HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-18 - Orange Coast Pilotl Br IOBL·C. DON .............. Atcladc fulkJrl coWd provide a vlrtually unlimited aupply of •n•r1y, fueled by an inexhau.ttbl• IOW'Ce found In _ .... At UC lrvtr)e, ICMnt1111 are 1-ina • device that may one day contrfbute to pracllcal fualon poww. It la one llDA11 projllct. but newrtbtlem an important .-rt ol the f.cienl aovemmient'• ~­ dollar effon to wean the nation from lta dependence on foeaU fuel&. "l\allon la an ultimate aolution to the enel'IY problem," ea.id Dr. Nathan Rynn, UCI profemor of phy.ai.ca and director of the campua tu.ion IJl'OlfUD. "There'• a Jot of tundlmmtal la\ow~ that we need to work out. But when tullon happens. that'• ~.the end of our ~. tu.kin IW'JIMl9I the expectatlona of tolar-pneraeed electricity. It'• con1ldered a quantum le.p ahead of the workl'• current rel1anoe on ftn!te f..U fuela IUCb • oO. natural pa and coel. And unlike nuclear &Don, the atom-splitting proce91 that la the mainstay of today'• oommerctal nuclear power planta, fualon reactors can't melt down. When the fuaion proceaa becomes unstable· or 80l'De other problem erupta, u,.. rwtian is anutted out like a bum1na candle GRAND CHAMPION -Buster, the Black Angus, worth $8 for each of his 1,063 pounds after noisy bidding at the Orange SUNOAY SPECIAl ln • wtnil tunnel Now the bad newa. Moat phyaiclata qree a commerdal f\llJon l'9ldal' • • ...,.uon « more away. That pro)lcUon even lnclude1 hoped-for ~ that Would have to catapult tUllon ...-.rdl and dewlopnent toward • prototype rellCtOI'. Fualon research baa been fW1ded by •the aovemment for neu"ly 30 yean. Still, no one can promJae that even unlimited f1nandal ~ will lead to a conll'olled nuclear fu1ion l"elC'tkln, ocmsidered an eaaenUal ~,....to ~don. '. ~ ldentlltll hawn't been able to 1u1taln a laboratory fUlkla necdon, GM nMd only ..-at ~ IW\ end the 1tan to view wcitldnl fusion awcton. UCl'a Rynn 11. all too famWar wt~ the obNclee to oommerdal fusion. He baa apent much of hia career explorlna the problema presented by thia seductive eners1 alternative , acknowJedPll that he probably wt1l not aee a commercial reeict.ex- br hll tttettuw. "We're ~ to have to haw ................ ..,-- County Fall' Saturday, nudges owner lUchard McKee of Fullerton who raiaed the steer while fighting bone cancer. No way to get off hoof cheaply Fair auction crowd demands high price for .cancer patient's champ steer ., By JODI CADENHEAD O(' .. DlllJ ........ steer had traveled far. He was undergoing surgery to stop the bone cancer Thursday when Buster was awarded first prize ln the livestock competition. ~eophomore at Troy High School find, he explained. The crowd at the Orange County Fair got to its feet and roared a deafening "No." They wouldn't let Buster, the 1,063-pound grand champion steer raiaed by Richard McKee go for a paltry $4 a pound. By 6:30 p.m. Saturday the newa of McKee'a bout with cancer and h1a de1ennination to continue rai.ing the hefty Angus Saturday, McKee watched from a wheelchair aa hia friends John Vertaon and Craia Maaeey carefully brushed ancf clipped the black steer for auction. "I didn't want to miaa thia." he said with a sliaht grin. McKee, now 18, waa a Hospital wing opened Several hundred friends of Fountain Valley Community Hospital and their gueata celebrated the opening of the hospital'• new patient care wing at an open hOUle Saturday. The 65,000-tquare-foot wing contain• ~3 beda and new obatetrlcaJ facllJtlu Uor treatment of women durina pregnancy and chtldblrth), WORLD Adminlatrator Craig Myen ea.id. Twelve of the beds will be for the obetetrical section and the other 81 will be for surgical patients, Myers aa.ld. The hospital 'a former obetetrlca w1na will be converted to add two new operatlni rooma to the live todatJna~ plua a library and of1tc6 apace, accord1ng to Myers. ViJciJjs repllca sliiP,· arrives BERGEN, Norway (AP-A 76-foot VtJdna lhlp replica built in a Minnmota warehoulle arrived with iw 12-member cr't! on the west coa•t of Norway &atul!day after a 34-day ci'Olllna of the Atlantic. Soviet spy sliip watched VICTORIA, Britilti Columbia (AP) -A Soviet -tpy lbip crW.ana ;.mt of1 the northwe.tem tip of WMbmaton 8tat.e, in the path of Aruerb'a tint Trfdmt~, w.. limed by~ Of~.·~-..._ ln Fullerton when he learned Two weeks ago M cKee that he had cancer ln hia right underwent another operat.aon to ahoulder. Doctors replaced the replace the metal plate with a tumor-ridden bone with a metal bone taken from hla leg. A friend plate and for the next year and a showed Buster to the panel of half he underwent judges who didn't know of chemotherapy treatmenta. McKee's illnesa. A Future Fannen of' America But McKee, who la headed for member since he waa 14, McKee Fullerton College next year with never let the t1rini therapy keep hopea of becoming a veterinarian, him from the an1mala be rahled ea.id be felt well enough to attend foe competition. the auction. "The minute he'd ,et home He sat amllina in hia from the hospital he'd go check w h e e 1 c h • 1 r w h 11 e t h e on them," aaid hla mother enthusiastic crowd tried to egg Myrna. "It pve him momentum the buyen on. to go on. It pve him tomethina McKee and hla friends had to live for." talked of maybe $8 or $10 a The ahy, dark-haired teen-pound. ager learned to pJay buketball But timee are touah and the and drive left-handed ao that he bidding cl.oled at *6· per pound oould make the two daily tripe to when "Re.a McCUntock, a senior feed and exerdlle h1a anlmala. vice president at nuor Corp., When McKee bouaht Buster rallec:f bahand. nine montha aao ne never McKee, alded by h1a dad, stood dNarned he'd wind up with"-Ui ..... le~-tn~the-wb&ra!l'a cl:rde tor a few arand cbampton. At $750, the brief l8COOda and aid he WU steer w• the cbeapat be could phued. NATION «biiJ4Jger, SIJUltz comer WASHINGTON (AP) -Henry Killlnaer came back to the State Department on Saturday for conaultadona on the Middle Eut with the new 18Cft1ary, Gecqe P . Shultz. aome anajor dl.ecoveNI to make • fuaf.on reector ln 00 y..,...'' he laid. Rynn received t2~.ooo from the Department of lnelv th1a year to continue hla wwk on an experfmental 4"ice c:aJJed the lrv1ne M1rror Machine. lt'a not a reactor/er ae,' but a device dealpe to teat metboda for containlna a controlled fualon 1'elCUoo. Aleo known aa a tandem mirror, it la ane of two major rwrch concepta that may be the prelude to practical fusion power. The other device la called a tok•mak, Invented in the SavW Union and shaped, aa ita name......-. like a doufhnu\. The experimental devices operate undeJI llmUar prtndplea. In • tUl&on rMCUon. h= . •toml ml.Wt be llnlllhed to a.ta eJ.ec:tncal enel'IY Viii 111-m-powend turbl.nel. In the theoretical reaction1 atama of deuterium. an llotope Cit hyropn. are forced topther •• extremely htah temperaturee. When the atoma combiner eneray-rlch neutrons and enormous heat are ejected to driu turbine bol.lera. But to auatain a fualon reaction, the deuterium atoms IDUlt be )weced to at least 100 million degrees Celaiua. At auch temperatwea atama are stripped of their electron. and the remaining fuaion (See RESEARCHERS, Pace AJ) Aral at seeks meeting with l).S. negotiator f By TIM Aaodaced Presa Palestinian leader Y as.er Arafat appealed Saturday for a face.to-face meeting with U.S. ~ envov Phllip C. Habib to ;-'1&;9 ~f tn the protnlcted ft:fal'fa to ..... --~ hD estimated 8,000 guerril1u from Israeli-end.rded west Beirut. In Tel Aviv, Israeli Defeme Mlnlater Ariel Sharon told a maaa pro-gqvernment rally Saturday night that Inael la rady to offer temponry uylum to aurrendering Paleatlnlan guerrW.u. And I.araeli Prime Mlniater MeDllChem Wn. ref~ to the ataDed negotlatiom for an evacua.Uo.n of PLO auerrlllu from Lebanon. told the esUmated 250,000 demomtrat.on: "I hereby anM•bOe that the mmderen in Beirut do not have 30 daya.." Arafat, speaking with reporters near bombed-out building• in the guerrilla stronghold ln west Beirut, said Habib needed no lntennedlartea in the ta1kl on how, when md • where to evacuate the auenfilaa • of the Paleatlne Liberation Organization. "He la not in need and I am not In need of theae channels," Arafat aa.Ld. "He can talk with me directly, to aave time, and to aave my time, too." In WaahJnaton. White Houae duty spokeswoman Kim Hoga.rd aald. "I think we'll reeerve any comment" on Arafat's appeal for direct tal.ka. Arafat'• guerril.laa have been (See AR.APAT, Pqe AJ) Ira~, Iraq claim oi~ f aciUty damage By Tiie Auodated Presa Iraq and Iran claimed they damaged each other's oil production facilities Saturday as fighting raged along their common border. Although both aidea proclaimed aucc e Hu in their war communiques, the fighting appeared to be occurring ln about the tame border'pmitiona the two armlea have held aince Iran Invaded Iraq five daya ago ln the latest pbue of the 22-month~ld war. An Iraqi communique, monitored in eypn., ea.id Iraqi jeta scored direct hita on the Iranian oil tenninal at KharJr Ia1.md in the Penlan Gulf .na warned ahippen to atay away from the area. Iran reported that ita reftniqg center at Abedan wu hit by Iraqi abella on Friday. Iraq acknowledged in i ta communique that Iranian artillery had been ahel1lna the Iraqi Nfinina center at Aura, near the wlf.and about 16 mUe9 from the lranlan border. Tehran radio lakl more than 100 people were ~ and .000.. were wounded in the lrq1an dty of ffernaclen by IraQl bomben ~Y In one Qf the bloodiest air. INDEX .. . · S • :l f I ~ ·r c '-,,._ _J • .:J ralda of the war. Iran said many of the casualties were inflicted when bombe hit a Moslem prayer center ln the dty 130 miles from the Iraqi border. • A communique carried by the offldal Iraqi News Agency aaid Iraqi forcea encircled the advanctni Iranian troopa after at.aging an ambuah near Bara. about 300 miles IOUth of Iraq'a capital and near the southwestern Iranian border. CUP officer gunned down S'roCKTON (AP) -A man stopped for auapidon of dnmken drfving 1hot and killed a California Hlahway Patrol oWcer Saturday, took a hostage in a stolen car, then died - SM*lbly by shooting h1nwel.f in the head -after critically .wounding the hoata1e . authoritl• aald. Officer Dale Newby, 36, wu pronounced dead at uodi Com.mu.nlty Hospital ... than two boun alter the wild acene began on a quiet atretcb of northbound Intentate 5. , bDDeit for man UW\ • manU\ ,J;ttli1 no CDW\try yet....._ to a.. tblm. and hla _-.:_w.. ~-tmpeuant •t the Wlure w~ ~ diplomatic pn>ew to yteld ,.,re.w .. A few houn before Arafat "Ede hi• appeal. Buh1r . •m•y•lt commander of h. •• Christian mWde and • I• PY' llrMli ally. 90l!\.Wld Arat.t of NWna and wamad' him to pt ;, -~ l\*'ril1lll out ~ Mmlem weat ~ ~t before it WM too late. •,fj i..eu """-invaded Lebanon tA~ June e to cruah the PLO and tcffWcidY drove on to 'ftlt Beirut. . ~:u.S.-Mexico link ' ,.... ,, ~~rucial, envoy says -'lfl Jy STEVE TRIPOU nil\!'-Deir,......,. ..,~The future. of the U.S. and . exico are "inexorably .. tied, but '· i1 coun~r must view tta ~them ne bor u more than a ''i;)Urce of and treat it with "9pect if the relatlonahip ia to be "~ul, U.S. AmM·wfor to "Mexico John Gavln told a :·N~wport Beach audience Friday. '4• 'Speak.in1 before Bad.ham'• Boo.ten, a auppon aroup for .~l>..S. Rep. Robert Badham, R-l~#Wport Beach, Gavin cited t·~·s statua u an important •• ~rade partner of the 0 .S., a · •tion of 70 mJ.lllon people and -.Ill influence on Central and South American affairs aa • ~ton of lta importance. -~~The relationship of illegal '."1exican workera to thia · ¢pwltry'a economy ia "aymbiotic 1·(muh111Jy benetidal). and to deal ··...tth it ln any other term la •lf-defeating, and maybe even ~tooliah," Gavin told the audience ~f about urn people at the ~ar•cterlzed Mexico'• problems ln the wake f lta oil 6ananza u "a bit of a ~ ~ Initial bomt, ayln1 the ad iniatratlon· of £reeident J Lopez Ponlllo nearly four million pm d not get 1ome of the it WU .eking. ~ MJcue1 de la Madrid HW1ado, extco•1 preaJdent-elect, may E a policy of lem l"OWth ln co'a economy to help • .p ve condlttou, but that ~ltcy may lncre~ dom.Uc • .. it h.aa In other COUJ')Criea powth bu been slowed, told reporters after the ~ Gavin Mid M"exico and the U.S . cantinue t.o ~ over event• ln Central America, eapecially over whether raoluUon and µnreat there ia "authentic" or Communtat- lnaplred, but be uJd the two ~ta air thetrdifferencee 'In a context of friendllhlp and reapect. •• He added, auch treatment •trtkn a reeponatve chord with Ma:lcan offldala. lw Mexico'• POPUlaUon srowa to a projected 100· million by the end of the century and trade between the two countries (e1tlpiated by Gavin at $34 billion lut year) contlnuea, Gavin l9id be farM!!ll "elmer, atrcaaer" ... Becau1e of thoae tlea, seocrapby and the h!ltoric booda between the two countnet, the U.S. ....... and needs" a strona. free and /roaperoua Mexico, Gavin la! . "U °:~re not, it d1mlnJahee ua," he . Gavin uld Prealdent . Reagan baa abown more intereat in Mexico and X..tin America than any chief executive in recent times. Relpn'• appointment of tbe ~ 1-year-old Gavin. like b1mael.f a former acior, caused aome to queadcn bla quallflcatlona for the job at the time. Gavin ia fluent in Spaniah and has dealt with Mexico ad Latin Amaica M a brtdr , .. D fer years. Gavlo Joked about th 2 conuoveny u he opened ha• tpeeeh. •yinc he told aenaton at a cianfinMtioft ~ that "rv.: got 40 plc:tun9 that will prove I WM neYel" m act.or •19 LIGHTING THE WAY -A police helimpter and firemen reecued a girl and her dog from the muddy flatl· of Upper Newport Bay ln thil Orange County Fair sweepstakes award photo by Dally Pilot Staffer Gary AmbrOlle. More photo contest w1nnen on Pap C9. "RESPECT" -U .S . Ambassador to Mexico John Gavln told a Newport Beach audience that America must treat Mexko with reepeet if strong ties between the two nations are to remain. NB power knocked out An equ~ent failure at a Southern :om1a F4iaon Co. power 1ubstatlon blacked out large areas of Newport Beach for about an hour Friday afternoon. The failure at the Clown Drive 1ubatatlon off MacArthur Boulevard cut power to about 12,600 customera. About 2,000 customen ln El Toro and Minion Viejo were reportedly without power after an equipment malfunction Friday. ~A mountainous ehallenge' Peak-conquering paraplegics win plaudits CARLSBAD, N.M. (AP) - Three parapleaic cllmbera who reached Texu' hilhelt peak In wheelchaira Saturday were pralaed by President Beacan, who told them ''everyone in the nation baa been pu1llna fol' you ... tn. telephone call.from Ounp J)avld, Md.. the president told the three cllmben that their teat "ahowa what anyone can do, no matter what the handicap ... The call from Ree,pn came durin1 a reception and newa conference here for the slx wbeelchatr-bound men who aet . o ut last Monday to climb Gu8dal\qMt 1Wk. 'lbe three who reeched the aanmlt aleo Were prmed ln a te)epbone c:a11 t.rom lrfew Mexico Gov. Bruce Kina and in a teiec_r.m flan T~ Gov. Jill Cem-ta, who aakl, "Ywz feat ).WOYW the lmadabWty of the human bell'C when bced with mowtalnow dMJlen&a" "lt felt like we were an top of the worid." .ud J)mnle &pr.., 28 of Dall-. Be. Joe Mam. S2, a1-> ol Dl1lM. ad Dave Kiley, 29, of ~ Anplies, m.de it to the 8,7&1-f.oot llUDUDlt of Guadalupe Peek Friday. While they dou8ed thenwelvee with cbampa1ne, the three othera who didn't make the awnmlt =around a bottle of ' t.equOa. Mam and Kiley, apent Fri ay nt1bt near the aummit The men uaed apecially dealped wbeelchaln to puah t.bemlelvea aJona a pvel hone trail. Rough terrain forced them to d.iamount 80!Detimea. and an three auf:fered from 80l'fS and bllaten. you can have an ordinary bath or you can have a ceramic tile bath Ceramic tile is an extraordinary decorating material. It's unmatched for durability and the tired-on glaze Is a deslgner's trodemar1< of easy care. The sophisticated and modem styla of ceramic tiles ere favorites tor today's ~t~rsdfa. HUlllY, SALi EMDS JULY ~I NOW YOU CAN CREATE A UNIQUE, NEWCERAMJC BATH AND SAVE 20-403f Continued fair PEAMANENTlY GlAUO CERAMIC TILE lcauttfully vcrsetlk, c:almlc NgNlghts '.wits end counter\. This glazed, ~astln9 tic Is chip, stain end scratch resistant 81 ea rv ea H 80 ...... eo 111 1oe ee · ~= .. 54 108 12 N 81 It 41. N to 52 13 ea 61 t4 57 -.. 12 73 .. 83 54 10 M 71 ... n II ea .. ,~ Q DESIGNER NOWAX VINYL Tll£ The no-wax surface aod sctf«tdt ntellatlotl meka this ftoor tic.~ emons tod8y's dc>lt-')'OUl"Sdf dccOf'lton. .., ... 1rx 1r~'"nfJN sale 79!n and wlU keep Its 911stcnlng look with ctrorttcss care. lq. 1.4' "I hate It when J*>ple call mt ce.rrot top." .... too. ,,,. carrot hlll MWr lived that CGuld match tc>P." -Tom~o&blna, Still Llle Wlth' Woodpedqr. Stepl'Mn DoucJai lt ~ a tMte t1ted of \he ~he'• ecqulred over the 1Mt 28 yean. And all becawie he happma to be a redhead. o.c.dee of betNr called "Red.'1 .. Flame.'' "rtreball." and "To.rdi." · "It'• a common embarraument tor reclhe9da." Douai-aays, running h.la finprl \hrouah h1a own c:r1mlon lodca. F\'ank}y, ~·•fed up. ,.........._ But instead of gNpin1 about it, the 28-year-old Miaaion v~...:;: cuh1ng in on what he tern» la a mlnorify. He's formed a COT'pOf'ation. and a club called Redheads International, and the response from fellow beleaguered n!ds has been fantastic, he •YI· . His new office ln Laguna Hills is cram- packed with T-ahirta, bumper aticktts, ~ plates and note pads expounding the virtues of being red. Others read, "Redheads Do It In Color," and "Everybody Loves Me Cuz rm A Redhead." And Douglas is eelling $10 memberships to the exclusive club. The idea is to form a united front of redheads to diapel what Douglas calls the many rnisx>nceptions and myths about copper-h.ain!d folb. Such as: -Redheads don't tan. They all burn. -All redheads have fiery tempers, especially the women. ........ All redheads have freckles. -Boys with red hair are always mischievous. I)>ugJas' reSpe>nse to the above? "Wrong." He>d much rather play up the achievements of redheads. Take, for instance, carrot-top . celebrities. There's Ludlle Ball, Red Buttons, Linda Kelsey (of the Lou Grant Show,) Ann-Margret and Danny Kaye. The-tint three above-mentioned stars are men\bers of the Red.heads International Club. And the 20 to 30 pieces of mail Douglas receives each day indicates the popularity of his organization is catching fire. From Page A1 .,..,,... ........... DISCRIMINATING RED -Stephen Douglas. founder of Redheads Intemational.oc says the fiery-headed minority should be proud of their 1ocb. He figures there are more than 300 memben ln Orange C-ow\ty alone. Douglas would like to eee chapters formed in other areas to promote his "red is beautiful" concept. Now, this isn't a fonnal group that holds board meetings, elections and pays dues. No siree. The initial ten dollars covers membership, a newsletter, bumper sticker, decal and introduction cards. After that, It's just a matter of getting together at a variety of events. Informal gatherings. Douglas emphasizes. Like the Swallow'• Day Parade a few months ago, where Douglas and about 15 other reds ahowed up to watch. Or the Garden Grove Sir,wberry Festival, where Douglas and fellow redhead Greg West walked off with awards for their flaming hair. And Saturday'• La Cristia.nita parade in San .Clemente where ~ hopes a bundle of redhead.a will tum out to watch -and be watched. "It's a kick," Douglas says. "Can you imagine the look in people's eyes when they encounte( a large group of redheads?" Oevastatir14f. Packar4 handicaps ~ac lnlll•l elf or,. of wrlte•ln c•ndld•te •lmed •I proeedww Ir JEn ADLBJl or .. ....,..,.liii Jlonner Carllbed Mayor Ion Peclwd knoWI hll wGtk i. eut out for him lt be lnWwil to wtn the 43rd ~ 1*trtct .. t he " IMldni ·. vt_a wrii.ln YOt9. To win, the U-yH_r-old Republican eckriowleqecs. wW l'*IWte a well-financed carnpeifn aimed ., Wlnn1nl both the heartl and mlndt of at leHt &0,000 • Republican and Damocratlc voteu who realde ln the 1prawltng dletrlct. whlcb lncludn portion• of southern 0ranae and northem San Diego countles. The taak ia ~bly d11fkul1 becawie once voten haved settled on Packard -u oJ>P(*d to GOP nominee Johnnie Crean or Democrat Roy "Pat" Archer - they atlll must be schooled in the involved mechan.iCI of write-in votlng. That's why Packard said he baa spent tl:\e montha lince iu.-. second-place GOP priin&ry f.lniah meticulously planning his November campaign strategy, fund raising and seeking out a political consultant to help pt.at h.11 candidacy over the top. Packard estimated that It will take at least $300,000 to win the more than 50,000 votes he figures he needa for a November victory. "lt will be an interesting and exciting campaign with a lot of emotion," Packard promised, in carefully measured phrues. "It will be a grass roots, people-t.o- people type of campaif.'1 rather than a high media one.' He emphasized that he will try to focus attention on tus GOP opponent. who was accused during the primary of employing questionable campaign tactics and of buying the nomination with a war chest that topped $750,000. Packard freely admits that it is Cr-ean's candidacy and style of campaigning that steeled his determination to gamble on a write-an bid, which has not succeeded in recent political memory. While Packard bas been RACING UPHILL -·Ron Packard is meticulously p 1 a.n n j n g his w r i t e -in campaign for the 43rd · Congres&onal District seat. plotting his strategy, Crean quietly haa been attempting to mend fences and salve the many egos ruffled during the bitter primary battle. Before leaving for a European vacation last week, Crean met with Rerubfican officials and groups 0 party regulars in both counties to. as he put It, diapel his poor public image. However. it is that image that Packard is hoping will bring voters to his fold in droves. "People were pretty incensed over the way the thing turned out," he said. "And we need to keep reminding them of that in the general election. "[ don't eee where people are forgettir14f wha. t Crean has done and how he conduct& himaeli." Packard uid he plans to stress four buic themes in his fall caml)elgn: __:. l>eople still are lncemed over m~ In \he prtaillw'1 , ~~ .... -~-~· candidate a...y an oftkle. -vow. .... Joaadnl -a demonetrated ability 1 a candldat• to deal with cts• pemmenc.aJ prOCM; -Voters are te•llln a canclldate who hM Uwd In tlbd hM ...... t det.I of aptftlnce In the cU9tr1ct. Padca.rd ~ the~ will not center on at~ --becaute ~ phi~ dlfferencM between en. 6d him are not all that ..-t. Turnln1 to hi• Democraljc opponent, Packard eald he believu Archer will not be elected becau.e the dlt1rict II IO heavily weighted In favor of Republican voters. He a1ao said he ia IW'9 the ' Democrat would not win ttie contest lf the two RepubUcilnl were to apllt the GOP vote. 4 However, it was the Democrat who emerged1 me vlcfOr In an Orange C.OUOty A.embly QCe several years ago when t,,o Republicans, one a write-In candidate ru~:::f In similar clrcumstances, each ~-Pac k a rd expect• ·t o wfn between 10 and 16 percent of J.b.e Democratic vote and pull ~y lnde~ertt votes as well ,._, Will Rep. Robert Doman. WDo surrendered his Lo• An1el" County House seat In ~,. unsucce•sful bid for ~e Repu bllcan U .S . Sena-_e nomination, mount a write-in bid in the 43rd Dlatrict? "We think he'll not only <hiOp out, he'll give us help," Padaitd replied, adding be planll to Jrd•to Washington, r>.c. this weell ·to confer with Doman, other QQP leaders and offid.ala of varloaa political action committees. "rm hoping I can neutraliiie the money and endor1emen.ta that normally go to t"e nominee," Packard said. ·i:f~ lolna to &how them a write-Jn can win.'' RESEARCHERS AIMING TO SUSTAIN FUSION • • • material is referred to as a pla•ma, a •tate in which neptively-charpd electrom and polltive loDI exist independently. The plwna, many UmM the temperature of the llUD'a core. would instantly dtslntel1"8te a coaventlonal reector' w.e1. So instead of physical containment in a metal or concretf!! chamber, physicist• created the tokamalt and tandem mirror devices to hold the fusion material within a powerful magnetic field. The tokamak, which has received the molt attention and financial support. uses giant electromagnets to contain the pluma within the wans of the circular machine. Tile tandem mirror is shaped like a cylinder with large magnets at each end. The plasma, as the machine's name implies. bounces back and forth within a magnetic field. But achieving a fusion reaction hl.na-on reaching the necewary .Jllgh tempe:ratw. and bepi.D4t , the plasma material densely pecked foe a apedfic period of time. Prtncetoo Univenlty .,._..._ bave U8ed the 10k:amU to OOIM cl09e to 100 mllJJoo ~ Hpwever, they'll ha._ to tllCkla density. time and Other fact.on to reach break-even -the point at which the amount of energy put lnto the system la equal to the amount recovered. Physicist Rynn is ref:inlna his tandem mirror device ao that it U8eS less ooatly technology. He a1ao la testing optiJnum method.a of containing the fusion pluma. One major problem I• the leakage of plasma from its magnetic "casing," he explained. So in addition to the magnetic field, Rynn has devised a cooler "pluma blanket" to 9WTOWld the reactive fuaion material. His concept can be vtsuallzed as a sausage caatna around meat . and he bopea tbe .Pluma blanket will better stablllze the fu.Pon reactlon. U it works, Rynn eventually will tat hia idea on a larger DU1Chln• at the Unive..-lty of Wl1con1ln and theb at the mautve tandem mirror device located at the Lawrence Llveuoore National Laboratory in Nordlem Callfomla. Rynn ta1d be la devoting his eff01'111 to the mirror became be believes it la an evolving technology that haa more flexibility than the tokamak. ''The official position I.a that the tokamak I.a the preferred one and the mirror is a backup," he said. "My feeling la that with the ~ of time the attitude of the Department of Energy has abifted from calling the mirror a t.:kuJ> to an alternative.'' Beyond achievement of a 1Uatained fusion ractlon, Rynn aaid adentiats must atlll devise a Second campus going ahead Is it a necessity for future or $1 million parking lot? In an era of high interest rates and tight budgets, the Rancho Santiago Community College district ii pl'QCl!eding with plam to construct a second Santa Ana College campus in Orange. But ita propoted opening in 1984 is not a foregone conclusion. according to some district officials. Money for architectural plans and llte preparation wu raised in 1971 through a 5 percent ~ tax override in the City of Orange, IO°leTy for constructing the new campus. But tbeee monies won't cover the actual bullclJ.ng COits. MOit diltrict tn.llteea belJeve the state will app:ove additional fundina in J~':· 8000l'dtnl to a Smu Ana offidal But Trustee Michael Ortell, the lone dJllenter in the board'• 6-1 vote to It.art building the OMHOE~ Orange campus, isn't ao sure. "Saddleback College was ldenied state funding laat year, and I think it will f>e a higher priority," Ortell said. "I'm afraid we'll be left with a $1 million parking lot." Ortell alao pointed out that the praent Santa Ana College at 17th and Bristol Streets. will be loidng counes and paaibly part. time inatructora during the coming school year. "It doe•n't make aenae to expand to-a-new campus while we're cutting funda from our pre.ent operating budget," he aaid. Other tru1tee1 feel an obl.lptlon to Oranae dtlzena to bu1Ja the new campua. •-ro abandon °'f-1' commitment DOW would be a ril1au8e of thole monlea." Rodolio Monte)lno said. Fellow board member John Dowden atr !II ed the need to pl.ID Diiiy Piat llA•N omca ......... c:-. ...... CA. ........ : ... 1•.C.--..,CA ... --oir... c.... ............ ~­............................ , .................. ::.: .,, .. ~ .... -. for the fut.ire. Dlatrict and itat.e studlea predJct a large gn:>wth rate in the Ora.nee area within the next few yeara. If state funding is not aJ>P.OWd, then board memben will have several optlona, according to a Santa Ana College offidal. Among them: -Approve the erection of temporary fadlltiea on the site. -Ask Orange citizens for fund.a. -Hold onto the ate while IMl'clalna tor alternate funding methodl. -Sell the ait.e beck to its ortalnal owner, the Irvine Company. U no building haa been done ffi 1980, the llt.e must be resold to _ e Irvine Company under a pulatlom of the purchaaing aaz-mmt. The Ot&n1e campus alte la approximately 11 mu .. away trom Santa .Ana eoneae. Both Santa An~ and Oranae are lncluded in the Rancho Sl.ntiago Community CoUeae dlltrlct. method to channel off the energy-rich neutrons. Dlaruption of the magnetic field and the plasma material causes the reaction to quit. Rynn, boWever, said he'a not very concerned about the problem of tapplnf into the fualon reaction to unnel off neutrom to a turbine boiler. ''The feeling la let'a get the reaction first and worry about that later," he snapped. Rynn ii worried about a new approach involving the use of deuteriwn and tritium as reactor fuel. Tritium, another laotope of hydrogen, is not as radiOACtive as fialon reactor materials but may po&e diapoeal problems. Likewise, Rynn opposes a proposed fuaion-fiaaion hybrid react.or because of nuclear waste diapcm.l and other environmental problems. "Until recently the feeling wu deuterium would be the fuel, which la abeolutely harmless, a cheap fuel and environmentally clean," he said. "My point of view la 11 you have to use tritium, let's go do something other than fushion.'' , . . ._ ....... FUTURE FORCE -UCI physics professor Dr. Nathan Rynfi, left, and technician Virgil Laul devised Irvine Mim>r Macb.tnf!, at rear. lm~rted . . CITA:TIQN~ ' Wheel Swiss Cheese UDY DllLINO • .-. :l~~~~= ~ .. ~,-icMduJe, ..... '° ~oltir,~ltw .,.,,.. ~ fGr the Qty ot Mewoort BllCh. · Three 1lll ~pond1 have been under COftltl\ledon mnoe May and lho&&kt be oompl 1tiild by Octobir, he Mid. Theae pond• wlll catch much of tu approxtmately 130,000 tona of 1llt which la wailhed ~lY tnt.o the ettek and upper t.:k bay by n1n run-otf. They will be exmvai.d every_lou.r t.o five yeen. Wetn and drop 1trUCtUre1 allo ha~ bMll built t.o protec1 the foundadcnt of bridaes Oil Ctmpw Drive and Jamboree Boulevvcf from ere.loft cau.ed by the lowertnc of the a.k btd'1 a don. ·Without the lilt ponds, debrfl tn the upper bp~W::: =ut,_ the na• Game Department, uid tbat the lilt bal y turned IOme of th~ upper bide bay'a IDY areu tnt.o weedy uplanda. The dred I 11 a coo rative venture toratton Plan and the SS million Upper wport Bay Early Action Plan. 1be latter ia beJ.na funded by the State ter 8-ourcell Board, the Oty of Newport, the Cowity of Orange, and the Irvine Company. , The Fiah and Game Department comldered re9Coring the upper bay'• marshes in 197~. when they acquired the land. "By the time we got blda from contracton, it looked like the city would receive grants. and we waited for them,'' Hein laid. The overlapping pl&jecta worked out well for the department. "The question was why spend $700,000 to excavate the upper back bay when the upstream froblems were not being dealt with," Hein said. 'Uthe city hadn't gotten lta granta, we migh.t not have gone through with the project." Fake tongue 'talks' SACRAMENTO (AP) -When Geraldine Gordon awakes each morning, ahe picla up her new tongue and snaps It into her mouth. If ahe wanta. she can e ven talk clearly to henelf. Mias 'Gordon, 50, a cOUllty welfare worker whc> lost her own tongue to cancer five years ago, can speak clearly apin wi61 the firat known artWdal tonaue designed for speech. dOcton at the Un!veraity Medical Center at Davia aaid Friday. She bad been fitted with artifidal tongues to allow eating following her 1977 operation. But the latest device, made of silicone, la the first tongue deal1ned for speech as well aa eating, the docton Mid. 'the tongue, which Is much smaller than a nol!mal ton1ue, baa a groove on ha aide to alldw food, which the mU8t grind before eaUng. to ilicfe down her throat. There are about a half-dozen other artificial tonguea reported in medical Ii terature, aaid Dr. Robert G . Gillis, a dentist who . helped develop the silicone tongue. The others are for eatlng only, be said. Dr . Rebec c a J . Leonard, a apeech patl\ologjst at the center, worked with Gillis on the artifidal device. Mm Gordon said the docton encouraged her to try to regain her 1~. She laid she has developed • me1hod of speaking in which she moves her mouth around the' atationary new tongue to form IOU.nda. "l~wami''° a-a>nlCioua eUmt. It just evolved." the laid. Ant traps $1 3 per card Quality door mtrrOf. Framed BACK HOE HUMS -Dredging operations such as this maneuver on Harvard Avenue o.lr,... ....... .., ....... ~ looking toward Campus Drive in Irvine keep $3.7 million Upper Bay project on schedule. The Early Action Plan became feasible in 1980, when it first appeared that State Water Re9ource Board fundlna would be available. The board eventually contrtl>ut.ed $2.76 million. Wolter laid future actions being considered are to build additional silt ponda and to do aome work in the watershed areas in the foothilla behind Tustin, the source of the silt. Choece of cookbooks. yl•,-. 171114 S7.t7 ., f7t114 ... ,, •• ,, .... U .t7 II '"'" "·" ., tt7l1U 6't.t7 If· l7bll 71.'7 ., SUmmer a.w.p on Our K• 200 flbef918 .. Betted Whttew•H 11nta $33 ' PlusF.E.T A78•13 1.87 Each 2 Fiberglua e.n. • 1 Pofyftw Cord Ptln • Surgery ou lined Newt aw..1 .... ~ wW .. &ht ........ ot. llmf.lw to',fli iheJd rrom' '° t p.m. ~ A'W• I, at ffOll MMnOria1 ........ In Hftpgn leloh. r The pro1ram wUl eovtt rtak f 1ctora, · tneumnt -.net rehabUJqUon. Ou.at tpMIMtn 1ndude ~ JOI! ~. fUl'llGll John A. Drew.. and cudJ.c rehabWtatlcn nu.rw Shirt !Wm. • 1'0tt men t.ntomw.tton, call 780-6942. -- NOTICE llSllLmOI OF PlmDlllP PUBLIC AUCTION Ordered by the Attorney for Globe lnternatlonaJ H•ndmllde Perelan and Oriental Ruge Wntern a European Bronua We have been commlaafoned to liquidate the entire Inventory plus others for Immediate cash. A• per lnatructlon• ALL 8108 WILL OPeN AT .25• on the ..._, and Iota wHI be aold from the next bid on. RUGS FROM: China, Persia, Afganlstan, lndla, Turkey, Pakistan, Romania, Egypt, and Iran. Sizes range from 2'x3' to 18'x 12'. BRONZES BY: Remington, Russell, Mene, plus works by many leading sculptors. AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY, JULY 19, AT 8 P.M. MARRIOTI INN 900 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH Preview 1 hour prtor to aucilon -Pleele attend preview A, A, a A Inc., Llquldatora INFO: 213 -70t-002t Terrne caan. C'-11. VIM, MC -~------ ButtonT~ camera , PlasllC 0< sheef ban· $1 dages Box ol 80 1 ·bu laundry $ 2 basket . . ~ _... ... .. I . . ... . . . . _LARGE SELECTIO QP HARD TO. FIND MODELS · Men's Tan Canvas Shp·Ons $9.90 Lightweight In men's sizes Boudoif lamps. $9 Wall clocks $ 7 glass base. 12Y2" fOf kitchen b W~lte And Cotor1 200 Kleenex• 3 2·ply tissues. s2 Boxea Pant1·All0 nylon $1 hose plus panfy r.. 17 ·drawer parts cabinet Steel CANINE CRfusER -When Fountain Valley Officer Larry Garriaon starts his police car's Casual Look Pull-on Shorts Summerw1se fabrics 1n misses sizes. DEVELOP AID PRlliT 12 Exposure Roll ............ 1.97 20 Exposure Roll ............. 2.97- 24 Exposure Roll ............. 3.57 36 Exposure Roll ............. 5.97 Kodak Oise® Film ........ :-;;!;~ 12 Exposure Roll ............. 3.97 20 Ex_eosure Roll ............. 5.47 24 Exposure Roll ............ ;5.97 36 Exppsure RolJ ............. 7.91 Men's cotton 3 Pl $2. work socks PkO 6-pr Pkg Men's cotton/ $5 nvton crews. Dlllf ......... ..., ........ ?' engine, Zeus changes from playful pet Jo disciplined dog on duty. ~ .................... ......._.. __ .,..... __ ....._ ..... ..... -.-~ ... _...... .. ._,......._._ ---· -.c-.. .. _ .... _........ -------...... ~· ................................... ................ _.~ .._... ..... .,__.._. - Men's tow·nse cotton bnels. Wh1sthng teakettle. UCI prof awarded .. .•. .. Fulbright · 'i UC Irvine mathema·. tician Michael D. Yrted. has received a Fulbright-Haya Award for study tb1a year at the · University of Helsinki in Finland. Fried , an Irvine resident, recently won an • Alfred P . Sloan Foundation grant . The Fulbright-Haya educational exchange is designed to boost mutual understanding amon1 teacners, students and research scholars in the United States and foreign oquntries. While in Finland, Dr. I Fried will continue his - research and work on a •. • book. . He came to UCI in 1974, after teaching positions at t}!e State ·--1 University of New ~rk . at Stony Brook, the Massachusetts Institute•· of T echnology, t he-. · · University of Michigan-,-, and Tel Aviv University .. •!• Fried earnied hi• I bachelor's d e gree in · 1 electrical engineering · I from Michigan State University and a doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Michigan. Public workers moonligh~ . I - OrioOl'M·lbed warrion made at · Sound s~ tn Santa Ana daah around ln an electrohlo pme that may J\llt apawn robot wan of tornorrow.v Robqt bide.rt, whSCh la UM a video arcMle pme except that it'• played with real robot1 IWJliOte..eontrolled by "Joy lticka." la Bettina fJnt __publlc expowre ~t ~ Wotld'a Fair ln Knoxville, Tenn. The ei9ht human• at tbe controla tiabt thetr mln.l-wat to the beat of.hard ~ mualc, and at the llchts fluh and the muaJo pounda, the waist-high robots race and fire a light beam trom their outstretched arma. The object ii to hlt•each other in a J*le} that regiat.era the shot and transmits it by rad16 frequency to a IOOr'eboard. The game Iasis about two minutes and cOlta $1.50. "The guy says 'Go.' and e\'.ecybody.ldbd oLcomes up .with..- 1 a a er s blazing," said Joe Stewardson, a Knoxville photographer who says he ~yed it several times at the fair. 'The robots> iu-e about 3 feet tall, kind of your traditional robot." He Mid the cantrol IUok n'ioWi tel\, rtaht, forward and backward· ••JU•t Uk• a fa,hter ~···" 11Wbat we want.4 to do It extend lbe 1•me beyond the catboclt ray tube and= a 8UOf that not only a to ~ ~. but..., eduhl • well,' Mid Gary Taylor, Uw Mild. of Sound. Spectrum. 11VicMo pmea will advance. I think w. ate jult ln the hGl'm ancl buaY atap,'' l81d PuflWl. part owner of the Robot &alti exhibit at the fair. "A.a we aet more involved, we will ae th1nll that make th1a leeSD like the 'St~teamer,11 an earl au . ''People want to be involved " he said. "They love 'to bloW ~ aummer v.caUon, and have other up -that la if nobody la summer joba.'' really hurt." Taylor uya the same la Dan Lawrhlln, another owner expemlve to manufacture, and of the exhibit, said the controllers pula_ a a rough estimate of that can viaually-tcack. theU' hita...by -~t '200,000. He..aaid tbe watching the liaht. which lbowa company really does not envtal.on up eomethtng Uh a flaahllght on it in t!Yf!rY comer store. the robot. .-"It'• more of a main att.ractlon, "There are Ua'hta fluh1n.a on not for the average video parlor, the floor, above and around the more for theme parka and major robots," La~ said. ahoppinc cent.era," he uid. ; SAVES-WASTED ENERGY -Spectators in Irvine look over new congenerated syst.em that System recycles wasted heat Retrofit should save in natural gas, electricity costs By GUBNN SCOTI' example, sends water through a gases and steam they produce. O(tM Dllr ,... le.fl tube surrounded by fire. They are making use of only After spending the past eig~t Conventional. and much luger 38 ~L of their ~ be years in reeearcn, Irvine-baaed b il h d --• B ~'-. 76 US Fl~heels la pre""'""a to · o ers, ave use water to an.\ • ut 1wo system as percent ..--oe surround the fire, Swartout -or doubly -efficient. enter e manufacturing field by explained.· The president envisions many marketing a new cogeneration So far, only one plant has been ways in which his system can system. outfitted. That is Brock Glass save not only money, but gas and The system is designed to be Co., 1372 McGaw Ave., which is oil. For exaQili~e, he said oil retrofitted o nto existing just up the street from US companies in · omiagenerally ~~~~uhring plants that use Flywheels. fail to exploit natural gases they u1Uw.1.ai.u eating processes. The first phase of the retrofit bring up during drilling. It will make uae of otherwise was completed in February and "In California, we're pumping waated heat, and tbe system the aecond la acheduled in the the gas back down the well." he should create aubstanUal savings next month, he said. said. "What we need to do is ln natural gas and electricity Savings from the system is make electricity from that gas to coats, said Bruce Swartout, projected to be as much as $400,-save on foreign oil. pl'elident and chairman of the 000 per year, Swartout claimed . . board of the privately-owned Meanwhile, Swartout said "Our boiler is ao small. we can company. executives of his company, which put it on the back of a pickup The a ya t em works by employs 25 people mostly in truck and go out to an oil well capturing heat as It passes from technical positions, are devisina a and set it up." fuma~ lll.d then, thcough a bua!ness plan -t-o market the The system, which is aold to a new patented boiler and steam system. The next steps: Raise $5 aecond party for tax credits and engine, recycles it lnto electricity million in venture capital, then leased to a manufacturer; to be either 10ld back to utility develop 8 backlog of orders and will pay for itself quickly, .companies Ol' diverted for other gear up for manufacturing. Swartout said. manufacturing applications. "The equipment will amortize It is a complicated system to The key to cogeneration in lees than one year, and it saves the layman, but at its heart are systems, Swartout noted, is that energy for the country," he said. the new, more efficient dev\ces. conventional plants have no "That's important to me beau.IM! - .The "aplit-tube boiler," for means of pre.erving the heated I'm one_ big ol' patriot." House sellers 'Unrealistic' Homes must be priced according to recent sales l#Wlf111t111 NEW DIMENSION -Earthlings direct at each other in tbJa video game of the future waist-high gladiator robots to fire light beams demonstrated at World's Fair. BY BARRY EBERLING or .. Dllr,......,. In 1980, real e.rtate broker Jim Wood gave a talk on the Newport monthly payments of $1,200 should make at least $50,000 per year. Beech area market entitled "10 • Never too old to zap? Ye.an of Up, Up and Away." When he gave his follow-up speech last week at the Irvine Coast Country Club, it was called "What's Happening Out There." And what's happining isn't all good. Laser-blasting video machines .find new la!JB in eldef'IY ASHEBORO, N .C. (AP) - Well, it had to happen. First they seemingly invaded every empty building ln the city, hid out in theater lobbies and e!Ven managed to find thefr .way to home-televtalon screens. Now video machines -thoee llght-flaahing, laser-blasting games that are all the rage with young people -have lnvaded a nursing home. "I think we're the first in the state, maybe the country, to have them. Thia is the only one in any of the n~ homes as far as I know.'' s'aid Faye Bullard, president of the Resident Council .i the Brian Center of Nursing Care. Thqre also probably the first t.o-have a jukebox and a pinball machine, she said. A. she wheeled by, another resident stopped· her for a moment. "'Where-anryou '-going? .. 'Tm going to f,laY that plnball qlaehlne again, ' Mn. Bullard laughed, b~ a grin to the other resident a face. Happily, the resident began wheeling after her ln the general direction of the ~vitiles room. There, Space Invaders, one of the biggest hits in video g~ before Pac Man took over, awaited -with a pinball machine on one side and a jukebox in the comer. 'nte machines were donated recently by Worth Heath, owner and proprietor of Heath Cigarette and Music Service ln Randleman. Heath said he ha<! d0nated them in memory of his mother. "I'd been thi.nking about It for aome time. My mother was here, 'and they did such a good job looking after her . . . and I thought the old people would enjoy aomething like. tha.~" Heath said. Kennan Baker, a resident at the center, sure did. ~Y the pinball machine. Premna the flippen eeveral times, Baker waited impatiently -for-the-lilver ball to-'t:ii.withln range. l.Jghta flalbed, rang and Baker laughed. But the ball once more got past. The problem. according to the founder of the Unique Homes Inc. brokerage firm and PftSident of the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, is that ..nerrbave~l986 expectati01m -in a 1982 economy. Aa a result, houses are rema1nlng on the market. In the Another resident, Mildred first quarter of '81, only 28 Shaw, rolled by, looked at the percent of the listed bOUlaS in the electronic creatures firing at one Newport area sold. In •so. the another, and rolled away lhaking fialu'e WM 58 percent. her heact. ••we•re not in • market Others like Lola Saunders recellion," Wood .aaid, ''though were juat: there to watch or ru ~t that thW la the wont encourage Baker in his fight with boom we've ever had." the pinball machine. She said ahe But if sellers lower their waan't planning ·on playing expectations and deal realistkally al1boulh the_video..JEame waa on with bu ye-r-s, the -cUl"-rtmt a low table w~ alle and other economic troubles can be wheelchair-wheeling residents weathered, Wood said. could pt to it. H ted th of to e caae a "I can't pla~ because of ~ :BJ bome llated in late '81. hanCJa,' Ille e~'raon't-After offeri. it wM sold I« know if It'• arthli.Ua or not,' but I $290,000, just $7,000 below the can't preM t>uttona." µ.ted price. EYES MARKET -Jim Wood says houae sellers have to adjust expectations. While admitting that such lal.-a.re atypical, Wood said that it does show that there isn't a total buyers' market. Wood then listed four conclusions that he bas come to about the current market. First. he said homes must be priced aooording to recent aales, ~Dot current listlno. One problem .. he added, is finding enough sales to make comparisons. SeCondly, a buyer must have a 9eCU1'e yearly income that is three timeL.what the mart.pp oL~ new home will be. For example, the buyer of a $100,000 home with a down of $20,000 and Thirdly, buyers won't assume high interest loans and are reluetant to part with excess cash unless they have an incentive, usually in a hou8e's price. "Buyers read the same newspapers. hear the same news and go to the same coclnall parties as the sellers," Wood said. "They're concerned about the same t.h.iJl4P that the sellers are." Finally, be said that fancy advertising and sales techniques alone will no longer move houlles. "In 'lbe past, the claHic way to sell a hOW!le was to have a lady tn a floppy bat and a man tn an antique car," Wood said. "I drove an antique car for a while, but I don't thfnk that it will Rll houses in the '80s." To weather the current ecooomic problem.a, Wood said that Newport area brokers should work niore cloaely tosetber. fadlitatlng oompari8ona between the going prices of houses. He alao said tbat_oommuni~ appearance and ciVic ~ must remain ~ 90 that people will want to five in the area. "We claimed for many yeera that Newport -wu-immune-to 11 depremlon." Wood said ... I th1J\k that statement wW be put to U>e test." f Brunken driveEs' ... insuran~e rates up 1 yeaFs-: LOS ANGELES (AP) -Under current California law, a drunk driving conviction will Dl'Obably mean~ jail time. It will alao mean ltlaher premiuma for car lns\lrance and tometlmel the lc:m of your policy. >,. DUI -drtvtnc under the biauence -CODvicdon will .,,~ your tnauranee race. dUl'lftl CONSUMER CLOSE-UP ............. ---~ ..... -----............... _..~ ......... ---_. ____ ~,......--...,,. ..... ..,."2"" ..... ~~~--:,~-,:--.----, IPI P/I 1UU M ll•DUI 11n llC1 • I "• .. I • I• , ..... ··---······-··········· ···-· ........ ,. ...... _.,. -···· ·············· ···------· ...... . I tlr~• 1111,.. HHl f I " CtH• ALI ' =:t~•· :=,, • AMr1llef·h•• • ... ,, ..... . .... T -.irlHo It. ...... 111 ••• , • t ---•r loH. ICO 10 ...... •port • 11 l••lo Or••t.i't • It t 1t1111 Int, llPI. a ::::s:~:· ,:~: :t:: '' t11.1,f,fr"'t • 16 C:atl1\.-. ... Iii • a ~=~~.::-~:~;. m~ lt Cllua,.•-• CHJ ;o c1u ....... ~ • 11 C.llM~ ~·· U C•l-lo It•, I) c-•••• too. C"IO H C-ro. l:ero CllPM 1' O.wlo1\t" COYT• ,, C•·~-· noal OUSM lT .... "°""' -· II Deutron DTH 29 DI\... OU'41 )0 Da11•1y .1... DSI. ) 1 lltO, Int. llC U llP Hlcro. Cl"" ll II doruo •••• llJ>I :; :::::: l~,.~•C" ~1.I: l ...... 1. I••· tll 1 Far W.H. hf\. FV, JI rlrtt Aaer.r . PAHi '9 '1111110,.. Corf. rLI • 10 ""orH•r•on rc1111• • t ror .. U •r l. PITt• •2 O•n•r•I i ..i\o, 1DU •J Ce ft•r'al fer•. CTCI •• Oo\de"' lf M. OVM • II~ Cfoeat .. •U•o•f OMI •6 H .. 11. I•~ 1tl M•\ll)#\et.to1 tttL• •8 M•l"I u 1e l•n• Mina ., HHo Htoltn HltCA SO l••1.1t,.OI\ ll\O tJitMU St t•p.,•lel Ptt. UC,E 'l IC•rOnh, l"lc. .. u ~!~ ~~~7~ U• ~m ss 1.o ... ,... us• ~6 l..to"' Co1.trilr'I ,,_,.R "1 Lo• Ah•\t,,• l..AltC SI L•i"•~ "°d LUTWU ~9 MaCo.ba Corp. - 60 Mere"'r' ll• ~ • \ "lC"O C.1111er•l • 61 IOC"rO•••lo°" -.JC:-& •J ~-· lnO MU.,. :; :!! .~!! ~~p =~ . 66 ••••' .. rood u~a 61 •011on to• •CL• 61 ••vport Co,.p. •!WP' 69 .. ...,,o,.t. tlecL lb!' 10 Mellf PCrL , .... ,.. ""''" 1 t lew Wor Id Co• IUWW 12 •~ole1111r "'-d. "'"'l Tl Odot la• OOD lit OWlt••Jt,.al OM•I TS hclrlo Scl•n '" 16 ••r•tord Pet• '''' 11 P•ftf'l P•o ('or• PPAC fl Pt,.,. Mtoro PS.• lt Pf"e• l•J Co, POC • 10 Prtl\lronl• PTll• t 1 loa,ort 0.nl •PTC 12 Ill J1vli.1•l'""'•"' •11 8) Rep. •••OUN!• l!A• St .5enller Corp. sua as s. ...... 011 nu •• SI 110..., Sr• SI.Co' 11 31 heror••t SL• • 88 ""Ith lnl'I. "I &9 .!oul~ V. hn< SOI( 90 ,t•ndard Lo1. 51'DL' 9 1 .5t•n'1ard P•o. SPr • 91 ''""I Hrdro. !TOH :l ~;::~~:i:;:· \~m • 95 l •d1no\f>11 MS TPtCT' 9' T1•,·S<I• TlllP 97 Tran1l•N'• £1 T,tt 91 U l lnduol TOTI lrtlH .,. .... ,. .... ,. .. -.. ,,. •• ftt iNo"91• hVMr' hHa ...... ,~ .... ~ l••I•• 0-•ftl• :::::t. e;m. Co•\1 ..... .,. .... ,. r1111a.ioe .. ""°"" ...... ,.,_ Jve't r •• ......... Anahole """"'' h••h Coat.• "91111 S."l• ha '-'•tt•I• o.. ..... ~!r.~~.:··"· .. wpttr\ h•o• S.nt.• An• 1,.. '"' •n•htl• Coat• Mt•• Sanla Ana •••PGr .. leal"ll\ T'U•lln S.ntt Aft• lrvlnt ""'•"··· hti1l)Ort l•H., S.ftt. ~ Ana trv ll\e &na"••• C...C:.tf\a J.:1••& lnahtol• TusU" .S.nt' An• S.1'L4' •ne ~•lllPOl"t l.fl•Clh lr"w ln• lnl't• I• • l\iint.' Ane N•we>orl h"""' L.a-.:un• "' \ '' O.-en1• '11:Ul~'1 Vl•JO LA4·JM Htll' :rw In• '\"llJ"l4 Ht l 1• l.o• &h•U •I (Ol\4 Me a4 lr•l"• ""'"~ '· •••fl!\. ... ,,,"'. $a1'1l\ .\l'I• hth .. tl)f'I r:oat1 Ml•• HewOOr'\. h•"IP't ,1,1\ J l!f"lOn lrvl n• Co•L, Ht•• S.nt1111 ln• ..... 001"\ s •• ,.,., Coat4 Mlit-.a lt•wPO"t. le40h Anahel .. lna'°l•I~ h•"•I• ~vpn,.r. ... '" S.l"lt"' 41"1• 11\•"••• "•"'Pf>,.l h•,."i lrvl"• S."t• '"• , ...... ". l•wport. k4C''\ lr•lne ttewoo,.l 14eel't r~a\.tn lu•ri• Parlt ...... oort h•"" Yl•t• 3-fl~4 Ana Coat.• "'e•• S-n Cle•.nt.e Oardalt Oro•• Ana~•I• ,,.,.. In• L.ac:.tn• Mt l 1, .. woort .. ,,,.. ();r-anc• 111, .... _ ... 'If• .......... ''1•· ::i:';::-~':.r ... -:i lll•UI .. ti\-"'" ..... '1d1 ••• ,.,,, .. ~ .. , .. ~!1i!,r:;~r •. lull Int .... , .. ~;;!:• r:~· ~~:l. *"l•lt Du. I.el•• IHI llUU 1• .. U . .." .. '"' , .. ~ , ..... Ma1n1t. le ta.J• ,,.111 •• Mra. VoM -" .. ... 1 •• Mii•~•"• ""'' ,r41. Sp4to. t l•a. tY•· lt•l"I' l 101" :::~!~!~:· !o::! !J:•" .. 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It) ~-10-11 1s.6 '· l'-""' 6.• 11.·p.,t tU ~l:~~~ ·l'I t ,•2S 100 Vl\ra1yat....., ULTll: 101 Yeh40h knit • tOl h re• htt • • nt 1,...,.1"' .. (l1'••rl11'14 ' ~onat .:: 0,•\ IC i. J > -•• , l ,,, '·'" '"''•"t.°"' .. " ... ,.. J.O t2.~1.1• itJ,lU 1• ,'II U,)06 Or-a rt It Ot l rtetd too1 • I •4 ~ 10.>'>I -"-~ 0.1] . ~-''··· .1\0' HS . , .~,, ::i :r. ~~f. ~~ lrvll'\• -.. •• •re"I, Pl•"-'°'•' '"':t. ? • "' '· 1'·8' '·" ,.,,,, ... t '"•llt•i• .. so1i1rc• Jteeo'•f""f • T,' IO. ~bl .... 11-,,_. t I~ llTC,lno. VlP .. .,..,,.t. ..... ,,. •• ,ht r?rtterdtnc 1ot V•nt.•• '"". wn ~~1 :::r.~0~f . :CL' 11)9 Veatta nda lw. VISA 110 Vil lor• Co. 11 I Wrtaht. llr\er11 V'RP l11 V1nn'• Int'\ VI C..rlen Gro•• 1\t•UI\ .. vporl ... of\ :S.nt.-a M• fownt.a\n Yal .. woorl ... an Fulle,.tof\ .Jo.• 0.02 • l ' 1.01 11C 10 O•l IC .U llC o.u -11.\ 1011) • 1.0 2.9l •O·Jl·~· ~.a 6-J0°8t • •·J0°l I •.l ll·l'·'' ].t •2-11.10 l-Jt-51 ~.1 12. J 1-81 •26 "· '19 lT ,010 t1,UJ '·'" I, l•~ 101,&9\ ·It~ •.3'~ ·•11 , .11119 ,.. .,,, 10.••• 'Catfish Capital' catalogued FLOODWOOD,Minn.(AP)- lt'1 not easy being the Catfish Capital of Minne.:>ta. especially when your cl.aim to fame is bigger than your water tower. l{esldents here yearned to .have "Catfish Capital" painted atop the water tank so travelers approach ing on Minnesota 73 could 1ee the full title without bavina to drive in a circle around lt. Individuals and businesses went foe-the pro~ hook. line and sinker. About a5 of them contributed $616 -enough money to put the 14-letter title on both sides of the tower where it could lure traffic from the highways that intersect in the city of 648 people. It seemed like a good idea. The 30-inch letters could be read from a distance and the price of $28 per letter was within budl{et. But the sign painter figured out "Catfish Capital" just wouldn't fit twice on the tower unless all 28 letters were reduced in siz'e, which w ould make "Catfish" look like a minnow from afar. With no time to waste -the Floodwood Catfish Festival is schedwed the weekend of July 23 -the City Council debated ·o nly 90 minutes before concluding there's more than one way to skin a catfish. T.hey voted to shorten the to~er title by three letters -to "catfish City." • GRAND OPENING THE July 19th (Mon.) thru 24th (Fri.) SCOOP DECI ICE CREAM SHOPPE FREE SOFT DRINK WITH EVERY ICE CREAM PURCHASE & balloons for the kids MARINERS VILLAGE ACROSS FROM THE COFllE IMPORTERS VISIT OUR PATIO OVERLOOKING SCENIC DANA P0Wt HARBOR 493-8849 Hawthorne Christian School "f'or The Right Start In Life"' .,_.dTrip1 · ePknkt ecr0tts eSwimmtno JUNE 21ST THRU SEPT. 10th meetings planned J'ree bu1l n e 11 oonhrencH will b offend to lml11 bwdnlm entrepreneun, owners and m ana1 er1 on Tue1day1 from 2 to ' p.m. tn th• J'ldellty Federal BuUdin11 2700 N. Main St., Suite 4'00, Santa Ana. Th• co-1ponaora for theM procrama are the Service Corpe of Retired Executivet (SOORE) and the U.S. Small Bus1nat AdmlnJstratfon. -Aua. 8, "Should YOU Go Into Bualnml?'' led by William Davia of Garden Grove, former president of Western Consumer, Ind. -Aua. 10, "Problems The Small BUlinemnan .......... •" 01 • !al!:.,°!;"" ..... ., •.oe,.. MCI OIP -t n .111 .-11. •• ... ....,... -.1100·.-noa '"...,.,toe ..... ., r...-.,..,.,,..,.-.-....-, .. ~.-................... ,. -0. ... tit.IN.,........,... UI .... .... -. ..... 1m • •1.11 .... """'.., • ... -. I .... ., ............. ! ..... , Olf.r explr• Jury 31, 1982 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY•,,,,,,_""" • WE Wll ILL lllU Ill lllELI. OILL 1101 UllPIL 1 L •o• 1011aP.R• L•A•111a 7 13800 Beach Blvd., WHtmlnater, C•llt. 714/892·--·1 714/138-2500 '-----------~------------------------------------------~·! ·' ~·. Muat Solve To Ber;::::::::::::::=:::::=:=:=:=:=:=:===============================~ Succe11ful," led by Edward E1trln of Laguna Hllla, former owner of a furniture manu1actwina company. -Aug. 17, "Save Your A11eta," led by Harvey Brewington of Laguna Niguel, former president, Empire Insurance Co. -Aug. 24, "Business Goa.la -How Do You Plan To Get There," led by Wilfred Walter of Laguna Hllla, former president and owner of a gift and book store. -Aug. 31, "How To Avoid Pitfalls In Business," led by Garry Hollaar of Laguna Hills. CONFUSED ABOUT YOUR IRA ACCOUNT? SELF-DIRECTE TRU ST MAY BE YOUR ANSWER Don't will 1nothe< day. Call now for J)(ofesslonat lnformatloo & details. Ian Rednall (714) 955-1191 PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY A FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL VEA, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China, Crystal, Porcelains, Bronzes, European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including fine watches. solitaire diamond rlngJ, earrings, gold chains. cluster diamond. ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE ft6HT Fri., 16th, Sat., 17th Sll'I., 18th, 8:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P .M. · 5:00 P.M. Ir 7 • 8 P .M. Sale fich ts Property of several prominent Leisure World residents, together with Inventory of well-known L.A. Jewelry In financial trouble. Also. out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) Newport Beach CONSIGNMENTS ACC~D '11l 5 P.M. A double tax break for Californians only. No U.S. in com e taxes. No state income taxes. ) TAX-FREE Federal taxes. S tate taxes. The more you make, the more they tak e. But, now you can keep it all. 11.92% * Payable monthly When you invest in the California Series of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund, you keep everything you earn. Nobody takes a penny of it. Not the State. Not the IRS. It's completely tax-free•. And the current yields are attractive. 11.92% -and that's after all sales charges and expenses. And there's no management fee. We think that you'll agree that the Ca lifornia Series of the Municipal Investment Trust Fund scores high on all counts. All of the municipal bonds in the fund are rated in the category A or better by Standard & Poor's or Moody's. Becusse it's a fued portfolio you 'JJ know exactly where your money is invested. And, because it's diversified, your risk is reduced. You may redeem or sell your units at any time without cbarge or interest penalty at the then prevailing market price. If you 're a Californian in a high tax bracket, double tax-free income may give you a lot more spendable income. Write today for a Prospect us. It's free and without obligation. Just call or mail the coupon. --------------------------~----------------.ShHnonl American Exo,... Inc. 650 Nftpon Center Orlv9, Sult. C Nft'pOft a.ch, CA ntl«J (TU) ,., Ma •Attn: ,.,,...,,...,, o·eonn.r. ~t E>tfoutM • t ., , AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE •11•u11011\ llOl(~ll•• fliDl\Ollf fMl lllW •Ull .......... ,,,,,,( ,.. *'°" ""'" ..... ClllCll1114ll nou U(tltltOIUNO Ul't•tla n •111 Iii" Allbtli\YINl1 ff .. t ·, I~ '1 t4 I "' I I n i.. 1 .. , '' i, I " 1~ .f;: 11r1 p, ... , 1 •• lmpOCt l'• "• lmpll\d 11'• ~ o lmoO•I QI fO l•o 0.. '"IQN 1• ,'• ' '"'''°" fO IO \. '• ,,. \y ' .. ... '"'~l "' 1•1 .... '" '"'!'" " .. 1 • '"' "' ~ •1'-I'· '"' •• Q '° .. '"' .,..,,,, .. . •1.. ~.~ :111'~1 Jt :3 fl ti' I ,z2tt. \ 10 • L , .::~, .,. u 1•, 4\t ,,..5e•w n ' .. '"'°'' n • f 't IOf'tf(_\ \ •·. \ • troq&td i~ .... lO .. Still little sign slump ending • IS ·i :~ '. l' ..... ,. . ·~ ' I •' i ' ' I ,. ' . . , ' . ! ! J .. f l I . f ,. ' I I ' Two yeara a10. Oranae CW:!f pemment• hl&h-' paid o -Admlnlatrative Officer Robert Thomu -earned $&7,200. Today, u a l'ftult of action Jut . week. Thomu ea.ma $78,620. In two yean. his ulary bu lncreued $21,320, or 38 percent. Thomas, who still holds the top apot on the aalary Uat, wu among numerou1 executive managers who received salary increuee. They ranpd from a low of 4.8 percent for Public Defender Ronald Butler to 11.8 percent for Fire Chief Larry Holms and Environmental Manaaement Agency Director Murray Storm. The average inereaae wa SU percent.- By comparison, lower level county employees received increues of 7 .8 percent. It is important to note that the salary increases granted the county executives came in the midst of the nation~s worst recession since the Great Depreesion. Thia year, executive. at hundreds, perhaps thousands qf firms_. have been forced to foreao ~ salary increases. Many have had to accept salary reductions. Beyond the relative siz.e of the increases, it is somewhat d11turbh._I to look at the way executive man.aaement lMreuln are pant.ed. Two county 1upervl1on consult with. the rema1nJ.nc three board members and the county penonnel director U)d .recommend lncreaM9 on an individual blala. Whatever the averace Increase turn• out to be la automatically UMd aa the bull for the lncreue atven 1upervlaon. What all this meant ta that lt ii 1n the supervisors' beet intereat (monetarily, of coune) to give large increaae9 to the executive managers. That way, superviaors ensure they get hefty increues, too. It~ an ablolute conflict of interest. The practice should be abolished. One final thought on the salary increase i11ue. Bruce Neatande, the boa.rd chairman, observed at the outset of thls year's county b\ldget hearings, "I believe lt la Unperative that we continue to cu~ squeeR and trim, becauee moet likely, every future year wW be another tough budget year." · As usual, the words aounded just right. The board's salary action said much, much more. Snuff tobacco support Congress finally has taken a sensible step toward curtailing a government program that makes no sense. The Senate has concurred with the House in passing a bill that would substantially cut subsidies for the nation's tobacco farmers. It i s a significant step forward, but it still is only a step. Congress eventually must eliminate the tobacco price support program. It is a gross example of unnecessary government mtrusion into the private marketplace. Taxpayers pay millions to prop up a naITOW interest group, and there ia no logic to supporting tobecoo farmers when the government for years has been telling citizens that smoking is bad for their health. Like many other agricultural subsidies, the tobacco program was begun during the Depression, when the federal government introduced crop price supports and production restrictions to aid desperate farmers. It has long since outlived its usefulness. The bill, given reluctant support from tobacco state congreasmen, would require fanners, rather than taxpayers, to cover losses from price supports. which farmers receive when crop market prices fall below a target price. Also, the secretary of agriculture would receive authority to curtail future increases in price supports, which would allow American tobacco to remain competitive with less expensive imports. There also would be a cha}lge in "productton rightB," issued' by the government as a kind of authority to grow tobacco. Non- prod uci ng e ntities would be required to hand them over to actual growers. Under the current system, many fannen ate forced to lease the rlgh ts from the holden. Tobacco state congressmen, led . by Sen. Jesse Helms. R-N.C., would have preferred no tobacco support legialation. But the southern lawmakers promised such a bill last year when an effort to kill the tobacco program outright was narrowly turned back in Congress. We are pleased with ~e of the curtailment bill, and urge President Reagan to sign it. We also hope that the next time Congress has the opportunity to .. dump the tobacco support PJ'Oil"ain that it makes the moet of it. It makes no sense for Washington to both discourage and support tobacco use. More importantly, tobacco growers, whatever the hazards of their product, should stand on their own feet. fleach crossing hazardous Public accesa to the once private stretch of sand. between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach has enabled all to enjoy the aesthetics of nature along the most scenic portion of the Orange Coast. But too many seem to ignore the risk that goes with this new privilege. Establishment of a state park along the 4.5-mile stretch has brought an onslaught of beachgoen, especially now during sUnny summer days. There-are more-veht-cles parked along the curving, hilly. Coast Highway and more pedeati:ians 'feavlng their way acrma the pavement than ever seen before in the area. V ehJcle1. on each side of the incline of road at El Morro beach near the Laguna Bach city Umta are usually parked bU'l'nper -to -bumper. ~ And, u often bappena. thca at the beach chooee to make their way back to thelr can between 3 and 6 p.m .. That'• when the ocean wind normally arrives, chaalna away all but the hearty surf and sm"1 enth\lliuta. · And thole hOW'I, of coune, are the ~ durl.na whlch eouth coast commuters are homeward bound. More than once a motorist, weary from work. is forced to slam on the brakes to avoid pedestrians strolling across the roadway -often burdened with surfboards, beach gear and small children. There are no crosswalks, no ligh ta, no traffic officers. Pedestrians, according to the rules of the road, have t.De tight.o-Y-way, but too many~ to feel thie. includes the right to stroll ac:rom a busy highway aa lf out tot a Sunday walk ln the country. · So motoriltl must be doubly cautious, regardleH of thelr fatilUe or the dlatraction Of the scenic coutllne. . What WU ~· w.u.r.ly, relax1ng drive has beocine a !!al danger.~ A red nae at lifeguard · ttatione meana unsafe ripttdee and warm bathen not to ao lntO the , ocean. Some wamtna method or at tea.st beefed up ~ patrola are needed before serious tncidenta mar the joy of summer ou_tJ.np at the MW bMctl perk. • It's time to eliminate Fed To the F.ditor: In response to the editorial ln the July 6 Pilot regarding the Federal Reserve Board, I would strongly suggest that before )'OU write any more opinions regarding the board that you atudy its history that will show the fraudulent aspects of its inception; its responsibility MAILBOX for the "boom and bust" cycles that we've experienced since the Great Depressio~ and that many economists including Dr. Milton Friedman blame the Great Depreaaion on the Federal Reserve Board. You might also be surprised to learn of the political activities of the Federal Reserve Board s uch as the over- expansion of the money supply by Dr. Burns in 1972 so that Nixon would be elected. In the words of Congressman Wright Patman, Chairman of the Banking and Currency Co~on. in an article that he wrote for the American Bar Association Journal in 1975: ... In no amall measure, Dr. Bums is personally responsible for our inflation." You should also know that the Federal Reserve Board is controlled by banks. Both the large eastern commercial b•nka and the leading inves~J'lt banking inatltutiona of Wall Street . which were respo~e for the original act establlihing the Federal Reserve Board in 1913 have virtual control of the Federal Re.erve Board today through not only the proposals of members of the Board o( Govemon to elected officials but through the selection of five members of the Federal Open Market Committee who are not appointed by the President O( approved by Congress. Many of those banks have made record profits during this recession. YOU SHOULD al9o be aware that the Federal Reserve Board is the only privately owned central bank in the world. How else in a democracy can we look to anyone but the representatives of the people to run our government? To do otherwise, eliminates the democratic process. To quote Senator Cranston from the bill Which is presently before the Houae of Representatives to amend the Federal Reserve Act: "The present high-interest rate policies of the Fed may be right or wrong. That is arguable. But I do not believe it is arguable that it is inconsistent with representative democracy for such tremendous power to be wielded by a board that is not Gardner's Column politically accountable.'' And finally, you should be aware of the fact t~ while the Federal Reserve Board operates with an exclusive license to ..create money and then lend It to our government at intereet and then do as it pleases with the money that our government pays it in interest without the approval or cohsultation of any 'elected repret1entative of government end without audit is totally contrary to the democratic process and is long overdue for change. ft is Interesting that at the present Ume, both the conservatives in our government, as well a.a the liberals, have 21 bills ln the House and Senate impacting the Federal Reeerve Board. Every other country in the world owns its central bank although at one time many of them were owned privately as ours ia today. We are long overdue for the elimination of this illegal and fraudulently conceived institution. -RANDALL PR~LEY TV ad i'nluriates To the Editor: I am l.nceNed that a TV station is running a pollUcal commercial paid for by the Republican party, wherein they depict a letter carrier touting President Reagan as obtaining benefits for Social SecUrity redptents. He bu attempted twice to reduce Social Security benefita. and hu been blocked' both times by Congress. Thia erroneous commercial, paid for by the Republican c.ommittee, further goes on to state that President ~an always keeps his promlaes. Who dreamed up that blatant lie! President Reagan baa failed to keep his campaign promises as far aa the two COLA i.ncreues for civil service annuitants are concerned, and 'wanted to eliminate the OOLA increue completely. Failing in that, he h.u progoeed to change the computation fonnUla for the remaining ODClfNl-year OOLA. and alao wants to put a 4 pe~t cap on that, slnce he could not ellinina1e ft completely. PRESIDENT REAGAN'S expressed ooncem for the ~nior dti.r.enl ia negated by the fact that he is overlooking senior dtiz.enl from the federal 8'ctor. He is alao dom, hie best to reduce and/or elimina~ beneflta for the needy - Medicare, V.-elfare -the lilt goes on and • L•H•rt ,,_ ,....,, •••••I<-. The •'9ht to conoenw l•t· ••" to tit tPe<• ~ ell rnlr,.t• UNI '' ,.__ utt.,, of JGO _..ell fll I-Wiii 119 9IWf1 ll"•fe .... ct. All lelttn ""'" Ill· ch1Cle Sl1Nh1,. 11111 rn1111111 lelelr•u !NI ~ mey lie ••th!WIO Oft r-t If Wflidefll r••M>n " '-<eflt "'-try will "°' i. puootMci Letter• m•'I' JMt t .. •~ to Wl.._. N•m• 1nd ,,._"""'"'of the CCllll,.bulDr must be glv"' for •ertllClllan -POMI. on. At the time of their lives when people feel that they can relax and rest on their retirements, annuities, Social Security, etc., they now must worry how to pay their bills. ' The commercial ends with -"Give the guy a chance". That goes two waya -let him start giving the little guy a chance. I have no empathy for anyone who thinks only of the rich "cats"; and cuts, or has attempted to cut, every program in existence for the needy. The President and the Republican party must. b e getting shaky and desperate to resort to outright lies and taking credit for the very benefits that they are trying so hard to eliminate. Social Security recipients are too intelligent to be fooled twice by f~. empty campaign promises. FLORENCE JOHNSON Policy 'discriminates' To the Fditor: I enjoyed seeing the picture and reading the captain concerning the baby gifts collected during a shower for the new prince of England held at Costa Mesa's Tea and Sympathy Restaurant. The gift-wrapped package of presents has apparently already been hand delivered to Buckingham Palace and, Qj. coune, to the royal couple. Sheila (Ton0 Bruner hosted the shower at her EngUs:ti tea shop. To those of your readers who are not familiar with Tea a~d Sympathy I recalled an incident a couple of years ~ when my wife stopped by with our twp small children who were. at the tiJnt, "house trained." She was in need of tea but not necessarily sympathy -she got neither. She was informed by the management at Tea and Sympathy that they could not serve her with small children on the premises. ON READING the article in the DailY. Pilot I was prompted to call Tea -and Sympathy to see if they had changed their posture of discrimination against small children; they have not. To quote the employee who answered my question "we do not accommodate children." Why indeed have a baby shower? Surely lhis smacks of mis- pl.aoed Anglophobia with-a touch of hypocrisy thrown in. Incidentally the "new prince ol England" will hopefully grow up to find that there is still a United Kingdom of Great Britain -or will Scotland, Ireland, Wales be likewise discriminated. against? We are not amused! DAVIDA.W. YOUNG Wrapped up in arms of the deep ~ By ROBERTGARDNEK' Bober.t-Ch.rdner 1• a-seml-l'eUred jumt, frequent emcee and .miOI' body aurflng enthuaiut along the Or•nge Coast. . The octopus has received bad prea. It la really a rather shy, retirinC ca-.ture that alb only to be left alone. However, beeauae ot 8J:pearance, It hu become a ==~Y. ·~ creature in fiatlOll -My experience with the octopue ~ been pleasant and rewardlns, altboulb I must admit that an aborUve attempt to ~ a real monster an the llland ol satpan during World War D ICl.nd the livtna bejMUa out of me.· Wait for a minus uae, arm youne1l with a box of salt, go to the mud flata, wander aiound until you find-• bole surrounded by clean shells, and pour aome salt into that hole. There are lots of holes surrounded by dirty shells. Ignore them. The bole bu to be surrounded by clean ahella. That means a live octopus is in that hole. Just walt a few minutes and, lo and behold, a couple of tentacles will ..appear first, then &ally the whole octopus ~ It LI amazing the aile of creature t comes out of one of tboee amall bola. B•AND NIW 1981 -IOYOIA TIRCI~ 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed tlW'ltmlak>n, bucket ... ta and fully factory equipped. (448217). Don't mlaa tt\I• economy apecfal at onty 'BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 lpeed tran1mlaalon, bucket 1eat1 and fully factory equipped. (258«0). Thll week's special at only 55099 BRAND NIW 1982 10¥0TA CILICA GT Uftbadl. 5 tpeecl trw., lllr oondttlonlng, pow tteertng, crulle control l floor mate. (087902). A 11'1* value at onty ·s1499 • BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed ~ ton model with 4 speed tra.nemlaalon and Is fulty factory equipped. (037859). One tough truck for only 55799 BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 4X4 PICKUP Standard bed deluxe. 4 speed trans., AM/FM MPX stereo r9dk>, window package & apeclal lkte protection mofdlnga. (048800). Go 4 wheelln' for only ThinkJng of selffng your car? If IO, please conSider our TRIEX 1Y9tem. We will sell your car as you ·would but consider our plua8es1 We will advertise, qual· ffy d prospects, take trade-ins, ~ve available financing & do all ~ wodcf ~~car II told all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! C.W our ~IEX 1'9preeentative to hst your car today! 714-e4&-9303 714-540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS 1• ORA•IE ·cou•TYlll 1171 •ALUMEI SMIT 111PE Auto. Ir#&, air cond., ltereo tape, ~ eteertng, Ink• & wtndowa, tit ..,..., eloy Wheela. new T\t-T one '*"' a 1ow --. c111Jt<1a..» 0on·1 mm we 9'Mt buy ror onty "IM"~ 4 IPMd .,.,,._, Aw.FM caaMlte. power 1tHrlng, power brakH, ~ wlndowa. ainroof & morel V91'f cleMI (049TZU). A rMI lteel at b9eow Wh aln 111 bluebook at 11711mft ... -, ... 1 .. 11,.E llTMlll OPE. &:onomal 4 lpeed with air cond .• '8dk>, tltt ..,..., roof '8cil, custom Interior, exterior trim pack1ge & morel Exceptional ln1lde & out! (507XJK). 1111 IPEL . .. 1nm111PE" Great tranaportatlon with an automatic tr~. stereo tape and morel Orlalnal and ci.en tnalde & out. (772RDH). '2299 1111 TIYITI •UOAlllPE Popular I apeed with air cond., power alNil~ I 6ralt•. 1tereo cauette, alloy whM!a & exterior trim package. (1DMHl38). Don't mlaa thll *'1lnCI ""'-beauty tor ,""•7499 1111 TOYITI COllLU "LIFTIACI" Auto. tran1 .• air cond ., power ltMrlng & bfak•. AM·f:M rlldlo, exterior trim p•ck•oe & more. f18P05m. G.r•t economy & .....,. ttyllng at futt . 96499 CEUCI "I. T. LIFTIACI" Top perlorm811Ce 5 epeed with air cond .. AM-FM 1tereo. Ult wheel, re•r window shade & more Sparkling red me1alllc finish with under 18,000 mllesl Mutt aeel (1AIK560). 96699 1171 IWI "ILC" UTCIUCI Economical 5 speed tnanamtulon with air cond .. stereo caaaette. exterior trim package. deluxe lnterlol' & morel (075WFP). A real buy at Jult 93299 11n1111M ... . .......... ""'&ol""'IOl_m_lloll_ I IOeed wtlt 11r oond., atereo OHHlte, exterior trim paok•G• a more. (7HZLF). An outstanding buy .. onty 1171 IPIL "IELllE CllPE" .Autometlo tranwnfMlon, atr oond., AM-FM radio, exterior trim peci(11Q9 and morel An outstanding car In ~respect! (854UPO). -t3499 .. \ ,,.,,,,,, .• OITHO KLEEN UP .............. M&2.99 •14idf.1+ PANTENE er...c1 •11• With Untlngttr/Comb 1&3.99 .. ,.,,,,, .• AFTATE M11NIUL SPIAY....,_ .. J.99 '!'i§ij.~ TROPIC SUN LOTDI tr Oil .., ...... 1&2.99 .. ,.,,,.- ... rm11ur .. a11p STAYFREE llUl-PADS ......... a, ........ STAYFREE -.PADS . 34 .9 5 !!!!!AL!!!=:LER==EST========:;;;;; 8AVE•4.00 TAM.ETS Alltr11 M1dldllt SUNIUll . MIST 'N DRY IWIKTTD 71TIMetl 3.99 RJ. .. , CUllOL ·suMMER ~BlONDE •mt II .. IWr U .. 1111r =s~•:::-•3· 29 Sutt or A-Lot - of Sun l~UllN • KERI' . APPUAPPU L01IOM APPLE JUICE Regular or Scented No Sugar or Prewvatlvtt Added. • Triple Protection ARRID , D1U DIY SOLi) =-1·.u·9 Scents 2 oz. EA. «if'JJ.t- DRISTAN DU01Gmawr MSALlllST ~~gular 119 Menthol Y, tL •i*Ji'.X·• NORnco . CURL FRIEND 14 Oedrk........., •Jfij:l·- KAOPECTATE -COMCQfT'Ull For Relief of Diarrhea UNICAP M llULTl-mAMINS 11 Vitamins plus Iron & Minerals ' _::""""" ___ ___,,. rAIHION 19CTION or no, OaANO• COAIT DAILY PILOT • SUNDAY, 4'ULY 18, 1H2 ( 0 D .· E lghty peopl• coming to dlnnerl For most women, that would be an Impossible undertaking. But for Jean - -Alc:frlm, entertaining large groups at the University House In Newport Beach Is a normal occasion in a well disciplined lifestyle. As the wife of Daniel ·Aldrich, chancellor of the University of Callfornla, Irvine, she often has the opportunity to meet and entertain people from throughout the world. Case in point: a recent reception for which she was hostess to honor the visiting president of the University of Peking . . She says she enjoys meeting the people, and its fits comfortably with another love of her life -traveling. In J 971 , she and her husband spent four months on a trip around the world. Jean was born at Fort Mills Corregidor In the Philippine Islands where her father was a U.S. military .officer. She has lived in Panama, Hawaii, Virginia, Arizona and Florida. "Som~tlmes I feel like a newcomer to Newport Beach," she said "and then when I look over a list of activities with whic.b I have been involved, I realize I have been here 20 yearsl" Her latest Involvement is acting as moderator for the July 29 Conference on Homeless Women which will take place at the Concert Hall. Fine Arts ' .. Village at UCI. f She became interested In this conference through her church, the United Church of Christ, which she serves as corporate board member and also as a member of the board of directors of Homeland Ministries. She Is past moderator of Corona del Mar Communfty Church and the Southern California Conference of UCC and served six years on the National Stewardship Council of UCC. Jean also serves on the board of UC Irvine Town and Gown, Childrens Hospital of Orange County, South Orange County YWCA and Pilgrim Place Retirement Home in Claremont She also is chairman-elect of the Women's Division of National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. The 1981 Panhellenic Athena award was given to Jean for her many philanthropic endeavors and during the same year, she served as Chair of the Disneyland Community Service Awards Committee which recognizes organizations involved with helping others. With all her committee and board meetings, Jean still finds time for jogging, surfing and tennis. She is the mother of three; Daniel G. Aldrich Ill, Elizabeth Toomey and Stuart Hamilton Aldrich. She and her -· r husband have seven grandchildren. Jean received her BA dgree from the University of Arizona and did graduate study at the University of California, Berkeley. , •• relatM story P•e• Cl. ··fl.'llfl.!N. Nat tilM ~ 10 to the beiidi. tillAt a)Oni I I CU\ of club ... bu\ "°' to ditnk. • • • Allo, .Up a botu. or tube of hAlt conditioner ··into~ btlCh .... 11 The IUn, Mlt WIW ind the Wt.rid an all 1-1 • · 11Wm1e1 ot your h&lr, MY' Stew lllenbeJll, Ownlr of Steve'• Halt Happen.t.na in Coe1a M ... After you come out of the water and are just &ounQln8 on the MDd. pow" the dub IOda over )iow'-halr to rlnle qut the llllt water, fluff up ' your hair and rub in 1 little-conditioner. If you are really brave, you cen allp a p1ut1c: baa over the hair and pt the equlalent of beauty . · ulOn heat conditlonlna treatment. While you ' play, the 1un will provide the heat, Steve uya. . "If you have on a cute bathlnl .Wt, nobody · will notice the plastic baa on your herd," Steve tauahed. ~::~~png and slim ... " ~.: · ·The more el89Qnf the gala : : :....; the slimmer and longer the :<trn.. :~: · That's the rule for selecting :: e'tening wear for fall and : winter 1982. Members of South Coast . Repertory guilds anticipating a :-wry elevant gala on Sept. 11 : had an opportunity to view : luxurious choices at a breakfast fashion show hosted for them by Bull~k'1 Wilshire, Fashion Island. "It's a season for options. :. Short is the new way for :· evening," said Rosemary Troy, · fashion coordinator for BW and show commentator. Black and white kept • showing up on the ramp. And although jewelry is kept to a minimum, several styles were softened with pearls. Small elegant evening bags were carried as body jewelry. Among the styles well received by the group were Alberto Manuel's short lace ·-dress priced at $"70 and Halston's two-piece design - floor-length white satin skirt and beaded bodice, $2,500. Alsa Mr. Blackwell's black and metallic gowns, Mary McFadden's duo of silk and lace, Jill Richard's pointe d'esprit strapless gown accented with a large bow centered with a black flower and another Richards creation of black matte jersey bodice and white organza skirt. ::::~: ·•·. ·. ·.•.·. ······ ·.•.·. :-:·:· •···· ... ' ····· .-•···· ...... ... .. -.~.·. •···· ·:·:· ... ·:·:· ... ····· .. •.·. -···· -·:·:· ,,. ... · II •••• • '·:·: :::: f :::: • -.. Want more business? Your advertisement will make a difference in !_..,_._,. .... f VGA In the aummerdme, you actually need to double the amount of conditioner you normally \Ill to prewnt your hair from becomlna dry and brittle. . It'• a aooci Idea. acoordlna to Steve, to wear a hat anytime you're in the aun. ~_you are tannin& your akin. your hair wtll be fadlnC," be warm. • sommer-1ze your hoir Halt atyi. are ahon« for the IWJVner' wttb the touUed ltrandl on the fonMed. "You ahow man ear to t.lanice the lhowtnc of more Jee,'' •YI Si.ve. But you can be ln step with IUmmer even if you are "°' the lhon hair type. "Sweep your Iona hair to ont -lidt lllld '--buftUel to-,... lt.-u your bethlnc ault .. one that bani Just one lhoulder, eweep the hair to the other aCde for balance. 11 Another trick for aummer hair ii to UM bandl acnm the foreheed. 'Ibey were flnt Wied by tenn1I pla~ but now they .... "tn''-•- ' acce90riel by everyone. Don't just wear one - try a narrow one and a wide one in dittennt colon to match your bath.Ina IUit OI' 21ay clothes. And don't hMttate to experiment Try llantana the bandl at an an&)e." Lookina ahMd. Steve U)'I ahort hair will atW be 1'ln"for f.111. but It w1ll be a little fuller oa the lkiea to balance with wider ~ fall fMhJorw. If ~ly th~~~.f ~~~your skin I WE NOW HAYE COLLAGEN TREATMEHT I • The collagen f~ In the akin undergo damage from aging and o~~­ expoaore to the 1un that contribute to the appearance of wrlnkl• and other outward lign1 of age. • El.lropean salon -facials · • La1t1 tlnt1 and Individual lutin • Make-up applicatlon1 and lfuona • Cotmetlc peels • Comp! ... hne of natural akin cate produm I • Gift oenlftc:a• •Cellulite control • W1udng for hair removal Clristkle V*"Y ski1 c•• S.._ for Men Ind Women: . . I 11 'I " " • "" .. I I .. " ' I I' II ' I I 'II , . 1111 l'111ilt.,., 11111Ht111'''·'' 3431 Vfl ()pom>, Suite A. Newport Be8Ch. CA t2e83 ~.....,.......,"'Udo ....... 7141675-5700 to study problems ofi () C They call th•m "bl.I Wain.n." • TMy wanct.r the atrettl aim1-1y or loiter around \fain and t..11 ltaUona. Ttiii&r :J:••lllona IN worn or .,.. canted "' ..... and they IJMp ln ~ °" ~ )imcbll or any p1tce \My can ~ ~ ln far off, war tom landa? Vkl*ni GI harUi, bta city Uf•? . Not MCJ1•1rUy. A ._ble condn,ent of tt11111 unfortunate women llw here ln affluent Oranae County. OrDn.IMtiona workinl to help thele women tstlinate that there are 4,000 of them throuahout .tbe county. 0 lt la difficult to provide an·~ number," .sd JMn Aldrich, ''becauee thll ta a 1esment Of our 80dety that wiahet to be inviatble." Aldr1oh ii moderator for the July 29 (8:'45 a.m. to 3 p)'ft.) confeNnee on homeletm women to be held ln the c.onc.rt Jbll, nn. Artl'V~ at Unlwnlty of California, lrvtne. SponlOl'ld by tHlt ~ Coounty C'.oalition for the Homet.... \M oont.rence will fOCUI on the probleml of the hOmeMli w~lop pc:ll£tlw ttra_... and mObWle cornmUnlty acUon and r.ourc... Ann Marie aou...u, author of 0 8hooolna ~1 LadlH," and Bonnie Prlv~){atlonal tlon for the Homel .. , New , will be amons the apeakers. The Bev. Or. Jane Ann Moon, United Church of Chriat, ii conference convenor. Dtec:u..lon of the Oranae County homele11 woman will be directed by Jean Forbath, Share Our Selves; Mike Ellu, ChriaUan Temj)Ol'ary Housing and Mary Doualau, South Oranae County YWCA. How San Dle10 deal.a with bomelea. women will be dilcuaaed by Stater Ray Monda DuValil from the HOUM of Rachel and SllW Ruth !:dwudi and JW Halvenon, Women'• Center . wtD 11111 of tMll' work with °" heme1-women lituatian "' Loi A.npleit. PhOtotrapha bj Joan Roth; ..... u. Je.n Marte 81.mOft and Julie Thayer wtD be on exhlbtt durtna tM contwence. 11M exhibit ii IUJ>oorted by the Nat&onal Jl'.ndoWnMmt for the Aita, the Samuel Rubin J'oundation and the Unlted Ch~h Boerd for Homeland Minlltri•. A buffet luncheon wW be terved at noon In the Olive Grove when 1peaker1 will be Supervlaor HarrleU Wieder and Santa Ana Mayor Gordon Bricker\ and Larry Atfan, Irvine ""yor. . Other conferenc. plannere who function u a.n ad hoc committee to raise the public cona:!iousnell of the altuatlon of the homele. are . Marty Belk:Np. Mary Ann GaJdo Fay Le.iter, Barbara Lovell, Marv Miller, Mary Moehy, . Roberta Reapn, Gwenda WatlOn, Jo Cainet and Nonna~nq. ''TheM "tomen we are trylna to ~lP.'' explained Aldtkh "are not all at &he bOttom of the plle. Some .,.. ln their m1dclle y~_ ~)' have been deMr1ed and limply cannot handle l'elOU.l"Ce9. They have I01t all contact wtth t~ f.amtllea. Some are vlct.lma of akohollam and other are YOUJli women whoee famillm can no Jonier cope with them." One or1anlzatlon ln Oran1e Cour1~y provldtn1 temporary hou1tn1 haa complted atatlltica showing that of 3,244 requesta for aid, help waa availab1e ln only ~90 casee. . Mary Douglua of the South Orange eouOty YWCA, aaya her office receives an aven1e. of three can. daily from homele.a women. · Further lnformat.lon on the conference D)8Y be obtained from Dr. Moore, 551-8436. ByVIDAD~ °' .. ...., ......... THEY MADE IT: The hot air balloon didn't go up, but the bidding did, and they reached the goal of $80,000. The hot air balloon was suppoeed to accent the Cocktail party area to carry out SCR'a auction theme "Tfie Sky's The Limit."' A prOfilem develoPect with the big prop, Barbara Grady said as we arrived, but the C:O.ta Mesa theater group's fundraiser got off the ground without it. SCR auction hits with 'The . Sky's the goal Limit' Small inflated balloons were substituted, tied to the fountain, and 500 guests enjoyed cocktails and buffet delicacies Including grilled shrimp and swordfish while the Oversextet provided lively background music. Inaide, guests tdok part In a silent auction and picked up bargains at a flea market set up in the Second Stage . .The bia auction followed at the main staee where auctioneer Melvin Geller, delivered his patented rapid-fire pitch to aell more than 60 items, including vacation trips, dinners, ~rt objects a variety of services and even two live puopl~ three-month-old bearded collies. ~· When the last "Sold" was shouted, General Cbainnan Jane Martin announced the goal of $60,000 had been reached. That brought the 1981-82 annual fund campaign total to $621,000. The· annual auction party la the only event at SCR th.at Involves all support .uoups. This year, the event closed with a variety show wtuch though late in beginning, nevertheless kept most of the audience around. The variety show began with piano selections by John Ellington and featured performances by members of the 1981-82 productions dtrected by John-David Keller. TJ:te event cloeed the curtain on what SCR calls its most s~ful aeason ever. Mary Dell Lucas Shan aw SCR supporters Pat and Dick Allen ' Sllverfem ... A short and ~nt you'll find Y9lJ can't live without ... use it to ploy hard or just to lounge. Avolloble In 14 colors. --------------- , I from New Zeolonct ~~~ 56 FASHION ISlAND · NEVv'PQRT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 See more Porty Wrap on Page C4 Auto insurance a woman can count on Waterford wrote the book on Crystal. A must tor collectors. Waterford, An lrlJh M by Dublln native Ida Gnthan. Is the ftrst major,· • book on ttltl wor1d-renowned aystor. More thar\ 250 pages In t>eautttul color tell the compteN hlstorY of the erysfa I and Its creatton: $50: Balley Banks & Biddle:; World Renown~ Jewt-lf'rs SinC'f' 1/Jit·~ SOUTH COAST P\AZA, OOSTA MESA first l ..... I. Mar The CorOUlel (7t•l 7&1·~ high-flying Air Force ball I\.~~ . ·•· .• ~WUL;;; Lyan of N.wpcn BMch a. cha1rman E!tht 1th Air FCftl biall. The '200 I plaw • table twnt will be Mld Oct. 22 It the ~ Plala Howl In Loi A.nle1- :·;:: Lyon wtll lhare tht apoU.,ht wtUl the blll'1 *itt COUpW to be fewd U honorary cha1rmen -~l: Oen. Jamea H. Doolittle and hl1 wife, ~ban wu IOld out ln May, 1-than three ~liltb afW the lnvt&aUona were malled by the J'1f Force Amoctatio.n. It beneflta .:iholanhiPt for <ldldren. of ·American MWtary Penonnel and the ·Mi'ol Education Foundation. • .;: ~chairman ta preedent and c:halnnan ~:one of the natlon'• laraeat realdenttal W'e)opment firma, the WWJam Lyon C.O. He 11 -tJab prelldent and chalnnan of Lyon Realty C.O., ~ of the McCarthy Co. and a board )Oenber of H9lden Capital Corporation. He JeQently acqutred A1rCal and ts chalrman of the ~· Lyon retired 11 a major pneral from the #( Force Relerve. ~. ; • The Lyons, ahe ta the former Wllla Dean ~ell, have five chlldren. WUllam Harwell ··~~: the home and Mary S\.mll Brandon. Rhoades, Marci.a Stone 'and Byron They Ibo have three granddaughters. · ONE OF THE BE.5T: "It wu one of the best p'rttea we ever had,10 Peggy Hughe. satd--L.-:;...._ ______ _..;. describing the Virginia Castle Auxiliary party held at the new lUtz restaurant in Newport CHAIRWOMAN AND SPOUSE -Virginia Center. Castle Auxiliary chairwoman Anne Freeman "More than 600 came to the benefit. It was and husband, Roy, at The Rttz. 'supposed to be a petit buffet, but the food supply .wasn't petite at all. It was a very generous buffet. ;. "It's a very large restaurant, but the 1Ddividual dining room gave it a coey, intimate ~o, it wasn't a come and go affair. Most of the people stayed all evening enjoying the food jnd dancing upstairs on the terrace. Everyone 9eelDed to have a good time." MYSTERY SOLVED: Dr. Alan Israel wanted to give his wife, Rebecca, a surprise birthday party. "She's hard to surprise," but he succeeded eomewhat. It happened the day before she expeded it. The party at the couple'• Costa Mesa home /"\. attended by 55 gudtl was "An Evening with -sherlock Holmes." The P1ckwlck Club, custom party plannen, erranaed the surpri9e viding the food and anding along actors as 'lfu1mes and Dr. Watson _, add a little myatery to the celebration. And why did Israel choose a Sherlock Holmes party? It's quite elementary -it's a period of time in literature they both enjoy. "She likes the dramatic. She's studying at SCR's summer conservatory." Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Michael Callie, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kapsner, Dan and Linda Howard and Greg Branett, stunt double for Robert Wagner, and his wife, Barbara care clinic set at Bullock's SOlITHEBN CALIFORNIA medical health, beauty and fitneu expert.I will participate in Bullock's Sununer Skin Care Survival 1982 being held in all aton!9 July 19 tb.rougll July 31. Issues to be addressed include protection against summer sun, heat and smog; the latest medical advances in plastic s urgery and dennatology; fitness regimen for a healthier and more beautiful body; beauty tips to prevent aging, plus a large range of subjects pertinent to total body care. Representatives of leading cosmetic and treatment manufactur ers will present demonstrations. Individual stares may be called for their two- week schedules. SP~ ENVOY Carole Dixon will pre9e11t a trunk 1bowln1 of the Albert Nlpon fall dress col.lectlon 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thunday, July 22, in The Salon at Bullocb Wllahlre, Fasbkln Ia1and. St. John Knits for fall will be mOdeled at Bullock.a Wi.15hire, Fashion Ialand during a 1 p.m . Friday, July 23, ramp show. ORANGE COUNTY Entrepreneunr Club will meet July 21 at 7:30 p.m. at 7231 Garden Grove Blvd., Suite D ln Garden Grove. For infonnation call 645-4770. NEWPORT BEACH Christian Women's Club will meet July 21 at the Airporter Inn, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, beginning at 11:45 a .m . For information, call 544-2921. NEWPORT HARBOR Toutmiatresa Club haa scheduled a luncheon meeting July 19 at 11:15 a.m. at the Balboa Bay Club, 1221 W. Coast Hlgbway in Newport Beach. For reeervatiolll call 640-4256. USC ASSCXl.ATES will meet at the Brias Cunningham Automotive Museum, 250 E. Baker S\., Costa Mesa on July 22 at 5:30 p.m. For information, call 743-8537. SALE _Spring and Su~mer Clearance FIN A L MARKDOW N 60% tO 75% OFF Monday, July 19, Tuesday, July 20 Hours: 10:00 to 5:30 I 024 Bayside Drive Newp!>rt Beach ~~---"""'*'"-'.....,_...,~_,...,.... 7 I 4·640-(RCX) JIM AND GEMS -Diane Whittler, left, and Ri ta Gunkel co-chaired the successtul Cutle Auxiliary party at The Rit.z. With these two gems of organization are their huabands Jim and Jim. ~ I I I NO MYSTERY -Dr. Alan Israel and wife, Rebecca, left, enjoying h er birthday party with characters, Sherlock Holmes, Mrs. Hudson and Dr. Watson. ' I to BYOLBNN~ ........... ,SAllAJ•vo -The train ~ BeJanidt ud S.Uvo 1n Yuao1lavla took almo1l nine boWt to run tw CIOW'lt t!vou&h the flat Wm1andl Md a1onplde IWOllel1 riven. h 1topped at almoat every vtllqe aiona the line. where the ruril folk clu1tered at the 1taUona but never seemed t.o board the ailver can. Old women with acuvea covering their hair, long cotton lki.rta and black boota waited along the tncka, perhapa for le8a luxurious trainl to come lat.er. The old broad-boned women looked as if they could stand there all day. Sometimes they chewed on homemade bread, their mlwh'i teeth evident as they bit into their amall loaves. Other tlmea1 they puffed daarettea. . ~he deep wrinkles In their weathered faces matched the complexion of the carefully From 15,000 to 20,000 foreign tourists are expected to visit Sarajevo during the 13 days of the Olympics, and the new image as a resort is planned to attract many more free-spending Westerners for the years afterward. furrowed plots of land fenced behind nearby houaes. Like the women, the houses were strong and si mple, unpainted and ear.then. Small stacks of winter wheat sat next to the square houaes. The acene could have ocx:urred 50 yean ago, yet the name of the train, "The Olympic Express," suggested that the humble charm of the Balkan countryside is aradually being invaded by the ipodern world. It ta. Sarajevo, a city of 418,000 people. ia echedukd to host the 1984 Winter Olympics. Early announcements by the International Olympic Committee that Yusoalavia would get the prstigioua aames came .. a shock to many sports authorities who questioned the country's ability to stage the even ta. But it came aa part of a carefully planned strategy by officials here in th.ls central hlgblands city who see the games aa a way of pumping foreign currency into their inflation- ridden economy. The capital of Bosnia - Hercegovtna, one of six states that comprise the nation, Sarajevo ia best known as the place where a Serbian petriot named Gavrilo Princip -•nated Austrian Archduke J'ram Ferdinand Md hia wlfe ln 1914 to tanit.e World War L Sarajevo organizers, such as Prem Dtrector PavJe Lukac', are hopina the pma will give the c:tty a new tmaae internationally -and ai.o improw the ttat.e'a low economic atandtng wtthln the country. From 16,000 to 20,000 foreign t.ouri.ata are expected t.o vt.lt Sarajevo dwinl the 13 days of the Olympica, and the new image aa a re90rt la planned to attnct many more free-apendina Westerners for years afterward. Thh fame undoubtedly wtll rerve to 1peed uv the modernization of Sar~~: lin11ke. .taidenta J>f La.Im N .Y ., who objected to the commercialization that llOOOIDpenied the Olympics there In 1980, people here leeln eqer for the chance. Already the leWel' l)'lt.elq baa been improYed and other new put>llc work• proJectt are planned to handle the tourist C:rwb. Gnnd old bu1ld.lnea are 1ettln1 tacellfta and narrow "*91 are 11owbe wldm'. ' But 8erajevo ii DO bKkwooda Oor.nmunt~t de• blidt to the &bird ml um B.C. Ita oklelt standina atrueture, the amaJl a.tuft "Orthodox Q)urch of St.. Mlchael the Archanael, ia belieYed to have been built in the 12th Century. Tbe atreeta are lined with comfortable, if drab, brtck ~ulldtn1• and it baa a ma1nlflcent opera house, a umwnlty, dwWI ol. hlah-rtie .,.._. wt a UvWy Mu.Um ~ wbeN ..-Cban'9 IUll ... dam ... ,,.. tiny ... ~~'=~-· .. ,..... -.. lnllu.nCI ,....., ... la ti.• moequ. and aplrel that tower above the aid town, In the 1trona coffee (11kava'') aerved by demltuee and In the well-guarded 1oelal cuatorna. Sarajevo la billed 11 tM d*J where Eaat meeca Weat. It'• the continental Cubah. It's the pa.. where old men In Mualhn alippen lip Coca-Cola ln a coffee bouae. There ls a real mixture blN. Young women wearina W....-n clothes and makeup atiil may live at home under tight parental restrictions. One university student , drinking a Coke ln a ~ "~rican Bar" said ahe ml&(t be home each night by 10. But despite Western influence and efforts by city officlala to bring tedmologicat p~ t.o the region, tourists who vlsit the countryside still will find the Old World remarkably intact. By any name, a train ride atill will reveal the clusters of 1quare farm houses surrounded by a pat.chwork of irregularly ahaped fields of wheat. Old men on horse-driven carts still paaa slowly over the narrow dirt roada that ar~ the village'• mlin streets. Around Sarajevo, the mountains are craggy and arid. Only at the summits. where the ski races and jumps will be staged, are the focesta green ln winter. Yugoslavia 's climate ia aa varied as California's -and the regional prejudices are just aa strong. To the far .north is Slovenia, alpine co untry where Matte rhorn-like peaks, and stately castles compete for attention with deep blue lakea, which freeze during winter. Once part of the Auatrian Empire, the region of roay- cheeked residents is more prosperous today than moet other parts of the country. One YOWll woman, asked about visiting Sarajevo -where coal, not gas, is ~burned for heat -advbed against it because "It's IO dirty." South of Slovenia ii Crt>etia, which includes the lively capital of Zagreb and also well-vtated American hangouta along the sun-drenched Adriatic cout such as the old port city of Dubrovnik. ,.......,.,...c..,_ Narrow walkways are · commonplace in Sarajevo, Yugoelavia (right). The spire is a part of the mosque where an Ialamic priest still calls his people to prayers. The covered fountain (alx>ve) ia on the grounds of the same moeque. The Muslims draw their holy water there for religious rituals. Alx>ut 40 percen! of the city is Muslim. # Belgrade. the national and Serbian capital. ii eort of the Yugoslavian San Franciaco. It's a comme rcial and cosmopolitan center -and the rock 'n' roll pivot place as well. Acrom '1w confluence of the Danube and Sava rivers, New Belgrade 1a the Daly City of high rises. All of these areas probably will be included in side trips as {>811 of tours to Yugoslavia for the winter games. Another reuon to learn the langua1e: Foreign tourista are expected to be housed in _private homes because the hmited number of ho1ela and dormitories w1U be raerved for dignitaries and the 8,000 members of the mau media, includinf an estimated 700 workers rom ABC-TV. Problems that beset two female American college students here could euily happen again. The students, studying in Vienna, arrived by train and found rooms in a private home through the tourist office. -Fl)!to -or ·s3: Traveling in Yugoslavia isn't without peril, however. Few natives in Sarajevo can speak English well enough to be of much help. The proficient ones work mostly in hotels or in tourist offices. The landlady, however, didn't speak English; the students didn't speak Serbo-Croatian. The fru1tratlng situation finally erupted one day when the landlady angrily called the tourist oUk:e for an interpret.er to tc0ld the women for leaving the front door unlocked. Cultural barriers can be even IDOl"e trouble90me at Yugoslavian airporta. where flights can be re-routed and luggage detained without explanation. Locals learn to fend foe them8elves, which Includes crowding in lines. Towista should be prepared. Another th1n8 worth knowing la that virtually every adult smokes ln Yu1oalavia. Every So far, Olymp6c ticketa and public meetln8 room. restaurant, tours haven't been ~ But or bar baa tta own cloud of intere.ted tcaveleri aboWd bep amoke. ln touch with their travel 811htl People bothered by smoke and the Yugoslavian Na~ would be better off walUng for Tourist Office, Rockefeller the Summer Games in Loa Center, New York, N.Y. 10111, to Antelea. where at least the air ensure their chancee to aee the pollutl0n ii out&ide. games in pel'90n. But ·lf the amoke and language Traveling in Yupla~ 111'\'t. J>roblema can be -overcomt!', without peril, however. Few tourilta tn Yuplavia can expect natives in Sarajevo can speak a fa1Uw time, sped.ally """";£Ull.-t-t Engliih we enoujfltO be of , the Gama much help. The _proficient onee The locala revel ln feuUna work mostly ln hotel• or (n durtn& early afternoon meals. •..ouriat offices. Nodllnl pleMea them more than The number of qualified ldddnl Ol.f their meal with a shot ---1-ton .-.....a...1v will lncrtlfl ~ plum brandy, called waua... .........._,, _..;..a ..... _ ~ during the gamH, but a1aln, anu Wl'CJ• they'll probably be In pomtJoat °' ~ two houn -~ authority and probably not the ~nd , 1e.n~rally enjoyip1 people who would be moei ~ 8round tbi!i tabl_e. colorful to me.et. That aame aplrlt pervade• American travelera would be many of thelr lelaure-tlme smart to apend a few rnonthJ dvitl-. ~ here who acqulrin1 a convenattonal •ttmaded the I980 eummer pma lmowledae of Serbo-Croatlan, In Mmoow -.Id the pma were even If only by l11i.ntn1 to well-nm but =. recorda. The Y~va to put on • L .... _ le ... _ f-''--. eventful ce lion. What uwc peop f/Ver/W~i u... U~ Jft luxury, they aay. Wl11 t.n Sarajevo are men ~· be made up ln Mre.ndiplty -the tow1ata who try to lpeek UIWO'.llb' ndtmnenl ~ -even lf they butdwr~~-,<JBMW ... &be Allt.a Seltzer. on Golden West Airlines when connecting to American Airlines With new 'Jet Plus™'' Joint Fares --- Now when you Jct on American Airlines between Los Angeles and 46 m2Jor U.S. cities, the Plus ls that your Golden West connecting flight from Orange.County Air- port onlfi coas you an additional •3~ when calcubted within a joint fare. i+-.. Jet Ptu1nt" Joint Pare• arc available evcryday on every flight. (With Super Saver &res, restrictions apply.) + One stop ticketing and automatic bag- gage transfer. + Golden West Flights arc operated with jct powered 48 passenger Dash 7's and 30 passenger SD-330 turboprops, featuring ;t flight attendant, beverage service and overhead storage bins. + Avoids LAX coostnactlon, tiafflc and parking. · Call your 'Ihlvcl Agent, Golden West Airlines or Amcrian Airlines and ask for "Jet Plu1"',. Joiot Paree. ' (714) 750-5794 'let Plus"'" Sa~ 'r ·. PORTRAYED .-America'• p-eatelt 1ex 1ymbol, Marilyn Monroe (above) 11 played by Catherine Hicks ln "MarU . The Untold Story" tonight at 8 on ~ (7). Johnny WWMlll•; Pu1or DeNlll ~. Churcfl on the Wey, Vlll'I Nuys; youth mlnlstw Brett Wll- tleme. • M&TING TIMI AT CALVAlf( I Hlll'l4!NOf( l(. ~ nmTNO C<>J#AHV ; AMINCA: THI IEOONO OINTUAY ~ THILAHAYU !j= YOUft M&.a * * '-' "Two-Wey Stretch" (1961) Peter Sellers. Wiifred HyO.-Whlte. A trio of o<i.otl 1nmai. pl8ll to b<Mk OUI, then btMk In eo.tlrl with • trudcloed of dt.moods (Z)MOVI& * • • * "Kremer V• Kr•met" C 1979) Duttln Hollm.,.., Meryl Str.-p A rnM t>en• with hie •· Wife IOf CUSIOdy o4 lheir YCIUt'Q eon after 1M welka out on lhMI 'PO' t:OO I NEWS CONF'IMHCE Cl) OML. "'°*"Ii lflAMI 8TNET ~ i :;:,,,. AHO THE LAW **'II "St., Trell -The Mollon Plelure" ( 19791 WllllMI ShalllW. Leonwd Nlmoy The fOnnW co- mandef of the U.8.S. EnlerptlM r-btel his old er.. 111'1<1 Mt• off on • mlellon to !Incl Ille mysteri- oue v...i r~ lor Ille deettvc:tlon of numet· ous Federlll<>n sta'ltlipe. ·o· t:IO • (I) fNJe. THI NATION I Cll .-r THI,,... DAY 0. DllCOY8'V TMIWOMJ> ~ 1.:. ANDTMI LAW •••~ "Dodor z:tw.oo" CIM5) Onw Sfw1f, Oer81- dlne °"'*'-Two io-. ~ ..... ep.11 ..., .,....,. °' Ille ~ ..... ~ .MOVIE * * * 'I Hele Blondw" (1911) JNn Rochefort, Enrleo Mon!-. TI-. ~ lhal • ....,,l'ly novell11'1 l•l••t worll dellc:rtbel In del .. I the MCurlty ey9tem ptOlecllng the Veluabiel In hie home. 10:00 I NEWIMAKEM ONCA.MPUI "Gang Violence" from Loyola Marymounl Unlver· i . GILUGAH'i ISLANO IASEBAU. llUNCH IGUMt: ~ s:nr:m. NEXHUMIAAO ~LAWMAKEM ~ANOTHElAW * * * •;, 'Goodbye. Columbua" (1999) Rlctlerd Benjemln, AN Mec0r9w. A young men vecatlonlng Wltll "" llmily of e WMfthy ~Meaeecret love •ll•lr with th• r: .. o.ugflt•. .IE1'llf'( f'A&.WEU NIW8CEHTUI ~~ *'II "Roca 'N' Roi High Sehoof' (19791 P.J soi.. Vlnolnt Van Patl4n A budding songwrller 11 Vlnee Lombwdf Hlgtl Ir ... to get the ~ to teCOfd her muelc wtllle her equ.itv ambltlOu• lrtend put-Ille IChool '-1· throb. ·po· 10: 111 (Z) MOW * * * "The Siient Patt· ,,., .. ( 1979) Elllotl Gould, Chtltlopher Plummer. A banll leller'• Impromptu attempt to cub 1n on ~ robbery IMO• to 11er-- ment lltld IWIOf wtl9l'I the ,.., thW ct1.-him to 10'.aol~:··R· MT90.AllA QIWQAWI~ KIDI AM. ll'lOf'U TOO O~ts: Giida Aadner. eeoJ lltld .. nin.. con- -...,.,, Jon ·~ berg. Oran Tllol'llH, ~ NatMha s.n- ltord~ ICHUU.IA JD«'I ,Al.WILL. Oll'IN.-c> \'OU NfOntl LAW OUTDOOft Lft 9111 Dencia and 8pldw ~ fletl tor Mltper In Ttnn•H••'• Peroy Pr .. IL.akt 11:00 • MOVll •• •~ "S•mson fond Delllah" (1951) Victor Mature, Hedy LMNrr The migflty Sameon ~ hie ll0'#9r CIUl'tmlled "Y tM aa::rlWON.D The CART Mldllget't "IOO" (live lrom lfOClklyn. Mletl It Sumvel of the Fltt•t. women'• cllmb 111'1<1 reppel and wtllt• water lwlln 111'1<1 ref1 event• (from New z... land); • f9POf'I on the Tour de Franoe bicycle r-. • IA''ML.l Calllomla Angels at C~ lendlndlt!M • MOYll • • * "Rome Adllenlurt'' ( 1H2) Troy Donahue. Angle Dlddnton A young girl IMrne about to... the herd w-v ...._,the o-to Rome -~ THEATM "Pride And Prejudloe . Mr Colllna eMka • reconc:lll• lion with Ille Bennet famlty Ind Intend• ro ~ one of the Qlfta ror • wttt c PW1 211RIQ I GlllOWING YEAM rT 11 WA1'TT!H MCMl * * * "Mr Rode And Ro41" ( I 9 7 6) Chuctl Barry, Uonel Hampton.A fabu- IOul lo<* " tsllen at Ille '60'• 111'1<1 the Mgtnnlnge or r~ 'n' roN. 11:30. 0 THll WlEl< WITH DAV10 llltNIUE( D TEMY~ WHnTAKP -~INTH! HOMI !::::INGY!AM ••• ~ ''The High And The Mighty" c 1~) John W8)'"9. a.lt't T'f"O' All ..,,,..,. wtth 22 ~ oer-lll>o9r'd "'"' Into ow.. OW en route to &WI Frtn- cilclD. CIDMOYll ·~ "fn God We Truet" C 1NO) Marty Feldman, Artdy Kautmen A nalw monll II Mnt out Into the WOf1d to ralee money tor hle~monut· ery 'PO' 12:00 1 ~ • • • "Fancy Panll" ( 1950) Bob Hope, Lucille Ball. A dlgnlllad man bring• culture to lhe lndl· 11111. • PAPEACHA§ "The Lale Mr Hatt" The lltll•ytat law tludenta mMI Profealof ChWIM W. Klngslleld (Jotwl H- man) tor the nm time. • GAOWiHG YeAM "Preeehool Pw9onellty'' Cl) WUTPN OUTt>OOMMAH (D)MCME • • "°" HeeWl\ly Dog" ( 1NO) Cl'le¥)' CNN. Benji WJllle lfwWtlo9tlnO • polltl- c:.i -acendal In London • pttvete det«:tlW la mur'. dwed lltld relnc#neted .. • ac:rvfly doG. • PO• (Z) CHAALEI CHAMPUH ON THIE Al.M 8CEH! 12:111 (Z) MCM1 * *'"' "Hlsrory Of The World -Pan I" ( 198 I) Mel 8f00kt. Madelnt Kann Men' 1 llluttrtoue hlltory - from Neandef1hal UV.- men to the Spenltill lnqul- tltk>n -ls examined. 'A' 12:a0 D TODAY'S IL.ACK WOMAN • MOVll * * • "At Ounpolnl" (1955) Fred MacMurray Dorothy '4aione. Aller 11111'. Ing an outlew duflng • !Qdup, • 11ore owner 11 hunted by the deed rnM'I brotlltr. who uek• .._.. • GROWNI YIAM "Soclal Ster~" Cl) IAllMU. MINCH ~: Joflnny lencfl l~TQQO * * • * "Kremer Va. Kr-" (1g78) Duatltt Hoffman. Meryl 8tf'99'1. A men betU.. wlttt hie D • .... '°' ouetody °' their Yount '°" -"-......... out on !Mm. 'flllO' ADAM-11 • 1:00,~1 CHAE LISTINGS ~uxa "9"1n'-' leconde To Sefety" 811.,, and the ~ llft9 to dMI wttl'I • mine lllat llOldt • London I (OJ On TV Cll Z·TV (ltl HBO ICI (C.lnem .. ) tfJ (WOA) NY., N.Y OJ CWT8$) <l l IESPH) Cf) C SllOwt lme l • $CIOtl lofit • CCMl4e~Net-lll i~lnltaortP. ""°'*"" ~ .,,.Wm< .. IAIDAU. (J)CUJWN WHn'I Jeloft,. ·~ ~. flltdll NI,... ...... , •• (J) #OftT'I IUN04Y 1l·rtvnd UHA llfllt• ...... ~-!MM .,...._, M ,..._Md ~ ..... (11¥9 ........ ..... Clly, H.J.~ ... c... f:.,.,.....,...,llw Oeltlf'I, CeNldll. DllMTIM AOMlo11 I "'°'*"UNnrwl .... WOY ...,,,, ,... 1100,000 .... ....... • ,. «*flt. Ml*Ca ll006it -"Dl#le ,_... The '°""" .. ___ ............ ._.,...._.. . .....,,.. and .............. '°""' NllY Of .. ..... ............... 0... ..,. ,.... .,, Lal v..-. .. • tlilWCWtl-.ANO •GIDAYAwl...._ Tiit '"-· --encl~ Of °**II ..... ~ .,. ~ througtl ,.,.. fllm '°°''"'~and ~hltboo". • * * ''TM Horea .,._ *'" 11m1 "°"" w~ Wlltllm Holden. TM union ClllV!lify om. lowwd LOUl- lllanl amldel penonef QOno lllotl --the omo.r. Oii ttloe .,~ Of ... • MOYil * * * "Qklgel'' ( 1Ht) Sandra 0., Cllfl fllotl«t· eon Dur1ng aummw vll06- tlon, • gltt chMee ""'· _. el'd,_. • MOYil * * ~ ''The Night Of The Ortmy" (1 ... ) Cllnt Wlllll· et• Mlt1lla HY9' A former lewmllfl It bothered by • grizzly when he lrlM hie hand at rllflChlng. .IHllOI ..... TODAY "The Mery K9)' Story" Hwt °"* Goldbllrg" tllb with IN rlc'-1 Mll-<Ndl women In Ametlcl. !=:o1 UHrvlNI ** * "Agatha" C1979) Dustin Hottm.,,, v- Aeclgravt. In LOflclon In 1112e • .,, ~ ,_ PIC* reponw ,.,.._ and becomee rnvolvtcl with lat'ned m)'flery wnter Ag.a.. Ille Chrlatle, who hu lef1 her untallhlul huebwld. 'PO' (D)MOW * * "The ~ Ournpllng Geng Rldee Again" (1979) Tim COnway, Don Knotte. A pelt of -lwn OUt'- try lo wlllt the "'"' lltld nliffOW. '0' (l)MOW • •~ "Where The Splee Are" ( tMe) David ~ FrancoiM Dor1Mc.. A doc- IOf becomee lnYol¥ecf with murder and MC*>naoe Whtie conduc:llng ~ CZi :.="'**'"""I. * * "My 8lOOdy Vlllen-ltne" (1981) Paul Ketmen Lori Hell«. A amlll t~ becofnee a ~ of IWTor during 111e1r .,,...., v.i.,... llne'a Dey dlnoe. 'A' 2:IO D aPORTIWOM.D A oelwtlntlloft of lfMW'8 loc*a llfw:llUCll~-~ Mantia, Alc~ard l'allJ and ,,.... flWIO. e GIUJGAH'' ISL.AHO The Sklppw dltcowrs 1t11t he le ...,glc 10 Giiiigan. .ftMlem "8-dt Of Ubwty" Thie documentary uarnlnee 1M rnwtyYdom of the tour North Amwfcen mllelon«· .. In El Selvadot. l ~UNJV8'K AMONT'H~ IUHOAYI .MOYIE * * * "Siient M ovie" C 1978) Mel 8<00Q, Mllrt)' Feldmln. A fonnw movie dlreclor end hi• two eohor1• try 10 ..,,. • ma)Ot lludlO ffom bankruptcy by tllming the fhl lllent ffKN· lelnyewt PO' S:OO I 2 WITH YOU ATONE Gueet. Rod Slelger. • MOVIE * * 'h "Son 01 Pa1et-·· ( 1952) &ob Hope. J- RulNll. Alter lnllerttlng a l.,ge pile of clebtl, .,, E•tterner merrle1 1 -Ith)' W•twn girt. • CA&.WOAHtA COHG"°8IONAL "90RT • l'ROJlCT UHNENE (l)~WOMAN Whfle lnvHUgetff\g a llrange tlltr'I force In a .,,,... euburt>an ~ ty. Olene .. -wfllrllng Into Wonder Woman. (Patt ftlUGARAAY l.EONAAO'S OOU>EH Gl.OVU Penrw)'tvenle VI St Louil ®MOVIE • • "Running Scar9d" (1972) Ktn Wahl, John Saxon T-1orm1r 011 ran under eut(>lclon of oon- lj)lring to Invade • c.tt>- l>Mn oountry. 'PO' uo • MOW ***'II "Cel Ballou" ( 19851 Jane Fonde. lie MIMn. DOUTDOOR .... Jim Ca<MICllMI l11;nt1 blilOll ::;::., on Virginia'• ,..,.,_. • CAlWOMIA W!E( .. NVllW • HUMANrrlll TH~THlA'"8 "Mutlc: U1tenlng For TM Unexpecgd" (Z)MOv. •• "Tiit Derll lnd Of The Street" (1981) t..Ke Harr· fngton. Henry T Ol'Mlo1llWlkl. 4!001 :='Y **"Terror Hell-." C1112) Linda Olllln. JoM Nleleelft. Aller Wln'*'O • PftN ~ tlon, • COlleOe etudent 4lf1lwt " an Old menaton owned by Ill aged ~ end "'-~ Otit'd- IOl'I. • MOY!! *** "Hft To~ YtM Witt'' ( 1Hll) Jstdt Lemmon, Vlma Ull. A oomlcMltrip .... t•• out ,,.. fNltl•ttona by plerWllnO Illa ...... mutdlf In .. oomlCMrtp. .MCMI ..... "Rock-A·8Ye ..,. '1 ... ) .J«ry l..lwll, M.wl)\'I MPw.11. A mow 9'11'1 •ttt.nd .... 10 .. fGr ,., ""*"' -"le lfll'• .,,.,, • WAU.rnmTwmk "A TNrlt ~ ,....... .. Gue9t: """""' GddlMll, ,...... ..... o.. ..... °'°"" ....,. c. . ....... c.i...,.,.c,. .... _ __ ,.. __ .,.,_ ____ , _____ ..._...__......, __ ~-.... -- TUBE TOPPERS H,,i.. """ ~· Mr, ~·--~ lo L.Ondofl ...,.. Jette delpfV '"4S -....itl II tOIWlllOld tMt .. ... KOCI: (50) 8:00 -"Th• Ttlevtalon ~..:_:·_ 'nwt pal. .,....nt and futW"e ua. 1VUST••n tei.vtllon are explored. .,......,.~ ... to r~l)CNQ ***"I 0 • "(IMl)W .. ll1M Holden. Jull1 KNBC (4) 7:00 -"Willard Scott'• SemaUonal M.,ac Hat Omaa." UnUIUAl l'WOpean am.al .eta are featured . ""'"*"" A "'°* dtrect0t MIO !let IUll llnliltled a ~~turNJ eoee ttom ~ N- CICM IO a bllatrefy lnlplt9d r9'411ootlng of hie ep1o • ,. • .MOVll ~. ('1) 8:00 -11~: The Untold Story. 'nw private Uf• behind the public la•tnd otAmlric:a'•.-telt•x symbol a. ClnunatbDld. Set phoio, left. * * * * "KtUl'ltr VI l<tltl*" ( '911) Ouetln Hoffl'!IM, Meryl ltrMC> A "'*' O.tllM WMl'I hit 4111- wllt IOI OU'1ody of their >'°""II eon •tier lllle walk• out on them. 'PO' KNBC (4) 9:00 -''The Leaacy." On lllipment in Bngland, an architect and .-oclate become entanaled in a aatanlc cult. lilO.(I) OHIDAYATA TIMI The,_. or Blrbet• and Merk'• tr19agement IMO• Ann ltlto • 0.-p dept• llon. (f!U • fUitoWT9 nMOUllM'"' MT8 "llt«atute: 'rom Worcle, Trvt.11" (I) ITM"'9t The EnWpf1M .. a.ptu(ed by • .,_,,""' "°""'* cornrnanclet. 8UCMI ··~ .. .., .. (1972) i... H1rcourl Montgomery, JOflPll ~A boy btfrtende 111'1 ~ ret. hw1lor1nO '*" trom the poloe. CJ:)MOVll **'A "Mloee OI A ._ mer" ( tt781 Rlcllarcl Hlrrle, Jodta ,oe1er. A W · rntneMy 111 1 a.,_-Old girl glVM her llluefOn..flhd lather and h« bHndty determined mother Ille COU'f9' to llOOllpt '* fat•. 'PO' (J)ntl,...ONM JOllllM W004wtl'cl llOets • ClllnHe Htravag1nH fMturfng tinging, clanc;lng, aaroti.lkll, mime end m111. , ... .,,.. .MOVll •• .,,, "Gunn" (1917) Ctalg 8•-. Edwerd ,..,. Private eye Pel« Gunn 11 Mlled to in-ttgatt • murder. 4:aG ~T Aal •~TON W11K .. MVll!W(~ • HUMANrT1l9 '""°"°" THE ARTI "Lltwature Tiit 8yntheele Of Poetry" CIDMOVW * *"' "Star Trell -The MOiton Pich,,•" ( 19781 Wllllllm Shat,.-. Leonetd Hlmoy. Thi f~ com- mander of the U.9 .8 . Entwprlal r 11111 m.,._ hie old 17.., 111'1<1 MC• ofl on • mlMlon to find the rnyttetl- oue ......, reeponalbte IOf ... deatNctlon of -· -Feder9llon Slarthipe. ·o· CD>IM.MilMI A young boy cen 't afford 10 buy IN dNmt he Wlll'ltl IO~. .. • KUNQ ,.,, c.... .. -dwttl, both ... boy and .. a """· .. ~ ,_"' wlCh !tie • GMATDT POftT'I ·-..... .... l(Ang" Hollt: •Oeor91~ ,__LM ''Voting Alglltt And The 8outNrn ~· ~ Sen. "-Helnw (R-H.C ). • HW.WTtr.I nw>UGH 1"I ARTI "llleratur• The Story Beyond'' (I) M•A•i•H Hawkeye ~ 11\at e vMl!lng doctor ""'° muet ooer•t• on •wounded tot- dlw II a luetl. 1=:. ... GR When .,.. UtlNly gltt'• boee Is lntufed, IN II f-0 wtlh running Ille bualf-. ~ glehendedly end IMmlng IM -*IQ o4 AlllpOftal- blllty t: 11 CZ) MOVIE * * • • "Kramer Va, Kr_.. c 1979) Du1tltl HoflmM, Meryl StrtlP. A man batttae with Ille mc- wlft '°' cuetOdy of their young '°" aftlr IM _.. out on diem. 'PO' ·=-I C8I NlWI N8CNIWI 0 MCNIWI MONlYllWCal "auo-fn The itoc* Mlfllel" (I) WILOOMI Ma<, KO'TTP Mr. Woodmen ttw'•tene 10 C8nOal HonNci*'a IPOI on the acllool radio bee.- of bad rltlngl. CD>~ *' * "King Of The Molft. tlln" C 1911) Herry HMlllln. Jotae>ll Iott-. nw.. young L.A. baclltlor• deYot• their _,_.. to the aport ot chg niano. 'PO' Cl> IHORT ll1ICKI 8 THIWO..lD to 1191 1M Aemonee to T~ reoord lier lftll9ic wtllle lier 1:41 CZ) CHAAl.ll Ct4AMPUH ~ 1n1bl11out tf1end ON TH! flW ICfHl ~ tN eMoo1 "-1· t:00 8 Cl) AUCI throb. 'PO' Vet L llOoked on IO«iP (I) MOVtl ooeru. quit• •It• Mel * * * ''The HldMwaye" retu-to ellow her 10 ( 1t7,l lngr1d itrOl'lltn, wa1dl them at WOOi. (A) .J(JttNty °°'"'· Two cNI-D a MOVIE clr9ll run ll'#ey from hOtM **'II "The Legecy" 111'1<1 hide In New Yortl (1979) Katherine Rott. City's M9ttopotltMI MuM-Sam ElllOt A Loe Angelee um ot Att, Wfler• the)' .,.. ttcMect 111'1<1 her ueod•t• befriended by • .,,int«t travel to England on ,..,.. ·o· ue1gnment Ind t>ecome e MOVIE entengled In 1 lelenlC cutt lt *"' "The Nof1h A--IB) ttregulare" ( 19791 Edward • WILD l<IHGOOM Hefrmtnn, Berber• Harrie. "land Of The SlladoM" Tiit ,_ mlnlatw In • tmall I DR. OHO tCMn oroani-a Qtoup of AOAONaKY AND dotty women In 1111 oonor• COMPANY g.atlon IO etoe> the flow of • ~ Cflurdl funcl1 to Cf1mfnal•. THIATM ·o· "Pride And Prejudlcle" Mr t:ao I flGHT IAQ( Bingley'• abrupt deparlur• THATIHOU.YWOOO to London hurtl Jane IWAIHeUCKLIM dMPIY 111'1<1 Ellubeth 11 Tiit pht• of yw,_,.., 00twlooecl that lhe dlu.. 111'1<1 of tocl9)' it• eurn1nec1 QtMebie Mr 0etcy w .. 10 by 1ctor Chrlttopher blame. (Patt 3) (R)Q Allllne 11'1 lhla lanllll!Y ..,... ID MYIT!M' dal. "Maliu Aforethought" Dr I l'UNwn'HMUMc 81cklelgh'1 conduct I ..wl 1>ecome1 unprol••lonal 1:00 10 t.tlNU'TU u he lk>wl)' end me1hod1- WIUAN> IOO'TT'8 c.itv goee about pu111ng • llHIATIONAL MAGIC muroerous ~ 1n10 HATcw:tJI• aclion (Patt 2)(RI Q Some or IN moet unique ~MOVIE European circus act•. *'-' "a-per To KMP lncludlng • )uooler on ........ c tNO) Mac DllVll, horeebldl, a trelned t>ew T0¥111 Feldthull In orow ac1 end • down on a ~ to "-' hit a1wnony pey· Cle. .,. -In penonn-menlS, • r_,tly dlYOtC4KI ance (R) privet• o.tec:llYe tractt1 8 0 COOE RED down delinquent hulband1 Danny IMtl Ille! he wt1 fOf • dlvoroe lawyer 'R' la. Ille toe.., lamlfy when (Ii) THE DEADU GAMIE Joe end Teel ettemc>t a Thr .. retl<ed crnmlNI lew- !Ung«oue r-=ue. (R} Y«• play • game ol ce1- D THI IAG LAOlll: AH end·mouM wlth • -· IHV18l8l.E MINOfVTY lngly Innocent victim Jiii H""'9rson, dlrec!Of of George Segal, Trevor the Downtown Wom9n'I Howard end Robert Morley Cent« end Dr. Rodger star. Farr, SenlOr Conaultlng CI> MOVIE P1yclll1trltt jo1r1 reponw * * * "The Siient Part· Ginger CH•Y u sh• ,,... .. (1979) E.JllOtt Goulet uamlnH th• poverty Chrlllopher Plummet A 1trlcken, lonely WOtld of benk 1e11er·1 Impromptu Loe ~ Bao LldlM attempt to CUI'! In on 1 e ~AND~ robbety IMO• to htr .... THE FIAl'T 21 y~ "*11 end twrOf wnen the "The Or~ Of Aodl And real thief c:n-him to "°"' Pllridl Slnwtlor'9 end r~e hll IOot. 'A' MldlMI McOOnald °' the ....., • (J) nfE JIEFF'ER80HI Dootlte 8toCtl«I '-! lhll George QIYH flortoc. loOll • how groupe lle¥'f tome hele>lul 11pe on how ....... ,..... Md.,._ toland•tNn.(RI __, -=ti °"* lilt .. • WOM.D a. ""'* lnduelr)'. 8411MVAL • MC8fT Ol1 MAH I MOVI!:::. """'IMP£ "K~ ~ c.ulnty" The rn6r.. dttemml ot modern aclenee. contrllll1· ••• "S 0 8 . 11981) WM- Ing ,,_ hornenl9tlc tradl-II am Ho Id• n • J u 11 e tion wlUI tM technOIOgy Andr_. A moY1e dlrec!Of end practlcee of mocMrf\ wflO ,,.. full llnlllled • werlwt, Is apptllMd. multl-mlllion doller 1urlley D ~ QAADEN 00-lrom anempted tul· ® ,_,.,.. clde 10 • blurrel)' lntpireel * * • "The Gr .. t Mupp91 ,._lhc>Ollng of hll epic 'R' Caper" (19811 Charltl 10:00 II(() TAAPf'SI JOHN, Grodin, Diana Rigg. M.O. Aeporlwe Kermll, Fozzle A Cltdlac petlenl refve. 111'1<1 Gon2o t,_ • fabu-to let enyone per!Ofm eur· IOul atolen ,_.. lo Lon-QWY on him ••ces>t • doc· don. ·o· tOf who II rec>klly becom-CD> TEHNt8 Ing 1ncepecl1e1ecl by hit =~YLloelt.nge-.ownw:::•·(RI (Z) MOVll ~ WOAO FOA **'-' "Hletory Of The TOOAY WOr'ld -Patt I" C1M1) Mel • THI IAMTARIANS lltoc*t. Mldellne Kelln TM unlq~ beyou people Men'I llullttlout hlltory _ 01 the IOUlll of N-trom ~ OI,,._ Orreane •• 1hrlmper1, men to tM 8-IWI lnQI#-trepper• and boel bulldetw altlon -ta Memlned 'A' -are proNed 1:t0 I '<>CUI ON lllTAIH • Fl.AM8AAD8 ~IN ''Sing No Sad SOflQa'' ,Mm.I Chrll11na, Dorothy 111'1<1 Wll· "Tiit Cowboy'' lam mourn Sandy'• O..ltl, CC) MOY!! CMetlnll and Wllllllm get **'II "Two-Wey S~dl" rnwrled. (Patt S)(R) Q ( 1981 I Peter Selle rt. Cl> MOYIE Wiifred Hyde-White. A trto ••• "LI Cege Aux F<>l'ee o4 pr1'on lnmet• P4ln to II (1980) Ugo Tognazzl, brMll out, tllen brM11 In MICMI Serreutl A mlddt. '9aln wtltl • lrudtlold of egtd QI)' couple .,. the cllernonda. quarry Of a MCff1 orgaol- MO• (I) ~ uflon trying to get ttloe IUNKIR'I fl\AQ mlctofllm tNit one of them Archie tri. to wrwige • 11Waliow9d 'A' elate b91WMr1 Bi111e and • • MOVIE r~lble young men * *''_. "Hletory Of The tfom her.,._,, CRI WOf1d -Patt I" ( 1981) Mel 8 8 CHIN 8roolla. Mltdejlne Kehn. Jon male• "" cec>tur• of Mao'• lllultrlout history - INM ctewr "'11.ie CM from NMflCM('thal ce,,... ttlllWI • p!lrlCllW ~ men to tile Spanleh tnqul- whel't they _.., Ille ln.dl lltlon -II eumlned. 'R' ~ 1C>';IO. LONI MHGlf• MO I~ NIW9 • INTUTMNMINT ''Whli. Men'• Magic" • ...,....,. .,,_ WIBC I aPOM'i WM,-uP ** "Hello Down n..·· lnttfYiewe with Weyne l¥IMllY IWAGGAAT (1..., T~ Rlndlll, J1Mt Aoger-. AlcNrd Hame, MOVll l.Algfl, l.ofwtt.I Swll, Gerllll ,,,_ * "The ONklr9n" C 11NIO) • 1l4I HARD\' 80'Y9 I ell, Kitti ~ Mertln Shlkw. Oii Aogett NANCY Ol9W • 111 MOVtl A 1trange radtoeot1119 M'flTB• * *"' "Marilyn: Tiit Cloud tume • 9"0UP o4 The H~ trewl 10 ftult· · Untold Story'· ( 11101 ~ Into nu· IO Noo to rt9CW t _. Clttlwine Nidia, Jatan dlroue ~ Wtttl b11c* lor'1 ~ 1'om .. M.. The pttwte 1ft ~'A' oluichlt Of.,, 11111rMltoNll betllnd tile P'lf* lfOlnd Of 10:AI. IUNDAY "°"11 crtmlnel Amenc.'a grMtMt -,MM • w•A•t•H ~ -~Monroe m»•••Cl>OCll ~ e1ootorw Of .. 4011111 1-11"..,.,.,..,. C~Q ,~.__, ,- ,.......,. MCWW tlWt tfw, C*I ~WNll• --llel'Cll Ofl I bed dey Ill.. ......... NNOA'I WllNllO •. 0.... • • • "Glcleet" ( 1911) IUT WHO'I ueTINNCH • MOYll 1Mdr1 0-. C11n Aobeft· Hott.. Cetol l.ll'#f9flot, ''ltNlelt T'lltOllgll o.tll" 1on. Duf'lnO....,. ¥909-lten Mooo-.Mm. °""'8' Jotln UY, Jennllf Y... l6orl. I ... Cif-. IUft, Mf ltr.n llmballlt .If., DMll I LJllMOUND UI and romenoe. n Wiiiem INltNf. NCWA • NJITMtoooec.'1 .-...W'M.WIU. "Tiie T~ 1Jq11o-AISllOA INIAK PMYllWI tlon" TM peet, pt9M11t "TM ""'4 llnl*t-Cook• Rog.-tbert and 01r11t encl Mid ot Alftlrtoeft .... tM J*10Ni Mory of liellll hOlt M lnformet!W ......., .. ~. C"I 1111 lmmlp11llo11 _. 1tlil loot! • WllM'I lllW at tM i ..... -MUll'lfl Ill .. l'llCWlll. ·~ ala.-. .,..., -H.L .._.. (Jl)MOYll THI ~ .. -... """'..,...... * ** ''Ttlt 111«1t l'lltt• ... • MCWA _.. C1'1t) uio.t ~ • ·~-,...._ ...... 1lli 111111t ct. .... llMMier. A fl:)_,,_ ......... ...,.. ..... ... ........ ....... .,. ...... ,,.,... .. ,., ........ if ......... °"" Ill ... . ....... '""' ,..,, ...... .. .......... --... ~ .... to ....... ""-"' Yllt ,...._, A E~="'Q ........ --~ .. ~'...... .. lllLl.-QC ............ -.. .... ~.._ .. ...,.,.............. ~ -· .... --""""" ,.. .... ~·,;:;-=.:::"":..::..:.*:;:.;:•::::·-:"'~- \ Cl>MOW •• *'My~ v .... tlnl" t1NO 'Iii ~ L.Ofl H.-, A ... .._ .......... ....... ..,,. """" .... ~ " ....... llr!e'IOl)'Mnoe;'W "'"I Cll .... 11• ~NW. 1000WI A looll II ltt .. IOent AeegM'• ptOlllOflOft Of ~I ,.,,_~ renoeWtll~ I MONIW8 TA&.mOlntl UHONC'80 "LIO"t Ffnoeta" Tiit °'"* or • otovt 11e1o.y 111t• • o<tvate ~lvt to nn0 IN NIC>rit who lJ ~ hit ptocluct. (I) WllKINO ll'OflTI WfWt.W 0 MOVll * • * "lt..-fMI At Tlf· !en~'•" (lot11 Audrey Hte>bllrn, Oeorve Pep.. Pttd 8MOVll * • "F'lve D•ye From Home · ( 19711 Oeottt Pepl)llfd. N9¥t11e lfw\d. 11:41 8 THI~ mu D MOVll * • "Five De)'• From Home" t 1171) George -~ ~ .... Btlltld. • * * How 8W1191 II let" ( 111811 Debbie Aeynotde. Jamee GerllW (a>MOVll * * "Hlghl School' C 1981) Leonard Mann. Riche! W111d. An llfllhropo!Og)' ~ wtttl' • pencllll'ft '°' C04dl It IUlpeeted of Ille btUlal murder• of aome of hi• '°'""' bed pattnwt 'R' Cl)THE MAKINO OF AEAOelCISIE RellearMI•. co11ume nu. Inga, mllll•up -'On•. i nd th• plennlng of c1nema1ogrephy and Ug111- 1ng ar• oilronlded in • behlno-1,.,..~ lludy OI tht uniq~ ptry9ICal flt. __ ... 12:00 • Ml88tOH: IMP()8818l.E • MOVIE *'" 'The Uwleu Nine. I'" 119381 Jann Wayne, Gat>t>y Hayee (I) 8T AR TREK 0MOVIE flt * * Sllenl t.4ov1e· ( 1978) Mel BtD«:*e. Many Feldman A '°'"* mcw1e director and hit 1wo eohorls If)' 10 M Y9 I maj01 lludlO lrom t>enltruptcy by fttm1ng the llfll lllenl MOY· lelnyNtl PG 12: 10 (,C' MOVIE * * '• 'Shogun AMualn' C 1981) TOIT\llaburo w .. u1y- am1, M...,,lro Tomlk..,..L A form« lllogun .....-in who ••• meneuvered oul of lltt poelllon by a rutll· 1M1 cian 01 aplee vows to lake t>loocly rewnge 12:s6 CZ) MOVIE * * Tiie Ottll End Of The SlrMI · 119& 1) Laure Harr- lnglon, Henr y T~I 12:46 II NAMIE OF THIE GAME (l)MOVIE I .'Bunny· sails on • to Will Sail On Bunny, the 2·year-old colt that weekly 19t1 acupuntu.re ir.tmenta, became the younaest hone in IWina hia1ory to reach the •750,000 mark in eun1n,p by nctna to a narrow no. triwnph over BreUin Rulee in the fOW'th nmnina of the $1,075,000 Skoal Duh -,or Cub Futurity at Loe Alamia Saturday niaht. Trained by 75·year-old Jake c.ucto, Sail 0n Bunny WU lent postward by the 13/767 fana .. die M fa\'Orite ana dashed the 400 yard.a in 19.85 eeconda. . Ridden by Gary Sumpter. Sail On Bunny's 19.85 cl~ was the futelt in the four years the Daah For Cash Futurity has been atqed and he alao became the only colt to ever find the winner's drcle. The victory ln the richest race ever run in the It.ate of California waa worth $397, 100 and pushed his earnin11 to the $756,000 mark, sixth on the all-time quart.erhone list. Sail on Bunny earlier this aeuon won the Kindergarten and now will bld to sweep the Loe Alamitol triple crown next mooth ln Special Effort Futurity. Take You On, part of an entry with By Yawl trained by Jake Cascio'• 49-year-old son C.E. "Bubbe" Caldo, finished third with Make Mine Cub running fOW'th. The winner paid $5.20, $3.40 and $3 acrom the board. Brea.kin .Ruiea. ridden by Jamel Lackey I retumed $4.80 and $3 with Take You On paying $3.40 to backers of the entry. Sail On Bunny and Brealdn Rules oomblned for a 7-9 exacta payoff worth $23.60. Sail On Bunny was supplemented to the Duh For CaSh for a $15,000 late penalty but lt was turned into a neat profit with the $397,100 winner's check. But the victory was far from euy for Sail On Bwmy u he had \o battle the Gordon Steinmiller-trained Breckln Rule9 all the way to the wire. "He went to goofing off on me," the 32-year-old Sumpter said following the victory. "I reall! had to get into him left- .... banded .......... at the md. I saw that outside hone coming up on me pretty good and I really had 1D pt on my belly, I guarantee .YO'J·" Sail On Bunny entered the race as the top money-winner among quarterhones this year and his rich return Saturday night dld nothing but enhance that polition. It wu just two months ago that Jake CalCio loaded Sall On Bunny into a trailer in New Mexico to bring him to California even though the colt "couldn't hardly put one foot down when be walked.'' Cobb bout could be in jeopardy LAS VEGAS (AP) - Heavyweiibt contender Randy "Tex" Cobb suffered a cut lip that required 24 stltchea Saturday, cawdni the apparent pmtponement of his Utle bout acheduled for next Sunday aaatmt World Boxing Amociation diamplon Mike Weaver. -J\lthou8h promoW'I have not offld.wJJy called off the bout, the doctor that treated Cobb said it would be a mcoth befote Cobb could spar .. aln and another mcmth before be could flaht. "It WU )Isl like a flap la)'in8 there." Dr. James Game aaid of the injury to c.obb'a upper Up. • Sparrtna pu1nel' Tony Perea ~ the 1Ip wu cut aa he and Cobb aparred late Saturday alternoan. . "Bil lip WM cut pretty bed," Perea aald Saturday ni1ht. "They've been ~ ptlone caDI tr)'tna to find out When we '°from here.'' Cobb md bll handlen d1d not $ll'll phone calla on the injury Mid offldeJe at c.-n Pafact, ..... the a.ht•• ICbeduled to .. btl¢ ~tMy .... \DIWU'e . of the lnJur1. ~ ..a be and C.obb wen ~ JftftY FOi' wbm he ....... eombU..Uon that eut Clbb'1 llp Gil the ......... ol bli ... ENTERTAINMENT 04 ClllllfllD C.9 Indians walk away with .victory From AP dl1pa1oMs CLEVELAND -The Ansell uled the Iona ball Saturday afternoon to plak up thefr four ruN apinlt the Oeve1and lndlana. ,.. for the Indltna, they u.cl a ball, and a ball. and another ball and • . • Cleveland literally walked awa~ with a lM victory Saturda¥, mapplnC their Anaela' llx·pme wtnntna streak in the procem. The lone briaht •pot of the afternoon, and there usually aren't many in Cleveland, WU that the Kaniu City Roya.la abo lost to Bolton, meanlna the Angela •till maintain their tbree-pme advantage in the American League West.'' "A few walks got us gotnc and kept ua alive," admitted Cleveland cent.er fielder RJck Minning. "And we finally aot a couple of key two-out hita." Mannine tin1ahed the daL,.'d'~ three RBI, one com1na °" bues· walk. All three of hla run·"Pf'Odudna plate appearancee helped the lndianl erue a •-O Anael advantap and spoil what WN a pedeCt be81nnlna of the leCOnd half of the IMIOl"t for MAna,er Gene Mauch!• 1quad. Nobody takl the leOOlld half of the leUOI'\ WU ~ tQ be fJUY. for the Anpla. Despite sweeping the New York Y ankeea in the flnaf aerie. of the fint half to vault into a one-game lad uver the Roya.la. the Ahaell entered thia roMI trip knowing they Dad 45 of their final 76 .iamea away from Anaheim Stadium. 'they started off well enough, whipping the lnd1ana 8-2 on Thunday before rouahln& them up 15.0 Friday nit~y, the Indiana return~ the favor, dellplte home nmt m,m Reale Jacluion, rred Lynn and Brian Downlttt1 All three contributed their b1asia over th• fint llx lnnlnp, and Anpl atart.r and cwrent ICle Geoff Zahn held off the bail out Hualer in the llbcth, found the aolnt just as rou.1~ In th• llfVenth. Cleveland ttart.ed tbJnO ftlt when Mike Fllch1ln drew a walk and went to .econd on a MCl'ifke by Larry Milbourne. On TV today channel 5 at 11 After Toby Karrah walked, Mike Hararov• hh an Infield alnale and 1'tllchlin scored when abort.top Mick Kelleher threw wildly to tint.. Indiana with shutout pltchin8. Then came the bonom of the sixth. Corbett then intentionally walked Andre Tbomoton to load the bMes. Miguel Dtlone followed with a srounder to second bMeman Bobby Grich. Grlch bed a ahot at a force at the plate, but be couldn't set the ball out of hia llove and had to settle for the out at first. The Indiana Wied four Walka and a aln&1ea to ICOte three tbnea. with waJ.ldna hia wa to an RBI and rodny deli~ a two-run ~~. of the walks were iaued by J\Dd)C He.ler• the flm-o&.-four Anpl relleven. That made it 5.4 Cleveland and opened the door for two more runs via a walk by Mickey Mahler to Von Hayes But Doug Corbett. who managed to (See INDIANS, Pa1e CZ) ,., ........ . Passing grade eludes South North scores 37-27 win By ROGER CARLSON O( ... ~ ........ PASADENA -Woody Hayes bad hia reuona for d.Wlei= the puling game. Saturday t at the Rose Bowl, the favored South found out first.hand just why Hayes frowned on the aerial pme. Five interceptions was the answer. The North capitalized' on South mlst.akes to capture a 37 ·27 victory at the Shrine All-star football game before perhape the amalleat. turnout ever in the 31-year hist.ory of the game. Before an estimated 16,000 ("officially" 32,324) fans, the North padded a aix·point halftime advantage with a is.yard field goal by Monl'O\da'a Robbie Bartlett, culmlnatm, a 7S.yard drive to open the third quarwr. Then the crusher -the South'• fifth Interception -and two faya, 18 yard• and 10 l9C:onda aher Bartlett's theft of a Matt Steveiw pea. it waa S0.14 in favor of the North. kickoff 37 yards to the North 40 and Stevena eventually found Long Beach Poly's Hank Norman from three yards out to narrow the count to 30-27 with still 3:57 remain1na ln the third quarter. But tllat was the end o f South's hopes. Deep into the fourth quarter, Foothill High product Mark Templeton fumbled deep in South territory and Bartlett responded with a l 3·yard acoring nm 1D regain the 10.point advantage and eeal the measure. It was supposed to be the South's vaunted ,paaaing game which was to dominate, and on the aame'• tint play it certainly appeared to be the case. Stevena•the All-CIF Fountain Valley quarterback, WU billed to back up San Diego Helix quarterback Jim Plum. He opened in the backfield, how~er. but at tailback He took Plum'• pttcb and fired a "bal.fbeck pua" clownfield, and Manual AIU' Scott Stephen.a took the aerial over hi. lhouJder on the North 20 and nioed the remaining dlatance to complete a fJ6. yard acoring play with just 24 aeconda spent. OUT THIS TIME -Angel catcher Bob Boone is able to snare ball in time to retire Cleveland base-runner Mike Fischlin sliding into home in the third inning Saturday. Though the Angels prevented this run, they couldn't stop 10 more that followed, losing, 10-4. Fountain Valley's Rod nnery bu.rat seven yards for a touchdown after F.di.aoo'a Dave Geroux aet it up with a 29-yard bunt, but the favored Rebela were still down by a S0.20 count with 6:21 spent in the third period. Emery returned the next Aft.er Stevena was sidelined midway through the first quarter on a late and out-of·bounds block by San Fernando's Gordon Bunch following a Steven• interception, the tide swept to the North. Clampett f~lls hack to field British Open tightens after leader struggles to a 71J. TROON, Scotland (AP) -Bobby Clampett survived a s1fUii).ing 78 with a one-stroke lead, but be opened the gates to a host of challengers Saturday in the third round of the 111 th British Open GoU Championship. Clampett, who bad built a five-chot leed on earlier rounds of 67 and 66, seemed ready to make a rout of it when he went 12-under par for the tournament early in the day. But from a rout. it became a l'llCe. He fell victim to a variety of golfing horrors, un~~!fble lie. in the rough, short putta that . · to fall and a sandy journey through three bunkers on one hole that resulted in a fat 8. "At times," he said, "I felt u lf the aolf course was con\rollinl me; not me controlll..ng the aolt c:oune. But be WU not Ucme. Most would·be cballengen allo bad their problems. The wind was up. But that, Mid Tam Wat.on. was not the~ The oondltklm. be said, were no wcne than the tint two daya. "It was ju1t th• pre11ure of the tournament.' Wat90D aUd. Even be, the U.S. Open champion. WU ~lmmune "I wasted a lot of abota early in the round,•• he said. but, with Clampett on the allde, Watson cloeed to within three shots of the top spot. "I can still win the golf tournament," Wataon said. And Nick Price, the longshot from Zimbabwe, a journeyman tourist OD the European dreult who found himaelf ln second place, felt the same. "I came here hoping to finish in the top 10," Price said. "Now, l think I can win. It'• On TV today channel 7 at 8 a fantaaUc moment for any golfer to find he can win a major." But Claml!Cli, linm. of pain .and strain etched upon bll youna face, had a retort. "rm still· leed'"i·" he said. But It wu a near thine· ClUnpRt, the a.de!' all tM WJi1 Jn um. bll tint a~ ln the Brldah Open, fiDilhed 64 bolel '1YW touch old Troon. 7,087 yardl ftf utal and terror', with a 211 ~ -$-undll' Pll' and one ln front. That compare• with hi• lofty total• of ll·uridel'·par and flve in tront wben the da~~ • who had a .7, ~te ~ . - ml.aaed opportunities, wu next at 212. Two strokes off the pace at 213 were Sandy Lyle of Scotland and Dea m: of Ireland Lyle manapd a 73 and Sm a 74 deaplte a double boteY·5 on the bole where he chipped into a bunker. Wat1an, the U.S. Open champion and a three·tlme winner of thfa event·, aooompllahed part of b1a pl in spite of hinweff. Seven a.hots back when the third round start.eel. be aot in wtth a 74 that left him at 214, thJ'ee strokes back and very much in the Utle hunt. The only others under par after M holes were gan1Ung Peter Ooaterhuia, an Englishman now living in the United Stat.ea, and Jape'• Muahiro Kuramoto. They were tied at iu, one under. Ooterbula had a •hl11d-reund 74 and Kuramoto WM one of only tm. men able to beat Troon'a par «tf 72. He shot a 71. Arnold Pa.liner, ~ 52-~ llvfna lefJend who won u.Britillh Opm..on._Tioon 20 yean aao, once aot Into contentian. He WU l·under P9f f« the tournament When be flNlbed nlnit holll and made the tum beck into the bomewwcl nine. which plays =t into tM teeth ol tbe ~ And, W.eo mmy OU-., tbeimt wae too mLK!b. Baldwin Park's Norm Santiago went to the air to hurl a pair of touchdown paaes and Van Nuys' Eddie Lewi. bunt aeven yards for a touchdown to Ji~e the North a 20· l 4 halftime bulge. Santiqo'• aecond touchdown pus came with nine aeconda left in the half following the North's fourth interception (third by Plum) and erued what bad been the night'• play of the game over the pound. Down by a 1 .. 7 count, the South found itllelf on the North 18 following a abort punt and penalty. The South finally changed tactica, went to its power and got Gerowc'a respome. The 6-0, 210·pound F.diacn High product ripped over the left llde and stormed tbrougb • bewildered aecondary I sta:nplna into the end r.one ttandlna up with 2:46 left In the second quarter. The Kanaaa-bound Geroux carried jult five times in the tint half, racJdna up pins of 5, 5, 9, 7 before hla 18-yard ~ bunt. '!be aerial pme, meanwhile. WU aputterinl M Plum could complete only 5·ot-18 for 59 yard.a. So, the two had fou1ht (literally) to a 14-14 1tandoff (then were atx major penalUee befan tbe tint quarter ... half OYW) befcre the N<irtb'a third TD. Colllt. ,..... ........ b7 die , had bffD Mt to meet a....;1111~ cm JU:M 2 bl ~Uc--=-­ tr but Weavtr suffered a •·tt~. c· -1Fnm.APd1apaadtet- ,, • CLSVILAND -:-a.wland Jn. II. 1 1t dianl Pnlidlnt Qebl huJ Mid S.tur• I day he will tis. I ~ oomDlalnt '( with American LHpe Pretldent Lee MllCPhail ~ Uwt ejlediDn ot pttd.- li! j John Denny from J'riday nicbt'• ......... • I '• tM AnpJa. . n Denny hit tN'M An&91 battmn with ptkMI .ct came ell* to another. Plata umpbw t.ny Ji ., a.n.u '-*I a waman, to Dinny alter Dinny , ~bit !'red Lynn with one out ln the f.ltth annan,. H ~ kU. ln the pane, Brtan ~and Don .,, aayior wen hit bY P'tcMI. and MJdc Kelleblr . ! hid to doda9 • bMd~hllt! feltball.. ~ I ~ After !,ynn WM bit. Denny~ ln'l'Olv.ci ~ ,.,ln a prolonaed arawnent with Barnett and t-> eventually wu ejected from the pine, which the Anae1I won, 16.0. · ~ •r Paul Mid .h1a pitcher "wu jutt tr)'1na to 1 .;. pitch inaide. He w..i't tryina to bit anybody." He complainied that fmtiucUom to UIQhs C: I ,wron&lY limit A pitcher'I rfl)\t to throw iNfde.. .;· •iJ3aylor can be bit by a ltrike (Jbd he ~ I 1 ltanda 80 clOM to the plate). and Downinl Wiii hft n ~. by .a pitch that WM nearly a ltrike," Paul Mid. ''\,_-~~~-:-~~~~~~~~----.... 1# 1 Quote of the day •1 •;' Univ= of Michigan football coach Be Schm et: "I tbJlik you're just foolln&· yourself if you don't think dru11 are available on a collep campus u bi.I u oun. . You can pt an~ you want." _ ' :··Moore KO's KaJule to retain tltle I Moore, In only h1I 11th profemional l t-, ATLAN'nCCITY,N.J'.-Davey • . bout and figbtina put the le'Venth · · round foe the fint time, Wlleubed a . • barnae of he.cl puncbea to .top Ayub KaluJe in • . the 10th round Saturday and retain the Wedd Boxina Amodation junior middleweight title. • : Moore, his left eye almost doled. nailed .. K.alule with a left book to the bead that swayed .1 the ch.allenger late in the 10th rQUDd. 1'be ' champion delivered a rfa.ht to the jaw and then landed at least 20 punches to the head. leavinl Kalule defen1elem In his own comer. ~··· Referee Lul1 Sulbaran juoiped in and .topped the fight with two 8eCOncU left in the 10th. Before the fight Moore had aald, "I'm gettlna some re.pect. but I've 1ot to earn respect." The 23-yur-old New Yorker eemecf a lot more respect ln h1I .allld title defeme, whkb w• televbed live by ABC at &lly'1 Park Piia Casi.no Hotel. Oekland euocumba to Yank• 'homera ••••1 M•rou and 'err1 •• II = llumid two-nan homen iid .... ., pl~ the flnt I ~ viot.ory o1 .h1a c:arev ;n~fl,.a five-hitter aa New York Clefeated ~ Olkland, 4·1, Saturday nllht. TM 1- .. ~ on Corona del Mar Hlali product llalt &eH1it, WhO fell to 7.13 , .. J!lH· when In Uie American Leque, Riek Mlller .... 2-2 Ue with a ~)oicted triple In the Uhth 1nntlul • Bclnon knocked off Kan.u City. ~. and haiWled Du Qell .... rry h1a fourth - in eteht dedlkJrw . . . Llor. M..-, crMbecl a two-run homer and Era e W~IU blAlted a tm.-nm ~ to bJah11abt TCll'OOto'• .-vm· run~ lnnlna and die Slue Jays COlllted put TUii, 11..S . . . LarrJ BerM•'• th.ree--nm homer tn the llx1h lnn1na propelled Detrott to an M victory over M.tnn4llOta . . . Ilea Stqletoa drove ln four rurw. llvlna him 56 RBI In 56 ltt•dme lame9 •1••nat seattle, u Baltimore dW'Qped tl'-9 Marlnen. 8-4 . . . • Gormu ftMaal lined • tw~run. ti•bn:aldna double with one out in the ef&hth lnnlnC to rally Milwaukee to a 6-2 victory over Chicaco for the Brewen' eeventh lltralaht victory. Fred4!flck breaks own mark at meet SANTA BARBARA -Jane m J'reder1ck ol Santa Barbara ICCnd • U.S. record 3,730 points to t the flnt day'1 competltio~e USA·USSR decathlon and heptathlon meet Saturday. . Tbe Soviet Unbl led both dual ~ in teem 8COl'iq. In the decatholon, the USSR led 24,408 to 23,983. In the Jleptathlol). the Soviet wou:mo held a 10,743.10,687 advantqe. Spilman sinks Pirates In 10th Hou1ton pinch·hltter Barry Ill S,llmaa bit a 90lo heme ntn with one out ln the bottom of the 10th l.nn1na Saturday niaht to Wt the Aatrol to • 4-3 victory <Net Plttaburah m the Astrodome. Howtan h\Uler Joe Nlekro, 9-6, .aatten!d 10 hits over 10 lnnlnp to record hil le'Venth complete pme and lixth win in h1I last eight dedslona . . . Ckts Cllambllaa ripped a pair of RBI llfnllee. Dale M...,.y drove in two runs with a 1incJe and double and Gleu Bwbbanl added a tw~run triple to pllCle Atlanta pMt Chicaao. 9-4 . . . Darrell Porter, Tommy Herr and Mllle Ruue7 all drove In nma ln the 1eVenth 1nnlng u St. Louil rallied to dump Cincinnati, 4-2 . . . Mike SeUlldt cracked a tw~run double In the 11th l.nn1na to power Philadelphia to a 5-3 triumph ov~r San Francilc:.o . . . Bill Galllcll:1 .. fired a aeven-bitter and Warrea Cnaw1le capped a three-run aeoond Inning with a tw~run double to lpoil the major-league pitchina debut of ADcly dawkiu aa Montreal handecfSan Dlepa 4-11etback. 'Ref using to grow old . Athlete stiD gro~g strons at /!B VISALIA (AP) -Charle. U you make up your mind about Backus doesn't let .h1a 88 years 80l'Dethlnl. you can do it," Mid interfere with h1I enjoyment of the retired eeroep1a encfneer. spor1a and the active life. "It'• limply a matter of mind Bednn Is In fin.al trainfna for over matter." next weekend'• International Bil mind teDa him to keep fit , Beniol' Olymptca In Loa Angelt!I by nmn1na a mile or two almost JNhere he will come away with at every day and nandfna on his , leut one honor -old eat head for 10 minutes resularly. 11gompetitor. He and hl1 wlfe, Harriet, 11..n "1.ee m}'llelf u not getting old. moved to the 1mall Central ~!$each squad ·;~reezes, 8-2 l A trio of Irvine Bebela ICOl'ed a .-pair of aoe1a Saturday ntcht ln ~ ihe Beach Dlvillim to an ~e8-2 vk:tol'y over the l'.mpire ;!"1.ton in the American • ~•' AmodaUon AD-ctar ~· :~.A crowd of 743 at Loi .• baDe.roe Racquet and Sparta ~ ub in Fountain Valley saw •; D.J'. Hardina. Den Burke t.ao.d Ketth Walley pick ur a pair ~~oal1, while Rebe Andy added one and Colta '• John Boyle tallied. California communty of Woocflalre nearly two y.n -CO· The ~lnnnota native, who pw up in Cleveland and lived ln Loa A,.1ea for 40 1W'I. said he keep• healthy with a veaetartan diet, exerclle and, equally important, a proper mental auttude. "I try to think of ~ funny fNfley day. LaWlhlna ta one of the belt medlchW there la," he erria'mec! . Baduw .bM w very tee Idea about old peopl9. "A cultural~ bu been m!9ted that In their 70., 80I « 908 are autmomatically old and aick, when just the oppoalte la true,.. be araued. "Only 6 perwm ol thole who are 6~ or older are in nur1ln1 hcxnea." BIG DAY -Cleveland's Rick Manning delivered three RBI in the Indians' 10-4 victory over the Angels. From Page C1 INDIANS • • • and Mannina'• two-run llnlJ.e. In all, the An1el -pitcher1 allowed 11 Walka 1o the Ind1anl. Four were delivered by Zahn and four more were taued by Corbett. Baseball today 0n um date 1n li•beH an 1810: S.U. rr.nm.oo11 Willie Ma11 cndced hill· a OOOth caner h.lt -a tin1Je off MAJ. We1ener -at the Olanta routed tbe Moritl'tlll lmpol, 10-1. On tNa date Jn 1N8: QUcqo White Sax .iuaw Pat a...y hit tour haaw rum in the Sox'• 11-11, 11-lnnln8 vtctcry ovw the Philadelphia A' .. On tl"8 date {n 19'3: The New York Olanta and the Pbiladelphla Phll1lel Ued a maJcl' .... record by Jeavtnc a total ot ao men en tiMe· d~t~· Fomm-Dmoit Tlaer' Ty C.obb -DOW with the Phlladelpbla A'a -became the fint major Jetcuer to collect 4,000 ~ hits. No other player bM ~ tbla plateau. On th.la date in 1882: Tony Mullane, a pitcher for the Loui1vllle club of the American .A.odatlOri, pttclfed both left.handed and rfa.ht-handecf in the Mme pme, but it WM to no avail u he lost. 9-8 to Baltimore. Today'1~ Atlanta ~ Joe Torre la 42. New York Yankeel pltdwr Rudy May la 38. Peete pulls Into tie for lead Calvla Peete, the winner of the l!I Mllwauee Open a week earlier, pulled Into a tme.way de for the thlrd-rou.Dd leed with Jeff MiteMU and Pat MeGowu ln the Quad au. Open aotf ~t In Coal Valley, 111. Peete aune ln with a eo satu.rday to extend bl.I streak"'° ax ltraiiht IUb-70 round.I . , . Su4ra llayale, .eeklfta her-third oomecutive vtctory en the LPGA tour, lhot a 4-under-par 68 to abare the third-round lead with Sally Little in the ~flower Clank at lndJanapolla. The co- t ra were at 9-Wlder-par 207 entering today'1 final round. U.S. women post win over Romania Latauya Pollud of Long Beech • State eoored 1~ points and Detdse Cvry of UCLA added 12 u the United States women'• team downed ~. 79-73, to remain undefeated in the Black Sea Cup ba1ketball tournament in Constanta Saturday ... David Moorcroft of Britain won a star-studded 3,000-meter nice in London wlth the HCOnd-futelt tlme ever. Moorcroft won the event ln a European record of 7 minutes. 32. 79 eeconda •.. Runnlna In only b1a leCOnd career itart, Desert Wille clmed with a ruah around the far tum. took over the lead at the ei&hth pole and COMted to an euy 6~-lencth victory in the 23rd nmnina of the Hollywood Juvenile Champlonahlp at Hollywood Park. Little resolved in · NFL talks NEW YORK (AP) -Three da)'I of contnct talJm between the National Football Leque players union and team ownen repreeentatives here lMt week went nowhere. MAIUON, Wla. (.AP) -D111n Chanel, one Of t •••tid'• tQp ptcben ~ the 1teoa. .... exp.rt ~~. He OWllll one of four pm.a C!W'Nntly f•U"ed at the Du. County JunlOr l'alr. In b1a pme, a llllftMll mulC be toilld Into a milk .can to win a SlNt· 64A lot of rc>,Pl-don't tb1nk the bell can ., throueh tMre, Chance aid. ·-rm lhlnl .. that _,. ~ dan't have the patience to keep tryt.na. ~ ... all Ml'VOUI Ind m1m a couple and pve up. ··-~think the eame 11 f'laed." Oma Mid many people do not undentand ~t oamlvaJI have c:hanled. "Sveryone remembeu the old Imai•· when they'd heve 1amea nobody could win. Bll6call.Y. they w ... try1nl to rob people," be aid . While Chmcl triel to dlapel the cit.mlval'• lh.lded old 1m9, many people IUll remember him u the 1ee. cy Y~ Award winner ol the Ancell. Knqwn •• fun-Jovtnc IOl'l, b1a off-field antics with b1Dlr Anatil' pitcher Bo Bellnaky were nearly M well publkib:ed • b1a pttchlna exploitl. "It'• amuln8 how man. t.ny people still remember me everywhere f ao.·· he Mid: - Chance ccmplled a 20-9 record and a 1.65 ..,-ned nm •venae In 1984. He pitched 11 lhutouta and tied a major-lea1ue record with five 1-0 complete pme vlctorle.. "That wa1 the 1weetheart year," Chance recalled. "We had Jim Frep at 1hort1top and Bobby Knoop at leCOnd but and they were like a pair of v.cuwn cleaners out there. They uved me e lot of run&." "1Sein1 a celebrity ln Los Angele1 had Ju rewarda. he Mid. ~ "The two bia 1upermarketa ln the country are New York and Loa Angele.." Chance said. "U you do your thlna there, you have a big edge over the rest of the ~:yen. "It'• jwt that In thJa (carnival) buslnesa. U you do well at a state fair, you can do real well. but if you•re at a analler fair, you'll just get by/' He 18.ld he aot into the carnival buatnMI 8e'Ven yean aao when a friend who owned Pro Arts· Co. needed an outlet to d1spoee of extra posten the oompmiy produced. Sports on ·TV TE._LEVISION 8 a.m. (7) -BRlTISH OPEN -Final round play ln the British Open from Troon ~11 Club in Aynhire. Scotland. 11 a.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Live flag- to-flaa coverage of the CART Michif.an 500 from Brooklyn, MJch. Alao: The women s climb and rappel and white water events in the Survival of the Fittest_ competition and an update on the Tour de France bicycle race. (5) -BASEBALL -Angels at Cleveland. 1~30 p.m. (2) :.._ CBS SPORTS SUNDAY -Art Friu (24-2) takes on Ruben MWM'n (13-1) in a ICbeduled 12-round bout for the vacant USBA liahtweiiht title, telecast from Atlantic Qty. Also: llve coveraae of the Calgary_ Stampede rodeo. 2;30 p.m. (4) -SPORTSJOVRRAL -Spirit of Canpetition: A celebration of sporta looka at such athleClc lum1n&rM9 -MJckey Mantle, Bob Gibeon. Richard Petty and Julius ErvinB· · 3:30 p.m. (4) -Olll'DOOR LIPE -Former Boeton Celtics basketball player John Havlicek 1<>e9 after bluefish off Martha'• Vineyard. 5 p.m. (7) -GREA TF.Sr SPOR'l'S LEGENDS -Host George Plimpton talks with tennis great Billie Jean King. RADIO Bueball -Angeli at Cleveland, 11 a.m., KMPC (710); New York Meta at Dodgers, 1 p.m. KABC (790). ' Only two th1np had chanaed .. the taJb rece•!d Thur.lay -the current live--year oontnct r;::=;:=============;;;;;;;. between the aide. expired, and about 90 rookies F• ••• 9! ~ere thrown lnto limbo. J!! -.c The no-strike provi.ton ran out when the "1i RllBI SlllO• Ticklfl contract ended ThW.::r1r midni&ht. but for now, :I Includes bus trips throughout the season! there ii no lmrnecllate of a walkout by playen 1-For Information, cal~ nor • lockout by manaaement.. .. "The expiration of the ~ pledaie allows 141-1111 ua to take 8CllDe 8Ct1on. pre9Wnably abort of a strike, ~=~============='=::! but at leat pt our me.aaae ac:nm, '' aid Bd Garvey, executive dlrector of the union. ''We th.ink they're a Stronl wUon." aid Jack Donlan, executive director of the manacement council. "They don't have to do anythlna to convince ua of that.'' N~ memben of both md9 indicate that a new contnct r!:J'.:'°t be worked out until lhartly before the le.on la ICbeduled to open cm Sept. 12. .. ,. our lnd.lcatklnl, they may not eut a -1oua offer an the table until Sept. 8 er iO,'' Ge.rwy llid. Donlan countered that the unicn ..__ to have a timetable that they hawn't let us Jn Oil ywt'' No tmlf.cned playen are allowed to attend tn1nlnc c:ampa, which ltaned with the Bahimon Cotta' rookie camp en Jl'rlday. ,-.,.!}'~~,,SJ FOi YOUR OUTDOOR PARTIES ••• M•Jr• Thezn Extra Special and Rent all you nee4 * Umbrella Tables *Ban i ~ I ' ,, " llAJOA LIA9UI tTAMDINCM ....... Lw ... .,.._..... W L ..._ -11 ae .an 47 40 .MO I 41 ., m 4.,. .. 41 .117 I M N .411 14 M 4' .411 11.,. H ... 111 11'4 .....,..,....... 12 SI .Ml la M ... , \41 4' II .M1 I .. " In .... :1 :l :If ,.,. T Ol'OlltO 40 4' • 4tO 12 .... ..,. ...... e.......nci 10, ,_...... .. ToroniO 11<..!:: a 9oetoll .. City 4 ...,..,_.. ....... , New YOttc 4l 0.111'11 1 .......... CMcego2 o.troltl.~4 ,..,.. ...... ~ (Win ~I at ~ 18n• 10o4). T-(T-4-101 M TOf'Ol'llO (Gol1 1-1) Oui.nct (Kingman 1 .. ) 11 New Yotll ~M) K1n111 City (801t1110 0·01 11 loeton ~l.t-.. ...... , .. leltlmofe ,....._ 74) OR'04t I'· lMcMrwood Ml M ....,._. ~eoo51.n-Ml., .,.._.. llMc:tl M) ==~ W L ,_ 09 Alllntl N 34 .IOI -1111 '*to IO at .Ma 4 ....... .. ., .121 1 ""~ 42 ... .412 11 Houlbl • 41 .443 14 ... Cllwlllwllll ,.. .. .312 20 llAaTDlt DM8IOM 'tlU••'* llO II ... -... Loult llO 40 ... 1 ~ ... 42 .623 4 ~ 41 42 .617 4.,.. .... Yoi\ 41 41 411 10 CNcllgO 37 56 .402 15 ........... ~l.,._YOttc5 Alllnta t , C'*-oD 4 81 Louie 4, Clrdrvwtt 2 l"ht11d11p1111 a, Ian ''•nelleo a ( 11 lnnlngtj .--. 4, P'tttltlutgll , ( 10 tnnlngtl ............. SanOlloo 1 T...,...__ ,.._ Yoril (Soot1 1-7) M ~ (Weld! Ml canc.w.a (\Altltlndl Ml It 81. Louie (LM'olnl 6.2) AtMnta !CM1P 1-31 et 011o1ao (Bird 5-8) PttltburQll (0. Aotllneoll 1~) at Hou.ton (K~J.10) Montrwal (Pllmef 4-2) ti Sen Diego {Wlltll 5-31 Pllll1dwlphl1 (A11lllnn 7·7) ti 81n Fr*'Cllco {Hlnwnlll• M l AmlllCAN LRAQW ....... 10, Mgellt' CUvaNm c~ • '..... • , 11111 Ml«lom,Zb 3 ,2 2 0 ~· I 1 1 1 H-.11.-4311 .......... 0000 ~.lb 4 1 2 2 C:.-, 1b 4 1 1 0 Tiwntn.dll 3 2 0 0 ~ 4 1 t I ~.c a o 1 2 ..,_,.. 4 o t o OlonlJI 2 0 0 1 L)'llrUlt 4 1 I 1 ~ 1000 o.cr-.ao2010 Mltw*IQ.OI 3 0 1 8 <Mc:ti.211 3 0 0 0 C.CMatl.• 3 0 o 0 &oone,c 4 O O O "-r.c 1 0 0 0 l<lllifw.a 3 0 1 0 "*""'-2 2 1 0 Wllono.Oll , 0 0 0 T~ 2t 10 t I ToWI 31 4 I 4 Celllomle ..., !Ir ~1 000 -4 Cltv9llnd 000 003 43x -10 E-Kelllhar. OP-c.llfOMlti 1, ~ 3. l~ 5, ~ 1. ~""" 3a-CerN. H~ (15). Aa. ...._, (211. Lynn (11~ 89-elyb 8-Mlboume. ~ •M1tD1•10 Zlfln ~43343 ....... 0 00020 C«tl9n IL. , .. , I 1 4 4 3 1 ..... 0 1001 0 "-~38310 IC*>n "'00000 ~ 9"'dlfllt ~ • 4 .. 4 1 ~(W.3-0) I"' 0 0 0 0 2 apmr., , 00011 ....... PftCflWd to 2 bett«t tn "" 1111. ...,_ PftCflWd IO 2 IMltMn In Ille 1111. T-2:61. A-11.tS 1. ................ 4 ~QI)' OtO 000 102--' I 0 llollloll 100 000 ,.._. 14 0 llllltorlf, Oi.IMclbelFt;~ (I) and ~ IVwl. a-(I) Ind A11t1*n, Gldl!WI (I). , 1-4. L- Qu•nblrry, 4-4. 9-......... (1). Hll-~ QI)', MOIW 2 I ti). Mrin m. Wlllle (4).A40 ... _...,.,1, ....... 1 T-Ole> 000 000-I 1 0 T OfOl'lkl 410 000 00.-11 12 0 9utclw, ~ (21. ...... (2) Ind War-: IACI, R.L. ___, (2). 0. ~(I). J. McL.auolllln (II 111d Whitt. w-11.L. ........._..._ L-luldler, 0-1. Hll-T-, "lcllarctt (II: Toronto, Mo11by (71. A-17AIO. ........ r1it~l • , 1 1 ,....= .... ,.....,11111a1111•••11tl'llllll 100 uo ot-t ,. 0 ten ,,~ 010 101 00-a 11 • ~. MCIOflW ~ "9111 Cll. i..-(111. ~1m~~1~c1't: May, •r•lix (11). W-"H·~···· L-=.t:~ •t , 1 -MOllfl 1). H"-~ (11). A-,1t0. ........ o-. • ~ IOI oaD I00-1 11 1 °'*-I01 -100-4 10 • w•.~~ .. ~~...., ~w-.. ~~~~~I['!.~~ ..... ~ ....... ~I 000 002 000-1 I 2 11. Lollla 100 000 IOI!-' I 1 Solo Moll (7) Ind T~; ,Otldl, Mr (I) Md ~. W-"°'9oll, .... L-eoto, ~._...,(I). A-12,111 ~ .. ,.,...., ""teOutvh 100 011 000 o-a 10 I ~ OOI 100 oao 1-4 1 o llllod•n. acurrr ll~Tellulw• (II 1nd Nlooeltc J.. Hllkto ind W-J • .-ro, M . L-TllluM, M . H Houlton, Thon " (2). 8pllmM (1). A-21,172. ' .............. , t.lonlrMI ~ 1 000 000.-. • 0 ten DllDo 000 010 000-1 1 1 ~ Ind Clt1er; "-111111, a... (4l. lllow en ~ !ti encl T. KllV!ldV • W~Oulllcllton, 1.1 l -H••kln1, 0.1 H"-Sln '*oO, L-.o Iii A-23,7N. AntlBl •ww .. u MTTINO M ... N ..... ,.., 291 47 .. , 25 .302 291 53 .. 11 38 .295 337 eo 11 11 M .211 5111121.nl 270 3S T1 2 ,.. .HI 34 I 41 II 14 II .21'1 255 17 TO 1 at .274 S20 ... .. 10 47 .2tl 280 ~ 14 21 llO .2t4 291 31 17 • 41 .2M ISO 3 10 0 2 .250 17 1t 11 I I .241 41 311 I 8.229 " 10 17 0 •• 172 45 4 1 0 2 .151 304100.033 3,021414 U4 N 382 .272 me... •M•IOW-La& .,.. 3 I 0 0-00.00 ... 2t 24 22 Ml 1.14 102 " 21 so 7-2 a.at 1~ 122 31 ... IQ-4 a. 12 144~ 121 32 ... t-7 3.17 IN 2t 17 it a.a U7 62 4S 2S 40 M a ... 16~ 8' 11 44 44 Ut ~ 71 '° 42 w 3..11 51 51 ti ,.. 1-1 ll;tl 11n. 7M217311 11413.41 Tep1e ~-m•.._> ~ML.IA-e MR M ,.._ ., 271 S3 t2 ..S3I .. 221 ... 11 .aas 14 aa.c 10 111 .m T1 I02 41 100 .aa 1 14.~11 .... 7t 262 4.1 a .aa 11 -.. 110 .aa 12 m •tot .. ,. 11 274 ... ,,,.. rr aaa .. 1CM .112 ........ • .. Tllolw. 'S ., 12; ............ == TilolMilfl. a-e-s. IO: °"*' •.:.ar;•r ...... ,., MoAH, KlllHI City, U : Cooper, ....... 70; ~.~.It: ~ a.a.eo.11: .......... ··-•1: ...... OINlfld. 11. ,......,,, .......... , 'lllkcMdl... +. ICM; Z-. ~ 11·4; lurna, Cllle190, t -4; 81tfiwt, aw.e.nca. 10-81 Ouldry, .... Yortl. ._,.; Cludl, ....... M : ~. llfttmote. 11. ' a.riNr. S..1111, M . MATIOIW. L.IAOW OMltMPet. 17 324 llO 105 .J24 .. -... 106 .313 71 237 42 74 .112 5e , .. 22 51 312 75 213 30 .. .311 .. 114 53 17 .. u 2tl 51 11 .I07 12 211 .. 11 .305 17 Ill 41 107 .306 12 2N 3.4 71 305 ....... Kingman, New YOttc, 25; Mur1lfly, Atllnlt, 24; c.rt.r, Mont,_., 11; Homer, AIMnlAI. 11; J Thompeon, Pllllbutgll, 11; 81llwr, DMilerw. T7) ....... .,....... T7) Cleft, Sen ,rwndtco, 11. ... ..... ... ""'1lflr, Mania. ... '°'9IWI. ,._ YC!ftl, 14; otwir, ~ ti; c.w ........ 17; T. K.annedy, flln C*go, 17; a.ti. ... ,r9'1C11oo, 11. ....... ,,,~, 0. ~ Plttlburgll, 1o-a: Lolwi .... Diego, 10·1: Aoowtt, Mon1r111. 11-4; ., ......... ~ 11:1, ,orecll, 81. 1..cMa. M : Sutton. ~. toll c.tlon. 'tN1'1 ........ 12·7. I Cwll1n,......~ ~DMMllt W L T ,. 'A "9 1 I 0 ..... 2 0 1 I II II I 010 OM 0 0 2 0 11 71 0 ftlTIMDMllON Winnipeg 2 0 0 17 21 4 !4monton 2 o o II 1t 4 ltWilll CoMnble I 0 0 51 3.4 2 Olla#Y 0 0 I 24 24 1 ~ 0 1 0 21 II 0 ~ ..... ............. o ............... H#nlllon 20. ~ 14 ldmonlon 11, TOtOnto 12 T...,-.a- 8'1tWI Columble 11 8*11~ 2'.30 p.m. .. 4.AO .... ......... ....,.._,. , ....... Cllte, ............. Vltglnle AuzlCll Clwl. Bonnie ~. 1-1, ., ... Wctla•IOO , .. ......_ ...... 1. 11 ........ , •• ffenlll• PC-10·l'Ofd. 203116. 2. Oordon J ollnoock. Wiidcat u-c-th. 202.m . I Don Whll tlngton, March UC-Co1woilfl, 202..MG. 4 Tom a.-&. Mitch IZC-1~ 111171 5 PandM> Carter, Merell !XP~ 181110 I Kevin Cogen, l'wnlllw PC-10-FOtd, 111.18'. 7 A.J. Foyt .. Merell 12C·Coewot111, 111U38. I. 8oOOy "'-"al, MWCll I~. IM.324. II Mlle• Molla)'. Mwrdl 12K..coe.ontl, 116..114. 10 Johnny Aulhwrfotd, MttCll '2C-Cowwor1tl. 118.094 11. Al ..,,_. Longflom IJ'-03&-eo.worth, lM.097 12 . G woll 8t11>ri1m. Metcll ~,181.lln. 13 Hwrm Jollneon. &o1e 12-a-.oo111. 1111.107. 14. Spike G wll lll1uten , fwgle e1-co.won11. 1eo.121. 15. Roger Mwwa. Pwntlle PC-7.(;owwofth. 190 517 II Chip a.-.. Wllctcel 11-Coftoont\. 1N .llte 17. Ho.dy ~ .._ ~,,. IM.302. II Tom 81g11ow. E•g••·Outn•y· 0-oMl, 1N .212. 18. Jim HlcluMn, Mardi~. 1"41117. 20. Gary 8wt1wnll1u11n, Pwntllw PC-7~. 114.481. 21. George Snider. Mtfoll-Co1•0t1h. IH .142 2 2 Jollnny Pwreon1 , Mttcll 82C-Cotwotth, 114.Ha. 23 Tony 11111nll1111wn, Matcll aac-c-tto. lto.807. 24 JOHii 01121, M•tCll·COIWOtlll. 117.138 ~ Jerry Katt.~-PC-1~ IN.751 H . P11 lwdttd. WlldCll·Co1..•ottll, 1M,74f. 27. 11111 Aleup, ......... PC-7..co-tll, 1M.587. 21 Hwolot Awbwoque, Match ~.1ee.1n. 2t. Ololl Sllfton. Wwteon-Conotlh, 114706 :SO . 8co11 8t1y1011. 1"1n11!w PC-7-c-onti. 112.MI. 3 I To111 ''•ntz, Pll1nl0111•Cll1Wole1, 111.4'2. 32. Pllll Kreuger, Klnglltll·Cll1vroi.., 1711.404. 3S. M.to Andt9111, W1ldcal I~. no ..,..s. '4. Kin .Hlmlton. v~. no IPMd. promot.-1 °"f°"· .....,GNMl'IU , .............. ........, 1. Kelle "°9b1r9, l'lnJeii4, wu111m1, 1•.MO. 2. ll~do ~,.... 11e1y, lttbf!MI BMW~ l:Ol.121. l.~~ ........ IMW Turllo 1: 10.oe. 4. Oldlw l'Wonl, ....... '-'*' fllfllO 1·10.otl. I . N1t11 L.1udl, Aue1r11, McLaren. 1.10All. .. "'"' ~ ,,_, ........ TlftO 1:10.M1. 1 •.... de A~ If~, .l~I ~ltt 1:10MO .. ,.,. ""*' .............. Tino 1:10.111. t . aillcllele Albor110, 11•1)', T)'r•ll 1:10 ••• 10. o.'111o.w ............... 1;10.MO. 11, ~ • 0..-. ....,., Alfl ,__ 1:11.M7. fl, Joll11 Wat1111, lilft11l11, Mollflfl 1;H.•1t. 11.,.... Tlllltllr. ,.._, '-'M TWIM 1:11.- 1 ... lrWlt ~ -· Ma.._.. 1:,1 .... 11. Teo lllM, "-• T~ Hirt Tine 1:n .nt tt.0..._.,.....,....._T._...., """ 111 t. ft 1. ,, ............... ~1:tl.0.. 11 • .-.. ....... ..........-"'--. ..... 1:11.4M. , .......... ~~ .... •:11..... >-',,ltr ·5,._,.....,.. ••• . E ~.'e " "j.. ............ Mii Uiiw BROO.KLYN, Mich. (AP) -'nwc.tof~fcir I NCl't.on Mk:bllan IOO, tbe jtwel In th• Indy..., Trt Crown. ii nearlY the IMDt • th• lndlanapolt. .000, but Um• there. ta no clear-c favorite. Rick Mean went Into t)'9 IMt May at Indy • tbl OIM~IO tavortie, but io.t a drmnadc d to Gordon Johncock ~y .16~ . "I feel we're Ill here," Mid Mean, the delr.ldl: .. CART-PPG Indy-car cham "At Indy, I felt we ha .ctvantace. but we blew tt." Mean, in a Ford-power d Penske PC-10 will start tll• ~00-mlle race on Mlcbta4n Intemadonal Speedway'• twt>- m ll e, hl1h-f>anked ov•l undwlched between Ute identical Wllcbt 8~ of pole-litter Mario Andrett1 *¥ Johncock. ' 'The l'8Ce will be televt.dtt ~ NBC with a crowd of 70,000 expected at the tnck. "rd have to aay that Mario going to be the ~ to *" but Gordy la always touah on t1'e banks, and be'• a1mmt alst• there at the end of a touah " Meara appeared virtual unbeatable eerly ln the __., .etting track q~ reoor4a at Pnoenlx, Atlanta a1*t Indi.anapolia and winning U1e fint two recet eully. j "The other. teama have p1ntid on ua," Mears said. ''The~· tblng everybody thouaht w that we'd slowed down. But were 1t111 a aeocmd or a and a half quicker than t record at Milwaukee (the raoe after Indlanapolla), juat lll(e Phoenix. But Gordy wa ~ teCOrld to a leCOlld and a quicker than the record. • "Now we're just tryina to 1!4t the edge back," Mean ~. "And I like 500-mlle r.-beit beca1.11e they luit my !l'Yle betW. "I'll lead if I can do it eallt, otherwt.e ru just try to keep • good pace and mp the teadei' m sight unW late ln the reoe. Th'fl I'll go ~et i;"i_m ." The benk1ng on the ~ track I.a 18 degreea in the turna, 12 degrees on the front atret.ch and three degree• in the backstretch . ''Thia track tries to puab )'~ head and neck down to the (right) side of the car," aays Dorl Whittington, who la ~ ~ March..C.0.Wortb Oil the ~ the 9eCOlld row. Two teams tie for lead at Cup races Bahia Corinthian YllCht Chlb and Richmond Yacht Club are tied for tirat place in Balboa Yacht Cfub'a Governor'• Cup match radng aeries with the final four 1'aceJI today. The Governor'• Cup ls fpr junior ..Uon 15 to 18 years and la patterned after Long Beath Yacht Club'a c.on,n-lonal O.. !'Ut.een teema ~ battJina & the coveted prize in two-=boat matchee in the ooean west of Newport pier. BCYC'a team is skippered by Mike Pinckney with Peter Newbrey and 'nm Sullivan ea crew. John Kmt.eck:i ll lldpper'~ the Richmond team. ma creW la Albert Boyce and Mike Herll~. Alter 11 races, Pinckney and Koltecki have 10 wtna and 9111e la. each. 'ned f« 8eCICllxl are 8'n Francllco Yacht Club (Gordie Clute) and Alamitoe Bay Y-"t Club (Mike Segerbloom) ~ wi~ nine,.:==-..,: Cll*it,_ 9-YO (John Fua.). W; LOftl a..c;i YO C.loMINdden). 7_.; 1911 Ii (8rlen l.Adb«Mr). M; KlnO ....... ,. ............. Fort Wor1Jt ... ~ McOoMI). M: Coronedo YC I"* 5-1; latboa YC (Douo T•ull•>• 1-•1 louth ... twn YO (~ ~). 'l-f: Montw1y....,.,.. YC °""" ~1: ~ Hertlof~~~ MO; llw Point YO tehf J; CJ.H. Vanier ·Wi~ ~mateur title 1 ,. °"" o.111' '2 __., ......... Pl'1oM °"' • l . , ............. . . • hrotl'9r'' (I) "DIV A" (R) "n1 Youq Docton 11 Li••" "THE MOST SAnsmNG FUJI Of THI llAll SO fAll." -OJ.arks OWnplln. LOS AHGF.113 rum NOW PLAYING At Tllat lpc rteDy ldedelln..aa e: : . ' . . ~-Si.jli~ ·-.. -.... .., __ , --· $40-7444 -·Q4atl I NO 'All" ACWTIO fOll THIS lHOMHMtNl I Now it is free to become one of us. If you're in business you need . ,.. Members of th~ Showboat Dinner Theater st the Reuben E. Lee are (from left) pianist Andrew Chukerman and singers Dave Cesana. Jackie Gouche, David McArthy, Laura Wem, Jack Challender and Ch~aine Deedman. Tiie Retum or the Great Adventure. of th• lilt11S>''r tJ:/fjj~~ OM"8t AMC 0.MQI Mal 837 Ol•O OIWllf UA CilY C.-. 8343t11 WllTMllllTUI UAMlll 193 05•• '"""'*' = 5'in . fOUllTltll HlUY Piclhc:'I Founi.. Vlllty Of"'-In 9'22411 OIWlll S~Orovtlll .,. 1770 GOFORm "A Heavyweight Hit! A Boxoffice Knockout!" ,_ .. .....,.,.. ROCKY III lllU UA MovlH 990 4021 •coau MUA Etiw;arOS llrostOI ~014U CMTl-.U ..,_T_, 131 lSOl PG ·~ .. !Bl OODD'f llUIB or !D Dill "A llVlt roa •om ntao• JI.DI" -...U, •"'"111 NOW PLAYING --- COSTA MESA Edwards Efwardl CM Centtf 97~141 (~ .. '' ' ..... ,, 11 •1 l ...... """" ~ GARDlNGROYE Edwards Westbrook 530 4401 vvcx::£J( .AillN MlAFAAFON .DSE~ ll.lE t-W'3ERTY lCN't'~S ti/II«( STffi\el R3EN lGJ ~-·-'"''"""'~~OW PLAYl1'40 CYPflUI GARDE• GIUJYl CMWIOE ~PllM llllley lllew-AMC Ofenge Miii 828· 1860 894-5338 637 0340 FOUNT Al• WALLEY I NO ,UIU !CCPTID '011 THlt lNOAOlMIHT I Family Twin 1162· 1248 "A MOVIE YOU'VE 4'UST GOT TO SEE!" -Joel Siegel Good Morning America ABC-TV MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE n.~-OI ,,_,....,. e 10 _, -•llOl.f N _ __,, OI ,.,., .. _,,,.,,_O,.Nr~ ® HOONEllNOEll 11 AO .. mo 1"'99 .. _ ... , ..... '"cen..n.,...... :it , I .. 0 I f, I 11 Ht ' I' I '1 \ ~ AT LAST! ''THE SUMMER'S BEST MOVIE'' t IS NOW AT EDWARDS NEWPORT #I IN 70mm 8 TRACK DOLBY STEREO ON THE GIANT SCREEN OVER l,2H SE6'TS TO 6'CCOMMOD6'TE YOU A ST!WN SPIEl..BHG F11..M E.T. lliE EXTRA·TEJlllS11UAI.. DEnVAUAa PETR cxnon lf!NRY'TMOMAS ~l!UJOTT M IC IW JOHN WIWA11Cs- W'IJTT1!N BY MDJSSA MATHISON ~BY STEVEN SPIELBEaG A ICAllil..EEN KENNEDY 1m1MM •1DlUCTED BY STEVEN SPllL&ERG A UNM.RSAL PlcnJRE CXJl--1• r==----·_.___ r~~---.A-...-.. ... T..,I UADTW •mn .... ..QJZQIQ ... I ..._ __ ......_ ______________ ~.-.-~ .• -~11·••· ..... ~ DA.ILY SBOWTIMES A.T NEWPORT .1a:a•~ at .. , s:ae, asH, ••=•• AN ORIGINAL PROP SET FROM E.T. 18 NOW ON DISPLAY edwards NEWPORT NIAICOAST HWY.&MACAITHUI 644-0760 ... - -: . . . LY essNoted The SWORt> 'f~ SORCERER O t'llJltt -VIC"&.._ * 8ARQAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All PtrformancH before 5:00 PM (E-.1 lpeclal Enoatttnenta and Holidays) M!lijij-~~·~-a:oo····J "THE 8WORD ANO "ANNIE" 1..a1 TME 90..CERER" t•1 ___ ...,.... --·--------...... -..,..-. ... "8TAR "'EK It: "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S THE WRATH OF KHAN" 8EX COMEDY" CPOI ~ DOUY tTRMO (..a) ------.-. ....... __ "POL TEAOEIST'' <'°> ___ ,,..,_ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN "ROCKY 11111 <N> *,.. DOlaY tTIMO ___ ,__, ... LAKEWOOD C ENTE~ SOUTH WAI~ , .. "fNFOX" !Nl -"THIE ROAD W"""'°"" IJll ..... "SOllllO ~·' f •4 ... ,,. "'"'" BUENA PARK DRIVE IN llftc-A,.. WMI ot lllOlt 121·4070 " .......... ' LINCOLN OQIVf IN . ,,,. .. ~ fOUNT AIN VALLEY OQIVHN "ROCKY Ill" (P<H ------·1M '•Cllll'f ol Condl••OOCI 21J/H1·9llO "VOUNQ DOCTORS IN LOYl"11•1 ........... ,,..,_ Mnta HCMT °" ........ ,., ---M ALL TitlNGt ~ ANO NAUTW'UL" 101 ,., ... -..... "DINER"1111 -·~-..... - POL TIRQll8T" !NI -"HA WOLYE8" l"l Cl'it'•~ .. ..._ ... °' THI L•T AM" -!NI .. .,.. LIOINO Of' Son oi.oo •rwv ol .,_"""1 "9) THI LONI fllANOlllr' l"OI f61•2481 CINl II SOUlfO ., , ...... ·~ ..... HI-WAY ~q r1111vr ,,.. CCIII· fl SOUICI , ~"'"' "THI IWOM AND WCUU'111t C..Pl~ . ' llocll 11¥4 so Ill ~Offl °'~ .. ....,. 191.Uti "THI l'HlfO" 1111 -1LADa MINNllt" "" Clllf •t IOljljO --- "VOUNO OOCT°"I It LOVI" 1111 , --~'"' Cllll " SOllllO LA •iABQA •• , .. .... .. ...._ ... lft.!1161 --...... OPANGE !'L'\11 ~ . . '·'A ROl.l.EIH:OASTER RIJE •• :' _ _, ......... """"'~'IOHtOHI' ·-····-"Mr NOW PLAYING WCXP '°11.t" _ ,..,,_ A IUD9tnodR NIGHT'• tax 0 OOKSDT llD DAILY 1:00, ,_,, 5:00 1100, l:OO, 10:o4I DINll _ _........... . WALT OtaNrrt "TRON" E.T. TllSEllTllA· 'hallUTIUAI. llllA OAAlll UA MOVIH 990 4022 Slldlu• DJ. 93M770 COSTA MflA WHTMlllTH 1!11bof Twin 831 ·3&01 MIHIO• YlfJO M11s1on Cl-Wt11 fOU•TAt• VALLEY YitJO Milt 495 8220 111-3935 Edw11d1 founwn Valley 138-1500 • OllAlll Ci""9lllt 134-2553 ACClPT=::~=EMEHl •m11!7QMM1!9lllNWI MONTY PYntoera . "THE SECRET POLICEMEN'S OTHER BALL" DAILY 14+7+10M (fll) • llAffi( G AOOUT ro O[GIH STAI\ .... ~ T~ -N1Al1 llm ....... ""°"""._ .. 9JJIPER.I OF THE ~LOST ARK !El &"A~90C'T~ DAILV1:11.Wl,MO 1:11, .. DAIL y 12:30, MO I lcll,MO.~ r·dw.ird.., LI DO "1 "'"' .. ~ ~~· :. 1 : :,·. ',~ • .., 7 3 Bl SO (PQ) • "AUntORI AUTHOR!" DALY 2:11 .... UM(N) "'-U8 "THE THING" "IUMMIR LOVIM" . - -f j • IY'LOlm"COO& "*'iilnl the hCMaili IDUlt t.e fit tO UW In. ~ lt ~.,...., U.. It no written~-· ''.The~ ~ I ~ ti only the ~ ot the ~ war:r..r .. CIM we~ to mAa iJliilldt tt. ~ t,~ &Oda1'1 oon11wner. ProUH:\1AC yc>ur '-ml of Im warnnU.. • the oommllilor\ eidd. ' .,... you've ..... &be dOW1a .pa11Mftt The commllmkln allo ~ tbat the G9A ... .. hard. 8Pd • crowinl nusnber of preMnt mandatory warranUel on federalty lnlu.Nd buyen are tu~ntna to warfantlta to provld• homee be adrn1n'9iend ~private, rather than p1ote&Stun. • aoYernmlnt, ~ lt M1d bomebuyen ,,....... are lleYiral kinda of warrMdM. Tb9 ibould ~ told abOut the COit of auch wananUel and fedlnl ~" fOf_exalftple, ~ ~ lbould have the rfeht to r.ject them. of hderilly Jnawed or uliltecf houelnc tO ~ • '!be premlwm fOI' ~ lnlw'ance under the OM-19U' written warranty, ~tetlrUI t!;at t,hJ HOW~ COit up to $3.90 per tl,000 of the hou1t confotma to the builder' a plan• and ~~· • price. 1¥ 1-&nnoe la purchMed ~dona. BUyen allo are protected ~ and for by tM bulldti. but UM oc.t la swd to ~ ltr\ICtW'al deftctl for up to four yean. the ln the price ot the howl. The mast wtdelprud Jlrivate ~ II the ROW cover.,. luCI for 10 1~ and the Rome Ownen Warranty -HOW -Mt up almolt =: tnicludes • lyNm for •tulnl dllputee. a dee.de ae> by the National Aal(datlCll'l of Home the tint yeer aft.er~~ II built. the Bullden. Ttl. program hu 16,000 partldpadnc b .yer prot.ecteQ ap!Nt trouble lteaunJ.na from builden; .imc.t one mUllon new homet have been defective mawri.'11 or workmamblp. from ~ covered ., far and HOW esUmates that 40 percent structural defida llDd fnlm defecta In the electrical, of new ~ beina eold today are protected by the he.ting, cooUna Cle' plwnblnc sy1tema. prosram. The protection a1atn1t ttructural def ecta A key factor in the HOW warranty la that lt la continues durtJ\I the eeoond y.., of the warranty, t.ked by insuraDce to protect the horn*>wner lf but problema Ullked to worlamnahip or materlala the bull~r will oot -or cannot -make re~. are not covered. The wtrlna. plpna and duct work MOit warranties, tnclud1ng the 00e9 uaua11y taued on the electnc:.1. beeUna, cooUna and plumbing by bullden under the federal pr'OIJVO.. are not aystema are oovend, but tiw equipment itaelf la not, insured. unlese there la a •pa.rate manut.ccurer'• auarantee. HOW officials say the lnsuraooe la partk:ularly The builder ta reaponalble for repair billl important because statlatica show 75. percent of the dwinl the finrt two-year period; lf the builder clalms in the first and second years of HOW refuaes reeponslbility or hu gone out of ~ .... warran'fies atem---r?Om bu.ffilerlNOlvencles. thelJiiW'ance eovere,p_ ~over. The President's Commission on Housing During the lut eilbt years of the warranty, the thoae on automoblle inaurance policies. The homeowner must pay the first $250 of repairs durtn1 the first two years of the warranty and mutt pay an amount eq,ual to 1 percent of the home's pu.rch.ue price durtng the lut eight yeen. fdost stat.el do not require builders to provide any written warranty. New Jentey la an exception, however. A state faw puled in 1979 requiree bulldera to provide insured warrantiea, either throueh a atate-ad.miniate~ program or through an approyed fw.i ate p)an like-HOW:-Builders who tell h0mes without warranties face atiff penalties, lnclud1ng poaible 1088 of licerwe. recently recommended th.at "all homebuilders buyer ia protected apJ.nst major at:ructura1 defecta consider offering insurance-becked warranties as an and the HOW lnaurance company takea I:' J J 1 ·i optioni:1~~~o~w=~ts~tesimp0tle res~~~~r~n~ the high number of cami y ives J e ~an~im=Ued;;;;;w;;arr;;an;;;;;;;of=h.a=b~itaiibiliii' =·tii:on::ibiiuiliideiiraiiii, iiiiclaima,iiiiiiiiiHiiOiiWiiiiesiitaiibiiliah•edl..:dediiiiiuctiiiiitiblieaiiiiaimilari' iiiiiiitoiil in the big SCreen . ATLANTA (AP) -When state officials decided to raze a drtve-ln movie acreen for an expanded interstate highway, there was one thing they didn't plan for -Rocky ...Turpin and hla famil_l', who llved there, right in the ICfeen. The Board of Directors ef Liberty National Bank is pleased to announce the appointment of Barban Hauck Vice President Deposit Administrator Ll/Jertg National BtmA- one Pacific Plua, 7777 Center Avenue Huntington BeacJl, California 92647 Telephone 714/895.:'2929 call 142-5171. narpin, caretaker at the Northeast Drlve-In. at the interchanae of Intent.ate 85and1-28~ northeast of Atlanta, lives with hia wife and aon in a two-bedroom apartment built into the old movie 8Cl'ee11. A project to widen the interchange means they will have to move. Put a few word• to work tor you. "It wu eort of fun when we moved in here, ternn, people we lived in a movie screen," Turpin said. "Now it's home." Turpin said he hates to leave his unique apartment -"but even if I don't live in it, I'd still · rather ~ to a drive-in." FORECLOSURE PROBLEMS? (714) 542-5811 Take a POSJTIVE APPROACH To a negative situation. ProfeHlon•I Excellence Since 1951 ST AN-SHAW CORPORATION i.aaht SandcMde oondqmlnlwm valued at fl .2 ~ m1llioft have IOld ln the pli'tod llnce tbe pojlct bM bees\ ott..d by the Saft c.n.ite GroUp, repor1ll Robes1 Kn'*, pl'llllident. The projKt, awred to the aecutfve lltldNi a ~ retreat tn ftw ft4ewport S.Ch ...-and'" to the eecondary home market, II Joceted ln c.orona de) Mar between Padflc Cout Hf&hway and the Pldfk ~. . Krauae al11'tbuta the recent -.lei IUODl9I to both the project'• location a.nd pc:ice with one and two-bedrOorri condominiwm avilllable from Sl47,-600. . Previously priced from tl70,000 or more and now~ from $147,500, thecoodomin.twn1rance from 836 to 1,082 aquare feet. Thoee intereeted in vtewtna the community are encouraged to viait Sandcutle at 709 Avocado Avenue in Corona del Mar. Modela are open dally from 11 a.in. to 6 p.m., exatpt Wedne9day and Thunday. Or call 673-3271. SET ON A BLUFF that provides many of the townhomes wlth expanaive view• -aome extending to the ocean just a few miles away -the sloping hillside lite of Landmark Yorktown in Huntington Beach starkly contruta wtth the city'• mostly flat topoeraphy. . Priced from $139,9M, the luxury townhomes range in size from a two-bedroom, two-bath plan with 1,529 aquare feet of livfni space to a three- bedroom., two-anckln&-half i3eth-model with~ square feet. The sales office and modela, open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. can be reached by taking Beach Boulevard aouth from the San Diego Freeway to Yorktown Avenue, turning left on Yorktown to Coldwater Lane, turning right on Coldwater and proceeding straight ahead to the development. More infonnatlon la available by calling 763-0042 or 963-7072. FOR PEOPLE RELOCATING or seeking a house that already hae many of the ~ touches of a home, the Meister Company at the Forest in Lake Forest has prepared one available residence with all of the basic decorating requlrementa. At no additional cost to the buyer, the decorated Reprt.e model is priced at $278,000, while the other floor plans at the Forest begin at $255,000. These luxurious residences are available with several excellent financing programs, including conventional 30-year loans with a fixed rate of interest at 13 1.4 % (13.69% annual percentage rate). Buyers may choose a "Zero Monthly Interest" plan with a 40% down payment and the balance of the loan amortized with equal principal-only payments over five years. Other programs include a 60/30/10 Plan for those concerned about down paymenta and qualifying. To visit the Forest in Lake Forest, take the San Diego Freeway to the Lake Forest Drive exit and proceed north on Lake Forest to Jeronimo Road. Turn right on Jeronimo and continue to the sales office and five "diaplay homes" which are open daily except Wednes:iays, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and <>n Mondays from noon to 5 p.m. For further infonnation, call 770-4003. i: ~ • LOI ~osua -u ~ i..i WW ~'U newr be~ to afford aJ •'*-ofYoWown.•'••,..Y ~ ·,bope. ~p that lhoukl know 11)'1 • home will be ill • uw. ...... next yMr. , .. ,. AlthoYal\ much ot the J\eWI on :ll\ the ,.. •tate 8'*\11 bu been ne1atlve recently, the Tlcor N RHearch Council.. •tee 1ome t encouraalna slam erneratn1. The cou.ndl, -wrucli ll compoeed of expert• from the glant Ttcor ·· Monaaae lnlurance Company, • eaya ieveral ~ fecton are combining to pl'ovlde a more pollUve outlook fot buyers. 'J nt• "Pro1pectlve home buyers "V! ahould con1lder the1e 1 • encouraatna developmenta: Real penonal and family Lnoome ll up, Inflation ls down and the real > COit of a home today -as a function of price and financing -ta down," aaJd Martin Standel. vke preajdent and director of flnandal planning for T1oor and chairman of the council. ;, Standel note. that ho~ prices roee at an anmlal rate oL only , .. .. *** Uini l*Olft\ ort; ln the flnt fiw monthl of ~8 2 -a dramadc llOwdown trom t yean. At rau.h}y the tame tune. he lddl, ·reaf dlapoeable income -the amount lndivtdl.WI have left '° apend If ter taklna care of the recent Supreme Court ruUna allowln1 federal 11vtn1• ana loan• to enforce due-on-aale clau.. in mort.aaae loaN may hurt home aalea In the 1hort- tenn. But Stanciel Aid the long- term effect of lh. rullna will be . ''The normal price o.'f a home will go up at a decreasing rate." neceaitles -increued at a much futer rate. "I don't want \0 dllcount the (act that unemployment la 9.6 percent. That'• a terribly unfortunate reality. But for the 100 rnil.Uon or ao people that are worklns, the average annual increue in income hu been in exceu of 9 percent," Standel aaJd. "Home prices will moderate. The nonnal price ot a home will tend \0 go up at a decreasing rate, maybe 3 or 4 or 15 percent a year. But the real price of that home will go down because disposable income will go up at a faster rate." 'Iba council -acknowledged that *** po9itive for home buyen becauae It wW ultimately make it easier for aavtngs and loana \0 make new loenl. "There will be a lot of preeeure placed on the savingl and loan industry \0 do aomething," he 11ld, noUng that many S&L execudves had claimed mortsage rates could be lowered by as much as two perceni.ge points if due-on-sale clauses were enforced. Standel also notes that inflationary psychology underlying the housing market -the belief that home prices would keep aoing up forever - has been shaken. ''The psychology is beginning *** /~California ah owing recovery t:r_Real estate activity picks up as prices dip again ., . LOS ANGELES California's real estate activity picked up in May, reflecting hopes that the economy ts 1tarting it• slow ascent to recovery, repor18 Security Pacific National Bank. "Both housing and nonresidential construction rose," aaya Paul J. O'Brien, senior vice president and the bank's chief real estate officer. "However, homebuilding activity continued lignificantly below pre-recession levels. California's housing prices, which escalated rapidly during the lat.e 1970s, fell tor the eeooncl conaecutive month." Reflecting the softening pattern of inflation over the past two months, home prices declined across the nation and in California during May . Nationally, the average prlce of new and existing homes dropped for the four1h consecutive month, falling to $72,900 in May from $78,100 in April. In California, avera e home prices dropped \0 $122,500 from Homebuilding leaped 55 $134,400. "rhe state average was percent from April to May in skewed by still-exceptionally Northern California \0 an annual high prices in San Francisco, of rate of 22,900 units. Multiple- $143,300, which dropped Crom family activity almost doubled - $166,500 in April. Prices in Los rising to 10,300 units from 5,400 Angeles and San Diego were units. Homebuilding rose 40 more closely aligned together at percent in the Central Valley $115,400 and $108,800. during May to an annualized 18, O'Brien noted that these 800 units. average prices apply only to These gains compared to a nine conventionally financed homes percent drop in Southern and that home prices can California housing activity in fluctuate greatly from rnon\P \0 April. However, the region still month. d o m i n a t e d t h e s t a t e • s Homebuil~ increased across homebuilding with 34,200 units the nation and throughout authorized for construction. Ca II f o r n i a d u r i n g M a y . Following the housing trend Nationally, housing permits roee for May, nonresidential ten percent from April to a construction also expanded. seasonally adjusted annual rate Valuations rose seven percent of 969,000 units. from April to .$ 7 54 million. In California, homebuilding Un 1 i k e home bu i Id i n g . rose nine percent \0 an annual nonresidential construction has rate of 75,100 units. O'Brien remained remarkably resilient attributed the rise to strong during the recession, and May rebounds in Northern California valua~ons were only five percent and the Central Valley. below the previous May. -------.......... ......--......... ___ Orange Oout DAILY PILOTllUndey. Juty 18, 1982 • • 1mprov1ng to be broken, al\houah it •till h.u a Wa)'I to I01" he Wd. Ano\her oblerwr of the rM1 •taw •ne •YI C..Ufomia home prlcee could come tumblln1 down. l.n fact, Bruce Howard, an a11latant profe11or at the Unlver1lty of Southern C..Ufornia whoee 1pedalty ll real estate law, even 1ee1 aome parallell with the 1928 1tock market crash. ''The stock market crash of 1929 reaulted, In part, from highly levera1ed flnanclng similar \0 many of today'• home loans." said Howard, who not.el that "creative financing" turns diaa1trous when home prlcea aren't aolnl up rapidly month after month. "Jl'or a while, tnexporlenced buyere and 11llera could make htihlY eophlatkated real eat.ate deala and rely on intla\lon to ball . them out It they made miltaket," be Mid. "M long u the value of the houae increased rapidly, the buyer could uae the mounting equity to pay off 1hort-tenn loana or \0 ne10Uate reflnanclns as the accumulated 'paper' came due," he uid. "Now the safety net is gone, and thouunda of homes carry more paper than they can 1uppott. Recent bu)'81'1 of ovw- leVer.,.ct home. are aittlr\I on =·"lime bombl they ct.n't • Stand.el a1JIO th1nkl that the OD1t of bonowm, may dec11ne If lntlation contlnue1 to atay down and lendert no lorlpt feel they have \0 protect themeelvee bv add1na an "ln.tlaUon ptemlumt'• in\O moncaae rac.,. 1•1 would SUJpeCt that aa the finandal marketa become more confident in the policlea being dictated by the Reagan Administration, the Inflation premium will come down, IO over the next 12 month.I I aee a 1U1ht reduction.in the rates." YOU SHOULD CONSIDER AN INVESTMENT IN CALIFORNIA REAL ESTA TE Traweek Investment Fund No. 15, Ltd. The Apple uniqu~ ..Wult living This limited partnership Is being formed to purchase THE APPLE. a 304 unit garden·style apartment complex in Huntington Beach. CA, one of Jtte nation's -fastest growing 'dt1es. ·- AlTEND A FREE SEMINAR • Learn about limited part· nershlps and how real estate compares to other Invest- ments-how leverase can work for you. • See a slide presentation o n this specific offering. • No rent control • 38 Individual buildings • 11 .6 acre site • Recreation building • Pool, sauna. jacuzzi OPEN TO THE PUBLIC -COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION; Traw~ek Investment f und 4720 Lincoln Blvd Suite 200 Mannd del Rey. CA 9029 l Phone (21 3) 822-9157. (41 5) 4q3. 6030, or for San Diego (714) 232-300 I 1 D I cannot attend but plea$e l ~nd me an Offc1mg Circular : Name Monday, July 19th South Coast Plaza Hotel San Juan Room l Address ~ Cuy <>tat.! Z•p 666 Anton Blvd. Costa Mesa 7:30 PM ! Home Phone Business Phnne . .......................................... -........ ~-·············· MINIMUM INVESTMENT-$2.000 '""'\Im> n th" pann~r..n,p mu>I h""" a m n mum \l•~s •ncomO' <11 \211 llOO and a net "'on lo ol \20 INIO or a nvt wo'1h ol $ 75 OllCI (n clu· stve ol penonal resld•nce furn .. hmg' 1111J automobil .. sl I M••11.JW H . AIUSI (March· U~Aprll lt); Sotnarlo h,1hll1h .. rwrublllty. challen,., property an MOUrlty. Bu1lne11 1nvHtment will prove 1U00191\&l. You are • dkl ll'OUnd. A ..-ia .. WOIMft lhoWI thaf .. dOll CIU"e. Cintw' MUW ~by role. TAURUI ~ 30-~ 10): Accent on clMh ot teJadw.. tri(l9 and , ,IW'Jlll'tM tnvitadon. You ,., ~ new1 from afar. Gemini, s..lttartU. P9f10a1 flau.re prominently. HciitiW expend -your popularity lnm'eUel. You're ukecl to i?,ln apecSal campqn. OBMINJ (May 21-JUM lO): Idea which occurred put weekend can now be tranaformed into reality. Emphaala on money po11e11lon1, apeclal material, payment• and collectiona. Temporary delay preeenta chance to aa1n leCOCXl Mnd. Watc:h Scorpio! CANCER (June 21-July 22): Graphic manrwr of Mlt-expraalan brinal attention. opportunity to gain wider audience. Judgment, intuition are on target. Clrc:umstance9 favor your efforta. Be ready . for exciting changes, • variety of eenaat.iona ana invitation to travel. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Maintain low profile. You gain needed material from •pedal IJ'OUP, club, orpn1%ation. Emphaala also on hoapl ta la, i.Ntltutions., clandestine conferences. Major domelUc ad).atznent commanda attention. Realdence cban1e ii diacus9ed. -1 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Someone promises "something for nothing." Discern motives, don't confuae bein1 open-minded with being gullible. Lunar focus on desires, profit from businea enterpriae and ways of making wishes come true. Watch Pistel! LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Emphasis on career, business. dedsiom affecting future aecwity. One who aided in past may now expect p-omotion or pay rai.le. Accept challenge, realize added responsibility will mean lncreued income. Watch Caprloom! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Spotlight on aspirations. education, "RUFFELL'S U'tte>LSTHY UGnTARRJI (Nov. 22·0.C. 21): BnU flw from tndividual wbo taJcee plenty, livet UtUe or nothlftl. Strem lndependence, creedvlty, willJncne- to rriake new atart ln new d.lreCt1on. You'll uncover "finaN.Ul fact.." Leo. Aquariua pel"IOnl play )ley roles. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Coordlnate efforta wlth one cloee to you, lncludlna partner or mate. Emph11l1 on accounttna, taklna inventor)', cutttnc expenaea and becomtna aware of leaal riaht•, permiaaiona. Permit othera to expre91 t.belr views while playi.n& your own cards elate to chest. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Leave details, fine points for another day. ~pbaaia now on getting job done, on perceiving picture as whOle -and on aenstn, your own potential. Sa2ittartan aids In f ulfilllng spedal deli.re. You'll be loved! PISCES (Feb, 19-March-201; Phyalcal attraction hlghllahta aoenario. P enonal magneti.am and creative energy combine to make thia a meaningful time. Lunar focus on speculative venture, relations with children and unique entertainment. Number 4 ii lucky. ''Have decided to go on 5trlke. Get your own sup· per." ~ • qa kt• •s... ttu tMnO• an. COSTANIM-•-.1t ... EUROPEAN. COSMETICS aw1 ··y11111w1 llSllESS Seeking new experiences, a new challenge. extra Income? Large, prestigious European skin care company now beginning U.S. marketing. Earn extra money teaching European skin care ctaases. Part-time or full-1tme. Fast track development program for potential managers. Exciting ground floor opportunity. For Information call: (714) 855-0855 •••llliflll liloll••• • • • Remodt1n1 & Desicn Specialsts Beautiful Cabinetry and Installation Hundreds of Local References D&Aa ANN LA.NDJ:RS: Can you ~ ane more animal letter? Pl .... t Lut ru1ht I •ttended our annual dty..wkli Ltnle ~ fund·ra.lalna oarntval. Many youn1 people 1uddenly dedded they wani.id aorne of the petl that were for ule. Of CJOWW, the 10-)'tm'-Olda choee cute, while •h• waa trytnl"'to 1•t . my huabend in the Meli. She replied, 111 never 11.ld I WU your friend. I WU your t.by.11\ter." The more 1 think about It. the madder I aet. Why ahoWd anybody ,.t away wtth 1tuff Wee thaU la tt picmtble to MM that uw. ttamp for =~~iJ~~~?- DEAR RE: TllH• h ao law a1ala1t mat1a1 • pan at a m&n1M mu. Don't •••te uy more Um• or eaero trylo1 to paJ11t lier. TM poor tlalU aouda Ilk• a ca1e of anHttd llMU)INO call at Pierce Btothera LUCILLID J, HAl\DIM01 SmUhl' Mort~ trom 11:00 • IO, a fonMr ,......,, or noon to t:OOPM on ~y, S.ta Monkw and ~ July UI, tNa wt.e naw.a IWl6 Let1uN World. pa.cs ..-vkm wW be oonduct.s at •..va1 on ~~Jul)t 18, U:OOAM en 'l\mdey, July 1812. Ma. w11 a 30, um. Qyptlllde llrWilia _ nttNd Account ttv• wtll• oaDducWd at l:IOPM with th• Santa Monica at Woodlawn Ceme~ry, ..) hrd of l'ducatlon, beJowd Santa Monica, Ca. Ttie ... of Kau.toe ..,. of family ...... contrtbuUont Loa AnetJea, Ca. and 'l'r_.y be IQade -tO The ~·s Hardina of Weat Loa ffolPcal of er.n,. <.:ounsy. Aneei.. C...: Uc> aurvMna Pterce Bro~hera 8mlth1' an Hveral otece and Mortuary dtrectora. nephews and =•lea aae-ean. · and neph4rwa. may cuddly ones to play with. No thouaht Wll lfven to the fact that a1J llvlnc thlnP Nquite can. My wont fe&r1 were rMlllld u we were leavtna the event. The car ahead of ua Jnade a tum and an ADULT hand emeraed from the window holdlna a hamater. I Wit' horrified to Me a 6at>y hamater drop to the pavement. The reaulta we~ aickenJ.nl. I could barely cope., wtth the ~r. I don't know what to do except write to Ann Landen and hope ahe wW print my letter. WW lhe? -A KNOCK FOR LITTLE ROCK development to me. L.l'P..----............. "'-. MUC llOT1Cl NCmCI °' IALI 0. MM."'°'.,' ATMVATSUU DEAR ltNOCK FOR THE ROCK: lllUlllll Site wlll, aloa1 wltlt some advice. Some cldet laave onllDuces atatlq tltat uJmal1 may Dot be aold u "toy 1Db•tltuce1." It be1u aeveral yeara a10 wlteD ttated 6aby cll.lckt were aold by th tlaoatandt aroud Easter time as novelty ptt1 for cltUdreD. T1ae c~ were foud 1 few days after Eaater lD 1ana1e cua ud alon1 tbe 1cree11. Wiiy DOt campalp for aaclt a and suddenly all my hu.band and I do ii fight. The reason; I want to name the child after my mother if lt'a a girl or my father If lt's a boy. My husband wants to name the baby ~-IJ~ Reek! after his older brother who wu killed two yea.rs ago, whether lt'a • boy or a girl. (The name happeN to be one that could pus for either.) DEAR ANN LANDERS: Since marrlas,ls a legal contract, is It poalble to sue a third party who tries to break that contract? To be more apectflc, this ls the story: My husband 1119 -9lnee-both my parents are alive I can honor them by being thoughtful and generoua, but he needs this chance to honor hil only brother's memory. Settle lt, pleaae. I am -WRUNG OUT IN WYOMING DEAR WRUNG: Let yoar ltaakDd wla tbla one or you'll never ltear tile end of It. He ba1 a legitJmate polllt. I Tbe cblld's second name caa be yoar maldn name, to honor botlt you living parenta. My husband and I are both 34. A 19-y~-old neighbor girl who uaed to baby-sit for us started to hang around wearing shorts and a halter top. I noticed she followed my husband from room to room. making flattering remarka and shining up to him. At first he regarded it as funny, then he wrote It off as ieen-age infatuation. After she propositioned him flat out, he told her he wasn't interested. The last time she was here I asked her how she had the nerve to come over here night after night and pretend she was my friend, when all the Discover bow to be date bait without la11.ing hook, line and sinker. Ann Landers' boolclet, "Dating Do'11 and Don'ts." will help you be more poised and sure of yourseif on dates. Send 50 cent! along with a long, stamped, self-addre.aed envelope with your request to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, W . 6()611. TIDAT'S CllSSIDU PVIZLI ACROSS 90P 1'7 Abbf. on a J 38 Chi,,... god 102 A.ult,....,. 78 Meen city map 39 Garden tool ,,,.,.,.,... 1 BolMM 8 t Lyric poem 148 lffegular 41 Mlled'aaon 104 Redact Indian 82 Arabi.In 153 AUIO atyte '42 Hul'l'l4td 1oe MU11ca1 5 Female Chi.ttaln 154 WCKd with 43 Hamburg'a lnltrumenl 10 MlnMtVant 54 L ... rapidly fight or nre river 107 Culture 15 Eh? ea Legof 158 Knock 44 Agelnllr. medium 19Whlt• mutton lharply 45 JoeeOf 108 8rlltle poplar 89 Noted aur-157 WCKdl on a Juan 110 Skin 20 Open. realllt French 48 Pt-.it lhoot opening mouthed 91 Roman date menu 48 P1anll1 112Two 21 Lycee 93~ 158 Poe"• bird ,,.. 113 Nogglr\ top 22 Frwt 94 Country Of 159 Begin 50 Ado, tor 11'4 l.Jnkldi 24 Fact NW Afl1ca 1110 Extract one 1 15 8tttlltl '25Pa.lng HWorthlea 182 Turn 51 SpoMot-Milon *"'°" NVlchy 154 Corrc1 ._, 117 Heiden 2" MladMd aummer 185 en.· bfothet 52 l.M1et 119~ 21 Pelld .. llTtgatecl 111P .... 53Thlck ... U.1~ 2t U!Mlttended 101 Conf!Md 117 Orowtno OYt &&Sounded• OllP9 ao Anotnt,old 103 EGYPtlan 1 ea Flit qU1c1c1y horn 122 TlbMa'\ •t)'le pheteoh MHerolet ... .,.... 31 Ouunt 105 Sooner DOWN 57 MuttonfWI 124F.- 32 Wf/'/upO< 1C>ePoe ..... 80 Y..,(fot) l'9"IOrM down 109 c.tlle 1 Sea dyak 81 Ruin, toa 12e lmmenae 34Weetw81d 111 Put• on 2 Head. In poet 127 Mllricu- -1 cargo Pana 83 Mtlk•lec» lated 35 81tatlng 112 PIMled 3.Jewtlh 88 John, Paul, 128 Cendidet• ., .. 113 Pokw win· month George and u.s 3e8eyond. Inge 4GoddeMol Ringo 129 Frowned Pf1'f. 118 Ripen• ~ 87 Pa1of AMA 131 v ... 38~ent 111 P.I. coc:o-5 Thin cootcle 88 Weatern 1olv9n 40 Tear ""'pelm a e.tty •ttati Indian 133 Rulelan 42 Beglna: 120 M0.'1 alptietlet 69 Atabs, fCK pleln 2WOfda neighbor 7 Furlout one 134 Al,., .. 488um 121 Stately 8Wlr•~ 71 Akin 13e Cerrted on 41 Blbllcat 122 Palm-9Wl•old 73 Scout group 138 ut•wy Ct\arl!CMr leefmat man 7 4 Of th4t aun not• 41e.t.b-* 123 Estimator 10 O..meat 75 Borders 130oeew. 54Entreeti. 125Thr .. 11 Elect. n Demur• 140 Donkey' 55 C.• lf/'/9r legged curren1 78 Tutkl9h title coueln M&eri>enta atand 12 Heard from 79Wlne, In 141 Greek letter 51 Pnnoely 121Cemoua thehetd FrllnCe 142 JtlWWI 51 8crooge. f()t bWldlngia 13 Blbffcal king 80 Omelet Item month ahor1 129 Mont recent 1 '4 Choir ¥cMce 83 Conownlng 143 8lblcel eo DMno blltd 130CN'*9d 15Sto6e 851812 Weed a 1 College cteg. 132 Populaf 18 Nlmbul -t 145 Wllhlne'a 82He.,..:Lat. nerNln 17 War.tdc'a 88 Map dllec-~ 14 UlelcJt9 Cerdltt mer Uon 147 Coln IS Cozy room 133 Helf: Pr«. 180YwMe 87 ·•o.,,ger" opening llae..lng 134 Mementoe 10 Ohio city COior 148 Hindu heto . .,~ 138 Rabbff'• 23F~ 90 Metric 150 Abov9 70Nr1Wt toot artlc:le ,,_.,. 151 Tf'llMmltted poet 137 Ulnded 27 Author 92 Nobe 152Condude 72 Weep loudly properUM Remlng 85 PreeenUy tHC..... 71 Camp 00\llW 130Plent .... 32 MM1 97 Df.'1gp. 161 Actl99 14 L.eclflMtM 140 lAaen 33 Author Jaffe 98 Donkey, In G8fdner bodlle 144 ExcWnatlon 37 lntema-Germany 111 -Deurrl 1•n.---148 Doc:tr1ne non.lorg. 100 AIMllan ... 11SAthOme • HAI.IOI L.AW ...... MT. O&.IVI Mortuarv •Cemetery Crematory 1625 G111er·A11e Costa Mesa 540-555<' "UCI llOTHUS la&. NOADWAY MOITUA.IY 110 Broildwav Cosia Mesa 642·9150 IA&. n I HIGllOH SMITH I TUTHI&.&. WHTCLIFf CHAPIL 427 E 17th St CoSla Mesa 64&-9371 ... uc1 NOTMHS SMITHS' MORTUAIY 621 Main St HunhnQton Beach 536-6539 PACIFfe VllW MIMOllAl. PAllC Cemett-ry Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Onve Newport Beach 644·2700 McCOIMK:ll MORTUAlllS Laquna Beach 494·9415 LaQuna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano '495·1776 c In tfle lupirtor Cowi Of IN ltaie of Catlfornta, for the Co~inty of Orange. In Cha "** Of um. .... H•.~. Notkla le ...,_ 81¥M ttiee IN • ~~~~-=-:s=-.. ~ •1.1bJact 10 conflrM•Uon of aaid lupeftor Court. on or .,.., the 4tll r ctey Of AuQuM, tM2, • t:30 a.m., at ~ Ille lupeftor Court of c.lfofnll. eowiiy of <>renoe. ~ 3 ·• toc:ated on the teCOfld 'lloof It ~oO CMo Centw Otllle W4184, 8Mta AM County of Oran'1•· State ol Clllfomla, .. Ille """· title end In__, Of Mid deoaeeld .. IN time of deetll end .. tfle liaht. ti,*. end Int--that the ...... °' ajld deceaaed II•• •oqulred by ~ Of i.w or °"*""'N tNn or In •ddltlon to that of aalf --.. llt .,. .. ot -.tr\, " end to .. the oanaln ,.... pr09ArtY lltlM1ed In IN City of Coeta ....._ ~ of Oren11•. Ital• of .. partleu&llrty clelcnbed .. lolowl. lo-.it: Lot 23 of 8loc:k D of Tract No. 5$4, 1'91lOfded tn Book ,.. PtlQ8I 25·211, of Mlacellaneoua Mapa, record• of th• Oran9• County R8cord«. mor. oommonly known aa: 241 EMt ltth BtrMt, co.ta ...... c.ttfomla. mor• commonly known M: 241 e.t 19th StrNI, Coeta ~. Cellfomla. The Execu1or "' the EltaW .. received • bid of I 125,000.00. l8rme II c8lfl IO the &late. The mlnJmum ov«bld mutt be l f31. 250.00. The ..,.,,. of .... of c:..n In lllwtlA moMY of IN t.Wted Sl8tet on conflnnallon of ..... or part CMll 811d balance evidenced by note MCUl'ed by MMgaOe or Tn.19t Deed on lh• property 10 told. T•n percent of •mount bid lo be deoc*ted with bid. llidt or off.,. to b8 In writing end _. be ~ at the aloreaald Court~ ~ 3 8t 9:30 l.ITI. on Auguat 4, 1982. The ofterlne ~.or hit Ag8rlt • .-t b8 ~ in court 8t 11111 time Det.o thla 15th day of .Mt/. 1912. a.. I. Ttlomp9on, Ill Eucutor ol Ill• Ettel• of Llule ..... H•••. d8cMNd. Law Offloee of 811 Mc:Cl8lrl, One N9wpor1 P111o8. T81'1th Floor. Poet Offtoe Box 8004, Newport Beedl. Cetllornla 92880· t004 (714) 752·0899. 111orney1 lor the Petitioner In prot>ete Publlahect Orange Cout Dalt)' Piiot • .Mt/ 11, ta. 24, 1ee2 3235-82 ACTmOU9 WU flCTmOUS WU MAim STA~ MAim 8TAT-..r The following !*eon 1' doing Tiie following penon •• doing bl.lllr.-aa: ~-.IA"S USED CARS, 42221,\ IMPACT MEDIA. 10192 v.-.; ~ Olrtw, Newport 8-:h. CA :;a:or •• Huntln9ton BHCll, CA 92980. JOSEPH YUAKA. 21291 8anCIClotlar Lan•. Huntington HOWARD L WANOAEY JA., llledl, CA t2Me. ~ !~ Forte. Huntington "1111 ~ .. oonduoMd by -_.,-' ...... llldMdu& 1"11111 bulllrW .. oonduc..s by .. -. 1Na .. ..::r .!.~ wltl\ the WldMduel. HoWct L WanelfW Jr. County·a.11 of Or11nQe County on Th6a ~ -tied with IM J111t 14, 11182. ,__ ~.<;:.of Orwioe COUnty on Publllhed Orange Co••I Dally ,.._ Piiot, Jlllt 18, U , Aug. 1, I , 1t82 Publllhed Orange eo .. t Dally '17142 Ptot • .Mt! 11, 25. ""°" ,, a. 1912 ----------323242 Ml.JC llOllC( " ..... '9Cm10UI ....... P'ICnnou8 --... MAim STATllmln W.-STA~ Th8 folowtng ~ -doing TN folowtng ~ II Oolng ~-""*--•: JAMES VICTORIA STREET SOUTH COAST WINDOW OEVELOPMENT, 2950 Alr.,ay FASHIONS, 1104 Hav•n Plac:•. ,. Avenue, D-t . Coate Meaa. CA N9wpor1 a.di, CA taa. t2828. JOHN A. Md<EOH, 1804 Hewn M. D. JANES CO., INC .• a P1aci8. N9wpor1 8-::111, CA t2t83. Callbnla ~. 2950 Nlwrt Thie ,_.,_ II conduetad by .,.. A*-. DI, Coeta ....._CA 1282f. lndMdulll. Thie ~ II oonduct8d by a John A. Md(.., lmlted ~-.... TNl atatemam -... wlUI lhl M. D. ,,.,_ eo .. Inc. County an of Oranoa eountr on MktlMI D. --Jlllt 14. 1912. " ,.,.......,. ~ Tbla ····-·· -.... """'the Pul>Uahecl ()(ange Coa•t Ody County an o1 0renoe eoumy on Ptlol. .di 11. 25, AuG. 1, •. 11112. -Mt 12. 1912. ,,.., 918242 PubftaNCI Oranci-Cout Daffy ----------Piiot. -Mt tt. 25, Aug. 1. t. 1912. MUC llOTICl 32ao.a2 ~------------ MUC llOTU DUl1 Not ~~°t2 Adilw wen tht •wMl ... end hll feUow DaUy PUoc ........... tcMlk lOof tht • pGllllAble a~ tn the Orana• County ratr'a fifth annual PreM Photo1rapher1 ConWt. There ~·re more than 248 mtrt. tn tht cont.It, 70 ol wbiich were placed en dllplay at tht fair. In addlUon to AmbroH ;:r::n:h~~a= O'Donnell, wtth a flrft and NCI09'd place, and I.ff Payne wtth hoMnbl9 meaUon. .wept the cat.eorY of Biil hlr Photo. O'Donnell lcQlied wtth ave total awardl. '1be Deily Pllo\'1 CbarMI Starr took two aWll'dl and one went to •~ Rlchard Koehler. The 1weepetakff, known u the Joan Boria M~ Award tn honor of tht klftc·time flit public relatlone dlrector, wu wor1h tUO to Amblwt, plua a plaque. r.ch winner jOt a plaque plua t&O for a flnt pl.la and UO for aecond. In all. Loe Anplet Ttmll ltaff photOl!'aphen aot lf awardl, the llaily Pilot. 10 and the Oran,. County Reatater. &. Th• complete lilt of wtnnen a.re: twUHTAUll The Joen latte MemoNll A.rd, 0.,,, Ambfoee. the ~ Piiot. HIT """ ,HOT01 P11rloll O'Donnell, C>lilY ""°'• llr'IC Md MQO!ld; L• PeyM, Delly fltlot, honotablt mention. ANlllALt•NATUlll•• Don l<el1on. LOI MoeM Jlmll. 1"91: ThOmM ~. Loi AnQllee Tllnee. MQO!ld: , .. ride O'Donnelt. Olly "°'· tlonor-*I Aober1 L.ldmln. Loi AngelH TlmH, llonorebte: C::.,'!:l· Loi AnQ11ee Tin-. honoreble; O' , Delly Not. honorllble; l.QrTW1 Au. The ....... llonofllbw, _, AoOer1 Llld\mM. Loi A.ngelel '""-. llOnorlDle. CANDC> ~ Aober1 l.lldwNn, Loi A.ngelel Timee. Int: Don 1(9'1on, Loi ,,.,.... Tlmee, MCOnd, CllarlM 8t11r, Delly P!lot, , honorebl•: ThomH l<elMy, Loi Ano• ... TimM. honorlble. NIW• ThomM ~.LOI ~ Tim., ftNt': Al Chtftbo9. TIW ~. , Slobln, Newport H•bor Enllgn, llonoreble: Don ~. LOI A.ngelel Tlmel, l'lonor9t>le, RlcNrd Koehler. Delly Piiot, honor Ible·. ...CTUllll ITOlllY1 Thom11 l(elMy, LOI AnOliel Tlmee, fht: Petrtoli O'Donnell, Ody PllOt, HCOnd, Thomae l<eleey, LOI Angelel Tlmee, llonorlble: Berry Slobln, lrvlne Today, honoreble. f•ATUftl: Ygneclo Nenettl, The Regleter, llrwt: Bob Peter.an, tr ... enoe. MOOnd: Don K•IH!I, LOI An9•IH TlmH, honoreble; Charlel Sterr. Delly Piiot, hOnoreble; Thom• l<el11y. LOI Angel•• Tim ... honorebte; CM1tlne Cotter. lreelenoe, honorlble. aPOlllTI: Cherlenl Btown, The Aegilter, flrll; 8'own, The Rlgll1er, MCOnd; Chriettne Coner. lrMlanoe. honorlble; end Thomu KllMy. LOe AAoliM '""-. honoteb61. STAFFERS SWEEP CATEGORY _:. First and aecond prizes for Best Fair photos went to Patrick O'Donnell for showing ur~ cowboy Joel Don diacovering where milk comes from and recalling the companionship of a ipan and his grandson sitting one out along the midway. Lee Payne took honorable mention for another milking picture. .6 4 2 • 5 6 7. 8 D, A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D ' 4 -2 • Cringe 0oMt DAILY PILOT/hnd-.y, July 11, 1tll CLASSIFIED . · 1NDEX I Tt ... Y•M.Clll 642-5671 .Wf11$All I ... r! ::!t . 1111 Mw Im = "" -t:eh a er l ... """mlft IOll .... ... .• ..... _ ""'' 11111 11.-..vio1e ••t ~~-~ ::: ""', ..... c.,...,... lfll SeMIAu I• 'INlhlft •• lloll)olAc.... ·-:::=..... :: l£Al ESTATE ~-.. ~ ... ~ .. "''" :: =~~:,,.. :: =~:.:.~, ~ ~ U..u Ille l• ........ -...... ·- ... 642-5618 P!ll.'11111 ••••••••••• !~!!!.!~~ ...... «~!m.~~1! ..••••. P!~'.'.~~ ••••••••• J.l.!IP!~~ ••••••••• l.~I ® IDT DI lll1LI Im IPlllAL IPll ~ C°"8 MIN a ... 8drm ..,... ... oondO. LAlndmlttl Pf"W9 '*"9. wttti a • .., .... Only • ., • 1e m•••rsil111 1°" down~.,... wme w/whtt•w•t•r view. mtlk• tllla a,.., buy! Cell tt10.ooo. Open for In· ....... ,. ........ All rM1 eetate edvertlMd In ttll• newapaper la eubjeet to ttl• Federal l'alr Houetng Act of tNI WtllOtl mtlk• It tll90al to advertlM "any ~ oe, Mmltatton or dleotlml· nation tlaMCI on r80e. oolor, rellglon, HX or national Oflgln, Of any Intention to make any IUOh pi...,_eooe, Umlt• ttonor~.·· Thie M" •pepet .. not llnowlngly ac:oept any edV«11elng lor rMI ... tat• wNctl ta In vtol&1ton ol the Ill'#. for detaltl end ~I apeoJlon aunday 1·5 . t125,000. Aot now 242 ,oppy ODM. Cell 146-7171 ---. 91!!!:! Tllflll a.uttfully ~ l EXOl!tent tocetlon, OM 3, malt\talned 4 4rm OM 2 and OM 1 IA apte. home. OrMt oomer lo- Neaatlw vmcancy tector. c.1lon w/eidetlna AV eo- 8eller muet Hll thl oa.. Owtier wJil ..-..-end. Call now for w/ftnanclng. 'utl price •, ·-' (' THE REAL ESTATERS 14 .500. 71141'1 1-P-'f -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~al''-"' ... IAulwlalo --.. H-Tri< Pru -"-0.-....... -Or_C..... - ll '• '! o.i ol c:-J:Z,.. -i:..1:..~ ...... c,.... .. • "-al Ealal4 IC.th•"'• - 1111111 Advert!· ..,.. ahould check their ad.-GeUy Md. report errors lm- m e d I ate I y. Thie DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the flrat Incorrect Insertion only. _....__,.. .. "-al Eala .. Wa--IOITALS -l'lo.......... , .. -u.rw..--_,.,., • .,u.1 1111 C....Mli••• Pllro MID ~1n1 ..... u.1 MD ,...,._.. "1n ~ T .......... Uol >m OujlioHa "'"' >*i ................. 11 °"lllo•M Uol -I • A"6 Ploro J1'IO = ~!:r,:. 1,;nl = ...... #1 laJI aao..u tOOO •••••••••••••••••••••• "°""'·---... .i 1111 ==: :~: ..................... . ~:=~~:~11~ :: l&I. 1141. Ll.T.I. !:;t.=. 'f~!:: .-4 BR 2 BL One BR wttll Olllft 11-.1 :: eaperete entrence. Amo- .._.. "-•l -deled beeuty. Mottveted 1-...nel lh:•Uf = ....,. 1131,900. ~-,,:........ -..... 11....... -IUSIMESS, llMST· iron. FUIANCE =~ = ::::::::=' = Ro~e mellin , Realtor 714-641-8629 llewtl•LMll -.._,,,_. - _,. .... TO• -AMMOIMCEMDITS, rmoeuts & LOST & fOUMI ~fMM• c ... -Lqall'Jet-IMl6f"•M Pt<-· Sat•lltt.•· Trew.t• S£IYIC($ -..-........ T'tllO bedroom plu• den condo, awric>Oklng QOtf : oourH end grffnbelt. ,.. Great velue. Reduced 110,000. now $179.900 -U1·11M •io ~~~~~~~-1 :l: Utmlt = ..,.. = I~ .. the won! -that come. '° n*'<S when = you ... the Fr. pr<Mn- -CUii uteriof ol thla lo¥efy -custom l'IOme. The ~ : doua Mstr Bdrm hM • -Hll l .... dr'9lllng ...... = ainlcen tub l atttum. The -3 remaining Bdme are : loceted In a Hperate -wtng w/2 Bethe. ldMI for : entet1alnlng wtth a large -lormal dining room l : wetber. Tiie f9mlty room & ltvlng room both oner the wvrnth of~ Auume exl~oan. •10 C.il U1 for a~ = --.·,·lllflMT-~~-1 = MTllUI = 4 Br. 3'A Ba on 80' lot -w/boat lllp. 11,050,000 , .. Air tu II 1110 T wme $25Q.000 down ~t~~."'"' ::: saoo.ooo at 121..t% =.'"~~S.-on• 11• IPll ..U 11-H-.S&lt Rtol ::: ... / .. , ... ...... UT&ll &II& ...... "°" Large ~ As::re in Woodsy Area Of North Tustin, Near Honie Trails & Chapman Park. Lovely Pool & Spa. Spacious 4 Bedroom Home. Highly Upgraded. Large Master Suite, Cathedral Celling & SkyJighta. Space For Horses & Parking For 8 CarL Excellent Aasumable Loan At lO'I. Reduced To $275,000. A Dabolt-Shipley Listing. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 . It.II OIUU Ill Ill On The Bluffs Overlooking Bay & Ocean. Custom -Built Home. Architecturally Designed . Magnificent Views. Beautiful Woods. Handaome Appointments. Abundant Cloeet & Storage Spece. 160 Ft. Frontage On Ocean Blvd. Call For More Information, Cathryn Tennille's Listing. Pll•llTlll Ill Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND . Parquet Flrs, New Cpt.s, 4 BRa + F.R. 3 SA Ba. Separate D.R. Huge F.R. W/Wet Bar. Kitchen W I Pantry. Brkfst Room. Sauna. 3--Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. GOOD ASSUMABLE. Owner will carry Lrg 2nd. $1,400,000. Marilyn Twitchell's Listing. PlllmllitiM Lovely Newport Beach Condo WI Lrg Patio On Greenbelt. Xlnt Financing. Assumable Loan. $110,- 000, 10 ~ %. Owner WW Consider 2nd T.D. & LeaaelOption. Reduced To $197,500. Sally Shipley'• Listing. STUL&- In Irvine'• Woodbridge Area. 3 Yn young. 10 ~ % Fin.ancins· On Cul- de-Sac. Fenced Yard. Owner Extremely Anxious. Only $135,000. Susan Trivison's Listing. Gl --..... _. .. 759-91• uc.,. ...... .... ,..c...... Tr .. ltn Tmtl ::: 833 BeY91<M Or. 1:::.~;~artc -~~Prtn~on~z~·~e~1s-~1~a5~2~ -:= SCC~lA-&~~s·: 0.-ral Mlt ; -----_...,GAY a. - "--Cl•Ut<• ~ •=-c.!'. ~ A.Kre•OOe Vtk1C'Me -..-=·~=.~°"' -What ii ... .. .... . T""u = ~_. .. ~-.......... .. v-•10 _ ... - -,.... ........ -tiJr I =~OS. IMPOITED : meansyuur ad I i" i v r Ir" r AW.-a 1119 ~ ~ I ~~ HHl9) ~ Ir. be I A T u p 0 I ....... ··-w I' I I I t E: ~ " .. 1,.,.,.,;J:,.,J" - - - --5.7' ; (;aJi:>iY"'~ I T 0 l AR H I ~= :: large o _ I I I I I' _ Kor-MOlua -::*==.. :: audience I IR El F IR o,, GI' I You know, "°" don't :g. :l:! Moet of tha,people . - - - - -FMll:ze how tat AIMftcer\ ~.. :;:; In our commuuity I Society l'Nlly mowM untlt P-IOI fl• b I " E p L 0 y yo4I atos> and think .... ::.,-.: := wit money to 1 I I I I' I dleco dllnctng ... a tonn RolllRoru r!M ependa~d . . . _ . . . of--. "°'" •m claeail ... e:-....... --··-·-"···-= ntplady.-I H 0 R R A 8 I• ~ ... clWli' ...... ~.o::.-:= Thouaanda of I" I I I 1-r :,:,..:. ~ .:..•r.::. v........ mv prospecUve buyers . _ _ ,,.1 ___ ... ::.,:~ .• us'°EI : Mf* •=-r r r r r r r r r r 1 _., .... H •• ct•ulfledadl •im:r I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ 5ill~-;.-;.-;.-;.M~M.-~·.!WlM71::::-;.-;.-;;i!rrillll!!lfll!l191!111111 .. llllll .............. ~~ o..... 911 °"'--~,.i... -0.-.., Ollll-.i . -~~ .. = ~ ........ = ,.....,.. ... -.....,. ..... .. = ::.-::;a. :. . . . . . .. . ... ....... .... .. . -c:.-...... , • •. .. ~--. .... = ....... -1-rlloN -v... lfl4 'fftl'WMa f'.'EAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS REAL TORS-BROKERS-ASSOCIATES Before you do STOP-explore our career beneftta llftd a.) brand new low coet 100% c:ommlllfon conoeptl "$250 Pl.US Pl.AN" ' .. . .. '· . . -'! ) . ,, • i , . ' . .. • ) . I . f l I . ... 1 .... • °*"·~~Wwl.~"~J ·~~~~~~~~~~I t.th,'3100 mq.tt. ~ooo. Ii 1.91 ...... . ··*-... , .. Prime LJcSo Nord ti.ytro1u. o bdfm, a~ beth • ..... L.ft., 2 boe\ IJ,lp1 U ,&00,000. Remodeled~ bdm\, 2 beth + Jarp rec. rm. bMrn oeillnt1. f\arnlahed, pe\IQa. S420,000. Lml .. llffltlf t.aaoon vtew frcwn & bdrm, a '*1\, ,:>layroom, darlc nn. den. Bo.t lllp. Now •1.000,000. I llYllll OIYI . Spa\lcular bayfront view 2 br, 1 ~ up; 2 br, 1 be ctn. 1 boet 111.-•i.aoo,ooo. ..... OIYS COC'ONldo bland CUit. bayf ront '°'-"' boet Oodc. P1anl avail. Red. $370,000 w/t.ennL ...,._ 8bwle story end unit, expuded. u8'aded a br, ! ba on larpet cr-nbelt. S2SO.. ........ 3 bdnna. 2 ~ batlui condo near pOol. Sl 45,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ' J ~ 0 'f \ 'It u I ., I .. '4 h (J 1 ', t I" I .... ..,.,.. 2 Muten, 4 bdrm 3 bl a1ea1<. QOOd flnenotno .... 114-1111 llllELIEY ABLE LOO ISLE 1111111 PllOI llllLI LOIL Pride of ownerttllp, 4 Bdrm 2 Ba w/trplc, & lrg Mt bit In femlly rm. Lo- vely landecaplng, auto- ma1ic.11y eprinkled. ()Ny 1185,450. Call Glen ' U~ SUJJTICNS IPll TllAY lllT llU• MIA -Lqw matnt., no noile. M QOOdomlnlum area JNmlne Creek ii topl! Thia J Bdrm one level ~ detail, location and ii lmrnM:Waw. $36&1-ooo . See Barbara Hutchln11 at 1•1 l1rm'11 .,_. -o_pen Sun 1·5 pm. 111111& • IAI ··--Greet ocean view, 3 Bdrm, 2 bath wlth hardwood Ooon. Free & deer, 10 yr. owner finu>dna. Probate eale at 1329,- 000. A..u.tina at. the Von Gelderna .... UI ....... open SW\ 1-~ pm. llffml' wnl 41 n U -Vlew from many windows, airy, apadous 4 Bdrm home, Iarae muier Bdrm IUlt.e with fireplace. 3 aundecka, 1 cheerful & quiet e to Uve. Owner will help finance. 000. See Sara Marvin at 41 ...... open Sun 1-5 pm. Current SalaMe Soludona ~ Tn°eactioaa La.t 30 Da11 __!!· ... $247,500 i=====;;i Volume I.Mt 30 Daya FOf Claalfled Ad ACTION BURR WHITE REALTOR . INC. 675-4630 Call a Dally Pilot AO-VISOR 842-6878 U~IC)(JI: t1()Ml:i REALTORS, 675-6000 2443 r-c c...c ........,, c-........ c::. I ' -tJ ' ' ----····· ----......... Well located rental units jult a few blocka from the beach. Currently earnina $1,450 per mo. Motivated eeller bu reduced the price to a low $229,000 and will help finance! 17.141 673-4400 12111 Ul·21H TI.. Hari»or Artt1'1 '-9nt htllMi""' .... h .. ca-.•t Lingo Rul&a11 Ill n. •W..at Un.IT BOAT ON THE IAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN Specloua, OP«! & aunny 811 view home w/ pen«amlc deck•. on "'IOe prim. tatand Point. + do<*lng & prkg galore, + YoU own the land. + owner flnanolng, all for SHl,000. OperJ Sat/Sun 1-5. 4028 Channel Place, Newport tlland. Ntwpon Seech. 873...()202. -------~ ---_ ... _____ ~ .......... AHIOENflAl AUl ESTATE SERVICES uw.m p11,-aener• have moved & reduced price. Specious 4 BR, 3 BA, formal dlnlnl Rm, remodeled kitchen. Tenillc family home. Terrific for enteNining & terrific finalicing. A1sume lat & owe 2ND. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 lllT II ILlffl • LltllllMI ....,..,. ..... ., ......... He will reduce the price by the amount of your do~ payment! 1211 YllTl ..... Excellent ".E'' plan on wide greenbelt. Hu been rented . now vacant and undergoln1 redecoratlna. Price $285,000, exiltlna Joan tl53,000 at 12 "'~-WW tell for u little u lK down. 1111 ""' Ill. ••• 2 &droom, 2 yrs new, fee land , back bay view, professionally decorated, uklng $3()5,000 -t195,000 loan 15 W V.I.R. Owner will help finance balance. •CalJ Nzrrll fOf" Del&lla Of" -apnl al Open ~ ,.... ......... 1111Ylstaffl .. ...uw1u ...,, ..... HOLSTEll RULn Matl• your etlopolno ... Put )Qlr ~IO me. •l•r by uelng the Dally 1999 wtlet• the rMdera Piiot CIMalfled Ad9. are. 842-6871 1-5 P.M. 1• Vie ----LMn ... -...... D1'°'9--~Hgts " ...... 117 llertM Aw, .... lel -r.rn,100 114 llwlftold. Cdlll --1AI ......._.Ten., 1Mne Ten ...... .,,..,....Dr., PromonhNy Pt. ---t1,JDO,OOO 2127 lftdlet'I aprtnga Ln, ~ .. , '57l,IOO 1111 Klftge M, Newpcwt ttgb " --llQI ............... Pt .... ~1tlh ......... ......., -1111,000 NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH 10I T....._, ...._Ill --.- 1110 A.Mione, ....... --.... 1m L OoMn, ......_Pt -1M4,1DO . -· TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR 8AN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and tu1h land1caplng enhance thl1 already magnificent home with prtvacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floor plan. Seller relocatlng, wtll be flexJb.le. $259,000. Call 144-1020. JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below marklff for quick sale, this ocean view R2 res!dence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport, 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000-Call ..... 1020. .. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home Is fdeaJ for flrst time buyers or Investors. Needs a little TLC but well worth It! Large lot Is Ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. S 163,000. Call Joanna Hendrie at 144-7020. ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top wtth this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, 11 marble flrepface, oak library, master suite wtth Jacuzzi tub and steam shower, 3 additional bedrooms, a four car garage, Insulated wlf\e room, full security system, 4 flreplacet and a whole lot more. $1 ,895,000. Call !d ~or Judy Jordan at 144-1020. LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT Handsome tradltlonaJ 6 Bdrm 4 in Ba home on the bay with picturesque views, famlty room, sunken living room, ... courtyard spa, sllp for 60' boat and complete security. $1 ,450,000 leasehold Mk for LOIS .EGAN 144-7020 HARBOR -RIDGE "DEVONSHIRE" An Invitation to gracious f amlly living Is yours when you see this 4 Bdrm 31h Ba panoramic View home that ls.sure to revotve around your entertaining. Features lnchJde 2 fireplaces & atrium. $850,000 with $295,000 assumable at 13.25'11. Owner wllt consider trade. Catt ED E8CANO or JIM IELLERI 144-7020 FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city llght vtews that come with this 3 bedroom, 21h bath home awuh In neutral earthtonea. As a resident of thfs gate-guarded community you can take ·advantage~ Of fhe -fenn s, pools ancf unique flfeatyle that typifies Newport Beach. For leaee at $2000 per month. C.U Ed !ecano or D.vld Hlrachler at 144-7020. SELLER WILL-CARRY WITH 20-50%--DOWN This Newport Beach leuehold duplex la juat a few tt.epe to th• beach.,uve In one...t rent the other. Flexible Miier otfere good low lnterea1 financing ~226,000. Cell D8¥ld Hlnchler .e M4-70i0. EXCLU8IVI HOMI IN HAllllOR RJDQE "Lucerne'' model In exatu1lve gate·g\,larded community convenlentty located new the t-fat'bof", Newport Cent«, airport and lrvtne center. ldMl for entertalnl~ wtth 3 bedroomt, 3'A bathe, 3060 equare Mt, WM decka, 3 ~. tamffv room Md· panoramic Vlewl of tt.e Harbor, Catalina .nd-twtnkllng Oghta of the Qlty by night. O/W/C AITD Of $519,000 at 12.75% for term agr ... ble to buyer. 1850,000. Mil for Ed ltoeno at ....,?OIO. LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located just a half blod( to the beech, thll dUplex hu hwO bedroom units renting at $400/month. With 20-25"9 down, owner will carry for flve years. $235,000. cal Dntd ..,....., at ......1020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guarded community la the Mtttng for thla 4 bedroom, 21h bath home wtth deck, professlonal landlC8J>lng, courtyard entry, high celllngs, fireplace and lky11ght. $357,000 assumable at 12.75'1 •. $520,000. Cati .ludJ .lord8n or Ed leoeno at 144-7020. SEA VIEW GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom. 3 bath t9ne hu lmpreaive city light and Catalina sunset views plus good uaumable and teller ~~:= avallable. ~5,000. Cal Judy Jorden or Id hceno at . HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Plans for a 10,000 sq. ft formal French home with no houses on either side or behind are Included In the purchue plan of this site. Land owner must liquidate but wlll conlid« a joint venture agreement. $1,500,000. Cell ED E8CANO ..._7020 8PYQLA8S ELeGAllCI Exciting mountain and city Maht vlew8 lluminate thla a+. Bdrm homo with famlty room, 2 Bathe, contemporary ttytlng, 2 patios, courtyard, wet bar, fireplace, breakfast nook & much, much morel $495,000. Call Halle lbodt .e M4-10la0. GOOD INCOM! DUPL!X IN CORONA DEL MAR Contemporary Income property wtthln waJklng dlatance of the beach. New carpet1, new paint. Ideal owner'• unit. Aaumable . flnandng. $395,000. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VllW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new tummer hOme with Ideal rental units. With 20'!• down, owner wtlt oarty at 12%. It you dealre units could easny become a makl'a quartere or QUMt hOuM Juat 1tepa to 1he-t>Actr with 2 t1rep1acee, patro and aou8-g8,age posslbllltles are almott endleu. $475,000 F•. Cell lteph.n~ aurn1 at IM-7020. * 121~-...... . ... .. Op9I, ..... .., -;a l:M Opel, .... .., ·--~ ... ~ :,r:::: •TARTER OR INVEaTOR HM. ..... a ._ 2 Md ... 1111 ... •"-* ,.,.. .... of """ .,.... ,,.. a oe.. of loene. OW cerrJ. Aekln1 114,IOO. D1·1400. GOLF COURSE VIEW/IAYINE ,...., "A" model. one bedl OOlft ptlll den. mJcrowne, compector. nalmM'M werdrott., 2 patloe, eneched ,., ... , t146,000 cell .. fll\eftdng. l7MIOO. BLUFFS -WITH FINANCING Upp9ded 2 ....., oondo. 4 bed. ~ ..... =. ~ enof ........ l!nd .... 8Tl!P8 TO BEACH .................... HllMJ 11P9tllded. Rema d1t1 d kteaMn. Nloe .... ·of wood IMldt a Ml A rt1nnebta prtoe fOf IND I eted. 2 ••· ttoffto end outetendlne .._-.,ow....., ............ 000 NEWPORT IS.CORNER Cttoerful a out• boectt coll•J~ ~n • ... ..., oriented" CIOmM:~· ...... 2 Md. + ,..so. ,... ... nn--.. ...... .. -·-TERRIFIC INVE8,._NT 3 HOMESI ........, nlllllnUll ............. ,..... • ............ cooe. ........... .... ft. tot end..-., IMlll Wltlt.,.....,.. a ..,.._. l:Ml,llOQ ltM40G. NEWPORT TWNHME W/DOCK TWo etorJ a .... ......, 2~ ...._ In • 41•1•1 looetlon. OrMntt.11 •le•• •H ...... prlood In • wlllitrfront wualltJ wlttt ltoet dook. Good ••••"'•••• .............. - -... -1&18 •••• .,., =t comfort in this spacious level 4 BR -fam nn home. LI expandable lot already lncludee pool-spa-paddle tennis court -dininl terrace & play yard. Vlewl Priced to sell -land included. $759,000 Donna Godahall. 644-6200 (J52) P&llU•ll HHI YllW Cameo Shor9I So. of PCH. 3 BR + lovely fam nn. See Catalina, ..WX.tm & au.eta. Just reduced to $885,000 Fee land! Darlene Herman 752-1414 (J53) ..,. • .._ ._ Just Bte1J9 away from the S. Bayfront ia um channinc linaJe tam. home w /rental unit above garage. Pride of ownership, gli1teru t=hout. Gives thl1 home a plon. U.ed brick facade exterior, bay window, 1pa & ideal location. Attractive ftnandna too. '4J39,000. Lorraine Jedmon 651-8700 (JM) ...... mam Beautifully deoonted 2 BR, den "Miramar" Plan ls the ulthnate in design & livability! Great for entertaining, dining & relaxing eleaant Uvtna room, gourmet kitchen, and panoramic vie~ Pr1ced for a fast sale $500,000. Anita Jhdahaw 152-1414 (J55) WALi Tl PllHYI llHI Thia c:unm heme bM recently been renovated by owner and ii the ie.t expenllve home available in this excluliv~ area of Dover Shore•. Seller i1 hi&hly motivated. $415,000. Duffy Riebe 551-8700 (J56) -.. mu -•111111 Atttntton Deconton! Thia luxurioua 4 BR tri-level home needl your creative decorating. Formal llvin& area w/vaulted ceilinp. Afford great privacy. Secluded park-like garden. Seller hiehlY motivated $369,500 LB. Belle Partch 644--6200 (J57) *• .... -wm,.. Thia 3 BR home offers a ap9doul, u,ht & airy feelln& w/IC bedrooms & plenty of IJton&'e. '1be yard la very private W/la pool. B8Q & cabana. Good finandna la available. $249,500. BW Wedinore $51-8700 (J58) -..... Monaco with additional roam. One story 3 BR plus den on la corner lot. Beautiful condition. La patio w/room for pool. Good flmnrl"I· f199,000 LH. Barbara c.aMIWl MUW (J59) LlllLI -I IMIT LlllL Thia oomblnatlon in today'• market mall" tbJ1 home the finest. 0-,lrtely remodeled kitchen, new o•rpet & land1capln1. flreplace. Thia 4BR home i1 -offlftcJ a\ '142.~ w/a la lat. Owner will carry 2nd. Martt . l:l1lott 551-8'100 (J80) mt $' ........ Cute 2 BR. 1 M BA &vine home located tn • tnnql.ld CIOllllDUDlty. Enjoy • .......... kitchen private petio. near new carpet. Priced at t12t,900. llot• Gammon '111-1414 ~-) THE REAL E!~TATFi:~'S OJ{~ fY'\ l ----'~ NU .... WIT_... Two Story Nantucliet 6 Br with beautiful Sumet pool lined with 14,000 red brick•. THtefully decorated throughout wlth wallpapers and 1hutten. Showa like a model home! Many up,radea. Seller will finance. Submit down. $780,000 lncl. Land. 1-.T II• • UI Tl W. lllHU Channin8 4 Br. & large family room. 2 brick fireplaces, country kitchen. quiet l'Htdenttat area in modem tract b Buccola. Long term seller financing. 10% dn. $229,000 incl. land. Move ~pt. 1. .-wnr•Lt llllTAll Quiet, park like eetting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st 3 bdnna, tam nn. $379,500. 1211 m WOT, -IPll Ill 1·1 -121 .. -YllW flD Ea.rthtonea throuabout. 4 br, 2 ~ ba, .family room d1nini room. 2,378 11q.tt. View of Pavilion, night lights & Catalina . 1n1 mR.m, -IAT/111 1-1 wa&.IY L Tan.--., IUl.TIU 2111 ............... ......... u. MM111 1111¥1111 ..... ..... wz.:.-:.. trMW1U for Information. Cll Jllo.t IUIHOMC ... Y MALTY 7lt/MM671 • llyat2·Z147 ************ ~==iiiiii~ ~ •• lllYll ~ PllYl11 PID m fl.Ill * 11 t I J ti ~ Spaciou1 baytront home for a a 11 I I I I I 0 * growing family. 4 bdrml., family ........ * rm. loimal ~aiad even a workahop. Large bayaide patio-all Prtme location OY91'Jooldnc the * ln brick. Cheerful bayvtew kitchen i 8th peen of Pf OOW'le. Custom * with adjoining eating area. A built by owner/builder for hil ,..,__ terrific bayfront value at $985,000 own personal reaidence. 6 ~ L .H. bedrooms, 8 ~ baths. Ele1ant ,..,__ ~muter 1uite. Abundant with l: fine marble and wood paneling. ~ Air conditioned. Refriaerated * wine room. Billiard rm. Family ,..,__ Jt-rm. Truly a mut.erptece fot the ~ 17141 6 73-4400 12131 621-ZUI Tiw Hnor Arte'• L..ptt bt.W~ I•~& .. Ca ... -t' *~~~r,;;. =~ lt ftnanctq available. ~ * F« appt to -call: * lt Wlalf L T&ft.9 ~ ~ ....... ,. * ************ .......... Extr• wl"9 lot ptue pool. 3 bdrm, 3 b•the, f•buloue decor. A11umable tlnan~ng. 11595,500. •un• . Spilt level oondo With great golf courM view. Poof, epa, tennle. Veicant. Owner • Wiii oon1lder taking In MBZ ·~ SL or power bo•t a• part down. Good ueumabte loan. Open Sund•y 1-5. 25 Canyon letand Drive . ................ ...... $300,000 pre-uranged financing avatlable.for this choice corner location near bay, beach and ctubhou1e actlvltlee. Thia 3 Bdrm, 3 bath home 11 on a wl<M lot. $387 ,592. ... 111' OlllT Priced to aell In tht• market. An exceptional townhouae, 2 Bdrm plu1 den plu1 retreat plu1 office or eewlng room. Parquet ftoortng In entry and dining room. Ctose to j)OOI, tennl1 and l>eaeh. $189.~. • UMllU New French Normandy, 4 Bdrm plu1 den, French door1 lead to a charming brick patio. Stained gtaas/wOOd plus 2 fireplaces. Large aundeck off upstairs bdrms. A must to aee. S595,000. Celebrity Villa , Featured in the July Issue of OC HOME AID llRDEI llllZllE Reach out and touch the stare! Perched h11h on the cre•t of a forest-like hill, this spectacular settin1 could be a proper place for an ea1le's nest! Inetead, it is the perfect site for a-villa that ml1ht well be out of a •tory book. This charmiu-g and deU1htful country home la a ma1terpiece of per(ectlon in its authenticity of an era in hl1tory known for gracious living. Panoramic view• from row1 of French window• are portraits of real life mural• of. di1tant 1now-capped mountaina, a billion city llght1, hilltops and treetops ... a daily 1.,.ctacle for aomeone fortunate enough to own,thi1 incomparable home an• 1ettias. Almost 5,000 square feet of llvinl 1pace, on a maplftcent full acre, with full grown pines, eucalyptua, and an orchard with ·dosea1 of trait tree•, roae 1arden1, aad enhanced by a 1parlillil1 ~l and apa with never endinl view•. 0 I . ' I llDAOOM **'~ EtMrtlld IQ, Ugunl Bch 494-1171 ly eppt onty Sun 2..e SH Emerald Bay, Laauna Beech • 494-1177 By Appf Only Sun 2-8 1973 Vllta dtf Oro, lkdfa, Npt Bch He-8058 *308,000 Oally 1-5 117 Marine Ave., Balboa llland, NB 873-8800 '272,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 241 Btoedwtly, Cotta Meea 759-9100 $169,000 24721 LI er ..... Oana Point Sun 1-5 497-3511 $139.~ Sat/Sun 1-5 100 Udo Pn Dr.#, Npt 8ch 875-7383 $57,500 2308 CU1T Dr, (Nwpt Hgtt) NB 842-5200 8391,500 Sun 11-5 Sun 1-5 1 B-77 Sur111de Colony, Surfllde (213) 592-2977 $315,000 Sun 1-7 204 Opel, Balboa ll&Md, NB 873-6900 $289,000 Sun 1-5 2 M plua 'All RM M DIEN 1577 E. Ocean. Penlnaula Point. NB 631-1400 $:W4,500 Sun 1-5 2721 Bay9hore Dr, BayahOree, NB 844-9060 S510,000 Sun 2-5 10 Morning Sun, (Trtlrk Rdg) Irv &W-6259 $310,000 Sun 1-5 2011 Wettwtnd, Cotti Mela 979-0139 $145,000 Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont.z.9ameo Sht'a, CdM 844-9060 -495,000 Sun 1-5 430 Emerald Bay, LAguna Beectl 494-1177 By Appt Only Sun 2-6 * 19 Curi Dr., Jumlne Crk, VU, CdM 640-1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 7 Lag9 Sud, Rancho San Joequln, Irv. 759-1501 $175,000 Sun 1-5 3 IE>ROOM 587 Bay St. (Weettlde) Costa Meea 759-9100 $111,900 Sat 1--4 7752 Seabreeze Dr, Seaalde VIII, HB 980-9338 $285,000 Sun Noon-5 502 "I" St., Penln Point, NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1536 Serenade Terr., Irv. Terr, NB 831-1400 $290,000 Sat 1-5 801 Gary Pl., Newport Hetghta, NB 845-6289 $185,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1016 Dowr Dr., WMt.cflff, NB 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 *380 VlltenoYa Rd., Costa Meea 841--4785 $135,700 Sat/Sun 1-6 • 1985 San Remo (Temple His) LB. 494-1177 Sat 2-e B-83 Surt.kM Colony 213/592-3158 $439,000 Sun 3-7 *1974 Port L.ockltelgh (HrtN'VU) NB 844-2573 $249,000 Sun 1-6 314 Martaold, Corona del Mar, NB 831-14l>O $889,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8G4 Emerald Bay. Laguna Berd'I 494-1177 By Appt Only Sun 2..e 1227 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach 494-1177 By Appt Only Sun 2-6 2 Emerald Bay, Laguna Berd'I 494-11 n By Appt Only Sun 2-e 2912 Broad St., Nwpt Hgta 845-1446 &tt!Sun 1:30-5:30 4601 Camden Corona del Mar 759-1221 $895,000 Sun 12-5 1508 W. Oceanfront, N.B. 537-1350 $400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *3225 Dakota. Cotta Meea 545-9904 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1--4 113 Via Ravenna (Udo. Isle) NB 673-7300 $355,000 Sun 1-5 1911 Court St. (Balboa Penln) NB 673-7300 (new) Sat/Sun 1-5 204 Via Eboll (Udo Isle) NB 673-7300 $595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 274 22nd Street, Cotta Mesa 846-7171 S199,500 Sun 1-5 2073 Monrovia, Cotti Mesa 546-2313 $103,500 Sattpun 12-5 5041 Pueo de Vega, Turtlerock, Irv 760-1900 $159,900 Sun 12--4 325 Rocheeter, (E/Side) CM 548-3350 $145,000 Sun 1-5 2647 Westminster Pt, (E/Slde) CM S48-3350 $140,000 Sun 1-5 •2011 Weetwlnd, Santa Ana 979-0138 $145,000 618 Hamilton, Coeta Meea 548-2313 $142,400 278 Virginia, Coe1a Meea 983-4f787 $143,000 10101 Cliff, Huntington Bch 883-6717 $157,600 Sun 1-5 Sun 1--4 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-4 , .... ,All.O#DmN *2320 LaUndl Pt. (Bade Bay) NB 549-1400 ~.950 Sun 1-6 • 123 Via Genoe)Udo ..... Npt Sch 875-tn1 '380.000 Sun 1-5 *1087 Gten ClfQe. ('It/Side) Cotta MeM 76t-9100 $229,000 Sun 1-8 2 ()tympla. Herttaae Park, trvtne 7S9-1501 a130,800 Sun 1-15 •1883 8rMmer W~. Npt Bott 842..e23& 9434.&00 8un 1-8 DIRECTORY ................... , ... ,.. .. ----c ............................. l.t.4 Me9w :: ~ :.:::-' ... ~y ............... -. la~ DAILY PM.OT WANT AOI. ,..,_ •. t~~ I fer .. W,.... _ ~ te ht -le .............. ll:h ......... le l .... y * 1087 Glen Clrde (W.alde) C.M. 759-9100 $229,000 Sun 1-6 1118 Somer..i I.Me. W•tellff, NB .~1-7300 $475,000 SaUSun 1-5 1211 Klnga Road, Cliff Haven, NB 631-7300 1395,000 Sun 1-5 1637 Commodore Road, Baycreet, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 **38 8eloo. Cowee, N9wport Bch 675-7080 $569,000 Sun 1:30-4 1218 Key WMt (Hrbr Vu Hla) CdM 644-4810 1379,500-fee Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace, Irv Terr, NB 631-7300 $1,050,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1930 Port Bristol Clre .• HVH, NB 631-7300 $288,500 Sun 1-5 2405 Cllff Dr .• Newport Hetghta, NB 631-1400 $820,000 Sun 1-4 512 Rockford Pt., Cameo Hghlnda, CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat t-5 A-80 Surfside Colony 213/592-3156 $950,000 Sun 3-7 11iK13 Yacht Colina, Newport Beact: 844-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 34 7 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach 494-1177 By Appt Only Sun 2-6 140 Jumlne Creek (Jaamn Ck) CdM 675-6000 $355,000 Sun 1-5 1718 Port Westboume Pl., HVH, NB 769-1501 $223,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 124 Via Ithaca (Udo Isle) NB 675-4582 $$46,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 108 Turquol9e1 _Balboa Island, NB 673-6800 ~95,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **807 Bayside Dr, Promon Point, NB 631-1400 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #5 Jumlne Creek (Jumn Ck) CdM 552-2000 $440,000 Sun 2-5 11iK17 Tradewtnds, Baycreat, NB 844-8060 $325,000 Sun 1-5 501 ~. Nwp1 Hgta, N.B. 54&-2U1 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1--4 1721 Kings Rd .• Cliff Haven, N.B. 759-1501 $875,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 22N Redlandt (Back S.y) NB 831-1861 $250,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 25 Rustling Wind, Turtlerodt, Irv 759-1501 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma, E!Side, Coeta Mesa 846-9498 $199,500 Dally 1-5 •1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 673-7761 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 4511 Carn1'en (Cameo Shra) CdM 673-7761 $885.000-fee Sun 1-5 321 Kings Rd. (Clfhvn) NB 673-7300 $882,500 Sun 1-5 *1472 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 842-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1515 Cumberland (Weetcllff) NE 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 1--4 2626 Riverside (E/Slde) CM 842-6388 $126,900 SaVSun 1-5 *3485 Fuc::hala (Greenbrk) CM 546-2313 $185,900 Sa 12:30/Su 1--4 #3 St Tropez, Harbor Ridge, NB 8«-4455 $649,000 Sun 12-4 116 Via Quito, Newport Beech 846-7171 $299,500 Sun 1-6 **301 No. Star Ln (Dover Shra) NB 842-5200 $525,000-UH Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Westclf) NB 842-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 2811 Clrcfe Dr., Bayshorea, NB 845-6218 $299,500-L.H. Sun 1-4 4 llEDROOll **748 Via Udo Notd (Udo) NB 844-9080 Sun 1-5 242 Poppy, Corona de! Mar 759-1221 $910,000 Sun 1-5 **2804 w. Oceanfront. Penln Pt, NB 631-1400 $750~ Sun 1-5 222 via Palermo (Udo) NB 673-7300 $389,000 Sun 1-4 5'16.C«lter, Laguna a.ch 494-6411 Sat 780 Via Udo Sud. N9w1)0rt Beach 673-4208 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 Sun 1-6 Sun 1·5 Sun 1-5 .. CM plut PAii RM M O.N 817 em.t'lld Bay, Laguna Beech 494-11n By Appt Only Sun 2-6 714 Emerald Bay. Laguna 8eeef'I 494-11n By Appt Only Sun 2-6 1715 Labrador Dr., M ... Verde, CM 631·7300 $134,800 Sat 1-5 114 Yla Eneu9no (Mar Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $87S,ooo Sat 1-5 *10521 Newpof1 Ave., No. Tustin 759-9100 $275,000 Sun 1-5 * 1944 Aamlngo (M ... Verde) CM 631-7300 $270,000 Sun 1-5 *1412 Santiago, Npt Beach 631-1268 $318,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1251 Surftlne Way, HVH, CdM 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2220 Waterfront Dr., CdM 673-1141 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *4626 eoxbury, Cameo Shra, Npt Bch 875-5030 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 8 Rue VUlara, Big Canyon, NB 640-8137 S7'15,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 Rue Fontaine, Big canyon, NB 644-9060 $860,1>00 Sun 1-5 1530 Anita Ln., Harbor Hghlnda, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **542 Harbor ltl Dr.(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1244 Potam Dr., Dover Shor•. NB 631-7300 $885,000 Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Big Cenyon, NB 631-7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5 11 Carmel Bay Dr., Spyglass Hiii, NB 631-7300 '825,000 Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenza (Meu del Mar) 631-7370 $139,000 Sun 12-5 **25 Warmtprfnga (Wdbrg) Irv. 751-3191 $339,960 Sun 1-5 1924 Port Weybttdge Pl, HVH, NB 759-1501 t279,b00 Sat/Sun 1-5 20182 Kttne, Santa Ana Hgta. 754-7855 S185,000 Sun 1-4 1255 Somet'Mt (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $385,000 Sun 1-5 2742 Clbola, Meet del Mar, C.M. 673-3683 $138,900 Sun 12-5 3202 Delawwe Pt., Meea Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1749 Port Henley Cir., HVHomea, NB 844-9060 $305,000 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Udo Isle, NB 675-3048/673-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 9451 GateahMd, Huntlnqton Bch 963-6767 $329,000 Sa 1-5/Su 1~ 978 Sandeutle (HVH) CdM 675-6000 $295,000-UH Sat/Sun 1-5 *2706 LlghthOUM Ln (HVHla) CdM 675-6000 $465,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Via Koron (Udo Isle) NB 842-5200 $839,500 Sun 1-5 2•12 Cliff Dr., Newport Hg.hts, NB 845-7189 $598,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1132 Ebbtide, Hrt>r View Hiiia, NB 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 2-5 * 1M8 Port ChelMe, Newport Bch 646-7171 $330,000 Sa 12-3/Su 1-4 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shra, N.B. 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 M plua ,All RM or DIN **542 Harbor 181 Dr, (Prom Bay), Npt Bch 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sun 1-5 *10521 Newport Ave. No Tustin 759-8100 $275,000 Sun 1-5 2032 Swan Dr,(~ Verde) CM 631-1288 $205,000 Sun 1-4 421 Pirate Rd, Ctlffhaven, Npt Bch 631-1400 $249,500 Sun 1-5 **1008 W. Bay Ave, Penln Pt, NB 844-9080 tt&o,000 Sun 1-5 4931 LOf1ann, CalHomla Homea, Irvine 759-1501 S142,500 Sun 1-4 1828 Tr9CMwtnd8, (&ycm) Npt Bch 842-8235 $390,000 Sun 2-5 **2618 Baythore Dr. ~. NB ~9080 $1,750,000 Fee Sun 2-5 2227 Atbutua, (E!Bluff) NB 644-8200 '289,500 Sun 1:30-5 2907 EkHlya, (E/Bklff) NB 842-6235 '320,000 Sun 1-5 14 Morro Bay Corona del Mar 552-1114 *6ts.ooo sun 1-5 *2409 Tuatln, (!MtalcM) CM 846-0303 '2et,500 Sun 1-5 I 9DMOM **415/1414 E. Mboa. P9nln Pt, NB 844 eoeo $1,800,000 Sun 2-5 17' 1 Port 8Nftlekt C:O.VHmt) NB 844-90IO -..o. 1-Sun 1-5 1eoe Galaxy 0r. <Dvr ah,.> N.e. 831·1288 81t18un 1·8 **2500 BeythOre Dr .. Bayehor ... NB 631·7300 t1,850,000 Sun 1-5 5 Point Loma (8pygl ... ) CdM 875-8000 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2406 Ftancttco, Npt Boh 673-7771 $378,000 Sun 1~ * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Rdg) NB &75.8170 $2.5 mllllon Sat/Sun 1-5 *3 Muir Beach (Spygla) NB 875-6e70 $2,285,000 Sun 1-5 5 Twin Lake Clrcte, Spyglaaa, CdM 644-1394 $550,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 121 Via Flrenze, N.wport Bch 6«-9060 $660,000 Sun 1-5 *#Winged Foot Ln (Big Cyn) NB 673-7300 $975,000 Sun 12-5 1•941 Rancho Cr., Irvine 979-5370 $169,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 35 Rldgellne Or. Hrbr Ridge, NS 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sun 2-6 1818 Tanager, (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $260,000 Sun 1-4 I BR plua FAii RM or DEN 575 Windsor, Laguna Beach •9•-1177 Sun 2-6 **115 Harbor Island Road, N.B. 631-7300 $1 ,500,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1848 Newport Hiiia Dr. E. HVH, NB 6«-872ti $495,000 Dally 1-5 32 Mlulon Bay Or., Spyglaaa, CdM 760-1900 $81!5,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 BR plua FAM RM or DEN 1760 Port Manlelgh, Hrb Vu Homes 644-4337 $450,000 By Appt * 1406 Lincoln Ln., Dover Shores, NB 213/289-7726 $598,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 •DROOM *300 Cagney Ln #107, Veraallles, NB 631-2918 $120,000 Open Sun 11-6 1 M ..... 1 llA plue DeN # 10 Segura. Irvine 673-6900 $145,000 Sa1 1-5 2 IE>ROOM 100 Scholz Plaza PH 10, Veraalllee, NB 631-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1736 Westcllff Dr. #6 w .. tctlff NB 631 -7300 $119,000 Sat 1·5 •25 canyon Island Dr. (Big Cyn) NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-5 101 Scholz Pla:za(122)Veraalllea,NB 5-48-9955 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 Seealde Dr., Seewtnd, N.B. • 675-8876 $139,000 Set/Sun 1-5 1095 Sea Terrace,.Co.ta Meaa 845-0303 $144,900 • Sun 1-4 ...... DeN 38 Coventry, Harbor Ridge, Nwpt Bch 644-8060 $425,000 Sun 1-5 209-18th St., Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $318,000 SaVSun 1-5 #4 Sea~ Or., Seawlnd, N.B. 675-8678 $139,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 2237 Vista Hoger, Bluffa, NB 759-1877 $175,000 · Sun 1-5 I 8R plue FAii RM M DEN #7 Rue Vlllart (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $125,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2842 Vla1a Ornada (BkJtf9) Nprt Bctl 759-9100 $2~.500 Sat 1-5 23 Rocky Knoll, TurtleRck Vlata, Irv 631-7300 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2845 Vista Omada, Npt Bc:h 840-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *13 Valley View, Turtlerodc, Irv 760-3848 $255,000 Open Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE S BR plua FAM Ml °' DEN 10178 Durango, River Crt. Ftn Vty 675-1771 $124,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 616 Martgold, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 BA plua ,AM Ml or DeN 300 E. COU1 Hwy Unit 113, N.B. 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 I BEDROOM *700 Udo Prk Dr. #14(cannaryVlg)NB 631-1400 $41,500 Sat Mi DUPCEXES FOR SALE 2-2NDROOM 221 Pearl, Balboa laland, N8 673-6900 $360,000 Sun 1-5 2001 Kings Rd., Newport Hghtt..1, NB 631-1400 $399,500 ~It/Sun 1-5 .. ft7-127'A A:..:.~ i!."' 6715--4822 1895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1510 Abalone fSt, BalbOa 1"8nd, NB 673-6900 $535,000 sun 1-6 • T HE REAL ESTAT&:RS •tm-•1111 ••••••• .... OnlY tao.000 dwn can bllY tnll ~ up-"**' I ldtm I <*:, I le I 2 ow 9"199· ll'en- oramlo vi•••· comm. pool. hlow matht 9t l1H,OOO. Call Ol•n ~ ...... •• RVMt-}< lff lllllll LIW llWIJ Arid loW prtoa ,,.. tnll 2 Bdrm 1 ~ be oondO a marvalou• buyl 10"' ~i::t::;­ti311tl 1m•t•11 IPUTIOIUll 2 yra o6d w/3200 1.f. Of •P•cttcular llvlng & ent~ deltM. • e. droom 1ulta1 w / adjoini ng 8ath1, I cu1tom flraplaoe1, 2 <ladle w/wa, fcwmal cM--nlng, Hparate famlly room, co4ntry kitchen w/eet-ln nook. '435.000. AHuma 1225,000 at 13%. 8eelng .. ~ c:lng. Don't delay. call Olene lodeyl Dllllia~ a~'1:io llllT 2 ITNY llEllOD lo11ety upgraded Mata Verd• home, prim• corner lot. located In qw.t area. LMge famlly room. huge room• throuout. Beautiful groundl. cov.red patio. Excellent flnendng wtttl owner cerrylng. Call 646-2313 11!1Rt1' Sl2• Pl/le. buys ttlll 2 °' 3 bedroonf f amlty home W/countf'1" atylied kitchen eccen1ed by a rock ftraptace & custom ca~ RV ao-- ~ 1 111,900. Call me lOMel Diana Pletenpol· " 5 ....... 1 .... llU&.MA..,.. *"Dmf * ., .. ........ Seller .. c:eny belerloe 11 1at TO loen at 1~ for 10 yeen. Pr1vat• bMd\. llt• & ~ comtortatl6e home. 3 lerva bedroonW & den, 2 batha, ftrac*a and much mC>fel Sset. 000. Owner/agent. 813-1187 °' 87&-1080. 102" wamF111t 112 " boat dock. 5 Bdrm. 2 bath hOUM at 1945, 000. L•H than 10% down. 111-1711 Tl UYI 11 ........ 111111 llU (or Verd ..... ll.e.te ..... eto.) 1. Place your ad In th• Dltly Piiot Ctaaslfled section (It' 1 belt to run ~ days for maximum exposure). If you pay for yO\Ar ad In advance we'll run It 3 days and only charge you for 21 2. Get your FREE Garage Sale 8'gn1 (all you have to do la COtM In to the Dally Piiot & pay for your ad In advanoe - we wtll give you two 11 x 17 Sign• - FREE of charge). 3. Price ~ piece ~f '!*'chandlN., 4 . Have plenty oi change on nano t(nlckets, dimes, quartera, halve&, .one and five dollar bills). 5. Relax, have fun, and count your money at the end of the day. '°' .......... ... I .,,"' I ttetfl ... ,.. ~•--1td0' Lmtlf ... , ~room.ien~ • -:: ---~O~ WNlf'8 T"AH.,.,_ • .. . ........ I ..... 81LL: AT ltlUOO. Cell MD • ,,_. llil.i..~ ... Iii 1.. --, uo.1111 'ot •n ••· ,_..,_....,, .. ii. tl1 ..... AM Wlttl s .,, 1" e.:f!Dto· Owner ;ii Oliny OOod ... 111poll1n1em1.1nt!t~o ~ ... 111i~!~~~! = ::"*.,:: • • .. HFRITArir 11 t (\ I ( )ft•, ---·- -..WtllUI oon:"Cwy ly owner.,..,.... nanoln&.Jlt block to I LIW ... PIYmlY dt060e oul dt *..,.... "••~tendon1L.•htdlermellb,_O,! ONH HOUK 11-4 OAILV ~ '11-1314 fOr • na, dbl oat ftAflQI, wtll eoq"lr• attr••tl"•• AU,.ollve flnan~ lldle, i t1ftp11oe1 ~ '; 1~ ~ Tenw, -I petioe, ,.._onefrplo, w911~ $ llf:""I • 1129.900. Agt. 141 Mrm ~.sow oar.. mtc :.'n.,,.,._ t!..~ .. -..1 1-1 .~~. "'"wit .. ~ home.t~ home w/pool, bHut. l'ff ta• rOOk bOttOm pr1oe MH ooo --....... -••.--.. lat "" lend110flOlno,,.... orptg tor thle °"te 3.,. 1~ a.. ' ' ..-.~U0,000, Ney • .IOOIEGONIA rtVrD ~.Owner wlil wry paint. s..-at HO Vlfle Cell owner/-.it for de- Aeelty ar~"11. 9rtind Ntw 4 bclnn~ flAU\ 114 !OM. nova Rd. Call Dave, tehe. Miidred 642-eHI ot a kind" CMtom llJ •1 .. 11 .. •l'lll•m .. lltr, owner/bkr, at •U.tM•OLD Oam•o .... ~, •• OCHn '1exlblt terme. $98,000 ••• _, . 720-2629/141 .. 186 mfl ... -•••L"" vtw, • ldf. c1en. e a., 2 -GrMt a BR 2'"" .... 2 NVa•TM•Nff w.tbwt, POOi. Jae,, 1rg 4114 OOM'L.ANO IH=:• Co1ta MHa, 1~~!!~!!~~ ..... llYI g•flOll· ~ ;jff ~ ~13 ,.....,,~ ••• ,,.,. w•bo. :i Owner. Cameo .::1c; 3 plue den. 127• ""'*' apprelul. Tiil AIYllTAll SHARP 2 "2ba condo. w/mfnlrnum ctown. 11111, betoo• ,.,..,d 67~·48211 .000. 7 17M. ~t OM.y, L.erge OWfl8t 4NPettt•. Huny If Tm '900/mo, ooo . ~.~!IH •• l!M WILi 11 llUI Coront dl4 Mar bat'oeln 3 Br I la. approx. 2"100 1q ft. Submit t.,m,, .. llllmJI ~~ IU0,000 IM-645.0303 ~1 Bd a la POOi home Biii Clora. Bkr. A STEAL ... 1 blll from ........ eel on quiet cul-de-..... 1111 759-t3N beeetll Out• ltt1te 2 br ..... • UC. Mtfr Bdr IMtur• .. " fbl4 rlllt I .... ,., , ... llOUM • 1196,000. IMt Thie 2 bdrm nom. on Ff. doore leadlng to huge ....... ti 1 llt. •••••••••••••••••••":.':I buy on metket. 1.ellner large A-2 lot. Plane In-POOi & patio, formal ell-..... 1141-New cu1tom bH home, Inv e I Im en t 0 or p . ctudecl. Owner ftnanced, nlng ~den, frplc, & lrg C I a • 38r, 28a, 4 level1, 2 549-9213. 12111,ISOO MIU flnenclng.lfe •I .,7.,.1111 or ev11 frplc1. oon view. ULI l~~-~~·a.~~~-~TON~~ but a few of the many 180-1756 tllk fOI' Pet.• 829-4719 or 773-940t IPYIUll R-2 l.ot, 1 bdrm iw-.. i: emenltlH. Offered at iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(~a~lt~tP~M~.:._:.~~= Owner deepetete • ~ ~~.' ~1~to4~ Owner R .. dy to go. IT'S I 11UL 1:~·:091 ~~1!7~7J'J llllDllDI Modern 28r w/dramatlo Sell Ihle Week. 4 bd. Southport. 15150,000. 11::.:>w n·-TWo ltory 3 BA condo, 2 1540-0312 for more d•-vaulled c1mno1. brick 1_154___;9,_ooo_. 1_1_3-_1_141 __ 1 8ro4'er -• _.r_ C8t garage, model con.-18118. Opn Sun 1_., 2293 f()Rf CLQstlf! ~~·3 n~L::•rn :•Y Gary. 831-12M, A.gt. IU Ml 1111,000 ~ ... , ... 1-1 Ill &om un dttlon. Exoellent termi. Waterman. ForcH HI• on 2400 pallo, 1139,15-:r. Wit~ ........_ 1 ..a. • ltl-UM 1120,l500. ,_H_O_M_!_F-OR-SA_L_E-.... -,,.,,--'""·"· Mela Verde &tetel 12% Htumable flnan-so. of Hwy, R-2, 3 Br. •-... t • ..... 1111 3 .,, ,..., G I Wiii H remodel. I.Iv rm, din rm 844-13915, 780-1488 --------ner 8R. 2 BL teplfal• MA NIFICENT VIEW! 4 c1no. lam Oller opn 10 pvt baokyerd. •--,._-------_-i MU I I~ ---II dining room, covered BR, 3 Ba, 2 ltoryt H Realtor 4i7·3511 0.....,,.,.,..., MUlnetnn -B t b 1290 0 petlo, PclMerOM 81. CM, i.mHy '°°"'· forfllltll .-Ila It 35 deya. Della. 931-1298 10 exchano• 1189,000 wt~~ xtnt"L!!...._......_ ;,!_0. aa..T ... M 1135,000. "3-0383. nlng room, 2 ftrepleceel U f • A.gt. equity for Income pro-2 Br. & ~ • ..,....., .... u~' ....... fl Ill Cu1tom patlol DIS-,..,,, IHI l-~------1 Mlk Cr .,_, .. ..,.", .. .-, 12., 1m1m COUHT!D *40,000 FOR •••••••••••••••••••••• *FULL OC"'•N VU• peny. • aw. of grad-.. In llg .. t, .. ret1z ......., 3 ._. .......... 2•R ,. ..,. T1ytor CfOW & Co .., " .. ..,. .. , -·· _,,, 0 Like ~. 3 Bdr 2 Ba. FAST SALE! 11",960 • II IOWI !! 13.5~ IOAI\ Jaemlne Cr ··2·-142'3 & .... '"17'9 colofl. Agent • .,., 2be condo ..... 2 car flm r a t SUBMIT ·NY OFFERI Owner agt 640-11515 '" '"....,. wknd• ••4-8087 or oar and yard•. Both "'-··tlmlul, .~ ".!._.911t rH. Cell futl e'ta-2ese View of the ocean and 640-7217. bdnneare"'81tereutt.. .,_, """"-nenan-• -walk to lhe 1and. ..._.. YM T 14800 total down. 11215 °' yard. •189•600· 242 ~ 2 1 3 / 3 3 3 -3 8 4 e a tr8I ... 1BUll C#tl .,,, JIU total peyment. Hurry on E. 22nd SI. 931 -0055 213/902-12911 Home+Gueet+tncome 11•-... •••••••••••••••••••••• thl1 D• 1 850·19' 711 owe 11t -Flex. Tetmt .. ..,... . y -' ·~~lllr SY OWNER 4 BR 4 Ba 509 Ac.cta CdM nr bctl IPll UTI• 1-1 w k n d • 1 2 -15 P m • ft~ SpotleM Vacant Duplex M • 2 STORY 548-31179 hme, approx 2900 IQ.It. Huge &br/ab.+3br/Sba 1 l•llM VI aM, .... Nr MHdowlark Golf 4.oK own/bkr .... 1,...... FIRST TIME OFFERED: C()l.NlllL ,!-!_~I ..... ~ ,ft, ~~~~ii:iii:i~ Courie. &236.000 \erma. ......... .,_ Thie neet 3BR 2ba with Ul1lft .,,., ..... _ ·-..,...._ We Wiii guarani• to buy GrMI loc:allon, ~no. over 1800 lq " with lo-Baell Bay view 4 BR, den llexlble. Birr 531-1453 9 5% beet! at lame price In 3 OMc:tl, poo1, tenni.. _... V9f>' ~tio. llOd gerdena. p1ua poo1~0nfx 12et.1SOO. Huny111 EMtllde c:Nrmar. soa.ooo ., ·1M2 Pm mo. ...., ...,.,lteJ yra. Me-0450 3BR, 2t,\Be townflOll• Owner wtll ftnanCI IUb-Hurry! 3 BR 2 Ba. fi>'C, lg9 yerd. Full price 198.000. 3 Very anlCJOu• '°' qUlctl II.Ill " MUI Galed MCUrfty, you own ltantlal 11t TO at 12% Int 645 O Ol L~ -·-a""-..... r••e. bd 1 .... d •ale IO with only 10% lhe i.nd. Auume 12% • 7 yt term . A leaMhold ~ _,,_.,.. "" .. rm, emft, room, en. down 11'1 oufl. 3 b•· 1700 •II home In H.B. No lntarMt loan. 1239,000. •late. Priced to Mii In ........... :J:~~OS:y 0WNner. !~:~~~~via. RITA, droom. IMng room and money down on OUI' un. By owner {714) 7to-3975 f•. • · DO _...,. ____ . ---nr991aoe. In Immaculate lque lhere appreciation Cecllllaca to Oo-Cer11 Whatever lhe Fad Roll 'em off the market With a Clasalfled Ad Call Nowt M2-5978 IM-1111 I -I I Ill.Pl FNl-l condition. Greet loc:etlon financing. Call Geo. 38r • • •Y 1111 Mllllll and Ju1t right for the Brooka. 7141"1·555e /Jn ~IGEL UAILl Y & A~SU(I Al ES • 18a & 18r, 18a In-,._ n eutte, newly remoct. W/SIOE BLUFFS-VU enterlelner. 1109,500. OPEN HOUSE Exec 3 er. led, flexlble term1. $129, 28R/2BA-FPLC-8LTN8 979-2390 2'h Ba. Condo. 2 1tory, 800. Or try ..... option. Aeeume Loene-Condo large yerd with epa. pt<>- By owner. 946-2798 752.1120tM2-7904 ...... lfrhlp Ottl· feaalonelly decorated. ff Open Sun. 77152 SH· • Super loc:atlon doM 10 breeze Or, 1 block to ahopplng and tranapor-bMCh In Seulde VIiiage. tatlon. 2 bedroom1, 21_eeo-_9_338 ____ _ beth•, llreplece, den. Bu"81M Beeutllul decor thr -BM#u l'4J hOut. Large ~ end •••••••••••••••••••••• unit, loll of prlvecy. -llllllT St34,800. 979-2390 3 BR luxury lown.'lome on "Lagoon" cloae 10 ltlltr luilW beech. IMllllonl ~ Flll••llll bore. Miler otferfng 10% Quick ael• nffded on nnanang. 1259.500. thl1 lovely large 3 ti. 414-lll 1 dToom plua bonua room, .. ....,_.. U den could be bedroom -------No. 4. 2'At belhl. cio.. 101nbH IHI s.c. Plaza. Large yard •••••••••••••••••••••• end all landeceped. llUD ft1 1155,000. 979-2390 UllY .OCIAN VllW * ILKS TO llACH• • 11.25 3 FINANCING. HAllOI YllW HOMI 370,lt.f:oL PQ,000 Anume the 111 Truat Deed w/36K dwn. S... wtll C#r)' the ,._ No quallfYlng, You ~It w/11% efl9ctlV9 ""--'· 123 PINANCING AVAILAILI ••• when you take over exisUng Joan on th1a stunning HARBOR VIEW HILLS Home. Totally remodeled featuring beautiful master suite, gourmet kitchen. & huge Jot. Only $259,000 & owner will assist with financing. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-737~. Sensational MONACO model on FEE land with large assumable loan!! Featuring 3 br, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *Piii llNT * *OCEAN VIEW* Choice 4hr executive ranch' style ~-1n prime TURTLEROCK *STEPS TO l~ACH,+ location! •1,200/mo rent all applies towards purchue in 6 months. Sensational Beach cottage with 12% a.ssumab1e financing for only Laqe, low intelT'el\ ••nmable loan. formal dining, frp]c, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel 714/759-150l or 7141752_7373 $165,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *203 DOWN* HARBOR YllW HOMES *IAYCllST AllA flXll* *SEAWlND+ Huge executive ranch-style home featuring 4 br'a, family room. formal Lovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 ':Brs, private location and dining on cul-de-sac w /ro«n for R.V.'a. Only $235,000. 2670 San ~umable financing. Only $259,900!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373 Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$11,700 PllCI RiDUCTION* *103 DOWN* *9% PINANCING •• •* *IAYCRIST ARE~ flXE.I* When you takeover existing ht Trust Deed on this abeolutely beautiful Huge executive ranch-style home featunng 4 br s, family room, formal PLAN 4 in HERITAGE PARK. 'This fonner model features 3 Br, 2~ dining on cul-de-sac w/room for R.V.'s. Only $235,000. 2670 San Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139,800!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373 . * 103 DOWN* * 121.4 % PINANCING* * 113 FINANCING* HAllOI VllW HOMa · When you~eover existing T.O., owner will assist at 12% on this 3 Br Gorgeous MONTEGO model featuring 4 hr, parquet entry, & FEE house on LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. Featuring hardwood floor land. Priced at $279,000 with large 881WDable loan & teller 818isted and shingl roof. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beech. 759-1501or752-7373. 752-7373. * 10% 3 PINANCING* *PRICI REDUCTION* *103 DOWN* +153 DOWN+ Brand new end unit featuring 2 mstr suit.es. 2 car garage & numerous Beautiful PLAN 1 in WOODBRIDGE LANDING located across street upgrades. Owner wants to tell TODAY!! Bring checkbook & make from LA.KE #2. Features 3 br & formal dining. Owner assisted offer. Only $149,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or financing at 10%!!! Only $244,900 on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Or ... 752-7373. $1,279 Pll -MONTH 'Newport Beach. 769-1501 or 752-7373. *TUITLllOCK* •PRISTIGI COMMUNITY+ ii all you pay when you takeover exi.ltlna ht T.D. Spacioua 4 hr Gorgeous 3 br, 2 ih ·ba, 2 story home in JASMINE'CREEK.. Featuring executive detached home. Featuring frml din. fmly rm & frp1c. Only guard gate, pools, tennis, clubhouae. Secluded location with custom $212,000 FEE. 2670 San Mi8Uel Dr., Newport Beach. 769-1501 or upgrades including stained glass windows & carved doors. Flexible 752·7373. * 10" DOW~* financing tailored to your needs. 2670 San Miguel Or., Newport Beach. *' '" flNANCIN.G* 759-1501 or 752-7373. When you takeover eldstinl TD., owner will am.tat l~ on this 3 Br *NIWPOIT llVllRA+ • bowie on FEE LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. Fe.turing hardwood floor 3 br, 2 'A ba, family condo located on greenbel~f AtlSOC inclltdes pool, and ahbllJe roof. Only •135,000. 2810 San Miguel 769-1501 or tennis & clubhouse. Priced right at $124,900. 2670 San Miguel Dr., 752-7373. *$95,'°°* Newport Beach. 159-1501or757-7373. Co.ta Mara. Spacious 3br deUChed home with W"P yard. Frelhly *PllCI RIDUCID* painted. 2870 San Miguel Dr., Newport Be.ch. 769-1501or762.-7373. 1.753 ASSUMABLI LOAN ~ *OCIAN VllW* On this charming townhome in UNIVERSITY PARK TERRACE. *lnPS TO llACM+ Freshly painted & ready for occupancy. Only $126,950 on FEE land. Senational Beach oouaae with 1a ... ,mH>le fmanc:ina for only 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-737$. ttGl,000. 2870 San MJcuel Dr,...Newport8-:b.. 769-13<U or 762-7373. -#11,7.00 PllCI llDUCtlON* HAllOI VllW HOMll *93 PINANaNG •• ·* *llAWIND+ . When you takeover exiatlng lat Trutt Deed on this at.olutely beauUful Lovely MONTEGO pl~ featurtna 4 llra. private location and PLAN 4 in Hl!RITAGE PARK. 'nm former mOdel teaturee 3 Br, 2~ -rmea. tinm::ID1. Only $269,900U 2970 San Mi&ue1 Dr., N,wport Ba & •xtenllve_ UPlfadinc· Only tl39,80011 2670 San Mipel Dr., 8-:h. '798-1001 er '16~73'1l. · · Newport Beach. 769·1001 or 752-7373. .----I -.1HMM11it1 3 Bdrm 2~ ea Sundance tCW1rl1ome, form. dining. greenhOUH Window I !===!!!~ lam rm, enc. pello w/ decorator tile. 1800 a.f., REAL ESTATE TAX IN-2'At Y'I new. 1165,000. VESTMENT! $5000 Cell me lo Mel ceahlll 1145,000 ahere Diena Ple1enpol- purchue MINIMUM lax Volpe deduction 1at. YM1 $10, 559-9-400 000. Owner (tnVMtor) wtU aupply total down pay- ment up to '40,000 In eqully. Share pwch ... R&l/viPX In new lu11urlou1 2·3 TURTLEROCK GlENN Bdrm. 3 Ba. Condo, PRICE REDUCED Cotta M.... Maximum TO 1324,000. Int. ct.pre., apre. atruc-Appralled at 1355.000. lured for buyer, poalble Poellble 20% ...._ 4 ... 4-1 benefit. Phone ........ "'· 7 1 4 I 9 3 1 • 5 0 5 5, 2~Ba. fam rm, library, 2 714/M2·2000. cuatom brldl lrplca, AC, I~~~~;~;~ garden kitchen window, ponds & IPl1tlklerl. Very lg 101. Owner/agl. .. ••Mt. 78&-0880 dya. 752-8589 Charming 48r & large ____ . ----- family room. Bric* n,. Trtlk 18971 Antioch. lkbx, place, ~try kitchen, 4 er. 2 ea. D.R.. F.R. w qulel r11ldentlal atea. of Univ $200 000 15() Long term Miier lln•n· ooo down, $ 150,000 cing. &229.000 Incl. land. A.l.T.D. 12% Int only for 5 .UU Piii RID yr1. Agent M1-5032 ~ t~~~~ Brend New HomH & by 253 Hanover L.OWMI Condoe, no money down price In area: Good whll1 they laat. (7 14) loant. 546-9622 ~t. MMl11 WllllllME ---- TAYLOH CO. ............. " I L .. than 1 '1' old, highly upgraded, bMut. ~ !~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~ :.~~!:; 2'h &a. famlly ""· fOf'fMI dining. 12215,000 with hlQf'I a.um. lotn belen- ce. By OWMr/bkr. Wiii CCMIP· 7141551-0100 ··=~ Adoubld,lr 1be'..,_~ home In lovely nelgtlbOr- llood. Excel. flMltelnO .• ~able toane or new ~at1~ ort(JIK or llPPl1lllMd va- lue. c.11 879-1870 \ f >I I. / 1l F H ~ ...... . . ' .. •[, l H l Jl ,, 'I ! J .. I 3 8d. F.A.. pool, nr ll'VIM H.8 . HOO. Avell. 8·1. 6'1-36H UR?' .,.,...~ .... lnle AZ!ytttH '~'::'•'. ,,.. =i/: ... mrr-"•o •n • T• o ... Tennl1•,roa· a!::.m Hydl'Ottll115oV ~UL 0 APARTMINT01 i.::o•••i.. t & a oomaerumllfled I Unfurntellad•Ho Patt•Mod•f• Open dallV tco a. ........ .... ........... ........... !lo. 880 IMM (at 18th) . (714)645-111).4 ............ / ... · 1100 18th St. (Dover at 16th) (714) 642-5t13 ., ...... . ~::&'°L.a:= •&sat• ~ i ...... I 111111. w..r. •1.J~• M.[ MrWt~ -... N.I , llrth ..... ~ fff)O lllM MIUritY '"'!!. .... fr\ftl ..... ._ ~ ft, 81 '"'' MIA ~a. • HOO. HH W. ,,., .,,,,. l?M114 ..._ '""'91ft!Uf'*9. ~ 14,.-a; ....:~·,:····'' ~ ..... =.1rc:.a:.:':r: .r.r.,,. "'° .... ,,.. .... ... IPl =~ .... ~ .. ,, = =;= 1:9$ •~•o••.l"A'n a-ft1 _, weM1 ~ 1011 of ""°"9 ...._ ..,_ • . ....... '*-..... -· l*klllit.WJt&ti;.--2 MUNf!!l. I & t •· t~ alcltflj, Lat. lofl.1.....~/ LadltlC .......... & OW'W ...,;1 ' .. "• II• ... 1.u.tlOO ~·ft. of ..... ,,,_., ~ 41t Wll'it to tellt abM AppfOlt IOOO tct ft. Nr Pllf9 lv1111ry. Gatatat, Ale Ofllil V.-4M.ol14. Cc:.t I et\arlnt N.•. NGO/up:~ dl'll*t Crown Vall~ f'tlwy, & tpat In ~ flol'fta • ~ 111 l•IO elf, 17*>t -..-.. H.I. ~ Nt., Mlilllofl v. mHtor 1111to, dining • .14 ll'lara 'mv Ooeta M•H M-llM. Jo, (11C) 141-0t11 room•, •"41 bvrnl"t t If, .._. "• .,... tM hOma. fJ"1f NltllN pro-NW .,. 380, 1100 or 1200 14' ft. =~'°'..:::'% cu~ f~aoh . r.Hlon•I women. lu• WtlMppolnled oftloo w/ OOlta MHa, Call for yerda&~::'* provl• • 7f1-olOI Nwpt vi.w. Apptox 1,000 ~ 87M20,, • 1=~-~~-.,,--.1 dell. IMN ot'lf .a. 1IW,•4. .,....., Ammato wantact llbatel IQ. ft. ApcJJOll 2800 eq ft 0""8 --------I 11 ....,_ tf'Ol'll ,.-lllHon 1t•r.• to eancl, a111ll. rnei.t, Ur, na, Ual mo. 146-1100 and wtr•l'I .. epao•. lllMd, 1 "*"""to 9.0. 111 • tan. 114-(1111 tat, IMt & dap. 411-4141 llllllrM ...... O•nt'r11 Coeta M .. a. ,.aaa or O.O.Alrport. op of Ola Wottd LIQUN ........ IMt _ .. , Oovw Ne. Ul·Mft Fenc.ct yd. Avail now. Ju1t aaet ot Na~ tar 111 a Ir hom. -I -· • uoo per mo. 6'2.oNO llVd. & IO. of Ian hfti .....0, llPI t . flrpl: ....,,., Ot w.ftlng ........ LAGUNA llACH·Oown• Apf)l'ox IS400 tit ,_.., ,.....-~--__,,..,....,,...,, 1 , rw }'. •too I mo . pll't. llOOMI ...... N........ ""*' or lady owr ~ to town, 600 IQ ft U75. ~ ltor9Qe. CMllA ta14Ql1 NTI °""Ill IT' _,_...,,,_.. w Npt. tzome. 14CM111 8JOp bY &3S It'd St. or aaoo .,.2-1112 -----------1 A¥t., Oolt.e ...._ ~Courta lhf tum tll)t t Ille from oell (11&) *-2M1 .,.._ mo. t1 ""· "'8tUrO Wit, 2640. OCMn Ylft, prlY•t• Of· '='~A~M~Ui~~-::,._:-m~-:"":"""lild-:-U 60 mo . L .. 1 e y flOM, N.-PQf't c.nter. l/!UU 1!fl.'1/. ll!lf E11t1ld•. 2 bt, 1.,. be.1---------1 tllll 1~poo11..W.: ~.,tt4 PM or T .. aphone, Meret11lll, ~j;· ~ •• •• ,nod .-alto, Oarag•. l.Mg9 2 Ir. 2 a., patto, COU~ ~UI UVINQ AW/A 0 ,AlfN/AIJG. M11/mo, dyl. offloa HrYIOH avall. l tr7iw:f"' ~ UOO/mo. U1·12U, a,:r•o•. lnd3Lfac. INNIWPORTHACH Aoante1MD0 ,...,_ rCIOIYllMW to lfir J5~mo l up . ~ ~ ::,..ac~.,.:. "" e&/mo.cn-1 A total •nvlronm•nt Nai#pott31r. :~:.":an::'1':: J!: LUXURYOfflCeeurre Auo . 1. Oto dy1 •-38r.2bL ... -& ·~ apartlMntoommunltyon 1'6 .... ~tutn.Awl. quln ,..___._ Pool 976·8711, •vl wknd1 -..--..-· •1 the Upper ._, f'tM1a •••kly 000/wHk. ~~ + ,.:. ~· Ou1tom decor, glHI 846-·ll+U dflP91 n•Hr OCC. No llfl olubllOUM and llHlth IM-t0t1. Qlth•' r~I 1•"t...,.·l"IOnd'::e"·, lobby & 2 larg• •Ho. --------P .• t .. ~ 5 5 o / m o . •••••••• ..... •••••••••• ..,._ 1 tlnnAI oouru. 1 Ch· 1 .. .. , omoa., t15 IQ. ft .. ~ h-'--· l•---t..t'/ 1 .. 1.,.,..... 8l*'l<Jlno olMn 2 er. 2 pooee, oloaa to bllllnaM. ,..,,,_ ._...,,.... 551-t515 9Wl/Wknda. t•rm1, 8'1111. Im med. -.-, .. ~ Br. ...._ lo ea. llgllt & elrY. 9l1CI Jl9'· .......... .. ..... .__ ,....... • ........ .re;; ...... m'S' Prof .... __ ~ ioc. •t com« ot n..... 2 . gar_.. ep1, pet , pvt patio. '8215/mo. OM. _.l'V" .. ,._,...,., -"'· IAN~ I & c Br. woman to --· 2 Jamb«• l MltQArttlur, •••••••••••••••••••••• :: ::;'!·. ~:.:'::':: HMeOt1 ~nv~oc,.: A.VIII. now. WMlllY tt1N ::,"'.J ::o_:re;.New· lteGO/-. Gel-Kw 1t ... .,, 54&-9850. 1$ ·-IS-7-5/_m_o-.-N-1a-r-be_a_o_ll_,, lore': 1 & a bdrm *"'9 end IUmmtr • ...,,_?m. 752.•&444. 0-,,.,•lltt "" -- PAlllC HE WP llH T ~PARl"HH T\ ml 2 It 2 Ba. towMoulaa. .. /l&Wll PAM. MAL!. STMIOHT, ••• ~;;;ea ......... . 18r WI~ 1 blk from 1!/1ld• 1 Br. •mall but 6'~~133t ga..;g>.~· NCO. 11000 .... 2 ar. 2 la. Condo. NON·IMOKEA, .. 25·30 "" •m Children'• Book Sten oozy, lot1 of natural ' a.v.ttl ~end 1 Prlncovlll• araa. ,ur· 8HA 38A 21A wATIR· Ltg office IUlta. loceted In fMl~rowt~ 8add ... 8drm Ul'llta foat""9 flna nllhed fully ltqUlppod FRONT BAL ISL. MAV on NwPt l:i:t In hi-blCk v '-"· 1·1811 dNlonor furn1t11.r• and ..,,.,·golf OOOI ~ CON81DEA Fl!MALE rt. offlC» • w/tmall PLANTS, OIFTS. mall acoallOflel. Mo\19 In to-8umrnor oi F .. rat. bY 900-2.471 ~ of biiy, or part loc:atlon, Pat C. McVuy & Adultl, no pata. NOOmo. day Of' t-.voa for..,,.. w•ak or bl montll. lu "' .. fllf rrom 81,C& pr rt. 2 moa. AMoc. 75&-5700 531-838a mer montllt. 8marun 21a1m.t21 . • •• 11'! •••••••• !..... "-Nnt to quallfled t• PARTNER WANTED ...uTlll J~ ..._ Ad. P , ..... ..,.. t21120 a....,. f« rtnt. nant. c... ~ for BBQ ,..t. o,...t loc. 10K l & 2 IJt. Otloounl on 9*1IOO A~Aey;"' pvt •ntry, 1torege or Info. 52C-7908, n e-1130 l>a. IQ pvt yd fpc 2 Oat IOfM mocMle. Pool, Spa, New 3 BA 2 IA homel _.., leO mo. 6'&-216e .... , ... tlv .• din .. ram. rma. WATIRFRONT HIOH --------1 nopet1saoO1~19 ' Oym , S1una, •to . LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 ~r. OOOI ... bbq tttnlO' $5&prmo,gor199nr17tn -.&.1111'1 Join th• IHd•r In lh• Sl?elmo, 11t & tut + RISE CONDO: 2 BR 21<'1 ...,_ · w..c>e19. hptc, :,auo. adult•. dally meld .. r'v. From St, CM. Joyce W1ltH, ;;;ma; location ::='1u::..~ d:.r.. •o Aldarwood. beth• aauna/pool 801 IMJ. ,. ., e.ald• cut• 1tudlo apt, 2 B ltb ., • b&I •10t0. 15-t368. aw nlaht. 031·.UOO G.-den ~ -apmie wat6r lrMt"*1t I -0184 -lido.' Ith floor .. Cati ......... ffl............ ~'-:c~· 'j' .,.._ co~y~ ato~• 9f dltll: Spec. 3 BA 2k fPc, get, Palm lSprtnot AMot1 20>c32, near 19th & New· 900 ~~. arnenlUll 1y111m1 dHlar.'' Llc'd 38r, Sk Mt5 mo. End Ag9nt. Rita 152-5110 2 Br. 2 If•. dupl ... gl· w~ 831 'r2~ oyc• w11her, 8550/mo. b.adl 2 blk1, MOO yny. fW!tala, 213/81M208 port. 1150/mo. 111-Hll territory avallable, Unit, oard•: Incl. Bluftl, 3 tit, dWI, 21<'1 1>a. rac19, trplc, YMtfY. 8kr. ' • 53&-7979. No pate. 6'5-lM2 LK. AfllROWHEA0·2aty ?ff.OHi, 6'0-e107 Or1nge Coelt ., ... no Pool, 9tC. t17 OYOI pV1 patio. tmm1c. Nr 81M912 NEW BREED APTS. MOO furn.« untum. t 8r. MAGNIFICENT VIEW . MW 481' + loft. 28a. 2 WANT: Oaran• fOf' Ito· ..... llAll Hper. nee. Wiii train. 3 l>dr 3 ti& delrM, teoo. poo I, 1 hop p Ing & C.... Al llM Jiii : Br '•~o 1F Bri Bach. pool 1pa ltff2 FlondL Walk to bet\, 2 Bfll, 2 ba, trple9, 2 blleonlN. ca· rage on Bet Penln. Nr Ex.cutlve offtcel 1,000 rt $50 ,00 0 full amou nt UfW, Pn .,., Patty. 1ohoole. I 1100/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• rom ..,.... · rp c, r•,c 842-283-i: &42-3172 fpo. Tennta. poott. l650 thedrll Clllllng, color TV. 15th St. Cell 1_n 1•2018 to U50 ft. Attract. wall r•q'd, t ome flnancl/lg Re/Mu aa..ecoo. &4()..8931 a Bdt, fwnly rm, 2 ea. roc;m, ;·:· ~93 wk. Aull Mo rat•. 8tp1 tc. North Shor.•. malntaln•d bldg. Ne11 1v1ll1ble. Wiii n .. $40, ..__. llld ..... 3 8r 3 Ba. Uv Rm Din frplc & utll rm. lmmed. ~ w ~ 11 · l*J-M NNr ~ 2~. 11<'1,,!!-878-3120 1215/wknd. UH/wk. OIBn IMUI f4lf Hoag Ho1p1t11. Cptt, 000 plu1. Clfl collect ........................ :'.~ Rm:. frple, kltCMn.' ram: pa1111lon. lff0/mo. AQ1 e.-:.T..11_ o n • · · ~~!:. rpe, .~~imo,...., WEBTCLIFF 2 8r. l\t Ba $595/mo. 5224831 •••••••••••••••••••••• mini bllnd1. O.dlcated Mon·Frl MPM. AM f« Nto. 1BA 1 ba. . .,.,._, rm. pocc. $1450tmo. 511 875-a611 c.i,....-o~'!f-" . T~. AdUlt9 Pf'lf. Big aw cabin. lcMal f0< llMIM lllTll piling. Pref. environment n m 4081887..0111 patio, garage, 8tov•I lrvtne Av• .. N.B. Lg ttudlo 1Pt. New cpta.' · No peta, teOOtmo. 1121 flehlng, hllclng, blklnQ,« ti.VINI!. Pflone an1we· In qui..,..., 54s.3323 Video Gamet, lnt•r - ralrlg. UC 8t. Anni. 83:Mln3 M ~912. drpa, & paint. lmm•d. ""'2alHcld --WILi Bedford 1.eM. 5'&-7533. luet g9ttlng away. Wtnd nna. cont. ""· utll pd, daY9 ChlllgMble PC l>oerd. 2 '550, 531-1463 Ml~ c BA. N be. Npt Shor• occup. $475, 551-8130 Lg9 2 & a BR townhouN Yft./, 3 b<, 2 ba. frplc, ger.. 'wtcty rat•. IW5-4I018 1cfry Mn'•. •1c. AllO •••NIT ...... m 0 I 0 Id . 0 n I 0 c . 8p•clacutar ocaan l $900 mo. M-T·M 0< I• Large 1 BR. 2 BA. Cantril APUl'Mlh apti,h yardi, •nol gar, ow. 1 blk to betc h . ._,Al•,. Am f-~7iace. •15o tup. 1101 Dov• St. Pr••ll· _644-4 __ ~_7 ____ _ mountain vi.w Monercll option. Av111 8· 1·82. hHt 1011 of 11orage ~·~d!J•r= ~!!· ~· f*~pa.157": ~uh'::· 875-4912 bllr. ••••~•••••••••••••.. glcKie N.B. loe. Perteet ChlckWI to go In TuGln Twrao. tlOme. a Br. 3 780-0297 uoo 1nctd• utlla. No ~ r>et• a. t .,..... d:..;·~0:'..o-eeo; · WESTCLIFI' 2 bdrm 2 Roommate wentld. "*"· Private ofc. •175/mo. Nr for ettorney. ~ IUl1• 115,000. Mon•y baok kttoeotmo.c.itOw-pell.875-4M3. 2 8 2 a.. IM5 • • tolhr21tapt,C.M.'250 o.c. Airport. Conv. ttomatOlllN3'0o1q.ft"IJUAl8f'ltM.n H oee . IW ewe -....U52. 2 000 IL:'?' BD i.rn 408'~ Acacia. 3Br 2Ba. 398rW. Wiiton 831·5583 2 Br. 2 Ba. d/Vt, patio, ~:;,~~~1~01~ffi';: mo. Chor119 942-8381 ~(·~::':ii~ ~~c:·i.c~·~ir!o~l.o~~ "-... -.. , EMERALO IAY 3 Br 2 • ICJ.n. "' ocn ~ ••75 rn0 · •Ingle garag•, wet•r 846-3122 6'6--5e25 2500 1q ft Condo wffl '°' · -.. u, ,. ... Ba.frplct>rtclc .patloWttn rm,2'Aba.w!Mg-. ·-· ~2 Br.18a.nMr pald.l.undryfaetc:Md • 2 1dft9. 'tld" arrano•m•nt)Teylor, rnot91nfoc.ll ._...1 H)f •Pa • • 1 1 0 0 ti.It, n .. r pool. 11400 873-7942 10hoo11. No P•ll. ok, ~o pat1. 1&2a1mo. Nr•Nu, by Udo 21>t 2ba :ff' dlld or ~ 1 lldlt Crow & Co. l .Y.& -••• ~;m!r •••••••• 2131e7~2255. · mo. ~·., leHe. Bkr. Lg 2Br, tBa. wood baa· a.25/mo. 831.e155 545-2000. Agent, no fM. P1tlo "fo ooupf9 ~No Pool, lg kit. 2 .,.,_, .g 6'2·1423 Of' 8454178 .... 1121 o r .. t opportunity to ... Elrec. modll'n S Br. S 81. 844-0 s-4 med celllnf.· no peta. 1 bdrm,.. apt. 8uHt Ins. 2 Br 11<'1 Ba.1375/mo paa pea S7 • 176..()09 . . balcony wlbey view. 18t1 w.aam, N..8. 218 tllt '= (on.prtnO). fanta1t10 oc•en, coa.at '¥TILe .,c d :te:.1t1t; 7~PM~· :r'i! d{:fr~-130u~ ~ Crpt9, ~· V•r:•":•ty• 1 br, tlnot•, 557.7113 °' &40-t33t Zen~e.-~~211t. floor. 120 ~ ~ for ~ crHte :~o v I• w. I 1O15 O I mo. c Br. ~ •· on o, . .....-._.. ,.,, -'*"'°" p..... •• ur • goo • OJm. N 8 M•tur• working ut11t1 or uch1tect1, piu., Int.,... daduot1on 21313184119. 1reenbalt, extra parking. ... ... Aft 133$ pw mo. Avall Aug. Nr Baach/McFadden. No $ 5 0 O. 7 1 -3 3 1 • l.dy own room & beth 520 IQ. ft. 11.00 pw lq. Newport C•nter. av111 Apprect.t.lon 6 d9pl'.c:te- L vely vtew ,_,,. 1400/mo. 644-2999. Prtvm patio, gar. 1495 1· M&-7"3. 6'Z·116~ pag. 893-4894 55~ 1225° lnddl utll9. tit A ft., 3975 Blrctl .. N.B. 7·20. Wlnda 844-7520 tlon poelil* dependltJ9 : BR.oc:i:a. 2 fplc'1: 3 BR fam ""·pool, f'"'*. pw mo. Avall Aug 15 2 BR 11<'1 ba, EIBkM. patlO, 2 Br. w. Ba. ended get, a.,. to tlcln. 28r 1ba. '°' ..... 546-0027; 6'4-472t Agent 541·5032 on ltructurlng of tran• ,1250 mo 1c22 TW'l'IOt IMV!eW, awi11. All.Cl 15. Wkndtl..,.. 113-1249 oar. WO, taoo mo. laundry, patio. a..otil llv ~ k" w/tler, ocn Prof to ltV Condo llol'9e Excellent omc. · Up to ectlon. POAll* 4 to. 1 Wl'J. 1eo.&311 t7~512!2mo. 24flr .. c. e.la... JIM 833-0192 ::;J;;,lt U50/mo. e~~ml501mo yrly. !!12 am:nfil•:~.!,215: = ~~: :O~zm= tln~~~~~~-up~~ } ~N VIEW· ...... "'"' · ••••••••••••••••••••u 1 BR t Ba. 1395, quiet. -·244 •• ..,..._, • . t« Jo. ·-·.,. -,..,,_, . cm.y 2BR 6 lt\idy, 2 la 0.•19 laif 1 a JU. I.. NCur•. 1820 Wallece. 2 br w/patlo. Ht Beadl & la a.... 1111 Ocaanfront N•wport, Dlloerate muet ,_.ti Ole ~= 2~~ betfl, 2 frptc1, 1p1r11 •••••••••if.......... N-ly d•cor. Oa1 pd, 7eo.e371 lndlanapolla. $450/mo. ....................... non-amk mature ,...p, rutl 0< ea.ta M9aa. Wiii 9ttuC> atalrcHa. 11500/mo. Btand,.. c Ir oce.i vu •net 911, dw1t1r, pool, 2 BR, 2 Ba oondO ,_ 539-5018, (213)193-7040 Ooe1n...fllll~oll c:ourM f1m, t2Umo., yrty, .I~ Plt1tlm1.19th St.. ti.If•~ to flt 1"- Ctlart• Alalt)' home. WlfY ,,.., .,...,, bl>o. Adulli, no P•t•. 8 C Plue Poot AIC OolUX• s 8t otPtt dt"9 view. 2 Bdnn ... 2 llOf'Y .,.._tM1 ~~ 'i::1= front ofc loc. vHtor nHdt. Phon• CM-8122 Of~ not Y•t l•ndacaP«t or e.-i-50n . ~ eat• NO -btt...in., dbl 'oar wld Ne. IJ)l. wttll t>ullt..Jnl, Oii-., -1 , 4 I 8 3 1 • s.o 5 5 p, ToP cf tN Wofld ocn vt.w ~«'°or:' .':o ~ $490. 2 BR. pool, 2 par. '525 mo. 831~147& up. 8700. Cal fiM.oo21 • ro:roc::p~a= c::,n~ ::~:· =·; ~:.. .e:.::--~1t.~1q8~~ 71'/6'1-2000. • 3Br. 1 B1, 000 mo. mo. 71C/913-4881 IOOI onty. 326.J t7th. Pl. 89ettcllna a.n. 2 Br. t V. $825/mo. Prim•. acroae -. & ac..' to -ltry, pvt ent, 2 bin to ./...,.. .-... t I d & 6'15-1448 &ee-6131 alt1lAM. ea. a.ta. Fencld, utlle rrom beedl, 2 er.-" a.. thlngl 1471/montti. ••t•r. with MIF non· ~tmo~r,'.e1J'11nt. #il!:J:', f'n6I GREAT VIEW-CHARMER !!!'!!!!!.~ ..... !~ 3 Br. 2 be condo. OM & P•ld. R•frlge. 2 1mall frplc. Pet oll. 5H-8113. Avlllabll ~ 115, two 1mkr. '500 plUI ulll. llJf 3BR h d d fl f tc Spec. 4 b<, 11<'1 be nom. w1ter furn .. am•nltln. clllldren <*. no .,.ta. 4 Br. Condo. ~ mlll "om adult• only 'to no pets. ~ . Prof, orno. epeoe In Npt. •••••••••••••••••••••• d.c'k ,rn~ bcrtt'ttr!.n: on to• rMld. lot. N•w 759-1501; 848-4784 1te0Wllfllcl9 6'2-4905 beldl.~red«:. c.it own•r at (114) Fem rmm•t• 25-35 yr1, ·--_....._ =·,~::..::~u: U. l&m.D : 4f4.e930PM paint l orpt. 1750/mo. -Lg 8echMot w/patlo, tin-frplc, 2'~ Ba. 2 cwtftded 642-4181· ~mo. utll tncl. 2 BA -~ of r9eePtlonl1t, X•rox, lltrtpict le. lee, 1tl, la1t + 1375 d•p. 2 br, 1'A be, frple, OW, pvt glea, 89 W11t 19th St. gar. pooll. SCl50/mo. tit 2 br, 1'A b1. Block to dpbc, 8A ~ 754-4435 ~=~~a'°.:.~ law llt>taty. Avell lmmld.. Speclllltzlng In 111 & 2nd i-.. .. El 1151 Avail. Jiiiy 15. 973-3243 patio. gu. No p•t•. CM.1315 mo. & lut, w1term1. tS50 baed1 PeVctllld,.,.. OK. An•h•lm Hiii• home to Ad call f« datalls. Mikki or TD'• tlnc1 1948 ;J'T-:Vu8".\r.RiuM~·; t0< appt to.... . ss201mo. 543-5478 EASrsioE 2 er 1"" ea dep. No pell. "8-3031 IC50. 974-1225 wn with employed,.. = ~~2 ~~ Art 1wasa-2c11 Robt satt1e1 NHtCM bdnftr t be, '825. Qui« HOME FOR RENT a.1101mo 2 Br 1 Ba. up-Townhou .. enct•d ga~ ARLINGTON APTS. NoV-W T 8drm. llj)t. m-. 4 bdrm Wtth OOOI, CeJr AM. SS34223 om oacu11W office R.E. Bl'oller 8d ~torw clrcular St. Chlld OK. 3 Bdrm. 17215. Fenced per untt enctid 0-. r1119. frplc, ima11 pet ok. Quiel, 1paclou1 town· with bullt..fna, cerpetlng ape. flreplaca, et~« prl-COO 1q ft. Pvt bath with · '42•2171 5'5-061i Dog on approval 2.4991 yard l earaoe. Kldl l patio 11i blt·IM 1.unc1,Y Or.at loo. "'°"" 2 Br. 1~ Ba. NMr 6 drlpal, llundryf8cllty, vll•g .. $250, ~ utll. e•YFRONT 1ho-r. Balboa P9nln. WIDOW HAS'" for TP'• 8llMtt Pl. Wiit, Lagune pate wa6Come: 545-2000. rm. . . TSL Mgmt. &42· 1603 b. I c h . I 5 2 5 I m 0 . undw roof cwportl end H. ct 0 r 9 2 1 • 2 1 5 8 . " l3001mo. &42-4e23 RE LoaM, 10t< Up. No Hiii. By appt 12-6PM. Ag9nt. no fM. TSL Mgmt. 542·1603 950-88&8 publlc t9"nl1 courte & 75&-1754 Prtm. Offlcl. 87~1003 Ex F &lit pr! Cr9dlt CM«:k, No Pen· 714l869-10l1,a75-M75 c-lmlalw u LM119 3 Br. 2 BL Town-2~.1':.,8.:i.~ ~ory~: AVAILABLE NOW ~~~t=-= F~~2': =~i:-u:: occ Ell•c IUltH, full .. ,..,., N~: :.Pt1on:~ = ~7~nlaon 6 Aaaoc. lllulM .,._.. 1111 ftalmJdM nll houN In quiet complex, $585/mo. lnctd e l1c . 2 Bdrm 1 bettl apt. naer ry~ 1395/montll. ..a .., .. 1•1 .. 1 ........ fumlunfum .. IJ'MtlY ,... pl•r •VIII. $225 /mo •••••••• :.-:r. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• large pool. o•r<Mn ..,. &41--0783. Beach/Yorktown. 1 Cfllld Av ~ 15, on. -~ -..._ duced. No .... 764-027C 981-1779, 840-8215 ........ I HOME FOR REHT Ralort.-.C• adult tract nr tlno 1875 845·3S81 oll. No pell. Watw paid. or two adulta only & no F.m want9d, r .. p .. 3Br 1 men offloal In Or. (...,.) ,,.,.,,,. 3 8drm. 6 4 Bdrm. 1726 SC Plza. Pool, grdnr. 97g.6949 . ' 2 Br. 1 Ba. In 4-p lex. $425/mo. 545·2000. -.. ,.....,. -at (7t•) llH nr So. Cet Plua, ~ ,.,_ .,.._ · l,,,...J1/ to '750. F-.nold yarda & Dlux 1 Br. No peta. 1475 · "4'0/mo. Avail. nowt No Agilnt, no fM. ..--..-. _,,_ 1185 11t & ._. Call ,_..,....., .... -..T UU ,__.I•--~ naran•1. Ktd1 l g•tt & $35 utll. 775·2510. 1530/mo. 2 Br. 2 Be. "'~" .. u 6'2-0l&a. mo. · t4-?&t-4790 130 ft full ~....._ -• ,.._. • I • • ,. 2 ,__, .---. & Towntioua. ....-pet1. _...__aft 8. lrrl•t Jl4f Miii• 6'1-311C aft CPM lq. . -·-•••••••••••••••••••••• •• com• ... c... 00. H.,,. .. , "f'V'-a.n. . cw ....... ... VILLA MEOERA ......................... Jua .... _ --.......... "-• ...... oecuttw offlcl 1vall Im-.............. 11# Agent, no._ . 3Br Condo, Aug tlt.1700 patio.. all bit-Int, 1n<17 2Br 2Ba Elllde u-OrangetrN oondo 2Br. 1 6.1.,__ 1111 _Pt .. ...,_~-·--=-"=".:: .. ....., 9111 m • d . Corn• r o I ...................... .. -. rf •-~a. ••t mo. + .._ 1.RA .., ft, ~1tmall pet ok. Wont • .,,._. Bi pool 1800/mo ~':'m': . ,..,._, ""'""••• JamborMIM10Arthur. Hoet tamUlel nMCMd f0< -!f!'r -•· ....-. """ .., -· apt, dahwtlr l dllpoaal • · .... .................. a plua '3!50/mo ~ utlll With UM or r~ptlon. B•autlfully d1corat•d Frencll 1tudenta. Auguet. ••• ••••••••••••••••• 2~8a. 9A'aQ9 opnr, pa-TSL Mgmt 542·1603 wtr/gH fre•. Encl ga: 857•5537• 553-0lYt Jay, .,._ -CM-Oi74 . . conf. room, knctl, ptloN, with bty wlndow1 . Call 540-6468 8"' ~ 2 Bf 2 Ba. tlo, IPM!Cten. Harb« l Aft 5 &42~221 rao•. l1mlly compl... 754-4592 Tracy. 2 bdrm, 2 ba. oar. pool, -.... ...... CM MCNCarlal & word pro-comm. pool, t•nnl1. Edlngw. 541.1111 · ' 1545/mo. + l300 dep. ":\'!'.: T lg. prtv deck. 1'fo pat9. ... ,.,,_ to ... IQe . . otltlng. Mall & maeuge ,_75_2_-2_581_· _____ 1 HH/mo. or IHM op-LAKESHORE TENNIS Flreplace, p ool, dlth· 548-4147 or 894-0338. ~ ,trnet MOO mo .... '87·1874 hom•. Nr bHch, 1pa. ..v. 1Vall. llpaf9tely If UYfllllT ~.f.!.~ .... ~ tlon. Agt. Frid. tl81·12M CLUB Condo9. FllMew WUllW, pvt patio. X LO 232C Elden St OrMt Mt Ml pool. •~-.. -8mok•r ok . 1300. d .. lt1d. Oall: Judy, 0< 831-2711 &~ 2BR 2.,,. Oud•n 2 ltr. •580. · lmmec. 2 8R. 2 be. frple. -,_ 6'2-85N. 714nl0-4tOO. IJg offlcl IUlt• w/11nl vu om. • ..... 557-26'1 EASTSIDE·luxury In 1 A/C, aecuract p1rkln9. •••••••••••••••••••••• of bay. All « pert from 1575 mo. 28r, patio,,.. fr p c, I 8 O O mo . · PlnH ForHI. R•frlg, No pate, non..arnkr1 pr9'. Pool, t9nnle, taala, dub, Aooow1iet. wantld to lhr ...... .. S 1.CO pr 1q ft . C111 ~t. drpa..~2 ~ 541-6'95. Eutaid• 2Brl 1~·0· pe>ol, dwlhr, patio. BBQ, gu L-. Pool, uuna. ten-....,,rJr/W, Ml 19 Toro SllOAM apt ,,,ttt !Mne. Af· ex.cutlYI Offtce "' CM-6'5-e6'e f!J< Info. &ay.6'M17 ·-·uv• l.Ql 1 en .,....._,"""" 11undry, 4., 'Clll utll lnol. 28r, 28a.1525 nl1. WMftar, dryw, ml-ho!Mprtv. ~uttle..-$290 ts5'1m.86r......a VIII •~so 4 Br 3 Ba. oomm pool 1425 no NH"''i1,.:gt"'' 833-7890. 6'9-t947 mo. 1Br. 18a, a.25 mo. crowa ... Incl. $'i'501mo. 11l 6 i.t. 688-4038 1¥ Profa111on11 woman tc B:tw e1~U /mo. ~To=.~P~ 111aa1mo. °' i.i. op.'. 8cfl. ~:7042 un on LMt...., ..... ,.,. Mr ac&-916', Rk:k M·F EYel 552-6412 mag. •hara lovely N•wport w•• ya••-v•r St• 2. 1308/mo . Uon.1,gt. Frid. 83M2N Studio wlt'h carport & (2 3) 592·26'5. i-. •• a-.• 1141 Pvt home. no lwnoklng M Baach hom•. Baach, ~·-_, 831-1094 i O<iiil3iii1-i21i1i1iiiiiiiiiiil .. _,,_,, hzahW patio. Pool & Spa. No '500/mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. apt, ::'1'.-::t.~ ••••••• ., drlnkfft9, qui.t M ov., tennla, OOOI IHO. mo. Prtme offlC» faolllty loc.-f-miiiiiMiliiiiin.---1 ';7;;'.tt::' ............. .,.ta.13915. 549-2447. encl1d gar•g•, patio , lllAlfmT 30.121SO/mo. 1t1er-. ut111. 6'M51? tod clr9Ctly ICtOM from MIFWf mtD .... lft. c... lel.. 1111 frplc, lndry flC. Submit M09t _..,. •• btc90. 551-0837. PrOf. F 2.5..u to • w/ Clvlo c.tltlf, •UY AC· FuQ s.va Sult .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1Br upltlirl, no peta. ,... on pet 1 __ .............. ""°" --...... a.11 to frwy1, flnlbl• lllT mTll FOtll> ADS ARE FREE Cal: ...... ,, a BR 2 Ba. flrepleoa. 2 Ocean view, ti.autlfully r19q. l3-40 mo. 352 Vic-TSL MQmt e.-2•1803 In ---_..., Amfn~ff.8.flome,1250 ..,.,,..,._,,,.,;nopatt, offlc• tuft•• from w 5 OcMll vi.w c1r garag•. to• yard. turn. townhouM, rrplc, tor1a e.-s.a1151 · locatlon In town, .,.....,._ mo & l4 utl. ,,_,,, ,..., 2 bf, 2 ba Univ. P111C ._1430 IQ. ft.. For Id-All _;;··need f« °"' Lott: MaJ1mut•. • mo1 1825 mo. poo1 & patio. 1195/mo. p.-... wtlo need P........., $525/mo. 2 Br. 2 ea. apt, t.klno vtowa, all bullMna. "4-9827 -'! 5. condo w/hot II.lb, tMo. cMtloMI Info o.ii ,~ old. Chollw ctlaln, Cet a., 111 .... IMr IJ7a-oeM. • That' a what 1,..;-r-carport, yard, lndl'f rm. h ~ • 1 • d P o o I • ~ Fen*-owwr 4'0 . 1~2r5. , o y+w.!' d w 1 • l.Y& .... ~~ Hwy a Atv•r1ld• Av•, Ml-Jnt C.... 1114 DAILY PILOT Small dog oll. Call fO< 1u ... -gar1g•, •l•vator. r• :0--,_, 11ttlf k~~l2-lf1~~~~: ... ,... TOP LOCATION, Hlft>ot. ~~:00 W. Cet ~~~~~~~~l••••••••!ff••••••••••• SERVICE DIRECTORY ~t.Mgmt 6'2·1903 ~~. ~~· ~tel_.... IV mtg. 110 ot ~. NEWPOftl lllEACH Baker Cant., 3011·2S Loat: Lactlll Qctd ~ 2 Br 2 a._ ocmm. pool. 1390 Attractlv• partly 18 111 about.I · INlj ,. Lux Dwia pt Nw Condo IM non .,., Wot ao to "Tum rt.;• OMoa IMO. H~ Blvd .. CM. 590 a mounting with Marquta Sl301mo °' .... option. ~ apt. ~ ~· ::· •udaflM ••=IH !'!'.II!!.............. tor S mo .. ,....., .,... w lam.lo a BR 2 a. "Brencti<· offlc. •u. 1 2 a o • q . ft . Mgr. ~amond Ring. MWAM> F~ IQt. 13M2te ot ~r~t. Oro C.M· ..._ 11f1 1140 38r, 2Ba, lrplc, g1r1g•. with frplc, pl, :r,a· Pll1C ~-..a patto9, s.ntrw tnett1ng toome MMtOO: 54f.13M "144-HG3 aft I. 83 4711 . 1·.21MM-510C. • .. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••u••••••••••• rieW deoot,11'1., 2 b11ca to 1-490-aett, 144 te . tannll. g)'l'll, ~.IPL howt)' ~ malMna 11.f! ... W "" .. 1111 1ll'W••1 _. ... n . . --bCh. en.a 1 . E.mptow•A "'-tJtm.•". U78 & ""· ... 41MI S>f!ontJ. tor Info •• .. •• ~ ....... -.-If' SJ'IJlft ... .... ...,., •#6-~.--.... ~ -1!2 -~ .... ~ 36" ~,... . dac. ...................... Kennel>uniport? Udo ltla 1 bd. Applleoole. "!'ti-.... 7... LUil Dana Pt~ Condo ..... Olflc• and Laboratory .......... -- amenlt ... •12so . ..,., '*' 11>t. am c4dar newlY daoorated. Open ... ·-for a mo., ...... ..,... -· na apaoa-upto180Chqft. 20'' brw bird Ollg9W/2 52l-8M3 vllla. oourtzd. prv. Isn't that the horse that won a.veun Noon to c P.M. Room W/poof .... ..,... With frpto, pl, •P•· 1200 Ot 2400 ICJ It. 0.-145-am,.... for"" mectlarucat Otang9 lln- 'MOVEINTOtNttetcw)',C ICOO/mo. 4 3·0103, The Triple Crown In '72? ~or Vte Acnno9.1:~ ployad mato. Kltofl•n 1"49Mte•. .......... ru .. offloa o; ••or• Aeit1111.,. .. 2"0 Avon C:o!'~~o;, bOrm, VIEW"°"" todliy. 41M>1<M. S:i~lnckldact. prlv. Aat•. HH/mo. F norHmOttr to * 2", apace. 14* l 14S04 8'., 1940 eq. ft. ptut I 114/5CCMOM Naar pool a t•nnta. •u,.,,_ ~fD~ CM5-2ffO *' 8oh. na oonc1o .,...,... eo. •aaot1 atvd. atwn a _. Olf'IOa• -..1-1m. ttaH/tM. J9t.081t • .. lffl 1 Br. oar~ark~ ~ .._, tt11Cf11n Pffv. Ott ......... tstO "'°· Frwyt. Qwto Cerltlr VI-0: I ftu. LOil: Bridle fetTlal• Pit/ A llT .. ••u•• .. •••••u•u••u Kenne~ou~ =-~:n~,Jot~) you'N :m/o 110 ittl. fta Ir H II. n t . 9 o ti • Vldd .. -..-0 Of :=. ~.~ Unique 2 atory. Plntlng ~ X.E~::~~ = Y8'rt1•c.,,, hnt. I Bt. not alOM. K9nnabunkpQrt It OM Of 14' rat-~0· -t ' Ul''mo. Call 'vH tM Din. · . ., .... 1llO. w/rw eclOtM. tntartor fr1tndlY. Pie.e Aetllm. J .... a ttoo~ xlnLwea. LL'• ~ dlttlnctlvely dtffOl'eOt -a>artmonl tloorpf.,,. •t __ ___. ----tlSOI. Fam••• to ... , •P.t ., --• ....... .. .. ~ ..... plua ...... 114-342-asl dOdt ..-e.owL.9'oker 8'*llltl ~· SeewlnCI VIII• In twntlnatot\ BMCtl~ ,.._,..,._ • -· _....,,, ~ "'81 ...... ~} --. $'11"'6. + w• . ._,.... ....... -. _.. w/tlOCIOft ~ 87Mt12 ._,tlfUI Pattl·lnl• tur· Saewlnd Vllfao-ls a NOUlt of t01ally \ on•n vlaw • tonnl• M. non "'*'· Pvt ba. ,...._-. M'M11f .... ~ lll-4IO 119-ft ... "'I'"'' Uf,. LOS~ Jutt 4 F9INlla dog oc.MNTAL.t roundln91. Torraoact ~ptofeMlonal~l'\lnQ.Thak•nd oovrte,~a .. ~ua•L TV.tum.~1 ' Prof.Mn .. ;;;11r ~~·~---Ill ~1' brn,'Olt:f::o'.f'::0- 1-&r'a t100 to '2000 poof. lunllan ... bbq, of ttt41n11on YoU ~. A ~ bltnd Of. 11*'"'°· 1 atl. ....... C.... .._ fW• 04M 19t wttll ettaltflt ll7 tO 7~14 °'*' .,~ tperkllno fountain•. natura and lfvlng -naettoct In • f«•t With .... llY ~ ~ ant. ,.. ...._ MIP ..... 1tl a la.I. -C... ., .... Ill ..... a .. R ............ -. _... . 8Peololl.I rooma. aep.. babbllng brootc• and qutet Pond•. coottd ~ Aoar tll)t, ~ '*M. fl10a. tl00hno llU l400 tut. Call Anew•r Ad .. .,. -._.... Hff i.o.e: 1111 * Ir\..,..-.......... , • .... -.... rate dlnlno.,... w .. .in natU(af ocean braane. Add to that taM11 1 bdrm, 1 ,,._ \Ml lncl'd. ... fn.n<M 1111. tu....aoo Mfw'a. COMf'LITI IXllCUTM •• ;;;:':;:;............ end Montowla. --~ Nty 11·~,';°· EI':"":.."';.\~ ~~~=:::,=·:::.:' ~ =·~· .. 75 I* AOOM flOft MHT. eon..~ llr, ik &n: OPPIO: llRY~OH In~.: ~0oeat' ==-·•1 ... 117 Canter. · amptoymant and yo11•w got a pew MYOM e1w. do, nr. bWfl~, cto, •IPOOt. Jrio, ~ C':.~~cJ~~ 1'& ,\•:· Hwr '°'*' ~ ~ • ,;_ --1 ~. NOi WOUid oud.., call noma (&Ml Mn. oney. 11 ' lift. la >Catt loo. Nr VtCU --· r.:-' IOO eq. lt. lboalo---•-• 2 8drm-Mn from llOI pr '" . Haw 1 & I '*"'· VIia t:pm. i-t•aat 000, l'luor. ~ _.,.~,. ant prl"ata' A'arkln& ,.,,.., • mo dd lllltt a lktrm T~ rum. Kennabuf\kpof11) One and two bedroom OM ...... AclUft Condol • ..... .. ., "' • & ..,., ST'IU't" • ... ... ~ --.. 1/Hto ~~~--....... --...... from...,. and two beth~ from lf1S.OO aome With ~ WW ~~tum.I ~kit-, .... t t ... I The ltHdlllil..... ~ ..... !!'1~ 11th .,,, TUltlft. ....... f r o m I 1 0 0 I "' o ' ..,_, • ft ..... .,.. w ""'afftlt'I a waft av o . Oonwww• ·-•-~ _.... ,. • oell • ,.109a No..-~-, ' Ml Mii. • prlva • yard. I/tide .,__ lledl •· t Mt ?14111t.-t. ...._. • .., ~ . . 0-.,... ...... .. .. -· -..... •. - " ... '"7 L.olt: lonaMlrad oroMty u.... seoo,__ 111r. 1 ... -. c11a ••act ...... t100. oen7Mt41 ._..,. ~·--..=-~ Iii 11111 ,.. ...... .c..-1..,...--... &.A OUWfA tmlMOM • ' Ill v eno.i•• PrA•.-HldiY •• Jkl • NI ......... Wl•P•· ~~ ~ ' I h ...., ......... ..,,..,.~ 1Ut1~Lll.11111 r.o.,otoaetoDMDr\:C. ..,.. ....... Nlf ....._ ... Aattll. ...,., t bl!dll. ·~ ...._......_ ~~t1111t1 ... · 15855 H~Weeel.w~ ~= .__~.. ..,,...,. oolTAM!f •mH v_._.a .... M -..n1..,,.._ .~~~---;.;..· ..., .... , . CA~14) .... ltll • .,.. • ...,. BEACH AIEA ... =:.... ""· ~-'=!: a:..,:....: ":~:J~": vtat Junior & 1 '"· From~': ..=.-~~":"' l 44ll1to. IU•HfO, M-1/~ i:.v.:.:•• ~·.ir1• ,_..11"'11' -· te ~ :=:::--~ '.~~-------1,rom ""· '"'· rao. MdlddefttolMMl'ldY!leat . .....,., fill!• . 'LI ... ....... VAU.IY L1Dt• !ll'~~r-""---~....--...... ~ ......... ~11¥91,...•°'*9~·10AM'!. flllf•••ftl::!:!MIP 1!Llllf M ... l ..... ITtmf,! ... t08~tM9a =.:~'ll!la.f , a:.•.:: .... =-=·= =" ... 'e== == ·-r' ._, . .. ~--~~.. ----... ------...-. -=---- ••• 0 ••111•111........ ......... ~ .... ~ ·····-·-· .. ·· ,.,....10'-IAHM ~=·,':":If'• :10-1~ °'*""~1'-~ •-:=, rn~Wt'I _. -=~!!..!!!!!!!~~~~ A~r.f~...-r .... ~ .... 0/#la .... --.... Oal _.,,_ 141 .... .... ~ ..!ti>lmr..Ld ........ Ccw=tll Ket! H1~;-?to·to1I, 1nr""'9............. '1.ASTtA PATCHtHCI rm.mlf!'..~•H•••• ..... -..... =·~M~ .... ..,.., .. .... .. .. tuooo-. 11'1/ .... IO JAY ~ OMI. --~ ~ '1"· •--,.U-IOl-C-~-M-.... Ll1HO.----• N...t • maid or • h ... M'9llllllflllf........... bJo::lletd ••nor. I.to. ~ ""-· '-' ...... " =. N. ~ ~~~---IO~ Do ~own~. ~,~.:--1111~11-. '!!'c.-,_-1111-'l--4 !IMS*? Hrly or wklyt VANOIHllM :_ ..:!::..°' ~ '~tlPlf~~ ... ~ ... -----.....,""'""!"~~=~~ --· ........ _.... I. ... -..,, ........ _.," Oaramlo tllt Qualftw '°' OOf'ftlll MNloal, Cal L.AHblOA~NO TNWI .-. H1 .... t0 •• ..... • ••••••••••• HlllfTMlll nm 19111. """.,._ -~ -' Vie jo ltrvlot Agy . '4alnt .. aod, plantlnt. ,~ • .., . • ....... e ~ .. --. tr tit.=-~ uot 11~, IMlndM by II. Med ...... -...~. PAINTO. NllDS YO« f\111 ~ Yf9 ..... O.. ..... n MHonry, •·-... ___ ot c.iit. trim. Ut'd. f7t-t14t WOAl<t SO yr• pp, Intl IH Hit/ "-OW MTW C01'0rtto. O•rr•nlrv. ---· --·-· T1•• ... 0' H ........ , bttt. AcoUttJc c.lllng•. ,~~---!""-----T -·---""1!.11111n. ' len't Home~·~ ~ ..._.,.. .. _.,'8 ~Paint""" M1·1fM g 1U. ... ,-,_ •......-. .-. •ulld to •ul . Lio. ,......_ :.-:. i.ao.. II -·-".,. -• .. ~'" .-.-....... ••• • •••••••• Mt-0711 ·---------· Miine...... , • ...,. lo6, tprtnklar • Wub M ·--~ & ..._ dMn.. •-~~'"""'."'-~--... h11M 2 ~ IPU ... _ '*-' ,...., "°" 412 ln•t•ll•Uon. our work ... ~:!J~PkA. ~$•'· U lw v JI hr Ill ~~-~18-''!""---0olor bright_..,.,""' .... l1•1•il m:.................. CM'O m.n w -ou.itty H~= only look• t lCpan•lvo. """'""" '"" ..... -.--ft'.-.,---~-.-l'f1l-~-f-!!!IJff! ! fJr. - -10 rnln. btaedl. , .... _ ·~ ~-11DI odd ~ .. L''·O!>-'!" ht. .... ... • ........::., T 0 .._.... ...... """-~. Aw.+ fine"'' '•tat· ~..... r _,._ ..... • .._.. Ml .. 114 _,... ...... ,......_, ·--.,._ ....... I 81 847-4211 •••• ••••i'r4 ••• ••• ••••• •• ·-· ••••• Hall, lilt/din. rma 1181 tVO & Conat Ion. Call oot-Topptd/totnoYed. CltM ' a.ti! NO-Offt you buyl Lio. 204818. n ng. -w................. "LM tM...,.. In .. :"l..'1~:.. 00:. ·~~ leOl 1141"41-<taM..... up, lawn"'"°"· 76t·U71 "INT A HUHANO HOVllCL!ANING cell J!MJY, "8-1181. RALPH'S PAINTING ,,.. Mt NM ~ Cal..,.__.., o0or°'."'c,;-,.P..,. 1a = AnthoftV DealDI\ & Con-MOWING. C:LIAN UPI IOI' mlnOr oonetr,,...,..., ly lc.ndln.vlan ~ ~I ..... ..., lnt/el(t. ~.rat... OU.I.~. Uc.' ~71 ... 0--. Ult ....... , ~ . ICNOtlon •t7'417 H-"" Lan4tOeoina -.0. PIUf'rlb, teo. ~ YY'9 1:w"'d ..... 21 t Ref. Ff• •t. 53t-NIHI "''"1•2'"•11 ~ ...,_ ~ ~···••••••• .. •••• =. oo work myHlf. • · -no· Mt;eeG •P· teo-1ttt ._.. · -..,, Lia I ..... --~:.=~~ SSt...0101 e.... ~U1f 'ree•t. Mt 1 L-'--J ..___ Home C:leanlng: honeot, ..,.., .,1 .. 1•1 HM Painting I T1la ..... ,... MA.IPAMLl:ll ........ NI~ 831-41NlJo No lt.m/No IMmpoo •••••••O• ••••••o • Mow, taot. r-., eweap, ":':':'r.'IT:l'ef.~•••••• rollable, "-tdWOtletncl & ~~.,!'11~ 1~~x~:.:~~I=:. •••••0 ••••••••••••••• both otclee, ~ l ltlllrl .,. .... ,... Kt\, ~ .. oeram6o ttle, 1prlnf OIHn·~· haul. ·~ .... ........._._.. --....... ioea. 884-44114 ....,.,_... ..-c PAOFUllONAL .. ,. lrtdc•. HoMll. ........ ·--~ ... .. .... .. ··2 oaiblntto. C.it now-"" Ch ......... b f. ,._.._..... _ __.. ;;;is~ on •Pt•. •II 24 IHI. 8UME8 • CAAllA deb'a. au..,... ..... ~~!!••••••••••• tJr/. nto .... -,,_ eetlmate. 142...oeat uo ... ., " • WOil. 9wdllhcnft9"1M. • Thorough CJld.oflilhlolled u ..... ••uu•u•••• 1·MW4811 colleo1. COUNSELING tllt-0700 "-. pt10eia. MO 1111 Profeaelonol Auto Ci..· EXCIL CAAPIT CAA! am. llnot 1141. Comm/ta ~ ~ MAGICAL lll.U8IOH9 HOUSEPAINTINO nlng, W9ldng, Poffehlng. J.-MflnOton h¥.'w.............. • ..... Lalllltlfllc MMHltnt1~40 Alfa. Jen 11»4! ,=.Al.it~ In & out. Frto .. t ~~~ ,:,~~ Tllo Oetalera ~1M, e>wn.loperotor Decorative waterprool Tr• Mm. gen. ctnuPo. ••H-"you need a 11oueo11...,., • •umr Cell lt\lee 972-01 HI 842-2tl 2 .............. ---.. llC).1'1f1 •u~ ..... ,..__.. C9f1)tlt. llPflol • .,... Na deck...._=, ,. & roe-cement WOftc. Free eet •••~•••••••••••••• • f1mY ,• ,_, -........ 11 ._ ,_ -" , ...... ......,.. ~ ......,..,. ~. WOttc "'W . • DUMP J088 3-lalO •-_.., -••••••• •••••••••••••• Int/Ext, lowe1t r•I••. r../h ""*'· 180 W•,... ,,.. 61. ... aJ~~· ~ en-a~IU ceat 114t-11CM anytime. • Smell McMne JoOI 87 . lClnt ,.,._ IAICKWOft~~· prompt, neat~. 10 ······'-·············· CM. lontettoe 54-620I --------. .,..... .• Gord9n4nO c..i MIKE "8-1391 MAIDS Of ORANGE co. ~.WO. • .,~ ytl In., ... 84~ Huber Aooftng-~. Sellln9 anythlni;:th a Delly Piiot C1M ltd Ad 11 a •lmple mattfr ... )1.111 call &42-5871 • ~'!!!f ........... ~~~~· ~K!'l,.!'T.lf'l •N•:.•:.••1.•i•v•E••.•IN• m=.' ,,..~ HAULINO-GAADtNO ~. 'f:" ~ cw--n Maoonrw; Ou41ill" Int/ext. Hon11t, 1ober, Uc~•:,~ 114...,734 ....... _ .. __ ,---,. .. " .. ,. demolltlon, clean-up. ~· hi" 11 11• Chrl1tlan. Prompt. Gd •--------- BAIY8ITTING-my ~. W.....cu.t ..._ Uc.. ~ dally in.Id AON'8 GARDENING c:onctete I .,_ al HouHclaanlng a t reu wor .. ma.ni p, rH 1 o refe. Fr .. ett. 851-11878 '48'.tJufl---------=~~~Any-•Sl1001 "°" 547.2913 office CIH nln,. ~· II~ N8/CdM. = QulCk ..,.,, ~838 pOota. Bb honoat loc.i pf1cea. ...... Ut-4566 *Bllhop ' Son P81nllng ••••••••• .-:-A ••••••••• INfANTII & UP Conorot•·•m•ll or 19• ctMning. es&-2t 8 •1 ,...., ,.., ..,tint HAUi.iNG • MOVINO cpl. ,..,._ a-7227 =~~:!:o 30 Y" exp In BHc h La:u,:~= OK Ort°' Ntght MO/Wtt. toti-. Atmcwe, repi9ce0f -.......11 LMdaotlpa. 87~ local. Student wltn.lck. Mrt. Aellat>le h«iee ctae-Reft. F..-ett.114t-M92 arM. Fr .. •t. 8412-1718 Uc:. Fr .. _, 841-7681 Coofa Meu • 846-6T6e ,.,. 84M512 •:1.-;m•••••••••••••• Yard malnt. I cl .. n·u: L.Ma 815-11180 nlng A oondoe. morning, ,, ·"'- COHCMTI WONC • DRYWAUIACOU8TIC lObL Local.. rel. DIW efterAOOn, PflM ,.... rtolcw tt-etontH °' 1~ 1/!t•.-n1 ............. 1#,.,,,yJ ...,._ WILi. BABYlfT t 11Hr BLOCK WALL REPAIR Repeln. new & Old. ft SYeO. 842-41796 Neel ~ & q\HdC cleen-up, Call Mre. Mendo11 Jobi. 100'1 local ref1. Farthlno lnterlo< Dellon •••••••••••••••••••••• • -..2.,. ~· Mon-Frt n1-5271 •ft llPM. ~exp. Bud 562-esa2 ..,...... WIMM yd•. Oar~ . .lob-llt• & ~10 eyw, since 1eeo. 8411-11112 HANOlN01STR1PP1tlo secAETAA1Es TO GO eam-tpm C.M. 142·2"& C.,. Walt textur .... AcoultlO Mo'#lng, edOfng, r116clnQ, ~~.o:i~~ril 831..:: Ship to Shore Boal 6 .,,,,,. V..._MC Seol1 845-9326 y~~~ C~ CAR!:~· P.!H••••••••••••••••• Hang·T.,..Steel 1tUd1 1weeplng. Frea elll· hou1e ~leanln~, free ••••••"••••••••••••••• ASR PAPERHANGING ln-houM WOfd Proc. l ~--"8-nM Catt by young teacher, UO. 389944 1-1132-1111411 mat•. 845-11737. Haullng·•ludenl 111r/tr\leX. • 111 m • t • •. •th Y *A· 1 llYm* 7 Y" local exp. Guar. No minimum 842..(1989 WO-,_,., dya/Wlcndl, t blk from DRYWALL TAPING K&O Landacope Malnt I.ow ra tH, reliable . &45-1817 Top qualtty. 8peclal ewe worlc PrlcH llart al CLERICAL SERVICES Ctlttltlall mother w111 b.-bMch lfl Nwpt. 115-7108 All Tallt\ne l Acoustic R Id.IC Clean-p Th an k You· Steve' ••eHflHI-In handNng. 2& 'l'I exp. S8/roll. Alec 751·7027 BkkPO*TYPlno*FIM by11t, Infant l ur, my 11-a..~ .__ __ , F,.. _, Kftln 8111-9088 LI: 11au1f.:m. 114S.2~a 75M128 •••••••:;~•••••••••• CompotltlW Rat.. PU/del IYall t-42-118111 ...--..... ·"-,._.. H -u-.-•1 _., .... H•Ut.INO • ou••p ~llble tu prol. will No ovtttl,,,.. 130·1853 Watlpaperlng-Palntl~ ' . UV'l'•tw, YN• ~-.,. •••••••••••••••••••••• .,_._, __ , r"\ • M ~---... • I bof. AaM. 1182·2'412 REMODEL/ADD-OHS ::?:'~••••••••••••••••• ··"'flald JOBS. Alk for Randy, maintain A MCUre your STARVING COLLEGE ~corn'I. ....,. .. .,iria ., • .1.t,m 1 r~t Uc'd 25 •••••'......-•••••••••••• 841·8427 home whlle you travel. STUDENTS MOVI""' quality. Hllmar 548-7875 .r.~•••••••••••••••• C:laullled Ad1 are the -..-· ry. · El.ECTAICIAN-Prlced HOME IMPROVEMENT Beginning In Sept. No CO. ~. Tt2~ SERVICE & REPAIR .,,_ to 1 1Ucee11tul 'l'I ~ llWln 1146-2Tt9 right, ''" Htlmate on "l!PAIA-Pl.UM81HG PROF. SERVICE drugi/alcohol or imo-llllUfed 1141•8427 Hive you read tod1y's Van Oppen1 s.vtc. Co. garage Of yard talel 11'•. Fine Flnllhed ~try large Of tmall Jobe. Carpentry, fllec, tlle. FrM HIUltng. yrd clMn up king .... , •. 1vall. Call WATCH 'us GROWi Claulll•d Ads? II not. (7 14) 838....eet better way to 1111 more Aernod. Spec. Randall UC. 39"21. 873--0359 .. , No lob too 1mall. Quick ( clMrt. F..-.. , An 1 w • r ad /1 2 5 a , you're missing the bell -paosMal UC..' t.8517 720.. t2eO Claulfieci.Ada M.1-6878 M&.-2411 113-0648 942-4300 24 hrt. want Ad• Call M2·5878 barg1lna tn town! CIMelflod Ade &42-6871 ~7A!~D,, • for. 'llJ'tn~ f/IJ ., ""' .,. .. , .. oorr HOWi ... ........ Yout ~Piiot 8et'¥tce onctoty ·~ w-1111, 111. m ~.,.!.~ .... 111f ~! •....•.... !'.~'1.!'!!~~'!. .... !.~q~ ~~11.."Y~ ... ~t!. .... !.'.~ !tJt..'-'!'!/. •••• !.t. ~l..'f~~~ .... !.l.!f !.'Jl..'f~~~ .... !}.~ IJ!.11..~!!'.~'!. •... !.I.q~ ~!.11..'f~~~ •••• !J. •• !•Jl..'f~~ •••• !J.'!f P11t1JFuH llme Salee help f3a1M SALES 1111 .. Found 7114: b1k M puppy, ,,...,. I CLERICAL Hall' Or...., ntoded, Vll-8n>olc.hur'lt & Hell, F.V. butnlldM 111f !age Faire Mall, Laguna MARKETING 831·0948, Cell Sat . RMI &tale Prolelllonal media__. llfaMI I,....,. Sun., Mon S.,., .,,........, LOSE WEIGHT speople Min 3 Yfl D9 , Expertonce r9qUlred 752-3040, M6-74t0 •••••••••••••••••••••• S..Ch 49'-1600 UIDKETING • • Credentialed 1 .. ch« In R Ent • th lftlU\ Found: ernd grey & wttt my home tutortng math, t· emc e MANAl'CUl'UT Poodte!Terrtlf. a.A. eo1--,.,1no a,.,.. I( ..... ..,.. H•no UUllU1 PUT Tm IOf e.xperiell<led, ewr--........ -...... ::!n~~:.!r. :!i P,. 1•11L n thl J. 1lve re1ldentlal r•••I• .,~........., C••.:! -•th .. ft. Or Ctv ........ ~ .....,,.. E.C.E unit•. required. EVM and/or W.-endl pereon Call fOf delalla """'u'"" _.,... ... -· ., ....,__ .. __....-Permenent 1ooe ..... 931.14411 Putman MM1111 Job Market? M F=:~c~~= {~~~~ .... !!!.! I0011m11 WORKERS TRAINEE Reec:>onllble 9dultl, over reg1rdln9 thll unique llmlted Income potenllll. zJne. 1131-ltOO ll'llne ...,.-833-8660 2t, with outJJtencllng. II· opportunity Some IUP8MIOfY posJ· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil;::~~~~:::::::=::..._ IJerde Ub. 5411--4245 Kind lntellloant Pracftcal OLEll Found: Small wtllte young ~ c:-:;;: Wll Trala tracilW penonalltlM 10 lthteil ·= llorle 11V911. 546-71170 T~ a-. work with youth (agH SECRETARIES ~ BIO MOM'/ by tflt 10-141. Call 2 ·11PM .1~~111~~·~·~~~i saa. · beach. t300· 110001 cat w/11 .. collar. Vic: partonel caN. no.-07'79 642-4321. Ext. 348 EOE i..:. ...-. Cell &38-71511. *U~* , .. BUSINESS Huntington Beecn Unlon1---------Santa Ana/Santa Tomu, or 11715-3104 CM. 842-9621 · Kind, Joyf\.11 woman offer'a Found: Young, Mixed lntelllgont comp•· Columbla Saving• h .. an N1w1!!: ~motion. •• BROKERS · ~ s.tf~~ !:1.1::•1~~'!11~:.i. outstanding opportunity Mo n. Fr 1. Mull be al)le to com-11. and Ill. Mu1t have ldtol tor ..,..... er hc>- for a m•tura. •table. $ $ 200 5:30PM-9:30PM, Sat rnunlcete w/mllllonalr•. NATION'S 1horthand 1klll1 of 10, mamlk.,._ fV99 w . No =t~~ 1,000 1 ==~.nar. :;~~~.;:~i LARGEST :0..C:c!°bu~S:--7 ::.'f,t=CeM pontibllltlea wfl+ lnciude of profit•. Muat have lndlvldual to tom • team Appllc1tlon1 are being ~ IM.D ~Nri.:., ~~ =· :.i~ ~II~· C · S he I t e r 1~711701 499-3796 . dl1trlbutlng report•. PER MONT-TO START PER MONTH pleuant vOloe, private of high energy execu-•-•" .,..·,,... acoepted d•lly. Pit ... CMh pllld delly. c.is Mr. money Ol'der reconcllla· ,3 Oepart~ll IKPtn· M IJP, •1111&1Y dHk I phone, cHual tlvee. Mutt have a poll--•• apply In per1on at Room B. 831-411411 tlon. and computer let· ding. '11'/ ....... ll attlte. For Int~. call llve mental attltlde. Sa-tuqe O.itt Area 131 or call: TELEPHONE Sollcltort. Found: M-Verde ,.,.. !-11..'!.'!'!l. •••• !.~l!f , Whit• puppy w/IM collar. Aocounllno rnlnal posting. Selected No e>iperlen<le lor tome Cells Mon T efter 8PM. lary commen1ur11e w/ applleant wUI be detell· polltlonl ~~~~un~~~~u..~~ 842-6871 ext 312 llq)er. Send ,_,me to R.E. Lie Req'd pit. E--. & Sat. oriented wttl'I an aptitude Exoellent advlnC*Tl«lt I---------our new headquarter1 841...()313. '°' ..... wll1 haw had ""' Pl'"-1 Math Teecller Pell Control Fleld Rep offlCH. PO BOK 820 1. or tponlOl'lhlp - - '57-MH PENSION AOMIN, ex-~ cat, 1 yr female. pending Pen1lon/ SSS REWARD. conaultant firm 'tn !MM 846-9442 loak1 an _.,., penelon Admln. Smok•rt need • • ..... .......... no1 ac>PIY. Contect Lortl prevlou• clertcal t>ipe-Pl&--Hemet Unified School needed ~· EK· Laguna Nlguel, 92877 FAST ST ART ,__._ rlence . and wlll type ~· Dlltrlel accepting ~ perlanced & llcenHd Complete Training ---~ PBYtno hand9 toet 11 t41 eat· 1204 ~om rtnQ. REWARD! Apartment manaoement. •0-45 wpm. Columbia 714-9611-3565 cation•. Hemet Junior only. 5-46-9339. lltrPIWT High Earning• otter1 excellent grOW1h Cell Sun, Mon. Tue. Wad. High School (gqdee M). PtlOt Lab n..-Nord FuU t1rM In fut growing We need good people to 642-5743 Couple 10 ~ 100 l:oat: White Cocltat"4, unite In Bo. 0 . county, .S 0 . C: I t PI a U are a. top qualty bldg. No peb. "'Hiilary". 551·5514 Apt. plua Ml:7, up.- potential, an outltandlng Minimum qu-'lfk:atlonl: 0 : ...,......,. luhlon 1choo1. Oood 641·7177 Ht up appointment• beMflt8 pedcage lnclu· Health Compenlon ccondredentla~r~.!!: :::;:i-r.=,:'*e1u1i::""eol: telephone per1onallty. 11au111D ~om our Nlwport ...,_ dlog dental ond vl1lon 24 hr, ltve-ln, lor rec:u-Hlnh,etf"/,1•-ndar_d_ E~-HnH requlr9d. Hour1 lharp 1P9M'anoe. Call offtoe In the~ for ,,,,._,_ end an lde9I peratlng lemll• 1trok• •. S .... ..-12 ,. ...,_ ...,_ ~ 97...a73 for lntwllltw. 10251 Yortctown Ave. ~·,....,..... -·-....-. t._..l ...__........,In .. _ na•-°'Standard S. -,,,_......, ... -·-· SALES Hunt'--on 8eed'I ........ + __.__ Found pet bird, C:oduttlel r 1 • n c • h • p 1 u 1 · male, vie Whlt1'er Ave. 114/~12. work envtronm.nt. Ap-pe -· ,.....,_,, -•· :=,-i-' ....... ~...... ~. Appty tG-2 •-r••T ""'' · """'" ..........._ pllceUona.,.. now being Oii. Pleu1nt 1urroun-WJV• .......... Of U T·W, On ..... Photo __,. Ca. 112648 alon + bonu•. Call taken In the Pw1onne1 dlngl. Salary open. minor rMth Of llrigte Gra""ICI as03 Harbor lor Ardlltectural offlcle. Telephone 1ollcltot1 (714) 1164-3339 ~140 aft. 1pm. I':.. cMpertmenl from 9 emto 644-1175 eubJect meth. Education; etvd'C... 540-0Ma ~ht t y p 1ng 1 wanted, no exper nee TOPlESS MOOEl.8 Attractive ui1 4 Pf!\. Monday ttvougtl Help°'"" ktnnela. rnof· !:'.:n.=r: .::. i:e --·-------· k~1 :.·~1:.,,"n~v!2 equ8!m()pportun11y 1111 DAY. PAIO DAllY 'C.M. 1133-2299 Tarry 1-6. found: Parrot-Ilk• bird. • With cllpped wing. Dertt green/bllc head. lido Pone WM. NB 87s-ot te ~lceted. attrecttve, Frtday. nlng• llAM·1PM. •tart ding an courMt ,,_,., P.Tml UUI --uiMniiiiHir-18110 Pla centta Av•. ~~~~~~~~~-~no~ap~~·!nac~~·~~~~~ well groomed glrl to min. wage. 567~ to meet credenti.i requl-Enjoy wonting with kldl, U•llllllf eo.ta Meu. = modef privately tor In· Ott ..... laflap Help, need 2& eupeMlor'a remanta. Wont )'Ml'; 10 and wlah lnct.-S Ml· Real Eatate lnveatment ---------Saetelary FJT. Small En-T:;;":: full time Found 7·10-112, 8 week cocoa brown SlameN Kitten. HarborJKona i.-. S48-5392. =~S~~~= .. U............ FIT, nu weight Ion monthl, Ulery, S13,901 nlng1, ~r out· Co , J:roteulonal SALESPERSON M1r1ne g'r Lib· Good typing ·Cal ~505 1n ,,00d lute. Utmoll 910 s. Broollhurwt program, W /tra in, to 127,790. Applcaflona ~o t>ecome air= at ti tu •L•p~nc.~ ~!"*,1.!'~C:C ~~~:':. ,•~la8._5•.hMo~Fh.•~~. comrequml· ._ - dl •• crellon II lured. AnaMlm 831·2801 may b• obtained by 1 1 C 11 ntoded, • .,,hi.,,.....,,,, 4•,.. ...,.. ... ........ vu ~ , • ..,, ,_ E Io 1 E 1 contacting; Mr. Daniel H H counH or. • d1y week, Newport beneflla. 714-831-9333. w/exper. 5-411·1083 ... Grto1 pay· flD'Jbla hrl. qua P~ mp oyar HOMEMAKERS w/car Verabny, Aulatant 2·5PM. 1142-4321. Ext. Beach. 649-2988. contac:1: Gary, - Found Golden Retriever young female. Vic. Hunt. Bch. Beach/Edinger. 142-<tOee Send Pf!Olo end detalled needed lor nou1eclo•· Superintendent. Hemet 346. EOE ---------1 11•nan Elq)et'd. ~. Cei. Dr1- deacrlptlon to Box. Ad Cornmllelon SIMI People nine 11rvlce. Mu1t be Unified School Otatrlet, --_.__ ••~ SCRIM LETS Salee per'90fl needed !Of For Sr Mrtltg uec. In ver·• UC. LAARY HUHT No. 1011, Dally Piiot, wen1ed, experience P<• thorough, dependable, 2350 w. 1.atham Ave. r•••--. -· ft • Fltneu Equipment out· dynamlc/plulh R.E. otc. AUTO CENTEA. 1125 Box i ll80, Costa Meea. l•rr•d. HI your own experienced. $5/hr. can Hemet Calif., 92343. lmmed. opening lor hard ·Ns~s .... Mull ha ve retell Airport .,..., TYJllno 85, Uguna Cer')'Or\ Rd. La-CA 92t211 houn. Apply 11 130 E. Diane, 1184-978& Ive IMO· T 1 I a p h 0 n e ; wonttr, Part time hou,. ft nU\ exper .. cash register dlct1phone exp. W.P. 9UM Beech. 4M-3000 or Found: F brn & bllc mixed ·-_..,. 17th. St. Suite 0, eo.ta HOUSECLEANER nH · 7141851-2171, ext 37. 11exlble, typjng, tO key & Vermin • Utopia knowledge & Inventory op. helplul. Prol. llP· -~-------- Tarrier J>UP9'/, M blk & -•• --Meu. btwn 9-12 or 1-5, ded. An equal oPP«tunl1Y •f· phone llclli • inu1t. New· regulatlon exper. S1art pearanee. Salary St250 T''_. --Whl ml>ied BalenJI pup. Whl allgnrnt. I brM. Own Mon-Frt. 2 ~ 3 da-a month. flrmatlve action em-port Beech, 649-21181. ~ • Forger lmmed. Work d1ys and to atart w/xlnt benefit• py, F blonde lab ml>i hand tooi.. Newpor't TW. ..,. ,. ..,,.._", • Harl>or 956-2800 Learn a 111111 & get v• puppy, M beige • blk Ctr., 3000 E. Cat. Hwy, .. / .... TnlaH 496--8917 player. UAL man ULU RELAXATION make u . Gordon or·----·-----· luable ~ In the Shep. ml>i 7 mo. old CdM AM•, 9 to 1, pr.-.chool/ ..... •-Need 2 txper. people In You know, you don't Doug, at 714•642•011117 Army RtHrve. After F blk lab mill. M 833-lllllllllPll-_.. commercial ' lnduatrlal rH lln how fut Amer· iMiiion-iiiFfli.i 1iOiAiMi-6iPiMiiii 111'1--IT./Tm training MrW ON ..... ~ BalanJI, liver Automotive s-.. lrvlne...... 8550 Qwty '°'. loYlng, ,...,, Or .• , OfflCH, Tu•• & ,.... •at• tor tUCCeMtul lean SocMty rMlly movee ktnd •Kh month plua & whl Sprtnger Span.. llUllUTI Wlr n~llTIOkar to oroantn Thurt only, 11 Toro. & nrowlnn firm. BHt untn you •top end think 111.YAMI llU ldeel tor homemek•. <4-6 two wMka each year. ................ ......_ -II ..... home Of lemale t ll9CU· nG-19IO. • • I I ltlal dllQO d~ WU a hfl/day, 6 days/\lltl. La-Elm eictra -PX "'""',.rabbit. ~out .n111 Exp'd line cook, tulltlme 1 3 1-::=::::-::-:--=::=::::':"::::~I working cond tlon• n I P'IO&IM una Hiiia. n6-ee99. ··~-,. • Ca11 A ltlttan1. Nwpt lor two Quallflod, Exs--nlghll, health food tlve end to care or 'I' ~ •HIALllT N • w port 8 •a ch . form of Ra.AXA ON. retirement beMflta. Cell Anlmal Shelter, 1211 rlenced, Ambltloul S.... oriented. Apply In per-fu1iy ~ ~':t !:; L'Mrn medical 1•11111 & 714/&46-6051 lltlll laln!IMft, New lnveatment art g• s.MoeStatlonAttendant. l~Uat'tn 131-o41t •..._.Dr .. C:.M. 844-3858 Peoplel Top Hrnlng1, 1on: Puffln1, 3060 E tmall llllary. Mutt IP9llk _.,,. In tM Army Ree--Real e.tai. SIMI Int Oeeigr1 ~ In N.8. lery In Newport B11ch Full time. Apply In POf90n Santa Ane 1142-4783 • Found~ ttn-excellent future and Coa1t Hwy , Cd M. Englllh. drive and Pf• erwnoorhomo.Calte>-111111 n Hd• well groomed, loolllng lor prolenlonal 18502 Beach Blvd . USARCtr.ISU411t ped Kitten. Vic. N9wltlnd rnatr/ ~alM T In 640-1513· .. nl qu•llflod ref. cs.y.T . .-.. T31...o481 IPD msl per1onabl• exp. non· I~ cio1ers Huntington Beed'I. A Talbert. &42-67118. peraon ° one-Counter Penon tor dry S40-4!224, 840-4309 ....... ~·--., .. ., .. 1.... 1molcar, reception lit. ~ ••ff ger. deenlng co. t1-41PM, 4 ..,.,,...,,...,__,.... W~IOlft ...... + no,ooo.100tM0/1f llll •llMJI PIHD• hnrulr -&. .... day-'!. M1ture pctr· ......... U8AR CV. 1162-3173 l•llDt edmln. dutlee. 3 deyt per !Of T lhlrtl. 8ome ~· AHp. tor pr0::111ng ••••••••.;.•;•;•••••••• ""111/.... 1on. 49•·9598. The LJVE IN WWtled 5 day NANNY ,,_,., by t.tt1tt wt!. 1:30-5:30. $5.50/hr We provide q u1lllled MomfnO Sun Shlr1 • annutty & lnaur. ~ a"--.aa.. Parltr HerbOf IMS°' Flllr Or 0r-oppe 8'IOflt)e •Hk, aome cookln9, tor 2 yr old eon who Todey lhefe we ~ tMO-e1113 laade. 8e1t Incentive CM. Call 831-3494 for lnv•t. nun In Npt _,,. ea.ta.._ gardening. Prtv ept, n.. Medo~ a... U-. led cpportunltlM In,.., •--llT--.-.-.-,,-•• --program to offer. Pro•a •-,-._.-._.-W-/F-... --.-r'sr--lch. Tvpfnn, tO·k•"· Open 24 hn •day lllJAL UllPI, xlble hours. Spanllh oil. In,....... . -·-m2. ..,. ........ " you Join --.. "' no --11eurw We're •r•RJ• •-. • • ' • .._,,. .....,.. on.,, _.. · Sarlou1 carMr opptv. CRT eap. req. Call 7 da'l9 • WMlc IAlf lid Or1ho Office • e>iper Corene del Mat. 53M883. th• dynomlc tHm ot Mature pereon, Ml time. too buay making money1 , 84CM>1n Jacuzzi, &auna. L~I• CNld C8t9 n.ded In my nee. Eacel wage and~ 1176-6811 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil prof9lelonall at Cotdwell Mult have maternity ex· Cell Rachel, 548--0961. Sall Comm/Vac, ate. •• well •• tour1111. home for 9 mo. old, n • t 111 . Np t e ch . ...-_ _._. • __ ..,... _ •-Bon«er-FOfeet I!. Oleon, per. South Coat Plaza. 540-8889 bt-.3-7PM •CIMll·--fled--A-dl--8'2--58-7-9 8anlcAmerlcard, MOl1er wkdy1, 40 hre/wk . 84CM>121 • ..-...... ----RMlton.OurHuntlngton 557-673-4 Charge, American Ex· 846-6507 --1-.. -11111---...... --.. --E>tpor only. COM A,.. COnv -loflQ t.-m cat9 Buch omc.. have Im· -s.._-------- pr.... Diner•. All wel· ---------1 750.1'51 eap. req'd. Excell. wor· medl1te oponlng1 and Active -& ltloe ltor• com• 714/8415-303. HOUSEKEEPER needed Exper AHt. full time. ..... lllno cond•. ' benefltl. -Invite )'OU to join UI In ao Coeet Ptau .... 2112 Harbor It. CM IOf buay profeallonal In ROA p ref. Newport Fllrma, 1-3:30, 3-11:$0. !Of' a carT~ hoUM. kln'J motura, nperlen· N.8., von.ct duti., muat a..cn M0-2970 lrvlne 8rlll0tt o1 major 714-642-eo44 Of apply In _, COEDS • Would love to be enwget1c I,.....,.., 15 --liiiiiiiiitiin;---I co ..-. Sr. mulU-llne pat1on: 4111 Flagehlp July 20 1"2 ce HIHperaon, (lull petty with you. Celt Sue ht1/dy, Mon-Fri, car & .,...., comm'I 111t• wtth min. 2 Rd. NB )"OOPM tll'M l pen time). Con- or Kathy •nytlm•. t•f• required. (114 ) INCOME TO 11300 plu1 yaar• company ••P"· l~~~~~~~~~I 8491 Edinger Ave. tact Snowden Miu 053-9383 840-e8e2 mo. P/tlm• In Mklng Flea time. Call Barbwa Hurting Huntington 8eadl 92041 Spora, 114(M711 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiileab"19lttor needed. guer ~t . lndu•trlou1, Delport II om to 11 am Lii. U SAl.E8·H~200·300 Lmll I lml'I hrJ. Ute houoak...,ino.. ___ n_8 _____ • tor 1ift~s-noo EOE Part·tlmo & f\111-llmo for UoenMd or unlloenlad, people, male no .,..P,ti~1MOOE.80• .... igcflii ... ii.i71i4i~iiiiiiiiifoty CIHntno oountar --------3-11 """· .,., LYN or If you would Ille• to know el(ptt noo. 1100 per day ~,,./OA~F... ::. _.,., Of w/traln. IUl1lllm RNforrelieffOf 11•1""'1 more about• cateOt In averageormore..Anyone OUTCAl.l ~HAS 0 • Co 1 H s rMlett1te.p!Mto)olnU1 can eucc•1d. W• haw IHl*ll,IN 111.m .. wy, o. SellbOet malni.nance A tor to bed 8NI", x1n1 ~ '°' Ihle Informative ..,.. • ,... eicdttnCI ooncapt. ..... , T....._"'-ir--L..agww. ..... ,Mii CIHnlnQ. Part/llmo In-,,..... peckaige. Ctltor1Ut _..... d ~·--.,,..~ 1--liiiiiii1ii1a--I cludlng WMltende. No almo•phare. Co~ll· """"'' W• no• •ggr•••lve I •-people who are Hit· Are you Hvedt Need Lii Aat.. Piii 19 e>ipertence nece11ary. t Iv• •a I a' y . • B . FOf ,_.,.,lonl and It.,.., Wt h8'W9 an ldnt ~ for hellllngt Cell 4020 llrdL f.MT'4 IE.OE 1 ,., HI ~ 100 lor appoint· 842.t044 detalta. ,,.._.call: ITolnlnQ progrwn. There eft4,M0-103t ~~~~1»-1~~190~/FIM~~ ••can coun °' .... PBllEA CtMIClt81at1el/ •bt~~1111•.-.. --for a local n.wa~. ••-•-/ 8111 a....1ng at tflt Sheraton,.,....,,,,. -.I ..,..,. -No ox~tl.nce nee••· -·-Perl time Wttktnd•. 714/1114-1621; 912-Nlll Hotll. Sir Vllllent Am. on Aug. n -H -29 at L.A Ml wy. WOt1t 01ffttJ 12hour'I Full time horld'I man Job Good phone voice, .,., 22 10AM & 2PM. Bonuentur• Info/ b~t w11h IMdtrahlp • .-.111 to -.t plue for *19 oMoe oompleJl.. knowledge Of Otft.,., (W Road tumotl, a.,f• lllOUIWWW 21~.. .,.,., Oaod ... _... atdlOOnlll ...... Of pert-~ufr• ~ .,. ~ 8'-' .....,,,. Me f'Wy). Oon't mlae lhll ~ lnqU!r'-ln\4-=-~T~ '*"f~Jobl m:,r~ ,.._.. 1~~C•ll Metta at Ookien.:::i· be there, Melt*>..,..rnern.oo. ploot. pretty ttMona. au.....,.., ~ ..... " r:-M1t"9F~~. writ• to~ 1011 111f4, ttar11na.,.... te.IO Ollll t .... For lftttf'YteW call MaNOerMnt 1111• 83t"'°"4 lnoentFtea to qualltled ~18:002• PM.84:Me71, Itel•.............. --1.~-•"DOV M_ ...... ...,. •~ C-. ....._ C&. 92117 pot•on. A"'l Y aacll -· ~ -• ""' ... -".,, -- ....., M. It,_ Ho. 21 'aaNon•-.fl-LIA--.. --.-lllf--1 ..... 1,...... We art ACI PMca andk:An~Equal±;~()ppti~'f~Co.~.~~~\ltota~!!!!!!!~ 1~.~ ••••••••••• '1'.-... 6'1Md. ~ 8-ctl. ..... ,.. .... ~ w ...... Ina .... atltl ...... ... 111111111 Plll1_Phof!e ___ •_no_no1_-1 ~.::_it~~9:P· 11.,, '/OI',..... won four highly motlveteil We hew an~ IOI' '91 OUt 3rd INft. oorntng 14, and prof .. ak>nal ..a.. one ...,.1111d ...,.... " you .,. ~ for • • •-tt llll..-4 ,;1 ~0 o.ntttll up to 1490 .. e' .,._ mon or NIM wo!Mftt "'"'..!9'.....,.'= =-:.: .. ":::::: ,..,. • ~ trip In ,,.. '"""' ·u. ,,llltMfli) • tNfl'OftMATION on ~ oome mOr. .., d. ~ Wltll t11per. In di roe rn ti .. ~ efforto with •noth•r JoM Muir.....,,,... fOt hr lean, Otlt of Itel• and wlll be promoted to ..... "•°'*'°'Of fM. .,.. 1n CIOIM*olal ..._ company. W. lle'4 , .. = llldlw'lltulil -c.ip Of 111'»11 ad lo -i-... t10W aY8I-momt. & ~ ... klnO allO¥t -~'. hXlrnt and/Cf ,..,.._, ..... OlaH product• & 1at _.. ~· II'""' ,.,,__ ,.,_ -. Call ft4-SS1""40. or mar. a .... •ult oom>o In '"°'9 aftlUant.,... .. • "-·-or• be~Jf ..... eao.ooototao,ooo 1 t 1 .. td panv ~--..to .......... 01 ... ~.Joi" our ~ eount. ,.,. a_ }:.I .. ..& r 0 a t I · n en' ... ne enrx • ....._ ~....... \.IO......,_ ttam I a hare ltt OUf oeotc tripe, Ualt ""9, 901 .. tili, OpotelcW Ttlurl. et 1MO H. Cit. ~ ~t ~·-.;;--tfl VICa flMllO!NT •uooeH. Qrog (714) hof9 orMa.. Wl&tew1w active ....w...l-040. H~. 10;: from pertonel' lntcm.W. ~ • .., L T~ 1'1MOll =--~ ~ l~~~;;;~~~~I!'!!~!'!·~~·!!~~ for Mr. lollulat, ,.....,,._ 101-------- .,. --. More ,.,..,.. .. --.. , .. ,,1, ~ ,.,... .. giMlnO .-W, ert. LM ........ tflt c1n1111na ""'-'O"'M At9JWptannlngamo¥e1 IN ~.'1bUO" - ......... &..-.. ,. Y'S· "You ...... ~ Ctwelll• -.. .,_,. Y'S· " ~-... • 09lfto OWtf9I. ~.o. 9tll Ii-A. par ti-et'• 11ot tttt•nt fO'I "' ttMI ....,.. dW90tlOn per tllot'• not ttttlllt ., ....... ...-... Oa. uaed, 111 " now Wtlft a lo 11110 tlt•iftoM• you uetet .... • "" """ • .... ,,,.,.......,, Cleualtled Ad. l'MCJ, IMl-M1e OIF11,,_, M . j /) ( t ___ c_?_:_?> __ ) ) \VANTBD ( (---c:cs~~--) ) NewspaJ?er Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport &,each • THf00011( ROBINS f OR() ' ' . .. .. " l... '• f , ~ • '' t It .y I ., • ~ ' "I ' ·. COHMElL CMEVllOLET ·~ ~ 11 1 I., I t• r I \1 " " ~ S4b-I 200 .............. . c .... ..... ........ JtJ ...... , Before you buy, ~·· cu savitq, sllections I service. 'IO Honda ,,..... I IPd Air cond. tape player. '''°° .... °"" .. 1111 '°40 1971 CADILLAC SIVILLI "ASTIOIOOf" (308VPE) $8995 1971 CADILLAC ILDOIADO llAlllTZ (074VMA) s7995 1971 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILU (815ULA) s5995 1979 OLDS llGINCY COUPI (093WRB) $5995 1979 CADILLAC LDOIADO COUPI (260XSO) $11,995 19IO CADILLAC LDOIADO COUPI (602277) $12,995 ALL OF OUR NJ!W '81 MODELS LEFT 5508 UNDER INVOICE ALL RIGHT, CHARLIE BROWN, LET'S PUT IT ANOTHER WAY •• LIFE 15 LIKE A GROCERY CART! A GROCERY CART ? . TJ4E WORlD IS FILLED--WITH WONDERFt>t • .. THIN65 .•. PUSJ4 YOUR CAJn° DOWN TME i. AISLES, ~~ARLIE BROWN ! NANCY YOU WILL' HAVE 0 8AO LUCK 70DAV .. I 'LL BE VERY CAREFUL TODAY---I'LL OUTSMART • T~AT CARD • <l <J <l --. : < --__...........~---------- MOON MULLINS . . ~ l~YIHIS, -·:... MR · C~OISSEUR . .. .. ~' . - UNFORTUNATELY, you1R~ Rr<&HT. J CERTA1NLY, EMMA·-- VINTA~E YEA~, 1 HOPE:. IT1S OUR TAP WATER. SO -rAKE! -rHIS e>ACK -ro "f'He cHeF ANP ASf< MIM! ~ ' IP I 8V!ft SEE ~U PQ1MA1' PG'AIN,, 'tt>U CAN KISS OUR FRI EN"5H IP fiOOOl'Gf . f .p ...... ....._ ~~ ............ ' ---~\"" ...... ~ . ~.... ' ·.::--~ ~·····?~ \ p WAf&a MAZAIUN ftlrn .. MM IA llit Mt ICllM'-.V.. To compifte pktuN, draw from 1to2, J, etc. - . I SHOE ARST, ttxJ eortA ~11Ea.\U. ... Or<AY, NOW KEEP TUAT LEFT~ ~TIFF ... ANO GET PE ~ HISM ... l:1.~~ . :, I~ 11u~f;I!~ ·Ji~~till1~ J~tif ;ff i ~Ht I, 1,·,:,\ft~:,~ r ' f I -(i b 'I I . r-'5 il fr i 1 ~ ~ i§ f .r:rt1~t~ -· _: ', ... 1 D; l•;·r• . 2 s JJ ti • I ~ icJ ,;~ r; ~ ~ f .. ~HJr" • ht Ji-Ir ff ~h ~ rs: 1f blJ1 .. i:r•m] s I J ,.,-... lh" ~I rt t l§.1 i l l' ~l~--r..11' 1r--.. ,i.ir!on 1 ~ 1i l! f ~e.!r1 !.>? !~i 1 8 t ~~i!llsJi~~f !(·~.I.I I ,l'l:RS . ' i·~-~~· ''. ·. .~~ . ,.,~~>\! .. ~ riur-r~j111 • f ,. ' H ~liB I ~· ttO .--, .,._ .. ·. . , 19 ~ a.t . •t L. '"'--" i!·tf a? ·" -~--·.; ;-,-:" · · ~ _ . '.. ''i.e. f If rirn lr J. J1 1r:1 i~J)iJ ·:;-i-~···': fflEUIUHi'HUi J, . ... I~. ·ii ~?· !,; J(;1tnPUi1!ilf i: i· ,., ... ft;r · Ill I;;;...-.-n ... Slfr dJ{h!f[H~!n•ia-II , .. ,il'llUH~. llU!llf lHi!~1 tlif 1titlf llif ttr ... , . ~ ~ ' l -.. :~ . I I J. ' [ ll 6 I ~ l . 2 J l l , .r .. ~~r Sir I r ' • Ht' If r ~s'~li; . ~ 1r rll~a..Jtl ,J1 § H tttrrH ' -~ ;;.;, ~~li'~!;L.r ! . . ti I rllt( i .· 4 " ..•. U J~l ir ~" f ·~i . I s t . , . f J . -i r . I.," . . J J1JJ,~bh \ . _ ... U ubrfst . ~ . ~ '-._. orn1ng • • ories One of the /felcat ratlnge UJOn on 1V la waged momlnga at seven, and the chi• c:ombatants are a trio of cool, brainy blondela with the moet blzm1e work houn In the dvlllzed world. MornJng America (known In the lndumy aa G.M.A.), with host David Ha1man, made its debut on the air In 1975 and by 1980 tt had overtaken Toc:fav rn the rattnga. ~ G.M.A. and Today bmded for supremacy. CBS kept Its fasddk>us distance with an hour f7 to 8 A.M.) of straight news, leaving the sublequent hour to the popular C°'*"1 Kangaroo~ But the mounting stakes forced CBS Into the fray. In 1981 Sawya was named co~ with Charles Kuralt, the popular on the Rood reporter, of an e>q>anded morning-news show. Kwalt was replaced th.ls year (he has returned to On the Road't by Bill Kurtis. a former OUcago journalist, and he and Sawyer have been given a new. slicker format to work with. Thus the battle lines are now drawn. The COi.iil· ms at each netwodc are keeping doM w.k1y tab, with boch NBC and ABC-cxpected to genendll $40 m8on to $50 mOon In groa Income this yes &om Today and G.M.A. This Is how the game , works: A rmtng point means approximately 815,000 vtewers. The Jatat ICOrel show G.M.A. leading wtlh an average 5.4 rating (which tnnllata to Sll,500 pa ·30-tecond commercla1 spot); To- day In wend place (aveuefng a 4.5 rating, or s 10,000 per tpOt): and CS6 Momtng ,._ llnlg- ~. as DraJer puts It, "to ftnd a format that's dtltlncdW &om the od)Cr two," ~ hanging In with an· awrage 2.8 rating ($6,000 per lpOt). Amtel al of this proflt-cheslng, ptatlge-monger- lng and pows-broklng. llt the three young women ach morning, aD ~t. beauUfu.I and chlnnfnQ but with deep shada of differences among them. So, In rcwne order of ttme-irl1J'llde, the three women who make our rnanmg.: DIANE SA.WYER ; 'l1,41if ~·1 : n~rHi J!11 ~!1 HU,HHijf f f!~~J 1~i ijUI n :Uflr U:F~Hir i{i!J.11~!1 I .j · ,i1f1 ·;r! tflg.ge-.~ ~1 1 .~~-l~!:1~1Etf "St~ ~! ~a!'t1Jr . t[l 11:11-itiil(I) -·~1 uUU 1~r :ii1 ~au Hi. 1lUHHilH iHl?ii iHH H~H fHiH Uiif&iir . • -. ·-·--•1·r11r.,~·=-~J .~ ~f ir!t•ri~i;~ t~i:lt: ~~iii; . i!"' J~r! :1~11 ~·~'~ ~ii~J r ,~, .... ''1;t1' ~ ~F~fr ·! ljU,,. ,, ~t:ittl r~.1 •tn i f il I.II t.tl'll i"'il 11.a.11 [-~~ as~ t oC! J· •. • • ·. ,'f -~ ,,{ ·~~· i J ~tJ~f l!~'lJ hfl1r1 f rrr '~~. l 1t~1rf~fa'J p: f[ ··~~·;I '! h J1:!l1Juh1r.l'~-~b.f!14Li~-~ntrf!tJtlrs~ as•1. 1rL~u,"11t!r.1l 1 irulfh ~----------...------~~--~----------~---------~ a; 1tif 1flil ! a; ~;;1fiGflit1 !~;; ~ 1iil1I ii ! tij r;·· Hflf ii §R': a . .,., i 1ai.1 ~g ~ ~ filaa. .,. : c p 1\1 ~ c g Q ~ I e; -II ;l ~ ~ ·-.. ·i -..,W I -·~' • • • ~m L..-1 , . . . , ·· , 1 f 1 , ~ -..1 / . I . 8r::;;;··i.;L ai · ··. ,,I; ~ • • -~ 1 I ~;t,i,,,'~ -Ii~'~: i i~ l I.: I ~~ I ~ . ~ I iJI!! 1~ ill' '·-~· '~ It gtyl "'-P . . "J IM1 I 'Vt ·~-~-~-----~------~---~--~--~----~----------~ llON•D GI.GRID roon11nwd.J been eolvcd In part by her marrtage (lo Mlotu .. t Krauss, an Independent producu &xmmy did wtth Todav) and, particularly, h.er pregnancy. "I went~ a ~."the ~·"When I bec:alne pngnant, N · action to ma dwu91d ~.Sud­ d-.,ty t wasn't 'that good looking broad at ABC,' bu1 a mothu wtth dlapen and problem• Uke th•m. l broke~ that banter." Evuy morning a limousine pk:ks Lunden up at 5 A.M. at her home In a suburban area north of New York. She read• scripts on the drtve lnto Manhattan and at the office goes through makeup and consultations wtltt the wrtten. She olten tapes up- coming Interviews after the 9 A.M. 5'gn-off. Mladay • b de19ilng a IN ol rnalemlly clothes, woddng on her book about the pel1la of being beau- tif ut, playing racquetball "br aerobk dancing. She returns home In the mldaftemoon and devotes tM bal- anca ol the~ hours to da~ Jamie, 2. then cooks dinnG' for Mk:hael and henel. "When you're a mother wtth a home Ille," she 9'.8Y'· "It pua ~ ~ pi"Mlw md keepa the Job-from beooaig OWlpCJ LUDIQ." JANE PAULEY Honon to Ms. Pauley In the morn- ing sweepstakes for poise, wtt and sharpne11 of tongue. Then, too, Pauley, 32, has simply been at It long!ll. "Few me, It's a NgU1ar routine now," she Mys. '"It's not 11'1 edwnture In~ anymore, jlilt my job. But rw always enjoyed the thought of~ the news tnt." Of coune, lhe c:a.-d quMe a tdr tn the c:ommunJty when she was sum- moned &om Chicago to replace S.-- bara Walter• tn the .. at next to Tom Brobw. She was only 25, a Unl- wnly of lndllina !J8(luam from ln- dianapolls, and wdlrlted. Tclmllon Iii unc:IOl lltlltabltJ a coemelk: gmne, and Pau'4ly'1 lookt certainly helped h• wtn the )ob. (She probably h• the loYdat hair ol aiy woman appestiig on lV.) But ttM a6lo broudrt to To· dalf a nlmbls mind and the nn al*y to concentrate fully on the person before her whUe at the same ttme pnwndng a.tlmng--ol 111. She allo had Bdcaw'1 cool but In· ahautdJla ...... lo...,. on al thOM v-a. Thlt, ol coune~ c:henged when 8lobiw took ,OWi the ._ on NBC NtJhdv ,....., and..,.. rtlf Bry.-d CJurnb.i WM bl'ouQN In from tha W.. CoMt lo ...,.. him In Jll'luary of ~ .. Y9K • 1bat WM~ .. JIM now admb. .. "After all, I spent 51;z years with Brokaw, and the Job }ust got better and better. To to. tum was, fnnldi;. tentfytng. But 1 didn't realize how palnle11 the tranalrton would be. They'na not cut from the same doch, but on balance l ttw\k It was an even trade.'" Married to cartoonbt Garry Tru- deau (Doonaburv), Pauley became ·~ant for the flnt time last year, only to have a mlacan1agl In August. R4lftecllng on It, ~~quietly, "It's Just something that happened, as It does to three "' 10 WOIMll. ~ Pauley and her husband live In Manhattan; since she doa ha own hair and makeup, her schCdule ls a touch more flnlble than her com- pdton'. She gm up at 3:45 A.M., goa to her olftce and sc.ans the over- nlltd wtra-Then the Wiies her~ ~ u her dale. Aft.er the show she answers her mall and does a Ave-min- ute MtWork radio IPCJl. "After 10 o'clock," she saYf, "my time begtns to be my own. I rad the ~men canfuDy. l Me> It.art to 8ght off the effaD of 'CO&e, when c.aleiM owrloed rendm one __. ... The bettlllla ~to drain about thllt nme.• An 11 A.M . production mfftlng conftrmt the next day's show. She then goes home to wWKl down. "'The afternoons are not productive for me," Jane admb. '1 ttmt to cnnk up again around 4 or 5, when the NBC A/kmoon New• coma on. On rare oa:a8ons we go out, but mo.a ~ .. dwoted to homeworic. An em.oe· lope c:ontail dltg ... pedwt of guil " dellvaed to my doontep ... On Sun· ~she does the NBC Mghtly Net.OS. Pauley is too Masoned a pro to wany owr lhe ..-.. ws . .,.w newr been hontiy concaned with num- bers.'" lhe says. '1 think lt's a <Wtide mechanism -paranoia can't Im- prove perfo~e. Of course, I'm awar. that tn.. an people In flttJe rooms htN who_.. concmned about than al tht dme -and aware that tf dleY sa-t bad ~. I cou.Jd be bid< n lndlenapoll ...... Then Jane Pauley laughs, and throws out a ddghlfu1 nodon. "Do you know what I've alway. wanted to do? I've always had a dake to~ on Apt fool'.• morn- ing with my heir "' am.. and )Ult ... Anwrtc.a I couldn't get It togettw ltdl morning." h won't happen, of COWM. Jane end Diane and Joen -poiMd encl pollhed prof 1 ttlt>i .. wtlh lrnporW\t ~: to git UI out ol bed, ICillldQ end~ and I.Ve UI tellOf\· ably conmc.d tNil the wodd, ched place that It QI\ be. wll not SJO lo hel In • ~ ti.foce the cof ... ... .,... .... WllA't WllKU', -,.. -•• NOW ONLY sg95 FOR ~;:E 7 s ONL: I --- Orawlno of !tie O.signer's Orioina! Conception ol the Solid 14K Gold RinQ Solid 14K Gold Genuine Diamond Ringl A SP£CtAL ANNOUNCEllENT Poole'sFifthAvenue.oneofthenation'steadtngjeWelryhouseshascreat8d ·the impassible dream~-a Solid 14' Karat Gold Genuine Diamond Ring to retail for less than S 10..00. Insiders in the jewelry business know that such a ring as this one has, throUQh the years. retajled in Jewelry stores for 130 ... uo ... even S50 in some cities. The fluctuating price of gold la the key. Now that gold prices are down. in cooperation with leading gold suppliers. gem lme>orters and fine jewelry craftsmen. Poole's can offer this Solid 14' Karat Gold Diamond Ring for only S9.95. ptuss 1.50 tirstciass PC>Staoe and speciaJ handling for each ring oidentd. But you must order within the next 7 days; this offer may be withdrawn after tt\at and your remittance returned. Each ring is made of said 14 Karat Gold. and the Stone Is guaranteed to be a genuine 17-taceted, .25 pt. Diamond. Our Certificate of Authenticity, signed by a gradUate Gemotogm accompanies your purchase. SPECIAL OFFER TO LOVER8 OF OTHER PRECK>US GEii STONES If ordering within the deadline, YoU may, If you wish, select a genuine fully faceted and pofished Emerald. Ruby or Sapphire for ..ntna In your Gold Ring. Wtiolesalera and Jewelry stores must include resale numbers with purchue. i---------·----, ....... _.._ _____________ ..,.. ___ __._.~------- . I J), 't ~ t' '"°' f . , , '. \ ', •\ . •'. "t I\ POOLE'S '1flTH AWNUE. ~ GA-7 88 Fifth Aw8nue. New YOl1c. New Y~ 10003 1 em ntte>Ondlng wtthtn the deedline. Pie ... tend me the following rktg(a) •t 19.95 ptua 11.50 first clua poGige and tpedel handllng ffCh. t u~ that if I em not 100I -~ witft my purchem I may '9tum It at anytime witf'l.. JrulO Oavt to.. Mtntfund, ..,.~ "'° h8ndtlng ~of~. . J 1eeoA 14K Sotld Gotd Diamond Ring Qty._ Ring Size_ f 1eeo8 1'K Solid Gold Emerald Ring Qty. -At no Size_ 11eeoc 14KSolldGold.Ruby Rrng Qty._RinQ Siz.e_ I t1M001~8o41dGotd~reRlng Qty._Rlng8a._ I endole I 0 Chedt 0 MO 0 CMtl Of charge IO my • a VISA c MestwCanS Account•--------------=-1 EJCO. d••---"-----1 N~ i i Ado.. APtt I • , 0 I I I I • • I • ·-• I I I I I • Qty . • State Cll'f-----~•-•••••••••••••••••••••----•••••·--•--•••••----•~ . : l!Fl\11 HP.llfitil!l' if ~'-rP.nn.s • l!JiHUr s.u~ I ir•t,.1 rl'"l Pot : ~ ·- .la !~hL .. r~~llrr~ Jfdl;fl~i~:aJ lt~o2.hH~ .,,s:f Jr~r11 f1i § 1 .. · 1 ~ g.f H · L r-;1 .. -~ •t ..... ·1 _ _ ~~ti .. l,t J! P.Bf~tlti ~i1=lr1(·I l 111 l rl P.JJllif[t[f !sl,rr~1i t J!11l1.sf' 1il1!~~if~.t tr ·! rl 111: r Ii .. ft,··. s·: .. . . . . . . ·.' ... , •-:.-·!m'l: I I ~ . .lj ~. ;j· :i.!i·!.~ !t ~ . t .... .,· ~ -~·· ~1 1 [ji · ,tr1 ·1t1h rhfl lli'l -Rll( .,, I • r,r rlH 11 J[• . ... ·' . Ir. ·,-. • i · r .. a. ! ' t "I i Lr,. t, a .. i 'S .a i .. l ·'l" r , t .. l ~ • ~ r · er 11,. r J • ·J' ,JI~ 1..1 1:f P.li I •1P.J1 ' H11·rii. !'n1-~, !! ,1,!J~ll 1UH rlf hllJJf hf ah f . r~r.h rhh1 , --J 'f 8 trl Jll11 l' s 1f f l J Jltrir ;. sl JJ.-tn er Uf" . ~ •• t~·:1"1 ~il·,·,11 ,~Uf'1'!, :frt~J1 • ,· :11:al~ 1h•r!rrfa.rl~h ,·r'Uil~[,dr~hrli11 1r!! ~ 5' 1.. A.f '' t~., rs l!!a. a: c -lf1fJIJP ,f' I: lr~r 1[ ler'' •!S' -rrlT~I" i tf -":: ~~ . ...-..-.,.. '• ' ,. • ~• I" • f I --~ - GlllaD ....... CallTCJLL.nD ami8Cs.11r. or any other mooey marbt fund. for that matter-will do in the future..@"1 you should know that one ~our inVNtment objeaives, sp1lled om~ in our PJmpectua, ia high currmt income. In plain 9°'1Mr· Faa''·h, tMt mssm helpin& your money lWd harder than it may . 9981' have before! .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alao, you shoWd l98lim your investment is not insw;ed and the return you reoeive will ftuctuate due to marbta)Ddlttona. But for safe- tT• tab, the nu.t lnv81ts ID l8CUritiee iaaued or gimprrteed by the U.S. Gcmlm.ment or its • vW or imtnlmeDtalitiea. For more ooaiplD information ~ the Seen U.S. GoftnUmnt Money Marbt 'Ihm. indudq dwcpw and eaptillW, lmtd Is )10UI' Plmpedm blaJi Read it coreful1y be{Ol9 you _ imwt er ..Id D"l9'WJt r ------------------------- , -8~621-2525 Ask~Opel--37 -I ...,.U ... Oo•:w_.,_,...._...._. I ft0 .... 31M Noftlallolt)•Hd, CAll- t 0 YES! I'd .. '° learn mont. Pie-rush my free ~------..... --------.......,""""""-'I· I 1ntonnation Kil.,_, Proepecttis. iJJii -----.---f:C.:tt:r D'lbdayl • Your kit alto l nclud• a handy rec;ord- keeper to belpyou tet-and mpet-your Wnily flnaoo'41 pls. I :. ·I ......... ________________ _ I 1 I l I I~~·~~ I 9lnd no money. Thlt'9'1 no COil. No~. ~,7~~~.~~.::;;::!:11t!~i Stlt-Fty Crazy By nlatttyn Hona.n C onskier vegetables. For years everyone looked down on them as a necessary evlt. B\rt no more. Today enttre cook· books are devoted to them, and one of the best is ~ of the Eas Vegetarian ~ (J(nopf, $9.95) by Madhur Jafhy, which Introduces van.rd and delirious recipes &om the cuJtwa of India, Indonesia, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and 'the Mid- dle East. An expert cook and native of Delhi, India, Jaffrey is a charming, wen. spoken woman. Jn an Interview wtth FAMILY WEEl<LY. Jaffrey told us that while growing up In India, she didn't cook at al. Then, dUJtng c:oUege ln England, she realtzed just how much she missed the Indian cuisine, and through letten with her mother about favorite Indian diltleS she carefuly noted the ingredients and preparation and eventually began cooking henelf. A move to the United States, mar· rtage and a fa'mily dkl not keep her from oookiig, and ....+wn &tends aaked her where they could ftnd good Indian food, her reply was always quick: .. Come to my home. rn cook for you... Jaffrey began recording her rec:tpa and refining her expatlte. Her !JOWlng reputation tNplred food editor Cmla Oalbome of ~ New Yort Tuna to do ·a feature on J~ and IOon .. she wai Mked to write a book on lndien cooking, An lnvftolkm to Indian Cooking (Knopf, 1973). AJlhough her ftnt book was a IUC· ems, Jafhy rultmd that 11 yet no OM hed wrtltllJ1 about the wtde ftatd ol Man wgatarian cooking, "the hmda culllne of vegltadan oooldng, .. ... Gplalna. And thut the concept for her c:urNnt book Wiii born. .. I wantad to ~ thll book to prow that ~ food can be marvelous, and that millions of things can be done with beans and vegeta· bla wtthout being dull," she adds. Try this Korean recipe &om her book, ancf see how she turns the ordJ- nary Into the~ I oa. •c4mpt..r ... be• eoe41m• 60..... ........ .......___, ..... ......_ ',\ ...... ..-.ch .... 1 cmnlC ·1 .... mcchlet Sm1tnn ... ~ 2 a.... or.,._ crallb..-i.- 4 ~ 4 • ..,. paw;••'* ol l tlltl 1saoe1~-o• s do.-pdlc. ....... Md alncell l ttb' npaoe 10V IWll l ta1 .. au .... I,\ ••• lie .... 1. Soak the noodles In 6 CUP1 of water for half an hour. Drain. l. Soak IN Otin.e mushrooms In 1 cup ot hot wata for 20 minutes. When they have IOltened, cut off the hard ....... and s8ce the cape fine. If using &ah mushrooms, llrnpli; slce capt and cut sWms Into rnalr:hsddc pla:a. 3. Drop the tptnach Into 10 cups of bolllng water. Boll r"'6dl!I for 2 mtnuies. Drain. Run under cokt water. Squeae out ae much moature as polltie. 4. Peel the carrot, cut Into 3 l8dlons and then Into h julienne ~· Trtm the zuc. chin! endl and cut Into 6nc julienne~. 5. Wipe off the fresh muhooml and break olf tbtlr ams. Cut Iha gip into llelY fine sbca. Cut the nonwoody pert of the steml Into ~ pieces. 6. Cut away and di.:.d d)e curly. tmlder part of the cabbaea lava. ~ on>i the V·si}aped core ol the laves. Cut thll Into Julienne llrtpl. Cut the ICallk>ne Into 21/a·lnch ledk>nl. Quarm the tedk>r'I wtth tha bu1' ~wile . 7. Combhl the. ChJnat muthrooma. tplr\Kh. am>t. zucchtni, mt.lllhroom., c:abbege IOd tcalorls In • bowl. Mix wd. teperal119 al the ll*'8Ch leevet. I. Helt tfw WJllldlble all and the WW ~ tn a wok Oft a 10-h:h -41 pen °'*a rnedbn-hfgh o.m.. Whan hot. put In dw gidc. Stir and fry for 10 MCOndl. Add .. the~ In the bowl. 56' IOd fry for 3 to 4 ~ or until the WlgltllbAa .. Jllftdlr-crllp. Tum h.11. to low. Add the drained nooc:Ua, 10Y auce, Allll' IOd -Stir .... ~ the noodlel Mnly ind coOk 2 to ~ mlnuta. T• tqr .. !.~-. Holllf4 ...... •0r UM 4 ()al, ftnc noocn., cooked, drained and cold-Wlllllr tlnfed . ,..-:. Solv ,p ~ our popular ang 11~·,.noc~ ....... ,.. i-,....._ .. ...., ...... .,,., •----llO•lor• ,., .......... fe&FAST PERSeNAL SERV1GE ............ ., ......... CALL (60I) "7'6000 dlll9o ........ Qog oa1vs1995 ... lightweight, ~tedtolet your feet bruthe. 1 ~,,an wedge heel wlth long-wearing rubber tole; wonderiuly walkable, aaahlonlng your every step ~the busiat days and nights. CAMEL, NAV'( WHITE or RED. -Women's ful & half sizes; 6*-lON, 5-lOM, &5~9W ---------~----------------------------------------~----- llbi~ that cxi9ed then. II would be hmd to fJ"CJCl'll • &om gllltng Btld.· He adds, ~. ttMlt he cbiJb I got much pMI the age of ... bedela. Whit hasJpened to Che ooem on v.nus? Wei, a fi!w b9orl ~ago.• dw tun ~got men lu- minous, aabon dioxide and evapcwadng water '*1114 ... d-h..a ...... mosphere ~ caustng the planet to get eve11 wanner. Tbe_._.._,6.,. d a~~ .. effect. wtth the evaporatk>n cl more..-, and the po- dudlon o1 mcft anon dioxide. which today mllMs up 96 pmim cl \Aenua'• ........ -•• aJUll9. he 1i5JM1ale.t they hed wOrMd ...... tn liM..,_, Co.6op. How'e that, wond.red Vo'&ht rnomentady, befa'9 brak-- lng lnto a roar and recognizing none ocher dml Dmatn Huftw, dr If If ~ In dnis lor hit \IP" ....... moulll. ...... llmll'llDAYS (Sun.-Thws., Cancer; Nit, Leo) 5-dlw -Red SW. eon 69: Hmtlt Nellal'I 68; John Glenn--61,. ....... -Gealga Mc:Govem (i(). ~ -Dina Rlag 44; ,,_ W•ZI' Tl•lll TO DO c.tos Santana 35. Wed- ._.., -Robin Wllaml 30; Don Knotts 58; &Mc Stem 62. Th....., -()r. IOn 8-\ 54. i:....., - Oon~46.~ .. -Ruth 8uzd 46; Lyn- da C.. 31. . - ~{)~I~' 8u.u1if ~~ OIL 11 now being llCClaJmed by bMuty expertl who h8ft redlacovered ttvs century-old tre8tment ctwtehed by 8outhweet DeMft lndlene to produce soft. auppte akin. despite tt'9ir harsh dtyW1g environment. Now YOUR SKt«anhaw the luxunous benefit d the~ oet d the JOJ08A BEAN. rich M whale Oii, In Nulnbon HeadqullWS. Jojoba L.oeion This netutal .beaJty MS kOtcaleS and aoftetlS the sk.ln Wllltl lhe ~ra1Jng Jo,oba Oil . ._. JOJOBA productacommand a 4 oz. bottle of JOJOBA Lotion hiO_p_!ictt, but NUTRITION without c:harse tfyoi1rc:hedrt~ ~ HeADQUARTERS want.II you to in the order blank and ret11m ~l wit~ find out how JOJOBA can benefit an order for any of the it.ems m th11 your lkin.lhat'a why we'll tend you ad. Of*..,.._ August 2. 1112 NU1'AITION HE.ADQUARTIM. 104 w.t ...ciaaon k, CertloMllll, IL l2I01 ........ -~-~. j ........ 1 MAIL OADE'R COUPON : LECITHIN : 1ton1ac .. .- : 0100 149 C..,..llM ~Olt oaootora.• ,,.., ... o eootor ...... ..._ N 121 ~W2182 ............. ~ ,r .ri1.,, Hf"'''"' ,1 ·, • Mone)' S.nmg •,I ', ! , • ' l • I .', ~, ..