HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-22 - Orange Coast Pilot'lt.iout itiat TlDOI -.,r.arni ng, we goofe~'i i BISMARCK. N.0. (AP) -repeatedly to llatenera warntnacampenandothennear "lrffdthewaminaontheair outonthewtreandid1dn'tput Wllllaton weather ottlce l~ I Rad1o announcer, 'Bill Bratudpn throughout western North Theodore Rooaevelt National three or four tlmea In 20 the trlgering code ln there. But convertln1 to an automate<S didn't eee anyihlna uk.an~ on Dakota. Park to "take to hJaher around mlnu•." Branniaan aald In a It went anyway." tranamlulon ayat..m "and eec~ his radar mof\ltor, and there Preaumabl~, several other imroedlately." telephone lntervtew. The test message was widely person In the office here ill were no clouds ln the lky, but .broadcasters dtd the same. The only trouble wu, lt wu a 1The man on the spot waa Jim dllleminated on weather eervice 1uppoaed to try hla luck aC who's to argue with the National "The Na tlonal Wea th er teat me11qe, not lntended for Allen technidan at the weather circuits, he aald. getting tht. thin& to work on an Weather Service? Service has issued a flaah·fiood tranamialot\. eervi~ office In Wllllston. "Central region headquarte.n automated basl1. But It wen~ When a fluh-flood bulletin wamiruz . . . alona the Little But It wu a full 30 minutes "h wasn't 1upl)Oled to ao onto In Ka.n.su City called and wanted awry." : showed up Wednetday evenlng Mmourl River,'' the bulletin aald. before the weather eervtce oftke the teletype," Allen, who hu to know how come it went out," Ir suc h a mistake had t<t on the weather eervice teletype Radar showed "tn area of very In Wllliaton, where the metN&e been with the weather service he said. happen. Allen aald, Wed~ at KFYR ln Biama.rck, Brannigan heavy s 1 o w ·mo v I n g ortalnated. eent another ~e four years. aaid In a tel.ephone The Bismarck weather office rught was "a good time to do it.! '1jumped on it right away." thunderstonns" and "flooding la uyin1theflratonet\.adbeenaent interview. "There'll a triggering alto phoned. "There were no clouds at all broadcutlna the warning Imminent," said the messa1e. in error. code that you uae to make it ll.O Allen explained that the and nothing at all on the radar.! o.llJNotltlllf ....... FAMILY MEMBER -Jerry Schmitz, a aon of st.ate Sen. John G. Schmitz, talk:I to newsmen Wednesday at door of the senator's Newport Beach home. Senator Schmitz has remained in aeclusion and has made no public comment since the la&est tum in his oontrovenial public career came &o light earlier this week. Schinitz secluded; • statement due By DAVID KUTZMANN o<t11eDe11JNetlt.ft Silence greeted news media representatives gathered in front of the Spyglass Hill home of state Sen. John G. Schmitt as reaction was awaited from the Newport Beach politician ln the wake of disclosure that he allegedly fathered two illegitimate children. A former aide. who said he had been in touch with the lawmaker in his seclusion, said Wednesday Schmitz told him he would comment on the controversy as soon as he had resolved "family diHiculties." Schmitt has not been pubhcly seen since headlines began appearing early this week, following a juvenile court hearing dealing with one of the two children he allegedly Casino robbed INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev. (AP) -Sheriff's officers aaid they had few leads In the daring robbery of a Lake Tahoe culM that netted the robber or robbers some $163 ,000 In cash. The robbery occurred Wed6esday. COUNTY fathered out of wedlock. With the exception o f Wednesday's statements to hlS former employee. Schmitz has maintained virtual silence on the matter. The left}slator lives with his wife Mary and several of his children in Newport Beach. The possible existence of a second family was disclosed Tuesday when Carla Verne Stuckle, 43, a Republican party volunteer worke r. was unsuccessful in winning back custody of her 13-month-old son in court. Orange County Superior Court Judge William Murray ruled that the infant would remain at the county's Albert Sitton Horne pending completion of ~n investigation into Injuries the child suffered which required corrective surgery to his penis. Ano~her court. hearing is 9Cheduled for Aug. 6. Murray said Schmitz had called him last week and told him he was the father of the child. On Wednesday. Miss Stuck.le claimed that Schmitz also waa the father of her 2-week-old dauahter. 'Sff-.SENA TOR.-Paae .U> Dieting vs. nutrition ... There's a difference between dieting and nutrition, says a Costa Mesa woman who once weighed 311 pound.a and now wears a air.e 12 dreea. Page Bl. BUSINESS Codeine drop I Medi-Cal • Ill irks OC doctors lh JOEL C. DON o<tM Deir ..... ,..,. The state Legislature's plan to drop codeine compounds from the Medi-Cal program may leave Guerrillas attack e d b y I srael BEIRUT. Lebanon \J\t'J - Israeli forces attacked Syrian and Palestinian guerrilla positions along the entire cease-fire line in eastern Lebanon today and Iaraeli jets divebombed Y aater Arafat's PLO enclave in west Beirut. The PLO's Voice of Palestine radio said Israeli warplanes also were bombing and strafing Syrian fOl'Ce9 In eut Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. Israeli maht.ary officials say the truce line in the valley ts ~80-mile9 long. In the Lebanese capital. reporters saw hraeli jets bombing the Fakhani neighborhood that bo~s~s Ara!at's rommand headquarters. lt waa'the first laneU afr attack on west Beirut in 23 days. ~re was no Immediate word on casualties. • A nulitary communique issued an Jerusalem said the Iaraelis attacked In eastern Lebanon following what It called repeated violations of the 12-day-old U .$.-sponsored truce by the Syrians and the Pale1tinian guerrillas in their ranks. poor and elderly people lacking for alternative pain medications, Orange County docton warn. "There is a good chance that patients who have a genuine need for codeine drugs will be hard pressed to buy over·the~ counter .substitutes to relieve their discomfort," said Dr. Charles Plows, an Anaheim obstetrician and member of the California Medical ~ation's Medi-Cal Committee. In an effort to avoid a state deficit, lawmakers 1tripped $46 million from the program's drug budget aa part of a $400 million saving In the $~ billion Medi-Cal program. The cuts take eUect Sept. 1. Codeine compounds were sin&Jed 9\lt In part becauae of apparent abuse by 90l1'le patients and over-prescribing by eome doctors, a state health official has said. The compounds senerally are in the fCl"'11l of comPtnations of codeine and asplrin or codeine with :i)'lenol. Codeine compounds are widely prescribed to elderly patients .wt...mc a.a.. t*nfw .-tftri• ~ as well • for general aliments such as toothachn, headaches and mUICUlar pain. • Xbou&h codeine ocxnpou.nda -as well .. othet-rnedbtions - have been dropped from Medi- Cal reimbunement. doctors may still pn!9Cribe pure codeine for the e1Umated three million people eligible for the health care program. However, doctors are required to fill out special prescriptions called triplicate forms for pure codeine and other narcotics. Such prescriptions can be (Sff CODEINE, Page A%) Milk drop dile T wo cents a gallon in· area SACRAMENTO (AP) -The price of milk will drop statewide next month, with the drop being as much as two cent.'i a gallon in Southern California. says the Food and Agriculture Department. Department Director Richard Rominger said Wednesday the drop results from public hearings in June "to substitute a factor in the Class 1 Price Formula. and to adjust the Class 1 price relationships between marketing areas." These amendments, along with lower production costs, lowered the statewide average price of Class 1 milk - primarily for drinking -bt a~out 22 cents per hundredweight, beginning Aug. 1, Rominger said. But the drop in the Southern California milk marketing area will be 28 cents per hundredweight. or two cents a gallon. NATION Let 'em eat crab A group of congressmen will be fed a crab dish prepared from food tol9ed out by• supermarket to call attention to food waste in the United State.I. ~ A5. Male worker wins aex sull A male office worker hat been awarcWd damages after suing a f ernale supervieor who alleaeCDy demo'4!<1 him after rejecting her eexua1 tdVancea. Pip A9. o.ltJ,... .... _, o.y ...,_ ROLLING ALONG -Lort Goetz of Bell pushes hel' seven-seek-old son Ryan along Mam Street in Huntington Beach as she coasts on roller skates. It was a bit cooler in Huntington than it was where she came Crom. Nixon says Pat 'wonder[ ul wife ' NEW YORK (AP) -Fonner President Nixon, talking about his wife, Pat, says their marriage has lasted 42 years because they have "compatibility and the same general beliefs." "I married her because I loved her and because 1 admired her Intelligence and great sense of humor," Nixon said in an interview in the August issue of Good Housekeeping. ••You know. she is still wonderful; she hasn't changed through the years.,, He said, "She has always been courageous and steadfast and has great strength of character. Her intelligence is very high.•· Recalling their meeting in 1938 and marriage in 1940, Nixon says "Pat was very beautiful. She still is. She has the kind ol classical beauty th.at lasts." The former president says the elfecia. of~e hia-wiCe, now INDEX 70. suffered an 1976 have all but disappeart>G. "Her health is excellent. She doesn't quite have the stamina she used to have, and she doesn't like to go on faraway trips. But o ther than a slight, almost unnoticeable problem with her left arm. she's fine." While Mrs. Nixon doesn't really care for IOCial life, he said. (See NIXON, Pa1e Al) Pickets peace£ ul DAKOTA CITY. Neb. (AP)- Strikers picketed peacefully today at the gates of a slaughterhouse and processing plant where rock-tossing meat workers clashed wl\h state troopers in clouds of tear gas on the two previous mornings. A security oCficlal at Iowa Beef Processors Inc. said state troopec;a were at the ~. - Ann Landen Moviee Mutual Funds National Newt Public Not.kes Sporu • Dr. Sielncrohn Stock Markets TeleWlon Theaters • WeetMr Wor)d Newt l l I HONEYMOON OVER -Married only three days and en route home to Riverside from Las Vegas, James and J oneue Edgmond w~re about a mil~ from home when their new Buick ,.,~. was hit by another car. Jonette and the other driver, Wanda Grant, 56, were injured but James, 38, was unhurt. • tt ~\ \\.\t. Continued stories CODEINE PROPOSAL .. • called into a pharmacy only in an e mergency. Otherwise patients must see their doctors for each refill The triplicate form process tS c.-onsidered a bureaucratic hassle by most doctors, said UC Irvine College of Medicine Dean ~t.anley van den Noort. ' "People are going to be In pain af the doctors have to fill out a 11ew prescription every time," he s¢<!. Plows said the new Medi-Cal regulations may spur some doCtors to avoid participation m tfwt state program. ~e're going to see a lot of -Cal patients who are going ta'have to buy their own drugs," he predicted. He also said Medi-Cal patients may turn up more often in hospital emergency rooms as a result of the health program cutbacks. Dr. Jerry Tobis, UCI professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation, acknowledged the state's desire to trim all &re'5 of the budget. But he is dismayed by added restrictions placed on doctors who feel obligated to treat pain as well as speciflc diseases. Most doctors agree Medi-Cal patients suffering moderate-to- severe acute or chronic pain will generally find little relie f in non-prescription drugs. "Aspirin is no substitute for codeme," Tobis sa.id N'IXON MARRIAGE • • • she's an excellent hostess. "She's very good onstage, so to sPfek, even though s he prefers not to be onstage. What she doesn't like are vacuous dinner parties with a lot of idle chatter. "My wile's most e ndearing quality." Nixon said, "is her way wi\h children. It's difficult being t™t children of celebrities. Pat spent so much time with our two daughte rs (Tricia and Julie) giv.ing them Jove and affection and wannth. But she was also a disciplinarian. She is the same wonderful way with our three grandchildren." Juhe has two children, Jennie, 4. and Alexander Eisenhower, 11"'1 Tricia's son, Christopher Cox. is 3. Until they moved to Saddle River, N.J ., an hour's drive from New York, they lived in a town house in Manhattan. But Nixon kept an office at the Federal Plaza in New York, near Wall Street. "I get up at 5 o'clock in the morning. I walk for half an hour. have breakfast and drive into town. It takes me about 50 mmut.es. Pat drives m twice a week to see Tr1c1a at her apartment. They lWlCh together and shop, and many times I JOan them for lunch " Irvine weighs boost in tax on hotel beds Irvine city officials are considering measures that would raise hotel bed taxes from 6 to 8 percent and create a new 10 percent entertainment tax. The City Council will hold a public hearing at Tuesday's 7:30 p.m. meeting to consider the moves. The council will be under the gun to decide whether to ask voters on Nov. 2 to ratify such tax increases. Deadline for pl.acing measures on the ballot is Aug. 6. Tuesday's Is the last regula rly-sch eduled co~ncil meeting prior to that deadline. The two taxes generally are geared to cap\ure revenue from people visiting the city rather than those who live there. The bed tax, officially known as .a transient occupancy tax, 1s tacked onto a hotel guest's bill. The entertainment tax would be charged to ticket buyers only. at Jive , professional performances, most likely only at Irvine Meadows performances. Thus, a person who pays $14 for a ticket would be charged an extra $1.40 In tax. The Increased bed tax is expected to raiae an extra ~ million over five yean, if several new hotels 'are completed and opened as acheduled. The enteminment tax would nme about $660,000 a ye.ar. baaed on 50 performances a aeuon at the amphitheater, offldala say. Revenue from both source~ would go into the city's geneul.. iur>d Currently along the Orange ~t, Laguna Beach ha,, an 8 .,,.rcent bed tax. Most other cities are sull at 6 percenL Still warm tnn01 we1011 afternoon end -Ing wlncl• -tort¥ s 10 18 knots OlhotWIM ttghi variable w!M• through tonight 1 to 2 tool t oulhwotl •••It becoming ~ty 2 to 3 1981 tale Coday J•r except pelel!y ..iy morning 199 and tow cloud• ,_ the '°""' c.pa11 Outer wa1ara · m>rthwotlorly wind• 15 lo 26 knot• with 3 to 6 loot -and ,,...-. Fair except late night and 'f'O'nlng fog and IOW doudm. 75 tl6 81 55 78 47 100 56 " 71 118 .. 8t • 92 57 97 &4 90 65 Ii '~ 94 100 ee 97 ae 8'3 78 100 78 81 65 94 83 M ee 94 87 95 92 91 92 109 97 88 96 87 n 83 91 90 83 S2 96 87 92 13 108 91 79 75 75 " 97 100 " ee 97 88 11 92 13 '° t3 too 100 " 102 101 83 103 78 106 77 104 83 85 51 99 57 108 87 711 tl2 87 82 64 52 100 114 101 76 91 tl6 92 8L 103 82 97 83 tl4 52 88 ,., 111 91 75 65 72 55 " 87 108 82 .. 81 102 50 " tl4 " 83 72 65 0.3 63 87 49 105 &e == eo 51 S2 N 89 .. n CIT 74 57 70 83 18 84 " 114 Ii 42 10Y It Extended SA 82 109 tl4 Seturday·Mondey. Coulel ., .... tome early morning low cilouoa e1ong tno 1ou1n co .. t. OthefwlM moatly lelr. HIOI\• 70 to 75 et the beldliM encl 90 to 100 Intend ,._.. Lowe 511 lo 118. Movntatn IJfar. partly clOlrdY e1tornoon1 and e11el\Jng1 with chance of tllunderellower• toUllwn 'r:i: Olherw!M lair. Aeeo11 1ew1 In '°9 end 1oW1 In 50s to mid Sm oil Tiie Alf "&eilty Men~ Oletrlcl lllfeclklt• unhellllllful elf quattty !Odey In matt ., ... of the Souttl Ooelt Alf 8Uln, with 000(! tir foreoll1 only tor the 00.1.i region•., Uni!• lllltut •Ir quetlty for ~ .. predicted for lhe ,.,, Oebtltl and ~ ~. wltfl 1 "ollut1n1 ltand1rd lnO.• ot us. . W~• ,. NH (toll lfff) for ...... ~ .. "°"' 0rlftl' . (IOO) 4'Wlft Loe A119ele1 County; (100) 242....oll ~-ancll#I~ coumi. CIOO) M7 ... 7t0 ~ .,...... c.nw. (.., a.42 ...... Allies voice support, but career in doubt ByJ&n ADLER Of ............... Hll mast voaal OJ)pOMl\t called for hla reai.nat1on from the 1tatt Senate: S-anta Ana Colle1e. whe,. he ttach•, may conduct an lnfo~ revitw of hll etatu.a II an lnltn.&di>f; ind hll political booften are exPtellina dismay. Tht rtactlcin to Tue.day'• report that 1ta'e Sen. Joh" Schmitz, the fiery conservative Republican from Corona del Mar, fathered two tllegl\lmate c hildren durlna a nine-year extra-marital affair and that one of the children may have been .exually abl.lled hu aroUled the pa11ion of nearly ever)'~ne connected with John and Mary Schmitz. Femtnlat attorney Gloria Allred, who haa sparred with Schmitt on numerous occasions, said she Ja "waiting for Schmiu to blame thll on the Jew1, femlnl1t1 and le1blan community." She called on Schmitz to resign his Senate eeat and uid she ls not surprised ••by demagoguee of the right who profem one type of morality and practice another." On the other hand, Schmitz' closest Senate colleague, Sen. H.L. RJchardaon, R·Arcadla, said the dilcloeure was "like a kick in the stomach. This sure proves the falllbllity of all of us," Richardton aaid. Sant.a Ana College President J . William Wenrich, uid the college board of directors could take an mfonnal look at the allegation& in the near futur~. Schmitz has been teaching political science and logic counes at the school for a number of years. Wenrich said if Schmitz ultimately were convicted of c h ild abuse his teaching credentlaJs would be revoked. "But it doesn't sound like it's going that way. "l don't know if fathering an illegitimate child is considered moral turpitude under the education code, we would need a legaJ opinion on that," he added. Moral turpitude is grounds for firing a teacher under state law. Both Orange County Republican Party Chairwoman Loia Lundberg and political consultant William Butcher, who ran Schmiu' successful 1978 at.ate Senate campaign , agreed Schmitz' political career could be over. "I'm only guessing," Mra. Lundberg said. "But I cannot envision his surviving this in any kind of poll tJcal career." Butcher added that Schmitz' longtime "affiliation with family iss ues would mak e It t>etnordlnattly difficult fOf' htm to contlnu. ln poUtJca.'' However, Brad Ivana, untll rtqntly a top Scnrnltz aide, aa.td he d~'t believe the dllcl0ture will adver:~r •fleet th• Mnat.or'1 poll ~r ln tht lone run. 11My bUsc reactlon la lncreued admiration for him," Ev&N Mid from hit Sacramento home. "He waan't hypocrttical.' He did have the child baptiJed, he did have godparenta and he acted aa a good Catholic." Expreuina lkock and dl.amay over the 1trUi; of allegatiON, longtime Schmitz 1upporter and campaign contributor Carl Karcher, ..President of Carl's Jr. Reatauranta, aald readlns the account ln the new1paper wu "a great dlfappointment to me and to all of ua." Hts initial r eaction to the dilclOIW'e waa ''shock," Karcher said, "and I gue11 I'm still shocked." Karcher added that he hopee *** From Page A1 everyone "keep1 Schmlt.& ln 0\11' prayen." Mn. ~ who Mid .. hu been friend• with the Schmiu. for the s-at 15 y-.rs. aid she "wu ahocked and felt t.dly*' for the family. She said 1he repeatedly attempted to telephone the family Tue9day but WU unable io set throuah. 0 1 wu ~ co tell them I wu tOtrJ arMt that I hope they can work Ulla out," Mn. Lundberg aid. She alJlo uid that while the GOP Central Committee probably will n o t become lnvolved ln the matter, it doetl conatJtut.e a political blow t.o the party. "It has to be a blow to the party. You can't really d.Mde one lrom another when a party standard bearer it Involved," Mrs. Lundberg said. She added the di9eloeure will only eerve to enforce the poor public·~ pollUcia.nt already have with the ,eneral public. *** SENATOR SCHMITZ. • • Both children according to birth records, were born a year apart at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange. The children are listed under their mother's maiden name. Schm.itz' naine appears on both documents as the father. although only the mother signed the birth certifica Mary ~Sc ·u. P I aw ma kje r · s 0 ·ye a r · o Id daughter,l said ednesday the farruly m ~port Beach first thought it was a joke when at was reported that Schmitz was the father of the baby boy Later, the family be('ame shocked when there were new revelation s that he was also possibly the father of lhe 2-w eek-old girl. "lt was a shock to everyone." Mary K ay said outside the family's Spyglass Hill home Miss Schmitz said she had known Miss Stu~k)e through her volunteer work with the Republican Party. She said she also knew the woman had two young children. But she said it was a JOit to leam that her father w as also supposed to be the father of the Tustm woman's two ctuldren "We JUSt thought ll was a media prank at first,'' she said "1 sllll think it's a prank." MISS Schmitz send her mother and father had spent thl• last three davs "puttinjt tojtt'ther the p1~-es themselves. When they'rt' done -we'll have a little family (gathering)." She said she hoped her father would eoon make a statement about the controversy swirling about a family many times involved an controversies. "In the beginrung, it was a JOke. Now, l just wish he would say SOrtl('thing . .," she said, adding. "I'm still hoping for the best to come out or at." Senate OKs • tax increase WASHINGTON (AP) Outnumbered Senate Democrats took their best shot but failed to dent a Republican-sponsored bill that would produce the biggest tax increase in history On a nearly party-hne vote of 54 -4 5, the GOP-controlled Senate rejected Wednesday a Democratic alternative that would have e limmated some tax increases on lower and middle- sncome famahes and required the nallon's wealthiest people to wait for further tax re hef unt.tl the federal budget IS balanced "That is not too much to ask" of upper-income Americans as tht> govern~nt tries to cut the federal def1c1t, said Sen Bill Bradley. D-N.J ., chief sponsor of the Democratic version Jailed cop 'privileges' nixed Mesa chief denies preferential treatment given officer Police Chief Roger Neth said Wednesday that an mvestigation by Costa Mesa police turned up little evidence to support charges that a Long Beach police officer serving time in the city jail lS receivinjl preferential treatment. Last week Peggy Mejia. leader of Orange County's Mothers Against Drunk Driven, demanded an investiga\k>n into allegations that Robert Byington was receiving special privileges. Neth said only two of the 10 complaints were true. Byington. who pleaded guilty to charges of vehicular manaJaughter, began serving a one-year eent.ence March 9. He will be eligible for early parole Nov. 4. Ms. Mejia said she had been told the Long Beach officer was enjoying extra vi.lits, unlimited phone uae, permisaion to enter unauthorized areas, homecooke<J meals, haircuts out.side the jail and preferred job assignments. Neth said the Investigation diacloeed Byington'• wife visited him once on a nonviaiting ruay and that the officer was being allowed to see visitors twice a week instead of once a week. The chief said both intractions would be corrected. Ms. Mejia was not available for comment today. The leader of (MADD) ref Wied to name her source. But Neth said today he believes the information came from two BRIDAL SETS former prisoners who were "vindictive" and didn't get along with Byington. "In my opinion the unfounded charges have killed his chances of early parole," said Neth. "He's probably going to have to serve the whole time." Byington was sentenced in connection with the Oct. 16 de.ath of James Riddle, a 20-year-old tow truck driver who was repairing a disabled car when he was struck and killed by an auto driven by Byington. Neth said Byington was housed at the Costa Mesa jail instead of Orange County Jail for his own protectJon because he is a police officer. MAKE A BRILLIANT DECISION . You choae eodl other carefully. Now choose your diamond bridal set with the 10me core. Our dta· monds m"t e1<0cting 5tondard1 for color, cut and clarity then are mounted In o variety of l 4 karat gold ;ettlngs. Our profe11lonol staff con help you make the perfect selection Priced from $<450 toS2,SOO. SLA.Vl£K'S ,..~.,_ ... ., . WMnikflal*PnM1~~- - -.. . ___,,,._ - .. • I Orange Coaat DAIL y ftlLOT/Thurtd1y, Jury 22, 1H2 woornarn W7l~Jmu~rn QJ /J ~urnu~ , . Heat's on to balance budget U~to HONOR GUARD -San Franctsco policemen make their way through the city following funeral services for Sgt. John Macaulay, who died after 10 days in a coma resulting from a shootout with a robbery suspect. Explosives ruling hurts quake probe LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -A state agency's decision to withdraw permission for scientists to detonate about 40 undeiw.ter exploaives off Morro Bay means time, money and potentially valuable earthqU&U infonnation will be lost, says a fn.astrat.ed ICientist. But the fishermen who take their living from the off.shore waters praiaed the action u a victory in what they 1ee as a aeries of threats to the area's .! $Z m1ll1on-a -year fishing industry. Their opposition prompted Fish and Game Department director Charles Fullerton to block the research Jut Friday. two days before It Wf! to begin. 'It 's a shame ," said geophysicist WillJam Prothero of UC Santa Barbera. "We had been working on the state and federal permits for about a year . . . We had ship time for an oceanographic vessel "scheduled for more than a year and that's gone. "There will certainly be 10me money lost. In excess of $50,000 could go down the drain," he said in a telephone interview this week. But Morro Bay fisherman Steve Yeoma said, "It wu the right move -very definitely. There's a lot of fish and feed and stUff up high in that water and I'm sure it would have been quite devastating." • He said, "We fish that area where the e xplosions were planned quite heavily." He oontended bottomfish killed by the blasting would &etUe to the see floor and said, "pretty aoon the bottom sours and everything leaves." The controversy swirled around a plan by the U .S . Geological Survey and UC-Santa ORANGE COAST Barbara to set off slx 600-pound blasts and more than 30 200-pounders to study the way earthquake waves move through the undersea roc.k. The specific ~t was the Hoegri fault, which puaes about three miles offshore from the Dtablo Canyon nuclear power plant. The fault's earthquake potential baa been a major ussue if the hotly contested licensing ~ for the planL "I think it's very Important," Prothero said. ''This is an area where more aP.iamic infonnation ls badly needed. Thia WU an experiment that could have 1one a long way to clearing up IOl'ne of our uncertainties." Fisherman in the area were already nervous over the recent federal sale of offshore oil drilling leases. Addlna the offshore blasting, said Yeoma. a fisherman for 30 years, "just makeil you feel like your back's up against the wall, like they're just totally trying to put you out of business." Prothero said experience and .everal studies "show that the damage is really very minimal." He said fish within about 200 · feet of the blasts would die, but sealife such as shrimp anQ oysters are "not very strongly affected at all." He said the group just finished a similar ject in the Santa Barbata ~l. though with smaller charfleS, and fish k.illa ranged from 12 to about 200 per shot. He said an environmental impact statement WU filed and a Fish and Game Department bloqm would be aboard the ship. "I really think it's a communications problem," he said. ''There are a lot of lhino we could have done to llllOOih th.blgB over with the fiahermen." Daily Pilat MAIN~ "ntoma P. HMIV ~ -CllW €---.. ~ Kay Schultz '*'-,.,....... -~---. Tom Murphlne .... Mike H8tWY ~ ........... ~ ~Goddllrd 0.-0f~ Ally M.clMn °"*911" dh.tee Looe ....... (dlar •w.te-k.C .......... CA. --.•.-..: ... u ... c-..-..CA.-.. c..,.y,.... -Or .... c...i ~ ~ ,.._..,_...._ ....... ~·---_ .... _, ....... """ ............ ....... ............ of<-•-· WASHINGTON (AP) - Preeklent Rftaan hal thrown up hia h.anda tn det.,.air when lt COl'MI to b&1anc1nc ihe federal budaet. Hla support for a constitution.al amendment requ.lrtJ\l a balanced federal bud1et -j u 1t as Con1reas Is wrestlln1 with a detlcit-pla1ued bud1et - lndlcatea that both are unable to voluntarily produce such a document. Candidate ae..tan wu sharply critical tn the 1D80 presidential campalsn of Jimmy Carter'• failure to ~ the budget. Carter said In 1976 that he intended to bring spending and income into balance if elected. When candidate Reaean unveiled h.11 economic program during the 1980 presidential campaip, in a apeech In Chicqo, he tet 1982 as the target year for W. Beirut runs short on food .., ... hi...,, ... _., .... We're Listening.~ • ' • Whal do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't .yoU UIH? Call the num~r below and YO'V m~11a1e will be recordtd. transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. Tht same. 2A·hour an.werinc Hrvlce may be used to recordJl'l· • ters lo the editor on any toplt-Mailbox contributors must lnclOde • their name and teltphone number ror verillcatlM No clrculat,Jon call1. pleue. ·-·, Teti us.W'1oe your mind • 1111•1111 b&1anc1nc the federal budaei. That sl,pped back to 1984. Today, no one at the White Houae ahowa any expectation of meetlnl that da~. sun. the pn!Sldent who ii now the arcbltect of a budget that foresees a record U 00 bllllon deficit, ta.lb earnestly about a ba1Anoed budget. I Achieving one, he uys, "ls likty protecting yo~ virtue. You juat have to learn to uy no." Evidently, without the Constitution telling him he must aay no, he l,a uytng, well, ys. But he ia saying -It fe. than hia predecie.ors. "We have only begu.o to wean ourselves from the lona misery of overtaxing, overspending, and the great myth that our national nanny knows beat," the prealdent Mid the other day at a rally on th• 1tep1 of the C.pltol. . "We should 10 fu rther tn redudl\I tax rates and makln1 the whole 1y1tem fair and simple for everyone, but before we can do that we must correct and control a budget system that hu run amok." ''It IH'l1ll tO me that Amerk!ant are uytna 'no more If.a, andl, buts or maybe8. We want a.n amendment to the United States Conatltution making balanced budgets the law of thll land and we want It now,' " the president aa1d to the thouaandl of gue1ta at the rally that was c:alled to add steam to the drive foP the amendmen~ proposal. 'Ibe pnsident'a audience was enthUli.utic. But they lost sc>me ~ their spirit as Reagan talked an. delptte the oppressiveness of midday beet. Reagan trimmed h11 remarlu u he apoke, but be still talked for 18 minutee ln. weather thlit forced doutw ot... memben of~ llharinl tbil dall with him to 1hed thW tuSt coata, I f' ! Amons the thouaand1 C> people who tweeted out UM! r~ on the NJ» of the C.j>jtol w.,."- 22 hl1h school 1tudenta from Spain, who were tou'rlna Wuh!JlitDn. Thel U.tened u the poUdd.ana. from Reepn on down, ...ued deficit spendina and vied wi\h each other to mow the ~: support foe the bAlanced-buda-1 &1'J)endment propoul. t I They were alven ticket.a tl1 • they decided to show up. Never mind that the temperature WU ill~ the 90s. Never mind that the: s tudents ' rudim&llt~i:yt understanding of En11ish left l them nearly totally baffied aboutJ what W81 golns on. • \ ,,., W'.11 ..... ON PATROL IN VEGAS -Hector Casas and Anthony E. Patton, memben of San Diego chapter of t~.e Guardian Angels, patr ol Fremont Street m downtown Las Vegas. They are in the gamohng city to acquaint residents and visitors wilh crime-prevention program. Indians lose fish battle .. come visrt us from 7-9 p.m. for Free Champagne and . . . 40°/o off select jewelry and watch.es i I I 1 \ . Or~ OOiit DAIL y PIL.OTIT"Utldav. JutY ... 1 BJ PAT ROllOWITI Of .... Dllr .......... DEAR READmRS: "KeeplnJ. Your Home ln Shape" II a free, 12-pase broChu.re offered by Owena-Comtna P'tber81u Corp. to help homeownen take a clme Took at their hoUM s:naln*6nce ptOll'am. S~w1 th thte roof and movinl on \0 ttel'I, ca , lldlna, mu:mry and the f:.ndat.lon, the rochu.re ldentW• common weatherin8 problema that can lead to costly repaln ana reduce a heme'• value. A aeparate cheokH1t, in que1t1on and an1wer format, fives help ln check- ina the. performance of Heh component. The brochure allo identities potential trouble IJ)Ota and tell-tale ligna of wear, 1uch u curled roofina lhinales and bllaterinc paint, that can lelld to more 1erioua repeir problems lf let ' The 1tUdy lnclud~ cleanert1 waxe1, poll1ht1, dewr1el'\tl, laundry ala1, drain openen, ammonia productl, over-th.counter medicationl, lnlecttddel, peeQddel and plant and animal Pl'Oductl. ' Only 1~ percent of the prodUC'tl Md Mtequate labell that dllpla~ proper fim aid inlonnation for eye and lkfn contact, lnp.tion and ~tlon. followed by a NC'OlllQ\endat.lon to call a phyaician or pollon control center. About 8 perwnt of Qle labell were found to be tnoorreCt, liviJll flnt aid ~\'iel that, lf followed, could be potenUally danaeroua to the victim. About half had habell that pve insufficient inlormat.lon. and 28 percent hid no w~tlnt aid Information at all and were the warninl to "Keep Out of Reach of ." • alone. d ._ __ Contractor trade organlzationa an nui11C' improvement books allo are llated to provide In view of thil apparent wide-1pread leek of sale labeling, parents should keep their physician'• phone number handy at all timea In cue a houMhold product la Involved In accidental inaeation or other danaeroua lnddent. Another Important number to keep by the phone la the Poi.Ion Control Center located at UC Irvine Medical Center. Thia 24-bour number la 634-~888. ~ lnformation on how io correct problems aa they are identifted. To request the brochure, write to N.B.I. Meeka. Owens-Corning Fiberglu Corp., Fiberglas Tower, Toledo, Ohio 43659. · First aid data lacking • Got • probl~1 Thea wrl~ to Pat Horo: .. 1 wit.r. Pat will cut red upe, geUJng the DEAR READERS: A ran00m survey of 1,019 hou.ehold product labela conducted by the New York Poiaon Control Center showed that 85 peroent had inadequate or erroneous tint aid inlonnation. In addition, sr percent lacked a llat of i.ngred.lenta which la necessary to detennine correct fint aid procedures. • an.swers and action you nt!«l to 110lve ln- equUSes Jn govemmenc and busln8I. Mall 7ou q Clon• to Pat Horowit11, At Your Service, Orvt# Couc Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1'60, Cost.a meu, CA. 9262~ . .A. many Jette,.. aa poaible will be an.s- wered, but phoned Jnqulri8 or let~,.. not lnclu~ the reader'• full name. llldclnu and biu/neu houn phonl! number cannot be roruidered. Man endures heat for job LIKE HOME -Fonner first d•ughter Am) Carter says Rhode Island is just like her hemetown, PlanlS, Ga. M~ carter is a Senate page. BAKERSFIELD (AP) -An unemployed man who laid he was broke endured 104-<iegree heat on a busy atreet comer to get fUention for his lign readinc "I Need a Job." Craig Andrewa , 26, aaid pauina motorists offered him jobs .. a water truck driver. oil lield laborer and welder. He didp't 1ay whether he would accept any of the offen. .. -. . . . • . • . • He and his wife moved from Seattle on July 10 with $40 to thelr names. Cell 142-H78. Put • few words to work for ou. A Robnsons Sdle 45°/o·47°1o OFF THE MIKAS~ LEAD CRYSTAL STEMWARE YOU WANT IS NOW PRICED FOR BUILDING A COM~LETE .. SET A complete set of goblets. wine glasses. flute champagne glasses. saucer champagne glasses, cordials .. or all five! For any time you want to especially shine. from the before-dinner aperitif to the after-dinner liqueur. nothing succeeds quite like a full set of perfectly matched c rystal And there's no better time to assemble yours. Choose from these two elegant patterns. but hurry. Quantities are hrnJt~. and sale ends July 31 Robinson's Glassware. BS. To order. call toll-free 1·800·345·8501. ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING OIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment with our constJltant at your nearest Robinson's. We'll record your gift preferences tn every store via the only computerized service in Southerl') California ... .. .... \ 'I0.91 any size. eaoh piece. Reg. $19.95. \ SALE ~ .. . Firial Reductions You are cordially invited to take advanta~ of final reductions on our great Summer Sale. At the same time please view our new F al 1 arrivals . . Sale ends Saturday, July 31. Gentlemen's Clothing inspired by tradition 46 Fashion Island. Newport Beach (71 4) 640-8310 '7.91 any size. each piece. Reg. $14.95. • I - ., • due 'trash' for dinner E~-N¥ official charged ~ Car.~er memoirs to be serialized in 0ctober WASHINO'l'QN (AP) -The c•terert who wlll prepare a _... l\&nCheon tor concr-men w.sn.tay wW pt their food out of 1upermarket and farm martm truh contalMn. Crab qu.lche wW be on t.M rnenu COW'\ety of a 1upennarket 1arba1e container, aald Carol Fennelly, a member of the Community for Creative Non- Violence. 11We found $100 worth of frolen crab yeeterday," lhe uld. "lt'1 ltW aood. It had ye1terday'1 explratlon date on It." The luncheon for members of Concn-ta belna or1anir.ed by two Ohio Democrats -Rep. Mary Roee Oakar of Cleveland and ltep. Tony Hall of Dayton - to promote a reeolutlon ca.Wng on the IOVfflUMnt to make aurplua food available to the needy. "Growln1 numbers of Americans ftO to bed hWl8J')' and malnouriahed each ni&ht, yet we continue the ~tit-wuta at food they IO detperatety need," ~y uid in a letter to colleagues. They cited a 1~77 General Accounting Office report saying 137 million tons of food ia dilcarded each year. Ma. Fennelly said her people regularly visit produce terminala and wholesalers aa well as IUJ>erma~~=-~arbaae bins to ICf'OUn8e ed food. . "We get up at 3:30 two morninp a week," she said. "We always come back with the van lolded with food. Btr••• Ba•mo, a former Ill ::: c!:r:nc:~.~'!. ":/: • MEI If ICES ~ with dtfn~ a Cape Cod, M•., tettaurant operat.Qr' In a d.laputa over ~ Ille of a HM ~on. the reetauntwr II.Id. ~dWo~ a twnmel' M9ldent of Wellflfft near Provincetown, M ... , retu.d to pay a $29 bW tor htmeelf and three companlooe and left the Mediterranean rettaurant without leevtna_ a Up, o~r Robert Harri• II.Id. Harrll aald Badlllo, 52, clid pay a •21 wine blll. "He came In here one ni&ht," uid Harria, "and ordered the fixed price meal, $12.~. He ate hit way to the enttte, fllet of sole, aaid it was too amall and ref used to pay." Pre1ldeat Rea1an announced formation of a foundation named for White Houae Preis Secretary James Brady and dedicated to helping other unintended victima of assassination attempta. Th e James S . Brady Presidential Foundation will provide direct financial help to needy victims of assassination attempts. The foundation la authorized to create scholarships In tribute to victims or to encourage young people to enter government service. Former President Jimmy Carter'• memoirs will be publl.ahed in serial form by the Los Angeles Times Syndicate and Time magazine. The newspaper syndicate will offer up to U ,000 words ln 1ev.eral daily ln1t.tllment1 to aub9criben, bqinn1na after Oct. 11. Ttme mqUsne o1t1dall II.Id they wW publilh excerpts from the book in two lnatallmenta Oct. 2 and Oct. 9. 9oth Oflanlz.ationl decl1ned to reveal terms of their con~. wnlch were neaoUated by International Creative Mana'-ement of New York. Carter I literary apnt. Carter'• &00-paae book. '° ~ titled "Keeplnc hith," ta to 10 on Ale in book at.ores Nov. 2. Thirteen years after men walked on the moon, Apollo 11 aatJ'Ona6lt MJcuel C.llla• wu honored for hit part in the long voyage with an h o norary doctorate degree in aeronautics. Salem Col- lege in West Virginia threw a COU.IMI summertime bash for Collins, complete with the U.S. Army Choir. Collina was the astronaut who remained in the oonunand module, orbiting the moon, while two colleagues, NeU Armstrong and EdwlD "Bau" Aldrin Jr., took a giant leap for mankind. A RobnSons SOie '59.99 TURN A SPECIAL PERSON'S MORNING INTO A VERY SPECIAL DAY WITH BREAKFAST IN IED. Special All it takes 1s one delightful gesture to start a new day off right So come gather the etegant 1ngrealents to do just that Lemon croissants. fresh summer fruits. cinnamon coffee Jlnd our fresh white breakfast·in·bed tray with removable top and plenty of room on the side to tuck 1n an extra Surprise or two When you know someone special nas a big day ahead. there's no better way to make 11 go right Robinson's Gifts. 59 To order. call toll·free 1-800-345-8501 ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment with our consultant at your nearest • Robinson's We'll record your gift preferences tn every store via the only computerized service in Southern Caltforn1a .. J'ollowln1 a luncheon, Salem Pr11ldent Normaa .A1b•ra pr-.nt.s honorary doc:tora• in uroMutlct to Collln1, NASA Chief Admlnlnrator JamH 8•111 and ABC-TV aclence reporter~ Npnu. 'n.t fonmr a-neral man1pr of the Nordltrom Department Sten at~ Plua in Salt Lake City and h.i. wife tiled a nearl)'. $100 mllllon ault oontencllnf they were llandered and wroncfull}' ~· Deult and llUNN hall, of Dublin, Calif., seek J?S.7 nitllion from Nordatrom and U8 mlllton trom Welnetocka O.pa tment Store in the plua. . The Nit c:lalma they w fl.red July 20, 1981, without ute and that offldala of both mpaniet said the firlnel li1enlUIM~.f.nJm drug-related activttiee or HeDry Fo.cla, bolpltall.zecl 12 days with a urinary tract infection and an at.oe.ed tooth, ia lmprovi~ a_n<l.1hould be releued by the end of the week, a hospital spokesman uid. "He's doing very well," aaid Cedars-Slnaf Medical Center spokesman Larry Baum. The 77-ye.ar-old star, who has worn a pacemaker since 1974, was admitted to the }\ospltal July 8 for monitorinl of a heart medJcation adjustment and treatment of a urinary tract infection. Since then hit New York press agent, John Springer, has said that Fonda ii aho being treated for a tooth infection. UWlfepflcl4o ARR1VED AT LAST -On the 37th anniversary of his .J discharge from the Army, John 0 . Prieto received a package containing a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Medal of Freedom, presidential citation and other honors for his service in Woi'1d War II. A Robinsons Sale 1/2 OFF : SUMMER IN NEWPORT -AND FIND VILLAGEl!i WHITE STAG'~ AND KOREY' FOR PETl1ES AT FABULOUS PRICES. Orig S 18·$72 Sale $8.99-$35.99 we have famous m:iker SPorlswear SPparales 1f you re 'l' 1 • and under al lhe best prices of lhe Ter11flc lookinq play and casual wP<H Newporl style Easy. c1oss1c coordinates in co11on and polyesler What you II wear every oay lh1s summer Assorled pet1le s11es 4 to 14 Choose from an eye·calch1ng collection 1n Robinsons Pe11tes 74 Newport . , ~ . ye . j a starts 'Friday, 9:30 ~.m. many limited quantitles ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock ·on hand-, so shop early tor best selection! • 1n our . , Huntington Beach store · women's sportswear NOW buys for ~oys NOW 69 LARGE ACTIVEWEAR . . . . . . . . . 11 .98 397 TUBE TOPS'. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 1.98 28 LARGE SIZE BLOUSES . . . . . . . . . . 8.98 31 LARGESIZEPANTTOPS . . . . . . . 7.98 47 JUNIOR TANK TOPS . 98c 48 JUNIOR JEANS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.98 49ACTtVECO-ORDINATES 1.98 38 MISSES' PULLOVERS 1.98 79 MISSES' TEE SHIRTS .. . .. .. . • . . . . . . 1.98 53JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 47 MISSES' CARDIGANS ....•............... 3.98 34 JUMPSUITS. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 3.98 26 MISSES' PANT TOPS . , . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . 3.98 92 JUNIOR TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.98 42 JUNIOR BLOUSES . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 4.98 191 JUNIOR BLOUSES . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 6.98 74JUNIORTOPS . . . 6.98 17 LARGE S.ZE TOPS . . • . . . . . . . . . 6.98 18 LARGE SIZE SWEATERS .... 6.98 31 JUMPSUITS . 6.98 119SHORTSETS . 8.98 107 JUNIOR CAMISOLES 9.98 42 JUNIOR CO-OR DINA TES 9.98 17 JUNIOR PANTS . . 9.98 women's dresses NOW 29 MATERNITY PANTS 6.98 97MATEANITYTOPS . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.98 93 JUNIOR DRESSES . _ . . . . . . • . . . . 14.98 43 MISSES' DRESSES . . .. • .. .. . . . .. .. 14.98 35JUNIOAOAESSES . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .19.98 25MISSES'DRESSES ................ 19.98 lingerie, loungewear NOW 22 BABY DOLLS 60 CAMISOLES 9HALFSUPS .. 7TEDDIES ... 230USTERS . . . . ............ 1.98 . ' ......... ' ... '. '1.98 . .•..................... '1.98 . -. . . . . 1.98 .......... 8.98 30 TERRY COVER-UPS . 17 LOUNGE WEAR . .. ...... . 9.98 49 TERRY LOUNGERS . . . . . . 10 LOUNGE WEAR . .. . .. . . . .. . . . 23LOUNGEWEAR ................. . women's accessories 9.98 10.98 14.98 16.98 NOW 53 BEL TS . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c 251 LEOWARNERS ........................ 98c S7 BEACHCOMBERS ........................ 98c 31 SUMMER SANDALS . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . • . . 1.98 175POPSICLES ........................ 2.98 112-AAINBOWTHOHOS .................... 2.98 73 CANVAS HANDBAGS .................... 3.98 31 TEE SHIRTS ............................ 3.98 47BELT8 ................................. 3.98 infants and toddlers NOW 13 INl'ANTS' DIAPERS ....................... 28c 41 INFAHT8' PILLOWCASES ................. 51c 17 INFANTS' AOUE SETI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 9k 73 TOOOL.£RS' IANOALS ................... 1.91 31 INFAHTS' ILEEPERS ••.................. 1.91 ~TOC>Oi.EAS' HOOOEOIWEATSHIRTS ..... 2.91 111NFAm•ovERALL1 ................... 3.98 171NFANTl'8LOU8U ..................... 3.91 .111TOOOL£Rl'IHORTALLS ................ 4.98 13TOOOLEAS'PANT8ETI .................. 5.98 131NFAHTl'DAUIU .....•............... 8.98 .buys for girls NOW -120 ING GIRLS' SHORTS .................... 2.48. 110IMGOIRLl'SHORTI .................... 3.98 1JOLmU0tRL8' IHORT8 ................. 2.48 120UTTLIOIM.S'IHORTI ................. 3.48 143~K8 .... .. ...... ........ 78c 121 UNDERWEAR . . . .. .. . .. ... 98c 94 DRESS SHIRTS . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . 98c 19 lml.E BOYS' SHORTS .. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.98 80 BIG BOYS' TEE SHIRTS . . . . . .. . . .. . 2.68 ~BOYS' PAJAMAS . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 3.48 60 SHOAT SLEEVE SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 eo SPORT JACKETS . . . . . . 3 .98 89 BIG BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS . . ..... 7 .98 buys for men NOW 61 SILK HANKIES ............................. 98c 47 SUNGLASSES . . ....... ,'. .. . .. . • . . . .. 98c 45FAMOU8MAKERSUtTVESTS . . ..•..... 1.98 53 S.SLV. COLLARED SHIRTS . . . .. .. . . .. 11.98 19NYLONW~LLETS . . .. .. .. .. . 1.98 93 HALF SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . .......•... 2.98 57 MEN'S NECKLACES . . . . . . . . 2 .• 175 SCREEN PRINT TANK TOPS . . . .. . .. . • . . 3.91 27 CASUAL PANTS . . 3.98 1700MINOGAME8 .. . .. .................. 3.98 27 FOOTBAUJERSEYS .. . . . . . • .. . . . .. . . 5.98 15REVERSlllL£8HORT8 ... .. . . -8.88 101 FAMOUS '9.AKEff ACTIVE COOR DINA TES .. 8.98 21UOHTWEJ0HTSPORTCOATI . 19.98 69WALKSHORTS . . . . . . . . . . 9.98 173SWtMTRUNKS . . .. . . 8.48 11 L.SLV.PLAIDSHIRTS .13.98 65 NYLON JACKETS . . . . . . . . . . 9.98 47 NYLON JOG SHORTS .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . 9.98 53CHINTZSHORTS .. "" .................. 10.98 shoes for the family NOw 12 TODDLERS' SHOES . .. . . .. .. . .. .. . ...... 2.98 24 MEN'S ATHLETIC SHOES . . . • . . . . .. . . . . . . . 4.98 33MEN'SATHLETIC~ES ............. , . 5.98 47 MEN'S CASUALS ..............•.......... 5 .98 34 WOMENS' DRESS SH(>ES ... ,. ............. 5.98 31 INFANTS' AND TODDLERS' SHOES ........ 5 .98 43MEN'STENNISSHOE8 .................... 7 .98 47 MEN'S CASUALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 7 .98 40 MEN'S CASUALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 8.98 40 WOMEN'S CASUALS ..................... 8.98 15 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES . . ............. 9.98 27WOMEN'SORE8SSHOES . J ............ 10.98 15 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 11 .98 yardage and notions NOW &83 PAE-CUT mJG YARN . .. .. . .. . . . . ... . . 28c 83 YDS. POLY/COTTON BROADCLOTH ........ 1.68 141 YDS. POLY /COTTON T ·SHIRT KNITS ....... 1. 78 31 YDS.POLY/COTTONSHEERS..... . .•.... 1.88 19YDS.POLYIRAYONMOCKEYELET ....•... 1.88 31 YDS.POLYIRAYONUNEN-LOOK ......... 2.48 19SWIMSUfTFABRICKrT8 .................. 2.48 49YDS.POLY.COUPE-DE-VILLEPAINTS ...... 2.98 17 YDS. POLY/COTTON EYELET PAINTS ...... 4.18 for your home ' NOW- 211 PLACEMATS .............•............... 48c •WASHCLOTHS ............................ 48c 11tKfTCH!NTOWELS ..................... , .88c 721ATHTOWELS. . ..... , ................... 98c 47HANOTOWELS .......................... Ne 18RICERU08 ............•................. 1.98 38 SHOWER CURT AIN8 ...................... 2.98 25 TOSI PK.LOWS . . .....•.......... : ...... 3.98 151E08PREADI ......................... 21.98 131£D8Pft!AOI .......................... 39.98 jewelJy buys NOW '5 FAMOUI MAKER JEWELRY ..•............ 1.98 M NAUTlCALPfNI •..•....................... 1.98 2t ITICK PINI .................•............. 88c '5 COLOR EARNNOI ...................... ~. '8c 40 DIAMOND CHIP l!AARINOI ................ 8.81 ••GtM.1'cAM110111 .................. 3.11 toys, toys, toys . 4'um.IOMLI' CAMllOLU .............. 2.11, . NOW 10IPMTUN~ .................. 7.11 S41TUfFID~MALI ..... : .............. 1 •. ,llo TIMON.1'0.,, 'ANTI ................ 11.M 14GAMll .................................... lie • !Disease, • recession hurt eaterr. SACRAMENTO (AP) - Salmonella and economic bad t1nMI have cllled the l1x Sport'• Ch.lcbn N Bllcuit rwtaurant.a tn the s.crarn.nto ...... One of the outleu, on El c.m1no Avenue, wu abut by county Malth oftlda11 after at leaat 25 cuatomera contracted 1 a 1 m o n e 11 a . N l n • w e\r e hOl})&.i.llled. ' ..... That oc:Currence" "didn't help," a flrwlder uJd. But lluah' Sacket~ preeldent of American Prlnclpal1 Financial C.Orp., Del Mar, the firm that bankrolled Sport'1, added, "We had hJch hopes for the operation, but buaine. ii toup with the depr"f!9ed economy.' Sackett aald hl1 corporation advanced California Sport'• Restaurant Corp., the company that held the franchilee for the Haras1eil male • r1ns case MADl.SON, WW: (AP) -A mai. state emplOy• wbO Mkt be WU demoted after NlllUni the eexual advanc. of hll ftlnlll bou hu won a •ue,e oo Judiment. A u.a. I*trk:t Court )Ary ordered Jecquellne Rader, 3', tO pay •11•.eoo tn cmn.,.. to Dmd Huab1chan 83. The .. ;;.-;.;{ a110 ordered Ma. Rader'• ~-(l~ 1 u p e r t o r , Bernard Stumbra1, hHd Of the •tate DtWllon of Economic A-.tance, to MUG.CHIN pay Hueb- 1chen •st ,900 Deeauae of hi• "callou1 Indifference" in the December 1979 demotion. . Sacramento Sport'• operatlona. SUPERVISOR -Jacquelyn Huebechen'1 aUOl'ney ll'sued that ltrell from the ~t cauaed Hueb1chen to be "withdrawn." $1 mllllon. Rader. ' JULY SUMMER SALE 15%-40% OFF -Woven Woods -Levolors .. -New Solar Softllght Pleated Shades 494.1n1 332 Fo're1t Ave. ·Mall #12 Laguna Beach TAl~SB SPAC!~AVING 13.9 CU. l'T. REFRIGERATOR • S•dt ·n•no .. ''"''' Ooor • 3 full·w•dtll 1nt l•t1 cn1lttt Hay • l lct N Eaay 11ay1 :~s3791s HIEAVY DUTY COMMERCIAl QA8 DRftR • '-1fftatlttll ,, ... Ill(! tlfftell ,.,., cyclff • S llMt ti>lrona 1nctud1no no-1\tel huff • Potett11n t nt mtl Otum • Durabl9 Pwln9Tuf9 Int.nor. • 10.-Y'Mf full werTMty on PennaTuf9 tub Md door liner. • 12-cycl9 ...,, ..i.ctlon lnojudlng Potac:ru~ cyd9. UYE $40 • :tJ $CU II Wllll I $7 CU II ltttltr • Mo•at n "'"" ano Coot n "'"" stortQt co,.,p1<1mt nt1 con•t'1•Dlt mttl ptn end , .. ,.., 1necti PIC' • O•IPtnMt Oth•tlt c•wtlltO •Ct CUl>tt t nO "'•11.0 watt• 11\tOufll lllt 000< J -..-- . \ ..... ---. ~ ----~ -~ -. . Helping hands given awards WASHINGTON (AP) -S1x ~lva'-ctUsena and four public flaw-were honorid for reachlna ou\ \0 help f Uow Amerlcant 1n charhy and ln Joy. The men and women are rtdplentt of the 10\h annual Jtff•rton Awarda stven by tho American lnltJtute fOf' PubUc Servic:e, founded tn Un3 to honor the echtevmnen\ Ln the tleld of publ.lo 1trvSce ln the Uni~ States. . The awards were in five cateaoriet. Public flaurea ho~ are: -Sen. Jioward Baker, R-Tenn .. the Senat#. majority leader, cited tor '.'strengthening the leadership, direction and dignity of the U.S. Senate." -Bob Hope, the comedian, h onored "for a lifetime of tireless effort upllftlng the spirit or Am erica at home and abroad." -Rep. Claude Pepper, D -Fla., praised for his "leadenhlp on behalf of older Americans.'' -Mayor Henry Cisneros or San Antonio, Texas, who, at 34, was cited for "exeD'lpllfylng the accoinpllahmenta of youth ln government." Each winner received a gold and silver medallion and $~.000. A 1ifth category honored public service on behalf of looal communities. The winners are: Dallas Doyle of Butte. Mont.; Ri<',hard Marvin Garrett of ~ey, S.C., Helena Kyle of Chapel Hill, N.C.; Caroline Putman of Springfield, Mass.; and Ruth Heinz and Lorraine Schreck of Brookfield. Wi.&. Each received a gold and silver medallion and $1,000. The winners were selected from nominations by people across the country and the institute's boa.rd of selectors and board of .nominators. ------ Buy Three Shirt& and save 25.50 Classic American made 60'" cotton 40% polyester Oxford cloth button down long sleeve dress shirts feature qual ity single needle tailoring. 14 1/z -171/z. Blue, pink. white. helio. yellow. Any thtte for 48.00 Reg. 24.50 16.90 =-=-_,,,,, ______ = ----,_ UM your 811¥erwoode Charge, Meeter Card, Amertcan Expreee, VIN Fashion Island. Newport Beach IF ANYONE SAYS YOU CAN'T GET A BARGAIN ON A SONY, YOU CAN TELL THEM .WHERE TO GO ••• STRAIGHT TO FEDCO! I All/RI TY IWI• ,.. Ill Nit ol lloa WlfNll 8iacll and white TV with 5· ween (musurld dllOOl!alty). plus a bullt-411 AM/FM radio Take it with you, 1mloors or out -the tt111e·way power supply c:apablflty (With optional ctr tietmy ldlplor CIOl'll and 09tlonal battery pad() grves all tt1e vtfSatllfty you need Model TV-515 $139.87 =- l ~I· • = \ = '! .~ ...... _ _.. S: ;:.· • ,.... Trtllltrw coltf TY wttll 12" sent• (measured diaOQNlly) Rd't, luxurious Tnnrtron color. 12-pushbutton Express Tuning con- winrence. Alpha 1 dWsts tor greater ret1abtlrty and reduced power onsumption. Model KV-1 217 · $344.87 12" Trt"""" wtta""""' Celllr'll lY (masured cttaoonally). Remote Commancltr Intra red remote control; T rinitron picture quality: 14 pushbutton Express Tuning channel setectlon, energy·S1V1ng Alpha 1 chault Model KV•1221A. $389.87 . ' OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY • _,... FEDCO MEMBERS AGREE -WITH . CHANNEL ~2 KNXT-TV Channel 2, Sunday June 27, 1982, televised \ the results of their consumer survey comparing prices of Fedco's merchandtse with Gemco's, Kmart's and Zodys'. The KNXT consumer editor selected national name brand merchandise sold at Fedco, Gemco, Kmart, and Zodys. In every Instance, Fedco was the lowest on all Items wtlen compared to the prices at Gemco, Kmart and Zodys. IY·11545RI brlnt• ¥°" IPlll .,._."" c....,111i.11e1. l<Hley tie- quency synthesized Express Tuning system lets you tune in by pushing the station numbers -Cable-rudy tuning capab1hty Ex· press Commander infrared remote control. too $489.87 NOW THAT'S WHAT MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS IS ALL ABOUTf ..._.1 ll-&IOI Hoftl• Yldee "ICCHdll. The 1"4-day ttmer/ multi-event programmer lets you record shows while you· re away. or record ene while you're witching another BetaScan .. lets you search In ltst forward or reYerse whlle you continue to see 1 ptc1ure on your TV screen $627.87 INN• ll·U. Home VI'" RICMer. Features Include V1nable Speed BetaScan .. , Time Commander Remote Con· trol, 5·hour recording C11>1blllty: 14-d1y1o4-event1mulll· channel programmer. plus Freeze-Frame•. Frame-by-Frame advance· , and variable speed slow moflOll • at any speed betWetn 0 and 'h normal speed• ·1n IS-U and B·lll modes only $784.87 1r A•llNll• Colllnll Trlnltroft ColOf TY (measured diagonally) 10· key frequency syntheslled Express T unino lets you select a dlinnet by pust11no the station numbers Expfess Commandef infranid rernoce control, Cable-Rudy tunrng capab11tty Model KV-l!MSRS $577.87 SONY:. • 2t" RelMll Ctfllrll Trt11tn111 Color TV (musured diagonally) Exdu· slve Veloctty Modulation Scanning System. Sony Mitnx Sound sys· tem gives ~lellke stereo ettebt. Express Tuning and Express Cornman· der controls. wrth Cabte·Ready tuning capability. Hand-f1nrshed oak wood veneer cabinetry Model KV·2645RS $929.87 _,__~ THE ONE/tDONL'L • ARI YOU ILIQIBLI TO ~OIN? APPROYID CREDIT UNION MEMBl!RS NOW QUALIFY. WHO MAY ,JOIN .. 8DCOt FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES ffDCO OMTAAIO (1J4J 9'1-IJJOO POMONA FAEl!WAV & ARCHIBALD AVE ffDCO WUEMAADINO f71 4J 888·'181 ~70 S MT VEANON AVE . SAN BERNAAOtNO 92410 FIDCO U CtE•U (213} '31-44'1 3535 s LA ~ENEOA e~vo LOS ANGELES 90016 noco VM MUYI (213) 1H•6'63 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUVS 91405 RDCO PASADfMA (213) 44f-8~ 3111 E~COLORM>O BL.VO., PA~OENA 91107 NOCO m.MTOI ''"' H0-1111 11&25 SOOT ... StREET CERRITOS 90701 PIDCO COITa flllllA t714J 17f.2f«> 3030 HAABOA 8LVO • COSTA MESA 92$2& NICO 1M MIO f114J2fl·M'1 ~ & EUOllD. SAN DfEOO 11105 -------~-- i i r f'Ta!!Ji-burning plant .merits seri~us study . Offlcl.ala in Newport Beach and C.O.ta Meu are atudyina the po11ibility of building reluae-bU.minl power faclUttea in their cities in the wake of Orange County government'• decision to impoae dumping fees at the county landfilla. Roben Wynn, city manager for Newport Beach, aaid that it , would cost $12.5 mlWon to build a ll'Uh and sewage burning plant capable of handl1na the dty'1 daily 100 to 150 tons of traah. Newport Beach could expect to recover $885.000 during the first year from the convenion of tnsh to electridty that wduld be told.. to the Southern California Ediaon Co. In Costa Mesa. officials are &iving serious consideration to tuch a facility, but have n't completed a preliminary study such 88 Newport Beach . The question in both cities is going to be, where? Plans for a refuse -burning facility to be built near a residential area in Huntington Beach went up in smoke when neighbors vehemently protested. Provided auch a facllJty would be neither a pollution problem nor an eyesore, the concept would aeem .to have considerable potential. With the cloeure of Coyote C anyon landfill looming, s uggestions tor trash-burning facilities might begin to look more attractive. Perhaps Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach could consider one facility that all three cities could \.18e. That would reduce the cost and the problem of coming up with three acceptable .sites. But apin. the baaic prob.I.em is going to b e locating any acceptable site. No dty ls going to want to be the one burdened with the trash burner and residents are sure to protest the daily truck traffic. Refuse-burning power plants are a solution to a problem that will not go away. The concept la worthy of continued open-minded study. Welcome commitment For almost lOyears,Fountain Valley senior citizens have been asking the city to p~de them with a permanent IOcial center of their own. The seniors currently liae the city's Mile Square Park recreation center two mornings each week, but the group has complained that these quarters are inadequate' for their growing numbers. F.arly last year, the Fountain Valley City Council was prepared to commit about $1 million toward construc tion of a center fo r seniors. The council stepped back, however, when it determined the money W88 more utgently needed for a new police station. There has been some discussion of using the present police station as a senior center when the new building is constructed, but no formal plan exists. In light of this·, it was encouraging last week to learn that the Fountain Valley Medical Development Company has pledged a new home to the F o untain Valley Seniors organization within a proposed six-story senior residence. The project recently received approval from the Fountain Valley Planning Commission. The 200-room residence, to be built near Warner Avenue and Euclid Street, will include meeting ' and recleation rooms, plus a large dining hall. T~e hou1ing still requires city council approval, but the developer has promised that the local seniors who do not live in the building will be able to meet there, dine there at reduced prices and take advantage of shopping bus services. This offer is a welcome e xample of community commitment from the private sector in a city that is struggling to maintain basic services and bas few dollars remaining for IOCi.aJ service programs. College offerings cut The Coast Communlty <;allege District was dealt a serious blow, Chancellor Norman E. Watson has declared, by state legislators who cut $30 million from the budget for California's 106 community colleges. As a result of this cut, the community college system's board of governors last week approved a "hit list" of vocational. recreational and ael1-help courses ~t would no longer be funded. Thou.gh colleges can continue to offer traditional academic and vocational courses tuition-free, they will have to charge self- suataining fees if they choose to off er topics auch as a11ertion training, auto rei:-Ir and dancing. The Coast District, which lncludea Orange Coaft. Golden West and Coutline colleges, will feel the pinch ~ significantly bec'!ause it has traditionally offered many such self enrichment programs. ' As a result of the state cutback. the Coast District's state allocation was cut by about $4 milllon. WatlOl'l aaid. Also, perhaps 1;000-part-time instructors will no ion,er have jobs in the district this fall. Finall)', about 45.000 fewer student seats will be available at the dlatrict's colleges. (Each jtudeot accounts for one student seat in each clan he or she attends.) • While the news is indeed unfortunate, it should come 88 no surprise. State legislators cut aid to cities, to social services and to kindergarten through 12th grade education in order to balance the state budget without tax increase. In light of this, community colleges should not be a sacred co w . When there is scarcely enough money to educate children in the basics, it is difficult to justify state subsidies to adult hobby courses. It is unfonunate that the "hit list" decision had to be made at such a late date. At Orange Coast Colleie. about 1~,000 students have already pre-registered for fall classes. Many of theee clallles now have fallen victim to the "hit list. .. creating costly adminiatrative problems for the registration staff. Community colleges may never again be able to offer aa extensive an array of COUJ'le9 at little OI' no charge. But educators and lawmakers must work together now to develop new~ methods of funding and operatlng the colleges. Whether through tuition or some other means, the system must be restructured before next year's budget rolls around to deal even hanher blows to these valuable community relOu.rcts. L.M. Boyd I Age and politics The U.S. ConaUtuUon decrees ncibody can be• U.S . .ena&or until aae 30. When that wu wrltten, llfe ex:pectaDC'Y w• ~ about 30. Half the people wouldn t even live that Joni. Some fine mlndl wanted the ap limit let hlabel'· ()\hen argued lt couldn't be eet too much fit1her. There woulcln'l l)e •f?OUlh llvinR candidates In the elder bl'1lcketl to give the voten .Wfident ~ Q. Waan't actor Andy ·9rlfflth related to actre11 Marilyn Mmroet A. No, atr, the link there w. In the colnddental t.ct that they were born within an hour of eech o.lm-on June 1, 1928. 0 .. D.C. . ..: secrecy not consistent WASHINGTON -Some of the nation'• most sensitive aecurlty docwnenta are IO looeely JUAl'ded that one of my reporten h.u been able to walk ln off the ltn!eta and pick thmt up. But let something tawdry occur, and our elected leaden will pull up the coven. They'll invoke national .ecurlty and reilcb for the 9eCl"eC)' stamp ln an a~pt to cover up the embarrassment. They won't hesitate to uae the secrecy stamp to ceolQI' the news.. Yet they are much ie. Yiiilant when it comea to protecting the real eecreu that could affect the nation'• safety. THE WBITE BOUSE. for ex.ample, U the nerve center of the entire fedttal government. High fences, patrolled by armed men and aophilticat.ed el~ devicee. keep. out Jntnlden. P1anel are forbidden to fly overhead. Detailed plam of the White HOU8e electrical, sewer and ahelter systems could provide invaluable lntol'J'DAtlon for spies. It would be like the Central Intelligence~ getting itl hands on engineers' drawings of the Kremlin. vet ~ of thew vital documenta ha~ been lite:rally 1ytng around In oon- aecu re offices inaide the General Service• Administration. They are intended for the uae of private contractors who work on White HOU9e projects, bUt anyone who Jookl u if he knowa th•t he'• dotna can examine t1*m. and even walk away 1rith c,10pa.. My a.odate Dale Van Atta, dre.ed in cowboy boo1a, corduroy panta and non- matchlng jlcket, vt.lted the GSA one sunny day and brow8ed around the arM G -J1-c1-11-1-£11-n--~· where tllele contracton' documents are kept. There were no leCWity guards. Nobody ah.allenged him. He .&ad previously obtained a copy of an architect'• drawµig of the White Haute ''underground utilities." stamped "For Official tJ.e." He a1lo got a copy of an unclalaified map titled "White Houae Grounds," showing the various ducts, conduit.a ski manholes lnlt.alled under the lawns and driveways around the executive mansion. But the real paydirt was located ln an unlocked me-cabinet drawer clearly labeled H col\,taining White House mat.ertal. It was .-19-lhel!t collection of ovenlzed architectural drawings. which ' Van Atta spreed out on top of the cabinet to SIUdy. No one questioned him; ln fact. one pemment worker offered to Xerox the material for h.bn. "Primary Electrical Syatema and Shelter lmprovatle'lta" waa the title on the firlt paae, which wu a detailed map of the White HOUR sewer and electrical syalemS. It baa the appearance of an aerial photo of the White Houae taken wilh an X-ray camera. EtACT LOCATIONS and distances were neatly noted on lhe map -the protective fences. the red aah tree, the 60-foot burr oak, guardhouses., drains, electrical conduits, high-water alarm systems, ~erythins. The 18 following pages included achematic drawings titled Power Line One Dlqrama: F.ut Vault and Shelter Power System Control and Instrumentation; Mamfon Vault and West Wing Vault Power Systems Control and Instrumentation; Electrical Site flan; Plans -East Vault, Shelter and Data Proceming Room; Plana - Mansion Vault, West Wing Vault. . Footnote': The Secret Servic• was appalled at Vtut Atta'• euy acce9I to the White Hou.e plana. and assured us the problem will be corrected. Note of appreciation for JerryBrown To the &fit.or: I pt tired of reading Earl Wa1en' lnalpld, abusive tirades against Jerry Brown ln the editorial pages of the Daily Pilot. What vendetta doee Mr. Waters · carry aplnat Gov. Brown? c.allfom1a baa pro1pered during Jerry Brown'• tenure as governor of MAILBOX California. Indeed, C.Ufomia rank• among the bmt of the state. In eamomic . vitality. Gov. Brown is one of the few major polltidam who has been ab1e to meld • bal•nce between economic ltft!nlth, Integration of minorities and women Into our 90Cial structure, and a concern for envtrmmental values that are important to many people. AllO, hit efforts to improve the quality of education for our chlldren, and hia ability to carry out the will of the people are commendable attributes in any politician. - Flaky, Mr. Waters? Proaperity- Repraentation-Equality-F.clucation-En- vtronment-Economy. TheM. are aoala that we 8ee achieved by Jerry Brown. We need Jerry Brown In Wuhington u our aenator. I hope that hla aucc e •cc u gove:mor will do M IDO<l a jQb u he has done for the cttbe.nl of. c.llfom.la. JAN D. V ANDERSLOOJ', MD Seniors neglected aeniora who live on fixed incomes such as Sod.al Secwity, SSl and small pension.a. etc. The recent general plan which took yean to complete had many volunteer' citizen• who spent countless hours working on it for the benefit of Laguna Beach. Among other things its committees recommended the uae of dty-<>Wned land for affordable housing and a day care center. To date all city counclla bave Ignored the recoi I ii I iftlldatlCJna. ALAN £. ADAMS Dump lees hurt To the Editor. With regard tQ the fees that are going to be charged at the dump: I'm a oommerda1 u.er of the dump doing tree service work that involves quite a few \lips to the dump. If I have to get char=at the dump that means I have to e addifional f~ to the people who em oy me. It aeema ridiculous that Orange County, one of the richest counties ln the nation, can't afford to have a free dump. Ia this the reaction of the superviaora to Proposition 13? STEVE STROMBERG this dangerous and el\vironmentally degrading condition c:auied by the lack of long overdue care. We hope it will l\Ot take a u.gedy in the siltrloaded back bay to alert theae agencies to the dangerous and non,-benef:idal conditions that now exist there. THE TAXPAYER has paid for what has developed into a "white elephant" and is running out of patience due to the procrastination, confusion and lack of attention to the problem that exists in the upper Newport bay area. '!be pre9ent silt removal work recen\ly started ln the extreme back bay ii a small step ln the restoration proce.a. but only that. Auemblywoman Bergeson and Mayor Jackie Heather are to be commended for their diligence and effort in pttlni th.la lniUal siep started. A continuous and ltl'oal full~blown auack on tb1a problmi I.a the only thing that Will lave the upper bay, whole life it llowly ebbing away. If the ~t agencies are at all ooncemed wtth •vtna one of our state'• ou~ enV1tclnmental aaeeCI which Mother ""Nature so ~nerously bequeathed W. the peo e of Orange County, then they had expedite the developcnent ot an~ workable restoration plan. which IO far bas not surfaced. E.P.BENSON Gun control h 'h• Cac'V,;lln for loonatnlc ~'~== eni"'-" 'hn\ HiJdein and hll ICtnM wit Jane ronaa. th• or1anl1at1on tla1ml ee hOldln Of iliedve non·~ aty iiid toUnty omoiii • memben. " Wtd\ hai capt\&N of the DemocraUC nom&nab for the A.mmbly 1*trlL't NptlllftUl\a a.ftta Monic:e. Haydel\ now illftl to 1 ritend CED ln.fluence to \he IAP1Awre. Ht h0pe1 to leed the way for an fteltual 1&.member aucua of CED i.platon by the end of the deca<M. JUDGING FROM the history of 1p1it·oft party movements tn California, hi.a prospects for aucceaa are not too I 1-•• ---l .-.,-,_ ................. Pro1re11lve, 8odall1t and even thi Commvntlt nmntna eandkliie. on tlM ballot without any lfRl rMUlta. Other& which have appeared and dilappeered include the .,iohibltlon and Llbtrty isartie1. 'More recent years have ·Wltne11ed the Peace and Freedom, Amtr'9n lndtpend nl and 1..lbertarlan part!... None have wer t lfCUld anyone lo the w111J1ture. cm howl'Vel', at th1I pCIU\t, II not a ~ ;paUtkial ; party and up untU Hi)'aen'• bid for tNI "-tnbly u a Dtmocret lu carid1dat.t1 haw run tor non·pt.r'\&IM off&o.. To be an of tidal poUdcel party a poup IDIMt ~ ~h YOtenl to equal 1 percent of the total vote c11t for aovwnee-at the molt r-.nt ftnera1 iliCtlOn:· While Hayden and Fonaa have bM1i n\Udnt srandioet claiml • to the CED membenh.ip ~t appe.rently hasl't reached the requlred number to become an ofticlal perty. Or, perhap1 Hayden, rffl1zlnl onfy the oandidaWI of the two meJar poUUNJ pu1ie1,19t ·~l,,.,,,.. lhlt he and other CZD oanaaaaWI Nn undti' \ht ~ of btlnl D1nM1t1t1. In f.ct It w• Kl,_..,, deiCWOn to quh bttnl an IOd\ltM wtdwM.at a toUd b9tt whloh ltd '° hl1 candidacy for the Democrado nOml.naUon for U.S. Stftate ln 19'8. ~ that a.cl he then •taitiCI \heCSD. Althouctl the CED ~ the antip nucl .. r ~t a1 well a• other "anti" movemenu euch • no-srowth, aod war, ltl ma1r\ theme ii an attack upon cotporate power, advocattna the takeover of ex>rpe>radonl by th• "people" to be operated u democraclee. Whether thl• i1 communl1tic or llll•Ue matter• not. Al the .,_,.nnlal 'odtl'M PW candidate lot ~dint. Norman Thomu, obltrvecl, the ollly diffemn betwwn \he two ii who la ln c:· Prttwnably a benevoJ.nt lNdet' w not 10 full Ult •a daltatotlhJp. But bulcally, ICX'laUam and ciqmmunltm aro one and the tame, th 1hartn1 of all for the sooo of the atate. fN ANY .vent the CED dOet rk>t appear to be a threat lo the recuJar politk:al ettabUahment. If, in aix yean of operaUon It can only claim a teatier.d handful of mem~r1 ln m1nor off!ce:I and now perhapa one member of the Le&Wature, It doesn't have the eannarlu of a IJ'OUl"dawell. Thru Sun. $ 89:en'• &: Boy's Cord Walkshorts We're doing it again! Our entire stock of circle palm label men's and boy's cord walkshorts are on sale. Assorted colors. Reg. $13-16.50 33% OFFoPJanior Swimwear OP for Juniors newest swimwear styles. One and two-piece suits In stripes, solids & prints. SALE $17. 99-2L 99 Reg. $27-34 30% OFF Men'sandBoy's rr-Swl•w .... All men's and boy's swimwear. All famous brands. OP, Offshore, Sundeck, Hobie. SALE $9.80-19.60 Reg. $14-28- $ ~anlor'• Pol~tyle Knit Shirts Brtttania & OP for Juniors solid short sleeve polo-style knit shirts. Assorted colors. Reg. $15-19 $A99 1599 7 • danlor Walkshorts Junior walkshorts and jogging shorts. Solid & stripe styles by famous maker. R . $14.25 WDD.WEST SVPERSIJMMER VALUES! 30~ Off •-·• alaon ale.we Hawallaa prlat •lalrta by OP, Ollhon & Ughtnlng Bolt. SALE $13.99·20.99 Reg. $20.30 6.99•9.99 Bow'• OP elaort-d loa9 aleeve crew-aeck •tripe knit lhlrta. Reg. $11-18 6.99 4'lllllor T-elaln ...... ln bright summer stripe styles. Reg. $22 lS.99·24.99 Tattoo ... ._ eeparat .. A coordlaat .. for ~a 1/3 Of tllll eelected IUDU1Mr oup. Reg. $42· 75 ACCESSORIES 99~ Faao .. •akcr4'aalor t11be-topa. Our entire stock on sale! Reg. $3·6 $15.99-20.99 U9latala9 Bolt Beacla Towele. Reg. $2()..28 Umlted quantity. 99t SaDtiJaa• vl80n. Reg. $1.50 ; Onnaw County Heed ltart, Inc., • federally funded prop.an far low income famlU11 wlth pre-achool children, la I ~ appllcatiolw fol' cla1111 b11lnnln1 ln Stptllmblr. 'Colta 11 ... and Huntlnaton Beach are amona 11 Oran11 County cttite whert the pc'OIJ'Un la be1nl offered. Children .3 to 4 meet 3 ~ /#Wli4f 1t1 ~.rr.:L;~': i;-;;T.;.,· FamlllH on welfare wlll be ace~ flnt. Hetd Start acoepi. handJcapped chDdren. For information, call 972-8920. MUSEUM PIECE -Studenta examine a 1916 Avery traction encine, on display at Henry Ford MUlelllll in Deerhorn, Mieh. A. large u a railroad locomotive, the tractor-like engine powered farm m11C})inery, such as ballers and thrashers, during harvest. even though It could only generate L1aa Dahill. dawrhter of Mr. and Mn. RiCbard Dahill of Col1a Mesa, hu . been named to the Gu1tavu1 Adolphus (Mlnn.) Collese 1prtn1 wn.ter deM'a JiR: .JO !Mnepawer. ---- If you don't smoke. I can offer important savings on auto insurance. Claim your reward from: • ltA88fTT INSlltANCE 441 Oki Newpor1 ....,, Newpon llffdl, Ca. IS1·7740 Pony Rides Daily Fri. thru Sun. in the Huntington Center mall noon to 5. Youth Fund donation SO•. JULY ONLY ~,\Bl~RS C:ADILl .. 1\C: Costa Mesa (714) 540-9100 CAUTION: FEDERAL LAW PAOHl91T8 ~: R. Ph. Tbeae word•, which \alaJly bestn the Rl'lwnee.. "Caution: Federal law prohlbiu cilspemlnc wtthout •• pnaertpdon .. -of grmt Importance to you." They protect )'OU becauae they ldmtlfy dn.l&I which are not con1tdered 1afe for eelf.medJcatkJn. Such dNp lhoWd only be tUen under a Doctor'• aipervbion. A Ucemed ph.lrm9cilt II the lepl cwtodl.an of llUCh drup and you can depend o n our prote ctive knowledp. We will alwaya obey the ethical and lep1 laws ~ the pncUc. ot plWm.ey. Your safety i. more lmP9rtant than the protit CID )'OW' purc:hMe. . YOUR DOCTOR CAN , PHONE US when you Med a medicine. Pick up your pretcrlptlon If 1hoppln1 nearby, « we will deliver ·promptly without extra c:harp. A sr-t many people, entruat ua with their prHc:rlptlone. May we compound and dlepenH ~ How does Now stack up? At the bottom.. NOW~ ....... TM IOIN.lt fn tar.Cf{tdl l»nuul .. • 7mg 5mg 4mg 4mg (Just add water) Pacific GrMn/Nun.s 11 Collfor· nlo's loroesr sod compony with 3,000 oaes ond & dlfterenr vari- eties for evfJrY purpose. W@con help you, or your landscape con- tractor, choose whor's best for you. Ar competitive prices. Don't wolt for seed to sprour. Coll us rodoy for complete Infor- mation about our Instant Lawns. Our expert consultants will be happy to answer your questions and send you a copy of our FREE INSTANT LAWN BROCHURE. Coll us. Today. 1-(800) 432-3805 or (714) 937:1481 ltaclflc ... THE INSTANT LAWN PEOA.E ' ' .. THU"8DAY. JULY n. 11ta CAVALCADE 82 MOVIES 84 Inland m ·urk hangs thick ON THE WEATHER FRONT: Those in the citizenry among us who have been able to elude regular labor certainly found superior conditions along the coastline these days. Pacific Ocean temperatures have been flirting above 65 degrees. The air has been in the 80s. Founds oft\ crusade • Ill Extreme weisht loss teaches nulritioiJiBI to put mind over platter ~ By SANDIE JO\' or ... .., ... ...,. Rhonda Htnty Uled to be a tat lady. She 1'pped the -1• at 289 P<>Unda before ahe had int.tinal bYP,m Ntpry eeven yee.ra llO· Then ahe atarted lo1fn1 wetaht. Wtthln alx montha after aw-pry. ahe dropped frun me 26"" to 11.ze 16. "That waa faat," ahe aald, "very tut." Our brethren stuck inland, meanwhile, have been suffering a heat w ave. Only yesterday. Santa Ana reported a high ot 91 degrees, which Is probablY-one of the usual Problem la, ahe aaid, "My bypua ~t me to aiz.e 161 then stopped. ' She went up to aiz.e 18. "You talk about a panic-stricken penon and paranoia." " The 41-year-old Costa Mesa weather fibs f o r o ur · County Seat. You know how they r-'\ get a high of only 91 on T-.-.-.. -U-RP_H_l_l_I ~r these kinds of days in IW l ,~ / Santa Ana, don't you? • ---------....... -~ They get this cake of ice and wrap a rope around il. Then they tie the thermometer to the rope and hoist it to the highest flagpole in town to catch a breeze. AFTER HALF AN HOUR in the air on the ice cake, the whole affair is abruptly whisked back to earth and the temperature high reading for the day is quickly chronicled. Santa Ana authorities have t-0 grab that reading fast because the temperature on the &dewalk may be 110. Even Los Angeles admitted to 92 degrees yeste rday at its Civic Center. And speaking of Los Angeles, what didn't get talked about much was the smog, which was off into eye-stinging higher levels in Los Angeles along with the current sweltering temperatures. A s a m atter of fact, the fed eral government's environmental people have just released a report listing the The water's !10 wann thae day• I may just go ahead and jump .... cities that have the highest numbers of unhealthful smoggy days each year. You ~et one Ruess which city leads the list. YOU-WIN. OUring the period from 1978 to 1980, Los Angeles w as the worst of 40 metropolitan areas on the average annual number of unhealthful smog days per year. In LA, it w as 231 days. In Los Angeles, that gives you about 134 days each year in which to breathe. The San Bernardino, Riverside and Ontario areas, whe reto the Los Angeles smog blows when it does move along, had 174 bad days averaged annually. By companson, places elsewhere that we think of as being highly industrialized with forests of smokestacks, fared far better. Akron, Ohio, was low on the list with ontx four days of bad smog. Chicago had 93; St. Louis 89; Detroit 39 and Syracuse, N.Y ., only seven smoggy days. Here in Orange County, w e can thank the sea breezes of our coastline for holding back the oozing layer of awful stuff on most days when it hangs in an ugly blanket over the Los Angeles basin. ORANGE COUNTY HAS suffered only a single first- stage smog alert so far this year. That was Tuesday. It happened mainly in the La Habra area which, you suspect, most of us could excuse as being almost in Los Angeles. According to some smog experts, the awful stuff isn't tied directly to high temperatures but, when the sun's rays bang directly tO Earth, you get a stronger phutochemica.1 reaction. That means more smog. And that means, particularly on these hot summer days, this is indeed the best of all possible coasts. Irvine water hoard OKs employee raise WOl'ken for the lrvtne Ranch Water Dlmict will receive a 4.8 percent •venae waae tncreu1 SW1iq Aua. 1. Improve worker morale and turnover rate.. No bar1ainln1 1roup1 or unlom repreeent the employeee. In other ledon~ M , Swan WU re .. ppo&nted t for another year and ~ wH a1aln .elect• by board memben M vb pnll.cMnt. The two roen wen cholen to'= In 3atWMY atw tbln·P.-t Wa"/ftl C1Ark ....ap.cs. ·eswah, Auerbach and Betty a.in were Ulc1ied in June to ... tour-,... a.nm. Dr. Ollosl :;r.::=._tect In January to tectdent beean aee1c.lhg answers. - For her, It wu in nutrition. "Actually," ahe said, "I got into nutrition just to prove lt wu another racket. Everybody and their brother are calllna them1elve1 nutritlonl1t1 ... There ii no licenae for them." Mt. Henry, who prefers being called Dr. Henry, aet up shop aa a profe11lonal nutrltloni•t after pning a doctor of phlloeophy degree by taking con-espondence couraea from Donabach University Sc::hool of Nutrition, a Huntington Beach achool run by health food manufacturer Kurt Donabach. NUTRITION TIPS -Once 311 pounds and now a trim size 12, Rhonda Henry of Costa o.nr Ptkl4 ~· by ~ "...., Mesa preaches the value of taking personal responsib1hty for eating properly. "If you don't learn how to eat properly," ahe said, "when you loee weight. you loee a lot of water and a lot of nutrients." Shes now gone down from size 18 to aiz.e 12. "Sornetimee.'' she aaid, "it's not what people eat; it's what they eat together that la going to create a problem." It's important to know how fooch digest, how they asaimllate and how they're eliminated. "When people learn how to eet oroperly," Ms. Henry explained, ''they don't have problems." In her consulting business, which she calls Nutrition Experience, she wants to see "people who want to get healthy ." She takes an educational approach to helpina people loee weighL ''I'm not a medical doctor,'' ahe emphaaiz.ed, " ... and I don't play God with people." Most of her client.a have seen medical docton, ahe aald. and her office ia "aort of the lut corral." She said, "I can teach you how to eat . . . Don't go spend $30 or $60 on vitamina . . . A lot of people of people have wasted money buying vitamins ... There's a difference between nutrition and dieting." Ms. Henry said ahe waa a fat child. "I had been on and off diets all my life. U a new diet doctor was within 50 miles of home, I was there. I went through the pills and the shots and you name it." Intestinal bypass surgery, which ahe admits is a drastic measure, 8eemed to be the only thing left to try, and she said she'd do it again. Instead, she's obsessed with nutrition and urges people to start taking responsibility for themselves. Another mo ti va ti on for becoming nutrition conacioua, was that, after surgery, she 108t a lot of hair and her complexion went bad. Her pre-surgery weight wasn't Ms. Henry's all·time high. Once. she ballooned up to 311 pounds. "I knew something waa wrong with me from the time I was a little lud," she said. "My mother took me to one doctor who said I'd lose 2 pounds a week if I stayed on his diet or he'd eat his hat or shirt. When I went back, I'd gained about a pound and he told my mother I was lying about staying on the diet." Ms. Henry said she cares about people who want to look and feel their best but, she aaked, "How do you sell caring?" Keeping sixth period a must No one nutritional plan is exactly right for everyone. she said, so she takes an individual approach, using a computer for client analyses. She's helped clients work on self-esteem and ev e n gone wardrobe shopping with them IO they can b e more stylishly dres.wd. a big confidence-builder. Irvine school chief repeats request for juniors, seniors u a penon a going to 5t'e a nutrillonist, Ms. rlenry said, they s hould be careful to "f ind somebody reputable who knows about nutntion and is not just selling vitamins. Junion and tenlon in Irvin~ high achoola should be given a sixth period of instruction. says Irvine Unified School District Superintendent A . Stanley Corey. That's what he said last year, yet 11th and 12th graders were limited to five periods per day until spring semester when a alxth was added temporarily. Freshmen and 90phomores have six classea. Becauae of the f(ve-period reatriction. aasistant achools superintendent Dan WaJdfogel said, "Many of last year's juniors will be in a much tighter bind this year in taking enough clasaes to meet graduati o n requirements." A lack of funda necessitated last year's restriction, Waldfogel said. During last Wednesday's trustees' meeting. Corey said By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL Ofho.llr ......... Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr was there. So was land baron and Democratic Party heavyweight Richard J . O'Neill. Not to mention a smattering of state and local elected officials. And a half-dor.en news reporters. Among those seated in the private dining room at the posh Villa Fontana restaurant was Assemblyman Richard Robinson, O.Santa Ana. He was hoeting the luncheon to celebrate Bruce Nestande's appointment to the California Transportation Commission. ,. Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board of Supervisors and a Republican in good standing, got the nod largell through Robinson's efforts. 'lo say Robinson was pleased with himself would be putting it mildly. To suggest that Robinson WN feeling no pain ·would be incorrect. So I won't suggest it. I'll say it flat out. Robin.Ion was feeling no-pain. Well. 90 what? I've been kho.mi to celebrate mywelf. Once, poalbly twice. Nestande'a ucendancy to the ttate transportation panel was not the only topk of conversation as the luncheon guests sipped cocktaila and chatted over entreee including ecampi, red snapper and stuffed mushrooms. ' I 11lt'11ood to be here under happy clrcuma1ancet," the governor aid, a none-too-veiled reference to the furor he 1parked 1n 1979 by appointing former Vietnam priloner of war Edlaon Miller JO the county Board of Supervilon. Brown. who ii not the party-hearty type, concluded hia commenta l>y saying, "turn out the lights ... bring out the boor.e." Thtt governor wu drinldng a glua of beer. There wu allo a lot of w~ at the table about the allepd m1ldee4t of It.ate Sen. John Schmits. Frankly, a lot of people who didn't like *1unltz were anillna· Some saJd ft WU 8 tt..aeciy. Marian Seraeaon , the Newport Beach uaemblywoman, Sot the aovemor'a eat on the IUbject of what to do about the rilldenta who llve In the ahantl• at Cryttal Cove In the middle of the new Cryatal Cove State Park. A female radio MWlt'Mter mppd tM ~ tri t"OnwnadOft abOUt the &ecnmento "'MIMn be Nfulll to live In. BrOwn md be thOulht coun~ 1Upel"'-rilan Quiht to providing sixth period -at a cost of $200,000 -should be top priority when the board allocates about $2 million in uncommltted funds. Corey also said some of the uncommitted funds should go to the 12 schools ineligible for the School Improvement Program (SIP). state funds earmarked for addttaonal equipment or teaching aides. "The most unportant thing is to s tart questioning, start listening to your body instead of rurming to a doctor and getting a drug to cover up symptoms without realizing that somewhere down the line, you're going to have to deal with that." APPOINTMENT FETED -Gov. Jerry Brown led toasts at luncheon honoring Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestande. l •H0 .. 08COP! wor k mirac l e for fOrmer flas her DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 48 yeani old, married and have four cblldren -all wonderful -and a beautiful irandchild. I have been a flaaher afnce I waa a youna boy. I alway• knew it wu wrong and have tried to get over the habit for a long time. I aaw 1everal doetora for coun.teUna but none of them could help me. I atopped going to church nine yean ago when my wife and I 11eparaced. On Feb. 27 tomethlng made me go back to church and take communion. I became very emotional durina communion and began to cry like a baby. That experience changed my J.ife. Since then I haw had no desire to flash. I feel born again. My good wife and l are back together and we have never been happier. Every week I go to the shrine and pray for all the flashers to put God and the Blessed Virgin Mary in their lives and free themselves of the loathe&ome habit. l am writiJli to ,YQJ.l because I want to tell your millions of readers prayer and fai9l can work miracles when all else fails. I am living proof. -A FORMER FLASHER FROM THE BRONX DEAR F .F .: You told them lD a very EIMA BOMBECK AT WIT'S END Her r e c i p e for filing Ladies, I'm here to tell you you don't know what sanctimonious is until you've gone through all those bits and scraps of recipes that you've clipped throughout the years and put them in some kind of order. I had recipes everywhere. They were stuck in drawers, cupboards, phone books, magazines, jammed in envelopes, pockets, taped on mirrors, in old handbags. They were scribbled on cards, backs of envelopes, my driver's license and warranties. l'M TELLING YOU, you do something like this and it's good for the soul. You feel so full of purpose, so organized, so superior to anyone in the same room with you. First, I sat in the middle of the floor and every clipping that showed a picture of a cook who was thin ... got pitched out. I've never trusted thin cooks to know anything about food, and don't know why I clipped them in the first place. Then I pitched out every recipe that began, "Have the fishmonger clean three pounds of octopus. Rinse the octopus and pat dry before pounding it with a mallet or meat tenderizer for five minutes." Usually, I saved these recipes after I had just seen a Grace Kelly movie, but in my heart I knew nothing would come of it. I was on a roll now and the stack was getting smaller so I made a decision to toss out any recipe I couldn't read. This included the ones in another language and the ones where the ink had become blurred with sauerkraut juice, egg white, oil and spilled coffee. Then I looked for repeats. Who needs 187 recipes for turkey breasts holding their breath beneath a tranquil sea of cream of chicken aoup and mushrooms, and 55 recipes for carrot cake? AREN'T WOMEN SILLY to put off something like this for years? I now had a floor full of tantalizing, mouth-watering recipes that I wanted to save forever. I got out one of those cute little recipe-holders like a carousel that flips them up 10 I can see them as I cook, two books with envelopes on each page, and a cute little accordion number with asparagus tips on the cover and a green ribbon. · I threw the whole mess in the stove drawer. . I'm going to f inLsh it . . . tomorrow ~ . . maybe. , forctfll way. ftuk yoa. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thia 11 In re.ponM to the h~Uer from a l'ft&tr who wanted to know why women lnailt on weartna tlacd or ~ durin& Uw d&y and party panta at ni&ht. The writer laid, 41Don't , women re&llle there 1.i nothlna imder than a beautiful l .. ? Why do you dumb lAdl• lnlllt on coverina your best feature?" trMMrt, npeclallf hi th 11mmer. Alto, ao aeekdet wo1ld be a welcome rtl111t, 11 well •• •o belt• or 1•oelac11. Maybe bolb Hxn 1llnld wear bee-le.nit~ 1moell1 and Alidal1. I wonder ~ow tbat woald 1rab tile 1armeat hldattry! DEAR ANN LANDERS: You told the lady from Bakentl6ld who aid the world wu aotnl aex-c:ruy that you had to scrape the nx>ld oft her letter to print it. Well, I'm another 8QU&re, 10 8Cl'ape the mold off mine, LOQ. Now 1 want to ~ a quett:lon: Why do men in111t on we.vtna U'owten? In Scotland, wh4ft I wu born and railed, I enjoyed the family get-topthen where th~ men wore kilta. I allO p)ayed in a marchtna band where kilt.a were part of the unUonn. Kilta provide more freedom, are lesa bindlns and sexier than t:rou8erl. So, Ann Landers, I am teaing that question right back into the teeth of the man who wroie. It aeems to me that "skirta" make a lot of aenae for both men and women . -NO DOUBLE STANDARD IN BURLINGTON, Vi'. I agree, a good aexual relationship is important, but a well-kept home and nowiahing meals are important, too. Kinky sex, dope and illegitimate kids are all over the place. I blame the media, TV, porno movies and dirty magazines. What my grandchildren bear from my daughter and son-in-law would put you under. DEAR N.D.S.: It does seem reaaonable that kllta would be. more comfortable tho Your letter to Bakersfield just added fuel to the fire. My kids will probably send you a medal. Thanka for nothing. - MOLDY SQUARE FROM COLTON, CALIF. ~ 0.-, Noe"""°.., ...... ~ AHEAD OF THE GAME -Headdresses used in three Pageant of the Masters showings await their models backstage at the Irvine Bowl on the FtStival of Arts grounds, Laguna Beach. The headdresses are for Comrnedia Dell' Arte. History of Venus and The Last Supper, which concludes the nightly 8:30 pageant. The event, continuing through Aug. 29, is sold OL t , but r eturned tickets are available at the box office that opens at 10 a.m . For information call 494-1147. GOlfN 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deals NORTH +JlOH ~ 97 O AllQ87 + 109 WEST EAST +KU +Q853 ~5' Q Q62 0 J9542 0 1063 +J U +865 SOUTH •A9 ~AK J 108.3 0 Vold +AKQ42 The bidding: S..t.li Weet North Eut 2 ~ Pau 3 0 PaH 4 + Pua 4 0 Pa11 6NT P ... Pua Pua Opening lead: Two of •. In a perfect wor ld, every one will be r ewarded for his good deeds and punished for his miatakes. But life is at beat Imperfect. so people con- tinue to reap bonanzas fronf their misdeeds. Even though the competi Lion wu mat.chpoints, there la little that can be said in favor of South's decision to bid six no trump. At a heart contract. tw~ve tricks would -have been a snap. and 1t would have serYed declarer right if East bad t>eld the ten of spades instead or dummy. in which cue dttlarer would have had no play for his con tract. As it was. West was end played at trick one. He elect· ed to lead the unbid suit - his best shot, since a heart would have pickled his part· ner's queen. a diamond would have provided an entry to the table. and a club would have done the same. Declarer played low from dummy. cap lured East's queen with the king and exited with the nine of spades. West won the king. but now he was truly end played in four suits. De clarer made the rest of the tricks with ease. Note that it would not help East to withhold the quee n of spades at the first trick. Declarer wins the nfoe and he can force an entry lo dum· my by overtaking the eight or hearts with the nine. Ir that loses to the queen, the seven or hearts becomes the entry and declarer can dis- card his low clubs on dummy's diamonds. It's a pity that West didn't lea<f th-eking of spades. That would have made South pay for his mis bidding. At six heart.a. only a spade lead causes declarer any difficul· I ties. Declarer has to win, cash a high heart to see if he is fortunate enough to drop the queen, then cash two high clubs and try to ruff a club to get to dummy. The slam will come home if the clubs are 3.3, or if the player who has two clubs does not have the queen or trumps. Those odds are a lot better than the cha nces for si x no trump! R•bber brld1e elub1 d1roacltoat the coHtry ue the f.v-4eal bridp format. Do I.hey kaow aoaet.lliq you dea't7 Charin Gore•'• "FHr·Dea l Bridie" will teach JM the 1tratesfe1' and tactJc1 of tlaJ1 fut·paced &e· Uoa same tJaat · provlclea tbe cue for uead.lq rubben. For a copy and a acereptld, Mad 11.75 to "Gorea·Fow Dea l," care of tltla aewapaper, P.O. Boa Zst, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make clMd&a ,.,abla to ~ .... paperlteeka. Bypass surgery may· be answer what's be1t for me to do. I'll a ppreciate It. Thanks. -MR. R. DEAR MR. R.: I'll try. But, it requires more than an educaced guess to add weight to what your own docton have advised after complete study of your problem. t. not Im thoei autildcl. T JOUI llfAl TH OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN latest advances ln medical treatment, if the quality of your llfe has been 1te1dtly d,tertorat.ingi inability to work or play Solt -then~ eeenw to be the.answer. But. only you and your own docton can rnalle the • decltlon. At a recent "COl'l9eDSUI conference" on coronary bypass surgery by the National Heart, Lung and Blood lnatitute, doctor& concluded that the operation does improve the quality of life. After J 10,000 operations last year (average ooet: $15,000 per patient) the current vtew i. that by~ coronary auraery la a major advance which can lmprove the quallty of life and In IOme lnstanCei prolona life. But only tw~tbird.a of both thoae treated medically and tho1e treated aur= ~ co work. ~ -1=-What aboUld. you do. Mr. It? If ¥OW'....--~ cheit palm have not been relleYed by the I • DEAR MOLDY COLTON: Wipe tbe foam off your mouth and reread tbe letter. "Balle" wants to keep-womeo barefoot, prepant and ln tbe ldtcbea 10 tbey will be too tired for sex. You like tbat concept? Confused about what's right and what's wrong in today's "new morality"? You're nor alone . If you want honest, down-to-earth information on your sex questions, read Ann Landers' new booklet. "High School Sex and How cO Deal With It -A Guide for Teens and Their Parenrs." Send 50 c:~"ts plu8 • long, stamp~. self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995, Chicago, DJ. 60611 . • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Sagittarius : Surprise due Friday, July Z3 ARIES (March 21-Apnl 19): Task is completed -you receive plaudits of peers. Major domestic adjustment r e stores harmony to home front. Surprise gift is on the way. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Steer clear of get-rich-quick schemes. Speculative venture could succeed if ternlS are clearly defined. Focus also on change, variety. travel opportunity and children. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Older individual becomes a valuable ally. Focus on security, property, long-range plans and dealings with person who aided you in past. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Finish rather than initiate project. See picture in its entfrety. Relative aids in perceiving potential. Clash of ideas, short trips and unusual message dominate scenario. LEO (July 23-Au~. 22): Emphasis on income. independence, creative resources and ability to locate needed material. You regain confidence and sense of direction. Aquarius, Libra and another Leo figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Timing and intuition are on target. Moon position stresses initiative. personality, bright colors and a return of optimism. You'll rise above petty politics. You get news which enables you to gain a more solid foothold on emotional-financiaJ security. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What occurs on surface is not true picture. Accent on c alls, messages, various forms of communication. Cland~tine meeting is part of scenario. Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Accent on space, practicality, reality as contrasted to some hopes, desires. Harmonious lunar aspect coincides with persuasion, personal magnetism and ways of fulfilling aspirations. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Surprise due -of pleasant .variety. Professional superior gives credit long overdue. Accent on promotion, prestige and accolade from member of opposite sex. Gemini, Virgo and another Sagittarian figure prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You reach more people -popularity increases and limitations are removed. It now becomes an all-or-nothing situation. Basic domestic adjustment figures prominently. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): S<inieone is withholding financial information. Know it, protect your own interests. Check credit ratings. You'll be in touch with usually hidden recesses of emotions. Question of love arises -and you'll have answer. PISCES (Feb. 19-Match 20): You learn what ls legal or otherwise. Accent on home, property and dealings with a very emotional individual. Aquarius, Caprlcorn, Cancer natives figure in scenario. Locate documena which verify claims. P01 SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT .. [ ANTl·llllD -Tax aetlvllt Howard Jarvta • tw offered '° help ln a poaible ...cal' drive :a aaa1nat atate Supreme For lnformattbn, call C-ourt Chief Juatice ~H-&772. Fall cla11ea _Roee __ Blrd __ . _· ---beCSn Sept. 7. \ 5 high schoOis. · planning reunions Five more Southern California high IChoola have announced reunion planl. The}' are: -The University H.t,h School (Irvine) Clue of •72 will hold tta 10th ~-.r reunion July 31 at the ~ Hilla Holiday Inn. 250~ E. La Pu Road, . Lasuna Hilla. . For inlormatton, call 833-3644. -Mater DeJ High School's Claas of '67 la hoJd1na a l~th year reunion dinner-dance Aug. 28 at the Dlmeyland Hotel. ·' For inloimation, call Phil Giraldin at 771-6380. ...-The Re9eda High Scnool (San Fernando ~ Valley) Swmner '62 cl.ua wW have a reunion Sept. ' 4 at 6:30 p.m. at the Odysaey Restaurant in Mission Hilla. J'or info rmatio n, call E lle n (E ssig) WiUlQgham~nter at (213) 343-0307. -Claa of ~ graduates from two Lakewood high llChoola -Millikan and Lakewood -are requested by the 1983 joint reunion oorrunittee to oontlct chairwoman Jo Collins at 892-7892. Ma. Collins ~ that becauae the committee baa no master list, it wW be unable to find ...U cracfuat.es on its own. · -Concessions· nixed I MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -Delegates to the annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind have IOUDdly defeated a resolution urging apaial coocesaions for blind people. "Let's not try and change the whole world to our convenience," said one man, referriAg to the federation's stance that blind people should not be treated differently from anyone else. ' \ Pre~ things should ·be seen Display a collection of Uttle "luxuries" In ~ three- tler'shelf handcrafted In China from bamboo and fern. Arrange French bath oil. decanters of after- splash. a cry stal bowl with scented soaps. antique bottles, even small pots of Ivy. The shelves are attractive wall decor. handmade of fanciful weav- ing In a golden hue. Shop Pier I today ... and bring things out In the open. · ::~~ ~~~~: ........... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999 ~~~~~~~: ............... -........ 24 99 . lhenew • IBP collections i•AHEll.-509 Katela Ave., 772-2472 COSTA MESI -2710 Harbor Btvd., 540-7337 FIT(nt: BITTO YOU. 1:::::2 - 3 months to 10 years. 8100 to 8100,000. TERMS MINIMUM ANNUAL RATE ANNUAL YIELD EFFECTIVE DATE BALANCE & DETAILS 3-MONTHS $7,500 11.140% 11.783"' Rite ellec11ve thn.t July 26 ~ (tl DIYI) 1s filed for 91 ~ By law tnlt reit not compounded . 13.293" 6-MONTitS $10,000 12.700% Rate tHechvt tlvu Ju~ 26. Incl (1 12 Dart> "foe.cf for 182 days J...., 1n~ts1 not comPOUncled . JO.MONTHS $500 14.m0% IU48"' Rat.e tff«t1ve ttwu Aucust 2. and (2'1i VNR) 1s fixed for 30 months ll!tefftt compounded <111ly 42-MONTHS $500 14.280% 11.140% Rate tlfec11-e uvu Aucvst 2. and IS .cljusted ~ llX monthl TO 10YRS. lnttrtst compounded Cllily ~ pemutttd duon1 t~ ·' fir5t year to ,000 •n tllttrest •"'*' 1'2-MONTHS $500 1•3% Ull"' Y'! ettecuve irwu A1.11ust 7 Up tX et from f.0.rll ton. . lnt~compouncJecfdaily. 1 " ,,, 11 flDfTHS TO S YltS. F-..•SSOO R.ce shown is fOf FIJed· Rate Account V1rllble• 11 llaffltl TO 10 '111. V.W.1111$100 M.2•% M.973lll ~ate kcount 1s alsoMlllOll. Plelse nll for detatll. .. 'llot ,i.M M llltu ~ •-11111 ,,.~ ......... 11'1 f'llM•.i II ..... , .. Helt ulll!ly .. tt-·--~ Every dollar up to $100,000 is Federally insured. Whatever your saving's goals, short-term or long, Gibraltar can help you put together a savings/investment program that will produce substantial, guaranteed results. And it's safe . Let us show you how,easy it is to earn a sizea~le return on your money. w. ...... ,.. ..... ,., ..... ,. ,.. ...... ""' latar& \ . • . ·\: ' ~ . - t SAN JUAN CAPISTRANor 3WJ !Ai Obilpo St./ (114) '9l-SOU SANTA ANA: 3925 S. Briltol St./ (714) 9'l9·1S80 If Sarita AN Patf\ibn 5qyAre I (114) a:w..o717 Our ~niy ·sate oftheyearl % off All sales final MATTHEWS Newp0rt Beach. 95 Fashion Island FINAL REDUCTIONS f{e,,,ph£fJ Semi-Annual SHOE PRKE Selected Styles I Broken Sizes All Sales Final MamrCard a J HltrtPlullA #54 FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH (714) 144 4223 #'D MAIN STREl!T, ALHAM8RA (213) 212...sen Summer Sale I First time ever Stanton Coopers rapid ship program -Sofas & Loveseats reduced 25% ~ • Sale i><ices start at Sofat U.U: 8139 Loveseata NALE 8525 Quality features include: • hvl IOfl loY .. MI ttyt• Nch with tour f1br1c Hlecllons • .. ghl·WIY have tied conalruchon • ktln-drted herd•ood l11me • frll'M double doweled glued & tc:tew9d • 111 lrlrnecl live qu1rt1r ply thtcllneu • 111 culhiont lnnerllned 1nd 11ppere<1 • all with erm cover. ' high dent1ty lo1m cu•h1ons ' I ll CUlhlOnt double Wrlpped • l•CIPhO,,_I tlllOllng I nd fltlne applicatlOn • qullll'; dellgned fOf IUllng comfort end unllring llPPfKlltlon • 111 1111s end thr" w• •hipping ' 111 llhlrtl lined • 1.,ge -...Ctton In 1tocll i.lcfy lor delivery Pine f'urnllurt' ttnd lntt'tlnr Ot~r•n AU l fORl$0.tN lof0N('"V T~ !IATUllOAY -t)u,, TOU01'¥ COSTA MESA 1595 Newpon Blvd (714) 842·2050 I l I • ) lteven 8plelbel'I'• wrtnklta extra· ~ cont1nu.d to draw crowd.I It I blitterlnC pk'e, tMpiJ\I t12.8 mUllon lalt w.ek.nd for • ll'lnd total of 1129.7 million, accorcUn1 to a ' Nr\llYNINMdMOftdly, "TION" oolJeltld ti.I mllllon ln l ,fU .~ho\IHI for Wilt Dl1ney Prod~ bttftllnl '" 10-day.,.. to f 11 fNWon, 'nae -1tudio hM 1-n ~ bj ~-dt)' bu.an.. but ft;\&NI next W•Qnd wtll determine t.M ciamputer movie'• fate. Twentieth Century-Fox'• ao•r,· opera 1poot, 1Woun1 Doctor. n Love," ltd the weelcerid newcomen RUFFELL'S • With 94 .1 mtlllofi from TOI 0-Wt. WOC.Sy All.n11 MW oom.t)', "A Mldtummer Nlaht11 lex Corriecly," «>u.cwd ti.& mJlUoe an &01 IGl Wiil, An Orton •~kMman termH th;t "normal tor a WoOdy Ali.\ rnovie." Fox abio open.cs Kennt &pre' film d.Jbut, 118lx Pack, ' ln 104 theeten and Pmend a •WX'!~ U .9 million. However, •''-o• 1pokelrnan noted that neither ''Sllc 'TRON'· Paok" nor 11Youn1 DoHort" h11 blen NMMld naUonA111 '9t, but IN pl11ln• In many 1ma1r.town ind frtnft 0-ten. 118ummer Loven," &he latHt adot..nt Jove movie from Rancs.t Klel11r of "Blue L11oon" tame, N.l'Md t&00,000 from 12& th•ten. A filmWl)'I I~ uid that Wll ahead of tM •tudio'• lllt .,., releue. John Travolta'• "Blowout." ·~ , .,· .. ' .... , .. : ..... \ Every Sunday U'HOLSTliY ..... kl• ......... ltU~IOllUD. COITA MHA-'t41-I 116-~ PRE-SUMMER SHOE SALE s1300 •6000 NOW , Th• time to bur la n0wl Many atylH end al1ea In the aeeaona current ahoe feahlon. CHEROKEE 9 WEST SIBICCA SOCIALITES PEOPLE MOVERS APACHE FAMOLARE AND MUCH, MUCH MOREi 221 Westninster Mal 193-9497 Glendale-228 North Brand Boulevard Puente Hills Man-Lower Level Downey-Stonewood Shopping Center Santa Barbara-La CYmbre Plaza Montdalr-Montcialr Plaza La Habra-FMhlon Square \ SUMMER CLEARANCE 40 & 50%; Even up to 75 % ~; .. :.:. OFF! ., Summer Blouses · Shorts T-Tops . Dresses & Skirts • Women's Apparel & Accessories ::YOU ALWAYS SAVE A MINIMUM • • ·;, 25'ro OFF REGULAR RETAIL . 'GEORGE ROY HIU. ,_ ROBIN WIWAMS "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP' MA1tY Bmi HURT · GLENN Q.OSE ·JOHN UTHOOW ~r..dlac:trPATRJCX(£U.EY ~iit'STEVEWICH ........ -i.,,JOHNIJMNG ~ i., GEORGE ROY HJU Mill ROBERT L CRAWFORD D1tK1H 111 GEOIGI ROY HlU STARTS FRIDA~ . ' s lat"" -.ii9ttsa..tep•YS2.IRIWm 111"4 ~ · C1neoomr: a ~25ss1~~. s· FOR FOOi EXCtTEmEml V111tOur ... ARCADE of GAMES• ~·· •• · · .. SLEEP-BETTER TONIGHT EX•WIDE WOOD SLATS O~r quality constructed mattresses give you high quality comtor\ and steep 2 LAYERS OF COTTON CROWN ~- HANO SEWN COVER HIGHEST COIL COUNT BEST TYING tNNERSPRINGI of the highest ctuallty af'e used In both mattress and box sprtnoa. FleX o 18tor -Hotd1 the materials In piece on the top of springs. Helps avoid "coll pocketing". and allows you to feel the support of the mattreea, not the springs. l!xtra hMyY ._. border wire for additional strength and durability. Crown-100'!. cotton layer relnforctng the center W• of the mattreas; The "Wear & Tear" area. 2 18yer• of 100% cotton, top & bottom with tucked cornera and edges for greatef' 1trength .on mattress edges, and longer mattr9'1 life. 100% cotton -Only natural fibers In our mattreSHS. Cotton has greater abeorbency than man-made m.aterlal1. And It will not p8ck or break down after year1 of wear. Another reaaon why some of our mattressea hive seen decades of 1ervlce. Button tvfttne -the old fUhlon way. Prevent• lumps, low apot1, and rot11 In your mattreea. After yeara of uee It wtll continue to provtele the comfort and aupport you paid for. This la topl)9d by a h8ftd MWn oover made from the ""''t materlala avallable. The aides are v.nlcal 1tltched ,for greater 1tren~h. OUr b0xapflng1, are Just that, boxaprtngsl Unlike many that are ma\ertal-wrapped boards, oura are the beat boxaprtng1 avall8'>19 with the hlgheet ool 008ftt. and the Miit""" on the market. All thlt on toP of lbtf• Wld9 wood Mte for better durability, greatet auppon ¥d comfort. Are we otd fllhloned? Maybe! But at Newport Bedding Co. we fMI qlAtlty 11 ~ out of 1tyte. SHANGHAIED -Joanne Black comforts Douglas Rowe after allpplng him a drugged drink in a ..-ene from the world premiere of '"Thornhill" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. The.new di:ama plays tfuouah Au,a. 14. "ANNIE" fN' ___ .._ .. Lo Muada at to1ecran1 994·2•00 "THEiWORD AND TitE SORCERER" 1111 __ y ___ _ _..... _ _________ __,.._....;-=..;•;.;;;;:;•-,,.,_ ·- "ITAR TREK U: "A llK>SUllMER NIGHT'I IEX COMEDY" IN! tl:::m,----- "POL TEROEl8T'' <PO> ___ ,,.._ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "STAii TMK If: THa WRATH OF KHAN" .,... 00&.rt •TRIO (NI -----... "ROCKY Ill" tN> .. .,_ OOUY aftMo .......... ,,._ .... LAl<EWOOO CENTEJl SOUTH WAik IN ,>.,r. 1"4J.. TM WRATH OF KHAN" 1-DOUY STIMO (N _....,_..,_ ''ROCKY W" ''°' ---,,.. ..... "'" Poculty 01 CondlewaOd 211/131·9510 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOYE"t111 _a,.,_,,.,_ "THI! HC"n Of' NIMH" 101 ---.. ALL T'HtNGI BAtOHT ANO INAUTll'Ul." 101 l>•t.-•tt "DINER"1111 .......... .,.,.. -- , .. A MIDIUMMER NIGHT'S BEX COMEDY""°' I ------1 so COAST WAU< IN Soutll Coo11 lllwoy ot lfoodwoy •M-1514 I "A MIDl~R NIQHT'I SEX COMIDY'",., -----,_ Al-.. •HI ... ANAHEIM DJllVHN fl••"'°' •1 of le mon II 179·9150 "PIRl!FOX" lll'Gf --n. fM>AD WAl!UltOW' 1111 •lllt "SOUllO 'vi,.. A f A.i/J BUENA PARK DRIVE IN ---- ~ ........ -. ... LINCOLN 0111vl-IN "MCICYrCN1 -"CUSH Of' Tltl TITANI" IN> Clllt • fl SOllllO .,_POX" CNI -"Tltl 9WCMIO AND MMm•: (II) QM fl IOUllO ,., .... ""'" LA HABRA lW\I! I~ ---........... ,_ ... 17MNJ ~--- -- -.... ...-C>CK~ tll" "' __ ., __ _ ...... __ _ -------"Ill.ADI ~It" 1111 -"ntl! IWOftD ANO 80..Cl!M"°' (II) CINf 11 SOUND POl TERQEIST" IHI -.. IEA WOLVES" IJll Clllt II M>Ollll "ll.T~ THI EXTl'A- ~8TlttAL" 4"1 "ftAIDl!M OP TltR LOST AM" ...,. CNI "TI45 LloaMO (W '"' L~ ""~"" '"' C\llf ''~ lltac~ .,,,0 So 01 o.i.oen Gtowt fittwOT 191·3693 H'fHI '"'"'°" IRI -"tk.ADtl l'IUNNf"" (RI Clllf fl SOU11C1 "YOUNG DOCT~I IN LOVI" fll! .. Allf"L.ANr'-JIJIQ). -- Clllf ' fl SOllllO ORANGE 0'11\d I N MIS \ION ''~ .1 ~ ' ,· r ••Jaa 11.'' 1 nadonaJ ~ lhOw tha& enc. ihi ~ o1 JUI In mulic, danCt and drama, wW be .,.._.,w at l p.m. 8unda)' 1n UMt amphJ&heat.er at Golden Wll\ CO!lep in Hu.ntlnlton Beech. The tNe pwformance ta by a 24-member cornpeny from the North C&rouna School ol the Arta. '!be loca1~'8tSOn .. ·~ by the Golden Wen community Mr'Ylcll oUJCi, Am1noil USA and .J . J.ynolda lnduatrles. _ The vaudevlll•·•tyle produc&lon tracee the developn,ent ot jus from early African rh~ to aoepel muaic, Dfideland. r.,ume and the bfa band .,__ ..... ____ ...,..._..__--' era. f " 1Fit'f>f mt' hat 1u1pt"n1c-, intricate p/011/ns a,1d a climax crowdt'd with action." -GENE SHAtlT HToday'' NBC-TV 1111.A lllYlll OltAHE UA Mmtt 990~022 f4wlfh WH4bt.... Sladtttm 0 I 539-1770 COSTA MHA liSl·Ol55 WHTMlllSTlll Hlfbol T-1131 3501 111111011 YlfJO Mwto11 c.-West FOUITAlll YAUEY Y1ttt Mell 495 8220 191·393S f.dwtrh Ftttiti. V~ llt 1 !iOO • OllAHf CMffHw 1134 2SSJ AC1:£~~~~MEHt •5Ell!70MMC!!Wa!£il With Burt & Dolly thia much fun juat couldn't be legal/ ITARTI FRIDAY r . . SAVE UP TO 50°/o OR MORE NAME BRAND SPORTSWEAR FOR WOMEN AND MEN BATH TOWELS, SHEETS, AND CASUAL SHOES FOR LADIES: LOTS OF BLOUSES, SKIRTS, PANTS, JACKETS, SWEATERS AND DRESSES. FOR MEN: SPORTSHIRTS, DRESS SHIRTS, PANTS BLAZER JACKETS REDUCED 25% to 50% PENDLETON SPORTSWEAR SALE LADIES' FINE WOOL JACKETS, SKIRTS, PANTS, and SWEA TEAS -REDUCED 30% to 50% BUY EARLY FOR FALL AT GOOD PRICES I -BUY NOW AND SAVEi DEPARTMENT ITORE Houn Delly l:IO-e:OO CIDMd .. ,...,. 1816 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COSTA MES~ RED HOT SUMMER SALE All Wallpaper 30% Offl l!xcludlng Kinney Bros. .· Over 1 OOAOO Patterns To Choose From In Stock Papers from 30-40% Offl Mini Bllnds 50% Offl Bring In this ad for extra 10% off Mini Bllnds for a total of 60% M&B Wood Bllnds 40% Offl SUNMASTER VERTICAL BLINDS SA VE '4.00 SQ. YO . 60% OFFI On Sale Now! '.ARMSTRONG DESIGNER SOLAR IAN® FLOORING Written Gu•r•ntee on Lllbor •nd M•t•rl•ls C•ll For Free In Home Estlm•te PACIFIC DECORATING CENTERS l our Best! Portable Cordless Phone With soo-Foot Range ET-330 by Radio Shack ';, Make or Take ,. Call• From Any Room or Even OUtdoOrsl No More Tangling, .• ~ Tralllng <;:ords ~··· 19995 \ Computer-controHedl Automatic , memory dialing, one-t>ut\OO ~ Redial. OoubleS as a~ in- tercom. Suitt-in battenes and FCC rechargef. easy 1nstal\ation. registefed. #43-267 --~ CllARGE,, fMOS1 srORESI Micro Stereo Headphones ~-60 by Re.nltic UltnHight, yet deliver a ..... 1n. 50-20,000 Hz respoll98. -2 .-~ 81/2' oord, '/•" plug. #33-998 . Wa 21.95 In c.t. 341 Phone Accessories 2S'Modl•~iakM1 UM Cord. Plug on Md\ end. 1279-368 411 :a . ..... . -i I tltll save . ~ ' ~ :o· :Q .. • • ' .120 ~-· ......... --- Pushbutton Telephones ~;250 4995 •10 NEW LOW PRICE! Was 59.95 In Cat. 341 "Pulse"·type dialing with Aut~ Redial. Pfeasant tone ringer, Mute switch. Base for use on wall or desk. FCC registered . White, #43-332. Brown, #43-333 With "Tone" Dialing Save•10 5495 NEW LOW PRICE Was 64.95 In Cat. 341 As above, but with tone dialing instead of Aut~ Redial and Mute. For low-rate long-distance, bust- ness and computer services. White, #43-334. Brown,#<43-335 . 29'4t Off! Portable AM/FM Radio . By ReaAsttc Save•1001 2488 :::s I l THUMOAV1 JULV H 1 1NI COMICS BUSINESS :'f'El:.EVISION C5 ce 09 turnins commercial next year. Page C2. 6eiberger h:as • • new DllSSIOD Pro golf er has adjusted to intestinal operation • EVERGREEN. C.olo. (Al') -For years it was a subject that was rarely spoken of, certainly noi in polite c:onve,..tlon. Thousands of people had had the surgery and wore the. device, but were too embarraaled to make at known publicly. Now, golfer Al Geiberger has brought the subject out of the cloeet. Two years aao Gelberger underwent a series of operations for removal of part of h is small intestine, where·a mass of polyps had been discovered which doctors feared could develop Into cancer. An ileostomy was performed m which a passage was created from the small intestine to an opening in his abdominal wall, and Geiberger now wears a plastic bag to collect hia bodily wastes. "W.BEN I FIRST turned~ h.av.e-tohave this. it sounded gruesome. reany terrible ... says Geiberger. "I shuddered. I was very depressed. I figured there'd not only be no more golf, but that it would be like the end of the world for me. I oouldn't imagine myself living with one of those things. "But when I began to heal up, I started to see things differently. My friends encouraged me, and I found 1 could do the same things as before. And there was no more pain. "Rolf Benirschke, the (San Diego Chargers') place-kicker, had the same auraery I had a year before me. When he recovered to play agaJn, that's "A lot of people who have had the surgery come up to me at toumamenta ilnd aay they think it's great that I'm telling my atory." • when I realized I could, too. "In the beginnlng, you worry about whether people can see the appliance, u I call it. But most people don't even know I wear It. It used to be bulky and a pain to take care of, but not anymore. 'My new mission is to give encouragement to those who have had the surgery or are about to undergo ii' GEIBERGER has been plagued by physical problems d~rlng hls 23-year professional career, including a nervous stomach disorder, ulcers and knee problems. but It hasn't prevented him from recording IOme aignafacant achievement.. It's almost more convenient than the normal system. I've taken all the magazines out of my bathroom because I don't spend much time in there anymore." He won the 1966 PGA qwnplonship, has amassed more than $1 million in career earnings and poet.ed the lowest competltlve round ln PGA history -an incredible 59 in the second round of the 1977 Memphla Open. How.ever. five operations within three years haven't made it easy for the 44-year-old to re<:o.Yer and he's still on the comeback trail. ' BECAUSE OF HIS willlng_ness. even eagerness, to speak of his condition, Geiberger has become an inspiration to those who have undergone similar UeoslOnues or colostomies. "My new mission is to give encouragement to those who have had the surgery or are about to undergo it," he says. "There's no need for them to be as depre86ed as I was. I think I can show people how much better oU they'll be after the surj(ery "My weight dropped to 135 after the operations and it's taken me some time to get my strength back," says the lanky, 6-2 Geiberger, wh~ weight now ls up to 185. "The rest of the 1980 season and most of last season were shot. I started off well this year before I developed some putting problems. A lot of It is mental. I'm kind of like a rookie in that I was completely out of golf for so long. But I'm fortunate to have such a good golf swing: it's simple and repetitive, and that helps." Moffet tries again Barnicoat qualifies at swim meet By HOWARD L. HANDY of'ttleD..,"'41i.ft John Moffet of Newport Be8ch and Steve Lundquist renew their rivalry in the breaststroke competition at the United States' World Championship Trials swim meet tonight at the Mission Viejo Swim Complex in Marguerite Recreation Center. Lundqi;lst beat Moffet Monday night in world rerord time in the 100 breast but tonight's event at 200 meters finds the Newport Harbor ffjgh graduate as the favorite. While the spotlight will focus on Lundquist and Moffet, Tracy Caulkins will be after her second win in the women'• 100 b!'eut and Mary T. Meagher, the nation's top butterfly expert. will be favored.Jn:the 100 lly. The ~·s 400 free is also on the agenda with JeU Tioat the favorite. Coach Mark Schubert's Mission Viejo Nadadores placed another swimmer (Steve Barnicoat) on the U.S . team that will compete in Ecuador later this month and had Tiffany Cohen and Marybeth Linimeier reverse their finishing order in the 400 (reestyle from Tuetdats 200 free finals. C.ohen won the women's 400 free in 4:09.61, nipping Lirwneier in the final 10 meters after Marybeth held the lead most of the race. "Torught I was jwt happy that Marybeth and 1 finished m the first two places. Maybe I wouldn't have been quite as happy if I hadn't won tonight. though." Barnicoat finished second to Rick Carey m the men's 200 back but Jesse Vassallo of the Nadadores still hasn't made the U.S. team after finishing fourth Carey had a 2:00.72 effort, the third fastest all-time mark and Barnicoat was clocked in 2:01.80. Carey said his goal was to be happy with his swam whether he finished first or didn't make the consolation finals. "'I don't usually drop two seconds in a race but l was trying to get away from Steve."' Carey said. "l looked at Steve and som-e of th~ other SWtmmers tonight but 1 know Ml have to go faster at the World Garnes." Rowdy Gaines. a world record setter on opening night m the 200 free, had to settle for second in the 100 free to Chns Ca.vanaU&}l 's f>0.18 clocking. For Carey 1t was his best effort smce high school days three years !lgo. "I've been really scared 1 wouldn't make the team and I was swimmmg scared. Thas is the flrst urne I've ev£r beaten Rowdy and more than anything else. I'm happy fot that." he said. · GOALS SET -Former UC Irvine distance standout Steve Scott, the current American record-holder in the mile, has his sights set on several European meets and the 1984 Olympics. "I won it in the last IO meters but I usually finish my races pretty well," Cohen said. "I wanted a national record in the 400 and I feel that sooner or later, if I keep working hard, I should make it Games said he almost scratched from the event in the morning and added: Delly,.... ............ ST A YING ACTIVE -Despite undergoing • series of operations for the removal of part ol his small intestine. Al Geaberger alJntinues to stay active on the golf course. Jackson can't solve Martinez Angels frustrated in 8-7 loss. BALTIMORE (AP) -A dent m the soft drink. machine m the VlStlOrs' clubhouse was a lasting reminder of Reggie Jackson's postgame feelings. Jack.son tossed a Cew bats In the dugout and then pounded the machine with a fast after an~ nemesis. Tippy Martinez, reured him on a fly for the last out of the game. Jackson's two-run single had capped a five- seventh inning rally to put the Angels ahead 7- But he failed in the nmth with two runners a~ and the Baltimore Orioles held on to beat tbl Angels 8-7 Wednesday night. ~ .1 Steve Scott ready to make move "I'm happier with the raoe tonight than 1 was with the world record Monday. I felt I was on my death bed last night and this morning. I caught some kind of virus and had stomach cramps and thought senously about scratching just before the preliminaries even. "l went home and s lept this afternoon and sweated a lot of it out and I feel better tonifht. MARTINEZ, WHO recorded his ninth aa~ with just two pitches. has held Jackaon hitle9a AS seven tripe aa the Orioles took the eeuon aeries, 7-&t Jackaon fanned four times, and twice made the final out. "I'm not worned whether he's ().for-7 against me or 7-for-7." Martinez said. "My job ts just to come in and get him out." He's closing in on Coe, Ovett and the '84 Olympics "The fll"St pitch was definitely out of the strike wne:· Martinez said, "so I was glad he swung. The last pitch was not one of my better hooks, but I got away with it." By CURT SEEDEN Of tM 0.-, "°4 ...,, Steve Scott has spent the better part of his acclaimed runrung career one step -actually hundredths of a second -behind England's Steve Oven and Sebaatian Coe. The former UC Irvine distance runner. for example. set an American record in the mile In June with a 3:47.69 mark. Yet he was still .36 off the world record owned by Coe. And Scott's 3!32.34 this year in the 1,500 is about a second off the world record currently in Ovett'a possession (3:31.36). Yet, come Sept. 25 , when the Oregon Track Club puts on its invitational distance meet. Scott, for one, will not be there to challenge the British pair. Scott, in Huntinaton Beach Wednesday afternoon to announce an a1reement between Sub 4, hia running club, and the Red O:lion Restaurant in Huntlhgton Harbour. admitted his "racin8 brilliance" Isn't that brilliant thla late iQ the aeaaon. But, it'a not the only realOfl he'a akip_pin.a the Eueene meet. "The-oraanizine 1roup _(tor the Eugene meet) ta only thlnkinl about Ovett and Coe and no one el.le. They never aot any suaestJons from me on when they wantA!d the meet," Scott noted. . But don't think Scott'• going to be taJdna it euy in the next few weeks. n. 26-year-old fmm Upland, who Ml'ty th.ii year ~n the fut.elt mile ever with • 3:31.18 on a downhill ltftet ooune {n New Zealand, hu lil'lld up .v.n1 ~ meeta ln ~ !*'Planned 9'opl in Nice, France, Zurich. Swtu.rland, London, C•loane, WHt Otrmah)' and K......., W• Geftnliny mtimt on :.;c=s• m.a m the mue, 1,600. RJtht :;, my maln eoncem la t.o • prepar.e for the 1984 Olympic Games," Scott explained. "I have lO do the things that will prepare me. I think running in mee\s in Europe lO est.:lbltsh myself is more important." Scott's also putting a lot of ti~ and effort into the Sub 4 Club (as in sub-four-minute mile) which includes several other distance personalities like John Walker , Graham WilH.amson and Craig Mashack. All four, of rourse, are sub-four.minute milers. Wednesday's press conference was called t.o announce that the Red Onion would be the "official hospitality headquarters" for Sub 4 Rthletes training for the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. The club consists of about 30 members, most of whom are distance speclalis\s. Among them are UC Irvine (and former Orange Coast College) runner Ralph Serna, who two yea.n ago tinished 18th at the Boston Marathon. Scott, whp owns more sub-four- minute miles than anybody except teammate Walker, currently makes his home in Scotudale, Ariz .. with his wife, Kim and 10-month old son Corey. Because of his heavy meet schedule, Scott said he has had to hold off on his recently assumed duties as assistant track coach at Arizona State University. "(ASU Coach) Len Mlller thought at might be belt.er for me to concentrate on my training.'' Scott explained. "l "m sure he'll find someone elae to help but for now." · ln the meantime.-Scott will be out to better his most recentefforts - Including a dramatic come-from- behind mile victory i.o Oslo when he recorded the fourth fastest mile ever. And that was a 3:48.53. Ten days later he returned to a.lo and he juat Jniaed the world mark with his 3:4'1.69. "I am thnlled that get to swim the event at the World Garnes but you have to be an idiot 1f you don't want to wm." Sue Walsh won the 100 back in 1:03.76 with Libby Kinkead second at 1:03.88. Walsh was competing ln her best event and said: "My goal was to make the team by finishing first or second. I knew if I got out fast and kept it in control I would do all right. "But I'm not used to swimming outdoors yet this year," the University of North Carolina student said. "I kind of got caught up in the lane lines at 25 meters and that hurt my concentration a little. 'Tve tapered down about one-halt to three-quarters of the way for this meet. But in the past, I've done better In international competition after the meet." The first two finishers in virtually all of the 24 eventa during the week are -ured of • place on the U.S. national team to compete in Ecuador. Martinez has allowed no runs and four hits in his last 11 ~ mmngs spread over 10 ap~arances. striking out 14 while postmg three saves. Jobn Lowenstein, who earlier had a single and his 14th homer, pulled the Orioles to within 7-6 with an RBI double in the eighth. RELIEVER DOUG Corbett, who got Rich Dauer to ground into his second bases-loaded double play to end .Baltimore's four-run rally in the fifth, walked pinch hitter Terry Crowley to open the ninth after being ahead in the count 0-2. Aft.er pinch runner Lenn Sakata was sacrificed to second, Andy Hassler replaced Corbett and walked pinch hitter Gary Roenicke on four -pitchers. Ayala, batting for rookie Glenn Gulliver. followed with a two-run double lnto·the left-cent« field gap, and became the ninth conHCUtive Baltimore pinch hitter to reach hue m the ~ game series. "I faced h1m one other time this aeuora " Hassler said of Ayala, who is 5-for-11 as a ~ hitter. "He d(>Ubled that time. too." Hitting in ·Dodger Stadium: It's .easy for WallaeH LOS ANGELES (AP) -Whatever it la about the road, it'a fine with Montreal ri&ht-hander Steve Bogen who hasn't lost a game all aeuon. Wednesday night he earned l'lla ninth win without • lo. on the roed, the 12th ln 16 dedllona overall, beneflttna tram Tim Wallach'• ~le~ double tn the 11th lnnlna aa the Expoe defeated Loa Ancelet to Mlv.,e one pme of the thtte-pme eetiel. "We're not playtn1 well at hom~ (20-26) ao it's a mu.t that we dO well m the road," eald Rosert, the winntn1 pt1dwr' tn the AD-Suir-pmt ind aliD tM National Lelpe'a DA :Seildeir, 2.23 ... , can't explain why we are dolna IO well on the roed ana not w•ll al hotrie, \&Nill • . \ ll'ro.n AP dl1pa&elle1 BOSTOR -Boston Red Sox 1111 'outfielder Dwtaht Evans, who diidoeed last year that one ot hil IODI wp aufferlna from "Elephant Man'• Dlaeue," uy. a llCOnd ton hu an Inoperable brain tumor, acc:ordlng to a publllhed report. Evans' 6-year-okt IOf\, Justin ~ht. ls at a Bolton area tapital where he w. dally radiation tttatment against a tumor at the bue of hia brain, the I)aily EvenlJ\i It.em of Lynn rep<>rted recently. Evans' other aon. 9-yev.old Timothy Scott, has had a aerie• of operation• for neurofibromatolia, an Ulnea ebaracterized by I tumor rwth and called the 0 Elephant Man's ~ Disease after a 19th Century Enffllah patient i who was called the "elephant man. The older son attends echool and is not bospitanzecr. "The man upetairt never sends down more than you can handle," Evans was quoted as saYina. -. "£"vans and his wife, Sue, have a daughter, Knstin Ann, 7. The couple live in Lynnfield, a I suburb north of Boston. : Quote of the day t ~ ~ : .. • Oewland Browna offensive lineman Oo•1 Dletea, at a rout for Hou.ion OOera defensive end Elvin Bethea, a 14•year veter.an: "Elvin ia eo old be bid to u. a jumper cable to pt started last year." • • 'I : ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Meyer's hit Ignites A's outburst ~ . Du Meyer, a product of Mater 11 Dei High, keyed a five-run fifth ,inning with a two-run smgle to lead Oakland to a 6-4 victory over Cleveland Wednesday night. Pitcher Brian •Kingman earned his first save for the A's ... Elsewhere io the American League the ,Milwaukee Brewers rode Bea Ogllvle'• Brand slam in the fourth inning and a pair of Doa Money hom4!rs to a 10-4 : triumph over M innesota : ., . . . WllUe Wilson drove in : four runs with a pair of : singles and a two-run inside- ' the-park homer as Kansas : City erupted for 17 hits and , ~ outlasted Toronto, 9 -7 , i halting the Blue Jays' six- 1 .-,~" t~':: Pa;e\ s=ed · ~o " home runs and Greg Lazl1llld f triggered a six-run 12th UUli.ng with his 12th horner oL the season.. helplnR Ch1cago blast _Detroit, 9-3 . . Mike Torre1 and Boti Swiley teamed to tame Texas on two hits. as Boston earned a double-header split with the Rangers by winning the second game, 6-1. Texas took the opener. 6-3. as Jim Sandberg and Dave Hostetler drove in two runs apiece . . . Muny Ca1tillo'1 12th-inning grounder scored Bobby Brown with Seattle's winning run as the Mariners came from behind to edge New York, 6-5. .. McNamara fired, but Rtd• loH anyway Jtlll MeNa .. rl WM fired 11 Ill ~ al the alum~ CtndnnaU Recll iW.ctMlday by tMm prwlld1nt Dlft Waptr whO li1d the Ra, who had tht beat record In bH•ball l11t y ar, 1houldn't have the eecond-worat thl1 ytar. McNamara WAI replaced by RUH NlllOI, • Redt coach for 1tven ytar1 and man11er In the CtnclnnaU farm 1ytwm from 1970 to 1976 . . . On the fleld, the chan• had no lmmecllaie effect, u WUlle Star&•ll drtlled a plnch·hit 1010 homtr ln t'h~ 1l1hth lnnlnaCto lift PitllbUr&h put the "1redi, S·2 . . . Gtotp Heedrlell dtbve In three runt with a triple and a aJngle and Steve Mura pitched a flve- hitter to lead St. Louil to an *MAMAU 8-0 rout of Atlanta Mike ScbmJdt, Bob Denier and Bo Dlu 1lug9ed home run• to pace PhlladelJ>hla to an euy 7-1 wln ln San Diego . . . Moolde Wll1on pounded three hlt1, includtna a pair of doubles, as New York knocked off San Francisco, 6-2 • . . Nolan Ryan and two relievers combined to stop Chicago on seven hita as Houston ~ged Chicago, 2-1. Baseball today On thJa date in bueball in 190~: Philadelphia A's pitcher Weldon Henley hurled a no-hitter and defeated the Browna, 6-0 in the first game of a double- beadezo at St.. Lou.ia.-lt WU the bighliaht of a aeuon in which Henley went ~-12. Today's birthday.: Philadelphia reliever Sparky Lyle ia 38. Oakland designated hitter Cliff Johnson la 35. Montreal pitcher Scott Sanderson la 26. Toronto pitcher Dave Stieb ia 25. Stephenson's ex-husband to appeal FORT WORTH, Texas -Jan !I Stephenson's former husband.. outraged at the anntJlment of his brief but eventful marriage t o the pro~~onal golfer, has sworn to appeal the court deas1on. "It's ridiculous," Larry Kolb said after Tuesday's annulment ruling by a Dallas judge. "That decision won't hold up I'm assured by my lawyers th.at 1t won't hold up ·· Judge Joe Eidaon'i; ruling came three weeks before a scheduled hearing on the annulment petition Stephenson filed on April 19 -Jes.~ than two months after sh" married Kolb. Neyer, Wyland fin ish 1-2 in diving Megan Neyer and Wendy • Wyland, the 1982 U.S. women's· springboard and platform diving champions from Mission Viejo, placed l-2 Wednesday in the 3-meter prelimmanes at the fourth National Sports Festival in Indianapolis. The women's diving was the first event of the U.S Olympic Committee's 33-sport festival, which runs through July 31 at 19 sites around the city . . The city of Pasadena has offered UCLA a tentative agreement to play its h.ome football gamt!ll in the Rose Bowl. The five-year package, covering the 1982-1986 college seasons, was unanimously approved Tuesday and was submnted t6 UCLA so university officiaJs could decide whether to remain in the Los Angeles Coliseum or move to the Rose Bowl. Television, radio TV: No events 1eheduled. RADIO: No eventa ICheduled. light of the Lasers Sunday rea yachters have heavy schedule this weekend ALMON LOCKABEY l'tlot lloetlne Wrltet Yachting activity along the range Coast faces a busy eekend, involving everything m dinghies to ocean racing mpetition. ma spectator pomt of vtew Flight of the Lasers, red by the Commodore's of the Newport Area ~hamber of Commerce will be fle highlight. The traditional dden-death race involving 100 rs will crowd the bay from 1 m. to about 3:30 p.m. Sunday. e Flight dates back to the lorful Flight of. the Snowbirds hlch started as an annual er event back in 1937. In other small boat action, boa Yacht Club is host to the llllolnan "B" Regatta for 1.Jdo-14s turday and Sunday. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club is the host for the Santana-20 fleet championship to be sailed in the ocean Saturday and Sunday. Dana Point Yacht Club and Seal Beach Yacht Club will cooperate on the Seal Beech to Oana Point race on Saturday. _Nearly 100 ocean racing yacht.a will get the starting signal for a race to Catalina Island Saturday. Southefn CUfomla Yechtlng Auoctallon calendar °'.,...c_., . Newport Harbor Aree Chember of Commerce -Fllghl of L-•· Sundey a.Ne C«lnthian Yechl Club -Santane - 20 fleet ~. SehKdey. Sundey HewpoJ1 Hwt>or-&alt>oe Yactl1 Club9 - Alvnlln9on-Oldtaon Serlee INHYC). lie S«IM (BYC). S.lllf"d9)'. Sundey 8alboe Yedlt Club -UlllTW\ .. B" Regena CUdo-1'4) Seturday. Sunday. Oaoe Point Yadll Club -Anlth Seel 8Mctt lo o.na Point rece. Saturdey Loe~lleecfl SMI 8-cll Yadlt Club -Start Seal BMch too-Point Rece. SehKday. • Paramoun f S p orfJ hnleMcN'6c8.., King Herbor Yedlt Club -Dinghy Oey (<*'lte<t>oercb) Saturday Cllhfornta Yadlt Club -Buoy e ....,,.. (PHRF. MORC) Salurday 0Yerton SerlH (IOR) Saturday. Paclllc Mar1ner1 Yacht Club -lnYen.d Starr race (Stain Serlee) Sunday Saft Otego San Diego Naval Salling Club -Optlml$t ~Ila (boala 30 IMt lf'<I under) Saturday S"ll\ Oleao YllCht Club -S119arloaf rece (IOR. SOHJ!) Saturday. FruM Sarlel (PHRFI Sunday Coronado Yacilt Club -e.,r Summer S«lel (lnYltallonal hendicap) Sunday Cotonado Yachl Club -8arT Summer S«let {lnllitat1on11 handicap) Sunday MIM!On Bey Yacht Club -Summer Serlee (all ct ..... ) Sunday Oceanlllde Yacht Club -Rot4dl S.lee CPHRF) Sunday. DlnglTy Su1!wnar Ser1ae (d Cl .... ) Sunctaf. NOnlt end lnlend Anacape Yacilt Club -SlrlPPt-l<etc.nburg Serltt (PHRFI Saturday. Sunday; third vacation crutae. 11ar11 Saturdey Senta Barbara Salling Club -Summe< S. ... jPHRF) SUnday W•tlake Ylldll Club -SabOI fnvtlallonal Fleg11ta. Sunday Nex\ yor'1 Bolton Metathon wtiJ mark the tnd of an era. In 1883, the race, OM of the laat true one-day major ln~rnaUonal amateur 1porUna eventl, wlU off~r bl1 prize money and be tel.cut nationally. None of the exact dat1Jl1 of future Beeton Marathon1 have been dltcloeed, but th ,..., Utt.Jo doubt that chianRet wl11 be f ortheomJ~. ·· Several companJea already have JU,mped In to bld to bec.'OmC' 1ponaora fol'. the 1983 rare and th~ who win the bids are exp«ted to pump hundredl of thousands of dollan -tome say even more than Sl million -lnto the coffers. . And the bigaett winner of the oommerclaUam battle in the future wouldn't neceuarlly be the runners, but Marshall Medoff, who ha. been hired to aecure the spoNOrt.hipe. "Medoff . . . could pocket anywhere from $500,000 to Sl million from the race, while the BAA (Balton Athletic Allociation), which owns the race, winds up wtth $200,000 or less," reported the Boston Oiobe. The situation ls dlsturblna to many of the ~unners. "Runners like myself have done the work Cor the marathon over the years and ~ver aot a cent for it," aa1d Bill Rodgers. a four-lime champion. "Now, they (BAA officials) ara out raising a lot of money for the race, and someone ls going to make a lot of money, but it won't be the runner." Rodgers, however, agreed th.at there should be a sponsor -~wponaon-end pn~money. "The pnze money is supposed to allow th~ runners to live like human beings," he said. "It S p eedway cycl es a r e h ack Friday Ron Preston will take time off from his British · Speoedway League racing to compete in Friday night's return of speedway motorcycle racing to the Orange County Fairgrounds track in Co.ta Mesa. Alter a one-week layoff, speedway returns with ran appreciation night with special drawings for prizes held throughout the evening. Presµ>n rides for F.astboume in England during the Bnti&t. season along with Kelly Moran, another former area favonte. Mike Bast. the six-tune U.S. champion. broke an an~e several weeks ago while riding a horse and thus will not compete in the handicap competition but will be on hand to ride in the 9CTatch heats and mam event. Other favorites including Alan Christian, Mike Faria, Gene Woods and Dubb Ferrell will compete. Promoter Harry Oxley, who is directing the World Finals at the Coliseum AUf-28, is in Sweden this weekend for the Interconunental Speedway Championships in which Bruce Penhall. Moran and Dennis Sigalos of the U.S. will~ competing with a chance to advance to the world finals. ~g will start at 8 o'clock following a senes of youth speedway prehrrunary events. Gates open at 6:30. , AUNN!NQ DENNIS BROSTERHOUS (runnlns) it a full-time: Job, and we have to traJn ill the time tor It. "It would aolve the hypocrisy of under·the- table payments'' that Rodger1 Hid haa &lven running a bad lmage. • "I can't 1ee them merchandlain& the race and not paying expenses and other money to the top 20 or 30 runnen1," said Craig Virgin. another tamoua long-distance runner. Virgin ddded that ht' thought the priz.e money offered by the Boston and New York City marathons, the nation's top two marathons "1hould be worth as much as some of the top goU and tennis tournaments. "Whlle they are not world championships," he said, "they are top international events." THE UPCOMJNG SCHEDULE of running events m Orange County as light, with the Cypress Community Fun Run lOk Race slated for thia Saturday. The race begins at 8 a.m. at the Cypress Civic Center with an $8 (ee for a T-shtrt and $3 charge Without. - Also, the El Dorado Park 5k and lOk is &et for Aug. 14 as part of the China Cup Series. , The Midsummer Nights Eve 8k run, which was originally set for 7:30 p.m next Tuesday m Placentia, has been postponed and will be run at a ruture time. AUNNtNQ ICHllDUU ... .,,.,, Jtltf ,. CJP'"A COftlmuntty FWt ftut1 tOlll -8eQ1na 8 a m at CYP' ... Civic Center 5275 Orange A.,. , CYP'-F• 19 $8 wtth 1 T-ltwrt and S3 wit.hOUI Fe>< more 1nform111on. c:ontac;t Shefyt PUtYMr 11 1121-9500 luncleJ, Ju1J 21 CllJ of Hewttl«M IOttl AMh..,_, 1Cllt ~ Run -Begin• 1 30 1 m 11 Hlwthe><ne Plaza Mall F• II SS with a l ·ehlrl ~ S3 without with• $2 Ill•'" day of r-. Flat. fNI coure and award• I<>< t0p th<ee ltn1.,_1 _,, eacn dlvlalon f'<>< m«e lnl«matlon. contact (213) 970-7907 ~ AINttlca 1Clel -Begln9 I am In Gntflth P#ll In Loe Angtlel f• le ,7 with a T-lhln and $3wilhout. Lite f .. 11 $1 extrL Fc>t more Information. c:ontect (213) 983-5526. City takes over PITTSBURGH (AP) -City o friciah tentatively approved Wednesday a proposal for the ctty to take over Three Rivers Stadium. The plan, approved 8-1 by City Council on first reading would ahlft responsibility for ma.L"ltaining the 12-year-old stadium from the Pittsburgh Pirates to the city. Daniel Galbreath. president of the National League baseball team, predicted Tuesday the Pirates would go bankrupt if cit y officials didn't approve a new stadium lease. Mayor Richard Caliguiri's proposal calls for the city to take over Three Rivers' operauon and sponsor $16 m1U1on m improvements with the support of Pittabw-gh corpocationa. Johnston &·Murphy SUPER MIDGETS ASCOT UC. CLUI PlUSIMU T-Q MIDGET frl,,. 2J,. , .... AFTER HOURS c .. caeft1y aoft«I or soft "°"e leor+>et. wit+i fij flave leatltet ~ The soft podded .... ~d.nq comfatt "" !lone. NoYy and Ton. H • 9'11,. 12·U w -1'11 .. 12.u _ ... _ ........... 99 Fashion Island ... Newport Beach ... 759-9551 Orni1sr (01111 (111/r,~r Prrstnh ''Everyth(ng in Tennis'' m11wa• ............ FIND Y<U NAPJE rm 2 tickets worth sis Music by Burl Bacharach 1••• 1111 Antlhelm Convention Center: Th.urtday, August 5 through Monday, August 18 Long BNch Arena: Wednesday, Augutt 18 through Sunday, Augu1t 22 • ' I I Wlnnera In todtly'e Ctaealtledel • ' Lyrics by Hal David Book by Ntil Simon Based on tltt movie "Tht Apartmnrt" ' Lapna Open set Sa~ur.day ly CURT IBSDIN or .. ..,,.. ..... lt ha become obvioua that bfech volleyball panntf'Jhlpe an • lot tlk• m&JTtapl. '!'My CSon't alwaya lut, and tt doe.n't take tona for eomeone MW CO pop lnCO the pk!tUN. 1'or lnltance. th4tN a.re the pro bHch tour teaml of Andy rtahbum and Randy Stokloe and Slnafn Smith and Mark Eller. They are now ex-teama. The partnerahlp bit the dust, or la that und? At any rate, when the Cuervo Lquna Open kicka off Saturday morning at Main Beach, all four VOLLEYBALL of the above-mentioned beach volleyball atata wtU be with new partners. Their pl rema1ns the same, however. At stake la $8,000 in prize money, with $3.~ going I<> the winnina team. An elite, 16-team field wtll play a single elimination ~nt. with action beglnning at 9 a..m. Saturday. The finals are scheduled for Sunday afternoon. Last season. the pro beach tour was dominated by the Fiahbum-Stoklos and Smith-Eller teams. But when action begins Saturday, Fishburn will be paired with·Dane Selznick, with whom he won the 1980 World Championship. StokJoe bu joined forces with Smith, who was on the 1981 World Championship tandem. Eller, at the moment. finds himself without a ~r. Other teams figuring to be in the run for the·' money intlude Tim Hovland and Mike Dodd and Greg Lee and Jim MeJlles. Last year's Laguna .tteach Open featured the break-up of Menges and Matt Gage, as each reportedly became impatient for a victory afJ,er several brideemaid performances. Menges then paired with StokJ06 to finish a disappointing fifth and later returned to Gage JO place a respectable third in the 1981 World Championship. The partnership of Lee and Menges resulted in one of the hottest beach volleyball teams ever. back in the mid-19708, and 1976 World Championship for the duo. Top 16 surfers vie in u ·e· meet The world's top 16 rated surfers are scheduled to be on hand to compete in the OP Pro Surfing ChampionshJps In Huntington Beach, slated for Sept. 1-5. Among lhe international set are three-time world champion Mark Richards of Australia, along with countryman Cheyne Horan, considered his No. l challenger. Abo surfing will be Dane Kealoha of Hawaii, Wayne Bartholomew of Australia and South Africa's Shaun Tomson. Amon${ the entries hailing from California include Joey Buran and David Barr. ~ .a>ntest..offem a..1irst pdz.e. of .»Q.QQQ_ and two Dodge Power Ram 50 trucks will be awarded" the men's and women's champions. lei* fw 1lll .. , .. SIOI LOW COST CAT' DOC VACCINATIOll CtllC ., N """"·A-Cn• Rabies ·-.. ·-$3.95 -ont..,.. (DJU.) ........ __ s.us - PlrYO .......... -........ --S5.00..., Dot "5-it-l" .............. ,_MM•.s1.oo- Cat "3-D-l" ... -.................... ss.oo- 001iS llUT Oii 1..EASt6; CATS II IOID, PlWE MISSION VIEJO T11n9J, • zz. 1912 """= l:I0-5:tl ,... ........... 27000 CftWll ,., ,....., -----SAVE COSTA MESA SIMIJ, My 25. 1912 lflMt: J:lM:tl p.a. ...., , •• c.e. 2101 Hnwlhtd. EHGWSIVE OFFERING NEW 1981 •LATE SERIES" DE LOREANS s speeda & Automatics $19,995 DELIVERED Includes 5 Year or 50,000 Mlle Warranty roman ... £1 .. t•U119f llllJIEl ........ IT CEIYD WITH fiilD GLASS DOORS lt't a Deat cabinet wtth glaH an. I calla It. Walnut tln1ab. odju1table ahelfta. You put It topther. (You can too dolt.) . COLUMBll BOMEGUJRD I ...._ SECURITY SCREEI DOOR Tougb.gotth,.. becnyduty tamper-proof hlD1J••· 1/e" extruded aluminum frame. ct.ad.bolt lock. 9,_.. or WC11Clr ftnlah••· 30; 32. or 31 incb. 12997 mEIL SECURITY IUTOMITIC \ PITJO DOOR . CLOSER ' ' I n.-d a few of theH or a good .--.~ 1tlc;lr for the kida. (Pa come quiclr. the door' a got Joluuly agal.D.) DOUGLAS BOSE REELS CART TYPE 22 ~~863 Double 0 ring• for better Heda. YourboHiaa lwaya u andreadytogo. Protecia th• bOM too. BLICK • DECKER DOUBLE EDGE I&" SBBUB llD BEDCE ~ ·2·a•• #1124 3000 cuttl.Dg 1trolrH per minute. Someone Mild I waa writing the ad1 agaln. la that IO? Why la it nobodr..ert•ll•me? .... -~ u ~:~'!!':'" 5•7 uout PAI OF 20 TrM•. all kinda f ahruba. (Got tlred of aaylog it lllretbeboxe1 aay.) BUBPEE GROW FERTILL?ZRS Special formulae for: Vegetabln. flow•rsor Shnabe. r ...... E•ergreena. Wlth a name llke lurpff bow can you fall? 5'7 lO LI. •• 92Y/' WBl'l'E FIR 2 X 4 STUDS U you're doing the addition or U you'ngot eomeone dolng it for you, mak• 1uN tb•r get the good price heN. El. MURRAY MEI'S 2&" MOITEREY CRUISER 68~~ Full foam grip c;onred handlebar. c;oaater bro.Ire, balloooy whitewall tlrH. Anthony ~telllno 1tand1 behind each one. never-in front. RDYJIAMl~S PORTABLE EL£CTRIC AIR COMPRESSORS Plug• in tbe cigarette llght•r outlet to inflate Ure•. toy•. recreational atuff. You got air. anywhere. IZS PSI 12·~SA-l2S 111 PSI 16~GEC-17 •PSI 2a·~LfB·200 PENNZOIL PElllZOIL--- MOTOR OIL ~~ 31wt.88•or. ~"1 98• ,.. • ;I , .. , • WT. QT. --'\ An oily ad It a allele ad and we lllre to nm 1lld1 pric:ee. but tu valuH are not alippery. (Slid• that arO\lDd a bit Horace,) SUJI AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS SUPER TICB D Rang• up to 8000 RPM. worbon4.6.8 cylinder. 4c;ydeor rotary englne1. 2 9 9?cP79Cll UCTIYE TDlllR U1iBT Check yow engine timing. get all thOH little rooldea bring wben they ahauld. 349?cP7SOI • TROJllf DRIYEW A Y CLEllEB 4·~QT. Gh•• your ldd a can ~ thl1. point to th• clri..-uy. t11ue two thnat1. cmd on• pat on e bead crnd IOJI "Go for It". lllTIOlllL LUMBEB 1 GARBAGE DISPOSERS . -1 32•7 l _ , vi 11. 1 .. ,.., ..m1111y. n J ' ~I Vi ... n... , .. wsnatp. 45 ·~. i . ~ 59•7 L Yi 11. r. •• ,.., wsnaty. #SI l , ... , 8497 , ¥. IP. s. ... ,.., tnn'alJ #11 : Yougetalotofmach inefortbemoney. Youdon·t ~ pay for th• nam•. ju1t tu good1. pea ng ol eliaiiC:1fOW that I UH an electric: toothbruah I have to, .. my electrician twice a year. (Nex11). TREATED LUMBER Smooth low aldea. treated again1t mol11ure and dry rot. Got tha1 gr-ni1h look. biliou1 but It works. 214 216 23t UN.FT. 33t_UN. FT. McCLUSKEY MD O' WAR SPAR YIRllSB Fait drying non· brittle clear or satin flnl1h. Laugh• at Sun. Water. Weath•r. but 11 teared to death of c;hidren pecking. QT . 5 .,., w.. 1677 McGRAW EDISON BlllD SAW Pt.c:hloa c:uttlng. 4$ d99ree-tUt table. '80 to 1200 t .. t per minut• •ariabl• ·~·A llfethn• tool. -. ., • i I • • MA..K>R LIAOUI tT ANDtNQI Ametloen L ... ue WllTltlN OIVISl>H w l ~·· Q8 ·~ 113 '<> 670 Kanue Cily 49 42 $3e 3 ChlCeOO 47 43 622 4'A SHnle 48 45 1118 I OPiand 40 5S 421 14 Tea.. 38 52 409 14'' MIMMOte 31 63 330 21'"' I HTWIUll DtVtttOM M1iweuk.. M 37 1193 8oalO<> ~ 38 517 ... 8ellomofe 41 4 I 638 S 0.110.t 411 u s 11 7'. New v-44 44 500 •• , C...,..nd 44 4S 4M t TOfO<>IO 43 38 473 It ........ , .. ._.. Belt-••· ...... 7 Ttau 6-1, eo.1on 3-8 I(.,,_ C.ly 8, TOl'OlltO 7 C111c:ego 8, OetrOlt 3 12 IMlng• Oei.1eno II Cle'teland 4 $Miiie I. New VOtto.., II .-..gt MHweuil• 10, Minneeole 4 Teftiohl'• 0-... Tena 18utc:9* 0·11 •t Hew Yori! 1E1~eon 1 11 T<><Ol'llO 10011 l·SI 11 ClllCegO t8um1 9·41 NadonelLM8U9 WHTIM DMltC* W L f'ot. Ge IMI H 11111 111 42 .&.41 • l50 41 .82t • .. l50 .... 13'4 41 Ill ... lll'A 3.4 ff * 23 IA8'T1MI OIVWOM ~ 51 40 .685 St Louie II~ 42 .6113 1 ~all 41 43 1127 3'4 Monw..i ... ... .1122 4 ..... Yclfll 43 l50 482 .... Chic:eOO " 87 408 15 •••••••n.__ Mont .... 4, ~ I (I I lnnlng91 Houelon 2, ~ I New YOftl I. Sen l'renc:ieCO 2 ~"' 3. Ctndnnet1 2 St LOUii I, Atlente O PNladelpllie 7. Sell DillOO I T..,.eci- Noe--~ AMEfUCAN LEAGUE OriolM I, Anaeh 1 CAUFMNIA iAL TlfllOM •r llbl ef>rllbl Oown41>11 H S t I I 8umO<y C:f 4 t I 0 ear-lb 3 o o o IWd.ct 1 o o o 8eyl()fOh 4 0 2 0 Gulh¥13b JI I 0 Re JcUn rt 5 0 I 2 Ayala ph 1 0 t 2 OeCnc:s 3b 3 2 2 O Rllytro 3b O O O O Lynn ct 4 I I 0 Songlln dll 5 I I I • Oro<:h 2b 4 I I I E Murry lb 4 2 3 1 Foll sa 3 0 1 I lown•ln II 4 I 3 2 Ferg<.osn c 4 2 2 2 R1p1<en u 4 o 2 2 Dwyer rl 1 0 0 0 fO<d rl 1 0 0 0 Otve< 2b 3 0 o o Crowty ph 0 0 0 0 Sekele 2b 0 I 0 0 Dempsy c 3 0 0 O I otall 35 7 I I 7 T 01111 33 8 12 8 lc:Of• .,, 1"nlft9• CelllOtNe 011 000 500 -7 Bathm0<e 000 140 12• 11 OP Celilo1n1e 2 Beltomor• I LOB Celtforn1e II. 81M11m0<t 9 28 R'l)l<9" 2 OtClnc:u E Mutr•y 8eylor Downing Lowt"lle1n Ayele HR Ftrgu1on 111 LOW«11I_, I 141 S Foll OemPMY ~ •Hlill!lllMIO For.eh 4 . .., 9 5 5 3 2 Mlll\ler 0 0 0 0 I 0 Hault< IL 2· 11 ai., .2. -2.. .2.. L.2. I I I I 2 1 .......... Flanegan II 1 5 !I 2 3 Sl ... 811 tW.7·5) ~ 4 2 2 2 4 T Marlt'*Z CS 9) .,.. O O 0 O O Mt/lier pitcneo to 1 beller on 11>e sin 1'18neQan PllCtie<I 10 J bell .... on 11"' 7111 WP Hewer T 2 SS A 20 570 """QA .. ~ .. ~ ... , ,.... 300 120 000 6 10 0 ~10l'I 012 000 000 3 10 0 Hou911 Scnm•dt 1111 and SunObtrg £Cl<eraley ena <Helm.,, W-HOuQh 1-6 l-!e11~ 10·1 S $cnmldt f4) Httl- Te~u Sundbefg 161 H:CONO OAM« ...., ..... ~, Tuu OOt 000 000 I 2 1 &o11on 30-4 o 10 10• 6 13 o Honevcu11. 80ttano 121. OerWln 171 and WWfWlf. Sundberg (II, T0trN. 8 SI.,,..,, Clll end Alltn1on w I orrel. 6 ·~ L Honeyc:ull. 4-11 HR-&o.ton, Ric. fl31 A-30294 "°Y• I, IMut Jert 7 l(enta1 Coty 322 000 020 9 17 O Toronto 021 000 202 1 13 1 Blut. OU<eenbt<ry 171 •ncl S1-..gn1 Clanc:v &ombeel< 12~ OeMn C4), 0 Murrey Cll end B MllfllMt W-Biu.. 7.7 L Clency. 8-8 S-Oul~ 123) HR1-Kt" ... C•ty, Wllean 121. TorOftlO. 8 Mertin.z C41 WNtl C8) A-19, 152 ....... ......,..4 Oelilao<I 000 OSO o 10 6 10 o C-en<I 010 010 200 ' 9 O T Unclerwood 8t•d 171 Owen<n-o 171 Kongmen t7} and M HHlh Oeri11y Glynn t51 Brennan C6) $pillner Clll ena Nano<oo11y W-T UndetwOOO, &-4 L-Qenny. 6-11 S-Klngmen t I) HR-CleYtleNI. ThomlOl'I 122) A-U.404 Wtttt. lo• .. nt-• ) Chlc:eiJO 000 100 020 009 9 II 2 OelrOtl 003 000 000 000-3 8 I l(ooaman. 8etOIU 171 •llCI F1111 UldU' TQblli (II. S-(121 lltld L M p.,,..,.. W- 8erot• 6-3 L To~ 2·5 HR1-011c:ago. Pec:IOlllk 219) LUZtntltl (12) A 24 215 ._.. 10, TwlM 4 Wtweull.. 001 1110 002-10 12 0 Mlnneiaota 000 101 200 4 12 I H .... Flngen (ti 8'ld &immont, VIOia, Borla (4), Wit .. 181 end l.auclner W-Haa1. 7·5 L-V1ole, 3-2 HR1-Mlhweu~M, Morley 2 112). ()QllVie 1221. C MOO<t ISi. MiflnftOlt OMlll C 1&). R JOhnton 1111 A 1111134 lliltftNfl I , Y8ltll-I S..llle 102 OOt 010 OCll-1 10 3 New Yor1< 230 000 000 000-S 10 4 F Btnntller. Ctudlll 181 end S-1. Bulling (Ill. Morgen. R Mty 1111 GOIHQ• (8). G4'idfy 111~ Fraz.., ( 12) and Cerone. W-c.uol" 10-4 l -,rulef 3.3 HAI S..ttlt. 8oc:lltt (II). N .... York WlnfltlO 1171 "-23.Sll NATIONAi. LaAQUm -~4,~1 • ···~ ~llt. ...... :1010 tu.ft 40 10 Owml.c:f 3 I 0 0 Mndy,ri 4 0 0 0 OM, Ill I 0 0 0 ....._. t 0 0 0 Cttr,c :I I 0 O a.r,11 4 0 I I Clldl.311 I t 4 , an.-o,d I 0 1 0 ...... 4 0 I 0 ~.-4 0 0 0 ,._..,. o o O o Qnr,111 IO O 0 ..._,. 1010 ...... 4000 = 4 001 toeoa.c 3000 1000 VINll.P 2010 ~1 1 I 0 Aendl . .ri 2 1 1 0 "-'*'.O 0 0 0 0 TotMI 14 4 I 4 TcMll M 1 I 1 ....... .... 8110-:S-000 OS--4 .... ~ 000 000 •10 00-1 I ,_ "'"'*'· Oft -MonttMI 1, Loe ~a. l09 -Mom1911 4, Loe~ I. l9 -..... WllleCll. a -Olweol\, -:.:--..... • Mtt••to :r=w~re:• ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ I.,,, • .............. • 11111 ._. -_,._., ~ T -l;GO. A -....... ... ,. 1, Qlenl• 2 New VO<k t2t 000 101 9 II I 81111 l'renc:lleo 002 000 000 2 a 3 FllCotle. Oroec:o 111 lllld HO<IQM. lUlley, Le¥ttle (31 8etr tlll HOiiand 11>. 9't1n1no 111 encl llfWlly W-Felc:one. 8-8 L-Luhy. 7 .. S-Oro9CO Pl A-7.918 Top 10 , ........... ...., AlmNCAM~ OAl .. MM W Wll90l'l,l(C 87 2tO af 101 Ml GM«ntr.Mll. 87 211 u 74 .M3 Hfl*l.Mln 11 3 ,. 41 '°' .IS& H.,,.,,,Cle II 351 72 H8 l30 V-t.Ma M 360 U 111 121 llonMll. T 0< 83 2tl 411 II 323 Pec:loNll,Chl Tt 290 31 93 321 LM.Patrlefl,o.t 70 244 44 1' 320 Coopw ..... ... U2 00 112 311 Mc:Aae.K.C. 11 S4I 51 IOI 312 ........ T'llllr11to", c1..,en1t11J, tt Ofllvle . M.....,.M, 22; G. TllOmM. MllWUW. 22. tie. Jeoll••"· A•t•••· 12; Cooper. Mllw ....... 19. ............ McRH, KtlllH City. u , Cooper, MllweukM, 71; Tllom1on, Clelrelend. 10; LWIMlll, CNclloo. It; Yount. MllMull ... 94; 0g11111e, M!lweui-. 14. ......... , . .,........ VUkooACtl ............. 10...; l.IM, .,_.., ,... c.,o ... s.-. 10...; QWclry, Meow Vork, ,_.; !Nrne, Cl\leAaO. M , 81tk•r. Clevelend. 10·11: Clt•r. "lo11on, 1·4; F &etlnlet ... S..lllt, ~·· NA'nOMAL~ e.UllHll'ct. KniQlll,Hlll t2 SS 1 eo 112 313 T.Pina, Patt 79 211 30 93 314 o.-."""" . 91 341 u 107 314 McGee, ,SU. 00 20 I 23 9' .313 IA'* m'1f11 • 11 237 42 ,, .312 Lo Smlttl.SLL 91 34a 71 107 307 Cetttr, Mil M 311 51 N .306 Au ~ S.D. 63 2tt 5a ti :ICM ... ,.,._.,. ... 320 37 t7 .303 M..--.Pef\ II l30 14 100 .303 ............ Klngmen. Hew YM. 25. Mw~. Allentt. 24. C... ~.to; Homer, AllMIA. 11, ~~-........... M.wpfl)'. Atltnta. 17, l(lngmen, Hew YOfll. 65, Cher, Monu.I, 13, Certtr. MontrMI, 81, o.rTW-. ~ 11. ~('20.......) Roge<a. Mo11treal, 12-4. 0 Rollln1M>n, Pttltl>utgll. 1(>-4; Lallet, Sen DlllOO. 10-4, VeJeft&u.i•, D0199en, 1$-7; Fonc:h, St Loute, .. 5; ~. Sen Diego. f.~; CarflOfl. ~ 12 .. UTT\.E LEAGUE ALL·8TAA8 Melor.-111-12-,..,-oldt) 01h11tCt a T(){MNAMINT Al'NI (•I .,_,°" LI.,) . ..._.,.,.._ Sten1on 9 Westml1191e< """-'1(;811 o Tonlgfll'e 0.- Seev-vs WntrntMter Amer~ 7 30 pm 'rider'• o-Stent°" w tonlglrt'a "'4rlnet, 7·30 p "'-MM• (et "'*"'•ood LL) -~·.aco.. Oc:eanv-Met10nal 5 Rob<nwood t TOft6ghl'1a- Foun1e1n Velley So..1n •• Rob1nwood, 530 pm ~---' rlclq'.I.. G.lllm _ Oceanvl4!W NallOnal •• tonoglll 1 ....,,... 530 pm DllTlltCT SS TOUMIA.-Jh AIMA (et llhlloft Vi.+o LMt I Wtdfteedey'1 ~ NO g-tc:t>eoultd Tonifhl'1 0-MISsoon HtA• ... $8ddle~ 5 , 5 p m a.tutcMy'• a-M 1a110 n NQtlh vs M1u1on HllU Saoaltbec:k .....,ner 10 • m ArNO (e11enc-..teu1 Weclne1d91'1 lcott Vteio 5 Laovn• BMc:ll 1 IL~e Btec:ll ~om•natt<ll TOnleflt'•O- tr"'nt Soulh vs v .. io. 5 15 pm ... ....., .• o_ rA1111on South vs Irvine Soulh·VttlO W1rlllltl 2 pm Semon (14-1~-old•) DISTRICT U CH 8""' tat La Guin'-Hitt!) TOft6ght'eO-f0<H11a1n Vet4ev No<th ,,. ROl>lnwood. 5 pm Frldey"e 0- FO<Hll.,n Valley North vs RoblnwoOCI 5 pm INole A l""d g•m• will be pleyed Sarurday •I nec:ess.ryl 1S-Jffl-dd9 OISTlllCT 12 TOUMAMelfT (e1Edle0ft"'9tl) -~··tc:or• Founlem V•ll•y South 14 Huntong1on Vellty 10 tHutltlnQ10l'I Ve//#ry ........,eleell TonlQhl"eO.- founl•tn Valley Seulh vs S..Vltw Sp m Dll'TMCT 54 TOUlllMAmMT (•t twurd hit!, IMMI . ........,. . ._. Seadlel>ec:lt 11 IMne Nortn 5 11rv1ne Honn tlllm<llaleo I T_...,.'•0-lrvlne Soolh "' ~. 7 pm ,,...,.a.-. M1Mloll South "'9 IOnighl e wi......., 7 p m INol• II Mlu Jon Soulll IOIH Frldty eno1n.r geme wlfl be ~ Setu«l•y el 9 •ml u.a. cMmploMhlo.....,. ( .......... ~, ·--=-: ....... 100-t.. Ir• -I Cnrle C...eneugll cs.ni. o ... ,. 50.1a, 2 RowOy G*-(Wet Eegle) 50 21, 3 Robin lHmy (MV Hed1doruj. 50 41, 4 David M= {f\Orlde Aquellc:e). I0.48: •. M4ll1 IHurnc:-1. 51 21. 8 Tom J4Qlf (Plrllw!Wl • 5132. 7 Don Glllll(Florlde ~).II ,1, I NBerrett{~l.5151 200 !1eCk -I Alc:ll Cerey (a.doer Swim Clul>). 2.00 72; ;!. Sltvl tl1·r"IGOll (Hedtdoru). 2 01 ao; 3 John E110• cSttnlordl 2 03 47, • JUM vuuno (Hacltdor .. ). 2 04 09. 5 Ric:~ th19~ (~SC). ~-"· e. MlcN9I ~~ (Clncinllttl .... Mjlrlinl), 2:08 74, 1 l(ytt MM {Aor1d41 Aqullict), 1:<18 06: I ~ Wlleme NildeOOI .... l:O? ... TMlllO lllACI. 360 yerdl llel .. Oelhc:lall (HWI) 11 40 I 00 4 40 SllMI '"1 tCtMgWJ a.oo 4 oo Cuhl4w1 ~ ICltrltRI 3 10 AleO rec:.d Thi RMIO OI Fire, Eley RC>Qtr. Etty 'Wtfvlln9, ZoOfn \t-. MgMn Jet Flylng c~ .... Mr lticll 111n1 T1mt 1817 Jon M11verM J 11t1111 a 1,n111N ll111al4lnl (l(•l•I ·•• •· 1, ·• ,..,,. .. ,.,:'~"C':'-~~ ....... ,.., ................. .,. :>tla). (ftlfflflwl~ HI lllllfdo M1111 (!Wy~ I ... "'4; ~ ll1llt l~lllA) ........ ~===-~··3 ... 1 0 111111 1Ce11llc:·H111hl '""'"" 1wu1 °"""enr• ct.i 11100 wilntlltr -o-lld Mlkl (Aua1t11 2·1. .. 3. 1'4 . l'lollln l eg1toetnll· Anon.y OIUu ·~I) del Hiiia IC1ry flllooetl "9!11lnoet IAllllflll., ).t. 0·3. I-~ , .. ~.~) twtfl4I .._. •lflttM Henrlll lundalroM (Sw4Nllnl dll TomH 8/nld (CHGhatl0111•11). 4-8. 11·4. 7·&, Ille NHl•M 1-.omen111 d1I • .iuf(11 Oh1t111en ~U I.), 1·4 11·7, e.1; H1111a 01t,11tlllldl def. o.r-'°""' (R-). , M.1. • ; ......, Monrarn (lfltllrll detl llOWICI ...... (Swlu.w.cll. 1-7, ....... 1: J0M Loo-M-(~) dll. lrld fklen 1~111111. ..... 1-ll 9tlan T-"" (U I I def OevlO M\llltrd (Htw z.Mndl. M . I-I D.C. Nattonet Ca...lc , .. •-""'et-. o.c.1 ,.,., "9llnd ........ JoH lut1 C:lerc IA•genfu.1) de! Otc• Stockton (US I 1-S I · I ISernerd PU• (Auetr,.j del Slullkt Ven Der ....,_ (8oulh Alr!C:41) 7.5 7-11. V.,. Wlnttllly IU S l ct.I Cnlg WlltUI (U s I •· 3 11·0 RamHn KrllhnM (lnclll l del freeldll •-M , (South Alric:.). S.3 &etnerd ~"II (Fr.,_I ""4 EOdle 04bll• CU S I 8-2 11-3., Mel P..roell (U I .) 11.t Ptndef Yvrpfl)', 71 ... 2. Hiiie Glldemelller IC11119) clef Melt Anger 11-0 11·0. PablO Alreya CPeru) oef Jullfl Avtneleno (Spe ln), 11·3 15 -2 lv en Lendl flPTI& MCL 400 )'8fd• 1caec:11011ovek1•} d el 01110 M.01111011 Frei• (Aemu...,I 12 40 9 20 4 80 F'rtnoe), 6-3. 7'-1, Jlimt f'1llOI' (Ct\lle) ct.I cn1c:kt Nett.,. {Olerluel S 20 3 80 Plkll McN-IAuatrlll•I 7 6 11 7 7 11 P1t.1I• Wrengler 1Ton11a1 4 20 Also r.-1 LOI.. MIU Honey. $h001, F9derellon Cup Erina LuGI!, Qovtl Ju-. T111y1 Gey Go, (el hfllt Ce..•) OMlencl•. MIH Lucky Pua ,.,., ~ ........ 1. Tlmt 20 27 Autlrella J, ~I 0 lllCTH lllACI. 350 VMdl Evonne Goole~~ lo'ualrall•I Oel t<elhJ,I HOC)91Cler1 ... I 22 40 1 00 4 00 Mere.ill• Mttkt•, 11·4. 11·2, O;ann• From,.<>111 Dea ya ChatQt C1rcl IC•HQttl 2 80 2 40 IAullralle) def Me11111ne ven def Torre 11-4 Alw•v• On Top (Toni!•) 3 00 ·~~-wv•M~~ Jf ............. ,. Oolan v ... 41 (I oo °'"°" 01111t1111 v1111e, '' len Oitfo N , 111n f1<flMdO M IM!I~ ''· ""111C11 lt1111 .. ... 111111 Venhlll 81 ~!! VIOff 1111• U. Vtc:IOlll P .. k T 1 """ AnQllee 71, Ofente COt.lllty lie '=" tGtlMlllt (Ht1 11tlen IHMltel) 4 30 pm -Mtlro ,,.. Ooet n I/..., 1 10 11.111. ,ou'ttte1n Y1ll•Y o hn l'ttnlnclo J pm Neved• $191• •I Venlur• 8 pm. Victoria P91k •• OrtnOI Counly tcll~elllp IHMlltf) Hoon M•d l/ellly vs Jr Rtbe11 7 30 pm Oreoon v1 s.n 0te90 t p.m -8ou1n eo..1 ,,.. S..ttlt 10 so I m l.U VegH ••••• VI LOI Anoeilll ........... .,_..,... , ............... , U 8. netlonll -ci.I J...-JunlOf' Al-etw I_,.,, IW. IM. 15-t. (The Wiii -the A1Nr1C9ne' ltllrd lllreigllt) llnllll ci.I. ,...._ netlonet 1..,.,, 11-10 • 11-1.IM. Aleo rM*t• flytnga Eaprteelon. Ms S.Crtl 11-3 CMft, Alilll 14ope, l'relCla FrtllOed«. Jet Ootllllff Wedneeder'• trenaactlon• Set ll•by. BlulnO Jo 8tt Jet. Diamond Wtrtdy TtornbUll-Sut Leo (Auel•.,...I oer •-'fl•ALL Oeehltillt Mtektt·Betly Stove, 6-4, W ._..... lM11ut Tlmt 17 82 ~ OtMf ...,_ BOSTON R£0 SOX -Ac11veltd Cemey a IXACTA 12-8) PeiO '6e eo a. 8we0en 1 Lan1l0td lhlld b"81Nll trom the IS-d•y UYINTM ·~· 400.,...,,. t..m T9nnle dlMbltd htl Pl~ F!etd NIUlota. outllelde< Jodl9 SOiution (Cler-I 11 40 s eo 3 eo • ........,.. lc«9t on , ... d•aebleO ,.., Out Mlgllty Cheri!" (Aemuuen) 2 90 2 80 S e n 0 1 • 9 o -2 7 C n I c • O o 2 6 CHICAGO~ ~81:¥.H<lc:IO< Cruz Gr•-f 1Her11 2 90 llUC*·tieOf--J Alk> r8G90 ~ 0. Lu Oetdly Joan 8tt LOI~ 30 Qelllenel ao OutlittOt• IO IOW8 of I Amertcen Tne Coec:ll. Tutt Cc>py Mighty Ma•cus. F1t1t / AUOC:••llon ()p11ont0 Tom ~. pltc:he• to ApollO 1owa Ac11ve1eo Rtne1y Mettr ptlChef eno Tome 20 711 Scol Thompson oulf1elder trom int ooki are back • 1n catnp From AP dl1patcllH Rookie.. Barry ft«oddrn and 8111 Stthtold. th Loa Angeles Ra ma' top two draft plckl thi. year. wcr<' ~k on the pr.ctlce field W edn f.'1d ay . a c lub 1'pok esman said R edd<'n . o r unning b111c:k fro m th<' University of R k hmond w h o WllS a hnt-r o und pick, had s uff<'red a 11 l1g hlly 1 train e d hamstring in M o nday's opening d r ills at Cal State FuUenon. Bechtold, a cente r from Oklahoma who was taken o n th third round . h ad waJked off the practH·e fi e ld M o nda y. apparentl y without telling anyone where he was going. Bechtold r e turne d to the team's Fullerton State training camp. however, after meeting w ith Jack Jo'aulkner, the Rams' administrat o r of f ootball operations. "It was a pnvat.e matter," said tnm 11poknma.n Jerry Wilro Al.so W ednesday, the Rams pla<.'ed veteran u ght P nd Henry Chi lds on the unable-to-perform lts t Childs missed half o f last season w 1h a broken foot. and the' mJury hasn 't com p letely healed. W 1kox said Padre player to have drug treatment 12 IXACTA (7·SI p..a $13 40 dist~~~~HATI REOS fHed John EIOMTH tlACI. S50y91dt Mc:Nemere ma,,eger •"d nem•O Rull SAN Ul.l!:tiO (AP) -San ~~! ~W.,:i,'"I 1 oo ~ :g ~:g ~::.:'ht::~ rep1.u h"" foeo Joe Diego Padre:. outfielder Alan Vtk•nQ CoOy 1M11cntt11 4 20 NEW YORK METS -Achv•leo Hul>ot W1gg1ns volunteered to enter a A-tKeO CIMdo• Crtttgtr &.,-Our Pal Broot.a tnird ~en frO<T\ 1ne IS dly f JI h Pet ~ "-'" Pretty se1tt O•HD•eo losi end seni P"" -.Aa,,•ows•• treatment program o owing IS Time ~7 4t MAIM. 1nlotlder outr1gnt 10 l 1oewaler OI lht a r r (' s I w e d n e s d a y f 0 r a DACTA (2-41 P9IO _'3e40 ~.,..,.. 1n1 .. ne1tona1 LMQut 1 nvest1gat1on of possessing a PICK 1141 14-1-e-2-1.211)81(1 '7.«000 w L °' OA •,... FOOTSALL cocaanl'. said Ballard Smith. Wtth four WW'lnlflQ llClltll lflVe 11or-1 S2 C-17 I 115 341 l50 1!50 ~ f'.Mlt>ell l•-itut Piel< s.. comoutllon p..o $168 00 ""1h 59 Toronto 12 12 43 3e 3& 107 SI LOUIS CARDINALS Cul J•me• president o f the Nauonal League wtMtnQ 11Cket111our 11or-1 Montreal 13 10 3e 32 31 105 -.Aen.,d wide rect!Yer team NINTH lllACI. 400 y91d• ClllceoO 8 111 38 50 35 ,11 Un+tH ...... Foetbell LAetut w . 24 h II '--Slr Ronhy(lec:lley) 1100 6 eo 4 20 ~ DrlletOM Bf AMINOHAM s TALl IONS 1ggm s, • w 0 WI not ~ S<ahn Sia (Fryday) a 40 9 40 Fon l..IUdttdeie 15 11 53 at ... "' Announc:eo IM r1111>11n•1'°" 01 James '-A with the team w hile undergoing PHI Em 8oy (HWll 6 00 Tulle It 11 U U 46 1 IS OoulO Pf"tdent et>d gtf'8<81 tnen809', lo 11190 rtM»<I Ooh L• ,.,.,,.. Skip Congo, T8fTl98 e.y 11 1& 40 114 35 99 _,,,. MM>r v~ 1>1••1oem •or 11n•nc:e treatme nt, was rc lC'ased on $2,000 w o1•110v111 Snec:ky Boone. KtlOedo 80 J~ 9 t5 ,,.. ._ 2t 63 end eamln11•r•t10l'I ol Wullt"OIO<' Foo•b•• bail thr'~ hours after hts a,...._l Mooo • neTIM ~ Parlnera end' prestde111 or Capnel C11y ....,.h Sa • •..,. r-. 2037. v......-10 1 43 35 35 t21 51>«1• M~1. ,,,. gener•l per1,,., 01 in a nort east n Diego business ~1~A.~ ~-~ aa&.40. =: ~ ~~ !~·: ;: ;: !~ ,.,. ~=g'}g:'':.1-=.,80 Ott;11 M~• arepa a t 2:30 a.m . Sellnle 11 12 49 38 40 1~ 1)111«111 me,,..... eno senlOf vrce p1ee1~1 0 I i C: t' s p O k e s m a n B I I I Def MllF Por1lend fO 14 32 31 21 14 PHILADELPHIA Signed Sieve Rob d h w· · WIDN91DAY'I M9"'.T'I Edmonton 11 15 211 48 25 flQ furn111s defensive hilt coach IOSOn S8I t al 1gg1ns was ~111ot~1t1ot~-1.,.1 • .....,. • ._.. arrcst<'d by two officer s who lfltT lllACI. One,,,... Mon,,_, 1. Por11tnc1 o IUtio...i ~:; L.Mgue observed a c ar dnvmg on K earny ;~:1~:::.:,~1na1y1 920 ,:~ :·: v-~Ctllc:llgo~ NEWYORl(RANGERS -S.gntc1Cnr11 Mesa Road. and n ouced the 8 Doug IHewley) .......... Reneuo and 6teve R<hmono derensemen d "i 4 eo c--.. T0<0t110 10 ,, .. egent c.ont•ecti river toss something out of the ISO I~ WeltrlOfd 811y. Loll., EllQ .. r-;::================================~-~~1~~~0~~~-----------0rntNI Mll<t H-e.ien Sand. Gr-CIOu<I T111)1ent Pec:lfic Morn ''-137 llCOND llACI II fu<IOngl f8MN hiWWWlfS"""'9t ~n------1 lltflltn l~arrOl'I) 3 20 2·eo .... 1mpr .... .,. 1a .... re1 .. 80 Alao •KIO Tov TlmH Mirege Ot•• Pro,,.tH, Ledy Of Sl•tua. OM On Tl•• HouM 8utal And Run My Slww>g Leay. Ramblon1 Luv r..,.. 111 a DAILY DOU9\.I I 7 7) o-iG 540 80 nM0 ti~ I 1118 mt1es F~ IV•lenwel•l 5 IO 3 00 3 00 FMther Aewwd (McCarronl 4 00 3 80 l yM 1 Fancy CSlblllfl 8 20 Alto rec:ed ~· Lil. Loggie. Strey A Uttle Nuly N.,.,,., Pei.ii. F•.1 m a..n1v THM 1U 415 • UACTA (2-101 e>atC1 $43 Ml '°"'"'" lllACI. 5'' ""'°"O• Halftbll (McCtrron) 12 20 7 20 4 80 ~ 1cu111n8CU> 21.00 11 oo Gentlemen Bled• (Dtl~I 4 oo Alto rtc.eO Onl E,.O Romeo. George M • HOnlO, 0.-9/t Metl. Hono< Her Offe< L Chicle. 80IO Hor110M. ~ Pego, Al 1(1\elil• Ttmt f 08 FIFTM lll&CI. I 1116 mlleS O<\ turf Eng11sh Girl IDlhD)'I 20 80 11 00 7 80 Sere1o~e Roalt (Mc:H911JU8I 10 20 II'<> Nancy I B•by l~J) 5 00 Also reced 1/1110 Oultl F'lign1 Otlmouo. FKe NOtlh MIU!ng In Ac110n RldndouDle Loweke Gattie G~ M0<re Tome I 44 llS SS EXACTA 16-41pe.d17~ 50 lllTH lllACI. 5'> futlon09 EcllO Gtende tS"°""'81<er)13 40 7 80 15 20 Meuo IV-tuef•l 23 eo fO 60 1nnetJM1 &tettr (MoCarron) 3 ..a. Aleo rl!Ced The A>lt &ltd Dec 1 Mtft ~ Crown The Emper0< RoY11>11 8oy Don't Peruc wingco Royal Ari. Haan. lotnt I 04 llWNTH llACI. II furlongs Alplllt Glory IHewley) 3 80 !I 20 3 00 Mt» EIM (&i.clol 4 20 4 20 Funnf Onl ISll>ll .. l 8 'I. Aho rac•d $wttl Myalery Lorn GOOdMM 80lcl And WllllflO ftme 11021$ • RACTA 13-41 p..a $53 Ml I 12 fl'tCI( ... (74-e-&-5-3) p.io $32,().M.00 #flh th,.. Winning lleket• (II• 11or19l S2 Pick Sta COl'ltol•tfOl'I ptld S5111 80 Wllh 62 wonllif'IQ tlcil'41 (flvt llor-1 S2 P>ek SI• 1ere1ch coneollltlon ~ Sl,553 60 Wllh ,..,. winlWlg 11Ck41ta (ICKK hO<'Me °"9 tc:r•IC:h) llOl4TH llACL 7'it IU(IQn09 °" lurr 1 ne 1,ep1111n 1M~rrOl'll 11.20 4 00 3.80 Su" W0<1lllp (Plnctiy) 2 80 2 60 Kerren (HIWl9y) !JOO Aleo rKed Sclu•r• Your Hat, Belcl•le &id. c;ec:1t lll 81Mll, forebev, Veletl. Htlenla e.... Timi 130 NIWT'H ~•. 1'it ~ on 1url CrMllo• (~tr) 4 :lo 3 20 2 60 Telle The Flo« (Culentcl•I 11 eo 6 40 Swinci Tiii Ollwn (~l 4 20 Allo 1 aced Pollyll Ru let. Guech•n Adv0c:elln111. King I Flneltr, Aclc:OUllic:.t Time !'311 '41b .. IXACTA 10·1) Peld 112900 Atlencs-. 24,744 • on Golden West Airlines when connecting to American Airlines With riew 'Jet Plus™,, Joint Fares Now when you Jct on American Airlines between Los Angeles and 46 m2jor U.S. cities, tht Plus ls that your Golden West ronncctlns flight from Orange County Alr- pon only costs you an addition.al '3~ when calcubtcd wlthln a joint fatt. + .. Jct PlusT•" Joint rares a~ available cvcryd~y on c~ry msht. (With upe.r Saver fucs. restrictions apply.) One stop ticketing •nd automatic bag- gage transfer. • + Golden West Flights a~ opcra1ed with jet powered 48 passenger Dash 7's and 30 passenger SD-330 turboprops. featuring a flight attendant. ~verage service and overhead storage bins. + Avoids LAX constructio n, traffic and parking. Call your Traftl Agent, Golden West Airlines or American Alrllnes and ask for .. Jct Plus"'0 Joint Patt . Tll t'..\MIL\' C'l•<'l'N . by Bii Ktant ... , .. "I con see why frogs don't dance much." "Stlll dettrmlntd to makt 1 big 1pl11h In show bl1, I ltt." ,_,\R,..\Dl'KE b) Brad Anderson DE'.\'.\IS THE ,_E'.\.\CE Hank Ketchum .. "Mom! Mom! We're In trouble!" Jl'DGE PARKER C>\AY TONY' YOU MY FATHER'6 ON T~c;()NNA BE e.ACK PHONE , CHAALE'I ' T P. DINNER 1 HIM I WENT OUT F0 A L..ITTL.E ffie5H AIF"I ' --~-~--5) ____ .JTM_, -~-·_.. 1·22 ,_00'.\ ,_l.LLINS ,...,_.___,,.......,,.-------. ® ACROSS St Old Biiiey 1 Erect tent• 12 -end 5 legend donf t t Herring 84 T et• -- 14 lJy plan! 65 Conllne 15 Ucaedeo/ 67 PurpOM 16 Teuutwtne 70 Celtic toogue 17 Comput 71 Rall bird tlendt 7 2 Italian peek 19 S..'t 73 ML Middler conc:«n 7 4 Jug 20 Atran 75 Aemllndef money 2 I AllQw DOWN ~ Aeclt• 1 T llegrll'll 24 Went In 2 Strenge 27 o-.t 3 WW!tome 2t a.gn,1ng 4 Writ• 31Sounda 5Pouch 37 HOUM ptlf'lt 1 Highltod• 3t Motionlltt e PrOC*ty 40 ~ t WMll_,, WEDNHOArt PUZD.E IOLVIO rOle 42 ., ... CIPlttl 10 ~ 33 Hence St OrCMM 53 Pt1t• 55 Dignity 57Colltri ~E'ALL Y, NOW, SIR-- )'oUR SCRIBBLING FIVES oN THIS ON£· DoL.L,AR BILL DoE:SN1T MAKE IT WORTtl MO~E . t ' 3$ Attan41c qpe 8 W't1o19 •• aootv 11 cn.1 '°""" ~ e~ ' 45 Cont.in. 12 l lndlln 3$ CUf'Vt 51 Fr. leglllll\lt't 5t Smooth 1o...tt---t--+- 47 l'Wpon .... 38 Mt a-... .. Ct.. ,, ~· al Don IO Go~ II~·· "°"'9 •1 Moy,_,,.,, u....... 22 CdOf ~ lilted MAI ... 25~ 4fAMI• .. .... 2t TUff pllCI .. ''Kint Leer'' eo Frenct1 rt. ltleewout ~..,_.--+.._..-.. 13NM MMkle .. ,.,,,... " •JuelUe by f erd & Tom Johnson NEITMER DoES MARKING MIGMER PRICES ON THIS CAN or: PS,A5 !.' Ot• a. OAILV '91LOT/Tt1Vrtdty, Juf'f 11, 1tll by Tom K. Ryan .--~~----..-., •• IF I VIP, 1''1HAVe10 6f?T ANP _...,. SU•8 r Kl&.,.! ~t=SSEP-ANV 1'H~ES NO -1 LOOK1'N:IN'IN PLA.Sl f'AN1' ~ 1'1G-eNO°"Hl ---- 1 ANPAS YOU CAN see, "_DCIOR; YOO wtL-L-ee \)UPGl!P ... RIGHT NOW HE'S STUDYING CHEMISTRY by Ernie Bushm1ller ._.E 15? HE'S READING THE LIST OF INGREDIENTS ON A CAN OF BUG SPRAY 00 'iOU MINO If I 5'foP ~£.RE ~NO RE.~1 ~OR ~ W"l\.E., OAO? by Kevin Fagan Rt-S1'?! \JE.'RE NOT ~~EN OlJi or OOR ow~ OR\'J(I&)~~ '4E.I !! by George Lemont ' • ,_ • • \ • f' " MtCla l11M•1 ~. lliG. ot livtne 1xplnd1d marktttna. 1n1tn1er,tn1 and manUlllCt\&lini de..,._nta to wpport Ua automatic dJak1iie copl" prOduct line. Tru11mtttoa Pl.-..elal hrvl0tt relocat*S ltl .... ottte. to 1700 Adami Av.., Suh• 201. •office wu formerly at 2792 Harbor Bouleva.nt. 'BrancA man11er 11 Ont Wl•Hl for the rlmary lendln1 1ub1ldlary of Tr1n1amerlea poraUon. Eno kUlaoa, whO Medtd the IMineerlnl deplrtm nt, becomt• vlce prtttldent or pr~uct plannlna and ~h and development. Loretta 8lalD of Colt.a M ... lflduated from • a_peclallied mana11ment trafnln1 pro1ram ct>nducted by Satc0 Co1mttlc1 Inc. ln o.llal. Davi• 81dH Joined MST .. director of •natnMl'inl· JM wd eenior hardware •ftlinterlnl manapr at Buie Four lnformatioh 8~tema. Tht company namtd IUcllar• Monllle director of manufac&urln&. He wu erevlou1l.)' manufacturlna mantier at Ba* Four. lcott BW1 WU named ~ (>t produe\ marke&.lni. He WU reafonal Al• rnanAf9I' tor Advanced Mlcro Devk.w. Tile Soatllera California Cllapttr of tile Coaatructlon 'rod•ct1 Maaafaetueu qo1acll named Lea Maynard neclplent pf ill annual Ed l.awtoD Memorial Award "for profeatonal.lsm and support to l\owlaad Clltw haa been appointed vlce president ot operetiom at Arelllve CorporatJon, Co.ta Mesa. He hu been with Racal· Vadic, Inc., Sunnyvale, u vice praident of operation.. the organlt.atlon." Winner of the award lo '974, Maynard&. with American $tanclard, Modemfold Dlvtaion and Saahco, Inc. of Buena Park. Trantlerra Exploration Corp. of Newport Beach •nu.ounced today the 1ucce11ful completion of tta Cltfes-Universlty No. l well ln Andrews County. T~xas. · The initial 24-hour production rate on pump was 101 barrels of oll (lnd 11 of water. Total depth was 6,540 feet with perfor11tiona in the Glortetta ronnation between 5.928 feet and 6;o47 feet. Mlulon Viejo National Bank appointed '{lmotlly E. Wa11011 vice president, director of · cM.rketing. He was formerly with Eldorado Bank. j l!ac Fed rents to travel · agency IThe Costa Mesa Travel JiUr.ency, for 17 years localed at 230 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa, will move to Suite 129, 1901 Newport &\vd., in the new Pacific Federal bL&lldlng on Aug. 2. According to Don McGowan, princip(Ll owner, the agency will be moving from a site with 1,600 square feet of space to one with 2,600 Marilyn Gibbons is office manager. According to McGowan, the agency la probably the oldest ln continuous aervice with 27 yean along the Orange Coast and the largest in one location. It employs 14 , and wlll have computerized and audio-visual equipment at the new location. L 808 LOllGPR• ,.A.Illa 7 12 5 01 GMAC . • 70 A.P.A. LEASE RATE 't '82 sz 1701 '82 CAD. s39910 i TRANS AM .t:~ ELDORADO . "1:. • EXAMfLE s/f> J~ EXAMPLE ~ ; r-·. ·~ : 462-;;J. I' ' ' .. pmtt of 1211.01 • I•• I " 02. '°' IOUI OI sno.os,. "'o CllP eoet 111.157. -MOOG. II. 119$ Sec : ~ 1475 00 pio.,. '230 OCI 1111 pnll TOl ~CO dll 4'""*-f/l .... IO •l8a la2.iiM IOUlel-t.Hpe1 -c.. .... ,,....,, ......... .,.., Uc. ... SIDI. -__.,ns.,. .. 1n .... ,...._1or.-• ,r-... 11.o.1a.-1 c-·.,_,,,...,. , .. .-, I -Offer explr8S July 31, 1982 I IMMEDIATE DELIVERY••''"'"' IMll WE LUSE ILL lllES Ill MllEU. Clll 1111 U•IPIE. L BOS LOllOPR• L•A•lllG 7 13800 Beach Blvd., W•tmlnater, Calff. 714/892-8851 714/131·2500 Private SJn l lemente communitv with priva te beach and pnv<1te -.1".1111 and tenni~ dub 117/s% Financing Att now. (714) 498-2830 (213) 277-9470 If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in~ Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- vlser wl 11 help you tutn your whee-ls into cash. GET ''ON· THE-GO'' COMPUTING POWER ~ conrurn -...1 ~·· New Pocket l:alnputer wtlh --4-Color Prllder/Cassette Interface • Our Moat Powerful Pocket Computer Ever-Alvala Many Desktop Modela In Power and Speed • Eully P~le In Extended BASIC • PrtnterlPIOttei Proellacft Alphllnumerlca and SUperb Gl'llphlca In Black, Red, GrMn and Blue • lf'ltet19ce Leta You Store and I.Gad om u.mg One or Two o;ttoriill C11Mtte AecordeN ftad1e lhaek :P.hone buy plan delayed SAN FRANClSCd (AP) -Tht CalJfomla Public Utllttltl COmm1M1on hu delayed at lHlt two week.a 1etlon on a plan ,Svtn, Pactflc Telephone cuttomert the option of bu)'in1 their telephone equipment. The PUC 1ald WednHday lt wanted lime to ttudy the Laue ln an effort to reduce ootta to the public. The plan, If approved by the PUC, would apply to .tnale-Une aervtce and allow a cu1tomer to elthe~ buy telephon, equipment or continue to rent lt for a monthly fee. Commlfl.l°""r Richard Gravelle sal~ he would like to eee the.ooet of the phones, eapedally for equipment already In place, u low as JX*lble. He ask"'ed , and commissioners agreed, that the PUC staff be instructed to contact Pacific Telephone officials about possible price reductions. The In-place equipment price .ranged from $25 for a standard rotary phone to t66 for a Touch-Tone Trlmllne phone. New equipment w-0uld range from $35 to $75 for the same types of phonee. The current£ntal la $1.09 a mo th for standard rot ry and $1.68 for the standard Touch-Tone. F~d botching the job? Investment adviser angry over tight money By JORN CUNNIFF Al ........... NEW YORK -It la th traditional wildom: Wt mU1t iw.p a tlaht ,np on the nation'• money 1upply U we .,.. to llck Inflation. It hu ju1t bten ~afflnntd by Paul Volcker, the bis man ln rnoMta.ry policy. Unln:iprt11ed and an1ry, John W~t hope1 for the day when policy wont be IO hidebound.>.. he h.aa for monthl, he tel.la clienll of Wrf&ht lnvettore' Service, Bridgeport, Conn., that monetary policy ls aU wrona. But fil"lt. the conventional wildom. As practiced by the Federal Retlerve Bo.rd, of which Voltker ls chairman, monetary policy .eelu to llmlt the supply of fund• to the economy, the purpoee being to purp inflationary demands. High Interest rates reflect this effort. They al.o illustrate thl manner ln whlcti demand ia redUL'ed. With mortgage rates at 17 percent, carryln1 charges on new houae1 are far beyond the pocketbook• of moat Americans. Demand, there- fore. and the con- struction to meet Cu..¥, 1t. are near thetr lowest stnce 1946 That's the moet familiar ex.ample, but there's a long list of others, all related to tight money and resulting high interest rates, all reflectlng what pollcy-maken feel is a need to leuen demand. Eventually, policy-makers say, ~e country will learn to live within ita UlCOme, seek to consume no more than is produced, adjust to less while producing more. AIJ demand lessens, savings will rise, providing more capital for investing in production - rather than consumption. And inflation and lnteresl rat.es will come tumbling down. ' J.t• ,,,, 4 -~ U IJ"'- M >'-... lh ., J ... DI! n "' 11l"t ,, ,..~ -~"' " "" J''• J~ 2"' n~ ,,..., 17"" ,"' ,. 5'I. .Sb " 11'-~ ,._ 10'1) I I ""' 14'-)l'rJ n~ . . ... 1r .. " , . , ... I'• , ... 15'At "'" '~· '~ IJll, I)'> IO w • 10 ... , ... 7W ••• '"• ,..,, t·~ '~ ...... 15'· JS~ 10lw )I '"" ""' ?#, H l''t H• 10 10''\ ) l'O '"' ISl'o Ntv-IO OKtin.d "'"'M!QOCI TOUI IU'°" ..... ~'''" ...... ""'5 TGl•I "' .. '"" ..... J ~ Ju l•fl 11 .S Ht. ~1C::h 11'•~ 12".~ JP lnitO 1 J5 1" JlnV'I • I 1' HL ~Hencoc-· ll01ld IU.S IJ 1 S °"""'h I.ti • 11 ¥so.. us• oe .. e.ect•H ~ .. HL Q-"-lncom 1 JD 1 11 GrM •·•IOU HI Yid 1..0 •9 0. 11111Fd IO 911 11 0 """'' . .,.,, Olleft 11 '1 12 •• tumm " 00 " .. T.O. IO,OI IOU TOI RI I 1.19 11 J• USGlll I.ft I U IQl~lpftt Meo· ti I), .. M 21 wt C!lt IS ti 17 Jt ...... 1 SI ~Kt •• 7 '1 ICI HJ 6 U SI 104 1'21 Sl ...... CusS4 47' Sit ,,,..,,., , •• 24 Ta•l'r uo • " Mela IO OJ 11 OI Lt1CllWIG11 Oto: ~[.dr •• 10.tl ON~ J·t! "t Or• J.ii ~L "9ltl 1l14 NL U...-IUD NI. .._...1$ef!M Clllt IUD NI. Mio& tdf NI. 1111 Wlllll ....................... Jonn Wl'l1ht, wbcle orpnbaUOn advt.ee lar1e lnatltutiona and handlM t.ruat department pol11oli09 tor bat'\kl, feel• Federal Re .. rve policy hll condemned \he economy to • limbo from which it will be d.lffiq.llt to rile. That la, unlee. the Fed dw1p9 ita money-supply polley. A.a he seerm to view the lituatlon the economy la like a dehydraMd penon crying for water in the delert; lt ls literally dyt~ for lln11IAttv Over the put 20 yean, Mys Wrtabt, a tremendous ahortfall of money hM developed. "To put it 11mply," he uya, "there ia just not enough money available to meet the needs of out economy." The evidence ii clMr, he •YI· In 1961, M -1 (mainly, currency ln circulation and checldn1 accounll) equaled 27 percent of aro-national product. By mld-1982 it had fallen to leu than 15 percent of GNP. "Measured from 10 yeart a10,'' Wright stat.et, "M-1 la now amaller by $20 billion." The economy grew, he says, and the money supply shrank. But, aay the support.en of Federal Reserve policy. to inc:reMe the money supply would reignite inflation. "Clearly fallacious," aays Wti&ht. There is no exce11 of demand remaining ln the economy, he uy1. "With the nation's capacity utilization at 71 percent (It hu since fallen undtt 70) and unemploynwnt at the highest level since the 19308, the U.S. is far from a situation where more money would engender demand-pull inflation," he uys. "In fact," he continue•, "more mc;mey and lower interest rates would make it possible for businesa to modernize and expand, contributing to a reduct.ion in 0011l~push inflation" by lowering production costs. I 1 l • s • 1 • • IO " 12 IJ ,. IS .. " ,. ~ JD oJt 11 Jn n 1 lil ZI ) )II 14 " ZS SI » l1.0 1 500 111 u..,•. , .°'t Pct I.JO ., , . . ) uo »• I.JO us U0 n I VII U I VII 111 uo ,., 1'-• '" 1 • "' 1 .. 0 •• 1'~ 1J.i. •Sil S1* • '--Vo Ii.I Up ,. 1 J•, to , ..... , .... µ., •• ,.., Up "1 U0 IS 4 2<. • "' Up IS.O -tP.1*-.. +,. Up ••• I.JO 1'.J 1 ''• \t • '"' I.JO '•~) , • t . I.JO lU VII 1U Up 14.J Vo "J VII U t Uo IJ, Vo IJ 0 U. 11 l Vo 112 uo 11' 1 • • .. 1 .. '• ) . "' ,,... . ' 4114 • "t J•4 + .. ...... ,,.,.. . , .. ... . , DOWNS ..... 2'• ,., )'') f 1"' l''\ 1 ... ) . S\oo 1 10'' 10 q 1'. 11''> ,., 11''1 11. •• • U'> s ... s•., 1"'-1 .. •'• .... a,.. OH Pctu > I Off nJ " Oii 11.• "' 011 11• > Oft IS 4 '-Off IS o ~,. ()fl ,, ' I Ott IJ J , ()ft 11 s ... Oii " s '• Off t1 t , •• Off 10 ' )'• on 10 I 1 011 100 11 • °'' 10 0 ,.. ()ff • 1 '• 00 • 1 1'• Oft t I 1', ()ft • 0 '• Oft •• t·~ ()fl •• ,, Oft • s ., Oii • J .. Oii • J '• Oii • J " Oft • J "' oo • , ;· a.1• Htl w... Ntl .... , 111,1 .. "°' Htt .. ,.. ,..., ...... '""' cri. ,. I 1141, i:1o" "" ,. I... (It.. Cllt ,. I .... Cit.. ,,.. , I'* ci.w Cllt :a ~:.,!!!~ ~~. ~=·~· . ..: ,,::. ~ =~:t ·f" ir~;:· ~ :::1-"~,'~'1~ :fJ'"'· ... ._ '.c:c:.:1a• 'tl ,t~ "" '-'"' · = .1., . ~ a-Jr1~ ;" ~~ t;' , : : 1!: s~:i:: '. j u:. ~ :;;~!'. , . :: :: :: • 4.s: :r-; ~ I" I'* , .... Cllf fl ' \1 11 •'-• '" Hti I f t4 !Mi~t •!IOI ''?: f 1 ;; .. • -,. \ It\ I • ¥: 1,JOl1 .. 1 , .~_+'.'l-0 ~~I 1J01, -~ t •"' :._AL ,• fl~·:..~:·· tOIOtt 1= 11' ==~It' J41 I ~:~::.~~. • • •1llW. i,. at ~ \.\ ~Tl=. n~· t: ~·,··' :. l '1 ll:. ~ ii j"~:·H~Hf rt~.i--=¥.43: -! 1 ~: ~ =:::o .n :':: i.ti: ~·' I ,,.._ ~ f .. • t ''-•"' 9' 9· 111..... 4 7'• "' lt'i . \oo+"' ll'lllM .. 1 "-"' 11~ l~~.J} ~! 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MlrOCl> tO • f \, PSEG plS • 1100 »•, "> tlOyrw s 1010 ~.._ >~ ',_ .., Chf7\I pf. tO 40 :121, e:u .. c -• 41 •• , .. ,, llPo• Df• 11 1110 2''>• ••• Ml!llll" • ., ... n PSEG pf2.11 • ,. ... " Tel.. 10 ,,,. ' '• AIOTtl" I • S IS II• ""' C ... mSo ., 11 J/1 101 Eflr1,,. 64 I " """ '° ""'°"""'"" 41 iJOO JI Ml"a<C >to 141 U •,+ "' PSEG pf6., tJOO •I ' .. hnllCo ) .0 • 1111 7lll. • '• AllllCll ~ ll'.t .... CharlCo I 430 I" '-Elhyl I SO S 14' ""'° w ITW I QI t 16 H"-• 1., MoPSv 111 , )9 II'\• .,_ PSEG p114l t I•">-"-Te11e pr 11 .0 I• , , AlltC.ll PO. 4 U.-.. • 1 Cllarl wt 121 l"', "• Et1171pl1 40 J Hiit +Ill> lmpfC:. t • "' MoPS pfJ.. J t•Vi• -., PSEG pf7 10 IS. S,_ • "° TtllC Ii' 1 Cl t S.•1 AllrAv 1 4t 1I 4 ,..,_ Char1 Pl 1 U IOI tlf> Ely pl8 4 12 ~ • \oe INCO 10 )"90 ' , .... Mll•I 11 JO.o It"'• v. PSEG ptt Of 1100 SO • '' Tetad'ff' ll '" l>"' • ~. Alpf!Pr lO ulJ .. ' '" CheMI l 40 J 100J 3'"-ft EvenP Ui I ., "'' ~, lllOIM 11f1,I•., 1tOO ff Mobll s 1''1 n,,._ ,_.. 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U'lllrdl ,2SW 11 1''-• l't a.rnGo tO" t l2\oo -C,...z .. 2 )0 t l21 11 Getty pl I 30 10 1J -y, Lt•rio 1 SO S 100 1..,, ()1'61pl 4 5' rlOO 2' -l s .. 1Pw 1 'Z I .i5 12-. + ~ Ull..., ti • 24 IS '"' ::::rpf ~ C: 1 = ~'-' '' CrZel pl 4 t:1 4' ll._ •~ Gl-P l SI>\ • LteRril t .Cl f u "" -'" ~:;~I: :: ~~ StorlOO S2 14 14 ·-"' llllYH 1.04 I 210 lt''h \.\ llartWr 4010 Sol U'l Vt CrZel,,eJ.ti 5' ""' • "' GIOrFll "1 JYt. • · Liw·yTr 1·'° I •I 2t • "° (;;Edp1 I., I 17ft • Stan I..,. t M14 I~ •. Ull.Hf 1 ... 1 " --Bff"ft i41 I JI • ' i,.. Cr\HTI 1.M Slut ~ + °' G!dL-., t JMl ~ • ,, l.HElll f OI t 11 2:S...+ o.. e pl 10 a 1210 I~+ i4 S.CPec: t 41 4 )62 21'9 • "' ~ltilWI 2.• t Ult 4:1 •I ... BavKll 1 5' JO " 4l _ ~ CutOro 111 t t 11-.-"'° G1llHll1 .'111 11 11"1. '-"'"'at .. I n 20\lo • .... pl .... 'IDI !?''> ,,., St«o 4o1 4 Jn 21.. . • l,,E .14 4 220 t•l't + \'t BaxTr l .. ,. ,.11 •• ,. .,. Cvllln n 11 J711 JO.-.• 1""' Giii-2.lO 10 •n """ \lo L•llV•I U 24 to flfl1 60 .. rlO ....., • v Stllf,1 .tO s 21 11 • llo l.F .,n.zs . I• 10YJ Vt 8ayFl11 JI JO , .... ·~ Cum Ell t l Ut an. ..... GIHtW .IO 14 u '"' "' LVl11 pf 1 10 • '. Ofll' otGi 11 • I ,. ... : ~ Sv< ,. 10 " 21\.W ..... '""''~ I .. ,. ,.__""' llaySIG ,,, • s 11~.· c .. ,, ..... 110 ,, 1"--.,. GlobM• 14 l 47S ..... \.ahtnn2.10e . llS 12111 .• °""~' ·,. .. dO ........... ~!~· ... 11' ,s M, 1.'-."' •• Ulal'I.: t.21. 2K ~-.... S..rlno 1 I lJ 2' -. 11'1W 1 s • Jµj, \lo GldN\111 1 411 14~ \ol l ....... ' .lO IJ fl 12'"'. \w § I " j )51 IS~ ..... _1.. UIPL pf 2.'°.. • 21'4. v. BeatFd 1 )0 ) "'° ltft Cyclool 110. 2 JD 14-., • '" GldWf" .CM 12' µ,,, .... ~It 1.IO I 14 •'-• "" a Ill ·111 llO ~ ' ' SMllO 1, 619"S ~. ~ \11'1-llf J.... J 17 + V. ..... pf ,.. . 212 ll'-~ "' -D-0 -CMl'kll I.St ... ttv. Levc:ea • u ICM-.... fl I 11 s J1Md11 :... ~ ShellT 2.1.. • t ,,..... ... -V-1/ - llt<tnO 110" 112 40-.. OMG . ,, ,.... "" G<ltch on.12 .. ti n • \ol Ltvl$1 1 '5 I m ,,.. " 1 • ., U\4-.... SlwlGto ·'° • 1sa IS~ "' v, QI 2.40 , "3 "'°"' +J 8.+t.. .. Sii> Oernon 10 • ,. •lolo ,,_ Gooclyr I.Cl a Jiii 24111t " l.tvlt1F 111 loO 11~ + ''-r n ro IS ft 2',._ SfletG pll.» 4 2>4-v. V9-,Jl 4 JS> I~+ ~ hl<ol'I tOD S 30 10"' ' OenRlv I 11 S 2l 12 • GOrCIJ S ,5' I 14 1• -1,\ LO, I 10 '° 14 21-.... V. dt n S 24 14"4:.:·,4 WIG pl 1 Cl s ull .... • -Vlleyl11 40 4 71 '"' ... a.1.,.. • 1 ,. n.~ .,. O•...CCO 1 eo • 1011 ,,... Govld 1 n • ... n'I. ~ l.tt11yep n n • dll --. "t'.o s .,. ~-"' Slltta p1 a 10 uv. 1~ vao10m 1.11 • , 1J '" IM!How ·" 1 10 3011,_ "' Danit< .1., s • ~. '-Gree:• 2.IO • •I n-'" Lii-• U m lt\O • 11, , 1 ·ro • 46 IS'-• ,,.. Sllrwln 1 , tu Ids.tot+ "" Va>co 12 > • ~-""' 8elll"" 2A, 61 ,.,,.. "'Oar1K11Jt0 '"" Sl\li+,. Gre1...-1.1t t u i.v, LlllyEllJtOal1141•ff 1 I* J s •\It Sftrwpl •.«I ,..,.,..,., .... 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S11141rplaJO IS l>"• \'I v.ellW 1., 71112 r· ... ........ n e !GI» w ... ·; .. OPL pl 1 J1 r7t •v. +I\• OMP n IA > I 11'-.... L.Mftf'n I .. 9 .. 1S"" + ~ Owelllll l .. S = ~~:-:: $aifllne • JJ J1S 1•1-.-\Ii Vllff,. ,n. .. "7tO +1 eetllSlt 1 to 1 1m 1•"'-" Ota"I' n I• t 1 tf\e \'t G'•Yll 1.20 S 10lla ,,.,.., l.omW UOe I lol ~ • • 0 11 .. , 1l 1 •~ -Snll""' IJI 2 I\.+ VaC,.,,... .. 1HO +N ... "" n 1 .. 1"11+ ... OM•• 2 IO Ult 1J1.I.. "' Grey"" 103 "' ..... ~SIM ''° 1J m 1011+-"' 0 -... • M .. -1~ Srnllhlll ·" J .... rt,..;.~ VeE~• . • ,. .... 8111MY 12011 IMUll ... +lllo OolmP I.St 7 ID 14\1+. GtewG._.., t 1t t \llt.... LCo lOt •1i.t 14'-• 0.. •fntlll 1~41144""• "° Sm'll 2.JllJ211' ~-·"' v.l!I .to .. 1IO ::•1~ etll'SL . . ,. ~ ""' OellM. 1 21117, 12 " Glllltty • • J 2~ • IL,,.. s . di JO ,,_ "' lllHH • 1. 10 lt'l-, ___ ... Smvc:kr 1,«I I )4 ~ -1 v•~·· .. 17 1 -'fllo lla<•O .1• 12J12' IM+ \It °"'"-I 11S 1 ... " oru""" .... I~ ~-" &: L pt£ 4.U . lSO 21 .... PNBMI 1 ,_ I Jt ''-SNll()ft ... ,, 211 Ml'>+ .... V• J 1.1'2 •• dO' -"' 81~H .... 7.«I ' 11 tt • ~ OlllCll • I 11 103 ,..,. .... Ot'IM'll ,n.•. • 10 • ~ LIL Oft us . 2 91\41-1\1. PPG j •• 111 ,..~·. i~ Soft••• '·" ' JAO n~ \II v55:.1D • t«IO .. F.'"' lll•lrJ11 1 t 11• J~+ "" Ot11Mf9 1.M • 62 1''9 .. Gvarjl{. •. M_J _,If+ ""' + ... LjL OfJ .. 12 . 1100 51111+1 P$A '.o I m 17~ • Solly<:p .tJt 11 U01 1t-l't '. • 1 \It I JIOHll 1.tt • *" '*-• .,. !?!""•" .... _,, 111 3' v. llfWst ,fs • 11t2 ll'llo ..... LL11. e¥ ":J " t~ 5221~ .. ·;.: PIKAS 1 C.. ,. 1ov.'+"Yi SooL•n tao. • 1 n ..... \It \llolC .• t t 1 ..... ··:s I II) • .. 2So't .... -11t(lly .• tn u . . fW"' J.61 . • 1 ,,~. .... L... .. • • I ,. • -Pec:Gl . • •• 10.. u -"' SOIH'<C Mii. '° tt~ ~ VIie ··~ • • 41 • 14 • lklf 1.«1 4571 lllh "'O.ScltD I 122• If 15'-+ ~ lfWpf UO .. I ltlllt+ \It tlL > I .. 1 21~"" '°IKLtv 216 t 50 Jflllt v. mC:.,nAO .. • ""'• ~ -W-W -... ''° t laii u .... +" 0.tl• I.ti •Hod 11'-.•. lllfOll UO 4 tM 2t"'-\It ',!-~ JQ 1 IS~""' PM'-""' • t 12A 16\olo-•Ill'" , i lllt ..... !Ma:>tt 2-14 j M tm• !,\ 5 122 •l*..U • "O.IE,,,S.50 . J ~llt Gvlf"• •. 1'1 tJi.-to. .,......,u1 I 11\.\-0.. "•<lfl'W t: .. •"' 11 +·~ tlG I..,• il'"'• \It ~IM >II -\It ... •. ''~1 " + 1 PetE,,, U2 .. 110 S1\lt-1 ... G~IUt ,~ • -12 • .. LINllOr UM n 117 JI~ "' Pee:,. pf,,,, a u .... -••I" 2-90 ' 1 .... 'llllKlM ... • ' ..... • -.. ""0tt~1111.• a100 ,, .... _,. 011suor4A . n I~"" Lotti .n,. m •"'• ~ ,.,., .. 01 .. 1 11~ "'SollOW& ,,. 1 4 ..... 11i !:111< .14 ... tli't-14 ..... O J• • It 21\lt+ " Otll OI 1 U , aJJOt U \'t-1 GvlfVtlll U2 I » to. ~ .... • I I°"+ 0.. "Mkl 1 J2 'j 100 tO ~ ..... 9111 1 S '7 If lllo Mrt I ii l? •16-lit a.se"' •• tllllO .. • .,.. 01 "'" us 2 1a1-t .. Glfta" .• 11 • ·~ • • La~ •• 10 a.J 11.,._ ..., ,..,.141 • 11 1 11 ,., "" • " ..._, " Mri • . ~ ... t:.\fi'A ', ........ OEOfB 2.IS s ,._ ... 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H 11....... _,.._._ ,atflOl'I ·" ~ .-. ..... .,..._. IA ... 1.-.+1 Wit~ .S . Ult l it • ts + '-5 1.7' • te. tttle .. .,_. ... ,..., i " l~,._• '-ii. f' 9 fliM1 1•16+ ~ l'«HM "" ' 21) 16 ~ I -141 ........ -.ii l.u ~ .. + -.i I 7 I07 s• l't llltA ~ ... +,.. H -• i• e I. 'm~7\lt+ _. ,.M'llf'll .Ul1 4o1 111oo+'" ltfM-' ... U pa.,,., !ff' .. f ;l ~f• t t 111 m t.. i ,. .. -~ = 1 !Jj 1 • .. , t • •'" "«Vt• ' f ~ ........ ~ IWAln .att4 ftl flt:~ "'I "11 1 I \It II Nit t '1 .... -191 '' • ~ .... 10 1 •"• ~· lllatlttt'I IJ 711 •1'+ Ila IWB~UO S ,. l't ..... _., ·• t 17 _., f r.1u ft14-... '·8. ' mL ~ arer.1 , ....... ~~" ... ~"' f!!IN .... ' .!! ,.._."' :1 .. ~. .. ~ ..... *"'" .• ) 11171'+-"' =t:tt • Q . .._...::·: " 711 ~:J ;11i. "' ==t *J] ~" 'm::.~ =ttt ·;:,~; -f ,~t ~ ~~"JU 1:"'r-• " ~:....~nM U '=!:: =:J ·~ " ill: 11•u1 ·J·.,, l~!111 :Tl~', .. "'~t:~. l U..!11a,..~ tl.1tl~, ~. f'll!u +~ 1•11'n;' n 1r'"" • .telul :t: ,....,~ MJ1 ~.. .~ t ~ ~·" &&. 't-:.:· · 1,11 .. •"' ?'"'·' .. ~" v. m 1~+·-. " 'I ";• : f: ~..J~ .. ~ ,_,"" '" ooil: !j..., , oll• In .,,._ • !!!!'.!!. . 0.... . c •K fj , • • ''= :;'" ,. ~.it• :.;t1I .. ~ t • • ~~'=-;:: ~ • ..! i tn r-~ ::•iii'i:·' ~1 ~··" ~ .• , = .. =~ ..... ! = ~·t"' ,., :i;-= .1e till I:~ """* ·~~ l~1t'ftl u : ... ::: •ii t tm~ ... ~"It ..,.J f::t=::"n• + = \.:!M1= • ~ ~ :::;_: .: I :·· f.i ~ ·:-: m·--·= r ~ ~:· ri! 1"'! .. E-:"·f J ':! rw.:·~ : :: . ,... ~ ,, ~·~ . ! (. J ; ~ .t.H :t -'iM •"' :,.tiM rtJ ···mwt-'2 .i 1' "'-uh l!".'.-.'~ ,~· _. "'-•• +·1 ,.. • ·•• • . 6 ~ .. W ':I" J! llU l"CO , ... T .. d .,, ... , 1--~ ·~ f __ + \II 1. t .... . \ .......... I " •. 211 1-..!.: '.,. . '11 ·~ =;,.: * 'I t1 'm:.::': ~ .: .. ;;;::"' 1' !.~ I Disney profits up from '81 BURBANK (AP) -Thanll1 lar11ly ' to cwo ~Y l>GJ»llar Wnil~ film dliliib -"Jlobtn " and "&mbl" -Walt ~ Producdonl reported third-quart.er proftta were up ban U.. ""'9 period ~ yu.r. Dllney Mid net income for the three monthl enc:tm, June 30 wu '32.89 mlllJcn. or 08 cents ""-' eh.are. That w11 Up '1ver ~ of '80.2 ~ "' 93 amt.I a lhare, for the period a ye&r *IO• ThJ report doea not reflect lncome frcm Iliriy•1 recently releued "TBON.'' a $20. mJJlJon .video fanc.y that the studio aaya took in $fl million at U.. boJi office ln 'ltt first 10 days of r.Jeue. NB firm's earninp off National Education Corp. of Newport Beach reported net lncome for the alx montha ended June 30 of $1,814.0002im ed tD $1 ,l.148,000 last year Primary per share were 79 ~ntt ln 1982 compared tD 85 ln l 81. Nt't income for the three montha t'n<ied June 30 was $716,000 compared tD $941,000 in the llke perlocf laat year. Primary earnings per share Wt're 31 cents ln 1982 compared to 41 U, 1981. SDG&E earnings up sharply SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego Gu & Elecuic * Co. has reported an earnings increue of more than 50 percent during the first 1lx montha of 1982. "The company ia attaining the lnt.erim goals of ha five-year financial recovery plan," said Tom Page, president of the utility. SDG&E showed ea.ntlngs of $71 .3 million. an increase of 50.8 percent over the $47.3 million reported last year during the period. . Grace's earnings lower W.R. Grace & Co., an international company with interests ln chemicals, n.atw'lll resources and ooruumer services, reported aeoond quart.er nt't income of $76.9 million. a decreue of 23 percent from the comparable 1981 period, on sales of $1.6 billion. Earnings per share decreased 24 percent tD $1.59, down from $2.08. · Grace operates it.I New American Rest.aurant Corp. heedquar1ers in Costa Mesa and headqu.artera for El Torlto -La Fiesta Restauranta, Inc. and Far West Se..Wcea ln Irvine. Grace alto operates restauranta in the Newport Beacb-C.ana Mt'IMl area such as El Torit.o, Houlihan's, Coco's and Reuben's. Fed lowers discount rate WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Reserve Board has voted to lower the interest rate It charges on loans to member banks from 12 percent to 11.5 peroent, the first easing in the discount rate since December. AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOAK14'PI Fl,,.I Dow . .-. •VV• ' 0 J 1 ., SO. DI 11 J1416 )1110 no 00 0 9' ,,.,.. ' •. °"' JOO T,.,. 1.1n. 100 IA.JI 1. St1. JOO MSll>. t!o(IJl'GO WHAT STOCKS DID ~EW YORK IAP) J"' 21 Wed ., 1111 ... \ltl ,. n WHJ>f AM(&OO NEW YO..K IAPI Jy 21 WtO ,., J2S %11 Ht " u """ a~f. 10 DI n• 11 )] METALS HEW YORI( {AP) -Spot t'Oftfwrout me1.i Pf'loes WtO e...., 7°""73 c.rttt a pot.Wld, U.S. CS..tlnatloM. lb Leed 2.8--29 c.n ... poutwJ Zinc 37~ oetl1' • PoUnd. ~ T1ft M .t014 Mllllb w ... ~I• ..._., ... _ 7&-n ceftlt a pound. H.Y ~ '370.00 pet ..... "-'*"-1291 00 troy oz . N Y. SILVER Ha11<1y & Harman. $7 2tO per 1roy ounoe. COLO QUOTATIONS .,TN•111 'I J,.,_ s.tecteci WOf\d 90kl prlcea w.,,_,.,.. L...-..C ~ 11""'9; l:M•.50 up 113.75. . L..-... afternoon •""-: S3ee 50 ... Sll.711, ·-~.,,. ' .,.. $20~ .,,~ llldfto· SHa.13, • ~ '3a.t7, up •11.11 r..-. .... llldnA: ~· up 111 .00 bid: IMU5 •.O. .::: u: .~ ~ dlllly CIUO'• ·r· only~~ ,..,,_led 13t4. • up • ,., ... SYMBOLS • I " l ' l ' .,...., ~ liJillil!J ~11'11il'lrl•u••· • , ........ 1111 ••'1~ \I: • NI To all hetn. bienttsaa.n.. TM..._.... _._,Mt •" J11lr H . ""· '"• '•11•• rtdlton and c:onlin1•nt Tu....._ .. ~ 1 A . . Mt;t..a;.,. =~~:":·.:::.:= c:ndh.on ol Vuwtl Allen and ......, ......,. -~' T tollt HtUt fUld•llntt fer penon• WhO ml)' be er~ 4,000.000 tHldtnlltl tUltdl¥ttltllt Ult ~ lft,.,._. in \he ..;;-..,-;:;;· prOQOted IOI# eoo... ..... wUJ --~'--al•• ~........ ., ... ..,. .,. 1n1encled 10 £~ -----· ~ -~<tu1111Ut> t1.e1e.n, cwlterle ~otec tol9t _... A ptUUon hill belrt w.d ..,,sitJ • ,....,. ~· 1•.u1 .... In new r t'8I by RoN.ki Troy Allen in the 1M01N tot tM W--tlU0,702 o o MP L I A NC I WI TH Superior Court of Oran,. DWlll watt tot tfll .._. 111.ttt.MO CALlfOANIA INYf"ONMNTAL. Coun\" requHtln1 tha\ W• ~ ~ "* tM --...,. .. In IOllOf--wftfl tM 0UAUTY ACTt " Annu.11 llAltaimlm tor Oii W--...,., Dt0•11Mi t1. '911, lftMlt te • .._..11w 0ec .. r1t1011 1a11to1001 Ronald Troy All•n be tpeutenoec-mt11111t1•ol1Nl1tteo1eaiwom..~110i.w '*""' cwecier• tot INI protfC1 appoln ted u p•uonal 0.1. w111at • ~111al\t to tllt Oallforn11 rtprelllltat!ve t.o lldmlr\Wr lenlOr Vlot ~ .,, ,:::, ~~~"~"='~ tM ettate of Vlr,U Allen :,~ Co!Mltnlon prlOt 10 or OOllC!UfrMl (under the Independent PubNtl\9d Otanot eo..1 0.it; P1lol, June 20. 21. 22. n. 24. 1H1 •1111 1111 propoHd eoltt 1coH1 Admlnl1tr1tlon of Eatatea 3242-82 guldtllnte. Act). The ped\ion la •t for flltlt '*'tnoe Wll ti. l'ltld Ill tile ~ De~ No. 3 at 700 rtaJC M)TIC( ......C NOl1Ct Pttnnl"I Commlu lon Ht1rtno · W in ,.oom on 1111 llrtl floor ol th• Civic lM ve, ..i, •ttm County Htll of Admlnltlr•llon the City of Santa Ana, ·~ ntl Ar:=-.~~=-" bulldlnO • lo~~.c.nter Plua. CaUfornl• on Au1u1t 18, °" t ~!!!.-·-- tent• N\a. ........,.,_ " 1 ao P '"· 1982 ----· ::.::·:.= .. Wwned IO tr' YOU om t.o the ::.~ :?- WrlU•n oomm1ntt art tlao IJ'&l\Unc of the pe\idon, )'OU Y-ft, ,_. lnYIWd. Commlfl\t may .,. etnt to should ettheS' appear at the Tcxtl .oinltltd MMt• ='~~~,:. heartn1 I and f11t1ate your =.,--:::. ~ CA ti702-4041 Pf10t lo cir 11 tht obet on1 or e written c.otttl P411d-vp/Oliw1111ty c.ptlt1/ OOINMl•Cement af t11t ec:tMldultd ob Uon1 with the court. •tatvtot;y Otpoelt publlc ~ l'untw lntGm\Mton be ore the hearlna. Your °'-P4lkl-4n end ::.=-:':::':a"~ a~anoemaybelnpenon ~~~) 2;~~. PfeMltlO OM9loft .. ('114) l34-63IO or · your a~. 9urp1119 • ~ ~· t 1.220.a tt Publl•Md Ot1noe Cotlt Delly • I y 0 u A R E A tncomt for .,.. yeer n un I 1,000,000 "" .......... Pllot. Ju~ 22. 1182 camrroa or • continpnt OlebvrMmtntt b the year -10l,1Mt · WHAT IS IT? -Th.is peculiar co~gurat.ion is MX missiles, or d5 a Tokyo miniature golf ________ 330_2_-e_2 1 credit« of the decNled. you ~·a~~:/:.,:;::=:=.: ~1~~ wi:: : .'a) custom jewelry designed by the ?yhdwoman course. Well, if you choae "d" you've got a f't8JC NOTICE rnuat file your claim with the 1newenc. eo-nt..iontr ot tM stat• of Ct11fom1a. pur9Utnt to•· •ol Chaillot. j)) Ill\ Oriental IQ test, c) the sharp eye for detail. -----l'IC-*-..... nnoua--IT-~--=--!,-••_m_•·--1~0:.1~!.~n:!t~ ~w:='Prteldent : Defenae Department's latest scheme for hi · n.. •OllowWIQ ~ .,.. OOlne appo1ntect by the court JoM w. 8c:Mu• ::..:;.;:...:..:..:..:.~---':..-----.....-----------'""---:------------r-----------~ u within four months tram the Oontrottr f P\iblahed Orange Cotti Delly Piiot. Jvl/ 20. 2t, 22. 23. 24, 1N2 Nil.IC M>TICE PICTl'TIOUI _, ..... ..,... ITATl-.wT The tcfloWIOG l*1IOl'1e art doing ~u: I LY NN E VALENTINE PROPERTIES. 3 Civic Plaza. ~ e..cn. Celltomle llleeo Jacobi Realty. lftc:., a Cemornla c:«pOr •lion. 29111 Newpor1 8l¥d . Ntwi>or1 lletcn, c.lilOfnlt 112693 Thie bu.,,_ la conducted by e COfllOf atlon Jacobo RM/ty, Inc. JoM w. Jacobi, Prtlidenl Tiiie 11a1-1t was flied '#Ith lht Covnly CWk of Orange County on Juty 12, ID82 ,1t:U71 Publlahad Orange CoHI Dall) Piiot July 15, 22. 29, Aug 6, 11182 3132-82 DEATHS · ELSEWHERE - Honor student David Alan Butcher. son of Mn. Norma P. Butcher of ea.ta Mesa, has been mamed to the North Texas State University sp ring honor roll. P\8.IC M)TIC( MARIA'S TUVAHA TAXI. 3 1904 date or first IHU8nce O 32~2 -----------11th Avenue, Soutll Laguna , letten • -..iA..A In Section -------~-----"'....... l'ICTTT10UI ~·· Celr10tnla 112t77 .,.., • ...,.... •-"' -.TIN •-"' _,.TIC[ UMPlii~ .n.:, ...... ITAff•NT Metia~ Mltdlell, 31904 700 of the Probate Code of r-.n. ""'~ f'-.n. "" LaGAL NOnCI Th• follo•lng pereon 11 doing 11th Avenue. South Laguna, C•llfornl•. The time for --------C-O_N_l_OUDATED Noelce i. htrtby olVefl that tht boll,_ •: Cellf0tnla 92977 flllna cl.aiml will not expire Board o f Education of lht EUCLID CAR WASH. 1135 N. Walttr Gllf0td Mltc:hell. 31904 prior tc> four month.a from RIPORT OF CONDmON NtwPott-Me&a Unified Scllool Euclid, Al\ahtlm, Calttomtt 112801 11th Avtnut. Soutll lagunt, d f h h t Coneolldated Report of Condition of "CITIZENS BANK Olatrlct 11 ltereoularmMtlnQ ot July Phlltp An1hony PHrl. '143 Ctlll0tnlt 92977 the ate O t e ear ng S Cou l3. llMl2. dtc6er'ed lta lnt9ntl0n 10 CyprH• Drive. Laguna Beach. Thie bual.-18 conduct9d by an noticed above. OF CO TA MESA" of Co1t1 Mesa. Orange nty, and ..... ""t.JncltltrVh SC:flool, loolntd Californlt 92862 1nOMOut1 YOU MA y EXAMINE Domeatk; Subsidiaries at the close of business on June al 220 Ea1l 23rd Strfft, Cotta TIMI ~ la conoucted by an Marie Mttehtll the We kept by the court. U 30, 1982. MeH, Callfornla. Th• Nollet lo indMdual Thie •t•l-t •ta fMtd 1Mlh the you are interested In the 81ddtra and LtHt For"'' .are P. A P-1 County Cltrll Of Oranoe County on eY1111eble IOf' tnac>tctlon 11 IN office nn atat-t wae fllecl wttll the Jury 20 111t2 ettat.e, you may file a request , ... Bank No. 1080 Dola.r Amount• In ThouNnde of lilt Bu•loH• Manager, 1857 County Cieri< of Orange County on ,.,..,.. with the court to receive NI.IC M)TIC[ Plactnll• Avtnut, Coll• Mttt, June 16, llNl2 Publlehed Orange Co111 Delly s p ec I a I not Ice o f the bt'-1 the hOu,.. ol 7:30 AM lo '1111112 Piiot. July 22. 29. Aug. 5, 12, 11182 f A81ET8 l'ICTIT10U8 .,..... 4:30 PM. Mondty '"'°""" Friday. Publl1had Orenga Co111 Dally 3253-8 Inventory o estate aaaeta ..,... STATDmWT s eated Bid• to lHH mutt be Piiot. July 1, 8, 15, 22, 11192 and of the petJtiona. 8CCOW\ta Cash and due from banks ...................................... -4,273 Th• lollo•lng ~•on I• doing rtoelwd on °' bel0t• 2:00 PM 2912-82 P\aJC NOTICE end report• described in lnvntment securities ~J:v. OPINIOH,3153 Brey August•. 11112. at the ofllc>e of the fltalC M>TIC£ l'ICTTTIOUI IUSINH• Sect ion 1200. 5 of the (Market value $-4,958) ........ ........... ............ .... 6 ,853 i.ane. Coate Mtae, CellOl'ftla 92e29 ~ ~"':;,."~ ~ ...u. eTAttMEn Cahfomia Probate Code. a. Loant. Total (excluding · Jeyne MMlattln. 3153 ~ey ~. Board o1 Education !.u. tell• 11na ':f~r' ~--u Th• lollowtng per10n I• doing It e e • e I• d DI••, unearned Income) ........................ 45,-416 ~.:=-~~by 111'1 = t~"4.~·l.:;' .. "1.~ Th• followlng Aper~• doing bull~~NE JEAN COMPANY ~noneb~ ~t Law,Naass .. ~. b. L ... : Reeerve for lndlvkl*. PM. TUMC!ey, 10, 982. bu~:: A I l I 8 ) N A I L 2428 Newpor1 8IYd . Ho. 3 eo.11 N:!'r.' rt le:~' Carlfo,. poalbfe loan lossea .. .. ... .......... .... .. . 260 5 56 Thia a1!~"::"111ed llW!th the ~~ .. · Sdlnltrtr DESIGNERS ANO INDUSTRY M~·uTi:"'~Z:c:~8~!31 Orange Hit . H'44H4 ' B c .kloent,I net F ... F ... & .... E ........ t .................................. 4 3•3 1 61 County Cltrll ol Otange County on ...... -... tNgtr LEAGUE. 2925 Collage. Costa Avenue. Co•ta MtH, C•lllornl• Published Oran e Cout an prem 189. . -., e c. ................................. • Juty 12, 11192 ~s= Dlllrlc:t M .... c A 92e.2e. 92827 Dail Pi1o Jul 2f 22 28 Other auets ........................................................... 1,-479 ,._. Publlehtd Ora~t CoHt Dall) TOM GAERTNER. 238 Tu!-. Thie bual,_ le conduc:19d by an 1982y t, y • , , TOTAL ASSETS ................................................... 61, 122 Publl•h•d o .. ~. Cout Dally ....... .. .... 15 22 1"·~ Cosl• Mela, CA 112$29 lnd•v;duaJ LI •a1LmE8 na.. ,.....,., -• • • • """' Thi1 bual'-9 II conducted by an J ...__ 3298-82 ,., MlAMJ (AP) -Jeu W. PllOt. "'*'t t5, 22. • Aug.~ ----------3-'-~---1 lndMclual Thi• •t•t;;;,,c was r11ec1 wtth UM TOTAL DEPOSITS IN P~bla, ~3. a former stage rtaJ( M)TIC( Tom o-tlllt County Cltnl 01 Orange COU111y on Pta.IC NOTIC( DOMESTIC OFFICES ...................... 5-4.653 and film .:u-and one of PUBUC tl)TIC( .wc11noua w11 ~·~t~ flledco:!h the Jury 20. 1992 lllllUNIC•AL COURT{£ Total demand deposits ............... 16,756 the 16 original June Taylor r---l'ICTI'nOUa-----.,_.--.. ---..,._IT.A~ Jury. 9. 11182 ange 'Yon Pub111hed Orange Co•:i'= ITAft Of CALW TTotaOT~ tfLmeOEP&OaaSYllTng9S INdOeposlO••EtlST·l·C .. 37•897 dancers o n the Jackie MAim ITAT'iMiNT The lollowlng per-. are OOlne F1ta1• P1101. July 22. 29, Aug 5, 12. 1982 c~ OAANCM c ,., "" Oleuon Show, died Sunday. Tht follo•lng .,.,.on I• doing ~ aa, Publl•h•d Orange CoHt Delly 3255-82 JUOtCIAL CMSTillCT ANO FOREIGN OFFICES .............................. 5-4,653 ~ •: H.L CROUSE & ASSOC . Piiot, JUiy 8. ''· 22. 29. !11822 .... •2 700 CMc Ct11te.Orlvt ..... Other llebllltles for borrowed money ONE STOP AUTO SUPPLY. 10790 Wwrw Awnut, Suitt 202, 119-v fUIUC M)TIC[ s.nt. Au. Cllflfofftla tZ701 I ludl I f _ c~:o~~C:,~.-w. ~~~=~~m.:a Foon~~..,~7~8312 Ml Ml.IC M>TICE FtCTITIOUllU..... ~~S·T~1~~~ ... '6'CHARD T. ~. T~,!; ~.~.~~~-~-..................................... 425 a leading figure in lingulstb Peter 0 . K eib . 20411 Aclltrrnan. FO\lnteln Valley, CA The ~o~=l~"=n"T. doing DEFENDANT DENNIS CHASE. Other llabllltlea ....................................................... -49-4 and literary studies who =·c~~un11ngton 9270:0 HAYES. 8542 loll Clrcte, TO~~~A~IC busl-Al.lEaaH & CO HAIRPORT DOES t trw~OOM~ TO(TALludLllABILIIl:_sdl ted t read 2:1 lal')guages, died Thlt ~ 1a oonducMd by.,.. Hun~ 8tach. CA.. -· ..... -• u....Aw.ut. OCT,...,. exc ng tlluvr na no ea Sunday. Jakobson waa a lndMdl.W. Tiburon.~~~ d:~C: To Wllofft 11 ~»c:o.m. ~ MtgnOlta. Waatminet• CA ,,•J.:~~ ~ and debentu~:lftE·HCi:DERS.EOUITT .......... 55,572 pro f en or emeritUI al Thll ..:!i = N9d .tin.,. Thia~ .. oondudtd by. PAAL.OA NO. 21NC.laapplytngto ARLENE GAYLE SIEBER. CAM NUli9Cll ,..,, H arvard Univereh.y~and COIJmfCllertr'Of O!wlgsCounty on OM'ltf'ltpei'b•lltlp. 1u D~&JJJutU. ol .Ako.b.o.il.c. 16515 Walnut SI~ Fovn11tn v111ey, NO-~\'• a.-..._,....... Common atocf< MIT. July 12. 11112. a-II Arnold .._.. ConlfOl tor "41" On Slit A 92708 , ... bowt ""'' deddt ..... ,_ a. RO. anareTIUlhOJ12ed l ,500.000 f111111 Thie atatemtnt .. flled wltll lht Sttr and Win• (Publlc Ettlng Thie buelneu 11 condu<:led t>y an without ..-MMe llMrd ...-.. b. No. shares outstanding 1,024, 137 3,7S. D~ i~k::::~r~J. ~ P~~~. ~7 ~-i~1~ ~.~Of Orange c;.:7; ~=-=:=i:: T::f= ,.,° .. ~=r .. th lht ~=~=~·=~~~~~~~-~~ .. ~~.~I~~.~ ... :-.-.:·.:-.::".:".:".:.·.::::·.-:~ ~:~::. Jew who I n I 9 3 6 1------------1 Put>lllMO Orange Cou t Ottty PubllaMct Ot•noe Cout Dally Cier1I °'Orange County on an attorney 1n 11111 mel ter. you TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ........................ 5,550 a11a11inated the German P\llJC M>T1CE Plot. Jvlly 15, 22. 29. Aug. 5, 1982 Piiot. Jvl/ 22· tM2 32t2-a2 20· 11M12 1''911171 ~ oo to promp11y to'"-' 'fOUI TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO ~or~ Nau Party m --...,,,,-te--TITl=aoua....,'"""'."-.,.._------.-.--i 3140-82 1.....Publt1hed Orange Con t Delly =4:, ~::°"9'· 11 any may be SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ................................ 61,122 Switzerland. died Monday. NAME STAff•NT rtllJC NOTICE Mt.IC M>TIC£ r'°1· Jutr 2?, 29, Aug. s . 12. 1942 AV 11o1 u 11 • d 11 • •Id o The undersigned, Kenneth L. Donahue, Sr. Vice 00~~o11:'no Pl'tona •re doing IC.-.n FIC'Tmoue eu .... u !\'~-fl? d•m•"dade. El trlbunal pu•d• President & Cashier and John W . Walsh, S r. Vice E .D~~ (~) ; ::a:!'~ PAN Ac EA so FT w ARE l'ICTmOUI ..,._,. NAMI ITAft-..cT P\atC NOTICE 1 = ::''~~ ~.,! President & Chief Administrative Officer of the ebove- Branlff Airways p resident . ~~.~~1~0 1~~.'~A ~~BO; Tiit ~STATEMEIT ,......... :~-.!~owing Pl'ton• .,. doing FICTTTlOVl IU'*'tt de a~ l.M 1a lnfonftedoft.,. named bank, each declares, fOr himself alone and not for dled Sunday CAS ~art Inc ,. Celrf0tnt• ~""'per-..,..-... bu .. CWS .. lEASING. 17 220 ...... STAT'E-.wT ....... the other: I have personal knowtedge of the matters corpor111on 34805 via ca1a11na, FIRST CAPITAL, FIRST Hewhope s1re11 Sult• t03 , t:N~o:::••ng person 11 ooin S• usiad d .. u aoticiter •1 ontalned In this report (Including the reserve side SCITUATE, Mass. {AP) - Rotallad M. Salllvaa, 54, ,..hole efforts on behalf of cancer victims and their families w on n ationwide att.en\lon. died Wednesday of the di.aease. lllTH NDTICIS No 8. Capistrano S.actl.CA92624 c APIT Al co A p . C BG a Foun!Ml V...,, CA 92708 SLIPPERY DUCK, 1923 w ~~ o~ du;b·.~.~.~: hereof). and I believe that each statement In said repon Is ThtS ~IS conducled by. ASSOCI ATES. 1701 Mllclltll J AME S l CLAYTON. 54 Balboa 8IYO . Newpof'1 8IYd c lnme<kat-te, oa •t• mantra. true. Eech of the undersigned, for hlmself alone and not COt'potlllOn CAS Softw8't Inc ~·. ~~· ~ A~7~ 0 R -~~o~."t"Wi~.!2J~' 18272 ~ARK STRICKLAND, 1823 w ~,.'.!!P':~:...=n.:,~: t~tlguf>a, for the other. cet11fles under penalty of perjury that the David H Tr'*"911, Pres Po RAT 1 o N, a c a 111 or n I• Tlltt>ury C1re1t. Hunttng1on 8ucti, Balbot 8IYd . ~ Btech. c I.To THEDEFENDANTA cMt oregofng la true and correct. This 11e1emen1was111ec1With111e c:orporetlon, 11ee1 Mhchell Horth. A 92&49. 9211e3 comp•ainl h• l>Wt't '•ltd by 1,.. Executed on July 21, 1982, at Costa Mesa. County Clerk of 01anoe County on lrvlnt. Ctllfomla g2714 STEVEN J SHERWOOD, 15 Thie bu~ •• conducted by. pltlnhtt agelnat you II you wish to allfo<nla. July 6. 1982 ,.1...... Thia~ i. conduc:ttd by a SunrlM, 1rW1e, CA 92715. lndMd~I defend tl\lil lawlvlt. you must. within ls/Kenneth l Donahue Published Orange Coaet Delly corporation. Thi• ~ ii conducted by • Mark Stncltltnd 5 deyw alt• 1111• evmmone 11 -* Prtot. July 8, 15. 22 29, 1982 Rm Clicllttl Corp. ~· Plf1ntr9hlp Thie eta*"9nt wu flied wtth 111e on you. file wtth thle c:oun •Written /a/John W . Walsh 3104-82 Mien.I A. Cohen, SI_, J Sherwood County Clerk of <Kanoa County on •Ml)On• to tl\t compgjnt I.Jn'-~ o.-. c-09lr ""°' iJlot n 1112 Preeldant Thlt 111•1_,t -filed ""11\ tl'I July 20, 1982 you do 10. your deltult wlll ba Thia fta~I wta llled wtth Ult County Cttr1t ol Otange County on ,,.,_ entered on appllcatlon of 1111 -----------County C"'1I of Orange County on .Jvly 8. 11182 1'1t'Z14I Publlahtd Orange Co111 Dally plaintiff. and t~ court may...,.., a P't&JC M>TICE .Jvly 7' 11182 F1tl:lm9 Publlehed Orange Co111 Daily Prlot, July 22' 29' Aug 5' 12' 11192 ;udgment agajnet you fOf' the refit4 i----NO-TIC_e_Of ____ --l'lCTmOUI •USINEH P\B.IC M>TIC£ ELLIOTT land Dean Stoneman. sister G ER ALDI N E KA y Marjone Wrede. Graveside (GERRY) ELLIOTT . a ae~vices will be h e ld o n resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. Friday. July 23. 1982 at 9:30 Paaaed away on July 17. a .m . with Rev W i lliam 1982. She was a bookkeeper Steele, of the Mesa Verde for the A cme H eating United M e thodist Church Company for 6 yea.rs She Is officiating Services under s)Jrv1ved by h e r f ather the d1rect1on of Harbor p bll ... O C .,. 32eo-.e2 Clarnanded in the COfTIC)lalnt. wtlicfl AV~ cw NAM! STA~NT u ,,,,.d rano• OHi Delly PllOt, July 8. 15. 22. 211 1..,2 could reault 1n garnl1hrnent ol 6 .....,, ... , _ __,,, The lollOwlnQ persons 11e doing P~. Juty 15. 22, 29, Aug. 5, 1992 3103--82 •-JC -.nrc ,.,.,.._, tall.l:.'fi of_°'~-.. --~· 3201-82 -----------,._ ""'"4 ...,...... .. ~ .. -1 ............... ., Pursuant to Section 6t04(dl ol business as • -----------P\B.IC M)flC( FtCTITIOUllU.._U or other ielef r~quHltd In lht tl\tlntemtlR...-.nueCoda.noUotls SANTA ANA ARMY & NAVY. ·M arcus Stoneman, Sr .• Lawn -Mount Olive brothers Marcus Stoneman , Mortuary o f Costa Mesa. Jr. of C.OSta Mesa, Raymond S40-5554. ,_Cl•OTHBS la1. UOADWAY MOllTUA&Y I 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IA&.T%-M99N MTN & 1'UTMU. .-STCUW CH.AN&. -427 E 17th S t Costa Mesa tw&-937, NI.IC NOT1C[ NA• ITATllllRNT ""'1PfaJnt hereby g1..,.... tllat lhe annval repc>ll 1002 East 17th Street. Santa Ana, FtCTtTlOUS IU ... 11 Th• lollowln" person 11 do1nn Dated. Aprll 8· 1982 '°' 11\t f~ yeer 11132 Of RAU Callloml• 92701 l'ICTITIOUI IUIWI MAim STA.,..,,., The folkMtng pertont -doing ~-FLYWHEEL PARTNERS, 302 ~~ BtlbOt lallnd, Celllornla Ned H. l ttllftt Jr .. 302 ()nyil, Balboa ltlland. Celtfomle 92992 Rlc:tWd H. Van Ot V-•· 2M1 ChttHu Way, Laovna Beach, Ctllfomle t2t51 AoMt E. 8'own. 4401 Ct*Y er-Dr.. 1.a can.oa. Cllllfome 111011 Sttnlty H. Bunlltr, 228,_. P9wl, Btlboe laland. Ctllfomlt t2M2 Thia ~ .. conduc:ttd by • ""*"~· Ned H. L.....m Jr. Thie Nttmtnt -flled ""'" tllt County Cler1I of Orllngl County of .My 1•. 1942 ,_ Publlt lltd Ortnot Cottt Dall) Ptlal. Jvrt 15. 22. ·21. AuG-8. 11112 320:Ma ---------P\BJC llJTIC( N.Alm IT AftmNT Dusi,_ N • • ROBERT 8 KUHl!l. F OU H O A T I O N , e p r 1 v 8 1 a MICllHI Jerome Sherman, A 781 Th• lollowlng pereon 11 doing VAlJGHN'S INTERIORS, 1401 ~· Per1ln loundlllon. 11 available at lht L.ndetrom. lrvlna, Cakl0tn1a 112714 ~ORAKFT.I HG BOARD 21•0 Klnga Aotd Ntwi>or1 Beed\ CA ~ty ' loundatlona pr1nc1p11 ofllce for Jodi Lynn Sherm~n. 478 1 0 C " 92&63 lllAMTIC S. SUAIAH. Eaq. lnepec110n dU<ing regular ~ UncUtrom IMne, Celltomoa 92714 Eldtn Avenue, Ho 1 1. oete Jutty A Vtughn, 1401 Ktnge 1_, L "tf1l-' "'-• ~from 8 00 am to5 00 pm by Louil Sherman 30S W 8-gln ~ CA 92e27 Road Newpor1 8etctl CA t2e63 a"'*8 ~ tCla any c:lll:zen wN> rlQVlltl rl 1#1lhln Ct , Fox POint, .V'l9CO<llln 53217 FlAVIO BATISTA MOU RA . Thlt bual,_ le ~ed by an IMle A Celtontllt t2701 180 dl)ll aft• the data Of tl'lla Annalle Sharman. 305 W 2180 Elden Avenue. Ho 101, Coate lndlllldvel (7'4) ~ put>llcatlon Bergin Cl. Fo• Hunt Wleconsln M .... CA 929271 ~..,.,......, b Judy A VlllJtitn Publlahed Orange Co11I Delly The loundatlon'e pttr>elpal oltlct 53217 in:~ bVtlnMI • c.,."""'..... y 1111 Thi• •t•l-1 -fifed with CM Piiot, July' 22. 29 . .AUQ 6, 12. 11192 II toe.led " 17871 F1teh. lrvlne, CA Th11 0011""9 .. condUC'led by • . At\llo S.Ueta Moure County Citric of Ofanot 9cMlty on 3310-82 92714 Oefy O'o-11 CO<POtll~ISlltnnen • This ,lt•t-1 WU filed Wllh ,,,. "-''Y 1• 11182· ,,..,1 1tl71 l'Jtcfl Mlcl\MI Shtrmen I County Cltrll of Oranoe County on p bll II Or Co 0 II f't8JC M)TIC£ IMM. CA 111714 Enlerpr•-~ Ju~ 2, 1942 u • eCI •nge Ht • Y -----------Publlllltd Orange Coa11 Dally Mld>MI SM<'rnan. l'ttmll Pllo4. NII'; 7, 14, 21. 28. 1tl2 PllOt, "'*I 22. 1982 Prealdtnt Publlllled Orenoe COHt Otl~ 2111-82 ________ .....;330&-;.;;..;..~82;.I Thie llat-1 wu f11tO wlll\ lflt Pilot. July 8, 15. 22. 29. 1982 "8JC tlOTICl •-tc """TICE County Clerk o1 <Kenge County °" 21181-82 -----------,._ nu July 8. 1g82 -----IC-.. ~7.~----i '11'17'11 ' .. l'tCTrTIOUI llUl*lll Published Orange COH t Dall) NA• ITATnmMT Piiot. July 22. 2Q. Aug 5, 12, 1982 Tiit tollo'Mng pttton• ere dotng 33 14-9~ """mrRL Y HILLS RE A LTV ---l"Jll--IC_M)_TIC£ ___ _ CO .. P . 27271 LH Raml>IU, ftlCTITIOUS .ua••• Mlalon VltlO. CA 92982 8H8 ~n1ty Cofi>0111110Tr, e ........U~T CeMfOl'nle Cotpottlton 27271 LH The follo•l"Q .,.,.on II dOl"Q Ramll4te, MliltlOt\ Vlajo. CA tMe2 ~o'C~uRES . ETC .• t9 t7 Thll bullMM la conducted by • W11tclllf Drive, N••J>Orl &tad\, COf'PO'•llon. Cahfomla 112te0 8H8 Realty Corp J11dllh Lyn Ttmmt, 904 8 1. Robert E. Ntwbtrr)I, V. J Pl N 8 Pr• '"''* act, ewporl ttc:ll, t nllt tlatttrienl ... filed wltll lht ~i:= .. COllOueted .... COUnty Cltrll of Orange County on lnclWldutl. .,, "' Junlt $0, ttl2 ,1._ Judltll L~ T----.. ---.,.-m\-l"W'C____ .._MM, C.....1t c-Thia ttat-1 -Mtd wt1t1 Ille r~ ""'"4 111,..........., Mn OoutltY ~ ot Ortn0t ~ on1 • ...,_ C... ..... CA -./A/1-. 2.t, 19'2 \ ITA~ CW Publ19'1td Or\nO• CoHl a.lly PublltlltCI Or•no-CMl~l MAMDOfffWWT CW Piiot, Jvl/ I. 1&, ,2. 2t, ,~ ~. """ 22, 29, •·-"' ti, tMI l UM CW '90""10UI ~ _, .._ t ..,_ .. ...._ "8.JC fl)TIC( Sl,WI~ Th• follo•lno per•one llewt _________ ....,_____ MJC - llMndoned the i.. °'the ~ 'IC'nnoul ....... -·-~ '*"* NAm STAT'llmMT "" ~ per'aoM .. ~ I t - I 111 l<'d l \\ -lVINI·~ .... , •• NIWt WOM>lft WOMAN Wonder WOMlll ln*ll· gat .. IM ~~OI en lnttllioence ~ owt tne Bermuda Triano!• atM. G THllAINT "lnvltellon To Danger' 1 1.W.A.T. HAWAII "Vl-0 A famou1 r.....eti '°'91- 1111, eonvlnoed IN! "'"'°' a man, d~a lrom lilt ~-·poet • OW"f.Allt Gut1t1 hl1torla11 Dr Abram Sad!IT, IO<mtf U S Special Envoy 10 !tie Mid-Eat Am~ SOI ~~ THAOUGH 1lil Aft'TS "Palnt1119 Rou.-··The ILOY== NBC NEWS MOVIE • * "Oh Heavenly Coo" ( 1980) Clltvy ChaM. !Mnjl, Whitt lnvett'9allng a poflll· cal Mx ec1nd1I In Londoo, • private dt1ecUw 11 mur· dtrtd and relncarnettd a1 ucrully dog. ·po· CH)SAMMY. TH!WAY· OVT 8EAL When two boya tnNk 1111 lnturtd ... Hon Into lheir l'lome, p1noemon1um -(Part2l (O)MOVIE . * * '11 "Zulu 01wn ( 1979) Burt L1ncat1er Peter 0 TOOie Tl'lt E119ht11 wage 1 biller war ega1n11 Ille Zulu nation in 19tll·ctn1ury A.Ince PG OMOVIE • • ·~ Raggeoy Man (1981) S1uy Spaceli. Er1c Roberti In 1944, I 1ei.- pl\one oC>9fllor 1n a smell Texu town s.c:nflciet her 11eno1ng In 11'18 community Wiien Ille llU I Sho<l 1tt11r wtlh 1 combat-bound 1111- or. 'PG' t:30 I ~CAVETT AM!AICAN GOVERNMENT "Political Part1e1" (J)8NEW8 (fl BARNEY MILLER The detectlYM wreeUe with tl'ltit macno lm-oee wt>en their lnltlel glee II r-111- lng bulletproof VMU takM en --qiecttd hlfn 1:00 I C88 NEWS NIOHl!WS ICUHOFU 'Mot IUJCbM a Im llW. only Iha '-rt cen truly conquer • A8CNEW8 Q KOJAK KOjlll dltCOYerl 11111 • murder VICllm w11 a.ad before a t>IQ-t1me drug dNler lhot l'llm • M"A"S"H Tiie SUl'gical team• mus1 IOft*'<>w ~ WUh a Cflll· c.i lhor'111Qt ol blooO our· Ing 1 gf'\ltllng 18-hOur [ •ting ....ion JOKStSWILD • IUSINESS REPORT ()) P.M. MAGAZINE An ofl1tage look 11 the woman known u Minnie Peatl, tc>Mng crlmet wllh ~~AIHMENT TONIGHT Melody ThomU II lnt1t· 11\ewtd In a lo<* II Ille Pot· tray81 of MX on daytim. IOIPQPerU 8 TWE MUPPET& GutetS' ~ and Ver- nell (H> F\.ASHBACK: WALL STREET CRASH 1929 Actual new1reel1 help dramatize the 11or,.. ol PROTECTION -Magnum (Tom Selleck) is hired to prol«t a fashion designer after her partner ls murdered 1n ''Magnum, P.I." tonight at 8 on KNXT (2). low IU(VIV0<1 lol0wlng the Oclc»lr 1929 .... YOf11 Slodl ~ange ctllllh. (%)MOYll * • • "rn. Siient ,.,,_ ,_.. tit7tl Blott Gould. Clvlltopflet Plummer. A be/* ,....,., lmprOmptu anempf to cMtl In on a roeoery IMda lo her .... ment and terror wller\ Ille real thief ~ lllm to rec:eptur• his loot. 'R' 7:30 8 2 OH THI! TOWN , .. lured' 1 prollle of ~lynnCumm- 1ng1; I look II l\ow video o-hava 1Hected the IYtregt Am«k:an l1mlly; I man who Illa come up with 1 ,_ coolde called lilt People 8ofl4I I 8 FAMILY Fl!UO EYE ON L.A. Faaturta Ille lllMI trend& In 11trimwear: 1 IOOk at ~t>tllyC¥1. CD M"A"8 "H Rader helps out 1 lamb meMlt for • GftlA lelllvel and Frank II chNttd out ol an opportunity lo per- MCUte a young 904d* m> ()) TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT I'll FAWLTY TOWERS Gunia and 11111 become confuted by Bull'• a111e 01 nervous tension and • cue of m111111en ldenllly. (Part' ol 81 9 YOU A8fW> FOA IT Featured "Donkey S- ball and Auctioneer Scl'IOOI Cll AEA081C18E: ADVANCED Gel tn lll'l•pe. look good. and feel greet with tllia physlcal ll1net1 program 8~ tJ ()) MAGNUM. P.l. A 111111on deaigner wtlOH p11tner hu been mur· Oered hires Magnum to prolec:t her (RI D8FAM£ Tile studenll pt1n a benefit 1how for two lormar v11Udev1lle atare who 11e Mvtng II Iha ecl'IOol. (R) 8 MOVIE * * •i,; ··Fantutlc Voy· age I Raquel Welch. Surgeona and their eqUlprnent 11e reduced to mlero«>t alze in order to perform 1 delicate OPlf l ll()f'I lnelde the bf ain of I lamout ICienhll •@ ~ A bdllt YISlll I small-town lunhouM and I young l)oodlum tangles with a ·=cl'l.IR) * * "Gold" ( 111741 Aoger Moor•. Susannah Yorll A cr111y bend ol tpec:U4alora led t>y an entetprlslnQ Engll&hman devise& 1 ICl'ltme IO jack up world gOld ptleee by flooding • South Arne<lcan gold mine • P.M. MAGAZINE A IOolc II the mald119 ol WI adUll movie: IOIVlng orl!M9 with hypnolil. GJ MOVIE • • "Beyond Belle!" ( 1978) Documentary. Vari- ou1 manifeslatlonl of the paranorm81, lnCIUdlng faith heeling. retncamatloa end tellpal hy. are studied • U.8. CHAOMCU "Tile POWt< And The Glo- ry · Edmund Mus111e, Elliot ~dlOn, CWtl CUH0<•, Aoben Strtu11, Lyn NofdOtt and 9111111 Elno- 11•1 MllYlll '"' rnyal!Que ol PO'* illt\tl:hed to 111911 h'""" ofttce. ININ< l'MYllWI Roger Eb«t and G4lfllt Siii!• llOll .,, lnfonnatlw loot! I t wfllt'I ,_ II Ille mcMel. (C)MOVll! * *'" 'Foata ' (11180) Jodie Foeter. Sdy Keller· man Thevlallmao(bl'oken ~ end uncwlng per· 1t111, lour IMn.age glrl8 try to IOOll'lt their emollonal wounoa U1<ougl'I drug& and Mll 'A' IH) ON LOCA T10N "RICh little And Tile Great Pretendert ' Tfle MGM Grand Hotat In LU Vegu la tl'lt Mlllng tor thla lllow· cue 1 .. 1ur1ng tile greatest lmP<Ma10nl111 In Amerk:a (O)MOVIE • ••"So B ··p9e11w11- 111m Holden. Julie Andrewt. A movie dlfec:tor wflO llU ('ill ltnllhed I multl-mllllon dOIW turlley goes from enamc>ttd tu!· Clde 10 • blzarrety lnapired r..el'lootlng ol 111• aplC 'R' c&J MOVll! * • * LI Cage Aull FOiies II' (1980) Uo<> Tognam, Michel Serrauh A mldd.._ tgtCI gay COUj)le are Ille querry ol a secrat organl· 1111on trying to get tile m1Crofllm 11111 one ol them IWlllOwed R QMOVIE • • • 'Silent M ovie' ( 19761 Mal Broolll, Marty Feldman A former movte director end hit two cohorts lry to aave 1 major 1tudl0 from benkruptcy t>y lllmlng Ille Ural lllenl mov- ie In year1 'PG' 8:30., 000 COUPLE Felix Mlec11 a gre... alte and entrust• Otcw '*'111 tlle money for a down pay- ment • SHfAI< PREVIEWS Roger Et>er1 and ~ Sisltel hOlt 1111 1ntorm111vt loo6t II wl'lll'I ,_ 11 the ID L.A8T CHANCE GAMQl Br•d Seate Yllltl ll'lt llllop of "' engine rtb\tlldtr k-48 (%) CHAAl.ES CHAMPUN OH THE FlLM SCENE 9:00 8 ()) 8-..oH & SIMON A J and Riek 1<e hired t>y • 19110ue wife 10 follow,.,., hultMlnd (R) D a Dff'AEHT STIO<U A young KQretn men d9Hnl lhll Mr Drummond 111111 tatlllf (RIO 8 9 8ARHEY'MILI..EA luge<'• mlll·ord« t>rlde 1rrlvet from the Far Ea.al, and I lrustrlled Menll member g<M19 °" a r arn- page. (R) Q ., MERV"OAIFFlH • IAELAHO:A TELEWSION HllTORY "No Surrender 1807· t89 r· Event• IUcl'I .. the Siege OI Derry and the Battle ol the Boyne contin- ua to~ Norlhem Ireland lodey. -~ ntfATAE .. · . ~ ... ~ IM llrtiift .._, ................... • .,.... Wllilti "'"cflfllitt ~~ ••" ''"' VIUf I~ OnlJ"' t IN t) "'°"' Moor9, TONI JllMl loltd trldlt t «lmlnll WllO IMIOiftld I .............. ~ -....·l'O' K.NXT (3) 8:00 -"Maanum, P.l.0 A flahlon dtlipr httel Mqnum to ptotect her after her put.ner I.I murdetwd. S.. photo, left. . .MOVll ••~ "HlttOtY Of Thi Wortd •• '"' I" (IN 1) Mell lfOOllt. Mftde!IM Ktlln. ..._, ... !'ICM hlttOtY - l(om ~lltl MW-rnen 10 the ..,.,,..,.. ~ !Miion •• IU MllT\lntd •• ,.. KCIT (28) 9:00 -"Ireland: A TeJevtaion Hlltory." Hlltortan Robert Kee narratet MCOnd part of a 13·pe.rt docwnentar)' on the hlltory of Ireland. 10:00. CJ) tCNOTI L.AHOtHa l<Mtn l'Yl4lett a llMdaome wlelowoet ti • Otlllf lllerlf)Y Nt110n and lnvtt• him over IOI' dinner. (A) KNBC (4) 9:30 -"The lilah Five!' 'Owner of a black televtalon atat1on orders hi.I crew to ps-.t.end they are tet.viat.n1 a parade. G 8 HIL.L ITtllDT It.Ult WllN119ton aw to con- duct nit own 1n..,..11ga11Qn Into l"9 CllatON tQAlnll a. naroollel officer known 10 KNBC (4) 10:00 -"HW Street Blues." Washington asks to conduct his own inveattaatton lnto the charges against a narcotics officer. ~ rllClatlandenolel (Pl) Hubl•Y· A c onot r11td 11 •• NIW8 '"'* .... '"' '*'°"" IO /IO .wroundtnge ef llit home TO THI~ town to NWcti tor 1111 10M dauQllter. w11o ti. become Altllougll AlcNrd It 111111• MrAy WWoMld In a blO· lout IO ligll I cont.ract ... Ill city pomogttipfly t~et t.iademo In t a °"1Qlt, "' ,,.. enllata A~ to,.. _d 11:40 (H> MOV1I Olt hlfltnOI'-~ * ** "Fame" {1N0) Ir-• OO't'aMY Cela. 8arfy ...... a.-.. "Nial, Thi Story Of A gifl«I ~la at I Hew tKung Woman" Intimate Yortl l\lgtl IOtlool for the portrall• of I young !Kung perfonnlng arll tlt~ woman IMng on a goywn-YW10Ua Mtt>aelll and IUC· mer'll Mltllmenl Ind I ces.. Of both peraon81 vtnllhlng way ol Ille, that and prolenionll n1turea OI ,,... IKU"G bull'tman •• ,. 'PG' prtaente<I (R)Q 12.-00. EHTEATAINMEHT CC) MOV1t! TONJGHT "Union City" Melody ThomN II Inter· {.Q) MOVIE viewed In a look at Ille por-* • "Olltrageoual" ( 19711 1raya1 ol M• on d•ytlme Crtlg Ru11111 , Hollla aoapoperas Mclaren A good·nttured e 0 V!OAI h11ror-. who moon-Dan ttkM charge ~I an 11g1111 aa an Impersonator eatortion-murder ctM for ol l1m1le calebrltln, 1 French deteetlw friend. al'lares an apattment and 1 (RJ pl1ton1c rel1Honlhtp .,.," 1 CD MOVIE ach1zophrenlc young wom-* • * "Cutno RO)'lle" .,.. 'R' ( 1967) Peter Sellets. UrM>- (1) ROMANCE: LAURA, II Andr-JI,_. Bond SWEET LAUAA eomee out ol retlr-1 (Part 2) wherl atl<ed to help llop 10:30 I HEWS two underground organ- UP POMPEII tu11on1 Involved In gam· MOVIE bling * * * Loolung For Mr ., LOVE. AMEAICAN Goodbar ( 1977) . Diane STYLE KHIOfl, Tuesct.y Weld A "l<MI And Murptlts Bed" 1oc1111y repru11d Saran and John trt1YI IChOOllelcher H•k• llorne ...,., .. ely "Low e•C•ltmenl t>y lraquenung A/\d The LOii 0og·· Elee- llnglel t>ars and luri119 ver-nor ll'lta an ad In the PIC* IOU• men Into one-night for • Iott dog thll ahe ,_. 11 andt 'R et had. lZJ MOVIE (Q) MOVIE * * "My Bloody Vllen· * * ' PICk·Up Summ«" une·· ( 19811 Paul Kelman. (111811 Mk:llaet Zelnlkar, Lori Heller A tmall town Cart Matott• Tile lun-lllled t>ecomee • acene of terror 1<1mmer vacation ol t-..o during their annual V1len· h'9h actlool lludenta oul- Une'a D!,t d1nce ·R' mlnatM In 1 hOtly corn•· 11:00 IJ 0 U ()) 9 Cl! ed pinball e;ompe11Uon. 'R' NEWS (%)MOVIE 8 SATUADAYNIOHT * * * * "Kramer Va. Holl Kirk Douglu t<ramer" ( 111711) Outtln Gueall Sim & Oa\19 Hollman. Meryl Streep A Q YOU A8KEO FOR IT man battltl wllh hl8 ex- Faatured ··powdllf Puff wUe for CUllOdy of tlle4r Motocrou· and "Man young aon •her ahe walks Swalloln 8and11119 " out on them 'PG' CD M"A"8"H 1~08LATENIOHTW1TH Frank complllnt 10 Gener· DAVID ~AMAN II Barker When H1wkeye .. ~--... Gtlftts-.tolm-, appoinlld ~Surgeon ~of He. Vc>dl Clly 11 the '°77th eubway'1 Lost tnd Found • BENNY HtU. department Hugh Dunne, Fred Scuttle O(>enl I dub Ozzy 0.t>oume IR) celled Fun Boy I Club 8 COUPLE.8 I IUSIHESS REPORT G) NEWS DOCTOfl IN THI! 12:40 f) Cl) MCMILLAN & HOUSE WI~ Mtdlael get• hold ol 1 little Mac Nita Sally 10 help • blue boall' -every doc-tol'<le 1"41 l'IOmlcldl ot an 1or·1 guide to "bedside Old l9Y crony. their only manner '' IMd t>aillQ I.he m.vt'I pipe 11;IO 8 Cl) QUINCY tobecco. Quincy Ir-lo find out ii I 12::45 (I) MOVIE -um m9de in AmerlCI * • '>1> ··Ser••• t 1980) Mar· could be responlllble for tin Mull. TUUCS•y Wttd A the <1eat111 of children In hlpp1ly married M arin Latin Amerlea County couple ar• lpUfred D a TONIGHT t>y lllel< trendy neighbor• Holl Johnny Carson. Into eKp!Orlng 11t•nell¥1 Gueata Robin Wllllams. 111-tylea. 'R' Roberta Flack. 1:00 8 MOVIE D 9 A8C HEWS • • • ··ou1l1y Or tnnoc:.nt NIGHTl.IN! The Sam Shtppetd Mur· 111 MOVlE dar CIM" ( 1975) George • * ... A Man Called Gan-P19PVd. Wiiiiam Windom non" (1969) Tony Francie>-A Cleveland Olttoplllllc 11. Michael Slffazln An surgeon cl\arged with the ••P«i.nctd cowboy Ml• murd« • of 111a wtre 11 1boul leect11119 1111 Eut•n ~ on 1r111 In 19S4 dude 1M ways ol 1n. m> MOVIE range • • Tc>wef Of Tetror' tD THE.IER"EA80N8 11972) &ay Kendall, Frank George'1 Old Nltvy Duddy Finlay A IMC:tler Ind a "-up al the Jetter- '°"' o.tactiw attempt 10 cetcn a murctwer IOOM at 1 glrte' ~ 1: '°'• MOVll **'-' "Hlti.o The W I Ttn e>ay." ( 1973) Alee o.uinr-. simon Ward Pot-..c! by pertonal 1ur111o11. AOotpn HlllM aoend• 1111 final daye barrl- clded Ir! 1 Dunker from his ..,.._ 1:1e!= * * • "A Clockwork Orange" {191.!l Malcotm McDowell, Patrick MIQM. 01r1c11d by Stanley Kut>rlck Whan pOltce cap. IUfl Ille leader of I 1-- age gang of rapl111 and murderer•. Ille method of reh1bllllallng him Pf<>YM even more threatening 10 IOClet . 'R' 1:.IO a a NBC Nl!W8 OV!AHIGHT • GALLAGHER: MAD Al HEU G1llagller provea onc;e aglin thll I lllnd·UP com- ic 11 only 11 funny u 11111 !>'091 •• !hit Hme I.he ··~MlllC" 11 1 ... lured 1:4&(%)~ * * '" H;story Of Tll4I World -Part I' 11981) Mel Broou. MldeNne Kallft. Man 1 1llu1tr10u1 hlatory - from Neanderthll ca.,.. men 10 tile Spanllh lnqul- ltllon -11 e111m1neo R' 2:00 ., MOVIE • • • Let No Man Wrlle My EPillPfl ( 1960) Shelley W1nter1 Burl lvea A hood a son end wife attempt 10 aurvrve altar ha 11 eucuted t>y Ille mot> @ MOVIE ***~• Wollen" (1961) 'Albert Finney. Diane Veno- ra. POiice are laced with an unu1<1al prol>lem u N- York City 11 lnYeded by I pa.ck of dltplaced wolves 'R' 2'.20 Cl) MOVIE * '" "Tile Happy Hooker" ( 1975) Lynn Redgrave. Jean-Piene AAHnont Tiie lltw ot ~ Yorlt '1 lwnout caR Qtrl XaYlatl Hollallder. 11 tOld R ---~ 1• * ,. f,,. lerf0t ' t tNat 8ot11 Kllt1off. Jaclt N~ ton A French olll~r trtcka down 1 mysterious Q#I to an_,_~ owned by • lldistk: mad· man ·= * * '" · HislO<Y Of The World -Part r · (11181) Mel BrOOkl, Madellne Kahn Man's lllustrloua hlltory - from Nean<lertllll CIYI-"*' to tl'lt Spanltll lnqUl- llllon -11 eJ1amlned 'R' 2:40 IJ 1J NEWS 3:1011 MOVIE • * "Kiii Me, KWI Me" ( 1978) Stella S1even1, Mlcheel Anderso" A pOl!u 1nves11911or per1l1t1 In problnQ Into the dellh of I IChOOllNCher, llthOUQh hef euperlora lntllt that they already have the kMter 1nw110dy 1:20 (%)MOW • • "Dirty Tridle" ( 1981) EJtiott Goukl, Kate J.ck· aon. A Hamlrd prof9Nor l>eoorMI the qusry of penon1 an!Cb'8 to get their halldl on I ftc*lllY • ................. ~Gwte w......,. Ut( MOYll . .. I lurnl I. 1t10f ...,t ...................... 41!* A _.. '°',..._. ...... ~..,_.., ~ . ..,.._...,. ... .,., ·~ .,,.. -r-~TOM IOTTOM M n.l llA "TN l(.,attOt ' (ll)MOYll •• "My llOOdy v.-.. UM" (1N 1) 'tu! ~flmtn, Lon .....,, A ltntil IOWlt ~ a 14*19 of tlfror Mint lnw annual vu.n- 11nt·1 Day OtnC9 .,.. ()}M0\111 • * * • "IA Cage Au• '°'* II" (1HO) UQo Tognazzl • Mlcl?tl htrllJll. A llileldle• aoed OtY oouplt ,,e lilt quatry of a MCt91 Ofganl. 1 llllon trying to gel Ille mlc{olilm th11 ooe of thlm awellowtd. 'A ~ ... MOV1I * * 'Ledy !'Of A Mlglll" I t942) Joen Slondell, JohoJ Wayne A woman lrorn • gambling boat marrlM 1 man for hit weelth llld • mucn.coveted poeltlon In IOClely 4;10fiitMOVIE • • ·~ 'Aaggecty Man • 11981) S11sy Spacell. Ertc Rooerts In 1944, I ..... pllOnt operllor In 1 email T exaa town MC•llic:el "" 9411ndlng In the c;ommunlly wntn ahe Illa I anort attllf with 1 comt>ll-bound 1111· or ·pa f 'rida11•• Da11t1,,.~ .,.01~1.-. 1:00 CC) * * * "lntlde MOYM" (1980) John S1vage, David MorM CID i • '"' "The North Ave- nue Irregulars" ( 111711) Edward Herfmenn, Barbe- ,. Harri9 Q ***"I Hiie 8Jond11" (19811 Jean Rochefort, Enrico Mon· ·-t:CIO (%) * * "The Lui Of Thi Blue Oevlll' t 19791 Big Joe Turner. Jay McShann t:aO 0 * * "Tl141 Gifts On Tile Beach' ( 19es1 NorHn Corcoran, Martin w111 10::00 CC) * e 'h '"Two-Wey Stretch 119e 11 P1t11 Sellera. Wlllr•d Hyd•· White A trto of prison lnmllM plan to break out. then break In again wit" • trudCIOad of diamond• CID • • ~ "HarOly Work. Ing" ( 1981) .Jelry Lewi•. Susan Ollver AHer the circus cio-down, a val .,.,.. clOwn tr-1111 nand 11 Vllloul Jobt, I tiling m1_.ably et them Ill 'PG' Cl) * * * "The Ll•t Time I Saw Paris" ( 11154) Ellll· t>etl'I Taylor. V 1111 Jollnaon BIMd on a mtory by F Scott FlttgerllO Br04lltl romancea ar>d llllllettd lndlvlduall popullll Parle at ltlt end of World Wll II 10:30 (%) •••• ,., "Wdf'an" l1M l)Alberl Anney, Diane VlflOfa POiee -'**' ................ pmbMml -~ YOt'll Clly. ln'fld· ad by • pedl ol d~ wo1VM 'R' 11:00"' •• llr11VPattatN (195e} Van Hefltn, Ed S.0- le)' e...o on 1 df ema by Rod s.r1l!lg If ~ tycOon ;eta c:.Jgl'lt up In • higl'r-ectlllon poWlt alrug· 11:aoS • • * "Gu111Yar'1 Tr• .,...... { 19311) Anlmateel Bued on the ~°'Y by Jonathltl Swift A man 11 tllli~ed In 11\e land of Ille~ UIUputlaN 12:00 D * • ~ "eopp.t Can- yon" (19501 Rey Mlnano Hedy Lamarr. tD 1' •'A "Two People" (1973) Peter Fondt, Und· NY WllQI* ••••• "Tl141 lnepec:- tor General" ( 19411) Denny Kaya, Elaa Lanett.lier U••"N-~ Land" Petuta Clar1c. Chrl1- 11en Heneon A nln.)'Hf· old gift, wflO 1'111 !>Mt\ abandoned t>y l>Oll'I her mother and lather. find& eacec>t "°"" II« loMllnetl w41h I _..lillw lamlly or 'PG' ~ (H> * * "Sellch And Oellfoy" (1911) Peay King. Don StrOl.ld. A for· mer South Vi.tnt.mMe olllclat '"ka revenge egalnll tile lour A.merbn1 1 who abandoned him In en ' amt>usll d\Klng the w11 'PO' •••••• "Hlgl\t Gallery'' ,. ( 11M19) Joan Crawford, Bat· ry SolllYan CC) * • . Don't Change My World" ~taty A fiery conlron1111on ~ ope l>e'-1 • g,roup °' wtldllle COflMnlatlonlats end -greeely land developer• 0 * * "Blood And Gull ( 1978) Wolllam Smtih, Micheline Lanctot An aging WfMtler MeltJI NI • one-ln-a-molllon lhot for • M>CCe11 In Mia, work and k>Yll 'PG ., 4:30 0 * * •;, "Thi Nori.II Ave- "_,. lrregulare" (t979) Edward Herrmann, ~ ra Harrll The ,_ mlnltter '" • tmall town organizes a group 01 dotty ..._, 1n l'lil congtegallon lo ttop Ille flow ol church lundt to crimln11a 'G' 4:.e6 (%) * * ••;, "Wollen" (t981)Alberl Finney,~ Venor1 PoflOI are laced wi1h an unutu.81 prot>tern 11 New Yorll City Im Invad- ed t>y I peck of dllpllcled woi..... ..... &:00 m * * * "Song Of Fr ... dom" (1936) ...... ~ aon, Ellz.at>elh Welcl'I A l>lectt 818"'8dore -lame .. • Concer1 ~ and lo-fteY9 to1 In 11arc;h ol Illa rOOll ·1 •• 'Shipwreck I 11178) Aob111 Logan. Mlll~t Jamoton-Olton A widow- er Ille two OIUQf>ter• • ·~ and a runawmy are strll'dtd on an llOlll· ad lalllnd alt• encountw- lng a violent storm II -·o· 6:30 CC) * * •;, 'Two-Way Stnflch · ( lff tt Pete• St llera, Wilfred Hyde- Wlllte A Irle> of prlton lnrr1411M pl91'1 10 brtll< out, ll>en t>rHll In again with 1 lrucllllOed of dlen'loNI• CB) * * "GI.,. Me Llber'ty" (1974) Rober1 Culp, Ricn- ard Kiiey A peddler'1 adventurN In colonial Amer1ca take him !Jorn tile edge ol the wlldel ,_ lo mMtlnge with Ille lollndlng '"'*'· (Q) * * "Kl119 Of Tile Mountain" lt981) H1<ry Hamlin, JOMC>h Bot!OfM Thr .. young L.A. bectle-eor. ~te theif -glee lo Ille ICIOf1 of Mtg t9C1ng 'PO' by Armstrong & Batluk CHANNEL LISTINGS ··Pride And Prejudloe" Mr Blngley'a ll>fupl Oepltture to Lbndon hurt• Jane dM9IY ln<I EJIZlbelh ,, comMQed that Ille dlM· Qf-.1>48 Mr Oercy wu to blame, (Patt 3)(RIQ CZ>MOVI! • IAHFOAO AHO 80H • UHOlMTAHDINO HUMAN NHAVtOlll "0-tlc Psychology" G CAPTIONED ABC Nl!W8 JOHN DARLING .---r------------------...-~ fJ l(N)(T ICB!tl 0 KNBC INBCI 0 ICTLA lino I 8 KA8C. IABCI 0 KFMB !CASI 0 KHJ TV (Ind l 0 KCST (ABC.I • KTTV Clnd I 0 On'" l l TV H H80 C ((1n1•md• I t IWORI NV NV 11 IWlBSI I IESPN> I IShowtlmttl 0 SPOlftQhl * * · C>irly T r1ct11 (1118 t I Emo11 llould. 1<111 J.ck· eon. A HllVard PfOf..eor becOrMI tile quarry of peraon1 an•IOUI 10 get tllelt ntnd1 on • ,_,,1y dl9cOY«td lelttr wrlllll'I by George W""'"Gton. 'PG' t:aO D 8 THE HIGH FIVE (C)MOYE .... MJ1n11•• (1974) Doe• umenllry J1nl1 Joplln riles from an unhapP)' and oOac:ure put In • ..,,... TtJtaa town to Mid Iha charts u a top roell and \)IUM tlngtr Q) KCOP TV llnd l GI KCET ( PBSI • CCat>ll' Nl'w\ Nl'lwork) Tne cheap owner of 1 black 111evl1loo 11atl0n orders hi• crew to P<tlend ....., ct MOVIE • • • "Hardcore" rt919) George c. Scott. a.aeon G KOCE !PBS> They're using TV in class By FRED ROTHENBERG ll#T ........ .,_, ARDSLEY, N.Y. -They won't be handing out Emmys for "Let's Get Phyalcal: lben:i.let for Adults." The acting wa1 c omical, the direction unlnaplred and the camerawo rk disUnctlve only becaute head• were tnd11crtmlnately separated from their bodie.. But l9Wll tmchen, tak1nt • cow. ln how to Ull! televlllon ln the clulroom, don'i atw a hoot what anybody thlnlm. They Clidn•t come to TV 8Chool expectina to do •reo Minutes." but they c11a Jeeve wtth • ftnlahed prosram and another mod•m tool to deal with 1how-me atudentl ~ ue ln the video age. It'• aettln1 tiarder tor teachers 'to cam,.ie wtth the Wual bombardment and ldmulation that kida pt outside the d' oom -~ !IV, movie9 and video ..,,.._, One mUdMu iea_Ch1nl problem IC How .,..J:: ,onna ~ 'ero down on :taW.e~inct~~ ..., Durm'1 COU1W la el OOID TV ..... J)Ulii, • lidlDat ~ Md audio-~ supervilor at Ardaley Hi&h School. gave a mree-day leSSion ln TV production earlier th1a month. ''Teachers want to make 1en1e of all th1a new equipment that'ii 10 foreign to them," aaya Dunn. A ~IM!Ctlon of educaton -each with different reaaona for becomln1 amateur TV producers -came to Ardaley'• "TV at.udlo,0 a room wtth three cameru. three video recorden, five TV eet.a and, for acmic variety, two d.iahwllhen. 8111 Elllnaton, a mualo teacher tn ~Ill Y., pi.man ua1n1 WS.O t'eCOl'dera to i,pe lworw.. _,.. cor'°8l1I and brina pelt pertonmn lnto the dwroom. fir atudlnta ihoppln8 aroUnd for prtva~ ~ he'll alto prOylde video aarnpJes of different lrwtnac1Son techn)quea. Harold Caplan, a principal from V~ N.Y., wan'8 to "°Ykll video ie.dilnh.ip. mOdva-hll .rt to ..-TV to ct.wiop ltUdililt lklUI ta ._...., ~ wl1\lr\i arid tdltlna ltrlpca, ' ' ' I ' . • ltudentl p1ann1.na to li\i'oll ln or.nae .. Cout Coll•'• fall r.n,lllh 100 coune mu1t take an Znsllah plaeement tett •by the .met of A~t, offlclal1 ot the l:oata Meta coUep announced. 178 .2 1982 lJSA l< )\.· ,., ......... . P&G sues over 'devil' allegation CINCINNA11 (AP) -The Proccer & Gamble Co h11 named an Atl1n'• ttl.wlon WMtheftnan and c.hree 01.htn ln addltional lawtWtl IMki.na to Jtop drc:ulaUon of repC)111 that tt ii ~ to S.tan. . The 1uJt1, which the company btpn flllna thJa month, .. k to bar lndMduala from clm.&latinc falee statement.a about the com.,.ny and m.n c:all1na for a bo~n of lt• produc:ta. and Shmnan anld ~ McCord, Shaklee produc" dlurlbuton ln Tullahoma. Tenn. Mn. MeC.ocd ukl the wrote an artkle tor ShaklH'I new1letter but later retnc1ed lt and wrote an apolos:Y to P~. 111 don't really want to talk about It, becauee I fl~ lt'I I pubUdty thlna for the company (P&O).'' the uld. 11Man ln the MOCD'' and• dUIW OI 18 1W9. II not I aymbol al S.tanilm or d4Wtl worahlp but a 1yl1)bol tht compllly hiii UMd tor decedel. The 1wta w te filed tn fedtril dliCric\ oourtaatAtlant.a, ~. N.M.; and Greeneville, Tenn. P&O:llk.tid ·lhe cowu to bar any further tt.a-.nl8 on the 1ubject by the lndlvtduall and aeekl unal*tlled monetary damuel. · 1''reahman (;om · position ls ~ulred for students who wi11h an uaoclate tn arts degree, a ,S:ertlflcate, or to transfer to a fow-·yeor Institution. ANNIVERSARY -The Purple Heart, is 200 years old. The Post.al Service on Aug. 6 will issue an embossed stamped envelope bearing a likeness of the medal. The company filed 1lmUar 1ult1 apinat a PeDllCOla, Fla., couple and another Atlanta man Jul,y l .· Named thll week were O_uy Sharpe, a TV weather reporter at WXIA·T\' ln Atlanta: Elma Ed Pruitt, an Amway Producll Co. diatrlbutor in Clovt.a. N.M .. Sharpe'• attorney, Jamee M.cl&ay, Mid Sharpe had been notified of the ault and· denied the allepuona. Ma. Pru.in could 'not be locaied for comment lmmediately. The 1ult1 alleae that Procter & Gamble'• character wu libel~ through Uteratw'e and at.atemenll. P&G laid Ill trademark, featuri.n8 the the Clr.clnnatJ.b11e'cJ food end cleanlng froducta manufecturer beaan the leaa campatan June 24 afier ~POrtir\8 that the nunon were hW'tlnl salea. 'the home office 1ald It wa1 receiving more than 16,000 telephone calla per month from people 11kin1 about the rumors. ,f-MAK-E-MONEY-l using your malling list * I and save $10.00 with this ad. I 0 label ac:ldttSSlng I 0 I~ matntenance I o maUJng tist brobr I *Saue this ad and ~li>e $10 o.lf your first onkr. I (min. $100 onkr) I AAA to l22 · (714) 536-2104 I IABEL & MAILING UST SERVICE 605 13th St., Hundngton Beach, CA 92648 I .---------------------- • :: . . . .. . , .. •: llEED YOUR JEWELRY REPAIRED? We do It on the premlaea at our Newport Beach store. Also, we do appraising, watch and clock repairing, engraving, pearl and bead stringing, jewelry designing and manufacturing. B.D. HOWES and SON H'I lllo.HfR~ IOR fOllRC.ENUIATIOl'<S rnPORT BEACH 3412 VIA ll>0/675-2731 PASADENA/SANTA BARBARA/PALM SPRINGS HAWAII/PEBBLE BEACH/SAN FRANCISCO General Electric YESl~0=0 24 DELUXE PIECES ua... 11..,Clllllll• tM .. 1. ... .... c. lmtikc.. .._...,_...., l---..... ..... U•l.tlll 11 .... '-l'4111"'91 ...... .. l.laC-llC..1 .. U'illll'-t._ ..... ll'*flr* 11 llDlll-- 1•111• D.fm119Cllm l.r-tt.M rJ.f .... C. ....,, ... c. All 24 PIECES $1495. IRZlll 24 PIECE NUllLl VOi IFFEI 8 HR. REMOTE VIDEO RECORDER tap WHERES THE RUST ROOM?? ltUST·OLEUf4 arrest the rustles Protect your ruS1abtes with easy to use Rust·Oleum spray. Beautifies as It protects. Available In all colors. 13 oz. Reg. 4.99 ll1rl11! try .. 1.1 B lack & Copper barbeque paint 1nd gaMnlzlng compound not included. 1111••• •• ,. ••r• ... Vinyl blinds to keep out the sun. 3'xG', Reg. 4.99 341 Black and deCktr .... drill tor fight duty work, building Md remodeling )Obs. #7004. Reg. 16.99 4'd', "I· I ................................... ~ .......... 4.11 rd. ,... 11 .............................................. 1.n 12•• r.r. ,... 11 ............................................ 11.11 white. gold. green. Sturdy bbq, convenient. clean and ponable. Sell-clHnlng. Choice of L.P. or Natural Gas. #7130 Reg. 223.95 HOf'Mflte'• neweet, molt pow9fful etectrlo chain MW le _..... .. and teey to Mncle. 10". ·10 Aeg. 511.8& unclog your drain problems For 1 •~" to 3 drains Just hootl th11 beauty to your old garden hose. Drain King unclogs drain• 51• with running water. #186. 9'. Reg 7.99 Only extenor satin varnish Durable, weather reslstanl For exterior doors. outdoor furniture. tables. shutters Gloss or Satin 5 99 Ot reg 9 99 • Gal. reg. 28.79 ... 15.99 Intricately de1lgned 'Honeycomb' acreen door. 30". 32" and 31" widths. Reg. 31.9& Galaxy 9 .. oacrltatlng fen keepaeool clrculatllig In your, home with heavy base end satty gnll #2154A. Reg 19 99 1 l'' 32.99 24.11 31.11 If ....... --the 11k fer •ll•••rr S.A E 30 ~hi motor 041 keeps your car running efficlenttv and improve• mileage. reg. 1.39 qt. j ClASSlfllD Thurtday, Juty 22, 1812 Looking /or a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100. QTDS, fllPHTEI ~.'1J~!f ••••••.•.•. '-~ff!.{'!.~{• ••••••••• ~!!!.{'!.~~ •••..•. ~~!~.{'!.~{•....... .~ff!.{'!.hJ!. •••••• ~~!!!!.{'.'.!.•/! ....... '-~!ff!.{'!.!t/! .••• H •• I. !'.'.!!!!.{'!,:!.'{!···,·~,· '-';..:!:',. 1111 • '-· l!JI. 1-• 11. al 1111 11-al 1111 ,.,,,, J.*'I C..t M 1••4 .._ .. , La.J I ,,,,,,.,, _,,. " •••••"A•·~··••••••••• ..... ... ,,.,,,, ......... ,, ... ,, •••••• •• • ................... l. ·····'···"·"·'·········"·"·.·. T:P.-.. ••• r:::.-.......... ........................ _ .. -.. -............ ....... ......•..........••.•. ... .................. •..•.•.... . .. ... .. . .... ., Jfll -------~~~~--A11M 11~ I J. 01.DE LAOUNA CHAAM BMutlM tl'M lheded &It ....,. llU •••••••••••••••••••••• PllllllU .. n FORECLOSURE ·--.. _ ~ ... f-Unique 2 bdrm floor 81uff home. fOf .... by 11,000 •WI ~"'.",'.n;'."'M;; kit'.'."~ plen, 1 ~rm w/ ownw. 38', 38• + lg 20,000 tqft. tllt-up bldQ, Prt.t.e Weat S.y bllytroni. SUpe f« 2 boeta. ..... m ..... m1oro. °""' 1 dtepee, been* • tiatd-OOftYer'llt>tt 61n. C*' °' 2 dMded 1n10 4 unit• eedt IWI IT 11~ remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath •l,200,000. ..... ••sm. Pool, i.e. deck, 880 Plt WOOd floor• & OGrY too rrna. Auurnable 111 11 wttll 2 r•troome and en OMw lllghly motivated. Pickup over uoo:0£0EQV1TY & "'*'· .1 .... 900. ~. burning frplo. •18?,&00 7.7~. ~ wtH n-oftloe Local.cl on • Open to Ill onw.. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 h ~-I ll iiiiiie r lii 000 down. owe 2nct at Full Price. nanc:. 2nd ., 10%. 150. p!'OX. 1.4 .... 1980, •• Tut'"'""" 11-reded, bd ,,, bath 3700 f $ 39c 000 ovenllg t. vi11."C n a e • ve 1""'. 10•• "---·d. MISSION Re.AL TY 000 chm. •235,000. ooo. Submit i.rm1. ... •·u~, ...... rm, .., ' lln, t. l , .,, . --• bet·--buv Won't ,_... "'" .... ............. .. .. ~ "731 -~ 0 OU ._ perfect •tart• home. Oceanlront. .., never ...... u .._ _,,. ,_,, 540-Seeo Owner. _..., ,...._ 1 .. ~ 1111 TM compleli llfll al the Prime Qranae Cty 21.i acre hilt.op : emen1t1ee. Locat9d '*" Ull llU ••• OCEAN VIEW NEW ESTATE. Pool, mlT llU. n l /H. ... ... • llY •rMIT •11111 1• South COl9t Ptua. elec:V MOO ft V...._ condo: Martlet AWARD WINNER Older llou• owr 1300 la 542313 r:L.~ = =~.~· '~ bath. ~aa~·~~ew of ~~.c. Te:U. =:.•:>·c:>wn~C:,:~ ~ ~~bd~~ :.C, "d!':-1::'-oe~ •N court + HELICOPTER pad area. loan. fM.t 222 & fam. rm. 1ge g.,-den, p1-=·p1:;.,:';'i.i:, :: Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath t large rt!C. rm. ASSUME LOANS & T E RMS. 525-0879 tlo,IOl'maldln.rm,1ge11v. 60x117 R1 lot. OWner ::: - -... beern cellinp, fumlabed.. P9tfo•. $420,000. Originally liated for u.200,000. • ..... ~ pi· 2 ~let By cut-CS.-w. Medi calh 1174,000. \ 1>111,HNllll -__,. Sacrifice at $1,128,382..63 approx. with YOAJt own pool and ..,_ 1 ' 97~ '491 s.,,ta Ana A¥9. 11.1rbo1 '"""''m'"" \'11 i5 =.llYuntt w1~::f:-1>1 .. ~111n LllU llU UYFlllT 1350.ooo approximate catb down. =:, = -:h: ~ 'I ~=~=~~~!:81:3~~~20~1:~· E~¥91~&~~~~~~~~~ = ~. ~ tllet, ~view from 6 txtrm..~ blth,_p~ Only thf: ~need mil dil'ectly to coeca M91a't tlelt ..... •• ..... 1Mu1t NII bMutlful IW-,,.,, ,,, w. IJll-.......... 11• ::'~edwi:=:-a1 ~:. dar rm, den. Boat al1p. Now Sl,000,000. PATRICK TENO R E 760-8702 or nelQhbomood. Ent• ~nf.JitY upgraded na ... anc. In Hatbor ••••0 •••••••••••••••• dowa. 2 BR rear untt & UYlllE llYI 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtora, agt. ttvougll • prtyita COi.ir· home • .-imable loan. Ridge. Top of htll. tennl1, UIMll .... ... s tacular ba f t ... _ 2 br 2 ... _ 2 br tyard .,,d anjOy the Near tchoolt. 3BR 2 pool, IP• 145,000 dwn. APPfOX .,.. acre. Wiii ... := ~~ qtrel or .. t pee Y ron •KW • ..,. up; • Broken welcome. many llTIW\ltlla th• blth. owe balance at 13.75%. or 1o1n1 venture. v11ue :: ~~itt ~000. A 2 ba dn. 2 t>o.t alipe $1,000,000. ~ ~e:.on·1 ~ Llpu ""'-' I.I 790-9307 $500,000 Cell 940-7ees J:~. ... ...... AIJI 9-a•70 .. ,. 11{1 .. f·'-.___, -...... llHI ·-. 3 bdml, 21>1. Eutbluft. ,,.,~~' __.., .~,, ,... ____ ..,,_ T-•---' ba ELEGANCE ON THE $ Sell/ _, ., = ~....., ........... CUit. yfront lot. 8S boat SANO GtH,500. I IM/1'i •••••••••••••••••••••• ;; I 751-9100 dock. Plana avail. Red. $370,000 w/terms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Excklllft rllldence In rnt «m•. g I•--------~=======~1 fabled "IAgunlta" with &40· 9019 H 11111 = ILlm ... ---,-IDl-----I eo· of bNc:hfront. Two Jutt .,, nour away . hard = .. Ul1mJ s1~ .. 1e .. ,....., end unit, ~-~ed 3 br, 3 be on tev.11 w/3 8dr & 8alt'la Wllta.Wf ft.W to ~ thll ltenqulf ...... --~ ~A_.... 3 Bel 2 ea. poo1, Rv ao-'2.500.ooo. 844-1020 s~. 11ng11 1eYe1 re1r .. t with O••. SyQ-: *!!!!'!'.!* largest greenbelt. $250,000. cell & A.JO. Local.cl In Ullt UAL llTATI condo. perl9Ct '°' ml· mor11, • runnl"G strMfft -.... ....... Meal dll Mar. Probste UHi adultl. 2 8A 2 Ba. II IO cloM. A 1 Bdrm s~ 2 11ory, 3 PAii Liii ..... ma111 an otr«. ,,. • .., .m1 llJI 1ove1y gardlfl outlook. home 1n'llt• r11axa11on l~ bdrm, 2 beth, f1f19lec. 131-7370 ••'••••••••••••••••••• ctote 10 lhopplng/ Offered et $230,000. : hOml. Open beam Oii-3 bdrma, 2~ batha condo near pool. $145,000. hit ..... Im, bu ..... $189,600, agt. 142-1200 = ting•. lot•°' lme>Orted tlle L·i d 0 Realty Co-opt from $3\.ooo 846-0295 _ & much more. 1585,000 ~ty ~. Condol -,..-,-... ----,...,..-:-~ lm INCLUDES THE LANDI 673-7300 fr1o;'.~75::0or1dfull~ ••••~ .... ! ........... . = ...... .., Pn,. 24221 ';__,de Vlllnole Zlfo down paymenll 2 Br. J PETE BARRE Tr = llllltn Lag HHls 7141837·5600 ~i!:'. ~~11,_~,:,~: 5 1~~·~11~1-~1~-~·~~ SI0,000 .... I"-' 1111 pools, 1pu ANumel~~~~~~~ . REALTY "°' 1..: Newly remodeted Cape Cod 1 .u................... Ull• Wiil.i 168.eoo 111. r .o. wtth ., ..... ,11'·•-·-·• •a.» •-...&. •-•~ ,..,._ f New ouetom bit lloml. L__... c... Ml-monthly p1yment1 or u•f •• " ,., .... ~ : 2 M':"--.--:'=s ba LIQUIDATION beach home. 3314 W. ""'°an ront. 381. 281• 4 ._..., 2 i;,;;''M=.' 2er. 2ea. :5!! :''f~'~~ ... ~!.'!..'1. •.•• Y.!f :: •1951<. good flf*ldng Forced sale, two beautiful pres~;.nous Lowest prl,..,. on --..... Thia Is a ~~·1111 ~ m-= ~~'.:!"': Mw~ sa1 ooo. c.11 IM0-6825 rime Ghat• 1 we111 per -.... JW.1111 -· ..,.. ...,..._.,, ."' 5~7955 • eummer lor 2 •• Laoune f: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Newport pool homes valued at $400, financing d ream . No quallfyl ng . Aft I PM. c:ourM. 11sa,soo. 1 · Shor... $7600 IH4> _ 000 will be sold for $318,000 (Dover $325,000 assumable at 13•1.. Priced • ....,_ owner 830-3036 '!!~!!.~/!.'!!! ..... _s_2e-_8_s_19 ____ _ -DRAMAllC Shores) and $325,000 (Irvine Terrace) at $375,000. INf} lffl #i )il 6i PALI IPllllll l..mmed. Fee land. U you ....... a ""'n·ous a ... ftr INlk .. .._... 11•1• •••••••••••••••••••••• '---•• •l•••l IHI ' ·' •n .... ,.. ..., -IJWWl&f r ILlll ft .al ::'JI'.':': •••• ,........... 1• s.J1 llH GREATEST CONDO. 2 COUNTRY buyer contact Patrick Tenore at hltr ....... •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm Sleeps 6 wona 760-8702 or 631-121;6 now! 1700 a/f horTMi In H.B. No 2 bdrm. 2 t>a, belutltul OCEANFRONT Mobile wide exehenge S.c S2, l•-------tC.11.... 1111 money down on our un-Vllll P.clflca home. Homee, -11. $80,000 750. ...................... lque .,.. ~tlon Adul1 Comm. Financing Pvt. 4H-3819 714/493-0379 ESTATE man UL.I ~14/891-55~· rnlt. WIH contider Newport BMch De AIWI 0.1 1/ ,,,,, llUoll pyrch.... bayfront Part(. Mint h If# R&IM~ of Costa Mesa -... llU -----------.is -----~ ------ ........ *"'"ft ... Senullonll Beedl cot- tage with 12% lll9UIM- ~85~01:.,, ~ G'll4 °'·· ~ Beld\. 759-1801 Of 752-7373 ~ Walker & Lee -- T/\ Y LOH f 'O ::: 111111 I .... We haw avlllabfe coo- :: doe from 189,000 to ,.,. 1239,000. Cd now for ,.. more lnfonnatlon. -797~5370 ~·· ---\ f >I I, / tl F If I • • , •,,, .,, .,. .. --------1 --*** --wn1•1•111 11111 ........ .... Hl IUll 11,100,llOO Breathleu oceanfront view of bay & Jetty. New superb conslructlon. S.CUtlty. bMcb stairs, high celllnga. oak noor1 & formal dining. Setler will caJry AITO at best rate 2 BR. den, office, etc. e,11 2-1 at HH toWI ll¥t- IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 Stop bJ one of our well-toc.ted office• and let'• dtacuH real eatat•I We have a varied ..e.ctlon of homM. condoe Md Income propterty to tit your need•. ..... """"'· wtr. ---from --CGlftdo 1 bed S7l,IOD .... port • bed f1-..00 ..._ ..._..I bed IZ2S,GOO =:•·--= CoroM .. ..., ..... ·--t:l72.lm hfltFiute Dullle• ll1M'OO Oft w.-w/dodt ••• Vu.J bed + -Hll,000 Udo .... 4 bed. + ··-..,..... Cow condo f77l.IOO ...,... S5000 down. T~ 761-0482, &46-7068 cond. '78 dbl wide, fir• •••••~m••••••••••• :•·.!.c,~CASH~AIT: ~~4:·~ °= • , J.Mi ,,,. pl-. bt= pat~ru~· For Sall PARKER, ARI· FHA/VA OK. c.11 Owner anldoul. Andy ••~••••••••••••••• 500. Y ZONA, llOx 12 trlr.0 2Br. llLll&..... 540-1151 for more c»-Deya 714/ 53&-254f. 67Mt61 281. Ill fvrnltura. cab41 A fix•~ duplex. tab. ~ tee>-Oeee. • . ~ .. ~· MP ~a:=· 1>11! c: Prime beactl ., .. loc:.. ln'IM IH4 24 X 94 GAEJ:NBAIER 82µ719 •ft &PM tlon. Thi' .. bedroom unit •••••••••••••••••••••• HOME. Lge L.R. Din. Am. -------- and bachelor. GenerOUI Trtllt 18871 Antlcgl. lkbx Kit oplnl to Fam Am •.i ,,,,,, owner ftnlndng. May 4 Br. 2 Be. O.R.9.R. w --·--we\bat. 2 BR 2 BA. Light ,.,,,.... ZI# ":~~~i.&oo-li~ii;;iiiiiiiiiiiit~~~=~Wic__l!iQ. ..... ~ Mtr .... IOO. 111..000 dn •••••••"A-••••••••••• "' 000 Clown, l 1M>.OOO 110 -MST• 1)8' .i 9%% Ut'1 .... A .. Ill 38r,2kdble#~ A..l.T.0.12%1ntontyfor5 htr 1.1 A1US 540-5937 Corpor1tldn dellrll to ~~~~~~~~I 2 petlol, fllgMone frptC. Yf'I. Agent S41..so32 Out of the fllght '70 AeetWOOd. 12x40, trlde S35.000 equity In °""*~°"' bit home. Bt9"d ,.._ HOfl'lll & pa t t e r n , t 11 1 1 tum .. NEW range & r• exceptional 3 Br. New-YIUAll .U •129,950. With 129,teo Condol no d custom home oNere frig, Stanlght VIII. 714/ port Belch Condo All Dramatic trl-llYal 3 8dt down. Owner wtll °*'TY while fhloy ~ ,m) m a g n 1 I 1 0 e n t 87~4328, 213/ anumable llnenclng townhoml w/wetber. 111 loln. · 789-1022 Went Income pr<>C*'ly, lo ennll .., Iii••• lllr, 546-9522 Agt. opportunities resteur-.m, Of wtm "--:=... ~tloln. Ml-1JJI WATlll..-r Separate guut CftHlf'1 wts youA ,.... ..,.._ •131,toO. home and private ,.,,,.,. IS ,,_1 a.e-1044 -... -l~~~~~~~~I Abeotutlty 9llGent lak• po o I 1 n d 1 pa .,~.,.,..;.-. .,...... 751-3191 i= * * * .,. horTMI. 4 8dfm aBe.. Owner wm ttnance i>;:no ·v;.; .. ~1-.~.-,,...,, ... ,----- t.nuOlllM I .............••....... Ill 011 1211,000 So. of Hwy, R-2, 3 Bdt remodel. Lv rm opn to pvt blcky=. Gr11t terme. 32 to .... Della. 131-1 ee. Agt. 11thc. ... YI ..... /.,..../Tr* HAVE: 4 bdrm1 lncludl1'Q 2 matt wit•. 3V.be, tge fll'll rm, 2 frplcl, N9tlc wood beam Ollll ... In a walk to privlt• beedl loclllOn. 1l'9 petfec:t .... mlty home In Ille periect nllghbomood. F• !Md 1495,000 WANT: Income prop. Of re8ldencl w/tubltantlal equity OR IM/opt W/onty 5% ()pl. money. M4-1111 .,... aft ~ :en..i~::::e entire loan. The Pert\, Nwpl Bc:h. Lot744, ••••·--·--.•••••• 4 Gllnnhur91 Aire r-. bit-In mlGr<>-Pf'k:e la $985,<IOC?. Graves A & B. Bayview ••11n hnb)H lrt4ne -,,.-Terrace. S2200. •••••••••••••••••••••• You we tM winner of wave, Oltamlc lllld ._ c.tt, h• 87)-7787 C.11 #IN Jllf two free llc:kltl 'I 18.00) floon, and mOfef Aft• 714/Jl<AlAAA •••• ••• •••••••••• ••••• value to the xloua ownet wtlt ..... , In _. ,._ ~ 1 9t Trllllf. pnvai1. no RINOUNO BROS. ""8nclno. Full Pfiol ,,._,,, l 1>111. U1tls Pll<I BARNUM & BAILEY $338,tal>. 751-3191 •••••~;;7•••••••••••• $385/mo. Isl plus MCU· --anu YAUIY r11y 842-0835, •99-1811 An~= ~~:n Brand !WW Hom. & NMf !: =-:bdrm ~~.~'.t .. !.'.fl L<>nQ 9Mcfl Alena IT .... Condol, no mOf19'/ down 2 bl1h Heh Unit wtth 4 BR. "!!. ":t. fur~e!: AuG· 11-22 whtle tt-v lat. (714) fir~. encloeld patio, g1t1, ..,.. • To clelm PMM1. c:lll 2 bdrm. 2 i. Over 1300 546-9522 Agt. garege, ~·-111. Poe. 0wnr 4~ &42·5878, ext. 272. P--eq tt. 3 Y"I old. North-OCEAN FRONT cut! flow Now $159, ..... ,, lfMi J/lf -""-' bl ~ wood Dev. Miion I BY OWNER. XLNT LOC. 500. Bill Grundy, Altr, ··-·••••••••••••••••••• for~...,. •t x clubnoull ... -M!;.toO. 24 $400,000. 840-7990 87M191. LIDO ISLE -3Belrm. fam omoa ,.....,. to Plff0t-llr. eec. 132 1.. --.1;;;1iii1iii1i9i0m.11iHw.:&il-I mance. Walnlrt ~ oondo. M.lffl •&-lll• rm, 2Ba. S100/dy July. •• * 3BR 2.... s.ie. ...,,,,., -AT Tll IUOI $3500 AUQUll. Bin Grun--. .... You -...... ,_..,. 2 000 ........ _ ct• lot z. Rltr. 8l5..e181 I .. IWI/ ··-av91. Cell .,_ Of De-v _ .. u .. -.... • """-on commer -~~~~~~~~ ~. 2er ,::~O:., nlle, 552-9549, :!, ~~,:~·n!! on the PenlnlUla, 1 lot .:: "'-xi .. "-. -.. a .. a 1d • 551-2193 Of 978-1857 ......, ....... from beedl. Gr .. I IYm· ... lt-1--l.&.~ ,,. .,.. _, ...._ .....,. pool. Far .-ow m.. .... mer rent• potantlel. Low ,., .,..,....,_ I. -1-1 ~ $245,000. Wlll ..... oP-down. owe. ;;,;;;;r ........ ,.i 381, 181 & 18r, 181 In-Lowly holne +land, 381, •tlon~~· IMl~r~. 944--0~~13~4~~1 Realonomlcl 175-6700 ••••••·••l•lf•••~:·_;•••••• ._ eutt•. new1y """°"" 2ea. 11n.900. 0wner :: c.Mi 1a1 I .... led. flultMI lerma. •121. i-.;...C7_14_1_85_1_-3_t33 ___ , ........ "' IWMf ,.:..::: 11• Ylllty-Wllkly-Wlnllf, 2, toO. °'try ..... QPtlon. UUEST 1 Bt Pntrtll. Sdlottl •••••••••••••••••••••• 3,4 8drms. By owner. 141-279& Ptua. Xlnt loc. Nd ,_ PALM SPRINGS CONDO.. ,,,...n •R11 ·n HOME FOR SALE by ow-.. n In. 1109,toO. f68.-5133 Timi Shar11 currently WW """'-'* 3 BR. 2 Ba. "Plf811 3 Bt. 3 Ba. Uv. Rm. Din. 1111 at $8,000 per wt<. .. .. dining room, ccwer.a In V1t1eQ1 n1. Thll Yell Am. 1rp1e., ltltc:hln, fem. Buy thlt for 17,000 mo. 1 MWIEBIT '~--......,....----1 petJo,!..ondef ..... ~. s ... t .. CM. ~ "-" ~1: '.!d""'· rm. pool. FOf l&le by bdrm. 1 ba oomp film. 111 .. 1 ll .-a 1aa......, ..,..,...,.,.,. 2'A r-• ,.,...,. ...... rm. Owl*. 9348,500. 511 Buy with -.ra1 frllndl. OPEN HOUSE 11-4 OAJLY1--------1 plut a re-decotatld ktt-~ Aft.. N.B. Totel OOlt $84,000. -------- IJn "llLfL UAIL[ l & ASSUC IAT[S 1815 8a)'9dlN Tanace, cMrl (NEW ti. paint-833-t773 Of 551-4982. 841-3317, 831-4485 IMnl Tln'eol. Panore-ptipet). Loedld wttTI Ito---------mlc Ylew9, ,_ land, mini r1ge ...,._ Located on a 0-.•.I I 11191 ...... ,.., You 11'1 the winner of two tr11 tlc:kltl Cl 11.00) Yalut to tlle 00 ........ Cepe C4MI ----.. rtronl .,.. 11.-.-11t1te. 91,280,000. Riiey ~. ll'a.!bllt. 11tt. Aeelty 173-7478. 900. AlfTIS, Ill Utwt•t -RINGUNO BROS. llTIS, USO U-rol 1'ARNVM ~llET -Anaheim eonv.ntlon Center AUf. 6-11 Long BMcfl~ Aug. 1&-22 To claim PIMll. call &42-6171, ext. 272. P .. .. '""" be ex.dlengld tor~ Mita It box office prior to perfor-manoe. w:~::· S<C ~"llA-~e~~· :::: -----...... ., CU.T I. P014AM •l---·".... -......, ................. ............. ,..a._. l1 t i L t 1 1 s r I t· P L 0 E £ I I t I ........ bed -.. -. f1.-.000 Doww...,., lilrf'onl ....--f1-.000 ,... a ... ..,.,." --t1,,... ...... ffiMlil Pd ., ...... L.llMlll ...... bed ... a.no,ooo ;.-=.,et.c:...~ ""-= == WATERFRONT HOMES."' IO \I I 1111" ,....,. tt.r-............ ~, w .. ..........,... ... ,.. •. ,_ 11.,, '-·r-o- 131-1400 CdM's BEST DPlX --iilWiiWolilAi~-...,_.....,.OP.rP~~-----.... ,. 2*)C "°net NU MJl1C( MUC J!ncl MOT101 'Tll'llAU :,O.:~Oln.ueftl'IUU 'f OI VOU.A\A.f~A ~OUMl•Olfl&A-.T'*°"'A VOUAM••MA.T__. . ,,.,.. .o.> -.-''NOt .. 111.....,. .~ ,., ~ viJ':a AOT.ll =~~.:N?L~ t,~1'!'ulffl1~lftf flft ... :: •• II ll•t••r ~IVff\ ,. OU A~ tN \Dll'AUU UNOlft A 1911.. -• '°"" ~TO~..___. fO ~ ~ ..... TO"'°"°' --~ ACTIO• TO '"OTIOT Yo"• ., ' •OO'Tf'i.>i'~,~o'mn •D.el Truet.~0. .•. 1 .. 1 -· .. -·--·-r-~~" ·-, =='' ,,.11~ ltlMfll'Ot I '. M tran•fet It • ' • .. ~~ lttMYM9* ... ALI "YOU .... ,~--•• tll• thpert9'1tnl •• IALI ... YOU ••• , A ...... .,YOU........ -OU .... tr ll•tt 111• WI hi n1mell 11 'Ill UNla ~OU "'I( UNe11 y.w lelle Mt• to prOI... T • -AT• lll'OOOM6tWll MrtOIW'td IT llAY • 1CM.D AT A llAY • IO&G A Al·i.'!· •11•111 ,. Ot f'll•CI• on IHflOf\11 CTION TO lt"C 101 vou.-pub•l• .. ,~ If vou n••cl •n noee °' l)tl .. ,.. TtlMOOl1ltlOft, 120 '°""' ~ llXPUM.\nDN °' ,,. MATURI ·~nolll °' TMI NATUM .......,.,,. Oii ,... -pt~ty 1111e11111ter 4Meellbtd "°"MY, IT MAY 10\.0 Af,. .. ..._..'°" oi Ille Ml • o4 ttlt ""°° ..... AUMT lttelC. "°°"' 1000, Loe .,...., °' '"' "'°° ..... AUMT °' TMI PMC8IDM MMl9T OP '* ,..,,..... MMWf Tht MIM 1114 MlMM Midi... :.l~: .. A~. ~YTHl~U= ~--· ~YOU.~ehouNI ou. YOU'"°""° OOMTAOT A C.•Hlotllll to01J,: ""'"I o'otoolc YOU. YOU'"°"'° C~AOT A ~L!!>U ~ COWf'ACT A·~~ tMCMA.O colrtAO'f·A 01 lllt l11t1nd.O tr1n1leror le· ,.... • CMll'llltt a AWlml pm. °" ~ •· tta, 11 wnldl LAWYIA. UWTUI. LAwn"' IA.llll a .JUAGl!Nt, 1t1N tlflllnl , THI P"OOllOltolO AOAINIT On ' NOTIOI Of,.,.,_ .. IA.La 1""9 ~ Will be publldY Ol*\ld ..anca OI' TRUeftl'I IALI MOtlCI OI' T'flUeTU'I IAU MO'nel Of' TMl91'U'9 ._. l..-, 11unllllOtOll IHdl. C~ H64t OU. YOU IHOULD OONTAOT A. ~~· 11 t. 1I A.M., T,I. .... -Md rMd In"°°"' I et Mid lddr-. T ....... M11.I TA. Ne. M111 T.e.-. Mttt TM localton In Cell1ornla OI tlle WYI" ~~n::~.: NOTIOI II -'l"llY QIVIN, tMt l'Of oonewct!Oft on==late In NOTIOl 11 HIMIY QIVIH tllet NOTICI It Hll'flY OIV!!t.L..INll NOTICI It HlMIY OIVl.H.. !Mt oti•f Ptc\IH'le ome. or prll\Clpel On~ .. 1Ml.J.., 11.00 A.Mi pUtWt to 0.-of lNll ~ Wed.need.,, A4llUIJ1 ''· 1NI •• MOCMIMllOI wlttl ..,. . ION 111'1 w~. ~l •• 1MJ, .. on wecm-dlr. ~ •. 11'N, ... on w ..... .,.. w ... ,..,, .. ouelnM• otlle• of 1111 Intended TA UWt 01 'O .. 10 lO IU" .,,11111ry 11, ttH 11 tnlt. Ho. . o·---1 m. of Mid-·"' the tlwefof, to wtlldl ,.,.,.,_ 1.00 o'c:tocll • m. o( llid day, 111 lht t 00 o'eloe* • m. of 11lcHl1y, !ti IN t 00 o'OIOClk 1.m oheld dly, Ill~ 1ranet11ot I• 1t ttl 11m1111 L•n•. l"VIOIS, INC. II M IOPOl!l.i H..ot1ut In boot! NIA PAOt H/A. room H t ••Id• fof 0011ct11otlt1Q 11 l'llldl, 11 folloWtl room Ht uldt lot oonduouno room HI H id• for oond11011110 room ••I 11ld• lor eo11ct11011n; H11n1tng\011 8"011, CA tH.49. rlllllt Ullder ~r1111n\ 10 « Ott1c111 ·~ Ill the olftol of TNlt•'• ...... wltNfl flt oMoe8 of OfMDt County, Ill Coel• MeM True1 .. ·e ..... wttNn tile OfflOll41 fr\111 .. '• ...... within the olfloat of Tru11•'• ...... Wltl'tlll IM ofllCel Cit All 0111er b111111H• n1mH end 01 TNll ~ tlle cov111~ lllfforder ol OflnOt "IAL UTATI llOU"\Tlll IN! ,Ollfl\lln VltlWV. rtom o.2-m11e "IA.L UTATI llOUAITIH "IAL HT~TI llCVAITlll AIA.L llTATf StCUAITlll 10drNHI uMd by th• 11\ttnded 1'11~~~ ~.':~c.~. ·.~;c11t•d ·:: COUflty. It••• ., O•llfor1111. •"'"-''011~.•·d •t tOIO NOf111 9outll o4 Kltbelt lo\lttYWd Under-llllVICI. IOGated .. 20lO Noni! lllWICI, tocaled ., 2020 Nor1h SERVICI. IOCeled II 2020 ~,,h, 1.11N1Wor WU.bin Jfvlll yeert, IHI • , lll.ecllolWI b1 Aotltl1 y ~ " oedft't, --• 10t. Ill IM Cl1y ot I~ 10 lt°'*"'"1 llf• ~ lroedWay, 11111• 20e In IM City of •oedW•Y· lulte toe, Ill the City ol BtoadWay, 1u1te 20t. In 1111 .....,,, o pelt '° far .. l!nown lo Ill• "'"'111 •• ,AU.IN Ind NAHOV ...... A. lnVott hUlband ..0 _... a.Ml AM, lwtit °'~ 6AN GfOlldncr (01·0ra·•Ot-1Ult3.lt. SMt• Ml Cout'ltf.oi Q!.,. 8taM lan1• ,Me, Cowlly ofOranoe. lt•I• ''""Ml, Ccurty °'°'*""· ..... lnlaoded lttMl«M .,. NONI. Al.LIN M INtton, In \lie otftoe o4 u lOlnt ~ ' MARINO IAVIHQI AND lOAH oonorefe median blrrler 10 be of oellfoMie. CoMth IQlll1Y; lno a of c.llfomle. eo-utna lquity, ll'oO a of Cellf~nte. COU'TUNI .. OUITY. Tiie ~ end bUelMM lddr ... he County Reoordet of Orent• Will &ILL AT PUIUC AUO'NOH A.llOGIA TIOH. • Oelltor1111 00111t111oted end m1dl1n to b• c 1111or11le oorporallon. •• duly 01lllornl1 corporat1011, •• 4l11ly INO . • Otllfomll ecwporlUOn. • ot th• lnten<l•d 111neler1t I• OllnfV, ltlt• ot c.lltomla, WILi. TO HtOHUT ltDOlll '°" CAIH oorpo1allon, H dulv 1ppot11ted ~. eppolntad Tr11•t•• under end appolnlld Tru•t•• under and duly llPCIOlllMd Tna• under ~ NAUTILUS Of COSTA MESA INC , Ill AT PUlllC AUCTION TO ~-at time of Mii In lewtul Tr1ntaa UNW end pwwent lo tlle Tlll1 projaol hH a ooel of T pureuant to tlle power ot Hie pur111anl 10 tlle powar of Hie pur111an1 to lht pow•r ol HI• • Oelll~nl• corl)Ofttlon, 201& Red-IOHl!ST 11001" l'OR CA8H MOnlV Of 1119 unttacl et1t•l at the power ot e••• oonte«ed In 111Ji peroent minority buelneu oonleftfd 1n th•t wtllln Oeacl of ~ In tllal Olt\lln DMd of oontar1tld In 11111 W'llll Deed ot 11111 Road, lulldlllO o. Coet• Mate. 0 Yn'•.,_,..o'r',!'!'9uno4lt•..,.d 11•1n1111e~) et ffolll entrence to the old °'""' 01rtt1n Deed ot Tr11vt1 ell~ Wptltt pwtlolpetlOn. Tr11et eucuted 11v l>AMllA A. Tru•1 auciuted by "AMllLA A. Trull ·~•cuted by PAMllA A. Clllforn141 HU7. , .... County Courtllou.. IOCllH 011 "IOHA"D ... JAA .. end ANN • No ,,..bid meet•no II aoMOulacl SHl!A .,, \1(111\Wried WorNll end 8Hllf\ .,, unmarried womtn ltld SHIER. an unmarried woman end Tllat 111• ptopertv per11nen1 llfrontlflttenoetottie<>renoa lent• An• llttd:. betw .. ll JA"Vll. h111Und end wife, torlhtlptOjtet. , RICHARD IT 1'HOMAI A.ND AJC)4AIWIT.THOMAtend0tANA AICHAHDIT l~endDIAHI l\el'eto 1e Oleetlbed M all eloctl 111 ounly Old CourtllO~!!L~!~Y ot eyoamore ltlW Ind lroadwey, reoonted .t.iJ St, 1N1. If\ I* lldl .,. ~fd tor ttie entn DtAHA IT. THOMA.I. lluaOMd end IT. THOMM, lluebend end wife M ST THOMAS, ~d end wife .. 11111 1 • l\llturn, eq111pment, trade t• Ml. Sltl• Of ~ .. lllM Ana. c:altfOfnll .. rtgtit lltt9 141ta or Otfldal Aaoordl ol Wei wort! delOl1bed ""'*'· wit• u oomm11n1tyfroperty, oommunlty pr09l'fV, reoorded M9Y community Pf°'*1Y· teoordad Mey f\t~ and ooodwlll 01 t1111 oertllln • 11119 encl lntat911 ~to Md 111..,_. oon~ to tnd' now ~ty. at PtlOt tNO, "9C«daf't "lane, epulllcetlon•. and reoontect M9Y 11. 1M , In loot! 11, 1Mt. In loot! t4052 of OfftcMI 11. 1NI, In lootc t40e2 of Otflallll llMllll club t1ld 11 toe.led at tM&t now lleld by tt 111\dar Mid Deed Mid t>y It 111\dar Mid Deed of TN9t IMl~I No. 44023, by~ of f:'al forme tor bidding 11111 14062 of Otftcltl Aecor<le al Mid lllaoorda al Mid County. II PI09 Record• al Mid Cour\IV. e1 NOi A.ioonquln Hunt1no1on 8Mctl CA. t Ttuet In the proe>ertY ettue•ed In In Illa propeft~eltuated Ill .. Id • t>teacn or defeul1 In ~\ or oan «tilt be obtMlacl at t11a COllntv, at pege 18'7, Aitoolder'• 1811. ,.ecordet'• lnalrul'Mlll tfo. 1101. Recordet'a 1n1truman1 No The t>uSlnate name uMd by 1111 Mid County end 8t•I• deacrlbad .. : Oountv encl St• deletlbad 11: performanoe ol Ill• obllo1t1one ep1rtme11t ot 1ran1port1tlon. lnll""'*'I No. 1211 ... by rMIOft or t2t13, by reuon of • breac:fl of 12878, by r.uon of • bfeectt Of .. Id tranalacor 11 ealq location it Loi 25 of Tract alOO, In the City lot 30 ofTrect , '972; In tlleClfy HCured tlleraby, lnol11dlnq tllet Ptanl end llld e>ooumantt, "°°"' I bre11011 or deflUll In payment Olt defllllll In PIVl'*'I ot partormanct defaull In PIY"*"I or J*formai\ce HA.OINE'S MEAL TH CLUB FOR Gf Newport 8HCll, Reciorded In of Cotta MeM. Cour\ty ol OfMgt ~ or detlUll. NotlOI of wNcitt H, 1rlt'lll)Ol'tatlOll llulldlnO. 1120 N petlormalla. of the obllg1tlo111 of 1111 ot>llaaltotll ~ tllel'eby. of the Ol>4igellon1 Mellf9d t,_tby, WOMEN Map BOOll 1s2. Pagaa 14, 15 and 11 Stat• of Calltornl9. .. .,_ on .... t9()0fded ~II ti, 1912 ... 11rM1, P.O. loll 14tt llOlllT*\10, MeUr•d thetlbY. lnoludlng 11111 lndudlng fhat breech or default. lndudloo ,,,., b<Mdl or cMteult. That aald bulk 1ran1l1r 11of~Mapreoorcltlnthe MtPteoordldlnbook~ peoea47 "•corder'• lnetrume nt No. Clllfornl• t4101 (pllone ~or Oefallt, Hotlca of wNdl Notice of which wH recorded Nollci• ot whlen w•• raciotd•d lntanoed 10 be eONUtnmalecl at t oftloe of the c-tf "9cordef of 41 and 49 Of MlaOlllnlOu. ..... • U..tUM7, WILl KU. AT PU8UO ~21). an4 me, be ti-' at wet reoon1aO '*'*Y 1, 1982, u ,ebNatY t, 1N2, M AacOIWI flbru1ry 1, 1912, U Reeorder'e of lie• ol BETTS ES C ~Ow Orange County. raciord• ot Orange countv' AUCTION TO THI HIOH!IT tN ..,_ Offto9 Md .. the oftloel i.ecordtr'• lnttrumenl Ho. ln"rument No 82·031119. Will tnelrument No 82-037H4, Will ENT!i.PRISES, INC . 60$ North Tll• etrMt •ddrHa and 01111r Cellfomla. '81~A '°"OA&H.i.wfUltl'IOfttY lof th• OletrlOI Dlreoton of 12~7811,W1LLSE\.LATPV8UC IE.LLATPV9LICA.UOTIONTOTHE SLLLATPUBUCAUCTlONTOTHE Tuttln A.venue. Suite tllO, Sanll common o.aignatlon, tt 1ny, of the Tiie etrMt iddraH at1d other ol tlle Vnll9d Stat•. or I oeellllt"t ltrlnlC)Of\ltloll et L.oe Angalee, Ian AUCTION TO THI! HIOHEST HIGHEST BIODiti. FOR CASH, HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CA.SH. M•, CA 92705 on or etter August 9, raal proe>ertY ~lti.d •!>OW le common daligna110n. 11 anv. ot the c~ <1r1wn on • at•tt or natlOt\11 l;rlll'!Gleoo. and tN dlatncl In wNcn 8100EA '°" CASH, lawful money lawtul money of tha Ulllt9d lt•tae. lawflll ~ ot the Unlt9d Stat•. 1H2 put!>Of1ecl to be· re.i proe>ertY deeerlbed •bow 11 bank. I •l•I• or tecraral oredlt ~he wort! la lltualed of the United lt•I•. or a cMtltet't or • oaenler'• checll drl'*" on • or • caen1et'1 Checlt dttwn on • Tllll ~* trltllf., 11 tubleel 10 11112 A.nit• L-. ~ 8eadl, putporied to be· 2182 at•I• union, or• eltt• Ot fldarll M'lllnG• I Tiie euccient11I bidde r •11•11 c:l.ct! dr_, on• e\Al• or national etat• or 11atlonal bank. I elti. or el•I• Of national bank. e 11111• or Caltlornla Unllorm Commere111 CA Avenue. coat• Me ... c1111ornla encl toan UIOCl•Uon <IOl'lllcllted ln lfurnleh • p1yme11t bond end • bank, 1 •l•I• or tadar11 oradlt M<!atal «edit unton. or • •~ or ,_.,.,., Ofedll union. OI • fl'1• or Cod• Section 6l08 T ha u n d anlg n•d Tr u •••• 92927 11111 11111. all payatlll el 11\t time of 1pwtof"'8tl0e tlonCI. union. or 1 etate or federal Mvtnoa fledaral MvlnQI and loan MIOGlatlon fedarll Mvtngs and 1oen MIOdtlloll The nwne and eddr.., ot 11.,.d11elelm1 In)' llablltty tor any Tiie undertlgnad Tru•t•• ..... allrlght,tltleandlnter•H*d Thi Oep a rtman1 ol and toen eMl)Cllltlon dom!OIMdln domldlacl~ihll•llte,atlpeyM*tai domlelled1t11hieatate,lllpay.a>lell '*'°" '*"" ""°"" ~ ~ °"'of \he ti,_ addrwt clflotal'"9 ...,y>-Heblttty tor any b~ ll, •• Tsutt ... In lllll. real r~ ~ OQ)lfle& al u. .,_, • ._.. payetite at the 11tn1 ot ttw time of ....... "Ohl· thla ~ tlle 11m1 ol Nie. Ill right, title end lllaCI 19 Bell• Etcrow Enterprl-. • other common dealg.naUon 11 lneorreen-o4 Ille llr-' a6dr-pr~ allu•ta In Mid County end bidder• thlt ll wlll 1tflrmatlttaly ..... all right. tttll and lnllfelt lllid 1.-i 1"11<1 t:lf If. • """'•· lfl tnt•WI Mid by tt. • T,.,.._, lfl Inc: po Box 11587. Sent• An1. any, tnown herein and other eornmon dellgoatlon. " State. deaotlb9d • tollowe: "*"9 that In MY contreet enter9d by 11 ... Tru•t••· In that rHI that real proe>ertY 11111111 In aald ltl•t real property lltuat• In aak1 ci.' 9271,.. 1587, Attn M1r1n1 Seid 111• wlll b• made, but any "'°"""herein A. Sul>IMMhOkl &111• In and Into pweuant to tllle advertleemant, pr09etty t111uat•ln Mid Collnty w!d County and State. dHcrl~ H County ind St1te, daaerlbed H Fltzgertlld. Escr-•1120239MF 1nd llttoul covenant or warranty. s'ald nle wlll be midi, but to the SoulhMllerty 2.00 leel of Lot 'mtnotlty bull,_ tntlfl)l'lewwlll be Stall, deecr'lbed • followt: totlow9· fOllowl the !Mt day tor fMtng ctalm• by any •or-or lmc>l*S, regerdlnQ 11111. wllllout eovanent or wur. inly. U . 111 o I lot 18 • n d th• tlltordld full oppot"'Jnl1y to eubmll P1toll 1. The Hort""*. 1erty l\aitt ,A.ROEL t: The Nortt...uterly hatt Pere•• 1 The HortttwHterly cra<lllO< shall be AUQ.,.1 II. 1982 ' Of «IOllmbr~ lo U$ll'IM or lmplled. regatdlng title. Nortl\eallerly 18.00 .... Of LOI 20, btda In ~ 10 ~ lnvlt.tlOll Of ,,... Nonnw.l«IY '° 00 , ... of o4 Ille Southeulerly 2.6 lllCf .. of LOI 40 00 •••• of lhe SoutllHIUH'ly w11icn 19 111e bull,..... d•y bet0<1 tlle •Y the remaining prlndpal eum of ~ c 1111 lzo•. °' aoeurnbt.,_, to ln llloek 15 of Tr• No. n2. MS* 1nd wlll not b• dlacrlmln•t•d the Sout'-ler'Y 24o oo fWI of Lot 313 OI ~ Height•. • lhooM'I 240 oo 1 .. 1 Of Lot 313 o4 Nawpcw\ conaummatton date speclltad the notl(•I MCUred by Mid Deed ot pay the remaining prlndpal Mim o1 mll) r~ In lodt 23. peoea 6 I on the groundt of r-. 313 of Newport MelQllll. M INJwn on a""" ,_.Old In bOOlt 4. page Ha1gn11, H enown on • map •bova rull. wltll lnlet••l tllereon. u tlle notl(•l MC:U'ed by Mid Dw<I o1 and e ot Mltcellaneoue MIPl, 11111'4 olor, or 111Uonel origin In on• mac> recotded In bOOlt 4. peoe 83, MllQlllaneOUe MIPI. record• of recorded In bool< 4. P•O• 83. Del~ July 19, 1982 ovlded In Mid notl(I). ~. Truet, wltll lnlaraat thereon. 1a olfa ot 1119 County recordef of MkS atlon for an -d. 83. Mlacalleneout M8')1, r-d• of Orange County. Mlaeell1n1ou1 Mape, rac:ordl of NAUTILUS 0, COSTA MESA. IMC. 'any. under 1119 terme ot Mid Deed pro""'9d In Mid "°'I(•), adVlnOt9. County. Minimum wao• ratH tor thll Orange County. E. c . p ting 1 h .,. It om 111 • Orene-County. CailfOfnll o-e.-tt. "9eldent , t Tr1111. I•••· cnugu end tt any, under the Jenni of Mid Deed 1!11cep11no tllararrom th• protect u pr..,_mlned bY Ille Parcel 2: An auement tr Soutl>Mt1erly 2.0.QO feel 1hereot E11cep1tno rnerelrom ttta Publlsllad Orange Coes1 De11y••pen-ol Ille TrutlM and ot Int 01 Truet. teu. clltrO•• and HorthwMletly 33.00 feet o1 Lot 20. ~of LabOt.,. •tlor1h onty Ingran 1nd egren over rne Alto E.1tcapt1ng therefrom tne Nort,_.ttrly 11111 lhlteol PllOI. July 22. 1982 tru•t• created by Hid Dead ol ·~ Ol lhe TrullM and ol tlle Tiie 1traat •ddt•H or olller n tll• epee:lal provlllOf\1 of Ill• NorthwHterty 7.00 Ifft or the Nor1h-t«ty 60.00 feet tl*'.ol P1rcel 2 An •Hernent tor ~a.e2.Truatt._:,,1'!'!, 10 111e ...... ~24.8~euonat>IY00. truett created by Hid °"" of ciommon daalen.a.UOn ol the real IUNlerWd boOlll.I .__tor ~ ~7.00,... at Lot 313 PARCEL 2 An aHament tor lngraH end agru• over tlle ------------,,,_... ... • TNl1 property ~ dee«lbad II lddlng purpoH• and anlltled of NewpOr1 HaiGMI .. lhowr\ on a nor•H and agreu over tn• Northwearerly 7 00 IHI of tl't• PUBUC NOTICE Tiie tienaflOlatY under Mid Dw<1 n'9 total amount o1 1,... unpekt purported to b• ut Protpeot "8peer11 Prov111on1. Notice 10 mep r-ded in bOoi. 4, page 83, HonllwHlertot 7.00 IHI ol 1ne Sou~rerty 247 00 tM1 of Lot 313 -------. ....-----Truet ,,.,..._ ._... end belanot of the obllga\lon ~ 8tteet, "'-POlt 8Mcl\. CallfOlftl6. ontrutofl, Propoe•I. and Mlacellaneou• Mapa, rec;ord• ol 8outhea91erly 240.00 IMI cil Loi o1 ~ Helgllta, u lhOwtl on• It-HSU dallveracs 10 tile underalgned • by 1119 property 10 be IOld and Tne undanlgned hereby ed," tJnd In ~ of Mid Orange County. 313 of NewPOrt Halghll. u enown map recorded in book 4 page 83. NOTICE OF DEATH OF written Oedaratlon of o.lllUll and reuonable u1lm•t•d coet•, dllclelm• •II llablllty tor any that may be examined al 1119 Percal 3: An eHemenr tor on• map rtcordtld In booll 11. P-oe Miecellaneoia Mapa. record• of RODGER P. BURR, alll NoDaman 1 ,_ d011~~~1 ·-~ .. ~~91110 ppan ... and aclvancet at 1119 time tooorrect-In .. Id ttreet addt9a 11'1\e otflc•• •• deecrlb•d Ingran end agreu over lh• 83, Mlae*lanec>uS Mape, record• ot Ot1ng1 County RODGER BURR, aka R. P ....... "'".,...._ .~...::.....= -~~:.... of tlla lnltlat publication ol the °' oltw GOll'mon dettgndon. eralnbefor• wttare th• plane, NorinwHt•rly 1 oo fHt ol th• Or~ County Parcel 3 An Hnrnen1 tor .,..., ,,_ .,.,,,_ __ ._._ -NoCloe of Sale 1e Mt. 182.21. Said Nie will be mede wltl!Oul llc4lttona. and prQt>0981 torme Soull\Mlterly 240.00 l•t ol lol 313 PA.~CEL 3 An ••Hm•nl tor tngreu end egreu over tn• BURR , aka RODGER NollCe ol Oefllllt and Election to The~ llnOar Mid Deed warranty. ••pr-or lmpilecl, r• be aean. Addenda to rnodlfV of Newport l-talglltl. u thOWl1 on• ngraH a nd egrua ovar 1111 Hor 11'1• 111 e rty tie ti of r ne PENNOYER BURR AND 5411 to be recorded In the county of Truet her'etof'or• ~ an<I a-'IMn9 11111. poe-••on. Of'"°"""' minimum waoe rat• wll be map reco<ded 111 bod! 4. pege 83, Horthweetarly 1.00 r .. 1 or 1ne NorthwHter1y 7 00 fHt of th• OF P ET IT I 0 N T 0 wl'4r• Ille real propany la IOUled. delivered 10 the undarelgne<I • ilrancH. to 11t11ty 1111 prln-«tilt to hOlderl of the at>CNe .,.....,_Mapa ~ 247.00 te.c or Lot 313 Sou1111N1erty 240 00 fMI al LOI ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Oat• MtStat!_. ..... ~_..._..-wrtttan Oeclarlllon ol Otlf9Ull end Clplll balanc. ol tll9 note Of otlW eleranced book• If tllera 11 • E•c1ptl11g therefrom the of~ Helghll, u lhOWtt on• 313 Newport Metgllll. • ehowfl on ....... ...,___... Demand tor SM. and • wrttllfl tton -..r9d by Mid Dw<I or llferenca between lhe minimum Northel91arl'f naH map reeorded 1n book 4, pegee 83, • ~P recorded on book 4. PeQe 83. A-llillL S«Wlet, Inc. Notlee of Default and Election to "· Wllll lnl-1 and OllW aurTll ratM predl'lermlned bY the Th• etre•I addraH or olh•. r Mleoellanaou• u.-. records. of Mlec11lan1ou1 Mape, Orenge To all beln, beneficiaries. u Mid T'ru•IM 6al TM unc:l«llgned cauNd Mid H provided therein; plu• llCIV-. eoretary of Lebor and the eommon de1lgn1tton of tlle rHI Orange County. County creditors and contingent BySubetllullon ~Ice of o.t1Ull and Electlon to"llf'f,un<lerlllltarm•tllel'eofand altinOWI09rll•cMlermlnedby P'°'*1Y 11«a1na~ deeerlb9d la E•cepttng therefrom th• Tne 11r1e1 addru1 or other c reditors of RODGER P. ~~~~~..._1 Sell to be -ded In tne county Int-I on auc:h adv-. Ind plul Ula Stell fOf elmlllr dlMlflcallona purported to be' 231 Alber1 f>laca. Nor1NUterly 11111 common dH1gna11on 01 Iha rHI G R ""-,.... ...... ·--· wnere tfll real pr~ 11 toc:ated. '-. eharge1 and ~ ol Ille lab<W. 1119 Contractor and Ille eo.11 ......_ ClllltornlL Tile 11raat eddrau or other P•OP911Y n.reinat>ove deec:tlbed IS BURR, aka R 0 D E 5925 C.rttoe Ave Dela: July 2. IOU Tru91• and of 11111 INllt etee19d bY eutioonlrK1or9 .,... pay not ..., T,, • 11nd1 rt I g n • d tt 1 r• by common dHtgnatlon ol th• real purPOrted ro be 237 Cect1 Pteic». BURR. aka R P. BURR. aka Cypt.-. c.lllomla SlMnQ9 t.tonoaoe •tld Deed of Trull. Th• total thllt the 111g1111r W11Q1 rl1• dlectalm• ell llabllltV tor any prOC*l'f tter~ dalettbed 1a Coall M ... Cat1tornll RODGER PEN NOY ER Put>ha~41828-3~.,bor .._, Corporation amount or Mid obllQltlon. lndudlnQ P\it'IUlflt to Sec:t1on 1773 of the 1neo«ac:t,_ tn Mid 11r ... addr_. ~to tie: 22' Albert ~ Th• un ders1gnad nera by BURR and ho "'-POI t411 w. Otymplc Blvd.. ..-onebly •Umata<l 1 .... dWQM Labor Coda, the gM'l9lal ~ °'other common deeiONllon. Cott• M.,., CalltornlL dl1cletm1 all li•f>lllty tor eny penlOIU W may Press combined wllll the Orange Loa A.ngelee, CA 90015 land expen-of th TruttM. at tlle rel• al wegae In tlle countY In wt1iCfl Said ..,. W\M be rna6a wltttout T,, • under s I g n •cs her ab y 1ncorrac:tnen '" satd a1rM1 ~ be olherwiM? lnt.eresled in Cout D••ly Piiot July 15. 22. 29. Tel: {2 l~) 386-2ell0 time ol lnlllel publteatton ot 11111 the WOf1I la 10 be done hM o-i warran1y, upr•H or 1mplled, dl1clalm1 all 1t1blllly tor any 0t other GOmmon deSIQnatlon the will andlor estate: 1982 3172 .12 8y Oemal A.tllnda. Nollel, 11 $89,803.17. delMtnlned bY the Olreclor of the regarding 11111, po11e11lon. or lnOOl'reCl,..... In aald attMI addr.. Seid u.te Wiii be made wtlhOUI A petition has been filed Manager Dat9d· July 19, 1982 Depenmanl of lndultrlal Relatlona. aneumbrancu. to Hlltly tll• or otll« common dMIQnatlon w1rren1y expreu or lmpllaCS. b PATRICIA A. SCHUDA Ptlll.IC NOTIC£ Pul>llahad Orenge Co••t Dally SAN MARINO SAVINGS n-weoa nrl• ~ In Iha prlnd.,.r balenOe o1 the Nola Of Said ..,. w111 bl m*'9 wll/lOUI regercs1ng 1111e potHU lon or 1 l the su..-rior-Couri of Ptlot. July 15, 22, 2t, 11142 ANO LOAN Daputmenl of Traneportlllon ouw obllolUOll ~. 9d bY uld warren1y, ••pr•n or Implied. encumbrance s ro ••ll•ty tn• r -IUP£R'°" COURT Of' nte 3171...u ASSOCIATION publlcatlon anti tied O•n•r•I o.acS of 'frust. '*'"" im..t Md regerdlno title. po-•I•"· ot prtnc.tPal batenc:e of 11'4 Hot• 9f Orange County requesting ITATf Of' CALIPOANIA '°" • Cll"omla C0f1)0rltlon. PN¥1111nQ WIOI Aatee. dat9d Jwte. other 1um1 .. provided tlletaln. encumbrancH. 10 aallaty the other ob11Q111on MCUt«1 l>Y UiCS t h a t P A T R I C I A A THe COUNTY Of' ORAMOe P\llJC fl>TICE .. TNll•, tM2. Fvl\#9 -.ctlve weoa ,.._ p1ue ~. 11 ~. under the prtnc1pa1 b11anoa ot the Note °' Oea<I of frut1, llllltn 1n1., .. 1 and SCHUDA be appointed a3 CAM NO. A•10Nte By REAL ESTA.Tl! which heve been p1e<1e1ermlned term• thereof and lnl«•I on auc:ll other obllOlllOn eec:ur9d bY said other eumt as provided therein, l . NOTICE O, tNTbfTION TO YOU AM .. OEPAUl T UNDIA A SECURITIES 8ERlllCE, lf1d -OI\ lie w1tt1 the ~I .c&><anoea. and p1ue 1 .... ehal' o.,ct of fruet, wltll lnt.,111 and plut ldvancae. II tlly, under Ille persona representative to IELl REAl "'°""TY AT ocaD Of' TNl9T DATID Al'tUL.11. • Cllllfomla corporation, ot 1nduetrl1I Raletlon• are and e.J(parlMI of the Truat• of other 1urn1 .. pro11ld•d therein. 1erm1 tnereof and Int-• on kK:fl administer the estate of '9tlVATI! I.Al.£ 1•1. UNU!U YOU TAKE ACTION ht A.gent r...,ericed but noc printed In Mid tne truell et•ted by Mid Deed ot olu• advanc:es. It any. under tne 1ctv1ncea. and plus •-· c:11¥gn RODGER P . BURR, COSTA Estate of JOHN E EHRHARDT, TO "'°TICT YOU" ~. By: (&EAL) D J Morgw. pul:Jleatlon. Tr1111 The 10111 emount or .. )d l«IM thereof and Inter•• on IUCfl and ••Plrt-of II•• TrualM end ot MESA CA (under the Oec;elsecl tT MAY 8E SOl.D AT A ""9&..IC 111 Prealdanl DEPARTMENT OF obllgellon, Including raHon•bl adYancaa and p41n '-· cnarges 1ne tru111 creala<I by satd OMd ~ 1nde nd t .Adm rustra · No11ce 11 nereby given tllet. I AL I• " 't 0 U ME ID AN 2020 Norttl 8toa4WI)', TRAH8POA'TATIOf'ol eatlmaled teu. cllergee and and~ ot the Truai.a and o1 Trust Tile lolal 1movn1 of H td pe en J Uon iubtect lo conllrmatlon by Iha Ol'l.ANATIDM Of' TMI MATUNE Suite 208. Otpuly Olt«:lor ~ ot the TN91M. 11111111 the trust• QrMted by uld OMd ol obl19111on. 1nclud1ng reHon1bty of F.litates Act). The peuuon 1~tl!led Superior Court, on Of' TMI ~ A~ Santa Ana. CA 92708 Protect Oewalopmanl al lnltlal oublicatlon of ttMI NOtloe. Truet. Tne 10111 emount ot Hid uumared leu. ettargn and is set for hearing in Dept. A.1191111 9. tM2. •t 11·00 LM\ or YOU, YOU '"°""'° CONTACT A Telae>hOnl: (714) ta~lO and eon.tructton 123.3'3.3$. obllo•tton. lnctudlng rHIOnsbly open-of the Trull ... •I lhe llme No. 3 at 700 Civic Center thefHtter Within the time eltowed by LA~...!, OIF TINl-·'S IA.La Publl1nad Orano• Coa1t Dally 0.19" June 28. 1M2 Dat9d: July 15, 19U eetlm•••CS teu. cnargH and of 1n11111 publlcatton_o11t111 Notice, IS ~~w ,. a-ta~ru. ~ua.. _unJS.ua!g o.aa a• -·-·-Piiot. Ju!Y 22. 29, AilQ. a, 1982 Publl1ne<1 ~·1U co111 11 ~ ..l.ltl>&lll'M '23.3113.35 .us ... e 11:11-. ::sau """ A..c1nwllltr1tor ot tll9 "'-'Ii. o1 JOH.. • 2 of _.._. ~ ~ *' 92701 on A•uruct 11, 19 2 at E EH"'H•RDT. ~-~!... ~u Ml a1" ..--18 ~ . ,..... · • • a Cellfotnla corpor•tlOCl lfWttal .... ~atton of It'll• Not1C:41. Ill ~-1 ·~· · ---" ,. ,__.. -·" ._,,,,_ ••• 31tcMl2 • T,,....__ IZ:S..383.35. COASTLINE EOUITY. INC . 9:30 a .m . pr..,.,. u.le 10 11\e hlghett end.,... on w~. Auguaa 4· tl42, at l'tllJC NOTICl •------------ey: REAl ESTATE• Oelld .t.iJ 1s, 1ae2 • Callfomla corpor•ltor1. lF YOU OBJECT to lh~ nel 1>1dder on tile 1erma and 9 00 o c:lodc 1-m of Mid dl'f, lfl Ula MOTIC« TO COWT'RACT°"9 -.,. MnllC[ SECURITIES SERVICE. c-•• lqutty, Mc. a C .... D""'8 as Trust• . f •'--titi condttt0ns hereinafter mentlOlled 1111 room Ml H id• tor concsucllng ~ "" • Cellf0<"4• COll>Ofll1lon. oetplf.._ By REAL ESTATE granting 0 U1C pe on, you ,~,,, lttle •nd lnttt•ll of JOHN E Truet .. '• Salee, wllllln the otflcee Of CAUJNO H>ft .. SECURITIES SERVICE. should either ap""""r at the E R:_.•RDT at 1 .... 1~ol '-'sdealll REAL ESTA.TE SECURITIES _,...., .. 1,_ Hla A.Qant eY: MA&. UTATI IEC~a ..---n... ,,. "'"' "' CC>lf'TMCT •oz,.ea MOT1CI TO CllllEMTORI By (SEAL) O J Morger, UAVICE. 1 Calllomt• eoiporeuon, h ear i ng and 1tate your •nd all r19ht, 11111 and 1nlerest 1nat SERVICE, IOcat9d •I 2020 Nortn School Olatrlct NEWPORT. M MA.K ~ '" Preeidenl • Callfomla QOflMWatlon, Mia A99ftt 111 AQenl objections or file writte n ,,,. •ll•le hu 8CQU1ra<I In addition Broadway. Suite 208. In the City of MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL OISTAICT ( .... .., .. u.c.c., <t020 Moclh Broedway. D.J.. .............. By (SEAL) D J Morger. b ' ti ith th t 101ha101~1 e1111e11me olhlt SantaAna.COUf\tyOIOrange,Stat• Holle• I• llereby g iven 10 Sulte206. 2ClllON.lfotctwlf, •208 tUPteslOllll 0 Je<: ons w e cour deatn in 11\e rMI property tocata<I of Callloml•. u duly •P90lntad Bid Oeedlitl« 2 OO p.m of tlle 2nCS credllore of 1111 wllhln nemed Sen•• Ana, CA 92708 a-ta AM. CA ll2Till 2020 Norin 8'oedWey. before the hearing. Your tn Or1ng• Countv Cehlornta True•• under and puratanl to Ille d, of Auguet. 1982 ,,.....,or tNI • ti..tll tflNlw 11 T .. · 1714) 953-e111o ,11,., -.-10 S\Mte 306. appearance may be in perwxi CIMCnbed • powet ol Hie conferred In 11111 Pla~!~~1•0~.8,'dc::.:•~! .. ~8gl about 10 be made on pe11on•I Pub111ned Otano• Coeat Oally Publlallad Orenge Coe11 Daily Santa Ana. CA 92708 or by )'OW' aU.omey Lots 11 and 5 1n Bk>c11 K' 01 oentln DM<I of Tru'1 •UCUI-" bY ~ p.oparty ...,.•ft• ~b9d Piiot, Jvty 15, 22. 29, 1982 PllOt, Jvty 1.5. 22. 29. tte2 T• (7141953-61110 I F Y 0 U A 0R E A Aroit 8"oh Heigtlla A.ddlllon. m the PAMELA.,,! R~~·D-ST = Project ldanllllHtlon Name .... 1!! ~~add,_ 2"8-82 2971-82 Publtahed ~tnt• Coa&t ~ CREDITOR . I City ol Lagune Beaeh, County of woman A ROOFING v•RIOUS LOC·TIONS "" u-..._,._. "·-"' -Pilot. July 1$, 22. 2t. 19&2 or a connngen Or•no• St•t• o1 Cal•tomla ., per and DIA.HE S1'. THOMAS. hlllt>and • ... " C1il vu HU 2oe:s H bor ·Blvd P\8JC NOTIC£ P\llUC NOTICE 2969~ creditor of the d~. y map rmded In~ 7. PaOe 22 ol and Wtle 19 eornmunlty property, IN ..cr.~~~!ne ere on flla· 1857 Coata -~ ~7 .. must file your claim with M•tcet•aneoua Mapa. In ,,,. olftce of ~ Mey . t '· 1H 1· In Boott The -an<I ~ ~ I u " E " I 0 " c 0 u .. T 0 , ACTITIOUS 9USINESS court or presient it to t lhe County Recorder of Mid county 14052 of Ofllc:lal Reeord• ol ~ Placenll• St ' Coeta Man. C/I of Intended . .,,...,_ C~~ NAME ITATOllNT EXCEPT the ... 1 112 5 tee• County at page 1eea. Recorder• ~~~A Bew St .. Coate '":..u A. L8, M12 ~ COUNTY Oil~ · Tn• ro11ow1ng per10n •• doing ~ ~ p ersonal represenlattv Thi sale 11 aubjlel 10 c:urrenr lnSl.tUm«ll No 1M76. bY ,_..of -..,. -..-v Coate Callt ~ ~ Chtc ~ Dfiw w... bu .. ,,... u ....,...,_.. ....,_., appointed by the cour 1uu covenante. condll•on•. • b<each 0t default In P9Y!M"1 Of NOTICE IS HEAE&Y GIVEN lhll Ort¥e. ....._ omla ._.. CHU88Y S, 2233 Fairview 100 CMc c-M Dr •• _. within four months from th re11nc1ton1. re1ervat1on1. rlghll. perlou~a~hce c;: I~• r~:g•ll1~n~ ~~ ~~ ~:t ~fl:.::::'~£~·~ aeMa AM. C•WI ~ 1Z101 Rold Coslt MeN CA 92828 P.O. 9oa .. date of firal issuance o righll ot way. and .. sements of Hcur• ere y. nc" no • by and through Ill Governing ·A.ST FOOO ~TAU NT and ta MAMIAOS °" STEVEN R SHULMAN 4002 lallta Ane. CA a:r7llZ letters asprovided ln Sectio '::'c'!u~ ::s.~1~'=· :~ :~.:ci:t~~ ~:': 8o9rd heralMfter refan'ed to .. ocatad at: 2013 Harbor Blvd., ~~~~~~~~J~g:~OSE ~~C:4Cryalal Lane. Senta A.ne CA ~Ac,.~:·MCl~C. 700 of the Probate Code o zoned R-1. tingle 1amoty 11,. end 19 Recorder'• lnetrumanl No. "OCsmlC1' ... w1ll ,.-.. up lo, but ~ .-., Calllomla .. ••&OM (l'Ma.'t LAW) Thlt bullrteU ta conducted by en CROaa, CUMll IMIUlltANCE California The t ime f o nol ltsrees H • duplex lllnee no 82-437883. WIU SELL AT PU8UC nol •••• , tllan the •bOv•ll•lacl The~ -I.ad by Iha c..a MU .. ,_Dana lndMduat IOClfTY, INC., • ••u•11•I" f"'~" claims Wlll not ex Yll'lll'IC8 ha9 bMl'I granted tOf 1111"1 AUCTION TO THE HIOHES T llrne, Mlled bids tor the -d of• =.:=:.: Mid location ... NOTICE S•-Shlllmtn c. r p 0 r. I ..... W 11 TE". ~'6 UM Olhe< 11\an ... llnglt lamlly 8100ER FOR CASH. lawful mctntrt contrK1 lot the aDolle protect. You .... --....... Tiie _. Thi• ttat-t ... ., hl•O wtlh the MO .. TQAOI CO~ORATION, • pnor to four months unit Any Sile wth be mtde only on of 1he Unlt9d Stat• or• uahllr'I Bid• lhall be racelY9d In the r.'-:: That Hid bull! tran1rer It !Ml' .._.. ....... ,_ .....,. COunty Clafk ol Orange County on Ca11to.• COfpGil-•. DOEI ._., the date of the hearin tne basil that 11111 prQP9'1y •• • c::heCll c:lf.wn on• 11111 or natJonal Identified above. end •tie 1 be ~ ':~11c:;9 J•llr 11e1111 9'eer41 w11ln• 1011 June 30 1982 ~. IUllllllOMI nodced above. 11ngle tamlly unit 1n0 bu'f9' mull bank, • 11ate or federal credll ::".~~'~ =· 11 1178 wiat Btoactwey. &It• 102: ~ ....., • .,.. ....., eM F112$CM c No. 31 7241 YOU MA y EXAM IN l•k• 111bjec:t to tttal condition and union. or• 11111 or laderal uYinge Eacil bid mu.I conform and ..._ ~. Cellfomle 92802 on or ............. ..... Publlehed Oreno• CoHI Delly ..,..T·IC.-I y .. _:_ ..._ ............. . k th purc:l'taeera ah11t hold ••lier and IOM aaeociatlon don'llclMd In "" .... _ ... ,...,..., t 1"2 I,.. .... le Miii ttie 11111"°9 .. Pllol July 8 15 22 29 1982 ...., '"' Oii ,_.,.. -· -th~ file epl by e ~· harmleM egalnll any loll ot liablllty tNe 11a1a. all payable et the tJme al ~~,,. to tll• contracl .. TI.--;:;;;. ind .dor-of the • ...,., tit ..... .....,, ,_ · ' • · · 2999-&2 ~may.::-::.: you are lnterested 10 th pure"-rnlgtll lnCUt by r~ 10 .-. al fight. title and lnt«Mt ll9ld Each bid .,... be accompeuleo oer9Cfl wlltl wtMMn da6rne !NY be .._.. • .. .........., .. tllM ,_ n1-.,. N()Ttl'C ;;e,~~ ""'* JD ..._ "8ecl estate, you may hle. Ille noneontormi09 11H by~t. TrUllH . In tl'tat rHI bY Iha MOUrltY referred to In tllt tiled •• '"IORITY ESCROW .....-., ........... .,, ,..., ,_... ·~ iM ~ ....... -·- with the court to receiv The property I• to be IOlcl on en I>' 91111111 In Mid CcMlty end __ ,__. ..__,_ .................... COM,ANY, 1e11 W• ~. M MM ... ~......... ,te..--.•a •·--11 II...,., ........ to ,.__.. , .... _ _..._ ... I f h ....... basla, Slit•. b9d .. tollowe: ........ -. -·-· .. --VJ u--9 It t02 A allel c Ill I .... ._. '"""' v-·-... M. -·-_ .. _.,. ~Pe C ~ n ~ li c ~ 1 O t Bida or otter• are M'lvlt9d IOf 11111 PARCEL 1. The Sout'*:f-'V 2 s of ~°"=R~~,,. fight IJ:~. and ~ , .. td.t • 1or°'~ U..-Ila tldo dafMllUM lb NAJE ITAT'OlaNT en allorney tn thl• matter, you anven ry o e11 e a~ proPertY and muaJ be In Wflttng and t eru ol lot 313 ol ewport to r~t ....., or all bide or to wWVI clllm• by any creditor •11•11 be lrllMilMI ,_. 4llecldlr oontr• Ud. bu~ng perlOl'\I .,. dOlng lhOUld do eo promptly'° that"°"' and of ~petition.I, aaioun wilt be received 11 the ottic. oC Hlllla 1'4•1ohl•. H all own on • map -·· -91111 t tH2 whl ti 11 tll• 1111 • a IClle '• .,,... 4tlle Ud. WINOSISL: IP "ITE", '"2" T.,-'-·I ~.,,on 1~· 11 ltlfY, .may bl and repor •-descrt'b•d a·n McCormack Raaltw. 1000 CoHt recorded In book 4. page 83, any' regutartti. or lnfCfmallUal 111 u • ' G _...,. ...... •~... ... 0 ,. • ""',. .. ..., .,,_ .. "" , Ml 11 eo. M•P• ecord I wrybldlOllnttleblddlflO. bu•ln••• d•Y b•lor• th• :::::--, -_.,.Wey. No 12. Coll• Men CA. AVl801 ll•t•d II• •••• Section 1200 5 of th HIQhwl)', laouna 6Mctl. c.11rorn11 ec• •n 11 '' 1 0 TllaOISTRICTMl~ll'orll loneumrnatlon date •P•0lfl•d -1111u.i11 .,.__. 1 9:M27 det11111dede. 11 trlt.111111-.. • Calif . · Prob& · Cod 926$ 1· 17•4> 494-7M 1 11 1111"1 lime Orange Couttly the DIAICtor of Ula Dlpar1rnanl al tbcw9. 4.m I Uited ilH• Hllciltu • DOUG l AS RAY M 0 RAN. ilaoldlr COftlt• U& 11111 .... ,. 1rcl1 a onua toe e . eft .. llrsl publlcahon of 111\s MOiiee Excepting tlleretrom the lndullrl•' Ralallon• Ill• general Dat9d. ~24. 1912 ....... ,. 11111 .....,.. ....... 20402 Bt)'lllew A San LA w OFFICES OF JULIU and befOt'I rNklng Ille ..... $o\ltl\Mllarly 240 00 , ... tllereo4. prevlillng,... of pee diem weoaa.,, ... A. lO ••• "~. d .... r r. " ••• ,I• CA 92707 venue. II An•. :::·.:: ~ .. r::.:=. ~ W. FELDMAN, INC. Tile property Wiii be tOld on Ille A.Ito E•eeptlng lh•r•J;::,.1he the IOCell"" In wNc:lll thll WOik la to ~ T,.,..... llt • •<-•.., .. ~....,., Thia buslMU II condllGled bv an T A --t • -tQ11ow1ng tetrns cUh 1ewtul inoney N~ SO 00 feet • ., .... bl'_ .. _. O•••,... Cout o.nu • 11 Its • •h• 1. 1 ~ II .._ ' , .... t'"s YAllcl• a.W Drl 0 1 11141 u.s or on 1am11 ............ 11bla A.110 E.1tcept1ng 111aratrom Ille be performed tor eeetl craft 0t tYPt ... v ........ ·-·.-' ..... "' ,,_., lndMd\Jll 1 U•t•d du•• eollcllar •I l.• t. r- 1 ve _....,. .. _. ........ , ........... , .. __. of wor'leman nwd«I to ~ the Piiot. .t.il 22. tte2 •lt•M, '"eel• Mr , .. letr.tt• 1 DoUQl1t R. Mo•en ~ ......... 10 de un •"-'"'"" an eat• • ... .,. IO lhe A.dmlnlltrtlor: 10% or the .....,..,_ .,,, •-• ·--·· ~tr ................... r•·t•.,.. on...._,.. 8275-82 .......... v.,.._ ....,,_... Seal Beacll, CA H140 putCh-prtee 10 be paid •t Ille PACACEL 2· ,.,,, ~· tor ~· .... .._ -.. _ •• 1. TO THE RESPONDENT Thi• ,,.,_t WU ntees wllll Ille •• u n \ 0 . d. b. r I• h I 0. r I 0 (ZU) 411 ... ua time or 1,... bid by Olltlfled °'**· lngru1 and agru• over th• tlle DISTRICT Olfloe located at 1187 .. _.,. ..,._ · Tiie pethlonet NII llled • patt11on County 1~2 of Orenge County on 1mmedltl~•. de .t• manara. Pub) . h-~ O ang• Coast balanoe on conlirmttJon ol Mia by Nortllwaetarly 1.00 IHI of tna Pl1cenll• St .• Cotta MtH. CA l-~~-~--~~""--'-11'14;.... __ 1 concamlftO )'OU' ITl6ffleot tt 'ffN fal Julye. 911 r~• eec:rila. II !lay a1gune. as cu r "' !tie su---lor Cour1 Tu ... r-t•. ~heel1erty 2.0 oo t..c ot LOI 3t3 82821. C09lae mev be oeKe1nac1 on ------..... -_,, '192111 puade _. registr9da • 1tempo. Daily Pi}o(. July 15 16 22 ,...... ~· al .._ :'rn r~ A. copy of I,..._ ratea 11111 _,,_ -~ -to ftle 1 l9llC)OIWI wttl\ln -daye OI Published Orenge Co .. I Dally 1 TO TH( 0€FE.NOANT A cM1 · • opere11ng end maintenance ._...,..... II, 19 .,_,on• be~· at tl1 NOTICE IS HERE8Y 01V91 lMI ~·!! ~~'~!' ~m.!"~ .!_! Pllol. J•.tv a. 15. 22. 29. 1H2 _ ... _.... ., __ .__ -....... ~-1982. 3197-6 ••Pen•••· and premium• on Map r«:Orded n bOOlt 4, page 113, the !Ob •· purauant to l1ctlon 547J. 1 ol _._ ...,, ,~ ,_ . .,.._, •. ..., -¥., .,.... .. .,... ... ·-.,_, .._ .... ------------ln1urence aocaptebl• to tll• Mlecellaneoua M1pa, racotdl 01 toreoolncl adledull al par A.rtlcll IV, Chapter "'· of Part Ill, enlll'td and the oourt m., anter 1 293 s- 92 plalntllf agelnst you. 11 you to Pt&.IC MOTIC' purcl't-tllall be pr0<at9d .. of ()range County diam w•o•• r. bH•d upon • OMllOn v ot ttle HMllll and a.i.ty Judgmanl lll I I junC1Jve or Pllll.IC NOTICE defend 11'111 llWl\llt, you rnue1, wttNn rh• d•t• of confirmation 01 Nie PA.'RCEL 3. An a1Hmant for wonting day o4 etohl (I) l\ollfl. Thi Code of Ille Sitt• « Cllltomla. 1 Cit'* orderc:" ~,,,~ dMtlOn 01 IO d•V• •lt•t Ihle aummon1 11 ,tCTTTIOUI .UMNEll Ex1m1net1on ol title. reeordlng ol lngreu and •orau ootet 111• rate lor hollClly and ovettlme WOtll publlc llearlllO wlll b• held on property, 1pou111l 1upport, ehlld -*on you. Illa wltll thll ciourt • ~ IHTf•MT conveyance. tr_.., ..... ei'ld..,, Northeu.t•r¥ 0 ll1ll "' tht "'=• ~11.l:"'m!':r.1~ ~ At.IQYllJ, 1tl2. It 1:IO p,m. In Ille eu•tody, elllld eupport, attorney = ~10..,!.~ = TM folloWlnO per.on• .,. dotng lftll lnaurenoe pOlicy ehall be •I 1119 North-•terly O fMI ol 1111 CONTRACTOR to wllom tlla Am Flocf Conterenoe Room of"" ,..., ooeu. and euc:ll otl\ar ,...., M be anC~ed on .;..!;i"_.. f ... _ buetneaa u upenH 01 the purchuar or ~arty 247.00 ,... of ~ City Hall of the~ of Colla ....... fM11 bl granted by Ille oourt. Tiie .... ,... .... ,,on ° m• S.A.V E INC ... Celllornl• purcn.-.. i13, ~ Helghta, .. .tlOwfl on oontr9CI .. IWWOad. and llPOll.,.,, Cellfomta.. .. ""*" lllld time 1111 ~ of W'li09I· tllttno of plllntllf. Ind tl\lt ~:::!" .... ~ eorpora11on, 1520 Pacllleo, Th• undenlgned r1Mrve1111e aMapt9COl'Oacllnbodl4,llAQtl3. ail>Contrec:torundtrlllm,topeynol ~Of Olt9etor9 of Ille COit• property II« court JudOIMnl~,.........,..._.._ A.nehelm, CA t2p806 I rlghl 10 rajaCt any and all bicll prlot OrMl~ll~_ue M1pa, reaordt ol =-=~ :::'~ I~~ MtM 8Ml\My Olttrtol wlll llMf and ~ proceed~• OI may *"° ~omu•ld'ldedreeult theln 0~arnl1hm'ewtlk:tlnl ot European 1rt1 n1ama11ona1 to enlry or an ordet conllnnlng tlle WIQI ...,._,1y. ,......,_ v, ·-" "' det•mlnl S)r0!111t Md 4'4>~'°'11. ,_, v 1nc .i ·Callfoml1eorporatJon, 1520 NII Th• etrHt 1dcsreu or otll•r 1"9•11tCUtlonOftl'lloont:\i. and~f«uarnptionl,Henv. o.t9d·Matdlt ttl2 WIQll.t.-~of~orproPlffy Padfk:o. ~neM!m. CA 92805. Dated: .My 20. 1982 common daalgn1t1on ol the , .. l NO bldd« '"t"J wttllclf..., bid to ,,._ propoaacl n91911fMnl 10, ·LEE A. BAA.NCH ~re let requeet•d In tb• Thia ~ It eonOuciacl b't • S«lllflty Ptldfle propatty lllt~ dalOrtbad le for 1 '*10<I of fOt\)'-lltte {46) claya lrld ~ 0011CUon • Ml C1art1 ""',._. .. corpora1ton Natlonat 8anll pwpot1ed to be 230 Cd .,.__ .n.r the d.m Ml lor Ute ~ °' otth 111 • reporl llltd wllll tll• ey NANcv WAOOONE"-Datecl Apfll 2 1. lM2 Europe1n Part• lnlnl ey Robaf1 Qraham Cotta ....... Catllornla. bl<la. fil'/ ol tft 01eeftCt • IN of11o1t e>aputy IAI A:. .. 91td!. a.1l lnC satilorTNttOlllGer Tlleunder11one<llltrebv A.pomantbondand• tht~fTFalrom..eoeia P nlledO c 10.11y Ctc.ellW~ Pl1• J Piper. Pr... GIA.Ale J. ,.,.. dl1ol1lm1 all lleblllty tor 1ny ~~ bOnd wlll bll NqUlr9d Ca1bn1a. ~.b~ 1 ... 2;~2r ~·:. 1N2 at.totlDa_, ~ A..=-w::&B!-DllA TW• 11a1ament wM fiMd wltll Ille ... ..,.,., ..,. ..._. lnOOfr.ctMM In Mid 9lrett ldclr... to eiiecutloll of the ocntrw:t. NOTICI II HIMIY flUA'THEA i 190-fl , -:..:.==· .... "' countv Cleflc of Or•noe County oo • Nofttl Mllilll 1-.t; or OU. common Oealonltlon he peyinent bond "'*" oe In t1'11 IVIN 1llal tilt Mid report on 111e 1n --._ -J\11'; 8 . 1 ea2. ..,.._-. 81kt .... Wiii oe medl wltllOlll form Ht rortll In tll• contreot II• otfloe 01 tll• Coal• M•H Publl8'\ild OtMGa GMI\ ~ fltm1a laftla AM.~ a7t1 warranty, ••preu or Implied, dooUmenta. 1nlt•~ Olelrlet, '7 ,.Ir Otlve, "8IC Mn'IVC Pllol, .J4lkV 1&, 22. It: Alie· ~ •Ill ,llblllhed 011nge Co11t Oelly Teti ('11') tn"*7t reoardlnt tllle, pOHe .. lOf\, or OOttemlna 8oer'd Ploof, Motn •'1, l1'lllY 119 IWlrK S ..... PM J4Jt1 I , HI. 22. 2t, 1982 f>ubll•llad Or•nt• co .. 1 Dilly encumbrancH. to Httel) tllt ~INt't "*"" n1m1nea bltW ltw "°'fW of 1 PtCTITIOU9 .,.... • • 2951 .. 2 Piiot J4itoJ 22 2i. 21 1982 P'tndPei tlllance ol Ole Nott or ,.. .... _.., °"9CtOr "' end a P.tll *-ITA~ • • • • $304-t2 otntf otllloelton NCUred by Mid Publlllled Orange Colll Delly ' COITA t.laA The....._._.....,._..,......_ Pt9lJC ~ Died of frvat, ~ ltltlfWI and "°'·.My 1&. 22. 11182. IANfTMY OtlTM:rr ~-;;""' ---.......... "8.IC ~ other aumt H provided .'!!rein; l1tM2 Aof1na T. ~ SUSAN M. COX llnd GIAAU>I-~~-----_,;.;.;.;~ PM:nnou9 .Ull•N ""'-OIUt edYll'ICle. tt eny. 11 ....... tlle Cllf1I Of ltla ~r10\ lit! cox. dotno bueln••• "·--_.;----------1 MMl ITATlllmfT PtCTmOUe--•• terme 11'9facf end.,. ... Oii euCfl P11&11eMd Or•"9t-~ Detty MllA.11.1 f'ILOT CAR .8!,.VICt!.' TM ~-......... OOlnO ...._ ITA~ 1CMn091, and pq .... :':J: 1--PtO,......Tm~tOU..,.~l..,..,-,,.ll!'"•~n~-fl'llo4, Nit 12, a, fl9 2tllt DolofOll. Mlleloft Vlafo, CA ........ ~-""fOltOwlno '*'°"*.,. dolno :: ::::-.. c::-..!=-Oeed ~ .._. .,,.,....., , _______ .;;m __ ..... ;..;.; ... •;;;,i ~= ~ .. ~·J:: ~~Vi CUT Ttvet TM tolll M-.111 oi aetd TM folloWln$ l*90!'ll llt dOlnO gjC llmC( ..... Ollll .. IM21 . I. .... E. 17*" 01111oa0011 lnctudlnt r...ofllbly ~ • i:~;;c;m;iiiiiiiiiiiiirF1 .................. '"" !~'!!!:..!'oom,-... •oo. co.t• Meta. Htlftll\td '"' cllargH and IJNIOU~LY AOC>tHTIO ·~ ... o 'o ........... _ ·-· _._.,. ....... rn.... ettNtima ~P rs. e:::J.'..,.., autt• 142. ~ ........ .,._ '°"· J•n•t Lynn Atklneon. 1ft1 ~~ -• on , CA tHo4e ~o.r-........ 11111 :aor:.~1• N9wPOrt IMatl. ldl~Of"'9,..._,ll IOI: AaA"A ~VIH,OR!ft = :J:r· Gerfffl Grave. w Lanot Cllffotd Dunmlf•. 1122 o::;: ~·..c.; e11cfl~taut. · ~RT Tiiie ..... 11 oo "°'Nd t17 Calf-=.~1. ~ lwft, -~---· OAVl""°"",IOM..._..l..li'tlt; M•H ... "'&a.0:~; 11 ----' ... _. -~ ' ~on._.GA...... ._,.,...., llehftl "-"'_. H ..... ~ -=--.,..:., oondllctoed -, • ?MAL 'MT Aft MCUMT111 fhie ~;le •Id..., "1 Tiiie ..,_II •ICMted ~ ,,.,.. 1 .......... Miii"" JM *lneon :o.= ~ ~ ... ~ Maril" Da1041r· • ~'= .. Or...-COUl!4V Oft Thie ~"":r::.'~~ltw ~ ~-_,...., Thie·~ .. "'9d ~.... ,,.. ......... _,...Witt\ ,,..,. June ,. _,_.,, Of\ .... COlllltv ~ of °' .... OluMY "' Olfll "' a.-. OINWr ,...... 0r..-a.Mii :!""l . , .. -... .Ntt •• 1ta Ml9 1ta ~ ~ 11.i 22. • •· •· • ~ °':.\'; Cwt ~ --..=:: p.,1111.-. ar-.. eeaee"r:; ,......... o..,... a.... tta aH2.G • ~ I, l. tl. • 1~11..... (J=blllMf Orante C:oeiat o.My f'llCM, NIV I. S. 21, II, 1MlttM-tl "°4, Mr 1, I , 11:'2, 1ta ,.., ""1 "· 11. n, 11t2 aro-ta 111 Nil.IC NOTICE • • ... • . IUIMll AftllllN'T (A) OUtA\10 l .A:i. tlJ 09'~ 0 I .A.; (Cl uSO NIGfllO I .A. Koll C•nter, 8ulle SOOO, 4000 M•cl'rt111it e111d , ~ IMoll, OA t2te0 " OfllUPO OUlfll\10 I A .. MulOlfl Holdlnt Co .. reglttw.d In .,._lco, loeqW de Ourunoe et, ~ d9 Lom ... Meltleo 10 Of, ~IOo. Thlt buliMM It cond\lc:ted Oy I ocwpcntlon. ON90 C'*"O 8 .J. ThomM 0 Snell ~orAdjunto Thlt etlltl'IWll -filed wtth "" Cowlty CWtl of Or.,. County Otl .My 14. 1M2 ,, ... Publf•hed Or•no• COHI Diii) Not, .Jutt ta, 22, 29, Auo· I, IOU 315'·82 • 5 6 ·7 8 ' H m nout IUllNltl NAlm l TATa•NT • ,...,. lollowlnO ""°"' .,. doing ~-· A·AUTO ACCIDUIT. 4400 MeoArthur Boulevard. Suite 370, Newport IMGh, Clllltoml1 02eeo ALLEN & t<l.ATT, Attorneye 11 Lew, 4400 M.cArthur Boule111rd, Sulle 370, Newport Beach, Cltllomla 02ee0 Thlt buelMM le conducted by en ln<IMdull. Robert F. Allen Jr. Tiiie ~ WU flied With the County Clettl of OftnQe Cooflt)' on .My 2, 1912 ,ttlt712 PW>llab.ct Orange Cout Dall) Piiot, .My ta, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 1082 :\:>N-5' rta.IC NOTtcE f'ICTTnOUI ........ NAlmlTA.,....NT The followlng per1on It OOl'lg bualneae ... OIL PATCti MAINTENANCE. 11110 Like StrHI, Huntington 9Mcfl, Clllfornla 112648 J•m•• Th1yer Berney, 419 Mlln Streel, Suite t34, Hunllngton 9Mcfl. Cellfomll 02e48 TNe """'-le COf1ducted by an lndMdufll ~T.BerMy Tiiie .tMerMI rt -llllld with the Cowlty Clar1I of Orenge County on .My 12, 1082. t<1N1n Publl•h•d Orang• CoHI Dt ll) Piiot. .My 15, 22. 29, Aug. 5. 1982 3158-82 Ml.IC NOTICE rtCTmOUI llU9Mll NAiii ITAT'l•NT The tollowlng pereon I• doing buelneM .. : HILLSDALE ASSOCIATES 1570 BtoollhOltow Drive. Sul11 200, Sante Ana. c.ittoml• 92705 N~ A. bhi., 2127 Yec:hl "8dlant. Hewpor1 Beech, C.itfofnl1 02teO Thie ~ le coneluCted by an lndMdl* Norman A. Zahler Thil etalemel'lt WU flied with the ~-,.::-::r:: CliiTc or orange 'COuntv on .,._, .. 1842. t<taal2 Publlthed Or1ng1 Co~t Delly Piiot, "'*' 15, 22, 29. Aug &. 1"2 ""'"""' • YOU AM• DE.,AUl T ~A DUD Of' T1IUST DAT'ID MARCH 11.z. 1ta1. U•Lll l YOU TAKI A ll;TION YO ~ROTICT YOUR IPftOfllllTV, rT MAY• IOU> AT A PUIUC tALL • YOU ... D AN IOUNAnoN OIF THI NA'TUlm Of' TI9 f'M)C&IDIMO AOAIN•T YOU. YOU IHOULD CONT ACT A LAWYD NOT1CI Of' TMJ•TU'I ULI T.a.Mo ... NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN. thll on Wldnlld9y, July .28, 1982, al 9:00 o'doelt a.m. of Nld d1y. In Ille room ••t A1ld1 tor conduc;llng Trust .. '• Sllel. wlthln thl olflcel of AEAL ESTATE SECURITIES SEAVICE. IOceted 11 2020 North Btoedwmy, 8Ylt1 20e, in tr. City of Senll AN. COunty 'Of Or111g9. Stile of Celltornla, REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. a Callfoml1 corporallon. H duly 1ppoln1ed Trwt .. under and pureu#ll to thl power of HI• c;onrerred In 1n11 certain Deed of True! lllec:utecl by RICK BYERS. recordld Matci't 23. 1111. In Book 13991 of 01nc111 Aecorde of Mid CouMy, 1t pege 1017, Recorder'• tn1trurnent No 30005. by reMOn of a bructt or default In payment or petformenoe of thl OOl!ga\lont -ed ttlereby. ~ tN1 ~eec:tl or defe.lt Notlee of wtllctl -recorded AcwH 2, 1982, M R«ordef'• lnstrU!ftlrll Ho. 12·111403, WILL SELl AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH lewfUI money of tlle UM.O Slit .. , 0t 1 eunier·1 c:tleCtl drewn on 1 11aw 0t netlonll bani!. 1 ll•t• or M<llrll credit union, or • 11•1• or tecMr61 ll¥\nQI ~ toen ueoct111on doll'lldled In ftlll 1tat1, Ill Pl)'lble II tht time of Mle. Ill right, title end lneer•I 1111<1 by It. M TNll•. In "* ,.., property 11tuet1 In Mid County end St1t1, deec:rlbed H fdlows: Lot 10 of T~ Ho. 2334 ... I* mtP recorded In 9ook 62. P-oe 20 (If MllClleneOUI Mapll, In 1111 ~ of 1111 Coullt)' Recorder of Hid ~11r••t MdreH or other common <1ee1gn1tlon of ,,,. rHI ~ ,. ... ...,_ cl9Krlbed ,, p11rported 10 be: 1541 Dolphin TemiGe. COtOM del Mat, Celltomla. The 11nderelgned hereby dl1c111m1 111 lllblllly ror any lllOOil'll!lrW In Mid l'lreet ~­°' other OOIMIOfl deelgnetlon Md .... "" be in.-wttrloll1 w1rr1nty, e11prH1 or l'"plled, regarding UtJ•. po•..,..on, or encu111bran1A1. to "tl1f)' th• ~ .,.,_ of Ille Note or --~ MCUt9d by aid Deed (If Nit. ...,,.. in..1 end otMr eum• u provided therelft. -~II MY· undlr the Wml ......,. .,., tntwwt on IUCh ~ .,., ... '-· an.re-... ...,._. of IN TNll• mncl of "" ... CHiiled by .. Deed of Tl\ltt. Tiie t.etel lmOUl'l1 ot Hid otl*Ottloft, !Mllldlfto ,.aeonebty ' 1t tf1111ted feH. c1'arGH and ...,_of tN TNll ... al th9 t~ "'Wlllil PIMcadon of thlt Noll09, .. 141 ..... 11. ,,....,. NI; •• ttt2 MM.llTAll llOUNTIU n..vica. • OallflW'IM OOfPOl'ellOll, •f~ . . :: ~':i'tl :· J. Mo;glr • IOtO--·~· • =-=-CA .mt N~:f4'~"*iR ...... , ....... "" ONnoit • D11r....,.. .-I, tl.·O, ...... 2 D A I L y p I L 0 _ _:r_ c l A s s I F I E D 6 4 ·2 • 5 6 7 8 Orange OoMt DAILY P.ILOTITNH'td•Y· -Wly 22, 1812 fMlft.IWl:uti l •• IMtft.wtfisw'IMt .. ,_....,... AMJ'f'~~ .,,,...,, 1.e.1 .fmA .. 11.ff l.'!t*.lf.lm •• 6iaia.1... ..... ...... '..l.tU .. ~..... ffM ... lf.f/Pn~#. ........... f!PIPlfr::-. ....... tw.'I '•"=· ... ~·~· ....... ... ~ ~ .. l'llA n•m••••••••u imU •••ifflle'111'1T•e•rlen &MU~ Ma. .llft &.M......... B M :belofl • ;;r' ,..,. Ooriii01 Clay ,.._ • ....;;2r;! = LUlllU • •· '" 1a. MnMI ~ m1m.";l\nn .. mn m1r.;mJ ...... r..n NO,.... '"1 2 ~ Mon-fltt IGnn ..... llCllMI rm. "'"'*· ~-LlfltuGeO IPf, New optt, i Ill 'Iba, ,.,, e>allo, w~I ... 1 ICUICtlltlnt Wt1 AwiMea .... . .. l1M0llft0. .,pa, I Mll\t llM*!, IGWnllowt. OllOOft, TOO,nf'IO\ltf Adutfit pt.,, 1110CMM1ete WllnWMS. • · ~ """*91a~. ~. oooup, M?l.'111.fllO laUnd rm PoOt. Al ullf No 1)9ta UOOlmo 1711 tothtlltll)!,OM.U lltMte: nio. dMrl a It. 1 llOOtmo on 1 Y'tll ltllit .._ cu.a ~ &.tM -... .UM pct, 1 otiiia olt. "411/mo, hdtont ~. MloTt» mo Beotot 1u.ae1 la fftod..!"~ ~ l'1Yt ~· to cnooae Helel\ie. a ..V. 4 '"or a m;r.nm •••••• ne-;1 ileooen. rrcHwt>ot & 11t. at•. 1rp1c, ,., •• HOO, tt Condo. w111 ao. o-reoe N-• .-Ible ti-from . Wt,. the onet to II\ p1u1 IOtf·~ be. °" 1 II I ... I II. 1lttl 11 ... MOf. ti ,,.. ct-.ot yny 2 blllt to adh 1 Nl1 a.te-lffl NM?tt °' MMT10 bba. Adultt. no !)91a. ---~ • .._. e,.ioony w/bey vt.w. Altpor1 .,.. • r...o. ~ tl44 o,.,. "oX: ~I "'"'41brldte peta. A~. •1no. 9f'IOI "'· ~. pOOt, IUlll UY ,oot, lo 111t. t ·1>et1M. IO ~I~~=:.!•· 10d for...._ • l'f\.pl\Al U\-3 ~·Old. NO Newey •deOof. O• l)CI, 1111 M •""I t>gtt,.173-tfH.' :';' Cfllld °'•·::., t edit. W•ttlcM 2 ., 1 la fned Miit• ....... ,,.,flaw '42..ee>n. .,.;•u nur ~r:'.'·1':r.':'J i;::r.:· 661'·71JI 0t '40-t.»I t• l'rom U~IO eq. ft pallO ~ 9~. !llU·:MMMI -.... .., M711. I '"' poot, I pet'· AlllTllll11 Tennlt 8¥11! .. 711 per liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~~r.'7:1ot.tany • ., .. new '"'""' d,.P..' t. mpu l'\••.lt1ltW lbdnn l"'bethltwntlM 9001on1Y.3.HJ 11tll. '' IMutlfully ltllOteaPed mont.h~ llllllTI ------.......,.... pelnt. No pill ..... I/mo'. amu I 1IOO ·,., mo. lvee • .. .... ,., 8" 11AM. ~ 9Ptf. l'ool A 8~ 175-ffel 4 delUKI otfloee, ttra~ Dlul ~ • ......,.4'1, 1 10 6 belnne ttlf11ng •t wkndl. t1MtH, da 1 It. tanien IPI. ''°" • pet• _..119 '800/mo. 1 It 1 Ba. apt, FlllEI• ~·~onf'-~. io. 'r70..M2t. '400 to ~1tt1. ~1·1023 ~. No pet•. 1 er· 1411 enclltd gar11g9, lndry ~a ltrgeel ageney "9" ., .. ,-..;··eq.lt. 2 Ir. 1 ea. w/ ~ta. drpa, 4 Ir G ea, IPI 3700 aq ft 1370'/mo. 04t-t3TT. 13t I . 1flll. 146-0IHI :" cloee lo bMofl Cal All cllenll ectMMO With <>Wnr. 21HIO.fa&& yerd, I/Ilda. .. ti/mo. ~ Ylft, tHOO/mo Children MloOme, 2 I 3 • TtL ~ dof'· 842 1803 pholoe a ref91'9f"ION. 11a..eoet. ~ ti Ir I la. oomm. p001, Ir. M7S.M211/rno. Mon. Upetalre unit Hr 1&>a apt, '""'m · • Ct9d1t1~ Colmopolltan •H _.. 111911/rno. lhru 811 ..... Comer ot vacant. .,.2111mo. Agt VAUit Oood MCHnlno Am«lcl. *llWftlT* M ._... '.41 ,. llQ CtnYOfl 2 Ir 2 81, Adame I l'lltvle'W lltll 11111 TM TCftlOlfOW Show. AlrQC>n Area ~ec tullt 4 Ir. pool/epa, lrg varcs.1 ''"' comm. pool HllOtmo HT-4785. No pete. • I II IA"lllT 141· 1111 txpandt, otaNy euttoun- cul..... 11reet, new 121. 86()0 3 Ir 2 la. oomm. PoOI 2 1 ba. 0... JJ.J 1 .UM IO' .... . dlnge. grof 11~. kitchen, wall~t tor ~· f7IO/mo .. br., .... 11i .. oarpe~•· ••••••~1'.~•••••••"-':l' o11age patio ~1111 hu 12 to 250 eq It of· boy, gh1 l mom. 2 8r 2 ea, comm. POOi urapel, .... ...... 0 ••1t1UTI mo Im~ .,~52 PrOf to attr Condo, houee. ~ a d.ak apaoe lfom 19001mo. 1111-on4 Bkr. M30/mo pst&. "4211. 2n2 Maole. --· • tll ""9fllttw 121& / nolUdlng 1 itlt'tt C I\.. Or try IMM opllon Ofl 831·2927 2 bdtm, 2 ba, 1PPffano111, ftf'Mllln ...,. M2·2449, tee..147t 215 mo. I lonlet con 4 IA Maaa ver0e. quiet 'T~'~ A""'5..,.·I~ •• -....... H I! gar, ldry, no pete. 1525. rme. recepl · lllt-out ~ MO. 1795. mo. any "' .. _. 8Ye 8oecloU• 2 Br. 11&. 211, ~08-el04, •03·7448 Studio, MC, undetgnd • * * wertng MtVtoe. Iott of Mk forflll 831·128e Ol'*t. 'r9<1 Tenore, I01 3 Br. 1'A 81. 111. pkln(l. lllOO mo. ll•LIY llllWlll p111c1;:.; WP A TIA 11/d, llr 2b 2 · OIW YWTUIMI. 831-1208. 831-2711. LAunda. rao., pool. •adllffM 714/~132, 1117• "9tltbub Circle ....;13..:....:...3·,.;.,99....,.;.,I ____ _ blllna,'' ,,:, g:Jd, ,,0 Lovely S br, 2 ba. ram 2 If. 2 17 ea. 00 Pool & amen!-~8-llll &a...i} 1141 2131 9'-3'01 Founlaln v~ l300/up. C11~. drapea, kldt/pel.. teoo rm. crpta, drpt, bltlne, llM. /mo. "420/mo, 2 Ir 1 ea. apt.. •••"";l°::••••••••••••••• TWO BR. TWO BA Frpt, You .,. Ille Winner or elr 17301 Beedl. H.B. 14a-2&ee ""· ' 1950 mo. 1 '11 lte. Agt 142-3860. bNmed «*ling, laundry '550/mo, "9at btectl. Ocean and eayvi.w, t.o-two ,,.. tlcktt• (11100) 142-213-4. 173·8e20 9\'M & wtcnct1. rm .• pool. Avelf . .My. Cell ,_ Ctpta, 2 81. 2 la.. no ve1y Oeoor • Adult•. value to the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii M ... Ver~, S..Utllvl 5 ,..,, Au J.111 for appl. pelt. 142-1339, Sec:u<ll)', Pool. Spe. AINGUNO BROS BR. 3ba l\Ome. Wl!nul Square, 2 bf •••••••••••••••••••••• TSL Momt 842·1I03 553-1778. Gym. S1600 mo. l.MM. BARNUM a BAil.EV *SUITE DEALS* $1050/mo. 497·2042 twnt\M, Plan D. mull ... 8Mutlfl.tltt maintained ol-,.,,_. Agent 780-tll17 --O.C Alrp0t1 Ir• "°'· to 1P9tec. 1825/mo. def f'lorne orlflnal wooo $490/mo. 2 Br 1 Ba up-.,..uH poolelde, X1ra llf· · -• enwonrMnl. fUll ~. 4 br. 2 be l'IOUM, IVall W-75191752·1800 paneling ' trpl eap pet unit. enctt0 01t1t9, ge 2bf. 2ba. bltna, Nr·Nu, by Udo, 2br 2ba. Anaheim Convention OI no trMle. lndMduel Of· 7120, MOO/mo, 1•1 & bfeallfait r~ 3 patio alt t>lt•lna, 1-.indry dawtir, 1'A mllea bMctl f/p, patio, COU$>le only, c.ni. Aug &-18 flcel or det6i apeoe 1110 lul, Clelnlng dep. Walnut Square condo, S belrrna z "' oW.. rm. ' Adulte, no pete. t600mo no pell 1750. e75-0097 Long e..cl'I Arena eq ft • 3600 IQ ft. 1 MO 530·2424 :'y. 2~i I=:~.::. 111Y! ' ,.,.d. M&O/mo TSl. MOllll. 142· 1803 534-8382 • Sllt>8 to bch. yd'l 3Bt 2ba, Aug. 18-22 FAEE. 7~971. ma ftMt 552-tS.C,., HH1t3 br a -191 motmo. t ~. t a.. Wllfflmtl new etttna. fl601ffto. ~2~:, .~;;2'. ,C: ~~~~~~~~ 4 br, 2 be, nice yerd. 07M857 Wn'-'•lltt 1111 TowntlouMI. car pon1. 1 & 2 Br Olec:ount on 431·6903 ... mut1 be ••ohl(\09d YllW ..,. (213)827·I001 T rtl ... 11..... • ••• ".~••••••••••••• patlol, ell bit-Int, ffld'Y. eorne modela Pool, Spa, • taQll '°' ,~ INI• at &o11 Well-appolnt9<1 o~ w/ 3Br, 2B1 hM, nr So. Cet I tr -.• HOME FOR RENT rm, ernall pet oil. Won t Gym. Sauna, 910. ••••••••••••••••• ••••• otflce prior to perlc>r· Nwpt view. Approll 1,000 1750 IQ It. 2 ma11er 3 Bdrm. 1725. Fenced INll 14&-0llt9. Ocean..flHI~ cour• 11 Plan, frplo, llrtum, lam bdrm1. Cloee to patk yard & garage. Kldl TSL Momt. 642-1803 vi.. 2 Bclrm .• 2 et<>ty mance. sq &46-7100 rm, avell Aug 111. No and poof. Avail Sec>t 1. pete weloome. 15-4&-2000. Aft. 5, 142·4221 l400 ru"'. °' unfutn. 1 Br. apt. With bullt-lnt, c:er· • * * pell. 1850 mo. 8«-1179 833-.271 Of 752-8492 Agent, no lee. Flrepleoe, pool, dlatl-pool, IP•· 18992 Florid•.' petlng & dtapee, und« CdM di• eult•. A/C, llTIPle OCEAN/MOUNTAIN vu llllf&ll PAii waehef. pv1 petlo. X LG 842·2934, 842-3172 roof ~· i.undry F non-emoltr to lhr 28r. pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. Cit SunMI Blurfa. New dill 2 TOWNHo••e·. 3Br, C..'•l•l .. 1 Garden 2 Br. *640. Near bMctl 2 Br. 1'A ea. facility & cloee to ~ery-2Ba condo w/Mme. so Hwy 875-8900 br, 2 bl condo. Frplo, .., &. •flf * CfPll. drpe, blt·ln•. frplc, thlngl $475/month. Cl1 Plau erea. S3lO mo. Uf0_. •1119m• grMnhM wndw, gar.. 2'Aib1, tpc, 2 car gat, Ualllllll•H " 557-2,.41. encted Qat1t9. 15116/mo, Available Auilu•t 15, two Vld(I wltdye 999-2000 or •nH .,..,_ yard MC gal• No peta Ale, pool, parll, tennl•. A·····;,;··;·itt•; ... Eaatllde 2Br lba pool Call &3$-0921 adult• onty & no pet1. Oee.-<>1123. 881 Doller, Ne. ~1..3fS61 S8t01mo.' 21117 Paclfkl 1800 ell. lmmed oocup ..ort-e u rac nr laundry $450 ' ca1i Call ~ at (714) Prof M 28 wlll share 3 Br ..iw-.t ID• Av. Sea 1et. tnen ~·11: l.M or IM/purch. 1885. SC P~a. Pool, g~~n7r. 933·799o 1411-1t47 IAllllU WW e.42-0138. Cd•• ... , with 1tr•"""t "s1 ,,.....,. ..... 559-7058 Olwc 1 Bf. No pete ..... II ' .... --v" lfllOAL Am 551·88221144·8722 & 135 utll. 77&·2580, EASTSIDE 1ge pv1 2 BR, I.Cl' 2 ~ 3 BR townhouM 2 br, w, be. Block to et1ble MIF 1325. 1et & Premier loclllon 142-9808 Woodbridge 3 Br 2 Bl, Highly upgraded a clMn. Vault9<1 clg, 2 IUl'ldeckl, IPll. yerda, enCl gar, bMctl P91/chlldren OK. 1111. Cell An1Wt Ad Gatden BuHdlng IT'S only loWI 2br lg famlly rm, pe~. lttlUm, Newport Bcfl BIO Canyon i"' Ill utll pd. *640. =;. ~~7~ ~~:. $450. 974-7225 •515, 1542-4300 24hr• 900 eq ft . amenfllea g1r, hk·upa, fned yd ~i. ~~ :=~) 3 Br 2'1\ Ba. oollOOUf'M dlte, no pet1. 752·25llO dr4"1 OK MO-e&07 Neer ,_ t Bdrm. IPL Roommate wented to Ul·2llO "475 St&O 720-6897 view, pool, •PL 1l'Clean 2brl2ba condo nr with bulll-lna carpeting Illar• Beach apt, 3 BR. 2 QC-RENTALS 750-3314 840-1327. 552·7318: $1400/mo. Call SC Plau, S.A $576. No Oelu111 3 Br crpt1. drpe, & drapes lau~ry laclllty ba g1r $284 plue utll lfWNIT lutl Beeullful Condo facing 979-9241 ~::= ev:{;tcn<I•.: pet. 7&2·&822. 541-1480 ~~~'s;o6'b6:ifs3~~-under roof carporte end Call 873-01• t Eve1-Jane Execu11ve offtc91 1.000 ft 8-*mo. ,.'!!'J;.J,!:· 38& 1750 , • U I •-··" JZ~I 3~ YI 2 Br l'I\ ba. 810 Joann St public 1enni. court• & Prof w~ to ttilf• 2 tmao 11n.llt~~ ~. L ~~ .,.,..._..,. w• -• w '""' S d <* ARLINGTON AP'TS. golf course right behind bdrm, 2 bl, P11k New· .,,_, ..,...,. ,_ 1---------1"'•• .. ••••••••••••••• Adlt• Pf... ml og Quiet, 19.c;oua town· siroperty. CloN to -port apt 140.g159 Hoag Hoe91tal Cpte. Wllll to SO. Cout Plaza • • • f•ni1.,n M5-84&3 · hOuM 2 Br 1'1\ ea Near ry1tllngl 1395/month. mini bl11\d1 Dedicated Sir 2ba condo wfpool L llUlll f •m UM JSfi Near 14th/Pomona. 1 Br t>eac:n $525/mo AllWI.,_ August 15 one PROF. MALE. STRAIGHT, P'llnG Prof. enwonment teletlmo. Ag1 e75-5030 p o BOX t0222 •••••••••••--••••-• 1~. upatelrl apt d/w, 980-86611 or two edultt only g no NOH.SMOKER, 25-30 In quiet atM e.45-3323 DREAMY 3br w/pttvate Cost• Meta COSTA MESA -2br. 2 ba. <:afl)Ort, r.frtge, Wiier AVAi' '"BLE NOW 1)9tl. Call owner •I (714) SHR 3BR 2BA WJ.TER-day9 git. eunny pool yd $595 You .,. the winner of AC. trpl, d"1Wll\r, rnlcfo. pakt. I Chjld olt. no pell. ....,. M2 FRONT BAL ISl, MAY 1--=-------- 0C.RENTALS 754-3314 two tr• tlekate (11800) prvt yard Att dbl.~-.... 50/mo 54S-2000 ~'7v~~~~ap~ = A,UhH•tl hrafdM ~~:~~~R FEMALE E-==~~ ~ 2~"! ~r 191!! vii~~~~:~ ~:~~ 't'Tte-o3G°'' 18 r 2 A~t~=·IPI. petlO. :2:,:8· w:!:=: .. !!..~~ ••••• ! .... i..dles only Beautllul Npt ~c,; M 1546-2111 Atk 831-5897 aft IPM. --Aatt,,.Htl fanhiH ,_ ~t. orpf. drapaa. Agel\t. no IM IUWlll = g~~~ ~~6::°"1 & 0eapera11 muit ranll ore lovely 2br unit, lhatp .. "-• •,.·-·•••••••••••••••••• Mo peta. $4<t0/mo SUPER 3 Br. 2 Ba. In YILUIE lull or Pat1 lime, i1>tt1 St . kltch, lndry kid• $420 Anaheim Con11ent1on Ci n •• ''' lb.I JTU 548-9950. 4.pleJI le50 & 2 er. 2 Ba Rmmale wented Em· c ~ Xlnt front otc loC OC·RENTALS 750.3314 c.tlter Aug. &-l9 ...... •••••••••••••••• 2 8 1 Ba. u-11ra. W In 4-Ple11 1526, bll·ln1, N.w 112 bdrm. lullury ployed metura liberal M s46-t287 Long 8"ctl Arena ~ view, t>eaulltulty r. ,.... apt1 In 14 planl. 1 Bdrm 2 Br 2 Ba. Lag Sch ---------3 8dr poof If bed\ d Aug. 11-22 tum. townhouM. frplo, Joann St. No pete. enclld gar11g9, hk-upe. lrom 1515, a bdrm from 494-e216 Cu1tom executlv. otflce dbl 'car gar~ saoo"!':to'. To claJm p...... cell pool & pello. 1895/mo. '4-40/mo. Sierra Mgml. No peta. 6.4Q 4484· 1670, TownhouM from 400 9Q It. Pvt batb witn Sue &45-4520 842-5879, e111. 272. Pu-573-089&. Ml-132•. 1 2 I a .~ $640 + pool•. tennle, Private entranoe. deck, 1how•r Balboa Penin. ... must be •xonanged NEW BREED APTS. • J •F••• wat•talle, ponctel G• privet• beth, main kit-$300/mo. 1142....e23 f trJ Pwt lent for r--...d M•t• 11 bo11 Cnll #n• JTZ4 1 Br a !Oft, 1 81. BKh. $375 thru $450. Imme-lor cooking & heating chen to an1re Fem1le ---------Freeh & clean. Fenc.d oHlce prior to pertor· $390 ... Att;~j.;··~;;; From $350. Frple, rec dill• a11allablllty. Adull1, paid. From San Diego preferred Laguna EJ<ec Fum Suite. prime yd. 2 BA-bath w/dbl mitiee. tum. apt. lg petlo. gar. room. pool, 'PL OU a no pet• Quiet atrnoe-Frwy drive NO<lh on ee.cn. 1475/mo lncldt NB loc Ptlone and co- elnke. Lge operi beamed • • • ~ature, qulet. No pet. weter paid. Mo pate. 393 phere. 1 blk from bus & Be.en to McFadden tb utne. D1y1 Mike Ru•Mll P* a11a11. 1225/mo llv rm. wtfplc. Child er< 2234 Aulgen Of. C.M. Hemlllon, C.M. enopping 18903 0..e-Seewlnd VIiiage 71416-40-3225, Ev" 968-177g, 640-8216 lll60~11t, lut a. Mp. EMERALD BAY 3 Br. 2 1·213·'454·5104. 1145-4-411. ..,. St (ACfOM from (714)11g3-5198. 499-42114 ....:(_•11_e_1 ______ _ IM!>-2348 Ba frptc, bride patio with PllClflce Hoep) QO dl<ecl •~-· ~-M/F to Illar• 2 Br. tlouM. l&YFllOIT 191. 1 1aoo Bu tl•tl•• or Kllhy 955-2141 days, -w c 41!1~ ~· =~ & CIMn, 2t3/876-2265 .. ,. JT4' M\::zlfleld 780-729hv... p;;:·,~;;:·.;;~·;,i;, 0 " 1 M:,a-OlH ~~gb:C:i:"'!•P~:;:: 6411-9950 Lovely ocean view home. ...................... AIAITlllTI 2 8r 1'.t 81 $385 + 13115 wuherl d"/9[, full El Toro Beeut 2 Br 2 \a tu"' I 1 40 pr IQ ft Call _.. llW-~· ,,!,. ~2 rp1c·1, dto. IQtl dep. Crpta, drpe; Quiel hove: ~~llO No.' te•'M OlOl 14~46 tor lrJ!o, ---- - Way 780-8378 .. ~ PMoat'='ll Heat paid. ~S.::'°"BIY<I & MC: meg. . ~ef25 Sheron •97~159 NEWPORT BEACH Pro-Spanllh Eli.ta LMngl .. -... 1 me. 933 Do- 2 Br. 2 Ba. ffplc, bit-Ina, OCEAN VIEW BMutllut park-Ilk• --2 Br. 2 8a. 1545 Fadd«I. No peta. Aoorn w/poot .... .,,. lesalona 0 water orlen1ed, 2 car cru.y 2BR & etudy, 2 rounding• TerrllOed 399 W Wlt9on 431-5583 1411-9243 & 893-4894 ployed male. 1<11Cl'len Irvine 2Br 2ba $245/mo & ver 'Sr. 2 S308/mo g1t11g9 w/Of**, pool&. bath. 2 trptet, eplral pool Sunken gu bbq. '--ul ...,. Jl4I pl'lv. Reta. $225/mo ulll, pool/lee Nd own Br _63_1_·1_09_• ____ _ IPL S795/mo 545-3115. at.ir~ 11&00/mo epat1111ng tountaln1. E.llde cute studlO apt. ::? .... ••••••••••••••• 1146-2590 Npt Bch fvrn Must Ilk• catt lll'WPtlT otml ....... 2....,,.-r--A--'• Ctlaner Reelty Spedoua rooma. Sepa-vlUlt9<1 ~. pYt pe-IOIAlflm "'--t .. ..._ "-t1 .. ~. !Ur· Da111 559-5212 alt 6pm Full Service Sult• .,.,,..., .,.... ......,.._., ""'' to 4SMS-9122 °' •13-9888 rete dining .,.., Wt*-ln tlo, $400/IT)O. Joyce Mott ...__, ..,. .....,,. ~ ........ ..,..,. ..._ S.hr 4B hOme. bl ba & bch & atlOpplng. Pool. c;k>Mte, home lltt• kltctl-Wattze, 831·12M --.r-" ,.... . ..._... nlll'led, prtvat1 ent, re-r wn Y SHT lllTlt lee & aaona 1111null IN ., __ ., .. a.-""~ ............ In Ulgune a..cn. "'-1 fr ....... $300/mo ........ , $400 OOMn Avail naw ••25 Ocean vi.w · • '°''_..., .,..., ,.. .. , _..,, en & cabl!\1'11-Wiik 10 1 BR 1 ... 13n.a ..... •-·tlon Int-, ... _ ..... _ .;:::" .. 73_7c•• ,,... •7"-2• .. 7 11t ""'-.., ·· 17115 mo. 1tt & tut + """'a. 1-nla c-·rt1 3BR .... ... ... q.,,.,, ..,.... .,_ .. .,._.,. -v ~ "' "" ..., .,.,... '"II """'...__.tor one """' ... ~ Huntington Center 1"'""" w-u--t-.. lng ·•~.Ill bullt 'n• In " ,~ ,_... aec ......... (714) 750-5274 3b1 & --hM. '"v•" · aecure, •"' -· -.. _. ., ... Room for t C M mont ..... 1•1 ........ .,...... " -1 Bdrm-tum. '505 750-8378 nee.ted pool, Room wthae prtv. 1250. 1200 ..'..~ aec 640:5470 LMM/optlon. deelrable Sec>t l5. $1800/mo. 2 Bdrm-tum lfom le05 tub -Qlfllg9. etevator Npt AMer1, CM. Women ... 2~v ft "' M ... Ver~.,.., 4 Br 3 Winter rental 2 Bdrm Townn-f\lm. SperlcllnQ C!tMn, 2 • 114 LNM only. 185-0 & up over 30, 1 f child ok ..,.... "OIVV'J • er .,pm OffiQ9 or dealt IP.cl fut· 8a. pool, lmm.c. cond. 7141497-11184 from 1876 Ba. $405. Fenoed. utlla 330 Clllt Or 4g4.8083. 548-4904 LIVE AT THE BEJ.CH nlehed or unlum Paclf SP1~/mo. 522-0332 aft llJulM VI-'• Jiii ~~:~ ;.,~1 Dover Shor•. pvt entry, Female to Illar• Balboa Coast Hwy. N.B 8 .., or wllnda. ••••••••····'~·•••••••• Ut~~~~-1 1960 W11leca 1142 .. 905 .. .: a·. *mat pv1 b1, refrlg, bed, ml-1111nd hOuM S286 Incl _6-4_5-_7_•_74 _____ _ SpK. 381, 2t>a townhM, HOME FOR RENT -crowave, non tmkr. $300 utll. 875-9142 v lOUIFlllTV' ffplc, mloro. 2 car gar 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. $725 LA QUINTA HERMOSA Vil.LA MEDERA 2649 Fairway Dr mo. 641·6466 btwn 8-5 Prof Rmmt Male $235 w/opnr. S780/mo. Av.rt lo $750. Fenced yard• l 18211 Plrtlllde Ln, 1 btk 2Br 281 Elllde, upper Costa M"* wltdym, Ginger (Lag Hie), S 1g5 (Santa Sept 1. 548-3278 _, ~ Kid• 54t~• w. of Beacll. 3 blk• s. of :;:;gC:•:.;..' :~: '{~ ,:;: t~et:Ti~:.~~ Room ror Rent, M... ~~~-p. lus ~l\0~111• ::.:.:: wlmda, 960-4395 wkdys. A me. IM . Edinger r-. famlly complex value lot"· Verde. C.M. 8-1. 1225 , ..... ,,. Profeaalonal OfCI, Sen Clemente, 900 sq "· 2 entrances, pv1 perking, $700 mo 1-492·1720 I EASTSIDE 3 bdt, 1 M. gent. no i4l·l441 s5:.51mo. + 1300 dep. RtNoliNo BROS. pk.ls utll. 7~7838 831-1198 ...... ger, L.ge yerd, wahr/ ..... ,, .. ,. JZll "'-·•~ J 1 & 1 B 54~1•7 or 894--0334. BARNUM & BAILEY Mature Female, private PenltlouM, ocean view, UH lllLllH dryer frtdoe pet• «* • ..-• ....-.-................ uv... un or "-2324 Elden St. M•-• & ... K ....._ lum , yng proleMlonel 1116<>.' 831-4443 . TIE lllfFI From 1376. POOi. rec. .,..._. room ... th. 11 ... -, S520tmo. 873-7550, Single office $180. 3 br 2,A ba prof dee rm .. Muna, enclld ge-EASTSIDE·l..Ullury In a .Anaheim Convention prlv. Non emoller. 1240. 770-tOlll wOfl( 3-room eulta $425. Secty ... ~-, , ..... •"*'ltlel. . i1250. rage 17301 KeaflOn off Pjnea Forest. ~. Center Aug. 5-111 983-&218. Hrv 111111 3355 VI• Lido ,.... ,._ 5""" ...... Slater. 842·7&48. dwahr, ...tlo, 880. m ~Beach Arene Rm 12.,. mo. ........1""' L.,,...,. charmer. $340 673.-4150 •••••••••••••••••••••• &.-V~ ,.._. •22 ~~ WV"~··· -·-·--HARBOR OC"•N FRONT 1-"'iiMii;wii;;;;a;Tl;Hu-,, •··-" n·,,., utll Ind. 281, 2Ba, I 25 ug. lo-man ...,. -t & ...,.,....,.,. mo. 2 BR. 2 bltt1 to -W--.... ---.. -.... ---Nu 3200' IUxhm on bluff 1 lllWPtlT llAOll .~,., -• • mo. 18r. 181.. $426 mo To cl1lm paaaee, Cllll ' .... -· """"'""'' beach 497-2621 ant--.. to eu.,..t ippf'Oll. 1llO deg. vu or harbor. Yearty Clnal front. 3 Br. ····~,; •• a···E········· ,~y;·, ~-~~. Rlcll M-F &42-5878. ••t. 272. Pu-l.agun• Bctl. 4~59 Older r11pectable em· ~:~..:,! .. otfi:::: -1, mtne 3br. 3ba. 2 Ba. 2 lt<>ty, lllnt .,..., -must be exctuinged ROOM AVAILABLE In """'Yed female. WMtclllf ew,,_tlon .... oc•-vtew dock apace 1vlll. Broker fOf r~ Mlll 91 l>o11 CdM tiouae, 1225. Call .,.... ~-.. '"'• -· ;,;:~~·~· IP•· 675-4912 So. Ce1 Pim 119' Condo. office Pfl« 10 perfor-Mlkel70.7050 lfl 7 pm arM. to.ellr home Lii Fle11lble f()( prlvllcy -=-:..:...:..~.:.:..:..:.::.::.:.. ___ 1------------1 "~ooo pool, tennla. l6llO mo mance . mlG 6-42·11848. Phone 54~140 •u #Jqtu 1-5~=r:ol.i2000 g :-v:.. t~·31 :::64SO: • • * ! .. '!J!,.'!!.'!/! .. J.l.~ M/F 10 enr my NB oceen MIST lllLO ,.,} Jl41 750.3314 oc>lfl 7-dtyt· ......,_.no. I t.Ni 1"1 IUUll mm rront llouM 132s otno. rpace. NftPOl1 ..~ .... T ... S ..... 4 BR &wffl condo wlpool LIFE" SSOO/mo. 2 8t 2 Ba. apt. N~·~; .. a-ec;,;· ~~~ ':"tats ~·11~· 0::::; =~::ondo Cent•~~v':1 ~%n REN .AL•-Newly relMc. Avail Aug er"'9d gwage, petlO, el ""la Ren 119 ° Ph lup. 2214 /pool ape amenltlea or und .. ~. 7520 · 1·5t>r'a 1200 to_...,., 10 11100/mo 1173-2422 RA"-"OUHO AIM: frplc, tndry f.c. Submit rent • '"" t onea n room. w . . wan • .,._. . 750-3314 open 7-dtyt ~ ·21 ......... 11:1•1 Soc I al Ac II viii ea on ,..1 1175-4912 Broiler. Newport Blvd. CM Xlnl roe Nr SC Plz:a, ,._ u--200 ft ~ .rvc.-... v ...... •••7 .. r OCC, Flour ••2-2247 all vu.II......, IQ ·to NT DI r • c I 0, • F r • • TSL u-1 ··2 ,..,... "' -n m --...... -2•"" " .. ,... NEW CRP'T a. PAI Ex-...... See laland con '""'"' . .... ----" 4 & wknd• or 979-41llO ~ IQ ........ ~ eq. 3br 1~ ba. Kldt/ Pll• «*-~ ..... 2 Br 2·~~ 8 u n d 1 Y 1625/mo. 2 81 2 ea. apt, NEW glled 20 Town-BEACH IDEA 11 & up. Call Reek>nc>-DW. atv, '9fr. gar, yd, on oott courM Full 8nlnch•880'•• carport, yard. 1n«y rm. home Vil.LAO~ COM· M ,., .. ., #t b•I U SI mica e«p 1175-11700 Piiio. 1775. 631-4320 NCUrlty Club I~ =~,;::. Small dOg otl. Call for ~~N1~-~~ 3~it 2~ $77/wk c~f:-•M;;:~·;;;;·;; Ex.cutllltl . office .:.te. 5 Blkt to ocean. Elegant 2 pool, 1Pa. tennle. 12900. Q R E A T appt.' ..... Mar .,..., llngle garage, oorner or 405 f'WV, Neat Br. Famlly Am & Oen. Ph714.e73-0475 RICRIATION : TSLMgml. '42·1803 pure IUJCUry, O•age1. KltCMMt1•Mtld-Pool lllO. 10x17. ~'1t Harbor Blvd. Taite over 1850 Mo. Plulh crpte, BLUFFS CONDO Tenn I•• Free EA8T81DE 2 Br. 1'~ Ba. apu In ..-Y home • Nwpt 8IVd & WU.on (10-31. 979-0746 aft. II IMM. tllOO IQ ft. et 90& 2'.t Ba. Cedar & glua.. 3 Br 2,, Be, ~·· 1_011 LeMonl (pro &. Pl'O TownhouM, enc:lad ..... muter eulte. dining ea.ta Mela 548-g7&5 tt. Call 751-11191 .. _ .. dbl '" ·-..... ..-room•. WOOd bUmlng . 20x32, near 1ttll & Nftt· ---------eun-.......... car prv club. 1900/mo. Oya 1 h 0 P > • 2 H ••Ith rage, fri>ic, tmall pet Oii. ftr9C)4--.. mlefo-waYe •nt •••• 4111 pon, S 150/mo. gar9Qe, lully malnt. yerd. 641.a823, evaa M0-8107 CIUbe•Seune• e r .. t roe. oven prl ate -tloa & •••••••••••••••••••"• 759-02111 11410-8107 t4o ~· Inquire 11 527 H d omaaaagee TSL Mgmt. &42·1803 1• v ,... Pv1 91egant hOml for the -----' -----1 18th. St HG-8331. WATEAFRONT HIOH a!,.~ngmtna•Oolf yerda,garden« Pf'Ovl• etderiy, LAQ. Bell, w/ WANT: Garage for eto· RISE CONDO: 2 Bl't 2.,.. Driving Raf1Q9 2 Br. ,.,.. BL 2 ttcwy lf:lt, dee!: E'9gMt IMng only famlty 11moepher9. Ch•· rage on Bal. P4"11n Nr 2 8t townhOme wftll at\e-b1th1, eaunl/poof. 901 I I A U T I , U l. P90i.J garage. No peta, t& mlnutM lfom JtlhiOn let Chez Vout. i~314 15th St Call 1-771-2078 ched 99rage. Ac>Pffl!llCW Lido, ltll floor, Furn. A I' AR T MI MT I ; a&e!ttmo. I~ etec. 111&1\d. 7 rnlll\lt• to 8.C. . 1---·-------1 _liiniiMiiMuta.iiM-~/ • .t...t ... !'*"'01 .. 2 l300/mo. Agent. Alta 9 f ",. t e 1 1 a 2 M 1-0783. Plaza Of 0.0.Alrpoft. • ... ,, lntAJI f.. Hunt. Bch g11age ........, mo • .,..k -2·1423 752 1 " "• • '" Ju.at ... , Of Newpon ,............................. tor rent.~ & 645-3111 •5 1r :"J:~:~~d'!': STUNNING lerge 1 Ir. Blvd. & to. of San Citgo 1 Br • .._. 4. flCl'Otl the 2131420-7705 -• -•.. Bluffl. S br, den, 2'A be. p M ct O garden aot. POOi & r'9C. Frwy, ttOol mo. ttrwt lfom beaOtl. -·5 ,_,. pYt petlO. 1mmec. Hf •t•• o el• pen '"'· M251mo. 110 w. e$1-&431, 2.t73 0r9noe aatlllWtl. 87~ 22~1 gerage f~11•t~~: 3 bdmt. 1 •t°'Y towwn· POOi. lhoPlllno ' daffy 9 '° 8. 11111. st. A~. CO..• Mell. H.B. 1 br, llpt 4. eundeclt, ~. ~ . I -· reoac:>t!on191. ., ... ~"IO nom.. POOi. 1enni.. neat eohoOI•. C1100/mo. OakWMtl Mat\d penon. Newly~ •199• to und, ave.It. Mrlioe, confwenoe ::rsa....e131 1745. lo4CHll31 ..... OOf9'ed 1 br ~ ec>t 7/17. $&25. 7~ OHi# •-1'1 Hlf room ... c. 762-6408. •---------3 Ir. 3 Ba. UV. Rm. Din. on 1 ~ trlplu wlbeain COSTA MESA fumlahed •••••••"1:':'•••••••••••• Ha<t>or I ... 2.-0 aq. ft. 38t. 2ea. f9fvrb, Rm.. trplo, ""°'*'· ""'· .,,,..,... ~ eeaut. qutet 2 BA. 2~ :.......,.ennit· mw1m ..,.. 1tt noot. ~ .ntra.n-"'Mich. tno mo. rm. poOI. t1"60/rno, 511 ........... /... orowndt. ~ teeu-OOUN\'AV Ol\'9 llWIG AvfM.Myl,.;.,;uiaimo· 11\VINE. ~ anew.. m.. ttqO/l'ftro ... MU4 (114) -..212• tl'lllM ,...,.,, N.I . 880 INIM rtty. w.. a ~· IH NIWPOfllT IEACH Agent 8111-iQO . Mg. cont. rm. utll l)CI, HOM£ FOR RENT 833-1173 °' 511&-4112. (It 18th) No""'-MH. 11· A total eiMronment .atty MM. 9lo. ,,,_ ...... i..fal H• 3 """"·' 1725. Fenotd 'BR, 2~ b&. Npt 8tlor99 (714) &45-1104 2 11(. Md yent,..,.... llPIW{f'Mftloornmunityon YO/fir own ~ l>eiadl, 0.-epace. t150/Up ..................... .. ~ l oarage. ~ a '900 mo. M-T-M ot • ~ .......... 1... petJo, rv Id** a tt. ~ Bly. PtMlrl oceMtront Morro &ey . .,. IM()...174! omot and L.abolatos~ ............... ....... 2000 I---........... ,......,. ......... -11 olubflouat Ind llellfttl ht Heetat Caalte, ,_, IP809 • up to 7500 aq ft. P"lll -·---• °'"'°"' AV911 '-· 18th St. ......,... -· -r• ..,., • tennlt ooun.. 1 "°'*' llpe •• 2 ..... 1•11 w.am ...... ue 141-2111 NIA for Joe AQrlnt. no flte. 7f0.02t7 ioo"* •t 18thg ....._ ...., 1111111 I ,,_., ~ '° bUltnW. ~ wtw "450 to "°°° eq, f\. 1tt. floor . wAU< ro ~. 4 er. 2 ..,.., ""'.... 714) 842 511 ~2 .,, .... ~~a." ...,,.., ,aatllon lttllrld. "'wtt. ao&on2..4att Aoent 1414032 ~,. 1~ • aeoft. Avon1 Ba. teOO/mo. en.rm a wrm. z ba. fMI room. • l&M, "-• ..,._ CC.W••" "'°"' on ~ ....... .,_.. .. !fl! Mff J20 eq. ft. 11.00 I* aq, w ~ i,.,~ Of "34317. ..-.. pool,. oerlt, ldlll ~. w/"9110 ..... UnUnlltled baOMo --· fl~ 3911 llrctl .. N.I 2 llt°'Y s. '·. ldrm. 3 meo mo • ........,... 18' W/geftlO', 1 '*from .... Ho peta. ........ 7. ~bdrm IPtllnd oc;;;;;A&;;·; i.4 ·a,. Agtnl 1414032 tAI Id ' n.u. bath. a C11 pr. AVllll lfl ..._..... 1 Ide ., bot!, pvt pet~ S080 mo. 1 .,. upec*9. 11o ,.._ l640 • 11000 Avell. now. Wtlllkty Ow\I • Un• I -.,Y. """"' Avg 1tt. tf200/mo. Nr ·~·IT: PNI · 180-1"2 1Wt ,._.d, l'f'I Au0 1. e.v.ra1 ~ Ind 1 tutnnW.173-?tTS. wl,_, _,... "'*'°" beh. Aot S.U.. 11N · M~ eecM-*3.-o mo Na Vlotorte. ~ un;;;:;;;t!,.. nne 1!11 ..., a.bin Ideal tor 1mpt~,-. != .._ Ger 214r~ Mcl#Y 2200' rtty, No pelt. Wfte, .,lt1111Mft 14H1tt. dMflpw "°"""'" and ~ Ntllng blk"ln: wloptton a-v .. .-.... condo. POOi. lee. wnnll ·~~rm~~ ~ ...,,,.,. I bedroom. 1 ICICI•••· Move 11'1... Mt ""*" My. .. • ... .... ,,·=·w; a rllQQU9t bell crtt, 110, .,...... •• ",._ ... ~;;::mr.::. •••• ,." ... ~ .... ION o. ay cir ~'°' eum-l wtt~ ,..._ ~1• ~. A• ~ 1, peddle ttfWllt ~ °" ....._ ......., Mii T\l9tin e .M. Oii tit fl*' "'°""" ""*"' .. llO. M1·H7f CllMC OllMle MO, ~ n;;";"tt;:;;;":"t,e•~l --.., ' -(tta.1 tumteMd -:.......... ..,.., ...... Iola ..... .a.11111 pean.i a CltirOIMCI. 1n.1. Vttt t ~' be. o.c.. ;;1:., ... ~141a1mo. ::-. _ .. .,..._ r.r...-r.".n-.imr.tr.n' ... 31e, ... mo. tnct OltdeMr. •··· l tillO. lefty. No ·MIO _,. ..,.. "'Y OCieta '.,.... Unit, ~ Ind '4f.1•• .,..... • ........ ' ...... tlome. ,.,., ..... c ,... ...... , ...... "'°' 2"' 2:ae oondo..... :""~~,,..,. .................. == "°"*'· ~youptannfng 1 MOW9'1 O/l1fMll Mr.,,"'".... ....~ .., •100 --~ .....,:i. Cl1lillelneO ... wen point btdO· "°°'· ]ao;t111 "'°· ... v.mrnr~~ c.1 ........ iil ~ • ... M r:ifrnr:;~o~ 2~~·.:;~~ ... .._ ..... ~ uoo•"*\ .::t ~ :.t:';~ i*ld. MWl'la ~tt PlloCW"tnt ML 1'°9o. mMNf, •NttJMIM. • • I\ ' lll!llll!!ll!l ............................... 1911 ....... '1191 ... ~ ............. "!'1111!!1111 ................ ,... .............. 11!1'!!!1! ................ ..,..,.._..~ ............ -"'!l! ........... --.............. _,..,.....~_.... ..... ____ __, __ .._-r..-.~"P --·· • ----------~--- ':t11r!~~===r1:1~1.~.;.;,.; ................... .!!P~-~t.~~· """"·· .. ·······--· ••••••• flt!Cw............... ,,,,, ............. •Miii••• ........ . ILICT"IOIAN-,tloed NOMI IM,lllOV9MINT .... "I l lUNM -~ ~~· Gen, ·AIO MOVING • lntlbt, io..,... ··,...; .-.,. M T81 • r1th11 lfff tetlmttt on . M,Al"-ll'LUM..... LO'# ,.._, ,......_, "*-.._, Ouloel, ~ ....._ P'MPt. Net ...... 10 IAW "*'· e. .. OK terge ot tmall tobl-o.rp..~i!'°· tie.,,.. 1"" you, ... tuo hf. -ii "' ,,.. ...,,... ua.o410 ""'In .... 145114' UGI,...... MM•1 Uo. IHQ1, tJ~ .... No..-~ tOO tlMll. 1M-01H •~30pm "•-'-~,_ 0·1 '"T1v1 M -...... OOMM'u1ND. ..1111 HAULING a ouij, ~~'Jfdtl *~' ..... i~.-m ............. hrfm ........ "'····· :r:ll'mi'len ••H •Hn• n ,. aeonry, -T .. ""'O ........ .-a,._,,.__...... T~ ......... 'lftNna~o.tan ,... ...... _. l'lnilll & ~ oetpen\IY, Oonorttt, Oarrentry. 10 yra. Do my OWft -ont. llXPI" """ Y-- -,.. .--.q, • •••HttN••• In . : II~ up, HAHGIHGllTNP,.l'lO y.,._..,. _.. ...... qablnttl , ro9m 1ddl· lulld to tut • Lio. I.lo. 11I04t.At 141-1121 o.,,..,try • llloOflno 141 .... 11 LOW MTll. Offtoee. Com 1M ,._... vi....MO.,..... ............ , ~---llone. ..... ,.2' Mt-0111 PlutnblnQ, elO. 141..011 ~ .. o, ..... VIOi bldtt· Vaoenclte. •lrto.. -· ---· HI/CM Oflly. 14a..fMi tou•a HOMI MPAO• Haullnl • 'I'd olNn up ""· "°· OH"l8 No lmt. 7'°"1113 Al" PAN"HANOIHQ \ 00 fT NOW1 n. ........... '< .. H•TlllM ~try.ft!Urnb. QulclC' olNn. ,, .. eet 7l .... H0-1$H ITA .. VINO COLL.HI 1 ~ IOoll .... Guat. ~l!rlm. mr..·.m ;n ... ,...... """""' "'9id/00Mml ,.....,..,l*IO-,alnt tn-c>Mt ~ ITUOIHTI MOVIHO wort!. ,,.... ltert •t ··,::.::.:::~:·10·.::.:· ·~. •teem Glelln. UT1MATU uo 1101n ,.,.. uo T11'" ........ ..,, ..... .oia.. 1111-.,..,.,_,__ ..... Cot ... ,~ .. t--• ~... ...... ptlOll 17~ --· .Y~-I ••••••• •••••••••• ""'' . ..._ ..... ,_ • V~I Y-............. -ow. Of vr " -··• • .... Mtdlterrenean .....,.._. .. VAHDEHHAG I 9d &61-1427 -..,._ .. .., ..... YOAlt o.lly PllOt lttVtoe Dlreo10fY orpll • t Min. bleeotl. eon.t~ tno. ..... ~ melnl ..... l:llit:a........ l.AHDl<;APINQ W~H 'us O..OWI w~...,,alntlnQ l!lflc6lnV~ Hiit, llv/dll\, nnt 116; 1¥9 14a.1971 Ille tor Joe & hQme ll\'IClf~l "C>alN'I CLEANING Main tod Aaa/oom'I, laandlnaW.n ~ Wottl ~oo. Aec>twn1et1w roon\ 17.50: OOUCtl 110; ttrt.114-12~1 1tN1ot • t 1~ Meclt.•• ~· plant~ ITAIMNO COLI.LOI QWlttr, Hiimer 641-7976 No"""""""' Ml.oMt chr 15. Ouar. tltm. !Mt C.1• W___.,_ .. l!NT ... H"••.t.NO otMn '*'-· 640.:0.57 trim. Uo'd. •1..,. •t ITUOlNT8 MOVING ••·-6-A•-I• c• • ..,.. ... , ••-•• od0t. Orpl r.pel(, 18 '/ff ••••••••••••f~';Tlill. 71 -3416 " ,. ,_.,.. ,_ 00. Uo. T124-4llt r-·~r;-,......, ~~...,·;;:_ 141·1111, nt. HI •• p 0 0 Wo,k m'l •• 11 l<lt. Atrnod .. Wamlo \lie, up,"-" reno¥. 1 lor Minot oonttr. ,....at,._ Joen'e CIMnlno_ 8trYI09 PIU -am tn .............. 1 ... ,.7 •••••• •• ••••••••••• CIO . 2 ... I ' ... ,.101 ' --..... -~ O·" ""'""' • .__ . .,.. H .&R,.,_,,... _,_ ....,_, ,... ..,._ ED'S PLASTE .. INO PU/dtl IN I Rett. ~t..., ~ ............... -2 ~1 ,,_ MOWING ~ CLl!AN UP-8 119o. otumb, eto. 38 ~ outtt·,...-. aaod,, eon_ .. ._ • •"rub WATCH UI o .. OWI . . '1~!t ............. . Driwwayl, PartllnQ Lot ...,,... Stlloottlng S&S AapN1131 ... 1tGLlc -'"" ..... ....,... Haullna . LandtoaPlnQ up. fe0.1231 orno... 640·1217 ~lo!,,.. .... "' ... NM~teirtur• No &twin/No Shampoo ~ ,,.. .. r Ml·tt07 s....... H,._ --...... --1 Nead • maid Of • h-. ton. Our WOltt 'PtJ.1111• ALL PU ,,.,, •• ,_ 'Si.In Speolalllt. Fa9' ·--·-.._. ...... ~""' only lootct ~. •••••••"'•••••••••••••• 845-1211 .r::-:;o::::•••••••••••• dry. Ff91 •t. 1$$-t8t2 ••••• •••••••••••••• Mow, fdOe, rlllle, eweap, dOor .. windows. rormtoa. lleepll''? Htty or ..,.,, • CtltCll our prioet tMlfOft .. PlllTm p• ... '""R IEfMCI & ~Al" Decorative waterproof eprtno ol .. n~p. ha ul. no )Ob 10 amaa. 'Of OOf'nPI MMoat. call ~~ ~ Uc. 204611. by flllcntrd llnor Uc Aea~. P~1~~..,. V911 ~ e.w. co . EXCEL CAAPET CAA.I dtc*tno~fl ' ttO• ChUGk ~2·2173 bel t 581·2'40 Vltto hMOt Agf. c-.._,,, .... ,ea,, 2~. , ..... or;.__; --... _. P··" .... -n"" (714) ~ .... Jetll~ton ~ t. OouglM am. Swpent1y, Cablneta. !?~ .. bOndtd by It. ~I ..... ..., IOOAI cuetonW.. .._..., .. -,_, _..-aw ,. OWn«/ fttor '°laldl . en.en• , ............. l __ ..._ I Ptutnb Drain CIMntno "' ..,_, Tilanlc you, ~ 1..U 10 II·-"'-ru. ~!~!!!!........... ~.· JN.:.l!*8 NG ...... ._ ......... 4111 Eleot ., Tiit ~· TIRED OF HA8SLE8? WN. Lft9 I ..... ..::':7hr .................................. . Proletttonal Auto Cltt· .,_..F-" ngE1't ... '::_10UW71' ...................... Tr .. trim, Oll'I· ctnupe, Me-0'149 , . Rtlleblt ctttntng http It lenltt, 111 .. 1'1 PAINTER NEl!DS , ....... Ptu• .. 11 CAlttom c.tamlc Tie nlng, Wulng, Polllhlng. ·-'"r 177 1 •KATRINA'I : Ll\l!·IN °"'*1t wort!. ,.._ .. t. iw.t ~. te0-14112 WORK! 30 '/rt exp, Int/ Yow full Mrvloe plum"btr Prompt. C.. Cttudt The Dttallart 840-5199. C.••f/CMfnft l\llcpre, deity maid..,..., oait 64t.111CM anytitnt, JOHN THE HANDYMAN • lfu Extar. Aoouttk: Otlll~ 111-MM/IMl-Hll e71S-140I d'/I Aul~ Alf Con4 •••••••'•••••••••••••• olllot claantng, crpl ~:!.. Gatdenlt ..!! & :::'~~:1 ~ ~O::,";n'~ .. ~ .... ,!............ Devit Pllnltng 147-5 TILE IN8TAU.EO Rtollf. 150 Welle~ ~~~ clMnlng. 835-21111 ..,_......._ r• mm a.th 65CH>t33 MAGICAL ILLUSIONS IXTERIOA PAINTINO 0 IU. 141-llJI Alt l<Jnda. Outren..CS CM. aom.ka. 5'&.f20I ,, ... 1,..7 Rob ... 7· ..... o. .. 111 •• 1..w •• »................ malnt. .-v. 540-t035Atwa y 1 a 1 a I e 1 n FOlll ALLS~UIONI !,,. Cuttom wort!. Free eat.1 ~·~·~llr!!!_<::J~,.~ .. ~~·~·~·!.'..!"'!!I Reh. JoM ~17 -w -,_,, RON'S OAAD£NING CIHttl~-r .. d the ed• Horne Qaantno~ h0n9M, ...... t--·-...... + ,.,. Int. & ,..,. 1-.. ,,_,HI_ Concrtta-ernell or lgt OAYWALUACOUSTIC 8 yn NB/CdM. Qu~ ~ d'ly 842·5e76 _ rtllable, hatdworiclng & nifto. 8*"1547 ... 281 1nt•UJMl•-.I• i ,.,.,.. ~:-.·.-.f'••••••• •••• Jobi. AtrnoYe, r..,. or Aepaln, new l old. 11 t t ........ •-~ ft rtfafenoaa. 55'-4464 11 .. .__ ••M Plln l .,._ tt••••••~'.-::r.:; ..... "t!•u••••u••••••••• "•BYSITTINO ..___ ·•· .... ••12 -* ,.,..,, a ..... 5112 a••., •. ,... ra tt . ..,_,. --NII ~'•••••••••••••• -ting ,_ a.1 __ ..._..l-.•.... &•OW ""T"'•• ..,.. ·my '""',..• rep-.,........,., •·· ......... .,.... • .,..,.. L..andaoape. e71S-9* •••••••••••••••••••••• Thorough old-luntonad BRICKWORK: SITllll tobi-Freeett. lnt/e1tt & 11alM. -_......-.. ' ~ ..,.. ..... fncd yd, not mMla. Any· CONCRETE WORK & Welt ttxtur ... Aooultlo Verd mllnt. & clMn-up wt~."'s~t ... ~.c .. ~-ft. Complete hMcltanlna. Newport, Coeta Mete, 10 yrt In oc. Spec."'' Fr• .... AMI. pno., Tr .. tr1mryq&'9m0Vel, time. 641-2174 BLOCI< WALL REPAIR Hang-T~Stael ttudt Jobe. LQCllll,ll fefd..'t" & s::'-..... 1 .... 1 ... eom'"' "m .. / ..... ·-·. Rtlt. Jen 53MfW lrvlnt. fWs. 875-1178 on 96)11. Call 24 hra, Oual. ~.Uc. '37189· ell~ & mowing IN1fANTS I VP 771-8278 •tt ISPM. i.IC. ~ '1-Nt-1648 ....... llQ!8'15 ,.;,;' °'.e;.1'1e91727-37~ ~ros Of' OMNOf oo. Outtom 8riolt-ltoN 1-tta-3411 cotltct. 831-2345 6 ·7017 Dey Of Night, ISO/Wk. ,.__ llJ......--· OAYWAU TAPINO .__...__ .__.._.. ~Team ClealWIQ Blodt-concrat..atuooo HOUSEPAJNTINO Rtmodtftno Sl*llalltt. Coeta M.-&46-51'68 •:~.'!~,.'!'!'ff::!.. All TU111f'• l AoouttlC __ ... --•.U. 831-12~ In & out F Quality Craft~. WI-. C~ .......... ........ REMODEUADO.ONS Fr• -KIYln 87&-eOll Mowing, edQlng, rtklng, ...... !.............. . Int. 831 ... 2 2 Rtft. Free eat. 548-t4t2 c.11 INO. .~.:fie Relel•~ Totlem Co. ...~~·u;;~·.;,~:· Uc'd .. _ ........ ~ & CMptntry UC'd 25 .,~--• IWllOlna. Free ~ DUMP JOBS llUt. Ra1tab1e "°'* GtM-Btk*WOl'tl-tm.. OI tga Me-7880 Of 842· 1578 Call SunaNne Window ...,......, lrwtn 546-27111 .,_,__ meta 645-5737. & Smell Moving Jobi nlng l oondo9, morning, Jobe.. 100'1 local Nit. *81thop l Son Painting 420 S2nd SI, 8 Y" up. ...................... c.it MIKE "41-f3ncftt• altemoon Pf'°' r... Since 1818 845-la12 30 ..... Q$). In 8eedl ·-·~ ~.Lid. 841 1153 C.Codtf'1 Babytltter IC'1.o..a Finl•.._... l!'°'•-!.1 L.IC'D !L.ECTAICIAN KAO L.Mdeeape Malnt. & tr•--.-•. ,._.. .,;,. .. _ ... __ .: ' ,.. _. ... ~If 20% Mon•""' Ollcount ,~7 ,...",. •..w ,.,,,.....,...., , ... ,"""..... "-'-" ........ .....n.n.Mm .,... F,.. •~ 812-1711 •••••••••••••••••••••• '14 .. , Agney. C.it 84 748 Remod. Spec. Rand Qulll;wortt ·AMI. rattt Ae91d/Comm. ~· Quldc Ml'V. &42·7831 136-81110 tYe1 """'"" We paint an"'hlng lhtt PROFESSIONAL RE· MR. SPARKU: Ill wnctwa, WILL BABYSIT $1/Hr Lio. 4111587 720-1290 Free •t. 831-5072 Tom Utt htuUng. 648-2418 . 1• illde SUME8 & CAAEER both Ilda eeraene & 8 wk...aY. ~ Mon-frl WAY CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN Ou• weeding IWMl\'lbtr HAULISNO & MO~~~ Oentrll HouMCIMnlno knock• Olten wtltn you dottn't mow In or COUNSELING 851-0700 trecill. HoMtt, ...__ •--...... · .. R' • _,1 ...... Loe.I. tudent WI .. -. Rtltablt, ,.,._ 10 yr1 exp. un rHult-~ttlng Oatly outltde. Uc. 3et7111 -•••or _,.-epm C.M. 842·211116 Remodel · Addhlonl Smt Jobe/~ Uc. '•-" I,,_., r .. a.,..., Ltw1t 67M180 1162-0510 alt 4 Piiot Cl111llled Ade to 538-H01 a_61_ dG69. Guar. oo ttrtellt. C ....... 1_ -t""--....... ... UC. 420802 842·1200 2331o&-C-10. 548-5203 Rick, 487-3070 · re~h , ... Or•..,... Coat --------_,.. Aw . ........_ 540-51M '"--· """' ·--..,..... --------Heullng & qui<*~. ... ·--·•-••••••'••••••••••••••• ..,_ by1ll, Infant & up, my Oentrtl Contractor EJectt1cal ContraelOf Tum to today'• ~ yese, garagee, jOO-llW. & Exper., rel., non-1. own market lnVut. Honttl, tobtr, Hu~~...it typee. 1 hOmt, vie. Bak• & Htr-Ind., comm'I, ,.. Ind., Comm. AM. Lie f 0 r I h. b .. , bu 'I•. prop. rngmt RIQ; 119111, Jent & Sherry Phone 842-5e71 Chnattan. Prompt. Gd ._ ·-·--o.dl• bor Reu. tse2·2462 UC. 333217. 6117-1738 333217. Ph 557-1738 842-5678 831.-0ae&, Kr111131.()953 764-7838 or 55&-1378 rtft. Free tet. 851-6871 uc. #411802. 648-9734 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 INES •FINEST IN O.C.• Ron'• WlndoW w~ Reeld Real.. 830-7711 OLLA RS days FREE. One Item per ad, must be prloed. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. can today for full details. (NonoftfWI ....... htn .... ..., .. , 3 3DAYS CLA881FIEDS642-5678 CailNnW ...... ~!.f.f.~ .... !~ 1.....i. u li '!.'.'1 •• '!.'!'!!. •••• !.~!f "11.~'!'!!. •••• !!.!f l.'11.!!.'!'!!. •••• !.l.!f ¥!!1..'9'!'!!. •••• !.{!f !'.11.."1~~'!. •... !.{~ !'11..W;·1i·mt-1 ••••• !!.!f laW. H1f n.-rt.•llw fllf Lott eel, long hair, orange •••••••••••••••••••••• fUT f-MEDICAL SCTRY PrT Ateponalblt peraon Rell-Int ...................... 0 •°""r;:;::-;;,........ w/wtlt pawe. Lalt ...,, '* * * Wh~ ~Own &Ill, lllt" OFFICE MAHAOER: Wllnled. Aetall ""Pl'· nee. MEAT SLICER and Por· s ,..,..,. WOOdbftdoe .,... ~ ltlllfh Parler hand~· Tlr• Famoue Ramoa Hot Ooo 1975111500 per mo. O. F.A.O ScnwarL So eo..t non controt pereon to Tei.phone aotkftorl ... Poalt>lllty of pen,,.,.,..,. tie. ~tf93 ~d Open 24 ht'I •day Ctr 3000· ~Hwy Pleet. Potltlon'" Or'ange pending on co. lkllt & Pteu. 754-1561 operate Hobat1 Slloar. wtint9d, no _.,., nee. --m 1111 &t.O. cllllkl bu"'*8 1 7 dlY9 •week CdM · · ~ ~ u.per. Profit thar1ng, EJcper. pr.rd, tMlt w411 Tutt ttiru Fr1 t AM to 12 <>mot l9*Ct for IMM. op«ilng In CtMtral COMf ~ ~1..:· r:i J9cuzll, Stunt Looels center. Top ~-rnedB. ~ atMr b9-R.E Selta/Uc. Req. train. t :30AM 10 ePM. noon. Af>Pt1 ~. South lldt of highway. area. ,.,.._ CJjlf ' ' U Well • IOUflata. HOUSEKEEPER ~ Nlaty, Ive bonul. ,,..,... r..,. .. , mat~•. Mon-Thur. 6AM to 1PM .1eeo Placentia Aw , Call Dean Rathbun at 8051528--3011 for lnfor-POiier. 845-84-00. BankArnettcard, Muter for buay ptoteulonal In benlflll Incl. tnauranct, clMly ~ wtnled. So. a.am Sunday. Apply 10AM to Coet• Meal. 875-eOOO IOI' det•ll•. ,t. m•t#On. FOUND Vouno lem dog, Charge, Amtrtcan Ex· N.B., varltd dutltt, mut1 profit lharlng, vacttlon ~ ti: 4t9-l3114 Tod-'""' .,. unltmt-12or2PM10 4PM. L.orl'• Secretary FIT. Small en. HELP tiAE • QUICKI blll w/ltn & wht mar-pttte, Dl~i84~,::-be energetic: & rettable, 5 progttm. 11 you are a °' appl. -• Kitchen. 30n S. Hatbor g'r Lab: Oood typing /8'elfrUJ lalt/4,,, Nead $2000 now. on. klno•. Ylc SpyglUI Htn. ~ HllA>Of 81 CM · hrt/dy, Mon-Fn, car & maneger. an Mllltam llltO&I. IPll&IUIT ted opportunlll" In raat Bl .. (Harbor at Carrtega lkllla. lhOrthand ,~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ring 24% APR. pytl @ 831~ . ,.._ required. (7141 maneger ol fMt food9 OI LAarn m9dk:al lklllt & ttlata ...... If you join Dr ) S.A r.ct. &-5, M-F. Set comm 1160 eq It, conalatl ol &200/mo. P/P prefd. Cell Found: Vng M. Gtnnan COEDS • Would loW lo e40-68e2 would llllt lo 99' lflto fut _..,. In the Anny Ritt-tilt~ 1~ llTUI. ULll w/QfJIW. 64~10l3 upper level execu11W ol-AnlWlf' Ad 823. Shepherd, McFadden & party with you Celt Sue Aeata&Kanl fooda & r.edy to mow _..,.,_home. Call 10-P' •t llce w/pitt beUI. Ground 842-4300. 24 hr9. Grahem, HB. 8113-2124 or Katl'ty anytime. CATERINO ~ !IP lo.-advtlncament In day Banker . FOfttt E Olton, Meture penon, ful time SlmTUY floor reception ., .. and 953--9343 need• tOOd prepwatlon rnultlltat., ttrong, prog-TUltln 731-0481 RtaltorL Our progttm Must haw ma1Wnlty •· Raaponelb6t penon to 440 eq It 111op ~· Retire Young on 110,000 2 Baby Cellco kltt-. wen.._ IA per hf. Full ~. Ofowlng, ~ Santa Ant 642~783 wfl1 ~ you wtth the per. South Coat F'taza. handle vatl«y and N9lly Attracttw, quiet Cotta Lal me ltlOW you how • need OOod home. time;.-5AM·1:30PM. orient.ct company, call USAA Ctr 552-3173 winning comblnetlon for 557-5734 ~ Shotthand F• -MwA ~ ----~ ~ 1 MO •21 l•l a ~ Lofl'• Kltcnen. ~ ewt ~ tor ~ · -•eccee• •-•~;•·· ...... --. e1llOri lilii'\Cf, ~ t7M633 yw. Cell eolect. Found Sat NII• on Wttt PHOTO MOOEUI Harbor Bl.. S.A. view. 117-7273. Nur;;tl 8 --·... amoMr. Salary com- N.B 31175 81reh.l 3MO lq. 1-1148-e689 Balboa & 20th. Sm Grey ESCORTS/DANCERS 879-0747 10.Wtttn'llr*er Mell, LYI • a 'R.E. L~CEH ~~OURSE Melure women to ueltt men9Ul'tt• with axper tt Of i.e M\A lOM Coal+-POO F Young OUTCA ..... ;4 HRS ILm W•tmtntt.r. E.0.E. Pllft·llme & ~tlmt lor 'COM~~ ~ ~ In maneglng d9-end ablltly. Mrt. Ed· AQenl 5"1·Soo2 . ,,.,.,.,.,.,, ,,.,, &46-3848 ' ' • MIF. 3-11 INtt. lllto LVN Of TRAININO = ~ ":: "*'°8. 840-5111 ------· -· --1 lliJ. . "'' Expanding Newport 0.-al Need 25 aupel'· RNlorrtlleflOf 11-71hltt ·CONTINUOUS EDUCA-·------...... 1750 up. 2180 It. lndu-•••••••••••••••••••••• 11M llWUI lady Needa Tranaoortatl-8ead1 CNdlt cenS com-._..,. p & F/Urnt tor,_ tor 89 bed SNF, xlnl b9-TION 873-7710 uk tor Judy -- 1trlal • Offtca. 18081 Re-I.I. llm.B L091 7118, Mln. ~ on To Ctlloaoo. within :t:.. Ml opening !Of a weight loa1 program Wiii neftt.I i>edlev-. ~ •SECURITY OF A LAA-lftll ... =·=·::2.~:.t llftsilt .. IM. f:;g~~~ ="'· :e.,::: type45/ar::·eco~ traln.131·2e01 . :.moeplw.T°.,y.~.:-OE DYNAMIC COM-s.i._ ::1t1rt"':l59:r!.::t " -wu-• ~In 11t & 2nd Drtw, Newport HtigtllL !tidy. 8e1-2171. Illy. e moa to 1 yr ofc General Office 842-8044 ~~~~INCOME POTEN-~aa-.,. be txper. Ref . ... _ s.-. TD'• elnoe IMt Very friendly. Female. expr. req. Contact W. lnturance ~ In ~ e7S..2278 ApptOll 2000 lq It. Nr Robt. Settler NH/CM an..... to 8 .J. LOM lndlta In one treat-Ounc.n Mon thN Frt, Cotta M ... hat opening P"'1/Full time s .... help. !'~MT GROWTH OP-BROK~---------Cr.own Vallev Pkwy. & R.E. Broll.• 8d Aealtor-a ...... nu or 173-a<MM ment, hlpe, thlgha, ·-km to 4:30pm. fOr .. getlc parlOl'I to ~.!-Ot4e. Cell Sat., PORTUNITIES .....0 , ............ .... Fortltt Rd., M!Mlon vi. 842-2171 54s.o811 nlng. 'A off on trtal tr .. I· 759-7800 Mndte vatt.ty o1 dutltl ...,. •.• Mon. N..o.d ~· jo (714) 545-0215 WIDOW HAS"' lor TO'• Lott: 4 moa. o6d male Pl1 ment. Eurofltneea. Comput O.ta Entry In mlcro-Nmlng _, PUT,.. l..lcenMd Of unllcenMd, ldMI lor ~Of ho- Approx 2500 eq It olfloe RE Loana, 101< Up. No ~.!· ·=~~ ~::: 5"5-3-488. ~av.II. Great b9-Muat be l'llPOf'. and Ewe and/or weekend•. "you wouto Ilk• 10 know l.llYll\lllf ~Ewe W . No and warenae ~. Crtdll Cfleck, No Pwt· 845--1128 Improve YCNf ...,-Image. otnNno opp. wtttl • wlllna to Item. Call M• ~ adulla, °""' more about a carMr In nftl Ml ~ Mlllng.. AlrJ>Ott area. Cell central eo.ta Mw ally Demteon " AMoc ·~,..le ...... na-comme1Q9! brdltrega rte 54""23 21. with outltandlng, ••• ,.... ••••• call the L·RGEST bet. ~l2. ~7• •ft 1 Fanoed yd. Avell now 1173-7311 Lott .My 4th PM from tural. ~. wt1gt11 "-'· co. Call Lole at 13S-2'00 ....... f/T tractive pereonallttee to oompeny that apedaltzM n pm, 9M--Ol51 $800 per mo. 842-0880 BMlol/ Wtmtr, Santa Cell SW. \lalltrlde· WOlll with youth (agee In--. , ~ llT Ull An•. •mm T..n.. '"'"· 530-1212 Ext oeo ICook/Houtelleaper !Of Fount• v...,. Pref. t0-141. Call 2-5PM, eett Chuck Stoffel or 1300 eq. II. IA26. There .,, MWl'al op-thin 1911/ brown m111 rteldantltl care home. matU<e. tlllPl'd ~ 842~321 Ex1 348 EOE 8111 .._._ lalet e,11l1p -..mu 1800 aq. It. $575 tlon• rtthtr than fort-.n«thelr, gl'W'I oo11at PETER'S . MASSAOE. $AOO p4ul RIB. Aleo day dan1 wor11er w/ · · · -..~ Front oMcet taro-rear cloture. Without cot1 or w/teQ& Anawtre to M• Prof .. dltcnt• and tho-lhltt avail. 839-2100 knowtadOe or 2nd TO. PUT .,. 71Cl"4-7521: 912--5615 ............. door. 17711 Whittler Aw. obligation, get the lac:ta, "-· Call anytime AM/ rough, cell Peter. Courier/Clerll lor bUey and bllllng. Type, 10 ke) New~ Promotion, ~5;4°"11352. Evet then dteklt wtllctl plMI PM. REWARD. 841-3009 4~71. rnedlcal lab. Metura per. & phonee. Salt) Mon-Fr1. R.E. Lio Aeq'd would be bell '°' you. or ~58 Iv mtg. r11Nl HH ton a mutt. Mon-Fri 841•8822 5:30PM-8·30PM, Sat. ~~ 1100 If wtiae w/ofc, tolltt Clrc:lt Home Loant. ...._ Found o.-ange/wf!Ht 11.rt-•••••••••••••••••••••• WPM. 840-0140 OrllPf\IC wt aimer• per-9·~1.30PM Comple1e Trtlnlno er•, olh door $$35 350 ding reel tttalt broke-ped young male c.t at Round Trip Chtctgo Tick· eon lor ttudlo In t.agune IM.00 to ttar1 High e.mtngt •1 Ole & wl'IM. toilet...... ragt nrm. 714/4119-2281 Saddlebecl< Nor1ll CM!--et. M~ ... today. 137J _,_ .. ,. Bcti. Mutt be upar. In.. Then pwt~'• INr• _,iw.. __ Wt "'-' OOod ~ to 194 up appolntmenta trom our Newport 8-:11 ottlct In the t'Wnlng tor Hotlday 1nn•1 IWW tTnel dub. Salary + c:ommt. lion + bonua. c .. 833-3740 alt. 1pm. olh door 1200 utlt pd. pus, 3-4 mo? Whitt pewe velu4i.•..-'l175 c:aah. Ellpandtno Hpt &di ere-.,... or grlPNC .,, & of Pfoflte. Mutt have An ~ual OP9iY CO. 675-8251. A.a.tun.alt/ & noaa. Call 10 ctllm 557·71te dtt card company het 2 ~ wor11. PIT to pltaunt 'IOlce, private -Rt91--.,,.------64} 7177 Ttl•••••• W.. Prime AUTOMOTIVE IN-l1n .. t/1/ 752-81111 dtyt, Round Trip Orange CO. Id openingt In their cuato-ltwt. Call Al or Let dtl«tttl•a. &For~t-~. _"!1 GIRT"FRIOAV. Mon thru ~~~~·~~~~I Follow up. no COid callL OU9TRIAL .,. .. fOf rent •-·t • ,_~-~ 1151-7523 IYM. Phoenix $130 value. mtr ~dept. N>Pll· 4114-1111 • "' ..-w-...... _ • -• ..... M . I med MO cant mue1 have pleMarrt --------•II• ePM. F~: 8:30 to 4:30pm. SALES PIT. Cott• MMe ore. For ulllttltt peld. eo.ta •••••••••••••••••••••• Found: Malt Cocker Spe-Ult ... m · t.i.phont manrw be Hair Dr-needed. VII-&42·5878 ,111 312 Lori'• Kitchen. 30n So. Pror..lonal media...._ Info, Celt 831·7200. AM Mttt. 846-5374. ..... ...... ,. ,,. nlel. ,,..... ldtntlfy. eaafl. Oood '°' 1 yeer. .... ~ • ,..,. Mall.~ Harbor Blvd .. (Harbor.. for Mr Ctnon --------....................... 714/~7912 5117-71te. eggt M , BMd\. 494-1900. ,... Control F1ald Rep. Carr1ega Dr.) S.A apeople. Min. 3 'l'I exp., . ... w. ,, .. "' "" scn•u LETS . lloul l ...,-mottvat9d. needed lmmedlattfy Ell ad ...... High oornmi.. Tei.phone Salte ...................... l\ftlll• 213/39&-3911 Cerl't got I day 1 night EJtpr pref. ContllCt W. HEALTH per\alloed & ~ R9tall Manegemenl lion ltrueturt. Hotta.1 e.tn Big Money by the M photogrtphtr. 34. •-•-Cetib&tan CruiM wtth Duncan, Mon thN Frl, 8 A---liJ.e./.... _... ....... .._.,. a••'f Ma•a111 Or. Cty buelrieal mega.. beach, '300-11000/ Mekt r00tn In quiet •NSW£RS -·-N.C.L 1510. Ship'-""" to 4:30 pm. 75~7900. --... ft, • ....._..._.. ... ........ ztna. 131-8100 week. Cell 536-7511. home In N8, CM. Preftr n LOST: wtllte long helf9d Aug. 7th. 714/875-lle30. -at •-....... leth•tlr l'lllTll Cunent ~ w/ w/profttalonal couple, Sleigh . Elope ce1. Female. 1 bll'9, 1 _., _ __,.., bpef•ioed. pert time Mure oppt y tor ttore 11111 Pll• Tei.phone Sollcltore non-emoll••· 6341-24113. Outdo. Poor1y Qrtan eye, 568-41113 •-'--t Ortho Office • 9JIPW. CM Al'M. 6415-2111 ::. =.1 ~ = mgmt. Mutt be enthu• wanted lor attractive Full or Ptlr1 time. A.pfJty. POTHOLES ,ound: Malt mtx Lab bllf ;:x:-..1:::-: • .,........ nee. ExOlll wega and b9-alto knows B/W WIP-llaattc & .,,...getlc. women'• lhot dept tn 130 E. 17th St. Ste 0 , luu••/&nff/ ,,.... .•....•...•....•...... ...... Some big , ctty pollot pup; rn• mix rwtrtewr ~ I neftl•. Npt &di. llta MU llJll ping. 20-30 tlra/'Mtek. HICKORY FARMS FUhton laltnd. Pwt Cotta M .... Mon • Fr1. have,..., problarnl. How tan end ..,. pup, malt ,.,,,.""' '"' 840-0121 EJtptrlenot Oeltlltltt In Newltaed -FASHlON ISLAND time. El(per ptefd It'•. llREEZ£ do Uley ttl the dlft9ren. mill Aetrlt'tw tile bm ...................... CA--4200. ,.., ...... \, 54MT73 • OftUft... Cell~ IM0-7810 Clasllfltd Adi 842-5'78 ca betWW\ dl'uM drt-wtil, Female m1x' L.abi Cf9dantleled ltachar In ...... ......... AWY tn Ptr'IOl'I Allio ----· -----•;:-=========:=::::-:!:=======~~;;;;;;;;;~;=:;:;:. v... and dr'IYtrl trytno 1.0 Shp Q'Mm and tile· ,,,... rny hOme Morino math, exp.-AMt. "* time. er.-1nn, 31108 eo... p Tm UUI ,.._,_•llw "" dodge POTHOLES? mt11 hound Doble, ·,_, & reading Gr.O. I{~. Mrt RDA pref. ~ Hwy, So. ~ E'n ..... .' wortc,_ with k~ • ••• .-.cr;::;::-;c-........ t!llr...._ ... _ .... "'1•1 a--..i. ... ,. -10 ,..,, • .., Whl M• ~ • ...,.... ~u•_, __." _,,, _,,..,. ·····--· end with lllCllllllS W • Join the ..._ In !he ~--Ml 1111 .,....... rf •---rlWlll IWlmmlng poot chemlcat ••iNK•••••••••••••••• w/Rldlmond VA ID. ,,. J• rfaW 1m OEHTAL A.88T .. F & Sat. LIVE. IN went«! 5 day nlngt. utllln your out· MNtc. bu91ntea. Bt • STEYI UILI ~ mix Lab tile. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• CM rem11y ~ ..-eome cooking golllQ pef'1M)Mllty, IMrn I <Q> ) "an·....... ...er trMI___. mtrOYt kmtnt. Mio Young mMriad man wlll need• ........... en-~ ""ftv apt, .. _: flow to become a fr.in.ct (_:( :::-====:::::_;) ~= wd:,;.i.,.. 'L,;.d CONTINUED SUCCESS = M4-3e5e. do general handy wor11. tlMIM1lo--..-peraon. Cell ft"t>1e-~ ,....~ ::*. ..... countetor. Call "" ferrftOfY avallabta, & HAPPY BIRTHOAYSI 8Mdl Stitttet. Cell eYtl l wttendl. Emlly, 54& 8816 Cofone cltl Mar. 2·8PM. 842...,21, Elct. lllTI I Orange Coeat ., ... no . Found. Young,,._ Shettle 972.e&aa. Dry CIMrtlng OOW11tr 17'"4e11 _3 .......... _E_OE_.,._...,,..__,,,__, ~· nee. Wiii train. IMt I l..M ,,,. type dog. Ute 9'own. U!' flaW fl# help, e11par or wtnln. .......-I a---.1..1.-Pw••= .... $50..000 ,.. amount ...................... 556-8425" ....................... ... COlllt ..._, So. ~· ,, --..__... ..... 0.AAA ,.q'd tome flnenctno AccounUnt .. _,,, EJcper onty. COM Arte ,.,.._,, ''"' •-v .,.htit.. W11 Ml $AO, Found 7·20, bladtlwtlltt Eicctttng ~· M..a UiGUM. ..._,M6 1~1458 worbr. ~ time tlour'I 000 plUe. Call COiiect fnlU\ IM tem.i. doO w/brown pot1tton tot ~tno IH II ftelltble. typing, 10 kt¥ & Mon-Fr1 MPM. Alk for UUl1ll nu\l rnartc~ brown ~ a.tt W/QOOd 1yplng PUT ,. -phone *111 • ,....,.., ...... ( (r--~~---.., ) Tim 40l/M7..0111 ARE FREE ~.Jeo. dJ. PM ot tklllt WllCloue to tee;n 1 a. a _.,. ~ Irvine "";' ~"'1t: pon a.ct\, G*-2111. ,... ___ .._.._... w"-~7 ty grOW. Thlt Job II tor • for • ....... --Co .... , :...... .... n••IT ;·--.:P.,";iiUii. Found 21th & ooe4nffont, Ntf..-wtlll"O to 11111• No ~': comm ,.,., '"'Vl rnln. 2 Full time In tMt llfWlna 1 tlmt dllitributortNp a C''' f9!Nlt Pug, lawn oo6-~loci':. ~ wy. wonc oney 1a '*"" =' t~ .:='.; luNon ICflOOI. GooCt N nuv!Cton program. T~ 141 ... ll Found ~ Ollie-.. ..-.. C4lll C:.. 9ddlttonal ..,.,. of Ptf1· tor tll)Ot. ~ __..anoe, ~ ...... ,...... arowtnG •• cnd.17~. i*Y't>....ion .... , • ..-•• 11tottatt plut ~.*"'to u"" IW4lhol .. ~J eWSPQ~r Nr10 0111 Stan Vallandet ..., dtat ~ rrame. ;!'i.a.a. ntrlhlp't pr04lta. 114/846-1700 EOE 87t-t07S lor ln1 ...... 630-1212 Elc1 OIO. ........ ...,_ ..__... ... ' A ,_. "-joOI ~...._ 8idaMlk cefe. WeallfMI, ....... .......... ...... --..,,. lllQ9fTI ...__...,,... 8"'Y ~ ..-ncy net Newpoft C)ew Co • I ~,. ~-'~ ";.':: Ane.. Satv. P11nt «*. N.8. Men 1tnC --. ....... lneurenot ....__ _.,. c e lunct'I. Batt/Wine Ind preying NlnCle loet ~ '" tN .... lJilpef •••• ~ .. 1181n ..... '°'.,,..... ... ~ '°' ptrtonel .. ~..u a•r1ers t · ~ MH.?• ~ •7t-m9, ,,om rtnG. AEWA"°' "'"srns. • 11 ~;1-; 2:-r..JJ :..~£>0 ""· ..,..,..· 11ne1 Mo ,.., .... bookie'":.. '"'="Mim 1.\ or rou1es ..-:$0. '41·5143 1want Adi Cell "42..wtl pm pm 'ft lactva11oe1wt. ~ 16 WN end ..... ~ In Huntington n--·h, =-r; Apai1ment ~t. P:AOTO..V TfWNO ~ 1llftfl •· floe ...... ~ '--~ i ~ to ~ 100 NA"""-811911. ...,..._, Ct1 Tony. ....,_ ~ MCt You can be • 11 . . .• : """' In 8o. o. eounty. ldMI fw .. INM't WO-MttH front of9IM ellpar. MllfOt' Fountain "alley & Newport Beach ,. · t09>q&.-ltyb1d9-No peta. ,,_,O¥er30, .. 44IO ~~ . ,..-.. .wt ...... M-,y ,1 . WINNER I Ac>t. pM -.,Y...... IWN'NJ<X>f'P. Dila.efltty '*'°",,... ....... ltlltry .. ...,.. l .; ,...,_ !WlpM. ..... ~ Or. .._. '°'-..""" .. -to ,,.,..... ""' .... • . • ti .. 714/&4Ut11. ~ ldl -··-..... .-·~" tN-ltol. A.-'-Nit\; • .. a. a -·-:;-.;,..:;1;;•;;;iit:liiWt-•;; , < ;._~ A "' ~ '"'*"'fl..-:...,• ,.... ~ ......,.. .... _..,. ..._ J1D11Jy aendtng us your name and : . . ttrlCUYI •• ...... W \toM I ·~ .... r~ ...... ...., addre. and by watching fo r your · ~· .mraot~ '--tun toot 111 '* ::-'Ct11"'"",..: :,.::0 t~':. name In the classified ads of the ,,...•= t :. u•., ~P:.'1 1=-..,.. Di lly Pilot. ~~~ ---:zr....... • I I • Wok -........ ,.._., __ \4 In. c ft.I to tht clrcua, ar .. amUHment attrl(· ~~ ... ~ • ~ ... ,. .. 11 oo.. .,. q · • Uon1 or·1por1.Jn1 e\'HU Jlllt fill out lhia coupon and --_, ,._ ..,.,, -..,. m1ll ll todl)' to tM. ..., ptlOle .,......_. 2·5611 • • i dJU_..,, IO ... M "°' ''°"· o.I; .... Bo.1MO,~....._ 1 OAttllt • " I ~I ~m ......... w.P. ~· I a•• QrMd Jub1. .... 12 l!>d. tdl.lrlnQ bite, "-rdly UNd ASO. 171-216$ DI ~!Ill'. ......... ~~ , ... ,. ....... A4itCMMt1C trene., T • T Ott ' IOedldl (4t3t) ..... macho ow for •LY 111111 ... ...,.... Oo14/0uel4 au HiWl'C>l'T R.\Ct4 llMlll 81 Hon<11 Acc:o<d • dr AK 5 lpd, AM/f'M CUMUe New CO eat loroet Nie. tmm1cul11e. $7900. 831-8148 81 Honda A000td 4 dr Air -... -Wl--.. -0--_.------1 5 apd, AM/FM CUMtle ....,.,,~. New CO car torCN MM. ILlllT lmmeculate 17900 831-814e ... , ..... Ult .... '11 &Mtr4. 11• . ....... . , 'ti ,. Orange COM• DAILY PILOT/Thur.day. Juty II, 1112 ~ Aaa , .... Mii ............. '-' ... ..._ ........ 1.-.... . -~ .,., U•H A •. •.m .•.. ~t!'4 ..•......•. ~1.'~ •• ,!!f .....•••.•.. JIW..,m •••••••••• t _.,,\':9,trRTJlll••••••• r."\·,y,fh..-r.1n ••••••• m\w.llln\..-w...... n7il'• •••••• • •••,••• ·~:"l'lf·• •• ··,.·~··,· •••1~···•·········,,_ ... !. ~ HM &.H .. •MI MM--.... '1!lf ..,.. ff.ti ""'I'll._ ffM ..._... tfM ._. ., .. .,~'f l!.e411JH rr..•·.-...-........ r~TJ rrr.'lf';'r. ........ rrn e1n~T"A ......... • • • • .. ... ... '" l'OflOM, one Oellf Olt 1114 ' ...... ,.... ~· Tl vw ,..,.. lu•. nu 1111'..Utm •to MOfll'I OAIU.O ttn Unootn eon~. .., • -I .oi l'l'l'fll'eteuetUttf/t'l'f lll\t 'J eTfmuft••1f 1nllm.uofuef/e1T "'"'rua•H•taul' ... lJ ft•!.JJ.• • u\ , eu o• ,uee te Jmemu•u u n u nt, Ila-•to ~ ~ * 'a " ~oom toM. °"' :n..~ =°iw~lnf nr· ~· =-~~ :::-,:; 't~' :,=.e :::.:r. ·~' 0u!~l.Alnd~ t.v ;::,~~tit ' .-w/~o ~IM\ ""'· ''"' ... • •• .,.,. c;·i ..... ,..... I-MM w. ep ..... In 000 ............ ''*Ciotti ~ hO,IOO, 'I flotloM r:Cellf • :.:! ..., for IM bUelMM 20, '"'' '""' ~ 'M ~ tslO ... ?IO-t... no rue4.";\; ot mt •• .._ tnf '11 vw tut. nu tflotl • 7t vw OofWttt. Hlof*t ttw ' Pf°""'°'*· mteriot SIM "*'Y .-m1r;n......... .. et MIO w. 1tt1 i... , .. , MO •~· if'.owt.oom oond iiOOl 1~ rme-.i ... ., ...... u.u t»t••· fold ~ ..... btd. 00oct oondtuon. Lim ••••• f>C.>1.nt"*'t.. T tt11 aor..tt•. blk & 111\W AM no 10 .;. ~ -.n. . ~. l llll l ll+14»>L.Wlno 12400 4M-1~4 °' ITl-T11T -If .. 1111 ~'M'8!:.;.., 1tt :'o: ~1,&:'C..~1:n'?'i ttwu aM. ~-..... lhotro-·~r4r'::°~~ II!!.!~· 4M-eTtl VW "9bblt DIWI engine, 11•111 (1IH4641) Jvl1 need,.. If not hOtM Ill meo on1·M6nt--oond!UOn---,~ .. ~,,~,-,- tff us f.J ~ P\tldto, 11,000 """-· PIUe ~ 11000 .._. • .,, THING. Hew oonv.tos>. '*•MW 11IOO. ... .. WJ llablt P4l(ty '° Mak• rtlOOfclet. MetUY ttu I* ... NI ,0111 la1,IOO fufft. 112.f141, 1'WUl-tlOI 111•... ... .... Hew wlndOM. ''TT !nQ., 17S.ttOI OdM. wnlll monthly pmte. Ho 'to CHIVITT! •onn pt. 11200 01 °""· MUTM•IM. ~ M+MH,.,... •11 aaet, nu bal1tty/ 'Tl 4X4 l \lt. w . tow-~M/~~1 XLHT oond. ,,,,. •nl N~~~ = ==~0 ~ 4-df Alf • .iuco. t'"-'lllfll·1-.-14-2_,.._to-.~-:--:-~ •If & • 1,141 ckltofl. Juel rblt. Needt ner, oleln. ,:J:" ,,,.int. • • ................ l' .... (' for AON M2""'400 A·1 cond. Mutt .... 11 Lyn11. bledt, loeded. --.. ... nT.............. •••• ~. 11\. l4000 teka ftOOtdl. ~ beef\"" 01 ~ ~1000 oo, ,, Wehe...... • J i . , &M-100I l'r°'° LIM. • 846-"81, e35-el10 IClm cond ......... t..tt tAalnt '79 MOM~ 11.000 ml. 41M.el18 Utao. 4M-I071 "L""'t · A .... A 1om1lnPotr. II a..1111 ._. 1600 Harbor llvd _.. ... 1 USA. 1&700. M2""'714 8l>Ok• rime. am/Im CM, Light -· ... .......,. Cati. MN $40·9100 '73 Mont• Oer1o. Kini -· --1m • 1t. ClflUIOUUWI rollbtlr,oth«tK1r••><lnt 111111• fnata 1111 rubbet1. radii! tlree, -cond, cteen bOdy lnll~ my epotlMI '11 4 lf>d #ala• Hfl oond. 149" 090. 1.7 Lit• q , AMll'M .,-,~·~---·•••••••••••.. 11800/bet ofr. 88~1 'f:t::ftll , & out. rtGenlly rtbl.llll Vettl. While, red lelrih. ~uuut'uuuueTr.-. -----~-.-.. --.-.-.-,-,· 1131 7431 CHI 8lliCk (~lllOI 1• TOYOTA -IO l!.ldOfldO, 25K ml. •II engine 11000. &511-14111 All goodlel. &40..07S7 ea M\191.n(I, • cyl, Pl. e\'ft!.r.tt ... r/ .. , . <Jr~p). ta7SO. * ~AllUGT * ·~~leca~lckupc.:: OVIAISl!A8 Ol!.LIVlfllY llCtru. Kini cond. ' &4$-8805 AT, lo ml. Jdnt cond. DIDI. -· ''" 2131381-6483 --· 13995/off. &45-0MI l!XPl!.ATIS 111.0001080. 8411-7890 '711 Monti CllflO, allverl 12800 090. &40-0144 • Ill n':O.................. '11 "" PorlCtle 924 33 OH. WHAT A Pll!.UNGI •11 WlllT bkle Interior, air, VI. lo-·ea . Corvette. rare 427 ·ea Muttano oonv New . WAITED '711 MOB oonYWtlble, Ilk• 000 1 .....,, •.A .. • Perlect oomblMtlon of '72 Squar.t>a, loolc• & .... • IU I cal 15K mllel. 15700. Trl·PoWlf. Big money In brtll.. new c1uioti & new, lo ml. •Cereo cue. :.; .. c;;::r· .... ,. economy end 9'>0l'1 •IY· run• r.... radi.11. -llLIOTIH 846-8218. car. A rMI bMUly1 r..,. view rnlrrOf'. )(Int ~ ....... P.W racing etrlpe, seooo. ~FM cU. r:looonnU nna. 8 epcl .. w/pow. 11r.. 11ff8/o . M5-0H8 YILWI ot late model. low mllea-'68 Corvalr, need• worll. Sao 21311144_8111~1900· cond. 14600. An..-m c.11 P6tar Kay. ' 17&-1511 llr• a 1>«1. 17900 ' AIO, iou-and morel ·ea vw OAMPl!.A. G,.., 1908 Herbof 81Yd. ga CadlHaoa In Southern l>Mt offer tall•. Hllll. (714)174-3188. Diii 21S or 714 644-fl87 1024uBV) JI.lit need .... oond. 12000. radlall. COSTA MHA C.ilfotfllal ... 1.11 todeyl 842-4S38 c. ••• ••u ••••••••••••• H •• ~.I.· ·ee MICf\ 1301. auto, PIS. ~1·2m 4-J 1141 liable per1y to m•• 1800 oc. MM171 John. ... ........ ., 111111 ~ c Tit wN fold-rr..o .................. Sharp '711 811SC black llTlall monthly pmt1. No '77 lmplll 4 dr .. new Ur•. 711Corvette,111 pwt. xtrM, P/8, A/ • • ..... ti ........ lH '74 Opel Wagon. on black. loeded: lo ml, old conttecll to IMUIM. VW '74 412 St Wa. Gold, '74 VoNo 144, 1 owner. OAllLUO new Ylnyt top. MUST 350 euto new tires awn baok Mel, ~ HllYen't you W91ted long AutomatlO 11276 SU.500. 155-9"1 or No btctc pmte. due. A.lk am/Im CMI, IUIO, ale. good oond. 12300 l'lrm. SEEi 842-7138 CUiiom whtl. &41-41113 • clean 12500. 842-058 enough to own 1 Met· c.11 714fla..-7842 858-1281 fOf ROM U2-4400, Good oond. 12500. l42..a22 2100 Hll'bor llfvd. 111 5. cedel Benz? Don't let· •n ' 11~· Por--"'-T11 • ........ ......... 588-1008 Proto UM. 790-01SI '11 VoNo 244. Ol. IJCOtl COSTA MESA EL CAMINO "ea" ,,.~ H31'_o._M ___ .i_i_. __ ...,.,,,~, MtliCUOn Of modetl & 1'1 .... W9 9'.rfrw QI,...., ,.,.--•-•~ 141-1111 New EnQtne 11800 •••4'ti••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~•••o•••••••u•.. window. $220. '75 Calloe OT. Od'oond, '73 Sqbcil. Excel oond. oond. Hew t .. -_....,, . 540-1900 after !em. '711 DodOI Aapen. Cln. , 11172 euttw OM1arnob111. colon avellable. LUii I 1111 &76-9909 CdM. new redlala, new btak•. 12200/bat ofr. 1131-2041 71 41780-1,83 1880 SeYtMa, lo mllle, fully -new tlfel, redllt«. good condition • ....... P11111t 111 s ..... 1, ,,,, :~::m •2300• 904-2121 Of'~ ... VoNo 1228. II.Int oond. eQUlo. ldnt oond. 1 13. •t Chewolet Ceprloe r~~33 •1too· 842·114" ... Tl Tlllll llESEL ...................... Mutt Mil 113 8a'8 Bug. S1780. IOO. 89Yal... CdM Cluale. CNIM control, . ·eo Old'• 88 Ro)'M pl• 1301 0\1111 StrMt ftW '112 Toy c.ltca. ~op-11135cc. Dual ClltlL '73-0320 ....._..201 . -tilt 1trg wti, PIW. P/l , ESTATE SALE 4 ctr '77 pl b p/w alt ale' e1e' NEWPORT BEACH $ .. J IA-~ Le laf tlon $9000 Make of1-. 173-2912 Am/FM Ster, AJC. Low DodOI OlplOmet w/MI ami1m 'aup9n, Conct.'. tat.tall 289 __... 714'780-1393 ·ea vw Camper Bui. j•IM 11.-C.,..,. 1111 MU.. $8500. ca11 Ken pwr, ale, wnl tm radio seeoo.' ll8t-3lff dayt. Many to ctlooM from. f'duaA ' 1111 Many .. tr•. 11850. Call •• -....-1 ................ •••••••ct;;;••"•" Donahue. 1179-4200 Cell Banti of Amer. tor 88t·73711 ewe. = c:.:. per monch SIU tax 'aiia~ ~io'r;:f"l;,;;";.;,;, . 4114-5225. 4117-5377. f!!!/. ........... !!.!f * 1111111 LmU * Chevy 'll&~a.o:!t =alll Wkctys only 8-3 4'i ....... , .. • ... 48 month clOMcl end WE'VE GOT FUEGOSI Mutt ..... $2000. es si· Rblt eng, ,_ Ill IS " you rMlfy love ca. ~ 840-5324 . '78 Oodoe Colt good ....... ....... ...-... I f leue on approved er• NAiii llAIT &42-1582. pnt, nt, br1t1, Oreat lot tl'le largasl lllld beat mwoe. give me • call. I . . oond. MUST Sell MG-"Cnllae, Tiit: Pr/I, Pit.. ,.~-.:~-~:. '!, Im: :i.?i:in-cS:. ~ tor ·-1-11-·-, ·-·~ 11"0 ~1175 -l22001obo. Nlec110n Of MW end ...... Duncltt, lncludlnCr c..11a .. 1'1 "" \fmo. $2800 obo AJC. Tape Arn/Fm II• .....,.,..,_,. -~ ~ r...-.w~ I ' uMd Bu6cka In ~Inge fully k>aded BERLINIE"I'· ...................... &46-8308 eo Wife ~ low portJ Dlr9C1 ..... and 90 IUOll flPOllTS 2524 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. ~;.;9•0 ;,:: .. j2f;X,'" •53 vw Chlllllt Xlnt ~ Counodeyt TAS, TYPE LT and Uneoln Continental ~.... $8760 caJi Kan rnoe. Mntlble pymtl. 848 Dove Street 5-49-8023 1146-7770 "--tu~ -v• . or concl. Misting ·rno10r. l.21'1. Ju•t need reliable * Tll 11111 * • .J ~ Donahue 117M200 Dial 213 or 714, MER· .,.. o...... • .... ....... party to make email .... t"'-11~ ,,,. •-• CEDES " 213 or Newport e.ach ... &42-1415 .250/blt otr ..... 1.......... t..... ti No Old Long Ital ........ u ...................... -.-,,-----,,.,...,..,,=1 112 DID. mon '"' pm · mate In peraonal tuxury. Shelby 14" Alum Alloy ,.,.,. 714/837-2333 • '12 ltlllff Le ltr '80 Del. vw Rabbit. Dix. 4 74 VW 8~ Kint cond., le contract• to aNUrne. No Right now. nve modet• rime, flt any Merced• & ..................... . '111 300 D, lltle new. eun-,72 ,. Or. ~t. Runt llallJ It ...... frtll, dr, 1tn/lm c:&M, 5 tpd. rune eu:88'J3250· Call blldl pmti. due. A.lk for are 1vlllable, poaalbly bolt pattetn $125. 'll ""8 root. 1tereo CUMt1•. II· get. new Mleflelln tlrN Ex· &Hw09f Buoket AJC. awe tank. $5500. now, 4 I . Aoae 1142-4400. one tor youl JUll need 5411..()910 DELUXE MOOEL..> " loy wheel•. Ownw muet seOo . S.~t1. Rally Magi, 0.-7'90-t334 '75 VW Bug conv .. yellow ' "'Iii°'-" C...ty 88&-1008 Proto UM. reliable party to make '71 FORD MaY9rlck Good apeect, $3500. 17,000 ml. NC. 833--0730, 870-2871 lobo. ""'6-85111 luxe Trim, Racti & Pinion 'ell vw Conllel't. rune get. w/bl.ck Int., lmmac. 2926 Hwbor Blvd. Cinnlll lfll email monthly pmt1. No cond 3 new tlfM ·econ 902·2730 (et! 11 PM) I i 11$0 St-Ing, Front Wheel need• work, '2500/080 MUST SELL. 842-6413 COSTA MESA ••• .. ••••••••••••u••• Old contrec11 to u.ume. seso: 4114_3211 ' ' -,,-,.-t-IM----,,,~~, ·1e 280 Sedan. wti1 1ict1 .!!!!.!............... Drive. Luxury •nt•lof & 831·5129. ·75 vw BUG Convertlble. lll-2100 SEE 11 FllllTI ~0 ~..!..mta·S:r...:: • .. .................. .. blu I VERY Morel Yellow w/bleck Int a good Mlec-or ,,.... ' 72 Mt\191'lclc, lo ml, good ·77 F-Blrd Formula. loe· a.n. nt~u r.01.i t;:l, MEISTER EPA Ett: 30 city, 40 hwy '117 Cat Bug. new tlr•. $5800 oeo Evee. '73 La Sat>r• 4 ctr lull :=, h!,V-N~ & USED 558-1008 Proto U M. mech. cond .. 2 nu tlret. ded. great cond. A.lklng _... •• NII $1311 new atareo. rune grMt. 11-·""70 . ' ,._ -•· • L'o -• c .. _...._._, A/C. AM/FM C&M.. 14300. &42·11223. rnectl ...... t .... U9l . POISGIE/1111 s111115.. 845-4128. .. .. .,. ..-.. -· i:?.m· "" ............... s1soo1 belt on• -------~11J:5~~; Bl~ 13431 Hwbof 81Yd. lle(lal 00745-4) &73-1784 '72 SQUAREBACK: Clean, $llllS 714 ~811 For <i'~~ Ad &51-0740 . riu,11"-11 lf1f '111 3000, dark blue/ blue Gwden Grove WE'VE GOT FUEGOSI Are you plennlng a move? runt ~!·~511 C1'1Jl1t llJS C.H a ·ea Ford Ranchero. c1 ... '":ti•n;;•;~·" In M tecri~ Dar ............... 111111 11&1'1 Clulllled ad1 will point •• •• •• , •••• • • •• •• • •• •• Dally Piiot tic, 4 lf>d, very dean. Good cond. Mika offer ~ 75':,t 22 • Leaslq &llO/.,UP/lllllLT you In the right direction ·10 VW Bug, tunroof, rune ·ee El oorecto Con....ntble, AD-VISOR Mu11 IMi Many xtr•. 75t .2no :.+ -1 1 Jl• lll•IJ•• 2524 Harbor Blvd .. C.M. to find th• home you good, clean, tan fir• mitt $9000/ti.t 542,5878 $2000 080 54$-115091--------Sell Idle Item.a &42·517& • •• 54~ 146-7770 need. 842·5171 11700. ~ 4~75 otr. PP. 4~ rtel, 895-2180 dsyl • • ATLASCHIYSUIM'LYMOUTH 29211 Harbor Blvd .. c'oeta Mata. Tel. 546-1934. 3 btockal eouth of S an Diego Freeway off Hatt>o< BIVd Complete ,body ehop. Sa les. Service Pwta. Service Dept. open Monday tnru Friday 7 30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday llACH IWOITS Me Dov• StrH t, Newport Beach. Tel. 752-0900. Ca ll ut. M 're th• t1>9cl1ll1t1 lor Alfa Romeo. Pe ugeot. Saab a MaNratl. · . THIODORl IOllNS POU Modttn 111 ... MrVlce. part.a. body. paint I tire d•pt1. Competltlw rnte on i.w & =.ntalt . 2080 Hllt>or lt\ld., Cotta Meta. 142-0010or 11. . I JOHNSON & SON LINCOU. MmCUIY 2t2t.HatMr Blvd .. Coeta Miia. Tel. 540-M30. 57 v • .,, of ':ty 11,,,11y NIVI~ -OrMgt CcM.lnty'a Oldest Lin· ~cury dMl«thlp. SOUTH COAST DOGll 2• HetbOt l tvd .. Cotta Miia. Tel. NM>330. AV N!'Vloe aped ....... c,uttom van CC>n'tW9loM. h i .. MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 818 Dove Str .. t, Nawpon Beech. Tai. S33·1300. At the trtangle of Jambof•. MacArthur & 8ri1tol behind Vlctor1a Station. Sales. Sarv1ca. laalng & P1t11. We make great dealal • HAIRS~C 2eOO Harbor Blvd .. Coeta Mata. Tai. 540-9100. Orange County'• LargHt Ced lllao dMler. Salft. $efvlce. Leu· Ing. • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUaca.flOMTIAc.MAIDA S al•• • S.rvloe • Leulng 24888 Allele Parkway Ulguna Hiii• 831·2400 • CHICK IVUION POlsct9-AUDl-VW 415 E. Coa t Hwy .. N.wport BNcl'I 87).()llOO. The only dNl«thlp In Orange County with tl'IMe thtM great mak.-und., one roofl • ALAM MA.NON PQ.lrlAC.SUIAIU 2Aeo Harbor BIVd., Cotti Mala. T ... 549-4300. 811•, llMoe, Lw lng. :·Mr. OoodWIWllCh... • CLASllC AUTOMOllUI 711 ~ Wf/f, Coeta ~ T•. UM31S • "JAGUAM OU.. •NCW.TY .. XK 120'al140'111IO'lll= ...__..__Al .. a • • • IOI LONGPll POMnAC 13600 Beech Blvd .. Wntml"9ttf. Tel. 1182-6651. Orange County'• oldest and largesl Pontiac ~alersh1p. Sal•. Service. Parts. • DICK MILUI PIA T/LANCIA · \'Probebly the lowell priced Fle11 fn Southern Calltorr i " (Located 1 mile north of South Coe1t Pleu naer Main St. and Werner Ave. In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Werner, Santa Ana 657·2132 • SAMTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Str .. t. Santa Ana. Tel. 658·78 t 1. Your1 Original Dedicated 01t1un ON!«. • MIRACLI MAZDA W.'¥9 moved! Our new location It 1425 Beket Street. Coeca Mlel.. Ttf. 64&-3334. Stop ~ & vlalt our brand n• lhowlaom and ... why we're tt. J1 Madi! dealer In louttwn Cellfomla. 811 ... hrvlce. Pwtt and l .... ng, •• AMMmM MADA "OlllJO.C. ......... ... .......... &.a.C..." 901 8. Anaheim l l'ld., Anehelm 9Mo1120. Juet north of &anti Ana ,rwy, on Anlhtltn ltvd. Cell ut fltttt 'Wl A .. I HMO TO ANO-«IT'V«>RT'H ITI" COST A MISA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd , C:O.ta MMe. Ta i 540-6410. 5-fvlng Orange County f()( 16 yeen. 1 Mlle So. 405. SUMSIT POID, INC. (Home of Willie tr. Whale~ 5440 Garden <Move Blvd .. w.atmlnstet. Tai. ~to. • oaANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove BMS., Olrdan Grow Tet. 530-9190. !icctu11v9ty Volvo to cover an your VoWo requWemerlta. • .._.Uaed~L11·1ng•Pllf't~8ody Shop F'99W8y doM In tM heWt of Orenge ~ et Gilrd9n Grove BMS. & Broc*hlnl . • TV cl8sseS ·blast~ spari repriman~s .. I ' ' l ' I I The Coast Community Colleae has mailed notices of reprimand to 67 Orange Coast and Golden West College inatructora who all(ned a letter crlticlzinl( the televislon couraea offered by a alater achool, Fountain Valley-bued C.oastllne College. The reprimands, ordered last week by the district's Board of Trustees, have prompted an announcement by the American Fe'tlera t ion of Teac hers, representing full -time instructors, that the group will file a grievance accualn1 the district of an academic freedom violation. Dlstrich spokesman Richard Simon said the reprimanda were designed to express the trustees' disapproval of the manner in which instructors took their criticisms about telecouraea to education offidala oustalde the di.strict. The telecourse letter was mailed m March to top officials at state and private four-year colle~es throughout California. The letter quest.toned whether television cour9e1 are equivalent to cluaroom lnatruction in the wne 1ubject, even though b'oth types of Clules receive the aame number of credits. The letter prompted inquiries from officials in the Univen.lty of California and Califomla State Unive1'11ity systems as well u from other Institutions. The district has responded by preparing and malling a let\Jllhy telecourse guidebook to th0se who received the instructon' letter. Accordlna to Simon, the four Orange Coast profeaaora who authored the telecouree letter have received l~tters of reprimand that will be kept in their penonnel files for three yeera. He aaid these reprimands "leave the door open" to further clllclpllanaty act.ton. One-year reprimand letters were eent to 63 other teachers whose names were included on a Jtst malled with the original teleooune letter. Simon aaid the one-year reprimands are a "cease and desist" order, directing the instructora not to go outside di.strict channels with ec>mplainta about television coul'llel. The district spokesman said the adminl.stration believes the teachers violated the rules of academic freedom and responsibllity by taking their complaints to outside educators But Phillis Basile, president of the local American Federation of ' I Teachen1 chapter. -1d it lJ th1 district that la violatlna ~ freedom guldellnea b~ attempting' to restrict teache~ from speaking about educa\iQI) lSSUes. "We're not talking about ~ private business," she u1d. "ThU 1s a public institution support.ec$ by tax dollars." : Mrs. Basile said the tnchent group filed a similar ~ freedom grievance after tht d1str1ct allegedly threatened ~ (See REPRIMANDS, Pace A!) • I Valley due special tax liallot I Help sought to fund salaries for police and firefighters The Fountain Valley City Council has instructed its staff to prepare a ballot measure that will ask local voters whether they are willing to pay a special tax to help fund police and firefighter sa18Jlies. The wording of the measure and the amount of the t.ax must be approved by the council at Its Aug. 3 meeting in order to meet a county deadline for preparing the November ballot. The tax would be implemented only if it is a pproved by two-thirds of those Fountain Valley residents who vote in November. Councilman Ben Nielsen asked that the ballot measure call for the raising of no more than $270,000 through the one-time tax. City Manager Howard Stephens said a tax rate of .0001 of the assessed market value of a Fountain Valley property would raise between U:ta.ooo and $145,000. He said \hat rate would require the owner of a $150,000 home to pay an extra $15 in annual property taxes. If approved by vot ers in November, the tax wouldn't be collected until the f18Cal year th.at begins July 1, 1983. Under current law, such a tax can only be levied for one year, city officials said 3 cities lowest in Gas, oil probes OK'd Off shore decision sUJog woes angers officials By JODI CADENHEAD oftM Deity Plk>t ltatf Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Huntingto n Beac h are ranked among the least smog- p r one cities in Southern California by South Coast Air Quality Management District. Last year the c.c.ta Meu area (that includes Newport Beach . ~ one first stage smog alert, according to Jeff Schenkel, a spokesman for the district. By compari.ton La Habra had 15, Anaheim had five, El Toro had five. San Bernardino had 72, · Fontana had 73 and Los Angeles had 65. By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of tM Deity Piiot Staff Officials of Newport Beach and Laguna Beach said today that it will be tough to stop offshore oil drilling now that Interior Secretary James Watt has virtually opened the entire U.S. coastline to oil and gas exploration. However, officials in l>olh cities aay they'll consult with the state attorney general's office to seek ways to protect waters off their cities· coasts from what t h e y s a y c o u 1 d • _b e environmentally damaging offshore drilling. Watt announced a plan Wednesday that would o~fer l billion offshore acres in 41 sales to be held from August of this year through June 1987. "We're greatly disturbed because offshore drilling could severely damage the environment and tourist activity in Laguna Beach," said Laguna Mayor Sally Bellerue. "The type of shore here is rocky with environmentally sensitive tidepools that are difficult to protect from an oil spill Offshore drilling is something everyone in town is concerned with and united against." Kenneth Delino, assistant to the city manaaer an Newport (See OFFSHORE, Pa1e A%) "There's no question that the Costa Mesa area is one of the most smog-free areas we have m the South Coast Basin ," Schenkel said. A report released this week by the President's Council on Environmental Quality reported that Los Angeles ranked No. l among 40 cities rated for dirty air. False alert "" Weather bulletin misleading The report showed that Los Angeles had an average of 231 days of unhealthful air between 1978 and 1980. District offidala in Loa Angeles have criticized the report for failing to note the progress that has been made during the last two years. "We never made a leCl"et out of the fact that Los Angeles has the worst ozone problem in the state and possibly the country," said Schenkel. "But we're making headway." Schenkel said comparing the federal study and the state standards is like comparing apple.a and oranges. Southern California'• district officials call a first-stage alert when the ozone level reaches .20 parts per million; the federal standard ii .12 parts per million. COUNTY BISMARCK. N.D. (AP) - Radio announcer, Bill Brannigan didn't see anything askance on his radar monitor, and there were no clouds in the sky, but who's to argue with the National Weather Service? When a flash-flood bulletin showed up Wednesday evening on the weather service teletype at KFYR in Bismarck. Brannigan "jumped on it right away," · broadcasting the warning repeatedly to listeners throughout western North Dako1a. Presumably, several other broadcasters did the same. "The National Weather Service has issued a flash-flood waminR . . . alonl( the Little Missouri River," the bulletin said. Radar showed "an area of very h eavy slow -moving thunderstorms" and "flooding ls imminent," said the message, warning cam_pers and others near Theodore Roosevelt National Dieting vs. nutrition · There's a difference between dieting and nutrition, says a Costa Mesa woman who once weighed 311 pounds and now wears a size 12 dress. Page Bl. BUSINESS Dshl money hurts economy:? At least one f lnandal expert thinb the Federal Reeerve'• tight-money stance ls strangling the nation'• economy. Page C6. 'E. 'P.,' 'TRON' atlll kmg1 -· ~ )'ou.r swnmer releues are not rUUdng anywhere near the amount of box offJCe nftlptl "E.T .'' and 0 TRON .. noted. Pqe 84. Park to "take to higher ground immediately." The only trouble was, it was a test message, .not intended for transmission. But it was a full 30 minutes before Jhe weather service office in Williston. where the message originated, sent another message saying the first one had been &ent in error. "I read the warning on the air three or four times in 20 minutes," Brannigan said In a telephone interview. The man on the spot was Jim Allen, technician at the weather service office In Williston. "It wasn't suppoeed to go onto the teletype," Allen, who has been with the weather service four years, said in a telephone Interview. "There's a triggering code that you use to make It go out on the wi~ and I didn't put the triaertng code in there. But it went anyway." NATION Councilman Fred V 06S asked the city staff to prepare a report on what may happen during the following year, 1984-85, if pay raises are still in effect but no extra tax lS collected to fund them. Fountain Valley's $10 7 mill1on 1982-83 budget contains no money for city employee pay raises, even though contracts with all employee associations expire in November. Joint plan for 12-acre park eyed Huntington Beach city officials and high school district officials are moving ahead with plans to jointly develop a $900,000, 12 -acre park adjacent to Huntington Beach High School. City officials are seeking bids from construction firms to develop the-park, which would include two softball fields, two gr ass voHP}"batt "t'O'UT'tr. -cwo outdoor basketball coun.s and a soccer field. The playing fields would be available to the high school during school hours for physical education clasaes, and open to the public at other tunes. All fields will be lighted The park could be completed by this December. said Norm Worthy. city dtrect.or of parks and recreation. The city owns seven acres of the site and the Huntington Beach Union High School District owns five acres. The high school district has agreed to maintain the park, Worthy said. ~ ..... ""°'° br a.ry ~ ROLLING ALONG -Lori Goetz of Bell pushes her seven-seek~old son R yan along Mam Street in Huntington Beach as she coasts on roller skates. It was a bit cooler in Huntington than it wac; where shP came from. City Council members have postponed unt il Aug . 2 consideration of a proposed lease agreement allowing a private • firm to build and operate an indoor racquetball facility on part of the city-owned portion of the site. Schmitz secluded; statement due By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( .... °""' No4 11.rl Silence greeted news media representatives gathered in front of the Spyglass Hill home of state Sen. John G. Schmitz as reaction was awaited from the Newport Beech politician in the wake of disclosure that he allegedly fathered two illegitimate children. two chddren he allegedly fathered out of wedlock. With the exce ption of Wednesday's statements to his fonner employee, Schmltz has mamtamed virtual silence on the matter. If approved, the 35-year lease agreement would make the proposed community park the only park in the dty that makes money. The leaae agreement propmal for the lO<OUrt facility could ~t the city more than $12,000 annually. Worthy aald. The racquetball courts would be free of charge for hlgh school ·physica l education classes, Worthy said. The dty plans to use funds from developer fees to pay about $600,000 for the park. And the school district plans to use funds from a previous land sale In W_estminster to {MlY about $300,- (See HUNTINGTON, Pqe Al) A former aide, who said he had been In touch with the lawmaker in his seclusion, said Wednesday Schmitz told him he would comment on the controversy as soon as he had resolved "family difficulties." The legislator lives with his wlfe Mary and several of his children m Newport Beach. The possible existence of a second family was disclosed Tuesday when Carla Verne Stuck.le, 43, a Republican party volunteer worker, was unsuccessful in winning back custody of her 13-monttl--old 90l\ in court. Orange County Superior Court Judge William Murray ruled that the infant would remain at the ;:ounty's Albert Sitton Home (See SENATOR, Pase A!) Schmitt has not been publicly seen since headlines began appearing early this week, following a juVl!nile court hearing dealing with one of the INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landen Erma Bombed< B2 Movies 8uatnN al-7 Mutual Fun& Calilomla A~ National News Cavalcade B2 Public Noticee ClMllf ied Dl1D3-6 Sports ~ C5 Dr. StelhcrohJ\ Crvwwcwd a Stock Markei. DNth Notkel C8 Telntidon l:ditorial A.8 ~tens &\tfttalnment 84~5 Weather HOlall'Ope B2 World News • SPORTS B2 84-5 ce A3 C8,D2-3 Cl-4 B2 C7 a 84...5 A2 A3 I I I : ' I ' . r- 1 EPRIMANDS GIVEN • • • 1ue t he fo1i&r authora of the teleooune letter. She aald an arbltrat.IQn he&rtna -Ott that mat•'Wlll take pbice in Sf_ptember. dlltrlct ror luutn1 the reprlrnanda dW'f.na tho awnmer, when many ~"' ant away on VMlltioe OI' .,. ena..-d in ......... 1~~·· work or 1tudle1 outalcf• th• ''Mrt. Bulle al.IC> crtddzed the 'I dlatrict. HUNTINGTON PARK • • • 000 ·for the park, Mid Charles lf.em. Nistant superintendent of the 11ehool district. Heu said the additional p1-ying fields are needed becaUSP. the hJgh achool hu an increasina l\u~ent population that Is w.earing down the school athletic fields. "It will be a big lmprovement for the achool and wtll ease the wear and tear on the ata<Sium plaY'lna field.'' Heu said. Worthy aaid that community sporta leagues would probably use the playing fields several rughta a week. The proposed park would also include a picnic area and playground eq~i ment and would be landaca with grass. shrubs and trees, orthy said. $FFSHORE OIL ' • • • ch a.id Watt.'1 "blanket roval" of millions of acres of hore sales makes it diffi~ult to argue againstl drilling in specific individual areaa. environmentally • fr~lle coastal areas. r ~ .......... ,..... BY P'ftEDEftJCK SCHOEMERL Of'IMDillr"9t...,, NrNport BHch-baaed AlrCal, the ' dominant air carrier in Oran1• Coun ty, haa r•newed 1eaal efforJa to rnerve It.I 1hare oT fttahu from county aovernment-owned John Wayne AJrport. Two legal acllona were lnitla~. In one, flied In U.S. District Court In Loa Angeles, AlrCal demanded $100 million m oompenaatory damages from the county over potential revenue losaes. AirCal, until June l , <.'Ontrollf'Cl an average of 23.5 of the 41 jet departures pennitted daily from the airport. Under an acceaa plan adopted by county supervisors. AirCal's flight guarantees are to be gradually reduced over a two· year period. Under the fhght re- allocation formula, flights would be made availablt> to other c.arrten either wanting to e)<pat\d . or initiate service to and lrom Orange County. manner ln wtucn tM •ttllnnilnt wu negotiated, clalmina It wu not lnvf ted to partlcipete In the nf"aotlationa. The second prona of the AJrCal legal attack WU filed ln Oran1e County Superior Court. In that action, the carrier allqed the county violated the California Environmental Quality Act In adoptinl( the acceu plan In the state action, the carrier clalmed that the county ahould have prepared an envtronmental unpact roport before the plan was adopted. County officials were not surprised by the dual legal actiona. And they were n ot pleased. An aide said Supervisor Thomas Raley waa "disappointed" by the latelt , actions. "We have tried to be helpful to the Orange County firms. We have bent over backwards. Now they sue us," said Ken Hall, who handles airport related matters for the supervisor. 11"The way it's structured ~es It harder to deal with btcause he's opening up the ~pole coast and has defused e~vlronmental consideration of e~h tract," De lino said. /'Now we're In a guessing game with the oil companies ~ause we don't know what ai'ea they'll be bidding on and it rrtakes it difficult to mount at'guments based on specific areas." Despite the outcry, Watt refused to back down from the major thrust of hia April 1981 r.roposal -making entire 'planning areas" available for leasing. In the past, leases have covered about 2 mUUon acres each. but a planning area covers about 133 million acres. Critics said such areas w-ere too large to make proper assessments of the potential harm to marine life and would result in leasing environmentally sensitive tracts. FAMILY MEMBER -Jerry Schmitz, a son of at.ate Sen. John G. Schmitz, talks to newsmen Wednesday at door of the senator's Newpor t Beach home. Senator Schmitz has remained in seclusion and has made no public comment since the latest turn in his controversial public career came to light earlier thi& w~k. The federal court action. airport omcials said, ltkely wiU be considered Aug. 9 al a hearing on the controversial a1rporl access Issue At that hearing, Judge Terry Hatt.er is expected to review a proposed settlement regarding a previous lawsuit filed by Pacific Southwest Airlines over the access tSSue. In both cases, A.irCal aa seeking court orders that would prohibit the county from further enforcing the access plan now in effe<:t. If those orders were Lssued, the existing flight allocauons of AlrCal and the other five carriers servmg the airport presumably would be frozen until the ment.s of the lawsuits were-tLec1ded. From Page A1 But Watt, in approving the plan. said the country's offshore leasing program had an "excellent environmental and safety record. New leasing will be carried out under ngorous environmental controls to ensure that the record will continue and be enhanced." SENA TOR SCHMITZ . • AirCal has been cntu:al of the • Delino claims the new policy will make it easier for oil companies to disregard local opposition to offshore drilling. Since Watt fir9t proposed ~pping the old leasing plan • pl' e p a r e d b y t h e C a r t e r administration. he has been W\der attack from critics who charged that his plan was too ambitious and would jeopardize Wall said the plan was aimed at reversing the decline in energy production from offshore areas. ~ilk drop due .Two cents a gallon in area SACRAMENTO (AP) -The price of milk will drop statewide next month, with the drop being as much as two cents a gallon in Southern California, says the Food and Agriculture Department. Department Director Richard Rominger said Wednesday &h..4r-Op-ff8Ul~ f~publie-heer.ing~n JWH! .. t.o.sub8\itu&e a factor in the Class 1 Price Formula, and to adjust the Class l price relationships between marketing areas." These amendments, along with lower production costs, lbwered the statewide average price of Cl~ 1 milk - grimarily for drinking -by about 22 cents per hundredw~ight, beginning Aug. 1, Rominger said. But the drop in the Southern California milk marketing area will be 28 cents per hundredweight. or two cents a gallon. pending comple tion o f an investigation into injuries the child suffered which required corrective surgery to his penis Another court hearing is scheduled for Aug 6 Murray said Schmitz had called him last week and told him he was the father of the child. On Wednesday, Miss Stuck.le claimed that Schmitz also was the father of her 2 week-old daughter Both children accordmg to birth records. were born a year apart at St. Joseph Hospital m Orange. The children are listed under their mother's maiden name. Schmitz' name appears on both documents as the father. although only the mother signed the birth certificates. Mary Kay Schmitz. the GOP lawmaker's 20 -year-old daughter •. said Wednesday the . famlcy m._.NewparL Beacb Uf5t.. thought 1t was a joke when it was reported that Schm1u was the father of the baby boy. Later. the family became ~I-tocked when there were new rcv<>la t1 ons that he was also po.-:s1bly the father o! the I. Wet'k·Old girl. "lt was a shock to everyone." Mary Ka y said outside the ramily's Spyglass Hill home. Beach • lS best T emperatures ThiForKHt For 8p.m EDT A11nm Snow[m I rldny JllfV <!J • • T •IUtes .·r>owera FlurrlH I!!] NATIONAL .. Lo f'qt Albany eo 4e l\Jbuque 100 72 Sunny end hOt. Amw\llO 115 ee 1coastal high mld-701, Inland ~ M 68 2M ml0·90a. Coastal IOw 115, Inland AtlMlta 112 72 13 ie. Water 1111. A ttamc Cty 711 112 , Marine loreca11 call• tor 'Austin IHil 711 afl.,noon and night weatarly Baltimore 114 111 wlndl II to 111 knotl OY9t lfv'9f BIUlngl lie 117 ?ft:' 01henw1M. light v111labla Blfminghm IM 71 1.13 with IOUlllwWI IWtllll 1 IO 2 Blsmarctl 111 59 ~ t>acomlng IOUlhef'ly 2 to 3 BolM IM M ,. i.w todwf. 8ol1on 75 82 51 too 110100 N«l'-leriy winds of 15 to 25 8'~ IMI 74 •no11 <NW outer •atars wltl'I 3 10 Bun.lo 111 57 -W-Senoee 6-1001 11W911S. Ftu ••capt log llt>d lk#1!ngton 711 50 llj()AA US OIOI OI C-ce IOw cloud• i.ta tonight and -ty ~ tOO 71 Fronts: Cold..,. W&1m ,.,., OcclUded ... StatlOl1ary • • lltlday morr ·io. Charlltn SC " 78 Chartllln WV 118 ee Chartott• NC 1111 75 ee ~ 112 59 MltwaukM 711 115 1 59 Frnno 100 ~I 87 73 2.04 Mpl•St.P 83 87 Lancaster 101 78 11a ee NMhvl~ / 91 72 oe ~~ 92 69 Clawllnd 82 82 Nawon.n 90 1' 91 .. Clmble SC 94 73 Haw Yori! 83 117 Monlaray a. 52 COlufl'lbul 83 65 Nor1plll 112 1111 NM<llal I It o.f'I Wth 100 75 No Platt• IM 68 Oakland 72 56 Daylon ee 1111 Okla City IHI 73 02 Puo Robles 102 63 oan-117 81 Omaha 87 85 Red Blul! 98 88 O.MolMI Ml 69 .01 Ortanc:to 92 74 02 Redwood cuy 72 68 Detroit 83 83 Ph1l"°911la 83 83 Sacramento 93 59 Duluth 78 59 .oe PhcMlnlx 108 119 SallnH 117 411 El PMO 100 72 08 Plt11bur~ 81 55 San~ 83 70 Fargo 81 55 P1i.nd. 711 81 12 San Francl1CO eo ~ Flllgltafl 85 5"' "1tecld. °'9 75 52 S••t• ._,oat a 71 57 GrMI Filla 94 55 "1~ 75 S2 25 Santa Marla 70 Hartford 83 65 ="City 89 89 Stoctuon IMI H9leN 04 lie 92 83 ThanMl 108 Honc*Au .. 78 Aetlo " 50 ear.tow 108 77 Houlton ... 78 21 Sall Lake 100 71 Big BHr 85 51 lnclMplfe 87 .. .03 Sen Antonio 91 73 14 8llllo9 " 57 Jaekln MS t6 71 SMltle .. 52 Catalina 78 82 Jedlll!'\llle 112 7t .oi ~~ 17 71 Long Beactt 111 H ~City 111 70 15 87 Monrovta 1~ 112 1<no11• 92 ff II f.oull " 72 Ml. Wilson t7 L.P veou 109 es St P-TIMP9 112 75 Newport Beech 7& es Llt111 AOC* 117 15 .07 c~OMIA Ontario " 87 LoUlavtle .. n 27 P.im 8ptlnga 109 82 LubbOdl ... 73 Ballerlfleld 103 78 PM9CMM ff 117 Mernpflla N S1 llytha 108 sen Bernardino 105 1111 Mleml 17 83 (Ul'akl .. •• Sen JOM 12 64 IUlf llPIRT Smog Wiier• to call 11011 ,,.., for ... ..,~Ion: t>:'r. -J''"'l ~ n9'1•• o"nt-,: (IOOJ 242-4022 nMrlldl end a.n IMmefdlno :r. ·-A ..... OOU11111: (IOO) H?_.?10 ~ ,:::, '? AOMD (.pieode 0..: (IOO) Huntington ~ =Pier t-3 " tlllr It 242 ..... .....,. .ltl1Y 24" ..... .. .,... ... ......,,, 24ft = . .. ~ .. ~ 24" .. ........... 't~~ .. Alllallple, lAgUM 11 =.~ , " poof et t" wy poor 17 ~= ... 1-2" Po« 17 24 fl •1000 .. T~I .-.. concn·•~ .. ,....... .. .. ~ • °"""*"'~· :rl)U: Hllll ~. ... Miss Schmitz said sh e had known Miss Stuckle through her volunteer work with the Republican Party She said she alao knew the woman had two youne children. But she said 1t was a jolt to learn that her father was also supposed to be the father of the Tustin woman's two children. "We just thought 1t was a media prank at first.'' she said. "I stall think it's a prank " Miss Schmitz said her mother and father had spent the last three davs "put.tinJt ~ether the p1ec..-es themselves When they're done -we'll have a little family (gathl'rmg)." She said she hoped her Cather would soon make a statement about the controversy sw1rlmg about a family many times involved m controversies. "In the beg1orung, 1t was a }Oker New,....l--juM-wl&h-Ae-Wel<H&---f say something . ," she said, adding, "I'm stiU hoping for the best to come out of at" Roosevelt's son endorses P e te Wilson SACRAMENTO (AP) James Roosevelt. oldest son of former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, endorsed RepubHcan Pete Wilson for U.S . Senator today. Wilson released the names of 99 other Democrats who he •said had endorsed him. Roosevelt. 72, of Newport Beach, who also backed Republican Ronald Reagan for governor and president, aaid at a news conference that he was endorsing Wilson with some reluctance. He said he had been a "great fnend" of former Democratic Gov. F.dmund G. "Pat" Brown, father of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., Wilson's Democratic opponent. Rabies shots set in Huntington Low.cost anti-rabies, distemper and parvo.vlrus vaccinations for dog, will be offered from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at a clinic slated at the Edison Community Center, 21377 M'lgnOlia St., Huntington Beach. Anti-rabies shots wllr ~ $3. Distemper and parvo- virus ahota will be $4 each. • Sae Lafferty, coordinator of the G u errero Negro Lagoon Research Project ln Baja California will resent a program on the "Gray W halea of Guerrero Negro Lagoon 1980 -82" on Wednesday, July 28 at a meeting of the Orange County Chapter of the American Cetacean Society. The meeting will begin at •The Criminal Justice Training Center at Golden West College In Huntington Beach will ofter two campus peace officer training courses dUJin8 Aug\Jst. Open to the public, the courses are designed for persona pre.en tly employed as California echool district aecurity offioen or for those wish i n g to train for the profemion. The basic coune will be Rabies vaccination is required by law for all dogs older than 4 months. ·A valid vaccination rertiflcate is needed to obtain a dog license. Dog licenses wlJl be available at the clinic, which IB_sponsored_1ll..-lh~~rniM'-J Assistance L eague. Mor e information is available by calling 978-PETS. 7:30 p.m. in Meeting Rooms B7 and B8 at the Huntington Beach Civic Cen ter, 2000 Main St. The program Is free and open to the public. Laguna Guerrero Negro ia the northernmc.t of the Baja California lagoons frequented by California gray whales each Winter at the time they bear their young. offered from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, Aug. :?-13. An intermediate course will follow, Aug. 16-27. during the same hours. The materials fee for each course Is $15. One $5 parking fee covers bth counes. Applicants must present proof of having completed a course In laws-of arreat, search and seizure. Courae information is available by calling 892-7711, ext. 124. BRIDAL SETS I MAKE A BRILLIANT DECISION. Vov (hole eoch other carefully. NOw choOM your diamond brtdol set w!Th H 'Mlm• cant: OOr dia- monds meet e itocting ttondOrdt for color, <Ut a nd d orlty, then o ,. mounteij in o variety of li4 karat gold settinga. Our profenlonol 1taff con help you make the perfect selection. Priced from $450. to $2,500: .. -- WORLD •Iran makes major thrus ts B1 Th A11oel1ted Pn11 lran tOday clalmtd lta to~ m.de a major n w thruat Into eouthHat Iraq and 1hauered four lroql dlvi1lona, but lr11q clalmed It counter-attacked wlth "brilliant 1ucce." and annihilated .the lnvaden1. A communique carried by lran't atate-run lalamlc Republlc News Agency aald lranlan forcee advanced four milea du.rlna a fierce 11even-hour battle Wednesday night near the lnql border poat of Zald, northeut of the 1traiqic: oU port of Bun. It wu the NCOnd major Iranian otf enalve reponed lince July 13. when Iranian troopa etormed 1cro11 the border to eetabUeh a loothold ln lreqi territory north of Sura for the fitat time tn the 22-rhOnth Persian Gulf war. Iraq clalmed It repul.eed the first lranlan pulh .. •New IRA attacks teared LONDON -Britain may be hit by new bombing attacks from the Irish Republican Army, the outlawed guerrilla organization indicated today. The Belfast weekly Republican News Mid that one bomb in London b worth 100 in NATION - Belfast. The warning appeared two days after two IRA bomb1 killed nine soldiers and inju.red ~O other people in two London parka. British police also have warned of a new IRA offenaive. •Reagan hails Alger story WASHINGTON -President Reagan was VISlting a boys' club today in St. Louis, calling attention to the sort of rags-to-riches story he likes: A neighborhood program that grew from a storefront home to a $1.85 million complex with no st.ate or federal funds. The stop at the Mathews-Dickey Boys' Club in North St. Louis was the first on an overmght visit to St. Louis, where Rea~an will also attend a private (und-raising reception for his alma mater, Eureka College, a nd a fund-raising dinner for the U S . Olympic Comm1ttee. Reagan, who rose from, a poor childhood an the Midwest. often extols the virtuef of hard work, free enterprise. and community and personal self-help. • 2 defense plans backed WASHINGTON -Disregarding what their Senate counterparts dad more than two months ago, members of the House are st.anding by President Reagan on two major undertakings in his defense program. In a session that stretched from late morning to mad-evening Wednesday, the House ratified the president's plan to begin production of the MX strategic missile and a new generation of Lockheed C-5 cargo planes. The developments came as the House worked slowly through a $177 l b1l11on defense authorization ball for the fa.seal year starting Oct. l. Among the items likely to be considered today was an effort to remove $54 mill1on for production of a new type of nerve gas weapon. Sponsors voiced optimism that they could win that fight. •Cluster bombs Issue eyed WASHINGTON -Some Arab oountraes and other nations have received cluster bombs and s1m1lar weapanry from the Uruted St.ates without restrictions on how they should be used, the Pentagon says. But on orders from President Reagan, the government has suspended s hipment of cluster-type shells to Israel until it has been decided whether Israeli forces violated an agreement that bars ind1scnminate use of the super-deadly weapon. ln it.a war m Lebanon, lsrael has been accuaed of misusing the bombs which spew hundreds of ''bomblets" and dar t -l ike fragments widely. The Israelis deny the claim. ·~tty. general case closed internal mqu1ry. on Wednesday dedared the cases "closed." , Al'Wlr~o ROPE TRICK -Michael Reagan. son of the president, tosses' a line to a dock hand as his boat docks in M emphis. Reagan stopped for fuel and repairs to his s peedboat today on his way to St. Louis. try ing to break the decade-old New Orleans to St Louis boat speed record. Nixon says Pat 'wonderful wife' NEW YORK (AP) -Former President Nixon, talking about his wife. Pat. says their marnage has lasted 42 years because they have "compaub1hty and the same general beliefs " "I marrll.'d her because I loved her and because 1 admired her intelhgl'n'-c and great sense of humor," Nixo n said in an Interview in the August issue of Good Housekeeping. "You know, she 1s still wonderful; she hasn't changed through the years." • He said, "She has always been courageous and steadfast and has great strength o{ char~·ter Her intelligence as very high." o ther than a slight. almost unnpticeable problem with her left arm. she's fine" Whale Mrs Nixo n doesn't reallv earl' for social hfc. he said, she's an exl'ellent hostess "She's very good onstage. so to speak, even though she,prefers not to be onstage. What s he doc>Sn't lake are vacuous dinner parties with a lot of idle chn)ter B1~ELC. DON OftMOallYHIC ..... The et.ate Legtll•tur(I plan LO drop codeine compound• from the Medi-Cal prosram ma5ave poor and elderly peoplt- for alternative pain medkatlo Orange County doctort wam. "There is a good chance that' patient.a who nave • senuln4'• need for rodeine drup will be hard pressed to buy over-the-I counter sub1t1tute1 to reUeve their ducomfort." uid Or. Charles Plows,' an Anahell"l'f· obstetrician and member of thel Cahfomaa Medical A.uoclatlon's Medi-Cal Committee. •' In an effort to avoid a s~~ deficit, lawmakers stripped $161 million from the program'\ drug budget as part ora $400 mllliorr. saving m the $5 billion Medi·~ program. The cuts take effect. Sept. 1. Codetne compounds were· singled out m part because of apparent abuse by some patients and over-prescribmg by some' doctors, a state health official has• said. The ~mpoundl generally are in the form of combinations of codeine and aspirin or codeine with Tylenol Codeme compounds are widely prescribed to elderly patients suffering from painful arthntis as well as for general ailments such as toothaches, headaches and muscular pain Though codeine compounds - as well as other medications --; have been dropped from Medi- c.al reimbursement. doctors may. ~ull preS1.:ribe pure codeine for , the estimated three mallioh people eligible for the health cane program. However, doctors are required to fall out speaial prescriptions called triplicate fonns for pure codeine and othe,r narcotics. • Such prescriptions can be called mto a pharmacy only in an l'mergency Otherwise patients must sec· their doctors for each ref 111 WASHINGTON -Attorney General Wilham French Smith faces no further Justice Department action on his controversial financla1 deattng;, even though an mtemal review found he once violated a conflict-of- interest rule. On one matter, Lee said there_w_as__,,n_o...-_. __ R~eca_llll!B their meeting m 1938 need to m for an indepe naent spec a an marnage an 1940. NUrorrba)'lr "My wiles most e ndearing quality." Nixon said, "as her way with children It's d1ff1cult being the childre n of celebrities Pat spent so much lime with our two daughters (Tricia and Julie) gavmg them love and affection end w.:mnih. Bul..$he was also a d1sc1phnarian She ts the same wonderful way with our thrt'l' grandchildren.·· The tnphcat.e form process is considered a bureaucratic hass&e by most doctors. said UC lrvme Col!ege of Me dicine DeaJl Stanley v.an_den Noon. Sol1c1tor General Rex Le e, the department's No. 3 man who headed the STATE prosecutor to mvestigat.e Sm1th's acceptance of "Pat was verv beautiful. She still a $50,000 severance payment, which he has 1s She has the kind of classical since returned, from a Cahforma stei!I firm beauty that lasts." The former president says the effects of n stroke his wife, now 70. suffored in 1976 have all bu1 d1sappearl'd "Her hc•alth 1s excellent She •Prop._ 8 debate continues doesn't quite have the stamma she used to have. and she doesn't hke to go on faraway trips. But voters June 8. Julie has two children. Jennie. 4. and Alexander Eisenhower , 1 1 , Tricia's son. Christopher Cox. 1s :1 Until they mov<.'<i to Saddle River. N.J .. an hour's drive from New York. thev lived in a town house m Manhattan. "People are going to be in pam 1f the doctors h<1vc to fill out a new prescr1pt1on every lime," ~ said. Plows said the new Medi-Cal rt>gulations may s pur so~ d<.x:tors to .woad participation ari the state program ··We're going to 5e{' a lot of Medi-Cal patients who are g~ to have lO buy thc>ar own drugs.. he predicted SAN FRANCISCO -After a hearing that ranged as far afield as oleomargarine. the Eel River and George Orwell, the state Supreme Court must decide whether the Proposition 8 crime initiative is limited to one subject, as the state constitution requires. A packed courtroom heard an apparently divided court Wednesday react to 90 minutes of arguments by challengers and defenders of the initiative, approved by 56 percent of the The court dad not indicate when at wall rule. But ats act.ion in scheduling Wednesday's special hearing and refusing a request for a delay may signal a decision before the Nov. 2 election, when four of the seven JUStaces will be o n the ballot for voter rete ntion . Proposition 8 is the most ambitious cr'i l'ninal law measure ever proposed to California voters. Bradley would pick state labor chief lie also said Medi-Cal patients-: may turn up more ofte n in ! hospital emergency rooms as ,11 ~ result of the h ealth prograrO'· cutbacks. j Dr. J erry Tob1s, UCI professor o f p h y s i ca I med 1 c i n e and. rehabilitation. acknowledged thC ·; state's desire to tram all areas ol the budget. But he lS dismayed ' bv added restracuons placed on , doctors who feel obligated ~ , treat pain as well as specific ! diseases. , , •Mitsui agreement reached SAN FRANCISCO -Mitsui' and Co. U.S.A. has agreed to pay $11.21 million in fines and civil penalties after pleading guilty to a federal indictment charging conspiracy to avoid this country's !t.eel-dumplng law and undercut the hard-pressed American market. The defendant, American arm of Japan's giant trading firm. Mitsui and Co .. promised Wednesday to pay $210,000 in fines within 60 , days, and a no-interest $11 million civil penalty to the U.S. Treasury by Sept. 30. Mitsui does $9 billion in annual business in the United States. U.S. Attorney Joseph Russonlello said the plea bargain "represents the largest joint civil-<:riminal settlement in the history of the U.S . Customs Service.'' •LA chamber gets new chief OKLAHOMA CITY -Eager to leave the academic world for business, un.1 .. ersity of Oklahoma President William S . Banowsky is resigning to take over the Los fLngeles Area Chamber of Commerce. will start as of Sept. l in the first full-time salaried president of the chamber, a job he called "a great challenge." He said he had been considering the move for more than a year. "The clock is ticking and I want to be in the private business ~·" Banowsky, 46. confirmed Wednesday he. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ThomM P. Halev ......... -a.. 6-tuw Olllolr ~ SChultz vi.~ n OWctor ol ~ Tom Mufl)hlne NI« Mike HllWY Clll.-at d Merfttl!lno ~ ~Godd#d DINCWfll~ =:=clMn OltlttleLOM .......... .,.., ..... hl•"Y ........... CIHdled lldWftlemg 714,1M2-1171 All otMf' --.runem. Mt-4n1 MAIN OFFtCe ---~tt.,C-.IMM,CA. Melt..._: ._, .. ,C.UMeu, CA. ... c ..... , ..... ,.. 0r-. c:.tt ~ ~ ,.. _......, "...,,.. .. ,,., .-.n.1 m.etrrw• ftf'tl•,_. ,_..... INIY • rw -.c.• ,_....,.. ....-1e1 ,...,.,.NNll .. e.opyr..,..._. Mail ballots issue stalls SAN DIEGO -San Diego officials appear reluctan t to appeal a court ruling that throws out a city election in Which a record ~l percent of eUglble voters got ballots by mall and mailed them back. At least two city councilmen, Dick Mw-phy and Pete cie.-tor, aald they probably will vote against appealing the deciaion of the 4th District Court of Appu.l. Meanwhile, Secretary of-,8tate M¥Ch Fong Eu "la urlrtAA San Diego to appeal. '- We're · 1,;,istening ••• Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley told the California Labor FederalJon m Anaheim he wall appoint a cabinet-level secretary of labor 1f he wins has Democrauc bid for governor , which the federation endOl'Sed. Bra dley pro mi sed the appoinlei! would be "the roice of labor in my administration" but offered no spec1f1cs. Bradley took advantage of the recept.ave crowd Wednesday to lamba•te his Republican opponent, state Attorney General George Deukmejian, as "a roe of working men and women all hlS political career.'' He criticized Deukmejian's propoaal to give 1late prison inmates paid jobs, pa rticularly because it includes offering coo6erative felons a chance at early release. / "l don 't want a <;harles Mahaon to get out early just beca~ he cooperated In some work program," Br9.dle said. Most doctors agree Med1-Ca1 : patients suffering moderate-to~ : severe acute or chronic pain will : generally find little relief iq ! non-prescription drugs. : I I "Aspirin 1s no substitute fen codeine1'' Tobis said. Not only Champagne But Concert Specials! Come visit us from 7-9 p.m. for Free Champagne and 40°/o off select Jewelry and watches Otlnll a.114 OAtLY fttLOT/Thurltfly1 Jvtt ti, tNI · Coinmunit~ colleges must trim offerings The Coaat Community C.Ollege Diatrfct wu dealt a serious blow 1 Chancellor Norman E. Watson haa declared, by state legislators who cut $30 mllllon trom the budaet for California's 106 communlJy colleges. ~ a result of this cut, the ~unity college system's board of governors lut week approved a ''hit liat" of vocational. recreational and self-help courses that would no longer be funded. Though colleges can continue to offer traditional academic and vocational couraea tuition-free, 1hey will have to charge welf- 1ustaining fees if they choose to offer topics such d assertion training, auto repair and dancing. The Coast District, which lndludes Orange Coast, Golden West and Coastline colleges, will feel the pinch most significantly because it has traditionally offered many such self enrichment programs. As a resu)t of the state cutback, the Coast District's state allocation was-cut by about $4 million, Watson said. Also, perhaps l,000 part-time instructors will no longer have jobs in the district this fall. Finally, about 45,000 fewer atudent seats will be available at the district's colleges. (Each student accounts for one student seat in each cla11 he or ah~ attends.) While the newa ta indeed unfortunate, it should come aa no surprise. State lelialaton cut aid to cities, to social aervicet1 and to kindergarten through 12th grade education in order to balance the state budget without tax increaae. In light of thia, community colleges should not be a aacred cow. When there is scarcely enough money to educate children in the butcs. it is difficult tb justify s\a~ subsidies to adult hobby counes. It ia unfortunate that the "hit list" deciaion had to be made at auch a late date. At Orange Coast Colleee, about 15,000 students have already pre-registered for fall classes. Many of thetie classes now have fallen victim to the "hit list," creating costly administrative problems for the registration staf.f. Community colleges may never again be able to offer as extensive an array of courses at little or no charge. Bu~ educators and lawmakers must work together now to develop new methods of funding and operating the colleges. Whether through tuition or some other means, the system must be restructured before next year's budget rolls around to deal even harsher blows to these valuable community resources. Welcoll1e coll1ll1itil1ent For almost 10 years, Fountain Valley senior citiz.ens have been asking the city to provide them with a permanent social center of their own. The seniors currently use the city's Mlle Square Park recreation center two mornings each week, but the group has Complained that these quarters are inadequate for their growing numbers. -Early last year, t~ Fountain Valley City Council was prepared to commit about $1 million toward constr'uction of a center for seniors. The council stepped back, however, when it determined the money was more urgently needed for a new police station. There has been some discussion of using the present police station as a senior center when the new building is constructed. but no formal plan exists. In light of this, it was encouraging last week to learn that the Fountain Valley Medical Development Company has pledged a new home to the Fountain Valley Seniors organization within a proposed six-story senior residence. The project recently received approval from the Fountain Valley Planning Commission. The 200-room residence, to be built near Warner Avenue and Euclid Street, will include meeting and rec:reatkm-rooms, plus a large dining hall. The housing still requires city council approval, but the developer has promised that the local seniors who do not live in the building will be able to meet there, dine there at reduced prices and take advantage of shopping bus services. This off er is a welcome example of community commitment from the private sector in a city that is struggling to maintain basic services and has few dollars remaining for social service programs. Question needs an answer Huntington Beach City Council members John Thomas and Ron Pattinson find themselves in somewhat of an unusual situation due to an employer- employee relationship. Thomas ia the owner of a crane and trucking company that does business with the Huntington Beach Company and other companies. Apparently because Thomas geta some income .from the . financial arrangement, he abstains from voting on Huntington Beach c.ompany issues that come before the council. Also bringing pressure to bear is a hlwsuit filed by Planning Commissioner Tom Livengood I that seeks to bar Thomas from 1 voting on all Huntington Beach -company issues. The bualne11 relationship assumed added significance alter it was learned that Patthuon does public relations work for City Council colleague Thomas. The question that is now being raised around city hall is, should Pattinson abstain on Huntington Beach C.Ompany issues if Thomas does? They both conceivably could benefit by casting favorable votes on company matters, but nobody is accuaing them of that. So far, nobody in an official capacity is coping with the potential problem . A representative of the city attorney's office indicated that city lawyers wouldn't look into the matter unless asked. Nobody has officially asked. ·It would behoove the city and Thomas and Pattinson to find out where both m en stand in relation to the Huntington Beach Company. Possible Illegal or questionable action could be headed off before it happens. L.M. Boyd I Age and politics The U.S . Conatltution decrees nobody can be a U.S. een.ator until 'fe 30. When that wa1 written, Ii e expectancy wu onlr. about 30. Half the people wouldn t even live that lona. Some fine mlndl wanted the age limft aet higher. Others arauecl it couldn't be aet too much niaher. There wo~ldn't be enouah Uving c:a:ndldates ln q,e elder brack.eta to 8've the voten sufficient chodicet. ~ five yean • when thll na lion celebrated t ti 200 th annivenary? Bulgaria thl1 year celebrates its l,300th anniversary. Approximately l,800 northemen move aouth to the Sun Belt every day -in hope of aettina a new IJ1p on life. Q. How many elephanw bave been conceived and bom ln ti. Unsted Sia•? A. Six. about. I -. • ' 0 D.C. • • secrecy not consistent WASHINGTON -Some of lhe nation's moat sen1itive 1ecurity documents are•IO looeely guarded lhat one of my reporters bu been able to walk in oU tbe atreets and pick them up. But lel aomething tawdry occur, and our elected leader1 will pull up the coven. They'll invoke national eecurtty and reach for the secrecy stamp in an altempt to cover up the embarTUSrnent. They won't hesitate to use the secrecy stamp to cenaor the news. Yet they are much le11 vigilant when It comes to protecting the real secrets that could affect the nation's safety. THE WHITE BOUSE, for example, ia the nerve center of the entire federal government. High fences, patrolled by armed men and sophisticated electronic devices, keep out intruders. Planes are forbidden to fly overhead. Detailed plans of the White Houae electrical, sewer and ahelter 1y1tema could provide invaluable inlonnation for spie1. It would be like the Central Intelligence Agency getting its hands on . • drawings of-Ole Kttmlift. ~some of these vital documents have been literally lying around in non- secure offices inside the General Service. Administration. They are intended for the uae of private contractors who work on White House project.a. but anyone who look.a as if he know1 that he's doing can examine them, and even walk away with copies. My a.odate Dale Van Atta, dressed In cowboy boots, corduroy pants and non- matching jacket, vialt.ed the GSA one IWUlY day and browsed around th4Nlrea G. -Jl-Cl-11-D-IR-SD-I -~ where thae contncton' documents are kept. There were no aecurity guards. Nobody challenged him. He had previously obtained a copy of an architect's drawing of the White Houae "underground utilities," stamped "For Official Use." He alao got a copy of an WlClassifled map titled "White House Grounds," showing the various ducts, conduits and manholes installed under the lawna and driveways around the -executive mmmon. But the real paydirt was loca\ed in an unlocked file-cabinet drawer clearly labeled as containing White House material. It wu a 19-sheet collection of overai.i.ed architectural drawinp. which Van Atta spread out on top of the cabinet to atudy. No one questioned him; in fact. one gowmment worker offered to Xerox the material for him. "Primary Electrical Systems and Shelter Irnprovementa" was the title on the first pige. which wu a detailed map of the White Hou.ae .ewer and electrical 1yatema. It has the appearance of an aerial photo of the White House taken with an X-ray camera. EXACT LOCATIONS and distances were neatly noted on the map -the protective fences. the red ash tree, the 60-foot burr oak. gu.ardhou.es, draina, electrical conduits, high-water alarm ayatema, everything. The 18 following pages included schematic drawings titled Power Line One Diagrams; F.a.at Vault and Shelter Power System Control and Inatrumentatiort; Manaion Vault and West Wing Vault Power Systems Control and Instrumentation; Electrical Site Plan; Plans -Eut Vault, Shelter and Data Pr oa:ssing Room; PtaJ1S' - Mansion Vault, West Wing Vault. Footnote: The Secret Service was appalled at Van Atta'• ea.sy access to the White Houae plans, and assured ua the problem will be corrected. ~te of appreciation for Jerry Brown To the F.d1tor: I get tired of reading Earl Waters' insipid, abuaive tirades againat Jerry Brown in the editorial pages of the Daily Pilot. What vendetta does Mr. Wat.en carry against Gov. Brown? California haa proepered during Jerry Brown's tenure aa governor of MAiLBOX California. Indeed, California ranks among the best of the stat.el in econamic vitality. Gov. Brown is one of the few major politidans who has been able to meld a balance between economic wength, integration of mlnorttles and women into our IOdal atructUtt, and a concern for environmental values th.at are important to many people. Abo, his efforts to improve the quality of education for our children, and hi• abUJty to carry out the wUl of the people are commendable attribute• in any politician. Flaky, Mr. Waters? Pro1perlty- Repre9entation-Equality-F.ducation-En- vlronment-F.conomy. 'l'heae are aoata that we eee achieved by J~ BnJwn. We need Jerry Brown in WuhlngtOn aa our aenator. I hope that his suct'e90r u governor wW do u good a job aa he hu done for the citberw of Califomia. JAN .O. VANDEBSLOOO', MD Seniors neglected seniors who live on fixed incomes such aa Social Security, SSI and small pensibna, etc. The recent general plan which took yeara to oomplete bad many volunteer citizens who spent coun•less hours wor:king on it for the benefit of Laguna Beach . Among other things ita committees recommended the use of city--owned land for affordable housing and a day care center. To date all city coundh hav e ignored the recommend.Ulom. ALAN E. ADAMS Price of progress To the Editor. One of the best kept secrets m Orange County is about to be paved over and made into a parking lot. I'm talking aboul the Organic Garden on the northeast comer of Golden West College campus. Granted. there are probably no more than 30 of "us diehard dirt gardeners," but there is space for quite a few more if only peoele knew about this great opportunity to grow our own fresh food and flowers. Well. it's too late now. The "powers that be" have decided' parking more cars is more important - so fruit trees. berry bushes and all that good fertile garden soil are to go the way of ao much of Orange County's farm land -oement. Gone is one more lea.ming experience for your youngstera (and oldsters). You shoufd see the wide-eyed expressions of the toddlers through adults who Une the fence during the bueball games. They aren't watching the aames, they are much more lnterest.ed in ldenUlying plants, tasting a fresh strawberry off the ~. a bag of fresh green beans. Maybe at Wl t too fate, if enough people are interested to call the college and proteet. Time is ahort. Progre11 AYS pave it! Just this once -a 11 ttle less progress! MRS. J.R. KELL V Chica planning, and 2) the Orange County Bolla Chica Local Coastal Program. In view of the 1trona opinions, both pro and con. within our community, residents would have been better served if consideration of such an endorsement had been handled u a regular agenda item at a regular meeting with staff briefing and public input. rather than being brought up late m the evening at an adjourned meeting under the council member commenta agenda leCtion when no public comment is allowed. . THE MANEUVER in wh.ich it was handled does nothing to inspire confidence in thOl!le who went along with Council.man John Thomu' motion of support. The community will always be left to wonder if the 1pUt vote support decision wu made after careful weighing of facts, or if it pulld on the baaia of out-of-cllambera lobbying that presented only one side of the iasue. Although public confidence in Qty Council fair play and objective decision making hu been t.emporarily eroded, it'• not too late for Counctlrnari Thomas to llndo the damag«: by f1!C1LINting recon- lideration of the mue. PETER GREEN PaatPresident, Amigos de Bolaa Chica Gun control To the F.d.it.or: l know l 1peak for many dtbens of the at.ate when f oompliment the Daily "°t and especially political cartoonJat Oliphant foe the fine cartoon on the July l~ editorial ..... 1ll4f l\.&n control lnltiatlw ii tntl1 a threat to our rlahtt under the c.cmtltuUon and to our abWty to dehbd oureelvea and our famlllea. It la mr.hlna to .. ln the ~ IUICb •• timely reminder of American vai..._ WILLIA.M ANDERSON .. ,. llftl kl• Nel •·I Mt C Cllt II" I '* c.-Cllt It .ft t1ot• 1~ 111 "' •• • ,1oo ... =:::r114 ~ t-.. .. ., ~ ~ ~ ~:111 in'' ~ [~. 11· : ;: .. ," Htl I . f '°' 1111 .I t "' I -.. !'I lloh Clew Cllt a 11i ~=• t? Ir'"'' ~1 .. • tt ··~ :; 0 ; ~ :ta: ;: :::ti.:; 1 i1~'S 111'2. • L:u 11U!: :: ~14 ~::::: 111111 UtM 11S ~111::: ~~ itt'" I YI,,~ I~.;.~ •''ft O• ~ ~11• i." ~\r. ~ T;:~ a • lit ".. ~ 't . . . II . r. r:-: .. ~ . .1.· Jl ..... . •c":!',.... ~.·~J ml~ L: r~,, lit ~·Iii IN a ·i· ~ j ... ~ ·•J",-~\li ·-· _ .~A\1.1'. , n~ ~ II': to •• ,:; ,!¥1 ... 16 1 1 = ~·n · · 11r. ··~ ~II ·~'° ~:: AC' J ,. t I I II + V. •"''" ·1 a1 ~ "" llltfe ·" j ~ r.lil "' 114 M • I 14 '• \It • 4 -V. At""' I.It 1 ,.. ""--"' •Kiit lt tf 1' ~ 11tt1 I t i-• '-Ml c»i t J'-t. 1 t '6 A A , 1 ~ M~ "" •PHIO I f '" u--.!"' 011lfa Jto 1 .... "' IMl~L tO t .. ·"'~ ·~ I !t~· -A \til 111 lltll• ~ 1,.~9 . . •f •"' oulmll ·· t .. 111 .. tt .14 • 167 t\lo .,. 'i 11 ..a• )t :~it.. Mll Jt i~~ ~ .~::.T , ~ ,.t u~· ... :1~ I~ 1& jJ f1~: ~ 1~:. :·a J ~ av.=l"' ~H&~ ' : ~ ~~::\ ~:& 61 I! ltt~ ~ ·~~ 1.~ ~ 13 lOh! ~ 1:.n:ir.. I ... t J 41h1o:'11e 1'~:ltr '1 I: 1~ I ht ~ I ~: ~·~ [;' .. AOm_09 .04 ) a. ~ ,. HHC tOll I •11o .. ,_ fltllco 111 l 1 14. :tf • ~ Ad.II I jJe • 11 er · pl ,,,! It • • · • «t1;1ne ... t It'-• ,. 1111 .. 1111 IJ~ • • . N +I "'*"-:. '°".. • 1-.. ·~ =~~ , ~ ~ '" m:-~ t•:r '"'° , "' ill:-"' ,,..IDMU" , " ,.._·. "' C9 • • ~:~, 2.U 4: 1lt~ ~U : = •riWI ~ • I~ 1i11t • V. 1~~11~8 J~ "i ,; 1~ • ~ ·~~':, 1·11: .• U !f~ ~ ~ I I i I ; :: ~""'.~ '° '"',,' ....... ". ::.~: ~ : ., ~ : hM ... '· . . .. 1¥1 1 ....... 11t I ........ ~ ... Iii ~ ... ~"-· TO ~T J 10 'M • I hC•lo I .. 1 ti It ... ltll,ttl 1 I JIO • ,, '° "' ~Jr t.• ' ----AtrPH .-1 lit ,.___" ::•• · • 12 .,, 44\lt~I"' ht!., 1.& •• ' 14 • "' 1111ri. t'60 4 1 »"-"" . 1.liit J ;• v. Al111,rl iO I• I 10°" • ~ UO I JI hxO<I J 4 '"2S ~ + "' 11114111 60 t It t + "" J ,.. ' " • A•a-JOI 1 uv. :'.i .. 4 417 1t: "' -,_, -19M J .. 11 611' .... '-•10¥9 I ... 1 M '-· ••.• AIMM fl • l<o • l'MC 1.60 1 IOt .. \It ., 1,.1,llftt . I 1• ... n~ •· HIM I/ ~-\\ AleP pf4" '1 I I U enco It la I • Fabr91 .. 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AllclCp 1 40 • ••1 >1"" "' 11ert wi ,. >'--"" Flfmwv 1• 1"4-\• •-•"• , .. 1 ,,, n ... """'• n " tJO ,..., .1..., AtdMllt I • 224 J9''t • . ,,_rt '1f I t.S . I 9y, ••• FllCllA l M SI 111"+ \lo tpcoC,, 10 I) ti 6 NtWft'll I IS e1 ~ • Ii< AltclStr I ID I .. 11 ... • \lo IWl.M l 40 4 In> ,.._ . F11S8¥ JI ).... . l•1IQBI< l >t • IO :w.. ,,.. Ntwt of 4 fO • 4 10. -I AtclT.+" I t I ,,_. \lo "41M pl 1411 ~--+ '-Finl Fed ~ 1•1 1J 171<. '-ttekCp 30+-U st UV. '>\ :::tr .. • 1: ~ ,!!? 1~:.: u:. AIUsOI U Ill.. I\ lltlw. 60ll S U •\.-"" Flru.111 -210 I~-\lo -J-J -M Mpf HO ' i'QO ~ 1" !'1t:i~S~j7 ,1 .. ?',, •• + ~ !1P•1tel11l2St• '3u1•""• \or FIAl111t. 4 tt ......... JWTl 1 .. U 41 It• \ro Nl:Mof UO !100 2~: \or • • -... ~ ~ hNY. 2. J m ..... "' Fl(IW1 .IO 171 10"-.. • JmelF I 60 10 • 21\'>. M•Mpf l tO .• rlOO 21 .... -.... "''"""' I ·~ . • . .. .. v pll., 1 I~-.. FUC"I< 1.20 Ill ...... Jlllver «) • 10 u ..... ~ ,..._. • 10 •. -•7 1 Al<O• 1.IO" un Jltt . l\NY pl ,,., ss-.. 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Cllromt tO 23 J2 .,.._ .. Fl\ta9k .M 4 tl l'l'o JOllL9" 1111 HJ 13 '" N11eo.1 10 I 66 2tv1 "ii~ !t!::C. Ull~ ~ ~~· f\rnlr , .. , I-~. FIWIK , 10 4 30 n -.. JO•Otn• I , 3SC120\o I .. N>A""' 1711. It ~ '-A8rcl pl 2 •7 . I 40 • Ivy wt 10 21<. FIKN> J s 14 ~ "' Jotftfl ., 10 123' u201 •• 11.-. NE11.0 •• ,., •• ,. 1114-.. A8clc.st I 60 I HG O\lo "'Vl p! IJ:2 t '-FllllFd 10 J IOt """ • "" JOfMft I 40 C '4 111' NlftlVI j 11 I ,., 10 . ""'Cll I I 51 27 • 1,11 FttFlnG J 4 • ,.,,.. • ..... -1(-1( -Nc:elSY 13 I~-.. ~8.1~ 1 • t U 11101! ,,. I 1C» ...... Fi..IEn .jf22 l6t Ill... l(Qln I J) ''-loll ,.MI'S llOIO t4 11.,,, .. .. Ilk... .5' ' • ""' ... Cl..V Pl • IS 1150 l1 " Flemne 114 • .. ti'-. .. ltDT Ill I\,, "" ltl$1Pw '14 • .. 77'11-.,.. AmCan 2 'II I n2 21~• • ... Cl11Mlt n t SI 11'--111 Fle"'ll 10 n •I 1-• "-I( men I 11 SIJ 11•1 •11 ,.,...,, rl4 11 1100 1t • "o ACan pf J. s 10~ .,.. Clll<rp I n s 2•1 UY> ..... Fl .. I Pl HI • ICMI. l(•l\rAI 60 101 "'• ..... 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S •• • JI -'-LlllV&.h 2 609 II 11• --,. =t<GE 1 ,> : -: ~: ... ArmWlll' IOIJ .,. ,.... C11Pw pDW • u GNC OIJO IS IJ -.... L1mllC111 •14 Jll 11 e<ll9 • ' . .,, CnPw 1W12' S 141oo • I>\ GPU 11 •1 ~ '"' lln<NI l • tt ~ P.cl""' IO ' S6 I~• .._ ArowE 1•.. " """ ... '"""' pt2" 1 IS.... o.nAe l 1QI10 44S --... l•llon I 60 s 1'1 O]o,. .. Pt<Pw J.11 • 15' ,.. 111 Artr• 20lJ I 11"'• 1• CO<llAlr 41 •"-•'It Ci11fttlr . S >•• Llltonp! 1 1 U\lt• loll Pe<Ppl •07 t lh J+ .. Arwlll I IJ t .. 11•• • ... COtllCoo Sii I] • Ci<ISlonl I 60 I JIO H -\. Locl<lld tit W'-PtcScl l JI I l 1014 • .... ~'"111 pl J 4 10 CnllCp J60 111 1)~ 111 GTlre I SOD I .. 2'"4-'°' Lo<lllw !ttU SJ JO P•IMW 502111»7 llo,. tJlfe ~w•<• 40 30 u1 n"' + i . CntlGrl> 7.0 17 , • .,., Gentco 13 "' •'11 • ... LoeW\ ' 20 s • ., .,,. P•lmllc ''° s J IJ'-• ... A~IOll 14010 171 151 ... , l.'I C11109 pl 1 JI IS i • c;n,_ed 10 • ti 22,._ '°' LomF11 I .. t t u•~ p.,,AB II S4 I J 1J•1 A I( S H l O f I J ' 6 COllllll 2 el' 11 .. • •, Gen•I 0 1111 14 1'-• ''t LomMt J tOe I 4 JO'-"" PtnAm SlO JI., J l V. • "' ConlTel 1 5' •I• I• _ 111 Getl<IPI 110 13 45' JS\to• ~, L n S >t TA ft ,_,. ~ 7 Pan,,EC 1 lO 4 1n Jl''t-loo AtdOO I IO • 14' 13"-\o CID•I' SS 10 2t c;.P« 1 20 I II" ••Y> • .., "" ._ I•• " '• ' '• P•P<tt' I 2t I n 2•' • • " AMO pl 4.IS J ,. .. (O<IWGI I 30 I 14 ........ 0.Pw "'2.S. .. I... . LILCo 2 01 • m ,..,. Perdyn " m Jl\lo-.... Atlll-11111 S 10ll) 'o CooltUn 01r 71 • O.Pw 1111-Sl -I 17 + .,.. LIL pfU • 1S 14 211• PeroM 1 )At> S S ... ,, AICyEI '" JN ""-.... Coopr I SJ • ... 2•v.:..: i,.. G•Pw pf? IS ' '"'-.... LIL pll l JI s 21 ... 1.., Par It.Ori ,. ) ... IO\or . "' AtJMtro .CW. 4 .. 1 Coopl pf 1 tO 4 29.\oo .,, Gertll'.i \I l6 I 17 JO\,,-.,, LIL p!P 1 ~ 4 I~, 1<o ParH.,. l tl 4 21 U"1-"' All Ilk" 140 • 1171 17 ... • .... (-Lb ti) IO JI 19..._ If> Ge<t>Sc 12 1' U 1 .. , ''t LOftQOr I 0o 11 ... )I ,._ PerliPft 52 II IO ""'• ..... AllAC pf J • JS4 _,1,_ C o o p T l • C Ge1ty 1 60 S 101 .. 1,. I Lore! n " l)f »"'° Partn l I I li 14to • .. AUR< pl l.IS .. •100 JI • ' J ,. 20'.. •;.c_.i • I I• 01• .. tP 11 J -.... Le(;tftl -I ) ,_ PelPlrl IJ 101 I"'. '" AllA<"' 7 IO 3 ~---• I J ' 3 '11 • "" GIDrFll II 1-. •• L•L•nd '·'° ' ltl 1•'• ~ PolN 4" ' ... ..._ .... :11•!f4' 32 1! ~~ j! V. Cord<Jr• 60 • 110 10"> .. Ciltllew IO 'JjllO ~. L•Pe< 1111> 41 t4 11~ .. •, ~.·:~ n ~ !~ ~ 1• · ::r. .. Corel" .. I I ' ..... OlllHlll ., 11 1 ""'• 1,. l1>11vO. , 1'l , JI ...... "' -· Sii>-.... ~" ooCDI 50 IS 1,0"1 '1'1:" Corne; 2 l112 141 4"11o Oill•tl• 2 JO 10 S17 37.,,_ '" l-•llll I 20 S Jt It PPenQO en. J S2t 4\,,-'" ~vc p 1 :IO • ,, .,, CilH\W IO .. 10 '"" • 14 ... I -I SI • tllCll l • 10 ,. -..... "'"•'V 'II ' 14 26\to • ,... core11i I '" 10 l 20•1, Cilot>M !' J IPS ,._. i Lowe\' • "• '' "' Pe11C11 O<'S 27 JI 71 ltowMI I 10 119 41 , 4.t Cowl~ In J JI'• •~ ' • • ,'' L11br1I IOI I 11 1t1,. \.o Penn(p i6o n 3'4 ~ A¥on J • JI I n•' i , Co• Bd ' 2t IJ 171 1' • ''• g:::.1 00 I 1:: 1 S~ • "" LUlly\ n 60 II I I 291,, • Ii. Panrwy 1 I •17 ,..__ '•• •••• I , .. 10 u " I~ Cr•le 1J • ... • LU<li'tS 1 ,. I •11 IJ•. 1,, p Pl , 32 • 101 I~ .... Aydl11 It UI 11lJ : I • (r.011e I .0. I • 10'\ • IJ, gci•l<h p!;·~ 1 ~ ~!:-~ l11ktn\ n I 2S 10'"'' , .... P:Pl Pl I .O rlO SSY>-.... --· -~~~~l I~ 4.S: m:. ;,.. ~r 1.«l I 11" 2• -~ MACOM t•~)fO-m, P•Pl pr1.40 1100 S."'-. Belrr><o «> 1 3 11:-CrOCkN J 40 I 13' 22.,, GordJ ' S6 1 1J 1' MCA I SOb II ,.. ti•• ''t PePL dPr1 IS IS 24"'-"' 8krl11ll 9'J S M 20>11• ~> CrC'Npt? II J ,.... Gollld In e 176 21-.-'-MEI SI 12 ti 1'"'-V. P•PLO<' II . r:lO It~>• Vt B•ldor J2 II II "!°" • "" Crmpl(n I 00 6 lJ 14 - . loo Or•co 2 IO 4 m l1VJ-'" GMGr .. 10 14 I'• Pe PL pr 13 ilCO """ • l't• BaldU l • ll» 2•;• • ~ C""nC' • Ill U -1,. c;rel119' 1 14 ' JO -t loll 1'oGMGr p!.. IJ 0 ... 111 P•Pl r I 1 rSO SI"' e .. 11c.p ' ., • 10 ,. '. .... Crwlel J 30 10 1911 II'•. "" Ci••llltv ICl .... • .. (;MU• Jo. ll l20 ·~· Ptnwl J 10 I ,. 14'.. '· &etlyMI to 10 ll'IO 31\o+ "" C•Z.I p1 4 tJ 10 ;n "' GtAIPc Slf I+.-V. 9 LI 40 II !Jlo. "' Pellw pl 1.60 It IC">-•., S..llGE 7 t4 1 SJ lt'' • •,. Cr lei,.., I» 11 "' • "" GILklll IO 10 •1 n .... I .. ~--m1~ -II -1 U + ,.,. Penn1ol 110 I "2• J'll.e-.._ hit pl8 • 50 lJO J1•11 1 (;NI S'-S I tJ4 ..... .._ --P-Or .3' I 21 11\lo • Ito BenC.M 'llO.. ll 111.. Crum I .. s 10. lJ't. "" ,,, • '·-• Me<y l I 10 ,.., ~ ... PeopE" I s 100 .... • ... B<lllCIAQ '°IO 16 lt' Culbro le I 0 ,.... h CilNoHll 1 • 1 tU Jl '> • ., \FCI I U. 11 II'•, ,.,, Pep~ICo 1 42 11 llt o II p IO , .. 11..:. 1, C11llln" 11 ... JO">-.. GIWFln 40 n tts I) M•olCI .. 13 SS 10\,, ... Perk El so IJ 1" JO 111 8~ l to 4 1' •~• • "' C11mE" 1 l JO 19\.l-l<o GWHiP 11 II lS "" ~ MalO<IH I 40 11 27 JI'-... Prmlan 1 Jlo • JJI ,.._= v. 8kof\ta I i. I JI It\,. Curr Inc I 10 4 I ... + '' (;MP n I 41 • 11 ., ... • • M91MI 10 U •h Ptlrlt l I 40 10 S6J n 9MAm I Sl • SO 111> \'t CiwtW I S I u .... -\oo Or•v" 110 S Ill I].... ~nlll11 .lllb S S19 IP., • .. Pt1rl11 50 S US II''>+ II. BllAllty 2 to I 1 11\ CyclOOt I '°' J l'IO u • "' Gro ... 2• .. ~""U J:2 • 1 "' Petlh • >St 21 JS .... a-Tr us • M ,.~ .... OM(; e>-0,;-,.. .... 8:-..~ '* I ~ ;~ -, .. "':~;..·,: ~ ,J ~::-\'t PelRl pll IS 1 ,. -· 9..,_ II 10 S .,.,, • I , °""'°" 111 n ~· V. 0"'""" I 40 21 i. JO• lrH pf tO S4.... Pflrer I t4 It 1119 tow-\>t 8MdCR .5t U JM JI Oenlllv I U I l7 llto.-1, c;....-e11 311 1 11 ,..,,_ '" nvll ID 1J 60 10°' PlltlpO .O•l IOI 14'-'-Bern(;p .., .. lst IJ\,, D•,,.C,. I 60 ' , .. 2J-.,.. OlfWll 1S 4 ... II\,,-"' etlVI p!S 40 II 21-. ,.,,,_ .. I •11 2•1'1o-.. B••net IOI I 40 ~ 04t111e1 I .. s n 91. .,, Ci11llOll , IO • '74 2611>-.... APCO'., ' ,,, 11.... ... ,.,,ti.El J ... ll""-"" 8•rllt pf 7 • 20 1,_• '-Dertlt 11 J 60 t 11J ~ + "' CivlfR.i O 14 + 1,11 •red n t 21> 21,, ""11E pl• 40 "° """ 1 8•ryW> 40 IO 11 U•'t ._ Del.U,, I .. JS-lo. (;llS4VI U• • 111 11..._ .,_ rMlcl 1 JS • n I~• 1,11 Pl\llE pf 1 1100 0 +I e...... 2At I G ........ 0.ITt• • -"' OlfSU .... 40 10 ,. .... \to rlon .. u llS "" .. Phllf p!. ,, tlOO ~ -"' 8•1n<fl I •JD M U 0a141nl U lt71 I~-.... (;ulflJW I l7 W ~-•, •t k( J2 14 J 1•, ""•IE pllJ IJ ~?20 IOot\lt. 9H1'r l .. 16 1oe. J7l\ 'It D•Y<O S. 10 • I~ "" GllU pf l.11 10 0-.-~ erl'lo4 lO 11 1"4 »'-'" PllllE p!U U 11200 ti . 8•VFlll )I • 1"' + .... OoHd lllO 11 llD 1'<.-.. Gii Bk.. J2 11 so ,.. •lflM 1 :IO 10 ,. 33~.. ... ,.,, .. E pf. 50 1100 St4.t ..... B•'(StG 1 J:2 • I II 1"' D•vlPL I 'IO S M ,,...,_ loo G11llOt1 60 lJ u llf>-~ rlM 11 "2 • lo:11 24"' \'t P"llE p! I ID r100 _,,, • lit 8Hr•ne I • 1 Jt DPL pl I )1 130 .. -It. -H-H -r K .24 u IU 19"'. ~ p,,lfSllCI 1.:IO I ,. 10 • "' BeetFd uo 1 1'111 ""'· •• OPL pf u 50 ISO .. • .... HMW u I l... • • ,. ""'-.,, PfltlMr 2 40 11m ... ~_, .. 8Hlpf >• J J7Y> ,., OH111'11 76 t :II 24\lt+ .... HRT 40 I • KO t410 l31 Ul<o+"' P"llllld .. ,0 72 1~ "- 8KlllO l.IO II Ill -· "' o.... , 101'40 n--Haow 11110 " l.J:2 SI n-1,. ,.,, .. Pe1 2 20 s ISJO ?1111• "' Btlltt< " ,.... . DtlmP 'SI I n ....... "' H•llF8 110 10 * HM I 1.. 12 ""' '" PllllllH . .o • s u • "" 8etcol>l -s 11 ~.. Dtll•A l 119 m JJ..W.+ -H•ll>t" 1'60 • 2571 HevF ., '"' Pledlh•t .2t 1 ,. 21 -.... BetdnH .• 1 • 6V. . Dtflone • .. 1"4..... HemrP ,: .. s SS UCI> U• ,. ,..... "' Pl•NG I. • 1 Ullo •• ,. e.!H-tt 1 11 20'-• "" Dt•Cll l 1 11 st 17 • "" H•n.JS 1 .ia IS llrl< 1 J7 7 91;, '" Pier I 1 14 • . B•lllnd 24 ' • 16... .... Dtlll•Mo I .. , ts 11\9. "" H•nJI '.... 42 ••wE :Mr • " -• .. .. ~~ 2.24 • w ,,~. Ir. BelGcl 0 I... J2 .. . Dtnflvts ... II J04 17i,._ "" Hnellmn . I i 10 •llel . JO s 1711 !Hit "" p ' s 7l 1• -.,, Bemb uo • s 24\o't-.,, Dtnlply •• .. 14 1• ... ~.. 60 10 " .... WI ., 10'-.. P1011EI t..ZJ• IS l "-~. e.nclla J » 1 ff .. .,.. "• Solo I 11 2.• 4t 1' • ~ HelW\I 7 S tJ elll p! t .SO Ml '1'10o-"" Pt111y8 1.60 I II• ll'--,,. ....... pf•.Oo . • 2 41 111 + 'H llid I .. t »t 1 "'· . . Her8rJ 1 • 17 1414 ~ MIVOS I.II 7 1' 11~-~ Pllf'l9 pl J.12 , S l2"--\I 119111ep 1 .. 12 11"" "• 11: p1 ,... do .1....,. 14 14.,1,,.. •62 11 21 """• ..., .,.1 ,. 12 15 "lit-~ 1>1111111 1.20 u ,., 14y,. ~ 8-ffl/IOO. '2'~+11oo llip!7.0 UIOO•"'-d'°' 1'4erlllllll.20ll1 37 1\'t Mt ml •• U ... 1'11\-'-tol.,,RIC 1' 11 ......... . 8-f pl UO t100 1"'4. + 14 E pl& VJ I 11~ • 14 kerrls M I 20 16\lt:.: \Ill Mt It! t:to .. 211> lb-..... PIM1lr" . It 11 ti It,.._ to ....... I .. •V.-"' E prL • 1 , ... \la' Hanco 1.10 s IJO ·~· ~ Mc f J,60' fl I + v. PlelDDv .11 -" 10 .• "" lleriiey ts t 41<1t· ... f! pfK • 11 II ~ ft Nerl'SMl f.4' ( 26 ~-\to Mt UO 1f I + \4 .... ..., t.159 t 4"" • \,, IMSIP.i .JJ I 115 IS.. • Erl tllD.. I 1t -1 HartH .1'010 I J111 + \lo Mt 1.a. f • \4 l"Mumo I 1 ltl 11,._+ '"' llee!ISCI I llO I US llV. I pr 2 111 • .. .,,_ V. HallS. 1.IOe t 12 1) • "" Mt fl I • ,.,..__ "" P-Ptl 60 I '° ~ 'It lllQTI!t n I 103 I~ ~ •I•• 1.10 • 10 14lk-"' HwHEI 2.14 ' 1) i.v.-"" Mt H , .. 12 t74 SI ...... Iii Poferkl '21 241 **. "' l'-t 1.20 12 • n • .. IG!Or .... 1 .. • -.... H•~ • • .... "" Mti:r.tll . J n . .. . PllCWOt .40 IO 141 " ••••• .. ~s . II "' ... lel(p 1401J 121dll4•"' H•nltl\ •12 J tt-..-111. ·'~·· ft ... ,., ....• l'oPTel tDM II""•~ BlecJIO .1•nll)4 tno.+._ l•IM 14016Jlt J7\lt+lllo He<h l4t u t V. Mt .. t •It 1,.,,+• l"Ot'te< .IDI I !~14. •••HPw, 40 6 IJ » ... + ... lemS ' I• • 1n '"-"9Cl•M Ml '"' • ..... • .a IS\11 + "" "°'"pf uo .. ttO t1'Ao ••••• BlelrJn I t ,. JS.'-• 14 • u 111 ~·Vi J k • 1 1 m 11 · 1 1 MllWll JO a 17 IM6+ "" l"WIG• I 74 4 '" 12-. + "' 8kkHR I ft I l:I 26._, + "' lgllel t 1700 67~ "' t t 4 • J e "° _ 1 ~ M W al GYt-'ti PwO pf UO • 10 27....,_ 14 81ue9 I • I t1 JSI<.-... ""'II 100 • .. II "''"' f I.. • 12S u ... I"' Mtl!GI a.a. s 51 JO •• " Polll<h IM • J) n""-"" ::T:l 1.40 4 Ill 171,,_ "' llofl I JIDb I SS ,, ... '"" HelMC . J 11\'t-Iii -~ t.tl t 214 1-... PotmEI I... 1 111 1• · · · 1.• • 111 ,,.,, • .,. _., , • " "5 ,,,_. 1111 "'1r1~ uo,. ,. '"'. "' Mt l ' , • 111 1110t11 pf .a.• rm ii"'. "' llor ... 122 • SJ• Joi ... IYill11 • 1'~ "" ... lmP .. 4 .D4 ,,..._ \lo Ml ea 1.1 • • -14> ,.,....., I «I 11 SI ~VI 9orOW u 40 • 70 ,..,. • ,,,_ .. ..., • iu 1 H \lo-v. lffmlllC ·"" . , s t • "" B t.tO U l:t + 1tt ,.,,,,,., 112 ..i • 14 J"'. · · 8«mM IJ ~-\Ill e>o.... t M , .6tt. Hercvl1 1 J2 I UI 11-.. 'j t tOlo't-..... PrllMC 14 tu It + '-eo.EO 2M t 7t II"'• "" OoMld' i t I i. -\lo t+wffC" JO J1I t\lt• ·~ ! I. 6 I ~4 .. ~I-Jll 12 1t\10 -~ 9"E pl Lii . lDO 60 l>el\U I 214 IOY>+ lot Htrt!W 11'0 I ct O -VI t01"9 1"-+ '-Pfo<IG •9 t !St ·-\'t a.st{ pr 1 • > 11'1\ "" Poflnly 1 IO m 41~ "' tttt~ 111 •• ,. 1 _ ~ _.Ult . m t1vi-lot Prfl""' :it 14 t 1-.. "" er!pl , .. • ... 1Aloo-"-Dotvy 110 l1ll ft -... ....... JIO W ......... m ~ t1 1'11 ••• u ll'rol« IA>ll II fl\lo ,. :rltlM 1 IO IJ 4M ,..._ '-O.~ l M I i.1 JIV.-\or tffWIP 1 M 16 Uft ·-.. W IO I~ .. -._ f01'11Cel 1.1t 1 IJ U + \lo rJ\M"' t . a -..... OowOI 'tD • 1• "". "" ... II(... Ill II " ·~ ....... lie 0. .. fl!! ·'~ .. "'2.IO •• ff Uloo-,_ 9rlt,, I 7lt I 1 ,,..._ " «>-• t a 16 ~ ...,_ . . Ht~ JO • 1 1-.. "' •• ...., -.. 11\d J.7• 4 I H~ \la 9redl fl .1011 llfi llh• 1\111 Otl¥0 tl 11 ZJ th+ ... HlllOlt U 10 ltS4 6..,_ .... 111t a IJ i ,,_ ~ II\ If U2. 11 " + \ft lrc~wy I" S I ll+•• 14. °*"' .• 4 JOJ 1~+ '-ttjll\lldt 10 t 210 1t -'-m ·1 2 tl;-~ P ~ '1.2 I 'f IJ""+ \lo :!:.'!: L:.: : tt..:: s;-.::...: j ..l .~: :; =· ••,: "I £¥.: ~I.' 1 l!l 11...: .. .~:lit ,, j ~ ~ 8-0. I 1t 7 IA If\\• "' l'ilM t.411 • ,,., --..... *"-' .•• tS4 ... ~ • D ···i:·· NH:11 · t 14. ••• ._,_, I 11 t; "'4-... fOfll 111~ 10 ., 4 11~ "'-twtlVS 1 . . . f \II• "" 11 ' '• -P •H •= l "' 8nttwlt I I ,...._ "-5" f.! , '4 ti~ 141 :lo~'·" .; Ji.• .... 1. ., ~-P I~ e "-!rvtflW .... " ,, -,,, • . dO "' ... 14 L~ Yi ,.,..,_ ..., • 1. ~ ~ .... · ~ .. •u4 1 . . • 1 .. fc 11 C W' • f • I • • pl , • • , Jllth "' a --. •V.-It • t " I ~· . . I 14 I& II s G '*. ~~"':'. ·tt: ~.:' rn 1; ~ .. ~~~: ;: Ht t "l r~: :: . ' •. . Pili I :: .~ 't"';.::: t':~1.~ tJ:t If ~ ~ <~~ ':~ t 1:: l~:: p ~~~l,J: ~ .... ii. i•: ·~ 11 ::::: ~ t'~ t ,g u-;·: l~I;'; 11'1 .SJ . . ' l .. . . . r11M> , u • t •~ I'll ho • s 'I • .,. 1• • ; "-..... 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IC 119' Ue f lt .. ~ '" •YIM • • I l I 0tMgt Cout OAILV PILOT /Thut'lday, Ju~ 22. 1812 Firm's earnings drop SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - F.a.rninp per than! fell 22 percent during the first quart.er, Foremost- Mcl<f80n reporta. The decline, from 92 centa to 72 cenia per ah.are, ~ a drop ln net income of 20 percent, the company ntd, Wedt\Hday. That Included I~ from d!m>ntlnued openidons such _, the homebuild.lni 1etMUet 'Foremot.t·Mc..Kemon plan.t to dfvett. Gas company SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -P~ac OH and Electric Co. reported a conttnuaWin o1 flni..quan.r ~ wtth llCOnd-quarcer oarn1n&'I of fl.37 peor-lhare of ODC'NnOn lioCk; up &4 oenta f.tOn\ the mme period *' ~· Nelson tells drug contract Nellon RelM.rch 4t Development C.O. of ltvtne 4 announced It en~ .Into ~&a with .Block Dnc , Co. Inc. and SmlthKllne Seckman Corp. for dew!opnwnt of prod.uata cam.aJnina Alone. The compound locreMel the penetraUon of ctru,. thtouah th• lk1n. 'nle company al.lo Wd for the three mmllw ended June 30, revenu. tc111 23 percent to $378.000 from the correepond!na period a year -aio. But there w• a net to. of p(),000. or•l cen\ a share, apimt a pin of Sl18,000, or 3 cmui a abaft, lo the comparable period 1Mt year. MSI reports earnings drop • MSI Data C«p. of Cotta Mesa ~p«ted ne\ lncome of '860.000, or 35 cenui ptt llwe, for the quarter ended June 26, compared with earninp of $11229,000, or 50 t.'ell\a (restated) for the comparable 1981 quarter. · Revenues were $13,527,000 for the three months compared with 114.1951000 In the year-earlier period. MSI said the decline waa cau.ed by a drop in foreigri sales, particularly in Europe, attributable mainly to the weaknet11 of many European economies and the strength of the U.S. dollar. Pacesetter short stocks up The Pacific Stock Exch.anie repona an Increase in short interest for stock of American Pacesetter of NewPort Beach. There were 150 shares in that position June 15 and 1,238 July 15. The average daily volume for trading in June was 745 shares. A short position normally is taken when an investor expects the price of the stock to Call and he can replace it at a lesser prke Approximately 15 other stocks listed exclusively on the exchange also showed larger short interest positions for the period VA home loan fee backed WASHINGTON (AP) The House Veterans' Affairs Comnuttee approved a $551 million, three-year package of budget savings today that includes a mortgage fee for mO¥ veterans rece1v1ng a VA loan. The proposal, cleared by voice vote, would impose a fee of one-half percent on home loans guaranteed by the Veterans' Administration. Committee staffers estimated the average cost per lQan would be $285. Th~ proposal for a mortgage fee would apply to aU holders of VA-backed mortgages except veterans with service-connected d1sabilit1es. Homeowners paying the fee would have the option of a lump sum payment or monthly installments over the hfe of their Joan. B of A may close ·branches LOS ANGELES (AP) -Bank of Amenca, the world's Ja..c&est comme.rctal hank. JS closing some California branches as part of a streamJirung effort, the Herald Exammer rePorts STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORKIAPI F1.,.1 ()ow . .-, •"9• I 0 l 1 16 5111 111 1t 1741• Jll 10 11100 O .. 1...... • 034.lOO r,.,, •.tn.100 \.tlh I S'7.lCO 16 SI-• S03 100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YQllK (AP) JIA JI Wed llJ 6oll ... I"' " :n w ... , I AML • C)O NEW YOJ."C. IAl'I JIA 21 W9d 1'1 ?JS 121 ,... II ll METALS NEW YORK (AP) mefOI P<ICM today ~ 72~75 CWllS • pound. U g destinations lb Leed 28-29 <*'Ill a pound "llftC 37~ C«lll • pound. OelMlr9d Tin S6 0806 Me1a11 WMll composite Alumlftum 76-77 cellll a pound, N Y Merclwy '370.00 per 11asl( ....llllllM $~8 00 lfOV oi . NY. SILVER Handy & H•tman. $6 920 per lroy ounoe. GOLD QUOTATIONS ' \ l I r ' I l I 11 I J H ~ >l) " 'y II II ·, ' I I/" ( >l(f\l''lj\ .t I illN 1 •' I fd II 1H~Nll\ ·''• ( IN 1" i'Choke' poliCr follows . cop fracas ·in Laguna , t { I • l By STEVE MITCHELL O('tfle Dell) ...... ..., Laguna Beach Police Chief Nell Purcell say• new pohcies he hat lnitlated re1arding restrainlll8 holds used by officers should prevent incidents such as the one \hat cost the city $12,500 In out-of-court settlement costs :\his week. Council members agreed Tuetday to pay that amount to Vilma Williams of Laauna Beach, In Order to avoid the expen1e of a full trial on her allegaUona the WU choked W\CQNCIOUI by an officer while being booked Into Laguna jail The incident, which occurred more than two years ago, began when the woman arrived at the police station to bail her son out of jail. · :Purcell said the woman "arrived at the station in an O.-,Not 8Uftl'tloeo FAMILY MEMBER -Jerry Schmitz., a son of state Sen. John G. Schmitz, talks to newsmen Wedneaday at door of the senator's Newport Beach home. Senator Schmjtz' has remained in 8eclusion and has made no public~ the latest tum in his controversial public career came to light earlier this week. Schmitz secluded; statement due By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( ... DlllJ "°' ..... Silence greeted news media representatives gathered in front of the Spyglass Hill home of state Sen. John G . Schmitz. as reaction was awaited from the Newport Beach politician in the wake of disclosure that he allegedly fathered two Illegitimate children. A former aide, who said he had been in touch with the lawmaker in his seclusion, said Wednesday Schmitz told him he would comment on the controversy as soon as he had resolved "family difficulties." Schmitz has not been publicly seen since headlines began appearing early this week, following a juvenile court hearing dealing with one of the two children he allegedly fathered out of wedlock. With the exce ption o f Wednesday's statements to his former employee, Schmitz has maintained virtual silence on the matter. The legislator lives with his wife Mary and several of his children In Newport Beach. The paaible existence of a second COUNTY family was disclosed Tuesday when Carla Verne Stuck.le, 43, a Republican party volunteer worker. was unsuccessful in winning back custody of her 13-month-old son in court. Orange County Superior Court Judge William Murray ruled that the infant would remain at the county's Albert Sitton Home pending completion of an investigation into injuries the child suffered which required corrective surgery to his penis. Another court hearing is scheduled for Aug. 6. Murray said Schmitz had called him last week and told him he was the father of the child. On Wednesday, Mass Stuck le cl.almed that Schmitz. also was the father of her 2-week-old daURhter. Both children according to birth records. were born a ~ar apart at St. Joeeph Hospital in Orange. The children are listed under their mother'a maiden name. Schmitz' name appears on both documents as the father, although only the mother signed the birth certificates. Dieting vs. n.utrition There's a difference between dieting and nutrition, says a Costa Mesa woman who 9nce weighed 311 pounds and now wean a size 12 dress. Page Bl. BUSINESS Tiglii money burls economy'! At leaat one financial expert thinks the Federal Reserve'• U,h~money 1iance ii strangllna the nation's economy. Paae c.6. 'E.T.,~ 'TRON' still lting• 1'~our aummer releMee are not ra.llJt.inl anywhere near the amowlt of box offn receipe. uz.T." and •TRON" noted. Page 84. J .. lnic>xlcated condition," and w11 1ubeequently arret1*I and taken to th~ booking caae by Offloer Michael Lavl11J1e. Purcell said the woman becJme "1omewhat ar,wnentative and bollterou. - slightly combative," and Lavtp.e purportedly placed a reetrainln8 hold on the woman. "He placed his arm around her neck, cutting off the blood to the head," Purcell 1&ld. A. a result. the wotnan peliecl OU\. She becuM unCOnlcioua aaain whll• belna tranaportecf to Oranae County Women'• Jall, Pwull •Id. J>Urcell aaSd the officer wu dl1clpllned followina the lnddent. He hu a1nce left the Lquna de~t to .i>ln the Newport Beach .Police Department, the chief n.Qted. Purcell aaid new pokies establiahed since he became chief 1hould lnaure 1uch an Incident bodily Injury or death to \ht do. not occur again. officer, Purcell aald. : "ln thll partJcular cue, lhefl was nol a 11fe·thrutenln• situation to the officer and lh' hold 1hould never have bff' ''There ere two types of rntralnlnl hold.a that lnvolve the neck.'' the chlef said. "One is the bar-arm 1trangle or choke hold. That hold ls ab1olutely prohibited." The other hold, the so-called carotid restraining hold, which apparently was used to subdue the woman, is permitted only w~ there ia a threat of serious used.'' . He said the officer was "undei' the impresaion at the time ~ the hold was what he wa~ trained to use.'' • Purcell said he wW Include ti new policy in a departme general order. • l Offsho~e decision flayed ! Watt OKs oil, gas probes; Laguna official~ angr y By PATRICK J. KENNEDY °'"'-Deir Not ..... Officials of Newport Beach and Laguna Beach ta.id today that it will be tough to stop offshore oil drilling now that Interior Secretary James Watt has virtually opened the entire U.S. coastline to oil and gas exploration. However, officials in both cities aay they'll coNUlt with the atate attorney gener4}'s of~ to aeek waya to protect waters off their cities' coasta from what they say could be environmen tally damaging offshore drilling. Watt announced a plan Wednesday that would offer 1 billion offshore acres in 41 sales to be held Crom August of this year through June 1987. ''We're greatly disturbed because offshore drilHng could severely damaee the environment and tourist activity in Laguna Beach," said Laguna Mayor Sally Bellerue. "The type of shore here is rocky with enviropmentally sensitive tidepools that are difficult to protect from an oil spill. Offshore drilling 1s something everyone in town 1s con cerne d wath and unitef against." l Kenneth Delino, assistant to the city manager in Newport Beach. said Watt's "blanket approval" of millions of acres ot offshore sales makes it difflcu.lt to argue against drilling in specific individual areas. "The way it's structured (See OFFSHORE, Pq' A!) San Onofre Ex-LB school chief Cons u1ners' protest • tes ting seen soon The U.S. Atomic safety and Licensing Appeal Board has rejected pleu to halt the full- power operation of the Unit ll reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Wedne9day's action clean the way for a full.power liceme to be issued while opponenta of the plant continue their appeal. said David Barron, a tpokesman for Southern California F.di9crl Co., which operates the.plant. He sa1cf!oW·jX>Wtt tatift& he9-- been conducted all along and will continue. In making its decision, the appeal board held that emergency medical preparations at the plant In the e\1ent of nuclear disaster were adequate. The U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Commission, whose authority supersedes the licensing and appeals board, is 11eheduled to meet next week to decide whether to ratify the licensing board's decision to grant full- power permits for San Onofre Unit II and a third reactor still under constn.ICUon. Tim Carpenter, a representative of the Alliance for Survival in Orange County, said that group and other anti-nuclear activists have nearly exhausted the NRC appeal process, and are now pinning their hopes on the courts to stop the San Onofre nuclear power plant's expansion. The licensing board, headed by James L . Kelley. Instructed Edison to draw up an off-site medical emergency plan within six months. But the appeal board sided with the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Edison, which contended that emergency medical planning need only involve treatment of workers and othent called to the site during a nuclear accident. The appeal board cl ted testimony from Dr. Roger Linnemann, a consultant to F.diaon on the health effects of radiation, who sald that radiation-awed illness develops gradually and "la seldom, lf ever, life threatening." NATION facing controversy heated He's only been on the job three weeks, and already former Laguna Beach school superintendent Bob Sanchis is up to his ears in a Glendale schools policy flap. Sanchis was appointed to head the Glendale Unified School District July 1, leaviflg the top post he held for eighl years in Laguna Beach. And now. probably before he's had time to un~ his desk pen set, Sanchis finids himself In the middle of a controvery so over a 6-year:0ld 80\iSh. m.abiect who cannot leplly attend c1asaes in Sanchls' diSlrfct. "It's a ve~ seriou.e Issue up here." Sanchia said today in a telephone interview. The Glendale district has refused to enroll Andrew Tsingis, the son of a Britiah engineer who entered the United S-tates on a visa to work on a project for a petrochemical firm. It seems that, although Andrew's father is here on a visa for people with "distinguished abnity.'' his son cannot attend school in Glendale because he is not a "resident." The irony of the situation is that if Andrew's father were (See SANCRIS, P aae Al) Deity "°' lletf '1M>to ON THE JOB -Former Lagun'a Beac h sc hool s uperintendent R o bert Sanchis find s hims e lf immersed in a Gle ndale schools controversy three weeks into his new job. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL 0( the o.ity Not ltelf A heated s houting match erupted this morning aa telev1s1on consumer crusader David Horowitz challenged the Orange County Board df Supervlsors to reinstate fundiJtl for a $225,000 consumer affait* prQgram. Tempers flared and toneues flapped after board chainnah Bruce Nestande chastised Hor o witz for recent commentaries on the board's actiOn to alSbel'Rt the OOl1S1J1De"- affairs office. Horo witz interrupted Nestande to charge Nestande with making a personal attack - a n inte rruption that caused several other supervisors to join in what became a verbal free- for-all. "I d espise this kind of meeting." Nestande said after tempers came under control. "Holly wood hype" was the way Superv150r Roger Stanton characterized the Horowita entry into the consumer aft.a.in debate. Laguna planners to serve 2 years Last Friday. in a 3-to.2 vote, the board decided to disband the program. Horowitz. assailed the action in broadcasts Friday and Wednesday night. He also made statements cnucal of the board action to news reporters and returned to Nestande a bo&rd resolution commending him for his work on behalf of consumers. He reportedly kept the frame an which the Orange County board's document was delivered and said he was going to hang at on the wall as a protest. In the future, new plannln.g comrru.tonen appointed by the Laguna Beach City Council will serve two-year terms instead of four, and similar shorter terms are proposed for other appointed panels. The action ca.me at the request of eeveral council members, who believe the planning oommi.saion should be in political -and phlloeophical agreement -with the dty council. And, aince .city council elec~iona are held every two yean, and the polilical makeup of a council can change that frequently, the council majority fell plannlnf commission terms should ref eel the majority council view. After adopting the two-year term this week. the council also asked lhat ordinances be prepared limiting the terms of future Board of Adjustment members, and Arts Commission members to two years. Nestande challenged Horowttz to permit him to come to NBC studioa In Burbank to refute the comments. Sabotage cha rged Thoee ordinance changes will be considered when the council meets Aug. 3. MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet news agency Tass has 8CCUlled the Reagan administration of trying to sabotage negotiatlone aimed at a comprehensive ban on nuclear test.Ing. INDEX At YQur Service A4 Ann Landers B2 &ma"&mbeck B2 Movies -84-5 Bua1nell C6·7 Mutual Funds ' 'C6 California A5 National News A3 C.vabde 82 Public Notices C8,D2-.3 Claalfied 01,03-6 Sportt Cl..f Com&ca C5 Dr. Stetncrohn B2 Croelwotd C5 Stoek Marketa C7 DMtb Notice9 C8 Televillon C9 Eclltorial AS Theilen 84-S l:ntm1ainment Jk.& W•thft' A2 Horoecope B2 World Newa A3 SPORTS ' l I • 1 ~ I • . j • 'here lllocally -a• an UAdocumeMecl alien -the boy could be admitted to llChool. Then Glendale echool policy ~UNI enrollment ot c:hUd.ren of l•••l temporary lmmlgrant11 blied On an opinion from the Loe Anaelea County coumel. '•'fhlt week Sanchl1 recommended, and received the ~ool board's endol'lemeftt. to ~~ • review of the policy by the ~ty counsel. 'We want to ucertain in what Vf.AY we can modify the policy In o{der to enroll the 1tudent," ~said, adding the law, as p'~ntl:t interpreted by the LA COunty Counsel, "In thla case for this district, says the youngster la not eligible for enrollment." He eald the law ia lnconltltent. "It II not toatcal \hat undocumented younaatert c.n c.'Ol'nlt to .:?hool and the. who came to Glendale ln the other cateaory -le~ally -cannot come to echool .• • Sancbll tald. He aid he ho~ to receive an opinion from tne county coumel "late th.la week or next week" and at that time "lt la OW' hope we can jutdfy adjuttlng our policy to allow legal alien studentl ln the cluaroom." Then, maybe, the new superintendent can unpldc hJa boxes and start working on more mundane luuea. Like teacher salary negotiations. -By STEVE MITCHELL 0FFSHOR.E OIL . . . / dmkes It harder to deal with Despite the -0ytcry, W~ ~au" he'r-opening up the refmed to beck cSOwn front whole coast and has defused major thrust of hi.a April 1981 environmental consideration of proposal -~aklng entll-e etch tract," Delino said "planning areas available fo "Now we're in a guessing leasing. In the put, leues haVe game with the oil companies covered about 2 million acres because we don't know what each, but a planning area covers area they'll be bidding on and it about 133 million acres. ruakl!s it difficult to mount Critics said such areas were too atguments based on specific large to make proper assessments areas." of the potential harm to marine Delino claims the new policy life and woµld result in leasing ,,. ,... ,..... ., GerJ.....,.. BY nEDERICK. SCllOEMEHL O(tNhlfrl'tlet...., Nowport ~ach·bued AJrCal, the dominant air carder In Oranse County, haa renewed le,al effortl to reeerve its ahare o fll1hta from county government-owned John Wayne Airport. Two legal actions were ln!Uated. In one, filed In U.S .. Diatrlct C.ourt In Loi Angeles, AirCal demanded $100 million In compensatory damages from the county over potential revenue l088eS. AirCal, until June 1, controlled an average of 23.5 of the 41 jet departures permlued daily from the airport. Under an acceaa plan adopted by county supervuiors. AirCal's flight 1uarantee1 are to be sradually reduced. over a two- year period. Under the flight re- allocat.Jon fonnula, flights would be made avallable to other carrien either wantina to expand t/11 inlUar. eervice to and from Orange C-ounty. Th~ federal court action, airport. officials said, likely will be c:onaidered Aug. 9 at a heanng on the controversial airport access mue. At that hearing, Judge Terry Hatter ls expected to review a propoeed settlement regarding a previous 1'wsuit filed by Pacific Southwest AW-lines over the access issue. lmpact roport ~fore the p&an WU adopled. County offlclalt were not 1urprl1ed by the dual le1a1 actlona. And they were not pleued. An aide uld Supervllor Thomas Riley wa• "disappointed" by the latest actlona. "We have tried to be helpful to the Orange County firml. We have bent over backwarda. Now they 1ue us," aaid Ken Hall, who handles airport related matters for the 11upervisor. In both cases, AirCa.l is seeking court orders that would prohibit the county from furtber enforcmg the access plan now in effect. If those orders were issued, the existing flight allocation• of AirCa.l and the other five carriers serving the airport presumably would be frozen until the meritl of the lawsuits were decided. In the past, AirCal offldala have estimated th.at att btdMdual daily departure is worth about $2 million annually in pasaenger revenue. The AirCal legal moves add yet another chapter to the lengthy saga involving John Wayne Airport accesL wUl make it easier for oil environmentally sensitive tracts. But Watt. in approving the cGmpanies to disrega~d. local plan, said the country's offshore opposition to offshore drilling. . 1 e "5 in g pr 0 gram bad an Since ~att t1rst proposeo "excellent environmental and scrapping the old leasing plan safety record. New leasing will ROLLING ALONG -Lori Goetz of Bell pushes her seven-seek-old son Ryan along Main Street in Huntington Beach as she coasts on roller skat.es. It was a bit cooler in Huntington than it was where she came from. AirCal baa been critical of the manner ln which the settlement was negotiated, claiming it was not invited to participate in the ne&otiaUona. It waa more than thtte years ago when federal officials claimed that the county was d1scrammating against certain carriers by not establishing policies to permit new entrants to the airport. At that time, only A.JrCal and then-Hughes A.Jrwest served Orange C.ounty. AirCal possessed 27 flights daily. Airwest 14. prep a red b y t he Ca r t e r be carried out under rigorous administration, he has been environmental controls to ensure under attack from critics who th.at the record will continue and ch'erged that his plan was too be enhanced." ambitious and would jeopardize Watt ,said the plan was aimed environmentally fragile coastal at reversing the decline ln energy areas. production from offshore areas. Hiker suffers fall assault Suspect in surrenders to cops The second prong of the AirCal leeal attack was filed m Orange C.ounty Superior Court In that action, the carrier alleged the county violated th e California Environmental Quality Act in adoptin~ the aa:ess plan. The county initially permitted Frontier Airlines and Western Alrhnes to begin Orange County service with two flights daily each. Those flights were created by reducing allocations of AirCal and the Airwest successor, Republic Airlines. •• ID Caspers Park A Seal Beach man , wnu Laguna Beach police said assaulted a woman who was eating a tacO in he• parked car on Park Avenue late Tuesday night . surrendered to authorities -Wednesday. A 22-year-old Anaheim man who fell while hiking near Caspers Regional Park Wednesday is listed in fair cbndition today in Mission Community Hospital. Thomas Faubion was adrrutted to the haspital's intensive care unit with a possible concuaion and leg ttactures, according to Jan Walker , a hospital James A . Arquilla . 41 . surrendered to police in Seal Beach Wednesday after allegedly hiding out in thlck brush in the Top of the World neighborhood while being sought by officers on foot and a police helicopter from Ne~rt Eeach. spokeswoman. . TV ban nixed .LOS ANGELES (AP) -The County Civil Service Commission hu backed down on its ben on television cameras at the hearing on the demotion of former cQi-oner Thomas Noguchi. The board reveraed its earlier ruling on Wedne.day. ~nyy fell over a 30-foot clllf along -Ortega Highway near the park while hiking about 5:30 p.m., said an Orange C.ounty Fire Department official. He is-charced with suapicion o! assault with a deadly weapon and remains ln Orange C.ounty Jail with bail set at $10.000. Firefighters rescued the injured hiker by lowering a basket suspended from a 100-foot aerial ladder over the cliff's edge, he said. Laguna police said a JJ-year-old woman was eating in her car on Park Avenue when Arquill.a allegedly parked behind her and walked up to the woman's vehicle. The wDman told police. ~he Beach • lS best TemperatW-es NATIONAL Alb..,-; "' Sunny end hOI. ~ ;• Coaatal high mld-70•, lnl•nd ~ti. mld-909 eoat.i IOw 65, In.land Atlanta u . Wal• 88 Atlante Cty Marin• tor•c••I calla tor 'A .. tln afternoon and night w•11•rlY Ballin-. !wind• 8 10 18 11noi• -inner B1111nga ... ,.,,, OtMrwl9e. llghl Ylll'leble Blrmlnghm ...-idl wllll ~'-' ...... 110 2 81-Clt d.t b«:om1nQ -.t'*'Y 2 to 3 8oiM i..t le1• tOday. Boalon ~wind• 01 16 10 25 Btown9Vle llnotl 0¥9' OU1• _,.,. with 3 10 8uffalo 6-foot awe111. Fair ~I log end Buf'llngton ~tow c:loud• tat• tonight and Hf1Y c;...- Frldey mo"''"lil: Chertetn SC Olat1ltn WV Ctlaf1o«• NC ~ Clndnne11 CleYeltlnd C1mb1a SC CoMnbul o.fl WUI Oly1on o.nwr Dee~ o.trolt Oululh El PMO Fargo Flege1atT 0,..IF ... Hllfllord Helerla HQl101ulU Houaton :::--... .....,.. K.-a., K~ Ula V9QM Uttle AOC* L°'*"1lle WbboCll ....... ...,,,. HI Lo '• 90 4& 100 72 96 &6 86 88 2.58 92 72 13 78 62 99 78 a. 81 98 87 1M 71 1.13 81 59 1M 58 75 82 .51 98 74 81 57 78 50 100 71 99 78 88 66 119 75 92 St 87 73 2.CM "° ee 82 &2 1M 73 83 65 100 75 86 &e 97 61 ee ee .01 83 83 19 59 .oe 100 12 oe 11 S5 85 !M IM 55 83 65 CM M ea 78 IM 78 ,21 17 •• 03 .. 71 t2 7t .01 t1 711 t2 .. 108 85 t1 75 .07 " 73 .27 1M 73 M 81 87 13 Fronb: Cold ..,. Warm .., MllweUll• 78 65 1.69 Mpl9-St.P 83 87 NMtN11e 91 12 oe New Orteen• llO 73 .91 Hew YOf11 83 87 Notfolll 82 68 No. Platt• 94 68 <>Ille City " 73 02 OtMN 87 es OrWldo 92 7 4 02 PhQedphle 83 83 PhcMln1JI 108 " PltllburQn 8 1 511 Piiand, Me 79 8 I t 2 "'9nd. Ore 76 62 Pr~ 75 62 25 Rlllelgtl 8t • "8Pld City 92 83 Reno " 60 a.it '-Ml• 100 77 8an AMon6o • .. 73 . 14 S.nte • 52 == : ~; St Louie t1 72 81 P·Tamc>a 92 75 CALIPOMM lallertllleld 103 71 WM 10I Eureec• • 14 ... lllf Rl~IRT ,,_ l.9ncu1er Loe~ MltYI le Mont•er NMdlM OU lend Puo RoblM R9d 8lufl R9dwood City Sectamento Sallnu San Diego Sen Franc:ieco ~ l:WlNi'• Santa Mane Stoc:llton Thermal Barat- Big BMf Bietlop catallna L.On9 '-" Monrcwta Ml. Wllaon Newpof1 8"ctl Ontario Pllm Spflngl PIM<lene Ian l«lwdlno 8en Jo. Smos 100 • 101 78 92 89 98 64 52 Ill 72 se 102 S3 N 86 72 se 93 59 87 48 83 70 eo 53 78 57 10 " 108 108 77 85 51 .. 87 7• t2 t1 • 10I ., .. 17 11 65 " 67 109 12 91 11 105 .. 12 6e tned to get out of her car and uee and her assailant hit her several times in the head with a flashlight. When the victim ~med. the attacker hopped into lus own car and fled up Park Avenue. pursued by a nearby resident who witnessed the incident. The n e ighbor, who was identified as David Brown, and who lives on Hillview Drive. followed the car to an area near Thurston Intermediate School where the two vehicles collided and the suspect fled on foot.. Brown told poiice. Roosevelt's son endorses Pete Wilson SACRAMENTO (AP) James Roosevelt, oldest son of former President Franklin D. Roosevelt. endorsed Republican Pete Wilson for U.S. Senator today. Wilson released the names of 99 other Democrats who he said had endorsed him. Roosevelt, 72, of Newport Beach, who also backed Republican Ronald Reagan for governor and president. aald at a news conference that he was endorsing Wilson with some reluctance. He said he had been a "great friend" of former Democratic Gov. Edmund G. "Pat" Brown. father of Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr., Wilton's Democratic opponent. ln the state action, the earner claimed that the county should have prepared an enviro_nmef!lal Last year , the county permitted PSA to enter the market, also with two flights. l::;aguna selling i • 5 ' two motorscooters Laguna ~ach is selling two 1977 Vespa motorscooters to the highest bidder in a mail-in, sealed-bid sale that ends Aug. 30. To inspect the vehicles, caU Harry Mcintyr e, Laguna •The Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach is planning a trip to Catalina in September, followed by a day trip to the Norton Simon Museum in October, and a • The Laguna Poets are offering a $1(')0 priz.e for the best poem mailed in by Aug. 30 by an unpublished Orange County poet. The Laguna Poets meet Beach Police Department, 497-3311. say oty officials. A minimum bad of *300 must be mailed or deUvered to Finance Director, 505 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach. 92651 trip to La s Vegas in November. Interested seniors should contact the club at 497-2441 to get on the list. ' every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. ln the Laguna Beach library. For more infonnation about the club, or the poetry contest, call 494-8375. BRIDAL SETS MAKE A BRILLIANT DECISION. You chose each other carefully. Now choOM your diamond brldal tet wirh the some core. Our dia- monds mfft e>eocting atoriaords for cOfor, cut and clarify, then ore mounttd 1n 0 '<larfety of l ~ korot gold ""Inga Our profetlionol atoff con help you make the perfect \election. Priced from $~50 to$2;500. . 1 't, · What wu expected to be a penonal reaction ii a f eellna f · t quiet flnal year of. a three.year betrayal. 0 I ~r contract in \he Saddleback The IChool board evoked the · Community College Diltrict baa pay 1u1pen1ion clause of the Oared lnto a bitter controVersy, c o n t r a c t f o 11 ow I n g th e -,largely becau.e of 11.ate fundtf'1 announcement of the aute • cutl. Legi1lature'1 recently adopted , ' Truste~• enraged •3m budget, which cuta about $30 rnatnact.on recently by read million from funding for the ~ 10-percent.i-y ralle ICbedul state's 70 community colleaes, Car 1982-83. dtlna ataw funding If tru.teea reject the local aata to community colleget 11 the grievance and atay with their h•on. decision, the 1tate board wlll · · ~t lllUe ta a "Claute in the 1ehedule court-like hearings and "t:ontract aJlowlng trustees to make a blndll'\g rulin1 on the ~ a y-~...-if there is iaNe. The ruUna can be appealed tnadequate.~WfUndina. • a. in court, but PEllB rullnga.uaually • Inatructon .-y the tnastees .,.. are uphel(I. have-violaced ~use by not--• Reallzlng both the flnanclal JiVlng fir•t priority to the hard tlmel facing public education jcheduled pay hikes. Instead, the and the ICheduied pay hikes, it teachers c~arge, trustees have appean the best 10lut1on would be 1pent money improving and a negotiated compromise. A full- , • exl)ll.n(llna facilities in Irvine and blown state hearing and possible ~ \1iejo. court appeal could further .inflame The official reaction of the smol<tering bltternesa. im>datlon wu to file a grievance A com~ suitable to both , ...tth the achoo} board and to file sides could smooth ruffled • an unfair labor practice-charge emotions and rekindle the past with the It.ate Public Employees a pi r it of c Q ope ration a n d Relations Board. teamwork enjoyed by ~e trustees But some teachers say their and instructors. :Call !"Or pOol help l Laguna Beach Unified School program at the high achool, 'District trustee• are recruiting physical fltnesa pro1ram1 for 'Volunteers for a task force that senior 'citizens and the :will look into financing a new handicapped, and an ocean ,community swimming pool. survival course open to all ' The high achool already has a m~mbera of the community. .plunge. but it ls old and located in The district has sent out ~the middle of the campus -letters to officers of the Boys' 'making a master plan for Club, Girls' Club and civic refurbishing the half-century old orearuzations in an effort to garner '.cami>us nearly lmpouible. members ~or the task force. l The task force, when formed, Appomtmenta to the panel w 111 co n s 1 de r c re a t i n g a will probably be made in early districtwide aquatics program, September. which w.ould work in conjunction 0th er members of the w 1 t h t h e c i t y rec~ a tl o n conununity who believe they can department to raise funds. contribute to such a task force Swimming programs. should drop by the diatrict JUpponed by l>'U'ticipanta' fees, administration office at 55'0 would finance a portion of a new Blumont St. and leave a short ~ --Jetter or reTU'l'n~ ot tl'lelr . The program might include qualifications. learn-to-swim sessions, an The dead)ine is the end of improved competitive awim August. • • !Laguna's own party ! ' ,,- The event might be classified on Aug. 14 will be crowned ats part of the 1Uly aeason in honorary govemor. Laguna Beach, but in the case of Money raJaed is split 50-50 the first annual Honorary with organizations suppor.ting the Governor's Race, it's for a good five candidates, and they include eause. l 'the Chamber of Commerce, a A group of businessmen h.aNe neighborhood group, Village Qrganize~ a tongue-In-cheek Laguna, Laguna Video Club and qampalgn to elect an honorary the Sawdust Festival. governor of Laguna to pr~side Organi7.ers figure it will coat aver a planned Sept. 18 Village about $7,000 to put on the end- Party. , . of-summer fling at Main Beach That• when the dtizens of Park. That's a lot of pennies. La1una Beach celebrate the return of the town to the resldents, after' the hectic -albeit profitable -tou.rist 8eal011. Five candidate• are out buying votel at a penny apiece. The candidate with the most votes • So if you see a 1trangely garbed candidate on the atreet selling tickets at $1 each with a color television as a prize, remember the proceeds are for a good cause. 'Opinions expressed in the.spa<;• above are those of-the Daily Piiot. Otner views ex· presHd on this~· are those of their authors and-artists. Reader comment ls lnvlt· td. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) M2·4321. ~ L.M. Boyd I Age and politics The U.S. Cone\ttutlon decreea nobody can be a U.S. aenator until age 3C). When that WH written, llle exPectancy wu onll about 30. Half the Pt<>Pfe woultln t even live that Jona, Some fine minds wanted the age Umft .et hliher. Othen argued it couldn't be set t60 much higher. There wouldn't be enough living calktidates tn tile elder brackets lo lift the voten aaffident choicft. A. No, llr, the link there was tn the coincidental fact that they were born within an hour of each other on June \, 1926. Q. How many elephanta have been conceived and bom ln the United States? A. Six. about. ' I • .> 0 D~C. seerecy not consistent WASHINGTON -Some of the nation's moat ·~\tive 1ecurlty documenta are 10 1 y guarded that one of my report.en has be.Jl able to '?.!_)<in oU the ttreeta and pick thtml Up. But let 10rnethlng tawdry occur, and our elected leadera will _pW1 up the coven. They'll Invoke national MCW'ity and ~ !or the secrecy stamp In an attempt lo cover up the embarraslment. They won't hesitate to uae the eecrecy stamp to cemor the newa. Yet they are much lea vigllant when lt comes to protectina the real secreta that could affect the nation's safety. THE WHITE HOUSE, for example, la the nerve center of the entire federal government. High fences, patrolled by armed men and eophisticated electronic_ devices, keep out tntfU<len. Planes are · forbidden to fly overhead. Detailed plana of the White Houae electrical, aewer and shelter system.a could provSde invaluable tnfonnation for spies. It would be Hke the Central Intelligence Agency getting ita hands on engineers' drawinp of the Kremlin. ? et aome of theee vital documenta have ~literally lying ,around to nap. 1ecure offices inside the General Services Administration. They are intended for the use of private contnictors who work on White House projecta, but anyone who looks aa if be know1 that he's doing can examine them, and even walk away with copies. My u.x:late Dale Van Atta. dreteed 1n cowboy boota, corduroy panta and non- matching jacket, visited the GSA one sunny day and brow9C!d around the area G. -Jl-Cl-Al-1-191_1..._I -~ Van Atta 1pread out on top of the cabinet to study. No one questioned him; tn fact, pne government worker offered to Xerox the material for him. "Primary Electrical Systems and Shelter Improvementa" waa the title on the first ptae, which waa a detailed map of the White Hou.e aewer and electrical 1ystems. It h.aa the appearance of an aerial photo of the White House taken with an X-ray camera. EXACT LOCATIONS and distances were neatly noted on the map -the protective fences. the red ash tree, the where these contracton' documenta are 60-foot burr oak, guardhouses, draiN, kept. There were no aecurity guards. electrical eonduita, high-water alarm Nobody challenged hi.rn. · systems, everything. • He had previously obtained a copy of The 18 following pages included an architect's drawing of the White edtematlc drawings titled Power Line Hcu.e "underground utilities," starn~ One Dtaarams; East Vault and Shelter "For Official Uae." He alllO 1ot a copy of Power System Cont r o 1 and an unclaasifled map titled "White House lrutrulJ\entation; Mansion Vault and Grounds," showing the various ducts, West Wjng Vault Power Systems conduJta and manholes installed under Control and Instrumentation; Eiec1ricaJ the lawns and driveways around the Site Plan; Plans -East Vault, Shelter e¥CUtive mansion. and Data Processing Room; Plans - But the real paydirt was located in an Mansion Vault, West Wing Vault . unloc&.d fi~ drawN elffl'ly -l"oetno~ 'Phe-Sttttt Sen•ice was labeled as containing White House appalled at Van Atta'a easy accea to the material. It was a 19-aheet collection of White House pl.ans, and assured us the overaized architectural drawings, which problem will be corrected. Note of appreciation f oi-Jerry Brown To the' F.ditor: I pt tired of reading Earl Waten'- lnaipid, abusive tirades agalmt Jerry Brown ln the editorial pages of the Daily Pilot. What vendetta does Mr. Waters carry against Gov. Brown? California baa prospered during Jerry Brown's tenure as governor of MAILBOX aenion who live on fixed lnoornes such as Soda) Secw1ty, SSI and small pensions, etc. • The recent general plan which took years to complete had many volunteer cltizen1 who spent countless hours working on it for the benefit of Laguna Beach . Among othe r thi ngs its committees recommended the use of city-owned land for,. affordable housing and a day ~ center. To date all city councih have ignored the recommendation& ALAN E. ADAMS • Good salety job To the F.ditor. My compliments to City Manager Ken Frank and the city safety s taff for effective enforcement of Laguna's fireworks ban ordinance in its first year. AU three safety departments did an exceptional job. The lifeguards were efficient and assisted by bOth police and flre when needed. The Police Department was ln apparent full force and highly vl1ible. But the most innovative approach was that taken by the Fire Department; rather than waiting in their stations, all unita appeared to be ln the field on both a precautionary and preventive patrol. Thi• concept of total safety mobilization on what baa been one otour rnmt dangerous and destructive holidays gave UI a Fourth to be both thankful for and enjoyed. HOWARD DAWSON Chica plaoning, and 2) the Orange =. Bolaa Chica Local Coastal -In view of the strong opinions, both pro and con, within our community, residents would have been better served if oonsideration of such an endorsement had been handled as a regular agenda item at a regular meeting with staff briefing and public lnput, rather than being brought up late in the evening at an adjourned meeting under the eouncil member commenta agenda eection when no public comment is allowed. THE MANEUVER In which it was handled does nothing to inspire confidence in those who went along with CouncUman John Thomas' motion of support. The community will always be left to wonder if the split vote support decmon was made after careful weighing of facta, or if it paseed on the basis of out-of-ch.amben lobbying that preeented only • ~de ot the imue. Altlb.lgh public confidence tn City Council fair play and objective dedSion makl.ng hu been temporarily eroded, lt's not too late for C.Ouncllman Thomas to undo the damage by request.ing recon- sideration of the issue. • PETER GREEN Put Premdent, Amigos de Bolaa Chica Gun control To the Editor: I know I speak for many dtiaenl of the It.ate when r compliment \he Daily Pilot and e1peclally political cartoonl1t Oliphant for the fine car1oOn on the July 16 editorial .... The SUD control initiative II truly 11 threat to our ri1hts under the Corwtltution and to our abWty to defend ourHlvea .and our familiea. Ii la refnehlnc to eee ln the inedla IUicb • Umely reminder of Amlrican valu. WILLIAM AMDDBON J ) .. w •• ~ llO'nCI w ll>1'1Ct w mncr MUC MIJJCI MUC mncr Ml.IC t1011C1 M~116toM l90J!GL::=:;U&.I MILT A • YOiJAM;otiMlfGliiia vo.1•••XUL1u.•u Yo.1•• M!.,! .. -··~· ~:,~ &':".. -.. -:,,:"'.'~ :'AdTPI'~ t.~r.,; ."twfll'I Nott: ~i.~0,fvl•" lo. ouo":,,.., ~D\MOlf\ ~ e.=ot1C~:1.= !~l NO!.~.'.!l N0'10I ~"lo. ~.!!!!' .J• '° OT~~ AOYIO•' , .. OYIOT YOU .. =,~'.,' .. ,'.!'.!.!.II~~.:::·: " ""· U~'-l'M. VO~ YIU .. ~'°..,.... 111\Y. iaUAf A P'WUU ...,,,a, ... 1 ..... ,...,. ".Mf.Mi1o..a AT A : .. L:.-r.~u'':."'n': ::1"~~1.'t"Jl.'MIU 00111 .. lltftlild';";O .. .,.on•I OTION TO, :O;IO'f VOUlll 'f'N'~.11~•.W•\'t ALI "v:,u,::•• ... ,, Ult Onar~nl •• IALI •• , .• ou.-:10 Ill dk.a.MAT'IOll Of 1"1 ... .,... l.OLMAT'IOllOPM'iiifWii Pfooer\1 tlMNftlf "90tr...t "°""TV, IT MAY II 10\.DlT A llWllllt ·uie. If ~ou nH4' "' THI =-II ~"=' .~ tlO iOf"'8 IJIPLMA= r iir a't': 01' THI.WC II •i MHllT Clf M ~ AVAi f The~ Md 1M1MM "*dfttt IUO IM.I. Ir YOU NII!~~~~~ ~ lttCM.O OOWfACT A Ctllfofn~oo~t'°un\'ra~t= r~~ CC*fAOT A~'"°\"'° COWfAOT A Yo.I, YOU eH0UL0 coerTAOT A ·~~~1,!~~m,\iJt~~l(H~1~1 l'~'r~. flo.'W..1 A~Ml · TtCI ftU p.m. °" Auoult '• IHI, 11 ... LA NOnC101' TMWfU'l IALI "-'.:=-, 01' ,.,.,,.,..., NU line, Hlinllfltton leech. CA tat4t ~Jr' l .. OUU> OOHTAOT A ~~· I\ t i tt~·MM MO ::.. .... =·· IALI = ,:rln e I~==. NOTICIT~ ~I •ALI f.t, lie. MUI , .. , .... Mt• ~~~Ill~• of tM -=' .-.. ••:OO "' u , ~~~ Md NdTICI II "'''ltY QIVIH, tMI tor OOMWot1on on ltn ~In NOTIOI 18 HlAUV QIVV.. thlt NOTlCI If HlAllV ~IW~UIM HO'TICI It HlMIY Cl'Vftl..1.-0. ..,_ ......,,..., ,..,_ ... ~ "'" •-.1. • • ... .,if ,....,., .. 0..0 et Tt\llt ~ W~, ........ U, 1MI 14 -deMI wM 1M ~ f!lll w.dn11h. Aio* •• 1Na, ll on w.dre••· ~ 4, 1--. M1 "'WMI 11d9), ....... 4. 'ltiil, al ll111lne .. olllct 41 the Intended TATI 10 ,O,.ICLOIUA Jlnllery _II. ttlt .. ln•t. Ho. . O'ttodl a.m. ohold-. In IN ......_,to wNGIUPealll ,...,.,_ t:OO o'ctodl 1 m. of Mid dty, lft 1M tOO o'olodt Im. oh• dty, In IN t.00 o'Olodl em. of llAO M , In IN 11e111ftf0f 11 ;t1t1 •1m1n1 Lane, llllVICU, IHO • tNftl "'41al11• ll-Ol1'3t, In llook NIA,"°' NIA, 1oom ~et HJdt 101 oond11ot1111 la modi. .. fo10W1i room •et Hide tor oonducllnQ room 111 Hid• tor conduollnQ room Ht H id• lor oon411olln1 ~'lnQton IMoh. OA Uf't. ru1t" under ,:;!~ttuut to ot Ofllolll "-** tn ... otfloe of Truet9o • ...... WltHn IM Of'*-of Or~ . 1n COii• Mtae Tnm•'• a ..... Within tM offtoll ot TNti•'• a .... llfftlM ttie of'll09I of T"*-'• ...... wtlt\ln IN oMoM of All other llu•lneel n•mH end al!~ No. tl-Otll~ the COUllt' lllloOrder ol Oran .. Ill·~~ llTA,.. HOUllllTll. end "*"· lfOm Od: AIAI. l!ITATI UOUfUTIH llllAL UTATI HCUAITIU "£Al. UTA.Tl HCUllllYIU addr ..... 1110G lly 1111 lnt•ndad • .,... M ,...,r. · •"" Oounty, tite of Oallforllll. 91111,,IC looetod~l020 N01tll IOUtfl of ~-d HlllVIClt. 1oaetect It 2020 Ji101U1 lllllVIOI. IOCtli.d 11 2020 NOl'lll llAl/ICf:, loollld 11 1020 North '''"'*°' wllN!I '"'" yMtl ... t ... ··~~!!· L"", .. ~'.'.!· ~-.vtN .. ~ o,. ......,. br ~ v. ln)'CW 91d ....... ..... ... ... ~°' ~'° ltoOldwMlt au.a o..~ ltooctway. Suite -In II» City Of ,•.,,oeici.,.'L;;;i.:wt ... • ~.-,. ·-1 ~="" c .• "~.of,, ~~!".: ~~n~~ ~RIMOUiTYCltY.!! put 10 fer 11 known lo tllt I-· ....... "..., """"' J. ltiela"-"'-~and.-. lenlaMl.lteteof LIAN Ofot91fto (Ol'·Ot--'Of.11.1/13.1), lentaMl.CourlttofOrenae.at.t• ,.,,. ......,., °'""' 11 _ ................. "'.... ,,., .... Intended ltenalw .. .,. NONI! Al.UH • tnltUln. "' tM oftlc:. of .... 1-llnta • MAllllNO IAVINCll AND LOAN oonorare n1edl1n llarrltt to b• of Cllffofnte. CoMlllM f.QUl!y, tnci: I of Cllll . Cotltllnl . Ina. I of Cellfomia. co UHi . Then-. Md buel1*11 oddt-h• County AeoorO.. or Or•"fl WILL SELi. AT f1U14.JC A~ AllOOIATION. • Oolllornle oon1truoted ond modl111 10 t>o Celllornl• oorpotetlon. u d11ly O•lllorn11 corooretlon, H d11ly 1HC . • Clllloftlla ooqlOllltlOn, • ot the Intended 1r1ntfetee It ELLtv~JllataPUBofLIOOelfotAUOnte.TIO .. wTllL 01.1. TO KIOHUT 1100!" f<>f' CASH oorpo,.llon, u 411ly ep.,.intto pa¥1d, 1ppolntod Tr111t'° 11ndor 1nd appoll)ttd T11111 .. undor end duiv IPC)Ointld Ttultot llNllr Md •N~~~~~.'60~S.!t._M, !fA1~ ~ IOHl"a't 11001" ,0 • c"'•aH lP9Vtl* tt ttme of .... in 1awtu1 TNlt• under lll'ICI ~t to the Thi• iiroJeot 1111 • go11 of 7 pureuent to tho powet 01 1111 pur.11tnt to tll• powar ot HI• pur1uan1 to 1111 PO~!' or 1111 ........,., __ ,.... ""'' ... 1t.,...... ., ,. money Of~ United ftltlo) et tM pow11 ol .... oonferrod In tll•I 1ro1n' minority b11eln111 oontwrecs In 11'111 owWln Dlld of ~ In thlt OltUlll\ Died of eot1f9rreO In thll oett.n D-i of hll ~ llilkllno D. Cootl Meu. ble It Ufnl d Nie In leWfVI troni tnttlMll 10 ttw old Orenoe oertMI OMd of Tnitt IUQl11d t>v prteo pwtlelpetlOn. Truet Heouttd by PAMILA A. Trull llllOUltd by PAMILA A. Tr\ltt neouted by 'AMII.A A. Cllllomle tmf oney of tho United 111•••) •I County Cowrll\OUM. 1001tld on AIOHAlllO p JAIWll lll'ICI ANN ... No ,,-.bid~ .. IOhedlAod IHl&A. an ~ woman Md SHIP, Ill UMWfted WOl'*1 and SHIER. an unmerrted "°"*' and Tlf\t tlle proporly o•rttneM lltronContrtlMetotMer.,.. l•nU Ana llvd .• between JA"Vll, hUtbend and wllt. l0tthlitP!'OIOO\. • AICHARO IT THOMAI ANO "ICHAAOST.THOMAlandOIANA AICHAROIT THOMAlenclOIANE hetetO .. Ottottbod ..... llodl In ounl~ Old CounllouN. City or IVCll'llOl'O ltr• end eroeowey, rooordld J\llv ''· 1ff1i_ In .,. ..... """""° tor '"' '"'"' DtAHA tT. TlfOMAI, ~ end IT THOMAS. hutblnd llld wife .. IT THOMAS. llU9blOd end ..... tr•~ lh1t11r ... equipment. 1r1do • Al'll. ltn of Cllllfomla. II lente All9. ~ell f'llll' title 141t2 of Offtolal lllloofw of lllllld ~ hlteln. wife •• oommunlty_f.rOpetly, ~ ptoperty, rooordod M9Y COIM1llnl1y PfoPlf1Y, recorded M«Y ntmt end goodwlll of thlt Clfteln ht, tltll end lntwwt ~to end int ..... t llO"W)lld to end• now County, et P101 1HO. "9oordor't ,line ep1ollloatlon1, 1nd ret.Oldld Mey 11, 1M In Book 11, tNt. In Book t40e2 of Offlellf It, 1911, In loOll t40el of Oftlc:MI l\Mlth dub Ind It IOCtl'od 11 tit&? now held by It undlt Mid Deed held by It undtf ..id OMO oc Tf\IM lnttrument No. "4023, by t'MtOn of p=o 0111 form• tor bidding thl• 14062 of Oflloltl "9oord• of Mid Aec«dt Of Nici County, 11 OIOI ~d• ol Mid COUl'lty, el Peoo AIQonclutn, Hunungton 8Mctl, CA. Tru11 In tfll ptopeny llltuetld In In th• PfOPl'lf:ltuitld In Mid 1.~ ot dofeun In ~ Ot Ollf'I cw11y bl Olltatnod 1t the County, 11 PIG9 1ee1. Aeoordet"• teH, ~rder'• lnetrument flfo. 1101. Recorder'• ln1tr1111'\ff!t N"o. The buelneu name u..o by IN County Ind lttte daeorlbld u: 00\lntY and It• o.ort~ •1 "''O•M•noa of th• obllg111011e eplrlll'l•nt of Tren1portallon, tnatl'\IFMllt No. 12t74, by,_, of 12171, by rOMOn of • broootl of 111178, t>y teuon of • btMctl « Nld trentflrOt at Mid 1oca11on 1a Lot 211 of Tracueoo. In the City i.ono of Tract ~ 11n. 111 lht City MC11red tlloroby, lnoludlnq that Plen• end 91d OooufMl\tt, Room , breadl °' deleutt In ~ ot o.tlUlt tn paymtftt Of panormenoe cs.llUlt In payment °' pen~ NADINE'S HEAL TH CLUB FOR Of Newpor' leacll, Aecorded In of Cotta ..._, CN\ty of Orange bftldl or defeitlt, Nottot o4 ""*" 3' T~tton 9ulldlllQ, t t20 H pertorm1noe of tlla obllgetlone of tM oblQlllone ~ tll#eby, of Ille OOliglUotie llCUfed """9by, WOMEN M-., Book t32, p= 14, 16 end .. • .... of Cellfomle. .. tllowl1 on • -,_dod APtll 1.. tN2, -,,,..., P.O. loll 14"· Sect°"'*'IO, HG\lred thereby. lnoludlng thot lndudlng !hat t>r-n Of dafeult. Including that broaofl or default. Tllet ·uld bulk 1ran1fer It of~ ~lnttle ~f't90!dedlr1 bootl ~.peoee47, Aeoqrder'• lnttrumont No. Ctlllor'nle t4801 (phone bfMoh or o.t*llt, Hota of wtllch Notice ot whloh w11 recorded Hollo• ol which w11 rtoorded lnlended to be oon.ummlted •I the Olfloll of "'° County Aaoordtr of .. end 49 of Mlleallaneou• M~ 82-13tN7, WILL llU. AT ,UILIO ,,. 446 aatl), Ind~ be -..... rlOOfdad "*UlllY 1. 1m •• fet>Nvy 1. 1N2 ... Atcordef'• February I, 1982 .•• Aoc:ordet"• office of llETT8 ESOROW Orenoe Counly. reoord• of Orengo County: AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST the abo'll orflol ond el the oma.. Recorder'• ln1trument No. lnetrument No 82·03f87g, WILL ln1"umen1 No. 82-031 .. '.t WILL EHT!.lllPRISES, INC. 606 North The tlr .. t eddreu end other CelltomlL DIOOIA FOACASH, lewfulmoney of tllt Olttrlct Olrootort ol 82-o37871,WllL8£LL ATPUBUC 81UATPUBUCMICTIONTOTHE UU.ATPU8LICAUCTIONTOTHE TusUn A~ &Jh.e llO ... n .. OOfMIOtl doelgNUon, ".,,,.,of the Tiie ,,, .. , lddrM• end other Of"" United 8tatll, Of. caefllw'• 1Tranepot1ttl0n et Lot~. 8111'1 AUCTION TO TH! HIOHUT HIOHEST BIOOl" ,OA CASH. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. Ana CA g2701 on Of •It«""°"'' g, .. ptoe>erfy ~·bid above " oommon doelgnetlon. " any, of !tie d*'9I dr.-n on • et•la Of neUonel Frenaleeo. lll'ld tno dllti'lC'I In wllloll BIOO!R FOR CASH. lewlUI money lowfUI tnorwr of u. United ....... llWlul money °' lhe United ....... 1Ni Plltfl0'1'ld to be: ,.... property dMctlbecl above 11 b•nk, • •t•I• or f1dore1 credit tho wor11 It elt~tecs. or the United SIAlt•. or• CMNor'• "' 1 ..,_,., mad! drtwn on 1 or a cMhler'w chec* dtlWll on • Thie bulk 1ranai.r 11 eub)act 10 1112 MIAI Lane, HewpOf1 8-11, purported to be: 2182 Slit• union, or• 11111 or fldor., llvtnas I The 1ucc:t11ful bidder 111111 Oii«* dre.n on 1 trtete or nettonal etete Of n111on11 benk, • "'" OK etlt• Of national IHlnll. • 1t.ie..Of Celllornl1 Uniform Commerc:lll CA / d 1 d T t Aven~. Cotta MH1. Celllornl• 11111 1oen uaocla'1on doMlollod ln ~11rnl1h o peymont bond ind • bank, • Ital• 01 lederel oredlt lederll credit union, °' • trtela « i.deral creo11 union, or • 1ttte or Cod• s.c11on e 1~ Th• u n •" II n • r u • •• 92927 ttlle tt•t•. ell peyebte ot the lime of iparlorm-bond. union, or t 1t•te Of lederel 11V1ng1 r.d«el MvlnO• end IOlll IMOCllllon ledetel Mvll\OI end loan ueodtllOn The neme and lddr ... ol 1 dl1ol1lm11ny ll1blllty tor Illy Th• unClortlgned TrutleeNll.ellr10ftt,tltleendlnt-t1191d Thi DaperlM•nt of end loan Meoc:ltllon dom!Gllodll'I domlcltedlnfhltttat•.lllPl)'ableat d0fnlelled lnih1t11et1,ell~e1 porwon witll 'lllflOfn Clellna ma,. , ... CIC Ille .u.t llddreill dlaoletme eny ltet>Khy tor eny br ll. II Truetoo. In that real Tr•,,..Ntllari ._..,, MllAel ..... ....._ 1111 ~'* .i the Limo of tho tlml ol Mil,• rlgtt!, title lll'ld the tlml of Mlfe, all right, thlo end hied 11 Bone Eactow Enl«P''-· other common detlonetlOn If lnoM'eol .... of tho .. , ... lddreM property 11111111 In Mid County lll'ld olddert thot It wlll afflrmellvely Nie .... right, tit.le ond lnterllt Mid° .,..,... held by It. u Trutt•. lri lnterw1 f*O ~ ft. II ,.,..._, 1rt Inc .• P.O. Bo• 11587, Sll'lt• An&, lny. lllOWll hoteln. ond OINr oommon dellgnellOn, If St•. cleeGrlbod M tollowt: "*"'INS In ""'oonv.ct entered by 11 ... Tru1t11. In that rul that ,.... property 111Ulte In Mid 1"'1 rMI ptopeny "'""' In Mid CA 92711 • t587, Attn Marth• Said HI• Wiii b• m•d•. llul any llhown hlteln. A SublHlel'told IEalAllO In llf'ld Into purlUlll'lttO tNe adWf11Mmtnl, ptopertJ.::"'Wln M6d COuf'lty and c~nly end State, dHGrlbed .. County and Sl•I•. dffGtlbed .. Flttgerald, Elcrow •8202311MF ond llhoul cove111nl or werr1nl,. s'ald 1111 wlll be med•. but to the 8outi-t«ly 2.00 '-t (111.ot 'mtnottty bullnaeo entofprtoee will bl lltate. Ibid u loltowl: tollowl: followl the lut dey IOf IUlng clalmt by 1111y •OI'-Of Implied, f9011dlng tit · wllllout cov•nant or werr1nty. tt. •II 01 L 01 U • n d 1111 lal'fOfdtd lull CJPt:IOfl.Jl'lltY to tubmlt Peroet t: The NorthMlterly 11111 PARCEL 1. The NOftheallerfy hell P11c11 1 The Morth-•t•tly Ct"edttOf tMll be Augutt e, t982 • or "°""btenoea. to OllP'llll "' lmpllecl, r1Q411ctlng title. NortlleMter!y 18.00 felt ol Lot 20. bide In ~ to thlt lnvttetlon of the Nort"-terty 40 oo !Mt of of Ille Soulheelterly 2.IS ecr• of Lot 40.00 Ifft 01 lhe South•Hterly wNdl 11 the butlnMI dey beforllhe Ille remelnlng prlnc:lpal eum oC pa I JTJle>n, "' encunibroncta. to In 8locti 15 o1 T~ 772, •per ond wlll 1101 be dlecrlll'llll•t•d ttie SouthMlllf'ly 240 00 feet of Lat 313 ol Hewpor1 Helgllta, • lhOwrl 240 00 l•I of lot 313 of Newport con111mmat1on date apecllled nole(•I -ed by Mid Dlod ol poy tlll ~ Pf1ndpal eum o1 recorded In......,. U. .,_..I on tho orounclt ot rece,, 313 of Hewpor1 Hllgtlla. u .,_ on• map reeotdod In t>oo614, pege Helgh11, 11 shown on • mop lbOve. rutt. witll lnter"t thereon, H the nc>M(I) MCUr'ld by Mid Deed ot and I ot Mttc fflneOUI Mtp1, In the or netton•I origin In on 1 mep recotded In bodr 4, pego 83, Mtaoellaneoul.....,.. reconl• or recorOed In book 4. peg• 83, O.ted July 1g. 1982. ovlded In Mid note(•). ~ Trutt, wllll 1nler'ttt thereon, 11 oflloe of IN County teoo«* ol...., tlOn tor tn ewwct. 83. Ml9Clllaneoua Maoe. rec0td1 ol Orenge County Ml•~llaneou• M•P•. rec:ordf of MA~UI OP COSTA Mal.A. INC.It eny, ullder thl termeof Mid P'ovlded 1n Mid f'Ott(I). ~.County. Ml11lmum wego rtt11 tor 1111• Orenoe County Eaceptlng lherelrom the Orange Coun1y. Catlfomte o-9oftMtt. ~t I Tru11, I•••· cllergu end '""Y· under the i.maot Mid Dlod Exc•pllng thetelrom the M pn1det•'l'l'llnld by the Percel 2· An euem1nt Ir SouthNaterty 240.00 i..t lhtteol. E•o•Plll\g therefrom 1111 P11bll•h•d Otenge CoHt Dilly ICPlfl-oftheTrueteeandofthe ol Truet, fen, cll1rg11 end HOttflWllterty33.00IMtofLot20. ~of ·L.abof.,.Mttorttlcwlly lngreu ll'd egreu over tne Alto Eacop!lng therefrom the Northeutertyhattthlteol Pllol JulY n 1982 tru111 or .. tad by H id 0..d of ...,_of ttlo Truel• end ot lhl Th• llrHt oddr•H or other " the •PoCl•I prov11lon1 of lhe NorthwHterly 1 oo 1111 of th• Norl"-ter!y 60 oo felt thereof Parcel 2 An HHment tor ' · 330&-82 Truet. for tho omount ~ truet• created by Hid Deed of common dNlgnetlon ot 1M r"I numbltld tiooks ..-fer souu-teny 241 oo '"' ot Lot 31' PARCEL 2· An """''n' 101 1n9re11 eno egreu over lb• lmaled to be: $24,820.00. Truet. Pfoe>«'Y her~ deectil>ed le lddlng purpoH• end enlltled ot Newport Height•. u tllowt'I on• no•n• end 1gren 011or th• No1thwe11erly 7 00 IHI of the "8JC MJTlC( The ~ under Mid OMd The totll llnO\Hlt of the ufl911d curpotled to be: 441 Pro1pect "Sp1of1I Prov1tlon1, Nollet 'o map reGC)(ded 1n bo<* 4, page 83, NotthwHterlv 7 oo Ifft of the ~terty 247.00 t ... of Lot 313 w -otll"' d01,1"f:.~•d"""to 'th:'•11,:=:11~.:"4! '*"-of the obllgetlon MCUred lfMI, Newt>Ol1 9Moh, ~ ontr1olort, Propo••I. end Mlac:.11eneou1 Mapa, re<:ordt of SouthHllerly 240.00 INt ot Lot of Newport Hl'gf!lt, II"-" on• a -by IN ptopeny to be told ond The Ul'deralgned hereby Inlet.'' lll'ld In coplM of Mid Orange Counly. 313 o1 N~ Helgllll, u tnown map rec:orded In book 4, PIOI 83. NOTICE OF DEATH OF Wfllten Oedwlllon of Oefeult end rooeonebl• utlmeted co1tt, dltc:lelmt ell llelllllt,. tor ,.ny ti* iNf M lllamlned II the Parc:el 3: An euement 101 on• map tec:otded I" book 4. pege Ml1cell1n1ou1 Map1. record• ot RODGER P. BURR, ab ~ol~~·~.,~ expen111 end edVllnC* el the time 1noorTec:t.-1n uld 1V111t addl.-emo olflc:e• •• de1crlbed lngrtn and egrua over th• 83, Mltcellanoou• Mopt, teeotda ol Oranot County RODGER BURR .... R p ,_,...,. ....,._,, _ ... ~-· of tlle lnltlet put>l1C1tlon of tM 01Nr common dallgneiton. erelnbelore where lh• P'•"'· NonllwHlerly 1 00 IHI ot th• Orange County Pucel 3 An eue1T1ent tor ' ._ • • Sell. The undenlQnld ceuMd Mid Molkll of Sell 11taa,182.28. Slld Mil wftl bl meda wlthollt llc:ettone. end ~ lonnt SoutllelltMty 240.00 laet oC Lot3t3 PAACEL 3 An UHrnenl tor lngren •"d 1gre11 over the B V RR, aka R 0 DOER Notice of Oeftul{ lll'ld Electlon to The benlftdMY Uftdar Nkl OMO -minty, .. pr-Of lmpttoO, ro-bl -· Addend• to modffy of Newpott Helgtrta. u lhowl1on 1 lngren •nd ,,r••• over lh• Hort II•• 11••1 y hall of t "' PENNOYER BORR AND Sell to be -did In the COIMlty of Truat flomofote tlllllMed end dlnO title, po111•·on. or encuM-mtntmum weoe ret• wlll be meo ,_did In book 4, page 83. ortllweeterly .oo roet or th• Horthwe11erty 7 oo IHt ot 1111 OF p ET ( T 1 ON TO whet• the rNI property It located. delivered to 'h• 11nd1ralgnod , renc:u, to 11t1 1ly lh• prln· only to llotdeB of the~ MllOIMIMOul Mepa. Sout'-lefly 247 oo lettol Loi 3t3 Southeuterly 240.00 feet of I.DI ADMJNJSTER ESTATE NO. Dell. Julys .... ~~-----.inen Oedafatlon of De11euf1 8"CI clplf balence ol the nol• or otl'llf elerencod bookt. It th••• II 1 Excepting 'herelrom the of Newport He4Qhll. u ahowf1 on• 3t3. ~1Heights,H11\0wft on ,.....,.... .,,,..._. Oemeftd for a-. end • ......, otJllg9lton ~red by Mid Deed of lttetenc:. ~t-the minimum NorthMlteny hllf ml!) rec0tded 1n book 4. pegee 83, 1 map rec:otded In book 4. ~ 63, A·U•lll. Setvto.. Inc. Notioe of o.tlUlt end a.c:.Jon to n.at. wttn lnterwt end O'tllet ._ rat• ~ by the Tiie •tr•ot eOdr•H 01 o01e< Mlacetteneoua Mepa. record• of Mllcelleneou1 Map•. rang• To all heirs. benefldarles, • -'d Trutlel a.11. TM undlfllgued CllUMd slid u pro.tided therein. Pklt eClvWIOll. ecrttery of L1bo• end the common de1tgnat1on of the reel Orengo County County c redltora and contingent BySubatltutlon ~Of Oeleutt end Ellctlon toKlfT'l,und«tlletermeU•eofend wooeretetdelermjnedt>y property hlrelnabove delcrlbe<I le E•ceptl"g 111eretrom th• The atrHI •ddreu or other creditors of RODGER P. ~e~~Mics.nt s.tt to be rec:orded tn IM county lnt••1 on IUGll edvenoee, end p1111 he Stet• IOf tlmllar c:llNlllcellona purported 10 be: 231 Alber1 Pl-. NorthNateny hllll common de11gna11on ol 1111 rut UR R k R 0 D GER ·-wtiere the reel ptoperty le loc:ateO. 1-. ct\ergea end .. ,,.,,._ of IM of labor. the Contractor and Ille Coate M .... Cetltomla. The ttreet add•H• or othor property hefeln•bove detertl>ed Is B • I a 5025 Cerrttoe Aw. Date: July 2, tgea T1111t• Ind of the 1rv1t1 crMled by tubGOntroctorl lhall pey not i.t T II• u 11d•rs1 g "e d 11 ere by common dHlgnetlon of the rHI purporttd 10 be. 232 Cec11 Ptaoe. BURR. aka R. P. BURR, aka Cypt.a. Cllltfomle Sevinga Monoevt U ld DHd of Trutt. Tiie totel than the higtl4lf waoe rilt9. dltclalma 111 lllblllty tor '"'I properly hwelnabove ~Ibid le Colla M ... Ctlllorllia RODGER PENNOYER Publt~4~~ Newt CotpOraUon OtT10UntolMldObllget.lotl.lnc:ludlng Pureulnt to 8ect1on IT73 of the 1nc:ottect,_.1n-d1treeted<lt-;KKPC>rteO 10 be 229 Albert Ptaoe, Tiie undersigned hereby BURR and peraons who may p'"' combined wtth the Or•"""' 14tt W. Olympic 81vd., r-•bl'f •tlmated '-. Cf\efgta LMIOI Codi, tho ganerel PflVIMina Of otllet common dealgnatlon. Cotta Mesa. California. d l1c:l1im1 111 ileblllly lor eny •--' --.-LoeAngele9.CAll0015 and~olthTrvetee.llthe rateofwegealntllecountylnwNdi Said..,. wlll t>e made wnnout The ul'der1lgn1d hereby lncorTectMt1111a.<11trett~-be otherwtle inten=s...._. in Co••I Delly Piiot, July 16• 22· 29• Tll: (2t3l 386-28&0 time of lnlllel publlcatlon of Ihle Ille wottc le to be done hit been werrenty, upren or lmplled, dlaclalm• all llablllty tor any Of oll'llf common deelgnallon the will and/or st.ate: !982 31724.2 8y Olnlel Alanda: Notio.. 1• seg,803.17. . determined by 1119 Olr9c10f of the regarding !Ille, po11H1ion, or 1ncOl'r1C1MM In uld ett•l lddf-Slll<I Nie will be made wlthOu1 A petition haa been filed Mllf'll9" Doled. July 1g. 1982 ~ ot Industrial Relatlont. enoumbrtnc:u . to ut11ly 1111 or olnet common dellgnellon warnnly upren or Implied. b PATRICIA A. SCHUDA l'UBl.IC MJTIC[ PublltM<I Orenge co .. 1 D•lly SAN MARINO SAVINGS n-waoe rat• ~ In the prtncipol blilance ot 1111 Note Of Said .... wlll be midi withO\lt regardil'g title. pot1Htlon. or Y h S Co ~ Pilot, July 15. 22. 29. tH2 ANO LOAN Dopertmtnt ol Tren1portetlon other ol>liaatlon MCUred by Nici warre11ty, upreu or lmplleCI. encumbranoH , to 11t11ly tlle In t e uperior urt o.. IUN'MOtt COURT CW ntl! 3111-82 ASSOCIATIOH publlc:1tlo11 entttted Oenerel Dead of fnm. wl1tl Int-' and regerdlng title ponHtlon. or Pflncipel btlenc:e 01 fhe ~ or Oranae County requesting ITATI or: CAUfORNlA fOfl -----------• Ce11tornta c:orporetlon. Provolllng Wege Rat•. doted June. 0,11« aume 11 provided thefeln: •noumbrencH . to 11t111y 1h• othet OCllloatlon aec:ur-ed by ulcl t h a t P A T R I CI A A . nt1! COUNTY CW ORAMOW P\8.IC MJllC( • T""*· 1912. ~o "'9CIM W9QI ,..._ pM odlrtrlCOe, It eny, under tM ~ balance ot v.e N9te Of Deed ot f rutt, wtth lnl«•I lll'ld SCHUDA be appointed as CAA NO. A·1_,. YOU AM 11 DP'AUL T UMOeR A 8y· REAL ESTATE which hive been pr~et1tmlnod ,.,.,,, thereof and tntereet on IUCh other ol>liaallon MCUrod by Mid other auma H provided therein. penonal repre.entative l<> ~;r,tC!.'!!' !.'!...~!OT -· ... ---T 0 ........ a-_ SECURITIES SERVICE. and .. on .. wttfl me Daper1rnant edvanoM. end ~ 1-. dlll'Qll DoOd of fru11, '#1111 Int•"' ond plus edv•ncee. It any, under the ~ .__ .......,......,, • .. _... vr ,...,. ,.,_ ~~!1 • Celilorn&a COflM)ratlOn, ot lnd111,rlol Relet10111 ero end~ of lho TR.191• end' of ollllf 1um1 11 provided thtreln, terms lhereof and"''"'*' on ad\ administer the est.ale of PRIVATE SAU "'1. ~U YOU TAK• 4Cno.. 111 Agent ,,...iood but not prtnted tn MM:! the 1ru111 c:rMted by .. Id Deed ol plua edvencH. 11 any, ul'der the lldvanCea end ptut '-· c:tiargea RODGER P BURR, COSTA E•l•to or JOHN E. EHRHARDT, TO NOftCT YOUR ~. By. (SEAL) D J Morger. publmdon. Trull Tiie 10111 amount ot u td terrna 111ereo11111<11n1...i on IUd't end~ of the TrvetM ond ol MESA CA (under the 0.C..Nd IT MAY• IOU> AT A flUa.JC 111 Preeldent DEPARTMENT OF obllgellon, Including reetone odllenc.t and ptut f-. cllargee Ille lruata cr•ted by l"<I Deed of Ind nde 'Ad.muuatr tio Notice 11 hereby given that I AL. I • '' Y 0 U NI ID AN 2020 Hor111 8toedwey, TRAN.Sl'ORTATION ••llmll•d ''"· c;hergu end end e;a~ of the TNl1M Wlcf of Tru11 Th• totel amount ol u ld Of :!!':,_ '!t-). Th• ....!uon· n '•ubob_l!~1t11~o~~~~~o~-~!. 'hone ~~ .. °" ...!!;!! .. ~ .. 1:!!! Sutt• 204!. Oe9Uty Dlfec:tor •l(panMI of the True1•. at the the truall ereeted by Nl<I Deed of obllg1llon. Including rH1onabty £9 .. i.c:<> "'-"' "' .,..,... ·~· ..., ...,.......,. ....,..., ..,... ,._ ..._ -.. _, Sent• An•. CA 112706 Project Development oflnttlel oubllcatlOn of tlllt Nottoe.1 Tru•I. Tne 10111 amount of Hid e111m1ted lees. charge• end is set for hearing in Dept. Auguat II. 1982. at t 1·00 a.m . or YOU, YOU IMOULD COllTACT A Telephone: (114) ~10 ond Conetructlon $23,383.35 obllgetlon, lncludlng reHon•bly •itpen-of the TrUS1•. II t1'a time .No. 3 at 700 Civic' Center thlrMl1« wttllln the time e11owe<1 by LA~,. DU&D&'a •u. Publlthed Orange Cout Delly O.ted "'-28. 1982 Oet«t: July 15. 1982 eetlrnaled teu. oherg11 and of 1nrua1ouottc.tlOnot11111 Hollce. la '°1'nvewi Siiita Arii ~n1'~f.jtll e d o 1 .---~ -~aa. ~a, ~ """"'"" ~.,...._ ee..t Oe61¥ ~ 5-1tY, w:... T411ttll. 11 the time $23,383.35 ve est. • AdmlnlltretOf ol "" e11a11 o1 JOHN T .a. .... · Mttt 32"-12 ~. July 22. 29. 1982 , ~ eotporotiOfl o1 wu11 oubllc:aUon of "'" Nollca.19 ~ ~. 1912 92701 on August l 1, 1982 at E EHRHARDT. o-..ecs. wlll eetl" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. thlt 311CM2 • TNll•. 123.383.35. COASTLINE eoum. INC . 9:30 a .m. prlv11e Nie to the nlQMat end bet1 Qn w~ay, AugUlt 4· tM2. at P\B.IC MJllC( 9Y: REAL ESTATE Dawe!: July 15, 1982 • Calltomla corporetton, IF YOU OBJECT to the net bidder on the terms 1nd 9:00 o dOck a.m. of Mid dey, In the NOnc. TO COMTUCT°"8 •-,,. lllftnrc S~CURITIES SERVICE, CW'lllne lqutty, 1M. • Cllllfom6a 11 8 TR"!'1"e· ST TE . f the titJ c;one1111ona lltr8INl1« mentioned Ill room Ml H ide lot conducting ..--..... nv1-. 1 Calllornli COtl>Oflllon, _.,.,..._ y .,.,.L A granung 0 pe on, you , ...... , title end ln141f191 ol JOHN Er TNlt•'• s ..... within"" otflcat of c~ fotl ..,. ..,-u ~ ... -AO •tr·-··----· SECURITIES SERVICE should etthet' appear at the eli'RHAADT.1tthetlmeolhi1dMtll REAL ESTATE SECURITIES c~~~.. NOnc.TOCM:Drrot11 0;(SE>.·~ID J M0tgar. ~~ 5 '"'5 _._ __ ,__ •CaiilOINIOOfpOfll~. hearing and state your and a1rjghl.11tte an<11ntera1 Ulat SERVICE. located •t 2020 Nori" cw 9UUC TRANllllJl 111 Preel<lenl 1 c ..... ,._..., ... ........,1 111 Agent obje(ltlont or file wriUen the 11tate bU oc;qulred In eOdttJon 8foldway, Suite 206. In the City of M~~lf?i;'~~E~~ (leoa. 91014107 U.C.C..) 2020 Horth Btoadway, O.J. ...,._,..,;;;:-..._.. By (S~LI D J M0tger, b "ectioni with the court to111atof~tetthet1meollll1 Sll'ltaAne.COUlltyOIOranoo.Stell 81do..dllne:2:oop.m.orthe2nd Notice It hereby given to Sutto206, aaoN.lfeedw.,., •• Ila President ~lore the hearin" Your death. In the ,.., property toc:ateo 0r' Call!~~ !! .. duly •P~~1"\:! day of Augul1, 1982. cr1dltor1 ot tll• within named S1n1a Ana. CA 1121oe tanta AM. CA t270I 2020 North 8roe<lwey. a · In Orenge County. Calllornl• Nit•.,...,_ .... IJUl'IUlll'I 0 Pleoe 01 Bid Receipt: 1857 tr.,.,.,,, thlt • ~ tr.-.r II T .. (714) 953-&810 (714) .,_.10 Suite 206, appearance may be ln penon dllctlbld power 01 Nie c:onlerred In 11111 928 Plac 71 enll• St . Cotti Men, Cll •bout to~~.!'.•d.:::,:::01111 Publl•h•d Orang• CoHt Delly Publlalled Or1nge CoHI Di iiy Santa AN..C,,"'.!,20708 or bt ...,,.,. anorney L0&6 4 ene1 5 in IMod< ·K·· ot cart..,, Deed Of Tru91 executed by propotty ,___ Piiot July 15 22 29 t982 Plol ~ .... 15 22 211 tg82 Tel 111•111.,,....,..1 I "~y 0 u A ·a E A Aten e..cn Ho+gllta Addition,"' Ille PAMELA A 8"1ER. en unmarried The Ill • • • • • -· • • • PubUIMd Orange Cou l Diiiy City ol Laguna Beech Coul'ty of WOfTlll'I end RICHARD ST THOMAS Projec1 ldenllrtcellon Name of ttw::::.... 8'ICf :=-~ ~ 2971-82 Pttot. July t5, 22, 29, lM2 CREDITOR or a contJnaenl Orenoe. State ot catlfOmt•. u per end DIANE ST. THOMAS. hvtbend ::,~~iCr VARIOUS LOCATIONS CHI-YU H.u."20e.1 H~ Blvd.. P\lll.IC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE 298M2 creditor of the deceued. y mep rec:ord«l tn 800k 1 Page 22 ot and wife .. c:ornmunlty swoperty. Coeta Meaa. Celfomle 92t2T ml.mt file your claim with th Mltcelleneous Mopt, 111 in. ott1ca of reeotded Mey 11, 198 t. In 8ooll Piece Pt1n1 ••• on 111•: 1857 The end ~ eddteta ~County.,._~...__ o1--... ty 14052 of Offtc:lel ~d• of Mid Placenll• St .. Cott• Meu, Cll ~ ~ _ _. c:ourt or preeent it to ~ ~CEPT llle";;;Q.S l::;"coun County. et P-oe 16", Raccwder't ~7 ~,.!?'.,!'A 8-SL, COlltt "''n:...u-uJ:·ee~~ personal r e pre1entat1v The .... is 1Ubjecl 10 cu1reni 1n11rumen1 No t2t75, by reaeon of -· ""' ... v,v ~ Coeta MIM Cellom6e t2e4e •ps::iinted by the cour 1un. covenants, condition•. • brMdl Of deflil.llt In~ Of · NOTICE IS HEAEBY OIVEH Ulet .,..,~ ' wi · four mon•L-Crom tMlrictlons. , ... rv111ons, t1ght1, pet1ormenco ol the ot1llgetlon1 the~ Sdlool Dt9trtct of Tlllt the property pertinent Ula d II b I I di th t Orllnge County. Callomll, ectlng ~o le "-1bld In gen«el M. dale of first iss~ance o rlgtlll of way. ltld ..-nenta 01 Hcure 1 •re y, nc u no ' bw end thro~h 111 Governing -AST FOOO RESTAURANT end II · "'~' rec:Ofd Md In ed<lltlon ell ~· breach Of deleult, Nolloe of whlClll ' t d t 2083 H1 bo 81 d letters u provtded ln ~-u .,, c:autlOnecl that ,1111· property la •• recotded FebNar)t 1, t912, • eo.d ""91 · ., r"-"d to 11 OGI • • : r r v ·• 700 of the Probate Code 0 Zoned R·I, lifigte lamtty UM end le Recorder·• ln1trum1n1 No "DISTRICT", will reoolvw up to, but ::o.ta MIN.. c.lltomlo California. The time fo not titted 11 a dui*x ..,_ no 82~7683, WILL SELL AT PU8llC not l•ler thin the abov••tateo The ~ n ... uaecl by the """"_,_, __ will not -x . v11lance has be4lfl granted !Of eny AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST time,....., bid• fOf the-d of I Mild ,,_,.or et 9d loc:atlon .. ~ u.&UllB .. UM Othet than " • 111-te ,._.... BIDDER FOR CASH, lawful moM)I contrec:t !Of '"',;::"vel:;oject. M!SA KrTCHEN. prior 10 four months fr:<> unlt "'"Yule wlll be m. oni;'~ of the United St•••· or• c:uttler'• Bld11lld be 111 Ille pt-Thlt H id bulk trenaler 11 the date of the hearan the bult that this .,,.....,...,. 11 1 diac:k dnwn on a •t•to Of national Identified ebove. ind •11•11 bt ntendod to t>eCOIMUmmated et the ,.......,... .. , k I t t d I dlt opened end publlc;ty r..O oloud 91 :>lflca of: PRIORITY ESCROW CO., noticed above. tingle latntly unit end buY9I' rnu•t b•n · • 1 • • or • "' ere tho a~ed time end place. te78 w..c Broedwer. 8'111• 102, YOU MA y EXAMIN take IUOJact to that condition llf'ld union, Of• ttate °' *"'* 11~ E.odl bid rnuet contonn end bt """'°""· Calfomla 92802 on "' the file kept by the court purchHerl Shell hold Hiier ~ l6lin ~I I~ domlcllldl 1~ ti of reapontlve IO 1111 COl'trecl lit. AuglMt g, 1982. . hWmlaU egelnsl 11'1)' loM OI llel>illty ,,_ Slide. • peya.,... 1 ,,. me Tho Mf1'll lll'ld ~ of the you are intere.ted In th purcll-might tnc:ur by reason to ..... ell rtgtlt, tltte orld 11\ter•t held ~.:i ltllll be ~ °""°" wlttl ~ dlfnW may bl estate, you may file a reques Ille noncon!Of'mlng UM. by II ... Truitoo. In thlt rHI by Ille MCWtlty referred to In '"' lll•d •• PRIORITY ESCROW with the court to receiv The property Is •0 be 104<1 on .,, Pfopert)' tltuate In Mid ~ty and contract documenta end .... the ,._. COMPANY. t878 'Wiit Broedwo)I. . • ....... bull. Stat•. deactlbld .. tOllowl VJ -· 9 It 102 .. h I c Ill I 1 peel a I not 1 ce of th 81da _ 0.._1 .,. '-......... IOf 1..... PAACEL 1· Tho Soul'-1111)12.6 or ptopooocf tut1oon1rec1or1. u • · .. ne • m. • om•. j f te ~ ·-Amo-.. ,_ The DISTRICT ,...,..,.. tlla r1gllt ~2802, end tho loll day for lllng nventory o e1ta aaae ptoperty end must be 1n wrrtlng end ecr11 of Lot a 13 of Newport 10 l'9jec1 any or ell bid• or 10 waive ;telm• by eny creditor eh•ll be andofthepetitiona,.:x:oun w!llberecalvedettheo111oeolHMo Helgllt1, H thown on I mop ll'l)'lrregutertti.Ofltllormelltlelln °'ugoe' e. ttU, wlllctl It the and re port• de1crlbed I McCormack RHll'f, tooo Coeat recorded In book 4· peg• 83• .,,., bldt Of 111 the bidding. bu 1 1n111 Cl• y b •Io,• 1 h • S ti 1200 ~ f th Hlghwey, Laguna Beoch. Clllfomle Ml1G01loneou1 M1p1, rec:ord1 of The DISTRICT hu obtelnod from :on1ummetlon date apeclll•d ec on • 0 9215t, (7t4l 4t4-7561, •• 111y time Orenge County the Dlftclor o1 tM Doc>ettrnent ot 1bove. 4.m C&llfornla Probate Code, •It« nrat publ!Gatlon of thla Mollee Excepting therefrom tlle lndu1trle: R•••llona t111 "'"'nerel Dated:June24, 1M2 LAW OJl'J'ICES OF JUUU lll'ld before me1i1no tho "" ~.ny 240 oo teet tlleroof. ..-a..i A. t.o W. FELDMAN INC. The property wii be eold on the Aleo E11oept1n&, therefrom the ::VO:': :J: 1:'"-=:': Intended T,.,.,.. Att.Be)' at La;, Drt ~:fs~on~~"': ~~p~ng t':e~iho ~~n!:::;,C::!.~.~ ~b~.~=-CNl1 o.11y ltU S&. .A.DdnWI Ve to the Admfnlltrllor, t0% of lhe NortMuterl)' heH tllareol. contrect Tl\IM rll• ere on 1111 •l 1275-8.2 Seal Bead, CA H?tt purer-price to IM pold et Ute PACRCEL 2: An _.,.,.,.., tor the DISTRICT offtco localed •1 18&7 (!11) tJl .. 511 time 01 the bid llY oertlllaO c:Nck; lngreH and egreH over th• Pl1cenll• St .• Colle Mell, CA Pub"-hed Or f Coaat bllenca on connrmatlon o1 Nie by NortllwHterly 7.00 feet ot the ,,,,....,7 ,..,.....,,_ ~ ..._ _ ... _.__.on ~ an e "" Superior Cour1 Tex• rentt Souti-teny 240.00 ,_.of Loi 313 .,._ """""-I of -.,.,.__ NOnCll Of' "'9UC HIAMtO Dally Pllot. July l · UI. 22 oper111ng end melnte'nance ol NewpOf1Holatlls.•11\0'#n on• ~;.: ~ )00"'::.ratae.,... HOTU IS 11£REBY ONtN !hat 1982. 3197--8 111pen1u. and Pr•mlume on Mee> fOOClfded fn book 4, Pt9I 83, ""'"'' pureuent to Section 6473.1 of -----------lnturtnce ecceptebl• to the Mltcell1neoue M•P•. record• of The foiooolnD IChodulo of per Artlcle IV, Cl\optor VI, of Pllf't Ill, Pl8JC NOTICE purGllaNr lllall be l>t«><•ted " ot °'"""'County diem w•o•• re b"•d upon ' OMllon v °'"" Heolttl end Sefety the doll of conflrl'Nllon of '*' PA1'CEL 3. An HHmonl. tor WOl'ktng dey ol elgtlt (81 hour-. The Codi of the Ital• of Cllfomi.. • lllC1TTIOUI llU .... 11 EumlnatlOn of tttle. rec:ordlncl of lngreu end •gren over 1111 =: ~ =. = pulllJc hHrlng wlll be h•ld on NA• ITATDllllDfT convey~.,.,..., tu•, ancf any N 0 "II ... t. r 1,. h •II 0 I I II. It IJtlell be tnall091ory upon the Augwt 5. tllft, •1 1:30 p.m. In tlle The lo4loWlng Plf'90M .,.. doing 1111e lnturenca Poky lhell be at the Northw11ter1y 7.00 feet of the CONTAACTOA lo wllorn '"' 'lrot Floor Confor9llOe Aoom of IN ~ea. upen11 of tho purcll11er or SouttlNl1erl)' 247.00 letlt ol Lot •• ci,y Hiii ~Iha City of Cott• Meaa, 8 .A. V e . INC., • Celllornl1 IJ'lfcMatrt. 313, Newport Height .... tllowfl on oontrec:t Ill -4ed, Md upon 111'.Y Ceil!Otfllt. 91 wfWOt1 Mid time the ~ollon . 1520 Pecllloo. Th• underelgnod reMtvH the 1Map-dedlnbook4.PtQtti, ~torune1«hlm.1o~n<>' Boltd of OlrectOt'I of In. Coote • CA t2806. right IO r~ """ end 1111 bl09 P'IOr MllC .. ltMOUe M•p•. roccwCI• ot :' :.,:: ~ = : ...... 8111'11tary Dltttlct wtll ,... end Eurot)ttn Par1t tntern1tlonal to entry ot en order conllrmlng \Ill °'1lnOe C0unty .. ....,,.,_ ., dllt'""""' protMtt end otl!IGttOne. Inc., • c.tttorn.-eotporlllOn. 1520 .... Tiie etr .. t 1ddr111 or other tM .. eoutlOn of Ille ooMtaot. Md r9qllMlil iw ... ,IP4kh.," illy, PIClflc:o. AntMtm. CA 92I06. ~ed. July 20. 1112 oommon deelgnallon of thl ,.., No blddor "'*l wtthdfw hll llld 0 tM propC>tOO IMlgnrnent fOl Thl9 bu"'-II condUCted 0y I S.CUttty Pec:tllo Pf~ ~ o.ortbad .. tor I pertod Of b1y-M (41) ~ rtlfl Md l'f'Moo CIOlleo11on M Mt COf'POf•tlon. Nttl0n9 ""* ~ \0 be: 230 C.cill "*-• '"-ltll U.. Mt'°' the llPet*'O OI orth In • report flied •"h lh• EuropHn P9ft9 lnlnl. 8y· "°'*' Orllllam Coete ......, CaHfom&a. b ~ P 1 v _ • n t .. 0 n d • n d • .,., of ti\ D19trtot et tM omc.. Inc: Senior ll'\llt ()flloer T II. \Ind." I 0 n •d II or. y ... ,... .. flll Dlotttot, " ~ °""' Colla Peter J, Piper, Pree ......, 1. l'AN8 dleclalm• •II llelllllty tor ony ~..::= -:-./:: :::=, ~ TNt 1t•t9menl WM llled with IN ..._.., ._ ....... IMOlreofl-In Mid ett• oddrW n. p.y!l'Wlt bond lhll lie In IN NOTIOI • H1M8Y l'Uf'~ COullty °""' of Oranoe County on • ...,_ --. ......, °' Wier oommon daalgNtlon. rotM Ht forth In tll• contract tNt.,. Mid ,__.Oft flt !ti Julye. ttt2. .._-. laid .... • be midi w1tt1out Ila offloo ot uie 00111 \(111 '~' ._.. A-. calf• Illa l2'70't werra:nty. 1•pre11 or lmpllod. doCllYINtltl. 1nlt1f}' Oletrlot, 11 ,.,, Drive, Publltlled Orange CoHt D•llr Tall (114) m.ti11• r901rdlnt tllle, pouH•lon, or ~ toerd f!Mf, lllillolft 417, m.y bl Piiot, .My t. 11. 22. 2t, 1912 Publllhed Orinoe coe11 Dilly ono111nbtenct1. to Htl•ly tho ~ ~ '"'* tlMllNMd '*""" ttlt lloUn of 1 ieet.a2 Piiot. »y 22. t3 .• 29. 11112 =:*-=:: ~ :'.,: ,11bl1,::::-=. ~' Dolly m Ind h .m ----------~ OMO Of frwt. wttt1 ,,_... Ind Plot.~ 18. U. t112. OOITA MUA PWUC ll)11C( othlf eum1 " provided 11\etOln: St-.a2 =:.r .:!,..,.~.,.,.AtC .. ""CT• NTmclllle .,_.. 1*11 .,...... If MY· I.Wider the•----------Citftt of Ill ~ Mm l'TA~ --:"°=":T:IOUl=:::-_,=::,::•::•~N~~-I ...... .,_.,. Ind ~ °" lldl I--~~~~=~=--Plll>ll"*I Of'anOO COlll 0.lty Tiie fllllllltlll "'90lll .,. dOlllCI Mm ITA'W =-::' cli: r": .. et;J: 'lot· -h. n. 1'11 ---~ O.. NO t. aooo Tiie ~ ..... art oOine ._ tn.1119 Of-.d by Mid Died of NAm l'TATllm(T ~ HtrW ll\lid., .._ Ati4, Colla~~ 411 l71tt Tr111t. Tiii lotel eMCNnt ~Mid~~_.,..,. doil'I fWlJC M)l1C( -.,:Odlul1•_,. • tilt " 100 t..~ \ Ot1t1•111, ..... .,,..., n••AMtt' M +------""""'-----1 ....... ""* -1•. II tT • oom • i;;oot• .... ••llM•t-.11 , ... OfllfOH 1nd UNIQUIL.Y ACO TIO -· --· • ~ t1t11 ..... iA..M:.:iuw .._ IWC>fn't, MN,......, . ....,, .... =:er· -cten Grove. Jonet L)'nn A1kln•~n. t 711 '!"I 'tliiriOiitie Noloe,, la ~ IMltfl. CA ftt4t;~ ni. lll!lr 111 o 1 .-...DllOra .... 129,, =-No 11, N9wpoft-.....; _..,.., IA.-IAAA OAVINPOln, .... ._. ~. Glt-.n '0tcrte, L.we ~ ~ 111 !..~~ ~ .o, r.':!11 ~H~ ~:; ,... .. .-; c.:-..: •• ' •. , " ~ ~1. ~ '*"· ~.., ; °"~· ....... i.-. .......,.=_:t =· Tiiie ...,_la...,..,.,,• _,__at A;. •oUMTU ~=-="'la~~ 0., TI* • •• •• .. .. ....... r:::::::.. llulllllfMt' .. • 111\dMlllllll. ::'l~ .. or.we -.,,. ••• .... ... ... ... .. .. Tilil .... :1.:. :::: ... ~Oflft9IOilllc"= o:.~~~.. I ... ~=-°"""*~..i ...._ .Mf It. ._,._ •• ,..,-1; Pu-.. ..... Oi9"19 Coeit~O'tiiiY ._.. M ... 11'3-N "-t. I , 11:12, 1112 ~llolleel OrMC)O OOMI De!IY 11141 ........ 11,itl.•, 1Mlat7MI • f ' I U , f " I 0 R C 0 U A T 0 , "CTlTIOUI "'IMH PtBLIC NOTICE C~ IUtE ITAftMINT COUNTY M ~ Tt11 following peraon 11 doing ~~ 100 Ctolk c...-Ort.. ·-· bullllllS -~ ..,.... • .... CKU88Y'S, 2233 Fa11~lew 7'0CMcC-WDr.W ... Senta AN. CallfM1• a71t RoeO. Coste M .... CA 92628 P.O. h• -llA""'4QI! Of STEVEN A SHULMAN. 4002 ...... Ana. CA IZ1al PETITIONER: .. ARRY ROSE '!, .. 70t,C'YS(al Lane. Sant• Al'a. CA ~~C.."::°'i:· .. cm*'c . RESPONDENT: YOLANDA ROSE "" • .. I.IC. (l'AllllLY LAW) Thlt bu11neu 11 conducted by en CAOll, CUlllll IMIURAMCll CAii ~Data lnd1Yl<luef IOCll!TY, INC., • Wl1eo"1l11 MOTlCE Sl9vetl Shulman c • r P o r • t I o 11 , W I I TI " N YMI ...... "'°" ........ n.. _. Thie 111t_,1 wu flied 'ftllll the lllORTQAQI! CO"PO.-ATION, • ni., deolde ....,._. ,... ...._.. County Clarlt ot Orenoe County on callfo.llla oorpareltoll. OC.I .. ._ rour beln9 heer4 wnllH ,.ou June 30. 1982 lllchMllro. -. ... ON.I ,........ wtthM IO .,.. "-If lfle ''ft.504 .... Ila I...... P11bllltl•d Ortl'g• Coall Dally MOTIC~ .... ~n;:,. .... W )'Ml wtee; .. --tt1o Mwtoe .. Pliol, July 8, 15, 22, 29, IM2 Tiie _. Ml...._ ........ .. ....,_,In .. -cw.,.., 299M2 ........ ,;::'.,.. ....... -= .._ *' .. .,,..,...,".,... ,,_ Pllll.IC NOTICE ,_ ,........ wttNill so.,._ ..._. '°"°"" °' ........... ""'"'" ""~ ..... lie Med Oft ""'°' FICTITIOUS ....... If you wtli'I to Mok tf. 110v1ca ot u..M lie ~•do 11 NA ... ITAro.NT an 11torney In thll melter, you ..._.. -4ecWlr _.,. U& Tiie toilowll'g Pl'tonl er. doing "'°'*' do ao ptomplly eo that your ...--~ u wntten N11P011-. If any. "'9Y ~ .... 1u•111Ma • -.. Ud. WIHDSt.IP KITES. 629 Tlfm+n .. lllod on lime =--:--tN~dllo.LMla Wey, No 12. Coate Men. CA AVllOI U•t•d ha •Id• -a DR .,. --· 112827 ffnleftd~ l!I trllti.111t ,"'49 II U1t1d deu Hllolter el DOUGLAS AAY MORAN, ._., ~ Ud. 11111 • n• e ...... • IM ....... en .... 20402 ~ AVWIUI. S1111te Al\L ......... Ud. , .... : :: ........ a11111te, delterro tieaerlo CA 92707 •• ..._ "-•..., 11 ... • 11111 •U-tto. de '-'° W'lo Tiiie butlnetl le ~Id by In ...... w '"' Illa 1 •>•Ir" II '-' lndllllduef lll U1ted duH 1ollolter et lilt"'· .,.,.. "' ,...._.,"-• Douglu A MOl'an coneejo de un ~ en .... ~He RESPONDENT Thia •t•t-1 waa ftled wilh Ille 1tunto. deberl• llecerto ·The petitioner hu flied 1 petition County Cterl ol Orange County °" lmmecflallfl'IOllta. de •• manera, .................... -.....a~ 11-· ro11 Jutf 6, 1g92 "'~ ~ .... ....., ~ ooooer11 IQ your,._,._., ,_ ,, .. ,. puec1e -~a tlempo to Ille I reeponet wltllln 30 c:leyt of P11bllstoed Or•"ll' Co11t Dally 1 TO THE OEFEHOAHT· A c:MI the dat• thll 11111 summon• I• Piiot. July a. 15, 22. 29, 1982 ~t hel l>eW'I flod ·by tt)e MtV9d on you, your cWllllt ~ bl 2935-82 p111n11n ogemtrt you If you willfl to etltored end the oourt Ml)' enter I defend 11111 ~ You mwt wttNn =""~~~~.: PUBLIC NOTICE IO d1y1 •fler th'l• eurnmo11• •• .. ttd 'M:Tmoul MHMNlll Mrwd on you, fllo wtth ttlle oowt t prC>POftr. •POV.II eupe>0rt, Cn wrmen rlllpof\le to tho OOftlPlelnt cuttody, Glllld 1upport, •ltC>fttey ...... ITATEmMT Unltal )IOU do '° 'tOIJI ........ .. ,._, ooeta. and IUOfl othlt rellof .. The IOltowlng persona .,.. doing tit entered on -:....U·tlOll ol ... _ ""' lie .,.med by the eoutt. The bu..,.... u: _,....... .... prnlllliMt1t ol wegte, taMllO of ~L.~~~I( BAY PAINTERS. e10 ~-:::.court~·::i.c lnOM)I or PfOPO'tY, 01 otlllt COW1 _.. °"1tor Drive, Su"• t 130. ..---~ WI ttla = ~ wtlld'I llUtflortncl proooadlnge mey tleo Newport 8olch, CA tHeO. ,_,_,..... .,,. int-• • reault. LH1or'1 Me111gemen1 and could rHull C:."~~n1ant of Doted: M•Gll •• 1982 D•t• ltfVICH, Inc •• Callloml• ~lllf~el 'IQUll~ LU A. BAAHCH *'°'°'Ion. 110 ~ Center ~Ir " Cltrlt, OIM, .,... 1 l30, Newport 8ltdl. Oetecl ........ 21 1M2 9y NANCY WAOOONER, CA NMO. .....~ • Deputy Ttllt bu11nM9 11 oondUC!leO by a l.M A. lrendl. OWtl f>UbllltleO Ot1noo Co1tt Diii~ OOl'll«•llon. ~ 1'AU'M c~~Ti ~ Plot, Jli#t 14, 2'. at. Aug 4. 1M2 l.wr'1 M~t 6 ll'9t ~ ftW •W a 11MM2 °"' SorV10oe 1no. u.-. .... C£ -mi.=~·~ ':...t":.99· Pvbllthod 0r.,. Cw! Oalty ------------County Clttlt or Ore~ Coun~ on Plot,~ 11, 22. ». AUQ.. S. tta ----------•July 1. 1tta. 11~ . ,., ..... Publlthad Or~ Coa1t D•ll ~.JUtyf, t4.2t. , •• 1981 at7Mt l'JA~ 0. wmmMWM. 1-----------i,__ PMmU4 IP -.A,_ --fllCtmoUe ............. Tiie tollowlnt perton llu ......... geMrtl '*"* --tlla pm tn•lftlp .....-na ..., .. 11cm1ou1 tw1ln1a1-n1ma et CA&.tf.Ofll,H tA~C UUO OC*IVL. T~ • 1000 tiMMtlllr "'9_.,~ IML ...... ,,._. C........11104 Tl!• 11e1m ... , ltwa6ftell ,.... • ......... '°' ......... - fled °" .. 21.a lft • CNllr., ~ .. ~ .... ~T-.~ .-..:m.-e..a. ... ~:::-.­ '4M .. ~·fL-~ ..... ~ '· .. '·" ~ "'iK":' .... • ' , • 1 /\ N •• 1 . 1 . 1. N 1 Y , "1 11 1,, 1N1 A .i '> ( l N r '-> BY FREDERICJl SCHOEMEHL or ... .,..,,... .... Newport Beach-based AlrCal, the dominant alr carrier in Or ange County, has renewed legal efforts to reeerve lta share of flights from county government..owned John Wayne Airport. Two legal actions were initiated. In one, filed ln U.S. Diatrict Court ln Los AngelK, AlrCa1 demanded $100 million in compensatory ~es from the county over potential revenue losaes. AirCal. until JUne 1, controlled an average of 23.5 of the 41 jet departures permitted daily from the airport. Under an acceea plan adopted by county supervisors, AlrCal's flight guarantees are to be graduaUr reduced over a two- year penod. Under the flight re- allocation formula, flights would be made available to other carriers either wanting to expand or Initiate service to and from Orange County. ON THE A'M'ACK -Consumer advocate David Horowitz protests cutbacks in Orange County's consumer affairs office before the Board of Supervisors. The feder'at court action, • T he aecond prong of the airport officlala uJd, likely will AlrOll Jesal attack wu filed In be considered Aua. 9 at a hearina Or&l'\i• County Superior Court. on the controveraial alrpott ln that action, the carrier alleged accesa lllue. the county v lolated the At that hearing, Judge Terry California Environmental Hatter la expected to review a Quality Act In adoplinl{ the propoeed aettlement regarding a acc:e-plan. previous lawsuit filed by Pacific ln the atate action, the carrier Southweat Airllnea over the claimed that the county should access luue. h red tronm tal Air-Cal haa been critical of the ave prepa an env en Impact roport before the plan manner In which the senlement was adopted. wu negotiated, clalmJng It was not invited to participate in the County officials were not ne1otiatlons. surprlled by the dual legal .,.., .......... "~I( ..... TEMPER FLARES -Bruce Nestand~. chainnan of the Board of Supervisors, criticizes Horowitz' televised protests during heated meeting this mom.mg __ ·---·---------- Cuts spark shouting match San Onofre testing - seen soon A neatedSlloufing match erupted this morning as television consumer cru sader David Horowitz challenged the Orange County Board of Supervisors to reinstate funding for a $225,000 consumer affairs Pf"?iram. Tempers flared and tongues flapped after board chairman Bruce Nestande chastised H o row itz for recent commentaries on the board's action to disband the consumer affairs office. Horowitz interrupted -mslandeto charge Nestande with making a personal attack - an interruption that caused several other supervisors to JOin in what became a verbal free- for-all. "I despi se this kind of meeting," Nestande said after tempers came under control. "Hollywood hype" was the way Supervisor Roger Stanton characterized the Horowitz entry into the consumer affairs debaw. Last Friday, m a 3-to-2 vote. the board decided to disband the program. Herow1~ au.ailed the action in broadcasts Friday and Wednesday night. He also made statement• cntical of the board action to news reporters and returned to N~tande a board resolution commending him for his work on behalf of consumers. He reportedly kept the frame in which the Orang~ County board's document was delivered and said he wy going to hang It on the wall as a protest. Nestande challenged Horowitz to penrut him to come to NBC studios In Burbank to refute the commenta. • • move angers c1t1es Laguna, Newport eye fight of gas, oil probes By PATRICK J . KENNEDY MIM Diiiy ""°' Staff Officials of Newport Beach and Laguna Beach said today that it wW be tough to stop offshore oil drilling now that lnterlor Secretary James Watt has virtually opened the entire U.S. coastline to oil and gas exploration. However. officials in both cities say they'll consult with the state attorney general's office to seek ways to protect waters off their cities' coasts from what they say co u ld be environme ntally damaging ofbhore drilling. Watt announced a plan Wednesday that would offer-1 billion offshore acres in 41 sales to be held from August of this COUNTY year through June 1987. ''We're greatly disturbed because offshore drilling could seve rel y damage the enVlronment and tounst activity m Laguna Beach," saitl Laguna Mayor Sally Bellerue. · "The type of shore here is rocky with environmentally sensitive tidepools that are difficult to protect from an oU spill. Offshore drilling is something everyone in town ls concern ed with and united against." KeNleth Delino. assistant to the city manager in Newport Beac h , said Watt's "blanket approval" of millions of acres of offshore sales makes it difficult to argue against drilling In specific individual areas. Dieting vs. nutrition There's a difference between dieting and nutrition, says a Costa Mesa woman who once weighed 311 pounds and now wears a sire 12 dress. Page Bl. .. . BUSINESS . Tighi money hurts economy~-­ At leut one financial expert th1nka the Federal Reterve'• tight-money 1tance la 1tranallng the nation'• economy. Page C6. I "The way it's stru ctured makes it harder to deal with because he's opening up the. whole coast and has defused environmental consideration o( each tract," Deli no said. "Now we're in a guessing game with thtl oil companies because we don't know what area they'll be bidding on and it makes it difficult to mount arguments based on specific areas." Delino claims the new policy will make it easier for oil companies to disregard local opposition to offshore drilling. Since Watt first proposed 9Cl'apping the old leasing plan prepared by the Carter administration, he has been under attack from critics. NATION The U.S . Atomic aafety and Licensing Appeal Board haa rejected pleas to halt the full- power operation of the Unit II reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Wednesday'• action clears the way for a full-power license to be iasued while opponents of the plant continue their appeal, aaid David Barron, a spokesman for Southern California Edison Co., which operates the plant. He uid low-pOWer testing has been conducted all along and will continue. In making its decision, the appeal board held that emergency medical preparations at the plant In the event of nuclear disaster were adequate. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission , whose authority supersedes the licensing and appeals board, is scheduled to meet next wee k t o decide whether to ratify the licensing board's decision to grant lull· power permits for San Onofre Unit Il and a third reactor still under construction. Tam Carpenter , a representative of the Alliance for Survival in Orange County, said that group and other anti-nuclear activists have nearly exhausted the NRC appeal process, and are now pinning their hopes on the courts to atop the San Onofre nuclear power plant'• expansion. actlon1. And they were not pleased. • An aide uld Supervisor Thomae Ril ey was "disappointed" by the latest actions. "We have tried to be helpful to the Orange County firms. We have bent over backwards. Now they sue ua," said Ken Hall, who handles airport related matters for the supervlJor. ln both cases. AirCaJ IS seelung coun orders that would prohibit the county from further 1 ' . . enforcing the IKlCe9I plan now m effect. ' tf thoee orders were illued, th4' existing fllaht allocatfon1 of AJrCal and the other five carrier-. serving the airport presumabl)( would be frozen until the mtt1i. of the lawsuit• were decided. ln the put, AlrCal offlciaU have estimated that an lndividuaJ daily departure ls worth about ti million annually in paaaenge' revenue. ThP AirCal legal moves add yet another chapter to the (See AIRCAL, Pase A!) Irvine liails ramp meters plan for 405 Rush-hour traffic along the San Diego Freeway is expected to move a little faster through lrvine because of a state project to install ramp meters. For the next four months, state Department of Transportation ''We want to make freeway efficient." workers will put an meters at five northbound onramp locations, according to Cal trans engineer Harvey Hopkins. The effort to reduce bottlenecks along the busy freeway is part of pl a n eventually to install meters on all ramps in Orange County. Irvine officials hailed the project as a means of relieving Cit)' street congestion during peal< morning a n aTternoon rush-hour periods. ''We're all for them," said Public Works Director G . Brent Muchow. "We want to make the freeway efficient and get as much traffic on it as possible. "The m1 ·ters do improve the flow on the freeways." The S 160,000 Irvine area pro,JeCt andudes the installation of meteri. on the northbound onramps at Irvine Center Drive, Jeffrey Road, Culver Drive, Jamboree and MacArthur boulevards. There will be some ramp and freeway lane closures, although work is scheduled for periods when trafhc 1s lightest, HopkinB said He noted c.ar pool by~ Lanes w1U be added to the westbound onramp from Jeffrey Road, both onramf)6 at Culver Drive and the westbound onramp at Jambo~ Boulevard. The southbound onramf)6 in the Irvine area will have meters b-y 1""9tt. s-rid Ca+trarH spokeswoman Rosaline Velasco. Schmitz secluded; statement due By DAVID KUTZMANN Of !tie D.., ,.... SUit Silence greeted news media representatives gathered an front of the Spyglass Hill home of state Sen. John G . Schmitz as reaction was awaited from the Newport Beach politician m the wake of disclosure that he allegedly fathered two illegitimate children. A former aide, who said he had been in touch with the lawmaker in his seclusion, said Wednhday Schmitz told him he would com ment on the controversy as soon as he had resolved "family difficulties." Schmitz has not been publicly seen aince headlines began appearing early this week. following a juvenile co urt hearing dealing with one of the two childr en he allegedly fathered out of wedlock. With the exception of Wednesday's statements to his former employee, Schmitz has maintained virtual silence on the matter. The legislator lives with his wife Mary and several of his children in Newport Beach. The possible existence of a second INDEX family was disclosed Tuesday when Carla Verne Stuck.le, 43. a Republican party volunteer worker, was unsuccessful in winning back custody o f her 13-month-old son m court. Orange County Superior c.oun J\Jdge Wilham Murray ruled that the infant would remain at the :aunty's Albert Sitton Home pending completion of an investigation into injuries the child suffered which required ~'Orrective sul"gery to his penis. Another cou rt hearing is scheduled for Au~. 6. Murray said Schmitz had called him last week and told him he was the Cathei of the child. On Wednesday. Miss Stuckle claimed that Schmitz also was the father of her 2-week-old dau~hter. Both children according to birth records, were born a year apart at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange. The children are listed under their mother's maiden name. Schmitz' name appears on both documents as the father. although only the mother siped the birth certificates. (See SENATOR, Page AZ) At Your Service A4 Ann Landers 82 Inna Bombed< B2 Movies 84-5 au.me. C6-7 Mutual Funds C6 c.automia A5 National N~ws A3 Cavabde 82 Public Notkes C8,D2·3 0..Wed Dl.00-6 Spo11a Cl..{ Comb 0 Dr.Stelnm>hn 82 ~°"' 0 Stoek Marktta C7 Deetb Notkes C8 TeleviliOQ C8 Editorial A8 ~= 84-5 F.ntertalnment 84-5 A2 Hutwope 82 World Newa A3 SPORTS 1 L°R15" . n.. San Dl990 ere.k channel ta an appropriaie peth for & ma. t:l UM ln~ · IMnt, 1 lfftUll ha\11 dtddild. embers of the city Plannlfll Comm111ton have enaor.d the c}\annel u the preferred location for rat.ed trackl ot future tranait une.. probably catryina llaht rau ctda. ~Ahe commlaaloners had q'4ttUoned a ;xear ago whether the route, Included In the seneral pl an, waa really the beat alwrnative for the city. The plan calla for the line to run from the Newport Freeway alOna Barranca Parkway to the creek channel, where it would f~Uow the old water::lJ. to I.Mlle Center and, event y, a planned train-bus station just , Comml11loner1, however, noced that the line mlaht better .w Chi eiammunlty 11 lt ran ~ Main Stnet ra1htr than Satranca. TM Main Street route hu t;een Ngelted by Oranae Coun1)' TnNtt Dlltrtet ~ who •re 1tud yina po11tbl1 all1nment1 fol" a countywlde mail transit 1ystem. That route would more eaally connect with a apur al9na MacArthur Boulevard, leadlna to John Wayne Airport and beyond throu1h the h11hly populated Irvine Bu.ainea Center. The line, ~ to county plans, would 1top at ""MacArthur and Briatol. Cornmt.ionera 18.id it 1hould be extended to link directly with UC Irvine. Other recent acts by the d ty, however, have d 1mon1ua iecs chat erwu.rtns rt110n1ble Vafflc now alona fr.waya 1t1ll lakal precedence over mu1 trana!t. County plannau have announced that environmental 1tudle1 and analyaee of t.h" mus tranalt rout.ft may be delayed lix months to a )'Ml' btclu.. of a deciiJon by the ()ranp County Trantport.atton Commlulon to con1lder the po11iblllty of widening the Santa Ana Freew~y to a "full atandard" el1ht lanes. E:xperu aay a freeway ot that alae could be expanded even further, u1ing re1triping methodl, to 10 lanes -five each way. The freeway currently has aix lanes. The freeway widening iJ pan of the same package of proposed transportation improvements as th• m111 \iaNh •nwm. 'tbua, extend ed Um• to \uily t h• ftMway a1lo wUl a&OW ~ for m.ue tr&nllt. offlNll uy. Th• 1u11•1tlon to eximlne waya of wldenlnt tho freeway to 10 lanes wu ri\ade by Irvine offlctall durlna countywldt *hntc.l mMUJ\p to di9cUll the tranaportatlon lmprovemc1nt1. Tranalt plannera initially claimed a "•tarter line" could be complet.ed by 1988. The delay probably , would aet It back to 1989, at the earliest, plannent aay. No dedllont hfve yet been made by the co unt y Transportation Commlulon on the ICOJ>t' of freeway widening or tran1it linea. Environmental atudles and alternativee analyaes probably won't be ready tor decision makent until late 1983 or early 1984, aald Beverl y Kenefick, alde to the cornmilawn. .. Teachers reprimanded for TV critic!sm •The Coa.9~ Commun.tty College h"5 mailed notices of reprimand td 67 Orange Coast and Golden West College instructors who sijlned a le tte r criticizin~ the t"levision courses offered by a slater school, Fountain Valley- bued Coastline College. , The reprimands, ordered last w.eek by the district's Board of T.11ustees, have prompted an aI)lloClncement by the American Fe<ieration of Teachers, repr esenting full -time instructors, that the group will Hle a grievance accusing the ~ct of an academic freedom viol;ition. 'District spokesman Rlchard Simon said lhe reprimands were designed to exprem the "trUsteft" disapproval of the manner in which instructors took their criticisms about telecourses to education officials oustside lhe district. The telecourse letter was mailed in March to top officials at state and priv ate four-year colle~es throughout California. The ·letter questioned whether television courses are equivalent to classroom instruction in the same subject. even though both types of classes receive the same number of credits. The· 1etter prompted inquiries Crom officials in the University of California and California State University systems as well as from other tnstttut tons. The district hu ruponded by preparll\8 and malling. lengthy telecourae guidebook to tt)ose who received the inatructors' letter. Aocordi!ll to Slmon, the four Oran ge Coast professors who a u thored the telecourae letter have received letters of reprimand that will be kept in their personnel files for three years. He said these reprimands "leave the door open" to further dilctpllnary action. One-year reprimand letters were sent to 63 other teachers whose names were included on a list malled ~ith the original telecourse letter. ~\ i : •'" Continued stol'ies I .._· ------------------------------ Simon said the one-year reprimands are a "cea1e and desist" order, directing the instructors not to go outside district channels with complaints about television courses. The district spokesman said the adminjstration believes the teachers violated the rules of academic freedom and responsibility by taking their complaints to outside educators. ! ~IRCAI.; PETITION ... discrtmmatmg against certain carriers by not establishing policies to permit new entrants to the airport. At that time, only AirCal and then-Hughes Airwest served Orange County. AirCal possessed 27 flights daily, Airwest 14. But Phillis Basile, president of the local American Federation of Teachers chapter, said it is the district that is violating academic: fr eedo m guidelines by dltempllng to restrict teachers from speaking about education issues. I - lengthy saga involving J ohn Wayne Airport access. It was more than three years ago when federal officials claimed that the county was F ire m en battling aze in forest Tbe A11oclated Press Air tankers and more than 200 firefighters were battling a 70Jl-acre brushfire in the Klamath National Forest near the Oregon border torlay while oU)ers attacked a 150-acre brush and timber fire m the Mendocino Hills, officials said. The county liiitially permitted Frontier Airlines and Western Airlines to begin Orange County service with two flights daily each. Those flights were created by reducing allocationa of AUCal and the Airw~st successor, Republic Airlines. Last year, th e cou nt y permitted PSA to enter tht- rnarket. also with two flights. "We're not talking about a private business," she said. ''Ttus 3cr pubhc1~ by tax dollars " Mrs. Basile said the teachers' group filed a similar academic freedom grievance after the distnct allegedJy threatened to sue the four authors of the telecourse letter. She said an arbitration hearing un that matter will take place in :::ieptember Mrs. Basile also criticized the Beach is best T emperatw-es • Sunny and hOI '1'CoHlll high mtd-701, Inland 1'11d-90t CoMtal tow 65, lnl9nd 9J: W'1er 68. M1rln1 lor•c111 c1ll1 for 11tarnoon and night wHt•rly )lll'lnd• 8 to 18 knott owr 1nn.r ftt-. OtNnw!M, light Yatiable wfnd9 with IOUth-1 lwelll 1 to 2 I:: becoming eouti.iy 2 10 3 Ill• todey. • ~erty wlndl of 15 10 25 knots ,,.,., outer water• with 3 to &-fOol IW9lll Ftk Hcec>I fog and '°" doudl Ill• tonight and ~ F"rlday mofT\''lll· NATIONAL .. Lo Pct> Albany eo 46 All>uque 100 72 AmlfNlo 95 66 AsMl/tlHI • 86 86 2.56 Atlanta 92 72 13 ,Atlante Cty 76 62 Au attn 99 79 Balllmor• IM 91 8illtng9 M 67 8Wmlnghm ... 71 I 13 Bbmarctt 81 59 BolM 94 58 Botton 75 92 .51 BfownS\'tle 96 74 ButtM> 81 57 BuflinQton 7S 60 C81091' 100 71 Chlr~n SC 99 79 Chltllln WV ea 66 CMrlott• NC -89 75 ~ 92 59 Chlcego S7 73 2.04 Clnclnn1t1 90 ee Ciev.land 92 92 Clmbie SC 114 73 COlumbua 93 65 Dal·FI Wth 100 75 Oeyton 96 96 oen_. 97 91 Del Moin91 88 69 .01 0.trOl1 83 83 Oulu1h 7S 69 .oe El Puo 100 72 .06 Fll'go 81 55 Flagslalt 95 5.t OrNI Flll9 ... 55 HlrtfOfd ~:: Helena Honollllu u 71 Houston M 79 .21 =:"'MS 17 .. • 03 • 19 = 12 ,. .01 •t 70 ~ " • LMV..-109 15 Llt1il Rodi 97 75 .07 Louflrvlle It 73 27 lubboCll 84 n ~ .. t1 MIMll l'1 113 100 110 00 ,..._ .,,...,., Ser«• ..OAA U S Oeol OI C-"*ce Fronta: COid ..,. Watm ..., Occluded 9IP Stal.onary •• ,,,_ 100 66 Lancater 101 76 L09 Ar 92 69 Marya 98 Mont9'ey 6" 52 Milweult• 78 e5 I 59 Mpi..$1.P 83 87 ,..~ 91 12 oe ,.._ OrlMna 90 73 91 ,.._ Yor11 83 97 NMdlff 111 Oakland 72 56 Paao Roblff 102 S3 A.cl Blurt 98 ae Reawood City 72 56 Sacram.nlo 93 59 Sattnu 87 48 San Diego 83 70 San Franoltco eo 53 Santa lfarowa 78 57 Santa Marta 70 Stoc:llton lie Th«mal IOI Barstow IOI 77 Big S.at S5 51 Blahop " 57 Catlllna 7t '2 Long 8"dl ., .. Monl'ovl.I 103 t2 Mt. Wlllon .. 17 =:'Beecfl 76 N Ill 17 Pllm~ 109 '2 P...otM .. f1 Ben lamltdino 105 .. Ben JoM 12 ae Norfolk 82 ae No. Platt• 114 aa Oleta City lie 73 . 02 Omah• 87 es Orlando 92 74 .02 Phlladphla 93 83 ~ 108 99 PtttlburQh e 1 55 Piiand. M. 79 91 12 Piiand, Or• 76 52 Prcwtdenee 75 82 .25 =~ :: """° .. 50 Salt Lele• 100 77 8#1 AnlonlO ti TS . 14 ..... .. 52 ~-:= : ~~ " Lolllt " 72 St P:Tlll'IOe 112 76 c~ 8ellenlftlld 10S 71 ~ 1~ •• ~ -- lllf RIPIRT Smog :::r:. 1-2" 'itl J_,: a,., ft • 24 ft 1 ft 1 ft 1 ft 1-:! ft t4" Tide• .... TOOAY ~ IOw I·°' p.m. leooncl hlQll 11111 p m. ™' ._ ""t~~ • m • '"" 1111111 1t:d p.m. llooM toW .... p,m, ""tftsntct terr tnumT the reprimanda during the summer, wnen many instructors are away on vacation or are eng~<.'d In work or stu.dtea outside the district. Roosevelt's son endorses Pete Wilson SACRAMENTO (AP ) James Roolevelt, oldest aon of former President Franklin D. Roo5evelt. endorsed Republican Pete Wilson for U.S . Senator today. Wilson released lhe names of 99 other Democrats who he said had endorsed him. Rooaevelt, 72, of Newport !teach , w ho allo backed Republican Ronald Reagan for governor and ~ent, aald at a news conference Jtlat he was endorsing Wilson with some reluctance. He said he had been a "great friend" of former Democratic Gov. Edmund G . ''Pat" Brown, father of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. Wilaon 's Democratic opponent. "I have great regard for him (Pat Brown). but the record of his son is something else agam," said Roosevelt, a former six-term Democratic congressman and uns uccessful candidate for governor against Earl Warren. --i-mmK-Jerry Brown lost me when he sa1d he is for 'small lS beautiful,'" Roosevelt said "'That is impos&ble for the State of Califorrua. W e will never solve our unemployment problem with that ph1I010phy." R oosevelt also endor sed W ilson's position on Social Security. Wilson has suggested workers under 45 might pay lower taxes and re<:eive lower benefits, while t'hose over 45 would contin ue under the present plan. The system's deficit would be made up by general tax revenues. Wilson said that would aJlow younger workers to use Social Security as a basic retirement "cushion" while arranging for ,supplemental m come through private retirement plans. Wilson said he was not advocating making Social Security voluntary, rather than compulsory, for younger workers. • R006evelt, who said he was working in the White House when Social Sec-urity was adopted. said 1t was never intended as a \etal reurement plan. 0-. ............ FAMILY MEMBER -Jerry Schmitz, a 10n of state Sen. John G. Sclunltz, talks to newamen Wedne9day at door of the aenator •s Ne wport Beach home. Senator Schmit z baa remained in lleclusion and has made no public commen t since the latest tum 1n his controversial public career came to ligh t earlier this week . From f'.'age A 1 SENATOR SCHMITZ . • • Mary Kay Schmitz., the GOP lawmaker's 20-year-old daughter, said Wednesday the family In Newport Beach first thought ft was a j>ke when it was reported that Schmitz was the father of the baby boy. Later, the family became shocked when lhere were new revelations that he was also possibly the father of the :t-week-otd girl. "It was a shock to everyone," Mary Ka y said outside the family's Spyglass Hill home. Miss Schmitz said she had known Miss Stuckle through her vo I u n tee r wor k with the Republican Party. She said she also knew the woman had two young children. But she said it was a jolt to learn that her father was also supposed to be the father of the Tustin woman's two children. "We just thought it was a media prank at fint," she said. "I still think it's a prank." • seminar slated in i' lrviD.e Identifying stress and learning effective ways to deal with it is focus of a free workshop Aug. ·12 in Irvine'• University Community Park Clubhouse. The workshop, called "Personal Stress Management," Is sponsored • About 900 swimmers representing 110 swim clubs are 11et to converge on Irvine's Heritage Park Aquatics Complex Aug. 12 for the Older Junior Olympic• swimming competition. Partidpa.nta represent "the cream of the crop" of Southern California swim.men between 13 and 18, according to L ar r y B e idler,bead coac b for by the Family Services Urut of the city'• Community Services Department. Jane Tabmaa of Problem Talk Shop will conduct the seminar, whlch ls a:heduled from 7:30 to 9 p.m. To register, call 754-3814 before Aug. 6. Cypre11 Aqaat1c1. co-bo1t I with Novaquatics of Irvine . for the event. The competition will determine the best swim teams a n d swimmers in Southern California. Admission is 75 centa. The Junior Olympic Championahlp ia a stepping- stone for young California swimmers hoping to make the United States Olympic team in 1984 or 1988, Beidler aald. BRIDAL SETS MAKE A BRILLIANT DECISION . ror a dty with • national tatlon for lta careful land u.. . J>laruUna, Im~ hu embuked on , m unU1ual coww with itl new Home Improvement Center on Culver and Irvine Center drlves. • The City Council had ~ the r.ontna tor the retail rnt•r for specialty usea that ·P.'rtaln to do-It-yourself shops, nunerlel end the Uke. Then Irvine Company off lciala asked this pprtna that the center be allowed a • restri~ted clientele. The COW1dl Jut month agreed that uP-to 49 percent of the center a floor apace could be eornmf tted to other kinds of atores or offices. And ~lte protesta ~ .Jrom .neiahbora lnJ)eerf ield, council ~ ruled liquor and oonve(ltence stores co,uld be allowed If they pass a Planning Commlaaion uae permit review. Clearly, cities have ~ompelling reasons today to encourage commercial development, even if it means making last-minute compromises. In Irvine, for example, sales tax ls .. the lar1eat 1ln1le 1ource of municipal revenue. And offlclall are well aware of the common complaint that the community lack.a enoumi retail eervlces. But d\ere i1 another i11ue here that n eed1 examination. Councilman Blll Vardoulh articulated the polnt durln1 3 recent meeting by ct.iming that the large-scale modification• would da.ma&e the clty'a "r.ontng integrity." . VatdoWit had ar1Ued aaatnat the liquor and c:on~enee 1tore1, a poaitlon taken by members of the Deerfield Community Allociatlon, who objected to late- n1ght traffic on· their street.a. Modif~ the character of a shopping center may, fn many caaes, prove to be a harmless move that better accommodates economic realities. But when residents and neiahbors object, it seems prudent for a community to proceed on the side of caution. Otherwbe. the precedent is 1et for more drastic and leas public- splrited changes in the future: Cuts spark controversy What was e~ to be a 'quiet final year of a three-year contract in the Saddleback Community College District has flared into a bitter controversy, largely btlcau.e ot state funding cuts. Trustees enraged some Instructors recently by rescinding a 10-percent pay raise scheduled for 1982-83, citing state funding cuts to community colleges aa the RalOfl, At issue i.s a clause in the contract allowing trustees to .suspend a pay raise if there is inadequate state funding. Instructors say the trustees have violated the cla~ by not giving first priority to the ICheduled pay hikes. Instead, the teachers charge, trustees have spent money Improving ana eJtpanding fadlltiea in Irvine and Mimon \Tiejo. The offi:fal reaction of ..the a.odatian was to file a grievance with the achool board and to file an Wlfair labor practice charge with the state Public Employees Relations Board. But some teachel"9 say their peraonal re&Qtlon la a feeling of betrayal. Ihe acbool board ev~ the pay suspen1ion clau1e 'bf the contract following the announcement of the state Legislature's recently adopted budget, which cuts about '30 million from funding for the state's 70 community colleges. IC trustees reject the loca1 grievance and stay with their decision, the 1tate •board will schedule court•like hearings and make a binding ruling on the i,s.,ue. The ruling can be appealed in court, but PERB rulings usually are upheld. Realizing both the financial hard times facing public education and the Scheduled pay hikes, it ap~ the best~ution would be a negotiated comprom19e. A full. blown state heartng and pouible court appeal could further inflame smoldering bitterness. A comprom.i.le suitable to both s ides could smoothJ:uffled emotions and rekindle lfe past spirit of cooperation and teamwork enjoyed by the trustees and instructors. Cri~e prevention lesson Irvine residents have been given fair warning. Areas where both husband and wife work all day are prime targets for burglars. That was what Mike McCai:thy told citizens at a ·seminar in Turtle Rock last week. He ought to know . Theft, including burglary, was his profeaion for. 20 years. Beautiful, green-belted, seemingly aecure Irvine certainly qualifies as choice pickings for criminals who ply McCarthy's former trade. The dty has lots of households where everybody is gone all day at work. IrVine iSn't lmmune to crime. Unle11 1 Uong preventive measures are-taken, ~ will increue. & more and more people flee bit city crime by moving to pe~pheral areu, more and more crtnUna1a follow. There•a nothing left to steal in Watts, Inglewood and East Los Angeles, McCarthy' said. But, there's plenty to take in places like Irvine. The city has at least 100 burglaries each month, most of them in homes in broad dayliaht. In March. for example, 60 homes were burglarized compamd with burglaries of 28 busineaes and 12 vehicles. Tap community resources, said McCarthy. Plan now to thwart burglars before crime really steamrolls into Irvine. More burglaries could be prevented, McCarthy said, if more people took it seriously and reallied it could happen to them. It's tlme for Irvine residenta to get serious. Take McCarthy's advice. Start a good community watch program and get active. Learn how to prevent crime and do l!IOmething about it. ~ _L.M. -Boyd-I Age and politics The U.S . Constitution decrees nobody can be a U.S. senator until age 30. When that waa written, life expectancy w.1 onl?: about 30. Half tht peopfe wouldn t ewn live that laNr. Some fine minds wanted the age Unit Ml hf.Pr. ~trl arl'Ued it couldn't be set too much higher. rthere wouldn't be enou1h Uvina candidates ln the elder bracket.a to ~ the ~ 1UUJdeai cho6ca. Approxlrnately 1.800 northemen move eouth to the Sun Belt every day -ln hope of aettlnl a new criP on Ute. . Q. W• abOrtiori ~ lepl Ill over thll country? A. Urttil 100 yean •• yea. ' \ 0 D.C. • secrecy not consistent WASHINGTON -Some of the nation's most sensitive security doc;umenta are eo looeely guarded that one of my reporters has been able to walk in off the streets and pick them up. But let aomething tawdry occur, and, our elected leaders will pull up the coven. They'll invoke national leCUrity and reech for the secrecy stamp in an attempt to cover up the embarra9ment. They won't hesitate to uae the aecrecy stamp to cenaor the news. Yet they are much less vigilant when it c0mes to protecting the real secrets that could affect the nation's safety. THE WRITE HOUSE, for example, is the nerve center of the entire federal government. High fences, patrolled by armed men and sophisticated electronic devices, keep out intruders. Planes are forbidden to fly overhNd. Detailed pt.ans of the White House electrical, sewer and shelter ayatema could provide invaluable Information for spies. It would be like the Central Intelligence Agency getting ita hands on e~eers· drawings of the Kremlin. aome of these-llital documents have been literally lying around in non- secure offices inside the General Servic.es AdminlatraUon. They are Intended for the use of private contractors who work on White House projects, but anyone who looks as if he knows that he'a doing can examine them. and even walk away with copies. My a.ocS.ate Dale Van Atta, dressed in cowboy boOta, corduroy pants and non- matching jackei. viaited the GSA one swmy day and browsed around the area G. -J.---1:.-.-•• -1.-•• -. -~~ where the9e oontracton' documents are kept. 'There were no 18CU.rity guards. Nobody aha.llenged hbn. He had prevtously obtained a copy of an architect's drawing of the White Houae "underground utilities," stamped "For Official Use." He abo got a copy of an unclassified map titled "White House Grounds," showing the various ducts, conduita and manholes installed under the lawns and driveways around the executive mansion. But ~ real JMYdii t was locatl!d tn m unlocked file-cabinet drawer clearly labeled aa containing White House material. It was a 19-s~ collection of overslz.ed architectural drawings. which Van Atta spread out on top of the cabinet to study. No one questioned him; in fact, one government worker offered to Xerox the material for him. "Primary Electrical Systems and Shelter Improvements" was the title on the first pase, which was a detailed map of the White House sewer and electrical systems. It has the appearance of an aerial photo of the White House taken with an X-ray camera. . EXACT LOCATIONS and distances were neatly noted on the map -the protective fences, the red ash tree, the 60-foot burr oak, guardhouses, dralns, electrical conduits. high-water alarm systems, e'l{erything. The 18 following pages included schematic drawings titled Power Line One DiagJwns; East Vault and Shelter Power System Control and Instrumentation; Mansion Vault and West Wing Vault Power Systems Control and Instrumentation; Electrical Site Plan; Plans -East Vault, Shelter and Dabo Processil'lg Room; Plant - Mansion Vault, "We.st ~mg-Vault. Footnote: The Secret Service was appalled at Van Atta's easy access to the White Howie plans, and assured us the problem will be corrected Note of appreciation for Jerr,y Brown To the' F.d.itor: 1 get tired of reading F.arl Waters' lnaipld, abualve tirades against Jerry Brown in the editorial pages of the Dally Pilot. What vendetta does Mr. Waters carry against Gov. Brown? • Califom.la has pro9pered d\llini Jerry Brown '1 tenure as governor of MAILBOX Callfornia. Indeed. CalifornJa ranlu among the best of the states in economic vitality. Gov. Brown la one of the few major polltidanl who baa been able to meld a balance between economic strength. integration of minoritiea and women into our IOCial structure, and a concern for environmental valuea that are Important to many people. Aho, his efforts to improve the quality of education for our children, and hls abWty to carry out the will of the people are commendable attributes ln any politician. Flaky, Mr. Waters? Proaperity- Repre.entatton-Equa.llty-.Education-En- vlronment-F.conomy. The.e are 1oal.s that we tee achieved by Jetty Brown. We need Jerry Brown ln Wuhington u our senator. I hope that his suoce.or u governor wW do aa good a job u he baa done for the dth:ena of California. JAN n VANDERSLOOI', MD Seniors neglected seniors who live on fixed incomes such as Social Security, SSl and small pensions, etc. The recent general plan which took years to complete had many volunteer citizens who spent countless hours working on it for the benefit of Laguna Beach. Among other things its committees recommended the use of city-owned land for affordable housing and a day care center. To date all city co uncl\a have ignored the recommendatlona. ALAN E. ADAMS Dump lees hurt To the F.ditor: With reprd to the fees that (ll"e going to be charged at the dump: I'm a commercial U9er of the dump doing tree aervice work that involves quite a few trips to the dump. U I have to get charged at the Clump that means I have to charge additJOnal fees to the people who employ me. It seema ridiculous that Orange County, one of the richest counties In the nation, can't afford to have a Cree dump. la this the reaction of the supervisors to Proposition 13? STEVE STROMBERG Speed bay action this dangerous and environment.ally degrading condition caUled by the lack of long overdue care. We hope it will not take a tragedy in the silt-loaded back bay to alert these agencies to the dangerous and non-beneficial conditions that now exist there. THE TAXPAYER has paid for wtuit has developed into a "white elephant" and is running out of patience due to the procrastination. confusion and lack of attention to the problem that exists in the upper Newport bay area. The present silt removal work recently started in the extreme back bay is a small step in the restoration process, but only that. Assemblywoman Bergeson and Mayor Jackie Heather are to be commended for lhei& diligence and effort in getting this initial step started. A continuous and strong full-blown attack on this problem is the only thing that will save the upper bay, whoee life is alowly ebbing away. If the ~ agencies are at all concerned with saving one of our state's outstanding environmental asteta which Mother Nature ao generously bequeathed to the people of Orange County, then they had better expedite the development of an ongoing workable restoration plan, which ao far baa not surfaced. Gun control To 1he Editor; E.P. BENSON I know I speak for many citizena of the at.ate when f compliment the Dally Pilot and especially political cartoonist Oliphant for the fine cartoon on the July 115 editorial pace. I 'The sun control initiative la truly • threat to our rlahta under the Constitution and to our ablllty to defend ouuelvea and our famJUea. It la retr.b1na to .. ln the media aadl a Ume1y reminder of American valua Wll..LIAM ANDERSON I I I t ~ I I .......... --~------.......i----=1 I \ .. - I I 1111 I' . • • I :Watt's o1fsiQ~e move angers Newpor- • ' I By PATRICK J. KENNEDY OftMDlllr,... ..... Offlc:ial1 of Newport Beach and Lquna Beach aaid today that it· will be tou1h to atop offshore oll drllUna now that Interior Secretary James Watt · hu virtually opened the entire U.S. coastline to oil and gas exploration. However, offlclala in both dtlee My they'll consul\ wtth the state attorney general's oft1ce to seek ways to protect waters off • ·n.eir ciiiea' couta from .what they say could be1 :ftep~imands ~f.ollow :TV protest The Coast Community College has mailed notices of reprimand to 67 Orange Coast and Golden West College instruct.ors who si2ned a letter criticizin2 the television courses offered by a sister school. Fountain Valley- based Coastline College. The repnrnands, ordered last week by the district's Board of Trustees, have prompted an announcement by the American Federation of Teachers, represent i ng full -tam e inst.ructocs. that the group will file a grievance accusing the' district of an academic freedom violation. environmentally damaalng offshore drllllns. Watt annpunced a plan Wednetday that would ofter 1 billion offshore acres ln 41 aalea to be held from Auguat of this year throuCh June 1987. "We're greatly disturbed becauae offahore drilling oould severely. damage the environment and tourist activity in Laguna Beach.'' aaid Laguna Mayor Sally Bellerue. . 'The type of shore here ls rocky witn environm~ntally senaltive tidepools that are ditflcult to protect from an oil environmental CONllderatJon of aplll . Offahore drillina ia each trac\," DeUno aald. aomethlng everyone in town ii 1'Now we're in a 1ue11lnc concerned with and united game with the oil companlea aaalnat." because we don't know what Kenneth Dellno, aaistant to area they'll be blddlna on and It the city manager in Newport makea It difficult to mount Beach. said Watt'• "blanket argument• baaed on specific approval" of millions of acres of • attaa." offshore aales makes it difflcu.lt Delino claims the new policy to argue a1ain1t drilling ln w ill make It easier for oil specific individual areas. companies to disregard local :·The way lt'a structured op~n to offshore drilling. makes It harder to deal with Since Watt ftrat proposed because he's opening up the tCTapplng the old leasing plan whole coast and has defused prepared by the Carter admlnlttratlon, he haa been under attack from critics who charaed that his plan wu too ambftJoua and would jeopardiz.e en~lronmcmtally fragile coastal areas. De1plte the outcry. Watt refused to back down from the major thrust of hia April 1981 r.roposal -makin~ entire 'planning areas" available for leasing. In the past, leases have covered about 2 million acres each, but a planning area covers about 133 l!rllllon acres. Critics said such are¥ were too . Larae to make proper A1111e9111letltf of the potential hann to marlnt life and would result In leulnt envu'O~ntally 1enJltive tracta.; But Wan, In approving thf plan, aaid the country'• offahorf leasing pro1ram had an "excellent environmental anci safety record. New leasing will be carried out under rigoroui environmental controla to ensuri that the record will continue and be enhanced." Watt aaad the plan was aimed at revening \he decline ln energy production from offshore areas. Israel attacks enclave BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) Israeli jets divebombed Vasser Arafat's PLO enclave in west Beirut today and other Israeli forces attacked guerrilla and Syrian positions along the entire cease-fire line in eastern Lebanon The Israeli attacks followed the ambush-killing of five Israeli soldiers Wednesday District spokesman Richard Simon said the reprimands were designed to express the trustees' disapprovaJ of the manner an which instructors' took their criticisms about telecourses to education officials oustside the diatrict. ON THE ATTACK -Consumer advocate David Horowitz protes1s cutbacks in Orange County's consumer affairs office before the Board of Supe~rs. o.1tJ NM Pflotee 11J Ndlerd KoeflW TEMPER FLARES -· Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Board of Supervisors, critidU!S Horowitz' televised protests during heated meeting this morning. It wai; the worst fighting since a U.S.-spon.sored cease-fire was declared 12 days ago and was ordered at an Israeli Cabinet meeting Israeli leaders have grown impatient with U .S . efforts to get the Palestine Liberation Organization's estimated 8.000 guerrillas out of Lebanon and find a country to accept them. The PLO's Voice of Palestine radio said Israeli warplanes were bombing and strafin1 Syrian forces in eaat Lebanon's Bekaa Vallf y. about 20 miles east of Beirut. Israeli military officials said the truce line m the valley is 29-3().. mile& ~ -th.a-. Ul8 Synans and guemllas repeatedly violated Lhe truce. The telecourse letter was mailed in March to top officials at state and private (our-year collegea throughout California. The letter quat.ioned whether television counes are equivalent to classroom instn.action in the same subject, even thouah both types of classes receive the same number of credits. Shouting match erupts over cutbacks - The letter prompted inquiries from officials in the University of California and California State Unive~ity system1 as well as from other institutions. The district has responded by preparing and malling a lengthy telecourse &Uidebook to those who received the instructors' letter. ---------A heated shouting match eru pt-ed this morning as television consumer crusader David Horowitz challenged the Orange County B~ard of Supervi3ors to reinstate funding for a $225,000 consumer affairs P~· Tempers flared and tongues flapped after board chairman Bruce Nestande chastised Horowitz for recent commentaries on the boarcrs- action to disband the consumer affairs office. Horowitz interrupted Nestarrde to charee Nestande with making a penon.al attack - an interruption that caused several other supervisors to join m what became a verbal free- for-all. "I despise this kind of meeting," Nestande said after tempers came under control "Hollywooonype was ttre' way Supe1 vi:lor Rogtrr Stanton ~haracterized the Horowitz entry into the consumer affairs debate. .Last Friday, in a 3-to-2 vote, the board decided to disband the program. Horowitt assailed the action in broadcasts Friday and Wednesday night. He also made statements critical of the board action to news reporters and returned to ~mdl! a boa1d resoltttion cornmendmg him for hill work on behalf of consumers. He reportedly kept the frame an which the Orange County board's document wu delivered and said he was going to hang 1t on the wall as a protest. Nestande challenged Horowitz to permit him to come t.o NBC studios ln Burbank to rebut the comments. Ex-deputy's kidnapping ruling upheld According to Simon, the four Orange Coast profesaors who authored the telecourse letter have received letters of reprimand that wUl be kept in their peraonnel files for three years. He said these reprimands "leave the door open" to Curther disciplinary action. AirCal launches fight for air routes The kidnapping and felony false imprisorunent convictions of a former Orange County S heriff's Department deputy who admitted detaining women while on nighttime patrols have been upheld by a state appeals court. One-year reprimand letters were sent to 63 other teachers whose names were included on a hst maaJed with the orig}nal telecourse letter. Simon said the one-year reprimands are a "cease and desist" order, directing the instructors not t6 go outside district channels with complaints about television courses. The district spokesman s.aid the administration believes the teachers violated the rules of academic freedom and responsibility by taking their complaints to outside educators. But Phillis Basile, president of the local American Federation of Teachers chapter, said it ls the district that is violating academic freedom guidelines by attemptin2 to restrict teechere (See REPRIMANDS. Pase Al) COUNTY By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ofltle DellJ Piiot llaf' Newport Beach-based AirCal. the dominant air carrier in Orange County, has renewed legal efforts t.o reserve its share of flights from county government-owned John Wayne Airport. Two leg a 1 actions were initiated. In one, filed in U S. District Court in Los Angeles, AirCal demanded $100 million m compensatory damages from the county over potential revenue losses. AirCal, until June 1. controllPd an average of 23.5 of the 41 jet departures permitted daily from the airport. Under an access plan adopted by county supervisors, Ai.rCal's flight guarantees are to be gradually reduced over a two- year period. Under the flight re- allocation formula, flights would be made available to other carriers either wanting to expand Dieting vs. nutrition There's a difference between dieting and nutrition, says a Costa Mesa woman who once weighed 311 pounds and now wears a size 12 drea. Page Bl. BUSINESS Tighi money hurts economy? . At least one finandal expert think.a the Federal Reierve'1 tJ~money stance la Jtranglini the nation's economy. Page C6. or initiate service t.o and from Orange County. The federal court action. airport officials said, likely will be considered Aug. 9 at a hearing on the controversial airport access issue. At that hearing. Judge Terry Hatter is expected to review a California Environmental Quality Act in adopting the access plan. ln the state act.ion, the carrier claimed that the county should have prepared an environmental impact roport before the plan was adopted. CounLy officials were not "We have bent over backwards. Now they sue us." proposed settlement regarding a previous lawsuit filed by Pacific Southwest Airlines over the access issue. AirCal has been critical of the manner In which the settlement was negotiated, claiming it was not invited to participate in the negotiations. The second prong of the AlrCal legal attack was filed in Orange County Superior Court. In that action. the carrier alleged the county violated the NATION surprised by the dual legal actions. And they were not pleased. An aide said Supervisor Thomas Riley was "d isappointed'' by the latest actions. "We have tried to be helpful to the Orange County firms. We have bent over backwards. Now they sue us," said Ken Hall, who handles airport related matters for ttie supervisor. ln both cases. AlrCal is seeking DALLAs (AP) -A man wearing a bllick cape and motorcycle helmet crawled over the edp of the obeervation deck of the 700·foot Reunion Tower today and threw down paper airplanea beartna ~ wpig people to help crippled clilldren and tho needy. Let 'em eat crab A group of congressmen will be fed a crab dish p~red from food tossed out by a supermarket to call attention to food waste in the United Statee. P•p A!>. -Reasan blocks rail strlke----- WASHINOTON (AP)~ President ReUah-aiped an executive order today blocking a strike ~atehed Friday againat mo1t of the nation'• ~ f~h&. rallroada by 85,000 workera cov~red by the United Tranaportation Union. . Medtly lound in LA LOS AHG~AP) -A Md~ friitt ny. the llCOW'P ot om.la ~tun Jul~._.. found lD a ~ tree iii mi Urblirimd rlllicleUal netahborhood near Hancock Park. court orders that would prohibit the county from further enforcing the access plan now in effect If those orders we.re issued, the existing flight allocations of AlrCal and the other five carriers serving the airport presumably would be frozen until the merits of the lawsuits were decided. In the past, Airt:al officials have estimated that an individual daily departure is worth about $2 million annually in passenger revenue. The AirCaJ legal moves add yet another chapter to the lengthy saga involving John Wayne Airport access. It was more than three years ago when federal officials claimed tha-i the county was discriminating against certain carriers by not establishing policies to permit new entrants to the airport. At that time, only AirCal and then-Hughes Airwest (See AIRCAL. Pase AZ) INDEX In a ruhng issued by the 4th District Cot.rt of Appeal ln San Bernardino, justices unanimously agreed that the 1981 convictions of George L<?udermilk. 38, of Costa Mesa, should not be overturned. The opinion was wntten by Justice Robert Gardner, of Corona det Mar Keith Monroe, a Santa Ana attorney fepresenting Loudermilk in the appeal, said he will ask the court to r«'Onsider its decision. Loudermilk was convicted in Orange County Superior Court of three felony counts. The jury acquitted him on four other charges. During \he trial, the women testified that they were stopped by Loudermilk's patrol vehlde and taken to desolate areas. Ann Landen. Movi~ Mutual Funds National News Public Notk:ee Sport.a Dr.Stetncrohn Stock M.ar~e\I TUYiilon Th.eaten Weather World Newa SPORTS I l I I I IJ lf· IJ .. Df:BJ~ANN lllenc. :l'"\ecl MWI lfttdW l'eprtllnlaUV. pt.Mnd ln fraftt of~~._ Hill home of ttate :O.' lctiriU" .. rwtlon ....,_. frOm the Newpon pQlit.ldan ln \be wake ot d eclo1ure that he alle1edly fathered tw.o llle1Jttmate chOdiii\, 'A fonner aide, who uld he hild been in touch with the lf~r In hla 11eeluaion, •id \fedneed.ay Schm1u told him he would comment on the controversy as eoon u he had reeolved "fJmlly dlfflcultie1." Schmitz has not been publicly Hen alnce headllne. began appearing early lhi1 week, following a juvenile court hearlnR dealing with one of the \WO t'htldren he all•1•dl1 fathnd out oC w.dloc"-W H1' tht exception of Wedniiida)t'1 ftltemtntl to hill ........ ....... Schm1\I hu ~tallied1irlUal ldlence on the matter. · The ~ Uvtt wtth hit wtfe ?4afy and eev•ral of his children ln Newport BNch. The Demlble ~ of I llOOnd famlly w• dlteloted TuMd1y when Carla Verne Stuck.le, 43, a Republican party volunteer worker. w .. un1uccea1ful in wlnnln1 back cu1tody of her 13-month-old aon in court. Oran.14 Count~ Superior c.ourt Ju~ Wllllam Murray ruled that the lnfant woc.tld l'ema1n at the county's Albert Sitton Home pendln1 completion of an lnveatlga\ion into lnju rleJ ttl~ chUd IUU..... wt\lch requ1ncl cori'ic1Jw tUflM'Y to h1I p.nll. Another court h•arla1 la 1eheduled for Au1. 8. Murr•)' 11id Sohmlt& had called hlrri Lut week and cold hlm ht WM the father of the chlld. On Wednetd•.Y, Ml•• Stuclde claimed that Schmitz a1lo wu th• father of her 2-week-old da"-'ihter. BOth children accordln1 to birth recorda, were born a year apart at St. Joeeph H0tplt.al in Oranp. The children are l1ated under their mother'• mal~en name. Schmi~' name appears on both documents u the father, althouCh only the mother alaned the blrth certificates. Marv Kay Schmitz, the GOP lawmaker'• 20-year-ald daughter, aatd Wedneact.y the Continued stories REPRIMANDS GIVEN • • • trom s peaking about education 'i!ssues. ... . , ''We're not talking about a priv3te business," she satd. "This jf a public institution supported b.v tax dollars." Mrs. Basile said the teachers' ' .rroup filed a aimil.ar academic freedom grievance after the district aUegedly threatened to sue the four authors of the telecoune letter. She sai<1 an arbitration hearing on that matter will take place in AIRCAL PETITION ... served Orange County. AirCaJ possessed 27 fli~hts daily, Airwest 14. The county initially permitted Frontier Airlines and Western Airlines to begin Orange County Rrvice with two flights daily each. Those flights were created by reducing allocations of Ai~ and the Airwest successor. Republic Airltnes. L ast year. the county pe tmitted PSA to enter the market, also with two fliahta. PSA then aued the county, claiming that it should penn1t an increased allocation. It claimed September . Mrs. Basile al.so criticized the d is tric t for issuing the reprimands during the summer, when many instructors are away on vacation or are engagc..od in work or studies outaide the dl.slrict. ' that the county was attempting to "protect" AirCal by adoptine a plan that would have permitted the two dominant carriers to control 35 o f the 41 daily departures tor three year periods. That plan was subsequently dropped by supervisors. Ramp meters due for freeway S tate h op es devices will move rush-ho ur traffic more quickly Rush-hour traffic along the San Otego Freeway i.a expected to move a little faster through Irvine because of a atate project 1:0 install ramp meten. For the next four months, state Department of Transportation workers will piU in_meters at five northbound onramp tocat1ons, eccordlng to Caltrans engineer Harvey Hopkins. The effort t o r e duce bottlenecks along the buay freew ay ls part of plan ~ventually to install meters on all ramps in Orange County. , Irvine officials hailed the project as a means of relie~ng city street congestion durmg peak morning and afternoon rush-hour periods. "We're all for them," said Public Works Director G . Brent Muchow. "We want to makP thf'. ''We want to m a-Ire -fr ee wa y efficient." freeway efficient and 1et aa much traffic on it as possible. "The meters do improve the flow on the freeways." The $160,000 Irvine area project includes the installation of meters on the northbound onramps at Irvine Center Unve, Jeffrey Road, Culver Drive. Jamboree and MacArthur boulevards. There will be some ramp and freeway lane closures. although work is scheduled for periods when traffic is lightest, Hopkins said. - He noted car pool bypass lanes will be added to the westbound onramp from J effrey Road. both onramps at Culver Drive and the westbound onramp at Jamboree Boulevard. The southbound onramps in the Irvine area will have meters by 1984. said Callrans spokeswoman Rosaline Velasco. Beach is best T emperature8. NATIONAL Albeny Albuque SUmy end llOt Amat*> CoHtal high m1d-70a. Inland Mhrlllle "'1fd-90I. Coutal low 65. Inland AtlanUI 118. Water 68. AIJanlc Cty Marine forecaal calla tor • Auatln ·~tterooon and night wHterly BalllmOf• llllnd• 8 to 18 knot• C'<feir Inner 81ftlnpa W9111B. OtllerwlM, light vetleble Bin'nlnghm -4ndf wrth aout'-1 awelt• 1 to 2 Blamer<* ,ftet beCOm4nQ -.therly 2 to 3 BolM lwt let• today. Boatoo Nort'-lariy 1'1M• of 15 to 25 &OWNvte ,11not1 over outer -tert w4th 3 10 Buf'lalo &-loot IWllb. Falir exoept log and 8ur11ngton low cloud• lat• tonlgfll and Nt1Y Caper Fr1<11y mor,.1ng. cner11tr1 SC <t • Chetletn WV CNnotta NC E Cle¥eland Clmbia SC Colurnt>ua Oe'-FI W1h Oeyton DenWf Des Molnee Detroit Duluth EJPMO F•OO _a.gmn 0r .. 1Falll Hartford ~ ~ Hou91on lrldnaplll ... ., Ml ~ Kini City l(noll\ltll u.veoea Uttlt Rodi ~ Lutlbodl =- .. Lo~ 80 48 100 72 es ee M ea 2.58 92 72 .13 78 82 " 78 84 81 oe 11 ... 71 1.13 81 59 1M 58 75 62 .St .. 74 81 57 78 50 100 71 99 78 ea ee 119 75 92 59 87 73 2.04 90 M 12 82 IM 73 83 85 100 75 M M 97 81 " •. 01 83 83 78 69 .oe 100 12 .oe 11 55 15 54 tM 55 83 84 04 ee .. 78 14 n .21 87 ea .03 M 75 N 7t ,01, 11 10 N• 1ot 118 t7 75 .OT • 73 .27 ... 73 .. 11 17 13 Occluded W'IP Stationary • • Mllwauk• 16 45 159 FrMn<> 100 ee Mpll-Sl.P 13 87 Lancalter 101 78 ....,,.. t1 72 Of '~ t2 .. Newon-nt to 73 91 .. NewYont 83 87 Mont•9Y ... 52 Nott<* 112 ee NMdlea 111 No Ptall• e. ea Oakland 72 541 Ollie City oe 13 .02 PMO Roble9 102 53 Omahe 117 86 Red Bluff " ee Orlando 92 14 02 Redwood City 72 61 f'tllladpllla 83 83 s.cnimento 93 59 Pfloenlll 108 99 Saltn• 117 44 Ptttetllitft 11 55 ~Diego 83 70 Ptlllnd, 7t 81 .12 San Franctaco eo &3 Pllnd. °"' 75 52 Sal•t• tfflle>ara 71 57 PYqWM!a 75 Q .25 a.ma Mwtl 10 :'City "" Stocll1on oe t2 83 Thermal 108 Aeno te II() Slrltow 108 891 l.fM 100 77 Ilg 8Mt ea a.. AnlonlO .. 73 , 14 8llhop " ...... .. 52 C1tallne 7t =:1.: 17 T1 ie~ t1 16 87 /MtWllaon '-.( 103 at LOllll ~ 71 .. at P-Temoe 75 • Hewpof1 ....,. n Ontn · .. cAU'OMIA Palm~ 109 ~ 103 71 p~ .. ~ -lln lemltdlno '105 Eurtk• .. lln Joie 12 - 'soon' • fU.Wy ln Newport 8ltdl f1M thcJulht lt WM I ~ WhM l' WU rtDOl'\ld lhlt lthri\ita Wll the fat&er of the baby boy. Later, the f1mlly became shocked when there were new revelatlon1 that ht WH al10 poulbly the father of tht :d-week-.o&CS airl. "It w• a shock to everyone," Mary Kay aaid outalde the family'• Spyai.. Hill home. Ml11 !)chmltz aald ahe had known Mla Stuckle through her volunteer work with the Republican Par1y. She aald ahe aLto knew the woman had two youn1 chlldttn. But 1he said lt wu a jolt to learn that her father wu al.to auppmed to be the father of the Tustin woman'• two child.ten. "We just thou1hl It waa a media prank at flrat," 8he ¥id: "I 9tJll think it'a a prank." Mlaa Schmitt aatd her mother and father had apent the last three days "putting together the pieces themaelvea. When they're done -we'll have a little family (gathering)." She said ahe hoped her father wo~ aoon make a atatement abou1 the controveny awlrling about a family many time• involved in controversies. Roose velt's son endorses Pete Wilson SACRAMENTO (AP) James Roosevelt, oldest aon of former President Franklin D. Rooeevelt, endorsed Republican Pete Wilson for U.S. Senator today. Wilton released the names of 99 other Democrats who he said had endorsedlllrn. Roosevelt, 72, of Newport Beach, who also backed Republican Ronald Reagan for governor and president, aa1d at a news conference that he was endorsing Wilson with some reluctance. He said he had been a "great friend" of former Democratic Gov Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, lather of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., Wilson's Democratic opponent. "I have great regard for him (Pat Brown). but the record of his son is something else again." said R001evelt, a fonner SJX-term Democratic congressman and unsuccessful candidate for governor against Earl Warren. "I think Jerry Brown lost me when he said he is for 'amall-ia beautiful,'" Roosevelt said. ''That is impossible for the St.ate of California. We will never solve our unemployment problem with that philOIOphy." Rooset>elt also e n dor sed Wilson 's position on Social Security. Wilson has suggested workers under 45 might pay lower taxes and receive lower benefits, while those over 45 w o uld continue under the present plan. The system's deficit would be made up by general tax revenues. Wilton said that would allow younger workers to use Social Security as a basic retirement "cushion" while arranging for supplemental income through private retirement plans. Wilson aald he waa not advocating making Social Security voluntary, rather than compulaory, for younger work.en. Roosevelt, who said he was working in the White House when Social Security was adopted, said It was never intended as a total retirement lan. Dellr,.. .......... FAMILY MEMBER -Jerry Schmitz, a son of state Sen. JC\hn G . Schmitz, tal.kl to newsmen Wednesday at door of the senator'• Newport Beach home. Senator Schmitz has remained in eeclusion and has made no public comment since the la~t turn in his controversial pu blic career came to light earlier this week . Me·sa, ~ewport smog ra·nkings low By JODI CADENHEAD oni.. oa111 ,.. ...,. • Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Huntington Beach are ranked among the least smog- pro n e c ilies in Southern California by South Coast Air Quality Management District. Lut year the Coet.a Mesa area (that includes Newport Beach and Huntington Beach) had only o ne firi>t s tage smog alert, according to Jeff Schenkel. a spokesman for the district. By comparison La Habra had 15, Anaheim had five, El Toro had five. San Bernardino had 72, Fontana had 73 and Los Angeles had 65. "There's no question that the Costa Mesa area is on~ of the most smog-free areas we have in the South Coast Basin.·· Schenkel said. A~ releued thts-w~t>y­ the President's Council on Environmental Quality reported that Los Angeles ranked No. l among 40 citJes rated for dir~;­ a1r The n-port showed that Los Angeles had an average of 231 days of unhealthful air between 1978 and 1980. Di.strict offlcl.ala ln Los Angeles have criticized t he report for fai ling to note the progress that has been made dunng the last two years. "We never made a »eeret out of the facl that Los Angeles h.as the worst ozone problem an the state and possibly the country," sai~ Schenkel "But we're making headway." Schenkel said comparing the federal s tudy a nd t he s tate standards 1s like comparing apples and oranges. Southern California's district off1c1als call a first-stage alert wheilllle'OZ.Qn~ 'Teactres-:2& parts per million ; the federal standard ia .12 parta per million. Onofre low-pow-er tests due Sunday The U.S. Atomic aafety and Licenalng Appeal Board haa rejected pleas to halt the full- power opetation of the Unit II reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Wedne9day'a action clears the way for a full-power Ucenae to be issued while opponenta of the plant continue their ap~. said David Barron. a spokesman for Southern California F.diaon Co., which operates the plant. He aaid low-power testing has been conducted all along and will continue. In making Its decision, the appeal board held tha t emergency medical preparations at the ~lant in the event of nuclear disaster were adequate. The U.S . Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ss1on. whose a uthority supersedes the licensing and appeals board, is scheduled to meet n ex t week to d ecide whether to ratify the licensing board's decision lo grant full- power permits for San Onofre Umt TI and a th.ird reactor still under construction. Tim Carpenter , a representative of the Alliance for Survival in Orange County, said that group and other anti-nuclear activists have nearly exhausted the NRC ap~ process. and are now pmrung their hopes on the courts to stop the San Onofre nuclear power plant's expansion. BRIDAL SETS MAKE A BRILLIANT DECISION. i. 11Not next door to me" seemed to b4t the reaction thlt week from Costa Mesa homeowners faced with the proapect of a 36-unit senior houalna project at 183 E. Bay Street The Colta Mesa City Council approved the project, but not before listening to more than an hour and a hall of objections from nearby residenta. It wasn't 90 much the complex they were ~ ''How can you object to Mom and apple pie?" ed one protester They were ;/,raid that t1'e cnanee in clenall)' fram iinale f amlly to planned developmellt residential would set a precedent. But they were also afraid elf change. As City Councilwoman Nonna Hertzog pointed out, "We would like to see things stay the way they were when we came here." But oonditions have 'changed: The average price of a home in the city 10 years ago was not $134,000. Twenty years ago the city's elderly population was not crammed as 40 percent are today into a six-square-block low-income area between 19th Street. Victoria Avenue, Placentia Avenue and ,. Newpon Boulevard. Thirty ~an ago the city's vacancy rate was higher than one-half percent. A one-bedroom apartment for $3'00 WH not considered a steal. These are the changea that the Rev. Conrad Nordquiat aaw four ~ ago wheJ\ hct began talking 'to city officials about the critical housing problem faelng senior citizens. Afu.r three years of hard work the project at St. John tht Divine lplacopal Church was awarded a $1.2 million grant from Uae fe<Ural Depactiuent of Housi.ng and Urban Development. It was one of three in the county to be funded last year during a time when many deserving groups were scrambling for far fewer available dollars. No one can blame the nearby residents for wanting thing, to stay the same. That's a universal desire. But tbe church is only reacting to a change that we are grateful they chose not to ignore. Perhaps some people who now protest nught ilOl1le day be living in the federally sublfdized project. These are uncertain times. Trash-burning study Officials in Newport Beach and Costa Mesa are studying the possibility of building refuse- burning power facilities in their cities in the wake of Orange County government's decision to impoee dumping fees at the county landfills. Robert Wynn, city manager for Newport Beach, said that it would cost $12.5 million to build a trash and sewage burning plant capable of handling the city's daily 100 to 150 tons of trash. Newport Beach could expect to recover $885,0CJO during the first yur from the conversion of tt'Uh to electricity that would be sold to the Southern California Edison Co. In Colt.a Mesa. officials are givfn,g serious consideration to. such a facility. but haven't completed a preliminary study such as Newport Beach. The question m ~both cities is goin( to be, where? ~lins for a ref use-burning facility to be built near a residential area in Huntington Beach went up in smoke when neighbors vehemently protested. Provided such a facility would be neither a pollution problem nor an eyesore, the concept would seem to have considerable potential. With the closure or Coyote Canyon landfill looming , suggestions for trash-burning facilities might begin to look more attractive. Perhaps Newport Beach. Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach could consider one Cacility that all three cities could use. That would reduce the coat and the problem of &ming up wit1\ thfte acceptable sites. But again. the basic problem is going to be locating any acceptable site. No city is grung to want to be the one burdened with the trash burner and residents are sure to protest the daily truck traffic. Refuse-burning power plants are a solution to a problem that will not go away. The concept is worthy of continu~ open-minded study. College offerings cut · The Coast Community College District was dealt a serious blow, Chancellor Norman E. Watson has declared, by state legislators who cut $30 million from the budget for California's 106 oommunity colleges. A. a result of this cut, the commwlity college system's board of pemors last week approved a "hit list" of vocational, rec!reatlonal and self-help couraes that would no longer be . funded. Though colleges can continue to offer traditional academic and vocational courses tuition-free, the>' wm have to chaf'ge aelf- sustaining fees if they choose to offer topics such as assertion training, auto repair and dancing. The Coast District, which tnctudea Orange Coast, GoJcten West and Coastline colleges, will feel the pinch most significantly because it has traditionally offered many such self enrichment progrmm. As a result of the state cutbeck, the Cout District's,._ alloca1'on w• cut by about t4 million. Wmon said. Allo, perhape 1,000 part-time lnlt.ructon will no Jonier have jobl ln the diltrld t!UI fall. Finally, about 45,000 fewer itudent ttall will be available at the dl1trlct'1 colle1ea. (Each st'*nt ~nta tor one student seat in each class he or she attends.) While the news is Indeed unfortunate, it should oome as no surprise. State legislators cut aid to cities, to social letVices and to kindergarten throuah 12th grade education in order to balance the state budget without tax increase. In light of this, community colleges should not be a sacred cow. When there lf\ scarcely enough money to educate children in the basics, it ia difficult to justify state subsidies to adult hobby counes. It is unfortunate that the ''hit list" decision had to be made at such a late date. At Orange Cout CoUege, about 16,000 students have already pre-reeistered for fall cJ,aaaes. Many of these classes now have-fallen victim to the "hit list," creating costly administrative problems for the registration staff. Comm\lnlty colleges may never again be able to off er u extenliw an aJTay of counet at little or no charge. But educators and la.wrnakeu mYat work together now to devtlop new methodl of fundina arid operating the coll~. Wbedier' throU&h tuition or aom• other meant, the 1y1tem JftUI\ be Ntriitt&irid bifCft next 1ftl!I!.• ~ rOUi ll&»id to dee! even baraher Wowt to theH valuable~~~· " £__1 D.C. • • • secrecy not consistent WASHINGTON -Some of the nation's moat sensitive security documents are so loosely g\Wded that one of my reporters has been able to waJk In off the streets and pick them up. But l~ axnething tawdry occur. and our elecied leedera will pull up the rovers. They'll invoke national eecurity and reach for the secrecy swnp In an attempt to rover up the embarrassment. They won't hesitare to use the secrecy stamp w cel)IOr the news. Yet they are much }ell vigilant when it comes to protecting the real secrets that could affect the nation's safety. THE WHITE HOUSE, for example, is the nerve center of the entire federal government. High fences, patrolled by armed men and sophisticated electronic devices, keep out Intruders. Planes are forbidden to fly overhead. Detailed plans of the White House electrical, sewer apd shelter systems could provide lnvah.labJe infonnation for spies. It would be l!ke the Central Intelligence Ageocy getting its hands on -engi.'l\ee,.• drawl.~ \he KA!mlinr Yet IOf1le of vital documents have been literally lying around in non· secure officesJ inside the General Services Adm1m1trahon. They are intended for the use of private contractors who work on White House projecta, but anyone who looks as if he knows that he'• doing can examine them. and even walk away with copies. My associate Dale Van Atta, dressed in cowboy boou, corduroy pants and non- mall:hing jacket, visited the GSA one sunny day and broWled around the area Q -JIC-1-11-111-11-1-~ where these contnictors' docwQents are kept. There were no aecwity guards. Nobody challenged him. He had previously obtained a copy of an architect's drawing of the White HOU8e "underground utilities," stamped "For Official Use."jie alao got a ropy or an unclassified map tilled "White House Grounds," showing the various ductJI, condwts and manholes installed under the lawns and driveways around the fllee\.t~~. But the real paydirt was located in an unJocked file-cabinet drawer clearly labeled as containing White House material. It wa a 19-sheet collection of oversized architectural drawmp. which Van Atta spread out on top of the cabinet to It.Udy. No one questioned him: in fact. ooe go~t worker offered to Xerox the material for him "Primary Electrical Systems and Sheher Irnprovementa" was the title on the fint page. which was a detailed map of the Whi t.e House .ewer and electrical systems. It has the appearance of an aerial photo or the White House taken with an X-ray amera. EXACT LOCATIONS and distances were neatly noted on the map -the protective fences, the red ash tree, the 60-foot burr oak, guardhouses, drains, electrical conduits. high-water alarm systems. everything. The 18 following pages included schematic drawings titled Power Line One Diagrams; F.ast Vault and Shelter P o w er System Control and Instrumentation; Mansion Vault and West Wing Vau)J Power Systems Control and lnstrumentanon: Electrical Site Plan, Plans -East Vault, Shelter -arn:t-£>atr Pa ocessi:ng Rooni:-.Ptans - Mansion VauJt. West Wmg Vault Footnote. The Secret Service was appalled at Van Atta's easy access to the White House plans, and assured us the problem will be corrected Note of appreciat~on for Jer.ry Brown To the Edi tor. I get tired of reading f.arl Waters' insipid, abusive tirades against Jerry Brown in the editorial pages of the Daily Pilot. What vendetta does Mr. Waters carry against Gov. Brown? California has prospered during Jerry Brown's tenure as governor of MAILBOX California. Indeed.· California ranka among the best of the states in economic vitality. Gov. Brown is one of the few major poUtidam who has been able to meld a balance between economic stnmgth. integration of minorilies and women into our 10Cia1 structutt, and a concern for environmental value1 that are important to many people. AW, his efforts lo improve the quality of education for o\1t children, and his ability to carry out the will of the ~le are commenda6le attributes In any politician. Flaky. Mr. Watera? Pro1perity· Repraentatlon-F.quality-F.ducation-En- vlronment-Economy. 1'hne are goals that we see achieved by Jerry Brown. We need Jerry Brown ln Washington u our 1enator. I hope that hll ~ u governor will do aa ~ a job u he has done for -the dtiiena of Catif ornia. JAN D. VANDERSLOC11', MD Seniors neglected , seniors ~ho hve on ri><ed 1noomes such as Social 5ecurity. SSl and small pensions, etc. The recent general plan which took years to complete had many volunteer citizens who spent countless hours working on ll for the benelil of Laguna Beach. Among other things its committee• recommended the use of dty-owned land for affordable housing and a day care c:enwr. To date all city counclls hav• Ignored the ~tlonl. ALAN E. ADAMS DUmp lees liurt To the Editor: With ~ to the fees that are going to be charged at the dump: I'm a commercil1 Uler of the dump doing tree service work that involves quite a few trips w the ,dump. 1f I have to get charged at the dump that means I have to charge additional fees to the ~le who employ me. It seems ridiculous that Orange County. one of the richest counties in the nation, can't afford to have a free dump. ls this the reaction of the supervisors to Propolil!Qn 137 • STEVE STROMBERG Speed bay action this dangerous and environmentally degrading condition caused by the lack of long overdue care. We hope it will not take a tragedy in the s11t-loaded back bay to alert these agencies to the dangerous and non-beneficial conditions that now exist there. ,.. THE TAXPAYER has paid for what has cfeveloped into a "white elephant" and is running out of patience due to the procrastmation, confus1qn &..'\d lack of attention to the probleril that eX\Sts m the upper Newport bay area. The present silt removal work recently started In the extreme back bay Is a smaJJ step in the restoratlon J>l'OCC!S'. but only that. Assemblywoman Bergeson and Mayor Jackie Heather are to be commended for their dillgmce and effort in getung this tnitiaJ step started A continuous and strong full-blowo attack on this problem is the only thing that Will save the Upper bay, WhOle llfe is slowly e6bing away If the government agendes are at all concerned With •vine one of our stat.e's outstanding environmental assets which Mother Nature 10 1enerously bequeathed to the people of Orange County, then they .had better expedite the development of an ongoing workable· restoration· plan, which 10 far has not surfaced. Gun control To the Editor: £.P. BENSON I know 1 speek for many citiz.eN of the state when f compliment ~ Daily Pilot and eapeclaJly political cartoonist Oliphant for the flne cartbon on the July 15 editorial pace. h1lie IUTI rontrol initiative II truJy a t reat to our rl1hts under the ConltltuUon and to our ability to defend outseJvea and our famUIH . It 11 refnthlnl to tee in the media such a timely mnlnder of AIMri<*n valuea. WlLLIAM ANDERSON • 1 Watt'$ o lsia.,e m.o v:e ang~rs Newpor~ I ~ PATlllCll ~ l.ENNIEDY en v Iron menta 11 Y d • m •1•n1 dllllclllt to ........ lmn an oil environmental "'nalderatlon ol admlnl1tr1tlon he hH been 1ar1e io m1ke proper _ ....... bifl:a:-'of Newpor\ Beach of~h~ da~unced a Ian ~~1~,!hhore drintlllna 1.~ ~Ncnct," I?ellno1 Mid. under Utac.k f~m critics who of the potent.I.al harm to manM and Laawia BNCh Mid toda Wed eida tha 1d ~ ... everyone town .. ow we re n a 1ue11tn1 charftd that hls plan wu too life and would result. in leuint that It wU1 be t.oUah to •to~ billlo~ of~ ~in :1' :ie! co::[!.'ed wtih and united l•l'.M with the ~ll compan1n ambftlou. and would jedpardlr.e environmentally .ensltiw tract.. otfahore oil drlllln1 now that to be held from Auauat of this AIK · th Dellno ~•-bec•~M 1Jebed~~ t know what environment.ally fragile coastal But Watt, m approving the Interior Secretary James Watt •'--·•"' J 1087 enne • -tant to area ey 1nddJnc on and lt aroa. plan, uJd ihe country'• off1hore hu virtuall '*1 h year 04 ":-.• une ' the city manwer tn NewP'.C)rt makH lt difficult to mount Oesplte the outcry Watt Jeaslni program had an U.S. coaatt1n:~o ollt aendn::a ~~ r~tffl~tlW~~u~:l~ Beach~~att mi'~u·a ·;blank•: •r1u'!';'eni. baaed on specific refu.ed to back d~wn f~m the "excellent environmental and exploration l d h approv 0 .... ona 0 IKlres 0 .,..,., major thrust of h111 Aprfl 1981 safety record. New leaaina wlU H · •ever e 'I am• i e t . e off1hore aalea makee lt difficult Dellno claims the new policy P.ropoaal -making entire be carried out under riBoroua dU;-:_;v~y'~=t ~i:~ rn"L:>nmen~ ~wilt activtty to ara~e !l8aln1t drllllna in wUI make h easier for oil 'planntna areas" available for environmental controls to ensure 1tate attorney general's off.ice to ~ SU&iJ ·s.~uid Laguna •~iflc indivld~ areu. companies to diareeard loc•l Jeutna. In the put, leases have that the record will continue and k w ff ~yor Y · • The way It 1 structured op~tion to offshore drillln•. covered about 2 mllllon acres be enhanced." lff a)'.S ~ protect waters 0 'The type of ahore here la makes lt harder to deal with Since Watt f1rat propo1ed uch but a planning area covers Watt aaid the Jan was atmed ~hhe~ cltiea coasts fr~d w~at rocky with environmentally because he'a openln1 up the acrapplnc the _Qjd leuing plan about 133 million acres. at reversina the /edine in energy Y aay cou e sen1itlve lid!poola that.Jlre wbole.c.oaalJUid hu defwled prepared b y the"CRrter CripctaidNChareasweretoo product1onfromoffshoreareaa. Reprimand~ I follow !:! TV pfotest- The Coast Community College has mailed notices of reprimand to 67 Orange Coast and Golden Weal College instructors who Sillned a letter cri ticizinll the television courses offered by a sister school, Fountain Valley- ba.sed Coastline College. The reprimands, ordered last week by the district's &ard of Trustees, have prompted an announcement by the American Federation of Teachers, representing full-time instructors, that the group will file a grievance accusing the district of an academic freedom violation. District spokesman Richard Simon said the reprimands were designed to express the trustees' disapproval of the manner jn which instructors took their criticisms about telecourses to education officials oustside the district. .. ON THE A TT ACK -Conswner advocate David Horowitz protests cut backs in Orange Cotmty's consumer affalnl office before the Board of Su pervisors. ...., ,... ...... "' ........ "...., TEMPER FLARES -Bruce ?:iestancle, chainnan of the Board of Supervilors, critidt.el Horowitz' televised protests dW'inl heated rneetma this morning. Israel' attacks enclave BE!RUT, Lebanon (AP) lsraeh .iets divebombed Vasser Arafat's PLO encl.ave in west Beirut today and other Israeli forces attacked guerrilla and Syrian positions along the entire cease-fire line in eastern Lebanon , The lsrael1 attacks followed the ambush·killing of five Israeli soldiers Wednesday. It wai: the worst fighting since a U.S.-sponsored cease·fire was declared 12 days ago and was " ordered at an Israeli Cabinet meeting Israeli leaders have grown 1mpat1e nt with U.S . e fforts to get the Palestine Libera lion Organization's estimated 8,000 guerriJJas out of Lebanon and find a country io accept them. The telecourse letter was mailed in March to iop officials at state and private four-year colleges throughout California. The letter questioned whether Shouting match ePupts over cutbacks The PLO's Voice of Palestine radio said lsraP.li warplanes were bombing and s trafing Syrian forces in east Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. about 20 miles east of Beirut. Israeli military officials television COW1lel are equivalent A heated shouting match commentaries on the board's ~.01orin-1-u~·nr-t:tth"'--l!""ru ...... p..,t""e"''d-tf"'lh-1s.--.m-o,..r...,n,...l""'t1rg•r-i;a.,11.-~actt""'O"hr-fiWl"l"""dtsblmd lhe-contanr- same subject. even thbugh both television consumer crusader affairs offia!. types of classea receive the same David Horowitz challenged the Hor ow i t z i n terr up t e d number of credit.11. Orange County a ·oard of Nestande to charge Neatande The letter prompted inquiries Supervilors io reinstate funding with making a personal attack - from officials in the University of for a $225,000 consumer affairs an interruption that caused California and California State prog,am several other supervison to join Unlver"ifty sy1tema as well as -· in what became a verbal free- from other institutions. The Tempers flared and tongues for-all. district has responded by flapped after board chairman "I despise this kind of preparing and mailing a lengthy Br~ce Ne~tande ~haatlsed meeting," Neetande tteid after telecourse guidebook to those H o r o w i t z f o r r e c e n t tempers came under control. who received the instructors' letter. "Hollywood hrJ;" waa the way-&lpetviiOi' e Stanton -character ised the Horowitz entry into the consumer affairs debete. Lut Friday, in a 3-t.o-2 vote, the board decided to disband the. program. Horowitz assailed the action In broadcasts Friday and Wednesday night. He also made statements critical of the board action io news reporters and returned to said the truce line in the valley is Nestande a board r~solu1i~5.:.:10 milea.Jon& iDd Lb.aLihe-- 0ommtria"mg rum lOr his work on Syrians and guerrillas repeatedly behalf ot consumers. violated the truce He reportedly kept the frame in which the Orange County boerd'a document was deJavered and said he waa-gomg io hang it.- on the wall as a protest. Nest.ande chaJJertged Horowitz t::> permit him io come to NBC atud1oa ln Burbank to rebut the comments. E x -de puty's kidnapping ruling -uphe ld According io Simon, the four Orange Coast professors who auth ored the telecourse letter have received letters of reprimand that will be kept in thelr peraonnel files for three yean. He said these reprimanda "leeve the door open" io further di9ciplin.a.ry action_ AirCal launches fight for air routes The kidnapping and felony false imprisonment oonv1et1ons of a Corm e r Orange County Sheriff's Department deputy who admitted detaining women while on nighttime patrols have been upheld by a state appeals court One-year reprimand letters were sent to 63 other teachers whose names were included on a list mailed with the orig_inal telecourae letter. Simon said the one-year reprimands are a "cease and desist" order, directing the instructors not to go outside district channels with complaints about television counres. The district spokesman said the administration believes the teachers violated the rules of academic freedom and responsibility by taking their complaints to outside educators. But Phillis Basile, president of the local American Federation of Teachers chapter, aald it is the <tiatrict that is Violating academic freedom guide l ines by <tttemptinJi( to restrict teachers (lee REPRIMANDS, Pase Al) COUNTY BY FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or ... o.., Not • ..,. Newport Beach-based AirCal, the dominant air carrier in Orange County, has r:enewed legal efforts to reserve lta share of flights from county government-owned John Wayne Airport. Two legal actions were initiated. In one, filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. AirCal demanded $100 million in compensatory damages from the county over potential revenue loaes. AirCal, until June 1, controlled an average of 23.5 of the 41 jet departures permitted daily from the airport. Under an aoctW plan adopted by county supervison, AirCa.l's fli1ht guarantees are to be gradually reduced over a two- year period. Under the flight re- allocaUon formula, flights would be made avallabl e to other carriers either want.in$( to expand Dieting vs. nutrition There'a a difference bet ween dletlng and nutrition, says a Coata Mesa woman who once weighed 311 pounds and now wean a aif.e 12 drea. Page Bl. BUSINESS I or Initiate service to and from Orange County. The federal court action, a1rport o1ticials uid. likely will be considered Aug. 9 at a hearing on the controversial airport access issue. At that hearing, Judge Terry Hatter is expected to review a California Environmental Quallty Act In adopting the access plan. 1n the .Ute action. the carrier claimed that the county should have prepued an environmental impact roport before the plan was adopted. County officials were not "We have bent over backwards. Now they su e us." proposed settlement regarding a previous lawsuit filed by Pacific Southwest Airlines over the 8C<.'eSS is.sue. AiICal has been critical of the manner in whith the settlement was negotiated, claiming it wu not invited to participate in the negotlatlons. The 1econd prong of the AlrCal legal attack waa filed ln Ortnge County Superior Court. In that actfon, the carrier aIIegt!Q the county violated \h e NATION surprised by the dual legal actlon1. And they were not pleued. An aide said Supervl"Sor Thomas Riley was "disappointed" by the latest actions. "We have tried to be helpful to the Oranae County flnns. We have bent over backwards. Now they 1ue us,'' said Ken Hall, who handles airport related matiers for the IUpervilor. ln both cues. A1rCal la seeking court orders that would prohibit the county from further enforcing the access plan now in effect. If those orders were issued, the existing flight allocations of AirCal and the other five carriers serving the airport presumably would be frw.en until the merits of the lawsuits were decided. In the past, Air<.;al officials have estimated that an ind1v1dual daily departure is worth about $2 million annually in passenger revenue. The AirCal legal moves add yet another chapter to the len1thy saga involving J ohn Wayne Airport access. lt waa more than three years ago when federal officials claimed that the county was discriminating against cert.am carriers by not establishing policies to permit new entrants to the al!Port. At that time, only AirCa1 and ilien-Hughes Airwest (S.. AJRCAL. Pqe .U) INDEX ln a ruling issued by the 4th Diatrict Cow1 of Appeal ln San Bernardino, justices unanimously agreed that the 1981 convictions of George Loudermilk, 38, of Costa Mesa, should not be overturned. The opinion was wntten by Ju1t1ce Robert Gardner, of Corona del Mar. Keith Monroe, a Santa Ana attorney representing Loudermilk in the appeal, said he will ask the court to reconsider1ts decision. Louderrrulk was convicted in Oranp County Superior Court of three felony counts. The jury acquitted him on four other charges. During the trial, the women testified that they were stopped_ by Loudennilk's patrol vehicle and taken to desolate areas. Ann Landerl Movlet B2 84-~ C6 A3 C8.D2..S Mut~l Fundt National Newt Public Noticel Spor:ta Dr. SUlincrohn Sleek Marketa TeleYlllon Thaten Wee\Mr World Newa Cl -4 B2 C7 CG &t-S A2 A3 l'.J»f.SJ~N lllenci .....,_ ,..._ IMdla ........... .rw. ... thered ln frcftt ~!!!AM HW home of 11.1te .80Nftlt1• ....... WM • from the Newport Blw:h poUUctan ln th• wake of dlectoaure tht\ h• alleaedly fathered two Uleahlmate c~ former aide, who aald he h d been ln touch with the ~~ker In hla eeclUllon, aald Wtdneeday Schmits told him he would comment on the controversy aa 800ft u he had r90!ved "family dlf flculties. •• Schmitz haa not been publicly lffn aince headlines began appearing early this week, following a juvenile court heari°" dealing wlth one of the two o"hUdren b1 all111t1t1 .. ~---lock. WI tti . 'fh ••C'eptlon of Wtdftlilday'1 ll\ltemtn" to hll '9m.*' ~I Schmlts Ma ~ wwu llJeilict on the matter~ V.,., The ~to1' Uvt1 with hil wti. '6fy and MVel'tJ ot hi8 chUdrWa IA Newport ~· TM r.:• ~ of a MCGnd amity w .. dllcloted Tu..Say when Carla Verne Stuckle, 48, a Republican party volunteer worker. waa un1ucce1af ul ln wtnnlna back cu1tody of her 13-month-old ton ln oou~ Oranft County Superior Court Judge Will.lam Murray ruled that the Infant would remain at the county'• Albert Sitton Horne pending compleUon of an lnveatlgation into lnJurlea th~ child 1uff.,. which ~ cxlmlctlw IU'll'Y to hla ~· Another court hearln1 I• echeduled f ot AUi(. e. Murray 11td Schrntts had c.n.d hbri *'week and told hlm h wu the father of the child. On Wednetday. Ml11 Stucki• Clalmed Wlt Sch.mils a1lo WU Ul• lither of her 2-week·old ~ ...... Bqth children accordln1 to birth rec:orda, were born a year apart at St. JOMph Hmpltal In Oranp. The children are listed under their mother'• malden name. Schmits' name appean on both docwnent1 u the father, al\houah only the mother llsned the birth certlficaia Mary Kay Schmits, the GOP lawmaker's 20-year-old daughter, said Wednesday the Continued stories REPRIMANDS GIVEN .... (rom speaking about education ~ues. • "We're not talking about a priv:ite business," she said. "This 14 a public institution supported by tax dollars ... ·,Mrs. Basile said the teachers' I l(l'OUP filed a lhnµar ~ freedom grievance •ft4'r the district allegedly threatened to sue the fou.r authors of the t.elecourae Jetter. . . . She aa.&c:1 an arbitration hearlna on that matt.er will take place In AIRCAL PETlTION ... served Orange County. AirCaJ pos1essed 27 fli${hts daily, Alrwest 14. The county iniually permitted Frontier AirUnes and Western Airlines to begin Orange County service with two flights daily each. Those flights were created by reducing allocations of AirCal I and the Airwest successor I Republic Airlines. Last year, the county permitted PSA to enter the market, also with two flichts. PSA then sued the county, claiming that lt 1hould permit an increased allocation. It claimed September. Mrs. Bulle al9o criticized the district tor l11Ull'\g the reprimands during the summer, when many instructora are away on vacation or are engagoo In work or studies outside the district. that the county was attempting to "protect" AirCaJ by adopting a plan that would have permitted the two dominant carriers to control 35 of. the 41 daily departures for three year periods. That plan was subsequently dropped by supervisors. Ramp meters due for freeway State hopes devices will move rush-hour traffic more quickly Rush-hour traffic along the San Diego Freeway is expected to move a little faster through Irvine because of a state project t'1 install ramp meters. •For the next four months, state Department of Transportation workers will putfu meters at-five northbound onramp locations. according to Caltrans engineer Harvey Hopkins. .The effort to reduce bottlenecks along the busy freeway Is part of plan eventually to install meters on all ramps ln Orange Count~. Irvine officials hailed the project as a means ?f reli~g city street congestion during peak morning and afternoon rush-hour periods. "We're all for them," said Public Works Director G . Brent Muchow. "We want to rnakP th.. ''We want to --- make freeway efficient." freeway efficient and get as much traffic on it aa poaibl~ "The meters do improve the now on the freeways ... The $160,000 Irvine area project includes the installation of meters on the northbound onramps at Irvine Cent.er Unve, Jeffrey Road. Culver Drive, Jamboree and MacArthur boulevards. There will be some ramp and freeway lane closures, although work is scheduled for periods when trafiic rs lightest, ""'Hopliins said. He noted car pool bypass lanes will be added lo the westbound onramp from Jeffrey Road, both onrampe at Culver Drive and the westbound onram11 at Jamboree Boulevard. The southbound onramps in the Irvine area will have meters by 1984. said Caltrans SIJOkeswoman Rosaline Velasco. Beach is best Temperatures. NATlOMAI. Coastal All>My •• AlbuqUe Sunny end "°'· Amerlllo '• Coutel high mld· 70., lnlend ~ • lnld-909. Coat91 low &5, lnllllld Allenta 61. Wat..-68. AUentc Cly Marin• lorecHt cell• lor 'Austin afternoon 1nd night wHterly BeltlmOr• ,.ind• 11 to 18 knotl aveir inn« Billings ~-OtherwlM. light •terleble 8irmlngnm ~ with eout"-1 swell• t to 2 819rMrck Ml becomll 19 aouth«ly 2 10 3 Boi9e IM! tet9 toch!y. eoeton '• ~ windll ol t6 to 25 &ownl'tllle knots 001er out• .,...,, wtth 3 to euttllk> • t-1001 twells. F81f eX<leC)I log end 84.rington tow ctoud• let• tonight end Mtty eaper Friday mon""O: Ctlertatn SC Charlatn WV CIW1otte NC =. Clewlend Clfllbl• SC CoUnbus ~IWth o.mori Oenwr Del MolrlM Detroit Duluth BPuo Fwgo Flegll.aff Ot-1 fillll Her11onS Hl6lrl9 HonOlulu Houston :-... ~ ~City l<llO ... UIV-0- Uute "°'* L.OUill'Mle L.ubl)Odl • MlmPhlt ......,. .. Lo .. qt ao 4 100 72 " 66 IMS 66 2.58 t2 72 .13 78 82 IMI 78 114 et te 87 ... 71 t.t3 81 59 94 5e 75 82 .51 te 74 St 57 78 60 too 7t 99 711 ee ee 119 75 92 59 117 73 2.04 90 ee 82 82 ... 73 113 65 too 75 ee ee t7 8t .. et .01 ea ., 78 M .ot 100 12 .oe 81 55 115 64 ... 15 13 &5 04 ee 118 78 ... 78 .21 87 ee .03 N 7& ta 11 .01 tt 10 ta • 10t IS tJ 75 .07 • 73 .27 Mn .. 11 11 13 ' tOOttO 00 -w-~ "IOA/4 U S 0eot ol Ccmme<ce Frontt: Cold .-. Wwm .,. Occiuded ,... Slal!Onary •• ......... 78 e5 ue F~ too .. M~LP 83 87 Llncalt• 101 78 NMfNI• tt 72 Of' ~~ t2 99 N9w Orteet>e 90 73 91 .. ..... Yott! 83 87 Morltetey tM 62 Norfoll 112 66 Need1el t1t No Plane ... 88 Oeklancl 72 5e Olde Qly te 73 .02 Peeo Rob1M 102 53 Omaha 87 es Red Blu1I gs ee Of1endo 92 74 .02 Redwood City 72 5e Ptllledptlle 83 83 Sacf-to 93 59 ~-1011 99 Sellnu 87 '8 ~ 11 85 =~idlco 13 10 79 81 12 80 53 ~. Ore 75 52 Sent• tfWOlll'e 71 ~7 ProoMei• JS t2 .25 S#lteMlrle 70 =~ . .. Sloc:ltton " 92 13 Thennlll toe " 50 e.rstow toe Wµk• 100 n BlgS-es Sen Antonkl .. 73 .14 ·~ " .... .. 152 C.lellfle 7t ~-:?.: .., 71 Long 8MCtl 11 .. 87 Monrovte 10S t~lmlHI u 72 Mt. WMlon .. 71 ~~ 79 " ~ '*" 8pflllgl IOI ....... 10S 71 ~ .. = ': •• ... e.nerdno '°' ... Jo. 12 'soon' • '= In ,...'°"' s.eti ftl'lt t t It Wll • ~ when ,, w• Noort«t that Schmha w• the fadier of the baby boy . Latu, tho famlly became lhocked wt\9n th ,.. wtN new revelations that he waa 1110 poulbly the father of tht ~-week-old ajrl. "It WM a lhock to ~OM," Mary Kay aald outtld• the tam.Uy'• Spyai.a. Hill home. Mt11 Schmits aald 1he had known Mia Stuck.le throu1h her volunteer work with the Republican Party. She laid al)e allo knew the woman had two young childttn. But ahe aald it wu a jolt to learn that her father wu a1ao 1uppoeed to be the father of the Tuatin woman'• two children. "We Just thought it waa a media prank at fint," ahe saJd. "I 1till think It's a prank." Mia Schmitz aaid her mother and father had apent the last three days "putting together the pieces them1elves. When they're done -we•n luive a little family (gathering).·· -.sbe-tiaid ~hoped her tether would aoon make a 1ta~nt about \he controveny 1Wirllng about a famlty many times involved In controveraie.. Roosevelt's son endorses Pete Wilson SACRAMENTO (AP) James Rooeevelt, oldest son of former President Franklin D .• Roo9evelt, endoned Republican Pete Wilson for U.S. Senator today. Wilson releued the names of 00 other Democrats who he said had endorsed him. Rooaevelt, 72, of Newport Beach, who also backed Republican Ronald Reagan for governor and pre91dent, said at a news conference that pe was endorsing Wilson with some reluctance. He said he had been a "great friend" of former Democratic Gov. F.dmund G. "Pat" Brown, lather of Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr., Wilson's Democratic opponent. "I have great regard for him (Pat Brown), but the record of hlS son is something elee again," said Rootevelt, a former six-term Democratic congressman and unsuccessful ca nd idate for governor against Earl Warren. "T thinlt 'Jerry Brown Tos me when he said he Is for 'small is beautiful,'" Roosevelt said. "Thal is impossible for the State of California. We will never solve our unemployment problem with that phi1090phy." Roosevelt also endorsed Wilson's position on Social Security. Wilson has suggested workers under 45 might pay lower taxes and receive lower benefits. while those over 45 would continue under the present plan. The system's defie1t would be made up by general tax revenues. Wilson said that would allow younger workers lo use Social Secunty as a basic retirement "cushion" while arranging for supplemental income through private retirement plans. Wilson aald he waa not advocailng making Social Security voluntary , rather than compulsory, for younger worken. Roosevelt, who said he was working in the While House when Social Security was adopted, said it was never intended as a total retirement plan. O.,Nee ......... FAMILY MEMBER ·-Jerry Schmitz, a son of state Sen. J<'hn G. Schmitz. talb to newsmen Wednesday at door of the senator's Newport Beach home. Senator Schml tz has remained ln aecluston and has made no public comment since the latest tum ln h1a controversial public career came to light earlier this week . Mesa;, New-port ·smog rankings low By JODI CADENHEAD Oftt. D.., ..... a1tlfr , Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Huntington Beac h are ranked among the least smog- p r one cities ln So-uthern California ~)' South Coast Air Quality Management District. Lut year the Costa Mesa area (that includes Newport Beach and Huntington Beach) had only one fir!>t stage smog al<'rt. according to Jeff Schenkel, a spokesman for the distract. By comparison La Habra had 15, Anaheim had five. El Toro had rive. San Bernardino had 72. Fontana had 73 and Los Angeles had 65. ''There's no question that the Costa Mesa area IS one of the most smog-free areas we have in the South Coast Basin ," Schenkel said. A report released this week by the President's Council on Environmental Quality reported that Los Angeles ranked No. 1 among 40 cities rated for dir:y air The rt>port showed that Los Angeles had an average of 231 days ot unhealthful air between 1978 and 1980. District officials in Loe Angeles have crit1c1zed the report for failing to note the progress that has been made during the last two years "W e never made a secret out of the fact that Los Angeles has the worst ozone problem in the state and possibly the country." said Schenkel ''But we're making headway." Schenkel said comparing the federal study and the s tate standards 1s like comparing ar.ples and oranges. Southern California's district officials calr a Iirst-stage aterr when the oz.one level reaches .20 parts per million; the fed eral ftandard is .12 part.I per million. Onofre low--power tests du.e Sunday The U.S. Atomic safety and Llcen1ing Appeal Board has rejected pleas to halt the full- power operation of the Unit Il reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant. Wedrn!9day's action clean the way for a full-power Uceme to be iaued while opponents of the plant continue their appeal, said David Barron. a 1pokesman for Southern California F.di8on Co., which operates the plant. He said low-power t.eatlng has been conduci.ed all along and will continue. In making its decision, the appeal board h e ld that emergency medical preparations at the J?lant in the event of nuclear disaster were adequate. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. whose authority supersedes the licensing and appeals board. is scheduled lo meet n ext week lo decide whether lo ratify the liceiWng board's decision to grant full- power permits for San Onofre Unit n and a third reactor still under construction. Tim Carpenter , a representative of the Alliance for Survival in Orange County. said that group and other anti-nuclear activ1Sts have nearly exhausted the NRC apveal process. and are now pinning their hopes on the courts to slop the San Onofre nuclear power plant's expaiWon. BRIDAL SETS MAKE A BRJLLIANT DECISION. ~ ! .. r , , "" J rniJtN plant r, tnerits ~erious siudy t Officlall ln Newport .ee.eh and Cena Meu are 1tudytn1 the . ~11lbllity of butldlna refu1e- power f9dlltlet ln their ti11H n the wake of Orange • County aovernrnent"a dedllon to 9mpc:111e dumplna feet at the county J.ndfW.. • RObert W_ynn, city ~ tor ~ Beach, said that it ~ cc.t •12.& m1llion to build a ~-.:1111'1111\i arid .. w. burning plant pable of handling the dty'• daily 100 to l~ tons of truh. . Newport Bea could expect to recover $88~.ooo dutilll the flrat year from the conversion of ~ to el~ty Shat wO\Wi k 'IOld to the Southern California ,J'.dlaon Co. • In Costa Mesa, officials are jiving aertous consideration to ·IUCh a facility, but haven't ~mpleted a · P.reliminary study IUCh u Newport Beach. 1 The question in both cities is ~ to beJ where? -Pluia for a refuse-burning tacHity to be bull t near a tesidelltial area in Huntington Beech went up ln smoke when . nellhbon vehemently protested. I Provided 1uch a f acUi ty would be neither a pollution problem nor an eyesore, the concept would aeem to have oonatderable potential. With the closure of C.Oyot.e Canyon landfill loomin1, 1ugg~stions for traah-burnlng facilitiea mljht begin to look more attractive. Perhap1 Newport Beach, C:O.ta Mela and Huntinaton Beach could~ one facilTty that all three dtiel could Ule. 'nlat would reduce the ca.t and the problem of comlna up with three acceptable ·-· Bu~ again, the basic problem I• going to be loeatlng /any acceptable slte. No city ii going to want to be the one burdened with the trash burner and residents are sure to protest the dally truck traffic. Ref~buminc power planta are a solution to a problem that will not go away. The concept is worthy of continued open-minded study. Airport pact asked i. Another attempt has been launched to smooth out the long- ltandin,g dbpute between the city of Newport Beach and Orange S:ounty government on jet operations at John Wayne Airport. Newport Assiatan t Chy Manager Ken Delino has released a draft policy, propoeed by the eity, that would crate a joint powers agreement between the city and county to limit the number of dailt flights out of the QOunty airfield. Delino contends that a long- ~nn legal. agreement will be the only way Newport Beach can ever hope' to limit airport noise. One of the pr oposed sttpulatton:s ca1ls for the city to , agree not to attempt to block plans for improvements at the airport. County officials have sought to add $74 million in improvements at John Wayne, tn addition to some -fiiCreues in the numbers of daily jet flights. As a result, Newport Beach has launched legal battles to halt ~ any improvements that could lead to eacalated flight schedules. • Over the past two years, Newport Beach city government has spent $800,000 in legal fees while battling over 'the airport. There is a strong suggestion that the city will continue legal aaaults against the airport unless • Newport Beach can obtain an agreement from co unty government. Serious questions remain, however, about a joint powers agreement being the vehicle for that unders1anding. For one thing, there is a question it an agreement between 1he present Board of Supervilors and City Council could be legally binding upon future county boards or city councils. * Mike Gatzke, a San Diego • attorne1 who reprHents the county in airport matters, said there is no legal way to form such a joint powers agreement. AB for the draft policy, ~ homeowners who are at the frc;>nt of the jet noise fight might find fault with the draft because it fails to mention a precise fiaw'e as a top llinit on the number of fltghta per day. Delino even noted that the figure might be higher than the 41 flights long supported by city government a nd many homeowners. 1 ~pecific points aside, there relhain some strong indicators to suggest that county government woula oppose any formal jolnt powers structure to govern the future Df John Wayne Airport. This should. not suggest that the draft effort by NewpQrt's city officiall should be considered a total exercise in futility. Many of the points raised have validity. County government should acknowledge those concerna. Further, it is possible that by drafting the joint powers document, Newport Beach may have established an approach that would allow some serious negotiations with the county to achieve airport agreement. . Perhaps an informal joint city-rounty corn.mission could be formed to iron out disagreements on airport pvlicy b e fore the problems .!ICa late into confrontation in the courts. Marathon and continuing court battles would be a costly, ineffective and time-consuming means to solve present and future airport problems. And an additional irony is that many of the same taxpayers would be footing the legal bills for both sides. 'Oplnfons expressed In the s~e above are those of'the Dally Piiot. Otner views ex-~rHHd on this page •r~ those of their authors •rtd artists. Aeader comment is Inv It· td. Address The Oallv Piiot, P.O. Box tS60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7W • 6424321. :: t.M. Bord I Age and politics ~tie U.S: Con1ttlutton decrees t nobody can be a U.S. eenator until age 1 30. When that was written, life expectancy w• only about 30. Hall the people wouldn't even live that ion... Some fine nµrlds wanted the -ae 1tmi aet hi~. Othen &filUed ll couldn't be ... too much higher. There wouldn•f be enough llvl111 ....._ in the elder bncb1a '° ~ the VOterl auftideftt choice9. • Q . Wa abortion ever lepl all over this country? A. Until 100 yon ago, yes. 0 D.C. • • secrecy not .consistent WASHINGTON -Some of the nation 's most sensitive security documents are eo loosely guarded tlat one of my repor1ers has been able to wallc in off the streets and pick them up. But let 110mething tawdry occur, and our elected leaders will pull up the coven. They'll invoke national aecwity and reach for the secrecy stamp in an attempt to cover up the embarrassment. They won't hesitate to use the eecrecy stamp to cenaor the newa. Yet they are much le9I vigilant when it comes to prot«ting the real secrets that could affect the nation's safety. THE WHITE BOUSE, for example, ta the nerve cent.er of the entire federal government. High fences. patrolled by armed men and sophisticated electronic devices, keep out intruders. Planes are forbidden to fly overhead. Detailed plans of the White House electrical, sewer and shelter systems could provide invaluable infonnation for sp ies. It would be like the Central Intelligence Agency getting Its hands on engineers' drawings.Df t.be..Kl'eml.in. Yet 90l1le of these vital documents have been Uterally'lying around in non- secure offices Inside the. General Services Administration. They are intended for the u se of private contractors who work on White Houae projeda, but anyone who looU as if he knowa th•t he's doing can examine them. and even walk away with copies. My UIOdate Dale Van Atta, dtttl8ed in rowboy boots, corduroy pants and non- matchlng jacket, villted the GSA one IUIU\Y day and bf'OWl8d around~ f-t~~ JICI llllRIDI where thete contractors' documents are kept. 'There were no eecurity guards. Nobody challenged him. He had previously obtained a copy of an architect's drawing of the White House "underground utilities," stamped "For Official Use." He also got a copy of an unclaaified map titled "White. House Grounds," showing the various ducts. conduits and manholes installed under the lawns and driveways around the exect1tive..manaion But the real paydirt was located in an unlocked file-cabinet drawer clearly labeled as containing White Houn material. It wu a 19-aheet collect.ion of overalzed architectural drawings, which Van Atta spread out on top of the cabinet to atudy. No one questioned him; in fact. one government worker offered to Xerqx the material for him. "Primary Electrical Syatems and Shelter Improvements" was the title on the first page, which wu • detailed map of the White Hou.e sewer and electrical systems. It has the appearance of an aerial photo of the White Houae taken with an X-ray camera. EXACT LOCATIONS and distances were neatly noted on the map -the protective fences. the red uh tree, the 60-foot burr oak, guardhouses. drains, electrical conduits, high-water alarm systems, everythlng. The 18 following pages included schematic drawings titled Power Line One Dtagrams; East Vault and Shelter Power System Control and Instrumentation; Mansion Vault and West Wing Vault Power Systems Control and Instrumentation; Electric.al Site Plan; Plans -East Vault, Shelter and Data Procesaing Room; Plans - Mansion Vault, West Wing Vault. Footnote: The Secret Service was appalled at Van Atta•s easy 8CCe9S t<rthe White House plans, and a,s.,ured us the problem will be corrected. Note of appreciation for Jerry Brown To the Editor: I get tired of reading Earl Wat.en' insipid, abusive tirades against Jerry Brown in the editorial pages of the Daily Pilot. What vendetta does Mr. Waters carry againat Gov. Brown? California has proe~red during Jerry Brown's t enure as governor of MAILBOX California. Indeed, California r•nka .mong the bat of the states in economic vitality. Gov. Brown ts one of the few majoc politicians .who haa been U>Je to meld • balance between economic strength, integration of mlnorlties and women into our aocia1 structure, and a concern for envirorunental values that are important to many people. Alao, hia efforts to improve the quality of education for our children, •nd his ability to carry out the will of the people are commendable attributes in any polltldan. Flaky, Mr. Waters? Prosperity· Repretentation-Equality-F.ducation-En- vironment-F.conomy. These are aoall tlat we see achieved by Jf!!lTy Brawn. We need Jerry Brown ln Wubinaton aa our eenator. I hope that hia ~a governor will do as good • job u he bu done for the dtit.en1 of Callfomia. JAN D. V ANDERSLOOr, MD Seniors neglected seniors who live on fixed incomes such as Social Security, SSI and small pensions, e~ • The recent general plan which took years to complete had many volunteer citizens who spent countless hours working on it for the benefit of Laguna Beach. Among o th e r things its committees recommended the use of dt~-owned land for affordable housing and a dar care center. To date all city counc 11 hav e ignored the reoommendatiorw. ' ALAN E. ADAMS. Dump I ees hurt To the Editor. With regard to the fees that are going to be chuaed at the dump: I'm a commerdal U9tt of the dump doing tree service work that involves quite a few trips to the dump. lf I have to get charged at the dump that means I have to charge additional fees to the people who employ me. It seems ridiculous that Orange County, one of the richest counties in the nation, can't afford to have a free dump. Is this the reaction of the supervisors to Proposition 13? STEVE STROMBERG Speed bay action ~ ..... _. .---4.·-· -...... ·-. . ·-~,.. ....i• I ~ _ • •' - -..,.._ -Wtw.w• .. ....,,.J. .&... • • , , ~-•• <('-••••• ~ '..,&. •• -"A. .... ..-A.t..·~,..l.J. __ -. ~:. ... . l. ---r-..:.... l.. l-..-~ -L-.J .-'-- this dangerous and environmentally degradins condition cau.ed by the lack ot long overdue care. We hope it will not take a tragedy in the silt-loaded back bay to alert these agencies to the dangerous aM non-beneficial co~itions that now exist there. THE TAXPAYER has paid for what has developed into a "white elephant" and is running out of patience due to the procrastination, confusion and lack of attention to the problem that exists in the upper Newport bay area. The present silt removal work recently started in the extreme back bay is a small step in the restoration process, but only that. Assemblywoman Bergeson and Mayor Jackie Heather are to be commended for their diligence and effort in g~ting thia iniUal step started. A • ronti.nuoua and strong full-blown attack on this problem is the only thing that will aave the upper bay, whOlle Ute is slowly ebbing away. U the government agencies are at all concerned with saving one of our state's outlltandlna environmental uaeta which Mother Nature 10 generously bequeathed to the people of Orange County, then they had better expedite the development of an ongoing workable reatoration plan, which IO far bas not surfaced. Gun control To the Editor: E.P. BENSON I know I apeek tor many citiaenl of the state when f compliment the Daily PUot and especially polltlc•l cartoontat Oliphant fOI' the fine cartoon on the July 15 editorial .,..e. The cun control initiative II U'UJj a threat to our rl1ht1 under tbe Canatitution and to OW' abUlty '° ~ our1elvea •nd our famUlee. It la ~ to lie in the media a.ch a timely MnlDder of AIDirtcan va1ueL WII:.LIAM ANDJ:RSON N\tSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS m,!A._. lltC\.'llM'llM .. t ... fMI 1fl WY .... Ml .. IH .•ac1•1e, •aw, ... TM.HTl!Ott UO c1•C•lll•Afl HOC• ........ ••• •t NtYlt IY , .. , NH• apa• t llt fl•t t . 7 Nelson tells drug contract Nellon Reeearch & bevelopment Co. of IMne announced it entered lhto qreemenis with Block nn. Co. Inc. and SmlthK Hne Beckman Corp. for development of _producta containi.nl A:lt1Ae. The compound lncreu8 the penetration of dnap through the aldn. 1'le oon\peny ai.o said for the three montha ended June 30, revenue. roee 23 percent to $378,000 from the COl'Tftponding period a year ago. But there was a net lea of Stw>,000, or•l cent a aha.re, ap..lnat a gain of $118,000, or 3 cent.a a share, in the compe.r•ble period lut year. MS I reports earnings drop MSI Data Corp. of Costa Mesa reported net l.noome of $860,000, or 35 centa per aha.re. for the quarter ended June 26, compared with eam1np of $1,229,000, or 50 cent.a (restated) for the comparable 1981 quarter. Revenues were $13,527,000 for the three months compared with $14,195,000 in the year-earlier period. Pacesetter sh ort stock s up The Padfic Stock Exchange reports an ioc:rew ln short interest for stock of American Pacesetter of NeWpOrt Beach. There were 150 shares in that posjtion June 15 and 1,238 July 15. The average dally volume for trading ln June wu 745 shares. A short position normally is taken when an investor expects the price of the stock to fall and he can replace 1t at a lesser price. Approxunately 15 other stocks listed exclusively on the exchange also showed larger short interest positions for the period. VA home loan I ee b ack ed WASHINGTON (AP) -The House Veterans' Affairs Committee approved a $551 million, three-year package of budget savings today that Includes a mortgage fee for most veterans receiving a VA loan. The proposal, cleared by voice vote. would impose a f~ of one·haU percent on home loaJu guaranteed by the Veterans' Admlmstration. Committee staffers estimated the average cost per loan would be $285. The propoeal for a mortgage fee would apply to all l\otdett of VA•backed mortgages e>C4'EJ>'. vetQi:ans with service-connected d1sabilit1es. Homeowners paying the tee w ould have 1he optJon of a lump sum payment or monthly inst.ailments over the life of their loan. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS Pel. Vp UO Vp 11 0 VP IO t V• IOa Vp IOJ Vp 10 J VP 10.J VP t 1 Up U UP t.J Vp It VP tO VP 1 J VP 1• VP 1' VP 1 I Up 1 I Vp 10 Up 70 VP •t Vp '1 Up •• VP '-J Uo U ~. OH 11 t on u Ott ... OH 1.A Oft , .. ()ff 1.0 Off 7.0 Off ••• ~ N Ott M E ... ,. J.I ~ u CSlf s.o Off u ~ ..• °'' a Off u OH U 8: tl AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK (API -Spot nonMrf'OUI me1a1 P<~ loday c.,... 7~·75 '*11• a poun<I, vs destination• lb I.Md 28·29 cents a pound. Zinc 37 .. •o centa a paund, dellYe<lld Tift S6 0806 Metal• w.-cc>rnQOtlte Ahlmtftum 78-77 centt e pOUn<I N Y lhfcwy '370 00 per 1191! lttettn-$298 00 troy oz., N Y SILVER H•ndy & Human, $6 920 pe1 lroy ~. GOLD QUOTATIONS ·'· •' 1 i i 4 • ' . • . . . • • " • I • ' ; .. ' . , • ' I I • • • •