HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-19 - Orange Coast PilotBy JEFF ADLER Oflleo.llr ......... Olen Thibedeau went to church Sunday mornlh" and came away a little richer -$24,- 000 richer, to be euct. Thibedeau la the C..plat.rano BMch resident who eold a aafe to the Coinrnwilty Chapel World OutJ"elch Church in Norwalk in 1979 unaware \hat it contained hia pel'IOl'\&l aav1np totall.ng cloee to 124.000. The former owner of the Golden West Ballroom, which now hot-. the church, believed the money had been 1tolen durin1 a bur1lary ln 1977. Actually, the money had not been 1tolen b\lt had become lodpd in the aafe and remained unnoticed until a few weekl ac<>· The church'• tpiritual ie.der, the Rev. Esther M. Mallett, preaented Thibedeau wlth the money during a church eervice Sunday. "It wa1 a very nice aervtce, it WU real good,'' he said. After the church cholr opened Sunday's lel'Vioe with "Her., rm a Believer Now," and 'God Cares,'' Mra. Mallett atood at the pulpit and told the congregation the 1tory of the found money. ~ yeAn 11191 UU.V.. ltole 188,000 In oaah recelp11 frown the tale of ThlbedMu's Golden W•t Ballroom. He h~d alwaya auumed th•1 had allo i.bn pel"IOl\IJ envtJopel conta1nJ.nc a --·· cMck fOI' &51000 and $19,100 in $50 and $100 'tfil'· 8'4t IMt week Mn. Mallett told blm they had found the envelopea 1tuck tu the aafe, which the church had pu.rchMed atona wtth the baUtOom three yean a&O· "It WU really nice," Man.ha Muon, the church eecretary, aald ln • i.lepbone Interview-alter Vw •rvice. "It WU really exdttna," Mi. Muon aaid. ..Se came up an ·IDlilel and received the money and aaJd the put.or WU a very hone1t woman. In turn, he counted out f2,000 and pve It to the putor. They hu,1ed and everybody applauded.• The money Thibedeau 1ave back to the church may ~tually ao to him anyway, Ma. Muon aald. .. We owe Mr. 'n'libedeau tor our annual payment and I'm quite aure it will be ~." lhe tald. 'The church la '1between $20,oeQ. and '30,000 lhort" Of the •100,00l> NU\ual payment due on Au,. 1, ahe aald. "But I'm qul\e 1ure b• (Thl~u) will be wtll1na to work W'lth ua," 1he aald. "I thln.k the money will be ln. I have no doubt." The nondenominational church bouaht the ballroom. once the largest west of the Mlaaiaaippi, in 1919 and lt now hoWIM a Bible collece. Chrl1tian 1chool and pre..chool. Although he was presented with the money during the Mrvlce, Thibedeau explained that the *' and cMcb remain locked In tM aafe, at leMt f~ the time belni. .. The police taJd tome real 11qUlrrela were watchin& out tar me, IO rll ~ J*:k It Up-at-.amilt later date, he laid. And hla plam foe the IDOMY1 Thibedeau bM aa1d that bill ex.wife tq1d him lhe plam to llUe for halt of the money and that be expected to hear from the lntemal Revenue Service• well. "I could pomlbly put a pool In here at my home, but my wife aaya buy a motodM>.ne." Big balancing-aCt Budget bill boosters seek amendment WASHINGTON (AP) -With personal help today from President Reagan and the Marine Corps band on the steps of the Capitol, supporters of a -constitutional amendment requiring a balanced federal budget say they will get the proposal throuah the Senate thts week. 16 percent The politically.popular legislation, which appeared dead a few months ago, has been given hfe in a congressional election year and will likely be aent to the states for possi~e ratification as the 27th Amendment to the Constitution. President Reagan was to make an unusual appearance at a rally Prinie loan rate lowered by 2 hanks NEW YORK (AP) -Two leading banks lowered their prime lending rates one-half point to 16 percent today. The move by Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. in New York. ranked fourth by deposits, and No. 8 First National Bank of Chicago followed a decline in other short-term interest rates lut week which lowered the banks' cost of acquiring money. It w• the first chanae in the prime ra• by a majlc tJ.s. bank. in more than a month. On May ~. No. 2 Otibank lowered it1 prime from 16.5 percent to 16 percent, and was followed June 3 by No. 17 Fil'll National Bank of Boston. But no other major bank followed. and within two weeks the two banks ralaed their prime rates back to 16.5 percent. In an lndication of bow interest rates have remaiN!d stubbornly high, the last Ume most of the nation'• 20 leading banks po9ted a 16 percent prime rate wu in November. The prime rate is the bue quote Ulled to calcuJate ineresl ~ on Joana to com= with top-arade credit, al ..ue mink. make am at nta below the.tr statied prime rate. While not bavin1 a direct relationship with consumer Joana. the prime reflect• general movements in other bank lending rates. . Bodysurf er hurt in Clemente mishap A Gennan tourist visiting San Clemente suffered a neck injury when he struck hia bead on the aand during a weekend body surfing mi1hap, lifeguards reported today. The visitor, Karsten Kroeger, 24, wa1 injured while body surfing near the San Clemente .Pier at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, lifeguards said . They said Kroeger walked onto the shore after he struck hia head, then col.la peed. He wu taken to San Clemente General Hospital, where he was treated and released, a hospital apokesman said. Elsewhere along Orange County's beaches, lifeguards reported healthy 1ummer weekend crowds enjoying the calm aurf and relatively wann (71 degrees at one reading) water. Reecue, first aid and lost children incidenll were deecrlbed u routine. NATION The city and state beaches at Huntington Beach drew about 130,000 visitors on Saturday, about 136,000 on Sunday. At Newport Beach, lifeguard• reported a Saturday crowd of 80,000, and 100,000 visit.on on Sunday. Farther inland, officials reported that an earthquake measuring 3.0 on the Richter a:ale jostled aleeping resident.a in Anaheim and surrounding areas early Sunday. Police reported reoeivin& no calls concemlng the modest quake. National Weather Service officiall said 1ummer beach weather will continue thla week. They predicted 10me late night and early morning cloudlneu, but mostly fair weather. The mercury 1hould peak In the upper 70. and drop to a night· timle low in the mid 60., the wsther servtce said. Artists worlc for admirals The Navy employ• a corps of painters for portraita, laridacapes and shipe to grace the walls of admirals and their friends. Page A8. Reagan eyes Shultz aide. WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan laid today he wW nominate Kenneth W. Dam, provmt of the tJntvenity of. Chicago, to be deputy 8ea'etary of It.ate and replace Walter Sioe.el Jr. Emergency spending OK'd today on the West Front of the Capit ol to pro.mote the amendment, wh lch baa 61 sponaon in the Senate and more than 200 in the House. About 300 members of Congress were expected at the rally. There la aome opposition to the propoeed amenclm4'1:it from thoee who aay the eoanlllby and federal spending levels are too volatile to be controlled by a constitutional amendment. 0th era say the Cons ti tu ti on 1houldn' t be amended to conform to a currently popular economic theory. The Senate opp-08ition, which la expected to he brief but intense, wlll be led by Alan Cranston, D-Calif., the Democratic minority whip, and Charles McC. Mat'.b.laa Jr., R-Md. who has propo1 ed a weaker alternative to the amendment. Cr&Nton, in ten rtewed Sunday on NBC'• "Meet the Prela." said enforcing the be.lanced budget amendment would require drutlc readju1tmunta that would "paralyze the p lenU"Dent" and brinl on a '•very deep VIKING'S HOME -The 76·foot Viking ship replica "Hjemkomst" arrives at Bergen harbor, Norway, today after a 34-day Atlantic crossing. The vessel began iu journey ln MinnelOta and left New York June i 4 bound for Norway with a 12·membel' crew. Northeast hot; Mid-west wet de:s='' Torrential rains flood Iowa, Michigan, Missouri ta.id it WU ironic that the premdent wh.I > aupported the unendawnt aJlo 1propowi record federal defkit.. l\ea1an took no\e of that crttidml s'::& on b1a return from \ho p nuaI retreat at Camp David. Md. "There have been giant budgetl for 21 of the last 22 years that I didn't baV1 ! anything to do with." ~ 11dd. "Now, we're (See BALANCEI>. Pa1e A!) NB savings bandit gets $1,097' loot Newport Beach eolice are aeeking a middl e-agect man who waa last teen W1.wing a Pac-Man viaor when he walked out of a Westcliff Drive aavlnp and loan with $1,907 in r 'eCeipta. Tellera at Jl'idellty Federal Savlnp and Lo.an, 1515 Westcliff Drive, said the man walked into the building 1hortly aft.er noon Friday and prc.duced a note. The note \'lamed the teller, "Please band over all your money or you will be hurt." The man 1e1 >Oped ~ the caa.b and left on fc tOt. Witnemea aa1d he ran 10Uthbound on West.cliff after departlni1 the savm,. and loan. He waa deecrlbed between 38 and 42 yean of age, ltanding 6 feet 10 inchee tall, wetchln8 170 pound.a, with 1talt and pepper hair tucked under the white vt.or. SPORTS By Tiie Auodated Pren Torrential rains in Iowa cllUed r .. identa from a Des Moines mobUe home park for the eecolMI time Jn three daya. while millions of people in the Nortbe&1t jammed beeches to e:Eape record tempera tu.rel. The rain ln central Iowa forced state offidala to issue pumps for the buementa of flood-weary homeownera. Three Inches of rain fell Sunday, forcing another evacuation for reaidenta of a 102-unit mobile home park along Four Mile Creek in Des Moines. They al10 had bee n routed Friday after a sev t i inch downpour. The rains continued into Sunday night, causing street flooding and downing power lines in the Ottumwa area. In Holland, Mich., residents were cleaning up after a Saturday ltonn \hat dumped 10 inches of rain, causing scattered power out.age• and stranding cars. Several roads and bridges in low-lying parll of the community along Lake M.ich.laan were under water. El1ewhere in the Midwest, heavy rain and marble..t.zed hail pwnme.1ed Kirklville, Mo., late Sunday, "practically flooding the . "' Rail strike ends LONDON (AP) -Rau lerYice in Brltain returned to near normal today after a 16-day-old strike by ~live engl..neen collapee<l becaUM other unlona WOQ!d not support lt. Raiders threat to Rams? WW they love the Rama in Anaheim when the Ralderl rnove into the LA Coli8eum? Tom Murpbine camment.1, Page Bl. Manaser's actions costly • ~!la' manager Gene Mauch yank.a h1I •t.ar'tlna ~again u IOOln u trouble looma, and pa)'I for lt. Cl. whole town," 1ald police ~ Loi8 Brownlni. 1'be .corm downed power llnml and cars were ltalled in water two feet deep, the eakl. Tbunder1torm1 with hurricane-f~ windl and ea· size hail pounded northeast Ne braska today and a tornado warning was posted for Knox County. The weather eervice said roada were blocked by tree limbs in the WJ.nalow area and one forecaster said hail the siz.e of hen's eggs lmocbd out tbe wtndoWI ol Im ~. PCJWW Un. end a. limt. a1'o were down in Ar~ where wlnda were ch*e.f at 75 mph. "'l'bunderstonD8 aho moved aero. South Dakota late Sunday and early today, dl.DDPna up to five inches of rain aDd hail A flub.flood watch WU plSted in the eoutheast part of the state. Two tomadoee were spotted about 25 milea north of Presho and near Lake Andes, but (See HOT, Pa1e A!) Iran, Iraqi war clainis conflict~ng By nae Associated Preti Iran today denied Iraqi claims that ita forces were thrown back into Iran in heavy fighting, insisting instead that Iranian troop1 were continuing to mop up Iraqi resistance near the k~y city of !Jana, 15 miles from the Iranlan border. The conflicting claima followed the pattern of this phue of the war. Iraq has cl.aimfJd twice to have routed the invading Irani.am. Iran maintains that lt ll cruahing the remnants of Iraql resistanee. The battle front doea not aeem to move. Iraq began the latest round of war by communique Sunday when it aald it fonied 100,000 lranl'an -tl'oop.-to-retreat into INDEX Iran, killlnf 2,300 of them. lran said today that Iraq counterattacked Sunday and again thla mominc. ''but it failed to achieve ita goals u a l"elUlt of our forces' strona reslatanoe. tbe enemy was once aoln forced to retreat." Iran said" it killed or wounded 15 Iraqla and destroyed 18 tanks or armored pencnnel carrien. Tehran alao complained toct.y about lraq1 bombinc raldl which killed five ctvWam In the town of Ilam and ''tena of people'' ln the town of Khurrainabad. Both towns are ln we.tern Jrab, neer the Iraqi border. A radio broedcut mon.ltlOl'ed ln London today aatd the (See 11\AN, Pap Al) At Your Service Af ~ m B2 Ann Lenden 82 Erma Bambeck ~ A&,B3 MovMa Be Callfomla M National News A.a Careen B2 Public No&. OI C..vabde B2 Sporta Cl-4 C..Pfl«l a-a Stock Marketa m Ccmk9 Bt TelevWoD m Cro.word B4 Theat.M'a Be Death Nodc8 Ct W•tber A2 Edttartal M 'World Newt A.a Ent.erWrunerit Be BUSINESS WASHINGTON (AP) -Pretldent Relaan Ml ~a $6.~ bilUoD emerpncy spendtnc bD1 aber' ....... -~'a'"-=-­WIOIJ\i twO lilrpr Wnlom thll IUJIVOel', • White ~~Mid today. ,. 1 ... to be minor. WU without power ~-· ~ ovemJlht. Jn the North .... , h11hway1 cJ.oa9d u rtildlft• tried to pt W\MOUI~ heat and wnldl~. OftldaJa uid an llttmated 1 on people blanketed New Qty'• Coney t.tand Beach, th another 1 million at Mlrby way BMch on Sunday, • e mel"CW')' rem to 98 and the umldity topped 80 pt('Qmt. Two boraea uHd to draw niaaet ihrouah Manhattan'• mtru Park collapted and died unday within boura of each er, apparently becauae of the t, Mld the American Society r the Prevention of Cruelty to 'nimala, which planned an ~don. oSom.e paasera-by were outr~ed. "It• atrocious," said Edrie Anne Blackwelder, a cab driver. • • • 0 They haw no ~ tak1na thqte. hontl out on a daf. like ~. It Wll mud\ too bot." ~ tllnP'ftlWW I« tha dat.t WeN Nmrded tn Bolten and w~. JU. at 98 ~.The 96~ rMdlnl 1n ~. Maine, WM allo a hiah- Two water d•part.n\tnt woi'bn ln Balton crytnc to turn off an open ftre hydrant were atuicad by about 20 youU. tAd aluhed with ruon, requlrln1 holPtal treetment, police laid. An estimated 160 to 200 hydranta were opened without permlaalon, cuttln1 the water flow to a trickle at fauceta In 90me areas. dty offldala said. Overheatln1 cara on malor road• In Connecticut anar ed traffic, forcing 10me motorilta to take detours. "One of the worst daya we've eeen," NJd Trooper Victor Landa. .... -. . ~ .. ' ' -..:...::~ .;"".: ~·. , UWll......,.,. WATCHFUL EYE -A painting o! actress Marilyn Monroe tookB down on Connecticut Avenue traffic in Wastungton. Tht image, co~oned by the owners of a hair salon, coven: wha\ was formerly a blank wall. LIMP BLIMP, -The Soviet-designed airship "Ural 3" hovers during a recent test flight near the town of Berewvaky. The helium-filled craft is a prototype for an air crane with .a ~ .......... load-carrying capacity of 15 tons to 6e U8eQ f6r builcµng power lines, gas and oil pipelines in remote areas. Spray foes 'not naked' AVERY, Idaho (AP) -Anti· herbicide protesters aay it'a the naked truth: they didn't bare all when running through the woods during a northern Idaho demonatration. "Nudity is not part of our tacUcs," aaid Mickey Mc:K.lnney, a member of Caretaken of the F.arth, a group formed to protest the 1praylng of herbicides on about 50 acres of brush north of Avery. McKinney said IOme proteetera rerncwed their ahJ.rta becau.e it was bot, but. he said none went nude -aa reported by U.S . Forest Service diatrict ranger Denis Hart. From Page A 1. BALANCED· .. going to trY to turn the situation around." Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah, also appearing on "Meet the Press," blamed Congre111 for budget defJdta. ''C.o la the culprit,.. he said, ~e:' have ... alway1 looked at expenditures first ~fore we determine how much rt."venue the government has to e>.pend ... and then we try to make the revenues fiL That'• why the process appears to be a 11ham sometimes." From Page A1 IRAN-IRAQ WAR • • • government U.ued an air r-1d "red alert" and warned residents of the Iranian capital to head for bomb ahelten. But that was followed five minutes later by an "all clear" cancellation. and It waa not clear i f the warning was real or a test of Tehran's air raid warning system. Baby kil1\er whale now a m o nth old PALOS VERDES PENINSULA. (AP) -The offspring of the only breeding pair-of Killer wlhales In captivity baa passed l ts one-month birthday, and alJready weighs 502 poWlda. The wuwned whale was born June 18. Employees at Marineland enjllyed bites of a 3-foot square birthday cake Sunday as they celebrated the occasion. Both natlona routinely ban foreign correspondent. from the front, making it lmpoalble to verify rival claima. But Iraq let aeveral ovetBeas jollrnalista tour the area near Basra on Sunday, and they reported seeing Iranian corpses, 800 prisoners and. 20 captured tanka as evidence of an Iraqi victory. "The colonel gwding our party said there are now no Iranian positions on Iraqi soil," said Petter Nettleship of the British Broadcasting Corp. "Bul he said heavy fighting was still going on acroes the border, and we heard almost continuous artillery fire throughout our viait .... ''The Iraqis said they cleared a thousand bodies from the battlefield. We saw only a few left. But it's clear, too, from the continuous reinforcements we saw arri Ying that the Iraqis are well prepared for the next round, the next Iranian offensive, if and when it comes." man ,/ ·in ·t~unk lrvtne police are cb«kl:t oui leadt that ml1ht reve~ the identltlH of two !f!•D who re~ly robbed a 1'ou.ntain v IMll .... 1y• Sawrday and left locked lnlkle hil car trunk. Ed8orl Clark. 37, a .,.,,.,,. told offlcen that the ti4'o men in a yellow coms-t car foftied hl8 1981 Cadlllac ott lrvtne C..ter Drlve about 2:80 a.m. and tbm robbed him of t923 worth o1 jewelry and clothtni IAftlpla Alter rough1nC him up and threatenln1 htm with a .22' caliber ~ the men then made the vict1m crawl 1DIAde bla trunk, he NJd. They drove hla car to an l80lated area on Culwr Drive near Trabuco Reed and fled, leaving the keya in the trunk hatch and the emeraency flashers on. accorcl1J\f to Clark. He ..caped by prytna OJ*l tbe trunk with a st:ft!vi driver ualnc llaht from a cigarette llshfll'. fit to1d poD.ce. Sgt. Dick Bowman aald today tnveatipton will follow up on Clark'• c:te.cription that one of the men wore a "Mari.Del" T- ahirt and that the corns-ct car ma1 . have Included a mllitary park:ing sticker. Jersey dry weekend ends . JERSEY CITY, N.J . (AP) - More than 30<J,OOO people had runni.n8 water apin today after a hot, thirsty weekend cat.md by a bunt main, but rem.denta were warned not to ddnk It until the system ia purged. Jeney City Mayor Gerald McCann announoed Sunday that water was again snakina through the city's 300 miles of pipes, which usually supply 65 million gallons each day. Some realden ta of New J ersey's aecond-largeat city have been without drinking water• since late Thunday, when an aging main ruptured beneath a marsh in nearby Secaucus. Moonless night 1Coastal ' Hight mnd morning '°"' cloUda Ol~Wlllf'f Coutal low e&. Inland 55 .eo..tal hlgll 70, lnlllnd mld-«>t Water 89. ; EIMwbera. llghl v8l1abla wind• night and niornlng lloura ~ weeterty 10 10 ti knota '1 afternoon., Two lo 3-foot wind wavu In aflarnoona. Ona to 2·foot aout"-t awell. night and tnori1lnt tow cloud•, aunny Temperatures .. lo " 73 95 &4 111 n eo 51 12 ee ee 10 a4 72 118 77 " 73 17 66 as 12 eo 4e 81 6e 118 75 " 13 • 11 lie TJ 83 , , ee 74 18 18 " 70 88 56 e7 74 82 72 83 13 91 • " 10 11e 1e 92 72 82 69 M 70 80 73 72 57 100 70 78 IM 77 52 S1 62 "" 11 51 81 76 t2 IO ea n t2 12 8173 94 IO .. . 104 11 .. 7S 90 71 M 12 t5 n .. 13 I& .. .. .., .. 71 90 71 N 11 92 74 .. M t2 11 ... 17 ... 74 ... 76 108 N " ee 95 ee 1t 69 118 75 92 70 es 49 95 48 112 eo ff 76 ee 65 95 73 . 13 f1 " 7S 90 78 1t 83 86 68 ~ 12 96 IO " 73 N 19 91 18 Smog 75 58 88 IM 17 51 95 et 1e 11 62 59 77 59 82 .. 12 ~ 70 .. 11 51 92 61 18 107 13 75 81 Tbe...Alr Ollalltr-Maneoament Dlttftol Pfedlot1 un!Me111\M elr qu1llty for tan1lt1v1 peopla Mondey In mo1t ., .. , of the 103 51 ~ Coett Nr e.in, but fOOd 103 12 11r quality In lnllftd Or1n1• te 61 County, tM ooeetll, lllO\Hltatn 44 and cte.1 ........... 109 1t UnllHltllful 1lr qu1lt1y tot 70 IO 1v1ryon• 11 fOtMUt for tM 1t • ..........Sift INmwdlno ..... 88 62 with I PolMlnf l1*ldwd "*-Of .. 210. Urll'IMlthful llr 4l*"Y for M 11 .......... people 11 ~ !n 12 M t111 Ian 01llrl•I 1nlll Pomon1 IO N ·~WNllPllOf18',ttie8art 9' F•rn1ndo ll'ld 81nt1 Cl1r1t1 83 58 v1 lley1 with P'91 1H ind II M m•tropolttan LOI A~ 11 a IMnlnO Md 111t Hilmlt 1oe " f'llllon, 11 with P• 1n. 12 '4 W119ra to cell (toll frM) for : :: ~'~_,~::,:~ 11 II LOI nt•IH Cou11ty: (100) • as 242~ .. lie AMr1lda Ind 8ln ..,.,.dlno ··---.-..-..--...;.-----------oountlel: (IOO) H1 ... 710 AQMD ~ 0..: (IOO) .... Dllr 242'-4tM ftlllAY ..... •,..9':/"" ,..,_. IOW 4:00 1.m. ·1,t """ 111111 '°' ... a.m. u 1W llooncflow 1~11 '"'· U 1W ....._ 1111111 •M JI\. 1.1 ew lun ••i• 1:01 Ill·"'·· ,, .. , IW TUllCltW t:et e.m. MMft "" 1~n '·"'·· """ ~1:41&.lft. taET2 411!i'\YEARS FREE Oven'-H.?lght? Just a little out o f shape 7 Or both? Do rtt give up. "Live-It:' LIP at Richard 51mmon5 new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 4 locations,. and many more to come. lt3 all here. The fun. The fitness. The result.s. A fl the right Ingre- dients for your success formula. And all for less than $15 a month. Get started now. Richard 51mmon5 "/Ive-tr concept w/11 work for you. ltS an exciting com- bination of exercise, proper nutrition and a positive mental attitude that can last for the rest of your llfe. Call or come In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today 'Jbu can do It Join now. FINAL DAYS FOR PRf·CON5TRUCT10N Q1ARTeR MeMBt"5HIP5. Charter memberships now available. Join today and get a ftee Nchlttd Simmons Anatomy Asylum J.shlrt. ' WOOC>C.NfO HIUS•Z32l0 Ventura tJlvd •884-ZZOZ ~•ZOO N. tJranct Blvd.• .500·042J INrfllV HrU5 • 5>306 L~ ~nta Monica 81Vd • .5'°-681g l'OCJt'fJNtf WUV• 180'0 tJrookl'l&nt~4·8880 ---~ .... ao1 ft'Oft OUl'I NewDT LOCAnON COMING SOOff TO~ am 'New federalism' id~al program but -will it work? WASHINGTON (AP) - When Pre11dent Reaaan talks about his "new federalism" dream ln seneral terma, hardly anyone objecia to the idea. The trouble comes when he tries to transform tbl1 vision of ideal government Into pro,rama for the~ world. Every &tale, local and nation.al official realize• the need for cb.an8e. not to mention the citiz.en who pays heavily for the current lystem. IEll llllYllB They alao aay the really big problems that require a wella.re cure are caused by national policies and therefore should be treated by the national government._ The bureaucratic tangle of programs of aid from Washington to statehouse or city hall or county courthouae Is a night-mare; the cost in inefficiency of effort and waste of money is enormous. It is not Uetroit's fault, they argue, that the automotive industry is In a depression because high interest rates are dlacouraglng new car purchases and thousands of autoworkers are forced onto welfare. They also question why they alone should face the l!rain on local resources caused by the national government's policies on immigration and trade policies that often hinder U.S. exports and send American jobs overseas. WHAT A SHIP -The S .S . Norway, world's largest crui8e ship, sails into Port of Miami aft.er scheduled drydock and major overhaul in Bremerhaven, West Germany. The ship, ..... ;'rt• formerly known as S.S . France, 15 longer than the &npire State Building is high and holds nearly 2,000 paaengen. Monlque ReniclC watches the boat pull lnto port. Money goes places where it im't needed but doesn't get to the places where it ls. Programs designed on a national 9C8.le may work well in one area but may be rldlculous in another. Local govemmenta then must do the ridiculous or loee the money. Shipbuilding pact angers northerners Congress attaches so many strings to every dollar it gives out, that local officials often think it isn't worth seekmg. But they do anyway. Every city of any aiz.e has a aubstan tial st.a! f doing nothing more than filling out applications. Reagan, trying to sort things out, would give the federal government respons1bil1ty for things that are national in na tUtt and let states and commuruties cope with local questions. Reagan so far has been willing to yield some, agreeing to keep food stamps as a federal pro,ram and pay for most of the expensive Medicaid program. But he insists on shHting to the states Aid to Families with Dependent Children, the country's largest single welfare pro,ram. There also is the problem of inequit.Jes among states. Some - especially those with big. tax.able reserves of oil and coal underground -are wealthy Others have more poor people to care for and less to do it with. Reagan's program calla for a tn.ISt fund to help the states as he transfers some 30 federa I programs to them. But the fund starts running out in four years, and he refuses to commit any help beyond then to states too poor to keep up. WASHINGTON (AP) -The awarding of a battleship restoration project to two southern shipbuilding companies has drawn criticism from some northern legislators. The Navy announced it had chosen Litton Industries' Ingalls Shipbuilding division of Pascagoula, Ml.SS., and Avondale Shipyard Inc. of New Orleans to restore the World War II batUealup Iowa for active duty. The pb lS expected to take two years and cost about $411 rrullion, Navy offiaa.ls said. Off1c1als gave no reason for choosmi.t the finns, which beat othera in New York, Pennsylvania and Virginia. "I am finally convinced that the Reagan administration ls increasingly insensitive to the unemployment problems facing • the nation and e_.pecially Repair C.orp., Brooklyn, N.Y., alao economic problems plaguing t~sought the contract, the Navy diatresaed cities of thI8 nation, said. like Chester," said Rep. Rlch.ard The Iowa , n o w at the Schulze, R-Pa., who had urged hiladelphia Naval Shipyard, the administration to refit the will be the aecond of four World ship at the Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Co. in Chester, Pa. "It's another contract gomg to the Sunbelt which should have come to the Northeast," said Rep. William Hughes, D -N.J ., who also backed the Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Co.'s bld fot" the project. Sen. Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., said in a written statement that New York "does not receive its fair share of defense outlays" and that it is "devastating to learn that a major contract has now~ne to shi yarda in the Deep . " the Coastal Drvdock nd War ll battleships to be brought out of mothballs and armed with Tomahawk and Harpoon cruise missiles. The heavily armored ahips also will be refitted with modern communications and electronic warfare devices and prepared as key additions to the U.S. naval force, officials said. The New Jersey was the first to undergo modernization and ia due for delivery to the Navy in December at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard. The Mi!sowi and the Wisconsin alao are to be reactivated. The Navy s8id the 58,000-ton Iowa-class ships, which will retain six of thelr nine 16-lnch guns, "will fill a void in naval gunfire needed to suppor t amphibious operations and provide offshore support to any U.S. forces on the beaches, or ln coastal wa iers." The Navy said initial work would be done at the Avondale yard and then the Iowa would be transferred to the ~alls yard. In the first p~. the Navy awarded a $4.~ million planning contrac t to Ingalls. lt saia Avondale as teamed with Ingalls an what it called the "indua1rial work phase" to begin in October. Navy officials identified the other firms which sought the award as N e wport Newa Shipbwlding and Dry Dock Co •• Newport News, Va., and Norfolk Shipbuilding and Drydock C.o., Norfolk. Va. With less federal regulation and red tape, state and local officials aay they could do the job better and cheaper. But Reagan alao is cutting the funding level of programs as he tries to get them out of Washington. And the local lead&n don't like having to decide between terminating essential programs or raising taxes to keep them going. Reagan end the nation 's governors, mayors and county commissioners abo seldom agree on just what is a national mue an$i what is rightly local. National defense obviously ts best addressed by a strong central government. But the Con1thuhon alao aaya the national government ls to "promote the general welfare," indicating an equal federal concern for domestic problems that transcend state lines. Interstate commerce is an The knottiest problem of all may be the tenacious conflict between local governments and their state capitals. This has slackened slightly since the Supreme Court ordered state legislatures to reapportion beck in the 1960s, but city officials live in mortal fear of rural- dominated legislatures MIA facts probe sought by legislator Dornan wants to know whether information was withheld b y military groups obvious example. • Welfare is the bag hangup here. Reagan thinks helping the needy is a local responsibility. The country's governors. believe welfare is too blg a problem to be left to local resources. THRILLED -J. Lawrence Riving, a San Diego attorney, says he was thrilled last week when President Reagan called personally to inlonn Irving of his nomination as U.S. district judge for the southern district of California. Reagan, who was once a governor but never a mayor, wants to channel all federal aid through state governments, end.mg the direct pipeline ClUes now have to Washington. Although initially states would be required to pass federal funds along to their local governments, once the transition period is over, there is no guarantee that local governments would get their fair share. . . ORANGE COAST · D1ily.Pilat CIHalfled advertlaln,g 7141142·5178 All other departments M2-4321 ThomM P. Hale¥ ............. a.w·c.-...... OMoer ~~ -~°'~ Tom ~ ..... ~~ fQllO. s •I ~Godderd ~-~ =::ct.Mn Chet* Looe ............ MAIN Off'ICE DI WHt kY St., Coat.a -..0, CA. INll ..,,._, 800< 1S60, C•t.-Mew, CA f'M» c...,rteM ,., 0r.,.. co .. , ~'"""' c:........., Monew11tones, lll>1tlrat1on-. ecinori.1 m-or- Vfftltements ..... ft -y tie re....-ed WI~ _ .. ,~Of~-·..,.,.--· VOL 7a, NO. 117 SPOKANE (AP) -A Califorrua congressman says he wants to find out if U .S . intelligence and military grou1>9 ignored or withheld lnfonnation about American servicemen missing in Vietnam. Rep. Robert K . Dornan, R-Calif., said his m terest was piqued by recent disclosures that an alleged communist spy - who maintained Americans were still held prisoner in Vietnam-- is now living in San Jose. The man, Nguyen Cong Hoan, fled Vietnam. He was a former South Vietnamese assemblyman Pollution report doubts aired WASHINGTON (AP) - Environmentalists are crying foul over a business report claiming that two-thirds of the country could race plant construction bans and f ederal spending sanctions because of dirty air. The U .S . Chamber of Commerce iaaued a study last week that said more than 155 million people are living in areas that do not meet national health standard.a for air pollutiqn. The federal govenunent has the power under the Clean Air Act to ban construction of major industries and withhold highway construction money and clean air aranta ln counties which either fail to meet national standards by Dec . 31 or don't have an approved plan for cleaning up thelr air. The c hamber said such restrictions, facing 608 counties in every state except North Dakota, would jeopardize "billions of dollars of construction projects" and oost the loaa of thouaanda of new jobs. Envlronmentall1ta aatd the chamber waa employing "acare tactics" by neaJecting to point out that the federal government has been very lenient in the past ln uatna ta enforcement powera . We're. List~ning ••• I • Wflat do you llke about ltle Dally Pilot? What don't you llke1 Call tM number bele>w and your me11a1• wUI be. recorded, trans'ortbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answerln1 service may be ~ed to record let· \.en to Lhe editor on any toptc Mailbox contJtbutora muat lnchade their nam• and telephone number for vertfluUon. No circulation calla, plea~e. Tell ua what's on your mind. ,, \ under the Communlat regime. His contentions about American POWs still being held were disrn1.-d ln 1977 by the Central IntellJgence Agency as the fabrication of a Communist spy. "U he's such a h.ard-a>re spy as (then-CIA head) S t an.afield Turner told me he waa, th.en why wasn't he thrown out of the country?'' Doman, chainnan of .t,he ~ MIA-POW task force, asked in a recent lnterview. Dornan, interviewed in Washington, D.C., made his remarks in a copyright story published by the Spokane Chronicle. Doman said his task force will spe11d the next six months sorting O\.lt lnfonnation, such as that provided by Hoan, on the question of American prisoners who mlght atlll be alive in Southeast Asia. The conservative Dornan is outspoken in his behef that missing American servicemen are still held priloner in Vietnam and Laos. He also contends the U.S . intelligence and military establishments in 1977 were -. ignoring or suppreai.ng evidence that suggested Americana might have been left behind when Vietnam returned some 600 row. to the United Staie. in 1973. During the upcoming hearings, the committee will listen to the reports of two congressmen who have been to Southeast Asia within the last two months "on their own private and unpublicized mission," Doman said. ' He declined to identify the congressmen, who apparently were seeking information about po6Slble American prisoners and the remains of those who died. Dornan said Hoan surfaced in a recent Parade magazine article on ex-Viet Cong and Conununi.at Vietnamese officials who have fled Vietnam. The article quotes Nguyen Due Yen, a former propaganda minister in the Communist regime. as saying he saw 30 or 40 American pilots in the highlands of North Vietnam two months after the Vietnam ese goverrunent said it had released all POWs. Yen said he believes they are still held there. 'The article identifies Boan as a member of the Buddhlat peeice movement th •t opposed the Thieu regime in South V1etnam before its fall to Communists in 1975. In the article, he said IOl'De of- the prisoners were withheld from the POW release as a hedge against feared U.S . retall•\ion when the Conunun.ists violated the peace treaty and renewed their assault on the south. Doman said he asked the CIA in 1977 what it was doing about Hoan, as he was considered a spy. "And now, here he is in San J011e. It's obvious the CIA didn't do anything," said Doman. Doman said the CIA'• inaction leads him to believe that Hoan is exactly who he says he is ". . .a one-time antl-Thieu, anti- American public official who, when he saw what was wrouaht under Communist domination. was truly sorry for what he bad done and e.caped." Turner, who is now retired and has offices in Washington. D .C .. declined comment on Doman's statement. from cur pr1veltz, labz,l col lcz.ction, our moot ~pular 1oajs~ ~mi~. yre.r in and ymr o...at thcz.~ shuts aTil~S a basic m ~'t:xxiy.S wardrd:xz. a fawn.Uz. fbr dress or casual W1.0r . evo.i\.al:ia. tn ~tsrd WQJ:J.r docra-V' c.olton a 1Wo cx:il.on "'.!.'!'!:a: The maxtmwn lneam. a ~ CM earn and IUJl have their ohUdnn ....., far ,,.. .. rtCNcld Jlltol echaiol ..... •11111110 Plloml cm I* 1. The USDA Ii ~ bJ law to us*. .. die Wiomt Uml• each July l . Th• aulclellnH 1overn ..... daft In the tNit .. ~ rDM1 ~ Under the nadonfil lwd\, idmt bNaJdan. chUd eve flood, spedal milk and arnynodtty aoot ~ The annual tnoome lbDlta follow: J'rw MM! Wuioed Pi'tCe r.mny SU. zu,lbdity ZU,.bWty 1 • e,oeo ae.eeo 2 8,090 11,IUO 8 10,090 14,380 ' 12,090 1'7.110 & 14,000 20,0&0 e 1e.oeo 22,eoo 1 1s,100 u.no 8 20,100 28,000 For esieh additional family member add: 2,860 2.000 Husband can lbare. Cl bJll DEAR PAT: I am a female vettna recei'flal GI BW ed1eadoa beaefttl. U I ••fff~ ca• I claim my llHlt••• 11 a Mp !Mat fer dd.ldoaal IMMfttaT -LR., N•.,.rt ~ The Veterans Admln11tntion •ya you can receive additional beneflta for a ~ when you receive GI BUI educaUon benellta if eddltional benefit.I for a 1pou19 are a~thormd for your type of tralninl and train1nC time. How to kill plant mites DEAR PAT: b _.ere uy llOD-dtemleal meca.M of 1ett1a1 rid of plut mites? I'd alJo . ............. ,,...,..,._weoam1 ............ ,,.. ..... , ...... . .-·~ 1' .. &ala v.u., To 8lt rid ol ml1-mlx om-half cup of bu......oll; faur eui-ol wheat fioU:I' ad five aallon1 of water; then 1train thro"1ah Ch111 .-. ~on a plant, th1I m1xtUre .... .,. both ... and ihi'r .... Alilla ~-Wre t.n add toll. and Jeavee ott.l turn YtUoW from too much lime. To IG1W thM problllD. ldd two wblelpoona ot ~ to a quart ol wa• and pour a cuptul or• around the bllll ol the plant tNery two or three nekl W\Ul the yellow d.laappean. Friend• not oil the hoolc DBAa PATI U I ftle for bukrutey, nat a.,,... '9 MCI ee-11pM by trte.a1 or nladv•T -w .s., Huuaaaoa Beaell Blnkruptc')' only proi.c:ta you. If frlenda or relativw co-qned your Joana, they will have w pay them. even thouah you do not. You wtlJ not be leplly nquiNd to re1mbune your ~ frlendl or relative. lt th1I happena; Whe~er you do IO la a matter betw..n )"O'& and your coNdence. --. • ~ "Oot •~~Then wnre co Pat' fi• Horowfts. Pat will cut red o.pe, ,.run, the amwen and action you need co 1olve JnequltlH Jn 1overnment •nd bu1Jneu. M•ll' .)'OW' qutllCiorw to Pat Horowlu, At 'Your Serva,~ eo.t D&U,y Ptlot, P.O. Box I tS«J, a.ta M-. CA 112626. Al many letten u JJ1()81ble will be~ but phoM lnqu.lrlet or letten not JncluclbW ~ l'Nder'• Ail1 Mmfl, •ddrea •nd bu1lnna houn' phone number ,.cannot be et;JMldered. I Ruli·ng applies to farm? 8y0~ao>'IT °' .......... A oou.rt rUlina Umidna how t.-.i ..... raid fac:toiW ln IMl'Ch o( w ... 1 worure alto lbouJd •DDlY '° methOdl ~ '° round up lann workers ln flelda1 •YI a ia5or the ~ Aid &cs.ty of <:ounty. St.we eaSd the rullna tran the 9th am.dt Court o1 App .. ls on Thureday in San l'ranclaco a1ainat th• federal lmm.UlraUon and Naturalbation Servfoe hH imp1lcaUon1 for ~~anywhere who try to Mlle --:'fTh:'C!n1UtuU011 of th• United States applle1 everywhere, whether it'• in a private buslnell, tn a field OI' ln a public place," he ..sd. However, offldala for the U.S. Border Patrol. an arm. of INS, Mid they ltill eee a difference betw ... fK1Cll')' and field ralda. Steve WUliaml, Ulittant chief of the Border Patrol Ntion in San Die10, aaid Thur1day'1 ruUn1 shouldn't chan1e the aaenc)''• uaual method• for ~ undoc:wnented worken and bwllna them w Mexico. ''It'• been lone ee1abUlhed ln court dechion1 that the provision• of the Fourth Amendment (aearch and ael&ure lawa) juat aren't applicable tn open tield9," be aid. The Border Patrol'• moat recent raid in On.nae County -------------------------------..1 Me co, 'according to Border '~• Wedneaday, when 1., ken were tetzed and .ent to Pa offidala. The arre.ta were Cal State I ees up Budget cuts hlamed for increase LONG BEACH (AP) -Some 300,000 1tudenta at California State Univenity face higher fees um fall and a new charge needed partly beca~ of state budaet c:uta for the system .• trustees have decided. Full-time ltUdenta throughout the lfkampt.19 system will pay from $143 to $173 more in bale fees thil September. And they will be chareed a $150-a-year fee to fund adl th1np as building maintenance, the system's utility bWa and non-f.ao4ty ularies. The IYlt.em hu about 270,000 full-time atude\tl and 8DIDe 40,· 000 part-time ttudenta. The fee, fpproved by the system'• board of tru1teea, l1 expected to generate about $42 rnillioo. Chuck Davl1, a unlvenlty spok....,.n, Mid the fee ia needed to ott.t higher cmta and became the Ill.ate I ,pl.ab.are ,rejected the system'• request for $67 million more than it received this echooJ year. State lawmaken approved a $970 million budget for the system, about the ume amount of money it received for the 1981-82 ecbool year. Last year, Davia laid, full-time students J*d from $287 to $337 in bMic fees. They will pay from $460 to $480 in fees next year. The 1y1tem'1 part-time studenta will be charged $48 a year for the new State Uniwnity J'ee. Studmta takinl lix or more unita ate considered full·Ume atudenta, while those U.ldn1 fewer than lix unlta a.re clMlified -pM1.-Umen. The system already hu begun collecting student fees foe next year. UP, -UP AND AWAY - NASA utellite Landaat D, fourth In a aeries of Earth-1urveying spacecraft waa carried into space Friday from Vandenberg Air Force Bue. The satellite ii designed to locate hidden fault lines and mineral depmita. a.her wocken 8ee1nC the apn fled the ftelda and were cau,ht, offidall Mid. Axelrad. however Mid it la th1I type of 1elzure that wa1 prohibited by the Court of Appeall ln a ca.e involving two Loa An1elea 1arment factory ra1da ln 1977. Apnta jultified the arresta by cl&lming they had reuonable 1uaplcion the worker• were llleaal becauae they ran from autborlties. . The court ruled, however, that agent• mu1t have "an lndividualbed IUlpk:lon to justify lnveatigatory 1elzure 1 and det.entkma.'' Axeir.d explained the rullni th1I way: ''U they want to anest a penon. they have to first have llOl'De eYideDce thia penon la an llleol alien. tt The next questicn la whether Lep1 Aid er other' poupa can 1ucce11fully apply their Interpretations. Axelrad uid Legal Aid aire.dy la aeeki.na a contempt of court ruling agalnlt the INS ln connection with lta "Operation Jobs" raida of Orange County f.adories in the aprina. .,.., .............. NEWPORT GREETINGS -Artist's rendering shows design of nautical sign that will mark the entrance to Newport Beach at aeven locations. Kenn Carr, of McCullock Architects, came up with winning design. Nautical sign set as Newport greeting Vlalton to Newport Beach will soon be greeted by a 10-foot nautic al llgn marking the entranoee to the beach town. A panel of eight ~ last week clwee a design by Ken Carr of McCulloch Archtteci. that includes the dty'a ottl.dal drcular eeal. °The contest WU lpor\80l'ed by the city'• Park.I, Beaches a.nd Recreation "Department aft.er ii WU dialovered the dty only had one entry sign near Huntington Beach. lt approved by the dty COW1dJ aeven of the new aigna will be up in about lix months, said ftoeer' Motln, Parks, Beachea and Recreation commfasionen. The winning entry re.mblee a crows nest on top of lhlp't mut. Video games limited SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Video 1ame arcades won•t be able to operate ln rMSdendal aectklna of San FranicMoc> undet- an ordinance approved by a Boerd of Supel"VWQn oommitt.!.e. The propoeed law, aimed at reatrictlng children'• aoce9S to the gamea. goes befOft the full board in two weeb. GRAllD OPElllllG NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPEOAL / •o• LOllOPR• L•A•111a 7 THE July 19th (Mon.) thru 24th (Fri.) SCOOP DECI ICE CREAM SHOPPE . FREE SOFT [)Rll( WITH EVERY ICE CREAM~ ' baloons fof the kids MARINERS Vlll.AGE ACROSS FROM THE COFFEE NPORTERS Eajoy Teriyaki • Tn11pan Slaaahi bar prepared by oar ramoaa Japenete Cbef • Beer • Wine • Saki ® JAPANESE ~gis~ RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Mon.""" Fil 11:IO to 1:11 Dinner from I p.m. 8Uft. from 4 p.m. CloMd WednMU, 12 5 Ol GMAC • 70 A.P.A. LEASE RATE '82 •21701 '82 CAD. •31n11 TRANS Al .::: ELDORADO ii.::: EXAlll'Lf ~ EXAWU: ,. . --=~ .. ~e1Ut1At •••tJOI..., ..... _,_ -c:. -'".., ,..... -. ....... ... --.. ,, ............... T• -·a c.-.. _, ....... , ...... -. .................... , .. .. -a..-1--. ...... pm.u.. ... ... ........ .,,. .... , ............. -.. , ......... , ......... .-, Offerexplr•Ju/y31, 1982 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY•""'"' ""11 Ym OUR PATM> OVERLOOKING SCU«: 111-3111 3140 E. COAST ~· CORONA DO. MM , WE • ••11 111 111a 111 ••w. 111.l. w LlllPIE. OMA POINT HARBOR Cell 142-5171. Put • few word• to work for ou. ·493.1113 NOTICE Ordered by the Att~· tor • Globe lntematlonal Hllndmede Peral8ll and Orient.a Ruge\ . ' w .. -...... ---m-a e:~ Bronz• Ji• have been coM .t to tlqutd•t• the ilntlre tnv,ntoty plU9 ot'*8 for Immediate oaah. Ai ,., lnetructlone ALL 81DI WILL Olla AT .J1t Oft tM clolar, and tot. .. ........ '""' .... nnt bid on; Flt> Y<a NAftl: Wli 2 tiekets worth · $18 Anehelm Connntlon Center: Thurlday, Augult 6 through I Monday, Auguet 18 Long .... Arena: Wedntldey, Augult 18 through SUnday, Auguet 22 I Winnen In todaJ'•C .... ltledel IT'S EASYI And your name and addreu In today'• claaalfled ~ 19C11on, then call -..n1xt.mto clalm your tlckett. Wlnntft MOh day, IQ chick the o!Ulltledt In the ... / 808 LOllGPll• L•A•lllG / ; 13800 luch 'IYd., W•tmlnater, C.llf. 714/112-1111 714/111-2900 Halliday'-s Annual July Sale On Wednesday, July 11 Hallldav' s will mark prices down I0-50% on top · quality general merchandise. San on suits, shirts, slacks. and manv other men's and women's traditional clothing Items. Shop urly for b9st ... 9Ctlon. Jib c. Tub of lrvtne hu jo&Md u .... llaak'1 Lona BMch rectonaI offtct u an ..s.tant vice prelident in the coinmerdal loan deputrnent. The Newport BMch ottke of Fox 6 Company certified public accountant•, announced e1tabU1hment of a bu1lne11 advlaory Hrvlcea depmment t.Q be hMded by 01)'1Ul D. Sbw, of Hunttncton Beech, partner. David E. Lewla of Oranp haa been promoted to vice president., commerdal product divfmona, foe 0.etlca, lac., Anaheim aupplter of apacebome diaital tape recorden and 1pedalia1a In el~ lnlonnation pl"OCe911ng equipment. Raymoad P. SH1ler hu been elected vice president and seneral counael for Smit• Iateraatloaal, Inc., Ne wport Beech. He haa been general counael, U .S.A . for ICN Pharmaceutic.ala, Inc. in Irvine, aenior vice president, general cowwer and aecretary for mol' Corp. and a partner in the N~ Beech office of the Loa AJ\aeles law firm of V oegelin & · Barton. acMUUll Hiah-denaity }!vtna ln the future, and where can will be parked, will be the topb Wedneeday when planning executive Jlm Cooney acklre&9el the Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley chapter of the Building Industry Aaaoclation in Roeemead. Cooney Is vice president, director of planning design for Richard80ll N81)' Martin, An:hitecture7Planning of Newport Beach. ·Hilton takes over Inn at the Park I Hilton Hotell C«ponUcft 1\11 cha1mian and 'pniddent. ltaned a contnct to mantet tht LYftl\ R . MclltJDy Jr.,~ •18-room Inn At The P~rk1 manalft of '!'he Loa Anaeln located acnm from Dimeyland Air,P:Oot Hilton, another C-D and next to the Anaheim development under CONtn.lcdon, The electronb aervice de~t of Ya....U Convention Center. wW eerve u tranlitiooal pneral Bleotnmet Corp., U.8.A., Buena Park hu bMn The hotel will be known u the ~ ot the newly-acqu.lred ~. Hilton At The Park. Hilton At 'nt.e Park. .Former technal ltrviee man111r Cut 8Wlet Hilton entered lnto the The Hilton At The Park, h.u been named national 1ervtce manaaier. mana1ement a1reement with which op.,ned In 1970, la a Ores Cla11 bu been appointed adminiltrat.lve C.D m, the Califomla pneral l•-atory h8tel situated on 10 ~ of aalee and Ml'Vice. l>U'tnerlhip which ~ the acrea. Former technical eervlce aupervlaor Steve hotel from Wrather lnnt, Inc., a The property features 17 WWem1 of Coe1-Mesa haa been promoted to wholly owned 1ub1ldlary of meet1n1 rooma, including a product apectallat. Tl .. Plaam of Coa1a Meea haa Wrathet Corp. C-D III alao 10,&00-aquartt-foot ballroom; now been promoted to aenlor elec:iron1c 8el'Vice entered Into a contract wtth the dlnlns facll1t1ea including t.echnidan. dty of Anaheim to develop the Overland Stage reetaurant, a 1,800-room Anaheim Hllton heated pool and sun deck, 7 7 JOINS OCC -Dr. C. Michael Webster haa been na~ed director of bUlinea atfa.lrl for Oranae Cout College. ltarl o. ltamper hu been appointed data adJolnin8 the Convention Center, electronic 1ame room, and aocell le!'Vlcel divtalon manapr of the Wyle Laboratorie9 acheduled to open ln mld-198'. to aolf and tenn1a facilities. 'W/ b • • electronkll marketina eroup, and will be responsible "Anaheim ta one of the meet Hilton now hu 12 hoteta 1n we Ster JOlnS for ~nt of the Wyle data prOCle9l1ng center a1anif.lcant rnarum we've ever Southern Califomla wtth a total in Huntington Beach. entered," aaid Barron Htlton, of 4,124 room•. Three other OC'r i·n new Hiltona are to open in the next 12 {..I The <>ruse Couty Advertt11A1 Fedention montha: the 1,,300-room Loa will attend an open hou8e at Se{8raphks ailk-9Creell Willow Tree An1elea Airport Hilton, the business post faciltties at 14600 Alondra Slvd., La Mirada, 280-room Burbank ~trr;k; Thunday at 5 p.m. For Information, call 680-3601. Hilton. and the 175-room '*' Cente, .. sold Arrowhead Hilton Lodge_ Dr. c. M.ichael w~ Bids will be opened Sept. 15 by the U.S. Postal _. Following a tradition carried been ~~otr!:':,'==: Service for approximately 27,526 aquare feet of Willow Tree Ventures. Ltd., a out at ita hotel opening• affainat..,........ _........., vacant land adjacent to the Bristol Station post limited partnerahlp, haa throughout the world, cc;ae~:::·r overaeea ~ucb office at 1620 W . First St., Santa Ana. For purchased the 103,000-iquare repreaentatives of the Hilton operationa u businea ~ information, call (415) 876-9356. foot Willow Tree Shoppins Hotela Corporation raiaed the penonnel aervtoe., maintenance Center ln Laguna Hilla for $11,-Hilton ~over the Inn At The and operation a , energy Nonia, Beu• & Slmpaon, a real estate firm 100,000. Park Fri Y on the first day management, food aervicea, bued ln San Franciax>, merged with Dlacovery The center 11 anchored by ,_und_e_r_ne_w_manage ___ men __ t. ___ ..., inventory and the campua PropeNrttea, formerly of Santa Ana. Safeway Marketa and 1ix bookstore. orris, Beggs & Stmpeon established a regional California financlal institutions. To piece~ rnMMge He received a B.S. degree· bl headqu.arten office ln Newport Beach, 4501 Birch The a e 11 er, Ro 1 am o or • ttte aoclal acience and p1yccho ollco""" St L i d i T reeding public, · • ., . I q u a t n g r u a t , w a a phone from Cal Poly Pomona, and an Bnace Blrkelud, pre91dent of Di8covery, heads represented by David A .. Bond, o.1ty Pilot M.A. in admlniatration .add Frederic W. Robe, chairman of the board and chief executive of Sitar-Lok Corp., Irvine, has been elected a director of California Pacific National Banl$.. Loe Angeles. the offices in Newport Beach and Claremont as vice Commercial Broken, Inc. of Clullfled, 642-'5e78 aupervilion from Cal State Loa ,...!:presi:.::::den::;~t=and:::..:regi::!~onal:::_~manag~~er~.~~~~~~~Lagun.a~~~H~l~ll~a.~~~~~~_L~~~~~~~~~~_LAnle~~lea:!:_· · . Palm Commerce Centre, a 68,000-aquare-loot buslneea park in Brea, la aet for late Auguat completion by Hedley Bllilden, Laguna Hills. The project is being developed by IDtenmertca.a Development Company of Carta Mesa and conailta of eight freestanding buildings with a total of 20 units. The complex faces Palm between Lambert and Imperial near the Orange Freeway. Rauey E. Dnper of South Laguna, pn!Gdent of C.oata Mesa-baaed Dtvenlfled Slloppl.q eaten, baa been elected western divllion vice president of the International Council of Shopping Cent.en. The doora to the Oranae branch of Home Sul.n11 of America, 179 N. Tust1n BoWevud, were officially opened at a ceremony attended by government and banking officials and -'"'mr Dacu, dancer trom the "Lawnnce Welk Show." ( EUROPEAN COSMETICS OWi YOUR OWi BUSllESS Seeking new experiences, a new challenge, extra Income? Large, prestigious European skin care company now beginning U.S. marketing. Earn extra money teaching European skin care classes. Part-time or full-tl"l...e. Fast track development program for potenllat managers, Exciting ground floor opportunity. For Information call: (714) 855.0855 Make bar Future :SOmethlng Really Speclall Graduating? ... Changlngs Jobs? ... Starting a New Career or Lifestyle? Assure yourself of a beautiful future at 1 John Robert Powers where countless women of all ages J\ave found new personal horizons to match the chal· lenges ahead. Learn everything from Makeup to Modeling and much more. Call or come In today for a free per· sonal analysis and program discussion. I ~n Robert Powers · PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 6 MOQELING SCHOOLS 1 -- ORANOE CO<JNTY 3 Town(, Country, Orange (714) 547·8228 ------------- ,. \ 1. Statement Only Checking It's FREE with $100 minimum balance. It's the best chedcing deal in town. This plan pays S V• % interest on yciur ha lance, com- pounded daily. Yoor money earns interest right up to the moment your checks clear. We'll send your statement each month. fully derailed, bot with no cancelled check.s. Your new c~kbook will have a provision fur an automatic duplicate copy of each check you write. So you never need worry about forgetting to enter a check in your records again. Of cou~, if you ever do need a copy of your cancelled checks. ~ can tend l'OU up to 5 copies per month et no charge. (There is a nominal scrvke charac per copy in excess of 5.) FEDERAL It's a new and easy way to tkhleve free, interest-paying checking fOr only a $100 mini~ mum balance. t 2. $300 ~um Balance Checkiia1. And it'1 FREE. With our popular SJOO minimum balance checkina plan you earn SWM1 interest while you're fttt of all monthly tcrvice CNfi!CS and per check charges. Just kttp a S)O() ti.lance In your account. Statements are sent monthly with your cancelled chcck.s. If you're not eamina interest on your current checking account, or if you'~ •ttUalina to maintain a hlah minimum balance, change to Howehold Federal, today. ' 3. 60+ FREE Checking If ~u're 60 ycan or over, )t>Ur interett<heck~ ing is free regardless of which plan you choose- Statement Only or $300 minimum balance. Show us your dnver's license, or other proof of age and ~·11 take care of the rest. -wFRE NUMBER ONE lioukhold Federal cafbe in fint wiJ!' the hiaheft pe1'C&D?.te nte lncreue ln raenu amoos all tarse S&..L 'I In Cali- fornia accordln11 ro a recent LA TIMES IUrYey. So your IDOM'{ U ufe and eound with Houaehold Fedenl. .. NEWPORT BEACHs 4301 MacArthur Blvd. -, (l/1 block aoutb of Sheraton Hotel) (714) 833-0387 WESTMINSTER: 14011 Beach Bhrd. (Corner of Beach and We•tminater Ave.) (714) an,;.2491 MONDAY· THURSDAY 9 A.M.-4 P.M .. fRID.\Y 10 A.M.• 6 P.M .. SA~Oi\Y 9 A.M •• NOON IMOST BRANCHES I. .. - ) 8 ( 0£ >12 irlJ taq Ur.> >!th { >cU oil ~} iw ol am Ud lul JOO 1qa lo l'3 , Jqa ol uu . .... .. i I I I I ' t .... " ' . J ' t I Al or.not OHM DAILY ,tLOT/Mond1y, Uuty 11. 1111 l Some s'e cond thoug hts I 1 "f• on 'ne-w federalism ' Congressman Dan Lunsren, R-Long Beach, calls it "an issue that has the deep emotional support of the people." Sen. Davtd Durenburger, R-Minn., sees lt as "a smoke screen for repeal of the New Deal.'' The issue is "new federalism," President Reagan's ~ive plan to turn responsibility for programs now administered by the federal government over to the states. As set forth in his State of the Union address earlier this year, the plan would have transferred more than 40 programs worth some $50 billion to the states, alotlg with additional revenue sources to help them assume the load. It was greeted with something less than enthus1asm, even by some who had vocally opposed excessive federal intrusion into local affairs. Many feared there was no way the states could provide the money and 'personnel to handle so many programs, and doubt~ that they would be equitably administered across the nation. Now , after a lull , ''new federalism" has surfaced again but 1n somewhat modified form . Addressing 5 ,000 county officeholders at a meeting of the National Association of Counties in Baltimore, the president said he now proposes the shift of about 30 programs These would in c lude educallon and vocational training. energy assistance, social, health and nutntton services, mcJud.ing maternal and child health care, trans po rtation programs, and community development programs includmg water and sewer grants. The original plan called for the federal government to take over Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) and keep the food 11t.amp program, while the states would assume responBibility for Aid to Families With Dependent Children. ThlS shift 18 still under discussion. There no doubt lB a great deal of truth in the assertion that iocal authorities are better able to judge and deal with local needs than bureaucrats in Washington handing out specific grants for specific programs -along with their o~ sets of rules. But the new burdens imposed upon states and counties could be enormous. One county official at Baltimore contended new federalism "would lead a number of counties into bankruptcy." Indeed there was so much disagreement at the meeting a proposed statement indicating general support for the program shift was withdrawn just before the president arrived to avoid a f~r fight. But there doubUess will be plenty of fighttng when the plan, even with mod1(1cat1ons, reaches Congress within the next few week.S. It remains to be seen whether the desire to get the federal government "off our backs" is powerful enough to mclude a real willingness to take o n responsibilities for public welfare that for so Jong hav e been assumed by Washington. And logic suggests the best approach would be a careful, step-by-step transfer tnstead of a sudden dismantling of the entire existing system. Another Watt brushoff Thre e senators and 26 membe r s of the H o use of Represen ta t1 ves have asked Interior Secretary James Watt to modify his massive off-shore oil leasing program m keeping with state requests for better protection for environmentally sensitive areas. Upon r ec eipt of th e lawmakers' communic ation, a spokesman for the Department of Interior said there would be "no response." Califo rnia's S e n . Alan Cranston and 14 Caltfornia representatives were among those signing the letter accusing the secretary of ignoring le gal requirements in his five-year program to open virtually the entire U .S . coastline for oil drilling. They pointed out, as has been dohe repeatedly, that the Coastal Act passed by Congress requires that federal a c tivities be in harmony with s tate coastal programs and that state objections be taken into consideration. Watt, of course, chooses to • insist that tht.s does not apply to oil exploration in federal waters and is proceeding with his lease sales. Apparently the courts are not sure he is on solid legal ground Just last month a U.S . Diatrict judge, responding to a suit filed by the state of California and several coastal cities, ordered the Interior Department to withhold from a projected lease sale a bout two dozen tracts o ff the S o uthern California coast . p e nding resoltttion of the c·ase This sort of thing does not appear to shake Secretary Watt's belief in hts own mfallibility. But it is more than a httle troubling to find an appointed official blandly choo s ing to ignore a communication from members of Congress who were elected to represent the views and needs of their constitue nts and are attempting to do just that. It is not the first tune Watt has brushed off reques ts from Congress and it probably won't be the last. But it becomes increasingly hard to swallow. 'Opinions expressed In the spar;e above are tho51e of,.he Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are tho!>e of their author s and art 1sts. Reader comment ls invit· ed. Address The Dai ly Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Phone (7Ul 642-4321 L .M . Boy d I Frustrate d p i tch er Q. Quick, Louie, what left-handed baseball pitcher from Havana was once scouted but turned down by the old Washington Senators before he became famous? A. Fidel Castro. He tned for fame in baseball. He also tried for fame in motion pictures, you may recall. but won no roles other than as an extra in several of the old Xavier Cugat films Fame, fame, fame. He kept trying, all right. What eort of flowers would you like planted on your grave? If the query is o.Uerud.ve. regrets, and please skip to • the next item. The query was not offensive, however, to Uorl1ts surveyed on the matter recently. The majority said they wanted their final resting places decorated with dalsies. U you are 48 years old, you were born the year the first jukeboxes came out. Whatever you write with, It probably wasn't lnvented until qui~ aome lime after the ty~writer waa ORA NGE COAST Daily Pilat invented First typewriter patent, 1827. First pencil with attached eraser, 1858. The typewriter came along before the fount.am pen, too. Or did I already mention that? Today is the birthday anniversary of about 10 m1lhon peoplP Q. What sort o f animal 1s the biggest of the invertebrates? A. By weight, a two-ton squid ought to qualify ror that distinction. By length, a 70-foot tapeworm might, too. Then there's the jellyfish the size of a horse. Not really a candid.Ve for the biggest of invertebrates, maybe, but half a ton of jellyfish seems wonh mentioning. Now It's claimed that 9 percent of all the people who've ever lived - smce ;ea,000 BC . it's estimated - are alive today. Most Ughtbwbs nre made to bum for about 32 days of continuowi use. Thomas P. Hatey Publlstwtr thomas A. Murphlnt Editor Barbar.a Kr•ltHch Editorl•I Pao• Editor '• .... r • J -, .. •• .. I The Navy's 'court painters' WASHINGTON -Not a ll th~ N&vy'i. painters are engaged an lht• lowly drudgery of chipping decks and sla pptng on battleship gray. The Navy also employs a staff of skilJed a rtisL'. who paint portcalls, landscapes and favoritt ships to grace the. walls of thl' admiral~ and theU' friends This corps of artjsts, n •m1 msc.ent ot court painte rs of t he Rl·na1M.<H1l''" produces original otl s or wh a t C'vt•r subjects the ttdmirals order. It l'OSI.!> th~ taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for the Navy brass tu play patrons of the arts. 1 sent my associate Do11jld Goldbl·ri.t and Jo hn Dallon OYt'r to the Navv Publtcauons and Printing Ser v",. t~1 check out reports of a bu.s<> Hen··-. wh<il they found· -ARTISTS ' WORK log-. 11 -.11 ng sub,JeCts comrntss1onod by tht• Navy':. high muckamucks. Among tht• µaantmgs of ships and subma rines we n • such landlubberly scenes as land<;capt"S An unfinis h e d portrait of an un1de ntif1ed civilian. Soun..'t'S ..,,.ud h1· wa.' an eye surgron who had opN.<t<-d •m a Navy officia l -Thank-you nott~ oH ·r th<· Yl<t'' that clearly suggest the unoff1C'1al ust· of official Navy artists Here are a frv. excerpts A rear admiral· "Thanks so much for tout'hing up the picture of my brother- m-law Please call on me if I can help you in any way." C1v1ltan official "The painting which vou h.!Vl' don., of my home is some thing JACK ANDIRSOI I "'111 always treasure I have placed it 1n th1• most prominent spot in my office " Navy atlom cy "Just a note to tell you how thrilll'Ci l'Veryone in the office lS ovl•r the pdm tmg of Mount Fuji. It IS a pleasure to look at 1t and the haystacks resplt•ndl•n t m their snowy mantles Wl' art! looking foward to the othe rs, ..-.pt>e1ally lht• one with tht! dory." Congn'SS1onal a1de. "It goes without saying that you dearly exploded your talt·nt.s in tht-production or my dear moth<'r's porlr;.11t It was shown for th• fir-.t llmt• up at m y oldest sister's honw .imungst old fnends. and it '-"J.." nothing ~hort of sensatlonaJ " Thi m1su~· of Navy artists should be nu !turpn~· tu thl• top brass. Two years J~u. thl' aru sL<;' operation was the subje<'.t of a 101nt mmmand inspection. Here's what the inspectors wrote in a report that is still classified: "The bulk of the artists' work consists of portraiture, landscapes, seascapes, s b1ps. e t c , a s r e ques ted on an undocumented. unreunbursed basts When completed w o rk has been delivered to the requestor, Its dtSpos1uon lS unknown. . ''The authority for perfonning this function 1s unknown, the legality 1s questionable, and revelation outside the Navy IS potentially a sub,,ect of public criticism " THE INSPECTORS recommended that the Nav y ''di scontinue the accomplis hme nt of undocume nted unre1mbursed art work " Artis t s to ld m y s ta ff that the rec:omrnendallon has been ignored The exact cost of the court painters LS hard to deterrrune, but. sources say the whole operation costs more than $350,000 a year an salaries alone. Footnote. The 0U1c1al Navy response to my inquiry was: "Oil paintm~ or ob,ects haVJng significant Navy interest and-or historicaJ value are created in response to official requests on a cost- re1mbursable bas is." Belly dancers? Bullfighters? Mother" In the old Navy, these would have been handled by the nearest tattoo artist. Coming home puts chill on • vacation After a V3(:atlon it's traditional to tell your friends, "It's great t.o bt• homt·" It may be great to be home, but mmmg home IS no fun at all Most of us takl• a summer vacation and some wt>ekt•nd lrtps, and ever since I was a k1d I've hated that part where you arnvt· home• at 10 o'clock Sunday night It doesn't matter what ume uf Vt•ar you take a vacation, coming back to your house is a miserable experience If it's m the ..-inter, the house is cold and dank If it's in the summer, the house 1s hot and dank. OUT F RONT, the mail has piled up and wet newspapers are scattered aJl over the lawn. You've probably left a light on to convince the burglars there's someone there, but that one lonely hght burning every night might as wl'lJ be a neon sigh flashing, "NOT HOME! NOT HOME! NOT HOME!" Burglars may be dishonest but they aren't dumb In the driveway there are fliers from the local grocery chains telltng you about this week's spedals which , by this tunE", were two weeks ago. There are weeds everywhere and the place looks as if 1t hasn't been lived in for six months You've been gone two weeks and you've got a f host houae on your hands All ever want to do when I get home from vacation is sit down and rest or go to bed, but I never can because there a.re too m.my than8S to do I expect magic wht•n I open lhE' door but I never find it I alwdys expt-ct things to be perfect It seems to m<' the house should have corrected it.self whale we were away It should look the way I'd like it to look. not the way we left 1t If you left in a hurry, which you probably did, there are clothes scattered ,~~' .-AND-Y -RDD-Nl-Y -§t around the area where you packed. They are things you forgot or decided at the last minute not to ~e. IC you had a quick breakfast or just a cup of coffee before you pulled out, the chances are the dLrty dishes and cups are still in the sink Even if burglars came while you were away. they wouldn't have taken the dirty d1Shes. We had a particularly nasty sbock coming home after our first weekend away th11 summer . Last year w e mstalled one of those big exhaust fans m the roof. It's been good for coolmg down the upstairs rooms b y bringing the o utside air in thro ugh an opened downstairs window The trouble came because this winter we put a small Why zealots so often • Will Thoughts at Large. -Movements are so often taken away from their conceivers and captured by fanatics becawie ordinary persons lack the single-mindedness that characterizes the z.ealot; a balanced personahty will IYlllY HARRIS i not devote all iia energies t.o a single cause, and 10 leadership passes by default to the energetic extremlata. -It teema pervene that llbert.artana would deny 10 many right• to the government, except the ulUma~ r:llht to decide who dte1 ln a war that la arbl\raJ'Uy declared by that government -There are 9()me people who eeem to have an abtolute pnhJa for telephoning at exectly the wrooa t1met -and lt must bt mort than • coincidence, becaUM It la alwa)'ll the eame pt0ple. -Ood must be ,ettlf\I awfUlly Ured of hear1na pnytt1 f« .,..c:e that are abandoned the moment th~ flrat ahot It fired. -The supreme moral test of any culture is the way it treats its minorities, its severely handicapped and its old people. (This J.s the only "greatness" l would recogJ\ize). -A hospital is abeolutely no place for a sick pecson to be -unless he is too sick to care where he ls. -Not one pel"tlOn in a thousand can adequately define "righia" -yet It is a catch-word that Is invoked daily by almoat everyone in every way. -No matter how big or small a college may be, no matter how obecure or prestigioua, only about 10 ~rcent of the faculty ii enaaaed in increasing the intellectual captdtiel of the 1tudenta. -You cen t.etch an old doS new t.riclc.a U the old tricks no tonger briJ11 hlm his expected applawte or rewardJ. ' -People who keep anarUna dogs u peta aro telli~ft!' more abou.t thfmMlVet than they re , or would care to Id.mil. -There are 10me thinp that can be teamed but cennot be t.aucht -and I am afraid that what ta commonly cal.led "creative wrttlna" la one of them. -Tho only reeUy 11~·· after- ahave lotion II ordmary 1-y rum (which allo hap~na to bit cbffper than molt Of the othenl). w oodburning stove in our kitchen fireplace The attic fan goes on automatically at a cert.am temperature whether w~re home or not, and when we have all the doors and windows cloeed. the fan has only one place from which to draw air It draws it down the chimney and through the wood sto~ Anyway. when we ~turned home this time, the whole house smeUed as 1f it had burned down a few weeks ago. One of the 10 worst jobs to have to do m life is empty the trunk of the car after a trip. There's junk that should be thrown out. There are suitcases, paper bags and loose packages of things you bought while you were away. There may be fruits and vegetables that seemed attractive when you bought them at the country stand but seems like garbage now. Things in the trunk of a car have a way of intermingling with the handle of the jack, or they get trapped back in there with the light wires and they're hard to reach. It often takes me five trips to empty the car and there are still things left in it. I'LL BET President Reagan doesn't have to empty the trunk of his car when he gets back to the White House after a tnp. No wonder people want to bee president When the car is mostly empty, I take the bags upstairs and there's another unpleasant experience. It's unpacking a suit.case I've been living out of for a week. It's mos1ly dirty underwear, aoclu and shirts, and lt mnella of the cheap perfume thal comes from the bars or soap l to0k when we left the hotel. Once I've got thinp cleand aw ay enough to go to bed, I UIUally dedc1e to take a shower. I get u~ tum en the ahower and then I remember that I turned off the hot water heater before we left, Now I have to put an m clothes, go down cellar, tum on the oil burner and w ait ,20 mln\.l\et fCll' bot water. Somet.Lmes coming home la IUiCh • pain in the neck. I wonder whether IJOlnc away is worth lt. At 1eut lt'e encouncs.n. to -that people who "boou lt up" now ve ~ a menllC'e ra.thlr than fUftn11 c:uw or mliCho. OBSDVD • Orange Ooat DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 18, 18821c I . PARK AVENUE• NEW YORK Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe . Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. • AI f l • f J . .. t.L I \ Terrific Selection I Low Prices I Carpets Available In Every Price Range All At Fantastic Savings 100% NYLON PILE PLUSH • Tight Firm Dense Pile • Soil Resistant • Hard Wearing • Fabulous Colors s • Solids, Earth-Tones & Tweeds • Immediate Installation· 99 Per Sq. Yd. BUY DIRECT & SAVE I . If you are in the market for carpet we strongly urge you to visit BALBOA CARPET MILLS Orange County Plant -You'll be surprised at the· large selection and low prices -closeouts, mill trials and slightly irregulars are priced below mill cost -if you REALLY want t{) save money come to where the carpet values speak for themselves. Balboa Carpet Mi°lls manufactures a wide range of quality carpets. In addition to our standard numbers we specialize in custom carpets and colors. OPE Only at Balboa Guaranteed Installation and Heavy Re-Bond Padding Available At A Nominal Charge MON. thru SAT. •You Have One Source Of Responsibility •Because We Make, Sell & Install . 9 to 5 Your Carpet • 100°/o Guarantee Of Assurance We manufacture carpet at this location and Sen for Less BAKER MONDAY, JULY 1t, 1tta CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION Rams GIDDY GRIDIRONS DEPT. -C.ertain fana of the game of football in our region have longed over the years for Orange County to have a professional football team ot ita very own. By golly, it may actually happen IOOll. Oh, once upon a time there wu a profesaional club that located it.lelf at Anahelm Stadium. It was called the Sun. There were a couple of troubles with thia. 'the first was that the pro outfit, in attempting to draw fana from a wide area. named itself the Southern Cali1omia Sun. Not the Anaheim or even the Orange County Sun. The second thing wrong was that the team was man organization called the World Football.League. Which went bust. The Sun set along · ' with it. ~ -------,,.._\ ~ SOME TIME AFTER ·1·0M MURPHINI ~r, that, what might be -~ considered the heaviest -------_..~a..;i.._ coup in the history of professional football happened when Anaheim snatched the Rama from Los Angeles. When rumbling first surfaced that the Rams might flirt with relocating_ out of the dismal old Los Angeles Coliaeum to Anaheim Stadium, half the people in LA almost died laughing. It was the giggler of the century. Ted Turner'• Super Station 6°"' out ol 111 way to offer alternatives. Pase BS. . ., •· . .-~ )--. _, ,._~ Until it actually happened, that is. Orange County campaigned and Anaheim expanded its stadium and lo and behold, the Rama actually moved in. Los Angeles and the Coliseum people screamed foul in the loudest possible fashion. But it happened anyway. LA HANDS ON HORNS -Both man and beut are npp1ea wttn strength as Walt.er Scott of Sylmar grit.a his teeth and tries to o.ltJ ............ bf o.ry.,,.,..., qWCJCly remember and perform a maneuver that wU1 make h~ a winner as this steer wrestling match intensifies. paneled An.ah~im Stlldlum: Wtu everybody from LA pla. nand up~ bruptly found itaelf without any professional football on Sundays. The Coliseum was dark. SO EVER SINCE the Rama moved, Los Angeles has been in a deep purple funk, casting about for any J>OM!ble professional club that could be gathered into the old Coliseum to fill the void. Meanwhile the Rama, while upon numerous occasions performing awful pratfa)ls upon the Anaheim greensward. nevertheless drew fans into the Big A in enormous proportions. Anaheim and Orange County had their own pro outfit. Sort of. TROUBLE WAS that the Rams continued to call themselves the Los Angeles Rama. Additionally, you oft.en wondered how many of the teerhlng thousands who filled Anaheim Stadium on Sundays to watch the Rams were actually traveling down the freeways from the City of Angels to do so? Maybe now we will all find out. It appears now, legal complexities notwithstanding, that Los Angeles and the Coliseum have hooked another professional football outfit. This is a club of some note, called the Oakland Raiders. The Raiders apparently have fought through a whole series of legal entanglements and now may actually play upon the Los Angeles turf. Already people are referring to the team as the Los Angeles Raiders. IF IT HAPPENS -and it looks like it will -we may all find out how many Orange Countians do support the Rama. Or, how many former Ram supporters desert to once again fill seats in the Coliseum. It should be an interesting football season for thoee citi1.ens who follow such matters with avid interest. U there isn't a players' strike, that is. WISE WORDS -Wa belt ahoWI eome status, but Canon Bennett of Costa Mesa. fiCht, reads the New Testament for eome Divine guidance befare competing. Riders extending ropes and hopes In keeping wtth 1ta theme of "All America," the Orange County Fair included a distinctively American event -a' rodeo. Cowboys and girls from throughout the nation were on hand last weekend to compete in bareback and saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, calf roping, barrel racing, team roping and bull riding. The event waa sponaored by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Auociation and Women's Professional Rodeo Aaodation in cooperation with Flying U Rodeo Co., and was part of the Winston Rodeo Serl.et. Ria.king injury for a chance at winning pointa and pti.ze money, aome participants strove to stay aboard a wildly bucking horwe for a required eight eeconcls. Others IOUght to be the fastest at laaeolna a calf, then jumping off their hones.to finilh tying up the animal. Stlll others leaped off their runn1na hones onto a steer to Wre1tle it to the ground while avoidlll8 ita sharp horns. Climaxing the rodeo was the bull riding event, in which cowboys attempted to keep from being knocked off a 2,000-pound angry bull in lea than eight seconda. Each day's rodeo events included not only professional riders but alao prospective pros who participated in the NHtea Teen-age Top Hand Challenge. The youths competed againat their penona1 best eoore, with the top finallat receiving a $5,000 acholarahip at the end of the competition circult. l I •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Worker wants firm to set up 'conscience fund' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Recently I wrote a note to the people at Kodak, where I work, suggesting that they set up a 0 conectenoe fund" for employees who uae their copy machines or come by other fll&teriala wrongfully and wish to make amends. I confessed that I had uled their coplen for my pel'80nal uae and aigned my name to the note. Almolt two weeks have puaed and I have heard nothiha. I really want to clear my conacience, but it aeems the company lm't interested. Wouldn't fou think large corporations with stockholders would be eqer to cooperate wlth employees who want to play it straight? Kodak ia very big here in Rochester and, if even a small percentage of their employees is ripping tnem off, it could add up to quite a ldt of mo~. · Please print this letter, Ann. I want some0ne at the top to take me seriously. -~.$. IS TRYING AGAIN rDEAR C.S.: Here'• yoar le&ter and my . And now a word to the cllatnnan of oclak. .. HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Sagittarius: Travel due resday. Jaly %0 I. ARIES (March 21-April 19): peculative venture lends spice to life. mphasis on quick change, varie ty, ttertainment, children and expression of t ve~AURUS (April 20-May 20): Check ~I documents connected with property, · es and purchases . .a.e aware of details, print and license requirements. Verify ~ning permits and other regulations. !. ·GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Statua quo =rattles and rolls. You no longer are , restricted or subject to oppremive ons. Communicate with relatives, Sr8nge tripe and visita. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Money S. expended on home, beautification luxury item, decoration and gift pecial anniversary. Family member Crises by making major concession. LEO (July 2S-A\J8. 22): You percel~e th as it exists; cycle high and judgment 111 on target. Define terms, make special ~pearances and direct appeals. VIRGO (Aug. 23'-Se pt . 22): articipatlon in group activity proves neficlal. Check administrative recorda. Ider individual lends moral support and y could al.a be on the way. ' LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22):Romance 9(.Jlnu· aates; imprint style, complete project express views in dynamic, dramatic 9J.ll.1UMi:r. Moon emphasia on friends, hopes, es and powers of persuasion. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis ~ independence, creativity, new approach 5 jor career or business opportunity. views to one who is on the fence. appeared a setback will actually rang in your favor. .. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): *1nphasls on sense of direction. Long- stance communication could result in vel, activity connected with importing exporting. Check loan posaibWty. Get to-<late on credit rating. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): ementa of timing and luck ride with you. ou learn a leCl'et that can lead to prpfitable terprt.e. Give full rein to intellectual a.tr'lnm"ty. Questions can be transformed into AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Be aware legal rights, permiaslona. Delve beneath rface lndlcatlons. Key i1 to reject :perfidal claima, to lnliat on verification quality. PISCES (Feb. 19-March :IW): Apply dve tpuch to everyday chorea. Jobe that been neaJected now command attention. 11 be in contact with vigoroUa. aeative, ulatina people. ' 'P01SH01S ,BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT, TMK' WHOLt& WON.D IS OUf\ DltflMe AOOM -... l DE.AR WALTER A. FALLON: Pleue clleclt tbe 1aaeatJon box ud 1ee If C.S.'1 leUer 11 1tuck-ln a corner. I cu't belleve yoa people would lpore a 1u11estton llke ben at a time wben 10 muy com~lH are tuff ertn1 from record "11trllaka1e resu1ttn1 from tbe abuse1 desert~ by C.S. If you don't care about tbe lo11e1, please con1lder the morlle. ahould be done about the nut.I who are running around with weapons. But what ia needed ia a 1trong federal law for the criminal who commits a crime with a weapon, not a federal gun law. -M.H. IN R.l. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Be fJir and print a letter from eomeone who diaagrees with your position on gun control. DEAR M.H.: I bave no quarrel with quail a.ad dack banten, oor deer and bear hanten, for that matter. Nor do I ftnd fault wlth people wllo decorate their wall• with gan1. Bat no one 1oe1 llanUng with a Saturday·llfabt special, nor bave I ever seen one decoratlng a wall. Palm-sized IUD• are made for one reason only -to kill people. I am a mother, ~2, and have raiaed two sons, now 24 and 26. Our home is filled with guns -collector piece., shooting pieces, wall decor with Western nostalgia. My husband and I like to shoot quail and ducks. We are also fond of trap and skeet shooting. Our 8008 were brought up , with guns. They were taught how to use and respect them. I agree tbere 1bollld be a 1tlf f penalty for anyone who commit• a crime with a weapon, bat there 1hoald also be a law that requJres ~ re1i1tratton of all guns, and lt should be strictly enforced, wbJch lt 11 not. Tragedies do occur when young people, get hold of guns. My question is, "Where are the parents?" You are right when you say something DEAR ANN LANDERS : So "Statuesque in Chicago" thinks wearing a size-11 shoe is "a serious physical disability." I sh~d have such a disability! Count your · ~=t. -PARAPLF.GIC IN A FUTURE ENGINEERS -A construction project undertaken on Balboa Island's North Bayfront is admired by workers (from left) Jack Hogan, 9; Jason Rountree, 8; Matthew ~Notll'hotoby~Koefllllf Billings, 10; Brian Hogan, 5~; Kacey Rountree, 5, and Adam Khatib, 8. Are you watching, Cal trans? GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.1-East West vulnerable. as South you hold: +A c;,9 OQ98742 +Qt0873 Partner opens the bidding with one diamond. What do you respond? • A. -H there is a way lo bid thi1 hand scientifically. we don't know it. You could havr a slam in diamonds. or the hand could belong to the op· ponents in a major suit. Bu~ this does not seem to be the sort of hand that you should bid slowly to see what develops. Jump to five diamonds. and make the op ponents guess at the five level. And if partner is rich in controls. he is rree to go on lo six diamonds. Q.2-As South, vulnerable, you hold: +KQ76 c;,AQI092 +AJ92 The bidding has proceeded: South Weat NorU Eut J c.? % • Pau l O ? What action do you take? A.-It look• as if the high cards are fairly evenly dlvld· ed between the two 1tde1. However, alnce you posse11 the major ault.a. you rate to have a couidenble com· petltlve edre. Your aide could have. same If partner ha1 a• lit.tit •• one high honor and .ome length In either of the major1. The correct ac tlon now la to double. Since P.rtnt'r has not yet bid. that fa for takeotat and 1how1 In tertat In the unbid 1ult, In thi1calf1padt1. At the aamf!I time the double al10 prom 1 ... thtt your firat ault la at luat five urd1 Iona. Q.3-East· West vulnerable, as South you hold: + 762 c;, KJ85 o 95 + KJ62 The bidding has proceeded: Nortla Eatt South 1 0 1 <:;) ? What aclion do you take'! A. -Since your hand does not qualify for a penalty dou- ble, you have to choose be tween a bid of one no trump or a poss. It is a close deci sion. However. we prefer the latter action. We consider your hand a point or two shy or 0 no trump bid. even though your heart honors should be promoted because they lie behind the over· caller. Q.4 -As South. vulnerable, you hold~ +107'3 <:;)8$42 OIUI •.U Partner opens the bidding with one club. What do you respond? A. -You cannot respond one no trump because you might miss a 4.4 nt in one of the ma· jbrs. However, we also con· alder It unappetizJng to in· troduce a four-card suit thal Is 10 weak, especially where our hand is also weak and where we would prefer part. ner to declare. Therefore, we would re1pond one diamond. We dislike responding In t three-card suit. but the bid i1 quite logkal. IL leuea room for partner lo Introduce a major 1ult if he has one, and II he bid• no trum' wt know that we aro in the rlaht 1traln. Q.5-Neither vulnerable, as South you hold: +KQ6 ~83 O KQ6 +KQSS.. Partner opens the bidding with four hearts. Whal artion do you take'! A.-Partner has made a preemptive bid. which at this vulnerability promises seven tricks. Your three tricks should be just enough ror him to make game. Don't even think or asking ror aces. Since ·your side could easily be missing three. any move rould gel your side over· board. Q.8 -North-South vulner· able, as South you hold: +5 c;,QJ87W 0 8 +Q784 Partner opens the bidding wiih one no trump. What do you respond? A. -There is only one place you want to play the hand - hearts. And despite the fact that you hold only two queens and a jack, you want to be In game. So bid four hearu. Even thou1h there is no ruarantee that you can make that contract, y9ur hand it too stronr diatribu· tlonatly for any other action. Juat a few rl1ht cards In part· ner'a hand wlll make game a lay down. Allll WIDllS DEAR FRIEND: Your letter was one of the shortest I've ever printed. It was al10 one of the most an1ettltng. Tllankl for 1baklng 01 up. We all take too macll for granted. CONFIDENTIAL to Yale Summer Student: To Ult a ltne from Samuel JobDson: Your letter ls both good and ortgtnal, bat the part that 11 Sood 11 not original.and tbe part that 11 orlgtnal 11 not good. · Drugs? How much is too much? Is pot OK? Is cocaine too much? If you 're on dope or considering it, get Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, sent $2.00 plus a Jong, self-addressed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. ID. 60611. ERMA BOMBECK AT WIT'S END Status defies description 'There isn't a per90n reading this column· today who has not been released from a job. This includes the author. It's a feeling I will try to describe. 'The pain isn't anything you c.an treat or put your finger on, but it's there. Sorta like being kicked by a horse in a phone booth and there's no place to lie down and be sick and you don't have a dime to call someone. THERE'S A CONST ANT sensation of despair like being informed you've just won the lottery and you flushed your ticket down the toilet, or losing Wimbledon by a shoestring fault. You bold an imaginary gun to your head and fire six rounds of guilt every three hours: BOOM! I should never have confided in Ralph that the boss's wife was the thing of which silk purses are made. BOOM! I should never have taken that afternoon off to have ear surgery. Hearing isn't everything. _. BOOM! I should never have gone into pet rocks. Who would ever have anticipated they'd reproduce themselves? Your worth and self-esteem begin to erode. You feel like a fraud in the 8 o'clock traffic. Everyone knows you're just dropping off the kids at school. You really have no place to go. People don't respect you anymore. 'They look at you like a child molester. When you go to lunch and ~meone else picks up the check, you want to stuff it right up their noses. YOU HATE YOURSELF for becoming hooked on the soaps. You worry about yourself when you clip a horoscope that's optimistic and put it in your billfold even though the paper is three months old. God, will people ever stop trying to cheer you up by telling you stories more depressing than yours? Why don't they admit you all drank the water in Mexico. but you were the only one that got sick~ 'There's a glut on advice. To be out of work and non-productive . . . is like the last one standing to be picked for the baseball team. It's a chipped tooth on prom night. It's arriving at a party before the hostess is out of the shower. It's being the only one on the airplane that a fly buzzes around. It's being the child your mother never liked. I give up. It's beyond description. . .,,,.,, By PHIL INTER LAND~ of Laguna Beach i I ' I DUlll CUil 11ERE ARE , Orang. OOUt DAlL.V '-ILOT/Moncl~. Ju!y 19, 1ffa . To keep up. with • all that's happening in your community you need the Daily Pilot . ••• every day REASOrlS Wl1Y. • • 8 Read all tod. ay's -U news, every day ill Follow Y~•r teain ~ The sports .action. at. 15 Orange Coast tiigh schools, three community coJ- jEnjoy your gSunday Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep In the bright, tight and li- vely Daily Pilot. ® Keep an eye on {.6 loeal government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning commis- sion, school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, cry or get ~,smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bombeck, interesting leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! 8 Save money and () shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort I I and ·n:'oney. \.EJ Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section and fea- tures about you highlight the inter- esting reading packaged in your , Sunday Dai1¥-Pilot. t:;;~y Enough to read - and enjoy. CiiJ Tune in to the {/ latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi- sion guide is published each weekday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays, Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find format. features on people, opinions, informa- t Ive columns and comics brighten ;.::... ~ Get into the Daily Pilot for ~nly $4.75 per month. Daily Pilat your world. We deliver : : days a week ... • • ----------------------------: I'd like to enjoy the comforts of a home 642-4321 1 delivered Dally Pilot every :day. _____ ._ ... • Enclosed Is $4.75 for one month. 111111 BUSINESS AEPL Y LAB.EL " t I ~ I . 1 Name ................................................. . I 1 Address ........... __ ...........•........•........•.... i City .....•.•...................... P~one .....•.•....... I f • *" . ·I 1 Signature ............................................. . ,, ( -I~ .. Pfl!\t (\6-'6 ttttll••t 1110 tt <O"••t\A <•~t,CMIMA o0e I *It '"'4 .. '"° t • •COlll IMI Or•nte Coast Dally Piiot aox 1MO a Colt. Med, CA. 92626 ,. ·- I [ 'I " ') ,, l I l t i. • I ' I . I I I i HI '"MILt' Cl8CIJI by Bii Keane "Mmmm! Strawbobies and freoml" '9r\RMADl:KE by Brad Anderson 7·/f e r112...-•-...·-"" 'O~o~ "Don't ever bring that pet frog to bed with you again." .ILDGE PARKER 61 Aur1Cu1tte IA TUllDAY'I 62 Toc-: 2 PIUZD..l IOLVID I Bootll wordt 8 Sub -~ MON rkly 10 Oomlc• 58 Bibleal land ~!+ooli Abbr 59 Aeloulld 1• Strength 81 ObMct .15 ec-t Olf'dt 82 Young OMI 18 Skein 83 1950 HOfH 17 01rden IOOI of the n 18 Clfclel y.., 19 0Nr: " ' &4 Babylonlen I 20 UMllY hero 22 Mlttnt 85 Handle 1CtMf1 te &polfvee 2• Oplnlonl 87 Mutlnes 2t Hlf8ngUll 27 "3t 37": DOWN 2wordt 30 Agnut -. 1 us cltll«I Pr..,_ 2 Dwell 31 Plftl\t: Fr. 3 Stlllntllld 32 Sll•lno ... - 37 Doullty: 4 FCf - - 'Pref!• being 31 11'1 total ~ Uttp .0 Tenn. tool· t Pr~ b1111r 1 Tdedo gotd ,41 PeMl&ed IPllll 43 -u. CO¥Wlno 44-•~ •Llr =~ ~~ . ~.I • by Virgil Partch (VIP) , ., ' 111 h1t1 Mond1y1." &PLOT by Fera & Tom Johnson AND ~SHES·· VERY 4S/MU. BRUSHES ... SHOE I HAVE TO GO TALK TOMY PLANT PHOOEY--- A PLANT CANT HEAR by Chatlfl M. SOhul z --~--~-.. •·-----· MO OllVI~ 'MU'S NO "~F5'of • IM MU(IN6 by Jeff MaoNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller YES, IT CAN RIGHT NOW IT1S TRYING 10 HEAR Y/._.AT THE NEIGHBORS ARE GOSSIPING ABOUT iKNeW WHE!N He SoG<SeS1"E!P RUNNINcO AN AP IN 'Tl-4e CHRIS'T"IAN sc1eNce N<ONl'1"0R, -rHe 60Y WAS A L.OS~R.' by George Lemont ... ~ l.'001 • NIWI ~WOMAN THllAINT "lllit '°"""Mitt" I &W.A.T. HAWAM '1VaoO When • young honey• mooner d• alter beoomo Ing ~ In a filled poller gAIM. .. btOtlltt OOM after tht llllltfe hlM- Mff. • OYl1'1A&V "l!ducatlon" Ou.I tctOt MllCOonald ~ (Ill) Q • HUtiWtlTll.I ~T'HaAATS "Ut•eturt 81hind The Wordl" I CMNEWS NliCNEw& . ::'"' ··~ "Blow-Up" 1111681 David Hemmings. v- Aedgrew When 1 young London photogtmc>I* hU tome of hie plctur• blown up, he dleco~ w1111 ~emutde< Thia documentary tr-e band of wlld Rocky Moun· taln blgt1om etlMp lhtough tour-(J)MOVll •·~ "In God We Tr\111" (1080) Mlllty Flldm•n. AM'f KIU.fman. A nAIYt tnor* le eent out Into 1"9 wortd IO ralle money fOf hle~monut- 'PG' uoi'~ GOYE1'HMENT "~""°"" ~, .. I •. =.i. Regionll coverage of Mon· treal ~II LCM Angelem Oodget'8. Cellfomle Angele II 811Urnote ~ CH) THI COVOTl't LAMEHT Anlma1ed. Mlck9)' MouM'I otd pal Pluto tn.. 10 outtox 1heepn1ppl11g coyo111 wN> «•w tembc;hc>pl on ,,,. hoof, OMOVll • * u.,,..,., .,,..,., Ulnd'. Petula Clerk. Chrl1tlen Henton A nlne-vev·Old girl. wtio hU beer1 aban- doned t>y both her mother and lather, lllldl eecape from her lone!"-with • -*!Ne lmrnlly. 1:00 8 caa HEWS H8CHEW8 • KUNOl'U • KOJAK . • u•A•l'H When • 8.J. M1eft'lllU to comfort • nurM wl'lo hm m.m.oe trout!*. he «*- COYWS e fom#\UC Pfoblem of hlaown • JOKEJf8 WILD •• IUllNESI lllEPORT Cl) p .M. MAQAZJNl The winner of Coernopolt- t1111'1 -ai fOf the P9'fect l'llele; IN ... of top klllll malart -IMted ante~ G~: Stnor Wenc:M (%)MOVIE • • • "Je<emy" (11173) Robby Beneon. Otynnl9 O'Connor Two teen-egarw encounl*' love lor Ille fltlt time. but llOI wl1~ fee- ing meny ewllwlfd .. tu• 11one llOng the way. 'PG' J:to 8 2 ON ntE TOWN F .. tured; a dlllno .-viol fOf peopM whO th«• e loYI of pet e: I proflll of rock S11f Onie 0.boume ROMANTIC MELODRAMA -Linda Purl and Timothy Dalton star in "The Flame Ia Love," a drama based on the Barbara Cartland novel. Movie airs at 9 tonight on KNBC (4). I 111111 IO lhe T arty Hlnee ~~ "Thi Eye" Of Timothy John1on uptalne the lltuctur• and l\lnc11on 01 lhe9'19. • M"A'l'H Hawkeye relu••• to , ...... e wounded Kor9M wllllltel by U.S. lnlalll- i:(i) TIC TAC DOUGH • 'MAOHtk.1 LE.Hl\P "90RT 9 !VENIHCI AT flOPll "Benny Goodmen" Juz vlrtuoeo Benny Goodmln join• Arthur Fiedler end tr.. Bolton POPI Oron..tra In • memor Ible 197 4 per. lor.,,.,_, IR) °' 'AMll.Y nuD CID f\.MHBACK: WAU ITM'ET CMIH 1t2t Actual n-trMI• help dr11n11u.e the t10f1el of lour~ followlng lhe October t929 N.. Yorti SlodL EM:hange et_,, (D)MOW • '" "K.• Or Be Kiiied" (1980) JamN Ryan. Cher· loll• Mtchelll. A lomw' Nell -Ider. WtlO loet 1111 lme>Ottenl 1cate11 macdl 10 the ..,,.. dwtng the -· ..... to ewnoe 1111 dlfeet by enlletlng "" top kung lu fighter• !tom If ound the WOf'ld In • tow. nament. 'PO' 1:00 8 ()) PAIVATE lbUAMIN captlln lewis .. lllMlgned to ~ oNtgel of ••xual h1r1eement brought llgllrl9t • INldlo OOIOnel. (R) •• UTT\.I HOl* ON ntl~ Alrn1t110 refu••• 10 txerdel IO r9gllln Chi - Of ,. llOI until a "°"" ........ 1111 home end he ,..._ ..... Laur• ,.... ello ..-i WI>"°"' (Pert 2l ;er.av. ***~ "Arabe1qu1" ( 19661 Gre9ory Pecll, Sophia LOf91\. Wtlefl an Amerlcen Pt~ In England .. kidnapped, lid ~ In the lonn of • rnyst9'1oua women wno i. .,,. mlslr-of '" Oil ITlll>- nat• • IUT Of THIE WOT A jllted, llllOUIO-be bride tum• to Frog fOf cornfor1 eno~.(RI G MOVIE • * ••11 "To Catch A Thief" 11855) Clry Grenl, Gf-K*ly, A r9forrned ,.. thltf .. IUl99Cfed ol retumtng to e fife of Cflme '"" ,,. .... In low with • wealthy young woman. • P.M. MAGAZINE The winner of Colmopo&- tan'a -ch fOf the pet1ec1 mlie, • ,, ... , 10 .,,. ,., .... Diamond ExOhange • MOVl5 **'""Mary .i-Hwper C'1ecl lut Night" (19nt Sulll"I °*)', Kevin McCer· thy. A pedl•lrlclan IUtPIC1• a mother of ctilkl ll>UM • EWNtNO AT POPS "Benny Goodmmn" Jaa VlrtuollO Benny Goodman joln1 Anhut Fledler and the Bolton Pope Orchetlrt In e mern«a~ 1874 pet• fonnanoe. {1111 CC)MOVI£ • * • "Mcl1nlocld" ( tlltl31 Jolln Wayn•. Maureen O'Hare A cetO• baton trlee 10 handl9 a gtoup of dl'Ofunlled tndllf>a and cope wtth a fiery. dellr· mined wife •I the aame lime. (J)MOVIE * * '" "The C""-Con-nection" ( 1873) Bruce lM, Robert Bellar A rnar11al aru student Mii out to .,,.,. lhe murder or hie 1-*'tr In wNch • rlllll 9Cfloo4 .,.,.. lnvolwd R OMOVIE * * * ·~r.. Conoert For ~ .. (1880) Paul McCatlney, The Who. A holt of rode pet10Nnet'8. meny of whom get t<>Qlltl· ., In 1111 1ll-1t1t tock Ofctlettra. we INtured In tllla record of 1 ..-01 coric:erta held lor the bene- fit ot rellel to war..,aveged Cambodia. UC>. Cl) W1<Af' ... CINCINNATI Mr. C.llOn and Jennlf« Ilk• O¥W Hett>'• )Ob dut· ii :;:ttlitz.ttlOn (R) * *"' "Marooned" ( 1808) Oregocy Pec:ll, Richard C.enna, nw .. utronau1a find 1,...,.....,... atrllllded In ~ ..,.... their mlNlle ~ -~UAGAZJNE F"tuted An lntervl- wlth lelr-Erin Morllll, mMtlng through Single'• Mag.azlne. humor with M-een MUfPtlY • GREAT PEAFOMtAHCIE.I "Br""'"' I.Jed« R«:ll .. Me120-aoptano Chrt111 ludWlg .. eocompanled by taooa1d 8er111telri on piano tor I~ of Btlhrna' "lied«" !tom tlltl Tai Aviv MuNUm (R) ®~ * * "My Bloody Vllln- tine" I 1981) Paul Kllm111, Lori HMler. A llTIAll town ~a ac.w of ttwror during their 1nntlll v lien· tine'• Dey dance 'R' (Z)MOVIE • • "The 011111 End Of The Street" ( 11181) Leur• Harr· Ing Ion, Henry T~ t:008Cll M•A•l'H CHANNEL LISTINGS A former hNvyweighl bo•· Ing chemplon. followed by ,_.,_, CNWa. Pl'YI I goodwill v1el1 10 lh• 4071th. (RI 9 KNXT tCBSl 9KH8C INBCI e KTLA (Ind I .KABC IABCI OKFMB tCBSI 0 On·TV Z:, Z·TV OU HBO C' ICtMIT\31 I f l IWORI NY • NY 11"-l IWTBSI Da!MOVIE Mn10• •ot,eno Ol'lrl•I• LwdWlf It II llllJMllllld 11'1 L.onard 1et111taln "' PllnO tor • ,....."** Of """'"'' "L.Jecllf" ll'Ol'll the T• AYN~. (Ill) GI ..-r OJ'"' WllT A jlltM, ~·bt MOe lllfflt 10 ''Of for ooml0r1 endtotlol (f\I HO.Cl) ~OAU.I ClwlMr ~!Mt. lland1ome gyn-1ottat JtiM ......... pemnn-; :;.:: °'-::· ... ltlll'l9 looll• .. hOw MW d._...... In the lleld of (>tMlkl ~'"' ""1f ~ -worl4. end lnttMIWt llOienlletl whO .,. 8')plylftO OtM eplloltlo teoflnlqutt 10 ~. c1rvg m1n11laoturing Ind hun\1111 belnea· 0 YOU AIKIO flOf' IT r'tllUrtd. "O•riadleft Ktrtla hptll" et1d "HoreMhoe TOMlng Trlcll· .. ., ... CDlM<MI 11t 1lt '*'A "Allee, 8wMt ~" (1171) Uncla .... -. ,....,..~d.~ ol en lttll&n·AINtlctft lemlly .,. vlcllmlMd by • PIYGhOllc ITIU(d9f9r In their mMtll 'R' ewov11 * * "BIO Wlldneld1y" ( 1978) Jen-MichMI Vln- c.nt. Wtlllam Kell Thr .. Cllttorni• boVt entov the -f and Mnd untH tlley ~In to re•llt• that ,,..., •• mot• 10 -tl\en WIJllng dOwn their boatdt. 'PO' lO:OO G Cl) LOIJ OAAHT Biiiie hu a bfUah with Ille 1Upern•lurlll whll9 wortilng on a tn<;td« tlory. (RI l emeNEWa AHi!&. ADAMI: PHOTOOAAPHER One of lhe grNIMI phOIO- gr aphert of the 20th cen- tury tllk• about hi• Ille, woni anc:t perepec1tve on pllOIOQllPf'IY. ( R) 9 BARNEY Mll.1.£11 Barney and hi• men look '°' , ,,. kidnapper of .,, antique doll CC)MOVIE • • • "Jmnla" (111741 Ooc:- ument•ry J•11l1 Joplin ,. ... ttom an unh~ and ot>acure pul In • arnlll TellU town 10 r..ao the Chlt11 U a lop rock and l>IUN linfer ®MOVIE * * '" "Hla1ory Of The World -Plt1 I" (1N1) Mel Btoolta. M~ne Kihn Men'1 ~ hlllc>ty - from NNnderthll cev. men to the Spenl9ll tnqui- emon -11 examined. 'R' (l)MOVllE * * "Fairy Telel" ( 1978) Don ap.tce, Sy Alc>MrO- aon A ~-pnnc. ••p.,lenoe• many encount-.. he jou(fWYt through fairy lend In -rc;h Of tl'le women who wlU beef hit heir 'R' (Z)MOVIE * * "My Bloody Vllen- llne" (1981) PIUI Kalmen. Lori Hell«. A llTl9lll town ~a-oflerror during their annual v...,. 11ne·a 0.V dAnOI 'R' 10:a01 NeWI ~SONG M••tet O"dner Alln Chedwldl'• IMittM>dl end hit unique 'llWoll of """ •• re&ltlonlhip with natute -~ed. 0 EHTPTANlll!NT TOMOHT VICtorll Prlnclpel le lnW • Yl9WeCI In a report on the TVQ 1tw retlng~t.ern 11:00GGD Cl>oa Nl!W8 8 SATURDAY NIGHT Hotll Rlctoerd Benjamin. Paull P,.n11M. Gunte. me Grlleful o..d (i) YOU ASf<EO l"<>f' IT F11tured "Pig And Ford RIC4I" 111d "Th9 Men Who WunMMoney.'' • M•A'8'H An« e tt-1ution uelng a pint of Frank'• blood. Hmwk9'19 auapect• him of hevlng hepllltlt Cl) 8EHNY Hill Fred Scuttle proudly Intro- duces 1 ,_ find 10 add to hie 1111 of atara I 8U84NU8 REPORT OOCTOA IN THIE ..OUSIE me 11u0eni. put on tM •nnu•I •how for 1119 pellenl .. 11:ao • Cl) QUINCY 08™EIUTOF CAMON Hoel Johnny Carton Guell 1 M lctlael llnOofl. s1..... l.lndelb«g, Pt1yt111 Ortnge Oout DAILY PILOT/Mond1y. July 11, 11U TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (60) '7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 - 118eMy Goodman." Jau Yt.rtuolo Benny Goodman joinl Arthur Fiedler and the Bomn ..POJ>I Orchel1ra. KABC (7) 8:30 -.. Marooned." Story of aatronauta unable to return to earth. Movie 1tar1 Gre1ory Peck, Richard Cnmna. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Flame Ia Love." Linda Purl 1tani aa American hetre. who meeta a mysteriout marqu.ll ln France. KNXT (2) 10:00 -''Lou Grant.'' Billie hal a b.ruah with the 1upematural while working on a murder 1t.ory. Carol L.ewrtnm ._. , .. doclutnen"'Y on tM tnOf9 lhan llx mlllloft people In Alfloe Wl'IO ~ ...,, 1fffftff Illy wlf e11d dl'OUGflt and the ,.. of Mlfl e¥tfltt. • THIMf'IJllOMI __ _ ..,_. NINdll INmer •Oeot~MOION UNDIM'TAHDNI HUMAM MHA"'°" "0ptr*'1 COndltloMQ'" -~AIC NIWI al'.,... •'*'A "Sparrow" (197t) Randy Herman, Don Gor· don. An llnll-pnvste detect.Ive Mt• out on • mlNIOn to find tM murder· .,. ol a popular aongwrlt« (l)MOVll • • ~ "For Yow E.vee Only" ( 1981) Roger Moore, T09()1. ~Bond ltectll I Ctltnlnll who putloined 9 top tter91 Bfltlth delerlM deYloe. 'PO' (Z)MOVllE * * * "TM Siient Part· net" (1978) Ellloll Gould, Chrltloc>hef Plummer A bank teller's lrnp<omplu a11emp1 10 call In on 1 robbery IMdl to harua- rnenl llnd tartor when the reel tl'IW ~ him to recapture 111e lo01 'R' 11:36 ® UOV1l • * •;, "Ragoedy Men" I 1et11 Silly Specek, Eric Robel'ta. In 11144, a .... pnon. operetor In • M\111 T •KM town MCtlflcN Mr etandlng In IN oommunilY when eht hel • lhOr1 etfelr with • combe1·b0und ..._ °''PO' 1':48 CC> ....aw "Union City" 12:00 e EHTPT AINUEHT TOHIQKT Vlc:t«le Prinolpal II ..,._. Iii.wed In a report on the TVQ 1tM retlng 9)'9tem. eO MOVIE *'*~'1'heP~Of Joel~" (1972) Shir· ley MacLalnt. Perry King. .MCMI • • ..... ''The New lntemt" ( 1"4) Mtc:hell Celln. Ber· t>era Eden. A 1--of ,_ im.111 ed;..ta to -'ting .. • large tne'IYO- ~ lloelltal • LOVE. AM8'ICAH r~ •• "Ttie Hollywood l(nlghU" ( 19IO) Aober1 WIM. TorYr 0era. On Hl6o ~ -In 1M6, e tf#IOJ hlgl\ ldloCll """' wrMkl hellOC In e.-ty Hiie to 8VeflQI the ~ of their lwngout by the IOCll home ---_. IUOn.. 'A' 1t:to 8 8 lATEfmHT wm4 DAW> L.ET1'JJllMAff ou.i.: ,_,. Mor#lla end Dew Thomae of SCTV Hetwon. A1ber1 Finney (RI 1:-0 *.'A "The L.ul Clfcut Show" (11174) J-Whit· rn«e,LM J. Cobb. An ltal- lln fetnlly la ~I tom "*" when a young IOtl beOOtn. dMthly • 12;.401 r COWM90 1:00 I ::::ur..v *** "Or .. t MINOUrl IWO'' (~NO) Meodoneld ~. w ... c:o..y. The Jam. end YIMIOM bo¥I beQtrl tO rtda Ult outltw " .. _.. (D)MOYll **"" "llow Out" (lN1) John Trevolte, H1noy A1t1n A eound ~ wtlO -"• Oft Nlfror ftlme ~ Involved In • ITIU(dw myatary wher'I he ~"'.......,... tlon .... 1:11®UOVll * * "My Bloody Vlllen· tine" (11111) Paul Kelman, Lori Heller A tmeM town bK.onlN • -of t«ror dur1nQ tM!f en null Valen· llne'e D9y danc.. 'R' (I)MOVll • • • "Je<emy" ( 1873) Robby Ban.on. Qtynnl• O'Connor, Two 1Mn·IQ9fl encounter low for the lint lime, but not wttnout fee- '"' mlll)' mwkWlfd iMtUI· tloM 9IOng lhe way. 'PG' 1:20CC)MOVIE • • • "Get Out Your Handk.,chl•I•" ( 18781 Geterd Oepardleu, Pllrlclc Dew-e A young and opllmlauc llutblnd QOM to almoll unl>tll•v••l>I• lengtht to '""'" 1119 wtl•'• ~'R' 1:ao e QI NIC NlW8 OYIJNOH'T ·=MITJfY • • "Suncsay Lovw1·· ( tN 11 Gene Wiider, Roger Moen. FOUi mid~ '""" In dlfterant counttm .,. fOlloWed .. tt-v pur· -°'* --edven-turea. 'R' t:40(1)MOW * ~ "Upetlclk" ( 11171) Mar· gmllt ltemlllQHr. A.rrrrl Banc:foft. A lop IMhlon model .. l'lumlllllled and rn..tr11ed by her uneuc-oellflit _....,,.,.. IO _... '-!tie tnafl who reped '* to prieon. 'R' 2:111 NIWI 2:IO NIW8 2'AO NIWI 2:tO MOYW * * * * "RIQlng !kill" ( 19tOI Robert De Niro, Cathy Mor1ltty. 8oxlnO ~-·La Mona'• eputude fM violence .......... -"' .. rtno IM ~ hit s-· ---·"' (%)MOYW * * "Dirty Trll:U" (1911) Blott OcMd. Kale ~ .on. A HrnrO pr'*-Or becofNI the ~ of pet90IW anldoul to 0-C their hendl on • ~ dilooM ed ""* written by ~ WtlllfWlglon. 'PO' 1:10• MOW! '1'a.lllQI i..-a" (1974) Gary Frenll, Oebre._ SCOtl TaentQ8f'I mu11 MiOfl me proe and oone of engaging In premerttel --Cl) MOVll • * ..... ''The ONneM Con- nec:tlOn" (1973) Bn.IOI '--· Robert 8111er. A martlll art• etudent NII out to mwnge tr.. murder of i. teacher In wtllct\ e rlvll JOHN DARLING J IOhool ... llwol* .,., ""CC> MOYll • ..... "'011.... ( ltfO) Jodll lloeter. Illy l<tillw· "*'• Tiie v1ct1m1 of llfellen 1 honw MCI unciM1nt ,.,. eMa, ... t..,....,.. tty .. IOOthe "*' tl'llOtlOMI wound• lfllOUOl\ clf\IQlt Md ...... .... UOVI& * * "lloocl leeatt" ( 1M 1) Jofwl a-, lklf1 Y01'"9 A -of pOlloe °"'°"9 hM IN6r hllnd• lull ~ llley '"-UO-tt IN <**' of ~· Ming euoked lfno tllt tend. -to be ~lgaln .• ,.. '*:It CJ) MOVta * * "My 8loody Vllen-tlne" (1N11 P8'11 l<tlmein. Loft ~ A emetl town ~ 1 -of tenor dutlng ttMHr annual v.u.n. 11ne'• 01y denoe 'R' Ttw•da11'• Da11t••~ Movl~• ~MORt•!l- 1:00 9 * * • ~ "Pattern•" ( 185e) VIII Heflin. Ed Beg- ley 8IMd on a dtem• by Rod Serllng. A ~ tycoon gei. caught up In • ~~atrug· l'%J ••**"Kram« Va Kramer · ( 1979) Outlln Hot1m1111, M«yl Streep A men battlM wtth lite U · wtl• '°' CUl1ody of their young eon 111*' lf'9 walllm out on them 'PG' t:OO D *•*·~"The Elephant Man" ( 19801 Jonn Hurt. Anthony Hoplllna A Oedl· c•lld phyelcl•n llllH under hit wing a h<>rrlbl)' deformed men wt>OM Ille unlll then hMI ~ epent In ctlMP lrffk exhll>lllOl'I• 'PG' 10:00 CC} * * "Don'I Change My World" 0ocutn9flltry A li8fy c:onlront•llon devel· ops ~ •group or wlldllle conMrv•llonlatt and some greedy land deveioper°t ® • *'""For Your Eyee Only" ( ttl81) Roger Moore. T09()1 Jamea Bond ltackl e crlrnlnel whO purloined I top Merel 8'1Ueh cWfenM device 'PG' CJ)*** 'Qvo Vedia" ( 11151) Roi>., I Taylor Oel>Oflh Ktwr A Rom111 ar11tocr11 gains Neto'• dis-''"°' when ,,. ,., .. Ill IOYe wtlh 1 Clw1at1an gk1 {%) * * * • 'The PIMIOn 01 Anne" ( 1eee1 u,, UHmann. 811>1 And«NOn ""*' tr.. lifNk up ol he< marriage, 1111 emotlol'lllly ~ wom1111 takM on .,, IQUally cbturlMd lov..- 'R' 11:30 CC)* 'II "Rocle 'H" Roll High School" (1978) P.J Solel. Vincent VIII Patlen A budding ~'*' el Vince Lombardi High ,, ... to gel the RamonM to record her muelo wflite h4lt equally embltiou. lrler>d ~ .,,. 9Cfloo4 ~­ throb 'PG' D•••'1t"For...., Female" ( 1953) Wllllarn Holden. Ginger Rogel'I A tovwty, youttttut ect,_ .... the .,.,.. ""' ... em rweded to get e young ~·· production off the ground 11:46 (%) * * • ''The Silent Pertner" ( 19791 EIJIOll Gould. Chrleto pher ~ A l>enlt teller I Impromptu etternpt to c11t1 In on a l'Obbet)' lead• to ,,.,._, encl .,.,Of wMr\ Iba.,... tlllal c:n- hlrn to 1'9C1PhK9 h'9 IOOI 'R' 12:00 •• * "ono.tl On The LOOM'" ( 11M3) Eul Side KICIS. 8'11• L.ugoel. The Kida nin Into phmntoma II _.ytum. • **'""BendOf Angela" 1111571 Clerk Oeblt, Sldlley Poitier. An 1duca1ed blaok · al111e tnMtS e Southern genu. ITlllll whO hU MCfeta 10 COOONI ...... ~. Otlolot" '1113) IOI! ..... Ludllt ... A lw'lh..,,. Cfltto t~ Oft hit ~omitt noc to rtl'Mw ttie pley ...... Ml Wl1tttl'I •i00 cm * • * .. .,..... ......... (tNOIJoMlevett.~ Motte A~ to Ille (lf°'lll Of tfOUllt't II In ~ .. MltlbtlldlM 11-r 10 l'NllMO .,. Nf1M. -···-"'~· PfO b•91NI .., a tMlll)l 'PO' (I) ••• "' "DoclOt z.iwv.. 00" I 1M61 Oft\# lh#tl, hlldint Ctlaplfn T-.o IOvtt I 1tnl0Qle ln'\ICMl lllt lj)lf H 1nG l>MllOflt of the llluMl1111 "9volutlon 9 * * ~ "Mon11et llland" (111111) T.,enoe Stamp, ,...., °""'lnO· A ~thy. bored youth end hit guardian tr• thl9wrecktO on • """°'' l!Mand populated by dan- i'!'OU. llf'MlurM. UO UiJ * * * * "T-" ( 1878) Nu1a11ta l<lnllll, ,...., Anh Tiie dlUQhl« of a poot lngll1h farmer ~ Intl llletlm of Mr tem11y·, MC>iflllcw\• end ti.town bMUty 'PG' 1:46 ~ * * • "Kr.,.., Vt. Kramet ( 1978} Ou1tt11 Hot1man Maryl SltMP A man 1>1111• with hie ex· wile tor cut1ody OI I'*' young .on lf\er 11\e W811ll out on them 'PG' S:OO lt) '* * '> 'Tot>y And Tr.. Koala &Mr' t,11181) Rolf Haul9 Live action °end n- meuon combine 10 i.11 the tale of I young boy and 1111 pet koala In Au1tralle'1 lronll9f day• D * * * '\ P111em1" ( 195e) Van Heflin, Ed BeQ· ley Bued on 1 dram• by Rod s.,ttng. A bUel,_. tycoon get• caught up Ill• high-echelon poww atrug- 3.30 ~ • • • • rne Paaaion 01 Ann1t" ( 111691 Liv Ullmann, Btl)j "1ldetNOn Alt9f tr.. t><!Wt up of her merr1•· 1111 emottonally unalll>le wom111 Ilk" on an .ciuelty dleturt>ed lover R 4:00 8 • * • Th41 Clre1ak· art 119e3) Polly Bergen Robert StlCll A woman with hom!G><lll tendetle- 11 plac.d 1n group therapy in I menlll f10e9illl IOllow- tng e neNOUI breakdown (.0) * * Going Ape' (198 11Tony 0anza.~ Wiii., Tiit .. or.ngutana hold tr.. purM strings to • $5-mllhon tn,,•rtllnc• PG 0 * * * '" The Ellof\lnl Mmn" (19801 Jol\n Hun, AnlhOnY Hopilll'IS A Oedl· cet•d phytlclan Ilk•• u.,. Ns wing a l'l«rlbly deformed mmn wtlOll RI• unlll t~ hid ~ 1911"1 11'1 chelC> lt'Mll exhibitions 'PG' 4:30 CC) * * "Don't Change My WOt1d" Oocumentaty A lier( con Ir on••llon deYel- opa ~ 1 group of wlldlll1 conMrveuon1a11 Ind IOtM gteedy llf>d ~· (fi) * * • t The Nonh A.,. nu• lrregulera' 11979) Edwllrd Herrmann. Blrt>I· r1 Harr• TlMI ,_ nwnlS1., In 1 am.ii town orgena• • group ol dotty women 1n hlS congteg1l10n to Slop 1n. now of ct>urCll ~ 10 ulmlnall 'G' (.I) * * The ~ Dump- ling Gang RlOel AQlln'' ( 18781 Tim eonw.y, Oon l<nollS A pllr of -1etn ou11awa try lo wlllt lhe atr111 llt>d nerr-G 5: 15 CZJ . *·~"History Of T"8 World •• Pert I" (19e 1) Met Btoob. M~.lne Kahn Men 1 1ttu11rtoua history -"°"' ~..., -men to Intl Spenlmll lnqul- llllon -11 Ujlmlned 'R' 5:30 (0) • "Gas" ( 1N 11 Don- ald Sutherland, Su11n Anse>.cn A radio DJ and a r9l)Or'l9f try to ex.PQM 111 CMI m11gnate'1 plo1 to dnw up gu prtcM by contriving an oil Shortage R by Armstrong & Batluk t i I r . -. I I ' ' I I I I I t f G KHJ-TV llncl I GKCST IABCI • KTTV llncl I 'Cll KCOP·TV llnd I l tESPN) •S IShowtlrM) • Spolllgtlt •*"'"The Flame la LOY9" t 19791 Lind• Purl, Timothy Oiiton Th• Ille of • betrothed Arnerleen l1el< • -II dr lltlellly changed ""'8r'I the rneeca • mlfqull end e joumlll« In Parlt WEAVOAlmN i OMAT PEAFOAMANCU "Bret1m1' lieder Recital" ;9· tc NEW8 NIOHTUH! D NOWHERE tO~ Sten Mooneyllem end l I ·j ! .• KCET tPBSI e KOCE (PBSI • (Cable News He1wont1 v ' ': t Counter programming focus of Turner's WTBS J [ awaited baakedJa1l meettna of V~ with center states and poaemdoria ln 60 one-'hour documentaries ··~ i By FRED ROTHENBERG AIT ........ wrtW NEW YORK -Jeff Clwldler week began today. Next week. you c.an apend five mominp With Doria Day. YOU can al80 lee movle9 00 Saturday, when ABC. CBS and .NBC ale trwaah wtth cartooos. and inore lDOViea oci Sunday. when the networb are getting into rellalon. Welcome to SuperStation WTBS. the other network, where counter rammin& ia the rellCk>n· Anything the over-the-air networks do. Ted Turner may not do better, but he'll mrtaln1y do dif.fenntly. 'tiw netwcl'b call It n.tpdve Jll'Oll'8llllD1, • 1n '°""' propmlU.... 'I\amer -and the d&O.y l million vleweu watchlna WTBB on cal* -call it quality, anti-network pro· ........ "1 Cl•e th•• • choice. 1 buak lb• monopoly/'~ 1\anw chairman and cblei c:blerlmdll' of Atlanta'• lnd•J>•adent WTBS, DD TU'IMD ftim; bltdled a i1ll9 an 1M .....,.. to ptn • _.,,,... Clt8 •ed'era '1 atw people a way out Of the achool bua attacked by truck driven wearing bikini.a. ... . . You give people a choice between wat.ching garbaae and maybe a fine, clal8ic movie, and many people will watch the movie." Movlet, abo the ataple of Turner'• cable competiton, Home Box Office and Showtlme, ~ ~ percent of WI'BS' IChedule. "We can prosram JDOYie9 any time,'' Mys Robert Wualer, 1l19ideni of WI'BS. "We have 4,200 movtet ln our librarY. People newr tn of the cleMcl." WTBS, which ~ a pot.enUal reach of 21.2 million houMholda. LI teen at Jeut once a week by 70 pet"Ce!lt of thole homes, eccord1ng to the A.C. Nleben Co. Be1lde1 movlea, WTBS offera 1porta, old netwOC'k liicoma, newa end e aniciaen of origlna1 ~· Spc1111 ii a bla aeller, a come-«i for advertllen and cable syateme. ~ba;rner ol b111ball'a Atlanta Brave. and buk '• Atlanta Hawks. -* 1pc»11 tQ Pltcll withou\ ma)li leelnae tMml, WTBS caDi the Brav•"Allmtca'iTeun," and tan clube In Valc:lft, ~~.arid ft.a au.t to thetr 11ational ~· tn the Nanook, ~ chapeer of UM Bnvea hn Club. the faithful Mv. fOraecl &hetr local bar to tM.l,1 anoUl« TV •t tor non--bMlbell fanl. . 'nlla fa14 Wl'BS hie odUllw cebae riOCI to a Wtlekly, Uw oQDiil9 football Pm.a after. ABC and CBS haft' inttde'tMlr ~ ~-• tioftm for .,rtl ~ wr88 outb6d ~ tor the Ian«- ~Suni-m. and GecJrplown. with Patrick over the next five years, thua a1Swina WI"BS of Dec. 11. oounterprogrammln& th.rouah 1987 . battle plan f« W1'BS and Tu.mer'• other broadcast entity, Cable News Network. la anti· network 24 boun a day. At 7 p.m., while the networb are ofterina newa, WI'BS la lhowtnc '"Green /v:ftll' with Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor. "It WM a clear<llt No. 1 broadcast In lta day,'• aaya W\mler ... Vf!rY few stationl run It today. It'• quality, famD.y4ienied comedy." NostalP buffs can ovenbe on fatherly edvice by 7 p.m. on Wl'BS. ~at 4:~., t.bln'a ~ Adct4ml Family," then •'Olde and H.uriet." .. ~ne Part:ridae J'amily,0 0 Hale1," "My 'nuw Soni.'' "Father Knowa 9-t," "Green Al:rw" and .. Andy Qrtftith." Another Turner wrtnkle la ltu'tlnl ~ at fl't'e mlnut. ~t the half hour, boplnC to l*I'. up ... ti6cl d&al.ftttcberl and cbftDc ~ wb'> mill the bellnn1na of the netwoab'·~ Puhape mote Importantly, thll -* p. WTB8. ~te lildnl ln TV Gulde. Tbt bottom Unit, bow;~. lhaWe WTIB'llOllnl lri the ~ ~ ot dm ,.,.. WT8S mOlion Ind Mil~ off 17 people. .,. tbt amncfa1 WOlll wcin't· Rep WTB8 bun product,,. lla own sa•...,; ~ the ftiwt ....,...,_ ot GM projlct W ~ ~ ~to~. •'PG;Valt ot A.mlrtm" wm Profile Amlrka'• ao -1--- ~--·tm NIW WftK -Adolph CMlli nr.w tht tic. ot niY old Army company, Sc&. W11Uam PA Bibb. lklt boih have omethln1 ln common -a Une, NDDllml bill vob that IOW\da Ub an J"in'art. • u ... uy klllna. that 11. When s,i. Btbb 11 dlapleued, one heard 78 rQarlna trombone• tha{ reduced the moat don 't..care draftee to a helmet atop a pair of booll with a cowerlna civUlan 1omewnere ln between. Caeaar, an actor , has the aame vocal llld 1ay, 11 wal\t to tell you,• you he'• .,...,ul tot t.Mt .:a'ld career. He Nm1ndtd me of a llflMl't l Onc9 hlld.'" •YI It providll mOlt of hla tnoome, leta TMy UIUAlly l'DMft the IOW'ld. not tum p&ck and cbocm h.la atqe rol-. cw..r>1 ~t, an al'::J proud 11rm blwd and luck_y," U1d the a.c10r. and ..U~~ Uler m at the a afiorf, ,nm, lmpeccahly d...-d man of etart of Charlee Fuller'• Pulltler Pri.r.e-48. ''Thef. lfva me the lWCW')' of belnf ln ~ drama about nada1 attitudm ln theater, the option to wm down a Jot of wartbne America. Jobe that would te.ke me out of town and ThoH who marvel at Caeaar'1 not be ln the best inter.ta of my f.amily. memorable voke rarely ,...uu lt'• ai.o ''Thmka to them (the voke-own) I heard day and nJaht on ndJo and TV. don't really have to have M)'. back He'• amona New York'• top apinlt the wall for an 9Ct1nl JOb. It'• ''voice-over" announcen, hMrd on Ida IOrt of like, 'Hey, you can rtop and mnell for auch aa London Fot, Nikon, Yuban the rOMt fOC' a wtiile.' " Coffee and the. Untied Nearo Collep He CONddered an llC'tin8 ~while Fund. to lilt. few, . in hiah 9Chool. nve yean ln the mWta.ry One of the flnt blaclu to crack that pve Dbn time to further re&ct on the lucraUve, hotly competitive field here, Idea. --~--__:_ __ _:_ __ ;__ ____________________ ~ t ranae. /Ut.d he U8et lt CAUAA to great effect ln off- t - '.Broldway'1 "A Soldier'• Play." He plays a hard-no.eel aerpent, a black man ln the aegrepted Army of World War Il. He grtnned when told his NCX> IOWlda eerily ll.ke my old Army toDkick. "I've had that reaction, thank l:iod, after almoat every performance since we opened last year," he said. "Someone always 1eema to come up POl:TERGEIST It knows whal scares you . .............. _4 if,iZQ.i· " •Firef nx' has suspensr, intricate plollin~ and a clima.'lt rrowded with BC'tion." -GENE HAUT .. OlliOlf """ • .,... • ....._ --o .. , I "A ;tlovle l'ou't'f' .lu§t Got To See" -1-1 s••••• Geetl M•r•I•• A••rl•• Ak·TV lllEA lllYllH OllHGI UA Mowws 990 4022 Edw11di ~tdtt Sta4ttt111 0 I 139-8770 COSTA MUA 551 0155 WHTMIHHll Helbof Twtn 831 3501 MISSIH VIEJO M11H11 C-1111 Wn1 fOUITAIN YAWY Y1t1t JMll 495 1220 HI 3935 Ectwa1• lount11n Ylll.y 839 1500 •OMKE !M>do111e ll4-2553 ACCEPT= ~~M£Nl •5JEZE7QMMCM'IQ==fi! tfRHf ti~ •. ' --~··-···- *BARGAIN MATINl!l!S * Monday thru Saturday All Peflormanc .. before 5:00 PM (bctpt Speclll E1111ttmt11t1 111d Holld1y11 11' MtllA(,A M AH o M11000 01 lo1•c1oni LA MIRADA WALN IN 994'·24'00 "ANNIE" fPGI .-. .... -...... "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY" 1..01 tt:a.a.a.ua.a.aa.a - "THE iwOAD ANO THE IOACERElr 111l ,._, ___ _ --···--,·-··-"ITAR TilEK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" ,_ DOLaY •n•o (ll'Ol -··--- "POL TEAGEl8T" (ll'O) I ............ ,__ "ROCKY Ill" <"°' ___ ,__ ..... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IH "ITARTMK U: THm WRATH OF KHAN" ":'~v~o (ll'Ol ' "ROCKY Ill" tN> .. ~ DO&JIY ll'tMO -----•tttt LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl ll IN l ~f,tJ~4 .A •oc1111y 01 Co1101ewood 213/H1·9HO "YOUHG DOCTORS IN LOVE'' 1•1 .•. ,,_,__ "TI* HCQ'T 01' NIMH" 101 '"'-. ... " AU n.GI llnOHT ANO HAUTif'Ul." 101 t ..... ,. .... "OINER"1111 ,~, ..... •.:11 '"A MM>auMMllA NIGH'rl IEX COMEDY", .. , 11:11.-.---- so. COAST WALK·IN So11tt1 Cooer Hlwoy a l ltOOdWoY 494-1514 .. A MIDSUMMeA NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY" '"' -----"ROCKY Ill" 1..01 --·-. .... -l;tl, ........ __ 11a 1n rll 7.ll -w • .._ 1 n ... Sbrtl t1 w IMPOIHHf NOflClt CMILOIUN UNOUl IZ fill~! Miris .,. •-111a 1n rt1. 7:to • Set.. s... "*"' •• ~ SOOllD • l'Gllll AM CNI IWICI IS tOUCI SlfMLll 1• NO UI CNI llAOtO wrT1' lljOjfTIQll llCXESSO.• IO$l110ll --AM .._,!•AU CM-II OIWMIS m Oii AM - .......... 11"4 ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN • ......,OX"c..01 -"THIE flOAD WAIUHOfl" 1•1 ...... "'°""° &Jt ..... PA Pt BUENA PARK ORIYE IH l>ftCOlft ....... -·-Ul-4070 eut .... PA~• LINCOLN ORI VE·IN uncom A~• W•M C>t IM>n 121·4070 tNI <,IM1~41)Tflrl Hl·WAY 39 ORIYI IN "ROC«Y •" l"Cll -•'C4,A ... Of' TMI nTANI" CHI ~ PISOUllO ~ ... ,..., -..,.. IWORDAND IOIM:IMlt"1111 Clllf "SQMI \ A~· A LA t4AB5lA (11/1\q N -·-·--·--17M .. l -.. ·----"8LAO. fl~fl" 1111 -"THI 8WOM> AND IOACIE~" 1111 • ~ TERG&J8T" INI -"SEA WOL YES" ftll C1tttf1 ~ "IE.T., TitlE IXn.A· T'l .... ITNAL" IN I -..... A&.A8~1NI "flAIOlfll M T"9 LOIT AM" -'"' ",...LaOSNOM TH9 lONe "MfOllR" !NI c;.-,. $OUllO leac" llYO SO OI G.l<CMll GI-flttWOY lfl·3693 ...,...nMG"llll -1l.AD9~tttl Cllll·A IOllllO ---- "YOUMO DOCTCMta .. LOVI" 1111 -"~CHI Cllll " IOUllO "MIDIM Oil TMI L.091'~ .,., "TMI Ll-.D cw""' 1.0. RcU I I IJi ..,_ -----.. ,., OJ? ANGE 0111\ I IN ....,. •••• leeMT't ... COlaOY"tNI ·10=r1111 .. . MISSION t• .. l\d IN . .. I I • • MOHDAV, JULY 11, 1812 ClASSIFllD • Angels' :pen -Can't . put Out .fire again CLEVELAND (AP) -Cleveland Manqer Dave Oarc:la, tired of intennlttent rumon that hia job ia in danaer, pointa to the Indiana' thrU.Una 5-4 victory over the Anpla to ahow how little control a bueball manaaer hu. "We played juat u good today win or loee. The only difference waa Bill Nahorodny'• hit. Everyth1na elae wu the u.me," Gard.a aaid. Nahorodny, Cleveland'• third-atrina catcher. drove in two runs with a two-out, nlnth-innlng pinch double to win Sunday'• game. Angela, which previously won lix In a row to grab a ttnn hold on lint place in the American League West. "For 1even weelu, we've aeen leads dissipating, On TV tonight channel 7 at 5:30 Corbett, 1-9, seemed de.tined for hla 1 lth aave, holding a 4-3 lead with two ouw and nobody on in the bottom of the nlnth. But he walked Indian catcher Ron Hamey and then plnch-hitt.er Karl Pagel, forcing Mauch to bring in left-hander Andy ~ler. fint pitch," Mauch said "But And,Y dOHn't like his slider riaht now." "When I got up I.here, I waan't thinkina about the situation," Nahorodny aaid. "I wasn't looking at the baserunners. I just didn't want to 11wina at a ball down in the strike zone until I had a striXe. I was looking for a ball up." Toni&ht. the Angels begin a three-game 1eries in Baltimore. It'• a nationally televiled pme with the Orioles' Scott McGregor (11-6) facing Steve Renko (7-2). and we're 1Wl in flnt place," said Angel Manager Gene Mauch, lamentlna the recent weak perfonnancea of ht. relief pitchers "The guys in the pen just have to do It." "We can't catch hues on bal.la," Mauch said. Garcia called on the right-handed hitting Nahorodny to pinch hit tor left-hander Jack Perconte, and Nahorodny jumped on H.aaaler'1 first pitch. a high faatball. Ed Glynn, 4-0, gave up one run -on Doug DeCinces' second homer of the day -In three innings to earn I.he victory Ul relief of Len Barker The Angels took a 2-0 lead m the ae<.'Ond inning agam.st Cleveland start.er Len Barker when Fred Lynn walked and DeCmces followed with h.ul 11th homer of the year The bullpen failed again Sunday. as the Angels' starter Mike Witt pitched admirably for seven inningl. allowing three hits and two runs before giving way to Do~A Corbett Pinch-runner Rodney Craig and Pagel both scored aa Nahorodny'1 hit al.iced to the wall in right-eenter. Cleveland scored m the fourth on Harrah'a leadoff home run, has 18th Sunday'• l<m was the aecond straight for the "Maybe I ahould have called a alider for his Weaver in trouble • once again BALTIMORE (AP) -Earl Weaver fans are still asking whether that right he launched in the general direction o{ umpire Terry Cooney's face landed on target or not. Cooney won't say, but Weaver said he would forgive the man who threw him out of two games in as many nights against the Seattle Mariners t.h1s weekend. "More than likely there was (contact)," Weaver said Sunday of the altercation during Satunlay night's game. "But 1 don't know whoee fault it was." was." "BUT I'M NOT blaming him, so I hope he won't blame me," Weaver added. "If there was contact, I forgive him." Cooney said he referred the matter to American League President Lee MacPhail, who today will view videotapes of the incident. "Under the circumstances," Cooney said. "You have to contact the league president inunedia tely ... He added he would not diacusa the matter with report.era until he talks with MacPhail after the league president vi~ the tapes. Weaver was tossed out o f Friday night's game after disputing a balk call against Baltimore pitcher Dennis Martinez by Cooney, who was umpiring at second hue. Before leaving the field, Weaver took the ball anp glove from Martine7. and demonstrated the pickoff move on the mound to prove that his pitcher had not balked. The crowd roared in appreciation of the lmpromptu clinic. On Saturday night, Weaver dashed onto the field after Cooney, then at first base, called Eddie Murray out to complete a double play. WEA VER SPOKE his piece, vociferously, and went back to the dugout. But Cooney then thumbed outfielder Gary Roenicke and Coach Ralph Rowe out of the game f9r their actions on the bench. That brought Weaver back on the run, and he IOOJl waa ejected for the 84th time in his career. Relating the incident after the game, Weaver said if Cooney had walked away, "be wouldn't have seen Roenicke and Dauer (aecond baseman Rich Dauer) waving towels in the dugout." Reporters wondered how Dauer fit into the acenario. "When I we nt back out," Weaver explained, "Cooney said Roenicke and the other guy with the towel were out of the game. When we looked into the dugout, by that time Ralph was holding a towel" Rowe went to the clubhouae, and Dauer 1tayed in the game. BABY, IT'S HOT -Reggie Jackson of the Angels mops away the perspiration dunng a break in Sunday's game in hot and muggy Cleveland. Rod Carew looks on. Things got /Ill WlnipMto .\ven hotter for the Angels in the bottom of the runth inning a::; the Indians rallied with two outs to pull out a 5-4 Vlctorv Swan song for the Dodgers? Mets hurler baffling as LA again falls eight back of Atlanta LOS ANGEL~ (AP) -The New York Mets' Craig Swan hadn't pitched in more than two weeks, the result of a painful infection under his nght arm. But in his first appearance since July 2, the New York right-hander worked four innings of relief in the Mets' 8-3 victory over Los Angeles. after which he remarked, "I've done weU in I.he past coming back from injuries. "I guess rve had every 'itis' a guy could have Now I've just got to watch my arm pits a little better." George Bambel)ler, of New York, said of Swan's strong pitching, "He saved the day for us." Actually, the Dodgers' Dusty Baker, unwittingly perhape, helped. The previous night, when the Dodgen1 scored four runs in the ninth inning to pull out a 6-5 victory, Bamberger said Baker "gave us an ob!lcene gesture in the dugout." "That," he said, "kind of spurred the boys on today.'' Bamberger added, "Aft.er the nightmare of the ninth inning Saturday night, and behind 3-1 today, and then come back to win, weU, that really showed me aomething. '' lt was the Dodgers' thinking that their. Lour- run, ninth-inning rally Saturday night might have been the spring 6oerd to their getting back into the National League West chaae. Even John St.earns, the Mets' veteran catcher, thought so. "I can't put my finger on why they're not playing better ball," he said. "It seems they've got as much talent as they've ever had "I said last rught, after they came back IJke they did, that if they're ever going to get 1t together, that was the game. "But," he added, following Sunday's game, "( guess we kind of took the wind out of their sails " They did, indeed. The Dodgers, agam. are eight back of Atlanta in the NL West. Thingil don't get any easier for them, either The Montreal Expos, winners of four in a row in San Diego over the weekend, arrive thi5 evening for a nationally televised game. The Dodgers led, 3-1, after four innings, but Wally Backman hit his second career homer in fifth and George Foster and Phil Mankowski singled home the tying -and winning runs in the sixth. The Mets added two more runs ln the eighth and two more in the ninth. The Dodgers' biggest opportunity was the fourth when they had runners at second and third and noby out, the result of an error, single and a double steal by Steve Garvey and Mike Maahall. But they got only one run out of lt, on Mike Scioscia's single, as Mike Scott retired Bob Welch, Steve Sax and Bill Ruaell on short Oy ball&. Reggie doesn't miss the controversy ~-~c2.~~y MON'l'RltAL -The ~3rd All-Star pme gave two former teammate. a chance to get topther and talk about how an Impetuous ahipbuilder from Tampa. Fla., had affected their 1apecUve bueball careers. Georp Steinbrenner'• ean had to be .un,tna. "Su.re, I mlll New York -I mial the fana, 11\)' frtcndl. the IU.YI." aaid Rease Jacbon, wl'Qe heme run bat and crowd appeal pve sparkle to the New York YUW. befOlll! St.1.nbnmnet, by default, let him .Up away to the An8eJa. "Now I am ~ and mare relaMd than rw .... ln )Wn. '!be cantroY91'sl• and n..,,llPC from u.-tain bpt me alw.ya taaa whllt I wa a Yanm!' Tall, talented Dev• Winfield, whom s~ NijjiCt wOuld flD the Jacbon Y06d. n.ded -than two ,... to 1-rn I that even a S22 rnillJon contract couldn't save him from l1m11ar premww. Last month, after Winfield accused Steinbrenner of balklna on a written pledie to provide funds for the Winfield Foupdation11 underprlvlleged kids, the 00. lashed out at ht. hiahly paid left-fielder. "l am dlHppolnted ln Winfield," Steinbrenner laid. "He la not a IUpel"ltar but jult a good player. He can't carry a club \he way Regp. could." Wln!ield appeared more amwied than chqrined by thia aiticllm when he auited up ~t Montreal'• Olympk Stadium Tumday nilh' for bueball'• one-da~daunmer lpecQlcle. ''Tb.at'• fwmy," he aakl. "I ttmember when Steihbnmner told JacUon when he · w• ltt1l a Yankee: 'Why mn't ~ be a ballplayer Uk• Dave Wlnfleld? R•ut• remembers that. too." After Steinbrenner'• upbuldina, Wlnf.leld went oo a htttina tear on ~ t Yankeea' recent road trip, hitting atx home runs in six gamee and break1na a perilous Yankee skid. Some bueball obeerven tnmted that Winfield waa re1pondlng to an old Steinbrenner trick -embarTua a CUY in ~~and he'll take out hil anpr on the "That's stupid," said Jacaon, who wu one of the top vote-setters among outfielders. "It never worked that way with me. In fact, it had the rever. effect. .. t only recall one exception. Georae yelled at the ball club and the next day 1 went out and got a home run. I think It wu aubeolllldoua. •• Wintleld aald ·Ke .did not _,. about Oecx1le'• statement W\tO he mumed w..t from hia recent W•t CoMt tr(p -attllr he · had~ oo hil home nm.-. 111 don't worry about what he ~" the 8·8. 220-pound m1Wonalr9 md. ·u1 am • damned aood ballplayer. I do my Job-" J Watso~'s go31: PGA vi~tory Tight finish at British Open TROON. Scotland (AP) - Tom Watson, British Open champion for the fourth time, has only one major golf utle left to win now, and that's the PGA "Everybody will say it's the one I haven't won," Wat.son said after Cuushmg one stroke ahead of Nick Price of South Afnca and Peter Oosterhuis of Bntaui m a nail-b1ung finish Sunday on the Royal Troon links. "Well, what about Arnold Palmer? It was the only maJOr he never won." BUT WATSON, who has won the U.S. and British Opens within a few weeks, will be out to fill the gap and win the PGA at Tulsa, Okla .. the first week in Al,lgUSt. "I will be taking 10 days of rest fU'ld recreation," he said. "Then l will start preparing for the next big one" When Watson reached Troon's 18th tee he was two strokes behind Price, who had been !ilOlll.g strong aU day around the 7,067-yard par-f2 t'OUrsE' Wauon finished w ith a 2-und~-a...total oC 284 and then w8.i~tiently in the "' clubbou.9e with his wife Lmda beside hlm. "I went into the secretary's office and watched Nick on the 17th," Watson said. "Then I went out.side and watched him come up the 18th. It was pretty nail-bi ting ... Price, a 25-year-old South Afri can who had come unheralded to the Upt>n . gave way under the strain of the close hnish. He made a double bogey at the 15th, taking four to reach the green, and another bogey at the 17th and tossed the lead lnto Watson's lap He finished with a 73 and a 283 total. "I FEEL VERY sorry for tum," said Watson, a gentieman as always. "I had ex!)f'riCnt~ like this Ill my l'arly days as a pro. and l know how at feels. He has played V(•ry weU through thl whole of this tournament." Price tied for second with Peter Oosterhuis of England, who birdied the fmal hole for a 70 Amencan tounst Tom Purtzer came on with a 69 and ued for fourth at 282 He shared the spot with Nick Faldo of England, Masashtro Kuramoto of Japan and Des Smyth of Ireland Faldo also had a 69. Karamoto. a clOSUlg 71 and Smythe TJ Watson is the sea>nd man since World War ll to win the British Open four times. All hi s tnumph.s have been on Scottish links. He previously won at Carnoustie in 1975, Tumberry in 1977 and Muirfield ln 1980. "Scotland does something for me," Watson said. "If I win a~ain at St AndrC'ws in 1984 l'U wear a kilt." Next year the Open 1s at B1rkdale in Engl.and. Watson lS the first golfer smce Tom Morris Jr Ill 1872 to win four Briush Open titles on &'Otllsh courses HE IS THE fifth goUer to win the US and Bnush Operu Ill the same year. The othen were all Amencans -Bobby Jones in 1930, Gene Saraz.en ln 1932, Ben Hogan m 1953 and Lee Trevino m 1971 Treacherous winds blowing m from the Firth of Clyde and turrung nght round, sometunes m one day. made the 1982 Bntish Open a seesawing drama. For two days Bobby Clampett, 22. looked a certain winner with rounds of 67 and 66 in difficult rond1t1ons At the end of the second day he was seven strokes ahead of Wat.son. But, on the thtrd day, the wind reached a VICIOUS peak and blew Clampett's dreams askew. H e began the last round one stroke ahead of Price and three ahead of Wat.son 1 i I II 'Galaxy of stars in action tonight Prom D t11paichl WASHI. NOTON -P'rom the • ll'Mtelt oollecrtion of bueball eian of the 1'alf-amtury au1t up aaain t.oniaht to rtilve the aame they helped make the nation'• putime. 'nle atan will come out for a five-innin.11 Old-Tlroera All·•tar benefit pme at Robttt -,., Kennedy Stacllurn. Al Lopes, who won American Leaaue chamflonahips in Cleveland (1964) and Chicago (1959 will pilot the American l..eaC\.le. Longtime Dodaer manaaer, both ln Brooklyn and Los Angeles, Walter Allton. wW call tbe abot:a for the lelllor drcuJ.t. The 1tartlng lineup for the NL will include Brookyln's Pee Wee Reeee at ahortstop, the Olanta' Willie Maya in center and Stan "The Man" Muai.al of the St. Louil Cardinala ln left. Battina cleanup an<i playing right field will be the pme~s all-time home run king, Hank Aaron. The bott.ocn half of the order finds Ernie Banka, third bue, flrlt bueman Phil Cavaretta, second bueman Red Schoendienat and catcher Smoky ~- Singleton feasts on Seattle pitching lteD Slngle&oD, continuing his • assault aaainst Seattle pitchine. cracked a three-run homer and led Baltimore to a 4-3 victory over the Marinen Sunday afternoon. Singleton now has 20 homen and 59 RBI in 57 lifetime games against the Mariners . . . Elsewhere ln the American League, Derek Botelho and Mike Arm1troa1 combined on a three-hitter and .. Geor1e Brett , U.L. Wa1bJ.DgtGn and Jerry Martin , belted homen aa Kansas City mapped a aeven-game losing streak with a 9-0 romp over ~ton. The win pushed the Royals to within two games of the Angela in the We9t . . . Rick Cerone knocked in a pair of ruN, including one with his first home run llMGUTON since April 13, and Ron Galdry and Rudy May teamed for a five-hitter to help New York throttle Oakland, 7-3 . . . Don Moaey, Cbarlle Moore and Jim Gantner delivered run-scoring singles in a six-run second inning and Milwaukee collected 14 hits to help the Srewers complete a five-game sweep of Chicago with a 9-3 romp ... Alfredo GrlfflDcontinued 'his hot hitting with a two-out RBI single in the 10th inning to give Toronto a 5-4 victory over Texas ... Tom Bruaauky, Glll'}' • Gaetti and Gary Ward slammed solo homers to back Brad Havens' three-hit pitching in Minneeota's 6-1 triumph over Detroi't. Quote of the day American League All-star third baseman George Brett, aocounting for the latest in the AL's string of All-star l089eS: "I know about as much about the streak as I do .a~t how guys go up in space and stay there six days and then come back." Stewart captures first tour title Payne Stewart rode a !I tournament record-tying 7-under-par 63 Stmday to the Quad Cities Open goll tit.le, hia first on the PGA '!'our. The 27-year-old Misaourian. two shots off the lead starting the day, used a round of eight birdiea and a llin&le bogey for a 72-hole total of 268, 12 under par over the soggy Oakwood Country Club coww in Coal Valley, ID. . .. Sally Uttle shot a final-round 4-under-par 68 to defeat a hard-cliarging Betb Du.lei by five strokes in the LPGA-Mayflower Classic in Indianapolis. laHMll tOday 0nvm•te1n it7• ~-· l,l)flla Jltthlr, ___ ___ h'61'W I~=--.,-.... :~ Wtrtd ~--...... Trl'9i IOOl'ld a-' O Witarr, a\ M~~ ltlldh.lm. ~~··In l.vv: ~-~~t . r.tcMr to hW'l • one-b.ltw In bJI mOr ••cu• debut allowtna only an •l&bth- lnnln1 double by Phlladelphla11 l:lay ~pie. Oft U\11 daia In 1909: Cleveland Indian thortatop Neal S.U pwi.d off t.ha flni une•Nd trtple play ln modem major leacue h1stoy · Today's blrthdaY: Former Cht.cuo Cub firlt bueman Phil Cavarretta, t.he fMa NaUonal Leque Mmt. Valuable Player, la 66. Mtnne.ota Twtnl Manager Billy Gardner ll &a. Hernandez leads Cardinals' uprising lteUlt Beraudea 1muhed • ·• three-nm homer ln the eecond lnnina to key an early St. Lout. aplwp and sent the Cardinals to their thJrd 11.raigbt victory, a 6-~ decl.a1on Sunday over . Ci.ndnnatt. Hernande'Z'1 homer, hia fourth of the year, establlahed a 5-2 leed for St. Louia which the Reda were unable to overcome . . . Et.ewhere ·in the National ~. pinch-hitter D•aae g•lper'1 two-out, nm-«X>ri.n& double capped a two-run rally in the bottom of the ninth and sent San Ftandlco to a 4-3 Victory over Philadelphia. The 1011 dropped the Philllel lnto a virtual tie with St. Lout. for the top spot in the Eutem Division . . . BW Pocol'Oba drove in two runs with a pair of singles and Rick Camp ecattered six hill in tuminJ ln the first complete game of hia career, leadina Atlanta to a 4-2 decision in Chicago. The Braves now lead the West by five games over San Diego and eight over the Dodgen . . . AJ OUver drove in the final run in Montreal's six-run aecond innina and added a aolo homer in the sixth to power the Expo9 to a 9-2 victory and a aeries sweep in San Diego . . . Bob lt.nepper ~ a five-hitter and Ray ltldpt hit a pair of doubles and an RBI alngle helping Houston down Pit111bunzh. 4-2 Garvey plans action for drug tests Ed Ganey, executive director of ·· the National Football League Playen Aaaoclation, said Sunday that the union would file unfair labor practice charges against the NFL Management <:.owldJ and the Miami Dolphins and Denver Bronct9 over reported drug tests adminlatered to playen. The New YorlcTimes reported Sunday that the Dolphins and Broncos had tested players and Garvey said the unfair labor charges would be filed today . . . Frenchman Beriaard llbuullt won the 14th atage of the Tour de France cycling classic to fortify his position as overall leader . . Rabell Maaos won the United States Boxing A.saoclation lightweight championship when he stopped Arturo Frla1 at 2:08 of the fifth round of their 1eheduled 12-round title bout at the Tropkana Hotel and Casino in Atlantic Oty. Television, radio Following are the top 1porta events on TV tonight. Ratinp are: vvvv eXL'ellent: vvv worth watch.l.ng; v v fair; v forget it. e 5:30 p.m., Cban.oel 7 v v v v BASEBALL: Angeb at Baltimore. Auoancen: Keith Jack.on. 'Howard C.oeell and Don Dryed.ale. Smarting from Sunday's ninth-inning loa to Cleveland, the Angela will try to protect their two-game lead in the We9t when they 9efld Steve Renko (7-2) against old nemesis Scott McGregor (11-6). McGregor has beaten the Angela 12 atralght times, including three this season. RADIO Baseball -Angela at Baltimore, 5:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Montreal at Dodgers, 5:30 p.m., KABC (790). Laud a capture second win BRANDS HATCH, &!\&)and (AP) -AUftrlan Nlkl Laucfa 1n a McLaHn dominated Sunday'• Br1dah Grand PrUc to ..,... the MCOnd Yict.ory t.bla YeM on h1' oomebKk in11. a.lmed at wtnn1nl a third world thampbwhlp. The triwn&>h boolJted him lnto third place rn the championlh.tp 1tandlna1 with 24 polntl. France'• Didier Pironl, who placed teCOnd Sunda.y, leadl wit.h 3& pointa. while Britain'• John WatlOn, who aput out early, I.a runner-up wtth 30 ~ti. Lauda outdraapd Ptron1 df.er a •tarttna line ICCident alm11ar to that which killed Ricardo Faletti in C.anada a month qo. Thia time ~~ avoided by effective The Austrian took the lead on lap 10 of the 76 1a.-when the turbocharsed BMW enaine overhauled reigning world championship Nellon Piquet'a Brabham. "From then on, 1 controlled the race and newr had any trbuble from the car or the tirell," a relaxed Lauda uld afterward. Lauda completed the 198.63 miles in 1 hour, 35 minutes, 33.812 seconds at an average apeed of 124.7 mph, cruieing acrcm the line with a 25.7-eecond lead after having led by 37 eeconda earlier. Pironi was second in his Ferrari turbo. u......,..... INTO THE WALL -A.J . Foyt of Houston rebounds off the retaining wall Sunday during the Michigan 500 aft.er a collision with Hector Rebaque near the 150th lap of the 500-mile race for Indy.type cars. Gordon John.cock won the race. Johncock near Triple Crown Michigan 500 victory puts him two legs up on teat 8ROOKL YN, Mich. (AP) - G&don Johncock took dead aim at the Triple Crown of Indy-car racing Sunday, adding the Norton Michigan 500 to his earlier triumph in the Indianapolis 500 aa he survived a grueling race punctuated by craahel which took out A.J. Foyt and Rick Meara. "It's kind of hard to believe," the soft-spoken Johncock said after being reminded in Vi.ctory Circle that all he needs now ls a victory in the Pocono 500 on August 15 to join 1978 winner Al Unaer as the only drivers to win all three 500-mile Indy-car races in the same year. "You never know m racing," Johncock added. "The tires felt like they were running so rough (late in the race). You never know. The car hung togehter." "U the car stays together at Pocono and we have no other problems, we'll have a vtty good chance to win the race. It's great to have the chance at it (the Triple Crown).;' Johncock led 10 UJnes in the race for a total of 118 laps, including the last 56 "The car just ran strong all Ex-Dolphins linked to _ drug smugglers FORT LAUDERDALE. Fla. (AP) -A mauive federal Investigation into drug amuggling in the Southeaat has linked former Miami Dolphins running backs Larry Caonka and Jim Klick to members of a $300 million-a-year ~ orp.n.1%.ation based in South Florida, a published report said Sunday. narcotics section in New Orleans, told the News and Sun-SentJ.nel that the Csonka-K11ck ~vestigation had been lingering b ecau se o f the staggering caseload resulting fr o m Operation Grouper Fanning sald the probe of the fonner National Football League stars "peripherally invol ves people who were indicted in the Grouper cases." day," he noted. "Early i.n the day, I was having trouble running down low in the bumpy part of the track. But, lat.er, I could run anywhere. It was a real advantage." Both Foyt and Mears were running up front with J ohncock and second-place finisher Mario Andretti when the accidents occurred . Foyt suffered minor injuries and Mean was not hurt. The most serious crash of the day took out luckless Foyt, who was making a detennined effort to win hLs first Indy-car race since bemg seriously injured here a year ago. He had JUSt pitted under a caution flag and was running fourth as the pack took the green flag_ to re:awne radn& an lap 148 of the 250-lap event. Hector Rebaque, running well off the pace. was speeding up coming out of the fourth turn when he came upon a slow-running car and veered to his right. Rebaque's car dtved right mto the left-front of Foyt's orange No. 14 March, smaslung Foyt hard into the concrete wall. Both cars spun into the infield Bell, Hansen big winners Governor's Cup to Pinckney The Fort Lauderdale Newa and SWP-Sentlnel reported in a copyright 1tory that federal agents following through on the four -year-old "Operation Grouper" probe have linked the ex-players to members of a amualing ring headed by Joe Harry l>eag. 34 , of Fort Lauderdale, and Edward Paul HindelaJl8, 42, of Tampa. Pegg and Hlndelang - admitted leaden of a ring operating in Louisiana, Georgia and Florida -were among 165 people indicted in "Operation Grouper" on Mrcb 12, 1981. They both pleaded guilty and are now serving terms in federal prt.on. Laat month, former New Orlean1 Saints running back Mike Strachan was indicted on charges of aelllng drugs to other NFL players. But unlike that investigation, the Caonka-Kiick probe deals only with drug smugglers, said Fanning. "It wasn't the type of thing where drugs were being aold to other football players. It was smuggling for profit," Fanning said. LOS ANGELlS (AP) -Mike Bell captured the final Miller High Life Superbowl of Mot.ocro611 at the Los Angeles Coliseum. but Donnie Han.sen, with a seventh-place finish, earned enough points to win the Wrangler Supercro11 Series championship. H.anaen. the No. 1 Honda rider, added to his 27-point lead with another point in Saturday night's Bahia Corinthian team captures match racing s~ries Skipper Mike Pinckney from Bahia Corinthian wu the winner of Balboa Yacht Club'a Governor's Cup, a match racing series for sailors between the ages of 15-19. Fifteen clut. sent teams to the aeries, including entries from aa far aouth as San Diego and as far north as San Franciaco. The Fort Worth, Tex., Boat Club al80 eent a crew. The 15-race aeries waa sailed ln Santana-20 1loop1 over a windward-leeward course off Newport Beach. Pinclmey's two-man crew were Peter Newbre and Tim Sullivan. The BCYC ~ Ued tn wins and io.e. with RiclunondYacht Club'• John Kostecki. Albert SOyce and Mile Herllthy with 13 wins and two lome9 each, but Plnckney won ltle cup by bavinl beaten Kostecki in their match. Skipper Mike Segerblom of Alamitoe Bay Y.cht Cub wu third with a .:ore of 12-3 tn a. tie with Gordm Clute, San Franclaco Yacht Club, the dwfmwHnc cham.J*Jn. Segerblom beat Clute in their match. Final atandtnp: 1 Mike Pinc*~. 8111* Cortntlllln YC. 1W; 2. Jdln ~I. Nctwtioild YC, 1s-; a. Miiie ~ AMm1101 B11r YC, 12-3; 4. Gordon a..M, l.n "endlco YO, 12-3; 5. Jdln f\lllr, C4ipilltrMO Aey YC. U-4: t. 1r1M LAdMtter, l.n Dleoo YC. 1o-t; 7, ~ Teule. lelboe vo. M: 1. John SMdden. 1..ong 9eldl vo ... ,. •· Mu ~ '°"' Hett>or YC, 1-7; 10. Aldl ~ Coronedo YO, .... 11. a-di ....,... eouu-tern YO, 1-10: 1a. Nwtt MoCkMn. '°" WOf1fl 809t OMI, 6-10: 18. Ted P..,,._, ~ H#bor YC, S-f2; 14. .... CltllfMllt, Mon*-¥,..,,..,.. YC. J.12: 15. Oreg Dlnlellon. o.na "*" ye, 1-14. Temertty wlna at Bahia Corinthian YC Ted K«r'• Tementy wu the aa.. A winner ln the fourth..-of Bahia Corinth.I.an Yacht Club'• Anp1men S.W for PHRJ' yacbtl. a.. s WtnMr ... su.. ~. Ja anc1 Bna l..tnoft, BCYC; and the 0.. C winDer WM Jtmwolw. An OltcU.U, BCYC. Tridl ~ • o(la1i."! 1, T_.,. Ted~~ 2. ~ ,.._ t°""' ...... ~ ........ """""""' \c;~ ............ ;i.. ....... ~ IC't'CI!. .... "' ,_ --~ ""°' IC\'Q. • 0 -1. ~ Nt OllliaM, ec:vc; I • .._. ll'U Mert11. ,,.,..._~a.oei ta ,•Aft9.WO, Shy takes NHYC Etchells-22 race Twenty-two starten1 ahowed up for Newport Harbor YllCht Club'• Etchella-22 fleet championship Saturday and Sunday. C1onka and Klick, starters during the Dolphlna' two Super Bowl championship ~ in the early 1970., have under investigation for the put year, the newspaper uid. "We haven't been able to heat.stocapturethele89008eries. devote much time to it (the Hansen and defending C.Onka-Kilck probe), but it i.s an Supercrosa champion Mark open cue and we are continuing Barnett went into the race aa the our investigation," he added. only two with a chance of "Beyond that I cannot oomment." winning the championship. The winner was Don Bever's Shy from NHYC with 22~ polnt:a .. Bever I.a a fonner world champion Star sailor. Federal agents, who asked not The event, which movee from to be named because the probe the Coll&eum next year becauae i.s oontlnuing, said C8onka and of a new field at the atadium, Klick are among 140 people who drew 65,684 fans, the largest are currently part of the follow-crowd since 74,065 watched in R~-up waa Tun Hopn. NHYC in Clme BOATING A11istant U .S . Attorney Patrick Fanning, chief of the up investiga tionr. --:::::::-::::::::::-::::::1::97"'--9'"". -r-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::::--- ~WN YOUR OWN~ Ehcoumen wtth a s::ore of 16~. and third wu L B h d } ""9USJNmSHOWW Scott MMOn 1n Spirit from NHYc. 19. ong eac ea s •:.~ .... -::::::.r::1 Bogart Serles race taken by Le Boat ·~~!:I Le Boat, •kippered by Don Beau, Bahia oc f1·rst setba-1-I-~==.:.. .. ~-::..· Corinthian Yacht Club, wu the Claaa A winner t.7K I ·--. ., .. ,,.., .. I Saturday in the Newport to Point Fermin and ••••rT ... PAMMOTa th fifth f V Yach Cl b, I "'" "auoa. AllAMJ• u I Re1Um nee, e o oyagen t u 1 LOS ANGELES _ EJdrldae Hucbon hit the ~ 1uu n t4, n. 1111 Humphrey Bopn 8!11• · tint tour lhot:a he tried tn the 8eCOlld half .. Long L:! •'ilrn1~.: :"" ....!1~ r!JI , Clall B winner was Aloha n, lktppered by Beech opened up a bl& advantage and routed to a .__~ __ ._,_ ... _~_ .. _rM_r_·~-• _,,-'----1 Glenn Reed, South Shore Yacht Club. 126-97 victory over Oranp County in the United In the Southern Ocean Racin.r Divl1ton States Dlvelopment Buketball l.eecue Sunday at (SORO) U'8 winner wu 'I'IAmamJ, uiled by Dave Cal State Loi AnaeJee. G,.y, Voyagen Yacht Club. Winner in the ORCA 1be to. WM the ftnt In five oudnp for (Ocean Racina Catamaran A11oclatlon , wa1 0ranait County, w~ Lonas.ch lmprowd to&.<>. Defiance, Huab Towle, VYC. Rucllon. who led all eoon!IW with 30 pol.nt:a. 'lnmhv wtnnera ln N11h clul; helped Lone Beech llr'etlch • ba1tt1me 1-.d of PH"Af't.l"i. 1.e I09l. 0on ...,, ..,. COl'lnttlllll vc: 2. Momentum, 02..Y ancs t.be wmnea were never threatened aft.er P.-Tong, 9M11 ltlor9 YC; I.~. Mboe ,,..,.,_ ~ a.iboeehat. VO. .,.... _ AIOfle., '*"" "-1 ... va: 1. ~· Owl. M ._,, vvc. PadnC <>ranee County w.. c.c.ta Meea'• Ken I. ...... '!' 1.'i-= DIM ~. VV~ I . Wlftdlfllf\. Qeorve Budlley, 'Who poured in 23. lUch Thoinm. from ~ vvc;-a.-,._. TOW. VVC. ' er--Ol1nda ltiP. added -~7l Wh1Je !'.dillcm ffi8h -. prod~ IUchard Chana neNa 14. Shadden fourth at 470 ch~pl9nlblp John Sbaddm\ of :s-=h Yacht aub... Vilas, Purcell reach finals the only U.S. ..a:Jor to ln the 470 world clwno&omh1p at 1..A1bon. • BllOOKLIN&, Mua. (AP) -Top·aeeded Sh8ddlii ~ blftb b9blnd J. Carow.Id, Quillmno VU. IClClreMd ~ YaMk:ll r.t Qer11ry: D. ~ J'nDat; aod ft....... N~ lftd llWDdl IH:Md Mel P\&ftell beat the Nft' J-''~ bM& mil l2ah 111 tad l'll'DIDdo LUal ID ~:(.f ~ cbamp6oo O.V. UUman~..,....ot-N~ewport---...,-..~ .. mJflnala or tbe U00,000 U.S. Pro Tennie Bw:b pllicld • diat.lnt leih In ti» 80-boat a.t. QwnplcNhl~ SATISFIED WITH YOUR IRA/KEOGH YIELD? SELF·DIRECTE TRUST MAY BE YOUR ANSWER Don't wait another day, Call now tor pt~ lntormetlOn a dMllla. J' ., ., l SAVE ON --- CADILLAC LEASING t.t:t'i~ JULY ONLY ~1\BERS <:ADIUJAC Costa Mesa (714) 540-9100 . I ' SCOREBOARD MAl<>f' LRAQUm aTANDtNGa =-~ W L ,.._ 09 Meelll 11' 311 6t 7 K-•r""' 48 40 s.a 2 CNC:llCIO 45 • 2 517 4 '-\ Seeille 48 .. 511 5 OekMlnd 3' 54 4 IS 14 ,... 35 50 412 13\0 ~· 21 82 :s Ill 22\0 UITDN DMltC* Mllweiul!• N ~ to2 ao.ton 112 :t1 514 ,,,. 8111lmore H 38 .547 5 Oetro11 45 42 II 17 7'A ,...., yon; 43 42 50I 8'A C~end 43 43 500 9 T0tonto 4 t 47 4M 12 ......,. ...... Clewlen<l l! ........ 4 Toronto 5, T.,.u 4 ( 10 lnnlnQ•I New v Ml 7. o.lllen<I 3 K..-City 9, Botton 0 S.lllMOf• 4, SMUii 3 Mlnneeota II, o.trolt 1 Mllwlluk• 9, CNcaQo 3 T..,-10.- A1t1el1 (Renko 7-21 at Beltlmore (Me()rlQOI' I 1.e). n KIMM Cfty (81eoi< W) el Toronlo (Liii, $-7). n f 30 p m Ollllln<I (Mceally $-1) .. Cle¥9lan<I (Sor-7-7).n r -(Medletl 7·71 •t &oe1on (Rainey &-3). n Chicago (Limp 8-4) .. 0 1troll (PWWcil 1-3 or Wiicox M ). n SM lll• (Nlleon 1·8) 1t NI• York (JoM $-7) Mllw1uk11 (Augu1llne 1-21 II ~ (WlllWN 2-1). n Netlonel L..Maue nltulM~ W L ""'-CM • Allenll 54 ~ 814 San Diego 50 40 56e 5 ~ 4844 1122 a San Frendlco 43 48 487 13 HOuaton 40 411 4411 14'A Clnc:lnNll ,.. 6t 371 2, LUTSMDM9IOM ~ 50 31 562 St Louie 61 40 MO Monlrlll 47 42 528 3 Piltllbutfilll 45 43 611 4'A New Voril 42 411 . .e2 II ChbQO 37 6t .388 15 ......,. ...... ,.._ VOftl I, ~ 3 SI Louie I , Clncinnell 5 Allen la 4, Chlcego 2 H-lon 4, Ptttlbufvll 2 Montreal II, San Diego 2 Sen l'rllnCleco 4, ~a T .... eca... Mont,.., 1~ a..n • ~ (Romo 0-2). t Hou9ton (AY!lle M l M Qllaloo (Aw 1·21 Ph1111ur1111 (Baurngarl•n 0-21 al Cincinnati (Heme 2-21. n Allenta (P Nlellro 7-3) M 81 Louie (Mdul« 7-t), " Plllieelelpllla (ICrultow ._.,) al San Olego (~M).n Only owr-ecNduled ~AM~GW 1ncti.n. a. Ange6I 4 C~ CUVILMC a r II lit • r II 1111 Dwno." 4 0 0 0 Mlbm.21> 4 0 2 0 Bnqz.11 0 0 0 0 Hml,.lb 3 1 1 2 Calw.1b 4 0 2 0 Htgrv, lb 3 0 0 0 RJlten,rt 4 o 1 o Thntn,clll 4 o O o RCWll.rt 0 0 0 0 H.,.e.rt 4 0 0 0 ~.Oh 5 0 0 0 Mnng,cl 3 0 0 0 l~.cl 3 ' ' 0 Crlllg,pr 0 , 0 0 ~.304 2 ? 3 cc.ti." 1 0 0 0 Grdl,211 4 1 2 1 Qlne,11 1 o 0 o Foll,M 4 0 I 0 Pgl.pll 0 I 0 0 Bc>otM.c 4 0 0 0 Fechln.a I I 0 0 TOlu.38 4 9 4 Prcnt.211 , 1 ' 0 Nh<ly,1)11 I 0 1 2 TOlll12fl 5 8 4 ._.. a., ._.,.. Calllotnla 020 001 010-4 C,..,,..encl 000 101 012-5 T "'° ovlt wftel> '°""nlng run ICOt«! E -Perconte OP -Cellfomle 2 LOB -Celffomle II. CleYeland 6. 28 -Ceraw. Lynn. N1lloroelny. HR - O.Clneel 2 112). Harrllll (11). Grid! ( 10) 98 -c..-$ -c c.«lo. c..-. C....,,. • H " P M IO Wiii 7 32221 CotbMl(l. 1·11) ,.... 2 3 3 3 0 H...... 0 I 0 0 0 0 c .......... Bafll• a 11 3 3 2 e o~.4-01 3 , 1 1 1 2 Bafllar pttCMd 10 1 tiattw In u.. 7111 H ...... pltCMd lo I bait• In Ille 9111 HBP -by Wiii (H1rr1h) WP - ~I T -2 44 A -18.418 .,_._7;A'1J OMllnCI 000 001 200-3 & 2 ,.._ VOftl 021 102 0 b -7 10 1 Kingman, Hanna (8). Owchlnlto (8). T UnOwwoocl (7). 8MrO (II ancl M Heeth. Ouldry, R May (7) encl C..-W- Oul<lry, M l -Klngmen. 1-7 Hll8- 0 akl1turrou9111 (8). H-Ye><ll. Cerone 21 -38.184 .............. T-201 000 001 0-11 1 Toronto 100 030 ooo 1-5 12 o y.,,_ Sc:tlmldl (8). o.t...ln (10) ..0 Sun<111er9. Ooll, 0 Murray (7). J. McL1ugN1n (10)) ano 8 Mat1lnR W-J Mc;Lauglllln. 8-3 l -Oareln, 8-4. HR1-1'1x ... H011911er (131; Toronto, 8111111d ( tO). A-15.S 12. .................. K.,_ cny 106 001 002-11 ts o llot1on 000 ooo 000-0 3 o eo.llo. l'rmalrong (I) ..0 aleuglll, Oulflt (II). T UOOr, Aj>Onw ('3). ote01 (1) en<I Gedman. W-Botelllo, t..O. l - TudOt, 6-7 HAI-~ City, llr"'1 (1). Wlllhlnglon (1). Mltlln 1r1 A -28,0'12 O.W.f, ....... I llelttll 000 030 000~ 10 2 ~ 01) 000 00.-• 7 ' Ml M-.. Vlllldl .. O (7). BlllllOll (I ) ln<I ...... PlllmW, tf...-wt (5) end Nolen, o.,npeey (I). W Siewert. 8-1. l -Ml Moore. 4-7 Hr -... llmote, 8llloll4on (7). A -1&, 181 .,..... .. Tl9WI 1 OW'Olt 000 000 001-1 I 1 ~· 2:20 101 oo.-• " 0 P Unclerwooel. Plllhn<:tl (4~ s-111 ..0 P...W.; ..._ ancl .. ..,'" W-H1tten1. a-e l-P Ul\d-000, 3-8 HAll-...,,_.e. ~ (11). G-11 (14). wwo 1141 A-te,111 .._. ........... CNcaoo '10 100 000-3 • 0 Mllw9uk• OIO 010 02x-I 14 0 Bar-. ~ (2). Ooteon (II encl Hiii, ,..., (7~ Lercff, ....,,, (P) ancl 81-. W-LMUI. 7.5 L-e..n.. O· I. S-B•rner<I (4) H"-ChlClfilO, Aodrlguc (1) A-48,465. NAT10NAL L.&AQ\19 ....... ~, •W YOM LO. AMGal..11 arllllt •rhlll Wll<l.cl 5 2 1 O Su .211 4 I o O Strna.c 5 1 2 o AMII.• 4 o 2 o F1tr ,It 5 1 1 I a.ir.H 4 0 1 1 Vngblo,11 0 0 0 0 Gerro,Cf 3 0 0 0 Kg!.""',1113 I 1 0 Cey,3b 4 1 1 0 Jrgnen., lbO 1 0 0 Ofvy, 1b 4 ' 0 0 Vlnln,rt & 0 I I MnH.rt 3 0 1 0 MllWlll.3115 I 2 1 &la,c 4 0 2 2 a.imn,2b 3 1 2 2 Wldl,p 2 O o o Odov,M 5 0 0 0 Mndy,pll 1 0 0 0 MSct1,p 2 0 O 0 NdnfY,p O O 0 0 S..,,,p 2 0 I 1 Shrty.p 0 0 0 0 Rnci. .pll ' 0 0 0 Tol.lll-40 8 II II Totlle34 3 7 3 ._.., ......... -VOftl 100 012 022-8 l o. AllQllel 110 100 000-3 E -8ekw, GMdln!We 2. Auleel, Sclo..cla LOB -Hew York I , Loi AAQelel fil. 28 -Sdoecla. ~ 38 -W111on HR -a-men (2~ SB - Cey. G1 rvay, Mer1h1ll, 811ern1 3, Jor9"*W' S -~ SF -&ak• .._.,... • H"P• IO M.Sc:otl(W.7·Tl 5 8 3 2 3 4 Swen(S 11 4 I 0 0 0 0 Lal~ Wllch(L.9-7) 8 4 4 I 2 4 Nledenluw I~ 5 2 2 0 0 ·~ II; 2 2 2 2 0 M. Sclotl pllchlO 10 I bll1• In tile etll T -3;16 A -47,SM lrftM4,C:-.I Allanll 300 00 I 000-4 I 1 3 CNcaoo 100 010 000-2 • 0 c;amp end Poc:oroba. :llrd, la Smi111 (8) encl J ~ W -C"!!P. •1-3 L -Bird, 6-11. A -15,1118 A*-f,...,....I Pllt80urgll 200 000 000-2 11 0 Houlton 101 001 01•-4 9 1 O. ~. E. Aoono (7}. T•uh>e (7) ancl T. Pw>a; K1111PPW end Pujoia, W-~. 4-10 l-0. ~. 10-4 A-11,211. ~ ....... Clndnnatl 200 110 01o-6 " 0 St. Loum 230 000 10.-1 11 1 LAlbAnCll. HwT1I (2). HeyM (8). Kam (8\ Hume (I) and v., ~. T"""""° (ti: L.8PIMI, KMt (II). Bulter (I) encl t-.,_ (I) W-KMI, 4-1 l-lalllrandt, 3·8 8 -Sutt..-(10) H~. _...,_(Ilk 81 LOUii, K. _.,..,ldm (4~ A-21.~ ....... ,..... PNaOe1pHa 200 010 ooo-a 10 2 Sen Fr9ndao0002 000 002-I I Clwlat-. ~(I) ancl 8 OWll. ~--May W-Harnmlltar 7-5 l -Cl>flltenlon :>-5. HAa - Pllll1delphl1 Schmidt ( 12). Sen F1'ancl9CO Morgan (8)A -111857 ...... h*w2 Montr_. oeo 001 002-t 13 1 Sen Dll!lO 001 100 000-2 • ' Plllmar. 8urril (1) anO t:antr. W...,, Onr...aiy (8) and 8-W-,...,.., 5·2 L-Watell, 5-4 S-llurrlt (21 HAa-MontrMI. Cert• (20~ ~ (15) l'-14.967 Top 10 ~..,., ........ , AlllOICAN LaAGUll Q A8 " " "'°'· w Wlllon.KC 84 277 3-4 $4 3311 Gent,,., ,Mllw 85 210 22 7 I »8 1.M Parrllti,o.t 87 231 44 77 333 Harrllll.CM. 85 337 71 112 332 Hrt>ell.Mln 711 305 49 100 328 Bonl'>llll,Tor llO 257 43 84 327 Cooper.MM'# 82 ~ 51 111 324 Vount.Mllw 13 337 641 108 320 Mc;Rlla,KC ta 337 50 108 3211 Padot•.CN 78 277 34 87 314 "UNI: E Hendereon, Oa kland, 79, Molllor, MllwaukM, 72, Harrell. a...tlfld. 71. E..-. &oaton, 83. Brlll1. K.,,... Ctty, 111 Mt Mcflae. ~ Clly, 12, Cooper, ......... 71; Tllomlon, ~ .... Luz1n1kl, Chicago . 85. Yount, M ....... M , 81. Htt*I. M.,,,_I. 81, Murphy. Oeldenel, • , . ~ HWTllll, a...llnd. 112, Cooper, MllweukM. 111; 0--. T°'°"'o, 111, Yount, ............... 108, Mc:flM. ~ City, tot OOU.Ulc Wlllt•. ~ City, 27. L,_. ......... YOUM, ......... 2$, E-. ec.on, 23. Cooper, Mlweuk-. 23. ~ ttemOon, OetrOll, I, Yount, Mllw8ul<M, I; W WllOn, KINM City, e; Ortmn. Toronto, •• usiat-. Toronto. I: Brett, K-City, •• ltom ...... 0 . ~. M_.M, 22, ................. 11; Thomton, Cllwland, 20: OQIMe. M~ 20; Cooper, Mtlweuk•. 11. ITOLIM aAlal1 R Hendarenon. o.llllnd, N ; Watllen, ~City. 21. J . CNl. s-t111. H ; Owela. T0t0nlo. a•: l.el'lore, ChlcegO, 24 . Pt'Tct9IO (f2 0.C.-): VudlcMctl. Mllwluk... 10-4, 3. 12: ZaM. ........ 1~ 1.111 QullrY, New YOf'k, M , 117; Bllf"M, 0111eego, M , a .11; a.,11er, CleveMnd, 10.11, a.aT: Clue*, s-t1le. . M . 2.06: McOregor, .....,,_... 11-1. 3.87: F . ._..,, s.t11e, M . 2.18. .,,..°""' '· e.nNMlr, ...... 111, twktf, ~. IOI; Cl\lldry, IMw Ycft, 17, ldl--.iy, lk!Moll, ti; ............... ,. NATIOIW. LIAOUI . .......... ~.Mii .. 121u107 ut Kftlglll, Ht11 M ~ 41 lot .llt "-*-.LA T 1 237 42 74 .3 T ....... l'oll 78 211 ao M .a11 MoOM. Ill 17 2• ao • .a 11 ~.Mtl 13 301 lit ~ .. Medloclk,l'Qll II :Sit 63 M .308 "".Jor'9.80 12 2N 58 • , 306 Lo.S-,ltl .. 331 74 102 304 c.o.no.Cln 71 214 33 .. * "UMlt lo lmllll, 81 Louie, 74, Mwplly, Alilnt1, II; o-.on, Mom,_,, II, 81111<1befg, Clllc:aoo, H , C1t1.,, Mon.,..., 6t ""1 Murphy, All1 n 11, 8 7, Klngman,1New York, 84, Ollver, MontrMf. 83; Carter, MonlrM I, 511. Clertl, Ian l'rllllGlloo. H. ttrfl: KnlaM, Houeton, tot; 8uc:ik.nw. CNcaoo. 10l; °"""· MontrMI, 107; J . Ray, Pil1ltlurgll, 107; ..... ~ 104. OOUllUllk I "-"""°Y· Sin Olego, 28, Madlock, Pllllb<trgll, 22; Kntgilt, Hou11on. 22, Oliver, MonlrH I. 21. Oawaon, Montreal. 21: SIM rn1, H-VOftl. 21. T"IPLllt MoGH. St. Louie, 7, Oerner, Houllon, 7, Templelon, San Oleo<>. 7. M«eno. Ptlr.but'gll, •• 7 Tied With & HOim lllUN8: Klngmen, New Voril, 26. Murphy. Alllnll. 24: Cartw, MonlrMI, 20, Horner. Allenta. 18; J l'11orn9eon, Pllt1bur9h. 17, lall•r. Docftet1, 17; O....-r..-e, DMeela, 171 Clerk. San l'11ncleco. 17 ITOUN aA ... : lo Smllll, SI Louil, 43, Mor•no. PltleburQh. 4 1 Raln11, MontrMI, 40, o.nter, PhledllpNa. :le. ..... .,.....,... ... Pt'TettlltQ ( , 2 OedaloM~ Lolar. San Diego. 10-3, 2 H , Ro01r1, Montrul, II_., :l 2 '· 0 Roblneon, Plt1111Urgll, 1D-4, 391, v........, ~ ~7. I.le; Forectl, St l.oWI, M , 4 l)e, Sunon, Hou1ton, 9 -5. 2 t o. C u lton. Phlll delpllla , 12-7, 3 47; Kruk'"°, Pllllaclelphla, ..... 2. 541 ITMCIOUTI: Solo, ClnclnNll. 180. C u lton, Phll1<111p1111, 152 Ry1n, Houelon. 135. Aogre, Monlr_., 105 y .......... Dediferl, ... HoftrWood hft IUMDAY'a MIUL.'n (111111 .. ...., ...... ) P'IRl'f uc:a. • lur1onQI M.ct Tru NIV (Almnl 54 IO 27 llO 12.IO Speedy Tudor (Celna) 15.00 8.llO Temlotllll (91~) 5 80 Aleo rllOIO AmdMn, Our1oo o.too, Hanel Ove r Hearl. Pra<lllactlon. Ouallllc111on. 80l<I Conlldenc•, Jim 8'.Re, Ba FrM,'£1 T,coon. Time 1 10 1111. MCOMO MCL 7 1V410n01 Un'*-lo Me (ttwty)6 20 4 00 3 20 SIM Of Dew-. (Toro) 4 80 3.40 O.-(V ........ ) 4.IO Ai.o r..O: Alu W-f:OCle • -.i. Proepecltw lit•• Blact<...,I. ~1fty'1 °ir-, 22 U DAIL T DOUILI (I I· I) pe ld l 1M40 ntl'O UC.. 1141 -....,,,.., (UpNm) 11 eo s.20 a.20 F rlWWlly Royel1y 1""-YI 2 llO 2. 40 MO<.-(V ......... j ~ :uo AllO r".O Splrll.O Marc:. Joyful C.vtllar, Clolllng T r..o., Thi ,_.llOCI T-1 49-4/:> • • DACTA (µI paid 138 00 l'OURTit MCL II ""1or>gl ~ OICJIOmAI (C.tndai 13 llO 5 40 4 00 Ll1yY11 Bay (Mct;etTonl 4 20 3.20 HolO T,.,. Hull (Hl'#ley) 5 20 Aleo reced H•C•llD•rr y Honey Perllout Fllglll, '•vonllam, Mohr Oeelr•. MlrMOI, K"°'"'" To Win Ti-. 1 09 4/5 """ uca. 1 ""1ono•. Shayna M<:Outre (Mot.;rn,' JU 4 20 4 00 , .,,.a M111 (011Var•1 a 40 3.00 Mawllll Low (Hl'#leyl 1 40 Aleo r-O Wlnlar Sp1r11, Apot~ MIM. Amlg1 LI 0 Counl-Cabr111o. RoM TUOor Time 122 11$. • DACTA 13-81 paid171 00 aomt MC L ll'A IUtlonOI Lelty LOy Eln (Pncy) 4.00 2.llO 2.40 In True l'orm (McClrTon) 2 eo 2 40 o"'"°"°' (ShoemalcerJ 3 oo AleO reioed 8rlQhl Lady, Kippy. Syn&. nm.· ' 1-4 215 • lllACTA (WI peld '23 50 MV'IJfTM M CL 5 ~ on turf. FOtt Calglty Cl.PflmPll ·o '"l I 60 5.20 8elforl 1a.oen1 3 40 2 eo T.,,._0·1 ~ (V.,._I 3.00 Aleo rllOIO Cool Fret'fClfY, lmpertlil i.-, CO)'(Mwo. lllul lllul T1ml 6t 4/11 .. IXACTA (3-4) paid 1280 50 .. lltelt IOt I 1+e-:J.:>-;JJ PelCI Cl(. 771,IQ ""111 flw wlnnlf111 11Ck111 (llJI rwn.( '2 Pick SI• conllOlaUon paid 13e1 10 with 130 winning llC*IU (IM rwn.~ 12 Pldl 8IJt ecnte11 conaoldon paid 1251.00 ..itll 904 wlMlng tick ... (four ~. one .n1dll llQHTM MCI. 1 'A n\1181 .ioumflt .. s.. (Mcenl2 'lO 2 .40 2 10 w..i COMt ,..,...,. 1......,.1 1.00 2.10 c-.iwtl (Plnc8y) 2 10 Alto rllOl<I' Mil Me, AlglfCll. Time: 2:00 115 • DACTA (4-3) peld •noo. ...,,. Mca. 1 1118 ,..... on 1url. Hugably (McHWQUll 40.IO 11.10 8.20 81< ,,... (McCwfon, 3.40 3.00 Plinth (81111119) 8.20 Alao rllOIO: FIMI Ptl!rona. ,,_ Four-. Paoeen1ry, L n01·1 ero111ar. Aelonll "4111. Time: 1:42 1111 • .. UACTA (6-71 peld tan.50. Alten<ltlttoe" 41,114. Mtw.0.-( .. T-. IMllMW) .. Tom Wlleon,164,720 118-71-74-70 -Pet• Ooet-"'*,"33 00~ 74-$7-74 10 NIClk Prtce,133,003 89·8$·74-73 -Tom Purttw.118,810 NIClk Ftlldo,I 18,I 10 Mlllhlro Kurm1,S1e.e 10 0.. Smylh,I 11e10 .., Fuzzy Zoallw.l 14,962 Slltldy Lyte.S 14,H2 - 76-86-76-et 73.13 71 .. 11-73-71-71 7~fil 74 73 73 71 73 70 74-86-73 74 JICll. NIC:lclau1.Sl2,568 77-70-72-U BollDy Clampen s 12 6t8 87 a&-76-77 211 Sem Tor•~.$10,773 ao 73.72.73 71 Sew B..._lwo.,19.234 71·711-73 71 Bernhard Lanoar.19.234 70 611-78 73 291 Raymond FIC>yd.$e,Mll Cur111 Slrenga,te 889 a.n CrenS111w.se.eee o.r... w11eon.se.ee11 212 Ktr1 llrown.$4 .959 m 74 73 71.97 72 73 75. 70 74.75 72 70 75.99.7:1-74 70 71 79 72 TOllru NIA1mur1,S4 215 77-61 77 71 laao Aol<I $4 275 l!Hill 7$.74 2M Joea-M1t1I Cnu1.S3 78, 11.72.79 12 JOllnny Miiiar S3 782 71-75-75-72 BIU Roglf 1 13. 7 82 73 70.7g.75 211 Granem M111h.S3 334 78 16 72.71 B•mnard Glllcllr S3.3J.4 7S 71 74.75 211 Jmy Mlb S2 736 76-72-75-11 Greg NO<man.U.736 73·75-76-12 Arnol<I Pal,,_ 12 736 71 73-78-74 Liii Tr..nno.12 7341 1872·1175 Dl•td Grallam S2. 738 73 7()..78 77 297 Mille MMIW S2.052 74 72.79.73 Leny l'Mleon.12.052 77 69-77 74 M11111 Thotnla,12 ,052 12-74-7$-78 -Eemonn 01tc:y,S 1,4,5 75-73-78-72 ~ Fwenz,11,425 7Mlll·ll0-73 PIUI Way.S 1,425 72-75-7S.73 CrllQ Slldlar.Sl,425 71-74-79-74 enen a.m..1 1.426 75-69-76-78 OaVld Roleeftl I. 425 72-72-76-78 -HwOl<I H9nnlnQ.I I, 11 I 74·74·76-75 JOO Bob~.11.111 73. 72-81-74 a-Mlleolm~ Gary Pleyer .s 1, " ' 7$-74-76-75 Tarry0•.11.111 76-74-7$-75 Nel4 C-.11.111 73-73-72 72 •1 811 Longmult •• 1 111 77 72-77 1S Ti.nle Britz. I I, 11 I 81-70-74 18 Brien Walt•,I I, 111 7$-17-73-78 Roow~.11,111 7$-76-14·78 J01 M1111 J-.s 1.oze 7$-75-15-77 H., Sheng-San . .s' .oze 75-76-75-77 M ....... Pinero.I I 02tl 7$-75 74.79 ., Mw1r McHully,1 1.029 T&-14-76-77 ,,_., T~.ll.02t 7&-73-71-78 IMrtlfl Po1ton.I 1 .02t 74-70-7MI K-W11 .. t 1,02t 73-7S. 71..f I .. PNllip Hwneon.t 1 02tl 711 74.74 78 Jell Mlcl\Ml King S l,OU .. 73.79 74~ Miile Cll>lll.S 1 0211 73-76 77-llO •-Amel- Quad CIHM Oo.n , .. c... v...,, IL> .. Peyne 81--.rt.138.ooo :ml Pll Mc:GowM.S 17,800 B<9d ery ... 1.s11,eoo 271 Jim TllOrpe.111.800 m Jeff Mltc:tlell.17 ,300 a .. ,., J-*al.17.300 Allar1 MlllW.17.300 274 o ... Elcheltl«gr."4.285 Vence HM!ner ,"4,285 Lyn lott."4,2115 8oO E•IWOOd.1-4.285 Don P001e1.'4.H5 Rod c..tl,"4 ,2H Jim Oenl.'4.285 Gery Mc:Co<<l."4.285 m Oen ~.-3.100 Jodie Mudcl,13, 100 Bobby Cole.'3. 100 11'1 tiowwd Tw!tty.$2,330 Tim Hontl,12,330 Rod IM:llola.12.330 Vlc:lor Regelado,12 ,330 m 89-63-7 1-70 12""3-71-87 8&-70-71-84 118-41MMl-U ee-ee-70-89 ee-ee-11..- 72..et-17-ta 12.e1.e1.ea eeeaeeee 74-88-87.e7 ll0-&7-7M7 u.-...11 etM8..et-70 70-e&-70-a 9-17.7, ... Pll LlnOM)'.$1,1192 71 ...... 74 CaMn ........ ,,!112 111.e1..-.14 Jim a.r1>er,11,612 72 ..... 72-411 OetM L-.1 u12 •11 .. 1-10 Tom WOOOWWCl.$1,llll2 7o.a.ee.71 8-l 88ugft,I U82 ..... 7.71.71 LMry Alnll•.l1,llll2 ....... 70-70 ~<I Thompeon,11,11112 ..... 73-4111 m Jadt "9wlon .k ., I I. IS4 MlllW S.-,t 1, 134 ""'°" e.Kd,11, 13.4 0.A WelbrtnO.I I. 13-4 Tom Slllrw.$1, 134 BoO Menn.11, 13-4 John"°-··'· 13.4 eoo~.11.134 m Ed Oougllerty.NeO Ctltltlla Krankll,NeO Thomel Gr9y,lllO Oery KOllfl,lllO -Bii Brltton,1140 ~~.t740 BoO Murplly.$740 81-e5-72· 72 e1.e1.16-ell 71-83· 75-89 118-417. 10· 73 -..e-71-911 7().81..7().72 .... 72-71 e1..ee.12-11 .... 71-81-71 8Ml6-71-73 71..e&-72-70 7 &-e4-ee-7 , 11.-.12 ... 73-47-71-ell H-70-7S-11 Camel. Where a man belongs. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette S'Jloking Is Dangerous to Your Health. l ,. 8 mg. "tar", 0.8 mg. OICOIJOB 8V. per c1garetta,by FTC method. ~C'-elo (ATln .... lflRI) m Sally Ullld30,000 -11e111 Oen111,t 11,eoo -SHaynle.114,000 .. 0onne Cliporll.ae.ooo Amt Alcoll.11.ooo -Donna WN1e,t7,000 -Petty SllMl\en,M, 100 Pat 9<1d18y M. 100 .., llonnll i.-.'4.IOO A Rel"'*dl,t4,IOO I t.10111-.'4.IOO ....... ~ ...... IOll -Mency Rut>lll.13.MO Clvle John-1.13.MO -Jan ,.,....,i.,13.0t7 B Olvta-eooper ,13,087 Penl Altto.13.0t7 ., s Bertotaoclni.'2,493 Jen St91)11eneon.12.4113 Oel>Ole Auelln,12,4N 212 Allee RIU:men.12.085 Betty KJ"Q,12 ,085 Jan.t All•.12,085 Lori HullhOlcl.12.a.5 ., K Poet-111.1 1,880 214 Myr1 VII\ Hc>o.e,Sl,840 l<llhy Mlftlll.Sl.640 C1111y MO<ll,S I ,840 Dile Eggellno,l 1,640 1<11~y Hlt•.S i.640 211 7 1..ee.10-te 11.ee-12-12 12-11-ee.12 72-12-~ 73-12· 70-71 7?-70-75-75 70-75-70-72 75-72-70-70 '1•10-76-'1 70-73-73-73 ... 73.75.73 72·74-69-76 73·12-72-73 ,, .13.11.16 74-12-71-74 71·70-73-77 70-74-71-79 75. 73-73-71 75-7•-72·12 72. 75-75-72 74. 73. 7 4. 73 72. 7 4-7 4. 74 74-76-68-711 88-74-7S.76 Mindy Moore, I I ,340 7 3-71-llO-7 I Diane Oe!My.S t.3-40 72-72·17·74 M Floyd·OeAtman.SI 340 75-71-74-75 ( .. ~=.., Re8ulta of Sunday'I Norlon Michigan ~. wllll lype of CM, lepe comc>ietld end w!M«'I epMCI In mpll 1 Qor<101t Jo11ncock, Wlldcll te-c-111. 250. 163 9~5 2 Merlo Andre111, W lldc11 ~11.260 3 &o lllly R1h1I , M1 rch 112C-Co8worln. 24S 4 Al Un11 r . Lon911orn LR-038-Co8wor111, 24S 5 Tom Blgelow. Eagle-Gurn•y· C.....Olel.. 241. e. Oary 8a1t1n,.au11n P1n11te PC-1-0-.-. 241 7 O e oll Br1 bh a m March ~.241 I M ik e M o a tey , M1 rch 821<-c-th. 2311 9 Jim Hickman Ma rc,, ~™ 10 Tony B111anll1 u H n Much ·~2S4 I I 8 co11 8 r ay1on, P•n•k• PC-7-e-onti, 227 12 How dy Holme• Mere,, ~11218 '13 8 111 Al1up P 1 n 1~1 PC-~ ... 213 14 ~Cogen, P ..... e PC-1()..Ford 111 15 Ric* ~ Pentlre PC-10-Ford. , .. 18 Johnny Per1on1 Merell ~1&4. I 7 Roge r Me1 r 1 Pen1lle PC-7-Colwortl'I. 185 Ill Pinello Cerle•. Merell EXP· Coewortll, 1511 19 0.0.ga Snl<W. "4arct>-Colworlh 148 20 A J Foyt, M1rC11 82C-Coewonl'I 147 21 Dick Simon. w11eon-'Colworth. 139 22 JOMle G1n1. MerCh·COlworlh, 138 23 Spika Gehlna u .. n. Eegle- Conr0t1h, I 27 2 4 J 1 rry K1 r1 P1n1k1 PC-7-Gc>IWOflh. 103 25 Hector R1111cqu1, Merch 11~.87 28 Don Whl111ng ton Merch 12C-Coewat111. 83 27 Ken Hamltton vo1111adl· Of!IM..-. 5$ 28 Johnny Rutllerlord, Merell 112C-Coewor'lll. 54 29 P11rlck B1<1ar<1, Wlldcet- Colworlll. 49 30 Phi K"'9Qlf Klngftah-(:'-fOlel 48 31 Chip G1n1111, Wiidcat ea-co.worth. 37 32 Tom Sn e v a M a rch 82C-1~1!.23 3J Tom Frentz Phanlorn-C'-1- 20 34 ...... Johnaon, 1 u.•.Proc~ , ................ ) a-mo -:-.-i::llC* NOeh 9.3 8-2. Mel Purc .. t <111 l'11n1n<10 Luna, 6-1. 4-t 6-3 ••edWIC>peft (14...._ ..... ) IMtlf!MI ....... Mell Wllender Gel G 1111vo flt>4rt1 7 ~ 0-3h ~"' $\lt\dllr< "" Gel fhO(fl .. H~e11<11 s:-2, ~ WCT tourn~nt (II Zall Am ... , Auetrie) ..,..._,IMI J<>ee lull Clerc 1111 ~ Gi.•llherdl. 6-0, 3-e 6-2, 6-1 (Clerc: wine S 100,0001 Or•nd Prtx tourn~t (11 lllllf9W1, Weal Get-JI llftllee FINil R.,,_,, l(rllhnan <lel Sindy Meyer. 5-7, 9·3 8·3, 1·8 (Krl1hn1n wine $14,200) Dou_,...., Brian TMCller·Marlt Edmon<l&Of'I Ciel Andre.. Meurar Wollg1ng P009 e 3. 6-1 Tl!AM TENNll Lo• Anaetff 21, Dall• 11 (11 Loi ,.,,.....) Man 1 •lnQlll SllYI Oenlon IOI <lef Vl)ly Amt11rl) 6-4 Wotl'WI I Mnglll- 811111 J11n Kong (LAI <lel J0Ann1 Ru-6--4 won...·1 doublet Ktng ll1n1 KI011 ClAI del Ru11all-Sh1ron W1l1ll a 3 M141 G dOuDI•• K•"g Anvttre( (LAI def K9'11n Curran-W9'1h I\.., Oraf'O" 21, Chicago 23 ,,,,.,,_,, Men'I ~ Vince VIC Patlan (01 def Tim Gult•keon 7.5 M., 1 Cloublel -Gu111ckeon-SllYI Kr-u 1C1 1111 Van P11ten· TIN'/ MOOf• 1 6 Woman• ~ Senoy Colline 101 611 Y-Varrnuk 6-3 w...._·, dOUblel -Varmaak Laur• Dupont CCI Gel C:O.....S1.1ey MlrQOllfl 8-3 D•n.Polnt ....... ntlllO MCI (etD-P-.YCI PHRF-A I Audeclou1 Mt•• Kennedy (OPYC). 2 C1lllorn11 Gol<I Fred 0 Conner tD1n1 W111 YCI 3 G•n<lall Ooug 1nd Suu nne Jon11 COPYC) PHRF-8 -1 R1ndy h r Sieve Equlna (OPYCI. 2 Mackln1c. Wu Thompaon (OPYCI 3 Aup Chr11 ThOmCMOf> l\;ap41lr1no 8 •Y YCI PHRF-C -I 001"9 Li ll. Sie ve Bt.,11 (OPYCI ? F.-~Id Al'en •"<I Frol•y (OPVC) 3 E<l•t•elea J Mc~en (DPYC) PHRF-0 -1 81ndl1 A 81nkar<I (OP'VCt. 2. SIMD\.nt Mika Aogre IClc>o BYCt. 3 AnllQo. 8 ,,.,,_ (OPYCI CATALINA·27 1 ~ Ron •n<I Joa n Melano11ly IDPVCI. 2 OeybrMll, 8oo 011• IC-8YCl 3 Funny ... _ ..... _.. ft:apo e vc1 RatlCly Tw ... Ille ~II wkVMr wttl! MIClllnlC llCOtWl lll'CI AUCllCIOul tlllrd 0.., ... ft•hlng ~T (Art'• l.Arrdng) 128 angters 1 t>on110. 9e kelp 11 ... 21e 11nel ball. 222 ""'*••· 25 t>am ooud1 3 bell, 1 whlll -11111 16 rock 11111 (Oanr'• Locll1t) 231 anglere 23 11arrawc11. 2 t>ontto, 588 eand be•. 115 calico -· I hllltJul, 28 I mlCitarel <r DAMA WAN" 3 tS lnQlarl 1 429 11M111 ... ~ mact<wll. 40 Dar<IOUOI. 102 bonllO, 3 hllttlul, 10 roclc 11111 HAL Hl'CH 2117 1n9lere 142 Nnd 11111 1 lllO mlCitarel. 1 hllll>ul 3 l>lrrlCU<la. 400 rod! heh ...... -202 1nglef1 IS Nnd Diii, 900 mlCl!arel, 1 DonllO. 11 hllltJul. I t>arrlCU<ll LOHO KACH~"'*) ea angler1 250 rOCll OOC1 41 llnd ti.., sec) mack.,.. 2 t>Ubut I bwracuda ...... -49 "'QIW• 4 hll•tJul. 5 Nnd 11111 150 mackerel 1 b1rr1c:u<11 (0-'I Wllarf} 4&4 lnglW9 21 lllbac:or• 3 I b11rac:ud1, 418 c.Jlco tlMI 4$-4 llflCI ti-. 5 llalltJul. 296 roe~ 11th. 3 ling c:od .H JJ ·~T l I l ! I I I w1m1ners tested 08~ A Y It ~111r 111::.~p,5 9:, ' lf-2:6:=:. fw Almt'J1 ~ · ~ U tM1 are to cond.nua oan'\pe1JdGD fer ~:'<!:_teece Ott tbt a.wmm... tr TM l8H UnJ-.ct Stat. 8wlmm1q World ~.P TrWI wUl be ..... at the M~ Vlljo wndcN1 Swtm Complex tonlaht throuch ·~ with Uw top two perfocmen 1n molt t.V•Dte qu1llfyh,1 for th• World Oam•• at ~ llcuedcr, ln AUCU4 ... ~ ... let fOI' 11 each momina with ft§U ln four trYWlta MCb·nlaht ~at 'f. Two mlD'I and two women'a finala will be held tllCh a&l)it wt1h I total ol 4G awtmment:~~for the meet tn reuacsc.-. ~ two event ..... quallty fer the U.S. nat&ooal teaJn alt.hou.sh ~WW be duplica .. quallt.kn. . · Tarqbt It will be the women'• 100-meter tree.tyle and 40()..met.er l.nd.lvtdual medley Uoq 'lllitb tbe men'• 100-meter breaatatroke ana $met.er fremyle. ·~; 1D the open11" event. the W()IDen'a 100 free, CVDthla ••sappy" ood.hwl of the host Mimica Vy;> Nadadol'tS ia the ~ record holder and the favorite. Her c:hief competition will l"CJme from JW Sf;rtrel who ia the eeoond faateat American in b'-tory (behind Woodhead). Thia ia alao the q\Allfler lot the U.S. 4"100 relay team and will atlnc't Tncy Caulkina and Ute!' Amy, butt.erfly '* Bary T. Meqher and otben who wouldn't orilimri1y swlrn the event. . John Mottet of Newport Beach and the Be.ch s• Club will pt hll tint tute of oompeUUon in the men's 100 breutatroke. He will f.ce Steve Lundquilt, the American record holder, BUI Barrett of-~. bolt club, Nick Nevtd, Dave Chemek and aeveru others with a chance 1P place ln the top two J)Olitlona. Lund.qW.t ia the A&erlcan record holder ln 'the event. The women's 400-meter individual medley wW ~ American recor'd holder Caulkina favored. She hlil dominated the f!Vent ainoe April, 1977 and bam't lost a race to an American since that time. She won the event In the 1978 World Chiunpionahips and will be among the favorite.I in ~. Her chief competition should come from Anne Tweedy of Santa Barbara, Channoo Hennatad, a l~-old from the NadadoreJ and Patty Gavin. ~include Ven Barker and ntfany C.Ohen of ~ Nadldores. .. ~ IN eia)'lt wotld NCOll'd holden and nine addltlonal American record holden ln tho competition, rnakinc • total of 17 1n the 24 ~ti belnacon~. World record holden lncludo Galnea In the 100 and 200 fr.eetyle for men; J...,. V...UO of the N~ in the men'• 400 IM: Cnla Beardaley in the 200 but1erfly; and WWJ.am Paufua in the 100 butterfly. J'or the women, Woodhead la the world standard bearer In the 200 tree and M~ ln the 100 and 200 butt.erfly. While V-UO holda the world record for the 400 IM, he may have to conf1.ne h1a etforta to the becbtroke. He auffered a hyper-extended knee and hid it in a c.t for eeveral weeka recently. He may not be able to compece ln the breaatatroke portion of the IM becauae of the knee. One of the brlaht young stan oom1ni along with the Nadadorel ls lrvtne'a ~y Wlilte. 13. She will compt'te in the 100-meter backstroke on Wedneeday apJnst Sue Walah, Kim CarUale and others. Tiffany Cohen, 16, could make the winner'• clrcle in the di.ti.nee freestyle races (400 and 800). Steve Bamicoat will be amiong the favorite.I ln the backstroke compeUUon. Both are memben of the Nadadores under ea.ch Mark Schubert who wW direct the de.Un.lee of the U.8. team in Ecuador. Other potential champions Include Matt Gribble or WUllam Paulos in the 100 Oy; Jeff Float, John Hlllencamp or Jeff Kaatoff ln the 400 free; Dave Bottom, Bamlcoat or Vuaallo tn the 100 back; and Kost.off, Ron Neugent or Bruce Hayes ln the 1,500 free for men. Caulkina fiaures to be the big winner for the women and wUf be favored in five events lncludinR the 100 and 200 breeststrok.e; 200 back; and the 200 and 400 individual medley, Tk:ketl for the meet are available daily at the door or a aeuon pus may be purchased for the entire week at $~. Sealon tickets are $4 for adulta and $2 for students. t1w: .. =" ~~,w ~~ mo" rt~:r •• ¥ ~·-%~.I~~ r.;: i:5 =~·.r~ ra.:..~ ··~~ ... , •• , wt MW lllW .. M :..:::=ti 11 .F§ TNM In W. ,,.._., ........ ~ If ....,. ~----01 U IT 0 ": "I I 0 U "0 I I ti.ea ~tellt Hill .. et !Mf1111t OIVIMlf'llD 1~'°"4flD, I tllfftvf!M ,...,,._ Met_.. 1t, C*llflOlftl 00t))«a1iell , .... ~.,.....,, ............ llHU I CIA"~: l'A" WHT 1,. ••ell NA, 'et• NA et I AV I N e I A H D I. 0 A N Ofllllll ,._.If MWOouf!ty, .. AMOOIATIOH, "'* lftd ~ .. Mid Diede "'9ordec9 0.--11, 1ff 1 .. TNtll .. Iii p1.ttlllU1.tCMklfl tof ~ lnett. No. IOt tt In b004c 142" l9WM l'llClfM¥ If Ute IJllltild ...... of PIOl 111 of Ql'llclel "9ocwClt In,... MtlN9. e ...,.. CIMc*.,.,.... 9"IOt of Ute llleoontw of O,enge to llllf 1"""91 •-on • Mete or County. Mid ct..o of tNtt deeof'lbel netlOMI '**· 1 1t"9 cw tedlrll the followlno PfOC*'IY; IW9Cll unlOll. or 1 1t11e Of fMlrll IW 8A" :.~~ 1nd 101n IHOOl•llon OEICRIPTIONl In ll'llt Ill.._ 11 OUltlde ,AfllCll. 1: ttte lront entr.,_ of ~ Tltte Lott Of Ttll:t Hit, 11 I* me() lneUt:.,_ CorlloratiOn locll*t 11 fllld In I006t 407, PI09 7 lo 12 UO N. M1ln It., hnt• AnlJ lncluthl• of MllOllle~ M111•. Clllfot'nlll. .. ltlat rtgllt1 tttte - 1-d• of Mid C<Mlnty. Cdfoml9. IMtlf'M4 ~ to -now hlld hoeptlno 1i.11rom Ill 011, ott by It under Mid OMd of Tnm In the rlght1, mln1r111, mlnerll rlohtt, proc.1Y llt\llted In Mid Coumy n1tut11 gH rloht• end 0 1h1r ~ •• Mut1bld 11: hydrocerboftl. by wfla1-Mml Lot 131 ot Treot No. »a. City ""°""· oeot'*"'• ltMm, end .. Of Colla ....... County ot °'9r!QI, oduCll dlf1ved ltom Wf'/ of the 11111 of Cellfornl•, •• per m1p , ltlat ~ bl .ithln Of tlOOfded In I006t 112, PllOM 37 to t h• p aroel o t 1111d 4t lnoklel¥lot Mleoelel11CM.9M"'9. heflln•bov• dMCrlt>ed. tC)990tet In the ofb Of IN~ "9ootd« wtlll Ille perp«uli Mohl of CltlllnO• of MIO oounty, mining, 111plorlng and operating • Tiie tltHt eddrH• or 01h1r 11\ltllo r and 1torlng In 1nd oommo11 d••l .. n•tlon of u td ·~ "" -from Mid lend ptOPeny. aon oountty CM> onw.. Of Wf'/ ott.. land. lnoludlnO the ttaht C.• ....... CellfOmll.. to whlpetoell Of dlfectlonel!V Mii N•m• end 1ddre~ end mine from 111\dt other INln ~ .. wflOll the I~ IW'4nlbcwe dMctlblCL olf or .... II b1111G OC)j • De Id gee ......,., '""'*Ind ltllft} lnto1 Federer lavlntt 111d t.oen through or euoee the IU~ °' "-Mtlon, aoo ._. ''* "'-· the l1nd hlflln1bov1 dlKrlbld, "•dlendt, 01lltornl• IUU end to bottom IUdl wtllp91ootled or DWec1lone to 1t11 allO¥I PfOC*1Y dll'eGllonaliy dnKed w.111, tunMlt mey be obt•lned by requHtlno end lhaltl ""°" Ind benelllll Of Mme In wntlnO "°"' the Wllllclel )' beyond Ille tlltetlot llmlt• ltlereof, within 10 d•Y• lrom th• llrtl and to redrlll. retunnel, 1qulp, publlc:e,tlOtl Of thll notloa. m1lnt•ln, rep1lr. dHpen Ind hid .... ,.... bl rnede wtthOut operl11 eny euon wellt. Of ~ covenant 0t ~. expr-Of '!Nlthout, h__., the rtoht IO drtll, lmplled M to lltle, poen 11cn or mint, 11or1, aptcn 8f1CI op«et9 -"'-to 111~ IN Ul"*4 through Ille _,_ of the UPC* balllnol due on the "°'9 Of notea 500 fM\ of IN tubtUff-of Ille MGUt'ed by Mid Deed Of Tf\.ilf, to l•nd h1reln1bov1 d11orlb1d, H Wit: t21'. 1o:l.44, l)IUll tM fOlloWlrlg rlll!'lled In "" Deed from tl)e IMne H llm•l•d 00111. HPlf!MI 1nd Company, • OCl'pc)flllon, tlGOlfcled ldY9ftOlt .. the 111'111 of "" lnltlll OciOO. 4. 1171 In 8ook 128el, publlcatJon of thle NotlOI of Ille: Page INI of Oftldal AecordL T"*-... lllCI ~ -t2; Aleo 111c1p11ng th•rtfrom th• 101 95. tubll.KI-water rlQtltt, but .tthOut NOTIC! TO ""°""TY OWNER 1119 right ol 1urf•c• entry, H YOU AN IN DU'AUt.T UNOE.R A ,_,..., In the Deed from tM IMnl D f t D 0 ' T" U t T , D AT f D eomp.ny, • C«POlflllon. ,_Old NOVEMlfA 17, !HO. UNLE.88 Oc10b1r 4, 1978 In Book 12 .... YOU TAU ACTION TO~ page 1531 of Otllclal Alcofda YOU" PROPERTY. IT MAY IE PARCEL 2. SOLD AT A PU9UC SALE. IF YOU Eaaemenl• .. euch """*'" HUD AN EXPLANATION Of" TH£ are p1ttlcul1tly HI forth In the NA,.TURE OF THE PROCEEDING lflldl en1ttled "e-ta" of Ille AOAIN8T YOU. YOU SHOULD Oec:Wlllon of ~ti, COndl-CONTACT A LAWYER and Ae91rlc11ona tlGOlfoed In 0.ted Nty 1, '* 800k 12305. PICM 748 ol Offlclll AEDLANOS ANANCIAL Recordl. end ,..--did In Book SERVICES, INC .• 12371, p1g1 327 ol Oftlcl1I Trvet• Record•, under 1111 11ctlon PhllllP R BtocMricll, heedlnga In IUOh lrtk:ll ltllltled .. PTeeldent fol~ Rlghta and DutiM.: Utflltlel 300 EMt State St . Ste C.ble T~'', "Supc>or1, 200 tttement and Ef\croachment", Aedllt\dl, California 92373 Swimmers to compete abroad A!ea Ma~ters heading for the Soviet Union Friday "Community FIC:llltlea e-11", (714) 793-HeO "P tlvlte S treet Landec a p e Publlehed Orange Coeat Dilly Mllnlenenet" and "Oflln-.ge 0vw PllOt, July 19, 28 and Augull 2, nlty Fldllllel" 1982 : While Ame rte a '1 premiere awimmera are converpd on Miaaion Viejo th.ia week, another 8*>uP of aquatic stan will leave the country for ,.eta ln Finland and Kussia on Thunday. the summer palace of Peter the Great. DARCEL 3: e-ntnt 0¥9( Ille toll owned by "Subject Ownen" IOf' the pufPOM 1 exerelllng the right of Gr1nl• u 1n "&lfOf'cinQ Owner" M uch term•. 1011 1nd ••••m•nt ti Ill lnOf'I COf'llC)lllety eflned deacrlbed In the Custom Lot 1cl1t•llon recorded In 80011 3113-42 ' The Masten Swimmers with 17 of 30 from the ~ Beech area, will leave New York for ~ on Friday to oompete ln international ~petition on the masters level. Thoee making the tUp range ln age from 26 through 70 and will ocmpete in 11 eventa lncludlng two relays. At PiaUgorsk In Ruaaia, swim meeta with the Soviets and vbita to places made famous by such writers as Pushkin and Tolstoy will be made in the Caucasus mountains. Ml.IC NOTICE Ll~NOTICI .. Wf'ORT ...... UNWllD 8CHO« Dt8ntc:T Motte. lnvfflnt ... _ Only 13 of the Newport &.ch ODllt.ingent will CGmpete in the meets. boweWI'. The others will *Ve .. Umen. aooren and meet volunteers. -Included ln the u.t la Superior Court Judge ce Sumner, USC lecturer hank Reynolds, tv Garwood, one of the or1antzen of the wport Beach area, will leave New York for i!pemadonal fl.lght attendant for TWA. .· Othen competing in the swtmmlng will be Joan Barry, Lin Tallman, Evelyn Breaux, Lenny Zih. Frank Becker, Alex Ozeroff, Peter Buckley, Clyde Garwood and 'Pab Tallmen. ~ Non-awimmera In Europe include Ethel Reynolda, Emery Breaux. Suzanne Becker and ~Buckley. c The group will arrive in New York on '!11wwlay but hu no idea of hotels to be u.ed·while b). Europe. lnfonnatlon from the Rusaian Travel Bureau of New York states: c "No u.t of hotels la ~ since it is the ~ of lntourist to never advl8e actual hotela in adVance of a group'• arrival. Should .xneone have to call you, they would have to place a penon-to- pewtl call to lntouriat-M09COW and the operator w9uJd request the name of the hotel at which you .re accommodated. ~ "Then I.he would place a penon-to-penon call to you ucer1a1ning your whereabouts. Bear in mind ~t there ahould be no charse for the call to h)&ourlsi..M09COW aince it is a penon-to-penon call td')"OU .oertalnlng your whereabouts. 1; "Hememt>er, you may readily call home from tljit telephooe in your bot.el room." In Leningrad one highlight will be an e)iN.nrion by Hydrofoil to Petrodvoreta which wu ( DEATH llTICll Journey At Sea triumphs INGLEWOOD (AP) - Favored Journey At Sea led from wire to wire Sunday to. capture the Swaps Stakes f o r 3-year~lda at Hollywood Park. Ridden b y Chrla McCarron and carrying 120 pounda., Journey at Sea virtually won at his own will against a field of f o ur other aophomores. The time for the 11" mi.le test waa 2:00-1/5, well off the record of 1:58-3/5 set by J .O . Tobip when he beat Triple Crown champion Seattle Slew in 1977. Leaving the gate u the 1-5 favorite, Journey At Sea built a marlin of more than four length. and flniahed three Jeqtha ahe.d of West Coast Native, carryinlJ 114 with Sandy Hawley riding. , . ..c11aor~ , I' la&. •OADWA T MOltTUAaT ~, 110 Broedwey BARDING Nil.IC N>11CE LUCILLE J. HARDING,--==~~--,..._,-- ,,· Cos'-~ 642-9l50 1(• r llA&.Tl 1&•HON , SMITlf & TVTHIU WHlCUflf CH.APB. ;,. 427 E 1Tth St h. Costa Mesa fl 648:-9371 qe 80, I former resident of HCllllOU• ....... Senta Monks and 1..,una NAm STATDmfT Hilla Leiaure World. Pamed ~ ~ Plf90l1I -dolno away on Friday, July 16, A & p PROPERTIES. 2134 Main 1982. Mils Harding WM a StrHI, tulle 1911. Huntington retired Attount Executive ~icC:A~2~ PEAR 27 = ~&c.1:.d!!. = C1ll1 Vald11, M.IHlon JI.Jo, 9~l 12e12. lia1e:r of Kltthertne 8Mr' of MARJORIE ANDERSON, 11 Loa Anerlm, Ca. and Tracy ~View, Portola ~allly. CA Hardina of Weet Lo• TNI. ~ 11 oonductecl by, A.nae*. Ca., ai.o 1Ul'Vivill4( glnlrll Plftl'Wlhlp. are eeveral nlece1 ana Nohlrd L. ~ nephew• and 1nat-n.lecft TNe ~· wu fled wttti IN and nephew-.. J'lienda may County a.u-tt of °'9rlOI County on call •t the Mortuary from Nty 14' 1N2. ,,.. 12:00 noo..D to 8:00l>M on ~ ntollM ,.,.,_.. onday, July 19, 1982 NUR'MTZ.-=:• roew.oa hen funeral ~ wtl1 • p I II • .......... ...... -~·~ t ll:OO'"'.. .. 11 • cw_..,_..,._, .,. ""'""'~ a . n.wi. on ,...._,, .. '-- TuHday, July 20, 1882. •--......c..Dr. Crystaide ..me. will be .... ,.::: .... -:,. _ \¥~~ ~~~~ "'""*" Orente Oout E!lty M i Ca Tb f 11 Piiot. Nit 11. 2t, Aue· .... 1 .... on ca, . • am 1 w1.u P\8.JC NOT1CE CW·mT9 12305, P•G• 8 14 ol O lllcl•I NO~ M Recordl. TMl~S' IMi You we In dlflUll under • Deed On AUQUl110, 1982 11 11:00 a.m., Trust dlted Ociot>er 8, 1981 F I R s T A M E R I c A N T I T l E rou take ICtlon lo protect INSURANCE COM PA NY, • vour property, 11 may bl told .. 1 Celtfomta ootp«llllon, u T"*-. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOE:R A OI' SocWROf t,,... or SUba1111Md D E ED 0 F T R us T DAT E D Trwtee. al 11\11 ~ Deed ot OCT09ER 8, 1911 UNL.ESS YOU Truat euc:uted by M. N. REAL TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUA ESTATE S TORE, INC., and PAOPERTY,IT MAYBE S<X.O ATA tlGOlfoed No'fwnbs 25. 1981 M PU8UC SALE IF YOO NEED AN lnatrument No 30213. If\ Sook EXPLANATION ~ THE NATURE 14303, Peg• 1829 , o f Oflfcl•I ~ THE PROCEEDING AGAINST R1cord1 of Oran ge County, YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A C•lttornla, 1nd pvrau•n1 to ltoat wYER Clt1Aln Notlel ot o.laull lher-..wstr 12 Traf1lg1t, N-pofl B11ch, record ed Aprll 7. 1982 •• <:alllomla 92MO ln11rum•nt No 82·120019, of "(If • etreec IOdr-or common Oflldal Recotdl ot Mid COunty, wll det19n1tlon 11 t hown 1bov•. no Uftdlr Mlt~ ~Mid Oeedol wenanty 11 o •ven •• lo. U1 Trvet 1111 11 public IUCtlon for C881:1. ~or correct,_)" lawful money ot the United Stat• of Thi beneficiaty under Mid Deed Amertc:a. I CMhler'I dlaCk pey8* of Trvst, by,_ of 1 tltlld'I Of' to Nld Tru.t• dr_, on 1 1'819 or defll.llt In the otllgatlonl MCM'ed natlonel benk, 1 11e11 or f9dilir9I thereby, heretofore executed and ~edit unlOn, or • 1tall or '9def• dellwereo 10 the underelgner 1 I~ Ind IOl n HIOOl8tlOn wnlten 0ec:Mrl11on of Oefaul1 and d In thll ttell, at the meln Demand for Sell, Md written notlol entrence 10 Flret American Tlt11 of bra8Cll Md of lllC:tlon to ~ lntutltlCI Company tooated •t 114 the underelgned to 1111 H id EMt Fifth Street. In the city ot Santa property to utlafy Mid obllQatlonl An. Camornia. all that Mohl. tlll• and ind lhetHfllr the und•relgned In~ conv.yed to and now held cauMCI Mid notlel of bf'eacfl Ind of by tt undet Nkl Deed o1 Truet In the electlon to be -Old Mardi 10, prOpefty situated In Nld County 1982 11 lnltr No. 12.ot3e9 I ot Mid and 81•1• dlletlbecl 11: Olllolal Aeoorde.. A condominium oompoMCI of: Said 1111 wlll be m•d•, but PARCEL 1 without cov•n1nt or w11raety, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN lhal the Boud of Educ•llon ol th Newport·M••• Unified School Olatrlct ol Or1ng1 County wlll tlCllve llaled bl01 up to 2·00 P M on the 27th~ of July. 1982. 1t ott1c1 ot uld School 01111101, toc:ated II 18$7 ~Ila Street, • eo.ta Mii&. CelllCfnll, II wNc:h time H id bl01 wlll be pu bllcly opened lftd reed tor Ct1ARTER BUS SERVICES "" blO• .,. 10 be In ICICO'dlnel with CondlllOn•. lnetrucuona. lll>d Speciflcatlon1 wNc:h era now on 1111 1n the olllc1 of the Purch11ln9 Dlrecto• ol Mid S<:l<Ool Olllrlet, 1857 P'-llla Street. Coeta MIN. CAll2e27 A Pertorm1nce Bond may be requlreel II Ille diac:ratlOn of Ille D41tr1Ct. No Bidder mll)I withdrew Ne BIO f0t 1 per1od of torty-ftve C45) daya •II• lhl da.. •I for the ooenlng thereof The Boatd Of EOuc:atlOn of the Newport· Men Unllt10 School OlltrlCt r--the right to rejeet any 0t 111 Bid• lnO not ~1)1 ~I 1111 '-t Bid, Ind to wl!Ye any lnl0tmallty or lttegularlty In eny Bid r-'v9d NEWPORT ·MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ol Or11191 County, Callfoml1 Dorothy Hwwy Fllhlr. C P M. Purehlalng D4reG10f C71 4) 780-~217 DATfO July 9, 1982 Publl1lled Orange Co•ll Dally P110I, July 12, 19, 1982 3133-42 Unit No. 1 , o t th•t oert•ln ..._ or lmpied, regarding Ihle . condominium proflc:t ehown llnd po111w1on. °' encumbnlf'-. to OelCrtbed on the COi ldornlnfum plan P4IY the remaining princlpal IUl'l'I of -Old June t3, 1975 In 8oolt the note(•)_., by Mid Deed of 1'429, Page 115' of ofllclll recotdl Trwt, with In,.,_. • In utd not. end In the dldllredon of~ prcrAded, .,,,.,_, " ""'· under condition• and ..-nctlonl (being Ult tertM of Mid Deed of Truat, the enabllng ~ -~ i... c:NroR . end..,.,_ ol ltle ACTITIOU9 91Jll ... •plan for C011domt111Urn -rfllp). Trwt• and ot the trulll ~by ..,... STA,._., ~ June 13, 1875 1n &>c* Mid o..o of TNet Thi fo11ow1no Plf'IOl'I 11 doing 11.a1. Page m of ot11c1a1 ~ Sald .... ,...,.hlld on T~. ~-of Mid Oranot County. ~ 3, 1982 11 ~ p m , at the C A L I F 0 R N I A 8 A N I( ~ therltrOl'I' .. oil, ~ CNic>man A--en1nnca to "" SERVICES. 184$4 Mt. WlllfllnOlon mlner1lll and .. other hydtOClt1>on CMc: Centi!' 8ulldlno. '°° Eut 81 .. Fountain v...,, CA 92108. Mibttanc:ee by wtla._ n1me Chapman A--. In 1t1e City of WINDWARD COAPOAA'TlOflf, • It-lhet -lylt1g be6ow. deptfl Ofangl. Clllfomle oorporetlon, 181$4 Mt. of 500 twl from the aurf-of NICI A I t he II me of I h 1 In 1111 I Wlltllngton St., FOUfttaln V...,, CA lend. bu! wtthout the right of "1try pubflcatlon ot ""' notlel. ""' 10481 112708. upon eny portion al the eurfece of wnount of the unpaid bllltlQI of 1t1e Thie ~ II oonduetect by • Nld lend to take. metht. mini, ObflO•llon MCUt"ed by the above .ootpOf'Atlon. explore or drlll for ume. 11 ducrlb•d d••d o l trutt a nd • Windlntd Corporation rlllfWd In the died ,_Old June 1111m111d co111, 111pen .... •nd ' Tine Johnlon, a.or.ury 21, 11178 In Book 11119, Page 18&8 ad¥1tlCR 1111.2112,837.44. Thia ltetwnent WU Med wltt'I tM of offlclal -da. To determine the OC*llnCI bid County Qertl of OrlflOI County on PARCEL 2 you may call (714) 387.()0ee, -' Jiit; 14, 11182. An ur>dlvlded 1111th lntereet In 0.11: June 23, 1982 ~ and to the common -of Mid 8ENEFICIAL SERVICE CO. Publleflld Orenge Cout Dally project being IUrtllet ~bid u u Mid Tr111t•, PflOt • .My 19, 2t, AuQ. 2, 9, 1982 foftows: B y : T D 8 ERV IC E 318CM2 ,Lot 1 of TrlCI No. 8720, 11 lhOwll PANY. on • m1p ,_Old In Book 355, llOll'fl Peo-21 end 22 of miloelllnlOUI 8y. '111*1 J. Andridge, m•p•. record• ol Hid Or1ng• Atllltlt\t 8ec:nltety HCmlOUI IUl99N County. One City &Nd., W_,, Ulm STA,_y E•c•pllng th1refrom •II unit• Orwlae. Cellfornll t2t8I The lollowtno pereon I• dolno etlOWll and cMIOl1b9d on 1t1e p1an 714/ISW.ttl bu11r1111 a encl In ltle dlc:l6Watlon. Publllhed Orenge Cout 0111) GEHE818 I TRUCKING, 11211 Th• •trell fddre11 or other Piiot, July II, 12, II, 11182 8enta l.uda St., , F~taln VllMif, common d11rgnatlon of H id 27lll0-82 CA 92708. property II pwpor1ed to be: 313 1-----------JAMES EDWARD HALL. 112111 Alt• LM'9, co.t. ....... CA t2ft7. l'UBlJC NOTICE 8enta Lucia 8l, f'ow'llaln V*t. CA Seid .... wll bl medl Without 1270I. ~ or ...,.,.,.,cy, llq)tW " C•s•ll.._ If Ille c-r TNll ~ t1 oonduc'8d by '" lmplled, .. to w.. J* I J J'Ofl or ,......, DIS*11Wet ~ ll'ICIUll'lbt-to Mllafy the ~ If lM u.tlted IWle .i.,,_ l. Hal bellllCle ... °" ttse ,,. OI' .... • ........... o.c. Tllll ...-nent -fled wltll "" ~ by Mid 0..0 of Tt\llt, to WHl"EAS __,eatory evldMIOe County a.ti of 0ranoe CGunty on wtt; U ,TQ.10, JIM the ~ h~H b,:.: Pottl.!,!n,.'.~ !!'~ JUtt 14, 1Na. .;.__ 11Um&lld ooetl, Ill,.., ... aM .,,.. _,_,..,, u-• r-• ..._ at Iha t1n11 of the 1n1tM1t HA~ IAMK --.CS "'btleMd OtMt1 Coatt Olly DUl*at\Oft. of INI MOlioe of ~ In H1111Ungton l11oh, lt111 of "'°'· JUtt 1t, 2t, Al.If. I, t. 1M2 t711.00. Clltf0tnl1, "" amptlld wltll all J1A-a M01'C8 TO ptoYlllOn1 of thi tl•M• of the llAOPllnf o..... United ltltll r•qvlred to b• 1u11e1w c:oot.ribuUona be made to The Children'• ~tel of Oranp Olunty. Pierce Broth.era Smitb1' Mortuary directors. ~. YOU AM ., Dll'AULT ....,_A compll•d with 1>1tor1 b•lno -li;;:imiiiiiiiUiiiiMiiiiiii:"'""-DllD OP TAUIT, DATID 1111llotl11d to oomm•noe tl!I MnnGUe ..... 11 M&-n·-MOvt•••A ... ten. UtlLlll bullnlel Of bantdr19 ... NatlOMI MAim ITA~ -,.,_, YOU TMI AC110M TO "'°'9Cl BM\lnQ ~. Thi followtnO ~ le clo4ftO ~Cllowtnt ""1IOIW -doln9 YOUR llRONRn, IT •AY 11 NOW, THl"l'ORI, I ll111by ...,._ _ lt1,,Q'i.fl IY .. ONI. 111 =~~=-~= ::~~~•tt~!~ \~·.~~~:t:::~: ..... ~~~~.1MI .,,,.,.Wid, Nlwpott ..... OA TUM °' '"' f!ltOCtH••• ..,,..... .......... if~ •DITH OAAOU Moi.ToN. ~ARIA RA '· tAvt. ''' =~ 1~;,:.;,..u INOu~o •1~ T1Wi:=~:;::r~~t :-0.:= .--a.~....., tumm.Wlnd. "'°"POft INdl. 0A OA~ wltnee. ""I ""*"" end 11111 Oii TNt ......... OOI ltlOIW b¥' lft ..... M8T TIT\..I OfflOe thll Ind -of June. tta. • ... ... ~~lit OOlitdudl6 b'I In OOW/IH'f, c. T. C(lllO¥S M "'°"°" ·-..,_.. J.... . ~00/1>Cll'llllOf 8=tro:::., .,~ ,,.. ...... _,""' .. • TN9 """"""" .. fllM Miii.. ==~ P\1111111\ed Oftf!te Co&ll OeltY ~~ti 0..,.. ~ 9' BLfW'f(JfflGH, ~ OtuMv an If er.,. Oot1M¥ tt1 114 ... """..,... Not. Nit 11. 1t, a. Ml· t, t , 1f. ,_ frlca (AP) -c .. , ... ~ 11, 1tll. ..... AN. CA tl70I tt. IO.-. .•• ,.. ~--l-: .., ............ 17, SoUth ~ot .. c..e": ~ ..... ,, ~~-----~-..aJim:t14 .....,,., -.a. ~-p , ..... ,..".............. • .. ~~r:.~ • ·~· .,.... 1141-411 , .... J • 5 6' 7 8 p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 '2 • If I ED ..... 1111 •••••• , """'Ill. /ill ••....• ~ ••••••••• J.'!lf ~ ••••••••• J.'lfl ,_JP....!!" ,,.:iti Newport pool Nnll valuld 1t , 000 will be eold for Pll.000 ~ Sbonl) and ta~.ooo ctmn. Ternce> lmmld. J'• land. lf )'Ott,,. • .nc.. buyer contact P1trick Tenore at 780-8702 or Clll-1208 now! R&IM~ of Costa Mesa ,.,,l.'1Hlf ••••••••••• lOUM. "°"""° O .... OltTUNITT ,, ... ..,, ........ Alrelleecaw~ In tlll• n1w1p1per le IUbjlGt to' fM '~•al Felt H<M1nO Act of , ... wtl60h !Nik• It _.. to lldWttlea .. tlf'/ preferen- OI, lftnlU1lon Of dMlcrlrn4: n1Uon bu.d on tac., color, reUolon, ... or c:. .. ' ~,l;'t I n1Uonal orlQln, Of eny ----------Intention to meke eny ~ pr...,,.IOI, llmlt.a• tlonOf~," Tiiie nawa~ wtll not knowingly ecoept eny 1dvenl81no fOf rMI .... , ... wtl60h .. In vtoletlOn of the'-· Mnl II ... . ., ..... One of th• ne•t••t hofMI In our lnwntCJtY. Uporad9d wllllplipaf end ~~~ ting end Ule. Huo• room•. l1ro• kllchen pentry. greenhouM kit· I..... Ad . ti chen window, window 1 v r · air. water purlflceuo11 eer• should check ty1tem. ~ GMeoa their ad• dally and door. «c: .• etc. MUil ... report error. Im• tNI ..-.nd. A ..... ait i147 900. 546-2313 mediately. The ' ~A~ ii~~~n~ ~~ !=l!iBflq the first Incorrect lneertlon only. 2 ... IUIT . ....... ..,. •·••·····•············ ,_."1 I ....•...•............• IEW UITill! 111,llO L-' pr1cad condo In .,.., ~ tcw 1 ....,.,_ home or oood for In· -tment. Owl'9f .XU. mely motlveted. Cell 54fr2318 THE REAL ESTATERS Remodeled, upanded 3 Bdrm 3 bath pool home, oomplet• with outdoor ~ and sea. eon-leM .., ar.. v1nl1n1 ec:ceH to b•· 2 Mlllt.,._ 4 bdrm 3 ba th room from pool a $1MK, oood financing lhower outllde. Loin la HIUmabl•I Only 1209, __ .... ___ l_M-_1_111 __ 000 . Cell t o d•y. IY ILi &46-7171 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS lllllWIYUIY The "Stu" 1hln11 on o.t f..ide It. ,,....... Bdrml, c;arpetlng Ov.f gOOd twdwd "°°''· ..,.. pll1nc:1e, & 1h1rp •P· peer-enc.. Owner ftulbte on term•. Full prlc:e $133,000. 761-3191 You don't nead • oYf'I to "draw fHI" when you place an ad In the Oelly Piiot Want Ad.i Clfl now I &42·5878 IEITIOIY II• REOUCEOI Neat. lloht end 1lry home wl1h 4 ~ bdrrnl on ""91 cul de MC lot. Great fa. mtty --. Chldren W8lk to ldlool. MM)', many .. ,, ... ""'' .... "''' ......... 2111 Ut1'e ..._ Muf9lil Mt on • Tuflet. •long c:am• • eplder end '"d In the Delly Pllo1 Cl1ulfled ' MC1>on ebout Miu Mut-,.. •• Tuffet end bought It t0tU.U..~•1 your tuffet •nd 1011 of other thing• throuoh Delly Piiot Cl111lf11d Ade. c.11 .. 2"6879 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE EXCESS PROPERTY f ,.._,, .,._ to ~ j)jdder 1n -ci..oe - tmltallon 10 lllO #PI 0 ·12·2 ta _ _, el 1&20 W• Flrel StrHI, S•nl• An•. CA 92703. con1t1t1no ol -o•Jmalefy J7,52t al of •-' -edi-tl lo 11>e -... bounclMY ot .,.. ""''°' ,....,.. Poat ~. --t •u.i -"'9iolflc ... --. ~blda 'Mlba_ .. ____ lon unll 2 00 p"' PDT on ~ 16, IN! ... -~~.,..,.publdy _...,_,_,, .. us P-.1 a.-. w ....... ""'°'°"· '50 °'*TY ... _ ..... .,_ CA For----or t0-•bld~.- 11 w a--0..-alM ....... -~~-~ u s ,.,,.., s.-.oc. l&O CNrty A-Sen er-. CA MOii ,..,._ (4 111 1~ C ARUCE I' I I' I l U A R R I ' I r I I ltORAC 1J J I I r ...... ... u oo .. _ ·-·-··-·-·-... _ ,,,.., """' ,,_ ,,_ .. _ ,.,_ ,,_ ,.,_ .. c.-··-.. _ ... ·-.. _ •Ooo• ·-.. .. ·-·-·--Mom.I -.... &modeled I bdtm, J b&t.b + ..,... nc. rm. bwo ..t"• ~ P9"-· Mto.ooo. uma m llWHll' l=::=m=:: ~ vt.w mn e bdrm. 5 t.tb. playroom. dai\ ""· c1en. ~Tia ;wn•1.~.ooo. 8~ btyttont vtew 2 br, ll a. up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 bott allp. •1.000.000. •lllllUYI Cora:wdo laJand cuat. b&yfrcnt lot. M' tio.t dock. Planl avail. Red. $370,000 w/tennll. lllffl ... ~ 11.ory end wlit, qpe.nded S '1'°· 3 ba on larfelt ~t. ~.000. Piii Liii 3 bdnna. 2 ~ batha condo near pool $14~.ooo. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR I\ ..... .,., dt· U1 .... ~J B 0 •lJ f,lt> FORECLOSURE D11Lm11UL Pickup over 1500.00QEQUITY overnight. Once ln a llfetune. I have never aeen a better buy. Won't laat. Prim& Orange Cty 2VJ acre hilltop OCEAN VIEW NEW ESTATE. Pool. spa, waterfalls, electr. gat.e6, 5800 sq ft w/360 degree view of all O.C. Tennis court + HELICOPTER pad area. ASSUME LOANS & TERMS. Originally Hated for $2,200,000. Sacrifice at $1 ,128,382.63 approx. with $350.000 approximate cash down. Only the serious need call directly to PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266 R IMAX Realtors, agt. Broken W@]~:i,e R&IM~ of Costa Mesa Rf:SIOfHTIAI. AUl ESTATE SERVICES Ylllll lf '"'"" Owner will finance large 1 BR + den 2 BA adult condo overlooking fountain & Courtyard. Gated build.i.ng near beach. Priced low for Immediate attention. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ltop br one of our well-toceted office• •nd let'• dlacuH r••I ••talel We h•v• • varied eelectlon of homM, condoe Mnd Income proplerty to flt rour Meda. ............. wtr. ....... ... C....1a.ll .,.,.. ••P-Ntllled ., .... ................ ..... =........ --c....~-=----= , .......... .,.... .,.,,. a. ..... ,.. ..... v..la.11 + .... .-'*••-..+ ··-....... c...... 171t, .. 0 ···••c..-c.. --...,. .... ,.. a·--.............. .... ................. --· P I I «1 ..,..,, tt,111.m .............. E .................. ... 7--T .... C\.+ .......... _ N~C-. ..... -- WATERFRONT HOMES. tN< HUI ltlll" ~"""'· ~·---,.,., .. _...., , .. -.... ~ .......... .._ 111·1400 J .,, ...... ... ... ......... ... SenNtlonll heotl OOt• t904twlU\ 1~~ bl• fln1noln11 for only I 18SJ>OO. "10 hD MJ. "'* or .. NewDof1 Beeol\. f&t-1501 Ot ?52·1'11'1 ---Walker & Lee A PETE BARRETr .. REALTY \I >I I. I 1l F 1t HOMI FO" IALI by ow-'*a &A. a ... ..,.,. dlnln~ room, 0011er•d PdO, ,,_..OM It CM. •1~.000. ea.-a. ~ °''"" OMM 0 LY ""OT/Mlflltr, NI 11, 1 I ' I ' I ' .. DO rT HOWf ... .., ..... fl YM DellV fttlOt 8"vloe DieatOtY llllpwtattve ,,Ml-Ill&, at. UJ \ . ~UM" ~~i.Oift" ~..... '"":;t""" t• ~r" tt7,::n.ar.:. ~,.:.·~ .. =1 'o~._ ~ ,;m1S .. , ... ·,"""",,. .. ~,, .. rfMIM 1.enc1.....-111 tHI MA~~ ;,;;=:":;c::ii'.1i11i;;;;;;-~ • ...., , ,eim~ "•I" .... 111·1 "' d n1 I I & tlll d1l'lltltll1" olttll llP . ~llf'llnlrlt. fuueu•uuu 10 t'tf 11p '" tttl nJm U •u!1uu -•••••••••••••• '" a" ' n.up ' ' ' ,._., Jen .... flt · WOYIHIO • .,.. ''• eeit Ml•tr1 IUOOl~Y• O,. I Tl M Hon'', -•mllll IObt Lo .. 1 r« Da1 l Oenontt•' ltw r....i OIM c.tM ..,._ l!AlleM ._... Oo"'"''· Catptnltl ...... •llm•I• MMH• ev• Ml·t1H Heal OulOll ~. ..,.,. MAI 0, OMNOI 00. ,,. Mttm••• 1u.041'0 .... ,,_ L~r:'... L't1~1':1 mr.;.m1n1,.,nu• t~1.;o eutt. LI ........ 19tt4 HAUl.INQAMOVINQ ~fMmOIMnt~ u-,-,-.O'l'Auuuuut•• -- lllllTIC* l e-.nl Mn ~..._,_ '-40Wlnt. ecfil~ tllllnel L.ooal. etudent w1'l'VCIL 'Int. IJt.tl .... ... l'~~~N~'r.~t= flffflfff.¥.l!!r!Jm ... =t .rt~l":n-.;~..:::il ~.lf~¥.w. Jr.l'.ffiiiumu 1w .. p~1.l;;;1 1111; _.._!Mlle t 7 .. ttl0 Mte. 'rt1bll ll«let cttl· ~~=~·:~el: l/IM-MC loott tA .. QH llC"llAPUH TO 00 Hiii, lt\l/dtn. NM 111. ~ I("· "-"Od., oerlll\lo tile, matll. H--... QUICtl ~. n nt oondOI, momtng. ltM ...... A8" lllAllll.U.ANQINO VtM OfflOI °' °"'' ,.... 11.ao, ooueft ............ C.it,... ...... ~~~~1«::r. QO ~Maim. ~.z~·· ~~ ~·~r:::'i p~~J:~~ No lml 130-1313 1 ~· IOcll ll(P CN.. In~~ Olv ti. Quar lilm P9I Mtlmt ... tA!-oNt "-4/Comm ~. 131 Kr11 tl1.ott3 12 ..... 10 1¥91 ITA .. VINO COLLIOI work lllrloH llltl •I No minimum 142..otet oclot Crpt ,..it 15 " a..1r1-MOWtNO • CLIAH UP4 Liii l'laullog. 141-24tt ' I I I hi roll Altc 181-1021 Hp Do work my11ll. ~-.-A•••••••••••••• HIUllng • L.lndlo4liQlna ••rul Haullng-1tUd.,,t wttrUOll l.,lp to lllore Boal l OTUODUcNTTlM25>~!'fl CLfRICAL SUMOU fWl. ~1-0101 D1ooret1111 Wltlfptoof ""' .... ..,~tt01 r..nP.fff............ LOW ,., ... rellable. hOUH OIH ntnl. ,,.. lnwr.s' l41:i427 :!f:O~~::~:Vt.n 8kkpg•T~ng.,llea Nolttam/Nol.,etnl)OO decking, rep11r1 I reo-Mow. edge, rtlce, .-..p, HOMl!tMPAOVlMINT Tlltnk you, lteve. ::~~;1;t"" llhy WATCHUSOAOWI quellty HllmtrM8·7915 ll'U/dll avllil. 142·06tl Stein 8peotellel. F .. t ovw eptetallet. Dollglu 1pr1ng 0111n-up. lltul. RIPAIA·PLUMllNO _7_s_t-0_12_9 _____ --------l.•"•"l dry. F,.. Mt. '39-1612 Flelde Co. 013-571' Clluok 942·2073 bet t Oarpentry, llto, tile. I',_ HAULIHO l OUMP W'IU~f. lll•ll•• IJ111fll l1 .. lr .r:~.ff!•••••••••••• .. I No~ Jot> too~'"" JO•• ...... f • ......, •••••••'•••••••••••••• ••••••:t.~.h.7........ S"''"'"""' • "•p•1• EXCEL CAAPIT CARE °"'""' am. . ..... : ... ....,1 vv. ~ Ot f-...... ,. ••••••• •• •••••••••• "" Pllmll eo·s PLASTERING """•rvt; .. "~ """ ~II Jactl &umngton .. :,•:T•R•••N••::•••••:,••• &.tlltt LH4ee_._ '°2111 tAl4421 ~=~~~:o by Rlollard Sinor Lie Neat patehM/11-turM 'Van 09111r:"'1 .'..~Co ~·•••••••••••••• Owner/operatOf' *'"' I Ao· lll/.,.fN ... _ EXPERT HANDYMAN PAOI' Sl!AVIOE 8004 ALL TYPES ...,. ~· P111t1"9 LOI Clt91t. upllol, _,.. rvg hellpre, dllly maid ..,..,, ~r~rn Fr:u.:. Catpentry • Roollna Htultng • yrd ~ up Malnt., eod, plan ting. ~ c~at1!:e of happy ""*"'· Seelcoattno. cleanlng. wane gulf otllce olu nlng, orpt Plumbing. 91C. 842...013 Qulcic & o!Mn. ,, .. 191 ~ =9~,.r' Think vou. 93, ... 10 ,.8 AepNt 931-41001.lc Free E•t. 84a.1n1 c!Mnlng 835·2119 Cell Mt-tao. anytll'M LOU'S HOMI REPAIR 913.05-48 945-82S8 f/11 PLASTER PATCHING ...................... Cu1tom Ceramic Tiie 11 .... 11.. nr-.i1 ,,... .• 011tdenlng Ellc·Carpenlry·Plul'llb '1U 1m111tu PAINTER NEEDS •••••••••••••••••••••• C.•i•tlC..1tflt -:;1.•••••••••••••••••• Ctean-upa, trM trim 6 Plaetw~Stuooo-Pllnt B••IHl,,,U.• Sod. ~nki.r & anrub WORKI 30 yr1 exp, IN/ RHIUCCOI lnt/ea:t 30 Prompt CaM Chuc* yr• Neet Paul 54>21177 875-1401 0Yt ProfeHtonal Auto Cl••· ••••···'··•••••••••••• ORVWALUACOU8TIC malnt. MrV. 540-8035 R .... prioel 875•4558 •••••••••••••"•••••••• ln1t1ll1t1on. Our work Exttr. AeouetlO celllng1 nlng, waxing, Polletilng. Cement·Muonry-Bloolc R'f)alre. new & old. 11 R081N'S CLEA.NINO only loolrl ••p•n•lvt Davi• Pelntlng 847·&18& t!~~!~I. ............ f'tH f.mt1 The Debllterl 640-8199. -~f~~o::!'7-~83 ytl exp. Bud 652·11582 * * * P1lnllng • C11pentry 8ervlOI. 1 thOf'oughly Checil our ptlcM befofl EXTERIOR PAINTING Automoblle Air Cond. Wall taxtur-Ac:ooetlc I ••. •IRftlY Ceramic tlle. Ouallty clean nou11. 540.()957 you buyl Lio. 204519 Cuetom WOf1I Fr" NI ....•.•.•••........... '""''' Pl••tll•t.. HERITAGE TREE SERV. Your full ~IOI plum Complete Ir.. a.re 17 Repelr. 190 Wiiia Pi.ct Coflcr111-1malt or lg• Hang·T~Sttll elude 811 lido Plfll Or w0<km1nehlp ,.... Free J0111'1 C'-tllng Setviol c.11 JU(fy, 94~1&51 ~· + fine Int & 11a1- CM. lontekoe 549.5209 !obi. Rtmove, rtpl.ce Of' Uo. 34994-4 1-532-55411 N9wport 8Mch eet Hanle 545.5209 H~Apt•RentM UfJ4't ler.a.. ... , ntng Steve 547-4211 t 111-1410/'40-1212 yr• 111per Oen 552-6377 $LOW RATE.SS repair. 945--8512 You are the wlnl'llf of European Creftem1n Ottleel 640-1287 HI-DRYWALL TAPING two tree tleket• (111100) Ben'• Home lmpro11 & Oallt. Lm I llr4ff RALPH'S PAINTING ..... ::o:r........... CONCRETE WORK & All TexturM & Acouttlc value lo Iha Need • maid or • h••· .. _. 1•1 .. 1.a1 Int/ext Rau.,., .. Hill 1u.1121 Tr .. lrtmmtng & removal, 24 '" :; "8•Mr ••• ett cleanup• 6 mowing BABYSITTING-my home, BLOCK WALL REPAIR FrM Mt Kavin 975-9088 RINGLING BROS. Malnt 994•5231 kHper? Hrl)' or wkly? __ n_•ff_, ___ • __ ,._ Ref Free Ml 538-9898 tncd ..... ho1 mMI• Any· 771-5278 •ft 5PM. BARNUM & BAILEY 2 Young man w/PU do FO< compl ~loe8. call ·~,,,,., !1!!f1!!!~1I.~!~!! ••• 554-7017 'v •• t' I 111 J S l .. B&M Painting & Tiie Ume,Ma-2874 .,H11H 011011 odd)ob•t..17.00ptrhr • o erv ce "gy ... •••••••••••••••••• FrMMt.lnllt•t&1t11n1. CattHllUL ,_,,al ••0~·••••••t..•••••••.. • 542·9724, Andrew 913-0000, bon~ by St MAGICAL ILLUSIONS , ................ 14. !'~~.~!, ..... lftWAHTS & U, ••••••••"•'•••••••••• ELECTRlCIAN-Prlced Anaheim Convention ol Celtt FOR All OCCASIONS 10 yre In OC Spec rete 0.)1 or Night, ISO/wk REMOO£L/A0().0NS right. lrH Hllm•I• on Cl<\ter Aug 5-18 RENT A HUSBAND on IPI•. Cell 2• IHI, I FrM nt Real prleet "Lei the Sunllllne In" Call Sunahlne Window Oval work. Lie 337180 Cotti M... 946-5759 & C81penlry. LIC'd. 25 l11t09 or amlll )Obi Long S..Ch Atana tor minor oonatr, repllrs, TIRED OF HASSLES? Riie Steve 9&8-6<4113 1·995-3488 collect 931-23•5 WILL BABYSIT ll/Hr yn exp lrwtn 548-21111 Lie 3961121 873.03511 Aug 18·22 elec, plumb. etc 35 yre Rtfllble cleant;, htfp le Jh HOUSEPAtNTING Cleanl . lid 54&-11853 no 20% Monthly DI.count 9 wk ... 2'h yrs. Mon-Fri Fine Anllhed Carpentry EL£CTRIClAN ~2-~;;~ :.~·~;;· ~:~~ exp 980· 12311 herel Rel• 980" 452 ••• !!~!1'.............. In & out Fr .. ISi ~!! ... '!!.!!.'!!!! •••••.. ISam-ISpm C.M. 942-2995 Aemod. Spec Randall Sml jobe/Repelre lie a,J--~ l'.lHn Ouallty HouMCIMnlng BRICKWORK. Small Jobi Cell Bruce 972·0118 PR 0 FESS I 0 NA L RE· MR SPARKLE &llwndwt Doth eldH. •creena & track•. HonHI dapen- deble Guer no 1trN111 Rea• prtcn 540-5654 Lie 419587 7201280 23310&-C.10 548-5203 ... mutt be ••changed .. , •• _ WlthaPtrtonllTouch Newport.CoellMM•. I t /Et I t t SU MES & CA REER Chr1etlan mother wm be· · • ---------tor r6-Vad ... ,, 11 bOx •••••••••••••••••••••• Blih 860-0833 lrvlne. Ref• 975-3175 n • · owe• " ee. COUNSELING 851-0700 byell, lnf1nt & up, my WAY CONSTRUCTION Electrical Contraotor olltce prior 10 perlor-lnat1ll·R1llnl1h-Ctean ---------------·----prompt, naet aervlea, 10 •·---------flome, Ille. Baker & Har-Remodel • AddllJon• Ind •• Comm, Rea. Lie manoe. Wu. Swedl•h crafteman. HOUSECLEANING Cuelom Btlek·Stone I yrs In area 848-568-4 t>or. Reta. M2-2482 Lie. 420802 942·1200 333217. Ph 557-17311 * " • Since 1947. Comm/res. By Scandln1vian ll<ly Block.Concrete-Stucco 681· 11991727-3740 Exp'd 648-2171 Rt!• Fr .. UL 549·94112 Claultled Ad• 942-5678 Trade your old stuff tor new'good1e1 wllh a CIHslloed ad 642-6678 •FINEST IN 0 C * Ron'• Wlndqw Wuhlng Relld RMI. 830· 7711 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn'.t sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non·refllndabte. lain llMI 11.00) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 A~tl A111t•1•t1 A,~rt•1•t1 IH•• 4000 I J It 4300 01/l I 11 ••• 11..'d. 'ual.-a.I(/ U.•l•i•1•1a. • .J llalora1•1a.-~ ···············••••••• .!.".IJ.!.!! ••• !.1! .......... ~~ .. !~! •.•... !.~'!! Olllt1 l1•tll ffOOl J•'111d1J 11•1114500 L••I I t .. d SJ lm1uJ1 5~~ .. ... .... ······················1······················ .••.........•.....••••••.••••..•..••..... ~!~:!;;;::::::Y.~1 "i;i.~:"i!f.~~:::/.~~f ~~~:~!!.(:!.~!~ Rfi~i:~; ~~1 ::· s;~~ !;,J:f!:g:P!t~:,;~ .n::=·~~'m. •:.':I~~ l~:g.:~· .~:~~~~ :,~ FOUND ADS Ultl I YIOIJ'I VILLA MEDER.A -.a ... .,.. One ml. from 8"ch I Wllh uae of recep11on. Ion flee w/pvt bath. Ground PHOTO MODELS -UU1r11-• rm & bath 1vlll now •itlll .. lllll ~1 2500 llQ ft Condo. wtll ac-conl room kltch phone Premier locit floor reception area and ESCORTS/DANCERS 28r 2B• E/lldt. u..,,.. ••oat ...,,ant •nt bldg • .. , ' ,., " 1 2 di 1 d · · • Garden Building .. ,. ,, • . ,.,....... ,., ......,. _. 642·2357 • ••••• ••••• • •••• • • • • • cep • "· or • " 1H1Cr111r1a1 6 word pro-.. ..., l<I .nop ~ ARE f R£.[ OUTCALL 2• HRS apt, dlhwhr & dlap<>Ml, In L.Aguna Beach. flnett SUUll •Onl wt 1 child or tuat 1 adl1 cesalng Mall & IMUaO' 900 llQ ft -amenltlet Attrecttve, quiet Coll• 111-0201 wtrl gu tree Encl g•-IOCatton In town, brHth· Verulllea 1 br •Ingle Pool lg kit 2 patios lg 1 e1y 11 111·2llO M ... Industrial complex rage. tamlly complex liking views. all bullt-ln• security. pool, gym w, kly rental• now •van balcony wt bay view ~lr~v:I c':fi"'Judy iirwaaay IUCI 9711-11533 CaU• S6'45/mo. + $300 dep heated pool . 1500 731 -3371 140 & up Color TV 557·78930f840-8339 1nnV11 · , 'Are you saved? Need $48·4 t47 or 894-0338. eub.-geregt, tltvetor. 659-0353 Phones In room 227 4 7 t4/780-0 lOO. e .. cutl..-olflCM 1.000 "I N B 3975 Birch 3880 ~ pr eyer for healing? Call 2324 Elden St leaH onty ... 50 6 up Newport Blvd CM Prol to lhr Condo, hOUM,I .._.._ IUOI 10 l ,'"50 ti. •ttrect --•1 ft or te11 MIA zone 142-1111 ah 4, 960-1039 ~ · .., · Step1 to bcil. 2Br 1b1, lge 646-74•5 all 1menltl111 $285 """'r-• " "' ....,., A 5 SO EAST SIDE-Luxury In • 330 Clllf Or 494-8083 llv eru. kit w/ber, ocn 662-24•9, 1166-.8479 Executive office In Cen· maintained bldg. Near 1--'ge'--n_t _•_1-_3_2 ___ ,~~~~~~~~~Male 30 desires marriage. Pin•• Forest. Retrlg, • * * view. $750/mo yrly 8 EACH AR [A J nery l/lllega, $450/mo Hoeg Hoaptlll Cpte. $750 up 2160 It lndu· Loll Malamute, 8 mot write to· Box 1t13•. 4-hr. p1t10. BBO. ga1 t•-a -a--875-7907 * * * Broker 875-4912 mini bllnd1 Dedicated atrlel . Office 18081 Re-Old Choker chain. Cati Costa M ... Ca 92627 ulll lnct 2Br, 28a. 1525 --••-MEL•• -•••t ---------pklng Prof environment dondo Circle 1<E Hunt----------mo 1Br, 1Ba, $425 mo 362 Hamilton St. 3Br, 2Ba. frptc, garega, $77/Wk "" u "" FlllT&ll Y&U.IY In quiet area 645-3323 lnglon. Beech .. S..2-283' Hwy & Riverside Ave, £.•I t Mgr 84a-g184, Ride M·f Coetl MIN ,_decor. '/fly. 2 b1tU to 599 Fa)'IHe Ctrote Prime otflce facility toe.· daye NB R-ard 2803 W C11 .. ~!f?!!, ......... .. 121315112•21145 You 81e the ""* Of bch 873-2671 Kltchanell•M•ld·POOI COit• Met• led directly ectON from --------OFFIOE W&llElllSE Hwy 645-6351 SdN/6 .t two tr" tlc::ket• (118.00) B Nwiit Blvd & Wilson You 81e the Winner ol Civic Canter, aHy ac-*llWPllT IUOI* Appro11 2000 sq tt Nr Loat Ladlel GOid Squirt l•ilretll•• 1005 So c.t Plue 1Br Condo. value 10 tht 1 r · garage perking. Costa M-548·9755 two ., .. Uckell ($18 00) CHI to trwye fl1xtbl11 1101 Dove St PrHtl· Cro1¥n Valley Pkwy. & mounting with Merqula •••••••••••••••••••••• pool, tennis, $550 mo RINGLING BROS. 11 1 epe to bMctl. Year!) ..... value to the o It t c • 1 u I t e • I r om glou• N B foe. Perlecl I Fort>et Rd .• Mltalon Vie-I Diamond Ring. REWARD Credentialed teactoer in .. II 8 1 955 8 •2 • , 475/mo. 770-24114 , Yeertyontha..,....h,room RINGLING BROS loratt """--• .. llM ,.va • · • " ~ ~ BARNOllOISUM & BAILEY 731.5446 with kitchenette & bath, B•RNu••. B .. ILEY 235-1430 aq ft For ad· t 8or10rleYh v3 .. 900 ..... _ ft Jo (714) 545-0215 644-9893 att 6 my home tutoring m11h. e11M/Wl<nd1 mo Plue etcurlly 011011 I Y.& I lmmed •11111 3 block• 350, 1100 y1200 llQ rt Pu1m·~ 648-9151 wkdye, (213) 5119-5088 13001 ,.. "",. " dtllonal tnto ctll rom 1 ru llQ I reedlnn Grad .. 1(-4. Mre Anaheim Convention 111111 UY dap 1300 . 2308 W. • M. lrom o .c . Airport For Coel• Mau. Call for t 1100 REWAll ·1 15()()/mo. 2 Bf. 2 ~apt, Centw Aug. S.18 ~ 9PI. Bayfront home Ocaanlront. Newport Anaheim Convention Ml-10H more Info Clllt amanltl ... S75--925t B•I• Wut.4 1111 enol•O garage, patio. Long 8Mch Arena 1 bdrm, 1 ba. utll lncl'd e.ech. 973-4154 Center Aug 5-19 l.Y• Ill. It tHttt.9t &ll-4 ••• ,.•••••••••••••••••• fll*;, 1nc1ry tac. Subml1 Aug 111-22 Tennie evall 1875 per Long a..cn Arena I Airport " .. • Exec Sul-• I i /l I' 1 20·· brua bird caoe w/2• Apartment management on ,.i. To clalm pueH, call monltl yeerty lent B1•1 415 Aug 18-22 tM From 225-450 IQ ti 141-1020 II •nl •nl 1 mecto1ntclll orange 1tn-Couple 10 manage 100 TSL Mgmt 842-1803 642·5879. ext. 272 P.... 975-8889 •••••••••••••••••••••• To clalm P•H••. cell 11 Pll IQ ti Many xtra ---------Nt•ltl gtng bird• Stolen on units 1n So 0 County __ __.;;.______ -must be exchanged Pvt. elegant home lor the 642-56711. ••• 272 P... Clll 557-7010 •Ill Oii.iT •••••••••••••••••••••• S,lbo• Pentnsola July 3 toP quality bldg No pell 1525/rno. 2 Br. 2 ea ..,, S500/mo. 1 Br 1 81 apt elderly. Lag Bch w/ -mutt ...... ex·'"•..,..,. 720 ft 1 1 ........ f 1111-.,1 lor rM«Ved Mall et bO• 1 t lly .... C ..,.. .,.,_...,_ d...... ............ llQ urn ... -.. or .. I 71 4/540-40$11 a.~1 plus pl•"'. •KP• cwport, yard, lndry rm anca ad g1r1g1. lndr~ am •tmoep.,...1. hi· IOf r--...d Miii 11 bO• j 4 ..... xe 011-. SlrlleglC ~ I -n¥ -' Small dog ok. Cell fOI oHlc• prior 10 perlor-rac .. cloae to beach Cal let Chez Voua. 494-031• olltce prior 10 perlor-tocatlon on B4Mlch Blvd "11 '1' or erchllacte, •Mt'8•"' 5.,.,5 L t B ldt 1 1 p 1 r 1 enc e h 1 1P 1u 1 mince Newport Center. av all ••• "••••••*'•....... os ' 8 eme e 11 714/643-0212 eppt. ok. no doge I I I f man~ I HB Front •-poeure, 109 I Chlld · B--'-St Lab X July 4 lrom Slater TSL Mgmt. 642-1803 • • • TSL MQmt 642-1803 .~.'!!!! .. !~!!.!...... -algn area. 65¢ 1q.f1 7•20 Wand• 844-7520 1n , .. ~~r~w1~ s1~d~e-and Edwards Very Attracti've G:.f EASTSIOE 2 Br. l'li Ba MfffMtl Jud Jiff ITfn Tl IOl/1H t Br alMpe 4. acroea the Oceanlronl Newport. Ownr 213-450-6555 Excellent Ollces ·Up to bactl ll•llellw831·1688 trlendty. Pl .... Return Ill Townhouee, enclad ge-• ..-.-..-; ................ 144~/mo 8 42 -6g7o atreat lrom beach non.emk ma1ure reep. =ci~· 1°~2~ PARTNER WANTED _1_1_4-84 __ 2_-2_33_11 ___ -1 ~lsgt~e~~~:ttgr~l";'o rege,lrplc,1mallpetok STEPS to beach, 2 Br, 963-2781 12&5/wll 875-5088 1 ~~i~~35 mo , yrly, *IEWNllT* IOfJOI BBOres1Grea1toc 10K LOST Juty4Femaledog modelprivatelylorln- Gtlll loc. I bumed celling. lrplc. NB 1 br. etps 4 eundeck. Airport Area, exec autte 524-7908, 778-1130 brn btk wht Med~ a tvlduet 3.4 hre per TSL Mgmt 942· 11103 eM1C g'1 dOOf Furn or la• Clt•nlf 3116 11•l>• to Hnd, 1vall Anaheim Ht111 home tol expand•. Clauy aurroun· °"'*"' mull rentl Ole 548.0753 weet. Strielly prtvete end 2 Br W1 Ba. 2 tlory 9PI 1 s;~;:.o ~··:.;!1~~. Q0c~:~~h1i1~:~~jj9~~~;:; 7117 $325 754-0938 ::~e :'~r~ ix!. ~:o~·J'::: :~mo.m: ~l~OI ~ ~':i ~: ::· J~m!::l~l~e~~ Wltfh uf In good taate Utmo11 pool. garage. No peta 942-3490 view 2 Bdrm .• 2 •IC>r) IN SEASON SPECIAL apa, tlreplace, etc or Pri· rices & datl< IPICle from 540-12117 M1'v1ce bullneu Ba • Lo1t 7/12 vie Evergre.i dlicrellon auured t596/mo lnctd elec ept. with bullt·lne. Cir· 2 Br home. front patio, vllegu 1250 .,.. utll ··epnle water treatment end Monrovia Blue eye•, Greet pay • ntidblt htt ~1-0793. NO FEEi Apt & Condo petlng & dral)M, under elps e Frpl. pk 'g Hector t2i .2156 285/mo tncludlng conr CdM OFFICESUITE ay11em1 dealer." Llc'd ractcottar_831-4797RE· SendphOloanddetallt<I s:tUNNING I 1 B ren1al1. VIiie Ren1111. root cerporll. leundry $500/Wll. 78a-1784 ' rm1. rtcap11onl1t. an•· Appro• 500 aq ft. N-11rr11ory avellabla, WARD. deacrlptlon to 8ox Ad "1 erge r 87S-4912 Broker taclllty & clote to every· IT'S B~CHTIME werlng 11rvlct. 1011 of crpte/ drepta & paint Ortnoa Cout arH, no ---------I No. 1011, Dally Piiot, hn."i'4:f)m~7~or: YH HIUYI m thlngl S475/month Realty . of Courte F to lhr 3 br hit nr occ perking, WP & Tl• avail. 1475/mo 551-8130 uper nee. Wiii train LIST-llWUI Box 1560. Coete ,., .... t8ttl St. Avallable Augult 15. two 973-9511 w/2 M 1230 +urn 833-9978 Prof ottlcl l9llCI In Npt 160,000 lull amount ~. 3 mo Old light _c_A_9_2e_2.....:f:._ ___ _ NEW gated 20 Town-adutta only & no ,.ie 548-62131931·5038 $300/up C81pell, drapea, Center tor attorney or r9q'd, aome Unanclng Golden RetrieYa< 714 Ille &m lllOUlfO 0..1 Ital 31 •..................... lllllAOIUTI 2 bdrm. 2 t>e., appllancea, gllf, ldry, no peta. $525 408-e804, 493-7446 Bnll•1,.• ~...,. 3140 ...................... 1575/mo. Neer beach, mtnt 2 8' 2 ea., no '*' 942-1339. 553-1779 DtllWc• pooblde, xtre lar- g • 2br, 2b•. btln1, dawtlr. 1'1i mllea beeeh. Adult1, no pet•. S500mo. 53&-&3412 ·~ Wllm.ITIU f I 2 8'. Ollcount on IOfM modll9. Pool. Spa, Gym, Saune , etc 84&-0919. $400 furn. or unrum. 1 Br. pool, IPL 181192 Florida. 842-2834, 842-3172 Near beach 2 Bf. 10A 8L crpte. drpa, bit-In•. trptc. Q':~T,· $505/mo ........... l.Q9 2 I 3 BR townhouM 1pt1, yard•. encl gar, fpto, he>C*-up1. Nr Hunt. Hrbr. from 1515. Chil- e{,.., OK. 840-et07 2 '" 2 Ba. d/w, pallO. 1ln9I• garage, w._1., "*· t.undry fec. 1 ~ltd ok. no Pit•. •n5tmo 546-2000. AOent. no f9t. homt l/ILLAGE COM· Call owner II (7 U ) COSTA MESA Furnlllhld air 17301 BMctl, H.B. othlf "'Ofeaional Ult a11all1ble. Wiii nel $40. 17th and Tuatln PIMM W'"' • ......_, • ..... , ,..__ MUNITY 2 & 3 Br 2'1i 942-01311. 2 BR. 2'ftba, pool/tennle Fe,.,.te to find and 1t1ar1 11-42-2834 ,.. 000 plue. Call collect call 831-7063 '" -V-"" .. "'" """'' Be HI00-1800 aq n of Avllll July/Aug $575/mo ,_ of receptlonlet, Xerox. M Fr1 ""P ... hand tool•.~ Tlrt pure luxury GeragH, 2 br. 1 'ilr b• Block to Agent 87>51130 ept wllh """ Al...,. law llbrar;. AVllll lmmad., TI~ 408/Mr:, 1 ~-tor loll longhalred creamy Cir . 3000 E Cit Hwy 1pu In every home • beech Pel/Children OK Oceenlront Newpor1 3 Br. 08().5()33 *SUITE DEALS* call lor delalla. Mlllkl or wtllte cat w/orenga ""· CdM m11ter aulte, dining $450. 974-7225 1,_, Ba., fully turn Avell. C.t1•n /1t li•I f3SO O.C Airport area. Prof. Art 71411156-2411 Chicken lo go In Tu1tln Hlmelayen f)'l>e. Lagune --A-ul_o_m_o_tl_ve_S_elel __ roome, wood burning Near new 1 Bdrm. apt. weekly 1700/watlc . ••••'••••••••••••••••• enlllronment, tull .-vtoe, Cuetom executive offloe. $15,000. Money beck Beach. Reward •••111&tt tlreplacH. micro-wave wtlh bulll·lne, carpetl,.. 968-9<>87 $55 pr mo, garage nr 17th or no fr1111 lndlvlduel of. 400 aq ft. Pvt btth wtth guvantM. nl-1088 494-387214117-5454 oven•. privet• patlol 6 & drepea, laundry lllClllty. St, CM. Joyce W11t11, fleet or dMk apaoa. 150 ehower Balboa Penln. REWARD $ IOO, Poodle IPOUllS. .. yerda,gudaner provt· under root C8fPC)f1• and VMlll., ll•llll 4ZIO 631-1291S aq ft . 3500 aq ti 1 MO $300/mo. 942~ &Ntlanl mix, •m•ll whllt ftm !Of' two Ouallfled. ex,._ ded Elegant living only publlc t1nnl1 court• a OCEAN•F•RON•T .. ;l·;·9; 20x32, ,_ 10th 6 N9w· FREE. 7511-ff78. Extc Furn SUltt, prime o.-..t..J,. SOI$ Lott 7113. MllSIOO Viejo rleooed, Ambltloue SalM 15::01nui" trom F~ golf COUrM right benlnd Avail now Wtellly ttiru port 1150/mo NB. toe. PtlOnt and co-••• -~;:::;'•••••••• 581-1128 People! Top ••rnlnga . Ill . mlnut .. to property CloM to ...,.. 75i-0298 940-a107 vuw .._ pter avell 1225/mo OrMt opportunity to U · ---------• excellent future and Pin• or O.C Airport rythlngt ,395/month eummer. 873-7973 • •.s"' _.r.-089_ 17 79 940_9215 1111 lamlly (olfeprtng) Found longhalred tortOIM meny beneflll. Apply In Ju et eut ot Newport Avallable Auguat 15• one Big Bear cabin. ldMI for WANT Garage for 110-we11 .. appotn11d ofllcl w/ • Total l5000 lnV11tment colored cal. vtc Mta• pereon to Salee Mena- Blvd & 90· 01 San Diego or two adult• only & no flllll".'Q hiking bl+tlng or rage on Bal. Penln Nr Nwpt lllew. Approx l.OOO (..,.I Wiii crute 1 $10,000 Verde Lib. 549-42•5 ger Fr w y $900 / mo c ·' ' ' 15thSI Cell17712078 llQ ft. ••JFllOIT 'MAIMI 931_5430 2473 Ora. pell. an OWMf et (714) Jull 91t11ng •••Y· Wknd · • • 945.7100 911 plu1, lnterMI deduction. Ctllco cat, 1 yr tamale, • - Ave eoa'ta Meta 11-42-0138. & willy"'" 545-et19 Hunt Bch garage lrg office tulte w/eml vu "'PPACllllon 6 deprtcil· SU REWARD. NITl&O/llUlll .. · ..... ., _, .. ,.,, tor rent $45/mo CdM dlK tulta, A/C, ample of bl'f. All or pert "°'" llon poulble depending 945-9«2 Hllfbof Blvd 11 Ftlr Dr ..,.rt•l•I• ,.,..,,.,,. 1111111 If IA1114300 2131420-7705 · pkg. ulll pd. 2855 E. Cat $1.40 pr •Q ft. Call on 1tructurlng or Irene----------1 Coetl Mela PARK NEWPORT APARTMENT S N Us.IUll 3IOI •••••••••••••••••••••• Hwy 875--8900 &45-e64& tor Info. action Poatbll 4 to 1 li--4 ltnetlttt --------- •••••••••••••••••••••• Share my Coet• Mu• Of/11111•111 4400 COSTA MESA office tu edvantege Owner and praying hand• lost UIYlfTTtl SUWJll home. Pref mature pro-•••••••••••••••••••••• IPllCI fOf' leaM. approx. NEWPORT BEACH Pr lnVMtor wttl furnish up to from ring REWARD! Child ure needed In my COUNTRY CLUB LIVING YIL' •11 le11lon11 woman Sue momn 111111 2 000 aq" of pvt offlola feaalonel office. 833 Do-$40,000 down payment 842-5743 home tor II mo old. IN NEWPORT BEACH ... 751-0508 IRVINE Phone •n•w• G-11 ~ .,_ l>lu9 Vlf Sit 2 1309/mo. on new 2-3 Bdrm coodo. wkdyl, 40 hre/wk A total environment New 1&2 bdrf"I lu•ury ring, conf. rm, uttl pd, reception room Prof. 931-1()11.4 eo.t1 M-. Wiii etruc-Ls~' cf1~1t;,;~;k:::~· 646-5507 9')al1ment community on epte In 14 plane 1 Bdrm hM I l111f Ollt1 ectry Hrv1, etc. Aleo decorated Xlnt location tu,. tranaactlon to nt In-"Hiiia .. 557_5574 ---------tile Upper a.y. Private from $515, 2 bdrm from Retired or wonclng gent· dHk 1p1ce 1150/up. At tht 405 F & H11tt>« l•"11nl l•UI Hll 11111or needs. Phone ___ 'Y"---·------I HOUSEKEEPER needed clubhouee end healtll $570, Townhouee from leman or lady 0\19f 40 to 540-9745 Bl\ld exll F':/ more Into •••••••••••••••••••••• 7 14I93 1 -5 O 5 5 or Found pet bird, Coci<atlel tor busy profaealonel In ape, 8 tennle C0Ut11, 7 1840 + pool•. t1nnl1, lllr Npt. home. 840~915 p 1 1 1 11751 N call .-ei..,. 761-8191 Office and Laboretory 7141942-2000. male, vie Whittler A\19. NB . varied duti.., mull poolt, CIOM to bullneea, wa1ert1ll1. pondel GH F non-amokr to lllr 2Br Or veCe ~lc, mCo. ' . ' apaoa ·up to 7500 eq ti. CM 833-2299 Terry 8·5. be -gatk: & rellablt. 5 1....,.,. F••'"I I 1 d for cootclng & l\eellnn ' "rport onv. m-e 945-2111 .... !Of Joe • ..,,. .__.. hre/dy, Mon-Fri, car 6 • ,,.....,, -·on •in · •Id From Stn 011 0 28a condo wlaame. So. park'g, pvt entrenoe. Incl -•H5 ~llfn, ., .. , Found' Pen"ot-llke bird rth required . (714) Convenient •hop1 on ~rw · drive North ~n Cit Plaza arll $310 mo. utll (reception 111111 by 881 Dewit, NB. 1~1 R411d lt0t9 at 2650 Avon .,_. fOJf with ~ wtng. Dark 94G-e962. elll Unfurnllhld bacf'll.. a..Ji 10 McFldden 10 Vlc:IU Wlldye 11911-2000 or arrangement) Taylor, LAGUNA BEACH-Down· St., UMO aq. ft. plu1 I •••••u····-.·:mu•••••••••• graen/blk head Lido ---------::!i~!..~rrn IPll tnd S • • w I nd v 111 e g • lld&-0823. Crow 6 co town. 800 aq ft 1275. car garage. t.41-am. ~' -Perk.,.., NB 875-08111 Babyettter nMded. QU&r $S40. 1 1000 (714)9113-511111 Prof. M 28 Wiil ltlert 3 Br 642-1423 or 846-3179 Stop by 333 3rd St. or um1f Y1UJ11 ........ 0., IH, Found: F bm & blk ml•IO ::-.. t":14~ng, S.V.al btchelora tnO 1 CdM ·~· with •lralgtil 1617 W11teltlf, N.B. 256 c:alt (213) 893-2347 UnlQ\Mt 2 •IOf'Y Pnlng Special~ In 111 & 2nd Twrilf puppy, M blk 6 Bdrm unlta IMtUf't nne ..... 4"' ll•bll IF. $325, 111 & to 4000 aq. ti. 111. floor. ocean view, private of· w/retr 1ocee1 · lntwlor TO• •nee HMt Wilt ml•ed 8uenJI pup-O&lltU d11lgner furniture and •••••••••••••••••••••• IUI. Celt A newer Ad Agent 641-6032 ftoH, Newport Center. Improvement• Ptu• leaM Robt. Settler NH/CM py, F blonde Lib mix Ex per with l11d1rehtp acoeuorlea.. Move In to-Pool, tennte. lelle. club, #616, 942·4300 24hre. 520 It ,1 00 Ttltpllont, Horetarl•l. wloPtlon a\lellable R.E. Broker 8d RHltc>r9 puppy M bilge 6 bllc 1blllty. Good wttll ftgurw day or rltlNI tor eum-wuhlr/dryw, lull El Toro llQ. • • Pl' eq ' 942·2171 645-0911 Shep' mix 7 mo old and lleve bullMN tlY)ll mtr monthe. Smartly houM priv. 'Ii utile. tzeo Roommate w1r.t1"d to It .. 31176 Birch., N.B. office HrlllCll avtll. lea,...,......., lf4. WIDOW HAS l$S for TO'e puppy: F bllc Lab ml11, M Salll exp« llelpful. l'un turnlahed model• open 111. & lut. ~38 Iv :V-oar~M'f> P~B~1~ Agent 541-6032 ~5t~ m 0 & u P W lll-2110 RE Loene. 10K Up. No ~ 81.MnJI. A111t pttct, pretty rut11on1. dllt;. '"911· Call 973-0141 Ewe-Jane Ct.Sit Check. No Pen· & wht Springer Span . Stat11ng r11te $8 .. 60 pful , Employed Fem&le ~ 40 1.UXURY OFFICE SUITE C..••nlll etty Dlnnl90l1 6. Aaaoc. brindle rabbit. Numerou. lnctntlv .. to '.\f'tllflld On Jtmt>oree Rd at prlva1t homt ,,.., mhi M/F 22-36 to etir 381, 2Ba Cubetom1 2 decor. gl .. • ,..,,_,_ 141a 973-7311 oa11 6 kitten•. Nwpt pereon. A.PPL Blok San Joequln Hltlt Rd, Tuetln 942-81149 IV_.,. hM. nice CM ...... '260 lo by large IXIO u.. la Anlmll Shelter, 125 StrMt No. 25 FHlllO" 2 at 1'A Ba. $375/mo p1ue l44-1100 ··-..· mo. 949-1358..,.. olf1CM. 915 aq. tt.. eaay •••••••••••••••••••••• ....._ 0r .. C.M. e.«-3eee llland, Newpcwt a..oo. t375 dip. Oo>tt. drpt. Employed Gentleman, Prof women 10 lher• 2 ;; ltrme, a11111 lmm1d. ..,. M .. Aaa.,,,._.alt/ PtlOnt ca11e a no not ~. oldll' l*'IOn pref LIDO BEAUTl,..UI. ~ ~r. non·ernoklf, lltl llltontn bd 2 bl Patlc New 1:::-' ~ Prime loo. al oomtt of In n.-bldg on Ooett l,,,...J1j Found orenge/Wll11t llfl· Nr 8NGtl/MoFlldd9". Ho t I ti d It prMllQll 548-7618 rm, ::--:-.1. • ./ , .. ..., Jamboree l MecArthur, Hwy. Soutll Laguna. Ap-r ··t f L--~ Pld Kitten. Vlo. Newland ~ lt3-4l94 rp o, pa o, I u I . . port apt. MU--9199 ./NA·-11600/mo, Cen Katen II r.ox ~ '"'Q, l\. bot+-•••~••••~~•••••• & Tllbett. M2·578e. • 11050. 1176-8359. Room w/pool IMkt em· ,/ .,.,., ..., 2 bt •ll)dO. Hr ..., & 'c; 8 .. 2 •· ....,. ployed male. Kllcht n PROF. MALE. 8TAAIOHT. / ._ -7&2·11444. ent private perk Int ,,.....,....,. fllf Ind~ $480/mo " .... ,,.._, Olf, p tu .. I 1"2"/ NON-SMOKER, 26·30 btnlnd bldg. '828 mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• ....._ __ ,_ -·· -...-:... 2 bll(t, •ooo yrty. r •• "1 • .. .. mo. SHA 38R 2BA WATER-FIU •m Tumet Alloc. 414-1117 HOit ""'*"" '*"*' fot ..__.... ~~· OMI .-.llO e, <Jl3,_......,,,_, No ptta. 946-1612 845-2500 Nf)1 Bah. FROHT BAL ISL, MAV llg °'"°' eulle, loca11d rrendl 11\tdenla. Auguat. ....................... !Jq:>'d 111'11 coot(, tulftlmt ~a It. Ctl*. «pe. WE.STOUFF 2 Ek. 1,,. ea Eutlldl eo.ta MIN tur-CONSIDER Fl!MALE on Hwpt '~°"' 111 N-,_ Cell~ Atla...aat Parter night•. hHlt" food .,......, dbl 041f, w/d I*-Townh<Nll. AdUHe Pfef. nlthed, private ent~ 880·2471 *Ill.Ill .... * rtM office , w/amall •o or~t.S, Apply In I*'' up. t 100. cell 536-0021 No ,.ii. MOO/mo. 1121 trtge. $300/mo p1u1 w Of bey ot '*1 ...U • -SCRAM LEJS °'*' 2' hrt •day eon; Pulfln1, 1010 I . AN..IHOTON APTS. lldtotO ~. 841-7633. NC, 073-1~ Shere OOMll view Dent From 1roomto3 room•. from 11.41 Pf ft. 2. moa. omoe ~ for ...... • 1 dlr. e.... c o••t Hwy, Cd M. ~!!,!·2•P•e11~u. ... t~ Yny, 3 t>r. 2 ai.. frplo, o-.. ROOM FOR A!HT. eon. :'~:;a:;:,~~: = ~.!i~t!t.'1:d~· A~~ =• ~0J~ :: ~Ith Dean :!,~:-:i ANSWERS ~:0':!'i1 .',u1~u~f::!~ _040-__ 1_5-'7~-·-----,_ Ir. .,. ._ ow. 1 blk to beeo.,, do, nr. b11Cll, 01r1g1, 496-011, port• Inn. 2112 Dupont. to · t?e-4000 for d.illll. t AooNe. Aurll lankAtMrlelrd. M .. t., Count« P1taon fOf dry b • • o., · • f 2 I I mo· 17Mt 12 bltr. flm. only. 93 t..029, lft. Cell AM. ~3223 In · 7 ' Cf'04llll • ,._.. Ollarge. Am1float1 la· OIMNno oo. 1 t~. " MO MM e•pm, Lux Dena Pf ¥ttw CondO .....,. mTD TRUCK pt111, Olnere. All -t· dey .-. Meture ,,_. AVAILA8U HOW WHTCLIFF, 2 bdrm, 2.......,,. fUm kit 'fot a mo .• malt« 1U1t1 e•YfRQNT ..... -......... .... _ I~ .. llJfllM H""'llWI " pettOltnan In· come Tt4/Ul·34U. eon. OC·UH, lit• t ......._ 1 ~ -I>' fltepfacl9. Detlwtlw. · '°°"'· · wllll frplc, pl, 1pa, n ......, _._ _ ~.-;;;; •••••••• ~ •v ' a1•a H_.._ II CM Droe>Pe ........... -m _,, _ .. ,.., refrlg. Pool. 1100. ahen pr1v, tn llome w/ 1-4M-2tl1 144 1131. Pttme oftlol 113-,003 MIT.,.. APPfOIC 2llOO eq ft OfflOe ~ 1 '*Y_Cllll~ ' ...... ' --.iliii'"'rl._..iliiiiit!i; heclft/YOl1ll0wr'I. 1 dll'd ~122. ......aa1 ptlvate yerd. li/eldt • • tul OoNl"I vw end w1r11111 1pao1. l.S Ylftlate: ''Tiie I COlOI • WOIAd IO'W9 '° Ok. No ptD. WflWI Pt6d. Cotti Meta. Prwf9' mid--M/F to tllW tbt, 1k N.8. Exec ault .. , full 11rv., Alf """neect for oenlrel ooett MeH. w1y to chart~ • l*1Y wtt1I )IO'A. Cll M IOI/mo. 141-1000. Haw ~ to Mtt? di• 1g1d men. uoo oc11ntron1. No '"'"' turnlunfum., t*llY ,.. yOU one '"'°" yet. Avail now. lldnaT'"'"' ,!'* t • ot tUtlly anyllin• Afwl', no 1-CtttMlflld Ida do tt Mii. 54MIM. tllOO rno. yrty. 113--11_. dllold. Ho Ill 704-0274 ~;;" tlOO "' mo. t42-oet0 TAUCR t~tHI ~ .. \ I, ' ,., I ... Helt o....r neecMd, Vll-lllge Faire Mall, L8QUn ---------1 8-ctl. 494-Ulod. t- IUll1IUIOE Full time handy man Job for ~ offlcl comple11. Requlrn experience In Q'lf*al bUlldlng repair9. (71 •) 556-89" 1 MARKETING • •w 11e1n . ""•ood ••• d"1tlr19, 4-IO' lonQ; mo redwood f9ncln;. C.it Jim or Ken tnytlme, 71&-141 1. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HU&O• llVO CO~TA MESA o•'l ·OOIO COHMRL CHfVICOLE'l' 'X.>< 11~,· .. · ,. ' I ( ..... I ' .., ~ ... I SU-1200 b'u rle Jiu: TOTOTA-•ouo ltUH..-.11•4 c ......... ,... ..... nu., u o.uu WI Ill : USED CARS & TRUCKS' COME IN OR CALL FOA AD &nUIUl. Cormlef ·OeUllo Mfta.IT" 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH 147 .... .,, .... .,. ! ,. I I , .. 1 1 I 0 ATLAS CHRYSUR-rL YMOUTH 2929 H1rbor Blvd . Costa Meu Tel 546·1 93'4 3 ~ockl eouth of Sin Diego FrHway all Harbor Blvd Complete ,body shop. 81111 Service Plrtl Sefv1ce Dept open Monday thru Frid1y 7.30 AM to 5 30 PM and 8 AM to 5-P.M. on Slturday .. • 11.ACH IMPO«TS ' .,.,.; Dove StrHt. Newport Bet1eh Tel 752-0900 Call u1. ;w.·re the 1pec11111t1 for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & tifa~ret I ' 'ltlHlt ' tU fD• II I I ',U I /OrJ MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NIWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel 833· 1300. At the trlangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Statton. Sales. Service l easing & P1tt1 We make gr•t deals! • HAIERS CADIUAC 2600 H1rbor Blvd . Costa Miu. Tel 540-9100 Or1nge County's largest Cad1ll1c dealer. Sales. Service lell· '"0 fl DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICIC.flONTIAC-MAlDA S11ee • Service • Leatlng 24888 Allele Parkwey Laouna Hiiia 837·2400 f3 CHICk IVIRSOM f'Ol~Dt-VW 415 E Coast Hwy . Newport BHch. 873-0900. The only dealership 1n Orange County with these thrH grHt maku under one rooll • I/II ALAN MAGNOM ~C.SUIARU 2480 Herbor Blvd . Coate Meaa Tel. 649-4300. Sal", Setvlce, LHtlng : Mr GoodWY•och .. • CLAlllC AUTOMOllUI 786 ~on Way, Co.ta MeN. Tel. 131-1393 ''JAGUARS ~ tPICIAL TY" XK 120't1140'e11IO't1E·T~ a .. -1erv1oe -"-'orailone Off Pfaoamta b9twer'I 1 In • • IOI LOHGPU POHTIAC 13600 Beech Blvd . W11tmlns19f Tel 892·6651 Orange County's oldest ind largest Pontiac d1111rsh1p Sales. Service. Perts • DICK MILLll PIAT /LANCIA "Probably the lowest pric.d Fleta (n Southern Cahlorr f ' (located 1 mlle north of South Coast Plaza near Main St. Ind Werner Ave In Sants Ana ) 120 W. W1rnttr. Santi A.n1 557-2132 • SANTA AHADATSUH 2001 E. 17th Strfft, Senta Ana. Tel. 558·7811. Your• Original Dedlc1t1d D1t1un Dealer. MllACLI MADA We've movedl Our new loc1tlon ii 1425 Baker StrHt. Cotta Meea. Tel. 5'5-3334. Stop by & vlalt our br1nd new lhowroom and ... why we're the 11 Meidl dealer in Southern C.llfornla. SalH, Service, P1t11 and Leulng •• AM .... MMAJDA .. cw, o.c. .... 1-.r •• ,,.. ....... L-.C..." 901 S. Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim 95&-1120 Just north of Santa Ana Frwy. on ANhtlm Blvd. c.JI ua flratl 'WE ARE HARD TO FlNO-eUT WORTH ITI" • SADOUIACI IMW~AllU 28402 Marou•tlt• Pkwy .. A*'/ Pkvty. exit We otf9' what no bank or le ... compeny cen. 1. Eitpertly lttffed, Moet modern 1arvlc• & Plfll dept.: 2 One of the ._,..,I.rid'• moat a11perltnctd ..,_ & INllno ttlff; 3. Elltflln•ton of tM mlddltmen by , ... no dMltr dl1'9Ct 131 ·2040 Ml•IOn V o 405-4941 COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesi Tel s.4C>-6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years t Mile So 405 SUMSET FOltD, IMC. (Home of W1llte the Whalei 5440 Garden Grove Blvd • Westni1n1ter Tel 636-40l0 ORANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., GarcMrl Grove Tel. 530·9190. Exclu1lve1y Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements. New•UMd•Sai..•Leaalng•Part1•Servloe•8ody Shop Freeway cioM In the heafl ol Ot'1nge County 1t Garcs.n Grove Blvd. & Brootlhurtt. 0 COMMRL CHEVROLET .2828 Harbor Blvd . Co1ta Meu. ~ 20 yewa MtVlng Orange County! S1l11, leulng, aervloe Call 546-1200; apec:lal parts tine. 546·9400, bOdy shop line. 75+0400 0 ROY CARVU IOU.$ ROYCWMW 1540 JamborH Road, Newport BMch ~ SW-. Service, P11ts And leaaing COMSIDH IT SOL.DJ Used ears are 1n demand and 1111 quickly when lldvertlMd , In classilled To place your private peny ad, call s.lly Lee "6"2-5878 l l J I - IY JD'P ADLER .............. Olen Thibedeau went to church Sunday morntna and mme away a Uni. rtcher -$24,- 000 richer'. to be eXK't. Tblbedeau ii tM CapUtrano ~ &Wddent who 80ld a Mfe to the Community Chapel World Ouu.ch Quach In Norwalk ln 19'79 unaw-. that lt contained hla s-nonal •vinal totalina clOM to $24,000. The tor"4'r owner of th'e Golden We.t Ballroom, which now ~ the church. believed the money bad been stolen r,1 ,1rJ1 1f\, ""''' durln1 a buralary ln 19'1'1. Actually, th• money had not been stolen but had become 1octaed ln the eafe and rema1nld unnoticed until a few weekl IF- The church'• aplritual 1-der, the Rev. Esther M . Mallett, praented Thibedeau with the money dwinl a church aervlm Sunday. ••1t wu a very nice eervice, It Wiii reel fOOd," be Mid. After the church chcl.r opened Sunday'• le!'Yice with "'!97.• rm a Believer Now." and 'God Caree,0 Mn. Mallett ltOOd at the pulpit and told the congJ'el*tion the story of the found money. 8eWn1 ,..n •• W.W. ... pa,ooo 1n CIMh ree.tpt1 trom tbt Mft of 'nllbedeau'1 ~Welt Ballroom. Ht had alway• UIWDtd th•f had abo taken ptHOMl enw.lopel oont.alnlnt a Cllbira cMck for to,000 and $19,100 ln toe> and •100 bd1I. But 1-t week Mn. Mallett told him they had found the envelope• atuck ln the aafe, which tM church had p.arch..t abl8 with the ballrom:n t}t,.. yell"I •. "It WU rellly nice," Manha Muon, the church eecretary, ~ Plug for balancing Reagan leads rally on federal budget WASHINGTON (AP) - Prelident Re.aan told a rally on C..pltol Hill toclay that the nation needa a conatltutlonal arnendmM>t requiring a belancwt federal budget because "runaway government threatens our eoonomk IUrvlval. '' In sweltering heat, Reagan joined members of Congre.a on the steps on the West Front of the C..pitol to plug legialation backed by 61 aenaton and more than 200 memben of the Houae. "We are messengers of a united people demanding constitutional change," Reagan declared. "For too J.ona," he said, .. their voices have been Ignored. But no army on e.rth can atop an idea whOlle time has come. Our tilne is now." The politically popular leglalation, whJch appeued deed a few mootha qo, baa been given • life ln a c:ongrelllonal election year and likely will be Jent to the atatea thl1 year tor po11ible ratlflca\lon a1 the 27th Amendmanl to the ComtitutioD. Reagan, who campaigned on the promiee he could balance the (See BALANCED, P .. e At> Prillle loan rate Iraqi war lowered by 2 hanks· clai:ms . d. d within two weeb the two banks ispute NEW YORK (AP) -Two leadln1 banka lowered their prime lendin1 ratea one-half pomt to 16 percent today. The move by Manufacture.ra Hanover Trust Co. in New York. ranked fourth by deposlta, and No. 8 First National Bank of OUcaao followed a decl1ne in other lhort-term lnteiwt rate1 lut week which lowered the ~cost of~ money. It -. the f:lnt cbanae ln the prime ra• by a majm' 0 .S.. a.Dk In mare than a month. On May ~. No. 2 Qtibank lowered ita prime from 16.5 pen.'lellt to 16 peroent, and WU followed June 3 by No. 17 Flnt National Bank of Bo.ton. But no other major bank followed. and ral8ed their prime rates bade to 16.5 percent. In an indication of hQw lnten:iat rat.ea have ttmah>ed atubbomiy hilb. the 1Mt Ume lDC8t of the nation'* 20 Jeedlna be.ob pmted a 18 percent prime rate wu in November. The prime rate la the bue quote med to caliculate tnen.t cherl9 cm io... to oom= with iop-pwie credit, al . aam1 btnb make io... at ratee below their nated prime rate. While not having a direct relaticmhip with comwner io.n.. the prime reflects general lllOWIDellta in other bank lending rate.. By fte Auodated PreH Iran denied Iraqi cl.aima that lta fort9 were thrown t.t:k Into Iran ln heavy filhting today, huiatlng Instead that Iranian were oontinuina te mop up raiatance DMI' the key dty o ura, l~ mile• from the Iranian border. The c:airucuna cla1ma followed the pattern of diil phMe of the war. Iraq baa claimed twice to have routed the lnvadlna lran1ana. Iran malntal:DI that it .. c:ruahlnl the rwnnanta of Inqi rwiatance. 1be battle front does not .em to moYe. Historic vessel Iraq bepn the Jaie.t round of war by communique Sunday when It aa1d it forced 100,000 lranian troopa-to r.U.ea.t. into Iran, killing 2,300 of them. Iran aald today that Iraq counterattacked Sunday and aptn th1a mom1nB, "but it failed to achl.eYe ita goaJa u a result of OW' ton.' stronc res1.atance. The enemy waa once again forced to retreat." Iran aa1d It killed or wounded 16 Iraqis and ~yed 18 tanka or armored penonnel carrien. to visit Newport By ALMON LOCK.ABEY .................. Newport Beach haa been eelect.ed • one of the ports of call foe the 90·foot tops'l schooner Pride of Baltimore which will betPn a voyap from Baltimore Oct. 31. The voyage will take the IChooner I a replica of the original full-rlged w.ela, through the c.artbbMn, Panama Canal and up the entire weal coaat of the United Staie.. home port, Pride will take one Yea!'.. to travel 17 ,000 milea and f!lalt 16 ports from Kingaton, Jamaica to Vancouver, British Colwnbia. It will be 1oniest and moat adventureeome journey ln the achoolner'1 five-yec career. When ahe returna to Baltimore ahe will have vilited every state along U.S . coutline. Tehran at.o complained today about Iraqi bomblna raids which killed five dvillam ln the town of Dam and "tem of people .. in the town of Khurramabad. Both towna are in wes1em Iran. near the lraq1 borde!'. A radio broedcMt monitored in London today 1aid the llOW!l"lllDl!l a-.aed an air raid 'l'l'.f.ed .Jert•· 9nd warned reaidenta of the Iranian capital to had foe bomb abeltera. In a 1illephonl lntervtew ati.r the ..w.. "It WM ...Jl.y ndd.nl." Mt. , M...i Mid. "S. came up all amU.I and ,.ecetwd tM money and Mid tbt pMtcl' WM a Yfll"J honHt woman. ln turn, he count.t out '2.000 and pve lt to the putor. They hu,_ed and .,_,body appi.uded,' The money Thibedeau 1ave back to the church may ewntually IO to him anyway, Na. ~ .aw. "We owe Mr. Thibedeeu foe our annual payment and I'm quite 'aure it wt1l be Ulled." she Mid. The church la "bttwHn $30,000and13(),000 ehan" of tM $100,000armual ~t due an AUi. 1, abe aaid. "But I'm quite aure be (Thibedeau). will be wW.lna to wcll"k with ua," abe Mid. "I d\1nk tJw money wW be ln. I have no doubt." 1be nondenomlnatLonal church ~t the ballroom. once the Jara-t west of the M.lalilappl. In 1979 and It now houee.a a-Bible ~~brladan school and Althoush he wu presented with the money durinf the .. ........... ., ..... s.-.. PARTY'S OVER -c.amival worlten at the Ormge County hirpound8 catch • few winD in UI epOia bees arliS cardbo9l'CI boxel Cid the IJ'O'.lnd after lpendtnc most of the nJght dilmantl.lna rides which alowed to a stop Sunday night to end the fair'1 f982 eeuon. 10-day fair ends; attendance do-wn The 1982 edition of the Orange County Fair la just a memory today -a bad memory I perhape. for aome of the 339,000 who attended during ita 10-day run at the fairp'ounda ln Costa Meaa. Police aa1d 278 were arrested during the run of the show, 122 of them 'durinl the final weekend. Moet were charged with RllPidon of betnc drunk in pub&.son; minon U.O were ~ of (XW)llnntna alcohol on the pounds. For moat young people, however, the fair WU a Ume of animal abowtna and oompetltion tor rtbbom mer cash. Saturday'• livestock auction took in $151,567 for ita 4-H Cub and Future Fannera of America exhibitors, according to fair offidala. IUchard McKee of Fullerton took the grand champion prize for h1a steer that aold for $8 a pound. The grand champlon hot rUed by Shawn Clark of 0ranae aold for $9. 75 a pound and Rick Ferau-on'• lamb went for $18.50 a pound. A spokeswoman for the Orange County Fair aaid that at1endance wu down slightly from 1-t year and that llvmoclt =·peid a Utt.le le.. for the 1 aervlce, Thibedeau explained that tM Clllh and cbedat NllDa1n locked in the aft, at i..t for tJw time beb\I. "The police aaid aome real 1quln'ela were watchl.nl out for me, ao ru if! pkik It up at some lat.er date, ht Mid. And hil plana for the money? Thibedau h8I said that Dia ex-wife told him abt p1aDll to aae for half al the money and that be expected to hear from the lnt.emal Revenue Service aa well. "I could pomibly put a pool ln here at my home, but my wife uy. buy a mot.orbome." Salary • reneging protested By PATRla J. UNNEDY "' ... ~ ........ Inatructora al Saddleback Community CoUese have asked atate officiala io overrule the school board'• deci.lion to re.cind a 10-peroent pay raise acheduled foe ie82-83. Contending dlatrlct truaiee. have violated a three-year contract afproved in 1980, officlala o the Saddleback Faculty Aaldation have Wed an unfair labor practices chargt with the Public Employees Relationa Baud. 'ft\e seven trustees suspended the teachera' pay raise Mrller thia month, dtine state f\.mding cuta .. the reuon. The contract controversy revolves around lnterpfttatlon of a clause that allows truatem to auapend ·a pay raise lf there ia inadequate 11.ate fundina OHiclah of the faculty .-odation, which ttp wwwta 2M full-time and 940 part-time taecben, contend the trustees haven't liwn flnt priority to the rdes ... they COlltend, • by the cantrKt. ad, al90dation offtdala char1e, the echool board b.u spent money lmprovina and expandtn1 campu.a facilltie. iD Irvine and MJaDon Viejo. The lNtruct.ors ai.o have filed an official p1evance with the t:n.lllteel, aak:ina them to ehance their dedaion. 1the trustees must act on the irfevance by early August. If the local 1rievance ia re}ected, atate oUlclala wlll actledU1e an tnfonnal mediation hearinc to attempt to reeolve the contract differences, said Donald Attore, con1ultant for the ..odation. If that faila, the state offfdala will 1chedule a hearin1 resembling court proceedlnp. Wltne1ae1 and contract documents can be IU~ foe auch a hearin1. heltate- appointed hearln1 officer'• dedlion la btndina. but may be appealed to the courta. Attol'e e~.recently adopted 11.ate budaet. about $30 millloo ia be!nC cut lzool fund.Ing foe California'• (See SALARY, Pqe A%) The Pride wlll arrlve in Newpol't Beach March 2, 1983, and will be berthed at the Sea Scout Baae on Pacific Coaat HJchway foe five days. including a weekend In which the public will be Invited to board and inspect the historic V1!91el. Built in 1976 by the dty of Baltimore, Pride ia a oompmlte of the beat of her predeceuon. Sleek, faat and carrying an enormous cloud of aall, the early-day tops'! achoonen lel'Ved the nation a1 prtvateera and revenue cutten. Pride ia the flnt of IUCb aailing ships to be built ln more than 100 years. The city of Baltimore commlaaloned a team of bJaclaanl.tha, artllana, aailmaken, rtggen and ~-~ 'fho uaed ~tional ahlpt>uildlnl methods and materlala to oonatruct a new but totally authentic Baltimore clipper. Midwest soaked; Northeast swelters Other Southern California ports scheduled in the voyaae will be San Die10 and Loa AnaeJee. Repretienting dtlzena of her NATION Art.(sts work /or admirals The Navy employ1 a corp• of painters for portraits, lancbcapel and~p9 to lf8Ce the Walla of ldm1ra1t and their friendl. Page A6. Reagan eyes Shultz aide. WASHING TON (AP) -Prsldent Reapra aid today he will nominate Kanneth w. Dun. pl'OYOlf of the tJnive;:.f.: ~, to be deputy eecretary of at.ate and Walter Sta ••l Jr. BJ De AslOda&ed Presa Torrential ralnl ln Iowa chued realdenta from a Dea Moine• moblle home park for the second time ln three daya. while m1Wona of people in the Northeast jammed beaches to mcape record temperaturea. SPORTS The rain ln central Iowa forced state oftid.ala to illue pumps for the baaementa of flood-weary homeownen. Three lnchea of rain fell Sunday, fon:lng another evacuation for realdenta of a 102-un1t mobile home park atooa· Four Mile Creek 1n Del Moina Raiden -threat to Bams1 WW they love the Rama 1n Anaheim when the Raiden move into the LA C.Oll8eum? Tom Murphtne comments, Pace Bl. Maaager's actions costly Ancell' mama-Gene Mauch yanlra bit Nrdna ptdler .,.m aa 9000 aa trouble looms. and payw for tt. i>.,.Cl. C OIJNTY They alao had been routed Friday after a aeven-inch downpour. The rain• continued into Sunday ni1ht, causing street floodln1 and downing power l1net 1h the Ottumwa area. INDEX At Your SeMce A4 Erma Bombec:k 82 a•.,.. .u.m <Al1bn.1a M Careen B2 Cavabde m Ollllfled CM Olmb B4 . CrOllWonl 84 DM~Nodcm °' l'ditorial Ae DIWta1nmlnt Be B U S INESS In Holland, Mich., residents were cleanin1 up after a Saturday storm that dumped 10 lncbee of rain, causlni scattered power outa1ea and 1trandm, c:ara. Several l'Oldl and bridce-ln low-lytna parta of the community (See BOT, Pase AJ) . B2 82 Be A3 C4 Cl_. Ba 86 Be A2 .u ... Continued •torlM ALARY PROTESTS • • • Gre1 Bilhop, arlevance hairman for· the faculty *>CIAUon, which II a branch of lthe California Teachers llAHoclaUon, contend• that tnllWlel viola1*i the ulary cl.au. lof the contract by recently lapendtna $700,000 on bulldlnp at : M1llion "\'lejo and *900,000 for an I addttton.1 10 aorn at lrvtne, llwmd ot aramau pay bOrea. Currently, tbi annual pay l'Ulfl for fUll·U.. ~ fl bltwem tll,000 llDd Ml,000, II)' wodadcn oH'd•Je Tb• pay of part-Um• ~..! Ued to the full-time rate, on~ wtth an annual ~ of $21,000, •Y amodatlon Under the thrw-year ocntnct, Saddleblick tMcbln were pven annual rat ... of 9 percent in 1980-81 and 9.5 percent ln 198L-82. BALANCED BUDGET . . • . I I budget H early u 1982, bH Ulbmitted an economic plan that will produce the ta.rsMt defldt in historY, more than SlOO billion for fiDl 1983. Hia reviwl goal of belandna the budget in hi8 four years allO is constc:fered dead. Reagan said the budget haa been balanced only once+ in 22 yeera. and lederal ependinl 1- l'rtreaaed almoat 700 percent &ce 1960. "Thia spending waa exe\IRd in i~e name of fairneu and ~mpuaion," Reagan Mid. "But it }~rned out that falrne111 and cpmpa111lon alao meant local JOVernmenta losing control of ~mmunitlea; working people, Sinall busine99e9 and penaiooera being hit by record intere8t rates, blflation and taxation; and that golden era of growth we once knew gradually slipping from our grasp .... " Rea1an endoned leJlalatton requlrina ~ to edopt a balancea budget statement of taw and lpend.lna -di year. Growth in tax revenue could not exceed the prior year's groWth in nationat lnoome. He u1d c.onar-· attemptl to control spendina have failed. He noted that COqreu adopted leplatian in 1978 req\&lrlnl that the buUet be NJ.tMjd by 1981. "But juat like Rodney Danaerlleld, that le1l1latlon 'didn't a•t no respect'," aaid ~ There II 8DIDe oppOllUclft to the ~ amendmmt fJ'OCD tbme who aay the ecououy and federal spendtna level8 are too volatile to be controlled by a comdtudonal amendment. Othen aay the Conatltutlon shouldn't be amended to conform to a currently popular economic theory. HOT AND HUMID . • • along Lake Michigan were tmder ~ater. , Elsewhere in the Mldweat, ~avy rain and mart>le-lliz.ed hail ~led Kirksville, Mo., late ~unday, "practically f1ood1na the j le town," said police tcher Loia Browning. e storm downed power lines can were stalled in water feet deep, she said. Thunderstorms with hurricane-force winds and egg- size hail pounded northeast l(ebraaka today and a tomado warning was posted for Knox County. Tile weather •rvioe aaJd roads were blocked by tree llmba in the )Vmalow area and one forecuier d hail the me of hen'• eua ed out the windows of h1a . Power lines and tree limbs also were down in Arlington, where winda were clocked at 7~ O}ph. Thunderstorms alao moved ac:roa South Dako~ late Sunday and early today, dumpbla up to five incbea of rain aDd Mil. A fluh-fiood watch WU posted in the IOU~ of the at.ate. Two were spotted about U mne. north ot Prabo and near Lake Andea, but damage appeared to be minor. I.Ake Andel w• wlthoul power aeveral houri oveml&ht. In the Northeut, hJahways were cloged u resldenta tried to em:ape unaccwtomed beet and humldlty. OffJdala aaid an estimated 1 million peopt. blanketed New York City'a Coney bland Beech. with another 1 million at nearby Rockaway »-:h on Sunday, u the men:ury rme to 98 and the bwnkllty topped 80 pen::ent. Two boraea used to draw ~ throuah Manhattan'• Celtral Park c:oflapmed and died Sunday withµl boun of each other, apparently becau.e of thP heat. aid _the_ American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty ~ Anlmala. • ID man trunk IM:ne poUOI an chdt:f oul lead• that mt,bt revea 'b• tdentUlH of wo sn•n who N~Y robbed a J'ountaln v lqln IU'ly Saturday and i.tt bUd 1nllde hil car trunk. l'.dloli Clark, 37, • .i.nan. told ofticen that the two men ln . a yellow corns-ct CU' tOftlld hll 1981 CadlJ* off Irvt.ne c.nw Drtve •bout 2:30 a.m. and then robbed him of $921 worth of ~ and cloth1na IUQpl-. Altlir roupm, lUm up and threatenln1 hlm wltb a .u · callber haftdcun,, the men tlM!D ind the victim crawl lDlkie hJa trunk. be llid. 'nwy drOY9 bil car to an llolated u. on Culver Drive near Trabuoo Rold and fled, leavtna the lteya ln the trunk hatch and the emeraencY fluhen op.~ Cl.ark. He eecaped by open the tnmk with • ICl'eW vei: mini Uaht from a ~tte Ucht.er, be told police. • Set. Dick Bowman Mid today lnvesdpton wd1 follow up on Clark'• cSe.:riptlon that one of the men wore a "Marlnea" T- ahirt and that the com)JllCt car may . have Included a mllitary parldnl sticker. Spray foes 'not naked' AVERY, Idaho (AP) -Antl- herbk:ide protest.en •r. it'• the naked truth: they didn t bare all when runnin1 through the wooda durtna a northern Idaho demorwt:ratlon. "Nudity ii not part of our tactics,.. u1d Mkltey McKinney. a member of Careiaken of the Earth, a group formed to prot.elt the aprayinc of herbtcldea on about 50 acra of brwh north of Awry. . McKinney aaid emne pl'Ot8ten removed their lhlrta bemu. It wu hot, but he aa1d none went nude -as reported by U .8 . Foreat Service dlatrtct ranger Denis Hart. Baby killer whale now a month old PALOS VERDES PENINSULA (AP) -The off1Vrtn8 of the only breedinc pair-of ~ whalel in captivity has paned ita o'tie-month birthday, and all8dy weicha ~ pounda. The wuwned whale WU bom June 18. Employee• at Marineland enjoyed bits of a 3-foot square birthday cake Sunday aa they celebrated the occaaion. Moonless night Teinperatlire8 NATION ... .. a.. ~ 118 .. ::= 16 13 118 • . 1S A""""'9 12 .. .33 Night wld ~ IOw Cloude Alllnta .. 70 .21 Otherwtel~. Atleft10 Cty .. n Co .. tel low e5. lnl1nd 55. AulOn .. 7S boelt• .. 10, lnler1d mkMOI. ~ .. n w ..... .... 17 57 • E1Mwher1, llght v.n.tM .,,,.,. IMrrNI IQIWll 15 72 .82 41 lght end morning houra B6lnwrdt ao 5e .o3 'blcot••llJ ....-ty 10 to 1S knoU BdM 81 ., In lftemoona. Two lo S-toot ~ so.ton .. ao ,w1v•1 In ett1rnoon1. On• to .,_.,.. II n 2·1~ ..... night wld llluft4llo .. 72 .a2 'fllornlng low cloud•, 1unny Burington M 74 ptMrnoolll. CMplf 83 51 v.s. C1W1lln 8C • re .27 Summ~ry g::i~ .. ee .IS " 72 Thund•n1orm• dump•d ~ Ill A h•ll•ton•• on th• T•••• =~ 17 74 .10 Plll1Mndle wld '-Vy relne on 12 n ti•• Yorll, P•nn1ylvenl• end ~ as ee th CVolln•. The Hon'-1 ati6e SC 81 71 2.21 In lhl gt1p of • i-t -· ~ .. 70 ... and telr w•e1h•r pr•velled In ~Wttl M 14 muc:tl of lhl Weet. Oeyton 82 71 .oa Denvw 82 ao SOettlNO tnunOenforrnl ..... O..MolMI .. 7a .02 xp•ct• In Ill• IEeet end Detroit 80 10 ldw••I. with • few DuMfl 12 47 -llnOlftng -1M fJP-too 71 oulli.rn Aoclll•• end th• Flf'OO re se .42 1h«n pletMU. TIM -t•n =r ... 11 .. 1et•• w•r• to enjoy cleer 11 17 H91fofd ... 11 "*-S1 14 HlgM In the .,. ... to -HonoMu 17 TS 1M nor1Mm mt-. ~ tor HouMon 11 ao -~lhlTOe-lhl ==-MS 16 72 1.11 ""'* Gt.-end In 1he 80a ta 74 -~ .... EnglMcl Tiie lec*rnMll • 71 .. ~ ,,.., of ,.. ndofl, ... K.-al1 r: : .oe AOC*• Ind "'°" of ,.. .-...i ~ .... .. ~ hlgfll In .. LleV .... '°' 71 IOI. ~ tor ,.... .-ow ualt9'odl • 71 100 In~ T-end the ~ to 72 .ti dlMr1 '°"""""" WlllOdl • 11 ...,..... .. •1 T ... n returu •erly 1odey ...... 1171 .14 en from 48 In leult It•. .... -. .. It , Mich,_ IO IM In "'-*, ~ .. II ........ .... o..n. .... voni Norfall No. ....... <*le~ OmeN Oltel'Clo ==-~ P11Md, ON ""°' ...... =Qty Nafll11C111d leltUlle s.iAmof*> ..... =--= ML-. ·~·T-.ie . ........ ....... ~::-""""' "'*-WM••• Wllflla .. ., '° " .. t2 14 IM IM 108 " .. 78 .. t2 M II as ta II TO .. • • IO 71 .. es .. .. • f7 100 71 .2t 71 71 71 e1 10 16 ~7 7S re 11 .. n N 11 72 31 SI 7S .. 7S 14 71 .. 71 1' 4S 11 ..... IO 74 11 1' 11 ~ -;" .. f7 11 11 .. .. • • • c~ ~ t7 11 _,,. 10I l!inll• .. ao ,,_ II .. l.encMMr II eo ~ ao .. IM ....... 108 Oekllnct .. .. p-~ .. M Red 8Mf IM ea ..,._.City rs N a.cr"'*"o .. M ...._ 17 so .., Diego re .. ... ,~ es ... .,.,.. ..,,,.,. 72 M a.nteMerle 70 8toclrtoft t2 N TilerTNll 107 UkWI 90 ...... tOI 72 _ ... 41· CellllM 10 IO Lofttltedl 12 " MonrO'M • • ..... WllOrl 11 • ......,~ 11 14 OrlWto '° • ........ 11 .. ..,,..,,...IO .. t1 ..,, .... .,, • a."9MA •• .. Smog Where 10 cell (loll ttM) '°' ..... ~llati: t>:'Tne•••• ·~=1~~·,:r, UMOll __.. IN ... ..,_dno OOlllllMla; (IOO) 1111-4710 • AQMO ..,... Clmlr: (IOO) 142 ....... ' .,~ WATCHFUL EYE -A painting of actn!9I Marilyn Monroe looks down on l:onnecticut Avenue traffic ln Washington. The image, commiaaioned by the owners of a hair salon, covers what waa fonnerly a blank wall Jersey water hack hut may he tainted JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) - More than 300,000 people had running water ap1n today after a hot, thirsty weekend caU9ed by a bunt main, but residents were warned not to drink it until the aystem ia puraect. Jersey City Mayor Gerald . McCann announced Sunday that water waa again snaking through the city'• 300 mile• of pi~•. whlch umally supply 65 million ~eachday. Some realdenta of New Jeney's .econd-lar~t dty have been without drinking water since late Thursday, when an aging main ruptured beneath a marsh in nearby Secaucus. No slaying leads VILLANOVA, Pa. (AP) Police re.J><>rte<l no progress in the investigation of the gunshot deaths of aerospace pioneer Courtlandt Grosa, his socialite wife and their live-in maid, killed at their mansion in Philadelphia's poah Maine Line suburbs. NEVER ' Over1A1elght7 Just a //We out of shape? Or both 7 Don't give up. "Live-Jr' up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 4 locations, and many more to come. ltS all here . The fun. The fitness. The Man dies cliff •' ID tumble A s.n Juan C.pauano man dMd S.twday when he fell 90 feet .... the rock \edp he WM 1tandtna on collapHd In the J'rulero Park u. of Loe P.._ Na~Foawt. Brian E. Maalln, 20, died of bead lnjurt• sulfered in the fall, which was wltneaaed by his co:cfi:~on, Tracy Cook of w Hlllt. Cook told inveatl1atora he reached the bottom of a rocky cllff and realized MaaJJn WU in trouble. He Mid he looked up to 1ee the ledae oollapee under hi8 h1kina oompanlon, aendfna him hurtllna 90 feet to his death . Police rout 1,000 guests at LB party Nearly 1,000 revelers were ejected from a party in Laguna Canyon early Sunday after Laguna Beach police and county Sheriff's deputlea failed to end the party earlier in the evening. The party, which polloe aaid waa hosted by Samuel Roholff, was held ln an industrial area at 2225 Laguna Canyon Road. Police were tint called to the .cene at 11 p.m .. but were forced to return at 2:30 a.m. Officers said there was only one arrest u a result of the two visits, but said many of the partygoers were upeet because they had to leave after paying a $4 admiaalon charge. $3.,000 bank heist investigated in HB Polioe continued their search today for a man who robbed the Security Pacific Bank, 19022 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, of about $3,000. Officers said the man entered the bank ..at about 10:35 a.m. Friday and passed a note demandinJl money to a teller. The man then put the money in a satchel and fled. mental attitude that can last for the rest of ~ur life. Call or come In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum toda')I 'l'bu can do It. Join now. URRY! FINAL results. All the right lngre- dlents for ~ur success DAVS formula. And a// for less than $15 a month. Get started now. Richard 5fmmon5 "live-It" concept wlll work for~, ltS an exdtlng com· blnatlon of exerc/5e, proper nutrition and a positive roR PRr-CONSTRUCTION CHA,,Tt,, MtMtJt"5HIPJ . Ct..rtar memberships now ..,.,,,,,., Join today and §H • ,,_ ftldtatd Simmons Anatomy ASlyfum T-shirt. ---- -- -- WOl~LlJ ---- •I rael foree ··p 11ky •Queen's officer resigns LONDON --: The queen'• police officer, Cmdr. MkhMl TNstraU. h.u reli,ned from the police after ldmowled&lna ''a Mmolexual relaUonahlp over a number of yeara with a male proetitute," Home Secretary William Whitelaw told a atunned Kaua of Commons today. Whitelaw'• brief announcement came an hour after Scotland Yard bad aaid Tratrail, 60, wu resigning for "penonal reuons," wh.tch Brttona UIUmed were connected with the leCW'tty brMch that «nab1ed an lntruc:S.r to Und hia way Into Queen Elisabeth II'• bedroom at BuckinPun Palace 10 daya '80· 'Ille neWI came u the 1tate proeecut.or'1 office announced t.hat prowler MichMl Facan wW not fllCe charpe for the July 9 bedroom lniruaion becau.e there wu no evidence of crtm.lnal intent. ~ la a civU. not a crtm.lnal, offeme in Britatn:- •Viking ship. replica in Norway BERGEN, Norway -Minn-it.'• proud Hjemkornst. a 76-foot replica of a Vl.kJ.ng ahip, arrived at Beram'• harbor today, completing It.a darina 34-day Atlantic c:rcming. The ship waa gr'ftted by ecream1ng lirena, homa, firework.a and a brua band. NATION An armada of pleuure boats at aea and thouaanda of people cm ahore welomned ~ one-maat , aquare-rlgged boat and ltt 12-member crew aa it aailed and wu rowed up Vugen, Bergen'• inner harbor, to dock at Festningl.kal -Fortl"e9 Pler. •Israel due cluster bombs? WASHINGTON -President Reagan has not decided whether to delay a scheduled shipment of cluster bombs to Israel, deputy White Houae press secretary Larry Speakes said today. However, officials at the White House indicated a deciaion might be made by the end of the day. A shipment of 4,000 rounds of the munitions, designed for uae in 155-millimeter howltzen, was reportedly echeduled to go forward today unless blocked by the president. •'Mercy' deer hunt in 2nd day THE EVERGLADES, Fla. -Hundreds of bunters and animal-rescue workera in airboata and h.alftrack.s were in the Everglades today for the second day of a state-ordered "mercy hunt" to' thin out a deer herd th reatened with 1tarvation because of flooding. Sgt. Dick Lawrence of the F1orida Game and Ji'reah Water Fish Commisaion aaid hunters on 628 airboata had taken part in the hunt Sunday, and "we presume there will be a little less today." Sunday's hunt left gunmen con~t with their boatload• of venison, but animal protectioni1t1 were fruatrated in their attempts to capture at leaat 100 of t he emaciated animala. • l 4 lnjured ln plant blast BAYTOWN. Texas -Firefighters poured foam and water early today on a stubborn fire at a small petroleum refinery after an explosion injured 14 people and blew out windows at a nearby nursing home, authorities said. The blast and flames Sunday night at the Chemical Exchan&e Industries plant tent a thick plume of black smoke billowing above the fringes of thla 1JOutheut Texas city. The explollon blew out most windows at the St. J ames House nuraing home about one-quarter mile from the plant, aald admlnlstrator Ellz.abeth Alexander. She said one man received four stitches aft.er being rut by a aha.rd of flyina glaa. • Klsslnger advice sought ' W ASHINGTON -The Reagan administration. eearching for a formula to detu.e the widening criaia in the Mlddle F.ut, is aee kina adviee from .onetime ~hu1Ue diplomacy master Henry A. K.isslnger and consulting Arab and I.sraell ambaaaac:fon and foreign minllten. STATE President Reagan and Sec:retary of State George P . Shultz will confer at the White Houae on Tueeday with Prlnoe Saud al Fai&al, foreign miniater of Saudi Arabia, and Abdul Hallin Khaddarn. foreign minister of Syria. ~n wu to confer today with the National Security Council. •Tomahawk sub firing success POINT MUGU -A test of the submarine-launched U.S. Navy Tomahawk crube miasUe went off successfully when the weapon hit lta target after launch from the aea test range of the Pacific Mimile Test Center. was launched Sunday from a submerged submarine and hit lta target, a "destroyer-type hulk," at an ~Ol!led location. He said the miele's flight path wu over water. Lt. Cmdr. W.S. Turner said the miaile • CHP slayer kiHed sell S'l'Cx:KTON -1be man who authorities say killed a California Hiahway Patrol officer and ahot a hoetage turned hia gun on himaeU . and committed suicide, an autopsy report concluded. ''bun a Rlf-lnfllcted gunshot wound," aaid Lt. Fred WU.00 of the San Joaquin County Sheriffa..Coroner'a Department. Strnad shot hilmeU in the ~side of the head with the .357-allber um h~ An autopsy performed Sunday ahowed Dale Allan Siniad, 31, of Guymon, Okla., died had Ulled to aboot the hostage • a CHP officer just minutes before, WOaon aaid. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma P. Hele'I Nllllw lftd a.. t....... °"'°" ~ Sc::hultz .... ~ ... .,._ .. ~ Tom ~ .... ==~--~ =-~ ~ ==1:= CIHslffed ~sing 7141M:Z.se71 Alt otMf departments 14~ MAIN Off1C£ JllWett SaySt., Ce.t. Mew, CA. Mell...,_: .. IMO, C..U Mtu, CA.,_ ~..,,. .. 0r-. c-tt ~ ...... ~. Ho,,_._.... lllvtlnt....._ edit.,...! lftlllWt or• ...,.., .............. ,...., ... , ___ wttMut llMCIM...,.,,.... et c.,.,r!gllt ....... VOl..71,NO.- Rape i ncr ease boosts security LOS ANGELES -About 30 llllCUrlty otficen have been added t o the UCLA campua ataff followln1 the rape• of three women In ie. than a month. Two of the rapee occuned 1ut week, the lat.st u recently u Frid ay w hen a unlveraity e mployee w a t force d at k nifepolnt Into her car ln a parkina lot near the cam pua adminiatraUon baiJdlna . We're Listening ••• .. What do you Uke about the Dall)' P ilot? Whal don't you like ? Call the number below and )'our m&sa1e will be recorded, tr•l'l•cribtd•nd delivered to the appropriate edltor. Th• same 24·hour an1wmn1 tervke may h used to record let• ten to the editor on any toplc. Mailbox coatributon must lncluck their name and telephone number lor verltl~1uon. No circulation calla. please. Tell us what'• on your mlnd. ON THE BEACH -Moderate crowd, typical of the gatherings of ray seekers all along the Orange Coast, 6uk on the beech in Laguna 0.., ............. over the weekend. National Weather Service officla.la are predicting good beach weather for the rest of this week. Bodysurf er hrirt NB savings bandit gets $1 ,097 loot in Clemente mishap I Newport Beach police are 8eek1ng a ml~aged man who waa lut aeen weuing a Pac-Man vl.aor when he walked out of a Westcllff Drive savlngl and loen with $1,907 in receipta. Tellers at Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan, 1515 Westcllff Drive, aaid the man walked into the building ahortly after noon Friday and produced a note. The note warned the teller, "Pleaae hand over all your money or you will be hurt." The man acooped up the cash and left on foot. Wltnelles aaid be ran IOUthbound on Westcllff after departing the aavinga and loan. He was deecribed between 38 and 42 yean of 1ge, standing 6 feet 10 inches tall, weighing 170 poWlda, with aalt and pepper hair tucked under the white vl.aor. A Oennan tourist vtalting San Clemente suffered a neck injury when be atruck his he.d on the sand during a weekend body su~fin mlahap, lifegu ards re today: vllltor, Kant.en Kroeger, 24, waa injured while body aurfing near tbe San Clemente Pier at 1:30 p .m . Saturday, lifeguard• said. They said Kroeger walked onto the shore after he struck hia head, then collapeed. He waa taken to Sari Clemente General Hospital, where he was treated and releued, a hospital spokesman aaid. Elsewhere along Orange County'• beaches, lifeguard• reported healthy summer weekend crowda enjoying the calm aurf and relatively warm (71 degrees at one reading) water. Rescue, first aid and lost children inddenta were de«ribed u routine. 'nle city and state beaches at Huntington Beach drew about 130,000 viaitora on Saturday, about 136,000 on Sunday. At Newport Beach, lifeguard, reported a Saturday crowd of 80,000, and 100,000 visiton on Sunday. Farther inland , offlc1ala reported that an earthquake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale jostled aleepi..ng re.sidenta In Anaheim and surrounding areais urly Sunday. Police reported receiving no calla conoerning the mod.est quake. National Weather Service officials said summer beactl weather will continue thla wee1L They predicted IOIDe late night and early morning cloudinea, but mostly fair weather. The mercur_y ahould peak in t he upper 70. and drop to a night· time low in the mid 60., the weather ae.rvtce aaid. Cartoon classics encore. Movie animators discuss their art at Coast session By STEVE TRIPOLI or ... o..,,......,. Two major partldpanta in the history of animation plua two others who have long admired the art diacumed cartooning and ita future, and displayed some of ita better momenta, before an appreciative crowd at the Newport Harbor Art Museum Sunday. Former Walt Dianey Studio animator Ward Klmball and "Roadrunner and the Coyote" creator Chuck Jones jolned author and animation nut Ray Bradbury and animation collector Jerome Muller for a di8cussion that included film clips of ecxne cartoon claesiaa. About 175 people attended. The backdrop WU a sh9wing of works from Muller's extensive collection of cartoon art at the mu..ewn. The lOl·piece exhibit, ''The Movin8 Image," a making itl final stop of a five<ity tour that has included muaeWM in Mtnneeota, Texu, Ariz.ona and New Mexico. Kimball brought with him a dip of the never-used ''aoup cene" from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfa." CUt from the film because Disney feared .. Snow White" WM ioo long, it depict.a the dwarfs enjoying a ~wd~paatpreparedbySnow White and puzzling with the problem of how to dialodge a spoon that Dopey has swalloWed. The tegment was aired on the Disney television show in the 19508. Also ahown was the 1935 Mickey Mouse short. "The Band Concert,'' the first color Mickey Mou1e film, which Muller considers the greatest cartoon short ever made. "What's Opera, Doc," a 1956 Bugs Bunny short directed by Jones featuring a Wagnerian theme, was Jones' contribution to the preeentation. The panelists peeged such factors as body movement, comic timing, dedication to detail and the ability to look at a cartoon through the eyes of a child aa keya to the aucceas of many works. The anlmatora abo related some b ehi n d -the-•cenet anecdotee about theJr cmeen and their famoua cbarw:tera. Jones aid the ''Boadnamer'' cartoons att put toeether allDOl1 by formula: t 1 sequencea per six-minute ahon, including one chase sequ ence; the locale a. always the U.S. Southwest; ~ Roadrunner never leave. th~ road. and never hWlts the coyote except to sneak up behind it and utter the familiar "Beep.beep." Kimball said he created Jlminy Cricket aa one of the first characters whoee screen ~ did not cloeely conform to the real-life creature after which it was named. He said he initially drew Jlminy with many crick.et-like features, but Di.sney consiliently rejected the lmagea until be came up with the now-familiar egg- b~ed creature in spaia. "He (Jiminy) ls neither fian nor fowl. He's only a cricket because we called him one," aaid Kimball from rur privat.<Z. labz.l col l<iet1on, our moot p::>pular 1oajs~ ~ .shir-tp .. ' yz.ar in and ya.ar cut ~ea. 3l-lirts ani ~s a basic U1 aMZryb:xiy.S wanin:m,. a fa'-«lt<z. fbr ~ or casual \W.Or. avmlabl.a. in waehond. 'Ml.Ol" docra"V' colt.on er 10010 cx:tton J l I j : H1--- WA8KINGroN CAP) -Vk:tary by ll'ln In ill Wit with ~LAJcl be b9d nn1 for oCJ IUppllei and ~ Sen, H Jikmon wa.ma. Movtment oCl thloulh che 8tn1&1 ·of Honn\q could be = It Inn mov. lnc.o Kuwait and thed Into che Ou.It ... -. the Oamua•dc MMtar from WMhinlton 111k1 Sunday. ,. 1 Amerteanl would not tw the mum of ~ rtcht away, but tM price of oO would rr Immediately. Jackton aald on CBS'• "Face th.,1 Naticn," lnl'estment seminar set Mam. & MiWchap, Inc. of San Franct.co wilt. •ponlOr a eeminar on ln~t propttdee July 29 a 9:30 un. at the Newporwr In Newport Beech. · Seminars QC) will ~ held July 27 In Lo. AnceJd'l at the-Century Plaza Hotel and July 28 in San Diego a the w-.te Hotel. i For Information, call (41~) 391-9220. Wells down; oil up n DENVER (AP) -A aluggiah economy, lnterert rates and an oil slut have combined to drop number of drilling oil and pa rigs in the United State9 by 36 percent since the fi.nt of the year, the Petroleum Information C«p. reported. Even ao, the corporation predicted 1982 •!il!d should rank aa the eecond-best year in lnduauy.; histocy. . l At the beginning of the year. the Denver-baaed energy data firm aald a record 4,630 rip were drilling The number of rigs at work dropped to 2,874 by the end of June. Local stock analyzed Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. haa iaaued a te9earch report on NattoaaJ Edaeatloa Corp., ba9t'!d in Newport Beach, continuing to recommend purchaae of the stock. Because of the recession, earnings are expected to be $2 a share for 1982, down from Dean Witter's projected $2.15. F.amingB were $1.84 in 1981. The report alao says Anthony Schools "remains the company's largest single problem" t>f'Cal.18e of the depressed real e.tate market. · Despite th.is, "we continue to regard NEA u an attractive investment over the next 12-18 months and beyond," the report said. Firms to-trade information t Linear Technology of San FrancUco and Sllicon'• General of Garden Grove entered into a aecond,:., eource/product exchange agreement. The move will expand their mutual product offe:rtnp and develop 8eCOnd 80Ul'dng for aeveraJ, 1 proprietary products. j Silicon General, Involved ln the linear IC field, and Linear Tech.noloc. a recently formed company. ' agreed to exchan&e design lnfonnatlon on aeveral produc:ta. Santa Ana lacility bought '.J T Feder~ Espre11 Corperatloa of MemphU, Tenn., ~ a 43,000-9<1uare-foot overnight package diairtbution and sorting faclUty. 'rbe 2.2-acre property at 700 F.ut Alt.on Avenue, San~ Ana. WM previously owned by Elman Properties of l..o6 Angeles. and aold for aprroximately $2 million. Fe<ieral Expr!~ wil take occupancy in 11 September .fter building modifications haW' been completed. The Newport Beach office of Gnabb & ., Ellis Company repte9ented both parties. Cannery closes (' t SACRAMENTO (AP) -The T .H. Richardl' Processing Co., one of Sacramento's last remaining canneriea, has cloaed amid the layoffs of eome 160! permanent employees, company offida1a reported. · Closure of the M -year--0ld plant followed six weeks of negotiations. Banks declined to ext.end the cannery further credit to "flnanoe the 1982 pack." said-' company attomey O.vid Roeenberg. G':>ld, metals quotations Gold By Tbe A11octated Pre11 Selected world gold prices today: ll London: morning fixing: $350.00, up $3.00. ::I Lo1doa: afternoon fixing: $347 .50, up _$0.50. b Paris: afternoon fixing: $349.06, up $8.55. " Frankfart: $351.94, up $5.22. '11 Zarlch: late fixing: $346.50, off $0.25 bid; $34'f.M asked. 11..1 Handy & Harman: only daily quote $347.50, up $0.50. ' •f:!l Englellard: only";!%, quote $347.50, up $0.50.i Y Enalebant only quote fabricated *364• up $0.53. a.n Me.UIU NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous me~ pricee~: ua Cot>Der 70-73 centa a pound, U.S. dstinationa. ~ua IAila ia.29 centa a pound. Zhlc 37-40 cmta a pound, dell~. Tia te.1338 Metala Week composite lb. ~ ?~77 OIDtl a pound, N.Y. Mercn)'. ~70.00 per fluk. Platlaam $298.00 troy oz., N.Y . .Silver Handy & Barman. $6.610 per troy ounce. 1 --- r ,1, , , 11 , r. , 11 '' , , , 1 I ' I (\ , ' I .1 I ' ' I I , j I f· I ' • I I , • I (\ •• '. ( I t J I . I Coast miln's eh.or-eh. visit pays off 8Y.lf:!!"ADLD or .. _ ....... Olen Thibedeau went to church Sunday morl\ln• and C8lnt away a little richer--f2f,. 000 rtcber, to be exect. Thibedeeu II the C.ptnnno a.ch Nlldent who IOld a lafe to the Community Chapel World Outr.cb Church ln Ncrwalk ln 1879 unaware that lt oantalned hl8 J*'80DA1 •Yinp totaJJ.nc cloee to $14,000. The former owner of the Golden We.t Ballroom, which now ~ the church. believed the money had been atolen durln1 a bur1lary In 1977. Actually, th• money had not been atolen but had become k>dpd tn the lafe and ~ wui>dmd witil a f.w w..am a&o· The church'• apiritual 1-dll', the Rev. Eat her M. Mallett, preeented Thibedeau with the money durin& • church .rvlce Sunday. "It waa a very nice ler'Yb, it WU r-.1 aooci." he aald. A1tll:r the ~wdl cbott opened ~· aervice with "Her., rm a Believer Now,'' and 'God Carel.'' Mn. MUlett stood at the pu1ptt and told the coocreaadon the st«y of the found money. 8eYeral ywn •• th1.vw It.Ole. P8.000 ln cmll noQU flan the ut. ot Thlbedeau11 Golden Wt1t Ballroom. He bad alway• ...umed th•)' lied aho taken penonal 91\veJopll contalnlna a cmhiw'I check fOf' '6,000 and 118,100 ln t&O and 1100 bWa. But J.ut week Mn. Mallett t.old him they had found the envelope• 1tatck ln the nfe, which the church had pwcbued alone with the ballroom three yean •· ''It WM really nice,'' Manha Muon, the chwcb -=retary, Wei ln. ce1ephone ln~ dtar uw ...w.. "It WU r-.lly exdt.lnl.'' Ma. Muon Mid. "He came up all arn1lel and recetwd the money and laid the put.or WU a very honeat woman. In turn, he counted out 12,000 .wt pve 1t to the putor. They hu11ed and everybody appmuded." The money Thibedeau save back to the churc h may eventually IO to him anyway, Ma. MMOll aid. "We owe Mr. nllbedeeu for our annual payment and I'm quite aure It will be u.ed," ahe ..ld. The church ii "betw"n '20.000 and '30.000 abon" ot the •100,000 annual payment due on Au,. 1, ahe aald. "But I 'm quite aure he ('lbJbedau) will be wtll1q to WCl'k with wa," the aald. "I tliink the money wtU be ln. I have no doubt.'' The nondenominational cbwcb bouaht the ballroom, oace the iar.-t weat of the Millillllll>i, ln 1879 and lt now Mu.es .-Bible college, Chri1tlan achool and pFe'".:hool Although he wu preaented with the money durlnJ the Mrvlce, Thibedeau explained that the CMh and ch«kl remain locPd ln the aaf.e, at leMt for tM Ume betJ11. 0 The police aald aome real 1qulrre18 were wet.ch.inf out f« mt, IO rU ~ Pc:Jt it up at liOme later date, he aaid. And b1a pl.am for the money? Thibedeau haa MJ,d that lu. n -wife told him ahe p1ana to aue for half of. the mmey and that be expected to hear from the Internal Revenue Service • well. "I could po.tbly put a pool in here at my home, but my wife aaya buy a mot«home." Plug for b8lancing Salary • reneging Reagan leads rally on I ederal budget WASHINGTON (AP) - Premdent Reqan told a rally on Capitol Hill toClay that the nation needa a c on 1tltutl o nal amendment requlrlng • balanced federal budget bec ause ''runaway aovemment threatens our economic aurvtval." In aweltering heat, Reagan jolned memben of Congrem on the atepe on the We.t hont of the Capitol to plug legialation backed by 61 aenatora and more than 200 members of the Hou.ae. "We are meuengera of a uni ted people demanding constitutional change," Reagan declared. "For too long," he aald, ''their voices have been ignored. But no army on earth can atop an idea whoee time has come. Our ti.me ia now." PriIDe loan rate lolVered by 2 hanks NEW YORK (AP) -Two leading banka lowered their prime lending ratea one-half pohlt to 16 percent today. The move by Manu!acturen Hanover Trust Co. ln New York, ranked fourth by deposits, and No. 8 Flnt National Bank of Cb.lcqo followed • decline ln other abort-term lnterest rat.ee la.at week which lowered the banka' C09t of aoqu1rina money. It WU the tint chanee ln the prime rate by a major U.S. bank In more than a month. On May ~. No. 2 Otibenk lowered lta prime from 16.5 percent to 16 percent, and was followed June 3 b~ 17 nm Natkloal Bank of But no other major bank followed, and within two weeks the two banka railed their prime rat.ee back to 16.5 percent. In an indication of how lnterest rat.ee have remained stubbomly high. the lut Ume moat of the nation'• 20 Jeedlng banks posted a 18 percent prime rate wu ln November. 1be prime rate ia the bMe quote U8ed to cUculate lnen.t cbarpl on IO&na to ~ Wttb top-lf8de credit,~ aome benb make mm at ra1el below their stated prime rate. While not having a direct relatklmhip with corwumer loana, the prime reflect• general mowmenta in other bank 1end.lnc rat.ee. Historic vessel to visit Newport ay ALMON LOCK.ABEY ..., ............... Newport Beac h has been 8elected aa one of the porta of call for the 80-foot topa'l achooner Pride of Baltimore which will be8ln a voyage from Baltimore Oct. 31. The voyage will take the 8Cbooner, a replica of the original full-riged ve.mela, through the Caribbean. Panama Canal and up the entire weat coaat of the United Stat.es. The Pride will arrive in Newpx"l Be.ch March 2, 1983, and will be berthed at the Sea Scout Baae on Pacific Coaat m,bway for five days, including a weekend ln which the public will be invited to board and impect the hiatol'lc w.el. Other Southern California pocta acheduled ln the voyage will be San Dieao and Loa ~ Reprnentln1 cltizena of her NATION home port, Pride will ~ one year to travel 17,000 miles and vlait 16 porta from Kingaton, JamAica to Vancouver, Briti.ah Columbia. It will be longe9t and l"DOllt adventureecme journey ln the achoolner'a five-year career. When ahe returna to Baltimore ahe will have visited ~ state along u .s. coutline. Built in 1976 by lhe dty of Baltimore, Pride ia a composite of the ~at of her predeceuora. Sleek, faat and carryins an enormoua Cioud of aail, the early-<iay top9'1 9Choonen aerved the nation •• privateers and J'e'Yenue cuu.en. Pride is the tint of such aaWna shipe to be built in more than 100 yeara. The city of Baltimore c omm iuioned a team of blackamitha, arUaana, •llmakera, rtaen and~~ '.yho Wied tlialtiooal ahipbUU.dlna method.a and materiala to construct a new but totally authentic Baltimore clipper. American official kidnapped BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP} -The acting president of the American Univenlty of Beirut, David Dodae, WU kidnapped by wlldentified gunmen from the univenity campua today, Lebanon~• 1tate radio reported. Reagan eyes Shultz aide. WASHINGTON (AP) -Preaident Reapn u1d today be wm nominate Kenneth w. Dam. provmt of the Uni~ ~ to be deputy w:retary o1 mte and Walter St.oemel Jr. --;s11 J The politically popular legialation, which appeced deed a lew montha qo, bu been given life in a congremional election year and llkely will be 1ent to the atatea thia year for poaaible ratifi c atio n aa the 27th Amendment to the Constitution. Reqan, who campaiined on the promiae be could balance the (See BALANCED, Pace A.%) Iraqi war clai1ns disputed By TM Aaaoclate4 Presa Iran den.led Iraqi cla1nw that ita forces were thrown bdt lnto Iran ln heavy ftghtln& today, inalattns irutead that Iranian troope were continulna to mop up lreql remtanoe near the key city of Baara, 16 mtlea from the Iranian border. The confJJct1na cla1nw followed the patteu of tlu. pbMe ot the war. lnq hu claimed twice to have routed the lnvadln1 Iraniw. Iran metnt.IN that it Ja c:ruahina the nmnanta at Iraqi l'elistanot. nw battle trcmt doea not 8ee!D to move. Iraq bepn the latest round of. war by communique Sunday when lt aaid it forced 100,000 Iranian troopa to retreat into Iran, k1ll1ng 2,300 of them. Iran aaid today that Iraq counterattacked Sunday and apln th.la momJ.nc, "but It failed to 8Chleve lta goals u a result of our fon:ea' strong f'ellstance. The enemy wu once qa1n forced to retreat..." Iran aaic:f it killed or wounded 15 Iraqis and destroyed 18 tanka or annored penon.nel can1en . Tehran allo complained today about Iraqi bombins ra1da which killed five dvtliana ln the town of Dam and "tena of people" ln the town of Khurrainabad. Both town.a are in western Iran, neer the Iraqj border. A nMlio tiro.dcMt monitored in London today 1ald the QOYttnmalt iaued an air raid r'red alert" and warned reaidenta of the Iranian capital to head for bomb aheltera. .... ...................... PAiti'f '1 OVER -Camival worbrl •t the 0nnae County Fat.rarounds cat.ch a few winks in aleeptna bags and cardboard boxes on the sround after apend1na ID08l of the nlabt d'-nmtJma rlct. which alowed to a atop Sunday night to end the f.air'• ih2 lleUOl:l. 10-day fair ends; attendance down The 1982 edition of the Orange C.OUOty Fair la juat a memory today -a bad memory, perh;ape. for aome of the 339,000 who attended during ita 10-day run at the fairp'ounda in C.O.ta Mesa. Pol.Ice said 278 were arrested during the run of the ahow, 122 of them durins the final weekend. Mo.t were charged with suapidon of being drunk ln public. Some mlnan allo weft accu..d of oomum1ng alcohol on the grounda. For moat y o un1 peo ple, ~. the fair WU a time of anJmal ahowtng and competition for ribbooa and caah. Saturday'• liveatock auction took ln $151,567 for ita 4-H Club and Future Farmers of America exhibitors, accordins to fair ottidala. Richard McKee of Fullerton took the grand champion prir.e for hia steer that eold for *6 a pound. The grand champion hOI railled by Shawn Clark of 0rance aold for $9.75 a pound and Rick F~'s lamb went for $16.~ • pound. A apokeswoman for the Orange County Fair said that attendance waa down alightly from J.ut year and that livestock buyers i-Id a little le. for the animal&. protested ByPATIUCltJ.K.ENNEDY Of ... Oelr ........ lnatructora at Saddleback Conununity Oilleae have aaked atate oftlciah to overrule the echool board'• dedsion to l'e8Cind a 10-pen.-ent pey ra1le acheduled for 1982-83. Contendins diatrlct tru.steee have v io lated a three-year contrac t approved in 1980, officiala of the Saddleback Feculty A9ociation have filed an unfair labor practice• charge with t he Public Employees Relationa Be.rd. The .even iru.tem suapended the t.eachen' pey ra1le earlier thia month, dtinc state funding cuts uthe reuon. The contract controveray revolVe9 around in~tation of a clau.e that allowa tru8teell to auapend a pey ra1le if there • i..nadequate state fundin&. Ofliclala of the faculty .->CiatM:m. which repr.-nta W full-time and 840 part-time teachen, contend the truatees hawn't lfwn first prlortty to the Mlu'y rahlel -. they am1end. i1a l'WQ\dNd by the amtnct. In.teed, aaoctatlon offidai. char••, the 1ehool board baa apent money lmprovin• and 1 expandlna campus fadlltle. in Iritne ancf Mi8l60n Viejo. 11le imtructcll'll allo have filed an offidal pievance with the trustees. asJdna them to chan&-their dedaion. 1'be trustees must act on the ,nevanoe by early August. If the local 1rievance ia rejected, atate ofllclala will acheduJe an tntonnal mediation heartnc to attempt to raolve the contract differences, said Donald Attore, conaultant for the a.odation. If that falla, the state off.idalll will a c hedule a hearin1 resembling court proceedings. Witneaaea and c ontract documents can be subpoenaed foe auch a hearin1. 1'he atate- appointed hearin1 officer'• deciaion la btnd.lna. but may be appeeled to the oourta. Attore e~.reoently adopted state budaet, about $30 million .. being cut lrom fund.in« for C.alifomla'• (See SALARY, Pace A.%) MidlVest soaked; Northeast swelters By Tlae AalOdated Preti Torrential ralna ln Iowa chued reaidenta from a Dea Moine• mobile home park for the leCIOOd tlme in three daya, while millJom of people in the Northeast jammed bNchee to -=ape record t.emperaturea. SPORTS The raln ln central Iowa forced 1tate offic:iala to lllue pwnpe for the buementa of flood-weary homeownen. Three lnchea of rain fell Sunday, fordng another evacuation for re1ident1 of a 102-unit mobile heme perk alOQC' Four Mile Creek in Des Motnea. Raiders -threat to Bamst Will they love the Rama ln Anaheim when the Raiden move Into the LA C.Olilewn? Tom Murphlne comments, Paae Bl. ... Manaser's actions costly ~nmanacer Gene Mauch yanka hll ltarting pitcher u IOOll u trouble 1ooml. and ~ for lt. Pace Cl. COUNTY They alao had be en routed Friday after a aeven-inch downpour. The ralna continued into Sunday night, cau1ln1 atreet floodins and downin1 power line. ln the Ottumwa area. INDEX BUSINESS In Holland, Mich., restdenta were cleanin1 up after a Saturday storm that dumped 10 inchee of rain, cauilnl acatterecl power outasn and 1trandin1 can. Several roeda and bridtea in low-l)'lna parta of the commwU'Y. <See 801', Pace A.%) m 82 Be A3 C4 Cl-4 .., 85 Be A2 AJ f I DOWNU7 WASHJNGTON (AP) -Victory by Iran 1n ' I war with lraca could be~ neW1 for oU aupplia prloel, Sen. ff'enry Jakclon wama. Movement of oU f.hrouah the Straita of Horm could be •topped lf Iran IDCM!9 lnto Kuwait and thd1 lnto the Peislan Gulf state., the DemocratJc eenatcr from Wuhiniton ta1d Sunday. A.rnerlcanl would not face the return of pa Une*XI right away, but the price of oU would l.ncrMw{ lf.gi:,.~•tely, Jackson uid on CBS's "Face 1hen Investment seminar set Marcua & MUlichap, Inc. of San Frand8co will sponaor • leminar on lnvet1ment propttties July 29 aL 9:30 a.m. at the Newporter ln Newport Beach. U Sem1nan alto will be held July 27 ln Loe AngeJei at the Century Plaz.a Hotel and July 28 ln San Diego at the Westgate Hot.el. For information, call (415) 391-9220. Local stock analyzed · ~ Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. hu i11ued a 1 re9eaI'Ch report on Nattoul Edeeatton Corp .• ba9ed In Newport Beach, continuing to recommend • pwchue of the stock. Because of the recession, earnings are expectedt to be $2 a share for 1982, down from Dean Witter'• projected $2.15. Earning,s were $1.84 in 1981. The report a1ao says Anthony Schoo.ls "remains the company's largest single problem" because of the depressed real estate market. Despite this', "we continue to regard NEA as an attractive investment over the next 12-18 months and beyond," the report said. Santa Ana facilitv bought Federal ExprHI C_o_rj>oratioD of Memphia, " Tenn., ~hued a 43,00()..square-foot ovem.iaht package distribution and sorting facility. 'l'"he 2.2-~ property at 700 East Alton Avenue, Santa Ana, was previously owned by Elman Properties of Loa Angeles, and sold for aprroximat.ely $2 million. Federal Express wtl take occupancy ln September after building modifications have been completed. The Newport Beach office of Gnabb 6 EW. Company repreeented both parties. STOCKS IN THE .SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS METALS SILVER no .qs Handy & Harman. 18 510 per ~ ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS