HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-20 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 c• 11111110111 llllY Nllll Ill! ·I''' 'II', ''· I \ I ' ., N \ ' I I l I I I N ' ' , \ I I l ' I I N I ,, • '.I l I N I ' • . 8,000 pray in Pitisburgh for jobs PITTSBURGH (AP) -The 1tadlum 1coreboard flaahed "Jeeu.a la the Anlwer" next to an advertt.ement for U.S. Steel u 8,000 people -lncluding Idled 11.eel and coalwwken -aaked God for a mincle to help revive their atruggllng industries. "Satan and all your forces, we command you to get out of town and take your handa off our milla!" the Rev. Gary A. Mltrick told the Three Riven Stadium crowd at the "Miracle of PUt1bur1h" prayer meeUna Monday even.J.na. The free-admlulon meettna wa1 1pon1ored by four Pittaburah bwd.nemmen who aid they had a ''vision" of 3& people invoking divine will to reverw setback• in the nation'• a trug1Hn1 steel and coal lndu.atriee. "We're aeklng God 's forgiveness for the errors that nave been committed -on mana1ement'1 1tde, on labor'• lide and on the people'• aide," aaid Sal Moliterno, 34, a Plttabu.J'sh wholeealer and one ot the lpoNOn of the three-hour revival "The 1teel m1lll and the coal mJnea are not the 1ource for people," Moliterno aald. "God ii the IOW'Ce, where people ahould have gone in the tint place." About a third of the nation'• 9 killed, 4 7 wounded •~lworken have ..beell 1aJd oil ln the lndUltr)''• current alwnp, and • ldxth of unlonbed cio.1 workera are jobi-. accord1nl to indUIU'y and labor a.urea. United Steelworllen Union reprHentaUvea are due in Pitt1bur1h WednHday for follow-up calka to lut week'• 11•ona with the nation'• major 1teel companies, whose mll11 have been opentlnl at lell than half caJ*llty. The unlon la con1lderin1 lnduatry appeal.I for wap and benefit cut1 to help reduce production COlta ln the face of low demand, h.tah interest rat.el, and ltiff fontcn competition. "I came down here becau.e I'm laid off and becau.e I th.ln.k God can help ua wlth theae problema. '' Mid millwriaht Bob Shope, 85, a father of efiht. "Hopefully, God will lnlpire people to came up with the Jilht answen and open ant doora." laid Shope, of nearby Munhall, who wu laid off from U.S . Steel Corp.'• Home1tead Work1 a month ago. "Pittlbur1h needa • mlncle! Amen!" Mitrlck chanted from a platform ln center field. Deaplte little publicity, oppremive heat and a tru.t of thunderahowera, the revival drew a larger turnout than many Pir•tes baaeball games. .IRA hoinh blasts rock London Thatcher conde1nns • action LONOON (AP) -IRA bombs, one packed with nalla, tore through a mounted cavalry unit and a military band in two London park.a today. killing nine people, woundlJli 47 and send.inB victim1 and horses flying through the air, police said. In the Houae of Common•. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher condemned the lriah Republican Anny and declared: "Theae callous and cowardly crimel have been committed by evil and brutal men who know nothing of democracy and we shan't rest until they are brought to juatice ., ,, ... ,, ... SCENE OF DE.VASTATION -Nine people detachment of the Queen's H~old Cavalry were reported killed and at least seven horses in ceremonial unifonns was on the way to badly injured (and subsequently destroyed) Buckingham Palace for the changing of the followina a car bomb exploeion on Carriage· guard when a car bomb was detonated. Road in Hyde Park, London, this morning. A _ Scotland Yard aaid three people were killed ln the attack on the queen'• Hou1ehold Cavalry in Hyde Park. lncludJna at leMt two 90ldJen, and that c.ivillan1 were among the wounded. Police aa1d lix people were killed at the banclatand blMt in Repnt'1 Parll, and one witnma u1cf all were 90Jd1era. Her honie going to the dogs 'nle pullng of the Hou.ehoJd Cavalry, reaplendent in lilver breaatplate1 and crim1on unifonns, attracta hundreds of 1oc:al and foretgn spectaton to Hyde Park every day foe the changing of the guard ceremony. At leut le'Ven hones were killed by the nail bomb, which waa placed ln a parked car. Mesan's neighbors complain about 17-animal menagerie . By JODI CADENHEAD of'ttleO..,Nothlll chorus of dogs barking every morning. "Titls whole neighborhood is ready to blow," said one woman, who complained to city animal control officials. ''They bark all the time. U she lived in Newport tSee ANIMAL, Pase AZ) Birdie Moore of Costa Mesa i.s an animal ldVer. What elae am you call a 52-year-old woman who enda up with 14 d08B> (five of them sick) three rabbita, two cats and a duck? But Alberia "Birdie" Moore's love of four-legged creatures has al9o gotten her into plenty of trouble. In the last two years she's had the unfortunate luck of moving her furry brood into the wrong kind of nelghborhooda. Ar1ned thugs take $9,000 in Laguna The outlawed hiah Republican Army claimed reapon.sibllity for the Hyde Park bombing, and Brit.lib police said the second bomb abo was the work of the IRA, which haa been fighting 13 yeara to ouat Britain from Northern Ireland. The bomblngll OCCWTed on a bright summer day and Cmdr. William Hudcle.by, commander of Scotland Yard'• anti-terrorist branch, 1aid there waa no warning. He aid the car that blew up wu packed with 10 pounda of exploaive containing four-to-alx-lnch naila. • The lovely two-story white wood frame home in Costa Mesa at the corner of Westminster Avenue and Flower Street has turned out to be no different from the condominium in Irvine or the $420,000 he>Uae in Laguna Beach that followed. "I thought it was a country- type place," said Ms. Moore , explaining that she paitl another '85,000 ln May to purchase a double lot for her animal family. "I assumed it would be okay." It wasn't. Almart immediately neighbors began complaining about the WORLD Two men, one anned with a shotgun, the other with a handgun. bunt into a Laguna Beach man's h ome Monday ntght, forced him to open a safe. and fled with $9,000 in cash. Police said the two gunmen fint knockod on the door at Ron Fogarty'• house on Glomstad Lane, and when there was no response, he allegedly kicked the door in. The pair threatened the 25-year-old victim and forced him to open a safe in the hoU8e, after which they tied him up with tape and fied ln a dark colored Vol.kawaaen. LONDON (AP) -Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher faced tough questioning today from - lawmakers angered by Britain's latest spy acandal and the revelation that Queen Elizabeth II'a chief bodyguard was homoaexual. NATION 2 more ban.ks lower prinie rate· NEW YORK (AP) -Two major bank.a today joined the move to • lower Drlme lendlng rate, dropptna t.o 16 percent. Morpn Guaranty Trust Co., ranked lifth largett by depoaita among U.S. banks, lowered lta Prime by one-half percentqe point. Secret talks so back to FDR Every American prealdent alnce FrankUn- Romevelt leel'etly recorded at 1eut lelective Oval Office ccmverutlona, not.el columnlat Jack Andenon. P.A6. Police said Foiarty's girlfriend was also ln the house, but was• not banned. Inveatigatora are seeking two men in their early twenties. One was des:rtbed as 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighing 200 pounds with short brown hair. Ria accomplice waa de9Cribed u being 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing 140 pounds, with short. blond hair. •Police wouldn't speculate on how the bandita knew there was th.at amount of cash ln the home, nor would they say why the victim would have $9,000 at home. SPORTS The bomb at Regen\'s Park, where London Zoo ia located. went off at a bandstand where the Royal Green Jackets regiment band WU playing for dcnena of 1pectaton, including many elderly people. One witne91. Ronald Benjamin, aaid: "I WU just sitting in a deckchair looking at the band when everyth.lna .eemed to come up from -the bottom of the _(See LONDON, Pqe At) 2 world swimming mark, set Two world records were 1et at the U.S . champlonahlp swimming triala at Mluion Viejo'• Marguerite Recreation Center swim pomplex. Pace Cl. Angels victory 'exciting' The Angel.a increued their leed to three gamee over Kansai City with an exclttn1 victory over Baltimore. Pace Cl. COUNTY Bommer Canyon tua l0r JcJds . 1/#ftJJtltl BOMB BLASTS -Map locates London's Hyde Park and Regent's Park where IRA bombs exploded today killing nine people and wounding many othen. Storills wreak havoc in several states By fte A11odated Preti Cool, dry air from Canada 1wept in to relieve Northeutemera who have been sweltering for a week. but fierce winds and brutal raln raged ln New England and tornadoes danced acnm Indiana cornfields. Summer atorma threw lightning against Colorado mountaina, .etting ablaze forests of juniper ancf pinon treea Monday night that continued to bum out of control today ln the nagged and retnote t.erraln. tOreca.ten predicted the heat Erosion plan hit DFS MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Midwest govemon have taken aim at President Reagan 'a aoU eroalon control prosram. aaylna the poorly funded plan WU like trying to bell out the Pacific Oceen with .. thimble. INDEX wave would break i n the Northeast today , with temperature9 expected to 1tay in the upper 80a. In New York City, the mercury hlt 96 and the city issued a water-preuure alert caused by open hydrantl. It was 97 ln Wind8or Locka. Conn., and 96 in Baltimore, while Miami enjoyed a moderate 87. Boston'• temperature climbed to tie the date's record 98 abortly after noon Monday . then dropped 13 degrees i.n lea than an hour aa thunderatorm1 rumbled in, downing power lines, flooding 1treet1 and bringing havoc to marinu. "bta are sitting on top of each other. The docks are broken -they broke looee from the land," said Celie Taddei at Mary's Boat. Livery and Lobrter · Co. ln ManbfJeld, M .. ., where funnel clouds and 50 mph tuata (See BOT, Pqe AZ) At Your Service A4 Ann Landerw B2 Erma Dombeck B2 Moviel A8 Bulinell 84-5 Mutual Funda B4 Cal1tom1a A5 National NeWI A3 Cavabde B2 PublJic Nodcea C4-~ o ... tMd a..a Spcn Cl-3 Comb B3 Dr.&.incrohn B2 Crom word B3 • Siock Marketa B& EdltorSal A9 TeleYtlion Be 1'.ntertalnment A8 Thea ten A8 ~ B2 w .. ther A2 A7 World NeWI A3 STATE I I I I 1 I I ' ; I I • ~LONDON BLASTS • • • ' b&ndl1And and blow rtaht ln the i:,.alr -the bodltt, the ... lnatnunenta, everythlna. : "A tea came within flw feet ot me. It w• blown rtcht oft. There were manaled bodi• all over the deckch&ln." Work.man Frederick Dou11u 1ald: "I went over to the bandltancl and lt wu an awful tfaht. "There were 1pectatora runninl away ln ahock all over the place and I counted 16 eoldiers lylna on the lf'OW'ld. It wae a really terrible 1iaht. I couldn't believe It. ''One llOldier wu lylna there, g:roanlna, wtth hia twlda on his stomacb and blood pourin& ~\hem. There~ oiMn lyl.n(,, U'OW'd and peoJ)le we,.. trylnl to carnfort \him. '-oM IOJdW'I heed WM all a mua of blood. It looked to me • 11 the lnlU'ument h• had been playtna h.ad 10JM1 lnto h1I face with t6e bl.ut." , The Repnt'• Park blut came nearly two houri alter the flrtt bomb went oU at 10:45 a.m. (2:45 a.m. PM) ln a parked car ln Hyde Park, about a halt-mile from Buc.kinlham·Palace· Miriam Sheridan, a wttnem t.o the Rqent'a Park bombtJll, Mid, "There were eoldJen lytns there with all their inteatinee out. There wu IUCh a tremendoue crash I couldn't believe It." HOT WEATHER ... were reonrtrrl 'Rightists' blasted by Bird St.ate Supreme Court Chief J~ ~ l'J.f.&abtth 8lrd iold. FOUP of labor lee«ien Mondar In Anaheim that Judie al Independence la threatened by a "rfaht.-wfnl attempt to peck the 1tate courtl with Jud1e1 responalble to their 1deo1Q8ical ~ewt.'' M1. Bird did not mention anyone by name ln her addnm to the California Labor Federation AFL-CIO. But ahe haa been the tar1et of a recall campat1n 1oearheaded by 1tate Sen. H.L . Richard1on, R -Arcadla. Richardson abandoned the recall effort earlier thil month, eaying he did not have the funds to continue. Alter the 1peech, Ma. Bird said she was referring to people leading a drive to defeat three recently appointed Supreme Court justices: Cruz Reynoso, Otto Kaua and Allen Brouaeard. Another 1torm left about 10,- 000 electric customers ot>n Long lsland temporarily without power. Parched Jereey City, N.J ., residents were allowed to drink from their taps again -u long as they boiled the water. Service had been interrupted Thunday by a major water main break. others when lt touched down in Wanatah, police u.td. The atorm al80 leveled two com fielda, but no injuries were reported. High winda fr~m another storm tore off the roof of a mobile home in Washington County, and the people inside suslained minor injurin, state police said. RUFF TIME -Birdie Moore plays with three of the 14 dogs that share her C.O.ta Meu home along with two cals and a duck. Her neighbon llillllY .... ...., ...... anm't happy about the menagerie and have complained to the city. She 1aid the "riJlht-win~r· faction is promoting a "judicial system in which a peraon must pa.as an ldeol.ogiatl test in order to remain a judge." The heat put a strain on other utilities in the region H air conditioners worked overtime. Baltimore Gas and Electric Co. said cu1tomers consumed a record of 4 million kilowatts in its peak hour. "We're taking steps to tell our customers how to avoid reaching a peak," said Atlantic City Electric Co. spokesman Bill Elliott, urging that thermostats be aet to 78 and uae of major appliances be restricted. In Indiana, a tornado wiped out a home and damaged five Colorado foreet fires conaumed more than 500 acres by late Monday night, fire offldala said. The largest fire, about four miles south of Rangely, accounted for 300 acres, but was believed to be burning itaelf out, alowed by a drop in wind. A eecond fire covering about 175 acres wu burning at Yellow Creek aouth of Rio Blanco Lake. Two other small blazea were burning In the Pike National Forest. Lightning was considered the probable cau.se of the two larger fires, both sighted Sunday. Valley to discuss • one-t1Ille tax hill Fountain Valley City Council members will discuss a ballot measure tonight that could create a spedal one-time local tax to help pay police and firefighter salaries. U tt receives council approval, Protest lodged -NAIROBI. Kenya (AP) Somalia haa lodged a formal protest with the Soviet Union, accusing It o( backing Somali rebels and "Ethiopia'• aggression" along Somalia's western frontier. The protest was issued in a statement Monday. the measure would be placed on the November ballot. Two-thirds o f those Fountain Valley residents who vote would have to approve the tax before it could be lmpieed. The 1982-83 city budget containa no funda for pay nmea, even though contract. with all city employee grou119 expire in November. The spttial tax u viewed u one means of ra1slnC additional money for ulariee. The cound..l mee1a at 7 p.m. in a study aeaion focusing on local cable teteviaton i11uee. The regular council meeting beglna at 8 p.m. in the council chamben at City Hall. 10200 Slater Ave. Iraq claims Iranian posts hit By Tbe A1aoclated PreH lraq claimed Its ground and air forces blasted Iranian positions east of the Iraqi port of Basra while Iran claimed a massive Iraqi counter-offensive was repubed ln "powerful" battles. An lraal communiaue issued late Monday said Iraqi helicopters and long-range artillery pounded Iranian troop formations, intlic~ "many casualties" and destroying 12 tanks and two armored peraonnel carriers. Meanwhile, Tehran Radio quoted an Iranian miHtary commander as saying Iraqi troops, backed by long-range artillep-and tanla, attempted an advance on Ianian positions before dawn Monday, but the attack was repulsed in heavy fighting that continued all day, he repon.edJy said. The report said the lraqis were forced to retr~at after "considerable casualties," the loa of several tanks and peraonnel carrters and the smaah1ng of a "1ped.al.. Iraqi unit. Neither the Iraqi communique broadcast by &ghdad Radio nor the Tehran broadcast aaid whether the fighting occurred on the Iraqi or Iranian side of the border-. Heating up Sunny and con0""41d hot. Comal high mkt-70•, Inland llOa. Coea111 1ow eo. Inland 06. Waler 68. EIMwNre, ,_,,_terty wino. 12 to 22 knotl with 3 lo 5-fOOI 1ea1 outer ooattal watere. Otherw!M, fight varlal>le wind• night and morning houre becoming W9tarty 10 to 18 knota In atlernoona. Two to 3-tooc w4nd ........ One to 2·100! tout"-t ewell. Pa1d!y nlgtn and mon*'g low doud9 wttti ""YIY .,,.,_,. V.S. Summ~;.y Temperetur•• neared th• 100-degr•• mlrk M onday throughout muc:ll of the "°"'*" half of IN AtlenUc coellll and hot, humid "' oowred ~ of 919 eouthem Nit -.... Thunderahowert were 1oatt•r•d throughout th• Southea1t, and alto war• roporled In Iha northern Mfealaalppl VaffeY, white eunnv .,.. 1.-.cl tW'-1ern half of the Nltlon. For TuHday. th• Nalfonal Weather Service foreoattl .,__ and tllund9morrna ,,.,., the extreme NorthwHI, the -.u.n Pl9la.u region. from the ~II ,,...,,_ Into the Otllo Valley and over th• entire ~ .... -eiipected 10 be "'°"'>' M#1ftY .... ..... .. Tempet1turH ehoufd ra~ from Iha tO• end 10• from northern N-tngf1nd lo the nontwn GI-' ~-and In .. tDC""'9 P8dftc Nol lhw•. and In Iha IOI and IOI .... AMI a. wtU'I -1~reedlngllnthe ...,, loultlwlill. c.ntrll Plilfrll ·Md_.,., rat 'rr'C>PI v..,. Extended weather 80UTHl"N CALIO"NIA COAITAL ANO MOUNTAIN All/IM ---Mr1Y morning low cloud• along th• ooHt.1 OtflaNlllll _...,.. high .... .... It.,.._ Mlo 71 end lnllind ~ In eo.. I.OWi .. to • ... Ptrtr ~ ..... otlMOe flt ........ CiMI. end looillyWtdt In ..... -~ ... ...... lnlOllMdlOw911to•. Teinperaturei MATDI .. Le ,,,,_. t1 .. ::= 17 .. .. .. ......... 10 ... • ~ .. .. M9IM tO 10 MIMI°" ~ .,, ' Au9IJn H n a.ttlmOte H 73 8llllngl 93 157 Blrmlnghm 89 71 ~ell 87 58 Botle 92 55 Boeton H 80 Bfownevtle 91 n euneto eo 73 Bldngton 119 74 c...,., 97 51 CNwtetn 8C ., 78 CMrtiMn WV • 68 cn.ttte NC 118 12 ~ .. 58 g*~~ 80 74 • 72 ~ 82 • Clmll'e SC 92 71 Coeumtlul 64 71 o.-Ft Wit\ M 74 ~ es • o.n-93 so 0-~ M 73 o.ttoll 64 • StS•Merte 10 43 Ouluttl 81 <47 BPMo 101 • ~ at eo fergo n st ~ 815 .. =~ ... 83 48 Topella 93 80 llO 57 T_, 100 73 Hal1fonl 91 75 lulu .. 19 He6lr'9 llO 154 WMNngtn 94 78 Honoll*I 87 715 WlcNta 06 17 Houle on M 80 CAUl'OMIA lndMpll 17 72 .. Le Jacikln MS 113 74 == .. 47 JacllllWle 92 71 100 73 !<-.City 113 80 a.nu. 106 78 l(noxvllle ee • e.irnont 101 ae LU Vegae 108 78 Ilg ... S1 43 um. Rock N 78 8lellOP " 155 l.ouMlle llO 12 =-110 12 Lubbock " • 72 157 ....... M •1 Cl"-Clty 83 IO .....,,,, 17 n ~ 12 48 M.11'#9uk .. f7 at ,,_ H 64 Mple-SlP 17 12 LIM~ 13 81 .......... .. 71 ~ 100 158 .... ~ IO 71 Long lltMlfl .. 81 .... voi11 .. IO '.:.=-.. 64 Hoftoal 11 75 .. No.,..... " 81 ~ 17 151 Otlla City .. 10 Mom•~ llO 82 OmeM • • Mor*"¥ .. M Or1ar1do .. 10 Mt. Wllloll 12 ee =:-14 78 ....... 111 .., 10t 17 =:;:a.at1 74 83 ~ ., .. • 157 14 7'I Ollwto 16 N ~.Ori 12 M p-., """"· 1ot 715 PnMdil!IOI .. T7 ,,....,,. 11 ., =City • 72 ,_,,_,.,... .. 56 IO M ....... .. M ,, A ...., .,., 17 13 e.n..-. .. 12 AldwOOd~ fl M 8en Antonkl .. 11 ....... ..., IO 64 a.ma ... .. ..... t7 llO === .. n len ..,_clillO IO .. .. len DltlO ., . • It L.oula 11 .,. -~ .. A lt,_T .... • .,, .., .... T7 IO ... .... .... ..... ...... N ---bMW ti 1 t IW ........... tt 1 I IW :::..~~ . .. ~ • • IW I • IW ~ bW-. I f ... LI* .... Senta Ana 15 •1 s.nw ewt1era n &3 s.nw Cnll .. eo SeMaM911a 10 56 $Mta Monica 71 l5t Stodlton M st Tenoev~ 82 40 Thenn .. 111 82 Tom1noe 79 59 CANADA .. ~ calgwy 715 56 Edmonton es &3 Monlreel es 10 Ottewa M 68 .....,. ea 153 Toronto 83 .. Smog The Afr Quality Maneaement Dle1rlclt predlatl ~ • QUllllty Tueedly In moat .,_ of .,_ South OoNI Nt IMln, but good .., quelhy In tM OOllllll, mount1ln end htgll deeert 'Tn:ia1thfut air q111llty for everyone I• forecH1 fol' th• ~San lhrnerdlnO -and San Gabrlel and Pomona ~ 111 wltll 1 Pollutant Inc* of -and In _,,_....,ODOllt8n __ L LOe ~and tM 8an '9rnando end ..,._. ~ ,.....,._ al wllll • NI of 111. Where lo oalf (toll frM) for ...... wnov 1nfomletlon: 0ranoa county: (IOO) 44Wl:Z. LOI ~no•IH County: (tOO) 141-4022 Alvw8lde end 8an lemardlno oountlea:(IOO)le7 ... 710 AOMO !pllode Canter: (llOO) t.a-48M Tides ,_., leoond hlgfl ,, t:ll p.11'1. ..... AY """ loW 4:4t &.11'1. • u ""9t lllGtl lMf Lift. 4.8 I ltconcfloW 4:10 p.m. 1.1 ~ high 1o:n p.m. r.o lun ttlt 1:01 p.M., rltH Wedi" 11 .. l:M Ult Moon Mtt 1:11 P·"'·• rtMa w~e.~1a.m.. From Page A1 ANIMAL LOVER • • • "The bell is about to toll" for judicial Independence in California, she said in a speech that drew a standing ovation from the 600 delegates. Beach thia wouldn't happen.'' The city atlOl'ne)"• office staff said they received nearl~<ben oomplalnta about the . M9. Moore ia .chedu1ed for a uly 29 hearina on charaee that 1be keep• Uveetock, unu:' condttiona and too many (over three months four la the limit). Moore, a big friendly woman with reddiah hair and an euy smile, invitea viaiton into her home crammed with antique furniture and over-siz.ed statues of gee.e. One of three blind puppies nestles in her amw, while the other dogs lie quietly nearby, eager for the constant strokes. Life, she explain•, wa1 not always thia crowded. Born in Hawalt, ahe worked as a commod.ltiea broker ln Irvine before fieetng the city ln the early 1970. for a 9.~-acre ranch in Santa Yne1. At first ahe had only a collie named Deja Vu. Late a couple of Auatralian ahepherds given away at a downtown market moved ln. Several Utters followed. By the time ahe returned to Irvine in l~ to eell her mother's home. abe had five doo. The nel&hbon weren't exactly thrilled to be living next door to half a dozen dop and a woman who owned half the houe ended up d.rcu.lating a petition around University Park. Ma. Moore and her brood moved to Laguna Hilla. The residents there were not happy wtth the new neighbors either, but the complainte subGded when a new fence wu built. &ct luck struck again. though when the foundation wound up cracking and Ma. Moore and her IOI\ had to give up the $420,000 hillside home. She moved to a tree-lined street in ea.ta Mesa, where the realt.or usured her that ducla, dog a and rabbi ts were no problem, she said. "I think people have done me far wot11e than my d~," said M1. Moore. "The worst thin~ they've done is tear up a few pilloW11. A divorcee with two grown children, Mrs. Moore said she relishes the doga' affection and loyalty. She claims that she intends to Rive eome of the doo away and haa been running acls. "The new standards by which they would measure judges is how often theR judges reach certain 1peclfic results rather than how we11 they dispense juatice... Ma. Bird said. "It ia . . . the rule of extortion and the law of the jungle. It is baaed on the belief that our judges wtll ca.re more about their self - pre.ervation and perpetuation in office than about upholding the constitution o( this state and of this nation." She 1aid criticisms of California'• highest court are part of a general attack on the judiciary. "Do we truly want judges who decide issues baled on the mo8t prevalent notion of the moment. baled on the continual ebb and flow of perceived popular sentiment? "Do we truly want a system that simply reflects the view of whoever can harangue loudest. whoever can bully the ~t. whoever can scare the most, whoever can make his threats felt most forcibly?" she asked. Crack inco a plate of hot. steaming crab leg:-. Try a generou:-4'ervm~ of our new spiced cold boiled shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn ll :-hnmp. And then do it again! It 's all you can eat. Every day of the week Each special is served with your choice of ~ cnsp LO$SCd .:;nJad nr cole slaw, baked potato or rice pilaf. and anoth er favorite. ~urdough hrenJ • All )UU can eat. All week long. Ala.Win Snow Crab Legs All you can eat. . . . . . . . . ... . .. ~ 15.45 Popconf Shrimp All you can eat ............... 17.75 New Spiced CoJd Boiled Shrim- All you can eat ............. 19.45p .. Redtobsler· IU the seab>d kWer in )'(Ml: 7801 Beach Blvd .. Buena P:uk. 99+12'41 16811 Beach Blvd., Hun(lnaton Beach. S•S.1956 ll.30 a.m.-10:00 pm. Sun.•Thura 11:301.m -1100 p.m Fri.&. S11c L 11 r , ,, • t 'Snot prison ut Hinckley is barred WASHINGTON (AP) - Althouah John W. Hinckley Jr. wun't 1mpri.loned after h1a trial for lhootina Preaident Re.aan, he ii confined behind ban and lock.a in the aame place where a man who attempted to a11a11lnate Andrew Jackaon lived out h1a days. hlm because he made three W\IUthoriled calla to a reporter at the Waahtnaton Poat, aald Wa'fN'J Ptnea. a apokeanan for the tu.pita!. H1ncldey bu ~ to color televislon, radio, pm. auch u ch.a, chedten., c:arda. ptna pona and blll1arda ln a communal day room. FOUR IULLED IN CRASH -Four people, all from the eouthweet, were killed when th.ii 11.ngle-engine plane cruhed jwlt af1er takeoff from Santa Fe. N.M., Airport. The.re were no ,., .......... witneaes to the Sunday morning craah. The Federal Aviation Ad.ministration is investigating. After a jury found him not guilty by reason of Insanity, Hinc kley waa sent to St. Eliz.abet.ha Hoepttal ln aoutheut Washington for an evaluation. which will detenn.lne whether he ia a danger to himself or to 80Ciety. 'l11i!re are two ll'D&ll cafeteriu per floor where the patients can dine at tablet for thl'ft or tour. The pavili on haa an auditorium. a aymnaaium, a chapel and two large yards for basketball, aoftball, JOgging and other recreation. Time running out on death row inmates Judge Barrington Parker ial to receive a report on Hinckley's current_mental status 4~. i The judge, who preeided at the trial, will determine whether he should be confined for treatment or set free. There are n o guns 1n Hinck.ley's new dwelling place. But the yard of the five-story, red brick building is secured by a '25-foot-hlgh concrete fence. Window. are barred vertically and horizontally. An elecuonic door separates the waiting room from the rest of the building. Heavy, locked dool"9 subdivide the building into eections. A key is needed even to obtain access to the elevators. "I don't employ any guards," Dr. Joseph Henneberry, director of the John Howard Pavilion where Hinckley is b eing· evaluated, said m an interview last week. "It's a hospital. It's maximum 9eCWity, but it's not a priaon." Vi.lit.ors are not permitted to get near Hinckley, who lives among 20 other inmates in the ninth ward on the fourth floor. Henneberry a1ao isn't willing to talk about hb famoua patient, citing Hinckley's light.to privacy. A tour of a ward like the one where Hinckley la kept indicates he sleepi in a am.all, spane room with painted, cement block walls and a tile floor. It is equipped with a single bed, a metal locker for clothing, 'a chest and a chair. Hinckley shares communal a.bower and toilet facilities with the 20 other men in his ward. He may receive vislts from family and attorneys three days a week. Phone cal.la are allowed daily. But patients must sign up for limited telephone lime In advance. Hinckley'• telephone calls are now being placed for Dr. David Powell, chief of the tnatitution's poat-trial branch , said the inmates are, for the moat part. randomly assigned to one of the examination wards depending on bed space. The building is undergoing renovations and parts of it remain without air conditioning. The wards are sex-segregated and only about 10 of the 240 patients In the pavilion are female. There is little contact between male and female patients, but Henneberry said dances are held periodically. A patient's day ls dominated by whatever regimen has been prescribed by his medical team. The standard medical team treating Hinckley and the others includes one psychologist, a psychiatrist, social workers and forensic technicians whoae functions are both med.teal and custodial. A patient can progress under treatment from maximum to medium or minimum security wards at the pavilion. Hinckley is in maximum security. St. El.i7.abetha ii a sprawling, campus-like institution on 364 acres with red brick bulldingl - generally built during the 19th century -interspersed among ita many shade trees. President Andrew Jack.son's aasailant, Richard Lawrence, waa its seventh patient. Jeclaon was the first president to have an attack made on his life. Lawrence attempted to shoot him with two single ahot percusaion pistols. But a1though the caps fl.red. the powder failed to ignite. Lawrence was admitted to St. Elizabetha, then known u the Government Hospital for the Insane, in 1855. He died there in 1861. ~ Town reinembered Jubilee recalls what used to he SOMEWHERE IN SOUTH OAK.Of A (AP) -The used-to- be town of Foley celebrated its 75lh anniversary last weekend, with a parade, an ice cream social, games and a barn dance - all the usual trappings of a country jubilee. The affair Sunday was unusual because Foley doesn't exist. It's not on the South Dakota map and it's not listed in the 1980 censua. But more than 250 people turned out. Codington County residents who live near the old Foley elevator, the only building still standing -albeit barely -on the site of the old town, decided to celebrate the anniversary anyway, and the Foley Garden Club did all the planning. Foley, named after one of lta original settlers. was created when the railroed came through northeastern South Dakota in tfi.e early 1900s. "It was one of those little bitty towns that sprung up," Janice Schwanke, who famlS in the area with her husband, Marvin, said. The elevator, the center of the town, dates back to 1907. At one time, Mrs. Schwanke said Foley included about 35 people, the elevator, a store and a school. Then, like dozens of other South Dakota railroad towns. Foley just kind of faded away. "The farming outgrew that type of elevator. Now the railroad doesn't even go by any more," Mrs. Schwanke said. But the people within a 10-mile radius of the elevator still consider themselves residents of the Foley community. So they threw a party to eat lee cream. play games, reminisce and watch a parade. John Foley, a Watertown lawyer whose forebears gave the community a name, was grand marshal. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH11fled aclvertlalng 7141142·5878 , . , All other depertmenta 142 .... 321 Thom• P. HaleY ,,,_,. -Qliel 6-.i ... <>Mm< ~~ .,., o..ctor °' ~ Tom Murphlne ~ MMte HlllWV ~-~ l~I Ken Goddard Oll.-•O.-- Ray Mecleen ~ Char1ee Looa ........... !dllor MAIN OFFICE 330 WHI a.,. St., Cast.-· CA. M41ll ...,.._, 8otl U'°· C•ta ll!WM, CA ml6 C•Y'""' ""Or .... C•tt "'*1"""9 c_., Ne ¥W1"'""' 111 ............ .......-1e1 "'.ew .. -_ert ... _ts -., "'91 M ,..,_eel ~ -Mii ........ .-.. <oetY•ilflt--. VOL. 71. NO. 201 WASHINGTON (AP) -Time ii runnina out for a growtng number of the nation'• death row inmates, according to a Justice Department official who aaya a wave of executions could start next year. Benjamin H . Renshaw III, head of the department's Bureau of Justice Stat.iatics, notes that states' death rows are filllng up now aa they did in the 1960s. "Now again, time ls running Medical proposal blasted WASHINGTON (AP) -A White House plan to combat rising medical costs would mean higher taxes for corporations and heightened financial risks for millions of Americans, sources say. It also would send Medicare recipients shopping for their own health insurance subsidized by government vouchen and impoee tighter federal control over hospital bills paid by the government under the Medicare program for the elderly. .. The health care pro~ one of the few major domestic Initiatives of the R eagan administration, resulta from a growing oonviction that health oost.s are rising out of control, fueling inflation and aabo1-ging efforts to reduce federal spending. A key elemeBt would remove at 1eut pert of the favorable tax treatment now given by group health lnauran ce premluma employera to benefit their workers, aaid several aourcea familiar with the tentative plan. Such payments are now deductible as businem expmaes for the corporations that pay them. Employees who receive health insurance as a fringe benefit aren't required to report the employers' contributions as income. Tlie size of empl oyers' deductions for health care expenses would be limited under the plan. A similar measure before the Senate Finance C.Ommittee would put the burden on employees by making a portion of the same premiums taxable as Income. Some members of the administration hope to include that in the White House proposal because, they contend, that is the only way to make employees and their unions more COll-oonacious. A typical worker could end up paying between $100 and $300 a year i n increased taxes , depending on how much of the cost would still be conaidered tax..exempt. The 90urces, who outlined the administration plan on the condition they not be identified. said the proposal would permit employers to deduct the first several hundred dollars in premiums for each worker to encourage some coverage but di.lcourage the most expensive, all -encompaasing group insurance poUdes. The tax change would quickly serve as a "revenue raiser" to increue taxee and reduce the federal deficit, perhapi by $5 billion to $10 billion a year. The lona-range objective would be to encourage employers, union repreeentatiw. and employees to opt for cheaper plana that protect families apinlt catastrophic health ooeta but don't pay for every viait to a doctor'• office, all teat• the phyalcian may order and whatever drua pre9Criptionl the pat.lent hu filled, IOW'CeS aid. .,., ..... .,....,,., ···--·"' We'Te Listening ••• -~ What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call tht number below and your message will be recorded, tran1crtbed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answerin1 service may be used to ~cord let· ters to the Milor on any topic Mailbox contributors muaf lndude thelr name end ttlephone num~r for verification. No c:lrculatlon calla, please. _ ·~ . • Tell us what's on your mind • out for a large proportion of lndivlduala awaiting capital punlahmen t," Renahaw said Sunday. Death row Inmates In the 1960s ultimately were spared by a Supreme Court dec ision striking down then-exiatlng death penalty laws. · Now, Renshaw says, growing numbers of states have passed capital punishment laws "that have paaaed federal or state oonstitutional muster." ~ a result, more and more death row inmates must rely on specific circumstances of their cases rather than a general attack on the law in states where new capital puniahment statutes have been upheld. That, in tum. gives them leas le gal ground to maneuver and increaaes the odds against getting death .entences overturned. Since the Supreme C.Ourt ln 1976 lilted a four-year moratonum on the Imposition of the death penalty. four convicted klllers have been executed. Three of thoee uuna tes put to death since 1976 choee death over prolonged legal battles. Many people would disagree with Renahaw's predicuon of a corning wave of executions. In an opnion last year, Supreme C.Ourt Justice William H. Rehnquist said states cannot kill anyone because o f his brethren's constant "tinkering with the principles laid down" in the hi~court's 1976 decisions appro · certain death penalty measur "The existence of the death penalty in this countr y 1s virtually an illusion," Rehnqwst wrote in the opiruon that spoke only for himself. The Justice Department's report said that at the end of last year, there w ere 838 prisoners awalung execuuon nauonwide. The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which also compiles death row statistics, says 1ts more up-to-date figures show there were 1,038 irunatet awau1ng execution as of last month. Stlll. the federal government's figures sh owed a record-high death row population. "The death row population in the United States swelled to 838 prisoners by year-end 1981 - 150 more than at year..end 1980. It was by far the largest group awa1 t 1ng exec ution since a national count began in 1954," the Ju.slice Department said. Three tames more prisoners were added to death row last year than were taken off. the Jusuce Department noted. The federal g overnment 's figures showed that 41 percent of the inmates on death row were black. while there were 11 women and 4 7 Hispan.ic:s. "The United States wlll witness a spate of executions beginning in 1983-84 without parallel in this nation since the Depresaion Era," predic ts Renshaw, acting director of the statistics bureau. Rock star sues magazine "The situation ia ripe for the nation to witnea executions at a rate approechina the more than three per week that prevailed during the 1930a," he adds. Renahaw'a comments were included in a Juatioe Department report, "Death Row Prlaonera 1981." NEW "YORK (AP) -Rock star Joan Jett, angered by a recent nude photograph in Playboy magazine that she clairQs is a fake, sued the publication for more than $6 million Monday. The $6.~ million suit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court concerns a photograph that allegedly is of Ms. Jett sitting .. ' •• --·~ b nude m a bathtub. The fonner atar of the Runaways, an all- Cemale rock group, 1.S suing the magazi ne and Re tna pho t o service, a London-b ased photography agency, over what. she calla a "fabrication of ..a photograph t o s how her engaging in deviant sex ual behavior." CLOWNING HELPS -Lenny Kitson, who is known in Royal Oak, Mich. as Sad Zak the Clown, solicits funds in an effort to aid Sharyn Lynn Reese, who is unconscious in a hospital Al tlniept!Ofo after being struck by a car. Kitson raised $2,730 to help defray h ospital costs for the girl H is own daughter died a few years ago. @ · EiEM WISE More on the IUbJec\ wtilOf'I I attacked In the lut cotumn . . . Edward Jay E4;>eteln'1 bootc ''The RIM end Fell of OWnondl." To continue then. the book II ..et written and very reedable but very OM-elded. Hll oonclullonl .,.. not eupported by f9Ct. Many of hi• chapter tltlH are not prown by tM meteriel In the chapter-. One that pertk;uler1y left me unoC>mfortebl• wH ··~1 tor HIUW''. In It the 1utJ'lor 1ugo-t1, b\lt r1111 far lhOl1 of proW'lg that De8Mr'I CW1el w .. aome way lmolwd In effort• to 1upply lnctuatrl•I di.tnondl tor UM In HtUer'I WW machine. I.a In a oouple Of other MCtlonl of the book, the *1 of the ohapt« falled to Pf0\19 the • tttte. I don•t know why l!pateln round Oeleera hired on adwf'llllng and publlo ,..tklnt tlrrM to Of'911M a ~et tor e produot they Md to Mt!, I thll'* the effortl OI'\ the pert of N.W • AY«e firm rwdt llkt a "how to" I 1ne1ruct1on mlnUlll on promoting •~• end publlclalno • ollent'• ptoduct, How II tMt IO dffferlnt ttom what ~·· Pll'*'*" are trytftO to ck> to Pl omoM Na ' book by getting him on talk ahow1 end reviewed and Interviewed In the printed media? Ep1teln clalm• that the "Invention" of diamond rerlty wlll IOOn be discovered by j9welry ownera. It certainly It no "Invention··. Th• poeltlon of dlemond1 11 valued 1tetu1 1ymbol1 date back to 700 8.C. It eo1t1 hundred• of mllllona of dollare to dftelop a diamond and u ~teln NmMff atet•. two tone or euth mu1t be proeeued to yte4d one e.ret. Only a 8"\811 pwoentege of ....... 1t0Me wilt be of gem qu.Uty. The thr .. 1 that the leteellt, the Au111an1, and the Auatrallana are going to be dumping their euppllea ol d~ Into the world market almpty de>Mn't make ..,, ... No mining concern oan 1tt0fd to klll the •tabllthed, ~d•ble martcet ohannel for their good•. !h<iugh rebut..i though, You m6Qht enjoy re.ding We book ri ,ithough I don't ~d you spend th9 114.IO tor It, I haye a copy I'd be M1POY to lcMI\ out •.. If you don't mtnd wedlng through my mergtn not ... 1 " ~Dine Out' no longer exists ., PAT aoaowm ... ~ ....... Diii.AR PATt I •••• a llfetlme ••••--.. "IAt't OM O.t." I Ufta'l, ,....... .. , .-.wa1Ul1•11enen te IM •Hlee ·la laata Barbara ian aot bH• ........ AIM • A,,u 11, I o..,_. tn _......,.., ~ 1Nm Lak ..... NU'Ml'lel iallueftl' PL ••dlotrOmycMctwu cur. .. , I bve 't reeel•H 07"'91. I've ""'-'"'' ........................ . D.V., tqaa B~ Let'• Dine Out ~t out of bUldnem In November 1980, IO then'• not anytNnc that can be done about your membenhip. Actually, · ibe lifetime membenhlpm at barp1n pricee were what drove the firm under when inflationary time9 }:lit the economy. Ju for your other problem, Lakeland Nunerlea ahipped your order June 22, but 1lnce you have not yet received the strawberry buahea, the company usumea the p.cJu,ae wu lott In the mall. A refund ii being '-.aed to you. DEA.ft PAT: Doet th oetue raftq Mve uytfa.lq to do wl~ &M qu.Uty of paolble? -F.W., Coata Mesa 'lbe octane ratina ii limply a meuw-. of ltll ~ to engine knock. It ii not a measure of power or quality. Octane ra~ can be nU8ed by the refiner In two ways: by ualn1 selected hydrocarbon• whlch are naturally more knock resistant; and/or by addtn1 additlvea which increaae knock realatance. The princ~pal additives for controWna oombuation and redudJ\8 knock are compound• auch aa tetraetbyl and tetramethyl lead; hence, "leaded" guollne. A teeasioon of one of theme lead compounds can ram the octane rattna of a pllon of ,..oJJ.ne by 8eYell to 10 octane numben. DEAR PAT: eo.Jd I 1et my tunmer eaaala1 doae faster by iol•I It la my mJerowave ovea? Some peopre say t•I• ...... be poa.lblo, IMrt oner frlelldt .. , lt't daqerou. Cu yoe tell me for nre? B.11., Colta Meta You'd be taking too many chances by uain1 your microwave oven to do home cannine· Aa you probably know, microwave oookiJw creates heat within the food due to mo1ecUlar vibration cau.ed by mk:rowawa (whk:b are converted from electrical energy by an electron tube called a magnetron). 'ftie mk.Towavee pus throu8h a channel into the own cavity, where they are distributed by a fan or ltirrer, then ablorbed by the fat, supr and liquid molecules in the food. U you can in the microwave, the food may beet through but there may be an uneven dlatributkn of DEAR READERS: Taklal la several .... .._ ... before dtYlq lato water for u ad"erwatar 1wlm ll a --c.mm• pracUce. 1, au. ..., ...... .., ............. aeeordlai to dte Natllul Sale_lf C..CU. 8laee tVerWMIMq .... Mt provide UJ tJplftcaat lacnele la die tjlJ' ... HrmalJJ ,,....., die twtmmw Ta:.7 tet mid of th available OXJ.-la die ltefeN it or IM Hilda., eMiP can. dlonlo to drive~ or lier to t•• Hrfaee to ltreatfae. Tfae 1wlmmer, ••prlved ef HJI ... becomes aaeoueSou .. ,.,. betas abh co ........ to wan.lq llpab. U nteH It aot Immediate, die 1wtmmer wW uplrate water ud VoWD. TM e.ad.I ao1e1 dlat nmvon of llypeneatllatltlll aa• breat•-•oldl•I acd4ellll relate similar aecouts. fte7 feft no pala, paale or' dl1tre11. TlleJ dlda'C remember travellu die late few yard• or be!a1 ,.Ued from Dae water. Some felt &M VI• to 1ufaee for ~ IMlt eullj 1appretaed It lty eoaeeatrat1a1 •• t•etr 1oal. Some 1wlmmen described a 1ere11e, rellled fee11D1 ••at wo•ld oaable tr.em Co eoatln•e bMleftaltely. 'l)e eoadl added dlac fayperveatiladou also~u retail from vJ1oroa1 eserclH. ftelifore, ladlvldu11 UHld be eaad•ed =last u•erwater 1wlmmla1 followla1 1 eserdte of uy klad. Sammarlllal tfae preblem1 forcefal overtweaW:q. or MaVJ b~*lq DrMPt • by Ylprou ~a belen aa aderwater nrtm follt die WI .... ~ dlat cell a twimlMr • aee hr lllr. nil eaa renlt la Adda bkCkoet wldloat appareat waralq. . - -~·. "Got. Probletn1 TfJen wrtte to Pit• ···"-l Horowlts. Pat wUl cut red tApe. . "" pttJ.ng the answers and action you , need to 1olve lnequitle• Jn n govttrnment and bu.intta. MaU I~ •..:. •• , yoCJ1' qt1e.flOIV fD Pat Jlotowitz, At Your semoe, 0raiwe Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box ~ 1560, a.ta Mau, CA g21J26, As many Jenera u poarlble will be~ but phone Inquiries Cl' Jetten not J.ndudlng thtJ reader'• fuD IW'J'Je, addrea and buainesa hours' phone number .cannot be ~dered. , I Hard times force doctor to quit CHU'1QUIN, Ore. (AP)-Dir. Clew Sharp • aetUn8 .....,. tO l*S his black a.. -~ llDllll klamath C.otmty town that once I cried out tor more physlciam can't support more than one during the recelSion "They'd like me to stay, but the econcmy here ii just too far ~~w.n-f~ U to work," the 31-year-old Sharp aaya. Sharp ii one of two physidana workln1 at the Chiloquin ...._, C.enter ona pa~ t.i1 Chnlup tile N•tton&l IM'atW SerYlce Carpa. Sharp la repaytna the CIDl'pl with three ~ cil aeneral practice work in thia wwwwhat remote town for the three years of 1choolln1 he received fnxn the fedenl agency. He aaya people are leavine the area becau.e the three aawmilla Pl'OYidiiUl jobs for many of the town'• 800 raidmtll have either. cloeed or curtailed operationa. Sharp aaya the economy ii not the only reuon why the turo docton don't -enou&h patlm'9 to warrant keeptq them both. He say• there i• a hi1h turnover rate aa docton repay their debt and move ebewbere for prtvate precUoe In addition to a community reluctance to eeek treatment from transitory phyiddana. Sharp aaya be would prefer to move on to eomeplace where be la needed moat, which would lndlcate a rural area. .RUFFELL'S UJlHOLSTIRY '*•.o' ..... ~ ltJZ ..._IOI IL.VD. / •o• LOllGPll• L•A•111a 7 COSTA Wl'°"-4' .... 1 tl6o CONFUSED ABOUl YOUR IRA ACCOUNT? SELF-DIRECTE TRUST MAY BE YOUR ANSWER Ian Rednal 714) 955-1191 If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classlfled ad. 011 642-5678 and a ff'lendly ad- vlserwlll help you tum your whftlslnto cash. .. .. 12 5 01 GMAC • 70 A.P.R. LEASE RA TE '82 ~1711 '12CAD. s31911 THAIS AM '9"' .:::. ELDOUDO .::m EXAllPLf J~ EXAMl'lE 'ia=: ... ~ .. ..,..,,.1:111.11 ·-•o.oa.•~·-,. -Cep -111,111 ....... -·IL t• ... --.. 7100 .... lnO.G ,_,.... T ........... C-0t ............. , .................. ,. ........... , .. ,., -a.. ... tttal. ...... .,... ua. ... ... ---mt .... •ta .... ,.... .... --, ....... , ..... , ...... , Offer exp/tW July 31, 1982 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY• .,,.n1 """ WE WSE ILL llllEI Ill -ELI. up. RICI LlllPIL / 808 LOllGPll• L•A8111G / 13800 Buch Blvd., W•tmlnater, C•llf. 714/812·8151 ~ 7141131-2500 SHU 11 ERS CUSTOM QUAlfl!l SHUTIERS Book targets Kenned~ · WASHINGTON (AP) -The con.rvatlw IDOWIDIDt tblt hll tarpi.d Sen. Edward Kmnedy for def•t ln NovtrDb9r la UllDI a now campatl!' tactic: a comic book called "mv.ry hm11y HM One." The comic book'• tubUtle ii "Ewn a black theef. can make it . . • MtW'!laily lf he I a rich bi.ck meeP.·r-- Gary Curran, a tPokeanan for Citisen1 <>:J:'"zed to Replace Kennedy, hil ar<>UP malled 100,000 comic boolra to Ma11aclu.11etta vot.en and·· plans to mail 2 mllllon com1c books before the election. "It'• a piece of truh. It't ctw.p, inaccurate and repulaive," said ~e~re11 aocretary, The comic book repeat• alle1at1ona made by Kennedy critics In the put, lncludJ.na acme perta1nlJ1I to the 1969 death of Mary Jo Kopechne. It caricatunit Kennedy u overwet1ht with flabby jowla. The -cover depict• a black lheep ~tb ~>"· face. In the ~ are memben of the ~y tamlly. lncludJ.na Kennedy'• llaln brothera,. President John F. Kennedy and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. The lfOUP that publlahed the 37-J>88e comic book ii financed by the Life Amendment Political Action Committee, which auppol'U cancfida\el for federal office who favor a comUtutional amendment to ban abc:>rUona. Curran aaid b1a p-oup't de modvation., to defeat Kennedy because the Maatachu1ett1 senator favors abortion "even thou,h it la inconaia\ent with what hil philmophy ahould be aa a profeaaed and pracUclnl I Catholic." Shrum called the comic book ••• lcusy p6ece of work.'' and aa1d · it ii a tactic "we would never U9e In a campalp.'' "I th1rik it repr'9elltll the kind of lrre9ponalble politics that la alien to the ~eople of Muaachuaetta. It a the lateet rl1ht-winJ 1lmmick. I don't think people Will llke it,'' Shnun uJd. Cwnn aaid hil FOOP haa no connection with the National Comervative Political Action c.ommlttee and does not aupport any apedflc candidate runn1na foe Kennedy'• -t. w .... EVE~ A 0tACJ< SHEfP CAN MA>t.E. IT . ..--~'1' If HES A RtcM ~ SHef PI I#• pt rtr COMIC BOOK IN POOR TASTE? -The Citizens Organized to Replace Kennedy have mailed th11 comic book to Ma.achuaetta voten. Robert Shrum, Sen. Ted Kennedy's prees aecretary, called the book "a piece of trash." Birds aid fight • • against 01osqu1toes roRT EUsns. Va. (AP) - ~ta. have laWlC.bed their summer offensive at tbil marshland Army poat. But thia year, the military ii dep1oytng • new weapon -an airbor-ne interceptor that can 81!!ek out and destroy the enemy before It haa a c:hance to strike. Purple martins, aodable birds that gobble aa many aa 2.000 moaquitoea a day, are being enllated in the Army'• cause. They get free houaing and all they can eat. Their recruiter ia Wayne Patton, a civilian entomoiopt charged with keeping down the pOlt'I mo.quito population. Army regulatiom require that chemical control• be 1upplemented tl'e other means whenever poal . Ken Gibb9, foreman of the pest ClOlltrol shop, ~~~ho lives near a marina In Charla Qty County, haa a colony of martins In hil bldcyard. With advice from Ruth Beck. a biology prof~ at the c.ol.1ege of WUliam and Mary, Gibbs and Patton in April aet up 30 alwnlnum martin bou8ea. each one perched atop a 15-toot pole, and prepared to entice 101De birds to cboo9e Fort F..ustia for lldive duty. But getting the birds to come haa been no euy f"8t. So far, none of the hou.ea bu drawn more than a pair of marttna. Martin hOWlea range from a simple lix-unit alwninum condo J..ilted In the Sean catalog to a deluxe Colonial model with a weather vane in the shape of a hone. j l ! ' t ' i . I ~ JI l ' ' I ,. ~ ~ I • • , I I . 1 :Ale~ Haley kin Tennessee res~urce. " ~ • ~ for • fam111 ..... A"'CNll In boolal and Clft IUlllmer 1ard•D parUH a\ ~P.-t04a1. ...... ~.lliclthe qu.e •Ps*rid __1aUe ind clnwn .. ahe~Dtl·....,.VD Rotpltal In • IJ'MD chauffer- drlwn l1mowllne an blr way to Wlndlor C.U. outlicll London. ~,._,_(Joy, '••tlnr •• ., thouiht he'd dl'OP ln to vtatt. •'09» °' the ))be ot • pwnor, lf be'e cWn, bla Job. 11 to -that th• etate caphaUaee on It• ~·· AleXandtr Mid. ''Thll ~ II one ot ltl ~." The femlly W• that ot author Alu llaleJ, whole .. Rootl" eap about dJICOYerina bla ant.ecederitl eanwd h1m • Puutur Prize In urn and becmoe the bull of • popular TV m1n1 ... ne.. ~ Alu AIU. who donat.d tll,000 to hCp buy the a... h)JI. N. Y. home ot 19th oentury tem1nllt ElluMdl Ca'1 ....... fOI' a naUonal women'• rtahtl DU'k. com~ the buUd1nj to Independence Hall. Haley.. whme boyhood home WU ln Hennina, l&ld the pt- topther wu tlie flnt formal reunion of the Haley, Palmer and Marray relatlril. .. 'l'hete modeat buildlnp of Seneca Fan. that we dedicate are • • • ~· '-~· '8f1 a1 much a part of the 1oul of our democracy u ~revered halla ln which white pro- .pertied· men 1ranted the m1elv e1 The fint ho1pital 1tay by Q9ea EUIUeda D ended wtth a ~-year-old monardl ''ablolutely fine'' after havtng had a wt.dam tooth extracte d, Buckingham Pal.ace aid. A palace apokecnan eaJd the queen, hospitalized for two days, pl.am to attend the .amd of her freed o m, A.LOA liberty and democracy. Ma~morJ 10,'' Alda .aid--.Ube· don of the GRAND OPElllllG THE July 19th (Mon.)' thru 24th (Fri.) SCOOP DECK ICE CREAM SHOPPE FREE SOFT DRINK WITH EVERY ICE CREAM PURCHASE & balloons for the kids MARINERS VILLAGE ACROSS FROM THE COFFEE IMPORTERS VISIT OUR PATIO OVERLOOKING SCENIC DANA POINT HARBOR 493-1113 493-8849 HOME VIDEO WHY PAY MORE v RECORDERS v BIG SCREEN v CAMERAS v FILM RENT AL v TELEVISION v ACCESSORIES Llmlt9d to Stoac on Hend BIG SCRE ~imiiiil"'I T.V.'S General tlectric YESI ~~.::,.AD 2' DELUXE PIECES All 24 PIECES $1495. llWlll 2• PIECE PllT.-U YCI IFFD 8 HR. REMOTE VIDEO RECORDER w1 ... , ... RCA. lnfrtred Remote Control t I ' . .11111/flClr- Women'• Rl1bu National HJltortca1 Park. Th• park eventually le to lncluc» Welleyan ~pel. lite ot tM natb\'1 &It W01D1n1• rtchta convmdan 1n 18'8. . Sevtral thoueand Barry era.,.. fana remembered him with 1on1 on the Uret annlvenary of the 1ln1er-:'1ter'• death in a fiery car Aill"I 8ovlet 1 .. der LH•I• ........ , hll ~ M\t Doe 1 Tibetan herbal medlc ln• prepared by the e•r•onal DhYlldan of the Dalal Lima, the Tt&etan "IOd-ldn1," an txlle poup..ad. '-rbe IPlda1 feature ot tb.e pWa .. d\at they cu CW"8 any llC\.lte ~dllllie, all f.onm of I food pcMorl OI' w.l c:.ncll',11 the 'nbeian Youth ~ laid in an open i.tter to BreibneY Qned by lta pNl!dent, IAlaq J&pa. ''It II our llncere hope that thiM plll1 will contribute to your reoovery.'' Brezhnev, 75, la known to have heu1 prob1enw and .. believed to . have auffered a nroke. ' Chapin'• brothen, Tom and Steve, folkllnaen. Peter Seeser and Jelraa Prlae, electric mandolin player Jedan Buu, and Chaptn'1 former band ataaed Mlu Florida, Dtaaaa K. · a memorial concert in New York. Pitmaa, wW bep her title and• Chapin'• form~nt, Bob be eu,tble to compete ln the Mila JUUle, aid the pr-went to America pa1eant deeplte her the Harry Chapin Foundation. arreat on drunken drlvlnai w h le h tun d 1 ch a r i table char1ea, eaya a 1tate pa1eant1 or1anlntion1 that concerned · otfida1. ~ Chapin, lncludlna World Hunaer. Mill Pitman. 22, wu alone tn Ch.pm w• killed at aae 38 her car when it crubed into a when hta car wu struck by a ~x near Altamonte Sprt.nea. truck OD LCJna laland. ...-· ~ Mid. .. .{ --. .. ... ?1'0 BARE FACTS -Beckie Cerda. 21, center, ia flanked by~ l'\.ll\Del'·Up, Terri C.arr, 20, left, and Monique Gabriel. 19, firlt runner-up, in the 1982 Ma. Nude International C!onie.t at a nudist camp near Devore. Ma. C.erda, who won the crown Sunday, ia a student at C.erritoe College and said she plans to be a l8pl .ecrc.tarY. She lives in Downey# _ Old friends like you are hard to le_ave. __ 25 % off tJle marked douvn priCe that appears on any-reduced ticket Be Mrfy ••. quantltln are ll~lted. We don't haw• every Item In "9? alze or color. · Example of how our Nie worb: "'"'°' eleck9". ..... •• tNr1 •• Orig.. . • . . . . • ,, 88 Orie . .. ••• .. . . 14 00 Now...... .. . . . .. ....... e.ff Now .. .~... 8.99 Lele 25,... . . . . .. . . .. 1.15 f Lele 25,. . . .• · . . . . . . . . . 2 25 Vc.6 prtoe 6.24 Yc.6 prtoe 8 . 74 .. JCPe.nney SpeJClal Savings In All Department& • ....,.. ~ by red -Ot red ._. do nol lrdldl temc>ol•., ~ °' l'IQIAw _,.... \ I I ~ , ,' .0 *I .Of tr:> 18 :1 .ub Mi.I o b { c: >W 11 ) 1 11 I J ' • I . ~· ~ OoMt DAILY PtLOTITUllO•Y1 July IO, 10N OC budget priorities ignore consumer need When Orange County supervllon lit down each year to deliberate the county budaet, thei-e'• alway• talk about establlahina prioritiea. Thia year Ml no exception. At the out1et of current budset hearinaa, there wa1 much hand-wrtnginJ and doom and gloom predicting. Given these financially tight times, several officials said, we must certainly rethink our priorities. In thi1 rethinking process, supervisors decided to kill a nine-year old program that has benefited thousands of oonswners. With no advance notice and hardly a word ot debate, the board disbanded the county Of flee of Consumer Affairs. The action pared about $245,000 from the county's $817 million budget. Nine employees will be terminated. Also in rethinking their priorltlet th1a year, the 1uperviaon found they had little problem 1n granting an averap 9.2 percent salary lncreate to executive managera and a 9.2_ percent inc::reue to them1elvea. nu. move added more than $110,000 to the budget. Schoolchildren learn that a purpoee of government iJI to serve the people. That's just why programs like con1umer af falra were created -to help out the purchasing public. The county board, however, in this i.hatance considered that consumer service to the citizenry is of such low priority tha~ the program should be disbanded. At the same time. the supervisors left the impression that salary increases for themselves and key admlniatrators is of very high priority. We think the county board should rethink its priorities'. Book banning risky Officials of the Saddleback Valley Unified School District have approved a policy to evalu- ate controversial books and, temporarily, at least, have returned the previously banned novels of author Judy Blume to school libraries. Ms. Blume's novels, which deal with problems facing adolescents, were banned from the district's libraries in the district's 19 elementary schools and three intermediate schools earlier this year after several parents complained of references to sex in the books. The books remained in the high school libraries but former Superintendent Richard Welte removed them from the other schools pending development of a library evaluation policy for controversial literature. The new policy approved last week. puta Ma. Blume'• nave1a back in the libraries until they are officially challenged and a final decision is rendered by an evaluation committee of representatives of school administrators, teachers, librarians and parents. The new policy seems even- handed and appears to protect against knee-jerk censorship. And that's good. Restricting literary expression is a serious matter. It also restricts freedom of choice and hinderi. intellectual growth. However, concerns that ~ books are of a sensational nature WlSuitable for young children, also merit oonsideration. The new policy appears to set up a structure to evaluate challenged books. Ita stated goals are commendable and say, in part, that no books "shall be" e)(cltided because of the race, nationality, political or n:.Ugious views of the writer or because of its style or language. In fairness to author Blwne, her books are realistically written frun an adoleecent's point of view and are among the most widely read novels among today's teen-agers. Her novels are generally geared for a maturity level between grades seven and 12. A recent survey conducted among readers of a teen magazine aged 15 and 16 placed author Blume in the No. 3 spot of their moat admired females, after actress/model Brooke Shields and the Princess of Wales. The s c hool board has a responsibility to det ermine which books are suitable for school libraries. As in all matteni regarding censorship, their decisions should be carefully evaluated. Nature losing charni? Knott's Berry Farm used to be a charming Old West oasis nestled in the suburban sprawl of Buena Park. The main attraction was a chick.en dinner, a slice of pie and a train ride. Plummeting attendance and revenues paved the way for razzle-dazzle rides, discos and headline.r entertainment. Lion Country Safari aeems to be beaded in the same direct1on. The sprawling wildlife preserve appears to have lost lts novelty as drive-th.rough wo, with animals roaming hundreds of acres of Africa-like savanna. Through a sublease agreement with their Irvine Meadows Amphitheater neighbor, Lion County collectl 10 percent of the concert receipta. Last week Lion Country of ftcials announced 26 additional acres of tu park will be leaaed to Seaame Place Inc. for a children'• amu.ement park patterned after the 11Seaame Street" televlaion show. Lion Country ~ to releue details on the flnancJal agreement in that deal. It'• a ahame that the concept of a drive-through wo has lost its • popularity. But Liop Country isn't the only such park with a trouble pocketbook. The San Diego Wild Animal Park; which offers a train ride th.rough its animal preserve, also has introduced alternative entertainment to bolster its sagging attendance. Perhaps the atttaction of the cageless wo baa worn thin. Part of the answer may alto lie ib adequate promotion. In the early '70s, Lion Country experienced a publicity agent's dream with the insatiable Frasier the Sensuous Lion. The death of Bubbles the Wandering hippo in 1978, however, drew bomb threata and bate mail and a tamiahed image for some years to come. Lion Country hasn't been big on public relations in recent times. Irvine Meadows and Sesame Place are no doubt financial coups fcrc \he park . .But the folks at Lion Coun-.ry should consider more 1 filt.tantial effo:rta at promoting their own cause before falling ~ to teemlnll.1 more lucrative cntenalnment options. Oplnr~ et:11 ~~~t!d In th& space a Dove are those of the Dally Piiot. Other views ••·. Qressed on tr11s P;\ge are tno!.e ot their author~ ano art 1sts. Reader comment Is lnvi.t ~. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O Box t~bO. Costa Mesa, CA '92626 Ptlooe (714) Ui·A321 . ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thornls P. Hat•y Publisr..r Thomas A. Murptdne Editor Barbara Krtlbich l!dltorlal Paoe Editor Oval office 'bugs' popular WASHINGTON -Some fascinatmg stories can now be told abo u l the bugging of the Oval Office. Every American president since Franklin Roc.evelt secretly recorded at least .elective Oval Office conversations. My a.ociate Bob Sherman has dug into the technical aspect of the story and has turned up tome unpublished historical sidelighw. There was a historical showdown, Cor example, between President Lyndon Johnson and Sen. Robert Kennedy in early 1968. It was before the New Hampshire primary; Johnson was still planning to run for re-election, and Kennedy was thinking of challenging him. He asked for a private meeting with the president. LBJ GA VE a tene order to Jack A. Albright, head of the White House Communications Agency: "Let's record the meeting." "We put in one microphone." recalls Albright. now retired. "It was hidden m the table. It should h a ve wo rke d beautifully. Except it didn't." Albright later figured out why. Kennedy had brought a briefcase mto the Oval Office, and kept it in his lap throughout the 30-to 40-minute meeting "We were n 't l ist e ning . of course," Albrt_ght explained. "All we could do was record. When we tned to play it back, all w e g o t was a 'bzzzzeettt.'" Kennedy, no stranger t.o White House buggmg, had carried a jamming device in his briefcase. When LBJ heard the bad news, Albright recalla, he drawled: "That 90n-of-a-b---." The first White H<>Wle bug (unless it tuma out that Abe Lincoln bad h1s secre tary eavesdropping over the ,........,, with ... eor trumpet) WQ.t JICI AIDIRIDI ~ fairly elaborate "Sound on Film" device. lnvented by John R. Kiel of Evanston. Ill .. it used 35-millimeter movie film and occupied a floor-to-ceiling booth built by the Secret Service in a basement room beneath the Oval Office. The president had 1 t UlStalled as proteetion against being misquoted by reporters during the 1940 campaign. The nucrophone was hidden in a small bronze lamp on FDR's desk, almost literally under the noses of reporters leaning over to catch the president's words The patrician voice familiar to millions of Americans came through unusually clear. The equipment apparently wasn't used after 1940, but was still in place when Harry Truman moved in five years later. Truman tested it a few times, but evidently didn't like the device. Only 10 hours of Truman conversation exat, all but 30 minutes before 1945, the year after FBR died. The 30-minute e xcepuon was recorded in 1947 Lyndon Johnson, whose fasc1nauon with electronk gadgetry was legendary. used John Kennedy's rathe r primitive dictabelt recording device system for awhile, but soon replaced It w1th a 24-hour recording system designed by the National Ae ron autics and S pace Admmistra uon. EVENTUALLY, Johnson had bugs installed in the Cabine t Room and the pres1dent"s lounge as well. He also orde red telephone taps (kno wn a s "Charlie Browns") put an hlB bedroom. the situation room and his office at the LBJ Ranch. The Cabine t Room bugs we r e a rughtrnare for Albright. There was no way to pick the &trongest stgnal. "We put mikes m about eight locations around the table," he recalled. "Every time someone sits down at one end of the table and coughs, and a guy pounds his pipe on the table and another guy is scrapmg an ashtray and a no the r as rubbing his beard, every one of those sounds t'Omes through." To solve that proble m. the engineers tried voice-act1vat.ed mikes. But these worked only m one-on-one meetings - with someon e o the r than Bobby kennedy. that is Footnote: I've wntten a full report on the technical details of the presidential bugs m this month's issue of Popular Mecharucs. The story of a Sacramento scain This is the story of a highly placed state ofhcial who blew the whistle on a "fixer." That it happened some years back is inunaterial since there are always "con artists" around, ready to take someone'• money on the representation they know the "guy" to see to "fax" things for 90meone having trouble with a government .ncy. In this cue Fixer approached State Official in behalf of a retired banker. The banker wanted to get a real estate license. Despite the fact he had spent IDCJlrt of his many yean with a major bank handllna real est.ate matters, he was refuaed the opponunity to take the licenae examination. FIXER BAD had gained entree to many top office holders by reason of having been a campaign supporter o( the governor. State Official told Fixer that while it was not hi.a department he would be glad to look into the matter If Banker would send h1m hi.a brochure. It was somet.hmg he would have done no matter who the complamant. Upon receiving the documents it appe ared Banker had all of the IARL WATIRS qualifications required by law. State Official took the data to a deputy real estate commissioner with the request the case be reviewed. "Apparen tty. somebody made a mlatake," he told Deputy. The report came back that indeed a mistake ~d been made and Banker would be notified that he was eligible to take the exam. Later, Deputy told St.ate Official that Banker had paaaed the exam and would receive hi.a license. "That's fine," said State Official. "but I wasn't concerned about that. 1 just wanted to CJ.nd out if he was enutled to take the exam and if so. why couldn't h ?" e. A few days late r S tate Off1c1al received an irate phone call at his home on a Sunday morrung. lt was Banker demanding to know why he hadn't received his liceNe. Angered by the lntruaion on his privacy and by Banker's tone. he told him all he knew was he had passed the exam and supposed the license would be sent in due course. Reprimanding Banker for disturblng him, he hung up. But light then dawned. Obviously Banker thought State Official had something to do with obtaining the license. Why would he think that? State Official got the au.splclon that Fixer had led Banker to believe it took influence to get the license and bad demanded payment for interceding, indic.at1Jl8 most of the payoff was for St.ate Official. Appreciate the gift of life He reported his suspicions to the governor, not the preeent one. It turned' out ai.milar complaints had been made. Needless to say Fixer instantly became penona non grata with the governor and his appointees. The point of the story is that no one knows how many government officials are "peddled" by con artists. It i. not uncommon for aomeone who learns of an individual having problems with a governmental agency ta approach them with the representation it can be fixed for a fee. Usually Fixer will claim to be on a flnt JWX\e basis with the official in charge who will have to be "paid off." l waa chatting with a friend of one of my sona -a young man not much past 30 -when he said a most extraordinary thing. We were d.lacuaaing the dozen victima who perished in a recent bridge collapee, when he remarked with all SYDIEY HAllll ~vidence of aincerlty, "If I died tomtn:tow, 1 would feel I wu ahead of the .. .. ~·would?" l replied with incredulity. "1 really would," he i.naiated. "I've enjoyed my life, done a lot of thl~ and met a lot of people. and I'm grateful for the experience." 11le young man la not what u8ed to be called a ''Cbnater." He wu no\ speaking out of any religloua conviction or aplrilual u1urance. He waa 1lmply expremina • JMtnonal point ol view; an .cceptanct 0( the cont1naency of death •Ith the 1ame equanlmh)' that he aa:epta and appreciates the &ift of life. And I thought ol all the people I know In their 50I and 60a and beyond, who are arudoua and raientful and aomeUmc!I \errlUed when lllne11, or even enl!mldon. llYW tMn p opp...&v. --ot theU' mortalJty. t m.y.elf am not exempt from thb feeling. A sudden illneaa early this spring deprt9ed me more than it should have, when I compare it with 80f'Oe of the ailments that afflict my contemporaries, and even penons much younger than L And how much more have 1 to be grateful for than that young man. I have lived twice as long, done more, aeen more, learned more, tasted more pleasures and satisfied more IOl!a. If we can make a cafeulu1 of contributions to the petmanent herlia,e of the human race, why lhoWd I expect., or feel 1 de11erve, a t~e than Mourt and Beet.hovtn, and Montalgnez Lincoln and boreau, Raphael ana Rembrandt, and IOOr'el of others wha.e lives were cut lhor1 by one cauae or another! We foraet too •1111y that Ufe ta exactly that -a atft, or, U you wW, a happy accident. It calll fw no merit on our part. and flYWY day we live 11 a bonus denied to thot.-ndl by the wheel IT IS AN EASY scam made easier by the fact so many believe those in aovenunent are "on the take ... Despite the bad image of thoee in gQvemment. the truth la most are honest and alncere people trying to do their Jobe well. The be9t policy foe one having trouble with a govunment agellC)' ii go directly to the officials. If that doesn't work, go to (h ei r legislative repruentative. of fortww. • lt ii hard to beUew. •pedally when. yol.lnl, that we are aotnc to .. but It II \ thJa cVtatn 1mowlecfa9 that eccoun• for ' what TUllch calla our "ontic amditey.'• No ..... -... liMI-~~-~~~--~·, .. other creature on -.rth bu beera tnldDed 11 lt ttJr for ....... to cnm atblinll b , wtth thll awarenem of eventual death, the eventual ... Qenelit of prof '•' and thta I.I our burden. '!be way to re.mat · ' liahten It II to re&ct that ~bin at T~AYD ..0 S. an tldwnture that DOM of W Walll ha~ wtaNd to mm. wven thtMJCh h _. on • dyb'i note. l ' ~ ~ Oollt DAILY PILOTIT~, July 20, 1882 'Promises,_·' '$slesman '.headline ,big week 11..i=mv:. tn .... of acUvtty UM&aJly r•r..d for MMlh or Nowmblr, ftYI new Nie producdonl .,. arrlvlnc {a ra r Hy f~r m1d8wnmer), off.-lnl ~ 1omethln1 for every t1P• of playcoer -two eomediH, • aramA. a muaScal and a chlld.Nn'• lhow. The m~ ii Onnp OoMt Collea•'• tradltlonal 1ummer entertainment -.. Proml1t1, Promlte1," number 27 ln the •trtna that ltarted in 18&e. Tbt drama ii Arthur Miller'• r e n o wned "Death o f a Salemnan," betnc piwented by t he Saddltback Compan y Theater. . 1be comedies have a aood bit in common -both are in HunUnaton Beach , both open Friday and both a.re bein8 done at their l"elpective theaters for the leCOnd ·time. They're "The Gazebo" at the Huntington Belch Playhouae and "Play It Again Sam" at Golden We1t CoUeae. Then. for the younaer set, there's "Dick Whittt.naton and Hia A.mazing C.at" by the Nil.IC f«>TICE K-OOIU FICTITIOUI IUIMU NAm ITAT'UlaNT The following pe,.on la doing ~-R. B. INVESTMENTS • REAL ESTATE. 1507 N. Tuatln AVE .. Suite A. Santa Ana. Caltlomla 92701 Ralph er.vwmen ln-tmenta • Rul Eatate, lne . a California Corpor.ilon, 1507 N Tuatln Avenue, Suite A, Senta Ana. Cellfotnla 92701 RALPH BRAVERMAN INVESTMENTS AEAL ESTATE. INC. Ralph Braverman Pretld41nt This 11atement wu hied with lhe County CteB of Orange County on July 9. 1982. 'AUL L GAMER. HO. 1llO E. Gerry, luh 209 lanla .,.., ~ t2'10I F1*'7 Publlahed Orange Coaal Dally Pltot, July 13. 20. 27. Aug. 3, 1982 3153-82 .... IJllO fJCDTlOUI IUllNUI NAmlTATDmNT The tollowlng l*'IOM ere doing ~-= THE RUNNING RACQUET, 30100 Town Center DrM. L.-gune Niguel, Callfomle 928n Dolor•• Aeke r , 513 N Proapeci. Redond o Beaeh, Ca11tqm1a &02n OoNllcl R. w~. 1o&5 w. Lomita Blvd., Sp. No. 334, Hwbor City, C..lfomta to710 thla bulk-. .. ccnducWd by • llrfllled pel1Jienhip ~Adi.er Thia 8tatement -llled with !he County Cl«i! of Or.nge County on July 1, 1982. ,_ Publlahed Or•ng• Co••t Dally Pllol. July 13, 20, 27. Aug. 3, 1982 31~ Nil.JC f«>TICE FICTITIOUe llU ... H N.u.ITATEmNT The lollowlng peraona we doing b~u: (I) AQE'S SEWER & DRAIN SERVICE (2) ABE'S PLUMBING COMPANY. 18783 Bucil Blvd., Hun11ng1on Beech, c.i11onva 92647 Timothy J King, 18713 8-:tl BMI • Huntington e.ct1. Calitoml8 92&47 Robert E. Hegan, 18783 8eecll Blvd , HunUngton Beach, Callfornle 92&47 Thia bualM88 la conducted by a generel perlnenhlp Timothy J King Thia 8181-1 WU filed with In. County Cler1I of Orenge County on July 12, 1982 F1131J1 Publlahed Orange Coaat Delly PllOI, July 13. 20. 27. Aug. 3, 1982 2989-82 FlCT1TlOUI ....... NAml'TAT'EmNT The following peraon la doing bu.ineaa aa: WARD CONSTRUCTION, 3-402 Perk Drive, San1e Ana, CA 92707. RODGER ALAN WARD. 3402 Perk 00-.., Santa Ana, CA 92707 Thia ~ 18 conducted by an lndMdo8il. Rodger Watd Thia 1te1ement wu filed with the County Cler1I 01 Orange County on June 25, 19'12. '192212 Publlahed Orenge Coaat Delly Pitot June 29. July 8, 13. 20, 1982. • 278S-82 Nil.JC f«>TICE FICTITIOU8 IU ... 11 NAME ITATIMUIT The fOltowlng perl<>N .,. dOll'IQ bullneal ea: NECl-H-ME. 24001 ~.El Toro, Cllllfomla 92830 Mary Ann Ponte, 24001 er-it El Toro. Callfomla 92e30 OeniM llelsld, 27292 P8dllla, Mltalon Vi.to. Cellfornll 92e91 Thia but!~ It conducted by a general pertnerlhlp. M.,y AM Ponte This .. .._. -llled with 1he County CWll of Or.nge County on June 21, 1982. ,1t1112 Pubtlahed Orenge Coaat t>ally Piiot. July 13. 20. 27. Aug. 3. 1982 3152-82 AC11fl0Ut iUMfl MMmeTA..-T The fottowtng P«IOft 19 do6ng ~-SQUEAKY 0 1,EAN POOL IERVfCE, 7133 Holder 8trMt, Buena Perl!, Cellfomlll IOe20 AlcMrd J. -.... 7133 Hotder 8trMt, •-• Pertt, Calttornl• IOUO Tiiie bull!.-.. oonducted .,, .,, lnclMdu9I.. lllcNrd J. 8aa.k Tiiie -•,,.,, .. tied""" the County a.ti Of Onnge County Oft J4#t •• 11112. Fountain Valley Commu.ntty Tbea•. ~ 11PromlM1, PromJM1," Neb Slman'• adaptaUon of the Olou'- wlnnlnc (lHO) movl• "The Apartment," launch• a three--~ nine-performance nm Thunday on the OCC •'-1•· John .l'trllcea Ill dlrecUNr tbt lhow, whtcb featurea Mfchael Jon Shm, Brandee wu.u.m.. Joe Gan.tta and Paul ScoJ>. Performance1 will bt atven Thundaya throuah 8aturdayl a' 8 p.m. th.rouah Aue. 7. '1'1cbt lnformaUon T1 belna atven at 556-6627. Ont of America'• molt heralded play1, "Death of a Salemnan" aJ8o Openl Thunda)' at Sadd1ebtck Collep and will run conUnuoully (except Monday) throuah Aue. 8. Brian Dono1hue ii airecttn1 a cut headed by Wayne Grace and Jacqueline Scott. Othen ln the cut include David Mean, Geoffrey Meek, Frank O'Brien,-Thoma Reilly, 8gn Mann•n1 and l'epben TM~. Cunaln\tl ··~at the PkM Art.I Theaw on &M·J&Mft v• C!Al'O~ and r 1111 'Yatiam may be o talned by calllnc Ul~. J.D. IWcbelderfw II diNCdnl "The Outbo'' at the HundNtclft 8elcb Playmu.. CMt l1MIMen tnclude Jamel Whaley Ind Liia Stack In lMdina tom. a1oN wtth Jim J'lynn, 1ennlfer S-mtth, Sandra Hunwr, Burt Carl80n, Jiiek ww.m.cblr, Din Citro. John Mwlna. Melinda Tyler and St.Dben Avery. Pmormancee wlll bt ,tven ~ md S.turdar at s~ao throu1b Aue. 2 at the playboult, ln tbt flew:ltff vw. llhoplJina center, Main Stnet at YoiktoWn Avenue, Huntanat.on s.cb. ~lbw 847-44U. At Golden Wt1t, CharlH Mitcbell and Bob aou... lhar. d1recUn1 honon for "Play It Aaaln , Sam," Woody Allen'• oolnedy about a felloW who ptl romantic advice from Humphrey Bo1art. It run1 Frtday1 and Saturday• at 8 :15 for two weekend.I ln the Patio Theater. ReeervatlODI 894..6070. "Dick Whittington and His AmuSns ear• 111 a ,...to-rfichel mUl6oal fer ch1ldrtn •• in the 14th een,ury and I• betnc pHHMed by the rountatn Valley Community Tbllter UU. we.k cmly _It Loi Amlp HJab Sohool, Newhope and Hell, N&ntlln Valley. Rtok Habib ii di~ th• fantuy, wbt.cb teatu.Ne D.vld Hlokey H Dick and Laura ' ' \, New fresh taste.· OnlySmg. ~ , .. until fW1ber nadm as ~ curtain tUMi. . -~· at the llarl*lul.n Dinner l>llyliou1e, UOf 8 . Harbor Blvd ., Santa Ana (878-U 11), playtna ntchtly except Mondaya at vliyt.nc Unm / ~Sept.6. -"norUW" at the t.acuna MOUiton Playhowe, 607 ~ Canyon Road, La1una Beach. ~ EUROPEAN COSMETICS IWI YOUR OWi IUSllESS Seeking new experiences, a new challenge, extra Income? Large, prestigious European skin care company now beginning U.S. marketing. Earn extra money teaching European skin care claaees. Part-time or full-time. Fast track development program for potential managers, Exciting ground floor opportunity. For Information call: (714) 855-0855 ' Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 1 l r • Orenoe Oout DAILY PILOTIT~. July IO, 111a ....,191 to ... 0.llJ. Ptlot B&V&ftL Y KILLS -The fa moue 20\h C*\twy·folC Stud.lo lot, whkh in the put 47 yeara hM ipawned clUlicm trom the Shirley T9mple movle day• to JCmmy·wlnnln1 t1levl1ion produat!oaa, will be open to the public, lt wu Announced by C. Jmeph LaBonte, ~dent and chief operat&nc officer of 200\ Ces;itury·Fox. "' Under arrana•m•ntl made betwffn Marc revers, vice J?~nt Fox Lice~.,~ the Gray Line Toun, vtaiton wW be t to ii» enttance of the 1tud10, leave the Gray bUlel and then take a 90·minutAt wa!Jdna tour of the bdllty. The tour wW cover eome of the 1tud1011 h1ltoric landm&J'kl lncludln& the "Hello Dolly" Street, Wettem Street, Madrid Square, the Old Writer'• Buildlna and tound 1taget. Stun\ 1howa and apecial effeci.I demonatntiona are belna conaidered for lncluaion on tour. The tour ICript Will lnclude the h.latory of the atudio and anecdotee about the famous fllma and the at.an who appeu"ed ln them. The tour la offered twice daily -morning and afternoon -and lncludec a atop at the 20th Coentury-Fox comrnJJaary where lunch ii available. The guldea, all hand-picked Gray Line penonnel, have been apecia.lly trained for the toura, PeYel'I Mid. He added, "Fox Studioe has kept the feeling of th~ early yeara In Hollywood through ita WA UA Mo.111 tt040U •cotTA•IA EfwllCI 8'111ot uo 7444 CNTA•U ..,.,_ 9'1 UOI •IMltlNlOll IUCll •OllAllll WllTM•lllll (dlOl!OI HuntollQIOll C"'4llN c..-. Tdwa<d> c-w .. ; (71•J10 Olll 134 USl Ht lt3S ~AIVMA llACll IMllCll WIJTMINTlll ~I~ m11 ~s':roti''... ~dM~ Wey 39 o .. ., .... MllllOll ttlJO • Pteun1ea 1n 3lmm CXJ1-... sw ! ;~.'·•~ ~----.... -1 .... OflUOl'f "C: ._.a --,,,.-. ...,. O - w • ..._... .. ~ w............ .,,._.. -,..,.,.. ORANGt ' ~· ORIVllN 1111A lllVllll OMl&f UA Mo•in 990 4022 Edwt••t Wllodbodtt SIMtm• DI 639 8770 .rlA COSTA MUA SS1 oess WUTllllSTUl OJ ...-. TWI" 631 3501 llllSSIOll YllJO Mm-C.11tfftl WHt .bu FOU•TAll YAUIY V1110 Mill 495 6220 191 -3935 90 E4wlfdt fou11tet" Yt!lty 839 1 SOO • OM•H C...lllomt 134 2SS3 50ARY NO PA55f!i ACC£PlEO fOll IK15 (HGf'GE~COH •E:i!70MM CS111 ..... -1 LUXURY THEATRES 1st lw lbtl11tt 5"'wlt1a10llYS2.1AllllltssOtMnritt Mlttd 111am44.2,al6)65-4 2SsJ/~~v ) FOR AJnl EXCITEmEnTI V1tttOvr... * architecture t9\d famou1 Mt.I. 1b1I tour will ofter vtaitorw a li\tle bit of hlltoty." Pewrt emphubed that all toww en handled by Gray Line and can only be joined from polntl ortlf.natine away from the ltUdio. No one wU1 be permitted to join the tour at the 1tud10 ltlelf. Infon\\Atlon OD the 200\ Century-Fox Stud.lo Tour can ije obtainied by ca1llna Gray Line Toun. (213) 481-8400. f'or lnfonnaUon l>y m&ll the adctn. 1-1207 Weet 3rd St .. Loi Anples, CA 90017. Fee plan nixed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -San Franct.co'1 Boe.rd of Supervilora ha shelved a plan to lmpoae fee. on downtown bUlinell property ownen to ra1le money for the city'• tranalt ayatem. The aupervt.on voted to delay a .deciaton until January. " 'Firelo~· bw. t..Ul'Jpt>nM>. intricst~ plotting and a climax crowd~d .. ;1h s etion." -GENE SJIALIT --1 ' I .. It knowJ wlull scans you. NOW PLAYING •CNTA -.U ·~ IAll JllliM euttnMI "-'* C-MICO.W,......., "-•-Dmt Ill S~ Jt01 H7 OlAO •U •SO a.'91 -.... ·wt~m !4w-S-UA Cly C.-tlw•* C-WISI !>It uao ,,. >tt 1 Ht Jt>s •MLllll• lo• C71ll S1S 047 *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform1nce1 b1fore 5:00 PM IElcept IPINI fn1't11Mnt1 1nd Holld1y1I I# l."11.,-'I >. MAl I M11ocSo ot l o••crons LA MIRADA W AlK IN 994·2400 "ANNIE"1'°' -·--..-.- "A MJDSUMMEA NIOHr& SEX COMEDY" CNI ------ "POL TEROEIST" CN) -----, LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN .. aT AR TREK It: THE WRATH OF KHAN" ni:-~v.:-=o <"°> "ROCKY Ill~ -==~-.-0 I I l /iir.1JNA "THE SWORD ANO THI 80RCIR£R" CJU .... _.t.._ __ _ ---·-·---.-·-"ST iii TMK I: THE WRATH OF KHAN" TOllllll OOLaY l'nMO (N ----- ""ROCKY Ill" l"°' ----•-.•titl foc1111y ot Cono1ewoa<1 211/IS1·9NO "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE"1111 ·-~ ............ - ll!Clt!T Of' .._. .. 101 u:a.--w AU. TI4IHGI MIGHT ANO NAVTIFUI. ~ 101 J:tt. ......... "DINEA"1•1 t2;411.. __ .._ ..... so. COAST WALK ·IN Soul!I Cootc IOwoy 01 ttoodwoy 494-1514 "A MIDSUMMER N1QHT'8 SEX COMEDY" l"I -----"ROCKY Ill" !POI rt1.0e&•oa..-.. .... n1...._.,_._.,._. ...... frt , .. -Sal .• s. ,..~ ... Sbrb .. w IMPORTANT NOTICl' CMILORlN UNOlR 12 fRU! 1WW 11111 •-Illa lw fll I• • Sii, Sa . ....,..,. HO ~ S1J0110 • ~ AM CAii fWlfD IS ~ Sl'l.¥n '" ftO "' CAii Mil'> wnll """'°" ta:lSSOlll l'OSll1llll -IMC AM PORT*f i• llU CM.fl lllWMIS 119 Oii AM MOil ANAMllM ANAHEIM DRIV(·IH 1-y '1 of l•-II 179-9150 ......................... .,,,.._ "9lAM~1•1 -"THI IWOM> AMO IOftCEft£R" (II) ------ ..... ~ ... ,.I -"nle llOAD W/ltllNOff" Ptl ~-ft Mllllll> t ul '4A PAii~ BUENA PARK DRIVE IN lJllCot<I "" W•tl OI l1'0lt 121-4070 " "'' ......... LINCOLN DlltVE·IH le#MCOU\ Awe •eW 01 S.ftOtl 121·4070 IOUN IA1N FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN POLTERGEIST" IN) -... EA WOLVES" ett1 C1IOt "~ "I. T ~ THI IEXTIIA· TIER"llT9"Al." CNI "'nC MACM ~" Ptl -'1'0CK 'N' ROl.L HIGH" !POI ""A10£RI OF THI LOIT ARK" -"THE LIOINO OI' 5on 0te90 ,,_., 01 tloo4oltvnl (50 I TM LONI ""'NOE"" Cf'OI 1 t62•2 ... I Clllf 11 SO\INO .. ,: ... ;;.~;f Cllll " -......or..-1 -"TMI IWORD AND ICMtCaMJl• (ti) Cllll •" IOUllO t. •"'I"• A LA HABRA r11.iw1 1N -·-·--·--17MMI --- .,. ... , I Clllt ll ___ _ "YOUNG DOCTC>ttl IN LOYF' 1111 -w~(PO) Cllll ,,_ ORANGE OQI .If IN '...ot411-IMM'T'llU COMIOY" .,.,. -"90,...4111 ".. .. •, ~ • > ' MISSIO N OlllVf IN . . l 1 I I ' I · · ff'ashes ashore TU!IDAY. JULY 20, 1tea CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION ON THE WATERFRONT DEPI'. -Sununer f1naUy arrived. u far u these old bone1 are concerned. I mean, when Pacific Ocean temperatures start flirting into the hieh 70.. even t.hia aging bod will try dancing in on tippy-toe. Beach weather baa been ideal and over the past couple of daya, the teeming multitudes have once again jammed our shorelines from Seal BeaCh to San Cl~te. Surf hu been relatively clam and rip currenta non- existent, ao conditions have been rather quiet on the n!9C\.le front. Surf baa generally been of the shore-break variety. Thia doesn't bother too many of the beach-visiting citizens, except for the uninitiated ' to decide because the waves are breaking !"'-'\ directly on the ahoreline, it Tl--.-.-U-IP-H-11-1 ~1; ~~ ~y sate to try • ~e trouble with this theory, of course, is that it's wrong. Barney Miller hangs up pn -and badse. Page B6 AS ANYBODY WHO has tried it a couple of times can tell you, the trouble with trying to ride shore break is that ' there isn't 81;!L_;::ter underneath the wave. It simply picks you up and you into the sand. JOUSTING -Rick Feld (left) bolds Takno Noda, 6, while Kelly McGraw holds Robin Levenstone, 9, during a game of "chicken fight" at the Horiwn Day Camp. ~ NII,......, a.tee lflln LIPT -"He ain't heavy, he's my buddy." Ten-year-old David Auxier gives Web Henze, 7, a lift as the two freckJe-faeed youngsters participate in camp activities. Some of the younger local lads like to ride the shore · break just because they're bored or because there im't any real surf or they just want to show the guya up on the beach how tough they are when they get dumped. TREED -Debbie Roeebear, 11, finds a fun way to get away from it all. ON THE LOOKOUT -Gina Bnme, 13, (left), a volunteer supervisor, joins Kelly McGraw in a game of "kick the can," one of the IDOllt popular activities at the Irvine camp. 0.-,"91,.... LomJ lad (IUbt), J.n llhM9vlll/l t1,tbt cum In Bluebird a..dl ahore brMk at lA6w» SMdJ The practice along our coastal beachfront has been called by a number ol. names wer the years. It's been called doing ''belly whqmpers" or "going over the falls" or aometimm, practid.ng ·just plain idiocy. Canyon camp a. haven for kids . Anyway, most of the local youngsters who fool around in heavy shore break have learned to slide with tbe wave, right or left, and when it gives them the final El Durnpo, they hit the sand sideways or bottom down, or in 80l1le other fairly harmless poaition. TRIS BIT OF UNDERWATER deception often eludes the attention of ocean neophytes who go out there and try to copy tactics of the locals who have been belly- whomping. · Unaware of the need for any life-saving finesse at the crash-point, the visitors tend to come off the wave crest head-on. They go into the sand the same way. Thus only this past weekend there was the report of a young woman who suffered a broken ann at Victoria Beach in ~-Beach. a location noted for its occasional strong shore~. ANOTHER VISITOR from Germany suffered a neck • injury, requiring hoapttal treatment after he tried his hand in the aaif at San Clemente. As our journal ao quaintly reported it, "he ~ his bead on the sand." More likely, he buried same about down to his nostril.a when he came off the shore break. It waa probably a bit more than just striking. It was like being shot from a cannon. We have eo many posted nale1 and regulations on our beaches the.e da?:9 you have to be surpriled that the authoritiel haven t banned the practice of riding shore break. BUT THEN, you guem they can't ban everything. Even when they try, they don't i.Uy stop much. bped•Uy they don't stop thete loud sterem and radios OD the land. • By BARRY EBERLING Of-.~"'41W1 Twenty years ago, Irvine'• Bommer Canyon wu a cattle camp. Today, lt's used for a different purpoee -the city's Horizon Day camp. "Il'• gone pretty well eo far," Community Service9 Pro1ram Coordinator Karen Davidaon aaid of the camp'• fint year. "We've had 20 to 28 children each 9e81ion.'' A typical day begins at 9 a.m., after the parenu drop thelr childttn off at the ate. Located Coast women honored as top pilots Lola Scura of Cc.ta Mea and Eleanor Todd of Newport 8-ch are co-wlnneu of the Top Woman Pilot of the Year Award from the Orange C.OUOty Chapter of Ninety-Nines, an international organization ot women pllota. Mrs. Scura and Mra. Todd received their awards at a banquet at the South Shore Yacht Club in Newport Beach. The two women 11CCWnulated pointa in various areu includJna the overall promoUon of aviation, 1peakJn1 at public and civic IJ'OUJIS. and the amount of fllg.ht time they have recorded. Mn. Todd la the wife of Oranp C-ounty Superior C.Ourt Judge Robert C. Todd. aser flight slated Sunclay in the billa behind Turtle Rock, lt con11ata ot a dtlaplda ted bandstand, a chuckhouae, and a corral, all surrounded by fields. Although participanu' ages range from 6 through 12 years of age, the diaparlty cauaea few problems. Th.la IUrpri8ed Kelly McGraw, a oolle8e student. who ia a camp COW'llelor this summer. "I used to think that kida were kind of cruel, but they aren't," she said. "Our games include everyone, and eo do our crafts." The fim activity is a group unity exerdae. For example, the chlldren might have to guess what anlmal label has been placed on thelr back by talking to other campers. Then, following a crafts seaalon, they have free tlme. Campers look like they could be the at.an of an aerobics ad u they play Chlne.e jumprope and climb rock.a and treea. After lunch. they ptar aal'Dle9, including capture-the-flag, the camp favorite; hlde-and-eeek, with campers pitted against OOUNelon, and steal the bacon. A major craft follows, which ranges from plant.ins seeds in small baskets to making totem poles out of thread spool.a. Then there la additional free time. Occasionally, the group will have a nature awareness aession, in which they learn about the different plant and animal life in the canyon. At 4 p.m .. the children return home, leaving oounaelor McGraw with this assemment of the day: ''Exhausting .•• But the group meets at Bommer Canyon only on Monday, Wednesdays. and Fridays. The other two days lt takes excu.rsiona to pJ.oes such aa Disneyland and the beach. Mila McGraw aaid that the tripe are the h1ahllght of the week, with the beach excunion becomlna one lo~ play day. And the children aren t the only ODM havlnc fun. "I was surprised by bow much I loved the kids," she said. "I knew I liked them, but I didn't know I likeq them thia much." So far, the camp baa run 1moothly. One problem was Bommer Canyon's prlmltlve facilities, but restroom• and storage areas were tet up, and bottled water is brouaht in. A challenge for the ooumelors ls working wlth non-Engllah speaking campers. There ls ooe such child at camp CWTently. "He'• a real go-getter." said counaelor Rlck Feld. ''The kida all adopted hlm and they tug hlm along like a little brother. He watches to eee what they do." Some difficulties arise, though. "At Disneyland, lt'1 hard to order food for him," Feld u.id. "It's bard to figure out what be wanta." 'l1le Horlmn Day Camp costs "5 for One week, and $100 for two. For further informaUon, call Cindy Street at 76~6. .. .. •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE c.; , : n usband should seek counseling to duinp rage DEAR ANN LANDJl:BS: TtiiW YMl"I ·aWC> my wife became depre•••d and ted back Into h«' CQ).lep envtroninent. •pent • areat deal ot time with a male ~:sen·t who took her mind Of.f her ema1l and the day-to-<lay probleml of • ~ apr1co~n: ---.. ~~!zi details l 'ARIJ!$ (March 21-April 19): lD uction to a Scorpio or Leo could prove U ly and significant. Excitement ·of very dominatea. Focua on penonal eu.m. phyalcal attraction, abWty to tnalJl'J. int yqur own rhythm and style. $AURUS (Aprll 20-May 20): unicate needs, desires -espedally to y. Take nothing for granted -improve ty, bring aource material up to date. ~. Virgo, Sagittarius persons play ~t roles. Member of opposite aex ~elleS motive. , GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Belative about trip, domestic change, residence. receptive without becoming inextricably lved. Highlight diplomacy -and tet:oes:nbl~ speclal oocuion, anniversary with t i t. Libra figures prominently. Accept · invitation. I CANCER (June 21-July 22): Define atreaniline techniques. Money offer wres additional study. Lunar emphasis yments, personal pci1111eaiona, ina:xne f1tential, ability to work with available fTt.erial. Pi8ces plays important role. i LEO (July 23-Aug~ 22): Cycle high - ke personal appearances and direct rtionl, appeal&. Your aeme of timing is tened. -Judgment is on target. Accent charisma, sales ability, challenge and ccess . Capricorn native figures ' . tly. ~ ; VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You recetve notice that club affiliation baa been ipproved and dues require payment. Accent J>, hospitals, organizations, political and haritable drives. Project is completed, you ~in added recognition as burden is ~ed. ' LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You t unter bright, independent, creative, individual. FOCU3 on new starts, • concepts and people who help you ....,H7o your own creativity. Leo, Aquarius 1ives figure prominently. I Lt SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You regain r:J'l8e of direction; focua on prestige, career, tpecial honor and communication with esaional superiors. First impressions e accurate. Individual who aided in past make reappearance. ' SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Key diversify. Focus on travel, unication, education, publishing and roadening of penonal horizons. Express jliewa ln artistic manner. You get what you 1'¥8'lt through charm, intelligence. I I f L CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): ppotlight on details connected with loans, , I I wrest rates, taxes and financial status of or mate. Be aware of fine print, neceuity of plugging loopholes. Scorpio penons figure prominently. common interest in HX and En1U1h literature la not a IOl.ld bull for a lutlna relationahip. ~ntually lt ended. 1 found out aboUt the affair a few montha ~and It 18 teartna me apm. Belidea deeply hurt, I can no 1onpr trult my e, eePedally when lbe ii out with her college...,e f.rlenda. Yet, I still love her and do not want a eeparation or divorce. .., ............ vows REAFFIRMED -Barbara and Scott Tracy of San Juan Capistrano: who were operating an exhibit at the Orange ~ty Fair lut week, reaffirmed their wedding VOW1 in the Floriculture Ba•lldi"C before family and frlenda who were unable to attend their ceremony two yean ago. Serving as ring bearer and flower girl are their nephew llyan Tracy,~. and hia aiater, Kelly Tracy, 11. T rou1 HfAlTH DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN Relaxation an antidote DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: II e11tUD1 jfown. on salt ud takbag utllayperteul•e med.lei.Des the only way to lower one'1 blood r:.e11are? How about biofeedback? -MRS. DEAR MRS. H.: Practicing biofeedback techniques has helped some hypertensive patients. But, rve been reading of a simpler way to lower pressure. It has been suggested by a group working out of the University of Pennl)'lvania. They have found that your blood pressure will drop if you sit quietly in front of a fish tank and watch goldfish or guppies glide by effortlessly. Much simpler than feaming biofeedback. rm not suggesting that you go out and buy aome goldfish. Mrs. H. But if you dislike dieting and ~ medication, you might try it as an experiment. After all, what it does is induce a state of relaxation, which is one antidote for high blood pressure. But don't expect too much. "lJEAll DR. STEINCROBN: I'm aot tm.ptm1 It -I believe I 1et lets ~ aUeadea from my plly1fclaa 1lace I've become u official old1ter at die a1e of 7t. I bYe frlad1 wllo llkewlte eomilala. II dlere a nmedy for Wa? -MRS. k. DEAR MRS. K.: Doctors had better find one relatively 800ll Between 1977 and 2035, the over-65 population la expected to' double ln size. It will .ccount for at 1eut 20 percent of the population.. Out of necemty, docton wfil team to 0 care" for their aglna patients. •• J ... Pleue tell me what I can do to 1et her to talk about the al.fa1r. She refUMll to dilc\m tt and tt driVll me crazy. All I can pt out ;J her 18, "Y 0\4 were too wrapped up In your work to notice that I needed attention. So I found it ellewhere." (Thia could be true.) c.an you help? -NO NAME, NO TOWN DEAR N.N.N.T.: Obvloa1ly, yoa uve a Deed a. ,..atll '"' wUe. wMdl 11 wbt JM an attemptlq to .. by ferdq Iler to ove yo• ebpter ud vene • ~er put 1w. My advtee 11 laJ off ud 1et 10me ~U.1. U JOll wut to keep yov marrla1e to1etlter, Al yo• elalm, ••load JO•r race OD a profe11loul ud 1top ........,.. yov wife to talk abowt 10meWD1 tat II •ery palDlal. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My hutband and I put a great deal of effort and money into the wedding• of our ch.lldren. We enjoyed making ~ joyous and feetlve. Before each wedding we told each other, "Th.is la 10mething we do only once, ao let's go all-out." We never dreamed lt would happen, but our IOfl was divorced and la p~ to remarry. What are our oblig,atic>na ·for his 9eCOftd wedding? We don't wiah to go to a great deal of expen1e again, yet we don't want to be unfair to our future dauahter- in-law. We haven't d18culled thia witli our aon yet, becauae we don't know what to do. Pleaee adviae. -SIXX>ND TIME AROUND GREENSBORO, N.C. DEAR SECOND TIME: Did yoe aay SON? Yoe are ader DO obU.attoa to pve a ffnt WMdJal for a IOD, ma letl a ffcoDcl. nete day1, wlla Marly laalf of all marrlqet elMI la dJvorce, I am often alked wllat to do aboat 1eeoad aad Uatrd marrla1es of da•1lltera. My answer: If yoa've 11vea oae baall, tbat'1 eaoa11t. Repeat performucee 11iacudd be low-key, amaU ud ao1teatatloa1. DEAR ANN LANDERS: This may seem like a petty complaint but it bugs me like crazy. I am thoroughly fed up seeing gounnet cooks and food experts on TV who are loaded with jewelry. Thia mornin8 one had thre~ ...rlo&• Qll. on.e band, a bunch of bracelets with charms dangling and a heavy gold wrlstw~tch. My mother, grandmother and three of my aunts are all excellent cooks. Not one of them wean jewelry of any kind while preparing food. A really first-rate cook or pastry chef will tell you that jewelry gets in the way. Do YO\t have any thoughts on the ~or am I just nuts? -WAUSAU, DEAR WIS.: I llavn't d01le uy 1erloe1 cookta1 or bald.a& for a 10111 time,· bat I alway1 took off my jewelry before I went lato die kltcllea. MOit coon wub tllelr lauds freqHDUy, ud rtn11, watcbea and bracelet. are a alllaance. Ann Landers discusses teen-age drtnking-its myths, its realities. Learn the facts by reading "Boor.e and You -For Teen-agers Only," by Ann Landers. Send 50 cenrs and a long, self-addressed, at.amped envelope to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. W ateh out for kids I hate to say I told you so, but remember how I always warned, "Never tum your beck on a 2-year-old?"' Well, eeveral ltories recently have liven riae to some concern about the increaae in juvenile crimes. There was a pre-teen who was hauled into court and legally cbarwed with .-ult to a playmate. Then there wa1 the 7-year-old in Los Angeles who was tried for anon. A 1%-YEAR-OLD IN Marlborough, Mus., made the Most Wanted List and even had a warrant out for her arrest for not returning boob and records to the 1ecal library. (She said her house bufnt down and, she no longer had them. See paragraph above.) How far down is the cut? All the way down to a 4-year-old boy in Philadelphia who had to appear in municipal court on charges of dwnping five bags of trash -all bigger than he was -outBide rather than inside a city incinerator plant. He went to court and got off only after his parents testified they couldn't pomlbly pin a littering rap on their aon becau.e he was in a day nu.nery center at the time. (They all aay that.) How many times do I have to tell you, children are not little bundles of innocence. They're l= of larceny jammed into small adorable es. flMA IOMIKI AT WIT'S END Why, there isn't a 3-year-old alive who can't break and enter a houae without a key and shut off the most aophilticated alarm system ever devised. When they are made to do something they don't want to do (go to bed, take a bath, smile) they have the strength of 5,000 camels. CHILDREN HAVE ALWAYS been quick to learn how the system works. My children never even saw "The Godfather." Yet instinctively one night my son marched into the middle of a party in his jam.mies, kiaed me on both cheeks and said, ''The five big ones you borrowed from my paper route savtnga? Get it back by Wedneeday or I work Grandma over." I suppoee experts are already trying to figure out why ao many youngsters are involved with the law. Some will blame television, others will finger parents who are shirking responsibilities. Me? I believe the potential was there all the time. And ru aleep better tonight knowing the law is finally on our side. GOif ii 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. Weal deal1. NORTH •AS <::) t8 0 A10871 +QSU WEST EAST +KHI + 10170 ~AJtO 01°'6 ocut oeo + 10 +AU SOUTH •QJ c.1 KQU 0 lt5 + KJ7U The blddlnr: Weet N_.. IA9& S.._. I o I 0 P ... INT , ....... , .. Optnlns lead1 Two of •. Ptrhapa the lar1eat ll•1le eharlt7 brld•• event 1111wbere 11 the annual UJA Fecleratlon brld,. tourna· mtnt orpal .. d b7 Iba. Samuel S~yau. Thia 7eu'1 tvent, held a& the ndulin Hanooale' Ch• In Ntw Y•lr, 1ttnet.td a1 .. t. 10 ...... ud raiMd OYtr H0,000. A•~ P'7 NIO &o PllJ' with an expert ror the even· Ing. The re1ult.s on any hand can vary greatly, depending on which member of the part· nenhip is In control. Here's an example of what might - and did -happen in lhl! tournament. North's overcall on such a 1kimpy suit is not to be reeomm·ended. However. South's deciaion to bid three no trump, de-.pfte his ques- tionable spade stopper, bas the endorHmenl of this department. North needed no more than the ten of epades to make aur. of a 1t.opper, and •IU.oul a 1pade lead, dedarer could have nine runnrnr trlcu. Eaat won t.he ace or clubs and returned t.he four or spades. When declarer'• queen appeared, West ahould have worked out 'he lie of the cards and followed with either t.he king or the nine to unblock the suit. But West chose a poor moment to play an uncharitable six. As a re1ult. when declarer even· tually forced out the ace or heart. to set. up his ninth trick, the derendera could take only two of th. three apade lricb they were due. Had Eut not been pronlpte with 1Ua ten of 1padea, he could have overtaken llila partner'• nine to ael th•«>n- t.ract: and had W Ht been rat.her moN pneroua, he would hive retained a low 1pade to achieve the Mme reault.. ' r· r ' 1 t t I I ~ I • i i l I l I I I I I THE Fi\ftlltl' c1ac111 "What's hoppened on 'All My Children' since the middle of June?'' by Brad Anderson c---~ ... "Come on, everybody! We gotta make this meeting really loud so we can get our clubhouse backl" ,.OON Ml' LLI NS WHO W.ANT5 ToTASTeMY V~RY FIRST ; CORN G1l MUFFIN?< .._ ACROSS 1 ltygonl 5 lhecortlCf II Llntemt 149"weecf f 5 l..Q9llded 18 Knoell for 57 .. dlllrbll 585...ide 5tBurden er-Hue 82 Join . 83GtnMIOgy 84 To b« Lat. e5 Tr8dc m1n M-P#k 870.. DOWN SHOE 1-----------'-.. HE1S TRYING AND HE SOLD WHY IS MR.JONES USING THAT TO TO GET HIS CAR GOTO W'ORK? TOGETHER MONEY TO SEND HIS KIDTO COLLEGE--- HE FIXE5 Hl.5 5TE.ELY-EQED GAZE. ON Ht5 NEXi VICTIM ! I SM00\-0 ~ 'fo "fltt ~"'fA\., 8U1' I OOt-1'1 ~INK I (00\..Q "E.1 IM'tO 'f"E .---- ,~~~ ~Rf., ~O. .. LEAN eA' K 1tt10 °™E ~U>ll) AAO \11..\. Pu~ 'io\) 'fo 'f ~E MOSPrf~\... . 1. I I 1 "*"' "· !l!!""t.--~ In the Santa Ju.. office of WM1We11 h.Mer CNamercl&I RM.I l:atate lervloel, bM been appcdnted an 11119tant vb pl9idmt. ftoi»ert L. PHceU. aouthwHt ro1Jonal ~ of ColfWeU laUer Cemmorclal Real Eatato s.nieel, ha '-1 appolnaid a_.., Yk:le pre1ident. He wlll oversee operation of th• CC)Dlpany'• Southern California network of 11 offices in Loe Anaele1, Oranae, San Dleao, R.lvenJde and Ventura count!" plUI other in PboenJx, Tuclon and Lal Vepe, and 1till be hued In San Dleao· S&aaley 8amplOll. Walker • Loe oommerdal brokerap dlvtalon uJemnan, ha completed ..i. of nearly $8 mill.kJn this yeer ln a dep1"e11ed reel estate mark.eL Sampeon primarily lpf"da11,.. In the ule of mobile heme perkl In California for Walker & Lee, blled in Santa Ana. He baa IOld four projects; Oakcrwt Ell.ta and Summenet Mobile Home Eltatee, both ln ~ Joee: Gold Cr-est ln Anaheim, and Huntlqton ¥obi.le Estai.. Hunu.n,tan BMch. Dr. Lom Gufba. vice prelident and chief actuary, Padflc Mehlal, Newport Buch, retired after 30 years with the lite lnluranoe comp.ny. Garfin plan1 to retire in La1una Beach and continue with Pacific Mutual aa a con1uhlnc actuary on 1pedal Ulip.mentl. Debby MWer of Westminster bu been named CIOCpcrate aalel manapr for the Dlaeylud Betel in Anaheim. She hu been 181• and convention aervices manager for the Hyatt at Loa An8eloa In~Uonal Airport. Circus due for Catalina NEW YORK (AP) -Television talk ahow host John Davidaon. hoping to restore IOIJle of the old glamor of Catalina Ialand, haa started a drcua. Davimon decided to found the Salt Water Clrcus aft.er visiting the Monte Carlo Circua with Prince RainJer last year. "It felt just like aummer stock," he aald in an interview in People magazine. "Everyone was really enthusiastic and a little crazy.'' HUOMTOM Optical Tocll•l•H•, llO. of l1nt1 An• named Sc9tt O. Now• Wtllam rectona! Ml• ~· He WN I 111\Sor Ml• ~ OOWri.nl SouiMm California for the W11wn lntt.Nmen" Dtvildcm of Schlumberpt. Kor•/Porr1 lateraaU111I haa moved na 0ranp County ottkw '° 1 "'nnaMnt loclllon ln Newoort Bolch at lSOO Dow It.not, 8w-. 200. The office, u.nder the ~'of Vice Prwldent Doaald E. P•"•r. handlll atnior level 1x.ocudve aea.rch• ln the Onnat C'oun~ fU'M, -Roulcl M. I. Part., 0.\a ti• ... nt. will be cited durtna \ho annual nlMU!ll of apn" ol the Nor•~·••torD M1tHI Lift llHHHt Co.. of Milwau.kM. for belna ~ lh• \op 100 ln Ml• durtna the YMr tncf41d M~ :u. H• LI lllOC&.ted with Rorthw•tem'1 Oltn &. MUI ... dlalrict q•ncy, a.ta Meu, of tho Ttm Tomlo)lln a-n•ral .,.ncy, Santa Ana. Baroid O. WWlamlOD ot Palm 8prlnp bu been named vice prffidon\/btanch mana1er at Berttaa• Bu.k ln Palm SDrino. Located at 901 Eut 'l'ahQuU.1-Mc.:Callum Way, aero. the street from the JU'. Hutton buildina, Heritage will be openina doon ln September. Heritage I.a an tnaependent bank bued ln Orange County. Rlloada Beadtastoa hu been promoted to aaaiatant vice president, loan adminiltration, of Newport Balbo. Samp 6 Lou .UIOClaUOD headquartered ln Newport Beech. Demay PartaJa, the third employee of Newport Balboa Savino and Loan when It opened three years ago an.cf an ..i.atant vice president, hu been promoted to manager of the c.orona del Mar branch. Ma. Parlsia la a fourth ~don Californian. Terry Conolly, Westcllff branch operations aupervi.lor, h.u been promoted to umtant manager of the Corona del Mar branch and, ln addition, a major portion of hi.a duitea will include marketing of the branch. Davidaon said he hopes the troupe will restore 90lne of the aura that Catalina Island enjoyed 50 years ago. Robert Welty BraaD1cllwel1er has been "Aa you turn 40," he added, appointed prlncipal-ln-cllarge of the Orange County "you get bored with the run of office of Albert C. Marti• and A11oclate1 a things ln your life. You want to planning, architecture and engineering finn. ' push things to the limit a little more." Tom Mano of Carlabad has been named Davicbon I.a a host on the DAVIMOll Orange County regional manager by Ceatral ABC television sertes "That'• Incredible." His Federal Savtaa1 and will al8o ovenee bnnchos in syndicated talk ahow wu recently amoeJed after northern San !>iego County. Mario waa manager of Jtw'O~~l~H~·~-~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiithe~~aMOda~~~tion~~··~Car~~i.bed~l and La c.o.ta brancha. 1' I I The Board of Directors of Dentists get I Liberty National Bank is pleased president I to announce the appointment of o:~:.Ps~~fef;u:!~ Barham Hauck Vice President Deposit Administrator <Zs\ U6ertg N~~lonal &Ink One Pacific Plau, n77 Center Avenue Huntington Buch, Ci.lifomia 92647 Telephone 714/895-2929 Our Huntington Harbour office is open Saturdays, 9 om -1 pm ond Weekdays, 9 om -6 pm 16902 8oko Chko Huntington H~ 92649 (n4) 840-1321 installed Dr. Robert P. Kelly of Orange as president. Other offioera are Dr. Ronald Norman, vice pre1ident; Dr. Robert SloaM'J::rident-elect; Dr. McCartney, .ecretary, and Dr. Robert Hint, treuurer. •v1noas WAlnlDI CASH FLOW .,.. TAX SHELTER $10,000 ...... CALL JIM (714) 141-1211 open doors Costa Mesa facility to employ 1, 100 Approxlrnattly 1,100 ~ eno.d prllbutl'f. In tnauranoo ancl memberthlp Pl'OM'1'>C optntkma wtl1 occupy 1 major proceuln1 conttr ln Co1ta Moea bo1tnnln1 next rrt.day. The Automobile Club ot Southern California aald the facility w1ll enable It and the lnterlnaurance llxchanae to oonlOlidato proce.1ne operat.\om. The &80,000·•q-uare·foot, three-bull~ "°11\plex &a located nHr the San Dteao F?Mway at 3888 Falrvtew Road. o.tsne(J by atn wona A.octatet, it wu built In two ptwee by contrllC'f.or C. L. '-ck on 1 29~-acre parcel at a COit of 936 million. Tht lnttrlor do1t1ner wH Michael Sanches A11oclatt1; landlcape architect. Howard w. 'l'ft>ller; and CODIUltf.na enciDMn, Cohen & Paax>e, Inc., 1AYtM & Seepl, and Brandow & Johnlon.. Phue 1, completed lut year, con1l1t1 of a one-floor and mezzanine service bulldin1 replacin1 supply and record• 1torage factll ties previously leued by the club In Buena Park. Jt WU occupied ln April, 1981 and hou1e1 approximately 40 employee.. PhMe 2 oonmta Of • fout4Clry . maln oUtco bulldinf aad a uteWte bulldJn1. Tb• latcer hoUHI employ•• Hrvlcea Ind~. eafNria and ....... moot1n1 rooma for employ" ~c~ecutlve and admlnittratlon htadquarter1 remain In emtral Lot Aiwe1-. Space prevtou1ly occuploCI bJ procepln1 operatloN wlll b9 available at the downtown headquarten location to brine tosether admlnhtrattve operation• which for Mveral ye.an have been mted in ie..d facWti•. PROCEMING CENTER -The Automobile Club of Southern California and the lnterinauranoe Exchange will work out of this new complex in c.c.ta Mesa TIM! bu!Jding con~ 580,000-aquare-foot of 1pace. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAl FUND 1111nco HI YICI LI Mo.I l'Wltn Workshop set The management consulting firm of Coil, Ballback & Slater will offer at its Santa Ana offices a workshop July 24 at 8:30 a .m. titled "Resumes Are Not Your Memoirs ." For information. c all 558-0223. ,...... I .4mA!•ln""' 2 End>E pfA !~r. S ICC 9lhn pf 6 RelllfttEn• 1 Ot.cl f. ltP ·=ryCp ,:..,,r' 11 Trlco 12 He'-,...,.. IJ .. le&.Oll 14 Ll..COirp pl IS LTVCp pfl 16 RLC• 11 Am ..... "M41'CO =~c. n aww1 t.7'clof ltOPHrhw D ""'"* 1 4IPf ,.et' ~ -~ DQlrtll Pct • Up 11, Up 11 J Up U4 Up 11.6 Up 11.1 Up 100 Up t .J Up • J Up •.• Up ••• Up 1.7 UP l .S Up ... Up 1.1 Up 1.1 Up n Up I I Up 11 Up u Up ... Up •• , Up ... Up u Up 6.l Up 6A Up 60 Ls! O>CI Pct S'--\t Off llA >"11 -" Off 107 '~ -" °'' •• 1J -1-Off t6 • ~Off•• .... -~ Off 1.3 JI -,_ Ott I.I Diie -I Off I.I J -'61 Off I.I J7h --Off I.• 6141 -\le Off '·' IO• -1141 Off 7.J 14\le -1141 °'' 1.1 ' --Off 7.0 '°"' --Off ... '" -"' Off ... IO\le -" Off 6.7 " _, Off .., nw. -1-. OH •.s ~--Off •.s "--"Off u 14" -I Off 6.l M\4 -No Off U 2 -1410ff u •-140f1 U 2 -" OH S.t t I> ,.L ltW S• ""' 19 0 NII' l'll'dl· ~Eta 11.17 NL F-M.11 NL t 1l NLL f'N 5al 6.9 1 01 Flofld 1.1' t 41 ?11 tJ .. JL )7.. NL 1 21 H Inv V• 1 #f I u Goltll J M SAi • • L ...... 51. n SUI NL Inv..._, ) JO ) 12 -Id ... t .IS tl"ni al '-SJ 24 ......,_ ~: NL 11141 11."1 NL MA1191 Of~ "'*'9m ~: """IM 17• "t NL Ivy ftd ~al ~ tW NL C8tl'I II• OM Al9C .• N JP Ortll 11 D 12... Gnilll 4 .. U7 IN lq It.• Q.M l-9 I.. NL JP lnco 1 » 1 H lncom 7.11 I U = n.tl QM ~ S.41 NL =-H=rl '1t~ I~~ 'Jl I ._..,. It~ 3:t: 1-~ NL lond 12,9 Q.67 MA Sllr >6.1J HL HI Yid U.n Mn 1.16 NL Gnllll UO t .'1 .,._T JJ.1' NL lnc.n S.1' UI 0. I .. ,. NL US G.t 1.Jl •CM lttt AvW1 1.1' NL 1-1 .... 1.1' IS.. NL r .. Elt .. ,. t. n Niii Ind II lD NL Olltn. 11·1 12.11 T• U.• tU7 ~ " NL Nit Secul'lll .. : Tex b '· i1.IS 21.11 NL lfa.._ F...C.: 9111., U5 IQ.40 VIiia IS. M.st =: S.G U7 ham us 1.11 lond 2.• UI V•Y99 II.Ill 12.oe Tnil ,._ It• 17.G ar-U6 IO.U Gnllll 7.at 7.M CMur. 11.lS aL e""ii..._ 7JD79 t ... HI Yid U6 1.t1 Prtlld s.• 6 U "111Mw U' L · NL lntlFd I0.36 11.32 tncoin S.61$ 'Ot ~· UI L U2 t.SJ Mw\ 8 6.$2 U.S ~~ock US t.ff ~-t ... I0.21 II* 11.17 NL o.itn 11.40 12" u Ex 7.00 7.•S 1K11r: H" NL SurMI IS.• 17 .3' otRt 4.*» •.'6 E., a.41 !CL t Tedi •.ft lo.IS 1'411rfld 6.21 UI Grwt IUD Nt Gnllll .rl NL Tot At 11,>t 12.21 NeUfe Fund: t!'CO t.Jt N tnco '-'' NL US G.t I.IS 1.•9 1.,11 1a.• a .st Sl'-"I In ..... : _. U5 NL -~ Mess: °"""" is.a 14.U 5' t.'7 10.•1 t ~s.• NL ll fl"9 14.lt '2-t.M 10,41 ..Cll IO.• 11.Jt Ullf U• NL Ir l.U4 t7.3T .._ w.,..6) 1'-• NL 1'111 : ~., .. a 1.s. T•11 • .•• s.11 ScUldlll' .. ..,.: Accm '·• '·ff ~ ll 6.94 1.H ......,..,.. • ' =· ti.CM NL IOnl UI S.1 UI 6.1S EnrtrY IU5 aL -'Hll l!'llOlll It.ti M.1 14.fl 16.lt OU.rel t .. i L fl c.t I~ t,1t t.t7 US 6.IJ = J. L 10.• NL .... 211 IU7 S4 4.11 S.U 1 NL , •. 16 NL HI ll'lt n. 12°'! 1.-m 1• U2 't NL .....,..I ,_,. e. t.14 ~~· :£ J11 ~ l1.I =t 4f =t =r.,.. \1s Ul IAllnalcn ~p; Ntwt ll'C 7.: aL : '!111111 II.• O.tl 2_~ t 11 10... Nclloll IS. L 7. 7 •• ~Oitil UI NL ONMl f.JO ~L I '"Tr %-L = ~-f•.S i...1,4: 5 s:I ;;t ,..= ''t .. ~ J:r.:. .:~ ;~ 1tJ S~ IJ.Q =~ == t. 6 NL ti~' "' ft ii ot 0 111 a.le:. ._ 11• NL 9'I 1U1 NL '-tS. I I w:' L °r.r'.z.t! '1:= : ,.., ~ : •.-i.n; ' .•• 11 s. ca. =t l ij]: .. " I i' :t ) >- ... . ill 'I r , .. o.<D"'. " 1't 2nto-14 , 1 .... " DI M -• &4 t1 _.,.. !Of JM+1 251 14 _.,. 17 • -\lo ~ 11 ... . IJ1 L4"' .... . .. ~·"' ~ ..... 10 ..... ,._,__" ID i; , .. • •• Iran vi~tory costly for U.S. WASBDfOTON <AP) -Vlct.ory by Inn In tta ,vw wttb ~l&ld be bid news f« o'11U~ and ~ Sen. H Jaclalaa WU'nl. • Mowmmt o'1 throuch the 8tra111 ot Hannua ~ be llODlllld 1f Ina l1)0Yel f.Dto Kuwah and U., ~thew P.r.lm Ou.II •• t.be Democraac eenator ~ ~ llid Sunday. ~ woWd not f808 the retum ot .. Unee fiaht away, but the price ot oil would Ina•• hnmedJateJy, Jaclulon Mid on CBS'• ''J'ace the Nation." ln¥estment seminar set I Marcue & M.Wk:hap, Inc, ol San ~ will I epomor a ...unar en investment propertim July 29 at 9:30 a.m. at the Newponer in Newpon 8-ch. I Semhww aleo will be held July 27 in Lee ~lee at the Century Plua Hotel and July 28 in San Dieao at I the W~te Hot.el For in.formation. call (415) 391-9220. Local stock analyzed Dean Witter R=d•, Inc. haa i11ued a rmearch report on Na Ed11eadoe Corp., bued In Newport Beach, continuing to recommend purchue of the stock. t Becauae of the recemion, earninaa are expected to be $2 a share for 1982, down from Dean Wttter'a projected $2.15. Earnings were $1.84 in 1981. The report a1llO aaya Anthony Sc.hoola ''remalna the compeny'a laraest lin&1e problem" becau.e of the de~ real e9tate market. Desplte th.ls, "we continue to regard NEA • an attractive investment over the next 12-18 montha and beyond," the report aaid. Santa Ana lacility bought Federal Exprea1 Corporatloa of Memphis, Tenn., purchaed a 43,000-9:1ua.re-foot ovenUabt package distribution and sorting facility. 'fhe 2.2..acre property at 700 F.ut Alton Avenue, Santa Ana. wu previously owned by Elman Properties of Loe Angeles, and 80kl for approximately $2 million. Federal Expr~a~ will take occupancy in September after buUd1ng modifk:ationa have been completed. The Newport Beach office of Orab & El1lt Compuy reprmented both parties. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES N&t YOM(AP)-........... pnoe Md Ml = of .. -..... llOtlW AIMr1cen ~ --· ...... ~ .. lllOf'9 "*' ,, •• "'·': .. .. ---,. ..... ,, ... ,, u-. " E. 1157,0CD ~ +2~ 74',JGI ~ •"' 7Jt,ltl) 7 ... -" Ml.HD 11"6 -y, """Alf1111 510,.al ~ _..., C'--Wt,OCD ~ -II\ m1: ~ -v. &~ • . -m..>CD 7711't -"' cn,.1'111 ,."' -" '"" ~= --1 Hltlllnl =-\lo T.,._ 177'.7• _.,. AMERICAN LEADERS NaW YOM ~ -..... .._. IWW .,., ,.. a,.. .. ~ ......... ,._Yon 8toc* ~ --.,.... ,......,.~--1. &; mt;: '"" + -•YJ +1·1• ~·"' 11-...... t I lCll,JCD "' =.V" "'OCD 11'• • y, ., .. ----~l ~ ' + 1·16 JD ·-ow,. Ho '1.ltl) , ... 1._..ol AO S7,.cD W>lo • 'Al UPS AND DOWNS HEW YOltl((AI") ....... Dow.-....... ~•1.Jw." ...... a;:. :r .. ~ ~0-~ ID Tm IJ U9 f:JC =• ,, .. n :m.to-• " 16 106.64 ICIJ.~ 0 OI '6Mll D I •• 121" J17 JI ,._.I-I~ """"' .. 7'1,llOO Tl'9ft t,:i~= UHi ., Slk 1,14',JIO WHAT STOCKS DID flH[W YOfll( IAl"I JtA. It fttty ...,._ .. f-$ ~ =...--:.. _, •n •U ClS Teall-w:z. 1m -lllp ., tJ --,. SI ~· A>ot• 00 HEW YOflK (Al") JIA ,. ~ .. Ado_ .. T-fh ~ l*!lfted ,.. Zll ~ m tll ,., 72• -"'--· II u -·-,. II METALS HEW YORK (AP) -~ "°"'9n'OUI "*" pnc. Monday. c...,. 70.Ta oent9 • pound, u.s desllnetlone. ~ 21-29 oertta • pound. Dile 37-40 _.. • pound. ..._..,_ ""' ... 1338 ....... w.. ~lb. 'II t • 7e-T7 oer"8 a pound. N.Y • ......, 8370.00.,., .... ,...._ $299.00 ~oz., N 'r SILVER Handy & Her111en, H .610 per troy -· GOLD QUOTATIONS ~~Moncl9r: .,.... "'°"*" ..... "90-00, up ... ~. ~ """""" ~ .,., .ao. up IUO, ,.... an•noon ftxlne: IS't.ot. up ... II. l'l'IMtllrtl tM1.M, ~IOn. _.... .... IJdnO: • off 90.25. ~1.00••· ........ oNt dely ~ IS' , up IO.IO • .,._... oNt dliY .,_ 1341.tlO. up to.IO. SYMBOLS J "'' ,. .. I ,j I ttl I .... .. •'I ~~ ., 'J I r 1 (I Ii;;-,· \Gf ., .. J " !• 1 I I t I \ \ -M•ta-j .. , ..... WONlm' WOMAN Wonder WOIMn ..... In .. the rteflt "'°"'*" and ltope ....... '°'°9 omoer ffOl'9I ~ • nudW ...... • ,,.IAINT llmOn c.1* out •plot to .,.. • ,__..,. epy. I &.W.A.T, HAWM"'40 When e pololl11M'I wltt II mur~w,d, Ille oltloer etternpta to tall• ttw 1ew Into NI own hendil.. • OYIRIMY Ou.I: Brodefldl Ctaw- ~d~ THAOUGH THI A'"9 "Pelntlng: Vlllonl Through IThe== N8C..w8 MOYI! * * ~ ''The Qumblll Mo lytt (19711) t.tlict\MI ·-zln. Tim Mcintire. A gum. bell mechlne le .,.. grand pm In e ..._ Yllf1l.to-Loe ~car r-wNdl .,,.,. .. eortl of utrf chereoter1 onto t111 n1Uon'1 hlgftwaye and becllr~ 'PO' uol~ GOVEANM8fT .. eca' .... oo• IWoml" &I .::: MUD. An egltatiec! -..... homem•d• bomb thr....,,_ to ll6ow up IM 00::".ioHN ..UYI cemw.,AN< The P<IP'*' '°'* tuper· •tar of tM '70. perfomll meny of hie emull hlta In ... ~ oonciert In the petlt. .MOVIE * * * "Mr Aoc:ll And Roll" ( 1875) Ctludl Barry. UOnel Hempton.A feW- lou9 look .. ••en at the ·so·, end the beglnnlngl of rod< 'n' roll. 7:00 8 CU HEWS I N8CHEW9 l(UNCJ RJ Shec:ttled to • ~ man. C4llrle probel the ~ ol 1111 het'*9. l~NEWI KojM lurM to .,, P • llddlc:t tor help when he 1-ne the! .. ,._ .. on dn.IQla and 'IMiY be ln¥Olwd .,, .• murder. • M•A•t•H An outbrMk of lnfilctlaul ttep11IU1 thrNten1 the entire medlc:al stall of the 4077th. • JO!Wrl W1U> •• 81111NE88 REPORT Cl) P.M. MAOAZN! The Bk.-BrOU-S: • IOOI! •t -df'U9I '°' dMnlng dogged 111.- 9 EHTERTAINMENT TONQH'T A loolt et how 1U1r1 -~ed In Hollywood todtly. 8TMI~ ~ Roy Aogere and o.e-(l)~TitON A c:omedlan hoet and four c:om6c c:ont•tanU who compete 90aln1t one MOlhs .,. ~In Ihle unc:«worecl oometl't QMl9 lhow. (%)MOYIE * * * * "Kremer v 1. Kr-" ( 1878) Ou1Un Hottman. Meryl StrMP. A man bettlel with '* n · .... tor Cl.9tody of !Mir young eon after ft .,... out on them. 'PO' RETURNS TO TUBIDA.Y -"hthtt Murphy, 0 ltarl'lni Moeee Gunn (left), Mae Woodward and Merlin 01"n. returna to lta orta!nal Tu~1day tlme period, start1na tonJabt at a on KNBC (4). r:ao • a°" THI TOWN FMtUNCI: e tool Into poet· divorce r•tlof'lltllC>e; • lllopplng ... lll!th • GIOtl*'8 ~~· ~ wltll ~Qftlerl of the Ktoltl Fer:tory. •• ,NA..,~ lftOML.A. FMturect: • report on bacllpetn: • look .. !tie Loe Angelle Polloe o.p.t. ment SWAT '-"'· • M·~·t•H A new ... COITllNllder --~lnthe 40771h wtttl 1111 .......... I (I) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHD...I.....,. lllPCMT • ·~ "HoullnO: Rent Or auy• 9 YOU AlkfD ffOft rT FMtured: "Ar1zone Lion Saflr1" and "Belglum'• Dlllmond 8ec:r9ts. .. CID AAta '°"THE ~ Barry TOfllP!lrw end Tim Mc:Carwr -.. the II-. leecln8 to "" 1882 Wortd&enea. (D)WEMU.. Monlreel Expot 9' Loe Angelle Oodger9 (I)~ NNNQO Get In llflee>e, kM* good, and ,... grat wtttl thll ~ ftt1191 progrwn. ti)(). (I) UNM!ME Weller Cronkite reports on Ylf1ou9 ~-and phanomene In the WOtld of ~. a a ,ATHEA MUMfY A klan·llk• group o1 hood- ed bloota warn ~ Gaoe to IMw the ec:floo'. orphenege or '-dMtll :.~ •• * ''Sddler Of For· tune" 118MI an Oeble, Swan H~. An Amer1· can phOtogrepfler le ,... Ql9d from lmprlaOl-11 In Red a.i. by. gunrunner. • 0 *""" DAYa AJ COfWtnCle ,. dllUnt c:o.aln, llnger F ranllle AYIAon, to ,,_,. the WW1Ua1 Leopard Lodoe mutal~(R) i MOVIE * *'A "The Ww LOWf"' (tN2> st-~­ Robert Wlgl* A ~ and Ille co-plot become lnlereeted In ttle -glr1. • P.M.MAQAZJNE A d1lry fermer wllo edYw11Md for • bride. • kM* It -dr\lgl tor ~dogged--­.MOW * * *'h "Dial M For Muf. der" ( 1854) ~ t.Wlnd, Gt-Kelly. Altw IMrrllftg of 1111 wife' e lnftdl9ty, I men deddle 10 ,.... '* ~. • DMCIPUIC8 "8u11ertly Winter" The bomb dl1po1e1 teem comM llCtOll Hiiier'• Ill· •t nowlty -the buttertty r..:r IO){A)Q "Strenge Sleep" The "'9\ •ho dl1co11ered end ~eel the lletd of -"'-"In the 18th~ ~~·ff'IQ •••'A "Heaven• Abo1111" (!HSI Peter Sellwa, Ced hitter. A w•t1-1non1no ......-enct t>ecomee• b11f109 In outer ICleol "* '*"9 rtfec1ed by Ula ~--to wfloll'I .... -.... by mi.. ••• CIDMOVll *'*'A "Stw Tr91 -The Motkln Plctwe" ( 1178) Wllllem SMtnei:. IAOn#d NlmOy. Thi former con>- INlflder or 1t1ie u.a.a. f.nterpriM I I I I I 111*1 l'ile Old-end .... off on a mlll6orl to ftnd tM ~ °"' ._...., 1eepo1lllllll tor the dllatNCtlQn of ,._. °"' ~ ..,.... 'Q' (J) THI IOUNO CW MUfl)ll\ Mlchul Morlerty end JoeiV\I ......... In "* ..,.,_ cln1m1 about • ""°"*' end '* lower plott-lnt the murder of ,., Ndlaelc lluet>Md. • MOYIE *'*'A "Heppy 9"1'lde)I To Me" (1880) MelleM 8ue I ~. Glenn Ford. Aa murder beglfll CNlpplng .-y .. ,_ drde of llltllt friendl •• pr9'1 ~ - lor wontea tNt "" mey be the .-t victim -or ~ ~ the kller 'R' t::ao. (I) TMa TWO CW U9 Nan order• Brentwood to look alter her agent'• doQ. (A) •@ LAVEMEI SHIRLEY Cannlne~I_,. after IUtYMng • direct hit b.r a ligM'*'CI boll. (Al Q • OOOOOUPla 01car·1 young niece arm. at Ille ~t In an actYlllQld Ital• of sno- nency and telle oac. ,,,.. llw rlll'I IWl!)l fl'om ,_, HO. (I) MOVll **~"The Chc*:la" (IH1) auaan Clerk, Mltctlell Ryan. A WOAW'I ,.._ e tr-1le ...,,......_ In order to help ,_ young unmamed daughter mall• her own dec:ialon about her ~.(A) 8 8 MET MAV!.NCf< ~ 11 ICQ..cl of tM cold-blooded etlOOllng ol me ltler1ff. IA) ··~ COMltA#'f J9dl mlN'lenfy ~ tNt • ¥leltlnO ~ _.. to ~ "Mlllce Afcnthaught" Of. Bleltle6gfl decldM to i-t • ... perty of Ille own -• party thel ,,. "°"" .. prow ..... to '°"" of ,,.. r~s~r;i "81111.rft)I Winter" The bomb dl1poHI teem ~ aaoea Hitler'• Ill· ... nowtty -the but1«fl)I ~..c::: IO)(A)Q *'*** ''The Paeelon Of A.rvw" (1M8) UY~ Bibi Ander-. A"9r the br9 up of ,., ,_.,.., CHANNEL LISTINGS "' emoOollllly unMabte _ .... on an equelly dllturbed lower. 'A' a:aog:CLOM'°" 9 KNXT (CBS> e KN8CCNBC) e KTLA Clnd l _ e)<ABC CABCI eKFMB ICBS) I> KHJ·TV (Ind I ekCST CABCI e KTTV (Ind.I 'e KCOP·TV <Ind) e KCET CPBSI • Kpc:E (PBSI <lD ~TV (J) Z·TV ® H80 a:i (ClnerN•) (!) (WORI NY , N Y. al IWTBS> (I) CESPNI Cl> (Showtlme I • Spot119ht • ICabM PMws Network) kllh .... to • col-- lege to .... • )Ob on• TV MllllMw.(A>C to=-•. MCClAln LAW Mc:Cleln end "" llOdlollc '°"'* oop IMl'dl kW the ,,...of., ...... ~,NIWI • n HAfn-TOHA"T JemlNf " bfelliWlllhed Into '*-Ing ....,... from hwtrtrlnd9.(A)C ewmt~AHO 11.e\'._ , =-=-~:.;;s ............... MnlllflM .. Olllftl -~~ ..... -·••14M" Dr. .................. -~ ........ . ~ .... "°'* Wiii ..,.,_. .............. .. ..-.;w">C">Q ~ ":w. "'°" ~ Tllt .......... ,, .. ,.,.... .... MM. II .... A tcM'lll ............... ,,,.,..,. Ill ,_ Yori! ~· a..ltl lt'ONI MIOl*W• llOOd. .,_. (l)~LAUM. IWllTLAUM ==..--~°' "CMdren Of fM l'ull Moon" A pelt of~ moonen encountet a btood of .. ig .. o ~ clhllclren. 10:11 CB> MOVll * * "~ Wt.I t "-9"'' ( 1911) Mllf9fl• Muon, l<ttaty McNktlot. A N9w Yoltl .._. """'"' frOl'll • ~ Ollnlc ... mined to ,.,.. het oer.er. '* ~ wlt:tl • --~end,_'*"°'• with her I 7 ·Y••r•old daughter. 'R' 10'.IG I NIWI WMI YOU THIM'? "Olcet Mlc:tlMux. Fiim ~·191S09 ..... Fr .. man and Lorenzo Tumer l'll'llMlber '*'- II** ""' director 0.:. ~(llllQ * ··~ "HlllOI')' Of The World -p.,, I" (IHI) ..... Bfookl. Madeline Katin. Men'e llluetnoUll tlletOty - from NeMder1NI cev. men to the a,.,....,, lnqli6.. ""°" -.. ...,,.,.,_ 'A' (l)MOYI! • * *°" "Doctor ~" ( 18'6) Omw 8Nr'lf, Ger-. dine Chlplln. Two io-9 9tn.iggle emlOet tM """" end ~ ol the Alie-...,, AIMllutlon. 11:00 • •• <1> a a NIWt • MTUN>AY N9CIHT Holl: Mlcheet Pelln QuHta: Peul Simon, JllMIT~. • YOU A8'CID l'OR IT FNtured: "Wortd'1 FMt-M. Aide" and "Talllng ....... • M•A•a•H Hewtieye, Trapper and ~-try to-• K~ glr1 lfom bondage to"' Amertcan ~­• leNNVHIU. Benny .,.. 00 • bind dete. I ·--·~ DOCTOR IH THE HOUM MlchMI lalla In IO¥I -end alrnoeC oi-up medicine. .MOYll ***'~ "Wollen" {1Mtl Albert ~. Diane v_. IL Po41ce -lececl 'Wittl In unueual prot>tem .. .... Y ortl City II lnvllded by • pedc of dllpleCed woi-. 'R' (%)MCMI! ··~ .. ~ Of The Wortct -..., r c111111 Met BtooU ........ ~ Man.. lll.9trtoul hl9tofy - ffom NwlcMrthal --men to Ille~~ e1t1on -II eumlned .. 'A' u:ao • (I) AL.Jee Mel ..... Allee, Flo end Vere • Ylntage VotbW9gon buO-_iA) 8QITONCJHT Hoit: Jollnny Cereon. ~----a.. wey,st-~. eO MCNEWS MGKT\JNl • MOYll * * * ''The c.r.tak .... < 19131 Poly eeroan. AGO-.,, 8tadl. A WOAW'I wltfl homlddel &ellderldel .. pieced In group "*llPY In • mental flOIPtlf tollowlnO e ner¥OUI br'eelldown. • THe.;c: aeONI A stranger trlee to pldc up Mottler,,..,_ I IAWON> AHO 80N UNDEASIAHDINQ HUMAN~~ ··~·· • CUT'tONIOMC NRW8 1l:OO. INT'IMANmfT TONIGHT A look et how Man -dlloo¥erecl In Holfljwood t~ .0,NITM'f~ A romantic ~ llYW out thie fWltlll)I of -of ,_ ~ dler.,.,., and .............. tM ~ cNllenge. (A) • MOYll • * * ~ "Made For E-.tl Other" (1'38) C.. Lom- bard, Jamee ~. A ~ l-'YWecl couple try to cope with the ...._ ptot>Myn of lnterf9rlne In-..... • LOVI.. AMINCAN ITYLa "Love And Th• Kid· KABC (4) 8:00 -111'1\her MurptiJ." M~ 0..-ii tOld ~IMW the lthOol·• f.ce dMth. a.. photo, Wt. . KABC (?) 8:00 -"Happy Day8.'' 81.nawr rrank1e Avakm au-ta • h4llld11rWi of a mum.I extl"aV'llPftl KNXT (2) 9:00 -''The OM>ke.'' 8UMn Clark and Larao Woodruff portray ~ mother and dauahwr who ftlC8 a c:rucW ded.alorl. KA.BC (4) 10:00 -11McClaln11 Law:• McClain and an alcoholic former cop eean:h for a murderer. ,,...,., A kldnllpp« , ... on Illa Int )Ob: tile l\ua.- berld ""'*' to pevt 1l:OI. (I) WKN' IN CICINNAT1 .leMhr .. •dted et the proepect of moWlg Into her r..ty purCllM9d Vto- totlan lloUM. 1"1 11: 10 (I:) MCMI *** "TN~ Of The Qeme" (1838) Merc•I Datto, Nora Q(egof. Frenoll eoolal MO lltlWoll _.. ...,.,.. en.tocrete and working-clan people bekWe World Wt1 I U:1f(B)Mce~THI NNNAHT 8tlry T ompklne and Tim MoCerwr --.. tfle .,.... i.otng to t1le 18112 World Serlee. CD>MOYll •••• "Alglng hll" {1MOI Robert De Niro. C.ttly Motlarty. Boll.Ing cMmpton Jae l.9 Motte'• eptltud• for vloleoce brlnge him IUCdlll "' tfle Mg but dllNpta hit Pl'· aonal life. 'A' 11:111 De LATI NICIHf WITH DAVID LEnBIMAH OuHta: actren Pl• Zldora, human aplder Den Ooolfwln, comedian 0-ge Miiier (A) 1: * * * "The 811efrt Pen-ner" (1878) Elliott Gould, Ctvlltopher Plummer. A bel1ll ....,., lmp'cmptu etteq1t to Clltl In on • rOC>t>ery ,_. to ...,_ "*" and terror wMr'I the ,.... tHlf dlaael lllm 10 ~hlalOot.'lf 12:40. (I) MOClOUD Mc:Cloud trtee to eotw • racket-·1 murder Ind l.WICOWI the Cfime netwoftl that MKround9 It. (R) 12:Af CID MOVll •*** "TMI " (11178) Nutuala Klnelltl, "-'ter Firth The daughter of I poor Engll1h farmer beconi. tM YIC1lm ol ..., flmllY • Uplratlont end her O'ltl'I tie.lty. 'PO' 1:00• MOVll * * * "My FOOleh HMrt" (1850) Dan• Andrewa, ~ ~d. A IWect- nent young -.. ..... In..,..,.._,""' eoldler loller .. killed dur. a:= **'A "September Atlalr" (111501 Joan Fontelne. JOMptl Cotten. Two peo.. .,.. belle¥ed lilied In .,, ~ crMh conekler ltM1lng lite O¥ll egelrl ~ • * * "I ..... etondee" (18111) Jeen Aooi*ort, Enrico Mont-. nii.- ~ tNt • .-Uly noll9llll'1 leteat work dMc:rlbel In .... the ~ ..-n proteGUng ttle .-..... in hie home. 1:10• MCMI * * "Cellitwetton At Big 8w" (1871) Joen 8-. Joni Mltdlel. ToP rodl ICtl -IMtured In • doc- umentary of tile 1"9 Big 8w FeatlYel et IN bllen lnltltute. 1=-I Cc NlWI OYIMICIHl' 1:a(l)MCM1 ***'A ''WOIMn" (1811) Albett ~. Diane Veno- re. ~.,. fl09d Wltft"' ""'** prOl!Mm .. N9w Yortl City II lnY9ded ~ I pd ., _..., woMa. .,.. t:00• MIMI ..... ..,.... .. (18q) AntMny °'*"'· ~ Men91no. Tiie thief ,......., In .., ol ,,_,. ........... Qlllnltof , ..... tolow ..... --..... t:OI (I:) MIMI **'* "tnalde .._ .. (IMO) Jcfln ...,.... o.vtd Morae. A 1-.ii1111• to the ll'OUCI of .......,. .. an Oakland tier fNlt hold the ~ey lo mell.lng ttl9 ~ ... clf'IM'I of t>eoon*lg • pro blllletbelll player • reelty. 'PO. I ~11 CZ> CtWl.U CHAW\JN ONTHeN.M..-l:IOIMIW8 ~MADM HILL OdagMr ptOYee --again tNit • ee.ncklp c:iom- lc le orf'J .. ~•NI pr~-Wltlmelbe .. ~ .......... Nred. (%)MIMI * * ''The a.ti End Of Thi 8treM" (1M1) Lan Harr· lngton, Henry T-11uW . =1= 1:00 MT ,ATROt. A Nazi ll06dler poelng M en Allied contact ettract1 T roy'1 llten1lon by 11111 reluctance to ambvah -Germen eoldlers. ~-MCMI • • "Anatomy Of A Crime" {IHI) Derren McGavln, Ted Knight. A prhla'9 im.11ga1or look• Into• 12·~-old kldNC>- pingCMe. l:IO. VOYA<le TO THE BOTTOM CW THE SEA ··SMenf~·· .MOVIE * * * "Starting Over" (111781 Bur\.~ Jiii Clayburgh. Alt• monthe of TV dinner• end bllod del•. e dlYofced mega. :dne writer tNl*a he'• kMHMt -low ....... . IChootleectler ....... .. ...A. f'AO Cl) MCMI * * "Nuhlltlle Olf1" ( tt11) Mon1ce Oayte, Roger Dell· II. A Kentuclty farm girt ..-en. tor -In the country-mullc ~. 'R' 1:41®MOYll * * y, "For Y04K E)'M Only'' {Ifft) Roger Moen. T ()pOI. • ,,_ lond tr9dla • c:milNI who purtolned • top eecrec 9ttlWI .,.,_ ~·PO' •:OO (%) MCMI * * * * "Tiie PMllon Of Anne" {1"9) UY Ullnenn, Bibi Anderleon. After the .,,. ... up ol '* mentege. .,, emotiol~ ..,.,..,.. -.._on.,, equally dfllturt)ed '°'* ..... ~(l:)MCMI! *"' ''The Happy Hooker'' (1871) Lynn Aedtr-. JNn.Plen'e Aumont. The ltfe of PMw Yort1'1 f_. call glr1, )(aYlerll Hollander. lltold 'A' 4::IO. VOYMM TO THE IKJTTOMCW-n.llA "Mene-t" 4:41. MOYIE JOHN DARLING al Linden stars in .ABC thriller-, .. ,._ -•••••• ,. "Wtllll" (1111) M9rt ,.,.., '*"-v.... ............. .. .. UNllUlll ..,.._ • ,_ Yori! ~ 11 lfMld.. eel ~·pedt of~ woMI.'"' MO a:> * * '* "AOMM" (1t7t) Duettn Hotlmen. v.-.. .....,_. In LOflClon In 19". "" AtnetlOllA ,.... ,_., reporW ,,.... and '**""' ln.ot¥ed wtlh IMllCl.,'"Y"Wt wflW ~ "" Qviatla. wtlO "" left her unllllthlul llullbend. 'PO' ® *. ''GN9 .... utler1Y'' ,,.,., ~ Cllft>, IUcifl.. ltd iw.y, A ~·1 •d~IYrM In oobtlal Amef1ce take him "°"' the edge Of tNi ......,_ to ........ With !tie Munclnt ....... Cl) ••IA .. Welcome To LA." (1t17) ~ Calf• dine, 8111)1 ~. Vlf1. ow Soutllem Celllornle re1ldent1 are brought te>gMher brlefl)I In • ..,.. of romantic lleleorll wtllch ,,.,..., end ~ ~ one-nltflt ltllndl. . A' ?:to•*** "Mr. Rodi Arid Aotr' ( 1875) CtlUdl a.rry. uonel Hempton.A f.w- loul kM* " ...., et !he '50'1 and the beglt wlll IQI ol rod< 'fl' roll. 7:AI(%) **** "Fether Of Tile Bride" ( 1950) l9lflCer Tracy, Elizabeth Teytor. A latlW ~ .. of the~ and~ lnYOtwed wllh IN ,,.,_, .. Uona for hie d9Ugtlter'• ~wedding. l:OO CC> ••• ..,,.. Hu9tW Of Mutcle Beach" (\HO) Alchefd ~. ~ lAnL A lmllltlme llueCter con- t"-• ecnen. to tum • llow-wltted .,,,... lntO • wortd c-. body-4lulldlng cfllmlllon. CID•• "Running Sc:erect" (1972) Kan Wahl. John Suon. Two former C1la I .. under ~ of con- lll*lncl to lnY*" • Carib- ri.rt -''Y· 1"0' l:OO. **'-'"The Cet And The Clnlry'' (1878) Honor 81acfUNn. MIC:Nel C...... Hein bettle for • fortune .. the iPOC*Y -.te of I ~~·PO' t:2S (%) * * ··My 8IOOdy VeA-antlne" (18111) Paul Ket- man. LQfi Heller. A I/Niii town~•-of *'°' during their ---V "9ntlne' 1 Dey 0-'A' 10:00 (I) * * "Spy With My Face" { 181111) Robert V9'1ghtl. Oe"rid MQCalkllll. To ~ the k_, to e -euper-weapon. an ~ IP)' eoencY crMt• e double for UNCLE agent N~$olo. 10::tO • * * ,,. "The IOdl Are Alrlghl" ( 1878) The Who. Footage of -of the rodlbend'•~ -In• IP" Md with ll'IW· 111ewa o1 "" oroup mem-t>era. 'PO' 11:00 CCJ * *'.Ir "Edloee Of A Summer" ( 18711) Alctlard Hwrll, Jodie F01Jter. A let· mlnalty Ill 12..,...,-0ld girt 01-her muaJon.nn.d fethet litld l'llf bllndl)I Cletetmltled mo\her the courage 10 ec:cept lier lete. •PO' (%) * * '"Dirty T rlc:U" (UNI) ~ Qould, Kele Jldfaon. A Htlvwd pro- 1..-or~the~ of S*'90tll anxloue to get their llanda on • recemty ' dlacc»<eled letter wrttt.,., by George Wlllhlngton. •pa· 1l:OO. * *"' "Red Mountain" ( 1151) Aler! IAdd, Uz.abetll loo«. Unton-au9PC>ftlng 1-lnK_and ...... -' lfl ranMdced by Ou#ltrl• end ,. Aektera. • * * "Elgll._, And AruUou•" c 1een Mlr1NI 8cott. .Jat:ale COogan A young glr1 flrMle tNt trle roed to~ II• rodly end onan traofG - • ... ...., tryfo ....... ... ... .... -.__ ... ~--,-· tt'l 1IOOI.; ... cm * • • • ""'-"" l(tMMI(' ( 1t"' ~ HoffmM....,. ..... . Min ........ 1111 ... .. ~of YG""I ... .,.., .. outon ....... 'N' tl:lt. * * ''TMOlrtl On TM Beeon'' c 1tt11 Nor.-• OofGOnn,' ......... W• '""-~ .... try ...-.,°* eraup .... --,.,_,... '"°" .. ,,....... ._.,.d a ... II 1actt a.. (J)••'it"W....,.To L.A.'' (1t11) Klllth ~ .. "- dine, 8ely Kel9rlMll3V °"' Soutlllfn rffldent1 ate broutft\" togeltllr ~In ..... of '°"*'* ....... whld\ ~ end up Nlrlg .... ~ ......... t.O (C) * ** "AflllM" Cmwt: Dullln Hottmen. v..- ~In London Ill 1129, 911~ ..... ,,.,., ftPOr* "*" NcomiH Involved wit lamed ~writer ... IN awi.Je, wt10 hM I.ft • '* unflltt)ful fMbend, 'PO' . l:OO••••"ttUM 8tondff" 11811) Jean Rocllefon, EMco Mon- '-· TNlwe ~ tNt • weMl'1 nowllt'• ...... wort& deacrlbee In delall !tie llCUrity ~ protectlno tM ,,.,.. In -,,..,__ 2:2111 (%) * * * * "F ether Of The Bride" 11850) 8pei'°9t • TflDt, BalNlll Teytcr. A llUler ..,,.,..,_ .. of the 10Y1 end ~ lnYolved """"' the preper .. tlona for ,. clauoht«'• t:ao~~ Ttmel 8-Perte" (1954) !Jba. beth T ~. van JohneOn. 8IMd on e *"Y 9)1 F . Sooct Fltlvermld. ~ romancea Md INt1er'ed lndMduMI pocMlllMe ,.... at the end ol Wol1d Wt1 11. • t:aO(I:) ***'"Tom~· { 1873) JoMny WNtlk•. ~ Holm. 8aaed on UMI Tnlll'• llCMll. A boy whohw-tlle ....... alppl Rhw flnda" ~ ble to ltay out of ~ ~...,.,he ... lllong ... ,, ,,.. budcly Huca Ann 'O' ® * * "R.#lnlng Scwecl" ( 18721 Ken WIH, John Saxon. Two former Gia fall under IUliC)ldofl ol con- spiring to lrwllde • Cll'lb- beei\ oountty. 'PO' ..... .._ .. {1'70) Don ~dino ...... Hlccl A ~O'ltl'I lamly IXI»- ,__ the ~ 9odel problem• ol lat•·'llO• American youth. I l:ff (%} * * "My Bloody VeA-I entJne ·· (t 88 I) Paul KM- man, l..0'1 ....... A 111'111 "'-1 beoon"'8 • -ol terTor during IMlr -""""' I v..,,..·, Dey a.-. 'R' 4:00 •• *'-' "C.. Of The Wld" (1172)Ctlertton .._. ton. Michel• Mercier. 8IMd on the llOI')' by Jedi London. T-men poe. l ~ by gold lewr battle the ...,,,.,.,.. In the "-IOondlke. -- 4:ao(J)••"~ Ann" (1874) .WI EMI. Pa&.11 ~-A young boV and 1 runeway slrl9 become lnvot¥ed In • --of~wNle fteelng down IN Mlell9elp-I p1 River on • raft. ·o· ~· l:OO (8) * * "OM Me Uberty'' ( t 87 4) Rober1 CUip. Alcfl.. etd K~ A peddter"1 ldventUt• In COioniai America ... '*" from the edoe ol tlle ...,.,_ to meetJi'OI wltll the founding I reu... lclO (%) * * "Dirty Trtcb" ( 1881) Ellott Qould, Ktite Jack9on. A HtlVWd pro- ,_~!tie queny • of peraona ll'tllioue to get lllelr llande on • ~ ~ letter WfftWn by 0-. w~ 'PO' TUllDAV, JULY 20, 1N2 C5 Ram QBs in accord at start • The Rama had two healthy veteran quarterbecka reedy to vie tor the starting position and lost two rook.lee, at least temporarily, on opening day of practice Monday at Cal State Fullerton. Quarterbacks Bert Jones and Vince Ferragamo agreed tfiat their competing for the startms job could be good for the team - if It's kept in the proper penpective. 0 lt will be Interesting to 11ee what happens," said Fefl'8iamo, a starter two yearl ago before defecting to Canada. "Anything can and probably will happen in the next six weeks. I th.lak good competition will help the team as long aa it doesn't lead to any distractions." Jones, who came here from Baltimore during the otf-seaaon, says: "Our job la to compete In a friendly manner, like anywhere else in the NFL. In another city, • lt wouldn't be a controversy, but it is here in Los Angeles. El.eewhere they would juat thank goodness that they have four top quarterbacks." Fullback Barry Redden, the first draft pick from Richmond, hurt his knee in morning practice and sat out the afternoon 8ellllion. ''He had a alight knee injury in I the morning practice and did not 1 p~y in the afternoon," a Ram spokesman said. RAM SIGNAL CALLERS -When the Rams opened training camp Monday, all four prospects for quarterback were o~ hand. Bert • Jones gets in some stretching at top with Jeff Kemp, Jeff Rutledge and Vince Ferragarno in aHorted training positions. Jones and .,.., ,.. ........ .., ......... "...., Ferragamo are expected to wage a torrid battle for the starting berth with Kemp and Rutledge . cla;e behind. "He will be examined by the team physician and his status should be available today (Tueaday)." Bill Bechtold, a center from Oklahoma, walked off the field without pennial.On. "He walked out of practice citing peraonal problems,'' a team spokesman said. I 1 Romo now Angels get a lift from forgotten .men .1 fooling everybody LOS ANGELES (AP) -The way the story goes, the first Lee Angele. Dodger Vice IPllll!!liclent Al Campani.s ~d to .._... ___ t Mike Brito when he tried sell him on veteran Vicente , was, "He's a little old isn't he?" And when the St. Louis Cardinala cut Romo this spring, the way the gag goes, they decJded to keep 43-year-old Jim Kaat over 39-year-old Vicente Romo -b ecause Kaat was younaer. Whether Romo really ia 39 - or mer'ely holding at 39 -is debatable, but of no concern to the l>odgera' manager, Tom Luol'da. "Compared to aome people," reuoned Luorda, "he's not that old." ON MONDAY night, after Bomo in his ~ vfctory as a starting pitcher in 12 years combined with relief ace Steve Howe on a five-bit, 2-1 victory over Montreal. Jim Fanning, the Expos' manager, remarked, "Give him the credit. He pitched a fine game. He fooled us all ru.d\t." l'or a time it appeared the Expoe might not be the only ones fooled. ma first four starta for the Dod ers after the_y had from the Mexican ..--.•IC on May 24 were, at best, IO. "But tonight," said Brito, the scout who signed hlm, "h e pitched the way he waa pitching Mexico, when I saw him down there. He showed me tonight hat I told Mr. Campania1be was in Mexico. " , I think he ~ tryin8 hard. Tonlgllt he~ went t and threw the bal11 ' Romo allowed the Expos only bita, two-of them infield ln1lea , and w ·,ben he llncountered h1a only trouble of ewmn,, be·dkl not oower in ... PACING THE NL'• leadm1 ttw, Al Oliver, in ~ lllxth aaoa wtth the t>.-1*ted' and OUll. Bomo Fl him on t1lree = two fut ba1la. &Ut wen off, then • cban8NP that WM DOPPed up. ' "lie "threw .... t;. he med all bJa pitch•," aald hf.a eatcber, l(lkj Sdc.da. ··And that ~ about M\Wl ar e«pt of tbma. JM IDiad hill pltdM* -he moWd .. bill artimld." 0 But lt wa1 tn tb' 1eventh lDntn1, tronleally •• be waa ~°"' ...... that .. left :~ ..,. ~ liH64'r, arid he ~···~~.r-- Boone and Foli deliver key hits, and Kison saves win over Orioles BALTIMORE (AP) -Bob Boone and Tim Foll may be the forgotten men In the Angels' power-packed line-up, but · that doesn't mean they can't contribute on offenae now and then. contributions, the game ls that much more fun." "l was lucky to get the ball up and out," Boone said. "Or we would have gotten another L again.at him. I've been pressing and not swinging the bat well. lt was nice to get the monkey off my ba!;k as far as my mental approach to the game is concerned." F.ach drove in two runs in the late i.nningis Monday night as the Angels squeez.ed out a 6-5 victory CNer the Baltimore Orioles. . Boone, batting eighth, hit a two-run homer, his second, to snap a 1-1 tie in the seventh inning. Foll, batting ninth, made it 6-2 with a two-run single in the eighth after Bobby Grich drew a bases-loaded walk. Boone, who hit 65 homers in nine-plus National League seasons, had not hit a round-tripper since May 21. A two-run single by F.ddie Murray pulled the Orioles to within 6-4 in the bottom of the eighth and then Jim Dwyer hit a pinch solo homer, Baltimore's third, with one out in the ninth. It was a club record eighth pinch homer, two off the league record for a season. "The bottom part of our line-up baa made great contributions offensively," said Angel Manager Gene Mauch, "and, obviously, their contributions on defense have been i.mmeuurable." "We know our jobs are on defense," Foll said of himself and Boone. "That's why we're in the big leagues. But we love to play offense, and if we can make Reliever Bruce Kison recorded his first save since 1976, then walked pinch hitters Terry Crowley and John Lowenstein. But Al Bumbry filed deep T-wo -world records • • set 1n sw-1m meet Lundquist, Gaines erase marks t By BOWARD L. BANDY o<tMO.., ........ Steve Lundquiai and Rowdy Gaines, a pair of veterans, aet world records to get the U.S . Championships off to a running start Monday night at the Minion Viejo International Swim Complex in Marguerite Recreation Center. L~defeated Newport Harbor graduate and ~ Meu resl t John Moffet in lowerlna the world ltandard in the 100-meter breutatroke to 1:02.62. He took the mark fran West German)"• Gerald Moeken that Ml ~ the premure9 of other sMmmen for five yeara. Ga1nel let hit mark in the only other mell'f final of the tint nlabt, \be 200-meter f,.tyle wfth a time of 1:48.93. He lowered bla own world Nndard that WM 1;48.18 befcn Monday. Mou.t. the Newport ll'fduate who wlll attend Stanford UnlV...ttJ, ~ \be fall, wun't ~ .. In .. ~ place efbC':i 1Nh I could haw done a bllt..r *M. I Md an awful .tart Md W.t att.laht down.'' tie llild. . ., he <Lundclullt) Wll _. at a fat piace em I MWr' . GaUlil eatlllti up with him. I nnm faster l~ the mornlna ........... than I did ~t. llialttl juit wantaed 10 mib the UA ~a rve done that." - "John swam a great race," Lundqu.iat said of the Newport swimmer. "I really haven't had a good summer llince 1978 and It's a good feeling to get back in lt. My ?lo. 1 goal was to make the U.S. te.m to go w F.cuador. But the ~rct­ ia very encouraging. My coach· said I went a little deep on the start and that I did several other thinp wrona. •• • . He couldn't have done too · many thinp wrong, however. Gaines, 23, attends Auburn University and said: '1 planned to come here.ta win but i didn't feel I wu IWimm1na that well toni1ht. I don't think. about world recordl when I swim. I just swim to win." While the men made the bla apluh on ·openln1 night, two women'• veterans a1ao potted · victorle1. Jill Sterkel captured the 100 treatyle ln Ge.21 with a trio of Miallon Vlejo N~ IW1mmen in third. fourth and fifth places. However, Sippy Woodhead wu etlhth in the tinall and must mab the tam in another event. . Tnicy C..ulldm of NlllhvOJe, WGll the 400 indlvWual medley but almGlt oucwtned >--11 ln . the ~ She Ulld two •Wlmmiq1 · aulta and flnt1hed elCllth m the trta11 to p1n the ~th~ ln the as-. to left center and Glenn G\Alliver grounded out, both on first pitches. The homer by Boone and a solo shot by Reggie Jackaon, his 22nd, came off loser SCott McGregor, 11-7, who had beaten the Angels 12 straight times since 1979 . McGregor was lifted after Doug DeCinces and Jackson singled with one out in the eighth. Tim Stoddard retired Don Baylor on a fly ball, Jackson taking second after the catch. Fred Lynn was walked intentionally to load the bases, but Stoddard then walked Grich on four pitches to force in a run. "By Reggie going to second," said Baltimore Manager F.arl Weaver, "that gave us a chance to walk one Most Valuable Player (Lynn) and pitch to a future MVP (Grich)." "It (Reggie's play) turned out right for the Angels," Weaver. said, "but it would· have been a bad play if Grich had gone down on strikes." Had Jackson remained on first, Weaver said he. would have brought left-hander Tippy Martinez to face the left-handed hitting Lynn. "But, who knows," Weaver said, "maybe Lynn would have hit a horner." -A homer by Cal Ripken Jr., his 12th, gave Baltimore a 1-0 lead in the fourth and Joe Nolan hit his fifth homer leadina oU the aeventh. ' Starter Steve Renko, 8-2, left after Murray's two-run single in the eighth. On the first pit.ch from Ki.son, Ripken grounded into a double play. Ki.son's relief effort was a welcome relief for Mauch who had watched the Cleveland Indiana tum the tables on reliever Doug Corbett in the last two games. Kison has been relegated to the bullpen after being hit by a line drive off the bat of Texas's John Grubb June 22. .. Fresno State l!robe by PCAA reported . From AP dJ1patcbe1 FRESNO -Pouible rule • vlolationa in the football and buketball programs at Fresno Staie Univenity have been under review tor two weeka by the 'PCAA, the Fremlo Bee reported today. PCAA and school oftlclala refuled comment on reports of an lnveatigation, but othera confirmed that conference offlclall were look1na for NCAA violationa, the newspaper uld. Among items subject to inquiry were reported uae of a car by an athlete and .tripe lnvolving a basketball player and the coach of a football recruit. . No major recruiting violations were uncovered in the probe, said an official who asked not to be identified. • Rodeo milder than basketball? LAFAYETTE, La. -Ralasa m Prince, a guard on the Southwestern Lowsiana women's basketball team, doesn't believe basketball is a much milder sport than riding in a rodeo. Before enrolling at Southwestern Louisiana, Prince competed in a number of national high-school rodeos. She never incurred any kind of a hobbling injury. "'~ TRUE FAN -They say the fans of the Chicago Cubs are baseball's truest (at least most suffering) fans and comedian Tom Dreesen really lets the faithful know where he stands (or sits) on the issue-at a recent game. Del Mar sets big meeting John Henry, thoroughbred racing'• richest runner ever with lifetime earninp of more than $3.3 million, leads the talent for the 43rd R.U011 of racing at Del Mar race track which ge1a Wlder way Wedneed.ay. Racing will be presented Wedneaday through Monday dwina the 43-day meeting with tint post time daily at 2 o'clock. The track is dark on Tuesday. Laat summer's hone of the meeting, Wickerr, will be back to defend his Eddie Read and Del Mar Handicap titles and will be joined by 2-year-old filly sematton Landaluce, turf coune apedalista Spence Bay and The Bart, sophomore filly champ Tango Dancer and Journey At Sea and Muttering among others. Chris McCarron will be .eekin8 h1I third straiaht rider'a crown. He holds t& world record foe lln&le teMOD accompllahment. with M6 win* and $8.3 million In punes. Other top riders include Laffit Pincay, Jr., =tly the oouniry'a leading money wfnn1n8 ; Bill Snoemaker, the world'• winn1ha'est ; Sandy Hawley, a four-time North Arnerkan rtdlna dwnpi F.dd.te Delahoumaye, winner ot. the Kentucky Derby aboard Gato del Sol; and Darrel Mcllarirue, the 1978 Eclli:-award winner. Del Mar had lta most wuca-tul ~ In 1981 averuina 19,2~3 tam and t3,037,D78 in mu;;! bandl8. Thia ranked the tnck eiabth and eeventh naUooally In attendance and banale. The '200,000 Del Mar Oebutante (Sept. G), •1&0,000 Oel Mar Invttatlonal Handk:ap (Sept. &) and $22&,000 Del Mar J'utwity (Sept. 8) top die lilt ol the IUIDIDel"• Jead1na mcea. The tnck opened by BAna O:oeby· Mid frtenda in 193'1 hll become one of the molt IU""•'ul ID the nation. It hll bad a drunaUc srowtb of 104 percmt tn au.ndance iand 216 peftlent tn hlnicDt owr the pillt dec:9de. A $2 deily double cm the flrlt ind ..xmd l'llC9; ta G8C'tal on the th1rd. fifth. aewnth ind ninth .. ~ IDd a '2 Pick Six Oft \be llOOnd tb.rouah iiiviftiti ,_..Will bii t•tili'id: Tbi ~th na·wlll be dlil f.Mture f'll09 dmly with early blrd Wapl"il\8 fJoclm t;JO to 10:30 cW!y. Bravee get gift run on baHc to win JMpla AMIJar MlMd home the de-tirlUdnl nan wttb" Che bMlll loeded In \M tllhth lnnlnl and ... a..... follow9d with a two-run ll.nale, atvtna Adama a 4·1 Wtor'y ~ St. Louil Monday niel\t In the National i...,u.. ftll Nlebe pw up llx batl in 7 ~ ln.n1nll befon 0... 0....., came on to mm hil aeventh •w .. • MJ~e loUIWt and Be Dlu bit conMCUtlve Thia big one got ~ UA~ -,,.. .... ant .. I a"""A co11o Mln'Min • ,.. wort.h tl mlJUGB ~..,._di In~' 80und .,... ... U.":'1c s ln a_..,,. ....... bJ .• AutO ' ~of ..... fllhed )Mil ott tryln1 to land the fllh that wh retMMCI Satwday. The derby ltarted ate a.m. Sunday. Vaz homer caps Red Sox rally for win 1010 hompra and OarJ Mau•ew1 extended hlt hlt*'I lltrM.k to 14 ..,... • Phllactelphla delea.t.d San a..>, 7.;e ... Deh Bern droW in three NN with a home run, •ln1l• and a llCriftoe fly to w. Pittaburah to a M vtctoty over Clnctnn.atl to help the Ptrata to map a three-came lo1ln1 streak U lt h.cl been cauiht lt would have been worth '6(),000 a year 1« 20 y..,.. undlr m lnlurance l_)OlJcy SChuck'• ~ from fW9CIO INurance Co, The tq-bueb derby WM flnt be1d ~~ear. Tha\ salmon aot away, too, and ... Carl YHtrH•••• capped • • aw-run ~th:~ with a ttu.- n.an homel' .. Bolton ral1W from a aw-nan cWidt for • 8·0 W:1IOry over • t 10 dayw later. Court agaJn denies NFL appeal T•xa• Monday ntcht •n American LHIU• b1111ball ICtkln. The Ranpn loet their tewntb ®nHCUtlve decllion. . • . La.. Ro•er•• and ~ 8....U belt.ad IOlo honwn to beck IAla IAa.l 1 11.x-hitter • Toronto def•ted ~ Qty, 4.2. to uWnd the BlU. Jays' wlnn1n8 a1NU to five pmes. The Aoyala have 1olt "Cht of theU' IMt nSM pmea . . . Tommy Jell• pitched 7~ ~ ot. four-hit bell and 01car Gamble, Dan Wlafleld and RoJ Smalley aluaed eecond·lnnlftl home Nnl to' power the re.urpnt New York Yankees to a D-3 ..,.. . . . Jay Job1t0Dt atnsled home the cyt.na run ln the 10th ta and then raced home with the winner on a lln8le by JflT'I Jtt....in u the CbJcaao Cu rallied for a 8-5 victory "'1W Houston. The Astroe had taken a ~-4 lead In the top of the 10th lnnin,1 ... Sluaer 0.Ye 1,•...,aa of the New Yorit Meta wae named National J...eque player of the week u he took '1'/et the D*jm' leque home run lead . . . NaUonal Leacue umphw wW weer black arm banda for the remainder of thia aeuon ln memory of American League umpire Lo• DlM•ro, killed ln an automobile accident 1aat month. U.S. DlaUict Court JOO,. Harr)' .• Pre1ert• den.l~ tor the ~ timt a National Football ~ modon foe a stay that would keep the Oakland YAITRDMMI victory over Seattle. John Baseball today yielded only one unearned run before Geor1e Frailer came on ln relief in the eiWlth ... Tom BnDUaky hit an inside-the-park lfUld a1arn and Job CudDo and Leuy Faedo added aolo homers to Ind M.lnneeota to a 6-f victory over Milwaukee. The Ima -.napped a Brewer erght- game winnlng streak . . . Harold Balaes and Vuce Law hit third-inning solo homen to back the aeven-hit pitching of l>ellll11 Lamp as the Ch1cqo White Sox downed Detroit, 6-0, to snap a ftve-pme 1oeln8 at.reek . . . Third bueman Wayae Gro11'1 throwing error with two out ln the bottom of the ninth inning allowed Jack Pereoate to acore the winning run u Cleveland defeated Oe.kl;and. 5-4. On this date in bueball ln 1958; Detroit'• Jim BunniJl8 pitched the f.irat of his two <'l\reer no-hittera, beating the Boston Red Sox, 3--0 ln the flnt game of a doubleheader. Raldera from movtn1 to the Loa Anaelu Col.t.ewn ... American Leque Pretldent Lee McPbaU watched one videotape of Baltimore Orioles manaaer Ea.ti Weavera run-in with umpire Terry Cooaey 1aat week and will review more filmt before makini a dect.1on oo a pomtble fine or auapenlion . . . Atlanta Hawkl center Wayae "Tree" Rollla1 filed in Superior Cc\&rt charJPnl M.L. can of the Boston Celtial with "verbally and physically" abullna him durtna aome 40 NBA games . . . A 21-year-oW woman wu pronounced dead on arrival at General Hoepltal after she reportedly jumped frcm the top deck of Riverfront Stadium during a Cincinnati Reda game Monday ... The D.C . Annory Board agreed in pnnaJ>le to illow the Washington franchiae in the new U .S. Football League the use of 55,000-seat Robert F. Kennedy Stadium. Today't birthdays: Fonner Mtnne.ota Twin outfielder Tony Oliva, a three-time American League batting clwnplon, is 41. ChJcago White Sox pitcher Steve Trout la 25. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Bueball -Angela at Baltimore, 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Montreal at Dodgen, 7:30 p.m., KA.BC (790). \ Saiki, Mockett shine ai Monterey I Soviet official hacking off on boycott? Up and coming women golfers ~land out in junior championship Th~ pro tour may be a long way off at' this Point. but two young women from the Orange Coast area are beginnlng to make louder and louder notaea. One la Kim Saiki, a member of Meaa Verde Country Club and a student at Ocean View Jijgh School. Another 11 Cathy Mockett of Newport Beach. Saiki reached the semiflnala of the state Jwlior Girls golf champlonahip last week at Monterey Peninsula Country Club. · Saiki was dealt a 5-and-3 semif.inal.s loss to eventual champion, Kathy McCarthy, 17, of Fresno. The tournament is for girls 17 and under whoee handicaps qualily them for the competition. Mockett made it to the match-play competition before bowing out while Margaret K.elt of Mission Viejo alao advanced to the match play portion of the tournament. • • • AREA GOLF EXPERT Rich Basaett sends this one along: Bill Balter took up the game in February and has already shown other Big Canyon Country Club memben he means business on the link.a. HOWARD L. HANDY Balter has been taking le9)1)1 each week from pro Bob Prange and when the President's Cup competition came along, he entered with a ~ handicap. He won all of his matches to the finak where he faced the veteran Jerry Helperin who has been competing in SCGA events for 40 yean. Despite an 11 handicap for Helperin (which some say la like a license to steal), Balter won the final match and the championhahip, 4-and-3. Of coune the next party to be heard from was the handicap committee at Big Canyon CC. They promptly lowered Baker's handicap by 10 shots. • • • CHRIS KEYTE IS THE NEW club champion at C.0.tA Mesa Golf and Country Club after firing a 224 gross acore r:ecently. Fran Kluewer was the runner-up with a 229. . Keyte joined the men'• club at C.O.ta Mesa recently, ii 33 and a native of Southern California. LeFiore suspended DETROIT (AP) -Chicago Manuer Tony La.Ruaaa suspended WbJt.e Sox outfielder Ron LeFlore for three days without pay Monday for milsing a workout and ahowing up late for a game. LaRuma wu upeet beau.&8e LeFlore rni.aed a special practice ..-ion called for lut Wednaday, the day after the All-star game. Then, when LeFlore showed up just minutes before Sunday's game between the White Sox and Brewen in Milwaukee, the Chicago manager figured he'd had enough. "l talked about it with my coaches and the ownera last night and informed Ron Just atter be 80t to the bell perk toda • " La&ma uid from h1I office at ~ Stadium, where the White Sox were to open a three-pme aeries with DetroiL "He (LeFlore) handled It well. I think he knows he made a miatake .•• LeFlore obviously knew 10me aort of dlacipline wu ln the wind becauae he arrived at Tiger Stadium with a prepared statement In which he ~logized to hia teammates and to Chkago fans for hia ta.rd.lne.a. Seniors at Niguel Laguna Niguel Racquet Club ls the site lor the Southern California Senior Tennis Society's summer tournament which klcka off Wednesday and continues throuah Sunday. More than 400 entries from acroa the United States are .cheduled to partidpate. Women between the ages of 30-55, and men, ages 35-70 -will compete in singles, doubles and mixed doubles action. Matches begin at 8 a.m. each day and conUnue Wltil 6:30 p.m. BOI·I·lll'OR THllBIVIJB Fly our casino Jun&ets to America's newest gamtn-resortl 'nr.d cl\IM "IM v_. atwme"f a. OW'~· -••-or~-"' cunmc ~a& tbi9 Nxw1ilNI ....._. B*l an40ulao ID Unoun,Wf'ftld&. ~ ~ur~-----..,,, \ J Flight winners ln the championship included: Ron Sumner (204) in the first flight; Ed Corrales (206) in the 1eCOnd lllght; Howard Nylander (204) in the third flight; and Ollie Srnildzins (207) t.n the fourth flight. Incidentally, th«!*! are net 1COres for flight winners. President St.eve Yekich reports that a few memberships are available in the men's club at a reduced rate for the balance of the Year at $50. He alao reports th.at the Rancho San Joaquin men's club has issued a challenge to play some t.eam matches. But the kicker is that Jerry Prell of Rancho SJ wants to play the matches on Maui. The Costa Mesa group, suspiciously, has a mini mas ters tourney on Maui Sept. 25-0ct. 2. • • • JOE COSTELLO REPORTS that the 10th annual c.o.ta Mesa City golf championships will be Sept. 11-12. It la now known aa the WW Jordan Class.le and hu had some outstanding winners in the pa.st including Scott Simpson (1974), Mark O'Meara (1979) and Brian Llndley (1980). • • • SEACLIFF COUNTRY CLUB in Huntington Beach will be the site of the first Glenwood Invitational golf tournament Sunday. MOSCOW (AP) -The top Sovie-t sports official again criticized orpniz.era of the 1984 Lo9 Anaele9 Summer Olympic Games Monday .. but appeared to back off previous boycott threats. "The U.S .S .R. National Olympic Conunittee takes a critical view of preparations for the 1984 Olympics," said Sergei Pavlov, chairman of the Soviet Olympic Committee and the National Sports c.ommittee. "It is known that the organiz.ing commi~. receiving no supJ>ort from city authorities, the atat.e, or the U.S. federal government, is preparing spartan games. hoping at the same time to capitalize on the event to the maximum extent," said Pavlov, in an t.nterview with Pravda, organ of the Soviet Conununist party. Lashing o ut at American commercialism, h e condemned "excessive activity by U.S. commerdal organizations which, as is already clear, are the real masters of the would-be Loe Ange lea Games." Pavlov al.so denounced the U.S .-led boycott of the 1980 Summer Games in Moecow~ Wednesday at Del Mar. , A little horseplay could make your day. So give it a try, just fo r fun . America's finest horses and jockeys are running in nine excit· mg races daily, except Tuesday, at beautiful Del Mar. Come on out and be part of the action. You might even win a bundle with just $2 in the Pick Six. First race, 2 p.m. CJeneral adm1ss1on, $2.25. Seniors 65 and over, $1 on weekdays. Call Greyhound about special racetraek buses, or ride Amtrak. Del Mar ~ . . ., " MA.IOA LUOU. ITANDtMOI ~~ • &. ..... -~,..... ti H tt1 -.. .. 41 .w 3 ~ .. 42 .m 4'il ..... -.. 48 006 • o.11~ SI 16 40I II T-)6 111 401 14'il ~· ao U 3M 22'il u•,,_~ Mllnult• 13 M 580 '°"°" 8' 31 ~ .... ~ 41 40 &40 6 .... Yorio 44 42 512 7 .... DettOll 41 43 1111 7141 ~ 4443 '°°I Toronto 42 47 412 I 1 ............... ~f.~o Toronto 4, ~City a ~II. o.klWld 4 bton t , T-5 CtllCeoo •• o.lroll 0 .... 'fM~.e-m.· ~I, MIMllult• 4 T..,..0..- Aftt•l• (Ooll1 :S·1) et 8eltlmore (0 MW11nu 1-7). n K.,_ City (Ouf• lc>-41) 11 Toronto (Stieb 6-10). n C~ (Hoy! 11-8) II l>Mtolt ("91,., t-t). n o..Jend IHorrle 4-411 II ci........o (W.,ta 1·7). n Texu (Honeycutt 4-10) et Boelon (lor,. i-5). n S..1111 (BMllll 6-1) 11 NN Yonc (RiOMttl 6-11), n Mllwatll• (c.ict.11 7-8) 11 Minn.ate !O'Connor 2~L II Natlonel LM11ue WHftNt 0MtaoM w " ~t. 09 55 34 818 50 4 I $48 5 4844 5218 43 48 487 13'il .-0 50 44'4 15 .... 34 57 374 22 IAITINll OM*OM PNlecMlpllle 5 I 38 5417 S1 l.oull 51 4 I $$4 1 MonlrMI 47 4$ $22 4 Pltteburl!" 48 4$ $17 4 .... ,.._ Yori! 42 48 442 t'il CtliCIOO SI 6e 404 I 5 ......,.. ...... ~2,Montr_,I CNcego 8, Houe1on & I 10 lnnlnO•I Pin~ 5, Clnc*INll 4 Allenle 4, St Louie I PhllecMlphle 7. San OleQo • ~getne~ T..,.tO--~ (t.. f.S) ., ~ (-- ll-T). n Houelon (Sutton e-51 el CtllclOO (JenlllM 11-10) P1ttNM#'gll (~ 6-4) •I ana.-11 (l!ler~)'le-8). n AtlenlA (Mehler 6-7) II 81 LOI.ill (Sll4* 4-2). n Phi~ (Cernon 12·7) 111 Sen 01eQo (Mon~7-8).n NN Yor11 (Puleo 7..e) et Sen FtenclllCO (G.,.3-t). n AIMJUCAN LEA~ Anaelia I, OrtolM I CMJllONIA ML lWDM .... _. .,._. Owng,lf 4 0 0 0 BmOty,Qf 4 0 I 0 9nqu1.11 o o o o oew~ • 1 1 o C.W. lb 5 0 0 0 Snglln,dh 4 I I 0 o.cnce.:sb 4 I 1 0 EMfyy, lb :s 0 1 2 AeJUn.rf 4 2 3 I Al*ft.-4 I :t I Cln.rf 0 0 O O Noln,c 4 1 1 1 8y1<,dll 4 0 I 0 FOt1l,l1 I 0 0 0 Lynn.ct 2 I 1 0 0.,.-r 1 I 1 1 On:f\,211 3 1 0 I lllndl ) 0 0 0 Foll.• 4 0 I 2 ~-0 0 0 0 &oone.c 4 1 1 2 ....,.,,,. 0 0 0 0 0...21> I 0 0 0 L-.,:itl 0 0 0 0 T01811 34 t 8 I TOQ9 3S II I I ..... _., ........ CelltOtl'le 000 001 230--e ~ 000 100 121-$ E -E Murr9y, ~. Of' -~ 5. ~ 8. 2B -Slnalllon HA -Alpllan (tt). "" '**-121'. ~ (2). .... (5). ow,., (41 ~ ReMO(W.1-2) 1Ueon($, 1) .......... • HllD•M> 7..... 1 4 4 3 4 7'A.75513 ~L.11-n 7'1'1 7 5 5 1 3 81odd.td 1 I 1 1 3 0 T M"1tnN ~00000 T -2'43. A -23,141 ... ..,. .. ...,...2 !<.-Olly 000 000 020-2 II 1 Toronto 210 100 00•-4 8 o Blecll. C.tro (5) encl Sleuahl • ....., end B M•r11nn. W-LH I, 8·1 [-81aclt, 3.3 HAI -T otonlo 8onnall (8). AoCerte (2) A -1l,4te 9'M ................ T-101 011 100-5 12 0 ea.ton 000 000 45•-• 15 o Medich. D•rwl11 Cf). M•ll•cll (8) and Sunclberv. ~. CIMr (8) end Gedmen W-Cl11r. 1·4 L-0.rwln, 8·5 HR-BoMon. Y~(l2) A-18.211 ........... ,.,..... Clllcaoo ao2 000 001-1 10 1 o.ttoii 000 000 000-0 7 0 LMnp llnO Aell. Wiicox. ""'*• (1). s-(5) end L M. Pen111\. W-~. 7"'4 L- Wloox. 8-8 H~. ~ (13). V L..-(2). A-23, 115 ....._ ...... o.lllend 001 20 I 000-4 8 1 Cl9¥llw1d 100 101 OO'Z-5 10 0 MeC•lly, 8eetd ~,!d Newmen, M HM8' (8); iw-. (8) end~. W-8pHlnw, 6-5. L-8-d, 5-7 HAe- Oekl•nd, ffewmen (81. Burrough• (7). A-11,860 -........ --... ...... ... ., ---'0 ,_YM IOI itO .. _, 1' I ~ =-~AMlrW; = fir:;i'~f".r;~1:1~ ). .. ~.......,,-~. .,..., ....... .......... ---~'°I ~ -.,., ... _.,o ~ IM lll'lllNMI /;., WlltlM\t, ...... ttl ........ W-.A. ...... •·•· 1.-A.-., 14. ·-~,(I~ .. .._ ... "ffl".. ~ (11). '~!::~ I). W ..... Y-i t (I? .. NATIOMAL LmAOUll Dedaer9 a. bpoe 1 llllOWTMAt &.e• ...... •rlll!W •rll!W """-·"SOOD Bu.lb 4000 Ge"9.2b 'op3 ""911.• I I I 0 WJMn, I 0 ., Bek•. If 4 O 2 I Ot!Mon. GI a 1 2 0 ~.VI a I 0 0 ou-..r. lb 4 o o o Of¥, :sti a o 1 o Cell•, C 4 0 1 I °""9y, 111 I O I 1 Cfomert, rf 4 0 0 0 MOll1f\ll, r1 I O O O WllllAdl, Sb :S 0 1 0 Aoenlc*, r1 O O O O Speier, • a o 2 o ~ c a o 1 o Sendrln, P 1 o o o v.~ p 1 o o o J WhlM. 1111 I 0 0 0 ON. pfl 1 0 0 0 "-don. p 0 0 0 0 s. How9, p 0 0 0 0 TOI.lie 30 I 8 I Tot• 21 t 8 I .... _., ....... Mont.... 000 000 001-1 Loe MQeMe 000 101 OOll-1 E-c~ ... OP-Loe Angelee 2. LO•- MontrMI 5, Lo. Ano .... 8 21-•1111 ... SB-lluHell, O•w•on, Ouerr.,o S -V Romo.~ MOfttNel • H II KR M 90 ~(L,MJ 1 II 2 1 2 Mllrdon -I 1001 L• ....... V Romo (W, 1·2) 7 3 O O 1 I s .._. (8,8) 2 3 I I 0 1 HIP-By V. Romo, Oewaon P8- 6ei0ecll T-233. A-21.8n • c ..... ,...,... Houalon 012 100 000 t-5 10 2 ~ 210 100 000 2-8 15 0 AullM, LllCoel (I). lACOf1I (91 encl Pu)Ole: Flier, Proty (4). Tidtow (I) encl J. Oevt•. W-le. SliVltl, 2·5. L-1..corte, G-3. HR-~on. lieec> (3). A-13,6$8. ,.,.... ....... PlttabUrgfl 020 OO'Z 010-5 I 2 0 Oncinnetl 102 000 010-4 7 2 Beum(lwten. Sermlento (I). Scurry (81. TekuNol (8) end T. P-: PMtor., l'ftoe (7). Hume (8) encl Treollno. W-S..-o, 4-1 l -Putora. 4-8. 8-TlltuM (13) Hfq- Plllt burgll, 8err1 (I ) Clntlnn•ll. Houeetlolder (5). A-18,386 --4,~1 AllMll 010 000 030-4 11 0 SI. LOUii 000 001 000-1 I 1 P Hlekro. Gerber (8) and 8enldlct. MOu)at, l<Mt (I), ~ (8) end P0t1er W-P Hleluo, 6-3. l-Andu)lr. 7-1 S- Owber (17} A-23.000. ...... 1 ........ PPhlhl_,.,.la_"'tle'*'" 024 000 100-7 10 0 Sen OleQo 210 000 030-1 12 I KNk-. MOftOI (2). L .... (I). Ae9d (I ) end OleZ: euru.. Qlltfer ~amw (Ill Del.eon (8J encl K-.dy. W-4-4. L-<:urtil, 8--8. 8-RHd (2) H a -Plllledelpllle. Scllmldt (13). 8 Olu (15); San 01190, Lucano (8). A-33.568- otdUahW't o.ne , ... , ..... D.C.) ...... , ........ . Hetlonlle 100 10-2 • 0 ~ 104 20-1 10 0 Spelln, Roberie (2). Burdell• (3). .......... (3). ~ 141. V..O. Meer (4). Fr'llftd (4). Wlllellrl (5) encl euroe-. H .... (2). Edwwoa (4): Wym, Ford (2).,.,,., (3), .....,_, (4). P__, (5) encl F~. Bettey (3), RodQer9 (4j. W -F.... L - Burdette. HR• -Hellon•I•. Mueroetcl, ~ Applne, Freooet Top 10 ~-111 .. llMa) A...::Alil LaAOU9 OAallH~ ee 214 23 74 3.4e 116 281 15 ... 342 ee 3-42 11 113 330 78 30t 48 102 330 ee na 44 n 328 .. 342 " 112 3.27 11 291 44 16 "' 13 3'te IO 1 I~ 322 n ae1 34 • 311 • 340 60 '°' 312 ...... -.. Q. l"l'lolw. _._._ 22: .... ..._ ,....... • T'llOmtoft. a.-.o, 20, ()alMI. ....... 20; tooc-......... 11. .... _ .. Me"••· K•nu• City, 12. Coope r. M...._•, 71: ThOtnton, ci...il'\d, N , l.A.l8nmkl. ~ 16; Yount, ........... 84 ,......,,.~) lll*cMc:tl. MllwM•. 10"'4, z.M. ,........ ,..... Guidry,*-Ycrt. M . a..-CNc.eeo. t-4, 8er1ter, ci.-.cs. lo-6. a... 8oe1on, 8_., Caudlll. SH llle. 1-4, F. 8annlet .. lllMttle .. 5...... • -T10MAL LaACMll! OA811H"9t. Olwer. Mtl 98 ~2 62 107 322 Knlgl'll, Hin. 90 344 50 1 10 320 ......._, .,.,.... 11 llS7 G 74 .112 T .Pena, Pgfl. T1 280 30 90 310 Cetler, Mll. 14 305 61 .,. .308 Medlod!, Pgll V 323 M et 307 Mc:OM.SlL. Ila 103 22 58 .300 ---~ 82 312 31 .. 304 Au . .ion., So 13 298 55 81 304 Lo.Smlth.St.L 88 33t 74 113 304 .......... l<lnQrnen, "-Yortr., 25; Mur!lhy, Allenla. 24; <Mler. Montr• 20: Hornet. Atierna. 18. J. Tllompeon, Pltteburgh, 17. •••••· ~ 17; a--.. .,..,... f1: Cl"1t. Sen rencaco...:!e ..... 111 Murplly, Att.nla, V ; KJnoman, ,.._ Yor11, 64; ~. ~. 83; ea,,.,, Mont,..,. eo: M.,,,_, Pt......,., 51; ci... s.n Frandeclo, 5e. .......... (tlDI II t Lollr, Sen et.go. 10-3; ....,.. ~. 11·4: 0 Aoblneon, .-1111ourg11, 104, V..._ ..... , ~. 11-J; FOf'Ktl. SI looa. M . Sutton. Hounln, M: c.tt.on. Pt11~12·7. .,,..._tlauhl e>r...,.C...., ....... A 1 • • &. .... l:S 4 .716 13 5 122 12 4 fSO 11 7 .111 • '° .171 • 10 .375 3 13 188 2 14 .125 Kooirnan plays in Festival soccer INDIANAPOLIS -Oui.atopher Koolman of Newport Beach will play f« the We.t in the four-team aoocer competidoh at the U.S . Olympic Commltt.ee'a National Sparta Festival IV to be heJd heft ~ i"rtday md runninc through July 31. ,.,.. . (II llMMl1aeed U.) .....,. . ._. llOlee a. ~ v-., • f"unl'"O'on ValleyltHmlNled TeNIM't OelM F°'ml.in V""'1y 8outll w Bolee, 5:30 p.I'\. WldMMefeO.-Aoblnwood w OoMn!Mw NlllOnll. 5:30 p.m Loe Alamltoe MOMOAY'9 MeUl.TI (mlllf ........................... ) ~T llAU. 350 )Well ,_,._. Ronnie (Trwe) 21 IO 12 20 8 20 V.,,lufe FOlltt (CMdOU) Ii 20 4.IO Cold ~ (Tonlltl 1 80 Alto reced. Klt•m•n Roedrunna r, Glnge<lyt J11, Big LM{lue 0-r. l- 8oone, Froety Juniper, o..ri '°"'· Al.\Jrl Bux. Time 18 03 • lllACTA (4-31 pelcl$124.40 •COM> llAC«. 350 yerdL 0renny ONc1er (Toni<•> 1:s 40 e eo s 40 &ladtloot Sue (WWdl 9 80 4 80 S-Silent (CMdou) 7.20 Alie> r-O Ooelor amen. T~ Rib. ~ 0 LOYe, Alemlloe StrOlle, Ou8t1n Gold. K~ Jet, eoun1,., a.mer Timi ,. 30 n9llD MC«. 350 ytirde. OeiMrt Aodllll (l..adley) 4 IO 3 00 2-40 Orengouteng Don CTonltll I 00 3.00 HeYe 8eltle (Frydey) 2 40 Aleo reced Night• Llmlta, Ootlllnltr1d\. 8'wP .. Ely, Roye Bret Time 1181 ,OURn4 llACC. 400 ywda Mlle ~ L.1111 (Adelfl 3A.IO 14 20 8.00 F elr 8rencly (c:r..g.,) 10.IO 7 .00 UI Miiie ~ (Mylel) I IO Al9o recect: Oh M)' r .. °"· C1w1 ~. Ronllde fb*M. Maki In T1ma. Aout. !My Ooubll Too, Ctywlll !Wwd. Time: 20.34 ·~CTA (2-5) pelcl 1331.00. M9m4 llACa. JeO ywdl Juga If-lug4lf (Wwtll60 IO 10 20 4 20 Hemp ... (T,_...) 3 40 2 90 Oeok• ~ (CheYN) 5 20 Alao recad· lumbl••••ll Ac• Han Mo-. SotTM ~. T111100 Moon. BoO l/a1t Moon.Gott• Go Te. Mr Alenlltoe Good flma 11 t1 • DACTA (7·t) peld 1211100 Attend--5,843 ~oocl Petti MOMOA\"9 MMl&.H (l'INt .. ...., ........... --.> ""'9T Mca. 1 1118 ml.I .,... ~c..-,1 • .o 4.oo a.ao Cl\IM l>um9 (VlllNuel&) 10 40 1.00 Chief Zero (81ecit) 6 IO Aleo recect: ffency't Honey, -·• Tip, Chwll de Couree. OtymplO Klno. In tha AYA JuatlOe tor All, Forwe<d Cour1 T-.1.411.0. •COM> llAC«. I 1111 mllM JllMNM Prlnoe (Plncay) 1 I 40 1.00 4.40 FrMdom'• "-(CUlaned•) 7 40 8.40 E,,,_illd Fow (Qrteoe) II 00 Al•o r1eld: Soldier of Fortune, 811Qtc Mol'\enl, Patio•' Pl,.t•. Propo•lllon 8., Anotllet Spero, Btow T111>1. Hevll Oedalon, My Anelyet Time. 1 44 416 ti DAILY OOU9Lll ( 1-31 peJd '38 40 TMlllD llACL 51~ ~ ~'" (Plncey) f5 20 6 80 3 20 WM'e Rib (H~) 6 20 3 IO Tru•ton'• Double (~) 4 20 Aleo r~ ileba. Pet. Cheetclo•ll{j•. Glrl•m•, Lolly lover Ooodbuy J Y , Ultlmlte For~ Time 1110 • DACTA 11·81 paid S14150 ,OUllTH llACL e ~ Wind oi Fr..-1 00 2 IO 2 IO ltlee -Goodbye I._) 5 20 3 IO Prompt Gii (Ollv-> 3 eo Aleo reoed Lady Eltlllyfl, Jennlfwr C Eat MOI Cheri, Forti t f rMI Time t-o8 415 • UACTA (4-3) pelcl Ml 50 """IUCL 1 11111 ....... on turf w~ HeiOI'" e eo 3 .-o 3 oo Torrenllal {~I 3 20 3 20 OIQatl (~) 8.40 AleO r eoed · Flylng o.n., en.mmet. Biiiy Jr., a.ndwegon, ~VO'/ of Otaaca. Mulm Gorky Time 1420 • UACTA (6-') plld $62 50 llXTH llACL 8 M10nge Enc>oureiget (V•OIW•) 8 IO 5 00 3 90 ~ (McCerronl 4.80 3 00 SllY I'm Smwt (Mine) 3 40 Aleo reQICI: Romen Sperl<ll, Oel>t, Mein Jet, T.,, Percent, El P9kleva. Our Ma11 Bob. ~· 1'104/5 MVbfTH IUCL 8 lutlonQe 1cy SPOt1 (V..._.., 3 IO ·3 oo 2 eo 8uMy Aldae (llledll 10 40 • 40 ModMty lllel9e (Moeenon) · 3 20 Aleo reoed c-· Oeat. a mtndl>le, 0 . lot Olr1e, l<Myn'• Pr-t. EWl't 8111•. ~ l:Ol315 • DACTA (1-4) peld 1117 50 a ...ctC IOI (3-1~ paid '4,312 IO wttfl 5t w4rN'9 dell-(lllX -..1 12 P1dl SIA conltOlellon peld '55 40 wtlll 1,530 .......... !loll.-(!Ma ,__. II ,_ 8b ecreldl ooneoletlon paid 113 IO ~ two wtnnlnQ --(looir ,.,,_, --~ llOHTM IUCC. 1"' -on turf A-El1na ... (Cordero) 4., 2 80 2.80 0on RoC>er1o (H.-Y) I 1 00 1 00 A..£aplocleel (Plncey) 4 80 2 80 2 to A-Couolad In .,__ ,,,_ ,...,, The a.tt. wtcaer. A-lAOuc °' &er.~ Bey, Tel l\ol*I Tlma 2 25 315 • IXACTA (1"'4) plld StOO 50 MWnt Mca. I " -on turf ....,,, a.-(Plncey) 8 .-0 4 00 8Mu SOllll lomo-l 12 JO Wiid Oat• (Toro) 2IO • 40 3 40 ~ olr=· ~~ea:".n Bold C*ola'i. lame 2 Is o • DACTA (4-8) P41C1S20460 Attend..--35,412 DMplMfteNnt .. ,...,W.,l"Ofll""""'i.T,. (M"I ......... ) -II eng6erl. le -.0 "-· 1$3 kelp -· 2 ftlllbut. 5 rOCll lletl, 127 rNICkeral, 2 t>errec:uo., 17 bonito ~ LeeMrl -1eo ang1era 6 t>en-.0., 11 l>ONIO, 238 ~-. 140 calico -· 2 yallowllil OAIU WMAllP -174 engler'I 745-. I berTllCuda, 133 bOnltO, 2 llellbul, 606 madt .... '""' 0900 (ttAll ~ ......,_,., ....... ~) -283 .,..._ 50 lllbeocn, 1 vellow\111. 3! -. 74 rod!. ""' LO"O •IACM ( .. l•eftl li'tef) -31 •noter• 1111 11nd tMIM, 20 b•rreeud• .... -42 angiera• 5 lleAout, 5 tie., 250 Ndterat (0-...'I Wlwf> -" Mgllrw. 7 .,.,_., t ~ 4f celloo .,.., .. ~ bma. 10 rodi 1W1 MAL ~ -151 Mgllrw. 412 -"' beM, I l'wlllblll, 27 b4lrrlcuda. 400 medl .... , 10 rOCll !WI .... -ti anglera 10 ~ -.5~.:soo,,_. ..... AVILA llAY ~ a.n U.) -71 llnglwl' ~~c!I' Nd rode cod, 82 yallow bMe, 11E11s SALE 1111 IEUL FLDRSHEll lllE OURIS ..... .. .... ,... .. .... ,... ... 1 ... ............ 38.10 to II.ID 31.ID to ll.11 27.11 to II.II 11.ID to 22.11 11.11 to 31.11 u.& .... , .......... =-~ °.1: 100•111 IHHet -\, 11 I ~ !:',a '""°"' !~all*). ..... ,_~~1 ~*""" Cf_.,. .... t l:o. 00, .. Jofln IMerl'I (Mtd ...... ), 1'08 OI; 7. ~1111n Miii• (Clnoln111t1 Peptl•Mwllne), 1:oa i 1: 1. lillokl• am c,..,,., lp11n11). 1:0611 IOOtr11 -l.~~CW., ...... 1:41.H (Wor!O rlOOfd); 2. llioh I Nott ~II). l:IO.H ; a. K~ M*"' (l'lotld• 1;11.41• 4. Jiff"°'' den t41111 . a"· k. ,.,., W0tcl4ll 1a1:Wo1. 1:1u~. I . OouQ Towne (Tuoton ,..,m., Johnl 1:11.12;~. oen a."""°=~. 1·tUO: I . "My ldvnld1 I Oolpfllne 1.N .01. WCMISN 100 ''" -1. Jiii ltert.&1 (Longho1n AquMloe). M.21' 2 Ket?iy T,.it)le ('1onde Aqu11101), H f6, 3. luHn Hlbernlgp (ffldadofell. M.IO, 4. ~ Un1.me1et IH•d•dOrH ), 17 21. 0 tlull• Wllll•m• N•d•dor .. I, 57.31; 8 81111 Wullul !Unett.·Clnclnnetl). 57 .42; 7 Anni• Lall Unell ·Awbum). 67 60: 8. Sippy Wooellleld *dadotel). 6e 21 \ 400 IM -I Treey CIM*IN ( ........ I. 4 44 11. 2 '•"Y O•vti\ 1w111 ChHt.,), 4.47 08: 3 Var• 8.,k., (H•d•dorH ). 4.41 43; 4. Polly Wind• (Oarrnanlown) • 4 .... 14; 5 l(llrin La Berge (°"1Nln!OWl'I). uo.oo; e.. a..nnon Hemw&ad t~>. 4·IO H ; 1. luMft Heon 10 .. m•ntown), 4;11 72; I 91,. Linke CW•lnut CrM k), 4.1213. T..,-e._.. ,...... .. .,"""" .,.n·e 100-meter buUerfly, women'• 200·tftetet lrM•lyle, Men't 400·1'\lll r lncH'tl411al medley, Women'• 200·1'\eter blHllll ... Auetrten Ohemplonlltlpe (llt l(lbllulMI, ....... , ""91~ ....... Remior Benevldee (Colombl•l 1111 Petet Feig! (A"'1rle). 7..e, M ; z.on.,, KuNnliy (Hunger'y) def. Gl#lf1I ~ (ftely), M . 6·2: MIU Mybur9 (Soutll Africa ) d•I AlljMdro CotW (Colomblal, 2-4. e-2. e-2. ...... Open ( ............... ) .............. Mii• Wllend .. (lweden) d•I Henrik Sutldatrom llwedenl. M . 6-4 (WlleNMt wlN 111,00CJ. SundWom Wini 17.SOOl D.C.ClaMlc l•W ......... D.C.) ,.,.. ,__.. ....... Paolo Arraye (P9N) 1111 M•e ea... (U S I. e-2. e-2; Juwl Avendano ISc>einl del. Jim Oateney (US). 8-3, 1-2, 8'ed Ollblr1 (US I def 0.... r.,.. (South All1ee}, 4-1. 7-6, l-1 Jlrl Ore n•I (Cz1c11oa1ov•kl•) d•I Tim Wlllleon, M . 9-2. 7-5, MICNll L..ch (US I def MW11 V.... (U.S.). e-1, M . OebtW Mattoe (8'ull) 1111 Jll OllOull (U 6 ~ M 8-4; QIU" Mor•llOll (Frenee) def Wllly Muur (Aullr•ll•). 4·8. 7·5, 8·3, P•ul McH•mH (Au•H •ll•l de l Francleco GonKel9 (PlflCIUC)'). &-3 7-t; Matt A.- !U S I 1111 Mwtt Oerby (U S I. 6-1, M ; Eddie Oibbl (U.8 ) def I-Wold S<llOtfton (U.8.1. 3-8, M . 6-3: \llctor Pecci (Pw..,_,.Y) def. Andr9I Gom8 (E.cuador). 3-0. e.1. 8-3; Aodney Hemoon {U 8) def. Oe'lld 8legler (U.8.). 1-4, 8·4. aern•rd Frfl1 (Frenca) def Scoll McCMn IU.S.I. 6-1.1-3. u.a. pro ot.mploMNpe ( ................ , ............. Oulllermo VllH (Arg1nt1n1) def Mel Pu<oell (U 8.). 6-4, 6--0~ (Wea wine *32,000) 0.-... l'IMI Steve Meteler-Creig Wltlut (U S.) def Freddi• Seuer-Scllafll Ven Der Met•• (SoYtll .Arne.). 1-2. w . fedmntton Cup (11 ..... C...) ,.,.. ......... ...... ,....,... I. 9evlfl "-• E--Oool9Qono def 6oo °"' Kim, M . e-2 8ue L-dlf. Min ICygong Seo!, 8-3, 7..e CN!lal. ....... Hu NIOel ~o~.e-1.e-:z.vu u Oleo def ..._..o= ........ 7-6. W .... a. , .... 0.-, ~· ~ ~~ CHICAGO WHIT£ SOX -S..llC)lnCllCI Ron LAl'lote. OVllleldlt. for I~ deye without pey NEW YORK Y AHKEES -Hiwned 8etnmy E1lll pttehlng oo.c:ll Moved Clyde Knv from pllc:hing COecll to • front olnce POlltlOtl. handling epec:lal ....::-= CINCINNATI REOS -Optioned llen H•yH , pllcll•r. to lndl•n•poll• or 1111 Amer1CM Aeaoclltlon SAN OIEQO PAOAES -Cllled up Tony Gwynn, out1lelder. from .._... o4 Iha PIC:lftc COMtl..aegue •Al«n9ALI. ........., ..,......,. "11ut11ten PH0£HfX SUNS -Signed OeWI Thlrdltlll. lotwwd-guerd, 10 • ~ contrect ,OOTaAU ~,......a.....ue W1NH1PEO 8t.UE BOMBERS -Cuts- PIMttcllwtr:z. ~ .........,, ..... l..aape GREEH SAY PACKERS -An~ the reil"-1 o4 °'*'111 Jvte. center H£W ENGL.AHO PATRIOTS -~ O.,ryl Haley. 0Net11lv1 t1elll1, end Aoy Oouolea. llnl«MIC:k•. P11TS8URGH S~LEAS -Announced ::, rwtW-1 o4 Randy °'-· ll9fll RAH FRANCISCO 48er a -S igned Cllene Young, tight end. HOCttn ....._.......,._... CAlQARY FLAMES -Signed Ste ve Chrletoll. rlglll wtn9, to 1 mulll·yH r C011l'9CI Shootout • scheduled for OV A who'• who of Or•na• County buketball, ~:f,I with prep talent from P ~. Seattle, Oreaon, Nevada, San Jltancllco and San Dielo, wW be featured at Ocet.n V'lew Wah School t.h1J week tn the Weetem Shooto'1t. It'• a 16·team tournamen t whic h bealn• Wednuday evening and concludes Saturday. Tonight there are two pr•- tournament aamea involving Oranae C.O..t vs. Vl.ct.oria Park of Loe ,Anaeles at 7 and South C:OUt vs. Philadelphia at 9:30. Philadelphia reportedly enters BASKETBALL with a 6-10 cente r and 6-8 forward pacing the all-star unit. The Western Shootout ia a pre-tourna.ment to the Baaketball Congress I nternational tournament at Arizona State and the Las Vegas Invitational, two tourney• which run from July 26-30. WEDNESDAY'S featured firet round game1 include Orange Metro vs. San Fernando Valley at 6; Orange Coast vs. Oregon at 7:30; and South Coast vs. Nevada at 9. Wednesday's first round begins at 9 a .m . with San Fernando meeting San Diego (whi ch featur es 6-7 LaWTence Weet of Sand Diego Moree High). At 10:30 it's Los Angeles vs. Orange County, followed by Mid Valley and South Bay at noon; Ventura and Seattle at 1:30; and Philadelphia and the Lu Vegas Junior Rebels at 4:30. Action begins at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, noon on Friday and 1:30 p.m. on Saturday with the final game each night billed for 9 o'clock . ADMISSION IS $3 per day (adults) with a four-day pass available at $10. Children under 12 are $1 per day. Among the South Coast all- stars are Ocean View's Byron Ball , Mater Dei'a Matt Bee uwsaert; El Toro's Jeff Arnold; Corona del Mar's Mike Hen and Capietrano Valle~·s Walter Deeaau, Bu.rt Call, Mal'k Otta and Don Sedgwick. The Huntington Beach All- star s include Ocean View's Dimitri Antonopouloa, Mfke Judge, Dave Faria and Dean Douty, among othen. The Oranse Coast unit lncludee Fountain Valley'• Roll Jacobs, Rob Whitehair and Drew Brown, Newport Harbor's Joe Seager and Brad Harker; El Modena'• Richard Rycraw; Dana Hills' Rich Rentrop; Mater Dei's John C.ook; and Magnolia's Mark Wiae. The Orange County All-st.a.rs include Mater Del's Chris J ackson and Mike Fielder; Foothill's Mike Alvarado and Jason Schmidt; and La Quinta's Mark Moses . HB youth football signups slate d Registration for Huntington Beach Junior All-American football is 11et for Saturday at Murdy Park in Huntington Beach from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. The league i.s open to boys, ages 7-14. Cost of registration is $15. There as also a $3 5 certi!ication charge. Home field for Huntington Beach JAAF Is Huntington Beech Miah School. First game is Sept. 11. Practice begins Aug. 2. For more information, call Tom Tunst.a.11 at 846-2672 or Bob Nonnan at &47-0179. FIND YCU NAPIE Wn 2 tickets worth sis Anaheim Convention Cent9r. Thul'lday, August 5 through Monday. August 16 Long Buch Arena: Wednesday, August 18 through Sunday, Auguat 22 TICKETS 8v1ll1ble at Rlngllng Broe. and Barnum & Balley Circus. IOCatlona and at all Tloketron outleta. For more Circus Information, call (111)411-.. t Wlnnera In today'• Clnalfted•f IT'S EASY! And your name and addresa In t0day'1 classified eeotlon, then call Ma.-nht.m to claim your tick.et•. Winners each day, ao ctieck the c1aaalfl.ct1 In the ... ~ ... or.;-:~) • •ao=~..=... ' .. I. winners listed IAA.Tl-.. ON IMITH &-tvrHIU. ' wnTCUPF CHAPIL •27 E 17th St Costa Mesa a.e-9371 ' 1 • i• "8JC ll>T'ICE f'K:nnoue _ .. Mm 81' A1"11mNf I Tll• followtng .,.,_ 11 doing ~-' • CHAALES 'RANKL I N REPORT, 2140 Aater ~. Coeta I Mela, Cellfomie 92127 Chanel Frenlllln Orow. 21 Alter Pllice. Coeta M9a, Cellfomle • 92121 Thll r-er-le conducled by an lndMclu9t. Qwtee F. Gfow. I . Thll ~ -llled wltll tlle County aertt of Oninge County on • June t7. 1982. r ,,.,.. ( Publlllled Orang• COUI Daily Piiot, ~ 29, J11Y e. 13. 20. 1ae2 2809-82 I . ' STATWOl'AH•DI~ GPU.OP """'*" ........... Tiie tollowtnt penon1 lleve ........ -ol .. ftc1"toul ~-c.o. CORPOAATION db• UNITID YACHT IAOKERS 01' CALll"ORNIA. 3401 Via Oporto. Suite 2011, Newport lhacll. Celfornla 92t8S The ftcatloul ...,_ NM'9 referred to ebove w11 flied In Onnoe County on JI.-23, 1111. Ale • 1'16'704. Harold F. Oaborn, 117·' ~ Ave., "-POf't 8Mctl. -Clltcf"6I t2M3 I I l \ ~·PW C. Oebom, 117.f' Rlvwalde Ave., Newp«t leeotl, CeMomll 92913 TMI ....,_ -OOflduClllld by • COi pew lll6on. c.o. Corporetion Hen*' Olborn. ,,_,.,,. TMI ......... -tied wfl:ll "" c-.cy an of ar-. eoumy on ~~Or-. coaec Delly "°'· ~ 20, 21. Aug. 3, 10, 1"2 3192-12 HCJll»U9 • RM ...... .,..1-f The fOUowlnt ,.raon1 are dclll8 *"'*--HUNT'S OLAH a MIRROR CO .. 138 PWolllftno A--. eo.ta ~ CelbNe t2t2t Ron .. d Jemee Wyett, llte Merq11ett• Ci., Co1ta Men. I ', Cellbnle t2e2t l!dwwd ~ Mulberry Jf., st1 1"1y1tte Cr .. Co111 Me11, Celbnll t2t2t ~ blNr Attna Mulberl'y, Y1 ::=-Cf .. Colta ~ ~ ' TNl...._le~by• oenermpn,..,.. AofllktJ.~ EdWltd L Jf. TNI ~11 -wttt1 tlle County aertt of Oflrlge County on~ 1t, 1N2. ~ I ~ °'9"91 COMl Delly I ., Ploe, .Mt 20. 21, Aug. a. 10. 1112 ' 8207-12 PICHlllOUe M 111•• Mm 8TA1"11mNf Tiii followtng Plf'IOn 11 doing ·~-aN<! ~ SUAFBOAAOS, ; 16'111 Ao••ood 81r9et, Fountain ' v~. c.lfornll nTOe 111111 Lehman c .... 1 .. 51 Ro1ewood, Fountain V1lley, Cllllamla 82708 I' TI161---ll~by8ft I lnCIMclil*. ;.. _ --I 1 ..... L..- 1 ., Tl* ... , ...... WM lllld wlttl the County Clertl of Oflrlge C<Mnty on r "'-~5. 1982 I , .. 1 PublllMd Orange Cout Diiiy I Plot, ~ 29, Jut; I , 13, 20, 1182 m..a J • 5 ·6 7. 8 p I .L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • CLASSIFIED 'INDEX· ,, .... , .... Cll &42.sl11 lllSlS Fii SAU , .. : .• 'V 1111 = -= = .... -VlllloJ , .. ..... = , .. ,. 1= ,. "" "" ----,. ................. ,.,.,.., ...... ~ In thle ne••P•J>lr I• eubf9Ct to'the Federal ,.., Houttna Aot of 1M8 wHdl rnek• It ..._ to ~ ··~ .,...,.,.,. oe. ~ Ot dllOrtml- natlon baMd on raoe, color. rellolon, eu or netlonat ortoln, or '1'Y Intention to mall• •ny "'°" Pf ........ llmlt-. :: tlon °' dllortmlnatlon." :: Thl9 n1id~ wtl not 1100 knowlnoly accept any {: ldvent.ino for rMI ... 11111 t•~ which It In Vlolatlon ,. oflhllaw. 5 I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FORECLOSlltE 11111.111 ITllL Pickup over 1£0098:1.\!QPIJ.Y ovemtaht. Once a . ve never eeen a tMrtter buy. Won't lut. Prime ()ranae Cty 2 ~ ICN bllltop OCEAN VlrN ~ ESTATE. Pool. 1pa. waterf.alla, ei.ctr. ptee, 6800 Kt ft w/860 dejp'ee view of all O.C. Tennla court + 11ELICOPTER pad ar'a. ASSUME LOANS & TERMS. Orlalnally li1ted for U,200,000. Secrifice at' $1,128,382.63 approx. with 1350,000 approximate cub down. Only the eerioua need call d.lrectly to PA TRICK TENORE 760-8?02 or 631-1288 RE/MAX Realtore, agt. Broken wekome. R&IM~ of Costa Mesa 1111111 Advert!· -------------..,.. lhould check Im -- SOYIC(S s.r...... °'"" ... , EllftlnllMT & PllPAIATlate ,_ .... ........ ...... _ ... ,. MOCllAJtltSE ==---=ltM.oneh c-. ... ..__ ... --"" --th4Mr ada dally and report error• lm- m e d I ate I y. The = DAILY PILOT aa-= aumee llablllty tor : the nm Incorrect : lnaertlon only. ;:, ............. .. -..... .. ........................ = ... " lift ......................... ~ lllT 5 am -EMtllda Coet.a MIN 3 :: Bdrm epllt ._..... condo, .. wttta a car Ol'IQI. Only = 10% down ' great termt make WI a ,.... buy! Cal tor «Mt.a. and lhowlng, 1125,000. Act nowt -~171 i i4Ri1!1· FIBI WITI I YI Thie ~ Nida tog of etbow gr-. but what • u• lllewl Fan.UC home tor s1.11 pool1tde entertaining. : Full prh)e 1128,000. = 151-3181 -- 1-2 : LITI J.. Lovely 2 9dfm Newport H9ghtl home located on :: luge R-2 loll Seller ... ~ng ottec.d.. Only -1139,600. Call no•. = Mf:-1171 --------.,. --mi --------- THE REAL ESTATERS cars*bikes• *skateboards* trucks* baby ::: carrlages•tea ;:: carts•trlkes i! rollerskates• .,. walkers•toys :: '•wagons•••• rm scooters•h<>t rbds*coupes• trallers *hard tops•convert· lbtes•motor homes*lawn mowers* II mos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A'\**** •typfngtlbtes wh"lbarrows• recreational vehlcles*golf carts*model ----~ 1911 = ---... -= -= E --- traJns*blkes *pianos* cars ref rlgerators *skates ...... PllllllU' •••• Prize Wat Bay bayfronL Slipe for 2 boata, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath •1.200.000. Ocean & jetty view1. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3100 aq. ft. $1 .38~.ooo. Oceanfront. Ull llU lllD Prime Udo Nord bayfronL 5 bdrm. 5 ~ bath. 4'e L .R .. 2 boat allpe $1,M>0,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + tarp rec. nn. beam oelJines, f\1miahed, patlaa. $420,000. UIU llLI llYFlllT Laaoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom.. dark rm. den. Boet allp. Now $1,000,000. unm•n Spec:tacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba ctn. 2 boat allpe $1,000,000. DllllUIUYI c.bronado Ialand cwt. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plan8 avail. Red. $370,000 w /tl!rtm. ILlffl ... S1ng)e llOr)' end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on larplt peeubelt. $260,000. Piii Liii 3 bdrma, 2~ baths condo nMI' pool $146,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR J: ,.. r, ., •• ,,. u' •. •• ;.;i ,. • ,. ,. -LIQUIDATION Forced sale, two beautllul prestigioua Newport pool homes valued at $400, 000 will be 10ld for $318,000 (Dover Shores) and $325,000 (Irvine ~) immed. Fee land. U you are a aerioua buyer contact Patrick Tenore at 760-8702 or 631-1266 now! RVMM of Costa Mesa .... ,_ ............ c1111m1no 4 bdrm end twge fwnly rm. 2 bndl ttreptacee, country kitchen, quiet reeldlntlel .,.. In modem trKt by luocola. Lono term .... tNnceno. 10% dn. U2t,OOO Incl. land. Move8-1. ....... Tl\ YI.< >I< < '( > DRAMATIC CQTRY ESTATE THE REAL ESTATE RS ....... 171,111 DIYOrOe '°'°" quick ... on W.ttqrlocl..s In• good eree of mora ex~ "°"*· c.n ror-........a1s THE REA L ESTATE RS ITllm- 1 lr411.000 Irv. $ lr410l,000 FY/SA 2 lr .. 112,000 C.M. 4 lr .. 114,900 C.M. 3 llr411t,to0 H.B. 4 llr4121.to0 C.M. Cell u• for flnanolno -.....a1- lllBIVABLE lJ)O ISl£ ... $247,500 BURR WHITf REAL TOR . INC ~ : " 4 f, I (I ------- L.. u ~ Walkt!r t~ l t~P. Q1 ....... ... -.... . flESIDENTIAl llEAl ESTATE SEIMCES •WNIT IUll Mll,lll A touch of the eat in this perfectly enchanting 3 bedroom home. Circular drive aet off by green areu & coloc. The newest of new in this remodeled kitchen. & a bit of view from the master suite'• expansive deck. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 Stop llf OM of OW Wei IOG81ed oHlo•• and let'• dlecuH real ••••t•I We haw• a varied ••l11:111cMt of holw, condoe end Income proplert1 to flt 1our ...... ............... ....... ..... C..-1bed ..,.... Memport I ._. tua.m ............ 1111• =...... --... .,..... ..... c......-........ _.,,. ,. .... d • .,..... ..... °" ..... ,... ·--Ya.I bed + E u. .... , ........ ___ _ ..,.... c.... .... ---Ouanlr• C... Cod 1111• ..,. ..... ,.. 11.-- U.. .... IMd 11.--0... ~ .. ,...... 11.-- ...... di ..,..... 11.~ .......... ~ 11.-.-U.. ..... IMd ..... ,.._ T .... Ct..+ ............ _ ..... 11 Unite, Ceeta ..... -...... WATERFRONT HOMES.I"< ltt.\t ''""" "-'-.. ....,..,.. ....... ~' 'C ....... . l.a.'11' •-ll•t -......... 111-1400 1 r1•11 ,,_ ··-D-.... ·-.... ......... . ..,, •• ·-.. _ .,_ .. -... ..... ·-.... ., .. .... ·-·-··-·-..... .. _, ·-... .,_ ..... ·-..... .....,,..R_I,..14_.t_fl...-cl , 1 I I I C . .. ... ...-Tlalm . ........ Only 3 left. leaut. teR 21>1 condo. Frptc, 2 Cll' oar and yerd1. loth bdmw.,.. ~ IUIMI. '4800 total down. 11216 lot.I peyment. Huffy on tllle. D1y1 850-11'78, wllnd1 12-5pm , ~78 llUL for the lefQll' famlly, 4 bdrm• ptu1 80MU8 ROOM and .. parete fwnly room. AJC Md * flJleratlon end weter aottner. Nlc:ely localed Pllrr'I 1 In Ti.tie Rodl. 12111,900. •·11•=r1n L-1-2 38r, 181 & 1Br. 181 lo-.. I I w I u It e , new I y Adorabte 28' 1be ICar1lr remodeled, flex I bl• ho m • In Io v e I 'I terme. 11211,llOO. °' try nelgllborhood. heel .._. C)9tlon. ey owner. financing. A11um1ble M&-21tl loelll CK NW ftnendr'9 el 13~~ of 10~ Of ~ llLL JUTI apprel11d vat11e. cen Thie 2000 (N. T .) 9q ft 4 Br 1179-5370 home . ...., fonMI ~. RV acca11, gorgaoua family rm end ln1lde launctry. At1umat11e \ f . ·111 tl /:'If flnandng. °""* .. r.-dy --------to lllO'<l9. 1122,QOO. Cell i_. ,_. llll 171-4310 ::..-::: ••••••••••••••• \(>II/ 1/l:.lf . . . •, OU>E LAGUNA CtiAAM Unique 2 bdrm lloor plan, 1 bath, 11¥ "" w/ beamed celllnge , hardwood floots & ~ log burning fr1>1o. 1111, 600 Full Prioe. MISllON AiM..TY - 4M-07'31 HOME FOR SALE by owner 3 BR. 2 Be. eeparete dlnlno room, cov ered patio. Pond er o a a St. CM. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1135,000. te3-03t3. 12~ ll1DllT Uk• .... 3 8df 2 Ba. tam rm, many extra1. Beautiful low matntenancl ywd. 1181. 600. 242 e. 22nd St. 831.()()16 _, .. , AWARD ww.HEA ~ ..... 3bdrm,4 N, kit. W/CClnV'll-IOll. tam. rm, lg• oarden. paUo, form.I din. rm, lge llv. rm. O\llet cuk»-uc. 1812,000. 8y owner. 173-4411 ....... "~ wilt 11equlre ettrectlve, OCEANFRONT Moblle Ml lacei.d 3 tlr, 2 bl Homa._,,.._ M0,000. llome w/pool, beeut. _Pvt. __ 489-38 ___ 11 ___ _ llllidecliplllQ.,..., ~ & ..... Ir Ant Pa Int. S.. • t 3 o BHuT1iu~llu1p raded VIMenov9 Ad. c.r Deve. home • loll\. owner /bltr, at 720-26at/141"4114 NHr 1choo11. 38R 2 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil bell\. REAL HT.ATE TAX ....... l-·tlfrt U INVESTMENT! 15000 cuftlll S145,000 ltla,. r-E-M_E_R_A_L_O_B_A_Y_V_IE_W_ ~MtNIMUMta HOME dedll04lon 11l Y'Mr 110. Contemporery llome 000.0wtwcaw-t°" .. with 4 bedroom•, 3 aupply total down batllt, epa, 880 and ~upto'40,000ln I 2 00 equity. Share putofl... ~~~·· • 5, o . In new luxurlou• t-3 ..... IUL man ldrm. 3 la. Condo, 1 _______ _ ~· d~-~~ ~.~ •••• !/!! etructured for buyer, ............. po11lble 4·1 benefit. Co-ope from ta-f.ooo Phone 714/131·5055, equity lrloe. Oo~doe 1141M2-t000. from 11 ,000"" prtoe .. .. No :::::Y.r'o make WI 3 8dnn L-..Wortd,..._ 24221 hNO de Vlllende LIQ .... 7141137-9400 pool tlome your own. Lmlm -., ~~ 17•900• lkr tovely oorft~ OeH ..--0 ...... llr.-. 1111•1nu. ~ .... .. E-. "°"'9. " 11r, torm. • ..._ a odl --"" ...-. .... --~ N ,IOO. Cal _., . ,_ ...... -°"'* "°"°" "*'°· ..-a .....,,-!~~~!!!!!~ Poot, .. deelk. lllQ 111t1= & trplo. .,=°,tao. ~ ............ w.t. 000 down. Ind .. MO gete I M=W/O,,. 11'6.. 10H Oonoord. ,...,.. ....,. . ti MO••• OwMr. 14~~ 11 t.000. ·-_1_, .... _____ _ • _.... !SW.fll!L.l!I t111P0641r.~..... .... .... 111 •--. "'1ndlll .. • a WrM. t M. ...,... Oftly . 1 ... , At:nt VIII• Paolfloa "·"'·· ?»-1111 & ... -Adi.it Conwn. .......... a.all. Wiii 00111ldor ~~"" 1 i DOLLAR DAY DOUGH IAVIRI w ,Yfl4Jl.~~••ded ltlmla Ollh. If 1t ddeln~t Mllrwt'H rur) It lftOthlr ~ dlY' FREE. One Item ~ Id, muat be priced. Sorry, no rul •late or commerolll 1d1. Call today tor fUU detalla • ....... ~.'.!!!f .{~'.!Po! ....... t!m.~l!.'I.,, ..... IMft.~ .. !~!¥..fHm/!!•l.. ~!!!.l/HP!IJH.'1. .. ~-A'::::~:;:," fl.'f!f!.~.'ffl.!'!!f ¥(.!P.!t.fftt! .. !~f !'!!rt!!.frlf! •• /.'-f! IHI,.,,,. .... fflllf.ftftt •••••• P.M ft«¥.f.l!~ ... l.t. '1!!m!.fm~ •.• IMI ;;:~·; ......... ,;;4 ....... ,., ,, ........ ;,·;;• .. Ii.ii 19~:~;t~~~ llAIU.Y .. U.-.. ••~•••••:'tttt 3 Jr, 2 la, comm. pool, * • • ILU"8 CONDO r:-.J/ •• r:!!f •••••• TT. •• ••••••~m••••••••••':T .!!!lf •••••• 'f •••• •••••--------- •• "" --CUSTOM Home avail. on IOUI VllW 1780/mo or try IHH I I I I IT I • 3 er 2.,. la. Mar tennla 1 If'. Oat<*! -.>t, etoYe l ml&llUTI W!BTOLIP:, 2 er. ,,,. ea N B. t b r . a IP• 4 ' -•• 2 'I' i..../optlon wtth no option. Agt, ,,_Tenen l&Tm&ll Club, 000/mo . Dye retrlge. No pet• 2 bdrm. 2ba. IPC)llenoea, Townh®M. Adult• P'-'· ~. ttapa to land, l!xtentl\le 1HO ~ money :';1~ ~~::,!':,"'.::.! ISM:ate, or 6'1·2711 &et J09M It Apt A &41 ... 23,evea840..at07 '3fO/mo. 84g.1377. ~no Ret•. 115215. No pett, MOO/mo. tf2I aull. 7 / t 7 . 1326. ~ ~ ~ u1: ~ ~ ~ 0 Nt ~ ! lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii In N.,.. lkll! or INIM. Lo Mela V•ci.. ltMUtttul 6 eo.ta MW · 4 IA, 2"' ba, Npt Shor .. 2 br , 1 bl. carpet•. , 483-7448 e.dford Lane 548-7533 1_7M-0038 _______ _ tradition•• 1tyle oak• equltY. t71·7127 ewe or I A • I b • II 0 m • · You 1te the wtnMr of MOO mo. M-T-M Of lie drapH, bullt-1n1. No • '!:"" WE8TCU,F. 2 bdrm. 2 C 0 IT A M f SA floOrt roof wl UIT --t11·6'W7 da)'I "" pty 11050/mo. 417·2041 two hi t1Gkec1 (118.00) option. Avall l ·t -82. p«a. '426. 2272 Maple. U ba, tlreplace Othwehr, Furnllhed. 2 BR, 2'1\ba, ' ,_ • ,.., • • · · value to the 79C).0297 ... 1 ""'27 ... Ufl f I p 1 1 700 pool/tennla Avail July/ plumblftQ, rnMI« 9'11te, Aot now to buy tl'lll 4 bf, 2 ba "°'*• 1va1t. RINGUNO BROS "" • ..., •••••••••••••••••••••• &:~3fu ~seu Aue. 1576/mo. Agen1 kltetlen, tto. e1o mall• dHlrable waterfront ,_Uh 7/10, teOOt mo, tat l IAlllNUM & BAILEv On the bey, 8luffl oondo. Spaoloua 2 Ir t Ba. 11586/mo Neu bHCh, • · 87is.5930 t31181aR t>e2ba•utlfully ~ed. property with 2 boat •••••••••••••••••••••• la1t. oleanlng dep. ..... 3 BR. lam ,m, fplo, dbl .,.26. 3 Bf. l'A Ba. '476. mint 2 8r 2 Ba .. no pete. One ml. from a..dl You' own __ ...,.., ..__....., pool ,...,.... 1llpe Pr°'*1)' II llngle •-~ .__,_a,_ 539-2424 •-•k.....,_ gar, 11200 mo. 840-1841 La11ndr" fao .• pool 842·13311. 653-1ne. rm l bath, avail now. _..,, ,_., rare "ona-ol·•·lllnd... ::".!f or duplH. R·2 -.. .,,__ ,.,,__,.. ConVWltlon ' ooaenlront Morro Bey 'A Priced at S2e7,500 wttll 2 Bdrm 2~ bath. c;,;~·;;;;••••••;;;; m& ftlll c.nw Aug, 6-18 3 8R lam rm, pool. &41-91568 Deluxe poolalde. lllfa 842·2357 hr HMrat Caatle. new an -.-.;Ill TO. ~=~o1~~.=.m· ;·e;~·.;,;.;~~;:·,; 4 ~t~:s':21':o~ard. '-°'1u;~~ ~n1116. i~:~~:,o.•2::!, :::.~1::'.0ar:e:'cel11~:: ~-2~~· ~~ =: ~=~~~·::~~ ~oti;1 ,•1;~~· :.c~ W:·,:.,~·.1:; Ml·llOO p • t •, u t 11 a pa Id . 38r 2a. hM so Cit To olalm paa1H, call MC. 75~ 1092. laundry rm .. PoOI· Avell. Adutt1, no peta. S500mo. S 5 o o 7 3 t • 3 3 7 1 . per wk. eo&-n2-4629 UH/mo . 1at plua Pt.i.a. trpo. ~t'i'°1um." him 942-6878, ut. 272. ....., ""'..... Jf:r. Cell for llCf:· 63&-83&2 559-0363 VMttN• lnllll4lll 0c =-~~~'/ 142·0U6, ~·;:~~~~-1~; :x::~ ,:,u~ ~~·o!,~!~r=i ;:90~:~ 2 lr.2;1: 1 & ~ton ::.~vt~=\~Bfw/~':: ;;ce;.;;;Ro;;;•;•;•;•e; -l~hu;:--:-::,.,,,:-:-;:::-;;r;;:._-;;:,,_::-<J;;;l~'4~1..!:::::.==..=:;_:=:.:...:..:.:. ..... al boll office P'1or 112!0 mo.144-9394 uppe r unit, enolad aome modela. Poot. Spa. ocn view S7~/mo yrty Avail now. WMltly thrv j PETE ' BARRETJ REALTY HYll IHlll IREl-OUTt• her 1.1 ACRES Out of the flight pattern. Ihle custom home off.ere magnificent opportunltle1 . Separate guelt home and private pool end spa Owner will finance entire loan The price la $985.000 -...c.t1,llr•• 714/7'°-ltoO ••••••••• .. rn~•••••• ~Vl~t~ to~. -. ,.;,,.r_ ~l)&llO, al~ Q~m "' 8aun~ e t°'. a 7W.ll07 atllllJW. 873-71173. &_, "''""""• "-"· -· • • "' ,.,,,_,,., rm 141-()8111 ~~~~~~~~~ ~~-1750 mo. 976·17 1, •••••••••••••••••••••• I. 142•1903 · 3Br. 2Ba. frplc, garage, Big 8Mr C8bln. Ideal tor i;: ran Weifw 846-8204 EMERALD BAY. 3 Bf. 2 HOME F~ RENT S400 tum. or unfum. 1 ,_ ~. yrly, 2 blk• to fllhlng, hiking, biking, or ,,.,, A.a '"' Rlt 3 Br. 1 8a. lrg )'lll'd with ea. frplc, bno11 patio with 3 Bdrm. 1725. Fenc.d Large 3 Br . 2 8 a . Br. pool, 1pa. 1511112 bdl. 873-2571. jutt getting -•y. Wlmd •••••••••••••••••••••• I' r. der'9f M • P 1 . I 1110 0 . yard & gartige. Kldl 6 Townllou1e In ·quiet Florida. 542·21134 , 1 ..... ••y & wtdy rat•. 54M111e ero down payment! 2 Bf. l~~~~~~~~~I gar ·no peta. 8 onte 213/578-2265. pet• w.lcome. 545-2000. complax, large fool, 142-3172 --•~ ,.1• I.'&.--_.._ 2 Ba. Condo neat S.C. 1: VIiia. 1700/mo. lerra •.-.t no ...._ d ttl &7• Rear •nt, Ba"'ront home. __ ,.,. It .._ ,,,,_ ~ •-·-&. JI .. "' Mnmt .... 1·132.. Lo..-. ~A.....-... .. ~. ,..,,...., ' ·-· gar •n •• ng. "· ..._ .......... 2 Br. 1''L Ba. _.. " • • • Plaza. Tennie courll. -• ,,. • ..... .. ·-1 ~· .. _ ,..,.,,.. 94 51 ,_ .,_.., ,.. 1 bdrm, 1 ba. utll lnc:l'd. •• •••••••••••• ••• •• pool•. apH. Auu me •• ••••••••••••••••••• OCEAN/MOUNTAIN vu 3 BR, 2 Ba, 2 lplc't , C..,..W.., !5-33el, 97!5-949· crpta, drpa, blt-ln1, lrplc, Tennl1 avall. 1876 per llJ ........ 1511,1100 tat. T.O. with 4 BR. MW dee, furn, S.a SunMl Blulfa. New dlll 2 S1250 mo. 1422 TWI'-l/"1uald" 1411 1530/mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. enciad garage. 15115/mo. month yeerty Cont•ot largeat G•y monthly paym1nt1 of ~ P'tv Bch .. tennll. 2 b d Fl'f*: Way. 780-8375 •••••••••••••••••••••• TownllO\.I ... , car por11, C811 ~1 076-8869 M ... Female eer"1oe In 1859 l MHer wttt carry · 4~5 ~eenll• .. C::d~. gar.'. OCEAN VIEW: Reeort-llke adult tract nr patlOI. all bit-Int, lndry llllllDt WW So Call!. 640-$710 t'a.noa at 12%. Alkl;l •~IHd 1111 ra:·MC.gete.Nopeta. CINIY 2BR & 1tudy, 2 ~/1'Z:,· ~ol, gr:;;;, :t1'"'al1 pe1 °"·Won't Lge 2638Rtownhouee !~~~cf·;.~~g~~~~i:fr~ Roomm•I• wanted, ~~55.Cell 94M82 ' •••• ••••••••••••••••• Av~S:~~2•1~::~10 !t8.'i~~821~.rp~~~·0~~~~~ a $35 utll. ~2580. TSL Mgmt. 1142-1803 apta, yard•, encl gar, :: .. cloM to beactl. C•t ~~··1~~·~~~de LIDO ISLE • 3Bdrm, lam 551-N22'/&«-U2a Charter RM!ty Highly upgraded 6 cfeln. Aft. 5, 842-e221 lplc, hoolc-upa. Nr H11t1t. , no doge 842_ 1803 842~ 1 A.a.111. __ , ,,,,.... rm, 2Ba. 1100/dy ~· ... 2 ......... • ... 8 t22 or.,., .. ,...... F 1 1 Hr b r . I r om I 5 7 6 ., _T.:.SL.:.._M..:g_m_t. _____ 1-:=-:---::--::--:---::: .,.. .., ••• l"1500 Bl 1 ..... ......,., .. ,..... .. ............., 3 Br Condo, Aui tat. r •P I a c •. Po o • CNldren OK. 840-ee07 1-"'--~ •••••••••••••••••••••• "' Auguat. •---------1---------$700 + ,._ t 50 dllllwuner ...,. "'"tlo X fMAIT 2500 aq tt ......... o. wtu •'~a.111 •,.,, Rltr. t1M191 rT'1J only low 2br lg EmenJd Bay: Pvt l>Mch, mo. .._ aq · .... ,..._ · 2 Br t'A ea. 13751mo accept 2 lldlt1. 0t 1 8dl1 _,, •• ~~~~~~~~~ gar, llll·upa. fncd yd pooCa, tennll coutta. 3BR ft, 2\.\Ba. garage opnr, LO Garden 2 Br. IMO. 2 II UYfltlT w/1 child or )Ul1 1 edit 111 lilt lllO = ... 75 3ba & ~t llM. Av8ll patio, aprlnkter., Harbor 557·284 t. plul 1375 :/:.;. Crpt1, ••• llOI P •••••••••••••••••••••• .,. S & Ed'--1147 19t1 ~ O\lleC peraon -oot. lg kit, 2 patloa, lg OeE•NFRONT ••oblle ..... IT"1fllflldt4 QC.RENTALS 750-3314 Sept. 5. 1800/rllo. "...-· -Eutllde 28f 1be. pool. 1 N• 8 h I Garage. patio 187& balcony w/bay view " "' .. •••••••••••••••••••••1---------Winter rent a l . l aund~, 1460. oall pre · r ea c 97a,,,..52 " Homee, ....,., ... seo.ooo. 111----· ,-.. Beautlful Condo facing 714/4117-1884 A ·--•-&.-MoFadden. No pet• mo.Imo """"' 557-7883 or 840-e339, Pvt 4"-3818 ~••••••••••••~~ Bao6I Bey, 38f, 38a 1750 .~~!!.~~~!'.":'; 833-7ll • &46-l l4f ~ ---------ll-=P-ro-:-f -:t-0-1:-11-r-:c=-o-n-:d'-o-. ~ 8Mcn De Anz.a UDO ISLE/Unfum. mo. 66i 8493 '--u• mill Jiii C..H Hl lln JTll L I t ll ' t ll I 4 J 2 bf w/patlo. Hr Beach & Ytnallln °"4• houH, a ll emenl1l e1 bayt,ont Perk Mint Lge 4Br home In excel. Wlllk to So Cou1 Plue H~O"T••T•u••B••A••T•R••,u••M••.•3• •••••••••••••••••••••• •~---lndlanapolla. $450/mo. Studio. iec, undargnd S 2 5 5 6 e 2 . 2 4 4 9 . cond. ·71 dbl wide. locatlotl. can for detail. Ocean view. beautlfully _...,... 53&-50le (213......._7040 pklng $500 mo 9116-8479 ,15001 ........ 3Bf 2be condo w/pool bdrm, 2 t>a. te2&. Q\Mt furn townhou ... lfplc. Studio with carport & • ,., .. ,,_ 714/~132. flraplace. brick patio. mo, .. ,. '850/rno. A.gt 875-5930 clfCUIU 81. Chlld OK. ......, & n.atlo. *•"15/mo. natlo Poot &. Sna No 3 Br d 213/511-4-3-401 ---------i $58,500 8111 Grundy NEWPORT BCH/Unfurn. ...,..... .--p;. 1395 64s.-24;7 Oelwt9 • crpti. rps., ________ _ Brand New Home• & 67S-e181. Baeut &. lge 281 In Vllla DREAMY 3br w/p11nte DoO on approv9'. 24991 873--0998. 1 · bit-Ina, dbl gar, w/d hk· 2 BR 2 Ba, tplc, O/W, 2 • • • ... , ... , 20902 Olencalm Ln Huntlnglon Beach You are the winner or two 1r .. tlc:kell (I 18.001 v.iue to the Condoa. no money down .70 Fleetwood. 121l40. :,~?:a'. 2 patio•. ~~~Arso'r~~ ~~-;·.::·1~ C..ll .,,. '114 '! upat~ no p~~i up.1700. Call 536--0921 ~5-~~2 MOO mo A.gt ~=5~~·1g: .. , (7141 furn . NEW r1nge 6 Wetemont Hom.. Inc. 714/11511-1087. 07Me75 i3e·o .. Aii::;,j~~··;;;,i; ~~64M18~· a ~~;1~~0pNa":1T: u. TWO BR TWO B· Frpl, refrtg, Startlgh1 VIII. 714/ Cell &31-1400 3BR ,.,.BA.Jar .. yd .. " •i tl Jiii fwn lg lo " OCEAN FRONT 8 7 3 . 4 3 2 II . 2 1 3 I ---------1 gar"-. 17 Imo .. tit •• '!!;!! ••• ,............ Ma1~::.'"qu1er.8~~ng~ EASTSIOE lge 1)"12 BR, tNownhOUMeaf .... c~. 8fs5· 215'~!80· Ocean end Bayvllw. BY OWNER. XLNT LOC. 799-1022 IEITALI & lut dep 840-7424 •ft Vaulted dg 2 eundecil• ... Lovely O.Cor . Adultt. ••""" 000 ••"-7"""-1---------8:30PM 3 Bf. 2 Ba. amall OOMll 2234 Rutgera Of. .M. iar, 111 util pd. 1580: Qe0.811511 Security, Pool. Sp•, RINGLING BROS. ......,, · .,....,.. ·-c .. tt-r ..£a y-....w---...., Winter 2 • -------view A• now '450 1 2t" •1r.•51n• •• , -•• 3:7Eidrma-:°"',. ' '·-Lowty 21>f unit, lharp C8ll 790 • .,9·77 . . • .,__. .,... dlta, no peta. 752·2550 AVAILABLE NOW Gym. 11500 mo. l .... BARNUM 6 BAILEY .. ... Ct'nll I ffO kl ch I ""' kid 1420 ·-=,.,, 2 Bdrm 1 bath apt. riear ,_A_gen_t_7_80_-&e_1_7 __ _ ILIFn lllUJI •••• "l'A··············· •aeon IULn I • n~, • Ill I -·~ ·-1 •Clean 2br/2ba condo .. _ ..... /Y...... 1 hlld .-• QC.RENTALS 7&0-3314 ,,, .. "" ,,_ ,,._., n SC Pl••• S • 1575 ,,_., .,. .. town. c •·-1111.-lt Jl1f VOii own the land. 2,000 P1clllc View Memorial PllP ••••••••••• •••••••••• ,,,, r -· ·"· · ok No peta Water paid ... .,,,, •• 9C1 ft, 3Br, lem rm. 2'h P&rk,NwptBdl.Lot744, 2Br,2 1ty condonr 10th HOME FOR RENT a·:1~~·j-_;;,1-;;•& .. 1•;;,~~ ~~-r4~· 752•51122· 1425/mo .. 545-2000: 0~';;~:;,;.~:~~jj·~~~;;; Anaheim Convention center Aug. 15-15 Long Beach Arena Ba, wide Greenbelt. near GraVM A 6 B, Ba)'Ylew llWIEIEIT &. Harbor 1520 mo. 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. $725 From 1 3715. Pool. rec . I---------Agent, 00 tee. view. 2 Bdrm , 2 II()()' pool. Far below market T • r r a c •. I 2 2 0 O. lll•llll 831-5897 aft 5PM. to 1750. Fenced yarda & rm .. ieuna. e nc led 2 Br 1'h ba, 510 Joann ---------apt. with bulll·ln•, Aug. 19-22 To claim pane•. cell 542 -5878, ext. 272 Pa•••• mu1t be exc:hanged IOf '~ ... 11 at box office prior to parlormance 1245,000. Wiii leau _6_7_3·_7_75_7 _____ 1 ____ __. _____ 1 3 ad r . Po·••. 1r 9 oaragH. Kid• &. petl garage. 17301 KMl•on ~t. Adil• peel Sml dog Wl.UI IH1j 3141 cupetlng & drapH. oguon. Bltr. 544"°134 C..•tttlll i.J.M1111.d 3jii backyard, dbl car gar, welcome. 5 .. 5•2000. otf Slater 842·7843 ok. 846-1453 ..... ··•w•••,.•••••••• under fool ca rport•. 1rt ,rftr 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• lllOO/mo. Sue 845-4520 Agent, no fM ----· ----·--i---"."11"."IAl".":-:-•'.'."-:MW='.":"""'--I laund~ laclllty & ctoee to Elegant 3 ~R 6 d en .••••• ~';7•••••••••••• Balboe llland Watar1tont f _ ..... ·~ .... 1•1 ~.l!!'A ... /J.~ 2 81 2 Ba frptc, 2 cat gar ~~~·~': i?!:i everyt Ing! 1475/montll country 1lyle hme •-• , .. ·-Cottage 2 Br. 1 Ba. 1 MJ rTI ••• -.~; •••••••••••••• Studio, non-•mllr. bua/ Avallable Augul1 15, two Franch d 0 0,., bay ... 1r-.~' year leaH 1860/ mo. F,_,.. ' ~. Fenced Ble Canyon 2 Bf 2 Ba. pr~. lftature 1375/ino. w/opener. Ille counter Io cat Ion In town . adulll only 6 no pet• • • • wlndow1. hafdwood U -770..()3.47. yd . 2 BR-bath w/dbl comm. pool. tennla. ,__, ............ 61 top•. pool & •P• breethtaklng vlewa, •II Call owner at (7 14)1---------noon, 3 lptc'1, veiry lge Near,_ 4-ptelt. 2 bdrm. llnk1 Lge oc>erl be8med S895f mo. or 1•••• ...... ""'· .. ......,... . 1705/mo. 557-2380. bullt·ln1, heeled pool, 642-0138 Lux Dane P1 view Condo lot. owe total. 5% dwli. 2 bath Heh unit with C..... ''' llM 111J 11v rm. w/lplc. Child OK. option. A.gt. Fred .• ..-f INd 1111 Near t&th/Pomona. 1 Br 1u1>.-gerage. elevator 1---------1°' 3 mo .. muter aulte xlnt location St79.900 ftreplaee. ~patio. •••••••••••••••••••••• S850·1•1. la1t & dep. 531-12ee or 931-2711 ;-.,";C";;; ••• •••••••••• 1 ea. upetW'I ac>1 d/w, LMM only. 1850 &. up. 2 br. 1'1\ ba Block to with lrplc, pl, •pa. Fee land. By owner, garage 9¥•-111 Poe. Elegant. 1pac. home In 1145-2346 THE 330 Clllf Of. 494-8083. beach Petlchlldren OK 1_.96-28e1, 644-95311. 83 t·2t34 caah flow. Now .I 159. rnoet preatlgloua are&. 4 1575 mo. 2Br. patio, MW carport, relrlge, water 1450 1174· 7225 M/F to lhf 21>f. 1ba, N 8 br, 3 ba, gameroom. paint dfP8 c¢a 8edt paKI. 1 chltd olc. no pet1 ,.. • • llWNIT lllllTI Ws.:.~~~. Grundy, Rltr. •pectaeular entry w/ ... ,.., na Bey. "'6.6i1a, &U,.2297 1460/mo. 1546-2000. ... WfUI Near ,_ , Bdrm apt ~~o~-~~c Older~ O¥er 13001--11ii1iiiiiiiiia.L"-cvrv•d •••1rway ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 er sea. oomm. PoOI. ''~008 Aoant. not... 1neeaant•Anll•etr t~~-=~=~~~ IQ. ft plu1 large ( lntscom, bk_...VK3Cllf HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 1 11u imo. or IHH • 2 bdrm, 2 be. tpc, p . Fountain vaney nder oof .....,...,... end F«naletoflndand al\are detAcheddoul>le g8"8ge 11----ger. Some vie w of Nu3200'1u•twnonbluff. option .·~· Fred. lOnt.,..of.._Verda. You -the wtnner ol u r _,,....a apt with same Allee on all•" New paint •--mountalna & ocean. teo deg w of hartlor "' LIFE'' IMO mo. M2·7to40 public tennl• court• 6 ~ • · Houee on oon•••* lot '2000/mo. 75S.-10115 iurl. mtne. 3br. 3ba,' 831-1298 or 1-2711 two tree tlcl!.ta (1111.00) golf ~right behind 1 ________ _ 1ome new plumblng &. on the ~ 1 lot liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil e.talde. 2 bf, 1\.\ be. velue to the propefty. C101e to Share my Co1ta M ... elac'rrtc 50x117 R1 lot from beaoll. Great 2 br, den, beamed H Curlty, H un•. •P•· YIAR-ttOUNO FUN: Fncd Patio, Oara~e RINGLING BROS. ~lngl 13115/montll .home Pfel mature Owner neada cuh tat ....... -11111 celling, nice loc. 707 1 1995. 498-7009 • ... Aft. s 5001 •• e2 BARNUM&. BAILEY A 811 l>le ....... 9l 15 n1ofeulonal woman Sue 1174,000481Santa Ana '°L~enOWC,....._ •. Ac a cl1 . S•95/mo.Jl f'8 3BR2Ba.~2 Soclal Actlvltle1 mo v .. 1. 4. v a .._u ,one,.. °"'"""'"'· · v u I...._ 1 d Olr•ctor•Fr ee evea lllOll or two llduttl only & no 751-0508 Ave Wltdy• 531-3520: Reelonom«:a 87M7oo 493-6499 -car garage, ge yar . Anaheim Convention pet• c.u owner 81 (11411--------- Evee & Wknda 548-5041. --------1--------... JUI M25 mo. !..".!.ta Y 2 Bf. gerden ac>'. patio, c.ntar "·-5-ta &il-Ot3a. IM4 1 IHt htt ,.,.., ,,......, _, 2 bf, 2 be condo (Mal ...................... a-....... • ... --.-880'P new paint cri>t dr11P9 .....,,. Retired or working eeautllul tree 1haded •••••••••••~°'•••••• Kai), on tt'9 water. New QC.RENTALS _, fwtlle•Plut No peu'. 14•oi mo· Long 8Mcn Arena lema lady ~~. i;::-3: r= LAST ~11c~;.:t~1~.crt>':~ 7~·~.-200~1/Z l~~~Ml-~~l~lH~~~~I 07".rr;.;•· 546-9950· To c1a~:·P~5;!! •• call A,amaafl fanlUM ~61fr ~pt. hoC::: convertible den. can be~ -terlront patio ~500 "'EW CRPT & PAI..,. 2 Bf 2 Ba. oomm pool "EC llU AT I 0 M: E/llde 1 Br 1mall but 642-5979. ut. 272. « l//l/1U11 JM -------- rm1. A.uumal>le 11t at rno. 720-0783 wtcdyl 3_: 1,L ... K, ..... , ...,':.o1c'. · · T enn I•• Free cozy, lotl ol natural P • • • • • mu• t b • •••••••••••••••••••••• F non·ernollr to llhr 281. 7 .750%. Owner wlll "' ,...,., "''"',..... '830/moor ..... =lon. Leaaona (pro & pro wood. 1395/mo. Call exehanged I« r.wvect IUWlll 2Ba condo w/aame. So. tlnance 2nd a t 10% CHANCE C.11... 11J4 OW, •tv, refr, gar, )'d. Fred, agt. 8Sl·l or ahop)•2 Health btwn3-15.851·9522. -t••tboJtofflc»prlof CetPlazaarH.$310mo '60,000 dwn. 1235,000 ·····oc.·R£N;.:.:L's·.... patio. 1775. 031-4320 1-53_1_._21_1_1 ______ 1 Clube•Sauna• NEW BREED APTS. to parlormance. YIWIE Vicki wltdyl 993-2000 or 114-4-0164 1-5bf"I $200 to $2000 2 Br town home with tll ....... Hydfomaeaeoe" 1 Br 4 loft, 1 Br. Bacfl. • • • New 162 bdrm Meury 1186-()923 Mu1t aell beautlful to buy thla beeutltul 3 750-3314 open 7-<layt attached garage. 3 br, 2Y. be. prof. dee. ~~ From 1350. Frplc, rec apti In 14 plan•. t Bdrm _P_r_o_l _M-28_wl_ll_aha __ ,..-3-Bf Ranal•Hnce In Harbor year old , 4 unit Appllan1ce610 1ncluded. amenltl ea . 11250. at'"UTIPUL room, pooe, ape, gaa & !f!!r.!!.~!! .. /e.~ "s5om70 15T15,2hbdrm 1trom CdM apt with atralght Ridge. TOf> of nm. tennla, apartment houea In San IEU WHll A•lllng 8 /rno. A.gt. 620-8983 .. wat• paid. No J*•. 393 STEPS l>MCtl 2 Br · own ou.. rom ble M/F 1325 t t a pool, tpa. 145.000 dwn. Clemente with ocean-3 Bdtm8 2 Ba. hlmlly rm. 842-142' & 845-3175 --.niiiiiiii.Wliiiwiil-1 A' A" Tll INT•: H • m 11 t on • C . M . beama~o celling', lrplc: S840 + pool1, tennl1, ~!!t Call An1.,;er •Ad OWCbalanoeatl3.75%. hlli.&gollcouree'ltewt 1 -·-•wt ......... 81l'OI••· 1 & 2 '46-4-4ll d F waterfall•, pond•I GH #515,,,.2 • .,""2 .... _ 7•"9307 atatremendoue •........., n cely decorated -•5 •-11 Y.....,Cenllllront,38r. 811ldrooml"Fumllihad . eleo gar OOf. um Of for cooking 6 hea..tlng ._ _...,., .. '"" UV" -·""'"' *•75/mo "Al 751-3191 -·7 unfurn. Rel'• req'd. 3 bdrm. 2ba. Eaetblulf. I 199,500 8alel lee/(lf>t. Great te rma . Agt 040-9019 direct lrom the ownef -·"" 3 bdrm • 1 •t or y 2 Ba. 2 etory, ldnt --. l Unfurnlahed•No -4M paid. From Sin Olago Roommete wanted to before being llstld with EHtalde 2 Br. 1 ea.. townhome. Poot. tennla. dodl ~ IMlll. Broker Petl•Modela Open ~tft:F_..., :!~": yrty. 842 7• Frwy drive North on .nare Beech apt, 3 BR, 2 brotter .. Aci NOWlll Call patio, MW1y decorated n e Ir Be a ch. 17415. '76-4912 Mii'/ 0 toe. wwc:m -=ma.I 9-:fl to McFedden to 1>8 gar. 12645 P4US utH. owner e1 (714)842-0138. (Duplex). 1595/mo. 213/&e4-0131 1---QC..R--E-NT __ A_L.8 ___ 1 lakwoe• IPA11WllTI NO FEEi Apt. & Condo S • • w Ind V 111 a g • Cell 873-014t Eve.Jana Huge 5bfl3ba+3brl3ba 961-9522 --3-Br-.-2-Ba.--refw--b.--1·5bt'1 l200 to $2000 • ............_ 8Hutlful garden apta. rent~~n;a2 '::'=: (714)1193-6198 Prof woman ID ahare 2 owe 19\ • Flex. Terma N.w 2 BR condo, dbl cer nr beech. 1790 mo. 750-33t4 open 7~ -Patloa./deck .. Heat paH:t. •--.;;Mi:iiiiiiMiiMiitiift-...., 4"' bdrm . 2 b a . P 1r 11 509 Acacta CdM nr bcl'I gar, clo1e to ocea n. (714) 18e.2124 ... ,..... No peta. I '"lllllft m ...................... Newport apt 640-91511 Wll1MJff flLW 440K ownlbltr 845-7048 I 8 5 o . M 0 n _ F r 1 , --------- 3 BR 2 Ba e..tbluft, evt ~ ..... ,... 2 8r. 2 k 1565 Poot. tennl1. lake, Club. Spa clou•. •Ingle level ... , ..... 1 "' & HOME FOR MNT Juty 16. 11200 mo. 880 lrvtne 398 w. WlllOf'I 831-6583 NE w g • I. d 2 0 wuher/dryer, full El Toro p R 0 F M A LE . -··--....,. -• ....... 3 Bdrm. 17215. Fenced 94o-8019 Townhom• VILLAGE ...... ' ti'• .... eo s TR A I G HT. N 0 N. condo, perfect tor -•• -·-Elaide: nleedeen 2 Bf. 1 yard & g«aQ8. Kida &•---------1 1 BR 1Ba.1396, quiet. COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. hou• ,.. ... ~ u ... .., mature adult•. 2 BR 2 Tr • d • for N . B . 8peotaoular vi•• In (at 16th) aecure. t920 Wellace 2Y. Ba. 1800-1800 aq. ft. 111 & lut. 586-4038 Iv SMOKER. 25-30 SHR B •. lovely garden oc •• n I font home . Ba. fncd yard, ended .f: pet8 we6oome 645-2000. pfeltlg lova Harbor • (714) 645-1104 780-8378 1_mao __ . -------38R 28A WATERFRONT outlook. c101e to Owner. 1800.000. 3711 plua Hcurlty. 26 • AQlflt, no fW. ....._ Pool -wnnla, --..... ,... of pura, IVx\Ky. Gharagea, E I ... G ti BAL ISL . MA Y 1hopplng/bo-$1811. Seeehof'e. 873-8575 Orange "D". 646-277t. WALK TO BEACH. 4 8'. ~gate •SltH/mo. -;fOO' 16th St. SpartlllnQ dean, 2 Bf. 1'.4 ~::,.~ =~r::. :.~~g mp= l~n k•lt: CONSIDER FEMALE 500, agt. 046-0295 ... If ....... Weetlllde2 Br. 1 Ba. fnod 29_B7~ ... I 9..c!~ I .. '"no 780-8307 (Dover at 16th) p8:id~:!;rig~·.~~~ room•. wood burning ~~."54oJsee _oeo-__ 2-47-1-----'·--•H~/._ patio, enolad garage, '"" _..or ............ · 8 d (71 .. ) ... 2 5113 llreplacea. micro-wave 1---------Ladlaa only. Beautiful 9"m1 ... •1 ..., UST .. I 11111 p t d " Exqulalte •• lelan ~ --ohlldren olc. no peta. & Room w/pool Helle Npt Bch prlv. home. 1 Br P nthH. Sclf'Oltz new car • •· ra .. ea, lrriM 1144 condo for leue. 2 Br 1080 Walllloa 842-4905 ownl, private patio• employed mele. Kltohen r 0 0 m 6 Pr 1 v bat ti Plaza. Xlnl loc. Nd new All 281• owe financing. ='.-== .. =· •••••••••••••••••••••• 2.,.ba, on golf courM. I~======~= Y •rd••~• n • r prlv. Rel•. $225/mo. 84s.9515 In. 1109,900. 968-5133 1_caa __ 95_1_·1_2_1_7_ag1 ___ 1 no-5829 · • LUIEIU Full aec urlty. Cl ub 1Br wtgwaga. 1 blk from ~· t ~In~~ provided. 1 IMng 845-2580 Npt Bch 1-------- 3 "· 3 B U ,._ Din E/Slde CM tr1plex. 11'\Clda . 3 Bdrm detached homee lncludu pool. IP•. 7~· ~ .. petlo. l550 mo. ..-•. '~~ ..... ·aft•. oFnly 15 mlnut .. dfrom7 i---------Rm m ate w • n t • d "'· a. v. ""'· · 2 BR hie. 11110,000. 2 Br. 1 Ba. w/ orpt1, In e xc ellent area. t•nnll. 12900. Ph ....-1"' ,...._ .,_._.... v ••hlon l•l an • Laguna •ngl mature E~ meture llb«al Rm f"""' kitchen fem 1 1 5 0 0 1 d d E / 1 d 11 • •1"' n. .. 75 mlnut• to S.C. Plaza or pfol/bu1, non llmkr. Pvt •• 2 2 ... 1 ......... · .,...... · · mo r • n • · rpa, yar • • •. Avallabl• Immediately. ....,. -VILLA MEDERA "' r .... .....,. .....,,. rm. pool. For Hie by 1 ... 2 l720 ,_ ... _ ... ,,,,,, •7r ..,.,,.. O.C.Alrport . .lull Mat of ba. TV. tum 494-0451 494-8218 Owner. 1349,1500 511 ..... • • ""'"' _.., mo. v --· l«IO/mo on 1 year !MM· 21>r/11>a on PCH acTMI ~II 28' 28a Elllde, upper ~ Blvd & of 1rv1 n • Av•,. N. B . 4-Plu, Mau Verde. .. I Pin • Five othefl to chooH from a.y, MSOfmo, 1at 11"""'-"W apt, dlllwtlr & dlapolal. San Diego F~. ~/ Eu Ill de Colla Maaa Pr1vate entranoe. deck, 033-11773 or 556-4982. Spanleh U.a roof. Hurry & EASTSIOE 2 Bf. garage. from. We're the onee to &. lat. 142-1183 'f· ...................... wtr /gaa lree. Encl mo. 631-5439. 2473 lurnl1hed, private ent, pflvat• bath, main Ull llLI Ch a rming cvatom count~ home. 4 bdrm. on 45 lot. Hu all the 1men111 ... Cullom oell throughout. Frencll doora. llalned and ... ded glu1 wlndowa. Owner wlll catry. 1506, 000. -673-7300 uun .... ..,.._. lllandl ~ ..... roof on approx. \41 acn. Good floor p l an f or anter11lnlng lncludH; ~ fem nn, fonnal dln ""' .. llY rm. 20llAO pOOl l*la -. a or 4 IA. l4H,OOO. UeNflOld. Oa ttly _lohwelollert 14MDl(JM). aaaume 11521< 11>'1\ lonO HH/mo . 842·26 fO , j ''°' r· , .... Mai --1 -......... O"•O• A,.,, Cooto "'"•'· '300/mo pl"' kif-lo"""·"'""' I I ,326K with LUX. Newport Tetrace •••••••••••••••••••••• '545/mo + t300 dep Meaa 1400 MC. 873-7544 pre I arr ed. Lagu na MOK d:;. 731~. ••• 411411 ~i \\btwlltrldge condo. 2 1111, 2~ ba. Yr1y 2 bdrm, 1 b&. Dec*, 648-4141 or 894-0338: ___ . ______ 1-R-0-0-M-F_O_R_R_E_N_T-. Beach. t4fl5/mo lnclda ... nm Mill• Fplc. Quiett POOi, etc. ldry. No pet-. '850 2324 Elden St. c 0 n d 0 . n r. b •• ch . utlll. O.ys Mike RulMll 2 adj. Covington 4-Ptaoc 4 8'. pC)Ol/apa. •-ywd, r.•1"""" ~1dt.2,K. HH mo. e7&-0:MO !ASTSIOE·Lullury In a g;r~e. lam . only. 714/640-3225, Evea nr S.C. Ptaa. lkl)' 1 or ""' ;.., ......., ....,. --Pl F a t I .. • • ...,, .. .,... both. ~ Int. 8ee1 CQJ-d .. NC 1treet, n.. · ----------..,... nee ore1t. ne r g, 1 , a ... v:pm. -'"-~--'"-·----- offer. Prln only, Agt llbltchen, wet1 1 1peperw& tor ''-"•"'' Pli•~,tni .. • CeNll front " Br. d4ln. .__, __ ,_ 111'/ dwltlt. patio, 880• 9M COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Coeta Meaa apt. w/poot M/F to a hare 2 Br ..... '"100 l ... ,.1..... ~ " r "'o rn ..,. .. "' •1400/mo. l .... opoon ,._.,. lltll lnol. 211r· 28a. 1525 IN NEWPORT B"''"CH S ....... _ ,.__._ ......... ........., .,..... ..-. ' • . -tx .... 846-1044 ._t •••••••••••••••••••••• ,._ ...... 26 ..,. 5 5 I week w I t h ,..,...., ......,. .. -Wufrill Imo. 7151-0774 Bkr. 1 to 5 ~. ltattlng at · ..._. · 2 Br. 2 81. duple11, mo. 1-· 1-..... mo. A total environment refel'encea. 648-3623 1131-01M. Light, brlgllt1.. airy & M76to11296. Lux hOmll In Big Cen'/Oll Q9r1119, frl*, yeariy. l*.r. (~2 ... ,~~~-Rk* M-1' ..,.,,,,,_,t oomrnuntty on 1-------,.-.,50-111•• ....... ..... ,,,..,,. II brllnd ,.. 2 tw 2 ea. for....._ lmmed occ. _;'1:.:.7.:.....:.M•t:..1:.;:2 _____ 1.-=--::" =-:.,.:-=:-::-=:":':':-:::-I the Upper Bey. Prlv9te Room w/Jlea prtv. ... · _.~ ,.. IMI .__ •••••~·•--•••••••••••• frplo. 2 car nar w / .~ 780-9977 ,-SO Ce1Ptcta111rCondo clubhou1e and health Npt Riviera. CM Woman •••• . •••••••••••••••• • C.... "1 .. II-· ' 7 ove r 30, 1 child ok. 20x32. nnr 11th l WIST -opener. tie oounw iope. 8lu"9.,... s IR.~ be. •••••••••••••• .. •••••• PoOt. ~ Meo mo. ape. II tennll OOUft9. 54a-a904 Newpof1. •l50/mo. pool a ape. SfH/mo. 2 It'/ oondo •/fplc, •• LQ ~ ..,., ,,._ Cl*. Avall I · 1. Hl-1424 Po<*. do. to~ 750-<t2el, 9404107 _,-, -567-.2Je0. new cpt. l'I• paint w/ arpa, 1. ealnt. lmrned. Wlld)'9, (213) SM-5088 altpor1, FUfltOn laland. OoYW Shorw. pvt entry, 20.000 eq,.ft. ttt...,, bldg. 4 81\ ..._.Verde.,,....,. Oek ~ Sec opnr. ~.1471, 15M1IO -~,.-----'--....... --i Convenient 1hopa on pv t ba. refrlg. bed. WANT, Oar age for dMded Into 4 unlta eacil ...,._. 1 1100 '40 1414 Jodi. 11 t e . Un furn I a ti• d microwave. non 1mkr 9\0l'llQe on lel. '-""· Ht w1tt121eltJOOh• end an ~ ~ ~·.!7"1 1.;,.."'°· m-8600 • ' ~ Aoecil9, 38r, ta.. UOOl/mod • 2 Ir. 2 ... _,tit, bedlelon, t l 2 bdm'I ~ mo.141-eee8 trtwn 1ltll 8t. C.il 1·771-2078 olfloe. Loo1ted on ,_"" -·..., • &vv , Outttom :S bf "°""9, vtew OQ'I vtew..l..!'!f.~ ~" gar•,!!· pauo. 8Ptl ~ .. ~_ 11000 8-5 wkdyl, Olnger Hunt.~ e--oe ~ 14 aa.. aeeo 3 bdrm. 1'4 be, new " of ~. Pool • ..,.. er.t-r-.. _, lndly -· 8utlmlt -'"""''4ttmo~ 000. Butwfttt tetmt. ' c arpet• flr•plaoe and .-.-tt "·-"" a.u P,,nlly rm, mMtet _.... -Nloe--1-bdnn--~-p-,.,-.-,..,-,• °"pet. ' t.Yerll beahelorl and 1 •~J. ..,,,. flft 'c; ~~TYftolt ~ _.. fnf Ptf mo Incl W'"'~w·Pl'tM , •I AOfften tub, I MUI. TSL Mgmt. 841-1803 ldnn ..VU fl&ture fine •• ~·~·•••••••••••• • t I ',.,... 17 I 4t 6'7M4ii DlfdlrW end ..w. _ _ Qardan•r-a pool up· r:-=: ~·= 1625/mo. a er. a a.. ept, d~gn« furniture and IUI * llTIL ""-a.w H1f IJIJI Uwtn N1~~2390 , ~i':--. 2 ..... him U.. M.-.y ..,.._ ~ o mo,. Incl. v••· oetpcwt ywd. lndry rm acoe11orlH . Move In Wkly rentall now •vall. •••••••••• .. •••••••••• HAR•OR ,_ ~, -l1tl0 + clep. fll•fe. owner/~gt t to 5 , 8mal isog ok. ~ ~ today or reHrve for lt40 & up. ColOf TV. a.TM lm1ll -E.Mtllde----COn--ldo-t'""lr--1\A-1 t';·s~tl, d'r, ~Ina, H 1·~ t, 141•HOI tn-8414. 1P9t. 1U1MW months. 8mMty ~ ~~~ 227.. I RV IN I . phone ea. trp10, garage. 11~•:.-l;;,,.:: .. : (M-# _, TIM. Mornt. 141-taos ~~ model• oPen ..._.,441 · ~-.:!111~. ·Wo""" .. ~ MIO/mo. 6414M1 WATEftPAONT HIGH 3 bdrm, t be. peek WIW, IAITllO! t Br. 11A 8a. _,, "'"'-··• _... ,_., aar, Ila. .... mo. l!nd Altl COHO<>: I M N Juat oft oc .. n llvd.. .,..,•nhooe, encl1d On Jam-. Rd at 8 E I C ff I RE I !!!\.,~•ce. t1S /up. E/Skle 6 bf, lcle YMt. Unit. oard•nlng . Incl. !>9th&. NUnaJPoOf. eo1 otMn, neat, bto I car ...,... 1rp1o, "'*' pee n n n .._.... -:aoert~CW:.1~ POOi ...... 1 ..... .,.. Lid•· Ith fl••r~ C.tl ~1~ "'°· Ao4-°"·Grett loo. ..,, :::; .. Ad. $77/wk 1111 w...-. ........ ne ' ' Wllnl.rt 1c1u*e oondO, I ,..,,._ _. 7M-1110 • Tll Mgmt. 141-1IOS ...-to 4000J:!. ft. 111. floor. air 2M. 2 CW oet. D/W, Bft 2k · feMt •lopt to 11u"9i I bf, din, 2\t • &... JlaM 1111 I 8r. 11A ... I 9\-.Y ept, LIDO llAUTifUL I Br. l(l~ Mekt-Pool ~ ,...,. "' ",,.,. :i,t~".'i ~'!11:·. 0•~·0 i~ m:.:e~t'a~ =~to~~·~0t\ J:;~:o ... ::;r.aiai···· m'i,~o~ = ~~: ~~dultt . ~:. ::7aa Irv_.. 145-2Me .,, ln-atl? ==•· t t 1001111•, Hew ... decor. o .. pd. 941.0111. -1 -1 ..... ~ ~!fl! i~ff •••••41i••4'.t··········· ' ,.,. ....,__,.. 9" ... 1----------· ,or lal• l'AAKIA, Lo.aly modern 18 ... ..__ ._. .1-.. ef'IGI Gtr, d"9f"• pool, ITUHNltfO .... 1 Ir. ger, ~ t..... •••••• ... ••••• , A"IZONA, 80Jl11 trlr, taaO. 1010 W. Wllaon, :nlio'Tr.'.r.r.;: ••• rr.r.~1-ar-.-.--... -Lliil-.--.--1*.-bt!t. Adultl, no p9tl, ..,..... lllt. pool I,_ )Iffy. No ..... .,.._,. ~ -..m home tot ... Hr tie, •II "'"'""re, Mprn ml 111/t• 4M• ..._ 1M 1 N. ~ ~ ...... ........, --. 1...,.141oto1'1.---~----i rm. 1411/me . 710 W. etd•rty, Lag. loll, 'ff/ .._TV 19p~bll ~"*'9-.,...wtullll" pallo, e•r1~. ltov./ .....,,.._.,...,,.....,, 1411 1 .,.~01 1 tM\.a ..._ lrl '°""' Q111ifled famll,. atmoeptl•re. wall au' arovnd. Call .... ti-.......... _ .. -". refrlo. •14 ll: Ann•. Irv'"• A'te •• N. •· • °""' 1:.t:...• GM Nip YGI' ,,_ ff'Mf'I Ctl•l•t Chea Von, llt-411t.llft.,.., 141-.n"' ,._, -MIO,.._, • ._. -..morlM •••· ~=:1111.'11t 11~ wr.;...,. ......-rt et~..-.:MM111 ...,..., ... , ... - 1 ' ' f!1!;ftill .............. ""~''"'········ flr!flr ••••••••••••••• HAUU .... MDHI Mrt. 9'tllai.1e llMH ITA .. vtNCI COLLIGI dtlHlltlOn1 ol .. n·"'· l lHnlnt & .. 11,01, ITUOIHT• MOVING ~I tret 1'9mOV16. Mtr11lng, lftttnton, co. Lio. T11..._. ~ '1nlir. AlllDIOOMM'UINO. LMdH••· • .,..... °'** wv. 141-1.. ~:.,;: ... Call Mre. ...,,...,, 141 .... 21 ~ I ...;;.•;;;,::. liiiii'iiiiiiftiiiiiiiiijiii" YMI "*1t. r.._ HAULl"fQ I MOVING ...... 10 .-. WATCH ut MOW! tiff~ ....... Oolot btlOllttft.rt, wflt .. LOlll I'll.·~ & LOolL hMllM w1'NOL 0.-111 W..•ullllllnf ..._._ IO'I PLMTINNG "'* . 10 min. ........ '""' ~ Niii .. L.ewte 11M110 ,....._ ..... 10 )'rl 9q1. U'l1'nJl'.ee••••n••••• ,._ ~ Hell, IN/din tmot111i •"9 Iii• HIUllno & qvtolt otean-tQ..()110 aft. 4 .. PWiM AU. TYNI . ="'aa~7~~.·.: ..:::;: !I!~. :.en.;:=tr= fl!t.:vfff .......... :io::~~·~l~r~ _14M1M_~---.-....TUl....._..,,,-A..-TQ4,,,_l_NG.,._ odot. Orpl ,..-11 Yf't ---------1 w a a P '"41: 're a U1 , 1~ YANOINllMI looal ~ "eetuocoe lnVelCt. ao =. Do work l'l\YH Jf. &...-~-.......,_ •l!Mtle. 17'7. H~ wft--'-LAHDIOA~ Thank you. •1-"10 Yf't, IMlt. ,.,. IM&.2977 ..... "'01 J1T;m.n1Jl'r.~. m~............ ...0 I_....____......... , .. _ .... Int IOd Pl•ntlng. -,.., • Kit. Almod .. ewemlo -..... ... ---... Low , .... r•ll•blt. ~ -.. • i ,AINTl!A NftOI •1--w--No-8-tMtl\/-~NO-.~llatnpOo---1 ~Call nOllW ·he ...... ~~. °.':i& T1~.·11~.YO"· •t•v•. b1m. UO'd •• r::;-w WOAKI 30 )ft~ io.mr.;y ............ . 8ttiln ._...t. P'9M eetlma.._ 141'4N1 ~°:"=~1= ~Ute Nullnt· ....... .._ .. =· 1'='°147·1 Y:four~ ~·- dry. ftrae wt. It .. 1M2 a..w-HAULJNG l OUM, ... llTllQ'll ...,....10 • p.alNTlun IQ .. ·-.. -11 ...... =#nllerll rvol!L ".a•p .. "'.a•1 .......... JI.............. MOWING • Ol.EAN UPI ••• •• ••••••••••••• JON A.Ill ..... •....eu Sod, eprlnltler l lhnlb -'"" " .. nw ---- ...,. .-n •• ..,.." Oaooratlv• w1ttrproot Heul1ng . ~ HOMI IMPAOYl!Ml!HT '941.eli1._,,.,. lnttallatlon. Our work Cullom wort!. ,,.. Mt. --------~ ~':'!:~::-decklno. r1palt1 ' ,,.. Mt. 94a,.;9t07 AIPAIA·PLUMBINO only look• ••pen11ve. ~e ...... fin• Int. & a IU .... ,.ti ·~:;,~~· .. t:;• Celi*."'*:·.,.. r<io [,eoauoa~!~ ~~:1od:'~~: Mow. edOI. re11e. eweep. ~~~c>o":n:..'" iJi':~f':: up ~uc;lr ~or::re~ 11.intng. a1ew 541--4211 I~ lir ~••••er tit -~s ._;...~, ~, . ~-.::.~· 973.5771 'c~rlng 2~e~•"2·1u.,p, ll•ul. 2111 Ouldl 11~~!,.. wt C.al Juoy, 94t-1ee1. ~t)-P_!4'~1M!!~ l•..U..m-J, _ ... __ ........ __ ....... ______ ----------1 ..... "' _;;::etc v.... a b•f I EXPl!AT HANDYMAN -....,.,. ..... ... ,,../' F .,. •. -~-....... Y.:"•"ttr.:: ... .... ,,,., ~!~!'!!!!..... ...................... cerpentty . RooftftO ....,.,.,,,.. . r.. W'• 1111 ..... 1•1 .. ....... r.............. Cemenl-MMOl'lrf"l!Modl •KATRINA'S· LIVl•IN .... ........... Plum~. 9'o. 942-4018 ...................... .... LMni I..... B&M Painting & Tiii ,r .. tilt. fllW. = PCrloetean111n1: •• n 1w' le xAluntoo. Wan.cu.t. 'WOf'tc. UC. hlltore. dll)' meld wv. Tr91 lrlm, Qen. clnuia. LOU'S HOMI! AUAIR ~,.!!I Cl..~ ....... 111 .. H1 F1or• aet.lnl0Cntleict8 & 1tA1n9. Queil. WOftl. uo. 7108. PolleNnQ. The 0...... #3810$7 ~ 641·2ee3 ~~~~Ye orpt ~'..~ :.r;,....eet. ~b. ~ ~7 ,,_,.,._ on ~ .. Call~ ~~~ 831·2341 940-l11t. Co c •te 1ma11 or lg• --_...;;------1 ~~lint ~............ 1·" colllct. Rt~lftt l~laKat, ~ ~. replaoe or ,,,,_Ill Jeeale'I a.,~ ~. Pfloee 1'11-41161 JOWl'I a...'lina ISaMoe MAGICAL ILlutlONS HOUSEPAINTINO Ouallty Cre"m1n1hlp Automoblle AJr Cond. --· IM54612 •:1.~................. OliMn-upe, tree trim 6. E ,._ .. ~--HOUIM-~"-ntall FOR ALL OCCASIONS "9ferenoet. Tollern Co. 1'1#f •••••••••••••••••• ~ C.arn60 Tiie PfC)fftpt. Cell~ 116-140I. ~·~····~····· Hl!AfTAO TM! HIW. Comptlte ,,... care. ., ~ upw. OM 612-6177 IL.OW MTUI Tr .. tf'lnvnln9 & ramcMll a11 ~a mowtno 664-7017 ~.~ ..... ~· 180 Walle Plaoe r-r. DRYWALUACOUSTIC mllnt. eerv. 540-8035 ~~.;i::.• Offtola. 540-1287 Ref9. Steve te8+4413 In & out. Free •I. 848-78CIO or 542·1&7t c , 90fl'91coe 54W208 CONCRETE WORK l "41pa!n. new & old. 11 Mtlftl. 31 Nied e mUd or. h ... ..,_,_ Call~ 1172-0118 ...... i.n1.. MR . SPARKLE: Ill a.Ji.Jiii.. BLOCK WALL REPAIR yra exp, Bud 552·11582 k"s:er? Hrly or wkly? .....-:;1•••••••••••••• Int/Ext. 1owe1t rel••· •••••••••••••••••••••• wndwt, both lldtl, "LM the 8untNne In" Call Bunahlna Window CIMftlna. Ltd. 546 H5' 20% Monthly 011oount ..... ~":':................. 771-8218 att &PM. Wall textu,....Aoou1t1c .. • • RENT A HUSBAND For comol Mf'VloM, Call BRICKWORK: Small Jobe. prompt, Mat tetVICI. 10 p A 0 F ! e 8 I 0 N A L I c r •• n. • Ir.ck •• BABYBITTINO-my hom., ~,,.,,.,, allaJ Hang..T~IMI etudl I . IYD for minor oonltr, ~· Vle Jo 8trvlce Agy . Newport, Coeta Mau, Yf'l In., ... 548-5884 I RESUM!B I CAREER Hon•lt, dependable. ~~~U~~~7~u11. r.reMOOEL~Aoc;.o.;;-· Lie. 38"44 1-132.15411 m AJtao :':• ~~~3:'0• Y"I 11134000. bonded bV st. 1rv1na . .w.. 175-3175 int1axt. Honett. aow, COUNSELING 861...0100 Guer. l'lO ttrMk•. ReM. & c.wpen Uo'd U ORYWAL.L TAPING You ~ ~ of ot c.ut. Cullom Brick.stone Chrltllan. Promf.t. Gd 11,...,,_ llricM. 540-606' INFANTS. UP yY'I up. I~ 64e-'21111 All Taxturee & Aooullle IWO ,,... tlckltl (118.00) SMll Home ,_,..,, ~ TIRED ~ HA88LE8? Bloe*-Concl'et..Stucco '9ft. Fr ...... 86 4878 .~............... •FINEST IN 0 c * C: M.'!:ht, :::58 Fr .. Mt Kevin 875-8088 ve1ua to the ~c:i·o~t ~'. Ae11ab11 °*"'~ help II FWa.. Fr .. •l 549-'4112 *819hop & Son Palnll~ Hu~~~· Ron'1 W1ncklw W~ -.-...a...-.i e--.. ~~ ll#trlt.J B'!f"ORNU(M~!f!Ol'ILEY. 651· s.40 hefeC ...,._~ ~o Brfcltwoiti·lmill or IQe ~O yrFrn!.:, ~ ... 2 17o1• Uc. #411902 &48-97M Raeld. AeM. 830-11 1 ~• MnWW Uc. 4111517 720-1290 ...................... " •..,. Ouailt}O Hol~~ Jobi. 100'1 local ref1. llM. , .. -·· vu • v -----------------Llc'd 8ondacl ~ ELECTRICIAN-Prlc•d .... •"""-' n... wlttl a P9nonal T Stnc:. 1189. 5454612 i..~u1tl1• F ClaMllled 4-82nd SI. B WAY CONSTRUCTION rfgllt, lrM .. umal• on .. __ ......,m Con-11on ···in·~::·:!!=·:.-:=::·· Beth 86()...()t33 ,,_.,~· ••••••••• ~":"A......... Of Ad 6V Remodel -Addition• ---~· •• -...... -~-· ---------111.M-.. .,.. .• A............. BUDGET RATES ACTION C.Codar'• Babylltt• Uc. 420802 842-1200 ~ge3~~11 ~~&II Cent" Aug. 5-18 Wu. Swadleh cnftaman. Home CIMnlng; llonaet, tt";~::t •••••••••••• -. FIW'ttllno lnltrtof Dealorl L..ow min. sam joCle Of( Call. Agney. c.1184$-3748 L°"t BMofl Arena Since 1947. Comm/,_, retlable. tiarctwo<kl"G a. • ABC MOVING. HANGlNG/STRIPPINO uc. Fr .. .,1 941.7511 Diiiy Pllol WILL BABYSIT 11/Hr a..1.1111.a...a-.IHIMI. LIC'D ELECTRICIAN ug. 1S..22 lle1-111111727-3140 rafw.ioae. 554-4454 Qulok, CW9M s.Moe. VIM-MC Scott '4&-9325 AD-VISOR e 2111 M FI ---.--Qual. wof'k -RMI. ratM To claim P•H••· cell F,.. eltlmat .. 052...().41 ""''""' i.mn. IM2-6e78 wk .. ' yr1. on-r Fr .. "'· Rau. prlcal. Fr .. Ml. 831·5072 Tom 842·5878, ext. 272. •aJJ.• Tllorough otd·flltlhtoned . A8R PAPEAHANOINO •••••••••••••••••••••• -========:: ~ C.M. 642·2"5 Oual. worlc. Lie. 337189. p. I •• I mu. t b ••••••• ;;11.............. Complete haeclMnlng. ··~ 1 --· 7 ~ locel exp. Guer. SICRETARIES TO GO - Chrl1llan mother Wiii 831-2345 ELECTRICIAN exchange<J for reaaN9d DUMP JOBS Raf-.. Jen 53Mf99 Top quallty. lpeciet care work. PrlcH •tart II Your Offloe Ot Our11 8uylng and Mlllng II • ~ lnfan1 a up, "'l Gen«al Contractor Sml Jobl/Repalre. Lie. tMta at bolt office prior 'c:~:.K~°t.':1~~ MAIDS OF ORANGE CO. In handHng. 25 Y"I exp. 18/roll. Alee 151-7027 Etfldanl/Rallable rHaonable prlca-that'1 home, !~ Baker Ind .. comm'I, r... 233108-C-10. 648-6203 to perlonnenee. Quality TIMI CtMnlna CompetttMI Rat• HIVe aomethlng 10 NII? N l~M wor::;~ll wn1t claullled 11 all Haft)of • ._ "2-2411 Uc. 333217. 667-1738 Cluallled Ada 542-54178 • * * Ctutlllad Adi IM2·5e78 Bonded, Ina. 831-lm No Ollat11me. 730-1363 Quallted Ilda do It wen o mum about 142·5e78 m!.f.!.~ .... Y.!f •• ~!!!.......... '.'.'1..'!.•!~ •••• !.'.!f ~!1..'!f!~ •••• !.Y! '9'11..'!.~'!l. •••• !.~!f '9t.'1.'-!!'!l. •••• !.'.'if 1!11..'!f!'!l. •••• !.'!f Lott: Bridle tamale Pit/ llltM.l I Dry CIHnlng counter lllllTllUU RMI &late Salal I SALES·Hlrtng 200-300 ltrthf W/Ftlt•IM Lab X. July 4 from Slat• I.ufnltia 1111 help, •xper or wltraln. Sallboet melntenenoa a 111111 people, t.mala/IMla no Sarlou1 cerHr oppfy. and Edward•. Vary •••••••••••••••••••••• 30848 Coa11 Hwy, So. olaanln g. Perl/llm• --· eicper nee. $t00 per day 811/ Comm/Vee. etc. ~· Pleue Return. redantlalad tHchar In LAguna, 499-11155 lnc:ludtng weekanct.. No ~--1wrage Of "10f9. Anyone ~ btwn 3-7PM 7 2·23311 my hOfM tutoring math, wrr-axparlanc• neca11ary. can IUCCatled. W• tlaYe RU .... I ntte at reading Gradaa K-4. Mr11 nu. e 4 5 • 7 1 o o 1 0 r llOOIDt a new exciting concept. __ _ Ol/Jn IMl.J "" Of/In •••Ill 4400 c ... 1ttJal LOii' 7112 vie ~ reen Pu1mll'I 648-9161 PAIT n• appointment. T 0 d. y th . r. a r. We nHd aggru1lve ........ THMen •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lt•IMI 441! and MonrO\lla. a:"ay ... J• w .. w 1nl ~ e f•rrl:" counHlor ••-•-unllmlled opportunlll•• ~ ::~·.,:~ Expar1enca required llWNtlT llAOI ...................... red collar. 831·47111 ...................... We 00• new...-~. -·-lnreetetlate..,.,tfyou trllnlno program There p,...,.,,t.nlF•T. Wf:.STCLIFF BL DG Execut~ omc.. 1,000 rt flm REWARD. p~~~ ~~:~.g =. ~.~~I!,~ cl; r~'1!: = ~~ :~f~ ~ : .: ~':,In= E.C.E unite raqulr•d. ~-~~~:n!'d ~~~':C\:': Olltl.I Ill llU LllT.UWUI CNA; RHpon. F.; Sp. lloura I wHk 17& to ~ulr .. •J!Perlence In e.nk•-Fotwt E. Olton, Hotel 8" VaMant Rm on P~'N ~ Nt WP•W' Af ACH . ".' .. . . ~ .. ;;:.==,. ~=-- Hoag Hoepllal. Cpt1, Female, 3 mo Gk! llgllt Path. ttud.; Rellabl•; •tart plu1 addlllonal g.tnafal bulldlng repen. RMlton. Our Huntington Juty 22 10AM & 2PM mini bllnd1 Dedicated Office ~ lor ...... G<>4dat\ Ratr1ev'lr. 7/4 vie: Slnc•r•, ~~~· Sel. tllua ol partnartlllp'1 (714) 566-8"1 Baacll offlcu llava (a.II Roed turnoff Santa T1 ... h11 ltlleltw'I piling Prof. anW_,. ~"o= :.t~I 171.h and TUIUn. PlaMa Nao-C.U 1 EM. ptoftt~,.., fun ....,.1 ..... UST. lmmedlal9 cpanjnga and Ana Fwy) Don't mi. thlt NHdld lmmadlltely. ,/./._. __ In A .. ._, ., ... 145-3323 <*I 831-7053 E..... ,..,., -ltwt1e )'OU lo fokl 119 ,.,........ ................ t"-Ideal tor atudent1 or ...-975-8000 lordeitalla, egt. ---------+---------Man a g am a nt Dr.'1 olllca1, Tuai 6. for a~ open~ .....-· ........ , .,. ·-... day9 -Loat· tonghalrad creM'ly ••I• WalM 11• opp ortunltl ... For Thura only, El Toro T~ prt%•wfllbeg!Wnaway. hO!nemak ... Eva. S.I. --.1,......,_ .. I ,911 t.fr ~O~J'f'.'1 fi4~ 6101 *lnlPllT WOii* lalutn.J lat.Jf•-wlltt• cal w/oranige ..,.., ....................... Int~ ca11 att• e:oo 771>-11150. July 20. 11112 FOf further lrlto. call (714) No Mii~ Alrpor1 ., ... 1 1 O 1 D 0 v • S 1 , •••••••••••••••••••~ Hlmll1y111 type, Laguna S.V. Plant ofc. N.8 . PM. &42·6178, ext 312. 7:00PM 831...03H Call bet. 12, &40-4647. 11eo IQ Jt conalita 01 Beach. Rawatd. Ellper. pref .. but wflltrlilrl W IPlllAUIT 64111 Edinger Ava. AK DOV Merketlng _•_tt_1..;..pm_._eee...o __ 16_1_. __ --------·--· ~~~:!~~·~~~ : .. ,~.r~:~: upp•r level axecullve __ 4'4-3e __ .,_21 __ •_1_..6454 __ ~ ~~1i!n'Pi~&:r~ WO llO'Y ~:':.~~'.~':~~ Huntlngton~82147 Servloat ~ *llLID .. m •• * Office IUllH from 810 o 111 c • w IP v t b a I II. REWARD 1100, Poodle • . Challanglng long term Raaaf'Y'I ,,_, home. Call Ucanaad or unttcenlad, llUtl1'm lhru 3800 aq. tt. lmrnad Ground floor reception mix, •m•ll white fem. Apartment marnigarnant. Po• It Ion o P • n Ing toes-. 11 you would llke 10 know SALES From 1 room to 3 rooma. avail. 3 ~ trom o.c. .,... and 440 aq rt lhop LOlt 7113, Mllaion Viejo. ~ to ~ 100 Imm ad lately In Sen -+~un 131..()481 more about a cwaar In Profualonal media From f 1.1I • aq. rt. No Alrpor1. For more Info tp41QA. Altractlv.. qui.t 581-1128 unite In Bo. 0 . County, ClernenteforaMC')'who Seni.AM&42_,.783 reet••t•,plaaMJolnua ••nCJ«lple. Min. 3 Yf8 laa1a required. AdJ. <*I Cotta MH• lndu1lrlal 1----------1 top qulll1Y bkSg. No !)9tS. hH lnlllatlv•, drive, & USAA Ctr. 582-3173 for thla lntormatlva exp .. Id tala1. Hlgll Alrport•r Inn. 2172 .. ,.... ~17M633 ................. Apt . plu1 1al1ry, ~IK-lnlhor1hand aY9nlno comml11lon 1truetur1. Dupont . Call AM . ---------1 and pr~~ 1oet tJtP•rl•no• helpful. a typin g . Ce1u a 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil · Hot1aet Or. C1y ~ ...... ....,.., •-1--N.B. 3915 Birch. 3HO from r1"L EW'"ROf 714/•~" "212 t II I -•-----••• •100 .....,..... ... 6-> --• 14-ft. or i.e. MIA zone. " ........., , e mo1p er•. r•qu rat --For ,_..,ct1011a and .. ._....-. -,.., BAYFRONT Excellent Otllcat • Up toAQAftl ·...::..::.:....:...:.5"_1 __ .:.503:.:..:2::.· ---I ·-:-:-::--::-:~2-:-5-::143:":'."::'.":':~ 1----------fl• x I b 111 t y. C •II for eonv . long ttrm C4lr9 delalta, plNM call: ~--tt.1801 ..___ -•ttractive Git lmn,.dletelnl...,.._. e xp . raq'd . Excell. ChlldcStoffal/ ....,.,., -.. ,__,,_ • 17 5 0 u P 2 1 e 0 11. Lott: Wl'llta Cockataet. ft M A N P 0 W E R k I d & "'"' ~ Bt¥d. C.M. &45-2111 Aak so. Cat Plaza area. 7141 ... 1 ..... wor ng con •· .... Pr1me omoa. 873-1003 tor Joa ~. Offloe. 1I081 "HIHary". 557-5574 SopNetlcetad, attractive. """ ........, benlftta. F/tlme, 7-3:30, 714/'94-1521; ·6515 Exec autt ... luH ..,...,., 1----------Rectondo Clrcle If ---------wall groomad girt to Ellper.CerWuhhalpfor 3-11:30. 714..e42-80"4 furn/unfurn., gr••tly Oalpaf•I• mutt rentl Ofc Huntington. B•acll. Loll cat, long hair, mod•I private ly for ,.. aw p 0 r 1 8 •ac11 or apci1y In paraon: 4M r educed N 0 11 •. lull Of pat1 time, 1Gth St., 842-2834. orenge wfwtt~. Lut lndlvldu•I 3·-4 llfl par AaQahlp Rd NB 7~• C.M. Xlnt f\"ont ofc toe. -wu-• Merl Wood .,... WMk.Stl'ICtl)'pr1\latland 'e'1~~1u:11ne tarvlca, .. ~1287 ... r_ -Gentle. 84 -9713 In good tHte. Utmolt _. · COLDWeu BANl(eR O llAl11flL CdM OFFICE SUITE Approx 2000 lq t1. Nr R4'W1td. dl1cre11on ataur•d. Exparlanc•d Phone Nut'lln!ifl. U .... , 8111 Crown Velley Pkwy, & 1---------Gr•I pay -nextble hrl. a... Paraona Wanl..:I. L _._--._,_ 11.ppfOJt. 500 aq tt. N9w ForbH Rd., MIHlon Terrier,..... Sand pholo and deWlled Shor1 How9, ~ Peyt Pett-time & full-time for Ari Equal OWlY Co. With uM of ,_ptlon. crpt1/ drape• 'J•lnt. vi.Jo. (714) 545-0216 Famala Blec k. w1111a deacf'lptlon to Box. Ad c..t Jllff, 417-4181 s.11 lhltt, alao LVN orl-~iiiiimiiiiiii:---~~~~ = 1_14_7_6_lmo_._66_1_4_1 ___ Approx 2500 aq rt office cll•lt. Ptn. July t7tll. No. 1011. Dally Piiot, F..nlon Pertlat: wn • RNtorrallillfor 11·7 IM\ WI-I Procattlng ... 11 • ~of. ofllce IPICA In Npl. and warall•• apac• 873-3814, 640-254e 8ox 1590. Coat• MeM. d b • lor Gii bad BNF, xlnl FUI time In• g<owtng '" • C.nt I tt c CA 92928 aummar war ro • • banaflll p1ckaga. IHlllon 1chool. Good me11aga 1arv. avall. ., or • orn.y or e ntra1 Cotta Ma11 Lo•I Atgnan. white w/ i---------haw tun tool 186-.9364 Ch 1 I 1 11 Hperately II dHlrad. other protatllonal. u.. Fenced yd Avetl now bladt f 1-nala ed UTt -·· -&;;;;:i'i"MiiiiiiiRi;;--1 M r u • mo1p ere. t•l•pllon• pereonallty, C • 11 : J u d y • of racapt1onl1t. Xerox, seoo .,.... mo. 642...oeao _.._ .~:.~,.,., • r FlllALI 1'1-J Competitive NlllY N.8. lh-.-p ~-· Celt •-H"--' .a -" I-__. ...-...,.._ · ......._,... Whl ............ & bfltt. Own -642-8044 "7" ..,..7 '-tn1-.o.- llLY ... llU I Nute New lnveatmant art Qtlllary In Neiwport Beech roottlnQ fOf proftlf1Cll1811 lalaphone ofoalrl. ... ,..., .... /,, We provide quallfl•d Jead1. Beat li.oeittlve fl'OQf'Am to offer. Pro'• only, no amateurs. We're too bulY INlklnO money! c.11 Rachal. ~1. 714Gtl0-0100. ---1· .. v .. , ..... .-... ---------• ~~ .. ,.. TO.-S w l m. • t c . w I • ...--'"" .. ..--. Cllll 1or cMtdl. Mllttl'l -cw t900 ._q. it.~. FOUnd; l..ge ..it & pappw ,,..... 1....,..apo11 '.... 111/ldJ~ girt. light P9r1/full time 8-* h91P. --------1 ••rm 11&11 At1 714/955-24t1 1900 aq. rt. 1675 Germ. Shep. Vic TU9lln Ctr .. 5000 E. Oet. Hwy. dutlee. own lr1111. non· 831-01148. Call Sat . ....,./..,, s•LES E I Ill I Front offtca Large r_. A v I F I o w a r • C .M CdM Sun .. Mon. Newpor1 Saectl Dev. Co. ft Cxecut ve ~ 111~8 n Cualom NaCUt.IV9 office.. door. 1n9 Wlllttlar Ave. 142-t277 aft e. Aut___. ...... .,_...... "'*'Fr1/S. ~~~ .. ~--N ·.£!! Haklno recapllon1111 T•lapllon• 1ollcltor1 an n • r Y g • · 400 l<l ft. Pv1 batll Wl11'1 Daya 540-11352, Evaa ---------1 """" ...... ~ ' et.,._,....,_.. · ....,, p~ •~-b kk I t I d I 4 5 O I mo . Brok• r tllower. Balboa P•nln. FOUND Young i.m ..,.,. =--'R -..-. -oo •PAI' or YP ng want• • no ax per nee. 876-4112 $300/mo. 642-4623 &46--0981 b 1 k w /I an a. ;hi iiiiii'i1 .. , a.n.ra1 Wltll valld Orlv•ra Lie. ~~i!~t~n:;!: =·t~n~~ .-Ylll YIUIT Exac. Fum Suite, prime lam,,./l•nil/ marking•. vie SpyglaH for two Quallllad, INFORMATION on ~w;r'· 11.,., lmmad. plauarrt pereonallty Ind 1880 Pt1cantla Ave. We nMd goOCI people to 1at up ~mantt from °"' 8aadl olflcl In the ~ for Hollday Inn'• ,_ ~ club . Salary + comml11lon + bonua. Call 833-3 7 40 att. 1pm . '''"'"' ..... Follow up, no ootd c:allt, P fT. Coli. Mata ofc. For Into. call 631-7200. N/I!. tor Mr Canon Telephone S.... Earn BIG MOf19Y by the bHCll, 1~00· J 1000/ --Call s:J6.1511. TOPlESS MODELS 176 DAY • PAID DAILY no exp • nae • 82&-2583 Tow Truck Driver lull time dt1y9, no nighl. Call 06a.U05 lmlll .... RHp, tor proce91lno annul1y & lnlUI'. ~ lor lnvHt firm In Npl Ben. Ty ping, 10-llay • CRT exp. raq. Ce ll 640-0123 Prima office laclllty N.8 . loc: Phone and l'Uan _H_l_ll._83_1~ ______ 1 Experienced, Ambl110U9 Aluhn. out of ttate and ---------1 front ofllca exper. M.i<>r Cotta Meaa. =''8.-:r~~-~= ~~~1~~ 1~~~"·.!~~=~~~ -;;;j;;;;············· SCRAM·LETS :!~~~·p·~= ~ :::.r::.:~ J::.~0~01: e ..... ~~end•. ~:nd~~:!. ·:~a~;r:z~: ·-~-:,,-0.~-.-~-,-r-~-,-T-.-!_.....-m-.-1-11 ---TYPt--s-,--- lcoeta to lr#yl, ftaxlble (ave) n.-11191/ ~111 and many beMtlta. AW't 150,000 • yHr. Call: "'-~•ble lduttl, over commen1ur•I• wttll ..• •T,.."v Wa'r• looldno for FAST _.R----------~r.::'::':!l. ~· ANSWERS 1 s 1 301~1333. Opar•or ,_....... 955-1308 Alk for • k 1111. 1 ho rt II and 1 ACCURAT£ tvc*t wtth o231~1c1a4310u11a1ftlrFo UYFllOIT ••• ••••••• •••••••• .~~on to I•• 040. 21. wlt1h out11andln..,g, ~· · raquir.d. a.6• M-F. Sal -'"''lty 10 PR~r ..... .,. 1q. . or Chlldren'1 Book Stora '"'--..-· l~~~~~~~~~I allract ve par1ona111 """''· c 0 mm w 1 e x p 1 r . ...,., """"""""""" addttlonal Info call Lrg ofllca II.Illa w/tml vu In fa 1 I· grow I ng 8\lllly -Minar A. .... I~ to woril wltll youth (agat ---..lft.,ift11iWJiiiiiff;r-5411-1083 Start lmmadlalely. Salatv l.Y& lie. of bey All or pat1 from Stddleback Valle y Tlnge • Oulnay PllTl&t/mlll Graphic art camera 10· 14). Call 2-5PM, 1---------1 open. 720-0941 •-11-11.40 pr 1q fl Cell 831·1888 STR,INOS ........ _ __.at F-'-Dr p1r1on. for ltudlo In IM2-4321. Ex1. 348. EOE for Arcllltactural ofncl. '"111..... -.-.---/W-....._---_. &• ~e tor Info. 1---------1 Hara'• one ot llfa'1 "•""' .,..., -Laguna Bch. Mu11 b• PUT_ LI g h I I Y PI n g I eo.i. ,,,._ , • ........__ ••-••--Join tna leader In th• lronlal.To g.t~1 __ -;eo.t;;;;•;;Meea;;i;;---mcper. 1n.,... of dlltl ,_ bookkeeping. _..._.., wllh car tor wlck•r Airport area -Exec. &111•. From 225-450 aq. rt. I 1 per 1q. fl Many xtr-. Call 557-7010 NEW P 0 RT BE AC H swimming pool chemical wttll no 1tr1ng1 att 1 IAITU room a camera wOt"k. N-1p1per Promotion. ___ 540...()03 ___ 1___ ~~~·=·ti:; bullet lunch Hrvlca. Protaaalonal off~ 533 MtVloe bual-. Be • yoo'va eot to be 1.ble to I IU PIT to 1tart. c..i Al or M on -I" r 1 . •-_, w p M 1 d 11:30 to 1:30 pm. Mon-Ai. Dvolet Sta 2. l308/mo. "epartde wat• lraatrnent pull a lot of STRINGS. 11c0hlmldac:arlo•r~mo.'"olmdy, LAe 494-1818 5:30PM·llt30PM, Sat. -•-• 1 1 Y P n g 1 n Earn 1150 to $170 wkly. 831·1094 1y1tem1 dHlar." Uc'd • 11·30-1·30PM RMI Eatat• lnv .. lmenl ex c •I • n I mu 1 t b • n •at . 4 d•luxe olflca1, 1tret•glc locatlon on 8Mch Blvd. HB. Front eicpoaura. IQe llgn .,..., 85• a q .ft . Ownr. 213-45CM655 llWNIT 111111 Fun 8arvlce Sult• t•rrllory avallabla, Found: Yng M. German wkdy1. 40 hr1/wk. 11111, 11.m · sM.OO to ltart Oo .. prol••~lonat communlcatlon1 and paraonable, •nargatlc. ~!~~ n~~~~;.~ ~=.dH.r~~~4 & 1-~-:-u-~50-E-:-EE_P_E_R-,,-._-d-191-d ~ :;f!:.£~~~'6';.! ~'~~!~~ ::: =t.~,~~.n:,: ~~:~'.18~~0:;~.~~·:~e~ ~.0747 at 10am for *.-...n* AArPot\ .V.. exec IUlta ""MITlt 1825 .... 0oaen View All you nMd for one monthly feel 640-S.70 150.000 full amount 2 Baby Calleo lcltten1, for buey protallk>nll In hf. ROSAN, INC ple ... nt voloa. prtva1e day WHk, N•wport :~:k~~.r::i~~· 0~~~: r•q'd , tom• nnanclng nMdgoodhOfM. NB .. vatteddut .... mutt Newpor1e.ot\548-6633 ·dealt & pllona. c11ua1 _8Mcl'l __ ._54_t-_29_ea_. __ w ith txpa r . Qood 1vallable. Wiii nal 140, 64C>-8927 be energ«tc & raltable, 5 eq\191 oppcw1unlty empt attire. FOf ln1~. call ln&IL UU1 ban• 111 1 a nd w 0 r k OOO plut. Call collec t Found Sat Nita on W•t llrefdy, Mon·Frl, "' I Hair DrHHr nHdtd, an. IPM. Mawr. peraon, Nit Ume. environment. CALL Mon-Fri MPM. AN for r•ft required. (71 4) 642-6118 m J12 · w.aYNE "'~"'l212 nm 408/887-0l11 Balboa & 20th. Sm Grey ~ Vlll1ge Fair• Mall, Mutt heve mal•rnlty " ..,_,.. Office or dHk apace ~· F. Young.1 _________ Laguna Ba a o II . Peet Contra Raid Alp. axpar. 8outll Co111 1---------1 For Claallflad Ad ACTION Ca.II • Dilly Piiot AD-VISOR 542-5678 e xpand•. cl •••Y aurroundlng1, prof atmoaphel •· nea 120 to 250 lq rt omc.. 6. datk epao• from 285/mo. lncludtng cont rma, reception~•. 1ntwettng eeMoe. Iota of per1dng, WP & TIIC avall. 833-"18 fUmWlad orunf\Kn, Paclt ·~I rta1t Babylltt• needed, guer 494-1800. nHded lmm•dllt•ly. Pim.. 567-573-4 Clualflad Adi 642-5978 Co at t Hwy. H . B . JUl'-.-.. -,...--11-,---,-.• -,,-1 hrl. Ute nou..keaplng, -11111.---.. --IUll---i Expar1eiiCld I Rcenlld -------- 646-7474 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ •••••••••••••••• :! •• gd ..,, 714/873-e093 Ofiy. 54&-9339. --------------------------.... ••mn Expar'llnoa ~ 1n --------• UOO/up : Cerp•U. drap ... 11r. 17301 8-:itl, H.B. 542-2884. vtlUlflllTv ~-* * * Comml11lon Selu CR-4200. Perman•nl. f,Jm 111.D Prot1111011a1 ofCI, II• Ot. IM. ltlHth Parler P • 0 P I • w • n t • d • Apply In pereon Allio EnlOY wortitng With kid&. S.., ~. S In 111 6. 2nd Open 24 hr9 a day eicparlenoa Pf A led, alt Cr.-Inn, 31108 Cout end with lnoreued llOO 1q ft. 2 antrancea, TD'• 19411 7 day9 e WMk your own houra. AfttlJt't at Hwy. Bo. Laguna. earnlng1, utlllt• your pvt p1rklno., 1700 mo. Robt Sattler NH/CM Jacuzzi. Sauna. Loce11 130 I!. 111n. 81. Suite 0 .1--iliiiii•iiaii .... jil-I outgoing pareonallty, 1-492-1720 R.E., Brok" 8d ANltor• 11 well u r tourl1t1. COl1a Mell. btwn t-121 •• --~ IMm how to become a 942·2171 64$-081t Ben!Wneflcard, Meeter or 1-5, Mor.-Frt. LIVE IN Wlftted I day trained ..... OC>Unlllor. Wented to 1ublat WHk, 1om• cooking, c 11 2 5PM 142.,..321 appnix. 720 aq. tt. office WIDOW HAS IH for Charge , Amerloan Co,.,,puter 0111 Entry crdanlng. Prlv •ri't, • .!. ·~--"'OE. • 1paoa. proteulonal TD'1 RE ~. 10K 'tfc· Expru1, Dlnere. All ~1ltlon a vall. Great ...... -· .. .._,_,,_~ 11 ~1-~· ..... I I I h xlble houri. Span.,, ---------1 daalgnlld, ••captlonal, No Credit Check, o ........,.,,.. .. --· nn ng opp. w 1 • h II II ~ *SUITE OEALS1C' ~ 'lfaw. Flaxlb6a tor Penal!,. Oennl1on & 2112 HlltlOt Bl CM comrntrolal brok.,tZ ok. CotC::~1';'9'· 111fl II I_. O.C. Alrpor1 .,.., Prof. Pr Iv Io Y. P II o fl a AMoc. 71-7311 COEDS • Would Iowa to co. Call'-'* st 133-::=: :•::r,::: erMOhtMn'-IUll MMca, &44-4140. ~with )'OU. Call Sue 1111/ .... ,..... llll'iDfd ftulllle, twlfta, 10 key & or no tr11i.. lndMd"al 1--.-IT--11-. _IUT ___ ............ ,,/ or Kathy anytime . t~ ~ \~ PART TIM!. Englleh phon• 11111r • m"•t. ottloaa °' dealt !f~ Off•A-ep• ...... N ..... port ,_,fl'fl/ '=iiffS.ii.,.,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii·-" .... _ .. _-_-_w.aaeo ____ , IOMklfto, ~?!'"'-·ref. N • w Port lh e o ., • ~ :L'k• 13:°.n. ft. 1 c.n';, 12()1q. ft."Fum &.f 11..-t• ·-COOtcfHOUMtcMP« for l1..---~2911. OdM dllC eutte, A/C., _,.,.. '*" utt1 ~· 2eae a. Ott Hwy. 17e;.et00 or unfUm. Aval .My 11. &;;·;~· .. ;;;; LmA I ..,. r ... dentlaf date home. llthlllf....... IUL DT&11 UUI Wanda 644-7520. ••••••••••••••• .. ••••• E=~~~ l-400 plut Al8. A190 ell)' !leper Tit: COM Ana Need 2 _., . .,._ tn ......... ,., H• ot.ITCALL 24 HAS ·-"""-llYlll __ . ~ __ 100 __ • ____ 1411___ OOft'WlllW-. ~ ...•••..••..•••••.•... ...... .... ....... ...... -... -,.., ..... few..,...,. Offlo• and L1boratory fnllll'\ IM _., -·--·· & 9row1no firm. •e•t llPtlCI . up to 7600 eq ft. UV1111 nu~ Ortho Offlc• • Hpar. lfWle .,__ of ~ working oondltlonl In -~ .. 2111 .a .... f"' •-ARE FR£E .are ..... • _ .... N .. d n•o. l1Ccel waye and Oo ..-. If. ~ N ~t 0~ a• 1 0 ., .,...,.. ,._ ""'...,. " )'vv av .... , beneflte. Np Bch. OOtlWll'l retet wtttl min. 2 71 1 Altal 1tor11 at ttao Avon preyer '°' l!MllnCI? Call ._94()..() __ 12_1 ______ 1 yMre..!!mpany •llPAf. ---------• St.. 1840 eq. ft. . ptua I att 4, M0-1039 ·-l"lex --Cel 9artlen _. ..,..._ 141 .. m. Cal.· Lady N • • d • ...... ft11l1t11t Delpof1 1 ll'fl '° 11 .., Tran1port•tlon To E11p., Afft, Mt time. kit~ " i YaLm ta•tl Chicago, wlttlln nHI ADA pref. Newport 114/141-1100 f.OI UnlQul 2 9'0r)'. ~ month. Wiii el'lare ~M0-2110 .,,.. ltOGeN. lnlef1or~~~!!!!~~!!!!~~ •• ,.n ... wfenothtr 1-\'.-iiii~1li1ii1iiimiir-1 lmpt~Mhil pM twe Loet; ~ I MOt ledy. 111-2111. wloptlofl 1wll1llll1 06d. Chok• Cf\aln, o.t l'nNI MM All·~•llOM.1-...;..-.....;;::;;;;.:~--- .......... , l.N. Hwy & Rl\lerelde Ava .......... ••••u••l'•~'U ~,: appt, A~ ~iiiii;iiiii~:!. 1 ___ .. __ nM1 ___ ,_l __ 1 ::!/~2r' w. Cat "= :::J =I: Ion t .1; Mon-Prl ::: .... llWlll • IS78 .,._ 1171 ,_..a_ ...... _____ , ........ Hff ilM1N Ut111i MMe~_.°" 8 .. ~............ •"•II•• '*" ~ yttp ~ eo Tuff•t, alo"t ••""• • ... • ... W llf-. bird .... w/2 to "9lolnlx. 1130 wii.'. •plder •ftf reM In tfte ., ,...., -on Co.et MHll•nlQ•I or•flt• Mu'1 '" lmmed, 110 O•llY , ... , OIHll"td Hwr, lo111tt L;a1una. ~ blra $1ot1n on Clllfl Good for 1 ,_, ...._ ._ ... W- Approa. 100 111. u . lelboiPeftlNula..Wtya, 111-71• ' W•~•.._",--~~!"r.~~-.....,. prMM 1*t1tno 7'4/MCMOll ' 'for ...... YOM OM ... ._.., -.·-N21 .rn0. 1our ~Md lot• Of ,...._ ,,,.._ .._1111 Trwot your otct """ '°' Tum 10 toder'• cl..n'lad 1 oU•tt '":t••tll new ~odlu with a tar Utt b u buy1. D•llr '" tiff Cit& I ........ .....,. ........,. -,., Clll _., , / ( <. ) ) 14NT£D ( ( ) ) Newspaper: Carrie~s tor routes in Huntington Bea.cti, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • 1 t l ••• _ ........ 1111~"0" OoNMlll You .. the~ Of two ..... ttok ... Cftl.00) VllMtotM NNOUNG 1"°8. aAlllHUM & Mil.SY -~ Corweotlon 0..Aug. '"'' LOfll 9-di AIWol Aue. 1t-22 To olalnJ PHIH, 0111 IO·HJI. Ht. tU. "••••• mutt b• ~-,__s ... at bcNc .... prtor 10 pem.,,,..., ••• t?t. HHOOOWf ROBIN S f rJAO 0 •• Iii•' oh o I ff)•IA -..,1 I '\I "'' :::r'"'O:.l::'ratr. l•¥' Meet IHft Ht 7 ... 101CI _,..,,. T!r.:f'· .,._-.~-----14' 01t1mat1n wltrlr, t:,•~;•.:.M: =~•= *='•gf. Movlnt 1Uu1, tto) r•lnbow Hlltt.. a•m• ::;ti. 1040 ~1.71 lfn. !Md & ID. lllOW prlH. •ITOO, • .... -,... I ... AftytlfM lt4•H4) .. , ... Ot '°' , ... ,.11 -----~-1 MytlfM. ...--~~-"'!"--• "' 14' "°*Cat. IHUtlhtl PUrtlHU ._m DIVICl•r1 1•11 Mlf 11100 Ot Mil Of9w ~.~ l Tf'!J22 ~ .._......, 11 ;u1,tort•a ~wnlt•~ ..._.,., Au1nt1on 0011111onl """"' '""'"CALL l'Ofl mo. Devot•d. lovlnl, 1 1 11 ofr. '1 "•It" i--~~~~"!"-~~ 1 ... .,.. •• IL t '" '" ti' Ho .. I• 01. Good ttlt RCIMf "•"94"' n ~-lll'llft & -1r1t.ct. I • __..__ " ..-"""*'-ooriGltlonl ...__.___, ....... Oe11Lo41f"'"°1~1ft111. ::::.:.-. _....__ .._ •llap•, wltll 1reller, ONLY tt"lOI 0111 ..,_..____, _. ·---..... ~·~1~11~0. ·~4:;t ~-~3~1 ~-MNIOfl °' l4MIJ'4• If ...aft '11 Model 110 8ta w~ lm.ft.!'ffee•••• =~·& ~7:1.X'"' 8t ...... ~ MW no WWW, plelM .. .., ~r.J.1~ ~&:. :'epO:.~.e:;r:cot~~, mi .,. Lllmn 7' _._ ~ ' d 10" I f I ' ' malt, .... I e1ee1. l..f.-_11'1...;..~...;IO:;..· -----1 ... , .... , •-~•••1 97a-1J't4 ... ....... fttcikUph~ IOWt• 0 •• 400 yd1 UHd tlrpet, boome ~~boetd MG .. 1111 .. Ill -' --...... ... 141 eue at-MN ~ ~ Wlf'I Car"MI odlor 11 IO tJIO/bet ofl'. 111-1'31 ' " • rtuu 'Jt 210 o.t. 5 ~.a dr or l•t • moot. low °' oood oond. 1111. yc1,u.o C.11p1' cJ: tnglne.Ntiwnne.Oood Top Doi• l'lttol'lb•cll, wl'llte/blu mllHg• C1dlllaot In ''" to lood hom• I Ml-2711 54oM1I ':, ay . LAIR" tAILIOt AT ~· ~ ... rM-1 Tentfto ~npee. 1111'. amlfm 1ap9, 1--------1 ~ CllWomlel ._ 1horth1lr f•m•I• MMIOt wttntrllar 1100 ..,._. ... p..i..1 towner,toml,UkeMW. W.._ ff --· Hamatwa, 1 motll« & T OUaNon.'f*'1 • nyton1-----~---111·2311 1111-llU 13950. 131·8111 ev/ ••••••Wl:':' •••••• T:••• lllDI t-1 mo. old I 1110 -~-· Patio ll•• he•t•r ,t----------•• '°'Yow Cert wttnde =:.;l' .. ':::.t _. Drop woo~11:,:.u •• a ~ •. 1:.::&; "°· :-= fm :"t1~ ~·~.a~ Jl•M IM -=,~--~---,,~11-1 ~·t DEALER IN U.S.A. n!~ ll,, ~ _....._ -11"'•.1-------,.,.~-1 olWIOlt to Win ~ It ... 000. Hal Nldttr lllllll ....... ••H••H•uu•u••uu ,,_.,A M•• .. ==: :J.:,bJ.;=: ;:rj"ij:.p.; 'S'Ot1, ~if ~~:~~~no ~~n:!~~'; I• I ~boar 1 w It II : ___ J'_1_41_U_14_1N ___ 1 ml HWbOr llYcf. llUM lldlf'I ""'"'' ...-. gooc1 .__, f40.lll7 ~~· XJnt. 8128. otlimll, ~ .. lna .. !'00• 4 e:: .:ti: .J;'_'I ne ;: :*u~~I~, CoN ~-!::..&WJ •t,8111111~.· -~lll>-CIHIUI -:::---•-a-__ 1_1_1_•~~ F'i--2 _...,. _.... ,,,.._.. ' moe Old. _.,.f:-, THI L.Altft ITOflll! ' ' -• ' ,......._,., ..,._ -----._Ill<" 11w1""°-C...,. fll1 ·-.. _ ,_ -~ .. __...... ~ -"'" ~ • -'"••-!2,.!0_under. 4._~"1P'11 ...., at .,..... .... __, . .-.. .._ ···-CLO•ao ··~ •vs • puppy to good .. h_o_m• . ..,.. ---• ""' lrunewlok pool t•ble, ...,, ..-• ....,.., _,_, 1f1t ....,.. '"'" -··~·-• • """o.. 0 ••• ••u•••••••••••• 11W508.. a.. ... _ tebl• (ltrge). 9 otlre. l 'X4'. ,.. .. ttete, 1500. 924 . 11ttl et. CM. (torwlgn °' ) a-oeet coco• brn ll•m••• ~·t flt. Ping pong t•ba., roll· • ..., ......... '""'' •no. Auto trane. "Wr 1874 8AAB, 4 ~. rltlft eenwoe. r;.,.""' 1 Oii. hoellent. UOO, Ph Xlntcond. f44..05t1 (714)842~ 1 .. ..., "1~~~1on1 t IMj 1111 * llW ...... * Free to good llome 139-5409 Moved .1---------1rUd0~--::1-:-4 -,.:-:....,:-:"" .... :--_-........ -:-:.::-f'LEf!TLINI!. HJ' Ctlev ... '-,...,., ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• II you reelly love ---. e ~ ...,,..--~-=---~~! ~ l'IP•· HO. Xlnt dee*, 1979. Ullmen..... "' eng, lunroof, rood I "9¥1 t bundt, lndudlno Wood oofM Ill* 8'td .,--.........._. lof8bed, Green, gold, . "4-0&81 ett 4PM oover, triller, a2100. It•• r • H 't d r • u 11 o ~ con d . I eat o fer . , 1 d 1 0 end table, Ilk• new. y.., otd ,____, mbt t>etae. good oondlUon.1---------1 ~87 IUIC*lelon M .000 OIO. • 842-7208 I u 11 'I Io • d • l100. 113-4U4 "*9. ~ 8hota. trtlined, Si~. 146-10U, befote Ctlegull llttlo 1H9 lowi-----,.~.,----1_8_57_~-------3100.....!!'1..C:.,Hw't· 1~1::-,_-:--.. _-_---.....,._ ..... ~ .... ,•-i :~w.~~~~~! ~ 14a-8&83 ePM .clltlotl MOMd 83500. '74 ,_,,, .,,,. 1• ....__...... 111 ._......... ...,. ,,.,. Flat 11800. 7eo-e&40 .... #ff ... ..,_ M2·M05 ._;::.:::,::_~•,•:..:.:.:.!•• relleb .. Piil'/ to make ._ r'r a tt 1 lsnd191t Pelr erm ot111rt, good ,..~ &;: wi-•••••••••••••••••••••• Rebult "'°'°'· ,_ petnt. .._.._.._..._'V 1m111 monthty pmta. No ........................ •••••••••••••••••••••• oond. 1146-100 .. 1()11 reoord.....,.,_ & .. -:.-:....-:-.... A IYlll .. rz to 30'. CdM New ~ering. htrt .... 11n W• ... Old oonttllCtl to ....... . I!~ ._.KING INN!A8P9'1NG ,.,..,,..., -.......__ 7000 No ......... _. .. ..,_ .. .... -.., ... M ¥ It ~ ,_,, • • .!Ml llu1 bot Hhd •••.:=:·-·•••1·-·••,•••• --..... _ -· ..._ _ .. __ EXTRA ~•"M ,,.., ..... CNldNnl bdrm..., twn tlt0 .... 1at0 or Terr'y 1-HS-2''1~ 1• •1t111 !It ro ... t.i \h·~ .• ~o.i:.i ---for "on u~-uoo. • ........ • Mt, nevw UMd, wortll bed, delk & drHHr, •;;;'•a·· ... , wkdeye W . Vlnyl herdtop. Exira --------We OWi helpl Before you U1·!MI • •• 65f-1oot Proto UM. .. .. .. ....... $530, HO. 1248 del. -• •.o 000 .oaa727 H I n ti e I I o • 1 h b u 'I o II e O k o u r -1-111 -NIV9r uMd qu .. n H . $85. Xlnt oond. 944-06t1 Wafel Ml OIMft -· · ,...,.. 1 • ' ,,._,, 111f Qn11l.lf "" 20" br9ll bWd oeoe w/a WOfttl ~ ... OMtl -au, •ft 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• nlrD ·~-'"'---· lmmedl•t•ly for your unb••tabl• ••lectlon, •• ,................... • ••••••••••••••••••••• ti lo I .,,. I ,._._..., .. :::! WANTED: Ulled Coleman rlU\ _ ... _ velllcle. OomH11c or 11\llnol Md llNtoel '78 TOYOTA •1t1 n fllm . ~·~ S~=~ risl.1t: ..-7 ,..,.,,., Crib I m•ttreH, MO. lentem\rtpod1YP .. tend UP TO 28ft.11!0 mo. VMldft fllf torllgn. 65t-t286 lllVDllTf CELICA OT 95 8elboi ~.Mt 3 Excellent oondltlon. w • n 1 • d : 8 • t 0 ; 813--8145 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------••• _ I ID•• * mt ml * w • 11 • v • 1 g 0 0 d 714/54CM068 . 944-46818"4 tlora•tllo•1. C111l-1ii111i1iiiMJiiMil11jiii_ii-IDert! 8tue Sot• bed'°' A•• •/!!!11. _. OH. WHAT A FEEUNOI HllGtlon of NEW a 7' Gold COid\, 9' Con.. 557-8861 ener lpm. vllll •100· NeYW UMCI. •••••"••• •••••••••••• 2850 Hert>Ot etvd. Plrlec1 comblnetlon of USED C"9vroleltl Otd lllotl Top o.,ak w/ tbl w/marbl• top & WA..-.. -•t-WW tlllt tnll. M5-075e A"'1 111'/ COSTA MESA economy end •port ..._ edJ. oMlr 1176. metctllng commode, 2 Md"~~,; .... 1'111 GO-CART. Red. HHvy ••11•••;~· ... ·••••·,· ... ·•••• 141•1141 ltytlng. 8 IPd .. w/pow. OellYlred. ~182· 0•11 bu 110011, O•k ee7.St3t · duty treme. LG,.., tlrel. -ltr., A/C, louvrH end COMNCL~ CHEVROUT "~,.. l ' 1 •• r \f ~ lncredlbl• entlque dr1wt11f tbl w /4 WAHT 30'1f/,lp w/~ 5 tl/p •ng. l' .. 1. xlnt 21,0:.""=·~~ Honda, TO)'Ot8. o.t.un, mor•I (024U8V) Juet Vanlly. lllartfloe at S176. mltctll~•· IHt •ulaJ fnf.~:t~ In ~o~t~ Cl o n d . J 2110 I b • t . =· t 1"3 .400 010~ II,,,,.._, 1199 dOl8 It. nffd r•ll•ble P•rty to S4*r I 200 IM6-0810 -liMiiriiiiiiiiiiiitNiiiimi oner.. 7 •ft8PM ,,,,,,.,.,.,, _, IHH. C•ll AnewerAd _04_2_·3S_5_7 _____ 8411 -8211 Ev••· No 19' or 111t, no m•k• •m•ll monttll)' Antique wloker chtlr, .._ 0••1,::~···Y~·T .. :!! #87S. 04~. i-Ian 957-"84 deye. ~t~o ..... llc. ~'••· P'"10 t.•.,,No otd Noontreci.b .. 'IO MONTE ,.a ... ,.. a40. Xlnt condition. lA8 •••••••••••••••••••••• "'°""" 3:S5 .._,, r-1...,,.---.,..----~ rw:,••1 ' -·• • um•. o •c.. ~ '*4Cll1 lllt 4PM ~ A r • b & '4 kw Strei & aa or M50. 9peot eYeM • boet wttll 9' ._. IHI lllfl ff U "ft c. OWi' °"' coet. pmta. due. Aak tor ROM * ml llLL * New full-•IH m•ttr ... ~. 10 yrl. 090Howwd557-te08 b••m 1275 mo . eur-·;."Hts·PAic·!;;h; •••••••••••••••••••••• l•v•r• L•••l11 g 842-4400, 559-1008 Cullom Llndeu, Only A-Has• 1111 Ml. M6. Nw qi,..,-.. 15 "-* very eptrtted, ~--Flute. ,....... 875-3083, 87~9887 Iron M•lden. Cuetom 714/834-0188 Proto U M. 20.000 m1 with Ful Ciotti ~•••••••••••••••• 1100 71C)..613.2 1111k1ng 11500 142-8329 ...........-"-"'' wv-I t I I HAA80A A.A1!A . 24I · • condition. St50. PP .... ,,, ,,.. ~ q ~ Super Sport 81 Hond8 Acoord 4 dr. '75 Ce11ca OT. Gd oond. n " ~r P n many APPLIAHCESSMCE -142~ 042-0848 ='' "" 87 flllGlr. New P•lnl. Air 5 epd , AM I FM ,_redllla,MWbnik• .• AMP/PFMO/Cntm•Tnll . ~-._, Ml b " b tt d ce ... tte. New CO Olf' 11ereo '2300 904-2127 ..... llt wtl • We ... reoond .. Ill'*· • -. • -~:.-.~,. _,, 8 PC ORUM SET •••••••••••••••••••••• r .. a. 8 • reg, r• · · ' A/C Coneole , etc ._..,io.. &4NOn .. -... llll ••••··,.•••·:~~··•••• Xtn t cond , Zelgl n Cuetom 11' mkl boat. MtJlt Look• nice, rune wild. ton:iee ..... lmmeculate. an 3pm. ( 18H4847) Juet nffd ,.,........ -C)'mb•I•. ICCHI. & ••• to •PPflGl•t& 1750.PP.(714)6'1-7939 '7900. r-,.-'d-.. --~----ff-,-7 rell•ble P•rty to m•k• * * * Cu1tom eng•gement/ 01111, S1000. M•rk tt0,000/bll 754-8822 PS: So good l'W buy tt t3W14e ••••••r.•••••••••r:... M\111 mon1tlfy pmta. Ho LAI te7-t133 ...., I. """ wedding ring 1et ~ 042-M78 d)'9. b1ck tlle 111 yHr ot ·eo Honde P...tude. te. 70 TR8: Look• 1h1rpt '*' oontrec:ta to_,,,,._ F,..., '200. w ... & cwtll. Apprlll8ed a1200. • ---------_puc_dlal ___ ,ocsay __ .___ Ml.a.... 500 ICIUll mll••· Xlnt MU91 ... 112000 No blCll pinta. due."""' d r 'I• r I 1 2 5 • •. 2238 MIPle A\111. muet ... S750. Cell Don. Ollllf t.nltut • frw,.,.,,,... '1Wh IHI LIA-cond. 17000. 548-25e0 042·15e2. tor ROH 842-4400, Ol1tlw111'1er S 100. CoN...... 840-5527 ev11, (21S) L.1-f ... •••••~tt••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 831-2040 496-49411 55&-1<)08 Proto LIM. 14e 5148 You .,. .,.. winner of ~9'80 ~ .. tt1~ .......... C..,.,., ,._ 'IO F«d F250 Qletom ••••DI• -... Ml. Lat lft r.an..-lnl two "-ttdleita {$18.00) H • r m e 1 E I • o t r I G a.t 11# * WT 111.L * -'11 Atttr•. 17111, ........... .-........... '73 Monte C8tlo, xlnl Aetng/ weahln/dl')'9n. v91ue to the lfMlll•..., W lypewrlter. Il k• new. •••••••••••••••••••••• a.-, .. -, ..... w ..... w/ 28402 Mwguertt• f)t(wy I•.. '87 VW Bua• .J,.,900 eng, CIOnd, dMl'I body lnllde rt'•ny to chOOM from. RINOUNO BROS. •••••••••••••••••••••• • 150. 044-0033. Wkndl • • • ........... ....... _., "" Mi.on ""'° I fi,.,,., & ou1, recently rebullt 1100/up. 8~ 8ARNUM & BAILEY BUTCH~ 8111. cutting tbl. & EYet. Ten Cloth Interior, (Avwy Ex11off1-6) ,78 HONDA CVCC 563--02311 engine. 11000. 1559-1481 -Rick. etlelf. dr•wer. TELE pH ONE 'IM\llT UL.Ml AM/FM/C .... , Chrome Open 8undayl 4-ec:> .. 11'1'1/lm cau. 30. '81 VW R•bblt Conv, '79 Monte Ceno, *-1 leflts.Lat.. Anal*mCon\lllntlon Sh~rlz•. •200· ANSWEAINOMACHINE. 2™c!:.':Ln. ~L-s1,~~~i-$CArtD--------000 m l . Redl•I•. 5 800 m l. Never bluelnterlor.alr.V8. 7f_.drt.;.~~.. Center Aug, 6-111 847 Ford COCS..phone w/ Y-· .,. ....-.... _ ~ TRICK MODELS AVAtL. $ 3 8 0 0 Io b O. P . P . r19lllered. A/ M F/M 1oc81 15K m111e. WOO. ' .,.... _,, -Long e.cfi At9M HO Tr•ln1, •wltctlH, remote, S190. '42-t822 r:; fr91 tk_;'11;'(i18.o0) ( 1W74404) Jull need 5M-7n7 IWIO ceM. W/W ti.-.. 045-8218 . ..._,_ --Aug. 1'-22 · trick• & eotnery. On 4x8 ·-"-to ,...... relltbl• p8'1y to m•k• S~l.Mllng w • .J. 1••• Met. pe.lnl. Special -1•· -.-.-.,eoi--.-,..--___._--_...--:;:1:::: ••••••••• ~~ To ol•lm pelaea, cell tbl. $100. ~128 ffM"'-... "'4 ·-,,. 'ti a-• a. •--J -,_ S/wheel. AT . $9490. "" · ·-.......... G~L't Sctlwlnn, ,81f11dy, 842-5'18, Ht. 272. -iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiil .r:::::w.............. RINOUNO BROS. .,.., .. monthly pmta. No ..... -· -· •••••••••••••••••••••• M. r I y . 9 7 3 -13 4 5. bell offw tllk• lllnt. oond. "°' =-r.-12 p 1 1 1 • 1 m u 1 t b • Bia M I M Wa s,.rt .... BARNUM & &AILEY otd contractt to --· Nloe Se6ectlonl 873-1344 842~ ............... •1 ......... ..-.... ___, 8 t -· ..,.... ...... ft w __ .. ........ ........... .... No back pmta. due. Alk * '78 320I; tuto .. en/rf, •·-•1"· __... --..-'"" ,_.._. o ~ -... .,... per · • buy • .., -...,_.,, tor Ro11 842-4400, ( .. ""'VCK) •77 R bbll I '77 lmp•I• 4 dr .. n-_,. at box ol'lk» prior n&-1491 tnytlme. uMCI tpot11ng equip. on An8helm Con\lllntlon ....., • · new ' rH, Motob•c•n• Orend ...-__ 8 ,.._,_ ... _ .. 1.. S5&-1008 Proto U M. * '79 833cll·, auto., low tood body rune xlnl tire•. new vlnyl top. to_ ....... _..__ con119nment now ,,_,_, ,,..,,. <r" ' · MUST SEEi 842-7139 JubllM. 12 ~. touring 01111 Unltorm. $10415. Skiing. wind eurflng, Long 8Mcil At9nl .87 Ford F800 2'.4 ton mll .. (5536418) uet Hll thl• week-~-:"'--:----:::-~ bike, hlrdty !..cl '350. * * • eontect CMrill lfter 8. -t• lkllng, tennll. _., Aug. 1a..22 Bobtlll, 390 CID engine * · 80 3201; hpd.. 12000 oeo. 04&-4144. daMlal llJI 17~2153 1-Cont--.-m-~--y-90fl--bed-. 045-2731· bo•rd, b1ek packlnn, To cl•lm P••H•. c•ll encl. v•n plu1 llftli•t• io.dedl (lBOV020) l-:::,7:-::8:-:VW:-:'7.:-:W~_,-.... :--:: ... :--.-:ldn:-:1~~ •• ~ ••••••••••••••••••• .... • __.... • • 72 • '77 113()1; tn/rf, low ..,._ , ....._._ ,._ .... '82 SA, 2 mo•. old, ..,., -t . .,_" JEEPS -Government clothlng tor •II •bov• 842·51S7v , llll. 2 · '49001 offlf'. 879-000 mll. (&42TA'T) oond. ,_ ,.,... eng. ...,........,, """"''"'_'_ touring 10-1pd. Xlnt pc bdnn -'400. Pec:m\ Surplu. t.lfled for u . 8POfU. 0415-4310. 1ne P • • • • • :" u~ ut 132 or H 1-3880 * .79 320I. 4 IPd .. A/C. Sil us r.J c.. 7141985-72~. Aft 5 * Tm ... * cond. Pump, w•ter coffee & end tbl••. 1M. 8c6d tor 144. Few ~ 8IYd CM. nd\engld or ,_.._. .ner 4 pm (4e&XEO) ,.01 YOUI 714/042~9281 Long et•t•d 11 th• boe9I, Hiie -· t-* I SwedWI ..... dlr*'G... Info Oii f312) t'31·1M1 • ....._ .__.._ I. -ta 11 box office prior 1--.79-T-O_Y_O_T_A_PICK __ U_P_ *'IO 320!, 5 llPd .. 111/rf, NllTMAUA. ,74 T ~ok. Auna ultlm•t• In peraontl pecka. t 1711. Cell SS50. booe!-. 8lnyo ect Z23t .__., _.,,. ,._. to~· 86eZOK) oyota luxury. Rlgbt now. ttve ... I 2141 ='=~:;:,:tereo w/ -l•S'MT .. ~ ........... ~ • * * S~r~d~~•t AIC. ( NW1l1 11WIT I ::;~~~'e;~t7;;ugh. ;:,da~:iy·~~.·~:~l~b~j OoodT~ ~. P1l*I dMI _ .,..,, A -.. M.m ~ ltltowcMel. 10 ft ....,_Ilk# 1141 ml .. 191, cu1t. w 1, 208 ~·~ An8 '911.~-.. , .. 1-•• -VW-COl--n-Wl-,,-.-rune-.-Qd.. Just need ,....... Pl'1Y ...., .... __,, •-· Moee ~ counter, catl regletlf', •••••••••••••••••••••• dta. lnt«ior end mor9I ..,.._, ..,_,._T _.. needa wont. S2500/o6o to 11'1111• 11n111 rnontt11y 857-8006 = ~v:::~ ~ .. "'°"" .,.., unit. 487-3411 or PUCH MOPEO: VII"/ Qd ( 1607814) Juel need CHOICE INVENTORY MlUlllSJ.caru llOUUD 831-5129. pinta. No o6d oonnctt 8ofMtrwl 10 epeed, 1oo119 n • r v 0 u • · 790-t287 cond. Uk• MW oNtJ al)() retl&ble perty 10 meke to •Hume. No back ..._ ~ Inexperienced. 8t8111ed mt. S3IO 867~ emall mon'""" ,_11 No VOLUME SALES '71 VW 9u1. nu "9 & good & NN good. '70. by en ui-iiec..S allrm, fr. IMJ. 1----·-----1 u~7 ,.. .. " & brllk•. IOld down -1, pmtt. due. A.Ill fOf ROM c.lw.167~78. .... ........ ~--tum&runt s.,-;1L., .,,,f~'1a/ :::::o:,: ·1e Coemo. new tire•. 12400. 494_7334 or 842-4400, 558-1008 leJ.U'-1•1•21 A aecurtty l)'tlem 18 • •• ~~ •• ::':!':'........ 1111 tor .,.0 .. 842•4400. new trena. 70.000 ml, •w-e715 Proto UM. -. pt'O\llln deterrent_.... BEAUTIFUL 25" ACA • .................... \' I I I M L 1111 xlnt cond. Loeded. '4. i---------1 -e.,-,-,-,-,.----lln--.,,,,.,, lllf ~ elzed W•terbed. the hOme lmnllbl. TM Cot« TV ... 2 -wmty. 880 Hoftd8 CX500 55e-1006 Proto UM.. 8 000, 828-0158 .,_ . 7 3 T H I N 0 . N e w •••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• oe6c & oek ._,.,..., ti t t I ,. '7"' C EV Pl v• lft ---------i t ........... ......__ .. •••/n. wtveleu m•tt. llHter me o •c • now. S148. F,.. dell\lllry. Fairing, Trunk cue, ., H ckup. v ..,,.,,., ... l1fl conv. op, ._.... _....,..., ·79 Corwtt• ll0,.400 or ... *560. 875-2153 ~ the cr1me trom TV John'• 146-i7M Almoet nw. 7400 mlae. motOf. Steel ., 11900. SIMI Ser>~Leulng ...................... ·11 ~ .. AM/FM. XLNT belt onw ..... t!NI. Lo Redwood bl dcklng, l\llppeulng. .. ._ M-.J--12300/080. 871-0641. 5"46-2t4e or 646-2327 850 N. ,8MGtl Blvd. •II,.,..., 1 cond. 20-1891 ml. Lolded. Sll\lllr/wtllte. ~:.:&.~~ ~~~a:: ~/::,~:.•:.:if~ /!."/.,:::-5~· '79 OMC 4x4, 44,000 LllHabfa ... ....... '87 1kig.12vott.1500oc. _7_fl0.8 __ 7_2_4 ____ _ tnyt1rne n&-1491 -...... 175 780-0MO end RF lr•namltler utt1:X::-::e••••••••• '81 YAMAHA 890 SPEC mlle8, 811 ntr ... MllOO. IJJ-llU h I ... Aunt good. eu.tom lntr. 11178 Corvette, blk & ' · ,.......... · ...._._~ ::11\ ,_ •-.J--II 4500 ml. 11111 new. ~146 Open &indey Llgtlt blue pelnt. 1 pc ..._ 11c pelnt, very 1o 111... • Ml10. furniture lnol·. meneoB,_,..,,.,, · II,_... $1800 080 H d 1---------1-liiiiUiiiai'"iiiiifti;e-II N ..... , rubber•. r1dl•I tlre1. S 00 c I .,.., • • I net all yourulf ._,_, _, owu FOfd Pk*~ '81 F100, 8 1 .... 118111'1 ,-, )i m l. 2 1 ,0 . • I ._,_, --~bed. f"IMO, ~ purdl ... wtloleNM fOf •• tt1:X::-::e••••••••• 65f-M08 -"', ovwd""9,.c;ic:tteer, .,_ Comptr• ouu o f SHIOO/bet otr. 5156-4338 t-t7 .... 2t72 If not llCfne :';.1~ -Girt, etc. Alto l•wn -Beck-'" v•• -• lrnporta Direct ..... end Iv meg on '9COfdW •••••••••••••••••• mower• .. lg dogtl••· under-· -by 30' 0Mng/8wordftltlwor1t '80 HONDA. CR80R, ltep bumper. . AC, eo moe -*ble pymt.e. 914 PC>r9Che long btootl, • Y .. tlloa 'fll2. Auto, 50 ~«548-0373 100% 11t11fact1on boat U"IOO. (no engine) nvr/reced, perf9C'I condl very 1ll•rp. Muet Mii. D'"VCAR\!ER 0181 :z 1 3 or 714 ; 30,000 ml. 1395/offlf. ·eo CHEVETTE Bronze mml .... Winder, ftaltl. guer•ntH br Amw•y 111 Hine Dk*m81'1 Bolte. $460. equlpm/t20. SHOO or bHt otter. l'L../I MERCEDES 11 213 .or .... 845-4 __ 1_se ______ 1 4-dr. Allr. euto, tllt....tll, rrraU11c.ea. Aooe8eortll. Unique cnldl bookcw. Corp. C•ll or • no but eel 045-075' te2-7087. 491~2 ~·Bl\oiW 7141837.23S3 .88 $Ingle Clb Ptdlup, A-1 cond. Muat .... .... tee .... 2 ... 192 Henctmlld9. l20. 0 b 11 g. t I 0 n ,.. 1N1 ZOOlAC M81'11 '74 HD 1000CC XLCH. 73 awvy Cf'9WGlb tNok ~~-.:=~·· ---------I •Int cond. very Cl••n 545-2t5l, 835-e8tO fm ••1----~--155-7 ___ ~~ttr•tlon . lllGA,w/50HP~, 81ook , UK mll11. • \<tT, V8, IUIO. new ---------1 HeWll'tyouwaltedlong '3896/ofr.M&-Oee8 'et Vette: T-Top, 350 ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• CtlMdrene a.. bed with teiw tw. oPlrllflon. Wttll etwome. S2900/t>et otr. petnt, 10 W ..., oont'd 11ll .. ..., =-~~: ~z; ~·~ 1-,7-2-Sql--ue1-,..,-191-ctc--looti--,-, eng .. 4 IPled. wire wNI. ~·= ... ""· met tr ea I . 0 o o d 8x12 Colem•n 01111 trtr. S5000. 042-t107 ~-3252 Iv rneg. e•mpr, 1lp1 4, xlner5 1 /fm _,___ ._.. ...._ ---.-.. -• 18000 or b11t ofter. ~ ....._,,,,....._ •-......... 7 T t lttl dd-'" f1 Auto, a r . .,.,. --· ... u-_,....,_,.,7 ...-rune gr••I, redl•l1. """'"""""' _,, ---1-'" ' w P• ..,. r, Bari.rtt Mtt tllllna No. •~ •~ •-•ri-pickup. Ale, em/Im, bleak wi red leether ~u by ... ect nowl We t1"5/ofr. 045-(1998 731-4871. hlilr (2 Celooa) 1 fll'f'I, ...__. ,......_ ~ t" UHd 2 tlmH, t225. 27 2000 /f 1-'.'f, fl --I -c:emper lltlll No reM in.ior 4tK. 118000 ,.....__.._--a-..._ t--------:------------=.w. Frff to good '""""-. 751-n11 · • "' r a.t!b. Ill offer retueed. S4750 · • · e ... ___ ...,., ·ea vw CAMPfll o,_, MY m.L '41-2075 eolld elate, 750. Witt\ ---------v • n •er. C 111 ••••• _.-.:::7.P......... 831_1528 754M>932 lift. 5pn\ of model• & color• oond. a2ooo. nidl•I•. my epot'-•81 • tpd °"" & equip. 049-20t2 40 a..rtlful -gr--. 714/M1..0t87 Aenl: 28' motor home 1---------'7t 3201, 4 epd, A/C, ~ MOO oo. 54M1TI John. Ven.. Wt11N. red lllth. Ab)9111!'11~ ~~ ~107 • Oetluflalr 6 pc -*"Ill )lnperw.8! ~1'..50· ,_,, --~· 11pe 8. ~ io.cted. · fw lttl 1unroot, AM/FM ceu. • II 81111 All !oodlH. 540-0737 .,.,.._ -... -°' , d """""'" " ..... 1.~ .... ~ 04W11 ...................... w/IQUtllbs St600. Xlnt • ...,. vw '74 412 St wa. Gold, 849 .aee& 945 811155 ~Ilda. 80 •· ... °!!"~.,co~~~roy. Cu1tom m•d• coffee Cl111lc 11' L•"•tr•k• ---------t ·7e Dodge Ven Conv. cond. 548-1217 1-1 ......... -~ wn1'm 0911. arto. ale. ---------new.•·-·"" -H• t•bl•. 11. c ine top, c.m.y.,.., ~. 4 cy1, WAITll *MY 111.L * N~w"a. Good c ond. auoo. ~ f1U •••r•H 8 ft Hrtl'ltone couch. a..u11ru1 wood. t175. Orwy. S3500. t7M1et RV tor__._. In Aug. SUMMERTIME F\JN1 ful c.lt 1111 ... aw 1eo..o138 ~ .............. . Oood condition S90 --1~ SecH. Oct, Nov end Ole.. velour Cept Ctl•lre •••••••••••••••••••••• --1-. --SQ-bd..._..--.,---_--.. 111 Corwitt18, al pwr, ll1r-. knodl• often wf*1 '/OU t Ill '0 9 0 ..... 17' llowrlder, Mere 1 d*Y per wknd. eveiy 8of.b.ci • ----------. 73 K>Jb:i' .... Clll .......... 350 •uto, new t1r11. UM retult__,lng Dally ~:· ·•-Cened--len--Sltwr---p-18-ted-c:rulMr 110, mint cond. other wlcnd to be !..cl ~C A.ulop~ '74 COlT, 2 ctr .. euto, 1~1 380~:;-ShoMoom S2200 .. ~· 831·2041 owtom ..,.._ 14t-49ll Piiot Oteulfled Ad• 10 ---------'" Ht. Velue. USO, Mutt .... '4000 °'belt f t t 1 1 Ml · E,,;30.,8·· xlnt running condition, c ••n. •mp•gne, or 548 40:... rNdl tf'll Orange CoMt au.lty Club°'*· ~ 82 9 ° r • n ., • nm. n IHI ( t " .. ) Ju1t lood llrM, 72,000 ml. c" r 0 m. w " •• I• •• _....... m'I led IHI martlet. -., loOM pllow S3l8 Secf1fkie, 1811. 831-0!Me ofter. 596-1 1 bef. : purpoeee tor ioc:.t Law nMd relleble perty to 1,et5. 857-2819 EJec:trontc Raclo, 17,000 .,..,_ ..................... . l'tlorie 8'2-5e78 f40.io7t · · l-8-l•_c_ll_S_tu_d_•_n-t1-o-.-,-ll, _840-3 __ 7_48_11ft._9 ____ 1 Flrm. Wll pay ,... ,... mtk• •m•ll monthly !~~·~~~~~~~ mll••· S37,500 firm ............... ~ ... 8tlelby 14" Alum. Alloy 1--------1 Good Cond. 165. 1T Bolt. 85 tl/p ~ Ind 91* cond of unit. pmta. No otd 0011t1.:itt 1:·---· 75 2 • I 1 4 1 . d my 1 . # 1 ,..... l'lml. llt "ft Mlroede8 5 ent Ada Cell 042-Se'78 831-0848 0 /8, VHF rtdlo, b•lt 161-1006 to 111ume. No beck ,._ "' 044-64te, eYM. II..._....-. bolt pettern. S125. A D SOON YOU'll 8E SEEING SIONS AROUND TOWN CALLING ATTENTl()fj TO SA 1 ES! 11 un 11111atM 1111• uu (Of Yard._ ........ .._, 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot a....fted tectlOn (It'• best to nm 3 deyl for mulrnum apotln~ tt you pey for your 9d "' edvMCe W9'1t run It 3 deyt end Ottty °'*09 you for 2t 2. O« 'I04ll FA£E o.r. Sele .... ( .. yo4.1 n.... to do II oome "' to u. Deify Pteot & Pe)' for your .ct "' edvMOe -.. wtll al-.. you two 11 x 17 sq. - FREE of cf\W9a). 3. Pttoa ~ pleol ~ ~·. tlnk, 30 9.af 11'91 tenlc, 4 --.7-l-Tltlln--Delwte---22-. -I pmtl. due. A#. tor ROM •••••1•.:.:~·· ... , ..... ----,------i .. .._. __..,, ~10 wtll trlr. Beat ofr over 114~4400, 1158-1008 -'81 300 D. Ilk• new. ---------- 11100. 546-1840. Mk tor Sipe 5' '400/wk + 209 Proto UM. 11111 lllfll eunroof, tt.-.o cutette. lll•ai::::' '1~oondORD. ~~~· ml. 151-e822, 0444722,1--------....................... ~-·-~ ~ ·---Jerry Of Leon 042-aaot Automettc t,.._,, T-Tot> ~, ""-· """'-,...,., ii!iiii~iii~i[iiiiii~~l---------1 One unit: w.i bit. loe & loededl (4938). It'• • MC. l33-0730. 970-2871 OVERSEAS DELIVERY econ. NISO. 494-3211 ,. allm fr.,./ fl ff bOlC, Miii & werdrobe for meoflo Oii' f« (81t 8 PM) EXPEMS ~-"" '71 2714ft IAYLINEA .]~ •••• ':!.............. Vmn 1278. 548-7375 ., 111111 -~---------,_.-1. ~•':"-'•••••••••••••• "Victoria." Flybrldg•. 8t111Ctlt'I tent tr811er, llP8 ... Ill IMf ,,.,,.. •••• • m •eo u--z.epl"lf, 4 ctr VHF redlo, bait tank. 7 mint. oond 3 burner ....... .,.... ••• ••••••••••••••••• ._.. --7 0 trft. " depttltlnder outrtaoert. 1iov•. Icebox. llnk, Slll .... tall Do\Na::;: LUil 11111 ..... ~·a!.: aa.400 AC/ w/tr .... ltST <>Ff'~"-h • • t.,. 2 u b I•• . .f -.. • ~ NN NEWPORT 8EA.CH PlllDT Ill I 1tee Hertlor Blvd. tf9.-T011 146-2'43 494-8232. '2000. .!'lf.l:g.~ ... r.-... tU ... 11111 •llL COSTA MIESJI -....... .., ... ~. l380. a.. .... • ... 1t f1 Trev•I Traller. WE PAY •t ~ W. &th, 8lnla Arl1\ocr1t-Low Liner. AM 1:30 to 5pm. Mon Will TRADE for tflPfOll 81Hp• 9, •wnlng•. TIP MWI ttwv Sil. 40 ft o.t>ll\ CN!Mr. P\111 cllemlc•I tollet, oven. pty 714/41M021 81500. 7141'47-aat ,. 11111111 . 1---------i ~ ••••••••• l!!t w-.-a.......a.. .t••,.,.,I_,, IUllOIOll ... 1t1n _. - -f .......... .,,, NITlll/--MACH I ,_...111 VI tt?t Twn dal. 1t•n .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 24IO ...,_ ltfct. 4 epd. lunroot. '2500. radet, UI, ~ VH,, All CNvy trudl 1*U: 14 OOITA MOA tn-1171 ..... tinder, end euto ton \0 CllH•f. Ablt. •• ·-plot. Mbo ~ Avon, llWlllTll•an trom 1118 ... ,.1 LAtwoo, ~ ..... .. & up. 1564-1850 up end muotl ,,.., ...... ~...,..,.,.., ._ • ... ,,, ,_ ,_ WI llY ~ ..-·4 1n111n very •••••• :;:............. ILIAI 1111 ~o;!: ~ ~ ~~~ -111111 owillr. 811.000 ftMnolnQ AOVMTIAM .wl.11~1 Th• prlo• of lt•m• ... -..... -ONle. ICIVertlHd by 'v•lllolt .._. .... • delltrt In tllt v.tllo .. ~ .. ~~ "::: olaHlfl•d 1dv•rtltln1 • • oolu"'n• Clo•• not C OMNfl l r. H (\I HJ l ! T . 11'1" .. lton Wha .. r lnotude anv ~ ::'I lvlnr11C1•1.-•lnt tuee. aoeM..' \rllMf# 1----------te4100. ....... ..... flMMI GMfOM, q~ JOO 1-:1~4~.-.~,~,~,~1-10-ec~.-0-,-.-n·,• •••• for air polluflon coptrol devlo• -. ...S., 1o IW, ertr, Olfttfloltlonl M clMllt' Vttf', ~~~1'•.J t11, do ow m • n t •''I ..... ,., .... n ... ,.. ,,.,.,.uon oherp•• uni••• ottlarw •• ., •• lft•d by th• ......... .. -1•11111111 111111 I <>HA N Cl ( OllN 1., I l\l ,, OH Nll\ ~') CENT S • Skinny high s seen 1~n old HB By PATNCK J. U:NNEDY Of .. Dllr ....... Huntlnaton Beach offtciala unveiled a downtown redevelopment plan Monday that would encoura11e htah rlu' bulldin11 alon1 Pacific Coa.at HJahway to ,.i men landacaped open 1pece at eround level. Beak:ally, the propmal would allow developers to have additional floor apa.ce In their bulldina• if they cona&ruct atructuree that are tall and thin ln the alx-block coaatal area between 6th and Lake atreeta and Walnut Avenue and PKWc Cout Hlahway. Mike Multarl, clty coaatal planner, preeented the concept to members of the City c.oundJ and Planning c.ommt.ion durina an afternooq 1tudy ae11lon. No act.ion was taken on the concepL Before a formal plan la approved then wW be a •.rla of public heertntt. . 11The coaat hl1b:;:r ta the front door to UM cfty the lcMe la to mmunp taller, \h1QDel' buDdt"" that would allow mbre open IJ** at p-ound lewl that could be landlCaped in a puk- llke atmolphere," Multari aald. "Rather than aquat, tat buildlnaa, the taller atructUttt 9 killed, 4 7 wounded wouJd al.low more llaht. .U and an tmprowd Inland vtew to the ...... 6e u.ld. Multan noted that there are no pr'Ol*ld buJldJni lncentlv. for hiab rile ClOnltructkln In other eecdoN of the downtown area, from Golden Weat Street to Beach Boulevard and inland to Oranae Avenue. , AccordinJ to propoaed BulJd'nc J'elUl.atiorw. deveJopen In other downiown aec:tSona could attain maximum floor •1*8 with three-atory bulldinp, althouah hlaher atructurea would be allowed. The propo1al preaented Monday enviaioned mlxed-uae commercial and reaidenttal buildino of 12 stories and hf&her alona lhe de1lgnated coa1tal atretch and four-story ltr'UctUre9 In other MC1.ions of downtown. The •Ix -block aectton deqnated for hiah rt. bu.Udina lnoentivee ta now a cluater ol qing, two-story brick bulldinp built In the 1920. and l930a. City otfictala aaid hi1h rtae 1tructure1 alona Main Street would be required to have a atep-like, ~0 -foot bulldtn1 aetback from the third atoey up ao new~ wouldn't tower above ahopplna pedeatriana. IRA haRl& blasts Fock London SehDlltz father? Sexually-hurt tot held by county home By DA VtD lttJ'l'ZMANN or .. DllllJPWIWI A 13-month-old boy who suffered eexual lnjuriea ii held In Orange County's Albert Sitton home today, pend!ns f_urther court heerino on Injuries the child suffered while In the care of hta mother, Carla Verne StuclUe of Tuatin. Orange County Superior Court Judge WUJiam Murray laid today a petition filed by the county'• Social Service• Department listed Stuck.le, 43, u the mother and at.ate Sen. John G. Schmitz u the father. Neither Schmitz, nor h1a wife Mary, Newpcrt Beech r.lidenta, were available for comment ~'lbe Schmitzes have 9eVen Judge Murray ruled Monday apfmt returnlnC the chDd to the mother'• custody on the ~ of the petition that WU filed by the c o u n t_y ' s S o c i a l Se r v ice 1 Department. Judge Murray aald there is no birth certificate for the child on file in Orange County. ·The petition alleged that parents of the child hid kept him In an unfit home "by reuon of neglect, cruelty, depravity or physlcal abuae ... The child required surgery last week at Childrens Hoepital of Orange County after doctors diaoovenld that the Infant'• penia wu nearly ~ beauae of hair that bad been tightly wrapped around it. Murray said Schmitz called him Friday inquirlna if there WU a chance the child could be returned immediately to the custody of the mother without a hearing. Murray quoted Schmitz aa then saying, "Let me be frank with vou. I am the child'• father.» The judge aaid that one publiabed acoount of the cue today imccurately ~ that the Newport Beacb-lawmak'er had tried to exert acme 80rt of ..-non hJm. "He did not try to pntaUre me tn any way," the Judae aid. Murray akl that be ooWd not releaae the child without a hearing . At Monday'• prooeedJnp. the judp acheduled further hearinp for Aug. 6 at which time he can either return the baby to the mother'• custody, k~ him at Albert Sitton Home ln <Jranie, put the.baby ln eve-of a foster family-or turn it over to the care of the father. Efforts to reach Senator Schmitz at either h1a home or h1a office today were W\IUClCe91ful. Murray said that Schmitz indicated he h&1 known the baby's mother for nine years. Neither Murray nor Deputy County Counael Barbara Evana aaid they had actually aeen the child's birth certificate. Evans aaid that ahe had not talked directly to Sclunitz and declined to comment' on the (See SCHMITZ, Pace .U) SOUTH LAGUNA 0 LAGUNA I ~ BEACH I ~ I / / DANA POINT Dllr~ ...... ANNEXATION AREA - Laguna Beach City Council members will consider initiating a aecond annexation proposal that would take in all of South Laguna with the exception of the Three Arch Bay oommunity. Thatcher condemns • action LONDON (AP)-IRA bombs, one packed with naila, tore through a mounted cavalry unit and a military band In two London parka today. killlna nine people, wounding 4 7 and aend1ng victim• and horse• flying through the air, authorities aald. In the Houae of Commons, Prime Minlater Margaret Thatcher condemned the Irish Republican Army and declared: "Theee callous and cowardly c:rimM have been committed by evil and brutal men who know nothinc of democracy and we lhan't rat until they are broucht to )mtlce .. Bome Secretary William Whitelaw aaid three aoldtera were k:UJed in the attack on the Queen'• Hou.ehold Calvary in Bym Pm. and that dviliam were amona the 47 wounded. Police 9akl alx people were ld1Jed at the band1tand blaat ln Re9ent'a Park. and one wtme. ..lc1 all were ao1dien. The pttR"I of the HOWlehold Cavalry~ resplendent in ailver breaatplatea and crim1on unlforma, attracts hu.ndredl of local and foreign lpect.atdr'I to Hyde Park every day tor the chanalng of the guard ceremony. At least aeven hones were killed by the nail bomb, which was placed in a parked car. Responaiblllty for both the Hyde Park and Resent'• Park bombinp waa claimed by the IRA. which haa been fighting for · 13 years to oust Britain lrom Northern Ireland. The clahna were telexed to The A.laodated Preea In London from the IRA'• political arm, Sinn Fein. Fight baek enrages 1be bombinp oa:urred on a briaht summer day and Cmdr. William H•ackJeeby, commander of Scotland Yard'• anti-terrorist branch, aaid there waa no warning. He aakt the car that blew Up WU pllCked with 10 pounda of eXJ)lollve contalnlna lour-to-ex-inch nan.. Horowitz' televised angers Nestande The bomb at Resent'• Park, where Lciodotl Zoo ia l<Qted, went off at a bandatand where the Royal Green Jacket• repnent band WU playing for dozesu of 1pec1aton, including many elderly people. By FREDERICK. SCBOEMEBL or ... .,..,,... ..... Television consumer O"'U.lader David Horowitz hu fought back. And the punch he's CleUvered hu enraged Bruce Neatande, chairman of the Orange County Board of SuperviJlon. Horowiti WU 10 angry with the board'• decision to dbband the county Con1umer Affairs WORLD Office that he returned a commendation be received from the board in April. And Horowitz delivered a scathing commentary on the board'• action during a newa:ut aired last Friday on KNBC, Channel 4. In a 3 to 2 vote. earlier Friday, auperviJlora supported Nestande'• LONDON (AP) -Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher faced touah que1tionin1 today from lawmakers anaered by Britain'• latest spy wcandal and the revelation that Queen Elizabeth Il'1 chief • bodyauard WU horncJ9exuaJ. NATION 3 more banlcs lower prime rate NEW YORK (AP) -Three major banb joined the move to a lower =me lendlna rate today, d.ropplna to 16 percent. Guaranty Tlwt Co., ~ BAnk and Chue um Bank lowered their prime by one-halt percen. poblt. - Secret talb so baclc to FDR Every American prethlent 1lnce Franklin aoc-v.J.t wretly NCDl'dld at leut .i.etlw Oval Otta conwratiom, not.el oolumn18t Jn Andel 101t. P-.M. , , motion to alloe $225,000 from the consumer attain pl"08r8J1l, thus d.labandJna it. In an interview today , Horowitz called the superviaon who 1upported the motion "hypocritea" for honorina hia oonaumer aervice on one hand and then votin1 to kill the consumer affairs program. SPORTS One witneea, Ronald Benjamin. ea.Id: "I WU just sittin8 In a deckchair lookinl at the band when ewrythina aeemed to come up from -the bottom of the bandstand and blow right In the (See LONDON, Pqe Ai) 2 world swimming marb set Two world records were aet at the U.S . champlomhip awlmming trial.a at Mialon Viejo'• Marguerite Recreetion Center IWim complex. Pace Cl. Angeh victory 'exciting' 'nle Angell increued their lMd to three pmes over Kanau City with an excltlna victory over Baltimore. Page Cl. .. COUNTY • Bommer Canyoa IWJ for. lciih f\ . • .... .... ¢1 BOMB BLASTS -Map locates London's Hyde Park and Regent's Park where IRA bombs exploded today killing nine people and wounding many others. Cityhood studied for South Laguna By STEVE MJTCBELL or .. .,..,,......,, Laguna Beach City Council members will consider initiatlna a 1econd annexation proposal tonight that would bring all of South Laguna -with the exception of the gated Three Arch Bay community -Into the city. The city already has initiated a propoul that would bring the portion of South Laguna from 1>umond Drive to Albo Creek Into the mwlicipal fold. A heartna before the Local ~ Fonnation Conuniaaion ls acheduled Aug. 11 for that propoeal. Toniaht the council w1ll weigh the pros and cona of Incorporating all of South Laguna, to the ptes of Three Arch Bay, Into Laguna Beach. The meeting beg1na at 6 p.m. In council clwnben. City Manager Ken Frank la confident a majority of the 800 INDEX regi1tered voters in the city's initial annexation =• is in favor of becoming Beach residents. "I 1tlll believe the preponderance of reaidentl to Ali8o Creek favor annexation," he said. "An electioo for that area would be auccemful." But he says be does not have u good a feeling for the area aouth of Ali8o Creek, and he believes the 1,600 residenta of Three Arch Bey would be oppoeed to such a notion. The council will consider initiating a 1eC<>nd annexation that, if suoceaaful. and when tied to the tint annexation bid, would brina approximately 3,500 new residents Into the city. A balance aheet lnc.luding both propoeed annexation area shows revenues derived from property tax, sales tax, bed tax, Ucemea and penntta and other aouroea, would amount to about $721,000 to the city. At Your Servlct A4 Ann Landen B2 bma Bombeck B2 Mavtea A8 BuslDfM JM..5 Mutual J\mda 84 C&lifomia A.5 Natkmal News A3 Cavalcade B2 Public: Noticea C4-6 Qee!fled CM Spena Cl~3 Comlal B3 Dr.SWnc:rohn B2 Caw word 83 . Stoc:k Marbta 85 l'dl1Gl1al AS Telwlllon B8 J'.n'8rtalnment A8 n.-. A.8 Hole.ope 82 w.u. A2 In ........ A'I W«Jd Newa A3 STATE Worlcman Frederick Douflaa Id: "l went over to he Ml*W1id and It wu an awful "'!'here were 1pectator1 away ln abock all over h p ace and I counted ie lold.len lylna on the pund. It ~ .. a really terrible lilht. I ~·t believe It. «one 80ldier WM lyina theft, with h.ia handa on hi.a and blood pouring t.hrouab them;,,..,,... othen lyin(_ arouad and people Went ~to~tblm. •ion. IO&clM'i t*4l WM all a m1m of blood. It looked to me • 11 the lnlaun*1t be Mel belD ~ '=-.~ into .. ,.,. The ~· Park bl.-cum nearly two houri aftllt the flnt bomb went oil at 10:4& a.m. (1:4& a.m. PM') in a parbd ear In Hyde Park. about a half .. mo. from Bucklncham PalllOI. Miriam Sheridan. a wtm. to the Repnt'• Park bomtuc • .&d. "There were IOldlen 1ytnl then wlth all their lntestlnn out. There WM auch a taeuwr~ cruh I couldn't belleYe It." Wo01an jailed in sex acts mounta1.n1. letUQs ua.. ...... of juniper and' panon tHH Monday l\IOt that oandnuid to burn out ·ol aonQ'OJ ~-tn the naed and Nm* t.erraln. YONCMten pncUded the beet wave would break in the Northeaat today , with t.emperatw. npected to atay in the upper 80e. In New York City, the mercury hit 96 and the city luued a water-preuure alert cawed b)' open bydranta. It Wll 97 in Wlnd8or Loeb, CAm., and 96 in BalUmore, while Mlam1 enjoyed a moderate 87. Bolton'i temperature climbed to u. the date'• record 98 abortly after noon Monday, then dropped 13 decree-in -than an hour aa thunderatorm• rnled thugs take $9,000 in Laguna OM ot llx pmp1e charpd with DU'ddle .. In Wie$ped eex 8cw wlth • 18-,_r-old prl baa ~ MDi.nc.d to a one-year t.erm ta ~ Coounty Jail. 0...... CoUnty Superior Court -~·,...,_~ the ...-.. Monday on Mary Plunbtt. n. She prevloualy bad plelded DO COOtml to etaht felony comita tnYolvtna lewd aex acta. rumbled in, downln1 power linea, floodlna atreeta and brinalna havoOCo martma. "SO..S are aininl on top of each other. The docks are broken -they broke 1ooee from the land," said Celle Taddel at Mary'a Boat, Livery and Lobster Co. In Manhfield, Maa, where funnel clouda and 50 mph gusts were reported. Two men, one armed with a shotgun, the oth er with a handgun, burst into a Laguna Beach man's home Monday night, forced him to open a safe, and fled with $9,000 ln caah. Pol.lee aaid the two gunmen fint knocked on the door ai Ron Fogarty'• houae on Glomstad Lane, and when there was no Brown names Nestande to transit panel ' Bruce Nestande, chainnan of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, has been named by Gov . .Edmund G. Brown Jr. to the California Transportation Commission. The appointment, made by the governor at a luncheon today at the Villa Fontana restaurant in Orange, gives Orange C-ounty a second voice on the powerful commission. The other member who ia an Orange County resident ts ~ommisslon C hairman Ivan Hinderaker of Corona del Mar. Nestande's appointment to the 10-member commlsalon , obaerven say, will improve the county's position in winning ~dditional state funds for \l'a.rlaportation projecta. Nestande'a first meeting aa a state transportation commiMioner will be Aug. 5. The commlsaion is charged with annually preparing a s tatewide transportation improvement plan and allocating funds for It. 8Uf1nY llnd contn..ci hot. Coastal nion mkS·70a, Inland eo.. eo..ta1 iow eo. 1n1anc1 M. Wat•88. E!MwMre, 00tt'-'-1y wll1d9 12 10 22 knota with 3 to r>-toot ••a• outer coa1t11 wltett. , OtMrwiM. light ver1ab141 wind• nig ht end morning hour• becoming wwterty 10 to 1S ""°'• , In afternoona. Two to 3-toot wind --·On. to 2-toot 80Utt-1 ......_ Patchy night and morning low Clloude with eunny .,._ Scattered 1howan and tllundenlonna conllnuad ecroaa tha Ohio Valley and th• mid· Aden11c Coailt todsy llnd a lew tieevy thundantorrne pelted the aoutharn Pl•ln1 with rein H oooter c.n.dlan llr moved Into Ill• Northaut to relieve n.at· ,-v rwldlnta. 1 Thunderltorme wtllch Nrller :produc•d H111r1 wHlhar In 1kantucky had wea)tanad oonel<Wlbly. A few .,_.. _. over eouthern Arizona and .,_.. and ltlunderatorme -hNlller In not1'-' Oldanom•. eouttl·centr1I NebrHk• and W98tem Weltllngton. California Teinpe.-&iiirei *"°" . .. Le .... 11 10 '°' If • .OI .. .. .. . IO .. t1 11 " n responae, he allesed!Y kick:ed the door ln. The pair threatened the 25-year-old victim and forced him to open a aafe in the bowie, after wlUch they Ued him up with tape and fled in a dark colonld Volbwagen. Pol1oe uld Foprty'a girlfriend waa al80 in the houlo.l, but waa not harmed. Investipton are aeeJdnc two men in their eerly twenttea. One waa cte.cribed aa 6 feet 2 lnclla tall, weJ&hlng 200 pounda with short brown hair. Kia accomplice was cte.cribed aa being 5 feet 5 inchea tall, weighing 140 pounda. with abort, blond hair. Police wouldn't speculate on how the bandits knew there WU that amount of caah in the home, nor would they say why the victim would have $9,000 at home. Scuba coach hospitalized Oran.ge Coast College scuba and akin diving instructor Dean J. w~ remalna 1n aood oondition at South Cout Medical Center followtng recent aurgery Lor cancer. Weatgaard, 52, a former Laguna Beach lifeauard, operates Westgaard Parachute Enterprise, Inc .• In Laguna Beach. A lamlly spokesman aaid Westgaard hopes to leave ~~ hospital later thia week. "'"".,..... PLEASE LORD -Ron Hutlon, a former steel worker, was one of 8,000 who gathered at Pittsburgh'• Three Riven Stadium to pray for jobs and aak God to help the faltering steel industry Monday evening. From Page A1 SCHMITZ • • • paternity aapec:ta of the caae. The child is currently being cared for by a nune at the Sitt.om Home in Orange, where neglec ted and abandoned children are ta.ken for care by the county. "I understand he is doing extremely well," the deputy county counsel said. Monday's h ea ring before Judge Murray, who ia standing in for Superior Court Judge B yron M c Millan , was a "temporary detention hearing" which ls required to be held when a •minor Is taken into custody by the county. The hearing ls held to determine why the child should continue to be held in county care rather than releasing him to the parents. Judae Murray said the Au,. 6 hearing ln Juvenile Court will be an evldentlary hearing to determine lf the chargea outlined in the county's petition are true. Though it ls not compulsory for the parent• to attend that hearing, both Schmitz and Ms. Stuckle have been notified. Schmitz did not attend Monday'• hearing, although the mother waa preeent. If i t la ahown tnrougn an investigation that someone deliberately Injured the child, the Orange County District Attorney'• office can file a criminal complaint of child abu8e. Murray aaid that, in his convel"lllltion with Schmitz, the aenator attributed the lnjurle:1 to the child to a babysitter. Beaches reopen APTOS (AP) -Two of the moat popular beaches on Monterey Bay have been reopened to swtmmen four days after 30,000 ga1lona of .ewage spilled into the water. Warning signs came down at New Brighton and Seacliff bMchet Monday. Mm Plunkett and five otben were accund by the diatrlct attomey'a office ofmon than 100 aex-related charges. The princtp-1 defendants in the cue, John Steen, 56, a retired Huntln1ton Harbour bualneaaman, and hia wife, Christi. were declared mentally di8ordered eex offenden and aent to state mental hospitala. Authoritlea learned of the CMe after the 13-year-old prl wrote a letter in which she dacrlbed the actlvltlea. The letter waa intercepted by a relative and given to~ Police grab theft loot Costa Mesa police recovered $10,000 in Oriental ruga and braaa cheata stolen from two interior deign oompania, it was reported today. Sgt. Bill Bechtel said an lnfonnant called police Monday to report the theft that had OCCWTed late Sunday niaht at UniqUe DeQn and Aueibech's Ltd. at 2915 ltedhil.l Ave. John Anthony Vivilacqua, 36, Coata Mesa, wu arrested on ::=.~c:·~~ lieu of 10,000 bail. Valley seeking tax to pay cops, fire men Fountain Valley Qty Council members will discuss a ballot measure tonight that could create a special one·time locaJ tax to help pay police and firefighter aalarles. If it receives council approval, the measure would be placed on the November ballot. Two-thirds o f those Fountain Valley reaidents who vote would have to approve the tax before it could be impoeed. The 1982-83 city budget oontains no funds for pay raiaes, even though contracts with all city employee groups expire in November. The spedal tax is viewed as one means of raising additional money for salaries. The oouncil meets at 7 p.m. in a study leSllion focusing on locaJ cable television Issues. The regular coundl meeting begins at 8 p.m. in the <X>U1\dl chambers at Qty Hall. 10200 Slater Ave. H eating up M 71 .2t 93 93 89 70 .12 87 59 13 81 " 74 .25 17 ,.. 90 ell' .05 89 93 17 5e 111 78 • 70 .10 • 72 .. 57 IO 82 --~ 82 70 . to 92 72 .0 1 ... 10 M 74 Ill 87 .20 113 86 88 72 .Ol ... 11 2.81 87 &4 .04 101 74 n 86 .12 83 61 10 57 17 72 .03 10 57 f7 72 86 IO S7 72 tG 74 92 72 .50 113 11 118 70 108 12 • n 10 71 .57 " n .. 11 17 11 75 58 f7 '7 .. 70 1.47 IO 7t .. 11 t1 71 " IO .. 74 • n .. 70 ... M n .os 10I .. 11 ... OI .. .. .OI 12 .. M 74 .41 =~ 17 &a ... 75 H 10 M 74 ee 541 M 13 88 • 11 75 IO 75 .01 10 42 " 82 85 95 .15 113 70 100 78 11 .. IM 75 .73 " 72 100 110 92 .. 100 14 " ... ,, 1 . .. .. 14 17 • n 11 to 64 87 48 Sllf llPIRT Smog 78 87 eo 52 19 541 70 ff 58 111 911 106 re 81 43 " 65 72 117 83 81 .. 81 111 58 s2 ea 14 ea H 58 1oe re 111 • 81 eo n IO 811 81 el IO a 40 Wll•re to ~II (toll frM) for ~~)i:44W&2t ng•IH County: (100) 242-WU •i;aillilliillill-.. ... .,.;;_.:..,.._,_____ ~ encl "" 9emei'dlll0 oounti.: (IOO) M7 .. 710 ' ..... , ....... T-.. .. 14 .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. AOMD E'*°°8 Oent«: (800) 242-48M Tides --~ -- Crack mco a plate of hotl steaming crab legs. Try a generous ~rvmg of our new spiced cold boilea shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn" shrimp. And then do it again! It 's all you can ea t. Every day c:i the week. Each special is served with your choice of a crisp tossed salad or coleslaw, baked potato or rice pilaf, and another favorite, sourdough bread. All ~u can eat. All week long. • • I I I '. ed ltrHll and PaletUntan torce1 al10 exchan1ed lntertntttent 1mall·arm1 Ure ~ the ntibt near Lake QuarM0Un at the mul.Mm eft4 of Mlt Lebenon'• ~ Valley, r.r..1'1 mlltary eommand ~. • MoslelDs suspects In kidnap BEIRUT, Lebanon -A mWUa 11eeklna power tor Lebanon'• Shiite Mcmema, the country'• large1t rel1glou1 communlty, 11 suspected of kldnapplna the Amerlcan preeident of a Beirut univenlty. An eyewitneea to the abduction M~y reported that the gunmen who eel.r.ed David Oodae, acting president of the American Unlvenlty of Beirut, shouted u ·they drove away trom t.,.• unlveulty campus In embattled w•t Betn.at that they belonpd to Amal, the pararnWt.ary arm of Lebanon'• e9timated million Shlltes. Unofficlal aourcet su11e1ted Shiite militiamen abducted Dodie to u. him u a hoataae for the releue of Iranian diplomat Mohaen Muaavt and three aides who were kidnapped in ChriaUan eut Beirut on July 4. •Bolivia gets new president By ne A11octated Pres1 VUdoeo Calderon has been designated Bolivia'• new president and will take ~ Wed.ne9day with a mandate to carry out his predece11or'a pledge to restore civilian government next year, the joint chiefs of staff announced today. VildOllO Calderon, the army's chief of staff, was picked by him9elf and the other two NATION service chiefs to replace Geh. Cei.o Torrello, whose 11-month resime HW thla South American nation plunte deeper into lta worst economJc crisis in history. Torrelio ottered hla rea ignation Thunday. launching marathon negotiations by the commanders of the army, navy and air force to decide his succesaor. •Money grlp won't tighten WASHINGTON -Federal Reserve Board Chaimlan Paul Volcker told Congress today the Fed will keep lta relatively tight grip on the nation's money supply, but will not tighten it further as ru. earlier long-tenn plan had indicated. Volcker told the Senate Banking c.ommittee that economic recovery from the recession was "highly likely in the second half of 1982," although that recovery will be far from robust. Volcker's comments made it clear that he and the other six Fed governors have no intention of trying to encourage lower interest rates and economic recovery by allowing the money supply to surge upward. •I I 0 fall ill from lunch INDIANAPOLIS -Health officials differed over what caused more than 100 peo_ple at a hotel here to sicken and begin "falJJ.na over like flies" after eat.lna a banquet lunch. About 110 people, mosUy women, became ill in the Monday afternoon outbreak and 89 were treated at five hospitah and at a apecial unit set up at the Sheraton West Hotel. Only one penon remained hoepiWJ.zed. Although doctors did not rule out food poiaonlng, they said the mau illnea may have been brought on by chemicala used in the embroidery paints on display at the convention. •Deer laclng 'dleoll' THE EVERGLADES. Fla. -The man who coordinated tho emergency hunt that killed 730 deer in the Florida Everglades says the remalnin.g deer face "a catastrophic dieoff'' becauae the hunt came too late. "Within a maUer of daya. we could begin to aee a . . . dieoff -100 percent ia not out of STATE the question," Col. Robert Brantly of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commisaion said Monday. "El&hty percent la the rule of thumb, glven the deer's coodlt.lon," added oommiasion Lt. Bilf Lampton. •Firearms prop~sal denied OROVIl..LE -For the aec:ond time in two weeks, the Oroville City Council has rejected the proposal to require a firearm and anununition in every home. went into effect March 15 In Kennesaw, Ga., went down 4-2 after lengthy and noisy debate Monday night. The council had rejected the plan oh a 3-2 vote July 6, but two members were abeent. The proposal, patterned after a law that •Firm laces conspiracy count SAN FRANCISO::> -A federal grand jury has indicted Mitsubishi Electric Corp. and four of ita employees in connection with an alleged conspiracy to transport stolen International Businea Machines' computer secreta. Jose indictmenta, denied all charges and vowed to put up a fight in lta own and the employees' defense. "Mlisubiah1 Electric Corp. emphatically denies that it or any of its employees has been involved ln any unlawful conduct," the statement said. Mitsubishi, in a terse statement issued· Monday shortly after the return of the San Orange County convict stab victim in Folsom FOLSOM (AP) -A convict from Orange County has become the 29th stabbing victim of the year at Foi.om Pri8on. Priaon spokesman GU Miller aald Monday that Steven Broughton. 34, WU listed U in good condition at the University of California Medlcal Center in Sacramento, with an abdomen wound. attacked in the main exercise yard Monday morning. He said a prison-made knife wu found near the tcene. The stabbing appeared to be gang-related. ..., .... .....,,. ........... Mlller Hid Broughton waa CfHalfted edvefttalng 714Jl42-M71 Alf other depertment9 142-4321 MAIN Offlce m Wfft.., 14., C:.. -... CA. llUll ...,_: ... ,,.., C•t. Meu, CA .-.. c...,r._.. Im 0r.,.. c.11 ~ c-... _...._ 11.........,.,Mlterlel ......., .... "'11M_.. _.... mey 119 ,...,_ .. "'"'9ut .__ ............... ~ ..... -. VOL 71. NO. 201 . Agents ignore aliens ruling LOS ANGELES -The Immi8J'ltion and Naturallution ServTce won't 1top hunting illegal alierw throuah raid.I on buslnel9es despite a lederal court n.tlina restrictina ~ actions, an INS offlclal laid. The 9th U.S. C1rc:Wt Court of Appeals aid INS apnu need a "reuonable 1uaptclon" llleaal allem are workina at a lite. 'lbe court found the tltfS Ml raided firma "ofWn b..,cl on no~ more than inartkulate hunchee. • We're Listening ••• Whal do you like aboul the Dally Pllot? What don't you like' Call the number ~ow and your me1u1e will be recorded. tranacribed and dellvtted lo the appropriate editor. Tho tame 24-hour an1wtr1n1 Hrvlce may be used to record let· tera to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributor• must Include lhtlr namt and telephOne number for Ytrirlcatlon. No ctrculatlon call1, pleue. = ...... ~~Tell ua whal'1 on your mind. RUFF TIME -Birdie Moore plays with three of the 14 dogs that share her Costa Mesa home along with two cats and a duck. Her neighbors aren't happy about the complained to the city. Her home going to the dogs Mesan's neighbors complain about 17-animal menagerie By JODI CADENHEAD 0( tti.. DeU, Not Ii.ff Birdie Moore of Costa Mesa is an animal lover. What else can you call a ~2-year-old woman who ends up with 14 dogs, (five of them aick) three rabbits. two cats and a duck? But Alberta "Birdie" Moore's love of four-legged creatures has also gotten her into plenty of trouble. In the last two years she's had the unfortunate luck of moving her furry brood into the wrong kind of nelghborhood.s. The lovely two-story wh1te wood frame home in Costa Mesa at the corner of Westmlnster Avenue and Flower Street has turned out to be no different from the condomlnlum in Irvine or the $420.000 house in Laguna Beach that followed. "I thought it was a country- type place," said Ms. Moore. explaining that she paid another $85,000 in May to purchase a double lot for her arumal fanuly. "I .. umed It would be okay." It wasn't. Almost immediately neighbors began complaining about the chorus of dogs barking every morning. "This whole neighborhood la ready to blow.'' said one woman, who complained to city arumal control officials. "They bark all the tune. U she lived in Newport Beach t.hia wouldn't happen." The citv attorney's office staff said they received nearly a dozen complaints about the dogs. Ma. Moore i.s scheduled for a July 29 hearin'I on charjlea that 1he keeps livestock, unsanitary cond ltiQ.DS an~ too many animals (over three months four is the limit). Moore, a big friendly woman with reddish hair and an easy smile, invites visitors into her home crammed w ith antique furniture and over-su.ed statues of gee.e. Bird raps 'rightists' in Anaheilll speech State Supreme Court Chief Justice Rme Eluabeth Bi.rd told a group of labor leaders Monday in Anah eim that judicial independence IB threatened by a "right-wing attempt to pack the state courts with judges responsible to their ideological views." Ms. Bird did not mention anyone by name in her address to the California Labor Federation AFL~CIO. But she has been the target of a recall campaign spearheaded by state Sen. H.L . R ichardson, R -Arcadla . Richardson abandoned the recall effort earlier t.hia month, saying he did not have the funds to continue. After the speech, Ma. Bird said she was r e ferring to people leading a drive to defeat three recently appolnted Supreme Court justices: Cruz Reynoso, More on IM IYbject which I attacked In the tut column • . . Edward Jay fi>eteln'a book "The RIM and Fall ot Diamonds." To continue then, tM book ta w.11 wntten and v.-y rMdable but llWy on.aided. Hla conclualona .,.. not ~ported by feet. Many ol hi• chapter lltlH are not prawn by the matwtal In Iha ch.,,_.. OM that pertlcularly left me unoomfortabl• w11 "Dlernondt for Hiiier". 11'1 11 the author 1ugg .. t1, but fall• rer lhort Of PfOYlng that o.e.r. C#tel WU IOme ftY lnvotved In •ffort• to eupply ll'lduatrlal dlamondl fOr UM In Httlet't Wtr maotllne. At In • ooupte of other MOtlone of the boot!. the text ol the ohapt« faled to prOYe the ...... I don't know why Epeteln found D•l••rt hlr•d on ~-and publle '9letlOhl ftmte to ONete • mwttet fOr • product they flM to 1!11. I tNntl the .newts on lie _. of N.W • A.,.n ftrm rteds '*9 a "how to" I "'9tNOtlon "*"* on promotJno and publlclalng a cll•l'lt'• Pf'Oduot, How le tNt 10 """'9nt from wtlet ......,., pueMlialwl .,. ~ to do to promote hll Otto Kaus and Allen Broussard. She said the "r1~ht-wrn~" faction is promoting a "judicial system in which a penon must pass an ideological test in order to remain a judge." "The bell is about to toll" for judic ial independence i n California, she said in a speech th.at drew a standing ovation from the 600 delegates. "The new standards by which they would measure JUdges is how often these judges reach certain specific results rather than how well they dispense justice,'' Ms. Bird said. "It is . the rule of extortion and the law of the jungle. It ls based on the belief that our judges will care mor e about their se lf - preservation and perpetuation in office than about upholding the constitution of this state and of this nation." @ ·6EMWISE One of three blind puppies nestles in her arm.a, while the other dogs lie quietly nearby, eager for the constant strokes. Life, she explains, was not always this crowded. Born in Hawail, she worked al a commodities broker in Irvine before fleeing the city In the early 1970s for a 9.~-acre ranch in Santa Ynez. At first ahe had only a collie named Deja Vu. Late a couple of Australian shepherds given away at a downtown market moved in. Several litters followed. By the time she returned to Irvine in 1980 to sell her mother"s home. she had five dOD. The neighbors weren't exactly thrilled to be living next door to half a dozen dogs and a woman who owned half the house ended up ciiculating a petition around University Park. Ma. Moore and her brood moved to Laguna Hills. The residents there were not happy with the new neighbors either, but the complaints si•t.ided when a new fence wu built. Bad luck struck again. though when the foundation wound up cracldng and Ms. Moore and her son had to give up the $-{20,000 hillside home. She moved to a tree-lined street In Costa Mesa, where the realtor assured her that ducka, dogs and rabbi ts were no problem, she said. "I think people have done me far worse than my de>D.'' a.aid Ms. Moore. "The worst thing they've done is tear up a few pillows. A divorcee with two groWnl- children, Mn. Moore la.id she relishes the dogs' affection and loyalty. She claims that she intends to f{ive aome of the dogs away and has been running ads. But llOITle of them are sick and need special attention. So far the city has granted her three extensions. "l had no intention of having this many dogs.'' she said. "I'm trying to find homes for them. They'll make great peta." book by getting him on talk •how• and revtew.lt anlS Interviewed In the printed 1 media? Epstein clelms that the "ln\Wltlon" or diamond rartty wt11 tlOOn be dlaco~ed by ~ ownera. II c•rtalnly I• no "Invention". The poaltlon of diamond• H valued 1tatu1 l)'mbOll date bedc to 700 l .C. " coata hundred• or mllllona of dofla,. to develop a diamond Ind .. l!peteln hlmeetr ....... two tons or earth mutt be PfOC llllf to, )'teld ~ W91. Only a amell S*'081 •'-of it-. etonee w11 be ot oem ~· The ttnat thet tM ........... Auulant, and the Auttrdent .,. going to be ~ w. .,.,.,.... of dlamonde into tt'9 world market 1lrnply doe1n•1 mike ... No rnl11~= · C)lln afford to k* the ~ !Mf1( .. cNMll -thlfrgooda. Enough Nbutte1 ~ Vou mlaht enjoy rMdlng 1tie booll tlld althouGh I don't r•OOfftllMOd )'OU apend tt'9 I 14.10 fof It, I hew • oopy I'd be hlllPY to loen out ... If you dOn't ~ wadeftg ttw'OUgh my rnergln ...... t I t I l , . ~· JfOU9lON_ <AP> -IJIJCQD Oo. UM. pllllll to tlllPMd • ~ srilrwm co mowllll who..,. mlh tor lllOUM lad ... "-1. 'l:iliDn lnnlounald Mcm.y It hopml io haw the ="" 1n opentiao In all marten wtthln u .... ol ~Wln1 a tfft oJ medt•U ln Pho.nix, Arla., W~. Mw., Jlillbm. MUt. and Norfolk. VL R.C. Klddoo, hJtoll USA markettn1 vice pnmldent, Aki motodlCI in the tat :-· •Y*I about tour cmnc. per pUon by peytna Metals seminar topic An precloua metahl and commodJUn flnally 1 ready '° rally? I Author ltUllell Wa.endorf will lfve his anawtt durtna a 8elll1nar at the Reptry Hotel in~ at 7:30 . p.m. Wedneeclay. I Wuendor-f II the author of the IOOll to be meMed book. 'T8Ctl on Fucure.. the l!lllenUala of Commodity Trad1na.'' (Dow Joneelhwtn. Homewood, Dl.). nila teminar' II lpomored by WMeftdorf and Aaloctate•, Inc., a Cedar Falb, Iowa Urm that ~ the Fut\U"9 Portfolio Actvt.lr, a oommodlty 1l"adiJlf ~. . For lnformatknl. (319) 268-0441. Basic 4 BeBfl.ion set The Biiiie J'our lnformaUon aystema divil1on of Mam,ement Alliltance, Inc., on Wednelday Will hold the tint in a Rrla of 9l!llDinara on how to tmprqve protftabWty by uatna lnformatl.on prooewtni systerl.. The aemlnar will demonltrate the Profit Manufacturina System. a eoftware ptdtage developed for uae on Buie Four computer 1ywtema by Computer Methods, Inc. of Mad!8on. Wia. The leminar will be conducted by individual branch offices of the Buie Four divillion at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m .• at 2600 Miche1mn Drive, Irvine. Economic unit meet The Economk Development Corp. of Orange CoWlty will host a membership invitation party Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the office o1 Gordon OUon of Knobbe, Mart.em, Ol8on, Hubbard & Bear at 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1600, Newport Beach. Ol9oJl la chairman of the membership committee of cbe boerd of direct.on. For Information., call 634-2642. Treasury bills drop WASHINGTON (AP) -Yield.a on lhort..term Treasury 8eCUriUes dropped to the lowest level ln IM!'Ven months in the latest auctiona, declining foe the third straight week, offidals aaid. About $5.5 billion in llx-mooth T-billa were auctioned Monday at an average dllcount rat.e of 11.441 percent, down from the 11 .967 percent of lut Monday. 1n additton. the aovemment .,ld about ~.5 bUlion ln three-month bills at an averqe rat.e of 11.14 percent, down from 11.797 percent. DOW JONES AVERAGES N.WY6itttlA,.I FIMI e>ow...-... awvs. lW N/IHldlrt, JIA. 19. l1VCIB law c-a. •IN cir= .. :!:. GUI -.10-1.47 II Tm J2Ut »Ht 11U2 Jf1.t0-V't UPS AND DOWNS IS Utt 1C!1.ll toa 1' !06.W l<P.J~ 0 CN *5. J21.» JU1' 117.JI J•ll-U :I ,,..,. • ... .. . •• ••• ... ••.•••• '-761,600 [.'r, :::·::::·::.::::::·:;: i.:z}.: ..,,. __ ............ ....... 1,7'9,lOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y°"K IAPI JUI. 1' Pl'tv Adv91C411 T-~ dllrlo Olclllled 1112 '2J ~ •• us ~ 1m -Ill•• '2 _._ w SI -..1 ""'lllOIO NEW YORK IAP1 J UI It Prev Adv~-T°'\>j d;L Dlldlned lM.I m =-::::. m 111 UJ m -lilfn " 12 -·-1' " METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nont.m>ue ,.... prlOee toa.y. C...., ~73 centa a pound, U.S. ~ ...... 2&-29 oeri«a a pound. -17..0 --a polMd, ---· Tiii M .1156 MMA1111 w• c:ompo91ta lb. Alm IMntt 71-n -ti a pound, N.Y . ....., 1310.00 per ...... ,..._ ~.00 trvy OIL. N.Y. SILVER Handy & Harman, St.170 per troy --. LJ:. I,•;., , . .,• I ' i:: ) ' ... 'i • -... .·. ·: .. ,a..~ Wonillr W9IMfl ..... Ill .. ..... ~ llW ..... ...... Nil'°"" --from ,........ • ,.....,,.,...... • THllAlf(T 8lmon G8tMI out • plOC '° .,...~epy. 1 1.W.A.T. HAWAI~ Wtlen•~'•Wlfell murdated, Ill• otflCM •nemc>U to take IN ... Into 1111 OWi\ llenda. • OV9'1A9Y au..: ll'ocMrtc:k er- ;d~ TMlllOOGH THI AMI "Painting: Vlalont Through f!S + + ~ "Tiie Gumbel Rlllo- ly'' (18791 Mlcheel s.n-.. lln, T1m Mc:lnllf'9. A gum. NII madllne II the onind prln In a NeW YGnl·t~Loe ~ Cat r-wNct'I bmge .. --af ~ cha,..ctar• onto tll• nation'• lllgllwaya end II-* roeda. ·.-o· ltlOI=::" GOWNtM!NT "~eeeioMI Rafonn" i IA= MILL.8' An egttat9d woman wttll • llomamada bomb !hr.._ to blollr UC> Ille 00-a::'_o. PLAYi CBmW.PAM Tiie popular rOC* IUC*• ltar of Ille '70. P«forme many of Illa llnuh hltl In an elactrtfyfng oonc:«1 In tlla '*"· .MOVIE * + * "Mr. Roell And Rolf' ( 1175) CllUdl Berry, LIOnel Hampton A lebu- ICM» IOOk II ••an at IN . 50'. and the begil • •.ge of roctc 'n'rol, 7:00 I cee N£W8 N8CNEW9 KUNG FU Shackled 10 a v.ngetul IMn, c.if'9 pre>'-Iha CauM of hl8 twrtr«I. 8 ABCNEWI a Ko.w< Koja tuma lo an u - addlc:t I~ help wtian lie IMrna tllat hie napMw .. on druge and may be lnYONed In a rrvdar. • M•A•s•H An OU1break of lnf9ctloue llepatttle uv.aten1 tM errtlr9 '"9dlcal ltlft of the 40n111.. I JOICIR'I WILD .... Ell Al!PORT Cl) P.M. MAQAZN! Tiie Bil.-8rotllera; a IOOk at ,_ dNg8 fOf a.ntng dogged artettae. • liNTIRTANmlf TONIOHT A IOOk at how ._. are dl8c:owr9d In ltoll)WOOd today. 8 THE MUPfl£TI au.ti: Roy Ro09B and O...E-. Cl)~THOH A comedian 114* and tour comic conteatant1 who compel• egalnal one "'°"* ., .... IW9d In !Na ~comedypme lflOW. (%)MOVIE • * • • "Kremer Va. Kre.m.r" ( 1t7t) Duatln Hoffman, M«yl Streep. A man belt... wltll hie P· ..,. ·~ cuetody of tMlt young _, .,..,. ....... out on them. 'PG' 9 KNXT ICBS) 9KNBC (NBCI e KTLA Ond.l e)<Aec CABCI •KFMB CCBSI D KHJ·TV (Ind.I eKCST CABC> • Krtv Clnd.) •• KtOP·TV Clnd.) •• KCET IPBSI eKOCE CPBSI f <DJ On-TV Cl) Z·TV ®HBO <tl <Clnemu1 <!) (WOA) NY • H. T . all (WTBSI Cl> CESPN) Cl> (~Imel • Spotl19ht e lc.«>I• Hews Natwortr) ... "· .... :..1 -==-· .,...,, .. Q . ,........,.,.. ...... ,,..t,....,. ...... ...... II MMI. A ... ................... .................... .... .,.,. .......... &rd~ r=:-~"' ''CM*tft Of TM NI ..... ,,. .... ._.... ...._.. enoo..nler a ..,... " ........ ltlrll .,.;-..;. * * "Oflfy wtllft I ...... " (1111) MerlM Ma.on, KtlMV MoNlclflol. A ..... Veit! ...,.. NllUrne from •• ,.. OUl ....... . mlMd to,...."" .... . "" """"'°' ..... ... --end .. r•alld......,, •1111 lier 17-~•r-old ... ,~ ... W99 YOU THIN'7 "Oacal MlchMUX. fllft'I ll'loneet" 1"°' •tart ... Freeman and 4.oran10 ,...... •••••fbii ~ llladl lllm director O.C. ~(R)Q *."" "Hlltory Of The World -~""I" (1N11 Mal lfooU. Madeline Kelln. ...,. •• llu9lttoua lllatOfY - fJom NNlldanNI -men to t11a ~ lnctl'-lltlofl -la eumlnad ..... (J)MOVll ***"""Doctor ZJWeeo" (1M5) °"* INrtf, a.. .. CNplln. two io-. ~ ....... .- -~of .. .... *"~· 11:00•••C1>•• ftnMDAv ..aHT Hoat: Mlcllaal Pelln. Ouaata: P•ul Simon, .a.-Taytot. • YOU A8KB> POftrT '-turad. "Wond'a F-.. .. ...,.... end ''T allllnO ....... • M"A"l"H Hewtleye, Trappe< and lpewchucker try to -• KorMn girt from bondaoe to ... ~aerveant. • ~.-.J. ~ ooaa on • bind Ute. I ···-~ DOCTOR .. TMa ~ Mtchael , ... In low -and ...,_. oi-up medlelne. •uov. ***'-' "Wolteo" (1te11 Alber1 Finney. ~ v.- rL POllca •• laoed wtltl an ~problem -.... YOftl Qty II medad by a padlof~---.... CZ>MCMI * • "" "Htalofy Of The Wortd -..., I" (1H1l Mal lrookt. Madelne Kehn. ....... ~ lllalOtY - ll"OM ....... ,,., - """ to .. --tncp. alllofl -11....._ .... n:tO •Cl> AUCll .... .... Alloa, Ao end ""11 • ~ V«*iWiUOh Ir*~ Hoat: Johnny Clllfaon. ~ ..... .._~ ~~ • di AllC Nl!WI NIGHTUNE • MCMI *** "Tiie ~ .. (11931 Poly Bargen.~ art II-*. A _,..,.. with llOmicldal tande11c... II pleoed In group lhel'llpy In a ..,..,... ~ folowlr'll •Nn'OUI~ • THIJ&ibdONI A annger lrtee to pldl YP u:::--... UtD•dT~ -.cAVIOR ·~· • OAP110NID MC ..... 1W. INT'MrANmff TONleHT A 10011 .. llOw ..,.. -• AoiMIM In ...-,wood ;a '"'"""Ill.AND A romantic ncMllllt 11\119 out IM t.ntaey of one of "" flc:tlonat dlar.a.ra, and • llanita expert .... lt!e Ulllnl89e ohllange. ("> .MCMI ............. 'or Eld! Ottw'' (1'3t) c.'Ole L.om- Mrd, ~ Stwwt. A ~ ~coupli "Y to oape .. Illa aom-c:.-" of lntartetlnO ln- lk. LOYI, AM8ICAH "love And Tiie Kid· KHXT (I) 9:00 -•-rtt.e Odee.'' ~ ClUk and Larae> Woodruff portray • mOthlr and da\llhtllr who flOt a Crilda1 cledMn. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"McClain'• Law.'' McClain and an alcoholic former cop IMl'Ch tor a murderer. ,..,.... A ""*""'* f8ll on hie .,.. Jc*; tt. ._. _..,._to~ 1bll.(I) ..... OINOINNA'1 .,..,., ........... "'°"*' °' "'°""" tneo .. ,...., prd' .... Vb torWI ..... (") 11:10 CC> MOYll * *. "The ,_,... Of The Otm•" (1t3t) Mercel Dallo, Nora oni,or. ~ aodll and Ml(&lll morae NPet* ari.tocwat1 and worllfng·olHt people l*ora Wqnd Wt1 I. 11:11 CID Mat'°" THI 'INNAHT lerry T~ and Tim ~_. .. the baMa leadlnO to the 1112 Wortd lertea. (IVMOYlm • * * • "Regino &uu" (1 NOI Robert De Niro, Cdly Morteny. 80xlno ~ Jaaa La Mott•'• •Plltlid• for vlofanca ~ llirll 9'I009ll In Illa flng but dleNpta "" par-td'81 llf9. 'R' 12:IO. 8 LATI NfQHT wmt DAVID~ Ouute: ectreu Pia Zlldore. llwNll eplder Oen Goodwin, comadlen ~,..,(RI 1: * ** 1'lla Siient Part-ner" ( 1879) Elllott Gould, Ctwtatoptiw F'Unmer. A INll* taller'a Impromptu •"-"Pt to caatt In on • robbery IMdt to llarlla.- -i and *"" "'*' Illa rMI ttlW a-lllm 10 ~1191oot.'A' 11Me w ~ouo Mc:Ooud trW IO IOha a '**et-·1 mwdar and wncowr !tie ct1me netWOftt that eurrounde tt. (RI 11:.ee 00 MOY!! * * * * "T ... " (1t7t) Natt-. Klnaltl. Pater Flr1h. Tlla daugfll• of • poor Engll1ll termer ~ Illa victim of lier fllll'll(a ..-.UC-and ,_ own '*"6t)'. 'PO' 1:00• uov. * * * "My FOOllth Hallt" (1850) Oen• Andr-. ._ ..__,d. A ""9- nenc YoUnG woman !Inda .... In dalclalr wt*l lier ...., !0¥9 la died dw-a-=: • • ... "September ,,.,..,,.. t 1150) Joan Fontelna, Joatfjfl Cotten. Two peo. pte ballewd kll9d In en ~ Cl'eth conalder 9lar1ing ... ow.' again ar=e * * * "I H-. IMondea" (1981) "-" Roc:tlef~. Enrico Mont-..o TI*'- dlteo'IW that • ...ntly novanat'a lalHI work deacrlbea In .... Illa MCWtty ayatam protecting tlla V9IUablel In "" home. 1:10• MCNW ** "Celebimloo Al Big .... (19711 Joen --. Joni MltcNI Top rOC* ectl -f9elurad Ill • doc> umantary of Illa 1 ... Big Sur ,.....,.. ... r..r.. lrlatlML , ...... ., OWllllQHT 1M(l)MCNW ***"" "WCllMrl" (1111) A111art ~. OllM Veno. re. l'OIM ........ wttl\.,.. l#MUll .,,..... • Hew V0111 Qty II llMded by • S**of .... wcMI. ..., ... MOY'9 *** .. ...,..... ,,.. ~ Quinn, ...,.,,. M•nt•n•. Tll• tlllet ,.._, In .., of ...... ......... wtltl .. qulttl• °' ,.. tNt ~ lllm .,. .,..,, W(l;MCMa *ft* "IMlde ~ .. (1NO) John ~ De'lld Mone A-tothe .,..., of~ .... OeldMd bar "'9Y "°" Illa ~ 10 malltl'I me .,.,.,._ ... dr9MI of becon*l9 • pro bmtlatball peeyw • reality. 'PO' tt'1I CZ> CHAN.M OHMftllLIN OH THI ....... ec:e. 2:a01--~llltaMOAI ....... a-·,,..., -flfOY99 onoe ... tlla1. ~ 00- lc ,. oMJ -tunny .... propt -tMa time Illa "~lc"lltea­ t\Qd. CZ>MOV!a • * ''The~ End Of The av.t" (1N1) Law•"-"· lntlO"· H•nry T-ulkl. =1= l:OO MT PA'"'°'- A Nazi IOlc#ar potlltg •WI Allied c:on1ect eltracta Troy·a 8'!*1tlon by 1111 reluctance to emtMllll\ aomeo.man _.... l:20. MOYIR * • "Ane1omy Of A Crime" (11et) OarT•n McGrAn. Ted KNght. A prlve1a ~ loob Into a 12.yMr-<*t llldnap- '*'9 CllM. S:JO. VOYAGe TO THI eoTTOM OJ: THE SIA ''Siient Saboteln'' .MOVll * * * "Sta11lng Over'' (1178) lwt ~ Jll ~gh. After "'°""'9 of TV dlnnan end btlnd dMaa. • dtvofced mag. zlne Miter thlnkl lle'a fOWtd trw lo-.. ....,, a eclhootlaacMr .,.... Illa .... 'R' MO(l)MCMI ** ......... Olr1''(1119) Mor1lol o.,te. "°"' Ow-... A l(.-.tually fW1ft girt ...,cit. for alCClal. Illa ~~·a· 1:41 CID MCMI **'A "For YOUT eye. Only" ( 1811) Roger Moere. Topel. Jam. Bond ndll • orlrl*l9 wtl9 JIUrtotned a top aac:r• Br1Ultt .... ~.'PO' 4:00 CZ> MOW! * * * * ''Tiie PMelon Of Altne~ (1tet) Uv lJlnwwt. Bibi Andenaon. After "" bre8ll up of lier manlllge. an amottonally unllal>le women latl• on an equally dltfta'tled io-. 'A' ·-~MCMI * .... ''Tiie ~ Hoobr'' (18711 l~ ,.....,_,., JeM..~r• AMmem. The .. of .... Yortt'a I.moue call """ x..wa Hollrlder, lltdd .... 4:ate WfMMITOT'HI 80TTOM OJ: THI..,.,, ............. .... MOY9 JOHN DARLING • ,,.....__ .... ,.., HE'H I HEH! SUM CP.OPf T>iATS PReTTY cure, P1..Jt.NTMAN! ....... ~ ........ lllto--. ,.,.,., Dlllll v..r.. ........ ... ... ......... ,..... ..... .,.,.~ .. ~ .,, ., ..... "' ....., !!!Ml( .. •<ID ..... ,_._. .. (1t7ft OllMlrl Hoff!Mn, y.,_. ~-lft LMdon'" 1td. In AIMl10M """ ,.., r...-,,... lfld ~ ltwofYed wttll llllMd~--.­ltll Ctwtel ... Wflo Ilea Ifft .. wntlllthM ~ • 'll'Q' CID • * "OM .... Uberty'" (1'1') ~ CUip, ...... llfd ICllay. A peddler' a adventur" kl colonial AIMftca tl6'a lllm from IM edoa Cf the wlldar'neet to ......... tM foundlnO , ..... (%) * *"" ·w.-m. To L.A." (1977) ICaltll ean.. dlM, ~ KalertnM. Vllfi. out SolltNtft Oalllomla rnldenta are t>rovglll togeltw blWly In • --of romantic lleleoM wlllcl1 mGIClr and J,IC) W1•-~ atandl.. 'A' 7:t0 ••• * "Mr. Rodi And Aoll" ( 1976) OlllClll Barry. UoMI ~.A Ill» ~ loc* ...... et tlla '60'• and the ,,. .... Of rodl 'n' roll. 7:AI(%) **** "Fatllar Of Tiie ertd9'. ( 1860) Spencer Tracy, Eltiabeltl T aylot. A ""'*~ .. of ... Joya and~ ~ ..... -~ *"-tor Illa ~a .. ~~-Of M111Cla BMctl" ( 1HO) NcMrd Haldi, Kay LenL A amalltlma llUetler oon- trw. a acttame to tum a lllOw-wltlad ainat-Into • WOf1d cMM body..oulldlng cNmolon. <B> •• "RumlnO leered'' (1t72) Ken Wafll. John lalcon. Two tormer Olt tall ...... ""'*"'°" of oon-"*tno to lnveda • CM!>- ..., cownry. 'PG' t:OO. * * ~ "Tiie cat And Tiie c-y· (1871) Honor llladUMn. MlotlMI Callan. .... belt» for • lor""'9 .. .. IPOC*Y eateta of a ~ .nmoi .... ·.-o· t:2I CZ> • * "My ENooOy v• antlne" (1t81) P9111 K• man, LOf1 Haler. A emall town bec:onlm • ..,,. of terr« dlKlng their annual Velanllne'a Day dance. 'R' !HO CJ) •• "SPy Witt\ My Face" ( 1899) Roban VMlglln. Oevld Mc:Callum To diaco¥af Illa key to e ,_ aupar~weapon. an enemy IPY aoancY et .. taa e double I~ UHCLE egant Napoleon Soto. 10:10. * * '..\ "Tiie Kida Ara Alrlglll" ( 1t7t) The WllO. F~ of aome of Ille roell o.td'• pert~ -lntef IC>el Md with Inter· 1ltewt of Iha group mem- ben. 'PO' 11:00~**~"~0fA &umrner'' (1879) Richard Harrta. Jodie Foetar. A l•· ~ • ,.,..,...-«*! girt glvat lier lllullon-lllled lather and her blindly determined mother Ille COUf8g9 IO eccept lier hna. 'PO' (%) * * "Dirty Trtdla" (1ta1) e.o.1 Oould. Kat• JacUon. A Harvwd pro- feeeor ~ Illa quany of .,..._. anldoua to gee their ll8ndl on • ,_11y dlac:owerad lati. Mtttan by Qeorga Wellllngton. 'PO' 1l::OO •• * ... "Red Mounfaln" ( 1851) Alen Ladd. Ur.ebeCtl Scott. Un60fHllpp0rtlnO --ln~and ....... Ola1 .,.. raneack9d by Ouantttl and Illa~ •• * "Eighteen And AnJCloua" ( 1857) Mer111a 8cott, JaclUa Coogan. A ~ girt lkldt that the road to~ la• rodl)' end often tragic one. I Ptcmnou•• ..... MMmlTA~ TM follOWlng l*'90fl 19 dolnO ~-(a) OCEAN VIEW PUM8IHO (bl OCEAN V'lEW MECHANICAi.. 2nt e. ~ "'"'· Uri1t o. ~ Ana. C1i11tom19 t21CM ~ w. ~. 2731 8. =~1.· ~ O, hn'e Ane, ll!l9 .,....,_ -~ by ell lndMdu.i. Jotv'I w. &inclqulet. Owner Thie ~ -Ned wlttl IM eoun:i an of Or9fl08 County on Jlllt1 ,1M2. ·- Publl•fled Orenge Cout 01lly Piiot."""" 20. 21, Aug. 3, 10, 1112 32tl442 ·· IA&.TZ-.. OM SMITH a nrrt&l · WIS1CLW CHAPIL 427 E. t 7th St. eo.taMesa 646-9371 .· ·. .· PAa.tCYllW t•K*ALPAD . =MOttuaty •mat ' ' 3500 ecltlc View ~Ye • ~Beach 8'4-2700 ......... llJ ... --STA,_-, TM folcJiWtft9 .--.. doln9 ~-MO£NCY .. LAZA. 15'0 W. ••II Roed, Aneltelm. C1ltf0fftl• 92802 PNlp H. ~·1118 SE Mein Snet, 1rW1e. Cellfomle 92714 Thie ~ 11 conducied br en lndMctull PNlpH.McN- 'TNe ·*'*" -lled ... the County Cllf1I of Or9fl08 County on Juty 1&, 1N2. ,_ Publl9hed Oren94 Coe1t 011ty Plot,"""" 20, 21. ~ 3. 10. 1982 ~ --- •.000.000 47,I04,t11 t1,111.n1 -I ' • ue. ti,.. WI¥ ........ ,.,. ...... 10 f'I. .............. ..,, ~";1i llMHla ......... ... •••••••••••••••••• °""°"' ~,... "'°"""' Oii CtlUlllll 11 .. ,.,,.. fu..i INtfAlLID All Kindt • ..,.,, .... ...... "°""...,...,, o.wte'-.. .,.. • ........ = ~--• VturMt--~ PAJNTINCI •• ... ,., ~ ~°"' ~ ,,_ •· ••••• m•m•••••••••• "'''' + flnt 'Int. l 8 &I. ... ,.. HIM'AGl l'MI ePY; ...,,.,,.. .-. ... 1~1 u ., ~ '' a" "' Corllptee• t,.. °"· 11 """"'' f'AlfimNQ yre ..,,.,, Oen ff2·537T ll'IVtMl. ......_ ,.._ ~••• kOW MTUI ~~~...;;;;;~~;;y.Jt-t • .::,._=:..· :,:"-:;•::::-=IM=-=1 W. 111>11•1.. T,.. ~& !WnOWll. NM P"1tlna & Tit ,,_ -._ cine-. Ill CllelnUPe l mowtno ,,..Intl., ..... a. . .-.. Uo.111181. 114-7017 di 10,,.. In 00 ..... r• .,.~ ....._ •·'-on apt1. CaU a• tire, ---...i.u. awa.. .... t. ~=:. .............. . 1 Ms. oo119ot. """".....,"'"' __ .. ''LM tfle ~In'' HOUl9AlmNO OVaHtr Cr•ftm•nttllp. c.. tknNM Window. In' out. ,,.. -"=.: C::'1~ oe.rq, Ltd. 541 "" Clll .... tn.o11t ~ Mofl1Hy D6ecount NMcl '_..or a._. •ffzw .... ....,_ M ... SPARKLE: elf • • * RENT HUleAND 11""'1 Hrty °' Wk~1 ..... ..,.. ..... •••-••• Int/ht, tow11t rtt~.l ••••••••m•m••••••• wndw1, bottl •Id••· IL 1111 f0tmmr00Mtr,,..-.., Fot _........, ... ~ 8'1'111= PfOl'!Pt, neat~ lV ,,.O,l!lltONAL 1cr11n1 l t11clu . .... pMftb "°' 81 Vl•l• tervlu Au. ~. 0-. yre In .... 1411114 Rl!SUMIS a CA .. EE.. Hon•••· d•"nd•ble, ~~ up,'eeo-1m yre tn-tooo.~~-IMM......_1714 lnV_,, H°""1, eober 0°""9EUNCU61-4700 Gu.. no_,...... Alm. You ';;w;; wlnrllr °'Celt. CUltGrlt ._....._ Ottrletltn. Promf.'· Gd I • priOel. 640-ll64 f1'0 f\'91 .... (111.00 =. ~· .. = TINO°' t 81oak-Gol'IOl•S ttYo9o refa. ,,_-·ea -et7I f.'!?fl.............. EST 0 C vti11.te \o IN no Job to 1ma11. Wit :-:.1•11 """,,... • ......_ ......,. a Soft~ "'*"....=:,~ ~~~1~ w..:.a .~ .. ~!!2.'-!!! ~ M1·2MO tlertl Aelt.. "°" 452 9t1okwottl·lfMlt °' tte ao yre 11ep. In ••acfi uo. ••1tl02 . ...._.n. fWld. Aw. 830-nf1 , · --· ~.._HI= ~ 100'1 looel rtfe • .,...,,,.. ... 182-1711 .. __ ..._._~~tlon ~!'11!!1...... ...., • Pw90ntl ,., ....u l!tl!!Jlr. .... ..,,.. "" .......... ~ a.th leo.olll:I .rr.:i: ................ . lntttl-Allftl• CW.. _,_ •••• ............. BUDGIT RATU Centw Aug. 5-11 Wu. SW!ldlilhCl"'*Ylln. Home~ tloMM, H.9e;;r............... '""*'° ln1ertor Olllarl \.ow min. Sim Jobe OK Lonq 8'edl At9M Slnct 1847. Comm/,_ ...eltble, MMMoftllnG & • ABC MOWf9. HAN01Hal8TRIPPING UC.,,.. -&41-7581 Aug. 11-22 tle1-11et/727-3740 •••IOl9. 564-4tl4 Quldc, CartM 1i1Moe. Vite-MC 8oott 845-f321 To clalm p .. 111, c•ll --------~ ---------,.... ~ U2.o410 ~,.,.,,.., 942-5&71, ext. 272 ... .JD. Thorougtl olcMlllHoned ASA PAPERHANGING ·~c·!-.:.:,.,•:.=::•T•o••o••o•• ========~ Pa I 1 I I mu It b 1 ... ..,...,................ ~ tllUIUJ'llna. • ... , --· 7 Y'I Ioctl exp. Gutr. _, ._, "'...,. aicotlllnold fof rlMf\led DUMP JOU ,...._ J1i1 llMJitt T~u.llt) ~ _. work. Prlc11 1ttrt at YtNr OMoe ot Out-. n.""--and Mii•"" at 1 111ta al bo offloe ....... & Small MO¥tne JObt • SI/roll. Mic: 701-7027 Eflloltnt/Aelablt ""'""' ".,, to ..-..-.!...... """" c.n MIKI ~1st1 M,AID8 OF ORANQ! CO. In yra ..p. · reuonable price-that'• _..,..,_.._ OUialltY Ta.ti~ No _ __..__ ~18 ... H...,. 1011111ttlng to "'? ln-houle Word Proc. whet ol .. elfled 11 •II * * * CIMllfllcl A.cs. Ma-6171 BofliSed, 1M. 111-1212 ...._ .. ._ ,_. ._ Clltlffled tcfl do It..... No minimum 942-oee9 ebout. IM2·5e71 &!!.~.!.~ .••• NM •• • •••• !.......... '.'.'1..'f.¥.'!!. •••• !.'.ff ~!.'1..'f.Y.'!!. •••• !I.! '91.8.._'!!. •••• !.~ff ~.'f.~'!l. •..• !.~ff ~IJ..'!'!!. .... !.~ff Lott: Bridle female PIV ' Dry Cleanlng counter ......... ..... &t8ll S.-I IALES-~ 200·300 W Wlf1•1 .. ~le~:,~':"~ ~ T• hlfp, eicpw or •ltrtln. 9a11t10e1 meln.__ I 11181 peoptt, lrNlla no Serlou1 car11r oppty. MlndlY ........ ·~ •••••• .. •••••••••••-• 3oe49 Coalt Hwy, So. cleenlng. Ptr1/tlm1 aper nee:. •100 per~ Sal/ Comm/Vac, etc. n 4--142 2339 red.,,tltled t9Mher In Legune. ...._1116 ~ ......_ No lfll -ewraQt 0t men. AnyGf)I 54()..aeet btWn 8-7PM • rrry home tutortna "*"· II experlenH "'°""'Y· can fUCC1•1l1. We"- ..... ... reeding Oredee K-4. Mra 9 4 6 • 7 1 O O Io r •HIBi a ,_ exdtlng concept TU-. Ots. .. W Hll -._,al H ~ l.oe1· 7/12 w, EWror-n Putmen Ml-9151 PllT Im 8'>PC*ltmlnt. To• e Y t,. • r • ere We need •oer•••lve ....... IT....,. ......... ••••••••••••• ...................... lauJJ H7J end MonnM.. 81111 • ,.. rralN "Im a. • can1ef coun911or unllmtted Clp90f1Unft._ people :/'o "' ••If· Exper1enoe ~Id WfSTCLIH 8U.1u ... , "r-'". !1! !(" WIPllT llAll ...................... red cot11r. 131.n:, ................. : •••• tore 1ooe1 naw9Pepef. 1nrea1 ...... ....._1~ ~ •tlllW~ ~l .. llL· nlf•t beouthoe omo. 1,000 fl REWARO Private Nurelng Duty Ho • x P • r 1 en o • ~ tfle ~"""of w __ ,,, progrwn. ·~-· n.. • to 1,llSO fl. A"r9C1. well ... •~--... POllUon wtnted. &per, 11h'ICllll 'J. Wortctc on/li/t7 112 PICflUIO. .... ttColdwll ::a.::::::.,1n::;:: ~::!ti. required. mtlntall*S bldg. Neer --m... ...,_. CNA; R11pon. F.; Sp. oure e ... · 178 o BtnQr..ftcnM E. Olton. Hoeo Hoeplltl. Cpte, Flmllll, a mo des light Path. 1tud.; Aellebl•: •t•rt plu1 •ddltlonel Atetton. Our Huntington H<MI. 8lr Vllllen1 Rm. on lnilne A1-833-8650 • AP I' mini bllnde. Dedicated Office ~ for leeM, Golden fWtr1ever. 714 lltc Sincere; Caring. Stl. •hare of partMrShlp'1 BHCtl offlc11 tine c= ~~ ~ T I • I I .... s*lno. Prof .... ""1' .. c:= ~D= :.1:-z. 17Ul.and TUltln ........ Neg. Celt 54Wtlt"Em, prom::,.. fun jobl _.,. un. lnwnedlllte ~end Me FWy). Don't m... "* N:·i~·~!m:::t:. (_ 11' ~r Mt''IWJ' ~ In .,._. -87~ for dttall. call 031•7053 Ewe M, n •I• m 1 n t Or. ·1 offlc11, Tu11 a : =~!O'J to ~ ~ opc>ty, bl thlr•. ldHI tor 1tud1nt1 or rd:i.,.;iiiiiiiiii"iioii:~ ~~~~~~~~~Lott: longNnd enemy •el•,,..,., 11# oppor1un111 ... For Ttlu1'11 only, II Toro. prtz.ewllblgt\l•u•ey. homlmak1n1. E-3-9. •••m ... lalutn.i .. "',,. white cat W/Ot'fltl/le .... ....................... lnWl"Mw Cll .,.., MIO n0-1eao. J4/Jy 20 1 For fUrtMr Info. Qlll (714) No '::'.'t Airport -. t t 0 1 0 o v e St . ••••••11•••••••••••••• HlmaleyM type, Lllguna Sert. Plant otc.. N.8. PM. &U-417t. m 312. mlla.1 •lllJI llf ?:00PM 8314384 . call bell. 12, &40-4647, "-J PrHtlgloue H.B. loc. 1180 1q h, con1let1 ol BMdl.Atwtird. Ellper.pnlf .. but_.tnllnLLill 1411 !dtno-Ave. AKDOV Mtrketlng •fl 1pm,906-0151. ---------_ Perftot for •ltorn•~· up~er level executive 484-38721497-6464 11 pm • 1 am 2 m.-& 3 IDI lll'Y L.Mrn medlcat llklUI a ... --... .... ~ 9*'r 8ervlDte ... _ f;.;!) bl(,• f I I t b h REW .. RD ,100• p.-........ pm· 11pm Pit e&1-M40 c ••rve rn ttle ArcTJ ·--· ,_,._ ~--lf#R-~ Ofrlot IUlt" from I 0 ° 0• w pv st · ~ .......... h•lltnOfno lone term -..___ UceNed ot u11loe11eed. • .. -• ;:r-,;:,,tosroor:. lflN 3800 tq. ft. lrnmed Or~nd floor l'9Clptlon mix, emtll wtllle fem. ~"*" ~ r,01ltlon opening ._ .... ,.. ,__, If yGl.lwoutd .. toknow SALES --·-r:::, •;.1:u~r::t. "-,.,:. ~-~!":!:?,;~ r-1.=:.~= 'a:f.ff~:·Mi.lonVJeto. ~ ':C,.~ ~.::~~~ ~~=:. :W..':::"-..-:! :1'1~:::=.n~1n.m:d~ .. I t I 72 ,_, oat• ... lndu1 rltl ---------1 topQUtltvtlldg.NoJ*a. h .. '""'•ti.-, dttW, a ....... ,..._ ...... •1-for tt111 lnfo~ttve exp .. •d HIH. High ~ rpor" nn. 21 L•& -~ 17.._ ••11• 1111'111•11 ApL plu1 ••l•rr. "*".._In lftCWth9nd ..,..,.., "'" ...,....., •;a ~ oommlulon ttruoture. Dupont. C ell AM · 9' and preying Mrlde 1oet experience tlelpful. & typln9 . Ca1utl HottelC Or. Cty ~ 133-3223 ... 1. N.Bft. 817:.!''~ MIO from rlnQ. RIWAAOI 7t4/l-CU212. •tmo1pt1ere. requlrH --For ,...."8dol• end rntgatnl. 831-1100 l!lloll9't a..._ Up 90 ~ ~1-t0a2, '°'* '42;6743 flulblllty. Call for eo,,., _ '°'II ...,,. _.. _.,~cell: BAYFRONT 4000tqft.1I01 ~ ~~=..:...===---1-:--:Loe::::t::-: =Whtt:==:•-;C::-:OOCl=::k::::,._.:=:-, Attract:..• l'....U ~ ~. Up. req'd. Euell. °"'° 8toneU .. IW,C.M. ..... J'11NI/!. !.!.'!~P.;,..!_1_1~_.U1• 8 C Uf ml MANPOWER working cond•... •Bltlllna Pl1n'8 offtce. .,,8-1003 tor Joe w ··--. -.. :.;,,,,.;.~ :;},'J:1t"'· llopf l1ll11111f,' ........... 7Wtl~ ben1ft1a. ,,.., 1.a:30, 714/IM-7621: "2-6615 Exec .u1t11, lull MN., Redondo Clrole 1r1 ___________ 1 ••II gropJned tlrl to &per.C..W•hlllptor a-u:ao. 11~2.-... lurn/unfurn .. grtatly Dwi>&• rnutl IW!tl 0.0 ~ .. ~~ton. Bitch. Lott ctt, long htlr, model privately for New P 0 rt 8 •a c ti or ~ In~ 411 reduced . Ne 111. Uorpar1tlme, 1ttfllt., -Of'Ml9Wr.tll'*""l.Mt lndlvtdu11 3 .... rln per llmou1ln1 •er•lce, F!!p!llpM,,. 764-0274 C.M. Ott front etc loc. -Woodbndg9 ..... Wllk.81r'lcltypmwlnd ·-!!~~~·~~~!!!I 540-1217 Gentle. 841-1793 In good tuta. Utmott _f7_Ml'7 __ 1_· _____ ,.:. COLDWeLL BANl(C!RO llll'llPll CdM OFFICE SUITE Atwtird. dleor•tlon Hlur•d. Experienced Pttone ~II •• aasm l81B AclPrOL aoo "' It . .._ --,.-nt-.--,.-,-,..--1 an.t P9'f • ._.. tn. .... ,.,_. w.-... -··9'-;-Wtth UM of ..,._..tlon, -•II elf"'.,_ & tint ~ photo Md dltlled 8'loft ftowt. .... Pll'tf ,.,,..,. 6 Ml-4lllfte tor M EQllll n..-o. Co. .__,.. -~ ........... • P · F•male Blactc, wtllte dMortpClon to ... NJ Clll .-, _., ... ,. S-11 IHft, *° L.VN orr-••n__.iiiii';--:::~=-l~ '=-M-7_11_mo. __ 11_1_~_1_30 __ 1-Approx--.....,2,...,.500~-eq-..,..fl-Oll-nt-1e1-1 cheat, Pen. J11ly 17th. No. 1011, D.ity PUot. ~· ,. .......... ~for,...,forU-tlfllft I I proeHtlng. Mtll Pnlf • .._ ...... lft Npt. end wer1'h11 eptoe. 973-3et4, IMO-ff4e ~ 1tl0, ca.tt -. eumm•r •trdroH & fo; t• tied '"'· afilt F'ul tllTlt In,_.~ m•H•g• ''"'· •v•ll. °'"* for tttor~ 0< Central Colt• M11e. •-L-0 ,-,-A-1-g-h•-11-.-wtl-,1-,-w-1-1 CA t2t.2t llave "-' teot • _.. beneflte P•Cll•I•· fHtllon act1001:-Oooa Ntw lnveetment e rt ='" Newport 8eec:fl for prof•lll)t ... •Wpl-ftl)Oj-.. dOler1I.. .... , ... ," We provide qualified We need good people to Mt up appolntmenta lrom our Newport a..c:n oflloe In the evening l0t Hollday Inn'•,_.,...... ciub . S111ry + commlulon + bonu1. Cell 833-3740 eft. 1pm. , ........ ..... Follow up, no c:okt c-. PIT. Coett Miii olc. FfW Info, Cal 831-7200. AM '°' .., . Cel'80f\ T~S-. Eem Big Money by "" b11ch, 1300· t tOOO/ .... Cel 536-7511. TOPLESS MOOEl..S 175 DAY• PAID DAILY no exp • nee • 82e-2583 11p1rtt1ly If dHlrM. °"* prctu1tone1. U.. Fln<*S yd. Avlllt now. bled! ltce, ""'*'· red 1111 -IN CH«tul ttmoapMN. 11fes>tlon• "'90ftallly, Ca I I : Judy , of reoepUonl•t. Xerox, S800 per mo 142-oe80 oo411r 94~ ..... lnlmf 0otnNaaw lllltfy. N.9. "*P ..,.,._ .. Mil. Cell Tow Truck Driver lull 7t4JTI0..0100. tew lb4Wy. Avell lmmld .. -:-::=-:-::-=--=·~:----1.....,....--·---...;_-· __ ~ WN ellgnmt. £ bttlt. Own a.'""'• •11'. •I ~ 91141a7l fQr ~. tlrM ~no nloht. 1"dt. ltnt tncrenttve progrwn to ofter. Pro'• on/lit, no .,....._ w.•,. too bU9y INlldnO mor1e)'I Ctll Aeotllt. 641-0N1. eel for ct.t.111. Mlltcl or 1300 eq.11. $425. ~OUtld: Lg9Mft & pepper t:and tOola. ~ 'nre htndlolpped girt, Ugttt P.vFul time S.-lllllp. --------..., Nl-e4os MIMT... M 7141'161-2411 1800 eq. lt.1575 Germ. Shep. Vic Tustin ctr., 3000 E. Ott. Hwy, duttll, own ltWtt. non. ut-Ot-41, 08 11 ltt.. ~I-., SALES lllDIL.,. ~~·nc:!1rv; vm~•g ~~ ~ :;::::=;; :=. ~W::C =. :,_~~.Jr0,: :.' · c M · ,_Cd_~-omotNoe---8-1181--• ~9'.t. ~=-::. _aun __ .. _Mon __ . ----• ::::::::. rec:1pr:':n1"::i Telephone 1011c1tor1 R11p. tor proc1111ng I 4 5 O I mo. 8 r o k • r lhOwer. hlboe Penln. Daye 540-9352, Ev111.....,.F"""OU-ND.,--Y-,,.-""'-*"--dog--.1 •Tl 1=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii&il Pft 8-boolcllteper fbr typing wanted, no uper nee. annuity & IR11Ur. ~ _8_7_Mt __ 12 ______ 1100 __ lrrt4_._"2_-44'_23 __ ,_94&-0e8 ___ 1 _____ , blk w /i;~ & wht lflllll II ''o.w.t ~== :C:~~~n= =·~"::~~ ~o~h1.n~~·~in'~~m1 ~\~~~ fmtlll 'IUIY !Mic. F\#n Suite. prime Jul.Hnj&wd/ ~I~~:?~: 8pygtU1 lor two Qutllfled, ~~~outMA.!,IJ.!!_~ ---"-·-----• pieWMoflloel*'IOnllty tnd ~~~ ,.P~•ntl• Ave, ~.'!T.,.1e23xp. req . Cell Prim• office ltclllty N.8. loo. Phone end lluaft Ex~. AmbltlCUI -.. "' -.,., front off • exper. M.ior .,..... _ .....,..., loc:atld dlf'IC11y ec:rcte copier avell. 1225/mc •••••••••••••••••11•11 S•I•• People I Top over•••• Jobe now PllT 1m medlcal end denttl ----------------from CMc: Center, wy tH-1718, 940·9215 J..U.., SCRAM-LETS ..,,,...., ucalent Mure tvtlltble. •20,000 to l!Y9I wtd/or u lllllrodl. btneflt1. Stltry wlll Secretary FIT. Small nPllT '°°"' 10 fnwy9. ftnlbte (~ ~!l. IHI end many beneftta. Apply 110.000 .:J.'"· Call: AelPOIMIM>lt--..,,.. commen11ir•t• with ~·r 1 ~~ ~ h~1 we're Ioctl~ ror FAST ;~~1.c1~3~u~~~·ft~r~~ UYFlllT ··~,;;.;·~·;;~·· ANSWERS ~.,:;:on to Stl11 1~:C,!'!.t!lt!!!!!•!()penitot~~~I !t~~.:!:.!'e =.:. ;:'· 116--1309. Al/It. fof ~· ~i .~·,8:4, :.!ac;yc~~P~= addlUonal Info Cltl l.rg oflloe ailte w/ernl vu In 1 tat.grow In g 8ually ·Miner L Mll•I I~ to wortc _. ~ (agee -l-iiiiiiiii1ii1j•iiiii•T-'"''""'t" ... " Sten lmmldlatlly. Salary LY&.... of btlY. Al or pert from Stddl•b•Ck Vtlley. nnoe . Qulney "'11&1/-Graphic .,, otmtr• 10-14). Call 2-IPM, ··--· _ ........ __ ....... ______ , opert. 7~1 a.1121 t1.40 pr aq rt. Ctll 931-1888 8TRIH08 pereon, for etudlo In 942-4321, Ext. 141, EOe 1cr Archltectul"lf otnce. ...,,...... -------- Ma 4l64e tpr Info. •-Jo_l_n_t_h_•_l•_•_d_•_r _ln-th-,-• ~~~Tg~~1-H-llt>orlCi:i;oet:iBlvd;;t1iiMlfaiiatftiiF•IDr-~-=~a"' e::..M:'ct!: NIT... ~I t Y PI n g I eo.ta Mw Ulndec:ape -~~~~er Airport er11 • Exec. &.lltt1. From 225-450 eq. It. t 1 per eq. n. Many m.. Call 167-7010 4 deluxe olllc••. 1trat1glc locetlon on Bllc:tl BNd. H8. Front llllCPC*ft, lge llgn .... 95t '!·ft. Ownr . 213450..ell!I! N!WPORT BEACH ewtmmlng pool~ wlttl no..,,. tttechld.1 llltii roofft. Ctmeta WOl'tl. Neweptpet Promottoft ~1 ArcMteturtl omot htl bllklt lunch HrVICI. Prot1111~:t1 ctnce. 933 wvtoe ~ a. • ycu"' got to bl •bll 1o .......... ~In PfT eo etert.Oel Al or Mon .' r J. ' -1-iiiiiiiii, ijiiilr;1;--wlmmedp M1'11~ Popenl n 9 1"0,· need t:30 to 1:30 pm. Mon-Fn. Dover Ste 2. '308/mo. "epatlde weter trll1ment pull a lot of STRINGS. .,.._, c:ar9 ·-""I lAe 4M-1t11 6:30PM·l:30PM, ltt. •••-' Earn $150 to 1170 wkly, 831·1084 1ye1em• detl«." Uc'd home for 9 mo. old, 1_miiiiiL"iiiiiiii""-I 9".30-1:ac>PM ,..., &ttte tn~t e • o •I I• n t mu 11 b 1 n 1 , 1 , ..1 -territory avalleble, FOUtld: Yno M. °""*" wtcdy1, 40 hn/wk.1 11111, llllllTY 114.0090_.. Co., profeetlon•I ccmmunlcetlon1 and p1r1on1bl1, energetic. 'A.i;.;.u: ~ nc:.-'w~.~ ~H8~~'1-=---EK-7EEPE:R-------,,-.. ---11-1 ~J:f...:t"'u.'Tp; ~,:;~.~=~= =:.·~~":: :~:7~',!~oonf~,~~I:~.~ :;:;~747 at 10am for J!!I"..... 15~d.ooo ru11,1emount 2 Biby Celtco tcltten1, tcr tiwy piofmta."' tr: hr. • INC ptwtnt vo1oe, prtv9te ~~·port :!!'.t~.'i!'J!;· c::!::i~ -------- -.. ... "'Ooten vi.w req . eorne nanclng need goo<t home. N.8 .. ¥Wied duttet, mutt ~ ~141 IAt cteeac a pftolM, oa.uel -----·--· __ w It 11 1 • p •, . 0 0 0 d For Cl...itlld Ad Myw need for one evellable. wm net $40, &4Q.t927 bl en•getlc: a tllebee. 5 lqllll °"°""'*Y .._ ......, f'Clr ineemew, Olll llT& Ula benellte end wortc ACTION monthly,... 000 plu1. Cen collect F~ s.t Mite on Wee1 hre/dy, Mon-Fri, eet a Hair °'""' n"ded, lllftlr 8PM. Man'*"°"• U tirM. •nvlronment. CALL Celt a ••• ,.,. 840-S470 ~~:ef:,·1~ tor Belbot a 20ttl. 8m Orey rel• required. c714) Vlllate ,,,,. Mall, __ ......,. ___ • __ a_u __ , Mutt htve mtternttr WAYNE 540-1212 ~1~~ Airport ,.,,.._ IMC Mitt. omc:e or d11k 1pec1 Coc:tc-a-.poo, F, Y~no. e40-eM2 L •tu fl a B •a o". ,._. Control ,.... -· ex per. Souttl CoHt --------1 542•5878 I X p. n d.. c I ••• y ~or unfum. Ptc:H "-f!:t:'' ,,.,, 141-394e htlyltttlr needed.'.. 4M-'1IOO. nffd•d '""".-.. ,.,,. Pita. N7..f734 Cluelned Adi 942-&e'TI 1urroundlng1, prof ~~.::.Hwy . N.8 . "'' ~ •1U tn. Ute hol!MMlplng,1--11111.----------__...... & lrmlted --------~. "" 120 '° •--------•••••••••••••••••••••• ................. r.:el: gd .... 7141e7a-I088 Expwlllw .... ...._ In Olfft/. M...a-. --------------------------. 250 ec:i fl ontoee a ct.-.,.~.,... 1.1. llnLll * * * comm1111on '''" cfll-•too. PtrManent. p,-.. lncludlng oonf rm1, P1tftMllMM ofet. . ,...... •l'ft • 0 P • •an • -1 Appty fn P9tMft Alteo ~ WOftdn9 ...._ l!kll. 1pec1 from 211/mo. ~ .. lie. , ............. , ... ..._ p I t d '1- reoeptlontat, """'1nO e.i Clememe. Spec&el In 1st & 2nd Open 24 flr9 • dey expll1el:oe ~.,.. ~ INI. IUOI C41Mt and wl .. lnCJrHHd ..w., 1o19 of pertclna. tOO tq ft. 2 ll'ltrw!Oll, TO'• 1849 7 deye a wee11 your own '*"' et Hwy, lo. ........... "'"'"te. utlllH ''"'' WP & 1lx •wll. IM-flrt pvt petklno. '700 mo. Robt. Stttler NH/CM Jec:uDI, Stunt. Local• ~~!-~ 8!.'..._ .. 0i,. ••• • outeotftt ~. 1.....a.1120 R.E. 8'otc• Bd Allltora 11 well 11 tourl1t1. ..,.,. .. ._ U1wo ••-...,,_ flCM to.....,.• UOOt up: Cupet1, Wtnted to eublet &42-2171 546-0911 SankAmerlc#d, Mutw ot 1~. Mon-Fri. LIVI ......... I -trtlned .... OQIW t' • drapu, •Ir. 1no1 approx. 120 tq. fl. ctnce WIDOW HAS HI tor Charge, Amerlc•n Computer Datt Entry w..ec,.eofftt ooolClftO, Ce1t J..fPM. Ma..4111, Bttdl, H.B. M2-all34. 1pto1, proleulontl TD'1 RE Leena, 10K Uo. Expr111, Otnere. All po1ltlon avell. Ot"t . a:itr.nl.::;,:r!Y apt, _Ext. __ ... __ .,. _____ 1 d..,Qntd, nceptlontl, No Credit Cflt01l, ffo weloome 714/646 3433. beolnnlng opp. wlttl • Ok. Cof'oM.,; :::"'*" *SUITE DEALS• o.c. AlrpOrt 8'9IL ,.,..,_ erwtror.m•ot, u MMot. or no frlll1. lndMduel offloee or d.-..,._. t80 811 ft -MOO 811 ft. 1 MORWE.7-..rl. ,oc.M view. Flexlbll for P•n•ltl. D1nnl1on a 2112 Htrt>or ~CM cOf'llrnarcl•I broleweoe ""411U · ~l: a o y. Pb o.n • Awic. JS.7311 coeos . wcutc1 IOV9 to oo. Ctll l.oll Ill l:U llOO i 1'40. petty .tVI you. call Sue .. ""' ~ 801 - _., -•.,. ......_.,./ or Kttt\y uytlmt. ~ !.,!! '~~=._, ~'=J!''~. m::-.:.o..~ ,,,.,lllJI/ tUHH ,.......,. __ ....._ . . .,......-.._ on.. 120 "'" "· f:urn ,,_,' "-" liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~=~~~d ,_---~~--~• or~ A\111 .AJtt 1t ......... -........... ta•crt F lliilll ........ 1520. • •••• f.!!!!I...... -:-- !.!t'1J!f!f!!.~ff "'" "'4 Laboratory ...... '° 7800 9q ft. .... 11, ,., tor Joe f(UI) ADS ARE FREE Cat ...... l I~ PATIUC& J. KENNEDY ................ Huntlntton Beach offlolal1 "nvelled a downtown NdeYelopmlnt plan Monday that would encoura1• blah rlH' bulldlnp alona Pacific Cout m,hw~ to &wt men landleaped open IJ>llC9 af ~ 14rvel. BMiceUy, the propmal would allow developen to ·have addltional floor apece ln theU' buUdlnt• U they coD1truct l\r'UdUl'tl that an tall and thin ln the 1hr .. block coa1tal uea betwwn 8th and Lake ltNe1I and Walnut Avenue and Pedftc CoMc Ha.hway. Mike l.f ultarl, city croa1tal planner, preeented the concept to memben of the Qty O,.ancll and P1ann1n, ~ d\&Jinc an afternoon 1tudy 1e11ion. No Ktlon wu taken on the concept. BdCll't a fCllmll plan II aDDl'OWd iheN will be a ..... ol-publlc ~ 0 Th• cout hllh::f l• the hoot doar to Che cfty U.. ldM .. to encounp tallm', thlnDlr bWldlnp that would allow men opm apeoe at ll'O'lftd 1we1 that could be landli!aped bl • park- like •tmolpbere," Multan .,ad. "Rather than 1quat, fat buildlnp, the taller 1truoture. ln otMr downtown llCdcnl could attain mulmum floor 1pece with thrae-atory build.inp. altboqh hlab•r 1tructure1 would 6e allOw..t. Tbe proposal pre1ented Monday envilloned mixed-UM commercial and re1ldentlal tJild)dtnp of 12 stort. and hlCber alon1 the d .. 11nated co .. tal ltretch and four-story mucturea ln other leCtlonl of downtown. The 1lx-bloc:k aectlon ~ tor hlCb dM bltOdt'!t lncentlvea la now a d~ ..,.. twCMt«y brick '"•lld•np built ln the 1no. and lhOI. City otfic:lab .. id hl1b rile 1tructure1 alon1 Main Street would be required to have a 1tep·Uke, &0-foot buUdtn1 letblick from tbe third 4lt«)' up ao new~ wouldn't tower above lbopp&na pedemianl. 9 killed, 4 7 wounded . . 1 IRA haHll) blasts raek ~oDd61l - Sehmltz father? Sexually hurt tot held, by county home By DAVID gtJTZMANN or ... .,..,,......., A 13-month-old boy who suffered 1exual lnJu.riea ia held in C>ranae C.ounty'1 Albert Sitton home today, pending further court bearino on injuriea the child suffered while in the care of hll mother, Carla Verne Stuckle of TuaUn.. Orange County SuRerior Court Judge Willlam Murray said today a petition filed by the county'• Social Service• Department liat.ed Stuclde, U. • the mother ~ ltate Sen. John G. 8chmlta • tiw f.athm'. ·-Neither Scblllltz, DOI' bla wife Mary, Newport Be9ch ~ ... were available for comment ~ Scbmitw have WYeD -.Judie. J.lurqy ruled Monday apins\ returniD8 the child to the mother'• cuatody on the bMla of the petition that WU filed by the county'• Soc.al Services Department. . Judge Murray uld tlWft ia no bltth certificate for the child on file ln Oranae County. ·The petition alleaed that parent. of the child had kept him ln an unfit home "by reUOll of neglect, cruelty, depravity or physical abule ... 'the child ~::1 IW'gery 1aat week at Hospital of Orange County after doctors dlacovered that the Infant'• penis wu nearly teVered becau.e of hair that had been ttahtly wrapped around it. Mmay aaid Schmitz called him Friday inquiring if there WU a chance the child could be returned immediately to the custody of the mother without a hearing. Murray quoted Schmits u then uytna, "Let me be frank with vou. I am the child'• father." The Judie aald that one p•blllhed account of the cw today iwcunte1y ~that the lfew-pcn Beech wmaker Md' Utld to amt -ICll't ol. .. ·~-him. . "111-Maoc t17 to 11 .. _. In -v ... the itul-aid. MUn.7ia&cs ow~ oouJa not releaH the child without a hearln1 . At Monday'• =·,,.., the judae ltbeduled hearinca for Aue· 6 at whiCh liine Die can efthet return the baby to the mother'• custody. -ketJ» him at Albert Sitton Home in on.nae. put the baby in care of a fiilter' &.mily or tum it aver to the care of the father.• Efforta to reach Senator Schmitz at either hla home or hla office today were umua:emful. Murray 1ald that Schmitz indicated be baa known the beby'1 mother for nine years. Neither Murray nor Deputy C.OUOty Cowwel Barbara Evans uld they had actually 1eer1 the child'• birth certificate. Evana lllid that ahe had not talked directly to Schmitz and declined to comment on the (See SCHMITZ, Page .U) ........ BOMB BLASTS -Map~-~IQ(JQ'a Hyde Park and Regent's Parle where-IRA bOmbs loded ~ kilJJng nine people and wounding many oth Iraq and Iran claim victoi.f ies By Tiie Alaodated Pren Iraq claimed ita ground and air forces blasted Iranian pmltiona eut of the Iraqi port of Basra whlle Iran clafmed a maaaive Iraqi counter-offen1ive waa repulaed ln "powerful" battles. ,. An Iraai communlaue iBM!d late Mc?ocia)' aaid Iraqi ~ten and Iong-ranae artillery pounded Iranian troop formatlona, inflicting "many cuualtiea" and de1troyin1 12 tank1 and two armored ~· carrtera. Meanwhile, Tehran Radio Fight baek enrages qupted an Iranian military co~mander aa Hyins Iraqi troops, backed by, lon1-range arUDery and tanka, ~ttemp~ an a~vance on lanian poaltlona Horowitz' !elevised angers Nestande before dawn ~· but the attack wu rep in heavy fi&huna that OOlltlnued all. c1ay. ~ report Mid the Inqla were forc~d to retreat after "comiderable cuualtiea, .. the lam By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL 00..Dlil(' .......... Televia:kln conaumer crusader David Horowitz baa fouaht back. And the punch he'• Clelivered hu enraged Bruce Neatande, chairman of the Orange C.OUOty Board of Supervtaon. .._ Horowitz waa ao Al"4P'Y with the board'• dedaion to disband the county Conaumer Affatra WORLD Office that he returned a commendation he received from the board ln April. And Horowitz delivered a scathing commentary on the board'• action durtn, a neWICMt aired la1t Friday on KNBC, Channel 4. In a s· to 2 vote, earlier Friday, 1Upervillon 1Upported Nertande'• WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan met more than an hour today with the forelln minlaten of Syria and Saudi Arabia. who alakl tbey told him the Arab world'•~ concern la "withdrawal of the aarc•Ol', &rael" from Lebanon. NATION 3 more banb lower prime rate motion to aUce f226,000 from the CIOlllUmel' affairs prosram, thua diabanding it. In an interview today, Horowitz called the 1Upervimn who aupported the motion "hypocrites" for honoring hit OONUmer aervilCe on one hand and then voting to klll the comumer affa1n J>l"Oll'UD· SPORTS of aneral tanks and penonnel carrien and the lmUhlng of • "IJ)edal" Iraqi unit. Neither the Iraqi oammunique ~ by 'klMad Radio DOI' the Tehran broadca1t aald whether the fi&httnc occurred on the Iraqi or Iranian llde 2 world swimming marlcs set Two world record• w~e aet at the U.S. champlonahip awlmmin& ~ at Mlaion Viejo•• ~rite Recreation Center swim complex. Pap Cl. Angels vict9ry 'e~cilin'' The Anp1a in=e1 rd their leld to thrw pmea over Kan.au City with an exctuna victory over Bal~. Pap ct. COUNTY Thatcher . condemns • action LONDON (AP) -IRA bombl, one packed with nail1, tore through a mounted cavalry unit and a mllltary band 1n two London pub .today, ldlJJ.ng nine people, wwnd~ 41 and aend1ng victim• and orae1 flying throuch the air, authorities uid. In the Houae of Commons, Prime Minilter Maraaret Thatcher condemned the hiah Republican Army and declared: "These calloua and cowardly crtmes have been oommlfted by evil and brutal men who know nothing of democr._-y and we ahan't l"e9t unUl they are brought to jmtice" 1lome Secretary William Whitelaw uid three soldiers wen ldlled tn the attack on the ' Queen'• Houlebold Calvary ln I H)"de Park. and that ctvillam ... ,.._. the 't wounded ... PoJliae md llx people were killed at.. the bancfatand blaat-in 1teamr1 .p.n, and one witnell ..kl' all were aoldien. n. JI .. .,. of the HoumhoJd Cavalry, resplendent ln lilven l>r-e-•atpl•t-ea and crhn.-on uniforms, attracts hundredl of local and foreign spectaton to Hyde Park "ery day for the ehanglnc of the guald ~y. At Jeut eeYen bone9 were killed by the nail bomb, Which WU placed in a parked car. Reapomibility for both the Hyde Park and Regent'• Park bomblno WU claimed by the IRA. wliich bas been fighting for 13 yeen to OUlt Britain from Northern Ireland. The claims were telexed to The Amociated Preis ln London from the'IRA'a politkal arm. Sinn Fein. The bmnblnaa occurred on a brtaht summer day and Cmdr. William Huckleaby, ccmmander of Scotland Yard'• and-t.errorilt branch, said there waa no warning. He aid Uw car that blew Up WU packed with 10 pounda of exp]oaive oootaining lour-to-clx-inch naila. The bomb at Regent'• Park. where London Zoo ia located, went off at a bandstand where the Royal Green Jackeh regiment , bUld WU playina for dozeDI of spectators, including many elderly people. One witnea, Ronald Benjamin. Mid: "l WM just litting in a deckcha1r looldna at the bend when eYel'Ythinll aeemed to come up from -the "bottom of the . bandstand and blow riaht in the ·(See LONDON, P.,e Al) INDEX STATE SOUTH LAGUNA 0 LAGUNA ./ ~BEACH // / / / l DANA POINT ~ ..... ANNEXATION AltEA - Laguna Beach City Council members will consider initiating a aecond annexation proposal that would take in all of South Laguna With the exception of the Three Arch Bay community. City eyes S. Laguna By STEVE MJTCllELL or .. .,..,,... .... Laguna Beach City Council memben will consider initiating a second annexation propoaal t.onJcbt that would hrin8 all of South Laguna -with the exception of the gated Three Arch Bay community -into the dty. . < 1'he dty already bu initiated a propoul that would brina the portion of South LagUna from Dumond Drive to Alilo Creek Into the munidpal f~ A hearinl befol'e Che Local Aaency Formation Commlwinn ta acned-uled Aua. 11 for that propoaal. (lee ANNEX, Pap AJ) ~rmed thugs take $ 9, 000 in Jbaguna c: .. TWo men, one armed with a s hotgun, the other with a handgun, bunt lnto a Laguna Beach man's home Monday· night, forced him to open a 1&1l!, and fled with $9,000 ln cash. Poll~ said the two gunmen first knocked on the door at Ron F ogarty'• hou se on Glomstad Lane, and when there wu no From Page A1 ANNEX • • • ·Tonight the council will weigh the pros and c on• of incorporating all of So uth Laguna, to the pies of Three Arch Bay. into Laguna Beach. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in council chambers. City Manager Ken Frank la confident a majority of the 800 riegistered voten in the city's il)itial annexation proposal la ln favor of becoming Laguna Beach residents. ."l s ti ll b e l ie ve the weponderance of residents to J\.].iao Creek favor annexation," he said. "An election for that area would be succesful." But he says he does not have as gpod a feeling for the area south of Aliao Creek. and be believes the 1,600TeSiden1a at Three Arch Bay would be oppoeed to such a notion. 1 The council will conaider iJlitiating a second annexation that. 1f successful. and when tied tO the tint annexation bid, would brlng approximately 3,500 Dll!W residents into the city. respon.ee, he allegedly kicked Ule door in. The pair threatened the 25-year-old victim and forced him to open • eaf& In the bowie, after which they tied him up with tape and fled ln a dark colonel Volkswagen. Police aa1d Foprty'a girlfriend WU al.lo In the houa.:, but WU not harmed. lnvestiptora are leek1ni two men ln their early twenties. One wu de9cribed u 6 feet 2 inches tall. weiahinl 200 pounds with short brown hair. Hia accomplice WU demibed •• belnc 5 feet 5 tnchn tall, w~ 140 pounds. with abort. blond hair. Police wouldn't apeculate on bow the band.ita knew there wu that amount of cuh tn the home, nor would they aay why the v1cum would have $9,000 at home. Scuba coach hospitalized , Orange Coast Colleee scuba and akin diving imtruc\or Dean J . w~ remains ln aood condition at South Coast MeClical Center following recent IW'eerY for canctt. Weat1aard, 52, a former Laguna Beach liteeuard, operates Westgaard Parachute Enterprise, In~ .• In Lafun1& Beach. A lamily spokesman s31d Wstgaard hopes to leave tlie hospital later this week. ,,, ......... PLEASE LORD -Ron Hutaon, a former 1teel worker, was one of 8,000 who gathered at Pittsburgh's Three Riven Stadium to pray for Jobe and ask God to help the faltering steel induatry Monday evening. .from Page A 1 SCHMITZ AND BABY • • • paternity aapecta of the cme. The child la c:urrently being cared for by a nune at the Sittom Home In Oranee, where neglected and abandoned children are iaken for care by the county. "l unde rstand he la doing extremely well," the deputy county coUNel said. Monday's hearing before Judge Murray, who ia standing ln for Superior Court Judge Byron McMillan , waa a "temporary detention hearing" which la required to be held when a minor ii taken into custody by the county. The hearln1 la held to determine why the child lhould continue to be held tn county care rather than releulng hlm to the parents. Jud,-. Murray said the AUi'. 6 hearing ln Juvenile Court will be an evldentlary heartn1 to determine lf the charges outlined in the cotinty'• petition ae ~ Though it la not compu.18ory foe t.he parents to attend that hearing, both Schmitz and Ma. Stuck.le have been notified. S c hmiu did not attend I Monday's heartna, although the mother wu pre9tnt. If it ii ab own t nrougn an inyeatigatlon that someone deliberately injured the child, the Orange County District Attorney's office can flle a criminal complaint of child abuse. Murray aaid that, tn hla conversation with Schmitz, the senator attributed the injuries to the child to a babysitter. Beaches reopen APTOS (AP) -Two of the moat popular beac hes o n 'Monterey Bay have been reopened to swtmrnen four days after 30,000 pllona of sewage spilled lnto the water. Warning signs came down at New Brighton and Seacllff beachei Monday. Storms raging through East Wo1nan jailed in sex acts One of llx people charged with partk:tpetiftl in videotaped leX llC'ta with a 13-yeer-old girl h.u been Mntenced to a one-year term ln Oranae c.ounty Jail. an.. Cclunty&aperior-Cowt Juda-Myron Brown pronounced the .ntence Monday on Mary Plunkett. 22. She previously had pleeded no conte9t to eight felony counta involving lewd 1ex acts. Mias Plunkett and five others were accused bl the district attorney'• office o more than 100 sex-related charges. The principal defendanta in the cue, John Steen, 56, a retired Huntington Harbour buaineaaman, and hil wlfe, ~ were declared mentally di.-.dered 1ex offenders and eent to state mental hospitala. Authorities learned of the cue after the 13-year-old girl wrqJ.e a letter ln which she de9Crlbed the activi ties. The letter was intercepted by a relative and given to lnvestigaton. ·Brown names Nestande Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, has been named by Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. to the California Transportation Commisaion. The appointment, made by the sovemor at a luncheon today at the Villa Fontana restaurant in Orange, gives Orange County a second voice on the powerful commlasion. The other member who la an Orange County resident i1 commiaatol'l Chairman lvan Hinderaker of Corona del Mar. • and humid acroa the NIC.m half of the nation and thundtnionna were ecatc..d from tbt Ohio Valley. to the l'.ut C:O..t. Denae fOI ln the Midwest cut vlalblllty to nHr zero from northern 1ndlana to Iqwa and northern Mt.ourl. Nebruka offldall Mid a hail storm that hit perts of DodCe County on Monday ~ an estimated $8 miWon damace to ~1,000 llCr9 of crop, bu1Jdlna and INICblnery. In Kentucky, crews worked throuib>ut the nicht restortnc power after a atonn that injured four people, dama1ed several cars and toppled are.. About 3,000 C\lltomen lott power u the storm with 60 mph wtndl swept from Loui1vllle to Bowline Green. 1 • Summer storms thre ~ Hshtning a1a nat Coloraao mountalna, 1ettina abW. fcnsta of juniper and" plnon trees Monday night that oontinved to burn out of control today in the rugged and remote terrain. Valley seeking tax to pay _ cops, firemen Fountain Valley City Council members will discuss a ballot measure tonight that could create a aped.al one-time local tax to help pay police and firefighter salaries. If it receives council approval, the measure would be pl.aced on the November ballot. Two-thirds o f those Fountain Valley residents who vote would have to approve the tax before it could be imposed. The 1982-83 cit y budget contains no funds for pay raises, even though contracts with all city employee groups expire in November. The special tax is viewed as one means of raising additional money for salaries. The council meets at 7 p.m. m a study session focusing on local cable television iaauea. The regular council meeting begins at 8 p.m. ln the oouncU chambers at O ty Hall. 10200 Slater Ave. Heating up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!9e !i~lf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Sunny and continued hol. Coutal high mld-70.. Inland 90e eou1a1 1ow eo. 1n1enc1 as Weter ea. ' EIMwtlar•. north-.teriy Wlnda 12 to 22 knota with 3 10 &-foot 'I••• outer co1etel w1tera OlhlfwfM, tight Ylllleble wtnde night I n d morning houra becoming ..i911y 10 to 11 knot• tn ellemoona. TWo to 3-tool w4nd -One to 2-foot ~ .-.I. Pstcny "'9111 -S l'llOfNng low clouda with tunny an.moon.. Beltlmor• Bllllnge 81rminghm Bllmerek 8olee Boston Brownft!le Buflelo Buf11ngton Ceeper awnetn SC Chlltletn WV Cherin• NC ~ g*~ ~ ClmtM SC COlurnbue ~Wttl Dey1on 09l'lver . -· . . o.~ U.S. Summary g:: .• El,._ S c ettered eho wer1 end Fergo thunderltormt conUnuod ecro. Fl9gltlllf th• Ohio Velloy 1nd tti. mid-Or.-Fiii Atlentlc CoMI today and • ,_ Hertford hMYy lhUnderltoml9 pelted the HeMna eouthern Pleln1 with r ain 11 HonotulU oooler Can~ lllr mewed Into Houlltori the Northeut to relleve hMt· 1nc1Mp111 ~ rwldenta. ,,_.,, MS ThunderlltOfml which Mrllet JedtlnYlil produced H Y•re we1ther In ~City Kentucky h1d weakened Knox'lllle oonelderabl)'. A few .._.. Wlr'I LM VegM CJver 1outhern Arl1on1 1nd Uttll Rodi .,,_.. and tllundemonM ..,_ LouleYllll hee\Olef In nonMMI Olclehome. LubbOdt 1outh•central Nebr11ka end Memphla ,...,,-Wllhlngton. ......,,. ....... Mple-SlP ~ .... on.. HNYOftl Holtoll No. ptette OICle City OfnlM 0"9ndo ==-=:::.r. PUlncl,O... PnMclllioe " 71 .2e 93 83 89 70 .12 87 69 1113 11 " 74 .2& 91 79 IO 16 .06 89 83 97 541 91 78 89 70 .10 18 72 .. 57 IO 82 89 89 ..22 12 10 .10 t2 72 ,n1 .. 10 91 74 ae 87 .20 93 85 .. 72 .01 .. 81 2.11 t7 54 .04 101 74 n 86 .12 13 51 IO 57 97 72 .03 90 57 87 72 H IO S7 72 93 14 t2 72 .ao t3 75 ee 10 tot 12 .. 17 90 71 ET, : 1, 17 11 71 .. 17 17 • 70 1.A7 tO 71 .. 17 ., " .. IO .. 74 •n ... 10 . at .,. n .oa tot • ., .. .Cll ... .. ..oe ta .. .. 74 .41 ,........_.....,_ 1 HOM. U I. 0.. ol eon-ot fromt: Cold... Wttm .,., =rClty t3 71 IO IO "9rlo t7 55 fllafwtiCM iCS 94 75 Sift l..M• 95 10 Sen Antonio .. 74 s-ttll .. .. t:7.: " 78 .. 89 SIL~ t1 711 81 P-Tempe IO 711 .01 St 81e Merte 70 42 SpolcMl9 .. 12 8)'fllOI* 15 ea .111 Topelle t3 10 Tucecllt 100 71 TllM 11 .. WllltlinGtll 94 71 .Ta Wlclllla oe 72 CAWOMU ........... 100 711 = 110 ta 52 ~ " .. LMollW 100 Ta ~:i:-.. .. .. ~ .. ...... 111 o.dlrld • .. ~a-• 84 t7 .. "9dwOOcl ~ 12 17 ...... IO 84 .... ., .. ..-s~·· Sen Diego 71 f7 Slln F(9nCleOO IO U Sent• 8lrblra Tl 51 Sent• Meril 70 Stockton 96 &I TMrn* 111 Ullllh " Blntow 105 78 BlglMr 11 43 BWlop .. 155 C•tmlnl 12 57 I.Ike An'awt!Md 83 at Long IMdl " It Monro\41 t7 M Mt. Wiiton ea ea NewpOr1 8eecll 74 83 Ontlllo ff M P*" 8P'1nOI tot 75 PllMdlne ., 11 een 8lnWdlno eo sen .>oee 11 eo Sllnta ,.,,.. II t1 =~ .. IO 12 «I Wh41r• to o•ll (tot! frM) fot --~ °""* . . (IOO) 4*M29 LOI AftO .. •• 'cou.nt1: (100) l42-40lt .......... Md Slln lerTWCllno ooumlle: (IOO) M7~710 ..= .,,.... cem.r: (IOO) Crack into a p lace of hot. ~teaming crab legs. Try a generous serving of our new spiced cold boiled shrimp. Or our famous Popcorn~ shnmp. And then do it again! le 's all you can eat. Every day of the week. Each special is served with your choice of a crisp mssed salad or coleslaw, baked potato or rice pilaf, and another favorite, sourdough bread All you can eat All week long. Alaskan Snow Crab Legs All you can eat ............... ~15.45 Popcom*Shrimp All you can eat ... ~ . : ......... 17.75 New Spiced Cold Boiled Shiim All you can eat ............. ~9.45p I . '"" = \~ = +4' =flt .. ... • ~ = ·~., 11 II + -~ :~d . 1 ... ~ t:1~ .. 1E i .. ..-+·u =~ i ' · w~aw. Mere.:• t· .t .!£ fr+a: ,.... .,.., t! -"' =~ : J!T!! r,•H = ~.l' U'9 .. 'D ,m-;"' _, ... ' ... '~"' ... ··+ ~." Mefrm t M tlll•h ''°' •1 llf01At • . ., •• -... "~· ....... , Mtl'.IJ .. ~ .. . =:.,, ..... = .~~ ¥cllllt ,.,. , IJ IJ + .... ••• ....., •. 2 .... w. Ml\WI "2.12 •• 22 I• • v. MdCTel I '6 7 U 11\'t ••... =r11' ............ ~--t. J~ :r-~·" MO...WI .. t • 22 -"" Mllt9N 1.• 7 11 19" ••... Mlltlh .SJ I IJ ~ .. MIMOt 2.16 S If ... \41 r~ ti~'~ ~-~ ""'"''"'::: ' .. t2 -... M,.ecC I.ti 4 SS D -W. Mol"Sv •• • .. II-... Mol"S "'2.44 . . I 16V.-V. Ml ... 11 ,.MM ~\'t "'"41 , ' ... , ~· ... MoOllH •• 116 2llo+ l4t tl/IMIM ·• 1• no 1014 ••••• ~ IS '5 ,.,._ ... Moflatc • •• 11V.-"" MeNIDI 11 ID 12 .. + .,._ MotlRuD .to 4 ~ .-+ ._ Monrcll .ID 4 17 + \'a -...... t) 1 ... ...._ l4t Mo11t4111 • • ... '514 • ,_. Mt>I OU 2 6 2' .,.,..__ 111 Meftl"w UI 6 -21-~ Mon$I ...... 2' , __ " MONY .a. 7 IOI S'-.•..• Meot.c 2 • "' ,. .... + , MDreM LOI J IAll 16 ••••• Mot... .1211> , ., ""'· •••• =c ~ ~ ~ =~~~ llo\orWS .IO 9 .. 1a -\'t MofNet 1.D 1 IW D14t+ll4t Motrot. IM 1a 2111 6Ml+2\'t MIFuel J ... J 11 ~ •.•• Muflfrf Jiii • Jl1 ,,._ ... Mftfdpf Al. • • -\lo Muftlft9 • J U \'t-\6 Murll'IC 1.• 16 U """ •...• M<up() I 4 «M 19-+ \'a Mvr,...O I ao 6 I ,.._ \'t lllW10... 1.-.. 11141-l4t M .... ~ it( J I "'-• " ----HBO I.GI l S1 -._ NBl 11 22 ltt 2n1t--Vt NCH 72 It IJI IMt+ "' NCNI .. 4 14' 11\'t •... NCR J,411 J 5'42 SJ-1-NL ll'ld 1 J 1117 f7~+ .. HLT I.ID II*' .._+ 111 NVF .Ur64 al I ... + \'a NHKB UIS I,._ ,._ + 1\41 Nalco 1 1.12 II i.n "" + 1141 Nape.o1 M 1 M II'>+ \'a H•llllH .let! D 17-14t Nerco ... IS 7 JI---H• ..... UO l U JOY.-.... NatCM i I! U ..... NC-st Mb IJ tit It -\'a HatOltt J.ao S 1• 1llM--" H01l1 prUIS • • 50 I,_... ..... HatEdll UJt S SJ 11.._ -Na&P:G J..16 J JO 1' -WO He1C:>Y11 1.e t 105 1714 + " ==-.-·1 = 1~·~ HMd£11 .4111l 1• t~+I HMI,,.$ .D22 141 d ..,._\It HPrtt 11.:lla t 114 ~+2111 H$eml •• 17M ... + _, NISvlll 1.e t 12 Ullo ..... =··~·~i::;: NatUI 11 2 I 4 It"+ 14 ,..,.,, , .... nt ·~ " ...,,., ... .. . . .,. cm.-.. ,.. ,,.. ' •• n"+ " ... .,,. pl IM .. ... II-.... . ... ., ..... t.JD °'° ..... . . ......... us .. • ..... edS.. . 14 ..... El ' , "' Hll11,. ritl.1t •. ' NV$1EG 2.2t J 1" NY$ttn ·· ot NY$ 2.11 • . t NYS 1J II .._ 7211 11 _.,.. 114 Ml .......,,,. ·" ' ue "'""''" 1 • ' ,. Hie_. U0 r• NlaMpl 4.IO •• dlll "''""" 4.15 . uo NleMpl s..tS r1• HlaMpf 6. 10 • • rlO NIMfol . I0-40 • ml HI._, 7.72 . dO NlagSl\ l. !lit . It Hkolt 11 .2 .. • 6S NICOR l ' 1JI -"' .n sat Hor'5o II , 41 S Hot'lln J I _..,,,,, .• s ,. Nor1MI .• > n HACoel .. I to HOA Ptll 1.10 6 IS ~;a :,i _,_ -,,., .. ~ 17~\lt '-11 } all 27~ ~ 1~·-· .. = -*II 'f 'j m dlr"= lZ .. ,. ,._._ -.. .. ltdlt\lt-\It . ra :~ -l! ~= 1:1 • Ji: + " .. . " D ... • -~ 11 ai: ~· .. Vt 0 ... , .,.~" Ii, I it ~ ,:....:.:·~ ,. 1 "' ·-· " pf2.411 •• 1 ""• \It 1uo1i~1 •'"" y • , ,. u .... l4t -T-T - TOK 11 ... II tM YDl4t+ -TICO •• 7 S1 11'111 ..... TRll I 16 • IS'-+ " TRW UO t JH SM+ • TRW Ill UO •• I ltt"" +2 TRW lit UO .. 12 ....., + 1\11 Tee.... ' a ,,_"' httlird .tt • 1• n -111 Telley .. 7 ,._, •• Talley... ' . . • 1V.. . •. TMCIY 15 nut a11tt • 1141 TftdYCfl '7 » t I ..... ,_ ·* •• , -"" TcN:lr 7J • U 10111 .... . T ... lma I U 112 M\'a ... .. Tekom .• • !._ .... , TelctYN 6 tU MVt-Ill ,.... 10 61J W.+ v. T.,.nco JM 4 19" U\11+ " Tel"ed\ln at » D•-._ T-. A t J07t lt\4+ Ult T-pf t 16 . 1'1 ~.,_ ~:.~ ,,,_J : ·~A~ ~ TexClll 1,10 6 ttJ 11 -\'t Tea&• 1'I S ltl ..... _ '- TaET pl UO • • to • \'a TaETf t.17 14 U-.-\'a TeaO 1.'2 ' D U-14 TnlN -I IS 1"-+ '-TnllWI J 22 IJJ2 ft + 'h Tullll M It 79S ,_ " TaNMa JAi I I 11'-.. T.00-•• IO "°' 2A + 14 TaPec .. IO ' • .__ Ill TeaUUI t.CM • m ~. Ill Tntl Ill • J 111.-~ Tewtnlfl I e S 7J 11-.. TH1rllf UI 7dt~ loo TNcll .MJ •. Tllrl! 11 ' 61 ,,._ \'a Tlllelll 1.ao 14 113'1 .._,_ '- Tllen\111 Ae I 41 ti + " T....._ IOt 6 SJ IS + l4t Thrifty _. 6 6S 11141 + " TictwV to ' " " ..... Ttefflll . . JIJ 7.,.._ "- Tlinel • 1 12 t'2 2' + .. Timi ••1..P . 14 .,...,_ Ill ''er:' • . • ,..,._ "' T Jtm.-111 t J.AI • ,. '"'• " Tedlflll 1.12 4 Ml »11'1+ " T ...... .M 7 1 1av. •..• Telllm 1.M. • * 1.-..•• Tel ...... • • * •v. t .... T'el d llft.M . • ., tW. t \II Toi~ •• S , ...... T .... ' W IS\'t+I .. T... .-t t 12 .... . TrdWI* IAO t IM ~ .... . Toro<:a • • S .-+ l4t TM<• la • JIJ ltelo + 111 T-• MI 6S ..._ 14 T-J: ..... ij • ,,.._ .. ~:=u:,. . . '': =::: :: Tr-• .. ,, • ~ ... TWO. .1.-.._"-TW• 11• ~-1WwUI . to 1 -" S " 1 •• s ,, -II') .. ... _ ~'~···· IPflM IS~"'1 nw.M , ... ' •• ,,__" f:'~ 1. 12 ii • ,,,_.. "' ~'cl "J .J ~··" ~~ :: 'icm::.~ tlf .. 6.1 •• llfl Wiii •.•.. ~"' t.• . . ' ,.,,,. ..... ""'°" . . .. • -" ~ , .. ' "..._. rr..tr 1 ,_.. S •• _.. + Ill 1'l1Cllll 1119 • : • .... . .. • nt..... • M M •.... ™..,.. ·•• ' I' -" ™-"'t , u • S.-+ " ntaitr .17r 1 • t\4 + Ill !i~.. ·I: : ,!U ,t : ~ ,. '·· • '" 22 • -1.10 4 11 I~ \41 t 1t 6 W IS +I"' ,......, to , 17 IJ ... l',mlllr -:/-~-'""• " \ML • • J57 1' -14 UOI J.IM • 2' .,.._ 14 UO US .. 1!000 ,__ .. .•• " .... Ill .DI .... ,__.,. 1 21 156 M .... . J ,, , ..... .. ~'"° uo • 117 ----... UllHV 4.7.. 4 • S5'l + 14 )621'0+V. UI SA S ISl1 ~+ \lo "' .• is JI. -Ill "' ·"' .. a "'· .... "" 111C l.JI • 1m 11-. "' "' ,, .• • • 1141 tN + 114 "' ,,,_ ...... °" " + ~ "'·~-~-·ii~· \It "' ljll! 1.'2 •. , •• Ill U1 !.r, 1., . . I 11\11 .•.•. !!.!.!:; ·· 1• Sl"'1 ..... ~ ul :,; ft._:'-. "''""' 4 llS ,.._ Ill ~~ ...... 4111')+1 iS;-.. J 11 ~-~ =, .. , " .-. Ill 11 .U * t1 -111 ... Mt ,,_." UI t.• 4 JIS ~Ill UllN ~ ,.., . . • )M ..... UI~ ·~ ao aAIP-111 =· .1. 'f ~;YI w D : 1.12' • :w· ,. ... i & ~J .. = i.:1 :5 lldva..f 1 ~ :::~ 1. t ~ ~-~ 10 + .. " 'tt:: "f I :.:·u =B +Ill ';°1l2 • Ill UP 7.33 Exxon planning cash discount HOUSTON (AP) -Exxcn C.O. USA plam t.o ~ a dlm>unt. pr'Ojl'al'll t.o mot.otfltl who pay cash for C9 and cQeee1 tuieL NmC!lmced Monday it hope1 t.o have the prosram In operation In all macketa within lbc weeka followin1 a teat of markets in Phoen{x, Ariz., Woca:wt.er, Mw., J~ Mia. and Norfolk. Va. R.C. Klddoo, Exxon USA market1n1 vice pnmdent, aid motorists In the test progran:a uved about four <t!flta l*' plJon by pa)'fna ~- Metals seminar topic Are precious metala and commodltlett finally . re.dy t.o rally? I Author tw.el1 W..endorf will live his amwer- during a 9ellll.nar at the Rea1ftry Hotel In Irvine at 7:30 : p.m. Wednelday. I Wuendorl II the aulh« of the aoon t.o be releued book. "hcta on l'uturel. the r.enuala of Commodity Tradine.'' (Dow JOMllirwtn, Homewood, Dl.). Thia .sninar la apomored by Wuendorf and Auociatea, lnc., a Cedar Falla, Iowa finn that f;a'~ ~ ~olio Adviaor, a amw••;dity For Information, (319) 268--0441. • Economic unit meet The l'aJDOIDic Deve)opnent Corp. of Orange County will host a membership Invitation party Wecme.day at 5:30 p.m. In the office of Gordon Obon of KN>bhe, J4ar1em. Ollon, HW>bud & Bear at 610 N....,,art Center Drt1e, Suite 1600, Newpoct Beadl. oi..i ia chairman of the membenhip committee of the board of direct.on. For information, call 834-2642. Treasury bills drop W ASBING'lON (AP) -Yt.elda on abort.-tenn Treuury eecwiU. dropped t.o the lowest level In le'Yen montht In the latest auctlona, declin1na fOI' the third lltnllht week, ofl1daJI Mid. About '6.5 bOlion In lix-month T-bWa were auctioned Monday at an average di9oount rate of 11.441 percent, down from the 11.967 pereent of lut Monday. 1n addition. the aovemment 90ld about $5.5 bW1on In three-month b'1ll at an aver-ace rate of 11.14 percent., down from 11.7~ percent. STOCIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADEIS MOALS HEW YORK (AP) -8c>Ot ~ l'Mll• prtoe9 lodillr C.,.., 7CM-7' oenta a pound. U.S. delt!N1tone . ..... 21-29 oanta • pound. Z1M &7....0 oantt a pound, ~. '11111 M. 11&6 .,._ Week cornpoelt. lb. All J .. 11-n Olrlta a poun6, N.Y. ...., $370.00 I* ..... ,..._ tae.OO ~al.. H.Y. SILVER Hendy & Harlftan, 11.170 per troy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS . -{ -- ., ... "':! . , ··"· .. ·.·. . . . ' . :· .· .· ··- ·: 1 ..