HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-17 - Orange Coast PilotSLICED tN HALF -Remains of Peter Garrison's Bel.f-designed and built airplane rest on runway at John Wayne NrJ>ort after being sliced in two by another plane that wu nurWed into airp6rt after losing power Friday afternoon. Garrison was holding between runways because of Dlllf ......... ~~ ...... emergency lituation when bia craft waa hit. He .:aped. aa did three occupanta of powerlee1 plane. c.ommuter planes were able to uae airport after crash. but oomrnerdal jet traffic wu suspended for .five boun. Coast district hit hard ~y cuts Colleges forced to cut many courses no longer subsidized By PllJL SNEIDERMAN Of' .. Dlllr ...... recreation and hobby courses could reduce the district's a~ to pay for vocational <lOW'9f9 as nunillR and police training. their schedules. "Fcir ua. um 1.s going to .be a ni&htrmre.•• be said. -.. .. . r Crash shuts oc • airport five hours By FREDERICK. SCBOEMEBL "' ... ...., ......... They looked tired and exasperated ~ both the pMlt!ft&el'I clogging the already cramped John Wayne Airport terminal, and the airllne ....-111n'8Uvee who had to smile even when they didn't want to. At Delaney's -the bar and restaurant on the terminal's 8eCOnd floor -there wasn't a eat to be found. 'Ill.ere wasn't even an extra place to stand. Traffic in front of the terminal was snarled. Cara sat at idle Wlder the hot afternoon sun. No one WU aoinR anywhere Friday ~at the alrport Commerdal aitmlft operations were suspended immediately aft.er a 2:-0 p.m. taxiway oolliaion involv(ng two light planes that clmed the main runway for five houn. '!be airport reopened at 7:37 p.m. Authorities said a C.essna 210 with three persons aboard developed fuel flow problems over Irvine and Jllided to the airport where pfiot, Richard Kroij. of Laguna Niguel, hoped to land safely. A second aircraft on the ' round was struck and ita uaelaJe severed. The pilot e.c&ped injury. Friday afternoons are among the busiest periods at the airport. On the television terminal that lilts AirCal arrivals and departures, six entries weren't followed by the familiar 'on time" or '1delayed." Instead, monit.ol' read "See . Agent... oc '-Canc»Ued'* Ott .. Via 8uL" A1rCal and three of the other four jet alrlinea that serve Orange County were affected by the airport closure -the Jal:leMt aince an A.irCa1 jetliner crUh- landed in February 19U. Only_ Frontier Airlines. which operates two fllghta daily from onnae County, and commuter carrten. were unaffected. AirCal was forced to bold fllghta in Laa Vepa and Phoenix and reroute one flight from the San Francisco Bay Area to Ontario. · Pueengien then came by bua to Onnae County. Republic Alrllnes •• forced to send three Wpta to Ontario. Pacific Sout6weat AlrllnH diverted two fll&bta from San Francisco to Long Beach. It buaed Oran1e Couny paa- aencent to Lona ee.ch for the flilbt'• return trip. One airline representative called it a "scheduling nlgbtmare'' 'Much of the delay in reopening the 5,700-foot jet runway wat attributed to (See AIRPORT, Pap Al) Iraq claims repulse of Iran thrust B111M AIMdatM Prw Studenta will find far fewer couraea, and many part-time t.when will find themRlvee out of work this fall ln the Coast Community College Diatrlct, Quu>ctilcr Normart E. Wat.on Mid 'Friday. Watson claimed the coast diatrict is suffering more than otben becauae of I ta broed l"8Jl8e of progranu and large enrollment. Decree ffTould lift Iraq clalmed Friday that it shattered two more Iranian attempts to re.ch lta part dty of Bara ln heavy fJ1btlnf and warned of "~and stl'C>al'' retaliallon f« Iranla ahelltne of dvWan ...,...,... Wat.Ion deecribed the coaat district., which includes ~ c.ou\, Golden West and c.outline colleaea. aa the district hit hardeat by atate legislators' alMblng of $30 million from the 1~82-83 California Community Colleges budget. "fve been in higher education for 30 years," Wataon said. "But I have never had to face a crisis of thia magnitude. It's a crlsi.s that will fundamentally change the way community colleges operate." To make up for the lost $30 million, state comrnunity oollege officials have issued a "hit list" of counes that will no longer be aubcidiu>d by the state. Watson said the cutbacks will have the foilowtng impact in the amt diltrict: '-An estimated 45,000 fewer student eeata will be available at the three coast colleges , beginning in the fall. (A atudent .. t is the place occupied by each student in a single cl.Ma. If all atudenta enrolled in just one c1-, 45,000 fewer would be able to attend coast colleges. A student who takes two claaaes per aemester accounts for two student aeata, and eo forth.) -The state'• refusal to fund certain OOW"llelJ will C08t the coast d1strid an estimated $-t million. -The district will n0 longer tw;ve the funds to pay more than 1.000 of ita part.time inatructon. -The 1011 of revenue· prevtoualy aenerated by 110me NATION He said the coaat diatrlct, which stretches from Newport Beach to Seal Beach and to Garden Grove, ii, per capita. the roost attended.community oollege district in the United States, with about 46 pea::ent. of the eligible population attending~ one of the three comrnunity oolleges. The chancellor said the diatrict is attempting to move some of the non-funded instruction into its community service program, where students will have to pay fees to help a coune pay for itself. Some of the recreation and self-hefp courses that have been stripped of state sut.id.ies had been criticized as frivolous by legislators. Watson refused to concede such a charge. "We have taught thinga like jogging and backpacking because we believe they are important activities." he said. He oonteoded that if people wish to improve their skills in such areas, a community college is the appropriate place to do BO. Watson claimed there were "a lot of better alternatives" the legislators could have chosen other than the $30 million cut. He didn't elaborate on these alternatives. The colleges will continue to charge no tuition for tradiUonal academic and vocational COW'lles, but the chancellor aaid aome education officials AN predjct1ng tuition will be impoeed 1n the fail TV ad restraints ...., ...... ,..... TOUGH TIMF.S -Chancellor Norman WatllOn fl(' the Coast Community College District says fund cutbacks will "fundamentally" change community colleges. of 1983. Bernard Luskin, the new· preaident of Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, said the new state cutbacb are posing a aerioua paperwork problem at bia campus. He said about 15,000 OCC 1tudenta pre-registered for fall ·oounes last~, before the ooune reel• Uon occurred. Luskin aid about 4,000 of tht!lle atudenta enrolled ln at least one of the counes that will be cut or offered only on a fee bMia. He said the colleae la tryinl. to oontllct theee ltudenta to edjuat WORLD WASHINGTON (AP) -The Juallc• Department filed a propc.ed cament decree with a federal ;.adp Friday that would pttVeDt the broadcMt industry froin aareetng to limit the number of commercla1a aired by TV stationa. If a&:,°ved, the settlement could to more ads -and sut>.equent demands that the Federal Communlca lions C<mmllllon atep in. Not only promulgating or enfordn& ,Wdelinee governing the number ,and len1th of canmerdala aiied by TV atationa. it would lift oomtralnta Ol'l the number of products that can be promoted within a 1in1le oommm::ia1. The proposed decree is intended to •We a 1979 antitruat suit flied by the Juatlce Department aaainat the advertilinl atandarda ecotained in the National A9:Jdation of Broedcuten' Televiaioo Code of Good Practkee. While vlewen may think there are already too many commerclala on televilton, the Justice Department ault arauea the MIC>datioll'• code atandarda allow broedcuten to improperly control the amciunt of oommerdal tlme available to advertlaen, thereby artWcally drtvtna up the cost of air Ume. The code la voluntary and adherence to lta t,ovlalona wntially enUUea a ~ 4ia/at raJW Huib . ' BJ:ll\111', Lebman (AP) -PLO chief Y..er Arafat crttldad U.S. dendal envoy PhWp C. IUbib J'rtday far • tb9 Pai.tlnlan llkle" in hla effcr1a to c:rtm. t.o nothing more than the right to display the national ..adation'a Seal of Good Practices. Neverthele!B. it has been wic;lely followed by the industry and by the three major commercial networks. The prop<Jeed repeal of the code's advertising standard• prompted predictions Friday that TV statiooa would begin airing some commercials, ana augaeations the FCC should replace the code with mandatory regulationa. "lt'aa green u.dit," said Samuel Simon of the Rational Otizena O:Jmmiuee for Broadcasting, a public interest group chaired by oonaumer advocate Ralph Nader. '1t mi&ht begin slowly, but rm aure the advertising community ia going to U8e every trick in the book for their clients to get more air time. Logic would ~ it's time for the FCC to step ln." A top comm.imion offidal made it clear, however, that the agency is not h:>cllned to do that. "We c•rtainly don't contemplate adopting atandarda of our own unlela there ia some really aolld ~ to show It's ~ ... aid Randy Nichob, top aide to FCC Chainnan Mark S . Fowler. "Our studies have always tbown. most recently In research on radio, that broedcuten air a:mmen.ia1a at levela below what the code apec:Wea. And we don't expect that to chanp.'' INDEX Cl'"'fled C3-8 Comiaa B6 CzOMWord . B8 Commer>t B8 Death NoUcel BlO Dltertalmnent Cl-2 !40Yilia <::1-2 Public NodcmB?, 10: C3 SPORTS Iran reported Iraq NDt ita warplanH deep lnalde Iran, bambinl a Moalem pnyet' center and other non-military ta,..a and ldll1ng at leMt 78 people. In the Iranian capital of Tehran, crowds took to the 1treet1 to show IUJ>port for Ayatollah Ruhollah ghnmeinl'a "Operation Ramadan" a,aa1mt Iraq. Khomeini called on the Arab world's Moalmw to n.,e 1trikee and other protesta to force their leadera to mobilize "military and economic weapons" to fight Israel and the United States. Iranian fon:ft attempted an advance on Iraqi positions eat of Basra late 'lbunday but were reJ)Ubed and 230 Iranianl were kl1led, Iraq'• newa a~,:? reported. It aid a later advance eMt of the Iraqi vilJ.aae of el-Tlb al8o~thwarted and 39 lraniana An Iranian communique carrled by the Ia1amlc ~ News ~ aid Iranian fCll'Cel had ''succemfull.y lllDMMd" Iraqi oounterottemiwe and claimed to have intllcted 600 CMUaltie8 and destroyed many Soviet..upplied T-72 tanb. "Ou.r forces continue thell' operation um momlna. int'.IJctm8 a beavY defeat on the enemy ana completely de9troyt.na oe enem,y i.nk• and armored penon.nel carriea,'' It aald. addina at leMt 200 Iraqi eoldlera were killed or wounded. Tbe oonfllctlnl cla1ma could , not be independently wrifled. AIRP0RT1 CRASH. • • awa!dnl the arrtYal of N1taonal Tran1portatlon 8af ety Board ln'WltfOtian; Thiry hid to ftaht late afilmOoll l'Ulh·hour tnffto w~ •route hat Lal McWI lnvHUaatora have yet to de~ the cawe ot the Cl'lllh. ' ByewltnHH1 aald KrolJ'• powerl.. atrcralt approached the airport at loW .iutucte over airport-area ~u1lne1H1 and reatauranta, ~acArtbur Boulevard and the north Ue, down u. where private p1anel are pubd, 16He muat bave been only leVen to 10 feet aboYe the tint row of planet," aald David Troup. 26, of Hu:=. Beech. an alrpcn-tia.ci . The Ce11na wu unable to make a tum to land m a runway and tmte.d ltnac:k the ground and bounced on the tarmac 5t~~ dMIWa. I Th• fu1el•1• of th• experimental plant WM ~ Jult '*'1Dd tM ~ ltl ll&t. Petet-o..m.on. as, ot Echo PUie; WM wUnjured. He ta a free:-lance avtatbl wrtter. Ont of two ~ aboard the 0 ... which aJio ..-.ined ~r damaa•. received minor neck tnjur1el. He WM identtned 11 John McClure, a paraplealc. The aecond pa11en1er w• ldentlfted u Jeape Stewart. Airport offlclala permitted the 1horter of the lield'• two runway• to remain open aa firefighten applied fire retardanf foam to aplDed fuel. The dama1ed aircraft were removed from the accldent 8Cene by crane. ' "SEE THE AGEN'r -~ Ucket .,mt Sulie Sheldon tries to conaole P&aenJe!' wh<.e filahtl were held up 'bemUle of 118ht plane cralh Friday aftemoon at John Wayne Alrpor1. Commercial ~t opei:ationa at the .., ..... ,,.....,~~ airport came to a standltill becau.e of the Cl'lllh, which Ued up~'• main runway, the only one that can be uled by commercial jeta. . BJ SIM AIMCiat4NI PNM America and 8audS Aral* .... I tryin1 to perauade Syria to · l • receive Pal .. tlntan perrUlaa :I trapped in llrMll-endrded ~ I Beirut until arranaementa .... m.de for their ctiaplra1 around.. . the Arab WOl'ld, Lebenon ...... l repoMed l'rlday. Such a plan would ntp r at a · new aPPf'C*h to findlnl a home for the Pai.tin.Lana. The Syrianl have re"-' to accept them -a major obetr1* to eYllCU.atil'\a the ..umated 8.000 Paleatlnfan Liberation I Or1antzation perrilJM bottled I ' up ln weat Beirut. by laraell ton. that invaded Lebenon on June 6 to cruah the PLO. United Natlon1 and U.S . , official• Hid Iarael now lf. I permitting aome relief fo<><l:. 11 ahipmenta through ita bkdretle . of west Beirut. · A five-week effort by U.S. · pre1ldentlal envov Phlli~ _C. 1 -::1 Habfb to arruip~-pw'" .. , _, Ovei-night 1esso~s on-Pi grim nixeu S:'t!".'=.,~~::. 1 dow,n over Syria'• refua1 to tab'. County says tall ship replica m. ust mee~ building code ~~in 1ton, Reaaan By PATRIC& J. KENNEDY or .. Dlllr ........ Orance c.o..mty offidU have bumed owmight cl-. on the 11 of the aallina veHel '' moored at Dula Point becau. the ahip doesn't meet modem bu1ld1Jll codea. The 100-foot, two-mMted ahip hM been u.d b_y the Orange County Marine lDltitute atnce October for Innovative and ..u.uc owmight hinlry 1e9lN foe elementary 8Chool children. But county officials have ordered a atop to the overnitbten becau.e they aay the ship doesn't meet modem bulld1ng codes, health standa.rda and fire prevention requirenetta. Thele ~Uona were applied to the PDa:r1m after the U.S. Ccut Quaid nantly changed" the craft'• cJwfflraUan from a aalllni vemel to a permanently moored atructure, placing it under oounty bu1ld1Jll coda County officlala have ruled that the ahip need1 fire aprinklera, amoke detectora, on1hore utility Unea, aewage fadlltiell and electrical hookups. The 90Jutton. they aay, la to ~rmanently dock the ship. Currently, it's moored about 30 feet off the Marine Institute-. Edwards denied change of venue extensive, u clahMd by defeme attomeya. However, after watchin& two hou ra of televl1lon new a llCCOWlta and reedina newspaper atortea of the cue, Fltz.aerald concluded that the covera§e ................ Saytna that preu covera1e Mdn't mm .. ~ 9e!DAUmaI or Inflammatory,' a auperior court Judae l'iiday rejected chfeDH requesta to move a murder trial out of Oran1e OJunty for a tenner ec.ta Me. a.n ,.,c:11.ect of Id.Wac one pi and woundln1 another in Cleveland NatioDal Forwt 1ut September. .. ~ .. ~~:ib~ held without ball In Oran1e County Jail. la acbeduled to go to trial in September in Santa Ana unleH hla attorney• appeal 1''rtday'a deciaion to the 4th District Court of Appeal A BVILDINGT -~~ty say. that ~ the ~upuu II cla111fied aa permanently moored It must meet county building code requirements. Judae Robert R. FltqeralJ admowledpd that ~ of defendant Thomaa Franci! Edward•' cue ha~ beer. Coastal ~-...... 12 to 11 llnoea wfttl3 Stl>OC_ouw....,. ffom on P01n1 Conoeptloft to lante AON lllMd. OtMnrlM lleftt vuM!llte Wide "'9tlt Md "'°"*'O llOln ~ ... to aoutltweat I to 1f llnotl ~ ............ 1tD3 ..... Extenelve low doudll1918 t11rouoti day with onty pertlel lftemoon .... ; .. Fair weekend ..,. tor low douida Ind too lkw'CI OOllll nlgtl'9 Ind '"°"*'Oa-Cooler over Interior todey. etw..of .......... ...,. afternoon In centr81, -.ui.n tMlna. Ex.tended weather 'lMoclkton T"-V..., Tilermaf Torrwa CM.oMIA .. to 102 102 M Le v-. 11 .. 108 70 12 .. .. IO .. 1' 11 11 .. .. T1 -ft .. 11 t01 " 11 .. 71 71 .. t2 • .,. to 14 71 70 1t " 1t .. n 16 M 43 • .. .. 12 ... .. A 70 .. IS a 12 14 • • • Ill to n u 11 .. .. .. 41 "· • .. • ... ~ 11 .. .. 15 12 105 78 108 .. to t7 M 17 82 .. ., f7 • 71 12 ts • f7 ts f7 • IO 12 11 .. • .. ., M 11 • 71 '°2 71 .., " .. .. • t7 .. .. IO = ... 104 .. 11 13 N .. 91 13 11 t2 u 11 12 IO .. 108 .. IO IO • .. .. .. .. '10 .. IO IO IO f7 11 .. .. .. .. .. 74 14 11 11 75 11 11 7t 10 •• 72 71 75 72 13 75 14 72' • • 11 .. • ... 71 .. 11 • 1t 11 11 n .. .. T1 14 Tl 11 " However, the propoaed 1oluUon and new aafety req\drementa are expected to OOllt between $30,000 and $60,000. Meanwhile, auapenaion of the popular overnight ·•eafaring 1emom is oosttna the non-profit Marine Inatitute tbouunda of dollan. Elpecially ooncemed about the aituatlon are official• of the Marine Institute, the Nautical Heritage Muaeum, which uaes the ahip for daytime and evening prosrama, and the Dana Point Marine lnatltute Foundation, which la negotiaUns to buy the vemel.. The ship, fonnerly a Danish achooner, wu modified in 1976 to reeemble the Pilgrim. Stanley Cummings, director of the Marine lnatitute, uya the overnight on-board leaaona account for about 30 percent of ~ lnatitute'a income. He aaya the program neta about $2,500 a month. · He uya offidala of the Orange County Historical Commiuion are inapecting the veuel thu I BEST B ON ALL DI admlnl1trat1on 1ourcea Hld weekend to eee lf it qualifies as a Syrian President Hafez Auad hlltorical ttructure, which would told U.S. diplomata he would 1>9; eue the~ reqUin!menta. wt.Wna to accept the leadenhfp· · f ~ Harbc>c' Ti~ ~ ..._of the PLO and a PLO office 1n o Syria. but not the~ The California coaat where It IOUl'C9. who lmlsted they not be·. oollected caraoes of cowhides. Identified, Mid Aaud'• otter w .. · Author JUchard H~ .~ made 1n recent days and they did waa a weman aboard the Pilgrim not know if It remained hi• and uaed hit experieoces to write current position. the book. "Two Years Before the Syrian Foreign Mlnllter Abdul Mut." Halim Khaddam Hid again More than 3,000 student.a Friday that the refuaa1 to accept between grades four and aeven the-Palettinian fight.en wu final have participated in the and Damaacua radio quoted . Institute'• overnight program A.ad a uyt.ng he would not ~ since it was started in October, give them aanctuary. the Marir)e lnsUtute's Cummings· The Wahington IOUl'Ce9 laid aa1d. Aal8d believed h1a acceptance of the PLO leadership could help resolve the crtaia, but there baa been no Indication that PLO chief Yaaaer Arafat i.a prepared to step down. There la ltill hope in Washington that Aaud might be persuaded to accept aome of the guerrillas. "Instead of just telling kida about aaillng history they get to experience it. It'• one of the most powerful learning experiences rve ever seen." Cummi.ng:s said. He explained that students The Reagan administraUon i.a . row longboat. to the ship apd are d.\vlded into various crews with assigned duties, \.ncl,.udini swabbing the deckf p0Jbhing brua and overnight watches. :~r~~w~ S EV~R ING GROUPSI '\. 48" Swlvel . Castor Dlnlng1 Set R~g. 12095 ~ 1SAU •1 .295 48" DINING SET R~. '699 SAU SJ98 PACIFIC: RATTAN 48" GLASSTOP TABU 4 SWIVeL DINING CHAIRS ~eg. •t682 SAU S1099 ..... •' NI\ 1 IOfJ · · N~YORK -The nation'• poney ~ by lem than expected in the first of July, the Federal Reeerve ~ Fr day. The report led to prediction• of further drope. in interest ratee but wu eeen u evlcience that the ftlC.'le8llon may be Wonenl.J\8. An tncreue laraer ~ the ~.9 billloft' reported bad been expected beca1.11e of the 7.4 percent hike b\ Soctal Security benefitl and becaua of the 10 percent income tax rate cut that took eff~ July 1. nw report left the buic rncoey .,.ppty, known u Ml and includ.lna CMb in drculAilcin and f\mda in checklna-type ~ta. at a aeuonaUy adJuated averaae of $451.3 blWon in the week ended July 7. The money aupply bad dropped $9.e blWon in the ptevloua three weeks, in what tome analysia MW u a ""' the economy WU weakening. 127 erew had wind warning WASHING TON -Just before Pan Am fli&\t 7~ crl9hed into a New Orleans aaburb on: July 9, kW.lna 154, ita crew diacul9ed •' erqeraency and al>ort procedurea and the ca~ laid \he aircraft wu "linkina," an an&ly1l1 of the cockpit voice and flight ~ ahowed Friday. The cockpit crew a1ao was /aware of w¥Jlinp that a low level wind shear - violent ch.ul8es in direction and velocity of winda -had" been lmued, aaid vice chairman -Patrlcfa A. GOldman of llleWaUonal Tranapor1ation Safety Board. The cockpit voice recorder ind!cated the crew requested weather infonnation from air traffic control and performed it.a pre·fll&ht checklist, Ma. Goldman aaid. It;f oon gets l B·month term NEW YORK -The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, spiritual leader of 3 million Unification Church memben worldwide, wu .entenced Friday to eerw 18 montba in pri8on and pay a t2&,000 fine for tax evasion. Moon'.-t~~inanaial aide, Takuru K4m1Yama. 40, w-. aentenced to lix montba in prilori and fined ~.000 by U.S. District Cowt Judge Gerard L. Goettel. Lawyers said both oonvk:tiona would be appealed. · Moon, who could have been aentenoed to aa much as 14 years, wu convicted May 18 of conspiring to evade taxes from 1973 to 1975 on about $112.000 in interest eemed on penonaI benk eccounta; of fa1llng to~ $50,000 in. aharea be received in a profit-makins venture, and of filing tai.e tax return&. Ex-Lockheed chairman slain Vll..LANOV A. Pa. -The retired board ch4Urman of Lockheed Corp. WU abot to death aloiw with bia wife and houaekeeper by lntrudera who broke into their Mam Line. mamion. police said Friday. 'n1e victims were Identified as C.ourtlandt S. Gnm, 77, his wife, Alepndra. 72, and their live-in housekeeper Catherine Vander Veur. 69. STATE A roofing contractor who arrived at the four-acre estate Friday morning di.covered one of the bodies, said Lt. John Sheehan, commanding officer of the Lower Merion Township cfetectives. "He noticed that there wu a body on the floor near the back door of the house," Sheehan said. When police anived, they found three bodies, including ooe near the beck door. ·1NS studylnll sweeps rulln~ : LOS ANGEi .J!S -lnmMpatiml -.nta wen unsure J'riday what they will do about a federal ap·peala court ruling that. placea restrictions on how they may conduct raids ~ at rounding up illep1 a1iena. The 9th U.S: Circuit C.ou.rt of Appeals ruled Thursday in San Francisco that lnUnlgratton and Naturalization Sen-ice -.nta must have a ,......,.hie suspidon" that lDegal aliens are praent in a workplace ~ to conducting a sweep to deport aliens. The court said the pn!leDl prllCtice of entertna a busineaa, stationing agentl at doon and quesUoning worken who appear to be alien violates the 4th Amendment to the Constitutton. "We are still studying the impact of the rWinc but it 8eelna it will aerioualy hamper our ability to seek and remove illegal aliena," INS apoltesman Verne Jervis aaid Friday in Los A.naeles. lleseareh detonations halted . MORRO BA. Y, Calif. -The director of the state Oepariment of Fish and Game said Fdday he haa auapended pennluion for uQc)erwater detonationa by an earthquake refNl'Ch project µntU it ls shown the bluta wqU.ld not damage ftahing. Qwiee Fullel'ton aaid he WU suspending the project'• permit for Morro Bay '"until IUCh ~ • the U~ (U.S. Geololical Survey) .· that wanta the abota done can~~ nec:euary data that ahow it will not be a danger to our fisherlee." The detonations were scheduled for Sunday and Monday. "We have no evidence that thme bi& cbarae9 won'1t hurt the fiaheriea, and where, USGS wanta to ahoot them down the· 200-fathom line is one of our areas for major big fish trawling," he said. $.econd 'llenlus' bank baby due . . • ESCONDIDO, Calif. -A single Loa ~ woman artWdally imprepated with Rilfm from the ~ F.londldo "Nobel s~ Bank" bl expecting the center'• aecond Cf!l4 Aug. 1'4, it was reported Friday. : Afton Blake, 40, a psycbolosist and a ~ of Saluki dop. told the SWlClay Times of LondCJn that ahe tmpresnated benelf ~th the sperm fia:n a computer 9delitist, which had been donated. to the sperm bank. The Amodated Prem attempted to amtact Mm Blake J'dday at her Loa AnpJes office, but waa told by her answering aervice that abe waa in a ae11ion and unavailable for commenta. ~ine injured in turbulence OrMQe OoUt DAILY PfLOTl81turday, Juty i7, 1112 Al . t £oUrthouse upgrade OK' d <:ount:r doesn't wanl date to ta'lie Over a~ue IJ DAVID &VTDIANN ~ 11 a blldrdroP f~ Mwra1 aDtil'OWd by tht u. in Of.............. movMi, tM oJd oourthcKm hat 1D81. • I In a Wet to rMa&n ownenhlp ot bml un-...d for l9Wnl yean. It How•v•!,, a 1uperJ court OMi11e Cou.nty•1 ~ tum· blil Uw CXM11Vocm1. judfe in 1111 Dorado ountf of-the-century courthouM In . An ai&uiW 8-ton'• pn>paMl ••r ler tbl• year b oclleit Santa Ana, the Board of WM mMDt to._.w the county a tmplem•n•atton of • bllJ SuP,frvlaora haa ttntatlvel1 .. bupln.tna cbfp" 1n ltl effor11 to beca'* it failed to P.lbllc ·~ ~ ta mUJJon to pnwnt ttie mte from tald.nc funda for the law and uiiilride dwt buJldlnc if the ttate aver owntnhlp ol the buUdtna. other material the a Pfllat.e ._.. part of it for appeala ClOW1 Bo\h ~ SSWP' and 0. ).llUcel would need. bnnctl. eiC)' of Su\ta AN have objected It wu oriclNUY p1lpned to '!be boerd'a ~~-to plant they feel would have the law Ubra.-y fundi9d al)Ur'l'ed by ltOladcn In Jeope.rd1a the oow1hou.e'a value throuah private do~iatton• Secnment.o tliah allow \be at an important hi at or i c totallnc about '200,()0C), $'9 to tab p: rr mtoe ol 1he landmark ln Oranae 4banty. Of6da1a aaid state l\lllllllllia L« 'lindatcne atructvn to home a Stanton'• ~ lll to meet with the law boob la coo In new fou.r-julUce dlvWon o1 the Auemblyman RoblMOn next CalJ.tomla'a current DU0811. 4th Dia~ Court of Appeel. week to aee it he would A Robinaon aide i Tb• b 111, authored by withdraw hill JeslalaUon in favor earlier thia week that ~ RJcbaM Rob&nlon. of 1entJ11 the county keep the red had taken a neutra1 D.Qerden Grove, II ICheduled tandltone at.nact\11'9\ restore it reprd to the state'• f« key bearlnp before a state and .__ part of lt to the atate. tabover of the ...,.,,.,.,,.,,,,._ Senate commi~ the firlt week The Garden Grow lawmaker'a B u f t h e • u p e r of Aucust • bill would call I« the state to indicated Friday they County otfk:ia1I aald the law apend the $3 million-plus It like to aee the lsJOO- allowa the ltate to mu.:Te in an would take to rehabWtate the building remain in coun ownera of the bulldln1 on building. A Stanton aide Mid the theory that countlea are The :Aa•embly already haa structure could be agenclea of the atate and all approved Robinson'• blll. The appeala court while o county-owned property ta Sen ate ' 1 Government the building are rea ftfectively hekl in lt\l9t for the Oraaniaatloru Commlu.a ia nu.&8eum a1ao could be.edabllllbt!d state. acheduled to hold hearino on the there. Friday'• ac11on. which came in meuure Aua. 3. Tbe l>W will ''Thia give. ua an ~ty the midat of budaet hearlnp for then go to the Finance to discuss •lternativ (wlth the county'• 19~2-83 1pendlng c.ommlttee and on to the full Robinaon)," a county aaid. elan , waa proposed by Senate before the end of Title to the cour houae Supervbor Roaer Stanton. summer, If no complications property la held by an entity 1'he boara unanimoualy an.e. known u the Oranae ~.!'L. approved his request to transfer The appeals court branch for avtc Center Aalcia~ w $3 million from a harbors, Orange County -which leaes the buJld.ing to county. beachel and park improvement attorneys have long 1naiaed ia However, deputy coun counael fund to rehabilitate the~ badly needed because of the Laurence Watton 1 d , the so it meeta current fire ana felkm'a growth aa a J.ecal nerve county h conslderjed the earthquake safety standards. center ln California -w.aa "beneffdal owner." 0.-, ................ FAIR KIDS -Steve Connally, 3, of Hwitington Beach and Tanya Barria. 3, of Irvine u.ed tbetr West.em garb and wtnnint llDils to earn the Utlea of duke and ducheM of the . Tiny Tota Royal Court at the Orange County Fair. County fair heads into 'last weekend This ia the final weekend for the Orange County Fair in c.o.ta Meea. Tonlaht, the Llmellters perform at the Amphitheater at 7 and 9 p.m. On Sunday night, the Beatles look-alike founome, ''Rain.'' ia the featured act at the Amphitheater. They will perform at 7 and 9 p.m. The Championship Rodeo held in the Grandatand continues through the weekend. Today's perfonnancea are at 4 and 8 p.m. On Sunday rodeo eventa are et for 3 and 7 p.m. Events slated for both days are the International Lumberjack ahow at _J , 4, 7 and 9 p.m .; Country l'\ln contests at 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 p.m.; Fun&-A·Poppin Circus at 1, 3, 5, and 8 p .m .; Crafts Demonatrations held all day; Gourmet Gallery at 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 p.m .; Livestock Fun Conte1t1 3 and 4 p .m .; Monteauma's Rovenge at 7:30 and 11 p .m .. and Hypnotist Vandenneide at 8 p.m. AdmJlaion to the fair is $4 for adulm and $1 for children 6 to 12. Children under 6 are admitted free. Parking is $1. The fairRrounda are at Fair ' Drive and Newport Boulevard (Route 5&) and are open from 10 a.m. to midnight both days . Daaiiiii. Supervisoirs • nix consuqier affairs un t . j 4 • I ~, ' l ! I ON DISPLAY -Sculptor Seward Clark of La Mirada creates at Arts-A-Fair in Laguna Beach. The fair, as well as Sawdust Festival ,.., ,... ...... ., a.tie ... and Festival of Arts, la open daily in Laguna Beach through Aug. 29. Senators slated on Sunday shows . ·PRESENTS OUR DYNAMITE 9~~ ..... Regen-ts nix stanll on nuke freeze T h e following g uest• are 1eheduled on S unday'• major network television Interview ahowa: -NBC'• "Meet The Preu": Seu. Alan Cranaton. 0-C.all.f., and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. Live from Waahineton at 12:30 p.m. BREAKFAST: :~f;J • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - University of California regents, who oversee two nuclear weapons research facilities, refused to take a position Friday on the Idea of a nuclear freeze, 1 sayiJlg it was none of their business. Regents Yori Wada and Sheldon Andelson asked the board to seek an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union to "halt the testing, production and further deployment of all nuclear weapons, rniasi.lea and delivery systelns." However, \he matter never came to a vote aa the regenta decided 11-5 in a show of hands that it .would be out ol order for them to consider wh at Wada l;>U"' AL T. CUlil~t: Royal t:hamp.,n• Brunch '7 .95 10:30 to 2:30 -673-3322 NewportBe~ Ch11np1gn1 Buffet Brunch '8.9& Sunday I run ch '4.75 $5.SO With a..,.. ...... llllAY 111•1 II TIE WATlllFllllT 11, ... 4,. F9aturln1 H_,.,,.. Roncheroa admitted was a "aensitive and controveraiel" Ulaue. T h e reg ents oversee Department of Energy nuclear weapons rmearch labontoriea in Livermore and Los Alamoa. -CBS' "Face Th e Nation": Sen. Henry Jacbon, D-Wuh. Uve from Waahington at 11:30 a.m. '(' . Salard1y1 8 AM lo 11 ~ -ABC'1 '"This Week With David Brinkley'': No guest announced. "I think it (the vote) took tome of the regents off the 1pot," said Wada, w ho does not plan to reintroduce the matter. Upccminc Sunday on CBS' "eO MlnuW' all rebroadcuts: Repor11 on Chineee ~. a oemonblp battle lnvolvtna a library 8Dd ~ Iniemational 548-2224 3300 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Buffet By The B•y CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH '9.95 ($4.95 UMlet 12) s.turday 11 to 2:JO ,SWMtay 10 to 2:30 &timNJ»at On TM WM9t'ffoftt lrt Udo .......... l ....... leaoh 11M1M ALL YOU CAN EAT . I Sunday Champagne Brunch 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 16.95 ...... •4.95 GIWna · Seating A•ailable For ~ Group. THE· JOClft CLUI Hltl.litatll CllTlm& m.-. OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Olla., ••• ,,,,,,,,, ''·'' 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATUIDAY ... lllAKrAll I A.M. to 1 1 A.'M. llOI O.llt hy. 548-2224 ............. Sooday Brunch & Jam Senion DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 r••••••••••••••••••••••··---• ORIENTAL CHAMPAGNE: : BRUNCH : • • : 11 :30 To 2:00 • • : •7.IJO : ~--························· &: NMWU WM lmponant •'beee1.11e then have been rwnon around the lot that .... (Ma. Lanllnc) w.t fired.'' Oov. Mm• 8'"9 Jr. oroclaliMd the 213th annlvenary ol FaU1er Jaalptro 8trra•1 e1ta))ll1hmtnt of ~San Dl• Abla, 11to IM.-day of · Joyou1 celebration commemoratln1 t.alifomla•• hlat.orklal btrthday and the work ol Spanilll mJllAontri• who did 80 Abbie Boffm••t .• 19601 1tud~nt much to eettle C.Ufornla over 200 YNn l'll<llcal. le ie.vtna hll job u national qo.'' 1pokeunan for • two-nation aroup created to protect the environment of tho A11er KIJ1 loet a court petition to St. t..wrence River -and the move wu overtum h1a perjury convtctkln 32 years explained three different ways. ago arlaing from hl1 denlal1 of Hoffman announced his resignation, involvement in espionaae for the Soviet attributing it to conflicta with other Union during the 19308. membera of the steering committee of U.S. Dl1trict Jud,. Rtcllard OwH the Save the River organization and rejected claims throu1h which th• accuatna them of being "afraid to attack former State Department offidal and the power structure." adviser to President Fraaltlla D. t..ter, however, he said in a radio Roosevelt aoutht to e9tabliah he wu interview that h1a job wW be ellminated deprived of a fair trial. ln a restructuring of the group during ill ,., .... .,. ..... annual meeting th1a weekend. Gov. Jay Rodefeller swapped tale.of The third explanation came from a MATCHMAKER -Suzanne want ads of the two-year-old Publicity spokesman Rlcbard Scott id announcement of the contract ~rnaw: v~J:' t:c!~~00v1~~ ~e:c:i~~~~dt J~tt~ iabr.~ ~~~:·ot2in ~~: r!1~~1:~?~e~i~ ~~f~~~i~~~d~rs~ti~~ce~=~ reca1lin8 a time of lkinny dlppln8 and and needa a rest." hoping e1 will find love in the Mr. and Miss Right. ,..,, ?Jtaei"'d ?eetJta11ea11t .. •· SUllDIY BRUllCH 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. FEATURING FRESH SUMMER FRUIT Along With Other Great Items Complimentary ChfmP,agne .FIVE POINTS LOCATION ONLY 18603 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH • 892-5811 848-2372 PU·BLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY A FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL ~R, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME ·Don't miss this Important salel Ane China, Crystal, Porcelains, Bronzes, European FumHure, Otis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including fine watches, solltalre diamond r1nga, earrings, gold chains, ciuster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. '----------------------------~----, 1. f • i SALE ll6HT IGeECTIOlt , I• Frl 16th • t 17th 2:00 P 1l -5:00 PM. I t ~·'I r.-1 18th a 30 & 7 -8 P .M. Sale ftichts ,)Ula, ' : p.m. Property of-several prominent Leisure World r.esldents. together with Inventory of well-known ~.A. jewelry In financial trouble. Also. out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Co~ner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) Newport Beach CON810NMENT8 ACCEPTED '11L 5 P.M. YMCA L-----------~ i COUPON i iDAYSi I 6000 DlltlNG U. Y I ----.. --------r··-·--·····-···------------------1 AEROBICS : : FREE' FITNESS CLASS : 's • M-W-F SAM, 9:15 AM, I noon, 5~30 PM : ··--·---·-···················-----~ ·WEIGHT TRA•G · ~ ..... ----------iiiiiiiiPiiiliiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiii' Davls.OBrow_. \\\Yl.l SAVINGS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ON ALL NAME BRAND TELEVISIONS, APPLIANCES, VIDEO TAPE RECORDERS AllD BIG SCREEN TV's SAT. 9-6· SUN. 12-4 MON. 9-9 SAT. 9-6, SUN. 12-4, MON. 9-9 [-:c-J ------·....:---~~FRIGIDAIRE SAVE •50 llOW OllLY $ 26" lllMUL IEIS. •XllOO •ELECTRONIC TUNING •BLACK MATRI~ PICTlltE TlllE LARGE 14.0 cu. ft. REFRIGIRA TOR •100% FROST PROOF • REFRIGERATOR LIGHT • MOLDED EGG STORAGE -• REVERSIBLE DOORS • ELECTRl-SAVER • MAGNETIC DOOR SEALS RCA XL-100 25" ~ 95 I i ·' RCA a Hr. VCR : ·~m-£"&, •SEARCH •REMOTE PAUSE $54911 llLY . I GE PORT. VCR I-Hu VHS Portable Video Recorder •UGHT WEIGHT •SCAM •PAUSE o•u'82911 SAVE '100 FlllllDltJIE FREEZEI •16 cu. ft. •Poot Ltd . •Miene& o.at s-. s3999s SAVE '30 b Orangt Oollt DAILV PILOT/81turdey, July 17, 1911 l l ' .. 1,,0S ANOBLIS (AP.) -Olorlt Allred rernembtn atandlna on OW t.wn ., her 1974 lew 1ehool araduat.lon and havtl'\I a prof.-or .. her If the ~Ually intended to practk• law. ''Thett were •till quite • few .. u.mruona that a woman mJ1ht ao throulh law tc:hoo but they aaswned ahe wun't aotna to oractk'e. that ah .. would then get marrled, and ft would all have been a uaeleu experteMe," Ma. Allred aald. Wlth the moniker ''femlnilt attorney" almolt a flxture ln front of her name, Ma. Allred hu dlaproved any such aaumptiona -Jt leut ln her cue -by becoming one of tHi most viaible women'• rights activilta ln Southern C..Ufcunla. "I don't thlnk anyone ahould be practlcln,a t.w or ahould be a judae lf that penon la not a femiil11t," she said durhli an interview at the mid-Wilshire office where her eight-member law finn is located. A "fetnlni1t.'' Ma. Allr~ believes, is a peraon who beheves tn legal, social and economic equality of women w1th men. U pholdmg those views in ALLMD rec~nt years has pilted. her agamat an array of prominent adversaries, among them a federal judge who said women "obviously have a different temperament than men;'' the exclualve L '{)raru[erie restaurant where only the menus given to mennad prices listed; the Rams cheerleaders, who didn't ask men to tryouts, and the Los Angeles County sheriff's department, accused of shack.ling pregnant inmates during labor. However, Ms. Allred's most visible opponent unquestionably has been state Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, who once circulated a release calling her a "slick butch lawyeress." The 40-year -old attorney's activities as president of the Women's F.qual Rights Legal Defense and F.ducalion Fund, which she founded, have taken her a long way from her first job as ~istant buyer at Gimbel's department store. Just graduated from the University of Pennsylvania -where s he had married at 19, had a child and been divorced -the young mother thought it was not qwte fair that a bachelor with the same job at Gunbel's made more money than she did "I got tired of the dlSCrimination fu wages, so then I began to substitute teach while looking for another posiuon," she S8ld. She iaughl in all-black boys high school in Philadelphia, while attending New York University nights for her masters degree. in English. She moved to Los Angeles with her 5-year-old daughter Lisa in 1966 to teach m a Watts high school. In 1968 she married Bill Allred, whose company manufactures aircraft parts and equipment, and took his name. she says, because, "My l'Onsciousness was not raised at the time." It was not until she completed law school al Loyola University that she became interested in feminist law, after volunteering legal assistance to the National Orgamzat.Jon for Women. Her activism smce then has found her with some interest.lllg allJances. In 1980, she filed a court brief in support of state Sen Alan Robbins, the Los Angeles Democrat who was accused of allegedly having sex with a mtnor; she challenged the constitutionality of the statute under which he was charged beca~ It pertained only to sex with girls, but not boys, under 18. In 1979, she joined Patly Hearst at a news conference on battered waves and Ms. Hearst said the atlOmey has helped to get her out of jall. She went to bal for a male exotic dancing club m 1980 when the Lancaster Cily Council was considenng a move to regulate the activity. In 1981. she represented a man fighting to be considered for a seat on the City of Santa Monica's CommtSS1on on the Statu.'I of Women; lhe council subsequently reversed its prohibition on male appllcants. Her most acrimonious tiff IS lhe ongoing one she has had with Schmitz. Art Show S,,.clal I l Huntington Center doily thru Sun My 14-~ 20. 1982 Apistovamma ranezi: 4.49 I am puctful a ~Ille hmtd and ! ' ' ---------'• outsland•ntlY btauhh1I 'Umt a colof !!!!'.! ,._ COfelmll•IO IOU.I WA l'9 MIA TlltO .. ,_ __ .,. ·~ 2 101 S«1lice T-Slt!lrtl 11 Y04il 00or IColl Store -t YOio.it At•l COSTA MISA 641 • 1 289 Ult Newpert ....... MISMON VllJO 495-0401 2"22 c....i... Cetl'e ...... 1'-..... Jlowy .... _., "'WV I • HAllDTOltS aPd mo~t k~tly I N•t •I My body color hihl lllut with •IOlt t c11mson o•ercut and clttp blut \l>OlS my nost b<qllt rtd. dol~I hn fdCtd 1n oianie Spunlif a ltttlt told and a multoe:otor of reflections atont my stelts and I dfly dnrnphon Sft mt at ~Quahc 1 roptc:als whtre I am on salt undfr tht name ·w,ld Ram· tor only • 49 VISA' • mo w. aa ... •c..t1 111m 549·1391•C-Harber & Bahr • HATG•ACKS • ...... WAGONI • 8UTS • •••WAGONS LARGI SILICno• Of HA8D 10 AND MODILI . f f I When you see our fine select1on of contemporary furniture at low warehouse prices, you 'll know the meaning of value! j Stereo Benell Wltft lbpanclable Desll ToP A perfect wortc and PlaV desk piece ttlat provideS ntCOro and bOok storage PIUS stereo space. Stereo bench measures 39%" X 16Y," x 23%" H Telescooes to 79" wide .._ ....... TOO Teak $45 wa1nut$49 S69val. $79val. $ StweoMndt Teak 79 Walnut$89 $125 val $139 val. Breuer Style Chairs and /.iiiiiiii~rm\1Rfr0m Italy These Qualltv chal~ are carefully handcrafted In walnut or natural wood finish w1tt1 genuine neavv· duty cane backs and sears on sturdy chrome frames Fine w00<1w1th tnicitsolld l~S 26Y• lC s2 v. x 16 H S149 val $99 25'11 )( 17'11 )( 19'/1 H S99val $65 scan Teak Pedestal Dining Table EleQant 47" tat>te t:nat extends $ !89 to 6!J''. c;orgeous wooct-gratn. A $559 valUe rY:JW at Inventory prkewN~theV._1ast. __ ...... .-r..-'ft'°"T"""--- TNll Amt Cl.air s89 S119vaiue , .. Sidi C1Wlr 75 S99value s Beautlf\JI student deskL 3 df7Nef'S with tock, bOok.case.lJOlft·Tn: 47Y. ' lC 21V• ,. • 27Y1 .. H White IKQuer 1'ts any decor -t>e<lroom. studvorden Shop and comparel untt2 Roll-Top Delk ft'om Sweden ~ Charming Old·fashloned roll·top desks avallable In two --4..111 different woads -----to suit everv ~==== budget and taste measure ~5'11 • x 27" x 37W ' ~1:1~:..T~ll·~· s35 47 dla Table s 99 70 d1a Umbrella S 59 $139val............ S89 val ~~1.. ............ ~69 ~~~~r11a srana· s15 Teak &ookcases c:. 21 '11 )( 12'/i )( 76''• $149 val D. 35v,-x 12•11 · k 40'11 S109 val I . 35'11 lC 12•11 x sgg 76'1. 5169 val 2f0r$171 ~ $1 59 Drawer unit " 31X 22 )( 27'11 Wntl orwttnout tne S20Sval . ..... ~bleTealrDeSkCllalr' ~anwtfun1t.~$149 unttw1d00rs ...,..... can"'-"' get on too ot your 31 • 22 • 21y, WOOd blek, •59 UP'10tstered seltl $79 ~tormvc:n $189val Vattous ~ back, varl<>\n COtol"S tess YC>U mouant $79 vatue $9S vaiue PQlllbltl • 96--11 Wall Unit This fantastic teak wan unit gtves vou lots of space for dlsp1av1ng bOOks art etc There·s even more storage space below behind th! slldlng doors overall measurement5 are 96" )( 15'/i'' )( 67" untt1 untt2 s22s value $285 value $159 17-9 )( 18"X 30"H Handlesanv stereo. tuner. leak Walnut Plavback. 14S2mv 9 al 1S2525vagl. tilPed~~~ $ vlaeo cassette $ recorder vou are plannlng to bUV Danish NlghtStand In . Bangkok Teak . . .. ·:· .,. Beautiful teak t>e<Js1de piece fOr lamp, clock books etc A S98 value ' IN PURSUIT -Tom Watson eyes a drive dutfng the second round of the British Open Friday in Troon. ~tland. Watson iB one of a /11' Wlrapll 111 number of players who will be trying to catch Bobby Clampett, who leads by five strokes entering today's play. · I Shrine All-star game off ~rs a On TV tonight, channel 11 at 8 Callfomla's finest high 11ehool pl'Oducta before they take their wares to their respective colleges. Kickoff is scheduled for 8 o'clock and the South, bolstered by five Orange Coast area stars. enters with the offensive edge. The Rebels' backfield includes Sun1et League stars Dave Geroux (Edllon) at fullbeck and Rod Emery (Fountain Valley) at t .a 11 b a c k b e b in d t h e quarterbacldng of San Dh¥> CIF Section Player of the Year Jim Guerrero, Cey put slug on Mets, 7 •6 LOS ANGELES (AP) Pedro Guerrero and Ron CA!y a1arrimed c::m.cuUw bomen in the third lnninC and drove in five ruqa between them to lead Loa ~ to a 7-t vlcf«y aver the New York Meia Fridar night. imapp~the Dod1en tbree-a-m,e streak. J'eman o Val.eruuela, 13-7, emMd the vtctiary, tops in the major leaauea, matchin1 bis vlctary total in 1981 when be wm the Cy Youna Award in the NaUclml i...,ue. Steve Howe. who b.M allowed three earned MA TUBITY WON BY 'FEATURE -OCC's 'Clar Tucker awaits big year, m1nu1 the sacks. B3. Cl~rnpett blazing He ,leads by five at British Open TROON, Scotlaod (AP) -Bobby Clampett, a calm exterior belying a bubblln1 excitement, compoaed a brilllant 6-under-par 66 Friday and took five-stroke command of the 111 th BriUah Open Golf Champlonahip. "lnlide, rm t,)ubbll.ng like cruy,'' the aklnny, curly-bat.red 22-year-old said after he'd posted a 133 total -11 atrokes under par and only one off On TV today, channel 7 at 9 the rec:on1 for the best two opet'llna rowwb ever shot ln thia anclent event, a rec:on1 •t 48 yee.n ago by Henry Cotton. ~e 1t may have mD8ed--the record, it wu more than enough to have his nearest chailqera shaking their heads in dismay. "I LlltE TO look at the leader boarda while rm playing,'' said U.S. Open champion Tom Wat.on, who started the day's play only two atrokea off the pace. . "I looked up and I'm five behind. "I looked &gain and rm alx behind. "I looked again and I'm eight behind and rm playing pretty well, and rm wondering what do I have to do?" And Wauion, a three-time winner of this event chasing ,a young man who bas yet to wtn bla first title on the American PGA tour, quickly amwered his own question: "I just have to go out and play better than I did today and yesterday and try to catch this man." And that, admitted WatBon, will not be an easy task. l) "He's going to be a tough man to beat," said WatBon, who man*8'd a 71 and wea llf!Yen strokes back with -140 total. "llE-S PLAYING well and baa a good cushion. He can afford a few mistakes. And, even if he makes a few mistakes, acmebody ei.e is going to have to play well to catch him. "With good weather, it's going to be awfully bard to catch Bobby." And Bobby isn't even worried about it. "I'm not really concerned with the lead. I'm concerned with 900~-as low as I can," said Clampett, a frequent challenger but not yet a winner in the United States. "It will be a mental challenge from here on out. "My goal la to shoot the best 9COre l can this week. U 10mebody can beat that, fine. U not, I wilt. "I want to win the golf tournament, of coune, but I'm really trying to ahoot the lowest ICOre I can because I'm playing, perhaps, aa well aa I've ever played and I'd jUat Ilke to eee how low I can lhoot.'~ And lf he ataya near hia current pace, aid lonphot Nick Price of Zimbabwe, who aurprilled even himlelf with hia No. 2 position at the halfway, point, Clampett la the winner. "If Clampett keeps on playing like this, nobody is going to catch him," said Price, a jowneyman player of no pa.rtlcular distinction on the European tour. "I'm glad rm not in the lead. I don't think I could handle' it." PRICE GOT to within four ahota at one point, but mi.ll9ed L'le green and bogeyed the final hole for a aecond coruiecutive 69 that left him at 138. Bernhard Langer of West Gennany, last year's runner-up in thia event, agreed. "It's hard to believe clampett is 11 under par," Langer said after he'd completed his trek over the 7 ,067 yards of mounds and humps, pot bunkers, knee-deep grass, gorse and heather that make up the Troon linka. "I think he might keep it up. He's been a very good player. I think he deserves to win one." Langer, wtih a 139 total, was tied for third with Des Smyth of Ireland, who also had a second-round 69. SANDY LYLE, a Scot, had a 66 that included a birdie~agle-birdie burst and was tied with Wataon at 140. Ken Brown, Great Britain , and Peter Ooaterhuia, an F;ngl1shman now living in the United' States, followed at 141. Brown shot 71 and ~ 6-~ Ooaterhuis took advantage of the greatcy'"' improved weather conditions for a 67. - The temperatures were much milder. tbe- winda off the Firth of Clyde much more gentle thmr the bitterly cold blasts that raked the .intemational- field of 150 in Thursday's opening round. But, even with its defenses down, tough old Troon proved a little too much to hand.le for • number of the heralded American pros. Tom Weiskopf, for example, shot 73 but was far, far back at 152. . CLEVELAND (AP) -Wh~ he pitched for the Houat~ Astros, Ken Fonch rarely had • big lead to work with. Now, • h• aecond season with tl\i Angels, the 3~-year-old righ hander thinks he finally b ~ figured out how to pitch wb his teammates provide him wi a ton of runs. "Tonight I just told myself to relax, to pretend that the ICOre. 3-0,'' Forach said Friday night ON TV today, channel 5 at 11 I- I I Issel wants more . than a half-million From AP 4t1paldlet .,.~-· Dl:NVD\ -,..... apnt Dan 1m9.1'1 J'eldloll to • potential '500.0QO-•-)'MI' contract PSI offC from the Dlllwr NUfll'I w• that he'd rather retire. 111f that'• all I'll malu reth'ement'• not juat an altemative, that'• what wlll l;lappen," the 34-year-old laael aald 'lbunday. "If they can 10 upward, we'll 1tlll be a to talk. u that'• c1c.e to their limlt. rm Yflr/ cl.Ila potnted.'' aaid the veteran ~Jtional Buketball Amodatioo center. Followlna Tburaday'1 talk• with Nu11eta ma.nacement. lllel'a lawyer, Bruce Miller aid the three- year propoHl, including lncentlvea, could poaalbty . rabe the value of the dee! to • • well above $600,000 eer . ..-. aeuon. ' 1-1'1 .,mt, Ted Stetnbera, ukl be wou1d lnc:reue efforts to pt an offer aheet from eome C: .. other NBA teem. " "Dan's been underpaid f« 12 years. We ~:don't expect thla guy (new Nuaeta Owner B.J. McComb1) to make up for tlie 1lns of his predeoemon. but we want a reelO'leble value for ban'11ervices,'' Steinberg aaid. Quote of the day Detroit Tigen catcher Luee ParrlA, talldna about the American Leque'1 latest All...W-game defeat: "I know now much we needed to win this game. Now they are · going to rub it in our faces all year long.', . Mitchell starts faft, leads fleld • Jeff Mltdtell opened h1a round !I with an eagle and used it to springboard to his best profemional performance, a CO\lne record-tyhw -. .. 7-~par 63 for the lleCOJ'ld..roUnd lead Friday ·. in the Quad Oties Open golf tournament in Coal ~·Valley, ID. Still. hia lead wu only two ahota aver ,v six challengers, including veterans MWer Barber ~ and Calvta -Peete . . . Sally Little, aeeldng her . fourth LPGA victory of the year, ahot a 8-under-par 66 to take a twCHtroke lead over' Sudra Haynie into the third round ot tne ,, Mayflower Clulic in lndianapolil. Little, who • shot a 65 to let the OOW'9e recant here in the 1978 . U.S . Women's Open, had a 137 h 36 bola after carding a pair of 33e in the~ round with lix birdies and 12 para. . ~ewport's Davis $ ousted :· ·,:PEBBLE BEACH -In a _..w battle, Gary Vanier from ~bany eliminated Newport qhch'a Lee-Davia, two up and ~ to the final.a of the 7 lst Chllfornia Amate ur Golf <lb*znpionship here. ~anier , who defeated 2'-year-old dental student Craig on the 190\ hole in the will meet Alameda's lomberg in the ~pion&hlp match today. •Vanier went four holes up over 8-ball tod•Y. On dm dAtl tn t nnNQ ID 1111: 11a11 o1 ·J'lmir ,., ~ ~ ba mul,Y to be thit trutat ,a.a,lir Ill b&EDN ~l ~of CUOlr at .... of 74. On WI datl in lMl: N.w York Yankee *'W Gelder Joe ~ WWlt ()..~ .... a.wland'• Al and Jim 9ilbY. Jr. ID brtnC hAI ... NOtll'cl ~ttw 8UD9 ttriiak to an end. 11 lalit b&d t w• tu.med awa~ di1rcl . bun nan Ken Keltner, Whb ·~The· Yana."<l1DPll"I hol llllllb arid ~twftild It into a double play, On U'1I date tn 1818: New York Olant 111crewballer Carl Hubbell bepn a M·pmt winnlna meek that would carry aver into the next" year • be blanked Plttlburah an five blta, &-0. On tbia date In U~lt: Pttt1bur1b'1 Babe Adame hurled an end.re 21·lnnina pme wttbout s.utna • walk, but lArry Doyle'• homer In the fht innlnc pve the New York Olanta a 1-0 victory. I Today'• blrthday: Hall of Fune man.top Lou Boudreau II 65. Carlton keeps Phllllea In first S&eve Carl... tlred a four-hit .~­ abutout. for his 12th vk:tar)' of tbt year and Mike 8e,mt•1 1cored PhlllM:lelphia'• only run 11 the Pbllllea - edaed San l'rand8co, 1-0. C.ltdii ltruck out five .na .... tu. reoord to U.'1 In bell4•-· Phllliel in f1m place ln the Natlohal Leq\Je r.t . . . Tim W~ and Warre11 CromU1Se hit ND«lOl"inC .... t:o m.k a lllxth-b.minl tie and 8&eve Rosen earnecl his 11th victory_ a1 Montreal nipped San Dle&O .... 3 . . . NelU R1u to.eel a llx-hltter and ltruck out 11 and Terry P••I homered to lead ~/i:h~h~a~! lorl'• two-nm llnaJe ca~ a fou.r·nm .venth lnn1na and propelled St. Lou.la t:o a 6-4 CA&TOll , victory over OndJtnati . . . Jaf Jobi1t.ae'1 two-out. 10th-inning ainlle 8COl"ed the winnlnC ND M 0Ucqo outi.teci Atlanta. 4-3 in a pme that WU delayed more than two houn by rain. Del Mar set to open Wednesday DEL MAR -The Southern m California racma acene will mov• aouth to Del Mar, "where the turf meets the aurf," h the summer'• 1982 thorouabbred aeaaon, which be1in1 Wedneeday. Radna will be pre11e11ted an a Wecm.day throuah Monday bull durtnc the 43-day eemion. with lint post time at 2 p.m. 1be cmy .....aide tlW:k, a mere two furlon&I from the PacWc Oceen ahorellne, this ..... will otter the most lucrative ~ -more than $8 million -In lta hiltor'y, of which '2 mDlloo are earmarked for the 28-race .tam acbedule. • From Page 81 •SHRINE · .. , bwled foe' Nevada-Lall Vepa, cauaht 28 i:-frr 352 yarda comln1 out of the bacldteld durtn1 hi1 aenior aeaaon, in eddltioo to 1,433 yarda Cll1 the around. In all he acored 25 touchdowna. . 'Th.e other IMie of the South'• offenllve punch t. aappUed by Geroux. oorWdered • potential atarter at fullback at the UnlVenlty of Kanas thla fall. Geroux rushed foe an avenge of 7.5 yard1 per carry in 1teamrol1er faablon. A 210-pounder, Gero\4~ i1 the South'• ICe-in-the-hole. *** TC)l9QNT'9 8T_.,.. U... Olwia, 37, in hia morning match f e the Newport resident to win bo1ea 6 through 11 take a three-bole .tvantage. Vanier waa able to rally to *vance. ~In his wmlflnal match, Vanier .. four bola to Stein.berg early then battled beck to set even lbe 18th hole with • 26-foot ALL-STAR -Mater Del'a Brian Lopker is the starting offensive guard in tonight's Shrine All.star football game at the Roee Bowl. ......... ................. ,_. .. Scott....._....,.. Artl TE l20 71 Mn11 arw-i, ...._ LT 221 n aw....-.c.... LG Ml Tl f<-* a-._ Ill 0.0.. C 290 74 .,._ ~'==' .,._ Dlt AG 241 TT Tory , L.I Wllofl RT 2AO M Hlr* NonMI\. &.a Pair WA 180 putt. At the tint extra ~le, V anler rolled in an .._footer h par and Steinberg ~;.;~.~~ to-with Ray Pell1grtnl Unpne) to the 16th Dole 1there Blomberg made a · par to go one hoJie up. out the match at the bole with • par. f.aasd*'I and Vanier tee off tmonilna at 8:08 in the 36-hole ..-:b. Skoal Dash lures top quarterhorses 12 """ """-so Hiii ae "' 43 ~ e..y, ~ V*'t Ta 170 M Owe 0.-. Edllofl F8 210 11 ANt1 ... :=;" 'i':" F\. 156 t1 ~11111,&.a~ Ol.8 210 12 Jllft ,HllNt DT 141 ee Tim o~ 8lnWd NO ao 80 Guy T......, W.,.,.. DT 2J1 11 TOlft Pnlkop, k Jolwt 8oeoo Ol.I 211 • Nd! 0!8emeldo, Edllol\ L.I 211 ,., 0... ..._ ....,. L.I -14 MrOrl lrown, S.... Mot*-C8 1IO 11 .....,. ,_, "'*°'* oe 111 .. ... !Wion..... "°" 200 1 M'ed,,....... L~ I 200 14 Mlrtl~IM°t::, TE 1'8 TT lruae ,_.. ~ LT -71 ltto H1rNMn, ,____ LG MO II "°" "°9d0n, iront.. C 1• • Din ... ...., MW/A M llO 1t lrtl ~... "' -• .... v .......... 111· 17 ............ ,..,.. 9! 170 • .... l.--. -VIII~ •• -11 0-.W ic...e. Mil I.-... 111 .,,_.,~~ ... . 70 ............ Miii O&.a -IT,,_. ,..,,.,.._ J~ .,. .,.. IMll; ---~'""."" • .,.. 1't O...Zlldes• _ _... "9ltl NT • '. ~-----,... .. O&.a .. ~1 a.tlt......,,a. •"' ... - .. c:lrllll = ~ O&.a -lo.'9 ~ 091'1 = == ....... -=.:=· = = .......... ,4 .......... ,. Skater'• parent• on thin Ice SAN rRANCISCO -The • ~~ Olympe f1lure akater Tai Babilonia~---w.re at odda with the tax lawa wbln they tried to deduct the cost of lllCCOlll(IARylna her to competitlom, the 9th arc:utt U.8. -courtril ~ruled Frtct.y. mlde~~~== deducdble apendttun!I under current law," the court aaid • It upheld a U.S. Tax Court dedllon. That rultn1 aald Conatanclo and Cleo BabOonla of Lee Anae1-oouldn't cla1m the travel com 11 expenw lncu.rred in oon.nectkln with performina a aervlce to a charitable orpnllaUon. Righetti makes return to Y ankeea Da•e Rl1,eul, &he 1981 •• American 1..-gue Rookie of the Yar • wbo wu aent to th~ minors last roooth. returned to the New York y ankea late 'lbunday fo1lowinc hia fourth start for the International League'• Columbu1 Clippen. He pitched five lnnlnp of shutout ball in that start ap1Dlt Rochester, JPvina Ul!_jWt three hlta and cme walk ... rfnland11 ~­Rolbera Friday won the Pl'OVWona1 pole pomltkln for the Brltiab Gnnd Prix in Branda Batdl._ Enaland. and With tr •• tndltkmal 100 bottlm al cham~ . • • llaltMw 8aM M•mm .. suffered a knee lnjury In tra1nin8 camp and wcn't wan out aotn until next Week foe' h1a acheduled 15-roun«l World Boxtns O>unciJ lllbt beavywetebt title filbt Aua. 7 in Phl*lelpbja. A camp lpok..,..n laid ~ injury woWdn't ~tate ~ Suf Mubunmed'1 effort to reptn &he WBC title from Dw1Pt Brutoa of C.amden, N.J. . . . Only five hones are entered b Sunday'• swa.,. Stam for 3-)'ellf-olda at Hollywood Park with the cne--eyed Canalerta top weJ,lbted at 1.23 l)Olmdt • I PoinJ leader,s face challenge ·· MotocroM Superbowl toai6bl · By BOWARD L. BANDY on .. .._ ....... L08 ANOJ:Lm -Domde Hanml. ..,_ ot the tint alpelUU. ,._ of the IWOft at Anaheim St.ldium arid the current ..-poU\S i.der, will battle Martt BllfNtt and • ~ a.kl of motcaa. riden t.onlaht in the Miller Ht&h Lite Su_perbowl of Moiocrou at the Loe J.n1elH c.ou.um, I I Included in the arny of talet t.dnC the two DC:itn& lelder'I will be M1Cbae1 Mcnuban and ll.lck 2obe1 from Hun~ Beach, Jell Want and J>ouc, Boyd from MJlldion Vt.ejo and Stew Rhyan of San Clemen&e. Openlna ceremonJea are at 7:30 with radnl atartlh& at I o•clock. Racina lncludm four 10-lap qualltlera; two 10-lap quaUflen; one 8-lap Comolation race; and one 20-lap main event. The battle between Hemen and Want started with the opener in Anaheim. and at the prwnt time, ff.amen hold8 a 21-pcet advul~ with two races remalntn1 in the Mrlft. The maxlJ1lum number of pomta any rider can eam ln • S...pauom race la 28 (2& for a Victory and a for • heat wtn). If . Huwen winl both moto9 t.o ~ up the 28 pomta he will b«une the 1982 champion before ihe f:lna1 event in San D&eao-. Hamen ridel for the Honda teem that baa bear doina well dUa ~in wilminl five of the 10' r.-~"date. -''The~ are oond and there la no~ whY, I aan't win tcmaht."'1 ffai.n said. "rm &dJ'C out and '1'Y to win but rm not taklna any unneic 'Y mane. and blow the champlQnahip. ru know what Mark w doina but other than that, ru try to win. "rve Jeamed a lot m,..U and the machtrw are .. fMtel' and ,.Uy handle well." Hamen aid • top rider could make .. much -$200,000 t:o taoo.000 a ,.., in l8lary alone. If he bu a aooct contnd and a aooct year, he could make -much .. $500,000 to teoo,000 wttb punea.. and endormnenta." Be.rrett. ridJna for Suzuld. m a tw~thm wtlmel' of the Superbowl of M.otocrom at the Cou.um (1'¥19 and 1.881). Be wcuJd like to win the 1Mt such fllCe It the Coli8ewn. The event will be moved mewbere next year bean• of aomtruc:don to pt re.dy for the 1984 Olympe Gamea -~haP9 to the Ro.e Bowl or Dodaer' Stadium. Ward, born tn Scotland and a veteran of minlcyde racing before hie daya OD~ is a Yl!temD. at the li{D1 at .. 20. Announcer Lany HUffnw> aaya be ia the most experienced motocrcm rider in the bulllne9 with exceptkln of Ro£er deColter. Ward ridel lor Team Kawuald and la eighth in the point ~ foe the 250cc btkm at the Jftleftt time. He ia a18o third in the 126cc standlnp . "The water coolers make the bike a lot fllter and they are working out really well,'' Ward aaya. "I like the Col18eum treck and rve alwaya done really well here. It's a lot bigger than most of them and rm reedy to go ... Ward finished fourth avera.11 in the 125 Eries last year and ia carrying national plate No. 11 this aeaaon. AN AMERICAN TRADITION SINCE 1908 ANY CAR DEALER CAN Promise you low prices. JOHNSON & SON has been giving Southern Californians low prices and the finest quality personal service for many yeant. Come in and we will help you select your new or used automobile. SOME OBl>FASHIONED SPECIALS FOR YOU •&OO under invoice on any new 1982 models left on the lot. DEMO CLEARANCE '82 CONTINENTAL . •19 930 (Mr. ~·• car #1126) '82 GRAND MARQUIS SEDAN '12,755 (Salee Manager'• car #2602) '81 COUGAR 2-DOOR •7995 (Loaded and carriea new car warrantiea) I -+- • =rk '4::ntor,:'1".n:: = ~ did D&ck Tuebc' at Onnte Colllt Q)U•, lAllt ..-in, 'the fJwhman out of Oorani dtl Mar HiCh r 1 1nbled a llf:k lunch by tM ctme the ,.._ w• owir.. :D1e ditlemlve Une. dWwecl the llUle ~~and ncorded the wk. . But 'l\lcUr. kept DUllina hinwelf out of the din, mud or Whatever aa.d" never Wd alw up. At 5-11, 180, Tucker lan'\ the blqest of quarterbeckl. but he may be able to put 1Ut MMOn tiehind hlm and oame up wtth eome outnancl1na numben before hit community coDeae footba1l Qaner comet to a ~. THE SACKS, 41 of them to be exact. were the 19Ult of lack of protection in front of him and 'J'ucker'• reluctance to boldly rwi out of bounda whenever thrnga 1ot hot and heavy in the beckfield. Tucker waa and II wW1ng to take a hit. and he's al80 adept at waiting to the very last seoond to releue the ~. While 41 aacka la something both Tuckers would like to aydd thfa eeuon, Tucl<.er No. 2 will be llfter some mon bnportant numbers. TQ beain with, Tucker is the all-time leedina freshman quarte.rblck in OCC history. That'• the truth. And, when the Pirates open agalnlt Palomar I Sept. 17, Tucker will be the eenior quarterback in 'l'I ~South c.out Conference. H Thattr became-&lderr Wesfi Sam-Aiello is 'I I J:M?W !OWni for the University of Tenneeeee and I san Diego Mesa's Paul Bemer for acme reason opted for the University of Pacific. IT SHOULD BE NOTED that while Tucker didn't produce the overall numbers of the above- rnentioned QBs. the Pirate freshman actually out- produced them in head-to-head confrontations last aeuon. Against Bemer, an absolute pa88ing phenom who waa recruited by a lot of btg colleges. Tucker pamed for 210 yards. Berner got 138 that day. Against Aiello and hia GWC teamm~tes, Tuck.er rolled up 292 yard.a in the aeaaon finale. Aiello ~ for a very respectable 234 yards. Unfortunately for Tucker and Tucker, the ~tes lost both games. Th1np look better thia aeuon, eapecially since Tucker No. 2 has his entire receiving corpe back from a year ago. SOME OF THOSE RANDS were unaccuatomed to the 10Uthpaw'1 bullet-like puaes at the start of the Bea80Jl, but things gradually cllanged as the aeaaon progressed. That's why Tucker No. l saya he'll bfve Clay pesaing 30-35 times next eeason. , • -"Clay really came on strong at the end of the year," Tucker says. "Our quarterback situation riaht now is the best it's been since we had Mike Sports on TV TELEVISION 9 a.m. (7) -BRITISH OPEN -Third round play in the oldest golf championahip in the world I from Aynhire, Scotland. 10 a.m. (ll) -RODEO -Coveraae of the Buffalo Bill Rodeo, taped June 20 at the Wild West ~ in North Platte Neb. 11 ,.m. (5) -BASEBALL -Angela at Cleveland. 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Kansas City at Boston. 11 :30 a.m . (9) -ARM WRESTLING - Coverage of the 1982 world profeuional arm wrestling championshi~. taped at Kansas City. 2 p.m. (4) -OU'A>OOR LIFE -Shooting editor Jim <:annichael hun1a ducks on Yirginia'a Parramore Ialand. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Kevin Morgan (20-9) defends his USBA welterweight crown agalnat Marlon Starling (23-0) in a acheduled 12-round bout, taped at the Felt Forum in New York. Also: Taped coverage of the 3,000-mete.r race a1 the Crystal Palace Invitational in London. 4 ~.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES -Pennsylvania va. Rocky Mountain in a.lel'fes of bouts taped in December in Dee Moines, Iowa. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -1 Davey Moore (9-0) def~ his WBA world junior · 1 I middleweight title apinst former WBC champion 1 Ayub Kalule (38-1) in a scheduled 15-round bout 1 taped at Atlantic City. . @_p.m. (11) -ALL-STAR HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL -The 31st annual Shrine All-star football clasaic, featuring 56 players from Southern California high achoQls at the Roae Bowl ln Pt...dena Five players from the Orange c.oa.t area. are al80 involved. · RADIO Baseball -Angela at Cleveland, 11 a .m., KMPC (710); New York Mets at Dodgers, 7 p.m., KABC (790). HB lifeguards ready When the Western Regional lifeguard championships are held in San Clemente on Sunday, July ~. the HlDltington Beach state beach uteguard group will be among 'the top contenden following a preliminary meet held at Miadon Viejo LUa recently. Bill Babahoff of Huntington Beach captured the mile swim, the nm-swim-run evebt and was a member of the victorious Huntington Beech relay .teem. Ron Tmn won the Muaical F1ao event to give cg,!MUNITY OOUIGES IIEH ~ ICuner and Dave White u the q~ ~our . 1'97~ nabal chamDlonlhip teem.'' =oke No. ! lan't promistn1 a n•tlonal cham p or a conference champlonahip. He ju.It one _year under the belt ahould be an added plua for 'l\acker No. 2. IT SBOULD BE NOTED that 22 of the 41 aackl of . Tucker occwted 1n the tint tour non- cont~, elaht in the opener to Palomar on a 90 day. In the final two pmea of the aeuon, Tucker waa decked behind the line ju.t t.hne time9 total. ~•l•l 11,._••-'ilfheft'• no qUetltlon that we're going to throw ni. ~ -•-.1 ti. the ball • areat deal th1a year," Tuclter ~o. 1 ~at---=.,, 11....,,,. .,, •. "PUiing WU the •tre~ of O\U' oftenae ::=•o,,, Oflt Of~ A'~lllld~. W of .a ... _ ~ Che ••v•r•I Pr I F~ n..:.'. year. e're going to take f advantage our ii1Y"" !fie~ WttJ ot.,,. .::::,10,,11 ,,111;:.;: talent and e~rience at the quarterback and .-ua.,•--... .,,"Porta· ........,_. ~ · lleeeL ----' r.: 'U •!..~.. Jot •-!..--'--" ... ,._ '"' .._.. -l'8/Je1-..,L-11 .,_,,., . e uuvw& .... our~. ~tt ......... ~·-··~ ~ ., .. 'Iba a better than last year. Tucker wu under :f· • = t;;,;,~.,.~bum <• P.111 • .,_, ~~"~~'!..'!'~Os>eri~ ... ......_ ... _. • ~i.. laat h thro....i.... • t1 -•ft--.. . ,. ._ --vu .....,.,,,. ...... -.. ,, ... •, ., . •' .. . • . • . • • 90 m._. preesure aeuon e waa ...... '6 f,C"· 1 _ ,,.,.. tiiri;,7 . ~ .~~0p 18 '''tc1,,, . :::,,or Juty c; .... ~ ~h pueea into h.la receiven' bM:ka. 937~ '"'orrn1~10n C-.. Mflon ~ o ~..a lllld ~~~~~~·~~~·~•v~1l~ll••b~l ~~~~~iiiii~~~~~d~~:lll>d~a.-...:..~•1:9~:~m~.~8'c:ll~~~·~~m.n~··~~~ -'l'lllS-YEA.R,. TUCKER-No. :i will .,atn be -• by Pflo111,,0 =-....,· dey Ind 1-.r, "' d- throwina to able receivers like flanker Mike -, Giddinp (21 catches last aeuon) and JPlit end Kirk Dunham (28 receptions). And then, there'• underrated Mike Roney, the tight end who hauled in 26 pallfS. Dunham and Giddings are conaidered All- South Coast Conference candidat.ea, and Roney can't be counted out either. Roney ·waa the man who caught Tucker's first-ever community college touchdown paaa a year ago in the eeaaon opener with Palomar. Thia seuon, the pressure won't be on Tucker and it \VOO't be on his receivers. It's up to the offensive line which includes two returning starters and two 10phomore lettennen. It appean the daya of sack lunches might be over. • • • CERRITOS COLLEGE basketball ooach Bob Foerster, atrlcken with a rare virus 1eVeral mcmtha ago, is showing aigna of improvement. Foenter has spent the 1aat three months in the intensive care ward at Loa Alamitos General INYlllHI WAllllDI CASH FLOW ru TAX SHELTER $10,000 ~ CALL JIM (114) 141-0211 Every Su~ay AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES $850 (plus freon) WHEEL ALIGNMENT ............... ~16": I t i t I f I Hoepttal auffertni trom GuJ.lllan Bare: Syndrome, a •.Jt.M U I 76 virul which attacks the nerve endltQpl tbroughout ... n on i the'F5~~=:d~e..,enedtoSt. 1900 Newport llvd. 645.0513 't - Jude Ha.p~ tn Fullerton this week. Be is now (Corner of 19th & Newport BJvd.) 1~a~w~·n!g~up~tn~his~~chair~·~and~~breai~thtnc~~<ll1~1iii~own~.;m;~;;;;;;;~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i:il==i:il====zm:==:==:============~==~~~~~~li-! / •08 .LO#GPR•·L•ABl#G / 12 5 01 GMAC • 70 A.P.R. LEASE RATE '82 s21· 701 '82 CAD. s31n11 TRANS AM "i:: ELDORADO ii.::: EXAMPlE ~ ,~ ElWIPlE 'ii II W:~ .......... o1atrA•·••1:a.a,111r..,.,-...., · .. ..-............ ..,....,.,.us,. -· e.o. -eu.ter.,...... -· 1c. ••lie. -°""·..,..•It.NI.,.... sn-. UL .... -. _.. .. 7500 p1oa ~OS t• ....... T• eea.os .._ -. --'171 ... •t.n ............ a...., ... c-01-., ....... , ,~ .... ,.,. .... , .. .-, Offer explrBS July 31, 1982 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY•""'"' milt WE WIE ILL llDS .111 WI.I. ULL llK LDllPIL / 808 LO#GPR• l.•A•lllG 7 13800 Beach Blvd., WMtmlnater, C.lff. 714/112-1 714/131-2500 NIKE Bl.AZER LEATlll HITOPS Re . 49'5 Now $2995 g Sightly Blemllhed . fME RACQlETTE LAOIS LEATID TENNIS SHOE .--n White & BIUe .... Reg. 37 .95 Now $2395 • NIKE TDIPEST LAOIS RllfNING SHOE Air Cushioned Sole Reg. 52.95 Now $38 95 ~bi!l.~J!WOOD-i ~ --")--·· --- .211 SALE · SELECT DECllll Reg. 46e 39!; Ton9ue & Groove-Kiln Dried Spruce-Male .. IMutifvl Deeb ft. 41111" SALE s1-9ss SHOP PLYWOOD Reg. Sand.cl 1 Side 26.99 4181~" SALE Reg. s13sa. FIBREBOARD 18.49 High Denaity. Great for Many UMt 4181~" SALE s5s• WIFERWOOD Reg. Exterior Quality 7.99 ALDERWILL Reg. 25.50 SALE PAllELlll& s19s~ Bundle Real Wood -Unfinished Tongue & Groove, COV9n 32 aq. ft. -. I' REDWOOD UTH Reg. { 50 pci. per Buncl ... r Gr4iot for TrelllMS 39.95 f :. ! HLmtinatoo ~ four flnt place ril>bons. ' -----------..-NIKE CllT CANVASS =~~:·t =: s1411 ~llhed . Unlike shoes~yo'"' t,an 't buy new feet when they ~rout. · Thet•s why N1KE makes shoes for lndMduals. Shoes for the road, the trails and models for both, For feet that are flat or arched, rtgld or fle>dble. Whether you chum out 125 mtles a we.ck or run a~ten. So come He one on. And ~\IOld a run~ln With Y9Ur feet I ·I ~ . . " . ==~ . " .... -. Aa.nte U M .tOI a.rt Dtlfo IO II Ml I ......... 47 " .an 7 a.rt,,.,,,.. 42 " ,..., 12 Hou9eDft II 41 .'37 14'4 Clncftwl S4 14 .Ill It ...,___. ptp, 11Nll 41 II .M1 k...-. .. 40 .161 I .....,. .a 41 .m "' ........ .. 42 .117 4 -.Yorti 41 41 M1 114 Ql'llollO 17 14 .407 14 ..... 7.~ .. -r-C!Nlleo 4. MlrM I Houlton .. ,..... 2 St.~t.ar-...4 ........... 4, llrl Dtlfo I "' •• 1 ., ,.. 1, a.rt ftl'INlllOO 0 , ...... ..... .... Vert! (Olllr 6-~• ...... ( ........ M).n AttlMa (W .. 7.., •a...,~ 1-11 ClnalrlNll (8olo M} .. k Loul9 ('°'9dl Ml Pllll•d= llW•lrOlll 1·11 •• Ian ,,,...,._, ....,., Plnlburgll (""°°"' M) • Houlton (J. Nllllftl 1-4). " MontrMI IGulMc:*~ Ml et IM Diego (.....,.CMl).n •-=ML.a.ACM• ~111.ln~ .,... ., ... OcNNlgl l>OO ClllloNI 4000 ....... 2000 Harnfl>ll 1010 c...tb 1a1a ,.,._,.a1000 "9..Jdlln " 4 1 2 1 ~ 1b , 0 0 0 A.a.ti rf 2 1 1 0 P-e" 1b , 0 0 0 ........ 4221 Tllmlnclll 4000 LJMd 1211 ._..,, 4010 DICNllltlOOO ..... 40 10 ......... 1010 ...... dl010 Ortdla 1111 ....,.aaooo ~ ..._,.a1oeo ...,.... 1 000 ---· 1111 K.l9lllW • 4 1 0 • TOllM 4 1 If M '4 T.-11 O 4 0 c..or..... .... ~; ?10t o ooa-11 a...no 000 0 0 0 000-0 l!-Grtafl, ........ ~ •• CWtelMd I. ti-...-. looN, Lpn, ...... --.c:.r-. ..____... (14~ c...... •~•••eo "°CT"' \W'i7l • 4 0 0 2 4 0.W.,~10I 4'4 I 7 7 2 I ~ '4111 4 0 ~ 2'420012 .,_ 2 42200 .--ow Damv ~ .... ~). Pl-elndo. T-1:46. A-1l,472. -.... -..... T-000 000 000-0 a 2 • ToroMO tlO 010 10Jt-I I 0 HOlllfl, MOll9dl (2). ........ (I) Md ~~.J.Mde,..(l)lftd Wlllll. *-Ctel\CY. l-7.L-f4ovtll. 7-1. A-11.aBI. ......... o.w-. ...... 011 100 t00-114 1 • ..._ 000 000 ooo-4 t 0 F. 9-letor Md llwooe; 0 . Mwtlfta, ~Cl). T, ....,_(I). ......., (t) Md 0...-W. W~ ....... .1..f:&. L-0. ...,._,-.. ,. ""9 I th, ~ 19'. o. ,.....,.., ·-A-11,IB. ........... 1 Olldmnd 100 000 I00-2 7 0 .... Yorti ooa oao 00.-1 1 1 LM(Jlord. Owc1N1*o (II Md ...._; l!rtckeOft, ft Moy (t i. caonoeo Ill Md W)Nelr. w~ 7-7. &..-~ 1·11. ~ .......... Ilk .... Yen, ~ (t). Qf""'1 (fl. A~.'12. o.oll ,.,. ~ '=-~10-I • 0 ....__ 200 000 Oto-a t 1 ~ Totlll (ti Md L.M. P1rrW1: V1111a. Ul90 (I) Oftd i..ao.. W-Montl. 11 ... L-Ylolo. $-1. 1-Tolill (3). ""--°'""- LM. ~ 111). 9roolileM It). WlllUMr I• A-l.2M. " 110llAL l.IACllUI ,, ..... ... LOI ...... .,..... .., .... Wllol\Cll 1010 ..... 4'10 ...... 0 1\00._.....1000 ~· 4100 .... 1111 ~ 11>4 I I I Oulnw Of 4 1 I I v.-..rf4111 ~-•••• ~Ill 4 0 t I ~ 1b 4 o t o e.ilMlb 4 0 0 0 .....,,, I 0 I 0 .... 4010 ~rf 0000 'lleoMP 1000 lciloaGlllG 4001 r..twyp 1000 v..,_p aooo "-"'IWIOOOO ._....., 1000 ~, 0000 T...-U t t t TOlllo .. 7 10 7 .... ., ...... .... Yen 300 101 000-I Loi .,..... IOI 110 00.--7 1!-V ........... Yovntbloood. ~-L.oe ~ a. Loe-Mlw Yortt I. Loe Moello 7. aa-v11onun1, Oarclonlllro. lf"-'°"81'*1~~117\. ~(11). ... {17); .. ......... ~. &tlL 1-.............. ..... •H•D•eo ,alooM 2 11411 Zodwy (\..Ml 4 3 t 2 1 I ~ 2 20001 ........... v--...~11-7) t I t I t t s~ .a 1~ooa Flloono IO 3 bOnln In Ille lrd. WP-V...,.,., T-2:37. A-49,163. C-.4,llRWI AllllM ooo 1u ooo o-a • 1 CtliolDO 101 011) 000 1-4 10 2 Mofiler, Baclroelln E). Oorbor (II end .....-. ~. ""1lt ti. w. ••••llllall). T\droW (1). L& 81111111 ( ~ (10) and J. ~ W-o.n,llOll. t-4. L~. M.A-1t.-... Alerw4,..,.._I ......... 100 000 001-2 • 0 Houltaft 110 010 10x~ 7 1 MGWaa1-. I!. "°'M (7). TeluM (I) end T. ~ ~ and ""**-W-~. M . L-uew9111n-. M . Hl'l-HoUllon. P\111 (I~ A-1t,o17. ~, ..... ClnmwlOll 010 ao6 1Q0.-4 • 1 at. l..oull 020 000 40x-I 7 0 •• .... .__ (7) end .,.,, QorWr; Wuta. L.olltl (4). avttor 111 a11ct T-. ._,_(I). W-LaML t-0. L-IUM.. 2-4 ._.,._ (11). ""-Clnc:tnnoll. °'*-' c-.a.-n..eat. ...... .,..... ........ 100 012 000-4 11 1 SM '*90 020 000 100-3 11 1 ....... ~ (t) and Car1or; I.Glor. ~ (7). 0.C.-ttl end T. 1<91nody. W-_... t 1-4 L-Lalw, 104. S-,fYl'IWI (t). A-1',211. ......1, ..... PNlodolpHa 000 O'IO 000-1 t 0 a.. Fnnmoo 000 000 000-0 4 0 c.tlolt _. .. Olis; ~. "" (I) _. llrwlly. W~ 12•7. L-U.U,. 7-7. A-7,720. Top10 ~-m•-.> U&ICAM~ .. ·~.:A 'lta W. WllOn. KC ti m 4I 7' _. 4-.M. Pwrtlfl. Dot Hltloll. ..... 1t -.. .. .$11 ...... a. ., l30 f7 1ot ..ao Cooper,.. to 134 17 tot .32t ......_Tew 78 290 40 II .124 YOWll, Ml 11 l30 IJt IOI .321 o..... .. a a 20 " .a20 Poodoroll. CN 74 210 34 ti 111 McAao. KC • 321 41 102 310 ......... 0. "'--'· .......... 22; TllOmlClll, ~ IO; OgMa. .. .. a: ... ~-..-eo.-...... ft. .......... M•" .. • KallOH City, 10; Coop••. M•• • *-· 70; ~ a...tond, ti; LMllrlllCI. Qllesoo, .. Hltloll. ...._..,It; ......,. Oltdlnd. 11 . ......... (11 DD•I •I •I_,, V11llOYICll, Mllw ... 11-10-4; Zall••, -.. tMt ...... CHcsao. M ; ..--. ~ »-6: <Mrf, ,..., Yor1l, M : Ceudm. a.ante. M • MGGrogor, ..._., 11~F ............... M . MTIOMM. L.IAO&ll ..... " ..... a.-.~ .. 322 .. 104 .323 MoGoe. au'°'* 111 112 :11 11 .a 11 I 0 LA 11 237 4a 74 ..112 T ...... ,...,.. 71 112 IO .. .a11 ModloClk. Pll1llbur9h .. a a " .3 1 1 Klllght. Houston f7 ll32 47 1~ .a 10 ~Son'*"° t1 2M 18 11 .a10 Cortor, Mon"9ll . 11 2t2 14 IO .30I ,_......a.t'*oo e1au14 n .aoe l.8or. Ptltlliultfl 11 171 II 14 .30I .......... ~. "*"" 21: ~ .... Yorll. • 23; Corter,......-. 19; Honw', Atlonto, 11; J .Tllomp•on..::!:!'"•"· 17; ••lier, ~~ ......... fPJ Qorli, -"~ ..... .. ~. Allsnle. M ; 0.-, ............ to; ~ Now yen, IO; C..., Montrasl. 57; T ~. e-l*go, 17: Clol1I. a.rt Fl'Wldloo, 11 . ...... ,".,......., ()."*'-', ..........,., 10-3; Lolllr, loll oe.eo. 104; ~~ Mon&IMI, 11-t; ........... .,....,., 11•1J •111t«Ht, ~ ~ c..on. .... 5 q Nlo, t2-7; For9ct1. St. L.oui.. M ; S0.0. ~ M . ......... c.. CllP ........... -a., """DAY .,....,_.. Son Ff'lllldloo ye, 7~ Lone 8oodl YC, .. 1; Aldw!loncl YC. e-t; Bal* OortnWan YC, e-1; Alomlloo Boy YC, 5-2; 8lllboo YC, 4-3, ~ HorbOf YC, 4-3: Son Diego YC, 4-3, ~-YC.4-3; ~~ YC. 2 .. ; ~ YC, 2-6; Fort Wortll IOOll Club, t-6; Coronado YC, 2·5; Nowpofl Hlrllor YC, 0.7; Dena Point YC, 0.1 =-,.. ..., Tho llnoup .... ' *"'" ............ 500, wlll\ type 01 09' end~ IJIOOll In mph. I Merlo Anclr9ttl, Wldool ~. tof.nl. 2. "loll MHro, Pe11Nlo PC· 10.,0f'd, 20U1t. a. Qordon Jollnoooll. Wlldool le-c-111, 202.671. 4. Don Wlllttlngtoll. Mardi ~. 202.aao. 6. T~ ~Mardi '20-1~ • 1N.t1t. I . PondlO C..., Motdl EXl'..c:oowcwtll, 11Nl.810. 7. l(OYln Cog111. Ptnlkl l'C-10.FOtd, 1N1'4 I . A.J Foyl., Marci! 12C.Cotwortll, IM.IH. • ~ ...... t.ttrdl t2C-c-tn. 11tl24. 10.Ml!.l~ ..... Q(~ 11t.314 11. Jollnny lhtUlortord. W.arcll ~taot4. 12. 1'J U.-, l.OflgMm LA~GI I "91, 111087 . IS Ooofl •••bflom, Morell ~.1M.tn 14 ........ ~. ~ 12~ ,., I07 11 8plllo 00111110111011, E•t•• 11..c-111. 1IO 723 11. ""-............. PC-7.o-111. llOllT. 17. CHp Oonooot. WllOc* -..c-tll. IU ..... 11. Howdy ...... Mardi~ 1M.302 . tt, Tom algolow. l!oglo·Q11r11oy· ~1MH2 20. Jim ....,_.,, w.on ~ lt4.tl7, 2 t . Gory 8011onllo111on, Ponollo PC-7~.1'4.411. 22. O-oe 8ntd.,, Morc11~11. 1te.M2 23 Johnny Par1 on1. Morell 82C-Coowc>rlft. 1t4.t6t. 24. Tony 801tonho1.11on, Morell ·~.1t0.I07 21 Jo11t1 Ooru, Morcll·COt•Of'lll, 117 138. 2e. ,,.,.,., KM. ...... PC-7..c-111. • 1N.711 . 2 7. Pot ••dorcl, WlldCOl·COIWOrlll, 11t.74t. 21 .. Allup, ...... PC-7-c-ortrl, llt5'7 21 He ctor "•booq111 , Morell 12C-Colworlfl. 116 121 30. Dick l lmon, wo11on·Co1•0f'1ll, tM.106 . 31 Scott aroylon , P111oll1 PC-7~---lt T..., l'rOftU, Pllontom.C"-'tf•t, 1n .a. u . P11.11 Kfwltt. K111onofl..c....,,o1e1 • f7140t '4 l<.n ltemllon, Vol9'odl.ottw? I-· no spood. llWOINIW'• °'*°"- ) "Driving well 11 the best revenge!' I -. t sJ2'!N.~DT • MSW YORK -l'.lch day "tn 11me way the theme ta repeeted. 'O\e aoa1 of .conamJo poUcy, It la '61d, le to venaf• power to the &dw\e teetor. where rlak..taklna bu1lneue1 wlll innovate ana ~te Jobe. • .l..~~._the Ume ~eina , the ~te effect may differ from tbe aoai. I overcome, lf at all ponlble, thouah aom.Umea lt tak• extra help. A. wtth lnterwt rat& Six year. 180 he founded E-Z Pak, which makea pac:ka1Jn1 machine& tor s nack lood producen, aellina h.la home to obtain the lriltlal ,5,000 end . borro~ $5,000 from a loeal b-nk, • with everythina, includinl the aerial number of my la~r, for collateral." He felt confident thouah. - SCORPIO (<kt. 23-Nov. 21): Oood l~•pec:t coincldee with travel plana, loM-dta potential and aptelal projeet wfitch 1 u.lattt lea.mlna procm. · 10methin8, it la emenlial that you Uat.eri. Reject SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Look beyond the tmmedtaie; aomeon• ta trytnc to ieu y~ GEMINI (May 2l·June 20): Penonal horlf.ona 1u~rfictal explanatlona. Make clear thlt )tou want ex'*'d; you'll pe~lve poi.ntlal and tlnd way to truth, not •uiarcoated ventooa. increue lncome Sqt\tarlua ~ anolher Gemini filu.re prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Y.,u have opportunity to break from restrlctlona; Ney la to CANCER (June 21-July 22): Moon in your sign pret1ent product tn ortglnal rnaria\er. Focut a1lo on colnctdn wlth independ'ence, c:reatlvlty, making legal dJ.acuulona, location of ~ ~ta and rtaht move at correct moment. Surprtae ii due and it meetinat with creative dynamic people. The private teetor ta hurttna btiid}y, and• Terry Daniel vtewa the altuatlon, lt 11 hurtin1 bec:auae of hlah interest rata, a bl1 national debt, and the u.nwillinane11 of Con1re11 to correct the problem. Daniel, head of E-Z Pak Inc., P.O. Box 12, Dlckaon, Tenn., felt the situation wu intolerable and -.kl for 26 small bualneteet to dole down for a day of prot.est. It might not correct the problem, he concedes, but It might call attention to It. Havin1 worked 11 a machlriiat and tn maintenance fOl' IU\Other m11Chine company, he obeerved that improvement.I auuested by ct&afomen and maintenance meO Wefe ignored. He felt that by tncorporatiJl8 thoec suagestiont he could produce a better machine. A PROF -Actor Burt Reynolda hu been appointed an adjunct prof e11or of theater at FlorJda State University. hia abna mater. will be of pleuant variety. ._ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Y~ on • · LEO (July 23-Aua. 22): Seek motives, be "9ee0nd attempt." Means don't be ed by ana1ytical. teed' between linet and eJCprei9 yoW"9elf initial miahap. Check baste procedura ocua on in ~Uve, pphlc manner. Member of oppocite people who rely upon you, peta and c which ee>. ~ aped.al request. Be open mlnded. not had been tcnored or delayed. borrow for production at today• aulJ.lble. · PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): You gain~roval interest rata." ~ of one ViOU _ _._,_. Emp'---t-on chan1 , trav•1 VIJ\GO (Aua. 23-oept. 22): Focua on gift.I, J 11U11un:-1w.a1a ,.,,., The machine, which would •ll aurprile reunion and family member who hu plans variety and adventure of new relat onahip. Daniel 1eeka the help of the National ·Federation of Inde-pendent Bu1ine11, which clairris a membership of 540,000, to publicize tbe c10le down dq on a date to be set. Joe Shafran of the pup notes a newsletter publiahed every six weeks, but declined to have the NFIB committed beyond that. He did. Sales doubled each year until last year, when volume sh.rank. Sales were lbst, he aaid, becau se potential customers worried that if E-Z J>ak went under.,-aa did 17.000 companies last year, they'd be unable to obtain parts. They liked his product. They feared the future. for $40,000 or ao, about $20,000 for chanp which meana temporarlly 1-vtnc home. Popul.artty tncttuea. lines of communica on open under the oornpetiUon, ta more Focua al.lo on uplratlona. aoludon to bwllne9 or and ability to express aelf in artiltic r ii efficient, he sald. A prototype career problem and receipt of matlll'tal whk:h alda in highlighted. now at Moore'• Potato Chip Co., r==========i====================~=:;:;::=:;:=; Entreprene urs aren't easily stopped, however, and Daniel intends to prea on. Obstacles, he belie~ea , are th ere t o b e "We put a lot of money Into research and development," he said. "We created a new machine, but now we can't bring it out because it costs too much to Briatol, Va., provet1 that. he said. Further confirmation of the machine's potentlal came when a larg er com pany , from Massachusetts, offered to buy E-Z Pak, which baa a volume of about $1 mlliion a year. "They're trying to buy lt at half price," he said. If they raise their bid, said Daniel, he might aell. --. fiEDGO MEMBERS KNOW BEST·! FEDCO MEMBERS ·AGREE . . WITH CHANNEL 2 KNXT-TV Channel 2, Sunday June 27, 1982, televised the results of their consumer survey comparing prices of Fedco's merchandise with Gemco's, Kmart's and Zodys'. The KNXT consumer editor selected national name brand merchandise sold af Fedco, Gemco, Kmart,. and Zodys. In every Instance, Fedco was the lowest on all Items when compared to the prices at Gemco, Kmart and Zody~. . NOW THAT'S WHAT MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS IS ALL ABOUTI NOW, DO YOUR FRIEND A FAVOR-handtheFedcoappllcatlontorm In this newspaper to someone you think may qualify for membership. Fedco doesn't have the luxury of the big department stores, but It has low prices for Its members -low prices are what FEDCO Is all about. FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES STORE LOCATION STORE HOURS FEOCO COSTA MESA (n4) 919-2Bf0 3030 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 92826 FEDCO CERRITOS (213) llD-n11 11525 SOUTH STREET, CERRITOS 90701 OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY WEEKDA VS • 12:00 NOON to 9:00 PM SATURDAYS• 10:00 AM to.6:00 PM SUNDAYS• 10:00 AM to 5:00 f!M . CL:.OSEO WEDNESDAYS FEDCO • Not Just a Name • Bait a eonimitment to lDW ~ces D D PARKING LOT SALE SALE SALE ON ALL TV's RADIOS \ SAi.i & SIERE~'S · .Al LOW, - LOW PRICES SALE s p E c I A L ALL DEMONSTRATORS IO'ro OYER COST GUSDORF ~ ALL tV _ST ANDS MICROWAVE CARTS s p E . c c I f , I l . I I I .. ~ . . ' ~ARMADl:KE by Brad Anderson ~ ~ ~·-~-.,._ .... ,, Lf ~ 1mm111rn11'Tr//---\.-r , DOWN 1 l(eepe bed! 2 '"'*-ought l!fiilr&llrfliti lobe --- "OfffV', you fOfVOt your bootl••·" ~18 THE MENACE Hank Ketchum by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~EY, MOON ! DIDJ,4 NoTICf MlHIS .-COMIN' BACl<fy SHOE ~!A1\lb~ ~~Mt>~ nsTPfET ... Hl,SLUGG0---1 BROUGHT )OlJ A PRESENT FROM MY VISIT TO THE FA.RM MOM,I'~ Nor~ 6A6'f! \1~ 1'.itt&l .. ~E:A~S OL.0 ! 0094'1 't'EU. ME 1'0 awt:R ~ E.'4ES~ 11"1S A New AN"rl- RUS1"' SOt..U"rlON F~ Peopt,..e WHO A~e HSAVY IN1"C:> I RON Pl 1.-1.-S .' A WHOLE JUG OF FRESH COUNTRY AIR yt>()'L-1.-MAKES A FOUR BUCK PROFl"T'" ON eveRY eorri..e by Jeff MacNelly " T of tall tales BROWN JORDAN ENSIGN II 42" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS 5695. '389. 48" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS .'730. '399. CHAISE '329. '209. APPLAUSE ICE CREAM SET 36" TABLE'W/2 CHAIRS TAMIAMI '757: '379. 42" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS f"/79. '499. 48" LEG TABLE W/4 CHAIRS sa1s. '535. CHAISE '319. •219. TELESCOPE BfACHCHAIR WITH SET VISIT OUR PATIO OVERLOOKING SCENIC OMA POM HARBOR 4i3-1113 .. NOTICE DISSOLmll IF PllTIEl,llP PUBLIC AUCTIONj I Ordered by the Attorney for Globe lnternatlonal Hendmede Peralan and Orlentel Ruge Wnlern a European Bronz We have been commlaafoned to llquld te the entire Inventory plus ottiera for lmmedlat caah. A1 per ln1tructlona ALL BIDS ILL OPEN AT .21• on the doU•r, •nd lot1 Wiii be aold from the next bid on. RUGS FROM: China, Persia, Afganlatan India, Turkey, Pakistan, Romania, Egypt, an Iran. Sizes range from 2'x3' to 18'x 12'. BRONZES BY: Remington, Russell, Men • plua works by many leading scolptors. AUCTION WIU TAKE PLACE O~ MONDAY, JULY 11, AT 8 P.,.. MARRIOTT INN 900 NEWPORT CENTER DA, NEWPORT BEACH Preview 1 hour prtor to MICtlon -PIMM ati.nd ~ A. A. a A Inc., Llquld8ton -.&. 211 -,..... T.,_ C-. . VIia. MC TROPITONE TAOPI-KAI REG. 42" TABLE W/4 CHAIRS sns. 48" RD . TABLE W/4 CHAIRS 5814. CHAIS~ '250. WOODARD 5459. •489. •111. 24"X30"TABLE W/2 CHAIRS SS29. '329. TEA CART s2as. 1199. TEA CART '304. '225. MARRAKESH 42"RD. TABLEW/4CHAIRS s794, '479. 48"RD. TABLEW/4CHAIRS SSJO. '515. CHAISE (NO ARMS) S268. *199~ ' \ f • , t I . •I 'I . , I • . , . ' Ii ' I • I I • : I I' •I I' .J I I I 1 • ' • • • • I t • • . . • .It t • l i I I ' . I I -• - 1 nsanity defense:· • • I t Legal doctr,ine µ.ilder fire By TblOnlY HARPER held ~~bl• for any mo~ than a .,..11 It• '"'9...., . child who find a a loaded 1un and •John Hlnddey tried to kill .Praldent acdden\ally 1hoota a playmate. 'ftliWn 1D Orem-to imprell actteu Jodie John Monahan, • ttMUCh r at the t« and WM f~M not suUty by lnaUtute of Law, Payahlatry and Public tiiiOn of lnaan.lty. Policy at the University of Vlrilnla. uld : But wu M craiier '1uln John Gecy, 1tudie1 ahow that only 1 ln 20 people ln who kllltd 33 youna men and boj'9 arid ptt1on are Pfychotic .• t$&rMd matt.under ht. auburban Chlcai<> ~! Wif he cru1er than Richard 1'MOST PEOPLE who «>mmtt crtmee Qhue, tM "Sacramento vampire" who are not severely mentally IU," he aatd. ~ lix people anct drank their blood? He allO aald a new 1tudy ahowa how : Or Datlln JW\e Comer, who wu uid the Insanity defente la rarely aucceaful. .&e belleve that blacka were meant \o be The controveray over the inaanity oOoked and eeten like chickens and that defense, like ao many teaal quest.Iona, la a the wae kllling a rabbit when ahe cluaic confrontatlun of lndivfdual rtshta 4\ranaled a 5-year-old black boy In versus prot~tlon of society. Society Oakland? wants \o take the humanitarian view : All three of thoee defendants wt!re that people who are not responsible for (ound une and convicted; Hinckley was their actlona 1hould not be punished. At ...,,, the same time. aoclety wants to be protected from crime and the notion that crlrnlnala can uae leaal loopholes to literally get away with murder. WAS HE C RAZIER than Sirhan Strhan, Jack Ruby, Arthur Bremer or ~ouaands of others acroa the country ~ch year who commit hideous and bjzarre crimes but are found sane and sent \o prison? • Aft.er the outcry over the Hinckley verdict, the underlying questions remain. Who Is insane? Who is so far from reality to be not accountable for their actions? How can we tell? And, ultimately, who I.a to decide? Carol Bitner, a Peoria. Ill., housewife and mother of three small children, ~ up the reaction to the Hinckley verdict. "It doean't seem right," she said. "Maybe something i5 wrong with him. But still he tried to take somebody's life." She said all people who commit crimes are "probably unbalanced in some way. but that does not mean that they should not be punished for hurting other people and hurting society." Dr. S~ey Portnow, head of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, disagreed: "There are people with mental diseases and mental defects who ~not cogntttve of their wrongdoing." He said those people should not be Critics say the lnsanlty defense does too much \o help the Individual and not enough---u> "'Pf'Otett mety. In -ihe -last seven years. eight atatea have approved laws to keep people who win insanity verdicts behind ban -either in prisons or mental institutions. At least 20 other states are considering slmUar changes. PSYCHIATRISTS, as in the Hinckley trial, take cent.er stage in what lawyers call ''swearing contests" when the in.sanity defense ls raised. Prosecution and defense experts swear back and forth under oath -depending upon which side is paying their fees of up to $100 an hour -as to whether the defendant was sane or insane at the time of the crime. In the Hinckley case, the burden of proof was on the prosecution to show that Hinckley had the ''substantial capacity" to either tell right from wrong or keep himself from doing wrong. Judge Barrington Parker instructed the jurors that they had to be sure "beyond a reasonable doubt" 1f they found Hinddey-sane. Henry Steadman. a state cr iminal JUSUce researcher ln New York, sald that with all the'con!Ucting expert testimony. it was only reuonable for the jurors to have doubt about Hinckley's insahlty "I don't see how the jury could have found anything else, based on those mstrucuona," Steadman said. ln many states, including California since passage of Proposition 8, Hinckley probably would have been convicted because the burden ls on the defense to prove insanity rather than th e prosecution to prove sanity THE WORD "INSANITY" 1s not a psychiatric term. It is a legal definition States, struggling with By NANCY SHULINS Aeleod9 .......... w .... They've cut. And cut. And cut. They've raiaed taxe1. Impoaed new taxes. And speeded up collections of old ones. They've laid off worke rs. Delayed their railes. Or aent them home early. NONSENSE .... ALLWalES LOOK UKE H\M. And stili there is more cutting, taXing and laying off to be done as st.ates strugale with a recession that has put millions out of work. reducing the tax base and swelling the unemployment rolls An Associated Press survey of the 50 states found: -Eighceen ap~roach the end or fl.seal 1981-82 having cut spending and-or raised taxes or settled for deficits exceeding $30 million -or facing such a choice. In four -California, Michigan. Minnesota and Ohio -the ahortfall it more than $500 million. -TWENTY R.Al.SED exitlin8 taxes or Impaled new ones. At least three states -Connecticut, Rhode Island and Mlnne90ta -speeded up tax collections. -Eleven states had surpluses of more than $25 million. But while there were a few rebates and tax cuts, several states with a positive balance sheet were being cautious not to splurge. aware that hard times are not over. -Twenty states have laid off employeea or stopped replacing those who leave. At least flve also delayed or rejected raises for state workers -* Nevada Gov. Bob Lis t cut his own $50.000 salary by 10 percent. Idaho \ ' TM1t4K ''M 6()~ NUTS! I that tries to reconcile the uncertainty of the law. The inoonsustenc1ea from case to case show haw the insanity defense has failed to reconcile science and law and has produced odd twists to the proceedings. Such as the Chicago man who pleaded inSanity and defended himself. putting his psychiatrist an the stand to testify that he was mentally ill and then doggedly c r oss-examining the prosecuuon psych1atrist who said he was sane. The 50 state and 11 federal court JUrisd1ctJons in this country have at least 19 d1.fferent def1runons of insanity The statutes of a few st.ates. such as New ··-2i" ( . . . I • . ! ' Hampshire. offer no d e finition of 1nsaruty at all Those st.ates simply leave it to the jury to decade whether a defendant IS to be held responsible_ And that's the way most juries, even in courts working under black-letter legal definitions of insanity. actually • decide insanity r-ases, according to many • legal scholars. "ln the end. that's what a jury does • anyway A jury makes 1ts decas1on based • I prunanly on rommon sense." s~ud Frank I Osanaka. a Naperville. Ill , behavioral consultan t who w o rked for the prosecution in the John Cacy case., tighten up workers went on four-day workweeks. including the housekeeper in Gov. John Evans' mansion. Hardest hit have been Washington state, wher• 20,000 governmen l employees have lost their jobs. M1ch1gan. where 10.000 workers have been Laid off over the paat 18 months; California. which faces a $2. l billion shortfall on its $25 billion budget; and Minnesota and Ohio, with abort.ages of $1 billion or more. The Minnesota Legislature met four times in special session to deal with a $1 billion shortfall. It severely cu.t aid to education. cloaed a mental hospital. raised highway user rees and imposed a 7 percent personal income tax surcharge In Ohio, Gov . James Rhodes cut spending by 7 percent, then the Legislature ordered an additional 10 percent cut to tackle a $1.3 billion revenue shortfall. It also imposed an income tax surcharge. TWO SPECIAL sessions of the Legislature were needed in Oregon. where a $421 million budget shortfall prompted enactment of an income surtax, 50 percent cut in property tax relief, reduced a1d to schools and other cuts. Nebraska cut spending by 2 percent across the board last fa ll, then raused sal<'s. personal and corporate inrome taxes and cigarette taxes this spnng to make up $50 rrulhon. A haring f ree-ze has trimmed 1,000 state jobs Gov Christopher Bond of Missouri twice ordered 10 percent spending cuts by st.al# departments to keep a $3.8 billion budget in balance. Cfgarett.e taxes were rauied to help school. and voters wall t'Onsi der a gasoline tax increase in November. Lake several states. Indiana delayed income tax refunds. Corporate taxes and unavers1tv tuitions were raised, and state employees won't get planned raises as a r esult of an $85 3 million revenue <>ho rt fall Kansas. Georgia and South Carolina have tapped reserve funds to meet ,... budget problems. whale Massachusetts is setting aside a $20 mJllion reserve for that purpose in the coming fiscal year. Caution is a byword. even among states with money. Virginia Gov. Charles Robb plans to cut $50 million to $75 million in the budget next year, despite endtng fiscal 1981-82 with a surplus of over $40 mill.ion. "I'd rather be safe than sorry," he said. ~oeing's bank fight significant to Californians Arizona Gov. Bruce Babbitt is cutting spending by 10 percent, despite a $30 million surplus. State revenue collections are starting to slow, and t he state could ; have to borrow money for operating : • expenses for the first time since 1951. • . BY, THOMAS D. ELIAS . The troubles of the Boeing Co .. which makea aix of every 10 commercial jelliners in the world. have drawn few headlines in California. The 12,000 la~offs by the giant $raft builder have all come in the ~ttle area and did not draw much a~ntion here. especially because of similar layoffs at Lockheed and other California finns. :sut CAlttomtans i>laY an integral part l.ri fabricating .Boeinlts planes and if any more airlineS cancer orCfers for Boeing's new 7~7 and 767 planes, this stat.e's 9.4 ~1*'C9nt. 11nemplo~nt rate will climb ltUl higher. For even though final assembly IJ dqne ln Seattle, 916 California companies .t work on various parts of the new Boeing jets . BOEING MAINTAINS. ~t its sales are not suffering just because of the American recession and resulting lower airline profits, although that has led carriers like American Airlines and United Airlines to drop their options for about two dozen planes. A far bigger culprit is the growth of Airbus lndustrie, the European consortium that builds the A300 and A310 wide-body jetliners. says Boeing president Malcolm Stamper. Airbus has moved past Lockheed and McDonnell Douglas into second place among commercial airplane builders. and Stamper maintains that sweetheart Clllflllll flCUI flna.nclal deals are the reason 1t has started cutting into Boeing's sales. too. The government-owned airlines of Britain, "France and West Germany give Airbus an automatic market for its planes, since those orders really involve one arm of government selling to another. Of more concern to Stamper are the deals offered by Airbus to other airlines. "T h ey have the be n erit o f government-to-government leverage," he says. "Airbus in effect has the power to grant precious route award• ano landing rights, or to agree to build industrial plants, in exchange for by f'or some, the prescription is pets that can help promote a potitlv• breaktbrou1h toward health," HY• Westbrook. "Anbnall provide a uniquely nonthreatenlJ!i and nonjuqmental environment. They offer Unoaididonal love and aUection \o people who of1en have a profound need for it bec:auae of lack of telf•teem." The initial ltep ln 8tartJ.na. program ln -' bwtltutlon la animal 11election and acquilltion. Westbrook~ that It Ji belt to 1et anlmal1 durln1 or of equipple'nt. U t.h~y will be around children who are handicapped, who move or apeek differently, they should be trained ln their presence," the relHl'Cher U)'9. An an1mal can provide a aafe form of commtanlcation between people, and ~ mutual int.erett ln eech other can break down the 1tron1eat Interior bm'len. Often the unautpected klndnMI thllt " evoked 10\vard the anlma1I bl'ln&I a new trwt between th~ J)!tMnta and the Riff, buying airplanes And government banks also subsidize airline sales by of(erlng cheaper financing." Stamper not.es that Ea.stem Airlines president Frank Borman, whose firm has bought 34 A300s, says Eastern was "subsidized by more than $100 million" by the French government. "The U.S . is allowing a foreign competitor to buy the business," Stamper says. Boeing will still be able to compete stronjlly, he adds. as Jong as the-U.S. Export-Import Ba nk provides its customers similar financing to that given Airbus buyers. THERE WERE BRIGHT spots, but I : I . not many. Two states had sufficient sul]>lu.es \o • refund money to residents. Everyone who's lived in oil-rich Alaska ~ Apn1 12 is geumg $1 .000 as part of a $400 million share-the-wealth program aimed at making the state recession-proof. ' Hawaiian taxpayers received $100 refunds during the current fi.acal year and a~ due $2~ more next -year u the state whittles away at what was a $231 million surplus. Other states with big s urplu1es include: oil-and gas-rich Louisiana ($170 million), diversified Massachusetts-($50--..::Lo million including the reserve), New : Mexico ($85.8 million) and Oklahoma ' (~million). • She states -Maine, Nevada, New Jei:eey, Ne..w Hampshire. New M~ and Te)(as -trimmed 90me tpe. But the cuts were oft.et ln four at.at.es by increases tor other levies. ln Nevada, propeny taxes were cut and ¥let taxea incttued, in pe/'t to puw.,. more of the burden of payi;nC for thl s~t.e'• ao~nt on vilitOrl to die aamblln« mecca~ a Anyone who talkl about "a do1'• life" u It It were unpleaaant never met. Snoopy. The clever canine, who 11eema to apend hoW'I asleep on top ot hJa dochouae, has been a World War I ac:ie fighter pilot ("Cune you, Red Baion!"), Joe Cool on the coUep campus and a pro at almoet every sport ever Invented. Uncle Len always has been jealous of Snoopy because of the pool table and chandelier Inside his doghouse. Somed•Y Uncle Len ls going to sneak Inside there and have a quick game while ~y ia olf ice ~Ung with w ~. Alt buay as Snoopy is, Uncle Len'• friends were even busier making drawings for the contest this week, and Snoopy look- alikes flooded his mail basket. Deciaions on the winners were especially tough, and Uncle Len had to ask his helpers' opinions in this week's judging. First place and $5 go to Elaine Sunu, 14, of Huntington Beach for her drawing of Snoopy as a tennis star. Second place and $2 go to Scott Borack, 12, of Cost.a Mesa for a drawlfli that touched old Uncle Len 'a heart -Snoopy is reading the Daily Pilot's Youth page. This was one week when Uncle Len wished he could have given out many more pnzes, but hono rable mentlona go to Michelle Strand, 11, Michelle Miller, 8'h, April Gibbs, 9, Vickie G1bbs, 12, David Lorenzini, 14, Maria Tucker, 13, and Matthew &rack, 13, of Costa Mesa; Kelly O'Guinn, 9'h, Lynn Crisfield, 13, Greg Deras, 13, and Tina Sunu, 10, of Huntington Beach; Mary Deneber, 10, and Molly Deneher, 8 W of Newport Beach; Misty Sulley, 8, of C.Orona del Mar and Laura Ridgeway, 15, o f San Clemente. Laura even threw in a Garfield drawing for good measure. Special thanks and a get.-weU- quick to Uncle Len's friend Chee-sen. Wirth in Newport Beach who even managed to draw while recovering from pneumonia. Good work, Chee- sen. One of Snoopy's many sports is surfing, something most Orange Coast residents know about, even if they don't go out and hang ten. Uncle Len tried surfing once, but the waves were pretty rough, so he decided to stick with h.is rubber ducky in the bathtub. For ~ week's contest, Uncle Len would like. his friends to draw some .exciting surfing FIRST PLACE: Elaine Sunu of Huntington Beach ~ ,.=---~-?t"--""'--"---- SECOND PLACE: Scott Borsck of Costs Mesa pictures to help him get up his courage to try the sport again. Be sure to draw with black ink on white paper cut 4 inches square and send the entries to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Include your name, address and age, and remember that brothers and 'sisters can send entries in the same envelope. Be sure to send early 90 entries arrive no later than Wedneeday. And no matter what anyone tells you, Uncle Len is not all wet. See you next week. Student budding programmer LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Two years ago Lewis Stewart was an unhappy eighth grader, two years behind in reading. Today he's a budding programmer, teaching children and adults about the joys of computers. The 14-year-old New York City youth dis played his computer prowess for two dozen teachers at the National Education Association convention last week. He created a dazzling display Dog of tlle Weelc -------- of geometric designs and also offered his elders some advice on how to teach. Stewart urged the educators not to ignore quiet children who seem slow to catch on because "very often, they are the ones who have that rainbow inside them.'' He reassured teachers ,t~at computers are not g()ing to orive them out. of business. "Some teachers think the - computer is smarter than be or she ta.'' he said. "That's not true. "Only a human can tell you how you feel on the inside . . . " he added. "A computer la just a bunch of switches. "A kindergartel'I kid is much anarter than a computer in one sense" because the child can program the computer to do 10methins it does not know. he said. One of Stewart'• programs is a game of homonyms -worda that tound alike, auch u "new'.' and "enu." -' "But if I uy to it, 'What ia gnu?' lt wW freeze up," he aaid. In fact, when be typed in the quenlo!l. hJa microcomputer spat tJ.ck: .. 1 don't know how to gnu." Hla father, Charles. la a retired Policeman. and hia mother, Janie, I. a nur.~a aide. Mother and eon came here at NEA e~ u peatll tor the conventton: 'nle ~ youth aa1d hJa l\IOClell '1howl you that anybody can ptotp"am. '' When he started P .S . 118 in 1980, he WM readinc at the 1ixth 1rade level. He 1raduated laat month wlth honon reedinC above the ninth· sr• tevel. . ~ has worked for a com~ter conl\llt.t~ llvtn.a younpr chtldren , He'a awn penullded friends ln hit up p er Manhattan netpbOrhOod to JD'.n b1m In hll c:ompot.r w.irtt. ''My friendl IWted Woadtrlna when 1 Wiii Fina" iftlf.; ~ • . • .nd ewntually, two Of my Mindi Started--.... downtown With me," M ..ict:'T Tur tles' cha.n ces f ostered By n. Allootaeed Pr.., The tint thrM monthl were relat.lwly euy for Ken )kC)Qud. It w.a1 merely • matter ot watchlne and waittna. But when the turtle •II• hatched, llfe became conalderably more hec\Jc. McCloud lead lnapeccor for the U.S. 'kt;h .. and Wlldllfe Service in LUnaarne, bu been ra!llna elaht Olive Ridley .. tu.11*, mna1leat member ot the Ha turtle famlly and an endanlfered apedee aince 1969. ML-Cloud, i'1, fint heard about the turt1a in Sept.ember when he WU told that C\181.oma offlciala in Loe Angeles had come' aero. a ahipment of aea turtle egp from c.o.ta Rica. The eggs are uaed for eating and, ln Central America, as aphrodisiacs, McCloµd aaid. Because they come from an endangered or threate ned spedet, ft is We_J$1 to import them for commercial sale. McCloud, a herpetologist who has worked with reptiles almost all his life, had an idea. "It iuat seemed like such a waste,'~ he said. "Here was an endangered species, and they were going to destroy th~ eggs down In L .A. So I t.ho~ght, 'Well, why don't I give it a shot and try to hatch them'." Only 11 eggs survived the trip from E.oe Angeles. With the help of his secretary, McCloud put the eggs in homemade incubators and waited for them to hatch. On March 19, now a historic day for McCloud, the first Olive Ridley emerged from its shell. Within 10 days, seven more had entered the sterile environment of the incubators. McCloud began to panic. He had neither the equipment nor the proper storage tanks for bringing up turtles. . Deltr ...... ""°4o &tr ,..,.. .,.._ .. POPULAR POOCH -Youngsters crowd around Snoopy and.'. try to touch and pet him as the beloved beagle walks the grounds at Knott's Berry Farm. Snoopy will be a featured attraction at the amusement park all summer and he even appears in the ice show, called "Snoopy and All That Jazz." Uncle Len discovered how popular Snoopy is with youngsters, too. His desk will never be the same after holding the heavy mailbags of drawings. Winning entries are shown at left. Family los es p e t Gentle lion now living at game park L'ORIENT, France (AP) - Elsa, a 9-month-<>ld lion raised in an apartment house with 10 children, two dogs. six cats and a duck, was interned in a game park despite protests o f her Conner owners. southeast of L'Orient, with her owners, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Moro, their children and menagerie. The Moros, who accompanied Elsa in a van to the game park, said they will try to get their pet back despite lhe ruling. He called his supervisor to see if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife SeIVioe would help out, but he was turned down. The Fish and Wildlife Service, as a law enforcement agency, is responsible for clearing wildlife shipments entering the country. It la not, McCloud was told, in the business of ra1aing turtles. So McCloud and his aecretary took on the taak. He said he has spent about three hours • day feetUng the turt1ea and cleaning their tanks. He a1-> aaid he hu taken more than $600 out of his own pockd to keep the turtle9 alive. · "She's still a baby but she will be an adult. within a year," said Pierre Thomas, director of the L'Orient game park near this city on the Atlantic coast. "She has had an abnormal life a nd her behavior has been aUected by this cozy existence," Thomu aaid.· "Lions should live Thomas said that because o( Elsa's physical weakness and ' gentle disposition she could not be placed immediately with other lions or cubs her age because they would have eaten her. in nature." • The director said he was attempting to make' Elsa eat 8.8~ pounds of meat a day, the • 1 A court had ruled last month that the 198-pound lion could no lon.ler live in a public hous.inl building in Nantes. 84 miles standard portion for cuba her 1 7 age. The Moroe said she had been eaung less than two pounds-of : meat a day. • ! --------/'------~~~~--~~~~~~ 1 world scope (10polntt fof ... ql.lfftlon ena~ cWKf&¥) 1 the Pt:<), wtilch !las been hudqu·anered In Lebanon since 19n. says It ~nts about 4 million displaced P1lestlnl1ns. The larsest number of P1lestlnl1ns now live In .. l .. a-the U.S. l>-JOfdtn c-lebanon 2 Preildent Reagan greeted Columbia's atronauts lfter they compfe\ecf the 'hunle's flnaltest flight. TRUE OR FALSJ: Based on the ihunle's sua:eu, the Pr~t has endorsed COMtNCtlon of a permanent space station. J Congreulonal leaders predicted that Georwe Shulu was likely to win confj.rmatlon as the nation's 60th Secn!t.ary of State. Which house of Con1reu must approve Cabinet ap- polntmentsf 4 Altho'-11h his political party faced challenge~ for the tint time, Mi1uel de la ~drld, won an overwh4!lmln1 victory to become (CHOOSE a.i&E: Mexico's, Guatemala's) next President. S A shoftase of .. l ..• added to water supplies in abo\tt S1000 U.S. cities to help prevent cavities, ~Id llow the nation's campalsn asain't tOQth deay. accordln1 to the Center for Disuse Control. •·fluorine b-chlorlne c·fluorlde newsname (10 potntt " you C*' Identify Ihle perwon In the n-•I f wu scheduled to lead conareulonll hearlnp on the nomination of Geor1e Shultz as Secnt.ery of State, I 1m a moderate Republican from llllnolL Who am I Ind what CoOlrts"°nal committee do I ludl ,., ... ,. • a-come before c-etop,pment 4-tule, ltw e news picture (10 polnta 11 you entwer IN• quettlon correclly) U.S. special envoy .. l . ., lower risht, has been nqotiating wrth Lebanese and braeli official' to end the crisis In Lebanon. The nqotiations Included plans for American marine\ to aid in the evacuation of Palestine liberation Orsaniu1ion forces blockad- ed In West Beirut. peoplewatch/sportlight (2 point• for Heh quHtlon •n•-red correclly) 1 The International freedom Award was 1lven to .. l .. , a Swedish dlplomlt who Is credited with savln1 30,000 to 100,000 Hun11rlan Jewi from Nazi death amps durln1 World W1r II. An American congrenm1n, one of those 11ved, accepted the .ward on beti.lf of the diplomat at the Detrolt-Wlnd~sot International Freedom Festival. 2 Los AngelM polke have l>etun a homicide lnvestlptlon into the drug-related death of actor John Belushi. Which of these movies did NOT feature that comedian? a-Animal Houte b..Conllnental Divide c-Mfftballs J ~of four (CHOOSf ONE: So¥iet, Chin~ daM'Cft ~ lntematl'oNI S.llet Competition In Jadson, Mls.sisalppl, has sousht polltlcal asylum In the U.S. 4 North Carolina sur (CHOOSE ONE: lames Worthy, Terry Cummlnp) was the NIA's number one draft pktl tNt aeuon. Next year he wlU play fot the champion Los Antelet laken.. 5 Jimmy Connora beat deftndlnt dllmplon John Mdnroe to win the Wimbledon Men'J Sln1let title. TRUE 'Oil FALSE: Connon had never won 1 title •t Wimbledon. '8111lly dllCllH'°'1 (llO eoef'e) If you ~ one of Pteldenc leapn'• advl•r1, WCM.ttct you r~ that he Melt • tee0nd tetm u Pnrlldentl Why or ..,y nott •~VA ICOllll 11to100 ,.tntt -TOft ICO'lll 11 le IO poM..-.a.lscelteftt. •vrc. tne .• 71 a:aa 1no•v·1 • • 4 f . ~ ' • • ALL THAT'S LEFT -A crumbling Wells Fargo building is all that remains fram the once-booming Callfomla mother lode town of Timbuctoo. Jim and Jacqueline Ashenbrenner of Reeeda have purchased the townsite and hope eventually to restore the village. Town has seen better days Couple hope to restore Mother Lode townsite TIMBUCTOO, Calif. (AP) - You can sk.jp a long trip to Africa and still boast that you've been from "here to Timbuctoo" -by driving through what's left of a once-booming California Mother Lode town. Wh.kt's left 1Sn't much -only a crumb11ng Wells Fargo building. Ftre destroyed Timbuctoo's two hotels, six boarding houses, eight saloons, a cburch and other structures after the now nearly-forgotten town slipped into a decline in the 1870s. One of the fint thing done here by Ashenbrenner, who runs a conunercial diving and diving supplies business in Reeeda. waa to put up a tall mesh and barbed wire fence around the old Wella Fargo building to keep out vandala and "treasure-bunt.ers." The building was intact until the 1960s, but since then bricks and foundation stones have been carted off, a fire has charred roof umbers. two walls were knocked out and a third has a gaping hole in it. An iron door also is missing Ashenbrenner s~ys information on five mines operating in the area shows about $10 million in gold a year was produced at Timbuctoo's peak. when it was the largest town in east.em Yuba County. Scarred hills around the town atteat to extenaive use of hydraulic miners' water cannons. But Jim and Ja('que l ine Aahenbrenner, who bought the Yuba River town.slte 2 YJ years ago, hope to restore the brick and stone Wells Fargo building and ~entually put up replicas of some other structures. "We're trying to protect the place from th06e who are trying to destroy it totally," he says. "The fence is to keep out the treasure· hunters." Now there are only a few small houses in the Sierra Nevada foothill area around the old town, located tn low. brown lulls only a few miles from where the hills give way to the flat, ferule Sacramento Valley "It's hard when you're doing 1t without money ," says Aahenbrenner, "But we would like to re-create the gold mining industry as it was then, and maybe in the distant future rebuild a lot of the old town " The tin-roofed structure. built in 18.55. sits amid tall weeds and oak trees. Nearby. Big Ravine Creek, choked with wild blackberries and poison oak, flows into the Yuba. The road to TlmbU('too is unmarked, narrow and pot- holed. A main road to nearby Maryav1lle, juat no-rth of Sacramento, runs nearby -but motorists on the main road aren't likely to notice the old townsite. Mrs. Ashenbrenner says that the venture is a hobby that rould mushroom into a full-blown historjc restoration project. The coupfe dJvide time between a Southern California business and work at the townsu.e just east of Marysville. ·It was here, so the story goes, that white miners found a black miner busy with a pick and shovel. He was either from Tombou"tou, in what's now Mali. Africa, or reminded them of an old song, ''For he was a man from Tunbuctoo." The name stuck, and with the start of hydraulic mining an about 1854 the boom was on. Within a few years, there were up to 3,500 people in town. ' ' All that marks the town is a rusted, nearly illegible metal marker put up years ago. Local historic preservation groups worked off and on over the years to save Timbuctoo, but htStory buff Anjta Laney of Marysville says that until the Ashenbrenners got the property nothing mU('h had been done. Neither former owners nor local government officials were interested in the effort, she added. Df ITH IDTICIS .. Tti. lollowlng peraon It dotng bu"'-u GRAEFF age 67. resident of Costa JOHN EDGAR GRAEFF, Mesa, Ca. Paaed away on born February 15, 1914 at July 15 . 1982 She is Murphysboro. llllnols. Died survived by 2 daughters July 14, 1982 at the age of 68 Palay Crawford of Costa in Santa Ana, Ca He ia Meta, Ca. and Barbara aurvived by his wlfe Jean Duran of Garden Grove, Ca., Graeff, daughter Laurie 10 grandchildren and 1 Kluge, brothers Gene and great:srandcblld., allo a Roger Grae ff. 111 te ra lister Mary&.. of San Joee, Pollyann Stewart and Ellen Ca. Funeral eervices will be Wooolar, aunt Anna Kema. conducted on Monday, July He worked In the Loa 19, 1982 at the 1:30PM at Anaelea area In steel Church of Jesus Christ of conatruchon for 32 years. Latter Day Sainta, Adama Suvices will be held on and FAtanda, Costa Mesa. Monday, July 19, 1982 at Friends are invited to the 2: 00 PM at Fa 1 r haven church for viewing hours on Memorial Chapel with Rev. Monday from 12:00 noon Nonnan Ford of the Bristol until service time. Brown 1982 ..,.,,_ -·--'---' b ..___ KP I( INVESTMEHl, 1102 _,....,IS .... v,~ Y •MOT South El Camino R••I, Sen husband Robttt E. Hendrick ci.m.ni.. CA 1m12 0 f M Id la n d ' Tex .. ' 2 KENT A. KOEPSELL t61 W-1 daughters Mrs. Glenn E Ateu1ndro, San c1em1,.te. CA (Fritz) Reynolds o f Newport ~~1! bull,_ 11 conduc:lacl by• Beach, Ca., Mrs. George generel pann..ntp (Sandra) St&ley of Midland, Kant A Koec>Mll Texas, 1 lister Mrs. Roberta Thie s111-1 wu flied with the Cameron of K e nelngton, County Clerk 01 Orange County on M a r y I a n d a n d 6 July 1• 11182 F'lt25n ~n. Servi<:el will Publl1f\1d Orange Cou1 Delly lie held on Saturday, July PllOC, July 3, 10, 17, 24, t1182 17, 1982 at 4:00PM al the 2947-82 EWa Funeral Home Chapel. r\lll.IC NOTICE Midland, Texu. Interment ACTmOUI _...,. .. will follow at Resthaven NAME ITAn.NT Memorial Park. Under the Tiit lollowlng parSOf'I 11 doing direction of Ellis Funeral butl,_ 11. Home FUTURE C~NECTIONS, 11822 Street Baptist Church, Santa Colonial Mortuary Santa ----------- · TurtlAOC>ve A--. Fountain Veney. CA 92704. Ana presiding. Frie.nda may Ana dlrecton. NI.JC NOTICE JAMES ROBERT ANNETTA, IHl22 Tw1teoove A--. Fountain Vlllley, CA 1127Cle call on Saturcfay and S~y GOLDBERG 1C.-.s7 from 9:00AM to 9:00PM at LOUIS GOLDBERG, NOnc. TO CMDfTC>ftl the mortuary. Interment at resident of Oranae County Of' llUUt nw.wo Fairhaven Memorial Park, for the put 20 ye.an. pamed (8-. ttOW107 U.C.C.) Santa Ana Fairhaven away on July 14. 1982. She c ~:~~·t ~r~·,.~111•v~n ~ 1;• Mortuary dll't!Ctora 11 llU1'Vlved by her daughter INCOEPORATED. Traneferor. Geraldine Sherman, wtlOM ~ eddr-II 170t d h · 1 d H · Corlntlllan w..,, City of Newport SULUVAN 1ran c 1 ren arru, Buell, CA 02eeo, Count)' ot VERNA L. SULLIVAN, Pamela and Randy, geat-0r111g1. Stal• o1 CIAfomlA. tlllt • grand.ton David, sist.e~ Mn. bulk """'"It about to be made 10 ------------,Belle Welaenthal and Mn. DANTE'S , INC .. 1 C1lllorflt1 HAalO. LAW~MT. OLIVE MOftual'\' • Cemell'f\' Cremato l'\' 1625 G1s1er Avf.' Costa Mesa 540-5554 "HCl HOTHHS HU ... OADWAY MOITUAU 110 Bro adwav Costa Mesa 642·91 50 IALT2 & IPC.lttOH SMITH A TUTHILL WISTCUff CHArlL. •27 E 17tttSt Cos ta Mesa 646-9371 rtUCI IROTMIH SMnHS' MORTUMY 627 Main $1 Hunlmaton Beach 536-e539 rACtltC ¥11W MIMOllAL PMIC C.melt•ty M0ttU81"f Chapel..crematorv 3500 PaClhc View Om1e Newpc»I 8e~h ~·2700 Martha Rolenthal. Services corporation. TrtntlerN. wllot1 bu1lne11 1ddre11 11 421 Slerr1 will be held on Sunday, July Drive, City of Corona del Mar. 18. 1982 at 4 :00PM at the Countr. ot Orange, State of Harbor Lawn Mount Olive c.Af0<n . h l I t Ttll property lo be t'11t111ert«I It a p e . n t e r m e n clelclflbecl in gener.r u: All etod! 1n Immediately following. lrlde, ftlCtUr•, equipment anc1 good Servicet under the direction wlll ol 11111 rHt1urent lncludlng f Harbor Lawn-Mount alcohol beverage con1ro1 lloenM 11 M f C ta bu._ ltnqwn II Cha Oltnle. encl ve ortuary o oa located •I 1701 Cor'lntlllan Wey, Mesa. 540-5554. City o1 Newport BMtch, County of BARR <>tange, Stat• of Calllomla 11Heo BE'ITY BARR. resident of Tiie bulk trantfer •Ill b1 Ca P·~~ ~led on or •tlef the 3rd Newport Beach, · ~ dl'y Of~. 11H12 at 10:00 Lm. •I away on July 15, 1982. She or-&orow Corpor11ton. w11o11 Is survived by her ion ~ 11 23800 Aoc:ldlekt BM!., Donald Merrill and daughter Su/1• 2H, E T0to, C4llllornll. That Barbara Merrill, alao 6 IM IMt dl1• of llllnO cllllN It Aug. grandchildren. Funeral 2·J:8~er 11 11 1tnown 10 Ill• aervlcea will be held on T,.,...,_, 11 bUlllr1tl9 ,_,_and Sunday, July 18, 1982 at lddttnu uwt by 1N rr1111111er0t 12:00 noon at the Oiurch of Jor0~~,,_;:~"* wne. Christ. Colta M .. with Rev. OAHTl'8. IHC. Paul Thomae officiating. ~ Cadleu:I Private intenmnt at FOftllt T ~ Lawn Memorial Park, ,.ubl~hed Orange coaat o.iiy Glendale. Friendl may call ~.July 11. lH2. at Pierce Brothera Bell U40-t2 Broadway Mort'*ry on S.twday. July 17, 1982 from 4:00Pld to 8:00PM. Pfe~ Brothera Jl•ll Broadway Moc1'Uary 4Nct.or:w. BaNl)Rle& ffl:LEN B. HENDRICK. telident of Midland, Tou. Pa.,~ away on July tG, Turn ye.Ur Uftusabtes Into UN .... c..,..Catl DallyP.ltet cl•ulflecf 642·56'>'1. Thia bu'"-It conduc:1ICI by an lndtvldull J-R Annette Thi• llll-t ... Ned with the Co<J,.ty Cl«ll of Orarige County on June 23 11182 F'lnoll Publl•ll•d Orang• Co111 Dilly Piiot. July 3, 10. 17, 24, tll82 21130-82 Ml.IC fllTIC£ 'IOmlOUI IUl*IH • 'fAMl ITATl ... Nf Tiit tollowlng perton I• doing buttMU .. ' WOL' 6 COLLIHDI"• AllOCIATtl. 11111 IMne l"'d , lull• tot. Tuttlrl, CA HMO Ql,.ALO A WOL' 17'31 !Nine llvd auhe lot. T111ttn, OA t2UO Tlllt ~nett i. i;oncNGtlCI by 111'1 0-llO A WOif Thft lllletnellt wu ll!M wtth Ille Clwtl ol Orerioe Col,lnty °" .,, tt82 ,,..,, .. ubll•ll.0 Or•no• COHI Dally 1t1101, July 10. 11. 14. 31, 11112 3131·12 'IOTITtO\JI W .... 11 u• ITATIMINT 'rlle lolow\ng petlON .,. Ck*IO butlnMI .. P"O·DUOI" ""0DUCTI, 132'1 It• COufl, fl T0to, CA 12830 MICHAIL "<>H"T OAl ... IL. ~·~ Co4'"'• llreet, ht~ 111end, CA t2tU l HA .... Y I. GAlllVIJ., to I Hotlll 9ey1r°"'1 taibo411'11M, OA nm. LAU"A M. M"OHK, IHtf Stella Ccx#t:l!J TOtO , OA ta~ Thie ~ It conducted l>y I 111\'\tled Pattnertlllp • MletlMI "· OtbfNll Thie tlltement Wit Iii.ct WOii Ille Cov"ty Cl«~ of o,.rige County 0ti July I, 111811 ll'tlttt' "8JC NOTIC( Publl1ll1d Ottngt Co11t Dally ------------iPilot, July 10, 17. 2•. 31, tlle2 Notice It ll«eby glYen tllal Ille 2938-82 OoHn View 8011601 Dlttrlot 01 Huntington euoll wlll receive P\B.IC NOTICE 1M*1 bide for Ille OOtl Of U1116borl---..;..,;;.;;.;...;....---~~--to lrllld Olttrlct-owned Clf'PI' at NOTITIOUI IUllHIH Vatlout tclloole I" the Olttr10t. lltldt NAm ITATalllUfT w111 be rto11V9C1 In t11e ~ Tiie IOflowlno ,,.-.c>nl are doing Otnoe OcMtl vi-School Olllrlot bull,_ u at 1euo e Street 1+unt1ng1on E"8. te&o Per11 Newoor1, No 9Moll, CA 924M7, up '10 but no i.ter S 11. N1wpo11 8Hch. C11lfornl1 "-2 oo pm. on Auouet 2, 1N2 11 92MO 1uch time tile p1opoaa11 will be Rklll1td " E.r1c:1u1on, 18&0 Pltlt o0W'9d Ind read Newport. No 3111, Newport 8eacll, ln11e11111on 8~tc1tlon• ue C.ufornlt 92MO e¥elllble 11 the View &lloo4 Kenneth A E.rlckton, 4028 Via Dtattlc1 9ue1,_ Office 119.40 8 M1tlnl, No 309 M1tfnl def Rey, SI ' H t ' 8• c" CA Clltfornll to29t 92~; • unt ng on .. "• Tiii• bullneea It c:oriouctlCI by • Tile DISTRICT r_..... lhl tight generel perl'*9tlip to reject any or alt bide or 10 waN. Rlctlerd A. Erlcllton eny lrregut11111M or lnlOfmllltlel In Thia 1111-1 W4J flled wtlll the Nil.IC NOTIC£ ffCTmOUt w ..... NAiii ITATIMINT Tiii lollowtrig '*'°"' ere doing l>Yll,_u: OMNIOUCT SYSTl!MS CO , 184112 M1tlpot1 Oflve, VIiia .. ., ... CA 92947 E.C B. COAP. a C1lllornl1 COtPOtlllon. 18812 Marlpoea Dnve, VIiia Pan., CA 92987 Tlllt ~ II conducted by I corpor •tlon EC8Corp EC 8tumleu, Pr• Ttiit tllt-t WU flllCI wtth IN County Clltll of Orange Courity on June ~. 11182 ,,... Publlthed Orange Co111 Dally ll'llot. July 3. tO. 17, 24, tlHl2 an blO• or in lhe bidding County CWll OI 01~ County on ~lie DISTRICT llu obtained lrom June 24• tllt2 ,112121 ----11-111n1-•t_NO_T_IC_E __ _ tlll Dlreclor of tile Oepanment of n.uu tndu1trt1t Rel1tlont Ille gtnlrll Publlahtd Ora,.ge Coal! Delly ITATIMINT Q(I WITMOflAWAL ~2 Pf9Valllng ret• ol P« diem wage In Pilol. June 2$. July 3. 10. t7. t1182 ~Ofll """~..., Ille locality Ir! whlctl Ihle WO<k 11 to 27"-82 °""ATINQ UMDI! .. be l*'formed for •ec:ll cr1tt or t~ r\lll.IC NOTICE FICTTflOUa IUaMH NA• ol won.man neecseo IO 1aecut1 lhel---__;....,..,....,.~~-=~--Tl'I lollowlne PH•~n h•• contract. ~ r•t• ire on ti. 11 'IC~I IUllMU withdraw" 11 • oen¥•1 pen,.., lrom the Olllrlc1 Olf~ It 1&840 8 Str .. t, NAM& ITATU•NT the pertnet"11p opll'lllflg undel tile Hunttngtoo lktlc;ll, Calll0<nlt llM47. TM fOllowln{j P«IOl'I• .,, dolpg ric11t1ou1 bu11,. .. 1 n•m• ol SUI CoPlet may be obt1lnecl on r9<1u.1. bulln"9 u . Olltrlbutora at 2 140 Pt1c1nt11 A copy ol llllH ratH 111111 bl M•& M El'tGINEERING ANO Avenue. Cotti MNI. CA 112827. poetlCI 11 tlle l<>b 1111. DRAFTING SERVICES, 17851 73t·6B73 Tiie IO<IQol"O ec:lledull of Pet 8r1tt1ny Lane. Huntington 8Mch. The 11c1111ou1 bu11n111 n1m1 diem wagu 11 baud upo" I c."1om11112&47 11111,,...,.1 lor the p11lll«9lllp wu working d•y ol eight (I) hourt Tile Miki BorrlllO, 1785t tlrtttany filed on Dec 11. 11181 In the County rat.et lor llOik:llY and OVWltme W0ttt ~ Hun11n{jton Beacn, Clllfornte of Orenge FILE NO F178121 11\all be It llu1 time Ind one-llllf. 112847 Full N1me eno Add•M• of lhe It 911111 be rn.nd1tory upon lhl Mlcll•ll• 8orr1110. 179111 Person Wl111drewlnQ CONTRACTOR to wl)om Ille 8r1ttany Lane, Hunttng1on BMch, Stlllolia Xagorerlltll ..ontrlCt 11 1w11ded, Ind upot\ any Catllornll 112&47 ' 2se M1gnoi11 Str .. 1 IUl>®ntrlCIOt under lllm, lo PIY no1 Tiiie l>ulfnMI II QOnducted by I Colle M_., CA 92827 leu ihaA Jfll llld lll*)lfted r•t• to genwel llAl1nerelllS> StlllOUI •ao~rllllte "lennoul NAM91TA The toll4wUlg ~ 11-dolt\e ~II. I " SEA PRODUCTIONS, 4u . Harbor 111end Ao•di Newport' IMch, CallfomlA 112M01 • Mau Oregory Earl, ~40 Harbor • 1111nd Aoad, Hewpo;rt 811c:lr. c.it1om11 9ueo i Thie bull,_ II oond~ICI by tul, • lndMdual ~ ' M1t1 Earl Tiiis 1111-1 WU with the County Clertl ol Of • County pn • June 24, 11182 ,.,.. Publl•llecl Orange doul Olllly P110t. Jw:w 28. JUy 3. tf. 17, 1MZ Ill wonunen emplOyecl by them In Miki BofrlllO Publllllld Orange Co111 011ly the 111ec:uuon of tile contrlC1 Th111111-1 -tllecl wttll the P•tot July 10. 11, 24, 31 1982 1------------No bidder may Wltlldr-1111 bid County Clerk of Orange County on 313 7-12 Pl8UC. N0TQ 2751-82 I IOt I pel1od Of llllny (30) dl)'l lher J.-24 1N2 ------------------=__, ____ _ tile d1t1 Mt for tile oe>enlng of bid• f1t21• rtllllC NOTICE ..CTITIOU9 SI Shella M1tc:ut Pu btt1hed Or1ng1 Co111 0111y1 ____ ......;. __ _,..,..,.,...,~~--MAim ITA CleB of the PllOI June 29. July 3. tO. 17, 11182 FICTITIOUI IUllNRll The lotto,.,1ng Plrtofl 11 doing Boatd ol Truai.. 2752~2 NAME ITATWNT bull,_ u 0oean View School Oletrlc:t The tollowtng per eon ta doing S ABRA DENT AL Of' CALIF • Orange County. CA Ml.IC NOllCE ~-18 22211 South Huron, Santa Ana, CA • Publllhld Orang• Co111 Dally ___ ......;. ____ ....,_..,,..,,..___ HARBOR INN. 3458 Via 112704 l. • Piiot. JUiy t7 24 t1182 ,ICTITIOU. au..... Oporto, Newpor1 Beactt. Clldoml• THOMAS ARTHUR lllllCELROY. ~37~ NAME ITATDlllNT II~ 384 Sunr1u Co111 """'· CA. • rtalC NOTICE Tll• followlng P•rton 11 doing lydll Ructcer. t338 S'-OOC! 02104 bu.W-II Cl Siii Pidro, Calllornl• 90732 Thll ~-II ooncS+ctlCI by .,, M " o N " • c H E t.t o 1 s T R 1 -r111a bu"-11 COllOuctld by .,, N\CltviduAI • • NOTtCI M &Al.I 8 U T I N 0 , Ii II 6 t K e n bro o k lndMOull Th<>mU A.. NlcEJroy °' MAL ""'°"''" v Huntln{jton a..cn. c.llfomll 112&4 Lydia Ruc:ktll Thll llatement WU ·~ wttll '"' • AT MVATI ·~ J1m11 M Holloway. 51151 Tllll st81-t wu flied with the County Clark of Ora~ County on In the Superior Court of Ille Stal• Kenbrook. Hunt1,.g1on Beec h . County Clerk o1 Orl!llQe County on July 9 11182 1 '1t211 1 ol C11ilorn11, lor 111• County o~ Cellloml• 1128'48 June j4, tll92 Or"'Q8 In lhe m11ttr ol Llnll M• Tllla butlneM It conducted by Ill ftt2U1 Publt1h1d Orange Qo11t Oalfy Hele, deceued lndlvlduel Publlslled Orange Co111 Dally Pilot. July 10. 17. 24. 31. 11182 Nottc:e ta hereby glV91\ 11111 I Jamu M H~ay Pilot. June 26, July 3, 10, 17, 1g82 31~2. f underliOnecl wlM Mii 11 Private ufe Tl\la atalllf'Oenl wu fled wilh I 27M-82 P'lllJC II() to Ille lllgllffl e"d blll blddl', COUn~ Clenl of Orange County on----------- IUbject to conft1metton ol 111 June 4• 11182 ,,121 rtllllC NOTICE Superior Court, on or •tier the 4 , day ol A~tl, 11182, •11130 t m •It Publl1hed Orange Co11t Oa iy F'ICTITIOOI BUltNeal Ille St.11>«lot Court of Cllttornl P1101. June 26, July 3, lO, 17. tQ112 NAME aTATHKNT County ol Or1n99. Department 3, 2759-82 The lollowong person 11 doing located on the MCOnd floor et 700 business es Civic: Cent., onve W•I S1n11 Ana. PUBUC NOTIC[ T H E G E M s T o N e Coun1y o l ora,.g1, Slit• OI COLLECTOR 36118A South BtletOI. Callfomla. all 1111 r'ight. ttn. .-Id Santa Ana CA 9270• .,.,., .. t ol uld OlcMlld It ,ICTITIOUI IUllNESI N I A l p l u EI( I N 0 3 0 7 time of Olllll 1110 all lhl rlgllt. !IU. N4MI ITATIMINT Prtnc:eton Dove. Co111 Mwl. CA Ind lnlt11est 11\at the •tat• ol llld Tiie lollowlng ~are <IOlng 92e26 d1c1111d h11 acquired by bu"=A~REEN PLANT CARE. 1_J~~!.~"-11 condUC1acl Dy ltt'I opetlliorl of law Of ~ tt\lt\ • ..,~ ........ 01 tn 1ddlllon to 11111 ol 1110 21022 M-O<Cll. Hu"tlnglon Niii" Luelllnt ~-at the Um1 of O..tll. In Beectt. CA 112844 Tiiis 1111_,t •• llleel wltll the .,_, 10 811 the C*UU\,... property Cnrlatoofl• 0 Hom, 21022 County Clltk o1 Orange County on lltu.led In tile City of Cotta MeM. Mtn1111 Circle Huntington July 8 11182 County ol Ortnge. State of 8eecll, CA 92&4e ,1nt'l'2 Caltfortl4a. Plf'ltcul8rly deeatbacl II Linnea Ann Horn. 21022 Publlahed Orenge Co11t Dally loltows. to-wit M-C1tell. HuntlnOlon 8Mc:h. Ptlot Jul)o 10 17 24 3 t 11182 Lot 23 o1 Bloc.It 0 of TrlC;'t No C~': .. ,._. II QOnduc:ted by 3106-82 5114, reccwded In 8ooti tll. Dagel .,, lndlvlduel MftTlC[ 25-28, ol Mtac1t11n1ou1 M1p1, LI""" Ann H0<n Ml.IC nu record• ol lll• Orang• County Tiiis ll•t-t w• llled with 1111 1---,.1-c-....,..--,,-au-1-..,.~.~,:---Aecol'der, mot• com'"°'1fy lmown •"""" 11. 241 Eut 111111 Street, CO.ti County Ctenl ot Orange County on lfAMI tTAio.Hl Mela. CllllfomlA M~ 28. IN2 • The following pt11on la doing mor. commonly known u 241 Eaet '1IOC25 butlnns u tlltll Street. eo.t1 MeM, Celtlornl&. Publltlled Or11191 Cout Deity PARTY TIME LIQUOR t!l48 The EJUIC:UIOt of Ille &ui. hM PllOI. June 26. July 3. tO, 17. 11182 Adams No A. Cotta M .... CA received 1 bid of S 1~&.000 00, 2777~2 92627 ,.,.,.,.. lff callh lo l"9 &Ill•. Ttll·I------------LANG CHI NGUYEN. 20521 minimum ovarbkl muet be 1131, Ml.IC NOTICE Bee1ao.n Clrcie, Huntington Beac:n. 250.00 The"'"" of Ille of Cltll'l In STATU.NT Q(I UANOONM£NT C~~~S:~.ineu "conducted by en 11Wfu1 money of tile United Slit Of UN Of' indt·~Au-•. on oonflrm1tlon Of ..... ot Pitt 1 .... '"" .. lfld balance .vldenced by not FICTITIOUI IUI.._ • NA~ LAng Chi ~ MCUt9d by Mong9Qe or Trull The follow1,.g per1on1 have Th•s tlll-1 was trteCi with the o" Ill• prooerty 10 sold Ten •t>andon9d the UN of the llctltlOus Cou"IY Ctertc or Orange Cou"ty on ' d b bvt1nes1 name J ... 8 t1182 ~~ 0 111•~ufll bl 10 Al ET A. 380 t J1mbora1, u., · ,, • .,. 8td1 or ;:: .. to be In wrttlnt Newport a .. cn. CA 92860 Publlsned Orange Co111 Dally will be r.calYed II ,,,. •IOtlUld Tll• FICllllOUt 8u1lnt11 N1m1 P1to1 July 10 t7, 24, 31, 11182 CourtllOuM [)epertment 3 11 9 referred to above wu llled In 2987·•" Lm on AuQu.1 4, 11182 The offering Of7£~2T~ JuO~l7A~~2 no 1----... ---.IC-..,,.-nr-c __ _ l>uy9r, or"" aoent. ""'91 be pr-' n-""'"" 1n coun 11 tllll u,.,,. Sunrl11 C1rc11. Coate Me11. CA .... ... -2 92827 Oiied 111,. 15.,, day of Jiiiy. t.. ALETA PARRISH 310 t 3rd Claudl I Thomc>lon. Ill Executor o th• Elt1t• OI Llul• MH H•I• ... ~. COton• del Mar CA 112825 ~ ' Tlltt bu-. Wll Conducted by Law Of11oea of 8111 Mc:Cllln, One .,.. unlnc:ot'oo<lllCI uaoc1111on other Newpor1 Pl-. Tenth Floor Poet than. Plrlnerlhlp Of11oe 8o11 eo0. Newpott ~ A .. 11 PAtri.111 C1llfornl1 1129'90.1004. ( 114 Th•t 1t11emen1 •• riled """" '"' 752-081111 . 11101neya lor 1111 Coun1y Cla<k Pl Orange County on Pelltloner In pr0bl1e. Juty 9, 1982 ,1«11a Publlallld Orange Co••l Dally Put>lilhlCI Orerige Cout 0.lly Piiot Piiot. ,Jvty 17, 18, 24, 1982. Jiiiy tO. t7. 24, 3t. 1982 32311-82 ' 310?·8:i Ml.IC NOTICE NllC NOTIC£ ACTmOUI 9UllNlll ftA• ITATRMIWT The followlng per_,. -dOing bu"'-u · ULMER SAILS, 601 29111 Stteet. Newc>«t BMcll, CA t2te3 Sella by 8d** Inc., • eaa. IOr fl 11 corporation, 50' 21th s1r .. 1. Newpon BIMdl, CA 112M3. This bull-.. conouc:tecl by • corporlllon Slill by SotlOCll W 0 Sctloc*, Pr ... Thia 1111-1 wu IUed wltll trt. Col.wlty Clertl or Or111g1 County on June 24, 1N2. I(..,. FICTITIOUI •UllNHI ~ICTITIOUI ........ '1'21 .. NA• IT A TDlllNT Publilhed Orange Cout Delly Tiie fottowlng pereona .,. dolrig PUOl June 28, July 3, 10, 17, Ill~ buatnees 11 • 278M2 (Al "EllGIOH OF DIVIN£ 1-----------FRE£DOM CALLEO THE CHU~ '1'llll.IC NOTIC£ - • Orange OOllt DAJLY ptLOT/lat&Wd1Y, Juty 11, 1812 ,,, .. ,ei ... COMPLBTION NBAR -Thia II Ul art1lt drawtna of the · 'J'he '2.4 million ltr'UctUl'e, located on a four..llCN lite on fltV Jewilh temple to be bWh on the Irvine Ranch. The <:amelbeck Street, Newport 8-ch. wW include a 3&0-wt ~t home f« Temple Bat Yalun of Newport Be.ch sanctuary, an adJoUUna IOda1 hall-auditorium, a reu,lou8 -~~completion. with the exterial', land9caplng and ICbool wtn,, an admlnlltrattve wtna, a study and lfbnry. molt of the interior expected to be finlahed in September. .,. ehanon conflict spawns frictions ~-GEORGE W. CORNELL Alf ........ ·Ke,n interrellgloua friction haa developed In thia country M a n.ult of • nilmary drive lh Lebanon. with ~t matnltne Chrtattan and Jewiah ~p ed81JY divided about it. Major American churchea, with lona- Ub heavy mlllkln lnvatmenta and tiee tn Arab area• of the Middle East, including bebanoo, have been ltl'OnlilY critical of Israel'• operatiana there. ·.But Jewtsb oronb:atiam. aJona with a feW Individual "'ChrtsUan lMderW. have auerally defended Iarae1'1 action .. ~to end yean of au.cka by ti» UberaUon Orpnlzation. ·Bmidee caUlinl in~ temiona. the lituadon bal cawed 1ame abrupt cli\irch tum-abouta in policy moves, crippled contacte and produced 90me exceptiQmJly hard wCll'da. While both relialowi eecton have 1.-mented the dvillan c.uualties and travail and both have encoura1ed emerseney a1d to Lebanele dvW.anl in the battle r.one, church 1-den mainly have cutigated Israel for it. ••MachJavelJian," denounced United Methodist Bi1hop Dale White of Princeton. J N .J ., accuaina Iarael of a11re11ive milltariam, kTllln1 and destroying In vtolation of International aw. · . Another strong criticlam came lut week from J. RJdwd Butler, director, of the Middle Eut office of the National Council of Churcha, who cbaraed abule by llnel of prlaooen it had t.Uen. Back from five days in Lebanon. he said hundreda of Lebmeee dvillam have "disappeared, presumably to interroption centen in lm'ael.'' He said a Norwegian held temporarily reported beatingJ and dea1ha. Butler, a former church official ln Jordan-ruled EMt Jen.walem who left there when Ian.el took it in the 1967 war and with continued lln.b to churches in the Arab region, ai.o aocu.d llnel of "needle11fy ob1tructin1" relief shipmen ta. He told a news conference that 300,- 000 Lebaneee and 200,000 Palesti.n1anl "are trapped" by Ian.el'• liep of Bet.rut, abort of neceNiUes. He reiterated dftnanda of cbuidl te.den that Israel withdraw. He said it's up to Lebanon to decide lf it ''wants the PLO'' to stay there. Aaked if :brael ehoUld then allow continued PLO attacb without actina to ltop them, he said. ICOWling, "I didn't aay that." The ~with ita repel'CUlliooa in American lnterrellgioua antagonilm, led the pre&dent of the i.r\terdenomtnational council, United Methodi1t James Arma~. to call for a lpedal meeting with Jewish leaden. Some accepted. but others declined on the ground that church contingents would include PLO support.en. The cound1 itself haa urged inclusion of the PLO in Middle Ea1t ne1otlatlon1, arouslna keen Jewish reeentment. While maj:>r' denominad.onal ofticiala, Protestant and Roman Catholic, have sternly uuiled Israel's tactics and the toll of livee and hardship, a few nonlnstitutional Christi.an leaden have upheld Iarael'• cause ae ju1t to rid Lebanon of foreign raiden. The Rev. Jerry Falwell, Moral Majority leader, says he has vlaited Iarael'a northern villages, conatantly threaten~d and often shelled by Palestinian positions acnm the border, and that Israel is fully justified in ita action to end it. Orange Coast -.RELIGIOUS '-'You'W Tried the IWt. NOW try ~ BEBTI" "9w. Dr. llHRlf C. 1 1 .... ... '--a.... ........ NEW THOUGHT OHRtSTIAN CHURCH CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llWOe Of 1'9 llllOn9 ~ n. ~ QUOt . Of QtNIJ, ~ • WT0N. W9MCIWTTI DR. WILLIAM J. Diehm. a Chrlatian clinical paychologlat. will tell how to tum negative energy into constructive endeavors at the 11 a.m. eervice Sunday at the Warner Avenue Baptist Church, Huntington Beach. A FILM SERIES, entiUed "God's Pattern for LMna." ia to be held at the Evangelical Free Church, Huntington Beach, atarlm, at 6 p..m. TESS DAMO~. coordl~ator of volunteen for the Orange County Catholic Reeettlement ~.hosted a luncheon in her Irvine tMJme to : honor worken. It waa noted that 255 ~unteen gave nearly 26,000 boun put year. /\ccompliahment1 l eluded recruiting 23 foster ho ee for orphaned children, furnla~lng 93 apartments, and finding 75 jot. for refugees. Services 8:30 A.M. & 10: 1 S A.M. eor-dlil ""°' H1g1o Sdiool, 2101 ECll1bMf o.., eor°"° del ,.._ "F••r-Letter ff'erds" Tim Tim......., Speaker For Info: Call 644-1350 Tl• Ti---. F_..., .. DIRECTORY .. HAMOR CHRIST1AN CHURCH (Dtl .,, .... CMlll) ..,.,..... ....... ..... ••mt Thia Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PM8tYTOIAN cr..c.. eoo 8l Ancnw9 Roect • NNpcw1 8JMcfl • -;s1.2Ui) · ... ..,.a........_ ........ I Worship Services -8:45 and 1():1~ A.M. 8undmy ..... & ""'*" Quctl 16th & IMne, ......,,, 8eed'I "LIFE" ~. Juty 11, 1912 "Wh.., Christians Disogr"" The In. Paul D. Strawn ( .. A.II. "Are You A Seff-Anolnted SUit?" Churcb Otftce: 1121 Tuetln Coeta ..... ........ .a ow. ..... Church of St Matthew by the Sea (Tl'9Cftol11U:ttm1,.., . 'HOLY COMMUNION • E9Ch &Nay -9:00 AM . (Book Of Commoft ~ • 1821) . MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church· 811 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar nae""·.,......'""'''" -m.an . ST. JOl•8 THI 111Dl9COP--AL CMURCH • coeTA maA .., ........ °'9l9e a.- Holy Eucharilt 9:00 ............ ~c.. .. ..-.c.r.. .. fc I I;.._, ••2117 ~ ST. JAlllS EPISCOPAL 1~ ! 32H Ila 'W'.~ ltadt --_A&,..,., .... MllJC I jJI .::..::.: _A&.._ ....... ,...,, • .. ,.,....,..~ ...... ... ....,0 2 2 .. 2 $1 .. .. ....... ....... -· ... A& _,GIN cew 1 Lm:w ............. -NIP& T ----....,. 'Ll111 ........... -&...-.0.0f ..... fte ........ ~~~ .... -........... ; Coeta MMa -Flnt Churctl of Chrtet, ldelltllt _._Y .. Dr,.C....._ a.. • ...., ....... -... A.IL ~·~---Y--Dr. • p -. ........ --.J.flllP.11;-MdlP& • Huntington lleech -Flrat Church of Chrtat, klenttet •aOl:'i!= .......... a.....a ..._._ .. A.IL ........... _ ........ Mwwport ~ -Am Church of Chltat, klentlet -Vieu.. .............. a.. a.....,.._. -._a 10:80 A.IL ............. 011VleUde .._ llWu .... -t AJIL.I P& T--. -1 .. P& Olld C... ,._.... ~ -~11;acl A.M. lor....,. l1-• Hcspwt .... -a.ea..et CfMlrctt of etvt.t. 8clultllt -..... *"-: .. ~---­a..a....., ---A& .._..._ __ "PLC.-Hwr .. ~ . WU. IVlf•IG Tl81WONY.....,... - • p ... AU.. CtAMCHl8 Al-~-........................... ._. .. ......................... CW C.. .. wtfl f AT AU. ... w.. WEmmlSiBt W11IRAN CIUCH .. , __ ,._ (._. • ._ .... '"'1· I Wiii I 1tu .... ) -Wotm• mVICal -...... A& PAITQll .IO& A. IWlllU. W • Bii • ca.. ...... ,, ....... Attend The Church of Your Choice IT. MAM PMUYTDIAN CHURCH la M'r«Dr.a ...... 11-.lk•,.t._... ..... .._ llllOI lft ""'· T_, .... ..... AHi I 11,_.., ~ .............. .,.,....... ctud'I 8dWMll • AdlM a... -t:OO a.m . WonNp.,.. -10:00 a.m. ......., c.. ............. ,., """c.1 .... 11i11 A Cordi.a Welcome from The UMID Me1MODl8T CHU CH ~ ..... Ned\ ....... UNITID •l'HODlaT .CHURCH --s~= ..... or ............ PROO RAMS 8:45 a.m. -lnlanta Thru Coltege 10: 15 a.m. -lnlanta Thru 8th Gr8de A8Cll1_, ... 1411211 CommunltY Pree~erlan Chu 411,__ A"'-UjaM ...... Rev. Arthur J. TMkeni.v Rev. Craig w•mna WOf9hk> -9:30 A.M . NVASEAY ~ ~VIOED DURING SEAVICE PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH OF M CO -'"'"'"' Rd,. c.... .... -117 llnroe A. Kwrte. .._.., Teny ~ Dtreator of Youth= Howtrd Kmlon.1..~~or of W Don MeddoJt, uncnor Of ~ ....., ..... _ ..... A.IL ~ ....... _ ~"'"' Mllll9 ~AM. ......., ... au a s 11 -11::11 a,..""!" ....,_ -?llDO P.tl. CHURCH OF CHRIST ......... c.... .... ~ w.·,.. A Going -Olowlna -Growtng CtM IUNDAY .aYal w,a ITUDY t A.IL WCMlllZP •A.IL 10 A.M. -"Whaf H's Li• To fir' -6 P .M. -"The .....,...., -Rev. 20 mSHIR HA-MA 'ALOT ~-·°'""~ . . ......... ..... ,.....,...... : ..... '"..., .... ··nan ••' ,.,.._.._............ P& .. -·-...--. ..--._, \ • I I° i I SAVED -Boat Susan Saint Jama anh repertory player Joe Pilcopo are ahown in a skit about a linking ocean liner on "Saturday Night Uve" at 11:30 tonight on KNBC (4). • GITTINQ TO KNOW Ml • WNT1HO ftOft A MAION (C)MOVIE ***'"' "Barry Lyndon" ( 197&1 Ay.,.. o· ...... Merl-.. a..n.on. A hend- toldlet find• llC1lOn and ,_ In the 18111-cen- IUf)' 8fllleh army. 'PG' ®MOVlf * * "Seuell And 0.1troy" ( 19811 Perry King. Don Stroud. A for- m« ~lh vi.1nan1H• oll1clal IHkl revenge ..... Ille lour Amerlc:MI wno abMO<>Md 111m 1n .,, lmbueh duflng Ille •er. 'PG' .. , 1.£\'4 IT TO lf.AYP Ill INTllH OflEN C~IQe ol the tlllfd rl>Wld ol pie)' In 11111 golf toumemerit (llW from the Royal T rOOl'I Goll Club In ~·· Sooti.nd) • WIU), WIU) WOfW..D ~AHIMALS I lAHOT ANGLEY <>NC« UPON A ClAISIC "Night kn)'" T.o gr-1)' "*" ..... the ........,.. mummy of the ~Ing NemaM Ind try lo amug. glll M out of Vie countJy on die rilafit terry treln. (Al Q • AMalCAN CJOVaNMeNT (%)MOVIE ...... , .. s-n. Uk• Old TlmH" ( 111801 Goldie Hhn, Chevy ChaM. A M>tl'"'-1ed ~ It tor,, ~-~ .. -hu1bend-turn•d·bank robbef and her uptight Pf-I huaband wno It running tor Calllornla allorney gen.rel ·~· .. _..Cl) 9008 ltUNNY I MW>AUNNE1' l a~ OZZll MO MANIET WILD. WILD WON.a CWN-..'-&..I • TNI WllB< IN IAIUAU • MmllCAN ~ .MOVIE ••~ "Stwdust ~ riM" ( 19801 WOOlty Alan, Cherloti. RamQllng. A ..C· ~ director lee. a pereonel er-. -he lrlee to mllk• -IMIOf ded-"°"'In hla ~. 'PG' 10:0018 IPACE ITMI IHANANA MOYie ' •• ,., "llttle l.*KI And Big John" ( 1973) Fabian, Karen Bleck. • IUFFALO 8IU lllOOE.g. JON!I ~HOUIE ~MBJT ®MCMI **'I\ "The North A- lrregulerl" ( 1979) Edo#wd HernneM. 8-'ber• ..... ,.. The ,.. mlnlat• In • llMll town ~ • group o1 dotty -In Ille congr• O-Jon 10 ~ the flow of Cflurdl ""* IO c:rtmlr'8la. 'G' ())MOVIE • •'I\ "Zorro. The Gey Blade" ( 1981) George Hamllon, IAuren ~on. TN '*1*: _, ol old C.... fomW1 femou1 iu.1ic. tlghl« IS~ by • tiding In~' lorCling Illa toppiStl ~°"* to don ttle c.!P1 end~· 'PG' 10::IO I ~··TOP TEH HAil. 800CEft KlCK8 IOUAMFOOT ~ • AMENCAN GCM!lllNtitlNT 10:41(%)~ • *"' ''Hletory Of The WOl'td -Pett I" (19'1) ..... Brooks, M90ellN Kinn. MM'e lll.letrloue llletcwy - from .._ldeillW ~ -to ... 8'*lllfl incp. eftlon -II......_,, 'A' 11;00 8 8 IAllllAU. eo...,. of "-°"1...,_ ............... • MIBAU. ~~·a.­ land lndlel19 • 9 PONZ 1-H#f'f °"YIQAN8 I =-~ OOOIONQ amacM t•40NM.NWCI MO~ MAM'MWJlfT al 0..-TV Cl> Z·TV ® "'° Im {Qfttf'Nll) ,m l_,..l NY.,H.Y. C CWTMl Ill ION• (I)(.,_.._, ........... .,~..._.~, ewovw • * "flw Summer Sto. ,. .. ( 1975> ~twy, &ow·mollon Nquenc:M lllghligh1 Ihle uernln11llon of 111• turfing lllMtyle fMmeCI In Soutn.rn C&mor- nle end H-ell. 1l:IO 1(1) ll.ACQTAA 0 HeATHCUff' & ~ ."'°NW WN!a'TUHG CHAM~IP I THl..ooKIU MMMOCWOll PAINTINCI • flEMOHA1. FINANCE AHOMOHrY MANAOIM!HT Al I°"°'* 11M1(1)~ 9 THUNDAM/ OOU.GOU> • MOYIE * * * "The DeMr1 Fo•" (1951) J-MMOn. Jee.. Ilea T llndy. • QUllTINO "Conllmf)Ofllfy Oulltmek-.... • ll'ENONAL "1NAHCe MIJMOHrY ~ "Ullt tneutenoe a...c." ~\ICME * 1t 1t "lntlde MOVH" ( 19801 John 8-Yege, David MorM A -lo the group OI regulars el "" Oeillend biw may hold the qy to malling the betl..,. d«'• drewn of~• pro bllltt .. b.11 player • !'Miity. , PG. CH>.....:>. JlM80, IT'8 MAGICt Ari lntwnallonal err •Y of tile ..or10·1 mut•• of Ulu- llOn IMtur.. Ametlce'• Mlllll Wleon, J8""'• Sn • made.~ ... ~ .... and OeWI eopp.. ,... cm~ • ·~ ''The Myttenoua Strenow" ( 1982) Cfw1e Mell..,_, Fred ~ A ~Mining Mleeoun boy lendee en encour>i. wltll "" angel ol dublOut origin In rnedleYW ~ Cl) fMCTUA!D FUaC!M 12:30 I~ AHO .JEIW'( • "A To.n Called Heil" (1912) Aobel1 Sn-, Telly SeY.au. • AOA»-12 • VIC MADEN'I T8N8 FOR TH£ FUTUN! "The Volley" Vic Breden 11e1pt viewwt ov.rcome tile '-of gojng to the nel dllRrl9 a volley Ind dam· °"""'' .. whet to do onoe ~ get trier•. CAI O • Pl!MOtw. ANNQ AHOMONCt' WMAGW "Liie lneurenc:e. Types And ~ * * "Huc.llleberry FIM" (1974) Jeiff EMC, Peul Wln- l'leld. A young boy end e NMWey ....... b9c;ome lnll'Ohled In • --ol ~-""* fleelng -clown tM ....... pl "'- on• raft. ·o· eMCNW • * "Hom.'' ( 1'70) Don Scwdlno, Alu N1co1 A .,,,..._,_ femlly ~ -the vertoue aocJal probl•mt of let•· '80• Am«1can youth. (Z)MOVIE •• "Aoedle" c 1980) Meet L.oef, KMI Hutti.. A roctc ~ r~ ,... nothing oet In flll wty In 11111 pureutt of the gll'I of hie dfMlnl. 'PG' 1:00·~ KOALA *. """""' 01 The Olent ~" (lllM) l(ojlro ~~ KlcN,llfo Ueda. • iilOYll • * * 'A "Lowil In A Oddflell Bowl" (1981) Tommy 8endl. F....,_ ....... ~ TAI.JC.I WITH ,AMNT'I MO/fN7'8 "" .....,. ~ ........... lbollt the ,_. Md P"ObWN of°"'*" • pet, , .. , ·~ IQ.OGY 9MCMI ........... The~ .. Of l"M ,.... (tt701 ~,,~ICM! r,,,_ YOW~ ~· (1111)""" Mon. TCIC)OI, ~ llond ttedl• • CtlmlMI .no ........... . __ .... ..... ~?G' 1••<1>•...,,. M ,.,....... wlttl OW.. ............ ~. ..... •••••111• •lld 1 dll1Hfr .. eNDYA ~ llilllf': ,..,_.. ................... ............ ,....... ................... ...-.::r... •• .,... ... It llilti .........,,, ... ....... -~l'Mlt••• .,.._ ........ ~ .. .................. .. .--.. * ·~ "lter1ll1 Alld Hutdl'' ( ,.,., D9Yllf lout. '-• MtoMt6 a... -~Ulll JoM....,.. ......... ~ .... -~.., ....,...~~. ·~·~ .MCMI • ·~ ''lmotlY'' (1 ... ) ,.,.,11 •. ~~. .MCMI *** "O~t" 111111 tMdre o.. CM "°"". aon. Ourtno lllllM*' vece- tlon, • gll'I ~ ""'· Mf enclt~ -~ llOLOOY CJ) MOYlll * * "Hljacll" 1117') o.-Ao J9111Mn, KMl\ln Wynn, A lr\ICll,, dfMr .. hounded by deWm6ned hljd .. wtllle tr81\8pOftlng oaroo from Loa AngelM 10 ~on 8MOW! **'~ "Tal&e Me Out To Tile 8811 Game" ( 19491 Frenll Slnetre. Gene Kally. Two enterteln«a '*>ofne kwohled wllh • pretty Oltl wno OWM • bMebell ,..,,, Md gamblers .tlO try to atop her ,..,,, from win- ning Ille penNll\t (C)MOW! • • •·~ "Heaven• Above!" ( 19831 Peter Sel*t, Cecil Perk«. A well-meaning reverencf t>ecom. • bllhop In outer llPIC• •It« being refected by Ille parlehloner1 to wnom lie w• ..,,I by mla- llk• (l)MOVll * * * "The I.ell Time I s-Parla" ( 19541 Ellu- beth Taylor, Ven Jonneon BeMd on a alory by F. Scott Fltzgerllld Brok.,, romanoee Ind lhllllered lndlvldu... populete Petit et the end ol Wond Ww 11. .MOYIE • * "The Gll18 On The S..Cll" (1"6) NorMn Corcoran, Maril!\ w .. 1. Thr .. ~ co-«11 try to pere&1ade a roek group to .,. • benefit perform. -· wllh Pfoceedt goltig towwd•-~ i: 11 CZ> MOVIE * • "Oiny Trlcll1" (19811 E.llloel ~. Kate -**· IOfl A H.,..,_d proteuor *-the CIWlfyY of PlflOfll enxlout to oet theW hllndt on • ~ dltco....,ed I-It• iwtnen by Georgit WWllnglon. 'PG' 2:aO D TAU( AaOt/T PtCTUMa I GIWGAH'8 lllAHO NCH MAH. POOR MAH:IOOKI Tom Jordeche (Nick Nolte) It lalllld for statutory rtipe and Rudy (Peter Streu") decldee lo dele hit bola't daughter lor ~ ,... ION • IMLAHO:A TIL.aV90H Hel'f()fll'( "A NeliOn 0noe AoMI" '""' ~ II tt-.t up to 1I07. • IN'TNXJUCltQ llOl.OQY 9 l!HT'BIT•....,,,. TH18W&K l"ll<V.._ with Weyne liloger-. Rlc:Nrd Harne. 1..or .... Sw!t, 0-W Fr- Cla, Kirk OOugla 1:00 I ~·-TUAE U.a.A. * * • "The Pelefece" (19.a) Bob Hooe. J- Au ...... • MOW! * * * "Rome ~Ute" ( 1982) Troy Do,,ehue, Ar>gle Olelllneon. • INTI'ODUCINO llOLOOY l:I08(1) ~ IA~Y 12·round USBA wel- t«Welght ctla~ bout betwun Merion Stifling Ind K9WI Mor· II""· ,,,. co.ov.tt Aloe. ... tutlng SeOMtiln Coe vt. S'-OveCt (from Lon- don, Englend). D EVP't'WHIM location' Dodger o.y et Wll Aoger9 Pn In Wlllta. • TMI WOMAN WHO KIPTAteCMT The II«)' of OOt°'hy Mc:KlObln, the Ge(eM8per lor Lot A*'-dl""'O ltle cw ""'91.-nt ol IM etomlc borrlb ..... • '1MT ""1NtAllJ "T elriWon" A looll et the rMI lmplltetlOnt ol televl- elon end today' a lnfom\t.- tlon revolu11on la ~l­ ed. Ill flUU TMllOTT\.I Hlgtlllgl\11 ol Peul New· men'• f'OC*lt reclng Id IN Aoed Allente ere ~t· ed . CH)MCMI • • "Search And Dellroy•• (1H1> Pwry l(lng, Don StrOUd. A for- m« South \'lftnaiMM offtctel IMka revenge egellllt llle '°"' ~ wno -..~ tllM 111 .,, embuefl cMtno Ille -· 'PO' (alMCMI **"' "For Your ~ ONY' (1N1) AOfO' Moore, T09Cll ~ ldlld 1recb • cttmlnel Wbo......., • toe> _ .. .,,..... cWllwe cMYtot. 'PO' .MCMI ••\t ... ~ ....,,,.,. ,. .. I 1MO) WOOdy Allen, Clwtoc1t ~A..,_ OMeflA....., .... petlONI ~ • lie Met to lnllke ..... """°" dect--.1n ...... ·pea· t:At~M0¥19 ··~ .. ......, °' Tht WOdd -"'ett I" 11M1) Mel ltooaa, ......... -... w.n·· ....... ~-ffOftl ,...,....... 09¥t- ll* 10 ......... ~ ...... -·-·•·w. ....... MY "80flltNI ·--IL.OVll KNXT (2) 8:00 -11Duok for Hire." Doriald Duck te.we the Dtmey ltUdl.Ol ln IMtth of more mee.n.tn,ful employment. KA.BC (7) 8:00 -1'Today'1 1'111 .• , Aatnt. lnvllUpC. midJcal laboratoriea that Cheat the aovemment. ' KNXT (2) 8:30-11Intemadonal Velvet." Tatum O'Neal 1tar1 H an orphaned teen-.r who retiehw maturity thtoufh her upe.rience on an eque.trlan team. KHJ-TV (9) 10:00 -"Mua1c City News Top Country Hlu." Tanya Tucker, Kril ~toffenon host salute to top l~ eonp of 1981. ~-Wife" ( 1"61 Jecti LMWnOn. Vlrne Ue1 • QUI PAM, U....._ 1 "Spring C'"'*'cl" A aplr11• uellet lllMI Fetner 8""toa- .,. called upon to help Ille p.._, • THI IUN OACIGf" Aoberl Aedfotd f\tf,.I .. a llla<.el atudy ot Ille rec.ntty dl800Yeted _.. <*endw of Ille Puet>io lndiwl8 an.~ FILU 8 MAM' TYL.P MOOM Rhod•'• mother triM 10 be pele ...tlh her daugllllf (C) CMWJ( '"°'"' fllATVM (J)MOW • * •it "Zorro. Tile Gey Blade" (1981) George Hlmlllon. Lauren Hutton. The heroic Ion of old Cali- fornia '1 1emou1 justice lighter I• lnoapeclt81ed by • riding Injury, forcing 1111 foppltll brother 10 don Ille ~end muk. 'PG' 4:80. 900Clft MADI IN GMMAHY 8 I09 He'#HAAT (t)MOW! • • * "Mcllflloc:tlf" ( IM31 JOhn W•Y"•. M•ur .. n O'HerL • A cattle bllfon ,,.. 10 h#IClle • QrOUc> of dlagn#tUeO ~ end cope "'*'h • fiery, deler- mlned wife et the -Urne. 6.-00. AMPICAH AOVIHTUM I FRH-4-AU KUNG FU •. WUWON..DOF "°'"" W8A •orld jitnlor middleweight Chemp!On- lhlp bout bet-o.....-, Moore and Ayub Klllule (lfom AllW'ltlc City, NJ.), New York Sl•t• Firemen'• Competition (lfom Hemf>- llMd, N. Y .I. D ONZll Y ADAMI • aoUoGOU> Hoet1: Merilyn McCoo. Mel Tlllll Gu..ta Greg Kltm Band, Stevie Nicka, 9er11e Hlgglnt, Sc<M1 8elo. C.lhy Sllldoe and OeYld Slm-mone. MIMlng Peraone • OAADEH SOHO M••ler gerdner Alen Chadwldl'• melhoOI and Ille ~ vll6of'I of men'• r•llololtllp ~ newre ••explored. Cl) M•A•S•H ·~W£1J( "Songt lnsptt'ed By Gteel Claalce'' ®MOVIE * * "Hewmpal ' ( 1970) Jlt'nM Hampton, ~rltto. P'* Connelly ~ ol lhe Urllled Sl•I• C....lllty lry lo edjuel lo riding cam- • lntteec:I of nor... In Ille ""'*'*'· ......._ T-of lhe 18009. 'G' ePATTEAHS 5:21 CZ> MOVIE • * "My Bloody VMln• One" (1981) Paul Kelman, Lori Heltet A tm8ll town ~ • -of terror during their Ml'lUal VIMl'l- tlne'I 09y "-. 'A' l:tO I ~cw THI WILD OfaUf'ONA Cl.A88IC "TN Mii On The Aou" Meogll goee 10 e perty gl¥9rl by l.uc:y end 9'1end- ed by Plllllp end Stepflen wflo .,. bOCh In IO¥e ...tlll -·=·~ • '°°' QAACD<MG Cl) wa.OOME IAQ(. KOTT'llt Ill MDi WON..D Qt 8POMa W8A world Junior m!Odlewelght ct\ernpion· •hip bOut ~ ~ Moore and Ayub Kalule (lrom Atlenllc City, N.J ); New Yori! 81ele Flremen'1 Cornpe(HIOl'I (from Hem(>- llMd, N.Y.). hotdee of f'lortd•bound oar•~ during EMter Veoetlon. .MOYll •••• ''Tile lei• Stlow'' ( 19771 An C8fMY, IJly Tomin A -*' pr1. vete eye encouni.1 114eck· mall end (rtl/lf dlf """*' ,,. cotf* out ot r911r9tnenl to local• • cat M6ongll 19 10 .,.. oflbMt i.tn.lle ollenl •J01•C1>a~ MAii'\' TYLP MOOM Mary'a Mini Flo and Lou htve COflllantty ~ UCh 01'-'• journ.it.llC •bllll'-1, lhOuOh thing• -lo soften~ them tong enough for Lou topropoee • CHea<JHO IT OUT F••tured: SMU running bllCk Jett Apodaca; ,..,,. age eleoholllm, CfllcaOo'• PllMn nelgt\bofhood>Q ! ::::.orfWW( • • * '-' "Barry Lyndon" ( 19751 Ry11t1 O'NMI, Merl- M 8«9fllon A hlindtome loldler flnda action and romance In the llt~ lury 8riUeh army. 'PG' 7:00. 1H IEAACH ~ ... "King Solomon'•....,_ .. I ,AMLYfaX> WttlN WIRE YOU'? l.AWM.Nee WELk "Songt fnlCJlred By GrNt Cl-a'' -~ ~ tlllEPOft'T G U.I. CM"°"9Cl.E "Hol ~ I Cold Cash" The gtowtng numb« of theft• of oomc>uter c:Npt from Cellornle -.teo- tur-. le exemk1ed Cl) IN 8EAIOt ~ ... "Noetradamua" I flEOPl.!'8 COURT THIM~ Gu-.1. Lynd• C•r1«. CB) MUMtlO. JUM80. IT'S MMMC1 All lllternallonlll array Of the worid'• m•t-. of lllu· llOn 1 .. lutll Am«lce'1 Maril W~. Japen'1 Shi- mada, a-Ille Endllitll· ,.. end Oevld ~­ ~ (%)MOW * * "Oiny T rleka" ( 19811 EJMoC1 Gould, KM• .Jadl. _,, A Hwvwd proteeeor "-'-IN qyeny of per-. ~ 10 get lhelr hendt on • ,_tty dleco\lwlld le«• wrtltlf\ by George Wutllng1on. 'PG' 7:IO·ONQ~ Celebrtty ~ Ann --""· T Ol'IWn)I L-de. Jim Si.Hord Gu.It. Debra ~ I L.OOKAHM P£0Pl.!'8 COURT '1llD8fT'E "S-0. Of Ubetty'' T'llll ~tary~the martyrdom of the lour Nof'ttl ArMl'IClln mieeloner • lee In 8 8elwldor. • INfN< PMVllW8 Roget Eti.1 Ind Gene S/Mcel noe1 en Informative 1oo11 et wt'lafl -et tile mo¥IM. (I) NKTIACK 9 IYI ON IAN Dim<> Feeuwed an~ ..ttti General H()'91tal lier Stu- er! Demon; • rec>OM on a., Diego'• Pubic: Ubfwy ·~MAGAZM "S(lece Ship Auttly'' A Sen Diego llWOn\WI ii • coemlc vt9lonery: jellO ""9911ng. the latest In reor.tlon; 1M u.e. rollerCOMtet uo-t wflo '* ~ on _., rOller OOMClt In !tie coun- try; Juice Newton encl Cfll.. -llCrObetlce .,. Pf• eerlted. l:OO 8 (I) WALT DllNE't' "Ouc:lt FOi Hite" Donald DllCll ..._ Ille OMney ltud40I In -m ol more meenlngfUI etnployment and tllooer ~ 88HIM'•~ 8oomef helpe a Mn<! mW'I whOM Seeing Eye dog ir~ • • ~ "Bridger" 1101e1 JllMI WllnlWlght. Ben ~fllf'IY. e9TOOAY"9'91 IMf'I end 1111 ,.,... ..,..,,... -· mecloal laboratonee lNlt .. ChMllrlg the oow- •twnenl out ot ,,,,.,.,.. ot dnllr9. (RI GMOYll * * "Terror H<Me'" ( 1972) U1de Ga\, Jalln ~ • AUAJTM ~~ ..,, .. Mnullll'rille'' .MCMI ··~ ''Tiie '111 VL AMII I(.,.,... l'Ubllc f'*"'f Nulllbet °"9" (1974) .... llrtFO ...... lileM"9Ctl· wt. on.°' Amertca'• moot .._,~IM 1!D .. pwlll9d. -~QtMI '"The I.Mi Mt. Hitt" The ~ ... ....., .. meet'""-" ce.... w. ~ (Jotwl Hcue- ITIM) fof IM ln4 tlrM. ... ..... ~~::*"" (1....... .... ..... ~. (B)MCMI * *\t "TM ~ A.,.,_ .,.,........ .. ,,.rtj ...... ... ,, .......... ....... TMNW .... lfta .... .............. .................... I .. , .. ,..., .. ,,..,,...,~ ... ........Ill~ ...... ,.........,...,'" ..... '-'""' ........ "Mdlflllll•~ """" ........... ""* .................... .. .,.. Cl)&.Mim ~OUT IT~"'°9Yt OM .... IO'le ~ MMe ..,~..,.tiiowllle Mneetlonel eventno of en1.n--. fr9"I ~ pendwle't~lll&.oe ~-... <I> MOYll * * "lnWnetlOnfll Vetvet" j 1971) fetum O'N .. 1, Anthony Hopkin• An orphtln goet to tlw wolth her aunt, • lorl'nOt Grend Netlonal ~or who llieplr .. Iha YoUng gll'I to abtndor> he' rRellout #8)'1 Md~.,.. OlyM-'* medel "' horNNc* n HAMU VAU.l'V At e clMt r-*in, a lor- rner eohoOllneM .....,_ Ceee6t oft her'-' (A) CZ>CHAM..111 ~ OH THI RUot 1C1NE e:oo a an. NAltMUI 'At.M:ll Hoell: Ao, Clwtl. Gwett Larry 0.Ulrl end the Oetltn 8'ottien Send. Tom T Hell, Helen COfnellut, ,_,,., end Judy L.and«t. IN Naflvllle Symclftony Or~re.(RI el!I L.~IOAT Thrw trWnclt -for 1tle n.me wom•n, Captain Slublng und«goet • dr .. tic pereonallty d\enge. end • man Is Jllled by 111• ml•· -~ "Seeking The Arlt Amerl- can1" AtchMologltt.t lrom Tex• to Al&lk• -ch lor ct;,.. 10 Lile ~ ol the first peopte to treed the ~contlrwil (R)Q * * "Roadie" (1NO) Meet loaf, Kelli Hunter A rod! mutlC roectle ""' notlllng gel In 1118 • ., lrl hit purault of 1111 girl Of hit dreMll 'PG' t::IO • MA TINCE AT TffE IUOU Fe•tured "8ullelo Stampede' ( 19341, tlW· ring Aatlclolpn Sooll and Butter Crabbe, • Gary Cooper tl\On, and Chapter 8 OI "Tiie Pllentom Ell'!pWe" t 19351 (A) (l)MOVIE • * • "Looking For Mr, Goodbef" 119771 Ola... KNton, Tueedey Wetd A IOCl•lly repr•H•d 1choolleecher •••k• e"Clt-1 by frequenting tlng6M bare encs luring.,..,. k>u• "*" Into one-...lofl1 1tenda, 'R' 10:001 = MAOAZIN! Ill FAHT A8Y l8l.AHO A window dr-brings hit favorite mannequin 10 .,. ' Ind • llbr8f'9n fella .,, 1<>119 IOWfth • cllwact• "°"' • book. (A) 0 II MUSIC CnY HEWS TOP COUNTWY HfT'I CW THlnM Hoet9 Tent• TYCker and Kn. 1<111toflenon honor lhe 15 top~ ot 1M1 .. Mlecled by "" ,...,.,. of the ne11on'1 Oldftl country mulic publication, ''M\lek Oty ..... . ,,... lured per1ormers ~ Ber1>1t a M•ndrell, The Oak Aldge Boyt Ind The Sider Brotherl. • IOUDGOU> Hoctt: Merilyn Mc:Coo. M.i Tillle o-11· Greg l(lhn Band, Stevie Nldce, a.ti. Hlggirw, Sooll Balo, C.thy Sledge Ind DrAd Slm- mone, MIMlng Pertone. !~EYE * * * "A Clockwork Ofenge" (111711 Melootm McOowell. P8111c* Megee Directed bv Stanley Kubrldl. When poloe cap. tut. lt'9 leader ol • ·~ • 09"0 of ,..,.... Ind murderers. Vie rnechod ol refleblllatlng '*" pt- -more lhrMt••111 to IOC:lety. 'A' Cli)MOYIE ••*'A "Woften" (1911) Albert Amey' Oler'9 v-. rL P°"°'9 -leolld wiltl .,, unueuel Pf'o«Jl9m • ..... y Ofll City .. Invaded by • pedlof~~ 'Ft' (al °"V108fD~ IH OOHCIM Oevld SlelnburV pertorme "' • concert' taoect .. y or1I UNveteity Ill ToronlO wM .... ~t JOfln Candy * * °"' "Sier Trek -The Motlofl Plotu,... ( 19791 William Stietner. Leonard Nlrnoy. The lorm« com- mender 01 tN u.e.s. EftletpflM ,..._blee 1111 otd crew end Mt• oft on • mleeion to find the inytteri-°"' ........ ....-Ible for the cleetNCtton of numet· out Federation 1terlhlpe. •o· 10:IO .... 9IC:AH "-A~ 11:00••••C1Joa .... • Bn'MTAMllNT TMIWllK lntel'vlewt wllll We)'M ~ Nohwd *'"" Loretta lwlt.' 0.. ,,_ cte. Kll1t Douglel. eMOYW "Adloe Amigo" (tt7t> '• w-.neon, NcNtd ir'~AlM ~'"°' "D*• Qorctoll a.. (Ho. ll" °"""' Gordon, MrlClfMa;~ ... . b ... : G"11t9 Ctlt ... , pteno: Eddll O~ Clnilme. (~ !:i••ecm ·~ ·-v ...... {'91t) Oii-..... , .... , A ¥trtlMI ycJUrll ..... ....,.. .. CICWMMlnwflidt ... WM ....... ""' . ....,. .. ,.,. ................. .... THIMGWAI) H·u~v~ LM Hilit ........ .... ~,,.~ ... . "ltotl W9oh, Mlok Fleet· ...oocs ~ ..... Nlok•'' • MAYIM* Ql)MOYll **'-4 "For Yovr bee Onff' (IM 1) ~Moore, T 09Cll • .i-land ttedle • uYlllnel wflo ~ • toe>_ .. lltttlllll ~ de\ltoe .. PG, 12:,. CZ> "'°"" * *'~ ·a..m. UM OtlS Tl-" ( 11101 Goldie H-. Ohe¥y Ct\Me. A lloft"'-1.ect ....,., le lOfYI ~ her hope6eea ... hutbend-t11rn•d-be11ll tobOet and ,_ uptight pr...,,t ,_.,.,,. MIO Ill running for Celllornla lllOf'lleY~el. 'PO' 12'.28 CC)__,. IN coe.caf 12:IO e MOVIE •••it "Night Of Twror" ( 1972) Donne MMll, Eddie E9en A cr1pcMed youtig WOfnlitl .. trapped by the llnknown _.,._Ir~ alble tor '* handicep. .MOYIE • • • "Hefdcor•" (1979) George c &cott, a..- Hubley. A coneern~ lather ..._ Ille ~ -rOllndlngt of hie home to.n to -di for Ille daught• . .tlO Nie become ~ lnvotwed "' • b!O-Qty pomogr~ r8ICkM 'A' 1:00 I = CONOE1'T IVENNJ AT 'TltE .. ~ Holl Lynn Aedgreve , G....u Glenn Hheh. Jim. my Brogan. ~ Se1tual ~ CD>MOVIE • • "1Wa11t" 1 tf1n j)en1 D Att>et>ville. ~ Kn. t-A ~pwl'• ee>c· ual MitellenlnQ OCCUfl dUr· Ing her atey wlta a lemlly lriend one lllfTllNt 'R' I: ti (t) MOVIE *'A "The Hec>PY Hooller" ( 1975) L.ynn Redgrave. Jewl.Plwre Aumorlt The Mle of .....,. Y0t1t11 farnoua call gir1, X.111•• Hollender' 11 lold 'A' 1:20 Cl) MOVIE * * "The 81tdl" I 1919) .io.r.. Coltlrla. Ah.. "" ••••-Ital.,, ... deMJO)'I her tnllfr\age, a ~ --a-toroo. 1:10r===··A' **"Mera ..... Wom-.,,., ( 1"4) Torlwny ~. Yvonne CrlllG. • MOVIE * * .,., "MurO. .....,,.,,,. ( 1170) ANN 0.0., ~ Si-t 1:AI I * MEWi 2::CIO a..we MOVIE • '"' .. , W• A Teeneoe Frank.,._" (1a571 Wt11t .... Ptlytlle Coe ... (%)MCMI * * "Aoadle" j1NO) Meet Loaf, Kalli Hun~ A rodt ""'* roedle no4NnO get In Illa wey In purWlt of .,,. girl of "" cherna. 'PG' I: 10 (Ji) MOVIE • * "Seerofl And Offlr~!I) PfKry King, Don 81tlllfd. A kw· mw SOllth vtnn- 0111c111 11•118 revenge egalMt Ille IOUt ,.,,.,.,.._. MIO ebel idol..O him lrl .,, amOuetl during Vie -. 'PG' 2:a0• MOWi ...... "'N ~ End Of :.=;,.,c ~~48) Doro'.hl -1lltdow IO ltle aid of • Ind embltleted wflo Nie ""'t'9IUmed to~ ... 1= ••'h "~ MM" ( t98 ,, 8*y Sc**c. Ello AoQerte. In lf44, e ...._ pflOM CIC)eretor "' • emtll Te1ta town Mlllr1flo. her llendtnG In the~ wfliltl .,. hM • ~ effelf with • OOll'lb9t-to..nd Mii- or. 'PO' .MCM! . •• ••fM Slltt-Sto- ,.... .. 11975) ~. Slow·"'°''°" ~ ~tflla~ ol 11141 -""' ~ ~ In 8outhem c.llor· nlellfMIH...a. 2:10(l)*MI *~ "In God W. TNet" (1~ Merty ~men • Andy Kautmen. A Nfw9 l'llOnlt .. ~ out IMo !tie ....., lo relee mor.,-'°' fill IMPONtlMd '"'°'*4· .. ;·.:::. * **~ "Hee-.11a AbOVtl" ( 1.UJ , ... , ....._ Ced! '*'*· A wttl·-nlnt ~ bilaolMe. --"'--: .................. ~ ,.. ,.,..,... .. ~ .......... ..,,,... .... ••• MCMI • * * • "TN Men,,,,_. TM· .,...,.,.. Club" (1tlt) 0.- ,,,~-c.. ...... ,,. .. .............. '" ... .. .. ~ .......... ·-.. ..-..= ......... . ........ .......,., ,,..., .... ~ UoMt. Mwll. A ...... _. .... ,........, .......... ..•==---. ~-.,......., °' .,. ...,_,..,., .. ,, ... , ....... ~ Street? By 8COTT &llAn' ................... "' NllW YORK -In Anthony · Hoffmn'a movle revlewa, nothlng la ever "atunnlna." a .. trlwnph" or "one of the year'a 10 belt." ll!ven before be aaw "Annie," Hoffman deacrlbed lt aa "an .overproduced apectacUlu.'' ''The 8Ht Little Whorehouae In Texaa" didn't come out until Friday; it'll be a debacle, he says -qal.Jl without havinl aeen It." It's not that this guy pans everything. He'll allow that a movie ha. "good demographics," ia "a break-even prospect" or , like the latest Dl•ney movie, "Tron," .le "on the edge of rea.onable risk." Hoffman is a Wall Street stock analyst. He's no critic. He doesn't care whether he likes a movie or not. All he cares about is: Will it make_ mor:ae.y? "The question I have to ask is: Are the regular moviegoers going to get excited about thia film? And will it bring out the people who only occa sionally go to movies?' says Hoffman, of A.G. Becker Inc. S ecurities an alysts all por e throu1h trade Journal1, but Hoffman and about a do1en otben like hlm even IMl'Ch the aomip columns for tldbltl abo<at film production problema could mean hfaher C011ta, lower profit and box office atara. Lall week some negative worm from investment ana1ysta about "Tron " &ent Dlaney at:ock own1l fi.nandal lttuation.'' aaya Harold Vocel. of Menill Lynch Pl•rce Fenner & Smlth, Inc. Vopl cut h1I mot!t estimate bf a nickel, to $3.t'& a ahare, aft.er~ ~ •y{nc to buy WI atock aweulvely If it cornea down, and I still feel that way," be Adda. "All h e cares about is: Will i t make · money?" splnning down $2.~ to S!Ml.37, In one day of tradina· Theod o r e Jamee Jr., of Mon~omery Secwitie9 ln San · Franciaco, advised clients to aell Disney stock until the price dropped to $52 a share beau.a. the $20 million filf1) told a "seriously flawed, diajofnted story ... Several other analysta predict the film wont cjo well. But they say it won't hurt Disney'• overall financial condition. "I didn't think 'Tron' was all that great but I never thought it w as g o ing t o be a major contributor to the company's Altboulb analyatS often attend other ~ ~ it W1W ~ tame Dimly hid' Invited theifl -and perbaos the last .. "What doel • lecurf~ analyst know ?" complained Mike Bagnell, &enior vice president of finance at Disney. The creative rnerita of "Tron" te not Wbat botl\era other analysts. They say the movie ia geared for a narrow audience, ages 12 to 19, and ia u.nllkely \0 be very profitable. ''The most import.ant. thing is what the numbers are after a film ia released,'' aaya Denn.la Forst, of Bateman, Eichler, Hill POLTERGEIST II knows whaJ scares you. .... ..... ,. 0 • ............ ,4\t._. ~· NOW PLAYING •COITI •u ·~ UI NAii C&'tlTll.UIO ~C.-. AMCOt--'•lot• .. ~Ou .. io S-6 3101 637 03•0 0 3 •H~ lft-Souttt C4aM.....,. ll TOllO oaAllDl • wt&T•IUTEll S41 2711 lll•ut•~• u.t.~C:-.0. lftMd\C-...Wt" ..... ,. se1 ~uo ll• Ji11 111 ltl~ l'lcfllc 1 ANh!.m 0.,., I• • FUU lllTCMI 17tN~O f_, (l1')~H'7'1 •36mmllX~~ ......... ei .. 1'1111 ~79~331 l"'!!-•AC'CC"'""'"'--~ HIA lllVIH OM .. f UA Movtts 990-4022 Edw11dl \!AtodW14t1 S~ DI 139-1770 CDITA MfSA 551·0855 WH TMlllTlll MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Au. D. NllO • ,....., ll(CllVI '"' llN.. "' '"" WOTlON P'IC'l\.llll CODa Of 111' MGUUITOI Helllof T-131·3501 MllllOI VIEJO MIUlOll C...... Wnt fOUllTAll VAlllY VlflO Mall 495·11220 191-3135 Edw11dJ F...ulll V...., 131-1500 •OMllE CillMtMe U4-U53 ~uPT=~~NT •!IE!liJoMMCS[#l.51 ' AT LAST! . ''THE SUMMER'S BEST MOVIE'' · I S NOW AT E DW.ulDS NEWPORT #I I N 70mm 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO ON THE GIANT SCREEN OVER l ,2H SEATS TO ACCOMMODA'T£ YOtJ DAILY SBOWTDIES ·AT NEWPORT 12:3e, 1.-, l:le, 8zM, 19ile AN OBIGIN~L PBOP SET FBOM E.T. IS NOW ' ON •UPIA Y ,, IUcharda. Inc., In Loe ~- TM ltratoepheric oa.ta of a f•w movlH make them Iffy lnveetnwnta. A film muat Mm about double lta COit' ln domlldc revenue to be called profttable . Columbia Pkturee' ·•~e," for exam_ple, coat about $40 million. Univerul'a "The Beat Uctle Whorehouae,'' with Bu.rt Reynolda and Dolly Parton had .JMn'l more invested, analysta aay. "U 'Wborehou8e' had ooet $20 mlWon. r d ay lt WU guaranteed a ~t," aaya Hoffman. But now 10me people aay it will amt clme to $50 million to finJah . . . there'• just no way that can be anything but a major financial debacle -even with Bun Reynolds." Analy1t1 would prefer that . movie makers offer a telectlon of 20 feature films every year, for about $10 million each. "U you do that, ~ chance9 ,re good that you'll have'A t..Jtaway hit once ln a while,'' Hoffman aa)'li. An analyst's dream ia "E.T . - The Extra Terrestiial" It ooet $10 million and pulled in $106 million In one month. Even Anthony Hoffman might call that "a triumph." U':flji ;h1S1 SWEET PROMOTION -In the summer movie hit:"E.T.," the apace creature munches Reese's Pieces candy. l\nd the Hershey Foods Corporation, which is puttins out this commercial poster, says their sales have skyrocket4<1 ever since. lllOMTY PYTMON'I 0 THE SECRET POLICEMEN'S OTHER BALL" DALY 14+7+10M (II) 'DJJJDERI OF THE rrLoST ARI< ~ a ~AllMllO\#ff ..C:Jut'I DAILY 1:11, ...... 1:11,1e::ll - -- WALT Dl ... Y'I • "TRON" _f"-tf(,'£-/J-UX H= . E.T. f"'U"?I TD lbTRA· • f:'.:"m Tuaan.w. DALY1A ... 1-.-f'c1w.1rch LIDO .,,..,., '"' !H•ll a •'" ''1' L 73·8350 ~•#fl"" r•' fit• •• 0 !'LUI "THE THING" .. ~ LOYeRI"" ftlVIA IOWL DVD ll'ANDINOI 1. .. _,10I • • -~ " OoM_• cm ao 1. n. • 101 1.T .......... Jtft 1t f,T"91 Cl) °""' .... ~ (10),. .. ... • ....... .. ~· (101 •. .,..... """" 1) • , ,, --~... 1 4, TM Gtoup (10) 11 r!!!i ..... _...,_,,,..,._ ~ now P1.AY1r10 C'f~ .... Miii ..... Cypress V*Y VWJW AMC Orange Mal 828-1660 894·S338 837·0340 FOUllTAll fAlLn , ., , ..... ACCVTIO l'ott Till9 IMO'OCWl'T I Fam.,-Twtn 992·1248 The Retum of Ille Gre•t Alllvenbwe. -~ 77UHI C91TIMUI Edllfta 0.-. c... 97HHI C91TI .... Edw-T-C-7S1 '114 -AMCOlllll• U7IS40 -U.Clra.-u utu wa1w1• U.1111 ~ ., ____ _ ····=- "TRI MOST IATllnlNG RUI or TRI Illa so ro." -atattef Q pUa, I.OS ANGl!LD TDllS • \ I, Whal w11 Howdy Doody'• home town on •TYehowf ; J t. Anltlo 8adliano Wll \ht Nil Mme of I mlD Who m.cstt men appMnnell In oomlc boC>ka ibiD -~ By what name II he more • -~ .,.:... c.nncn ma• CIOllUntfda1 ~ that. tUrned into ona ot hll bla-t hlta._Name (Send .¥OW' &nRWW to 77U'VZA, clo IM n.J1¥ It -Pf.lot, &w 1040, ~ M-. laud. All entn. mutt e. ..W9ddlni belll ue rtnatna that lhould be rtalved by W.&.day, otMrwble 1W1 C1Ht Mv. been oun" la the Jlted love?'• lUnent ln what payer'• 1-C aw w1JJ be awarded.) -'If · ..:.-..:;....~-r~L-~--~-~~---_;_~~~~ • 7. Babe Ruth'• nwnber w11n't fmmedJately You can '9nurvw DAILY PILOT f~ •. • ... retired by the Yan.keel after hla caNer ended. It Cla If'-~ WM worn after Ruth b}' what _pla)'.er? 11 ._ Adi 642 • 5671 8. Letitia Turnbull la • JMdll1C chancter ln whit P1aY1 Now It Is free ''Thia Oi.f!:r =:!1'-planets at war ln the movie to become one of us. 10. u All the l1n joints tn all the towna ln all the world and ahe walka into mine,'' bemoanl the hero 1n what Olcared movie? Lut Week'• Aaawen 1. Connie Stevena (name chanae) * •AROAIN MATIN•••• Mond•r tllru S•tuf'd•Y ' All Performenct1 before 5:00 PM f&oe,t lpedll Ellllllflllflfl Ind Hlldlyl) • "1 "'A I A ""A MllOdO QI toteCIOl'lt LA MIRADA WAll< IN fN·t~. "ANNIE"'"' -----· "POLTERGEIST" <"> ... ___ _ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN ...,.AR TMK I: ~ WRATH 0#-KHAN" ":'~~O (N) "ROCKY Ill" <H> 81 ?.-DOUY STIM'O ____ ,_,.,.,,_ LAKEWOOD C ENTEQ SOUTH WAI • IN ...... lt.1~ ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN uliti""iWORD AND THll IORCEMR".,., ioiilO.iu--.-.----·-... "ROCkY lft" <HI ---. ............. faculty al C:o11C1i.wooe1 211/01·9llO .. YOUNG DQCTC>f'I .. LOVE"1111 -....... ,.... .... 0 DINl!R"1•1 ·----- loulfl C:oott Nlwoy J olllooOwoy 494-1514 _..,. __ _ ~ll" INI POl.TERQellT" 1"91 - - ..,.._ IM>AD WAIWOlr'"" "UA WOLVll" 1111 .... JI $CIUllO ~ t .... •',. r.. BUENA PARK OlllVt IN ~-.......... .,,_ 121·.-010 --------- ;. '"•A •A ... LINCOLN DRIVE IN l_ ......... .,, Of"""" 121-4070 ..._ T .. THS En'M- TilflMSTillAL • INI -"f1HAL ANIQI I llNT" 1N1 11.11mmn1 ~u~~~ ._ °'990 ,_,et~,,_, (Jo) THS LONI ........... CNI DI OODDT llUIB or !1111'81 ... llVlt 10• •ont nno• rADf" -llaUJ ... .,.,. ,_ ' . ~rt ~111E *1!'~u!.N'8F NOW PLAYING --- COSTA MESA Edwards Edn'ds Cll c..ur 979-4141 GARDEN GROVE Edwards Westblook 530 4401 44 'Firefox' is one of Oiat Eutwood'1 belt mo•iet. .. •• run-with leaping, yauhing, 1boodng, nying 1peeial efreetl." -}Oil SIECEL COOO MORf'ilNC AMERICA ABC-TV ••'Firefox.' /It 1lick mu1cular thriller that eombinee espionage with eeieaee I ic:tion.9' -ROCER UDr1' allCACO SUN TDIES --·--·.,.... I ff 2. 2'11 Ctlll fl tol.lllO -·· '"1;tt.;f' J B~!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "llOCt(y ... .,., flHAht,f .... ~\I ' ~ -"'CLAIM CM' THI mANe• ,,.., C.·" ~OX"1N1 -'"'"' IWOM> Nm ___ _."' Cflll ,. ,. '" ._, :A llABl'A • •t N .._. ......... .._, __ •7HN1 ~-- .A'' •' "lltS "='°" (Ill ...... .,. ..,....,... Oii Clllt fl SOUllO~-- ",YOUMQ DOCToat .. LOVF 111t -·~"!NI Clllf.,. IOUllO ORANGE UlllVE IN .. . M I c; s I 0 N fl l' I v f , .., ---.- "A MOVIE YOU'VE SIJSTGOT TO SEl4!9' -Joel Siegel Good "Morning Ameriea ABC-TV ~ ·: . , ... .. .• .. :, .. .• .. ....,_oiioit. ' PO._., ..... _.,.., ·-·--___ ..,. _________ ,___ -·~-~-=- t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;~ ... :•' "! ~-. .. ... .. ~ -=============~; .. PAklMll • ...utr _.. ....... IJ.1 f'IJ8f11;;:lfl. ._ ... .TJM "°"':!i' r:=11 111• iter ~ ., , ••• ::-0.11 •• ,.: V1 rr ........ ... r...• ..... ::.; ..... ;:z.. ...... ........ .... :: =.,-:,·~::. • .. _ --~~~ .. ~-=.:::. ........ "'' r•~UI,. ... (714) ~ :.,.= "'-lllD a•ta ...... ._ ~c:lt~ ~ t40 •• =..,.., ,.:..,.. "*' I 11,.... ............ .... =z::: UI rMN oomHiW~· • :::Wwt~!: -:.:::;,.,-;-.:: ~=::"'"'' t'!L.._a Ctlto~ 11 10·14), Cell t•I:;.!'~ let. Mutt "IH r1t11t 1 end ' ~--= ;;;. Im Mt..-1, ed. Ml. "'19 .. ,., ,, Hlh rlflllW 1a111...., ~ Nn 1141e....mol09 NIT nm ~=~· y Pf1lttY ""'9. M' I• Hewtp.,., PrOfflotlon, llNMd. WOftl Ind '* •.IO '*" -· ' M o n • I' r I . melce H . Oor on or 1noen we to cruatlhlct ..._ IMllWll•• • 5:30PM·t :SOll'M, lit. ~. et ,,...,.a.otef j i---..----....,.-tiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiil p•rton. Al'fl&.Y l1clk ~Ing. ftett/tllM In-t:IO-t:ICM'M ~ 10AM tll'M · ltl'Mt Mo. II l'Mfllon Oludtnf ..-end1. No IM.00 10 1Wt 1111nc1. Ntwport 9Mdl. •q>eri.rtoe M011tary. TMn ~··--. t11 rt ._.1'11 _, P'Nl'le Ollt 1 no no1r 141·7100 for tPt>Olnt· of profit•. Mult lt•v• ~ -· ~ ... ~ IMnl. ~t ..-. l)fflilte T•l•plton• IOllCltOfl l.~;~~::::.::Ji~!!!~~~~~!!~L~A~Ml,~t~eo~1 ~!...,,~~IMlo&/~:J WI am d11k • pflone, 0Hu11 wented. no....,., nee. l=~---~~~-:--:--1 lr\4M .... ~ N time hlndyo:I: '""9. '« l!MrWM, Ml Tuet ttwu '" t AM to 12 f '----... "'-VM. noon. NK*J ~. .. or --....,_ tu.art.., 312 1880 ,..•o•ftll• Ave, ~~In eo.c.MeM. l!Jcp'd ..,. oocer. MltllM ....-~ ....,..,.._ P•t Control , ... d ~. ia;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-;iT.iim;iiiii;: -.iiiliiiiiiiil-1 511-1121 ~:·· hHlth food (714) .,.....1 n.edlld lmlNd'lt9'). ~111c1..,y ,fT, lfMll ~ ... WlEHllll Mm30...,.."*'1e09. ed. AHty In S*• MlltlT..,_ P•rlenc•d &.llaenHd g'r ub: Good t= ,..,_ toOO lilt ft.: Hr HIL~I a b1by kitten• write to: lo• 1111 4, eon: ll'ulflnt, 1010 I . Hemet UAlfled 1of1oo1 Olft/ty. ltl IS3t. MllMIM. ltlor1flend I PmnlT ~~wyv.! ~pd C..Mw.C..tlUr ~,:;,,Hw y, OdM. ==..-=:vJ:e ~~~~ :t.;;...::::.CCMMI • Lrg oMcll ..... toe.Md )0. (7M) 11 ftound 1114: Mc M puppy, lliul?FF•f Counter ~ fot d'l Hlafl lcle10CI ~ M ). end ........, ootor 1• on Nwpt~ In .,. lllOi 1100 ., 11DO *t ft. lrooldlurtt & H11, F.V. ;;iflKi'i•• .......... o1w*1g oo. ,,...,., Minimum quellftoatlof11; MnM tlq!l'red. Houri 9f~/1'1m 1:. r1et olftot wl tllrtt//I Coe•• .,111. Cell fOt 7A-3040,....,.7410 ""'-"' esay ..-. Mlture ,... or.ctentlat, general ... 1a.foeue.nppw•1illll ldelttorhomlmllller.4-1 vu of '-· or pett ........... 17&oal1. Found: llMI ~ • .... ,.,,,.,.. .,., IOn. 414-HH, Tll• ~--i·,.~.,d -~ ~. ~ •2 l'n/dly, I ~ .... from 11.4& pt fl 2 moe. Poodl9/Terrter, I.A. eo.. ................. :.... Dr..,,.e 8t10ppe _.., .._...-M-T·W, On ea.. Pt1c1to @Un! Mk~ ..,!:~~=~==:::.1r--------1 he rent co~•~ 2.llOO eca "offlol • Credenu.led twher In or ltllndltd ... Gr.,mlot uoa Hatt»orl'!-~~~~~~!! nent. Cal 948 eete tor end wuehH 1p1e1. l90e w. •1•7441 my"°"" tutortna metti, _.,.., _... OOf1d9rY weeti •~or lltvd, CM 54().otll li.w..at.11on~. Info. Oen1r11 Co1t1 M•H. ftound:~.StortolM reedlnOGrldltl(..4. MR Ort"o Offloe -Hper. ""'*lit l'l'llCh 9r ..,_ P.lmtaD Fllltlme.Appfyln~ .. "' .. fl9flOed yd. Avall now. Gol.ored 08&, ~ ..... """""' ......,.t MC. emll .. WICI .,. .,.,... "*"· lcJuoitiOn; Enjoy WOfl(lng wtttl kldl, 11a0 2 le. oh 11 vd . •lllL mll MOO prlnO. Mt.oeeo Verde Ub. '4M246 htl ,, .. ,. ml n e f It I · NP t IO h · :.~.:. = end wlltl lncmt1cl w -Huntington 8wll\. -~ ApproJc. 5400 llt ter'°9d 'ound: lmlll wtllM Y<l"'IO ...................... IM0-0121 ding ti courw,...., ntnoe, ~your~ al Ill A F ,_ "**" to ltv tlf, -l,.... ....... =:: =:; ~~ .. CM2 = cat wlflee ooller. Vic: Kind lntellQent PNclte*f 1 ...... ll1ht1lt to,,..... or9dlntlll ~ ac*'Cl10~tllty1, ~...=:: ,_ T-.. .,_-.pr. ate.oondo w/lllflW. So. j-._ . . ft ~ .,.._ mo..... 8ent1Ana/8ent1Tomee. nur11 otfer1 oheer u lxper Alll full time rwnenta. Wort& re-: 10 fiowl ,,_.,,,,. u--... . ... _ -• Co Ott Ptaa.,._tl10mo. ,1,....,...,.... 900 i:'. •. __ .... ...,,,, WuMI 4111 CM. 9'2-1121 oorn9enlco.t1t9 7~ "DA pref: Newport mont11e, MMty; t1U01 HI•• oounHlor. Cell ~:'f.=' · Ylold _.. tM-2000 or . .t ... .-. . ., ........ ...................... ou,nd: Young Mlx•d ~~7~· lleotl "'°"910 to 127,7". ~ 2-5PM. 842-4321, Exl. _ii;.i;iil/ii;iiiijiji;-tttoas. · ./ A llf .. CMetlen ~ 11dt ..-Shee> ,.,-. "-*"' "' · may be~bt1ln1d by :Ma. EOE ..,... W/Ptll ..... F=e to thr ept w/ ~CIMole iOOOft cute, affordebl• 1 Ir blc. Nr ...di & PCH. t<Jnd, ~women on... Mfllmn oontect.I i Mr. D111lel " .. =..,. 8•floue cerMt' oppty. '175 mo.+~ utll. to 141150 ft. Attnct ... home In Npt, CM W. Cell O .C . Shelter lntelll9tnl comp•-IHCOMI! TO 11300 plut Verebn , Anlttent 9111 Sell c omm/Veu, etc. M141C)2, 647-1119 ~ ,_,, ' Md bl-·...., Aug . 1 , DI v • d YI ~5*' Nonlfllp, " nurWno tcw mo. Pltlm• In Mktng S"'*1ntendertl Hemet lnwned. tor hllrd MO H• btwn s.7PM ~i'ii.i"'ii-;~iii;ftii"i;t-:::::;;;;;;;a;;j;jijjj;:jt"I matnt~I """'c 115-1719, 1v/wknd1 ~Senior attz.,. Mgmt. 1 1ndu1trlou1, untfted 8ctlool .Olatr1ct, wor1c•. Pert time houri ---===:-=---Prof.MU .. lflllf'e 3 If •Ill.Ill .... ,f Ho1g Ho1plt1I. Ptl, ~5448 Found: Meet V AN1 aa..Tt10 ..-.STN '4M11 2850 W. '"9them ~vi. ....... typing, 10 ~ & c~u• .,. wttll ltraJQflt mini bllndl. Dedicated wMe ~ w"81 oclet. ' ...,.,... CeMf 92343 phone ..... mu... New- .... MIP. a.us. 1.t a ~= ~~~o~a·r~ pktng. Prof. 1nvtro11rnent &....J---.n. i/ 567~ Lhi WulW 11• Dry CIHnlng oounter T •I• P It 0 n •: • port l!llledl, 641-ata. l••C Call An•w•r Ad In qui.. .,.._ ~ _,_.,.,,, =r'•••••••••••••••••• MIO. tllCP9f or w!V*. 71411151-2171, liltt 37 . .a11 l42-.4300 24Nt. ._ requhd. t. AM-~ ,..... Cllco .... 1 yr teme1e. Aooounana sokt eo..i Hwy, ao. 1111. ma11 ULD ' por1ltr Inn. 2172 ~· •••-•••••••••-......... REWAN>. Pl!NSIOJf ADMIN, ex· LAguna. ...._11M All~ oppor1Unlty Ill-Need 2 expet. ~In ~~i-~ Cal AM. ISW223 *, 1 •01 WJ0~ .. ~..t,. ";;'1u1r, 146 eu2 ~~~ .!.! nln• !!~ if II fltm1uv;..,;::.1on em-conwi•clel & lndullrtel • ,, .,.._, ,_., .,_ <> ·-··· .......... .....,._._,, •un ,.,,.... ..... lltlte few aH [ JfJI • lrvtne Ar9a ~ tlel.:>ant kxl. Hr..,. Cit BAYFRONJ ab.-N.8. toe. Petf9ot ... ....... ........ Mika.,.~ perll6ofl PllT 1'm UBIHl AllT. & growtng firm. IHt -------- Plue, OCC, Fluor. fonttomey. Offlo11utti11 aildrwt'1 Booll 8~ ~ ~,.,. hi~~ lolt Admln. 8motter1 need a. 1 cetrler oouneetor Dr.'• offlcH, TuH a working concllllon1 In T~ ~..., _ M2-G41 flit 4 & wtlndl. Prtrne ofloe. 17S-1003 from 110 tfW\13800 IQ. ft. m f-~owtno hddte-""'" rtna. A£W not IODIY. Cont.let Lcn11 fOf 1 local ~. E T Hew p 0 rt e e 1 c It ,...." --_,-_, v .. lmmed evall. 3 blocFkl beck V 1¥. e:f1-1UI 2-8743 (7t4)fe61-1204 No e'""•f'·n-n----!!',_uf1~nly~ I oro. 11 ~1•~• .-1 . b.-••o.hCll, ts .. ~~-7!1110.00/ Aoo.,.mete w1nt1d to Exec 1ull•1. full HfV., .....,. -....... .......-, ,.,.. ,.._ .. ........._.., _. ., lhlN 8lacfl 8'lt. I BA, 2 flKnlunMT\., ~ ,. from O.C. Airport. Of PLANTS QIF'TI melt Loll: White CockatMI, .-Y· WOftl Olf/tt/ 12 "°'"1--~-·~~~-:-:::=-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-------- be oer. 1298 plut utll. duold. Ho .... 756-0274 mor. Info ell locMlon, 'P•I c. MCVuy & 80. Cit PIH• .,... Attracl:ue Qt ....... 175 to~... •llll ••UUIT ""'Eltatl , ............. .... Cll ll7s.0141 Ell9l-Jena 1 men omc. in Or. LY& -Auoc. 10K. 524-7901, "Hlhry-. 15S7-a74 8ooHIOoflt':! lttteCtM. ~ lflllf'e of pert· LM.rn rnedklel lkltl1 & .... "'"t..., NHd•d lmmedlet•ly. Nie.• hOUH W/1p1, 3 C1y Airport..._ ... ,. 77t-1130 Found pet bird, Coca .... wellJroorned ,lrl 10 ,..,,~job! =,,:.. ':..,.. ""!..":: for exper1-iced, ._... l6MI for INdlntl or ho- Bdrm. 8antl AM. 1115. 114-711-4780 mf -.if MINI AESTAUAAHT melt. vto Whltlilr Ave. mod prlvetety CH In-MlfllQlmll t oPC)Or1Un6-elv• rHldentlel r•Hle memlet .... &. M . No ~'t:MI flit 7pm. IUlr.a 720 ICl ft fUrnw.d few 8w & Wine. '30,000. C.M. w..2211 Teny M . cllvlduel 3-4 hrl per ..... PO, l~llfVleW Ult «Sey: TUlllln 731.o411 penon. CeM fOf dM.itl ::?: Airport..._ Cal Fem. •ow 2 br 1'111. Bel-•WPlll mtD utl1t1 or erch1tect1, M&-12111911-1111 (44> ,ound: P11rrot.fU1e bird. .-. 8trtcttycwtvete end lfter 9:00 PM. '42-5878, Santi 1vw 542 .... 713 ==·thl• unique 12. IMCMMT. bo•' P1nln1ul1 Point, With M f f---uon N-port Center, 1v1ll Join the leeder In th• wtttl ollpped wtnca. Dwk1 !r..8:,~1~8:t:·.~~':'::~ lllCt 312. U8AA Ctr. 562-3173 lillllll = ...,._ ULD It e:p I t 0 b. I ch ' u 0 ~· 7.20. Wanda "4-7620 ~pool aMmlCal gr .. n/blk h11cf. L do ~ P9)' -flllxlble In. Rm,_ lllT HANNY needed by fattier Celh peld dlly. CeM Mf. UOO/mo. yrly. 87Mt33 ~=·:":rd pr0: Excellent Oflloel -Up to ~ ~ Be 1 Pettc....., NB 875-4111 Send pMeo end dltlllld a.wtna ptOdUotk>n exp. for 2 ~old ton who W Ml B, 831-9146 M/F 2241 to lhr 38f, 281 OllllnQ. Mii & mte1101 4000 tq ft. 1801 New$IOft lplf1l.le _.., t~ Found 7· 10-12, I _.. ~llOn to 8ox. Ad Coeta Mt.a. 842-4MN51 Medi Cln. U....-TELEPHONE Sollcltor1. 1'111. nkle CM.,..., 1250 MrV. Wiii . ...,.,,teiy n Btvd, C.M. ~2111 All! iyitemi dMler. Lie d coco• brown Slew No-. 1011, Delly Piiot, In, Hwpt • f3&.m2. • ... 111•11* p/I. Evee. & Set. mo. &46-1358 evee d11lfed. Cell: Judy, for Joe =0(!~t~~~.b1!; Kitten. Hubof/Kon• Box 1aeo, eo.ta Mela. Gerwll ~. 541-0383. Fernafe roommet• lo "" 71411 00-0 100 · In Npt Hper. nee. Wiii treln. Lanel. ~ CA t2t2e INf'~TION on ,.,.... Nl!WSPAPEA STUFFER. "'Ult b• I .bl• to corn----w/MtM. l>Mvtlful 2Br, •WPllY .. ~t~r"::rney 0; H0,000 full •mount Found ~ ~ 1111 .... ken, out of 1t1t1 end I.A T1mll, ~ mot· munlcete w/rnllloo1n1. - _ 2Ba; Aencho S111 Jo .. Exeoutlw oMoe Inc.,,.. other pr~ u. req'd, eome tlnenolng young 19m11e. Vic. Hunt. Whl llgnmt. & brb. Own OV9r'IMI Jobi now...,._ 5~?;4:nlr 3AM·8AM. H1t1ona1 frlndllle oo. • -·- quln Condo. Poot, Jae, nery Vlllege, '450/mo. ol fleeptlonllt, Xerox, 1v1H1t>te. Wiii Mt '40, Bah. lleaoh/Edlnger. hllnd too&~ rn leble. l20,000. to~·~ 1 • ...._1413 loo•dng~Of • ~~ We____. ....--4 ...__...to gw. '360 mo. + ~ utll. 9ro61• e15-4'812 1ew llbrlry. AVllll lmrned., 000 plu1. 0111 collect '42-40te Ctr., 3000 E. Oet. Hwy, • y • • r . ~ . oullt• ont ....., ·-.,....... ....._ Cheryl 951-1880 dye, eel few deceit. Mikki 06 ~l't MPM All! few CdM 301.f51-9S33, ..._ •• or -._ lndMduel to,.,..,• teem 1et up ~~m•n•• 561~ ~ NmTam YALLIY Art 7141956-2411 Tim 40t1te1--0111 "r:,ct~F :::. ~ :-: Automottw a.. °'°· eorw • 1ong =ca-. :!:g~~ :•:=: ::::. °:the~ Prof women to lflllf'e 2 ~~ facllty :=; cu.tom ....,..... offtol. Video Q1me1, lnl•r· wtll mtud .._,..pup-N11 Heir er...,....,, W.. ui>. req'd. Excel. wor-UYe meotll ettttlde. a. Holldey Inn'• -,,.... bdrm, 2 ba. Pertl New-•---u, eoroee 400 eq fl Pvt beltl wttti ~PC boent, a py, F bfe>ncM L•b mix ldrlg condl. I blnlftt9. lary ccwnrneneufllt w/ c:M>. a..y + ~ portept.&tCMtM Civic C..ter, M8J ao-lbOW. a.iooe P.Wn. rnoe old , on loo. puppy. M ~ 6 tile • II lliOI fl'~.._W:C,LlouM P'/tline. 7-3:30. S..11:30. ~.Send,.._ lo 11on + bonu1. Cell -'----.,..-...,,""'""'TIWGHT~~~ oee. to ffWY9, ~•lbte '300/mo '42~ ..._..147 Shep. mix 7 mo. old '°' two ou.lllllcl, esp.. lleotl. 1 • 71.....U...,,.. or~ In our new Mldqu1r1•rt 833-3740 lfl. 1pm. ~-~=A. 25-30 ~f~•~t:•,;:: &IC. ~ 84.ftl, pttrne Cft1c:*en to J: In Tueeln ~~a!:!,~ ;::::j ~= 24 tw, tlwMI, for,..,_ ~r-=: 4 .. flqthlp otflcee, PO Box 9201, TOPlE.88 MOOE1..8 8Hf\ 38A 28A WATER-dltlonll Info ell N.B. 1oc. Pnone Ind oe>-115,000. oney b•ck & wM Bprlno-8p.n., uo•ll•nt fwtllre end peratlnf . ....-. llttoke ~ Hlgult, l2877 115 DAY• PAID DAILY FN>NT 8A1. IBL. MAY LY& lie. pier 1 v•ll. 12 25 l rno ~ 771-1098 bnndll rllbblt. "'-'oul many ....,..._ AW'/ In .,...,.. Wy In dlye Ml U I t• I no a;» • w • a.aa ~:~I" FEMALE ... 1111 Ht-1771, 840-t215 61Nr11J•f Cite & kltt1n1. Hwpt per.on to ..... Mw-on. PIMMtlt ._,,,oun· ~L1I •. Reel &tat. lnve9tment Tow Truck DrMr full an. <-> ._ ..,,_ Ill Anlmel Sh11ter1 125 gs. ding•. Selery open. P9tt-ON 6 tlll-Uml '°' Co., profe .. 1on11 deys. no night. 8tlar'9 _, ._... Dine WI •• Dllpetate ,,.. rentl oec ... 6M .. 1ffi'=«........ Meet Dr., C.M. 84• 3151 L "'I II ....._.,71 3-1' INft, ..., LVN or 1ttllud1/1pp11r1nce Cell .... 508 Pl. 1toU1e. own fUmfture 1200 Of 2400 Ila. fl 0.-tull or pert time, 19th Bl., Great ~ to .. Nll'Ulfmm Help o1191 lllmell. mot--AH lor l'lllf tcw 11•7 .,.. needed. '!f' typ6no, 4'A -------=,....-- • plue. l380/mo . .,. utlL IUlll offlc• or ltOr• C.M. >Ont front °'° loo. ll•t f= (~tf1prln9). ...................... Hert.or~ .. F• Dr nl-• IAM·1.PM .... ,, '°'ti bed IHF, Xlrrt.,. dly w•• ' Newpo rt "",_ 4f&.G174 epec.. 14302 & 14304 '40-1287 TcMI lr1W11t11•1t. --mt 'U CoMI Mw mtn~-., 567-8020 ,.-. ~ a-fut Beech. IWt-2"1. - llHch Blvd. Btwn 2 CdM OFFICE SUJTE Wiii crHt• • 110,000 Awg. 27-H -21 et L.A etmoephwe. Compet._ AITll. ULD ~cl. a-i. Cit. Ort-~-to ltV lgl C.M. Frwys. CMc c.iter ~ Approx. l500 ICl ft. .... oeue. in.. deduction. Boneon tur, Info/ UlfWlid HOMEMAKl!AI w/cu ti u u I er y . N . B. MltuN fUll time 14('1 UC. l.AAflrf HUNT horn~ Hr beaoh, epe. 1199 Shopping C..ter. ""'ti/ driapee & paint ~ & ~ brootue 213~56. CNld C8t9 needed In my ~ for houMCIM-'42.f044 Mull ~t.m..y .. : AUTO CENT!A. 1825 Smqker ok. 1 3 00. PrtrNtoc.don. tW W5Jmo. 561 .. 130 · tlon pOlllbel _.•ding EJdllbltcn lnquW1-lrM-hom• for 1 mo. old. nlng Mrvtc.. Mu1t be 8outtl Co.et Pfc.a. lAOUNI ~Ad. L..- 142-4653. or ~ 12t0. on ~of trw-tect. e..':s d~. 4 o hr e /wk . thOfOUfh, d~dlbte, ... fllll I ~.5734 gune a..otl. 494-3000 or Aoomml1e went9cl to 1tv Airport wi • Exeo. SW-IAJFlllT' ~dventege. ~~~ CIWlfled .\di, your~ 7 =.19'.:i1ee=·::. ~:~~1::0::·~:~::: s.... _8S31""""."":-1:-::1-::11=:--:::==:--:!=.1:7~· Af-mi~~:--....:: ~::.-=-~~:: =:= ~ ~ etop lhopplng '*''*'· Sell ldllt lteme '42-&tTI HOUSECLEAN!" n11-knowledge of gener11 :::'~ C:-' =It= L!': ~ !'tn ~ ._. Prof...ionel women to 567 " 010 :.:a~.:~O:C:,,:,'· C•ll on;..,, 2-3 Bdrm oondo, -•• ~11''0 .I\, I -f)-C ~C.• ... 2 or 3G_i month. ~alr:ert'":': king meture. •xper1en-~..,.,..IOI tn the 1her• lovely Newport 4 dMiXI omc.. ltnlteglc · ea.ta MeM. Wiii lllfuo. "11u1 ~ 1.'4U ~" <It P(f"v ...., 11 751 . ced HIHpereon, (lull Army A111rv.. Arter 8Hch home. BHoh, locetlon Oft l!llledl Btvd. NEWPORT BEACH Pro-""trW'IUCtion to flt In-....... QAY .. -time & pert time). Con-trllnlng MrW one - tennll. pool l3aO mo HIS Front llllPCJIU'9. IOI twlonlt offlo9. 138 Do-VHlor nHdt. Phon• • ...._ .._.. .,, .. HOUUCLEANINO ••••mn tect Snowd•n Miu II.end MCh month pNI t46-ei17 . . 1lg.n lrH, t5t 1q.ft. Vtr Ste 2. 1308/mo. 7 14 / t 3 1•5 0 5 5 0 r '-........... _.. ti. Glr41 needed lmrnectl.. MU• Sporu, 5'WM717 two WMkl HCh yeer. Ownr. 21S-45CM1651 t31-10IM 7141142-2000. .... .. '-......... _.. Wy P'-Olll t45-0tt1 -···-Ewn extra money, PX. Prof. F 25-39 to lhr w/ -r«nm.nt blnlftt9. Clll ..,.,., "°'*'*'• no pell, l300/up: CerpeCa. dnlpea, ..,ll'S -~' ,,.,, I T I N D U P I llll'"PB W• -ACI PWkl erld If you -rwl)' for 1 todlY: 2 br, 2 " t.Wv. Pert! "'· 17301 BMch, H.8. Ful a.w:. &Ilea .... "" I I I' r I Oppty tor I lcMng. .....,. AtlOftl. we.,. IMklna otlllllligl & rwly 10 glV'I t• 781.()481 oondo wlhot tub, -.C. '42-2U4. 1111 mlM ...................... ~ to Of91f1111 four highly motlveted 110%. don't __.. 'fOAJlf Senta lvw 542-4113 11 r ., I k Y w n d WI . M2.5 Ocelr'I View l,L llTn8 hOme of fem• uecu-end prof .... onel ..... •ffort1 with l"Oth•r USAA Ctr. 562-3173 e!::.',:~·ai-e~1:'~: *SUrTE DEALS* All ~ .. neect ~ °"' ~ 1n ~ ':9"2nd I T E s u 6 I : =. ~: !:. ::,: :~::~11nw~:':!~i :::7io'::ot~ 11:! n.v..... 110 or 562-6384. o.c. Airport .,... Prof. ~10 TI>'•~ 1.... . 1 I' r 1 _ , fully :,:.1: d •P• •nd ..... ". cNncl of me-ci ... peop••· Joi" our ,.111,. F/M non"'*' '1"91 30 to «Wli01••••t. M wW:ie. Robt. a.tuer NH/CM f Miii ·Mutt.,.,-ldrlg lllOV9 .... Income teem & 1here In our Aeep. for proceulng "" f8"tmttc 2 SA 2 Bl or no "111. ~of-TOP LOCATION, H#t>or· fll!. Brok• Bd AMftora I ; I !.1 Engnlh, drtve end ,,. Of rnor. end full corn. 1uco111. Gr•g (7 14) WWUty a"*"·""*-Plftr......,.. -~ fie. or dllll "*'8-150 Beker C..ter, 8011-21 1424171 IW6-0811 l AR N S . Thia guy 1 know lerl't too unt quellfled ref. peny .,._.. IP9M to t7S-tOle for lnveit. firm In Npt ~----~ eca " • s:o .:ri. ft. 1 MO Hertlor 8Mt.. CM. NO '' ' r I llNl'I. H. c:outdn't c:llrnl> the '40.f224. 4MCMIOI )IOU. .,..... )QI ,... wNt T ' o k ~ !:'i4t ttt;i-FA&. 7 · 1260 •q. ft . Mgr. WIDOW HA8 •tor TD'• ladder 01-1111-• ty· IHM B we W1l. Cll '°' 'fOAJlf a....OSE WEIGHT g~i .~~~~-~. -c~~i --------~~~~~!!!!~l~ ... ~6~1~100:~.~5'$-~~1-~~~I RE 't..o.nt. 10K Up. Ho I I IU>r .... ~ • .._ pereonal lnlef'VMw. .. L 840-412.S Uot Dena Pl *'-Condo -~-It c:Mc*. Ho Pen-I L A " w R y I 119 -. ... .... '" --.. _., f 0 r .. f . 8 ch u I• r . -------- tor 3 mo .. rnMW""' •• Al* la# • ....i H 11/ty. Dennlllon & Aeeoo.. 7 I I I I I' • c_.....,. di.die ._. ...... 11. eome cooking, 547 .. 172. ............... TW*it: Good CC1f'1'91P. ty. with frplc, Pl~•!•· .... • .... ~............... ~1311 b'/,....., lhe-. _,, g91dllq. Prtv ipt. ..._ __ C.W With~ pllt, dlotephone. AA/ 1_....2111, 144 16st. AJrpon NM. eicec atlte Ottlc. end L•boratory ,.. ....... "-,..,... :t........ .,.... hcM9. ---'*· itut tlm• Job. aood :=.::.,•.___ ...,.entlll Culton. wW» .,_._ expende, dWy airroun-epeot ·""'to 7500 eca ft. v r r 1 eoron... .... ~· "•xlbte h'Xlrl. ......... ._. .. _. . ground"-""'°' .... F,.. Ad Action dlngl.:zr: ~:: 645-2111 All! for Joe •·:--·.:v,. • =!!Nl:-::;m r r r r r r 17M91' ~I noel• 15M4H =-.:r~r !MOid offtol "' medloll "" he9 1 to ICl _.. illCWe • 2leO Avon #WI· ' H1v1 you reed tod1y'1 ..-. 9-d. Good blnlMa. .. Cal a :::,!,~ = :.; ~':.. i:.~ ... ~!.ti!!!...... ~. llTIW CIUllfled Ad1? If not. H••• you r11d tod1y'1 8~=:~ ~= ~7~=b~;·2.C•ll rm1, r~tlonltt, .,,.. · ··-•mMD 11• you'iw rnllllno lhl beet Claulfled Ad1? If not • NI -~Plot werlno MrVloe, lote ot II H ..U. ...................... W'M f.111 ..... II •1111116•.. bergeine 1n townl )'OU'N fN111nO the b..t ::-::._91;::;1_.~· HaV'I eornetNng 10 NII? 11•1 pertdng, ~a nx IVllll. Unique a *"· P"""'9 Hol4 farnllet ,...., for -_.,..,..,, eown1 contact: a.y. • Cluelfled 1C11do 1t -. lft lMnD ~• wlreet acoeea. lntenor FfWldl..,...... AuQutt. Nl•thlUft ..... lrnpto~pUllW CllM>tittl 642.5671 Wt/A flPPolnted omce w/ w/Of/AllOn M "•tte ""I t,_u "" Hwpt *'-· "WOil 1.000 .............. I.Mi ........................ ~ ;:c=::=s:==~ eq. ft. .. rn.aa11 ( (, ~ } ) 645-7100 . • Vd -..T1.11f1 hUJ• ... t "1 ( I .~\ d v Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line Bring them or mail them with correct cath lo Daily Piiot, 330 W. Bay SI .. Cotta MeH. CA 92626 • Each item mutt be priced with no Item over SSO. 20c per llne -S1 .00 minimum • No llvettock. produce or planll • No commercial ads allowed , our famous DIMES-A-LINE . DIMES-A-LINE ADS t.1UST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. '• . DO A LIT'TU BU ... U .. YOUR OWNHC>lm ~'·a---~ GARAGI SALi ADS NOW CLASSIPllD aY Cini suaLow el~IC Bele: Cr9'ta, 'tiou .. ttold. lat/Sun -....... 2Al3 8al1tl ,.,.,. 11 C.M. • -=:-•I fm!fff.~ ....... ~'!1.~ .... ~ fftf!,.~ ...... ~ ~'!1.fffl. ...... ~ .,.,.,,In/ A•: ~,,.,,Hll uuu•u•u:.;;r•u•• Wt.__.__ 11' 801"· 815 hip Mero ISL Exoellbur at, 1" price 1_ .,. 11 -... ten IJJ •••••••••••••••••••••• Wented i-.cs book· ..,.., ....., 018, VP'IF r1dlo, b1lt It 17 ,000. 12,000 •19 • •-••••••••••••••••••••••New 1" thick grey low .,...__, lrWle .,_, lflY W• buy end~ •-*· ao g.i fuel"'*· 4 dWn/S183 mo. 111.000 ctwn/LAB lllp 'll...,. lhlHrt l>fock "*'Pekin Nit co- lb& 1181·11115 =.~!'!'nt s~o': whl trlr. Ifft ofr OVlr Riddle Yecnte 87Mt37 Fuji 46' Keldl, lolded CR250. 1200/bet oft. ..... (BMW 3204) 1150. WAHT!D: UMd eown.i Skiing, wind eurflng, 81800. 15-415-1840, M6I '°' 81ntana 625, beautiful Riddle Yec:htl 875-9137 983-15539 _e_7_3-_7_2_45_. ____ _ ..,,..,,, trfpod ~ lbind. wet. lkllng. t.wa, turf Jerry or Leon lhap•, 7'4 hp Honda, M' Ill ·-.. '11 .. 11111111 fZll '78 CHEV 4•4 ~ Wanted:. •~ Of "°'... boerd, baok packing, extra•. JTIUlt Mii. 113, •79 A.IP ,--... •.. & Rune xlnt. foroed 10 .-i. running geer. s1000. ~ oai9'1161.-.,_ olothlng for 111 above '78 27'i'tt BAYllNEA 500. • • •mv, ,.von 1590. &M-e731 55'-7115 .., 8pm, epom. ~10. 1n9 "Vlctorl1." Flybrldga, 536-1952 or 547·7123 ~ :!t !!;'-no": ------------------ ' ~ lfllld CM. VH" radio, bait tank, ~ '301lA8 llp OW. offei r9fueed. • t980 Honda CX.500 bm I# W. dapthtfnd9r, outrtggera, ff TD..,,.., WIND YACH.TS Fairing, TrunkcaM. Al· •••••••••••••••••••••• wltralllr BEST~ ner tran1/m1k1 o a r. ~ moat ,_, 7400 mllel. IMPORTAHT NOTICE e ... *3 A6d<le Yecfltl 07M137 S75-9007l21M93-372e 12300/080. 171.()g4t, TO READERS AND 18' HotMe Cet. ~ W/ II' .. -659-9299. AOVE.RTISEM teq. aunr-. ...... Uk• Awe. k.totl, 1185,000. '11 HONDA 750 Cuttom. The prlc. of 11911'11 Id· ,... S2500. e7M1t1. TRADE WINOS 1500 ml. Mint cond. V9f't1Md by Whldl 0... li!~i!i~~~:-!~~-_!8~75-~900~7'!:_/2~1~3-i~93-3~~72~8~ MUii NII II 12.150 or *'In the V9hide a... 1 • 1 I L a I I I 1 t>aat ofr. 9595 fled ldv.rtlllng 001umna -1t'_CMe9tron ___ ctr __ oonlOM_---t ... !'& .... :-~-1111 . 1 ., Y doaa not Include any YIDTI' ..,_... .. app11ca1M tu•. 11cen11. flehtn9 boet, 125 JOM---.. SAILBO.ARD:••9;;i"rid;; cond. • mll11, He tran1ter I•••· finance aon, tandem trtlr. Comp&. -·-SR-2. 82 aq ft Iii!, I UMd 11200 wtt 759~700, tvn. cnargaa. ,._ f0t.., ~ ~ llLI 3 tlmaa. UOO. (714) 54M276 lutlon control davlc• ISLAHDER & FREEPORT 562·74441-. •at YAMAHA 950 SPEC II oertlfle1llon1 or deeler 8A.ILBOAT8 ----------1 4500 ml 111n ,_, 11800 documenta ry prep1r1- •ll..,101,,,.,.edlb6e-.. aeYW9 l&llJll 080 Koward s~eeoe 11on chargu unl•11 •Spedal ftnlnclng ···--otherwlM 1peclfled by •Slpa ~ Uead 'll lmlllJ 1'11• the ldvWtlaef. 4ectofy toun WINDSURFER l850 __ 1325_._15-415-_69_13_~ ...,,, Hll •PnMlw lfloWlnG t1I Ttl4I New W"'DSUAFEA 'll •--1 --• ••• • •••••• • • • •• • ••••• new lalander d under ~ sen -•-·&e Male Jeep __.. CONtructlon ,.._ Sc.ncs.d 1250. 548-5913 *-xtraa.11.0oo. •Door p!1zm WINDSURFER teeo '11, ..... 11 ..._.ae •Retleltw1*1tl PCf11CJh Dea1gr1 l900 A once In 1 lifetime op. New & Ulld t150. 5"4&-5t13 •= portuntty to tlka ectvan-cu.tom Boarda 1n 1toct -.7-9-v-.m-ah_1_1-1o_o_x_s-1. C. H• t1ge of thla t1l1nd1r N9wpOtt e.cti Special. Tour /eek~. •••••••••••••••••••••• Yecfltl' apedll pun::f\Ue 642-1400 5 o o o m 1. 2 e 5 o. -. MA"tl plan. --------1.n2-etoe.., Shay rep11oea; ptacuc>1 l l&T. .. ... ..~. 111'-c COUP••· 4 to Choo•• 1l M411 11 111• -•79 Honda 400 MT lroml (0087H) (Stk. .... ,,,, Xlnt COf'K\. "'6. "3083). Prtcae ... --..... at 714/4M-«>23 ... ... ...................... ~1 ., .. ;.u• 23' Inboard OS*\ boat, 8 Pon 1 ore d by th• 8llp IMlll., up to 30'. CdM '78 YAMAHA VZ80 good ,__ ---'-'"' _..... Don't ~ Dllilr'I of 8w-.,... lt.OO pr ft. 73Peoav condition ..,~5. Private ...---~,.. tti.n C11fom1a. or Tarry 1..eM-24 '3 Wfi·. .-~c::!. ~1:~~c•I • ... Ymfl _d_llYl __ a-_5. _____ 1 _peny~....;_· eeo-__ 1_ee_2 __ ---l 1922 Blf'rence Rd. WMfN 2 HONDA 90'1 '79-21' ~ J9C lrvlne, CA 92714 A ' allp or mooMg for Tralllltreat good cond. cabin, alHP• 4 . big lH .._1121 Nllbolt. Npt Bc 2 h. Joa Reuonabll. 54Mn3 Ctl9VY ano .. on1y 61 tn.. 844-050 , mUMUll THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HAR&OA &lVD COSTAMISA 642·0010 Set00.546-2710 ~~----~~-1 , ISLANDER 37 NB 8llp YAMAHA, 200 cc, eleC-Attantlon eolac10tsl 1959 '78 20' SklpJaok, Volvo Xlnt ftnlnclng 158,800. PIR trlc at art. only 3000 EdHI Ranger In good ::.''::.. 0:-~,. ~ PYtvate f*1Y 4" 4&20 UP TO 28 It. 8150 mo. mlaa S5t5. ~5-92·23• running oondltlonl ONLY ctflc.. 648 HIO H68ie 11 87M145 '77 Suzuki PE250. low ml, $5!501 Call 642-2073 or 25' BAYUNER '72 Fuly equipped, w/..U., BOAT SUPS AVAILABLE good cond. Nnl gr .. t. 54M974· 11 no .,_.,, f1860 ~ 846-6753 Newport Beedl 25'. 28'. 1750. Bf911, plMM kaap tr;tng. __________ __, = =.~r NAPLES SABOT. ::"I 34 ', 35' & 40'. Call 87•19781873-7&ae ~ 1957. ~~ ...._ llke -,.._ 642 ........ 9 to "'-. BUMP£A RACK tr-. , 1. ".··--·-· .. u_ ......... r~ ...... r=-= ---· .. -dolfy . Only 88115. -liiiiiiniiiiiil-1 for motorcYCt• or trall """'T· ..... _ ... ,.. .... -. &M-15e8 •lf.-T IUll bike, S50. ~2335 538-4232 ----------117' FlberO .... Sloop w/ II' 41' .... 1'111. W Moto Ill hl'met. Biii ---1H_1_M_m ___ _ trtr. >Ont oond. 81500, ph 111-1'11 ,Walters riding panta, Naw Interior and top. 837-1S38 WANT 30• atlp w/lhora 1100 both. 648-2335 Excellent cond. Sacrtno. .. ••y..... powtr & w1ter, Inter· '79 Yamlhl 175, at $3,000. Hel Nldi. -··-... ..,. 714/831-3133 113-6272 111ad In longtann ...... runa great, .......,. C1ll An•w•rAd #173, ~~1 1111 '~ IH•lhr I' a.T 1211 &42-4300. All Steel. •QU!alte eo·a ~ 1113-15212 ~ e¥911 • boet wttn e·..,., ....,, ltit/ ~. 11uoo oao Udo 14 csn 111u1, wt11te b • • m t 2 7 6 . mo . ,,.,m,_... 1111_ 1111 -., W. ... decil 11179 Ulmln..... 875-3083, e~7 ••••• ~.:;. •• -..-........ v.a turbo 400. Total ~.r;..!'!~7r. 12700 WANTED: es· allp or Rent: 28' motor home, rHtorad. SHOO 080 ........, _. Wiii tr1d•. Wknd ......... 842 ·4283 , Wkdl 1154-nee .... , TIP llF'M .,. .... --·-............. OOITAMllA .. .. 1111 ... 1., ·~.,...~ tt•r.o & Ill otlgln•l. (11111). 1--------.,.. '7t Cut .... 0 ..... Clal, -- bNUtlfUI ifl8'dt & «Kit, xtr•Mf ........ & I I ··!: .. ~'C.i ..._ ~::o Mlohelltt tlrH, t1111 ._.. 8'¥d. . en-1011 .-. COITAMUA 111-llM Hunt.,_. IMec:fl '79 Cuti ...... ltOUO-W'"-.. ,, .... hMI Diii, .......... . • mrm ......... r~. letet• '11 Ctle\ly Veg• P.P. 720-1 .... IU ... MiWUTm Htohbk, 0 .100 "''· .,.£££Id MM ... Mt S1371. 4t4 l4tl ~ ::i ........ iiiiii..-.J W. 'PINI• ... In ...._ 'U Mont• Carlo, J{lftt ml ft. '°' the IMll*I -.OU-oond olalrl body .... ---1ft11 11 ... 71 -IM l profiNIC'I*· a o~t. tec9fl1ty r.,." You've got to -ttlll Top dollar1 fOf lportl 1111 lllftltal &..le ... 1..... qlne. S 1000. 569-14'1 OM! (07tfO(R). A~ Oare, Bu09, Oampare, '11 9210, e.Mll .... 4 111 .. 4 lpd-M...e..._ ...... 1MJ '70 Mlltbu, SIO, pla. p/b, at t1tt'a. Audl'1 lpd, AM/"'9 .... w/ S IPeed-hno 1 O'M*' _ nlOe ISIYOK 11•111 air, radio, auto. 11200 ., n• ~~f8sHA ;::~1~1,, ..,, aoeTDO 11111 .. II ""'1 080. ~128'. • - -·---·1• ~-l2HI '1J'f'!!-t·;;-:·;(!flp, ~ ·~ ~~..f'blt 'fjp· ....... .....,."_ ., .... ~........ ,, gyt, ·~ ""· nu • 11111 e.citi 8'Wcf. 11711 9Mol'l ltvd. Mlab6I ... QftdlltL - -aooo. f1 /080. 1157·2 f7 HuntinqtOft ~ ,.rd ,.00 2'tt ton HUNT'INOTOH IEA~ '1280 oeo. 1<1111 ~1111. 2600 Hubof' Blvd. C~-'-.... ... ... . a lill_toolbe ... :..3.'!"p1Ctu1Dll•tt=atie• .... .tmoww.I, #Jo"", t..J;5\:r:. ,....... ml COIU Maa 540-9100 .::1 • ..:: ............ -'70 eu.., otto. ~. I -· ·-· ... ,. ······•i'I'••··········· '74 .........._ ~ col-C'Jd, _.. ..... Plilr r • 1u °' 561-seeo .,,_ ..... 1.*T.f.......... '5600. • • ·1 .. vw .. 1.. ..,. a.v.., macll .. rot· ~°!!,.ttem.1n ..... ~ t bnlc-. ..., '4IOO/ on.r. 97._ ~ '--tel new U.-. ~OMd. 1111"' .... ,._ 52.ooo .C _,o, -· .,._ ..... • 4 ,_ 'u I -.. .. • lntJM f It .. 0 ...... ....., ou .. " . -.o. b• tary, 1tart.,, carb, ...... ,,... <llll•rr '11 I I · ........ ~ .. "' ..... .., ... c., 11--· • r · ·" · ttane tutty -··'--.. -.. a.t c--~ t1 ...... ---. .._ .... "..... •••••••••••••••••••••• IO ~· ttK. ~.,... •.\Mo __g..vnrw "" ....,, 411 , IJM70I ., iaTfl ._......,. -~ ,_ or. -·· ........ , .. _..,,.,.,. -.. -. II ..,.cl, "" /IMI CUI, a/o, p.,f. oond. "!W!t' ,,., FM OMl9tta. (1111•). A ~1298, 141 IZSI urn• ,.. ., mt .• gcr. ~ -~l~·Vl.ittll.lto, t~ pelnt. FM ~ HiM _... S7000/ot>o, 842-111111 av. ••• • ••••••••••••••• ..... el " 11Tt"' 111 Llllllf ~~1~4-=teo~· '70 Du1t9f. Ona own«. -'· ldnt o:nc,. ='. = ..... ~ te, '11 Aooord. 4 cir, 11 ep, Wll l 1Mt Mf ..... UllCf llUO'flll NI, t :Ji_ HK ml • ._, Mf .. 11n •• 1_... 1at< rn11a, loedad, xlnt. ....UT IN I • -(1 .... 711 .,._ , ,_. __ _._. ........ .........._ C..IUall./ 111' ofter. 71171 -~ 11.HO. 873-00H •ft r"s...... .. ... . -ec:onomy 0 .... ,,_, ...... ,,_ ...................... . • 'M Ctl9Y ~ ton tn.a, 10' 71 ...... .. ~ 1-. •PM ftLllWAIB et • ~ pr1o9I ge o.dllllOI In Southern Unooln Oontlnert1* INll# 1111 , AIHllan oamper, A·1 71 WI 1fY111 .--up·,:r. w _.,,. v • 11111 9Mdl INd. •Y "'91 c.tlfomtal SM U1 today! *Tm llAll * ~··••••••••••••••••••• oondlton. ~ fr1doe & 8aaot e.uty. S2t< =tl~oce... a: '78 CMo HCM'lda. 5 IPd· $289 Huntington 9Mdl -... UIDI L.ong etaled •the \lltl-7J.J·a.Fd Formuta. ao.. fMnY..,,... 11'3-8118 1 C1Wflt • mint • 252.lAH 87M15' I NI. >Ont eond. c-tt.. .... .. .... I HI mate In par90NI ~ .. dell, ~ .. ~· AlltlnO ____ ...;...;.;;..--1 S'800 811•7625 ...... --~ ,_.____._.._..._..--..to '4300, ......... ~. '11 CHEV Plokup, ve Sllll 'IO u-......... ... ft ... ---1'" vw ,.~ -· ·-·--·z motor. Stlial at 11800. ,,,.~ ,_.::.;;Honda 80 Accord, 4 dr, per month J*a tax ' ' Po9lGP ..-·-· 11711 Bead\ INd. 2800 H9rbor &Mt. make 1mall monthly ftmfdld "11 .,.__.., 0t ~2327 ~~m.1114 be6ga, llr, AM/FM 0111a. 41 month 010 .. d •nd new Yaiva )Ob, latte. Hunt1nVton 9Mdl C08'TA MESA pmi.. No old contreot9 ..................... . • tjf. Lite new. '7200 080 ...... on IPPfOY'ad en-84e-2641. IG•l9 a..aa'1111 to a11um•. No back ·n T..elrd T-.n Lendlu •71 OMC 4x4. 44,000 ·11 Modlt 110 .. 714-IS7 .. 289 dtt. Coma In and Mk for ·t1 VW....,... ec.w aeoo ...-pmt1. dua. Miii. for Acee ll..o, new tir.. !MOi. mlaa. 111 eortra S&llOO. OL. dodc, ._ deelllll • ""-..._, •eAt•••-.S. Al ·a 1$ Bug 1135 oc ~ •n Ced~ 8ml Mint 842·'4400. H!.· 1008 101d•d. good cond. 844-()145 6 1p«t. P~. to mi '7t cvcc •·•pd. wht IE.Ill lllfllTI M F!MllteNo-. WIW g1ne, dlAlll C*tle. r::, ooftd. to ml. load•d. Proto UM. 12a90ioao. 91.._.118 'f4a..,.,"-tonpl«*up,4 ln.1784 :::r,'·~.ml~~ Ml Dow Snee *-.t Met 1 . .,._h a.,.a11t 1 AT ;'~:t,:Ond. 11 llO. !~~!~.!..b•t r•H otr. c.wtft 1111'..__..,. ______ _ .... #Tl/fm ltweo, air, '74 Dat1W1 ~•bit Ot beet otter. P.P. E.b6uff. Newpott Bead\ ••• •. /wh••. . --....................... WANT ACTlON'f , r•bvQt 454 eng. M•ny motor, 4 -6. or,,... ~1 ll!-OHI "490. Matty. 17$-1345, 11lT YW 1• llYl.LI '79 Cofwtt• t10,400 or Claellf9d Adi M2-6178 atru. taeo llrm . '78, te11e ·over ..... pey. xlnt l880 ln.1144 .... beet otter. New Urea. Lo1--------t79-IM78 aft e. mente. S20e Pf mo. · · 11H8 Honda CIYlo 811 •78 VW W~ Jdnt lnolude an AM-BaoanW Dll, 211,000 ml, ml. Loeded. 81tvar/wtllle. Afl• ,,,., 'IO CH"'VROLET HALF-640-8715 '13 2402 SW-CMa. Wag. Auto, AIC, 1t..o, ,.,,,.. fffl __.. ....... _....... Optlonl IC.Int eond. 1 owner, 110, 780-8724 •••••••••••••••••••••• .. 12100"""" t1Pa d-* 13500 ...................... ..... ........... ·-· 9flO. FM 1teteo. Extfa. extra too. t7t-1200 dy• --------1•••••••• 1 TON PICKUP. PIS, P/B, •74 Spider, IC.Int oond, new 541-11111 Aft &PM 752--0147 1111...... Cell 7141916-72113. Aft 6 *-1 & low, low ml*I 875-0558 ett 8PM. '78 Vet, loaded. Orig OW· 1 new tlre1. 14 700. pelnt, 1ir. a toe>. many 11.... 114/M2..ftl1 (13549). ner, low mll••o•. xlnt . . II 131-3874 extrll. Mutt ••• , '802~T---'7t Accord. 5 IPd. e/o., • ...., ""' '711 Eldo Dlaeel. 1811115. OOl'ld.Baltoffer. NADl:'D•s , 15880IOBO ~ 8lkltan ~2!!.<..'.!'i· am/fm, lo ml, mt cond, (733NAY). Thi• blaok '71 FU11111 _.,. Exa.I mpg1, A1 ~nd. 845-7107 ~ ~~ !:ncs~ · 112,000, 1W4IA9 '4900. 780-1074 bMuty won't 1a11t long at Mu1t M iii Xlnt oond. • .... Loadad. 845-7253 1978 eor..n.. 1111 & ..,_ CADILLAC • t30-09t8 P.P~ bM 1711 73..UO QM. WMan.JOrlt '81 CMG 4 df, 5 lpd, air. llLJ .. Ill Sunroof, amltm CMaltt• Yll.llWIMI '11 llft.LI lao paint, very lo ml. • ·····~················ running ooMr. , --.. ~ .... ~. • -...... ,.. pelrll,.,., ,,Tn leeCfl .......... 511K ""· 11ac: ~. 121 .000. c.n 1-174-2972 'CLEARANiCE 111 T*1Ji Longbed. ~· 75 AUDI FOX S1500, te&-01'2 ~ -•-... S1500 . ..._~ Huntln;ton Bead\ 187115. 540-6472 " not tio.M Iv meg on n•w, w/oamper 1hell, 4 dr, auto, new eng. • .... ., '74 T~ CorolL Aune Ml·lm NOOrder ~mag wllle, 5 epd, lrlnl, brlkH, raA ll, '80 Detawt 200IX. ll'M9et '80 Hond• Prelude II epd 18711 8-:ltl BIYd. rf t L k • '81 81ec:ll Eldorado loa-1--------1 .--.. "'600. Cell JoM IC.Int oond. '29001 oeo. 19,000 mt. "IP9' INrp a Air oond, ti~ pl1ye1. Huntlngt«I 8-:ltl f: ao . oo I rough. ml '11 YW -ded. 8,500 ml. Orig ow-l!...u llU SALEI· 831"4M2 or ll8l-04eO 4117·1057 OIHn. 2-ton.e paint. 5 11800 tlk• over... Ml-Im 78• eel 17w 741 L II 8h nar. 111,000 080 :":.-.11 ••••••••••••••••• IPd. fully kleded w/AC, 55treo40 ·• VW Conv rune get ow m ••· owroom 848 4914 'et Couf."· Xlnt cond. • 'U ......... 11 '7-~ Fox, /fm• epd, 4 doof, P/ltearinQ. AM/FM -. , ,.,.,, ~TC'D Madi woe11. WootoeO ~,!>,.n ~1·012 3 II 5 0 fr · 80 r. .. ~-"'-2,,,., ml ..., 70K or g . mllH , mu1t Load•d. Crul11 elect .,o, Im ltarao, xln1 rao, eunrf, pwo "*JOtat "~ 6, K.hllU\ 131-5129. -. ......,..,..,, "" • -I e 11 . I 180 0 I b It . wind., dr 1ock1, 1tereo oond. '2000 080. P.P. entenna a moN. M4ff ...... ..-................ llll -e xtra•. xlnt oond. 861·'204 OMMt• Tift wtll St..t Ken: EYel 87~718. 131-tl030 11178 JAO XJL PlllOll/l.. '11 fW.......... 9 "' 111.0001080. ~15" 1--------1 hi ·d di j CA Orig. owner. 53,000 13831 Hllrt>Ot &Mt Exira c:tean IMtp, reblt Ulll1' 'ell Couger XR7. Low ~n "1nt' '·ooo ID 11111.aul 111' mllle. Ever} Mrvlca rod • • . AM 2 Door Coupe. 4 IPaed '79 White Eldo llarrlU, mllH. f1109llent cond w 111 1 ~ • ·:kn ci ...................... ...................... 11nc:. new. s11v1rtr•d 1°.:-".:;.;. :.£1io.•,g~~ /FM· eurvoof a wall ~nt.i: mn r1. 19950. 52124. 443 Blue wtlh whit• Interior. 8 4 2 • 4 2 e 3 , wk d • .... HS8h'I at500. 120-1ees 1,._._ nact. (1762581 ~ eay, c .M. MS.21183 I 1e115 11ea·1e3 e . 754-7788 ., llTP'"' J ,,,, ....... .,. "'.... ., 11111 5115-2190 --•••• •~••••••••••••••• 71• 111-2111 W/W/W. tlOO ml. l8800 -••-'74 EJdo Convert. 15960. 711 Col'wtle, ell pwr, xtru. '111 ~T. cnavy P.U .. lo ml, rs....u '74 JenMn He11y. Well 2131581 8213 (Cypfw) -70,000 Of1o m11ee. Sharp. 350 1uto new tlrH, :!_cond.'4950/betofr. WU9"'1 kept. a.ut. In/out. LOW '17 924,bllick,rwweng.& ... vw 8quarebectc ,.. ...... 385LAG. 443 W. Bly CU91omwtii..641-4913 13115 l'l\I, Vary math 1ound. alo. 111100. Cell Louie. oent r•bullt !STAT! 11711 Bead\ Btvd. C.M. 845-21183 Dir. ~ lnS '73 FORD 350 1 Ton. 14750, 842-07 14 ev, 844-0842. 8'"L"" 11 . HunM'f.onBeadl 11180"-""-lo I'-"""',,,__. 1tak bed ,.,_ d-752-3722 " "' .OOO P / p ' -.....-. m-, ,_, •••~••••••••••••••••• ve,: epd ir::*rt>tt-:d~ wn ---·-'81 11118, eleo. eunrf, ~1 ·&-·~ulp. xlnl oond. $13, '78 Dodge Alpen. Cln .• whll, lumber reok . lll-...,.... Dia 11'4 ~~1o.~met· ''1 Cel euo, new tit-. ! .. J:.!pygt111, CdM new tlrH , radl1tor, 13100. Pll llll7-005e ---•••••••••••••••••••••• --.. 1~1 _.. Of new ...,_ ~ 'll .... ..... .... __,1 b r • k • 1 • I 1 e o o . 13.1 .. ·2040·--486-448-3100 Weat eo.t Hwy. ~o OH~= Nit. belt. 1 744 f 1tH. t4"r.'4l :u: 1 owner. llM\lt. cond: '73 Coupe O.Vllla, good 1-894-<4 __ 133_. --~-· 78 Ford ~ ton, 8 oyt. 4 ---Newpott Bead\ ~41527 11171124. Kint ooncl. I.ow en-11M Malnt. record•. won't cond. f1500. f~ jjfj epd, Utlllty SaMe body, 28402 ~Pkwy 842..e405 mllH, air, 1unroof. '11 •I w• lailtJ ~ ...c A et..t at 9411388 .:::-................. . 13750. 780-1074 (A~ v:r I-"' .,_ -•• ·74 Karmen Ollla, euperb l9000. 175-11132. di-'4116. 137.2751 ,,____ fllf '73 t P .... Wgn, Air, A/T, "'--d p .......... ••1 F100 e ·-• ~, ir•f •6-oond, new headliner .• 7•11118 ...,_,. __ ~ 8Mll, blac* w. ,.,_.. radio. 81,000, ml. 1933 ~. o:;~,v pwr et.:W, Operl ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ruge. lheaplkln c:ov9r1, v':.iv. JOo ... ;;,;,vt;.~,'';; trim, Jdnt eond. M-1111 fW •••••••c;;,;,;*••••••• Anehelm. 0.M. ltep tunper. Rlldlo. AC. ::.*' ttr..Wn'lGal wNI. = wer.d, tn, ~ '8600. ~1820 Ulll1' * 1111111 Lftlll * '78 Granada. 4 dt, loedad. vary aherp. Mu1t Mii. &C~wlR U800 .,.2 7:X-..,...; lmm10 . 113 ,500, '11•1&181 (2t3NVC). Don't mlu If you rHlly love C•· 701000 mllH $2500. 1971 CADILLAC SIVILU "A5TIOIOC>r' (308VPE) $8995 1971 CADILLAC IL DORADO llAUIT% (074VMA) $7995 1971 C.DtLLAC COUPI DIVILU (815Ul.A) $6995 18500 or beet offef. ..... ..... : • ~2'18 '3llOO/OBO. 536-1"6 thlll one& A,.... at rnaroa, gtve me •cal. 1 714/842-75&8-. 4117-2042 SI ... 8~ I hg _,-. ., 11 .. a1 ~ 'II 1211'1 .... ..,., ,,.,.. ,,, 7~1 E~ seet5. Of '72 vw Bug. ...., ... .. :; ~ BE~ 11t2 DP .,. .... 1979 OLDS '1:0.~PS~~~ N1oe a.ouon1 *FANTASTIC* ~;;c;;,;;,••••••••••••• 554-f~ M-f'. 48M3t3 ~0~V-:~•t .. n ~.--..... TAS, TYPE LT 1nd ~~ ~.ag·000 ll~~~?U" 11 se160. °"· * ·19 a20t. auto .. """· ;:a.. Fl•ts * . ,_ ur..,,.. · · ·-129· .. Mt need reftebla --· __ . ____ 1 '711 Ford XLT '14 ton (431VCK) JI{ ft tr1n1. 70,000 ml, xlnt '83 366-8 18008 ooupe. '71 Con\lei ... lug. Jdnt 18111 8eedl Blvd. perty to mike email 1111 JlllTI $5995 Super Ceb PU, AM/FM, * '711 133oe1; lllto., 10W .... _. K'I re,,_ cond. Loedad. S4,000, Mint oond. Rad/Blad! oond. AM/FM taoe. 28, Hootlngton Bead\ monthly pmte. No old 17 OOO ml L.oedad Uk elr, PS, AT, 1111, orutee, mll.., (5538418) r-. ~ """ 112a-o1111-Int.nor. <>ngllwl awn.. 000 ml. Mu1t ull Ml-n. oontr-.ota to ..um.. No ' · · • 480 eng.1&46<>. Dir. * ·eo 320!; llepct., toe-PttE-OWflD ..,. 1111 Factory teok menual in. •1.000/b1t ofr. pp beck pmt.a. dua. All! for ::ke ~er'"\r~ or 979 C C 942.7950 Na-0290 dadl (1BDV020) . RAT SPmS & Xl/9's •••••••••••••••••••••• ctcl. 870-1211. 497~41 'II Campar Bui. Meny Ro 1 • e 4 2 . 4 4 o o , · 1 ADILLA • ·n 630!; "''"· IOW ua-TO c~ rent.I ·n•L ........ ,._ ntru, S 11100. Call 515tr100I Proto UM. '71 FORD MeY9ticlt. Good ILDOllADO COUPI "*' (842TRn _,., rllUVA rf\~ Tll H .. , maroon ··-· '74 vw V91\! .... doaM. 494-6226. 4117-6377 oond :t tlree (2eOX80) ~;;..;w•;.;;;;;~~· ~~'f· 4 epd., A/C. 77 FiATXl/9 ~I~~~· UK, ::.~~~~ •ng. S4500. '73 BUS, neweng. & tltw. ~ ~.'l~ IMO: 4~11 . aoon. $} 1 995 * -1111 * * ·ao 320!, 5 lpd., Ill/rt, .. SPD Stereo, Mags, '57 PC>r'8CN. Ot1g Celt CS, '71 vw Bua. nu .. & 12700 Ot tl'llda '°' 4)(4, axtr... SHOO or ti.et --"" ' Super C:.:,, low mlM. A/C. (e69ZOK) Only 57 K e5tSMR no ru.t..::,J motor, JClnt brl6I-. tdd down WI. John 84MIOe offer. 7141831-4m ~~;·;o: .. ve•;,• ramovabla r•er b•noh ...an1 C hoc o I• t • eond. · ~ ~ill 494· nu or ·111 vw A8bbtt • dr, 5 epd, C'llnrt#f II• pta. p/b, M.lto i;ana: 33K 19IO CADILLAC ...... Enrc or-t nl...... 208 w. 11l, Senta Ana Brown/Beige ·aa 1112 Terga.,.,.... AC. AM/FM radio. xlnt ····-···-··········· ml, 13500. ~1811 ILDOIADO coun ~~.~"Hab~r~l>6M :,NV:v s4495 "'" v·~,~.b~:..i,i·· 'IO vw v;;r.: L. Yllry cond. "4400.Me 8484 '711 Mont• Carlo, lllver/ ... ,9. ,,,, (902277") lt7118WH) JIJ9t need ,. VOLUME SALES ,.i. TOUI rJ '81 3518, nu pMlt. rtlft :-:..~. AC~1r:: ,.,,. 1111 :91~1j:.· ~:fJ<t. 1e7r~·;;_;t,;;:•;.;;t $12,995 l•bl• P•~ to m•k• • ~ 77 RAT Xl/9 NUTlllAUA. und•r 1100 ml. body ...,.. seeoo. 841 ,..., ...................... 846-«111. OQnd. VI, AC, io.dad, lo ::':on":"ects .~ ~ ~ Spd, Stareol Cw., """I ~l~~o::. ~ill no 11 J«t.a Dew!. lpacUI .. '~ ~ '86 Corvelf, ,_,, WOl'tl. :.,:::· 131-8877 Oft« Good nvu No be«* pmts. due. M« I I I M LA 111 ag 1 • u V 0 •g• .., -.. .., · · l!dltlon. lunrOof, Con---.• _,,, bait on. t.lc•. Monday 7-19-12 tor RoH 842·4400, I Ra~k • V•llow/ k , fMl&dTI . '80 924 TUrbo, loedad. '80 oord 1t•reo, so mpg. -842-4338 ·aa Muetang, e oyt, PS. ' SM-1008 Proto LIM. lft Brown 814TMY. 1 1124. Take over IHMI '8900/ot>o. -01M ULn, --.73 MAU8U LAGUNA AT, almoet like new. 5tK --- '11 lmYY411 s~s.riN,._:H .. ~~. s4995 _WIUlmlf.OOlll~SAMl-UM plulf~'M~·-... vw -Low..... .. ... _ Load•d. with power ~~·~;.ior 12800 ~TABE·~ns Ex1re llaedl, '700/obo. °"" ~ 'IO RX7 187IO rune grHt. ao mpg. OVERSEAS DEJ.JVERY 11 .. rtng, brake" win· 1--------1 .l ~. _----4' 983-61139 AeaalaSaMI 1A1K187 ·~ 112 wree reblt ""'· Allllcnel. AM/FM.,.. EXPERTS dow1. Xlnt ext•rlor & 'It •atM& ~ADIL' A,C W-1111 71 FIAT Xl/9 71 • IPd· o.n. nu,.. ......., tmmeo l22tO. Interior. Engine <..a.di MACH 1 Futbac:k ~1 V8 .~ L.-fJlr' ,.,., ,,,.,. ;,,, Operl lundtlY .. 4 s we:.:~ c. M. pelnt, bnka ~.... "6-11M, ... 2190 UILI.. dOH not run. uoo. 4 epd. Sunroof.12500. 2IOO HAReOR avo. ...................... 1111 .. ; ts•prde :.•cg·.~~: '3IOO/oeo. ea-atat 71 nflNO . ...., oonv.top. *" Mi.-2.,.., 11:30pm. 87:Mt78 • coaTA •M. WUTEI! lltl""' ~u.1::~.· Raok . ~! ......... "-'! ::'1~~:;"0~ 1~~=-· ~.~ ·~,~~!~·r:g::: 540rl860 Late model ToyotH, (110VCY). A lhat'p loo-Orange/Brown .. 720-1•1 I• 1111 .... , CdH lftadMaM2-M71 '2200.415-9514 · Votvoa. Ptdlupe & v-. king.._, eponya. fOf 1BUC707. 'II ...... Lt .. -~-•. ~~~~ .~~ ~~~~.~:~::::=;:·~~~;::~~:·~:; ... -~. 5 Spd, St.-.o, Mage, 12711 EPA !9t: 30 dty, 40 hwy .... •Hll't Mint Condition. Miii -.-f 1ACPIST7. ~~1~ $ ~~~,~~ . ..=,-rlL, a~ SPiii =~":;.~ IOlS-IOlCEt!NWI ~::::::. .:=: !!!ie.e~e.! llllf.fnr.. .. _.11.!f ~=~ ~ ~~· ..._ ·::oaL. xi~t.::;&i .#1 DEALER IN U.S.A. or be':f'::f.,. Oar . · s5g95 411-2280. DICK r.rn If H ·.· -' ,-. ~ ·, {, ' --·- OEADUNE8 For T....S., thrc•.tgh Setwdey publc:MtoN. 5:~ 1 PM the prMou9 dey. Fo Su~ and Mof1dlJ putMlc:at 01\1. 12:00 noon Sllb#dlly. ERRORS ~ ahould ch.ck their.a dilly and report enore lmm1dlately. The DAILY PILOT ..umea ll.t>fllty for the flr9t lncorract ln .. rtlon only. 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTIC!: All real --~!Md In thfl ,_,.._,., 11 ~to the Federal Fair Houelng Id of 1• wtild\ ,,._It lllegm to eiMrtl• "ft/ti/ pr9fa..-nca. !Imitation. or dllcflmlneUon ti.ad on r--. cotor. rallglon, IP, or natlofJel Of1gin, or.,. im.ntion to iretc. S"l IUCb Pf9faranca, II mlttitlon. or dlacfimlnltion." -------:am sns .. rm-J• - ~----- cover Improvements It JOU w to • .n JOUI' home 'iiDolTow, wtiat pricli WOUid you ukf SuppoM 1ou.r home were d..croyed by ft.re or •lndnorm, wbAt Would ,.a bmYe to s-Y to replace lt or buy another of. ::&::?able apace, quality and In a--. JOU pMIOe a pdct tac an JOUI' home fNflrY time you renew ~-..... "' rour homeowner'• lnaurance, or-. CoMt 8-hon .,. The,.. amount on your policy la the IDUblNm amount you would be s-ld lf JOU SOil 10'll' home. That'• why your IDlunnce mvm• lbould equal the fair --~of your boa:ie, excludtna the non-combu1ttble foundation *'1cture mil huOcltac lot. de~.rsrh~~:1f;:: in:~ !b...nc. to value" Oil your ham. If my of the "'Tbnle ra" -Inflation, tmprovementa, or purchue of expensive item.a - appedat.d the value of your home within the pmt 12 month&, It la time to lnvmt1ate a Fourth I," ana. lncrea1• 7our homeowner'a, illlunme~ A ~ ln DolkY covence dole not n...-rJly aiean a 1isa~le. Iner I I tn ........ 'lbeN are waya you ca couziterbelmce the COYe• to keep com down: -Taa • ~ clechlcttit. The l.vpr' the deduCtlhle, the more you- ..w In pnmlum expmdlture. -lnleaD "*-........... --.. Some lmuranm o••....,._ ":!1!.fve the homeowner LJ!ft!IDlum if ~ or bwpr 'alum system. aN tJwCaDed ln the home. -Shop around. Uae your cwwumer -.vvy to find the bmt covera1e at the moet reuonable price. It ii imponant to rmwn>h-that ·:~~~~~ lom a fire or theft. Get a jump on your claim by keeplnl photccrapm of valuabla, receipc. ar canceled cbecka for coatly bou8ehold items. Condominiums number two home choice pmant of all~~ with ·hou ... maJdna up Te percent. townbomm • ~ -~ to t.hl'M-t.amll.Y c1weWnp & pen:ent, the..,..,..,.,., Theae atatlattca 1bow that apartment condomlniuma are helxw•*'C mi Iner ~ popaJar dxD fOr dae who to own a -.. ba rd of rm*& ~ for unman1ed people, accordtnc ito Qrm:wt Coliit a.r-.. Q,nrlimdnt\mll often an the leMt exper#ve type of hame and W"Ye • a adtMlle tnntltlon from nntma to. lownlnl. But not all OJftdnmlnluma are In the lower price ran1e. HO.ME Q & A ~. Mon tbmi 75-peramt al converted-unit buyers were ~ for the flnt time. A condo ii a wile ftnt-bome ~ becll•• tbe ~tloa rate ha• been com,r::able to . -timil rnmn.: --z ~ .menHlill --~ ~andotbs~~ that the buys normally wouldn't ... able to afford. Maintenance la 'provtded, aDd many condoe DOW qualify for 1overnment-imured,.. -rmehle ~ which. until. . recently, were available only to ·!x'Y'!l'I of Gn&Je-famfl7 homee. $100,000. An mdldu loen with •• rt!l'Dllntnl balance o1 $59,000 and carryln1 an Interest rate of 11 percent ii wumed b~ buyer. Tbe eeDer can1e9 • note for $21,000·at 13.~ percent interest for a term of three )Won-. It la .:ured by a aecond rnorf4Ne. The buyes: pays '20.000 .. a down pa~t and benefia from low ftnandna COit. --------~ ... --- A full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 "lean, mea~ and atrract1ve" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property. .. VERY BAYSHOllU Remodeled c::ottage within bfocka of the beech. country tdtchen, hardwood floor•. 3 bdrma, UMd brick fireplace, deUghtful patio. Ample financing available. $335,000 leaaehold, $487 ,500 fee almpte. A llatlng of Sara Marvtn, NEWPORT HA8 EXCITING Ho.8 ·And thia one's• leader! 5 bdrma, 3 frplcee and unllmlted W., on top of 8pyglau Hk 8tnYy yet cozy, exciting while practlcat. PNMnted at 1925,000 wtth '200,000 down. a. a.n.a Hutchings at I Poent a.om., Open 8G. 1-4 pm. CLEAN HOME, NEAT LOAN Rovtng Jasmine Creek alngle level 3 bdrm condominium, lush patios, and epa. ~ loans at less than 1~~. $385,000. A llatlng of., Donna Schroeder. BACK BAY POOL HOME 4 Bdrm. 2~ bathe, 1ltttng vacant with ~ 30 yr. lom'I of $15&:°• and owner anx.IOUe. Reduced to 1279, . SM Bonnie a.ntngton at 1:111 PrlftGleoo. Open Sat/Sun- f..5 pm. - tOW!ST PRICE PROVEN View home wlll go at non-view price If buyer has cash. Leuehotd and priced accordlngly. 4 bdrm In HV Hiiie. Interesting view, only $295,000. A Hating of Oot11e Valentine. ( \: :\ \ 1 P I f "' HARBOR VIEW HOllE8 t&LSl>E Newer Monaco model with pWm and J20,000 • price reduction. Mexican pavera, mirrored wardrobes, patio overhang! Out of state owners wlll help finance. $229,000. A 118tlng of Rita Boland. CDM CANYON conAGE Quiet spot on buck gully. Mtn. view, must remodel but owner wtl carry at 12%. Asking 1275,000 with 20% down. A ll8tlng of Marlyn Hodgee. BAWPMNT AT .. _.. 8 bedroom home In Beacon Bay. Now competttlv9. Ftw Ind dMr and ~ may carry. can be~• dupleX. ms.ooo. a.. Martlyrt Hodgea at 1 •1,iaDft ..,. Open Sat 1·5 pm. PRICED RIGHT ONI In Deerfield -3 bdrm1, 2~ bath• and Immaculate. Qu9llty decor, * cond., pt'N8te patk> and llMnctng under 12%. Priced l*ow much of the competition at $149,500. A llltJng ,ofNancy~. BIG HOME -LITI'LE APJ. Charmfno 3 -Wrm plul den Md a.re-famlly area, up to date decor end 1'.llt a block trom the bMoh. Apt In ,..,. Nnta at *800/mo. Large 11~% IOM available. $495,000. A Hating of Nancy Laux. --HANDIOtir-HOI• PLU8 ATTRACTIV'! Al'f. 3 bdrm ''townhOuM type•• wtth sunny kitchen and oourtyllrd pdo. -Over huge _. la a ap.ctoua 1 bdrm llPt-Tree lined CdM street. 10% lct._an• available with t150,000 down. ReaJ11tfc at 1449,500. A llatlng Of Marllyn HC>dgea. 4 UNIT INVl!ITlllNT 8oltd co.ta Meea Nnt9I .,.... $50.000 down to 13% loan. Grose multtplter of 11 .0. ~ htltory .,.....,... -.y. Mktng 1225,000. A lledng of Dottle V•1t11te. ADULT CONDOMINIUM Near South C08lt Center, neet •a pin 2 bdrm, AJC, wltl work anything to .... , Only tee.ooo. A ltatt~ of Bev Whlw. - ~YACANT-CHIAP ~ mrwalundlr 14%. 2 bdnne, tM"'Y room, wth tone decOr end or-nbtlt locatlon. =at«M11Y J1atJM>O. a.. Katie Robena at 4 ~·Open Sat 1-5 pm. THEil! &EttDI HAYE 80UGttT 4 bdrm In the l'MCh, nect atreet. well rMlnt. owner movtno Mat, wtH ftMnce with 20% down, QtMt terma. 1199,000. A Hating of Llr9lne Shaw. . l ' I I -1 I T .. llYFIMT •ID Total elegance! Approx 8,000 eq. ft. 11 an entertainera paradlae. Room for 3 boatl -3 bric* patlol -Poof. Drutlcally reduced. Owner wtll ...a.t In financing. 14,500,000 John Macnab &42-828& (J11) 22 .,. ....... 111 11111 Lllltm 2 BR. 1~ Batha Meh, mo.t w/flnlpleoee. 2 car garllQM or c.--rpot----u.~ Overlooking Back Bay Canyon. Excellent tnwetment/ftnandng. $1,800,000 Leaeholct. A fw blocka from Corona def M• High Schoof. Jan Young &42-8235 (J12) "ULlll .a man ' Truly ~ 5 BR home w/fonnal gerdena, atrium. pool. high cetelnga & fountalM, den, ltUdy, Hie & ..._ bathe & ...,._ 11,575,000 Inc. !Md. Barb8'a Aune &42-8235 (J13) · uma 111.1 Pllll m111111 Fantutlc location on th• big turning buln. Now t1.eso,ooo Lewhold. DramaUc architecture lnclude9; hW'I beamed~ .. fptcl, planUtlon lhuttera. nwwloul melt• .... + 5 BR. Dock tor 2 lg bo9ta. Cathy Sd,tHlckert 842-8235 (J14) •12111 man wm mw EncNnttng decor and cuetom architecture. Offering the ftn.t of v1ew8 -~ nwty MW w/4 BA I I fNllCh doors. bMIM, oU, 3 thplecee, d....-n kitchen. Poof, epa. ~ br1ck wortc, wry prtyate .... t1.215,000 Incl. !Md.~ P.aqutn &42-8235 (J15) ' ......... _ Lowly bright 6 BR. formal dining rm, flm rm, wet bar, eunny pattot TMtefulty deoolattld. AIUnable 11t T.O. Prtoed rtght at 1485,000 Bertt MltdMll M2..e235 (J11) ll'llUll llllPTllllL With wme to rnatd'I. ~ decorated Portamouth model - h.llhty IMdeo~ ecMtywet ~ an tntlmat9 pool & IPL TMtftc flnMdng. '480.000. Tom Minion or Teny Hanea &424235 (J19) ......... LcMly a BA. flm rm, 2 ,.,..,._. Jaunt, lrnmeclMte °F.antMtlc Ananclng" Avalllllte. '421,090 lertt MttdMll 842-l2S5 (J20) ...... , ...... 2 BR. 2'A BA. atrtum Woe .-daeed pdo. Lota of prtwlcy. 2 YM19 -I old. ~ $.1ao.,ooG ~ 8lrtt.Mtlc:bll M2.e215 .J .11111111 OUR Oat~uarded community. 2 BR+ den. Tastefully decorated. CIOM to pool & tennll. 1395,000 Bertt Mitchell 642-8235 (J22) • " m.ANm Ct*"'*'9 3 BR bMct'I home located on prtvate comer lot. One block to bMct'I -bay & pwb. Bright & ohMrful. Excellent financing. Seller moctwad at only '325,000. 8umnne Shuler &42-8235 (J23) ... 111 11111 • IWLD "llEPI Tl llAll" EQ1l1nt Nntal ...... 2 & 3 BR. Both unltl have ftreplaoe, new dr9P98 & pelnt. Owner wtll help with flnenclng. 1320,000. Bertt Mttchelt 842-8236 (J24) ' IWUllUn •" Pl.II ........ -F1rat Oftertngl 8ptldoua exec. condo 4 BR, 3 BA. spa and many upgrade• & extru. 1300,000 Incl. land. Financing 8Y9Mable. Dick Hald9rman &424235 (J25) ... ........ + .... Wtnntf decorated femlly home: 3 BA + fam rm w/hlgh bMm celllngl -Open kitchen, lovely pool & great land1caplng. Terrific nelghbomood. $289,000 lnc:t. land. Jane Paquin &424235 (J26) MIWLD Owner wtff finance on thla weet located duplex. Cozy ftreplaoe. open bwne & tredttlonally ltyted ext.nor. 8tepe to ~ and 9hope 1248,000. Coby Wlll'd/Barbwa c.HlhM 842-8235 (J27) l!MI I !If L.-• l&l1'alff Prtvate courty8'd entr.nce IMda to ~ entertaining. 2 Patioe. Yl9w of ~ lg fm rm, brMkfut --. 3 BR, 2 fpk:a. Owner wtll cooperete In financing. •245,000 Leuehokt. Barbara Aune 842-8235 (J28) ...... .., "Bonita" on IOYlty greenbelt. r-3 BR condo. Sunny tocatton, MWty ~. ptlinted, wall • Excellent flnandna. Perfect for young or retiring couple. ,OOO·JM Young M2423"S (J29) UIT lllTl mll •e• · 2 doll houMe, MCh 2 BA, Separate yard and garage. S 170,000 Bertt Mttchell.&42-8235 (J80) r •PW•Flllm Thie le a ~ opportunity • MW remodel and kMlly deoor In a gtMt ftirnly ara. Warm oozy and~ w/a beautiful vtew & 4 BR · + Mbnlry. 9320,000 Coby Wwd &42-1236 (J31) llPLll • lllTI ml Ju.t N8tecH Ot'Mt Eutalde IOcatlon -2 BR MCt'I -Large comer lot. Gr.t lnwetment at t1eo,ooo a.tt MtkNll 142-8235 (Ja2) ·-Wiii ... c.tofft bUlt •for IVpnlWli.lrMJlt ........ by fY9n w .... &wltlful eotner lot. High cealflll, lg formal !'*Y.· ~ dtn rm. la country kttohen w/fplO & e.ttna··--eo.rtdlna Poof. 1424,800. lMt ...... OWner wtl flMnoe. kbWa Aune 141-1235 (J~1) • • .. ! .. . Y ~ ,, •• ry Ir ry I i ~ . • -,_ 4 • ~ HARBOR RID_G.l_ nuan Hight)' upgraded 2 BR w/Spa & SaunL Immaculate throughout. Greet Aaum. Financing. M&S,000. ........ Lar~ 3 BR, Fam Rm w/Spe and Spectacular Ocean View. LCM Down. $666,000 11111111 Dramatic 2 BR IPfft level widen & Ubrary. Great locatlon and terma. "2'5,000. LllD• Spadoua 3 BR lndudlna M-.r BR Retreat w/ftrepUlice. OcMn/Bay View S805.000. -LMD• Interior Dealgner'• own home. Elegant throughout. Unobltructed OCMn V..W. 8795,000 . .. ...• , Archftect'1 5 BR & BonUI Rm wtth many deooratOf upgtlldee. vtew 81, 100,000 llY•••• Light & AJry 5 BR & Bonua Rm wtth uauma.ble low lntereat ftnanc:fng. $9!1t,OOO . ••••• Fr .... atandlng 5 BR w/extenalw Oak & MexJcen P8YW8. Sweeping Oceen/Bay vtew 81,-496,000. " Cell Belle Partch or Maureen White 644-6200 "YOUR HARBOR RIDGE SPECIALISTS" ...,..., ... man SophlatJcated IMng on Udo Ille In thll 18 room home on 3 aota -7 BAI a e bathal 0pene to an ~ ~ courtyard a 1g. poof. EXcellent ftnMClng -11.250,000. Celt Tom Alllnaon ()(Terry Hanea to ... thll one-of-Hind home! 842-8235. (J34) . mm 1Dl'W Ul19I Super ocean &. bay W9W from thll ~ 1k9t story reeldenoe. 2 metr aultee. plUa 2 more lg BR. 4 ~am rm, & game rm. Pool In COUt'tyllrd. Greet '°' entertaining. 1595,000 LH Donna Godlhall ~(J35) ....... Channing country home w/lote of wood a UMd J>t1Ck featuring 3 BR. tarnlty rm. Thia IPAt lewl home t. a deMghtfuf mMt• IUfte w/en OCMI'\ ~ off deck. The locatlon II unequllledl 1495,000 Sharon . Smith. ~. (J37) Mlllllll ---... W11W Rere 1 ltory, 8 BR on wide~ dOM to Po01 & -. WQe patio wtth ~ of OOMn. 111'19 ......,.. ..._ 14 hour -=urtty gate. Tennll courta & 3 poole. 1421,600 Muina Propp e4M200 (J38) llllmlnl The "lege(Mf" model -one BR. deft~ lltU9ted With atepe to the b8y. CGn1'Jl•"'Y redeoolated. The mMtw IUlt• ocoupiee the entire MCOnd floor. ANlndnQ II exo1l1nt on thll pcwtlgloua home. 1395,000 FM Donna Godehall 844-8200 (J39) ....... -.a.a LoweM Pt1oe home In Hett>or View Hll .. Incl. land. Fantutlc famlly home ~~ 4 BR, lwn rm. 2 tplct, wet btlr, lg kitchen w/eettng ....._ A mutt to .... l!J19,000. cal Shm'on Smith 6U-MOO (J..o) lllTllNWaLI Mlnut# dOM to N9wport Cent•. Outstanding 3 BR home w/1g tamlly room, bright open atmoaphere, recentty painted, new C8rJ*lng & belt of Ill-owner ftnandng. 1299,500 Maxine Propp 84U200 (.U 1) ...., llU. -111111 ..... CuetomJzed. Oelofel end untt. w/b8y & oceen view. Large muter 1Ulte w/epa tub & IUl'I deck. ·2 MCOndary BR'1, 21A BA. Gourmet kitchen lndudel new o9k cabinetl, JennAlre cook-top a. BBQ. $295,000 LH Maureen White 844-8200 (.U2) . ~ I Tllll If 111 WI In bMuUfut lrvlne Temioe. Wide, wide tot wtth lush landleaplng & lg pool. 3 BR. 2 BA. kitchen 11 bMuttfulty eQUlooed. MOY8 right In -It's perfect. 1285,000 LH~ 'Hofty Marbl ~ (.143) ......... OkS Corona dupla Owner'1 unit le dynamite -2 BR up, 1 down fOf ~. Vaulted celllngl & ftreplacee both unlta. Motivated owner hat reduced pr1Ce '20,000 and Wiii help finance. 8274,500. Holy MarkM 844-6200 (J44) 11111.1 -1111• -Bren-Montectto model bMuttfUly deoorated end hlgt1'y uPgrllded. 3 BR, fm rm, 2 fplca & gwden oourt. Greet IOclltkJn on cU-de -= w/YW# of mount.._ Community poof & tennla. U87 (#J. Stwor't Smith ~ (J4S) ..... ,111-..-..m 3 BR, 2 bath duplex 11A bk>cka from the OOMn. FantMtlc lnveatlnent wtntw or eummer renttll. $280,000 t.otr down and owner wll '*'Y AITO. Sharon Smith &M-e200 (J48) ······-Chanrnng ··-~..-wood-" modee • 3 IR. 21A batha, dining arM, prof r r IOiWly decorai.d In IP'tno ook>te. LG pMlo -air oonc:t1ttoned. Community pool, tennla court• & lake. 8155,500 Fee. Donna GodeMll 844 8200 .• _..7) ~ ~ I ] i .. \~ ·~ an.as Elegant 5 BR, 5~ BA heme located high atop_ preatigioua Spyglass Hill Brea~ta.kinc views, family rm. library, mstr suite w/ftreplace. Pool, Spa. Elevator, 3-car garage w/mot« court. Full teCUrity. $2,295,000. Open Sun 11-5. 8 Muir Beach. 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper unit -2 Br 2 Ba lower, private sundeck & patio. Lees than 2 yn old and generates about $3000 a mo Income. The real news ia you can take over the existing bank loan of approx. $425,000 without quallfyiog incl. 12..r~ int. fixed for 30 yn. Only aald.na $659;000. Tfy a low c1own pymt. lllFlllT ..................... Beau1ifully maintained 4 Be. study & formal dininl. 3 Ba (spa in master). c.ompJete blt.-in kit. Sw:rounded by loads of Uled brick. Owner will finance entire belame. Aaking $1,495,000. LIYILYIPUllllBHI• right in the upd. Four large bedrooms, newly remodeled built-in kitchen, and huge family room plua a fonnal dining room. Specious llvtnc room with fireplace. Tab <11/er ~ 000 loan at 12%. AaJdng $875,000. Owner will help. ' lllWl .. TllE Of couree it's ~ belt money can buy. 3 BR -Elegance ,Pel"ll(Xlifie l.ocated on the exclusive Big Canyon Country Club. 1' vast list of amenities including an old 1800 EniJ.iah Pub, all beamed & paneled ltUdy, m\Mic center, french doolil & 2 fpb. Solid oak stairca8e, wood floon. beveled glaas, ailver cabinet & wine cellar. EVERYT-HING FOR THE DISCRIMINATING -A MUST SEE! $975,000. , 1.111n111.111rm. Big Canyon t.ownhcime with a beautiful lit down golf~ view from living room and mltr Bdrm. Immaculate movetn condition.. Decorated in neutral tones. Wonderfully priced. ~.ooo. Seller eocornmodatma. $200.ooo dn and will finance LOI' ~ yn at 1~. • • • • ~ I ... r WATCH IT BEING BUil T Magntflcent View Home In Newport Beech's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Now Under Construction. The Style la Enatlah Tudor. The Btueprlnta Are In Our Office. Wiii Be Spectacular. $~,200,000. Suaan Trtvlson'a Uatlng. BALBOA ISLAND PRIME SOUTH BA YFRONT WITH PIER 6 SLIP Fll'l\ll)' El1Ate C®alstlog Of Two Detached SJngle Famlly Homes. Two Adjacent Lots. Desirable Corner Location. Commanding View Of Newport Bay. Walk To Shops. Owner May Aaalst With F1nanclng. $2,700,000. A Don OeThomu Ustlng. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CUSTOM • BIG CANYON Thia Elegentty Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Overlooks 8th Green. Views From Most Rooms. Formal LR. & D.R. ~MMed Ubrary With Coffered Cefllng. Paneted F.R. Spactous M ult• W/Hla & Hera Baths. Poot, Spa. Mald1s Qtrs. The Ultimafe I uallty & Charm. By Appointment. $2,290!000. Mlllle Howe's Ustlng. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Spectacular Hiiitop Estate. Megnlftcent View. On Five Acr•. 4,000 Sq. A. Custom-Bullt Home Ideal For Entertaining. SOiar-Heated Poot, Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area. Room For Tennla Court, Horaee, Guest HOUM. Submit Reaeonable Offer&. $1,775,000. 8innle Dtxon'a Ult Ing. HUGE COUNTRY MANOR • NELLIE GAIL RANCH Anxious Owner/Bulldei> Must Sell Hit Newly Constructed Spectacular Home On Approx. 11h Acres Of Hiiitop Views. Soaring Celling~ & Spacious Open Rooms Focus On A Lrg Atrium W/Waterfalfa & Even A Rain For811. An Entertainer's Paradise. Call For A Private Showing. A Trlvilon-HIU Uatlng. ' ON THE BEACH Outstanding Custom-Built Home. Forever View Looking On Sand & White Water Waves. High 8eamed C..llngs & Large Gt ... Wlndowt For More View. One Of Laguna Nlguel'a Finest Homes. Owner Wiii A\'P With Financing. Prtcec:f At $1,450,000. A Hlll-TrMaon Llatlng. PENINSULA Waterfront W/Dock. Panoramic View. Great Location. Redwood AoM + 60 Ft. Dock. Custom-Bultt Home-W/3 BRa. Kitchen W/VWlw Window Has All Modem Amenttles. Used Brick In Outstanding Patio Ar.._ Tiied Garagea. Great Offering. $1,295,000. A Ofon.Marla Ultlng. 4 JUST COMPLETED Cuatom-Bullt 6300 Sq. A . Home. Manners Point, San Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View, City Light.a. Entertainers' Oeftght. Numerous Amenltlet. See To Appreciate. $875,000. Owners Wiii A~pt Syndicate Or Trade. Submit All Offers. Mana Bercovttra Ustlng. EMERALD BAY MODERN Exciting ocean view home. Superb conte01por•ry styling. In t preattgloua community. 3 BRa, 3 Ba+ den. Hklh beamed cellltaga In den, D.R. & L.R. Sun decka. Spa off epactoua MBR. BBQ. Priced at 1895,000. ~ Dabott'e Hating. JASMINE'S F1NESt Top Quality Home In Gate Guarded Area. 3 BR End Untt On Quiet Cul-d&-Sac. Beautifully Decorated Home, Surrounded By Wide Greenbetta. Perking Spacee Galore. Celt Us. $427,500. Munet Barr'e Uating. BIG CANYON FEATURING THE LEAST EXPENSIVE HOME IN NEWPORT BEACH'S PRESTIGIOUS BJG CANYON. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL - BRIGHT, CHEERFUL DECOR. HUGE MASTER SUITE PLUS PRIVATE GUEST BEOROSM & BATH. OWNER/AGENT WILL FtNANCE. $415,000. JOHN JWtERRtLL'S LISTING .• WOODSY RETREAT SpUt Level Home OVenooklng Cherry Lake. Private, Sectuded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeled Gourmet Kitchen W/Mexlcan Tiie. Owner WUI Carry Financing. Aaeumable 1at. Truly A Beautiful Spacious Home. Huge Price Reduction, Now $297 ,000. Lease/Option Considered. Binnie Dixon'• Uatlng. EA8TBLUFF Rare Five BR lulk. Two~. LR. & F.R. Highly Upgraded. Kitchen Aemodal1d. 3-Car Ganoe. Excellent FlMndng. Only $274, 000. Salty Shlpley'a Uatlng. I OLD CORONA DEL MAR Recently Liited. South Of Pac:tftc Coat Highway. Two Bedroom, 'One '8th Cozy Cottage. ~2 Lot. Room To Expand. Pr9CtJcaft)' Lot Price. . '252,000. Stwon Coalna' Uattng. . SUNNYMEAD EIGHT ·Pl.EX Two Attractive Spanlah 2 BR Furnl•t)fd · .-:Ptexes.-No Vacenctee. South Of Riverside Just Off Highway 60 Near Heacock St. E.xoeuent Terma. Reduced To $249,000. Sally Shlptey'a Listing. OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND T.LC. OWNER "MUST" SELL tol»AY Popular 3 BR Ollorw Plan. Major Greenbelt. End Unit W /Spacloua Courtyard Entrance . Vaant. SUBMIT OFFERS. Alklng $105,000. Sally Shiplev'a u.tJng. "' BLUFFS BARGAIN EXCELLENT FtNANCING AVAILABU:. Large Aaaumable Loan @ 11 Y,% & Owner WHI Consider 2nd. Beeuttfulty Upgraded Carmelita W /3 BRa + Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovefy Greenbelt Near Poot. Vacant. $229,500. Sally Shlpley'a Listing. _ BLUFFS' Single Lewi Lowly 3 BR W/Enotoeed Yard, Private Patio, On Luah Greenbelt. f reahly PWlted, Newly Catpel. ed. Only $222,500. Sally Shtptey'• u.ttng. - #7 RUE FONTAINEBLEAU, Big Canyon, N.B. $725,000. SAT /SUN 1·5. 2&42 VISTA ORNADA, Blufta, N.8. $229,eoe>. SAT 1·5. . 542 HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE, Prom. aay; N.B. $1,400,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 587 BAY ST., We.talde, COSTA MESA 1111,900. SAT 1~. 1087 GLEN CIRCLE. Westside, COSTA MESA $229,000. SUN 1-6. 114 VIA ENSUENO, MarlneH Pt., SAN CltEMENTE $875,000. SAT 1;;.a. . 10621 NEWPORT, NORTH--TIJS'ft $275,000. 8UN 1..5. NEWIJ811NQ OeUghtful 2 BR tradltlorial Soanllh, In Coeta- Meea. Recently r9decorated. 'SpartcNng, wfth an * pf C*f9ctton. Aaeumable aoan t1ao.ooo. EMnn'9 Otxon'a llatlng. I C08TAME8A Remodeled Hom• W/Lovefy Oeeo~. New Butcher 8lodt Counter, Otahwaher. SNdlng Glue OoOr Off Eating, Ate9. er.cta.ed PatlO. Large Y.ct W/Frun Tr .... Only •111;900. - Donna Webater'1 Listing. . REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 . . -. COME WITH US TO ••• llYllHll. . .A magnificent Mediterranean vllla ~ the water. Ave bedrooms, Including a master suite with Its own ptlvate staircase to a water oriented patio and spa. Located lmkte the security gates of this exclusive community. Owner will consider a lease option. Land Included In purchue price ............ $1,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 2500 Bayahore Drive Wiii Ill.Ill HU ... Bayfront. Owner wln carry One Miiiion Dollar ffrst trust deed. The view of the bay so breathtaking you could eaaUy Imagine you are living aboard ship. Five bedrooms, den, maid's quarters. Slxfy feet on the water with pier and allp. ......... s ·f,500,000 Open Sat~Sun 1-5 .• 115 _Harbor Island Road sna&ll aL. .. Elegant English Tudor. Ave spactoua bedrooms. 1wo story llvtng room. Formal dining room. Family room with wet bar., Beveled glass throughout. Spa and wet bar In master suite. Four flreptacee. Flexible tlnancfng. · You _own the land ··········--·:····· $1,39$.000 11'91 l'D'• .. A rare opportuntty to acquire one of Newport's finest view propertlea. Three bedrooms. This ottering la of extreme value because of Its diverse and unspotted ocean views. Price Includes the land .... $1,050.000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .... 1301 Dolphin Terrace Hfll 11•1 ... Spectacular, yet cozy four bedroom home with restful vtew of bay and Fashion Island nl\)ht llghta. Dramatic entry of carved wood and Italian foalllzed marble. Huge living room with black walnut and marble fireplace. Carved wood and marble bar with wine vault. Solar heated pool. Spa. Barbecue. oou own the land ................................. $895,000 pen Sun 1-5 .................... 12« PolarTs Orlve Ill l&IYll . . . Prestigious home. An Ideal enylronment for entertaining and famlly enjoyment. Huge corner lot assures maximum privacy. Four bedrooms. French doors and windows. Ten sky11ghts. Irreplaceable at Its · price. Generous financing ................ $895,000 • IAllll. • .A totalty private and much sought after, four bedroom Veraalllea. Densely Wooded, bUt wtth a superb vtew Of golf oourae. Sectuded eptendor with dlatlnctfve d1arm and Impeccable taste ................................. $850,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............................. 12 Rue Verte 11'8 -. ... An unueuat and functional ftoor plan provldel extr.ordlnary lntereet. All rooms are generously proponloned. Five bedrooms. Dramatic vtew. Private courtyard 1t1ltable for pool or putting green. Excellent financing .. ~-~~~:~~~--~·;:::··:··:~-~~~= property takes the Jt.W'911 fOf' amenities and , comtortt. ptua • drametlc front row vtew of oceen and dty ltghta. Four bedrooma. Pool. ~ Uber• ftnanctng ....................... M25,000 Open 8un 1-5 ................ 11 CMMI 9-~ llftl ..US. . .A home of distinctive charm and taste. Four bedrooms. One of Its many featurea Is a ten foot solid oak bar, complete, even to braaa rail. Pool. Dramatic view. Exciting financing ............................................ $560,000 llWNll llUll ... 118' of waterfront. Three bedrooms. Large den or bonus room. Huge patio. Your own pier and slip ............ $479,000 llftl ~ ... The quality runs deep. Fantastic view. Four bedrooms. Dining room. Family room. Pool. Excellent owner financing. ........................... :................................ $475,000 ~ ... Impressive four bedroom home. Beamed ceilings In llvlng and dining rooms.· 8eautlfully parieted den. Luxuriant poo4 size yard. Huge brick patio and gazebo. Off street parking. You own the land ............... $475,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .... _.. 1118 Somerwt Lane llYmll ... Elegant four bedroom homt. All rooma .,.. exceptionally spacious. Two lluge flreplaces. Wet bar. 3,000 square feet of llvlng apace ................................................. $449,500 llYmlT ... The Inspired work of a master craf\tman. C.ompletefy rebuilt with rare artistry. Four ·bedrooms. Poot Spa. Seldom does a ~":~~-.~~~ .. ~~~ .. ~ .. ~~S3r;r.c:; .., um. . .Custom built three bedroom, three bath home with unobstructed view of bay and ocean. Numerous built-Ina. Offered by orlglnal owner. Quick possesa!on. -$395,000 Open Sun 1-5 ...................... 1211 Kings Road 111111 YllW llLLI ... Multlple charm. Conveniently located home. Five spa~ous bedrooms. o.tightful living room and family rooms. Private view decks overlooking the verdant mountalnalde ....................... $330,000 ..,..,, •. Postcard picture home. Three bedrooma, two bathe. Early Ametlcan decor. Large corner lot. Property In tap condition. Owner buying larger home. Needs action ............................................................ 1318,000 llYllllT ... Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining. Huge llvlng room with aoartng beamed oetllng. Quality and lnformal~ty In one b6auttful package. Just reduced $40,000 Now $299,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........... 1837 Commodore Road IUHI llllUlll ... Great family odented neighborhood. Four apacloua bedrooma. Formal dining room. Separate family room wtth~ ~. 81gnlftcant upgrading tnoludlng new roof. Price l'ed\IOllCI '21..000 ...................•. · *288,000 Open Sat-8un 1.a ................ 1530 Anita '-- -... -· •• The popular ''Carmel'' model. Tht•• bedrooma. New carpeting. Speck>ut peUo. LWcurtMt _..., Property ln top condition. You own the IMd ...... $288,600 Open Sun 1-6 ... -...... 1030 Pott Bt18'0I Cltc*a TIE HllAILLH ... A place of dignity and etegance. Two bedroom penthouse overiooklng the bay and ocean. Security gate. Pool. Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Exoellent financing $259.500 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 100 Schotz Plaza. PH 10 WllllLIFF ... NEW PRICE -NEW FINANCING! An abundance of reasons to buy. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Pool and spa . .................. $255,000 Open Sat 1-5 ....................... 1016 Dover Drive mlll .. YllTI ... One of the best buys In Orange County. Three apaclous bedrooms. Convertible den. Famlly room. Impeccable condition. View of mountains and city lights. An opportunity to purchase below value. Reduced $50,000 ............................................. $225,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .................. 23 RQd(y Knoff umt-191 ... Never a better time to buy. Pure and simple, this three· bedroom dwefllng has extreme value. Large eectuded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. Unheard-of financing. It's great to get so much for so llttle ......................... $199,900 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........... 512 Rockford Place Mill 9111 (UST1111) ... A condo with character . . . This Intriguing trl-level, three bedroom dwelling Is made warm and comfortable with the lavish use of wood and used brick. Wiii trade or finance ................................ $185,000 ~ UI ••· .. A two bedroom (plus den) condo with a fabulous view of gott course and green belt. A total delight. Just reduced. .................................................... Now $179,900 ml 11111. . .Highly upgraded four bedroom J home. Roof, kitchen appliances, and carpeting -all new within the last two years. Convenient location. Owner wtll help finance. --S134,900 Open Sat 1-5 ................. 1715 Labrador Drfv8 111 ftltM In ... Luxunoua living. One bedroom · condo with view of Fountain Court. Gorgeous club houM, pool and spa. Security ·guarded gate. 174,000 loan at 11V"4 ............ $116,000 WHTILlff ... Neat and conveniently located two bedroom, two bath condo. Sparkling community pool. E.xceptlonally quiet locatlQn. Only $25,000 down ........................... $119,000 Open Sat 1-5 ............ 1738 Weatcllff Drive #6 ~ Prime location In Ealtslde Costa Mesa Nearty a · fulJ act• at 18th StrMt and Orange Avenue. Plans and permits for 26 condos are avaJlable. - Purchaae price ateo lnclodea a near new triplex. Exoetlent tem\8. Owner wlft ~-trade. Clllt Harriet P«ry .......... ·--··· .. ·----........S't.150.000 ---------· r~EWPORr BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES umun 11..,..· Great potential & price In dellrable community of Eastbluff. Lusk 3 BR, Family Rm wlflreplac:e & sunny patio. Convenient to •hopping & IChools. Owner financing available. urrun .. ,.. Executive elegance In Eastbluffl Fabul°'JS 3 or 6 BR famlly home In parklike setting with reflection poot, IP& & lots of emotion. Very anxJOU9 owner has pt1oed to sell quickly. ....... ntt• Beautiful bKkbay vtew on wide green belt. End unit with large wrap patio.' Serene gated courtyard entry. 3 BR & kitchen eating area. Best buy on fee land In the Btuffa. .... ma.- Dream away the hours enjoying wonder1ul vtewa of the---Back Bay & city ltghtl from 3 BA "Dolores" plan decorated In earth tones. Setler motivated, has priced well below market! Yl.UU&.111 ..,.. Sophistication & a terrific floor plan with 2 Master Suites combine to provide an elegant entertaining area & a VIEW patio. Security community with pool & IPL Furnllhed. • 1111111 . Sil._ Long awaited Augusta modet. 3 BR, wood flooring 6 earth-tone decor. Fabulous golf courM view. Private location. ---...... Owner wttt consider a trade or a lease option on this bright & Cheery Dynasty model. Sky llghta, custom ahutt.,. & off white carpeting. 2 BR, 2 BA, separate suites. Owner wlll help finance. .... .. ..... '4 BR overlooking 6th fairway with lovely view. Deauvlll• model completely customized. Dramatic llvlng & dining room. Large deck & spa. Low maJntenance yard. Air conditioned. New reduced price. .... 11U.- lmmaculate, bright & cheerful 2 BR, den Buckhorn. New paint, atmoet new carpet. Near achoola, p~ol & .freeway•. Large yard. Thousand• lea than tlmllar homes, termall ._...... 1111,111 · View park, take, mountains, tight• & golf course from this lovely 2 BR + den condo. Excellent condition. ShOWt prtcM Df ownerahlp. Many upgradee. 13% 5 YR financing avallabte. Call today. ....... au II~ Ideally tocateb 3 BR & den home. 2 cory fireplaces. Lovely peaceful eettlng wtth beautiful Catalina & sunset views. It 11 near shopping, beaches, schools & friends. Owner wtll help finance. ........ -.u ....... Great price & potential on fee land In Harbor View Hiiis. Owner ran out of funds & needs to sell this uncompleted remodel. Great ocean view & large comer lot. Priced to sell. ......... -.u ·--Thia Is the view you've been waiting fort 180° of spart<llng ocean' and stunning sunsets. The private courtyard pool will delight you & the 4 BR home mak• It a dream come true. Terms! ---...... Superbty customlled 4 BR In Harbor View Hnt.. Featuree Include: pavera, hd wood floors, bullt-lna, walnacottlng & the latest appliances. A redwd sun deck wUI entice you outdoors. ---... Thi• 2 BR wtn• the peraonallty contest! So. Of . the hwy & full of charm, 1tyle & taste. Just steps to the beech or en)oy a dip In the "hot-tub" situated In the aeduded patio. ._ .. au It.,.. Pluah carpeting, wood mouldtnga, parquet ttoora, eectuded yard to quiet cul-de-sec local make th&a home perfect for famtty llvtng. You own the land. Financing II available. IP'flUll ..... Front row & centert Spectacular vtewl Modified Cape Horn, now 3 1Paciou1 bedrooms. Larae formaJ dining room. Gorgeous pool & IP• wffh Mexican paver patio. Owner will carry 1st T.O. ---11.--Vlew. View. Wood & glass custom home wtth flowering gardens. Terraced deck over1ooka finest bay, beach, harbor & city light vtew. Spa, sauna, 3 BR, den & '4 bath•. Outstanding. OTHER AREAS ..-ra1aa n..- Nest1ec1 In Wlmbleton VIiiage, great executive 3 or 4 bedroom. Plank flooring, shutters, huge master 1ulte, air conditioned, beautifully landecaped, lot8 of brick, 1Pa. gazebo. Large assumable toan & owner will carry 2nd. Tim.II• -... nu.- Redeemed In foreclosure. Beat buy In lrvtne. Lovety bright S BR, --cteit & family room home In country eetttng with park view. Lrg. auumable loan! cm.~. mr-• U1IUBlllCllO COMM•Olll ........ lll.8'11 --.mm -- .... .... Why rent when you can buy thla summer your bel1 buy on the penlnsula wtthln atept of the bay and beach. Remodeled 2 BA & famlly room with skylight. Owner wtll help ftnance. Liii.... SMl-2 BR large family room on atreet to atreet lot. Very near private beach & tennis courts. Owner has purchased another home, and must Mii. " llU 111..-Lower Peninsula oceanfront without the boardwalk on the beach. 2 BR wtth 3 car garage. Private financing Including subordination clause. ULllA Ill.Ill ........ First time on the market. Home located on an overslted comer lot. View of So. Baytront. Buy now & enjoy the summer months. OWner wlll finance. Lm.. 1-.- Grack>us and prtva1e custom French style hC>me on prtme comer lot. Walk to bay, beaches & community tennis. Spacious 5 BR with large & private yard plus epa. Owner asatsted financing. llllm... ....... Beech living at Its belt. Done wtth elegance In • this marvelous bayfront condo. Wonder1ul appointment• throughout. All thla and the opportunity to "buy now & pay later." SaJe or Leue/Optlonl " llU .... Your own 1avtng1 account plus the fun of IMng on the bay are yours In thlt two-2 bedroom duplex. Pier, atlp & a sandy beach ptua a 3 car garage are youra Just In time for the summer aeuon. a... 11-- 0utatandlng '40 ft bayfront location wtth view of main turning basin. Remodel or have bullder-owner construct your dream homel Price Include• plans, permits & coastal • approval for 5319 sq ft homel fWMtl&Y ..... When you want to 1tay for a few more tuneeta ' we've got eomethlng for you In Emeratd Bayt It's unconventional, full of exciting features. 3 BR. A private beach, pools-spa & tennis courts. -.rl&Y 11,a-.- Laguna vlewl of water epfuhlng ov. rock• from almoet all rooms. Beautiful tight & airy home. ~ BR, maid• WM & ltg family room wtth flreplace & bar. P"98tlglous neighborhood. L ••••• Many ownen are offering substantial price ~'cash speaks" -LOwer than listed price, if your offer ... we will present anything ..... reductions and terms. Some will exchange and you have cash ~ .. Call for details and submit' PE ... suu BAYFReNT-FEE Lllf9e _... •r:t•• .-......, VllW wr pallt ..._ Two-etorr I tMdrooM plue potlo •"cl 1rooftorr. I AHUMoltto loan of ll00,000. Ownor •Ill oxchen90. RochlCOdtot1.-.000. TENNIS COURT ESTATE-NEW Prtvecr, tJIW•r. doM to .. on...._. 2 w. vtewa of hllle, ooe... A ll9hte. Trl-i.wot home with goneroue ..,... ......... .....,, ontwWnlnt roomo + 4 bed. Al MW a MYW IMd In. 11~11 ...... oourt with llflt8 A tenc1f1e. ow OCH ,.._. be lnventtw a MtMntt. l2.IOQ,CIOO. 8P£CTACULAR-OCEANFRONT ••• "OM ol o IElftd" Md never to be ..._..di A.rcMecturel ctellgM • .._.,..,,... wlttt two hofnoe plue • 2 bedloom ..,...., .. , end .,... ,ftm..._.. In • ,....,.... locadon. t1.llO,OOI. c .. '°' • ... vlewlnl1 "1-1..oo. NEW U8TING-8IG CANYON View of'°" ---............ ·~·· 2 bed..+-den townfunu Wnip .-ound dactl. flnanc9. -,000 1'11-1411. LAKE FOREST-llEAUTIFUL-NBW EXl lmm_,.t ... a ....-, ........ I bed. holM doM to = ......... w..-, ....... """" GrNI ,... .... ...... . YU-VILLA BALBOA YU-NEW EXI Loveir OM bed.+ den In a MOUf1lr ..... Fobuloua YU ..... 1eee1 OMJ 1 ,.., old a owe ftMnclftt .. 10'M. tor 21 ,.... ll2'7l,OIO. IMMACULATE ON GOOD STREET Con.,...._t to Naarport a lbo•Pll'I-Lllf9e potjo wttb =-'° dltacNd ....... TWo bed.+ petlo. .... aaue om. bf m 'bpc"1a, eo.to ..... a ca11 tor .............. PE..._ llAYFRONT ·IO' .._. DcmMCI VllW & •11 ......... lft dlle .,_.. 4 bed. 8'0 .. 0 """ '"°" otttortolnffte ,.. •"4 ...... ., •FA .. F 11,,,..., OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 P.M. 2001 Klnp M, Newport HP -···--·-·· a.,IOO 117 llaline Ave, ... lol -·-··-·-···-··-··--·---l272.IOO 114 llOft1 .. ll, Cdll -··· IHI ... , .......... Tanooe, ntM Torr. ,_ ... ___ ....,_ .,,, ..,... Dr, ftl"OfftOlltory ltt. -··---11-- 2117 L OoMn. ll'wftln,Pt. --.-a ..... at.,.....,.. 1411,ooo -.11tt1 .......... ,.... Sl1t,GDO tOIT...,.._,........ Hll,• 700 Udo hirtl Dr,#14,CannorJ v-... 141,IOO 111 ~........ 9l7l,IOO 40M0iy, PolMetlte, C49il trn.ooo 10 ...... .,.. -"41.- FOREVER VIEW-REDUCED! T.mtlo locotlon a .... ,__ ..... ...._view tor ontr ....... Oft ... loftd. Or ....................... Of ---............... LMto J.-., I. Md. + ...... t8m. rm. din. rm. + I c:. ...... Aaaulftable loen. Tenn• fleldMe. ow laeae/optlon. LOCATIONfVUILOCATION! ""4••miMaM1d1e111a1dd 2-.wr ttonM wttta do11 up YU of Bay, boata. CICIMfl a ....,., llgtttL EnterWn eniOrebtr ,,.,. t* I bed. fem.rm. + f!IHt• patio. Ownor flHlbt• with 1ood flnandnt. ••.aoo ... land. 81AU"QFUL BACK BAY-VU, VU In a prtvato woodod aloowo oomor lft Newport. Cuotom 4 bod. I be.. formal din. rm., f8111 f'lft., I ftroptooae, wot Mr, YU hint""" racraotton rm. w/wet w . Pm.te pool a lfl'O• lpu .... 6 lulluriouo W/hlah beelMcl C.-... In 11¥. ""· owe .... 1u~ Al'R '°' io ,..,.. """ ,. .. •Nlble down porment. '5J'IPOO. .... OC!ANFRONT HOME-REOUCEOI 9oouttfvl cuotom with "pt'tdo of°"'* INp" can a ...... Two •torr 4 bod. 3¥1 bo. OWnOf wtll hotp flMnco. 8upat unct aw RACHfltONT. Now flH,000 W .. bf 2IOI W. 0c ... tr ... t • c8'I '°' ...... VU HOME + INCOME ACfOU "°"' peltl lft C«OM .. ..., ..... View of .,., • OCMft. ............. bf dooototOf In eood u.te """ lfte.rtor otrtuM, ff,....._ doon 6 wllldowa + 2 Iii ; Ir a. nw.o bod. pluo rontal unit with l+bodrooma. 1111,000. " 1'11-1400. DUPLEX-80. Of COAST HWY. Prtcle of ............ """' with lood teiMnte. Comfortablo 4..,, Md. ...... --..,,... 11Y.% -11Y.% -11'tft% NPT. New luxury ooncloo, ...... to boJ a boeotl. &Muauat ..... 2 bed.+ untta. °""°' ..... 1111ft% 9rochweo ....... Oft .... -.211 ""' ... off_ . ~ ...... ..,.,..., OVERLOOKING EMERALD 8AY Mlgnffloant """"°" ........ YIEft'""' ... CUltOm oon.....,..., holM with ..... .., ..... • I bedroome, maid'• quarton a •~ be. 11111noo a • .,.,...... "°"""°' llHcMft, formal .. ""· .....,, .... ...., .. C8l'Y ,.,., T .0 ... 10% lntonlot. Call tor detala. -,000. 1'11•1400. BALBOA 18. WATERF'RONT Ctooeto oottago doooteted In "MOW In" coudltlon """ wannth a otwM. A .,.._. oo.plio'• I ......_ 2 be. with c::=. llltchon, 8Uft doclr • ~. Doc* . .., 2 boot9. W.ATERFRON~ SaJes. Rehtals, Property Management LITI'LE Ill.ANO CORNER DPLX. PRICE REDUCED TO-.-OW oxc:Mnge Ihle*-"°"'9 of I bod + ran.., unit a !Niki'• ,quarton. ltopo to wator a bNch. f1..UJ9LE forma. Colorfullr coordinated 6 lowoly. BALBOA 18. CHARMER -Reduced! Cloan a outa I bed. cottage with patio, boamo a pe111011119-You cen ltn .. le or oventually buld ..... ,,.,. fOf Cepo Cod .. lnctudod w ..... pttce of tas.- DtM ., .. Topu and cell. CUFFHAVEN-VU, VU-TERMS L.-1 ....... Of.,.. down'°' ....... Of ............... vu .,.. twe I • • drOOM units on ..,.. lot. ...... tor hon90 = _.... ~ Md pool lllcludell !ft pttoe. ......_ --DrtM bf 2001 Klnp Road, Newport. NEWPORT FIXER Cul de HC:, ~bf fruit ....... ~S ...... 2 .... with flnlpteco In c:ountJy ldtcMn and hint ........ ..,..,. _ _,,..,.. NEWPORT -PRICE REDUCTION! PTtme multt-vnlt lot oval. OW c:any llnanctng. DrtY9 bf 1425 hpof1or • c8'1 .• aM,000. DRASTIC REDUCTION Immaculate and odor..,._ cottage that'a "'1 1tv.a. end lonabto at 12'12,SOO. NMr .. ahopptna -tMe 2 bdrm with brlc:tl patto la tho "9UY" OH THE llUNOt DIS.TRESS 8ALEIH Qfeet potential In IMM Torrac:.. lolor NY• P'-.. 9M ~ of H ... Mateo oftof on tt\la COtMr honM with pool A ape. ato.000. Oflvo by 11M 8orenado Torroce a c:aft. ._ FOR TRADERS! owner wltl eac:hange thla Penlnaula Pt. honM '-? Ol9al • bod. lft pr1rne toc:au,n at 424 8olYUa Land. 8ubmlt row ldNal ON WATER -$119,000. Mtftt. airy, ....,,_ collftge with ...... potlo. 8MdJ beech, comm. pool. t.nnae a near oceanfront. Two-atorr 3 bod.+ fem.""· 1'11-1400. IMMACULATE, CHARMING DUPLEX Ml a Woclla to beach. Pronl houN hoe ...... lloon a wood ltumlftl rplaoo, W two Mdroom1. Tltore'e a MWW I bod. lllntt owr •..._,.., ... In roer. RMaoMb1J prtoN •• 1212,000. BAYFRONT·LEASE/OPTION Cuetom I bed. honto, ~""" olp tor IO' boot a otdo Ho. Dft¥O bf 1111 Dftvo, Corona dol Mar a call for d•l•ll•. a1,100,000. or 1 ... 0 for SIOOO. MO. fumlohed. 1'11-1400. ON THE BAY -FEE LAND "°''= a otdo He fOf ID' beet. Huto fMF1or ...._ w/fte~ +I bed. CuetOM th A ... 1llllMta. Lm'we tt0llo for •"tortatnl"• a ltoat watclll..., S1,.200.elL 1'11-1400. ---, .OQAN VllW • aLKS TO alACH• 12" flNANCING AVAILAaLI ••• when you take over exS8tiDI loan on th.is stunnlna HARBOR VIEW lllLLS Home. Totally remodeled featurtna. ~utltul maner sutte. aounnei ldtdlen, & huae Tot. Only ~.ooo & owner will wilt with finandqg. 2670 San Mipel Dr., Newport Be.ch. 759-1~1 OI' 752-737j. +PaURINT+ Choke 4br eacuthle rariCh 1ty19 · home ln prime TURTLll:ROCK location.! $1,200/mo nnt all....._ tow8"11 pum-ID e manthl. l.Arae. 1ow mtisrat _..,,..,.. 1oen, fannll dlnlnc. trp1c. a m LAND .. ~O_San_~ 7;'/-~~7)41752-7313 _ _ •• A~llT AllA ~llb Hup executive rUdHtyle home featurina 4 br'a. room. formal ctinlnc on cul..-..C w/room for R.V.'a. Only $235, . 2670 Sen MJcuel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373 -, -1ft 11,700 PllCI •iiiuCTION* *9" PINANCING •• •* . When )'O'l taboYer aildna l9t 'l'rwt Deed on tb1a ablolutely beautltul PLAN 4 ln Hl!Rrl'AGB PARK. Thia former model featuNI 3 Br, 2~ • Ba & extenllve "J>ll'8dlnc-Only $139,8001! 2670 San Mtsuel Dr., Newport Be.ch. 759-1~1 or 752-7373 . . . *12'4" PINANCING* . · HAlaOll VllW HOMI. ~ MONTIXX> model featuring 4 br, puquet entry, & FD land.. PriCed at $279,000 with larp ew•mable Joan & 8eller ulilted ~".l!J-2870 San~~·· N~ Beach. 'l~l~l at 752-7373. * 10~" PINANCIN6* *10% DOWN* Brand new tmd unit feetunnc 2 mstr IU.lta. 2 car pr-. & nWDl!S"OUI uperadea. Owner wanta to 8ell 'IOOA Y !! Bring checkbook & make offer. Only $149,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Belich. 750-1501 OI' 752-7373. • $1,279 Pll-MONTH . * TUITLllOCK* II all you P9l when you takeover ex1stina lat T .0. Spedota 4 br ex&"Utive detalched home. J'eaturtna frml din, fm1y rm & frplc. Only $212,000 l'EE. 2670 San Mtcuel :Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1~1 or 752-7373. * 10% DOW~* * f'" flNANCIN_8* When you tabo9er exilt1nC T .0., owner will llllllt at 13 an thia 3 Br ~on l'EE LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. l'eetwtnc hardwood float and abin&le roof. Only $136,000. 2670 San Miluel 760-H501 or 752-7373. +$95,~ Cmta Mesa. 8Pldoul 3br ~ home with Jarae yard. :rre.bly painted. 2670 San~ Dr,. Newport Beech. 750-1501or7~-7373. *OCIAN VllW* ••l'IPS TO llACH* Sensational Bwh cottate wtth ·~ AllUJD.9hle' flnanctnc for only $1~,000. 2e?O San MlcUel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1001or752-'1373. HOaOI VllW HOMIS *llAWIND• Lovely MONTEGO plali featurln1 4 'Bn, private location and ew •mable flnanalna. Only $259.90011 2670 San Miluel Dr., Newport Beach. 769-1501 or-7&2-7373. Jtt..-..........:::.-,...--~~ " .. ~•:P,.-t • ' _____ ....,,..._ * 11.25" PINANCINCh HAlaOI YllW HOMI ~ntaiional. MONA.ex> modelcnD!E land with laraie -.unable II · Jom!! Feeturtna 3 br, heme f1arranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,"°. 2670 San Mtauel Or., Newport Beach. 769-1~1 or 752-7373. --.OCIAN VllW* *StlPS TO ·~~ SeNatlonal Beaieb cotta&e with la financir\8 for only $Ul5,000. 2670 San Mipel Dr., Newport Bw:b.. 759-1501 OI' 752-7373. HAlaOI VllW HOMIS *SIAWIND* Lovely MONTEGO plan featurina 4 'Bra, priv•te location and .-unable financing. Only $259,900!1 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 OI' 752-7373. * 10" DOWN* . *aAYt1151 AHA •1XIR* Hugie executive ranch-etyle home feat:wina 4 br'a. limlly room. formal dining on cul-de-Mc w/room fOI' R.V.'1. Only $235,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 OI' 71M752-7373. *10~ DOWN* * 11 ~ flNANC..0* When you takeover ex1st1na T .0., owner will ulist at m on tbia 3 Br h<Kl9e on Fa LAND in BACK.BAY ABl!'oiA. J'eaturing hardwood floor and ahingle roof. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. _,,... *PllCI lllDUCllON* •15" DOWN* Beautiful PLAN 1 in WOODBRIDGE 1..ANnING located acro8B streei. from LAKE #2. Featurel 3 br & foimaJ dinina· Owner assisted finandng at l~!!! Only $24-t,900 on FEE LAND. 2870 San Miguel Dr.,. Newport Be.ch. 759-1~1 or 752-7373. •PllSTIGI COMMUNm* Qoraeous 3 br, 2 ~ 0., 2 story home tn JASMINE CBEEK. Featuring 8uarcl pte, pools. tennis, clubbouae. Secluded location with custom upgrades including stained llaa :windowa & carved doors. Flexible fb)8nctng ~ored to your needs. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *NIWPOIT llVIRA• 3 br, 2 ~ ba, f.amlly condo located on greenbeltlf Aaoc includes pool. ten.nis & clubhoua. Priced right at $124,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. .. *PllCI llDUCID* 1.75~ ASSUMAIU LOAN On this charmina townbome in UNIVEBSlTY PARK TERRACE. Freshly painted & ready for occupancy. Only $126,950 on FEE land. 2870 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. '769-1501 or 762-7373. *f 11,700 PllCI llDUCTION* *9" PINANCING ••• * When you takeover existing lat Tnalt Deed on thla at.olutely beautiful PLAN 4 in HERITAGE PABK. Thia fonner mOde1 featurel 3 Br, 2~ Ba &s extenalve upgradlna. Only ..t139,80011 2670 San .. Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 762-7373. . 'r .. --. __.!.) ·--..-i:-...__ --,_.._~ This VVe&kend ! K••P t1tl1 ttendy directory _wlttt yeu t1tl1 WHll•MI H you 1• ................ All tM loc•tlont HstM ....._ •N ~ ..... lft lf'HW cletaU ........ l1t tlUY'I DAILY PILOT culSiffed .... PatnM ad'let1111 ... .,_ ........ tor sale er Ntllt llt TM DaHy pt ... mey Ult Mdt lllf.......U. In U.S. COIUmM Nell Soltunlay ..... SuMay. HOUSES FOR SALE I IBMOll **145 &.llld BIW, L...,aBch 414-11n ey _. °""' Sun 2-' 323 Enwlld -· IAguna ~ 4t4-11n ey Appt Only Sun 2-' ;1973 YIU dll Oro, .... Npt 8c:h eee IOea S305.ooo o.1y 1-6... 117 Mmtne Ave., 8lllboe lmnd, NB "'.. 873.-oG 1212.800 8ld/8un 1-6 ) 24Jet.~1C:.:O Mela Sun 1-6 24721 La er.ta. 0.. ~· 487-3511 •138,500 Sat/&#11..fS 4342 Ment.Mlta. Irvine ~70 1127,500 Sat 1-4 7926 a..an... Huntington Bet, M3-t787 l17't,IOO Sat 1-4 2308 Cln Dr. (Nwpt Hgta) N9 842-6200 1387.&0Cf Sun 1-6 1• ..... PAll••--227 Vie OMlito (Udo) N8 l444IOIO 8at 1-J 4521 TNmant. CefMo Sin. CCIM __./ 844 8080 *486.000 Sun 1-6 430 Enwllld Bay, Laguna 8eectt 414-11n By Appt Only a.rt M 21' .... Corone dll ... ....,., 1575,000 . 8at 2-6 •1t CWt Dr., JMllD Orte. vu, CdM e.1515 '431.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 7 ~1=-=:ocJ-' ~ 1-6 ft 8Mtlr AMf, (Jlmn Crtc) NB 875-M11 *350.QOO -8at 1-6 ...... 517 8-8t. (WUltkW Colta ..... .,...100 •111,800 Set 1-4. nu , .... _ Dr, 81 'de VII, HB ...... 1211.000 Sun~ 502 • .,. 8t., P9r*' Point, NB • 831-1400 '431.000 8al/8un 1-6 **1411 W. -~ PL. NB f1M1tt t1.xuu.000 · Sat 1-6 1aae lel•lllde ry. Terr, N8 · 111-1400 .. 8't 1-6 801 8lry Pl, ·=tfllgMI, .. ........ • 8etl8un 1-6 Sun 1-5 8un1~ *1472 Gelaxy Dr .• DcNw' Shor-. NB 842-2510 t738,000-M S.USun 1°" -*428 Rower 81., Coeta Mela ~7171 $108,000 Sat 12-4 15~'m~~eMc:llfr) N~Sun ~ 2828 ~(El~) CM 842-e311 •126.800 a.ta..i 1-6 2501 Harbor vw Dr •• CdM 1562-1714 1585.000 *3418 FucN1a (Of-lbfk) CM 8at 12-e 548-2313 •1e&.800 Sa 12:30/&l 1 ... IS 81 Trop91. Harbor Ridge. N8 844 4456 1648.000 Sun 12-4 111 Via Qutto, Newport a.ctt ~7171 '289.&oo Sun 1-6 **801 No. SW LI\ (DcMr 8hra) NB 842-6200 $525,000-l/H Sun 1-6 1807 ComWlll (Weetdf) NB ~ 1288.500 Sun 1-6 2911 CWde Dr .. ~ NB M&-8218 t2".~LH. sun 1"'4 ""' . ·~ • **141 Via Udo Nord (Udo) NB 844 IOIO 8un 1-6 242 Poocw Corona dll Mar 758-1~1 •10.000 8un 1-6 ~ *1'2804 W. Ooemlfwont. ~Pt. NB 111·1400 1180.000 Sun 1-6 • • 4 ...... ,. 1>i •• I m c.nw. UIQUM ..,., *"6il 11 . Sat 1'0 Via Udo Sud. Newport a.ct\ 17M208 SS75,000 a.t/8un 1-5 ....... QUDT *2211 ~Aw., ·~..,., ... 4880 1335.000 Sat 12-4 4 • ..... PAii -• DIM 117 &Miid ... ~..,., *4-1117 By Appt Only 8un 2-6 . • 71• en.llld ... ....,... a.:t'I • -...1177 By Appt Only 8un M 1115 L..Mndof Or., Meu v.-CM et1-7300 t134,900 Sat 1-5 114 Via enm;~Mlr Pt) Sen °"" --,.::-'7 ... 100 ,boo Sat 1-6 *10821 t•.,rt Aw., No. TUltln 1-..100 '275,000 8un 1-6 ,. *1144 FWNl9> (u.a v.de) CM 831-7300 1210,000 8un 1-5 * 1412 8Mtlligo, Not ..,., 831-1211 '318,CIOO Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 8w1lne WS'j, HVH, CdM ~10 1275,000 8atJ8un 1-5 -::..~.rra~°" ~ 8at 1-6 2220 W.WtlOllt Or .. CdM 113-1 Ml '6481000 &11/SUn 1-6 14 ~ T,_ Rd., Big Cyn. NB ......... 10 teM.000 Sat 1-5 ~ Roxbury, cameo Stn. Npt 8d'I 175-AIO $475,000 s.t/Sun 1-4 • ,_..Win. Big Cenvon. 'NB 14CM137 tnl,000 88t/8un 1-6 . I f'l9 Fontlilne. Bia CMyoft, NB 144 eoeo teao;bOC> aun 1-a 1530 Anita Ln., H.-bor ~ NB 831-7300 S218,000 8at/8un 1-6 ~ H.rbor lie Or .(Prom. BllY)NB 1-.e100 t1,400,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 1244 PoWtl Or., Dowr 8hof9. NB 831-7300 tlM.000 Sun 1-6 12 Al.-V.,._ 1!J1a CMyoft, NIS 931-7300 *860.000 8un 1-6 11 c.m.i BllY Or., 8pygee. Hll, NB .. 831-7300 1825,000 Sun 1-6 2111 Lcnnza (Mela del ...,, 131·7370 •138,000 8un 1M ... **25 (Wdbrg) Irv •• 75 11 1338.850 Sun 1-6 1007 WS1 (HVHll) CdM ' t SMl,000 Sat 1-6 , ~s.1eor=o"'• HVH,=8un 1-6 20112 Kine. 8Mtl Alt/a Hgts. 714-7856 t115,000 Sun 1-4 1256 ....... (e.pwt) NI 881-TS70 9306,000 8un 1-5 2742 CtboM. .,._ dll Mir, C.M. l'1a..aee3 1138.800 8un 12-5 1&01 Keel Or.~Corona del Mir 844-6200 .-s11,ooo-Fee Sat 1-5 •1M1 Port~ t-.poft ~ 146-7171 *330,000 8e 12-3/Su 1-4 1057 TUlllre, COICa ..... ~ta t111,000 Sat 1-4 1441 a.llXY Dr., Dowr lhn. N.8. 541°"41' $420,000 a.a/8un 1-6 21 "'-Grend °"'* (Big ~) N8 842-5200 '721.000 Sat 2-6 222 VIII KotOn (Udo •> NB 842-5200 .... 500 8un 1-6 2412 Cllft Or ....... , art """" .. 645-7118 1691,000 a.t/8un 1-6 1132 Ebbtlde. Hrbf VlllW H ... NB 780-1900 MeG.000 Sun 2-6 18971 Anttoch, Turtlllook. lrW'9 541-5032 l200.000 8at 12-3 4 • ..... PAii -or DllN ...... .., *1830 Port Abb9y pt, (HVHme) NB . 844-9080 '380.000 Sat 1-5 '"*"* **708 Via Udo Nofd...Udo Ill, NB 87M181 .1,500,000 8un 1-6 **'°21 a.WMI Pf., Nwpt !Mnd, NB 873-0f02 1886,000 8at/8un 1-5 106 VIII SM ~ .... ) N8 873-7300 Sun 2-6 2ee1 Bl 11 Ood ('l/9uft) .. 113-7300 *2$2,000 Sun 1-6 I • ... PAii -• Diii ••4002 Morning Stir. Hunt. Hrt>r. 175-1171 .-.ooo 8at/8un 1-5 1741Port8hlftllld (HVHfM) N8 844 aoeo 9340.00CMM sun 1-6 1eol Glllexy Or, (OW Sin) N.I. ea1-12te 8at/8un 1-6 **2500 ~ Or., 8aylhcne. NB 931-7300 •1.eeo,000 aun 1-6 5 Point LOIM (~} CdM 875-8000 *82S;l>OO 8at18un1-6 •2408 Ffll~ .. IGh en-m1 tan,000 8un 1-4 •12 T~ (Htbr Adg) Ni' 875-el70 '2.1 mlPon Set/SW\ 1-6 *3 MW ~ (Spwll) N8 175-e870 *2.296.000 Sun 1-6 5 nm L.Me a.a.. &pyg11•. CdM &U-1aM tM0.000 8IU8un 1-6 121 Via f'lr91l9, t-.poft Bet\ 844 eoeo s->.000 SW\ 1..a *'Winged ,_ Ln <IMt ~) .. 111-1t00 ee15,ooo · aun 12-6 14941 ~Cr .. llW'9 9n.a310 t1•.t00 8.a/8un 1-6 351=-':2.=.~ NB Sun 2-6 . ---·--.... 575 WlndlOr, UlgUna ...,.. 494-1177 Sun t~ **115 Harbor llllnd Aoed, N.8. 881-1800 t1,400,000 8all8un 1-6 *1848 ... ~ 11'11 Or. E. tMt, NB 844-8721 $415,000 Olly 1-6 321=8Te~:r-· :aun 1-6 1718 WeMalft Or. H Wutclff .. et1-7300 t11t,000 lat 1-6 •n ~ llllnd Dr. (llO ~> .. en-noo t211.ooo ""' 1-6 • 101 lahlll '-122JV......... . ... --~ ... .000 llll/lun 1-6 • II I 'de Of., IUMnd, N.8. 875-t1'11 •111.000 ~ 1-6 l • ..... PAii -• DllN 208-1tth It., lel)ol Penln. NB 111-1400 •11jooo ~ 1-6 #4 8111=--o;., Ir• 1nd, N:a. 87M8'18 •1•.dclO Sal/Sun 1-6 ·~ ~:.,Te:,T,i,='9' NB 2428 YIU Hoger {'llufll) NB en-7300 J187,llO 8un 1-8 TOWNHOU•I FOR IALE .. ,..., ....... 10178 ~. Nww"Cft. An Vly 875-1771 t124,500 8lltJ8un 1-6 818 M8'1gOld, Corona .. Mer 875-U11 tl10,000 8et/8un 1-6 MOBii.a HOMR8 FOR 8.ALE 1•-PAM••DD 300 E. COllllt Hwy Unit 111, N.8. 875-3$47 te0.000 8atl8un 1-4 . ..,.. •100 Udo Prtt Or, ¥114(~ 831-1400 $41,500 ... 1-6 DUP' IXl!I . FOR 8AL8 1-1•..,. ~1~":i.T~ '1..a .... ,. · 127-12N Ablllon9. 1111111 875-422 .... 000 . a.tl8un 1_,.. ?•pllllNllMl•Dlll 1780 Port....,.... Hft) VU.~ M4 4U7 ~ _..1911-~- *1408 lJnODln Ln., Ooww .... N8 21S/281-772e ·--a.ueun 1-6 HOUU FOR L.aAee A• F , , .. ...... -· Pllil 11 mn Owner 9'y. "price WU right." but reduc:e to MN. Sharp & ~ Mela Verde 4 Bdr. Enticing spa In Mduded MttJng. Reduced to s205,ooo . .._ a= won 631-1288 •••n• Contemporary Cape Cod estate on the golf course. Featured ere 7 bdra., Incl. m•d'a qtN., n.tdy & llbrwy. A aeoluded pool, gymnasium & fam. entertaining areae are lnctuddtt for your at home actlvltlel. $2,950,0DQ. .. l'F ••a 631-1268 .... , ll.lffl 11 Piii .... Contemporary 2 Br. 2 Ba 9')8 condo. View of Fuh. tel -back bay. F.P. In Lv. rm. · lnatde laundry. Only $259,900. FEE. C811 'POI Jl•I• 631-1266 Large "4 Br. 2 Ba. fam. rm.~ bonus rm. Oak ftoora, Pf'lvate patloe. Wet bar, F.P. Reduced to an unbellevable $287 ,500 fee. · CaJI Pill JI•• 631-1286 ... ,.. . ' Newport Heights, $400,000 appraisal 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. fam rm, R.V. storage. Sacrifice. $325,000 Bayfront condo 2 Bdrm 2 ba submit offer on exchge or sale. $535,000 lrvlne Home, 4 Bdr, 2 ba. Earthtone :a;:. l132,950: For detaHe ca11 mn -·-631-1268. •E• 111111111 llYl1 "'Colt• Mesa. 3 br. on R-2 lot $89,000 "'Irvine, 3 br. comer lot home $129,000 "'Newport Hgta .• Nu 3 br, pvt. 1ard $189,000 "'Corona del Mar, 4 br, poet, ape. Fee $3"49,500 ..-eayfront, 2 br. fee lnct dock $379,000 Call now for great financing lnfol Ron Salter 759-1221. 111 Llftl.mEll IF A YlllllU.ft On the moat commanding fairway tocatlon In preatlgloue BIG CANYON. Sun drenched &"OUnda graced with fountains poof, spa ind enchanting gazebo. 4 bda.: 5 bas. Vlaual fnat. Call •AH LIWll 759-1221 or 831·6963 • - • COuntry anttq!~~A atft for~ mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Bal 8r 1 Ba. upgrllded kftc:Mft, b'1ck ft'plc, 1218t::.=! a.Rel' wllt tlnanoe. MU9t .... -tt .... ... 7f5t-1221. <- .... , 1111111 4 Bdrm 2'...i Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor In~ room. Over 'A ac. w/jac. A1klng 1340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo. • • .,. U. 759-1221. .......... 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avd. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce. 1526.~ .... -.. 759-1221 ........ ····• -........ , ..... 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. Fantastic aun rm., beau master ste. w/marbte f.p./ocean & city Vu. Huge master ba. W /Imported Wea. One of the lrgat Iota w/rm for pOOf and lrg: ~Y area. Very, very motivated Miier. Bring any offer. Lowest ~rice cuatom at !1,181,888., SJ,f81c49., ~,1081888., •1,200..:.00.0· wtll tnlde equity + GRT. 1st avaJI. vaal • •.,. 119. 759-1221. .. •r• AHii ll?lliBY You muat aee to belleve all thla fine wkmnlhp "4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tlle, dW>lce of crpt. Not. Hata. Ontv $385,000. Sfr, carry lge 1st at 13%. • ., .~ ..... 759-1221. . ... llTOlllTW 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge master ste/atttlng rm, vu, largest model. S210,000. Submtt any offer on terms. • er ... 1•, .759-1221. I.Ill W&TllflHI LUii 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., aec. bldg. Underground• park. Approx. 2600 aq, ft. Po11. boat dock/fantutlc vu. All nu palnte/crpts:· S1800mo.•.,11¥111• 759-1221 IALllA llUll IAWflllT LUii 3 Bdrm, furn. $1300/mo yearly. Call llllf Lnnl, 759-1221 Of 631-59e3. - --C---- ....... Wll 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r:. study, beautlfultyl dee. lge deck• .• fab. vu. Prl. grd.J::: · pool & tennte.. $2700 ... Submit .. • .. ., .... 759-1221 . . ' IUWllWLUll 4 br. 3 ba. f.r .• d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd Qate,= & tennis. $1700 per mo.•• .. 759-1221 . ........... _ 3 br. 3 b~. qutllty bit, upgraded petio ......... thla. $155,000. at 10~%.- ..... 759-1221 ....... Name your terms ... on thfs Trg. 4BR, 4BA. Home W/ocean vtew + Sep. llHaw qtrs. $297,000. Stellt LH. $200,000 18' t .O. 121A% wtth excel. terms. Low dn. or trade equity for C.M. or N.B. home or condo. • • .. IW. 759-1221. f lllPllNWl&LI · Fantastic harbor & bay vus from this 3 8dr fam rm, nu CrJ>t• & pal!!.!.t_lrg poof. $340,000. LH. -• llftl..., 759-1221 ........ Fab. Ocean & coaatllne vu, 3 br. 3 ba • form. d.r .• f.r., atudy, lge. pool & coun.: yard, prt. bchs. $895,000. Fee. • ., .,. • ... 759-1221. IUlll 11111 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, hlghly up-' graded, Italian tnarbte In l.r., d.r., ktt f.r., study & f.r. has beaut. panef1ng & 8hutters . Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to aee at $895,000. -., ..... 759-1221 .... ..., -......, Convert ex. lge duplex to your ort. res. & • llve on the ffneat beach on the coast. $17(),000 1st at 11%. 2nd or S250,000 at J2%. Steel at 1850,000. -w ..... 759·f221. ' •WMLYl.llUMI II "*11 -&Ill• I~~ Liii · Owner aHltted exoeHent flnanolngl Excellent lnvwtment bargain. Hurry, caJt • UUTI, .......... 759-\221. LiAQO lkAIEmn NOW· AVAi ~BLE IN NE~PORT BEACH TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME. FOR SAN JUAN CAPllTRANOI 7 Mature trees and lush l•nd•oaplng enhance thla alreedy magnificent hOme with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floor plan. Seller relocating, wlll be flexible. $259,000. Cel M4-7020. JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below market for quid< sale, this ooeen view R2 residence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport. 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000. Cel 6M-7Q20. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home ls Ideal for flrat time buyers or Investor•. Needs a little TLC but well worth It! Large lot Is Ideal for garden• oc pool. Be creative on the financing. $163,000. C.,I Jomnna .......... M4-7020. ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, a marble fireplace, oak library, master autte with Jacozzf tub and steam shower, 3 additional bedrooms, a four car garage, Insulated wine room: futl security system, 4 fireplaces and a whole lot more. $1,895,000. C .. I Ed Eeceno or Judy Jord8n et 144-1020. LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT Handsome traditional 5 Bdrm 4 'A Ba home on the bay with picturesque views, family room, sunken living room, courtyard spa, slip for 60' boat and complete security. $1,450,000 leasehold Aak for LOIS ECAN 844-7020 HARBOR RIDGE "DEVONSHIRE'' An invitation to gracious family living Is yours when you see this 4 Bdrm 3'h Ba panoramic view home that la sure to revolve around your entertaining. Features Include 2 fireplaces & atrium. $850,000 with $295,000 assumable at 13.25%. Owner wlll consider trade. C .. I ED E8CANO or JIM IEUERS 144-1020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDQE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city Hghf views that come with this 3 bedroom, 21h bath home awuh In neutral earthtones. As a resident of thta gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique lifestyle that typtfles Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. Call Ed Eecano or David Hlrechler at 144-7m0. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-50% DOWN · This Newport Bea¢1 leasehold duplex. Is just a few ttepa to the beach. Live In one, rent the dlher. Flexible Miier offera good tow Interest financing $225,000. Cell David Hhchler at M4-1020. EXCLUSIVE HOME IN HARBOR RIDGE "Lucerne" model tn excluslve gate-guarded community convenlently located (le8r the ·Harbor, Newport Center, airport and Irvine center. Ideal for entertaining with 3 bedrooms, 3'A baths, 3050 square feet, view deckt, 3 fireplaces, famlty room and panoramic views of the Harbor, Catalina and twinkling lights of the. city by night. O/W/C AITO of $519,000 at 12.75% tor term agreeable to buyer. $850,000. Atk for Ed E8CMO at M4-7020. -t .. LEASEHOLD RE8IDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located jua1 a haJf f)lock 'to lhe beach, thle duplex has two bedcoom unite renting at $400/month. With 20-j5% down, owner will carry for five years. $235,000. Cell DPld Hlnchler at 144-7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN H~ RIDGE Thie gate-guarded community ta the eettJng for this 4 bedroom, 21h bath home with decit, profeelfonal l&hd~, courtyard entry, high celllngs, fireplace and akYllght. J357,000 assumable at 12.75%. $520,000. Cal Juctr .kwden or Ed hcano at M4-7020. SEA VIEW GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HO.ME Thia well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath bome hu tmpreaatve city light and Cetallna sunset views pl':J,ood uaumable and Miier financing avallable. '485,000. Call Jorden or Ed &ceno at M4-7020. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Plana for a 10,000 sq. ft formal French home with no houses on either side or behind are lnciuded In the purchase plan of this lite. Land owner must liquidate but wm consfder a jofnt venture agreement. $1 ,500,000. Call ED E8CANO M4-7020 SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city light vtews lltumlnete this 3+ Bdrm home with family room, 2 Baths, contemporary styling, 2 patlol, courtyard, wetbw, flreptece, breakfast nook & much, much morel $495,000. Call ...... 8trocll .. M4-7020. GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR Contemporary Income property within w8'klng distance of the beech. New carpett, new paint. fdeal owner'• unit Asaumable financing. $395,000. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN Vl~W DUPLEX Make thll tncome property your new tummer home wtth lde8' rental units. With 20% down, owner wttl carry at 128.4. If you desfre unit• coutd eully beQolne a maid'• quartera or guest house. Juat ttep1 to the ~ wtth 2 flfeptacea, patio and doubht garage poaalbllltlee are almost endless. $475,000 Fee. Celt 819phMte Burne .. M4-7020. THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND Thia elegant gate-guarded Bayfront condo wtth 2 bedrooms den and 2'A baths features an addlttonal fireplace, vaulted celNnga, hardwood ttoora. wet bar, pool, boat lltp, private beach and. stained glut. $82~000 wtth utumable financing Call JOE .. CEFARAm M4-7020. . . IXQUl81TE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME • Thia contemporary Newport Crest condo le wtthln euy walkfng distance to beach Md thoppfng, Mottvated Mfter wtll ...... t>uyw to purchase tttf1 3 bedroom home wtth beam cetllnga, country kitchen and many other upgradee. $249,500. Cell Joenna Hendrt9 .. .... ?QIO. .. LINGO REAL-,ESJ'ATE . •t. ... ' r -~ , ~ . coTr nrntrr © 1nv~1nrn1 conrnm BIG CANYON ... . CUSTOM Olnfft-GOlf COUISI One of the ftneet r.mJly hOmee aveNabte In the Canyon. 8 large bedrooma with maid'• quart .. and a eeparate 2 bedroom aulte with 1tt. own Nvlng room. Terrific vtew and location on the 18th fairway., VERY s>rtvat• pool. 11.a mmton and owner wtU help wtth ftnanclng. !Owner wUI conaktet_trad;!_ln ~ .• Orange County. I CUSTOM ON THI GOtf COURSI Thia new llettna II one of the ftneet examplee of contemporary arcnttecture avaltable. 4 bedrooms and "' own wry private pool and apa. Reoentty remod1t1d with a VERY modem kitchen. There la no home In the Canyon with u much privacy. $1.75 Mllllon. DIANI TOWNllOMI -alsTOM POOL & SPA New on the market, 1hll ~ aq ft end untt o..Mlle provtdee the uttlmate with golf COWM vt.w. Three bedrooms. three full betha, uuna and a huge "no maintenance" yard complet8 thla offering. Huge UMJmabte ft~. $799,500. ~ TOWNHOMI -ON THI GOii COUISI Thia new on the mark• Monaco II perched right on the golf COUtM and la vacant and reedy to moYe In. The price le below merk« and I the owner hu Indicated he wtfl leue, IMle/optlon or outrtaht Mil Over $400,000 of low tntereet financing. Priced at 1599,950f DeANI tOWNHOMI -VACAHr IND UNIT 1 Thia Bordelux modef with new carpeta and paint featu,.. 3 bedroome and 3 full bathe and la vacMt and Nedy to move In. There II an over*8d yard to accommodate a pool and ape Of for your chlldren'1 ptayground. Very prtvate yard. $250,000 of uaimable flnancl.ng. Owner wNI ...... $500,000. . HARBOR . RIDGE HIGH ON A HILL You will find this superb custom home with 5 bedrooms, 4'h baths, family room, pool & spa & gazebo. Breathtaking vfewa of coastline & cfty llghta can be seen from most all the rooms. Sheer elegance can . be found In over 7500 sq. ft. of this English Tudor home. $2.65 .. mllllon. / ( WATERfRONT HOMES CUSTOM BAYSIDE-MAIN CHANNEL The BEST Corona det Mar hp to offer. Right on the belch and bay. This new custom home'has 7 bedrooms, 6.batha, private pool & spa, solid oak floors & cabinetry. Largi commercial kitchen. $5.75 mllllon. CUSTOM LINDA ISll -MAIN CHANN8. New on the mnet, thta llmc>f1 fabutoua Country Fr9nd\ Normandy estate la sttuated "on the point" In one of the ptemllr prtvate communities In the worid. Over 8000 sq_uar• feet, with prtvate pool and spa. Over 12'1 feet on the water and a 11111' to accommodate the largest of boats. For the connolueur. SS M1Hlon. /CUSTOM HAalOI ISLAND -MAIN CHANN8. Thia la the finest home to become available on Harbor lalend In recent time. lncom_pwable adult tMng wit~ "' own pier and lllp to accommodate a 100 foot boat. Unuaualty large gf'MllY ~on the harbor aide. Reduced by $800,000. Pnoe $4.2 mltllon. CUSTOM LINDA ISll -MAIN OtANNB. Over 6,600 equare feet of ltMNW eteaence with breathtaking views from all Important rooma. lndoor7outdoor pool and 1pa with • retractable roofll Over 78 feet on the water. Stt down bar to WP# the boat traffic and be9utlful euneeta. Huge auumable. $3.6 Mlltk>n. CUSTOM UDO 1511 -LIDO otANNB. Can you beUeve $1.4 Miiiion of auumab1e financing 0n a Udo waterfront! Your own pier and lllp to accommodate LARGE BOATS and an owwaa. lotl Thi• home ha a huge amom St. Charles kitchen and vtewa to~· your bre9th away. S2.2S Miiiion. BOATER'S HIDEAWAY 1415,000 Thia kMlty 2 bedroom and den adutt townhome la located on the Udo CMnne6 "Gold COlllt." Great auumable financing la available. Prof~ decorated by Loia Harding with beveled mirrors, hardWoOd fkiora & neutral tonee. Don't mtse thla onel _ CORONA DEL MAR SPYGLASS Where can you find 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 fireplaces, family room, dining room, 3-car garage, apa and cfty light view for Just $615,000. OPEN2-5 Sat./Sun . .JASMINE CREEK Lovely 3 Bedroom, 2 beth large famlty room all on one floor. Large cover.d patio with putting green. Excellent flnancfng. $389,900. OCEANFRONT This home Is located In old COM on the watef with bay & jetty Views. There are 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on an oversized lot. Owner will . provide financing & subordinate. $1 .25 mllllon. MINI l!STATE-1Aa ACRE Just redUQed, thl• newly decorated custom home with French doors & wlndowa, very prtvate pool + city Uaht .nci ocean vtews now only $895,000. With 4 bedrooms, formal dTnlng & cathedral ceilings, thla le an entertainer'• dellghtl OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. ; .. ·Celebrity Villa Featured in the. July Issue ·of OC HOIE AID GARDEI IAIAZllE Reach out and touch the stars! Perched high on the crest of a forest-like hill, this spectacular setting could be a proper place for an eagle'• neat! , Instead, it is the perfect site for a villa that might well b'e out of a story book. This charming and delightful country home is a masterpiece of perfection in its authenticity of an era in history known for gracious living. Panoramic view• from rows of French windows are portraits of r eal lite murals of distant snow-capped mountains, a billion city lights, hilltops and treetops ..• a dally spectacle for 1omepne fortunate enough to own this incomparable home and setting. Almost 5,000 square feet of living apace, on a magnificent full acre, with full 1rown pines, eucalyptua, and an orchard with dozens of fruit trees, rose 1ardena, and enhanced by a sparkling pool and spa with never ending views. . EXCEPTIONAL TERMS· AVAILABLE -· T:RADES INVITED OPEN HOUSE Slll>AY -1:00 to 1:00-11271 Reservoi' Rd., No. Tustll . _.,;...----~-Fr om Newport ~ve. & Foothlll. south Into the hills to Skyline, then left on SkyUne to AeMrVotr Road ·,· / I ·~. ·>-. ~-----------.-------------===-=-- 011111 Advertl· _.. lhcMdd ct'9Ck their Ide dely and report errora Im- med I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT u- .,,,_ tiabluty for the ftrst lncot rect lnMrtlon only. . _ ... .__ . THE PEAL E S TAT.ER=: Liii _ Own your own dock for your 85' yacht. mll!l-lllf!!Il----~lml!!!!!---lllii Prof...,onaJly decorated. " Bdrm, 3 ............ ., ...... bath. Random Oak Planked floors. Patio overlooking prime bayfront location. FEE LANO. Securtty gate, and many more extra. $1, 110,000. BIG CANYON'S ~!!t.~~!! _!uy He will reduce the price by the amount ol your claufn payment! ............ ,..., ... • ..... ""' ...... , a.....,.. ....... -fie ... l.m • 1111 • 11 PIM ...... hel I ... n11 ... -· J!xreDent "!'.:''plan an ...... • ........ tu&., .,.... wide greenbelt. Hu been rented -now 1 Bdrm 1 bath. Fantaatle bay and • IR ............ I INlr vacant and underaotna rec1ec:orau.nc. ocean vlewa. Sub parking, pool, • ... llllMe" '*t ..._ Prim •.ooo. •DUnc loan $153,000 at eecurtty butldlng, walk to ehopa and • Wet llr -1-nr1,1M11 12M". wm .u for• little• 10.. down. reetaurante. Slip avaHable. 13SO,OOO Ofl.Y $695 000 . ...... ..•. . . ' !'!.":!~ ~n~t!c~v~e~ 24'28 Vlata Hoger' -IOWelt priced 3 ~~:~':~~~w= prot • dorvlly deconted. lllklnc ~.ooo Bdrm In the 81ufft. Freehly painted. will plew the most futldioua. We -t1",000 Joan 15W V.I.ll Owner will Vacant. Open Saturday 1-5. 1137,950 :annat find any other 1eparate home ln help ftnencw bUa:nce. • 111111 Bia Canyon for leu than $200,000 -can~ far n.wa or .. -emt at 0pm ._ Splendkt cuetom famtty home on extra MORE. • ..., • *"• ,._ • •• 1111 Wllll ... 1rt large lot. 5 Bdrm + maid'• quartera. • MM1U lllr 1-1 Large IMng & dining rooma, famtty • LITEI. l l!Al 'n room & gourmet kitchen. ee.uttfu pool ua. & IPL View of goff COUf'M & mountains. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 s 1,aoo,000 14 ..... , ....... ~ IPllll ..... , ... , .. .. 1P1n111uamw ......, Ml" ftM Cliff Haven cuatom home with 180 a BR 2~ a., frw llandinc fonnm' model N.w .t-b and ·-'-~ 3700 ft ......... ....,__... 1111'•...,..u, .. • ... ..,. ..... ., ...... He will reduce the price by the amoun ol your down payment! D11 Nfl --Excellent 'T' plan wide ~t. lfM been rented - vacant and undergoing redecora Price sm.ooo. extsdng 1o.n $163,ooo a 12'i4 ... WW .ell for• little aa 10.. cxnirn11 1n1 wna • -. 2 Bedroom. 2 new, fee land, back bay view pro.femon.Dy decorated. mm; $305, -$1",000 Joan 15 'i4 V J.R . Owner help finance t.Jance • cell Agent for o.t.a. or -agent Open~ cp-. Only *249.900. 0cqeow. 0pm s.11&m. vvvree ay ocean ·-· eq. ., 2 muter euftee. 3rd bdrm w/bath. Oak ._ U~ 11 floors, fonnal dining room, 2 ftreptacee, •BR with edded family room and walk...-ound wine cellar. Creattve terme. 1882,500. llU'. Only SM,900. .......... Liil llU Can only be appreciated by a vlaJt. 3 bdrm., ~-a car garage R()f'!1berger deelgn. R~lant heating, 2 patloe. Built In atorage plua many amenltlee, on 80' lot. $876,000. Two Story Nantucket 5 Br .-uh beautiful Sumet pool lined with 14,000 red bricks. THtefully decorated throu1hout with wallpapera and ahutten, Showa like a model home! Many uPIJ'Adea. Seller will finance. ~ Sutmit down. $760,000 incl land. ~ ttn.ooo .-unable loan at 12.K. Owr 2900 9qoft. of luxury. Mal\ popui.r ..,_lei' plan. u.um.1-f'opular KB developnent. only 2 yn -4 BB S 8a, plus IOll of unenltla HICh -·rnabla. toln.3C.glnge. ..., ... _ Or.t a BB 2 \ot ti., 2 aar ...... Owner will m1ry w/minlmum down. tl 15,000. wu••wuux DDU!lnt unha w/11• blC '8rm tlnendnc .... Ml ... ••~on B-4 ~ tn w~. Ull llfflll'r Cuatom country Enalllh bayfront hOme with pier and allp, daalgned by lntematJonatly llOClakned archhec1, 8 bedroom•. e bathe, oourmet kitchen, formal din rm, aecurlty ayatem. $2, 700,000. •-.111• •au n au.11111L1 Channlna 4 Br. & tarp family roam. 2 brick fireplacm, country kitchen, quiet residential area ln modern tract by Bucmla. Lone term ..Uer fina.ndne. 10.. dn. $229,000 ind. land. Move Sept. 1. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR . . . . --. . . . ~ ,. , . ,. . FORECLOSlllE lll&ITlma&. Pickup over *E;OO~QUfJ;Y OW!S'ftfab\. Once • . I ve ~ 1111e11 • better buy. 'Won't I.Mt. Pftme Ora.nae Cty 2~ acre ~top OC3A.N VflfW NEW ESTATE. Pbo1, -wt~ electr. ~--~ eqft 9tf1M) C-. view of all O.C Tennis Mrt +· lll!LICOPTER ~d area. Aa8U.MS LOANS 1!&&145~ Ort1lnally Uated for $2,200,000. ••t $1,128,382.83 approx. with ~ approximate-cub down. Qa1y the ..... need call dlrec:tJy to •A1'RICK TENORE 780·8702 or ·12ff BE/MAX 1\ealtora, a1t. ' Otange County Rell eatate/An AdVertlttng 8uplement to the DAll'.Y PILOT/Saturday, Jury 17, 1982 -19 MUIOMI PAYIDT Cit IOIUCEDlmlDTUTD fOf Information, Cal,..,. IRA iHoMCiiia' MAI.TY n4l.-S•~-a11 REALTORS-BROKERS-ASSOCIATES MAKING' A CHANGlf Before you do 8TOP-4XPfOre our car ... beneftte and a brMd new tow COit 1~ commlMlon ~ti -'"$250 PLUS PlAN11 ~ _..,__ Ftneet quality ocean vt•• 1ulte1-prtvate and MMl-pttvate at NEW, LOW AFFORDABLE PRICES! Exc9uttYety wt our-ffMhk>n 1-.nd tooetton. Ceff todey. . .... WICh DOot I *'-• "' Jobe ' ~ ..,. lfMM,. "*"-.... gr. ,,....., Of b•U•t. Agt. (114) ••MeO lllELIVABI.£ l.l>O ISl.E ..... $2-47,5JIO BURR WHITE RF Al TOR . INC b7S-46JO 11!1ii.'iiffl. ••• l!lf 'f I I I I • i I I I 11 I .. ------------------- 20 -Of'enge County~ Eatate/An Advertielng SupMnwtt to the DAILY PtLOT/~. July 17, 1982 -~HERITAGE ! Rf Al.TORS l . \ ~ ! I 1j; I '( ) A PETE ' BARREn REALiY Want to move up? 4100 1q. ft, tq bowe, btc J'OOlm. Lwauiow home. Rone T'• hlll top view, 4 car pnfJe. to beliew! Ccmlder trade your house or?? Special fiMndns. A llJST SELL SALE ODlla HMe Evwy Aft...,.. 2Wt Simi PllCt (Off M.U.) Jensen & Co. 714/75M70I. Aftnn• u1..- - JMS Vista Om.sa Open Sat/Sun 1-~ 111-Nll' ' j l I I L *4• T = _.....__ I_. ' I I I I -I I . 110/mo. t Ir. I le. tw•o-.,...., .......... way ,.., ..... ,.. .. ...,. .... ...... ...... M.f,IOtll1 1repleoe, pool. Cll•tt-......,, ,_. ....._ x ua I eerCIH I .,. lllO. I ..... 1. ' .. ------------------~--- --- , I......._ - I --I aillY IMU --Fiult tr... Md fnlarant flowera offNt the lulh ~ In the lront and blldc of this 1ove1y ~· Enter Into a bMutlful IMng room, formlll ~. epece 1ge kitchen, hide-a-way muter Mitt•, eeparate child*''' wtng. Giant bOfM'8 room. perfect for tmnHy get t_ogethera. etc. etc. ~ la leavtng, nut _tell. Cell for pr9Vlew. 548-2313. --1""""1=1 =11~1 •==:!:::•=-,"""*=-.•1"'-11--1 unbelleoiable pttce for thaa 3 Bdrm fbter' located In good lfttle --of Coeta Mee&. Needa paint Md CllMr'I but at thll price you l8V9 many, many dollars. Excellent opportunity to plck\'S) a great ltarter hOrne or ln~ ~. won't lut the weekend. Cd AC>W, 549-2313. ., •MIT ll -Thia ·extra th-.> executtw home 1'.llt llst.t for only $179,900 • .,.,... •• formal dining room. expMded meeter IUlte, lharp tamUy room and beet of d, your own eperkllng pool. Enjoy thl8 one today1. &47-6010. - Wt• W Mmll Step9 to the blue Peclftcl 3100 equate feat of luxuryt 3 yMl'8 newt Owner left & ~ .··~ Now''I ~ todltJna ao.r., no qtJ8IHYlnOI Only '329,000. Cd 983-1787. · 1111 • 11111 Oelperate out of town owner must Mii thl• vacant 4 Bdrm pool home yeM«dayt He'H lllteri to any offert 847..ec>10. •a-.• 1-mllll All thla for the low, low price of $140,000; High denetty area, city eaye you ~ haw up to lb< units on thla property. New apartment bulldlnal golllQ up In tM area, tremendous poulbtlftles. Call for detalll. 548-2313. ""8. ............... Only $121,999t Fix and uve thou1and1. AHume exletlng ftntnelnQI One 3 Bdrm & three 1 Bdrm unltat Huny, can 9834787. -Wii• •H• Way below mert<el J)ftGe, blMIUtul euttom Wit eprawffng ranch etyte hOrne located on huae cdmer lot clOM to the ea Bay, quiet cul de uc. ltYfng room done In WW'm ~OMI with • huge rock ftNplace, maigrMlcent f9mlly room entertainment center with ruatlc wood bMrn celllnga and Ul9d brick ftNplace. ~ Bdnna with your own prtvate 1pa off th• master suite. Etc, etc. Home recently remod1l1d, 548-2313. ... Nm .. Huge lot In HB MIU' the water. eeecti oott8Qe to trv. In while you bulkl It an · ~ ~· A..une long term financing: no quallfylngl Only $114,9501 pes-1787. IEWNRT/CIRDll IEL llR 11111111 ~ eo.ta Mela ipllt level condo -.&. -For thll .,per ·2 Bdrm condo with wtth 3 cw garege. Only 10% down + OAMlt : oommuntty pool & ..,.. ~ $59,000 terms mak• thll a rMI buyt Cllll for detaNe & • ....., tenne. A emart buy at •74,900-cal lhowtng. Only $125,000-act nowt 846-7~71. today! 848-1171. --41W11J One of Newport's finest homell Seduded Pftvac;y with magnificent pool & ..,.. GraclOU9 IMng at Its beetf Fabulout 5 Sdrm 3 bath luxury hOrne pU eaUmabee loan Md l8ler termel Superbly pt1ced ~ $896.ooo-catl . for appt. 846-~~71. M Liit" Lovely 2 Bdrm Newpo.rt Heights Mme located on large R-2 Iott Seller flnanolng offered! Only 1139,500-call nowt 846-7171. • wrm Remodeled. txP8llded 3 'Bdrm 3 bath pool home, complete wltb__o_uldnor trreplace-& BltQ. Convenient acceee to ,.. .., .. Bdrm 3 bath Newport Beech home bathroom rrom Pool + outltde "'°"'· Loan .. lllTl•PllllY IUl111l One of a klndl Archlctecural master piece decorated to pertectlonl Low maintenance yardl Owner bought another and wants thll beauty eold yestenlayt Allume loaM and owner wlll help finance! Priced appraleed value to 1811 fastl A steal at only $189,000. Call now, 963-6787. tlM NYI AW Fabulous etngte 1tory, tutefulty' oone throughout! $7,550 down, uaume loans! Full price onJy $82.9501 Can today, 983-6787. I · . 18.1.11 •1•111Nlml'flI111111 $109,000 ... customized S Bdrm eunehlny home. Brand new carpeting. Large famly room wJth cozy ftreplalcel 0 down Vetal Calf 983-6787. ...--$1008/Mol 17001q. ft. of lwuy In Huntington Beech. tmmac:utate 3 Bdrm hOrne, huge family room & wtne cellar. Call for detaBa· on financing. 983-8:r(S7. l+I PIA Ill -. 11-.-Contemporary 2 story glantl Sunkeri famlty room wtth flreplaoe! Prime cul de 1ac location. A11ume 8~% loan-SS8,000, $473/mo or owner wlll help nnance. Try ..... ot>tton .•. hold the pr1oe tor' one ~I yeart C.., 983-8Til7. .. ..,?'MJJ Low down and low price make thll 2·Bdrm 1'n bath condo a m8IWloul buyt 10% down, now only $65,00G-call todayt 848-7171. LIW MW UMUIUI OUtetandlng 3 Bdrm 2 bath Newgort Beech home. A9lume $120,000 at ._. th*1 10% ratet Seller wtll ualst. Only $230,000-call nowt 846-7171 . -WU-11.._ LovelY IN1ne Terr-.C. 3' 84rm 2 bath hOrne. Ooeen & bay vlewt + uatrnable financing! A bargain at $285,000-call nowt on the waterl Low down to a..ume anc11 teller a11umablel Only •200,000-catl todayl i.;__.___ -!.-tt-wut-~--Onfy-$-188,ooo-act nowL646-171--~1-111. -;----- -• ...----~7171. -- -__ _.,II'--~~-.,..._,.-