~-~ l:OO .......... -....... In "" roOM Nt H id• tor oonil11ollnt rNMtt·• ..... ...,. "' ..._. of "IAL llTATI H~"ITIH lllWICI, ioo....i .. -Nor1tl t•Ott, Piii Ill , o Otflolat NOTICI • ...,.... Q,,,~,._ T,t......... A.M., at lhe MAIN l NTAANCa TO tt111•lllaw Oorporellon, • "eoor d1 of Ottllfl Oo1111ty1 tfl W.nt", ~ '-,..., • HOTICl 11 HIM8Y ~ tNt Oii LAWYl"I TITLI INIU"ANOI c 111tornl1 c;orporellon H duly C .. lf0tnla encl IM!ftuellt to IM ' t;00 ....... Lift. fff .... *it, In IN W~. J4J/tt~tt 1Na, II l ;OO COMPANY HO NO"TH MAIN eppo lllll d Tru1111 1111de 1 lhe 01rt1l11 fJ o tl•t of 01fe111t enCI rpom Ml H IClt lor oon~nt o'OloOIC a,m. of Mid , In "'9 room llTAUl 1n the dly ol IANTA ANA. to1owff1Q dllef!Md Mel of tNtl '*"°"'° .......... ,....... T.,.... ...... wewn .. -ot ... Midi tor TIWM·• Co unty of OAANOI. ,,.,.o f WIU. RU AT 'VlllC AUCTION Merdl It, 1NI 1t ~ llO. "IAL llTATI llCUftlTlll ...... wtlNn ltlt OfllOll of MAL C a llfornl a , CAL1'0"NIA TO THC HIOHUT ltDO(A '°" U.1~, Of .._ "9ootOe Of ll.IMCI. IOOMecl It IOIO Nat1tt llTATI llCU"ITIH H "l/ICI!, AECONV!YANCt COMllllANY. a CASH °' N Ml IOt111 In Sec;t1on n ld Cou n1y, wlll u11Cler ancl •--·.,... .. ,Ill N atY of locMMd et toao Mot1t1 lfoecfWeY, Ct llfor1111 Corporation. H duly ita411 of the Clvll Code. Ill rlfht, pur...m to Mid Olld Of TNlt ... ..,... AM. County of°""*'.._ lultl IOt, In ttll City ot a.nta Ana. ll)90intld Tl\le!M under thll C*1ln ...._ end lnW•t c:on¥1)'9d to end et l>'lllllo ~tor OMtl. llWM of Oelltor11la, "IAL l"ITATI County of Oranoe. ll1t1 Of Deed o1Tr11tl 111~ted by JAMU now htld by 11111'°41r Mid Deed o1 money ol th• United ...... Of llCUf'fTIU lllMCa.. CelMOf'nll CellfOtllla, IAN MA .. INO I Al/IN08 P. FEELEY. tlnote man .. tru1t0f, f rlllt In '"' property l'llreln•"-Amtrloa , et the North fro11t OOf'POIMIOtl,1tcluly~Tn. ANO LOAN A880CIATION, I recorded on Jenutfy 18, '911, • dwt!Md: .,~ ...... """" = lama,.,...~ .. ~ of Oa llfornla , I AN M"A~I 0 1.AVINO I ANO L OAN AllOOIA TION, I Ca llfOfllll oorporallot1. •• duty •PPOlnted TNIWI undlt and purwant to IN Powtr of .. 11 0011i.t1ed In lhll 0111aln OMd Of TMt __,., by 11 8TIPHI N PILLITll" and CYNTHIA I. ll'ILLaTll"-hUINnd end wlft , recordlCI Ootoblf 111 1910, In Book 13111 Of Oftl0!11 ftlcorcta of Mid County, It ~ 1$41, ~· tnetrvment HO. ...... by tM90ll of • brlldl Of dtltult~ln Of ~ °' ... --:---...,,., ...... INludlnQ llrteCh Of ~. Notice Of wtlldl waa reoordtcl Aplit e. 1eea. .. "9oorcter'• lnlttwMllt No. U •11Ht•. WILL 8Elt. AT PUILIC AUCTION TO THE HIOHHT llOOEA FOA OA8H. lawful 1110MV of the Unlltcl SW•. or 1 08ltllat'• ~ 'dr--. on a C: or netlonll bar*, 1 atate °' el cnCflt wnlon. or I llalt ot ...., .. ....,.,. end loin llllOdlUOn domlcltcl In thll etete. II Dlveble II ltll tlrM of ...... ""''· thtt and Int__, htlcl by It, .. TNlllea, In that 19111 property tltualt In MIO C~nty and Sttll. dttcrlbed u loloWI: Lot 1 of TrlG1 No. ~. u per map ,_did Ill Book 280, Pao-5 to a of M....,_ MllC>I. In tnt offtce of lhl County Rtoorder of MICt County. Th• etreet 1ddr111 or other common de•lonatlon of the rtal ptoperty IWtlNlllOVt dlaCtlbtcl .. purported to llr. tfM 1 Port ~ ~. """°" ltadl. c.tltomlL Th• unde,.lon•d hereby dl1cl1lm1 111 llabtllty for eny ~In Mid .. , ... addr- or otnw ~ CftllgnaUOn. Said .... ... bt medl wtltlout werranty. upreu or lmplled, regarding tltlt , po11e11lon, or encumbrencH , 10 11t11fy th• ptlnc;lpll bllltlCI of the Not• or olhlr otlllGltlon MCUrecl by Mid Dlld of f rvet, wlttl lnWtlt and other 1um1 u provided th.,.ln, plua acMnoaa. " .,.,,, under tM i.rme lhereOf end tm...i on IUCh ac1vanoee af\d p1u1 '-· cnaroee end uptrltll of tN Tt\ltt• end of the tl'Ul1a c;r..a.d by Mid DMd of Tru•t. The 10111 am~nl of Mid oblloa1Jon lncludlng r1uon1bly 11Um1t1d f111, o h1rg11 1nd ~of tl'lt TNMlt, It tfll tlrnt of lnttlel Pl lblloMkln of INI Noacl. II 121.318.10. Otttd: ,,.., •• 1912. 1A1111AM10 UWIOI AND LOAN AMOCIATIOM. I c•• ..,...,..,,." tnttl!IOI to the C10Uf1tY OOllfttlOult. , .. 11nC11t a11CI purauant to th• Callfornla oorporetton, H duly 1n1trument No. HOH. 111 l oo• TA•a&TO", 100 OMo eenw ~ w ... lentl power Of .... 0011*'" In that appointed TruttH u nder and 13004, Page 1311, ol 0 1110111 "oittt Cepron Thomu •no Ana, Ctllfomll. .. tMI ligflt, dttl .. Oetcl" Of Trilet ~ ~ pur•uanl to the p ower of H I• Rec:ord• of Orange Coonly. llalt of P•trlCll Morrow T~. TrutlM• and '"*'" OOflWVICI to ind now ""ANK J . OU,.AN!.~1..!. "''"'-oonttrrtcl In tlllt wtlln DMd of California. under tM poww Of Mii under Dtc;lerellon of Tru" Oiled held by It undlt Mid Olld Of TNet """·end OMV"· YQUtllll, • .,,.. Truet IHCUltd by CYNTHIA E. trwtin c;ontalMd, wlff ... •t public: AllQUtl 1 t tHO In th• prOl*IY •Uue1ICI "' Mid """• NOOtdtd ,,.., 1SJ.. "'!'. In PILLlTllA. ~ married woman, auc;llon 10 '"' h!OhM• blddef for H NEFiCIAAY. County end 1\1111 dm !Md• loot 11121 o1 Ol'l{aW NOOfG8 Of r.oordtcl Aprtl 4, 1MO. In I* c;u11 or~ .. OMotllltd below. Th• s1mon·Ehr1nteld Group, LOltOofTraat t119,ln!Molty tf U ICI Oo1111ty, et P•t• 11111 , 1SM2 of Ofllolel flliloordl of Mid pey.bi.etthetim.ofule lnlawflll 1ncotpor111d , 1 C elllornla Cotta MIU.•.,_ on• mep ....,_..~No.=by CouMy, It~ tte3. Aec:or6er'• money ot th• United StelH ot oorpore tlon, 11 •o•nt tor ttOOrdtcl Ill 8ooll tld, P11g19 U to r...on ol I ~ Ot Ill ~No. 11111, by r~ ol • Amtr1Ca, WlthOul werrenty •llP< ... undltelo~ prlnc;lpala linown 11 H~Of Mltolllln•Cll•M-. P•r ment Of 6Mff0f1'11noa of tne llrWh Of dtfeull In payment °' or Implied 11 to 11111. utl. SEG·U2. pu11utn t 10 Loan In the offlol Of Int County Atoordlr ollt19allon1 11c11red lhtr,by, 6Mff0tm1no1 of lht obllg1t1on1 po ... 11lon or encumbrenc;H. ell Partlc;lpellon Ao•Mmenlt d•led of Mid °'9nOI COun'Y· lflCllUdlllO thlll ~ Ot Clll8Ult. NCUrtd thereby. lncludlng 11111 r1Qhl, title encl lnlerMI now held by Fet><uery 10, tNI boept th1r1trom en otl, OH Notice of wNah wM,....... Apl1I llfeadl or dtfauli. NotlOI of wNctt h u "'°" TrutlM In end 10 the Recorded FtbNllr)' 2•. 1981 u rnlnetlll end otw hydfOC8fbonl, I. 1NI, • "9Gonlat"I '""""""" ... reo«ded ~erch 23. 1N 2. M tollowlng d11crlb1 d property 1ntt1 No 21218 In booll 139511. llllow a depth of SOO t.tt. ~ Ho. 12·~2124, Will ltLL AT Reoordt r'• ln1trum1n1 No . 111u111d In the1torneld County 1110 page 1954 of Offlcl•I Rec;or01 In the the rlglll of 1urfac1 entry. H PUBLIC AUCTION TO THl U.IOOG3S. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC State, to wtl: office ol thl Record« of Orll1QI rtlll'Vld In lnlm-tt. of record, HIOHl!IT BIOOI A ftOR OAIH. AUCTION TO THE HIG HEST AH thet certain lend lllulled In County;MlddMdoltrut1descrlblt The el,_ tcld,... of aald property lewf\11 money of "" united ltMel. BIDOeR FOA CASH, lewtul money thl 8t11e of Callfornla County ot 111 f llowlng prop«ty· 11 18'• '•derat A~nue, Coat• °' a ouflilt'• of** cir_, on • of tnt Unhld 8tatM. or • c;uhltr'• Orenge, City ol Irvine, deterlbeO 11 • ~ot t7 of Trlci No. 2998. 1n •hi MtM, Cllltornte tata7. ltate Of net1on11 Ml*. a Mte °' cMCk orewn on • 11111 or n111ona1 IOllowt. Clly of Coi t• Men. County of Nam• a nd addrtH of t he ftdtral ortdlt union, Of • Mte br benk, • 1t1tt or fedt rel credit PARCEL t : Orange. 81111 01 C•lllornla. u por lleMflolMy al whOll ~ the fedlr1ll MWIOI end IOan llllOCllaUon union, or• elate or tlO«ll MVlna• Unit 349. 11 lhOwn encl defined meo ~dtd In Book 170, PllQfl u lt 11 being conducted : City doenlolltcl In thla ......... ~II af\d IOan IMOCl•tlon domk*td ln on thet certain Condominium P1111 20 to 24 tncJutiva of Ml90tll11MOU1 Fede r el 8 1vlng1 & Loen c;/o tM WM of .-. 11 rlfht', tklt and thll 1111•. Ill paylbla et lhl time o1 r-oeo June 22. UHi In 8ool! Mepe, 1n the Otfl<:t of 111e County Sh11r•on/Amerlo1 n lapraH Int.,... he6d by "-• T""*-..:J'.:: All, Ill right. Utle end Inter ... lltid t2727, peg• 17'5 of 0111c1a1 Reco<der of Mid c;ounty Mor101iC11 CO(p., 1201 E.. Hlclhland that rtlll property eltuate In -b y It, H Trull••. In tllet reel R1c;ord1 ol Orenge County. EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 oil. gu . Ave.,-Jan llernatdlno, Celflornl• C~nty and St•f•. detcrlNd H property 11tuat1 In Mid County end CaJUomll m•n•••I• and other hydrocerbon 92404. follOM: State, deec;rilltd U fOllowa: l01 8 of PARCEL 2 111bstencM 1y1f1G ba10w a 09911'1 of Olrec;tlont to the~ swoperty L.o4 .... Traat No. 4204, II per 8lodl 540, In ttlt COrona Gel M¥ An undlvldad t/44th lnterwt In 500 fM1 from the ""'-ol Mid may b• obtained by requ11Ung map l'9COldtd In b009I 149, paoae Tract, M per mep recorded In B<><* end to Lot 7 of Treet No t0137 u property. bul with no right ol -In writing from the lltntflcllwy 24·21 of Ml1cell1n1ou1 Map1. 3, PICllt 41 end 42 of Ml90tllaneous .nown on 1 MIC> rec;otded In booll 1Urlece entry. u r-* In dMd wltllln tO dey• from th1 llr1t re c ord• of Ore ng• County.~."' Ille office of tM County 4 28 , peg•• •8 10 50 of r-dedln O..CS.olRec;ord. pullllcallon of U-. notice. c.tllfomlL Reoorder ol Mid County. Ml1cell1n•ou1 M1p1, 11cor01 o l MAY BE ALSO KNOWN ... s 3083 Said Nit _... be INICla wlttlout The llrttt eddraH or other The 11r1tl aOOrt n or othe r Orange Counly, Cellforn11. logelttaf C•prl L-. Coll• M .... c,. oovenant werrenty, 1xpr111 or common dt11fnatlon of th• rHI c;ommon OHlgnetlon ot the re•I wllh 111 lmprov•m•nl• th•reon. "(II 1 11r11t 9ddrM1 or common lmplltd 11 to tttle, po11111lon Of property htNlnlt>oYe dlectlbed II property herelnabove dtec:ribed 11 eacepllng t"-'elrom Condominium dHlgnetlon 11 •hown 1bove, no encumbrlnOMtOMtllfythtunpaid purported to be; 107• Minion purported to lie: 5011 Merigold IJnlll 3t3 through 356, lncilullve. warrinty 11 given u to 111 bllanct due on the not• or not4e Otlve, COIC.I ...._ c..tomll. A-. COron• dtl Mer, Celltornla. located thtfeon c:omplat-or correc:tnMI)." MCUfec1 by Mid Deed of T,.,., to Th• u11der119ned hereby The und«tlOned hereby dllcllllm• PARCEL 3. The blMflclary under Mid DMd wit: 127,050.00, plu1 ltll fOllowlnQ Oleolalrn• 111 tla blllt)I for eny Ill llablllty for lll'f lncorfec:tneea In An u c lutlve euement tor ol frvst, by reuon ol • bf'MCh or H llm•l•d co111. 1xpenu1 ena lnCN9Ctn.-1r1 Mid 1ttMt eddreM u ld •lr••I eddrtn or othe r pan.Ing encl related purposM o.,.. dtf•ull 1n tilt obllglllon• MCUted lldv-11 tfll tin. ol the lnltlal or other common detignetion. common OeelQnatlOn. that portion or Lot 1 ol said Tract ,....,e«>y. n.retofor• executed and publlc;atlOn of tlllil NotlOI of Sele: Said M1t w11 tit mtdl wlttlOut Seid H it wOI b• med• without No. t0137 a lhown on EJlhlbll ··A" O•llvered 10 the underalgn•O • H llm•t•O tru1IH '1 '"' In the warrenty, expreH or lmplltd, warra nty, expreu or Implied. 10 tilt Oecler•tlon of Rellr1C;Uon1 written Daclaretlon of Default end amount of $13-4.90. plul lnttf•t 9l ragerdlng 1111•, po11111lon. or reg1rdlng 11111, po11e11lon. or tor The Springe Condominium. Demand tor Siie. and Mitten ncrilce 11,15 percent per annum on the enc;umbrancu , to H tl1fy lh• 1ncumbr1nc;11, to Hll1ly the rec;otded AP"il 21. 1978, 1n book ol bruch end of e1«;t1on to cauM unpeld bal1nct lrom 12·1-81 lo p'1ndpti b11enot of tt11 Note °' IJ"lndC>el blltanea ot lhl Not• or 12&44. pega 820 of Ottleill Rec;ord1 the undenlgneo to 1111 u ld 11te, plu1 1 ny advancu t h• ottw obllgatlon ..:urod by lllkl other obllQetlon MCUrad by MIO end , .. ,_oeo Mey 3. 1978 In property 10 utllfy Nici obllgetlon•. beneficiary lleraunder m•y b• DMd of f Nlt. with lntettet end DMd ol fNtt. with lnter•t end bOOlt 12660, pege 578 ol Officlal i nd therHll•r the und•••lgned eulhor1Ztd or obllglttd to pay, If other tum• H provided therein; other 1um1 H provided lttereln; Record• o l Orenge County. ceuMd seio nollc• of bf'.ech and of Ill'/ end Ill'( eocr\ltcl late c:Mrgee. plUa .ovenoaa. If /llr'f. under the pilll edvenoee, 11 eny, under the Calllornl• (hlteln1ner referred to u e1ec11on 10 be Recorded April t. YOU AAE IN DEFAULT UNOER A ttrml thereof end lllttre91 on lllCh i.rme lh«tof end lnlerMt on IUCll "Dtcllf8110n" .. carport 1p1c;ae 1982 .. tnll• No. 82· t 12310. ol DEED OF TRUST OATtD M.AY 14, lldvllnoll. end plul .... ctwoee tldvlnOM. encl plul t .... c:hergee No. 349). Seid Haemtnl It lunher seld Otticl•I Record•. 1981. IJNL.US YOU TAKE ACTION end~ of the Trull• end of end •lCP41M" of the Trv1t• end ol defined and dMCl'lbed In Anlcles II S •ld ule wlll be mede , but TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT the trvell created by Mid DMd ol Iha truelt crM ted by Mid 0-' ol 1nd 111 ol Ille Oec;ler•tlon without covenenl or w1rr1n1y, MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. Truat. Tht totel emount OI 1Ald Trull. Thi 10111 emount of Hid PARCEL 4· eapr ... or Implied regardlfl9 tine, IF YOU NED AN EXPLANATION obllQetlon, lnctdudlng reaon1bly obllgetlon. Including r1H on1bly A non-exclulllw .•.-,,.nt lor poseeeeion, or encumbf'ances. to o F THE NAT u A E 0 F THE Htrmattd ••••. c;h1rg11 and utlm•t•d IHI, chergu 1no lngr .... egrua, uM end eri)oyment pay the remaining prlnclpal eum ot PROCEEOINO AGAINST YOU. YOU ~of tht Truettt. II IM time •KPlll-of the Truet ... It the time ot tilt Common Ar .. dellgnellCI In tilt nolll(I) MCUfed by Nk1 Deed ol SHOUlD CONTACT A LAWVEA. ol lnlt ... put>katlon of thll Notice. II of lnltlll pub0Cl11on ol Ihle Nolic;a, II the Ottc;l11atlon. n ld easement TNst wtltt lnter•t U In Mid note Otttd "'-29, 1982 $18.614.32. $44,9".65 being tunher oettn.o end described P"C>Vlded . .ovenc:es. 11 eny, under ....,_,......,...a..,_ Dated: J4Jlt 9, 1982 D,.TEO June 26. 1982. In Arllc l•• II end Ill ot the the terms of Mid Deed of Trust, ._,.. C..., ..._., REAL ESTATE SAN MARINO SAVINGS DeclereUon 1-. merges af\d HpenMS ol tlte kMWll • ......... ~ SECURITIES SE.RVICE, & LOAN ASSOCIATION. The lotll amount OI ,,,. unpaid Truatee encl Of the trusts created by ._.. c-...,, • m.eea • C111tomtt C>Of'P«ltlon, a Clllfomla corporlllon. pflnclpal b1lenee, lnter•t thereon. said o-i of Trust ..... A..._, • Trullee. u Trust... togethlt wllh reuonably •timated Seid 1&11 w1n be held ort Auou111 Aett. V. ,,_ 8y: (HAL) D. J. Morger. By: REAL ESTATE coats. eapen-and ll(lvences et 2nd. 1982. M-11 00 A M .. et the =-=. UTAT11 IKUMT1aa aC .,,..._,.., .... , 1I01 L ........-A-ltl Prwldtnt SECURITIES SERVICE, IM time ot the Initial publlcltlon ol tronl entrence of S11n-Sh1w ... '-'-11111. CA_. 2020 North 8roadw8y, 1 Cellfornle corpol'lllon. this Notice ere '41 514.58. . Corpor1Uon, 2315 E 1711'1 St . .. ,. ...... ~ 0.1.-z::..-:~·· 14 -M. ..... ....,=..,c• ~~Herbor.._ ..,... ~ wtttl tl'lt OrenQI ec-t Dlltv Piiot. J1111y 14. 21. a . 1M2 rte1moue.,..u llAmlTA'T-.n The lollowlng l>t'IOn I• doing ~ea: OC8 PAOOUCT SALES, 11123 8 N. O'Donne ll Way, Orange, c.ittomla 12117 1'1ymond C. Jenkin•, 16162 ~k~Mt, w .. tm1n11er. Thie ~ .. conducted by ltl'I lndMdull. Raymond c . .-.1ne (11') ... 7'11 Suitt 208, ltt Agtnl Currently deled C11hler1 Checks Santa Ana. CA 921''1 an• a 111 Sente Ana. CA 92708 By: 15. J. Morger, °' Car1111ed Check• p1y1ble to the The total amoont al the unpeld Publl•h•d Orang• Cont Delly Telee>hOnt: (114) 953-eetO Ill Preeidtnt TrustH 0< blddet ere ecc:epllble to balance ol Iha obllg'I°" aeoured Pllot,July t4,21,28, 1N2 Publlllled Ofange Cout Dally 2020 Nor1h 8'oectwey. Trus t ee prov ided prop e r by ul<I property 1i;o be sold. 2941-82 PllOI, Jli/y 14, 21, 21, 1M2 Suite 208. tdentlllc11ion le 1v•ll•ble together wlltt Inter""'"• chergea. 318&-82 Senti Ana. CA 92708 From lnlorm111on which the and 1111m11e<1 coatl, e•penMS. and ------------------.-------Tei.: (114) 953-ealO Trustee dHm• r1ll1ble, bUI IOI ed\'anGel .•• of 11'41 <Ill• hereof, .. "8JC NOTIC( ~ ... ,_ Pubhhtcl Orange Coul Daily Piiot, w h I c; h T r u • I • • m • k e 1 n o $203,329.22 l'ICTITIOU9 8U 11 ... NAmSTA'T-.n The foflowlng P«90n le doing .,_....,_ M: FANTASTIC VOYAGE, 3481 Wlnd1or Court, Coll• M111, calltornla 92e2e Hen 0 . ~. 3'111 Wlftdaor Court. Costa Men. Celllornla 92e:HI Thlt bualnllt It QOndUc;ttd by .,, lndMdull. NenO.~ Thie •lltement -flltcl with the County Cltftl of Oranoe ~ty on June 21, IH2. .. ~ Publl1had Oreng• Coul Deify Pilot, June 23, 30, July 1, 14, 1982 2701...&2 June 30. July 1, 14. 1H2. r1present1tlon or w1rr1nty, the Diie. July 8, 1982 PlCTfT10UI .,..... 2187-82 1tr•t llddlHa or olhlt common ST ... N·SH ... W ...-tTA~ -----------dellgnellon of Iha lboYe oaectlbed CORPORATION The lolOMng l*'IOM we doing "8JC NOTIC( property ts 349 StrHmwooo. u Mid Trull .. ~ea: K ... 19 Irvine. Celllornla 92714 By STAN·SH.'IW ELDER CONSTRUCT~ CO.. ~ COUWTY Slid prope'1y it btOnO 504d for the CORPORATION 1101 E Balboa 8IYd , Bllbol. Ce .....-C•A&. COURT-eount IM'P<*I ol paying Itta ot11io-t1ons 2315 Eest S-IMnltt 92881 awa C-v..., Pertnnr secure d by 11ld OHd ol Trull Street TorM Cof'por'llton. Ceilfornia. L.-. ......... c:..t1rMI tlf77 1nclud1ng ,_end •KPlll-OI ,,,. SWiii Ana, Caljf()(n4a 1101 E. e.lbol Blvd •. 8811><>1. Ce. PU.INTIF'FS: CHUCK KE NNEY TrvSIH end ol Sale 92711 92T~'~ .... .....__. ... A~"uct-" .... • end DARRYL ZlMBRO dbe KENNEY Deled June 28, l982 (7 t4) s.-2-6811 •-....--,.. """"' "" w1 REAL ESTATE CAL IF 0 RN I A By: Lynn Brunner general pertntr11'119. OE FEND ANT 8 . C y NTH I A RECONVEYANCE Publlthed Or•nge CoHI Delly Torea Corporetlon ANDERSON, KERRY Al'fDEASON COMPANY Pilot. July t4. 21, 28, 1982 2.994-82 Donald E. E.ldtr. Prealdenl end DOES t thr)M'O" 1-lnc:tutlva 11 uld TrvllH Thie 1111_,t -"4tO with the .. ~ By: Suzanne ForehlOd f'llll.IC NOTIC( County Cltr1I ol Orange County on Oii ""'" ,......,.., C~ Execu11ve Vice President .. , --C°""1" Of' June 0, t982 C,... _.. M71I 9451 COrbin ,.__ ~ f1fl07S NOTICIJ y .. ....,_ Mtll --._ Norlhrldge, C1lllornl1 c-~~--Publl1tted Oreng• CoHI Dilly 9 t328 ..,_., • • _.. ,..._ 'lbat puta the focus on a cadre of Americans as the leading oontenden. Topping that list is Craig Stadler, the Masters champion. leading money- winner and a three-time winner on the American t'ow-.Veteran Ray Floyd, defending titleholder Bill ~and PGA champ Larry Nelson, who bas Thie llltemenl -llltO wtttl thl County a.tt of OrltflOI County on June 21. 1912. ,,... Publllhld Orange Coaat Delly '*>I. June 23. 30. July 1. 14, 1982 2e&4-32 flCT'lllOU8 .,... .. NA•ITA~ Pllol, July 1. t4. 21. 28, tM2 ~ ,,.!!'..::::-~ -=:r.u Tel. (213) 701·235e 711 CMc C..... DIM w-. 291242 -·-_..., Publl•ll•O Or1n9• COHt Delly ........... c. .. -----------JOit ............. .,,.. "9ad P1lnt .htlv 14 ,, "' 198:> :>S1117-8' Metler of P9cltlon of ARTHUR "8JC NOTIC( the Wefm '*' betow. RUIZ. JR. II you wllf'I 10 Mtk the ed'lke of PtaJC NOTICE CITATIOM {"'°9ATI'.) PlCTmOUI .,... •• NAm*TA~ en ettomey In thll metier, you CAM~ AD~ = ";>_'!!'~lyen'°y, '':!!!°: TIW":~ ':'ALE THE PEOPLE~ THE STATE OF ~Yed very well in recent weeks. are other top threata. "All I can sa y is that I'm prepared. I'm pre pared as well as I can . My atti tud~. a~d confidence are just where I want them to be, satd Rogers, who last year used his British Open victory a a springboard to Player of the Year honors. Daily Pilat The lollowlng person Is doing bu9inell ... V ... UOHN'S INTERIORS. 1401 Klnge Roe<I. Newport Beach. CA 92883. The IOllOwlflg ptr90l\I era dOlng bulH>MI ... BACK BAY PRINTERS. 610 tffwport Center Offle, Suite t 130, Newport Baec;h, CA g2eeo. ....,...._ ··-• CALIFORNIA, ltled on time. T.I . .... ... To ANDREW AITCHISON AVllOI U1t1d 111 1ld• NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN,lheton You 118 hereby c:lted a nd DEATHS ELSEWHERE CIH1Hled8ds '42·5678 BALTIMORE (AP) worked KCB.5 radio in San Judy A. Vaughn, 1401 Kings Road, N9wport Balch, CA 92ee3. Tttls t>ullnMI II conducted by an lndlvlduel Ju<ty A. VMJQM Thie 1t1t_,t wee lllad With the County Clertl ol Orange County on July t, t982 F'911 Publleneo Orenga CoH t Dally P1to1. July 7. 14. 21. 28. 1912 2911-82 flCT'lllOU8 .,... .. Ln 101'1 M1n1gement end 0111 Service•. Inc . a Calllornl1 c:orporellOn. 810 N9wport Center Drive. SUit• t t30. N9wport 8Mc;h. CA 92MO. Thlt buelMN It condUc1ed by 1 CO<l)Ofl llon .__.. Menaoemtnt & OttahMcw ~. ~J . ......,,, ~ Tiiie 1111-t Wll flied with Ille County Cltrtt of Orltl'IOI County ort July I, 1912. d1m111d1'4o. II trtb11n1I p11td1 Wedntldey. July 21. 1982, et 9:00 r9<1ulred 10 llPPM' at 1 hUrlng 1n dMklr ~ UcL Ifft eudl1nde • o'clock 1.m. ol Mid O•y. In the~ 11141 court on 11-3-82 11 8:45 1.m. In -qua Ud. ,......-cltifttro Ml ulda fM condUC1in9 Trul1H ' 0tpertmen1 g located 11 100 Civic •II..._ Lee la .,.._'Dll ... Salts. within IM offklelSOE'.,_VRIEACEL Center Drlv~ WH I, S enti An1. ..... ESTATE SECURITIES n • caittomla and 10 g411t llf'l'I legal ~I U111d du•• 1ollcll1 r e l loc:llted 11 2020 North 8'oedwey. rHson ;.hy •ccordlnt to 1he conMjo o. un ~ en •ta Sult• 208, In Uta City of Santa Ana. vartlled P9fltt0n flled wfttt thll COUr1.; • 1 u n Io. d • b • r1 • II• c • r Io County ol Ore nge, S111e of end why thl• Adoption Petition lnmldlat-te. 0. tlta m--, Celllornl1, BELL TRUST DEEDS. lhOo.lld not bt granted punuant le Ill ~a -=rlta. II hey ~ INC.. I Cellfomla corporation. 11 CM1 Coda \224 putdt -~ • tllmpo. duly appointed TruatM under end Olted· June 3 1982 1. TO THE DEFENDANTS: A cM1 pu11u1nl lo the powe r or HI• ·LEE A. BRANCH cornp111nt hie been llltO l>Y the oontened 1n "'81 ceneln OMO ot Cllrtl plllntlftl agMwt you. If you wlttl lo Trust IJ(ICUteO by Jenll L Murray' By: Tom Burnt o.terMt lhll '-"'· you muM, wltNn .,.. unman1ed -and e.ttlglnl Deputy Vtr1l•la Golllot, 77, an Frandloo for many yeen • :;;::;=======;;;;;~American Jol.lmall1t who an on-the--air foil t.o varioul · became a heroine of the st•Uon peraonalitiea and NAm*TAT.-.n Th• followlng pereon II doing Dull-• VOLUME AS SEMBLY. 3014 No . F H•ll•d•y. S 111t• An•. ~ Publllhed Orange CoH I Dally Pilot. July 1, t4, 2t. H . 1982 2916-82 "8JC NOTICE 3 0 d1y1 alter lhll 1ummon1 11 R. Wl'9y. • widow u lolnt tenant•. KLEM a Cun.ER. INC. 1erwc1 ort you, Ille with Ihle COUr1. I r.corded June 19. 1981, lh Book nD N. .,_...., written rwponM to tne c:omp4alnt. t4108 of Olflclll Record• Of Mid ltlh • ' unee.. you do eo, 'YO"' dtfeult wtll County, •I p&Qt 283. Rlcordtr'• Seftta .,.., c....,. l270I lie entered on eppllc;ltlon of the lnatrvment No. 29811, by rt11on ot (Y1•) ....... pi.jnllfl, end Ihle court may enter • • breech °' dtfeull In payment or Publlehed orenge Cout 0 •11> ,_Cl .. OTHBS l&L•OAPWAY MOltTUAU I 10 Broadway CoslaMesa 642·9 150 IALTZ & I HGllO M SMlfH & TVTHIU WUTCUff CHAHL •27 E 17th St Costa Mesa 6•&-9371 ,_Cl.OTMMI IMmtl' MOn\JAAY 627 Main St HunhnQlon Beach S36-6539 French Retiata.nce during anr::hormen. --- W o rld W a r II , died L08 ANGELES CAP) - Thun day. Known aa the Alma Reville BJldteoct, 82. I..Jmptng Ledy beceuae d»e acreenwrite r -widow and wore an artifida1 leg aa a collaborator of director relUlt of a hunting accident., Alited Bltcbcock, died July Mn. GoWot waa one of the 6, two YMJ'I after the maaier Central Inte lligence of aaapeme auccwnbed. Agency'• tint women1 emploYef!!el • FRANKLIN, Ind. (AP) -Reebee R. M.eller, 8~. a DETROIT (AP) -BearJ ret ired Indiana United A. Pfaff, 69, a former vice Me thod ist bishop, died p_re.a~dent of Emer y Air Tueaday of a rnaaive heart netght Corp., died Friday. attack. MONTEREY. (AP) -MEXICO CITY (AP) - Bemer Welm, 691 known in Raal Roa, CUbe.n foreign Northern California radlo minla1er for 14 yean under drdea • "Friendly Clyde," Prealdent i'ldel Castro'• the world'• worst piano Communl1t regime, died plays, died P'ridey. Welch Tuaday. WORTHlNGroN. Minn. IUJl llJIS~11e:-.r.~.a~.o~~: ----------•Pl•yer and band leader DOOL whoee career dated back to H EL SN DO BOTHY the l920I. died 1\.-da,y. I DOOL. a ...-dent of 8-1 NSW YORK (AP) -==~~re Wodd for IJhal •fek, ?8, who 00 Ju.ly 12, ila~. ~~ launched and pld~ the eurvlved by her brother career~ of many of the Allen T . Bump, nJecH world • moll hmoua Lou1M WWlftlbam, Qlory ~ died Tb~. ..._, ,..._ 8dlllan and Bydt ... an employee. of PbJllll .................. JC1n1 fHtUNI S'yndlca~ &otNrl Wlllln.tham and men than 40 yean. DnW~a..-.wmtie r~Mtnn (.AP) Wei an 'lbllnda.1,_ Alt1 16, _ a 'Sh• w.....r.. 51. UIS at 2:00Pll at \be frt.tldenl of Woodward Ha'lto~~.=~ aroadca1un1. ,Inc., died ludGIMnl 1Qo11Mt you fOf tht rtlltf pertormence ol th• obllg1Uona Piiot July 7 t4 21 28 1982 dlnllndtd lft the cornplllnt. wtlldl MCureO thereby, Including lh•I • • • ' ' 2980-82 could rHult In gernl1hm1nt of brMdl or delllUll, NotlOI o1 wtlldl ..-, IAlklnCI of money°' property -r_.ded No"9tnt>er so. toe1, -----------or other rtflt f reque1ttd In lh• In Bodi t4305 of Offtdal Reoorda of f'llll.IC NOTlC( ce>rnP'efnt. u ld County, e t peg• 1252. ------------DATED: Aot11 29, 1982 Rtc;ordtr'' lnatNmtnt No. 32026. I U, a" I 0 91 C 0 U 91 T 0 F JAMES B. HARRIS. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION CAUIONtlA C1trtt TO THE HIGHEST Bl~ FOR COUNTY Cl' o..AMQI By: C. O.w.tz.. CASH, lawful money of the UnltlMI ,_ CMa ~ 0.... ... Deputy Stal-. or • c:atlhltr·1 c:tlKk drawn ._ • ROQmta a IM9 °" • '1111 °' na11on11 bani!. • etai. ._.. AM, c .. ,,... ll19t A IAW eer,..._ or fldlfll cr9dtt union, or • •tlte Of lllAWOI °' 1111' lletc* 9ML. f9cltr'M MVfnQI and loan ..oclellon N iii iONIR: DONALD W. YOST ..... 101 domloltld In thle ttett. ell payable at MlflOMD9fTt D1A*A "-YOST Muu•ll•teft ...... CA ..a.-ttie time of Mii. Ill right. title end 111 1*8 f'..,_.Y LAW) Publf1htd Orange Cout Dell) Inter•' held by It. 11 TruatM, In CAM .. -• D • .a1 ft1m10 Piiot. June 23. 30. July 1. 14. t912 that real property lltuate In laid MOTICa __, Publi.htd Orange Co111 Dally 274"2 County end 8t•tt, d•~lbad u v .. Ml ..,._ --. n. -' PICTmOUe ....... Piiot • .Mf 1, 14. 21. 28. 1982 to11owa: Lot o\9. Tr91C1 2813, M per _, ......_ ........ ,_ ...... MAim *TAl"lmJIT 2949-82 "8JC NOTIC( m9'1 r.corded In book N , paoae 22 1911, •••111 herd HllH r•• Thi fOlfooMnt ,.,_ -doll'O NOTIC( l!IOTmOUe .,_.. & 23 of Mllclll8neoul MIC>I. ,....... ...... • .,,.. "9ad .. ~;, a11 w.mk ..... Mii. P\aJC ...... *?AW The 1lrHI edd rHI ~r ,.:111~ Wtu••IA ...... .. W-·-,.........._..... -,,-nnou• eu..... T .. A foll ...... "" ...,~ I• dOI"" c;ommon d11lgn1tlon 0 t r• I,.. ..... 1111111 ........ _,, -1.':'9""',_ __ -... ........ .............. . .• prop9rty .. ...., ... ...,_ dllalbtd -......., ...... -·,.. Jucty'1 Wfflmln11er, lno., • llAm *TA,._,, ~..: 11 p11rPM1ICI to be: 913 Darrell ...., •• ......, .... ,_ Ctlllornl• c orporation 271 Tht lollO\lrillt l>tfM>n I• d oing f o U A a EAS ON I aw.t. eo..a MIN. C111fom1t.. ..,...... •,......._I ... .., WMtfft!Mtll' Mall, WMUlll,_,lf, ..,.._II: MAHUf'ACTUMR, 161 Wtet 19ttl Tiit uridlo119'llCI ~ dlllCllllftl M ... -..... CtllOt'llla tzea (A) l IAl l COMPUTER Sftlll, Co•ta MHa, Celllo rnle .. llabllty tor ""I lllOOlllCtll ... In AWllOt T'hltDul6nltt61001dll.-clbya Sl!AVICll ;.9) z BASE 12127 H id ttttat 1ddr1H or o tl'lar ....... M ... Sp $Ct II ootp0r1tlot1. PHOlOO~ ... ~· teen l!rnll Otc::olttr...::2 ~ common CftelQliatloo. ...... ,_.. ._. ....,. "'-JudY• we. ....... Inc;. l4rnorlnl I.Ant. ._ .. ft._.on Ortwe. Huntington 'OltllforftlA Saki .... wm be m•d• without .. I a ,. ... -... "" ~ ~· CA t*,,,,.11/l!l'f C. ZMUOA, 1HU ~ ... .....___II oonduotecl .... .,, warranty. npr•H or 1111pll1d, f If IF !Iii ............ '--.. ... _" 0 ,. """ --w1 rttardlno tltle. poHtHIOfl, or ..,... ' .-...... Tiiie .. ......,,. WM Mid -the 8imonnl \Ant, Huntfntlon ~. ~_.. ft.J'....._ t1011mbranoH , to Htltly \ht 11 Uttt••._ eet .. ltM t i County Ctilrtl of Orenge County on CA 924M7. -....,._ ptlflClpll bMlrlOll of 1M Nol9 or ....... --..... -... .11#11 t1, INa. Thl9 .,...,_II OOftCIUOted by"' Tiiie .. ...,.,,_. _.. MICI wtttl the otf1tr ~ 11G1nc1 by llllld a•••te t1e1tHra tlleaartt '"llff9Mct Or~COM1 ,,..,.= tndMdual. ..._, 0, lmuda =ta a.rte of °'9nOI ~ on DetCf Of ffUll, wilt! !IUr9ll and ' .... ~ .._ ,,_ -IO. 1, '4, \ Thia ttettttnl-llld~ °""" 'IM2. P1m9t htf turne .. Pfovtdtd IMfeln: • 1 l ' 1 e fl•:= 11 -...-. _,. -11.-. COllMy Ctilrtl of Or-..-... ~ 0r....-COMt = -=--..: ~:,:. :'If'~ .. -l• .... ----------Nia ts. 1Mt W Nol.,..._ IO, J41#t"l, 14, 21. ...i _. ..... C1fW011 \, T n41 ~ 2111-G .......... of 911 TNllll9 .... ol t1'1 ..... Im tlltCI a~ P\ltlltllad Ortf191! 0.-·'------------Wiii _..... ~ llllld OeM al wwww•••.,..,, ......... IY"' .. "°4. J4llt 1, 14, It. M, "' Tniet. TM tot• llMUltt Of tMd 1JO -a,..._ ........ IO .... al ---;;c;;;;;iiUii"iiiiiiiii--fCIM ... left. IMtudlltl ~ tM «tete thet tllte ...,."I"' II , ___________ ..,. t l'laltd ttt•. c1'art•• a11il ..-911 yew, yo11r .... -9t ........... tN Tf\111119. el N tkM ........ w 911 .... 1R1W ... • ,,~·-..... -. t.'"":::.":"~1= ; """' ... ,.... ~....... ... MU.·"""' DllDI. '"°' ..... . ....... Oelltomll 92105 PlCTmOUe ....... Denny A111 Reynold•, 18111 lllAm ITATDllNT R1pld1, Huntingto n Beech, The lollowlng pereon 11 doing Callfomll 92&48 ~ -TWt ~ 11 oonOuc;ted by .,, M.W.P. ENTERPRISES, 2825 lndMOull. Wll1 Brldgtport Avenu9, Anlheim, Denny lilt•~ CA 92804. Thlll •lllernent -flied wtth the MICHAEL WILLIAM PAYNE. County Clerk of Orltl'IOI County on 2825 Wtll Bridgeport Avenue. July 2, 1912. Alllhtil'r\, CA 92804. ,~ Thlt buelNll Is conctucted by Ill\ PubllahtO O••noe Coaet Dally lndMOull. PllOC, July 1. 14. 21, 21, 1M2 MlcflMI W. Payne 2t3Ss82 Thie etatement WM IMICI wllh the -----------County Citric ol Orange County on "8JC llmC( July 2. IM2. l9MOI. • ........._ .. ... ~··----=-~=£'2,j ...... 1. ............. , ... ... "~. "'l:i. =., .......... v .. ,,..,....,, u.a_. .......... C1MaN1a ,;...;. __ ........ ~ ................. ---t .,, .. ,...... ......... :=w:: m·--· .. ~~~·lr 4ari'IU~~..., I W • • II t:: .:: ., .Oft• t .CC....llall. ()t~/\N<.t I \JlJNI 'y I r..111 (JllNIA ,'', (I N I'-; Crean vacations while co.ntEov;erisy • continues ByJBPF AD~R or .. .,..,.._....., Repu blican congreaalonal candidate Johnnie Crean may have departed for a European vacation, but the political cohtroveray aurroundlni his candkSacy c6nt1nuea to almmer. GOP official quits, blames candidate's tactics agree to brlna up the que.tion <>f the Cn&n endonement at the • , meeting. A member of the San Diego' County Republican Ce ntral Committee for the paat eight years hu ttslgned rather than endone Ctean. And a handful of Orange County Republicans are aaklng their GOP central committee to withdraw its endorsement of Crean, who la seeking election to the 43rd Congressional Di.strict seat. San Diego County Republican Cen tral Committee member Roeemary Barrett-Smith said she resigned because she did not approve of Crean's primary campaign tactics. Mrs. Barrett-Smith said she quit alter hearing Crean defend hia primary campaign durinlr a central committee meetfng Monday night, Following the meeting, Crean left for a month- long European vacation. "I felt his arguments were specious," sa id Mrs. Barrett- Sm l th , who also ls a vice president of the California Fed e ration of Republican Women, southern divialon. "I felt I couldn't support him and the more honest thing to do was res~f~" added that s he will probably w o rk fo r former Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard, Deir ...... ..., ,._... UNES CROSSED -Dump truck operator got his machine snarled in overhead power cables Tuesday at a construction site in downtown Laguna Beach. temporarily cutting electricity to 1,680 customers. Truck knocks out • pow-er in The rising bed of a dump truck unloading d irt struck several 12,000-volt powe r lines in Laguna Beach Tuesday, cutting electricity to 1,680 customers in the downtown area. Southern California Edison offidala say most of the power was restored about an hour after the 11:37 a.m. accident near 3rd and Mermaid streets. Several power lines wer e mapped ~ a transformer was Bar raps '8 ' SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The State Bar'• governing body is joi.n1ng other grou pe asking the state Supreme Court to declare unconstitutional the Proposition 8 anti-crime initiative. Laguna damaged, but the lines were repaired and the transformer was r eplaced la te r i n the a ftern oon , fully r e storing electricity, said Bob Burbank of the F.d.ison Co. Fire Department officials say the operator of the dump t:ruok was unlo ad i ng dirt at a c ons truc tion s ite n ear the Community Presbyterian Church when the truck bed got snarled in the wires. Police officials say the driver wasn 't cited for a violation becauae tbe accident happened on pri~ate property. Power was cut to downtown commercial buildings and houaes from Broadway to Mermaid Street and from 3rd Street to Pacific Coast Highway, Burbank said. BUSINESS • Cl~ar as crystal Waterford crystal has been famous for hundreds of years, but the preeent factory has been in operation only since 1951. Page Cl. NATION the aecx>nd-pllce finiaher ln the GOP primary who haa announced hh wrlte-ln candidacy. "Mr. Pack1trd gives these people an alternative to Crean without voting foe a ~mocrat," Mn. Barrett-Smith said. Meanwhile Beverly and Doris Rboee of Capistrano Beech and William and Jen Rogera of Misalon Viejo have aaked the Orange County central committee to withdraw it• endonement of CrMn becau.ee of hls primary campaign exceaaes. It was a formal complaint by these same two couples that led to last Saturday's finding by the party ethics committee that Crean had violated the party's cod8 tor a llCOnd um. durfnc ~ prtinary cempalp. \ In a letter to county GOP Chalrwa:nan Lota Lund••· the couplet aak that th e party'• bacldn1 of Crean be dropped beca'* ef "the ler1ow nature of the violadons and the fact that they, ln all prob9bllity, were a deddina factor ln the election." Mn. Rome aa1d ahe and her huabmd wrote the letter becau.e the ethics committee action a10pped abort of recommending the party withdraw it• en~oraement. "We weren't aadafled," ahe aald. "We thought they ahou1d have gone further." Mra. Lundberg said the queaUol'\ of Crean'• party "U a member cho9e to put It on endolWment would not be railed the floor, It probably would lpe at next week'• central committee referred back to the ethlu rneetma unlell lt la broeched by com ml ttee anyway," 1he committee members. oommented. ''It hae been thoroughlr, Crean waa a ccused of iruou.h the ethics committee,' employina under-handed and Mra. "'Lundber1 aaid. "It haa often dirty campaign tactics tn a l read y been t r i e d a n d hia primary bid. 1n fact, all 17 of deliberated and it i.t a completed hi• primary opponents have matter." announced their support for She added that she would be reluctant to have the central committee override ethics committee recommendation• becaUle "we would be clouding their ellectiveneea." Mn. Lundberg said she would be "hlfhly surprised" if any centra committee members Packard'• write-in bid. Besides Packard, Crean faces Democrat Roy Archer, of Escondido, in the general election. The Ord district includes portions of southern Orange and northern San Diego counties. Trash fee b~ost · eyed Laguna city manager to request 28 percent incre ase By STEVE MITCHELL Of"h Del!J ........ Laguna Beach City Manager Ken Frank will aak the City Council 1Ue9day to approve a 28 percent refuse collection fee increue for residenta. The action came a day alter Orange Count)' supervisors approved charging fees for usen of the county's landfills, beginnj.na in September. fn the Pa.st, Oranfe County has paid for landfi 1 expenses through i':J:neral fund budget. But Tu y, the superviaors voted to charge u.ers $7 per ton of material deposited at county dumps, deapite proteats from repraentat;ivea of many cities. The incn!iue, if approved by the cou.ncil, comes on top of a 6 percent hike in refuse collection fees approved just last month in Laguna Beach. The new increase would see residents of single family homes in Laguna Beech paying $5.69 per month instead of $4. 73 through the rest of the year. Next year, Frank is P!Oposing that rate go up to $6.01 per *** month for residential customers. A 6 percent increase, which went into effect July l , nai8ed Laguna Beach residential rates to $4.73 from $4.46. In requesting that increase, Frank told coundl members the hike was the first sought since rates went up 20 pereent in 1978. That 20 percent increase four years ago was in anticipation of the county imposing a dump fee. When the county did not do so, much of the surplus money was spent to pay for rate hikes sought *** by the city's contracted refuse collection firm. Frank was not available to comment on why money collected for the propoeed county. landfill fee was spent on rate· increases for the collector. , In a short press releaae, made' public toda.Y• Frank said, "In implementing the dump fee, impoeed by the county, the board of superviaors acted in opposition, to the request of cities in Orange County to delay any fees foe one year." (See LAGUNA, Page A!) Telephone rate hike looming County approves Iranians advance into Iraq landfill use fee SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -In a move that could edd up to $7 .50 a month to reaidential and bMic bu.tnem phone bUll, a Padfic Telephone Co. official aaya a rate increaae of up to $1 billion will be sought within .everal months. John Dennis, assistant vice president of regulatory planning, said Tuelday he didn't think the increases woold be that high, noting that the rate proposal still is being formulated. The $2.50 lifeline rate may go up moderately, he said. The average monthly residential phone bill is $32, including toll calls and other services. The rate application will go to the state Public Utilities Commission. A decision, said Dennis, probably wou.ld come late next year. The company al*> wanbl to recover revenue lost over a Federal Commu nication• Commluion ruling that takes effect Jan. 1 ln which Paci.fie Telephone will not be able to aell or lease new terminal equipment. su c h as home phones and switc hboarda. An AT&T subsidiary would handle such businels. "When people hear rates may be doubled, they immedlately . think their bUl will be doubled. say to $64," Dennis said. "But if the baaic rate ~ up $7 .50, the (average) blll 00.ly goes to $39.50. "We att1l feel lt ia important that telephone service be universal ln California. The lifeline and (business) service rates will be available for a long, long time in California." COUNTY Ignorina pleas from numerous c:itY leaden, Oranl{e County 1u perv1-on approved fees for uaen of county-owned 1andfilla Tuaday. U nder the fee schedule, landfill Uletl will be charged $7 per ton of material deposited. A $1 per ton surcharge wlll be asaeaaed for certain "hard to handle .. materials. Rubbish taken to county - operated transfer stations for subeequen:.,::J'°irt to landfilb will be at a rate of $10.50 per ton. Representatives of several cities unsuccessfully requested that supervilors delay action on the landfill fee program. Several claimed supervisors were acting too hastily in the wake of a oonaultant's report in which the fees were recommended. Oty leaders said they were unable to get a copy of the fin al report until last Thur.day. "There are simply too many unanswered questions,'' complained Coata Meaa Cow1cilwoman Nonna Heraos. She sugge1ted that the imposition of any landfill fees be postponed until July 1, 1983, to permit dties time to renegotiate contrecta with rubbish collection firms .. Under the board's action, the fees are echeduled to go into effect in 90 days. Supervilon refuaed to de.lay implementation of the fee 9Chedule, aa)'inl a po.tponement would 1erve no purpme. "We could atudy thia report from Enc1neerlnc Sciences (the conaultant) far into the future. Cbildrens Hos~itaJ aided Nine members o f the Balboa Bay Cl ub In Newport S.-:h have formed a f\lnd-rallln& poup to aid Ch11drena Hospital of 0nnae County. P.,. M. Tilling the lrrine eoiJ Families ln the Irvine .,_ are ~ b9ck to the 1<>ll and IJ'OWi.na their own vttdllj. P'• l U. ~al acti vity prolUefl J'ar ha~ ID the ~ County bawt"• tUDIDUftity, -...... But what would we gain?" asked Supe.rviaor Harriett Wieder. Board Chairman Bruce Neatande uid the county i1 facln1 major expenditures rela~ to waste , management. including landfill acquisitions, la ndfill closures, resource recovery projects and equipment purchases. County officials project that about $23 million will be spent on solid waste management during the current fiscal year. Orange County had been the only metropolitan county in the state not charging landfill users. *** Dumping fees lower for individuals Individuals who cart household discards or yard trimmings to Orange County land!Uls will not escape paying a dumping fee -but the amount likely will be modest. The precise amount to be _,e•d on passenger. cars and pickup truc ks c ontaining rubbish has yet to be determined, said Sam Randall of the ootmty General Services Agency. But baaed on the $7 per ton fee approved by supervisors, Randall said the fee charged for a half. ton truck load probably would be $3.50. Asked what the charge on a pamenpr car with a truckload of dilcards would be, Randall said, "Gceh. I couldn't even guess on that." INDEX By Tale Aaaodated Preti Iranian forces invaded _Ir~ and captured hu.nd.redl of J.n9. soldiers in an offensive (jJ' "liberate Iraq" and topp~ tJtl. regime of President Saddam Hussein, Tehran radio claimed today. . An Iraqi military communiq~ said Iranian troops pushed aaa· miles into Iraq along a six-mite front . But i t said Ira ~, counterattacked and inflicte¥: heavy losses on the invaders. ;':. "The enemy began retreatiJ1i under the courageous blows ~ our heroic foTCeS, leaving be~ large numbe rs of de ad an~· wounded," the Iraqi conununiqu:& said. The Iranian attack appeared to open a new phase of the Persian Gulf war launched in September 1980 by Iraq. Hussein's &.mlY invaded Iran and 900red initial gains, at one time occupying portions of Iran's Khuzistan Province before the Iranian army rallied this year and pushed the' Iraqi forces out of the country .• 'nle official Iranian b~ monitored in London, did nae. elaborate on the invasion repo~ta;­ whi c h c ould not be" independently verified becaWM!" both aides bar correapondenta from the war front. "Our Islamic army bl coming to liberate you," Tehran radio said· ln an add.rea to the Iraqi people, ureing them to .. mutiny." ''Our foreea will not lay down their arms until this infidel .,ent regime and all.symbols of treuon in Baahdad have been toppled,'"' it said. Al Your Service A4 =.ue::... B2 8'.lllnem IM-6 82 Callfomia A6 MO¥lla 87-8 Cavalmde B2 Nadanal Newa A3 Ow4fted DM Pubic Notlcel 116.Dt-a ':" Coma 83 ::: ...... Dl-4 C.0..0.d 83 • Dlatb Nodc.9 D4 ~"' Alf l'dltarial A12 .......... 87-8 ~t 87-8 w ..... A2 Food Cl·l l Wadel NeWI .u Art Hoppe . m SPORTS Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wldrielday, July 1-', 1112 Volcanic • J JAKARTA, hldonMa (AP) -A~ Aarllnel plane with H l peopl• aboard made an 'elMrfl'MY landlna In Jakarta •fter two of lts (our enalnea lappanntl)o were cloaed by Mh frOm a YOkano that erupied ln the area, airline official.a aaid todly. on Jww 24. • British Atrwayw iet plunae<t 26,000 feet after all iow engines sputtered out ln flamea .. the plane new through ash clouds from an earlier eruption of the aame volcano - Gafunaunc, in west Jlava. 'n\at pllne, on a London to Perth, AUltralia flight, landed safely ln ~abrta. t.oo. • A 1pokesman for Singapore Airllnee ttaid ill Boeing 747, en route from Singapore to M~. AUltra.lia on Tueeday n{ght, landed at Halim Jakarta lnternational Airport. There -,vere no reports of injuries. He said the plane's engines malfunctioned while flying at 37,000 feet about 100 miles aouth of Jakarta. . , Galunggung erupted about 7 p.m. (5 a.m. PIYI') Tuelday. The volcano, which has erupted eeveraI times in the past few monlhl, sent black smoke and uhea 2,300 feet into the air. Hostage cat back home DICKINSON, Texas (AP) Tqbial the cat is back in the anns of h1a teen-age owner, but an attorney for the veterinarian accused of holding the feline "hostage" for a month say.s the dispute isn't settled. : 'Tve got my cat back. That's all that matters," Share Ile Overton, 19, said Tuesday, bldclling the orange and white tat. "Whatever happens next, that's fine." The 3-year-old domestic long.hair cat had been held by Dr. Ron Ludwig since June 12 becau.e of a disagreement over a surgical fee. From P&Q!A1 LAGUNA • • • He uid representatives from tnore than 20 cities were at the cneetl.na, adding that Laguna ~ach "Councilwoman Bobbie ~tnkln. "wa. one of three 4pealml repreaenting the cities in tb1t boUnty ... Deltr ..... ,,.... .., c...... ...,., SAWDUST SOUNDS -Ananda Udovich, a 10-year-old Laguna Beach musician, entertains visitors with her trumpet at the Sawdust Festival in Laguna Beach. The Sawdust, along with the Art-A-Fair and Festival of Arts, will be open daily through Aug. 29. Jackie Jensen, 55, dies in Virginia SCOTI'SVILLE. Va. (AP) - Jackie Jensen, the American ~gue's Most Valuable Player in 1958 and a former California football star, died today of a heart attack, his wife said. He was 55. Katherine J ensen said her husband woke up about 2 a.m. with chest pains. She said he died en route to the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville. Mrs. JenJen said her husband complained of feeling ill Tuesday evening when he returned from the summer baseball camp he operates at nearby Fork Union Military Academy. Jensen, who played 12 yean In the majors, hit .286, amaahed 35 home runa afld 9rove in 122 runs in his MVP year with the Bo.ton Fed Sox. He came out of the University of California to sign with the New York Yankees in 1949-and rilayed with the Yankees in the l tl50 World Series against the I'hiladelphia Phillies. Sun, fog mix Temperatures Coastal 0... tog lllte night enO Mt1Y '"°"*" OCMtwlle ~· Coeet•I lo. 83, lnl•nd 57. ~ flWI 70, lnlMd 80. Wet« .r. • l!IWwf-..... ,.. .. llafll ~ .... •olltll•••t fO to 11 llnote '9tt•NOn Md • .,.,,,no houre. :eoull to IOWllM• wind" -2 to I .... "'""'"'"' to 1 to 2 te.t. Oo; ., .... -~_, ~: O#'lty .,.,... .,._ rf.!:Srmjm~ r-' ..;,... .... .,,,.. .... llOMMred ~-........ io..tott.T.,_ f~ end continued over ,....,.. Md Coloflldo tod9Y. ~•In elao tell In Wleconaln, ...... ldlflO-Sllnol9. atorm• •l•o wue wldely ......... '""" """* to VlrgllnllL ,_ .._ ~ nu:tl.,. IM ~ ,...,., 119 Souttlw9lt. ... DMoew lftd • INftd from New lntl•nd to Ille l owu •· . ,,_v...,. Clovd~~~ered the Stow-movlnt tllunderatorm• ~ e-y nilnl end Ml on NebrHh, downing • J>Owetllne In Peteraburg end --·~WWl*'O ..... c... .,.... out of - ' NAnoe. HI U. Pep 84 54 100 ee 90 66 .05 85 17 94 70 90 71 95 74 89 70 19 83 90 119 . 15 82 58 tG 56 .23 92 ea 97 75 79 54 90 53 91 65 ~h. 81 7& 35 95 87 --------------------------------------" et It 53 M ee .50 85 64 82 81 17 70 ,. ee 92 72 ... 11 11 58 ee ea .ta 12 e2 78 eo 9989 71 51 .03 17 50 M &9 .oe 91 eo 82 69 2.50 17 76 .01 94 73 .01 84 ee tt 7t .. 7t 17 7t .23 •• tOI IO .... ..... 90 • 9t 72 17 It It 14 Mpll-St.P 17 87 NMh'tllle SI 63 New Otteene 17 70 New Yortl 93 72 Nortoll 17 73 .38 No. Ptett• ee es .CM Olde City ae 70 Omehe 17 83 . ti on.ndo t3 74 Phlledphle 90 70 Phoenix 1 t 1 85 PllttburOll 83 82 PtW!d, Me " 57 P\lend, Ore 71 58 .07 PrO'lldenee 89 SI RM1g11 89 10 .oe Reno 95 57 Sall LAii• M &9 Sen AntOlllO H 72 1e1tt1e ee aa .03 8twewoort 93 71 ..,..,... 7t ee It \..oUla .. 7 t 8t P-TMIP9 n 78 .Of c~ .. 17 107 108 101 12 100 Le 58 71 79 56 3t S4 . llRf llPlll • Blythe 113 Catllln1 et CYl¥ef City 78 Eufeil• 71 Fr.ilO 100 lAnCWt• 95 Long 8eectl M ~~ 82 tot Monrovia M Montebello .. Monterey 70 Mt. Wllaon 82 Needlee 112 Neiwport Beecll 70 Oeldend 11 C>nl-10 " Plllm Springs 110 PllMdene llO PllOAoblee 101 Rl'tef9lde Red 91uft .. :::':°9d City ae N Secrlmento 17 ....,. 70 Sen lenwdlno " SenO.on.I 90 t:~IClecc 77 Sen JOM .. 89naAM IO a.n.. .... .. a.nte CNI ,. ....... n . , Smog • 'B~ue ri:fibOn' panel urges parcel buy "' nsDBIUC& IOllOEMEHL .......... -.. A ''blue ribbon" panel of Oran,ge County bu1lne11 and induatry leader• ha1 recommended SanU.., Canyon eut of Oran8e u a loc:atfon for a n ew Soutnern C\llfornla rqlonal airport. 'the panel, In a unanlmou1 action today with one member Agran n~w IDayor of Ir-vine By GLENN SCOTT or-.o.1r,......., The clock mysteriously fell off a wall lil1ide the Irvine City Council Chambers Tuesday night jult minutes after Larry Agran was unanimously selected the new mayor. Agran said it was the night in Irvine that time stood still. For the 37-year-old lawyer and environmentalist who was frU.1trated in earlier attempts to become mayor, the deecnption wu fitting. Agran showed none of the etrains of divtsivenes that at times punctuated his first four years on the council, when he was commonly on the short side of 3-2 votes. Pair injured in accident on S. Coast abstalnln1, Nld th• Oun1e County &Oard of 8u.J)4trvltor• should immediately e nter ne gotiatlona to purchaae or re1erve San~Canyon for the lntemadonal-air facWty. The lite r ltUdy la owned by the Irvine Company. ln lta lilt of recommendations, the committee appointed by 1upervi90rl in early 1981 plrt John Wayne Airport ehould not be expanded to handle more than the two million travelers per year it currently aervet. . The committee aaid that future work at John Wayne Airport should be done str¥:Uy for aafety. convenience or efficiency. The panel alao recommended that auperviaors encourage the U.S . Department of Defenae to "serioual~ explore" relocation of Marine Corps air stations at El Toro and Tustin to relieve airspace congestion near Santiago Canyon. The com mitt ee's recommendations are distinct from thoee generated following a separate study of regional air transportation needs conducted by the Southern California Association of Governments. The SCAG aviation work program committee has recommended three sites for a regional airport -Long Beach harbor, El Toro Marine Corps >Jr Station and Camp Pendleton. The SCAG recommendations will be subject of a public hear1n1 lac.er cb&. month' in ~AG dropp_ed 81nUa10 Canyon from lt.t Jjlt becaUM of I crltlcal alrapace an1lysi1 conducted by the Federal A vlatlon Ad.m.ln1stration. The FAA uid ope11~ at Santiago Canyon wou~ cauae 1eVere conflictl with eurround.lnl alrporta, lncludlna Ontario International. One member of the blue ribbon panel, WWlam Ballhaua. an executive at Beckman Inatrumenll, said he found the FAA a.inlpace anal.yait bard to believe. "I have aome oompuier experi. at Beckman who could 90lve thll problem," BalJ.haUI uid .• . Blue rlbbon member Henry Segerstrom, managing partner of C.J . Segerstrom and Sona. developers of South Cout Plaza, aaid a re0onal airport ii needed in Southern Californla and should be located in Orange County. He said Southern California is on the verge of becoming a burgeoning trade center. Segerstrom emphasized that supervisors should not look at the airport issue as a "political liability" and take a "statesmanlike" approach to the airport siting issue. "Let us be painted as the villains," commented Ballhaus. Two San Clementeans were seriously injured Tuesday . near Capistrano Beach when thelr car veered out of control and struck a tree. The driver. Christopher P . Pendroy, 28, was repor~ed in serious but stable condition in San Clemente General Hospital's intensive care unit, a hospital spokesman said today. Laguna offering summer programs Also reported in serious condition was passenger Karen Hall, 27, who was taken to Mission Community Hospital, hm__pital officials said. Peru'Oy was driving south on Camino Capistrano just aouth of Via Verde about 4 p.m. Tuesday when he apparently los\ control of hie car and struck a tree, according to a Californ ia Highway Patrol spokeswoman. Pend.ray was cited for drivlna- under the influence of alcohol. she added. LB Museum to air films Film shorts and animated movies will be shown Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. Featured will be a clay animation by Bob Gardner entiUed "Cloeed Monday;'' John Lamb's "Tom Waits for No One;" and "Surfing Secret Spots," which includes surfing footage interapened with animation. Tad Burton's "Profile of an Artist," will also be shown, among other short subjects. Cost is $2.50 for museum members, $3.50 for others. The film showing runs about an hour and a halt PORTABLE · B.ECTRIC The Laguna Beach Recreation Department ia offering summer programs in a variety of activities this summer. • C1.asaes are being offered ln tennis, swimming, dance, sell-defense and such special intereat areas u photography, journal writing, dog •The Laguna Beach Recreation Department is offering four more two-week swim classes through August 27. The classes, limited to five students per each instructor, meet for 30 minutes a session and cost $13. Lessons are open to people of all age •Classes for tennis players, beginning at various times throughout the summer, are being offered through the Laguna Beach Recreation Department. Classes for beginners through advanced players are •Laguna Beach High School'• Class of '72 will hold ill 10th anniversar)r reunion Aug. 14 in Newport Beach. "\ Tickets, at $25 per person, include dlnner, muaic and · eAN OPENER lale Priced 119.88 EIMWhere To 134.H I obedience and writing short stories. For a complete description of what is offered the department is offering a free brqchure providing all the detaila. To pick one up drop by the recreation department office at 515 Forea Ave. or call 497-3311 ext. 2ql. leVl!ls. For adults who like to swim laps or just get into a pool and paddle about, the department offers a recreational swim from 1 :15 to 3:30 p .m . Monday through Friday. Additional information can b e obtaine d by calling 497-3311 ext. 201. being offered in two and four week increments. F.ach meets for eight 50-minute sessions. Cost is $20. For more in formation contact the Recreation Department at 515 Forest Ave. dancing from 6 p .m . to midnight. For d irections and reservations, call Laguna Beach High School at 494-8M6. I WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1882 CAVALCADE COMICS STOCKS 82 83 85 L GuetB who stopped by El Toro over the weekend die Mistress of the Dark in the hot sun. Pase BB. 0 ~ 0 • ;'• ,...----------------------------------------------------~---------------:.~~·-------------------' • Sin due scourging? NEWPORT BEACH PURIFIED: When it comes to the s1na ot indolent behavior and squandering of money on the part of youfil, Newport Beach munidpal lawmakers have aerved notice that they're not f oollng around. Pac Man now has crimped jaws in Newport. Well almost, anyway. The august Newport .C:ity Council is poised for adoption July 26 of a new muruCipal code that cracks down on the monumental new American pastime of playing video games. Those games that gobble up quarters faster than Pac Man can chew the enemy are to be regulated. Youth may · not play the games during school hours, or after 10 o'clock at night. ho\ No games will be ---------... ~I'. allowed within 1,500 feet Tll lllPllll ~ / of a school campus or -------------'•~..._.._._.within 100 fe et of a residence. YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP the video machines out of range, you see, because clanging, banging, shooting and whirring noises might lure students down to the corner with hot quarters in their pockets. Clearly, everybody got pretty uptight about the video lure. Educators felt the kids were playing hooky so they could squint for hours on end into the glow of video game tubes. Parents worried about the same thing, plus lunch money being gobbled up by Pac Man, plus no homework getting done around the house. Video game addict ple.dlng for just one more quarter .. The cops also fretted that the more. ~eak-minded. could be lured into a life of crime, burglarizing around m the search for quarters to play the games. You can see there's been a lot of social unrest created by Astro Wars and the other video diversions. Newport Beach has always been a city _worried about sin. You can tell this by the lack of saloons m the town. AFTER JULY H, Newport may be the purest town in America in regard to purging its limits ~f video g~es. Nobody has attacked the watering holes m recent times, but one feeble attempt to establish a dirt~ book sto~ dre~ considerable attention and finally a torching by parties still unkn~~rt Beach has worked hard at purifying activities within the city limits. Over the years, there has ~n gambling sexy movie houses and peep shows, bingo, bookies, Pool and beer halls (or both in one place), and asaorted other sins of the flesh. Municipal government, aided by sharp -eyed law enforcement, has managed to put down most of these fires of the devil shortly after local appearance. THE TROUBLE WITH sin is th.at ,the minute you discovered one and get it rooted out of the municipality, IOl'llething new lurches forward to threaten those who are easily led down the paths to wickedness. Video games while noxious to many, do seem to pale beGde IOl'1le of th~ other fonns of. wronadoing. But it looks like Newport will put the damper on die habit. What will come ne xt is anybody's guess . The technology of finding ways to separate the sucker from his quarters always steadily advances. MAYBE SOMEBODY will invent an electronic device for comer liquor stores that will help the kids do their homework. That might be a way to turn an evil into a virtue. • • 1rport question holding pattern Harriett Wieder ftd Thomu Riley wanted the studies to end. Tlu four 1lte1 under eo111kMradon Included San Juan Creek eaat of San Juan Capiltrano, Bell Can~ another location eaat of San Juan CapltU'ano, 8anUqo Ca!'yonl .. ot Qnnll. Md the AftDICI• 1--1 1 I .... 0.• in Loi ~-:..~ ... lml'h1 ..... "'. _....,.. flni.nd•..._J a ...._ .. 1n11ar1 ... ..w1nJw. --= .......... ... ... _ ......... ... ~.,.,. ... ,., ... ,.,. YI » ••. IWlr Not ........ .., llllotWd 1(......, UP A TREE? -~ Kinley rolls a log and despite his precarious position, right, wins the contest because Ted Reames is already in the water. In other action at the International Lumberjack Show at 2, 4, 7 and 9 p.m. daily at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, Ron Downing and son Greg race up 95-foot spruce spar poles. Total time up and down was 35 seconds. Earl Marcellus shows chair carved for a child in the audience. Growing green things • 1n the earth Saddleback College provides the soil, growers sup p ly perspiration By PATRICK J . KENNEDY O(._IWIJNetlWf To beat the high price of food and reap home-grown flavor, Carol Ward tills a small parcel of soil in Irvine, thanks to the Community Gardens project of Saddleback College. Despite initial costs to condition the earth, buy iNectiddes, and put up a small wire fence around the 10-by 20-foot parcel, Ms. Ward of Million Viejo says ahe still saves money. But the best part. she says, is the harvest. '"Ille tf-te is IO aooci that once you've had fresh vegetablea out of the pn:len you can't compare them with what you buy in the at.ore," the claims. Ml. Ward and her dauahter, Stacy, lG , h~1t wat:;!! pulled a few and pl elcht ...... cucumben off the vine. In upcomln1 week1, 1he expeo11 to p6ck fNah cantaloupea, tonwtam, com and beU1I for the diMs table. Ma. Ward'• family II one of abou\ 100 who ._ Api1 haw ,. ... the llMll po .... , the lrvtM-... .J ......... ..,u..,w ........................... ........................ .., wtll ............. .._,,AWIA .. Mla•llr .. 1111!...,, au•ltlu ••1ha weul•·llt• ' gardeners. But from the well-k ept appearance of nearly all the parcels, it seems that most of the gardeners are planning to stay awhile. Sandra Slayback, progra m coordinator for the college, says the parcels create a gardening opportunity for many south county condominium or apartment residents or for bomeownen who don't want to ~ up their yards. 'Corn stalks aren't very attractive 1rowing around a jacuzzi," Ml. Slaybllck quipa. The coDeae. which bu ita main campua in Mimon Viejo, atarted the project in lrvt.ne t!lil April when atate financial cuta dimmed pr~pects of conatruct1n1 new bUlld1np on the YKant land. In J)Mt years, the p.-opert)' WM u.d for~~ and com fie1dl. Ma. Sla)'bllek •JI. The colleae haan't made money off the projlct y.t a..u. of the lnldal OCllta to .... the fleJd ot ~hilti ...... lay waw plpe1 Ind f8nce the .,.. to =r..:u' vandall and hq,y "There are a lot of WIWIJUlhid ......... llld allo .... MY .... !&!Qlllal ......... .c .... w :T :..-:..,." ~11•m•;r:.--:S ' ..... ...... ,• • I• . ( ' II A N ( ; I I l) ll N I y ' A I 11 () H N I A .' ') c f N l •-, Ex-thief: Irvine 'prim.e target' for burglars BY &MrolB JOY or ... .,.,... ... Irvine la a prime target for bW'alan. 11Most people feel crime is bappenina ln remote areas like Watta, Inglewood and F.aat Loe Angeles," said ex-convict Mike McCaffrey, "but I was a pl'Ofessi.onal thief and l can tell you there's nothing left to steal. in thoee places . . . "Areas like Irvine where both peop~e in the-house are out wodtin8 during the day are the most vulnerable to burglary," he added, "and Irvine is a prime target.'' McCaffrey, who served time in five California priaons for various crimes, baa worked with Santiago • airport Reformed criminal will give residents protection tips prof~onal burglars and bank robbers. He also was a profe11ional shoplifter. earning $265,000 a year from stolen goo<h, he said. Following his release three years ago from Californ ia Institution for Men at Chino, he began working as a crime prevention consultant and that grew into a business he calla "It Takes a Thief" serving several large retail chain stores. McCaffrey is among speakers 8Cheduled at a 7:30 p.m. publlc meeting Thursday sponsored by the Village Forum at Turtle Rock Community Park, l Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. His aim la to help resldenw develop an awarene91 ao they can protect their tamilJes from crime. "Peofle have to become extena ona of the police department," McCaffrey said, "and have a full understanding of crime." For example, he said, they should be more imaginative about where they secure their valuables ln the home. "I don't atres.t alarm systems." he said, "because moat alarm systems can be beat . Every burglar I know carries a ecanner. U the alarm goes off, it goes through a central monitoring system. "When the diapatcher relates thete'• a 469 (bur1lary) ln procx-e-. the buralar pkkl up the call, too, and hu a five to aix- m In u t., jump on the pollce gettlna oot of there." McCaffrey said he believes •tron&IY in the community watch ~ie have~ ln their own oommunfty to look out for one another without being bu.ybodies, '' he aald. Mccaffrey explained he's recently talked to :so<> people at Lake Arrowhead where probably 40 percent of the residents have moved to get away from crime ln the city. "Now, crime la up on that mountain," he sald, noting lrvlne ii the same kind of community with fairly affluent reaidenta who think they're safe from crime. "Irvine hu gone for 110 long without much crime," he aald, "they ahould develop tools for prevention now before it increaaes." Mike Wei.a, crime prevention supervisor with the Irvine Police Department, who also wlll addre. the forum Thunday, aald Irvine averages about 100 buralarte1 a month. Moat are residential. For example, ln March, there were 106 burglaries with 60 of th~ residential, 20 commercial arid the rst vehJcle. In June, which Wei11 sajd "wu an untypical month," th!! wqre 38 residential, 2 commercial and 39 vehic e burglaries. "lt's all those BMW car stereos," he said. McCaffrey said people allow crime to occur becaUle they don't understand how criminals operate or the preventive measures they can take. Crir*nals are cunning and imaginative, he said. '"You should tee me ln a three piece-suit," he sald. "I look just (See THIEF, Pace A!) I 1 hacked Agran elected Irvine mayor, vows 'civility' By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or-.o.-,,......., A "blue ribbon" panel of Orange County business and ind us try leaders has recommended Santiago Canyon east of Orange as a location for a new Southern C"a Ii f or n i a . nal airport. ~e panel, i'n a unanimous action today with one member abstaining, said the Orange County Board of Supervisors s hould immediately enter negotiations to purchase or reserve Santiago Canyon for the TRASH FOR CASH -Trucks like these dumping rubbish at the county's Coyote Canyon Landfill in Irvine will be charged fees .., ......... ,..... beginning in three months. City officials aren't happy with the fees, which they claim will raise trash collection bills. , international-type air facility. ' The site under study is owned by the Irvine Company. In its u.t of recommendations, the committee appointed by supervisora in early 1981 said Jphn Wa'fll'! Airport should not be expanded tQ handle more than the two million travelers per yMr it currently serves. Trash fees 10-rise • ID Irvine The committee said that future work at John Wayne Airport should be done strictly for safety, convenlence or efficiency. 'nle panel a1ao recommended that superviaors encourage the U.S. Department of Defense to "aerioualy expJore" relocation of Marine Corpe air stations at El Toro and Tuatin to relieve airspace congestion near Santiago Canyon. The committee's City to pass new landfill assessment on to retidents By BARRY EBERLING °' .............. Irvine residents will have to pay an additional $1 to $3 per month ln trash collection oosta becawie of an Oranae County decision to charge landfi11 U8eT fees, according to city offidala. Residents currently pay $3.39 per month in property tax bills for the service, but the amount will i ncrease when re fuse hauling fees are passed on to them, officials said. Until last December, residents paid $2.79 per month for trash pickup. U fees are raised substantially, *** ; the COit could double from what reiddenta pa.Id a yNr eerlier. '"Th.la decision definitely has a pretty big impact." noted Nancy Miller, administrative Mliltant in the city's Public Worlta Departrnetlt. City Council members must adopt a new trash collection fee at their July 27 meeting IO they can present it to the County Aasesaor's Office by the deadline Aug. 6, said City Manager William Woollett Jr. "I don't disagree with the county's need for fees," Woollett &aid. "The subject has been ***' '8lked about for a long time. "But I think there was an abysmal lack of notice," he continued. "'The affected cities didn't have time to oonaider the proposal and to make n:c • • •U71eftdations to the county Board ot Supervi8ora." Coundlrnan Bill v ardoulia also denounced the county's timing. pointina out that the city first received the official proposal only last Thunday. "How can we properly assess whether it's a fair free to cover an actual cost when a 250-page (See IRVINE, Pace AZ) *** recommendations are distinct from thoee generated following a separate study of regional air transportation needs conducted by the Southern California Aasociation o( Governments. The SCAG aviation work program committee has recommended three sites for a regional airport -Long Beach harbor, El Toro Marine Corps Air Station and Camp Pendleton. County approves landfill use costs Dumping f ees lower for individuals The SCAG recommend.ations will be subject of a public hearing later this month in Irvine. SCAG dropped Santiago Canyon from its list because of a critical airspace analysis conducted by the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA uid operatiolu at Santiago Canyon would cause .evere conflicta with surrounding airports, Including Ontario International. One member of the blue ' ribbon panel. William Ballhaus, an executive at Beckman l.nstnunenta, said he found the FAA alnpace analysis hard to believe. Ignoring pleas from numerous city leaders, Orange County supervisors approved fees for users of county-owned landfills Tueaday. Under the fee schedule, landfill users will be charged $7 {>8r ton of material deposited. A '1 per ton surcharge will be assessed for certain "hard to hanc:IJe'' materials. Ru.bbish taken to county- operated transfer stationa for aubeequent transport to 1andfilla will be al8ellled at a rate of $10.50 per ton. . Representatives of several cities umu~fully requested that auperviaora delay action on the landfill fee program. Several claimed supervisors were ac\ing too hastily in the BUSINESS Cl~ar as crystal Waterford crystal hu been f.amous for hundreds of yean, but the ~t facCory has been in operation only llnce 1951. Page Cl. NATION HoDJJe narfl sex p!fbe -WAIHING'roN (AP) -Armed wtth D1'W' ~ ~ .... i-. .ma. ................... 1. probe of rUtl -tmt 1D11W law1nialllr.W i&M4 cooalne and olhert may have enppd In IMaClll111IAI .. wtth c.n-. ...... •ei bl die n1er •• SF wake of a consultant's report in which the fees were recommended. a ty leaden said they were unable to get a copy of the final report until last Thursday. "There are simply too many unanswe red questions," co mplained Costa Mesa Councilwoman Nonna Henzoc. She su11eated that the imposition of any landfill fees be postponed until July l, 1983, to pennlt cities time to renegotiate contractm with rubbiab collection firms. Under the board'• action, the tees are acheduled to go into effect ln 90 da)'s. Superviaora refu.ed to delay Implementation of the fee (See DUMP, Pace AZ) COUNTY Individuals wh o cart household discards or yard trimmings to Orange County landfilla will not e.cape paying a dumping fee -but the amount likely will be modest. The J\t'eciae amount to be a. e• e ti on pumenger cars and pickup trucks containing rubbish baa yet to be detennined, said Sam B.ndaU of the county General Servicea Agertcy. But hued on the $7 per ton fee approved by auperviaora, Randall aid the fee charged for a half- t.on truck lOllCI prc>Nbly would be $3.50. Aaked what the charge on a pulen8er car with a t:rucTtload of dl8carda would be, Randall said, ''Gosh, I couldn't even guess on that." C1int1re~ Hot1eitiil aiiled Nine members of the Balboa Bay Club in • Newport 9eKh have formed a fund-~ FCUP to aid Chndrem H..ptal of Or-. County. P-. M . Tilling the Irvine •ll Famlllel in the 1rvtne .._ .. _.-ca.ii to the IOU and pvwtnc their own ...... Pllje ~I. By GLENN SCOTT or-. o.-r Net • ..., The clock mysteriously fell off a wall inside the Irvine City Council Chambers Tuesday night just minutes after Larry Agran was unanimously selected the new mayor. Agran said it was the night in Irvine that time stood still. For the 37-year-old lawyer and environmentalist who was frustrated in earlier attemt>ts to become mayor, the descnption was fitting. Agran showed none of the strains of divisiveness that at times punctuated his first four years on the council, when be was cammoo'.ly on the short side of 3-2 vote9. And be seemed intettsted ln preventing future bitterness from coming up. In a prepared speech given after h1a aelection. A&ran aid he ~ detennined to uphold "a standard of civility" in coundl deliberations. He explained: "We can't expect to always agree. In fact, with debate there will be spirited discussion and even frequent disag r eem e nt. But I am determined -as I know my colleagues are -that in this City Council chamber we will uphold a standard of civility founded upon respect for one another.'' Agran replaces David Sills, who said Tuesday that after serving more than three tenT\8 as mayor that it was time for a "customary rota ti on" of leadership. Sills and Bill Vardoulia, who has been mayor twice, both supported Agran with no comment. Thoae two, plus now-retired Art Anthony. had kept the (See AGRAN, Pace il) Hostage cat back home DICKINSON, Texas (AP) Tobias the cat ~ back in the arms of his teen-a,e owner, but an attorney for the veterinarian accused of holding the feline "hostage" for a month says the dispute isn't settled. "rve got my cat beck. That's all that matters,'' Sharelle Overton,· 19, said Tuesday, ~ddling the orange and white cat. "Whatever happens next, that'& fine.'' INDEX A4 lM..s M B2 DM Bl 81 JM Al2 87..a Cl-13 B2 SPORTS ..,""' .......... MAYOR -Larry Agran hal been elected unanimously as the new mayor of Irvine. Phone hikes ~ ..... ·" of $1 billion ~ • ~ ... being sought !" SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -In a move that could add up to $7.50 a month to residential and basic business phone bill&, a Pacific Telephone Co. official says a rate increase of up to $1 billion will be sought within several months. John Dennis, assistant vice president of regulatory planning; said Tue9day he didn't think~ i.ncreaaes would be that high. noting that the rate proPoeal atiil. is ~ formulated. The $2.50': lifeline rate may goeip moderately, he said. The averqe monthly residential phone bill ia $32, lnCluding toll calls and othet' services. The rate application will go to the state Public Utilities Commlaaion. A decision, said Denoia, probably would COnwl late next year. B2 82 87-8 A3 Be.I*$ Dl-4 • AH 87-8 A2 Al Ho llam1 N•doa•,_ WU. ' ~ -.......--_ _._,, . . ....._ l'..im.N" £-~ueen contnHlonal caadt•ie Johnnt• CNan may heft .,....... for a D.wopean a:· b\At ·-· •olltlcal ftl'U '"',....DI bla ---·· -. A -.nblr' of the Im O.eeo County R•publlcan Central <;otamltt" tor th• put el1ht Y.,. hu n!licned rathtr than .... er.n. • And a handful of Oranae eo-a..t)' RepublJcanl ant Mk1na their' OOP central committee to withdraw lta endoraement of ·cr.n, who ll eeekina elecUon to the Urd c.on,re.k>nal Dlatzict .. t. San Dlelo CoWlt)' Republican 'Central Commlttee member ROlemary Barrett-Smith laid ahe le.lined becaUM ahe did not ap .. rove of Crean'• prlmary ~tactb. Mn. Barrett-Smilb aald 1he 9ult after heartna er.an defend hia primary campaip during a 'central committee meeting Monday nicht. Followlna the meetine, Crean left for a month- lcna niropMn vacation. "l felt his ar1umenta were ~l~us," .said _Mra. Barr~tt- 1:6mut\, wt\o a110 " -vao• ~rHldent of the C1Uf,rnla Federation of l~bllcan w~ 1C1UtMm ., felt l couldn't ~ tum and tM moN hoMlt \h1na to do Wll ,...._,. 81'• add•d that eh• will ~obably work tor for mer rllbad ~r Ron Packard, MC:ond· f lnilber 1n tM GOP primary who ha• 1nnounced h la wrlte·ln candidacy. '1Mr. l>~ckard glvea theee people an alt.mauve to Clftn without vottna for a Democrat," Mn. Burett-&nith Mid. Me.nwhile Beverly and Doria Rooee of CapAatrano Beech and Wllllam and Jen Ro1era of Mluion Viejo have uked the Oranae County central commlttee to w ithdraw lta endonemmt of Cre.n becau.e of h.ll primary campalp e><Cellee. It WU • formal c:omplaint by theee same two couple. th.at led to last Saturday'• findina by the party ethics committee that Crean bad violated the party's code for a leCO«Ml time durina the primary camJ:>eUm, In a letter fo county GOP Chairwoc;nan Loia Lundberg, the ::li'" uk daat tb• ,...,,., Ina of er.a be dropp.d ._._. ot "the~ nature of the vtoladona and the f8Ct that they, in all ptObabWty, were a declclina factor ln tM elecUon." Mn. ROOM ~ lhe and her huebend wrote the letter beceuee the ethtc1 committee action 1topped lhort of. recommencUna the party wUhdraw !ta tndoraement. "We weren 't MU.fled," ahe Mid. "We thou,ht th-'Y ahould have lOQe further.'' Mr1. Lundber1 uld the question of Crean'• party endonement would not be railed at. next week'• central c:ommJttee meetfna unlem lt la broached by commlttee memben. "It baa been thorouahlr, throuah the ethicl OOJnlllittee,' Mn. Lundbera said. 11lt ha• already been tried and deliberated and it 11 a completed matter." She added th.at the would be reluctant to have the central committee override ethics committee recommendations becau.e "we would be clouding their effectiveneaa." Mn. Lundberg aald she would be "hlfhly surprised" if any centra committee members Continued stories I R VINE TRASH ... repc:rt fll'b to the city office just tbne days before the decision ia pamed?" he said. Vardoulis suggested that because the county is unable to balance its budget by raisin~ property taxes in lieu ot Proposition 13, it is pUBing its monetary problems on to its cities. Newly appointed Mayor Larry Agran noted that any decision to i..ncreue costs will always seem ill-timed. "Some aspects o f the fee deserve review," he said, "but I th1rtk it's a cue of the county passing on real coeta." THI EF GIVES TIPS ... like an insurance agent and you'll let me in your home to talk insurance; .. A. another example of how thieves get their ideas McCaffrey said he'd read a magazine article telling where burglary victims left their valuables. "And, sure enough," he 8810, "every home I went into after that had their valuables just where the article said they did." A GRAN NEW MAYOR . '· . mayor's .. vel in their political camp durtna the pat llx years. Anthony's replac ement, Bart.re W.mer, WM the only Council member Tuma~~; concenw about mayor. She told >r:Udimce about 7' people that lhe would side with him only because Sills and V ardoulis had declmed to seek the post. Mra. Wiener also tried to abstain from voting for Agran, althou1h he was the only member nominated, until City Attorney Roser Grable said ahe had no choice. Mrs. Wiener was choaen vice mayor on a 3-2 vote over Mary Ann Galdo, a council member for slxJears. Sill1 and Vardoulia sid with Mra. Wiener, Agran with Mrs. Galdo. DUMP CHAR GES ... tchiG1le. •yina a pollpcJNment would tenre no pu.rpme. Neatande said the county 1a facing major expenditures relating to WU1e m.anaaement. including landfill acquisitions. landfill closures, resource recovery projects and equipment purchaaes. about $23 milliOQ will be 1pent on aolid wa11e management du.ring the current fiscal year. "We could ltUdy this report t.rom !'.ngineerlne Sciences (the ronsWtant) far tMo the future. 'Sut. what would we pin?" asked SuPft'Vbor Harriett Wieder. 8 oard Chairman Bruce !~\,- -County officials .P!"'ject that 01 ange County had been the onl~ metropolitan county in the state not charging land.fill uaera. County government absorbed iandfill expenses via its general rund. , ~o.,.:; fog .... nlgflt _, -ir coaa1:::":3~a"d 57. ~ l!lp 70, lnlelld IO . ..., n . ! El ..... """ _..... ..... 1011tt1we11 10 to 11 llft•t• .tt.IY• ... Md == "9wl. ... 'lo ........ -· •a• ...... 11 to1to2-. 01 f. --·---jft--:--~ SL . -ze. •• nlDm~ I l111w; ......... _ ...... ..,..,,_..,.. .... T_ .,.....,.._ Md~'°6ey. I• .... felt '" Wleceuln, ..., ....... Stot"'' 1 110 were .,.,.,, from floftllll '° :'I: ,.~llMll .. •'-••• ~ Md • Miid lr'Ofll •• •"' lo the low•r v...,. Clov41J..:::• covered '"-COMt. Slow-lftOYlnt thunderetorm1 ~ ,.,. _, hell °" -.rn Nebr1111a , downlne • lln• In Petenburg end ..... flood _,.,. ... .... outd• S un, fog mix Temperatu.l'eS Albeny :...'\: Mtle¥llle Atlenta Atlwltc C1y Aultln ..,..,.,.,,. ~ ae.n.ca 9olee eo.ton .,__. .,,.., twtngton c..,., awtltn SC a..nwv awttte NC a.rer-g:..~:.u a...nd CMltlle SC ~ o.fl Wth = 0.. Molflel o.ttolt Duluth llPMO Fwgo FleOltafl °'911 , .... Hartford Hllana Honolulu Hollleen :::"..a 2 2 .. -.Qtr ...... t:.'11: ~ L.-... .......... ..... ..... NATION .. .... ,.. &'4 54 100 ee 90 ee .05 a5 87 ... 70 90 71 96 74 ee 70 89 S3 90 • .15 82 M 93 56 ..23 92 u 97 75 79 54 llO 63 81 55 .18 .. 71 .36 15 f7 ee ee 81 63 ee .. .llO 85 14 82 81 f7 70 ..... t2 72 84 81 81 M .. u .13 12 82 78 llO ... 78 M .0$ 91 50 .. 5t .08 91 80 12 5t 2.50 17 75 .01 .. 73 .01 .. . ti 71 .. " ff ft .a .... ,.. •• .. . to • ., 71 t7 11 11 .. ~p 87 f7 NMtNlle .. 83 .... OrtMnl S7 70 NewYortl 83 72 ~ 87 73 .3e No. Piette le 96 .04 Okla City 89 70 OmlNI S7 S3 . 18 ONndo 83 74 .,.,...,,. 90 70 Phoerllx , 11 85 PtttebUl'1lll 83 82 PtMnd, Me " 07 Ptlencl. 0... 73 58 .07 PrcMdenee " Ill 1W11gt1 ft 70 .OS Reno 95 57 Sell lMI• " 89 a.ti Antonio " 72 s-t"9 M 53 03 :::1.: ~ ~ .. "'°"' .. 71 ..... T..... • 78 .Of CMJPOIWU == ......,,. ... llOIA ..... ... .. t7 107 108 101 a '°° .... 51 71 71 N 3t .. lllf 11,111 8lyttle Catllllna CYMr City ~· Freeno ~ Long IMcll ~.,:r- Monr~ ~ Mone.r.y Mt. Wiie«! NMdlll ~awn OntMlo Pllm~ PeNdene PMO Roblee ~ Aed.,., Aedwood City IWlo S.W--'O ...... IM81nWdlM a.ti Gebftel 1911'*90 .... F'9nOlloo ........ a..Ane ........... IMUICfW ............ Smas 113 83 " 68 7S e2 71 61 100 Ill 86 71 86 83 82 101 ... 83 96 80 .. oe 70 54 12 86 112 ee 10 · 13 81 51 " 5e 110 73 80 5t 101 68 oe M .. • M .. II ff • ?O • .. 11 to • T7 .. • II .. IO II .. .. n .. n _ .. c ... IO brial up lhe q•..aon ~ tlW a.en iindcAwat at ttie ~· "U a member chem to put it on the floor, lt probably woWd be referr•d back to the •thlc1 co mmlttt• anyway,•• eh• commenwcl. Crean waa accused of employln1 under-handed and often dirty campa1cn tactlca in hll prlmlrJ bid. In fact, all 17 of hie pn.ary opponents have aanoYMed their support for Pldlanl'• writ.in bld, ...... Pldwd, Crean facee Deq>ocrat Roy Archer, of &1condldo, In the 1eneral election. The .Ord diatrlct lncludee ~ona of IOUthem Ora.nae and northem San Diego coWltle1. Iran invades Iraq in new offensive By 'ne A11oelated Pre11 Iranian forces lnvaded Iraq and captured hundredl of Iraqi soldiers tn an offe nalve to "liberate Iraq" and topple the regime of Prealdent Saddam HUlleln, Tehran radio claimed today. An Iraqi military communique said Iranian t.roope puahed s1x miles into Iraq aloft& a lix-mile front. But it aald Iraq counterattacked and lnfllcted Shultz tells strategy for Russia deals ,,, WASHINGTON (AP) Calling for a "1trate1y of confidence" in dealinp with the Soviet Union, Secretary of State-designate George P. Shultz said today the Unlted States should neither seek confrontation with the Sovieta nor shrink from criticizing them. "l think we should make it clear that. depending on Soviet behavior and how they conduct themselves, we are prepared to have as constructive and beneficial a relationship as possib. le," Shultz told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the second day of his confirmation hearings. Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-Ill., the committee chainnan, said he planned a vote later in the day, and it appeared virtually certain the panel would recommend confinnation by the full Senate. A.saistant Republican Leader Ted Stevena of Alaska said the Senate w o uld act quickly, poaibly by Thursday. Shult%. a former secretarv of labor and treasury in the Nixon administration, was nominated by President Re agan afte r Alexander M. Haig Jr. resigned from his State Department post over policy differences that have not been fully explained. Describing his view of U.S.-Soviet relations, Shultt said, "It should not be a strategy of aggression, not a strategy of confrontation, but a strategy of confidence, strength and realism about what they are trying to do." Sewer work beginning Workers were to begin today digging three 100-foot-long trencheti on Irvine Center Drive in Irvine to renovate a aewer line. The 4-foot-wide trenches will be dug between Deerwood and Yale avenues by employees of the Irvine Ranch Water District, said spokeswoman Pam Brigandi. The road will remain open during the three-week project and worken wtll try to minlmiz.e the inconvenience, she said. heavy lOllel on the invaders. "The enemy began retreating under the couraaeoua blowt of our heroic forces, leaving behind large numbers of dead and wounded," the Iraqi conununlque said. The lranlan attack appeared to open a new phase of the Persian Gulf war launched in ie~t.ember 1980 by Iraq. Hussein s army invaded Iran and ICOred initial gains. at one time occupying portion• of Iran's Khuzistan Province before the Iranian army rallied this year and pushed the Iraqi forces out of the country. The offidal Iranian broadcasts, monitored in London, did not elaborate on the invasion reports, which could not be independently verified because both aides bar correspondents from the war front. ''Our Ialamic army is coming to liberate yw," Tehran radio aaid in an address to the Iraqi people, urging them to "mutiny." ''Our forces will not lay down their anm until th.is infidel agent reaime and all symbols of trea90n m ~hdad have been toppled," it said. Saddleback College is offe~ a "Career Decisions Project• at its Irvine campus for unemployed workers or people considering a job change. • The project offers career counseling and uses a computer-based guidance program to evaluate possible job avenues. •A rabies clinic is planned /or 7 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 12 in the rear parking lot of the Irvine Police Department, 17200 Jamboree Road. Rabies vaccinations will cost $3 each , said Irvine Animal Services Supervisor •Prenatal exercise classes are offered Irvine residents through the city's Community Services Department. The eta.es, called Graceful Expectations. are held on an pngoing basis and emphasiz.e strengthening abdominal, back and pubic muscles plus ' relaxation, breathing .ind overall conditioning. Fee for the classes is $31.50 per month. PORTABLE ELECTRIC CAN OPE NER Sale· Priced 119.88 Eleewh«e To $34.99 SUCCUM B S -Former baseball star Jackie Jensen, 55, died of a heart attack today. Heart attack kills former star Jensen SCOTTSVILLE, Va. (AP) - Jac kie Jensen, the American League's Most Valuable Player in 1958 and a former California football star, died today of a heart attack, his wife said. He was 55. Katherine J ensen said her husband woke up about 2 a.m. with chest pains. She said he died en route to the University of Virginia Hospital in Charlottesville. Mrs. Jensen said her husband complained of feeling ill Tuesday evening when he returned from the summer baseball camp he operates. The ongoing program is from M o nday th r ough Thursday, with hours from 7 to 10 p.m. and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon. The fee is $65 and includes eight hours of scheduled sessions over a three-week period. For more information, call 559-9300, extension 224. Carl P1guo, who said pet owners should have their dogs on leashes. The clinic is sponsored by Animal Services and PAWs (Promotion of Animal Well-being). Information is available by calling 754-3734. Classes are held at Harvard Community Athletic Park, 14701 Harvard Ave., from 9 to 10 a .m. and 5;30 to 6:30 p .m . Mondays and Wedne s days and at Northwood Comrm.mity Park, 4531 Bryan Ave., from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Thursdays. Registration information is available by calling 754-3639. • • OIU\NCt ( <HJN I y ( Al II I •l<NIA /'• ( t NT '• C~ean vacaJions while controversy • continues By JEFF ADLER 0( .. 0.., ......... Republican congre11ional candidate Johnnie Crean may have departed for a European vacation, but the poll\ical controversy 1urroundln11 his candidacy continue. to aimmer. GOP official quits, blames candidate's tactics ..,. to brlna up the que.Uon of the Creen endonement at tie mee~. A member of the San Dtego County Republican Central Committee for the past eight yean hu resicned rather than endone Crean. And a handful of Oranse County Republicana are asking their GOP central committee to withdraw its endorsement of Crean, who is .eeking election to the 43rd CongrelBional Di.strict .eet. San Diego County Republican Central Committee member &eemary Barrett-Smith said she resigned because she did not . Banning 'Unsure' on plan Developer Hancock "Bill" Banning said today that he is unsure about the financial feasibility of building the $124 million project that will now go to a citywide vote. approve of Crean'• primary campaisn \ac:Uat. Mrs. Barrett-Smith said she quit alter hearing Crean defend hia primary cam~ durlna a central committee meetfna Monday night. Followlna the meeting, Crean left for a month- long European vacation. ''l felt his arguments were specious," said Mrs. Barrett- Smit h, who also is a vice preside nt of the California Federation o f Republican Women, southern division. "I felt I couldn't support him and the more honest thing to do was resi ." sfe added that she will probably work for former Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard, the eecond-place tlniaher in the GOP primary who hat announced h is write-in candidacy. "Mr. Packard glvee theae people an alternative to Q-ean without vot.Lng foe a Democrat," Mrs. Barrett·Smith said. Meanwhile Beverly and Doria Rooee of Capistrano Beach and William and Jen Rogers of Million Viejo have asked the Oran g e County central committee to withdraw its endonement of Crean becau.e of his primary campaign eXCf'llea. It wu a formal complaint by theee same two couplee that led to last Saturday'• finding by the party ethics committee that Crean had violated the party's code tor a eec:ond Urne during the primary camplllcn. In a letter to county GOP Chalrwoman-Lo&a Lundberg, the couples ask that the party'• backing of Crean be dropped becauae of "the eerioua nature of the violations and ~e fact that they, in all probabWty, were a deciding factor in the election." Mrs. Rome said she and her husband wrote the letter because the ethics committee action atopped short of reoor:nmendJng the party withdraw its endorsement. "We weren't .aatiafied," lhe said. "We thought they should have gone further." Mra. Lundberg said the Faced with a referendum, the Newport Beach City Council Monday decided to put the embattled Banning project on the November ballot. They could have voted to kill it. Banning, president of Beeco Ltd., said he views the council's decision as an "emphatic reaffirmation of their plan." TRASH FOR CASH -Trucks like these dumping rubbish at the county's Coyote Canyon Landfill in Irvine will be charged fees .................... beginning in three months. City officials aren't happy with the fees, which they claim will raise trash collection bills. In March the council approved a compromise plan to build 379 homes and aa much aa 400,000 square feet of office and industrial development on 75 aorH ln west Newport Beach near Pacific Coast Highway and Superior Avenue. County approves dump fees Landfill users will be auetse<J $7 per ton for ,,,.sh The council's decision last March disappointed Banning wbo had wanted to build 750,000 square feet of office and lbd\.mtrial development and 239 homes on 76 of the 500 acres owned by Beeco. Janoring plea.a from numerous city leaders, Orange County supervt.on approved fees for u.en of county-owned landffll• Tue.day. Under the fee schedule, landfill ueers will be cbaraed $7 per ton of material deposited. A $1 per ton surcharge will be *** uaeaaed for certain ''hard to handle" materiala. Rubbish ta.ken to county· operated transfer atationa for sumequent transport to 1andfil1a will be .....cl at a rat.e of $10.50 per ton. Representatives of several cities unsucceaafully requested *** that au~ delay action on the landfill fee program. Several claimed 1uyerviaors Weft acting too h.utily in the wake of a corwultant'• report In which tht' fees were recommended. City leaders 18.id they were unable to get a copy of (See DUMP, Paae A!) *** He said today that the $12 million in road improvements and park improvements he is being asked to pay, along with the reduction in the commercial area, could force him to scrap the plan. "U we can we'd like to be able to do it because we think it would be good for th e conununity," said Banning. Newport considers burning rubbish Trash costs will go up in Costa Mesa Banning said he hopes to reach a decision within the next few · weeks regarding the economic feasibility of the plan. He will then meet with homeowners. Angered by the council's approval of the project in March, homeowners formed a group known aa the West Newport I...egialative Al.U.anoe which led the 1uooe1atul referendum drive. · Louiae Greeley, leader of the group claiming to repre.ent 9,000 residents, said that they will meet aoon to decide what courae to take now. She said she la confident that there will be enough citywide support in November. to repeal the controvenial project. SeaAOn unchanged PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The Oregon Fish and Wildllf.e c.omrni81ion will leave the ocean apol'tl fiahing seuon unchanged until lt baa a clearer picture of how many fish are available. City officials in Newport Beach are studying the poBSibility of building a refuse-burning power facility in the city. City manager Robert Wynn said it' was a coincidence that an eight-page report on the subject was released to City Council members one day before the county Board of Supervisors decided to impo&e new dumping fees at county landfills. "It's been the city's desire for two years to go from waste to a refuse energy system," said Wynn. Unlike most cities in Orange County, Newport Beach handles its own refuse collectioq and hauling, using property iaxe. and cannot increa8e u.er fees in Uie face of the county's new $7 per ton dumping fee. Wynn estimated the new fee would cmt the city $260,000 this year. Mayor Jeckie Heather sent a letter to county ofticiala urging them to hold off the fees, but county supervisors refused and BUSINESS Cl~ar as crystal Waterford crystal bat been famous for hundreda of years, but the preRnt factory bat been in operation. only lince 1951. Pace Cl. ' NATION Ho~ 111UU se~ probe WASHINGroN (AP) -Armed with new i.pl ftft~-..=.=='d:=~ UMd cocaine alMI othen may have en1apd ln hamie1Ual 1ex wtth ._. ..... ...-. the new ooets are to go into effect in 90 days. The city report estimates that it will cost $12.5 million to build a trash and 1ewage burning energy plant capable of handling the city's daily 100-150 tons of refuse. U such a facility wu built today t})e city could expect to receive $855,000 t\lis year from the conversion of the city's trash to electricity that would be eold the Southern California F.di.lon Co. Concern over the expected closure of Coyote Canyon landfill prompted the study, said Wynn. If the landfill WM abut down . Newport Be.ch could expect to pay more to haul ita trash greater dlatancs. Wynn admitted that he expecta to face heavy opposition from h omeowners regarding the waste-energy fadllty in the city. About three acres would be needed. No site baa been choeen. COUNTY Costa Mesa property owners can expect to pay at least $30 more annually in refuae fees as a result of a decision by the county Boerd of Superviaon to impoee dumping fees at its landfills. Bruce Mattern, manager of the Costa Mesa Sanitation Di.strict and the city'• public services director, warned that the $30 figure ill only preliminary and could go much higher. "We recosNz.e that gat.e fees are probably needed," said Mattern. "We can no longer expect that kind of aervioe free." The city contracts with Oreo Diapoul Co. to handle the 82,000 tons of refuse generated annually. Meanwhile. Matt.em said, the city is giving "aer l ous consideration" to a proposal to build a waste burn.1ng facility in the city that would convert refu.e to electricitv. (See TRASH, Page AZ) Chlldrens HO.~iial aided Nine members of the S.lboa Bay Club in Newport Beerh have fonned a fund-ralaina croup to aid ChUdrena Hmpital of Cftnp County. Jl"age A8. Tillins the Irvine •il F..mllee ln the Irvine _.. an J06nc a.ck to the IOU and P>wina their own vlUJa p._. Bl. I question of Crean '• party endoniement would not be rai8ed at next week'• central commltlee meeting unlell it la brolched by conunlttee members. "It has been tborouahlr, through the ethics committee,' Mrs. Lundberg said. "It has already been tried and deliberated and it la a completed matt.er." She added that abe would be reluctant to have the central committee override ethics commi,ttee recommendations becau.e "we would be clouding their effectiveneas.'' Mia. !..undberg said ahe would be "hifhly surprised" if any centra committee members "U a member cl\me to put lt On the floor, ~t prot>.bly would be referred back to the eth ics committee a n yway," she commented. Crean was accused of employin1 under.handed and often dirty campalp tactka in his primary bid. In tact, all 17 of his primary opponents have announced their support for Packard's write-in bid. Besides Packard, Crean faces Democ rat Roy Arc her, of Escondido, in the general election. The 43rd district Includes portions of aouthern Orange and northern San Diego counties. PaneJ. backs Santiago for • • airport s1te By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL or-..._., .... ,..., A "blue ribbon" panel of Orange County busineas and industry leaders has recommended Santiago Canyon east of OranRe as a location for a n e w Southern C"a li for n i a regional airport. The panel, in a unanimoua action today with one member abstaining, said the Orange County Board of Supervisors should immediate ly enter negotiations to purchase or reterve Santiago Canyon for the international-type air facility. The lite under study is owned by Uie lrvtM Compeny. In Its list of reoommendationa, the committee appointed by supervbon in early 1981 said John Wayne Airport should not be expanded to handle more than the two million travelen per year it currently serves. 11\e conunittee said that future work at John Wayne Airport should be done strictly for aalety, convenience or efficiency. The panel also recommended that supervisors encourage the U.S. Department of Defenae to "seriously explore" relocation of Marine Corps air stations at El Toro and Tustin to relieve airspace congestion near Santiago Canyon. The co mmittee 's recommendations are distinct from those generated following a separate study of regional air transportation needs conducted by the Southern California Assoc:iation of Governments. The SCAG aviation work program co mmittee ha• reconunended three sites for a. regional airport -Long Beach harbor, El Toro Marine Corpe Air- Station and Camp Pendleton. The SCAG recommendatin will be subject of a public hearing later this month in: Irvine. • SCAG dropped SantiagQ> Canyon Crom its list because of a critical airs pace anal ysis conducted by the Federal Aviation Ad.min.iatrati.on. The FAA said operations at Santiago Canyon would cause severe oonflicta with IUJ'l"OWMiing airports, includin1 Ontario In t.ema tional. One member of the blue ribbon panel, William Ballba~ an executive at Bec kman INtn.unenta. said he found the FAA airspace analysis bard to believe. ~ "I have IOl'Oe computer expel1l at Beckman who could solve ~ problem. •• Ballhat.m said. Blue ribbon member Hent"J ~managing pu1nel' of c .J. SegerstrOJt> and Sons. developers of South Coast P1ar.a,, said a regional airport is needed in Southern Caiifornia an4l should be located in Orang~ County. :· He said Southern California it- on the verge of becoming , burgeoning trade center. ~ Segerstrom emphasized that supervisors should not look at the airport issue aa a "political liability " and take a "atat.esmanlike" approach to the airport siting issue. "Let us be painted as the villains," commented Ballhaus. Massage parlor faces court closing ~ . Costa Mesa officiala have won a court order that calla for the closure by Aug. 6 of the Atlantia massage parlor on Harbor Boulevard because it lacks a conditional uae permit allowing it to operate. 0ranae County Superior Court Judge 'l'homaa Crosby Jr., who ialued the preliminary injunction .Monday, delayed implementation of hia order until August to give INDEX A4 84-IS AG 82 OM BS B3 0. A12 87-1 Cl·lS B2 SPORTS owners of the massage parlor time to either appeal his deci8ion or apply for the proper city permits. Two yeara ago, the city's PlaMihg Cornmleaion and Oty Council rejected a conditional U8e permlt for Atlantia a nd ita operator, Loe Angeles College of Physlca) Therapy Inc. A uistant City Attorn e y (See MASSAGE, Pap AZ ) B2 B2 87-8 A.3 B6,Dt-.~ Dl-4 • A14 87-8 A2 A.3 .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIWtdnMdav, Juty 14, 1111 billion phone boost sought SAM J'aANCllO() (AP) -In monthly N.idmUal DhoNt billla 1uch H home phonea anu the buk: rate up $7 60 tht a mow that could add up toe '32, lnc:ludJ.nl toll calJa and other 1wttcbboarda . An AT&T (averqe) bill= SoM io'$39.60. a month to nllkllnUal and ....w.. 1ublidlary would handle 1uch "We •Ull t•l It 11 l&nportant bullne9 phone bWI, a Pacific The rate appllcatJon wW IO to ~· that t.elephon• aerv{ce be Telephone Co. ottidal aaya a rate the •Ute Public UUUUt1 When people hear ratet may univeraal ln Callforrua. The lncNue o1 up to tl bWJon will be Comml11lon. A decl1ton, Hfd be doubledbJib•y Immediately lifeline and (bua!MM) Mrvice 90U1ht within MWral months. O.nnl1, probably would come think ~. De~ !rd ~i:fe<fJ rates wW be available for a Sona, Tohn O.nnl1, u1l1tant vlce late next year. 11Y to ..,.., · t long time ln C.Ufomia." prwident of recula~ ~. The company alto wanu to aald Tuaeday he dJdn t tb1nk the recover revenue 101t over a tncreu. would be that hlah, Federal Communlca tlon1 nou.n, that the rate propoul 1tW Commluion rulin1 that taket la -~ formulated. 'n\e t2.60 effect Jan. 1 ln which P.Ofic 11 fe 11 n • rat• m a)' Io up Telephone will not be able to eell moderatelv, he aaid" The averaae or leue new terminal equipment: Crash vit!tim Lisa Gerlich • services set F\meral eervlces will be held Saturday for Liu Oarlich, 18, of Huntington Beach, who was kllled Sun day In a tra6flc accident near Parker, ArU. Services are tcheduled at noon at the chapel at the Peek Family Colonial Funeral Home, 7801 Bolaa Ave., Westminater. Lisa. a aenior at HuntinRton Beach High School this year, was riding with three friends when the car ran off the road and overturned and she waa thrown out, a relative said. From Page A1 DUMP • • • the flnal report untll last Thunday. ''There a.re almply too many unanswered queatlons," complained Co1ta Mesa Councilwoman Nonna Hertzog. She suggeated that the imposition of any landfill fees be po1tponed until July 1, 1983, to permit cltie1 time to renegotiate contracts with rubbtah collection finns. Under the board's action, the fees are tcheduled to go into effect ln 90 days. Superviaora refused to delay implementation of the fee achedule. saying a postponement would eerve no pupoee. Council action The Newport Beach City Council took the touowma action this week: BANNING RANCH: Decided to put the controversial $124 million project in West Newport Beach on the November ballot, following a successful referendum drive by angry homeownen. Council members Paul Hummel and Don StraWI& voted no. VIDEO GAMES: Approved a stringent ordinance that will ban the electronic machines within 1,500 feet of a school and prohibit yonungsters under 18 from playing before 3 p.m. or after 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Holidays exempt. Councilman John Cox Jr. voted no. FUN ZONE: Decided to continue the public hearing on the proposed three-story Cape Cod-style commercial and restaurant complex until the July 26 meeting. TIME-SH ARING: Voted to draft an ordinance prohibiting time-sharing projects in the city. Councilman Cox abstained. -Deir ............ _, ............ INJURED MOTORCYCLIST James Dickinson 35 of Mm Garlich la 1urvived by her mother, Bar bara Petera, of Huntington Beach; father, Bruce Garlicn of Co1ta Meaa, and brother, Greg Garlich of HunUngton Beach. "We could study t.hil report from Engin~ Sciences (the conaultant) far into the future. But what would we gain?" asked Superviaor Harriett Wieder. CONDO CONVERSIONS: Delayed a decision on an ordinance that would allow the conversion of some apartments until a decision is reached regarding the legality of council members voting. Most of them own , condominiums in the city. Newport Beach was' aided by Costa Mesa fire~en 'and paramedics following a collision with a truck at Bay Street , and Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa at 7:30 this morning. He was taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital and later released. Arrests decrease at OC Fair ~\ ,,.,-.. Continued sfol'ies Sheriff's de puties patrolling the Orange County Fair arrested fewer than a dozen people during the laat two days, following a weekend that resulted in the arrest of 103 fairgoen. MASSAGE PARLOR ... Lt. Wlatt Hart said that about half o the arrests at the fairfrounds in Costa Mesa invo ved people suspected of being drunk in public and the rest were minors with alcohol. Eleanor Weaver said it was unlikely the city would now reverse that action. "It would be an exercise in futility" for Atlantis to re-apply, the city legal advisor said. The city turned down the permit request for several ~na. among them insufficient parking for the building at 2112 N. Harbdr Blvd . and the fact that arrestl had taken place there for alleged prostitution activities. But the primary ~. Ms. Weaver said , waa that there was conflicting evidence on who actually operated A tlantis. At one time, it was believed a · Beverly Hills man was the owner of the massage parlor, but officials said they are not certain now who operates it. Beverly Hills attorney Joshua Kaplan , who represented Atlantis and Los Angeles College of Physical Therapy 1nc., was not available for comment on what action he plans. Kaplan could go to the state 4th Di1trict Court of Appeal before Aug. 8 and win a further delay ln Crosby's ruling. The Orange County District Attorney's Office also filed a lawsuit against the massage parlor in late May seeking to have it closed down because of alleged prostitution activities. That action may now be mooi, Ms. Weaver said. None of the arrests 90 far have resuited from serious incidents, he aaid. , "'Y{e want people to know that we will not tolerate ~on of alcohol by a minor or rowdinea," said Hart. "It's a family oriented fair and we're going to see that they enjoy themaelves." Proposal loses LOS ANGELES (AP) -The City Council defeated a proposal to seek voter approval to tax videogame arcade operators $250 a machine. Councilman Hal Bernson sponsored the measure, then voted against it Tueeday. Sun, fog mix Temperatures CotUtal o.... tog lal• night eno Mf1Y morning ot'*""-eunny, CoHtel low 93. lnlend 57. -co.t.i high 70, lnlend 80. Weter 87. 8-here, llglll Y8riebl9 wlnd9 1outhwe11 10 to 18 knot• efternoon end evening hourt. 8ou1h to tout'-t wlncf .._ 2 '° 3 teet dec:t'-*IO 10 1 to 2 fMl. Coneidereble IOw cloud.,_ Ind log wtttl onty per11e1 lltlemoon -.mg.. [j.! Suujm~rr • Tllundenlonn9 --·~ •from eouttiern Iowa to 1119 r-'Panhendte end conlinu.d ov.r ...... e end Coloredo todey. Aeln •l•o tell In Wltcontln, ~. ldeho Ind llllnole. Storm• elao were wldely ..ner9CI from Flot1dll to V1fVlnlL F* '*"' CO¥S9c1 muc:fl of 1119 ~ Plelna, tfle 8olltt!welt. the Dellota Ind • bend "°"' H E lend to th• lower Ve/Mff. y tkl•• oovere d th• ll(W1hem Pedllc CoMt. Slow-moving thunder1torm1 dwnped r-vy ,..,_ end hell on •atttrn NebrHka, downing • •po-rlln• In Petertburg end :oromptlng e ftelh..floocl ~ ...... ~ 9'lllecl oul of .. ..... : Mof'9rM'I-~--.. l'I I ISpl V*t ... C at L•kM, from Flortfa to ~ and "'°"' MonWle to .. ~~ PMllc eo.t. ~ Tamc::,:!ur .. •round the t.-on daMt r.,..o from •II Ill Fott 1AMm. W8lfl~ to M In ....,.._ML California ' • NATIOM .. Lo~ 84 54 100 ee 90 ee 05 a& e7 94 70 90 71 85 74 99 70 119 113 90 89 .15 82 58 83 55 ,23 82 88 97 75 711 54 llO 53 81 55 ·~ ea 78 .3o Fronta: Cold ..-Warm .,. OccUted ~ SGtionlrv .. Mi e7 --------------------------------------96 89 81 53 ee ee .50 " 84 82 81 87 70 M ee 82 72 94 91 91 58 ee 88 . 1s 12 12 11 eo " 89 78 58 .03 87 50 .. 68 .08 91 eo S2 SQ 2.50 87 75 .01 8' 73 .01 .. .. 11 72 • 11 17 71 .. •• -., . .. ... . tO • 11 71 11 11 11 .. Mpq..$tP 87 87 Nathvll9 88 63 Newon.nt 97 70 New YOttl 93 72 Norfolk 87 73 No. Pl~ ee 95 Oki• City 89 70 Omehe 87 • 63 OrWldo 83 74 ~ 90 70 "'-'IX t 11 15 P1ttlburotl 83 92 Ptland, Me 99 57 Pt'-'d, Or• 73 se Provldenoe 119 68 AaMigll 88 70 fWIO 85 57 Sett l.llk• 11e ee Sen Antonio lie 72 s-n1e ee 53 Slw'eWCIOrt 93 71 ... ,... 79 ee .. ~ .. 71 11 ,_Tempe ta 78 c~ .. 17 107 IOI 101 12 100 113 • 78 71 100 H 85 82 101 t5 .. 10 12 112 70 11 " 110 90 101 .. • • t1 JO " tO T1 .. IO • 11 n llRf llPllJ ' ·Smog . w~ to oall (tott frM) IOf .............. _______ ...... ~.: ~:Tntalff 'Ce~ ......... -.... ........ MIAIO OOUflllll: "°" 111-4110 ...= ...... 0..: ,..,. , Board Chatr·man B ruce Nestande said the county i1 facing major expenditures relating to waste management. Including landfill acquiaition.a, landfill closures, resource recovery projects and equipment purchases. · County of f.icials ro ject that about $23 million !uf be spent on solid waste management during the current fiacal year. Orange County had been the only metropolitan county in the state not charging landfill users. *** From Page A1 TRASH • • • "It lo o ks viable and economical," said Mattern. The O'Connor Company of Costa Mesa, a firm that builds refuse-to-energy systems, recently presented a proposal to the city's sanitation staff. *** Dumping fees lower for individuals Individuals who cart household discards or yard trimmings to Orange Cou nty landfills will not escape paying a dumping fee -but the amount likely will be modest. The precise amount to be assessed on passenger cars and pickup truc ks containing rubbish ha,, yet to be detemuned, said Sam Randall of the county General Services Agency. But bued on the $7 per ton fee approved by supervisors, Randall said the fee charaed for a half. ton truck load probably would be ~.50. . . .Aaked what the charge on a pa88e08er car with a truckload of diacarda would be, Randall said, "Gosh, I couldn't even guess on that." PARKING METERS: Voted to increase the nwnber of recently installed pennit parking meters in A and B Street lots from 30 to 50 percent so residents can have more parking spaces. Summer swim signups slated Registration begins Monday for Costa Mesa's Summer Swim Class from July 19-30. The SO-minute classes include instruction for tots, beginners, advanced and intermediate swimmers, as well u diving and Paren t and • Free visual aids consultations will be available from July 27 through July 29 at the Braille Institute, Corona del Mar Community Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., • A five-week course in Aikido, a Japanese martial art based o n non-resistance rather than strength. will be offered through the Newport Beach Parks and Recreation Departmel'\1 starting Tuesday. Classes will meet on • Powerobics, a six week self health-fitness class, is offering courses at two Newport Beach locations - the Community Youth Center and the University Athletic Club. Besides aerobics. the program focuses on diet. CanHandler ' Me classes. Cost is $14. The classes will be repeated every two weeks at Estancia High School, Costa Mesa H ig h School and the Downto wn Community Center pools. For more information call 754-5300. Corona del Mar. Referral forms and appointments can be obtained by calling the cenh~r at 320-5771. Tuesday and Thu r sday evenings from 7:10 to 8:10 p.m. at Corona del Mar High School. For further information, call the Parks and Recreation Departinent at 640-2271. weight l oss an'd redistribution, elimination of bac kache, and illness ·preventio n , according to Powerobic officials. For further information, call 752-7903 (University Athletic Club); or 640-2271 (Newport Beach Recreation Dept.). PORTABLE ELECTRIC ·CAN OPENER •ale P.ricecl 119.88 .. lllllEC• WI l>NI ',lll\Y llll \ 11 1'·11.' o Id\ N < o1 ( 0 l JN 1 Y ( I\ l 11 I 1 HNI f, ,' '• '. l N T <) Crean vacations while controversy • continues 1 By JEFF ADLER °' .. .....,,... ..... Republican congreaaional candidate Johnnie Crean may have departed for a European vacation , but the political controversy aurroundln~ his candidacy continues to limrner. GOP official quits, blames candidate's tactics qree to brine up the qu.Uon of ~ Crean endonemen& at tHe meetJna. A men\ber of the San Diego County Republican Central Committee for the past eight years haa resigned rather than endone Crean. And a handful of Orange County Republicans are aaking their GOP central committee to withdraw its endorsement of Crean, who is seeking election to the 43rd Congressional District seat .. San Diego County Repyblican Central Committee member Roeemary Barrett-Smith said she resigned because she did not ' Banning 'unsure' on plan Deve loper Hancock "Bill" Bannine said today that he Is unsure about the financia l feasibility of building the $124 milllo~ p~ject that will now go to a citywide vote. approve of Crean'• primary campaign tactks. Mra. Barrett-Smith .. id ahe quit after hearing Crean defend hla primary campaign du.ring a central committee meeting Monday night. Following the meeting, Crean left for a 11)0nth- lona European vacation. "I felt his arguments were specious," said Mrs. Barrett- S mh h, who also 11 a vice preside nt of the California Federation of Republican W<*\en, southern divi&ion. "I lelt I couldn't support him and the more honest thing to do was resign." She adde d that s he will probably w ork for former Carlsbad Mayor Ron Packard, the aecond-plaoe flniaher ln the GOP primary who ha• announced h{a wrfte-in candid.cy. "Mr. Packard givet these people an alternative to Crean without votlna for a Democrat.," Mn. Barrett-Smith satd. Meanwhile Beverly and Doria Rome of Capistrano Beach and William and Jen Rogers of Miaaion Viejo have asked the O rang e County central committee to withdraw its endoraement of Crean because of his primary campaign exoeeeea. It was a formal complaint by these aame two couples that led to last Saturday's findlna by the party ethics committee that c~ had violated the l)Arty'a code for • eecond \1me du.rfnc the prtmary campalcn. In a letter to county GOP Chairwoman Loia Lundbera. the couple• aak that the party's backint of Crean be dropped becaUM of "\he terioua nature of the vtolatione and the fact that they, ln all probablllty, were a deciding factor in the election." Mn. Rooee aaid ahe and her husband wrote the letter because the ethics committee action stopped short of recommending t h e party withdraw Its endorsement. "W e weren't aatiafled," ahe said. "We thought they should have gone further." Mrs. Lundberg aaid the Faced with a referendum, the Newport Beach City Councn Monday decided to put the embattled Banning project on the November ballot. They could have voted to kill iL Banning, president of Beeco Ltd., said he views the council's decision as an "emphatic reaffinnation of their plan.'' TRASH FOR CASH -Trucks like these dumping rubbish at the county's Coyote Canyon Landfill in Irvine will be charged fees ..,,... ......... beginning in three months. City officials aren't happy with the fees, which they claim will raise trash collection bills. In March the council approved a cornpromi&e plan to build 379 homes and as much as 400,000 squ are feet of office and induatrl•l development on 76 acrea in west Newport Beach near Pacific Coast Highway and Superior Avenue. County approves dump fees Landfill users will be a11essed $7 per ton for b"a&h The council's decision last March disappointed Banning . who had wanted to build 750,000 square feet of office and tnduatrial development and 239 homes on 75 of the 500 acres owned by Beeco. Janortna pleas from numerous city leacfera, Orange County aupervt.on approved fees for uaen of county-owned landfil1a Tuaday. Under the fee schedule, landtw u.ers will be charged $7 per ton of material depoeited. A $1 per ton s.~Jrcharge will be *** aaaeaaed for certain "hard to handle" materiala. Rubbish taken to county - operated transfer atatlom for aut.equen.!a::Sr. to 1andfilb will be at a rate of $10.50 per ton. Repreaentatlvea of aeveral cities u~uocesslully requested *** that aaperviaon delay action on the landfill fee procram. Several claimed au_perviaora were acting too hastily In the wake of a conaultant'a report in which th e fees were recommended. City leaden said they were W\able to get a copy of (See DUMP, Pace AZ> He said today that the $12 million in road improvements and park impr-ovements he is being aaked to pay, along with the reduction in the commercial area, could force him to scrap the plan. "U we can we'd like to be able to do it because we think it would be good for the community," said Banning. Newport considers burning rubbish *** Trash costs will go up in Costa Mesa Banning said he hopes to reach a decision within the next few weeka regarding the economic feasibility of the plan. He will then meet with homeowners. Angered by the council's approval of the project in March, homeowners formed a group known as the West Newport LegWative Alliance which led the tlUCCleSlful referendum drive. Louise Greeley, leader of the group claiming to represent 9,000 residents, said that they will meet soon to decide what coune to take now. She said she is confident that there will be enough citywide 1Upport in November to repeal the controvenial project_ Season unchanged PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - The Oregon 'Fish and Wildlife Commiaaion will leave the ocean aporta fishing 8ealOI'\ unchanged until it has a clearer picture of bow many f.ish are available. City officials in Newport Beach are studying the po98ibillty of building a refuse-burning power facility in the city. City manager Robert Wynn said it was a coincidence that an eight-page report on the subject was released to City Council members one day before the county Board of Supervisors decided to impose new dumping fees at county landfills. "It's been the city's desire for two years to go from waste to a refuse energy system," said Wynn. -Unlike most cities in Orange County, Newport Beach handles its own refuse collection and hauling, using property taxes and cannot increase user fees in the face of the county's new $7 per ton dumping fee. Wynn estimated the new fee would coat the city $250,000 this year. Mayor Jackie Heather sent a letter to county officials urging them to hold ott the fees, but county supervisors refU9ed and BUSINESS Cl~ar as crystal Waterford crystal haa been famous for hundred.a of yean. but the pretent factory has been in operation. only since 1951. Page Cl. NATION Home ,,.,.,. se" probe WASHINGTON (AP) -Armed with new 1ep1 ~--,.=.~-==--=~ uMd coaln.e .-.d othen may have •n111ed In hmPPIUAI .. with'-'·• ...... llaolr hi die waler al SF • the new costs are to go into effect in 90 days. The city report estimates that it will cost $12.5 million to build a truh and sewage burning energy plant capable of handling the city's daily 100-150 tons of refuse. U such a facillty was built today the city could expect to receive $855,000 this year from the conversion of the city's trash to electricity that would be aold the Southern California Edison Co. Concern over the expected cloaure of Coyote Canyon landfill prompted the study, said Wynn. U the UnclfW WU abut down ' Newport Beach could expect to pay more to haul lta trash greater diatanoea. WyM admitted that he expecta to face heavy oppolition from homeowners regarding the waste-energy facllity In the city. About three acres would be needed. No site haa been choee.n . COUNTY eo.ta Mesa property owners can expect to pay at least $30 more annually in refuse fees u a result of a deci8ion by the county Board of Supervisors to impoae dumping fees at its land.fills. Bruce Mattern, manager of the Costa Mesa Sanitation District and the city's public services director, warned that the $30 figure Is only preliminary and could go much higher. "We recogniz.e that gate fees are probably needed," said Mattern. "We can no longer expect that kind of service free." The city contracts with Oreo Diapoea.l Co. to handle the 82,000 tons of refuse generated annually. Meanwhile, Mattern said, the city ii g iving "serious consideration" to a proposal to build a wute burning fac:Wty in the city that w ould convert refuae to electridtv. (See TRASH, P .. e A!) Childrens Hot1J!ital aided Nine membere of the Balboa Bay Club ln Newport Beach have fom*9 a fund-ndaina group to aid Childrena Holpital of 0nnce C-ounty. l'"age A8. Tilling die Irvine Nil FamWe9 in the lrvtne ........ _... *k to the '°'1 and powinl their own vbtMI. p.,_ Bl. • question of Crean'• party endonement would not be railed at next week'• central committee meeting unleta It la breeched by oommittee memben. "It ·bu been thoroughlr, throuah the ethics committee, ' Mra. "Lundberg said. "It haa already been tried and deliberated and it is a completed matter."· She added that she would be reluctant to have the central comm ittee override ethict comrnl ttee recommend a tiona becawie "we would be clouding their effectiveneee.'' ~· !..undberg said she would be • h lfhly surprised" if any centr e committee members "U a member choee to put It on the floor, it probably would be referred back to the e thics committee anyway," ahe commented. Crean wa a accused of employing under -handed and often dirty campaign tactica l.n his primary bid. In fact, all 17 ol his primary opponent• have announced their support for Packard'a write-in bid. Besides Packard, Crean faces De mocrat Roy Archer, o f Escondido, in the general election. The 43rd d istrict Includes portions of southern Orange and northern San Diego counties. Panel backs Santiago for • • airport s1te By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of"IM 0.-, Not 8Wf A "blue ribbon " pane l of Orange County business and indu st ry l ea d e r s has recommended Santiago Canyon east of Oranae as a location for a n e w Southern California regional airport. The panel, in a unanimous action today with one member abs taining, said the Orange County Board of Supervisors s hould immediately e nter negotiations to purchase or reserve Santiago Canyon for .the international-type air facility. The site under study it owned by the Irvtne Company. In its list of reoommendationa, the committee appointed by supervtaora in early 1981 said John Warne Airport should not be nparwied to handle more than the two million travelers per year it currently serves. The committee said that future work at John Wayne Airport shouJd be done strictly for safety, convenience or efficiency. The panel also recommended that supervisors encourage the U.S. Department of Defense. to "senously explore" relocation of Marine Corps air stations at El Toro and Tustin to relieve airspace congestion near Santiago Canyon. Th e committee's recommendations are distinct from thoee generated following a separate study of regional air transportation needs conducted by the Southern California A.seociation of Governments. The SCAG aviation work program committee has. recommended three sites for a regional airport -Long Beach' harbor, El Toro Marine Cotpe ~ Station and Camp Pendleton. The SCAG recommendatlo~ will be subject of a publie< hearing later t his month in; Irvin I e. SCAG dropped Santiago: Canyon from its list because of a critical airspace analysis conduc ted by the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA said operations at Santiago Canyon would cause eevere conflicta with surrounding airports, includina Ontario Int.emaUonal. One member of the blue ribbon panel. William BallhaUI, an executive at Beckman lnstrurnenta, said he found the FAA alnJ>9Ce analysis hard to believe. ____ _A "I have .orne computer expeni· at Beckman who could mlve ~ problem," Ballha\.W said. Blue ribbon member Henry Segerstrorn. managing par1ner of C.J . Segerstrom and Son~ developers of South Coast Plaza, said a re · onal airport is need.ea. in Soutfe rn California ancl; sh ould be located in Orang't County. '• He said Southern Califom4& a. on the verge of becoming •· burgeoning trade center. .•, Segerstrom emphasized thar.. supervisors should not look at the" airport issue as a "political liabilit y" and take a "statesmanlike" approach to ~ airport siting ~ue. "Let us be painted as the villains," commented Ballhaus. Massage parlor faces co.urt closing .. -· .. . Costa Mesa olflcials have won a court order that cal.ls for the closure by Aug. 6 of the Atlantis massage parlor on Harbor Boulevard because it lacks a conditional uae permit allowing it to operate. Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr., who Issued the preliminary injunction Monday, delayed implementation of his order unlil August to give INDEX owners of the massage par1or time to either appeal hia decision or apply for the proper city permits. Two years ago, the city's Planning Commiaaion and City Council rejected a oonclitional U8e permit for Atlantis and its operator, Los Angeles College of Physical Therapy Inc. Assistant City Attorne~ (See MAS.UGE, Pap A!) ' At Your Servk:ie A4 &ro.:ope 82 auane.. 84-5 Ann Landen 82 Calif omia A5 Moviee B7~ Cavalcade B2 National Neww A3 O ... fled 06--8 Public Notices 86,1)4-5 c.omicl B3 Spona 01-4 C..O.war:d B3 Stock Ma.rtsete 85 Dletb~otm X>4 TeleYlelon A14 EdjtoriaJ A12 Tbea .... 87~ J:nlertalrunent 87-8 WeetlMr A2 rood Cl -13 World News AS An Hoppe 82 SPORTS Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Wedne.day, July 1oi, 1882 N NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 4MIOU, ..... , ... ~.,, ...... , ............. .,.,.., ....... , ... ac.,.cr .............. HUOIT , •• CllHlltltAll tfOCI' uc., ................................... ,, ... , Dow Jones Final UP 4.19 CLOSING 821.31 Housing prices to fall 15o/o? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A bank economJlt predicta that interest rates coupled with a court rulJ.nl on assumable loans could whittle 15 percent off the price of housing in California, the mo11t expenlive It.ate tn the nation to buy a home. Ted Gibson, Crocker Bank vice president and aenior economist, estimated that housing prices will drop at least 6 percent in 1982 and another 2 percent or more in 1983. Mortgage interest rates, now about 16.5 percent, could fall to 14.5 or 15 percent by mid-1983 and lo 12 or 13 percent by 1985, he aaid. However, if interest rates remain at the 16 percent level, home prices could drop by as much as 15 percent by 1983. Gibson said. -Irvine firm's earnings· off Alpha Microsystems of Irvine reporta lower earnings with net income of $24,601, or l cent per share, for the quarter ended May 31. Income in the corresponding 1981 period wu $289,817, or 16 cents. prior lo the cumulative effect of an accounting change, which brought net income lo $379,817, or 21 cents. Sales fell to $5,363,251 from $6,207,487. Alpha Micro designs, manufact.ures and marketa microcomputers. June retail sales drop By Tbe A11odated Pren F.conomists counting on consumers to pull the economy out of recession were dismayed by the government's latest report on retaH sales, which showed many shoppers stayed home in June. The Commerce Department said Tuesday that retail sales, incJuding those of cars, plunged l.~ percent in June from the month before. It was the sharpest drop since October and followed a revi8ed 2.7 percent sales gain in May. Auto sales declined 6.9 percent. . . .. 'd D-'--rt r~ ... i.. "It's not an encouraging SJgn, sai nuuo: """"&'•• vice president of Data ~ Inc., a Lexington. Mass .. consulting firm. ''If July and August follow suit with new declines, then I'd say we're in trouble." Realty meeting planned Jim Wood, president of Unique Homes, Inc., Corona del Mar, will discuss the real estate market at a meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Irvine Coat C-ount.ry Club. For information, call 675-6000. Valley chamber plans Expo The Fountain Valley Chamber of O:lmmenle will present its third annual ".Business Expo" July 27 from 11 a.m. lo 2 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, Costa Mela. Chamber members will display products and 9ervices.. For inf onnation call 962-4441. • STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT HEW YORK CAPI· S.t.I, J pm Drke -..... C ..... Oii IN mi..., m<KI ectlft Hew Yor• SloO EaclWI-l•WM, t redlno rwitOOMllr •I mofe II>.,. '' EUOl'I J 1,030,.00 1.... "9 IBM 1,00IAOO .. .._ • "- Amer T& T 116,.00 u 1 Sld()jte.! )'1),JOO """ •I AllctSl" ffO,Q 11.. • "" CIGNA Cp " J7',«IO J1\o • '-S•nt•Felnct •S4.IOO I~ I( m•rt ~.«IO 110,. -.,. BellyMlq 427,Q 2'~ -t ~~~~ ;:::: 1~~ -1\'t Unit r.c11 •7 ,IOO _,.., • "" T•llCIY JIJ,100 2' ._ AllA1<1'111d •.400 J6h • 1"1 Gennett 171,400 3' UPS AND DOWNS Pct. Otf IU Off tU Off tCU Off 10.1 Off u °" f.1 E 1.1 , .. OH t; Off u Off .., g;; tf °" .. , Off ... °" S.t Oft t' = s.: I~. METALS NEW YOAA (A~ -Soot nonNrraul "*., prloM toclq. c...., ~71 '*119. pound. u.s.. deetlnetlone. &.Md 26-21 centa • pound. ZlllC 37-40 ctrll•. pound,---... n. SI. 10H ~ w.-COl"POll9 lb. ~ 7S.n oem. e pound. N.Y. __, $370.00 ps ..... ......,_ 1254.001toy Oil., N.Y. SILVER Hendy & Hermen, Se.no per troy ounce. ' . ..