HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-24 - Orange Coast Pilot111111111111 llllY Ml OHANC.t < l JlJNIY 'ALllOHN l l\ 25 C ENTS co.ntact talks off WSASHINGTON (AP) - Sensitive and tecret talks aimed at establiahtng direct contact between the Reagan adolinistration and the Palestine Liberation Organization have broken down, a prominent Lebane.e who met with a PLO repreaentative here said Friday. Roser Edde of the Neutral Lebanon Movement attributed the breakdown to Israel's rejection of direct U.S .-PLO ties. He said the PLO had come up with wording of a statement thought to be aooeptable to the Reagan administration that would recognize Israel's right to exist Issuance of such a statement would have preceded the eatabliahment of official ties. Edde said a PLO representative, Khalid Hassan, had been in Washington to work out wording of a statement acceptable to ihe administration in which the PLO would recognize Israel's right to exist and accept the U .N. resolutions. Edde's account, confirmed in large part by a U.S. Mideast expert, suggests the United States and the PLO were indeed close to establishing official contact. It would have been linked, too, to negotiating a peaceful withdrawal of PLO fighters from west Beirut. Edde said Hassan came to consult and find out what could be done to bring about direct negotiations between Arafat and Habib," referring to PLO leader Yasser ·Arafat and Reagan's special Mideast peace envoy, Philip C. Habib. Mean while, Israeli jets hammered the Palestinian enclave in west Beirut for the aecond day Friday, and the U.S . diplomatic drive to find sanctuary for the PLO. auerrillu apparently !ailed to eain concessions from Syria. U.S . president.ial envoy Habib met with Syrian leaders in l)prna.oJa on the first stop of a shuttle aimed at persuading Arab countries to aooei>t the estimated 8,000 guerrillas of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization. The Syrians refused, insisted the Israelis withdraw, and llabib flew on to Saudi Arabi.a. BETWEEN THE LINES -A sea gull tooks like he's staring through a hopel~ tangle of power pole lines, but actually the bird 1s DelJ ..... fltMlto br Cher!M llMr roosting in the tall ship replica Pilgrim in Dana Point. Actors out too late State investigating death of lci ds with Morro w CASTALC ... c.allf. (AP) -Two children decapitated with actor Vic Morrow in a helicopter accident d u ring pre-dawn filmina of a Vietnam battle 1CeDe should" not have been working at that hour, offidala aay. In another development, film crew members on the acene Mid explosive charges used to simulate bombardment were t.oo strong. The explosions caused the helicopter to crash and hit Morrow and the two cbild-actoc:a. Morrow, 53, the to~y actor featured ln TV'a • t" aeries and the movie "&d New11 Bears," died running acnm a shallow river with the boy and girl in hia arms in a remote park redesigned as a war-torn Vietn.ameee village at 2:30 a.m. It was not clear if Morrow's dash was part of the ICript or he was trying to save the children. Warner Broe. has a blanket permit to hire minors but must notify the labor office ach time • child la to be uaed, Blythe said. ''The Loe Angeles office told me they do not have such a notice for the Chen and Lee children, •• he said. Plenty of w eek end fun in Laguna, SC The state Labor Comm.iasion said it was investigating why children were working at that hour. Helicopter pilot Dorcey Wingo, 35, of Rialto, told a federal avl.ation investigator that the director told him to lower the craft shortly before the explosive chargea began going off. Wingo told investigator Dan Llorente that he waa hovering 30 to 35 feet above the eet and beginning (See MORROW, Page A2) Israel, energy linked, Watt .tells Jews WASHINGTON (AP) -In- terior Secretary James Watt has suggested that Amer- 1 c an support for I s rael might be jeopardized If "liberals of the Jewish community join with the other liberals of this nation" in opposing the Reagan administration's energy policies. The White House issued a statement Friday night disavowing the statement as "unfortunate." In a poet-midnight appearance on the Mutual Radio Network's "Larry King Show" early today, Watt admitted writing a letter to Israeli Ambassador Moahe Arens. "No threat was intended . . . there's nothing we plan to do" to Lsrael, Watt said. He said he wrote the letter after talk.inR with Arens at a Bonda for 1srael dinner last month. "If the liberals of the Jewish community join with the oth-er liberals of this nation to oppocse these efforts to reduce dependence on foreign mergy, they will weaken our ability to be a good friend of brael. Your support.era in America need to know these facts,'' Watt wrote. Queried about the letter, White House spokesman C . Anson Franklin said Friday: night, "Secretary Watt•• unofficial letter to Ambusador\ Arens represents hu own: personal views. • "The White House regards hi( remarks as unfortunate. In no; way do they reflect the United; States' foreign or domeatiC' policy." ; Watt said he was trying to' make the point, "We cannot afford to continue to be dependent on foreign sources for! e nergy and strategic minerah." Asked if Israel's relationahip with the United States would be an trouble 1f dependence on foi-eign energy were not reduced, Watt said, "absolutely. The whole free world will be In trouble. Ame r ica will be in trouble." Asked if he were hurt bl the White House disavowal o the le tter, Watt said, "No. I di.acussed it with the White House pre. office when the phone calla came in and I told them to do whatevtt they wanted to do. It was my position and I could defend it ably with or without their help." Doctor questioned in Schmitz probe Tuatin police investigators Friday questioned the surgeon who operated on a 13-month-old boy alleged to be the illegitimate aon of state Sen. John G . &-hlnJt&. Det«tivet said they gained important information on injuriea suffered by the infant, son of Carla Verne Stuckle, 43, of TusUn, from the interview. "He provided us with valuable information on what happened to the child," police Capt. Woody Williams said alter the interview with Dr. Igal Silber, a surgeon at Childrens Hospital of Orange County. Silber operated on the child last week. He performed reconstructive surgery on the child's penis, nearly severed by having what officials first believed was a string of hair wound tightly around the organ. Williams declined to reveal what exact information Stlber provided them. Howe~. before '.triday'a jnterview with detectives, investigators said they believed the surgeon would be able to tell them if the injuries were accidental or intentionally inflicted. They al8o wanted to know what exactly was wound around the child's penis. Williams said his department would present its findings to the Orange County district attorney early next week for a determination on whether child abuse or negligence charges would be filed. By STEVE MITCHELL or .. 0.-, PW 8Wf U it's fun in the sun you're looking for this weekend, you might consider picking Laguna Beach or San Clemente as destinations. Today marks the third of seven weekends for Laguna'• summer art festivals, with virtually hundreds of artist displays at three festival sitee - all within walking distance of each other. Grounds are open from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. every day, and, in honor of the Festival's 50th anniversary, adnUaBion is 50 cents instead of $1. Children 12 and under are admitted free. Just up Laguna Canyon Road (heading inland) ia the Sawdust Festival, with exhibits by artists and craftsmen, as well as demonstrations, jugglen, mimes and food and drink. About 100 people were working on a Warner Bros. movie version of Rod Serling's old ''Twilight 7.one" TV 1eriea at Indian Dunes Park, a private motorcycle race course frequently used to film war 9Cenes. It's 40 miles north of Loe Angeles. Crew members watched in horror as the actors were decapitated by the helicopter's main rotor, Los Angeles County Fire Inspector DeWitt Morgan said. Doctor ordered to pay damages The 13-month-old boy, on whose birth certificate is listed the name of John George Schmitz as father, was ln the care of his mother until last week, when the infant was first examined and treated for his injuries. He was then placed in county care at Albert Sitton Home in Orange, where he is listed in good condition. And this weekend, sand will be flying on the volleyball courts at Main-Beach Park in Laguna Beach during the two-day Cuei-vo Laguna Open competition. In San Clemente, the city ia celebrating its 9th annual Ocean Festival this weekend, with events ranging from sand ac. ulpting contests to surfing exhibition& The granddaddy of the Laguna exhibits ia the Festival of Arts, this year celebratina 50 annivenaries. STATE The Sawdust is open from 10 a .m . to 11 p .m . daily and admi.asion is $1. Again. children under 12 get in free. Farther out the canyon is the Art-A-Fair, the baby of the trio, whkh is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. during the week, and until 11 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Admission is $1, 50 centa for aeniora and free for thoee 12 and under. U you grow weary of looking at paintings and crafts, wander down to ~ Beach Park and watch the action on the (See FUN, Page AZ) Three suilty in Norco robbery VISTA (AP) -Three men were found auilty of first-degree murder Friday night In a 1980 bank robbery that ended In a wild mountain chue and· shootout which left three dead, Including a sheriff's deputy. Takeover of utilities eyed Following lkyrocketing rat.es, there ~ growing' moves to brtna utfiltle9 under customen• control. Page 86. A state Labor Commission official aaid regulation.t forbid children working after 6:30 p.m. "Under no circumstances should children be working at that hour," Paul Blythe, commission program director, said from his San Francisco office. Children between the ages of 6 and 8 may work only four hours a day on achool daya and six hours daily on non-achoo) days with pennillsion from a teacher. The regulations al.a require a teacher to be preeent while a child is working. but Blythe said his offioe had been told that no teacher was on the "Twilight 7.one" eet. NATION By DAVID KUTZMANN or111e DelJ ,... ...,, A Newport Beach psychiatl-ist wu ordered by a )u'y Friday to pay a former patient nearly $90,000 in damages after it wu alleged he had a aexual affair with her at the time he was trea~r for mental illness. An e County Superior C.ourt jury li~rated le11 than a day before returning with its decision early Friday. The panel aald that the plaintiff, Audrey Jean Chanley, was entitled to $60,000 in compenaatory damages and $29, 150 in punitive damages. The psyctuatnat, !Jr. George Prastka, claimed that he had atopped treating Ml.aa Chanley after the affair began in Meese's son dies in crasb WASHINGTON (AP) -Prelidendal OOUNelor Edwin Meeee m Oew home from Calitom1a on Friday to gather hJa family and make funeral arrangementa for 19-year-old 10n, Scott, killed 1n· a car cruh. 17 Haitians released MIAMI (AP) -Cheered by their fellow retugees, 17 Haitian men were freed from a federal compound Friday -the tint to be rele••d under a Judie'• order votdlna the aovernment'a detention policy. WORLD November 1974. He had been aeeing her as a patient since 1969, when she was 16 years old. Miss Chanley's lawyer had asked the jury Thursday to award his client $770,000 in damages because of the emotional distress the affair caused her. Newport Beach attorney Robert Schwartz argued that a decision against Praatka, who voluntarily surrendered his medical license and hasn't practiced since 1980, would deter other psychiatrists Crom having relations with patients they are treating. Schwartz said after Friday's verdict that the amount of money awarded hts client was not the (See P RASTK.A, Page A!) INDEX Claaaified Cl-6 Comics C2 Comment B6 Crossword C2 Death Noticee C3 Entertainment 810-11 Moviea 810-11 Public Notices B4,C3 SPORTS Last Monday, Orange County Superior Court Judge William Murray ruled against returning the child to the care of his mother until a dependency hearing is held Aug. 6 in Juvenile court. A woman whose name waa given as Gloria Smith also wu being sought for queatioritng, Williams said, explaining she WU hi.red through the Senior Citizens Council of Orange C.ounty and worked for Mrs. Stuckle u a babysitter for about a week. He said police did not plan to interview Schmitz. "There's no indication he had any opportunity to do ~ to the baby," Williama said. Williama said Mrs. Stuckle told (See SCHMITZ, Page Al) Religion 88 Sports Bl-4 Television B9 Theaters 810-11 Trivta BU Weather A2 Youth B7 I I I ij I I Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/laturday, Jut)' 241 1111 ·"!'!""~!!-~~~~"!'-i,i--------------~----~I!!'"'" ...... ~----------------------------- affeeted · •Key ProvlstOns of Senate BUI Federai Cigarette T•x: From 8 cents to 16 cents a pack for 3 years. Most ~ipped FUN IN THE SUN. . . voUeyb&ll courtt. row, lame duck race, one-mile awtm, paddleboud nee and a mini-mill competition for 3 to 6 year olda. And th090 are juat some of the evenu achedu1ed today. Telephone Service: ~.......-!!.._ From 1% to 2% In 1983.~ 3% in '84. 2% in '86 and late . -=--~,__..,.... • by tax hikes The pro beach vo1loyball tournament, which beci.na at 9 a .m . both days, attracts thousand• of spectators each year, who buk ln the 1un and watch two-man team• dive through deep aand, then lffp 11\to the air to apike a volleyball. The San Clemente Ocean Festival features a lot of aandy activities, too, includlns a five- kilometer run, open dory lona Sunday, more than SOO lifeguar<b in the West.em U.S. Llfeaavlns A11oclation wlll compete ln the lron man race. dory race champlonahipa and other aquatic eventa. PRASTKA VERDICT. • • most important aspect. "Audrey wanted people to know that doctors are not gods and they should not be allowed to use - and be able to abuse -their patients," he said. The attorney said the jury voted unanimously that Prastka was negligent and committed malpractice. He said the panel voted 9-3 to award her $60,000 in compensatory damages. The three other jurors held out for higher amounts up to $200,000. Prastka had testified last week that during his affair with Miss Chanley, a mother of two, he falsified medical documents to claim she was hlS patient when. he now testifies, she wasn't and erovided her with sedativee like Quaalude. Mia Chanley taid Tueeday on t he witness stand that she decided to tum Prast.ka ln to the state's Board of Medical Quality Assurance ln 1979. She filed her lawsuit against him in 1980. Often weeping aa she testified, the 30-year-old woman taid she reported the psychiatrist to authorities becauae "I wu tired of being used and ab~ . . . 1 felt I had an obliption to prevent the same thi.np from happening (to other patients)." She said she waa still in love with Prastka in 1979 but WU aJao angry and hurt because he was having an affair with another patient. SCHMITZ CASE ... inv es tigators she didn 't immediately report the child's condition because she wasn't sure 1t was abnormal. of the Orange County Pediatric Society, said mothers' hair sometimes falls into babies' diapers and becomes caught in folds of s)\in. ~Maal Expen .. Deductions: •Changes Including deduction o "1 oo· rather than current S 15o of medical-insurance costs. I I • lnternt end Dividends: 10% withholding tax. $17.5 bittion in spending cuts over the next 3 years. ·--AP AP lltuetratlon GRAB BAG -Chart shows variety of items affected by Senate-passed tax increase legislation. ~uctions will be cut and levies raised in effort to trim federal deficit. Ceramics studied for bone implants WASHINGTON (AP) - CorooraUon.t and upper-income lncftvtduala, the principal bentficlarlea of the tax cut e nacted lalt year, now find themtelvet the main t.ata•t ol the reconS 1ncftue wblch the ~te lent the Houae early Friday. But virtually everybody. lncludtns telephone u1era, amoken and famWet wtth high medical expenaea, would be nicked to 10me extent. The new bill would take back about $37 bUUon of the $87 billion In corporate tax relief approved laat year tor the 1983-1986 period. And it would impoee stiffer wees on eelected induatries, chiefly life insurance and long-term oontractons. Here are ma;>r provislona of the bill, moet of which would take effect Jan. 1: -DEDUCTIONS: Only med1cal expenaes that exceed 7 percent of groa income could be deducted. The present threshold Is 3 percent. Without regard to any threshold, half the premium for medical insurance, up to $100, could be deducted. Presently, up to $150 may be deducted. Pre9ent law allows a deduction for all but $100 of uninsured casualty loeees, such u from flre. The bill allows a deduction only for loaaes that exceed 10 percent of gross income. -CIGARETfES: The federal tax on cigarettes would be doubled to l6 cents a pack. On Oct. 1, 1985, the tax would drop to eiehl oents. -TELEPHONES: The 1 percent tax on phone eervke would ri8e to 2 percent ln 1983 and 3 percent In 1984 and drop to 2 percent in 1988 and later. WITHHOLDING : CofPOl'atloN and all buc am.all flnancial ln.ltitutiona would have to withhold for tax purpc:llM!S 10 percent of lnterest and dividends. Low-lnoome and eldedy .. ven would be exempt. No withholding would be required on eami.nga under $100 a year. Moat pensions would be subject to withholding. -CAPITAL GAINS: The mirumum time an aa.et would have to be held to qualify profita from ita sale for lower capital- gains tax rates would be cut tn half, to aix .months -a benefit for investors and the secunties industry. Beginning in 19ll5, capita l gai ns would be automatically adjusted to prevent taxation of pro(ita a.rWng from mflation. -BOATING: A 3 percent manufacturers excise tax would be levied on recreational boata less than 20 feet long including rowboats but n ot sailboat s designed for fishing. The levy also would be applied to equipment such as depth finders and fishing harnesses. -LEASING: Benefita made available to businesses under "safe-harbor" leasing provision en.acted last year would be cut in half now and elimmated after three years. Several doctors say they were baffled by the severity of the child's lnjury but that it could have been accidental. Dr. Colin Hubbard. president "lta's not as common as the common cold, but it a a well- k now n phenomenon in pediatrics," he said. PITI'SBURGH (AP) -In a new procedure, surgeons at the University of Pittsburgh are replacing broken or missing bones with a ceramic substitute that eventually decomposes to help real bones grow back. The subsutute has been used for facial oral surgery in other parts of the country. Mears said. "But it had never been used in the limbs or pelVlS That's an area we have JUSt started, and we plan to enlarge on 1t during the next weeks." he said. Volcker scheduled MORROW DEATH ... to turn left when the first charge exploded. tried to get out of there. "We've done dog experiments, usmg it to replace segments of limbs. And now we've used it with children," said Dr. Dana Mears, associate professor of orthopedic surgery at the University Health Center of Pittsburgh. "The first blast wa s outrageous,'' said assistant camera operator Randall Robinson, 35, who was on board the chopper. "We knew it was too. strong and we immediately "We could see everybody on the ground !Cattering," Robinson said. "After the second or third charge (exploded) ... the aircraft became uncontrollable,·· said Llorente, an investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board. "lt appears to work very well," he said Friday. Braille unit gets donation Meara first u1ed the bone s ubstitute, a ceramic-like material made of tricalcium phosphate, to help lenghthen the legs of two 9-year-old girls with birth defect&. !rom." A $15,000 anonymous donation was presented Lo the Braille Institute by its Orange Coast auxiliary at the Balboa Bay Club. According to her, the auxiliary usually raises about $4,000 per year in fund-raisers. He performed the surgery about two months ago at Presbyterian-University Hospital. marking the first U3e of ~hP substitute to replace major .;egments of human bone, he said. "The donation was an anonymous cashiers ch«k mailed to the Institute," Debbie Gray, the auxiliary's president, said. "We have no idea who It came The Braille Institute provides programs and services for the blind and visually impaired. 1 t has an Orange Count;, community center in Anaheim. V ariahle clouds ec>Mt. Hlghl at baKtlM 72 to 7& end Inland van.ye ae 10 116. Lows Rein~ Snow [!J Show.,•el!il Flurrle1(!!} 64 to ea. Mountain .,._, 118Nbla _.._ ....... -"" ............. ___ _.,. cloudlneu with chanc• of ec:attered aharnoon and -*'Cl ~ •• Mountain ,_, hlgtl8 711 to N Lowe 54 to 64. Out•r watere, from Point Conceiptton to Sant• ~ Island, non'-! wtndt 12 to 22 knot• -4th 4 to 7 toot oomblned -UWougtl IOl'llght. South ot Santa RON llland, llgM vwtab1a w1nc19 with 3 IO 6 loot -. Inn. watan. light varlabla wind• through tonight ~ '°"'~ to _. 10 to 18 knot• alternoon and ~ 2to31oot~t lwell llatlabla high ~ and pelcfly Mrty morning low clou<I• an<l fog. Temperatui-es CA.a..ONt!A Apple Valley Bakardlel<I Ba"1ow 9Mumonl BigS.. ~ Blylha Cataltna Cu._ Clty Eur911a Fr-u.s. Summary t:~.~ Rain fell acroaa much ~ tM Long BMd'I «*ltral Attanuc: Cout on Frid~. Lo. :-:::- Thundeotorm1 •tr• ac:attere<I ~l.o.llo lrom ~ P.,,.~ and u..!_ New .i.re.y 10 F1of1da and from _,._...., Kantucky ac:tO .. tM Tan-~ 8Mctl Va!Wrt to the Gulf CoMt. Waet Cout stat .. reported felr ~= tklea, and rain <l~ed from Palm S9rlnQt the ndon'e mlcHectlon • aklea PaMdana _.. OIOudy or dMr' Thunderatorm• wera lorac:HI P810 Aobl8I for today from untral Florida :::= ac:ro11 South Carolin• •n<I Aedwood City Loul 1 lana . Scattared laowfteftto thunderltorma-.. ~ed owt SaflnM Iha C*1tr81 Atlantic Cout and the San Bemwdlno -1em Gulf eo.t ....... Stiowere wlll be wld4rty ecanwed Sen Gabr1e1 ov•r Mlnne1ota and Uppar ::: ~ MlchiDln iind from -.them Idaho• through Arizona, tH Hatlon11 ::.. ~ w .... Ser'lloe Mid 14.rnny .... -• opected owr IN ,..t of the = =--"''Ion 8Mta Merle ---------a.ma~ California varl1ble ctoudl,,.._ through Sunday, with '#llfm ~ throughout Southern ~ Or1n9a County can axp.ol liafll Ill mid 10a It beedlea. '°' lnlllld. Lowe In eo.. ....... ~ w4tl llevt hlgfW 8'04lnlll0, .... 1ntoe. ....... Olfl -,,,.ct hlgtla 71 to U . Iowa 10• to low 101. ..... ~8'1d-*'9 ~ .. ;;; ..,_ lll!lhl '2 to 102, LOWI 72 to 10 llOf\-n ~ '°' IOUINf'ft ci..-. ,,. MCI '*"' W1lencl .,._ .. ~ Md o.ntrtl ~ f\rt•r11oon cloudln• .. 111f IOltt.ed .._,... -ai.n.. eo.t9' too end .. --... OC*ll. CocW lrlllN .... Stodlton n.mai Ton'lnCe " eo 1oe 11 " 7& 98 M 90 411 M 511 108 S2 75 S1 82 8e lloa'o:Yta Weat,,_• Sernc• 12 ;:,t• N:>'-" US C•c· er COtf,-ie·ce 1: = Fronts ::old .. Warr .... Occ uceo ~ S1a1•ona·y •• " 73 Caaper 117 59 87 ea Chartltn SC 83 75 90 70 Char1t1n WV 85 M 100 S6 Charttta NC 83 72 =~~ :: 13 7' ...._...... S2 70 77 M Clwaland 83 82 70 5e Clmbla SC N 72 91 11 Columbln es u 103 82 ()al...Ft Wth " ee 94M~ &488 t3 52 0.-Ill 70 lie M Dae Mo4n8I 84 88 98 M o.trolt 84 511 7 4 118 Dukltll 7& 63 t2 16 El PMO t7 71 IM4tF..,_.. 6453 117 et Fargo et 88 115 97 f'Mloltlllf so 52 M 70 Or•t Falla 82 61 S2 63 Ha1a11A M S1 13 5e HonOlulu S7 70 • .r Howton IM 71 7t M .,...,... 94 70 96 87 .Jecbn 112 72 .. 63 JeGillllWllt 8 ' 7 4 19 13 Kent C11y ee er 0t eo ~ 16 11 1ot 71 LM V&g91 102 77 16 ... Ut1te~ ... st ~ 13 71 eo 57 ea 56 81 S3 t3 81 81 71 117 79 87 74 74 5e IM 71 84 71 ae ea II() 74 81 46 81 93 HM 100 71 IM et 13 75 81 71 70 5t H 78 ll TO .... 79 14 72 96 et 44 M 72 12 .. 16 51 72 55 1••=--1575 s ~: ........ ~ :! mog '~ : :::' : :: Tiie A.If <Mitty Management M 79 NIW Orte1fW to 74 Olatrtot l)fedlc1• unllMlthflA .,, 16 n ,... Ycwtc ea 12. CV toct.y"' f'llUCfl ~ tt1e '°"" .. 72 Okie Olly " 1 t ""' a.In, with OOod * .. ., ONfMI 17 10 tortoMt for tM OOMtel ,..,., ... 47 Ortlndo ., 71 ~Md~~~~ M .. l'tlllldiDHa 12 71 11 u Pfloeribc 110 16 u1111 .. 1ttith1 elr i:•11y for It 4a Ptttll:Mgfl II M =-:..pi..:::: -= = th• .-1...-..d•·l111 hr11er41llo !!~_•1_ ~0111 wltll • Pollut111t ~.,._ofllO.ANJof lot le foreo11f for tllt l•fl '•r11e11411 lflf 111111 Olerlte ~ u1111 .. u11tt11 ''' '"'"'Y ••• ....... ,... ............ Jifftroooltten Loa MteM. Utt H•11t•l·ll1ll1or1 t••'•" end .... ---. .. wltfl "' 11M>. Dir . Good".~ • .,,........, NW tfle ......, .,.... """ "' 11. IW · INlrlll ar.,... ~ Wiii HI ... .. ... Ulte wM ,.. ..... J11gf1 ._. W1W1 Pit IO lfld .. -~--·-· Mears expec t s the bone substitutes. which can be shaped to an exact fit at the operating table , to be used nationwide within a few years. The only drawback to the substitute tS its initial fragility - more br~akable than bone - when first implanted. Mears said. So a piece of metal is i.naerted in the limb to connect the bone fragments and protect the substitute. After several months, the substitute generally is strong e nough ao the metal can be removed. In time, blood vessels invade the substitute and the body's enzymes degrade the material, which is replaced with natural bone. "That's one of its great attractions to us. " Mears said. "When it's broken down, the breakdown products are suitable for reconstitution as bone." on Sunday The following guests are scheduled on Sunday's major television interview shows: ABC's "This Week with David Brinkley'' -Paul Volcker. cha.innan of the Federal Re9erve Board, and Rep. Jack Kemp, R-N.Y., chairman of the House Bu~ Committee. s "Meet the ~· - Economist John Kenneth Galbraith. Upc0ming Sunday on CBS' "60 Mlnutes": "The Pink Panther" -Morley Safer profiles Mary Kay Ash, founder of a mult.i.million-dollar cosmetics sales business. First broadcut Oct. 28, 1979. "The I. Magnin File" -Mike Wallace mvestigates charges of age discrimination at the I. Magnin department store. First broadcast Nov. 1, 1981. "Who Stole 'Superman'" - • • 1nterv1ew Harry Reasoner looks at videotape piracy and its threat to the movie industr y . First broadcast Feb 25, 1979 Fund figure corrected Democrat Roy "Pat" Archer spent less than $5,000 in his winning 43rd Congressional District primary bid -not $58,- 000 as reported in 90me Friday editions of the Daily Pilot. Because he spent under the $5,000 federal spending ceiling. Archer was not required to file a detailed financial disclosure report with the Federal Election Commission in Washington, D.C. The Daily Pilot regrets any confusion that may have resulted from this typographical error. LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED! FULL FACILITY ~ • Jf 'It-~s~t0\ HEALTH CLUB ~ * f\l\CtS ~ . .If-• DAY NON·PRIME TIME ~ • • STUDENT~ * LUXURIOUS LOCKER FACILITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN * SAUNA , STEAM, JACUZZI * 2 SAND VOUIYIAU COURTS * 1/1 MILi JOGGl118 TRACK * IMDMDUAL IXllCISE PROGRAMS * IYMNASIUll (IAIKETIAU.. VOWYIAU) * FltEE CHILD CARE CENTER * 18 CHAMPIONSHIP RACQUETIAU COURTS * NAUTILUS MUIPMINT * IP!CIALAROMCCLASSES * 21 METii Ol YMPtC POOL t SUNDECK * 'ROSHO' * amAUIANY, IAI. SOCIAL LOUNll . * MAlllUI a MASRUSE I i I I i : . l i I I . . ' l . ( WORLD Whaling ban approved BRIOKTON , B:n1land (AP) - Championed by the United State•. COMerv1Uonilt1 ICOl.ci their blueet triumph of a 10-yoar ftaht to uve whal•~day when comrnerclal huntinf wu banned worldwide tor an indefinite period be8innina ln 1986. Japan and Norway vowed to continue whallna despite the t.n. The Soviet Union, Brull, lcei.nd. South Kora and Peru joined them ln votina qa.lnat it. Two dozen nationa besldee the• United Statet vo~ for the ban, 1ncludin8 Spain, which cro.ed over to the non-whallna camp ln the International Wha.l1na Comm.11ilon for the first time. Five natJona abetalned. Iran declares 'holy war' Iran'• chief j\.&aUce declared Friday his oountry hu launcbed a holy war lnto Iraq to enforce blam1c law and called on the Iraqia to "annihilate" the regime of President Saddam Huaaein. "We are Moslema and we want to enforce the decrees of the Koran," Chief Justice Ayatollah Musavi Ardebill aaid In a sermon at Tehran University. "The l.alamic combatant.a (of lran) are fighting in the battleflelda for the ca~ of God," the clergyman added. "We do not say that we muat destroy Saddam, but we say that the Iraqi nation should annihilate thia Zlonilt-i.naplred re2tme which has been impoaed upon the fraqi nation," Ardebill aaid. -Japan landslides toll high TOKYO -Torrential rains unleashed rnuaive landslides in aouthem Nagasaki state, leaving at least 328 people killed, buried or missing, police reported today. They said 42 people were killed, 204 were known to be buried -many in their frame homes crushed by tons of mud and rocks - NATION and 82 others were unaccounted for. The death toll was expected to n.e as more bodies are found by thousands of reecue workers digging frantically in the aearch for survivors. Police said about 80 other people were isolated by flood waters. lf.S. can deter attack: Shultz WASHINGTON -Secretary of State George P. Shultz says he is disturbed by growing Soviet military m.lght, but believes the United States "most assuredly" has the power to deter a nuclear attack. In response to questions by Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.1., Shultz declined to say directly whether he would rather have at his disposal the U.S. or the Soviet nuclear arsenal But he added, "U we do not succeed with modemu.ation and arms control efforts. the answer to your question will be clear." In some critical areas , such as intercontinental ballistic missiles and medium-range missiles in Europe, Shultz said, the Soviet Union "has advantages over the United States that a.re not offset by U.S. capabilities in other areas." Money supply dips slightly NEW YORK -The Federal Reserve Board reported Friday a $100 million drop in , the nation's money supply for the second week of July. It also revised upward by $500 million its estimate of the previous week's total. l>' In the financial mark.eta. where investors apparently had expected • bigger money- supply drop for the week ended July 14, bond prices fell and interest rates rose slightly in late trading after the report was releued. Maria Fiorini-Ramirez, a financial economiat at Merrill Lynch & Co. in New York. said the report wu disap,pointing and "may hold the market back a bit ' after a week of steady declines In short-term interest rates. Drinking age raise urged WASHINGTON -Federal safety offida.ls urged 35 states Friday to raise their drinking age to 21, saying that a third of the people killed ln alcohol-related auto accidents are between the ages of 16 and 24. ''This is a national tragedy and a national acandal," declared James Burnett, chairman of STATE I the National Transportation Safety Board, which called for the uniform minimum drinking age. The board, in letters to governors and state legislatures, said surveys of accident reports show a direct relationship between the drinking age and the number of young people killed in traffic accidents involving alcohol. New tack tried on graffiti LOS ANGELES -A judge is trying a novel approach against gang graffiti, approving a temporary order Friday that defines three gangs as unincorporated a.uodations and makes each gang member responsible for the defacement. police Lt. Robert Ruchhoft said Friday. Graffiti is used to stake out territory and it "puts fear m the hearts of most people," he said. The city filed civil suits Thunday against the Dogtown, Primera Flats and 62nd Street Crips gangs, requiring them to remove gang graffiti in their areas as a public nw.sance. "ln Los Angeles, people in a minority community are living in a reign of terror," Prisoner transfer halted ONTARIO -Acting on a prisoner's $15 million lawsuit against the state, a judge bas temporarily halted the tranafen of more than 500 prisoners who were to be moved to other facllides from Chino. officials from moving any of the 523 protective custody prisoners stlll incarcerated at the California Institute for Men. Some protective custody prisoners - inmates who have enemies ln prison or who are infonnants, former prilon gang members or ex-law enforcement officials -said their lives will be ln danger if they were moved. San Bernardino County Superior Court Judge William Pitt Hyde signed a temporary restraining order Thunday barring prison ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomea P. Hele¥ ~ -O.W l....-0!-. ~~ ........... --. T °"' MurpNne ..., ==~ ~ ~Goddsd ..,....,.,~ =:.llC&Mn Tom McCann ........... ........... .., ..... t ... CIHslfled advef1falng 714JIM2·5171 All other depertmenta 142~321 MAIN OfFICE mW ... Say SI ,~ ¥Ha. CA MeM ......,.: ... ,,.., C•t. Mew. CA.._. c..,rlfN 191 0r.,.. Coest .....,.,...,,. ~ No_.....,.., lltVltrat....._ eclltorlal ~ w .. "".....,.. ........ ,,..,. .. .__ .. "'"'"""' ...-ct.I'"""'.-, M c.-,rltH -· VOL 75, NO. 20I Farm income drop noted SACRAMENTO -Deapite record crops, net farm income apparently dec:.llned in California laat year. the state Food and Agriculture Department reported Friday. ~on net income won't be ln until next month, but they will cert.a.inly ahow • decllne ln light of r1lina e'Xpen8fJI and only • 1 pen:ent lncrule ln cash recelpi., uld Mark Woerner of the department'• Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dilly Piiot? What don't J.OU like! Call the number below and your me••••• wUI be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate tdttor. ' Th• aame 24·hour 1n1wertn1 Mrvke may be u1'4 to record ltl· l•rt to t.he editor on any topic. Mallbo• ~trtbuton mut include thtil' name and telephone number for vtnflcaUon. No clrculaUon c•ll•, pltt.M. tell us what 't on your mind. 842~ • Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 24, iea2 FANTASY IN THE SAND -This sand sculpture on Carmel beach may look spectacular, but for Paul Dawkins, of Al'~o &imonton, Alberta, it's just a workout for a July 31 sand castle building contest in Impenal Beach he has entered. Tustin pharmacy's operations halted pending drug hearing Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. ~ refused to allow continued operations of a Tustin pharmacy that he called "a rP.Creahonal drug store" pending a hearing for the pharmacist who owns the store. Earlier, the judge slapped a restraining order on John Wachter that would keep the pharmacist from filling prescriptions, pending a court hearing to be held on Oct. 27. The Tustin pharmacist had been accused of dilpensing dangerous drugs on phony prescriptions. Hi1 attorney petitioned the court to allow him to continue operating untll his October hearing. "I'm not going to give him another opportunity to diapenae 75,000 Quaaludes on the street," Crosby said. "The public Interest outweigha your client'• lnterest . . . The evidence before me shows that th1a ii not a pharmacy but a recreational dNg l10re ... "But I'm not c1oGng his doors," Crosby said. "He can hare another pharmadat to atep into this if he want. to." The state Board of Phannacy has filed a civil suit against Wachter in an effort to revoke his pharmacist's license and revoke his perm.it to operate a pharmacy, accusing him of selling enormous amounts of Quaalude, Preludin, Ritalin and Tuinal. "acript~writing doctors." He said the number of prescriptions and do.ages prescribed make the pre9Criptions highly suspect. He said that in one instance Wachter dispensed 2,007 Preludin tablets to an ind.Jvidual who brought in 34 prescriptions for the drug. Board of Pharmacy Inspector Robert Crow has said in a court affidavit that the Centre Pharmacy was "one of the major suppliers of i111c1t drugs in Orange County ThlS one neighborhood pharmacy purchased four tunes the amount of Quaalud es than w e re purchased by 11.357 Thrifty drug stores." No crinlinal charges have been filed against Wachter Supervisors finish 1982-83 budget work Orange County supervisors have all but cloeed the books on completing the fiscal 1982-83 county government budget, an $817 million spending program finally balanced with an infuaion of federal revenue sharing funds. For the first time, superviaon have agreed to dip into revenue sharing to help fund routine government operations. In put ~ revenue ahatlng only has be.en Wied for one-time coats. such as new buildingl, and support of various social service programs. Supervisors will not formally adopt the spending program until Aug. 25. Some adjustments likely will be made at that time, according to analysts in the county Administrative Office. Deleted from this year's budget was $5.86 million for construction of six new courtrooms at Harbor Municipal Court in Newport Beach. That money was left an an emergency reserve fund and will remain unallocated. The 1982-83 spending plan is about 7 percent greater than the $763 million spent 10 fiscal 1982-81. Work starts on dispatch center .. • . No date has yet been aet for this suit. which is to be heard before a state administrative law judge. The October hearing in Superior Court wa1 to determine whether the temporary restraining order preventing Wachter from fl.1.ling prescriptions should be made permanenL AB budget bearings drew to a close Thursday afternoon, the board set aside $10 million of about $43 million in available revenue sharing for capital projects and about $12 million for routine government operations. Work has begun on a new $870,000 communications center behind Costa Mesa City Hall that - . : will house the city's computerized emergency 911 operations. Jeff Friedman, Wachter'• attorney, said Crosby'• lauance of the temporary reatrainlng order "was the poorest decl.sion I've seen in the 10 yean I've practiced law." He said h.i.a client d.Jd nothing more than honor legitimate prescriptions. Deputy attorney general Alan Mangels, proeecuting the cue on behalf of the Board of Pharmacy, claims Wachter honored prescriptions from The board authoriz.ed, among other things, that $3.2 million be eannarked for constructinB an aaas road to the proposed Bee Canyon landfill near Irvine. Superviaors a1ao set aside $2.6 million for design of a ao<alled intake and release facility at the Orange County Jail The 400-bed expansion would cost about $52 million. The facility would house uunates spending short stays in jail. Design work, however. will not begin until the county finds some means of financing construction. The system, said to be the most ; aophistica led in the country. will be moved out of the police department brulement and into the new 7 ,000 -square-foot buildin~ next March. Part of the project will mclude parking for 65 vehicles. The police helicopter landing pad already has been removed from the site and will be relocated to an area over the existing police parking lot Meanwhile, police helicopters are operating out of John Wayne Airport. Ultrasonlc Pest ReDeller' .. Effectively Eliminates Insects andRodents SAFE -For chlldren and peta, No poisons. messy traps or costly exterminators ffFECTIVE -Covers up to 2,000 sq. ft . ECONOMICAL • Uees 1eu than half the energy of a nlte llte POWERFUL -Up to 10 times more than any compareple product on the market today SILE PRICED '4988 if :: I "' Orengo Cont DAI~ y PILqT /81Md1y, July a•. 1012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : · 1 I u er it age library nearer EHCWBIVE OFFERING Irvtn• blbllophllM no doubt havt much to rejoice u conatsuctJon bej'lna thla fall on • lon1-1w1lted county branch Ubra.ry in Heriiqe Park. The City CouncU la expected to echedule blddin1 ln AuiUlt or September for the 10,000-equare-foot bulldlna and the library will take about a year to complete, accordtns to • Community Services Director DellUla MannlnS. The Oran1e County Public Ubrary branch, which wu part o( th• Kertqp Park muier plan, will cott '800,000. The city, ln addition,· hu 1pent *8(),000 ln d..t8n coei.. Mannina llid. nie Ubta.ry la to be built ne&r W1lnut and Yale avenu11, 1djacent to Or1n19 County Fire Station No. 28. Archli.ct for the tac:Wty 11 the Hunu.n,ton Beach firm of Anthony & ~oni. M1. Mannlnt aatd the new library 11 expected to relieve pree1ure caUMd by heavy Ule of the dty'a only library branch at 4512 Sandburg Way. The Sandbur1 branch, with 70,000 volume• In a 10,000-.quart-foot complex, 11 th• -=ond b\Weet in tht county, accordtn1 to branch librarian Carin Sun,. She aid the library hu 22,400 card holders and a dally book circulation of 2,~. ''Th.ll library I.a not auffldent to provide Mrvlces to the total population of lrvine," 1he aald. M1. Suns added that the Heritap Park library la expected to open with 30,000 volumes. HAM -Ma c key Rooney hams it up as he rehearses with group of young acting students in New York City. NEW 1981 .. LATE SERIES" DE LOREANS S 1peed1 • AulOtnlllCI $19,995 DELIVERED Include• 5' Year or 50,000 Mlle Warranty "'Reno to host little people RENO (AP) -The "Biggest •µittle City in the World" la J>laylng host to some of the ~est people ln the country at , the 25th anniversary convention of Little People of America, Inc. The group was founded here in 1957 by 3-foot-9 actor Billy Barty to promote understanding of the needs and special problems of little people and to seek solutions to their unique challenges. "The convention la both a social set-together and an opportunity tor learntn1 workahops," Barty aald. "We will be addre11lng medical, educational and employment iaaue1 as well as such varied subjects as genetics and * * * * * * clothing." · The gathering opens Sunday with a charity basketball game pittin'1 "The H ollywood Shorties • a ainst a team of local D D Model 4610 SPECIAL PRICE $4999" An unbe/Jevab/e sharp color picture for an unbelievable low poce And you'll get a big 25" diagonal picture in a convenient compact cabinet Model 4610 features Automatic Fine Tuning. an efficient 4" speaKer. and up-front secondary controls -including a Tone Control. Plus detent tuning with solid state tuners. Model 4036 SPECIAL PRICE $279"" An outstanding color portable. this 13" diagonal compact Magnavox w/11 delight you with Its fine performance. It features electronic voltage regulation to protect critical citcults, lncludlr>Q the picture tube 11/ament. from .harmful power fine surges. Automatic Fine Tuning for accurately tuned pictures orr every channel; a 100% solld- state chassis for reliability: an ln--1/ne picture tube for great color performance. Anp rtJCessed side pocket handles rnsl<e for easy csrry#nQ. * * * * * * media people and college athletic department staffers. There will be an evening dance for teen- agers. Other events during the week-long convention Include genetic counseling sessions and/ medical examinations by doctont . specializing in the proble~ of ll tt 1 e p e op 1 e , a gen &r a 1 membership meeting, a lllOf\ball game and plenty of sightaeeing. ~WN YOUR OWN~ -.USIN-SHOW'I ~.,..-...... •h•-· ........ _,._.. .. -.... ~-· 1-........ °"°""""TIUI .,,..... ... 0.. ........... I • ~ • '""'-"" I . , ...... ~-...,.,._ I ...... - . ., .. u,. .. I t•• AT TM& •AM MOTIU. ~IH I NAAIOA. AllAllll•. CA I Jul' n . rt. n . 1•t ~.,.,,.. ........ ,~ .. 1uni.>1• e -U lllMIC WllN !NII •85 :omc:; ·=-.a~ ~ .. - - ~--. .. ,__. Now. for a limited time. we are offering all new De loreans at prices far below normal value. Factory Authorized Technlctan1 Parts Avallablllty Crest Chevrolet 909 W. 211t St. San Bernardino (714) 883-8833 Call Bill or Robt. Bader or Fred Pope FEDCO MEMBERS AGREE WITH CHANNEL 2 KNXT-TV Channel 2, Sunday , June 27 , 1982, televised the results of their consumer sur- vey comparing prices of Fedco 's merchandise with Gemco's, K mart's and Zodys'. The KNXT consumer editor selected national name brand merchandise sold at Fedco, Gemco , Kmart, and Zodys. In every instance, Fedco was the lowest on all Items when compared to the prices at Gemco, Kmart and Zodys. NOW THAT'S WHAT MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS IS ALL ABOUT! FEDCO IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC -BUT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO DO YOUR FRIEND A FAVOR-hand the Fedco application form in this newspaper to someone you think may qualify for membership. Fedco doesn't have the luxury of the big department stores, but It has low prices for Its members -low prices are what FEDCO Is all about. FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES STORE LOCATIONS STORE HOURS FED~O COSTA MESA (714) 979-2660 3030 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO CERRITOS (213) 860-ntt 11525 SOUTH STREET, CERRITOS 90701 OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY WEEKDAYS• 12:00 NOON to 9:00 PM SATURDAYS• 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM SUNDAYS• 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM CLOSED WEDNESDA VS ARE YOU eLIQIBLE TO JOIN? APPROVED CREDIT UNION MEMBERS NOW QUALIFY. WHO MAY JOIN FIDCO'P Only '""*"' of IN ,._ Of C•l"Ofnl• wtlo meet ona Of~ ~in. ...,WIQllloM; If Y" 11e tllttMt 11 leitl , .... M- c1utt pu 111 111 ltlt 111ttttary ..mce. I •lu•lt4 wtllt111, !lift tttlM ....... eMI ltfflCt. '". crt•lt llllllfl .... lltr, ot 111 rtetl$t ltcial ....,., ""'"'· ...... ttll •• ,., --lltltw. " .... .,. ... It ., .. .. ..... dill ................. .. ""'"''Y· Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Saturtlay, July 24, 1882 Gandhi grooms her :son Heir apparen.t due in U.S. to study foreign affairs 11111 I flCll afflrmatlve-actlon prosrama at Cal State Fullerton aince 1979. .... os ~r, 'l'1£"r1~ "'" .aa. ~ ~ ~ TNT ( "' • ., DYNAMIT~ 99~ BREAKFAST Saturday• 8 a.m. to 11 ct.m. . Al Prilnt MJ.nllt.tr IDdlra OudbJ ll lntrodud.na her heir apparent, 1urvlvin1 ion Rajh, to the Untied Sta• and fontlln policy next w"k. But a.be MY' whether he ·~ her dependa not on her but on whether the InclW\ =• feel he can "deliver the A defamation of character complaint asalnat televl1ion evangeltat Jerry Falwell haa been withdrawn by a teec:her auapended at the collete founded by Falwell becauae he wu wrttina a Penthouae m.aautne article. Gen. Lew Allen Jr. a physidJlt who retired last month u Air Force chlef of 1taff, will be dlrector of the Jet Propulalon Laboratory aa the nation'• premier center for planetary explora tlon plan• for an increuing ro le in mllltary retearch. 1100 w. c.,,, • .,,. S41-ZZZ4 .,.,.,, ,..,, ,..~ DOUBLE TAKE -The real Dolly Parton, left, stands with a Dolly look-alike, at a party followinJl Nashville premiere of Miss Parton's movie, "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas." Billboard study set OAKLAND (AP) -The Port of Oakland, bowing to public criticism, is going to reconsider its dedaion to build a huge billboard at the eastern end of the Bay Bridge. Port commissioners have requested an environmental impact report on the $83,000 project. That will take about 90 days, and there will be a public hearing before the commission reconsiders the billboard. .. Mra. Gandhl dlacloaed that Rajlv, S~. hil Italian-born wile, Soma, and theh' two children will accompany her to the United Statea, where they arrive Tuetday for a nine-day vbit to New York, Waahlngton, Loa Angeles and Honolulu. A publl.aher aareed to promote a book about Wuh.lng1on Post chairman lta&Mrlne Gralaam aa a ''major" work, then halted publication aft.er th.reata by Post Executive Editor BeajamlD C. Bradlee, the author claims in a $6 million lawauit. DeboraJa Davia charpd In~ suit agalnat Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. that after the alleged threeta by the newspaper exec:.\.ltlve 1n November 1979, the company halted advertising, promotion and publication of her book. "Katharine The Great." The complaint. filed 1n U.S. District Court, accuaed the giant publishing hoUle of breach of contract. Lynn Rldealtoar, a former wri Una teacher, laid he I.ant to reftle the complaint. which IOU£ht S7.000 i n damagea . after he dlscu11e1 the caee with a lawyer. Falwell, fbunder of Moral Ma-'AL.nu jority, the coruervatlve lobb~ organization, Is founder -ana chancellor of Liberty Baptist College, a fundamentalist achool in Lynchburg, Va. The University o f Arizona named an Orange County college offlctal as ita director of minority student affairs. Or. Manuel Eacamllla, 31, has served as coordinator of student The f our-s t ar general'• appointment wu announced by Caltech, which rune JPL at Puadena for the Natlonal Aeronauti c• and Space Adminiatration. Allen. ~. who retired from the Air Force on June 30, alao become• a vice prealdent of Caltech when he beglna duties Oct 1. Pollo re.earcher Dr. Jon11 Salk says he has not endoned Pete WU1on in hll campaign for the U.S. Senate, although Wilson listed him among support.era. PrtDce Bernhard, husband of former Netherlands Qaeen Juliana, entered the uruversity hospital i.n Utrecht in preparation for surgery. A government spokesman deecribed the surgery as a "smalJ urological operation." ~~~TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT Davis ~~ Brown TEUVISl0~4 • APPLIANCES • VIDEO ........ If it's got wheels, you'll move ft faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels into cash. .... " ............... . ' ' ARICtY'S Ml°lHINE NlWlSI RH EASES• NOSTALGIA• CONCERT S • RELIGIOUS SPORTS• CHllORENS • AOUlT • OOCUM(NUAlfS INCLUDING THESE TITLES True Confessions Connery Row A Stronger Is Watching Personal Best Rollover Buddy Budify !OPEN: M ·F. 10·9 -SAT, 10-7-SUN. 12-6 J · · . ·k ~ VIDEO GAMES ~·tr ·. · Jo ... '" ..... ,, .. "'" ,,, • •• e m, 1 ' .. ,r. M··\·• r .• ,,, ... ,... q7b.:'' •11oco I i 11 4 tiJI STOP"' 631 l8ul r, ~I o1f fW<;S I H(1"'1 RALPHS "The Store That Has All The Movies" 'J?taeio'd ?2edta11ea11t NOW OPEN FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. FEATURING FRESH SUMMER FRUIT Along With Other Great Items Complimentary Champagne FIVE POINTS LOCATION ONLY 18603 MAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH - PUBLIC AUCTION EST A TE JEWELRY & FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL VEA, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC MID D&.LERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine. China, Crystal, Porcelains, Bronzes. European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster ' diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE flGKT INSPECTION Fri., 23rd, Sat., 24th s.n. 25th, 1:30 p.m. 2:00 P.M. • 5:00 P.M. It 7 • I P .M. Sale flthts , Property of several prominent Leisure World residents, together wtth lnventory of well-known L.A. jewelry In flnanctal trouble. Also, out-of-pawn · merchandise. TERMS: Vita • MasterCard Peraonal check -Cuh. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenlenee of NJe to: 10I Tuatln Ave. (Corner Pac. Coaat Hwy. a Tuatln) N•w"'18e•ch CONalONMINTI ACCIPTRD 'TIL I ,,M. . •. 25 H Diagonal COLOR CONSOLE • Single Knob Ouarrz Electronoe Tuning 82 Channels • Energy ConsctOtJs· Soho Stale Chassis • In Lone Black Matro"' P1c1ure Tube • Light Sensor 25,, - • 01g11a1 Channel Numbers d1800ftel COlOR TV 2ee2114P • 'T11t Out Conlr~ Bin •;.,..;,, ''4~ ,:·· .• r:::;"; M ;, ~•';..,....,,,~: , '·-1-Y• .. , ot.,J.,., ,,.,~.f'Y1 ,. ..... NOW ONLY ~ Tnt '1Nutti0fll9d '""""''"II "' ..... ....,,, oro-Qf..,... ""°"""" M.619' .... ...,.,, ,,,.,inoe ll>e COC>/To0/'1' n1-. Model 1VCR3014W Woodgrain lhoWn 11 ol h1gh·1mpact plashc NOTa , .. """"''""'"° ·-n1-..-p .. > ~---.... _., .... inoe .... __ ... -. REMOTE PAUSE CONTROL WIR~LESS REMOTE CONTROL 19" DIAGONAL COLOR W/REMOTE • VIR II Broodcost Controlled Color • OUol Mode Remote Control • Quoltz Etec:tronlc Tunino -I05 Chonnela 8-HOURVHS VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER • watch one program/record another • Pre-set to record 1 event up 10 10 days in advance • Remote pause control • Push bu"on electronic tuner • 01g1tal elec1ron1c IApe counter and memory 8-HOUR VHS VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER • 16-channel programmable tuner for unscrambled Midband and Superband cable channels · • 16·funchon wireless remote control • 5-eventn -day time< • Video Scan fOfWllrd/reverse • Special effects 1nclud1ng variable slow motlOll COMPACT AND EFFICIENT NO-FROST FOOD SAVER REFRIGERATOR • 23 5 cu fl w1lh 8 57 cu 11 lreetPr SPACE SAVING 13.9 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR • Sode-hinged freezer door • 3 tull·w•dlh snelvea chiller tray • 2 Ice N Easy 1r1yt ONLY s3999s WHEN THE TEMPERATURE GOES UP THE PRICES GO DOWN • Mo•SI n Fresh and Cool n rrt>sn ·,torage compar1men1s. convertible meal p.1n ano sealed snack pack SAVE s10000 • Dispenser delivers crushed ice c1Jlll'5 and chilled water through Ifie door GE WASHER AND DRYER ~ i ·----~ 2-SPEED WASHER • 4 cycles, 1nclud1ng permanent press • 3 wash-rinse teml)efature selections • Walflf level contro4 and cotd water nnM HEAVY-DUTY AUTOMATIC DAYER • Midband And Sup«bond Copoblldy- SAVE '10()00 NOW s4999s SAVE '80 ONLY WHIM vou auv THE PAt" • 4 cycles including permanent press/knits • 3 drying selections GE. We bring good things to life. • Durable porcelain enamel drum II ! I 'I ., I ~I 1 ; i I ,· ·: ·! .. .. Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, July 24. 1882 The increasing str:ength of the dollar worldwide means we buy more overseas for less - and pass the savings on to vou! come In and save while the savings are this good! Imported Teale aoo1ccases TWO foi.$178 watnut .... 2 for •1• CJ => These gOOd looking, flame·oraln teak bookcases are a speclaf direct lmoort purchase and are ;m unt>eatao~ value Crafted Of the flnest teak veneer w1 m ad)Ustable shervestf'lev mtraSure76" x12~" x35" Atsoavallableln walnut finish at slightly hlgher orice5 Bxk Piflt'li ~re con~tructeo wtm matchrni1 PVC BUY sgg ONE FOR EACH Matching doors. $39 value s29 I· Terrtflc Teak wortc Table $ 79 tt'S t>eaut1ful. compact and perfect for typing, organizing, or OlaMlng, PUt It anywhere In the S145 value home or office and get a sweet little workDlace at a sweet llttle price• 36" x 1s· x 29·· Adjustable Teat Deslk Chair WooCJOack, ~sg UpholStered seat & $79 various colO~ oack, various co1ors S79value S9Svalue Ma~s not Included oueen size beCl headboard ana $ 925 night Stands S142Svalue The one and on1y1 Ort= Stnlllell Le Chair from Norway e1eo1nt criromt & leather with ottoman Av1111ble In various co10~ S795 value White Patio Fumlture Out.door stacking $ 24 chal'1,~5 val... ..... •for ... Outdoor dining ~~~~~.·.'.~~a .. $65 Hlgribadc ctlatrs $29 $42val .. .. ... Occastonal tables 17Y."dla $19 $35 val .. $725 s415 $569 Tills beautff\Jlly c:teslgned Cira Chair Is ooverecs In $ CIUrabte rust. beige or brown canvas and SUPPOrted wttn a SUJiTJY brOWn steel frame. $209value. 9611 Wall Unit . Tills fantastic teak wall unit gtv~ vou lots of space tor dlsp1av1ng books art, etc There s even more storage space below behind the Sliding doors. overall measurements are 96" )( 15'h 'x 67' untt1 untt2 $225 value $285 value •159 $179 Teak Dining Table & ettatrs S219vaJue eeautlfUlly de51gneo and made of $17 5 fine. wann teak It extends from 35Y." x 53 ·to 35Yt' JC 92· Even more tmp0runt. It sells at this lncre<JlblV tow pnce1 The matctllng chal~ are uphOfstere<S seat and t>acic 1n various colo~ and offer vou the same t>eautv Teall Sade Chair $ 75 Teak Arm Chair $ 89 S 109 value S 135 value cria1rs have upnoistered seat & back 1n vanous coiors Breuer style Chairs from Italy S1decha1r S79va1ue $39 These Qualltv Chairs are careful IV handcratte<S In walnut or natural WOOd flnistl with genuine heavy· dutv cane bactcs ana sea~ on srurctv cnrome frames White Lacquer from Flnland ~k68 X30" " w/42" x 22" return $351 val. $258 MlcttJydst Teat Entertainment center$395 Tills flle cabinet has a flexible tambour door ana is ideal for computer print-outs 19W' x 15" x 45" AS26Svaiue Magazine Rack Teal< & canvas construction Breaks down into 1tsown ma111ng cannister 1inc1uded1 S33value Special 1mp0rt purchase on one of me most t>eaut1fullv designed Pteces m our 1nventorv 90 x 11· , x 57 H SS45 value Available 1n walnut A39 Danish Outdoor Furniture Plummer slow prices on Oan1sn outooor furniture make fun m the sun even nicer• Thfl pieces are constructed of natural beechwood frames ano nave durable canvas covers 1n mree colors Vou II want rtlP ~.--._ convenient 1tn1e table too' oeck cnair S39 value The white lacquer desk can be enhanced with a d~k ret\Jm for more surface space Storage Is provided by drawer uni~ on casters elmer with 3 drawers or a sing le drawer with large filing compartment n.. becutlft Desir Chair has adjustable height & tilt and has a 2·vear guarantee S387 val. ~~~~~?~... .. $169 3·drawer unit on $129 casters $175 val Drawer unit $129 W/large flle cabinet $165 val exec. chair avallln !29 durable tabrl~ $ S387val . TERNATIONAL CONTEMPO ARY FURN TURE ( WIST LOS ANGii.iS • 8833 National Blvd.• (213> 837-0138 teetween ventce & wasn1ngton1 SANTA MA• 1540 E. wamer • <714> 557·0611 CE>dt over ltd. on NeWt>Ort Fwy1 SP VALUY e 12240 Sherman Way, NO. HOllVWOOd • (215) 765·0401 CIMtWffn HotlVWOOd Fwv & Laurel C1nvon1 PAIADINA 1805. Lake Avenue• C213l 449·87410"Wobl0delsoutnotco1orado1 SOU'Tll IAY • 23855 HaWthome &hid., Torrance• C213> 378·9473 coneb1octcnortnof'coastHwv> • ~ MtlllOll VII.JO• Mai"QUer1t'e Plata• t71•> ~5252 ctetween crown vanev• ~ • OPIN10tol-.... Y--tol • ... I . .. r llllJ Piiat SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1982 TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT 89 810 Wyland. Louganis lead diving events at Sports Festival. B2. ~ --~~ D 0 GOING SWIMMINGLY -The United States' World Championshi Trials moved into the fifth day Friday at the Mission Viejo Swim Complex. Nadadore Steve Barniroat (above, left) shows fine form to start the 100 backstroke, while teammate Bruce Hayes (above, right) glided to a 15:34.63 in the 1,500 freestyle prelims. Nadadores Coach Mark Shubert (with hat) discusses the situation with Bryan Jennings (below, left) and Hayes emerges from the water for Delly ...... ,,....."' .............. a glance at the time clock after his 1,500 effort. Hayes was a double winner in Thursday's competition. The meet concludes tonight. Phillies' home runs too much LOS ANGELFS (AP) -Mike Schmidt and pitcher Larry Christenson slammed two-run homers to lead the Philadelphta Phillies to a 6-3 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers Friday night. The victory was the eighth in the last 10 games for the Phillies, who maintained a one-game lead over St. Louis in the NationaJ League East. Porfirio Altamirano, 2-0. earned the victory In relief of Christenson. Ron Reed hurled the finaJ four innings to record his third save. Dave Stewart, 5-5, who had won four straight decisions, took the loss. The Phillies took a 3-0 lead after two outs in the second inning. Manny Trillo walked, stole second and came home when Ivan DeJesus singled. ChristenlOn then followed with a home nan to left, the 11th of his career but first i.t1 two years. Pete Roee reached base on an error by Stewart to lead off the third and one out later, Schmidt's 15th borne run brought the arore to 5-0. Lo. Angeles, limited to three hit. in the first four lnninga by Christemon. came alive ln the fifth after two out.. Steve Sax drew a walk and the Dod1en aued three runa on comecutive llna1ee by Ron Boenkke, Dusty Belier, Pedro Guerrero and Ron Cey. Cey'a ain1le knocked out CbNtenlOn and h• left the pme one out lhort of quallf)'inl for the ~· Altamirano came on io let Steve Q.rvey io fly to npt. The Dodc•ra mlHed an ~'7 to l*k up• pine on -i.dlila Atlanta. whkh waa b1"'ked" by Plttaburah ~flllllt. Yankee duo •• • 1mpress1ve Angels stumble, 6-3 NEW YORK (AP) -Shane Rawley isn't used to starting, Dave Righetti isn't used to relieving. But they produced in new roles as the New York Yankees defeated the Angels 6-3 Friday night. Rawley, making his fourth start of the season and ninth of his major-league career, allowed three runs in 8 \I) innings, striking out five and walking twp. Righetti gained his first big-league save despite a shaky performance. Jerry Mumphrey, with a three-run homer, and Dave Winfield, with three runs batted m, supplied the offense. NEW YORK Manag~ Gene Michael liked what he saw from his two pitchers. "I can see now he's going to be a good starter," Michael said of the 26-year-old Rawley, a starter for most of his minor-league career. Rawley said he liked his new job. "l thought the idea was great," he said. "It was always-in the back of my mind that I wanted to do it. I think now that I'm getting the opportunity, I'm showing I can do it." Michael a.1ao is confident that Righetti, last year's American League Rookie of the Y «;ar, will On TV tonight channel 5 _!it 5 settle into tus new role as well "When Rl1hettl came fn, •• Michael said, "not having done It before, maybe he was a little tense. But he has to do it. BefOlle the game, he liked the idea. ..f think if he st.ruck out a cou~ ~ batters he would have liked i even more." RAWLEY GAVE up 10 ~ including a Reggie Jackson homer. before needing tw~ relief help from Righetti, wW yielded a run-scoring single bYl Rod Carew. then got Bobb~ Beardsley just misses own world mark Grich on a game-ending fly~ to deep right field with the t . runs on base. The Angels took a 1-0 lead · the first on Dan Baylor's single. But he still qualifies for World Championships; Linehan also Ecuador-bound By HOW ARD L. HANDY O(tfle Delly Not It.fl Craig Beardsley and Kim Linehan made the team for the first time and three other swimmers won for the second time Friday night to highlight action m the United States' World Championship Trials al Mission Viejo's International Swim Complex in Marguerite Recreation Center. Beardsley crune within an eyelash of breaking his own world record in the 200 butterffy on two occasions Friday and posted the second and fourth fastest times ever in the event. He holds the top five best times and is the only swimmer ever to get under 1:59.0. He had a 1:58.14 in the prelims and a 1:58.55 in the finals. His world mark is 1:58.01. Linehan. a veieran freestyle swimmer who holds the American record in the 800 free, finished second to Mi.ssion Viejo's Tiffany Cohen in 8:33.38 to Cohen's 8:29.48 to gain a place on the U.S. team that will compete in Guayaquil, Ecuador July 29-Aug. 8. Rick Carey won his second event in the 100 backstroke in 56.71 and Tracy Caulkins won the 200 IM in 2: 15.07 to go with her victory in the 400 IM. Others to make the team for the first time th.is week included Polly Winde in the 200 IM: Robert Patten in the 200 fly: and Clay Britt in the 100 back. The top two swimmers in most events qualify and when double victories occur, others a.re added to the squad. This meana that Jeff Float will be added in the men's 200 free; Bev Acker in the women's 200 breast: and Julie Williams of the Nadadores in the 100 free. Beardsley wasn't satisfied with his swim in the finals. "I just had a pretty poor swim. The start was bad and my turns weren't that good," he said. "I just wanted to make the team and I didn't want to let a record interfere with my winning. "But it v•as a struggle tonight after feeling pretty good this morning. By my standards, I thought it was a pretty poor race. The meet in F.cuador will be the biggest meet I have ever been in. Hopefully that will make me swim faster." "I'm tired and relieved," Linehan said. "I haven't been feeling well and I decided to just go for 1t and hang on. I knew TiUany was in lront of me and I knew I had to stay ahead of the rest of the group. I made the team and that's what counts. I didn't want to bring it down to Saturday." Cohen won her second event (she took the 400 free and was second in the 200 free earlier in the week) and her third spot on the team. ''l felt pretty good tonight," the Mission Viejo Nadadore said. "~bably the best I've ever felt. 1 guess it's because I didn't go out too fast (Linehan took the early lead). "Kim always goes out pretty fast and I knew she must be pretty tired at the 400. That's when I made my move. Physically I feel pretty good right now even though I'm tired from the race." "The 200 IM is reelly my favorite race," C.ulklns said. "It .always 1eems like after I have a disappointing race, the 200 IM la (See BEARDSLEY, Pqe 82) New York scored three times in the fourth. Winfield led otfi with a walk from Geoff Zahn. 10-5, and raced to third on Lot.( Piniella's bloop single. Mumphr"Y followed with hit( second homer of the seaso!jn. line drive into the left-Ci~) comer. • THE YANKEES added a • in the fourth. Willie Randol drilled a one-out triple to rl _ center and acored on Winfiel sacrifice fly. New 't ork tallied twice in tji seventh off reliever Mike Witt · walks to Graitt Nettles a ·. Randolph and Winfield's two-oo triple. ::: Jackson made it 6·2 · • amashlng Rawley's first pi • deep into the right He bleachers for hla America Ieaaue-lead.ini 23rd home run· the eealOll. : -! .•. .·. UCLA makes rosy deal, says good-bye to Coliseu ·=· ... LOS ANGELES (AP) -Aa the Oakland Raiders prepare to enter the Los Angeles Coliseum, the UCLA football Bruins are exiting. UCLA Chancellor Charles E. Young announced Friday that the university has agreed to a five-year lease with Pasadena to play in the Role Bowl, ending a 52-year stay ln the Colileum. The Bruins will play their fint home game in the Roee Bowl next Sept. 11, meeting Lona Beach St.ate. The Raiden, be.rrtna any eleventh-hour lepl victortee by the National Football I..eque, will make their Coliseum debut ln an exhibition p.me on Aul· 29. Ywna. at a pr.-eonference Friday mominC. apin Indicated ltl'OnalY that hla dlapleature with the Col11eu.m Commlllion'• deaUnp wtth the aeldln w• a major I.actor' 1n the decWoD to move the Bru.bw' home footbl11 pm11. Youna earlier had orltlclaitd the commtuion for not 1ufflolently consulting with the university prior to signing the Raiden agreement. which would take out 1,200 aeata to make way for luxury boxes. However, at a preas conference, Collaewn officiala said the ~t with the Raiden would have benefited UCLA finandally. Collaewn Cornmmion President M. J . Frankovich uld he believed that UCLA offici.ala "made up their mlnda to move a couple of yMn aao." UCLA'• deal to play in the Roee Bowl, aome 16 miles from the Coliseum, apparently wu about the ume u what the school would have received from the CoU.um. The unlveralty will pay Puadena eliht percent of lta arc-recelpta from each pme, two percent 1-than what thl cou.um cbarpd In tta 1llt contract with UCLA. but equal io the CoU.wn'a offer this Ume. Y ounc aald, .. While I beu.w opnlon will be divided on our leavlAI th.• • Coliaeum, I think the majority will favor the move." • Frankovich said Raiders' managing aeneral partner Al Davia had "bent over backwat'd" to try to appeue UCLA. "He told them he would guarantee them 150 percent of what they would aet foe -ta that were removed to make room foe the boxes," Ffankovkh said. contendina that and other conalderatlona could have meant an extra 000,000 for the univenity. • "The lmpr...ton °'-t Youna la inaklna I• that the Raider• were dama1lna UCLA." aid Cou.um Commiallonir 1. Stanley Sanden. "That'• W'fOl\I, that'• not t))e truth." Youn1 had cited lmprov•m•nt1 under way at tht ac.. Bowl. aDd .._ effort to mt. may. 10,000 ..... 1111 ~ dl:::lcMa'' • llDCal nMDftl ftx movt.na the team to the 100,00()..plua caPldfy ..,.Uum. l.Jm(ttd ~ ud ltreet MClm to .. ._. --... the Rote Bowl have 1eneraux bee~ oonaidend minuael fot the fadlity ~ Paudena dty offidala said ~ worldna on plana f« a parkina P for .-o11 ticket holden and iht lm ahuttle buses io the stadlwn. 1 There WU tome bnmediatil ptOtelt the BruiN' mow. UCLA student bci president Bobby Grace uld Jn a prepared statement : "Aa tb repeeentaUve of the student boc(y .. at.and oppcmd to UCLA's move io Roee Bowl •.. We believe that U~ departuN from the eou..um haa bl-' coriwmplated tor• lone time. .,It le no .nt that le1ect memben the UCLA c_,mmunlty do not Uk• vliiUJw IOUth ctntral Loi ~ Saturday ittemoon paw. 'lbe ... ii economically dlHdvantac•cl •• UMnfON, l\&fhn flom a hl&li C:i1ilii ti. It '8 our conteUon that .t!iil ~tni'Y hll a NlpOnldbWty io be a IOludOft to the DrObletn rather than nmn1na aw.y from lt.'1' • • Martin comes out ' <·in Weaver's defense From AP dl1patcu 1 ' · . BALTIMORE -Oakland • ¥anager IW1Y Manin crltldr.ed the e'Xecutlve director of the Major Lague Umpires Aaaodation Friday ln the wake of the $2,000 and 1even-day suspension lmpoeed on Baltimore Manager Earl Weaver. "l thlnk that lt 1$ time that IOmebody apeak '"o"p in defense of the rnanaaers. playen and 1irz~iches ln thia league, in regards to altercations with umpires," Martin said in a prepared al&tement rele.ued to the news media prior to the A'a..Qriolee game. "It's unfortunate that we have t.o llaten to atatementa by Richie Phillips," Martin aaid, "telling everyone how lenient the league oUloe la in the fining of m&Mgera. How oome Phillipa never opena his mouth when the umpire's wrong, and nothing ls ever said? It's a double standard. and it is not right." Martin said he, Weaver and other managers and players understand and accept the job of American League President Lee MacPha.if, "but we do not have to listen to threats from some Philadelphia lawyer, who'd better learn to understand that the umpires work for the American League and not for him. "Who is he to tell the umpires which managers are to be thrown out?" Montana signed through 1986 SAN FRANCISCO -Joe [!] Montana, who quarterbacked the 4. • surprising San Francisco 49ers to a Super Bowl championship, has signed a series of four one-year contacts with an option for a fifth, the National Football League club announced Friday. "That means he'll be with the 49ers at least through 1986," said team spokesman George Heddleston. who said he could not comment on the size of the contract. News reports have speculated that Montana might have received about $2 million over four years, but a knowledgeable source deecribed that as "a little high." Montana already was under contract for two years, but the new agreements will supercede the old contracts. Montana, ln his third NFL season and his second as a starter, was the top-rated passer in the National Conference with an 88.2 league rating. He completed 311 of 488 passes for 3,565, a 63.7 percent completion rate during the regular season. He threw 19 touchdowns and had 12 ~intercepted -t.he lowest interception rate in the National Conference White's suicide squeeze nlpe Miiwaukee Freak Wlalte'1 aulclde squeeze • bunt ctpped a four-run rally ln the ninth ln.n1na and lifted the Kan.au City Royall to a 4·3' victory over , ·Muwaukee In Friday niaht'a American ~ague action. The wtn moved the Royall to within two l amee of the AL West-leading Angela. Georae rett'1 two-run home run got the Royall off and rolling In their dramatic comeback ... Elsewhere, Cal Rlpken Jr. and Eddie Mu.rray hit home runs off former Corona de! Mar High star Mau K eou1la, powering Baltimore to a 2-1 verdict over Oakland. Jim Palmer, 8-3. notched his sixth straight victory . . Buck Martinez and Lloyd Moeeby hit run-ecoring doubles to fuel a three-run seventh inning as Toronto routed the Chicago White Sox 7-1 . . Blll Naltorod.Dy'1 aacrlfice fly with one out in the bottom of the 11th carried Cleveland to a 4-3 vicio1: over Seattle. The wm spoiled Gaylord Perry 1 bid for his 304th career Vlctory Fonner Angel F rank Tanana held Deuo1t h1ttles over 6~ innings and Dave Schmldl pitched flawless relief as Texas scored a 3-1 victory over Detroit. Quote of the day Luke Appling, 75, Hall of Fame short.stop, when asked if he was thrilled by his homr run for the American League in an oldtimers AH-star game in Washington. D.C.: "Not really. I didn't want to run all the bases at once." Rhoden blanks Braves on six hits Dale Berra tripled, singled and • scored three times, and former Dodger Rick Rlloden scattered six ruts to lead the Pittsburgh Pirates to a 6-0 victory over the Atlanta Braves ln Natlonal League action Friday night. It was Rhoden's first shutout since blanking Chicago last September . . . In other games, rookie nght-hander Andy Hawkilla, maing only hi! second mapr league st.art, hurled a seven-hitter to earn his first mapr league victory as San Diego bombed the New York Mets 11-4. Raaty Staab accounted for four of the Mets' seven hits . . . LollJlle Smith and Ken Oberkfell rapped RBI ruts to highlJght a four-run first mning that earned St. Louls to a 6-2 decision over Houston . . Keith Moreland hit a three-run homer with two out in the bottom of the eighth inning to give the Chicago Cubs a 7-5 triumph over struggling Cincinnati. The Reds' Johnny Bencb rut his 370th career homer, tying him wtth Gil Hodgea for 25th place on the all-time list. .Tim Raines led off the top of the 13th inning with his third home run of the season, lifting Montreal to an 8-7 win over San Francisco. Carner's putting saves her She gr a b s three-shot le ad at U.S. Wome n's Open • SACRAMENTO (AP) - JoAnne Carner declared parts of her game horrid but made enough good shots, including 20-foot putts on consecutive holes, for a 2-under-par 70 and a 3-stroke lead Friday after two rooods of the U .S . Women's Open Golf Championship. From Page 81 "I hit very poor iron shots, and I'm fighung my driver," said the 43-year-old golfing star who will tie a record held by the late, gr-at Bobby Jones if she claims the ()pen title this weekend. "I didn't play very well, but I did cap1taliz.e on the few goon shots I did make," Ca.mer added BEARDSLEY WINS. • • always right there. Last night's race (she was thlrd ln the 100 breast) was maddening and frustrating or something. I was swimming mad this morning and 1 was confident tonight. "l!m feeling better every day, more rested and my backstroke reany felt good tonight. I'm pretty confident for the 200 back SatUrday." '1 swam the people rather thaJJ time," Carey said. "I wanted to sbly with (David) Bott.om and I thltij< th.at might have hurt him. He-~ a great swimmer but I was ev~ with has face and he never got:ehead of me and that had to h~him." In tonight's final episode of the six-day meet to detennine the U.S. team for Ecuador as well as another large squad to compete in the Sports Festival in Indianapolis, the men will compete ln the 200 individual medley and 1,500 freestyle. The women will go in the 200 butterfly and 200 backstroke. Mary T. Meagher will be the heavy favorite in the butterfly with Caulkins the choice in the 200 back. Bill Barrett of the host Nadadores and Roger Von Jouanne will be the favorites in the 200 IM with Jeff Kostoff the choice in the l,500 free. She saved a par w1th a 20-foot putt on the 13th hole and dropped a 20-footer for a birdie at the 14th to go 4-under for the day. Bogeys at the 15th and 17th deprived her of a sub-70 sc:ore. She took a 1-stroke lead a.nto the second round. after a 3-under 69 on Thursday, and was at 139 after 36 holes over the 6,342-yard Del Paso Country Club course. The only other player In the 150-woman field to put together two sub-par rounds was Beth Daniel, the Open runner-up last year, with a pair of 7ls for a 142 Janet Alex, who began the day one stroke behind Carner. shot a 73 for a 143 total. Bonme Lauer had 74-144, Donna White 74-144, and the rest of the field wa.~ over par for the tournament. Carner has won eight U .S . Golf A88oc1ation championships -one Girls' Juruor title, five U.S. Women's Amateur events and two Opens (1971, 1976). Jones· won nine USGA titles. Carner also is one victory short, with 34 so r ar in her professional career, of qualifying for the Ladies Professional Golfers Association Hall of Fame. Baseball today On this date in bueball In 1979: Beeton's 39-year-old Carl Yaatricmslu belted a home run off Oakland's HJ-year-old Mike Morgan m the Rt'd Sox' 7-3 victory at Fenway Park. It was Yaz' 400th career homer and later In the year, he would become the fir11t American Leaguer to collect both 400 homers and 3.000 hits. On thia date in 1973: San Francisco outflelder Bobby Bonds, who didn't even start the game, belted a home nm and a double to lead the National League to a 7-1 All-star game vicwry al Kansas Ctty. Today's blnhday: Milwaukee pitcher Jerry Augustine Is 30. Elder setting pace at soggy tourney Lee Elder birdied the final hole !I to l'Omplete a ~-under-par 66 and take the lead moments before a series of thunderstorms disrupted the second round of a PGA tournament In Williamsbu,rg, Va. Friday Tournament officials announced that tht.> second round -90 players were unable to complete play -will be concluded today The veteran Elder posted his 36-hole total or 1 ;jtl shortly before a storm broke over the Kingsmill Golf Club Course at 1:42 p.m. EDT. With well over half the field still out, Elder held a one- stroke advantage over Mark Hayes, Barry Jaeckel and Bruce Douglass, tied at 139 Allen still a no-show for Raiders Ma rc us Allen, the Heisman • Trophy-winning running back from use. remained unsigned and unsighted m the El Rancho Motel training headquart~rs of the Raiders Friday "I think Marcus will be in camp shortly," sa1d AJ Davis, the Raiders' managing general partner Robert "Larry" Mickey, fonner right wing for the Buffalo Sabres and several other teams m an 11 -year National Hockey League career, was found dead Friday m a parked car in a garage, an apparent suicide, Amherst, N.Y. police said . . . Two members of the Super Bowl champion San FranclSCO 49ers underwent treatment for drug abuse during the oH -season. the Oakland Tnbune-Eastbay Today reported . . A Jimmy Connors-Bjorn Borg sh'>wdown is expected this weekend, if both survive today's opening matches of the Michelob Light Cup at the Industry Hills Tennis Club. Today's matchups in the two-day, four-player tournament include Connors against Sandy Mayer and Borg pitted agamst Vitas Gerulaltis An All-star basketbaU team from 10 U.S . un1vers1t1es lost its opening game in Pelung, 98-93 to C'hma's National team Friday rught. Wyland ,leads diving prelims Louganis eeking double win lNDlANAPOLlS (AP) Wendy Wyland, seeking a berth on thf' U.S. tum In next week'• world champlonahlpa, and o,.., Lougan.Ls, already • on the aquad, flnllhed fint Friday In preliminary platform diving compeuuon at the NationaJ Sports Festival. "I've never been in a contett th.ls good where people were hitting dives that were 7.5 and 8a con111te ntly," said Wyland, a Mtsslon Viejo Nadadore who miSled making the U.S. team ln the 3-meter by placing thlrd m Thunday's finals. The top two (1rushers 1n each event will be on the American team acheduled to begin competing In Ecuador on July 28. ''l'M EXHAUSTED," said Louganis, who eamt'<i the gold medal m 3-meter diVlfl8 late Thursday "I've had a lot of excitement the past few days It's kmd of hard after making the world team one night and then coming back fresh in anolher event." Wyland and Louganis, a Nadadore attending UC Irvine, are both coached by Ron O'Brien at Mm1on Viejo. Wyland explalned she moved away from home 1n Pennfield, N.Y .. three yeans ago when her Conner coach decided to at.op teaching. Wyland finished the preliminary competition with 415.62 points. Chris Seufert, the 25-year-old Michigan graduate who placed second in the women's 3-mct.er l'Ompellt'.on, was second at 411.21. Kim Engel, a 15-year-old from Miami. Fla , who re<:e1ved her hrst 10 for a perfect dive from one of the judges Friday, was third at 401.31. Lougants, 22, thrilled the audi~nce at the Indiana University Natatorium by receiVlng five 10s and a pair of 9 5 awards for executmg an mward 11 , somersault m the pike pos1t1on The dive helped the :\-time NCAA champion <'Omptle 599 73 points to finish about six points ahead of runner-up Bruce Kimball, 19, Ann Arbor, MJch The women's finals are scheduled today and the men's finals wtll be held on Sunday. All scores from the prehmrnanes are d1SCarded when the finals begin. FRIDA Y'S COLORFUL ceremonies officially opened this 11-day. 33-sport speclable and served as an education for American's athletes. The majority of the i,600 hl're are teen-<tgers with no overseas experience. Olympian Wilma Rudolph lighted a ceremonial Olympic torch in Market Square Arena, dunng <.-ercmonies with Bob Hope. Football signups sla te d Regis1.rauon for Huntington Beach Juruor All- American Football is set for today at Murdy Park in Huntington &?ach from 10 am to 2 p.m. The league 1s open to boys. 7-14. Cost of n •g1strauon 1s $15 Then· 1s alw a $35 C('rt1f1cat1on charg(• Home field for Huntington Beach JAAF is Huntington Beach High School Fin.L game 1s Sept. 11 Practice begms Aug. 2 For more mformat1on, call Tom Tunstall at 846-2672 or Bob Nonnan at 847-0179. NFL talks stalled LEADER -JoAnne Carner has a three-shot lead after two rounds of the U .S . Women's Golf Championship. Grunion running today a nd Sunday The grunion w1U be running torught ( 12:55 a m.) and Sunday (1 :55 a.m.). Southern Califom1a beaches are sought by the little flsh to deposit their eggs. The grunion runs last about twu hours each night. A fishing license is needed to catch grunion. Players union threatening strike WASHINGTON (AP) -The National Footba11 League Players Association threatened Fnday to take a "job action" possibly a strike, during the current training season to prove to management that the union 1s unified tn its quest for a coU{'('tlve bargaining agreement Ed Garvey, union executive dirc.>ctor, sa!d after a five-hour bargaining session with the NFL Manl\gement Council . representatives of the owners. that "We have to show some solidanty in camp to show we're serious." Mark Murphy of the Washington Redskins. a member of the union's executive and barga1mng comrrutt~. srud that Jack Donlan, council executive direct.or, has "publicly admitted they're going to test the union's strength on Sept. 8 Between now and then, it is mcwnbent on us to show that we are strong " Garvey dedmed to say what action the union would taking, saying he did not want lip of{ management on th<' assoctation's plans In 1974, the union unsuccessfully struck during training camp but the clubs counteracted by holding preseason games with rookies and free agents. Donlan has said m the past that he will evaluate the st.ace of contract negotiations around Sept. 8, althoug he has said he never spec1f1ed a date -only that 1t would come before the fu-st game on Sept. 12 The most rt'<.-ent report IS that a maJOrity of the owners support lockmg out the players union JUSt bt>fore th<> start 0£ the regular !>eason unless contract negotiations tmprove dramat1cally H owevc•r, The Associated Press learned that the union has been exploring with various cable telev1s1on networks the poss1b1hty of staging their own game-of-the-week if the owners lock them out "We feel that legally the mmute the players are locked out. they can go to work where they please because the owners are rerusmg Lo pay them," said a union soun.'e, who asked that he not be identified S imilar to the five-hour meeting Wednesday, the Friday session proved to accomplish little Pacific /N. .g Coast Audio Vl/J Video 11Drlvlng well ls the b est revenge." 1982 . POllTIACS • --·Alb • 11000 •Ot•llYILLIS • 12000 a.AND .. IXS • 6000 ....... . .. ...... LARGE SELECTION OP HARD TO '11ND MODILS New from AIWA Attention Joggers! ***** TOP MOYIE RENTALS Stereo fM/ AM Radio Headphones ***** MO<Sel HA-801 V\Mrl lchtwetchtl vlnueclblt ScuiCtl ONLY $6QOO 1. STAR WARS 2. ON GOLDEN PONO 3. SOME KIND Of HERO 41 RAGTIME 5. ABSENCE OF MALICE 6. ONLY WHEN I LAUGH 7. TRUE CONFESSIONS 8. MAKING LOVE 9. JANE FONDA WORKOUT 10. X·RATED MOVIES MIJM>/VllEO SYSl'DIS, CGWOll.lflS - IOC -fll)¥( & CQUIP. IOTAlS n11 L eo..t HWJ. Corona del Mar ...,., ' . ' II I. ' ' Friday's horse racing results "'ttt...'9.:=,.. '" ............. ...,.._,..........._, NIT "AOL "llO rttdl. • Jtl N "4* .. (Wettl) I IO 3 IO 1.IO Looklll flOI' LCMI (Mylee) UO 3 00 Lotta Game (CrMaer) I to Al1d raoed: 1m Ou la Touell, "•o ~ 8:4 .. = .. o<:°;.!T.'~ CMlet•ue Time. 1100 a UACTA (10-tl paid UUO llCONO MCL HO yerd1. Notvade Lamb (Hert) 4.20 3.20 1.4'0 Manu1 Marti (CrMgW) UO UO Oo COl'IOOl'd (Ulclley) 4.00 AltO rtced: Teele o Te11 ... Rebe !cho, Swift Requeel. ..mt IUCI, 400 ylll<M. 11r 'llrlln Around (Hartl 23.eo 10.ao I IO Orandmu IOj.ok (Bard) 4 4'0 3 00 00111 Oo I.My (Went) 1.40 AltO rloed. f'lle Iron l'lulet. ~ lluea. llalter llvM. T•• Oh l'*o. John MRo Time: 20.10 • WCTA (4·21~177.eo. TINTM RACI. 3aO yard1. Moat H9PP)' Clloloa (Har1) 22.80 12.eo 8 00 win Mond11 (Mltohelll e.eo 5.80 Autocratic (M)'llla) 5 eo A 1to raced: Uno Bedulno. What Trouble Allo raoeo 'reedom'a...,... l'lm ....,_ Away With OolO. COW't O'Olown, IUdl ltl Hlpe, l'lunntno itoww. '°""ne lllc*t, Jenelll'a Iota. Capyohll\Q Time I II 'Wftt RACI. One mlle on turl Mt Am~ 140 120 120 l'atlt lncounter (llbhle) 48 40 12.00 l11ctullve l(ld (l'lnoey) uo Alto rac;ed OH·ltlulno11ong, OH-Celtic WarrlOr. Oolden Oltete, Royal B«b, Clap A TWo, Drummer Doug, llr lk)ruoa. Time 1·31 t/I. 11 IXACTA (2~) plld 11.113.IO. llXTM "AOI. 9 furlong• RalM N 8tty (Valeluuele) o.eo 4.40 3.20 Nordic PrlnoeM (MoClm>n) I.to 4.00 M .. t A ~ (OelehOUlllye) 3.40 WIJ'!!!"CJIU W A D .. • ........... ~ •• 4 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 24, 1882 Faria captures cycle feature Mtke Faria, the leadln1 point ecorer thla aeuon. ec:t1ed Alan Chrllt.lan of HunUniton Beach to win the ICl'atch ma.1n event at the apeedway motorcycle races at the Oranae CoW\ty FalrlfOW\d Friday nllhl before e. 724 fana. 3201 .. . . •. ·. Gene Wooda fln.lahed third and Oubb Ferrell fourth In the acratch maln with all heat races won from the pole poslUon. In the handJcap main, Gu~ Ermolenko was the winner followed by Sterllna Cogar, Steve Lucero, Wooda, JlJn Law.on and Tom Burba. DRIVE THE ORllilllAL! LIASI Oil IU1J Time: 27.23. THMD MCI. 350 yerd1 Im l(elly 01'"'1 (Hart) 4.80 3 40 2.80 Jetewey l!uy (Pllllenlon) 8.00 3.IO !.uy A*lldl. Ct1lg Clo, Studio o.-tve, Tralln. Time: 18,23. II IXACTA (8-4) plld 1 128.00 Altand111Ci9' 10,471. ' Aleo racied'. l>etarmlned Sport, Blanqutta, Cut11441nd, Jetting Polly, No No 04Weile, Clrclllway, Lady Bold Dike. Time t. 12 115 Ron Preat.on, here from the Engliah leagues, won the match race w ith Ferrell with Joe Kreiaber1 the third dlvialon winner and Mark Grandberg the second division winner. Roy Carver B.MW l!Uy L9dy Ber (Lectley) 2 IO Alto reoed. Super Rich, Johny Blm, J\lrnbo Time: 11 ea. 'OURTH MCI. 350 yerda Father Along (S.d) 11 40 8.00 4.4'0 o.tlllet '1ltOAY'a RllUU8 (W of ~y ~-'Intl ""'' RACL 9 lur1ong1. C!Nelo Holiday (Hen_,) 43 00 14 80 8 80 Cllncy (M-1 II 00 5 80 llVINTH lllACI· t 1/18 ml ... on tur1 Plpe<11111 (CMtaned•l 8.eo 4 20 3.00 Wiid Surf (Plneay> 9 40 3.80 Aroo (McC.rron) 3 10 Aleo rlClld: Talty Ho Thi Fox. Oolden Flak. Premto Nobel, Patti'• T rlUmpll. In \lie final qualifier for the World champlonahipl' at the Colllewn ln August, Bruce Penhall, Denni• Slgalos and Kelly Moran all qualified in the {lnal event held in Sweden. 1 S40 JAMBOREE RD •• NEWPORT CENTER .' NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 92660 714-640-6"4 Vldon (Mytae) 8 20 5 20 Selec:tme (Cardou) 5.00 E.'1 Tradition (Sl!Oemlllar) 3 20 Alao raced; l!aQIN Five, Callforn11 Fig, Fancy Ouy. Wiid N ~. TIMOI The C1111a-. Jen11n'1 Prince, Rooney. 011nn 8•• Bktldoon Timi 1.42 218 • IXACTA (3-6) ~Id 1113 00 Al9o rel*I· UI f\tnctl Hand, Saint Cout1. Mat« Wlnlk>w, Twin Safety. Aouledet Ae11et Time. 1115. II DACTA (2·1' Paid SM 00 Tlnw I 11 1/5 81COMO MCI. 1 1118 mllel fFnt RAC•. 870 ywd1 Nolly Rab (Paullne) 12 IO 6-00 3.80 Stiowdown (Plncliy) 5 20 3 eo 2 eo e:i l'ICK auc (4-1-2-2-wi paid •11.oee oo wUh MYen wnnlng tlc:ttttl (llJI ~). 12 Pic;k SI• conllOlt11on paid I 192.80 with 170 winning tldlett (llYI hor-). $2 Ptdl 8ht ecralch coneolatlon paid 1697 80 wl1h two Winning tlcke ta (lour llOur-. one acratcn). Come Walen Me Fly (Cardoul 4 20 2 eo H«on'1 Boy (Sl!Oemlker) 5 00 3 40 Spec:1acu1er 8-1 (Oel_lllou ... ye) 4 00 Mr Stacy Bob (Armlltong) 2 80 A'*> rlll*S The Bon\b, Savin 0. VIiie. Nuhvllle Red, z-Milo Time-48.17 Aleo raced· Hlllgofat, M11gl1. Royal BY1ton1, Ooc Ward, Flrat D«by, Sir Shadwick, Eutetn Bid, Ole ChanMr, RakkaMn llQHTH ftACE. 8~ lllr1onga. Sharlll Brown (MeCarron) 9.00 3.90 2 60 Ear11eat (Dlllllouuaye) 3 00 2.20 Time. 1 45 315. II DAil. Y DOUela (2-4) paid 199.80 Run For Te1111 (Sibille) 2.eo Aleo reced F11hlon Knowledge, Velvet Rid•. L••• Night Woman, TanJ•'• Lua, Oold Hiii 011 llXTH RACE. 360 yard1 THIN> RACL 8 f\Jrlongl. St Rain 881 (Creeoer) 14 80 5 40 4 00 laajet (Har1) 3.20 2 60 Famlllar Tune (Hawt.y) 18 80 8 60 4 00 Time t 06 3/6 Galloping Domino (o.lombal 2 40 K111'1 Boy (McC11ron) 5 80 3 40 Aleo rlOld· Top Me Not. Tomi DfMm MIClllne. Darin'• 04amond, My Satin Deck, Moving Van King. Jet Pirate (Slbllle) . 2 80 NINTH RACI. 1 1110 ml ... Aleo raced· FIM1 S.ller, So Goee, ln1l1n1 Candy Gla11 (Oelehou1aaye)7.<IO 3-.60 2.80 Time: t7.87. U IXACTA (8 ·8) paid 146 20. Dancer. Brighi Isle. Time: 1:11. IS EXACTA (1_.,) paid 1220 50 l'OURTI4 RACL 1 1118 mllel, Spray Cologne (Valenzuelat 4.40 3.40 Wer AllMd (Mati) 4.80 Al10 raced: Nina L.C., High C1llber, GlorlOut Oren, Fancy Oenc:y, Cutwy. UVIDfnt "ACI:. 350 y1rd1 Barrie.de (Oelallouauye) 7.60 3 40 3 20 Time t.45 3/5. IS EXACTA (7-4) plld SM.00. Atl~lt\CI. 15 . .-0. Ealy Jal King (Hert) 6 60 3.80 2 80 Prince 01 Note (Plnc:ay) 2 80 2 60 Reven Sluy (Piikenton) 5 40 3 20 Tl\191 (Lipham) 4 00 Oellcate Angel (881d) 2 80 Al9o raoect· ci-1o11, My Uttle Sinn, Biiie')' Jet Leo, Fllgtit Judge. Time 17 89 II IUCTA (8-4) paid 127 60 Cornwell's debut a smash, 7-3 £IOH'TH IUICL 350 yard1 9lallop Btat (Adair) 5 20 3 40 3 00 Our F'lying Selnt (PllUllne) 19 00 11 40 S.1111 Woman (Mylee) 9 80 Aleo r-1: SPMdy Ang411. Carta Chine Doll. Two Ambiea. Mald1 PUI, OllCO Kitty, Miu Truly Flight, Sunaet Fo11y Lady Time· 1802 II EXACTA (8-7) plld St05 80 Lee Cornwell, playing in his first American Speedsoccer Association game, fired home a pair of goals Friday night to spark the Irvine Rebe.ls to an easy 7 -3 victory over Orange at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club in Fountain Valley. Cornwell led the Rebels' charge, while five other Irvine players t.allied single goals. Keith Walley's 11th of the season tJes him with Costa Mesa's John Boyle for league scoring honors Golf results POA lovmalY*tt (.e WMtt.fteburg, Ve.) LN Elder 72·88-138 U.I . WonMn'• Of>9" (et lectlfMftto) JoAnne Carner 89-70-139 e.ny JMdlel ea.11-139 Bruoe Oouglus 87-72-139 Mark Hayea 72-&7-139 Peter e>o.tethull 7 t-&9-140 Lanny Wactklnl 73-87-140 Be1h Oenlel 71-71-142 Janel Alex TG-73-143 Sandra Haynie 70-74-144 Bonnie La...., 73-7 t-144 Donna White 70-74-144 Allen Miiiar 89·71-140 Vk:10f Regalado 70-71-t41 Jack Renner 72_.,9-141 Pllll Haneoc:ll 7 5-&6-14 1 8111 KralDf't 71-70 -141 Clarence RoM 7:l-&6-141 Leonard TllOmpeon 72-e9-14 1 Mot'rll Hatlleay 73-99-142 Lance Ten Btoecic 72-70-t•2 Hale frMn 73-a-142 Artdy Not1tl 72-70-142 Bobby Wldltlna 89-73-11.2 8-1 Blugh 71-7t-142 John Cook 70-73-1•3 Jim Deni 73-70-143 Beverly Cooper 73-72-145 CarOll Jo Cllllaon 78-69-145 a-Kathy Baker 75-70-145 e-Mary Zlmrn«man 72-74-149 Dale Eooellna 72-74-148 VICllll Tabor . 70-76-1~ Sutll Mc:Allllt« 77-70-14V Vullo MOf1gucN 73-74-147 Muflln Spanoer-Oe¥11n 7&-71-14 7 Lynn MWN 71-78-147 Jens~ 76-73-118 ...c.tol Semple 78-72-148 Sally Uttle 71-77-148 Valerie Sldnnw 75-73-148 Alaundra AllnNltdl 73-73-148 Vance Heefner 99-74-143 Gam ~ 72-71-143 •0-Howe 71-77-t48 s.ndra Pelmr 78-71-149 Jim T"°'lle 73-7 1-144 Freet Couc>iM 7~-144 Mllte Reid , 12-72-144 Larry Rink• 1a-.-144 w..r a.tier 72· 72-144 Jim Colber1 7~-t44 Gary Koch 72-72-:44 Amy Aklot1 75-74-149 Kathy Whltwonh 7 4-75-149 Oonne Capoul 73-76-149 •An•y BetlZ 79-70-149 Kathy Poetlewlll 7&-73-149 Lenore Muraolla 7&-74-150 CM1 JOholon 74-78-150 Tom Wll9ilopl 73-72-145 WOOft't 81ackbum 73-72-145 9ob Glider 71·74-t45 Ayallo Ollamoto 74-78-150 Jo Anne WUllam 74-78-150 L9Ur1 PetlnOn 81-70-151 Furzy Zoeller 78-89-t45 Lon Hlnkle 71·74-115 Lyn Lott 75-70-145 Alice Ritzman 7 4-77-151 Nancy Lapa 78-73-151 Caroline Oowan 77-74-151 Blaine M<:Call111er 78-70-148 Skeeter Heeth 73-73-119 Danny Edwards 72·74-148 Tim Norri• 73-73-119 Bob Eutwood 73-73-148 Steptlanle t'arwlg 75-78-15 I Cath)I Moree 76-75-151 Pat 9rldle')' 77-74-151 Hollla StKY 78-73-151 JMn"-'1• Kerr 74-77-t51 Tom Jon. 74-71-148 Deb RIChard 75-78-151 Marl< Lye 75-71-149 Keith Fergua 74-72-118 Maril O'Meara 74-72-t48 Al Monon 75-72-147 Be11Y King 75-77-152 •Cindy Plagar 78-74-152 Nancy Rubin 74-78-152 Betblla Mlzrallle 7&-78-152 Jeff Ml1chell 73-74-147 John Schroeder 70-n-147 John Adame 77-70-147 T«rl Moody 73-79-152 Myra V111 .. OOM 74-78-152 Null lnkllar 75-77-152 8-ry H.,.....1 73-74-147 Marti Moeumbet 73-75-148 Julle Lynd 75-78-153 caro1 s1-10-15-153 Buddy Gardner 7M9-148 K«mf1 Zar1ey 75-73-t48 Don Ll'WI 74-75-t49 Jerilyn 8"tz 74-79 -153 Cindy Flom 79-74 -153 •DarllM Hermida 7&-n-153 Bobby Mltc:hell 75-74-1•9 Tom Jenkln1 75-75-150 JOfln Deforeet 74-78-150 Margeret Klrad1 79-7 4-153 Patty sne.nan 78-75-153 •Anne Sander 77-76-153 OSI/Id Sann 7 4-78-150 Patti Rb:zo 75-78-153 Bii CeHea 79-71-150 Joe Hag« 78-74-150 Howwd Twitty 74-77-151 I-Marti c.m.v... 76-77-152 WOOft't Atthugh 78-74-t52 Craig Slid* 77·77-154 Jim Et.rtoncino 80-77-157 Penny Pulz 78-75-153 Kathryn Young 78-78-154 Barbara Moxn.a 78-78-154 Cathy Mint 79-75-154 Cath)I ~· 78-78-154 Kelly Full<I 80-7 4 -154 Jldtle Bartacll 77-77-15' 1'9'• Mtton 84-78-180 e.tay Barrett 80-74-154 ·--·-__ ,..,. Motion denied SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -An emergency motion aimed at blocking the Raiders' move from Oakland to Loe Angeles was denied Friday in a · brief order by the 9th U.S. Circuit C.ourt of Appeals. . The National Football League filed for an emergency stay and a stay of enforcement of a June 14 injunction issued by U.S. District Judge Harry Pregerson of Los Angeles allowing the Raiden to move. The order by Judges Thomas Tang and Warren Ferguson said: ''The emergency motion for a temporary stay pending consideration of the motion for stay pending appeal ia denied." The NFL'• petition ea.id an emergency stay should be granted to give the appeal court time to conalder a stay on fta merits and "prevent transactions from taking p~ ln the interim that would be difficult or lnoonwnient to revene if a (regular) atay WU granted." The injunction forbids the NFL from enforcing lta bylaWI to prevent the tramfer of a franchi8e and wu hued on a jury verdid holdina the bylaw unreuonably restraina competition. The NFL noted that on July 7 the Raiden and Los Angeles Memorial C.01.llewn entered into a contract for the 1982 leUOn. Balden tick.eta went on aale July 15 in Loi A1>4ieJea. Sbarili Brown wins r eature DEL MAR (AP) -Sbarill Brown raW*1 down ~ ttfttch J'rJday to beat Earu.t by two lqtN and wtn the '48.800 teetun nce at Del Mar. Sbarlll Brown, ridden by Jockey Chrle McCarron md in do• aontmtion ..from the outlet, ... ..aDnd by. hMd ~Into the final turn but ~ out tbl Yktoi'y With a t1rttch drlve. f'lnilhlsw third In the 6 ~ fwklnl. nee for J-,..r:.old· flllMi w.. Run P'OI' Tavia; tOlJow9d by PMblon Knowi.dp, Velvet Blde, Late Nlaht Waa.n. Tanja'• t... and Oold Hill Gel. SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY'S LOWEST PRICED HIGHEST QUALITY VIEW HOMES VIEW TOWNHOMES in a perfect South Orange County location ... that's Laguna Village. contempo- rary California living just minutes from Laguna Beach, Corona del Mar and UC Irvine. You couldn't be more centrally located, and you can't buy a more quality- built affordable townhome than those currently being offered at magnificent Laguna Village. Designed with a view in mind, each luxurious townhome is positioned to take maximum advantage of dramatic vistas spread out in the valley below. The development is built around a 5112 acre. half million dollar rec. center that includes a 5500 square foot clubhouse, swimming pool, tennis facilities, volleyball and picnicking. You may select from 1 and 2 story units with 2 or 3 bed- rooms that range in size from approximately 1010 to 1665 square feet and each townhome garage facility can accommodate 2 cars. It's like living in a park because more than 42% of the development is de- voted to open space, rolling gardens and greenbelt areas. And, to allow you to completely enjoy your new country-club lifestyle. the condominium concept of leisure living is provided, with exterior maintenance, landscaping and care of the park-like grounds and rec- reational facilities performed for you by a professional firm retained by your Homeowner's Association for a modest monthly fee. '1 FUTURE POCKET -SIZE SONIC MOSQUITO REPELLER • SAFE ANO EASY OPERA TiON FOR HUMANS ANO ANIMALS • 1600 HAS. EFFECTIVENESS FROM 1 P~LIGHT DAV BAnEAV • NO ODOR, SMOKE, COLOR. POISON OR AIR POLlU"l'ION • EFFECTIVE RANGE DIA APPROX 4m ( 13 tt I SIZE OF A CIOAAETTE LIOHTEA 76mm (H) • 2011'11!'1 fOla I NU WEIGHT 20 fl"' (Ofy 8•119') l>OI ~ J ORDER YOURS TODA YI O~L Y $12.95 (HctudlnQ .,_lletVI AOO $I 00 !Of ~ hanclllng we ACCEPT VISA, MASTER CARO OR MONEY ORDER TO· MAIL-ORDER .. ,------------------· WALK-IN !Future l'roduc:la, 1n Rlvenlde Ave. /IF I FUTURE PRODUCTS !Newport e..ch. CA ma I 3825 W. MecArthur Blvd. I I Suite #3'17_. 1N•me --------------1 S.nt. Ana, CA 92704 I I Address --------------1 HOUR•: MON...f'Rl t:00-4:00 I 540-2447 1c 11y s111e ----11 I Oellvery 1n I I Zlp Phone t5 days I '------------------~ EJ 112 I 00 3 BEDRMS, 2 BATHS, 1J 2 CAR GARAGE ONLY 5600~i:~NT 12 INTEREST GRADUATED 010. INT. RATE~~ASED ON A 30 /( YEAR TERM · *EXAMPLE: SANTA BARBARA PLAN Under our graduated pmt. financing plan, you buy this beautiful home for $112,600. Your down pmt. is $5,600, and your loan amount is $107,000 at 12% graduated interest your first year's mo. pmt. 1s $1101 plus $9.4 (est. taxas), plus $90 (assoc. fee) for a total pmt. of just $1285. Your second ye.ar's total mo. pmt. is $1369. The third year, it's $1452, and years 4-30, it's $1516. The maximum 30 year fixed interest rate for years 4-30 is just 14~%. JUST -$1101 MONTHLY PAYMENT (PRIN. AND INT.) 28 OUTs/11foY~T.?o5Ji~~eAILABLE BOflM 3 80flM 2 aMSTEA SUIT! M9ATH .... • r- . OININO lllTCHlN; I SANTA BARBARA OOUllU: GAllAGE r" .. ... -.·. ·,:. ..... .. ,. ... :::. -au ~ . . " " z.: . MAJOR LIAOUI 1TbeotHG1 ~--ArMfiuft u..ue ·=-... ,... OMeloM ~·. W L ll'et. Ga v:~ 63 41 M4 &City 50 42 5A3 2 • 41445224 -= ... 41 .611 6 '41110 40 51 417 14 • 37 53 .411 14 Min-la 32 13 337 21"' llAITINt DIVlltOM MINr...it.. 54 38 &oeton 54 311 • Balllmor• 411 41 New Vor\c 46 44 Oelron 46 45 Cla¥alet>CI 45 45 T 0tonto 44 411 ,..,., .. ._.. N-YO<!< 6, Allf9!9 3 Te .. • 3, OetroU I .617 511 ·~ 544 4 511 7 505 7"9 500 II 473 10'' ClaYlll.rn! 4. S..ttla 3 ( 11 lnt1lf'IO•I Balllm<><e 2. Oakland 1 r oron10 7. ChlcegO 1 KantN City 4, Mllwauk" 3 M1n1-01a 6, 8ott0tl 4 Todafa 0.- Aneele IRenko S-2) at -VOik !Guidry t-41 n Te11u (MeOIGJl 7-71 •I Oe1r011 1PU1>nac1> 1·3) Oakland (Langford 7-111 al B•lllmor• !McGregor 11·7) Toronto (Stieb 8· 10) •1 Cr11cago (lamp 7-4) SHUia IMoor• 4-7) ., c~ (Bani• 10-Sl n MHwauk .. (VuckOVtCn 10-41 ., K.,, ... Cl!y (Botalhe> 1.0) n 8oatOt1 (Rainey 5-31 a1 Monneaota (H•"91'1• ._.,,n Nlitlonel LNGIM WHTEllH DIVltk>N W L ~L 08 Allan1• San Oiaoo Dodo«9 61 311 fl09 52 42 553 5 San F r•ncleco HOU.Ion ~ti so 46 521 8 44 51 4113 t3'h 41 52 441 15'~ .,.. l!O 362 23 lfAIT'OM OMMON ~ 53 40 81 LOUIS 63 42 Ptltaburgll 411 43 Monl.rMi 411 44 N9w Y0tk 43 57 Chlcego 40 5 7 ,...., .. ._... Phltadalphl.t 6. Oodgar9 3 Plttlbutgl'l 11. Allanll 0 Chl<:eQO 7, Clnc:inNll S St Loo.M 6. Houeton 2 San Diego 11. ,..._ YC)f1( 4 Monlr ... 8. San ffencl9CO 7 T_,..a- 570 551 I 533 3'" 527 4 457 10"" 412 15 Phlladelpnla (Kruk°"' 11·111 al Dode••• fWeldl t-7), n Houtton (Knepper 4· 10) at St Louis Cforadl 11·5) Monlr_, I~ 5-2) •I San Fr~ (Hammak• 7-5) Allen1a (P N1ekro 8·3) et Plltaburgn (Roblnton 10-4) -Q AMlflllCAN LIA.QUI YMlll ... l.Ane-tel CALM'OllNIA ... 'IOfltC ... '11111 • '11 111 OowY>lng II 6 1 4 0 11\n(jtptl lb ) 2 ' 0 Cetaw fb 4 0 1 I Grlttay rl 2 0 0 0 RaJGhnrt2 I 1 I Gambit rt 100 0 A Cletk rr 1 0 0 O Wlnl1411d tt ' I I J Be~lor ah 4 o 2 1 Plnlall• a11 4 t 2 O O.Cnce 3b 6 0 0 0 Mupllry Cl 4 1 I 3 Lynn •I 4 0 2 0 HObeOll 10 2 0 0 0 Ortell 2b 4 0 0 O Collin• 111 ' 0 0 0 Foll .. 4 0 0 O C..one C 4 0 1 0 8ooM c 4 t I 0 Nalllal 3b 3 I 0 0 Deni.. '0 0 0 To1ett J7 3 11 3 lotell 211 8 7 6 leof• ... """"'" Cal<lotnta 100 000 011 -3 ~ Yori. ooo 310 20• e E Deni HObllOn OP Callf()fnlt I New Yori\ 1 L08-Cellt0tnl• 11, New Yott. 6 28 Plnlella, Randolpll, Downing 38 Rendolph, w1n11e10 HR Mumphr•y (2). Ra Jll(:fl.IOll 1231 S Cwew, Dent SF- Wlnllald C9"fpt11le Z.lln CL 10 ~I Wiii Sanchez Naw Yof'll Raw1ay CW 6-SI Eigne111 (S I) l 2211 A 50314 '" H" I" II 10 s ~4427 1 12220 0 0 0 0 2 8' \ 10 J ~ 2 '> I 0 0 I llua Jaya 7, Wlllle lo• 1 T O'OtllO 000 000 322 1 9 I Chicago 100 000 000 1 a • l MI R l J•ckson (7l and B Martlnou Deines Escelfege 171 Trout 1111 •nd FOiey w l H I 7 1 l Be•n•• 0·? s R l Jackson 151 A 27 770 lrwllafta4,MMl...,1 J S .. 111a 020 00 I ()()() 00 3 9 I Ci••elend 100 000 200 O 1 4 12 1 P.,ry Stanton (71 \/andaO..g 1111 •M s ..... ,. Sulolllfe. Splllne< 1101 1nd Dando W Sp11tne1 1.5 l 11enoeB••o 5 • A t3.352 "°1• 4, ., ..... , M•lweu~M 000 000 003 3 II 0 ·<•n .. s Ory 000 000 004 4 8 1 McClure F1nger1 (II) ertO S1mmon1 Sp1m0tlt Ouisenbe<ry \91 and Steug111 W- Ou1son1>auy 5 4 L ~1ngar1, 5-1! HR•- M1lw•ukee Tnomu (231 Oo11v1t (23). Kontas C11y Brell 1121 A 311,5,11 Of'lolM 2. A'• 1 0 e).l.,,d 000 100 000 I 4 0 e.t11m0t• 010 000 10• 2 3 2 1(-h .no ~·n H .. 1h Ptllmet T MerllnN (Ill .ml Oempeey W-PllmM 8-3 L-Keough 7·14 S-T M•nlnH (10) HR1 -0e~1end Armea t 121. Belllmora R1p'en f 131 Murt•Y 1141 A ~2.303 ~'· no...1 Te•H 010 100 010 J II I 0.HOll 000 001 000 I 2 0 Ten•n• Sc11m1d1 (71 and Sundberg We1ne1 MO•flt end L M Parnah W- T an a rte 5· 10 L -Mort It t I tO S-SchmlCll (51 A-27 310 Twine I. 11ac1 lo• t 0o.10tl 000 001 210 4 10 I M1nneeo1e OOI! 020 00k 8 tO I Hunt Burg,,_ (3~ Tlid0t Ill) Claar (8) •no Gedman. a. Curnto Pacella (7). R O•v1t (II) allO laudll9f W B Cu1111o. S· 7 l Hurst 3-4 S-A O.v11 ( tO) A-1 t,452 MIN« H..- "8nk o lalln A•M 8•~ f0<tc11 Will 1(1_, Gotu C0tbat1 Tolel1 ~~ .. ~·-.. *" ... "'" SOI 17 H 12 4.t 302 ~It 4t N I 17 2N HI ti IOI 1• )7 21, t7 I II I I tt1 tff '4 11 I 37 HO :HO U 103 14 I? a11 )Jt •• ea 11 so 211 270 20 7$ 2 ,4 270 HI 40 80 U 68 261 310 40 It 10 o 101 87 II t I I 8 241 41 ) 11 t t 2211 64 5 t2 1 • 222 " to 11 o • 112 46 4 f 0 f IM )()4 100QM 3,201 441 174 "409 273 Pl'TCHINO "' H NIO W•l IM .,, 3 2 0 0-<) 0 00 °"' 33272621185 109.,. 100 30 ~ •·2 3 30 137\\ 127 31 48 10-r. 3" 52 0 23 40 3.3 3 411 .. 47 22 29 3-0 3 &I 1411~• 1211 35 &O 11·7 3 57 114 .... llO 3~ 45 4.3 l 03 111•... 72 32 •2 8 3 3 7 5 42" la 111 23 4-2 3 10 12·~ 611 28 36 ,_, 5 411 lll!O'" IOO 311 40 1 63·'1 3 65 NAT10NAL LIAOUI f'tlll"" t. Dodpre I ""ILAD•LPHIA LOI ANOILU ... 11111 ., 1\111 O..n.., cl 5 0 0 0 81.\ 21> 4 1 0 O ROM lb 4 1 0 0 landte• cl 2 0 0 0 MlllhWI II ~ 0 t 0 RoanlCk rl 3 I 2 0 SCl\md1 JD 4 I 2 2 Bak• II 5 1 J I e Otu c s o t o G.,..,., ,, 4 o J 1 VukYCh rl 4 t t 0 Cay 3b 4 0 I I T flMO 2b 3 I 0 0 0Mvey t b 4 0 I 0 OaJ .. ul N 4 1 2 I Scioec1a c 4 0 I II Chro1neit p 'J 1 1 2 Ru-II II 3 O 0 0 Allmrno p 0 0 0 0 St-••I p 0 O O O Virgil ph 0 0 0 0 Ort• Pll 1 0 0 0 AMC! p 0 0 0 0 S Shtrlay p 0 0 0 O Bec:kwlh p 0 0 0 0 MOMdypn I 0 0 0 Foro1 .. p O O O O Ma111111 pl\ I 0 11 0 Nladanlrp O 0 O O h11a10 ~ 6 8 5 Tot•I• 38 l 10 3 kot'9 by"'"'"'" Phll•del()ltle 032 00 I 000 & Lot Anoalee 000 030 000 3 E Roenlelte. Stawetd OP Ph1tedotp111e I LOB Phllad•lphle II, LOI A11gelH II 78 Gervey. Vukovich HA Chr111on1on ( 11. Sollmld1f1111 SB Trillo Phlt.clelphla ._. H " I" H 10 Cru1t1en110n 4~ 7 3 3 2 t Altem~n (W.2.01 ·~ O O O O o Reed (S 3) 4 3 0 0 I 3 Loe A llgelee Siewert (l 5·51 s sn .. 1ey Beckwith F0tal .. N..aenl\iaf WP S Shirley A 47,884 s 4 s 4 ·~ 2 I I "' 0 0 0 2 I 0 0 I I 0 0 Balk S Shorl•v I ~etMe, ltrtM 0 J J 0 0 I 1 1 \ 0 0 •' 4.1 Atlanta 000 000 000 0 6 1 Plll1bu1gll 120 002 0 I• 8 1 t 0 Cemp Hreooally (6), Cowley 18) C Otu 1111 Ind Poc:Otot>a, Ahoc>en •nd T Pene W Rhoden 6 -8 l Camp 1 4 A 22 722 Cube 7, llacle S ChlCaQO 00 I 002 031 1 10 0 C1nc1nna11 010 220 000 5 14 O Nolu Pro1y (51. Campbell (5). "' H.,n•n~t (7). L• Sm11n (Ill ano J Davit Soto. 1<.arn Ill). Prlea (9) and Tre•ll'IO w w Hetnandal. 4-S l-K.,n. t 4 S l• Sm1111 (31 HRe Chicaoc> Sene!be<g 141 M0tlllend 1121 C1ncmnet1. Benc:n tit A 17 11311 Cllldlneh I, A111oe J Hou11on 000 100 00 1 2 10 o SI l ou1a 411 000 00• 8 1 2 J Nlakro Cappuuetlo (3) Mott111 14) 0 Smnll 1111. lllCofle 18) and Pu1011. K~. Andutar •nd 0 Port., w AnOuJ" 8-11 L J Nlafuo tl-7 A -30 832 ............... New YV<ll 000 000 0 l:t • Y 4 lanOl4Jao 100 at1 , .. 11 ,. t Oen ()'NII (II. Illa Jollell (71. M looi1 111 and Hodt•• ~·w-1111 end t Kenr1edy w -Hnt11t1e, t-1 ~ .Qaft, 0-1 H" a.,. Oi4IOO. r K*'1Md) 1121. A I :UM urn.1 LIAOUI AU.·ITAltt MaJon (1M~-otde) DltTIUCt II T MIN'r .l11N1 I (al ll•Mfl U) ~ride)''• to«e 8NVlew • lltanton I T .. r'•O-. •111n1on •• Seevtew 4 p m ArM " l•t~w"4 LL) ,ftda,·• ._. OcNn,,_ Nellonll 11 Foun111n Valla)' NCHlfl 1 (Fountein \11.lley N0t1h el•m11u1tad Oo.env-NetlOtlal pleyo A•M I cl\emp!On r..-.y nllJhl al 1130) Ollf"1CT N TOUflNAMINT .,.. ,. (•I Mleeloft VleJo Lalla) ,,Ida,'•·-· No game ecnaclllta<t Todey'a 0- "4IH<0<1 Holle .. Minion NQtlh 10 • m tHo•• II M-Hiii• '*"'' MOllWll yam• wlH be Pf~ed Monday al S 1& pm I .,... (•I IM C,.,,.ellte U ) ,ride)''•--· ~11 g.,,,. eclledulad Today'e Oa!M 1rv1ne Souln va Ml1110t1 Soult\. 2 pm INlll• II lrvtne Soulh wtoa. enotll4t< 11•m• wlll Ila played M""d•r at 5 16 p m I lenkw1 (14-11-yeflr-old1) DllTillCT C CHAWtoNtHW (•I La Oulni. "'eh I 'rldey'• loot• AOblnWOOCI II Founl••n Valley No11n 0 T ode)''• O•ine Roblnwood vo Founia1n Vall•V N<Hlh 10 •m 13-year-oldi DltT"ICT t2 TOOflNAMIHT (ti EdlllOn tllelll '•ld•r'• ci.-No oeme tclledulad ToclaJ't Gema Rof>lnwOOCI •• S..v-II • m 1Nu1e II ROb1t1wOOC1 ....._ ano1he< g•m• t¥1H ruuuv. Mt 2 p m > DllTlllCT 511 TOUllHAM«NT (el Her11trd Peril, lnrlrle) I ,.rldefl kO<e M11t1on South 8. SedOlebec~ 3 tS•ddl•b•tk •llm1na1e<1 Minion South a!.lv•11~ .. tu 11tGt1ona1 tournament 1>ag1nn1ng "4onCley ti 7 30 •I Herverd P••ICI tormi10 Mt111l1••I CntUQO NAIL lfAITl"N DIVlllON W L OF GA Ill II !>II 36 17 13 43 31 t3 10 311 32 II t5 38 SO IOVTHE"H Ol\llllatj F0t1 LauO•d•le 15 1 t 53 511 T ~IH 11 11 52 42 l•mP• B•~ 11 15 40 54 Jae•aonv111e 9 15 31 ~8 WElll!"N 01'1/lllON Vancouver 15 8 43 35 San JOM 13 11 43 44 S..llla 12 12 SJ 40 5.,, ()oego 12 11 45 311 P0tllan<l 10 14 32 J 1 Edmonton 8 16 30 SO , ride)"• ac ..... No games ec:tleduleO Today'• 0.-• Ja.:~ sonv111<1 at Cnicego S•ll JoM at MontrNI (dmonton et Tulae SHiii<! et Porll•nd ... Pt• 51 t57 35 t07 31 105 35 81 48 136 •5 113 35 99 29 83 35 12t 23 110 43 113 311 104 211 114 27 7 l o.c. NattoNI ca..to C1tW•~ Tl\lr4 "811114 Rolln.y Ha1mon (U I I oa "au! "•m11u (MHICO) .• 3. , 6, Jlmm1AllU (U I ) a.I C1e11dlO P•n•tt• ('1aly. 1 6. 3·1. I· I, ... natd FflU (l'ren<;a) I PablO A,._,, <"••vi. e 4 0 1 7.9 lv•n LenOI (Cu1cn111lovekl•I Oel JON·Lul1 Oemlanl (Utuguayl 8 3 e 1 Yennlek NC*I (Fiene.) del i.ano <lli<la<M'*I., IChtca) 6 4 3 I . 6·) Eoc f rc1mni IU 8 I def Je1ma FUIOI \Ohllel 0 0 8 4 Vall W1n111i.y CU 8 I d• Mei ~ 11rcall (U 8 I 8 3 8 I. JOH L111t Clerc l"•vanlln•I d•I J111Ortnll1C1ee110110v.w.1a) l.7 II 2 0 I Au1trlan Champlonehlpe (•I Kl111>"9flal, Autlria) 011arterllnel ""' ... Gulllarmo Vllu (Argenllne) Otl Ch11a1ophe Rog••.Veotelln (fr1nca1 8 4 6· I Joee Higua1u (6pa1n1 def Coi•eoo• Ber&uu111 tllllyJ 11-2 e-o, Mffcoa Hoi;..,1111 1B1u 1lf d•I Jell 80fowt .... (US I 8-4. 7 8 Pnel S10111 1Czeo'loalove1Cl•I def Oev1e1 Ceit., tAu1ull1el. 6-0 7·5 Dutch Open (al Hltv•• ... m, Meltleflandt) Ou1111er11tlal ltnglee Brien Teach., IU S l def JOH·Lopez "4eMO ($p1inl 11·4. 11-2. BalMt 1 AfQCty (Hung•ryl def Ilia Nul•M (Aomtnl•I. 8 2 0 4 ,ederatlon Cup C•t..,.1aci..e) 0¥ert~ Uftlled llalM 2., etuH 0 llnglH Merlina Navr•lll<W• (US I \)el PaltM.11 MW•~OO & 0 1l 3 Chlll Everl \IOy!J IU 61 def Cleudle Monteiro, 6-3, II 1 Othaf kO<N Ctachotlovek1e 2. Engl•nd t Au11ral1e 2, Sov1e1 Union 0 Wffl Oe1meny 3 SwolH<l•nd 0 TEAM TENNll orar19H 24, Loe Anoele• 23 women I doublff -King lito .. (LAI d•f l,n111n1 Ma1yo11n 6 3 Men ~ 11ng1e1 Wo1ll~t' H "' Oel \/an Pallton & J o,le11 > douDIH W•ltk• Ven I Hol (LA) Ciel MOO<e-Ven Pellen 7·8. Wo,.,..., • tingtee Cot11na 101 def King, 8· 1 M1aed dOUDlff Moore COll•l't 101 def we11~•K1ng & 3 HIOH SCHOOL W11tern Shootout (el OcMn View Hlgl'I) Cl'lemplon8"1p arecht Oregon 70 Mid Valley 66 Soutlt COHI 113 las Veg•• Start 70 JI ~ball 88 $ .. Ula 113 Sen Diego 118 La. Angelea es COMOl•llon -.ecbl Founl••n vati.y 03 ~ v-~3 VIC10IUI p., .. 81 Nevada Suoro 511 Venture 88 Metro 82 Of•nga Counly 90 San F•rnendO 88 Tode1'1 k l\edula tO 30 o m Metro vs Son Fernando Valley 11Slh Dlt<A) Nooo S•a111e Y• Los Angele• IMYenlh p1e<el t 30 p m Ventv1a v• O•ango Coun1y (131h PIK•) 3 pm 0c .. n v-n Ne••d• S1art It 11n p1eca1 • 30 pm Foun1a•n Valley YI Vte10t1• P.,• tconlo!eflon champtO<'llll\tPI l! pm San Diego vs J1 R~ (hllll e>IK•) 7 30 pm Mid Valloy vl LH VflO•t S1ers 11n1ta otaoa) 9 p m O•egon •• Souln Cout 1champ1on1111p1 • U.t .oMmpmt.w. "'w'·" ~. ... 200-IM! .. b\111~ -1. Craig...,~ l'l0tlda AQl.llllOa). 1 M H . I . ~ ~len MIH1MQ), 2 00 t); ) flOC* VOii "- (llOOJlhetll lllinolt). 2 00 J.I; 4 Jon Denny cc-.11 Peott-Mert1nt1. i o 1 •2. 6 Je#I Float (4t0en Hille.I. 2 02 11. t loou CollOll (Nor1h "•Im 1 .. ~11). t 02 t o 1 o.nnlt 8ek• ,,_ ,.,,..., 4'olw>i 2 0) 12 • Ch-JOMIOll (llMllOfdi 2 <a3 21 100 t>ac:i. 1 RIClc Cll~ (ladget lwlm Clubl. SO 11. 2 Clay l rlll (lonQl\0111 Aciu•tlOal. 67 !13, 3. Oe'lld lollom (W1ln11t Craakl. 07 Jt. 4 lrlo Et~ (Wllmlog10t!I. &7 611 6 81-!NtnlCOll1 (Ml-VtejO N•C1•d0t .. I 61 25. 11 Dew wu_, fC#I Pee>al·Merllnt l. 58 44, 1 Tom J•p•r 1P1t-w•yl H 47, 8 Jey Yll1d (~ VlejO '4adldot .. 1. 6t 111 •OllllOf 200 Ind Maclley -I Tr-..'J C-IM (NUllvlll•I 2 1& 07. 2 Polly Wl11de 10.."'411\townl 2 17 87, 3 Petty Gavin IW•1 Cna11e11 ' 18 80, 4 ll•t• Bark•r (MV Nedad0t .. ). 2 Ill 6&. 6 Sippy Wood'-'! (Mii NadMlor•I• 2• It 78; 8. Kerin w .. 111 (LOllQl!otn Aqua•'">· 2 20 41, 7 Mary wayt• !Chinook Aaue11cal. 2 22 14; 8 Channon Hetmllld (MY Nad.00.•I. 2 22 44 800 lrH 1 Tllteny Cohen (MV "'•d•do•••I 8 211 48 2 Kim Lln•llen 1Longnorn Aclu•t1C•I e 33 38 3 Kw1n Le Barga IG•manf-nl. 8 35 87 4 Mlehe6e R•cllardton (Memph1e State). 8 38117 s M••vb•fll l1n1me1er IMV NedeOor••I 8 3 7 111 8 S/lefrl H.,,ne (SIM!ll Aq<.<allce) 8 40 111 7 S1....,. Snupa (lndullry Hoh) 8 45 24, 8 Fiotence 9., .. ., (MV Nedador .. I. 8 4& 74 Today'• h.nt• '"'91• •• 7 p.m. M•ll I 200 lnd1vldual medley Women I 200 bvllerlly M•n 11 500 lreeotyle Women I 100 bKktlrOI<• ~ Frida)''• tr.neactk>n1 IA"9AU ~Leet ... OETR01• TIOERS -Pieced Miii Wllc:O• p1lthe< on Iha 21-dey dl .. bled Ital aftaclM July 111 end purch...O the contrect OI 0.... Gumpert plfchet from Ev.,,"'1119 OI Iha A,.,..ican A1toe1e11on NEW YORK YANKEES -Signed l1mo1ny BortH& p11cnar ,OOT11All Nellonel Footbell ~IM BAl T IMORE COL TS -R<tleeMd Greg L•ndtY QYllll.,beclc CHICAGC BEARS -Signed G a1y JOMllOn oalen .. ve 1.naman. tnd H._ HOUiton r;o<-beclo NEW E NGLAND PATRIOTS AnnounG*I tha •ellleme<'ll 01 Ray Sugw Bear Hem~ton noM ttci.ia NEW VOAK GIANTS -Pl•Ced Wlllll Caro11ne hnebtckff on lhe 1niuree1 r-1111 PtTISBURGH STEELERS -P11108<1 M""' Malone querletbeci. on tne phytlcally unable to petlorm fltt Announced the rellf-1 of Jann Po-s guetd SAN FRANCISCO 49att -Signed Joa Montan• qvarl•becl< 10 a --OI IOU< .,.....,... Gon1f8C1t TAMPA BAY BUCCANEEl\S w .. ...a Tony Sam.,.., fight end ana , .... ..a 09Vld Clark Clefen .. ve end WASHINGTON REDSKINS -Wa1veo Vince Roguai,y, 11gh1 end ano George L-• llnebecke< / BOB LOllOPR• L•ASlllG / FICTITIOUS BUSIHEIS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT ,--PlllUC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTIC£ NILIC NOTICE NILIC NOTICE NOTICE IHVITINO a101 NOllCe It helet>y given tha1 1119 N011Ge is he<•O) given the\ the Ocean vie ... School District 01 Oc~a11 View Sc11001 0111r1c1 or Huntington Beech will rece"'e O••noa Coon1v w111 racetve up 10. sealed b1a1 tor Ille cos1 ot the tab0< but not 1a1er 1han, 2 00 pm 10 1nt1a11 Ots1r1c1-owned carpet •1 tne 2nO day of Auguet. 1982, 11at1001scnoo111n 1he OtS111ct B1<1• •••l•d bids for the furntall111g will be received 1n the Business Of O.OP4ll only 10 be uMd 11 var1ous OH1ee. Ocieen V1f/W SCtiool 0111nci llChOOls 1n 1he O.aulet Such bids at 169•0 B Stree1 Hun11nglon 11111111 be r~veo 1n lhe 8'.tllnHS Beac:ll CA 92647 up to t>u1 no l•1er OHICe of lhe O.stric1 et 18940 B 1han 2 oo p m on August 2 1982 •1 Sheet Hun11no1on Beac:h CaJ1lorn1a such time 1he proposeta w111 be 9264 7 end shllll be opened and ()p9fled and reed MllC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 12.5 °/o A.P.R. LEA6s':~Te The foltow1ng pet$0f'lS arf' (Jouig f,, ' '' "' Cl 0 ••1'I1n• H• Qn• '4 t>us1ness a& r11.1:.·"•·..,~ 1• HARVEY M ILITARY PP>l llULE.R ~qOUUll!:> COMPONENTS 140 McCormick :?J.;>11 ,1,.11.1 Co'"' II Torn t A Avenue, Colla M .... CA t2826 92fiJO COMPOH.ENTS PLUS ~-MtCHAEl ROBERT GA8"'H I 'f1t•"i d' i A I RELIGION OF DIVINE "rf O'J•v' r Al LEO I Hr CHURCH IM AU fl'ITH5 181 CHURCH '1R A t L ~ &1 f .. S 1C1 THE M[LIGION OF DIVINE FREEDOM ''1>8? C '""''S Slr,.el Ga•Ot'n f.1'0••· LA q2643 '82 •21701 TRANS AM ,::~ EXAMPLE / t .• J~ - ~~' '82 CAD. s3a910 ELDORADO ~: EXAMPLE ~ tO'irl' New York corporet1on 4Q. Oser J08 Collin St•ttl a .. 1r.oa 151and Avenue Hauppauge He"' York CA 92611 11787 HARrl'r f GABRIEL 9Cl I NOlll' This t>usmeu '' CO<IOUClecl by a Bavfln<'I 9 . .,tJ01t >~lana (A q2b2, CCYpota11on l l'UH .. M l\AROZf" • 1~ 1 I ComPOnenll Plua Inc 5,,.11,, l ov•I El l o10 CA Ql610 Alfred Stoddart Vice Tri,~ tJ1151r\.f"ss. 1s ""onaot.l~•l ny ,, p, .. This statement waa tiled wllll the Counly Ci...11 ol Orange COtlnly on June 25. 19112 '112211 C.T. COAPOAATIC>ff ll4ftM 1aa 91-oedw., New Yotti, N.Y 10011 1tm11••d purlf\Pr,h1p M•thaf-1 ~ C.ao""' IMI'\ ~IAIPmt't" Wil~ hied Wlfh lhf' Counly C.lf>•k nl O•&fllll' Coun1y on July 8 19112 f 1112973 Pubh,lled O•.in9e Co11s1 Oa11y PolOI July 10 17 24 ')I 1982 ~918·81 PIJbllcly ree<I aloud at the •bove 1natalla11on Spec1lica11on1 are slated time and ptace available at the Ocean View School All D1ds snail be m1ae on bid Omrict Business Ofl1ce. 16940 B f0<ms turn1slled by the OlstrlCI The Streel Hunt1no1on Be1ch CA form shall be accompanied by • 92647 Ctfhlied cashier s check or bta The DISTRICT 1eserves the nghl t>Ond 10< S% of the amount ot the to 1eiec1 any 0< 111 b1d$ or to wa1v• bid made peyeble lo the O<Oer 01 any m41gu1ar111as °' 1nf0<mahl,.. 1n Iha Ocean v~ ScnOOI ~trict 01 any b•ds 0t 1n the bldd1no Otanga County C1l1!0tn1a Tiie DISTRICT hes Obl81ned from EllCfl btd must conf0tm ano be the owac10t ot the 0apartmen1 of At' •Qton ot O•"'•n• F teeoom l • .. t• Tt,~ Churrti Foi All F-•~1h:i. 11682 C.v1HeH Strf't'I Gardt'n r,,o .. • CA ~264 J Tt11 t u''''e~\ '" conc1u<tPC'l b~ tln ,,,,.,,(t"Jt(JOicUPcl a~~or.1al1on other th,1n .1 tMftOf!t~hrp l ""'·'Y S19ne<J Fo• ll•e C:.nurcll Bo shop Pa1"c • Gunn.no Bisnop Burton E rn.~ c;.ta1e~n1 ••-, Mth the Offer expires July 31, 1982 Alt: Olenft C. W--- PublisheO O••no• COISI Deily P1IOI July 3 to 17, 24 1982 2948-82 ----Dl-.,-l-IC_NO_T_l_C_[ ____ re1pons1ve lo Ille co11tract lndustoll R111e11ont lh• general n1U documente COP,.. ol tne carpel prev81hr1Q ra1e of per diam wage in °""'• Clef• 01 O<anc)e Cou111y on ,1, ; 148, Flt2111 PubhShPO O•anQI' Cont Oa11y P•IQI l•JIV 10 17 2• JI 1982 3136-82 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY II,,,,,,"~"''' WE LUSE ILL IAIES UD MODELS. CALL RICI LOllPRE. To piece your metsege t>elora the reeding PUblic pttone / BOB LOllGPR• L•ASlllG / 13800 Beach Blvd., Westmlnater, Calff. Oelly Pnot C1asslf1ed, 6'42-5678 714/892-8851 714/838-2500 1 A Con ven ient M edi cal care Cente r for the Entire Family At last, no more waiting 2 to 3 hOura In e crowded holpltal emergency room lor urgent~ attention! EMEAGICl!NT£A WALK.., Mf.OtCA&..OROUP ls• new emefgtf ~health facility de19ied to J)fOYide oonlnUOUI medcaJ Mrvtce at approxlmatety hlltf the COit of~ emergency rooms. No appomtment • nee 111 sry. we °"91' routine medic.al cere In addition to emergency cere. -------------·•apec1f1Cahons and 10181 Quantity ol tl'la IOC•llly In which tilts w0<k 11 1 fllCTITI0\11 aUllNEll ca•peltng to be furn1111ec1 ••• now be per1ormao tor eectl cratt or ty NAME 8TATl:Mt:HT on •11e In the 8uStnen Olltce. Ocean ol workmen needed 10 execute Ille Tho lollow•nq P1'150n' a'" 001ng View School Ol5tr1ct. 16940 B con1rac1 TheM rates are on me et ous.ne\• II\. SI re e 1. Hun 11ng1 on Beech. 1he 011trle1 Otlioe at 16940 B Suee1 MAXW(tl MARIN( us A Catll()<"nla Hun11notonS.e<:h.Celll0tn1a92647 629 la<monat Wa~ Su11e 16 Co"• Tt>e Otatnct re-. the right to Copies m1y be obl81ne<I on reques1 MPs• CA 'l262" re}4tC1any0t all b•<IS No bldde< may A copy of these rate$ sllall o B•y•ltr 1n1 .. rnat1ona1 In(. It wnndraw 1111 1>1<1 tO< a ~od ol pos1e<I a11ne ,.ob 111• C<1i•ICJ1n11 co1por~11on 629 Term•n11 1~y-r-1.c1 "•"" •11-1k-oe1e set fk-1~.,..~nn ~k .... u•• of ,..., Way Suitt' If. Costa Mesa CA "" "v .. ., " •-•· '"" '"" ~....,-.. ., _,_, "" .... FICTITICXIS BUSINESS P\8.IC NOTICE 92621 f()f Ille ooentno of bid• diem wegu •• based upon NAME STATEMENT Sllella M1rcut working day ol eoght (8) hours Tll fhi< (OllOw•no persons il•e doing Th•• """'n",, •S condU('ff'<I by" Clark ol 1118 1a1es 10< hol1d1y and o....,.ume worl< 1 '"""5~ a~ t:nt(ui,1t10n BoardotTrustees shallbe81~Ultlmeandon.half SOUtH COAS T BOBCAT 9,.,,,,., 1n1Pina11onal Oc•an View School Ota1rtc1 11 allall be mand&IO<Y upon th l l78 I Wt»I Streel Ga•den Grove Ill( w J Bryan Pies fh1s "atl'ment was 1t1110 w1111 tnl' Counly Cle•~ of Oranqe C0<mty on Jul) 9 1987 Otlr>Qll County, Callfornl8 C 0 NT A ACT 0 R Io whom I h (..A 'l2643 Published Orenge Cont Dally wontrac1 IS awarded, ano upon eny sou r H COAST BOBCAT PllOI July 17 24, 11182 wbeontrac10<underll1m,top1yno RfNTALS INC 8 Celdoinia _________ .::3.:.23:.6-::..:8::2 less than lhe Mid apeatied retest tO•PO•a1ton 13761 wu1 Streat all WOtkmen empfOyed by them ' Ga•den Grove CA 92643 F193011 Publltl\"d O•enq,. CoaSI Oe1ly P11n1 luly 10 17 24 3 1 1982 3130 8:t Pl&IC NOTICE Uwt 1xacu11on or Ille con1rac1 Tn,~ 1>us•nes$ •s conduClad by • Ho bldde< may withdraw h1a C<><IJO•at.on HO~OFUU OF REAL Pf!Ol'UUY AT PRIVATI: IAU tor • period ol lllirty (30) deys •h Sovth Coast BobC•U the date Ml IOI the opening of blda A!'nlals inc She118 Marcus JC\hn A Aronson PUBLIC NOTIC£ In the Supet10< Court ol Ille Stale ol Calilornla, for the County ot Or•noe tn the mauer ol L1z:zH1 Mae Cieri! 01 the I '11~ s1a1emen1 was hie<! W11h tne Board ot Trustees C:.ovnty Cler~ of Orange Coonty on Hale, deceased Ocean Vif!W School Olstrk.t Juno 23 1982 K-oot35 FICTITIOUS 8U81NESS NAME ITATl:MEHT T ne 1011ow1ng person 11 doing bu11nl'\1 es Notice II ll«eby given lh•I Ille und41<11gned win Nil at Prlvete nle to the lllgheel and bHt bidder, JUbject to conllrme11on ol u1d SuP«IOr Court, on 0< eha< the 41h O••noe County. CA Publlahed Orange Conl Oall Piiot July 17 24 1982 3237·8 F1'20t0 Published O•anoe Cout Deily PtlOI July l() 17 24 ) I t982 3120-82 11) 011 J11 MANUFACTURING 12> DESIGNS BV Ou Ju 23312 0.1nti Ml>U Road E1 Toro CA 92630 DONNA JEAN MAOOERRA 2331? Dune Meer Road Et r oro (A 926.10 oay of Augusl. 1982 al 9 30 • m at -------------1 the $up9rl0r Covrt ol Cehl0tnle MllC NOTIC[ MLIC NOTICE Th" hu•int>,~ II conduc1ed bv "n 1nct1Y1<1u111 Donna Jeen Madd11rra fn1s tt1111ment wes llled ..,,,, the County C111fll• of O•anoe Counly on July 7 198:1 F1t2tOI Pubh,hed O•enge Coest Daily P1101 July 10 11 ;>4 31 1982 3139·82 County of Ot•noe. Department 3 IOC•te<I on tf'le second floor et 700 CIVlc Center Orlve West, Sante Ana. Counly of Orange. S1a1e ol Cellfoml•. au Ille right. !Ille ana 1n1..-.. 1 of aald deoe1Md et the llme of deeth end 111 the right, lllle end lnler .. I 1ha1 Iha estate OI U ld deca•••d II•• ecqulred by operalron Of i.w 0t Olhe<w!M lll•n or In •ddlllon to thel of utd ~. et 1he llme ol death, In Ind lo all Ille c«taln real proe>erty -------------t llluated ln the Cl1y ot Cotll M .... •n:Mt IYNOl'll8 OP: THI ANNUAL ITATPR!HT Of HIQHLANDI INIUflANCI COMPANY IOO~ltt'91t HcluelOfl, TexM 77002 Yeaf l!nded Deoemb9r 31, 1tl1 To1a1 admitted a-t• Totel llabll111M Se>«lai eorplua tund Captlel oalCl·uP/Ouaranty Capltatl Ste1utOI')' Oeooait Grou paid-In and ' •.000,000 con1r1bu1e<l 111rp(1n 41.3CM,872 $535,237,048 388.015,804 PUBLIC NOTICE Counly ol Or1n11•. S l•t• or C111tomle, pertk:ularty deecrlbed .. Unualgned lundl (l\ll'pluli) 91.918.771 Surplus u reg.,ds potlcytlold.,.. 149.221.444 Income 10< Ille Y"f 159,447.702 P'ICTITIOUS eUllNEl8 loltowt, lo-\lrlt NAME ITATEME.NT Loi 23 ol BIOCk 0 of Tr.ct No OtaburMmenll ror the ye1r 1 t2,4H.310 W• ttereby certify 11181 l"8 ~ ltam• .,. In -dence wfth IM Annual S111emen1 10< the YM" en<*:I Oeceml>ef 31. 19111. mede to IN lneor~ Commlealoner of the St•te ol Celllomle. pv,,_,t to lew The to11ow1ng person 1s doing 694. f9COl'ded In 9oolt 111, pegee t>uS1ness ., 25-28. ot Ml1calla11eoua M1pa. SABRA DENTAL OF CALIF record• of '"' Orange County 2229 Sootll Huroo S•ni• Ane CA Aecorder. rriore commonly known 92704 u . 241 Ea.t 10111 StrMI, Colt• THOMAS ARTHUR MCELROY. Mele. CellfOl'nl&. 0 E. Wt/1/1.w SenlOT Viol P~t John w. Schallel Controller 384 Sunrise, Coste Meu CA ~commontyk-.. 241 Eut 92704 19lll 8w.et. eo.11 MMe. ceinorn•• Th11 bualneu 11 conducted by an The EJl«lutOf ol Ille Elt1te hu Publlal'le<I Orenge Coes1 Oelly Pilot. June 20, 21 22, 23, 24, 19112 3242 .. 2 1no1v1du111 r101lv1d 1 bllt or 11215,000 oo. 1-------------1 Thom .. A Mc:E1roy 1w1111 1n oatll 10 1119 E•lll .. The P\8.IC NOTICE T11111letemen1 wH llle<I Wll" lhe mlnlll'\llm overbid muet be 1131, ~--------------- County Clefk ol O!•noe Covnty on 250 00 The tenmt ol l4YI ol ce.n In •11111 Jvty a 19112 11wtv1 l'flOf'4Y 04 the United S111.. IYNOf"ltl OP THI AMNU~ ITA.,.....,. '1ttt11 ()fl~ ol ..... Cit' per1 gial'I °' MIOtl ... .,...,... .. , .... Publl•h•d O••no• CoHt Oetty end b1l1nce evld~c.d b)' nolt ~llll•MCI C~.urt P110t. Jufy 10. 17 24 31 1'82 MCIKed by Mongeoe Ot TNtt Deed -.......,_ l treet 310542 on the property eo 101ct Ten .......... T• ... nm -------------tP•rcent or emounl bid to ti• Y-1"'9M ~ J1, 'tat .. -,c Ml\TICE dec>Ollted wlfh bid Totl4 9dlnllted ~ ·--~ ......... ~.,.--nu ____ ...... &Ids Of ol'lttt 10 be In wrillf'O end Total K•l>lllllM '1CTITIOUI _,..... will be ~ at \!'le II~ 8peolel wrplus funde MUii H ATUllNT Oovt1llOllll. OeoanlMlll 3 11 HO Cepl1=av-n1y Ceclhlll Thi follOwlno pereon la doln a.m. on AuQulC ~. 1812. The ott.1nQ llt D1P011t ~ u · bU)'W, or hie tgent, mutt be ,,_..,1 Oroea tnf IRV I HE CARPET CA "Ii 5 In court el thlll tllM coMfibutted IUf1l4Ue ,,.o,..,_,t, ~ CA t2114. ~ 1N115th esey ol .Jl/toJ, 1N2. UnlMlgned tundt leurplllll l'flEO OIOAOC CAftPfLlO. a.ud9 I. t~. Ill lumltor ol lurc*ii II ,...rdl ~· • t,000,000 U00,000 t.ll0.11t '1.no..t,. 171111 lrookmont, !MM. CA t2714 1111 l.llatl Of llUlt Mii Hile, lnOOme fOr tM '/W Thie 1>11'"-le ooncl\leled by ~. Dl~te lot tllt ..... • .... lndllllduel JI LAw 0...... of Ml McCllM, Ont Wt '*Wt Olfttfy tMt tM ~ ....... lrl • 11 ....... .. ,,_ OeotOi C.-0 ~ ,,_, Tenttl Aoof.:;,1 AMUll ltl1«Mft\ for tl,e ~ ... Otoall'lllW $1, 1tl1. ..... 11 .. Thie et&temenl WM flltd With 01b IOll .00.., N9wDOt1 , ~ eomn..lontJ ~Wit .... at~ pwwanl to .... . County Ct.11 of o..,. Coun~ Ctl&rornla tHt0·1004, (714) D. t . Wiiier .M'f I, 1112 1U·OIH, 1ttorn•1• lot the ..,_Vice~ ~lft~t9 Jotll\W.ldlllteil ,ublletlecl Orante OMte Olllly COMroler ,_, <Nky 11, 11; H , ftla 1'11t1111M11 °""'9 ~~ ..... -Ml t0. 11. II. a Iii. ,_ U3M2 .... .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 2•, 1882 TESTS SUCCESS -Northrop's SEEHA WK, developed at the company's Electro-Mechanical Division in Anaheim, has completed a year of tests during which it is credited with saving seven lives in sea accidents. Bowers seeks docents The &wers Museum Foundation Docent Guild is see king volunteers to lead tours and lecture about museum exhibits and local history. An eight-month training program begins Sept. 20. Classes Will be every Monday from 9:30 a .m . to noon at the museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. Docents volunteer a minimum of two mornings or afternoons per month during the school year. Tours are not offered during the summer. 'Trade school' tough Kuralt takes a look at Juilliard music school By FRED ROTHENBERG d'T .............. NEW YORK -One would expect the klnd of kld1 CBS Newt pro1U.. ln a docwnenta.ry tor\iaht to be playtna bta·Ume colltle fc:>otb.11, while Pttina the lklmplt1t of educationa the reat of the week. If well-rounded 1tudent1 aren't found In Touchdown Tech, they aren't hanatna out at the Jullllard School either. (Channel 2, 10 p.m.). "Julliard and Beyond: A Life ln Mu.ale" attelta to the •lnale- m Ind e d dedication and determination that make1 vlrtuoao1, not bon vlvant1 or hwmnltiea majora. For the most part, the1e are driven individuall, playing their instrumenta night and day. less for love than for future rlcbee and fame. Aa narrator Charle• Kuralt says: "They tee their Uvee aa deep in conunerce. Jullllard ii to the mu1ic indu1try what the Harvard Buaineea School II to America's top 400 corporations ... Juilllard is best deecribed aa the world's moet exclusive trade school." Juilllard la an elite institution in New York City catering to child prodigies who study the classics, like Mozart and Beethoven. "All my life I've been playing the piano," aaya one student. "That's the only thing I know how to do really 'cause I'm not well-educated like these Harvard kids." The broadcast , which examines the dreams and attitudH of several Juilliard TV REVIEW 1tudent1, ii aubtle and p~. althoU1h the 1ubject matt.er tan t compellinc enouah to keep you heme. Then aaatn. if you are lndoon, it 1ure beata "Fantuy Ialand.'' Perhapa lt'a becauae clualcal muaiciana take ~ IO dam aerioualy, but the~~~ one pta about Jullliard ii that it• a prettl pim place. The atudenta don t aeern to have fun, and many of them approach their muaic all too clinically, without real emotional convnitment. Producera Perry Wolff and Sha.reen Blair Bryuc focua on tbeee young;sten aa perfonnera, not people. Conaequently, they're lesa appealing than the happy -go - lucky high school perform- ers from NBC's "Fame." If there is life KUflAL T a w a y ( r 0 m practice, we barely see it. There are two notable exceptions -Liaa Hansen and Charles Curtis. Mias Hansen is realistic about the limitations of the Juilliard education. "I think very few people from Juilliard will really make a livin playing music:' she says, "and ' think they've been shei tered from that fact . . . but the fact is how many pianists do you need?" Mill Han..n'• hwnanlty comet throuah WMn lhe'I forced to make enda meet by· J)!aytna her flute in oommerclala. Later, lhe auditlon1 for a job. playlna cluaical muaic at a wedd.ini. Curtla 11 the 1chool'1 con1clence, the 1tudent who queationa the overemphut.I on competition at the expenae of playlna muaic for 1heer en~yment. 'If you aet caUlht up in that oonatant procet1 of evaluation, you go nut.I," he aaya. Juat like football playera on a Saturday afternoon, Juilllard'a 1tudent1 are performen, and they learn at the IChool that performina ii u important aa the mUlical tafent iteelf. Kuralt, whoee lyrical, warm writing ,races CBS' "Sunday Momini' prosram. 11 de9Crlbed aa the anchor for "Juilliard and Beyond: A Life ln Music." He is not liated aa a writer or reporter on the program, 10 hi1 participation would seem to be minimal. In this cue, it's not contrary to the new CBS edict requiring greater involvement by cor respondents in the preparation of complicated , controversial broadcasts. CBS Newa President Van Gordon Sauter established that policy last week after admitting journalistic failings in the preparation of the network's documentary, "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception." The Juilllard special, more like an extended version of one of Kuralt's pieces on "Sunday Morning," just isn't that kind of broadcast. '141 Tl-141 CUlil~~ Sunday~~ch • Royal Champagne Brunch 17 .95 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 Restaur [nt1 · Pony Rides The IHIHt dr1w In the WHI I 01lly Piiot Cl1ulllld Ad C1ll Tod1y 942·5078 Today thru Sun. in the Huntington Center mall noon to 5. Youth Fund donation 5 1982 SUBARus·~ . . • HARDTOPS • HATCHBACKS • llDANS • WAGONS • BRATS• 4x4 WAGONS LARGE SELECTION OF HARD TO FIND MODILI OPEN AIR PATIO DINING Champagne Brunch 14. 95 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAY 99' BREAKFAST 8 A.M. to 11 A.M. ... _ ___,_ 3300 Coast Hwy. 548-lll4 Newport Beach 11£ BMJ:=" Champagne ~ Buffet Brunch '8.95 Featuring Eggs Benedict Regu/ot Menu Alto Served Sunday Brunch $4.75 $S.50 With Chompogne 673-1401 llHllAY lllUICll 01 THE WATERFllOllT 10 •••• 4 ,. fleaturlng Huevo1 Roncheroe 675-<>474 2318 W. Newpcwt Blvd. if1et-~ SUNDAY BRUNCH '1 A.M. to 2 P.M. ·COMPLIMENT ARY COCKT All 759-1154 3901 w. Cent ~·--·- Guide Buffet By The Bay CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH i9.95 (M .9S Und., 12) Saturday 11 to 2:30 Sunday 10 to 2:30 li!h!M Rl0.i!1JI On The W•terrront In lido M1rln1 Vlll991 ALL YOU CAN EAT Sunday Champagne Brunch 10 a .m. to 3 p.m. S6.95 M•lta 54.95 CkU•rt1 S.ating Available For Large Grous- THE JOCKEY CLUB ~ lxt•'"'' c,,..,.,_., ,,.,,,. -HHll"•'" "' ' ,,,.,,,"' .,,,.,., •8' 11:11 .... • 1:11,.... Compllmentary Valet Parking ·A.E0);7'1U.e 'RV 11100 MacArttu Boulevard K • x. Reservations Requested ..._ LJ!.e -(714) 152.1111 Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 ·:·CAN~ERV Sunday Brunch From 9 a.m. 675-5777 Cham,a11t lrHch Harbor Cruises Departs 10 a .m. & 1 '2:30 Reservations Required 675-7522 3010 LAFAYETTE AVE. ltEW,OU IEAC# mAnDAn1n Geurmet ..........•.........•••••••• : O RI E'\T.\l. Cll \\JP H;~E • • I • BHl "Cll I I ::W Tu 2:00 '7.50 I I I I ~--························· 1500 ADA\1S Utility takeover drives spreading Jsy THOMAS D. ELIAS Heavy raiJ'I lltnd a thick 1111owpack in lht' Sierra Nevadas combined wllh unprecedented customer protes~ to force Callfornla'a largest electric utilities to roll back part of the algant1c rate lncreues they won last winter And the rollbacks have coupled with the uwal torpor of summer to being at least a temporary halt In the anti-utility demonstraflons But as far as uttlny Clllf ORNIA f OCUS companies are concerned, that's likt> closing the barn door after the horses are out For the rollbacks and wann weather come too late to clamp a hd on a new drive that has sprung up in c1tu~s from San Francisco to San Otego. local orgb.nl%t-r Edith Spitz.er, "power 11 u life .md death ls.sue out here like It Is In the Northeast In winter. We've tried everything else to bring rates down, so a takeover is the only way to go." AU these movementa are still in the embryonk phase They're all based on a belief that 1f utiht1es don't have to worry about profits and have to please voters, rather than shareholders, rates will rome down Among the savings act1v1sts believe would follow Crom a takeover are a stop to dividend and ta>C payments which <.'Omblne to make up about 10 J.>ert'enl of most private ut1ht1es' rates With more rate increases likely m the 1. next two years _ especially 1f lhe next wmter tsn't as wet as the last one there LS every reason for the takeover movement to spread. Thomas Elias JS a free-Jancv.' rolumnisl based in Santa Monica. '-------::;-=--lfl....:...J1 ~~tlli!il<Sf0~81 IN AT LEAST four major areas, activist groups have organized, auning lo wrest control of their electric bills from companies like Pac1f1c Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric Recession • to increase illegal aliens? All these drives are spurred by a simple comparison easily made by any consumer -electnc bills are lower in California c1t1es with non-profit. publicly-owned ut1ht1es than they are where the large private hnns dominate The drive to localize ullllt1es 1s strongest 1n San Francisco, headquarters city for PG&E. A citizens' group there 1s now gathering signatures only 9.000 are needed -to qualify a local m1t1at1ve demanding a £eas1bihty study of a city buyout for the November ballot If lhe study 1s approved and concludf:'S consumers would beneht by taking over PG&E's local fac1hlles and equipment. San Francisco voters would decide the issue in 1984. ''I don't care how much PG&E spends trying to defeat thts 1n1ttat1ve," one 0rganizer said "People still get their balls each month and that's all the educat10n we need." Nea r Sacramento. where tht• publicly-owned municipal uuhty d1stnct provides rates much lower than PG&E's, residents of El Dorado County arl' lookmg for ways to be a!lnex<><l to the Sacramento d1stnc·t, known as SMUD Many SMUD power lanes run through El Dorado County and some of the largest anu-PG&E demonstrations were held in the county seat of PICK'C'rvtlle So some local con sumer groups see annexation to SMUD as a logical move A ~mular drive t5 undt"f' wav m Folsom. where many residents also~ SMUD as an alternanve to steaddv nsmg uuhty rates. ANOTHER MOVE to make ut11tt1es municipal is building an San Diego, where a coalition called The Ratepayers' Alliance will soon ask county supervisors to consider a feas1bll1ty study of takmg over many San Dal!go Gas & Electnc operations. And in the Palm Springs area, where high electric bills for aLr conditioning have forced some motels to close for part of the summer, another group wants the Coachella Valley Assoc1at1on. a group of local govenuncnts. to consider taklng ovf'r Southern California Edison operatJons "You have to understand." says By PETER EISNER Aesoc:lated PreH Writer MEXICO CITY -One of Mexico's worst recessions since World War II will probably increase the flow of Mexicans going illegally to the United States m search of .)Obs and a better life. American offiClals here predict The economic slump, which slarted last year Wlth a sharp falJ m world oil (?rices. may get worse Already. President-elect Miguel de la Madrid says he plans tough austerity measures to restore the nation's economic health when he takes office De<.-1 De la Madrid aims to cut government spending. reduce 1nfla11o n now running at 60 percent a year and shrink a foreign debt that 1s t'Xpt'<'ll'd to reach $80 billion by the end of 1982. Further complicating the country's t•l·onomic health was the 40 pl'rt·t•nt cit-valuation of th<• peso in Ff•bruary ALL OF THIS adds up to thl' prosp<'<'t of about 1 million people out of a .)Ob by year's end 1n a cou ntr v whl•rt• unemployment and under l'mployment wmbmed now total 45 percent of the labor force Mexico needs to create 850, 000 new .)Obs every year JUSt to ket'p up with its population growth. om• o( tht· world's fastest De la Madrid. 47, an economist with a master's degree an public admm1strat1on from Harvard Un1vers1tv. won bv a Jandslade 1n t.'ll'Cllons ·Julv 4 Hts lnsmuttonal R<.•volutionary Party has ~·n ruling s1nc-t· 11 was founded m 1929 One of has first tasks. atdl'S say. will be to slow down or even stop for a while an ambtt1ous industrial development program financed with o il export revenues that outgoing President Jose Lopez Portillo started when he took office six years ago De la Madrid took an estimated 7:i per<.-ent of the vote an the el('("ttOns, gavmg him more than enough poht1cal strength to try to enforce some unpopular measures. "lf the government party takes its victory as a mandate, there could be a honeirooon period m which he'll have a chance Lo tum things around." said one American analyst, who asked not to be 1dent1hed for d1plomat1c reasons. "But m the end there will be fewer JObs and less job opportunities The migration will continue one way or another," the analyst said. HOWEVER, SO FAR this year, the recession an the United States has <1.pparently helped rt:.'Cluce thl' numbc.•r of 1llt'gaJ aliens arrested at the Ml•xwan border. American authoriues say. &rder Patrol agents arrested 171.5!'>\:I a I t e n s s 1 n c e J a n l 1 n S o u 1 h t• r n Cahforma. a drop of 28.212 arr<·sts from thl' l'Orrespondmg period last yl'ar Steve Walhams. assistant c:h1ef patrol agent of the sector covering fll()l;t of Southern Cahforn1a. said "When all along the border there seems to be d downturn m arrests. and there has ~n no real change m the manpower we clrC u.<,mg. then It means there 1s a dt'C'reaM an thP total number of illegal enln~ " AP Wlrephoto A bill sponsored by Sl'n. Alan Simpson. R Wyo . and Rep Ron Mazzoh. D-Ky ., would increase the Urut.ed St.ates' t'Ontrol ovt'r lllt-gal 1mm1gration, apply pt·nc1lt1t~ tor t>mployers who hare foreign und1x·urnt·nted woa kt>rs and t>stablish a -;ystt•m for sponsoring temporary legal .1lwn:. to do farm work whl•n Americans nannol b<· found Th(•re arE' no farm estimates on the numb<.•r of Ml'XIC.:an illegal 1mm1grants in tht· United St.ates, though various studies hi:tvt• g1vl'n numbt>rs ranging from 1 5 nullion t.o ~ h1Kh as 16 m11l1on 'Tht most l·ommon averages g1v1•n arP from 2 lo 4 m1llaon. and some people say as many a<. I mallton enter the United Stales 1llegally t'very year.. said one US orfaual. who spoke on C'Ond1uon ht not be 1drnufl<'d cond1llon he not be 1dent1f1ed. Dt> la Madrid, in an interview a week before the election, said he regards Mexican 1mm1grauon as fulf1lling an undvo1dable need m both nations "IN THE UNITED Stat.es. there IS an effective. structural demand for MeXJcan labor." he said "ln a cert.am way, it fulf1lls a need of the American economy. But 1t also obeys the msuff1etency that we still face an creatmg enough jobs in Mexll-o .. John Gavan, the U S ambassador to Mexico. claimed thl're has been "s1gnd1cant progrl'ss" o n the 1mm1grat1on issue In an interview with Mexico City's Enghsh-language nt'wspaper The News, Gavtn said that if the Simpson-Maz:zoh "bill does not <.'Om<• out perfect. and I promise vou 1t won't, at least 1t will be a step m the d1reot1on of trying to achieve son.l' kind of legaltz.auon of this very d1ff1cuh problem" De la Madrid said Mexwo recognizes the right of tht' Reagan administration to l-Stabhsh 1mm1gral1on policies. but he also urgt'CI prott'<.·tton of the rights of M1•x1<:an aliens m the Umtt.>d Sldl.E'S "I bt-lieve It IS our aspiration to be able t0 t rt a~e enough paid JObs for all Mt•xacans I think thl' time will come 'when we even may be able to attract some Mt·x1cans back from the United States. de la Madrid Sc11d Mans ion s till • a w a i t s firs t tenant By JOHN HOWARD Anoc:leted PrH• Writer SACRAMENTO Cahfornw·, lav1!.h $I 3 million sprawling. ranch stylt• governor's mansion. buih on riverfront land donatl'd bv friends of Ronald Reagan. has awrutcd its fLrSt offtl'i~I tenant for eight years. N o w . even tho ugh both maJor candidates an the 1982 gc1vl•rnor's rat'<' say they would hve m thl' \ 7 room homf' 1f el('("ted. the house mav ncvt•r be.• the home of a Cahfom1a governor Caught m the grip of the ttghu ... t budget smce World War U. Cahfom1a lay, m.1k1·1-. h.1v1· '-l'Vf•n·I\ slin-d s l<llP ll,.,L.., dlHI Ollt' ttf th1• ll~'n1'-lUl IS th£• I :!.000 ~1lwr1 · fnot 11~11lc•n1 1· an '>Uhurban C.1rm1th.1t·I. 1 r1 111tl•., fr 0111 thl' stall· (',1p1111l f)f·q 1 in 1h1· 111 \\ i2:-. :! b11l1on :-.tatc· hudgt•t 1s au1hon.t>1ltor1 to ~wll tht· humt• ;and prnµt•rtv bc•f1111• tlw 1•11d ,,f the> year. and ust' the• rnont•v 1(1 prov1dl' lhf' next ~11v1•111111 \.\ 11 h .. dtffrrc•nt .ind pr.....,U llldhlv d\ ... iJ>4'r rl'llldPrn P Brown had bN•n fighting <.'Ons truct111n of th<' mansmn sanl't' 1Y73 Them. JS l'al1forn1a·._ o;t'<.rt•wn uf statt' Br11wn and twn Indians SUl'Cl Ht•ag.m t11 blrx k constructmn of th1• hoUM'. ....,yrn~ the '>ltl· wa~ the• :-.<ll't't'd burial ground and torm('f ,·all;1g{' of tlw Murdu tnht· Thl· o.,ull bnl'fly stoppc..'<i t'On:-.1rul·tam1 Whl'n '>t<1tt• offll'IJIS halte-d tlw Wiii k momt•nt.s lx•fon· th1· far::.t !>p<tUc•ful 111 t'.trth WJ!. turnt>d At thl' tinw Br<1\q, t.tllt·d 1h1• mansion "a ... hamc>1 1il monurnc•nl lo th<• ~ h1w man'!> t·all11u' dasr<'gard ror Indian trad1t1ons" Mon e tary Inadn ess vs . fis cal s anity ALTnOt'GH THE HOUSE 4S not Vl't up fur ~11 .. -.t.1tt· off1c1als sav th1.•v have· Jlrt·Jdv fl'< 1•1vc·d inqumes from p0tent1al huvf'r-The•\ .art· wa1tmg for a final 1-:0 t1h<·ad from thC' Legislature ne>.t mnnlh the Jay, makeN are currently rc•u'S'>C'd fm the summer bt•lorc pulling thl• dwl•llang on thl• markt't THE DISPUTE WAS later scttl1'<.I but the home bel·amt' a campaign as.su<' an Brown·-. SUlt'('S!>(ul ra<:P f or tht governorship. with Brown vowing to hvc: in humbler 'iurrnundangs 1f elected By THOMAS 8. SILVER Dr. SllvC'r 1s prt•:.1<J1•11r of Public Research, Synd1<'at<'Cl Last fall. fC'W pcoplt> l'Xpt'\'led a s.<•ven• economic decline· Jn fatt. most economists believed that Wl' would <lVoad recession altogether On Oct 26, 1981. the Wall Str('C't Journal n•portc'CI that. "A group of somt• 40 forf'l·astl'rs surveyed monthly by Blue Chip &anomic Indicators . looks for a slight rise of 0.5 per<."l'nt in the real GNP in the fourth quarter. with stronger gains coming m 1982." Expectations of a stronger economy an 198.2 stemmed m large part from a belief th.at the Reagan administration tax cuts would be stimulating business Despite my support of President Reagan's tax cuts. I strongly dissented from thi.s rosy consensus view On Oct 27, in an article entitled, "Will President Wicks Interrupt these sea this Important Reagan be the next Hoover.,:· I predicted a "severt' econom1t· slump" and suggested that the president "should caution h1~ countrymc>n that ternbh• econom11: sh<X·ks and storms may llC' directly ahl•ad " There were strong reasons for pess1mtsm last fall First, the tax cul had been delayed and diluted. Se<:ond. it hod been offset by bracket creep and increased Social Security taxes. Third and most important -monetary policy had been unprecedentedly erratic. For a whole year, from April 1980 to April 1981, the J<'ederal Reserve had allowed the money supply lo run wild. Month after month it raged upward at the torrid rate of more than l l percent Ar. a result, by the spring of 1981, shortly after Reagan became president, lnflation was raging out of control and interest rates were above 20 percent. AT TRA T POINT the Federal Re.erve. in a pew flt of monetary madnns, leaped upon the money supply and besan choking ll, untll It was limp and Ufelep. From April to October the money supply actually decTined. This totally 1rretpon.sible contraction of the money supply, following right on the heelJ of a totally lrresporulible expaJU/on ot the money supply, plunged the econonty Into ha worst decline since the Gre•t Depression. Now we are again pretented with optimistic prediction• from the adminlatratlon and from mott private \ f"Conomlsts . Rea.an aaye that t"'o recetaion la bottor'l\lna out. The blue mtp forecasters att echolni hil oplnton . And indeed, they may be rl1ht. Preliminary dna lndlc•t~ th•l the econoruy _ i;rew a llttle In the ~ ~. Monover, the July'l to cut ii 1ubaunua1. Uollke the llru installment last October. thLS cut will bl> only partially undone by brackC't tr<'<'P and recent federal. state and local tax increases UNFORTUNATELY, fiscal sanity ts once more being accompan1t'd by mone tary madness. Last fall. aft.er being strangled nearly to death. the moribund money supply suddenly sprang to l1fr a nd advanced vigorously From September to January it increased at the astonishing annualized rate o f 15 percent. It was this increase that caused the economy to stir during the spring. • But since January the Federal RcSt>rve has again been squeering the money supply mto lifelessness. At the end of June the money supply, M -1, was several billion dollars lower than it was at its peak m January It may weU be. therefore, that the recession will conlmue through the second half of 1982, or that the incipient recovery wlll be anemic. If so. our financial system will continue to be dangerously vulnerable to major unexpected shocks. in addition to the steadily mounting toll of cocporate and personal bankruptcil'I and failures of financial institutions The long range prospects for ttie economy are bright, ao long as Reasan refuses to be deflec~ from his present course of tax cuta and mod~atc growth of the money supply. Beductlon or government taxing, spondlng, ond regulation ia wile. The growth rate of the money supply. though dangerously volatile, ls slowing. From April 1980 to April 1981 It WU areawr than 11 ptlttnt, but dur1na thC' put year it bu fallt'n \0 around -4 percent. Once &he F~der•I Rot•rv~ ~ in ti. announced pl of ma'°"8 1JXllW)' frow both &Sowly and "*1!y I we can look fotWatd to 1 ~ and healthy economic recovery. "We've alr<•ady had quite a few l·alls from attornl'\'S Jnd real <>Stall• agt-n~ ... said David Jans:.c:on. d1r'{'(·tor of the stall' OC'partml·nt of General Services. tht' agency which maintains the dwclhn~ and partially landscaped grounds at a mst of $5~.000 <• yC'ar Janssen !>aid h~ would "advertise• nationally m mapr nt'wspapers" to find a buyer following an appraisal that could Wkc 60 days. Thl' residt•n{'{'. a U -shaped one-story mansion that resembles a conventional Cal1forn1a tract home built o n a mammoth scale, was conceived after Nancy R<>agan com ~lained that the 103-year-old governors mansion. located in downtown Sacramento. was a "noisy firetrap " In 1967, the newly arnved Reagans shunned the traditional mansion. surrounded by motels and service stations, and leased instead a $1,200-per-monlh pnvate home in an exclw11ve, tree-ahaded neighborhood two miles from the Capitol. The state pajd the leaae They remamed ~ere during Reagan's two tenm, which ended in 1974. THE NEW MANSION was built by the state on l $200,000 parcel of land donated by such fnends of the Reagans os Leonard K . Flreatone a nd Loa An1ete1 outomoblle d ealer Holmes Tunte. But the new official residence, the tarset of controveray before It waa flnlehed, 11park~ new debate in 1975 when Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. refused to Uve lhel'f!. He dubbed It "the Taj Meh61 '' Brown, • bachelor, said ht didn't rt'qu1re tht space Of the opul nt <:.annichHl mansion "way out there'' and moved lnto 9f' apantMnt a block from the C.p_hol. wh hi has lived ~ance. -----·--~ Hut after serving two terms, the H ·VC'ar-old Brown as now running for thC' U S Senate S«.'at held by retinng Sl•n S l Hayakawa. whu:h means Cal1forn1a will haVl' a npw <>l1gible tenant nl•X t vt•ar for th<' g11vc•rnor's mansion The ma.JOr gubt'rnatonal hopefuls. Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley and state Attorney General Grorge Deukmejian who both. unlike Brown. have families -say they would live in lhc mansion if el('('tl'd. The home, hidden from street view by shrubbery, fence and a landscape(! slope, has been home to only care~kers. There are no ins1gn1a to 1denufy 1t as an official residence, no government trappings or d1stincuve features to set 1t apart ln lhe neighborhood of lush vegetation and rambling. comfortable homes. With its bullet-proof windows. SS exterior glass-and-wood doors, $90,000 worth of teak cabinets and two kJtchC?ns filled with such gadgets as traa;b compactors and microwave ovens, the empty mansion reflects "an era that hu passed." Brown says OftANOB COAIT llllJPlll The• comment P•aeofthl.' Dilly Pilot seeks to Inform and .ilm"lut(' toctrra by present in11 " vuritty or commentary on toplca of lnttrf''t 1nd <il1tntncan~ !mm lnrormf'd ob servera 1&nd •poke mtn DOTH Hanging 10 • easier on Whew! Here Uncle Len was stuck working In the office on a sunny day, and what happens? All thete great surfing pictures started coming In. Well, right away ol' Uncle Len wanted to hit the waves. But then he remembered that he has enough trouble standing on a aurf board on dry land, much lea In the water. So, beca~ his doctor la rich enough already. Uncle Len decided to stay right here and pore over the drawingl. It doesn't really matter, though; these pictures are aa good as the real thing. And they're safer. It was agonizing, as usual, to chooee the~ first place winner. Uncle Len finally decided on a drawing submitted by Jeff Arntsen, age 12, of Laguna Beach. As you can see, il's a real beauty. The $2 aecond place prize goe. to Steve Myers, age 11, of Huntington Beach. His drawing shows how Uncle Len surfs in his dreams. paper As usual, there were many other good entries to make the judging tight. Honorable mentions go to: FIRST PLACE: Jett Arnsten, Laguna Beach From Huntington Beach - Tina Sunu, age 10. ""e. 'cbr r, +c ~ur From Laguna Beach -Benjy Frank. aae 9, G rant Myers, age 9, Eric Sands, age 10, and Neil Sands, age unknown (by Uncle Len, anyway). Od ~ (\.)0-\- From Newport Beach -Mary and Molly Deneher, ages 10 and 8. Uncle Len abo found 90me good Snoopy pictures in the mailbag from Dana Munson, age 9 and Dane Larsen, age 7. of Newport Beach; and Bryan O'Barr, age 12, of Huntington Beach. Unfortunately, Snoopy wasn't surfing in any of them. They must have arrived late for last week's cont.est. But they were still greatly appreciated. But now, Uncle Len has to think of a theme for next week. And all of thia surfing stuff has given him an idea -how's about sending in drawings of one of your family members? (Not that this really has anything to do with surfing, you undemtand. Who says Unclf> Len thinks 1ogicall y?). SECOND PLACE: Steve Myers. Huntington Beach Use black ink on 4" by 4" white paper, and send it to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Carta Mesa. California 92626. Include your name, age, and make sure it gets here by Wednesday. Meanwhile, Uncle Len is &oing to go to the beach. He may not be able to surf, but he can still get a tan. Author's children her experts TRYON, N.C. (AP) -When author Carole Marsh Longmeyer plans a new book for youngsters, she turns to experts -her three children. The kids, ranging In age from 10 to 17, handle public relations, business and editing. Ms. Longmeyer, 35, credlu her family's talent for helping make Gallopade Publishing Group a fast-growing producer of children's books. The family has turned out about a dozen books that have sold thousands of copies all over the country. "We've taken our crazy, uny ideas and turned them into quality books for children of all ages," said Ms. Longmeyer, who began publishing ch ildr en's books three years ago. "And the children have not been siting idle. Their Ideas and their research go into the books . . " A teddy bear -Theadorable Bear -greets visitors on the porch of the white Victorian- s tyle ho use that serves as Gallopade's corporate offices. Wendy, 15, presides over the first-floor gift shop, Gallopade Galleries, and is in charge of public relations. Michael, 10, who reads the copy to make sure it appeals to children, looks over some research for an upcoming book, then dons a bueball hat and heads for the baseball field. Mic hele, 17 , on summer vacation from the North Carolina School of Math and Science in Durham, is helping her mother convert Gallopade to a computer system. "We have found that we can be tough when business decisions call for it," said Ms. Longmeyer, who writes and re9earcllea the Dog of tlte Weelr----- . ....,,... ..... ,..... SPECIAL -The Laaw\a Be.M:h Animal Shelter la lookina tor a aped.al adopter fDr Shasta. a year-old neutered male American Eskimo q . Potential adopt.era, who understand the breed, can apply at the lhelt.er, 20812 Laguna Canyon Ro.cl, daily from 11 a.in. to 4 p.m. books. "But fun is mostly what we're about. We have fun doing our books and kids have fun reading them. Luckily, we've managed to be sua:eeaful along the way." The company's income has r eached "several hundred thousand dqllan," she said. The children began their publishing careen by carrying out trash and sweeping floors. "But we've always helped with the book s, too," said Michael, who designed the cover for the recently published ''Tile Mystery at the Biltmore Houae." Ma. Longmeyer, who also heada her own public relations company, Marsh Media Methods, baa written a "Tomorrow's Books for Today's Children" seriea that Includes "Go Queen Go," on cheas; a book on computer analysis and "Six Puppy Feet," instuction on bridge for children. "Reading ls something kids should do for tmjoyment and Information," she said. "But they should be encouraged In the.Ir reading, not discouraged by being told that reading ls hard." Her mystery storiea, which she calla "history mysteries," uae historic aita such aa the Biltmore HOUie In Aabeville aa .eutnp. She takea photograph• of children on location for Uluatratloru. Upcomin1 books include myaterlea aet at the Kentucky Derby and Dtaney World. ' Bird bagged HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP)- A local woman who loat her pocketbook In a pune-anatchlng incident aaya ahe won't take act.Ion qalnlt the culprit -a blrd ln search ot a nett. June Henaon hW11 her freshly washed canvu pocketbook out to dry, and a wren promptly took up resldence. After Un.tna the pocketbook with twtp, the bb:d laid two .... ln the C«y nett, l1'd now 1pendt much of her time ~inl them. Mn. HenlOn uya lhe Ml no plW to evkl the wren flom the pune. "I'll take lt doWn for the wmw after everc·· throuab With It. 'nley can~ It!' I Orange Ooaat QAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 2~. 1882 SAY AH! -Dr. Vince Petraglia examines the throat of 7-year-old patient Kelly Kifer (above) and turns cowboy on the weekends. Doc a cowboy on weekends EIGHTYFOUR, Pa. (AP) On summer weekends. Vince Petraglia exchanges his doctor's tunic, tongue depressors and stethoscope for his cowboy hat, boots and spurs to rope and ride in rodeos. Petraglia would rather rope a calf from the back of a thundering 1,300-pound quarterhorse than smk 4-foot putts hke most doctors. "Gold's a little too boring," the 34-year-old osteopath says, "I'm not into country clubs. I'd rather do th1S. It's my hobby, my passion. If l couldn't do this, I'd be a miserable son of a gun." The bearded 230-pound Petraglia has broken an ankle, wrist and some ribs while riding. His doctor's hands are calloused and sport some rope burns. Adventure is not alien to Petraglia, who has tried skydiving and raised Doberman pinschers. He breeds horses as a side business. But riding IS his first love. He's been rucknamed Doc by his rodeo friends. &nd he might be the only cowboy who rides with a paging beeper. But he also pitches in when it's time to clean barn stalls and curry sweaty horses. "Here, ever ybody's equal, whether you're a doctor, lawyer or Indian chief," he said. '------~~ world scope ( 10 points for tach quHhon 1n1wered correctly) 1 Greece and (CHOOSE ONE : Britain. France) hilve agreed, if necess•ry, to iom w11h the U.S in sending troops to help evacuate the PLO from West Beirut 2 A recent meeting ol OPEC oil m1n1sters ended without member nations agreeing 10 ma1n- 1ain production quotu If OPEC counlnes increase production. 011 prices •re likely to (CHOOSE ONE rise. declinet l D•ngerous wind currenu m•y have been responsible for the nat1on·s second-worst plane crash A Pan Am 1et cruhed near I shortly after ukeoff, killing 153 persons a-Ch1c<igo b-Denver c-New Orleans 4 A recent sc1tmt1f1c repon showed that people who eal large amoun1s of ((HOOS[ ON[ dairy products. h1gh-f1ber foods) m<iy have lower levels of cholesterol, a maior con- tributor to heart disease S Astronomers have 1dent1f1ed J new type of pulsating star that could help in understan· ding how stilrs •re made and their life-cycles A white dwarf is (CHOOSE ONE. a smilll. young, an old collapsed) star newsname (10 point• II you cen Identity thl1 per1on In the newt ) lr1nian armed forces have been musing alona the border oi my coun- try. Iran has threatened to topple my soclalist regime and Install In Its place an hlamlc govern- ment like its own. Who am I and what "country do 1 leadl (4 point• tor Heh correct milch) 1-debate a-strike back, 1venge l·rebate !>-argument, dispute l-retallate <·lncreue, Intensify 4--escalate d·refund, discount 5-aHflVate •·lrrl111e, annoy Answers appear (upside down) beneath quiz • news picture I 10 po•nlf 11 you 1n1-r this queahon correctly) lt•l1;ms •round the world celebrated when team captain and goalkeeper Omo Zoll recei11ed the 1982 World Cup for ltilly's National Soccer team (CHOOSE ONE Br.nil, Argenllna) is the only other country 10 win the World Cup three 11mes. peoplewatch/sportlight (2 point• tor t•ch quHllon 1n1wered correctly) 1 British otficials reponed that Queen Eliu~th It was "unharm- ed" after discovering that a prowler had evaded security and broken into her bedroom at (CHOOSE ONE. Buckingham, Balmoral) Palact•, the Royill F•m1ly's off1c1al London residence. 2 The Vatican n1med Archbishop Joseph Bernardin 10 replace the late John Ciirdinal Cody as le•der of the (CHOOSE ONE: Joston, Chicago) Roman Catholic Archdiocese -the nation's largest. l . l . , nattonal president of Operation PUSH -People United To ~ve Humanity -~id the c1vll rtghh movement must now concentrate on .ch1evlng economic equality for minorities. a-Coreua Sco11 King b-Benjamln Hooks c-Jeue Jackson 4 Joan Miro, 89, a Spanish (CHOOSE ONE. painter, guitarist), recovered Stght In his left eye following cataract suraery recently. S During recent meetings at the annual All-Star Came, Canadian officials lobbied hard to make V1ncouver the third Canadian city with a major leaaue franchls.. What two Canadian cities now have major league team•t roundtable Ftinlly Oite11n 10n (no ecore) Do you a1ree th1t IMdlal e~perlments using animals need to be free of all conm1lnt•t Or do you thlnll some rules are need•d 10 prevent the tulferln1 of 1nlm1ls u~d In researchl YOUR ICOflll. 9' to tOO polnt1 -TO, ICOfllEI It to tO Poll'llt -h .. Olftt 11 to eo polnt1 -Good tt to 10 polnt1 -Ftlt •VIC. Inc • 711•12 ... ·~ ~ I I I I ~ . I I .. . ~ .. ; • " "' . .. • t •• . I 1• , ' Orange Ooatt OAll..Y PILOT/S1turd1y, July 2~. 1982 Youth troupes sing praises to Lord BY GEOROF. W. CORNELL '*' "-lltlOll Wrlt•t From plat.'t' to place, the bands oC hearty youngsters go, alJliina all the way. By bus or plane, acro11 the United State!! and around the world, they keep on tht> movt', making mus.le to their Lord "Get all c>xt•ited!" goes one ot their catchy numbers, "and tell everybody -that Jesus Christ is king!" There are about 550 of them roving America and abroad this summer - 16 groups of youthful, high-1pirited lingers and ins trumentalists - lbrobbing out their contemporary ~Ugious tunes In zestfuJ beat. "It's a mwuc rrurustry, letting people know about Jesus Christ and the happiness He brings to our lives -the charige, joy nnd beauty,•· says banjo- playing tenor Alan Kraft, 19, of Wichita, Kun "We show it in our music and m bt-ang ChnslJSns " ''It's a n·al growing experience," said Kathy Jcw«ll, W , of Wheat Ridge, Colo. "It hu brouaht me Into a clooer relationship with God. I've learned a lot more truat in h1m and faith in the anawerlng of prayer." The summertime musical evangelist• are the "Continental S!naen1," aggregations of about 40 youths in each, recruited annually in auditions at high echooll and colleges around the country. After 10 days of rehearsal at a San Bernardino camp, they're di!persed in uni ta for 2 h months of dally on-the-go-concerts. "We come Crom all different types of churches, but we have a common bond, J esus Christ," said David Franks, 19. o f Amarillo, Texas, a drummer with the group. Steve Dillard, 21, of Rosston, Ark., said the experience "broadens our whole outlook. We meet a.U sorts of people and see how God 'works in their lives." Each of the participants provides about half the costs of their tours through savings, their parents, home conaregatlona or other sponwors, ranging from $2,000 to $4,000 each, depending on the itinerary The other half comes thruugh t.'Oncert contributions and recorda. It's the l~th year of the project, founded In 1967 by composer-arrangt•r Cam Floria of ThoUAand Oaks, wi &1 non- profit subsidiary of his gospel musu: enterprise, Continent.al Man111tr1es "It's a real .)oy to play for the Lord from the keyboard," i.a1d p1an1st Bruce McNelU, 23, of Flintv11le, Wis "It's exciting. We also have a responsibility u Christians not JUSl in public situatioN but as servants to each other." In the course of their 10 w~ks of con<.-erta -every day and two on Sundays -the groups give 75 to 80 performances each, a tot<.tl of about 1.200 of them, at churches, sc·hools, l'\osp1tals, military bases. l'iv1c groups and other audiences 1nv1t1ng them, indoors and out Ordinarily, they fan out to spend th1• oight with m~mbura of ho•l audwnces, traveling by day. "h 's hard but it's fun," !f.llys Henry Chastain, 24, of Palatka, Fla "lt'1 al.so worthwhilf' Talking lo people, staying in homes, you share your Christian walk with others" Askl>d 1f they didn't get weary of tht' hl•avy sc:hcdule or chaffed at The Continental Sin1era will appear in Costa Mesa at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. b<.'mg with the same group day after day, Bram Floria, 16, of Thousand Oaks, a son of the' founder, said: "No multt.>r what o ur lC'mperamentl., "'t· pull togt•lher We use Scriptures a s prc-vent1vC' rnt'Cl1<:mt• " Cruise, • • p1cn1c, film among weekend • • • act1v1t1es A HARBOR CRUISE 1s planned Sunday by Tc-mple lsarnh of Newport Beach for m<'mbers, guests and pr ospective• rnembf'rs A noon luncheon :ll the Tale of the Whale restaurant will prt.'<'ede the outing. A PICNIC fo1 members of the New Th ought Chra:;tian Chur<:h, Newport Beach, will begin after thtc< 10.30 a.m. servtee Sunday. The picnic will take place at Heller Park. TOM TIPTON, a Jatz and gospel smger Crom Minneapolis, Mtnn . w1U sang at the 9:30 a.m . service Sunday at the Capistrano Commumty Church. --------------------------- -THI EARL'S rtUMlllHG-HlA TINO Alll COHOlllOfllNO SOIAI WAtD HtATINO IATHIOOM l!MOC>ftMO '1 I ff("' ~ Ttme StNU at vow OoO< CCal St0<a NaM-1 YOU< A1NI GOST• IMSA 641-1289 1516 ,...wpo<t lhotl MISSION VlUO 495-0401 21922 C.mlne Coplihono (S.• Diop ,,_, •• A••rt ,.._, ) BUSING TEMPLE BETJ EMET RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IS PLANNING BUSING STARTING SEPTEMBER FOR AREAS SOUTH OF ANAHEIM. CALL (714) 772-4720. CHURCH NOTIS A SHOWING of "Supt•rman II" 1s Lo take place at 7 p.m Sunday at the• Church of Rt·li~aous St·ac·mt'. San Juan Capistrano THE REV. RICHARD A Todd. pasto r of the.• Walnut Creek Pn•sbytenan Church and advast-r of the Surf and Sand Mission for chtlurcn. to be <'Onuucted nt.'X t week at th<' ~ath an l'ornna del Mar , wall Ix· tht· sf><·akt•1 at 9 15 a.m Sunday at tht• Community Prt-Sbyteraan Church Laguna Beach ~ South Coa ~t Comm.unity Church Services 8 :30 A M & 10: I 5 A M C• ..>nod~' Mu H.Q~ S<~OOI 1101 Eo tblult D• '" •• Jt Mo ·••'ull-TlmP ('hrl ... tlanJt. .. •• I 1111 l'immun•. "'1n·ul.t'r For Info: Call 644-1350 rhe lam11y of the Community Church by the Bay uJ<lenlls 11s hand of fr1endsh1p and splrtlual fellow- ship to all wllO are seekers of the Truth We are a lnvinu car11111 body of positive thinkers olferlng both an open mind and an understanding heart Though wp are lree from dogma and 11m1tallon of crt:t:d we are a Christaan rehg1on based upon the luachings of Jesus expounding the principles of dl·one·ment' wrlh God and His loving presence An atmosphere of love. 1oy and freedom prevails 1n which ecJth pe1 son can feel sate to be himself .111d to develop his own d1v111e potential II you are seek111y a lhurch family ltke we have described we wctr mly suggest You may already be home/ Sunday Celebration of Life Dynamic Speakers • Musical Programs Seminars for positive llvlng Workshops /Classes • Book Shop/tapes Professlonal Counseling service Social and Speclal Events Sunda y School· Youth Group Hollstlc Health Center Wedding Arrangements Service Monthly Newsletter • Nursery care JOIN US SUNDAYS AT 10:00 A.M. "E.T." 714/645-7650 Or Doyle Edson Rev Fred Davis 148 EAST 22NO STREET /COSTA MESA/CA 92627 Every Sunday Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY bv. Judy Gole 1st CHURCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Of NEWPORT BEACH ~ C"11!ch United Chlirch of Rt1tci0us Scie11Ct CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. Chlld Cere ...... , ''Wholeness ;'M -. Is Holy" '·"'·; ...... 1011 Comelbacl<, Newport S.OCh (off Jambo<H •-d) . Mu•ic Oirt<lot Morie Engloth 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tredltlonsl Epltcopal) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Preye< -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev. Jam" Hohteld -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN COSTA MESA D•Y Slrffl •I Orenge Awenue Holy Eu charist 9:00 Infant and Chltd Core th• Rev. Conred Hordqui.t, Vicar 548-2237 ST . JAMES EPISCOPAL WELCOMES YOU 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach 8und1y 1:00 A.M. Preyer llooti, HofJ Communion lu.ndlJ t:OO A.M. Chruch khool end Adult lducatlon Sund•J 11),00 A.M. flr1t lundly, Prarw loot! HotJ Communion lundep t"-teettor, Hofy lucatt1t. ""• ti t:OO I 10:00 A.M. NurMtJ Cere CHARllMATIC MAH . flatet IUnUJ of tM Month -7:00 P.M. Tuffdey -10:00 A.M. Holy hoher1et >M•llng lervtc. With LaJtnt On Of Heftdl The ..... .lotln P. A.lhley It, Aec10r -f'hoM tn-0210 • NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CtUCH 1M DoYet' Df. ~WOfff HACH "°"' '· ..... , .. . a.« .. ,._ fltlnw, , ... ., WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. ..... OMl.YMMUI WILCOMI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES -HCHeS OI' ™I!~~ T'H£ ~ CHUl'ICM ~ CHAtST SCIENTIST IN 80STC>ff MASSACHUSETTS "TRUTH" Sunday, July 25, 1982 Coate M•H -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat 2l80 M ... Verde Dr., C09te M ... ChUfctt a aunct•r kttool -10:00 A.M . Reading Room, 2l80 M ... VercM Dr. t A.M.-4:30 P.M. Mon. thru 8al Wed. 1·7:50 P.M. -t-t:30 P..M. lrvlne -First Church of Chrl1t, Scientist Rencho &en Joequln lnlermedi.te School 4111 MlchHllOn (Neer Vele) Church a Sunday School -10:00 A.M. CHllD C4AE PAOVICED AT SUNDAY SEA\llCE Huntington Beach -Flrat Church of Christ, Sclentlat Ith I Ollve, Huntl1\9lon hech Church a Sunday School -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -221 Mein It. Newport Beach -First C~urch of Christ, Scientist 3303 VI• Lido, Newport 8Hch Church a Sund•Y School -9:00 & 10-30 A M RHdlng Room. 3315 VI• lido Mon. thru S•t. -9 A.M.-5 P.M. TuH. -1-9 P.M. ''''"' c.,..:.,. ~10 ... 1il ... t1 ti,etdYr ~ '.\O I l \'A ~J ,.,, Cih"h fflft"! .. Newport BHch -Second Church of Christ, Sclentlet 3100 Peclflo View Dr., Cofone ct.I Mer Church I Sunday School -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -S500 "8" E. Cont Hwy., CdM WED. EVENING TESTIMONY MEETINGS - 8 P.M. ALL CHURCHES All ••• co•dlelly lnvlt8<1 to e1tet1<1 tll• c11u1c11 H fVIGet eno enror tne .,,...._ ol ,,,. "-"9 ,,._ Chllcl Cere Pro•kMd AT ALL SERVICES WESTMINSTER LUTHERAN CHURCH 13141 Miiton Ave. (Next to ten Diego frwJ . .I WMtmln1ter Blvd.) -WORSHIP SERVICES - 1:30 a 10:00 A.M. PAITOA JO!L A. IWIQQUM PHC*R --12111 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH (Mluourl Synod) 1tO Vlctorll It., Coeta ..... Lother Y. Tomow, P••tor -9'1·1111 WO"IHfP UAVICI -1:11 a 11:00 A.M. luncMJ lcttoof a Ad\IH llbte c1 ... -... A.M0 • Chttttlaft 11ementlfY khool -Ml 1111 Sermon T oplc July 25th 9 :00 & 10:30 A.M. "Fly like An Eagle" CtUCH Of RRIGIOUS SCIENCE MM!bet' of the United Churcti of Alllgloua Sci.nee S!ACLllll' VILLAQE SUIT! 45, 2223 J.AAIN STREET HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 82848 ~ulta & Jr. Ctwrotl 10' 10:30 '"' lnfonnatlon 531-5180, ~1331 Freedom of Worship An American Choice A CORDIAL WELCOME FROM THE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH CONGREGA TIOHAL 811 H•llotrope Ave. Coron1 del Mer 644-7400 Oon•ld W. Kutz, Mlnl1te1 10 A.M. -Sundtly Wor•hlp Cf'v1ct1 5'hOOI •net N•..itMt"Y Care NEIGHBORHOOD CONGR£GA TIONAL CHURCH 340 St Ann ' '9Kt lt GltrNJ'I, ll(l.111 Buch 494·&061 .IOtfl M. lt(YNOl.OS IMIGAlCT All! 11£'1'NOLOS .._ten 10 A.M -S4ind1y W~ Clvdl Scllool ' lltntfY HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (OleclplH of Chrlet) aAOl itv!ne .i Santa lubel MS-5781 Morning Worehlp 10 A.M. G•n• Sweneon. Mint.let Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH £Htblu" Dr. I JemborM, Newport Beech Rev. Wllll•m McOuotd Re ... Tony Wolfe PHtor AHoclet• PHtOf' Lfflle 8rodlmen, Mu1tc Director Church School & Adult Claues -9 00 •.m Worship Servtce -10:00 a.m , NurHrJ Cer• et Both Servtcff for Info: C•ll 844-~S4~ I This Sunday Worship In \. j ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St A"<trews Roeo • N9WPOf1 Beech • 631-2880 0. )oM A. --Ji<•,_.,,. Wor5h1p Services 8 45 and lO 15 AM "the Highest and the Best" I The Rev. Stephen T. Murray 8 •l:, 01 n lQl~d "' PROGRAMS ,,1an1s Ttiru Conege tnlJnts h•u 6th Grade ABC Helpttn1-&45-2222 Community Presbyterian Church 415 FotHt Ave., La9une h•ch 4M-7555 Rev Arthur J Tankersley Rev Crslg Wtlhams Worship 9 30 A M •• ri r r.a, .... ( VA(,' Jf f PIN•' ~rAv1f"."f PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT 2150 Felrvlew Rd., Co•I• M ... -557-3340 Bruce A. Kurrie, PHtor Terry McCenne. Director of Youth Mlnisttes Howard Kiiiion Director of Adult Ministries Don Maddox DlrectOf of Singles Ministries Sund•J Worahlp -1:30 I 10:00 A.M. Church School -Chlldren lhru Adults 10:00 A.M. NurHJy care evellabl• -1;30 a 10:00 A.M. VHpen -7:00 P.M. A Cordlal Welcome from The j UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ::========-----------. Costa Meas Huntington Beach FIRST UNITED FIRST UNITED I METHODtST METHODIST CHURCH CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST m w. Wlleon. Coet• M ... 145-3111 We're A Going -Glowing -Growing Church IUNDAY 8E"VICEI Bl8LE STUDY t A.M. WO .. IHtP 10 A.M. a 8 P.M. 19th St & Harbor Blvd 2721 17th St 536-3537 Church lchoof .. 30 worehlp &«vie• 10: 11 e.m. WOf'lhlp 10:45 ....,_., c ... u .._,.,,. Charles 0. Clerk. Minister Church 8chool-t:OO e.m. Costa Mffa North MESA VERDE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Worehlp a Churctl 8ctlool l:30 • 10:00 A.M. Df, WllHem !. StHI CHRIST CHURCH Huntington Beach North COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9662 Hell Ave 842-4491 WOf'ehlp S«Ylce l:30 I tctOO 1:30 lu~•J lchool 10!00 BY THE SEA Founteln vai•~ Newport BMch .. , 1400 w. Balboa B1vcs FIRST UNITED &73-3805 METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Roben S~rd Jr. 18225 Bulh.,d St. Wor1hlp a Church khoot ta-a. .._. A.M. Or. Cerroll E. WOfd, Minister WkdeJ Pfe'lctw>ol Worehlp a Cl'tutch lcttool Def Cer• t:10 A.M. ~ A.M ... P.M. A ISTMm. ... c ..... NEWPORT C!NTeR UNITeD METHOOllT t•1 ...,...,. .. ""'-Cot0na def Mar 644-0745 Worship & Church School -9:30 A.M. Rev. Ken McM/1111n You WllJ le Wtloomed -Aftd Helped1 FIAIT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main at MefMt """"""" leMlt 10 A.M. -''Spiritual Heart Disease" -Psalm 95 6 P.M. -Guest Speaker Peul ThomH, Mlnlltet' -Dout Cole, Youth Mlnleter 1------------------------------- SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARBOft RePOftM TeMPL! lebbath lervice41 FrtdeJ Inning 1:11 P.M. ,..,,u1r 1en1ce • e • a a a n • ""t Frlcl•J of the month 1:ao•.11. Rebbl S.rnerd P t<lng J1mb0r• & E••tbluff Dr. Mualc: Arie Shlklef Newport Beech, c.lff. Educator: Nency Levin '°' tntonftattoft eel .... ,.. All VleolOtl WtlOofN TEMPLE SHARON I * (ConMMlt!Ye) P,.School -Hebrew a SUnday 8dlool Bat/MltlV•h Training Youth Qr~Slltethood Senlloet:, , 8:15 p.m. Set. 8:1 a.m. Sun. t:SO Lm. RAIBIHeRSHELIAOCKS 911 W•t Hemlltoft. Coeta MeM u1-ua MOMHQ 6.1IO(C)MOV!a **'-' "Blow-Up" (Iott) 0.vld H.rnmino-. \/- ~-WMtl a young london phOtogt~ llM -ol hie plcl\KM blowtl Up, M dllCOYAtl wtlll appMll lo DA 1 mu..O.. l:IO CZ) MOVll * * "llglllentng SWOfdl 01 0..111'' ( 19IO) TomlH · t>uro W•kayama. Mauhlro TomlkHA l:IO. VOYAGI TO THa 80TTOM Of' THI SfA ..OO I IUMMUl S&tES'nR MMNDIPfTY TUHTA.LK 8) ,AMtlY AFFAIR ., WA TCt4 YOU" MOUTH i PVaUC AffAIM NEWSMAKE.RS MOYie • • "Running Scar.cl" (11172) Ken Wahl, John Suon Two tor,,_ Gia laJI unoet au8')1c:lon or ~ aplrlng lo Wlvade I Carib· bean country. 'PG' THa PEl<INO OPERA JOlllM Woodward ho111 • Chin••• a .. 1ravagan1a luturlng llnglng, dancing, acroblllcll, ml.-aod mar· 1111 art• 0 HAMMER HOUSE Of' HOMOR "Clllldr.n Moon'' A moonar1 b<OOCI of clllldren. ll."20Q!NEW8 Of Tiie Full pal< of honey- e nco u n tar • angelk:-IOoklng lt30 . 008TY'8 TMEHOU8E IJ THAT8CAT • PACE.KTT£AS 8 FAST FORWARD tD WATCHYOUA MOUTH • NEW\/OICE filb CAPTIONED A8C NEWS Cl) \/OtCE Of' AORICUl TURE. ®l rra YOUA 8081HE88 a DR. 8"UOGl.E.8 Ma (l)MOVIE ••'It "Raggedy Man· (1981) Sissy Sp-k, EtlC Robaf11. In 19«. 1 IN- pllona opetalor In • 1m•ll Taxa1 town uaillOM her 1tandlng In Iha community Whan Illa llU I ShOrt llfalr wtlh • comb•l·l>Oul>d ull· or 'PG' 7:00 II IOD8WOAU> I Qt THE FUNT8TONE8 BIO 8LUIE MAA8LE G 9 80PEAFAIEN08 I DAWY AHO OOUATH Tlll!H 8()EH& • OHECt<IHO fT OUT fD YOGA~ HEALTH ~ WNTINO~A REA80N Cl) INTEANA TIONAL HOUR (t:l MOVIE *'It "Roclt 'N' ROii High Schoo!'' ( 1979) P J SOias, \/lno.nt I/an P1t1en A budding 1ongwrlter al \/Inoa Lombardi High lriet 10 get lhe RlmonM 10 recotd '-mUSlc while '- equally ambltlOus lrtand pur-lhe IChOol hMtl· llvOb 'PO' 0 MOW • * • * "Kramer Vs Kramer" ( 11179) Ou11in Hollman, M.r)rl Slreep A man ba1t1e1 wjth hi• ... wlfa for custody of tl*r young eon altar She walk• out on them ·PG· 7!*> I) MR. MOON'S MAGIC aACt.- 118SMUflfS 8 DR. SNUGGLES fJ aJ RICHIE. RICH I 8C008YOOO 8 OAV£Y AHO GOLIA TH tD CAUFOAAIA PEOPLE Cl) VOtCE Of' AOAICUL TURE fl) INO BLUE MARBLE ~ WRmNOFORA AEA80N Cl) INTE.ANA T'IOHAL HOUR CH)MOVIE • * *.,., "Glorla" ( 1980) Gena Rowland•. John AdamM. A form. gun molt bec:omM lhe ptOIK· tor ol an O<l)ll9tlad &-~­ Old Pu«lo Rican targeted by lhe ~ f()( the ltlformallon lie cerl1M In • blltar1td bri.lcaM 'PG' Cl) JOAN AIVIAS COMEDY HOUR Adult puppet-Barc;11y &i.w and the Tropleana Oenoarl •• faeturad l:OO·~E "Comln' Round The Movn- IWt" (1938) 0-Aulry, Ann Rut'*10f'd 8 MAV!RICK • MOVIE * * * ".lull Around Tiie Corner" ( 1938) Slllr .. y T amp41, Joen 0. .... I :::9 IN llUCK • WMWtG FOfl A MMC* l:IO 8 Cl) TAAZAH I LONI! ~ e at1<10euP1A POWll'I ~ •@~/HAPPY DAV.GANG • OSTTING TO KNOW .. HOSTS Roy Rogers and Dale Evans host country-western variety show, "The Nashville Palace" at 9 tonight on K.NBC H> II!) WAITINO FOR A AEA80H ct)MOVME * • "TM Huatlar Of MUI- , .. BMcll" ( 1980) Rlcllatd Hatch, Kay l ani A Ul\lll· time "'411ar contf'NM 1 IChema to tum • alOw-wlll· .cl amateur Into • w<>tkl CIUI boOy-b<llkllng cllem- plon. (S) THE FOLK MU8lC REUNION TM Klnotlon Trio hO•I • muaical 191Ci11 IMturlng Jody Colllt11, Tiie Lime!· ltere. Olan Yarbrough. Mary Tr•"*"· JoM \eb•l- 11111. Tom Puton, The Broti-a FOUt .,.d Tiie Flreelgn Theater (Z)MOVIE •• "Oii HMYanly Dog" ( 1NO) ClleYy Chua, Ben~ Wlllle ln-tlgallflQ a pollll- c:ll M.a ~al In London, • p<tvlll• cs.tec:tl'Ye .. mUt. dared and relneamated u • 9Cnlffy dog. 'PO. lt.00 8 LEAVE fT TO HAVER G lAVEAHE & 8HIALEY 8 NATIOHAL EL£CTAONIC HOME 88MCUTUT mt ERNEST ANGLEY • MIST9AOOEM TAUCS WITH PAMNTS A80UT COMPETTTION Fred Roget• and Harvard P9)'Ch0k>gl9t Tom Cottle 111.fk with parent• aboul hOw they can Mlp lhelr children dMl wllh competl· Uon.(R) G!) AMERICAN OOVEl!HMEHT O MOYIE * * ~ "The Honll Avenve lrregulltl" {111711) E~d ~. BMbara Hatrta. The ,_ mlnlll1¥ ..... U!\111 ta.n cwgana. • group of dotty woman WI 1111 conor• getton to arop the now o1 c:llYfcll lundt to cflmi11al1 'G' HO I) (I) euGS IUNNY I ROAD~ 0 QI 8"'0l.A-MAN 8 OZZIE ANO HAAAIET 8 (II HEATHC:UFF & MA.AMAOUKE 8 WILD, WILD WORLD CW ANIMAUI 8) THa8 WI.()( IN BAIOAU. G!) AMENCAN ~ CH)MOW **** "TaH' (19711) N1stasll• Klnlkl. Pater Firth The daugfllar ol a poor Englllh firmer ~ the victim of her famlly'1 uplrallona llnd ,_own bNuty 'PG' 10:00 0 Q! PACI STARS 8 8HANANA 8 di THUNOARA I GCX.DIE Q()U) CJ MOVIE • • ·1Fran1ten1lein Meal• The Space M onater" (1985) JAmM Katefl, N•fl· cy Marllhall tD CAR CAA! CEHTAAl • BOeJOHQ 9 THIS Ol.O ~E G AMERICAN ~EHT (l)MOVIE * * • • 'Kramer Va Kramer" ( 19711) Ovalln Hottman, Maryl Streap A man b1tt1ae wl11\ hie ••· wife '°' cuetody or their young aon eftar Iha wllllca OU1 on them 'PO' 10:tf (%) MOYIE * * * "From Tiie L"• Of The Marlc>Ntt•·· ( 1980) RoOar1 Atzorn, CllrletlM &ICMOgar. An appArefltly mlld-man~ bual- man murden the pro111. Ma wf\ofn M llltlted ragu- leriy 'R' 1C>;tO . AMINCA'I TC>fl TIN I Wl"N MOVIN' NAM.~ KICKS 9°'Wll'°°' GNIDININQ • AMeNCAN OOV!RNMIHT ©)MOVIE * *'A "Mad Wednaeclay" ( 104 7) Harold Lloyd, Fra11c•• A1m1dat1 An Mltlltloua Mlf-eurtar of the 19'0t IMrne that IUC--'* "-Pf'foe 1 too I TAllZAN 9 WllQND 8"QAI. "If I'm I.oil. .. _ Come I Found You" An ~. an ~ llhoOllfl•. ""'° fOt. algrl mlallonMM Md I puppy ~'-.,. for two a mateur bank rob4Mn. (Part 1)(R) Q I 90Ul TRAIN 9MXMOTOACAON COOt<lNO MEXICAN G ""80NAL FlNANCE ANbMOHrY MANAOStPfT Q!IME.IALL Regional co .... eoe OI Oall· land A'1 al 8aJOmor• Ori· olal. Hou11on A1trot at Sf Loul• Cardln•la 9 SHOUHINI OIRl WMtl an unruly glr1'• bOH la Injured, IM la faced with rut1nlng Iha bual-aln· glehln09dly and INrnlflO Ille ~ Of raaponll· biflty 11:15 D 8ASOAU. Houlton Allrot at SI Lou· l1 Cwdtnal1 I 1:30 8 ()) Bl.ACKSTAR G di AME.RICAN BANOITANO 8 W1L.O, WILD WOT • THE AO()f(IE.8 88 MAOK: 0# OIL PAIHTINO e~~ ANO MONEY MAHAOeMEHT O M<Ml * • "Oolng Apel" (198l) Tony Oanu . Jflaicl Wei· tar Tllrae orang<Jtana hOld Ille pufM atrlnga 10 a $5- mlllk>n Inheritance PG' AFTEAHOON 12:00 I) Cl) TAOUJONS 8 LC>eT IN SPACE a> MCMf • • • '"' ''The Man Who Undaretood Woman • I 111511) L..ae Caron. Henty Fonda • NCK'I AHIMAUI G "'°'90NAL AHAHCE AHO MONEY MAH.AG&IDIT "Pr09*'ly ln11Ur11nee" (J:)MOVIE • • * 'A "TM Hlgl\ And The Mlghly" ( 111~) Jdln Wayne. Claire Trevor An air~ wl1h 22 ~­ ger'I al>oerd run• lnlo dlr>· gar en rOU1a to San Fran- ctac;o cm~ * • "Seturday The 14th I 1981) Rlcttard Benjamin, Paula Prefllia1 A couple dlaCOvar Hiii 11'41 hOuM they've 1ni-1ted ta being occupied by vampire.a, Of'04JI• and uaorted mon- ,,.,.. 'PO' (l) HOU. YWOOO 8111 Herrie pt-II up- cloM report• on the peo- ple llnd ewnl• Wlllcll 11ra making ,_ In Ille P'O- ductlon and glamour Cllj)i· Ill of tl\a movie Industry (Z)MOW ***'It "WOlfen" (1G81) "lbart Finney, DI-\/eno- ra Pollce ara 1-0 with an unutUll.I ptOt>lam II New Y0<11 cny II Invaded by • pd of dlaplaced wolvet 'R' 12:30 8 Cl) TOM ANO JEAAV G PORTIWT Of' A LEOENO "Mervin Gaye" CJ WOV1E • *'It "The Siege Al A.cl River'' I t9541 van John-"°"· Joenne On.I. Cl) ADAM-12 f8 VIC IAADEH'8 TENNIS FOii THE FVTURE "AP9foach ShOI, Spin And s.tvloe Return" \/le Bra- dan damonatrate1 the blllca of ball rotation (RI ~PEMONALFINAHCE ANO~ MAMAOEMEHT' i~~" * * • "Oliver Twlll • I 11175) Afllmated 8ued °" Ille ltory by Chat1ea Old<· -Ollver Ind hla c:ttcl<91 Irland SquMltar outrun Mr Bumble. F11gln. The Artrut Oodget Ind avlt 8111 i ... 1:00 Cl) K'MCKY KOALA THIMUN8TEM Herman lnlurlatM Lii}- __, Ila oat• • 111111 llpay at an omo. party • MOYll • •IA "Oenaelt II" ( 1072) Alec Cord. Mar191ta Hart• leoy. • MOVll CHANNEL LISTINGS * * • "Sen Antonio" ( tt45) Ertol Flynn, Alex .. IMl!ll A nlgfltdub alrlger on 1 w....,,, tour , ... In IOila wltll a reno. wftlM wonting fOf hll ,_.,...._ • MOMl\'tlWCIM "Winning Tiie Money ()-" 9 KNl(T ICBSI G KNBC INBCI e KTLA lll'ld I .KABC IABCI e KFMB 1~8$1 e 1<n111fno I e ltCOP TV lll'ld.1 • K,l'T CP8SI e ttOCE IPBSI 10 On tv I 1 TV H HRO IC ICll'ltfNllll f IWOAI HY ,NY. lll'I IWTOSJ I lf'SPNI •1 ( lnow'l I""') • 5"olll0ht • (CAlbte N~ l'Mtwon I ·~ IQ.00'( Ill MOYll ...... 11119-11" (1884) "9nala Awloft. AMette ~;WAU. 9Tl'm'T cw.. ,.. Aotual -"'-• help drMIMlla ......... of foul'~ follOwlnO ~ OotOber 1t2t HM Yortt llOC* baMnol inlih. .MCNte. • • "81t WldftMday" (fl'ft) Jin ...,.,.. ~ ew!f, ~ IClll T'llf• ~ Myt "'~ the Wit Ml Mnd wntll I~ Notn to rH llH 11111 1'*19'• _. to life tl\en -.Ing 00-"*' ~ .. •fllQ• 1:111 • Cl) • MINUT'D lclleduled reporll on drlO !llClflQ, Illa "alnbe* Company Ind wlndmllla .,.,.~ • NO'IA "l trange S!Mp" The met1 "'"' dl•ooverad a11d P~H the fteld or -tllelle In Ille 11111 oan- -~l c;J IQ.OQV (D)MCMI • "Ou" (19811 Oona1cs 8utllerl1 nd, Suun Anepach A rlldto OJ atld 1 rapon., try to UOOM an oM magneta e plOI 10 dflve UO OU p(loN Dy eot1trlvtng Ill Oii ehof110A .... a:oo e MOY11 * * * "Thal Touch Of Mink" (1"2) Cary Oran1, Dot'fe Oay. 0 ft ANHIUll,. IUICtf GOU' OlAlllC Co\lefage or the 1lllrd round of lhla golf 10uma- mant (llva lrom Iha KlngarnlN Golf Club W'I WK llllnlburg, Va 1 8 OIUJClAN'I llLAHO CJ MOVIE •• "A Bullet For Sat1do- vll" P970) ErAMI Borg. nine, George HMton .. MOVIE * * * "Thi Scllpltunlart" ( 111611 Burt Ll nCHllr. Shetleoy Winter• G INTAOOUONO INOl.OOY Cl) MOl/ll • •• "S•vaoae" (11174) Andy Grllflth, Sam Bo1- 1om1. lB)MOVlf • • "Running Scared' I 11172) Kefl Wahl, JoM Su on Two l<>t,,_ Git la» urlClar au'4>ic;lon ot con- 'Olflng to Invade • Callt>- bae.n countty 'PO' (f)MOVlf * * "Spy With My Face" ( lllSSI Robert Vaughn, Oallld McCaJlum To dla- covar the key 10 a new aupar-weapon, an enemy IPY agency CINI .. I dOU· bla for UNCLE agent Napoleon SOio (%)MOVIE •*'It "Raggedy Man' p98t) Slu y Spacek, Erle Roberta. In 1944, a , .... phone operator In a amall Tex .. •own aacrlflcM h4I( ••lndtno In the communlly wharl ttl4I hu a anor1 alfalt with a combll·boond uJI· °''PO' 2=*> D OILUGAW8 llLANO 8 GMA1UT 8fllORTll LEGE.NOi "Larry Miiian" Hotl Ken H-ard. • IRE.ANO:A TEl.EV\8ION HISTORY "No Surrender t607· 18llt" E_,ll l&.cll U Iha Siege of Derry anO Iha Battle ol lhe Boyne conlln- ue to ln"'-'<le North«n Ireland IOCSey CD INTAOOUCINO BIO\.OQY ct)MOV1€ *'A "Roell 'N' ROii Hlgll School" I 111791 P J S<>llt. \llnoar>t \Ian Patten A budding tongwrltar 11 Vince Lomblldl High ..... lo get the "-10 r-d lier ""'* M\ila lier aqullly ambttloU• mend pur-the ec:llOOt '-"· 1hrob 'PO' J:OO G OUTDOOR LR 8111 ow-"'° Jplder ~ !Wt tor •rtpar In T•nt1HH•·· Perc;y Ptlaa1 lAk• 9 MOYIE • * * "Sellot 8-ar•" (1952) ONn Martin, Jerty Lewl9. fJ di U.8 . WOMEM'8 OPEN Coverage ol Ille lhlrd round of play In 11111 golf 1our..-1 (!Ive from Sae- r-to, Callf ). .MOW * • * "Tiie Rold To Hong Kong" I 11162) BlflQ Croaby. Bob Hope. Two danoera bacoma Involved In • IC>Y ~ltlon In Hong Kong. ~ INTAOOUCINO llOLOOY Q!MOVIE * * ..... "Kanau City Bomb- .... (11172) RaQuel W411Cll Kevin Mc:Canlly 1:30 • Cl) 8f'ORT'8 SATUAOAY 15-round WBA llghlwelghl champlo"alllp bout between Ra~ 'Boom Boom" Menclnl and Ern11to E•o•n• Cfrom W1nen,Otllo). G EVEJlft WHIM Loutton· llw from the F•tlVal of Ar11 ol Leguna BMc:ll, l50tl\ Pagean1 of tnt M .. ter1. fll WEN YOU THfAI? "Oacar Mlcl\Nux, Fiim ~ .. 1930e llara BM FrHman end Lorenzo Tudler remember ~ bladt fltm director a.cat M~(A)Q CD SUfMVAL "Seor91• Of The Afrlc1111 Baobab" Oraon Wal!M narrat .. a cloee-up por- trait ol Alrlca'• or .. t bao- bab trM. fllmed by Alan Ind Joan Root In Kenya'1 T8lllO Natlonal Parll (Al ®UOV11 * **'"' "Olor'le" (INO) Gana Aowland1, John Ad-. A l0trnat OVf1 mol blcomN the pro.ac- tor ol 111 cw~aned 8-)'HI'• old Puar1o Aloan tergeted by Ille underwOf1d lof the lnlOrmallon ... cerriee In • bettered.,,.__ 'PO' (U)MOYll • • ... ''TN C.t And The Cenaty'' (1171) Honor 8*:ikman, MlctlMI Catlafl Helf9 ba111e fOt • tortune al the epooll~ •et• ol • ~ rntltlonM. 'PO' CJ) THI P'O&.IC MUltc -..oN The l<lngelon Tl'to i-t a ~ ...... IMluMo Nltt ComM. The u..- ,..,.. Gltfl Yaroroug11, Mlfy ,,..._..._ Jahft ..... t1M. T-"*loft, Tiit '""'*" ,... #Id .,,,. ~"*"·· eMCMI ... " . .,,...,.,,.... (1Ns) Wllef!I HOfOen. ~ ....... A~. i &§I I W Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT t 81turday, July 2•, 1882 TUBE TOPPERS KABC (7) 8·00 -"Toduy' PSI " An 1p-nt goee undercover u a conatructlon worker who becomet a target of murder KNBC' (4) 9:00 "The Nashvltlt> Palat'f>." GuestR lncludt! Lindn C1·obby, Wendy Holcombe and thr• Son~ of the Plonet!rs See photo, ldt KNXT (2) 10:00 -"Ju1lhard and Bey<Jnd A Life lri Mu~k" Charles Kuralt look at tht' student expectations, standards a nd competition at the conservatory KAB<.: (7) 10:00 -"Fantasy lslsnd " A big game hunter challt>nges Mr Hoarkc~ to a deadly c:ontest. ~llM actf-llf\01 the IO&fkle and lllenl needed to gel I )'OU"Q playwrlghl'a ptoc:fu011on Cit lhe gtOUnd 1:"4 CZ) MOV1I * ** "Autumn SOnate" (11171) Liv Ultmenn, lngtlO &eroman A pt~OUI concert pianlat II reunited with ,_ .. ,ranged daugh- ,., arl(I • r......itng and dM91y emotional b8111• beglnebat_,lhem 'PG' 4;GO G IUQAR RAY l..aOHAN>'t OOLDEH Ol.OVU l OUlalana va SI Louie CJ liUHAW Oueat1 8iH Monroe, Doc Severin..,., Ra• Allan Jr Olenne Sherrill • MOVll **'A "Paper Lion" (1968) Alan Akla, Lauren Hutton • 0tJE PASA. U.S.A.? "Carman'• Nlglll Out" Carmen return• homa druntt •ft• ,_ flrll nlglll ou1 wtlhOut • Cl\eplfone 9 THE AOCKFOAO F1i.E.8 An old Army buddy lnvel- Olal Rockford Into acoapt. I~ • cllanl who llyt Iha II looking ror ,_ misalflO •la· ... ~MOVIE * * * "The Rulaa Of The Gama·· ( 19311) Marcel OallO. Nata Gregor Francil 90Clal and Mxual mor .. eec>et•te ar111ocra11 and worklng-cla11 p•ople bef0te World War I 4:.30. 90CClA MACE IN QEAMANY CD PMGNANCY OH THE ~ ... THEF!TAL ALOOHOl IYNOAOME ~c~1. pllya1c11n1 and autllorltlH on Fetal Alcoflot Syndrome dllCUU finding• concerning the po1anlla1 atfacll 01 a mother'• drinking on ha< clllld durinQ P"aonancy S..8 AMIAICAH ADVlNT\JM I ,..... -.u. M.ID-.U. c:allfofnla Angel• at New YOtll Yar1'1- • WIOl~Of' IPOM'I COYWnlQI of Ille H•llon11 8pof11 F•tlval will feature comp91'1uona In tract< and ltolld, bOxlng, flg;Ka altat. Int• and diving (from tndi- ll\IC)Ollla, Ind.~ CJ GNZ'ZLY ADAMS .. 80lJOOOl.D {I) M •A•e•H I :MNCEwn.K "Mornlng-Noor»Hlghl Mal· odlaa'' CJ) HOU. vwooo 8lfl Hatrls pt-I• up. aoee report• on the peo- ple and -·· wNdl .,. mllltlng ,_. In the P'<>- ductlon and glamour cap!· , .. of tlla mcMa lndultty. llMOVIE • •~ ··fhe Turntno Potnl" ( 11177) Anne Bancroll, Slllrley Macl ain•. Two frianOI from blllel tr alnfnO acnool, WllO cl'loaa differ. ent road1 many yewa ..,. liar. meal again llnd .,.. forQed to deal wtlh the COflaequenoe,. 'PG' 4:.30 I) DANCa FSVER C.labrlly judgH· Mimi Kanneoy. Meg Glllagller Trl1tan Rco-ra Oua11 Janie F rleke 0 HEWI • ONa!UPONA ClA88IC "Tiie l••thara1ock1ng T ...... Fronllar llarO N1tty Bumpo 11 given the name Hawlleye Dy an hOnorable Huron Indian, 1><11 taler I• cepturad by Ille _.,,y Huron C8n19 (Parl l)(R)Q D IOUANFOOT ~ Cl) WWX>ME 9ACK. KOTTM 9 WIDE WOAL.D Of 8POAT8 Coverage of Ille National Spor11 F .. tlval wlll IMllHA oompetltlorla In 1rack and flald, boxing, flguta •••· Ing, and diving (from lndl- anapolla, Ind ). (8)THI ~y GAME Thr .. m ired cr1m1na1 iew- yani play • game of cat- ~ with•-· lngly Innocent victim: Georg• Sagal. Trevor HoWwd Ind Robert Mortey .... cm..,.,. • .. • ... "Gloria" ( 19801 01111 Aowlanda, John 44-. A former QUI' moll ~ the protec:- IOt ol ein ~ 6-YMt· Old Pu.t1o Aleen wg«ed by Ille IHldel wotld IOt the Wlfofmatlon lie _,... tn , battaNCI ~ ·pg· (l)MOYll •• "The ~ °"""ClllnO Oang Aldaa Aoaln" (10791 Tim c:-.y, Don Knott• A pair of ......,,, outi- tty to W.-Ille ltratt and ,,.,_, ·o· (J)MCNll • * "The I.Mt Of The Blue Dellt&t.. ( l070) Ilg .Joe TWMr, """ MG8t1arw1 •~1e • * 11t "Tl\a "mulng Ooberman1" ( 1978) B•r· bar• Edan. Fred Atlalre I NCK'8 ANIMAl.8 WOOOWNOHrs 8HOfl Ouml>l>eada In ActlOn Roy Undarhlll complelM Iha upper part of tl\e l/lav- ~ horM. (R) CCJMOVIE • • "The Hu1tlar 0 1 Mus cle 8Mctt" (11180) Ricnard Hllch, Kay Lenz A tmlll· time hu1llar contrtvM 1 ICllen'\a to turn 1 llOw·wlll· .cl ame1aur Into • wo.lo CIUS bo<ly-bulldlflQ cham- pion 1:30 I) 8 Cl) Q)J NEWS IJ MARY TYU!R MOORE Sl ~ECKINO IT OUT Ffffured 1 rapon on lflOllt. • ptollla of teen· •OI antrepranaur Juan Cablllaro o G MOTC>ff#UK 0 P£Ane'TLY FRANK Ctor11 Leachman la IH· tur.cl In 1hl1 tong ano- d•nca revue honoring compoeer Frank Loeuer 7:00 IJ IH SEARCH OF ... "Noelradamu1" IJ F~\elLY FEUO fJ WHERE WERE YOU? a> LAWAEHCE WEU< "Momlng·Noon·Nlgl\t Mal- odlas" ID CA~IA CONOAE88IOHAL RE'ORT ~ U.S. ~ROHICLE "The P<>Wfl< And Tha Glo- ry" Edmund Mulk.a, EHIOI Rlellatdton. Clark ChNo.d Robert Slrauu Lyn Nol?tger and Stuart Eoten- 1111 analyze Iha my1t1qua ol power attaolled 10 hlgtl ~vernmant oHlc. (I) 1H SEAACH OF "BllhopPllca" 9 P£0Pt.E'S COUA'T Q) THE MUPPET$ GUNt Mark HamlH (Z'WOVIE • *'" "Raggedy Man' (11181) S1uy SoaGell. Eric; Aobart1. In 111'4, a laie pt>Ona operator In a amaJI Tall.U town ualflele '- tlan<llng In the community wl\ar1 ttl4I hu • lh<w1 alfalr wltll. combll-b<Mnd uH-°' 'PG' 7:to. DANCE FfVE" Celebtfty )UdON Jimmy Wllltar, Jectclyn Zarn1111 Sleva Garvey GuHll Gtag l(lhn Band. 0 lOOt< AT US 0 PEOPLFS COURT fll l'MSEHU "Llltla H1v1na The growtl\ of Ille Cuban com munlty In Mi.ml la dOCU· men led G SNEAK PREVIEWS Roget E1>ar1 and o- Sltltat hOat an lnform111ve look •I wt.al'• ~ 11 1ha movlaa Cl) mHTSAOK 9 EYl ON 8.AN OIEOO af WEEKEND MAGAZINE (}{)MOVIE * • • • "Tua" ( 1111111 NHlaula Ktnlkl Peter Firth The daughter of 1 poor Engll1h lermar b«:omM Ille vlcllm or her l&mlly'• upiratlon• and lier own beauty 'PG' cmOHV'EW UC> I) Cl) MOVIE • * • "The Clllldren 0 1 An Lac" ( 19801 Sllirley Jone• Ina Balin 0 Q)J HEN'S IOOME.R 9 MOYIE * * * "The L .. t Of Adrian MIUlfl9I'" (1"3)0eorge C. Scott. o-Wynlar G 9 TOOAY'I Fii An egent who hu gone undef-... con1truo- 11on wonar bec:omN 1 tar- S~ (R) * •~ "The Biby'' I 11172) Anjanette Comar. Ruth Roman • THE Ekrl.Rf 41NER8 Alt• Moreno start W111\ BNCll FOBylh In •11 antar 1a111lng mu1lcal-11arlety apec:lll • MOVIE **** "TM Man Wh9 Shot Ubarty V•lanGe" ( tN2) Jam81 St-an, John WayM. • PAPEACHAU "A Dey In The l119 Of .. ·· A third-year law 1tuda"t (Darlena Carri almolt M<l- OUaly Injure• blcyc;llng J ama• Hut (Jama• 81eonent) wNaa drlVlng !let cer • MTTYIOOP "'8TIVAL 8-of Ille belt film• of the INMl'1tbla Deily Boop .,.. featured lneludlflO "lit· Ila Kint.'' "Ctaiy lnvan- llona" and "Ullla Pel " (J:)MOYll • 14 "CM9per To KMO Her" (IMO) Mee 0-a, T ova11 Feldlflutl 1n oroer to ,_. hll 111mony pay. ,,,.,."' • ..oenov dlYoroed ptlvli. <*eetlw traclta down Cllllnquent hvJband• fur • Cll'olofot ~ .,_. CDl MOV'I ***~ "Wo!Mn" (1911) Alber1 ~. Dtllne "- ,.., P04loa -laoed Wlllttt "' unumlall ~ .. Ntw Y0111 City la im.ded ~ 1 SI-* °' ...,.._, woiw.. .... Cl).IOM~ OCJlmJl'I "°"" Mull PllPt!H• ..., "'-#Id .. T,.,.,._. 0.-.._....._ .MOVll • ·~ "U'1 My Turn" ( IHO) Jiii Cl1yllu1011 Milhaet Oouofat A bfll llenl CfllCaOO 111ath pr~ tof rHll!a Ille P'~ In '* .,..In ratatlonahlp ...., the llnda • -IOve ........ In N.w y Orlt '°' lier la1h«'a r-rtage 'A uo .. Qt""""" '\/AUl.Y ''°'•'•nephew from Taxu COmM 10 Hltpet Vllley 10 111'\d ..... •lld tall• • Ilk· i IO I talia l"I t:.46 OIHIMAICOM lt.00 Qt THI NAIHVIU.a ,Al.AOI HMll Ro.,. ROglfl al\d Date Ev1n1 Guaa11 Lind• Croaby. Wendy kolQomba, PAI 8ultram. lhe Son• of Illa PIOf*lrl (A) G di lOVI IOAT IHllO Illas IO IYOld hll yeerly pltyaleal • young woman a/Id ha< moti- IMr" UIOCttlng -· and Julia I C:llulin Irle• 10 dump hit 1quara glrllrlend (AIO a> Ml!IW Ol'llfflN 9 ODYSSEY "Nial, Thi Stoty 01 A fKung Woman" lnUmala portral11 ol a young 'Kun9 woman 11.nng on • govar11- mtnl .. 111.,,....,1 and • vanllhlng wey of Illa th•• ot the !Kung bul/lm1n ara ptMAnl.cl (RIQ ($)MOVIE • • •,i, "Hlllory 01 The Worl<I •• Part I" (1118 t) Mal Bt00k1. Madeline Kahn M•,.·• lllu1fr10u1 hlllory •• from NMndarlhal Cl,,. tner1 10 Iha Spanllh ln<;ul· •IHOfl •• II aumoned R <l MO\/tf ••••11 ·wo11en· (19811 Albert Finney, Ol•n• Veno· r• Potlce ara I~ wlth an unusual probl..,,, •• New Yori< Cny la it1vaded by 1 pact< of d1apl~ wolve1 'R 1':30~ UATINUATTHE 8'JOU FNlurad Lillie Tough Guy · j 1938). 11amng Hunu Hiii and Iha Dead El'ld Kid•. • 1932 Short. and Chepter 7 of "The Phantom Emplre" ( 1935) (RJ fCIMO\/IE * * • '• The Hogh And Tiie Moghly ( 19541 JOlln Wayne, Claire Trevor A11 11rplane with 22 PUl«I· o«• aboard run1 lnlo dan- ger an tOUle IO Sen Fran- ollCO 0 MOVIE ••'It "Galaxy Of Terror (1118 I) EdWard Alblfl Erin Moran A ~p cr- encounlar1 • cot-or lrlglltanlng llien creaturea Wlllla f()ol(lng '°' 1no1har 'l8IMI atranded on a lor· bidding pl1nel 'R' 10:00 IJ Cl) C88 NEWS SPECIAL "JIHltletd And Beyond A Ula In Mullc" Cllarta1 Kurll1 loolc• 11 lludel'lt ••.pec:t•lion• lllgll •land· ard• and Ille arnphHll on competlliorl •• Illa ekdu· tMve Manll•ll•n con9MV•- IOfY B Q! NBC MAOAZJNE a> NEWS a e FANTA8Yl8LAHO A big ga.-l\unter ~­ larlQM Mr Roarke to • deadly cont .. 1. and • wornltl WAntl 10 lall OUI of love With her t>ou (RJQ Q MOVIE • • • '" Tna Hallelujah Trail ( 1965) Burt Lancas- ler, Lee Ramie~ Cl) souo GOU> fD AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Medal 01 Hon0< Rllg" In an adao1a11on of Tom Cola I a1age drama based on • lrue •toty. • black \11e1nam vale<•n rasorts 10 robbery wl\en he rinds lhat h• canool auppon 1111 f am- ~10)~VIE * * * Tiie Concert For Kampuchea I 1980) Paul McCartney, The Who A !\oat of roclt parfor"*'9 meny ol wt.om get 1oge111- er In an 111-tlar rock or~tra, Ira featured 1n lhl• record of • _ ... ot concan1 held tor the ber1s- 111 of relief lo wer-revaged Cam bod II 10-.*> a> INSfOHT (HJ VIOEO JUKE80X (l)INZAARE "Big Foot" 1 t:OO e u u Cl) 0"' NEW8 8 EHTERTAIHMENT THIS WEEK Report• on s .. In dlyllme eoap oparaa, TV movl .. ' No Man'• land" and Bua Stop:· Ille TVO Siar r111ng 1ya1em. and hOw 10 be dlacovered 1n Holly- wood a> MOVIE • * 1,i, "PAl* lion" ( 11168) Alan Alda. Leuran Hullon Cl) MOVIE • ••'It "Dial M For Mur· Clar" ( 111!>4) Ray Mlll1nd, Grace KeliV ~ JAZZATTHE MAIHTlHANCE 8HOf> "WOOtlty Shaw O\llnlll (NO 3)" WOOtlty ShllW, lrumpa1. Carlar Jackaon. ••xo- pllone, Onaje Allen Oumbl, pt1no. Stalford JamM, bau, Victor Lewi•. drum1 (RI 00~ • * "Only WMtl I l..luGfl (11181) Marth• MHOn, Krlaty McNICMI A New Yorii ec:tf'lll ...iurna fl'om • drylfl0-0U1 etlnlO deter- mined to r-llar car-. '-romanoa with a play· wright and lier relll IOl'lthlp with lier 17-yau•old dqhtar 'A' Cl)M0'\111 • '-' "Up111ctt" I t 9711 MM· glUll HertllftOwly, AMI 8anctofl A IC)C) tMfliOn ~ .. hufnllllled encl 1Nelfat9d by lier --M attempt• lo _,.. t.no. the man W!IO t..,.O Mt 10 prtton. 'A' .MCWm *** "10.1 "(1NttWll- llam Holfen. Jutta ~AIM'M--cw ~ llM ,... llnllflad • ~ dolllr '""~ OOM "°"' .. ~ .,._ ... to.~ lnlPINd f!"8hOOtlng Of Ille tplc .... CilMOYll • • "l.JQtlMnlno '-'Oa Of Dedl" (tllO) Tomlelt- ~ Weaeyeme • .....WO TomlUR. 1 tito. AVaMMA AWO l'MHOI .. Queal• JvlOe NewtOfl, ~ liotllutO. H111ll Wll- IM\t Jr • .JaNe ,,.. n. o...~-. 8 8 IAT\MDAY NIOfn UYI Hoel: Lauran Hutton au.1. Ale*,,.,..,,.. t"I 1:.NCWI *••'Ai "High Noon" I 116't Oary Coo91f, Ot- K ... y (ft MOVIE * * * Oeapata1e Ch•-lar 1·. ( 19 7 I I 8lllrley Mac;. Laine Kenneth Mara (0)..0V. * * "PHllon 01 P ..... tWre•· 11•418 MOVIE •tie "Gel C1tter • p971) MICl\UI Caine Britt Ell land 12.'00 • 8l.Ue J&AH NITWOM "Clllf Rlolllrd" ClM0\1'1€ I 'A "Rock 'N' ROii High SGhoOI" ( 19711) P J so .... v1ncen1 Ven P111an A budding 1ongwrttar at l/1nce Lombardi High 1rtee IO get Ille ~ 10 fec;Qfd her muelc: wt.lie ,_ equally ambllloul friend punuee the acnoot haatl· 111100 ·PG' 12.30 (i) MOVIE • • * "S 0 B "(198 I) WU· ll•m Holden, Julla And•-• A movie dlrac10t ""'° l\U jual fifllll'lld I ' mullHnlllion cSollat hKkey QOM from attempted eu1- Clde lo a b«urrety .n11>4rad r•lh0011"9of1111 epic R' %1MOV1E * • * "Autumn Sonet•" I 1978) Liv Ullmann, Ingrid 8etgm1n A proeperou1 concert p4ani11 la reunited wllh lier •lfanged daugh- ter and a revell<ng llnd deeply emotional b1111a bagln1 bli-tllarn PO 1'00 D ROCK CONC€RT G> MOVIE I "Allacl! Of Tiie Robota" ( 19861 Edelle C.onstanllna. FrarlCOIM Brio" Cl) NEWS 13 EVENING "1 THE IMPAO\/ HOii Vlnoenl Prtce FM- tured comiCI Mark Schlft RiCtl Ind Ruby. W1U11 Tyler and Lntar Musoc:al C>~f Burton Co/Timings '.HJMOlllE * ·a.,·· (1981) Donald Sulherland, Sunn AnllPICll A radlO OJ and 1 r4!90rtar 1ry to upoae an Oil m11g.n111 • plOt IO drive up OU O<ICl8 by contriving an otl lhortage 'R' 0 MO\/IE * • Amanda By Hight ( 11181) \llfonlCe Harl, R~h­ ard Bolla A ptottllule llama up wilh a detaclive whenoneotha<~ la murdarad by cilenl IM ... lier up with D MOVIE *. 'Goln9 Apel tttl811 Tony Canu Jeuicl Wal let TllrM orengut-hOld Iha pu<M llringl 10 I . 15 million 1nllernance 'PG 1:301 = * • * 'Louisiana Pur- c:t\Aaa.. j1114 1) Bob H099 Vara Zorffla. A Honllet'n ~•or tn-ilgat• lhady pojillCal OMllng$ In l\lew on..n. Cl) MOVIE It 'h "Nlglll~e In Waa (196111 c -on M11C1>e11 Anna Helm An ICIOf badly dlaligurad by burniflQ wu Melli,..,..... 11ga1nat Ill• -by 09lfWnO ·--WOl'kl ••lllbll U01Cl MOVIE • • • 'Gel Oul Your Handkerchlat•·· ( 19781 Ge<lrd Oapardtau. Patnc:ll o.w-e A )'OU"O and opllmlstk: husb•nd goea 10 almo11 unba lievaable length• 10 .,...,re 1\11 w;1e·1 ~.'R' 1 :"6 (fl A8C HEWS 2:00 II MOVIE * * Love Story (11170) All Mac:Graw. Ryan O'NMI A yOl.lflO wldowet rec:alts t.11 wlla a vlcllm of laulcamla Q'tNEWS 2:15 fZJ MOVIE • I "Oh HM_,ty Dog" (1980) Chevy Chua, een11 White lnYelltgallng a potlll cal MX ICllndll.I In London I P'IVlll detecltve la mut• derad and reincarnated u 8 ICl\llty dog 'PG' 2:30Q NEWS CO)MOVIE * * *'"' "Wollen" (1981) Albarl Finney, Diane Veno- ra Police ar• faced wllll •n unuaual ptoblarn u New YOt'k City la Invaded by a pac1c or di&placed wotwe R (S)MOVIE * IA "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980) Chuok Berrie. Robin Attman. A TV lloet muat contefld wj1h a variety o r obataclae. lncludlng network ~- 10 pvt logetller. collac11on of blzAlnW act• for hll I/low 'R' 9 JOAHNVER8 COMfDYHOOA Adult puppet-Barclay Sll1w and Ille Troplcan• Oencarl are lealurad 1:40CH)MOYll * * * "Tiie Silent Part· ner" ( I 9 79) Elliott Ocdd. Cllf11topllef ~ A b-* teller'• ~Ofn94u anen191 to cHll WI on a rObblry IMdl to lier_.. mant and terror ~ the real lhoaf oh-. 111111 to reoaptllf9 '* lool. .... a:oo• MOYll * • "' "The Laat Men °" Earth" ( 11114) \/~nt ,.,.. ,.,.,,. llettola. t:ao• MOYll •• * ~ "bpertmenl Pw1 IOUa" (1144) Hady ~. Oeot9e 8teflt • VOYAGE TO THI IOnoM Of' THI llA .MCMI * • "Tiie Hollywood ICMgMI " (1NO> AoMrt WUN. TO/If'/°""* On .... ~ .... 1n1M&.• roway hWI acfloOI 09"0 """*• llawo "' ~ ..... to 11"""'9 tM dollno Of !Mir llMgOU1 by lM local,_ ---..... ...,.,_ . MO~~ ••'4 ""'°"""' ~M (1N1) TOlll'lllD :ro....,. • ,, ••• Oflnot Ool1t DAILY PILOT/laturcl Theater f eatherhedding costs millions ~Dwli,PJENCLU Nmw YORK -Th• lon1•u NMlnl llhow on Brot.dway f•NNI a Cllt or no-ahow jobl and bee~ card cam-It'• oalMd fMtherbecldtiia and coeta th .. teraoen million.a ol dollara annually ln ht1her ticket pri?I. Scortl of mUlidana pl paid up to $3(),000 a y-.r for a.,.,,. n-ailent melody men, known a "walken," often appeaf at the theater only to pkk up their paycheck. There are eeven at "A Chon.II lJne,'' etaht at 0 The Plrata of Penzance" and 16 at "The Beat Little Whorehouse in Texu." . Under union employment quotas, Heh Broadway theeter ia rated for a certain number of musicians, according to Its ai.ze and general u.e. On shows calling for fewer than the rated number of players, the extra muslcians muat nonethelem be hired and paid. The "walkers" lasue was brouaht to center stage recently when the producer of "Whorehouse" complained that musicia ns' fe.therbedding was costing her show •10,000 a week. The union says the work rules 1m11•11· prevent pt'oducen from replac&na humans with recorded muaic or complex ayntheahera. Many producen •Y the resulation1 art a wut.e of money. "Af\ytlme you have a 11tuatton where 1omeone c•t• paid to do nothtnl. lt'• unhMIU\y,'' uJd Bernard B. JllCObs, prelident of the Shubert Or1anisatlon , and a chief manapment neaou.tor. The anuh hit 11 A Chon.la Une, '' on Broedway a1nce 1975, la ICOted for 19 mu.id.ana, including the ladet. But the Shubert Theeter la rated for 26. Thua .even walken are paid. "Pirate• of Penzance" has 16 players and etaht wa\kera. "Whorehouse" has more walkers than playen -16 aga1nat only nine who actually work. Max L . Arona, muaiciana union pre9ident, objects when hia workers are called walkers. ''The.e are people who are under contract. It's to protect the union ao that they don't open the shows with piano players" or with records. "A union ian't here to protect producerw or co pro1-Ct ownen of th.ten. A W\lon la here to protect ttl membenl to '" that they don't loee employment and that thf'y i•t the fair share of what'• due them ln a ahow.'' Arona aid. Technically, all walkers are underatudi• and aome oocaaionally do 1ubttltute. But Stevie Phllllp1, "Whorehou.e'111 producer, said that ln the almoet four-year fun o( that hit, "manf never 1howed up . . . There were about nine who never played a lick the whole time." Without walk~, Mias Phillipe aid, ahe "would have lowered the ticket price at leut by two bucka." Further, union work rule9 were "at lNlt half" responsible for drivin1 up ticket priOM from an original top of '19.50 in the summer of 1978 to the curttnt t30 price for an orchestra eeat, ahe added. Some of the more recent musical hita, 1ucb as "42nd Street" and "Drearnsirll" charge even more - $40 for their best aeata. Mias Phillipe went public with her oompla.lnta after "Whorehouae" cloaed March 27 after a run o f 1,578 performances. She aald the musicians union refuted to make concessions to compensate tor shrinking audiences. In late April, Mias Phillipe redpened lhe ahow, ln Bolton, lhen bfoulht It beck to New York, but at a .m.ller th.eter, "*for only nine mUldduw. Mi. PhiWPI; by that time on what 1ho called a "1trenuou1 ''Onaclence-· ra.lalng" cruude, announced w had "no Intention of paylna the w&lken." But the contract 1tlpulate1 the nwnber of mUlidana ataya the ume even If a show move. to a ana.Uer houae. So Arona told Mill Phillipe that lf 1he wanted her play she'd have to pay. When "Whore houae'' reopened on Memorial Day weekend Arona WU ltill ami.llJ1i. Mm Phillipe continuee to pay 26 muaiclanl and still, only nine perform. 1'h1I time the extra 16 have to show up at the th.eat.er to 1et paid, even lf only to play cards and watch televi.aion backatage. Arona claimed the dispute was nothing more than a publldty stunt for the July 23 national debut of the movie version of the musical which at.an Burt .Reynolds and Dolly Parton. Musicians union rules alao apply to dramatic productions, with the nwnber of walkers determined by the amount of music played, live or recorded. Walkers in dr&maa are not paid at the full rate, however. Tiie Retum or the Gre .. Adventure~ Now It is free to become one of us. •ill NOW PLAYING llUA lllV"9l Di.ANGE UA Mov1ts 990 4017 Edwatds Woodbridgr S1ad1um 0 t 639-8770 COllA MESA ~51 06!1S WESfMlllSTUI H11bor Twin 631 3501 MISSIO,. VllJO M1u1on C1111ma Wtsl FOUNTAIN VALLEY V1110 Mall 4S5 6220 891 J9JS E"-ft F011I04a111 Vllley 8311 ISOO •OllA•lll Cuiadomt 63!:2S!i3 ACUPT= ~:':~~CMCHI • !i5E7QMM1!5!Qem1 TIUS SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY HIT! "One of the year's surprises!" -•n l«H. ~nr YOU l.UU ~IWS NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA Edwards Bristol 540-7444 I NO IOAUU ACC(IOT£D FO• '"'' (NGAQlll!@ IAf.XXJ( Al.L&J MIA FAARO/I/ ux FERllER _lJJ( Kll(,El(TY TC."Nr ~15 M.Nl:'f Slff~N A JI<):. IO.i!N!> CHAAlfS H O ff w' 0CUN; cOc(:N Vvtus CHARUS H OFf -Ra:fllT OCEff'.HJT wcx:£J( .AillN P'Q'W-" ..... _ ... ,_ -.-. _.,,. -- lPG}o With Burt& Dolly th/11 much fun ju11t couldn't ~ lf'IJOI! NOW PLAYING ...... &., ...... 111 6446 COITA-.U u.-~c:.. ... t79 .,., FOUlfTA1• uwt ,......,,_ 961 •1•8 OUM( .UC()l-11111 U7 OJ•O OIWll( UACny~ 63• )911 WllTMlaTtll llA lllal 193 05•6 --~ .... ··#· OM ... Stldium °'"'' •rt 6JI 1110 U11 JU,&11 CU!aTAUO Pie••< .. .,~ °'"'' ~ COITA llllA lOW¥0S lo.~ Con* /~I OU •93 oo NO,_,._....ACCC'1fef0-.,,..SI~ "A MOVIE YOU'VE JUST GOT TO SEE!'" -JtH•I ~it·jlt•I Good Vlornin,i: i\m .. rir11 AB<:-T\' MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE @ HO ONE UNOUI ,, AO ... mo IAfl -... , .,.,., ................ . AU am AHO 11,11.,... 1111ct•v• '!'Hf llAl OF ™I MOflOH P'ICTUM COOi 0# IEV AlOUl.A flOH FWIHset~I U MAW 2 13-691-0633 Ciledomc in 4 T nd 11bc St11eo ~GEORGE ROY mu ..... R08lN "11.UAMS "ntE 'JURl.D ACCORDING TO GARP. MARY BETH HURT · Gl.E.~N Cl.OSE ·JOHN untOOW lattv1i.. """""" PATRJ('J( KELLEY ~ii, STBVE TESICll ltif'1ll M.,. ..... n,JOllN IRV1NC ,~MllKMb! GEORGE ROY HIU 1H ROBERT l CRAWFORD n.,_,..,. GEORGE ROY HIU. ....... "mi 't:. t.' or ANIMATION ••• A "-Onderful ramllyfllm resounding with I~ and optimism sweetness and utter charm:· 111\Krl\111\l•nol IOMO!'lfOSI., "WILL ()[LIGHT KIDS [Vt:RYWHfR[ ••• The Secret or NIMI! lsan ambitious and entertaining de~t. .. Slightly lunatic and all the more fun for It:' u.n hl ~"""' ,, "'tt ~~~'tt t\ 1'40W PLAYl1'40 FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORANGE ORANGE Fat01ly Twin AMC Orange Mall UA City Cinema 962 1248 637 0340 634 3911 I "o '"~u acc1ouo •o• l~AOumn I *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm1nces before S:OO PM (fxeept Specl1I Eng1gernent1 and Hohdayst 1,t. MIRAlH• M Aii o Muooo o• lo1ec•o"'' lA MIRADA WAll<·IN 994·2400 "ANNIE" '"°' I "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S .~~C.2_~!,D.!:',1=• ttM ,..._._ a tl. .. ...... OM.'t 1J-» ,,. •••• , ... _. ______________ ...... ___ ......... "ST AA Tft£K II: THE "THE WORLD ACCORDING WA~T,!! 2!.~.~~ .. <,..I TO GARP" i•1 tOO J_. tM ta ..._ O)I ,,,,,. td "'I "POLTERGEIST" <"°> ............. , ....... LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK IN "THE BEST LITTLE I WHOR£ttOUSf IN TEXA8"1 -,.} ,. ... ·-••• ,, •» ''ROCKY Ill"<'"°> IN 70MM OOllY IT!MO uatM 491,. •• uu LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IH "THIE IWOfU> ANO THE SOftCEMlll" 1•1 I "ROCKY Ill",...,,_,_ oou• u• .,. •• •• •• .. ~ Jocvr,., 01 Conol•wooo I 21l/H1•9HO "YOUNG DOCTORS tN LOva~.-. ,. ,,, .. , .. -- "STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 1"01 1 ,, >• •• 1 1" ... , "8lADf RUNNER" 1•1 1:).61) .. ,.,. •• , ... •UN OM.• OU J tO t>l .. ,, ....._,...v•w•• "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY" IOGI u• 1-• •• •••• .. ., 11111n lr1 fo 1 JO ~I S.. Ii Silow Sl•h 11 Outl IMPOIHANI NOTICl' CHllOfllN UNOEfl 12 fflH• llltW ltOll •-..... fn 100 • Sii. S.. HIMlyt ,. t<NE-" -• l'Ou• lM CA1t -·~ fOUI Sl'IMf~ • "° .,, CAii -..... -acauGll• l'OS/l'CIM --""l'lllllMU •OU~~-lllSGDCll<AM- AHAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''•••OY ti ot le mon $1 179·9HO ........................ ,.. ... ·ILAOE h!JttNllll 1•1 .... "THE SWORD AHO IOl!CERElll' ,., (IHI • I SOUNO -,.----"Tl4f IHT LITTU WHOlllEHOU•E IM TECAS .. 101 .... "ALL NIGHT LDNO" 101 1 .. '1111 ,, sou-.o IUINA •Alll BUENA PARK ORI Vf IH POL TEAQEllT" t""' -"SEA WOLVES" (ttl "'E.T .. ~ flCTlllA· TEMEITlllAL -1"°1 -t1nc01~ A•• W••• or Cl\Ott "FINAL ASSIGNMENT' t"l 121·•070 !JINA PAgs LINCOLN ORIVl-IN "TH£ WORLO ACCOflOtMO TO GAW'~ -•"COlf\ Ave .... of l f\On "A"T'HUft .. •"I 121·•070 JOUNIAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVE·IN "ROCKY ll"tNt -.. CLASH OF T .. TITANS" 1"°1 CtNI fl S0Utt0 "'IR"OX" 1"°1 -"THE IWOllO ANO IOflCEfllfl" (ttl Cntt fl S011010 A '>Allt-A LA HABRA OWM oH ................................. 11Mt62 .: '~'·I "Tm THIN<P' t•I -.. 9L.~ ...,.... .. " 1•1 _._ ___ :_ .... _ .. _____ _ .. YOUNG OOCTOflS IN LOYr' (ttl -"AlftPt.AM" llOOl Clllth- -Ttta 1111 unu ~ .. Tllil"la) -"ALL NIGMT LOMG" 1411 OQANGE ~lllV( IN '°' I'• \ MISSION OlllVI IN fJefending champ out • in front .0.f•ndll\I r hamplon r.d hmerl r ha the cop of tho u1Yia11add r •II co hlmMlf today, but ch1U1 r1 ..,.. only Of\• point behind him. Ed. aloftl wlth Tracy OodfNy and the Over HUJ cane. brffled throuah lut Saturday'• TRIVIA BOWL XVU STANDINGS 1 ld~\11\ 11 I . •rt1e Otout> (0) 11 ~ Tracy Ood~ 11 JO 7' 'The'*"~· (I~) 1014 =IM HMI oane (11) 30 I "tclt WtftW (I} 1 30 9 John AulMll (1 2 a1u101 a. Slratdl UIOleofemp (Ill 27 10 Walter Wiiiey 0) 1 •· Nan°L::rlof (Ill 20 •no entry received -half of lu1 I. The r l"acl• (9) 19 tcota awarded . questions without a slip whJle Cobra II missed one 4l\d dropped a notch in the standings. On to the next round of tn vtacUv1ty with a few sticklers tossed in to make things interesting. Have •t 'em. 1. Art Gelien was a name that didn't fit its owner. so 1t was changed to what? 2. In the oomic strip Sally Forth, what ui Sally's husband's name? 3. Crai,g Hundley and Joan Swtft played the pare n ts of on e o f telev111on's most famou s c})aracters. Name him. 4. Idenilly the newscaster who once was the national winner of a Jumor Miss pageant. 5. Buddy Swan shared the title role with another, more famous, actor an one of HoUywood's most renowned movies. Name the picture. 6. In Andy Griffith's s hort-lived TV series "The Headmaster," what was the name of the school? !Bl OODDY SIU.SH or THB Dill "A llUST roa M01'TT PTTBOR PAJISI" -ll•llJ "''''"'" ., • ~> !F,~, 6\)4f;'(. Ml 111E stllU-;1· 1-.•Uft:MAN'S}"IJ· ~ It •taA•U rtL•I llU.UI NOW PLAYING --- cosra MUA Edwards Cmema Cenier 979 4141 ••II General Electric YES! '{y0~~~:0 24 DELUXE PIECES ALL 24 PIECES $1495. IMIZllli 24 PIECE PORTAILE VCR OFFER l :l:tilil ~~[,Ji jjf 1] £1liJjij1] ;1 1)~ ;I Wlrelea1 RCA In trued Remote Control Single Ira me ad11ance Stop action Double speed Slow 11m1n1.1 lllU UA "'->•• 990 •011 •COSTA MISI lO•••d tt-tQj. ~·o .... COSTAMlU ti.It»'·~ ~)1 )~01 •lllHITlllGTOtl IUCll •CHllllCll WllTMllllTlll IO-MO ttonhr~Ot\f.tttn.t C:.tdomt ldw~o-.C.1«"H•W"' l ti I •18•8 0 IU tH 7\\' 89• )ql~ OlllllOI WllTMlllSTlll 0t 1n.Jft [>i 'I J',M.11, \ k!W1y )40 ,..,.,.~ ~~•'on' u1 J693 MIUIOll WllJO • Prf'Mnl<!<l "3Smm0Q@l>.a-~~ Y1tf l •lf'I SJO '~ •O ·• •fj~fox· i11 o nt' uf Clint £a111wood'1 bHl mo• j,..,, 11· .. fun-with lrnpin~. • ouhing • .. hootina. fl vi n~ "j>f•f'ial f'flrrt-.:• " • -Jt>f..I SIE:Gt:I. <.OOD tft)H\I\(, .011-;nu:.. ""F i r t>fox . • A "l i"k mu1>rulnr thrillf'r thal combint'& 4•,.pionll~t' with !>('il'n<'t' fil'tion. •• -HOGt.'H t.'IJEHT U/U.'M,O "ii ' r rn1:..; ABC-n ' 1This summer's answer to "AIRPLANE ... " KIRK HONEYCUTT -Los Anceles DaHy Hews You May ~ NeYer St0p I ~ ,., ~,_..., ........ ,., ... ,11 DAILY 1:00, l:OO, 5:00 7:00, t:OO, 1~.45 ~ ......... ··-, .. ...,..,_ DAILY 12:30, 2:30, ~30. 11:30, 1:30, 10:30 (PO) Ct NT e,:.<;T'.l\IUVt DAILY 3:15, ~ .5TAA TN:)(..1 "SUMMER LOVERS" ~Olll>t WIUIAMa "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP" DAILY 2:00, ·~ 7:00, •AS (") DAit. Y 2:11, •:15 1!11, 1:11, 10:15 , .. ) ~~AL;,., ..-~ oa:U. 1:00 Of 1:15, 10:>0 IR) "They're he~." POLTERGEIST"'~' DAILY 12:30, 2;~ 5:00, 7: 15, •.JO DAILY 2:00, 4~. 1:15, 10!00 POLTERGEIST .... ~. l:A6, 1:11, "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARI<,. '"°' DAILY 12:30, );JO, •:30, 1:30. 1::30, 10:15 (PO) DAILY 12::30, 2:30, ~30 l:JO. 1:10. 10;30 DINll _..Ulllllt,-f O ... f,.fl • DAI\. Y 2:30, 5:00, 7:IO, .. .., OAll Y ~. 1:00 "THE SWORD ANO THE SORCEREA"(A) DAii.. Y 11D, 1:00, 10:>0 MONTY PYTHON'I "THE SECRET POLICEMEN'S OTHER BALL" DAILY 14-l-1+.10!>U (9') At•O Show•nt Ftl\n Co1c1on (PC) Ud,(..A ~r .. u · f ,d1 £I II II I \ I/( \. T ··I . flU ... "" "'-.JJI''-• • 11 "'" "' ""'' Al Sn w1n9 Tnt lncrtcl!QI• Sl>11nk1n9 N ~~ To0rr1ve (POI Woman (PG) No Paou OPEN 7: NIGHTLY Children Under 12 f rer Unless Noted HARRISON FORD 8IA.t» 1fUllllnl f'lU. l :tl IAT/IUN. •:00, 1:15 RIOCKYIU JEff ~DGC~ Dll.UCE OQ)(l[ITNER DAILY 1:00, 4:00 7:00, 10:00 tM PAlttuMO Q.AJllAQ.I WllT tOC.•MiA• 1.AY (O•Mot .... ' U,llOA n Af .Oa Mf'ICf. "They're here." IT KNOWS WllAT ~f"AH (; ... Villi POLTERGEIST W-1-lllU• (l:!I} llL-V. 1fUlflfl!1f a FRI. 8:30 SAT /SUH. 4:00, 8;30 "STAR TREK II FRI. 8:15, 10:•0 8AT/8UH. 1:50 1:15 10:.-0 "They're beN." ITKNOIWa WHAT aCAllD Tt>\I POLTERGEIST OAIL Y 1141, 4:00. lt20, l :IO, 10llO (N) un;'wo;'Lo alH!T llUNOUIS "THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" FRI. 1:00, 1:15. 10:30 , SAT /8UH. 1:30, 3:.U 1:00, 1:15, 10:30 (A) ; A l(JDIUMIOJl NIOKT'IDX ,. COIOIDY >MXXJf AULN MIA INIJON & ACCORDING TO QARP" ~:~·.:• 8 DAILY l:OO, ~ ?:00, tc10 (R) i I : . I ' . . . . . . . . . , If ever there was a time to make a smart carpet purchase for your home, this is it! For one week and one week only, Harlow's is r~ducing prices on · everything in all 9 stores· carpets, draperies, vinyl floors and wallpapers. ....... ite Prices I Start-Todayll Save on Cut and Loop· Subtle shading and blending of colors-a result of tremendous styling. Use this carpet anywhere from the most elegant I iving room to the hardest-used family room. The most popular seller in 1981 . Six- teen just-right colors. Reg. $15.95 ... Sale Price $9.99 Sq. Yd. Save on Siiky Soft Saxony • Antron® nylon yarn creates this lush, elegant plush carpet. Eighteen shades of ex- ceptional color. Make decorating a snap, Antron• nylon rejects spills & dirt and gives you rugged durability. Reg. $14.95 ... Sale Price $12.99 Sq. Yd. = GARDIN GROVE · 12802 Knott StrMt c' 1111 No Gatcten Oto.a ''•~I cru) ..... , • cat• ....... "'Save on Random Textured · Made of the new Antron® Plus yarn. Designed to resist soil and stains. Soft and beautiful in 15 shimmering two-tone colors. This lovely carpet is probably the best value in the sale. . Reg. $15.95 .. Sale Price $13.88 Sq. Yd. Thick Luxurtous Plush • Made of Du- pont DacrorfYyarn for easy cleanability and hard-wearing good looks. 22 gor- geous solld shades to pick from. Reg. $18.95 .. Sale Price $14.88 Sq. Yd. Save on Elegant Velvet · The ultimate in elegance and luxury. Antron Plus® nylon pile has built-in soil and stain resistance. Solid coloration of over 25 hues will add style and beauty to any decor. Reg. $18.00 ... Sale Price 16.88 Sq. Yd. Deep Piie ·The smooth good looks of a classic Saxony plush. Deep dense pile in 24 decorator shades. This carpet makes makes any home a castle. Made of 1 OOo/o nylon yarn Reg. $20.00 .. Sale Price $17 .88 Sq. Yd. Dra Sale Special! Elegant Antique Satin. Two beautiful patterns to choose from, 24 colors. Reg. $6.95 ............ Sale $3.88 yd. Sale Special! Beautiful textured open weave. Two popular styles to choose from. 25 colors. Reg. $7 .95 . . . . . . . . . . . . Sale $4.99 yd. CUNTOI 114CM Sout" Street IAcl'oM ffOltl N C'Af'r"°9 .... Cl1 ..... 'LACINTIA 127 E. Yorbe Linde · 't .. , Wtt• of "'""'*' (7t4tllMllt ne D ' e _Wallpapers A.U . Morse-Schumacher-Van Luit-Sinclair-Wall-Pride and many more all reduced toclear . 10 to 304¥0 oft l'lilli·llli11cls LevoJor Mini·Bllnda-Very popular to- day. Custom made to fit any window. Dozens of colors. 40% off regular price. This week only. Bring your win- dow measurements. (Limit 4 per cus- tomer) Vi11gl Floors ARMSTRONG NO WAX FLOORS Sundial Solarian ........... On Sale! Designer Solarian .......... On Sale! Imperial Sotarian ........... On Sale! Supreme Solarian .......... On Sale! Special Values Grass Carpet makes that dull grey patio come to life. It's completely ~­ washable; mildew and sun-proof in a choice of 3 gorgeous colors. Reg. $8.95 ..... Sale Price $4.88 sq. yd. Scatter rugs · completely bound. Your· choice in a rainbow of colors; perfect for bath, bedside, van or car. Reduced to clear. I to. STORE HOURI: Mon. thru S.t. 9:00 am-5:30 pm Mon. a Fri. Jiii 8 I t If d ;1 . . . .. 111111111111 llh1tdjy, Jutv 14, 1HI Looking for a career in 1ale1? See today's Help Wanted ads, classiftcatton 7100. ~.'1t1/ri........ flfl'.'ll!W............ ~~ ••••.••••••.•. ~P.!!'119 •••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• ltlll\'IPOO & M.n CllM. a..u ...... lt.ICT~ICIAN Quel __..._ ~-DUMP JOU ~ Qllt, mid 30'e • 41C MOVING • Colot btlghttnett, wM -8ml Joo.JAepelra. Lio. IN 'a-K''"9. ,.... .. , & Smell MomQ Jobe looking to tlouNllt tt111 Qulolc, Ceref\11 lervloe. crptt • 10 min. blMotl. :•:n:1~~ m10t-0-10. a. .. uos .... 417-3070 Cell MIKI ...,:;1s11 eummer. We'll oere for ,,.. eetlmMel 652-04 to Hiii, llV/dln. '"" t 1t: 11\11 lect 7141t47-41M. .... !leatl' Con OIMtt, nc.iee, eto. Cell room t7.60: oouoh t1CJ; A....._..= & Con-Ind ~--::.._llOtOf ... aJ..... HAUUNO-GA.ADINO l<en H111en, 180-8011, •&-1 ..... Chf '6. ou.r. ellm. ..... n"_..,. ·.1. """"""" .,.., UC ........ m•••tt•••••• demolltlon, oleen-up. ,.,. •viii T~~v ~ Cllfe ....._. C --'• 1 .. """'' 1truo1lon. 117 .-21. ' 113;i11. Pt\ IS1·t734 L.eem O.PJl from~ ~a CNe ~el. · ,_ -.,;:· .......... rpt ·-· .. vr• :L:: I I I • Ou' ..... -. .. .... 7••• • __ ,,.__,_, ... c .,._.., ... _ >!!.. ex.p. =. Do work myHlf. .. --AUIO/QQMM'UINO t one •· um mer • ..... -· -· -.,_.,_.., ompec1t,..,,... .. ••t"101 -·-·-20....,.Dorl-..._... Group d t t oounu. ---------....,,....-•••••••••••••••••••••• ... ___ ,__ 1 .... , ...... ""'.., ~ "-'d/Comml •·-..._,, ..,...,.. M4-t112 .. Spm HAUUNG I MOVING LOW RATl8. Offloea, "-.,............ ...,. .,.... No 8teern/No Shampoo llTIMATll Uc 310229 Uo a7t041. I 14M12t . ..~.Student w/1tvOll. bldgt. Vecenolel. Mrlp & STARVING COLLEGE S1eln Spedallet. !'Mt Medl*'r~ .__,.__ •.u-1.&. ·~· l.-ta t7M1IO w 111 . et o . CH ft I I STUDENTS MOVING r!ff!fr~ ••••.•• fD'I ,LMT&RING Neel ptit~ltextur• ALL TYPH ... MHI _P_LA_8_T_E_"_P_A_T_C_H_l_NQ __ ,,f!~!ff .......... .. R"tuccot . Int/ext. 30 8fAVICI! & A!,At" yrt. Neat. Peut 546-2177 Ven Opt>eftl s.wie co (7 14)~ !!~!!~ ........... . rn. ··················~··· ,._ F ••a ••" eon.tructton tno.. • ...,, .... ._....,.. :-;;::'I~•••••••••••• 11• ...,.,..,H CO L Tt2" ....... DO IT NOW! ... ,. r• •t. .,..,..l.,.. ~1871 Mic lot Joe •••••••••••••••••••• .. HOM! IMPAOVfMENT ...,...._,_ _._..., IC _..., e)(CfL CARPil' CAAi AL'S AliP~PLUMllHO •••••••~•••••••• L.atl_Ma/_ ln9Ut'ed 8414427 • .......... :!... Your M Mrvloe j)IUtn UM4M/Ml-HU Cu.tom C.amlo Tiie PrOfftC>t C.. Chucti 875-1408 dyt ... fw.... J-* Buffington DO IT YOURllV Hend furn 1trlpr.lng, Carpentry, -.0, llte Fr• AOllN'8 CLEANING ~-r.":f .. •••••••• WATCH US GAOWI Y~ Delly PllOt Owfter/operitor AND SAVI bl .. Chlng 6 relln lhlng •t. No 10b too emell. 8ervtof • • thOtpyghly VANDENBERG l.I.11- Servtoe Directory Ceri>et. uphol, .,. .. rug Fr• Into Lie 752.7907 epecHlllt. Pienoe, bdrm 9'&-2811 ~ houM. ~&7 LANDSCAPING •••• :::r ............. . TILE IN8TAU.EO All Kinda. Guaranteed ow. Ml-1121 .. ., <:; ,._.., ... ~lltlYe cteenlng. Work gull. Cur. lr~W.. Utt, dining rm lltt, EXPERT HANDYMAN Joen't CIMolng Service =~Sw:.d~:,:r"n\ .. A 'II!'* Ml-M11, td. Ill ,,.. &t. 845-1'771 ••••••••••T:':':tt""e":"::ll• ::!:i~0;.":~:':it: Cerpentry . Roofing Houeee-Apt .. Aentlll \trim. LIO'd. 879_514 by "loherd .,.1nor. I.IC ~~~~~~~~11!.a-tlfl,.,,.I•,._ Kit. A.nod .. oeret11lc Ute, ceba, wood paneling, Ptumblng, etc .... 2-eG13 Offlcet. 540-1287 -·• -·m 28064<4. 13 yre ot happy Aef1. John 840-821 7 ATLAI PLUMBING a Tt'• ln1t All,.,...... ,... __ _ HEATING • 81)9Clll!Dng ,. · ,,,_. r"""•· In R•1>•lr1 l Repl•c•-W1111. elc . lie 388819. :: r.:'r.'.4'.~;;";';;"'~•••• Olblneta. Cell.~ • free OVem.td beemt doort LOU'S HOME REPAIR NHd e meld or I hH· r--"-locll CUllomert. AJ:d•lf CAAPl!T &N~AHL CLEA· •tlmett. M!......,I eto. 32 yrt. ~. (714) EJec.-Cw,_1ry-Plumb. kffper? Hrly or wkl'? Sod, 1Pr1nklet l lhrub ThllrMl you, 831_..10 mini (714) 846· 188e _94_e-_29_34 _____ _ ,,..1nr1,, ••lff'tt••••••••••••••• "' ltfW-ee:t.5423 Rlver1llde eny-Pluter-Si~Pllnt Fet com01 eerviclee, caH ln1t1H1t1on. Our work PAINTER NEEDS °"=YI·~ Lot 3 ""'· '35. wood nr IM ••• ::':"A .............. 1tme. Aeu. prime 873-M33 Viejo Service Agy only lookt expentl111. WORKI 30 yr1 exp, Int/ ~tl!!P.I~~ ... .................•.... SLOW RATESI SlS ~ ~1_.1::C1o WOfk GI*· 838-6843 D1cor1tl11e w111rproof 973--9000, bonded by St. Chee* our prlcet !*ore Exter Acoustic ce111ng1 --------1t-,.til!'---t~ decking, repel!• l rec-111'~ Ben'• eomp!ete melnt of Ctllf. you buyl Lie. 204618. 09Yl9 Painting 847-5188 M4' .......... -IHIH. FrM eel Alu prtoee. au.I work UC. 3371811. Tr .. trimming l remcw.I, ell clMnuPI & mowing 554-7017 A•IMlll" ~ ... ,.~:::.-:..... -~llt. OouglM •••••••• •••••••••••• & home lmpr~t Cllt JUdy, 84&-1551. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cement-Maeonrv-Block ll'9IUt Co. 813-5771 TRiii llfV. "'4-6231 TIRED OF HASSLES? 1 ... _.,1 •--..t..-........... EXTERIOR PAINTING 831-~ 1--------- A41tornoblle Al Cond ·' Aelllbll dMnlfla help II ""'J• --_,, Cultom wort<. FrM •I _.. teo W~ f>leO. Wetl•Cue1. WOftl. Lio. o....tJ• T09Pld/'9mOYed. Cleln Ca rpentry, Ceblnete, herel FWt. H0-'452 laUf l.awa I iariN Alu. + fine Int 6 itll· Remooallng Spee1ell1t Quellly Cr1ftm1nahlp Releraneee. Toltem Co. 848-7880 ()( 842-1679 !~~-~{~ ..... cT.:O,,,. s:a..s20e #3e1057 Aob 547.2e13 •••••••••••••••••••••• up, llwn '9n0Y, 751-3478 Plumb .. Orlin Cleoentng, • nlng. Steve 547-4281 . oe Concrete-tn\111 or lge •KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN MOWING · CLEAN UPS Elect., Tiie , Reh. Home CIHnlng honeat. lenlff, 111 ... 1'1 .. ~ Iha Sunlhtne In" Call Sunthlne Window Clelolng, Lid ~ 20% Monthly Dlaoount L"'-IHI-!Obi RemoYe r~ °' htkpn. dllly maid aerv. Hauling . Lendlclplng 988-01<49 relleble, herdworlclng & 1---------tt:"B~.~S •• T~:T:: ..... r;,••••••••••• repei,. 84MS12 '!..'!.!c~ct~ ..... n2lng~ crpt FrM •t. 1142-9907 _J_O_H_N_T_H_E_H_A_N_D_Y_M_A_N _r_.-_~ __ ._564--M __ 5<4 __ Bf}!~-.~·~~~:~.'·,-;,~::.· HOUSEPAINTING In 6 out. Fr" •t. In .. , lfrrl~• BA Y I 1 ....... -my home. ---n"'•·....,.,.. 11v Pt blng-elec-odd l ti. Thorough o4d-fUhloned etc. Uc. Doug. 848-0781 fncd yd, hot me111. Any-CONCRETE WORK 6 ,.__111 Jettle'1 G111dlnlng F um I 50 o · Complete ~Ing. Cati Btuce 972-<l t 18 Int/Ext, low11t r1te1, prompt, neet HrVlce, 10 yr• In .,. ... '48-~ p·Rc>FESSiONAL·Re: , ________ _ time. 548-2874 BL70C71~2W7A8L';, R5EPPMAIR :-:1.-:·................. Cleen-up1, tr~.to'lmeo&5 , .. "'mltM 7 -7881 Rell. Jen 63Mt99 URICH'S LANDSCAPE INFANTS & UP ·Q 1" · DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC mllnl. _.,,, -• 3 980-1239 MAINT. complete mllnt SUMES & C,\REER COUNSELING 851~700 U;.~7A!'!ouD~J D1y or N4ght, $50/Wk C.altM,.11 ln11.J Replin, new 6 old. , 1 RON'S GARDENING C.11 tor •ml conttrvctlon. MAIOS Of OAANOE co. 11r11lc•. It lnd.apng, Coeta MMe 848-6769 •••••••••••'•••••••••• yr• exp. Bud $52-9&82 8 Y'1 llf8/edM. Quality rep1lr1. 1lec1r , plum-Quellty Teem Clelnlng c I e • n -up 1 G •or g e lntlex1. Honeat. aober. ~~~I. •••••.••.••••• REMODEL/ ADD-ONS al r ... rat.-. Mllntl bing. 35 yrl exp. Bonded. lne. 831-«1222 842-«1700 .. .,.....,, lftttn & C111pen1ry Uc'd 25 Wiii tllllll(-Acouttlo l..lndscape. 875-9388 •-~--..1 n--General Houtecleenlng i-.-.ft-.-,._-----Uc'd Bonded Agency )Ira exp. lrwln 54&-27111 Hang-T~t-ltud• _,._ .... Rella!He ,.,. 10 Yrl axp ;:-;t;, .... Chrl1tl1n Prompt. Go rel1. FrM eel. 86 1-e878 •Btanop & Son Painting Huber AooflnQ-111 typee New-recc>Ytlr ·Oeckl Lie U 11802 548-9734 lor' 30 Oty ad In the 420 8~ St, t.IB Fine Flnllhed Carpentry 1_L_1e __ 38_9M4 ___ 1_-53_2_-554 __ 9 Verd milnt & ~een-up ··~;.;:;~~;.~·· H2-<l510 aft: <4 ••MAGK:AL.ILLUSIOHS•• C.Codlf a Beby11tter Remod S,_. Rendell DRYWALL TAPING jot>t-.L~2 ~7!5ef~~ 6 Wu. Swedlth cr.n.tn.n. H-........... fti.... ful ......... FOR ALL OCCASIONS 30 yra eap. In Beech 1--------- ., ... Fr .. eet. 882-1718 ~~¥.~!!':'! ........ . IAILY PfllT IUYIOI IUlEOTHY DO IT NOWI , .. ,., ..... Agney Cell 845-3748 Lie .• 1,,..;..7..--·7""!...,,, All Text~ l Acoulllc . "" -v • ,_ Sine. 1847 Comm/r... ---..,. • ·-R4f St ~83 · ... ..., ~ ""' F~ _, "-~-•1" """'"• .., ...... WeetM bl• & reuoneble, tree 1 eve S ·--· ........... v ............ 881-1 111tl727-37..0 r~~~ ............ . BUDGET RATES WILL BABYSIT 1/Hr WAY CONSTAt:CTION ..,.._.._, __ , .. t. Cell CWOI tit 5PM. #IU.,.. 8 wtt1-2'A yr1. Mon-Fri Remodel • Addltlona .,_,n~ Mowing, edging, ratclng, .. .u.. 845-4182 •••••tt'•••• ••••••• ••• Fenhlng tnterlOr Oeelgn Low min Sim joba OK Lie FrM HI &41-75111 e.m-•~ C.M ..... 2-2995 Lie ·20eo2 ··2-1200 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••pint Fr•• ••II-······"'·············· BRICKWORK· Smell jobt ....,... """ .. .,.. Hou1~1e1nlnl m11ura, · · · ELECTRICIAN-Priced met•, 84 5737, H II & ,...., .... ~rt. Co1t1 M ... CMhlld c.rh. In Nmy Costb • a.o1..1r __ ._...._, ___ ... right, free eatlm•t• on ---------IU ng qu...,. QNIHlp, rioneat. L0\19 lg hOU-. I I .. _,, •75 3175 HANO ING/STRIPPING Vl11-MC Scott 945.g325 ktH•I .....•.......•........ e11 ome. ew orn1 -.... -.... ---· large or llTllll Jobi K&O Llndtc~ Mllnt. yd•. geragee, job-tit• 6 Rafa. 873-7227 rvne.,... ·" • up. Full or pit. 846-4327. Free •I. Reaa prlcel. Uc 3eee21 873-03119 Aelld/Comm. Ci.en-up. Pfop. mgml. Rick eu.tom Brick-Stone ASA PAPERHANGING 7 yr1 loc41 ellp. Guer. work. Prlee1 1tert et '8/rOll. Alec 751-7027 MOBILE SERVICE Re1CrMn1/New 1ereena NB/CM 842-9652 Your Delly PllOt Service Directory Rlj)(~tlll\19 Oual. work. Lie. 337189. · · Liie naullng. 548-2489 831-<>885, Krlt 83H)953 More tamlllee .,. ~ttlng 81ock-Conc:tece-&tucco r~-tr. 831-23-411 l.IC'D ELECTRICIAN the cemplng "bug ' thll Aetl. Free •I 548-9492 ~r..•;;;.·'·•••••••••••• Oull. WOt1I . Aee9. rat• Complttt Lewn eere, PROF. SERVICE yMt. If you hive 1 catn-i---------Thinking ol • new home '°' 1pr1ng? See Ille many 11111ng1 In today'• cl•tll· lied columns &42-5678 Flnlth & r~ carpentry, General Contr1C10t FrM Mt. 831•5072 Tom cilln-upa, tr• ~Ice. Heullng • yrd clMn up per th1t'1 not getting 8rlckwork-1m111 or lg• 01bln1t1, room 1ddl-Ind., comm'I, r•. 1 pr Ink I e r•. M I k • Quick & ci91n. FrM est ~ • ..Cl n now wllh • job1. 100'1 local ref1. Wlllpaperlng-Pelntlng Res/eom'I. Scandlnellien qulllty. Hiimer 648-71175 M2·11ll, t1t. Jll tlorl1. 84&-7228 Lie. 333217 557-1738 ClUllllld Ml 842-6878 831-7570 873-4548 CIU8lfled Ad Since 19tt .... 5-8512 ··~!l Siii fm.,.!.~ .... !~ !!~.'1! ........ !!.!f '!!.'l..f!! ... ~'!. .... !.~~~ '!.!.'!..'!! ... ~~~ .... !.~~ !-11..'!f!.'.-!. .... !.'.'!! ~l..'!!!'!!. .... !.{!f .!!I..'!!!'!!. .... !.'.!! ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••••••• •••••••• COEDS -Would 1o .... to Apartment Manager. ex-m--1 •iroan••y PAIT 11111 IEITllUIT l..U..U Join the IHd•r In the fN IU\ ADS petty with you Call Sue ~. mature cou-•• 119 ~ ,... E'IM ltldlor WMtienda. The ,.,_. nouvelle ,..._ ~!l .... ewfmmlng pool chemic* UUl1ll or Kethy 1nytlme. pie. 100 be1ulllully Relponllbte ldut1•, over uurant In Orange . ,,_., 9lfVlce butlneee. Be • 963·9383 melnlllned unll1. Colt• We see k a h i g h l Y q u a l i f i e d 21. wtth outltendlng. at-County 11 lnter_,ed In • ••• • •••••••• "aperttle water trMtment IRE fRE£ Me11 er••· S750 plu1 confidential secret .. rv to a CEO who trectlve peraoneutiel 10 queltll«I personnel. we • ---Sidewalk cafe, brMICIHI, 1v11em1 dealer." Llc'd n Ull& I Wllll'I bonu1 plu1 1p1rtm1nt, -J ork Ith o th (•g•• ti 11 B I W I ' ,......._ excellent -x-utive support, • w Y u •r• •ccep ng •PP c•-1 u n ch• ee r n • terri to ry 1v1ll1ble, no pall. 84 2 -4907 ,,---~-"" """ 10-14) Cell 2-5PM. lion• .,.._ 9-11 1.m cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages •tea carts•trikes @ If it'sgot wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot c lassified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad· viser w ill help you turn your wheels into cash. •=-:..i.t::-':. .. ::. :: tow Po forM to,,, ~ .. -otcb 11 tr" r 1 T, I 548-11289 d'fl. 9711-1919• ~ange Cout .,. ... no Cal.• PHOTO MODELS wkO)'I. clerical and office management skills. 842-4321, E.111. 348. EOE delly, for th• 1011ow1ng 4-8:30. exper. nee. Wiii treln. ESCORTS/DANCERS ---------.,....._ bil't to tak char d k 1---------1 ~•tion1 uo.ooo lull emounl 142-1111 OUTCALL 24 HRS &lllT lllllYI ~ '"" a l y e ge an wor PHOTO -Sltel & 1 hr ....... . 11 YMI ...... req'd. aom• flnenclng llMltl or .. 1 way 10 .. m extra flexible hours as needed are a must. The developing 1ervlc1. will ~~~~~ 1v11t1bte. w111 net S40. money 6 benefit•. Pey. position also requires exceptional train, pe11-ttme OK. !7141 WAITRESSES 000 plu1. Cell collect Lott. longhllred creamy ..... DPt 'II PX, retlremant Serve spelling and a good vocabulary. We offer ~::,~~~ 1 0 r ( 2 131 CAPTAINS Anyone 1ntare1ted In Mon-Fri MPM All< fet wtitte Cit w/onrqe eecs. neer home el'ler training. titi ... 1 .. ""' good benefits d 333 8eyalde OrlYe operettngourNo.3Heod nm 408/8e7-<l111 Aug. 27-28-211 •• L.A Leem 1 vllulbll lkllt & a compe ve --'J• an a --· Newport e..cti. Callt Fumltll(e S~ llOd ---------Hlmeleyan type. L.lgunl Bonaun ture Info/ get experience. Some challenging and exclting working r-•- WMd ~ 81\op, ot1H t11t1ed w11ncom1? ~...:=..:r-5464-t>roctiurw 213198&-t265. ~th t>Qnu"• ChooM environment. Interested and qualified Wu.!...n~~.011 ~!.~ ~~ Retell MIMgllfl'llnl Rl\ler9lde At.., u your Earn StSS •o•re/lull-ExhlbllOf'I ~ lml'· from m1ny avallable .. _ """ ..,...._._.... ...... •••'J IW~ o wn on 75% b••i•. time dlatrlbutor1hlp l --1-1-.-... --... ---ted poeltlonL c .. lodey candidates may send their resume in 1110 know• B/W 11r1p-... •s:n C pt' .. I 11111. f .. tett 91owl~ T ti ,...1 ,.,. .. 1 conLt.~ence to Box lM\l'I• Daill: Pilo• P.O. ping. 20-30 hre/wffk. Current opening w / ompeny IUO •• ,. LOii 7118. Min. Schneu-....... N--"• Tr•A......... "' n .... ..,_ uu • ..., ... . I ___. .... nutrition pr-am. r ... v, _,, -· .. -·· •~ ... 2 7.... Nawtteed Printing. future oppl y or ator• jobt. ln-tment ,_, '"' n•"" cell Sten Vtllender i.r. Gr.y Seit & P1P99'. tlon To Chleego, Within -·1• Anl.,.. _. -Box 1560, c.o.ta Mesa, CA.. 2626 ID,E W-477S. mgmt. Mu•I b• enthu-YOUf working equli>ment s3(r_1212 Ext oeo. Lono Eer1. Vin. Cllff next month. Wiii .,,.,1 USAR Ctr. 552-3173 • , , sluttc 4 -oetle. end proleHlon11 tral-Dr'IYe, Newport Hllghtt. Hp•nH• w /another P.TI• IWI HICKORY ~ARMS ~·~ei.L:~0: B"':rne~ ,."'"'•' very trlendly. Female. 1ac1y. 881-2871. AttractiYe Gi'I DENTAL ASST., Fd&. sat. .... ,.. lfflM EntoY working wllh Idell. FASHION ISLAND •• a n I w. r I t 0 8 . J . I. lnehlt In CM temtly precllc•. PART TIME. Good..._._ end with lncrMHd ..,_ Cell 940.eo30 1me11 net S100 day ... y. ~!f. ~II 84&-7788 or 873-2084 °" one lreet-Sophla11ceted, tttrac11Ye, need• exper, bflght. en-1 .,.,..."' nlng1. utlllze your out-Al (714) 883-5423 any-••• ••••••• •••••••• ment, hlpe, thlgN, ten-well groomed girl 10 thuilullc perton. Cell end phone mportant. going peraonellty, learn lalel/Astitt llp. 1~. _ _ _ lnttfer'S Walfe4 llWAllt nlng, '..\ off on trill treet-moder prl1111e1y ror In-Emily. 5-45-6885 Top P•Y· 5 d•Y• •f1er· hOW 10 become 1 trelned "-&.~~ Poulblllty 01 part-LOST whit• long heired ment. Eurof l tn e11, dlvlduel 3-4 hrl per noon1. permanent 11111 counHIOr Call Mature wornen 10 Mel11 owner In managing 0.. 11gner ll~erle •hop S 1 l 11 expr n e e: 673-7710 Ilk for Ju<ty. Club uaocilt• needed nerthlp. cet. Female 1 blue, 1 545-3449 ,.... Sinctty P<lv•t• and hltal &nhtMt _9_7_&-_2_77_4_·_____ 2-5PM 842-432 i . Ext New c oncept Tripi , E1tab. cheln bu1lnt11 gre.1 eye 559-4tll3 lmpr0\19 your Mff-lmage. In good 11111· Utmolt ~.Are you too-Graphic 1111 C&ln9rl per-348. EOE eru._. dllllcef1. pwliee. operltng In centrll cout Found· Mlle mix Lab blll Hapc>I,_ II• Mfe. n• dl1cret1on uaured king for• ,_ding c.-.on. fet ttudlo In Laguna etc S125 lnY911 MCUred er 11 . PI e • •• c 1 ti pup, male mix retriever lurll. eeay, weight ION Gree1 pey • llelllble hrl reer 09PQt1unl1y wttn tll· Bch Mu1t beexper In all PIT Ae1ponalbl• pertor'I eern thouHndi of H 8051528-3011 fOf lnlOf-ten and wtit pup. male Cell Sl•n Veltender send photo Ind detllled cellent potentlll for!)«· .,_. ot grloPhle .,., &. wanted Aelell npr. nee. SALES under unique rnuhl·level mellon. ml• Retriever blk, brn, 530-1212 E.111 oeo d.cr1pllon to Box. Ad sonel growth end rec-cemer • worl!. p /T to F A.0 Sehwen. So Coat Women & Men pt an. M r Frankl HELP ME -QUICKI whl ., Female mix Lab/ PETER'S MASSAGE. :· 1 ~· ~y =· ognltlon? We ... yo.Jr 1tert. Call Al or LH Ptau 754-1set Carter .,,.m.1-990-eeee. 542-8047 Need 12000 now. Ott• Shp cream end btk, mate Prof., dltc:ret• Ind tho-CA119~828. • • earing Chait.id• exper-49 ... 1816 IE al T 111-1 l I w .. 2 % PR mix hound Doble, red & r o u g h , C I 11 P e I e r , llM lo compte.ment our Hair Or needed VII TIMUt 'J Store tor IMM on busy r~ 4 A • PY1• ~ wtit. Mlle Re1rlever, gold 484_..871. Auto Mechanic• Helper highly lkllled teem. Mo--· • LeeOlng Petroleum lndu-Marlne A.,.. 2'..\ yr butl· S Imo. PIP prefO. Call w/Rlctlmond VA ID. F• for foreign car repair ·oern, pleUlnt environ-lege Felre Mell, Legune You're uniquely quallfled 1try Con1Ultlng nrm hu MU IMM & key to tront An• we r Ad 6 2 3 · malt rnht Lib blk. Nu· TAI IJ PILL ,. Ceil 648-&oee ment, excellent 1111ry Beech. 494-l600. for • tr1vel related bust-2 opet'lingl on ~ P<<>-door. $800/mo & coet of 1142-4300, 24 hr1. meroui kltteni, 1110 I Ind beneftt OAC*age In-HEALTH n ... Earn Income you're te .. lonal tllff fot IUC· ~;~06:22,500 Agt. ~·m!~ ~~~ ~'e.!:.4$~!,~· 974~~~RA:~~~tl40 A~!~~=~~:~~~':t ~:'~d~':k~~~:: &.feMt/l ... t ~·~~~Celllrom = o0ie;~~le~I~ 50 1o 150% return 1at Otstrlbuletl Wak:Ome. Cell ~ lngton Belch 1142-55& 1 tllNIM ... .,...., cen11 wttl receive 1111en- Sell wt1h EASEi yeer. C ell collect. Found, Young Fe. Shettle ---------Boo6'keeplng DIETARY E1tpertenoed. oart lime U01PT1111ST 11ve trelnlng E11c.iten1 ~ :e:::.5878 _1_._1146-6889 _______ type dOIJ. Lite Brown. PsJtMt .... ,. Exciting Coil I MeH Full tkr>. Ellp. In holpl1el CM AIM. 545-2111 Full time In fut growing potential tor high Income c;s&-&425 111 111-Mt poilllon lor Peyroll/ kitchen Some eooklng llTll llSI II.DI f11hlon 1choo1 Good m1narmen1 and ow-..._ ________ 1GrMt 1oppor1un111y1 to 111-Loll Burme1e. female • Invoice pef'90r'I wllh good IUpervtStng, & Ir""' Mt~ c w........_ .. __. _,.,_ In telephone per1ontllty. nersh p partlelpetlon "' 1111 emlly (o 1prlno . , typing M!IMI. We need 1 u Bl-II 11 .. -· ..,........--..,._,_ lh•ri> eppe11ance Cell You must be 11trac1ive, Totel $5000 lnllll1mllflt. eel , o;rk brow~o•~ SUNNY S Eaecutlv~ Mffltlrter w11ti.... 10 tatce PH.UNTl~TONP<BEACH CR-4200. Permanent 979-8073 for Interview. well-groomed, bright. FOUfl) ADS ARE FREE Cal: Ml·llll .... .... Wiii create• 1 10.000 Univ. Irk, Irv. 111 • Stre11-Reduct1on. ""' ""' Apply In p1r1on Allao educated money- plut, lnter-1 deduction. 552·8331 0 ff Ice. h m • o u 1c111 direction lnltlelly end to Convalelcent HoepUll Cr.-Inn. 3 1108 Coast IHI~~,, orlenled Ind 'above Ill .. Apprecletton l ~I• Found Engt11h Springer 1~83~1-83~7~7~~~~~~ accept lncr•Jllng re•· 18811 Florida St. Hwy, So. Laguna. Newport Dev. Co. highly dl1ciplln1d end llon poulble depending Spaniel, mile, brwn hhr 1: pon. S•l•rri blHd on Huntington Beach ••-a-• 11eklng raceptlonl1tl NII motivated EJtperlen- on 1trUC1urlng ot Irena-Coller 1145-2038 ;;:.~Cl 1 Carmelle llYDlln --bookkHper tor typln!J ce In high ltY9f comml9· ectlon. Potllble 4 10 1 ---------f11nl HSI Irvine Brenctt of mejot 85 WPM end ,_..,II of· 1lone" telephon• con· •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------INCOME TO 11300 ptu ·~·~ u tu 1d111nt1ge. Owner Found bl Bleck Lib male, Round Trip Chicago Tlc:tl· ILDIOAL • Co Mlkt Sr~ multi-line lie• dullH. Mu11 h111e t a e 1 1 u c h • 1 . ln-tcw wttl fumllh up to 8 mo. Vie 23rd & Tu1tln, et. Mutt Mii today. 1378 er.dlt Unkln or rll•1ed mo. Plllme In Mktng comm'I rater with min. 2 plelNnt peraonellty and Commodlty-lnvatlment '40.000 down peyment N.B. 842-7812 value. S17S c 11h. exper. UH of on-line M~t , lndu1trlou1, yHrt compeny exper. front offloe eJ1per. Majot sllel, E.llecutl.,.. -c:n on new 2-3 Bdrm oondo. Found In 1,_ E. Bllbol 5S7-71H 84 778 Flex lime Clll Barbare medlcel 1nd dentll be-peraonnel or reel eatete Coete M-. W1ll llruc· BIYd!d-Si PlllTot. Bii.ie & n~.-..i Trip Or~ Co. to termlnel 10 key end light Delport 8 em lo 11 am neflll. Salary wlll com-11 desirable Contaci Ma. ture treneactton to flt In-•7 .. •72• n..-ou typinG. MU11F ~welt fet aoc>t. men1ur1te with exper. K ... r '7 14) .......... ,,. YHtor nHdt. Phone gm "_.. .. Phoenix 113 value. wtttl pubk 11111...,. en-71<4/6'45-7700 EOE 855-1309 All/I. for Alctl. , __ .. _ •• _, __ .... _........,. __ • __ 7 14I 8 3 1 -5 O 5 5 or Found: Blk/gray Poodle Mu11 tee lmmed. 180 try poeltlon. HIM't~on Ba 1 carrier countelor U1D PllSll 714/842-2000 mix, M Brookhurtt/ c:&lh. Good for 1 yes. Beech City Employee• for I local n•w-i>•~. lnlUl'enoe Receplloni•t. pert time. wanted ror attr1ct1111 M t'r9 Atlante, HB. 8f8..30.48 557-71H. Credtt Union 53e-e&l7 No experience nee••· !~nf:g~:, ~::: r:,'P.~-~s-~1::: ~~ women'a 1hoe dept In 1J::/:'' II llJI Loet: Blk Hlmet.yan, M.1c--.,,-.. -gol--8-d_ay_7-~-IL.Ill ~T,5~1~!,., ~ ttnee auto riw. Rapid oomplelt. 1100 Quall St. Fuhlon 1111nd. P1r1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Vic. J11mln1 Crk. Re-Cerlbt>e•n CrulH th Expending Newport eddltlonll thlf'I ol part-1d111ncem1nt. S1l1ry Newport Beech, Suite time e:xc.refod l.L IAmD w111d. 1144-9872 N.C.L. '510. Shl.fe M¥ll Beec:tl C'-'lt C9fd oom-,,.,.,,1 • nt commenaurAt• with ex-100. 752..()889 --------- W/M 18• wlll modal. Aug. 7th. 714/8 6-NSO. peny hu opening tor • f ~ 'iot>t J pertence. Cell Tony. 1--S--Uc--~---·1 SALES ....... h . .... Soo .._.._ ...... •--..1 c:lerlo11 per1on. Mu11 Me11~' 1 nopponu ,_5_4t-_"2_3 _____ R.E. alltl · · Specllltdng In tit. 2nd 11 _.... .... -type 46/50 wpm ICCUfl· ·-TD'• .rnce 1849 957-8938 with,,._ van. can tUI• 2 tety. e moe 10 1 yr otc: ti••· or Interview cell I.elm & eem, high tchoOI lllOmt ~ ... _ f'789 C 1tler 8:00 PM. 842·5878, 1tudenlt. P/T, help d• T lie phone IOllCllOrt w1n1ed, no exper nee. I CLAUD Ii' . I I r I . I H E G A T I .. :: My MIQl'ltlot •• • 1111 .. on ,,,. I I I r dvmb tklt. St-. bougfll a MW burgll• eltrm II'• calcu1a1ed 10 go oll 11 .. mlnu1e1 Del0<1 Robt. S.ttlet NH/CM Reward: Loat, M ... Verde ..-...-'..:'' 8 1 · 111pr. req. ont1ct W. ext 312. A.E. Broker 8d Aeelt0t1 1re1, 1ml M. Cat, gry/ ...,1. 1 Dune1n Mon thru Fri, i---------.q. do Mtup & wed- 842·217t 5oQ.081 I wht. Info 110·0141. 111.,._. I• m to 4 : 3 0 Om . .... .... , IMJ ~. ':';.· ~::.' l:':e WIDOW HAS tit lot TD'I &48-0772 •• X:~:tt•!•••••••••• 75t-7900 •11?11' In property ..... & ~a drtw. 875-37S8 Re l.o91e. 10K Up. No Found Key1, July 4ttl. W• I , Computer D•t• Entry ec:qultltlone p,..'d, Ty- Credit Chectl, No Pen· 9'MI omer11e111 on key wllwflM 711f poeltlon ewll. 0..... C.. pil'8 l acme lhorthend Todey th41fe are unllml-Tu. thru Fri 9 AM to 12 ted ~ltlee In reel noon. Apply Pennyu-. elt•t•'tliM. If you join 1880 Pl1c1nt1• Ave, 1he dynemlc teem of _Co11 __ •_Meee _____ _ profeetionlll It Coldwell S .... a.Mer · Feteel E. oi.on. Wanted Mll-motlYated A111tor1. Our program per1on1 lnt1re1ted In wtM aipply rou wtth the deweloplng own buek'9el WlnnlflO combination tor w/MtWty mertceted pro-auooeea. duct. MIMnal llheltloent I T u L s s y I ,,,. butgl•ry -. ... ,-1---1-1--1-r,...-4 0 C.-lft .... clowlle _... .... _ ........... .__..__...__...__, ~ ~;:,.,,:,, :::.. ";..""'f ..::! • "':::.,~~~~t"m IN I' r I* I' I' r I I ~~'c.~1~~~' l1'"0 I I I I I I J .... -un ............................ ' arty. OenNIOf\ & A1eoC. ring. "4-9037 H.8 . •••••••••••••••••••••• ginning orp. wltfl I r eq'd , Slltry open . 873-7311 MIXES MIXES MIX88 • Credentialed teacher In commercl• broke2= 1_saa-__ 1_82_1 _____ _ 11J Lm eom.' mix. Mble & wtit ~ hofMOt:..~_.-::.. co; Cllf LcMI It ~ FACTORY TRAINEE There ere MYetal op-INM, Aetl1eYw ml-. trl-Putm":i 548-t181 · Cook/Houtekffper lor All Shift• 1V811. tlon1 rather then fOf.. colored mete. Doble retldent111 oere norne. Idell for ttll '2!1UN wo-caoeure. Without 009( or Hound, Nit mile. She-,. ..... 1111 S..00 Okie A/8. Allo dey mM ayer 30. -~ obflgatton g91 ttll feo1., ptltrd mix. cream le-•••••••••••••••••••••• lhlft 911111. 839-2100 IVERPAC OOA~. then deCtd. wf\ldl ,,..,, mM. LAlb mlJl ~ Blk. Young mtnled man wtll COOKS HELPER. pertng 5455 Pr~ °'· would be belt for you mall I •. QuMnlland do QeMfel hend'f wortc. rnlnlmUm WliOI to et111 Hunttngton '°" Clrote Homa Loent, a .......,. Tl1 rneJI. lAb rnbc, Cell evH l wkende. evenlnge, Ar>fJtY lft .l*: Fettllon Perttee: ..,n • d I r • o t I • n d o r . bllr fem .. te. Newport 87:t-t521. aon et: 8'lllli 9-t c.r., aummer •ardrobe & 714/4"-22t1 =~~a:n•mel 8htlt•r Skipper w1ntt Ml time 107 211t Pl., N.8. •for ~fun toot 815 t3'4 Money to toen, epecletl· poeJtlOfl on"'°'°' .....i, Mitt• Pullettoo. llwn nng 1n '" 6 ind T.D'L Found; M1nc:Mater Ter· xlnt with peopte. ~ t:ao-n l 24. No phone HIT ,_ MCJ,000 I up. l'n-114'. rler, YIO. 8rookflutat/ nlcel beotlgrovnd, 100 call ptiMe. &SIT, W'S• 8rok4t. Atllnta. Ml-17M ~ ~w~~· courtet/Cttrk tor buty FemoUI "-"°' Hot 000 3rd TO dlloOumed 80%, 3 iJowld: 8ml bWWflt ~ mecllDll "*· M.u. I*· P\lot. ,_,.....In Onlnge yra atr not• et 11~. tall ~ ctoa. *1 tlllt, O•rrnan O•ntl.man 40 •on • muet. Mon•frl COUfltY• ._... NtlOM' 14170 for It 1,111. OCC. '*-1801 _.,!Ob•~ ....... '40-0140 thopplnt Hfttet. Jet> 814-0414 found; •t1•9•Aetrle11et °' °'*"""'· 1· CU8TODIAH fOt prtvate t*Y . .....,_ bOnue. mix. l'tm, e mo1. nr !nolllfl ~ oommunlty olub M!IM. beMtlta Ind. lnlur'MOI, .. ....,..,.,./ V•ll•Y V~/ t<etet11. ..-. paeltlon. 9'•f'• required. oefl llfOftt IMrtftg, YWtlon ................ Ff'Of\t llld bide oMolt few We1tmlnl1teT Aree. Oomputtr 1tnowled9t helpful. b~t. MOet· ..-y. hC9lent beneflta. 141·1115 lllHI.,./ t1J/~1S 681..tOH t7M170, M :30, Mon-pr09rem. It YC>\I er•• , Ali ftn. l'ft•n•oer. en uet•••11t •---,_--19----1 .. 1111!.l.J.!f!I!. ...... &!11!'1! ........ llM f!ll..,llJ!l..-.1.(w:t •JI --~-:$=-..: Meetp f& fttOMOUOA, 4ugun11• 1,11• * * * Amb'*lcMle l..._.,eonl • t •• ._ 9dl ... ;;;;: i' 10 ..... M • ,_ • , , a. ... -.u-... 'i ~ •• ;;.";l ....... """ M*~M/1*1...,.._ dlt CSCI ~,_I up tot .... IO&Mlll lft l :IOPM•t :tOPM, aat. -• ·-°"" •• fW'I • -114,....11 tot ..,..... ...... ... .. ..... ftW, ..... ,.... ..... ,:O'tll nun11• .,.._..... ..,,...,._ ,,...,...,._,.,.. .....,.,..,...........,.. ""'°''°*" needed Ph P8R lnt'I 'A.f . LICENSE COURSE (71._) 831-3298 dyt Of (2-dll)', ... 5) (714) 876-6418 11191. ·cOMPLETe S~LES -----,---- TA.AIMING -'"' ._ .. 'CONTINUOUS EDUCA· lr11ln1 !ltotron101 firm TION Medi "*P ex.c. 'ICtlY ·aEClJNTY °' A LAA· w/SH lklllt, typing 70 GI DYNAMIC COM· wpm, -Mila ldmf-PAHY nlltrettve oepe,bllty. Cll 'HtOH INCOMl! POT!N-Connie wtti. rH11m1. TIAL 7°6t1t • .,_OMT 0AOWTl1 OP-1--.-n-,-, ....... .,.-=,..---, . i-oMVNITIH !l'ltty """" poeltlon Wl'ltl ' ..... rep egenoy In If· , YIM. ~ good ty. • COU>Weu BAN~C!RLI olno. 81H l flllng •• with plHHnl phene• per90t\altty. SOl'nl Olf\, office upr. pref. ... ,.....,,,. end Mfwy hllto- f'J Of~to:Ad ' 1!!z Delly ftllot, lok>: : ~OMta M1M. CA S.....~~-......_ ....._LOCll!t ....,._ .. fMNlllR"911t. _,._._...,.._.. oriented_.....,. oeM ~ .......... ~ of..,.. _., ti ••H •• tourl. 1t1. OOMClll' IO ,,...,..__, •••~ ~. _. a.t 11$-.r.., M-. '' " ... , .. titut -...,. ror frN lt1to."""'"' ~ • ......, Uftltl Ir\ lo. o. CouftCY. etl' .... :t,.:::'"len• *"· ,.._.... yeeoe, twi..• _, .. ..,... 0111 ""btltftl:LOo., et.., .. A"'9rlctn b• top.-, .... No.,._ ltoue l MtM •1·1111; ...... I ~tM. 011uel Alt'-o;;\Yeo. ...,., "-' ..... --.~ PfW, 'b.'MH. An .... Apt. plUI ~. .... ¥~· eort.,:o.t.~.. ~O.Wt'1Mtn•.., ...... ---.::. ~. Oii ........................ , ............. ._. toflll f1.4/t .. ·UU t I en 0 e )ft e f PI I.I I • ..i;,;.,. W .. tmln1t1t. 1.0 ,1 , ..,,I ,....., ._ • ._ ~. -1~ -MM lt11.._ a OM 714/~U. to · ~ •-MW. ..._.,, ect t11 .....,...,. j ,, .~ l C11 Tll t',\•ILt' Cl•Ctl 11-.aua111 by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) . ··. \ . .. •• . .. "I• .. ~ ,,. -- "Strike fourteen!" "Could you 1tand a ~ttlt con1tructlvt crltJcl1m, amigo?" ,.:\Rll.\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson "It might do something for the flavor, b:.:~ mv·l'l's not aonna like it!" Jl'DGE PARKER !~2~~~~1S ~~E ME~i\C'E t . . ~ 0 l ' ' ~ iHAT'U.. eE FINE / eEF{)RE 'rOlJ 1-WJ6 UP. U::T ME TAU"I 10 YOU~ l=ATHE~ I NO ONE. KNOW5 THE. TREPIDATION l FEEL KNOWINC'I .SOME.WMERE OOT TMERE IS A•e,pw1• W ITM MV NAME ON IT I HAVE eoME. el.JS1Neffi10 Dl5CUE6 ~l'T'H HIM. TONY' ACROSS SO Mllctunl f'M)Art 1 Stems 63 Pvt together PU'ZZU IOL VED 6 Baby buggiel 66 $llk.orm 11 Mrs. In 67 HouM style M*1rid 88 Exile 14 Asian butlalo 61 Dry 15 A~bolrd 70 NO¥el 16 Pig mett 71 C~ 17 Rellglout compound work 18 Give lllCOHI DOWN 20 Full of N.ICI 22 Fectoll 23 Foot plf1 2 5 Olftc. cOi>les 28 Few« 29 Mouth• 30 Cr1ntller 32 Proportion 34~t1on 27~ 39 LcudfnOUlll 42 "~""" '3 Wlndltonnt 458.t..., Prtfti "young Ill<• 49 EthlOpll'I P'lnC' SO Twototnt s.-Madrid men &S AIOftl )f Pr°'*'Y st Mn .... ~ I HOt'I! 1UM•~Wt:e"'5 COMES ~ MCK"IO MARfN 'bL\ AOl\ffHU .. Uf. ~~ SHOE AH,MA11UMON'i! "™1 l't-ISSFOI-S'fA'tla OF HAVING A HUSIWJP 1C> WELCOME HOME E:VERV EVENING-••• • I/bl 8 • :'t ~ by Jett MacNelly by Ernie 8ushm1ller THE TROUBLE WITH YOU 15 THAT YOU'RE P;AW-w AS LONG N3 I 'M CRYING, I MIGHT AS WELL WAS~ MY HANDS AND ALWAYS TOO PRACTICAL mu'RE ALWAYS SAYING THAT 400'RE KIDDIN6 ! -rnE. 1ELIMINAIO~ I A:llJAU.<; t..061 A 6AME. BE!.AU:SE HE lll'TED? &Ji li'S IMP0661BLE iO 11Li ON A VIOED GANE ! DRABBLt: DAO! t>U'~E IJALl(1t«, UPRlbMT M,AI~ ! l;:- ~EA", 1'"E OOC.~ CJAIJE.. ME SOME ~OlllNE roR fl\~ Al"I~ 8AlK ! SAV E WATER by Tom Battuk _,_l by Kevin Fagan 'fR~ "0 &O A l.111'\.f. f~-S1ER ON "'f"E. w~-4 ~Oft\E. by Lynn Johnston Yoo ~R WAitH \\/ .... OR UU~i RAP fOf\ f\ Wl-\ILE ,.. ~ : I l •) .. " .. .. '• ... ·'" ... •r( : I ... , . .. ·t· I • •1y •ti ?t 11 ~/ .. : ..;, ·>l- 11(1 ... .,. ....... ~~~~~~!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!'!!!!i!o!!'!!!!!!!o .... ~~_,.,--""!!!!"'ll!!l!"'!' .... ~------..... ~lll!!!!!m!!!!!!!19!1!1----------------~0~ran;;;.;;:ge~C~~~-~·~o~A~IL~Y-P~IL~O~T-/~8·~·~ur~d~'ay~,~Ju~~,:..:,2•~·~1~81~2;.._ _______________ c,;;,;a ·1 New diet 'cures' jet lag? 1 Feast and fast resets body clock, researchers claim CHICAGO (AP) -For anyone who ever stumbled away from an ~!d:n with a funy head, and a ll"Wftpy outlook aftilf • &rip ac:rom .-veral time r.ones. a DeW diet procnm. relief. It a.1lo often hope for workers who develop ln1omnla after awiidllnl from• nlaht thitt one week to a momlJli tfiift the next. 'l'hele c:lilorienUna experiencee can be foUed with a nutritional pro~ram dubbed the "jet la& diet, ' .cienu.t. tay. The four -day diet was developed after ye.an of reeearch into cfrcad1an rhythms, led by Or. Charlee Ehret, a dentist at the Department of Energy'• Argonne National Laboratory near here. Thirty years ago, while studying why protozoa - microecoplc, aingle-celled animals -mate in day time and not at night, Ehret found the reaaon was the circadian rhythm. or natural body cycle controlled by molecular "clock.a" in each cell. by the Army lut h II to paratroopera Hnt to E1r.pt charln1 a tralnln1 oxerc H, Operatton Brl1ht Star, could a.rrlvt alert and t'Mdy for action after 14 houra of tllaht, 1ald Capt. BUl Maddox, a public lnfonnaUon officer for \he 18th Airborne Corpe at Fort .Braag, N.C. The trick" to telet the body'• lntemal clock -by watching the ~untl and typee of food eaten -to adjuat quickly to the new time zone. A "fea1t-fa1t-fea1t-fut" regimen over four days is Wied. Three daya before the flight day, the traveler feu" on three full meala. Breakfast and lunch are hl&h in protein -1uch aa steak -to encourage alert activity. Dinner 1hould be high in carbohydrate.I -such aa pasta - to bring on sleep. Two daya before flight day, the traveler eats three small meal.a totaling no more than 700 calories and low in carbohydrates and calories. caffetnated bevenp only ln the aft.emoon. On the fourth day, a tnveler or ahift woker plannina to •peed up the body cloclc -by advancln&_Ume zones on an eastbound W,ht from New York to London. for eumpltt -would drink several cupe of ooffee ln the ,eveni"' and ao to aleep only three or four hours before bl'ffkfaat lime at the destination. Traveling in the opposite direction, momeone trying to 1low down the body'• clock 1hould drink plenty of coffee only in the mornJ.na, on both the day of the flight and the day before 1t At the traveler'• or shift worker'• new breakfast time, the dieter should wake up and eat a high protein breakfast without colfee. Then he or she should st.a y active to keep the body worklng on the new time, have a high- p rote in lunch, eat a hlgh - carbohydrate supper and go to bed early. BAY THERE -Chris Huntington of Soledad catches some sunshine atop his truckload of hay on Highway l near Monter~~ 'Wlliting for a mechanic to fix a flat ure. An outgrowth of that reeearch and lat.er studies waa the diet, which acknowledges that traveling or changing work shifts leaves the body'• inner time clock out of step with individual's new environment. The diet was uaed successfully The day preceding the flight IS another feast day, while the day of travel ii a fast day. Whether feasting or futing, Ehret said, the traveler or shift worker should drink coffee or any The next morning should produce little or no jet lag, Ehret said. Anyone without time to follow the program for four days should "just fast on the day you leave ... It may not prevent jet lag entirely, but it will speed up the adjustment," he said. HIRDBCDPI . y SYDNEY OMARR y, Jaly is ARIES (March 21-AprU 19): Get aecond tional wind. Maintain low profile. Become ware of legal requirements. Locate special 11UCU1Joenta. Accept help from older individual who benefit of experiencie. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Someone wanta to carry more than _your share -be alert., ware and refuae to be gullible. You can noW be rid unnecemary burden. Relative who complains ia y trying to waste your time. Bunny burgers rapped flt8JC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE FICTlTIOUI IMllMU FICT'ITIOUI IU ... 11 HAiia eTATl•NT ..,._ ITATIMPC'T Tiie lollowlng peraon 11 dOll'IO The follo•lng peraon 11 doing bull.-.. bullf'llll .. RESIDENTIAL MARKETING K PK INVESTMENT, 1102 CONCEPTS, 418 Nlll'c:IMVI Avenue, So uth El C amlf'lo Reel , Sl f'I Corona del ...... CA 92826 Clemente. CA 92812 ROBERTS McFARLAND, 418 KENT A. KOEPSELL. 18 1 w .. 1 Narclllu• Avenue. Corona def Mar. Alenandro. San C lemef'lle. CA CA 92825 92672. Thi• bullMll 11 conducted by 111 Thia bulMf'19111 11 conducted by • uf'llf'ICorporaled auoclallon Oilier general partnerahlp. lhan 1 panne<alllp. Kenl A Ke>19aell Rot>ert s McFlfland Tiii• alallltl*'I Wll liled wtln Ille Tllll 1111emen1 wll fu.d wllll lhe Couf'lty Cieri' of Orange COUl'lly on l'talC NOTICE PCTITIOU9 llU9MU ACTITIOUl llU ... H STATI:MENT ~ WITHOflAWAL. MAm STATE..wf NAm ITATTimNT FflOM PAfl~fllKIP The lolowlng P9t'90M -doing Th• lollowlng peraon 11 doing OPEllATIHO UHOEfl ~ u: ~ 11 FICTITIOUS BUllNUI NAME CHARIOT AUTO LEASING, ABLE & ACCURATE TYPING Tile l ollowong p11son 1111 17220 NewhO~ 8tr .. I, Fountain I f'I d W 0 R 0 PR 0 CE S S I NG w1IMrawn as a gene<ll parlMI< lrom VfllWt, CA 92708. SERVICE. 8589 Rllo1d1 Clrcle, tile partf'lersll•P ooe<al1ng undet trwi MICHAEL CAPIK, 10796 FOUfllalf'I Velley. CA 92708 t1ct111ou1 bu$1neu name 01 S&R LaFof'ldl , Founllln Valley, C-' • Joyce Irene Cluckey Klf'lf'lu, D1slnbutors at 2140 Plac:enl•• 92708. 8689 Allo1d1 Clrc:le, F'ounllln Avenue. Costa Mesa C-' 92627 DICK VAUGHN, 17222 Vllley,CA92708 731·5873 NewMpe. Founlaln Valley, CA Thia bualneu 11 c:oooucted by 111 The t1c:t11oou1 bu11nen name 92708. lndMdual statement lo• tile penne<1h1p wH TIW ~ 11 c:on<luCted by I Joyce 1.-Kinny hied on Dec t t 1981 11'1 lhe Couf'lly llmlted ~ T,,._ t11temenl wu llled will\ the of Orange FILE NO F178121 Couf'lty Clerk of Orange Couf'lty on July 1. 11182 July 2, 1982 Mlchael Ceplk County o.rtc of Orange Coun1y on Full Name and Address ol 11141 '1t:Z571 Thie ~I wu Ill.id with UM June 17, 1982 Pers<>f'I W1111ora•1f'lg ,1.... Publllhed Oraf'lge Co111 Dally County C1ertl of Ol'fll'IOI COUf"Y " ,,,,.. Ste11ous Xegorara~•• Publl1hed Oraf'lge Co111 Oally P1lol, July 3, 10, 17 24 1982 Jlity 22. 1982 Publl1ll•d Orange Co111 Dally 258 Magnoha Street PilOl. July 3. 10. 17 24, 1982 21M7-82 ,,_,. iPllOt, July 17, 24, 31, Aug 7, 1982 Costa Mesa CA 92627 GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Focua on romance, l'h.llldr'l!'ft. speculation. dlacuasion with member of STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) -Animal lovers, upset about what they say is a plot by the rabbit industry to make rabbit meat a staple in the American diet, protested at a rabbit breeders' conference. Some 50 pickets from numerous animal rights groups joined in the peaceful demonatratlon outside the conference center at the Pennsylvania State University. 2939-82 "8.IC NOTICE Publlllled Orang• Co11I 0111) 3222-82 Stehous Xegorarak•• "----------------------• Piiot. Jut; 24, 31, Aug. 7, 14 1982 DI-IC """TIC[ Puohslled Oran9e Coas1 Oa11y "8.IC NOTICC FICTITIOUI aUaMll 331M~ ,.~ nu P1101 July 10 17 2• 3 I 1982 te aex which gets to heart of matt.en. Leo, lf\,Q1LIAl1UI pez'ION figure prominently. CANCER (June 21..July 22): Gain overall view; u.e to be 01.lred down in red tape. Perceive tuation in ita entirety. Leave blta and piecee for ther time. You are goin8 to be more aecure. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Numerou1 calls, dominate .cenario. Many individuals with aupertidal clain:w, declarationa. ta1n ~.hum«. (Aue. U-Sept. 22): You become more ware of coata -you'll di.Kover new operatina .,."'.,.,..urea,' What had been io.t, milBtng or stolen ta to be located. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You are relieved of PJJruen wbJch WM not your own to C8lTY ln flnt . Be reedy for change, apeda1 meimge and S!ftllDCe foe greeter independence of thought, action. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Family member nfeuea fean, doubta. Be diplomatic u you 111.:J'Yk:le rational explanatiooa. By checking behind 9'l!Cl~ you'll obtain •<true story." SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Thoee who t!Uded you for being idealistic will have to eat their o.rda. Wiah will be fulfilled, romance dominates -.. ...... rv. and your predictiona prove accurate. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22..Jan. 19): You get what want folJowtna delay, skeptical inquiry. Acoent career, reaponaibUity and conference with e.Danal superior. You have more to offer than oriclnallY anticipated. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Good lunar colnddee with poaible journey, publiahing effective methods of oommunicatkln. Y ou1l 't;te Ulignment and get finger on pulae of PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): Interest in tual matters la highlighted. YOU feel need to ve beneath surface indications. You are now on th of enlightenment. "People in this country are repulsed by dog- eating in other countries. I hope that they can extend that compem;ion to rabbit&,., aid Lia Albo of the Fund for' Animals. "We don't expect to convert thoee lrlSide. This waa for publicity," said G«>rge Cave, president of Trans-Species Unlimited, an animal- rights group In State College that organi%ed the protest. He said hia group is opposed to what he claims is a plot by rabbit breeders to make rabbit meat a common food in the United States by introducing it in supermarkets and fast food shops. Rabbit breeders say rabbit meat is rich in nutrition and animal lovers are misinlormed. "I don't think they understand the whole thing. They understand only half of it," said Frank Hullihen of St. Marys , who raises rabbits for meat. "God put them on this Earth becauae he knew what be was doing. It's aome of the best meat you can find," he said. DEATH IDTICIS flCTmOUa .,... .. NAm ST A1'D9MT The following 1*9(1f\I -doing t>u.ir-u: J & B LAUNDROMAT, 103 Plllrn, Belboe, CA 92M 1. JAV LEE WAGGONER, 21402 L.emomr• Lene. Huntlnglon e-:ti. K:A 9264f. BARBARA SUE WAOOOHEA. 21402 Lemonl,.. i.-. ~ BMch, CA t2648. Thie ~ II conWcted by "" lndMdulll ~ Lee WllCllP* Thie ·~· -flied wttn tfle k:ounty an of OrW>ge COun1'f °" Jut./ 22. 1982. ,,_, Pubtllhed Or•noe COHI Dally PllOt, Jut; 24, 31, Aug 7, 14, 1982 33-41-82 ~ ITAft•NT FICTITIOUI 9USIMfH 3137 82 Tiie lolk>wl"lj l*IOOI .,.. dOlng PlllJC NOTICE M .... •TATIMIHT bu~N~UCT SYSTEMS co.. '1CTITIOUS.,..... ~h~o::wlng peraon 11 doing "8.IC NOTICE 18612 M1tlpoea Drive, I/Illa P1t1', MAm 8'TATDmMT FUTURE CONNECTIONS, IMl22 NOTICa 1NVY11NO llC>I CA ~M7 Tiie followtng pet'IOM we doing Turtledove Avenue, Founlalf'I Valley, Nol~ la '-•by g~ lhll lhe E.C.B CORP. • CalllOrf'lll ~ M: CA 92708 Boerd of Educ:lllon c.I Ille IRVINE corporation, 18612 MarlpoN Ortve. SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, 9ee2 JAMES ROBERT ANNETTA, UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ol Wta Park, CA 92667 Harbor Point Clrcle, HullllniJIOl'I M22 Turtledove Avenue, Founllln Oraf'lge Coul'lly, Celllorf'lll , will This~ IS conducied by I BMch, CA 92e46. Vett.y, CA 92708 receNe Me1ec1 BIOi up to I 00 PM COf'l>CWlllof'I CHARLES R. WASH8URN, Tiiis bull,_ le oonduc:led by an o1 Ille 11th ct.y ot Augul1. 1982. 11 E C 8 COrp 9 8 8 2 K I r b o r P o I n I C I r c I e , lndMdual wt11c:t1 time 1a1cS b1C1t w111 be publldy EC BNmleu, PT'll Huntlng1on Beedl. CA '264t. J-R Af'IMll• CIC**' and reed for LOCI($ ANO Thia llll-1 WU flled wllll lhe RICH,ARO L. KURWITZ, 2t Ti. atat-1 wu llled wllh ,,.,. KEYS -UNIVERSITY H IGH County Clerk ol Ol'lllQI COun1y on ~ COurt. ~ 8-:11. Coumy C._... o1 0.-~ Couf'lty on SCHOOL. Bid c:ondlllOl'll and June 30, 111t2 CA t2993. June 23 1982 1n11rucllon1 anc:t Bid lonna may be ,'9IAI Thia ~ .. conduC1*' by • • F1'20al Oblalf'led II lb• olllC• ol FllCll Pub"-"-d °"9f'lge CoHI 0.lty ~ '"'91. Published Oraf'lge CoHI Dally Support Servlc11 2941 AllOl'I Pilol, Jut; 3, 10, 11, 24, 1N2 Cflar1ee It Wllhburn. Piiot Jut; 3 10 17 24 1982 Avenue. lrvlf'le, Callforf'lll The - ________ 29_M&-11 __ 2 Cc>-Owner9hlp ' • · • ' 2930-82 Oitlrlet r--Ille rtghl lo reject Thia et.91-1 -llled wllll lhe any or 111 BIOi or 10 wllw any "8JC flOllC{ Coun1Y Clark of O.-anoe COun1y on "8.IC NOTICE lrregulwtll• or 1nrorma1111e1 lfl eny '1CTIT10UI --:1· Jut; 22, 1982. BIOi or In Ille Blddlng. , ..... SUllllARY 0' PflOPOllO lrvlne Uf'lllled .. ,._ ITATI• Publlan.d Orange Cou l Dally ON>llUNCI $c11001 Otllflc1 Tiie followlf'lg perlOl'I 11 dOll'IO Piiot, Jvtty 24, 31, Aug. 7, 14, 1182 A propo1ed ordlf'llf'ICe I• A. St•ft'-Corey MO-nc. Of PUaJC ...,._ bu.u-aa; ~ ecfleduled !or edopllo" II Iha A~ed Agef'll NOTICE IS HER£8Y O.VEN 11\et 1 JRA SYSTEMS CO . 9S22 regular Clly Council m"Ung or Publlilled Orange Cou l Delly public: '-'no wt1 be held by the Turtleclov9 Avenue, Fountllf'I Valley, .4ugue1 2 1~ being Ordlnanoe 98 Cl1y Coundl ol Ille Cl1y of Co.la CA 92708. PlllJC fl)TlC( 82-19 • .cioc>11no' br , .. __ Ille PllOI, Jufy 24. 31, 1 2 3329-82 ...... on Auguet 2. 1oe2. In Ille JAMES ROBERT ANNETTA. -~'", __ ---.. 1179 Edlllon• 0 Ill• Uniform Council Cl'lamber• of Cl1y Hal, n 9622 TurtlecloY9 Avenue, FOUflllln ~ ...... -8'.tlldlng Code; lhe Uniform Hou.mg Fair Drtw. eo..1 ..._, l'I 8:30 v~. CA 92708 ........ 1~STAT'llmlfT ............ Code; the Uf'llform Code lor p .m .. or 11 1oon lllerealler 11 Thia~ II OOtlduc:ted by 111 , ................ .,, .,.,__ -_.., Abet-I ol o.no--8ul10lng1· practlcable, on the followlnQ Item lndlvidual ~WES•T .... N U S ENVIRON· UICI Uniform So4"' Ensgy Cooe. I~ REQUEST FOR REH~ARING Jemee R Annelle "'" · Uniform Plumbing Cooe lndudlng from Gary Cof'l•ell regardlf'lg 1 Thll 1111-1 wu filed wtth Ille MENTAL PRODUCTS, 1720 E. Appecldlcee A e c o G H Ind 1 Reaolullof'I ol ~ 10 oondemf'I Couf'lty Clerk ot 0.-enoe Couf'lly on Gany AYe., Suite 228, Santa Ana, the 1976 edltto;. Oi ·,~ Unit~ property ~ $ fMt by eo June 23. 1982. CA 92706 Mecll1f'llc:11 Code lncludl ng feel tor eoqutettlon of r1gllt-o(-wey ,112011 T.W. ASSOCIATES, INC., I Appenc!IOll A, B. and C: Ille 1978 al 3-48 Ogle StrMt for 111 alley Publl1hed Oraf'lge Cont Dally Calllorf'lll c:orporallon, 724 edition ol lhe Natlonal Electrlc:al projecl aoulll ol 17111 Slreet Piiot. .My 3. 10. 17. 24, 1P82 lndu11rl1I Rd .. Saf'I C11to1, CA Code and Ille Uniform Wiring CC>CM belw .. " S1n11 Ana lf'ld Tu11ln 2940-82 94070. ol the Clty of Colt• M111: and A---, ~led Pwoel Ho. 1, .,._II' Mnnl't T~ bu*-II conducted by 1 c er I• I n 1 m • n d m •"I 1 1 n d Grlham property. r.-.n. ""'~ corporation. moc:llflcallonl to Mid COClel NOTICE tS Fl.IRTMER GIVEN tNt ACTTTIOUe .,._.. Rob Ramaay The motion lo give Ordinance al Mid lime and plM)e, .. lntereeted MAm aTAn.Nf T.W. Alloc. Inc;. S2-13 first 191dlng CMrted by Ille penona may ~ and be M«d Tiie fotlowlng peraon It doing n..L. RllY W Ha'd)'fl.....:. ~ follow Ing roff call vole Couf'lcll by 1111 Clly C ouncll 01'1 the ~ea: ,,_ ltal_,I - -'""'UM Memben -AVES· Hiii, Hertzog, e!oremef'ltloned mattera ROYAL CREATIONS, 88 FIM County~°' O.-anoa Count) on Mofariand, Johnaon NOES None EILEEN P PHINNEY Ortw, Costa "'-. CA 92707 Alty 22, 1982 A88ENT: Sc:hater. Cl1y Clef1I MICtiAEl. DALE TYNER 204$2 ,_ The lull IHI ol Ille propoHd Publl1lled Orange Coul Dally Sant• Aile A,,._ IJC Santa Ana. Publlalled Orange Coul Delly ordlnlnc:e may be rMd In Ille City Piiot, Jut; 24, 1982 CA 112707. . ' Plot. July 24, 31. Aug 7. 14, JM2 Clerk'a OlllCI 11 77 Fair Drive, 3352-82 Thia t>uw-II c:onducted by "" 333M2 Costa Me.a. P\8.IC NOTICE STATEMENT OF AMNOONME'HT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS aUllNEIS MAW Tile rollOWll'lg pe11ona ll••t' abandoned Ille use or lhe hc1111ou1 boson"$ f'llme A LETA, 3601 J emboree Newport Beacr1. CA 92660 Tile F1c111tous Bus1n1ss Name rere,,ed lo ebove was f1ted '" Oranoe Counly on July 7 1g82 BENEDICT J GILANO 390 Sunrose Cuc:le Cosll Mesa CA 92627 ALETA PARRISH 3101 3rd Avenue Corona d.i Mar CA 92625 Tll15 business WIS conducled by an un1f'IC<l'PO<lled •HOC:ll llOl'I ofl'>ef lllan a par1nersll1p Atela PautSh Tll1s statemef'lt wu hied w11" Ille Cou'11y Cler~ 01 Otange County Of1 July 9 1982 ---.-_-IC_Mn_nl'_tr ___ lndt\lldual. EILEEN P. PHINNEY l"UUL nvnw. MICNel Dale Tyner P\B.IC NOT1CE City Clerll Thia 1111-1 -flied wM lhl Cl1y of Coll• MeM Flt2113 IUMllARY 0, ADOPTID ON>lt•MCI Courtly Clettl ol 0.-anga County on a U MM A Illy 0, A 0 0 p TI 0 Publlllled Orange Co11t Dally Pubhslled Or&llQe Coasl 011ly Piiot ORDINANCE U -12 II IOheduled 10 be In full eftect 30 ~ from Jut; 19. 1982, and WU edop'9d by lhe followlf'lg roll call vota: Council ~AYES· Hal, Mcf'ertwld, Jofineon NOES Noni ABSENT: ScMf9r. ABSTAINING.~· Ordlf'lanc:e 82-12 Chang•• Ille zoning °' property toceted .. 273 and 2-n Mon1e Vle\1 Avenue from R1 to POR-LO. Tiie lull te•I of Ille propoNd °'~ mey be read In the City Cler\1'1 Ofllce II 77 Fair Drive, July 21. 1982. ONMMANCI Ptlol, Jufy 24, 1912 Jul~ tO 17 2• 31 19112 3 107·8~ , ft11111 ORDINANCE U · 11 le llQfledui.cl 3348·82 Publl•ll•d Orange 00111 Dell)' 10 be In lull llffeal 30 deyt lfom Jut; -----------··---~:-:-:-:--:==---Piiot, Juty 24, 31, AA.lg. 7, 14, 1982 111, 1982, and WM adopted by the flt8JC NOTICE NILIC NOTICE 3331-82 lollowlng roll call vole. Councll ----------------------___ Ml.JC ___ NO_TICE ____ , Memti.r1· AVES· Hall, Heruog, OMMN•NCE NO. 7't4I Mc:Fariand. JolW-.on NOES: Nona. ,,,_ ,.,. co-.. -----------1 ABSENT· 8ot'9ler M O•D•H..C. Of ntl CnY COUMCL CW nta "" • ...,,.. •• .. ACTITlOUS IMlllNIH Ordlf'llllC:. 12·11, c:llangH Iha lmaA. CAl60RlllA. ~ ntl Z0MN0 CW A PORTION MlOT NA• STATUllNT Z°'*'ll tor~ IOcated al 221• _,, •Wf'CNIT •M TilACT, ""°2 fllt TO~. T"e tollow1ng pe11on 11 doing ·~ Avocedo Slr'eel from c2 to R2. THE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CfTY OF COSTA MESA DOES HEREBY busineu.. ws PARTY TIME LIQUOR, 1548 The lull IHI of Ille propo1ed ORDAIN AS FOLLO . ..,.,.. ... 0 ordlnlnCle rney be read In the City 8E:C~ 1. T,_. le hereby ptaQed and Included In the,...,.,..,... zone Adams. No A Cotti Mell. CA Clerk'• Office 11 77 Fair Drive al 1t1e1 reel P'OC*1Y located 11 the aouttiw.t comer of Oranoe Awnue ,_Cl •CJJHllS ~-OADWAY MOeTU.UY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 MERCER Mortuary di Coet•Mela. rec t 0 r I . EILEEN P. PHINNEY 92627 Coela Me.a. ' fll'ld Bay Stree1, 1918-1979 AeMMot Partiel Number 118.oe3-48, lo wit: LANG CHI NGUYEN. 20621 EILEEN P. PHINNEY Tha1 portion of Loi 222 of N9wpOf1 Helgtia Trle1 .. I* mac> recorded Bffrsden Circle, Hun11nv1on 8Hcll, City Clerk In 8ooll 4• Page 13 ol Mlaoelleneou• Mapa record• ot Orange County LUTllBGHOH SMITH & TUTHIU. WISTCU# CHAl'a 427 E 17th St Co$ta Mesa ~6-9371 ... ClllOTHIH IMl'IMS' MOnuMY 627 M11n St ~nl~ac:h RICHARD MERCER, age 536-6539. 77, a resident of Fountain Valley. Ca. PUied away on DEERING J'::~2, 1982 at West Lake AVERY DEERING, a V , Ca. Mr. Mercer wu resident of C'.as1a Meu, Ca. a Western ReOlnaJ .Freicht P-.d away on July 22, 1982 Acent with die New York He WM a member of the Central Railroad and a Newport Harbor Elka Lodge member of the Flnt United and the Men'• Club at the Methodist ChW'Ch and p..t C'.as1a Meu C-ountry Club. Treuurer and 'mer of the He ia NrVtwd by hi.a wUe Huntington Beach Lod&e Betty, daughter Linda BPO Elka # 1959. Beloved Coster of Lake Forest, Ca. bu.band of lone G. Menier, and Jannie Healey of beloved father of Charles R. Huntington Beach, Ca., Mercer of St. Louis, brother Jeff and 8 MlMow1. Dianne E. Taylor grandchlldrm. Servtc:ea wU1 of Huntlnpln Belch, Ca., 6e held on Monday, July 28, alao 1urvlvln1 are 5 1982 at 2 :00PM at the ~ 4 mien and Harbor Lawn Memorial a brother Doria McMillen. Chapel wlth !Wv. Luther Harbokl Merwr and Marlon Tornow of the Christ Kennedy all of Windsor, Lutheran Chwd\ of c.o.ta Ontario. Floreoce Folaer of Maa oftk:Mlq. Interment Brantford, Ontario, 1rene urvicu immediately Champeau of Allen Park, foDowlnt at Harboc X..wn Mkhlpn.. l'lien&I may cell Memorial Park. S.rvlce1 at Pterce Bro4hen Sinitha' under th• direction of ~ from 12 nocn to ffartJar' X..wn·Mount Olive t:OOPM an Sunday, July 2. Mortuary of Coaia Meaa. 1982. J\meral eervkm wtll M0-5™· City Clef1I Clty of Coeta MIN Publl1lled Oraf'lge CoHI Dally Piiot, July 24, 1982 3350-82 CA 92648 City Of Costa .,... C.illomll more pertlc:ulai1y ~lbed u tollowl: Thia bullf'llt1 11 conducled by 1" Publlalled Or1no• Co111 Dally All llla1 land boundtld on the Northwe.1 by the Sou111euletl)' tine of individual Piiot. July 24, 1N2 TrllCt No. 7714 M .,_ on• ~dee! In Bodi 293, Paoae 2t and Thll 1111~1 <;'~N~~llll the 334M2 30 M~ Map ol Orange ty, Celltornta; on IN NortheMt by the ~ Iida of eay Slrwt 80.00 feel In wtdttl; on the So<rtneu1 County Clerk ol Orange Couf'lty on .,._IC Wlnl'tr by the Ncll'ttlweet-1Y Iida of o.-anoe A\19f1Ue eooo tMt In wtc1111, on Iha "8JC flOTlC( July 8, 19t2 ,1ta70 l"UUL nu1~ ~ by the Nonllee.atetl)' llne of lof 212 of lhe ~ Height flllCTm-.. ....... ................. ........ TrllCt .. --on • """ recorded In Book ... P1199 83 °' MleoelllneOul NAmnATllll!JfT Publlalled Oraf'lge Co111 Dally r'"""""'"" -Mapa recorda of 0rwige County Ce11fom1a. The,__ -....._ Piiot. Jut; 10, 17. 24, 31. 111112 NMll a-TAT'IMINT EXCEPTING TH!l'"!FROM the Sou111w .. 1erly 75 00 IHI of Ille ~.,, ,.....__ -.,, 2987·8" Thi IOllowlng l*'90nl are doing ~ 1I0.00 "'91ofMidLot222. Pl.A:: RESUME URVICE. "8JC M0T1C( ~:'RIS AOVEflTISING & u.~co!;.~~~r.:-~~0-31!;~~': 2021 ~ Center Oftve, 1212, ,-. MARl<ETING, 3303 Herbot 81Yd.. ---. o.. ...-....... ,.. 1 ....... P1111n1ng !MM. CA '2715. AC1TTIOU9 8Vtl•ll &.Ile H·1. Colla Meea, CA 9282t. COete ...... copy of II on ·-"' the.,.,_ "' ,,. P~-HO p LA z A SEC E ET A A I Al T U.fotlo'"" 9'ATW Po11111 Manegemef'll Group, ~ment. le hereGV M*lded by the eddltlOn u..to ol ttle P~-H SERVICE. a Cellfomla OOfl>(Jratlon, .... ~ ~ ..... no P41rt0n I• doing Inc .. 1 Cefffoml• """"""•llon, 1503 -o.crlbed In Section 1 lleNof. 202 ~ c.n Of 4'2 2 ---~,.... SECTION 3. Thia Ordlnenee thall ~ In lull ~ and force thirty 1 ICI .. 1 • 8 t Q N A N D D I! 8 I G N South Coa1I Ol"IYe, Sufle 311, Cotti (301 CS.,. from and after Int PMteoe 1'*9ol, and prior to the e.xptretlon !MM, CA 12715 ENTEAPMQ, 1101 1111r19e A ~.CA 92828• of flnetn (15) Oe)'ll from ltt l)UMOe lhelt be pub4llNd once In Ille ex:;:.=.-II oonOucted by • Ooeta Meu.. oA 9H2I. w ., cC:;:.=-le oonduCted by t ~ COAST OAIL y PILOT, • .-1peper Of ganeral alrGUlallon. p I au 8ec;retar111 AOl!AT W18NllWll(I, 1101 i>o1ari. Mgl Group Inc ~ and ~ In .,_=Coete Meea Ot, In the elttmallw, Ille s.'¥IOe !!_!ln11 Avt •• Cott• Meta, CA Jamet w Tnitt., .k. ' ~=may~cei..'!9 .,!!. ~ 0tdtt~ -:::r: ~ ~; E"9 C . ..._., Pree. ..,,.2t, Tilll 11111emetlf wat flled 'IMlll Int ,__ "' ,... -"' ,._,_ Thie ltaNrNnt WM 111ec1 '!Mtlt the Thie buMIW II conduofed by 111 "-·-"' ,..._._ of ,..,_ ,. __ ,.. ..,. fie Cfty Cl tlw (I) .. prior to tM cMM of~ ol ltllt ~ Coun1Y .....-... "" r.-.-. ~ """""'' _,_,. ..... _.,,... """"''' ""' lfld wftt11n t1ftMr1 (11) ~ ef'9r ~the Cfty a.ti 1111911 --to be .NN H ,,_.,. .,. ""ln09 ...,._.,, on . ~ ~ July 1. 1N~ ~ .. -~ """"*Y and ltllli poM In lfleeMca Clf tM .,,.., • 1M2. ,,_ Thll .......,..,. ._ flled .with the Publl1ll4HI Orange co!.1'Cy City a.ti a oerttlld OOCIY of tNI ....... ..,..,, wttfl N -of tfle PublllMd Oranoe Cout Dally ~ ~ ol Orln09 eoun.y"" Pllol. Jut; 10, 11, u . 31, 1182 ~~~~-.,-:.~=--· Plot • .,,., ... al, Auo· 1, 1~ ' ,_, nao.u a.... ..... Publllheel Or1nge Cout Del~ "8.JC M>'f1C( Tc.:.~ PmUC m11Cl Piiot • .,,., 24, 31, Auo 7, 1~ ..... , ......., r=:.. ..an110U1 .. ,a•• a. a.itr., ... Cir., c.... ..._ ""'°""°"' rtalC NOTlCl MM9 ITAW ~GP CAI ..... ....... ,. . t1'e ~,.,_ .. doing °' ...... The folowtnO l*'IOl'I .,. doing ~ ...._.. bUllftell • OMTA ~ ~-MA•ITATllmNT THI HOUllHOLO tTAf',, II be ~w:wd on Monday, IUl.1 le. 1962 at 2:00PM at tht ,,,_ Unlt.-d ~ ~ ~IT::a 0~~ Tiie followlng Ptfton It OOlftt tl1S Newport llY1~.:.wt'• 114. ~ p,~, ~ 1M .. "°"'* a.ti °' tlle C"Y MlJC m11Cl ~"!go. CA11}1.l.!i!.ANI OAMI"-:~· T-H-i 0 I M IT 0 H I ~9'~U°ta1LMAN, ltl ........ oi":_.. ~~.,..~~:::.:-.. :on-: ·, __ ...;..;;;;;;-.;-.;..-.. ____ I -" • vw """'LIM:T°"-MNA aoutll ""'40I, Or--. CeftlN dll -L CA..... 19111i1ft .. 1,......, ...... of Mid Qty OOuftOl tllld Oii ,_ 17'11 dlf of llOTIC90fl... 110T ...... Lw.111149AM.CA ~Ana,CAtt704 JOYCI tMOAl&.•, -401 •• 0 irP1Mr.tt1'.n._..,. ~_....,.... •• ..._ .. burcb of Rununuon a.chi Ca. With Bev. lUdr. l and the Huntlnato.n h Elka~ f[tlt UlcJatln1. The family •ll contrlbuUom be IO &lw Mliar Pro)lctl W\d of tb• lfuntlqtoA m., lOMO Talben, lll'D.:mt.iln VaDey, CL ft'10I, ltrn Brothen 8nUtht' M9'Clll 'TY tf106. NIAL P lUlKINO, 107 .......... --.CA"4!01, 1·,..., .......... Q\yOWl!oll.._lllfltM,.l1dllrotJ!iif,11a, ..,_ 11 ,_., .. 11111 .. Al.LEN LIOOWllCI, Hit ··--· °""4. eo.a MllM. CA bAYMANT!'!iJH1 ,._Dll .......... rOll Clll ..- wA ......... ,.. lile MS»I 11111 ........ ~CA~ 12e21 8'!.t~~-1. _ ·~1 ""1 AYle:CNd ....... sHll,...-...._,...._ for uy ••"• or llOllltln 1NI ~ta OOI.._.. llf I Tillt ~ 11 ~ i.y"' n• ~II f _... "" • N09I' ~ .,..,,... • .1otW1aOft. OOl'llt ... " .,,.. ...... ... ...... ......... • ............. , -Le' AllllNT1 OMIOI ............ . ...... on•.._, .... ..._ ~ O, ~ " Niii '· LIMMQ -~ CliM.. = If WITMll WHUllCW , ...,. ........ ""I,_. d ....... cm. ..... -~ 1MI. ~Tilll •.!!,_"'!."~ ~'_! ~Tl!ll ~ ... W Wltf'I 1flt ,,_SI :ietlt _. ... Ill .., of tie~ of c-. M.. .. JOI\'-f/1Nl:J,1m. L.-... ....... __. .._.. ---.... -..... ... "a.t Of Or-.~ ... CNllv a.ti .. ar.,... '" --·· ..... no1w ....... 1tt ~ t.a. _ 1,1.., Ntflt,1e. ~ .... _._... ..,..AM.CA~ ... _ ",..,. • ~ *' ........ ~ L ,u.i..-Ofllllft c... Oalty "'~ Or .... 0.... ~ flut>~• OH~ Co••• Dalt~ "' ......... °'.,... CoM1 o.~ .... a. .. OilM ... Not. .Mt U, •;11;. tMI .... _. 14. at. -., 1, M. ,_-""°'· 10, 11. 21. "11, tMI PIOC. JA#J 14; ltt AMI-1, '"-·J!• ll'Utlllltlect 0...-OOM1 p., ~ Mr ~ 1Mt 1141-a adOo4I • ,1 a1a...a • .. ,.,. .. 1 •1 ' I . . , . I i • • .1 . .. f I I ·1 l ~\ - ! MtTIOI t~ mU'-T AMD TO ·~· ffiaMT TO OOftNutaOii:.01111 I •• "°"' ...,:=~11C11" I, VOUfll ltfllOltllilTY II , .. '0flllCLOIU"I H OAUH YOO AN lltilNO IN YOU" 'l,YMl!NTI, rf MAY H 10\.0 WITHOUT ANY ~T AOTIOH, an<t you~ 111,.. the "911 rtallt 10 brine 'fOUf acoount In good eflndlng by peylng Ill Of your PHI due p1ym1nt1 plu1 permllted 00111 end up1na11 Wlltlln tine (I) monthl trom tn. d1t1 11111 ,..olloe ot Oeleull w11 reootded .. anown 1n the \IPPI' rlaht llltld OOfnet lt>CM, "T'Ne amou.nt It I UU.oo 11 ol Jul1I 10, 1t12, and wtll lnorwae deity untM your ~nl beoomel CUNWt1. You mey not hlVI to pey lhl .-itll• unpeld portion Of your IOOIWlll, ~ though lull Plvmtnl II dllnendld. but you mu11 PIY in. lmOllOI etalld eb0\19. UnlHI lhl obll9111on btlng fol aclOlld \IPOl1 permit• • IOnQer period, you "-lhl llQll right lo 11op '"' t~ only by Pl)WIQ thl entire amount demanded by yo.11 ctedltor wtthln thr11 (3) montn• lfllf 1"' d1i. of thll documlnl'I r1cord1 tlon, whleh d111 ol recordlno 8'IPM'9 hereon To find out IM lllnOUnl you muat pay, or lo 1nenot lor peyment to atop the tor10101ur1. or II your property II In forlCllolurl for eny othlt fllllOI\, con tee 1 Lii H Ourtl, Altornty II Lew, 896 Town Centi( Oflve, Sult• aoo. Colla Miiia. CaHfornta 92828 Tel 714) 841· 1397 ti you hive lllY queetton1. you ahoulct contact 1 l1wy1r or the govemment egency wlllch m1y h1111 fMUred your loan. RE MEMBER, YOU MAY LOSE LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT TAKE Pf'IOMPT ACTION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll THE TOWN SQUARE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC hu 1 llen upon lhl rlll property known .. aoo Weet Third Str11t, C· 104, Senta An•. C1lllornl1. wnlch 11 11g11ty delcrlbed 11: Unit 42 ol lot 1 of Trect 10680 11 per INIP recorded tn Book 487, PIQll 33 & 34, lnciu.tlll, of which Dliorll Chevron la The ~ ol reoord and Mid Lien hit ll'IMn by virtue ol 1 01cl1r1 Tlon ol Cov1n1nu. Condlllona 1nd AISlrlc;tlonl (herelnaner "CC&R'a"I recorded on Mey 9, 198Q In Book 13eoS, Pagel 878, ll1clullve. Oflldll ~da of Mid ~nty, Cllllomla, 11 ~Id 10 lhe subject property NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN thll • brMCtl of thl ot>llOltton for which uld Uln Wll given M MCUrlly hU OCCllKl'ed In lhll the peymenta ol HHHmlnl• Ind ChlrQll dul~ levied by aald Allociallon 1g11n11 thl eubjlc1 property -• not pe1c1 whirl due. and tlll remain due, OWlnQ Ind unpaid u fOllOwl AHIHmlnll which u1 more then thirty d1y1 paat due. ptu1 aub11quent UMllll\lf'lll, together with I~ thereon trom Mid dall, II Thi ra11 Of 10 peroen1 per annum, In lddltlon to 1Uomey'1 '-· Cotti and Ill• m argu u Mt forth In aeld CC&R'a together with eny end 111 tlUrTll lldvancld by the Allocl•llon or Ila IQ'W\ll, under the term• and P!'Ovtslons of Mid CC&R'e NOTICE IS FUR'THER QIVEN thal uld Alloel1tlon, through lie du!y appointed agent, hu executed and ClellYll'ed 1 written declar1tlon ol dellll>lt and demand for 1111. and 1111 1urr1ndu1d all docum1n11 111ld1ncln9 obllg1t1ona 11cur1d lherlby. Ind hU declared Ind doee hereby dicier• 111 sum• MCUrld thereby Immediately due 1nd pey1bll. Ind has llleted Ind dole 1l1ct 10 c1u11 th• property d•acrlt>l«I 11>0111 to be 1011 10 Nlllfy the 01>llg1t1on1 due u ld Allodallon. TO DETERMINE IF REINSTATEMENT IS POSSIBLE ANO THE AMOUNT IF ANY. NECESSARY TO CURE THE DEFAULT. CONTACT Lei H. Dutil. Attorney &I !Aw, 885 Town Cerrter Oftvl. Sutte 800, eo.t1 Meel, Callfornl1 92828 Tel (7141 841-1397 DATED. June 10. 1982 THE TOWN SQUARE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. By: LEE H OURSf. Ill lltorney/agent STATE OF CALIFORNIAI )SS COUNTY OF ORANGE ) On June 10, 1982. before me. lhe undersigned, • Nolery Publlc In Ind tor the State ol Calllornl1. personally 1ppeer1d LEE H DURST. known to me to bl lhl duly 1uthorl11d 11\d d11lg n111d repr1M11t1t111e ol the AMOCllllorl which 1x1cut1d the wllhtn ln1trvmen1. known 10 me to bl thl person who executed th• within ln1trum1nt on behalf ol 11ld 8llOCllllon. Ind ICltnowll<IQ9d to me lhal Mid Asloellllon e•ecu•ld -WI TNESS MY HAND ANO OfFICIA.L. SEAL VIRGINIA BOUCHER Publlah•d Or1ng1 Coaet Diiiy Plot, July 24. 31. Aug 7. 14, 1982 3334-82 l'tll.IC M>TICC FlCTTTIOUS .U ... 11 NAm aTATlmJIT The lollowtng peraon 11 dotng ~ ... GOF WEST '83, 2750 S Hat~ Blvd., Unit D. S1nt1 Monica, CA 112704. DALE P MASTELL. 27602 Tr.-1\lde Line. El Toro. CA tU30 Thil bUll,_ II conducted by Ill lndlvldull 0 P MWlll Thia atelemenl wu flied with the County Clerl! ol Orange ~nty on July 22, 1982. ,1'*2 Publl1h1d Or1n91 Co11t Dilly Piiot, July 24. 31, Aug 7, 14, 1982 3336-82 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUllMUI NAMI! ST A T'llMUfT The following per1on 11 doing bu1ln111 a WOLF 11 COLLENDER. ASSOCIATES. 17731 lrvtne Blvd Suill 108. Tu111n. CA 92880 OERALO A WOLF. 17731 lrvlrle Blvd • Suite 1011. Tu111n CA 92880 Thfl bullnffa 11 conducted by .,, lndMdu11 Gerllld A WOii flolie 1111-1 w .. flle(I wttn lhl COullty C""' Of Or Inge County on .Juty 7. 1982 'tt2IOT Publleh1d Ot1ng1 Co111 Dilly Ptloi. JiJly 10. 17, 24, 31, 19112 3_138-82 If It's got wheels, ~ou'lt move t faster In a Oallv Piiot classlfled ad.call 6'2-5678 and a f riendl~ ad· Visef'W II tteJpyou turn your wheels Jnto cash. . - ~ 0~1nge Oo11LOAll. V en.OT /S1turd1y.,July 2.~. ~1812 --.._ ---·--- 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F 1· E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 '1 8 ··---~ DOAUrTU W•UltYOUR 'OWNHOlm J.JiiiJJrW......,.,,,_ Mlf ,._·-,_,, ..a .,.,., ' MM •1 u MM " ....,;; ~;;, ......... ,,-.. i••r..'111 ........ ~ ;nr!Jm ........ mn rr-.~.,~~f ... r.:rr ""'~"'1! "tfflll Wtlflen/dryeft, Whltf ..,_., bookUN ~ .. lll'1nlt 6 INC• Alt ConcfrilOMi lll!e MW ~t. MM M~ t4I ehOOM frtfl'I, Nfflft . pllinted ht?, I 11-. UO tOr DoU\, IOOO bt11. -low ••t ...... • ... r.;n l I~, -Olll tN1W1. 111. 171-1101 1 141-?UI I . I em p I , C 1 t I : M.::. ~0:,,..~~ ---'" IAM.V AMINCAH .._ "-AY PU.... lll..WSI ,." M•MI illeylMWd,. ciMfr•;'i.-, ..u111 newt ~ It N71. alt, IL.lot rml '*"" "'*'· Lm Ill.UM --...,. '°' ~ · ~I llke'new I 1100. at-f.... Went\ 1100, MO NH. tend IOtNOM YOll 6ow 9*7HI t dr ,,.,,..'ti! 11.. • ......... 30•<t0. Meur• 8"5-7711 ~nc1a • bMutlful t>ouql#M Oftoliiiillii•illllillil• M$-toeo 1oo1c lor Ill dNW"e. 161. Frenoh oarved dining Miii.im ~ ,.,_. • .. ~ -~ 131.()4ff ...... I"""---"' for el oc:c;ulone. leet9 •1• ,-1 11 COldlpoc "91, ,toll frM. ,..,_,, • ..., _,, t!MI "Mete" OU1 of tOMe. ,. ,eo .,etlt nt fO; fso, GOtld 1221. 1011, ouetom ol\ocot11• 8"0-8300 na.«1t . 1pHk•r•. 1110 oacil\, M7·tt1t brown, ottoman, •olld M1gn1vo• '~ l'rovlt1· ~t ~ a... Hotpolnt Uprifhl ,,....,, well)UI blH. Orig Clal lltrto. IOlld •• , P ool TOI• ..... w / ·~=· .... ...., 21 .. •Ide 17 .. hlgtl. I 1IOO laor. 130 d .. lt . "ting oe b. bk· ~ 1100 L.octl· ' •r.4tt1 , 1100, Cell daz.1070 73048e1 01"'· Ch1nd•ll•r with •ble ott•• Wheel, tclak 1~~~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!! _.-..~-:-.;....;...., ___ Ol k McCarthy dNk, loll OfYSI .... 700.00t7 :':i.~~o~=-r. r. .• -. ' ~ I.at• model Phltoo. med. or oubby 110111 6 1to· P11ypen-1ol1 group, bltM* & whited~ room """I :;t: •tl•· 1voc1do, Oood rege.1. ooet l1t00, 11crl· gr•ndlatl\ef clock upfl equipment 1300. Auto ll-1-• LI ..... l1l4M l!..I. .... .......... ..... OOllCI. l:IOO. 17 .. 11"8. floe 11250, 846·1•10 queen llH btl,I with .... OtHetle pteyer 110. ••;";1';"'-'ff9"1 •nuu•• ~••••••••••••••• r::::..n'i••••••••••••• .... r.-........... .-. •••• ,,..., 118 ~ ~ 1&11.._ ... llll reo !>It In h"dboerd, K1ylk 126. 5"().24t1. lln«ll 1111 211 Co1Un1. lllbOe tilend Many huboat>t '40-'70 6 aerege H I• l•t·lun. Aetftget:atoi 1150. 11eo: .,... new fitted bedeprHd ........... ••••••••••• July u .July U , t•4, related ft1m1 . ·o dreftft19 table, ltlu.,., lfto O r gan 1380. llAUTIFUL. ou11 o m velvet plltow ehame: rror tale, t round trip 11t 1e· Avon lntlet1ble IPOf1 Baby 1t1m1, toy11 oak Jeepttlf, 'H 120I Ml , mlea. 20721 hf'ldPIOer ue.tt23. med• b edroom 111. lempe, corner oroup with c1111 ttottet on A"-IO•n bo11, good div• boa1, dMk, rum., prtn d11t Fri 111 8un f.8 1si111 llYlll ••1 0 Hk. DrHHr, corner itereo tble. New weter Alrllnee, good 11nywhere. 11000 or b .. 1 oller. ESTATE & front yard..... log 1 ~ •I , O M .. U Brown 0 .1 IJIC1rl0 Df\19f. group, 2 bed1. quitted b4ld comp. Oell mirror. B•t off., 840·8'73 54M7t2. 118 OnyK A11e. 8llbol 761·10"7 l'rl/81V8un. tAM. l'\irnl· good l:lond. 1100. oovere l plllow1. like Other ll•m• P I P KRUOEiRANOS. Old Clo--8-1111-d-you_r_own--c-.. -1-.,,,..-- lalend. Sat/Sun 11•8. y••t •at• lure . ~1me1, olOlhH, IMM1"8 lft 7prn, Shir· new/IN to 1ppr.cl1t•. 8"5·1320 1h 11 1 1urn11 ur 1 ran. 2 ... , Of molOI. 1 Orl1nt1I & Oocldent1I - -leltoh. 1 em.. SO 'l'I rnlte. 11)1. Mew 12250/ull tor •48-5737. 1tt~ a p-...... .. ... , ""'' • ~ entlqu ... oolleotlbl••· 211t & llden. l'\irn. clo-eoe 9111 St. Hunt. lklfl 11596. 645-9223. Beeutlful Sit '191our eo11, " -" ... com.,...te ,..., ,.....1 ...,.. edW11tll"" memorlbllla, thing, pl1nt1, llltlO 63M18e Au1ornetl0 W~ M• Blk n~ Strn llflhtonu. S1crlllc1 Movl~ bollll (90) 754 to ~Tr~ & ~Mlty lhed. . .., ·--k1n1 •·1 I'" .. ~ ood mone 1 100. 846·19'"5 11.7 11ch Sm, med. Me .. e .,.,... .-..... .-151 toya. book .. tine, l!di.ot\ --. ... •D hl•ll SM. Jufy 2•. 25 Cn ,... a con ltlon. Hto.•-. 1100. " & 78 rpm reoord1, 3115 EVEfllVTHINQ 0011. Wiit 10AM to 6PM, 18261 17 · 22' I! 18th. C.M. 873-0787 Dining room table w/6 latge 894-8947 anytime 12 ' FIBEROLA88 Fl· 1(11 .. y printing preu , 9Mg11n H~·bld 128 Brookhuret •U H.B ch1 lr1, whit• w/ye llow Mclane front throw ,... SHIMO BO AT w/du1I !Md type. type drewere, Ollhwlllh« 125. ICy Rifle Furn., dllhM, glu.w.te, Eleetrto d(yer & '#Uh«. lnl IM trim. 1150. 5"&-7482 mower 7 blldll 25" llec trolling motor. & 1'11', rubber 1t1mp·m1klng 175 St..o 126. lawn-110 ou .. t perking 1t $04 bOth pee. f76 769-1010 11__ 1 •-•, llll ~:.•1d,,..~ w 1 c e taeo' ~~.!..'..lrnee. ..... ~<!!1"°° machine. tool1, kitchen mower 126 WWII 81yo-clubflouM. 11441-2165 Queen Olk plaJlomi bid .., .. , _,, .,,,.,. v... _., -...,..._,, ll1m1, turnllur•, 1011 net 120. Mirror I ta. EKtrav,ant Multl Apart· 11 •-i·•-a nd mell re•• s2 oo ••••"'•••••••••••••••• Wanted· N1v5g1llon In· more Cuti ..... only. MOAE 2888 Bibb ... ~ ·-759 0 0 Mlpl• chr•, 11mp• & eeAUTIFUll 8'119 ' plelM 81 M l C M mini ale lurnl1hlng1. •••••••••••••••••••••• •t 1 lhldl9, tOml antlquee. Orl1n111 rug E11c11 ltructot on my own bolt, r · · IP0'1• equip. mene 10 TEN 8Pl!EO, 26" Cen1u. New e pee MOdullf Olk plcture1 & ml1c. 8332 cond S1cr111c1 1250 ~~t.,.lt~~ cu1"1 1 1 11 Alnn,n.nvAd lat ..... l ·I TV, dMk. 8110 rug. recll· IC>Md cullom, Mo-Ped rlon ~tom dlx, ltt. nw. b d 1 1 400 Mololtal, H8 Set only. 840-8930 Rllll n lov~1111, pair n e r. bookc1u. c er cheep. Sal/Sun, 21060 1150/0BO. 95~ 1:0-~:1~m 11 · ---------" &42'""300. 24 hr1. ve lvet ch1lr1, ou1tom rldlol, loll of tool•. 2 Lo~hl•• L•n•. •80, Sc:hwlnn blkll boyl 2•· l·Bed---------cc::?.: .~·b~•ofi2::.11g; .,,,.u...... SAILSOAROS king h11dbo1rd, gun ton ~d Jack & more. All1nt1 / Newl and. 10-epeed 145' sunci Rey room Ml 01'-d wllnut etereo & tape deck w/ Wat" IOll ALBINE 8RANO reek. guller, t1dl•• 10 t 199 lamlrlt Wey C.M. 980-70~. $35. Xlnt aond. 549.9551 King Medt>oerd, Mr. & nuhlng ~ht• "60. Lota •••••••••••••••••••••• Fectory dlreei. $4811. •• 1 1p11d, duplicate wld· 8°"811/Sun YARD SALE. Fri/Sit Mre.w/mlrrO<l&2com· of ,...,.or 1100. •--~ Wlnlld. B•by drHHr, E. Columbine. Sulla C. I lf1 I RACER QUITSI mOdel 1350. 769-1010 ..,. .,_ I ._, SA "''" •••" d ng g '· m IC ICOMIO-Vent hood, kg bid frame. 2312•. Furn., OemH, GIOS 50 CM Strada clleal Mt S tOO. Porte chaog no''"' butlnett, ,..__,, r .... 119 Ruby, Belboe '70 Honda XL 100. Ml· Clothlng. 8181 P1U11da xlnt $90(). &!19-50&4 01k 81u11t Dining Rm bar with retr1g w/fr._., &45..0327. ,..,,, #ul.al - l•lend meta, Stlngrey bike, pie· Or. HB. table ll•rge), e chr• Ell· 1300. Lge birch table. e #lllt•I Li/•tlf H3f C.n .. Ill #U tu,..., boolll, met1I cote. Lf t1tJ ••• B~~;·0~er good cond. a~~;!o:3J~~.~~ chelra & urvlng ber /•ltll•l•ll IOI, ... ":\.""-. ........... . •••••••••••••••••••••• F1rb1rw1r• rot. 2779 M•l•I turret 111,,. '600· s e 5 o. C 1 • n on I y . •••••••••••••••••••••• TIPlllEI IMIS MOVING SALE • Every. Tern Cir. 811 9·3 torque wrench 186. CB 549-l040 dO.efl't 11'· 556-0998. OUITAA. Arllnl c111elc1I Sz 1o. S30. 873--&096 thing muat go. Furn. 3 F1mlly 01r1g1 Sele b ... with entenn1 1120; 1111'1•1 Hor1H IOIO Brand new $50 Call --------- bed•. l1mp1, dl1he1. TV'•. 11bl•, chrt, b41de, 1tereo hutch, much mite. Mltl...i.11 IOZS •••••••••••••••••••••• 536·2481 221 UOIH tll, clothee, mite. 1'1, bookl, tho••. 11mp1, dl•n••. 17801 Oulnltnl Ln. H.B .••••••• !!~........... Ftrnaure Sale A.Q.H.A. Reg 3 yr old 873-8006 appl, •tereo. Sal/Sun toy1 & ciothea, 10C·lllOO. Slater end EdW11d1 IOW •to/n, H Ally, White sock•. blez•. KING 25K old Flull, APP' 9AM·4PM. 4~9'h Helle>-9 l/S ft .. -2· e • lat/I 10 tlll ... II 12700, lmm1c cond 8HP Chryellr, 3 Yrl Old, trope, CdM. S~ un •·v . .,.. D •lier SAT·SUN Beech-Werner Aedwood 2x8 decking. II •· uen mane and 1111 St11111 S2400 494-41719 rune greet. lookl greet 1 .._. · Cloth11. couchH. di•· •·20' long; allO redwood "'1111111 OREEI Stao<>. 853•3551 KHlno 6 ell PA-Hiid $500 (213) 487·9057 ron .....,a, ladlM lkl boeb 4 FAMILY OARAOE SALE hel. Ill goee rNI Cheep. fencing. Can Jim or l(en High qu1llty Dreul, 125 well AMS, 2 P11v1~ 11191· (7 '4) 973.3717 & clolhH , typewrite r , 824 Congr-. CM. •n-;11me, 77s-1.-91 Herllege, Henrldon, etc 1g01,.jf11 c.Hi IOll ' wlmd• •ddlng m~ & more. Set Only! tAM-3PM. ..,.....,, lfffj Chine. cryetal & ecce•· i •••••••••••••••••••••• cebineta w/ 15" apli.ra & ---------Set 9-3. 1007 Tiiier WI)', Chlld en' Clothll ····•I"••••••••••••••••• 200 Boerd ti 1 Inch 90lld IOrlM lllO 2 Levelor Rull Bllnde. horn• S 4 5 o I Ir m Berlenl Mlf talHng No. 27. CdM. Ilk• ~.w~ m1n'1 &'°::.SAT/July 2•. 10em to walnut 8 loot wide 120 57'h W it69'h"long.Uke 642-8155 2000 all 'I\' fir"-· Maple S.Oroom Set. e· men'• clothH. blk11. ~ ~iS:.leiJQO:,: MCh. &42-0882 e Sandb11 I new SSO .. 556-9154 ~. Vloun xlnt cond Celt 71•1&e1~t87 Sole. Cortege C<Jnalna. glrla & boy1. 1urlln9 dltlon Sele. Prlcel truly 750 Bo.rd ti. Solid Teele Coron1 dll Mlf Tilleny Style lempa. 11• $225 or mike offe< Smell refrlgefaUon unit. 2 Mi.c. 513'n Jumlne Ave. equip. Ski equip. lote ol extreordlnery Quellty 1'h In x 1• ,fn s 1 50 per ci'led tulip lhedea, Floor, 549-1040 • 18 Barlow Wlnch11 ah"" du ... wtlellblfrowa. Hlhld odd• & end• Lael entlquee for home or of· loot. Cut1om mtlled table, & 1w1g S 195 Olli F 't • Sh Hiier 'h" H1ly1rd ladder~: Ill• cabinet, day 111• • everything nc. 54" o.tc octagonal M :?-0852 a piece M1dll lull elze 556-9154 · to Ital •II• Stopper 10111 S335 teblel houMhold baby goes. Mike olflfl cont 11bte, oak break· "·-..._ Bdrm S • t S 2 5 0 5 0 0 k S Roll ••• ~~!f~~!! .... f.~! _9_5_5_.o_s_•_o ____ _ & mlse. lternt. Toe Mar· Ol1hw11h1r. good cond front. lrl9h ChlJ)9endele __ ,,,, • wrought Iron ber 1toot1 I O<geoua. a .• IOP FANTASTIC DEALSI Can~. Noni 17'. fiber· guerite. S1VSun 185 2•53 Senti An1 gr1ndl1the r'1 clock. ~all!••I 1030 1 15 11ch Merbl1 lop dllk and swivel chair Xerox 3100 eoplet, full glua, like,_, belt of- Ave C09tl M ... Fri/Sit Pertner's d11k. lremed •••• • •••••• •••••••• coffM llble S40 9 Asp. LIN then yr old. Coet pick up 23 peyrnents or fer Ken 64•-8494 Sacrlllcel furn .. akle / • prlnll stained glass en-135mm F2 5. P Telcumet • n Tr 11 . 1r 111 n e over 11300. asking $795. booll, anllquH, pain· ...,_ l&LI 1..,,...1y', ,._.,.'* tabrlG.I, lens. i nd IU1o-wlnder tor 552-84191 _5_56-_9_1_5_• ______ si35 78 mo Currently WANTED TO BUY 4 Per· ti .... _,......_, "''" 21n .,~ .._,, P1nt111 Both llkl ne I unde r Xerox service son Avon re11on1ble o'::en .....,od,_Cd .. "" • AnllquH , furn, toole, $4 to 110 yrd. Acx:eMO-$76 ee 55e-lll5" w Need SSS duperllely. Brown lllnyl ch111r & aof1 agreement Also IB M price 644.0574 r • .... toye. bunnlH & blrde. rle1 & funcque 1539 Must eec. 7 pc 1111 rm (q-hlde-•·b41d) looks Se I e ctr 1 c 11 • 111 • Cnt• .... Set only ~PM, 2014 1 Monrovll Ave. C.11 IOJS seoo firm 5 pc bdrm... Ilk• le1ther. 9x12 •hag correcting typewrtler 55 HP Hometlte 4-cycie •••••••••••••••••••••• 81yvlew,8ent1An1Hgt1 MOVING SALE·S t 9•5 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1375. Din rm 111 1376 cerpet.64•-7701 S850 IBM Selectric oulbo1rd Long theft 3 1 · Hlm1l1yan klll1n1. CFA, S250 All I I I d B t tt "''"' 1980 FAMILY SALE: Kaw•· Elec: ~. F/F relrlg. !lime blue 1111 point Whirlpool weher. 175. Jnnlr1 1010 n 11 n con " o "· ..,_. IWlP Mm Mkl 100 dirt bike. clo· 12· redwood potting s125.i150. Atcar<1o line 841-6633 •••••• -.-............... 6 44-0783. 640.94 T8 Free 18' hull Every Sunday, 8em·3pm thing, Aquulum, cpla, bench. Kenmore gea dryr 5•0•1750 • .,..,.FIL Beaullful YELLOW SAP· wknda ICl·l 1H Orange Coatt College 1011 of mllC. 273 Sher· + 100'1 of other ltemt. .-.u PHIAE, Only 1201 ANSWERING SERV Fairview & Arlington, wood. St. 831·5278 2045 Port Cheleta. CdM. Decorator cocktlll table. 640-8688 s15 Rowing Boll Single Fb· glaa tcull w/eng recl119 oara S 1050. 675-3767 C09ta M .... Adml11lon ,._,, IHO 1-ln thick, Luette top wllh • free lo buyers. Se ller SUNDAY 9 AM. Moving/Garage Sei. Anti· ':"~•••••••••••••••••• IOlld br111 ......,, and gold #11junr 1011 730·•77o ••• ""· .. , CM Cl t'"-I 1 NEWFOUNDLAND PUP ""' • ;;,, R~1Uona/lnfo. "'"" u.rr.... . o ,,..., quea, urn lure, ml1c. leaf: dlnl"" ltble and 4 •••••••• •••••••••••• • M Ot,~ .... ltllt .. _ ...... , odd & d 8 I I 9 5 2 '02 AKC. lem111, Ill anota, "• -•"Im nMP • .., 5541-5880 """" . • en • • . on i. . ~ ch I $400 838 30e chetre, lrM •tending ber --In uce lent cond 1~~~~~~~~~ OARAOE SALE·Booka. Bayf11m I. Santa Ana · ared. ·2 end 3 1I0011. Aefrlg end 15550 • 559·1833 848•8402. 642•8606 Oanlorth Type I Elec1rlc heed In box. never uMd, under warr $450. Garage Sele • Lot• of 10011, gluawere. mlec. Helghta, off M ... & Ir-Greet Dane pup, lntllll· m I n7y m I• c 1 t • m • •1·-Jl••Hll IOIO Goodllll Sal/Sun 1Q..4 427 Walnut Pl. C.M. s111_111_,,.________ ;ence. beauty. comp•· 640-775 or &4~953 ~·.-:.-..:'•••••••••••••• Exec Wood Desk, 7 dre· 675-3767 war eat top + swivel --------- c h t \ r S 2 0 0 I 0 8 0 ... II IOWI f040 879 Arbof' SI. (Nr 19th & 8-? GARAGE SALE. Sit & nlonahlp, xlnl dlepoel· Moving Pl1y Pen Sola, Piil TllU Monrovte), C.M. ~'[wln""'.""_l1_r_ol_llt_ICIO.,---. _C._oec_o_<J_• & Sun 11·3 pm 183 9 lion. 1350/otr. 838'""892 Dbl Bed. FWirloe. Delk. Slate. Gotham. V. az s.48*9111 ·····'················ O~ ... A.,..R_A __ O.,..E_S_A-LE-.-H-lg_h_c_h_r, SlrolM hi Chlk 120 11. Newport Hiiie Or. E. Springer Spenlel pupplet, Mull Miii 875-3223 '600. 545-8519 playpen, bMIM, 11ereo, Crib & mllH•U 150. 64+-2<>39. Mite. pierlll. AKC. 8 ... old, i9o & Trund .. Bed & metclllng 1---211 -- tO)'a & mlec. tt.ma. H3 Many b1by Item• plu1 l~delk~ii·!ibedijij~· ~iiijiiiiiiiiiiii up. 'n0.2"32 OUk .&. Drauer 1.275 a 10 20' IOno 3114 per ti ---------Cl111lc 18" L1p1trake Desks 3-dwr ea 1td1. & Century bay bolt. • cyt. center dwr. s ide chrt, Orey 13500 675-6181 11111 copy m1c11tn1 111· Glutton C1r ~ 873-toeO flahlng boat, 125 JOhn· Cheyenne 81. CM. 8 11 hOuHw1r.. Set only 11 OobM Pupa, uc:epllonel OBO 559-7902 776-1491 an.:.lme · only. M . 941 AzalM Dr (off .. , ... ~ plUI flllrl q 11 t f I ,. ....... h181e .... 11t time evef. 25 yn ol coll1ct1ble1. Take •d· v1n11.g .. of neopl!ll•• Gleuwere, household Items. knl~·kn1c1. kit· chen WWI llC 1981 Su- zuki 250X Honda TL 125. 1978 BYlllCO, mite cycle equipment. 811/Sun a..pm. 8M Senet• SI, C.M. 8unllow•rl c M Of ICCjimu!atf,\• Furnl· UI y o~ •• , OU I CORNEA BEDROOM ..... ""'11 tur•, ~ c:ollec· buyer9 XJnt 81 Chtmp GROUP 3 ...__ eertn. ltert U• SM4 -l•bifft•\C· 1 Bl1on p•d~ree l lrl CH lonet, •k•~: 1225. 9X12.N-$125 orl>at .......... ,.... ~jfb.":~bB~ru~~ PPD .. 0. l ge muatve 640-5287 I otter 64&-7202 d!;f.&U:OO melea. Bred for beauty, •1•11lul TMh -breln1 & Jl'OllCI._, MARBLE COFFEE TAB· STEALING SILVER CAN· wh-1 berrow1, plok1. f1mll1 ret11d. HHllh· LE. 20"•50" w/lron DLESTICKS. line cond lhovela. wood .,,d Iron Tr..-MI SYrprlMll temp guer. Show/pet b111 Lk/new. $75 S235IP'-548·5715 tl1 ke1. etc· ll mpe. ~~;~~::tro -:!:t:ro~ Trllnlng 111911. $200 & Up &40-6287 Women's white roller bedaprMda, di.Ma, lot• Beacon 81y. N-"o .... ~ AATTAN BA .. 7' long, skttea Sl2.50 Size 8-9 ot ~-· 820 Center ·-.. " "' c "~• "7 5 S•l·Sun t AM lo 3 PM One Mlnt1tur1 Pom--•· Formlcl t"", w/8 1tools all .,...,.~ 1 St ( el~) S•l·Sun 9-5 ,.... v.-iftiilH .Mn ~· AKC, .note, lk/new $450. IM0-6287 WEOOJN<l DRESS. Sill VERY SIG SALE Mite lteme, 1kl (pr). {~53-3551 like new. 3 Captain'• l6. White aalln & l1Ce. Set/Sun, not b1fot1 1 •..-It .,1 i-s _1,,.. bar 11 ....... ,, w-'nul, S85, 548·5715 For 1111 XEROX 2800 Copier 12.000 Beat Of· ler Steve 951-7007 aon. 11nc1«n '"'' Comp!. equipped. Xlnl cond. $4500 638-1520 1111 IOl7 FOR SALE OR TRADE. • •• •• ••• ••••••. ••••. •• fine 32" ~ffreys. $8500 MIUT ARY MA.CAW 3 yrs Clean cond 494.2043 old $800 Incl• lge cage ( 7 1 4 ) 8 9 1 2 6 6 5 0 r 23 Inboard open bO•!· 531·4212 pedeetll steering Don t overlook this price' $5500 hrm 645-1410 Alrtcan Grey p1rro1 & cage, 6 mos old. S200 642·1304 25" BAYLINEA '72 Cabin MfKC C~. ~ cond $6900 675·8032 tAM. 1575 Orange Ave amp. vacuum. Clothes, ,._ •~ -""' ... Beeutllul Cock1llel with brk;..•bfac, ~ Oenvlne •••••••••••••••••••••• br ... tall. $125 ... now COMFOATEA. king SIZI new cage $50 --------- End ol Gigantic Oerege TODAY 9AM Booke. ty· Allen wrench ..... New, FREE Halfcut1 oflered by 1 150 for 111 3. 551-«38 98x98 Plum 545 7e94 13'6" Botton Whaler. eele. AU Items 'h price. pewrllera, ctoclc1, radlol, below wholtHI• 1520 Ctrtton Inn by lie 8tytl1t se5 · · • 3 5 h P E 11 In rude. 111 n t Set/Sun 9~. 1882 Whll· recordl, furniture. hou· R 9 · every Wed eve it 7•00 1 Bedroom Dr-from · 768-6629 POODLE 7 wka AKC. cond. 14600 552·5610 tier, coat• MflM. uhold lteme, adding uth Ln. • 1 38"0 so. p1.,.· Or. (So: Star Dull Hotel l80. Picnic tbl, real formal, M-bus 6 45·2 420. re.e 24, Sklpjack open Im· ANTIQUE DRESSEA. meohlnll, berbequ11 Oerden tool•. blcycle. Cou t Vlllege). S.A. No 646-78414 xagon. 6 matcnlng ben-$150 960~ 175 mic. cond . .° lo hrs: tr!<. M h end Iota of good atuff toya. atclle ind houMhold call• Din rm 11 .. ..-& .. ch·'re. ches. Polyureth1ne II· B v F • ooany ve ry well · llema Sat 11-3 547 Sent ---------.,.... v ., $ Parrot. 1by Double VII· H . m1ny 1ctras, I 15, made. Approx. early 2 13" N1t1on11 . C M An• tin •lie)') • Year old KMlhound mix 1250. Sof1. wtit n1ug1. ,_n_llh_. _1oo_._5_4o_._1_7_35__ low Heed. 9 -k• old 500 557-1568. 775"-7058 1940'1. $475. Wiii take 642-7&47 mile. All lhot1, trained, hydl 135 Stlfeo cab. 5'. Plnball machine $450 548-54..0 bast oll•r. Other Mlle 1o~,_A.,--A_A_O_E_S __ A_L_E_2_2_4_11 Oerege Siie 24th & 25th. loveable. 842-8583 135. COllH tbl s 10. '"Rice Car" S300 ---------'79 lnv1der 1911 IU>C bay 11em1. cai1 549..0578 •f· Min«. CM. (Corner Min. t502 H•ven Pt .. N.B. (In ----------~--------642-5937 l/un I Orr••• IOH & •kl bo•1. 250 hi p 5 k •lie) F 11 bt'-To gd hm Young fem ---------•••••••••••• ••••••••• Mercrula•r S8900 ter pm wee d•)'•. or er & Wlleon) Furn. clo· Y urn ure, "''· "'-. S~d. 10.d~·· 5' open hearth trlple 400 B1ldwln Perlor Grend 76().1334 675-8708 II no .,,_ 11 tMI. rlfrlg. 11.,90, beds. bench preu. w1lghl1, """'"' . ....,....~ "' d 1... Yd• uMd carpet, C1· 1bove num...__. Sit ... 3. """"'le boerda, !Int. 11e-od. w/kld1. &42-8277 • . ,,_, .... ,_ mel color. Sl.50 per yd 5 · 8 · ·. m •hog• n Y -.--------.,.,., • ........ ll. 1275. 5"~987 u d di I I $7500/bst ofr 494 ... 440 42 H Mtllhewa, twn dSI "'-'-h reo, mite.other lllml. H 11 •P •Y on Y =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 8r11101 Live 1bo1rd •..nv borhoosl Sei.. Ptl)I· ANTIQUE RESTORATION HTATl/•••••r Fr9I 10 9ood home 11 wk Patio chair, xlnt cond 548-5518. or • s 511 . 5ll0 pp ( 2 1 3) pen, mlPll dining lbl & SHOP CLOSING & AnU· -old ltrlped femlll kitten white w/blue pad. 135. 645-4509 Beeutllul 19th C1n1ury 6 9 6 . 2 515 t . ( 7 1 4 t C Svl roct!k er. hlde-•·bed . que Shop cloled, loll ol a.o.. Chalfa. lemps. Ill 842.2(Mg 831·1087 Patio g•• heller. Sun· Boeendorter concerl 760·1t78 he<: wrlllr. clothH, greet atull 11 greet hou11hold Item•. 152• grand, Rosewood t875 ---------miac:. 3087·92 Piette Dr. price•, antique dlahH. lrvtoe Ave. (et 20th.) 9°" Young fem Golden ~b. Sole. tOOM plllow back .• 8 r:w· 7in ti high. $50 17500 545·3886 Pp CIUSI<: bey leuncti. recent CM. Set 8-5. furn, 1rchllectur1I pie· 811/SYn. very 1weel/gent11. to II, ce lery green I 100 &-5518· 645--4509 bottom cle1nlng, p1inl M 13 1ac 71 . SG .. ~nons•~-:'·,:'':.Uc.~AM. 878 ••irf•eit f•ll tf good home. M2-4088 =~~~end tlble 125. Hot tub. Incl. h11ter. Baby Grend Piino. 5•9• 1_11_B_. _s2_500 __ &1_s.._183_5_ ,._, ...... llllf' DeMf1 TcwtolM & loc> ... • pump, fence & mite Xlnt cond S4000/bll 1959 25 Chris Cretl w/ Sal/Sun 9-3 ,, .. ui. "·"~ f1111lt1lr• .... h red rebbtt free If you PIY DINING ROOM SUITE equip R•talll tor $3200. 5 4 9 . I 2 7 7 1111 1 0. ••Ip. 91pa 4, new uphoft . .,.,,, ..... ..., 1......,. EXC eitc cond eolld S1800 or beat olr .. 27 30.. N PATIO SALE etec: omc. •••••••••••••• ••••••• • t y t ti t If .. J .... ,,.,,. 'vw 857 ... 876 " . ~~ ,_ cenvu top eecla • 2 • • IOerage Sele 24th. 25th. • w1lnu1, 15 pc1 txittet.1 _________ ---------eng work . h11 327 mu91c. 9P0'11. &4, 18th Many treeblH . 18174 111•11 EYt. SH• Beeutlful P\I,. llftllte pan chin• Incl. 1395 frm IBM Peraonll Computer· PIANO • R1bH upright Chevy. Bait tenk. Asking Place. CM. Wllnd• Mt. Nlmbul, F.V. Euclld/ Pereten M. Cet. Apx 3 548-0387 App .. 11 Mod 111 Prlntera Xlnt tones nice cabinet $4000/otr 838--0271 ........ Edinger rlflo• Prlo••· moe, 8"2-9821 Sole. 7'. Brown Pl.id. $95 $2995/bsl ofr B73·1422. 1595, cell 847-7017 2961 Royal P1lm1 Or. The 1111911 drew In the Oatl 141-0101 er Oollle Terrier Mlll, meJe Good Cond. 1·998-5141 Plano wentld s ........ LJbr•"' w I D p ••• •••• 1~yr• old, need• """" 960.3545 Bl~k Ind "--k-..... Avy Spinet $200/1300 ""'' _, .. . • 111y llot ..w•& ,. home 8"1·104111 .~ -..,_ -,,.. 5411-7272 78 Cerevlll• 20' Cuddy C1.bln. tandem trlr. xtru. $8995 (714) 853·7801 Have eomethlng to Mii? Clllllfled Ad. Cell Todly ftr llft,.,•lfltl, 2 Rec:ttnere. Brown Velvet duly ·~·· drlll $86. Like SKIPJACK 24 11. OPEN Ctaulfled Id• do It well. 842·5178 1 ' fuaJ,.rt IHO lftllclllng. "-· 548•8212 11'!!,ll!f. llHll IOH CRUISER. 130HP. dleMI 'i!~~~-~-~~~~~1111-----~!iiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"I ~j,:;0·j;.j,j!J\s'P·A1;;o·ex~ 1 100 ... 960-3545 "RED HEAD" 311" ham-• ••••• •••••••••••••• aog. 1u10 p1101. iota ot H1l• WHtt' 7100 H1l• W•alttl 7100 Aat/nn "'' TRA FIRM mettreM Mt 10 Pct Dining Room mer drlll $70 Ilk• n-. a.l's l•trt lwa" 11tr11. S 15,500/ol r •••'•••••••••••••••••• •••'••••••••••••••••" ••••'--•••••••••••••••• never uM(I. worth &530: Set. ssoo 548-8212 We buy end Mii qu1llty 542-415..0 ev.. ~ery FIT Small En· TtltJltilt ltllolttn WESTMINSTER aec. S2d del. Never 6•5-9688 Antique cerpenter1 planer uMd •porting equip, on 17' Steven• V·drtve, 1111. gr lab: Oood typing Needed lmrn1dl1tely. ABBEY u11d queen H , worth (Mt) S200. consignment Snow 440 Chry1l1r, m1ny skllla, •hol1h1nd requl· Idell for 1tudeflt1 or ho-ANTIQUE MALL 1398, CHh only, 1218 2c~.l'~d~~;~,~~ End 548-8212 Skiing. wind surfing, xtr ... Mutt ... $4500. =.!:!·~=-,~~comm memlkert. Evee 3-t . No 11751 W•tmtnater Ave del. U1u111y home, 8"5·98ee Sliding W''' door, com· ::'::d•,k~'!°cktenp~:kl~grf, 5"8~502 ,.._. · • Mlllng. Airport erM Celt OAROEN GAOVE . 764-7360 , ____ __. ___ _ bet. 9-12. 6"0-4&47, tit t 55-4.e103 ou Pilnllt19, 55" wide x plete. S O/bet otr. clothing lor 111 1bo11e 1978 20· SklpJtek. IUllTAIY pm, 986-016 1. **' BUY** 32" high. SCltle 546-4802 1port1. 8•5·•310. 1779 Volvo Pent•. Owner A11pon1lbl• perton to T $40 e,u.geae Megtc llllnd Gold Card Newpon Blvd CM. wenta otter. S.. It handle variety and hMV)' ... ,.Mt laltt Ant= MWlr, ~"'f"lne Good uMd f'Umlture & King Sz bed w /boit Membership for Sile. RIP CURL MEN'S WET Newp::r:. Pee If lo phonM. Sh0f1h1nd. Fa-Fo4tow up, no cold call•. Cl · .. 7 ....... 100. AppllenoM-()fll I"'"'.... h II 160 1875 &44·2816 SUIT Large, , _____ 3880 ___ _ thlon talend, non· PIT Coe11Mellofc.For fJ ........, 0t8EU.torYou •prnga, m• ""· · · $76. 1ee-ee21121·w11cr11tw(rad+o,t ... emolter. Salary com· Into, Cell 831·7200. Aek Old r"""I top .o&At. _,........... ••--• a--. obo. 00 8"~t172 Boot Table. 1150. Sten-h 1 • ....... c "' --...,,,... _,_. _.,_ "'·-· Wiiton __. elec maeeage p on11, • pl ... cell men1ur1te wtlh Hplr "" Mr. lflOl'I edl. chllr 11875. o.riv. ... Mii llJ.•H Double mll1rlll/boll epr. dard Ille . ..-·1 Cham-roller nre"'new. Coel l310 K 1 11 h , t 8 2 • 7 7 8 8 : end 1blllty. Mre. Ed· T~ a.... red. 849-3152 w/freme, Ilk• MW. 170. plonll\lp. 11•1 8A2·6319 MO a1eo. ~13 851~140 1#_,da. 8"0-15111 E.-n Ilg Money by the 1 llf W1'91 846-f148 8" 7prn, Stllr· Otd Turquojee Rlnga end -------- Secr .. lllal WOf1I & mlao. bHCh, 1300· 11000/ French Poll1h Walnut L• H7 ... 1S3 ley Bracelet. Men & wo· Indoor JoOQlf lrttdmlll. 1986 H ' Owen Cabin ~ wood~~~~~~- P•rl time your home. .._.Cell 131-7511. 1846 bMUlltul 1ttl'I oert-New~ mettl'MI... Sofa led, queen *9 "'' n • S 1O·S4 0 O . 17 le)' !\Illy~ Hwpt toti ';!.~.l.:*""· have ur TOllphone lolioltOfl tury ~orf•oef'Ol'1 185. N•w queen eize'. goodcond.1 125. 831.()948 .,..,. a.5-48-« 13 11tp 1v111.' StOOO. ....,Alf/mt. Marleettng de~t. hH op4"'11ng In NPT I CH. Fin. ~ fln'n. Good ty. pl~, 8/H lkllll, E.qllf. req d. Non~llftler perl. Call 840-0121 " ..,..... ....... ......... Part 11me ...._ e dlys. 3e h,_ 8' I&~ hr. Muet be upet. ""'· 176-227• 18ton oeetgn oo. '"k' fletd httttng .,......,. outeld• Ht•• ptt1on, IOfM oar ft'*9M f11r· "4ehed. A~ at M\tltl· rnedl9 o..lal\ eo. 1M I. 11U\, Mel. C.M. 'T l FUii Of par1 lime. As#f: grendJ~ PIP 1100. 750-M32 •te-2848 llTATI SALE Poot Teble,.,,... OOf\d,,. _8"_2_ .. _2_1" ____ _ 130 !. 17th It. 8t9 0, -Heevy wood •tudent'a Furn: e· 1011. wooden gulltlon4~1~· '57 CN1e <>aft~. 11'. Coete M91a. Mon · ''I. 1170 """"-" • ._ ......... -"', deell " d,...., 6 lhelt chre, end tble, ml1c . verl rue, reatored. '' • ..... """""'-'""""'_., K .......... 1p1c e 1411 b "--~ 'el~ fll1dlc•I 8PMd O•t•• SI 00 or bet ofr. I ttl 111 reflnlehed, Xtnt cond .. -... ltM at.ot41. 0 0 ..,..,_. '1111 1100. oooes oono. Mini &As.eec>o CA8l1PAIOOAILY lt200080e7S..t4&1 .. u.cont. P.U true. K•n g•roo 10011.•--------- c.tt Mr. I , 831 ... 1"8 Antique PIM Hutch '8" Whl'e wicker bO<*oaae Cane ToP COftM Tllble. llhoP equipment gllort, 845-7 77 ......... U' TOPLESS MOD&LS w )( 81" H•-. ccK.ntlV ,,.. '*'*'· W1. i e ·l ClUStom made, bMu-~~~t .!'~~.~ .. !!;,:::" or Lotided demO, beloW hie I .. 1 ""' ., ........._ -e--1101 tlTul oond 1171 obo ..., .. .,_, ,, ....... -M,!_K_~O. 10,Y10L,IE, '°9'1:1011. 1urf· co•t. t onlvl HU"""Y. 75 DAY• PAID OAtl.Y .,ty e. good condition. ·--.,... ,_ at-ot4t ' !UNI. df1ftll'IQ tbl, d rm .....,., ' "" no-.>• MO• 826-2513 1411. IMl-e2M Olct Mtho9. ;t.poater •qprnt. tome kltch•n· 1100. e 3-a73.1-8_7o..tOSO ______ _ ...... .... leaullM antique aaw 6 C•MOnblfl td t>Me. Otlve II'"" tot1 I love-Wlt9. Call •N·2842 BIWHALIR 13. .,. ~ "-'>·tor OOIMI In.• lall tMrttttub """ Plum-t1200/bel, ~ ..... Llk• "·" 1148 8ulCMr llOCk cutl11 tbl. rr. 1l.tlM N.w u HP MO. l1to0 nutty & J:ur. t1u'Jn: bl1'0 AIO. tl'M02"1 •f' round T~ Oof· bOttl. ...._28&8 "**11f*f drwr. tOO. C,.;;;' fi-... 8J3-.2050 for lnvHt. firm In Npt Adorabte otd en•m.i.ct fH 11111 ttlO. Cell 8hOW pn MT·M3t ••=t.n::r:-.. , ..... S!A RAY Wl(MDA 24' lctl. Typing, 10•11ty, oe. tto'll wortte QrMt ae-eoctll ~b. g91'1\e/cllnlt19 table. BIAUllflUL 18'' l'CA '71. L-ikl ""'· 1~ CAT up. req . C•ll '38o.~f1 't 11, ... _........, 'r~ttwood1...t~~oond. SCRIU.L£TS COlof'T'INle.2yrwmty. lllpavall c.tmtop..tla. 840-0123 Olct ...._ PIMo erld ..,. ~ 1100"':"'9 ·-.,.. •100, Mii ·~, ""' .,~ =·~?.. 000, 4t3-llM7 -TYPllY 91 ~ °' otd '* • IM-tOSI . loollcaH. ••II unit a ANSWERS • tt81 C** ~ We're tootclna for flAIT Jt400. 11M021 t' d--. gotd ~h I* fl:~ ~t=~:~w~~~~: '""14P . Duca& ~~~Video,..,.,...,, ~.:~:,;:~~ ' WURATI typlet.... ....... ..,, ... Y9. Utlder il!P-• to 414-4111 "'-.• -"" ~ -~. 9'Ylue ,-.nl1 '" e4l'M ' ·-1,llOOO,.. ... .., . ablMy to ~O. ;>1r. ............. m .. ~ N0.1:11 INI , 81'AMI l1M' lmmldl*'J. 8alery HAMO" AMA 10 fl WHITI ANTIOUI ... ... .! My~ II' llttleOtl aS" Zenllll OCllOr TV. ~·t ltlO' "'°"* ,,. ntWlJ' oPI"· 1I0-*1 -l\~L~ 11..-nca i 11\TIN·LINID DMf'U VlnyC '°"' a IOY'eMlt, th• dwmtl .,... .... ~. ~ •.J •• °" .... tlOO'""" TY _ .. ....._pert-... ... W. ... f'9dcinct:, 111!11'· , ._ _.... ( ..,_ a end , ... dlnlnO bougllt • :.::J'" n • w I I It 0 Io•• , YHI', ca, MO e, _ ,.. ..... ~;.:• ... ._ ... lfll••~ ...an·· · 1tt twlt1 Md• ,..,_ ...,.,.. "'• to' .,...11'3 " ltl.M ~~fAft .. 11 :t:':·ot "'· ·.-:::~~ ,._ 1.W ilft··ula -~':I~':'. OOU> OT· !.'!...•t~"''" .d!•" .... ' '° °" tM mft!Ut• ~ ..... IGMf'lr ..... •.,. • .,,, *·....., ~dlfttlrN• M!::49!1 ;.&Al 111 .. 1u ,_ Clll Al tOH . "4.;oii ..-i.., ~'A~• httl~,., = ~~-:-. :=-,•. ,_.. n -... ._ 1 r -i ' .. Orano• Oout DAILY Pll.OTl8atutd1y, '1uly 24, 1te2 llA!~~~~~ .~~~~ ~r.=,r.e!fff '·ll·S".!1.ff .~;·;;·ori:!':! IAW. •• !~MWl ••• I vwtth tfallr 11 tOO :Pttf"l•ttWI· ,_ti\ tltlt ~ INCllNI• • q. M 111 ..... IO~tlll. MO OlO 9NIM -.nn · 11 ·ti ... U u . llndef', tOMDN!tt,' tood '-;L"' W[t"•). ;ncl. ¥111 pkit llt!l•tt L.att "'•d• Toyo111, 1 ........ .._ -.....1 MC)-llOf DOn• HOO/Hit ofttit y II ''°°' offtt. t1t 1000 VoMa. ~uPI I vw. -i Hie n -~ ' ~ 1n or "'""'° ,,. 01111119•'odayl_._,._ ..... _.....,,..,....__,.,..._ ........... _, ~ ',! :.n ·.~~ IOO ~,c Pot .. ,. OIH•m• ••d• ... .......... ler 'pm '-&.=-::. =~~ talll>oerd with • pur• Ml-NII Mil 1-11 oloet t100. Paid 1160 N~m.. liii,13iiijCheviiitiruoetiiiiiplolciiiiiii-uiipi,I (Iii~~~~~~ olean. a-ton• paint. 6 -------1 = %.v~ lleW "--~ 91l1t In carton m.attt NI "" aooct oofldltlon. a-•t ~,.1~11Y~·~'"MVt'•"tc ... THI Wiii! ITOllll •-....:-'''ff let '"'°" tlt'M •·IO•tl.S, Ht I, 10tn II., 0 .M. r -'"" .. 411 ,~ '-'"' 6 Mcwe. •• ~~.", ........ ". t-pty 1CH>IY ratlnQ. e1eo. '11 OMO, Jimmy-rough • • • UU&.WmWUYlll r1eo:nt:.!""na ,· ~ •. ~~~11tl. ti' Hoblt Oe1 ~ w/ ..... 1 ..... It CM 111' =. ~ -oountr~ tu1ptn1lon a '16 SllY9rlldo 1 ton PU J ..... """ _.. a. ,_ '•11. Ute -.. • .... • • ~ ..,,. , .. , IPl!no• Bandit -,;, 131-eoJO ~ frso0 uw111 • ('1141642.oMI 11tllf -~ N 111l8 : a r • d 1a11 r1mt1 ur ... Mime ,lC, ~· =,':.nk~/bat • WI llY a:n.2o.40 '98-4Mt •7,,, 240,, -·~· • • • ' Udo 14 dattt bliie wNtt <'oeot). h&-ta..11. ""'· MO. Cec>ee roof r9CIC, 011il • • IAllLIUll IMW " ""' auto • ..._, • NA".U tAIOf. quellty deck, it?t. UllmM llMlt, 11111 111·"30 trk, new Hotoy 01rb. °''· D36-U40 ~g~~ ?:~ ~~~~~ u.02 Marguerite Ptcwy •h1rp, nu Ptlnt, m•.7, boet. Ille• M'#i .. ,.. & q o v 1 r , l r a I I e r , • ..... I 3 9 0 0 . A n y t I m • lfu1 l,lflf .... •-•••at MtNIOn V .. lo extru. MSOO lnvett · do It Y. On I Y • 1111. 12700/obO, 111-12'7 A•'-'-LI. 552·9082 fmu••••••••••• ••• _,._ (Awry ~It oh 1·6) ~2~: .. ~. 10 r t 39 O O ' ~1Mt -........ ..-.·r..:n.rnt........ '78 ~van Conv. CormJef·O.Ullo o...,. Sund•"'" ....., ·-...... IMPORTANT NOTICe ·eo Chevy 81uer. Sliva-*..,, llU * IMWT ,........ .... 'iO Oileun 310 ox. Mutt CAL to, +221 MW motOf, '-70 COIW'nbll 2t U ,0001 1811 t ~ llvd. TO RIADaR8 ANO raclo, r9d/'#ht, 3ao auto, ,. "'••c I "0 ~ 11111 Below Bluebook Hinged m11t w/motor w/lllp, \t ownef.nip. Cail Hun~l!19t~ 8Mdl ADVEATISl!A9 101ded, winch, PlonHr SUMMIRTIM& FUNI Full 10211 g..,. H '-• , price. $3800. 61111-7902 13il50; viitthout motor, Mlpm, 54~1HO 141•1111 Tha price of ltemt •d· AM/FM caat, ,_ trtl'll velour Oapt. Ohelrt, HUNTINOTON BIACH • 2soo. MMM1. ,8 1 VI.MAHA teo .,10 11 =~~bV~o1::: -~~t~~3~ooo. ~:::,".1~!,·=:.~ Ml-IOll, Ml·ln1 ,a, ..... 1 a•S:.io.ar~'!i ·~~.~2d1.o.At:~;1~ ~o::. u · Cat11T11tan w/trlr, WI"-""• Ml 4500 mt. ttht new. 11800 fled actwrtllinQ oolumna ••• 1 8 MllHI (tH3058) Juat T DoU ,..:h4eottonl w/equll .. 12700/bat. rainbow eallel.. gem• ttmrnfioeuu•oun• 080 How1td 557-tee>e dOH nol Include any "" nternatlonat cout. need reliable party 10 op ar * .7• '"20I·, auto., an/rf, ._75_J._90_3_2 ____ _ th ow prlu. -2100. Cuetom Infinity Nltt>owd, '"""llcable tax•. 11oan... S700 O< ~1-otter. mtke 1m11ll monthly , ".. •c 841-6839 2 Mii•, Mii bag, 11176. llllAOIUll l/;nafer '"'· finance 8.. 1276. pmll. No old contrecll Paid (438VCK) Oataun 280 z. 19711, AIC, Cat"'*an 15• with Jib a 841-7200: er&-5115 VAM"HA, 200 CIC, eleO-chat,..., ,._ fOf llr ......,_ 10 anume. No beck ,,,01 y ..... ,._.1 * '79 e33oal: auto .. low AM/FM, drlv11 xlnt. d•rk T Ila f ulck I '"OOO .,....... "'" e -L.. ff'•O pmt1. due. A.Mt for ROM r -....,.. mla .. (6636'19) or •• $4.400. 731·8t87: re r or q 1ae • .,,. IUll trio •tart, only " lutlon control device in-• .,, 842:'400, 568•1008 ...... I Ill * '80 3201: 61pd .. lo•· 759-0781 f:~-~O:~nc!, ~d1.:ck llfd, H11 mltea.1605. 545-9223. ~~~~~!~'r.~v «;,:;:~: ·~&0·;;,d'Fa8<)0~;~;,-· Proto UM. Ulffl•llv•IFJ :~wa~~~~trf low i-.8-7-0-11_ao_n-.-4-d-r.-Md--an-. ---------1••••••••••••••··~··••• '7' Suzutll PE26(1. low ml, lion ohuge1 unle11 * lllT llLL * FORD, bUbbte top cam-2828 Harbor Blvd'. mi•. (e.42TAf) ' Everythlno In oood 1117~~:.A~~· s:r.:~~~:"1 ~~ :,> p~~ i=g =· Nna graat, otherwl1e apKlflad by Super Luxury, Whit• w/ per. Table, w•ter, 18 ~•t• Meee 6,o..5630 • ·79 3201, 4 8Qd .. A!C. anape. $800. 845..3806 t7MM2 975-797& orTerry1-956-2473wk-e15-1111a1e1s-1eae tl'leldVlf11Mf. Tan Cloth Interio r. mpo. St850 080. A ,_ ~ (486XEQ) ,.,,," 11ZJ ' di"" 8-5 ~-"' , / "MIFM/Cau., Chroma 559-1833 lltf'I .,,,,,..,,_ * ·oo 320I, 5 tpd., an/rt, ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• SANTANA 27' Honda 08, ·-. '74 HO 1000CC XLCH. 1W'Jf9ff1 Wl'lell• Ind mucti morel • • ••••••• ,.. •• -•••••••••• 4 Niii. COft'IPMI, RDF & Waatttl Stock 18K mll.. CliaJu lllO SEE ALSO 4WD ANO 611 Ford Van. B/Top, Al/1 ..... 110I AIC. (8511ZOK) IRAIH otlmtt moN. •11,000. 87s..aote 85' allp or rnootjng for Chrom.: $2900/blt ofr: •••••••••••••••••••••• TRICK MOO!Ui AVAIL. Cmpr. 16-18 mp;. Sipe ••••••••••*•••••••••••• 20,1 Wl.l1l-11.181aln1ta '"na tllffE&ITllllU.RllUI --.,.------,-I aallbolt. N t Bch. Joe 562-3262 Iv m1g. lltlll .. A"tl (1W74404) Juat Med r• 2• t•ble. Sl500 OBO. • ,. 12' Sloo1> with trailer. 84~602 Shay repllcaa; pickup• & ll~le party to m8ka 5511-1833. Olotld Sunday S960 °~9-11133 . •79 KAWASAKI KZ4oo coup1a. 4 to ChOQH amlll monthly pmll No -.86-F_or_d_V_an_2_40_B_IQ_e_ 1111 ALIA llllO CHOICE INVENTORY PIER i«4::11:u:;~f~2~ tr om I (0087H) (Stk. old cont.racta to ...Ume. Eng nd1 wort<. Hvy. aufy lftHI VOLUME SALES No trlr. 1950 080 UP TO 28 ft. $160 mo. '78 YAMAHA vz.ao good tilt 11,1111 for Ron 8'2-HOO, tpd, eunroof. S800 firm. rHIOred. Lui of the big 659-11133 873-8145 condition S296. Private 568·1008 Proto LIM. 751·8875 Alla Romeo'•· (DV5152) 21' Sloop: N"d' work. tel · A30ll3). Prtoaeatartlngat No back pmt•. due. Ask r .. r. (Ivy duty 1U99. 3 5 cyllndert, 3 carb1.. & Hobie 12' Monooat: WANT 30' •lip w/11\or• party. eeo-1862 1111 .... 3 Benet! ... ,. for Ford 111· 1111 I 0 I • 0 L l IE I 3100 Welt Cout Hwy. XJnt cond. S5t5. power & water. Inter· '711 Suzuki GS750E, xlnt OMllU PIOllP Club van. lnoludlng A•" 1101 llW Newport Beech 1182-8054 eated In longterm taaae. cond. only 2300 mllet. Thll one hu • camper hardwa~e, $300. New. •••• .. •••••••••••••••• S•le&-Service-Leulng 642-11405 Udo 11'11175 boat a trlr, ~~~~~werAd '973• '2500 OBO. 031-4731 1hell, automatic trena., _54_8-o_30______ 1111 IHI 850 N. Beach Btvd. .,,,1 •tzS good. $976. . • e 0 KA w As AK I 100 AM/FM & I• extra cleanl '63 Ford Van. beat offer. ,.. • ... La Habrt ~! ••••••••••••••• !' •••• 842-11736 MOORING avall•ble, 30ft atrMll trait, xlnt, only (1N89042). by July 25. Paneled. 8 Autom•tlc trane .. •Ir lll·IHI 1111 fHT 121 max. wttll 22tt boat aux.. 1200 mllee. MUST SAC. •••11 cyl 3 apd 848-4952 IA Prindle 18 w/traller, Mii Newport Harbor. Pll. RtFICE $400 obo Rou Attention col!IC1ortl 11159 "• --·---· -----cond .. AM/FM, low mltaa Open Sunday 4 Door Sedan. 4 •peed #360 One owner S1360 W (213) 943 5"''"2 •••3197 Ed R I .,.. ...... ·79 Chevy Van, Xlnt cond, and In l~late con-trana .. AM/FM radio, OBO.' e7W978. • arren • -..,....,.. "1' angd•ltrionnl gNooLYd VIL11W•••1 low mileage, tulty equip-dltlo!ll (115184). C1'1!f. 1115 only 47,000 miles & ex- Bo'"T SLIPS '"V'"ILABLE· 1975 Oucatl 750 GT runnngcoo O -ptd, cu1tom Interior, •••11 • • 18' Flberglua Sloop, alps N_,. .,,.,.11 ... :.',.,::' 25. 28: c•--n. Sl80Q _ ... ~t of~ SS501 Call 542-2073 or 18711 BMch Blvd. m•ny xtru. S8500. Cail .... • ••••••••••••0 •••• ceptlonelly cleant EJlcel· 2 c:IMn f t I t .. -........... • ,_ -.,.. S4M974 II no ans-H I n... •t• •••111 'll OAPll 11200 lent transportatlont At-• WlfY. • as• lC n 36' & 40' catl 842-4844 fer. 548-9792. · ' uni ngton ...,_h Donna 213/5113-&940, • -Dependable. 876-6628 king tow wholnale blue trlr. 12600/b•t ofr. from 9 to.5 p'"'81 kMf) trying. 142·2000 8AM·5PM. -• •1w••11 559-4095 aft 5Pm · '78 Suzuki 250RM Excell ---------I·-------.,-.,. ,..,. -·74 C•..,rl 4 epd, 4 .-..., gas book at $1450. Call Lisa . WANTED B It I d • ..,.,, ...__t pp' MGA 1957, rebuilt engine. '79 TOYOTA PICKUP A at --~ HH 18711 a.ach Blvd. ..,. w1• el 548-1786 after 6:30 29' AberglUa Mllboat kit .. ~ 1 °!~ 1 P n con 7.3-.vvv5 or.,...· · · New tran1. Good cond, •IH .,,.,.. HuntJ.....t-ee~.. Mver. '1560· p.m. on weekdays,· all One pu ch ... buyl .....• Nwpt """ or.,.,· Halltc'· 979-1 * lllT ••LL * •••••••••••••••••••••• . ..,....... ...,, .... ,. 594" r Conv red Terrific: "'Ice "' ••2.2-.....,. • day weeke"da. ti no ryth...,, .-----.. to build ras 844-0159 HOND'" MR50 "'3'" ~232 . ... . Sport Model, great ml· WE PAY -..., ""' ,,_,,... ,. " ----------1 ·19 Capri. loaded with answer, please keep cuatom boat. Molded IH:i/11 l,.H I Ilk• ,_, $425. 11•2 ,., ... 1, .... .-Atr leage, cuat. wlleell, dlx. TOP DOWR IO AMI IOOO Ttrh 111ru, good oond. Mu11 1ry1ng1 tiuu. dlMI ....... comptt. • -•o 842-8410 • • -•• 1n1er1or and morel ,, 111 14395 6•8 •7•8 ft 1--"---------.. •· ,_, .. s--' (15078'"•) J • .-.... 2u.OOO mllee. fully loaded M · " ..... 8 '73 Flat 124. new eng, mast ~ Nils, cabl-••••••••••••••• ••••••• HUSKY 3""' 8 _ ____, ~ .. 11 1-• .XCS'lllte 80'1 .,... uat ,,_,. r• FOR llEI GUS •"nrool gd ~ .... d Uka 5 vv -·-od $18""" BO llabla party to ma"• -• ~· · · anrl. needs Int work netry, k ttdWr., etc. '79-21' Daycrull« Jet tlr• big,.: .... ,.,,.1:...,... r · ,flOIV " s 1<> •oo OBO 7 -·" .. ,,, ......... 1111-•-• hi 1m•H m""'t .. ly pmta No AW M•llll new. "•'" · "'·tr•• llZO $1350/olr 631-7187 552-45 4 IYtll. 54()..5211 cabin, t le1p1 4, big $300 obo 542-84115 -" -• .,, '"'" · -8 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 E 11 e •. ~................... man daya, aatt for ED. c......, eng .. only 58 hra. · V-8 turbo 400. Tot•t old contract• to utUme. -••1•-••1 857 "'88• d ... ·~·1 1 80 •"·-·"I •50 No bectc pmt1 due Aak ,._,_ --•• .. aya. 1112 IATlll i-,7-5-F-la-I -,2-8-: N-,A--&-Cl_e_an-. •STAR 15221 S8900. 548-2719 L ke MW °""'"" .. . reatored. 18500 OBO · · 2480 Harbor Blvd. , ......, S1995 Including lrtr. Spectr• 19'. 480 Ford, cowtS13001ngO&BOxtr!!' .. 2~77ml, w It I trade. Wk n d ~~~ ~oooe'~ro8t4o2u·~OO, COSTA MESA ·75 AUDI FOX HOD OllPEI Great mpg. Only $1700. NptBcti979-1275 Berkley Jet drlvt,,eng ,..........., 1142 -4283, Wkda """" 141••00 4 dr, auto, new eng, Automatic trana .. T-Top Lawrenoe714/962·5047 As I 79 7M-77ea .,, -1xrlannt sc, obnrd•.kes82'9roaod11o8t11r'. 'm~~od~~1• !or49351. lt'a a ·n 12•, cream ~11h t•" ..r a&T hatch cover. $8000. KAW AK · , 1uparb '84 Chev.,.. ton true«. 10' 141·1Ul ""'' ~-.. " -· 894-7844 cond, 1<21000, dreMecl. Alukan camper, A· 1 i--------4117·1057 OILY ll2ll! Int. Wtra rime. AM/FM. 18 fl, 1988, 4 c:otor Niia, many xtraa. $2400. 'II IT JIO condition. 3-way fridge & WE llY --------55,000 mt. xlnt In & out. axtru. $2100 fll•l•ll•li•• 842-9817 * *llELIY** many extraa. $2500. '76 Audi 100LS, xlnt cond, llWUll Cllt"tltt s4750. 498•8695 11 •-• ,., 111 • _,, Clean orig lmmac 1 830·8845 v•.---alt ta. '74 128 4-dr. gm w/beige. 842-1812 ·····""•·············· .... ,., ••n,. •·•r, 87u 116 OLUI CUI s2495tber otr. 0o '"'· s LIDO 14· w/trlr, tun cvra . ., .. ,,.n, _,, b 111. llO 'Ser # t 8a2o4o '80 CHEVROLET HALF-All TRIOIS NEWPORT BEACH Ptrellls, to ml, $1200 reedy to NII $900 ftrm. l••I 1110 ••••~~.·.!!!!r.•••••••• ~oOo ftrm.1~ par1y: TON PICKUP, PIS. P/B. 1978 Audi 5000, red, w/ ISl..0111 673-1642, 640-7814 844-6075 ••••0 •••••••••••••••• Rent: 26' motor home, 1137.5479 new 11re1. $4700 . beige velour Int .. AC. II ft t1llrigtr, h• 1111 Hiii 11pa 8, tu11y toeded. 1_83_1_-3_4_7_4 _____ 1 :~1:i~.:.t•;::0g~·:~.~ !!!!!~ ........... !J.~f ..a...a saff. Trt UMI ~15 1HI p lie 112 Ford '78 COUfler s.p, wJcnda &44·t465 '71l Fiesta Ghia, air cond., .-••• HW r. This one hu everything '78 Tlttn Oeklxa 22' trlt Good oond. 12400 au"rool. xtras. $3400. Fa1t1ttlt •11, ht lnciudlng a shower. sink Sipe 5, $400/wt< + 20e Aat>ultt motor.°"' paint. 7141730-096e P.P. lllW 111Z 648-5669 ••• I .. • • • •I I. & tolletl (1ADZ059) ml. 551-8622, &44-8722. New umet•lng. Extr• 1----------..................... . 111-HH 11111 642·8808 o'"I 7.:.... 211 Lo'!!e~~~ !~acr 1---... -.-... -Yl-l --llAlll OHllTM ·~~n~o.r~~;~~a;,;!~'. IUIUlll "II IAlllt '79 P-Arrow 28 fl. Only Vlnyl hardtop . Extra wind., dr locka, •tareo Top dolltr• for Sport• ILlllT 8M ml, SA,000. 646-9285 Cal 20 .. 1.., at S2,900 YllllW&IU 8800 ml, loaded. P.P. clean M,000. 498-7271 c-ita. Tilt w111. Steel ~:;.!·. :"'~ Camper•. ~ B .. u 1121 excal 28, repo $2,000dn 18711 Beech Blvd. 557-3534. 19118 Old a Toronado, whla and "dial•. CA Aak for U/C MGR ~ ~~~Mlo:Ml~~!'D •••••••••• .. •••• .. •••• Schoc;k Enc!Mvor-MM Huntington a.ell ·n Rol>lnhood 23', vwy grMt cond., S1200. mlrrOA. Cult Int. S8.000. 1 .. M••-a·.;,;;;;;;.;,;;;;.~;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;;,:;ll 1111& llmll1 Newport 30-lABILM Ml·llOO r! cond, many extru. 548-0304 W I 1 I t r • d 1 W k n d • -Salee-Swvtoe-Leutng • We can Mlpl Before you M1t=:w:J~1r,2M CAMPER SHELL for att-oontat:g:,t-: to '53Stu<1Rek•Ctiamplon ~:..?'n~283 ' Wkda 18~~~. faCAR\fER 1980 Datsun B210. 5 ~·.c:i::~I~~ ~~~~:~ ---------i Courlar/Dataun/Toyota, ~eclate. • 6 PHI cpe. Nice oar. -.7-9-~-T-C-..__,--P-U_lo__ HUNTINGTON BEACH IY'I 1 c~ ut. .n .. , tPMd trans .. low mllea. and servtcet ............ ,,..,. etc . Wlboot or aolld $3160. 213/592-1792 · ·-·1 · .. mt, l'LJl...L.)ftV~l:."D1v1n super clean & In excel· ~ .. --.. ·~e ~Motor 140Jl'.ll. xlnt cond. 14960/bet otr. M2·Ht0 ..,., ~ 1 di 1 1 '"''"3 11 lllYElllTY Botton Whilir Super I window ... net wfrJVUT ... good condition. S.. at 'e:J T·Bftd, Ill power, 571< ""6'M-"1395 " t---------1 ..,.:~~~· ant oon I on ... o • cats door In rear. S 125. u 1 E. ltth St CM onglnal l2950 Premium prtcea --------oenM fell arr.dy paJdt' at.DTllH10! 15· a 11· CatltlM'ltna at 54&-e&48 IV9 " • · • '646-0389 '73 FORD 350 1 Ton. paid for any UMd Cltl '79 3201, • apd, AIC, .un· Mu.I Mll ... aaltlng $4195 2850 Harbor Blvd. ~~er-'· Brand MW only Slaata Cab ()YI( Camper. frlllm '1.wl 1111 '80 Auburn l'lf)llca, beaut. ~'r: ::'ir=:u~:; (foreign or domeatlc) ~~~f.,~~:~~5~~~·x.~~ ::2~~:i. ofltrl Call COSTA MESA 79 O'Day 23' plUll trlr t~~:~i° or beat •••••••~••••••••••••0 condition. $2t,000or otr. whla. lumber rack. In~ condition. cond. 549-1217 --1-1-7-1-1-·.-._-.-1--540-9140 -StA..000 o er. '61 Alratreem travel tr1r 29 840-49e2 $3800. Ptl 657-0058 Ua Flrstl ·-•--------- 80 Santana 23 pfua tnr #•lttl•M •I.Ht 1141 ft. ESTAlESALES3,000.. J d _, M1, Red, US legal, JIOZ 2+2 ·so Prelude. 28,000 mt, 121 000 •••••••••••••••••••••• 8-46-4921 HnluU~ '78 Ford Courier w/lhell 831-3%~5988 Tiii• one llU an the toys amltm ca11. •Iv. petl, (io8ded, $29,000 New) '77 FOXI GT mOf)ed od WANTED TRAJLER! 01· VdJ1Jn 1111 & trlr hllctl. Xlnt cond. i---------i Including 11 5 •peed con d . S 7 0 0 0 ob o '78 San 20Xlnt17200 cond., low mileage S2'5 def, M1f contained. any c;;;;,•;;.t2•:;;;;•;ii 30,000 mt. S3500 or be8t 19n 630CSI, blk wtr«J tranamlulon. (12789). 642-8155 - 873·2060 OBO. 850-1178 oond .. priced r-. from atrolite anow mobile eng, otter. 1146-5300 ltllr Int. auto, air. AM/FM 17111 38' VOF{l(TOWN CUTTER Puch moped, good cond.. p 111 . p. rt y . Torque po!Wert o•nt.rUI-cau. Full power. Xlnt Olia ···t• 50HP det/100V LIP dll, lo ml $350. 71~23. cal CIUfcll WlfOrwtf'd, '13 ~Cl'ewcab trudc, cond. 516•000· 759-4932 ·-- 110V LIP 720-169&, 544-0805 A•I• hm~ ,.,,, neutral & raver ... Unique "· T, V8, IU10, ,,_paint. 888 11 lit ttl d '70 2002 Pert. cond. New vtlllW&lll Bimini Cockpit enclo8Ure . ..,, ••oTOBECANE Xlnt • A .~ HOO oppty. 1900. T traUer, 1ow aetf cont'd campar, .: ,ar 11 _,' int. N-paint. ruM pert. 18711 Be.acn Blvd. Rigged for CfUlaing 7ond' eoo mt 1395 .. !! .. !~~!!!!...... $350, call •nytlme atpe 4, xlnt cond. S39t5. ('•.,.IJ . lt''J ~u OJ:'1 $3500 OBO Huntington Beach Harbor mooring avall ' 6«-1·183 . All Chevy truck parts: ·~ 552-9082 957-1877 Highest cash Immediately 1 ____ 8_75_·_9_746 ____ 1 IU·2000 $411,500 AY648-9000 llll ••o lll.IO ton to dleuL Rblt. Corvalr Turbo dunet>uggy, i-,7-9_El_C_am_ln_o_au_par_·lf)Or1--for your vehicle. Do-'78 BMW 2002. lmmac. -D-at_au_n-'7_4_8-_2_1_0_, -4-d-r. Find what you want tn ., tr•namiUlon from s1e5 w/trlt, ewtra tlr ... 11800. V8-8. PIS, P/B, A/C, meatlc or foreign . mutt aae. S6•00lbeat auto. air, $1200. P/P Dally Pllol Clasallleds. Reeond. 647..&095 & up. 654-1850 842·8447 S5000 or ofr. 556-9134 551-8285 offllf. 675-4775 71M644-8493 81 Accord LX, AM/FM C8SS, 5 Spd, AC, 19,000 ml, xlnt cond. $7099. "497·2580 78 Honda Civic. 4 •pd. n-factory pai"I. AM/ FM ens. XI"! cond .. looks & ru"s great. $2500 673-0321 Ask tori Crtatt FANTA *FIATS* t«1G£ snrcmt PaE·OWte FIAT SPWS • Xl/911 MANY TO CHOO$( fROM EXAMPll 77 FIAT Xl/9 ' SPD Ster.o, Magi. Only 57 K 8&9SMR Chocolate Brown/Beige s4495 77 FIAT Xl /9 4 Spd, Stereo Catt .. Maoa . Luggage Rack . Yellow/ k Brown 814TMY. s4995 78 FIAT Xl/9 4 Spd. feet. Air . S tereo . Cass Luogage Rack M ags , Oiange/B1own 1BUC707 s5295 77 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 SpO, Stereo, Maga. Mini CondttlOn 1ACP577 s5495 '78 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 Spd. Bright Red, Stereo. Mags. Rae«, Very Sharp Car, New Tires :r 1296 s5995 '75 FIAT 128Sl SPORT COUPE 4 spd, AM/FM Stereo. Magnificent Condition, (579NPF). s1995 '78 FIAT 128 2 DR. SEDAN 4 spd. Radio & Heater. 1 owner. Terrific mileage. #8409. s2295 '78 FIAT 128 RALLEY SPORT 2 DOOR 4 spd. Mags. Stereo, Racing red beauty. Really a bargain (323WOV). s2595 '74 FIAT 124 SPORl COUPE ~ spd, Megs, Stereo. Only 76 K. A sharp well cared tor ef)OftS cpe. (829LPT). s1995 AND MANY MORE! We belen wt han tllt lh.lff)tsl t. lowttrr.td Fiats it So. c . Al Vellictes Guaranteed DICK MILLER MOTORS 170 W Warner ftv t Santa Ana ~~7 2132 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-line our famous DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE Bring them or mail them with correct cash to Dally Piiot. 330 W~ Bay St .• Costa Mtaa, CA. 92626 • Each item must be priced with no Item over S60. 20c per line -S1 .00 minimum • No 1111..stocil. produce or plant• • No commercial ada allowed DIMES-A-LINE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678. ext. 319. DOUBLE boJC aprtng $26. SCHWINN gtrl'1 Pixie $45. TWO table lamp1 lrom 'BUNK Bed frtme with TWO metchtng G80x14 LARGE wtllte wicker chair 20 VOLUMES Golden O"K lramad mirror Sii. ROW bo•t, excellent $50. 1BENTWOOD chairs $25 Double maureu and TllrM 151n vw wheel• pre-fire MGM Grand dr.-. undernM.th S25. Turbo mega and ur .. , ' $40. Two large attract" Horn. and Hlgl'I 8cllool Ten plecaa o f sliver Four Mlctlelln lteel belt etch Typewcl1er 1nand frame S5<>. 135 lb $26 eech. 845-9246 Hotel, LH Vegu $25 839-2631 hole 150 pair. Two Ive Royal K·2832 epee-Encyclopeclla. Ilk• new 11emwue •so. Brau tires HR 70·15X on rims. S 10. Near new tire weight• $40. Bar Bell and . Heh. Trombone with COUCH d 1 t 185-8-JC13 radtal1 $25 k...a 261n., like ,_ $40 condition $20. 2074 Po-1tudent l•mp $4. Old good MO. Barbell•. Iron ICl'Mn S10. N-lhower bench 135. Four patio FANCY bottletS S3G. S~ cua $50. e45-78&C 135 C~~lll~~e S~; pair. 1-Mlchelln HR78x15 each. 557-3860. mon• Ave, ea.ta M.... porcelain oval atnk $50. $50. 845-1986 door. retails at $125. Mil onatrs $40. Two folding nlall chair to. ultar · ,.5 S 0 8 · $16. 1·JR78x16 110. • 648-3e94 Pinedropleaft11bleS35. S20. Wedgewood cups. chair• S 15 Newport 110. Ponat>te typewrtt• ROPE ¥•In. at tOc ft. <Ar· Lamp• • • 1 · et of 1. H 7 8 JC 1 4 S 1 5 SCHWINN bike, boy 8 Pine fireplace mantel BABY crib 145· Jenny saucers 50c NOii. Hob· 8eadl 759-18&7 '35. IBM iyp.wri111f SSO. outt breekera S1.26 aecll. dw-$30. er ... table 186SRx13 $10 070ic14 1 O·IPHd HO. Lawn SNAKE cage $30. Se1 of $35 0 k-oeld ell I Und dreulng tabl9 $35. n•ll gobleta S 15 each. · Baby banlnet $35. Po-3 H.P. gu motor *24. lem99 S20 MCh. TV •25. s16 185 701~14 115 1waeper with 301n. rollaway trundle bade s 25'. O~d ~lck~~ cti!i~ tO-apeed m1n·1 bike Formica dinette aet $30. OLYMPIA ptca manual ty-toroid camer• S7. 22112 Gelvanlzad pipe 'Mn. 30c Couch $10. Unen llunk 170 ·70•13 StO 8 ooie 1wffp, new $200, 1111 526. G• lltOYe sso. 942 s1o . Cllalre s10.u5. $40. Wood allu1ter1 Proof •nd mint 1111 pewrlter, excellent con· J 0 n • • p 0 rt Lan a , ft. ¥•In. 40c tt. Pipe bin-S10. Wood table and llxte 5 CheV wti..t 116 160. Good condition . Hanover Drive, Coate Foot ltC>OI $5. Two end $1-$4, TV table SA. Table S8·SJ5. Tiffany •tyle dltlon $50. Portable Gea (~ Baiech. Brook· der9 S3 and $4. Elactrleal ~ 'fO· Wood kit= Re~llt ClltyM altame: 645-11233 Mau. 549--0975 tab Ill $8. Bentwood $ 5 . KI t ch• n w •re lamp $50. Brand new ~with tank MO. lluf9t and Banning). :>i'.!:~~i;t ~I~:.~~ TV ~.2·N<:':.. s5. tor never uHd S25. TWO new Hond• Civic CUCl<OO clock $12. s.. tNnk S8 .. FOid up oak ~~-~!,:· S~~~~~';t~ Digital watch $15. Wlc«er COMMERCIAL wtleelbaf· tore 40c aacll. Screw T•lh bed s1,, Double 831-3701 anytime. . tlre1115 MCh. Plaid IOfa w1~ mechlne, portable, bench aeata lour people r•bll hutch 11. 17801 plant stand S6. Genuine &FT. Sliding glaaa door row 150. ~In manlla dnv.rt 50c MCh. SIMI bed'l38, Queen bed uo. BLACK and Decker,. drtll WOOd frlllM 120. Pet.tey airtight 1t11cn SS5. Eleo-$50, Sllatl chair for Clf· Quintana Lane, Hunting-"merlcana, gl111. tlna components: Door *'45. rope 150ft $20. Galva-pt-wrench'• 181n. •12 Car bed se. Car ... t $3. 11.S.R. S16. Black and IOf~ with bol.-. $20. trolull llnk vacuum. IX• rylng '*'°" $40. Large ton Batch. Slater 1nd St·S35. Decorator gl-.. Window S35. Screan nled wire 40011 S20. .di. 241n. 119 uch. 8 Patio table SH. Oreeear Oec:k•r workmate $42. Girl 1 tap lhoM Ila 13 callant condition S45. wardrobe trunk t:J5. Lot• Edwarda. S•turday only. wood, orlantat llama: 115.1162-9759 aotnx361124 work cabinet 3ln. s29 Nd\. New tlatd and mirror $45. Or...., Weller 80lder gun $l8. le. Two high blldl bMct'I su_._are: Service tor ol mllk glau dl1h11 S1 ·S25 Saturday and SABOT ICOellOl'iel: Lee edJus1able lhelvet S60. lla1 $3.60. Circuit br .... S 20 . or .. 11r •26 . lltn 40tll carb NW bllCM chair trame1 H H eh. 12 SH. Service for 6 5<>c43. Jeowelty 50c-$5. TENNIS radltt•, over al· Sunday 8-Spm. 291 E. board s 15. Titler s15. Naveno aeml•QIOM pelnt ker box .. 13 '5 s7 19 ~or s.3-2987 or •22 60 7,~ln pennellno Red 10 ap..cS bike 116. S18. Sttwr plated MfVfng Plctur11, print• end zed,,_ $10. Good uMd 23rd Street, CoetaM .... MHt boom 146. Sall 5 gallon $35. o.-t cot-Wood auger drt11'blti 14; w .1109 uw b'ladel S3. Cu6 Pr .. cllool-toddi.r toy• places H·l25. Chlld'I fl'tmel 60c410. Pottery, b&lll 80c can. 559-5084 DRESSER $4&, End lablel ~ V 1~ __ ..... Ion or Mml gloaa 4~ gatlOn t7 S11 1000 lb -... rout.,. blt1 •• •5 50 Sew l2..s&. Blk• rack *2· Pop rockere •20 and S35. Bower. Halle. McCoy• R '"CING bt 1 t *36 CoffM ttble S25 """"' ery n ..... ""'""' · $30. Slnctalr NavllhO ttat a...:..... .: ... _.. •2; ::;: MINI blind 30 lndMle $15. and mltre ........ bo·: kit. s• cofn popp•r •3. Swag Chtld carrier (bike) ta. 60c-S4. Oltha 1 and " eye e per '· • • · l7M 278 w.11 petnl 4~ gallon MO. ·-.. ......... .. _,,,, POie ll.IJl.P •1&. Medicine " '" lamp '3-. Electric heater Spoon rack se. TV tab'" gl11awara of •II kinda Cempy H•t poll * 16· Swlvel rootler S45. Sl'llp. GOlF Clube and beg, .._ Au 100ft rolla l20 eecn. ~:,P~:~~ V:~ ~ =: /11:· ::-"'• Nit ~~s:=!; ~d ,:,: 14. Red aldlt 180'• $20. S2 and 16. Clotheli L~ 2SC-SS. Leoa tabl• clottla :.:Vt: ~b!u: ='c:!SS::.~= di••. Hcrlflca 140. 'Mn ltld 11n ctM.r 111 ... lllnOI $6, Sf, st. "In ......... .,_.: .. ~.,.. H .85. Hawk tlmmlrig 883•873'· Brookhurit dill 50c·S3. Children• t80 11 .. d "•nennd'l•50c•th~· .. C9lno-d P'P Iii.a S17.50. Tool8 with ottoman S35 . ........... 78 not t • m P • r • d r,,_ pulleys, _........., ••. ...,..._, ,...,_, ...,.....1noai1 llght 115. Dual 1port and Adll'lll, Huntington 2tlo. Fat>erw~ drip oof· .... " 1 s o J t20 ....... M t k S15 ... • ..... ·-_ .. ______ I 441nx141nxY4ln S16 Mell. d~blet sa. ,;.11. $1410. Foot looker S7. mirror• $18. Battery 9Mch l••ma'Ur, under Wlr• = .,..,., 182t Mon· m1~t~ t5~~mpi $5. La~p·~a~ ·~· Swtvai ~R mo-uo. Po-3 MW bathroom exlleu9t 8h1olclt1 S2-U . 4ft i~soa:~i::1~,e~a: otiarger e amp •22.llO. BICYCLE S20. M9tal foot• ranty 110. 55f.11&42 wta~ c;c::~ =·· ,~~ Slloea se. Chain wneet. rocker sso. St.,.ao, r.dlo ~ SSO. Vecuum ftn• 115 Heh. Smell pt11t1c barrel U .60. Sat~rday t •4. 28' oei Two ton Hydr. floor lack locker S20. Truck tire CANISTER vacuum clM· Stret'I. 2 atocllt w .. t of I 9 , CI u at a r • I 8 . conaola 150. HI back ='•6:.·~:::' .. 't:; Plee•• 'l.tn plat• J'111 ~l&ln.chalnbk'NMr l1'. Mar.co.ta~. 126. STP oll tr•trnent 070·1$ H . tU•r101 nerwttltpetttt20.81ack ptaoentlelnc:o.taM .... 659-606•. 2 Arllnoton, chair• s10. Art d•oo MO. 1 ,_ff MCh. lf.C. OOfl 1 ton chain llollt $50.. t1. Kwit( Nt door lodt t7417. Cen ~ $-4. and white portable TV trvtM, b41ncll 125. Nit• at1nd ro-~ mow.rttS. ~ 2tt and 3!!;'<,"'~~ .. ~ 100 amp 220V meter "JllC" tabM amllm .... U ·U .50. 8&K 0 .8 . lampt 11-u . 8at ltool• $45. 848-1528 EUREKA Ul)flgtlt MS. Klt· "'""leather nk 8ft OOUCh $26. ACfOM from 8t1ter --· "':"¥-oomptete -· ~ .. _ llOQl<et 11'\d circuit ~ '90, t treok encl r.oord 1'itenCht1 S30. Socket ta. ~. nat St. AM cnen Nt WOOd *25 a.. .,...., 1• Brotlltn. 72'~ W. 1tth, "ower Str••t. Co1ta roollng Haler StO. ker bo'I 111. 200 amp player '60. Two •PM• Mtt 19424, Small hand clOoll r9dlo ... Tr.wrN OOL.F baGI '4425. Pro dfoom tUniitUN ~ 4 HO. Rtlrloerator 150. Ooeta Mel•. 64._.572 M111. Saturday after cuatom mad• flallm 220v "'9tW .odlet and kert uo. Bathroom toota •2-a10. 11tt Bl-rod• u. ~cooler Tommy Armour Iron• 17 °'"" meic--. vai'.itty Rg4'-':l ~ t""' :• 8-4pm. _1_1Ptn ________ 1 ll0'9 ltorlGI~ m.in break• with box "~type'' ti UO. tmn Way, Coetl Mee9. 11. Plctur11, plctute each. Pitching WedOff with bench 111t and ~ ~o.;n&::1•0-ve:-'-A-500--UMd--Met-8')h.....,..-t K...O *'bed with hlnl :. ~. °'f.4:!7'!.n.,,..l10. S23. 125 amp circuit Sink o•blMt (3 doore) 640-7381 fflmN 50043. Pottery '3-U Hoh. Putter1 mirror $40 Oii! ctlalrl tt.btet 12412 Ptumblna ilcal booU· Splrltua ~ ~o:~:= Hlcky;';-rtC°" oondul1 =:r ~l~u= :::;,f :~a~~~~:~1J: HIDE·A•BED •21. Dlth• :=. 8:i~e!~1= ~ 12-:.:,,~~o!i~ =~S wg;s =...,.,. part• 1t412 °teofl. (nO lndltn, ~.Alt= fringe b•~ 140. Two 820. 150ftOOPWha1s. t~ aoc rOll. l!xteneian marble type wall 11\elf naner 125• ~~ 12~ tub enclOIUf'9 a1~ a.t-H-a7 eaoh. Matofled •u.ned a&o Bl tc~ tabl•• HS .. ch. ltd P~. Self· tt b t 1 S30 llft fluofteoll'rt tubet S2 cotda numblt 123 S17 a1s HOfM b!Mket S20 L..n moww-•· WW " urd and SuncttY. can ttattereetaot2wooda 4 WNt. · 10 an · rramH S12. Wood 4 end Diet, fMWnQ, fa ~n 0•r 1 o1,a aec:t\, StOMWert..,.... aH ~7• Sttono ..-~ flet (lfftall) aao: bayoneta a2Q. 8ftd'A an:'a ""· e.ca.tOis lrona putter and beg ~ = =...,.. drawer end oabtnat Help. loltnoe fiction :::, • 1 .;.:, ~:a,.:·• 2 tor 4 ... 8oolll 25o. Sat lft •tell by 2ftlltft 119 HN oar noot' mew '20 mirror 111. floldlna tlllte $40 QoOC1 Mita new belle loa • Ool-tMol'l '80. 2178 ~ aeo.t7. 1'24M m. 19th, c.i • _. t 'S--"°°"*"'In,..., a!Wy. eaofl. 8prl"O tteal HN 1_, HQflt .,to, r'lmt ta. Ctlalf 16-. Ra.bti!'_P_en NIW H-R 71 WW tlte en 5 for t1. Hand tool1 =-::re..~~· :.i::: Alfl,, eo.11 tneee. ~.&48-45f2 0f attan .,0-~ 64&o21818a.tun:layonly. 1nak1113 14 Pipe ~BXW'e) llO eect\ NH M .HoeeS3.Toye-t, GM w"HI •ae . Two 25o410 J...iery tac. 149-tU ' • ' e..w.,, .. 0 • bend« tor ~.-2in. seo. 2) COf\tlnental 1811110 ~It~ •10• 2tM 700-1411 MW tlrea HO ,.,.-ttt 110. HotltMl 1 -FRANCISCAN l•rtllen• FURNITURE padl t7 _________ ,LA mower. pu1h typa,. tat-4305 A 14 ..,. .,.._ radW Babb, Colt• Mete. off Mel\, Two 10().14 UMd P-H ,,.,., ta&. ~ llOV'S MX BttncnY ~· ..,.. Mt¥lot tor I "4th Melt\. Good ~ pect.. AIOWOOO ~tlo ,..,.._ 4 Cr.n.nen 11 ~ new tit .. HO Ho". 8MW Bak« atrwt, U MOh, M6-M14 kltot11nware 106·1 t. SM. Baby'1 bike OM'ttr llMnQ tlOwla. l!liooelllnt dlnQ UO. Olrectort cMlt 1Nnoh11 •BO, Round ooftdl1lon US.17MZ7a BOOKCA8E oak, tatge 1201 hood m11k '20 H,\t'DWOOO chtet Ollk QOdl rtdlO I&. Aaacwt.t 11 fO. 7.80)(11 tlf9 on I :,.o ~t Ion ' • 4 I ' 115 Pouebll t1nlttl •~ ~ a ..... f.IO. LOUVEAIO ""11e MM--If:· ::P .... d ;n,.~,.~-~! MZ,.0131 ' UI. M>tlM °"'-"""" 4 -=!!!"Bit"'~~ atact ror11c pu and hoict .,_, $211. 8.4&•14 1 · bla~lc and whit• US. """ .... on •NIM teo. · u.. " , .. ,,,_. "°""'*'"*"' '20· Glr1---.......-~ ~ ton tire en a h°'9 whMI t10. Sm"' ., ... OMe ClillMt ~ wrGUg1M Iron round ttoll US. Cotoo and lamp tebte, enolo .. d 26 INCH oOIOr TV, ~ and ~ otothll aao:u. kar ••t Ilk• new HO end herdbaCll bootre Cycle dirt Urll: .on• Allt ... fOf dlel8I tMIC '20. Lqng OOf"9 ta!* tablea, .,ood top *"· lttolel l'lfOh ~ l20 ~11. '*,,. ooneoea U6. Ewipottll• ToYe 10o-M. 8ootcoeee eadl. Good,.....,. Ofllot Hc·SOO !MICh. Gatdlft 3.IOat 1 and thtU 8t5 • .._ttfl.11 new lkl sao. r41 TOft'I, &4a-0810 iTw 8t*al lower...., eeot\. °'*and menr.. dlnlnooMlrl cooler compi.te HO. for wan or dH~ 111. dlllc.I MO. 7114111 tOdt nu ..::11. -.. l .15d.I t3 .. otl .. trial ~ • ,.,....'A *· ~ ., .. oft. 'our e_atld '90. W .. ttl. Peoar ·Very lllOe. 81'4211 l ahl= and1 tu"dlly Fram11 t1 .. ll. IOOlcl 8C..wtNN 10 ...... Mle, type mower ... 8rMd VW "'* oap It. •· Good llHd t:llet S1I. ·-~===~~ ...._ 821 lldl. n... ::=••:.:=:.!.'~ OOU1U bed MO. Aanan ~. BQJnottAw., 10o-lk l'elnt., .. klftdl .....,,. oocidltlon MO. dougK'fftla., A . Glrll ~·s,__. ..._. ~b=::; 'ti\~ = .. =· ~,,:: 820 9"(1 •Ir~ .... •12. frol'.llnl bOard Coet• ,.. •••• Marbot 81-tl. lutf•t HO. Otd M-2111. dallk. *""'and *"'Y 110. "4141111' ; MW IMnti ~ 'ero. 111iJtee W1tri-.n11tw•10 e. t7.0Nltat.INI_..... ...,.,'*kd..,._. lll•mlnoton ':C:'''., otll*IM.""'F: ...... = ant• atu u 116 • ta. 11f.t7'81 tem--m tlO. ~ -.. TWO piece 1C1k1 Ori-.cl ,_ .... 10. • TWO "'*' • ._... _.. 1 ' , Irle f'llHHt•r 1• All.-...r· OLOTfflHO ,,,.., ~ * ......-v tlO llO ..oh. velvet love ... , tao. laturday. 141·41 I . Mall OM dlllf'• _.... UOHll, _. w. p11e-"""' aoove Ith MW. a ~ ~ a-.. toe. ,..,..._, •100. ........,.., ........ w1tf1 Qi.tit 'oem Med been tnt WMMll'On A.,., •Ill\ '"'"'"• wh•i•I• 1"'o_H_A_A_,l..li......Y ... aa-,-,-oc-1t-fo"""r .-= .....-ar'I.... :::=:~• l:::.c:: ~ 11bE211ft MO. 0.. ......., ... TY f10. 111 "1"' en~:~ hotM bat, brown vatot, eo.ta ~ t II.to, 1'H W•t11• llldWlt ..... clOCt ttt . ...,.,.,....._., llllit : • ...,~ ... OH&. t9f0I' lllfl•,.1111 llO. Clip,__.~ tW-8 t.IO. A. MO WH.,abla c ovet ltO. ='' Avt,, Coate loHd"brtu l11np a10 • .................. Mt~,..... '0ta1trJ:: IJ"tller oota'l" •er Hltlt.~tat-.rd.e, W. '"" l1twl, COila ~._.,*-'111. eovr ~.'rt r:.c:: • ahirday 01tly. lleotrlo hHter tta.1~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ·~ .. 1111 .......,. 0-. ,..,. ....... _,. ..... Mal&. llM411 ::,.e11t • .... .... 14M211 J: . / . I .. 1M1.1M1tt1C .. ; ... MM.fMUtil ...... ~ ... ~!Mr!tt .. iii 1'1~·: ..... ~.'.'!!.h!tfrH4 ....... ~.'!~.,~ ........... ~ ... ~.~!tt ........... ~.'.~.,~ ........... ~.-!!!..~'.ff .......... . , ........... II.fl lftllftt.flM •• llft ""*'····••••• . .. .... tm Y.~A ..... !lff ~~ ........ II.ff tfll•W. ..•.• 11.1 M! ........... m.f !ff!tff •.....•.• m •-• llllDU ·u,·~= .. l!l'•"'-, .. " .. ,' !1'1 •, ,, la II '1llTt r.o;..~ '1n'.:1rr.~ci1~r: '':T.w::':'r.·.,"~o'o::: , .... U ....... . MM'14r' -• " roo • .... •· "' l!WI W• he¥9 • IOod .-,. ted t ulio b t a 11 1 • , 1 1 • o o , IHOO oeo. MO-lf44 ..... oent mlH lonl -·-;w OptlOftl ll'IOIUdl • • 1 ·II bo)(l f\' ~ "d. llon o f NIW ' IJllD "'°1 ::-~ ':. H 4 .... 1~3 =1.=., f~ '"0 ~....,. ,_.,. '':,'~' ,T:?:·,-:,iifl =:cl:=,.~ ' • , 11001 MMI ~ ~ now, IM :=; UTATI ~ALI: 4 dr ·11' '\',,~:~~.~~·to~ n. ' Olll ,_., K8Y. t7I00/090, Mt:.t410 llHf I0111VW 1"-bb1 oo"o' oon1 *', • lfl av1ll1bl1, po11lbly Oodgl Olplomet WlfUll fllr Vlt w mlr.ror. Xlnt Diil 111or1f4 L' w te. • m • • r, one tOf youl Jult need P'#f, a/o, emltm r*'lo. oond. 14600. Anehetm ..... 111·1W 'to n.t Tino, ioe.ct. '9Y M ..... llMOO, oe11111-.1740 rellabll ptrtY to m1k1 Cell ..,. of ""*· kif ......, (714117..,3111. ....... .... .. ........ ... :::· T•\~ :O:.' ...... WIUIW.. .,, .... .,.. ::-"oon~.:.ivtr.:.: ....... Wkfr only w ... Maotl I N1, euto, "'· ,.711 ~ llvd. Ht*l't you Mltecl lont 'r:.,ii .. 1to1 11711 leloh llYd. Xlnt cond. I.ow mu... No.,_ pmte due A.ii pm ?""'3t Pll. A/O, Tit wtll, fofdo ~untiftJl'on a.ti enough to °""" 1 Met• ,11 HH b It / ttun~l~on -..o11 te"6 . ..._.161 tor ,.0 .. 142-••oo, '71 Oodg• Cott, good dwn baok Hit, ver~ 19'9 CAINLLAC Ml•ltll oed .. a.nit Don't let Clutofl .lli.t"':ti.t I et Ml•llM '80 Rlbblt Oonv. All xtr•. 'IO MOMTI OAN.0 Hl-100I Proto UM. oond. i.tUST 81!1.L Mo. ct11n HIOO 142·01109 ILDOIADO COUH o----~-.,..-.,..-th11 oooortun1tY PIM you • ' I 0 W>d * .-J llU. * V I N 0 • • 210 0 o b O 1tt 6 . .. ,. Moord. I tpd, llo. by .ct nowl W• haft • ~~-17~· fotOOO t • '74 luper llltll, IUIO, AM • t ~~.7-"!'.1.11' • ~ "" 84M308 1--------1 (290X80) ~. lo ml, •Int oond, t1ni11t10 H ll CllOI\ Of .. _.._ " otw'OIM wtlll, NW.,.,.,_ ye _, ~ CUi iom Landa u, Only r:z;;-;;;••••••••U•••• ltU...Mlt .... •11 995 -.oo. 1eo-101• mocMll a ootor• ~ Wno. ueoo. 64t.u11 1t10 vw 01mper 1u1. ao,ooo ""·-"""Ult 0tot11 lilt •YITTIJ tlrl IHI T~ ••••••• :r.-.. ,f 1111 Ill. Liit ... * 11ll 114 l . 1HI YW New. rebl1 ena. s*nt, Int. Interior plui many IP-Automltlc Iran• . 11r ...................... 1111 ...... Ill I ' ~ 'It ltHr•, llltt, M aaMI 1.1 Liter ·~''IM """••-• Mu1t .... ISf00/080 ~~,,'M~~=•~. t/tti wt\., cond. & ory olnnt '11Qrenada.4 cit. loldecl 1ftU11 --1979 MllCIOll ' -0111. lllCltc (JI 9"f)I --t7'441111 C C I t (631ZAI). 70,000 mll11 121100. • ..... -- 1,,.l••f, •••••••• --·· Qroup). t27do. I Thi• one,. r11dy for A/ on10 ••• o . DILY 111111 7U/842-7!1H ev11,. Lo: ...... -,=---~ llNZ aooo • 1301 ~Street 21SISl1_..., eum"* tunl (7etNJH). A '71 VW Pop Top W•tt.Ui ltlH4147) Juel need r• 531-t7SI 1-"""""i .. ""',.... ... _ Cite. "•UNIOOP'' 1111/t••• p,p, NEWP<>f'T llACH 1..., at c amper. New engine, llbte party to m1k1 11 power ,,an ... om1 " ' IM-1111 ...... '70 t11e TARGA 12•11 c I 11 t ch . • 2. 5 0 . """' montNy Pf"~. No 1NO •YITlll '71 FORD M•-klk. Oood earl (MIYJEI. (73!1WDO) 010/trldl . Mut t • 21S-6t1-17t2 bid oontr.:tl to~ Autom1llo trane., 1tr cond 3 MW tlfll. ec;on .... , 14Hll s17 495 .I. 71 HONDA ACCORO. • ... ......, • 4tl-831S, U1·1160. I -..... 'I No beetl pmtl. dut Alk eond l "•Y• •PPlll"I •tao. 49"-3211 ' ~~;:i='~~ ~ ~=--s~ei1.:. =~ ~ .. ~~~d. r.'7r;;;.;;·~!-. ~~f00:~,~~2ut:.oo. 1106iLJ>112,•111 '':1c.'o:d.:r~0•0: ~~~"=' 1979 CADILLAC b =rdond. a. 7-3858. ..,.. ..... , :::.:~~:i 886-t1181 11>' Hunting~~ 11 lrtlc• '"8fJI 1111 IMYllUT , ~2u~~o'~,'~o~';le~~~~e IH-elll COUPI DIVILLI c•1t Ol"IC cvcc Hatch-c p H .. Of Im IQ·-MWllll..... 1111 OHYITl'lt -8t5 2180 di ""' (&9AXZT) T ~~~:...end eO P:,:: T~ ,.., gt._ 'II WA ... ~.!'\.:::::' This one NI I 4 = Loeded wtth option•. 4 ' • ,.. '79 Cut1111 Sup. Br:'st : =-~~newm~.::ir~ mo• Hn1tbl• pym11. 97&.8909 CdM 1 a1.oo. 842·2•55 -~~!..:·· r' .~~':mica i: c'fc:'~~r'). & bMUtltull 1~ ~~11 =:;. ~ ~ ~~~5 $8995 ~ r•dlal "'"· •Int eond. 0111 213 or 714: MER· . OVERSEAS DfLl~RY ~ t 1111 "'"°° • OM·ownar. White. Mutt CEDES 11 2 1 3 or LOADED '78 Poi~.. 11 1114 YW EXPERTS (06 CR). llLf 113,1111 mP.0·3 mue . PM 1972 CutlaM Oldtmoblle ucrlllc1 . SHOO. 71"1837-2333 SC. Belt of rte. C11WAlll 12111 ,..,.. 5t3wkdywbef2 good condition 1141875-1811. Prletlne eond. IA Equipment lncludll in 141-1111 M8-Mll • llAllM llWAlll OllHr•let '80 Ford RlnChero, new 842·9"98 --------! d1y1 or tt8·3187 v/ 1utom1Ue tranem1111on YUIWllll Dove/0\1111 Sti. reblt I oyl, cleln. MOO. '80 Otd'• ea Rayall, p/1, "IS't'! 11JI wtcno1. Ind In AM IF M ·ea Volvo 1228, xlnt cond. 18711 8Mct'I Blvd NEWPORT BEACH 548-8273, 77Wett p/b, p/w. l/t, 1/e, c/o, • air, new tlr11, c1•1 n. 12111 W·JMO ped look• & NM euper, seeoo. 851-31tt d1y1, 1911 CADILLAC HVILLI "fACTOIY 2·TONI" (889179) $16 ,995 ;: • •"•·····•••••••••• ~ '78 Poreehl t24 Sun(oof, (847WCU). 11750 873~20 Hunttnoton 8Mch Hl ... 11 ·et Coug1r Fully equip. 1rnllrn , 1up1rb eond • 1HJ Ill Y-11 Sa.450. 213-5t2-178f. M llAlllt '88 Blatll, 11Uto1tk:k. new 1lll UIYllUT 11450, ~199 , 861-7379 .-.... INYU111U 10\}R 1978 POflehl 924, ~ 000 .,., ,,tw••11 paint, etean, rune good. '73 Mont• Cerio, xlnt --T·,,_ £1•111• IHS 89 Cuti .... Rune gr•t. 1911 CADILLAC '< below low Blue B~k. •--· 12100. 5"0·9537. eond, elMn body lnllde ¥WftH1• 15 , .... AM/ •••••••••••••••••••••• Graet treneportlon car. Burg11ndy wlten, look• ~ ,...._, oond ••-~to 19711 B11en Blvd. & out, r1e1ntll r1bullt Automet e trene., '74 Merk IV: 75000 mllee 1500 758-1363 •LllTWOOD l 111BYnd,,,~1)n1 exe111ent1 \:£1U D ...-·-· · ""· • H 1ng Blech FM llr eond & cocoa ' • --·------1 ..... a.ft.La ....... ~ 5ii alloy whl1 +Cm re. unMJ'iooo ~!~1.'!.'!!........... engine. 11000. 58-1481 bt~ ixt.n«. (878NIT). lull power, new tlr••: 1t7t Otde C:UtllD SuS*-9'!~5TIOIOCOWIOf" 113,500 &'M 19800/b .. t. 1111 JIM • •--.. '79 Mont• C11lo, 1llver/ 11110 gold met. vinyl top. lrn me $1800 below~ ~ .,. £ ·~•724• _,., ~ .... ~Int~ -•-v• lo-mac eond 1 35o o 1111'. 111 orig. 1lr, lthr, (1CAR592) ••1 1•1• v ........ " 'll ...... , ...... ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• .,..,. --· -· ... 875-&97 • . • • 5a.· ~·· ....... '82 AMC.,_ ... 8)(4. On"' Cll 1llK mllH 16700 -..... 4 Crulll, etc etc. 28MPG. .. f/11& i....i1 1 owner. e .. ut. cond .._.... ., s14 995 '113 J~1.11r XKE Coupe, ••••••••••••••••• ••• Milnt. record•. Won't 2300 mllH. S1v1 over 845-8218. Yll.llWlllJI Flret l38t5 tall ... Mr , comp etety r11tored, MERCEDES .. ' 1 .. 11 Mutt 1111 A llMl It $3,000. PP 84M82t Chevy '85 lmp111. Mini 18711 Blach Blvd !~!~ ......... !!!f w1n11m1 5-48-7245 meot1 & body xlnt. Muet ---'IJ IHMlt le ·e. 14450. 837-2753 lslik 1111 eond. Orlgln1I owner. Huntington BNch '80 Mercury Zephyr. 4 dr . IJ•tl Hl1 1eU ttll1 wknd. 18500. & VOLVOS ..., ti ...... p,.._ 11.,1 YW •••••••••••••••••••••• 11895. 8"-0·5324. UJ-JIOI iOld, 4 '9d tr1n1, AC/ •••••••••••••••••••••• " AM-8208 ""l "". 1.,..1 M."'"'°' ,,. Ex: Sunroof, Buclt•t 11IU IEE II '7t Ceprlcl CIMllc: Ste· ·ao CHEVETTE Bronze Wt Su~;~~~:9400 l/O ..... l * , .. ~ ..... I ""1' •"" _,.. s ..... Rally MllQI, 0.-8 ~FM t IO< the llfgeet and belt tlon Wegon .• pw. low •-Cir. Air. euto. tllt-whl, RA;~ ·,m50 .. 1 .. 011..J w1'f'!, .,, .. 1 .... ..i.1. tux• Tnm, Reel! & Ptnlorl " 1 et.Ill · 1el1et1on ol new ind mll11g1. xlnt eond A· 1 eond Mu1t 1e1.1·119 Plymoulh $350 SM • 1-1Ml oMllAI DI "'"' .... w.i. ........ , Stffrlng, Front Wtlffl 11· This one lo<*• brend ulld Buldle In ~lllQI 18250. 7eo-&227 645-2951, 835-6810 11 3820 W. 5th, Sent• '73 1/e et1tlon wag. Pl1>to. mYRTllll '""1'•" u"""> '"'" •• 11 Drive, Luxury lnl_.lor & ~~· ... ). IUIYI County tod1yl 1978 CMv. C1Prlee. 29, Ana 8:30 to 5pm. Mon low mll11, gold $1250 ewe '1111/bladt. New pllnt, ........... ,,,11,,.. Morel ....... ~ 000 ml. S3e00. 859-1645 lllT SIU thru Sal. OBO 559-1833 e11fQ1N end lnt•lor. Ex-Jr= EPA Eet: 30 e1w. 40 nwy .I• 1111111 It ...._ & ~-.. my epot1111 ·e1 • '9d r e1ll.en1 oondltlon. YILllWllD 1 Ir.,.,.... .. ...... a. V~tt1. White. rid lelth. ·73 COUGA~ XA7. Lo 'll PllTI (51A4284) s· 11311 18711 Bleell Blvd '88 Bel Air Chiv. 4 dr, All goodl11 540-0737 mllt1gl, AIC AM/FM DELUXE MOOEL· 4 lt4,000 llM)llS (eerlll 00745o4Jos Huntington 8Meh rune good. fid eond 646-5885 Xlnt treneportltlon ear epeed, $3200 17,000 rni 111-1311 ··-.,--·' Ji11/lf.>fi WE~~~.T~~-I U2·JIOO •ti..0r_,,c~ S595,ph847· Ot7 ·ea Corv1tt1. rer1 427 11800 645-08110 , _98_2·_2_730 ______ , ..... _ -r --· 2925 Hllbor Blvd. Tn-~ Big moiey In 751.()538 '1n.Hli IHI , 1978 JAO XJL 1J>1 CW. SI -l*l llNcil -/.llff / ...... f '72 VW PCJl)lop Camper, COSTA MESA Cit. A rell belutyl u'tt••••••••••••••••• ~ Orig . owner. 63,000 Moll fu 71•lm9:Dl••I m 2524 Herbor ....... c M new valve job, 12895. S 1 e I 7 9 O O . ·n Volar1 St1 Wgn, AT. • ml•. Ewry Mrvlee red WMkenos 1141~58.ll . 5-49-8023 '"M5-1i70 _84_8-_25_49_.____ lll-2100 2131944-5810 #•1IU• fffZ PS, AC, V8 318 , elnoe new. Sliver/red ''l•••••••ll 1111 ---------• --------••••••••"•••••••••••••• 11200 Tll0-1940 • $$500, 720-111&5 II r.Jh •-ffU ww ·111 Century Ltd. Mint '76 VIile LolCMd ~ :·1s XJ eonver11on. emett 11Z a.111W1 ••••0··£-::A.,l •• E· •• ;R •• l.N •• U •• S •• A.. WIPD ~~'!;.~u•a~o'°:b";,': . 'II Giff llYA ~n~n ~ow~~: (!~.'!!! •........• ~! ~ bloclc C1'19vy, 350 trena. Sllowroorn cond Ork # 1 . . . G11 r11dy for eummer • O 645-7 to7 '77 GRAN PRIX. mull -XI t d 18500 1 !uni Thi• on• 1111 1n 844-5813 2 Ir. llAllT P i-. --------• to apprlel1t1 S3000 °' 1981-CADILLAC SEDAN DIVILLI D'ILEGANCIE (10FH731) s12,995 1980 CADILLAC ILDORADO COU .. t (602277) s12,995 Oller Go "Id Thru Monday, 1·26-82 NABERS <:AOILl .. 1\C ., 11:183i.~~18". blu11t1n lntr. SIR, Ill Dlo"""tV CARVER I AM /FM 1t1r10 & ll>W 1-,7-8_A_•_g1_l_C_O_U_P_•_. -.-ut-o-,' e Cyt, euto. Very clean, 1 77 lmmK eond. LOlded. bell offer 845-9248 option•. 120,500, :XIrC 'IY--...r"'C ml .... Clllnl(317SZGI F.. 1 owner ca r , ntoe Dual rear epealler with 'llMllt••a 2eOO HAABOA Bl.VO. 78)(.IGL,S.ble.xlntcond. 720-1885 l"L.JLLJ ~l'-1.,;. lllll AM /"' •tlrlo. er, IQ 111ur Cuetom All Flr1blr<l "77Formute.Xlnt COSTAMESA • Loaded. 1e.ooo. PP •-.,-1-300--D-.-llk-.-new--.-111-n--·~~~~~1~1 ·-~ M ..... _:_;_3~_7s_3~_2_s_•_e_.e_s_3_5_., lnveat":'1'·1<SIBIM804'l. :.~U.9•5!2' i 12 .ooo . IHI& OOIPE ~C:,n!/~~·r:cs-;4~1~: 540-1860 71~87-1037 roof, ttereo CNMtl• al-~~·"""~' ~ --'82 Smlll Sllylettl. 2 dr, • .,_. " 1 owner -Mint Cond. A 1173-1800 'H JAGUAR. MARK X, loy ~. Own« muet CLOSED SUNDAYS YIUIWllU iuto. PS/PW. bucket•. '59 Vetle, r1110<1d. xlnt epd. Fectoiy Air, Fectoiy --------•I!~~~~!!!!~ runt good. '5095. new eae 833-0730,970-2671 •--" _,, 18711 e..chBlvd 1495.845-7578 cond S8800 or oll1r Moonrool. Stereo, nHl•tiJd 1110 : brakM, 875-1594. 1•11 8 PM) _. "'1 ' Hun~':G'J.°"JOOOBMeh 640-4982 Factory elloy1, P/etr, ••••,1•1••;.:_•1·:.:.·~;·•• __ ...,;,.. ______ 1~~~-=---:-:---:-:--:-:-•••••••••••••• •••••••• ... CMJJJ•1 HI I •• .. , .. ,. ~ J.... f1JI "78 280 Sld1n, wht 1111/ 1974SMB,4eplld.retltt •••••••••••••••u••••• 11_ ff•• Wine velour Interior. Good d Maka ff ~··•••••••••••••••••••• btu Int., VERY, very eng. 811n roo t , good •80 vw Venegoti L, VlfY .. ,-•n• -•A" '*• only 7SK, •.M8a. eon · 0 •r '74 ~ H ......... RnulJ el11n, nu r1dl1I tire•. d Beel offer ~ ~·· ••••••••••••••••• A llST • .. 1 ••• 751-2770 _, -1 eon · · cleen, 22,000 ml, or1ng1 .... Wll! 69 Coug1r Xlnt cond --blue with new white top. meeh xlnt. Mull Hll. 842-7208 & c ream. AC. 111r10/ -- -70K orig mllll, mutt ~2111 89 T ·B•rd. 2 dr , good New trans. d\i1eh 74,000 Dy• 955-0923, 1v11 'll •••• y--i.pe. 19500. 846-3580 W1 apeelallzl In ..._ ·79 Chevette. 13000 4 1 e I I 1 1 4 00 / b st • condition, will be• clu-•, ong ml. Sh11p $4200. 559-9362 Aek tor Biii. --10< thl bull,_ 1xeeu-epd good eond. Moving 851.9204 ' sic $785 962-$)68 , 24()..2112 'St 300D, dlftl blue/ blUe Snrl. 1lr, Plrelll tlr11 1111 YW uve & PfOfeNional. muet 11111 552•7929 , ___ _ '75 I I I .. I lllee De 752..e<>te --Larae lea..tt.e "89 Coug1r XR7 Low tt69 T-Blrd $1550 Never ntereeptor convert.. n .... us taer . r-1971 Sonnet. Good con-4 epMCl-;'r~M/FM. It ltw 1112 '74 Cllevelll Mlllbu du-mllee E•e•llent eond. eeretehed, ell orig I~• wtit w/wood duh, 39K rell 758-1221 I """ ele. PIS. P/B, Auto, Air, Blue with while Interior. & runs Ilk• new, all op- ml. 118,900. 770-6977 '76 3000, Ivory/tin. 114, dltlon. 1.....,. 111nroolend1xtr1eherpl OM1111aa 350 ve. clear title. $1 500. 988-1838. Ilona . Mr James • • Daily Pilot e classifieds wortc for • you. Call • 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. ft ..,..._Al• 1134 000 or belt otter. 4M·3474 (1EBL5991. II hw la lhetl $800/0BO. 9&4-3205 595-2190 548-7245 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1175-7478 ,.,. 1111 11• 1-------- 1110 YW '78 SLC. Ivory with IO· ··~~·· M llAllM NA~R ~.8.!' . .'1.!'!! .••••• ~~ ~-8.'!:'1.!'!! •••••• !.~~ ~!.!' . .'1.!'!! •••••• !.~f!O A•!•!J.!'!! ••• ...!!.!f. A•!~.~!! ........ 1111 11111• w .,_ ~ . .-oot. ,...... ..,.."""" I -\ Thleeuperelllliel1ex-mint eond. $31,000 ~ 187118eect1Blvd "-~'' .i .ii tre eleanl (8884). Won't 844-5403. 111&11 Huntington Belch 2600 Hubor Blvd. lut long II -.7-7_M_B_Z_4_50_S_L-.-X-ln-t 111·IMI 411-041 IU·JIOO Com MeY S40-9100 13111 eond Mon thru Thurs --------•--------• .,. ..... 7·30 10 4 pm. Aetc for R 1111 llUll '88 VW Bug. Low mllle, "80 Eldoredo, 25K ml. Ill -•sw•••i Baumen. 5-4~t17 llAT rune greet. 30 mpg. 1xtr11, xlnt cond. •--Equipment lnelud11 1 Alltorld. AM/FM tape 111 0001080. &41-75945 187'1 a.ctt Bl'td. '75 240 Oielel. 110.000. 9hlll. Thie one ,,.. low Redte11, maiga 12150 •--·------Huntington 8-:tl Reblt eng. 17,000 mllle. mllel tool (85eZED). 988-1836, 595-2190 TIE ua1m UJ-2100 ><tnt conci. 642-3572· 14111 1111 YW IELEmll '74 Karm1nn Ghia. 111perb 'IO lllZ M II M llUm Ill of let• model, tow mllee- eond, new h11dllner. AZTEC RED. Sia to IP-YILllW... Autom1tle transrnlllion, ge Cedtnece In 8outhem ruge, lhMpskln COVIi'$, ~~:,··~= off• 18711 8eed'I Btvd. AM/FM and C.8. rldloe. Cellfomlal SM UI tOdayl brulhld 1lum wtlle, stlll "'"'' (009MIE). 1111111 r9dlll tlr111 01rage kepi. 1983 M1re1d11 B1n1 Huntington 8Met'I IHll a• .. wc 15800. 842-79~ evee/ 2208 C1eln body. run1, M2·~ -• ~noe. but nlld• engine work. i ltlf M ..... 2800 Harbor Blvd. '89: Run• greet.,_ Cor-$495. eet-2220 .!!!.!"................. YILISWllU COSTA MESA vet11 yellow paint, '82 3000 Turbo. Sliver '78 TOYOTA 18711 8Met'I BIVd. 140• 1111 1hMp1kln eover1. new I blue mettlblul air ortho CELICA OT Huntington a.ect1 br1k11, tlr11. $2500. IHll. r-tiMct~. feet * ml 181 * MJ.JtOO 'll llYl.LI 983....050 lnelld rn111, muet Mii OH, WHAT A FEEUNGI , 5"" mt ...__ oof Perleet eomblnitlon of 6t Slngll eeb Pldl11p. xlnt •" • -1Unr llul• 1131 Pv1 pty 7141731.()202 economy and eport lty-0 0 n d v • r y c 1 1 1 n 16595 5-40-6472 •••••••••••••••••••••• #I 1141 llng. 5 8')d., w/pow. •tr.. 13895/olr. 84!>-09ee '118 El Oorlldo Con¥9ttl*. •••••••••••••••••••••• A/C, louw• end morel 111l YW t1n lire mitt. seo<>O/btt '79 MG Midget 18,000 ml. (024UBV) .Jult nlld re-......... " Ill otr. PP. 4,._..40 Spoll1 rime. ltnlfm cu, llabl• p1rty to mek• Thie one 11 bleck on '68 Cedlllac Cpe O.'llllle, roll 1>11. other extrlS Xlnt ~oontl monr•ct'h'Y1 10~·~. black ( 12421 ). Grllt AC. AM/FM et«IO, new eond . 14995 OBO . ""' -·-tlrM JCJnt running eond. 831-7437 No badt pmt1 due. Alk traneportltlon tor • for AOH 8"2·4400. 12111 $950. 642-328' ............ !!~•••••••••••••!.~ff 55&-1008 Proto UM. M IAllH '77 Sevllll, xlnt eond. PP. IU UI r.J 'It Ml '75 Cellc:I GT. Od eond, Ytl.llWAUI 17900· 842_..10 •0 • You• Extra clean. 1m/lm. ,_ rldlal•. new brlkM, 18711 BNch Blvd . ..arfl&IA1°". Everything new SEE TO 111reo. $2300, 9&4-2127 Hunttnoton Bleeh ·77 Fltwd 8rm, low ml, """ a BELIEVE. $3500 Of trade 111 3pm. •••.-pert eond, 111tll1r, ell _. &.-xtr11. 18250/bet olr. ... • .. .., 10<? 831·55M Miil MU11 NII '78 Toyota~ .72 ,.~ .• ..........,, ,__..1 & 842-3555 MG ,_ ,___ 1,_ rolle. Good eond. $2800 ...,.........,_" """" 1--------fACllTTI 11179 B,..,......,... m · 080. 71'1/844.()309 rune greet, redt111. '65 Coupe de VIII&. comp I __ .. ..,1 .... ,....... gorg1ou1 burgundy 11895/ofr. 845-0998 0\/.--.-.1 . .., "• •••• ....... ._ body. not 11er1teh, r\H\I 1979 Celtc:a St. )(Int ooncl. I~..., .... "218 Ilk• 1 dr11m. 14850. 5 tpd. t11nltm ~ 38, 1111 YW """· ""'1"" --11-.-IUDA----• 548-7245 ooo mt aµ995. Ill c.-n lilt Ul lllPf ._ ffU 8-31..()471 Th11 one hlS e lrllh en-•••••••••••••••••••••• Thie one hU IVlfYU'lnO :::"A~!.••••••••••••• '72 Corona. gln1, eunroot, AM/FM ~- lneludlng I ,. •P••d LUii A 1112 "'"' good. S550. end low mllel. (200XXP~ • • " Ho-5375 11111 If you rHlly IO'll C1-lrana., air eond. & "'"° PEllEIT Ill I -------marOI. gtw me 1 can. I rooll (011ZEBI. Tllll llEIEL 'llO TerOlt, 14,000 mt. pert -IAllH have 1 bllnoh, tneludlno 11411 eond, em/tm etereo, Ill YIUIWllll fully loaded BEALINET- M..... $289 JCtrM. $4500. 842-3555 18711 8MCtl Blvd TAS, TYPE LT i nd .,_,Lo.-mo · 22a· •. .iu11 nlld rell&b6I YallWAlll .,_...... Hunt~on 8e9Ch p1rty to m1"• 1m1 t1 ...................... .. 1• ~ 18711 leedl Blvd. ... ....,_ 1 •70 vw Bun IUnfoof Nna -• monthly pmt1. No old Huntlnvton 8eeet1 Pll' mon ... ...-ax Im .... .... ' . ..,. ,._. vw .......... 1 "" • eontreet1 to -..me. No MJ·JtlO 48 month e1011d end • ... een. ""..,... ,.,...,.,. ·.,.a... b k pmll due Aak tor • ...._ on epprowd er• 1700. 484-8875 dr, emltm CUI, II epd R 9; 11 1 ·4 2 _·4 4 0 0 '78Colmo.MW11 ..... ,_ dlt. Come In end Ilk for '72 VW Pen1I Bue, nu A/C, 16200· 7eo-133• 651-1008 Proto UM. ' tr1n1, 70.000 ml, xlnt ~111•1 (Ser. 1W5) tlr•, rbft eng. Cteen In/ ·es eug. Abl1 eng, ,_ 1---------1 eond. Lo1ded. $4,000, IUOI llPllll out. 13100. 548·8221; pnt, Int, brk1, OrHI 1111 ~ 528-4158...... 648 Do'<l9 Street 845-395& eond. s22001obo. ._.. lttl 1t73 Mud•, t ow~r. N9wport 8Mct'I 11 vw eonvwt. Hlghelt 8"a-Ag75 Loade d lneludlng • • p e rfect. I 1500/ofler. 712-1111 bid. Good condition. 74 vw Bug, xln1 oond., 1peecl tren1. Ttlrllllng P 1 m . 5 • o • 7 7 to ; e1e.-n31 . run• IUP«b. '3260. c.n cet1 (1817). Only 3,000 4t74157. •72 4 Of. PeuQem. Aune vw A.obit DllMI engine, now, •te-eete m11e11 '75 Mud• Plokup, nine Qd, rtew M1cMlln llr•. Ilk• naow 11200. 'IO Oii. VW Rabbit. Dh1 4 111.J 112,1111 gru t. good Inte rior. llOOtobo. 841-e51t IT6-"°9 CdM. dr, em/tm ce11, 5 8')d ............. camper lfllll. eml1rn CB. ,,,,,.. lflf ,74 VW Bug, 1 OWIW, lo A/C, 15200. Dov9/au--It.a. S2to0 OBO. 681-M57 •••••••••••••••••••••• mtteeoe. AM/fM. Muet 7eG-1SSA NEWPORT _,,CH 'll .... U * ... 12700/0fr. SAM13!1 '7a8QUARE8ACK:Cleen, ......... Xlnt oond. AM/FM ...a. .. •• 111 °' 641 -IOIA rune well S2QOO. 1tll - -AllillnO 13,460. 080 11l1 '72 Aed Conv.r1 Bug:,.,.. 714/HCM0&9 -·-· 844-0317 fllll e n g . I S t OO . 'tall UST SEl.LI '13 VW I• ...... ,,_•d 1111 A1cl w/bltek, FlerH, e7M3'1Of 1~1. tart Bue. Slld• rt, nw Automau~. trtnemlMIOn Whtie Tell, A!CARO. -...-., ....,, trane. Melle and Ill A•IN OMMttt. •••••••••••••••••••••• (12107) ·n WI 8U8. Cllen, m~ jj;~·.-.... t t. a 8 t 1 · (IOtt14~ * 11•110.1000111 =~:o.~z:~~~.,c;t;; ......... · ... 1•1 .. II • lt2-Cttt2 · '?a luper 8H lle, re bl1 • -........ =., ... e•.~u...... ~ft'D '87 "'•· 11Y, rtdlef ....... eng. am~~ .. ~ ....... .._... --· ..... v,... R.hlltn 1500Dc eng, duel oatt>I, =--·"'"'Int........... 11711 ~IMS, «*.(1°1~ ..... ,... :!:.'•~~'!!.~:.-~: 0 1-4360 HUnMli.:e-' 111-1111 timHtedlor IMt. eee .. ,,. ·n vw IUPIA HET\.I ---------1 ! f - '1.!f ..,_ Clt'O¥ll •71 •-~ w/:1:t nw/OtH nH d l en1. ru.,._, •• , fl 0 1111 'u~ ..._, ~ ,,_. -,. • ...,1,. ""lem•IC .. ~••-•••••• .. • •• ••• •••• •••• .. --·-·--...... ,v_ ""' • NIW ~ INGINI 117 1t17 4IO llL 1rown llllttl ~ _ · ~, '2060. ee1.aa ldlt. 14M1'2• 2..aiott 1'11-f*f w/tlO _..: tan Int. 1 owner, xlnt 11•."811 '1llblt00oo xtnt NtWr!O '*'*'llVW tuo.ounroof, bO .,_,.a ltlfft kM. •1, :11r:r.r.:'"1t4t ·11 tt11. ._ 1;2· u re•, colfttort'. 12180, ,...._ OOC!:.~~ 1::-• vtM Job, ,_m OIO. 4M •1 "· --_, . '77 W."41 .. AIOll..C, ..,..._ .,._ '11 ~'I". llllWnlO 1171 ~ lllM oond 'II Cofwlr, Medi ..,., ....... dWOfM :::;:: '"' "'. 0 • • '' • • I .......... 730-0112 tMOOI'*' °""' '*" on. ...... dld.122.fOO,. ...... ..!!!'. .. ao4'n ......... ' AN AMERICAN TRADITION SINCE 1908 An y Car Deale r Can Pro mise you low prices. JOHNSON & SON' has been giving Southern Califo rnians low prices and the finest qua lity persona l service for many year s. Cnme in a nd we will he lp you select your ne w o r used a utomo bile. SOME OLD FASHIONED SPECIALS FOR YOU $500 DEMO CLEARANCE UN DER INVOICE on all new 8l's left on the lot and on some 82 models. We're overstocked! '82 GRAND MARQU I S SEDAN $12, 755 ($ales Manager's car #2602) '81 COUGAR 2-DOOR $7995 (Loaded and carries new car warranty) '82 CONTINENTAL (:~!2~~~25) llOT NEW 1982 CA PRIS JU T ARRIVED 0-60 in 6.9 seconds We're ready to deal! '82 LI NCOLN TOWN CAR 4 door. loaded with opUons $17,387 (SlOCk car II 1157) OEAOUNES For Tl*dey thrc·Jgh S1turd1y publications, 5:3 I PM the pr9Vloul dey. Fo Sund1y 1nd Mondey pu~icat ons. 12:00 noon Seturday. ERRORS ~..,. should checil INlr llds dally 1nd report errors ltnmedi1t1ly. The OAll Y PILOT ..,,,.., llablllty for the tint Incorrect lnMrtlon only. 642-5678 P\8.ISHER'S NOTICE: All rHl eetati ICMnleed In this'*"'~ Is IUtljecl to .the Flder1t F1lr Hou.Ing N:A Of 1Me wtllctt rrekel It ltleglt to 9dwtt!M "tiny pmerence, Hmltaflon, or dllcrimlnltlon beeed on rece. color, religion, MJC, or natlONI ortgtn, or 111 lntientlon to rrelle .-iv-euch preference, llmlt1tton. or dlecffmlnetlon." .USftlSAU =-.. -1• 1• _,..... "" ~-·-·· IN c.-... ., -c..--ir;'_ ... --...... v..., --..... ..... -1:., .... .... -...... =:.. -;,=VJO;e --::.~~ ----~ -....._ = ----=.:.:---..,.... __ 1• ----~ ,. ~ .... ·--~ .. ·-8:"~ er,,.. '*" ,.. ----·-o..ie-I.IOI• IMt ·-= .......... -=~ -H• --=-,._T1!:.' = EI~· ---_,..._,c,.... = .... ~"',...... --·-- •Ma tn this category muat be~ Open &&30, S.turday 1-floon (Clolld on Su~ 330 W. Bly St., Co8ta MMe, C.. 11m1.- IOOM.S ---------- l Real Estate/An Advenlalng Supplement to the DAii. Y PILOT /Saturda • July 24. 1982 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A 5l.8SOARY OF ll4E IRVHE ~V . COLLllS ISLE Lg bayfront estate on small gated Island magnificent view of boating action & 4 lslandsl Over 5600 sq. ft. of luxurious living space. Featured rooms Include; lg fam rm. w/fully equipped bar, oak planked game rm, 5 spacious BRs, 8 baths. Two staircases & elevator to sundeck roof. Slips for 3 lg boats. $4,300,000 Including prime land. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (K11) IEWPORT IUCH -EQIESTRIAI Located on 2.4 acres, property Includes corrals, riding ring. barn. pool & beautifully authentic Georgian Colonial home w/5 BR, din rm, tam rm, den & maid's quarters. Exclusively offered $1,850,000 Martha Macnab 642-8235 (K12) UCLISIVE IWlllR RIISE II IEWPORT IUCll Elegant French manor home In gated community. Completed 1n finest detail and craftsmanship. ~agnlflcent views of Newport's bays. & night lights. 4 BR, 6_ BA. 2 tam rms & library add to this home's prestigious & elegant lifestyle. Realistically priced at $1,825,000 Incl. land. Owner will assist w/flnancing. Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (K 13) 10' 01 WITERFRllT 2'1r yrs new. Custom home w/dock for 3 boats. $1,550,000 Incl. land Dona Chichester 642:-8235(K14) I IEDROOM -OCUI VIEW Split level home In guard-gated community w/fabulous vista of coastline, city lights & ocean. Excellent ttnanclng available. Submit all otters. $950,000 Anita Schandef 644-6200 (K15) l IEST Ill CllYOI IROllMOOR This marvelous expanded 5 BR den, tam rm home has It all. Brick patios surround a beautiful pool & spa entertainment area. Childrens BR's are lg & Fam rm warm & spacious. Custom cabinetry & French doors add to a true quality tam home. $875,000. Tom Alllnson & Terry Aune Hanes 642-8235 (K16) 1111 1111 CllllMllllM Total security In this beautiful luxurious condominium -Bay & city view, underground security parking, Poot & spa. Magnlflclenl entrance salon w/crystal chandelier, Poot rm & deck area to private boat slips. $845,000. Barbara Aune 842-8235 (K17) Ill OUYll -IEIT VIEW Magnificent high vista & view from this superb location In Big Canyon. This 3 BR, den, Deauvllle has a wonderful pe>ot & spa for outdoor entertainment. $785,000. Terry Aune Hanes -842-8235 (K18) lllWPUIE IF llUll •L 11&1 Every possible luxury has been Included In this magnificent co81om home on a corner lot near COM Beach. The minute you enter the courtyard you realize this Is Indeed a very special home. 3 BR & ocean view $675,000 Maxine Propp 644-8200 (K19)1 111111 llUlll -llW M 111 IUllO Charming cottage w/huge master suite. Covered beams & tiles throughout -new1y remodeled. New roof, new heating, copper plumbing. New kitchen & bath -Room to enlarge & build 2nd unit. 45' lot. Bay view. $675,000 Beverly Morphy 842-8235 (K20) .... 111 lllllnt One of the lowest priced Oeauvtllea In 8fg Cenyon. This 4 BR home 11 light, airy & In A-1 condition. The beautiful pool, 1pa & lg. entertainment patio are perfect for those warm summer dayt ahead. $649,500. Easy to see, so call Tom Alllnaon or Terry Hanes 8-42-8235. (K21) .. lllVllE TEllUOE -VIEWI Sit-down ocean & bay view w/lg, hi-beam living rm. All new kitchen w/brlck floors. Split level w/4 BAs. $595,000 fee. Beverly Morphy 642-8235. (K22) PRICE REIUCTIOI OOROll Hl&HUllS VIEW Fantastic ocean & canyon view 3 BR. 2 BA, dining area home· situated on very lg lot -room for e11:pansion & pool. $495,000 Fee land Donna Godshall 644-6200 (K23) VIEWI VIEWt VIEWI IUITIFILLY DECOUTED '"Seaview'" home in lush garden setting with panoramic view of ocean, city lights and coastline. This fine 3 BR executive home features garden atrium & country kJtchen with breakfast area. Priced for fast sale. $475,000 Anita Schandel 644-6200 (K24) Liff tSUll HLllE llHE Lovely bright 5 BR formal dining rm, tam rm, wetbar, sunny patio! Tastefully decorated. Assumable 1st T.D. Priced right at $465,000 Berit Mitchell 642-8235 (K25) IHITIFUL DOYER SHORES Custom residence, approx 'f.a acre with 20 by 40' pool & spa + separate fenced yard & patio. Formal living rm. lg dining rm with beamed ceiling, tiled country style kitchen. Convertible den, 3 BR, 3 BA. Good assumatil6 financing. $465,000 LH Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (K26) JllMllE CREEi Gate-guarded community. 2 BR + den. Tastefully decorated. Close to pool & tennis. $395,000 Berlt Mitchell 642-8235 (K27) UYSIDE COYE The "legend" model -one BR. den condo situated with steps to the bay. Completely redecorated. The master suite occupies the entire second floor. Ananclng Is excellent on this prestigious home. $395,000 Fee Donna Godshall 644-6200 (K28) PUIUIU Niil OUllEI Absolutely delightful 3 BR. 2 BA, cottage. Located on corner lot w/lots of privacy. Steps to beaeh, harbor & parks. Fantastic financing. Potential plus. A bat buy at only $325,000 Suzanne Shuter 842-8235 ~29) 111TLI 1111 PlllllDT llM Beautifully decorated ''Executive Home" w/huge park-like garden ! covered patios. 4 BR, Fam rm. formal dining w/many elegant upgrades. Excellent financing -Owner w/cimy 1st T.D. $325,000 Including land. Belte Partch 644-6200 (K30) I UIT Ill II IMMI VllW llW This "Sandpiper Modef" 11 a fant .. tlc family home featuring 4 BR, 3 BA, 2 fireplaces, wet bar. lg kitchen w/eatlng area. Needs some redecorating and landscaping. $100.000 under some models In Harbor View HUia. $319,000 Including land. Sharon Smith ~200 (K31) • ll.lff Uftl Charming 3 BR, 2 bath cuatom home w/fantutlc landscaping on an extra-IQ. bulldable lot. $300,000. A must see! Mary Lou Marton 642-82"35. (K32) Orange County Real Estate"/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Jutv 24, 1982 _ 3 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY USTILUFF I VIEWI Lg. 4 BA home w/wonderlul family rm & den addition. The family-play rm. has an ornamental fplc w/raised marble hearth. mirrored wetbar & carved celling. Lg . view lot w/room for play, picnic & party. $299,500 leasehold. Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes 642-8235. (K33) llST SELL -SllllT OFFERS Customized "Delores" end unit w/bay & ocean view. Large master suite w/spa tub & sun deck. 2 secondary BR's, 2'h BA. Gourmet kitchen Includes new ·oak cabinets, JennAlre cook-top & BBQ. $295,000 LH. Maureen White 644-6200. (K34) CllYOI I OCW VIEWS Larger Corona del Mar lot on quiet street. Spotless 3 BR, 3 BA home including separate guest suite. 2 lovely patios. Seller may help finance. May be best opportunity in town. Only $289,500 with land. George Grupe 644-6200. (K35) LOW IOWll VIEW Port Ourness -the best view street in prestigious Seawind. Carmel model, professionally decorated & landscaped. Koi pond & great view. Seller will coop. w/Jinancing. Bring your offer with low down buys this home. $282,000. Jane Paquin 842-8235. (K36) TlllTLE 11001 Fantastic Bren garden home -Monteclto model, Plan B w/great view of mountains, featuring 3 BR, fem rm, highly upgraded. This home Is on a cul-de-sac & fee land. Community pool & tennis. $267,500. Sharon Smith 644-6200. (K37) OllTIM IY lft.lll Quality heights -Bullt to last. 2 used brick fplc -high beams. hardwood floors, 3 BA or 2 + den -formal dining -Cape Cod cottage. $265,000. Beverly Morphy 642-8235 (K38) WllAT Cllll IE IETTER 2 fplcs -3 BA & a Catalina view. Lovely lg lot-beautiful location - close to schools & Fashion Island. $245,000 leasehold. Barbara Aune 642-8235. (K39) Ll&llT IP 10111 LIFE With the sunshine ·n charm of this Lusk Eastbluff home. Lg 3 BR + fam rm. Skylites. brick + custom upgrades thruout for emotional atmosphere! Beautifully landscaped parkllke yard areas. Submit your offerl $239,500. Jane Paquin &42-8235. (K40) WESTCLIFF AllU 3 BA + tam rm, light & cheerful home very privately situated on quiet tree lined street in excellent area. Close to all. Single fam home at condominium prlcel Good financing. $239,000 Fee. Jane Paquin 642-8235. (K41) WESTCLIFF AllU POOL MOIE Delightful 3 BR family home. Beautiful lg pool & patio area Many extras & upgrades. Seller extremely motivated. A best buy. $235,000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235. (K42) 30 YHll ASSUMAILE LOii Best financing ever! Harbor Ridge · $75,000 wlll move you In. "Renaissance" Model In fantastic location. Be sure & see this one. $475.000. Anita Schandel. 644-6200. 144-1200 ILUFFS 01 &llEEllEL T One story, 3 BR "Bonita". Newly painted, carpeted, shutters, lovely wallpapers. Perfect for smaH family or retired couple. Excellent financing. Community pool nearby. FULLY ASSUMABLE! $225,000. Jan Young 642-8235. (K44) COlll wm PRIVATE SPl 3 BA very sophisticated Bluffs condo only s1eps to comm. pool. Owner has reduced price and will assist In financing. Assumable 1st. TD. $225,000 Leasehold. Paula Balley 642-8235. (K45) IEW 01 THE lll ln Magnificent Mclain Big Canyon condo. Highly upgraded 2 BA, 2 BA residence that shows like a model. Security gated, community pool, spa & tennis. Formal dining rm w/mirrored ceiling. Dramatic step down llv rm. Excellent financing. $205.000. Furnished $215,000. Suzanne Shuler 642-8235. (K46) IEWPOllT IUCM FOR 1111,0001 Yes, Indeed, you may buy a Lusk-built residence with 3 BA & tam rm. Newly painted w/good financing. Priced below anything else In Eastbluff. Coby Ward 642-8235. (K47) UIT COSTA IEIA OlllllEI· 2 doll houses. each 2 BA. Separate yard and garage. $160,000. Berit Mitchell 642-8235. (K48) WllllRlllE Cllll Charming "Redwood" model -3 BR. 21h baths, dining area. professionally decorated In spring colors. Lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool, tennis courts & lake. $155,500 Fee. Donna Godshall 644-6200. (K49) FIUIOll& PlCUIE This 3 BR home has It all! Wonderful financing is available. close to freeways, shopping & culture too and a wonderful floor plan & yard for your growing family. $136,900. Tom Alllnson and Terry Hanes. 642-8235. (KSO) IESA ¥ERIE STllTU lllE 3 BR, 2 BA cutlet Cul-de-sac, lg yard. Take over $70,000 1st. T.O. Owner may help finance. $129,000. Barbara Callihan 642-8235 (K51) llST SELL • SllllT IFFEllSI Customized "Delores" end unit w/bay & ocean view. Lg master suite w/Jacuzzi tub-& sun deck. Two secondary BR, 2th BA. Gourmet kitchen Includes new oak cabinets, Jen-Aire cook top & 8BQ, sub- zero Convection oven. 3 private patios. $295,000 LH. Maureen White 644-6200. (K5) MllllOR llll&E • llEDIGEI 1200,000 One of a kind free standing "Devonshire'' with 5 BR & bonus rm. Panoramic view -ocean, bay, Catalina, night llghts. Gorgeous Mexican Pavers Inside & out. Lovely solid oak paneling in family rm, bonus rm, & den. $1 ,495,000 Fee. Maureen White 644-6200. (K53) HlRIOR RIDIE llllOUUT! "Dynasty" model with 2 BR, 2 BA, conversation area, sauna. jacuzzi. Lush landscaping. Shows like a model home. $465,000 Fee. Maureen White 644-6200. (K54) 1•2-8236 L .,. 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 24, 1982 "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWN! Assume $564,500 at 11.75% on this 3 bedroom, 2'h bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor. Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMS! Seller will carry an AITD of $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft., 3 be(trooms, 31h baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Views from this home are Incredible! s95o.ooo."DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller will consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 31/t bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city llght views. Seller relocation. $850,000. AMENITIES THAT JUST DON'T QUIT! Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble fireplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage. insulated wine room, 3 additional bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH DESIGNER UPGRADES Mirrors. celllng fans and pavers accent this llke-new 4 bedroom, 21'4 bath home In close proximrfy to the.tennis courts arid pool-spa area. Only $585,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that will rival all others. Seller must liquidate but will consider a joint-venture agreement. $1,500',000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on a lot that Is unusually large for this area, this panoramic view home can be traded for residential or commercial property In Orange County or seller wm carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, family room & large kitchen. This home has It alll $2,700,000. COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home has a large patio with spa, custom landscaping, family room and full use of recreational facllttles. Try lease/option or low down. $825,000. $517 ,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spectacular 2 bedroom ocean view home with swimming pool and additional seller financing. $650,000. WALKING DISTANCE TO THE PARKS, TENNIS AND RECREATIOM Charming 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with addltlonal den In exclusive gate-guarded community. $790,000. SWEEPING OCEAN VIEWS Superb quality 5 bedroom home with den, country charm, hardwood floors, formal dining, central courtyard with spa, separate maid's quarters and 3 fireplaces. $1,300,000. SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring available, this 6 bedroom Balboa Island residence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $1,095,000. ELEGANT EASTBLUFF HOME ON LARGE LOT Mature trees end custom landscaping greatly enhance this private and warm 3 bedroom home with attractive financing available. Seller wlll consider trade for San Juan. $259,000. . MAKE YOUR MOVE TO SPYGLASS Hil l Elegant and Immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath contemporary home with family room, dramatic wet bar plus existing mountain and city llght views. $495,000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skyllght windows will llght up your life when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 3'h bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADIT10NAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom. 4 'h bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft . of llvlng space. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY EST ATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home is ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 2'/r baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Seller will carry with 15% down or wlll consider frade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd .. this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller will carry at 12.5% with 20% down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS JUST A HALF A BLOCK TO BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25% down. $226,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with· 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. Call for addresses 644-7020 Newport Beach • Laguna Beach • Dana Point • San Clemente "On the Southern Orang'! Coa•t -Look to Lingo Flratl" -... ----..-.--... Orange Cou~ty Real Estate/ An Advertising S.upplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 24, 1982 - 5 FROM JUDY WITH "Sales Associate of the Month in the Laguna Beach Office" II presenting: BEACH PROPERTIES FROM LAGUNA TO DANA POINT views • private communities • good financing • On most of these homes you own the land!! ·•! PRIVATE ,COMMUNfTY OF THREE ARCH BAY Completely redone 3 bedroom ocean vi-home with private beacf'I, tennis and recreation. Plans for w::ond story Included, large lot plus S250,000 assumable. 1359,000 JUST REDUCED av S200,0CIOI This brand new wood and glass home with pool and Jacu:zzl offers creative terms. gorgeous ocean views, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, plus assumable and setle< financing. $595,000 ~ ...... " .. ~ j l - _..,. -.a,.. -. THREE ARCH BAY TRADITIONAL Fabuk>us ocean views, a country kitchen and excellent financing highlight this private community home with use of private beach, gate-guards and tennis. EMERALD IUOGE ELEGANCE Former model home with Jacuzzi, t>eautlful landscaping, flexible terms. 3 large bedrooms . 2 11\> baths . gat&-guards. Bring In an offer! S311,000 aEUER WU. ARRANGE FINANCING This gorgeous new redwood and glass home with 4 bedrooms and 4 baths has a pool, Jacuzzi, custom cabinets and Mys11c Hills location. Sellers 11extble. ~.ooo NORTH LAGUNA CHARMER Walk to the town °' bMch from this 2 bedroom, 2 bath home on a laroe corner lot with ocean view dect<. '248.500 JU8T tO'llt DOWN, MOYES YOU INI This entertainer's delight with $289,000 In aaaumable flnanclng Is located In prestigious Portoflna. Home enfoya ocean views. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths and recent price reduction. S351.000 GORGEOUS HOME IN TitE FOOTHU.8 S98.835 assumable at 12.75% plus large coun t ry kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, upgrades and mountain views make this home an unbeatable buy. Shows well. S'tG,000 ' OCEAN YEW MOBILE HOME Luxury living Is yours wtth this easy care home with use of beach, pool and. tennis. Grounds are fabulous. MS,000 JUDY BLOSSOM ntREE ARCH BAY PRICED RtGH'l1 Absolutely charming 3 bedroom private community home w ith Jacu;ul, hardwood floors, nuoe family room, ocean views and beach closeby. $338,500. FA.lllL Y HOME WITH FOUR BlDROOll81 Move In now to this charmer with wonderful views, large yard, doll houee features and euper motivated MOera. $141,,500 YOU'U LOVE UPPER WOODS COVE Wood and gle11 plus ocean views highlight this 3 bedroom contemporaty home with laroe decks, a front patio, laroe yard and =c:ionandng. BEAUTIFUL vt!W FOR TRADE THREE ARCH BAY·ACROaS THE ITREET FROM TitE OCEANFROMTII BLUEBIRD CANYON WOODSY SETTING New wood and gl811 horM just two blocks to beach In Coast Aoyale area. Huge pool sized lot holds this 4 bedroom. 4 bath residence with great terms and wonder1ul master suite. 9'70,000 Just listed, this whitewater view charmer has flexible terms, hardwood ltoors, beamed cefllngs. country kitchen. Try a trade on this 3 bedroom home with den and wine cellar. 1535,000 This wood and glass 2 bedroom, 2 bath home features a deck, large yard, fireplace, ocean vtew and assumable financing. For more Info. CALL JUDY BLOSSOM 497-3331 "On the Southern Orange Coast .. Look to Ungo First!" ' .,'!!!!!~~~!!~~~~~~~~~.~.~.~.~~.~~~-~CS~,~ .. ~.~.~.~r = .. =.,=~·J=,.=~=~=.~.~=.=~=.:~=,=.==.,=\,=~= .. =.=,:::,,::::~:::.,:.: ... ==,::.:.::::::::::::::=:-~~~- -6 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertlsln Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturde , Jul 24 1982 lllllFICEIT VICTOIUAI ESTATE Designed by an award-winning architect. 5 Dc:lnns + guest quarters Extensive use of oak thrQ\Jghout, 2 frplcs, pool & jacuzzi. Beauuful ocean & sunset views. Many more amenities including eompl. secur•t.y ay&Wm, skyligbts.....AJC, stainPd & beveled glass throughout plus the finest kitchen appliances. Offered at $995,000 IAYFIDIT Pier I SllJ fer IO f Hhr I IUt Ties Beautifully maintained 4 Br, study & formal dining, 3 Ba (spa in master). Complete bit-in kiL Surrounded ?Y loads of used bnck. Owne r wtll finance entire balance. Asking $1.395,000. IOUIFllllT 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper unit -2 Br 2 Ba lower, private sundeck & patio. Less than 2 yrs old and generates about $3000 a mo income. The real news is you can take over the existing bank loan of approx. $425,000 without qualifying incl. 12W~ int. fixed for 30 yrs. Only asking $659,000. Try a low down pymt. SPYIUU Elegant 5 BR, 51h BA home located high atop prestigious Spyglass Hall. Breathtaking views, family nn, library, mstr suite w/f1replace Pool, Spa, Elevator. 3-car garage w/motor court. Full security. $2,295,000 . • A Division of COUITRY FREllCH ESTATE on one of Big Canyon's largest lots. 5 &inns+ maid's. 6 Balhs Elegance thruout GourmCL kitchen Fabulous tavt•rn room Pool and spa Loads of used brick & wood Circular sw1n:a5(' cu· $2,650.000 CUSTOM CAPE COD Over 3000 sq fl custom Cap<• Cod on three levels for gra<.·1ous hvmg and entt>rtaming. This one year old home has 4 &inns. family room, formal-dmmg room. 2 US<..>d brick fireplaces. 3 decks. and is MOST beauufully decoratt'<.i Offered at $375,000 A llEll COIE TllE Of course it's the best money can buy. 3 BR -Elegance personified. Located on the e xclusive Big Canyon Country Club. A vast list of amenities including an old 1800 English Pub, all beamed & paneled study. m usic cen t.er, french doors & 2 fplcs. Solid oak staircase, wood floors, beveled glass, silver cabin e t & wine cellar . EVERYTH ING FOR THE DISCRIMINATING -A MUST SEE! $97:>,000. 111111 llNE OISTll :> &inns-6:>00 sq ft with beautiful and taste and quality throughout . .Beveled and leaded glass, onyx & marble baths, elevator, wane cellar, pool, spa, sauna, security system and much more $2 5 million Offer your trade as down payment. .r. JACOBS REALTY, INC. 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 •----·------,....._._.___,...__ -----------" .. ---,..._ ·-I"'-. • -• , , • ... _....... ••• 1o• -•· ,,.T,"'·•••• ~-. t •• t... '\.. 0 Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. July 24. 1982 -7 HOW .DOYOU DECIDE BEIWEEN A 'I'URTLEROCK GREENBELT AND A HARBOR VIEW HILL? • I Tti~ U~l()U~ S()LUTI()~ A full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 ulean, mean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property. VERY BAYSHORES Remodeled cottage within blocks of the beach, country kitchen, hardwood noors, 3 bdrms, used brick fireplace, delightful patio. Ample financing avallable. $335,000 leasehold, $487 ,500 fee simple. See Sara Marvin. Open Set a Sun 1-5 pm et 29&2 CrHtvlew. NEWPORT HAS EXCITING HOMES And this one's a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 frplces and unlimited view, on top of Spyglass Hill. Sunny yet cozy, exciting while practical. Presented at $925,000 with $200,000 down. See Barbara Hutchings at 5 Potnt Loma. Open Set • Sun 1-5 pm. ACCURATE PRICE Big Canyon (McClain) townhOme with tasteful upgrades. gorgeous appointments. assumable 11% loan and competitive price -plus security, serenity, swimming & tennis. Asking $320.000. A llstlng of Bert Reedy. Open Set a Sun 1-5 pm. 13 Canron laland. BACK BAY POOL HOME 4 Bdrm. 2 'h baths. sitting vacant wi th assumable 30 yr. loan of $150,000, and owner anxious. Reduoed to $279,000. See Bonnie Barrington at 2221 Frencleco, Open Sun 1·5 pm. BA YFRONT, $695,000, 10t/• APR Sitting vacant In Beacon Bay and owner Is retired In Palm Springs just wanting to sell 3 bdrm, 3 bath charming bayf ront home. Wiii flnanoe at 10•/, A.P.R. Asking $695,000. A llstlng of MarUyn HOdges. OSMft Sat a sun N5 pm. 21 a.aeon Bar. E X :\ ~1 P L E S 4 UNIT INVESTMENT Solid Costa Mesa rental area. $50,000 down to 13'/o loan . Gross multlpller of 11 .0 . Management history· available, easy. Askll"g $225,000. A fisting of Dottle Valentine. CORONA DEL MAR HILLSIDE HOME Great ocean view, 3 bdrm, 2 bath with hardwood floors. Free & clear, 10 yr. owner financing. Probate sale at $329,000. A fisting of the Von Gelderns. Open Set a Sun 1-5 pm. 420 De Sole Terrace. CLEAN-VACANT-CHEAP Assumable loans all under 14'/e, 2 bdrms, family room, earth tone decor and greenbelt location. Snazzy at only $139,900. See Katie Roberts at 4 Melody Lene. Open S.t 1·5 pm. THESE SELLERS HAVE BOUGHT 4 bdrm In the ranch, neat street, well malnt. owner moving west, will finance ~Ith 200/• down, great terms. $199,000. A listing of Laraine Shaw. CDM DUPLEX MAKES CENTS Neat as a new dlmel 12Ve financing with 200/o down. Rents are steady with room to raise. Tree lined street convenient to library. shops and beach. Accurately priced at $289,500. A listing of Nancy Laux. IRVINE TERRACE Price down $37,000 -fee land, 3 bdrm home has mini-view of bay and ocean, 2 fireplaces, a large family room and the owner. will carry the 1st trust deed. A listing of the Von Gelderns at $352,500. Open Sun 1·5 pm. 801 Petollta. COM HOME/UNIT; $51,000 DOWN Exciting 3 bdrm -3 bath home -great Corona del Mar location. Rear apt. rents for $695 per month, maybe morel High balance assumable loans. Asking $295,000. A fisting of Sara Marvin. QUALITY POOL HOME, JUST $249,500 Bright & breezy, Carmel family floor plan with gorgeous pool & spa. Financing Is ample and reasonable; priced well below the competition. Presented at $249,500. A llstlng of Bert Reedy. BIG CANYON, NEEDS CASH Lovely Dover MOdel Inside Big Canyon. Owner wants cash so has set a low price. reaJly lowl Light airy atmosphere, 2 bdrms, 2 baths only only $350,000. See Pat Merry at 4 Aue Fountain Bleau. Open Sat a Sun 1·5. OWNERS WILL. FINANCE IN BROADMOOR Harbor View Hiiia. The owner will carry $250,000 at 12'1. Interest with no points for 5 years. Great neighborhood, nr. comm. pool. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, $429,000 fee. A fisting of Dottle Valentine. Open Set a 8un 1·5 pm. 2708 llghthouM. BEST SELLING AREA Low malnt., no noise. Aa condominium area Jasmine Creek la topal This 3 bdrm one level has detail, location and 11 Immaculate. $355,000. Open lun 1...S pm. 140 Jaemlne Creek. U~IC2U~ ti()M~i. DALT()~§, f3lli· f3()()() PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY AT MacAllnwR BOULEVAJUi'lN OORONA DEL MAJt. - .. 1-----·----·~-----·--________ ................... ___ .... __ ... ________ ,,__ .. ..,. __ ... ,___,.... . ...,.,. ' . \,, ., 1 •• • "l't'r • ,·.,.', r1·1t ... : • ,. ,\ •'\\ •'•··c 1•1·1<J 't•'1 ' ' t • l r. ' I ' 8 -Orange Coun~ Rnl Estate/An A~vertrslng Supplernent to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 24. 1982 , corr nrnLTT © 1nvrs rnrnr conr nnr TENNIS COURT SIZED LOT Murty 1.1 ec:rM of MCluded pftvKJ with • sperldtng pool end 1pe end 1 Mpente gueet houM IN NEWPORT HACHn Owner whl trede end thM• 11 room for 1 t..-nle court. Good UM!mabte flnenclng end owner wlll IMltl. RM~ to 1815,000. LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Recently reduced U00,000, 11111 c111tom 5 bedroom tMIWM • 81. ClwwiM kitchen for the fUMletl gourmet cook. MHl1J MW end YWJ modem, the home ren.cts contempcwery Newpofl S.ectl llfMtyte. A pier and .itp to eccommodete • h~ bolt It lnc:ludM. 11,115,000. REDUCED $100,000 -WATERFRONT Th.. loftly 2 IMtdroom + den on the water oondo, cMCOHtM bf lofa Herding, I• rfoht on the Udo chennet. GtNt anwnebM ftnenc:lng Ill aYaUabie end I bolt 11lp come. with the home. Ne41trel co6on, herdwoodl end mllTOf'I a,. juat 1 few of the ementttn. Lowest prtcM condo In deetrelMe on the ..tleL Stli,000 LOCATION -WATERFRONT· LOCATION Thte ltnde tlae cuttom right on the Mein Channel hll recently MMI r.ctuc:.cs to l1,125,000. Untq• In CS..tgn end ,.edy to move In, th .. home hll 5 Mdfoom. and • plef end 11Jp to eccommodete S boetlft Giit• guerded with Ill own private beech end tennt. court, ttl .. family home hM It elf. LINDA ISLE'S BESTII N ~nlJJ French Norm.ndy I• your &Nie end hawing "THE BEST" fttt your flnancee, JOU need loot! no further. 0.. f.000 eq...,. ... , wtttl 127 llnear fMI on the wet9' and I pier end lllp for boetl OYef 100', ttllt premier propeftJ wm-• a cer e-. end PoOI .. llS,000.GQO. SPECTACULAR BAYFRONT On prt¥et• Hltbot ll&and with °"" '2 ............. this 5,oao lqUale toot cwt-. offeftft9 the moet modem kltdlen ........ lncludM pier end lltp for boetl Mer MO',• '-ne to mel any end• HUGE FRONT YARD right on the bey. PTf¥KJ II the 1t., tor tMe edutt ortented Mtm. AedUC*t to M.2GO.OOO. ON THE 11th FAIRWAY One of 8lg C..Yon'• llneet, tNI I b9*oom cu.iom wtth e .......... 2 bedroonM:left eulte end fMld'I querterl, ...._ • Mdtldld pool and Jard and .. perched ltgtlt Of'I the 11th ... .,. The OWftW ........ wtth ... ftnendna end .. TRADE for ott.. property In IOUth Orenge County. Pr1ced to eel et '1,I00.000. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 1-5 32 Ml11lon Bey. SpJQlall, CdM ... ·-··-·-···-·-.... 1915,000 112 Shoal Or, Jasmine Crll, CdM ·-··-·--··-·-···-·$38t,500 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5 IS3 lido Pettr °'I Udo Ylg ................................. _ $495,000 3415 OcNll Bl. CdM -·--·····-···--.. ···-··--···--· 11,250,000 1132 Ebbttde. Hbr Yu Hiie. _ ............. -·~--,000 t1 8an SebNtlan, Hrbr Rdgl ............ -.......... _. 11,IOO,OOO 211 Vie Udo loud. .. . .. _ .............. ,.,000 S5 Rldgeffne, Hrbr Mgl ..................... ·-·-·····-· 12.150,000 HOMES FOR LEASE I 8EOROOM8-c>N THE WAT&R ··-···-·-··-··-17.000/MO I HOROOMs-810 CANYON .. ~-····---....... IS,500/MO 4 8EDROOMl-HAR80R RIOOE --·--·-.. -12.750/MO 4 HOROOMS-HARaOR RlDGE --···--··-*2.375/MO 3 BEOROOMa.-etG CANYON ·-···-···-····--t2.37SIMO 2 +DEN-UDO WATERFR.OfllT SZ.OOOIMO HIGH ON A Hill You Wiii nltd Ihle wPlf'b cu1tom home with 5 b9droom1, •• ,., bet-,., 1 cuatom pool end spe AND 1 fllbutout GAZEBO to Y°"" liking If bt"thteldng wtew1 of the bey, oceen end the nlg.ht lleht• ere lmPof11nt. Olter 7,500 ~ t .. t of lhMr ~ In thll Engllttl Tudor. The nnut on Herbor Ridge •I '2.IS0,000. LOTS-LOTS-LOTS-LOTS-LOTS If you went to bulld you' own castle, th .. opportunity of • llfetlm• wlll nner come egeln. 3 lot• on ·Harbor Ridge, ......,, ..... """ .,...,. ,., • 10,000 ..,. toot home wtth TINNll COUR'r and pool for only IUCIO. Thi Ownlf W'NI Joint venture, trede or you can take over the whole Pf'Ofec;t. S1,400,000 of~ financing. WOW! EST ATE SALE • EST ATE HOME Enw thru • 22' etrtvm Into • beeutthll 4 bedfoom, 3 beth home wtth fonnal dtnlng room end • VERY i.rve femtty room. ~'9 .,,,. ... spe Ind &Ni.tut decof make tN. Hltbot Ridge bt.t• home • buJ at aso..ooo .u behind • guarded gate. NIGHT LIGHTS -DAY LIGHTS Another of the mel'IJ Hltbot Ndte htlng• Cot. RNtty Ml, th• lo""Y Klftllngton model '-tufft 4 bedroom• end • loft plul fllftllJ rOOlft with pUntatton ""'"-"' end • wondee'M dtJ 11aM8 view. Tenlflc eeaumable loen1 and prtoed •• M41 .. "'5,ooo. FORECLOSURE SALE • BIO CANYON Thte '°"'J(?) home (H ,__ c:.rpet end pelnt) •• reoefttlJ recowered In a foreolo1ure prooHdlnr.· Feetwtnf 4 Mckoome and • den ptue • ett down ber n the fllft'l:t.c. ~ tM Jeni i. to be NI added end the spe le hlmlly llze ............... ftwldne-WD eome lmegiMttofl end am. OMh, ... could ... the hOIM of yow dreem• & n. • ,.,. l'tM 1. ~ to ..n et If U ,000 HARBOR RIDGE -OCEAN VIEW CONDO l.oceted htP on • hit. thte .,.., KeneMefon teaturtng 4 bedroome and s bethe ..... lo¥9IJ ..... end °"' llehtl ..... With .. tMt ...._, Ridge oftefs. wou6dn't JOU ,...., rettwr W.. lft 1 gate gu.nt.d communltJt The °"'*' .. Mlf> """ flNnolng ...... allO ..... Hie home fOf l2AOO/llO. Maied to Mfl et .. ._ • 760-1900 GOLF COURSE CONDO • BIG CANYON Sllueted rtght on the goff courM, thl1 lovely Monaco re1tur11 3 bedroom• (the mHter 1ult• 11 on the 111 floofl) ind 3 beth• on • VERY quiet c ul de 1ec: with • 3 cer ger•g•. Over 1400,000 or low lntere1t 111umebl1 flnenclng 1w1llabl1 and reedy to move In. The owner 11y1 "M•k• me en on1r," Priced 111518,950 or le1M fOJ 12.375 per month. FLAGSHIP OF THE BAY Slms>'Y the nnest bayelde femlly home In 111 of Newport, lhl• 7 bedroom home with nearly 1,000 equare fMt hal It 111. One year new with French doon end windows, • cu1tom, llcludM pool end 1pe ind IYet'J lmaglneble fHture known to the gourmet c:Mf In the kttchen, the home 11 1Uuated rtght on tha Bey Ind a white llftdy beectl. You 1lmptJ cannot 11k f0t more ln • w.tlfffont home Hien whet I• offered In thl1 "tale. Archll.cturel Olg11I quallty 1nd priced at 16,750,000. Thi owner wtll c•fJJ or even lee11 et S7 ,000 Pl' month. OCEANFRONT WITH A PERSONALITY Whefe, In Ill of Southern CetlfMnla c:an JOU ftnd 1 home with en oeeen view, ba~ view, letty Ytew, beeeti view end hawe them ell within e1m•1 i.ngth. Coron• de! Mer'• belt on.ring tor tNI ch1rmlng 3 bedroom home. The ownlf wm ••al•t In the ftnenctng end to the quelln.d builder, wltl 1ubordlnete. $1,250,000. ~ '/1 ACRE -OCEAN VIEW A9ducld to 1885,000, lhl1 Cotona de! Mer cuetomlzed home 11 prolHtbty the flnnt offering In the city. Newly remodeled to Include French doora end window•, • cu1tom poof (VERY PA1VATE) end• front yerd thel look• Mk• MNMlhlng out of Centr1I Peril (roftlng grMn), thla 4 bedroom home al.o r .. turu • custom Eur~ ldtc:hen wlttl elf titted ~t• end epptlanoes. "95,000. GET OUT THE TELESCOPE. MOLLY Thlt IOYely 8pyg .. 11 HIN home, with I BEDROOMS, 4 betha, 2 ftreplacM end 1 privet• spe offen the beet In ntvht Hght• 1nd cltJ llghtt end deJ 1'9ht. end ... llghts. Yecant end rNdy to move In, IM owner .. ,. "Mil It," which meen1 the rlgtlt buyer c:.n buJ II befor9 doub&e dtgtt Inflation c,..p• up on u1 again. Priced et 1915,000. JASMINE CREEK • REDUCED TO $369,500 Th6e IOYefJ I IMtdroom, llngle •IOfJ '-ne wtth i.rge ,.,,,.., room, en behind • guarded g•I• 11 one of the ..... oftertng1 In Corona dll Mar. And and unn with Hs own putting green, Y«Mlf good credh wm Influence the ..tier to cefTY • large note tor • lono time. You really ehould ... ltlt1 one ••. It'• • buJ1 TURTLEROCK -UNDER $190,0001 Charming In lb dec:ot and • prtw.te, low maintenance yard thle I bedroom home Is welting dist.-to UCI Md the mnet.=NO peUo encl .., .. , ftnendng mike thl• ecw.e, one of the bMt In ell of the South Coelt enNL to M4I at S1M,IOO. LAGUNA BEACH • SPECTACULAR tpecloue uecuttw 4 IMMtl"OOfn a be"' ..,Ut i.v.a wtttl OOMn end Cllftl°" ..... end ~ landK.ped on yow OWft CU de MO, you .,. eurrounded on I llde9 bf •nature! perdk• Mttfftt • ...._. In JOUf own cu.tom poot, epe OR MUM Md let the Wcwt!M of the WOftd peM ,OU bf. 4 .......,._ on Wf1J "" of 1n ecM, thta ..,.ael wood end gleee hoftMt .. tfle "ca.-of LAleUN" Md priced to mow In et llU,000 BIO CANYON TOWNHOME END UNfT. &.owefy 9ontHWI modeC wtth S Mdfoom1 Md S NI bathe, W. Md Uftlt hal a letge, loW malntenence Jeni and All MIJW CARPET AND PAINT. H'e YeGant Md rwidJooto MOYe ln wlttl grand aaumlble flnandng. Priced •t.000 or JW cen ..._ It .. a,ooo per month. 220 Newport Center. Drive, Newport Beach, California ~----~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~-n-g~e4C~o-u·n-ty~R-ea·t·E-s-~-t-~AnAdv~~~g~~~~~theOAl~Pl~OT/Satu~Q.Ju~M.1982~9 Dalebout Bay Ir Beach Real Estate fE1 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• . UYUORH . . . Prestigious Mediterranean villa on the water. Built like a fortress, yet loaded with charm. Five bedrooms. including a master suite with its own private staircase to a water oriented patio and spa. Security gated area assures privacy. Owner motivated to sell. Will consider lease/option. You own the land ································· ........................ $1,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 ......•......... 2500 Bayshore Drive Ill CAHOI Privately shielded by towering trees. Super custom residence is a successful combination of superior quality , fine craftsmanship and luxurious details. Five spacious bedrooms. Dining room. Immense family room. Pool. Spa. ... . ....... ...... $1,495,000 SPHUSS •Ill Impressive English Tudor. Five spacious bedrooms. Beamed two story living room. Formal dining room. Family room with wet bar. Beveled glass throughout. Four fireplaces. Gold plated fixtures In bathrooms. You own the land ................. $1,395,000 IHSIHIS .. Extraordinary opportunity. This residence sits on prime waterfront .. with the prized advantage of its own giant private pier and slip. Highly privileged gated community. Very apecial owner financing is available. Oh. yes. there Is a three bedroom home set on this treasure .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . .. . .... .. .. . ... .... $1,250,000 IHllE TEllllCE ••• Everyone enjoys a window to the sea -this lovely three bedroom home has sixty feet of windows. The Catalina sunsets are spectacular. Huge patio with spa. Seller highly motivated. $65,000 price reduction. You own ttle land . . .. . . . .. . . ............... Now $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ....... 1301 Dolphin Terrace NVH HtHS . Dramatic entry of carved wood and Italian fossilized marble. and your impression becomes more exciting as you continue through this spacious four bedroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with temperature controlled wine vault. Solar heated pool. Spa. Barbecue. You own the land - ........................................................... $895,000 ltl CUYDI A totally private and much sought after, four bedroom Versa Illes. Densely wooded. but with a superb view of golf course. Secluded splendor with distinctive charm and impeccable taste ...... . .................... $850,000 Open Sat 1-5 ... . ........ , ........... 12 Aue Verte HYH SllOllES . . Only eight properties line Westwind Way. Three huge bedrooms. Spectacular view from all sides. All rooms open to the dehumidified Indoor pool. Extraordinary financing. . .... ........................ .............. $835,000 SPTCUSS lllll . . Undeniable value. This property takes the laurels for amenities and comfort. plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Liberal financing . . . . ..... ... . ... ... $625.000 Open Sat 1-5 . . . . 11 Carmel Bay Drive llYCllHT Excellent financing. Magnificently upgraded five bedroom. four bath home. Lovely pool . wrought Iron fenced pool for protection of small children. . .... . $600,000 161l WESTCLJFF DRIVE -. .. HYEI UOllES .. Owner will assist with financing. Impressive two story home. Lovely bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement with one downstairs and three up. Sparkling pool in front courtyard. PRICE JUST REDUCED $150,000 ................................. Now $550,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................... 1624 Antigua Way 1101 UY . . . Over half acre early California estate. Sbc spacious bedrooms. Huge living room. Formal dining room. Sunny morning room. Beamed ceilings. Incredible storage. Three car garage. Horse corral. Separate lot large enough for tennis court .. .. . .. . $550,000 llYCllUT ... Custom built home. Five bedrooms. Family room. Dining room. Two fireplaces. Island type k itchen. Bullt-in barbecue. Brick patio. Pool size yard Paddle tennis court Three car garage ........ $495,000 DOYlll SllOllH The quality runs deep. Fantastic view. Four bedrooms. Dining room. Family room. Pool. Excellent owner financing ........................................................... $475,000 Open Sun 1-5 .................. 1724 Galaxy Drive WESTOLIFF. Impressive four bedroom home. Beamed ceilings in living and dining rooms. Beautifully paneled den. Luxuriant pool size yard. Huge brick patio and gazebo. OH street parking. You own the land ............... $475,000 Open Sat·Sun 1-5 ......... 1118 Somerset Lane Liii ISLE Spacious lamlly home. Five bedrooms or could be three bedrooms plus in-law quarters. Separate family room. Dining room. Convenient to beaches and tennis . $475,000 Oliff UYH Custom built three bedroom, three bath home with unobstructed view of bay and ocean. Numerous built-ins. Ottered by original owner. Quick possession .... $395,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................... 1211 Kings Road llYCHST .. Excellent financing. Attractive four bedroom home. Kitchen and family room completely upgraded. Beamed ceilings. Wet bar with wine rack and refrigerator. Newly recarpeted and painted ... . ....... $360.000 . OLD COROH Ill 1111 . Reduced $35,000. Excellent financing. Ocean and Jetty view. Two bedrooms. Neat backyard. One block trom Big Corona Beach ........................... Now $340,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............................ 222 Marigold 111111 VIEW llLLI ... Multiple charm. Conveniently located home.· Five spacious bedrooms Delightful living room and family rooms. Private view decks overlooking the verdant mountainside ...................... $330,000 Open Sun 1-5 ...... ..... 1034 Sandcastle Drive IUCHST .. Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining. Huge living room with soaring beamed cetttng. Quality and Informality. Just reduced $40,000 .................................................... Now $2$9,000 Open Sun 1-5· ......... 1837 Commodore Road 631-7300 ... . UYClHT Attractive four bedroom home. Brick driveway. Shingle front. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style." Sparkling pool ...................................................... $339,000 IWllOI ltlll&llS . . . Great family oriented neighborhood. Four spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Separate family room with bar. Significant upgrading including new roof. Price reduced $26.000 ..................... $299,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .. ., . ... ... . .. 1530 Anita Lane CUFF lllYH . . . Three bedfOoms. Dramatic living room. Secluded pool. Owner will consider lease-option. Call us for details. Reduced $10,000 ................................ Now $269,000 Ulllll VIEW MO•H ... The popular "Carmel" model. Three bedrooms. New carpeting. Spacious patio. Luxuriant garden. Property in top condition. You own the land ...... $268,500 Open Sun 1-5 .... 1930 Port Bristol Circle T .. E VERl&JUH A place of dignity and etegance. Two bedroom penthouse O\lef'loof<tng the bay and ocean. Security gate. Pool/Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Excellent financing $259,500 Ope(l Sat-Sun 1-5 ... 100 Scholz Plaza, PH 10 WESTOllU NEW PRICE -NEW FINANCING! An abundance of reasons to buy. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Pool and spa . ... .. .. . .. . ..... .. $255,000 Open Sun 1-5 ...................... 1016 Dover Drive IHTIWMI fl llYlll . . Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs plus huge bonus room suitable for two more bedrooms or rumpus room .. ... ...... ............ .. .... ..... $253,500 Open Sun 1-5 .................................. 5 Colonial TH lllFH ... The popular "Franciscan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue .......... .... ... $229,000 Open Sun 1-5 ..................... 685 Vista Bonita CUIEO llllUllS ... Never a better time to buyl This three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Large secluded cut-de-sac lot. Pool. Unheard-of flnanclna. Lease/option available ............................................................ $199,900 Open Sat 1-5 ................... 512 Rockford Place COSTA •EU (USTSllE) . . . An opportunity as limitless as your Imagination. Special three bedroom residence set on nearly one third acre. Excellent location. Large fenced--ln pool. Owner will help finance. Submit otter $159,500 PAAI Liit HWHIT . . Neat and clean condo. Three bedrooms. Overlooks pool and garden. Convenient to shops. banks and beaches. Quick possession ............................. $145,000 1mnMS-11YD.1P1as Prime locatlon In Eaatalde Costa Mesa. Nearty a full acre at 18th Street and Orange Avenue. Plans and permits for 28 condos are available. Purchase price also Includes a near new triplex. Excellent terms. Owner will consider trade. Call Harriet Perry ................................. $1.150,000 NEWPORT BEACH ' ~ I - .~ j I r HPLU-Clll Country antique. different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, highly upgraded kitchen, brick frplc, $295,000 Seller will finance Must see. IOI tr IOYIE IOOP 759·1221 NEWPORT HEIGHTS • 4 Bdrm 2•h Ba w/game room. Beaut decor in every room. Over •1. ac. w/jac Asking $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade fo r smatter nome or condo IH n HYtf IOOP 759·1221 ~ UH HITMOISE 2 bd. 2 ba The finest vu avail. in Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notlce $525,000 ... er llYIE IMP 759-1221 FllECLOSllE 01101 llllE IEW 0111011 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. ,..~astlc sun 'm .. beau master ste. 't'(~' .. p./~~6 city Vu. Huge ma"·~ ~ .mp<'~ ~ One of the Irr t\y , m fr 1~ .u lrg. play area. » <1ery J seller. Bring any S.r. Lo'ft\fec,c• custom at s.1,&9&,ee" .. ~ . .. ~.4ge.eee .. $1,200,000. will trade equity + GRT. 1st avail. Call Ill er llfll I..,, 759-1221. .. CISTIM FREICI •lllllY You must see to believe all this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tile, choice of crpt. Npt. Hats. Onlv $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13%. Ml., llYll I•, 759·1221. IEWNRT CREST COllO 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge master ste/slttlng rm, vu. largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on terms. • er HYll I..,, 759-1221. • LIDO WATERFROIT LEASE 2 br. 3 ba, l.r .. sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx 2600 sq. ft Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. All nu palnts/crpts $1800 mo. IOI tr IOYIE HOP 759· 1221 HARBOR RIDGE LEASE 4 br 3 be form. d.r. f.r., study, beautifully dee. lge decks .. fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool & tennis. $2700 mo. Submit all offers. IOI tr IOYIE IOOP 759·1221 SElYIEW LEASE 4 br 3 ba. f.r .. d.r. city & ocean vu. Grd Qate, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. IOI ., IOYIE IOOP 759· 1221 IOYER SIORES Name your terms on this lrg 4BR. 48A Home W/ocean view • Sep tn·law qtrs $297,000. Steal! L.H. $200,000 1st T.D 12 '1•% with excel terms. Low dn. or trade equUy for C.M. or N.8. home or condo IOI tr HYIE HIP. 759·1221. Ullll VIEW llLLI Fantastic harbor & bay vus from this 3 Bdr tam rm. nu crpts & paint, lrg pool. $340,000. L.H. ltl Ill HYIE IMP 759·1221 C&llEO SHORES Fab. Ocean & coastline vu, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r .. f.r., study, lge. pool & court· yard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. IOI er HYIE HIP 759·1221. HlRIOI RllH 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up· graded. Italian marble in l.r., d.r .• kit f.r .. study & f.r. has beaut. paneling & shutters. Fab vu 2 lge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. Ill er IOYIE IMP 759· 1221 OCWFIOIT -ICUIFIOIT Convert ex. lge duplex to your pri. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at 1~/o. Steal at $650.000. •., ... .., 759· 1221. llW OILY 1.2 I 11111 ao lml -lllllE ·~,. LIU Owner assisted excellent financing! Excellent lr')Vestment bargain. Hurry, call Ill UOATA, lrMer .... er 759-1221. lllEPOIJCN1 MDIO BROmS llWPllT Wll·1· MIPIUTI PLW IALIO& ISUID l&YFRDIT LEASE 3 Bdrm. furn. $1300/mo yearly. Call •&.RY LEWIS, 759-1221 or 631 -5963. THE LOVELINESS OF & VERSAILLES On the most commanding fairway location 1n prest igious BIG C AN YO N Sun drenched grounds graced with fountains, pool. spa and enchanting gazebo 4 bds .. S bas. Visual f east. Call MARY LEWIS 759· 1221 or 63 1-5963 NPT BLUFFS IS PETE JOHllSOll DRASTIC REDUCTIOllS Cathedral ceilings. Contemporary. Private spa. Tile entry. View 2 Br. 2 Ba Bluff condo. Fee Land. Only $259,900 Call mE ,,, ..... 63 1·1266. 4 Br. Fam. rm remodel Fee land. Vacant. Move in Now. Only $287,500 Call Pm JOHIH 63 1· 1266. &REAT TERMS Best value in Costa Mesa • New, low interest financing on 3 Bdr.. tam rm. home. BRING OFFERS. Asking $115,500. JACllE llUILEllU, 631· 1266. POGL I SP& Take over 10% loan on this special 4 Bdr. Mesa Verde home. Hurry -beat the heat! $285,000 . .llCIUE llHIUllH 631· 1266. IEWPORT $112,0001 DELUXE 3 Br. Den 21flbas. ASSUME $120.000 First LO DOWN Call Todayl IEWPOIT $111,1001 NEWPORT HEIGHTS BARGAIN! 2 Br. FAM RM. 2 Bath. Financing! Call nowl IEWNIT 1231,0001 Gorgeous "HEIGHTS " Cottage. REDUCED $35,000L2 Br. Den. Large Lot. OWNER FINANCE. IEWPllT 1271,IOOI 4 YEARS NEW! Tri-Level In NPT. HEIGHTS Spacious 4 Br. + F.A. Call for Flnanc:lnQ lnfol RAE IOHEIS 111-1211 [ -~ ..... ----_ ___.... ,._ . . oiange· OOU'r'lty Ae~t'Es(afe/An· Advetflslng Suppfem'ent fo thb' D'~tlY PILOT /Saturday, July 24, 1982 -11 FllDI AFFDRIULE. I • • • • • • I TD lFFLlllT I • • • • • SPECIALS Many owne rs are off tArin g substantia l price 4~cas h s peaks'' -Low~r tha n liste d price., if your o ff e r ... we will present anything ..... r e duc tions and te rms . Some will exchange and you have cas h ... Call for deta ils and submit HOME FOR INVESTOR $114,000 Pwfect 3 bedroom, 2 beth home on large lot. New c.rpel and paint. Owner wlll Mtp ftnance. OrlYe by 2290 Federal, Co•t• Meu & call. IMMACULATE ON GOOD STREET Conven&ent to Newport a ahoppeng. Ultge patio whh atley ac:ceu to det.ched earav-· Two bM + patio. New eppllenc:M. Drtve by m Megnolla. Coeta ..... a call tor nnanclng. 9112,500. en-eeoo. NEWPORT CONDO -NEW LISTING Im~ a loYefy decor, 2 bM. 2 M. Pool. ucurlty. ow nnence, ttede rx ..... /option. $149,000. NEWPORT CREST -GOOD BUYI Try 121,000 ceeh down and eMUme grHt ftnanclng on thla S bed. condo. Mltlng '1M,JOO. • NEWPORT -LOW FINANCEIH Immaculate S bed. 2 be., large RV ., .. & room few peol OtNt famUy .,..... 1221,GOO. NEWPORT HAS fT ALLI W"-" can you find pool, ten• courta, ...-. greenery a. ctoee to beedl? Thia Newpott CrMI 4 bed. 2YI be le WI* wtth lot• of Mvtng room + ~ lllMftlttee. 1241,GC» I ftnenctng. VILLA BALBOA -NEWPORT llMuttfvl condo In qualtty atmoepheN wM community f8clfft..., 2 ~ mett.r •uh• + den. ...., mottvaied • . • wtN trade lot cere, gem• or wfH ecc.pt 10% c.&h or IHn/optlon. Submit your moat fnHntlYe ftnanclng. ~ BALBOA IS. WATERFRONT Claeak: cott.ege decorated In ""'°" In" condition With wamsth a charm. A perfect couple'• 2 bed. 2 be. wtth =:= ldtchen. 1un deck a patio. Dock for 2 boata. FOREVER VIEW -REDUCED! T errtftc location A large home with fonwr wt.. for onty ... ,500 on fN land. Of exc:Mnge fot amaller home or Income un1ta In tNe .,.._ Large 2-etorr s bed. + large tam. rm. din. rm.+ scar garage. ~mable loan. Tenne ftHlble. OW ..... /option. BRICK, BEAMS, CHARM One of the beet Penln.ula Pt. 111Mta near beJ and bMch. ng a bedroom, 2 beth with 2 .,.uoe. 2 car prege darkroom. P end mould • lhtoughout. OW p nence to q::::J buyet. $315'1:. 131·1*- WATERFRONT W/LO BOAT SLIP REDUCED t:I00.000 Prutlgloua Linda .... , MC\Htty, tennfa, chibMuM, beech. Over 4000 aq. fl. w/4 bed. 4 be. + maid'• quwt--. Sunken wet bat. Low.ti P'* on lagoon on Linda. Tab over approx. tlM0,000 In not ... hller,,.,, mottwated. W111 ctonalder all term• on balance, lncludl•a trMH or ..... /option. W1th cMh to kleM. wlll Mii '°' t1,1M,OCIO. OYer 9'00.000 reduction from otfalnal ~. OWner .. ,. "tab ad'wantage of this •muat ..a• •ltu.tlon." 111·1400. PENINSULA PT. -BACK AGAINI 1723 P'-M cMf hr .... t buy In a 3 bed. 2 ba. bNc:h cottege. Actou from park. t275,000. OWNER ANXIOUS SUBMtTI NEWPORT ISLAND APPEALING CN!nnlnt from outaide & remodeted a bM + den; prlYate •unny petto. ow help finance. sao.ooo. DISTRESS SALEH a,..t l)OtenHel In lrvtne ,....,.,.. Seier .. ,. ,..... "get rid of ft. Mate• on.r on thte comer home wtttt pool & spa. D0,000 Drlw bf 1131 ..,__.. Twraoe a eaR. OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 P.M. 2591 Beyehoree ··-···------·-··--·---'72S.OOO 1oe TurquolM, Bal. latd ......... -... ··-····--·----1515,000 314 Mar!Qold, CdM ·--·············· .. _ .. _ .... ._ ..................... ,000 41 Canyon laland, 91g Cyn. .......... ·---· .............. _ 1215,000 2137 E. Ocean, Pen pt, ··----·--·--··----$305,ICIO 502 ''I" II, Pen. Pt. ...................... -................... --··· 1431,000 117 Marine, Bal t11d .................. ·------·····-···-·--1254.000 PENNINSULA POINT lmmeculata and adoreble home Juet at.pa to bey I beech. ExC91. ftnen. on thla 21ktnft, Sa + den and petto. Dme by 1577 E. Oceen Ill. SM4.SOO. IS1-1.t00. CLtFFHAYEN-YU, YU-TERMS L .... loptlon or trede down for unite or ......., home. YU wtth two 2 bedroom untta on ..... lot. Plane fot home plua guest houM and pool tnduded In pnce. Submit. Slll,500. °"" by 2001 KlnQ.a Hoed. 1'ewpot'O. 11'1'•% -111t'•% -111t'•% NPT. New luxury condo9, 1tepa to bey a ~. Unueual qU811ty tn thffe 2 bed. + unlta. owner often 11'i'i'llo ftnanclng. 8rochurff a ...... on ..... 209-215 11th 81. oft 8etboa tt.d. From IUt,000. BAYFAONT -JOINT VENTURE Ban>oa tat.Mr• nn.at location a with p1er1a11p, tor.ver YIEWI and _ler9e Identical, •ldelalct. 4 bff. unlt1. Couldn't 1M dup8cated todeJ. TrMnet a lnt.,..ffng. OW Joint venture on one fof SI00,000 fN.131-'MOO.. · 8HORECUFF8 -LOT ac.an, tettJ and canyon vtewa. Megnfftcent bulldabee lot -... , ~ ftneet locatlon. ..... with .,..,.. '°' ·-ft. home, pool and ape and ... penntta. Mil about 19nn• and •ubor~don. Trade for commercW or lnckletrial In Orange County. tU&0..000. BAYFRONT-VU-FEE-EXCHANQE GrMt IGQtlon, fof9ftt YU and i.rg. ktory home·Wlth 5 bed. + + + = for 2 boata. AUUllA8U LOAN of ll00,000. S1 . W1a exchange for comnterotal unit•. BREATHTAKING CLOSE-UP YUi Outet Corona del Mar St. + lmprenlw wood, 1talned gl... a dramatic, yet wann • charming 2 bM, den. Choice loullon • prlYacy 6 fabUloue VIEWS from •YefY room t 3 dedta. lllO,GOO. "11·1*- COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 110' on bU•J W. CoHt Hwy. Xlnt property with 11tabll•hed tenant1. '1,111,000 .... IT'S A """""10"'"""' 10 mlnutee from Corona cMf Matt 10% ftMnclng 10 -VIEW (on a eQl&e of 1-10) M91nlnc.nt In qualtty a det91ll It'•• .... 10'"' all the way. Two •torr with 4 bM, 4'h ba. ~ + warmth . ....,,_lftcent brtck, bNme a warmth tam. rm. o,....., a. privacy with vwew overtootllng Emerllld Bay. owe 1•1 t .o.@ 10% •nt4ttfft .•• ooo. NEWPORT HOME -$179,000. Charming, upgreded and pttced to ..n In a fine ., ... A time to IMl1 -at tM rttM swtoe Jot • a bed. 2 M. ~Y ~+yard. ADORABLE DUPLEX -COM Well priced end Ofttr S btocka to OCMn. Front hOUM with 2 bed. 1 be., well-equipped kttchen, die ~ and wood f'loon. 8pent.h ercttltectw. with newer S bed, 1 M. unh over 4-<ar pnge. llMrMCI ~ *J:~· Channing wallpepen l lmmKtlc.t• . BAYSHORES FRESH a FRENCH A perfect' tr9dlttorNll countrJ-Frencti S bed. SM. with large country kitchen. Brick pettoe a an am-.iltlee '°' outdoor ltvtng. owe first T.D. ,..._ ... and aubmlt. 1325,000 NEW ON MARKET -ELEGANT COM Thrff ••07-nearly new. Ocean View. Meneloua a llPP•allng bdrm. lnctudlng ......_ apettment. Atrtum ..... eauna + amer.nliM beroM flMaltlalfoft. F,_ a clMr ol 1oaM1 OWNER WAHTS txCHANGl OR WU FINANCE. $511,GOO. Open Sun. 1-6 P.11. 313 Popn. NEW CAPE COD -COM A bt'9"d new hro-etorr hofM. DfM by S14 llaftGold . . • Juat lhoft bloCk9 to Corona del u.r beachee. Al queffty In thM I bedrwt, fam"1 rOCMW aftd forlMI dining room. LARO! VIEW 8UNDECK. Call f0t financing detalla. ... .000. TENNIS COURT ESTATE-NEW PrlYKJ, ........,, oloee to .. on atmoet 2 --. va.w1 of hllle, ocean a Jighte. Trt•i.HI home with g•nerou• amenftlee. aM main enwtalnlnf rooms + 4 bed. AM new a ..... ~ In. "9QUlatlon t9Mla court Wl1b ltoht• • t.nclOJc:W l!XCHlN<lE. PteaM be lnwenttve a aubmlt l2,IOO PENIN. BAYFflONT -50' SUP EXCITING V.W a bNutttul aarden• ln thle,rand 4 bed . home with lovely entertalntng rm1 an decorator amenlHM. t1,no.ooo. · WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS q Sales, Rentals. Property MnnagemPnt 315 Marine Ave. Balboa Isla nd 673-6900 2;436 W. Co.:i~t H wv. Newport Bt'ach 631 -111,()0 Spt'dali1intr in pmpt"r ly un th~ wut~r ••• nrar thr '"'*t"r •.. a nd ~1th \'irw of wah•r .•• I ,_.,, -• r.-... • 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 24, 1982 This Weekend ! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you go house--huntlng. All the locations listed below are deKribed In g,..ater d•tail elsewhere In today's DA t LY Pt LOT clHslfied olds. P•trons advertising open houses for Hie or rent In TM Daily Piiot may list suers lnfornwtlon in these columns .ach Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 llEDROOI!' 2916 Roun8eYe' Terrece, Laguna Beeoh 4'M-47"8 1210,000 Set/Sun 10-5 111 Manne Ave, Balboa ISiand 631-1400 $254,000 Sat 1-5 2137 E. e>c.n, Penln Pt, NB 631-1400 $.105,900 Sat 1-5 222 Mar1QOkt, Corooa ctel Mar 831-1'3lKI $340,000 Sun 1-5 233 Swrta label, (E/Stde) CM 540-1151 $137,500 Sat 1-4 2308 cam. (Nwpt Hats> NB 642-5200 $397 ,&oO Sun 1-5 40 Cenyon lslllnd, (Big Cyn) NB 842-5200 $219,000 Sat/Sun 2--5 462 Morning c.nyon, Corona def Mar 073-5354 *259,500 Sun 1-5 2 IR plul fAll flM ot DD 3 Rue Fontalneble9u, (Big Cyn) Npt Bch 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1~5 * 19 Curl Or, J.-ntne Cric, YU, CdM 64Q..1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 41 Canyon 19land, Big Cenyon, NB 631-1400 $295,000 Sat 1-5 4521 Tremont, Cameo Shorell. CdM 644-9060 $495.000 Sun 1-5 2721 Baythore Dr, 88ylhor .. , NB 644-9060 U 10,000 F• Sun 2-5 1824 Pott S11r1tng Pl, Newport 8ch 846-7171 $214,000 Sun 1-5 1708 MlrMMll ~in Pt) NB 842-5200 ,000 Sat 1-5 I mOROOM 4832 River Ave, Udo Sanda, Npt Bch 875-2399 $187,000 Sat/Sun 1-14 29412 ~ton, Laguna Niguel 831-8440 1175,000 Sat 2-5 *3210 Cotoredo P1, (Meu Verde) CM 558-9400 Sat/Sun 1-5 502 "I" St, ~n Pt, NB 631-1400 *438,000 Sat 1-5 314 Marlgold, Corone ctel Mar 631-1400 $889,000 Sat 1-5 *1018 Do'M t>f'tw, WeetdHf, NB 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-6 *204 Eboll, Udo Isle, NB 873-7300 $595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 113 Via Ravenna, Udo Isle, NB 673-7300 $349,500 Sun 11-1 1911 Court St, Bel Penln, NB 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1-5 11 Rue MarMlfle, 8'a Cyn, NB 644-9060 $450,000 Sun 1-5 535 HBHI Or. Corona def Mar 673-849-4 $335,000 Sun 1-5 315-315~ lrl1, Corona det Mar 644-9080 1299,000 Sat 1-5 * *21 Beecon Bay, (Beacon Bay) NB 875-eOOO $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1838 Port Char1ea Pl, Newport 8ch 846-7171 $189,500 Sun 1-5 13 Cenyon llland, (Big Cyn) NB 875-eOOO *320,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2882 CrelMew, (Baylhcwe1) NB 875-eOOO $3$5,000 UH Sat/Sun 1-5 48e Weatnilneter, Newport 8Mctl 846-7171 $175,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1814 Sentanefta Terr, Corona def Mar 846-7171 $265,000 s.t/Sun 1-5 1901 Vldlt Marta, Newport ee.ch 846-7171 $365,000 81t/Sun 1-5 305 Iris, Corona def M• 873-5354 $355,000 Sun 1-5 **1418 W. Bay, Penln Pt, NB 875-8181 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 559 Vista Aora, Newport Bctl 84&-7171 $235,000 Sat 10-2 114 Via Cordova, Udo lale, NB 87s.9060 $395,000 Sun 1-5 *427 Cetelfna, NP1 Hta, Npt Bctl 644-7211 *28t500 Sat 1-5 I IR plue 'Ml RM « HN 802 l<tnal Rd, Nwfpott Beech 845-8&32 $850,000 Sun 3-7 * 1974 Pott Lock'""dh. (Hrbr View) NB 84-4-2573 $248,000 Sun 1-6 15 8outhem Wood, Turtletock. Irvine 857-2121 Sunday 1..S * *38 Balboa eov.. Newport Belich 875-7080 *589,000 Sun 1·5 1903 YllClht Coflna. ~ Beech e.u-1011 *485.000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2537 Bamboo, Npt Bcf'I 644-7020 $259,000 Sat 1-6 1905 Yacht Reeo4u1e, Seavtew, NB 759-0619 Sunday 1-5 *2320 LaUnda Pl, (Bae* Bay) NB 549-1400 $239,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 1118 8omet'Mt Lane, Weatcllff, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1211 Klngl Road, Cliff Haven, NB 631-7300 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1301 Dofphln Tarrecie, trvlne Terrace, NB 831-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1930 Port Brl1tol Circle, Harbor View Hom.,NB 631-7300 $288,500 Sun 1-5 140 Jun)lne Creek, (Jumn Ck) CdM 875-8000 $355,000 Sun 1-5 45 Royal St. George, (Big Cyn) NB 846-7171 $895,000 Sun 12-5 2011 Paloma Drive, (Eaatalde) CM 846-9-498 $199,500 Sat. Sun 1-5 224 Vla Genoa. Udo Isle, NB 873-7300 $875,000 Sat 1-4; Sun 2-e 870 Sandcastle, HV Hllll, CdM 644-9080 *312,000 UW Sat/Sun 1-5 25 RuetUng _,nd, Trtlrk, Irvine 759-1801 $289,500 Sat 12-4; Sun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl, Cemeo Hinda, CdM 831-7300 $199,900 Sat 1-5 **748 Vla Lido Nord, Udo .... NB 644-9080 Sat 1-5 1218 Key Welt, HV Hltla, CdM 644-4910 $379,500 Fee Open Sun 1-5 870 Sandcastle, Cofone ctel Mar 84-4-9060 '312,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1901 Galatea, (Irv Terr) CdM 87&-n81 *'195,ooo Fee Sun 1-~ 2029 Port Cerdlff, (HVHma) NB 873-7781 $199,000 Sun 1-6 1807 Cornell, (Weetetlff) NB 842-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-15 321 KJnga Rd, CUtt Hawn. NB 873-7300 '882,500 Sun 1.& 12 8hoel Dt, =" Crk) CdM 780-1900 ,500 Sat 2-6 1907 Chubuco, Irv Terrace, CdM 6«-7211 $195,000 Sat/Sonday 1-5 20382 Greyttone, Huntington 8ch 983-870?' 1159,900 Sal 1-4 •1•12 Oetaxy Dr, Dover ShOr-. NB &42·2510 $739,000 Fee Sat/Son 1-5 2611 C.rde Or, Bayahorea, NB &45--6218 $299,500 L/H 4 •DROOM * 1700 Oahu P1.c:e, Costa Mesa Sun 1-4 751-0401 Open Sat/Son 12-5 108 Turquol1e, Balboa laland. NB 831-1400 $595,000 Saturday 1-5 31272 Monterey, So. Laguna •e&-27'49 s..ee.ooo Open Sun 2-'4 * *<45 Balboa Coves, (CoVM) NB 675-6000 $595,000 Sun 1-5 19'48 Por1 Chetlea Pl, Newport Bch &40-7817 $330,000 Sat 3-0 760 Via Udo Soud, Lido Isle, NB 673-9060 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 M plue FAii Ml Of DEN **5-42 Harbor Isl Or, (Prom Bay) Nwpt Bch 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 11'4 via Entuene>, (Marlnera Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 2000 Por1 Chettee Pt, HVH, Nwpt Bch 875-2313 '2tt.OOO-Fee Sun l-6 *3165 Bermuda, (Mesa Verde) CM 831-1266 $ 150,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **25 Wannaprl~s. (Wdbr~) Irv 751-3191 1339,950 Sun 1-~ 152 SunMt Terr, Laguna Beach '497-3331 $485,000 Sun 1-5 1037 Otdrtckson, Laguna Bch 497·3331 $375,000 Sun 1-3 1255 Somerset, (Bycnt) NB 395,000 Sun 1-5 * 172'4 Galaxy Drive, Oowr ShOres, NB 831-7300 $'475,000 Sun 1·5 1530 Anita Lane, Harbor Highlands, NB 831-7300 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 162'4 Antigua Way. ~ Shores, NB 831-7300 $650,000 Son 1-5 *6 Colonial, Nor1hwood, ltvtne 831-7300 $253,500 Sun 1-5 131 Via Undlne, Udo lale, NB 873-7300 $539,750 Sun 1-5 *1715 Galatea, Irv Terr, CdM &44-00eO $465,000 Sun 1--5 1251 Surftlne Way, HV Hiiia. CdM 044-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 12'4 Port Weybridge Pf, HV H<>mM, NB 759-1501 $27f,OOO Slit/Sun 1•5 133 Via Undlne, Udo lite, NB M-4-9060 19122 BkSdle Or, Trtlrk, lrvln. Sun 1-5 759-1501 $212,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Bumfng Tr• Rd, (Big Cyn) NB &«--4910 $885,000 F.. Sat/Sun 1-5 1007 TRler Way, HV Hiiis, CdM 844-9060 $349,000 Sun 1-5 877 Sandcutle Or, HV Hint, CdM 644..90e() $395,000 Sun 1-5 *1840 Tract.wlndt, 8aycr•t, NB &«-9080 $375,000 Sun 1-5 **1'4115 E. Bay, Bal Penfn, NB &M-tOeO steoo.ooo Sun 1-is 12 Rue Verte, Big Cenyon, NB 031-7300 $860,000 Sat 1·5 *11 c.m.t Bay Drl\te, Spygl-Hiii, NB 8$1·7300 '825.000 Sat 1·6 **111 Momlnglta: OcMf' Sh<nl, HS M-4-ICMJO $1,115,000 F• 8un 1:30-5 210 Via San R9mo, (Udo) NB 175-3CM8/17~2"8 Bat/Sun 1-6 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 24, 1982 _ 13 18971 Antioch, Turtltroek, lrvlM 5-41-6032 $200,000 Sat/Sun 12-3 2706 LIQhthOUM Ln, (HVHla) CdM 07~ $429,000 Sat/Son 1-5 3202 o.Aaware Pl8ce, Meu Verct., CM 5-45-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 3460 San RafMI, Cotta Meaa 5-40-9113 1155,000 Sat/Sun 1--5 1112 Weetcll", (Weatdlff) NB &42-5200 $255,000 222 Via Koron, (Lido lale) NB &42-5200 $839,500 2021 Port BrlatOI Clrcte, NB Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 760-1290 $3•7.000 Sat/Sun 12_. ••626 Roxbury, Cameo Shra, CdM 075-5930 $'475,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2412 Cliff Of, Newport Heights, NB 645-7189 $589,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1«1 Galaxy Or, Oovw Shor9. NB 5'48-5&47 $'420,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 I •DROOll * *'4028 Channel Pt, Nwpt laland, NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2591 BayshorM Or, Newport Beach 831-1400 $725,000 Saturday 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona def Mar 6«-9060 $595,000 Sun 2-5 1608 Galaxy Dr. Newport Beech 631--3660 $Me~ Sun 1-5 **108 Via Lido Nord, Udo lale, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 5 BR plue FAii Mi or D£N •26411 ChapparaJ, (Nellie Gall) Laguna Hiiis 759-9100 $1,000,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar, (Hrbr Rdg) NB 675-6870 S2.5 mUflon Sat/Sun 1-5 •3 Muir Beech, (Spygls) NB 676-e670 $2,295,000 SatJSun 1-5 * 7 Muir Beech Cr, (Spyglaa) Cdm 640-6259 Sur 2-6 *2'406 frandlCO, Npt Bch 673-7771 $379,000 Sun ,_. **2500 Bayshore Drive, Bayahores, NB 831-7300 $1,650,000 Sun 1-5 1034 Sandcutte Drive, Harbor View Hiiia, NB 831-7300 $330,000 Sun 1-5 * #2 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $975,000 Sun 1-5 **1008 W. Bay, Bal Penln, NB 6«-90e0 &950,000 Sun 2~ 5 Potnt Loma, (Spyglul) CdM 075-8000 $925~.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 I • plue PAM • or D£N 32 Mlaaton Bay DrlYe, Spyg!aa, CdM 700-1900 '815,000 Open Sat 2-15 938 Via Udo Soud, UClo lale, NB M-4-9060 $850,000 Son 1-li * 1M8 Newport Hiiia Of Eat, NB 6«-8725 Open Dally 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 RDltOOll *300 Cegney Ln #107, Versalllee, NB 031-2918 $120,000 Open Sun 11-0 28aDltOOM * # 10'4 220 Nici Line, VIiia Balboa, NB 213/592-2on t1M,OOO sun 1·5 100 8oholz Plata PH 10, V .......... .1.flt_B 031·7300 1261,500 Setloun 1-6 *25 Canyon lelend Or, sag Cyn, N8 073-7300 S2e5,000 Sat 1-5 1640 D Iowa, Coeta Meea Me--7171 h.800 Sun 1-5 , .......... 2190 Bolque Sprtnga Rd, Costa M ... 979-2390 $134,900 Sat 1-5 I~ 886 VIila Bontta, The Bluffl, NB 031-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 * 10178 OurlnQO RMw Ctt, Ftn V.iley 01&-1n1 $12-4,500 Slit/Sun 1-5 2659-F EJden Ave, Cotta M ... 076-1771 $152,000 Sat 10-2 •2•28 Vista Hoger, BJufft, NB 073-7300 $137,950 Sun 1-5 IM plue DIN 7 Rue Vlllars, (Bg Cyn) Nwpt 8ch 759-8100 $715,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 *2&42 Vi.ta Omada, (BNffa) Npt 8ch 759-9100 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2&45 Vi.ta Omeda, Npt Bch &40-0020 $315,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES Ej>~E U Goodwlll Ct, (Nwpt Oreat) NB &45-0303 $119,900 Sat ,_. 2 ... plue D£N * #8 Baruna Ctt, (Npt Crst) NB 751-3191 $239,000 Sun 1-5 I M plue DEN 610 Martgold, Corona del Mar 075-5511 $370,ooO Sat/Sun 1-5 4 M plue P:All .... Olt DEN 1r.a55 Sandburg, (Uni Pk-Viti 2) Irv 857-2<MO $137,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 8R plue 'Al RM or DBI 300 E. Coast Hwy Unit 113 Npt Beech 676-33'47 $80,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXU fOR ULE 2Mplue18" 316-315'A lrls, Corona del Mar 673-9208 $299,000 Sat 1-5 ........ ,. **506 E.. OoMnfront, Bal Penln, NB 673-7300 *525,000 Sun 12-5 .......... 509 Ac.de. (Oo.n aide of Hwy} CdM &'46-7CM8 S«0.000 4at/Sun 1-5 BAYFRONT LOT FOR SALE **1008 W. Bay, Bal Penln, NB 044-9060 $850,000 Sun 2·15 HOUSE FOR LEASE 1 Mph.PAMMlorOIN 1730 Por1 Bermouth, HV Homel, NB 759-1501 $1200/mo Sat/Sun 1-6 ,..,.,. **700 Via Udo Nord, (Udo I•) NB &42·5200 $2tOO mo. 8un 1-5 APTS FOR RENT ,...,. 2091A M~ Corona dtt Mar (-21a)4ee •aas eeso1mo. Sat/8Un 2-4 * Pool ** Wai.front *** Wlttf'ftont & Poot r I .. .. ··------.--... ..... --. -.._ -..... -.---.. ----------• 14 -Orang_e County Real.Estet.e/.An A dvertising SuppJement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 24, 1982 *MISA DEL MAI• Assumable financing. Spacious 3 Br ranch style home Featuring family room, central air cond. & private location. Close to all. Only $136,000. 2670 San Mjguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. * 101h 3 FINANCING• •103 DOWN• Brand new end unit featuring 2 mstr suites, 2 car garage & numerous upgrades. Owner wants to sell TODAY!! Bring checkbook & make offer. Only $149,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. HARIOa VIEW HOMES •SIAWIND• Lovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 Brs, private location and assumable financing. Only $249,900!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • l0-3 DOWN+-* 11 3 FINANCING• When you takeover existing T.D., owner will assist at 12% on this 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle roof. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. - •$10,000. •RllATE• On brand new townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 mstr suite & den/loft overlooking liv rm. Only $1~950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •IASTBLUFF• . • 11.21 % FINANCING AVAILABLE• When you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for e ntertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. dllE RENT• Choice 4br executive ranch style home tn prime TURTLEROCK location! $1,200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months. Large, low interest assumable loan, fonnal dirung, frplc. and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. ••••AD & 1un1a* 23 units in prime Tustin location. Tremendous potential 1gr further development. Call for details. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 749-1501 or 752-7373. •$915 PER MO ••• ·* is all you pay when you takeover existing loan on this bright and airy townhome! Featuring 2 stories, 3 Br. master suite w/ balcony & 2 car garage. Priced to sell at $129,500. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach 759-150 l or 752-7373. •OCEAN VIEW• •STEPS TO BEACH• Sensational Beach cottage with 12% assumable fa.nancmg for only $165,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE' 2870 San Mlguel Drive Newport Beach, CA 92880 (714) 759-15~1 • 121-4 3 f INANCING* HARBOR VIEW HOME. Gorgeous MONTEGO model featuring 4 br, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced al $279,000 with large ~umable loan & seller assisted financing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .• Newport Beach. 759-150 l or 752-7373. •OWNER DESPERATEll• Must sell this cozy custom home naer the ocean m "Old Town" Hunting\on Beach. The soering cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add gra<"e and charm not nonnally found at thls price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard complete the picture. Sacrifice for $171.500. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *FREE MONEY* Owner desperate, will finance home 'at zero interest for 5 years. Beautifully decorated home in mint condition. 9032 Adams, Huntington BeAch. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Htghty destrllbte stngte sU>ry en-t'.t-un1t decorated Tn sumptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. Great ~umable 1st Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.25% payable $795/month 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •53 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom modela with two baths. BUuder will fl.nahce at 12.~and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$727/MO.• Buys this chamung 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. 8 1cycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adam,,, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DEMOLISHED HOME -CHEAP• 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO.* Is all you pay for this 3 br, l 1h ba cutie with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •AIANDONID• Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view all the way to Calalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •MESA VERDE• Affordable living with superb financing available. Spacious home meticulously maintained. Only $13,500 down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *$9,600 DOWN• Buys this big 4 br pool home. Over 2000 sq. ft. Loara Schools. Asking $159,900 9032 Adams. Huntmgton Beach. 556-7035. •$20,000 DN.• Spacious family home with soaring cathedral ceilings and bright and airy country kitchen . With 4 large brs, 2 .ba's and a family room, it's a bargain at $154,900 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adams Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 12848 (714) 558-7035 - Orange count~ Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to th~(OAILY'PILOt/Sat~rday~ July 24, 1ea2 -·1s · RESIDENTIAL REAL EST A TE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES TIE ILtffl 1211,tOO 3 BR C-Plan. Price reduced to sell. Ownttr wlll consider lease option. Great location on tree shaded greenbelt near the pool. LOCATION. l&YOIEIT S121,000 Beautiful custom home. Remodeled , redecorated & ready to move Into. French doors enhance the brick & latticed patio. Family room, 3 BR. Owner highly motivated. IWllOR VIEW IOIEI 1140,000 Unique expanded 5 BR 4 BA Palermo. Newly painted &. carpeted. Assume the first at existing rate. Owner will help with financing -low down possible! Best price per square footage In town. Ill CdYOI SUl,000 A spectacular townhome located on the 6th Fairway. The magnificent English decor will be featured In Orange County Home & Garden. Includes private garage. Good flna1clng Is available. IWllOI YIEW MOIH lll0,000 For the activity minded family maximum livability with minimum down. 4 BR, near greenbelt area. Has maids or teenage separate quarters & pool. Most desirable area. Offerll . WllTOLIFF tUl,000 You can't beat this for a great traditional family home. 5 BR with gorgeous pool/spa & large deck area, formal dining room, warm living room w/flreplace, french door & wood floor. 3 car garage. Perfect! Ill C&IYll 1411,000 At last a one story townhome with lo~ of privacy. Its own pool & spa. In model perfect condition & realistically priced In this prestigious gate guarded community. IUYIEW 1120,000 Super 4 BR home on choice corner with panoramic view! Enjoy pool, spa' & tennis In guard gate community. Provides privacy & security for your family. You own the land. WTSlll ONT& Ill& S1U,DOI Best buy In eastslde Costa Mesa. 2 Cape Cod homes on 1 large lot with an assumable loan. Great location & owner wlll assist In financing. Drive by 2436 Orange. lltftUm , ... 'fUUOI 1111,llO Value -Price -Terms. Cannot be duplleated In area. Beautlfully decorated. Many upgrades. Skylight, floor safe, near pool, school, park, shops & freeways. 3 BR, dining room & patio. Compare! NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS IOAO natu Ill llU HH,IOO Charming picture perfect for 2 BR & Den. New carpet, paint, wallpaper & copper plumbing. Owner will help finance with 20% down. Great location & price ~ool IWllll VIEW llLU 1210,000 Ideally located 3 BR & den home. 2 cozy tlreplaces. Lovely peaceful setting with beautiful Catalina & sunset views. It Is near shopping, beaches, schools & friends. Owner wlll help finance. OAllH SHIU 1121,000 You'll enjoy every minute In this attractive 3 BR home where large windows bring the outdoors in & the landscape abounds with color. A lovely pool & deck Invite you to enjoy the sun & ocean breezes of this lovely private community. CllOU Ill Mii IUl,100 Great corner location. Charming 2 BR front unit. Newly remodeled back unit 2 BR plus den, 3 bath & private patio. Very rentable. Assumable loans & owner will carry paper. llYllE TIHICE 1110,000 Fee land In this perfectly located area. Country French at Its best. Tiies, trench door & charm galore. Large shaded gardens & lawn. Just waiting for a happy active fam~. CHIU IEL IAI SIH,100 4 bedroom + 1 bedroom builder owned duplex. Features beautifully detailed wood beams, paneled ceilings, leaded glass and custom finishing. Master suite with Japanese tub plus oeyx sink. Excellent financing! IH11E TllUCE 1411,000 A light spacious 4 BR plus den home with pool and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Owner will carry with approxlmately 20% down. Great potential for user or Investor. OHIU IEL llU Hll,000 This home offers old world gracious living yet Is only steps from the ocean. Exqulsltely remodeled 2 BR, Den. Formal dining room and a cheerful breakfast room. Assumable loan. OTHER AREAS ........ 1142,NO Spacious 4 BR one-level home. 3 trellis covered patios. brick planters. Large dining room overlooks atrium with. enticing spa & fountain. A great family home close to assoc pool & tennis. nmasm •111 12 .. ,000 DEANE HOMES -freshly painted & decorated, ready· to move Int Beautifully designed patio brings the lush landscaping right Into this super 4 BR family home. llWNIT IUOI 1111,000 You bet It's fabulous to open your door & walk onto a sandy beach! 3 BR. waterside deck & patio, beam ceilings, B/I cabinets, community pool & tennis. A great value for you. UJSIHU MH,000 FEE Great potential for remodel In this 3 BR & den home. Close to beaches In this private, gate guarded area. Owner will assist with creative financing. Submit all offers. Fee land. UM llU SH0,000 Elegant & specious llvlng tip-of Lido! 6 BR. S bath gracious home. Features high beam ceilings, private courtyard patio with new tiled spa. Home built on two lots! Owner ~Ill help finance. PlllHIU Stl0.000 35' prime bayfront. 2 blocks from Newport Yacht Club. VACANT LOT with dock & sandy beach-on Fee land. An additional 35' with Spanish home available for $950,000 or $1 ,800,000 for both. lllll llLE S1,2IO,OOO One of Newport's known personalities offers this lovely 3 BR 1 story home for sale -one of the few built on •his prestigious Island. Your boat can be kept right outside your door. Terms available. PllllSIU NllT S 1,All,000 CreatJve seller seeks buyer who needs a home for 55' boat. Besides charm. location, carefree maintenance security & sweeping views. you'll own a 3 BR Cape Cod charmer. UYlltlU 11,AI0,000 Spectacular 3 bedroom home! Gorgeous bay view! Newly remodeled & decorated. All new kitchen. Feeling of openness & space with custom details. Owner assisted financing. Liii IW 11,tll,000 Outstanding 40 ft bayfront location with view of main turning basin. Remodel or have builder-owner construct your dream home! Price Includes plans, permits & coastal approval for 5319 sq ft home! Open today 1-5 748 Via lido Nord Ylln.lllOl -llYlll U4l,IOI , Redeemed In foreclosure. Best buy In lrvlne. Lovely bright 3 BR, den & tamlly room home In country setting with park view. Lrg. assumable loan I .. DOYM P21,000 ,. Luxurious living to be enjoyed In this 4 BR home. Customized Plan 3, many tasteful upgraties. Magnlftcent view. A large secluded patio with swimming pool & spa. CMOC M1JSClf WAllOl 80WI JO CMfl tUml DIAM PElHG fUmsmD mll>APllDtSCM "'"' ....... JOHii CMllO..l caAIS IUllJIS ..., ... ICATll.IDI MCDO GlMA CHMI VAURI MMSHAU Tm Pl1DSCll IWJJIYTlml c..A BAl.DllOS«it EYMcmu:tr lllll>A MMST'* mA~ ...... BMIMA BAU.MM LYUDEWIC JAii llTCK.El UlI UWTill USA 11111 m.L IDITS . SUZI DUY CMOU MCIWtM IMlaA .. ....... MMCIAIDfn MAGGICUTH OJI: OlSOR WCY.msE ·. UY.- rllll • lllMY HMvn lAY PMKEI CYITllA llllSfB.D 00.Yllu. 'f J'• [ __ I a • .. .....;.:.. ____ _,......,,......., ____ ._..;;__ - ~ . ~ . e County Real Eetate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 24, 1982 . ~---:::--~ GEORGE ELKINS COMPANY ()VER C18 YEARS OF TRUSTED SERVICE WATCH IT BEING BUil T Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Now Under Construction. The Style Is English Tudor. The Blueprlnts Are In Our Office. Wiii Be Spectacular. $2,200,000. Susan Trivlson's Listing. · BALBOA ISLAND PRIME SOUTH BA YFRONT WITH PIER & SLIP Family Estate Consisting Of Two Detached Single Family Homes. Two Adjacent Lots. Desirable Corner Location. Commanding View Of Newport Bay. Walk To Shops. Owner May Assist With Financing. $2,700,000. A Don OeThomas listing. FRENCH PROVtNCIAL CUSTOM -BIG CANYON This Elegantly Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Overlooks 8th Green. Views From Most Rooms. Formal L:R. & D.R. Richly Paneled library With Coffered Ceiling. Paneled F.R. Spacious Master Suite W/Hls & Hers Baths. Pool, Spa. Maid's Otrs. The Ultimate In Quality & Charm. By Appointment $2,290,000. Miiiie Howe's Listing. CUSTOM BAYFRONT Promontory Bay. 5 Bdrm Home. Large Liv. Room, Formal Dining. F.R. Powder Rm. Gourmet Kitchen. Slip For 55 Ft. Yacht & Side Tie. You Own The Land. Owner WlH Assts1 Wtth Ananctng. $1,850.000. Cathryn Tennllle's Listing. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Spectacular Hilltop Estate. Magnificent View. On Five Acres. 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Built Home Ideal For Entertaining. Solar-Heated Pool, Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area. Room For Tennis Court. Horses, Guest House. Submit Reasonable Otters. $1 ,775,000. Binnie Dixon's listing. HUGE COUNTRY MANOR -NELLIE GAIL RANCH Anxious Owner/Builder Must Sell His Newly Constructed Spectacular Home On Approx. 1 'h Acres Of Hiiitop Views. Soaring Gellings & Spacious Open Rooms Focus On A Lrg Atrium W/Waterfalls & Even A Rain Forest. An Entertainer's Paradise. Call For A Private Showing. A Trivlson-Hlll Listing. ON A LONG WHITE SANDY BEACH In Private Gated Community. We Must Sell Thia Lovely Spacious Custom Wood & Glass Home, Featuring Spectacular Vlewa Of Beech & Waves. Living Room With Soaring Celllngs, 4 Flreplaces, Gracef\JI Splrallng Staircase leading To Master Suite, Private View Deck & Skyllghted Bath With Roman Tub. Anxious Owner/ Builder Wiii Finance. Asking $1,450,000. A Hlll-TrMson Listing. PENINSULA Waterfront W/Oock. Panoramic View. Great location. Redwood Float+ 50 Ft. Dock. Custom-Built Home W/3 BRs. Kitchen W/Vlew Window Has All Modern Amenities. Used Brick In Outstanding Patio Area. Tiled Garages. Great Offering. $1 ,295,000. A Dion-Maria Listing. JUST COMPLETED Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Mariners Point, San Clemente. Gorgeous Ocean View, City lights. Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Amenities. See To Appreciate. $875,000. Owners Will Accept Syndicate Or Trade. Submit All Offers. Marla Bercovitz's Listing. EMERALD BAY MODERN Exciting ocean view home. Superb contemporary styling. In prestigious community. 3 BRs, 3 Ba + den. High beamed celllngs In den, D.R. & L.A. Sun decks. Spa off specious MBA. BBQ. Priced at $695,000. Joyce Dabolt's listing. JASMINE'S FINEST Top Quality Home In Gate Guarded Area. 3 BR End Unit On Quiet Cul-de-Sac. Beautifully Decorated Home, Surrounded By Wide Greenbelts. Parking Spaces Galore. Call Us $427.500. Muriel Barr's listing. BIG CANYON TOWNHOUSE IN NEWPORT BEACH'S PRESTIGIOUS BIG CANYON. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL -BRIGHT, CHEERFUL DECOR. HUGE MASTER SUITE PLUS PRIVATE GUEST BEDROOM & BATH. OWNER/AGENT WILL FINANCE. $415,000. JOHN MERRILL'S LISTING. HARBOR VIEW Montego, Expanded, Upgraded. Must See To Appreciate. Four Bedrooms. Has Everything Inside & Out. Lrg Sunny Rooms. Alarm System, Automatic Sprinklers, Tiied Entry. Choice W~llpapers. Comm. Pool, Close To Park. Asking $365,000. Joan Lambes Listing. WOODSY RETREAT Split Level Home Overlooking Cherry Lake. •private, Secluded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeled Gourmet Kitchen W/Mexlcan Tiie. Owner Wiii Carry Financing. Assumable 1st. Truly A Beautiful Spacious Home. Huge Price Reduction, Now $297 ,000. Lease/ Option Considered. Binnie Dixon's Listing. EAST0LUFF Rare Five BR Lusk . Two Fireplaoes, L.A. & F.R. Highly Upgraded. Kitchen Remodeled. 3-Car Garage. Excellent Financing. Only $274, 000. Sally Shlpley's Listing. SUNNYMEAD EIGHT-PLEX Two Attractive Spanish 2 BR Furnished 4-Plexes No Vacancies. South Of Riverside Just Off Highway 60 Near Heacock St. Excellen" Terms. Reduced To $249,000. Sally .Shipley's Listing. OPEN HOUSES BLUFFS BEST BUY EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE. Large Asaumable Loan @ 11 'h% & Owner Wiii Consider 2nd. Beautifully Upgraded Carmelita W/3 BRs +Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbelt Neer Pool. Vacant. $229,500. Sally Shlpley's Listing. BLUFFS Single Level Lovely 3 BR W/Enclosed Yard, Private Patio, On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Painted, Newty Carpeted. Only $222,500. Sally Shlpley's Listing. THIS WEEKEND 542 HARBOR ISLAND OR., Prom. Bay, N.B. $1,400,000. SAT/Sun 1-5 . 114 VIA ENSUENO, Mariners Pt , SAN CLEMENTE $875,000. SAT 1-5 7 RUE VILLARS, Big Canyon, N.B $725,000. SAT/SUN 1-5: 2642 VISTA ORNAOA, Bluffs, N.B. $229.500. SAT/SUN 1-5. 26411 CHAPPARAL, Nellle Gall Ranch, LAGUNA HILLS $1,600,000. SAT/SUN 1-5. 3 RUE FONTAINEBLEAU. Big Canyon, N.B. $4.15,000. Sun 1-5. 759-9100 (5) # 2 Corporate Plaza CHARMER Delightful 2 BR Traditional Spanish In Costa Mesa. Recently Remodeled & Redecorated. Sparkling , With An Air Of Perfection. Assumable Loans. $159,000. Binnie Dixon's Listing. COSTA MESA Remodeled Home W /L ovely Decor. New Butcher Block Counter, Dishwasher. Shding Glass Door Off Eating Area. Enclosed Patio. Large Yard W/Fru1t Trees. Only $111 ,900. Donna Webster's Listing • Newport Center ----------- Orange County Real Estate/ An Advenlsing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Sat4rday, July 24, 1982 -17 ~ ,,,,,. ........ , .•.......... .... ,. ,,, J.11 ...... ,., 1.1. • ... ,. ,., lal1 •••• ,, ,., ,.,, .... ,, ,,, ,,,, BHUI 111 1111 •••HI ,,, "'' .••...............•... ··~··················· ·····••·•·····••••···· ·•···················· ...................... . ...........•••.....•...•.................•. C.•1111 1001 6'•1t•I IOOZ IH•111J lOOZ t;,.,,,1 1002 a,.,,,J 1002 S.a11•l IOOZ ln111l 1002 .•.••••••••.•......•••.....•••.•.•...........•••.•.•••••.••••••••...........•..•••..•.••.......•.•.........•..••••..............•..•••••••.••...•••..•.... (QU~~ 0 .... 0 .. TUIOTY , .. ll&lttr'• hK.t: • AU reel estate adverllMO In thla oewspeper 1s subject to the Federal Falr Houllng Act or 1968 wtllch makes 11 Illegal to adllertl&e 'any prefe<en· ce, llm1ta11on or dlscr1m•· nation baaeo on race, I color, religion. sex or ~~$ii;ili!\!~ natlooal origin. or any lotentlon 10 make aoy 1 such prelereoce. llmlta· C1<>n or dlscr1m1nalion " lilts newspaPet will not ttnowlngly accept any •dvarttatng for real es- ,.te wruch 11 1n violatoon ol tM laW. t TH us. open & ramie decks. docking & prkg g.,,.,.......,u • owner ftnanc1og Sat/Sun t·S '4028 hannel e. Newport I Island. Newport Bea 673· 2 lllHH1 Adver ti-1 -------<e~ I ""4Y4JL.£F•A-F4fa--- SerS should check their ads dally and ___ F_O_R_E-CL_O_S_UR_E __ _ rep or t errors im-l me diately. The llSOLUTt STOL DAILY PILOT as-Pil·kup over $500,000 EQUITY sumes liability for overnight Onc:e m ..i ~ifetime [ have the first Incorrect nC'vcr Stoen a bNter buy Won't la~l 1lns~rtlon on!Y. I Prune Orange Ct,y 2.!t l aCTt! ruUtop 11111111 $'11 •••.•••.•............ .. ,,.i 1002 .....•......•..•••.•• EIUCEI S30,000 rMf ,_ !DtlkM". 8ct hOroe w/lrg Y9rd Open & I airy. Flexible fin. 1001 f\on Salter 75&-1221 I 1111 co11n101 OC1':AN VIEW NEW ESTATE Pool, • spa, watl'f'falls. electr gatt-s. 5300 sq ft w/360 deg"->(> view o ( all O.C Tennis court + HELICOPTER pad a rea ASSUME LOANS & TERMS Or1g1nelly 11sted for $2.200.000 Sacnf1cc at $ l.128,382.6:l approx with $350,000 approximate cash down Only the serious need call directly to PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtors, agt Brokers welcome RVM* of Costa Mesa a-rtllully lel'ldacaped ' malotatoed • Bdrm home Great corner lo-, cation wtexl1tlng AV ac- cen. Owne< wlll assbt I I w/flnaoclng. Full prlee I s1•2.soo 1s1-31111 &u••M• F1111te111 I Low down. no points or I CDllOS f c::. C,f ' E [ T • -1""' • "~(JP( HT It~, I PIP owe A Stear at we heve avallabte con· $86,SOO 2Br 2ba condo doa from S89,000 to Nr Mloe Sq Pa111 Newly $239,000 Call now for STllTll ...S decorated Pvt pallo.1 more Information 1 ~-&79,000 Irv I encl oar 63l-l098 797-5370 3 Br-$103.000 FV/SA I You 00<1 t need a gun to 2 Br-$112,000 C M draw test when you . \'f :'/LI 111~· 11 4 Br-$114,800 C M place an ad 1n the Dally 3 Bf-$128,800 H B I Pilot Want Ads• Call now , ~fALTV .\ IN'VESl ~fNT~ '4 Br-$128,900 C M. I 642 5678 --------Call us for flnancing de-1 tala. 831-7370 I ************ I I TRADI T IO~L I REALTY .. UY llST SEU. Anxloua corporation ott.flng VA terms on tni. vac:MI 2 9drm hOme on lrg corn. lot Incredibly pric9d at only $83,500 751·3191 WALi Tl Tll llAGI Only a1eo,ooo tor ·~ 3 i dtm 2 Ba home w / ~ & frple Aaaume 9.25% loan al'd owner 111411 CMfY 2nd T D. Won't lutl Clll now 831-7370 ~ Bii CllYOll ~ *El11a1t laj11tic* * Coloni1I * * Pnme location overlooking the * *8th green of golf counie. Custom Jt built by owner/builder for his *own person a) residence. 5 * ""'--bedrooms, 6 ~ baths. Elegan t * l: master suite. A bundant with ""-- ,,..... fine marble and wood paneling . .......- * Air conditioned. Refriger ated * wine room. Billiard rm. Family * nn. Truly a masterpiece for the lf-Jt dlscrimlnatmg buyer. Sen owdy Jt for sale at $1,950,000. Excellent ""-- *financing available .......- lf-For appt to aee wt· lt lt WEWY •· TARH CO. ~ * •••·4810 * --~~a t*********** Tft\DITIO~L RE,\11\ PElllllU .... 1'11 W. UY lftll SIT 1·1' P~· West Bay payfront. Slips for 2 bc»t.s. rt'mO<klf!d 3 bdrm. 3 blth Sl .200,000 ~an & jetty v1ew1 Manne room, 4 bdnn. 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft $1,385,000. Oceanfront ...L-- Llll ISLE 10111 JOI Yll UM 1111 IPD HI 1·1 Prune Lado Nord bayfront 5 bdrm 5 '"' bath Lge LR. 2 boat sllp1 St.500,000 kt•modeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large re<. m\ Ut>am re1hng~. fumishf'd poiuos $420,000 Lllll ISLE llYFlllT L.lgoon v1t-w from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playrnom. dark rm, dt.<11, Boal slip Now $1 ,000.000 BAYSIDE COYE Sixx·tac:ul~r bayfl'<lnt vww 2 br. '..! b.t up 2 br. I. ba dn 2 boat i.ltpi SUI00,000 COROllllO ClfS Coronado lsl;ind rust l>avfront lot 85' boat dock Pl11ns dVilll Rt'<l s:110,ooo w /Lt•mi.. .. ILUFFS COllDO Smgle story end unit, expanded. upgraded 3 br. 3 ba on largest gn-enbelt $2~.000 POI LIDO FEE LAND -ASSlltABLE LOANS Beautiful Irvine Terr. Home. 4 BR - 2~ BA. I deal i ndoor/o u tdoor entertammg overlooking large pool 706 K-Thange Dr, Corona del Mar $375,000 Open House Sat/Sun 1-6 lllOlll llYlll IW.T'f·IAY UYIU 111-1700 I ~~ ~~ BIG CANYON'S 1 Very Best Buy 1 • Outsta.4i•c lrud•tor M••• I • Feur ldroe•s I h•ilJ "•· • Lare• Lot-luutlfully Lu4scapt4 • 3 Car Garage -Twe h tits l bdrm· .. 2'. b._1th' "'ndo nt•.tr puol $ H~i.000 I BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR • lu•tif•I "utd Peol I Spa • Electroalc Security Syste"' •-tlew Oa,.,m, Dra,ts I Decor • ••• lbrtilt Entry Fltor 341 8oy\1d~ Or 1v~· N 8 675 ·6161 • Wet lar -Two Fire,laets ONLY $695.000 i'tll~ b ll!ll llll' U~U.tl I UlldOWll hard h\ 1•d _..._....::::::-....._ -i11u...._ . but a11 1m111,1l ulatl• honll' \\ hll h PRICE SlASHEQlllllU NOW $254,000I Oo 30xas ft. lot. Adoret>M 2 Bdrm, 1 be w/brlck p•lto. OPEN All WEEK et 117 M•rlne AHnue A SUPER VALUE! Little old laahloned houae on good lot zoned for duplex. Both for juat lot price el 204 Opal. $2all,OOO 873-e900. BALBOA IS. CHARMER REDUCE DI Cle•o I cute 3 bed. college with P•tlo, beam• & paneling. You can llve .. la or eventually build new. Plena for Cape ere Included w/aelM price ol $295,000. Drive by 205 Topaz •nd cafl. Quaint Knotty pine cottege. UMd bttcll lpf. • 2 bed ept wllh large deck. OW c arry. Submit! 221 Pearl. $380,000 873.ftOO. Franc h d oora, bay wlndowe I 3·oar pertilng. Sotd fully furnlahed wftft 2 bed. In Heh unu. urge naumatHo loana. *479,000. '31-1COO. Two a1orr furnl•hed 1ellow hou•a 1 bed/3 ba. A 1 bed. rental unit over 2-cer garege. $375,000 1at T.D. " 12~ Int. A Mull uo. 105,000. Dtlu by 2 15 kpphlre. 131-etOO. REDUCED TO S4M,500. Ou .. t Llttle 1.i.nd corner dupi.1. Hom4t w/'J bed. + rentet unit 1-mafd'a, .. autlful cMc:or. Stopa to watet & MKh. 173~. Lovely family home one door from South Bay beech••· Terrine lnalcM petlo and eumrtMr room for •twtalnlnG. lnct..._ 2 bed. apt • parking fOf 5 cera. 0v.,..1ze lot. '511,000. 101 eor• ln-ltOO. t...rg• 4bd., 3be. Md ad .. 1 be. ctupMx wlmlnl bey v .. w. lxc.l .. nt little l•land IOcatlon. SSTl,000. 111 Cryetal. 873.-00 \.\ 1\1 1 RI RO~ I tfOMb.1,c 111 \I 11111"' '-'• ... ft, •••I t-" .. .., ,,\ \I~ ·•• •• .. t , ....... ·~· ..... , ~ ............... ~ 131·1400 Iv. ill pl(•as1• th1· must fasl1d1ou~ WP .1nnn1 rind any \llht•r M!parat<· honw Ill j Rig C'unyon f 111 lt·s~ th<Jn $~WO .OOO \10HE le 11rtr--et sorry. 14 Burning Tree Road OPEi SIT. I SUll. 1-5 ( Stnrlty Gett 1.ar4t4 area. Call IU-4110 I fer •er•issin ft 11ter), 1 IOME UH,000 -VIEW FREE , Earth tones throughout. 4 br, 2 'h ba, famil nn, dining nn. 2,378 sq.ft. View of Pavil.ton, nit.e lit.es & Catalina. IHI SHFLIH, CH SIT/SUI 1·5 UAIOR VIEW MILLS -11111 YAlll Quiet, park-like setting. Rm ror paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard Cul de sac st. 3 bdrms. fam rm $379,500. 1211 IEY WIST, CIM IH• Sii 1-i 2 ILOCIS TO •EWNRT llH Charming 4 Br & large family room. 2 br ick fireplaces, country kitchen, qujet residential area in modern t ract by Bucmla. 10% dn. Owner will carry JO yrs. YllW -llW II IWIET -IPYWSS Two Story Nantuc ket 5 Br with beautiful Sunset pool lined wtth 14,000 red bricks. Tas tefully decor ated throughout wi t h wal l papers and i1hutters. Shows like a mode l home! M&ny upgrades Se lle r will finance. Submit down $760,000 incl. land. WUlEl I. TAYLH CO., RUL TllS 21t1 111 Jt,_111 Mitts lt14il •EWPORT OEllTU, •.I. 144-4110 Onterlo Condo 2 Br 2 t80 degree view ITorn top SIQIY PricaO right. Beat 1treat In Turtlerock • ,.... as min. 10 Orange 188$1 Sen Avflno. 3 br C o • T h e I m a A g t Pro110ent Home. '31111. &2t-73~7. 181..0711 000, $300,000 io-o .,.,_ tint U IOW a e I~. Cluelllod Ad. &4t-6071.. 752-«>'12. • *1AmtlT* UITU ........ WOWI Loweat priced beyfront home OH BAL· BOA COVES. Large 4 bdrm, 3 bath. double fireplace, covwed petlo plu1 much morel Wiii AITD or trade for East· bluff • Bayshorea or ???II ···~·· .. , ,,.,, ...... ,. •1'11-·lMO* DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 6000 slf on t ecre, maulve electric gates. cobbieetone motor cour- tyard, spectewlar 9f'ltry 6 bdrm, 8 baths, 5 lrpl huge trp1c1 Room for tennis No Tust in - Orange Hiii• with view. 12-15 min 10 all trwys, atrp<><t, So Coast Plaza SI 400.000 RICK ALDERETTE Rtlfttr /leYeltptr lJ.1-44U/ll1-1111 OPEi IOISE 1 ·I llPlllTIOATll cm STYU a111 Ol4t c.r... 4tl • ., .... ,.. .... , ... 4 la ltWl~HH plll ....., ... w.os •• 11111 ltrlll H14ilttr 1ar4llt11 l1tt ••111t ,..... 11' ...... 4 oelll•c•, ... """' ••trU tfftoieet tetar ........ , •Jlf9•1 .. nlltu ffete4 &11t1. FierJMe term. ifhr- 94 It Sll0,000. 111 l•rictM . COUCWN~ MAL TORS HttLC...hr. C..-"4 ... 1'15·551, WINNER OF 2 Oerdeo Grove Home 8eautlful Awarde. 3 Br. lge tam rm, Only $110,500. lle3-2404 Agt. llDllY IOUIYIEW PEmOIH ol 1Juat oe••••· tetll. IYtrl1okl11 .... Pt. ...,..,. 14311 ltrttt 1f Tl1t lr111 L11· ten. 0,1 Fr i/ Sat/ 111 12-1. 11,010,000. 111-1102, ,,, •• ... , . -- - ..... -· -- 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 24, 1982 g,.,,, 111 Sile 811111 In S1J1 .....•.•........•..••. ••••...•••....•....... s..,,.1 J 002 c,.,,,, J 002 ....•..••..•............••.•..•..•.••....... pg.-, Fully operating pre- IChool wltll room to u - pend. OWll« n..lble on l«ma. ~ to $19-4, 000. 751-3181 FORECLOSED FAOPERTIES "INVESTORS" We now have 118 lora- ck>Md propartlee llatecl for lmm9dtete Nia. Pric. rang• from S20,000 (lend) to 1525.000. Gr .. t lln~ng avallab6e with low down. Hurry, c;all now tor 11>9t. lo review our c;ontldanllal ll1t. Coldw911 Banker-FEO. 552-2000 ... 11.tflm ............... Deluxe 3 Bdrm oondo with pvt. 1pa and RV ltOfage. Ownet wlll help nnanca. tll-1111 • Otutlc prlc. reduction, $4211,000 f• 2706 Llott-thouM Lil. 4 8R, 2\4! bl, °'*1 Sat/Sun 1-5 OotU. V'*'11M 1175-eOOO; ~7 I l&.U llWPT m Chermlng 4 Bl & large ...,.., family room. Brick nr• '-lud• I •1 P'aoee, country kitchen. •••••••••••••••••••••• quiet rHldanllal area. o.r. will ClllrY 10 yr1. llll'f UPI• NW•PlllFIDI 3 Br, 2 ba. Price r9duciad 15,000 to 1 114.500. ~t.y 253 ~. Low.t price In .... Walk to bay Ind oc.an from tl'lls 2 8drm country charmer w/lg bonua room w/OYlllde antr•n-oe Excallwit owner ... 1l1ted llnanclng 1300 • 000. ....... ,. -··---~--' TAYLUH CO mmw lftl UTIUIY 1·1 1111...., 142-1200 Lido 111• 4 Br on lrg corner lot. s.s>. 2 Br unit over gerege. Large low lntaraat loan. OPEN 1~~~~~~~~ A PETE BARRETr . REALTY SAT/SUN 1-5. 780 VIA I~ LIDO S0U0. $575,000. , ...... Cfl'llU 111 llu l m . ...•••.•.........•... *FULL OC!AN VU* 13 5% loetl Jumlne Cr a--egt 114().1515 Mora lamlliea 11e gettlng the CMnplng "bug" thll 41' ... LIT With 3 &. t~ Ba, lrplc By a--64&-3586 year If YoU lllve a cam-Buying and Mlllng at a per that'1 not getting rueonable prlc;e-tha1'1 used. NII It now with a what claullled Is all Claulfled Ad. about. 842-56711 ••••••••••••• • 1UT unu 11n1 • • II Ill CAHN • • • • PIEllHI LIOITlll faces 2nd • • and 3rd fairways + largest lake • of beautiful Big Canyon Golf • Course. Gated & guarded e • security.· • • llT 11 Utn.E, IUUY -this • • expanded end unit Deane e • Home features approxlmately • 1900 sq.ft., a 26'x17' llvlng • room with 10' celllngs. 2 king e • sti.e Bdrms, + Den, Private Spa, • Beautlful So. expos. party patio • Wfth White brick + upgrades e • galore! :1 • HHIHllll FllHllll-11~ • MWI. $483,000 assumable at • • effect rate, 11.H41. • • IATml .... UTll• 1·1 ot • • by appointment. • • t•YIWll • • • Call agen1. 760-8617 • ••••••••••••• Ull 11·1111 PllTIMll 1 Bdrm 1 bath. Fantastic bay and ocean views. Sub parking, pool, security bulldlng, walk to shops and restaurants. Sllp avallable. $350,000 LllO ISLE Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths, den. 3 car garage Romberger design. Radiant heating, 2 patios. Built In storage plus many amenities, on 60' lot. $675,000. IPEOTAOILU VIEW Clltt Haven custom home with 180 degree bay and ocean view. 3700 sq.ft .. 2 master suites. 3rd bdrm w/bath. Oak floors, formal dining room, 2 fireplaces, wine cellar. Creative terms. $882,500. ULllA PElllSIU · Worth seeing & worth owning this brand new 3 bdrm. 3 story custom home. Ocean & bay views from master suite decks. Thermldor BBQ on kitchen deck. Good mortgage l oan avallable. $399,000. u•aw Just listed ... Charming 3 bdrm, 2 baths beach house. Features circular fireplace, brick patio. Completety private 1 bdrm, 1 bath upstairs w/ outsld_a entrance. $349,500. UMISU Fabulous Mexican Hacienda. Hand painted tlles, roof t op garden, sunny patio with fountain, 4 large Br, formal dining room, famlty room, 3 car garage and many extras. Price reduction $495,000. ILIFFI Cll• Lowest priced 3 Bdrm In the Bluffs. Freshly painted close to schools, shopping, pool. Vacant. $137,950. Liii ISLE + NOL Extra wide lot plus pool. 3 bdrm, 3 baths. fabulous decor. Assumable financing. $595,- 500 . Ull ISLE New French Normandy, 4 Bdrm plus den, French doors lead to a charming brick patio. Stained glass/wood plus 2 flreplaoes. large aundeck off upatalra bdrms. A must to see. $595.- 000. IAJFllOIT Hl-llllE With view of ocean, 1 Bdrm, mirrored ·wall. beautlfully decorated, ready to move in. Sub-parking. Pool. Security bulldlng. Walk to Lido VIiiage . Reduced to $295,000. ClllEO INOIEI OOEAIFIOIT Flneat location with spectacular white water view. Ideal family home -3 bedrooms and baths plus servant's quart.era. formal dining nn. and family rm. Custom built quality home with ~uilt-in wine vault, hobby rm., solar heating, wet bar and mu\!h , much more. Motivated seller moving out of state. Price reduced to $2.500,000. COllOU IEL 10 lllTS We feel thia ia the best lnoome buy in Corona del Mar! Located just a (ew blocks from the beach south of the Hwy. Earning almoet $1500 per mo. Reduced in price to just $229,000. Owner will help finance - so bring in your deals. flUIClll II TllE 10 With only $28,000 you can move lnto this sharp Bluffs "C" Plan - the one with 3 bdnna. upstairs and l more bdrm. or office downstairs. Located near the pool, a terrific home for entertaining! The full price is $279,500 L .H. and the financing is 30 yni. fixed rate. HYEI SHIEi IAJFllllT Would you believe 60 feet on the bay With private pier and noat tor $985,000 L.H.? We have it in this lovely 4 bdrm. home in exclusive Dover Shores. Formal dining rm. plus a breakfast rm., family rm .. hobby nn. and a big brick bayside petio perfect for entertaining ot' sunning. This Is a great family home not far from the private community beach. COlllU IEL Ill YIEW You have jetty and ocean view• from this fabulously designed home only 1 block from the beach. Abeolutely the finest craftsmanship throughout with lavish use of wood, brass and stained g,lass. A showplace that we doubt could be duplicated. 3 bdrms. and baths $1,350,000 submit tenns. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING som 1un w High visibility comer location on Segerstrom. Nicely landscaped tilt up bldg. approx. 15,300 sq. ft. with 5 tenants. Well maintained. Just 4 yrs. old. $1,040,000 attractive terms. WEIT COSTA IESA 20,000 sq. ft. Uh up· building divided into fow 5000 sq. ft. units . Located on 1.4 acres. Owner may finance so submit tenns. $950.000 possible condo convension. BH1t1 lfl S•/1 !~~!!!.{~~~! .•.•... ••..•••••.•.•...•..... ~-.. ~~~~ ••••••••• .'.~~ ¥!!'!.'.! ••••••••• !.~~ BEST IN BLUFFS lllT llY. Love ly 2000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2112 baths, fam. rm., wide greenbelt, near pool. Only $249,000. llCLlllM TIE Ull. By appt. IKI 1·1 '°' a .. o..,., 1 '"•'· " .. , 2 w nn,ooo Mt Ylst1 h.eta,J M,11efff,y ... 1210,IOO 2Hl ..... I 111, 1 ltttl t1Htl00 HELEN 8. DOWD IEALTlll, 110. 144-0114 OPEN House 11-4 DAILY OLIE c•• 12a1, 1815 Bayaclera Terrace, lrvln• Terr1c;e. Panora-000 mlo vtewl, lee land. mini So. ot Hwy, R-2. 3 Br 11tate. 11,250,000. Riiey remodel. Living rm Realty 873-7478. open1 to pv1 backyard -.-_.._-.... -,-H-,-,------l Graat 1erms. 25 dyl to _.. .. _. .... Della. 1131-1298. egt. Home+<lueet+tncome owe 111 -Flex Tam11 50G ~ CdM rw bdl SpotleM V9Cant Duplex Huoe Sbr/3b.+3b</3ba 4401< own/bkr 1145-704& ..... TllUll ..... tflll Ut/1111·1 1M10. ...... FIRST TIME OFFERED: TIKI neat 3BR 2ba with ovec 1800 eq n with lo- .,.,,,-,Pl1lol and gardenS. Owner will finance 1Ub- 1111t11lal tit TD at 12% Int - 7 yr l«m A IMMhold •tat• Prlc:ed to NII In tee. 144-1111 twmlnTllU MESA VERDE 4BRl28A APPRAISED S 140K NOW I 120K w/57K dn $130K wl32K dn 0WC 8kr (213)927-8001 c.,,, • .., JIU . ..............••..... EAITlllE TUii L ..... Wlt Reduced $17.500. NE- WER 3 Br famlly rm Prime lo<:atlonl Call to- day tor Anenctng Detallll RAE RODGERS .... ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiliiiiiiii CdMfs BEST DPLX Compara value of thll ~ unit duplex. for only 1240,000. Attrac;tlw fi- nancing Drive by Cl 111 Narc:lt:lua or call tor c»- talll Call 114(). 71185 .,....,, S.autllul CdM duplex. Supar loc;atlon Only S329.soo. 1-9-42-8seo 3t5 IRIS AXER $98,000 EHlllde Co111 Mell, $27,000 under appralul Owner desperate Hurry 645-0303 COLDWeu. BANl(C!RO Reduced to $2911,000. -t°"°'_"'_ Spec. hOme wlth rental. ~~~~~~~f:' Wide lot. 2 bike to l>Mch. Auum. loan• 1173-9208 . Ownr/Agt. ll&IE LITS If In FEE LANO Have con- tractor -wtll nnleh Ow- ner deeparatet Gr .. 1 ... 1umabl• 180 deg vu. Alt! Ing 1848 ,000. Prtnc; only 543-7023 Bllr -·llPLD S30,000 down. a11uma 12'.4% 11t TD & 2nd TO at 11~ BHt deal In CdM, oorner lot Hlgll renUI C•ll John 752-0342 M-F ~HERITAGE REAl.TORS 3&. 2Ba. dbl car 6-.. Ftl -2 patios, n~etona frplc. A 1hort walk to every-~~llom bl1 home thlnol Nice°'*' 2 bdrm 1129.950 With m .1150 tiome, nr~. pegged down Owri. wfll carry wood & C.peted l1oorl tit IOan. 2 room atudlo unit tor R•J lletw4~.1 lltr, Income, private patios .... 1111 0n1y s22uoo. I:=:====== 'f4umn tJd, lla1 WTSlll ~I lM -ai&.w•rif'ufw1/ti•J llttlflH hlWen 'Wlf "> oJl.'jt. Newly daooratad 2 8drm 67J~~y. Y home on 8011126 Jot • *1 l . CoMt ,, CCM1 Room to bUlld. Flftt TD s 102,000 auumable at 14%. ~all"'G St37,SOO F0t en Wolftlment eo -· ea1 a.eo.11s1 ...:.; ... HERITAGE . HtAtTOH..., - u . .... -.. , .. ·· Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 24, 1982 -19 ~~~!!!.{'.~ :':~'!.. ..... '!.'.!!!!.{'.t.!'J!....... ~~~!!! -~~~ .~l~. ••• • • ~'.~!!!.{~'.!~!.'... .. . . ~~~!!.{ .. '.!.'.~· ...•... !'.~~!!! .~ .. ~ !.'.~'. ..••.. ¥.~!!!!.!'.'.!.'.'!... •••• !'.'.~!!! .!'.'.!!.~'. •••••• ~.'~.!!!!! ...... !.~~1 f!!!~.!!~ ...... !~~ ~ ........... !.~1 ~! ........... }.'?!! f~l.~~~.!!!1.~ ... !.~! ~L~!~.~~~ ••• !.~f !'.'!r.!!.~~~!! .. !.~~ !'!';f!!!.~! .. J.~! tilliilililillllllll ________________ _ REDUCED $25.000 FOR SALE IY OWMH -•ow UH,000 lt111tiful MtH ,.,,. Mt•• -2 ltery 4 bedroom. 3 baths Approx1frujtt•ly 2800 sq tt F<'nl t.·d 1n fro nt yu rd has rustom1.wd pool. spa. landsn1ping. and lowl~· b<.irk Y•1rd with (1 ult trl•cs 2111 la4wlq Clrale C.11 lll-5014 ON GREENBELT -103 DOWN IUCll UYlll flll HLY '47,1001 Immac 2Br M obile home in adult community. Expansive ocean views. Fresh paint-new cpts. Clubhouse, pool. laundry. Great 11tarter or week-ender. $47.950 HUI Yl/WUOI CIYE 1111 Int Approved plans & permits included in purchase price for <·ustom designed 3 Br wood & glass hme. Fantastic location, outstanding prn L1St.ed at $160,000. Lush tropical landscaping surrounds th is 3 bdrm Northwood manor. Ultimate privacy, t ucked away In cul-de-sac locale. Park with park grounds as your back yard . Exceptional 10 % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ financing. Just listed. Call Rob, LI IWI/ WTllll 999 Presidio Dr, lrg 3 Br. Agent. PrHtlte4 ll1 llct lalla 714/IS 1·'440 IH WUlla•s lealty Cute 2Br hOuH Owner den, 2 B1, meny 11traa. 642-4253 flexible Bkr 536-1453 assum mC>tt I 139.500. E. llH 1·2 38'. 181 & 1Br, 181 In. law Mille, newly remod• laid. flexible tlf'm& $129, 900. Ot try ~ option By OWlllll' 648-2768 OME FOR SALE by OW· ner 3 BR 2 Ba. separate dining room. covered patio, Ponder094 St CM s 135.000 983-()363 :===========::. ITIP TIIE Wlllll •EU WOllSI Her• • 1 p1aoe to get om Spectacu1er trl-level Recently renovated t>eeuly ne1r So C Piiz.a. · Olde Laguna Charmer EYe<y upgr&CM, ltted roof. TRY $60,000 DOWN Juet a short atrolt from so mucf't m<>l'e Aektno beec h with unique 3 ln9.900 Bkr. IM8-0709 PRESTIGIOUS TUDJLERQCK bdrm lloor plan Has 4 Br Den, Formal Dtnlng H •:-I I UI\ ooeen view muter aull• Room, 2 Flreplacea, 3 U1H1f •• w/flreplace. formal di-car garage plut terge .. !!~!~ ........ .J.~fj mng room. llYlng room Hobby Room Poot siled w/log burning flreplace tot beeut landecaped I H HWI • 10~ llT, Award Winning Model -2 Story •P• and extenllve ute 0j Owner will ualet al fl- ~! . .'!l!!!.~!! •• !.~? DOYER SNORES 1441 Galaxy Drive Vlew of the oceen and leaded ~11111 window• nanc1ng Only 1420.000 1 12'% llTEREST ~~~11,~~~~;a•:;d& 3 Bcinn 2~ Ba Family Rm Den and skyltes Offered •t %:n=s.:_11i; Like new. 3 Bdr 2 Ba, 2131902·1298 Eff~t1ve Interest 13.3% only $349,500 FULL •••.1••7 fem rm, many 111tr11 PAICEI - - Beeutllul low m11n1enan-1BY OWNER 4 BR 4 B1 MISSION REALTY ~~====~~I c. yard $169.500 242 hme. appro11. 2900 aq.tt Call for Details 985 So Cst Hwy. LIQUt'la i ~ 21no St tn1~5 Nr Me~dowtarll Oott Adrienne _ Century 21 8~-2121 (1'4)414-1111 aw Ul1lll ..._ _______ I Course S23e.OOO l•ms. I~!!!!~!!!!!~~-~~~~~~~~~~ 1---------1 H .. RB 0 R c RE st. F .. ECLllHE We wUt gvarentea lo buy 1~ i-.. , BJJJ1 l IJO " · back at Hml prtoe In 3 By Owner. Turtle Aocic 3br OCEANFRONl Moblle ":":'••••••••••••••••••• CHOICE Lido Realty 673-7300 SI0,000 DOWI Newly remOdeled Cape Cod beach home. 3314 W. Oceanfront. lowest price on ocean. This Is a financing dream. No qualifying. $325,000 assumable at 13%. Priced at $375,000. w tw ham 1ci.e1tt, in-noo ... OAIYlll McLain Townhome with great Ylew of golf courte and cenyon. One level Oekc;reat modal, good Hcurlly Community poof and tennlt. 1et TD Is asaumlble at t 1%. 40 o.., ....... , IPEI UT/Ill 1-1 142·1200 j PETE :llWNRT ftllm Charming 2.BR 2ba COi· tage Huge lot. Flna11 ava il . 1185,00 0 546-7145 I. 842..a8&8 ONE OF A KINO UNEQUALED VALUE 1495,000 &44-8725 Ytn1lll11/ll1 ... ., 1 Br PnthH Scholti Plaza. Xlnl toe Nd ~ In $ t09,900, ll&a--5133 IPll lllSE yr1 84&-0450 2be rent $1000 mo or Homes. MYefal. $80,000. lett .... , Int Presttglout aecurlly area. Open Sat/Sun 1-5 PM Mii nsoK &45-9555 PYt. 490-3818 Co-ope from S3Q,OOO ~!.'!!~~~ec11°':'Ji t~I~~~~~~~~~ 3 4 8 O San A• f •et $5000 down Tri-level equity price Condo• ...,........,.. (Sunttwr·BflltOl-Fairview) home S 149.000. CloM IEST Ill ltfUat Ir. IHI from $75.~ full pne. ::U~~':!nbl~="~u~~ ~ 3 81 2~ Ba , J BARRETI :.. REALTY ....,, ....... , eann.t. poof, A/C, mOfl Mortgage fully aasum 1248.000 8-44-2573 4 BR. family rm, poet lo beach, 2 )'IMl"I old. Low dwn buyl buulllul 3 Beautifully upgraded L919ure World Resalll Bdrm home Is ""ht and In ~-$299,500 AMUml I 120,000 Wiiow Owner enxlous A ndy In Wood......,,_ holne • ueumable loat1 24221 Pueo de Valencia • .,, dn. 5<40..g1t3 Daya 714/ 638-2647, ::.r:uc.itss1-~ Near achoola lBR 2 Lao Hit.ls 7141837•5500 ally With neutrll decor L H 189K lee conwr- v .. REPOSSESSION ..... eves ~98 (UIJ beth. Your c:tloloe lo pureflue ston Renewal 1991. " .. .., w , al $449,000 Of ,__at 2811 Circle Dr 84M218 3ba. pool, S8000 dn 4 BR 2 ea. 10381 Maikal. "'\Odbrldgc l.acH• Ylllqt I.I UtPll Wltil 11900 mo. l13e.OOO. Agt 546-n39 nr Gllrlleld & 8f006ctlllret. k~ICIJ 411·1111 Lovely corner CNI Ml-142·1200 J ST R OE ED 3 Sacrlf S 103,000 --------1ano Manor, 2Br, 2B1. ~m. 2 '::~ ~ llde 714-995-144-4; 497-1037 551-3000 TRI-PL.EX. 155,000 down. garage, fflllc. pr'-'flew lge COY'd patio w/wat lllPEUT111 IALI 1r.u1 ... a ,·a "'"'·'"''"' AHUITle tat TO ll'A%. OYWioolclng ... I. golf j PETE ber. Owner &4&-9498 owe Betance II 12%. courM. 1158,500 Catt Poot home. 1130,000 PllCE Prlncipa only ~ owner 930-303e J BARRETT ... REALTY Low dn. 12~. No bal-mlc cx:ean vi.-. $325.1~~~~~~~~1 AEAL ESTATE TAX IN-loon REDUCED 000. Broklll' 499-1628. 1-_.... VESTMENT I $5000 psyment. Bkr. 764-7tn By owner, LeilUle w.,...,, ~:::~:::iiiiiiiiiiii~I I 000 on Ulla ltunnlng Tur1 .. Cute chermet wttll QfNI MC gale 2 BR 2 Ba. W/D, ~~ 1~~NIMUMh~: /tft..t JIU Rock Glen Townhome 2 ocean view. 2 blocks r«rlg. asaum $32.500 al deduction tst S 10 ••• ••••••• • ••••••••••• bdrm. 2'h ba.. end unit lrom belctl, 2 Bf. 2 8&. 2 14% Asking I 119.000 000 Owner (I · ~I wtn Trttk 18971 Antioch. lkbx. locai.d on two ti.uttM atCHy, open bMm cet11ng. 714.7M-3e00 I n-"' 4 St. 2 Ba. 0 R., F.R. vu gr.nbelt•. Oay & nltflt Ownera moving. Mu1t1-------- supp Y lotil down pey-ol Univ 1200,000. $50, tight VIEWS. Thll II an Mill Ownert wtll help fl-W•.U •'••ti JISZ "*'' up to $40,000 In 000 down, 1150,000 exceptional buy at 1289, nanca. 1210.000 0peo ••'••••••:'••••••••••• equity. Share purch•M A.l.T.D. 12%1ntonlyf0f5 000 Sa1/Sun 494-4748, hller lnlett In new IUXUl'IOUI 2·3 yrs. Agent 5-41-5032 878-2122. 2 bdl"l'P, 2 be. beeultful Bdrm 3 Ba Condo. VIiia Pac111ca llome Coeta Mesa.. Maximum Brand New Homaa & llml Tll 1111 Adun Comm. Rn.anctng Int dlP'• • APf•. 11rue-Condol. no money down now you can give your av all Wiii conaldar lured fC>f buyer, pol$lble white they lut (714) famlly the benefit• of IHM/ purdlaM. 4-t benefit. Phone 546-9522 Ag! Laguna 8Mdl Elly.. 761-0482. 646-7958 7 1 4 I 8 3 1 . 5 0 5 6 • Walnut Square condo. llYmlble loant. Two 4 Bt•-------- 714/642·2000. I 3BR 2ba, Sale, IM/Ot>t homae w/ocaan vu1. ·~ J.Mi IOll avail Call Ir-or 0.. 1189,900 & 1189,000. •••• ••••••••••••••••• 11 I t e , 5 6 2 • 9 5 4 9 • Boat Canyon Realty 4 :~ llSllUIU 551-2193 OI' 978·8857 't573 CAMPVSDl:l~lffE 41M-8~ B~doe~!,w m=:!.! 1130,000 WAY llLIW mm L~ Thr-.Arc;h Bay Grt whll• lh•y tut (714) NA FAIRVIEW/BAKER 3 tw, 2 bl univ Park Ocean Vu OlvC>tca lor-549522 Agt. BY OWNER Terr a c e I 1 49. 0 0 0 1111001! c.e Ille Otf9r or !fide. OCEAN FRONT 845-018-4 T1nn1. Agt 955-0782 0t "LAKES" end unlt-1 Ownaf/Agt 489-3t44 BY OWNER. )(LNT LOC evs 857-6-0lO block to Northwood CllmY EUUIOE 1400.ooo. 640-7990 IUllf IEW IEWPllT ll1llTI 1P11UT.1 .. 427 .......... , •• .... ExtenlMI 1980 remodel hH left no llud untur- ned New tradltlonel style oak lloore, new rool. wlrH. ptumb1ng., maater eult•. llltchan. etc. etc makes this beaulllulty toceted 3BR 2ba pool home a rare "one-ol-•·lclnd" PrfQed at 1267 .500 wl1tt 111 11- eumeble 111 TO 144-1211 /.Jn NIL[L GAILEY &. A55UCIATES lllT SEU If 1/21. Vareettlel condo· Mriet YM.la I 120,000 Best olr takn No down. great loan 998 -9 222 & 526.-0879 thOt)plng <*Ill<, dellght· I lllnll• fu1 tre1-ah1ded area. Fabutocn 3eoo aq. ft. 5 .... 1 ••2 s.•7• bdrm hOm41. Count"' kit-111 ..,,. tem• "'" -~ " --------Lovety home+ land. 3Br. A/C, fl replace, open ·7 1111111 IWllT 2Ba. 1 177.900 Owner bume. poole. 1ennl1, chen. ocean 1tlewt 2 I.a• ... BUb llSI '4•u1 BJJJ1 115' (714) 851-3933 etc Super financing. blockt to bead\ 12% U-••'••••••••••••••••••• ••'••••••••••••••••••• Now P<loed at $99,000 nandng. $379,000 --------... ·-------.. If .... vacant ancs ready. 1111 ESTATE POPULAR WOODBRID· 1•2· 1200 Beautiful 4 bdrm home In OE MODEL. 3 bdrm. 2 ,. • fabuloua romantic HI· bl, OR, FR. Atrium. A/C, ting Reduced to S223. patio Lg •1t1.1rn loan. 90 Saller financing. New Nelie Gail Ranch Custom SACRIFICE SALE! YO\lr own pool •nd l•· cum cornet wttll tl'llt 3 bdrm home In one of Colla Met•'• beat Flex. terma A~t 494-4730 857-43e3 U you want to build your own castle, th 1 a oppor.tunity of a lifetime will never oome again. 3 lots on Harbor RI d g e, side-by-side, with plans for a 10,000 square foot home with TENNIS COURT and pool for only $2,500,000. The Owner will joint venture, trade or you can take over the whole project . Want to move up? 4l00 sq. fl. big $1,400,000 of &FflUllU AOUL T MOBILE HOME PARK ON THE BAY 1 bdrm, den, 1 bl, S60.000 3 lk. 2 bl "8.500. 2 bdrm furn 140,000. 2 bdrm $25,000 300 E Cst Hwy Unit 1, Nawp()(1 Beech. Skr 875-3347 New larg111 1 bdrm Security. pool. ~ prtoa b9cauaa no realty teetl 1120.000 831-2918. IPlll UT!• 11·1 " .... LIW,LIW ... Take over beautlfut Newt>Ort dealgner home with country French charm. We have eparec1 no ex- penae In tlllt ,_ r9"'0- de6ad 3 BR 2 Be hOm41. All modern lcltch w/ ltallan llle. French door. and windows thruout Prof. lendacaped, lg• corner IOI. AV aCCHI. 1259.000. Xlnt financing 22111H111-.u Bldl Say area. 631-1851; 831-5097 hme IEWPOIT'l IUT Ill Outa11ndtng lrg family home, Poot/Spa. Redu· ced 96K lo 1379.000 2408 Frandaco, NB Opn Sun 1·4. John Carey. Bllr. UNITED BROKERS REALTORS 67S-m1 A•-••y e4Ulft IN: A PETE BARREIT neighborhood. Enter 'u·-N-l.-P-AK-4-8d-,-1ownhoma--- tllrough • P<IV•te cour-on gr .. nbelt. E.ltc.llent ~~~~~~~~ Ward end enjoy the ~ I = . REALTY Chermlng older co.ttege. wonderful oceen view. Three Areh Bey • tltnOll oceanlront -terms - 1495,000 house, big rooms. Luxurious home. a as um able llml w PUii Horse property. hill top view, 4 car ff nan cl n I · 4 bdrm•. 2 IA t>a. IOI many amanltlaa U1l1 buy. 1137,000. ""'' Sat N ,,.,. IHI tiome olt.,.. Won't tul Sun 12·5. Ag!. 857-2040 •• '/!!!~••••••••••••••• DIUll .. , lie•.;,'!~~; u. at $139.900 Cati llYIU . 1121,IOI . ·-· ' \ ( >I l / 11 /;.ti ,, :.. .. ' . ,' ........ .......... Mau Vtrd• Hom•. compl ttfurbtahed Mov ... ln cond. I. open thla wtlnd 751~1 Adorable 28r home In IOY91y nalghbQttloodl Ex• c•ll•nt financing avelt. Many am•nltl11 1nch1-dln9 8 trult 11... c.r1 879-~70 \ f >11. I tl F // .,, . . ' ... . . . ....... AWA"O WINNEA iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ OG.-n ~ 3 bdrm, • bl. ktt. w/conveni.nc.. 1"n rm, IOe garden. J>ll• tlo, f orm&I din. rm. IOI !Iv, rm. Quiet CUl·Ol-HC. $812,000. By owner. 113-4411 garage. See to believe! Consider WOW! PflY. patio, near IChoofa, d h ?? S i 1 lhopptng & pool. 1196. tra e your ouse or. . pee a ._ Cttt, h• ooo. XLNT Flnenctng financing. 7l4/7SO-lt00 evatl. owner. &4CM831 OPEN SUNOAY 1-5 PM A MUST SELL SALEI 2832 Vitt• del 0ro Ooen House Every Afternoon 2 St~ ~eoncso. 2~331 Sorrel Place (Off Buc:kllik1) tnl l&Tlll• 1--4 • 1u.ooo. o:.•n sun. Jensen • Co. a" 21>a. to'°'· t,... Agent. 213115 2~•11. • Ftp. Udo Sandt Conwn. Sul*' o~. 9Cl'Oea rrom 714/75~-0706, Afternoons 1314301 :"t~i<.'=!:.i::. ~.'n~.~o~ f ind what you want In Find wllal you went In a. tntr19a ,_, wl4tl OallV "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~j 4832 RNw-t7W3H Ma-~40'4 ~t. Dally Piiot CluSlliedt CIUall'lecl A.de 842-4e711 Diiiy Piiot Ct...cn.de. Piiot Want Adi. ':: e:=======::l.:========- I I l l I • . ~--------.. 20 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplem ent to the DAIL v PILOT /Saturday. July 24. 1982 !~!!!!.(~~ !!'~ ...... !{~!!!! .{~~ !~~~ ...... !'.~!!!!.(~'.!.~'!. ...... ~!!.!'!!.!!.'!.'! ..... '!!~!.'.!'!t.1'.'!!!..... '!!~!!.!'!!.1!.'!.'!..... '!!~!.'.~!!.'!!!..... ~!.!!!'.J~~!~'/-.. ! .. '!P.!!.~!!! .. !I!! !'!!r.!!.~!! .. !.~ !'.'!r.!!.~~ ... !.Oj, "r-:r .J.•• 1111 !'!!!!!!.~r.!!l.1!1! !'!!!!!!.f!t.r.!!l.!!!f '~!~i'l.,.''i~o ~Yi~;;;,;·~·;;·• ............ You own the land. 2.000 aq fl , 381, tam rm, 2'11 ea. wide o~. neat pool. Far ti.low f!IM(et $245,000. Wiii ...... op- tion. 8kr. 644-013'4 011101 lllf Fl ..... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • •••••••••• !'-. ••• •• ••• 4br. 2ba. 2 atory condo. s~ "E" end unit IHOIU1'111 OCEANFRONT Mobile ULMI PElll. HPLU Time lhare 1 week per Pool & spa. M75 mo . with bMu lful 1ew Ow-Hou• • '/\ blk to undy Homes. -at. U0,000. summer for 2 at Laguna Avail lmmed. ,..:,, Wiii tln~vwith 20% beach on Newport Pen-Pvt. 499-3818 Fantastic location & fantastic Shores $7500. (714) 768-4589 dn. Try graduated pay· lsnsula with approved Newport Beech De Anza terms. 4 bdrms. 3 baths up; 3 j_5_2M_5_1_9 _____ 1---.. -E-llT_ll_l __ -i mentt: plans for 1150 1Jf addl-bayfr ont Park. Mini bdrm s. 2 baths d 0 w n . PALll IPllHI "' 1st yr .............. $1500/mo tlon. PON. 2 unit•. Ap-con<!. '78 dbl wide. flrt-FI 4 Yearly-Weekly-Winter. 2, 2nd yr •........•... $2000/mo prox $12~5f.looo. '60BK place, brick pauo. $58. redp I akcep, I car dg ar adgte • GbdREATi,!!..~~N~~ 3.4 Bdrmt. 3rd Y'·····-···••••H••500/mo down. 2,. nat1clng. y 5 0 0 B 111 Grundy sun ec • r ce re uce 0 rm. ........ . JlCOll ·ULn Etcetera owner I a g I 675•6181 $450 OOO wide exehanga. Sac. S2. n .... T llDlm 714/673-1600 • . 750 "''' Older~ over 1300 ltelh llttttta attr. •--------• IEWNllT WCI 7141493-0i379 'aq. It. plus large detl· AND ASSOCIATES HARBOR RIDGE Bel Air Home, Light llLIOl PElllSIU 0.I •I lt•ll MWIEMm c:hed double gar1ge °" 111-MH 1ntflf'lors. 2 bdrm. 1 bath, 4 bdrm up, 3 bdr m down ZIOO lll-1111 alley ........ ~. paJan'.:......~lc __ W_E_S_T_C_L_IF_F__ .,.. S.lltl•J 12•4 front kitchen, Expanded d I G eat a ea for s mmer •• !.~~~••••••••••• --------i new ,,...muing _,,r · v1-ol ocean and city llv. dining area Young up ex. r r u R ••-111 FOR LEASE sox117 Rt lot. Owner 3 Br 2 Ba charrnet at lights. 3 Bdrm, 2'11ba adults & peta welcome. rentals. All Investors must see. tl .. IH -· Woodbridge 1 a loft. needa caah. $174,000. 1218 Devon Ln. 12% fl-plus offioe, 2 trplcs. S24.500. 540-5937 0 I 5 Id B t b 100 acrea, one mtle of $800 mo. 461 Santa Ana Ave. nancing w/normal down 3 ST TROPEZ n Y years 0 . es UY On Rlvar frontage. TREESI Irvine 4 BR, fam rm, Wkdys 631-3520; Evea & payment. H. Frederick. '70 Fleetwood. 12i140. the oceanfront. $525,000. PASTURE LA NDI 2 poot, St500 mo. Wknda 5-48-5041 aQt. 631_ 1268 turn., NEW range & re-homes. Lota ol 11menl-H bor Rldoe 4 BR 3 Ba CUSTOM LOT frig, Star11ght VIII. 714/ Hes. Wiii consider trades. Ill' ' an1oom SEA.VIEW • Elegant & charmi ng Hampton model, fabulous views, decor. apa, pvt comm w/pool & lerinla lacilltles $485,000. 0~ Houae Sat/Su" 12-5. 1803 Yaot11 Colina 844-1017 PlllU11tl EUomYI .. Located In Newport Beach. Priced In the mid $400,000'a Ready for Immediate occupancy. 10% down at 10% lnte- reat for 11t 2 ~re. to be 12'1\% Interest for the remainder wftt! 5'11 yew due dates. Qualifying 11vallabi.-tlmt bu#o.t~ Cell agent now for detlllt1 an<! vleWlng at 646-5092 REALTY 8 7 3 -4 3 2 6 . 2 1 3 I WEST IEWPORT Xlnt fin. avall. 645-3949 ~~:'o~Beach 3 BR. HARBOR HILL 799-1022 4 b drm & 2 bdrm duplex. 2 MAUI-HAWAII. For aale or tam rm. S1250 mo. 35 fl custom trailer, New-d oors from w i de b each & 1rade for Newport Sch Tustin Foothllla 3 BR. Great view OI ocean and port Beach River Jettys. resi dence 4Br 4Ba 20x40 pool, 1ecluded VIEW city light•. Wiii SYbordl· $8,000. 548-0393 excellent surfing. The best In home w/p~ol W~lk to area. choice 1chool1, llE •• CE. nate. w111 bulld to suit. rentals . O wner will lease back bch. 673-4177 $1300 mo. Call brOk• $485.000 BEACH FIXER. 24"x54". I d M k for appt. 552·2000 .to 0001 eoe HALLEY REALTOR 2BR. 2Ba, acceu 10 Do--upper un t year-roun . a e 1e14 least Aat This beau•tllul CAPE. ___ c_11_1_64_4_-"_45_5__ heny bch Dana Pt under offer. $310,000. Hotteat real .:iate In. the 04•/YIEW/lahn COO POOL HOM E 11 '3 eR 2•;, Ba condo, ocean market, make offel', flex world. Just returned 1 Br apt, fantutlo 008M'I now prloecl BELOW AP· view. Asaume S140,000 lerms. AB1092 agenl trom Aust have 1 lee views. from llv rm & PRAISALI It has EVERY· 1a1 TO, or 1eue cptlon 1 _63_3_·2_7_42_·_____ waterfront lot at my coa1. bdrma. $625 yt1y. THING Including PANO· year. 631-5661 CU11tf17 L.11 $30K down. no payment• •tllLl/IJt Fara, RA.MIC VIEW of PARKS 1--'---------C,...tt I SOO or Int. for 2 yrs. Good Drive by 700 Udo Park and OCEAN. REALISTIC CAMEO SHORES ••• .-,/'~;~.............. wrlt8-<)ff. huge profit po-Or. (6), 2 bdrm. S700/mo SELLER says SYbmlt of-Pacific Vh1w Memorial ten. No gimmicks. Bro-~'I lefSI Custom 4 Br 3ba. Pool & Park. Nwpl Sch. Lot 74•. L" d R lty ker In Newport since C411/ll .. fl. RAE ROOGERS Jae. V/B Cr1, Kol pond. Graves A & 8, Bayview I 0 ea 1945. Call for details Harbor Ridge Estat .... Pvt beach. Aaaume Terrace. S2200 Steiner Inv Co VIEWforever.3000plue $342,00 under 12%. 673-7787 673-7300 642-9666. sq fl 3 Bdrm, 3ba, tam 1z~s~J475,000 Call -C....--0-00------..J. ,._.,, 1,,.,, rrn. Lg muter.~ •• !!!-'!!'!: •••••• !.~ .-,·.1•.Jti•n-/-----•..._•Pi.-ll•. •M•..a-v•er-de•.•S•p•a-•••~••••••••e.!! ~;:;,o~ = ~·1' ll1th/listnss lPPU YALLn Uaili l•t W• llOO nisti 111e roof. HIJl'ry & UICI IHE..altVI WllttrfrMt ..... Bonita plan4 3 Br 2 Ba, ' Tu lliltfftr •••••••••••••••••••••• asaume $152K 10"~ long 3 br, Glenoak Hiiis. Ran· U1· 140t e"d unit. Pvt patio. • 675-5910 • Near new4-plex 2 bdrm term loan. S326K with cho Call!. Famlly rm. -,,..---h-1'-a---3---1 green b e 11 . 0 w n e r "lti:I~ ~: (",1 1111 1 1 il\I 2 bath each u'ntt with 20 llfTS.IWPT IOI S80K down. 731-8346. g~le~~~~.Z:, •••••••••••••••••••••• 780-l091 or 7~2-88.71. fireplace. anctosed palJO. S•ll 91 Jradf w/gr.eat 2 11oo-on 2 duple• lot• yr· l•~ S 198,000,. Ow· 24 ......... I ... • EST DI Ll.o fl.ST •1twt1t gara,ge. iw.-1st. Pos. terms In lantaallc area. w .C.M. $85K each. '30K ner. 1714) 8~5a1. 3 bath home. 1 block • cash flow. Now $159. I llfTl..OllTl llW down. balanoe at t0%. --------tron. beectl In Balboa. 1 Lge -c:uatom home Ferner v.1 ........ 500. Biii Grundy. Rltr. Twnh• ~ 281 Cofldo. Must Miil Bl<r 842-9§66. 10 Acre Avocado Rancn. year ...... $1,500 ~ on 1'1\ Iota. Open Sat/ Enjoy sun•t• trom youT 675~181. 4 yra old, 1050 aq It. aa. Pll-If twi-•-Incl. 39r ranch hm. Tu-mo. contact Dlek or Sun 1-5. 210 Via San spa and entertain wnh ,. ... IUCW. II lllT1·Tlll&llCI -. --w tare Co. Terra BellL To Oonna Mon 111n1 Fri(2131 Remo 675-304• or .... 1n this spaclOua 3 -bhM WT Ull I 11111 exchange equity 698-8177 ·. . .... R&"M* 673-2556. Ownr/agt. Bdrm home. Prime loc:a-lT TIE IDOi :~: ~~ xfnt In;.~~ All 2 br. o w e tln41lGlng. ($175,000)"' condo or --------~~~~~~~~~ Newport Condo 2 Br. 2 tlo"4. Hou&e on commercial lot ment. 9.99 gr multlpller Cati 851-1217 duplex · C•ra• lel "'1 Jm = _LIKlll ea. trplc. $36.000 10 u -e,.a l•lltl•J 1·1 on Iha Peninsula, 1 lot or bettel' For details on liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 64:-~~· ~':5'-3~6 ;·e;:·;~,y·;,;,:·;·a.: ••ir.11 sume 1st T.O. OMC 2nd Jo-Ann Doran Rl\r. from bMic:h. Great sum-any or all units call Agt. ll1VUT-• MUM --------frplc & u111 rm. lmmed, lllWNIT 1111111 T.O. Partl*! 908*ll view 759..()e19 mer rental potential. Low (714) 645-9850. -IHI Ill•,. poeeaelon. $950/mo. Agt Prof9tlelonally decorated S155.000W873-27411 down. owe • • 12 lllT$.-IOI YtlWI Ex w ZIOO 675-&Sll lor gracious living & Broker. '~CREAlM iiRieeliiiionomiiiiiilcaiii8i7i5--6iiii700iiiii I•~••• h••t"' zooo Located next to State ••••• ~ ••• ~~•••••••••• -------- entertaining, this LUCl8f· I 11_ • t>r\t)lfOllO •••••••••••,.•·•'··•••• Park: aasurea unob· Let's lalt I hall lr•af heH flew ne Model home la too 1 n•• n..11\ ••m-atrvC1ed views & beach 4 bdrm home plus maid's -_, o · Prl Corporation desires to ~r;'! ~~~:~~~II ~o;etyf~~;.e ~ ~RTilS, INC sooo ':.~ ~~G. 8 LAST ~!/;fe'j°':. . ~PE~°1£u~~~ ~?;~;!;:e:v~r°i:t~ retreat In the elegant 7 20_ 1211. Op an Sun ,._ ________ , v-ra old with room tor .,..,. • mlll1er aYlle. Wt)lte oak l·•· 2901 C..talpa. ,. 60' boat. Great terms. CHANCE ~ auumable financing. Nice 1 Br. fl'ont h05 parquet lloor1ng, stained -.... Al-ff'A.,.......,.~, .. S~ Want Income property. EASTSIDE. 3 bedrm. targe glass windows, muslve Bayfronl vi-condo, 2 BR TRADE REAL restaurant, or what have yard. $850. 236 Coate ltallMI marble ftreplace. 2 Ba. sec. bldg. Boe! ellp to buy thi. bMlltlful 3 ••mAJ ~ou? Asking S2:~o..4 _Maa __ S_t_. 6_7_5-_t5_94_. -- Thia el'ld unn 111 unbelle-avail. $500,000. By '"' yearold,4unltapart-' I: gent NewCdMctlarmer,28'3 vably beautllul. Lushly ownr/bkr. 675-8637 ........ llmR lty ment houM llf San Cle---~ Ba. adults no peta. landtcaped. Furnlahlngs Anxloua Owner moving. Located In Orange Co. lidO 9Q mente with ocean--1'11111 & .-IM_,. ........... lnlall $1085/mo. Ag1640-28$7 available. Open for your .... t .... 11 Wh t buy1 I o r B A Y F R 0 N T • 673-7300 ,.,..,, couree views at a "' ••• ,...... -....... ••••••••••••••• or 644--8573 evea. """'' "'"" a a OCEANFRO~T or VIEW V"" Iii • -t -L-.I Inspection Sunday July Bring the .............. femll" 5 •• tremendOtla uvlng• di· ••IH 1 ,,,.'" .. _ 25th t pm to 5 pm. 35 ... ....., ,. LOT. Saller wlll carry ;~~~~~~~~I rect from Ille owner t.-Wll lft l.tll IZll •••••••••••••••••••••• R D Br. huge 2 level estate P".,_,. on bala~·. •gt. • ,_, 11ff Harbor ldge rive. sl%ec:l lot, completely prl· ...... --·-"' ,._ .1 -'-/ ,/ fore being !lated with •••••••••••••••••••• • ,, ... , •• $995,000. 832-8800. vate plus Owner w111 11-644·95 t3 -•••.,. ...,/ brokers. AC1 NOWlll Call 111111 llMI • •••••••••• •••• •• ••••• N d .. •-L•••n 11'--at (714) "•2-0138. Approx 11\ acre. Wiil Mii BHutlfully upgraded 3 ..... -RR• nanoe. 0 len era .... s-,... 1... ··-·· -vm-• .... v I bdrm, 1'h ba Condo In •-_.._ klng S164500 LH •••••••••••••••••••••• or jol"t venture. aue Woodbri dge. Frpl, :s~o~ ~ ~~::'1:~ T~~· ':f s?!· ~~!:. ... ~.f!~'!.'!~ .... !.~! ir~~~·1: ~~id~~·~~:~. '6"rc5~!:~b::.;b:~~ $500,000. ca11840-7ee5 Aaaoc •. No Peta. S725. .,.._.m . 2 8-ltlfvl Condott GrNnbelt location. 3 & lamlly single atory, 3 & famfly 2 story. Gated community, pool, tennis. $1650 & $1800, A.gt. Evee/Wknd• 844-8081 $2600 Sq. fl 3 bdrm. 2'/\ H ..... • aro.. 1 IY OWllll Sac r I I .. $ 8 6 , 5 O O. 509 Acacia CdM nr bell 0801 759-1015 be. "-'mable 13%. Prl· 2 Br condo. C.plstrano 71 4-491-1037 4401( ownlbkr 645-704& -1,,---.. -,-11--1-14-1-1 vat• AITD. Owner/A.gt SWEEPlll Vlllaa. Reduced to S79, PALM SPRINGS CONDO.. OOUI HllT VIEW •• '#.~~••••••••••••••• f!!!~.!~ ...... /.'M 851-0130 PUIAllllO YIEW 500. Aaaumable loan. Time Shares currently 3 Olde< rental unit• on 4 BR. new dee. futn, Sec OC·RENTALS N-4 BR. Bacllbay area. Front row. 1pllt le .... I 213/597-"887 NII et S8,000 per Wk. bulldable duplex 101. LOTS ~·· prlv Sch., tennis. l·Sbr·a $200 to $2000 3,200 aq. fl. prvl. comm.. condo. end unit overloo-,,.,, A.I• 1110 Buy lhls lor '7,000 mo. 1 Prime ocean tronl IOQa-Lrg Iota In gated, private, nr. ~OG8 750-3314 opon 7.0ays '367,500. Will trade for king Newport Bay & •••••••••••••••••••••• bd<m, 1 ba comp turn. tlon. $650.000. Call hlllslde community over-,.,,_,, IHfi 1111 IE•a WOOll property . TD's . Wiii e><:ean. 3Br 2'1\be, $242, $e5,000. So Ooaat Plu.a, Buy with -al friends. 673·27411 Bkr. looking Dana Pt Marina •• -.-a-;;;•••••••••••••• .. le•H-optlon or low 000 In assumable loana. 1 br condo Daslgner Total coat $84,000. lllT1 ........ w/vlewt to Catalina & Beautifully furn penthae 3 Bdrm• 2 Ba, tamlly rm, down. Re1dy to deall Juat reduced 120,000. upgrade&. Air. pool, 14>a, 646-3317, 63 1...,.85 -·-Sa" C lemente lal. condo, aecurlty. under· nicely decorate!\ O w ner /Broker Tramandoua upgrade• aec. gate. Owner COSTA MESA Trade for NB. ocean-714/661-0305 ground parking. Sl200 $875/mo.Agt.751-3191 714-5-44-0614. Now only $329,000. Hur-979-0775. Modern 1 br, adult con· froM homo Owner mo. 862·2218 N-2 BR condo. dbl~ ry. ull agen1 reoardlng d s c Pl u $800,000. 3711 Sea-UWAIWI LIT CUffUYll llpeclal financing. '••ti• lllO 0 near . . • . af'lofe. 873-6578 No down 142-2900 WATERFRONT HIGHRISE gar. CIOH to ocean. 1198,800. 3 Br hm. on 898-2636 olc. or •••••••••••••••••••••• Securltygates.pool,epa, --------2 Bdrl\'I turn. condo, S650 . Mon-Fri . g111111 110· lot Adjoining 647.6642. 1111 HTITl/ltne •• etc. 174,950. Low down · Pesithe On• flew .... ,.q, Dunt, 2·~ba. aauna, pool 610 631-4361, 9.5, nature center. Trade/ All< ror MlcbMI o. Bkr. OPEN SUNDAY 1·6 owner wlll help finance. 4-Ptex, new unit., tan<J. in.rt Z4llO LI do . 8th 11 o o r · EJsld9-nloe cie.n 2 8r 1 auto or ?. Ownr/agt. l~~~~~~~~~I 18871 EUNICE <7141968-5430 acaped. fully oecuplecl. •••••••••••••••••••••• S3000/mo. 'Call Agent, Ba fncd yard, enotad 548-4360, 494-0395. WY11W/IJ hnr (Nr Newpon/lrvlne Bl) on alt• maneoeme"t. II.IOI. 110 000 Rita 752·5710 gar•. Nice. re«apte fa. HUGE lot In Tustin at.. f Ad A t' 12% financing & Wlll car-Apple Valley ~. 3 Br. 2 Br. Ml'!bhecl. 2'11 be end mlly. t ef'llld ok. No~. ftQTIG NIOI RARE B2 f/pe, $216,000 with 3 BR, 2ba, d8'1 & or C ton ry paper. otvorce, mutt 2 Ba ~ yeera Oki ,_.acre u n 11 Np t . Cr e 1 t . $600/mo. plut MCUl'lly. assumable fat. at 10¥o"I •• frple. Compl redecora-Hiii San 8ernardlno s.nt.. provtdlng' 2 yur S1100/mo. Brk. Tom 2544 Orange "D" •lllGTlll Guarded gate, lennla. ted. lovoty land1CP'g. Al• can 3 area. For detella ceO 1 In a" c Inn at 1 2 % OOU* 646-9iOO 548-2778. Large 2 1tory. 4 Br. Pa-etc. 13T9.000. Can for most ·~ e.c. cut-(Se-aac. 7t4/120·1517. • • --------- 1armo Moc:lel I" Harbor appl. 64().8227 Exe .. nnan. 8kr Mlokey D il Pilot $500/mo .. no qv1lllying Wl\at • Wondartul World w .. ttl<le a Br. 1 ea. fncd educed 960-lOSO a y I E/Slde CM triple•, lnclda ~~ ro $58,600 tor of Shopping. right at pitlo. •"olad geflge, View Homea. r 10 PORTOFINO 4Br. 2Y!Ba + 2 BR l\H. I t80.000. quick Nie. 247-41218 an y®r nl'!Wtlpe ~dayl new carp•~·· ClfaP••· 1289.000 IM. Comet lot, bonua rm, tee land. i--Cad_ll_laca--to_O_o-C--en-,-i AD-VISOR It & 0 O mo re n I 1 . 6:30. Oally Piiot ClaHlfled pelnt No pet• S4G5/mo. room tor pool & RV or $347 500 76CH290 Wha1ever tile Fad 1·492·t120. JoM Ada. To reeee ...,.,, ed, "'" ......,.•rl"'. ••• •44• bOet. Open HouM Sun. • · ...... ,,_ , ... ,_ -__.. •1 .....,...,. ... 1-5. 2000 Por1 ChelMa Trade your old stun for Roll 'en\ Ott t ... mar..... 642 5678 Tum lo tod4Y'S elats.lluu call 842-878 Ind let • , 10.&820. Pl.:.. B. EJlertaen Agent naw goodle• with a With a Claalfled Ad • Find what you want fn fo r t he best 1>u y1 Clautf141d AC:S-Vltof htilP --------- 876-2373 or 720-0740. Claalllled ad. 642-5878 Call Nowt 842.5878 Dally Pilot CIUllfleds 642·5~78 ~lau1lled Ads 612-5678 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 24, 1982 -21 ~~!!!~ .¥~!!!fl.'!lj .. ...... a.J.mJd-4 IUHe• u.1,,.i1iH In"' U.Jua11i.J B1•111 O•lan/1jH ~~!!.!~~ ~~.'!.~~ A141l•Hll ...........•...•.••••• ....................•. ••..•..••.•.•..•...... . ....•...••..•......•. ~!~.t!!!t ••.... ~~ ~ ... ,114 lnla• '144 ~-~!~---~ !~!.~f! .. !.-'!!! ,,., !~.~! •. !!.~! u.1,,.,,," ..............•.••.... .•••.••..............• . •..••................ t 8t with rtove. ~ 2 br, I be. llngM ~ lllRAllPUl ..,.., ......... e..tblutf s " 2 a.. a.., lu.J.a1al.I 1111 IWnlT ...... 1 C.11 .... JIU ..........•........•.. part!~ clllld & 1melt pet Small yard. No pa 1 TOWNHO ... E . 3Br, 3 bdrm, 2 ba, lam room. a11cl1d gar, view of Baytront Bachelor Apt. Comp f\Kn'd. Wiii lhor\ ...••••.•..•.......... Ok, 1.4 /mo. 53&-7979. $350. 5'48-e530. 2',<,ha, lpe, 2 car gar, Noar pool, park, tehl• ~Mnl*t, cloee to CdM quiet ~ 1 peflOl'I. No term. 760-3905 •Clean 2br /2ba condo nr 2 Br 1 Ba. w/ cri'*· drpt, ** Ale. pool, plrtl, 1en11lt. 1 1250 mo. 844-9394 .s .. eomrnly pool. pell. Yrty Incl utll. $400 IHI IH1I J114 SC Pia.ta, S.A. 1575 No yerct. E/tlda. 595/mo. I. Ol&ST PUll teoo all. lmme<t oecup. Blulll, I~ 1.1pgraded 4 Bdr 1950/mo plu1 aec. mo. 111. laat + dep. pet. 752-5822. 84 t-14&0 LM or IM /purch. 1885. 552· 7502 or 56 I· t890. . .....•............... 875-5088. 3 br, 2 ba, den, xtru. 3 Ba. u paint & carpet. 873-8785 Furn I BR, quiet nbrtid, 2 Br I•,<, ba, 810 Joann St 559-7058 $500 College 2 BR t Ba. fenced yd. 541-8077, Poot, no pelt S 1395. 2 Br. 1 Ba. on 43rd. St. Furn. Bayllda Studio. Mo PV1 patio. micro. waltl to Adlt1 pref. Sml dog Ok dl11lng area. tnoO yd. Oar 641-47« Woo<lbrldoe 3 Br 2 Ba, 644.0350 g•r lncld. OOff/1 Ilda of o t Aug . Lie /opt bch, utll pd, '450 mo 845-8"53 Very c1Hn Children OK, NEW large 2 Br formal family rm, p•tlo1, •trium, Newport Terrace 3 Br tlboa 1595/mo plu1 12115/mo 876-349e -213-598-5190 Neer 18th/Pomona, 1 Bf. lrplc, nlcely 1anctac;apec1, 1ec 562-7502 or t Bl, up1talr1 apt d/w, no pet1 213-471·1871 dining, large prlvlle (Pool. lake, 1ennt1 prlv ) Condo. 1750 plut reou-55t-1890 C.-•1 ''' lht 11U AIUl•••ll btwn 7 & 8BM wtcdya. backyard. $875/mo. 1950 720-8897 , rtty No peta 646-3785. .•.........•.•.•..•••. carport. refrtge. w•ter ---Daya 83t..0117, EvH V9'Mlllet 2 bdrm, 2 be Ocetn view. beeutll1.1lly ll•l11WhiH paid I chlld Ok, no pet. $325 CouagelduplH , 549-9t51 6 40-1327. 552-7318, Spaciou. 4 Bdr executtvw penthouM, ocean v\9w, furn townhoure, lrplc, ~~·;,j~~-;···3;;4 $450/mo 545-2000 newly reeondllloned. 979-924t home w/lam rm. 2 lrples. patio, I tOOO 5.c 1-3395 pool & patio 1895/mo Agent. no•• p1Cldle tennl1 eoul1, on ne1o1 carpet, I BR w/ ... 11.ltu Univ Park 2Br, 2ba. ale, or 762-6317 t73-0886 ......•......••...•••. 2 8t garden apt, patio, uuna & tncd Jd No J.u 3141 lrplc, 2 car gar, new qulel cul·d•·HC, jual Yr1y 2 b<SrM, 1 ba Deck. pets. 213-471·18 1 btwn painted & cerpeted, lnci 2Br. 2Ba, lrplc, pool, & C.t1 .... J1a4 l<lry No peta. 1850 new paint, crpt, dr1199S. ...•...............••• cu1tom decor. 1895/mo g:rdener 11350 refrlg. seso mo. 875--0349 No pell $440/mo 7 & BPM wtcdya QC-RENTALS lwalt all Aug 15 Ph. •••........•.•......•. 5-t528 848-5825. 846-3 t 22 $390 Attractive pertly 546-9950 1·5br's $200 10 12000 844-t378 eves alt 8 pm ,,,,,.. 4 BR Mesa Verde, quiet 750-3314 open 7-days or wtcnd1. Lge 2 BR 2 Ba ClOndo, Newporl CrHt Plan 4, furn •pl lg pallo. gar 2 Br 1 Ba Upstairs. W cul de MC $795. mo ocean/ bay view. Sec Immaculate cond Ian I-Mature, quiet. No ~t. ,,., •• ~ 3101 Joann St N o pell Aalt for Biii, 631-1206 5 Silts to ocean ElegAlll 2 ORANGETREE Pal lo Dldg Poot. Jae. 1875 mo. utl<: view Avail 911 tor 2234 Rulgert Or .M .................•.... SUO/mo Sierra Mgmt. 2Br 2ba. 2 cer gar OIW, Br. Famlly Rm & Oetl Homa 2BR 2BA, den, Avl lmmed Denny, It 200 per mo wlll oon· t·213-454-5t04 2 Br. 2 81. duplex, ga· 64t-1324 $850 Mo Plueh erpt1, tenn11, pool, 646-3886 rage, trplc, yearly Bkr. bltln1, trplc, c/d, no 2'1\-Ba Cedar & glue . 845·20t8 wkdy1 or l l dar 3 yr lea ae CASA DE 0110 675-4912 NEW BREED APTS k 1d1/pett seoo. Univ Prk luxury town 5.C8·5a33 840-8208. agent t Br & loft. t Br. Beoh sun-deck. dbl cer prv ALL UTILITIES PAID 845-2566 ev home 3 Br & den, 3 Ba, 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer dplx gatage, fully malnt yard 4 Br 3'-' 890 2Br 2ba. pvt gar apt Compare before you yrly Mature non-amkra, From $350 Frple, rec $900/mo Patty, Ra/Mu OCEAN/MOUNTAIN VU No pet1 Inquire al 527 Modern, loll ot 1t!>fage, rent. Cullom de1lgn no pets $750 X 3 room, pool, -c>a, g.. & Suneet Bluffe New otJl 2 18th. St. 960-0331 559-9400 BllUI euu. Newport walk In clou11, 2 car leajuraa Pool, bbq. I 2131799--4195. 257-9792 waler paid No pals. 393 br. 2 b• condo Frplc, m.~~-~~~ ... !Y.~ Heighte, 2 9')>, 4 BA Or 3 prk'g. walk IO beech (I cov'rd garage. 1urroun· H1mllton c M graenhae wndw, ger • 2 Br lownhome with atte-BR plua lol1·3 be, OR, Blk) 1750 Incl utll AvaJI c.,.,., ''' .,, Jin 845-4411 ched garage Appllanc:ee FR, ~ LR·3 yn Old No ded with plulh landaca· yard, MC gale NO pell EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 8 115. 960-5 844 or ping No pate ..............•.••..•. $890/mo 2157 Pacific incl1.1ded Atk in ~ Ba. trple. bttclc petlo with pell Avl $1350 645-1771 (Iv mtgJ LS •tudlo ap1 ,.._ cp11. $650/mo Agt 842-142 84M789 or 84M710 1 Br furn $515 rp1. & pain\ lmmed We§tfield Av See tat • then call ape $1800 . 465 W Wiison 642-11171 551-6622/644-8722 & 645-3175 2 t3/878-2255 sc:••rYJn 4 Br 2 Ba. Jae .. t bttt to oceup. $475, 55Hlt30 - 642-8808 HOME FOR RENT beach St 100 pr mo Bull•JI•• UAmlml Lovely OONn view hOme, .......... , ~"i. ~~· Biil 113 t .()884. Large 1 BR 2 BA Cenlral Ber1.11llul QArden apta IT'S only love 2br lg 3 Bdrm 1725. Fenced 3 BR. 2 Ba. 2 fplc'1, IHd 3140 11alt, Iota of 11or•te ye.rd & garage. Kida & 3 bdrm, 2'A batlla twnhN ........••.•••......•• $800 inclda 1.11111 o P1Uo1/deeks Heat paid. gar, hk-up1, tncd yd pets welcome 545-2000 I 1250 mo. 1422 Tarrtoe41 11200 per mo. Eva & Spect.wler vu hm. 3Br N.l.'s FllEST pets. 875-4863 No peta $475 Agelit, no tee Way. 760-4378 wknd1. 1179-8988, de 2•,;ba 1pa 11450/mo 2Br2Ba. 1585 QC.RENTALS 750-3314 632-1023 Sp1111lsh &tale Llvtngl 409;,; Acacia. 3Br. 2Ba. 398 W Wiiton 631·5583 OCEAN VIEW: I•• J'111eona. 1g1 DREAMY ..Jbr w/privale WALK TO BEACH 4 Br 3 CIUly 2BR & atudy, 2 4 Br 3 Ba. ape 3700 ag !1 875-1771 Beautltul park-Ilka 1ur-ocn view, 1875 mo E side cute lludlo apt, gar. IW'lny P<>OL yd 1595 Ba. $850/mo 673-7638 bath, 2 trptc1, 1plral ro'1Adlng1. Terraced 673-7942 °' 993-8371 'Mw. l 2500tmcr In J pool Sunken gu bbq, vaulted c:elllnga. pvt P•· OC·RENTALS 754-3314 a111rc11e S 1500/rno. 4 Br 3 8a. comm pool •U Lo• 2 bdrm. l 'i; bl 110 $400/mo Joyce 11)arkllng fountain• 2Br, 2 It)' condo nr llllh & 3Br 211\-ba, lux1.1ry 1800 cn.rter Realty It 195/mo. ' C.~111•1 3111 townhOUM •Pl Bll·ln1, Wattze, 63t·1286 sq.rt. condo Pool, jac. •~8122 or 493-M88 8'g Canyon 2 Br 2 Ba. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Spac1ou1 room1 Sepe-frpt, son deClk Lola of Harb or 1520 mo 1enn1t & rac quet ball comm. pool 1850/mo Spaclou1 Condo. 2Br, rate dining.,.._ Wallc·ln wood end Charm 1775 Eulslde 2 Br. 1 Ba ,_, 83 t -58117 alt 8PM er11, ale, microwave HARBOR OCEAN F'RONJ 3 B 2 Ba pool 2Ba. garage. pool, d4d, cloeetl, hOme IJk• kltcll-eon~ Jumlne 780-8520 a ehool • No pets Lovely 21>< unll, sharp Avall Aug t $850 , Nu 3200' lwl hm on bluff r • comm no peta $575 mo IH en & ca.blneft Wiik lo 1425/mo 63t-6155 \&O ~· vu of herbor, 1750/mo · Huntington Cenler 1111en. lndry kid• 1420 841-2479 2 Br 2 Ba, comm pool 497•1874 WAITU Spa,kllng Clean. 2 Br 1'/• 1urf, mtns 3br, 3ba, 1 Bdrm·lurn, $505 QC.RENTALS 750-33t4 3 Br 2 81. 2 car garage, nr 1eeurtty. aauna, tpa $&30/mo . ,,.,, Au 3111 2 emm-rum trOf'll '805 In CdM, modern tBr ~I Ba $490 Feoced, utlla 4 Br. 2 Ba. 11\erp & clean, beach $700/mo No pela $1995 498-7009 Or try lee.M option on ••••••....•••......... 2 Bdrm Townhouae tum w/cttpon ot garage for peld Relrlge 2 small l1mlly ok $850. grdnr Bkr 982-55 t 1 any ot theee Have Beautllully malnlllned ol· from 1875 retiring lady moving to chllelren Ok, no pet• Incl bee. modem 3 Br. 3 Ba olhert . Fred Tenoni. agl der home, original wood are1. No 1talra, no pate 1960 Wallace 642-4905 5-4&-11950 Wlk to bch, 4Br, 2.....ea lan1a1tlc ocean, eo111 831-1268, 831-2711. p1nellng, trpl ... p . Nopett. Up to 1500 rno (213) VILLA MEOERA Condo. new cot. paint & view . $10 50/mo breekfe1t room , 3 l.ltltltles Freel 275-25-40 evea. 111111 nw d1hwehr. bit n 1tova I 213/378-3119 2 Br 2 Ba Pool l ement-bdrm1. 2 car garage, LA QUINTA HERMOSA "Z4 28t 2Ba E/llde, upper .... oven. 2 car encl grr Ilea 1700/mo large yerd I 50/mo 16211 Pll'kalele Ln. t blk c.,,,..., apt, dlhwtlr & dlapoaal, Pttio. pool•. no pets O~an view. new. erchl· Agl M2·3a50. 637-7918 w of e..c:n. 3 blkl s of ..........•...••.••••• wtr/gu frM. Encl ga- 2 Br 2 Ba. trplc, bit-Ina, $850 mo + dep (7141 tect deelgoed 3 Br. 119411 WEITIUff tun Edinger 111.211.au. rage. lamlly comple1c ••tar oriented, 2 car 968-303t level. S '450 .C99-1878 l!~.1~. J.!A~.' •••• 1.l:ff Ml·M41 Newly decor. 011 pd. 1545/mo. + $300 oep gar~ w/opener, pool & Agt 4 Bdrm, 311\-bathe, 2 yes encl gar, dwehr, pool. 548 .... 147 or 89~-0338 ape. 785/mo 545-31 15, im.1 1144 Ith I Vi • 3111 Old P8C41Mtter executive Mof\arctl e.y lllge 3 br' bbg Ad1.1lla. no pet1 2324 Elden St 557-2360 ..................•.•• In ~ home wtlh llbrary, femlly pvl beach, s 1100 mo .f!l_u• i..i J141 842-5073 LWEIU ••••••••••• •••••••••• f f I d i t Incl t & dener • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EASTSIOE-Luxury In 1 HOME FO~ RENT room, orma n no wa er gar Studio. lurn TV. pool. 3Br, 2'A8a Condo, min to 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. 1725 room and 3 llnlptaoea. Av 1 11 A u II 15th ProfH1lo11al/BuelneH Children welc:ome. 2 & 3 P1ne1 Forelt Relrlg, 3 Bdrm Cleteched tiom. &. 1475-1825/mo Mon. dwshr, patio, BBQ, rn bch & shopping. Poot. In axe.ltenl ., .. Avalla· 10 1750. Fenc:ed yard• a. 12400 mo. or ..... op-4119-5538 non amok« 11ng1e aoN thru Sat. &-5 Comer of utlt lnci 2Br. 2Ba. S 25 jee, &. aauna. 1nnu.l IN ble tmmedlete l y garage• Kid• & pau tlon. CAii agl at 84&-50t2 Wntml••lft 3111 40 1350: Atao room. prv Ad1m1 & Fairview mo. 18', 1Ba. $425 mo. 1785 mo tel & lut + $800/mo on 1 'JMf leeM. welcome 545-2000. CLIFFHAVEN/ NPT HTS •• •• ••••• • •••••••••••• ball! $250. 494-045 I 557-'785 No pel.t . M~. 846-11184, Rick M-F MC.. dep (714) 750-5274 Five othere to chooH ~t. no lee Wanted 3Br home lor IM HOME FOR RENT (2 3) 5112-2845. Leate/opllon, detlrable from. We're the oner 10 IJ, ti IH j Jall or IM option. Prefer w/ 3 ~Cir;' $726 i;:c-: !f!P.!!.fffl~ ... /.~~f 2 br .. 1 ba., earpall, Meaa Verde erea, 4 Br 3 t*I for leaMt .!!!11 •••••• !......... poof. 873-4117 yar gerage 1 drapes, bullt-ln1. No So. Cat Plaz.e 1Br Condo, pet• welcome 545-2000. THE pell. $425. 2272 ... aple pool, tennis, $525 mo BL-· knmK -[f1J)l\\1<4brldge Tll llfffl Exec. home, E11tblull1, !-gent, no, .. 831-2927 A111ll 8 · 1 955-6424 11400/mo. 522-0332 alt 3 br. 2'_. bl, prof dee City to ocean view. Poot, wkdy1, (213) 598·5088 8PM or wknda Reallg amenltl•• $1250 rpe. 3br. 2',.ba, formal '-~~:;; .. ~¥. "liOOD Speelou1 2 Br. 1 BL '425. ...,../WllnCle Spec 381'. 2ba IOWf'lhM, :;s I 3000 5211-8983 din rm, him. rm, 21rplea, 3 Br 1'1t Ba $475 Ideal kit w/eetlng erea. LalJndry tac , pool $600/mo. 2 & . 2 Ba. apt, frplc, mlc:to, 2 car gar 1m8an.,.ra l>\..,•.1"1"P .... ,IUll lndry rm CdM 1Choo11. Reeof1-llll• adult tr11C1 "' LIFE" 548-95541 encl1d,Jarage. L'tlo. w/Of>N $780/mo. Avail a.pi 1. 548-3278 ~/ IDTAU Yeerly c.naJ front, 3 Br Furn M untvm. ~t thru SC Ptu Pool, grdtir Y1WOHM'fl lrplc, I ry lac. bmlt 1 lo 5 bdrm1. ttlr11ng II 2 Bl. 2 ltory, Xlnl .,.., J1.1ne Unfurn S teoo In· Olux 1 & No pe11. 1475 on pet wtcnd•. 9&0-4395 wlldya 1450 to S 12115 dW apace avail. Braker Cldl pool & l9Wfl malnl• & $35 utll 775-2580 YEA,.~OUNO FUN: Spacb.o1 E. Side Apt1 TSL Mgmt 842-1803 EASTSIOE 3 bdr. 1 t>e. f lf§J 876-4912 nance ~233. Highly upgraded lei.an Soclal Ae1111111u Encl gar, patlO, dlhwll'lr EASTSIOE 2 Br 1 •,<, Ba gar. L~• yard, wahr/ Olre e tor •Frta I atove. Moat utll lree TownhouM, enclad g1-QC.RENTALS Terrific view, like new. ,... Nm Bch Big Canyon No pell Clryer, ridge., pet1 Ok. t-5br'a $200 to $2000 dec:oraled Blutt1 town· 3 r 211\-Ba, golfoourM Sundal 1 BR, 1 pet11on $435 rege, trpk:, small pet ok 1650 631-4443 750-3314 <>«*I 7-days horM with h~ oo,,.,-ed v i ew . pool . tpa . Brunch•B O'•• I BR, 2 P9f90rl• •~es Graat loc. Pan.let•Plus T'SL Mgmt 842-1603 COST A MESA • 2br 2 t>a 4 BR Blutt1 condo w/pool pall:> overtoo Ing Back It .C OO/mo Call 2 BR Stertlng at 15 10 AC. frpl, dlhMhr, mien>, ~ Newly redec:. Avatt A~ Bay, 3 BR, t0<mal dining. 720-1009 ewa/wknd1 or much more 2323 Elden Ave. CM STUNNING large 1 Br pM. yard. Alt. dbl. ga-~~. -2 ·~ ba, lar.r, llvlng room 780·9800 Wkdya Ht GREAT 842-7605 10. 11100/mo. 873-242 RICREATION : 9.,0en apt, pool & rec rage. pool. $850 or 213-829-5781 w/fptc. Av . now. S t200 3906 Tennl1•f'rat $420/mo. 2 Br. t Ba. apt .. rm. 1425/mo. 710 W t-496-0353 per mo. Celt COSTA MESA Learona (pro & ho bMmed catting, leundr; 18th. St 2 Br lrplc, ICreened xtra ~ o'VFTIW Ellqulslte Sea llland con· George Goldbaum, bkr 1 br adult COl'ldo near rm .. pool. Avall Juty CAii •523 CAMMDl·llt\'M do for IMse 2 Br 211\-be. t or app l. lo aee ahop)•2 Hae th Meture per-aon Newly d• rm. 2583 A Elden s.c Piiia & 0 C .... ,,. Clut>a•Seuna• tor APPi. 1495/mo 831·3871 or on golf courae Full 833-9191 port Pool. lf)a. etc Mott TSL Mgmt OOflled I br homey apt TllTUUOI aecurlly Club lnel1.1dH Hydromuugee on I le'l9I triplex w/beem 527-7408 utllltlea paid 1.486 plut 842· HI03 842-31$3 Lovely 3 br, 2 ba, tam pool, ape, tanntt. 12900 L•tsu 1250 deposi t (714) ~~'W-*'1 celll,'.lt Beaut. qulel SC lltaza, SA 2 Br condo Pt! 714--873-0475 $490/mo. 2 Br t Ba. up-grou a. complete MCU- w/aecurtty. $550/mo Incl rm, crpta, drpa, bltln1. 2 bdrm, 1 beth, brick 983-5430 l lAUTtf'UL rtty Water & r,: pelCI. $050 mo 1 yr I•• WATERFRONT HIGH P9' untt. endtd a · water. gee. cent air', lg 873-5820 ...... & Mind•. RISE COHOO: 2 BR 2'A patio, t1reo1-. St too. Brand new Corona del A'ARTMlNTI: patio. '" b11-+nt, ry No pet1 $425. 79-9515. patio. no lea, agt Yr1y ...... Mer klxury 2 bdnn, 2 be SIOQI .. , 1 ' 2 b1tn1. Huna/pool. 801 rm. 2 &, encl yard, o-raoe. 957-0222 Wetnut Square, 2 br ---condo with pool & o•· Bedroomt•Fufnlehed TSl Mgmt. 842·1803 twnnM. Plan 0, muet ... Lido, 8th floor. Furn. 2 bdrm, den, lge patio, re ge. 11 000/mo I Unlur11l1heCl•No Patio, nr achoo11 l Neer So cat Plaza. dMn 3 to :ec. 1825/mo. $300/mo. Agenl. Rita rrag•. 2500 aq. It. 4""'4588 P•ta•Model1 Open Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. lown· lh0C>9. l500. 642-7918 bdrm. 2 be, lamlly room, 7519/7112-1800 752·11110 1400. Yrfy ...... deify 9 to 8. houMln~~. U..,"Mf ......... llrepleoe, oo pett. avail ,,.,.. ..... Datwootl latge ~· oardan Ml• 2 Br 2 Be w 1gar1g1 Aug 1. 182 5 MO. 3Br, 381, '895 mo. End .... ,......,,., - hl9l*I JIJI tl"ts:..876. 845-3381. 1595, t8r. poollldt w/ 844-1179 Unit, garde~ l nc:I. 3 bdrma. 2 be, 1 hWll. •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 81 11 . gerage '495, f~, pool, 28' 1425 2028 EIClen Ave. Pool. etc. 8117 9¥99 wttn oated e11try cour· NEAR lHE HACH Lu· ........ 1530/mo. 2 B r. 2 Ba . ~ i.und~. tudlO w/ 2 ca~ar, patio, yrd. Welnu1 Square oondo, 3 tyard Beok Bay View JCUf"t 3 Br. 2 Ba. twnha. T~. car portt, g:tto 139 . No pat1. $39o. •fl 7. BR 2-. .._. w/OPt lo from moat rooma and Tannta, pool, HCluded ............ / .. paUoa, Ill blMnt. ~~ 11-2447. buy. Cell .,.,,. ~ '*"-· from cllarml;y,,:rivet• . , ... 1900 mo . 880 Irvine 8T "1111 845-«>&7. i•t 16ttt) Nn, amall pa4 OIL Won t 552-8549. 551·2193 Of petlo Quiel IOGeo 673-7300 .... , 2 &. 1~ ..... "'*· pool, o.t ltll'1ed In ownar-:. 9784887 tton. 11400/mo. owner (71 ) 645-110.. T81. Mgmt. "42-U!03 9'le. •ttecMd Dlf1IOt No now! 1 8t 1 ... c. . ,...,... ... 840-el31 Peoplit who need PeopM ............ / ... Aft. 5. 842..e221 ~ AVllll ~ 4th • E!Stcle. '480 2 8'. 1 la. W/8* ... 76 1760 eq It. 2 matter llO CAHYOH, golloOutte Tllet'• --· tM 1700 19th St. "r•Plac:e. poot, dteh ......... 2 Br. 1'-' ea, Twnlln bdrm•. CIOM IO park "*'· ' ldf, pool, '9Mlil. DAILY P1LOT (Oowt at 18ttt) ...,_, pVI petto. X LO 2 llR 1... .... '*'' -,;.d. H8. '575 ~Av.A= 1. 8EL.L Idle Item• with a eecut1i · t1300 1u1e. SERVICE DIRECTORY (71~) &42-5113 Oerden a 8r. UtO :s:=:~ tw, Agllnt eu-1100 ~762 .... 2 Diiiy Pilot Cl•MlfMO Ad 044-74 4.ekr. .... about! 857-2841. - 22 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday. July 24. 1982 AJNtl•t•l1 A,.tl•••I• A141l•t•I• AJNll•111t1 1..., 4 •••l.U I• l••n 4JIO latll1 If Ou. 4UO Olfln lat1I UIO U11/1mu1hd V11la1 i1ied Ual•10J1iu U•l11•i1i1d •••••• ••••• ••••••••••• ;,;i;:t~··:;t~;~~-.~·;,~~ic~ ;;,·;;,~;~~iti~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •• •• •••••••••••• , •• ••••• ••• ~ ................. •••, ••• .. •••... ••• • •••" • •••• • • • •• • •• • •• Aoom w/hM prtv. '260• private bath, main kit· iahate with iuame. t blk Ctlt1 #111 31U Bulla,,_ W•UI IHfj ll4 .__,, ..._. 1111 Npt RI~•· CM.,%~ chen to ahere. Famala from beach. $276. *SUITE DEALS* •••••••••••••••••••••• "-rt 1111 ••'••••••••••••••••••• .,-.~;.1;::-. •••••••• over ' 1 oh o . preferred. L•gun• 875-43-40 O.C. Alrport area. Prof. 2 BR 2ba. pvt patio, •••••••••••••••••••••• IOUIJIM ~8-8904 Beech. S475/mo lncld1 anv1r°""*"1, lull WVloe, t ownhouse, carport. Near be.ch 2 Br. l'h a.. Moat elegant ept. bldg. Pro! WOITlan a eon tieve utile. Oeyt Mike Rutaell Roommate wanted, 4 bd, «no lrl~a. lndMdual of· laund rm, pool. All utll c:rpts drpa bit-Ins lrple In i..guna Beach, flnMt rm & pvt bath In 38R, 7 141840_3225, Evea 2 ba house, •Uher, flcea Of dall 8'>1C4. t50 pd. 1 child Ok. 1485/mo, enc:led gar8g.. Ssesimo: location In town, breath-Nwpt Bch home for 499-'264 dryer. etc. $195/mo 9<1FRE"E.·73;o<J9 •9~8." 1 MO d99011t, nr Harbor & Call 63a-o92l taking vlewl, ell bullt-lna, COUNTRY CLUB LIVING reaap. woman OVet 35. 646-838& ~~~~"~-..~~~~~ 19th St. See Mgr. at heated po o I, IN NEWPORT BEACH $350 mo. Incl utll. M/F lo lltlate 2 Br. houee. _F_a_h_a-re-w-/F-3-5-+-2-8-R = 1978 Maple, Apt I. UlllllS WALi 1Ub.-garege, etavator. A total environment 759--9135 Co9ta Mesa. Apt. 1240 & ·~ Utll. Avalt. lge 2 & 3 BA townhouM LeeM only, S860 & up. .partment community ori 63 t-<>189. 7_28. 548--0606 epta, yard•. ancl gar, 330 Clift Dr 494-8083. the Upper Bey. Private Am wllh pool lor empl'd .,...~B' N clubhouae and health fem 4()..50 yr• old. Kitch Belwt. 2 Br 2 Be tum. * BAYFRONT * -.;;-u • 10 fplC. l'lool<.upe. r Hunt. Large ooean vi.w, 1 BR. 8 1 r• 7 prlv. Ref. $225 mo. condo No 1 •ft na prof Pl/TSU TEIG "'•GE HrbL from $575. Chtl· apt. In downtown ~una epa, tenn 1 cou ·•· 645-2590 Newpt Bch "'et. Sher~'"".""~97_'.,.159: 1 A.,,. YIN lfflOI We41-appolnted omce w/ Nwpl view. Aporox 1,000 IQ. It. 645-7 t00 IPQ~ dren OK. 840-&807 Beech, utll. paid. S550 pool1, cloM to bullneu, _____ .;.____ ,.. RESPONS18Lf N.SMKR Beautlfutly landscaped 0 airport, Fuhlon l1land. Furnllhed. Laguna Beach. 1_'4_25_. ______ -1 $750/mo. 873· 152 t Bel. CdM dht suite, AIC, ample glfd«t apta. Pool & Spa. Deluxe 3 Br. crpt1. drpe. mo. c:all 494-1 57 on Convenient ehopa on Kit & Laun prlv. Non-lrvtne 2Br 2bL s2451mo & 9PM pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. Cat Covered parking No blt·ln1, dbl gar, w/d hk-Monday. 1111. Unlurnllhed beetle-1 m k r. • 2 "0 / m 0 I ... •~--------Hwy. 875-6900 $700 c n 63~21 & 2 IKfrm d • " ulll, pool/ ac. Nd own ...., Empl 1teble able bodied ---------pet1. up. · a Sml studio. walk to town. '°''· I apt• an 497.3097 or 642·2233 furn. Mutt like cate. non-amkr 18-30 ahr fUllTlVI lllTIS ~3~rE. 18th. 84e-:~: ARLINGTON APTS. ~2roo· Avail Ill. townn=. StOOO Blutfa Npt 8ch Private rm 01111 559.5212 art 8pm. Quiet HB home S200. 881 Dover. NB. 631-365t ~~~~~~~~~ Quiet, spacious town-S-at bachelors and 1 & ba, kltc:h prtv, pool. LIVE AT THE BEACH 847-8920 = house 2 Br. ,.,.., Ba. Near MntMrl lfiej 3111 Bdrm unit• feature line S 2 4 O. 8 4 O • 5 2 9 8 . Female to shere Blllb081·11-----~--.--4-.-,,-, b • 1 c h S 5 2 51 m 0 ··-·•I"••••••••••••••••• designer furniture and 9e3-68t2 1-•a-.. house. S285 Incl -SI ... 1111 A••I -1~· 980-8658 NO FEEi Apt. & Condo ... '"'a1" •••• , ••••••••••••••••• E/Slde Spec. 2 BR, encl g.er, adtta pref, no pets. ~2t Monte Vleta. 0per1 Sun. t-3. $450. 840-0105 1 BR upttelre, no pets. Ref• req'd, evl Aug 7 $340 mo 352 VletOflt-845-8181 1 B r . redecorated $4151mo. plus S200. uttt pd, no pets, pool, Ideal lor quiet mature wor1tlng couple. 548-7689. Beautiful 2 bedroom, 1 bath, garage. 2053 C. Tullln, C.M. Call for eppt , owner (213) 541-6196. $425/mo. rentals. Villa Rentals. aocit6aorlas. Move In to-Bttfll Iii Ill llOO utll. ....9t42. WANT: Garage for 1to· AVAILABLE NOW 87µ912 Broket. day or reeerve lor aum· •••••• c •• ! ... !. .••.•.• Prof Rmmt Mele 1235 rage on Bal. Penln Nr 2 Bdrm 1 bath apt. near 1 _________ 1 mer month1. Smartly IULAll lllTIL (la Hl•l. $195 (Sant• 15th St Call 1-77t-2078 Bea<:hfYorktown. t child , .. lllEIYE m fduarlnlylahed model• open Wkly rental• now evall. An~ pful 'A ullla. Private Lg garage for rent, aulta- ok. No pate. Water paid. NEW gated 20 Town-· $140 & up. Color TV home. non 1moker. ble fnr am bualneu . S•251mo. 545·2000. v Agent, no lee. home VILLAGE COM-On Jamboree ACI at Pl'lonH In room. 2274 831-1198. S300 mo. 548·589t MUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 2'/\ san Joaquin Miiie Rd. Newpor1 Blvd, CM. Panthouee, ocean vi-. ,661 l OO SUPER 3 Br. 2 Be. In Ba. 1600-1800 aq. n. or 1100 848-7445 furn .• yng profeaalonal. Omt• ... ,, 14 4-Plex $650& 2 Br 2 Ba pure luxury Garages, 144• $520/mo. 873·7550, •••••••••••••••••••••• In 4-Plex S525, blt-4na, apaa In every home -8 £ I C H I R £ I 770.t018 wOf'll UEOITIYI lllTU enclad garage. hk·Upt muter sui te. dining Steps 10 beh. yrty 3Br 2b•. ft ft ft 1--------IRVINE. Phone an•••· No pate. 5'60-4484 room1, wood burning new bltlna SS50tmo. $77/Wk Laguna charmer. S340 ring. cont rm, utll pd. llreplacu, mlc:ro-weve 831•5903 mo. 2 BR, 2 bike to 1ttry serve, e1c. Also 1, 2, I 3 14r•s• ovens. private patio• & Beaut. deeor., ocean vu Kitchenette-Maid-Pool beach. 497-2621 desk space. S 150/up $375 tl'lru $450. Imme-yerd1.gerdener provl-penthouae, lrplc. D.R. Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton Older reepecteble em· 540-9745 dlate evellablltty. Adult•. ded. Elegant llvlng only Poot, ape. All rec. tecll, c t M 548 9755 1---------no peta. Quiet atmo•· 15 minutes from Fql\lon MC. gate & park. Unlurn. 0' a ... • ployed female, Weetcilff Private ofc. $175/mo. Nr pl'lere. 1 blk from bu• & ISiand, 7 mlnutN to S.C. s 1000. Furn s 1500. 1 ... ., Jot.JI 4#0 area, to lhr home. Lv O.c ,. Airport. Conv IP&OlllS 1 II shopping. 18903 Dete-Plaza or O.C.Alrport. S7S..9t 1 t •••••••••••••••••••••• mag. &.42-6846. park g, pvt entrance, Incl S 1 ware St. (Acrou from Jull eaet of Newport 1 Br. lleept 4, acrOM the M/F 10 .nr my NB ocean ulU (reception avail by •Imming poo . carpe-P9Clflca Hosp) go direct Blvd. & ao. of 81111 ~ CIMn, upgred41d 2 Br. 3 street from b•J1£..lh lr.oAl bouae 132~ arran,gemenl) Taylor. ted-cl!a.pea. GJMA ~ or Kat'fiy 955-~M t daY1, Fr w y . S-9 0 0 I mo . BL 1rptc, pool. $'7301\'na, IS5TWk. 81S:WS 646-7380 tea e Crow 4 Co. bright. stove/oven & 780•7292 .-... 631.M39, 2473 Orange 957-3177 NB , b ......... _.....__.. v m119. 842-1423 or 64S..3176 dlap. $340 548-4827. .twe Coste Meea. . · • r, -.-~ ............... G«geoue 2br 2ba condo 7~t-6829 Agt. 2 Br t~ B1-$385 + S385 " IAY FIHJ 1tep1 to und, avail. w/pool apa' amenltlel 1817 Weatcllft. N.B. 256 Eeattlde deluxe giant 1 deP. Crpt1, drpa; Oui.t Spec. 3 BR 2 Ba. tple, gar, Splciout 2 Br. 2 Ba. ae>t 7117. $325. 7~-0938 Xlnt loc. N~ SC Plza: to 4000 sq. ft. 111. 1100<. Br. h\191 walk-In ck>Mt. older Plf90l'I preten.d. beech 2 bike. S900 yr1y. w/1pectacul1r vie•. LIDO ISL.E • 38drm, tam OCC, Flour. 8e2-2247 aft Agent 541-5032 lmmao .. W/D hookup, Nr Beech Blvd & Me-No pate. 845-1882 t>eeutlful ~arden1 & 1&n-nn, 281. S100/dy July. 4 & Wknd• Of 97g..41eo. 520 sq. ft. s1.oo per sq. garage. 1425/mo. Cr8'g. Fadden. No pell-a& -28a. 11 1 dy baac · Overlook• S3500 Auguat. Ocean-Empt table .able bodl9d ft., 3975 Birch . N.B. Re/Max 831-02t3 64'-9243"& 893--4894 ,,.;.~. ::;: 2g~.,~ Bal11~ ~~.7~-:_ front 1br, tb1, UOO no~ t&-30 .hr quiet Agent ~1-5032 2 Br 11-' 8a condo, lrplc, bch. 873-2571. llV ' No..--. . week. Biii Grundy, Rltr. H B home S 2 O 0 . New 1 Br. "";rm· OIW, paUo, pool & IP'-Laun-Stepa 10 beach. 2Br 181. e7M1e1 '47-"20 no pea. $400 mo. 36t dry hOOkup. No pelt. 1 l&OC>lmo. 1 Br. 1 81. •. lge llv area. kh w/bar. T of ...... World Laguna Avocado. 759-1914. child OK . 1 625 • encablrngmt. 842-1803 elec gar dOOf, mini Oen ~r 19~3 mo $800mo Share 2BR 2BA, pool, 831·5788 '63-3&33 y•••-view. $750/mo yrty. Ref 64~1.we · · J ee .• So CoHt Plaza .. 1. • Ir 2 t. -• req. 875-7907 .,... S230. 54t-5062 • • • WALK TO BEACH t Br. 2 • l&Ynllf Oceanfront N8pof1 3 Br. C ld F I 2 chlldren OK. no e>et:1. etove & 1etrtge --VerulllH PM Studio. 1~ ea. ~tum Avail one ereJe ama e 567-1834. 546-9241 $<400/mo 53&-7979 .. Security gym. '500 . • . Rmmte. large 2 er. 2 Ba. . . Garage , patio. H 75 731-3311. 56M353 weekly 00/waak . L-oi.in• Hlfll S250 pk.II EASTSIOE \.CR 28A. 3 Min to betl, 3er 2'h8&. mo.Imo. 815-4152 . 98&-0087. '"· 951-ea34'" 8. Minda ri':i.g~t-0995/mo. ,.. frple. dbl an gar. patio. TWO BR. TWO 8A. Frpl. LIDO DELUXE 2 er.=. Yout own MIMly beldl, enytlml, 1875 mo. 984 4833 OcMn and 9ayvt.w, Lo-~'ot,ldc er~~ ta, OOMnfront Motro Bay. 'h i-F-e-m"'".-n-o_n-_sm_ok_e_r_/_n_o_n __ , LMO-1 8'. Eut*de. ne-vely Decor . Adults, • ' ~·:::. ~a;t~ = drinker to lhr my 2 Br WESTCLIFF BLDG "IEWPORT BEACH • 4't1 ........ :: ..... :..- Call M• •lowa•d 645 6101 llWNITIUU lntOll nm Premier locetioo Gatden Buildlng 900 sq ft -emenlt'" lll·JllO IEWPlllT IUOI Executive omc.t 1.000 It to 1,850 It. Attract. Well maintained bldg. Near Hoeg Hoapltet. Cpll, mini bllnd1. Dedicated pklng. Prof. environment In quiet area. 6'4S..3323 daYI Excellent OffiCes • Up to 4000 sq It 180 1 Newport Blvd, C M 645-211 t All< lor Joe Duper-ate mu1t rentl Ole lull or pan t1tna. 19th St.. C M Xlnl lronl ofc loc. 540-1287 CdM OFFICE SUITE App<Oll. 500 sq h. N- crpts/ drapes & paint. $475/mo. 551-6130 Cullom executive. offlQe. 400 sq ft. Pvt bath with eho-r. Balboa Penln. S3001mo. 642-'823 Exec. Furn su11e, prime N.B. k>c. Phone and co- p I er avalt. sns1mo 988-1779, 640-6215 (eve) :k;r=:,.~~ ~!. •••••••••• /!ff Security. Poot. Spa, 3 ~1.°i' .. '!"~.~bMctl aundaCtc wtbar 1450 hou ... S276 /mo. I S410 851-9522 Orangatr• Condo 2 er. t Gym. 1 1500 mo. Leae. ...., --• Ml. eo5-712-4529 S3l·53e0 i------------------:.!!; 3-5. . l · Be. pool. 1600/mo. Agent 760-8617. 8 7 3 • 4 3 1 e' ( 2 1 3 ) pet M/F to llhr 4 Br NB apt •llLID lfflOU* Office Of dnk space fUr. 857-8087 Trecy. Nr-Nu, by Udo, 2br 2ba, 212•7733 Balboa Penln Pt. 4Br, Pvt ea, lrg room. $241 l From 1 room to 3 room1. ntlhed or unlum. Paolt WTl9I Have eomathlng you Wlllll tip, petto, couple only, S850/MO. Sublet thru 281. beat datH 11111 utll. 642-1898 From $1.18 a aq. ft. No Co a 1 t Hwy . N . B . Laroe 2 bdrm 1475. ~ t 18117 Clalatfled ad• do no pet1 $150. 875--0097 March '83. 2 Br 21>4. Nr svalt. 1860 up 875-5030 S ............. 2 .. _ 2ba ........ A. leeM required. Adj, Air· 645-7474 _ tlo gar 6 .. 2 .aa 3 .. 1°~_.. ... 2 .... 78 pool. The Blulle . -y lmlU ,,,_..,... .... ""'"""" porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. 87s'..7396 · ... ...., ~. t -. . .,... -~ · Claulftld Ade 842·.5878 760-9717 w..-. nr beach. W/O, no.,. c.11 AM. 833-3223 vlOUIFltlfv ••• ,,,_1..... •;:,r-Avallable. AGL 67~170 amkr. $355 Incl u111. Pro1eu1ona1 ofoa, 2 Br. 1 Ba. well to wall ,. '11 "" * BA YFRONT * 831 t"""• 1 man oftleee In Or. s c•~-t IHf 1140 1140 V1utJM JnWI 4tff · vvu Cty AA'por1 .,.., an -·-· e. carpet, drapes. and •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••t .. •••• RESPVf.oS~SllTBEf~1,~~EKA •••••••••••••••••••••• Prof M/F. 23·30 to lhr 7t4-751-'760 800 IQ n. 2 entrenc., built-Ina. 548"'4182. "' """" "Q OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. con .. A In NB. ~ bath, pvt parking, 1700 mo. $750/Mo. 873-1521 Bef. vv ..,_., 1 .. 92 •720 Laa 2Br 2ba condo. Nr K b k t? 9PM A.veil now WMl<Jy thtu gar, lrplc. 1385/mo. llWNIT llAOll ------'------So Cit. Moat utU pd. enne un por . aummer. 873-7873. Contact Ralph day• Executive offlce In Cen. UM lllL.1111 ~f:,f~o•. spa. t 575. 1s1~~h;r~~~e ~,'::.: 1~~~;1on !;·~7';;;~!!~! UIE &lllllWllW !!~:9;,_:12!t9 or ev1 e~~'~:t:ef:so1mo. :_~~· _:i:~·~~5~ ~ 3 Br, 2 ba. Mau d.i Mar. with bullt·lna, carpeting HOIE Want quiet rHp non· WlSTlllUm setv even. 3355 Vie Udo. S545,no peta 641-8857 ~ fDc ~~ &drapes.llUndryl1ietU1y. Sleep• 8, tannla, swim, smkr, F/M lo ahr lg 1200 «2400eq.tt.O.-_8_7_3_-4_1_58 ____ _ or 752·5111 under roof carport• end hike, fllh non.-amkronly. Pool•lde condo. Nr. luxe office or •tore Wanted 10 sublet ·~ 01 2 BR 2ba, encl gar. 1625. II you·re not sure who (or what) publlc tennis court1 & No Peu.. Kid• O.K. wkly Hoeg Hosp. $375 mo. + epace. 14302 & t4304 appro1t. 720 9Q. It. otnce Nr So. Cit Plue. Call Kennebunkport was, don't feel bad -you're golf courM right behind & wknd ratee 840-9734 ·~ utU. 548--e238 Beach Blvd. Btwn 2 apace, proflltlonal d• Dennie 851-0424 not alone. Kennebunkport Is one o1 14 property. CtoM to eve-1••11/1 t. lju. 4311 Fem rmma•e 18-30 to lhr Frwye. CMc Cl!'\ltt' VII-algnell. exc:eptlonal, "--, •-•-t .,,,. distinctively different apartment lloorplans at rythlngl 1395/month. •••••••••••••••••••••• lg SBr. 2Ba hM 11'1 Nwpt. lege Shopping C.nter. ocean view. Flexible tor .,.. ...... o1 -Seawlnd Village In Huntington Beach. Available Auguet 16. one 1-ltt••ltt s190 mo. 549-0997 Prime locatlon. 979-8889 pr 1 v 8 0 y . p h 0 n 1 •••••itiii&Miii..... Seawlnd Village Is a result of totally ::.:t:,?~Zi r7~1 Coni:ct largHI Gey lrg Npt home, Prof. M or &45-1260. _844--4 __ 1_4_0. ____ _ 2 bd 2 ba ........ ,ancee personalized professional planning The kind M2-0138. Ma .. Female Mrvloe In non·1mkr. 28-35. Avail Alrl)0(1 ., ... Exec. SI.If-MIST SUILO '::;· . t $525. of attenllon you deserve. A per feet blend ot So. Cr apt, C.M. $250 now I S 3 5 o . DI• n • tM. From 225""50 aq. ft. j11• ry, ~ • · nature and living -nestled In a forest wllh 2 br. 1 '~ be. Block to mo. Geotoe 642-8381 631•1266 I l per eq. ft. Many 1ttraa. Office apace, Newport 96-8804. 4 7448 babbling brooks and quiet ponds, cooled by beach. Pet/children OK. Call 557.7010 Center. 720 aq, It. Fum • Ila ,.,, natural ocean breezes. Add to that tennis $450. 974-7225. 2SOO eq ft Condo, wtll ae-Rmmte to lhr lge C.M. 1----·------or unturn Avail July t9. ":. __ I .... 1 courla, swimming pool .. a spa and a oept 2 •dlta. or 1 edit homa. Wahrl0fY9r, Nt 4 delu1te offlcM, atrateglc wend• 644-7620. _... ,,_ convenient location near etiopplng and ... J•H w/ 1 Child Of )ult 1 adtt beaictl, :f' Smoker ok. location on S.ach Blvd. ---------•••••••• ••••• ••••••••• "••'lltl'-•••1 Poot, lg kit, 2 pettoe, lg ... "". 64 ·6563 HB. Front •x""'"'•re • ...,.. COiia Meae 200 aq, rt. to 1550/mo. NHr beech, employment and you've got a plaee anyorie ••• -:-~~ ••• ::: •••• ~~'. balcony w/bay view. ~ tlgn area, 86' aq.11: 2600 •q. It 40c per aq. ,_ crpta. 2 Br. 2 BL, no would proudly call home (Even f Mra, Ot... 557-7883 « 940.9339 WC)(t(lng woman to, lltlr 2 Ownr. 213-450-eSS5 11 a up, Cell Realono- P ate. 8 3 3 -3 3 0 7 . Kennebunkport!) One and two bedroom one 1,L b 2 tt .. _.. P 1 _ .. C d "'-·-Br 8pt. $285 & ~ utlt. mlel Corp. 875-8700. 642·1339. and two bath apartments from $515.00 ,. a. car • ac • ...., ro to .. ,, on o. ......... C.M. 641-8988 garage, ldry hook-up . all 1menllle1 S285. * ...... '* Executive olllce 1u1te. Deluxe poolalde. xtre l•r-s d lnteruted par11n con· 8$2-2449, 98$-8479 ROOMMATE. Fem. 25-35, corn9r of 405 FWy, ~r ge 2br • 2ba. blllll, Viow1n tlG1 Aklk. 493-4207 Lu Owl Pt view Condo non-amotcar. 2 8', !Wnha. Alrpcrt Area. exec tulle Harbor 91Vd. Take OVet dlWtlr. 1~ ml14P. bNlatt. llO OH x a to .nr. t'A8", trpl. CclM. tKP9/ldt. cJ ... y eurroun~ ... H . 1800 sq.It. at 90e Adult•. no~· UOOmo. J 1n Hgenu l0(1 Viii~ IH•• 4 for 3 mo .. m&ttet autte 1260 + utll. 7eo.4!080. dings. pcol atmo.phere, It. Call 751-8191 536-8382 •••••••••••••••••••••• With frplo, pl •P•· hH 120 to 250 aq "Of· Pool, tennla. l•ke. club. t-498.28$1, 844·0&39. a..ut. Peril NftJ)Ol12 Br. llcN & dMlt apace from Fountain Vallty Office WllffLITlll wutw/dryar, full El Toro 2 81. 'ri9W apt to ah#• 2Hlmo. Including cont spaoe, 2800 llQ,ft. at eo. 1 & 2 Br. OltcOYnt on 1555~ Huntington Vtltaoe lane HunUngtor l'tOUM prlv. ~ ulllt. $280 l~~ onty~ N~ with M/F. 'non amoktf' rm•. r~eptlonlat. an._ a rt. Good expoture, -model•. Pool, Spt.. Beach. CA (714) 893·5 t98 111. & IHt. 588-4038 }v ...... pr!V. """"'""• room .. ~ 30,' all ln'llnltlel In-wttlng Hrvtce1..lot1 of OOOd P;l')<lng, Talbert • Gym, Sauna, etc. FromtheSanDl,oFreewaydflven~th "'"'· prlvbath64S.9515 clng tan~s.37511110. ~~WP&nxavall. 8roo11hur11 . Call 64&-061t. Be::~!~ t~d=~~vU::.°" Pvt hOme. no tme>klng °' wanted Famata t o '"' Ol\I• vms. -4948. • _1_s_1_-8_1_9_1 ______ _ '400 tum°' unf\lm. 1 er. Fumlahl..,.• available • Open dal"' 10 AM . drinking, quiet M over 28R 2BA SC Plaza area Muter BR In IP8IO hme S300/up: Ctrpett. drtip19. Harbor & Bak .. 240 eq. ft. l>(IOI. ape. 18992 Florlda. ··.-'' 30. 1250/mo. wre uttla. s 2 e om o + ·~ u t 11 . ror rent. furn. cllln. no elf. 11301 8"Gfl. i....s. 111 noor. pr!Yat• ~ ~9~4~2~~~~~.~~~2~~~1~1~2=d~~~~~~~~d~u~~~·~~~~~~~~~5~~~~7~·=====n~1 • ~~~ ~~ ~~~Sot~~ So. Laguna at 3 Arch Bay 500 sq tt With good hwy vlslblllly 497 ·2351 400-900 PLUS 1400 aq. ft Penthouse Bayiront Sul- 1 e. parking, patio• 873-1003 lulatu lnu.J ff50 L•••••••••••••••••••••• Office and Laboratory 1peoe • up to 7500 sq It • 845-2 111 Ask for Joe I Store lor leue on busy Mamie Ave 2'"' yr bull· nna lease & key to front door S800/mo & cost of llvlng. $22,500 Agt 673·4062 In newer bldg on Coast I Hwy, Sl>Uth Laguna. Ap- prox. 500 sq ft Excel· lent private parking behlod bldg $525 mo. Turn« Aaeoc 494-11n r.,ef'tJ Ftr ltlH Feaetala Yall91 2 bldg1. offlcelatorage (15.880 & 2,880 Sq ~t) Excellent corner toe .. parking, leaM au or PWt. Annual ,.... with option to renew FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DI- STRICT, PO Box 8510 Fountain Valley Naomi Wieland 7141842~1 1Uutd1l •••11145• .....................• N.8 3975 Birch. 3&eO eq. II. or IHI MIA zone. Agent 5" 1-5032. $750 up. 21110 ft. lndu- atrlal -Office. 18081 ~ dondo Clrcle #E Hunt- ington, Beach. 842-2834. lff1llWUblllll Approx 2000 aq ft. Ar CrGWn Valley Pkwy, & Forbel Rd .. MINk>n vi. )o. (714) 54S-0215 Appr-ox 2~ aq ft omce end warellae epace. Central Coate Meaa. Fenced yd. Avall now. l800 per mo. 842.0880 1300 aq. It. 1425. 1800 eq. ft. "75 Fron.I offlee, large reer dOOr. 1nt Whittler Ave. Daye 540·9352. Evee ~1 1100 al wtlM w/olc. w/ toilet, o/11 door 1335. 350 at olc l wllM, wt toi..t, 0111 door. utn pd. l200 117M251. Prime AUTOMOTIVE IN-DUSTRIAL .,.. for l'9l1t. utlllllH paid. Colla MeM. 845-6374. ..... flll ........... , .......... . ..,.... .... .. Wll Founlaln Vtltfly. 15,880 aq ft io.dlng dodl. LeeM .. Of part. ~'81n V91- 19y School Oletrtct. *«>- m I Wieland . 714/M2-M51 i.1111 ,,,.,. 4111 •••••••••••••••••••••• M pllotograpller. 34. Heka room In qul•t home In NI, CM. PNfer w/prOIMllOnal c~le. non·lnKlk•a.~. Water Heater? It should be about 130°, unless your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temperatures pr9duce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch at a time until the water: feels right on your hands. Besides saving water and energy, you could also save liyes. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. For more energy-saving tips, ask a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® for a free booklet. There's a REAL TOR® near you wherever you live. • A public service of the ~lyP.ilat Classifieds 642-5678 " REALTOR® ---------------- 2• -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 24, 1982· II Mill .. , •• •Y 1111.--Hold the prtce for one full year -owner wtll consider lease option! Thia fabulous 2 story offers high cathedral ceilings, CO'Z'f fireplace, central air conditioning and an 8~% a11umabl• loanl Don't wait ... call now, 963-6767 I ... FllEI, 112,1111 Unbelievable price for this 3 Bdrm fixer, located In good llttle area of Costa Mesa. Needs paint and clean but at this price you save many, many dollars. Excellent opportunity to pickup a great .tarter home or Investment property, won't last the weekend. Call now, 546-2313. IMl llWNIT W Way below. market price, beautiful custom built sprawling ranch style home located on huge corner lot close to the Back Bay, quiet cul de sac, living room done In warm earthtones with a huge rock fireplace, magnificent family room entertainment center with rustic wood beam ceilings and used brtck fireplace. Huge Bdrms with your own private spa off the master suite. Etc, etc. Home recently remodeled, 546-2313. MT UllD IT •Y 111,HO -Lovely townhome In prime location overlooking beautiful courtyard and fountain. Excellent assumable loan with low monthly payment makes this a real bargain for Investors or first time buyers. Hurry, 847-6010. .... ft1 llUY -Or you can assume the existing low Interest VA loan. Either way you're getting an excellent buy on this newly llsted sharp 3· Bdrm 2 bath home. There's an enclosed patio for added enjoyment. Prlced at a most reasonable $119,900. See today! 847-6010. ma&. MWI PIYmlT -Plus low prtce make this 2 Bdrm 11A bath condo a real buyl 10% down, now only $65,000 -act nowt 846-7171. ¥11111 -Assume 1st and 2nd loans at IOW rate, owner may carry 3rdl on this beautiful 3 Bdrm 2 bath Harbor View Home. Setler very motivated, won't laatl Only $214,000 fee -call • now 846-7171. -a ..... -2 -l9lD -All this for the low, low price of $140,000, live In one for comfort and rent the other two for profit or, build up to six \,!nits on this parcef. Great poaslbllltles at this low price. 546-2313. WILi Tl U. OlllT PUB. 111.--Beautlful upgraded condo In South Coast PJaza area. Perfect for the guy or gal on the go. Low to no maintenance. Pools, tennis courts, etc., etc. Call now -won't last. 546-2313. 4-11.D, 1111.--No negative cash flow: Super assumable loans -$89,0001 Units need TLCI Ax & savet One 3 Bdrm & three 1 Bdrm units. Hurry, call 963-6767. lllPllltlU Tl ,. -But here It Isl A lease with option to purchase next year. Exciting 3 Bdrm 21A bath deluxe townhome with enclosed two car garage, Ideally situated In prime complex close to all amenities. You'll want to make your offer Immediately! 847-6010. YIOTlllH IHI Tll IHI -Architectural masterpiece with waterfall & Kol pond! Assume $83,000 In loans, 10~9/e EFFECTIVE RATEi $630/mol $1 29,500. Call today, 963-6767. 111111 Fllllllll -II eHLlfYlll 'Immaculate 4 Bdrm home! PRIME neighborhood ... close to beachl Only $14,500 down & owner wlll assist financing! Call 963-6767. 11a•1m llMI --4 Bdrm 3 bath on the water, must MUI Aaaume loan and seller will carry, only $199,900 -act today. call 846-7171. 1111111111.--Totally remodeled 3 Bdrm home with lots of added square footage. Step down formal dining and family rooms. French doors and a Casablanca fan highlight decorator touches used throughout. Best of all, for your enjoyment this summer a large sparkllng pool surr-0un4ed by attra-ctlve dee.king and landscaping. Call now for private Inspection. 847-6010. • lll ...._ -Fabulous Seaside VIiiage with spectacular vlewll lmpreeaiv• 1 -year new-two story complete with two master suites on separate level. Entertainers home with red tile patio overlooking lagoon! Owner will assist In financing. Assume low Interest loan with flexible down payment. $179,900. Call 963-6767. F1ID IPlllW llllm ,.1111• -3 Bdrm home In beautiful neighborhood! Fantastic VA assumable loan, $93,500 at 12-1 Hurry 963-6767. mllml FIJD 4 Bdrm Park Huntington home. Needs carpets & drapes only! A newer home In prestigious area. Close to beach! Call now -owner left area & Is more than ready to help! $159,900. 963-6787. fR •• I l• -3 Bdrm, 2 story executive palacel Bike to beach! Immaculate home. . .fireplace ... entertainers garden wllh BBQ pltl A steal at $157,9001 Call 963-6767. PIJlll Tl 1111 -Harbor View Hiiis 3 Bdrm 2 bath -beauty! Great location and priced for quick sale. Time to buy never better! Priced below market at $189,500 -call nowf 846-7171. llWI WllTI llJ -Beautiful Newport Beach 3 Bdrm 2 bath In Irvine Terrace. Great family area, minutes ctoae to beach, bay and Fuhlon Island. Assumable loan and seller will carry. Well prtced at $225,000 -act nowt 846-7171. PLANNING A SOLID, EXCITING REAL ESTATE CAREER? FREE -REAL ESTATE TRAINING FOR INFORMATION CONl'ACT MELINDA, 841·8010