HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-26 - Orange Coast Pilot-1111111111111 111111 1 '1 , I\ N · • t 1 1 '' 1 r. . , , , , , , , . r i 1 /\ • · ·• , I r·J I . • San Onofre ·to begin nuelear • testing Low-power nuclear teatina the fuel la loaded and ''we'll be waa to beatin late today on San turning on the rHotor and Onofre'• tJnJt 2 nuclear re.ctor, conductlnt low power teats," deaplte efforts by antl-nuclear probably late today. actMata to halt the lelta. Dave Barron, a spokesman for An 11th hour appeal filed Southern California Edi.on Co., Friday by opponent• to the major operator of the plant three nuclear plant ia to be heard miles aouth of San Clemente, aaid Tuesday In federal appellate ~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~-=....:....;...;_ SUNDAY SUNBURN SCENE -Huge crowds thronged Huntington Beach City Beach on Sunday in an effort to beat seasonable heat wave. This photo was taken at 2 p .m . looking toward Newport Beach from the Huntington Beach pier. This court ln Wuhb\i10n, I;>.C. The ~ppeal wa1 Uled by a group call1fl8 lteelt Friends ot the Evth and San Dleao resident 8Ul Cantena. Both were turned down In a aimllar appeal filed with the Nuclear Regulatory Commilalon lut month. But the F.dieon spokesman said ~· t.18 WW beam today, adding, M far u we know, there wu no order laaued by the court which would affect us directly." Fuel wu loaded into Unit 2 at San Onofre in February, and today will be the first time the reactor has been started up." Barron said "correcUona and Deity Not llMto bf Nctwd K..._ was reported as one of the largest turnouts of the summer as an estimated 68,000 swarmed on Huntingto11 Beach. State beaches reported 193,000 visitors over the weekend. Big crowds swarm beaches 15 rescued in boat off Nearly 200,000 visi~ coast on humid weekend Catalina Isle H ot humid weather , a volleyball tournament and a grunion run helped create one of the largest weekend turnouts of the summer along Orange Coaat beaches. National Weather Service forecasters said reaidenta can expect the July heat to continue through Tuesday, when the mercury will soar to the mid-80s in Inland Orange County and to the mid-70s along the beaches. Area lifeguards said the ocean water temperature has been a comfortable 69 degrees. More than 35,000 visitors converged on Laguna Beach on Sunday to beat the heat and to observe the Cuervo Laguna =bell tournament at Main Park. Laguna Beac h life guard suoervt.or Mike Dwtndell said RELATED PHOTO-AZ Sunday'• beach crowd in that I dty "was the largest I've aeen." Two bodysurfing injuries were reported Saturday along the South Coast beaches. Matt Marx, addresa not known, broke hls nose while bodysurfing at Main Beach Park. Mike Hayaen, 24, of Norco, dislocated his ahoulder in the surf at Crescent Bay Beach. Both men were treated at South Coast Medical Center in South Laguna. Healthy summer crowds also were reported at Newport Beach. Lifeguards said 98,000 visited the beacn on Saturday, 95,000 on Sunday. At 9:15 p.m. Sunday, a 36-foot powerboat owned by Duane Lindberg of Whi tt1er ran aground in Newport at 9th Street and Ocean Avenue. The craft, valued at $40,000, waa declared a total loss. L if eguards a t Huntington Beach where a grunion run took place, also reported 50me of the lanlest crowds of the season. AVALON (AP) -Fifteen people were re9CUed from a sport fishing boat that floundered in the shallows off the eastern end of Santa Catalina Island, the Coast Guard said today. No injuries were reported. Commercial aalvagers w ere expected to reach the vessel this morning. The 65-foot Ocean Quest apparently began taking on water about 3:47 a.m . after striking rocks or a sand bar less than 100 yards offshore. said Coast Guard Petty Officer Tony Shilelll. Cops nab Mesan in Newport killing Man dropped from 3rd floor balcony in 'ho.-se play' incident A Costa Mesa man has been arrested by Newport Beach police on suspicion of killing a 36-year-old friend by dropping him off a third-story baloony to a dock below. Lawrence Francia Oliver. 35, who lifted him8elf as president of a local computer firm, was booked on felony manslaughter charges following the incident early Sunday. The d ead man -David Georjle Chapin of Hermosa WORLD Beach--was pronounced dead at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. An autopsy was being pe(formed today to detennine the cause of death. It was W'lclear whether the man died at a result of the fall or drowned aber bouncing off the dock into the ocean. Police said the man's death was a result of "hol"'leplay" at a party on the Balboa Peninsula. Offlcen said the man's death was not lilied as a murder because Falklands victory commemorated LONDON (AP) -Queen Elizabeth II and Britain's top political, military and religious leaders joined 2,500 people today in a solemn service at St. l>aurs Cathedral to commemorate the nation's victory over Argentina in the Falklands Islands conllict. Russia nuclear blast probed U.S. lntel.Ugence experta are hurriedly atudying the nature of a mammoth underground nuclear explollon conducted July 4 by Rum. Page A6. NATION DQIJwasblng Uqujd real .lemon Conlwnen are ~ Lever J:lrothen' new dJlbwuhJ.na UqUid With lemon juke. and the i'elUlta could be danptoua. Pqe A4. there appears to be no malice involved in the incident. Witnesses told pol.ice detectives that the two men and four others had returned to the peninsula apartment at 310 Fernando St. reportedly after a night on the town ln Newport. Officers alleged Oliver picked up Chapin and dropped him off the balcony and then watched as the man tumbled to a dock below and flopped into the ocean. SPORTS The partyers, police said, attempted to locate the man m the water but were unable to because of darkness. Police said they eventually flagged down an Orange County Harbor Patrol boat. Officer s said when they arrived on the scene, Oliver had left. They said he turned hUNelf over to police 90 minutes later at the hospital. Oliver la free on $5,000 bail. First-place Angels back home , The Angels, still occupying first place in the American League West, open an 11-game homestand tonight at Anaheim Stadium against the Oakland A's. Page Cl. UCI diver wins gold medal Greg Lougan.ta. a student at UC Irvine and. a member of the Million Viejo Nadadores, won hi.I 1eCOnd gold medal in the National Sports Festival at Indianapolia. Page Cl. COUNTY Mesa clinic only chance lor some FQi: many, a vilit to a cllnJc at 767 W. 19th Sl in ec.ta Meu 'll U\etr only chance to receive re,WU health car.. Pap Bl. adjuatmenta may knock ua off 9Chedule by a few houra," but aaid engl n eera ahould begin testing the reactor later today. The tetta are another atep ln Edlton'a bid to win NRC approval for full operations 10meUrne thia fall, Barron aa.id. St.eve Sulk.es, a •~ for the Alliance for Survival, Wd today'a lelt1na doe9 not mNn Edlaon will 1et a llcenH to operate at full power. The low-power teaUn1 lt expected to take eeveral montbl lo com plete , an Ediaon spokesman uid. Hanover Trust • cuts prime rate to 15.5 percent NEW YORK (AP) - Manuh1cturers Hanover Trust Co., the nation's fourth largest commercial bank, lowered its prime lending rate today to 15.5 percent -marking the rate's lowest level this year and matching its lowest level smce 1980. Manufac turers Hanover dropped its prime rate by one- hall percentage point. A smaller bank, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. in W inston-Salem, N.C ., ranked 32nd by deposits, al.so lowered Its prime to 15.5 percent. It was the lowest level for the prime rate among major co mmercial banks since Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. in Chicago and Crocker National Bank m San Francl.ICO lowered their primes !r.:1m 16 percent to 15.5 percent Nov. 30. No other major banks foUowe<l that decrease, and the prime since then has ranged between 15.75 percent and 17 percent. A week ago, the nation'• major b&nka lowered their prime rates to 16 percent from 16.5 percent. Before November, the prime WU last at 15.5 percent in the f.all of 1980 when the t~rate wu au.rgtng to a record h of 21.5 percent in December 1 80. The prime rate la the bale that banks uae to calculate interest charges on loans to companies with ...-grade credit, although some banks make loans at Pf1Ct!9 below their stated prime rate. While not having a direct relationship w ith consumer loans, the prime reflects general movements in other bank lending rateta. Today's cut in the prime reflected recent d eclines in short-term interest rates in the credit markets, which lowered banks' cost of acquiring funds. While the Fed has pursued a pollcy of luruting money growth to curb inflation, the money supply of ldte has grown within the cent.ral bank's targets and has allowed the Fed to ease its credit stance. That change was undencored last week. they said, when the Fed lowered the rate on loans it makes to financial insututiona to 11 5 percent from 12 percent. Mesa police nab seven for ~noise' Police In Costa Meaa have arrested seven adults after neighbon complained about loud music, breaking clan and areamina at what..,..~ as a "punk ror.k" ~. Those arretted at 2:30 a.m. Sunday on suspicion o f d.isturbin the peace included the tenants: ~hawna Louiae Brown, 21, and Stacia Lynne Brown, 19, of 2226 Canyon Drive #A. Tot report due in Schmitz case Tustin police investigators were expected to go to the Orange County District Attorney's office today with their findings on injuries sulfered by an infant boy alleged to be the son o f state Sen . John G . Schmitz. T h e 13-month-o ld boy has been in county care since last week. Police Capt. Woody Williams said the five-day probe last week was &1med at determining if the injuries suffered by the child, while in his mother's care, were accidental or deliberate. A criminal complaint alleging child abuse or negligence could be filed if the evidence warrants, he said. Williams, however. would not diacuas the findings of hls department's investigation. The baby's mother is Carla Verne Stuckle, 43, of Tustin, a Republican Party volunteer INDEX worker who claims that Schmitz is the father of both the boy and her three-week-old girl. Birth records on file in Orange County list Schmitz as the father, although the mother is the only parent who sig n ed the documents. Schmltz, who lives with his wife Mary and several of hi.a six children in Newport Beach, has declined comment on the cue. His daughter Elizabeth said thit morning that her parents had been out of town over the weekend and were d ue back later today. The 13 -month -old boy suffered serious injuries to his penis after a strand of hair had been found wrapped tightly around the organ. Surgeons removed the atrand last week. Superior Court Judse WUllam Murray ruled that the infant would remain in county care pending a dependency hearing Aug. 6 in Juvenile Court. At Your Service A4 Horoecope 82 ~~beck C2 Ann Landen B2 B2 Movie. 86 Buainelt A~ National News A3 Callfoml.a A~ Public Notice9 C4 eavalcade 82 Sporta Cl-4 CluaWed c.4-8 Stock Marketa 83 Comics 84 Television ~ ero.wo.rd 84 Thea ten B6 stan 0e1ace B2 Weather A2 Death No C4 World Newt A3 Entertainment B6 BUSINESS Ei-atblete, Mariae publiBIJer Bob M.cLeod Ml been a oon ... tootball aw mc1 • Manne combat pilot but at -ae ao PIN hll mmt fiiii_....,,._. u publlaher of 'l'een rnap.slne, Pale AG. I I • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Monday, July II, 1Ha . BOAT SMASHED IN NEWPORT BEACH -This 35-foot cabin cruiser from Newport Beach, C-Deee II. fell apart when it ·went aground Sunday rught on the 9th Street beach in D9'tr ,_ ~o bf L.ee '•WM Newport. The craft drew a small turnout of spect.atorB this morning. 'Flight of Lasers' :Firemen hope • · ain helps Teen • wins ... 2 Newport residents runners-up in sailboat race • HAPPY CAMP (AP) IC ¥aunderstorms forecast for to<Uly ~g rain and not wind, the forest fire that has scorched 2,000 acres of Klamath National Forest may be contained Tuesday night, oCficials predicted Pat StogsdiU, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Forest Service, said ~eia:-ly today that firefighters were 'optimistic about containing the blaze. The fire, triggered last week by an abandoned campfire, still was burning stubbornly this i,noming but more slowly than ;,.ver the weekend, she said. By PAMELA STEINRIEDE Of ... Ooitw "°' ..... With jets from John Wayne Airport roaring overhead, a highly traditional flight of another sort took place below in Newport Harbor on Sunday. The sound of the gun at 1:10 p.m. started the 47th edition of the Flight of the Lasers east of the Balboa Pavilion. The sailboat race originally was for the Snowbird and then the Kite type boats. Now the 15-foot, high-performance Laser . catboats are featured There were 82 of the wh1te- sailed Lasers scrambling around the eight-mile course an the harbor this year "When 1t works right, 1t looks like doves on the water,'' said Rick Jackson of Home Federal Savings of San Diego, one of the race co-sponsors. It worked right for several entrants, especially 19-year-old Douglas McLean of Marina de! Rey. He crossed the finish line in one hour, 22 minutes and 22 sec.'Onds -a race record. Watt praised, damned Faces questioners on national radio call-in show r WASHING TON (AP) One caller wanted to know if James Watt's baldness was caused by acid rain. Another berated him for •n.)CCung hts relJgious views into politics. But another hailed the mt.enor secretary as one of the "real stars of the Reagan adrrum.cnrauon." For three hours Saturday, •Watt, the man env1ronmentahs:.s Jove to hate, faced questioners on a national call-in radio show While many took Watt to task, an equal number called to praise the controversial secretary and urge him to stand by his pro- development views. Watt, never bashful in staung his posiuon, seemed to rehsh the give-and-take on Mutual Radio's "Larry King Show" in the wee hours of the morning Asked 1f he would charactenze himself as a hard-hner, he said. "I'm hard-line for Amenca " He said the Carter ddm1mstrat1on had "walked a hne of preservation I walk the line with the hunters and f1Shermen and those who need JObs .. Throughout the show, he expounded on a favonte theme -America's need for energy and mmeral resources and, thus, the urgency in opening up more federal lands for development. Watt also defended a letter he wrote to Israel's ambassador to the United State&. Moshe AreN. in which he said American support for Israel could be jeopardized if Jewish liberals oppose the administration's energy policies. The let1er has drawn a rebuke from the Wlute House, which characterized It as "unfortunate," and cries of outrage from American Jewish leaders. But Watt said he intended no threats. He said he was s1mply stalina his belief that unless America's d ependence on imported oil is reduced, its ab1hty to protect Israel will be '\veakened. In the letter, Watt sa.Jd, "If the liberals of the Jewish comrnuruty JO&n with the other liberals of this nauon to oppose these efforts (to reduce dependency on foreign energy). lhey will weaken our ability to be a good friend of Israel." •While one caller labeled the letter "blackmad" and another questioned whether the administration was fostering a "growmg, subtle anti-Semitism,'' Watt also rtt<elved support. A caller who identified himself as an American Jew from St. Petersburg. Fla , said, "There are liberal Jews in th1S country who lose sight of the fact that a strong energy-independent, militarily superior America 1s the great.est thing Israel has got going for it." Questioned on his religious views. Watt said he was a "deeply committed, practicing Chnsuan." He. said h~ belief that Christ would return represented the "broadest view All the Jews and all Christians beheve the Messiah will come again " A caller from Colltngdale. Pa .. recited a poem he had wntten No more panelands, No more brooks, No more beaches. Money lalks." Fair through Tuesday Vorlablo high CIOUOI IOd•Y High• In lower 70. at tt>o t>Mche• and neor 85 lnlond Folr tonight &nd TUM<lay Overnight tows 80 10 811 Hlgho TUMdoy 73 to 85 lh•I con&umec:I two OCIM •long II mountain ridge bof0<e firefighters controlled It wtth oertal rankers Tho Weothe• S•rvlco utd toc;elty he•VV 1t0<m1 could atrlke through Tuoaday H oltsnore mOlature coltldes with inlond heat Highs will ronge trom the mld·80t In Los Angeles to ll'fl mld-90& In inland valteys, from 75 ti> 85 In mountOlns be'-115 and 100 tn the northern d-1 ond trom 98 to 108 in the tow 0-1 Bootera from POlnt Conce(>Uon to the Mex!Gan bo<Clet cen ekpecl hght vorloble winds during night ond morning hour1. becoming -l·M>Ut"-1 ot 10 10 18 knoll TUM<lay •tternoon With o 1· to 2-foot toulh-le<ly swell The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT T 1f''>•11v July ;>I •H1 n Temperatures "'.a•~ 'Ht•..,•' Sf"''-• 1 R1ln ~ SnowQ Showers illlll!I FlurrtesE!J McLean accepted his flrS't place award, the Albert Soiland trophy, immediately after the- race at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Second and third pla<.-e honors went to Newport Beach residents, John Virtue and Cindy Beck. respectively. Other winners were Marty Lockney, 65, who won the oldest entry award; James lbbotaon, 12, who took younaeat boy racer honors; and Katrina Browne, also 12, who was the youngest girl in the race. The first married couple to cross the finish llne were John and Robyn Deigh. Race official Bill Ficker of Newport Beach. no stranger to nautical races as slopper of the winning yacht in the 1970 America's Cup championship said: "We want these kids to have the same kind of thrill of winnil\${. "The Flight to these kids ls like the America's Cup." The yacht, Va.m-06, sloppered by Seymour Beek. served as the nf Cicial committee boat, and Manlyn Dana and Carol South of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce coordinated race results As always, there was no entry fee for the race. . ' for fifth day By Tlte .At•oclated ltre11 Israeli jets attacked the Palestine Liberation Organlzatlon'a battered enclave ln west Belrut tor a fifth straijht day today, as Israeli official• nttacked PLO leader Ya1Ser Arafat for "fraud" 1n a meeting with U.S. congrearnen . The Iaraeli jet.a pounded the same targets hit in the previous four days' bombing around the PLO's headquarters. The laraell planes continued to Coil the PLO's anti-aircraft missiles by releaaing scarlet decoy balloons to divert the misa11e. . There were no immediate count of casualties. Israeli Foreign Mini1ter Yltzhak Shamir called the document Arafat signed Sunday accepting "all U.N. resolutions relevant to the Palestinians" an "exe rcise In fraud and deception." Arafat signed the statement for a group of five visiting congressmen. Rep . Paul McCloskey, R-Calif., said he thought the statement satiafied U.S. terms for opening direct negotiations with the PLO and urged the Reagan ad.mirµstration to do 90. The terms are that the PLO recogni7.e Israel's right to exist and accept U.N. Security Council reeolutions 242 and' 338, which outline a settlement of the Middle East conflict under wruch Israel returns captured Arab territo ries and receives recognl tion and secure borders. McCloskey said today the Arafat statement "is a recognition of Israel's right to exist. At least, so I interpret 1t." But McClosk.ey acknowledged that Arafat refused to make the document more specific "and he said that (resolution) 242 alone is not acceptable because it did not recognize the Palestinians, except as refugees without their rights But taken in cont.ext with all the U.N resolutions, he could accept ll .•• RAIDS PINPOINTED - Areas hit by waves of d1vebombing Israeli warplanes, Chatilla, Bourj el- Barajneh. Sabra and Fakhani Quarter, are pinpointed. McCl06key said Sunday that an Arafat alde had wntt.en on the back of the document a list of U.N. re.olutions that resumably included 242 and 338. But when an Associated Press reporter who saw the backside of the document noted therwe was no reference to resolution 242, McCloskey said, "No, it's not (hsted). but he (Arafat) kept saying all of them, including 242." Other PLO spokesmen disavo wed McCloskey's in terpreta uon The PLO's U N. observer, Zehd1 Tero, said m New York on Sunday night that Arafat's endorsement applied to U .N. General Assembly resolution 181 calling for separate Palestinian and Jewish states. The head of PLO's mission to the U.N offices in Geneva, Daoud Barakat, said the document signed by Arafat does not represent a change in the PLO's position Etaowhero from Poin t Conception to tho Mo•lcon bo<der Ond out 80 mllM LIQN vonablo wind• night ond morning houri. becoming 1outhwe11 to -1 10 10 18 knoll with 2 10 3 loOI wind --In lhO -tnga IOdoy Ond Tundmy Potehy IOw ctou01 over lnnor watora •nd 'mo9t1y cloudy on the OU1er woter• nlQl>t ond morning ~ .. IOI< through Tueoc!oy Northwellorty winos coulO roacn 22 knot1 with 4-to 6-lool 1ea1 rorthor than flO mHes olfahoto from the PO<nt to Son NiCOlm l1land "o"" us O.O• 01 CO'N"• ~ Fronts Cold ...,. Warm .,., CROWDED RACE -Lasers crowd water of Newport Harbor shortly after start of annual event. Douglas McLean, of Marina del Rey went on to win the colorful contest. u .. ..;. t(llltllll<tr~· Thunoeratorm1 1wepl ocroH thO Gull COQt and o cold Iron! left ctoud1 and a raw thunderttorms ovor lho north oentral atot• Sunday, bul most of the notion hoo a aunny day tno Nallonal WNlher Sel'lllee Hid For Mondoy, f0<ecotten called 10< ICOll.,od thunder1torm1 rrom !he t<>Uthern Ploteeu through the Aocklet to tho norlhern Plelna Wldely 1ce1rered thunder1torm1 0110 were expectod over the eaatern third of the nation end along the Gull Coaat. Forocaatera called for eunny aklo1 lrom the middle MINIMlppt VOiiey to the c.ntrol and eoulhern P11tn1. wTllle It ... expected to bo lolr In the -tern at at .. Hl(ltll MonCSoy -• tll(peCtod lo ronge In the 80a ond 70. olon9 lhe Pmc:ttle Cout, In the 70. ond llOI ocrooa the Northern llol•. oxcopl for Oregon and ldoho. where " will be In Ille 90ll. ond In the 90e In the IOUthOfn •IOI .. Temperoturea will reoch 100 IMg<-Of hlgnet In lho oe-1 SOlllhwMt, Interior c.Mlon•te ond the aouthern Ploln•. IO<eCMtera NICI I Temperatures NATION Albany Alt>uque Amarillo Aehevme Atlante Allllntc Cly Au111n Baltimore BllHngt Blrm1nghm Bllmarck BolH Boal on 8rown1Ylle BuftelO Bul'll"°'on Ceaper Chlr10tn SC Chort1tn WV Cflorllte NC CMyeflne Chlcego Clncinn1t1 Clewltln<I Ctmbte SC Columbut Ool-FtWth Dayton Oen'IW Dea Mot,,_ Oe!r0i1 Oulu1h EtPuo Frgo A901toff QrMt Fllle H11rtl0td HI Lo Pep 89 69 94 70 98 ea 84 87 .08 811 72 17 72 97 77 92 71 72 82 01 89 73 78 83 115 85 08 89 74 118 78 $4 72 64 M 89 " " • 78 91 70 && 72 88 SQ 89 73 89 88 N ea 90 12 oe 90 88 98 75 N 88 92 85 99 70 89 70 78 85 97 74 80 58 08 15 64 83 85 .19 84 57 Helene 88 Honolulu 111 Houston 98 lndnlpll1 88 Jack1n MS 90 Jacksnvile 93 Kon1 City 90 Kno•vllle 88 LU Vogu 114 Little Rock 88 Loulavllle 811 Lubbock 91 Memphla 91 Miami 88 Mllwoukeo 88 Mpta-St.P 88 Nunvllle llO New Orleona 88 NewY~ 92 NoffOlll ee No. Plotto 117 Oldo City 95 Omeha 111 Of1ondo 92 Phitodpnlo 90 F'tloenlll 100 Pl11'burf!'. 89 P11ond. as P1tan<S. Ore 89 Pr~ ea Rolelgh 89 Reno 92 SOii Lake ea Son Amonlo " s .. m. 85 Sllf~ 117 Sioux Ollt 91 St Loulo llO SI P·Tomc>e 90 81 810 Morie 75 Scx*ont 90 8yrllOUM ae 57 03 71 78 112 88 12 17 73 73 72 77 10 811 72 75 18 18 82 72 12 22 72 70 13 75 71 &6 70 70 74 3 75 72 17 M 87 59 73 70 55 89 74 54 74 08 99 75 78 61 st M CAUf'OflNtA ApplO v elley 98 83 Boker1lietd 108 71 Bartlow 99 78 Beaumont 112 64 Big Bear 78 48 Blythe 111 84 Cotallna 73 80 Cul11er City 80 83 Euroka 80 52 Fr .. no 101 88 Lake ArroWhead 84 57 Lance at., 117 85 Long Beech 85 86 LOI AnffetH 81 87 MlrylVI le 95 Monrolflo 97 83 Montebello 90 ea Mt Wlleon 81 $4 NMdlM 117 81 N~8MCll 74 84 Ont Orio M 83 Palm Sprlngo 104 ee POIOder\O 91 $4 Poao Aoblel 92 52 Red &luff 91 ea Redwood City 1' se Soet-to aa 52 Seit nu M 57 San Betnordlno 100 ee Son Glbl'lel " 14 Son Dleoo M 89 Smog Whore 10 coll (toll free) for 10te1t amog 1n1orma11on· Otonge Col.Inly: (800) 44So3828 Lot Ang•IH Co1.nty; (800) 242-4022 RlverlkN end Son lern.,dlno CQUnlle9: (800) 381-4710 ..... -------------------AOMD Epleode c.rtter: (800) • SURf RIPIRT . ~--turf lw1 ... .... .... . .... ...... . ,,. .... ... Avt .... Dir Zum9 2 ' ti j IW ..,.,. Molll09 2 4 1S 3 llW ~County 2 ' 13 3 aw 2 4 13 3 aw Outlooll lot Tueedey: Utt1e c:Nnge. ' 2'42·48&e Tides TOOAY Second lllgtl 1:11 PA 8toond io. 1:4' p.fftt 1\IHOAY F!tti hlgll >.17 t .m. Rrtt IOw t: 1 t a.l\'I, 1.1 ICOnO 111g11 4· n p m. •·• Second IOw 11:14p111. 1 •• 8WI ... !Oder .. 7:11 p.rn., ...... TueedeW It t e.m. MOOfl neee \od4IY •I tti17 p.m., ..UT~et .11:t0 e.M. ~I 11 I ' ~ffiU~OO[a ff UfilTI~· Budget mea~ r~ not cure-all Ending deficit spending BY WALTER ft, MEARS ..,.,..... cen11••wn• WASHIN TON -A conaUtutlontl amendment ii' not 1otn1 to balance the federal bud1et any more than a conatltutlonal alt\endtnent. atop_ped Amertc•n• from drtnk1n, whiskey. It'a a matter of breaktn1 hablt1, no matter what the Constitution aaya. And deficit spending la habitual. The 18th Amendmeni - prohibltlon -made It more difficult for people to get and drink alcoholic beverages. from 1919 until it wu repealed in 1933. They had to break the law to drink, but they did It anyhow. For all the sloganeenng about the balanced budget amendment, ita sponsors don't claim it would cure deficits, only discourage them. The proposed 27th Amendment would make it harder, and politically more dangerous, for Congress to vote deficit spending. Proponents of the measure say it would change a bias toward more spending and more taxes thal now is built into the way the federal government handles money. "It does not require that the budget In fact be balanced," budget director David A Stockman told Congress. "It merely requires that -except in extraordinary circumstances - the Congr~ plan to spend no more than it takes m and then that it ensure, with the presJdent, that actual spending does not exceed planned spending." It would take 261 votes m the House and 60 in the Senate to approve a deficit. The theory is that those votes would clearly and sunply identify proponents I of def penamg, ao that their conatltu could j\ldge them at election e. The y t t work• now. apendll'J votes are apread all over the t. A member can vote for s that will benefit the peop e home, and follow up with s echea denouncing budget 'cits. 1uioOT111tnnal commlttftl are 1uppoeed be at work now on spending uctiona to meet the guldelin set by the budget reeoluti1Congress already has passed. e House Post Office and Ci Service Committee defied budget instructions, voting trim the spending It supefilti' by $113 million over the ne ee years, when it was suppos to have made cuts totaling .2 billion. A sl commissioned by the Taxpa s Foundation, which has en pu s hing the amen ent, says one of the reaso~r the deficits is that the benefluof a spending program are~centrated among a relati ly small number of people hile the cost is spread amo U the taxpayers. "Thfrompetition between tax spend and taxpayers m highly uneq . " says Alvin Rabushka, a se fellow at the Hoover Inst ution of Stanford Univ ·ty. "It is simply not as wort hile for an individual taxpa r to spend much time and effo save a few dollars in tax~ it is for the spending mter to secure m illions or bill ns of dollars for the ves." BHldH, Rabu1hka .. ,., apendina hu lmmld.late poUtkal benefit.a while the bW la added to the debt and ctoe.n't come due until later. "Trendl of the Jut dectide and attltud• prevalent ln the CW'1"ent Conan-make lt clear that th• bU<Jiet procea1 lt.aelf ll t.1ly out of balance and oontalnl a 1trong Inherent biu toward excetllve taxing and 1pendtng and chronic deflclta," Stockman aald. The thrul1 of the amendment Ls to change that by writing bito the Const.ituUon a presumption that budgeta are going to be balanced. Skeptics, and not all of them are Democrat.a, aay it won't work. and that the answer to deflcitll is for members of Confreaa to dl1clpline themse vea t o wltrunand the political pressure for government spending. "It will not do what Its proponents say it will," said former President Gerald R. Ford. "It Ls a procedural crutch -it will raise false hopes." That depends on what is claimed for it. The amendment contains no sanctions or penalties for deficit spending. Nevertheless, Rabushka says in the found ation study. Congress will find it dffficult to nout a constitutional call for balanced budgets. And, he adds, the voters will be watching. "By establishing a focus upon two or three critical votes each year . . . in place of the present piecemeal focus on hundreds of separat.6 spending measures," he says, "the amendment will enable the electorate to better identify those members of Congress most responsible for higher levels of spending, taxing and deficits." Prison relie~ plan studied ONTARIO (AP) State prison officials are considering a plan used by Texas to relieve overcrowding in four California penal institutions: housing inmates in tents, according to published reports. At present, 31,395 men and women are now .erving time ln state prbons and work camps designed to hold 24,600, said st.ate Department of Corrections spokesman Phil Guthrie. Between 265 and 320 new inmates are added to the system "'tnonthly. he said. "The tent possibility may come along in a year or a year and a half at some instJtut.Jons," said Guthrie. The idea of pitching tents was discussed in a Corrections Department conf idential feasibtltty study. which was obtained by the Los Angeles Daily Record. The newspaper repo~ the plan last week. Gutrie said the temporary struc~ could be used to house inrna at four of the state's 12 penal atitutions at Soledad. Vaca ·,Tracy and Jamestown p*e added that officiala would rt to tents reluctantly beca f aecurity problems. Rich . • assistant deputy direc to of planning for the Correc ns Department, aaid overc ding is a 1erlou1 probl at state penal i.nstitu · . "We pretty desperate," Camilli 'd. "We've got better than 9, guys living in cells that~ designed for half that number Camilli said the idea of using ts came from Texas, where · tes at several of the 1:> state · ns have been living in tents May of 1981. ''The m to be making it work pr y good," he said. "The irunate population likes it," said Ric k Hartl ey, administrative assistant at the Texas Department of Corrections. ''I think they have more room to move around and more freedom." California voter• in June approved funding to build new prf.aons, but Guthrie explained that it will be four or five y~ before they are conttl'UCted. ..We're now In a position to get started on an expansion program. but we don't .ee any relief in sight," he said. The department plans to add 11,000 new pri8on beds by 1987, but expansion will not keep up with the inmate population explosion, he said. According to figures compiled by the U.S . Department of Justice, California's p rison population increased by 19.1 percent last year. Wilson shoot self • Ill foot Social Security, freeze sta ments play into Brown's hands SACRAMENTO (AP) -San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. who entered the U .S . Senate race with a big lead in the polls over Gov. FAmund Brown Jr., may have wounded himself with statements this week The Republtcan mayor appeared to change pos1t1on twice on the nuclear freeze ballot initiative, and his statements on Socl8l Security, calling for lower contributions and benefits for those under 45, brought a gleeful response from Brown. Acting as if his opponent had made a major blunder, the Democratic governor told a cheering labor audience that I iiiiiy Pilat Thomu P. Halev ~ end °""' t..-. ..... Of"- Kay SchulU Ylcle,,....... -OlrCWol~ Tom Mufl)hlne lcltor MlkeHeMtY DINdclrol ........ ~· K.n Goddard DINCliOt .. 0.-- Aey MecLean Cclr*Gllll' • Tom MoCenn ..... Edllor .., .... .,.. . .., ........ "4 Wilson trying to walk to Washin n on the backs of senior c zen~." and that he would the mayor "back to San D go for rem edial instructi " And i an early series of statewld levision commercials, beginni this weekend, the Brown paign attacks what it C'lllls, so what slmpU1tically. "Wilao plan to cut Social Securit nefita." On ~ nuclear issue, Wilson started t by saying that a bilatera freeze, endorsed by Proposi n 12, would lock a SoW!t a tage in place. Monday he said he might support the initiative if sponson would go further and declare their intent to reduce nuclear weapons. But the next day he drafted a letter to the initiative campaign chairman saying he opposed the measure because it didn't go far enough. Brown hasn't commented yet, but it seems inevitable that he will try to make use of the issue, given hiB own strong support of the freeze initiative and the measure's evident popularity. Wilson 's statements don't appear to add up to a mistake of the magnitude of Attorney General Evelle Younger'a celebrated Hawailan vacation at the start of his 1978 campaign for governor. an error that 8rown used aa a springboard to a landalide victory. But Wu.on has given Brown a two-fold op~rtunity. Flnt, he has put the early focua of the campaign on national u oppoeed to 1tate lllue9, letting Brown take the offensive apinlt the Republican adminiltration ln WuhinpJn. - Second, by taking potitloru eomewhat different frocn, though not necewaril~ to, thoee of Prmident wo.an h.u liven Brown a chance to. step away from the repetitive antl-~ theme of hia campajgn and make l11ue1 out o{ the mayor'• vieww and character. '!-istening ••• What d ou like about the DaUy Pilot? What don't you llkt? Call the n ber below and your meaaa1e will be recorded. tranacr1bed d delivered to the appropriate editor. "' The sa 24·hOur anawerlng aervlct may be used to l"ffOrd let· lers to the tor on any topic. Mailbox contributors muat Include their name d telephone "umber for verlncatlon. No clrculaUon calls. plea.'! Tell us 1·1 on your mind 842~. .... . .. HOT WHEE~ -It takes a lot of willpower for this bicyclist to keep going through the desert near Las Vegas. Temperatures ranged near 110 degrees when the photographed last week. was Acid rain control costly plan?· Environmentalists happy, utilities upset WASHINGTON (AP) - Utilities say a multibilllon-dollar acid rain control program approved by a Senate panel could lead to higher electric rates, but environmentallsts are h81ling the action on Capitol Hill. The Senate Environment Committee has voted 15-0 to begin a program to cut sulfur dioxide emissions by half m 31 eastern stat.es by 1995. "Acid rain is perhaps the smgle most important environmental problem in North America," said committee chairman Rob~rt Stafford, R-Vt. "ll is an ~ue of i nternational proportio n , seriously affecting relations between the United States and Canada.'' He said the panel's vote reflects concern that failure to act "could prove dangerously short-sighted." The Edison Electric lnsutute, which reP.resents electric utlhties, said it 'deeply regrets" the cQmmi ttee's decision. The inslltute said \he program would place "a tremendous burden on the electric ratepayer" while restricting economic growth Joseph Mullan, senior vice president of the Nau6nal CoaJ Association, said. the vote "completely defies logic." "But the coal industry still hopes that reason will prevail when the bill is considered by the full Senate." he added Acid ram is blamed for killing fish ln lakes and streams in the northeastern United States and east.em Canada. Scientists also are concerned about long-term effects on forests and crops. ' AP~o SPERM-BANK BABY MOM -Dr. Afton Blake, 40, of West Los Angeles. is 1he mother-to-be of the second "Nobel Spenn Bank" baby. The psychologist is expecting the infant to be born in August. your choim ... Most scientists place the blame for acid rain on sulfur dioxide from the smokestacks of coal- burnang power plants in the Midwest, chiefly in the Ohio River Valley The N~t1onal Academy or Sciences Has said evidence ts "overwhelming" that those em1ss1ons, sometimes carried hundreds of miles by wlnd, are chemically changed mto a weak solution of sulfuric acid that falls as ram. snow or dry particles. A I th o ugh th e. c ost of controlling enuss1ons would not begin appearing on electric bills unW the early 1990s, by 1995 the estimated cost to electr ic customers in I.he 31-state region would be $3.3 billion to $3.9 billion a year. The 31-state region affected by the proposaJ includes Minnesota, I owa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and all states to their east. States tha t would face the greatest requlrements for aulfur dloxlde reduction• are Ohio, lndlana, Mi.owi. Pennsylvania. Illinoi1 , Kentucky and Tennessee Parents blast school plan JAMUL (AP) -Less -than a dozen families in this San Diego County community of 5,000 have asked the Grand Jury to investigate a school program they believe is undermining parental authority and brainwashing students. Ten of the 650 children a\ Jamul Elementary and Oak Grove Middle schools have been withdrawn from classes after their parents said written and telephoned death threats were received because of their protests against Project Launch. Concerned Parents and Citizens of Jamul say that Project Launch attempts to "re-pa.rent" their children, indoctrinating them with moral views contrary to what is taught in traditional American homes. ~ can't ~wrong with CXJ]J!jn pocrf\c etJcrts both comz, m oof't: durabl<z, cordu.rcy -thz. ~rg:, po:ktzt D1 pinwa La, end thcz, cz.lestic back in wida.wola.. in ma11Y , " . · gTIUJt colora siza.s 28-38. . .. I l Ii ''PAT eoaowm °' ... ..., ....... DEAR PAT: J dee141tft to Mil a pa.c. ol p~rty I on la a aearby nt0l1 area. 1t•1 Jut a lot wltll " llo•M· fte rul .... ._ •1•• ... , me a coauac& wltll a 1t pereot aalH comm11UH wrUtea la. I .-,a.a I perceat ••• dte ••ul eemm111loa. Am I lllc!o~tf J.W., Cossa M ... There 1a na "usual" real estate commllllon. There 1a no law that fixes the amount of real estate c:omm1llion ln Callfomia. And, any real estate agreement for the ..ie of relidentlal property with four or fewer unite must contain a notice that oommi-'ons a.re not tel by law and are neaotiable. State law allO preventl broken from printtna augaeeted ratea In • contract. A YS 1uaest1 that you let the real eetat.e apnt know you • are aware of the law. U he or ahe 1a not willing to negotiate a , commlaion fee, flnd another agent. Abo make au.re you know the •· aoina price for undeveloped lotl ln the area where you Q)Wl\ property. An W\ICl'Upu.loul agent could underprice your property, make a qulck sale and claim a fat commillion. You could be the big loeer lf you don't ~ time to check into CWTent market value of property similar to youn. Reserve Elvis mansion tickets DEAR PAT: We are plaDala& a &rip t1aro111• die Soadaera states DH& moDtll. Since we11 be 1ohll daro•lla ~empbll, Teu., I tboagllt It mlpt be fan to see ~lvI1 Pre1ley 1 m.uaJoa. Are advance re1ervatlou for dale tov reqalred? J.F., Cotta Men Graceland tickets are $5 for adult.a, $3 for children ages 3 to 11. Children under age 3 are admitted free. R:eeerve ticketa are suggested and can be ordered up to six months m advance. Phone orden may be placed by calling toll-free to (800) 238-2000. Glaze can be preserved DEAR PAT: I uve eome very old cklu cUoes tUt are •Md oaly for "1peclal occa1loa1.'! I 11ed tlle d.lMel recatlf. u4 aodced tUt Hme of ta.em uve "crulq" or ftJte cracb tile glue. Will coaUaaed ue make tkl1 wone, aad ii dtere uy way I caa remove foiMI 1talu wt.,_t m•ki•I tile cruiq wone N ndq tile remalala& &Jue! T.C., Lapu Bead Some crazing ia e~ on older dishes, and not conaidered that undesirable, aoco to antique china experts. Careful U8e and cleaning of these es will help pre9erve the remainlng glaze. Avoid serving strongly colon!d food in them. such u beeta, and do not allow food to remain in th.ia china any lon8ft' than neceaary. Use of automatic dishwasher detergent al8o ahould be avoided. Although most stains can be removed by rubbing with a cloth dampened with bakinl soda or salt, tough staina may require a mlld household bJeachlna treatment. Bleach should not be used without pretes~ or an expert's recommendation, especially if the china la porcelain or has a fine glaze. Booklets full of tips DEAR READERS: '"The Call1onUa Consumer Halth Care Catalog'' is a 280-~ book~ to Inform cawnnen on how to take care of thermelva ln U. m.l1h care mulretpl.:e. '1be catalog di.cu-more than 28 lmponmt health care t.ue., lncl~aJcobollsm. dental care, tapttala. a.arpry and X-rays. ca can be ~by .ndiJ\l a dM!Ck m* out to the il:te om.la f°' $3.50 to Publlcatiml Sectioo, P.O. Box 1015, North Highlanda, Calif. 95660. Another available booklet. "Blueprint f« Bi,aildlnc Quality," is a free consumer guide to contracting for home improvementa published by the C.OOtnM:'ton State Uceme Board.. The booklet includes tips for 8e1ecting a oontractoc, drawing up a contnct and a list of .. doe" and "don'tl'' to follow throughout the building project. Copies may be obtained by wrlting to Contracion State Lk:enae Board, Attention: Peggy DaW901l, 3132 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento 95817. To obtain a complete list of Department of Consumer Affalra publications, write to: Publications List, P .O. Box 310, Sacramento 95802. "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Hauwitz. Pat will cut ttd tape, getUng t.M amwen and action you need to «live lnequitiea in gowmment and buaCnem. Mail ya.u quesdom to Pat HM1Witz, At Your ServXie, Orange Coaat Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Co.ta Meu, CA 92616. PI'IT8BUROH (AP) -When Lever Brothln • out to IDAD a dllhweahlnl llQWd that nen~ ~~·.,,!d:h!Q ;!!~·~on1, lt The National Polton Cena.r reporta that about 2.500 peopa. ~cro11 th• country have mll&akenl)' ~rlbbled tb• new liquid lnt.Q kled tea and over their aa1adl and fJah. "Peo~ are Ulina lt for what you uaUally u.. lemon Juke for," aald Dr. Richard Moriarty, dl.rectot of the National PaUon Center Network lnePlttaburah. "You won't die of it, ihat'• tnae. You'd have to drown ln lt first. But people are reporUna nausea, vom1tin1 and some dian'hea uR to a couple of houn afterward, I he aaid. For eeveral months, Lever Brothen C.O. of New York "'., ·d11trlbutin1 free aamplea of Sunll1ht, a new dt.hwaabina UquJd 1n a bfiaht yellow pLuUc bottle with lemont on the label. The company, hoping to 1queeze out ltl competiton, added lemon juice to the product. The pale yellow liquid oozes from the bottle like other diahwaahina llquJdl. but hu the aharp teent of frelhly cut lemont. "llecaU1e you're jult dribbling a couple of drops, a lot of people probably think it'• Just a new kind of concentrated juJce -a llttle bit aoea a Iona way," Moriarty aid. "A lot of ldulta are puttina It into drinu," said Dr. Wendy Klein-Schwart% of the poison center at the Univeralty of Maryland. .. One older woman made lemonade out of it. Neeclle9 to say, she felt very foolhh afterward," Mid Phillp Jobmon, amodate dJrector of the Rhode Ialand Pot.on Center. The National Pot.on Center network aervea as a clearinghouse that aupplles information to poison centers about products on the market. Moriarty hu 1-ued a warning about Sunlight to the network'• 56 memben. In molt cues of tnaestton, the deteraent had been left at doonteps or arrived ln the mail as part of a promotional campaign, which the company IA)'S hu been d.t.continued. Most cues involved adultl. "That'• what ama%ea us. Usually with aamples. lf there are dlfflcultiea, lt usually involve. kids," Moriarty aakl. The aample pacuae h..a~ lemons on It and ·~iteontalnl real lemon juice. ''I suspect people are 11ylng 'Hey, I got a bottle of lemon juice, lsn 't that nice,. .. he aaid. Mortarty aiaested that Lever Brotbera mlifit redesign the label, which identifies the product u dt.hwuhing liquid but abo readl "with Real Lemon Juice," The word "with" la ln emall Jetten. But Lever Brothen spokesman Bert Hochman said the company haa no plans to change the container becau1e the product has 10ld well and, '1t's clearly identified on the label aa diahwaahing liquid.'' "When you come out with a new product, there'• always a certain amount of confusion about ltl uae," Hochman said. CANCER DETECTION CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• · Thorough P~yalcal Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medical Center Profe11lonal Bulldlng 18800 Main Strfft Suite 105 Huntington Beach, Callf. 841•1871 r A Il.88 -Eleven-year-old Michael Piano of Sparta, N.J., eta a smooch from ·e, star panzee at Rangeley Lakes, Me., country Incest awarenes drive begins Campaign aims to help both vict s and perpetrators. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Incest. Iona a verboten word, 1a beinl brou1ht to the publlc'a attention with the help of two members of the Loi An1ele1 Dodgen ln a campaiiJ\ geared at helpinl both vlctim1 and perpetraton. County health officials, who launched a public awareness program, are hopin1 to make known the various avenues open to thme ln need of help. They will be aided br Uoctaer third baseman Ron Cey and outfielder Pedro Guerrero, who will make public service annou.ncementl for broadcut in En1li1b and Spanish , nspectlvely. A 24-bour child abu8e-Lncest hotline will be tp0tlighted .. will group therapy -1on1 tor ldulte who were victiml of parental molestation u children. Child molestin81a a crime, and a call to the lncelt hotline may result in the parent bein1 arrested and most likely the child beinl removed from the home, aaid br. Michael Durfee. head of the county Department of Health's child abuse program. Neverthelea. mo parentl are tumlng for treatment, .saio emphuiz.ed the lm talklng about incest breaking the pattern to be perpetuated wi from generation to I Durfee said 70 aea of gonorrhea among age 12 or younger are r orted annually. Of thoee 7 e sai~, ••30 to 40, •• are pre-ch n . All are presumed by heal offidala to have gotten the by being molested, many by a parent, and "that'• y the o.nes that got gonorr he said. The younger the being molested, the gre er the probability that trea will be effective ffX' the en · family, D.arfee said. Myra Riddell, mem county Commialon on of Women and ch · of a newly formed Com ttee on Incest and Sexual Abuse, said "85 percent of child at>u.e oocurs to the c by 10me Overweight? Just a little out of shape 7 Or both? Don't give up. "Live-It" up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 4 locations, and many more to come. It's all here. truated, known adult . . . It's not. the stranger in the street." Ma. Riddell aald, "It's the veil of secrecy that allow1 inceat to continue." Health authorities have only recently gauged the extent of incest, said UCLA Medical School professor Dr. Roland Summit. In the put, clinical literature haa placed the incidence of incest at "one or two per million populatlOn," he said. But recent studies -including one done in Santa Clara County, which had one of the first incest treatment programs m the nation -found that there are 800 cases per million population. Summit and Durfee emphasized that these figures refl~tagrowingwillingnesaby victims and perpetrators to seek help rather than an enormous increase in actual incidents. Although moat incidents involve a female child being molested by an ·'adult parenting male," they said, there are more and more report.a of women child molest.en. IET mental attitude that can last for the rest of your life. Call or come in to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today. You can do it. Join now. URRYI RNAL The fun. the fitness. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for your success formula. Join on a I year ~m~rshlp and get Z years of fun and flt~ss free. That's 3 years for tM price of I . Get start«! now. Richard Slmmon's "l/ve-itn concept will work DAVS • for you. It's an exciting com- bination of exercise, pro~r nutrition and a positive . ~ f'Of'I ~-CON5TRUCTION OWU~,, M~Mtrf'CSNIPS. Charter lfMll'ttbershlps now ,,.,.,,.,.. Join~ and ... ,,_ Ndtatd~ AIMltomy Nyfum ~#rt. Orange CC»Mt DAILY PILOT/Monday, July ae, 1112 'Teen' publ 30 :Robert MacEeod ov.e LOS ANOKLE8 (AP) - Could the publ11her of 'THn ..,... .. M be tlOm80nl 0\'91' 30? How about 1omeon• OYef sa twice? "It'• my prof e11lon,.. ••Y• ef·year-old Robert Mact.eod. "lt'• Uke belnc • held focaball COICh. YOU have a naff and th.y have to do a lot of the WOl'k. But the publlthln, 1trate1y lan't mucli dl.fferent or th1I maoztne than for Red book or ?lood Hou.ekeep&na, ao YoU have to have IOmeObe on the top of the pUe who undetltanda all t.ceta of puhJiahlnc, and I have a lot ot experience.'' MacLeod, a ruddy·faced former Marine pllot and All· Am.rlcan football player at Dartmouth, hu 1uided the fonunea of 'Teen for 17 years. A father of four who bounced back from recent bypaaa aurgery, MacLeod haa been in the ~ne buaineea lince the end Oi orld War II and WU · publlaher of Harper's Bazaar and Seventeen before joining 'Tee~. He al80 was a back on the 1tar·1tudded El Toro Marine football team in 1944. He retired aa a major after the war, but be doesn't like to talk about hia war record. He played profeHional football for the Chicago Beara and i• in the colleae football Hall of Fame for h1a b.a.llback days at Dartmouth, where he QJ'aduated ln 1939. Now 25 f i.elf, 'Teen ia enjoying ita best year with an audited drculation of 1.1 million and a monthly readerab.ip eatimated at five million young women. There were no birth control pil1a or high school marijuana buata when 'Teen began, but MacLeod says his magazine haa credibility · becauae it haa stayed current. "We are an authority and an accepted friend of the young raider,'' MacLeod aid during an interview in bis Sunset Boulevard offices decorated with past 'Teen coven which include the first appearances of Cheryl UWlr ........ TEEN EXPERT -Robert MacLeod, publisher of "Teen" magazine, says his magazine is enjoyi,ng success because it has stayed current. The magazine has long since passed its teen years, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. Tiep. Cheryl Ladd (then Cheryl Stopelmopr) and Bo Derek (then Cathy Collim). "We cover what we feel la appropriate for our readership. The articles we run become a point of dialogue between teens and we become cloeer to our readers becauae of that," he said. "That is one of the keye to the aucceea of our publication." What are today's teens really thinking about? "If you ask them what their greatest concern is they'll aay 'inflation' or 'nuclear freeze' or something that's been hammered at them to the media -a reflex respome. But when you get right down to it. maybe it's their akin. or their hair, or their weight, or the romance that didn't quite jell, or only lasted for the summer. That'• the stuff they're reallv into," be aaid. "We perform eervioea -the 'How To'a' of makeup and *uty and fitne98, but we've found that our role as an educator is more important than ever before. It has taken over a larger chunk of what we do editorially at the expense of what you might categorize as entertainment." "Many of the subject.a lend themaelvea to reruns, although not ln the same form. We have rolling editorial periods where we a<:hedule the subjects we want to dMl with aver two.year period. We want to be sure we cover the thinga we deem to be the most impo~t problema for teen-agers every three yean." ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN & COUNTRY. Children .,.. belnl oUerid ~ f .... travel on AtrCal flllhw wben 11CCOmpen.led by adulta f1Vet 21 d~ AUl\llt-~between i and 11 wW be offered the fl.lahta wh4ft vaveUnc with an adult flytna at any fuD ot diacount Fare. AJrCal ..Sd it lt offerlnc tho fUC)\tl to 1t1mulatA1 "dt.cretionary" vtcatSon travel. Ronald D. bet of Fountain Valle_y hu been named national aalea man•J•r for Jakl Offlct Mac~• Corp., Torrance-buled aalet, market.Ina and diatribution company which bu lntroduced the Sierra line of office typewrtt.er1. He had manaced the 9ra_nse County diviaion of Eskenazi Metchandl.linC Co. Tom Foley of Colta Meea, formerly materials manqer, fuel products diviaion for the Parker HannWn Corporation, Parker Btrtea Aeroapace Group, Irvine, h as been promoted to operaUona ~r. fuel products. He wu employed by Rolla Royce AeroEniines ln Gl.usow, Scotland. Foley la the reigning ScottU.h proteulonal solo drumming champion for Southern Cali{omia Jamet Clark, Coeta Meaa, haa been named 1enior vice president·lepl counael for Flnt Federal S-a vla11 of Saa ta 'CK.IV Monica. Construction hu begun on the $5.1 million Downey City Hall and Pollce Faclllty being built by J.A. Stewart Coa1tn1ctlon Company, Westminster. Located at Third and Brookahlre, the 45,000-aquare foot, three-atory ci\y hall will have council chamben and office apace for the staff. The 30,000-aquare foot police facility will provide for admlniatration offlcee and a detention center. A mixer for the Lapu Niguel Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by the Town Center Profet1ioaal1, will be held at 5:30 p.m. Aug. 5 at 30131 Town Center Drive ln Laguna Niguel. For infonnatJon, call Carole Bowman, 495-3300 or C.G . Forrest, 495-1187. Thoma• A. De&aaett of Corona del Mar received a president's award at the 13th annual management conference of Purex ladaatries, lac., Lakewood. The award was for "outstanding aduevement in management" and consisted of a trophy and a cash award. DeRo.ett Is national salea manager of the Purex Grocery Product.a Group. Robert F . Bell has joined the Atlantic Companies u regional underwriting manager of the Pacific Southweat Region based ln Irvine. He has been with Fremont fudemn.lty Company and Utica Mutual Insurance Company. Dr. Sblrley R . Cbllton, president of the California Chamber of Commeree, will be the speaker for the 20th annual economic outlook confelfllCe to be held Oct. 20 at the Anaheim Convention Center. The conference I.a sponaored by t the Oru1• Coaasy ~ber ti Commerce. The flnt woman pswidenl of ~ ~btr, i. chairman of the boetd ol Clavll Corpondon, buainete In Marina del Rey tpedallzinl fn fiJ and real eetate lnveatment CONU.ltlna. Th• Austin company, 1nternattona engineering and conatructlon oraanlutlon promoted Andrew E. Carl1oa to 1roup vie president for U.S. diatrlct oJ{eratlona. He will responalble for oveneeing reciona) operatin& uni headquartered ln Atlanta. Cleveland; Chka10 Hooaton, Loll Angeles, Kanaaa City, Rolelle, N.J aJ¥t Seatlle. He haa been manager of Auat.ln' Western district, which has lta prindpal office Irvine. Albert Paaaell Realty, lac., Newport Be.ch haa been admtued to membership in th International Real Fatate Federation, throug~ lUJ American chapter, an affiliate of iM Na~ A.9ociauon of Realtors. , I i McDonnell Plaza ' work to begin l MOC Realty Company haa announced that i work will begin at Cypress ln Ausust on lhe ft.rai I' structure in McDonnell Plaza -a five-story office building to house 650 employees of McDonnell I Douglas Automation Company. I McDonnell Plaza Is a 70-acre ma.ster·planned • business park being developed by MOC Realty, a l wholly-owned subsidiary of McDonnell Oouglaa ' Corporation. MDC Realty Is al.lo the developer of I Douglas Plaza in Irvine, which Includes the i Registry Hotel and eight office buildings. • MCAUTO, the data processing service division ' of McDonnell Douglas, will occupy 160,000 square feet in two wings of the building at Katella avenue and Valley View street. Completion iB due in the fourth quarter of 1983. MCAUTO employs 1.500 in ·southern California. The first occupants of the Cypress building will be MCAUTO's computer·aided design 1 , and manufacturing group. MCAUTO's West Coast computer center and support personnel will remain in Long Beach. ' Last year MCAUTO opened a $70 million , headquarters and computer center in St. Louis for I 2,500 employees and Is adding two office buildings lhere for 1,000 additional employees ! ---------! , """'"oterl ...,_\"" ~ l ,,_,,i ~ P'otlllll IO-' lllt "" .. --ol lttn•\ ...,_Ille 1""19" Clll ~ IU lft i. OfWIG6. (714) 547 .. 221 * * * EVERYBODY WlllS WITH * . * * 1t1C11111< ...-potcm!JI 111« Pv-s .,, Ill Ille,...,.~ JlmO'i(lllllt ol S.,,,-CIHSH llt<t<Vt W.0St'111"4 ""'-dUCOMllU 0y •tsa•~ wua no.•. • --·--- / 808 LO#GPll• L•A81#0 / 12 5 0/ GMAC • 70 A.P.R. LEASE RATE '82 sz 1701 '82 CAD. s3a910 f~f !'1 ~ ~ ~= t'J,tRADO . 4\ ~= ~!«ti., ... :j) .. Pf"*. .. ta 17.0 ~ ..... ., oz .... ..., ., -"°',. ""'C.,.-an.111 ........ NllOO, IL t• lie. ~t47SOO,.._IZIOOI t•• Tel llOl.Ola c..iih«-, ....... , Offer explr811July31, 1982 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY•""'"' n111 WE WSE lU.. lllEI Ill IOIELS. CILL llCI LOllPIE. / 808 LOllGPR• j8•A•lllO / 13800 Beach Blvd., W•trillnater, Callf. 714/892-8851 . f 714/131-2500 I ~-~llM uJ!lil~ ......... ~ lnlll ra.a a Wta rm.It FN> Y<U NAtlE Wl1 2 tickets ~u. sis Anaheim Convention Center. Thur9day, August 5 through Monday, August 16 Long Buch Arens Wednnday, Auguat 18 through SUndey, Augu_tt 22 ' I Winnen In tod•J'• 'Cl•••lfledtl IT'S EASY! And your name end address In today'• clastlfled section, then call 10a711xt.272to claim your tlcktt1. Wlnnera each day, to check the claulf led• In the ... Get set for Crocker's Transaction Attraction! Everybody wins Action Head & Wrist Bands! Welcome to Crockers exciting T ransacnon Actracnon. a week-long special eveni fearunng che big attrac· tionsof the Crocker Automated Teller.• ~ ... ,_ Huny over to our office and we 11 ··- show you jusc how quick and easy you can put our convenient Automated Teller into action -get a fast. free Automated Teller demonsrration , in fact. and youll get free wrist and head bands. too. Just for che asking. But you won't have to ask for easy banking that combines precision performance with lightning speed . Because that comes every day wlch every rransaction at Crockers most famous attraction: our handy Automated Teller. Win an Odyssey Video game or a Mini Stereo Caseene Player with Headphones in our Transaction Attraction Swecptakesl And you 'U get a chance to win one of the T ransadion Amacaon Sweepsmkes Grand Prizes An Odyssey Video Game or a Mini Stereo Cassette Player with Headphones. We're also giving away 4 Calculator W..tches, 2 Portable AM/FM Radio/Cassette Players and 10 Tote Bags' Just fill out an entry blank when you come co the Transaction Attradion at Crocker Bank Everybody WiN with Crocker's ATM! You always win when you do your bankil\i at one of our Automated Tellers. Because yo\l c.an make deposits, withdrawals, transfer between your checking and savings aa:ounts and make Crocker loan and credit card paymcntS, all within a matter of minutes. Easily. Conveniently. At any time from 6 a.m. until after midnight 365 days a year. At any Crocker Automated Teller in California. AU you need ia a Crocker Bank Card• and Personal ldentiAcation Number-both free for the asking. Crocker's Automated Tellers. Well worth the celebration! • SWEEPSTAKES DRAWING: r .. I I l \ j randstanding didn 't elp consumers' cause Orange County Supervtaor ~r:Nlttr Stanton was right when he ed the recent county budge t earing perf onnance of televillon onaumer crusader David orowiu a bunch of Hollywood I ype, But the hype that was served p at the stormy hearing was hot trictly from Horowitz. A good eal of lt also came from Bruce estande, county Board of upervison chairman. Both Horowitz and Nestande ound it necessary to resort to oolboy behavior to make their pective points. Both men were : ut of order. ~The seeds for the nfrontation were planted July 6 when Nestande rounded up ee votes to kill the county's 225.000 consumer affairs rogram. Horowitz, who has gained t:tionwide recognition with his Fight Back" consumerism show, ,_ecided to do some fighting back ·of his own. He jumped all over Nestande t two televised broadcasts aired advance of the board's final . earing on budget matters. He urged con1umer1 to 1torm the meeting. And he returned to Neetande a reeolutlon in which the county had applauded Horowitz' consumer acttviti~. Horowitz a1ao made himSelf available for several interviews. Nestande got hot. And he unloaded with both barrel.I when Horowitz stepped to the podium. They accused each othet ol things. They called each other names. They yelled a lot. The news reporters scribbled. The cameras caught it all. The screaming and yelling accomplished nothing. It only made what perhaps would have been an otherwise dull hearing more interesting. Unfortunately, the tree-for- all did nothing t.o help reaolve the issue at hand, the issue of whether the off ice should or should not have been disbanded. · Ultimately, supervisors stood behind their previous position. The office will be shut down. We can't help but believe that there could have been a di1f erent outcome if both Horowitz and Nestande had remained more in control. Wointless terrorism The tranquility of a summer's clay with colorful ceremony was ~haltered last Tuesday in London when two explosions r ock ed 'London, creating two scenes of ,.bsoiute horror. As the Queen's Household Cavalry was ma r ching to the changing of the guard, a nail bomb ~xploded in a parked auto as the tiorse-mounted unit passed. The bodies of horses and men were scattered across the street. Not far away at Regent's Park, British Army musicians w ere playing on a bandstand to a .crowd of onlookers when another bomb ex plode d beneath the bandstand. Six musicians died. The t.oll after both attacks w~ nine dead and more t~ 50 ivilians and soldiers wounded spokesmen for the Irish publican Anny took credit for th atrocities. r Now in some measure o f ~rical perspective. it should be noted that armed oonflict. roth i>pen and covert, has existed ,between the Irish and the British lor centuries. Even in the modem era, Irish volunteers who became known as the IRA were conducting guerrilla warfare against British military and police officials shortly after the conclusion of World War I. There were w i despread ambushes and attacks by the IRA and government forces ruthlessly retaliated against the Irish. There have been periods of lesser conflict, such as in 1962 when the IRA called off its campaigns against the British. But today, the lRA's terrorist attacks seems to be accelerating. The IRA seems well armed and one does question who supplies the flow of w ea ponry and munitions. That aside, there is no honor in any kind of conflict where ceremonial horsemen and some musicians are slain and innocent civilians wounded. The IRA wins little sympathy in world opinion if it is i'ndeed the 60W'Ce of such terrorism. If there must be combat, at least let both sides confine it to mill tary forces. And indeed, it is a sorry commentary on our civilization that such combat occurs at all ealing cards to Brown San Diego M ayor Pete ~lson, Republican candidate for e U .S . Senate, has played rectly i1'\lo the hands of his mocratic opponent Gov. Jerry Brown with some astonishingly ve comments about the Social urity program. And, needless to say, Brown as seized the opportunity to brand ilson ill-informed for making hat he termed "outrageous" :(emarks. Wilson first suggested a olutio n to Social Security's inancial difficulties might be to ~·ve workers under the age of 45. greater freedom" with respect to ntributions to their retirement urity, including an option to ke reduced contributions to the mpulsory payroll withholding stem. E' This, of course, might please unger workers who feel they y never reap the full benefit of eir contributions. But, as anyone ~th an elementary understanding ef the federal pension program is •ware, removing or reducing inantia tory con tri bu tions by "f'Orkers and their employers 1'fould rapidly dismantle the entire .yslern. =On the contrary, Social ty experts agree, the goal uld be to obtain more extensive ontributions, probably by • including federal worke rs and legislators who now have their own pension programs and are · exempt from Social Security paycheck deductions. To compound his error, Wilson went on to declare that the present system ia "funded not out of contributions (by workers and e mployers) but out of general taxes." This not only is incorrect, but indicates Wilson has not been paying much attention to the ongoing debate over the poesibilit)I of bail.i!l& out Social Security with general fund taxes -an idea that has won consistent and vigorous opposition. Mr . Wil s on , said one a\ilthority on Social Security. "has displayed an abysmal ignorance of the facts." Not surprisingly, the issue will be made a prominent part of a se ries of Brown campaign television commercials urging viewers, regardless of what they have thought of Brown as governor, to consider the qualifications of his opponent and "take another look at Jerry Brown." If candidate Wilson doesn't start getting some better campaign advice. voters may start doing jult that. pinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Piiot. Otner views O · ressed on this page are those of their authors and artish. Reader comment Is lnvlt· . Addrtss The Daily Pilot, P.O Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 42·432t. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Soviets cheat on nuke tests WASHINGTON -A Soviet underground nuclear explosion believed by U.S. intelligence to have far exceeded limits of the Underground Test Ban Treaty has been under urgent study by the While House ever since seismic lnstrument.s around the world picked It up on July 4. Wryly known as "the July 4th firecracker," the underground test was measured at more than 250 kilotons by seismic monitors strategically placed near Soviet territory. The limit on all underground explosiona is 150 kilotona. WHILE THE SOVIET teat has been carefully kept under wraps. the U.S . will confront the Soviet Union with Its evidence and demand an explanation. Some officials say that President Reagan's unannounced declaion not to continue ao-far sterile negotiationa with the Russians on a new treaty that would ban all nuclear tests, both above ground (now banned) and below ground (now limited to 150 kilotons), was partially dictated by the July 4 blast. The rea.wn: The Soviet practice of what one official termed "systematic cheating" could place the U.S. at a dangerous diaadvanlale if the U.S. agreed to atop all testing and d1smanUed ita testing apparatus. Proving Soviet cheating in its underground nuclear testing iB not easy becau.e of the different readings from the aei.smic monitorin.c stations. But after fyr:· IVAll/1011 ~ makini f\111 allowance for diacnpanc:ies, U.S. intelligence officials have given the July 4 explosion a "mean" or average reading of more than 250 kilotona - about 20 times the size of the World War ll H1roehima blast. Silx'e the U.S. and the Soviets put the 1976 Underground Test Ban Treaty into effect by mutual agreement -without Senate ratification -the Soviets have exploded no fewe r than 14 nuclear devices believed to have been higher than the pennitted level. The largest was on Sept. 14, 1980, recorded at a "mean" 315 kilotons. The July 4 test was the second largest. Soviet cheating on varioua U.S.-Soviet nuclear treaties is regarded within the Reagan administration as virtually endemic -but final, hard proof is difficult to come by. Intelligence officials have also been disturbed recently by signs of Soviet actions in the anti- ballistic missile area that may also be raised at the next meeting of the Standmg Conaultative Commission, the jolllt U.S.-Sovlet body that is suppoeed to enforce compliance. DISTURBING EVIDENCE of new Soviet missile construction has raiaed the possibility that Mc.:ow is building ,. countrywide anti-miasile system. The ABM treaty limit.a both aides to two anu-missile sites; both subsequently agreed to a single site on each side. The Soviet site protect.I Moecow alone. The ABM treaty comes up for a pe riodic five-year review this fall. Reagan administration officials are studying proposals for a safer system of inspection to assure Soviet compliance, and they may use the five-year treaty review sea1on to try and obtain it. Junk phone call gives hiID an idea The other everung I was having the kind or good time we all dream about when we're working I was s1llmg m my living room. relaxed, having a dnnk before dinner and watching the evening news on teleV\Slon fv'ly part of dealing with.the world was over lor lhe <;fay and l fmally ru.d it at ann's length whef"(" l could watch it, read about it and talk with my wife about 1t Then the telephone. "Good evening," the ph:asant young woman's voice at the othi:r e nd of the line said. "We're calling to ask if you're familiar with the two n('w products of thl' Reynolds Metals Comp;.iny " "You're domg what?" I y('llcd "MY NAME is Sue Carswell and I work for Reynolds Aluminum Building Products Division. We have two new products on the mark<'t a nd we're makmg a telephone survt'Y Lo fmd out how many people know about them." By the lime I'd made 11 clear to MISS Carswell how I fell about being called at home. in the evening. dunng my own pleasant. private time. by a stranger asking me some 1d1ot1c questions about products I couldn't care less about. the news was over The ice m my drink had ml·luod. and 1 no long('r felt relaxed. Why does a <'Ompany lhmk 1t can both('r people at home by lelephone? I dLSbkl' Junk mail. 1 hate the people who- s l 1 p advert1stiments unde r mv -. '~~' -AND_Y _RDOllY-.. -~ -~ wmdsht('ld wipers when I'm parked. and 1 don't want anyone l('aving free n<•w s papers th at are mo s tl y advc•rtisem('nts in my dnveway. but my feeling about these ways of trying to sell m e somet hing is almost friendly compared to the way I fee l about intrusive telephone calls. We get a lot of mail at home every day My wife takes hers and leaves ev~rything addressed to me on the kitchen table (I say "everyt.hing." Actually. 1f 1t looks Like money she opens it no matter who it's addressed to.) When I come home. l take my little stack of mail and stand by the big wastebasket in Muckrakers help, hinder An editorial I read not long ago referred disparagingly to a grour, of civic reformers a& "muckrakers, • and I wondered lf the writer knew where that archaic epithet came from, and il he had ever seen the full context o f the quotation. The Man with the Muck-Rake originated as a character in Bunyan's ~ SYDllY HARRIS ~ muckraker like Lewis Mumford predicted what would happen to American cities a generation ago, but hardly anyone listened or believed him. The danger in muckraking is precisely what Roosevelt warned against; that the rakers gradually get to feel that the whole world is nothing but muck. If yoµ look for It everywhere, you find It everywhere; to the jaundiced, all Is yellow, and under the microec:ope, every pore in the skin looks like an ugly cra~r. WHAT IS HARDEST of all la to maintain a rational perspective: to recognize, on the one hand, that many things wrong with the world are nobody's fault. but exiat simply in ''the general contrarlnela of nature," to .use Holrhes's phrue: and on the other, that many hardships and inequitieta we accept as "natural" can and ahuuld be rectifled by better organization and more attention before they either break down or are abauered by rebellion and revolution. We can only live anely wtth a delica~ equilibrium between truat and tu1pldon . U all we haw II blind trutt, we will inevitably be duped Umo and aaaln: if we become dtron1cally ausplde>\m, we will bealn to Und eve~fl•w a conaplracy .,aimt public and le. au ..,. of oommun.lty aood will. Then II much muck ln the world, cnaiid more by~ and~ than by vtdoulll ... or d~. Tb• muckraku la enU&lH to •*JOY the benefWa1 niilltil Of 4aii * llut whtl\ ...... to ~ln &bi--....... be •• mcnofa~ .. mdil ='''f&1: .... the k1tch('n Tf 1 have 12 pieces of mail, I seldom t>nd up with more than four that [ t.ak(' lQ the living room to read The rest IS junk mail and goes unopent:'Ci mto the wastebas ke t Rea I waste for t h e wastebasket Throwing out JUnk mall has become a part of our hv(>S W~alH<now how Lo do 1t quickly and its m<'SSagt• doesn't enter our lives A ~ont· call 1s a different matter. Yoµ cah!t throw a phone call m the wast('baskt•l unopened and I still have not r<eached the point where I can let the telephone' ring without answering 1t. evt•n thoug h , at that moment, there's almost no one I want to talk to If it's Illegal to bother people m a neighborhood with loud noises or to accost people on th(' s treet. why isn't there a law that prevents companies from calling people listed in the phone book for the purpose of selJmg them something? Ir the practice gets any more popular, we could all start answering 10 or 15 calls a naght. WHEN OUR PHONE rings at naght, it's usually a friend with a message that has some m('antng to us or one of our kids chf'Ckmg m We get only a few phone calls on the average night, so when we hear the ring. we go to the phone with some sense of anuc1pation. I am mfunated at least once a week to find the caller on the other end taking some commerci.al survey or trying to sell me insurance or a financial plan that will make me rich. If J want a commercial message when I'm home, I'll watch television. Depending on my mood, I have several ways of dealing with these calls. If I'm in a good mood, I just slam down the receiver. If I'm annoyed. I tell the caller how I feel about being bothered. If I feel vicious. I tlhen for a minute and then ask them to wait while. I get a pencil. In about two minutes, I pick up the phone again and say, "l'll be ri~ht with you." J keep them hanging on this way as long as I can. I figure that every second I k'- them lied up 1s a second they aren t bothering someone else. The president of the Reynolds Me&aJs Company lives in Richmond. Va., where their ofCicea are. His name is John Blomquist and hia home telepho~ number is (804) 288·9264. l 'm taklnc a Uttle s~y and 1'4 appreciate it if you'd give him a call ant ask if he's ever heard of me. Terrific Seledion I Low PriCesl Carpets Available In Every Price Range All At Fantastic Savings 100% NYLON PILE PLUSH • Tight Firm Dense Pile • Soil Resistant • Hard Wearing ~ • Fabulous Colors s 99 • Solids, Earth-Tones & Tweeds • Immediate Installation Per Sq. Yd. .. BUY DIRECT & SAVE I If you are in the market for carpet we strongly urge you to visit BALBOA CARPET MILLS Orange County Plant -You'll be surprised at the large selection and low prices -closeouts, mill trials and slightly irregulars are priced below mill cost -if you REALLY want to save money come to where the carpet values speak for themselves. Balboa Carpet Mills manufactures a wide range of quality carpets. In addition to our standard numbers we specialize in custom carpets and colors. OPEN Only at Balboa Guaranteed · Installation . and Heavy Re-Bond Padding Available, At A Nominal Charge MON. thru SAT. 9 to 5 •You Have Orte Source Of Responsibility •Because We Make, Sell & Install Your Carpet • 100°/o Guarantee Of Assurance BAKER . ' I i ·I I ., i .... f II Of'"ll OOllt DAI~ V f'ILOT IMWey. Juty II. 1111 I Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your liealth. \ PARK AV ENue. NEW YOR~ Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. . " . . ' I * l ~ • 1 • MONDAY, JULY tt, 1112 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 84 se Mary Cro1by doe1n I want lo be typeca11 •• • IJad little villaines • Page B6. ~ your chains! JUST DOWN HOME DEPT. -It's just plain obvious that the Newport Beach people who are proteeting their home leases from the Irvine Company just haven't quite figured out how to conduct a rental protest. People who are gathering to protest the escalating fees on their homes or apartments gather in some elementary school multi-purpose room. They arrive in 10-year-old Volkswagens ---------~\ with two kids and a dog in TOM MURPHINI ~,...the back seat. They're I ,~ 'wea_ring cloth coats and _______ ...;_O;.K. ..... ._ LeVlS. If the rent protest needs to gather a couple of bucks to pay for rental of the multi-purpose room, they pass the hat. It's probably a cap with "STP Oil Treatment" written across the front. SHOULO THE GROUP be trying to raise a eouple of more bucks for the protest, they hold a raffle or Bingo game. The top prize would be a case of canned refried beans, donated by the comer grocer so the group would stop holding its picket lines out front of his place. Now that's pretty much your regular rent protest group. But not m Newport Beach. It'• anocher Newport gala for• katebold proU.r. ... In Newport, they tossed a protest against increased leasehold costs bemg proposed by the Irvine Company the other night. This little gathering was sponsored by a group known as The Committee of 4-000. The protesters didn't gather on some seedy elementary school campus. They rented Newport's Marriott Hotel. Few VWs pulled up out front. It was more like your basic Mercedes, Alfa or BMW. Somebody claimed they spotted a Rolls Royce or two. NO RAFFLES HERE for refried beans. It was 50 bucks a seat at the dinner table for roast sirloin, all the trimmings and ice cream topped with raspberry sauce. Most politicians avoid a rent protest gathering like the seats were lined with poison ivy. I mean, you might be asked to speak and if that happens, you could get forced into taking a position. But when the Irvine Company is the landlord, I gues.5 it's okay to mingle with the lease protesters. Three Newport council persons showed on the premises and one councilperson from Irvine. It was reported that J. Robert Fluor took half a table at the bash and the company's senior vice president, George Mefferd, grabbed and paid for the other half. AT MOST RENT PROTESTS, the entertainment consists of a local Boy Scout who was conscripted to lead the protesters in the Pledge of Allegiance. In Newport, they hired the Big Band Commotion and danced the night away to the mellow music. If the Committee of 4000 ever does get a day in court, you'd bet they better not show up and ask to be represented by the Public Defender's Office. The committee is going to have difficulty pleading that it represents a significant poverty pocket. But then, of course, that wouldn't be The Newport Way. FIRST, THE GOOD NEWS -Elizabeth Juarez watches her son Eric help Dr. Judith Macurda find his heartbeat. He rather Early checkups keep children Up and running By JODI CADENHEAD Ot the 0.., Not ..... Ana Mana Rivas, 21, sat on the sidewalk in front or the county Well Baby ell.rue in Costa Mesa with her two young daughters. She )mew she would have to wait at least two hours to see a doctor. She didn't mind. Mrs. Rivas is one of about 70 pa.rents who bring their children to the clinic at 767 W. 19th Street on the first and third Wednesday of the month. For many. it is the only chance to receive regular health care. Inside the c rowded clinic mothers sit on plastic chairs holding sleeping, crying or gurgling youngsters. But there is one crucial difference between the county clinic and most physician's offices. Few of the children are sick. Well Baby clinics started at the tum of the century in New York City as milk stations to help babies who were literally dying of malnutrition, said Dr. Gerald Wagner, director of the Orange County Child Health program. Over the years the program has expanded to include treatment for illness and immunization for diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, measles, rubella and mumps. When Dr. Wagner took over the pro~am 10 years ago the clinic's staff only treated children up to 2 years old. Today children up to 6 are .een. Although the idea of preventive medicine has be- come popular in recent years, the Well Baby clmic's themselves have kept a low profile. ''It's not news to see well children," said Dr. Wagner. "It's not so much what we do as what we prevent from happening." Last year 30,000 different patients were seen in the county's 28 WeU Baby clinics for check-ups and treatment for illnesses. Another 70,000 received immunizations and 40,000 women and children participated in the food supplemental program started seven years ago by the state Agricultural Department. It would be impossible to calculate or even know how many diseases or deaths have been prevented as a result of the clinics that operate on a $1.2 million budget, said Dr. Wagner. Children participating in the. program are seen for regular check-ups. Simple illne9lles that are spotted during the routine health exams are treated at the Costa Mesa clinic. More serious illnesses are treated at a larger Santa Ana facility, where walk-in patients are treated. Without regular checkup• early in a child's We terioua iron deficiencies, heart diaeases and congenital bone deformities would go unnoticed, said Dr. Wagner. Some could lead to more serious long-term diaeues and even death. A young mother recently brought her 6-month-old 1on into one of the cl.irtica. The infant, who had not been eeen by a physician since birth, had a huae tumor ifOWl.ng on his neck, aald Dr. Wap.r. Without aurgery and early attention the baby could have suffered permanent nerve damage, he aaid. ••you can understand that in a family of four with the father unemployed, the focus t. gettina food on the table and not medical checkups." Lucero Sa1uar 24, of Costa Meea1 explained throu1h an interpreter that ahe couldn't afford the $30 off lee vtalt charaed by a pedlatrlclan ~n Newport Beech. • She took her 4-montb-old dau,hter to &he ph~ Ol;'ly once before findina e>Ut about the Well BMiY dinic In CoN ... Julia Aniau, nunll\I dnctol' for the clink, Mid that rnl1\Y children 10 without checkupe until~ •t.he cUNc.~""""--- .. 0.., "°' ........ "' a., ~: enjoyed that part of the examination, but getting the shot from· Marilyn Wright, RN, below, wasn't fun. .. •ANN LANDIAI •IT AN OILAPLANE • eRMA BOMBECK \Viii formula determine ·~ sex of unborn baby? ... '" ;• OE.AR ANN LANDERS: A woman In our of lNmed a tonnula for dctermlmns the aex of a.n;unbom baby. It aeems the women whn teach the c!bl.rth clauea at Prc1bytt1rlan Hospital in O homa City have been uslna this formula for y and keepin& records on th~ retulta. They c lo have an accuracy rate of 98 percent. !' Here It is: Add the agt' of the mother when she ~ived lo the month ahe conceived in. lf the nuj\ber is even, she'• carrying a female boaby. If odd -:it's a male child. i: Example: A woman was 25 when she conl<elved m pilovember Add 25 to 11 Answer 36. It's a girl! •: Everyone on the floor of this office building trt~·,1t out with their l'h1ldren, brothers, sisters. fn~ds. etc., and 1t worked every ume . .; Of course, there's no rhyme or reason to this to~ula, but we'd be interested in how It works.out fo~:Your readers BAFFLED IN BUFFALO .: '• .. .. ·: DEAR BAFFLED: Sorry, It didn't work for •' •' ROM~ WAS NOT Of:STP.OVED IN A _.,, DAV. flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END 'arriage has l)o guarantee · Young people are still trying to hgure out what makes marriage work • Early marr~ges didn't seem lo provide any g~rantees . Neither did the late ones. Living t.ottther was supposed to take away the aurprises, tht shocks and disappointments However. when ro·hab1taJ couples legalized their relauonship. 40 pereent of these marnages ended m divorce I HAVEN'T THE FOGGIEST notion what makes marriages work I've seen extravaganzas blessed bv the church hierarchy and 18 pounds of crab dip, 'and the hangovers lasted longer than the marriage I've seen an alcoholic old enough to be the pregnant bride's father get married on their lunch hour and live happily ever after Parents of teen-agers talk about 1t a lot. The closest we can romt• 1s maybe this 1s what happens when the Me Generation Meets Marriage ~ and each expects more than the other t'an possibly glVe. • My reader mail is very revealing. l hear a lot from single parents who are raising children alone. They confide why they believe their marriage went down the tubes They complain of an insensitive h~band who expected her to pick up after him, a lack of und~rstandmg that she 1s a person with feelings, and personal habits that got bigger every day. I also hear from older people "l have a dear hut1band who changes tus undershirt and shorts every day However. he takes them off wrong side out. He hears me, but he has sudden deafness when I bnng this up I decided to fmd out how many pieces of underwear I had turned right side out m our 46 years of marned hfc It comes out to 33.488 " · OR ANOTHER ONE. "I think the true m~ure of love 1s how much one is willing to gJVe up:of himself to make another person happy. Both Skli> and l love the cauliflower that comes in the p1~le jar. Skip doesn't know this because I have al~ys left 1t for him. That's love." :; And finally, "I read your c:omments on snoring. A (~w years ago my wife had a stroke and I almost los~her. You don't know how often I wake up and ~e knowing that she's snoring beside me." ;: These observations are pretty simplistic but!maybe it's a start. -: .... ,, lfi' PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach ::: :: ~ . . ··-------..----:i::;..A ~' i • -'\· ;, '"IW _. mn -I tbWl .. lipllll ._ riid Ume bi our W ......... •trioch. '' me. I w11 II, coac.lvtd la Jaly -tllat'• H -and bad I prl. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My C'Orporate "xecutlvc husband retired three years ago a t ~O. He lovea it, but I am going stark raving mad. He la s till an executive, but now I am the firm. He la up at 6:30 a.m . Lunch la at 11 :30. Then be nap1 for an h oW'. Bedtime la 9:40 p.m. He keep1 the yard, th• pool, l'lil prden and hi.I car ln pe!'fect condiUon. He allO h.u taken over manapment of all the money, does the markettn1 and many houtehold dutiee becau.. "you are too luy to get up and attend to them." (He tella me thla while he ill puahlng the vacuum under my aide of the bed at 6 a.m.) &foN-he retired his work was h15 life He was seldom at home I reared four children almost by myself We have very few friends Reocenlly he informed me that h is migraine headaches (of childhood origin) were MY fault. He refuses to talk about "our" problems, be<'aubt' "WE don't have a problem." Everythina we own 11 in his nome. The will ia IM.lt up 145 ii truat for the children, with the children in l'Ontrol. Thia ltttUlr hu bt<'omt• t.oo lengthy for your column. Pleaae boO It down ond print 1t. l wall continue lo have breaklaat with you and look for an answer -YOURS TRULY, T HE EXECUTIVE'S WlFE DEAR WIFE: Tbe Ideal aolutlon would be to get ti.at luamu dynamo plu11ed Into 1ome activity out1lde tbe boutt. How. about a part·Ume job? Maybe be could ttacb at a local colle~e. Have you checked tbe voluntary or11anJzatlon1 . Enlt1t lbe be1p of yoar cleramu. Sarely tbere'1 aomet111D1 tbat byperklutic roo1ter cu do wltll bJa exce11 enerl)'. TelJ hint your marriage 11 at stake. It would be no exaggeration. You wlll be a ble to stand bl1 6 a.m. vacuuming just 10 long before you blow your top. Don't wait until tbey drop a net over you, d.-ar . Investigate all tbe po11ibi1Uies. Eating up video games We caught som e previe w scenes o f a n upcoming movie of zap! sizzle~ buzz! the other night. Tanks of som e future w orld poured deadly electronic fire on a future foe, and space people shot from the sky. There was no plot, the producer admitted. He said: "l don't make stones. I make stunts." This 1s what sells the movie uckets Youngsters 4 STAii Df Ul'l.Alll AROUND THE WORLD buy 50 percent of those cardboards. They spend for show s hke "Star Trek II" and "E.T" and "Rocky lil " This bnngs $3 b1lhon to the movie business (So has t he· aud1ent'e ) l wa~ fa1nl1ng with excitement when the tram t.•aml' around tht> bt>nd WHOOOO' WHOOOO' A man l know m this hair-raising racket had lunch with roe and he said: "The real money in entertainment 1s 'PacMan' The arcade elet>tronk games and home plug-m l'artridges brmg in THREE TIMES as much as movies·· It was silent film but you t.-ould see the engineer pull the whistle cord. See the steam come out m white spurts Ht> said. "There isn't a movie l\tud10 that isn't planning to get mto that busines:. somehow " Tht• fireman look:, aht•ad Grahl. the engineer and ixnnL'\ urgt•ntly Subt1tlt· ··Nell I'> twd to the railroad tracks' Stop th(• tram"' HE SAID: "CHILDREN art.' taking over the world Youth will tx· St•rvl>d They'll leave evening TV to people hke us You t.·an tl'll what shape we're in bv the l'Omm~rc:1als Tht· engineer pulls lht• brakt· handll· Too late, too lutt:' "·Martha Raye tells us how to c:ement in our de ntures No wonder we need extra -strength Tylenol." BUT WAIT! WHO IS THAT cowboy riding like the wind alongside" It is William S. Hart. destroyer of evil. defender of the helpless'. He gallops past the train' Di..smounta and unties Nell! Snatches her out or the way u the engine's iron wheel.a paaa over the very spot. Gad! We sat there dazed. our laps full of spilled popcorn. He ordered thc Vl'al plC'(ata and went at ll hke a video spal'e creature Gobble' Zap' Buzz' The adult surrender of the box offwe began with "J aws." I bought llt'kets for it sixteen times. Not for myself. bless your heart l bought ll for the youngest boy Each Saturday l'd say "Here's two bucks. Don't you want to see something else?" He and hie pei. looked at me like I wu c:ruy. The movie man said "Everybody now 1s wa1\rng to se<' how 'TRON' will do h 's a t.'Omputer story by the· Walt Disney people A computer programmer 1s caught 1ns1de a t.'Omputer where he's attacked by the people he's programml>d " ··TRON" has an an·adt• game going aht"ad of timt· The Dlsne:-pt.'<.lplc• ... happt..od out a thousand mat.·hinc'S and organiwd <t <·ontl>St You play the TRON game juat like any other -i.ap! SlZZle! buzz! They went on Saturdays. They went a~ain on Sundays. They sat through each show twice. They came home and talked about 1t ··How about whl'n lhl· '\hark bat the holt> m thf' boc.1t'' Bov' .. Tht: nam~ ol tht plav(•rs have Ix-en changed Homt' VC'r<;1ons that plug into vour TV SA.'t wall gu on salt' Idler No bov ... hould tx· without 1t GORIN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q.1 -Both vulne rable, as South you hold: +95 Q A105 OQ642 +Q983 T he bidding has proceeded: North Ea1t South Weat 1 + PaH l NT Pua 2 \7 PaH ? What action do you take'! A.-You fulfilled your obliga lion with you r first response. Now you s hould retire grace fully from the auction. There is no reason why you s hould give a false preference to two spades -hearts s hould be as good a contract. or better. than spades. Pass. Q.2-As South, vulne rable, you hold: +A c:J J7 OKJ92 +AKJ1073 The bidding has proceeded: Weat North Eaat South Pa11 PaH Paat I + J • 2 0 2 • ? What do you bid now'/ A. -Don't give up on slam too quickly. Even though partner couldn't. open the bidding, he did come in freely at the two level. Almost any hand where he has a heart control could easily produce a slam. Start your probe wit.h a cue-bid of three spades. When you later bid five dia· monds, partner should get the message of what you need for slam. Q .3-Both vulnerable. as South you hold: •Ql05 Q AQO 0 A8'1S •K97 The bidding bu proceeded: Nerth Eu& & .. ~ w .. t Pua p.., l O p.., 1 • P .. INT Pue I Q p.., ? · What utlon do you talc•? A.-Thue rar, you have only told partner that you have a minimum opening bid. In fact. you are maximum for your bidding to this point. with a wealth of controls. and a fit for both of his suits. The only way to advise partner of how much your hand has 1m proved is by takmg a jump preferen.ce to three spades. Q.4-As South, vulnerable, you hold: •AQ95 \7 KQJ82 +8763 The bidding has proceeded: North Ea1t South Weat I 0 Pua 1 \7 PaH 2 + PaH ? What do you bid now? A. -From a discouraging start, the auction has taken a turn for t he better. Normal· ly, we would suggest that you raise clubs now to estab· lish a fit, but that could land you in the wrong contract - three no trump or Coor hearts might be the only makable game. We suggest a bid of two spades. Depending on partner's rebid, you can then raise clubs. That shows the three-suited nature of your ha nd, and will allow partner to proceed naturally. Q.5 -Neither vulnerable, u South you hold: + 95 QKQ7 o AJ8' •Ql087 The bidding haa proceeded: Non.la Ea1t Soutlt W Ht J • Pau l O Pu1 l <::> Paaa 3 • PaN a • Obie ' What action do you take? A.-Many playen would now makt the mletakt of bid· dln1 three no trumP.· Bul uk )'OQnelf wh1 dldn t pertDff make that bfd1 Tb onJ1 H · planation is that he has doubt about a no trump contract because his spade holding is inadequate. Since your spades cannot allay those doubts, we suggest you show your heart support. Partner will know t hat you have only three hea rts, but the 4·3 fit could play extremely well. Q.6-Both vulnerable. as South you hold: +Jl074 \7 K983 0 A6 +AK8 The bidding has proceeded: Soatb Weat North Eut 1 • Dble 2 + Obie ? What action do you take'/ A. -Don't hit the panic but· ton just because you have a three-card club s uit. Partner has the opportunity to in· troduce a major suit over the double of one club, but did not do so. Therefore, you can· not expect to have a better fit t han you do in clubs. Since partner probably has five clubs for his raise and your values are prime. you should expect to make two clubs oven against a trump stack. Rubber t.rlcls• elub1 throaafao•t tile c.utrJ ... U.e foaMleal bridp •-at. Do tMJ bow -•&Ma& JG• doa't? Cltarlea Ger••'• "Fe•r·Deal Irids•'' will ~ JOY tbe ltr•t.pa ud tacdc1 •f &1111 fut·peeetl ac· ...... &.Mt ......... u.. ,.,. ............ ,......,.,, Fw a ~U. a uuiM• .... tl.11 .. "'G ..... Deal.•• HH el t•&1 ... .,.._,P.O .... Dt, Nww~ N-'. IN& ... ....... ..,..,, N New• ~ t Allll WIDllS CONFIDENTIAL to In f>esper1te Need of Validation In Winston-Salem. N.C.: To quote Leo • Rosten, one of my favorite wrllera, "I never cease b.elnit dumbfounded by tbe unbelievable things ' r.~ople believe." But bv oo st retell of the maglnallon could I buy tba't one. If )'Ou believe it, H'1 becaa1e you MUST lD order to Juatlfy 1ee1Ja1 bJm. Are .vour parents t11•J:.tr11 t'' /l,11tl tv rr•,11 h '' Ann Landers' bouklt•t, ··Buggt'Ci b.\ .Pm1·nL'" I/om 111 (it•/ MurC' Frt•ttdom, ' coulcl lwlp ""~I.JI 11lg1 • t h1• Rent'rat1on gap. S<·nd 5(} ,,,,,,,~ \Hlh vuu1 11'(/UC''' and a long. stamf)f'<I ."W•ll .1dcl11•,"-d c•m 1·/t1pc• tu .t\n11 L.JnrlC'rs. P 0 Bo\ I l/:l!l.'> <.'h11 .1~11 Ill tillti 11 ·· 1 really didn't think there waa auch a thing as an informal exorcism." • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Tuesday, July 27 ARIES (Mafl·h 21 April I~) Light L'i shl>d on ill't>a pn·v1ously dork vou gain 1nformc1l11Jn 1'0n<:crn111g morwy. 1·n'Clll and I manna I rating of <mt• who would mveaglt• vou into <J dt·ol Maint.am 1ndependl'nt :.lanct'. prolt'l.1 '>11u1 .t~'l'l\, dnd rduse to give• up soml'lhing "' \,1lut lor ,, nwn· prom1S(.• TAl Rl'S CAp11 I :!II M.1 ... .!OJ (.;u "'''"" Ill· low wt•1gh various oflt·~ Jnd 'tll'I\ 1 l•• rc•gain 't('nsc o l d1rN u o n f cH·u.., <1bo on ll·gJ I ,d f;11n. publ1l' rdallons. proposed partm·r-.h1p-. and marital -.tatu:. CancE'r . Cdprit·orn Aqu<Jriu-. p1·r o;ons t 1gure prominently. GEMll'il tMav 21 Jun<· :!IJJ D1vrrsilv ins1..,1 on add1t1ona l llmt> and room Plcin ahrad and don't hm1t voursc·lf Mt·an~ ~kv I'> hm11 <md vou nt'<'d not haVC' ·wing~ d 1pp1.•d by th•l'>I.· who ,1n.: ('11V1ou:. Jnd lack 1mag1n;,1t111n Anolh(·t C1•m1111 l1~urt•s prom1m•ntlv CANCER (Jun<' :.! I July :.!:.!) Emphas1:-on <·hangl'. a varit•ty or ...c•n<;at1on~ l hilc.Jr(•n .ind realization that greater security measures are requ1rc>d Chc'<·k pos..'>1h1lity of rd>uilding prof.!ram Spet.'ulat1vt• venture• t <1n ..,UtTl'l'd 11 :-ou art• thorough LEO (July 23 Aug 22) lnd1v1dual "'hu urges swift t'hange or move 1s not rully informl.J Know 1t, act at'COrdingly Emphasis on n .•bualdmg µnx.-essJ long-range negotiations and architectural plans. Be aware of soun:e mawrial, read h<'lw('(•n Jim~ and • don't trip over loopholt'S VIRGO (Aug 23-Scpt 22) Fcx:us on relauvc.'S. domesuc adJUstment. v1s1ts. calls and more-than· usual demands on your time Keep resolutions concerning diet. nulril1on, rcc.:reauon and health. _ Short trip may be ne<.-cssary Taurus, Libra. Sc:orp10 natives play key roles. LIBRA (Sept 23-0c·t. 22) Bt> pos1t1vc of · receipts -someone may want to claim something • of value. T he something of value belongs to you. Emphasis on payments, collect1ons and tendency lo become involved in gc•t-rich-qu1('k schemes. SCORPIO (Ol·t 2:l-Nov 2 1 ): Lunar a nd • numerical cycles indicate• this could be your ' power-play day. Emphasis on challenge:. crisis, .. responsibility and chance for windfall profit Make personal appeals and appearances. Others w ill find it almost impossible to say no. .. .. SAGITTARIUS (Nov . 22 -Dec. 21): What • seemed never-ending can n ow actually be concluded. You get story behind story, you'll be rid of unnecessary burden a nd you will gain t,. recognition long overdue. Jury appearance could be part of scenario. .. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus on hopes. wishes, ability to make new start in new direction. Optlmfsm prevails following minor setback. Scenario hJ~hlights romance, sentiment and fulfillment of uplratlona. Avoid heavy lifting. You'll ~t to heart of ma\t.C!rl. • AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Refuse to reJl.nq1' ah recent 8alnl• Room WU made • .r you &t '1op and you eamad l)Otluon. Flrll impremtona are ~t to be oorrtoet. Know It. respond accord1ngly. • Cancer. Leo and 1nother Aquarlan figur e prom! l'lll'J\ tly. PISCES (Jleb. 19-March 20): DlverslfY, be rtedy few .a:.linated ioda1 actM~ and dld1~ klna·~ which ln\iolve b'aVel, Focui U.O on pu , td~tSOn-.nd deOnftian at splritu91 valua , VI~ a..tuanu. ....... lmpor1anl rolel. I ti • Plenty! Take a look through this neWspaper and see. Local business and · consumer reports. Advertising. Sports scores and features. TV listings and reviews. And when your customers get fussy. an entertaining story or two to keep them out of youri hair. Every day. we've got more news and information about what's going on in this town than you'll find anywhere else. Anywhere. So if you're thinking of opening a new shop. or planning a special weekend, or wondering how much it's going to cost to send your kids to college. or just trying to get the best out of life (without getting clipped), you're in the right place . Right here.. What'• In It tor you? Th• answer appears on every page of • . 11 642-4321 .. _.,..._ ..... -·- ,., .in Id I ,., II\ '"' I I I· I l L I I I I ! ' , I T•I f-'"91Lt' c1ac1:1 •IGGEOafil " I t ! ~ p by Virgil Partch (VIP) "I olwoys bring some toys with me in case I get boring." "No, OtOf'Qe, I think what M mHnt waa, can you 1tand on your OWN hHd?" '.tl:\RltlADt:KE by Brad Anderson fD~HE MENACE ~r-------------i {-'Yo , • I e "Stop me If you 've heard this Joke before." 7·2f:> MOON ltlt:LLIN~ ~---- JIM AMA7ED AT NATURE'S ~No~Mous ... 10 ~,ATE SOMETHING AS COMPLE)( AS A Pl.ANT OOTOF IRILL10NS OF MoL~CULES W~JCH WOULD OTH~WISE H,AVf FORMED ACHIEVE ME NT. •ACROSS ; 1 Split up : 5 This: SCI . 9 Miniature ·1•St_, • rnerntler '15 Knock out 18 llt1ttlh •• .11 DolOmHe :49"--.. .-id .. 20 K•i.0t • Plnd• 11 Uberl1ed :23 Roe* .ff Qil .If Frond t• E.apunged t2Tt1t ... $7 Hlllldt ltfMllfleall -~ ., t(ln J,2 Alttck: 2wordl • TllM °' •. • 2worc1e ....... ao -~ ...... SoME J..IFeLE~SS <-..... 'F.OCI<··-.-, ~ -:-> .~~ ~ ~~)' ~7 58 Splnt IAlURDAY'I 62 Fllllll rock "1ZZL.l IOlYED 1 2 3 4 83 Low II &4 Perti. 14 2WOfdl ea Rill follower• ~~ 87 ~ tmlrtft~"'llBI~~ ea UndMuted 89Snob 70 Auction off 71 S..eeglll DOWN 1 Hllmlman 2 Remeln 3 Abef plllll 4 Brtdgt S M~Tplut 2 llrt. e oen1111 • Hllto, epeldl 47St.~ IOUnd rlp6dl 7 M9odlM ... Hlfldu tttt• • Anolnl 32 Ground 52 Rornln Oll'b t Wood P-. CCMr 53 81111> bidly tO Tiie« trone 33 Suppor1 56 ... ......, ....... ..,.........,.....,....., 11 UIWOOd 34 JOllp •or $f N.Y. ctty .~.~... 35 AdOf ~ 57 Aelplttl ta UllMeMd 38 Hunted st NF\. *"' •• Miil ICUOI 40 ,,.,. .,. • PortlnC 2tv.t 43.._Y'orn tOlft -:M w•eelol• ~ 1t•ec1rty • .. ...... 44 T*-' • ""'°""' ' by Harold Le Ooux OEFOAE M'f FATHER e>ECOMES YOUP. WENT. THERE AN: THINC'::6 'IOU eii-OUL.0 KNOW' '· PMNIJn ~OW IS OUR 81'6EST 6AME Of' TME SEASON! l1M 60HHA PITCM /'It:( MEART 001' ! t'M NOT GONNA MAKE A SIN6l.E MISTAKE! l1M HOT 60HHA Au.OW A SIM6LE HIT ! l1M NOT 60"NA AU.OW A SIH6LE RUN! l'M t«JT 60HNA ,._A StN6lE E~! by Tom K. Ryan 'l ' I SLUGGO, I LEFT A PRESENT IN YOUR MAILBOX PROMISE ME YOU 'WON'T UNWRAP IT TILL '>'OUR BIRTHDAY LAT/!R: ' ', l by Ernie Bushm1ller THANKS FOR THE FOOTBALL c--·_,.-... by Gus Arriola I) e '* Fl:NK\' •INKERBEAN !>A'ft~S F'ROfl'I 'nE Hr c.HoN~ ~ IHE MASTER WARN5 : HE WHO E~TERMINAIE5 FLIES WEARING A 5Urf OF AA/('()f?. ... \ OON'1 ~ ~-l I OEl\OEO \0 a>ME. lo ~!><:~IN 'f~E flR~'f Pl.~. I t-----a-.-'""-. v'KNOW, YOO' Re RIGH"r, ee:,..H ! IF we. PU"f ,..He SWIM.MING POOL-UP ON ex-rReMeL-Y L,..ONG LeGS, we WOUl.-P HAVE: ROOM FOR A 1"eNNIS COURT.' °", lt.l.\..l.. .. .'f\lE. ()iij. ~ 1~1Nu 10 00 I~ RIO£. 51'AA\(,"I "'>ME AMO s'fARi Ct-! h\'4 ~()M~\( .. ~ qs- by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan 1~\S COUlO e£. ._ IJER~ LOt-4£, N\(,"1. l ~ .. l I 1 I I I I I ~ I I I ~ \ : 1 I . i I I I ! ~ ! ~ t : l \ l H I . l I I _, I .. -i!'-uu II ... 11!1Gt9. --11o.::WOMAN • TMllAINT 1 1.W.A.T. HAWM fllVa.q ·~IAIY 0-t: ....... ~.(R)M ··~ ..... nw>uaH '"'A"1'I "Pelllttng· T'Nngt Wt He-. lp~NIW9 MCNIW9 N9CHeWI "'°"" * * "ON. Me UDerty" (1874) AoW1 Culp. Ak:n- erd Kli., A pecldlet't •dventur•• In colonl•I America tellt lllm tram Ille ~ ot the wtlOe<,_ to ~· with the loun<llng taltw'L UO. DO< CAWTT ~: Af1hur MUctlell of lhe Dence Tl'le91re of Her-*" (R) Cl> AMINCAH GOVIANMaHT "The Nominating Proceu" Cll8...wl o •••u.AU Regional-· of Ille T Of onto Blue J•ys •I Boe· ton Red So>t lllld 91\0tl'lef ~announced * * 'A "Aocllll\ow" ( I 880) Paul McCartney and Winge. Thia record of the bend'• U.8 IOUt' lncluOel perlonnancee of "Jet,' "a.net On The Aun," "8111)' Low Songs'' ano eome Old BM11e l*lad•. ·a· 1:41 (%) Clt&UaCOM 7:001 C*NSWI NK...wl • KUNQP\J Caine .. caught In • blood leud .,.,_ two farnlliM Cl KOJAK • M•A•t•H Radw becomM ~...., .....,, he rMllnl that nolh· lnghM~tohlm10 mall• him .... lhal hit INlnhOod hM ~ """ fllled. I J0e<P'8 WILD • IUllHOI AEPOfn° (() P.M. MAOAZINE Keepjng the Pf09 on their toee; a tOUf of Ille let• EMa Pr•i.,'1 Graoeland man- alon. a TH£ MUPP£T8 Ou.I; Rudolf Hur~ CC) QENE8la ... OOHCIRt Cl> LVP-A-THON A ~ ho9t and klUr oq,'lllc COfttMtant1 MM> c6m~•• agaln11 on• anothw -IMllJl'ed In tNe -lt0f'9d corMdy OltN ehow. (%)MOYIE * * ,_. "Aagg.dy M.,, .. ( 198 I) &.y Specell. Eric: Roberta In 19". a 1 .... ptione C>petatOf In • MNlll T-town NCit'lno. het ltandlng WI' the oommunlty wtien en. h• a eh«1 aftalr wtth a comti.t-l>Ouncl Mii· °'·'PO' 1;JO. 2 OH TH£ TOWN F'Mlur'9d' 811 aeupunc:ture facelift; the Clh'CIHNl- -roundlng the deelh of ac10f Bob Cr-; lhe "VII- ~ Qlrl"~ a a FAMll. Y nuo • w•A•t•H The 4077th Pfepat .. lor 1 111911 from G.,_.. MIC· Arthuf. • (() TIC TM; DOUGH 9 MAafE!l / l.E.HREA 9'IEPOAT CEWST FEAT.URED -VU1uOIO ~t Nathaniel Rosen will perform works by Tchaikovsky and Haydn on ·iEvening at Pops" ic~ht at 7:30 on KOCE (50) and et 8 on K (28). • IVINNQ AT POP8 .. ,.._lhMlel ,,._ .. Vltt..o- 90 <*1111 Nathaniel RoMfl toln• John Wiiii-and Iha Bolton Pope ~Ira lot perlomwincee of WOfkl by Tchalkovllllv •nd H.lly-o.n. (8)TOCUM8A MOUNTAIN: JUlY 4. 1N1 Eie-i ~peel peo- ple. pol-Md by lndomll· able oourage Ind <NYo- tlon, d.,• to chell9ngl 14,410.lool-hfoh Mt Ralfl· .., (O)MOVll * ""The Chlldrell" (1880) ... .,,In Shaker. OH Rogers. A atranga radioactive ClolHI tum• • group or ldloolchlldren Into mur- deroue mm«>1e1 with bled! ~"* 'R' (lj ~ ~ Get In ~. IOOll good, and .... grwt with lhll ~Ill-program t:OO 8 (() MVATE l8'JAMIN Thinking Cac>I ~1 hu bMf1 brib9d to thtow the For1 Btadi., Wat g-. BenlllnWt go. undercc>wt to throw the ~ the other wey (R) UQIMOVll * *'_. "Tiie legend Of Sleepy HOiiow'' (1880) Jeff Goldblum, Olcll Butkua. Sued on the t.i. by Waahlngton lrvlng A IChOolfnall« In t tlMpy Vl)8tAt9 New Yortl town In the 11301 IM.ma fltltMnd the truth behind the'°"""'• leg.nd of • l!Hdlen 11«-.nan (R) • MOYll • ··~ "The s.. Hewie" I HMO) Errol ~. 8rencs. Merellall A dulltng --·-.,_,,,. 819 hero of IM lllgll-. • _, CWTHRW91T Sam trlea to ...... hie wife """ her ...,,., • Wiie> dlaoM..o her tor manytng Sam.(R) fll MOYIE * * * "W.. Don't Run" ( 11Mle) C.,., Grant, ~ Iha E91>8'. A ~age<! man trim to pqiy Oupid '°' the two young people he .. lorced to MW with dut1ng the Toilyo Olympica • P.M. MAGAZINE A tour of the ta.. Elvia Pr....Y1 Gtaoelar>d men- tion: ,,_. l(lTV'• - 1>9dllme mo\l4e hoeta. • MOYIE • • * "Th• Steplord Wlvw" ( 1875) t<a111ar1,,. Roea. P9Ula Pre11t111 A youno Connecticut i.ou-. wtla with modern ldeu la l!Pl)all9d at the robot-like •ccurecy ind strange emi... with wtilch nelgh- bOrhOod ...._ llJlllM their de>melllc dutlel • EVlNtNO AT POP9 "Hatllanlll ~ Vlr1..0- eo «*1111 Nlllltn191 R- joine John WIHIMN and the Boeton Poe>a Orclleltre '°' perlorniancee of work• by Tef\alllcwaiy lllld Hay- den. (t)MOV1a * * * "Fort ApaclMI. The Bron•" (1811) Paul New· man. Ed Aaner A 1oogh OoCI balllM crime •nd OOf· ruptlon In N-'fOfll City'• South Bronx neighbor hood. 'R' Cl)MOVIE * * • • "Raging Bull (1980) Robert Oe Niro. Cllh)' Morl1r1)' Boxing champion Jue La Molla'• ep111uo1 lor vlolanc1 brings him 1UCCMS In Iha nng but d11<up11 hll per eonalNle 'R DUOVIE * * • "8lacllboard Jun- gle" ( 11155) Glenn fOfd, Alw'9 F1ancl1 A dedk:aled young IMdler allempts to r•tore Ofdet in • big-city training 1chool where ,_ .. age 1----.. and violenC>I have tal!en roo1 l:30 8 (() WKAP 1H CINONNATI When Johnny c:omee into money. Venus bec:omM hit IM .. tment counMlor (R) 8 MOVIE * * * "The Wind Al\d The LIOo" (1875) S..n Con- n«)', Candtc. Befgen. An lntarna11ona1 Incident occurs wn.tl a MOfocc.n ...o.r kld"ape an Ameri- can lamll)' and Teddy Roe>- .....,. mutt call out Ille Mar1nel tor-them • 91NGL.E'8 MAQAZJHE FMllJl'ed. Int.,.,._. with KIT-Audre, and Judy lander9. • took .. older _,and YoU"V« men eGMAT ~ "Tlvw 0-SIOflel Tl>9 SotrOW9 Ot Gin Ed1urd Herrmann end Matl Ho09I ere ... tU<ed In 0-'I St()(y of .,, a. V--<*I Qit'I I -ct! fOf e ~ of lamlty amid t1141 Oetlehed -·of ,_ pat• e111a· ...... (R) ®MOVIE • * * Feme·· ( 18&0) 11- Ca1e, Barry Miiier S-al gltled lludenlS II I N9W I( on. higfl ICnool '°' !fie perfOfmlng .,,. ••patlene• vanoua aetti.cka and IUC· CM.-of bolh pertonel Ind profeulonel natur• 'PG' l:A8 C%.l QNfMA8C()flE 9:00 8 Cl) Ml88 UNfV£ASE PAOEAHT '"" trill lo rwntt• hie .... 1111111 .. ,.....,, ..,. .__. '*,., "'~ rt'~ ••• ··oeo~" (tN 11 H4lten MOf'M, .1.-T~ eon A YOIHlf WOl'llllft --htl OOfl'lfQf1•1>19 "*"'*' llOl9lt ett4 n. Ct\iel ~. dteermlnef to tMit NII r~ '°' tuppOl'llng '* cf\lldftn b~ dolflO what-odd ~woanoet. ....,.~~ Afl 11111"'4118 lllf'n pot1tlll of "'°"'n ICvllnOt Herl() Moore 111 ~ed.( .. ) 0 YOU AllCID flOR IT ~ FMtwed! "f'ema19 lall• Hltllllf Ollarnp" and "Piii)'· tm~I Bullet " ••>A ""•ooedY Man" (Ifft) llNy 8pao911, Eric Ro11«1•. In 1144, a .... phone operalOf In 1 em.,. Tell.. IOWtl -lllcel II« ttandtno In !tit c~ty when en. "-• ehot1 elfalr with 1 oombeM1ound NII- °''PO' 10:00 8 Qll MVINU Of' THE CIMYGAHQ Five _,lor ctt'->a uM their unique ablljtlM IO bult a~~ ring (A) •De• NIW8 HIM'Y~ An intimate IHm pottr•t Of moOefn eculplOf Henry MOO(• 11 pr-led (R) 1!J IAANIY MIUBI H.,rll fllCM lnll.,,I povtr· ty when he '-1118 Ub91 81111 (t>MOVW *'A "Rock 'N' Rott Hlgll School" (1878) P.J. Soiel, Vincent v.,, Patte11 A budding 1ongwrlter at Vince Lombardi High ,, ... to get tlle R-to record hef mullc whlle lier equally ambitious lrltnd pur-. Ille IChOOI heart· throb 'PG' 0.MOVlt! * * * "Hardcore" ( 11178) Geotge c. Scott. SM900 Hubley A concerned lat,_ IMvw lhe peac:elul M.1rroun<1lng• or hi• hOrne town to ...,ch '°' hi• daughl«. who hu become 1141av!ly lnvOlved In • big· city pornography rac1<e1 'R 10:ao ti> HEWS l!i) THAR PORTIWT8 Three 1ward-w1nnlng M1cr110.,, erllata .. • poll•, a Ohor410Q'apher and • eculpt0< -.net• their work and their 189l- I~ 1bou1 cr .. tlng lf1 (R) 0 EHnATANMNT TONIGHT A repon on Ille lnlluenoe of ptychlc8 and utrc>- ~·on lhow bullneea Cl) LA01E8 NIGHT OVT ITAAAINO PUOOYI Comedlef\M Pudgy llOll• an •ll·rnale elrlp lt>OW In • MnHllon•I -Ing of anlertalnment from Chip- pendale'• nlglltelub In Loa Angeiel. , 1:(1G ea • Cl> o a HIW8 • IATVAOAY NIGHT Hoit Madaline Kahn Guell• c.t1y 8lmOn 0 YOU A.IKB> "°" IT Featur•d: ··canadl1n Kerat• lhpert" •nd ··~ TOMlnQ Tr1clc· .,., .. • w•A•a•H ....,,,, ~to let a wounOeO chOl)09' Piiot go '-., IEHNY Hll.l I ac•INOS MPOAT DOCTORIHTHE ~ The atudenll v!all • 11rlp club. CH)MOVIE * * "Search And 0.•troy' (188tl Petry King. Don S1rOU<I A for- m., South llletnemeM olflc111 •••k• ••veng• 90aln1t 11141 four Americana wtio •bandoned him In 1n •ml>Yah during the ..,.,, 'PG' OOM<>Vlf . -------------------- Bob Baril« and Joan Ven Ark holl thla annu•I pageant, with ~· ., ... Rell Smith and JON LUii Rodrlguel, to be broad· cast lrom the Amau11 Coll- MUm In Lima. Peru * * • "From The life Of The Marlonett•" ( 1880) Robert A12om. Chflallne Buchegger An aw-ti)' mlld-mannered bull,,... man ITllHd«s Ille proetJ- lul1 wtiom he vlalled regu- larly 'R' CHANNEL LISTINGS f) KNXT ((BS) 0 8 t<NBC (NBC> 2 8 KTLA llnd l " On TV Z TV HBO QI MEIN QAIF'FIH "Salute To 'Hight Shltl .. G.-11 Henry Wink tat, Ron Howard. sri.n.y Long l.,,.., Miiiet tD OAEAT P£N'OAMANCO 11'15 CO) MOVIE * • "Rude Boy" (1880) Rey Gange The mualc of The Cle.n II IMlured In a IOOll II the 8ritl9h punlc -·R' 8t<ABC IABCI e IC•Mm.t•I "Ttir.. c i-Stonu ft•• Sorrowa 01 Gin" Edward Herrmann end Mare Hob91 ere 1 .. 1ured In ci-·a atory ol 1n 8- year-olcl girl'• -dl for• ..,.. of lamlty amid Ille def acf>ed wtilrl ol ,_ par . ..,, •• "-(Jl) 11:"1 IJ Cl) OUNCY While ln-llgatlng the SUIPlciOU• eulclOe of • ·--ag9'. Outncy Uf>COY· .... vtcloul cNld POfT'OC>- D KFMB ICBS> If (WORI NV • N V 0 KHJ·TV I Ind I m IWT8S) ID KCST <ABC> r tESPNJ • KTTV (Ind ) s IShowtimel •• KCOP·TV (Ind ) • S9ot11ohl n~ ef.ST Of' CAMON • KCET (PBSI • IC•bll' Nl'W\ Netwoo J G KOCE !PBSI 9J BUT~ THE WEST Holl· Johnny C•raon G.-11 8hell9y Wlntera. New news is old news By FRED ROTHENBERG A#T .......... W,._ NEW YORK -With much fanfare, the first inat.a.llment of "NBC News Ovemi1ht" brought viewera live coverage of the lunar ecllpee. But. three hou.ra later, when the program was seen in the West C.out, NBC wu sUll abowing the IUDe IC'eDe - the eclt1199 on tape -with the moon cleat'ly vtllble over Loe ~~make all the jokee you want about Ca.Ufomia viewers beb\a laid beck and -Ukely to complain about gettinc today 1Cm0itow, but newt lac 11 a real problem when broaacaat1 on,lna.te In New York and c-e 1em on 1ape three houn law tn the &dfic time zone. ''The munU')' 1a ln the wronc lhape f« te1evWon newa." •YI mm.t Leller, a CBS New1 vice prHld•nt, referrlnf to the nation'• wide beltlln' l'1IC 11 dta .. four ~ ...._ "It iblUld be ~ .. Odle « . Armint&DL" • t'l9 ~ wan~a-t..., Oct. 4, when CB8 be~lru lta w"·boura broadc:Ht, 'Newa Watch," to be followed by the "CBS Morning News." When the ~ is getting fresh stuff, will overnight viewera on the West Cout be aeeing old news? "It will be complicated," says Leiser. "Basically, we'll be coming out of two different control rooms and tranamitting ln two different ways. We'll update, but we won't bother with minor changes on 'Night Watch.' " Incidentally, af.nce Cable News Network provides round-the- clock MWS. It doem't have a time-mne problem. CNN teem ltoriee everywhere at the same time. "CNN -and to a certain extent the network• -are movlnc away from proaranu toward the Oll&'Oina nature of 1torlet,11 .. ,.. Robert E. Frye, •xeeuuve p;.od,ucer of heWll for ABC't "Good Mornbut America" and '"lbia ~y.ir 'Stand by to update Hawaii It eometh:ina Wt kid aboUt.. But, with 11taWte de1twry. lt'• not really thlit far aw•y .... s.tellita tnmmfMlon, l'Xft I! d viewer appetite fOf' newt and escalating network news competition have contributed to greater vigilance in delivering updated news to Los Angeles, the nation's second la~t market, and other West t cities. Steve Friedman, executive producer of NBC's "Today" 1how, aay1 he be1an doing Pacific Coaat update• for the broadcast when he was the progfam't producer ln Loa An1elea In the late 19701. "Before 'Good Mornlna America.' we didn't update 'Today.' .. They do now -aometlmee. "Our M.O. ta when it'• of sufficient lnterttt and it'• • chan1ln1 'newt ttory, we update," uya Ron Steinman, producer of NBC'• "Early Today." Oeora• Merllt, executive producer of Chi "CBS Mamina New•," a.aya update• u.ually involve • networlc corr.pemdent in Loi~~ into the nttw new ac.-. _ W&tb the. ahow bloc~t it, It'• rela~i1t l&m_ple 10 t "Mom1nt (he 8, n,. ) Orange C0¥1 DAILY PILOT/Monday, July 2e. 18~ * .. ~ TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (50) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 - "Eventnf at Popi." Renowned celU1t NathanJe Roeen jot.na John Williama and the Bolton Pope Orch•tra. See phot0, left. KNBC (4) 8:00 -'1'he ~pnd of s1 .. py Hollow." Jeff Ooldblu.m, Dick Butkua Ital' ln movle baaed on the LI.le of Wuhf.naton ~ (7) 8:30 -"The Wlnd and the Llon." An lntemational incident ~ when a Moroccan leader kldnapa Jn American family. Sean C:Onnery. Candice B@rgen Ital'. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Mi11 Universe Pageant." Bob Barker and Joan Van Ark host the annual pageant, to be broedcut from Lima, Peru. 8uMn <»-oe. Kelly aer-rett, !.rte Heiden ( ,., ea A80HIWI HIGHTUHI • MOYll **'A "Alc!atr&r Eitpr ... " ( t8eo) ~l Stadt • .....,_ Ille Brand Elllo! H"9 II ln1tructed to dellYW IN notorlout gal'IQland CUI Al Capone to prteon •n.JIPRM()HI 0-ge'I mother and wtf9 llgllt -him wtllle at • funer•. • SAHfOfilb ANO 10H Frid end Donna havw reconciled tl'lel< dlff«-.. • llnd are GnC9 again planning lo Wld ·~ANDIHG HUMAN llEMAVIOA "Cognitive Devwlopmtflt" I» CA"10NID MC HEWI 11:40 CC) MOVll! * *'" ''The Gumball Rat· 1)1" ( 18711) MlchMI Sarre· lln, Tim Mcintire A gum· bait m~111ne la 11141 grand prize In a Hew Yortl-40-lOI Angelel car •-wl\lch bf'lnge 1111 IOf1• of z.any ch•rectere onto the n1tlon'1 hlghw•y• end becll roaoa. 'PG' 12.1)0 8 EHT'PTAINMENT TOMGHT A r9POf1 on 11141 lnnuenc. of payc:ttlce and utrc>- ~·on ahow bullnMa 8 9 MOW • * ''Thlevel" ( 1877) Mer· IO Thomu, Chat... Grc>- dln An unusual couple try to r9C1pture thelt tnno- cefle9 In,.._ York Cl!)' (R) ID UOV1E • * * "Walle On The Wild Side" (18112) laurenc9 Harvey, Capudne A ,_,, ...,..,. thet IM former glrl- lrltnd hu rno....o Into a houae of UI repute ., LOW. AMEAICAH 8TY\.E "Love AnO The Banned 8ook" A GI return• flome from OYWMU and !Inds hll wtf9 a Nt•aty -. "love AnO The eo..·1 EJI" A men OOtnM up wftll • uniQu9 •II)' to get OU1 ol •imony Pll)"Mnl• CllMOVll * * "en-lWI 0Mcttv l<ung Fu" ~ U. A IMr· 1'91 arts ........ bet1tle • ltet~mob. .lllCWtl • "Oae" (1Mt) Don9d Sutll•rland. Susan Aneoecti. A redio OJ and a r9POfl• try 10 eapoee an Oii maona••.. p6ot lo dr1Ye up OM~ by conttMng an oil 8hortsoe 'R' 12:*> 8 Qll LATE HIGHT WtTH DAVIO"UTT9MAN a-11. CO<nedtan G...,. ~. pnysic91 111- hpe.rtl Jacll ano ei.lne Lalanne • OOUP\.E8 12:a11I: • • • • "R1glng Bull" ( 1880) Robert Oe Niro, Calhy MMl•rty, Bo•lng Champion Jllka la Mott•'• epllludl for violence brings him ..-e In t1141 nng but disrupt• hla per. tonal NI• 'R' 12:40 e Cl) oowweo COiumbo malchel wll1 with a ollarrnlng nlgh!Gtub Ml«telner ~ed of kllllng • ~ AMOOI-••• llM (%) MOYll * * "ltgllll\lflo 8WOf08 Of DN1h" ( 1874) fomllabufo Wakayama, Mauhlro T~A buallldo w.ar- rlot, fOfoed lo rOlll'I\ Jac>en u • "hired eword.'' II hunt.o by 1111 '°"'* - mlee.. 'A' 1lll0 I ::. AUTin' * *'-' "Parll etu.." (1Mt) Sidney Poitier. Paul H9w· men A pelf of~ In Parle rornan09 two gtN on vacation 1:ao a a N9C NIW8 OVUNC»fT 1.=AUTIW * * "The u,,_-." (1881) Batb.,a Bech, Sidney Las-llck A TV _.,, and h« two ual1tanta find lodgfn08 at 1 boarding hOU .. lnhabllad by 1 dte- turbed bfolhtt and lletar and l'*r rnon8trout oft. O'~ * .,_. "Happy 8lrthday To Me" (1880) Melilaa SUI And9rlon, Otenn FOfd. A8 mutO.. beglnt Cflopping -II)' al her clrde of ellttlt lrlenda •• prtip IChool .... tor worn. that lhe may be the -1 vlc11m -Of poeal-tlll' lhe kilter 'R' ,. CC>"'°"" • • • "lnlld• Mov"" ( 1INIO) JoM &wage. ~ MorM A rwwcomer to the gtoup of feguiwl II an Oallland ti.. may hOld the k.,. to INlllng the bart9n- d«'1 dreMI of beoomlng • PfO baekatbd play9f a rMllly 'PO' a.-e tNNCOVT 2: 10 (%) MOYll •• "Otl Heewnly Dog" ( 1NO) ~ 0-.. Beftjl. White lnveetlgetlng a polltl- cal •• ICandM In London. a pf'lllllla deWctJw II mur- d«ed and ,.,__,ad .. a llCNfty dog .. 'PO' ~1= ~-..we 2:IO STANDMi "°°"' ONLY "IJ!leNI ,._.. Tiie torm. .. ..__ .. INnlMr MM) Ma~IMOa~ Md .:ting ...,...,.l*'. ~men)' of,_ .... tlMore an audience at C- _.. Pai-In l.M Veo- a; 109 MOYll • • "Clllna Gale" ( t857) a.. Berry, Aft(jle Olcklfl.. ~A~_,,.,, .. "'-hulMnd Wiie> had .,.ldOI.., her --... IMdl 1 P•lrol on .,, lmpor1ant mtMlon. Cl)MOYIE * * * * "Raging Bull" ( INO) Robert Oe Niro, C•lhy Morlar1Y. 8o>tl"Q ohamptorl Jiik• l.a Mott•'• eptltude lor vlol1nc• brlnga him -In the rlno but di~ hit P9f· 80f!al life. 'R' l:IO (C) MOVIE * * * "Ag•tha" (1878) Ouetln HolffNn, V- Redgta... tn London In 18211. an Amer1carl _. JOHN DARLING T~~ W. C.I. ~TELl.tT~ TENN 15 ~NAMENT TOOK PLX:e IN "TOWN THIS WEEKEND. •• .... ~ ...... 8'19 ..._... ~ wltll ,.,...,~ ..... .... Qwta, ""'° .. I.ft .. unflMM ~ 'llO' eMOW • .... "08liuy Of TttYOt'' c1•11....,., "'*-'t.""' MorWI A •• o.etllp orww eNOWnMrt • CMMf1e of ......... If ...., tnelw• .... IOoklnO for anotlw ~ •fW!ded on. a lot· ~plANI .,.. .. C%l MOYl9 * * * '''rom The LI'-Of TM Manon.11"" (IMO) "°'*1 Atrorn, Ohntllna ~·All IOC*tftlly mlld·-9d ~ -~· t"8 ptte41-lut• w11ot11 he v1e11.ci •eou· llliy .... ~,. (JI) "'°"" *** "Fame"(1HO)tr- Oera, 8Mty MNler ~II gifted lludenll ., • Hew Y ortl higfl 9ChOol IOI IN perlonnlng ...... ··i-ier-vanoue 1811«1ec11• and MIO- -of both perllOflal and PfofeelionM natur• 'PO' Ttw•d••'• Da11d•# Mo"''• -~lt«i- .. CC) • • "l.a9ve v .. 1.,day Behind" ( 117111 John ivtt.r, Cattle Fw-FOi· towing • ,, eglC acclelenl. • college 1lt\lete IHml to llYll ano io... aga111 w.tth the help of an und«•tandlng youngwomM. 9-.IO •••• "The Conc:et1 For KarnpuchM" ( 18110) Paul McCartney. The Who A '-1 of roc:tl '*"°""9fl, mMy of whom get togelh- "' In an all.,.lat rock Ofof\Mtra, ate l\l'turld 1., Ihle •-d o4 e _._ Of concert• held '°' 11141 ~ tit of ,...., lo --ravage<! c.mbodla (%) * * Yt "Raggedy Man" (1911t) Silly ~. Etlc Ro09tt• In , ...... , .... ptione opw1tor In • ltnal1 T•XH town ucr1nc.e II« •i.ndlno In lhe communlly when -l'I• • 8hOf1 •nalr w1t11 1 combat-bound aall-°'· 'PO' ~Ct) • *. ·~ "The High And The Mlgtlty" (1864) John w..,,.., Clalttl TreYOf An ~Wlll'l22~· gen abc>erd runs lrito dan-e-.,, route to 8an F1an- Cleco. (JI) * * 'A "Raggecfy Man" ( 19111) Slaly Specell, Eric RobetU. In 1844, a , .... ptione operatOf In 1 1rna11 Texu town MCtlllcee lier 1tandlng In Ille community when the hN • short atfait with a combat·boufld Mii· °' 'PO' Cl) * * "Spy With My F•c•" (18119) Robert Vaughn, David McCallum To diecover I.he k.,. IO a new aupe<--apon, an ~epy~crMI• a doublli tor UNCLE agent ....,.._.. ... , ,. (%) * •• '"'""" The Ute Of The Marl•n•tt~" (1'80) ~ A11or11~ CfwtlltlN .... 11Qil9'. Art ICIP9f••lt)' ......_ ..... ~mwdatwtne prOlllllute ....,,,, .... .,.., ~·R' 12:00 ••• "Tiie '--Of Herculll'' ( 1"0) Jayne M-'Wd. '°"*9Y Hargl- i.y, Hereulel -..... 10 --· hlmMH of • --.CC-.16on by find. lng!MfMlklller ...... "l.tfayett• Eace- drillie" (1858) Tab Hunt•. Et~•~ A gr°"" ol American vOlun•-• -in a night equldron In Franc. during World War I • • * * "Rio Grand9" ( 1850) Jotm W•yne. Mau· •-O'Hara. Outing the Me>tlc:an·lndlan Wars, • t•n•clou1 comm•nder IMda hi• troop• agalnat ~·aid• 0 ••lot "lt'I Mv Turn" ( 1HO) Jiii ciayburffl, MidlMI ~ A llf1'- llanl ~,,....,,...... IOf , ........ ,,....,. In ... ~ .... 111.,. ..... 1111 ..... _ .... wflllalnHiawY8'11'1t._ , ,..,_.,~·w hOO(C) **16 '~OfA .._.. (1'71) .....,, H9Ma. JOOll ,.._ A ... ~ • 13·wtitodf Clllr1 gt.._'* ~Med lather and ,_ bllndly o.termlned moth« 1M .S oourage to aooept ,_ ..... J •po· ., CRl •• "Aunnlno ._...,.. : (111~ I<~ Wahl. Jaf\n , kxon T-!Of-0.. fall under eueplOIOn of -ec>lftng IOJ'IVede a Cefltl-r bMn OOU11t1y 'PO' > Cl)**** "l<t.,,.Ve Krem.... (1171) Du111n HOftmen. Meryl ttreap A -battlel with Ille ... Write lor -•Gd\' of ~ young llOf\ aft• .,,. .... out on thatft 'PO' 1:11 (%) • • • "Autumn S- te" ( 1871) Uv Ullmenn, lngrld Batgman. A proe- peroue conoen pilWst 11 reunited with h•r •!fanged deuef\W and a •9YMl!n0 and deeply -tlonal battle begins ~them 'PO' 1:ao ••• * "Siient McMe" (1871) Mel 8rootc1, M11r1y Feldman A fOfm« ~ director and Illa two conona try to -a major lluc:llo from banllr1.t9IC)' by lllmlng .,,. flrel ....,.,, - le in YM'I 'PG' a:OO Cl) • * * "Oliver Twt" ( 1875) Animated 8-i on 111e 11ory by c,,.,.,_ Ole*- .,... Ottvwr lllld hll c:rldlet frlef\d 8qUMller outrun M,, Bunlble, Fagin, The ; At1ful Oodoer and evil 8111 : ~-· • ••"MftwNewr Land" Petula Clerk, Chr ... lien Hanson A nl,,..~· ' old girt, Wiie> hu beer! ablllldoned by bOtll ,_ mothef and l1thlt. llflds MCape ''°"'her ~ with • 811t\lltl ... lamily. (%) ** ··~ "Wolter'I" (1881) Alber1 Finney, Oial'9 Venor1 POllCe are laced ""''" an unueuai prOblem N ,.._ Yor11 City le lnv.0- 9d by • pad< OI dlapl-1 WOIYel 'R' 4:00 CJ * * * ,_. ·•tt lt't T- dey, Thia Mull 8e e.g.. um" ( 1888) Suzanne Plelhetl•. Ian ~-A wom•n-ch-lead• • oroup 01 ~ on • qYlck lrip thlough .....,. EU1ooeat1 oountrle9 cm * * .. on HMwnly Dog" (19IO) a-y Chue, Benji Whtie ~lgallng • polltlcal ... ecandal In l.on<Jon, a private detec- tive It mvtdetld lllld rlln· c:arnaled M • KfUlfy dog. 'PG' 4:30 CC) * * * "Tom Sawyer" ( 1873) Johnny Whlt911er, Celelte HOim. 8ued on Mart< Tw91n'I no...! A boy who llYel ,_ Ille M....._ ~Rl-llnd•ll~ ble to 119\' out of trouble, ~ wtien he .. 9llor1!CI wltl\ ,,.. buddy H\d Flnn. ·o· CJ) • * • ''The Hlclee- 99)'1-4197S) ..... ........ tNn, ~Dot .... huo ~run 8W9Y "°"' '-and hide In ,.._ Yorti City'• Met~ t,Au..,,,, of M . wMr't fh9Y •• blltn. lded by • .,.,.... ed reduae 'G' ••••"Thi~ F« K.,.._,_" (1NO) Peul McCertney, Tl'9 Who_ A h08C of rodl patbn ...... many ct wtiom get togeth- er In an alMtar rodl Of'Cheltra, -i.etund In Hiii r-d of a -* OI concerti held tor 11141 oen.. flt ol rellef to war-raveged Cambodia. 5:00 (%) * * '"' "~ Man" (1811) Sleay SP*Cell. Eric: Roberta In 1844, a tele- phone operatOf In a amllll Ta11N town MCr1lloel het iltandlng In the community wt1e11 Ille l\es • 8hOf1 anair wilh a combal-bound lalf. Of 'PO' . • .. . ·! ., 1 I • I I I i I 1 by Armstrong & Batiuk •He:. WINNER IN ~REE: se-n; WA5 A VOY>-6ER 'TWO.' ,,A., 'ifl(llncolor • .. °"'°"' .,. __ ~.. . ..... ....,.. ..... _ '---··-· -·· .. -- . I ' i I no Io~ger 'Bing' fl IOI TROMAI , ....... ,.,... ...... I· ttoU YWOOD -· Mary Oro.by ll no fneNly "Blnl'J airl. II i The ~ beauty II a ~ 1Cuwrtn !tier own ritht, thanka partly io her notorioua, albeit ,faulty marlctmanshlp on J.R. Ewln1, th roaiu• of i''Oalfaa." • ''Th@ eorlet wu the beet thing that happened ''9 me, profellionally and as a learning exeerlence," 'ihe U)'I. "Larry Hasman who portraya J .R., i. w ch a knowledgeable actor that workJna with him wu 'an education. ' • ''The publicity about the shootlna la 1ull going J)n. That sequence la now playing ln Germany, ,Sweden and Austria, and la apparently causing as 1'nuch commotion as It did here and in England. ).hportera have been telephoni ng me tor .ijJ\ terviewa." l. She realized that her career had to move on .~m the aex-kJuen Kristin, and she turned down ffers for similar roles. · "I didn't want to become known as a nasty lady t 22," she said. ~ Her first effort to break away proved a fizz.le. Misa Crosby was starring with Gary Busey in ,fy!arjoe Gortner's "Glory Road" In New Orleans when the financial backer had sec6nd thoughts and ,pulled the plug after a week. ' "That also was a learning experience," she said. "I learned a lot from Gary and Marjoe." Jilli 9wi ~ ~ ln\ftl ~•·M.lchael Vln.ni ln lll'lPt • lltllYslton MWt crew ~ lh I'm ri"f the overthrow of thci One =·•lementl that helped her to win the role wu her fluency ln Span.lab: 1he wu an exchanae 1tudent In Mexico at 13. over her lather's objectiont. Mary Croaby haa dl1played that kind of independence durlna rnoet of her lift. She left home at 15, en.rolllna at her mother alma mater, the University of 't'exu. After two yean 1he decided ahe couldn't learn to be an actress ln college, and 1he joined the t.rainJna prolJ'am of the prestlgjoua American Conservatory Theater in San Francllco. The~ she met another student, F.d Lottlmer. "We didn't start living toeether until after Daddy died," she aatd. "I never would have done It while he was alive. He simply wouldn't have been able to understand it." But the relaUonahip didn't win the approval of her mother, KAthryn Grant Crosby. Mils Croeby and Lottimer, a singer-composer· actor, were married in 1978. and mother and daughter seem on the best vf tenTlS now. Miss Crosby said she approved of her mother's auction of her late father's memorabilia. ''It was a good way of cleaning house," she said. "All that stuff was sitting in attics and was not productive. ll can bring a lot of py to those who NEWS. • • (Prtm P11e I I ) New1'1 1nchora Blll Kurtl1 and Dlant 81wyer back Into the picture. Occa1lonelly , a breakJ.na 1tory la IO bla that the main anchort rt'maln In th• studio after the mornlna ehowt are ott the air In the East. The IRA. bombinp ln London lut 'l\aetday wu auch a atory. "Today," "GMA" and the "CBS Morning News" all kept their on- a Ir personnel In the atudlo to provide live reports for the Wect - a nd the Central time zone -at the beginning of each half hour. "h waa like a lot of t.rain.s leaving the atallon at the same time," says Frye. "You can't have KNXT (all-news radio in Los Angeles) aay nine people are dead when we're reporting two f at alities " says Fnedman . Now she can put all that leamang to use. Thu; month she starts fllm1ng "Last Plane Out," loved Daddy.'' ..---------------------------------~·------::-:-------------------'------------------ It knows what sca"s jOu. . .....-..-...... __ . NOW PLAYING ltllUflM •COITA lllU he.ti( s An.Mtm n. r¥1 '" r d•Mft Cr"H°'I t f'!lf', e199eso ,,. oo •fUUllHOll •ORUG( fo• S?S OH UA C.q. C....... LA MNIAU 13• 3911 •tAU U TDllO Sl!O b llod• llHT-Ttll ,__ a.u """' l°"''"'' s-e>. • !)-we lo lt•Mlb cw_, WHI !57Hll9 )II ~HO Ill 1106 191 393~ COSTA MlU lh••O\ tintm• 5•6 310? ..... AllC Ur-IW 631 0340 •CIJ(lkYt'~ [11iO••.Ul.a4CCt,fU,Ott , ... .-..0....CW1) • lllU . ':o":o;'; •COSTA MHA fO-.JoiO• 8fr tl)f ~·o ,. .. COSTA lllllU """c..,,,. ,,.. t]I 3~01 •llUllTlllGTOll aUCll •OflAllGl ,,..._ ... .......,..,..r-.. r-. 1/u1aca o111 'u .~· 1 OlllllG( .. ,, ... ,, a llUTMIHHA "'-"' r .... ~, .,,_ A•I WI~ WUTMIHHA p..,_ I tt 'Ith 'q '•" 8•• >o~l l .. ISIOll"UO .,..., • •• 1 35mm00{cn.,.,,,.....,~ . . .. it10 '>9't0 -0 ••141t a.cet.•1H •oa , ... 1..0.A.Ollllf"'; No matter how many good movies you ... this summer, you must see "An Officer and• Gent~ Lut week, preview Mdencff across the country dlacowred this movie •nd loved It. I "It'll lift you up where you belong!' · "This Su•••r's hswer To llllPUIE ••• " .,,. .... ,.ett -UI laplH ... ., .... Wamtrv This Mov1e·May Be Dangerous To Your Health Yoo May Never Stop Laughing 6 .. ~::~ ... ,_ ...... . CITY CEOTER ~ 1-._ 'Hl 1 h l llft"-f 11M.••Nl,l · ti J.' If).) '""" '".w IJ IAIU 213-691-0633 LUXURY THEATRES lat lftMati11uSho•i•uOHlYS212Unlm0thtr•tSt llattd s 113r.14.,1.11dl6J63~2553f~.~.) s * FOR fUO I EXCITEffiEnTI V,s1tOur... * ARCAOE of GAMES• ~"lw'r.i'i" (!] 5hOWI at 12100 arfJ 2140 5111 ~ •10010:40 lllEA lllYllU OllU GI UA Movies 990 4077 Edw11d1 Woodbfld91 S11d1um O I 839 87 70 ·COSTA MESA 551 0655 WESTMUISTUI H11bo1 !win 63 I 3501 MISSION YllJO M1u1on Cintma Wot 1 FOUNTAlll YAUO V1110 Mall 495 8220 891 3935 Edw11d1 Foun111n V1ll1y 839 1500 • OllAllGE Ctntdomt 634 2553 SOAAv NO PAl.515 Q '"'l!!!'!"I_,,~,,...,.. RCCCPl[QiQ~ fHIS(NGACi04£Nl • ~7 MM i2!!:.:W:---!l *BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru Saturday All Performances b•lore s·OO PM (beept Spaclll Eng1gemen11 1nd Holt01ys1 l A i.tlllAllA i.tAll o Muooo ot t o1•c•on1 LA MIRADA WALK ·IN 994·2'00 "ANNIE" 1!'01 d;.11,,. I.AL .... ._. I "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S .~~C~£1?!;',=1 --Yia.-._._ .... -~----~--~~----~----=·=-.... ,....,.,.~. "STAR TREK 11: THE WRATH OF KHAN",,.,., 1t .... OOleY lfl"IO .. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP"1•1 , .. , ..... , .. "POL TEAGEIST" 1.-a1 t"l'M,. .... , .... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN "THE BEST LfTTlE I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" ,. tJ_. IM I .. In, ... "ROCKY Ill" 1,.01 '" 70M.M DOLi\' aUREO t). ,_ ••• , •• ,. 11 ,, lAKfWOOO CiHTER SOUTH WAlll IN "THE SWORD ANO THE SOflCERER .. 101 1a.tU tt..JtttM lM ._,., *OIMER" 1•1 l» •• I .,.,, ........ .. "ROCK y Ill .. 1001-, ..... OOUY t1» >••.JO I ll ..... .. focull\' ot COl\Ol•wooo 213/531·9510 "YOUNG DOCTO"I IN LOVE"1•1 ,.,,,,., ..... "STAR TREK 11: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 1001 tUJH IOllH"U llADf RU..HER .. 101 UOJtetft e•••n '"" °""' tt.o > M tM .. 11 lllA..IOfil"'M"lt/lfWI .. "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY"'""' n-.,.,. ............. .._ ..... l!wv I rl 1 JO S•I Soll 1 IS ShMt Slor1t •I DIN IMPORTAIH NOTICl' CHllORIN UNO(R 12 fAU1 ,..,.. ...i 11-llllo "'"'f" Ill • S>I Sort. lloWIY\ &ti ... n IOlJrC • """"' ,._ .Al. iu..3C> \ '°'"' SlllMI"• ' • ,.., c~ ~ M"'l• ~ ACttUO-• flOSl'T'Of ---U1 Ol)lllA&J • ilU CN-lt OllM 001 0 OW .. Ma.I ANAHl!AA .... ~ ............. " ... ·•BLADE RUNNER" 101 -ANAHEIM DAIVf·IN •·THE SWOllD ANO SORCERER" f1•••0Y ti 01 lemon St 179·9150 ---~ "THE aHT UTTlf WHOllfHOUH IN TIX Ar <•1 -"All NIOHT LONO" 101 1 "fftf fJ \OUNf' --- I UI NA P"'llK BUENA PARK DRIVHN \U"<OU. A,.. We U ~ IP'Oft 121·.t070 9UINA PAllt LINCOLN DAIVf·IN N•·,1 ~1 ... Shll Hl·WAY 39 ORIVl IN *f!OC KY Mt•• Cl'OI -"CLAaH OF fl1t TITANS" 1001 ,., •I I SO<J"(' POL TERGEllT" , .. , .... "SEA WOLVES" c•t "I! T .• THE UTAA· TUIRllTJllAl" 1001 -"FINAL AaSIONMINT .. 1l'01 "THI WORLD ACCOR~O TO QAll"" 101 -"ARTHUR" fl'Ot "THE 8f.ST unu WHOREHOUSE IN TUAI '' 101 -··ALL NIOHT LONO" 1•1 C1Jllff ,, SOufrf() e.othllC•O ~ ol G.>rotfl Gio.t llH-o. 191·3693 .. THE THING" 1•1 ..... .. BLADE RUNHl!ll .. 101 Clf•l fl SOUtfO :1trff ft S.OVNO -----------·-+-----------"FIRl!FOX-1 .. 1 -"THI awOfUI ANO IOftClllUI" 1•1 Clltf "SO\lfOO l A HA(Ul.- LA HABRA OlllVf IN ................ -..... ·--17MH2 ti; ......... t ··vou..o DOCTOR• IN lOVr ,., -••Alftl'\.AHI tOOI C1tt( II SOUllO "THI HIT llTTll WHOfllHOUll IN TUAI " 1•1 -"AU NIOKT lOttO .. c•1 ORANGE OAIVf IN '°"IO ..-"O I~ a S~•• C~-.q• •34-9341 t.. I.. ~ I' .... MISSION ORI\ f 11\j . • • • • • • • • AU10CtNIM S fS ..... ftA~'fHJIJ Rl 1111 • ·' " .,,. MONDAY, JUl.Y tt, 1H2 Clllllf 111 ce Angels ·begin long homestand Prom AP d.llpatc~tt It dlcb\'t matter that Mickey Mahler's flnt American l..eque win came on the aame day h1a brother, Rick, wu a loeer u the Atlanta Bravee were beaten by PtttabW'ah. "I'm atill happy," said Mahler, 1-0. whose 8~ innings of four-hit relief lifted the Angela over the New York Yankees 6-4 Sunday. "It'a just great to be here." MAftler, who was with Spokane of the Pacific Cout League two weeks ago, entered the game in the third inning in relief of starter Dave Goltz, who went just 2 IA innings and allowed seven hits and four earned runs. Coming ln with runners on first and aec:ond and one out and the Angels down 4-3, Mahler quickly retired the next two batten and faced the minimum number over the next four innings. "I didn't feel like I was throwing that well," aaid Mahler, who walked two and 11tn.1Clk out five. "There waa nothing ouwtandfna about the way I pitched. l just tried to 1pot the ball and took my chances." In the elahth lnnlng, the Yankee1 loaded the basea with two outs on two singles and a walk and Graig Nettles, who had smaahed a first-~ double, coming to the late. Using ust five pitches, the left-~ander got ettlee to ground out to aecond to end the threat. "That inning wu crazy," said Mahler, "a coup!e of bloop hita. But I never felt like the game was out of hand. I always knew I had control. With Nettles, I threw two sliders away, then two fastballs in, and the laat a slider away." Mahler, normally a starter, increased his lifetime won-lost mark to 11 -24, which he had previously compiled in three years in Atlanta. "We had ~n s~ling out of the bullpen," aaid catcher Bob Boone. "The last couple of week.a, all of our louea have been in the late lnninp. It wu good to eee Mickey get hla bapt.iam under fire and have a good ballgame." Ton1ght the An&ela besin an 11-game hom~tand, facing Oakland for three '1amet, and Seattle and Mlnneaota for four gamee each. The Angels will aend Ken Fol"ICh (9-7) again.st Sieve M~tty (5-1) tonight (7:30). The Angels trailed 4-3 when Fred Lynn opened the fourth lnning with his second double of the game and reached third on Ron Jackson's single. After T1m Foli struck out, Boone reached on an error by third baseman Graig Nettles, allowing Lynn to IK..'Ore,.. Jackson took third and Boone moved to second on the throw George Frazier replaced Yankee starter Tommy John, 6-8, and Brian Downing areeled him with • aacrlflce fly, IOOring Jadu1on. The Angela added an Insurance run Ln the eighth on a trlple by Rob Wilfong and Jack.son's smj(le. The Angell took a 2-0 lead rn the ti.rat lnnina OJl a two-run doutile by Lynn, extending tu. h1tt1ng streak to 15 games. New York made It 2-1 ln the second on Nettles' two-out ground-rule double and Dave Collins' single. After the Angela added a run in the top of the thlrd on a sacrifice fly by Baylor, the Yankees came back with three U'\ the bottom of the innmg One- out singles by Willie Randolph and Jerry Mumphrey and a walk to Oscar Gamble loaded the bases, Bobby Murcer sinaled for one run and J.>ave Winfield followed with a two-run single to left. chasing starter Dave Goltz and bringing in Mahler. STOPPER -Mickey Mahler bailed out the Angels with 6~ shutout innings Sunday. Trillo doesn't muff chance Dodger defense lets down LOS ANGELES CAP) - Manny Tnllo, the Phlladelphaa second baseman. drafted into foul territory, chasing a pop Cly by Los Angeles' rookie catcher Don Crow. TnUo lost the ball in the sun - "I never saw at," he said later and the ball fell untouched Immediately, Trillo glanced at the scoreboard. No error "Whew! That was close," he afterward with a grin. . , I looked to see 1f I got I TRILLO HANDLED hlB lone 85th game m a row to ue the National League record for most consecutive errorless games by a second baseman Phillies' 1-0 victory over the Dodgers, a five- hitter by Steve Carlton. "lt'U be nlce to break It," he said, "but what I've really got my eye on 11 Joe Morgan's record .. In 1977-78 Morgan. then with Cincmnau. went 9 1 games m a row without an error, the major-league record Steve Sax appeared 10 have smothered with a davtng stop, but the ball squirted loose Saad losing pitcher Jerry Reuss. 10-8: "I got beat by a delayed steal and a broken bat single." The win kept the Ph1U1es m a virtual ue with St. Louis for first place m the NL East while the Dodgers, again fa1hng to take On TV tonight channel 11 at 7:30 advantage of an Atlanta loss. traJI the Braves by eight games tn the West Carlton's wm was his 13th, tying him with Fernando Valenzuela for the major league lead in wins; he struck out eight to regain the major-league strikeout lead, 168, and the shutout was the 50th o f has career. OUT, THEN OUT -Angel Bobby Grich is more than a bit upset after being call~ out at the plate by home plate umpire _Jim McKeon (left). Reggie Jackson, Don Baylor and Ron AP Wlr419ftolo Jackson lend moral support. After being called out, Grich was then thrown out of the game. Trillo. who has made only one error all season -ironically, the first time he touched the ball all season, on opening day -has played his last 10 games on the West Coast where the mtiefds are grass, rather than on the synthetic turf of Phlladelphia's Veterans Stadium. "HE'S THE best in the game. the best I've seen, anyway," an approving Reuss said of Carlton. a onetime teammate when the two played in St. Louis. "He's done 1t year after year. and that's consist.ency "You see guys have one good year and you're tmpressed: you see 'em have two good years, OK; but not too many do it 10 or 15 years like Carlton has.'' Louganis coming back in style He captures his second gold medal at Sports Festival INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Elisa Spiu still blinks at bright lights 2 'h weeks after suffering a concussion during skating practice. Greg Louganis spends much of his time explaining the lingering effects of a shoulder injury, ,and fellow diver Bruce Kimball is just !Sack in competition alter losing his spleen as the result of an automobile accident. Yet these walking wounded were among the medal winners Sunday at the National SP«>rt.s Festival. Louganis, a veteran at 22, won his !leOOnd gold of the five-day-old festival. taking the men's platform diving title. The Festival was his first major competition aince injuring the shoulder 10 months ago, and hil performance put him on the U.S. team for this week's world championships ln Ecuador. He earlier won the 3-meter springboard. Alao making the team was Kimball, 19, a cl<*? friend of Louganis, who finished second in the platform competition Sunday. Doctors removed his spleen following the c rash last October, in which he also suffered a cut liver, and it's been JUSt seven weeks since he returned to diving. ''I'm happy that we're both back," said Louganis. a Mission Vie.JO Nadadore. who was questioned repeatedly about his recuperation and the effects the shoulder injury rrught have on his chances for a world title. His answer was always the ftame: "I can't think about the injurt. because then I rnlght hurt tl again." Kimball said there had been "a few times when I had my doubts" about coming back from the crash. "I'm a more detennined human being," he said. "If anything, it's made me a more detennined person. It hasn't made me a more determined diver. I've learned there are more important things." Spitz. 19, of Short Hills, N.J., teamed with Scott Gregory to win the lee dancing gold medal for the second year ln a row. She fell during a practice session earlier this month and suffered a concussion. Her vision was still blurred as late as last week, and it was doubtful the pair would participate. "But we took it on a day-to-day basis and Luddy said let's try it." Spiu said, referring to their coach. Ron Ludington. The hghta, she said, an noyed her durtng the competition at the Market Square Arena, but after her medal performance, she gnnned and said: "lt felt great." Sunday was the busiest day of the 11-day-long Festival, being held this year for the fourth time. with competition in 23 of the 33 sports. And It completed a weekend in wh1ch 27 Festival records were smashed The most spectacular record-breaker was Carl Lewis, who leaped 28 feet, 9 inches in the long jump Saturday nlght. It was the second-lpngest jump ever and the longest legal leap at sea level. On Sunday, Lewis watched his sister, Carol. finish third in the women's long 1ump, where Jodi Anderson broke her own meet mark with a 22-8. First pro title is a very big one for Alex SACRAMENTO (AP) -Janet Alex Nfi reuon to feel confident., Beth Daniel ~n to feel jinxed going into the final ~ holes of play in the 30th U.S. W'omen'1 Open Golf Championship. "I blrdied the eighth and ninth holes, and when I l100d over my drive at 10, 1 aaid, 'Thia la ll. It'• time to get aare-tve.' I wu auper-confident." aaid Alex, the 26-year-old Pennsylvanian who rode that confidence to a fourth- rdund 68 and a elx-1trok e vlctory Sdnday. Alex had made a pair of 40-foot birdie putta on Saturday but in the final round, ~ ahota to the areen were '° accurate that the lonaest of her aix birdie putta WM an 8-footer. She beon the day in th1rd pl&-», two • ciff the 1-d, and ena.t lt by her firlt t{tJ.t> ... prof..aonaL total ot 283, &.~per on ato Country Club coune, ~ her $27,31& of the Open'• tl 7&, 000 punt. Daniel, the third-round leader, took .even bogeys while posting a 78, which left her in a four-way tie for aecond. She• shared the runner-up spot with JoAnne Carner, Donna Whlte and Sandra Haynie. On one of Ueniel's 76 strokes. at the WOMEN'S GOLF etahth p-een, no club touched the ball. "I wu over the ball putt:lna for a blrd1e, and all of a sudden I WU putttnc for a par. The bell mowd, I Md to take a llroke for that. and made a bopy,'' tald Daniel. who wu tied for the lMd when the baJl my1terlou1ly moved aa ah• addre9led It. "1 didn't aee It move. 'nlat ahoWI what a fine penon Beth la. She could h8w ;.wt aone aheed and blt it.'' Mid c..m.r, Danlel'1 p1.Q1na partner. "I don't think Seib ever~ flUn that." Dlnlel and Carner, tifd with Alex for the lead after getting pan at the 10th and 11th hole., both oollai-ed on the final hole9. Carner boseyed the laat four holee to take a 7~. The 4-under 68 by Alex wu the best acor e for the four daya of the tournament. "I only mlaaed two fairways today and a total of alx all week," aaid Alex, whole professional career bepn five yea.ra ago after she left Slippery Rock Teecher'1 College. "I WM aolnl to be a teecber -until I tried it for two daya. Then I aaid 'No Way'!" recalled Alelc, who tncreued her l~'J2 ~ to tea,000. She married Chuck Alex, the eolf pro at her club, when aKe left Slippery Rock. He hu caddied for her at timell but wu not at Sacramento. "He watched me on t.e1evlllon and aw a f.W thlnp Jn ~ &Wine Saturday that needed ~. 1 aid Alex, who ulld her hu1band'1 tlp1 to the fullHt advania,.. • "I've heard people say it's easier playing on Astroturf," he said. ·but 1t snot any easier What you have to know how to do is how to play ground balls " TRILLO BANDLED hJS lone chance Sunday, besides the foul popup that went untouched, but he also drove in the only run of the game. In the second inning, Ball Robinson executed a delayed steal. and Trillo scored him with a slow roller up the middle that Los An~eles second baseman Carlton struck out eight and allowed only fi ve hits. three by Sax But Sax found little consolation m his three hits. instead taking the blame for the- de I a y e d st ea 1 that cost the Dodgers the game. ''I guess I blew the play," Sax said later. "That play wouldn't have happened if I would have executed It properly. I've got to be Joolong (at the runner) at first ... For Reuss, It was more tough luck Connors puts together a convincing exhibition CITY OF INDUSTRY (AP) -a good match. I'm not 100 percent It was only an "exhibition yet. I didn't expect to do so well. match," and Jmuny Connors was "He was hitting the ball well, [acing a foe who hadn't played but I was tired, then mentalJy much tenni.s fl!Cently. tired and I made errors.'' Still, the victory over Bjorn The finals of the two-day, Borg on Sunday seemed to add a four-player event lasted three final stamp of authenticity to hours and 39 minutes in smoggy, Connon' triumph at Wimbledon. sweltering heat. On-court Combining fine net play with a temperatures topped 100 degrees consistent aerve and an effective during much of the match assortment of lobs and paaaing viewed by a sellout crowd of shots, Connors whipped Borg~-7, aome 8.000 at the Industry Hilla· 8-2, 8-2, 8-7, 6-2 in the f1na1a of Sheraton Resort tennis complex. the Michelob Light Cup. It waa only Connon' ninth The matchup pitted reigning victory in"24 meetings with Borg. Wimbledon champion Connors "He's won the last 11 times and five-time Wimbledon king we•ve played," Connora, 29, said, Bors, who wu conspicuous by hia 8":Ct~ I beat him Is a abeenoe when Connors won the title recently. Bors 1klpped Borg'• t1mina aeeme lem then precl.ae, and he frequently mimed W imbledon becau.ee he didn't long with hi• ahot1 to the want to have to play In buellne. But be played qualltytna. extremely well at tlrnlll dW'lna Connon aaf.d after bla vlct.ory tbe match. • S~y that the prlle money -After Connors ~ tOok $50,000 to the wtnner1 $25,000 to control durinC the aecond and the loeer -wa1n't h1I prtme third l8tllt the Swede came blCk moUvatlon. to win tbe fourth on a debnebr "lt wa1 probably th• pride and fora1 a deddlric Mt. .. ," hft tald. "We rwpel!l eech Connon, however, broke other and the kind of pme we Bora'• ..vtc. in the...._. ..,_ each play." ---of tM fifth •1 tbii:l bUd Mi OWD Boq, who tw. ~ ln jult '° bWld a 8-0 _.... two tournammta U\11 yeu and ln Sunday'• c:orwolatian metch, h.un't WU\ an ewnt. lald: "lt waa Mayer beet Gerulaltia 6-s. 7..&. .. Tenni defector m ay h ave h ad h elp From AP dl1p1tc~11 S,.NTA CLARA -Angered by the mysterious diuppearance of ChiM'• top woman tennt1 player, pffklala of the International Tenn1a Federation uy they believe a professional co.ch or asent may l\ave encouraged 19-year-old Ru Na to defect. "If you find the rtaht coach or agent, you'll probably find the alrl," said lTF General Secretary David Gray. "It is only logical that it wu aomeone of th.at sort, more likely a coach," uid another ITF official, who request.eel &nonymlty. "It's not Wluaual for coaches and agents to be at events like~ looking for young talent, but tlua smacla of the, slave trade, snatching bodies from other countries." The Chinese consul 1n San Francisco appealed to the St.ate Department for help an finding Hu. a beautiful 5-8 native of Szechuan who speaks no English. St.ate Department spokesman Russ Taylor in Washington t'Onfirmed the agency was alerted by the Chinese consul last Wednesday but added they have had no cont.act with Hu or anybody representing her. Quote of the day Rep. Jo F. Dunn, arguing in the Illinois Le · ature that the Chicago Cubs be pennitt to install lights for night games: "Noa Uuuon at Wrigley Field can't be that m h of a problem. There's nothing there to heer about." Rogers finishes run this time George Rogers chugged through a 1 ~-mile run at the New Orleans Saints' training camp Sunday, compleung the test that embarrassed ham last year when he was the National Football League team's No l draft choice. A year ago. Rogers failed to complete the run. but he went on to win NFL Rookie of the Year honors, gaining 1,674 yards rushing, best ever by a roolue back Loweneteln'a homer• propel Orlole1 Job Lowu1~lo drove U\ four • tuna with • pa'r of homera ae Baltimore dumped Oak.land Sunday afternoon, e.2. Lowentteln hit hl• 16th homer of the llUIOn wtt.h two •board In the fourth tnnini and led oU the RVenth with a eolo ahot u the Orioles completed a three-ga.m@ sweep of the Mriet . . • Wade 80111 hit a three-run homer and Carat)' Laalfonl added a hom•r and aacriflce fly aa Bo1ton blanked Minnesota, 5-0 Enoa Cabell'• intleld at.nale drove ln Tom BrookeDI with the winning run In the bottom of the ninth lnnini u Detroit completed a double-header sweep over Texas with a 7-6 victory The Tigers grabbed the opener 7-2. as Alu Trammell, Jerry LOftN•TaJN Turner and Cbet Lemon all homered . Greg Lu&ln1kl'1 three-run homer in the first inning and LaMarr Hoyt'• seven-hitter peced Chicago to a 5-3 tnumph over Toronto . . . Toby Harrah slugged his 19th homer of the season to spark Cleveland to a 5-3 win over Seattle . Larry Gura and Mike Arm1tron1 comlfuled to pit.ch a five-hatter and Hal McRae drove In two runs to lead Kansas City past Milwaukee, 6-4 Peete adds another tournament win Calvin Peete converted his deadly accuracy into a 2-under-par 69 and has second victory in three weeks Sunday ln the storm-shortened Anheuser-Busch Goll Classic an Williamsburg. Va. Peete won the 54-hole tourney, reduced from 72 aft.er thundentonn.s Fnday, with a two-stroke margin, 10 shots under par on the 6.684-yard Kmgsrnill Golf Club course. Peete was a wanner two weeks ago in the MLlwaukee Open and coUect.ed the winner's share of $63.000 Sunday. Bruce Lietzke, playing about half hour an front of Peete, once had a share of the lead but had to settle for 9eCOnd place at 205 after a no-bogey round of 66 Sandy Lyle of Brat.cun shot a 5-under-par 66 to wtn the Lawrence Batley lnt.em.ational tournament at Bingley St. Ives m Bradford, England C1ndtf1rl1 kttP• lr1v11' b1t1 quiet ... ,... .... ...... ftrld • fGur•hli hu\au& 1nil b1u ,,,,~.,,~"1111 MM Ind JUtl 'ht•IHI h dmvt ln t pelr ot 11 PUl.tbut.tl burlld Atlan'-1, l·O unday. Tht 1'ra , who have bMr\ lhut out In thrw of tMlr fwr lat'ftN. \WN lt)'mltd by Cancki\arta, 7-4, WbO f it*i the mlnlmum 27 batten wtth the aJd Of thrH double play• and one p~ caut)\t atN.llnc . . hen ln the National Lea1ue, Toay Gwyaa't 10th-tnn1n1 ,tlntle 81Ve tbe Jo'adrH a fomt- from·bthlnd 3-2 victory ov•r New York and pulled them to within five s•mn of tront• runnina Atlanta . . "Ill Davie and Jack Clark belted run-acorlng singles In the CAN09l.Aftt e Ii h th Inn Ing and San " Franct.co erupted for three unearned runa to stun MontreaJ, 3-2 . Alex Trevino whacked a pair of hit.1 and drove In a run, and Bruce Berenyl hurled a five-hitter to pace Cincinnati to a 2-1 Ui~ph over Chle9.go . . . Geor1e HHdrlck'1 two-out double ln the eighth Inning scored Keltb Hernandes from • &ee<>nd bue with the winning run u St. Louia nipped Houaton, 4-3 Allison outlasts Waltrip, Petty Bobby Al111on outla.sta Darrell Waltrip and Rldhard Petty Sunday to win the Mountain Dew 500 Grand National stock car race at Pocono International Speedway m Pennsylvania Allison took the lead from Waltrip with }Wit three hlJ.16 left and wound up winning easily when Waltrip ran out of fuel rommg out of the flnlt turn on the last lap Televlslon. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. e 5:30 p.m., Channel 7 v v v v BASEBALL: Chjcaeo at Balumore. Annooncer': K~!th Jackson, Bob Uecker and Steve Stone Two cont.enders m the American League square off wnh veteran left-hander Jerry Koosman (2·4) opposing Batlt1more's Mike F1anagan (6-8). Chicago is an third place in the West, four games behind the Angela, while Balumore IS an third an the East, three behind pace-settmg Malwauk~ RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at San FranciBco. 7:30 p.m .. KABC (790), Oakland at Angels, 7:30 p.m .. K.MPC (7 10) the Ea I Br GORDON BEARD ..,...,...,.., BAL Tl.MOR! -f.arl Wet.v« bu blen c:a11ed many thtnp by many people . but never dull. Ev n umplrw, who have tamed him out of M 1amct In 1-4 yeara, have llOmlUmet applauded W•ver'a frantic antlm on ch• fi.ld. It the manager of the 8aJUmore Ortolea ret.lrft after thla 11euon, u he hu announced. he will leave a void much bl&aor than hi• 5· 7 fr~. The fana In Baltimore swear by Earl, and even thoee on the road who awear at him can appreciate hl.s fiery nature. LIKE OTHER managera, Weaver can yell and scream. tou equipment and kick dirt. But he hu elevated the confrontatJons with umpires to an art. A couple of yea.rs aao In Cleveland, Weaver lOlt an argument over the Interpretation of the COMMENTAR Y lnterference rule and wound up shredding a copy of the rule book an umpire Larry Barnett's face. Once, m Oakland, he hid m the dugout toilet after being ejected and managed the Onoles for several innings before being detected And, no matter what people cla.un, Little F.arl has proven on occasion that umptres can be forced to reverse their decisions. In the ninth mnmg of a game an Cleveland, the Indians went happily o ff the field after the apparent winning run !K'Ored on an overthrow. But Weaver disputed the call, saying the runner should have been halted at third. He won the argument, the teams returned to the field, Cleveland didn't score, and the Orioles won ln the 10th. ln 1969, a fter hlS first full aeaaon of managing the Orioles, Weaver became the first manager in 35 years to be tossed out of a World Series game. Shag Crawford of the National League did the honors. Going to the other t::xtreme, Weaver also was ejected from a sprang training game in 1980. LAST YEAR, an spring traming, Weaver pulled his team off the field after umpa.res refused to give hun the line-up changes of the Kansas City Royals. He wasn't e.)eCled that ume. but the game was forfeited and Weaver was suspended for three games. Collision mars start of Newport Harbor race • Weaver abo forfeited a regular-season game in Toronto, pulling hlB team once again when the umplres refused to make the Blue Jays remove the tarp from their bullpen mound near the left field lme Weaver regarded It as a hazard. Over the years, Weaver has been suspended for three games on four occasions, once in 1979 when he had the pubhc address announcer in Chicago infonn the crowd that he was protesting the game "on the grounds of the umpJ.te's integrity." Competit ion lures nearly I 00 boats for last two races of Ah manson and Dic kson series The umpire in question that day was Ron Luciano. who before retiring tossed Weaver out of seven games -good enough for a first-place tie with the still active Marty Spnngstead. Nearly 100 boats turned out Saturday and Sunday for the final two races of Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Ahmanson (IOR) and Dickson (PHRF) series along with the third and fourth races of Balboa Yacht Club's 66 Series for IOR and PHRF yachts. Saturday's race was from Newport to' Long Point, Cata.lma Island, aft.er which the crews settled in for a night of shoreside partying and postmortems The Ueet congregated off Long Pomt Sunday for the start of the return race. The start of Saturday's race was m.a.rred by a collision between two boats, Allen Brown's Spirit, Voyagers Yacht Club, and Bob Williamson's Fast Company, Balboa Yacht Club. Results of Saturday's race: IOR·A -1 C>nller Jetr .. 8et1o lido Ille Vec:lll Club. Q Amante Mel RIC,,..,,, llYC 3 R-Jtm llnd~an. 8alb0a ve 10R-8 1 e.gwlg Ron Melvl"-. eve, 2 FlambuOyanl. Barney ~ SI-Flem, Long e..ctl YC; 3 .t.uoecloue. MHoie Kennedy loe ~ YC IOR-C -1 Vtc!IOI, Pl\H ~. NHVe. 2 lnaanlty. Weyne Aua1eto-Tom QmohUndro, NHYC. J Cttl~Of~a Gold. Fred O'Connet, Dana WNt Yedll Club l>t4RF-A -t M411angt, Ell Catpenlet, eve. 2 T~. JOfln ~. long Beech vc. J Torr. Bob DoO<la. NHYC PHRF·e -1 le eo.t. Don le&Mu. S-Corlnthlatl VC, 2 Nugle Too Jim lllld i<aren Nuget1t eve. 3 PO<py Roy Sinclair, BYC BOATING PHRF-C -1 Howltn Owl. Allton S1 ... en. VoyAQ«t Vaci\! e1ut1. 2 Oerll Stat V Jeff and SI-F.,,,....1 NHYC 3 Puuycal John Sza.ley, vYC LMl9 l"elftl ............ IOA-A -I "-. Jim Undet'men eve. 2 Arnet• Mel R;GNey. uve. A191•. Watren Hencoca, NHVC IOA-8 -1 Blvw'9 Ron MeMlle. eve. 2 Auciaciou•. Miii• 1(-*'Y. Loe ~ YC. 3 f'lemouoy11111. s1--8a<ney Flem. LSYC IOR-C -1 Vldtol PM Flam-NHYe 2 M•·--E>tpresa Tom Scl>OCll NHYC 3 Cal•tomla God Fred 0 Conner 0-WNt YC l>t4RF·A -1 ~ MIC:hele Bo•• eve 2 Malengt Ee.I C.•pent .. BVC. J Tory Bob Ooada NHVC PHRF·B -I lmc>eluoue PNI oiaaoow eve 2 Nug .. Too Jim •nd Ka•en NUQet"t. eve IPef'Cl'"O pro'"" 3 Veilcyrle (pencllng PIOINI) PHRF.C -I Flrec:tNt Pet Gt ..... VYC 2 Scotcn M••I Don Andet- BYC. 3 0-l Roger ~·ng, vve Ross takes Holder-20 championship HUNTINGTON LAKE -Steve Ross of Balboa Yacht Club, with crewmen Chris Raab and Dave Swain as crew, won the first Holder-20 fleet championship In a seven-race regatta at Huntington Lake. The Holder-20 is a relatively new boat designed and built by Ron Holder. U .S . owns F e deration Cup a g a i n SANT A CLARA (AP) Martina Navratilova and Chns Evert Lloyd, casting aside their intense year-round rivalry. whipped West Germany in three tough matches Sunday to give the United States 1ts seventh straight triumph in the Federation Cup. Navratalova , who led Czechoslovakia to vtctory in 1975 shortly before she defected to the United Stat.es, raised both anns in celebration after she defeated Bettina Bunge 6-4, 6-4 to clinch the match and become the first player ever to win ror two nations. The world's top two women players had to strugRle against the Gennan teen-agers, Bunge and Claudia Kohde. Bunge. 19, fought off one match point in the eighth game of the second set then broke the three-time Wimbledon champion. But Navratilova, 25, ran out the match on her next service, winning at love when she smacked a backhand volley out of Bunge's reach for the finaJ point. Lloyd, playing as if in a fog dunng the first set, found her rhythm in the second set against Kohde and began to dictate the tempo of the match. As Lloyd grew stronger, the 18-year-old Gennan weakened in the hot midday sun and Lloyd squeezed out a 2-6, 6-1 , 6-3 triumph. Navratilova and Lloyd, who won the Wimbledon doubles together an 1976. secured their fifth 3-0 shutout of the tournament when they teamed up to beat Bunge and Kohde 3-6. 6-1. 6-2. "l don't nund being number two 1f Martlna is going to be number one," Lloyd S8.ld at the awards ceremony. "It's great to have her on the team. She's the best player there is right now." Lloyd, captain of the American squad, pa1d tribute to the young Germans. "Conaidering their average agt; is only 18, they played really well," said Lloyd, 27. Ora n ge Count y awaits playoffs aft er defeat LOS ANGELES -The Orange County entry in the United St.ates Olympic Development League dropped itl third straight game Sunday afternoon. lostna a 120-111 decision to South Bay in the re$CUl.ar-tea10n finale at Cal State Los Anlteles. Ken Bardsley, Cotta Meaa High product bound for UC Irvine, led all 9e0rera wtth 32 poi.nta In a loeina cau.e. South Bay's Mont.el Hatcher, out of Santa Monica High and headed foe UCLA. poured tn 27 polnta to J>9Ce the winnen. The 1etback dropped Orange County into a three-way ~· for third pt.ce with a 4.3 mark. OC will be Meded fourth ln the upcoming playoffs, and will rematch South Bey, the No. -6 aeed. next Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the first round of the doub)e-@llminatlon fot'D\8t. The winner of next week's game will probably meet regular-season champ Long Beach the following week In the second round. Dally Piiot classified Call 142-1171. Put a few word• to work for you. ~ •• Mclean wins Flight of the Lasers Doug McLean of Newport Beach was the winner of the Flight of the Lasers Sunday in a sudden death race over the waters of Newport Harbor. It was the 47th "flight" which beian in 1934 as the r1Jght ot the Snowbirds. Second overall was John Virtue of Nepwort Beach, Candy Beck of Newport Beach was third, marking the first ume in the history of the event that a girl skipper has farushed Lil the first five. There were 82 starters m thlS year's race and 77 finishers, according to Bill Ficker, general chairman The "flight" has h1Stoncally been sponsored by the Commodore's Club of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce and considered to be one of sailboat racing's premier spectator events as the race can be viewed from shore almost anywhere along the five-mile course. Lohman caputres Lido B Regatta Scott Lohman, Balboa Yacht Club, was the wanner of the Ullman Lado-14B regatta in a three- race series an Newport Harbor Saturday. The Lido B Regatta was inaugurated by Dave Ullman, a seven-time Lido-14 national champion as a means of moving Class B saHors into the ranks of Class A. Eighteen boats turned out for the event. Runner-up was Bob Ucciferri, Balboa Yacht Club; third was F.manual Cost.er, Seal Beach YC; fourth was Harry Kane. Westlake YC. Miiier, Poore outpoint rivals LOS ANGELES -Jim Miller and Tom Poore of Palos Verdes Yacht Club outscored 10 rivals in Los Angeles Yacht Club's Macho Regatta for 5-0-5 dinghies. The regatta was sailed in the "hurricane gulch" area of Los Angeles Harbor Saturday and Sunday. Second was the team of Howard Hamlin and Jon Andron, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and third was Bruce and Doug Ayres, NHYC. Santana tit le to Looney T oons Looney Toona, skippered by Harry Pattison of Newport Harbor Yacht Club was the winner of the Sant.ana-20 fleet championship sponsored by Bahia O>rinthian Yacht Club Saturday and Sunday. Eight boats turned out for the title event. All told, 39 different umpires have ejected Weaver over the years. But Weaver points with pride to the fact that the late Nestor Chyla.k. regarded as one of the better arbiters, never gave him the thumb. Aft.er averaging better than eight ejections for seven years, 1973-79, Weaver was tosaed only eight t1mes in the last two sea.sons and not once during the first 81 games of the current campaign. Some began to wonder whether ol' Earl was ~etting meUow in what he has wd Wlll be his last season. But during an eight-day penod, Weaver was bounced three urna m five games. Top-seede d team wins at Laguna Top-seeded Singin Smith and Randy Stoklos overpowered second-ranked Andy Fi.shbum and Dane Selznick, 11 -5, 11-6 to wtn the Cuervo Laguna Beach Open Pro Beach VoUeybalJ Tournament at Main Beach Sunday. · Smith's selling and s warming defense complimented Stoklos' powerful spiking to earn the pair the $3,500 first prize. Defending World Champi~n Smith and the talented younger Stoklos captured their first pro tour victory together. Earlier, Fishburn and Selznick came from behind to defeat Tim Hovland and Mike Dodd to gain the tournament finals. Fishburn and Selmick won $1,700 for second; Hovland and Dodd took home $1 ,000 for third. The Laguna finals were a reversal of last week's Florida Open when 1980 World Champions Fishburn and :StokJos were the winners. This time, it was Stokl0&' strong offenae in the front that turned it around. Sunday's estimated crowd of 12,000 brought the two-day total to around 20,000, a record for the 28th annual event. Tim Walner and Jon Stevenson finished fourth to win $750. The Laguna Open was the fourth atop on the Pro Beach Tour, with the next competition in San Diego Aug. 21-22 FUTURE POCKET-SIZE SONIC MOSQUITO REPELLER , • SAFE ANO EASY OPERATiON FOR HUMANS ANO ANIMALS • 1600 HRS. EFFECTIVENESS FROM 1 PENLIGHT ~y BATTERY • NO ODOR, SMOKE, COLpR, POISON OR AIR POLLUTION •EFFECTIVE RANGE: DIA. APPROX. 4m (13 "·) SIZE CW A CIOAA!TTI! LIOWTlll 7 ....... <Ml • ..,_ (1)19.I NIT WllOHl' to ... (Ory l9IWy "°' _....,) ORDER YOURS TODA Vt ONLY S12.95 (~ Mt*Y) Ad4 " 00 tor lf"PC*IO ,,_.,,. WI! ACCEPT VISA. MAST'fR CARO OR MONEY ORDER TO: MAIL-ORDER ------------------, WAU( ... N ,,.,.... f'NCM'9, 1T7 ............ AWl9. ,, I FUTURE PRODUCTS 1 1 ... •'*1 9Md\, CA _, 1. IGI w. MeaAlttMlr llYd. 1Nama------------1 ..... ,., ... .... Ana. CA tl1'M IMdrtel----------=~=.-~-. "°"""................ ICI"" 540-2447 .,~-.-~~---- r=.-.~~·-1 Z3p -----=- ·-------------~----- ,, .. •• , . •• 1, Of'1n19 Colet DAILV lttLOT /Manley, Juty ff, 1HI seoREBOARD ~ • • • "' " MAJOR LEAGUE ITANDINQI Am9flcanLHGue WllTWIUI DIYllR* WL ... t.08 ....... 54 42 S83 Kana.. C11y 51 43 543 2 cr..eago 49 4$ 521 4 s .. ui. 49 47 510 6 Oakland 40 51 401 1 5 T••aa 37 ~ 398 is·~ M1nnaso1a 33 tlA 340 n" IAITWltN OIYlalON Milwaukee 55 39 515 8ollon 55 40 579 '> 81111mor11 S 1 4 I 554 3 0.trotl 49 45 62 I 6 N-Yotk 47 4$ 611 7 Clavelaf>CI 41 41 500 8 Totonlo 45 50 474 10'> lundar·· ac- ........ 6. Naw Vora 4 Oll!rotl 7-7. Ta•a.s 2·6 Clave41ncl 5 Saa111a 3 8alOM<H• 6 Oaal81'(! 2 8otlon 5 MlnnMOla 0 cr11c;-oo s Tor onto J Kanu1 Clly 6 Miiwaukee 4 Tonlghl'I 0- 0al<lanO (McCany S· 11 al Aneet• fK F0<och 9-71 llansu City (Blue 7-71 al C•a,,...no (Brennan 0· 11 0111ro11 (Udtar 3-51 II Naw YOik (M0<gan 5·41 Toronto (Goll 1-51 at Botton IECket&iay 10 81 Cl\ICago (Koosman 2·41 al Ban1m0<a (Flanegan 6 I t M1tw1u1<ee 1c11owet1 1 91 11 Te•at (Hough 8-11 Minnesota 10 Connot 3 31 11 Sea111a 18ann1ster 9-51 Nlltlonal L .. gue WEITlltN OIVlt\oft W L l'ct. QI "'11an1a 57 31 606 Sao Otego 53 43 SS2 5 Oodgafo SI H 520 8 San Fra,.c•w:o 46 SI 474 12 , Houston 41 S4 02 16 > CN\Cmnalo 36 60 375 22 EAITIRN OIVlllON Ph11aoetph1a S4 4 1 563 St louos 55 42 5117 P1tts1>urgh 50 « 532 3 • Montreal 49 46 s 111 5 -V0<1< 44 62 451 10''°' Chicago 40 59 404 16 lu~··1c­PhllaOe4ph1a 1 Ooclea<• 0 P111s1>11rgh I Allan11 0 SI LOUIS 4 HOUiton 3 C1nonna11 2 C~ 1 San O..Oo 3 -V0<k 2 ( 10 lnn!nQSI Sen Fr1nc1eco 3. Montreal 2 Tonlgh1'10- 0od9at1 1va1an1uat1 13·71 al San F1anaaco (l.Mltay 7 .. J ChOCaQO fRoC>'aY 3·:ll al C-1 (8 S111r1ey 2-71 Only g--w.o AMERICAN UAOUE A~tl, Yank ... 4 c ... iw~ M£W YOflll IOb r hbl nrhbl Owng.lt 3 I 1 I RnOlll.2b 5 1 I 0 OCnc• 3bS 0 I 0 Mphry cl 5 I 2 0 Ra.Jun 113 1 1 0 Gmbla.11 2 1 1 0 RClrl• rf I 0 0 0 Hbtn lb I 0 0 0 8ylr Oh 3 l 1 I Mier .Oh 3 0 I 1 CikCll 21> 0 0 0 0 !>net• Pf' I 0 0 0 wung,2b3 1 1 o wnno.H 4 o 2 2 Lynn.cl • I 2 2 Smily.at 3 0 0 0 RJksn.1114 1 7 I Otent.aa 0 0 0 0 Foll.U 4 0 0 0 Nllla 311 4 I I 0 8--. C • 0 1 I CHnt.rl 4 0 I I C•nae 3020 I OIA1s3• 6 10 6 Tolals3S 4 11 • loo,. bJ tnntne• Cahfotn11 201 200 010-6 N-Yor~ 013 000 000-• f Net! ... OP -Calolorni. 2 LOB C•wf0tn1a 6 -Yorll 1 2B 01mllll! NelllH Lynn 2 O.C1nc111 Ceron. 38 wmong SF 8aylor Downing Calltornl• Golll Man1et1w 1.01 • H II Ill U 1 0 2'\ 1 4 4 I 0 6'~40025 3 1 6 5 4 1 New Yori< Jolm (L 6-1) Ftatl8t Rlghelll ,., 3 0 0 by F1ai1et fOownong) 51 S61 HBP 300 A 2 0 0 ' T FlltlT CAMI ng.,. 7. "8nil«• 2 la•U 000 002 000-2 7 0 OallOll 002 000 32• 7 10 1 o.,..,,,. Bootano f7I end SunOblltg 0.lf) Tob<k (91 GumPetl 191 81'(! L M Parf•th W Petry 11·6 L Oatwin. 6·6 HRs-Teu1. Hotleller (U). 0a1ron Trammell 15l Turnet (61. Lamon (6) M CONOOAME T ...... 7.~I re... ooo 002 400-6 1 Oellotl 300 100 021-7 12 0 Bulchet Malleck (7), Schmidt (91 and Werner P Unoarwooo, Saucier 17l. Gumperl f7) Tob4k (71. Ruck., (9) and Fahey WockanluH (91 w RUCll•. I.() l Sctlm•dl 2-2 HR-r.... Mau.1111 141 A-33 537 Rad lo• !, Twine 0 Boston 000 101 030-5 e o Mtnnaota 000 000 000-0 7 0 To1ru C•••' (81 ano Ge dman w1111ams Fellon Ill and lAlldnat W- f 011., 7-S L Wllll•m1. 3·7 HR1 Bolton. L1niford (41. 8000• (2l A 10991 Wl\lta lo• " ..... H>J• , T0<onto 101 000 001-3 7 O Cmcago 310 000 101-5 I 0 Clancy Gaftaf (7) and Wllfll. HO)'I And Fiii< W-HOyl. 12·9 L-Clanc;y, 1·11 HR1-Toron10 Upahaw 113), 01fcago lut.lnPI 113) A-17 .4$2 lftdl-1 • ......_.I SM llla 010 000 110-3 10 c..,,.,ano 010 120 1ox-& 1 1 ISMllla II Cleft. (5~ Vano.eata f7) C•udlll Ill ano Sweet, So1a neon Spllln« (11 and Haeaey, llendO (II) W- So1anaon. 1·7 L-9Hllla, 11-7 8 - Splllnet 1121 HRa-8 .. 11i.. 21911 I 11), Cowe11t ( 131 Clavt l•nd Harrah ( 181 A 14.500 Of'loM I. A'a I Oakl•nd 000 020 000-2 I o Balllmota 000 JOO ~Ox-0 10 1 l(lngman. Hanna IT). T U...0-000 17!. 8"t0 191 anO M .._.lh 0 M"'11nal T MarttnaJ It) ano Oampaay W 0 Ma111nu 10 I L lltngma n. I I HRa-Oaktano Maya• 16). 8alllmota L-tlatn 2 (18) A -23,490 "°' ... I , ...... . M1lwaut... 100 100 200-4 5 Kan ... Coy 201 120 00•-6 14 o Larctt. Staton 151 and Slmmona. Gura A1matrong (71 anO blaught W -Uut• 11·7 l lllfch, 7·11 S .lvmllr<><>g 13) HRS-MltwaukM . Yount 2 ( 19). Olanta• C.11~ WM/llnglon (21 "'-31 629 NATIONAL LEAGUE Phllllet 1, Dodger• 0 '"ILAMLl'Ml,,_ t.o• AHOit.ii nrhbl erhbl ROM 111 3 0 0 0 s .. 2b 4 0 3 0 OJwa.aa 3 O O O Rell N 3 0 1 0 MUiis" • 0 , 0 Bakr.II • 0 0 0 Schmt,3b• 0 1 0 Ourro.cf 4 0 0 0 80taz c 4 O 1 O C.y.3b 4 O O O 8Aban.rl 3 I 0 0 G1vy lb • 0 I 0 Vkvcll rl 1 O O O Mrtlll rf 2 O O O Trl'O 211 3 0 I I C•O• c 2 0 0 0 O.n11 cf 3 O 1 O Ronck pn 1 O O O C11tn p 3 0 1 O Sctca,c O o o O ReuH ,p 2 0 0 0 JM1l1 pl\ I 0 0 0 SH°"'9,p0 0 0 0 10111.:i 1 1 6 I Totala31 0 5 0 lcoraby~ PMaQafp/lla 010 000 000 I Lo• Angai.a 000 000 000 0 OP LOI Anga lu I LOB Phtlaoalp/I•• 5 LO• Atog.iaa 6 2B Sa.. Ca<11on 68 -RoM B Rob.ft_, Oatntet 2 s RuSMll l'hll_..,..la • H II Ell al 10 C•lllon 1w 13·81 II 5 0 0 0 e Loe A,_... Reuss (l I0.11 8 6 1 2 ~ SHowe 1 00001 HBP llY Ca11ton IMatlh•lll T lt'V A '6823 l'lrelM I, ••••M 0 Allan1a 000 000 000-0 4 P11!sbu1gll 0 10 002 50• -8 10 0 Mania< H••boslly 161 COWiey 171 and Benedict Call0el•11a ano Nicost• W Ctooatw.a 1-4 l-M.ntar. 1-1. HRa- P1ttsburah Nicosia ( 11 J T11omp1on 1181 A 226114 lll.cle2.CU0.1 Cnicego 000 010 000-1 5 C•nc>n"a11 110 000 00•-2 7 0 Jani.1n1 T1dro• 181 ano J Oav11 8eteny1 1n0 -,-.o w -&etan)'i. 1 10 L -Jeni""'· 11-11 A 20,056 C.....,_4,A4ttroal Houlton 010 100 010-3 12 1 SI l_. 030 000 Ola-4 I 0 Sullon. O Smtih II) and P .. tolt Knic.ly (1> l aPOinl ..... (7). l<MI 111 Bullet Ill -0 POiiet, 8nlmmet (Ill W-S...llet, 7-5 L-S..llon. 11-7 HR- 81 Louis AllmMy (II A-36.043 ...... a. ..... 2 New YQ01! 000 100 001 0-2 San Otego 010 000 001 1-3 9 1 Puleo Falcone (9). Allan 191 and S1eam1. Montefu..:o. Deleon (II ano r llannaoy w Deleon 4.3 L~Allan. J-6 HR New Yori. WlltOr\ (41 A 12.614 OIMb ), hpoa 2 MonlrNI 010 000 001-:l 1 2 Se" F1anc111COOOO 000 03•-3 5 3 S•nd&1son ~Oon (II ano Cat1at Gale Minion 191 anO Stanly W-Gala S-9 L Sano.non 6-9 $-Minion 1181 HR -MonllHI 0awaon(l31 "-15.5-42 T0910 (l....r on 210 at batt l AMEltlCAN L.aA<Wa OAl"HPcl W W•IMl<'I 'IC 70 ~ 39 105 345 Younl M~ 19 362 67 12:1 337 Ganlnet Mtl 70 228 2• 75 332 Hrlll!lo. Min 14 321 51 108 331 Herr•ll Cle 91 360 73 119 331 Pac00tek Chi 79 290 36 93 321 Bonnell T0t IS 27• 48 67 311 Whtla.llC 8• 307 45 97 318 Cooper Mtl 87 315 8 t 114 312 McRae KC 94 358 53 111 310 RUNI: R Hendetson Oaklano. 12. Mol11or Miiwaukee 74. Ha r1ah Cleveleno 73 Downing, A,.. .... II; Evans llotlon. 17 Yount M1lweull .. 67 1181: McRH. t<anau C•ty 85, Cooper M1twauk .. 74 Th<>tnlon, ClavafenO 71, luzonskl. Chicago 70, Vounl MllWlllkM 17 HfTI: Youn! Mltw111k .. 122. Ga1Cie T0<onto 122 Hetra/I. C-...0 119 Coop•• Mllw•ul<ee . 114 McR•• Kanus City 111 OOUat.11: While l(enau Clly 30. Lpntt, ........ 21; Yovnl MllWllUkM 21 Evans Boston. 25 Aiptoan Ba111mora :14 OaClncaa. Ano•I•. 24: Cowan• S..ltle 24 Tilff'\.11: W Wli.c>n Kan ... City 10, Hl!'nOon 0.HOll. 9. Yount Miiwaukee 9. Gnllln T 0<onlo. 6. Uptllaw. T oron10 8. B1e11, Kanu1 Clly I Cowen• Seallle I HOMI ltUNI: OglMa M1lwauk .. 23 G Tltomu MllWaukM 13. "9. Hf:l<Mft, Angela, U ; Thornton Cleveland U Cooper Miiwaukee 20 ITOLIN 1"'111: A Handtrt on OaklanO 92. Guel• To1on10 21 Wa111an t<an111 C•ly 21. J C•ul S.a11te 25 Ltf'lora Chtcaoo. 14 PITCHING (12 OeclalcNle): VullOV!Ch Mllw•uk" 11·4 3 12. 8"rns. Clllcago, 10·4. 3 51. Caudlfl. SM11i.. 10-'I. 2 12 Guld•y New Yo1k II·•. 3 90. Z.hn, A"lltla. 10-1. 1»1 Claar eoa1on. a • 2 93 J McLauglllon T0<on10, 1-4 J 1e. Patry Oet•Oll. 11-8. 3 01 ITltllCIOVTI: F 8annttlet, Saante. 121, Ba•k•r. Clavala11d, 109. Guidry. Hew Y0<1' 102. Ecker...,. 8oalon lie. e..111a Stania M NATIOMAL LaA°"' OAaltHf'ot. 041..., ,Mii .. 3M M 11S 317 KNQhl.Hln H M$ 50 118 317 T Pana. PQ'1 II 304 30 U 313 ~.LA 73 239 42 74 310 Cartet,Mll et 323 87 100 310 Au JOMl.80 .. :s 11 57 96 306 lo Smllll.SIL .. 381 79 103 302 Motgan.IF 14 2~ 33 77 302 Out"-.CN 92 l36 S3 101 301 J ltay.Poh 94 380 62 114 300 ltVNl1 LO 8mllh. $1 loult. 79, Murphy, Al11n1a. 69, Oewaon, Montrael II, Sanclber(I. CNcego. 60. SCllmlOI, Phlladtlpl\la 511 • 1111: Mu•plly Allal\la 87 Ollvar Mont,.., 116 Ktngman. New YOtk 1111 OVM'WO. Oecleeta. U; T Kannady, San ~ago. 62. Cletl\. San F1ancltc0. O HITI: Knight, Houalon. 116. J Ray. Pllltbllfgfl. 114 ()(j-Monlr .. I 113 8UC11net Chicego. 112. 1aa. Dode9fa, 111 OOU9t.ll: T Kannaoy Sen ()jago. 26 Oln1g111. Hou11on. 24. Oil•••· Mont•••!. 22. MaOIOCk, Pilltl>llr(lh. 22. 6 Tlac:I With 21 Tltlf'Lll: t.1cG1a SI LOUii 7 Garner Houston. 7 Temple ton San Otego 7 M0<ano. P1111ourg11 I Thon Houston, 8, Pulll, Hov11on. II HOMI RUNI: KlnOman. -YOik. 26. Mu1pl\y Altanla. 2( Ca11et. Mon1r1a1 20 J T11omp1on PllUburgll 11 Hornet AUanlJI. II. 0-~ 11; Cl•k San F18l'Clae0 11 ITOt.IN IAlll: M0<et10. P1tl11>111Qh 45 lo Smllh. SI LOUlt. 44. RllnH, MonllHI. 42, Oatnlar Ptuladelpltl•. 39. laa.~k f'ITCHINO (12 Dacltlon•): Roa••• Mont•~ 12-4 2 13 P Nlaluo A1lant• 9-3 3 JO Lotlw. San C);ago 10·4 301 O Robinson P1111bu1gh. 10·6 3 91 Fo1tefl SI Louil 10-5 , 3 91 Yala111uala. Ood9ar t , 11·7, 2.10; Carllon Ph•la dalphla. 13·1 3 ti Montefu.c:o San o..go 8-5 3 71 ITRlllEOUTI: C11hon Ph1le0a4C>"la 161 Solo C1nclnna1t, 167 Ry•" Hl)UttOl1 139. Aogatt. Monltatl 112 Valant.,..., Oodgafl, 109. Del M•r IUHOAY'l ltllULTI (Ith ol 41-4ar -ltfttl FlflllT ltACL a •uttona- 8wnwt0<m Shadow (Ora) 10 :10 5 20 4 20 Di Gaddie (B1ac•1 10 uu II 80 Acting Foot<sn 1McCet1on1 4 00 A110 1ac:eo Ello111a111y Bar1011"1 Artant a.-J 0 Mason Ba frM War Alllad AdfUd'CadO Nat,.. Wot Gentle Turn Ttme 1111/6 H CONO ltACl. 11 llH1onQ1 S..-KniQM (P1c)t4 80 30 40 10 20 Riaong HOP9 !Ot'tegal 30 00 12 00 LUI l'arlnat (CMlanade) 7 20 Aleo rae«S. Fetklloua Too, My H19PY King. Magol•'• Mu1IG No P11y. Call A,,_;can LOS\ l<rMghl, Mist., 8oo l . Mandt!• lnle<ll nma 1 11 315 G OAlLY ooue&..a (1·5l PatO 15111 40 TttNllO RACE. Ona,.,,.,. Daunt ... • (McCarron1 4 00 J 00 2 40 Panngrove <°'*••I • 00 3 00 Wneto ( SllOetTlak• I 3 20 Also raced Ebony Btonze Colman Sato I 0._,.,.. CosmlC LIO/II Toma 1*41$ .. EXACT.A (1-/1 PatO IA!>l.111 ,OURTM RACI. 5 ,.., turlongt Pa"ft' (McCar1on) 12 20 1 40 5 00 onlan•• (V-.iu.tal 8 80 5 80 O...OC:IOt (Mana) 4 40 Olympoc; Btonta Vigo<•a Sia/ J-t Oa11a111 Lucky leka11oa Paull• t Double Tougn Ttllla. Am• Holly Toma I 06 FWTH ltACI. I II 16 -on turf Fabulous Sell (Glal 4 20 3 40 2 80 Bllum (MCCa110<1) 7 80 5 00 My S•llet (Hew!ay) 1 60 At10 raced latrona. Malmalton Varballn 1vo1y Wlnga Apotnecarv MIU Helf To Boldnau 0pala9Cal1Ce o.m1ng1y S'•'• Boero T-1 44·21~ •EXACT.A 111-101 t>a10 5"00 llXTif RACE. II turlongt Fo~y Toy (Plncayl-21 40 1 60 4 20 BrenOy t Rab IV~•I 3 80 2 80 Sunlll•na S1111111na (Qlhuy) 3 00 Aleo rK*S MaQalOf'( 0.-Ttlple MllC!I A Bog Kl• ~ Tina Nifty Margie E-Win. SptenOld Mtrlo Tlma I 11 2/6 llEVINTH ltACI. , • .., lu•IC>ng• on !Uri Cllatga Account 104tlUVI 780 480 320 Valtnhna L-IGuto"ral 9 80 5 80 01111>< (Ga1e1a1 I 80 Also rac.d "'c~etman Cha1g1ng S1a1 Nevftl Cry Wefham Graen. Mounl•bank Mr React<>< Llbanon T1ma I 30 215 •IX.ACTA (g.2) palCI S 155 50 12 l'ICll lllC (6· 1-1·1·6-6) paid 15 HI 10 wllh 22 winning 11c1<a11 (!Ive h<><-) t 2 Pk:k SI• conlOlellOt'I paid $56 00 whh 715 wtnntng llCkalt (IOU1 l\Of-) llOtnM Met. O l\l<IOngl Pane~ P04nl (Mc<:ni 10 00 6 40 4 80 l ettMIO a Singer (Vinz!) 10 40 7 80 Shanalllla (H•wltyl 9 20 Aleo •aced Srnoklla. To B 0. Nol. l•uglltng Boy, 8alf0f1 J 0 Quill Time 1 ()(I NIMTit ltACI. On41 mlla •·Mall L .. Ann (llllmll~ 40 Wlnaoma Erl• l'i!oCa1rqn) a-Orey a.. .... (Mclitg) e 40 • -coupled .uo 4 40 320 320 380 440 "''•o raced Pacoa Pink. Famoua Performer. Pin-S..Oar Plum. T tltpt'lty. Song 01 The lal1nC1, 9-1 Olplomal. Time I 311-115. • Ill.ACTA ( 1·3) pekl 156 80 "'"~ ZJ,!HIO POA~t (It Wllllam.....,g, Ya.) JOI Calvin PM te.HJ.000 IOI Blue• Llettka,'3 7 800 -Hal Su11on.s20 300 R1~ Ma1Mng ... 120.300 2f1T 8111 ROQert.S 14 000 -Oavoo Eowa1oa Sii 331 Pele1 Ooatethult S 11 33 1 VICIOf Regalado s 11 331 Doug le-1.Sll 331 20I Pal McGowan S9 100 EO Ooog._,y 19 100 210 lM Elder $6 ISO Lanny weo~1,...S8,650 Hale lrw•n.$0,650 Jim Colbart.$6 650 MAtk Hayu,S6.650 Gao<ga Burn1 Sii 150 211 Cur111 Stranoa Mok• Sulllvan $4 410 Fo11esi Fezte• 14 410 Jolln Mallalfay S.4 4 10 PAyna Sl-•1 S.4 410 l atry 0.eht S.4 4 10 212 11-70·71 II 70 70 Tl 69-68 70·71-$7 12·69·17 88-71·69 12·11-69 naen 73-67-70 12·19·81 711-68·68 72-67-71 73 61-69 73 611-70 69-74-11 12·12-61 &8·71·72 89 61-74 10 70·7 I Dan POhl S2 976 n 66·14 Oouo &tack S2 916 72 611-74 JllCk Nl!W\on 12 971 73·61· 1 I John Fought S2 976 73·69· 70 Batu Baugh S2 976 11-71-70 Jack Rer>"8t S2 9 76 72-69-7 I Clarance RoM.12 976 73·11·7 I Don POOiey S2 1176 72 70·70 Tom Ch•tn S? 976 71 7 • 70 L•"Y M11e S2 1111 69 72-7 • Mi.a OonalO $2 978 10-12·10 J•" lllO<pe 12 978 73 7 I 61 U.S. Women'• Open (at l acr-lo) 2t3 Junet Ale• S27 3•5 211 JoAt•"6 Ca1nat $ 10 6S9 B111n Oan"' S 1n 659 Oon"e Whole $10,159 S8ndra Haynoe S 10 ~9 21$ s., ... McAlloslet SS 673 1M C..Olt .Jo c.fl'ltn ~. 640 Nency lopaJ S• 540 Vicki Tal>Ot S.4.540 Zll S.V..ly Cooper S3 637 S1apllen .. Farwig.13 631 Muff on S ·°""1on S3 63 7 211 Amy AIGOll.SJ.0118 Dale EQOe41ng.S3,086 Sally Liiiie.SJ 0118 Ala••ndta RhMldl $3 068 a Kalhy Bal<• m SanO•• Pal,,,., $2,744 Lynn Adams.12.744 a.Amy 8ent 211 -Ml Ketr U 474 Pal 8'~$2474 Donna Clll>Qnt S1 ,474 Janel Coia..U.•7• 211 Yuko Motrguch1 S2 176 Jana Blaloek S2 171 lla111y Pott-.. 1 $1 '76 8elay IOng,$2.171 >00 a·Ca1ofe Semple Bonn .. L_, s1 669 .. Jutl lr\k SI., Te<rl Moooy $1 889 Nenc:y R..""1 S 1 869 o<atny Wh•"*°'"' S 1 169 P1t1y SllMhan $I 189 301 Penni Pull $ 1 700 • Mery Z•mtnefman J0'2 .1.-•lyn B11U.SI 820 Ayako Ollamo10 S 1 e2o '°' Alie;" R11zman.St 411 Catny MorM S 1 48 1 Berbara Mo~-I 1 411 I Anna Sano .. .. Chris JOhnoon.S 1.36<1 -Vala<le Skin,... SI 3 19 a C•nOy P!tgtr •·Dana Howe •·C•tOllna Gowan 10 7l 72-68 611 70 75-75 71 71 71 76 10·1• 7372 10-1• 74.11 n 10.n 11 76-119-72-77 71 73 74-69 10 78-75-73 73 12 111-1• 75 76-12·12 TIJ.1,_ Tg. 72 75·74-71-76 72·74-76-14 71 77.75.73 73 75-71-77 75 70-12·79 71 71·75-73 71-76-77-73 79-~72-78 14.n 11-16 71 74.72.75 73-711-76-71 73 7• 77.75 11 11 12-1J 76 73 75-7S 76-77·76· 11 78 72-74·78 73 71 71-71 7S 77-77-71 73 79-12·76 74-7t.7&-72 74 75-75-76 7117/S-76-71 71 75-76-72 72 14 11-16 74 19 74.75 74 11·1•·78 74 77.74.71 78-7S-78-7• 76-78-77-72 71 71J.75-7S 74 76 79.75 75-73-79-11 78 74-75-78 11·77-82-75 77.74-71·76 Yac:htlna IUL NACtM>ANA J<OINT RACI PHRF·A -I Pofnl 81eftk, Coblanl· Ma1kmen (Llfll• Shlpt Flee!). 2 Mu•Ollf• l aw. Ml~• Cempt>ell (Long B.acll YCI 3 Megte LIQltl HOO .. All• IOPYCI. Allet Ego Hugl'I C..11an (OPYCJ PHRF-8 -I Pvf!«, 2 Chocolate 0 3 8u-adlat ,,_, ,_.ton ILll'I. Fraah Sq~. Cr819 F1otey (OPYC) PHRF-C - 1 COfMlr, en MufkOVICh (Long BMc:h 't'C). 2 Clelfa de Luna Paul F1azter (OPYC). 3 uc.llbllf "'I Jonaa (W .. I Coaet YC) 4 Ota Miu P1Mlay- Aaum'*O (OW.a W"1 YCI PHRF-0 -1 Serenade . Lt1ty Shert .. a !SH I 8H ch YCI. 2 Oulal Woman. Tad t<ramer (long a..cri VCI; 3 S..Oiar, Rod Ogllby (Altl'Nloe Bay YCI c ... T ... llNA·27 -I SUNSHINE Ron and Joan M .. 11nc>1111y (OPVC). 2 Funny F"llf'I' Pela Meed• (Capla11ano Bay YC). 3 The Lady Jana, AuMall Tebltt (SN! 8Mch YC). 4 J<r'( Ride. LM Ind Alla Ktlla)r (81 8"CI Camel. Where a man belongs. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 mg. "tar, 0.8 mg. nicoune t-1. per cigarette by FTC method. ( Mount.an Dew 500 (et L11n9 l"ond, f'a.) Reeulla ol Sunday·• Mounleln Daw SOC G1and Naltonal tlock car race wtlh type OI eat lapt COMP .. lad ano Wlflnet t WNO •n mpn 1 Bobby Atllaon llulCk Aagal 200 115 •96 :1 RIClllO(O Pally, Ponllac Grand Pro• 200 3 Tatty Labonla Buick ~·' 200 4 Ron Boucn.,d 8u1Ck ~al 200 5 8u0dy 8&1let Pon•-L-n• 200 6 Ottrell Wall1ip, Buick Regal 109 1 Joa Rullman IWICk Regel 191 8 0.va Marett Buick ~•I 1(16 9 Buddy "'"lnQlon OooQI! Magnum 1(14 10 Mer~ Manon Pon1111e G1ano Proa 193 11 Geoll Bondona, Ponu•c Grana i1,. ... 190 n J.,,,., Hylton Pon1111e G1ano P111 190 13 Rick New.om Cllevt-1 Monte Carlo Ill •• Cecil G0<aon 8u1Ck Regel. 186 15 llyi. Pally Butcll Regal 185 18 Jo MCOuN"' Ponuac Grano Pr1• 115 17 Jimmy M81ns. Ponuac G1ano P11• 184 18 Chertoe Baker Butcll Regal. 113 19 Bobby Wawal<, 8u1Ck Regal. 11:1 20 Mike Po11&1 Buick Reg.i 11 I 21 JOflB-8u1et.Rega1 1711 22 Ha1ry Gant Buick ReQa1 18'5 23 Tommy GAie FO<O Th,mdatborO 140 24 rim RM:hmono Bu1ch ~11. 13~ 25 Oele Earr1riArOI FO<d Tnu,.datborO 1'34 211 C••• Yatb<>tough euici.. ~el 121 27 Jonn C•llll PonllK G1ano P11• 103 9828 M0<ga11 Sl>epnatO Buick ~·' :111 Al lOQUHIO BulCk ~·4 93 10 Bill Ell<o11 F0<0 Tt1un0at1><1d 66 NAIL IAITEllN OfVlllON W l OF QA ... Pte Cosmoa •9 8 :>e 37 52 1114 T0tonto 13 13 •6 38 :18 116 Monlra.i 14 10 40 3J 33 1 13 ChieagO 9 15 41 51 31 90 .ovr.-ltN OfYISIOtt F1 L-Oala 15 11 53 St 41 138 Tulu 13 11 53 42 45 118 =.'!:r. I~ :: ~ ~ ~ :: WWITIE• DfYllM>N s-1111 13 12 57 4 I •I 122 V .,._,,.. IS 9 44 38 36 1 '2 Se<l JoM 13 12 44 •8 35 111 San C);ago 12 12 •6 4' J7 105 Poilland 10 15 33 35 29 85 EOmonton I I 7 30 St 27 11 --.S.,'1 lcof-. ToionlO 3 Vanc:oo.r-I c.,._,. 2 Sen 0.00 1 (OTl TOftlebl't OMlff No gamet aclladui.o Deep ... flthlng Nl'Wf'OllT (Art'1 Landl11g) 118 anglan I bOnllO 2 l>at•KllO• 172 •afP bus 30 sand bUS 740 macketal 38 IOC~ llSll 2 llallbu1 (D.....,.• locUf) -2&& l"Qla<I 12 betlacudt 52 l)()ntlO. 150 wno ba•. 180 callCO bUI, 4 toct< losh 1 632 mackerel OANA wttAlll' -31111 81\glets 691 bau IS b•racuda 123 l>OntlO II haltl>ul 8 rock ,..,, 29t maclt•tl lllOMO a,\V (Ylre't l..aftdtftt l -115 angler• 3 lltlCI coo. 62 10<* coo II~ rao rock cod. 930 b•H. 10 r.O anappa< t.OMO HACH ( ... tftOftt l'Mt) -50 anglers 500 Nncl baM. b 1>a1r8CU01 100 mac~e1111 1••11• -10 a nglers 200 macketat 3 nallbul 10-·a wt.arl) -•27 anal••• 14 albacore 74 ba11acud1 97 t>on110 7 4 calico ban. 3.3•11 und baaa I nt11t>u1. I 316 mack•al llAL MAC" -232 anglers 1 600 ••"O but 1 200 mackerel 1 nat1bul 10 11atracu01 a.,... 104 angler$ 3 sano blll. 315 macketaf S haHl>lll UN 01100 (HaM L8ftdlnl. l'leM<man'a l"olnt lOfft•) '14 •"O'"'' m albacore. 2 yal10wta11. 27 barracuoa 100 bonito 416 bau 1 tuna 11 rock 11sn 2119 mact. .. e1 , Men'• tCKamam.nt < .. c..,.,....,..'1> 1"'9tH ,IMI Jimmy Connote (U S I def 810<n 80<g tSwtO•nl ,..7 I 2 1 ·2 6 7 I 2 IConno1t w1n1 S50 000 Bo•g ••nt S2S 0001 Coneolallon final Sanoy Mayer (U S 1 oa1 Vlltt Garulalllt (US) 1·3 7.5 o.c. Nllttonal CIH1lc ~:=:J. Jimmy ArtH 1U S J del JOH Lu11 Cle•c (Argan11na1 3·6 6·2. II·• Ivan Lendl 1C1echottovah1a1 O•f 't'ann1ci. Noan IFr•nc•) g.3 6·3 Au1trl1n Open (et Kltnu.MC. A.wettta) ........ llftt'" """' Uu111a1mo VII•• IA1gen1tna1 oe1 M•rcot Hocavar 181&111), 7-8. 6-1 ·-· ... ~, ..... V11g1n1a Ru11c1 tAoman1a1 oal LH Pk:llO•t tC•acl>otio•O.llJ. 11-2 6·2 ............ HlnalDoublae l.A•t" Eamonoaon te.1m we rw1c ~ fAu11r1t1a) Otl JOhl1 F1t1gerald fAua11aka>-Woj1eti Flblk IPotandl 6 2 2 6 6·3 Dutch Open (el"""'-· ... ....._, llng ... ,.,.el 8•1 .. > Taroczy (Hungary! def Bullet MollrarT• !England). 7 8. 6-7 11·3, 1 6 Ha1oay wins S 15.000 Mollram '""'' S7 SOOI Women'• tournament (et Ian '*tlol Fl1al R<Mind 8fngt.. Jtll Davit (US I Oaf Su.an M1oca11n IU s I 7 6 ·-· s .... ly Solomon IV Ii I a.. , ..,,. A11aya 1Peru1 0-0 9·2 8 4 Al>e•I MOUiton (U s I de! llay L ..... !U s I 8· 2 &-3 t<afly Hanr) IU s I da• P11ar VHQllfl'l f Pe<ul 6·2 6·2 C.•"• Gtlbafl fU SI Oel Kim JonM IU ~ I 6 2 6-3 PeOr\UI lout• IV s I Oii Jenn., .. Gooo11ng 6.0 2·6 7 S Feder•llon Cup (•I lal\ta c1a .. 1 v .. 11.., ltatN l. WHI a.rmenr o llng'" Mat11na N1vr1lllova (US 1 df'f S.uuia eunge 6·4 6·4 Chrt• han LIOyO tU S I Oaf ClauO•• KOhO• ' 6 6· I 6 3 Dtoill6M NavralllOva-lloyO IU SI Oef Sunga· Konde 3 6 6-1 6 2 Orend M11tere tourn•m•nl (•• louth 0r.,.... H.J.) laflllftftal llnglaa Ket> lloaewall tAutlt•ll•I oat Al•• Olmaoo 1u S 1 6·2 6-1 Ger>t Scoll IU S) dal M., Anoerson IAutlrella) 11·~ 6-J W..tl•nd tr•nNCllon1 IAllaALL A-L~ KANSAS CITV ROYALS OpllOf\00 Oe••n•t W911h onl>eidel 10 Omaha at>d actnr.,eo 0WYe ''011 pt!C,,., '41tlonaf L.aao11a SAN 01EGO PAOf'IES Placed Alan W1gg1n' oull••ldar on lhe 2 I da~ O<Ubl..O list retroactt .. 10 Jul) 22 '00T9ALL Nat .............. L-.rue A ILANfA FALCONS -M!On Met• ollenar•• 1ac~1e. tell camp BALTIMORE COL TS Weo\'6CI l'lerb IJN•• d11~90V9 I ack la CHICAGO BU.RS Annour>et'd 1na1 B•ao ShNlat O.fan1MV9 •ac••• 1000 Sn•••• w•O• r•c.e•v•r P•ul T •oo• ~enlet a"d Dennis Runck 1unn1ng blC~. II••• failed Iha 1 .. m • onvsoe•• S1on.<1 Len in-so quet18'b«k DENVER BRONCOS Sogneo Jon Hanoa.son ano Owa·ne W~son ruon•ng bKkt MIAMI DOLPHINS Stgnad Joe l'lairlt, 11nab&eket. and Joa RoD1naon olfenatve 1ae111e lo 0r>e·yea1 con11ac1~ NEW YORI( GIANTS Announced tn@ ,.,,,_, of Ooog Kolar IUM'"O t>eck RAIDERS -Sognao Matcua Allen running bactt SAN DIEGO CHARGERS -Ref ... SC!O TytOr\8 Justin AnthOlly Walson and Oerl R•msey dalent1ve bac•a ano Toriy Jacl<son ---SEA TT LE SEAHAWKS -S•on•O Menu TulUOSOPO Oalen11ve anO 10 a -le• ot con1rec11 lh•ou(lh 1984 COLLIOI' E!tST CAROLINA Nameo Cnarhe HemSOfl ~ao bH~e1ba" coac:t> 1:1 • ·Indianapolis has ambition Can II 1up~rt pro 1pona 1 lNDIAHAPOl.JI (AP) -lnd1anaDOUI wan&at r:naJal"'o._... ll'MICl\llM an pror.-onal footee.U and buebe1l. llut the chy*• overrtdt.na ambition ta t0 becane known u th• amateur •porte capital of the country. 'nM U.tS. OJympiC Ulmm1UM'1 fourth National Sports r.tival. which ~ here W~. la one .tep iowud the ....naauon of that aoai. A vilof'oUI c:ampaian to promo~ th• dty and It.I many lmpNlllve aUate11c facWtl• -eome buJlt for the fel11~ -ta another. "Indlanapollt ll a clty with a future in t.enN of •ports, both nationally and lntemationall~" uya, Pete Cava, a 1pokemnan for The Athletlc8 , the Ind!.t.napolla.-bued (natksW IQVemi.nc) y for amateur tnck and field. "One of the reuona TAC maintained ltl beedAuarters here is becaUM IndianapoUa ap~ to be a dty with a future 1n amateur sport.a.' BESIDES TAC, IndlanapoU. already bou.es the national headquarten for the ~teur Athletic Union, the U.S. Dlvln1 Au_o~~ation, the International Institute of Sports Science and Medicine and the American College of Sporu Medicine. In addition to a 60,000-eeat domed stadium already under ronatruction -In anticipation of a poaible National Football League or major-leque baseball franchl.le -and the 17 ,000-aeat Market Square Arena, home of the National Basket.ball Aasoclatlon's Indiana Pacers, the dty has added several other sport.a facilities. A $7 mllllon, 10,000-eeat tennis stadium at the Indiana Sport.a Center waa rompleted In 1979 and i.a the site of the U.S. Open Clay Court champlonahlps each Auguat; a $21.5 mllllon, 5,700-seat swimming and diving complex, and a $6 mllllon, 13,000-seat track and field stadium were completed this summer on the Indiana-Purdue University campus west of downtown, u wu a $2.5 million, 5,000-aeet velodrome on the aty"s northwest aide for blcyclln&. The Pacers, however, have suffered a decline In attendance, allppina to an average of 7,000 fans per game. Indianapolis alao haa had problems with hockey. losing the World Hockey Aaociation Racers becaU9e of poor attendance and having the Central Hockey League Check~ move from Market Squatt Arena t~ the smaller Fairgrounm arena. MORE TRAN a year ago, a report by the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce said the Hoosier capital is "committed to becoming the amateur sports capital of the COWltry.'' This year, a New York-based public relations flrm has been hired to promote a "community identification campaign' for Indianapolis. with sports a major part of lta program. "The public relations campaign should estabUah Indianapolil u a dairable p~ to live in and to vi.sit." says Jack Raymond, head of the New York firm. Headin1 the overall program are Thomas Mosea, board chairman of the chamber of commerce, and Thomas Miller, board chairman of the Indianapolis Convention and Vlliton Bureau. Robert Welch, an Indianapolis real estate developer, has been the lader of the city's bid for an NFL franchise and hlil kept cloee contact with the leque and team owners. who would have to approve the league's expanlion. Welch preRnted hJa plans at tLe Super Bowl last January and at meetinp with NFL ownen. and he uya they have been lmpr med. Recently, Mayor William H . Hudnut III named a 40-member commimion to look lnao the dty'a chances for a major-league baseball team, which alao would use the new domed stadium. The sports festival. involving 2.600 athletes in 33 summer and winter sporta, Is "a great opportunity for the city and a beautiful recognition of what we have to offer the amateur sportl world," Hudnut says. Yankee Win does RUIDOSO DOWNS. N .M . (AP) -Yankee Win, a brilliant 2 -year-old filly, conquered a talented field of speedaten and a sloppy track Sunday to win the $728,085 Rainbow Futurity for qu.arterhorses at Ruidoeo Downs. Yankee Win, m acorlng her eighth victory in nine startt thia aeaaon, earned $253,079 with the victory In the 400-yard race run over the rain- drenched track. Ridden by jockey Bruce Pilkerton, Yankee Win broke sharply on the out.aide portion of the track, then outdueled Bartend.rete and Mr Master Bug with a devutatin${ closing rush. ___ !DEATHS ELSEWHERE ,_ClllOfHHS -.&. •OADWAT MOtlTVAIT 110 Broadway Cost• Mesa &42·9150 IAlT118GllOH SMITH & TVTHIU WHTCUft' CHANl 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 8~9371 GLASGOW, Mo. (AP) - Jamn It .... 80. who for 49 yean traveled Mi.ouri u "Grandpa Santa Claus," died Friday. Kuhn wu the Country Club Plaza's Sanu. Clau1 In Kanaa1 City for teVen yean. BALTIMORE (AP) - Robert McGill M.acbll. 93, 1 90llder·tumed artist whaae colorful muraJa decorate buildinp here and at the Smhh9onian l.naUtutlon ln Wahinpln. died Thunday. SOUTHOLD. N .Y. (AP) -BettJ ......... 82, the art daler who played a key role ln the deve1opnent of the New York School of a-lntlf\I in the late 194GI and early·~ died Friday. DALLAS (AP) -Ame9 • Cart.er Jr., 82, publlaber of the Fort Worth Star- reJqrun and a dlnctor of American Airlines, died unClay. N&W YORK (AP) ., ...,.., a,• founder Ch8ltmiul emerit. of Cbewb:ic Gum Inc., S.turdQ .• -~~w 71, an authority on ...,.,..un.J 1' 1 Md m.ncer. died 'nlundq. Nelson sees probleni ... Ooo•-=~1£~~·-Oii t=':f._~--~ Ofl+Mll OOUNf'V" of f'oufttlln VtJMlt, Or1n91 County l~ur··~•L'.fi"O"A"D ,fl; -',~ lubll...,.. ("Nont'') It tM OloM Of OMil:lt ..:-a Nllfl•ll on June IO, 1• .. !J*•••··.--·· ............ 1111 ·"OWNll . ll'lf ,.I.,... Dellr MIMtl MILWAUKI& <AP) :!."i~ 't; = ~.=r-,;•" lia TMuneMI -AA .. _...,Gr\ hOw 1111, fl Oliiiiil....,. ot = UMTI :. ~ :" n 5:~:5 ~r~'. CMfl and due "°"' brit ...................................... e,371 th• major tnuH ln ,... • """""*'t Ho.. IMlltN l'ederal fundt IOfd and MOUf'ttlel upcomlna eolltcOvt 111 '°°" MA . ':,;Ii• NA ol ~Ot\aaed under %M1Mnt1 bUplnina ta1D bttw OMo1e1 .:-• of CollfltY, • o NMH In dOfMlt omo.e ................................ e,250 the MadclN.l .._:u r,:' _.. ~ .:.:'~ a. Loene, Total (exctudlng ~Uon end NBA llwM~ of*"-VMM ..._ ot uneemed lnconM) ....................... 33,698 UM ~a ...,..1 _... ,_.... b. lMt: R111rve for Playett' A11oalaUon, to Mid """"*""on• 11at110t poeel_.. 1oan 10.... ......................... 288 Mllwauk .. Bucka Colch ~,,:;"o, •.':.'ii:. == c. Loana, net ...... , ............................... ~ ............. 33,328 Don NellOn says. ~&:, 111d 101n 1uoo1at1011 Bank pr.,,..., F.f'. E .• etc .................................. 1,910 Nelaon eald In a In"* ata1a. it outlldl Othet eeMtt ............................................................... 877 interview published l: :::::_ '"~::C,™: TOTAL ASSETS ....... iJAiiiJTill'"""""""""""""" 48,542 The Milwaukee Journal uo N. Mtlri "·· 11111• Ana. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN · Suncla.Y that he bel.Wvel ~ 111 .,. fllM, ttt1a and tM K8A wt11 ~~~..:-.,.:.~now l*CI DOMESTIC OFFICES ...................... <t3,98e take 11nJnC ~ ~ "" _, "*c!n":; Total <*nand depotlt1 ................ 18,311 ~.t: thlt HHOft to ~--------TotlJ time I .. vlngl dep<>tlta ..... 25,855 t what )w called a Lot t» of Ttaot No. ~.City TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC wrloua dNa problem In ;~.~~ 'A:'or~ of ~ AND FOREIGN OFFICES ............................... 43,966 the league. -did 1n IOOll Ht. p,:: a"i to Othet llabllltlee ........................................................ _. 489 "I think you'll 8ee a <61 lnalull~ ol M61C1M11iaoua M--. TOTAL LIABILITIE~_:.::::~:·2~ ................................ 44,455 very atrong pom&re from 1n .._ offtoe °' t11a County "'°°'°" IH~ftl IOUfTY the le ad e rs of our ol ::' =:.· addrtu or oll'ltr Prefwred •tock league," Nelton aaid. common dt•ltriatlon or n ld .No. lhar• out1tandlng -None "And ·'--t' h It' I>'~ 302' Coun1ry Club onw. Common ttock u1a • w ere • ea.ti ~ Cellfornl&. a. No that• authOl'lzed 2 000 000 3 • 1 1 7 got to start. At the top." N•m• ind actclran ot th• b. No . .nar .. out119ndlng '935'205 Nelton referred to ~as~~ • propoaah for d~ ~~~ ~'f!: :td Loen TOTAL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL .......................... 3, 117 ;:,~ 1n ~~~hich ~~·io c,~'~ 1~ ~~=~~oLoe.Rs··eciuin··::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. 4.~~~ ow nets h a v e bee n m1y be ob11lned br;_requ .. ung TOT AL LIABILITIES AND backing but player =:;'~~::f'r~m ~ SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ................................ 48,S42 repreeentatives have not. 1K1bl1<;at1on .,i tNe nouoe. The underalgned, Lawrence R. Holmet, Pree. & "Dru1-te1t1n1 11 Said Nit wt• be rnllde wllt!out C .E.O. and Edward H. Downer, Sr. V.P . of the '"''"'" r,orit cownent or ~renty, expreea 0t at>cwe-named bank, each declaree, for hlmMlf alone and • .._.. ioniy ~ • 10 tltlt. P<M••t!Ol1 °' not for the otn.t: I have ~nat know•.-..,.. of t"-m , and think encumbranoM to NtlefV tht unpaid ..-· -..... -,.., it should be for ua, too" b•ltnc:ie c1ue on 111e not• or not• mattera contained In thl1 report, and I belleVe that each Net.on aaid. "We kno~ ::1~3~. 03~. ~,.?! T~rutt. to atatement In aald report 11 true. Each of the underalgned. ...-.... for hlmMlf alone 9nd not for the other, certlftea under there la a problem In the Hllm•t•d coll•. axpanN• •n penalty of petjury that the for90olng Is true and correct. league, and we should :!~1on 910:~n.!'":ot~ U: 1:.: Executed on July 23, 1982. at Fountain Valley. de a 1 w l th I t v e r y r~-f-end • ..,.,_ -'2. California. strongly. But jt'1 got to io~~~a TO PAOf'EATY OWNER /1/Lawrenoe R. H°'mee come from the top, and lt YOV ARE IN 0£FAULT UNO£R A /1/Edward H. Downer seems to be going that DEE 0 0 F TR u a T . DATED ~ a..,. c-()ejly "'°'· Nly 21. 1"2 way." NOVEMBER 17. IHO. UNLESS _________ "4;....;..:).«2-- Mc Carron likes his stakes DEL MAR (AP) - Jockey Chrlt McCarron took hi• fourth stakes victory in °'! 5-day-old racing meet at Del Mar with a $55,150 win In the Bing Crosby Handicap Sundav. f.fc-C-arron . at 114 pounds. brought the Irish-bred Pencil Point to a two-length victory, pulling out front In the final sixteenth of the six-furlon1 race for 3-year olda and up. Terresto'a Singer, a 12 -1 longahot with Patrick Valenzuela up at 114 pounda, sprinted to take the lead and set the pace for the race, but could not stay out front. Shanekite moved up ln the stretch under Sandy Hawley at 116 to ahow u 23,560 people watched. The winner pa.id $10. $6.40 and $4.60, while Terresto's Singer paid $10 .40 and $7 .80 . Shanek.ite paid $9.20. F'ICTmOUI .,... .. NAm ITATl..wr The lo4lowlng l*90N .,. doing ~-IMPORTS BY RONI. • 111 Summarwlnd, Newport Baedl. CA 92eeo. BARBARA J· SAYE . • 18 ~· Newport BMctl, CA Thia ~ .. conduc:1ed by .,.. 1"dMdUel. 88rbereJ ~ Tl'lll II.at-I wu Ned wtth ll'le County ca.rte of Orenge County on Jujy 16, 1982 n•o Put>lltl'lad Orenge Coeat Dally Piiot. Jujy 19, 28, Aug 2. 9. 1882. 3~82 All makes, models and colors. Classified Auto Advertising In the YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT )iitjC N()TIC( rtaJC lllftTM>t YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE ""'._ SOLD AT A PUBLIC IALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Of THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Deted Jul)' 7. 1982 REDlANOS FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC , Trust99 Phllllp R 8'oderldl. PratlOlnt 300 l!..c Stat• 8t . Sta. 200 Radllnda, California 92373 (714) 793-MeO Publl1had Orange CoHt Dally Pilol, July Ill, 2t end Augull 2. 1ff2 C~ NOTICa ~ TIN9TU"I &ALI NOncl CW LAM Mo. 10llln24 TWUSTUl' IALI T.8 ..... 11Ga-4 On Auguet 10, 1982 et 11 00 am , BENEFICIAL SERVICE CO. aa F I RS r A M E R IC AM TI T l E d\.lly appointed Truat• under tht INS URANC E COMP ANY . a IOllOW4ng deecrit>ad deed of tMll Cellfomll corponllon ... Tni.IM. WILL StLL AT PUBUC AUCTION Of' SoClCllllO' Trwt .. "' Sub9tlluled TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR TNllN. ol thet ciert.in OMd of CASH (peyM>la al lllM of Nie In Tru1t axec:uted by M N REAL lawful money of ll'le Untied St.tlM) Es TATE 8 T 0 A E. IN c . • n d "" nght, lltle end lntwaal eon't9)'ed ,_dad Nowlnber 25. 1981 ae to end now held by It under Mid lnttrum9nt No S0213. In Book DHd of Trull In th• property 14303, P•g• 1821, of Ofllcl1I llerainallet dMCltit>ed Recor.di ol Orang• County. TRUSTOR . MI C HAE L Callfornla. and pur•uanl to lh•I THORNTON • mwfled man oenllln NollOe of Defeult ll'lartunder 8 ENE FI CI ARY. FAR WES T racord1d Aprll 7. 1182 •• SAVINGS ANO LOAN 317M2 fntlfument No 82· 1~001t. of ASSOCIATION,• l:OfJ)«811on ----.---114 -"""_TIC( ____ Official Record• of Mid County, wlll Recorded Augu11 13. 19& 1 H ,._ "" un<Mr end pureuant lo Mid OMd of tnrtr. 'No 1&~i1 In t>ook 14160. ---.,-Ll~OM.--NO--T1-IC_:.____ Trust Mii at publle auetlon IOf eull. page .we Of VttlOlel H«x>rdl In the NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN tllat I lawful rnoM)' of IN Unlled Stet• of office ol the Recotdef of Orange Arnariea, 1 c:Mhler"• ~ payable County; uld dead of truet daecrtbaa lh• lollo~ll•m• of found or 10 Mid TNSI .. drawn on a 11•1• Of the toilowlng property- uvad Pf heve ~ Mid by natlonel t>.nlC a 1111• Of fedaral Lot I of Trac:! No. 8483. in the tl'le PollCla ~of Ille City:: .::tedlt union. 0, • 11•1• Of led«al City ol Cott• Mell. County ol Coate MaN a pariOd In -·Hvlng• end lo•n Htoclatlon Orange, State of Calltomla ... o« of Ml9ty (IO) de)'I: .~ In 1Na llele 11 IN main mep rac:O<ded In boot< 238, pegee Red VHP• Motor Scooter. .mtranee to Fire I Am.,lc1n Tiii• 22 ancs 23. Mttoell-M9'19, In Bo19 Blac:ll· Vallow Pro Thunder ineurance 0ompeny loc:8'«I at 1" the olftoe o1 the County Racord« o1 Bloyole. Red Peu9aot Moped e..t Flfltl s1...-In Ille dty of a.rite Mid County Blcyde.=cle c:-~, ":: ... ~ ao;'0 M , CalHotNa, ai INt l'lgflt. 1ltla end YOU AM .. OP'AUL T UNDO A • • lntarett ~ to end now lleld ..U M TMl8T DAftD AUGUST 8lcycle. &o(I Aad ._ .. 10 byM undwMldOMClofTrutt lntha 4 1Ht UMllll YOU TAKI :rcy~nder:.::':'.~ P<CIPtf1Y altuated In Mid County A°CTIOM TO f'ROTICT YOUR Reelotd« Pl8)'Ar end Stale dMc:ribed at ~.IT MAY• IOU> AT A NOTICE IS :=u°RTHER GIVEN ltlal A ClOOOOl'IWl!um QOmOOMCI of W SAU. • YOU ...0 ~ • PAACEL 1 IJtPlAMA TIC* CW THI MATURE tt no -~end pr-Ilia Unit No 7 ot that certain CW THI ~UOINQ A~T ownerthlp Of IN ~ wftNn _.. ' •-eeven (7) daye followlng tl'la c;.,...,omlnlum PIO.-• rhown end YOU, YOU IMOUl.D CONTACT A putJllclllOn Of oa Nottoe the 1lltlt OWQibad on Ula coodominlum plen LAWYDl. t,_..o ..,... _. 1n ""·tinder " •-did -"-13. 1975 1n 8oolt 1101 van.y Clt'da c:o.11 MAM. • 11429. PllQA 1764 of oflldll rac«dt Cellf<><nia '2627 tllere ~ ~ In die City of Coete end In the dedwa1Jon of~. "\If a llrMI add,_ <>< comtnOl1 ~ I04d at :::0 ~~ condlllone end reetfle11one (being deelgnallon I• thown tbove. 1\0 time end data lo ba ~ ll'le ~ document •tabllthlng ••"ant)' II g Iv• n • • 1 o 111 DAT"" 7 . A plan fOf ccndOmlniurn ~~ cornc>lel-Of' COfHCt,_) •• ""' R '(~'irH rtc0tdld -"-13. 1975 In 8oolt TN beMtlclaty under Mid Deed CHIEF OF POLICE 11431. P9 285 of ofllelal recc>rdl of Truet. by reaton of e ~MC:h °' p of Mid Orenge County. 1W111111t In the obllOallona eecur.i ubllthad Orange CoHt Dally EJ&ce9tlng thwafrom all oil, gu, lhefet>y. IMre!Ol<><a eoc:utect and Piiot, Jujy 28. 1912 rnlrwM and all ofhw hydrocarbon delivered to lh• undertlgned e _________ 82;.;;..7.;;..M~2 aubatencea t>y whit-var name wrhlen Deelwetlon of o.tautt end "8.JC NQTIC( kOOMI 1"81 are lying below A daj)lh Damend IOf Sala, end Mitten notk:e of 500 teat lrom the _,_ ol Mid of t>rMCh and ol elec1IOn to l*IM lend. but without the rtgllt of entry the underefgned to rell u ld U90fl any portion of IN tuft-of l)'operty to t.ati.t)' Mid ot>lig•tlone. Mid land to takt. man..... mine, end tl'lerHlter th1 underrlgnad .. ptor• or drlll tor nm•. •• cauMd Mid notlee of bf..eh and of r~ In the dead rec«ded .June -.ctlon to ba rec«dad April 7, 21. 1976 In Bodi 11771. Pt1ge 1168 t982 ae Instr No. 82·121215. of "1Cnnout ....... ...-STA,._..,. The IOllowlng pertOnl -doing ~-: A I. P PROPERTIES, 2134 Main Stretl, Sult• 195. Huntington BMctl. CA 92e48. RICHARD L PERRY. 0279111 C.llt Vlld ... Minion Viejo. CA 92982. MARJORIE ANDERSON. 5 Coelmlne vi-, Pon<* Ve»./, CA IM02& Thia ~ .. conduetad by • generW partnenflip. _,_d LPwry Thie~ -flled w4th the County CWt of Orange County on of otftclal rec«dl Mid Ofllclel Aeelo<dt PARCEL 2 Said 111a wlll t>t mede, b11I An undMdld 1118th lnterMt In without covenant or warrenty. and to the common .,.. of Mid ••Pf-Of lmplled. regen:tlng thla. projae1 being lur1her oeac:irlbed ae pc 11111lon, or encumt>rancea. 10 fo11ow1. pey the rllnalnlng ~ rum of Lot 1 of Tract No 6720, • "'°'"" IN not.Cr) aacured by Mid Deed ol on a ~ recOfdld In Bodi 3S6. Tru9t. wtth lntweet • In Mid not• Pro-21 end 22 ol rnlac:elleneout l>'Olltdld. advancea. If any. un6er mao1. record• of H id Orenga the tenn• of Mid Deed of Truet. County. ..... cNrvee end upelW9' of tN Juty 14, 1N2. Excepting therefrom all unite Trust .. and of Ille tNtt• creeled by rhOwn end ~ on the plan Mid OMd of Truat. Said .... wtll ba f1tlSMO and In the oacteratlon. l'lelCI on Ttlundey, Augutt 11, 1182 fl. TMOllAI NTDIOM Th• 1treet 1ddrH1 or other 11 2.00 p.m at the Chapmen HUllWfTZ. flllmR. ~D • common de11gn1t1on of Hid Avanue entrenc•. to 111• Civic .... l)'oparl)' .. purported 10 bl: 313 C•nt•r Bulldlng. 3000 EUI A .. 11f111lmlll Cerpaf .. H Alie Lana, eo.ta MAM. CA 92e27 ~ A__,., In Iha City of A...,. .. ~ Said aalt wtll be INlda wtlll<M Orange. eeo....,.,, CeMat Df. ~ <>< .-renty, .xpr-or At the time of th• lnltlal ..... 1• Implied ... to tltla. pc 111111on Of putllle:atlo.., of thlt notk:e, Iha total ........, ....... CA -tftCUl'ftl>rtn09' to utllf)' IN unpaid amount of the unpaid btllancie of Iha Publlthed Orang• CoW Dally t>lletlOe due on IN not• or not• obllgallon -.ired by IN at>Ove Piiot. Jujy 11. 28. Aug. 2. 9, 1M2. -..rad by Mid OMd ol Ttuat. to dt•orlbed dHd of trurt and 3247-12 wit: '5.752.10. ~ the lollowlnCI Ntlmal•d eo111, t11pen .... and -----------a1t1m•t•d co1tt, ••P•nN• anil lidvllnOAll of 1114,398.eo. P\IUC NOTIC( edvanc9' at ,,... time of IN lnltlal To determioe Illa opening bid, _ publlcellon ol 11111 NotlOe of S•: you may eat! (71•) 137-0IM. r-nnoue .,..... 1711.00 Dal•: Juty •• 1182 MAm ITATlmNT NOTIC1I TO BENEFICIAL SERVICE CO. Th• lollowlng paraon It doing ~ o..,. •Mid T""1• ~It: YOU AM .. DVAUU ~ A 8y: T.O. SERVICE CO .. MISS EMILY'S. 721''A w. 11tft DllD or T"U8T, DATIO agent Slr~o· CoatalTH c~o CEA 92Uo 7.0 llOYIMHR ti, 1N2. UNLH• 8y: Vldd J. Andridgt. '"' "" L M RT N. YOU TAKI Ac:TIC* TO ....OTICT Aeltl181lt Sacntary 1MO Mew Jtl'WV 81., Cotta Mera. YOU" '"O'IRTY, IT MAY 11 OM City llvd. Weet. CA 82m. IOU) AT A ..u.JC 8AL&. • Y Ofanga, CA t2N8 Thll ~le oonduc1ad by 111 ...., AM DP\NIAnoN 0. TMI 714/Qs.ta .. lndMdull. MATURI Ofl TMI "OCllDIN Put>lltl'ltd Orenga Coaat Dally ........ E.dl Morton AOAllllT you.-,'.C:.." 8MOUl Piiot, .My 20. ff. Au!J. 2. 1M2 ,,_ tta'-1-lllad w4th Ille CONTACT AU S1"42 Count)' CW1l of °""OA County on DATED Nit I, tN2. Jujy 14. 1982. ANIT AMlAICAN Tm.E "8JC NOTIC£ ,,._ IHSURAHCE COMPANY, Pubt111'1ed Orano• CoHt Dally a ~ oorpcnUon ~,,..., of tt.ia c.-, Piiot • .My "· 29, Auo. 2, 8, 1M2. Dal\ o.-ad. ,,....., 0111.--• l1M-82 AuthOrtlecl Offt01r .. tM Uftlted Ii.tee ------------114 e."""' a.,... ...,.., ..... o.c . "8JC llJTIC( Santi Me, CA t2702 WHEREAS tatlelactory ~ (714)8M4211 het t>••n pre .. nttcl to the HCrmow wae ,ut>lllMCI Or11n99 CMtt 0.1 ='f.t°":Af.O::L ~~": The =STA~ Plot. Jiii/ 19• 21• Aug. 1. 1* In Hunt1no1011 •••cl'I, 81•tt 01 ~ •: ng peraon It dOlng St.t 1 C1lllornl1. ..... ctoint>llad wlll'I ell GDff.118 I TRUCKING, 11211 f\llJC NQTIC( provlt!Onl OI ,,.,. ttllUIN OI ,,,. llintt WOla ••••• Fountai!n V*t. t--;;m;;CM:iiiiiUiiiiiiil-1 United St&IH requlfld 10 b• CA t27ot. 1 HCHHOUe M.11tm1a oomp lled •Ith before btlrig JAMU EDWARD HAU. 11211 ..,._ ITA~ authorlUcl 10 c.ommenct ll'lt ..,,,. lucla It .. ,_..tlln V*t. CA Tltt followtng ~tlOll I• doing bullln9tt ol l)enlllng " • Netiontl t270I. · •: lanlllng ANOClatton TNll ~ II oonClwctld by 111 0 A L I , 0 ft N I A I A N IC NOW, THll'l,Oftl. I hereby lndltldull. 111a4 Mt. w..,..on ctrtlfr 11111 tl'I• at>ove·n1m•d Jemll I . H.it Founllllll Vtlftl;, CA t2TOI. enocl1t1on It authorl1td to TNll ~WIS t1aC1 w1t11 !fie WINDWAN> ®f'flOAATIOk. I commtnoe tflt.~ °' lllfll(lno County Ctn c1' <>r.,. ~ on .OllllfOrl'lla ~. 11114 Mt. .. • NatloMI llnklllO A9oc»tlcHI .My 14, 1H2. llNnltOfllt.,Fountllll'IV*t,CA IN TUTIMONY WHIAEO,, ,,..., wltnMI fff'/ elgn1t~ lnct ..., of • "ublltMcl OrNtt Oout Delly offioe thl61M clar ot June. 1ea. Nol, .Mot , .... -2 ••• ,... &,!;,~Ula ~ency .,... ~ HlllnMI 11* i---Wtlet--a-..,w""*"M=~-W-...---4 ,ublllfltd Orant• O~•t Dally 11h1a. ti """' Pllo4, Jt.Jto/ 12. 11, H. AUO· 2. I , 1t. of ahopp 119, 1l1ht et 21, ao, hPt 1. ttu ~ ---.,.,,.... 11»-M Dall~ fJltot 01 ... ltt9ct A.a· To ... ,_ 1111. ... l4Mln n "' a CtlaTlhd M-Vllof ..... ~- • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 .8 -1• lllf .... -:= -, ...... ,, ........ 1• All,...llttaM~ :::: 11'1 ttll• n•••P•P•r II 1M 1ubj1ct to ti•• '"•r•I :: '"' HOU9ln9 Aot ot tNI ,., wNoll meti .. It ltleQal to •• 1Cf""11 .. "flltY pu1f9r~· ::: ct, UmltlltlOn Of di~ 1• 111t1on baMd 011 race, t: ootor. r•lloton. Hll or 1• 111t1on11 origin, or 1ny •lit lnt•ntlon to m•k• a ny eucn c>ttt.r..-. 11m1t1· ::: tlon Of dlaoMllnetlon."" Ulll 1• , .. ,_ '"' 1• Ttlle rMMIP"91 wlll not knowlnoly 1ooept 1ny tdvtrtlelnv for rMI .... .... .tlictl .. In Ylolatlon of IM leW. ·--;:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii imt 141C ---,,. -- ~ »» Ill.Ila Advert!· eer• lhould check their ada dally and report errors lm- m ed I at el y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. =-------· : .,.,., J.r 1111 .,. .•..........•......... = ··"" '"' .......................... : SIULL llWI ::: PlYllEm -44lt ODO .... ---i.11 ;ti) ---- Plue IOW price mlllt thla 2 Bdrm 1'.t !>9th condo • real buyl 10% down. rl<1'* only ses.ooo-act nowt &4e-7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS •111 c111m11 AMMOUMCEMUCTS. S..Utlfvlly lendeceped & ma1n1aln1d 4 Bdrm llOm9 Gr .. 1 corner 10-c.uon wlalllatlng RV ec- ~ Owner Witt ..... , POS8MllS & LOST & FOUND AfV'OWICtf""'fN), (at ,_, t..-pJ l'l!Qlt(' .... ........ _ ,.,."°"".,. !lioe"1e.1nve..• y,._ ••• c.~ .. 1 ..... ,. ... ~_,"tu lto.U Mff•M F.qwp _,__" ... _.kf'fttf"t•r1rr -.s..11 :::: ~i:'.!~ -.s.: ..... l1ANSPO•UTIOM Atnret\ ( •tn"1f'f' .!w ... ,. .. "' DtttrM" C1r• MCllM"'Jlofn•• lillolerC)C' ......... .,t. Motcw Hm•.'-W' ft•nl Tra.1MnTrnf't x:.:~~~~~"i.ru AUTOMOllL( GnM"r•I • A.ftuqVft l'ta.tlU llttn1UUft \ffUfW-t ~· "•{•"~" I TroK~I Or1,•• v-4..W ..... H ffllC A•-W•At~ I AUTOS, IMPOITED (,,...,,., AW• ko._~ ..... Aliltt .. tv4k\i •11• l.-• ~ f.hH•U" f'Ht•rt ., .. , l'-41• '·•"•' J- K.M'-lfWM "''-•• ~ M.tcla )h·rtt'th-1 tt.a1 llv 11011 ~ .. ............ "°"'"' Rt"•wh R.olla. JIO,C't RM tr :..O•b .... tiiwkN i:ru~ph Voa.1w1•t• Volro AlfT0$, NEW ,;...,.,., . . ~:: wlfln1nclng. Full price ,. 1142,500. 751·3191 "'° ~ -- COlllS ! lOI» We I-ave 1vaU1ble con- 11/1) doa from IS9,000 10 'MMI $239.000. Call now for mor• Informal ion -797.5370 '°" •u -.m ---. \'( >I l I tl 1:: fl ~'fliL'',, '-·'"'~E t.ITS IOli ------------------""' ---· --.., -.., --- lnerOarrW 1st Gille ~ M ... v.,. da In '82. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba hOme W/rNIW'f tJCtrH on cul·d•·aec. Owner will cerry tow lntar"1 rste Ill TD Ful pnce $134, 500 751-3181 -iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •It -----5 --UUM----... --- .-El Utl.HO ::J: BeautHul 4 BR Portollna ••• plan Ttanege wing, ::: amall bHk•tbell court, ti• vl•w . J1cuz z1 & ::: wo11tehop. Lovely famlly -room. BllCktd to nature perk with auper fln1n· ... clngl Th9 owner wlll carry -at 10% = ~~·;·;·;-;";~~ ~ii - ....... Magnltlc•nl tour b•· droom waterfront. En)oy 11'1• drametlc view of Wit• Ind night light&. Laroe p+.r Ind lllp. Prtct -r9duced S 105.000. Now $695.000. ., 111·1• :::1 ~~~~~~~~~ .. ,,,, •n .--.,, -... WU --teU .., IN1 -.., -., --... "'' What it means hr yqur ad fJJ be "c/ossifiJ?Jf,,, .... ti' ,,. '~ r• .... .. . ,. .. ... ·.· ,, ... .. ... -. .. '" ... i •• u(. r: II ,, .. .... - ,. I '· •• r-, ' I I I I I I I I I·. I I ' . ' i l I I I • I I• • Ottntt COlit DAILY' .. JLOT /MMdey • .My It, 1NI Cl ~.~1:\'1 ....... IMm.~h.'! ....... «ttm.~~ ...... !~!!!.{~~ ...... !M!.~~ ....... !~m.~~11. ..... ~ IWH.Aw.~ .... ;!P.'Mft.ff/PI!'~ .. !'!!f!!.V~!r.~·~ .. ~" ~ ~'!.~t ........ J.IM ~'-1. ......... !.l!I ~ ......... }.I.fl "1H.tfm .... ,.l.~f1 ~.'1/l! .... J ... '1!rnn.tmt .. llJI ft!f.!'!~ .... IMf "111.tfi!ff ...... 1.~ ~.!!~... . L::--.:..· ·-;;" f ORECLOSllE A111Lm1TUL Plck\lp ov er YnOO"i?.&!,QFff.X oveml&ht. Once a 1 e . ve never IMl'l a better buy. Won't wt. Prime Orange Cty 2 \!\ acre hlUt.ov OCEAN VIEW NEw ESTATE. Pool. 1pa, waterfalls, elecc.r. gate11 S800 eq ft w/3e0 degree view of all O.C. Tenn.la court + HELICOPTER pad area . ASSUM E LOANS & TER M S . Originally llated for $2,200,000. S'acrifke at $1,128.382.63 apptox. with $380,000 approximate cash down. Only the 1erioua need call directly to PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 63 1·1266 RE/MAX Realtor\, agt. Brokert welcome. R&"M~ of Costa Mesa • 11tt ..... 1M ...,., -.n I oc:;..,.tHTAl.I lMIAALO MY a • 2 :rr.~.r.::-.-: ... r: ... IXCl.Ul~8"0MI man UL.I OO·Ojl• from ,,, ,000 Chlrmlflo 2M;~ OOt· MUI 14bf'• tlOO to uooo .. lfplo, bfkltl /1t'° -·~~:::..r:~:j,~··=· ,.. a ctook. °'*""' 1 ... ,.. •qulty /'loe. Condo• t•o •. HuQ• 101. l'ln1n. VllW 7~14 CIC*\ 7-deya :J~f11 .. 2165 1 • O O non ~ -... Mt ldtm In dellr..,.. .. ," Thi• 3 ldtm home rNm "°"' 17 ,000 full pttoa a y I I I . ' 1 •• ' 0 0 0 .... a ..... .-0 s.iao Mao room PfV oornrnunl\y, ftrlva t1 be aold. CASH TALl<I l.allllte WOt1d.....,. &41·1148 l 142·.... Ufl _..,. lll.1_,_ • •If bait. 1260 4M41;, bH ch. la1uutully up. ' H A I V A 0 I< • C a I I 14221 '...o de v....-3 lklrma 2 k !amity rm, •-r"!J!. * "'*'"· Probably on. of ll40·1tl1 for mor• di· u.o. Htllt 114/IS7·llllOO IAYClllHT: Hr, pool, ~J.':1 t11 ptteCI, Ptfv•t•. ntcal y duo r 1 u d 0"H°O::i;·0~·AeNT ... ,,_._, ~ 1111 rna lln1al wat•rh•ni apt, flreo41, 180. Vary e oommunlty <>*· N71/ino. Aot 7111•31tt S 8dr •• -.-...u,.':7:n"'oo•••••• i.w. •veil *-,.IQtl, et • ---LI prlvatal lrantMtlo utu· loo•d"O EMl18 pt Marin• m l 4 ldftn. 1725 I ... Tt•••• ~ r\j.:.n "9ttuoecl ........ ..... mabla ""'"cine . IOWMt wlvl1w1 to 0 11111111 l N-. 2 a" condo. dbl Oat 10 1760. ffenced yarct. a Comp furn'd Wiii "'°" tum MHOoo ...... L.ova~ corner CaN Ml• price In lrH at H H, 8an Cle m e nt • ltl. 1•1', OIOtl to OOHn, garagH. Kld1 l Piii tiwm. 7~ i::,i:,' ~. Miii'!"-11110 Manor, 21r, 281, 000 Vacant. 2007 Holl· 7141ee 1-030ll t IO Mon ·" r I . welcome 545-2000 Tlill41ctllll'• •• ''" gatage, trplo, ptl,,,. Ylaw day Rd. lkt. tll5·2 ... 1, $31-4341, M . Agent, no tee A-"'--lt OverlOoklng II«• & golf 790-7292 ,,,,, A1n/&"""1 l!/llde: nlel dMn 2 Ir 1 _. ..... m•eum•=~aQ.j 38r, 21a. dbl w gwege. =·~.llOO Cill 0..lldl• 1411 11 lncd y1rd, enclad • ....,, IHd 311 ... '!~~ ....... ·-· 11··--·--I 2 patlol, neoetona trplc, ....... -••••••••••• 7.......... gataga. Nlol. rellabla f• •• -...................... 111-.1.~ ,,,, 7S•t100 ownar-cua1om bit holM. Single atory .. 8011111 .. Tllne ll'lat• 1 _.. per = 1 Ghlld Ok No I*• TU ..... ,. •••••••••••••••••••••• S12USO Wlth 12050 ly -· Lalaur• World, Sltuet.cl on a beaUttlUi :'h~':: ... 7~~~ '"m~~ 254 ~~ra~ge~O~ 3 br, 2'h t>a. prof ct.c Yrly 2 bdrm, 1 be. Deale, down.~ wllt C&fry MC~ta21 .. 28a,WID. greenbeltlllithpool Two 520-4518 5 ...... 77,. 1menltla1. $1250 ldry No!*a.M50 111 loan. retno, N8IJlft ..,2,600 •• private P•tlot, s bdrrne, .. .. ... 5211-8983 57&--03411 lllMfa.T •• , ........ " aJtr, t4%. A•klna 1 11•·000 2 b•tll•. new OtrP•ll. PAUi ...... 2 Br 1 .. w/ crpll, drpt, OC-RENTALS ._ ...... _ ---••••• 71'-708-3&00 lmmaculat• condition. QREATl!ST CONDO " uard. E/1lde S5115tmo •--------•, .. , 1·5br'• -lal•nd condo 1nll""'' Jll1 Your own llttll cc>mef of ~~~~~~~~~!I.Mt••• •l•••I 1111 NMr 1Choolt and lhop. bdrm. 81eapt II. World 11711-&0ea fC>f ,.... 2 Br 2'hba. on •••••••••••••••••••••• the local co••tll11a. -':':I.••••••'••••••••••• ping Miik• otter. 1215, wld• uchanee. Sao 12. 4 BR M ... Verde, Quiel gOlf eourM. Full MCUrlty. 2 bdrm. 2 b• l"IWlf dp4x BrHlllng 1Urt, dramatic LI IWI/ UIT1lll hHr b1l11t · 000. 760. GUI de NO. 11115. mo Club lncludM poot, 8')a, yrty. Mature non-emkra, rock formetlon. •nd ••· Cute 28r houM. Owner 2 bdrm, 2 ba, bMUtlful 714/4113·03711 Aalc tor Biii. 1131•12ee ten n 1 t . I 2 t O O Ph no P91• 1750 x 3 qul1lt• 4 Bdrm home flexible. Bkr 530.1453 Vlll1 P1~lllc1 hom•. 714·573...047~ 21317"'4196, 257-117112 thing elM Ilk• ltl A llatlng • • evell Ill cofltld•r htatt1'9 blllna, frplc. c /d , "o ...... Vlew ..... C.r.., ''} #u UU of 1he Von Gelderna 12. SBr. lla & 1er. 1Be In-leele/ ~ ch... •••••<I\••"'•••••••••••• k Id a IP• I• S 5 0 0 , 3 bdrm. 2 b•. fam room ••••••••••••••u•••••• 500 ooo 1-aulte, -tv ramode-751-0482, 11.46-795' · •I• 1&1111, 845-25ell av Neu pool, park. achl1 Lg lludlO tpt New cp11, • i.cs. tlealble term.. $129. 100 aet•. OM mlll 01 11250 mo 844-ll3!14 drpa, I paint. lmmed U,_.IOOf 11() ... fi 900 Or try ..... 09tlon. ""' ,.,.,, JOSI Udo ea River frontage. TREESI OCEAN/MOUNTAIN vu --------1 oc:cup 1475, 551~130 plua pool and 1p1. No-I llll I I Adult C~. Financing -0.1 II ll•t. 2Br 2ba, 2 car g1r D/W, Aealtora, 576-eOOO By ownet. 848-2788 •••••••••••••••••••••• PASTURE LANDI 2 SunNt Blufla. New dla 2 Blull1, ~ ut>grloded 4 Bdr WAITD PEllDIU 11111 ~~~~~~~j HOME FOR SALE by ow-WllllHllT 673-7300 home1 Lota of amenl· bf, 2 ba condo Frplc;, 3 Ba u paint & carpet Prize Wm Bay bam--t. Sla.,.. for 2 '--••, -ner 3 8R. 2 Be . ......,.rate 38r, 2'A9a, lam rm. 3 tlM. Wiii conalder trllOM. gre•nhae wndw, ger . Pool. no peta I 1395 win/~,.<!~~,!!..,,..! 7 ...... , ..-....,... ........-g1r11Q9t model hOme b y1rd. aec:. gate. No peta 944-0350 _.,...., -..--..--remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. 111•1 PR.. dining room. covar•d 0 • 0 k b ty Xlnt lln aV'all. 1145-39411 1880/mo. 2157 Pacific; ----------' retlrlne '*"" moving to • patlO PonderoM 8 1 CM wnar oc • oa ' Near beeutllut lk>IN. 850 Av Sea 111 • then call Spac!0\.11 4 Bdr eawtlve 1re1 No atatr1, no pelt Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 •TllnlllOI* 1135'000, 9&3--0363 . 1298,000 w/20% dwn LIN ....alU It of rl-frontllQe 3 Br 551-882211144-8722 home w/11m rm, 2 lrptca. Up to $500 mo (2131 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq ft. $1,385,000. t• atl you pey wtlen you . . ~.:.-i::.::'lu~~~~ 2 Br 1¥. Ba Maw carpet. home on 4 ac. 1 ac. lake 642..aaot ~~:,1e c~~:.:::-'·iuC:: 275-2540 •-· Oceanfront. '•ke over ealatlng 1at REAL ESTATE TAX IN-581-34211, 586-2521. tile, mlnlbllnd1, 4 blkt 10 & Iota of ''"' on pro· 2Br, 2 ity condo nr teth & painted & carP91ed, Incl. ,.1111 ...... JIU t .D. Spaclou1 4 br ea· VESTME NT! S5000 bHch, Pool. Mu1t nll per1y Fln•nclng 1vall Harbor . 1520 mo gardener 11350 !'~ •••• ~~'!':••••••••••• LllO ISLE llMES II ec:utlve detlChed home. cHhlll $146,000 •h•f• • .,,..,, IHd JOll thll weekend. Come -S 2 2 5 . O O O . Ca 11 831•5897 ah llPM. 645-t528 1 II 2 II •A Prtme Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 't'l bath. Featuring frml din, fmly purchaM MINIMUM tax ··-·••••••••••••••••••• & mall• ofter. 700 Udo 7141720-1021 • • • • 1 ,. LR 2 boat_,. •1 ..,"' 000 rm & frplc. Only $212, deduction ''I. year $10, Park Or, no 1, t 1·5.1-1----------1 4 Br. 2 Ba. lharp & ctaan, Beaut cull Newport Newly decor. Gu pd, ...._e · ., '""ps • ,.nJV, · 000 FEE 2970 San Mi· 000. Owner (ln1111t0<) will 1175-7383 Atklng 1117. HI 6t1l1 f1mlly ok M50, grdnr Helght1. 2 1ty, 4 BR"' 3 encl ger. dwahr. pool, JWmodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + largt> rec nn. beam ~. furnished, J>&bOI. $420,000. Liii& ISLE UYFIOIT Laaoon Vlew from 6 bdrm,~ bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. llYSllE COYE Spectacular bayfronl view 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 boat sllpa $1,000,000. ClllllAH ClYI Coronado Wand cust. bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/~nns. ILIFFI CllH Single story end urut, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,000 Pllll Liii 3 bdrms, 2 \.'I bathe condo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Buv~·d1· Dr•ve ~4 B 67S 611)1 Quel Dr, Newport BMcn aupply total down pay-500 I.du•• II tncl. BR i>lv• lolt-3 t>a, OR, bbg. Adult1, no pell 1511·1501 Of 152-7373. merit up to $40,000 In •••••••••,..,••••••••••• 546-9950 FR. plu1 LR·3 yra old No _64_2_·_50_7_3 ____ _ equity Shar1purchaH Olj11J.f.lll~tl Let's• .. eAhlll pell Avl $1350 . 2 br t bt , carpet•. In new luaurloua 2-3 I ~:~1·;,··:.,··.·.,·••••••••• Corporation dHlrH to llAll llW 646-8789 0< 646-6710 dr•P••· bullt·ln• No Bdrm. 3 Ba. Condo, ,,._ ,, •• trade $35,000 equity In ... Pitt '425 2272 Maple Cotta Mesi. Maximum MYfll l•IUI flt s.Ji 1100 exceptlonel 3 Br New-2 Br. 2 Ba lrple, bit-In•. 1,.etH1lar TI.w 631-2927 Int dapre .. apte. atruc-YU -OISTM •••••••••••••••••••••• port 8aecfl Condo. Alt wat•r oriented, 2 cir llllffl latl lay --------- ~ Walker & Lee lured for bl.l"/9f, l)Oltlble Onr 1.1 ACIES ......,port Beacl'I De Anu uaumabf• tln•nclng glfege w/op«t«, pool & 3 bdrm 2~ bathe twnhM SpaciOtJI 2 Br 1 Ba. '425 ".L .l.E 4-1 benefit. Phon• Out 01 the flight bayfront Park Mint Want Income property, apa. $785/mo. 645-3115, $1200 'per mo Eve1 & 3 Br 1 '.; Ba 1 4 75 7 I 4 I II 3 1 • 5 0 5 5 . cond '78 dbl Wide, hr• r .. taurant. °' wtlat Nive 557-2380. 11Wknd1 979-8986, da Laundry lac · pool Thll lrg 3 Bdrm 2 Ba 714/842·2000. Pa 1 1 • r n · 1 h 1 5 i>lu::e. brlC'k patio. $58, you? AMllng S22i.500 1132· 1023 648·95511 home hu bMr1 ramode-~~~~~~~~~II custom home offers 5 0 o . B 1 11 G r u n d ., Anant 114g..1044 3Br, 2'AB• Condo, min to ---------HK! 1nd lnciud• 1 lrg •••l''-l'U m I g n I 11 cent 67$·8l61. ' .,.... bch & 1hopplng. Pool. 4 Br 3 Ba, •P• 3700 sq It S420lmo 2 Br. 1 Ba apt • mtlr Bdrm, den, and gt· a . ut 1' opp or tun t t I es. Jae, & .quna, annual lae view. $2500/mo beamed celllng, laundry i antlc pool Auuma "" 1040 Separate guest '70 Fleetwood, 12x40, 11•1111 1785 mo. 111 & lut + 4 Br 3 Ba. comm pool, rm • poot Avall July Catt •••••••••••••• • • !urn NEW a & •••••••••••••••••••••• -. dan (71•1 7..,..527• SI 195/mo for •PPI 177,000 In loana At· • • •••• home end private .. r nge ,.. ~ -... .. ...,. .. king 1235 000 131:7370 S5000 down. Tri-level P 0 0 1 1 n d 8 P 8 . trio. Startlgnt '1111 714/ BHIH lu.JiiH Big Canyon 2 Br 2 ea. TSL Mgm1 642-1603 ' · home. S 1411,000. CloH Owner wlll finance 8 1 3. 4 3 2 9 , 2 1 3 / •••••••••••••••••••••• L•H•lopllOll, dHtrable comm pool S850/mo $'490/mo 2 Br 1 Ba. up- to l>Nch. 2 yeara old I 799~ 1022 Jm.1 Jiff Mesa Verde aree. 4 Br 3 3 Br 2 Be, comm pool ,_ unit, eodlld gar-. TRADI TIO.\AL REALTY 0 -n•r anxlou• •ndu ent1r• loan The Ba """" 1mm~ ~~,. S """. -..-~ " , •••••••••••••••••••••• · """'' -""'"' 7txltmo pa11<> 111 bit-me. leund"' Daya 714/ 536-2547, !)flee 11 $985,000 35 11 cu1tom traller, New· BHutllully upgraded 3 11400/mo, 522--0332 111 2 Br 2 Ba, comm DOOi rm ., E~ ""'" """" port ~ River J.ttya bdrm, 11.t ba COndo In 6PM Of wkndl. $'""'" 1-'-JH,. B · Spec. 3Br, 2ba townhae, Or try INN optlOn on ---------·-......,...,.,..., Wilham Cote. I S8.000 646-03113 w 0 0 db fl d ~. Fr p I QJV/mo TSL Mgmt 542-1603 Ull'utl ' roker Sea Breezes, lo ren1, 2 BR ANoc.. No •t• $725 trptc, micro, 2 car gar any o I 1 h eae 11 1 v a ltrge 3 Br 2 Ba Town-llDM /lh ' loH T~;;·,·;;;,·-;;1~:i'1:'b.~' (714) 780-1800 ,,., btk ahopa. mkt. bu• 759-IOl5 w/opnr $780/mo. Avail other• Fred Teno<e agt houM In Quiet complex. •••••••••••~•••••••••• 4 Br 2 Ba. D.R. FR vu 55 Yfl age req MC Pk W•l•I lfui JJ41 s.p1 1 648-3278 evN/ 1131·1268, 631·2711 l1rge pool garden Ml· of Univ $200.000. SMJ. $7500. &46-21184 ••'••••••••••••••••••• wtlnd1, 960-4395 wlcdya 2 Br 2 Ba Poot & . ~;£591~75 1145-338 l Pllll IWlflUJ 000 down. $150,000 _B_EA_C_H-Fl_X_E_R-. -2-4-.• -5-4.-.' 4 BR ,_dee: furn Sec $7 ament 4 OPENALLWEE.K A.l.T.0.12%1ntonlylor5 2BR gal ... Pflv &di .. tennla EASTSIOE 3 bdr, t bl, lift OOtmo -S-53_0_/_m_o_2_B __ 2_B_ • H7 Matlne Ave yr1. Agent~1·5032 i----------henyl!~·D~.t~~ Owm. 4~ 91r, l.t• yard. wahr/ Agt 642-3850 Townh~ .... ~ pon~, , NOW $2!54,0001 On Br1nd New Homu & Brand New Homu & market, make otter, flea. ryer, dge., e>et• ok BIG CANYON. gollcourset patio• all bll·1n1. lndry 30a8!5 tt lot. Adorable Condo1, no money down CondOI, no ,noney dOllOO terma. AB 1092 egent ...... U.Ja.JfW 1&50. 631 .. 443 View 3 Bdr, pool, tennis. rm, sm1ll pal <>II Won't 2Br Iba W/brlck patio A whll• they IHI. (7141 whll• they 1a11. (714) 633-2742 •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA . 2br 2 bl ••curity s 1300 18118 laatl SUPER VALUEI 546-11522 "ftt. 54&-ll!522 A9t C..na/ 311 AC, lrpl; dlhwstv, mtcro. 644-7424, Bkr TSL Mgmt 642-1603 ... llllllT 2-Story, 5 bdrm Nant- ucket In SpygiaM with ... and ~ltul Sun- .. , pool llned wtttl 14, 000 red brk:k1 Tatelully de corated throughout with wallp1pera and ahutter1. Show• like a model homel Many up- gradea Saner wtll finan-ce. Submit down. $760, 000 Incl. land ll&llH -\I.Ari HI HO'I lllll&lll 110~1 .. ·-3 + OEN. 8teutlfUI pool AEAl ESTATf home In Newport Beadl, f\.11 14 Herbor Hlghlenda. E"· --------- ...., OCEAN FRONT •••••••••••••••••••••• prV1 yard. Mt dbl ga· V.,Mlllel 2 bdrm 2 bl Alt 5. 8'2~221 BY OWNER XLNT LOC I ITU PAii Loa Alamltoe condo Nice r • g e . po o I . 18 5 O • W•lnut Square condo 3BR 21>8, Sale. IN/opt avell Cati Ir-~ Oe- n I a•. 552-9549 , 551·2193 OI' t78-U57 S4000CO a.40-7990 Located In popular 4br, 2bl, 2 atory condo t-'496-0353 penth<>uM. oc.att view, Fireplace. pool, d11h· • Gr""l••I Pe rk, Cotti Pool & apa. 1&75 mo patio, S 1000 541 ·3395 wut\er, pvt patio x lO M••• OO\lble wide Avu. lmmed. • tU or 752-5317 Garden 2 Br S560 lancer with attached tun 7~!589 "i..-fU JUI SUPER KOOL 1 br. wt _5_5_7_-2_84_1 ____ _ ILlffl IUIAll 844-41110 t.wvety ramodlllacl '*"" --.... 3 Bdrm and COl'Nerllbla w R e d • c o r a 1 • d 3 den. Seller wtll QTl"'J at• bdrm/2 b l on prime low ln ter•ll rate . location. Gar, aun deek, 546-23 t3 palloe. near no. bey 1385,000 owner will coollder lln•nctng. owe financing 875-53111 or 873-5291 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS You own tM lal'd. 2.000 l1ln.lltll eq n. 38r, tam rm, 2'..\o Lovely home+ land. 3Br. Ba, wide G~t. near 281, S 177,toO. Ownu pool Far below market (714) 8!51.,')933 $245,000. Wiit 1M1e op- rm . 2 c;ar c arport. 2 11n••s ...................... pool •Clean 2bt/21>a condO nr bdrma and 2 bath1. "'"' O<rRENTALS par1y patio. call $375 SC Piel.I, SA 1575 No Prtl'M and """" Wf1tl loll Yearly-Weakly-Winter. 2. 1-5br'• $200 to S2000 OC-Rl:NTALS 750-3314 '* 752-6822. '41·1460 led. PIOP 2 Br townhome with ana-rel~&-= ~ 22 Adtt1 pref Sml oog Ok ~~acyo~:':Jifv:: 3'ji0iil IULn 7so.3314 ope!\ 7-cS&ya 2Br. 2ee. 1rp1e, poo1, '/2 er , • ., ba. 1110 Joann s1 I 714t UJ.4400 ehed garage. Appllance1 • 1 &45-8•53 llWNIT lbllTI IZ Ill US.UZI MWIEIEIT Inc I u d • d . A' k In~ Newport Cr Ht. Plan "·I Ne-.,,-,-8-th-,P-omo--n-•. -, -B-r Older hOUM over 1300 1711 •171 ~~";~·1:o'· 642·142 lmmacutlle cond. lant-1 Ba, upt1alf1 ap1 dtw, If IWlfl ·tlon~·~B~kr~. 844~..0~134~~ POPULAR WOODBRID· - GE MODEL. 3 bdrm, 2 bl, DR. FR, Atrium. AIC, pello. lg a11um 101n. IQ It ptua large d•l•· HARBOR V"W "'le view Avail 9/1 for • ctrport. relrlg1, waler ,....--~ ------ 'TAYl .OH CO HOME FOR RENT 11200 per mo will con-paid 1 chlld oil. no pets DRAMATIC ~ double sJnarage on ... /YIEW/hfwn 3 Bdtm. $725. Fenced 1lder 3 yr ••••• I 1450/mo 545-2000 --1 N.w t, -.om. 1 Br ept, fantutlc OCMn yard & gatllQe. Kida & 640-8208, agent Agent, no lea UNI PAK • Bdr t~n..,.,m-new plumbing & elac:tnc. vlewa, from llv rm & .,..... .....,.. ____ ""'2000 j '" v " liAA "' 50x 117 R 1 lot. OwMr bdrtnl. u 25 .-. i;-,.::.:·-~·.....,. 2Br 2ba. pvt g1r •P 2 Br garden apt, petto. Fiia term•. 857-8363 C..U..bl IW IOU ...................•.. ...... , .. ,.,.. H~t+lncome OWC 111 • Flex Terms 509 Acacia CdM nr bch Spotleu Vac:ant Ouplu HuOa 5tSr73ba+3br/3ba 440K own/blr.r 645-7048 M IAIYll View of golf COUrN from Ihle edC>fable 2 bdrm & den townhouae. Wrap around deck. ow nnen- ca. S2115.000 UOATIH -nl Remodeled 2 1tory hOme wt1h c1oM up VIEW of bay. boat• and ooeen, nigh! llghll. Entertain enfoyebly from thl1 3 bdrm. latn rm & pvt pa- tio ~ llex!t>la wtth good financing $599,000 r.. land. ow axchanee. \!.·'II HI Ho'I llOMI' IM. RE Al ESTATE , 0.11 q(~I COUNTRY on grMnbelt Excellent nHdt CHh. S 174,000. \ llt11'11111 ot , .. , .....,_.t, no"-· Modern, IOll of ttorage, new paint. crpl drapn ~ ~i-~·~gl ~~ 461 Santa Ana Ave ll.orho1 lnlt°'lmt•nl ('u ,... .a.f/llft f1tr1, WALK TO BEACH '4 Br 3 walk In CIOMll, 2 car No pell $440/mo Wkdya 631·3520, E-& .,.Ive by 700 Udo Park ea $850/mo. 573-71138 Pfk g, welk to beach t 1 546-9950 lmlll • S12l a-Wknd1 546-5041. Or (6). 2 bdrm. 1700/mo or 913--83n. Btkl S750 Incl uni AVBlt , _______ _ ESTATE ,_.. yrly. 8 It 5 , 9 8 0 -5 8 u or NEW BREED APTS Ador1ble 2Br home In .9&111111 Ollm C.a•tf'1 Wfl 04•/lahnl, IT'S CRAZYI 3rm LOA· 845·1771 (Iv magi , , Br & IOll, 1 Br Bach '"000 I I lovely neighborhood! Ek· p "~· IS'-... b R'... e OED From 5350 Frplc, rec " • on 1 acre, CdM'S BEST DPLX cellant financing avall r+c. Ind down reduced "1 -nu or ..,ge ttatea roval kite'" ••o"'E ... 50 "SEAVIEW" 3Br, 2'~8•. m ... 1 ... •lectrlc gatH, 150,000 dn PVATE •••• • •••••••••••••• VIEW ICKINW. 3000 pll.J• , " ... " ... I room. pool, IP•. ON & cobbleltone motor cour-ComPllf• value of Ihle 3 Many 1menlll11 lnclu· A I l 0 0 w n er 1Ag1 Pacific Vt1w Memorial llQ ti 3 Bdrm, 3ba, fam OC·RENTALS 750.3314 am rm. tennt1. poot, sec water p1ld No pet• 393 ~~;m~'=.': ;"~ s~!~.~1~~1r~~~iv~n:1~ g~i:~1Jru11 tr .... Call 8151·0130 . ~~~~~-f ,eo:.· ~~~ ~~1~i:~~ .. 1~~.~ lni•1 IZ44 ;~:~~2'~1~ ~0.,1;~1 ~;_~,\~ton C M huge frplca. Room for nanctng. Drive by 518 N:';O:, BR 11&.ci\blly arff ~1~;1:: • 1 2 2 O O S2900tm. Beaut. decor •••••••••••••••••••••• ----1 -------1 --------- tennl1. No Tullln • NarCI~ or call for CS.. sJ57,:l, Gt~:'';;;; --------1 WaterfrHt ..... LUSESU Ull PHllSIU .aJ.-tfi:-&.a Or~ Hllll with view, talle. Call 640-71165 property, TD'•· Wiii C...udd 111•1.,. 3 Bdrm detad)ed riome. 2 Br m Ba.,_ carpet.I •--=--=mJI 12•1 min to 1111 frwya, l=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil--------1e11e-optton or low --~~ 1~-In •xo•ll•nt ., .. Avail•· Ule. mlnl-bllnd1,' b4k1 to APAlllllm air-.., So CO..t Plua.1• Bu Owner, Turtle Rodi 3br rl' .,_ •-•&.--'-' -~ ,_. b 1 e I m d I t I .,..... ' -• llPlD ' down Reedy to deall ••••• •• •••••••••••• -,,.,_ .._ m e • • Y beach, pool Mu Rent orl BHulllul garden ap11 S l.400.000 21>8 rent S 1000 mo or O w n 1 r I B r o k er APft.I Y&L.1.IY •••••••••••••••••••••• S800/mo °" 1 year leaM IHH option $700/mo Palioll~• Heel paid ~.000 down, auume ... , S250K 645-9555 71._544-0514 T .... _... 2400 aa. ft I W.. Fl111 others to chooae 700 Lido Parti; Or. no. 1, No pell 12'h% 111 TO & 2nd TO ---------1----------1 U -r 3 bath~. 1 bloel! from. We're the ones to 1175-7383 Atklng S57. 2 Br 2 Ba 15115 at 11 %. BHt dHI In l WlllEI lT OLlffUYll Near new 4·1>11a, 2 bdrm. from beach In Balboa 1 c.11 IO< ....... 500 3118 w WHaon 1131-15583 CdM. cornar lot High 1122 IOO Stll8,800 3 Br hm on 2 bath Heh unit with yHr IHae. St.500 Pe< [Ui]w. r75e2n ~~},; M~F•.11 John ' giant 170' tot. Ad)Olnlng fireplace. enctoMd patio, mo Contect Dick or ml\ldbrldgc l.•11 A..• JZIO E tide cute itudlo apt, ...,~. The owner hU realty gl· T d I garage, ll'f•-11t. Poe. Don M th F 11213) •••••••••••••••••••••• vaulted c:eiHngt pvt pa.-ven thl• 2 bdrm, 2 bl n•ture center. ra • cuh flow. Now $1&9, na on "' r lk.tll!J Beautifully maintained ol-tlo. S400/mo" Joyce Trade your old atutt tor Cnll ll•u JOZ4 Bradley In Univ Pant • ~:~43~074~i_lgl. 500. Biii Grundy. Altr, _5_9_8_·8_1_n ______ , O.Sl ·'UMMI der home. original wood Weitze, 631•1268 RICK ALDERETIE ......,, ..... ,., ll1-4444/ll1 111 new goodies with • •••••••••••••••••••••• VIiiage I a lot ot care. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1175-(1161 ,,, ..... _ · · panellng, lrpl, 1ep.1---------Cl111llled ad 842·51178 Recently redecorated · •-t!l~thrrun "~·'·'"'"'' breakfa11 room . 3 Sparkll09 clean, 2 Br 1'1• r:;~::;;;;;:===:..:.:======:;:; I.I• usl9WLI Good location and ex· ut••• It-• C.., .. J.Ju1I l••J.1.i. JZ07 ••-••• bdrma. 2 Cir garage. Ba. 1490 Fenc.d, uUla Q ,. --c:ellant terms. _,. -•-a. I ,~. •••••0 ••••••••••••••• _,.,_ I d $650 Plld R I I 2 II X,•; G A'ZEK11 ~ •BDRM LUii ••• '.~~~!!! •••• .'~ •• 4 er. den/wetbar, dining & 1 to 5 bdrma, •t•rtlne at arge yar /mo • r g• •ma i---..-........---B• n1v " P\lll "---.....--S130,000 Expanded "Miramar" PALM SPRINGS CONDO l1m rma. balcony & tun-"450 to S12115 9'113.7.taJ.791811# JZfl ~e:r:alc:c;o m~ll05 H. ·-°"" ..... c.4t H. NR FAIRVIEW/BAKER Model 2 Of 3 BR, 2'A Time Sh•r•• curr-tl~ d. ck 2 car g. r Y ·•••• '••'• •• ,·.,• ''••• V BY OWNER '"'" , S 375 $500/ 2 B 2 "'-" • baths. compll1aly remo-1811 at 18 000 per wk 1 /mo )"'ly IN Avail •• •••••••••••••••••••• mo r ... •P1. ;_"!;:!:;.';.~;i:;~',.~~: • .'~. 114s.-01&4 d.i.d P1noram1C ooeen Bvy thla fof S7.000 mo ; Aug. 1176-11324 HOME FOR RENT enclad garage, patio, , ,..,,. 1·"1ouc i,..,. '9" & city light vi-. Com-bdmt, 1 be comp tum c.,.., 'ti •u JllJ 3 Bdrm S 725 Fenced trple, lndry tee Su~t ;:'.;,:..., ;;~;: :.;:: ..... IEUllT munlty pool• & tennl1 evy with......, .. Irland•. ...................... yard & geraga Kldl & ~S pet •• .,,..,,_ "'"'" y court• Guard•d gate Total coat 184.000 •-et ..... "'-pelt W9lcofne 645-2000 l Mgmt 642-1503 •<K• .. • ...... ..... .. our own pool and I•· 11""""/ "--.. ., .... A"*'t no'" ·-·" ,.,.. .,.,_ ·• cuzzl cornea with thl1 3 .,... ...., "'°· .,...,na 646-3317 1131-4455 4bdrm.....__....,,. _,... w~·' ' EASTSIDE 2 Br 1'A Be. .,... • ,.. • .. •• God"1all 844-e200 · ,....,,,.,...... m ..... 1 ,._ ~--'-/ T 1-... ••• ,,_, ,,,,.,., bdrm home In one Of · · ,_ .__ rW"" rm. 4 bl, gr•at pool, -••.-.. UI ownhou .. , •nc..., CJa· :;:, ;:~ :::.:..... Co•t• Meu'1 b .. t 'tS13CAM"'5Da·fRVM ~~!.~!!l!;;c...... dec:ll. $11150. Avail lat• Uu•r.JdM 34 rage, lrptc, 1maM pat Ok ~:=:-~:::..-:':!::;"' · n•IOhborhood. Enter Aug. 844-1210 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• GrMt loc. .,. 0 "" •ia. "" tyerd and enjoy the WAT!.RFRONT HOME SC Pl p 1 d ,,_ •100 ,, .. .,.. through • prtvat• cour· SHARP ENO UNIT. LAST ---------1 •5 3CAM"'5Da!IRVUIE Reao1't-llke adult trect nr TSL Mgmt. 1142-1503 ::=...., ~;:;;,... ;:::-:; many im•nltlH lhll JUST LISTEDI lovely 2·a\)', o.tm 4 Br 2 JBr, 3ee. se95 mo. End DI 1 1:; N o o • gr •• nr. STUNNING large 1 Br ,.,_....... .... ,._,,,.., Rancho 81n Joaquin fplol d e 1111 h u I d 1 1 ux · 0 l*L -7!5 garOln apt pool & rec; ,,._ ··-,,_ home oftera. Won't la•t view cond I h 2 Br ~~~~~~~~~I , mo rn c en n t, g1r en ng Inc . & 1315 utll 775-2580. rm. 142&/mo 110 w' ,.,_ '""' ....... 179-6370. Be, lrplc, deoka, land· beautllul oek cablMte, "' -..., ---------::~ :;:;:: :::.::::.,_ at 11311,1100 , C1ll owt 2 _ CHANCE appl.,wetblr,3carger, Pool.•tc.857-6694-H"'hlyunnracled&cteen. 181h St -~""-! !;::;"' ~::::-" :;;:-~. r.•· UM of WllTOLlfF hrdwd entry, upgred•• Tl...,... lhl&• Newport 8ch Big Canyon Mature per.on Newly deoo :!::'' ;!:,.. !!~ pool an IP•· OWC 3 Br 2 Ba c:n.rmer It l ..,_ hll beau thruout Fdr laue 1750 aq It. 2 mHtar 3 Br 2'h Ba. gollCOUfM eorated 1 br hOmey tipt ... ..-.... A. $1$9,000. &«.7020 1218 Davon Ln. 1~ fl.. 0 .,.., ' lltul 3 12800/mo. ~blllty of t>drtnll. CIOH to perk v I• w ' p 0 0 I •• p .. on 1....,. trlpleJt W/bMm -.~-.-1 r,=..,.. ~!;.. :;:;:.-,.. LJlll 11.&L Rllll nanctng w/nonnal down yaar Old, 4 Ullft apart-1at right of rafueel. &oat and pool. AVllll Seot 1 S 1 4 0 0 I m 0 . C a 11 c•lllnga. BH ul. q ul•t .... .._ ·-paylMf\S. H. Fr.clerlek, ment "°"" In Sen ci. dock •110 av•ll. Call 83U2n 0t 752-6Q2 720-1009 awaiwltnd1 °' groundl. complet• ...,_ '"•"-'°°"' ·-1llP ll'Jtr:•Tll'I '--u• ...,, /Of IMlt. 831-1281 ment• MCl'I OOMn-hllle & p ........ P1tt1-115•·"473 73~-9800 wkdya eat .. ty. Wet., a f; ....... ........, ...... ·~~ • • ::7••••••••••••••••••• gotf courae Ylewt at a ._.,., g _,,., ~ Woodl>ftdOe 3 8t 2 a.. .vv n • ~ .-J .. ,,. (;w ..... ,, OLDE LAGUNA CHARM lramancsout NVlnOa di· wttdya 8-· flmlly rm. petlOll, atrium. No peta. 1425. ~11515. ,, l~ i L ( i G I I I flGER Ii' . 1• I I I . l I C C E P I I r 1 went 10 1 10\l\)h Kl\OOI I I I-r • One day 1 kid wu c11111enot0 ? lo PIO"' Ille ltw ot or1wlty, Ml M w~t to IM roof and .,,,..,. I R E J E T S I !he -011· t--n-l'-1..--1 ... ,..,1,......,1.....t • ~ :-..:~.:..~ __ ........ __._..._ _ _, ""' ---'--.... J ti.i... • :~"'H'10M'~"'u r r r r r r I' 1 I '[;,it:=•• imm '0 I I I J I J I I _. UTI ...... 11114111111•11 11N No quelllylng to make Unique 2 bdrm floor ract from tn. owner be-Nie• 1 Br front houM, frplo, l\lol4y ~. Bre nd n•w Corona d•I ~ ...., l••HM9 ltlla apaetacular 3 Bdrm plen, 1 blth. llv rm w/ fora be ing ll•t•d with ocaenalda. M25/mo 1•1 (Pool. lalc•. llMll Ptfy.) M11 kJKuty 2 bdrm, 2 ba .,, • 2 .. _... pool homa your own. beamed c.lllnga, hard· ----------------• brOkan. Aot NOWOI Call a 1111 l)Nt MC. 873-9040 St S 0 . 'I 2 0. e 8 117. condo with pool & ga-« ' ua •lgarao• Just $117,000. B kr. WOOd floore & cozy loO ll1fft/lllfrlll owner at(714)142.-01N . 140·1327. 5112-7318, r a g a . I 1000/mo 1515, 18r. POOlt ld• w/ 648-0709 bl.lrnlng ftplc. 11111,500 e.t1..., 11.14 t'lll-.11241 4~ gareoa 1495. frptc, pool, Full Pr~. Bonita pl1rt, 3 8r 2 9•, Huge 5bt/3be+3br/lba •~••••••••••••••n•••• ape, laundry. Studio w/ ......,.. CHOICE LOCATION, lo- ytty towMome a Bdt"' 2 btlh. priced right. For lnformetton. ~ M1tg• ret Duffy. ••2-1200 J PETE ' BARREIT REA LTY OfN .HOUS! SUN 421 e. tlth 8t 2 8t ' den plUt ouet( "°'* *" ..... 11t T.D. i11.ooo mum. I 1%. ha.ti. addition• llnenclna Wall fN.0712 dy1, Ut-H&l' e vH , °"""' MISSION ,_EALfY •nd u11l t. Pvt p1tlo, OWC ttt. ,..JC, Tamie 2 Bt. trpto, lor'MMd l«r• WONT LAST lbt ape all lmm1dlate ocoup1ncy. patio H tS. No P•t1 494--073t ''••nb•lt. Own•r 509Ac9daOdM11tbefl r m . U13 1' llden. blt-tna.lnclfy.Nowttt8 EHtbluff •Br, 3 B1. 54 .. 2447. to-1087 Of 7524171 .UOK o.n/bkr 145-7041 l4t5/mo. 131·3171 or OC-RENTALS 7504S14 ~1~1~400~/""°~·~'44-~~2t09~~jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..,.... If. AIM 8-Yfront view condo, 28R 521-7408 1--.. I H utffully up~eded 2 Be. MO. -. lloet ...... mn WUTll ...__,,So,.~...__ ----3 ::7.':':':', ...,. #fl ......... ,, hnhW h~ ""'"" ..... Trade lor N.I . oc:~•n·,...... ....,,~.....,, •• ••••••••••••••••••• :r::-:::••••••••••••••• .......... • NaUml loan. 1va11. 1600.000 . By front hom• Owner bdrm, 2 be. !Miiiy room. L.owty OOMn 'Mo# ho!M, """' ~~r 1ohoo11. 3BA 2 ownr/l*r. !75-8837 llOO.OOO. 3711 I H : flteplaela, "° ~ evl'I 3 '"· 2 ea, I tplc'1, """""' lfi • ...:.... ~ u BUIL.Olfll8 SACRIFICE, 3 lhore. ·~71 A u p 1 . • • 2 s m 0 . 112IO mo. 1422 T.,,.,. .................... .. ....-.. , ., 8 _. I I I • I u x nt w 2 ~ on t dplx IOtl 1144-1!71 Wey 790...a379 !tum. leyekla ltuctlO. Mo • 1 t 1 condoa., QNat 6oc. 1150, WH I C M lllK 11 8 ENSATIOHAUI M1t Iba. HA-.eoA OCEAN FAOHT O I Au g . LI• Io Pt. OMtmlna 1l4der cott-ea ~ 0 0 l I t I 0 • 0 0 0 . 1301< dn bat at 10~· pod, '*1Y pat'° '411 Nu l200' tux Ml on bluff. ltN/mo. 17644M wondtrlul ~n vtew: 7Mm Mu.t Mllf0111r 14~ OC-RENTALI 1804314 Ito clag. vu of llfwtlof. t...., ._ #d Tine Arcfl -.V • altnolt -a-/lr -... ...._ HOT Ut1tt lbr 2be. 1111 1urf, mtn1. 3br, 3bl , ........... ;;;; ...... . OCH11lro11t • term a • ..AA!•'i: Ker::-"Lae ,.._ W ·-•• -~·-~ petlo asoo H curlty, Huna, 1p1. O~n view, baa11tllully 1 •" ~ "° P9lf. 14H,OOO p~. lot. 11, (pot• ,,1 UIT -I.... oo.MHT.\i.a l'MS'4 11"5. 4"-1008. r11rn. towntlo~ trplc.. A* teQ'll, IM -. 1. ~ ..... U. 2'.tba, fem f'l!'ll 2 f/pa, a!,.2 bf. OWC ~ 2 bt poof unit _,.. Ct11rmtno b. H Cl'lfront r,4'4~· ""'"'°· =::· Ml ~ •11·1'111 1211,000 -..umeb'I ill. tsMt17 llltclft ~,;.,. 1411 l'lotne ~1oular vw~ ~---------.... ~~------~ 1~%. Guerded .-, &.a"' Iii. ftM 00.lllM A&.t 7~14 tw10IC ~ f/llltiy, &.la llMa 1 1 ar r•deooratacl ~to ~ l•11nt1, •tc. I STl ,000. .. ............... r;'\'r.' Ir~~ la. ll"O l'f '"' & din r::zr.rnr............ l415fll'O. 1*.e 8200'9':: Wtlltewr Ula ,,.., . Cd '"' IPtK-84CM227 .._ -Nl\lf Wot 2 If. fonnel rm, t11ach rm. lot1 of IUO Attreotlv• p•rtly iad, no S*t. ,_, •-• • dining, tart• f 'lvet• ~ ...,.. Of"1 M'n. IPt· II pado, gmr. tot .,_. ...,,.. __.,. """._..Off lfW rnattcet A I w a y I I •a I e In ~ ~ .,., Wll... bHICJet 4'. le lllftO. Oii "'1leOft fQr Mature, quiet. No pet, ~ ...._.,.., Wfth . CllUlflld Ad ~•Ulfltd·t'Md .... !Id• ~000 .. ~vf.... Da" H1•0f1f, 1¥91 an..,.. -Hl'l~dye Ul4 ......... Dr C.M.~----::--"----- Cell Now! 1424171 wwy 6-t/. Ml·M71 -· -.....,.. ....... 111. 14. 1.a1~1104. Cell.._. ~71 l tt .67 P• DIJ llJ!MIJJl!IV. ........... l\tl}l_•t!••.!w•• ... • .... .... 8tttta ...... ,, ... ,,. ftil• .......... ~.=.~.r1=1~~ KtD L.•wn•1 Mllfl1, PUMllll "°"' Oeneral HOll .. OIHnlllf =--a: .,..;::. AM ,.,.~ ...... lhi1 t A\.L. ~ pe lc1u I0"41Y9' 111 tfle . , ~ ......•..... IWid/Qomm, ~. ~ ... '"""'°, ~~ ""6Mlf, rt'* 10 ~ttQ. .,..,, D f "' ... _, (Mt, Lit• heu t•t·Nlf ...-... ...t1C41.... ta.otf O lft • IWI. ,,_ •· ..... ,.. .. re°'k f'rtut ''"' t OfiYWALL. TA,IHO Q"91 .. lllO ,.,,_,,.., HAUL.I ·OM INQ H~l"I, 1191, ,.i1a lrlellworll·llftlll or t1e ltOll AIM 1tMOlf ._L;o.i.A.l"'"""---i-MM~llM~-..;...- AM Tt•tw" & Acouetto lhe I "'I, f ... r911e~. dellltllllon, llHn•llf, bit A rHtotltble, frH IOIM tOO't tectl ,.,, W....,.,,..,llm#ll :n'ffifu:hi.,uuu• 'lr'llWI ' ,..,.,. ~ry • oeblnett, '°~'" adfl• ,, .. eet 1<911111 tfa.eotl "1ctl, 4lf·~O Concrete I ttee rwncMI. •t Cell cetOI 1f1 6'M ainc. 1Nt MMl1i •Aetlconl'I IOINtint'AM IUOOIT MT _ ~WV Ml·7UI .... ,. .. ,U ,.., ....... HI!-... •..01-TtTt Low""" 1111\ IOOl9 Ok llHlrlHl 001'1\0ltilt Lt•ll oera _,,_ ,,_,_ ....... , .. _ .... LIO ,r.... ...,.JM1 PUT .. ,. .... ,., ...................... dean·• trM eervlOe' HAVllNO a MOVlNO -1•alMllfiJ m ;ttr ••••••••••••••• ,l .m .... 1 /!.a_, t-1,. ILIOT"IOIAN-PtlHd Ip Ink I e • M I k • Local 81\ldent WltNOll n· •• ;1u ••••••••••••• • AIC MOVINQ . ..fflft.,.;-.·~.'. ....... .__, m r.;.r::::o•u•••••• rloM. frM ttllmata on ~lr1870 ' • L9'#41t11.a1IO LOW "ATll. Otrlo... Oulctl. Cw~ lttvtce 10'1 PLAITl"fNO n :r.r•••••••••••••••• ttone ..... 11H 00 IT NOWI "'"' ..... Your Dally "lot l1191ftf>OO & etaem clean IL~ga3 ... or .ma11 II to1b7~ ,...... •·M· la Heullng & quick c""'·U9· bt<tge, Vacenolea. ettlp a Fr .. •tlm•t• 682..o.410 Nut patcn./leJ1IUf• ..=:l:,=:v::.,,. Colot brt9hte11era1 Wiii "' .,...,,..,. •· .. )'di. ll"ll"· Job-tit .. & w I k t to . CH" I I STA"VINO COLL!OI ALL TYPl!I .. I/Cu 642 1652 crpti • tO mtn bteaoh. LIO'D IL.ICTAICtAN "i10M'/iiMP~ov0iMENT• PfoP ~t. Rick '14-fOO.NM ITUD«NTI MOVINO e..a.eiaa " '"' • hMoa 04rec1ory ~~··1:.~:":!~l;t~"d! --,.,-----.• -1-C-on_t_r ..... -OI--Cull :on.· "--L1o'· tatM AIPAIM•LUMllNO 031·01 • t<rlt ~1.otU £4•1111-'•• CO.':'!· !~24;~2... PLASTER PATCHING h!ft!~!l!!!!m ... ol'lr h . Guer. allm. pet "'90",... -• rrM 111· • Carpaf'llry. 91to. Ille ,,_ PAOI' llAVIOI •••••••~'•••••••••••• lntur ........ l • .,.. ' RHIUCOOI. lnl/Ht 30 CU!"ICAL. tfAVICU odOf Crpt r9')alr. 15 ytl LI0.1~g32~~~n,.~5~731 2S310l·C-10. ~t-0203 .. 1. N~W.2~~ tmtll Hll.lllng. yrd olMn up t!~&i~:i~:o WATCH US GROWi yrt Nfft Paul 545.2977 8111tPG•'l'vP4ng•FllM HP Oo work myHJI. 1i.c1r1ca1 Contr11Ctor · • OufC-11 I ci..,,. '"e 11t M 1 d 1 1 1'1atl.. .,1_.., PU/det ..,.u a..2.u1e Reta. 631·0101 1fW IOllf1ltonll Ind .. Comm, RN Uc !XP!RT HANOY .. '"N 873...()5-41 ~I • to • 1:111.nt 1111• •••••••'•••••••••••••• r1 -•• "-PrBNntlil\19 Ml·llll, ut. H2 333217 ftn 557.1739 ""' ........ 1""'"'· OIMn·ut>• 1 Piii P.MITlll •••••••.,••••••••••••• l,•11dl•1 ...... ,, No &tMm/NO Sll•mPoO Remodel FletldlComml --------"-I Cerpenlry . Roollno .... ,,, ... i.,, trim. Llc'd. 171-0141 , • ..,... ........ • .... , .•••••••••••••••••• ••'"••••••••••••••••~ Sllln Speclalllt. ,a1t !STIMATIS Lie 310221 lla...I J Plumblno, ate. 642-8013 •••••••••"'•• •••••••• by Richard Sinor. Lie YOIH lull MrVloa plumber SERVICE 6 REPAIR OftV9W•)'9. Parle Ing Lot dry FrM e1t. 1131· 1882 Medl1erranM11 :r.r!.a..•.1............ LOU'S HOME REPAIR ROBIN'S OLIANINO '811 lmllATll 2eoe.4. 13 y!I OI nappy , •• ···01··· •111 Ven Oppen• Barvloe Co A.palrt, SMlooatlng EXCEL CARPIT CAR! Con1tructlon Inc TRiii Elec.0.,..,..,try-Plumb SetVloa •• ll'lorougl'lly Sod, 1prlnklw a lllrvb loeal CUltOl\'ltfl. ••• •• -· (7 14) 838-488& S&S Aeplllt 1131-4 t99Llc Jack Butting Ion ~~ 1971 atk IOt Joe Topped/removed Clean PIUt"'Stuoco·Palnt · ci.an llouM. 540-0857 ln1t1llat1on Our work Thank you, 83,_. .. 10 II ILL Hf. lHI Ail,.,lln OwMrlopera1or C11,.., WM4w kl up, tewn ranov 751.3479 R .... prleel 873-61133 Joari'• Ci.&nlno Selvloe g~~0o':,~'P:f.e:!~e PAINTIR NEEDS 24 llr ':, "••Hr ... TJ!!. ••• ....L •••••••••• ....................... Catpet, upllol, trM rug •••••••••••••••• ~ •• l!f. MOWING . CL.AN UPS Bari'• comple1• malnt H~Aplt-Ranlal• you buyl Lie 204518. WORK! 30 )'fl e11p, Intl TILE .. ALLED Aulatnobli. Air Cond clMnlng Work 9uar Kit Ramod •ceramic 111e, " Oltlcel 540.1287 C l!xttlf Acoultlc calllng1 ATLAS PLUMBING & All l(lncle Guaranteed A.pair 1&o Watl1 Pl-FrM Ell &.45·1771 Clblnete C1ll now· fret Htullng . Lancltc;aplng & l'loma lmpro\191T1t1\t all Judy, S40.t551 Da\lla Pall'Jtlng M 7-5188 HEATING • Speclall.zlng Rtfa John 840-9217 CM Bonllkoe 548•5208 ---------estimate. 842-0881 FrN Nf. &42·9907 MN "'4-5231 NHd a maid or a llH· Ut,.rl lllM llttJ in Repair• & Rapltc•· ---------C. i/fld I keeper? Hrly or wkly? HOUSEPAINTING 17 t4) &46-1888 'frH lunu w-1111.. .!!r.J,.~!.!!!!l •... Dtdi•• c~'! Ga,rdantlngl • c~~~~ntrJ;.,~·c~~!!· For comp! t«VIC"· call Oalff. Lan........ In & out F.-Mt _man __ , _______ •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• :f.';" •• tt'J' •••••••••• CARPET & UPHL CLEA· ••••••411••••u•••••••• ._n-u,,I.,... rm,.. · ._ ··•• VlalO Service Agy •...att, t•1-t1•1 Ca11Brucel72-0118 ILOWRATESI BABYSITTINO·my home NER Decorative wa11rproof m1ln1..,.., 540-8035 Etec1 • fll1, R•fl 973-9000. bonded by St ..,..,, • • 1 I E 1 lt•M•l'••lbat/1 Tr .. tr1mm...,.,&remo11a1 1_ ... yd ,._ 1 • decking, repelrt & r.C· 9&8-0149 01 Calif B 1 k Bl k Tll C n1 xt, owett rate1, •••••••0::FI~ •• ~•••••• "'V "''" • ""' in.a • ... ny; 3 rma, 135, wood nr all over 991Clalllt. Douglaa RON S GARDENING r c • oc • e· one· prompt, neet IBIMC)a, 1o AU'll• ........ t•t4. all c:IMrlupt & mowing lime 648-2874 work guer 1139.5543 Flalds Co 873_5779 8 yr1 NB/CdM Qua111y JOHN THE HANDYMAN TIRED OF HASSLES? Dec:kt, co11ar1, fencN, 1 yra In.,.. 84&-5ea4 Free.., Reee ......._, 554-7017 INFANTS & UP •• raH rat•• Maln11 PhJmbtng-elac:-odd job• •IC lie Doug 846-0781 Ou ... -c ,'1.1'6 I La d 875-9388 FrM eattmatn 750-7681 ReOable cleaning llalp It lntlut. HonHt, •ober al wort! UC 337189 w -~ C.'' I Day Of Nlgl'lt, 150/wk •••• _.,,. f 0.an t/r n ICapl Ile<•' Raft IHI0·?'452 URICH s LANDSCAPE C"rl1tlen Promp1 Gd 831·2345 •1-w ,,, ••• Coeta Mesa 14fS..575~ ••••••• ••••••••••••• • ••••••• ••••• •••••• •••• 960 1239 MAINT .. , aJ " . •••••••••••••••••••• •• C.mant·Mttonry·Block *KA TRINA ·s LIVE·IN Yl~bd• ml~~ ~.1°11~:;11~ Call for .,,,j conatrual~ Hom• CIHnlng l'lonett. 1trvlce~~~f nd~c~n~~ ref a FrM "' 851·6878 ~0en1odellcng Specltllat "l..•I the 54.lnlhlM In' Ollarlettt'a lltttrt Wall1·Cu11 w0<k Lie l'llkp,., dally meld -.v. eves &.42·8796 NNI rapalrt el1ctr . plum'. rat11ble. l'la1dworklng & c1ean ·up1 George •3BOllll<>c> II Son PBelntln~ I .. ~~~-raTroltm1~'c"o'P Call Sunlhlna Window Llc'd Bonded Agency •381057 Rob 547-2883 office cleanlng, crpl bing ~ Y" exp rererenc .. 554...C454 642 6700 yrs exp In eacn 1 "'"'.,-~ _.. Cleanlng. lid 640.8853 420 62nd St, NB Concrtl•·•mall or lge Cleaning 835-2118 lartlt1l11 WMtttl T'" .. Id I .. 1 _ __. -ll'M Fr" n1 662·1718 848-78&0 or 842·1579 2CW. Monll'lty Oiacounl CC r. ~--~ r7 nO<OUQn 0 -.... o...... .. •••• !1. . --------1 oder'• 8aby11tter Jobs Remove, replace or Mowl"" edging rakl"" all•-• • Hn Comnpliat• hMCINnl"" ,.., _. __ • Agney Can 845-37~6 repair 845-8512 Drrw1ll .. ,., ' .... ••••••••••••••••••••--... ••••••• •••••••••••••• '•Mr/•• lt•••f 6.m~ You ""'' 1 need• gun 10 .;1-.••••••••••••••••• l1Ne1plng Frie e111· lnatlll·Raflnlsh·Clean Reis Jan 539·8199 BRICKWORK Small Jobi ••'••••;A••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 'draw ra11" when you WILL BABYSIT 11/Hr CONCRETE WORK & DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC m11•• 845•5737 Wax Swedlsl'lcralttman MAIDS OF ORANGE co Newport, Colt• M .... I Fartl'llng lntenor Onion PROFESSIONAL RE· place en •d In Ille Dally 8 wks·2'J\ yrs. Mon·Frl BLOCK WALL REPAIR Repairs. new & old 11 SELL Idle 111m1 with a Since 1947 Comm/rff Quallly Team Cleanlng lrvlne. Raft 875-3175 HANGING/STRIPPING SUM ES & CAREER Pll01 Went Adtl Call now 8am-8pm C.M. 542·299 771·6278 alt 5PM yrs exp. Bud 552·9582 Dally Piiot CIU;llfled Ad 661-11691727·3740 Bonded, Ina 831·8222 VIM·MC Seolt 646-9325 COUNSELING 651.0700 _1_84_2_·5_8_7_8 ____ _ l1a•11 l1•t1/1 4200 01/lrt l1at1/ "°' Olllr1 ltalll 4400 l1•l1l1 WHIH 4100 £•11 .t 1Hd JJIO ;·e;·;,;;;·;,·;.;,;~;:th; .. ii.iOiTiYi.il1Ti·i·· ···1ur;ut·Oinn·· M··~~~·.-;~;;~·h;;~·;·~ ~~·.~··,~~~~·~;;~·~;;;;;y 11rea1 from beach IRVINE Phone anew•· Full s.rvrca Sult• seeks room In qu1e1 white cal wlorenge ears, S2951wk 676-6068 ring cont rm utll pd Sm ,._Tit home In NB. CM Prefer Hlmeltyan 1ype, Laguna • • · -• w/proleulonal couple. S.ec:l'I Reward V1r1liH l••t•I• 41SO ~~~: :;~~!· W50~1~0 S625 -Oc:Mn View non·amoker• 538-2483 494-3672149-7·5454 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u Alt you need fOf one OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 540·9746 monthly'"' ... , .... ;1.n1I'/ l..Otl' Burm•H. female I Av all now Weekly rl'lru 1 Private ofc. I 175/rflo Nr 640-5470 cat, derk brown coal summer 873-7573 O C Alrpor1 Con11 Fl•11r1 Univ Palk, Irv. Reward (Jffice °' deP apeee h.fr· 1• • • :1• • • • ••••• • •••• • • •• 552·8331 U.E l""Dw"ElD park g. PYI etllrance. Incl nllhe<I or unlurn Paclf IN•HI ---------- u111 (recapllon avall b~ co as t H w y N B ~r!lf•al!l 5005 Lott 9lk Hlmelayan. M "D.E errangemen1) Taylor "~5 7 .. 74 " J 1 c k R A11ti111ent1 Ap11t111ent1 Ap1rt•1nts Ua/1roi1•1d Unlurni161d Unlurni161d ............................................. ·····•··•··•·········· f!!!~.!f!~ •..... 1!.~1 !m~! ........... !.~~~ ~!!!r.!!.~!~ ... !.~~! l,.G,0•1 1 IR OrengelrN Condo 2 Br 1 siepa 10 beach 2Br lB• Ba pool. 1600/mo S'llrlmmlng pool. carpe· 857-8087 Trac lge hv area, kit wtbar, led, drape•. clean & y. •lee g81 door. mini Oen brlgl'll, s1oveloven & U'I.••• lt1ri 3141 ,,,_ $750/mo yrly Rat dlap $340 548·4 527. •• •••••••••••••••• ••• req 675-7907 731·6829 Ag1 OGUIFRllT Versellles PH Sl udlo EHtslde deluxe giant I Mott elegant •Pl bld9 Secun!y, gym S500 Br, ........... welk·ln ctoM1, '" Laguna Beech, finest 731-3371. 559.0353 '"""' locallon In town. br .. 11'1· ---------lmmac W/D hookup, laking views, all bulll-lns. LIDO DELUXE 2 Br lrptc I Steeps 8 tennla, IWlm, garaoe $425/mo Craig 11 8 1 1 8 d p 0 0 1 , lrg brlCk pa1IO OR Adrts l'ltke lian non·1mkr only Re/Mu 631·02!3 sub .garage. elevator $1050 675-6359 No Pell K1d1 0 K wkly Crow & Co I ~ . .. • • • ••• ••• • •• ••• ••• •re ism ne r •· 942.1423 or &45-3178 --..,-IO--W-,-1-1-IT-v--1Joln tile leader In tile ward 644-9872 ProtMBional ofca. 1wimm1ng pool chamleal R-ard Lost MBN V«de UI 17 W"1Clilt. N B 256 ~ ~-Be I 1 10 4000 Ml tt 1st floor San Clemente, 'tpmi. weltlf 1r .. 1men1 w ree. sml M Cal. gry/ I'll Info 549-0 148 r!!!~P.'.'! •••••••• 1.~~~ IJ.-.11. .ft!!'.~~ .... !.'.~ rmprove your M11-1mage Attract'ive G'U'I Happlnen 111 a Hie, na· turel, eesy -lgl'll 1011 C111 Stan V1llender 530-1212 Ex1 060 TAI BY PILL? GUARANTEED! 974-0760 or !>54·7~0 Otslrlbutors Welcome SUNN Y'S Exacull11•1 S1ret1-Reducllon Olf1ce ·l'lm ·ou1cell 631-8377 Sopt11111cated, 111rec11va well groomed grrl to model pr1va1ely lor In· dlvldu1111 3 -4 hrs• per week Strictly pr1111te and 1n good 1as11 Utmos1 dl1cra1lon essurad Grea1 pay -llexlble hrs Sand photo and detBJlad dnc11phon 10 Box Al'.1 No 10 11 Daily Prlol Box 1560 Colla M8" CA 92626 Auto Mect11nrcs Halper Agent 541·5032 900 sq tt 2 entrancae. 1ya11m1 dlller · Uc'd l s.u p111 parking, 1700 mo territory av1ll1ble. _ 1-492· 1720 Orange Cou1 trN, no M •Meu Verda 2 &r 1 Ba Lease only 1850 & up '* BAYFRONT * & wknO ralM 640·9734 Newly ralurblsl'led 330 Clllt Or 41M·8083 P\IT SUITE/GARAGE $495/mo No pets Sm1 lludto, wilk 10 1own, RESPONSIBLE N-SMKR .0112 I '""' u" tor lo•~•• repatr Call !>4 tXES MIXES MIXBS • • • • • • • •• •• •••• • ••• •••• ... ,.i. ,. "'" 4300 833-8974 bHCh $300 Avail 811 S7501Mo 673-152 t Bef Hll J I r. 2 11. _4_99_-so_2_2 _____ , ____ 9_P_M ____ Co~~!c~~~g~:~• Gay ........•....•...•.••. WESTCLIFF BLOG. NEWPORT BEACH wen1ad 10 1uble1 '"' of approx 720 aq It otflce 1paca. protenlonal d• slg ned, axcapllonet. ooaen view Flexl t>te lor privacy Pilon• o1He mtx. aa'bte & wn• 1 Round Trip Or~ Co to Bia ~Ir.._ mix trl· Phoenix I 13 value oio'r•d mat• Doble I Mu•• 1aa 1mmed S60 exper nee Wiii !rein C 150.000 lull 1moun1 m req'd some financing c a111ila1>1e Wiii na1 140 I H 000 plu• Call collect P Mon-Fri 9·6PM Aak lor male Au10 Macnamc 10< lor919n ctr repair BMW-VW Cell 540.6066 2 cl'llldren OK. no pell ..... ,, ""' "" lu·Cl••Hlf 3111 Mai. Fem•I• Mrv1CI In 557· 1634, 5'48-9248 ··-·•'"••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• So Caltf 5•0·8718 c ...... """'" .. " tp,,.., '""" •• ,,.. ,,. ound. ruit mele Sil• caal'I Good tor 1 year hard mix. cream fe· 557•7196 Bo<»lkeeprng NO FEEi Ap1 & Condo Near new 1 Bdrm apt Lerga 1 Br EulllCI•. n•· ren1at1 VIiia. Ren1als. wlll'I built-Ins. carpeting "'"~­./,-...-.. Roommlle wenled male, ,/ -. Lab mix oups. Blk, Cen r go' 8 day 7 n.gl'll ... & rem. Oveantland Caribbean Cruise W!ll'I E•c1t1ng Cos1e Mesa pos111on i or Peyroll1 :i'::o~ ;~1:;';'~11~ .. & 675--4912 Btolcer & drapes, laundry facility at r y. 14 1 o 8 5 1 • 9 5 22 Yll IEIEIYI m under roor carport a and 10 stir 2Br ap1, C M 1250 ./ 11•·- mo George 842-6381 ~~.:"':.:-' Executive olllc e lull•. 644·4140 Tim 4081887.0111 I ~ Oluet11lled w/lncome? I b Earn USS tparallull· B time dla1rlbu1ortl'llp & M HIH, f111teal growing! nu1r111on program Tral-Fo nlng call Sten Vllltondar r 530·1212 Elt1 060 A ...., Tri male. Lab mix. NC L $510 Sl'ltp le1vH lk remale Nawpon Aug 7th 7141675·8830 lnvOIGa perton wtll'I goo<! 1yping skills We need a Mil 1ter1er wtll1ng 10 lake 3 5 public 1enn11 courts & btwn • · NEW g111d 20 Town-golf course rigl'll behind 2 ~•r•· 1 llatlt home VILLAGE COM· proe>erly Close to eva- each Anlmal Sl'lalttr direction 1n111111y end 10 4--3656 htr•lt .... .i eccep1 increa11ng res- 2500 tQ tt Condo will ac· ./ -""'"" corner or 405 Fwy NMr c.ep1 2 adll1, or 1 adlt I Harbor Blvd Take over $460 mo $250 security MUNITY 2 & 3 Br. 2'/r ryll'ltngl $395/monlfl w/ 1 Cl'llld or jus1 1 adll 1.... 1600 sq It a1 90c und Mencl'let1er Ter· j lnctudlrlg ullllttea. Ba 1800· 1800 tq. tt ol A.vollable Augull 15, one POOi, lg kll, 2 patios. tg 11 Call 751·8191 balcony w /bay view I tar. vie Brookllural/ Call Betn 631·5230 pure luxury Garages. or two adulta Ol'11y & no spas In every home • pe1s Call owner a1 (714) 557-7883 or 640-8339 ---------Founleln Valley Olltca •HlllE ftFF1011* space. 2500 1q 11 er 60¢ llOnta 986· 7766 Club associates needed I Fo New concept Trips,, I crul&as. dancers. parties, OC e1c $125 in11a11 MCured Fo Earn 11'1ouunds or SS under unique mul\1-level m Lge 2Br 2ba condo Nr So Cet Most u111 pd AIC, pool, spa S575 832·1766 2 BR 2b•. encl gar $525 Nr So C•t PIBZI Call Dennis 851-0424 •Clean 2&. tB1 condo nr S.C Pltu. SA $495 mo. No pell 752·5822 meSlet sul1e. dining 642.0138 rooms wood burning ---------llreptecet. micro-wave 2 bl. 1 '~ ba Block to ovans. pr1ve1e pelloa & beach Pettcl'llldren OK yardt,gardener pro111-$450 974-7225 ded EleQant lllllng \)(lly 15 mlnu1n trom Fut>lon lllend 7 mlnu1as to S C Plaza or 0 C Airport Just e111 o f Newport Bl11d & to of San Diego Frwy $9001 mo 1 .. 1 ... ... ~~~~~·.~! .... !!.!~! 2 .... ..... ROOMMATE FllDERS Oldn1 & 11rg"1 agency I All cltenll screened with pt10101 & references CrecSlt• Cotmopoluen Good Morning America, T I'll T OfTl()f row Show DHI '•i•I JIU 631-5439, 2473 Orange •• •• ••• •• •••• •• •••. •• • Ave . Coe1a M ... l••rrt U 1-11H 1'"t t>a 2 car attacheO garage, !dry l'look·uP lnlerested pertiH con· tec:1 Alct< 493·4207 Pror to stir Condo l'louM A,.utai•t• F9l•iltH 111 1men111es 1285 llUOIL.ATI 2 bdrm. 2 t>a eppttanc.ee. gBt ldry, no pell 1525 I 496-6804, 493-7 446 ... ,,.,, .. ,,,,, 3140 ······················1 S560/mo Neer t>eecl'I new crPll. 2 Br 2 81 • no pets 533 ·3307 , 642·1339 Deluxe pool1lde, x1ra lar- ge 2br, 2be, bllna, dswl'lr. 1 '"1 mllat beach Adulls. no pell SSOOmo 538-8382 WllFFltTREE 1 & 2 Br Dl"oun1 on some models Pool, Sp• Gym, S1un1, ale 846·0819 $400 lurn or unfurn 1 Br pool ape 18992 FIOrlda 842-21134, 842·3172 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING ., 0•11r11 3g00 _6_6_2_.2_4_4,_966-__ 8_47_9 __ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lux Dan• Pt vtew Condo SEAWl•D VILUIE ror 3 mo mu1er tune wl11'1 lrptc pl, spa 1·498-2&81. 84'-9539 IN NEWPORT SEAC!i A tolal an111ronment 1partman1 community on N-1&2 bdrm luxury Ladies only Beautiful Np1 Ille Upper Bey Pr1va1e ap1s tn 14 plans 1 Bdrm Bell pr111 home room & clubhouse and l'leal11'1 from 1515. 2 bdrm lrom prl\I bath &.45·9515 spa. 8 1annla court•. 7 $S70, Townl'louaa lrom poot1. ctote 1o buttnese. $640 + pools, tennis P111111a entrance. deck. elrpOft. Fast11on 111end wallrfalls, pondal Gas pr1va11 blll'I, main kit· Con11en1en1 sl'lopa on lor cooking & neellng Cl'len 10 share Female alle Unfurnllllad bacl'le-pard From San Diego Pre I erred Lag u n 1 1ors. 1 & 2 bdrm apts and Frwy drive North on 8eacn $475/mo lncld• 1ownl'lou191 Beech to McF1dden to ullls Days Mike Ruasell $540 ·1 1000 Sea w lnd Vlll1ge 71 4/640·3225 Eves Se\lll'al t>.ehelor1 and 1 (7t4)893·5198 499-4264 Bdrm unl11 fH1ure fine IHal 4000 LIVE AT THE BEACH designer furniture end •••••••••••••••• •• •••• Female to share Balboa aceesaorlet Move rn 10· Pool, tannl,, lake, club, ISiand house $285 tnc1 day or reseNa lor sum-wBlll'llf/dryef full El Toro ulll 675-9142 mer months Sm1r1ty house priv '" utlle S280 ---------furnished model• open 1s1 & las1 586-4038 111 Prof Rmm1 Male $235 dirty msg (Lag His). S 195 :Sant• _ _:._______ Ana) plu• ·~ u1il11 Pr1va1e On Jamb0<ae Rd at San Joaquin Hiiis Ad Room w/l'IM prl11 S250 home. non smoker Npt Riviera, CM Woman 1131-1198 From 1 room 10 3 rooma 1 a It Good ••Posure From $1 16 a sq ft Nol good parking. Telber1 & le&M required Adi-Air· 8 r o o k h u r e 1 C a I I por1er Inn 2172 Dupont 751-6191 Call AM 833·3223 IEWPIRT IDOi lfwntlT IUCI REHOll um E.Jl.ecullve office in Can-No dapo11ttl Luxuriou• nery VIiiage. 1450/mo new olflcH , 1ncludlng Brok., 875-4912 recapuonttt. antwerlng wtllmlmR 1ar11lce, conlarenca 1200 O< 2400 9Q tt De-I room. etc 752-6408 l uxe ofltce or s1ore NIWP0'1 Airport Ar .. 400 apace 14302 & 14304 10 2400 sq It office Beech Blvd Btwn 2 space lrom 90c Sii 1n- Frwy1 C1111c Cente< VII· cluCSlng janitor Mrv1ca llge Shopping Center AIC. e1c lmmec:I occu· Prime location 979-8889 pancy LH or mo/mo Of &.45· 1260 S<l0-2960 ----------1 Alrpon arM • EJtec Sul· , .. From 225...C50 sq. tt I 1 per sQ It Many ~tru Cell 657·7010 ----4 deluxe omces. strategic location on Beach Blvd *AIRNRT &JIU 17870 SKYPARK CIA· CLE Sulla 101, 600 tQ It, 9lass pert F\Jrn 111111 U11Hty Pllld S800 per mo 213-553-4280 HB Fron1 exposure. lge So 1..agune a1 3 Arch Bay sign area. 85c sq It 500 Ml fl wftl'I good hwy Ownr 213-450-6566 vlslbiUly 497·2351 ••EWNRT* 400·900 PLUS t400 sq 11 und Sml blk/wt11 Sh•· nu rype dog, sl'lrr 11a1r c 546·1307 und Sl'lep-Relr1a11er 1x. Fem. 6 mos. nr plan M r Frenk• V 980-8686. 542·9047 2 11 ley Vu / Ka1a11e 131598·8215 ,,, •• 11. 5J50 ..•..••••.••..•..... ••• ltlHtis Parlor St0<• for IMM on bu:r 1 Matlne Ave 2'"' yr bu -ne11 teua 6 key to lront dOO< $800/mo & coll of living $22 500 Ag1 673-4062 7 dayS a weal! y Open 24 hrs a da l•nsl•t•t Jacun1, Sauna Locels n. I $0JS IS well •• 1our1s1S ... -..fr.!!~~.!l .•••.. •• BenkAmerleerd, MHter ln' •• tor'I Wlllttd • Charoe. American Ex· p.iaas.. 0Jners. All wal· Jlou1brl1ty 01 pert· coma 7 U/645·3433 na<al'llp 2112 Harbor Bl CM Etleb chain t>uaineu opening In cenlrel COH1 COEDS . Would love 10 • , e • p t • I s • c a 11 party with you Call Sue 8051528·3011 for lnlor· Or K I 1 ti Y an V 11 me mallOn 953-9363 HELP ME • QUICK, I Need 12000 now 0 11•· rlng 24% APR, pyts a I $200/mo PIP preld. Call Answe r Ad 623 .1 642·4300. 24 hrs ' Liii& I YICll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCALL 24 HRS Ht-0201 Penrl'louaa Bayfront Su1- A1rport ArN. exec sulle 1e. parking patio• upends. clauy aurroun-673· 1003 Retire Young on I 10.000 dings, pror atmosphere. Let me ahow you how • Lady Needs Transport•· ties 120 to 2Sj) sq fl ol· I .I ., O.M., IRY, 50 lo 150•;. relurn 111 fices & desk tpaoe from 4800. 2300. 1300. v • • r C 111 co 11ec1 285/mo includlng cont 600 S F $ 50·S t 50 1 ·946·8869 I 641-8775 ---------rm1, recapt on1s1. ans----------ll•i/::l,I' n, ft••I werlng service. lots of perking. WP & Tix avail ,.,,.,,. IHtll 44SO I 50JS 833·9978 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lion To Chicago. wllh•n nex1 month Will ll'lere expense• w/anotl'lar lady 661·2871 Lo .. lnchet In one trail· ment. hips, tl'llgl'le, Ian· n1ng '11 off on 1rtal trell· •••·1100 Neat beech 2 Br t •;, Be crptt, drps. bll·lna. lrplc, enclad,garage 1595/mo Call 536-092 t Spac 3 BR 2 Ba !pie, gar. over 30 1 cl'llld ok 548-8904 Rm Wl11'1 pool 10< empl'd fem 40-50 yr• Old. K11ch pr1v Rel $225 mo 645-2590 Newpt Bell Ofllce end Laboretory I .I, Um.ER Penthouse. ocean view 1300/up Carpels. drapes, ti>8C41 • up 10 7500 Ml fl -...._ "-I I furn yng profau1onal air 1730 l Beach, H B 645·2 t 1 t Ask for Joe .... •aac• -· 10. 842 2•3• Specltlltlng In 111 & 2nd 1520tmo 673·7550. ·".. Re1ell 1tor• et 2850 Avon TO'• lllnce 1949 men1 Eurofllneat, 545-3488 PEltR ~ llllA::>::>Aut be&Cfi 2 blkl, 1900 yrly No pelll 645-1682 3Br. 2Ba, lrplc, garage, 770· 10 18 work iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil St 1640 sq It plu1 8 Robl Sallie< NH/CM 11&11101 WAI.I Lge 2 & 3 BR 1ownl'louae 1pt1, yards encl gar lplc. lloolt-t.1ps Nr Hunr Hrbr lrom 1575 Ch1I new decor. yrly. 2 blks to Bttlll lftt•ll 4100 och 673-2571 ••••••'•·••••••••••••• Older respectable em- p+oyed female, WHICllll Brei 10 stir home Lv mag 642·6846 *SUITE DEALS* car garaoe 8-41-8777 R E BrOl<er Bd Reetton OC Airport erM Prof. Slora fOf !eaN on buty 642-2171 545.()811 1 env1ronmen1. lull -.vice, MBtlne Alll 2'"' vi:;,t•I· IOT lllE or no lrlllt Individual OI· dran OK 840-6807 IUOll UY Deluxe 3 Br crplt, drpe, I Rear ap1, Baytron1 home bit-Ina, dbl gar '111/d Ilk· I bdrm, 1 ba, utll lncl'd up. 1700 Call 538-0921 Tennis avell S675 per month yearly ARLINGTON APTS I 675-8669 Oul11, 1paclou• town · houta 2 Br 1•1r Bi NHr S500/mo 1 Br. 1 Ba apt. be 1 0 n I 5 2 5 1 m 0 encalsd garage. lndry H0·8858 rec . clote to t>Mcl'I Cat OI<, no dog1. TSL Mgmt. AVAILABLE NOW 642·1603 SOWi MTIL Wkly ren1al1 now avall $ 140 & up Color TV Phones In room 2274 Newport Blvd CM 648-7445 M/F 10 ll'lr my NB ocean fron1 house 1325 1146-7380 leave mag Gorgeoua 2br, 2b1 condo wtpoot. spa. amenl\les Xln1 loc Nr SC PIH MIS leue & key 1 ronl lie• or dNk 1pace 160 dOO< $800/mo & cost of Tl'lare are se11erel OP· sq ft · 3500 IQ 11 1 MO lllllng ,22.500 Agt lions rattler then lore· FREE 759·8978 673_..082 closure Wl11lou1 cost or obllgatton. get tile l•C1•. tl'lan decide which plan would be bat '°' you Clrcl1 Hom• Loan•. a YlEW OFFtCl Wall-1ppolnt8d office w/ Nwp1 view Approx 1,000 C•-fltl•I ••• ,,,, 4415 .......•.••••.•••.••.. direct lendor 7141499-2281 BE I CH ARE A OCC, Flour 882·2247 all " 4 & wknds or 979.4180 645-7100 $77/wk Prof MIF 23-30 10 stir OFFICE tR UOP 1(1 11 condo In NB Own blltl'I, CdM dlx tulle. AIC. ampi. AaHur••••tl/ ,.,, .. ,,.; Prof . dlSCf"ale 1nd 111<r rough call Peler, 494-4871 WANTED. MALE MOD· ELS lor pl'IOIO work Le· gi11m11e 499-5635 W/M 18, Wiii model Scon 957.9935 ( ( w11l'I new Ven, can lake 2 people • 81'1are gH 631·8117 ~.f!!r!'!!,! .......... ldHll I la1t11eli,. 1005 .•......•.......•...•• Credenueted 1aacl'lar in my home 1u1oring matt\, reading Gredn K·4 Mu Putmen 548·9 151 J ... WHtH 1015 ...................... Young married man wtll do general l'ltndy work pon Salary based on ex per Call Cermtr1ta 545·2668 CLERICAL Credll Union or rele1 a1<per eel e Use of on·lin 1erm1n1I 10 key and hOl'I 1yp1ng Must work Wei wtll'I pubhc Full hme en 1 ry l)05'tion Hun11ng1 on s Beach City Employee Crad11 uoion 536-6517 CUii Eapandrng Newpor1 Beacti Credl1 cerd com· p1ny hll apenmg 10< a Call eves I wkends clerical person Musi 972-9525 type 45150 wpm acc:vre Skipper wants full 11me 1ely 6 mos ro 1 yr ofc poanion on molor vesser ••Pr req Con111c1 W x1n1 w111'1 people mectta· Duncan Mon lhru Frr nrcal back9round 100 8 a m t o 4 3 0 P m 1on ncenM. wfll relocate I 759· 7900 Bud 2131e22.1a.1 1compu1_e_r_D_11_1 EnHy Germen Genllemen 401 PoSltron a11BJI Grea1 ba- Mekl 1ob u companion ginning opp w11n a or cl'lauttaur 535·2851 I commercial broker age fl co C1U LOii 11 833·2900 ~ CooktHou1ekaaper lo• I re11den1111 care home s S400 plus RIB Also day 1L 'I. .ft!~.'.'!. .... !. { ~ * AOCtllTAIT * Tiie con1r1c1or need tough, construction orlenllted Genertl Ore Mgr type Salary open So Orange Co 831·5292 Shill a111ll 639·2100 COOKS HELPER paying minimum w119e lo s1ar1 evenings Apply 1n per· son at Brue Beet Cai., 107 21sl Pl , N 8 Uk lor Aper1men1 management 00 Mike Pullat1co Btwn 9 30· t 1 & 2·3 No pl'IOl\4! ctlls please Couple to menage 1 unlll In So 0 oun1y top quelny bldg No pets Ap1 plus salary expe. r11nce tie IQ fu t 71 41843.()212 UMY IHEHE Grea1 way 10 earn txlrt Pay mon.y & t>aneltll P)( retirement Serve near home titer training LNrn a valuable skill 6 get ••P•rlence Some caall bonu••• Choose lrom many eve1le1>le pos111on1 Call today Tuslln 731.0481 S1n1a ,_na 54~·4763 USAA Cir 552·3173 } ) Courier/Clerk lor bus~ medocel lab Me1ure per ion a muet Mon-Fri 8·5PM 640-0140 OISTOIH IEIYIOE Expend•ng Npt Bcti cre- dit Clfd company l'IU 2 openings 1n lhetr C\lsto- mer sarvica dept Appl1- can1 mull have pi.asan1 1etepl'lone menner. be 1ggrasa1va, con1c1en tlOUS & .. 11.mot111•t•d Expr prel Con1ec1 W Duncan Mon tl'lru Fri, 8 10 4 30 pm 759.7900 2 Bdrm 1 bath apt near Baacl'l/York1own 1 cl'llld ok. No pet1. Weter paid 1426/mo. 645·2000 Agen1. no 19'1 SUPER 3 Br 2 Ba In YAGAIT Z II UYHU1 lO' NOi Garage, p1110 $875 mo Imo 875--0852 Kllcl'lanette-M1ld·Poo1 gar. trplc S385tmo pkg, ulll pd. 2855 E. Cat Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton c 0 n18 c 1 Ra IP 11 day, _H_wy.;.._. 6_7_5_·_8900 _____ 1 Coste MN• 548·9755 &.41·0977 Ht 219 °' evt U EGITIYI HITES N.B. 1br,1rp1 4, sundecll, _w_1cn_d_6_3_1_·o_e_2_4___ 881 Oo111r, NB 831-3851 1n n•-bldg on CoaSI Hwy, South Laguna Ap- prox 500 aq. It. Excel· lent private parking behind bldg. $525 mo Turner A1aoc. 494· 1177 ,,.,, ',,.., •.•..........•.•..•.•. AaHHtt•t•t• SIOO •....•••••...•........ s1ep1 to und. 1valt 7117. $325. 754-0938 IEWNIT I Pllll 11110&1. .~.: GtltU Hl llU SCRAM-LETS WANTED 4-Plex 1850 & 2 Br. 2 Ba ---------LIDO ISLE • 3Bdrm, lam In 4-Plex 1526. bl1-ln1. Stepl ro bell, yrly 3Br 2ba, rm, 2Ba. I 100/dy July encl1d garaoa. l'lk·up• new bllln1 1850/mo 13500 Augutt. Ocean. No pet1. 540-441M 831-5903 front 1br. lba, 1300 Working woman to thr 2 Br apl, 12815 & ·~ uttt C M 841·8988 Office apeoe ror lea•. ANSWERS Premier location South aide of l'l"'hwaw GBtden Building .., 1 900 IQ 11 • amenhlea Cart OHn Rathbun at HaQOle • Grief Hl·HIO 875-eOOO for detatt1. ¥· Pieu. Jetter TEAC!iER 2 Br. 1•~ 8• 1385 + 1385 IAY FltllT ~81:i" Grvncty. Rltr <Sep. Crpll, drpe, Oui.t SpaclOut 2 Br. 2 Ba apt1----------Nead female roommate 10 older peraon pralwrad w /1p1c1acutar view, Yow own Mndy beech, lhare With Hma 1 blk Nr BHch Blvd & Mc-belulllul gardanl & .an-ooeenfront Morro Bay. '"' from beact1 $278. Fad d an No p 1 It dy t>eacll Overlook 1 hr Hurtt CHiia, new 875'-4340 llWNIT Wiii t.lutrlll balllffll I want to • tough 1eflool Executive off1cee t ooo tt •••••••••••••••••••••• One day • kid w• Chel-lo 1 880 tt Attrec:t well N.8 3176 8ltctl. SN0 IQ langed to prove 1he lew mal~taln•d bldg .. Near fl. or IHI. MIA zone of gravity, to Ila want to 646-9243 & 893-4894 Balboa llland. t>oat lllp l'IOUN, llpa 8, 2 Ba, spa, ---------a11all. No pet1 780-0919. sundeck, wetbar 1450 Roommala wanltd 4 bd, Hoag Hoipllal Cpte, Agent 5'1-6032. the root aod threw the m ini bllnd1. Dedic.led 1750 up. 2180 fl lndu·,_T_EA_C_H_E_R_otf _____ , 3 Min lo bc:tl. 3Br 2'~8a. trplc. dbl an gar, patio, 1975 mo. 1·628·3004, M4 4833, 1·'131-3395 1 B B per wit 806-772·4529 2 bl llOUH, w11llar' rt e,yrty dryer, ate lt9~/mo J*lng Prof tlfWlronment ltrlal • OfflCe 18081 f\e.. Hfl I ltHI ,,. In quiet area. 845-3323 dondo Clrcle •E Hunt· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1550/mo WIUL y ama&.s 848-83a8 daya lngton, e.cn. e.42·2834 873·3365 Alllllable. Agt. 875-8170 T-------. I You can be a I WINNER ! l " '1 1IC < Just by sending us your name and j · address and by watchi ng fo r your t name In the classified ads of the l! Dally Pilot. I I Win llckctii t<> tht l'1rru" 11rra amunmtnt attrac lions or ~portln• evf'nl!o Ju11 CHI uut thrll C'oupon und m11l II loda> to thto 1 I ti Cla tried Depu1ment, Dally Piiot ii 310 W. Bay lreet, COJta Men, CA tt6Z6 I Z • • BAYFRONT * PVT SUITE/GARAGE RESPONSIBLE N·SMKR S750/mo. 873· 11521 S.I 9PM Npt Ben toommate n ... dtcl 1225/mo. M/F. Lori 94f·T310 Aetp. rem to .,,, 28r apt w tume. W/0. /001. $215 mo. 84&.2'73 Exoaltant Ottlctt • Up to tff1• WAii ... 4000 eq It. 1801 Newport AppTox 2000 sq ft. Nr 1Blvd1.~ M. 846-2111 Altl Crown Valley Pltwy, a or ..... FMbN Rd., Minion vi.. Datperat• mutt rentl Ofo Jo. (714) S.5-0211 I tvff or PM1 llmt, 19th St.. Approx 2500 IQ f\ olfloe C.M. )(!flt front Ofc· loe. and wartllH apa oa. 840-1281 central Cotta Meu . FOlll> ADS ARE FREE Cal: Ml ... tl OdM OFFICE SUITE Fanced yd. A111ll now App<o11. 500" tt . ...,, aaoo Pt' mo. 842-oaeo 11M UWAll G1't-1 dr•pea & paint. 1•"" ..,. .. •..02• Lott 1111, Min. &chnau-C.1 "-•Int 4'60 M76/mo. 651-8130 _, .....,. "'.,... ... ••• !/!!.:r. ••••••••• .,. 1900 aq, rt. f6T& a.t Orey 8tll 6 P90Ptt, WANT: Otr•Q• tor •to-Oultom tl*MIW Otfloe. Front offloe, ..,oe ,.., Lollg Eert. Vin . Cllft raga on Bal, Penln. Nr 400 eq ft. Pvt balt1 WIUI dOOt 1n1 WW1tler Ave. Oftw, Newport Heightt. 15t.n St o... 1.171.2011 •flower. 81lboe Penln. ~l:,J40·t3H. lvH Very lrltndl)'. '•m•I•, ~/mo. 142...a3 1 a II I w er I t O I J ..... TI'M Of 111-1* OllSn b•lal HM txec. '""' .._, prime 1100 ti wtlM w1orc, "'' 1--liftii&ii~~~1 u u•uo uu••u u•n N. I . loo. Photle Md co-tOtltt, O/h dOOf hi&. -120 IQ. rt. 11 00 par ~ plu avall. HU/mo HO I I ofc l wt\H , WI LOIT: ..._ tont ~ It .. H78 8lro11 , N.I . Ht· 1118, OO·H 11 tollll, oltl dOOf, \1111 pd. cat ,..,...d .---. 1 Agen1 e.1-60i2 (ew) aGIJ'7Mn1 ~ere 6M9'1t3 ( ( ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good EnmllKJS Super Trips Great Pri&es -· ..... 1. 11"1.fMtte .... 1.t -~... • ........ . - , ... ,_ 1 .., am 'WE ......,. ,,,,.,.. ..... ,,, w"''-:i H ..... ., ... 111 ~~· .. t.. _ lltt..-Jer llU1Mfl¥e Lei -Jif;j"•• ~ twl~UO: ~=-""'.:S ....,. ·-r= I = ,,,. 1" IGttrttl ...,..,.,,,,_. iM:fOM • ''1et II ' 0 111 A"I A ~~--.;.;;..;;,.;.;.;__I ..._. ..., ... !!!'!!! ..!! ..:., ~· tft Ml"1 It tl!ffN ~ol'll ... __. f •"'le t tlO 11 ... -. llOI Ml-4MO, IA In OINTA H ri '... ='\., ... -1.fM· ...... W.?1.0 ,,.,... ....... -; ......... ~ ...... Mfif ------ OM f emur ,,.,u ... 1 ··=~=~··~•!!..' """'..:...:_ "-ffltftat« ._ ,,._ t ...., .,,., Mt..,•• .,., ..., •• r.m1 ••••••••• r~~: f lfml '1/m II. ,_.. ....,, .,._., ••-do0t.-''"' frM ,,., &I Tl#"'*-...,,.. 111411 AfflMtfl ':..'.19·:-10 :>"· C4M ·itJ oh.v; 11 .. 111:.-~=~~l:r" 0111 "i:.F~ ,.,.,"•"• ••"•"•'• ttMOtO 1rece1.,. M•" i wo· ~ ,..;..,M;·.,;n·; °' ,.,.ry , .• ~,.,~ '"°· ,tct,..,:.Tao Miio -~1IOO ••nttd, no ••I* '*'· "'• ,.i:.. • to. I 4 o o. ''' lerTow w1nohe• dlYt .. , ioe~. w111d1. P1onw ...... A11hl•I :! ':; :.~ !: ":;~fl~~· :i.:::,ettc,0:~~11~:, N 1 ,,,. • .,,, w• H•lr•'d ' !~~~c=....;:w ... ~= ~;:=,: ': t.nl H luper••tto""' IHO fl1aoon111 Ave, 171 22 1. lttll 0 M. llTATI Ull ~~· tot t i UH PD ltOOOteir 41).fUO ,_, Of>H"Un!IY With IA· l'n IM Nerwpoft HttbOt Cotti Mete. • 'urn, I ' eolo, wooden Uft TO 21 ti. I 160 mo Otlent potonlleil for '*' laS*i.ncff part Um• .,.. In~.... .... lltolf10 Clf)'W I wMMIJ. OIHI, •nd lbll. "'''° Canoe. Non• ,., .. fiber-87,.8146 ,,.,.. •• 101111 l'OWlll •"d rto• CM At ... 14 .. 2'1t ~=-~tllel MIOt Wtnttd Mlf·motlvt ttd M6 both Po9. Camper Yin '88 Oodot 2:,-,~"'MTh~ OI· WANT 30' i llp w/ihora •••••••••••••••••:•••• oOIW\lont Wo ... ~ ---------1 LIO"'='~.,..., porione lnttrHlod In ..._1166 H ll-cont, ft.U truolc, • powtr & water. lnttr· ·79 TOYOTA PICl<Uft C•fl"O ohtlftldt ••Pl'· Holp Wanted "''•time, 8R. VICI '"UIDINT ~°'*'"~I! :#f H• -= ~u~l lgl!Orej Rowing Iott· Slnglt 'b· .. led In longt9rm 1.... * IHT llU * ~'a.!_O ... oom1.J*1~.' M°"'o-~~::,'1~:0~00\~nP!'101", W-'-• t~... w/n-Jt.~,:ll•ttd Pf'O-.1"1:. .............. TI tn,~ '!' .. ~•!·_!tr,:• o glee !!WU w/q rllllno Call An.worAcs 073, Sport MocMI, O' .. , ~ Ge~ "'V""T -,._ _,, • -...-4Wt. ~· MCtA OUITSI ..... v ......... -· oar• 11050, 87s;.37e7 142-'300 1119•. CUii whMl1. Ohl ""UI~ d•"t p1H1ant environ· ""rotlremorit llOMt In AMltOf• 910 ntodtd. Pll ftl~ lnt 'I OIOSGOCM Strodt lum,dretttnotbl.dll' rm ~----------1---------1 Interior end ,.,01t1 Y~ mont, e1100111111 1111ry Loguna. fomt wkndl. (7t4• ts1-32:• d~t or ldnt • ....,. ••t..aoe4 oqpmt. 1omo kitchen-01nt()(1h TYP9 I. Eloctrlc &OAT8LIPSAl/All.A6LE: 11607864) Juet need r• 1...._.._~-"1-·-- tnd benefit poollege In· '°' eppt cell Mr1. Col· l ..... /Mbt (114) 117S.S41 ...,.., • .. ....,., '"' watt. Call 4ff.IM2 hHd. In bOx. never uttd, N-port Beech: 215', 21' liable party to m•k• _.._....._.., cludlng rnodfc.i ln4u+'M-fin• 49'-... 0I ~ to.ch d'ov. Co. Bike. 111ptr goOd co11d. u" d • r w err S 46 O. 36' l 40' Call 842·4<14,. amall monthly pm•t No 'IJ IZOl't Ir• hftl co. 4 d•y Wffk. H1ml· llTll llll llDI Heiting receptlonltt/ llTIY/ml, 145 obo. #11/lf/ 875·3787 from 9 10 15 old eontraot• to HIUme NIC41 set.ctlonl inoton luch 142·6581 bAP-':*'°' dtllt'tble In bookkMpor tor typing Irvin• l!teotronlot rtrm 549-1040 lailla•att 1111 _W_A_N_T_E.,.D-8-0-1-t-,-1-,p-ln-1 No back pm11 duo A•k * '78 3201, •uto . 1(1/rf, DtETAR'Y 05 WPM Ind QeMrtl tf• need• lt\ttp exec. tc1ry p t ••• bl" •••••••••••••••••••••• IHtl ,.,,., Hff N ...... 6dl I 63• H 11 l or Ro1t 842-4400 , (43fl/CKI C -4 200 Permanent lie• dull••· ~"" ll1ve w/SH 1klll1, typlno 70 ~ r.,...ng "1• o.w~ KING 281< old Fllltt . 1ppr. •••••'•••••••••••••••• ...... or • or-5~ 1008 Proto LIM * '70 833c:el: auto •. low 'ull time. lllp. In 1\ot91tel Apply tn poreon 11.1110 plMalnt PtrlOnlllty and wpm, IOmt Mlel adml-cell. c;Ond .... 50 0< bit $a700, lmmao. cond. C1u11c t8' 1..1p1trake rH &44·0168 ---------1 ml•, (&536418) ICltcMn. Some CooklnO, C,_ Inn, 311oe CoMt lront offlct OXP«. Mtjor nl1tr1tlvo ~Iffy. Cell Off 7eo.oe.a St .. 111 12400. 4 ... -tS719 Century bey bolt, 4 eyi, '87 Ford F600 2'.; too * '80 3201, 81pd , lot· wporvlelng. & tray Mt• Hwy, So. Laguna. medical ind dental .,._ Connie wllll rotumt J-"~'-f Gfoy, 13500. 87M181 ,.,aJ'' 1,..4 I Bobtall 3llO CID engine dedl (lBDl/020) up. "'"""""* pr-1 1111 911 111 681 81 8 .,,.,. ¥, l/lolln. 11lnt c.cnd. -•o encl van plua llltgat• * ·11 5301 1111r1 1ow HUNTINOTON BEACH ........ nt . aryl h com-• 1 #•f#laJ1 llJS '225 or make oft« 23' Inboard open boat, ,,_ 14000/ olfet 970·2000 mll t642TRT) ' Convaltectnt Hoeplttl !Nine .Brericn of maJor ;'~~~'.'11.:':t ~or•,:,:~ lltlf/IUIPT •••••••••••••••••••••• 649-1<>'0 PICMttld •ttortng. Don't ia~·M;~ .. ··i~P-0i60 ext 132 0< ~51·38&0 ,,_ * ·1e 320l. 4 ec>d . AIC 1aa11 FIOfld• St Co Mfll• 8r rnuhl•lfno ---------• Entry le¥tl poe111on wtth IOW llo/n, ~~~ ~~~,!~~eel 110.111t11:1' wttrlr S3850 tor 4 pm (488XEOl Huntington luch c:omm'I rlttt whh min 2 Rocoptlonlet. part time. .. ... reip '9tflcy tn Ir· Redwood 2x8 docking. OIJJll hnJtan I 894·4748 -. 7-3-F-0-R-D-3-6-0-1 _T_o_n * ·eo 320!, 5 lpcl . tlllrt. lft.... =•11,:mg::;y ,:.::::. r:;'S:e~S-~t~C: ~~ vtno "9Qune good ty-4-20' long; tlao redwood Lu•t•t flff 26' 8AYLINEA '72 atllke bed, l>OW9f dump, AIC (669ZOK) ,a-p1no, 8/H & nung a111111 fencing. Call Jim or Ken •• ~.~--·••••••••••• Cebln Mete Crl.Mler, r f1u1 .. 1t1tl1• 118 4 •Pd 111111 rblt du.i IH-1111 -• '191 Oolport 8 •m to 11 "" complex.. l100 Quall St. wllh ploueni pllono anytime, 775-1481 3-M Ory PHOTO COPIER cond 18900. 87~3 ••••• -,.-............... ,; 1 b ' roe w tat, Santa Aoa Bo l c:arrler eounHIOt lor IPPI Newport 8Mch, Suitt poreontlfty. 8omo gen'I $eO 0 80 7" ...., ~ hJ w 11, um 111 llclc for • local ntwepaper 714/545-7700 EOE 100, 752-0889 oftloe •"Pf pref Send 200 8oard tt 1 Inch aolld Call 873_7311 ' .. Invader '"'" lux bay 1«•1 I $.3800 Pll 557·0058 C1oeoc: Sul\Oay No 111por11neo nee ... ln11Uranoa A e. SalM/Llc. Aoq rMume and ulary hl•t~ wllnut. 8 tool wide S20 & tkl bolt 280 hi p •• !.!'!! •••••••..• !!.~ '73 Chell)' Crewc:ab truck. CHOICE INl/tNTORY M'Y Wort! only 12 hOIJll Buay general IQencv hu 1--llf ry OI roqulromonll to: Ad each. 842-0882 ANSWE~~~ SERI/ ~~~".I 1 ~ r S 8 I 0 0 . Sle111 Cab Over Camper \• T 1/8, 14JIO, MW paint VOLUME SALES • woelc S75 to llart plue opening for poreonel --160, Delly Piiot. 8011 750 Boatd 11. Solid TMk 730-4770 tellllCOPIC S750 0< bell tO'"'' Mii c:onrd c:aml>llf & llddltlonml Iha.re or perl· llnee auto rst« Rapid Todoy there are unllml-15e0, Coetl Meu, CA t'J\ In x t'.41n $1 50 per 42' H Mell"-, twn dll olle< 545-5678 11p1 4. 1dnt cond $3995 l'WWlhlp'• protn1 advancement Slluy led opportunltlM In rMI 02828 loot Cuatom mllled a I o.~ .... ,.. Brlatol Live •boltd 967-1877 A real fun !obi c:ommeneurate with 011-S.-2-0882 S 5 9 . 5 0 0 P P ( 2 1 3 J I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I 0 I I o L • 11 E I Men~t ""'portuni. Mt•t• .. 1111. u you l<!lt1 Secretary FIT Sma11 En-lo ax lent eond 81eo' .81·1:a6 • '. < 7 , 4 l "'··'·'·'·'·'···"···'·1.i.'.' ... • -... ptrlenee. Call Tony the dynamic ttam ~r g'r Lab: Oood t'Jplng ~I ltHO 64S..8402. 842-8808 v '83 Chev truck ptek-up llW tlM. or Interview call 549-9023 '77 FOX GT __..,. ~ood c:ond111on See •t lftlll' 8.00 PM 142•5878, prof-lonll1 et COidweii ekllll, 1horlhand roqul-•• •••••••-••••••••• F I XEROX 2600 I mo,......, gd S , __ •-~--!.Nllna Banker -Fa<Mt E. Olton, red. 8·5, M-F Sii c:omm NEWFOUNotANO PUP or H 1 21' Wlk:f1l1 w/radlO, tot.-eond , low mlleege 1275 21 E t91h St., CM ,_.,......,....~Blvd'. t xt 312 L::~:i,:~'~i:.lg::.~ Reallora. Our program w/exPlll' 54t-1083 A.KC, femele. Ill lholl. c1:rst~~l~7ot-phon11, 1lp1 4, call OBO 850-1176 850 ~•=•B . het1ffft IHJ llgnor do setup & wed· wtll su1>9ly YoU wlth tho llOan••y eh tired. $400. e38-230e . • I< e I th . 9 8 2-7 7 8 6 , Puch moped good cond '75 Sllvllfedo t ton PU, 3 IZJ·IUI ••Piii' In property .. 1111 & ding parties Other joba. winning comblnatlon lor -• I 10110 lttl IOl1 851-0140 10 ml 1350 · · apd. dual tank•. PS, PB, ac:qul1ltlon1 ptel'd. Ty· Min wage. Muat have auoeesa Ro1pon1lbla ptreon to i•t• l•IW ~' •••••••••••••••••••••• '57 Ch I C 11 C 9 720 1696 5<14 0805 AC AM/FM S20001b11 Open Sunday hendl1 verlety tnd ho•"" ••••• ••••••••••••••••• Par101, Baby Double Yel-'I ra apr1. 1 '. • • • oft 536·2640 --------ping & tome 1horthaod car & drive, 675-3738 'R.E. LICENSE COURSE phOnoa. Shortl\tnd. F~: KING INNERSPRING EX-low H .. d, 9 '"8ka old very rare, r11tored. 'BO MOTOBECANE Xlnt 1--_ _1 DUii( Ollm'I ;;:.'1~2 1S•lary open MAID/Fulltlme (2-day,$45) shlon 111and , non -TRAFIRM mtttrllll Ht. $450 548-5440 S8900 or bit olr. cond.600ml $395 V1•1 IS1v ILlllT """11th •""'•king tor mo-• C 0 .. PL ET E S •LES k S I novtf ulecl, worth SS30. 645.-8600 "•4 1163 ••••• •• •••••• •• • •••• •• ... ., ,....... ... " amo er 1 ary c:om-uc 1248 Otl Never Ill ff I Or IOH ""' · ·75 Dodge I/an Conv FA~T11oSRhYlftT1R1~11N11E. E tel. Lag Beh 404-529• TRAINING meneurale with t llPllr used queen er, worth ••• ~ •••••••• f~!'.'. ••••• SEA RAY WKNDR. 24', llll lllE Stl IO 1 * IUIT IELL * ,. • M ""I I A I 'CONTINUOUS EDUCA-and ablllty Mre. Ed-s399 11 1 '2l8 '70 Like new loaded • I Ideal lot lho mature WO-•• .. 11 ltHI TION w•rd• 840·511 t del • uc::al~n yhome KIMBALL ORGAN model lllp avall. Catm' top. s22: Recond. 847-8006 SUMMERflMf FUNI Full man over 30. 895·4480 Btcll office ta< Hunting· 'SECURITY OF A LAR· .;;;,;;=======:;! 754•7350 Y · 100 Swinger. Juit like 000, 493.(1897 If, I / velour Capt Chell5. Sales-Servlee-LllUlnQ 11/ERPAC CORP ton Beach Area Ellper GE O y NAM 1 C co M . eiro•n••f/UIO. n 1 w t 2 5 0 0 C 1 I I lllkyl II Matching Sofab41d Panel. l¥""tv' l ' A rJ\ tt::R 5455 Produc:tlon Dr. nec.aMry Elcc.lltnt ~ PANY -n -5•6-7&92 1956 Clatllc Southcout lt .. lfll I/SO Ca•pet A.IC. Auto Low l'l.../I .Jl.J\V c HunllngtonBch nefltl "HIGHINCOMEPOTEN· Marklllng d1pt. hH **I BUY** Bey Boll, c:ompletely ••••••••••••••••••••··1 Mt1ea•11E63058) Just llU ~ll.ll<.'f·l~f\\ FHhlon Parllee: earn 1 ____ 64_7-_800-4____ TIAL opening In NPT BCH. GOOd uMd Furniture & relatored Incl aten~o eye llllAOIUTt nHd relllbla p1r1y 10 ..,,. .,.. • , ,.,,.. .. "MGMT GROWTH OP· Fin ·~ nrm. Good ty-Plano wanted· $8000/bll 538-1980 YAMAHA, 200 c:c. elec· malte small monthly • ~ .. ·..> ...... aummer wardrobe & IHltal Asslttaat PORTUNITIES ping, S/H akllte, Exper Applla~OR I wm NII Spinet 1200/$300 Irle start, onlu 3000 pmts No old contracts -------- have fun tool 655-9384 Front and back olflee for rtq'd Non-1mk1 part a< SELL fa< YOtJ 548-7272 30' MONK FIB TRWLR mu .. $595. S•s..'9223 to asaum1 No back 79 3201 4 spd, AIC. sun- FHI HO WllUll We11 mlnl1ter Area. licensed O< unl~Nd. Call 540-0123 llUTllll AIO'Tlll lntia• ll•i·"'an•-" Oii pwr, l200 ml/A pmts due Ask 10< Rose 1001 AM/FM cus w/ Computer knowledge 11 you would ltke 10 know l~=======::I 14'·1111 Ul-HH ••••• ~ ••••• ~ ••• ~'!~ 51~~ CB. :~t:,.:1::ioo '77 Suzuki PE250. low m1 842-4400 556 l006 equalizer $9500 Xlnl Orange Coeat College eo.ac-baf. 30 hr• wk/10 mo . poaltlon 711.M· 1 30PM, Mon-Fri Apply 10 COaat Commu· nlty Cot1eg01 1370 Adema, CM 558-5047 bel. 4 ·30PM Aug 3 E.0.E./MFH helpful fxper nectl· m0<e about a car-In lenlet ltlffff ---------•RICCAR Sew Mechlne. · iood cond, runs great p1010 LIM cona 54v·1217 aa.ry flt~7-1811benofl5 II. reel ••t•t•. call the ,..._ .... _ _. I Ill FllllTIU comm .• ,_ 1550. Need ·79 ~· $ltlpjac61, loaded, 6~~:~~/673-7686 A•lll W.••tff ISIO ·10 2002 Perl c:ond. N-.,... compeny• .. -1•-'•n•-'"' -LM 957-8133 cath, beat offer •lntcond -N ....... u-.....---· Part time ..,.. 8 di"'" 7c..a 7•.,• $7500 759'-9553 ••• ••••••• ••••• ••••••• int ew paint runs-· llttOAL IPfOIAUIT in sucoeu. 38 hcl ti 15 per hf. M~t N9w lull-tin mattr ... Ht, _. """ ·74 HO 1000CC XLCH WE PAY $3500 OBO LHrn medlc:al sic Illa & Call Chuck Stoffel °' be tllPllf Rel $65. Now queen •lze, 1-nl• c.H IOH Stock. 1 8 K m 1111 s 675·9746 MNll In tht Army Rel-BUI 8lealng 675-2278 $100. 750-5832 .r.:;:-:1 •••••• ! ••••••• ..,,, l•al Chtome $20Q<>lb91 olr TOP DOLLAR ----- -near home Call I~ 714/894-7521; 982-5586 lal'•.,.,. •• ., ci~u IO 552·3252 Iv msg D1t1.. 1111 day. Sign De11gn Co •••k• •O• We buy and ae11 quality •••••••••••••••••••••• HUSKY 360 6 1peec1, new I FOii USED CARS •••••••••••••••••••••• , ....... Tu1tln 731-0481 herd hitting aggrt11lvo K lllUI, II. -· uMd eportlng equip. on 40' Viking la< Cllarter tires, big taok., ru!l4 gooe1 AW ll&llll 1112 IATHI Sanlt An• 542-4783 outaldt Hltl pereon .... -~lllO conalgnmont Snow Flahlng. diving & en· S300 obo. 842-6495 2IOD OllPIJ WlllO. LW USAA Ctr. 552-3173 aome Cir OXPOflH fur-Skiing, wind aurllng, ~!2r_t2a7!~mont C a ll Like new 90 Suzuki 450• PllTIAO/lllUI Automatic: tran1 .. T-Top Of',mgo CoHt College, p nllhtd Apply •• Multi-Dtbuftalr 5 oo llCtlontl water ekllng. tennlt, surf "" ..., c:owling & X1ru. 2500 ml, 2480 H11bor Blvd & loaded! (49381. lt'a a 32 hrt wk, 10 mo poll-art-time nurtH •Ide. ''*"'~--media Dotlgn Co 130 E. sota, camel corduroy, board. back packing, 1 1300 OBO 545-6577 COSTA MESA macho e11 ta< tlon. 1:30-lOPM, Mon-euy c:are. acme OtMng 171h Suite T. C.M. n-. $750. 551-8244 clothlng for all tabovt ... ,, s.JJ IOfl l•t-•JOO OILY $12111 Thur•. Apply to COHI req 842"2237 An Equel Oppty Co. lwlh•~ ""'· Oak Mcea.rthy delk, Iota aport1. 845-4310. 1770 ·····'················ KAWASAKI 79, superb 141·1•11 Community CollegH, PUT Tilll IESTAlllllT Wiii train, daya and of cubt>y hole• & '10~ Ntwpof1 &Ml CM. tO' Hobja Cat. Y*IOw wt cpnd, KZtOOO. drOllllllO. --------· ... &a .......... 1370 Adame, C .M. Evet andf~ weekends. The ftnest nouvelle,..,_ 1wlng ahlf1 842·3013 rage, coet S1900, toeri-Radlcal Speed ekatH toq. 1UnrlN .. n •. Like many xtrea S2400 WE IUY Oove/OuallSt• 550-5947 bel 4·30PM Reaponalble adult•. over taurant In Orange TI • S.11 It lice $1250 &45-1410 S100 Good c:ond. Mini new $2500 875-8181. _e_4_2._e_e_11_____ NEWPORT BEACH ~EOE/MFH 21, wllh oulltandlng, at-Countu la lnterNted In •''tat t en Kangaroo Boo II 14' Catamaran wltrlr, .. t B .., •-•,; CLEAi OARS Hl·OHI *IHtral tffftt traattve peraonallUes to quallfl~ peraonnol, w11 Nttded lmmedlattly. Nllml'I 1111 645-7077 r1lnbow 111lls, game ,.., 11 ••II, ~.,;I AID TIUOIS PART TIME Good typing work with youth (•gea are accepting appllc•-Ideal tor 1tudont1 0< h~ BEAUTIFUL, ou1tom ahow prlu 12700. •••!f.ltollfl 110 llnd Phon. lmport.nt 10-14) Call 2-5PM, tlont between g.11 am memallera EvM 3·9. No made bedroom 1111 MIKE D~YL.~ soft 1u11. 847-5839 .•77••A .b •• hood•• ••2•3~··••• Top pau, 5 d•"• , .. er-&42~21 , Ext ~6. EOE Hlllng Alrport arte. Call DHk, Or11ner, corner boerd. 7 tO long 0 '" · very , , " ~l•yt1on' fos'. th11 lollowlng bet i-12,840-4847.•11 t group, 2 bed1, qulltecs StOO. 813-11373 lgl<l_«>..,.•$1997755 boat & trlr, gd cond. many 11111ra1 noona. permanent PAIT TI• ""'" """ I Sell·contalned. S1111 10 •7"'2774 HOSTESS pm, 966-0151. c:over1 & plllowa. Like ..., •-~'f ••2-9736 appr~iate 54n 952•. v .,.. N-epapor Promotion, BUSMAN new/'" to appre<:late. • "c..~' / ~ -.,.. 0-11 Mon ·, r I · WAITRESSES Ttl.,.... W.t Now 1225011011 101 1111'1 ltftH "" LASER SAILBOAT TREMENDOUS 5•30PM-8 30PM, Sat. CAPTAINS FOiiow up, no cotes c:alll $1595 546-9223. • ••••• '7 •••••••• ~~····· w11h lfalllll' 11100 9 30-1:30PM 333 8o)'lldo Drive PIT. Colla Melle ore. Fa< BEAUTIFUL 25 RC A Ge2 2377 CAREER OPPORTUNfTY 164.00 to ltlllt .._..... a..cri. Celtt Info, Cell 831-7200. ~ Blk naugahyde Simmon• Colot TV ~. 2 yr wmty - '49 Chev. MOlOf Home good condition See at ~21 E 19th St., C.M Then pert~'a lhere ·~-· fOf Mr Cereon Hld••bed, $100. $148. Fr• delivery UMf Ins.,. ia.te! ;i~h ~~lt~~etlng Co In of profit• Mull have Retail Mtnllgllfnent Tele9fl<>ne Sllel 973-0797 TV JoM'I P&-17&e Seve $1bo & have a ftlUUI ftlnJ fl10 pleaunt voic., private &Sl'T IAllAIEll Elm Big Mon.y by the Oek Benett Dining Rm ohanca to win Surfeprlnl •. ••• •• .,-. ••••••• •• •••• COHMllL CHEVIOUT -"" lldrbrir Hl\cl 1 1~T'\ "'1t~'-\ 546-1200 1111 una Top doll••• lo• Spo•t• Cers Bui:• Campers L.. __ _.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,i llt4 I Audt't Ask for U/C MGR $1200 dHll & phone. cHUll Current opening w/ beach, 1300_ S1000/ table (11109) fl Chra Ell· St00 0l9lm SellbOlrd with a pur· WANTED TRAILER• 01· attire Fa< Interview, clll luture oppt'y 101 atore W.-CallS38-7511 e ellent $3 00 . Ph Alle e L anllng floor Ch ... of any,_ L.-der sell conlllloe<I. any •11•r 8PM --------8 3 9 . 5 4 o 9 M o v 11 d , •P••k•••. $25 aec:h during J~ cone priced •eu from 842-5878 4•1 312 mgmt Muat be enthu-Telephone Soltcltore dc>Mn't flt Ellc:euent eondll ...... Dual THE LASER STORE p v t P a r 1 y I llUtic: & ener~lc F II t. ""' 7 4 .... ··2 .. P4W month lo 11111 P1111 Control lleld repa HICKORY •R••s u or pan time AW .., d ••• .. turntebM SSO. SberWood AH thing• L-& MOft 1 ...,....,..~ ., " ... ~ E. 17th St, Ste • ..,,.. ... ~"9••• .. ly . S50 824 w 18th St. CM I No Elp Nee nwded tmmecllllt91y eit-FASHION ISLAND CO.ta M ... Mon . Fri ~ult MC, 1 pc: flv rm rllCelver857_..196 (714)642-0648 A•,. lfmn, llrll JIM IUllH VOUIWllH 1871 1 Beach Blvd • HUNTlNGTOH BEACH 142-2000 19110 Datsun B210 5 speed trana . low mites, super c;le•n & tn Hc:el· lenl cond111001 1983 II· oenM lee llfready pakll Musi sell asking S4 195 or bell ollerl Call 642 0138 , , porlanced. llc'd only cau 640-6030 $800 firm 5 pc bdrm 1111 I Aftnllrill HOO + premier training 1_54_e-_933_o_____ I I •-&.A Tel•,•••• Illes 1376. Din rm 1111 1375. Udo 14, d11k blue, wt11t1 •••••••••••••••••••••• WAITED! l•M4&.ft ltlrl-PHOTO • S&IM & 1 hr a es/.._, Ip, CASH PAIO DAILY Whlrlpool waller. $75 Bearcat Scannet With air· deck. 19711 Ullman Mitt. All Chevy truck p811s ·~ ' ....... __ I ~ developing -vloo. will Mature woman to ualat Call Mr e, 831 ... 145 541~ creft and matlne bot\ds cover . t 1•11 e r . ton to dies•! Rblt Late model Toyol&1. Oetsun 280 Z 1976. A/C, l/otvos Plckupa & l/ana AM/FM drives lflnt, d&rk Ceil ut todayl green. S4 400 731-6187 .... ,.. IUemrff tr•ln. part-time 01< 17141 owner In managing de· --------l-""il-1 ,_ I• •-a $275. Call 546-2856 $2700/obo 585-8287 transmission from S 165 (714) 1188 3555 signer llngerl11 ahop TOPLESS MODELS --...-. ..-. & p 654 1850 Call Sun. Mon: Tue. Wed ~~:)595~ 5 7 or ( 2 131 Sa I es e K p 1 n e c:. $75 DAY • PAID DAILY Natural labrlc. $1700 ,.,,, I ll1tiat Cllamaran 15' w1th Jib & __ u __ • ____ _ 759-0781 673-7710 Uk 10< Judy. no up • nee • 828-2583 714-898-4692 ~-I-tat Trailer for quick Hie 914 Porsctle long bloc:k, ct&lltftecl Ad 642 58711 CIUlllled Ad 842 5876 ~A;e $505 Xlnl oond Rick 30.000 mt S:l951ofter 1 • a • SALES IEIEUL IFFIOI Beeutllul 811 velour sofa ••• • •••••••••••••• 957·1001 0< 840-1980 645-0136 JOYOTA·•OL¥0 Earle Ike '67 Datson, 4 dr sedan Eve•yllllng in good snape S800 645-3806 Nu•s1ng Women & Men Rnp. tor prOCM1lng an-H rthtonea. Sacrlflc:~ C.•1t•I HIO 38' YORKTOWN CUTTER IH•H....,lh& Career nulty & lntur. buefneu 1100· 945•1986 e~i1;,··~;·;;;·c::;~~: 50HP dal/1001/ I.IP dll. F~l~:a~e,~r~z;: :·,~ c •••• w ... ·77 280l. gd cond 46,000 ml. a/c. 4 spd am/Im radio Call 8 -5 . 5 <18 5569, 811 6pm OPERITllHi ROOM RI O••orfUll... 101 lnvHt firm In Npt Dining room table w/6 ran. ~ 11111 ol mold•, 1 Bimini Cockpit oncloeure still 1n carton 633-3299 "'64•·'10l • ~•o.uu rr '1 Bch Typing, 10-k t y, chalr1. l'thltt w/yellow complete h\Jll plue Low Rigged lo• cruising Full time, days (8:30 Lo 5 & 9:30 to 6) Cum.'nt Cali f. RN License & I t o 2 y t' a r s 0 R C' ic p e r 1 e n t• t.· required Leading Petroleum lndu-CRT ex P r • q . C •II trim. s t50. 5411-7482 Boy Traller & utmty lhed Harbor mooring avall Settruak tires 9501116 6, airy Consulting firm hu 640-0123 Mau otter. 493.4959 149,500 AY646_9000 6·ply 10-pty rating $750 WI HY 557-7844 2 openlnge on our pr~ Twin 111.1 1prlng1 & mat-556-0998 luslonal •l•lf for IUC-nPIST tress. 150 lo< both. -------- USED CARS & TRUCKS -,,-,-,,-,-,----1-1-ZJ-. COME IN OR CALL FOR •• •• •• •••• ••. • • ••••• • • ()95$ oriented wom.n & We're lookln~ 10< FAST 15.48-7482 TI AE S 2 1 a d I 8 I s a 11,1 d 225·75· t5, new, $80 men. UI • appll-& ACCURAT ~with .. ay -111-• WHAT'S NEW FOR 857-2630 FREE UPIWUL Hlllt CIHTY'I Cormler·Dellllo Hl Y AITllOlllZO Starr Pos1t1ons available m At·ute Hospital with progressive programs m Ophthalmologic & Orthopedic Surgical Pro<.'edures Cnt1cal care differential & ccrt1f1cat1on bonus o rrered as well as generous benefit packa~e & t'Ompeuuve pay scale cants will receive exteo-ablllty to PROOFREAD. n.-""5 ..,.. elve training. Excellent Star1 lmmeclletety. 8alaly (Uv rm) Rev. UMcl. potentlel tor high Income open. 720-0IM 1 Wor1h I 100, aac $595. man1gement and ow---------845-7711 eve1/w1mds oer1hlp participation TYPIST, llH Pll1 time. 35 Magnavox Frenctl Provln· You mu11 be 1ttracthre, WPM, touofl. •ecurite. elal atoreo Solld wal well·groomed, bright. 13 50 hr Beech & deak Flllng cab. bk· educ: at e d • mo n • y -Edinger ArM 842""40ee CHiii Chandelltr with a<lentecl and above •II eryatall. 780-0507 hlghly dl•elpllned •nd YOUNG COMP•NY Hlf motlva1ed. ExP91'1en· n Playpen· Sole group, S1ddltback C1••11ity Hos11it1I 2••& 1 Yi1 Estr1d1, Llcu11 Hiiis 170-3141 c:e In high level commla-GROWING f(LD gr1ndlathe1 c:lock, uph aloned telephone eon-~ lln bed with .... t •ct • u ch 11 31 JOBS roo bit In headboerd, Commodlty-lnv11tment ••tlATI llllH new fitted bed1p1Hd, nlel, Ellec:1J11vo Marcil velvet plllow •h•m•. peraonnet Of real "tat• $ lamps, ca<ner group w1th It dealrablo. Contact M1 1 o 5 o stereo tble. New watw • _______ !flll ______ _.1~Kefl~r,:2(:_71.'.:4'.!.)~83~5--843~~9~-bed comp Oak mirror. Other Item• P /P, PER MONTH &45-l320 h f41ual Of••rtHttr l••lerer 11 llft I lllCWnL llUIE Ul.l (CW Y8'd ..,., &tate ..... eto.) Pl1ce your ad In the Dally Piiot Clualfled Mcilon (lt'a baet to run 3 deye tor maximum expoeure). If you pay tor your ad In advance we'll run It 3 dayt and only ch~ you for 21 2. Get your FREE Garage Sale llgna (all you l'l1ve to do la come In to the Dally PllOt & .,_y for your ad In edvMOe -we will give you two 11 x 17 Signe - FREE of charge). 3. Prlee MCh piece of merchancflM., 4. Hive plenty ot change on nano 1(nlcket1, dlmet, quarter., halvee. one and flve dotlar blfJa). ~ax. haw fun , and count your money at the ~ or the <My. F11t11t growing com· Ho1vy wood etudont'• peny In Ille direct m1111-dMll. 4 dra-r & lholl atlng lndul1ry. 5 different 1 p a c e . I 4 5 o b o job., ... open. Benoflll 831..0946 11·H Jf ,,thrrM -c-ane--Top--C-of-fee_T_1_b_1e_.1 1111 Ml 8'. euetom m1dt, t>eau-•t OP, IRlll tllul eond S t15 obo (714) 964-'314 _83_1_-09_46 ____ _ Call Sun, Mon, Tue. Wed Ollvt green 1ola & IOvo- lul•I laJn Hit. Like new 1245 ····'················· both. C..11 lltN !M&-2855 a·:r·,··;·;~~;·:·L~~;·~; Comb. oamotdlnlng tebi.. ~ Sat/8un 1~ Frultwood, tOf> oond. Mt Art>or St. (Hr 10t11 a SIOO. cell 494-4291 Monrovia). C.M. 8oolle111. wall unit. 2 ANTIOU! OAE88ER. H ot wide Frullwood. MlllOOtny, vory well Top oond. • 180. med• Approx. ou1¥ .,.4_'4-4 __ 2G_l _____ 1 tMO'e. .,.7S. Wiii teko GtMn Vlbf•tlno Aecllnlt beet ottw. °'"" MllC 135 ltome. Cell ~re-'• &48-0148 ttr 5pm w"kdtye. or •·-If·• 675-l'70t If no erMWtr •t -~ 11f lboY9 numbtr • • • • • • • • • • • / ~ • • • • • • • -----·---C6mpi.tt Otl)l!Mt thop ....._ ~· Notrnow ••••u•••••••••••••• ~.MO~~ ... tr.. ........ M ""-"•..., 9elut11ul tntlqi.lt CNlw .. ••• ••••••• •••• ••• • ••• Bell bltlltub with l>llln--•••Ill --bing UGO. t1t-I02'1 , t to ao· ~. Mf per ft. Adorable Old tt1am .... nl-141 ~ 911 llOft, ~I gf*ll, Am ':7e' Mlf lllP-NI01 t7t-IOIT ,.,.., ) ITl/Nt Otd PltYtt Pt.no Md I•· ofr. 1 enytlme. r, oo11eot1on of * rolla ~ IUnct Goto en 1400· t""'°27 Momber1111p for talo. ~..11,.. Ml M71. 144-2116 ..,,,.,, ••.....•.... ;;'.. HA~Al'IM AP'l.JAHC« ..... "We toll r.aand . .-. tSI pna ..a:: 1-..on BOATS The Daily Piiot will publish boat picture ads starting Friday. August 6th -we'll even take a picture of your boat for your ad. You can't beat the price. if we take the picture. your ad will only cost you $45 -if you provide the picture, your ad will cost $40. SAMPLE AD -------------------- For more Information and to aohedule your ad, please call 642-5878 and ask for Clasalflad Advertising. • A•t11 /11 1111 ....•..•••..•......... IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The price of Items ad· vertllecl by vehtCle dea- ler'I In the vel\lc:le c:i ... ,. fled aclvertlllng COiumns does not inc:lude any appltc:able taxes, llcenae, tran1ler 10111, llnane• charges, lees tor elr pol· lutlon control device certlllc:atlon1 01 dealer doc:umentary prepare· tlon chatgea unleu OlhtrWIH specified by the advertl1111r. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 70t)0 HAlt&OR al VO C05TA MlSA b42 0010 Attention colltetor•I 1968 Edttl R•noat In good nmnlng oondlllonl ONLY S5501 Cell 842-2073 Of 545-8074. If no antwtt. pleeM keep lfying. CMEYROLET 18211 BEACH BLVD FERRARI HUNTINGTON BEACH Ul-1017, Ht·2U1 Top Dollar Paid For Yovr Carl JDHSOI I IOI lla1ela·•rHry 2626 Herbor Blvd Costa Mesa 540-5630 Premium prlc:es paid tor any used car (lorelgn 0< dorneetlcl tn 1100<! condition See Us Flr1tl :KH8 ll.11 l~1f lllld l 11 .. 1.1 \11· ... 1 .\1i1 lk~,, 3100 West CoU1 Hwy Newport Beach 642·9405 flit ITZJ .............•.••••••• 1111 FIAT 121 4 Ooor Sedan. 4 lpeecl lr1n1 . AM/FM radio, only 47.000 mlltl & •.w· ceptlonally clotnl Elloot- leot t111n1p0<tat1onl A1- klng low wh<>leUle blue book a1 S 1450 Coll U.. 81 548-1786 alter 8:30 p m on weekdeys: 111 day weekends II no an1wer, ple•H keep trying I '-------~ ·73 Fiii 124, new eno an rt, ne1d1 Int work St350/olr 631-7187 meg Hlghftl CUii lmmedletely '7<1 128 4-dr, grn w/belQe, lor your vthlcle Do· Plrelll1, 10 ml, $1200 me1t10 or lo,elgn 873-1842. 840-7814 551-8285 ··"'· 1111 ~ ... '!!1.!,r..rJ!!. •••••. AJ/1 ftaH 110 • ••••••••••••••••••••• * 1tH&LIA ... t INh •.••...........•...••. ltllAl..,._f We c;an hlllpl Before 'JO" buy, c:Mc:a our unt)oet• bl• HIOctlon. H Vlng• and Mrvlool lllYHllTY UUllSEIYlll S cyllndere, 3 aarbt • 2850 Hlfbor llYd. 'HIT llO ~4::~~:n.o~ (~J~5~ COSTA MESA **lmlf** 111-1111 140-1141 Ci.e11. 0,10 .. 111\1'1\ec. 11---------1..,--.---...,,--,----ownw. s.. fltmea.2040 Aa'1 111 ·10 ~. a IPd. we. •10.000 """· Pvt party •••••••••••••••••••••• am/fm, le ml. xmt oopcf • 437-&479 10 AMI MOOT"" 14llOO 1eo-1014 28,000 m ..... f\illy loedtd '1t HONDA CVCC 11H ,.,.... t1t eumoo~ Qd oontf. l.111• 4•p., tm/fm oaq, 30. At«>u!K-mot«.newpolnt. now. ,tl,400 010. ooo m l . A1dt1t1 . New 111o1attrt"" btra e 4 5 • • a t 1 I v • • • ' 3 e o o ' o " o • P • ~ • ..i.,;,,_ ..... 8t1·984• doy9. 934.7777 _,, 1,000. --..,.--..,-~--1---------, ....... !M '71 AUDI ,OX Ii A~rc' UC, AMIPM Vlnyl nardtop blro 4 d r. auto. new •no, ceat, I epd, AO, 11,000 clean t-6.000. 4•1211 crena. bt11CM..1 '~'•· mt, 111r11 GOnd S'rott. •Int eond. htOO/otr. •T.JlllO '90 Auburn~ beaat. 49f·IOl7 1~T~l~H~'0!-1dl-:--~0Mc---.. -.,-~..i:· sa1,0000teff. UW f1ll ,,_. fectwy ,.in1. AMi ----------1mr.,. •••••••••••••• ~ flM CMI, ~'-00111 .. -~-~ M t Md ua...-; t.ok• &-run,, .. ,, I P•at cpe. Nice oar, .by.....,. J.atOO, ~'MIU• 11111 tQIWl-17'11 ., ....... 1111 ~ • Ortn01 Oollt DAIL VI f>tLOT /Mondey, J\llY II, 1HI ......... ~ -.111tt11...... • ...... ="''" ........ ;"/ltmttt ....... H~~lf'lltrtff ....... ta'!!..~ ..•....... ~.~ .• ~m ........... ~1.~~~.,~1 ..... 11.8 .~'!!..~t~ ......... .. r.'l.1'\'\mmm .... ,.. ffM .,... • ,,,. ,._. l!t..ia ,.., l!.."'11M,., ,.. .-.C fftdr ........... '1.ff lltteflt.ffM •• 11.ff .......... r1.u ·~•~ ......... rt.n .• nfffP.T,••••••'•·'' "''••••••••••••• • rF..UJ!ll! •••••••• 1r.-ir rm~········ ••• ~ ••••••••• 1.-.~1 .......... ..,. ., •1, aooo 111,,0 auv•' ... ,,. T• ... ''°" .,... " 4 llAAlt 4 ...... ,.... 11 ~· lfl9t ,_ •11 AMO...-w . Only Ill n Pllm L1noot11 0onunem.i ·eo w.~ ~. 4 ctr .. • . ~I bluttMOllMW.air onl'io new''''-'·" •Inf •n1. llinrott. 1,ood '"'~l'"'•a~'o~'.!•' HOO"'"" live ov.t W•tMM•aoodMMG11-* tlllMI * aotc1. 4 epd tt*'f, AOI ----AllOno.fl~.Oi1V'o lntUO 1'11111 ""''' .. 11. 'IO llA TwM,IQedM. 'IO 141·1101 ... .... ,., ~ met• In~ IWUY. .., .. 101• '=11 .1~11 Xlflt ~· ~,,M-. ...... "" .... ftot •11001ott0. ~1410 ooh•' .... 0 ,.,, 00.~..,.· ..... ...ooo. ~ ... ~ on Of NIW • VllD Lone tt•tcld .. thl ¥111· '1WI Sunroof llAOO M pl~. 114hn.o'°' t14. Tiii• over ltHo• ., •'-tr•• 7• vw 8'11. •Int ~:i '1'1S'n" ............ ,....~ Aloht now. ~ modell ,,.., Hll f lu1111ftfV wltlfl. lool• •• ...,.,, t7,t1 ,71 Mtto•CS•• •ioeLa tlM °" t1,ooo. JPmW.,. ....... r.r.n runt""*'· tstto. ~ IU II are ev1llabte, po .. lbly 'ffii•!!I •••••••••••••• ancr ruitt ••••ll•ntl rnl»ir ......... r.-.l'f ~ °"'°"" ~ m: ..,141111-1tot .....,.~1.M91na now. 4.-..-e tor ......... 1et-__ .. ........ one f0t Yo\11 Juet need ·ee Mwtano 1 ovt ;a (1.Vcatt?) * ... eoo ..... .... -···· ........ r.:;; :o:.:::i:: Nw .. ..... .,..... ...... -· relleblt Pltly to mate• AT, lo ,,,r,,' •Int oond'. t~l.IOO · I , · ur,.• -'81 3981, nu ba~/ 'wv..,... "" ...vvo• • ..,..., ""' Hlaotlon of new Inf llMll mOMhly pmtl, HO 12900 oao IM0--11"4 l 111 1111 '" t ... If .... 111U clutotl. Jutt rblt. • RUii to~~--. I 9'>d Ultd lluic*I In Or"'fl old oon1t90t1 to allUl'lll. • • · .,a-•• ~w ............. 1 .. i1 ~ ... · .,'•,•· 1AOOO '"'"· 111·-4'MMt · 7,.:,134 -~. ' No beck pmte. due. Mtc tJu.-.ui. .. ,, ''""' J X"I ""O p •--.. -..,.., for "011 1•2·4400, rn'mmll••••••1~ •• -aouar " "' u •· Atd w/bl1oll, be1utllul , --'72 vw ,.HI'" AM1'M 'to MONTI CAAl..O 1188-1001 Proto LIM. tt72 Cuttw Oldtn'IOblMI. OOl'llPl•t•I~ r11tored, 0., (10H'5~ htra 0111n, 1mlfm. SIWP 79 111ec, bleoll ... ,, 1•11 11, ... ..r.c,0 11 0 OOod dttlon meoh & bodV •lnl. M\ltt · 118 l\l'll'Vtfllno MW IH TO r: bllGk loaded lo ml '' I ' 011•• • .. • oo * _, 1111 * '"''' i ~ .. 2 .... ..... .. 11 11111 wllnCS. 18100. • ll!UlVl!. '35o0 0t trade 12,100: 1111·1091 o; • .. ~................ r u n n I " I o o n d · Cullom landau. Only ••••'It•••••••••• ••• , ____ .... _ ...... _.., __ _ 4f4.e208 111-1111 f0f7031·HUM11t. 81-1211 ~.r~o~~ (714)MOl411 -20,000ml.wtth,ullCloth ·ao CHEVETTE Bronrt 11 ..... ~lte * --llU * 'lT --•• • •I 111 n..-c-. ' Interior plut many •P· 4-dr Alf, auto, tllt·Whl. •-.:1 Ir t.• ~ * f 1MY4MMtllm I 1M11t11U 1 kle wlblack. New paint. ~ otitorne lflCI lntenor. Ex· t cellent condition. (51A.C2~1 t '1~.000 111-1111 llMH"'-,_, •tfl 1179 MOB. low-low ml .... P0ttche r.,oe r.., glua -•• -·-·--·-.. -r p 0 1 n 1 m • n t 1 . A-1 cond. Mutt H• -·-ff .. i. .. fu ........ r.... goro•oue burgundy window. 1220. OH. WHAT A ,..l..INGI >Clnt oond. Low mllu. 2926 HatbOt 81vd. AM/frMIC•ff .. Tiit wh.. 6-4a..2H 1• 836-8810 Crul1t, Tiit, Pl , PtL. ... tNter a body, not 11er1toll, rUN t7t·HOI C<jM. Perteet oomblnatton of MH5. Mt-•111 COSTA MUA A/C coneole etc: AIC. Tape Am/Fm 111-1M4 lertM11 Ilk• a drHm. ••HO. l..OA0£0 ·71PorlOM911 economy end lfXlft et)'" •to Aa~I Conv. Ail atr11, 171-2111 ( lBH-4647) Juat -r.;. ·ea Corvette, ... ,. -427 reo. Wire wheel•, tow 548-7245 80. BMt of IWfY!hlng_. llng. e apd., wlpow. etr.. !<C. 11000 ml, & lpd. ll1bl• party to make Tri-power. Big money In mll•. "750. can Ken t• 1 '" ,. .... , 1141 Pr1111ne cOfld. 84-8218 AIC, louv,.. end more• MUet 19'11 t75-8S'1t ·92 Small 8kvlertc. 2 dt, ~Ill monthly pmta. No ~~ : reel ~r19 0 0 . Donahue. e79_.200 ..,.. ••• thtt •••ill••••••••••••••••• day• or 988-3 Hl7 evl (024UIVI Juel need r• 0 \/W c 8 auto, Pl/PW. buc:kel1, ""'oontreot1 to •NUme. 213194•·68lO '119 Cuti .... AuM gr .. t. Compare HOUH Of Im· UAll A 11tJ wltnde lleble parly to make 197 imper UI. M~. 846-7578 No bactc pmte due. Alk Great traneportlon oar. port1Dir.al1eaM and $0 tmall monthly pmta. No New: rtblt enQ, paint, Int. for ROH 042-UOO. '119 Ve1te, r .. IOfed, xlnt .500 759.1:l13 moa. Hflllbl• pymt1. PIUllOT IOI I '111 Portche 924 Sunroof, Old OOl\lracte to ataume. Mu•! .... '3fOOIOBO l!.Jlll# HIJ 55&-1008 Proto LIM. oond. $8900 or offer . · S o 1 213 714 M!R I 11r, new tlrea, otean. No bd pmta. due. Aek 974-841111 :rm::;;.............. 840 4982 1979 Olde CutlaN uc>er· c 1: 0 Es o~' 2 ;13 0; TlllO Ill IL $8450. 213-692-1792 lor Ron 842·-4400, '71 vw PoP ToP W11t11lla ~Tiii ·73 Mont• Carlo, lClnt • me 11800 below whole-• J .. lft "'" 11•1• ... 7 23•3 $ l"'78 p..-... "'2•, $2,000 55&-1008 Proto LIM. ~amper. New e ngine, OU•u••f cond, Clean body lnetde CH••I ffJ3 Hie, all orig, air, lthr, •••••••••••••••••••••• .. ·"" -~ 289 • v ...... ,. • '" " ... -. & out rec:entll rebullt •• "'•• ••••• 1 2"'••pn • below low Blue Book, ·7• ,. ........ ""T. Gd ~And, o I u t o 11 . t 2 9 5 0 . We epeelalli• In ...... ' • • •••••••••• c;ru "· e1c:. etc. • .... ''" • .,., lnter08C)tor convert .. Haven't you walled long u ...,.,"' '" ...., •9 792 r~ .......... ~ ··-u engine. $1000. 119-1481 89 Cougar Xlnt cond. Flret 53895 tak••· Mr. wtlt w/WOOd dUh. 31K enough to own a Mer-perleot oond. Air, euto. new radlall, new brak•. 213·., 1•1 tj:.. u, .. ...,•:::::.:::::~,-..... · .79 M t C 1 llv / 70K orfg. mllH, mu1t Wiiiiama 5411•72,.5 ml, $18,900. 770-8977 cedH Benz? oon't 111 per month plue tu tlloy whl• + m ore. 1tereo. $2300, 98.4-2127 ·73 Super Beetle, reblt ... ..,.,.__,,_ on• •r o, 1 er 1e11 S 1400Ib1 t .1-------- 1 •--,.. 11&.11 l'I'•.. thla opportunity pau you .c8 month cloHd end 18800/bHt. Call Jim aft 3pm. eng. arnlfm caeett• with u;,• leltttlff blue lntenor, •Ir, 1V8, lo-851-9204 ll•t• 1111 -• -· f#'W b act owl We .. ave • I _,. •49.7245 '82 Toy c-•1~-.• ....., op-~'··"·-. Xlnt Int .• 2 .. "" ... 1111 cal 15K mlle1. 5700 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• y... n " ea•• on approv ..... er·•· " ... _ ._, ...,"91 """ e.45-e218 '89 Cougar XR7 Low l '74 K1tmenn Ghia, 11.1perb f1n111llc Hlectlon of dlt. Come In and Uk lor '83 358B, •Int cond .. no tton $10,000 0 0 Ot4ll11t · mllea E•c•ll•nt 'cond. 'll Pim cond, new hetdlln•r. model• & colore avalla-oetall•I (Ser. 18885) rull. rblt, xtrH, muit HO 71-41780-1393 8111-0350 .. fl 81 Chevrolet Caprlct Blue with white Interior. DELUXE MODEL-.C NO•· ~In C0\111'1, ble. IUOI llPORTI $8000. 97~6309 '72 vw SUPER BEETLE ..... CIHalc. CrulH control, • 1 5 0 0 9 8 8 -1 8 3 8 •PMCI. 13200. 17.000 ml. bruahed alum whll, ..... .Ill IUltU • J 11s• v.a...... 1110 nwltlrH. nHdl eng. NM/1~~ tilt 1trg Wh, P/W, P/L, 595-21o0 • 982-2730 j rtodlal tir.a.. Garege kept. lllPOIT1 a.ca OoYI Str•t •••• I ., ••••• •• •'9°••••••••• •••• $990/tr•d• Ctlampegne Am/FM Ster, A/C, Low 11 L IHO tllllOO 842-7986 evea/ Newport Beach •••••••••••••••••••••• '88 VW Bug. Low mllel. Edit. 54a-5212. (""A l Mil•. $8500. Call Ken llM•f HJS •• t!!~!~••••••••••••• wttncta' 1301 Quall Str"t 112 0900 IEW rune great. 30 mpg. • ~ ~ J Don. •hue. 979-4200 •••"'••••••••••••••••• '77 ARROW GT ~bl J . NEWPORT BEACH • 'IJ l1aa1H Lt Oar Rntored. AM/FM tape. **'88 VW Bug, oun rool, 2600 Hubor Blvd. NEW C....,., ENGINE 327 ESTATE SALE: 4 dr '77 _.._.., body wrk 1500 1 .,.,, 1131 Ill HOO C0tta Mew 540-9100 ·-·1 Dodge Olplom11 wflull ,_, • •••••••••••••••••••••• • l•tutl 11SG Many to chooM from Radlala, mega 12150· $2l50. 4 ..... 29ae 2-bolt hl-perf w/350 tur-pwr. ate. -"1/fm redlo. 5 4 1 · 3 135 · • v • 1 ~ '81 300 0, Ille• new. 1un-•••••••••••••••••••••• Immediate Delivery 988•1838· 595-2190 .. bo tr1n1 & 1hlft kit. $1, Call Bank of Amer '°' 5-48-4325. root, atereo CUMtla. al-* 11111 '89 Single cab Pickup, xlnt 1978 Rabbit. xlnt cond Tll UllllT 000. LHa then 15 ml. on detalla. Wkdy1 only 8-3 -,-lh-----,-H-S ; i l ~.~~73~. ~~~~7a~ 1111NlllOll111 WE'VE GOT FlJEGOSI c$3o8n9~/· .. *'!f5Y,.f.18ean S3~~~~1fer. llLEOTlll It. 842-4853 aft 5:30 pm. 759-4382 .• 7!7!.G•RA•!•N••P•R•lx••••••t•••• HAlll OIAIT . " Ou . .,.. .,, • ., • I I '85 Corvelr, need• work, ffd fHO • mus -(aft 8 PM) lAIU AMO/ •11P/ll•'ILT 72 Squateback, look• & 14 VW Bua. xlnt concl. o ate model, tow mllea-beat olflt takea. •••••••••••••••••••••• to appreciate $3000 or '8l 3000. dark blue/ blue Red w/black, Flares, " -runa grtat . radlela. new paint, )lint eng, Ill Ctodlllaca In Soutri.rn 842-4338 '78 Granada, 4 dr, loaded. bell offer 645-9246 n 0 Whale Tall. RECARO. 2524 Ha bor Bl d c M 8 2•"'"' Callfomlal See UI todayl 70 000 mllea $2500 ---.-----Int. Must aacrl ee ar-r v .. · · $1995/ofr e.46.0988 $2900. &4 -,...., IAIERI ·79 Chevette $3000.• 4 71 41842_7568 Flrebird 77 FOfmula Xlnt rell 759-1221 (12107) St0,000 54~23 &45-7770 '88 VW C~MPEA. GtMt Vtln 1111 epd. good oond. Moving 538 9736 eves . cond Auto, power win- ! Sii Ut r.J '77 MBZ 460SL Xlnt 131 1313 l1U1 l•f!!. 11SI cond. 12000, radlala, •••••••••••••••••••••• OUILUO mu11 Niii 552-7829. • dowa. more $3450 JOI YOUI , cond. Mon thru Thur11 ____ • ____ •••••••• ••••••••••••• 1800 ex:. 545-81711 John. #1 Ythl ltMtr 2800 Harbor Blvd. '7.C Chevelle Mallbu claa-'7l FORD Maverick Good _6_7_3-_1_600 _____ _ MIXTMAIDA. 7:30 to 4 pm. Aall '°' R. MEISTER #l DEALER IN U.S.A. '80 011. vw Rabbit. Oh1 . .c 11 lnllt ... ....,. COSTA MESA lie. PIS. P/B. Avto. Air. cSo8~· ;,,~32t11r•a. econ. fAuwi.ir' 1110 Bauman. 549-0117 Df"'"'IV CARVER dr. emlfm cue. 5 apd ••1• 1•0 1180 350 V8, clear title. ""'· ~ 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• .. " ' '75 2<40 OleMI. s 10,000. PORSORE/llDI l'\L/ I AIC, $5200. 780-13~ •a• •a, lllYIOI • • $800/0BO. 984-3205. '69 Covgar Fully equip-'ll n .. ,.~,,, .,., • .. ••• Reblt eng. 17,000 miles. J)(1f JC~ -ped. looks & run1 euper, Good cond. Make otter fACIUl'TI Xlnt eond. 842-3572. 13831 Hatbor Blvd. l"'-.,A..l..J-l"-.../1\...L '70 vw Bug, aunroof, runa ... w•• Cal a Daily Pilot $1450, 894-6196 751-2770 10! IMll Sl. CISTl lllU Ml U>4 Garden Grove _, .w..<ea< .... flt> i-.tlMVllCl"''~~ good. clean. OVERSEAS DELIVERY c lass1"fieds 1963 Mercedes Benz •·ln·••-'oe .._.-_p•'ffiK .. '"'°"°()A.oU $1700. -494-6875 EXPERTS Daiy Pilot llllt•n 1110 69 T-Blrd, 2 dr · good 220S Clean body. runs, -• rn W k f ••••••h .. •••••••••••• condition. will be a ctas- bu A___. I A... Le-~•., CLOSED SUNDAYS 71 vw Convert. Hl"htlt or or ·73 COUGAR XR7 Lo ale 1 795 962·8068 '76 Cosmo, new tlrN, MW I '"""'9 engine w.,.ft, -• mu IU Call trans. 70.000 ml , xlnt '495· 661-2220 714 131-2333 hd l1IO bid. G~:.~~~~lon. ID.VISOR you. rnlleage. A/C AM 'FM 1969 T-Bird $1550 Never cond. Loaded. $4,000, 1977 450 SEL. Brown with ,77,, "'2• maroon w/tan •••••••••••••••••••••• --------1 1"'",. YHILboYI Blvd ft 642-5678 Xlnt lranaportallon C8I scratched. all orig looks 528-0t58 evu ran Int. 1 owner, xlnt Int~ xini .. eood, 35K mllet. 'lt WI Tllll 005:;_ JesA · 642·5678 for quick S 1 6 o o 6 4 5 -o e 6 o. & runs llke new. all op- iiiiiiii~ da. 816-7147 ..,. ___ .______ --•• --548-7245 cond. 122.500. 549-19-45 16900 648-4148 •••t•o• •••-1417 iiiiiiiiiiiii;~:. cash sale;·~-7i5i1i-Oi5i36iiiiiiiiiiiti1ioiniajMiiriiJiaimiieis • A TL.AS CHRYSUR.f'l YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. c'o1ta M41sa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blockel IOUtfl of Sin Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete ,body 1hop. S•lea. Service. Pen.. S«vlce Dept. open Monday thru Frid1y 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on S•turday. HACH IMPOKTS 'I 948 Dove Street, Newport Beech. Tel 752-0900. Call us. we're tne 1pec1all1ts tor Alla Romeo: Peugeot. Saab & MHerat t. • THIODOltlOllMSFOID Modem ul". Mrvlce, parts, bOdy, 1»1nt & Ure cf1pt1. Competitive r•tn on 1 .... lo delly ronr.11. 2090 Harbor Blvd., Cotta MOH. &42-0010 or 540-8211. JOHMSOM & SOM UMCOLM MMCUIY 2t28JH81bor Blvd .. Cotta Mola. Toi. 54<>5e30. 57 Yoar1 of friendly family tervlce -Orange County·• oldMt Lin· cotn-M..-cury doetorehip. SOUTH COAST DOMI 2181 Harber Blvd., Cotta MeN. Tel, 540-0330. RV Mrvlce apeclallate. !=.uatom van con~ona. MIWPOIT Yo.Tl 3100 W. CoHt Hl9hw•y} Newport 8Hch. Tel. M2~174M. The Ftn'•I HemQU8rtlfa. r l MATCH THE HUMIERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IH THE BOXES • NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300 At the trlangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station. Sales, Service, Leasing & Parta. We make great deals I 0 HAIERS CAOILI.AC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 54~9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac dealer. Sales. Service. Leu- tng. • DAVID J. PHILLIP'S IUICk.flONTIAC·MA%DA 837-2400 Laguna Hills S alee • Servioe • Leasing 24888 Allele Parkw1y • CHICK IVERSOM P'ORSCHl-.4UDl·VW '15 E. Coast Hwy .. Newport BellCfl. 673-0900. rhe only dealership In Orange County witfl theN three grett makM under one roof• • ALAM MAG MOM POtn'IAC-SUIAlU 2-480 H•rbor Blvd .. Costa Meu. Tel. 54M300. S•l11. s.tvlce. Loulng.~·Mr GoOdwroncfl ... • CLAlllC AUTOMOllLH ' 786 Newton Way, Cotta Meea. Toi. 831-1393 "JAGUARS OUR •PECIALTY" )(J( 120'e/140'11150'e/E· TVPee a ... -1ervtoo -Aettorettone Off "**1U1 beCwMr1 17 I • • IOI LOMtiPRI roMTIAC 13600 BHch Blvd .. Westminster. Tel. 892-6651 Orange County 's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Safes, Service. Parts. • DICK MILLIR PIAT /LANCIA "Probably the lowett priced Flats (n Southern C.llforr .l'' (Located 1 mile north of South Coast Pie.la near Main St. end Wimer Ave. In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Warne<, Senti Ana 557-2132 • SANT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E 17th StrHt. S•nta Ana. Tel. 558·7811. Your• Orlgln1I Oedic•ted D•taun Deelof. • MllACLI MADA We've movodl Our now locatlon it 1425 Baker Street, Coate M .... Toi. 545-3334. Stop b¥ a vltlt our br•nd new lhowroom •nd ... ¥11hy we're the 11 Mucl1 d .. ,., In Southern Calltomla. SalH. Service. Patt• ancs L ... tno. • AMAH9M MAIDA ''cwrO.C. ..... ,.., .. '"" ....... '--C.." 901 S. Anaheim B"'d .. Anaheim 95&-1120. Juet north of Santa An• Frwy. on AnlfWrn Btvd. C.11 ue flratl ''.WE ARI! H 0 TO '1N04tUT WORT1'4 ITI" • SADDLllACIC IMWJMAllU 26402 Marguerite Pkwy., A"-Y P'tlwy. •It W. otfor whet n«> bank qr .,_. compeny can: 1. Expertly ltliffod, mott modem "rvlce & plf1t dept.: 2. One of the IOuthland'• '"°'' ••pel'lfl\c.d .... ' leaalng lt.lllf; 3. Elimination of ttlo mlddtOtMn by IMllng dMler direct. 131 ·2040 Mt.._. V COSTA MESA DATSUM 2845 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Tel. 5'4<>-6410. Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mile So. 405 SUNSET FOID. IMC. (Home of Willi• the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd .. W.tmlnster. Tel. ~10 • ORANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel. 530-9100. E.ac::lutlv.ly Volvo to cover all your Volvo requl~a. ~Uaed•Salea•l..eeatng•Parta•SeMc:irBody Shop Freeway c::tote In the heart of Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd. & Brookhuret • • COMM&L CNlftOUJ .211128 Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mau. OW 20 years aervlng Orange County! Sat". t.aalng. MrVlol. C&ll 548-1200; epeclal parts llno; 546-9"400: body ahop llno; 754-0400. 0 IOY c.uva IOI.LS IOYCa.IMW 1540 J•mborM Road. Newport a.on. 4MCMM44. s.i... Strvlt», P•rt• And L1u1no. COMstDll IT SOU>t IJMd Olf'I .,, In demand end NII qt.icilly when ~IMd , ln d ... m1e1 To p1ac1 your privOlt l*tV ~.call Sat~ Lee 1teo&e18. ~ - J I I Mood ·music Melodtet cucadtng from the f azebo in Balboa P er Park provide a pleasant change of tempo from weekends to Mondays. Dr . Charles Rutherford and the Orange Coast College Jazz and Big Band ensembles entertained the listeners on the lawn. The Balboa Improvement Assoc- iation is 1pon1or- ing the free summer concerts every Sunday at 6 p .m . Hot weekend Crowds swarm Mesa man nabbed county sands Hot humid weather, a volleyball tournament and a grunion run helped create one of the largest weekend turnouts of the summer along Orange Coast Laguna Beac h lifeguard superwisor Mike Dwinell said Sunday's beach crowd in that city "was the largest I've seen." beaches. Two bodysurfing injuriell were National Weathe r Service reported Saturday along the forecasters said residents can South Coast beaches. Matt Marx. expect the Jwly heat to continue address not known, broke his through Tuesday. when the nose while bodysurfing at Main mercury will soar to the mid-80s Beach Park. Mike Hayden, 24, of in inland Orange County and to Non.-o, dialocated his ahoulder in the mid-70s along the beaches. the surf at ere.cent Bay Beach. Area lifeguards said the ocean Both men were treated at water temperature has been a South Coast Medical Center in comfortable 69 degrees. South Lquna. I I d d ·d More than 3~.000 visitor& 8 an 8 eer al converged on Laguna Beach on Healthy IWJUDer crowda alao WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. ~ t.o beet the beat and t.o were report.ed at NWlpon 8-ch. \AP) -Tb• Florida Wildlife observe the Cuervo La1uaa ~aid 91,000,,..... the 111 h 1adal1 hM ~ dwi 2. volleyball tournament at Main ~ on Saturday, 81,000 on 000 "eurvtval lslindit" be built to _.ijeach __ P_ar_k_. _________ S_unda _ _,Y._· __________ heJp deer avoid siarvaUon Suspec._ted of killing friend in 'horseplay' A Costa Mesa man has been arrested by Newport Beach police on suspicion of killing a 36-year-old friend by dropping him off a thm:t-story balcony to a dock below. Lawrence Francis Oliver, 35, who liated himself as president of a local computer firm, was booked on felony manslaughter charges following the mcident early Sunday. The dead man -David George Chapin of Hermosa Beach -was pronounced dead at Hoag Memorial Hospital an Newport Beach. An autopsy was being performed today to determine the cause of death. It was unclear whether the man died as a result of the fall or drowned after bouncing off the dock into the ocean. Police said the man's death 'was a result of "horseplay" at a party on the Balboa Peninsula. Officers said the man's death waa not II.sled as a murder becauae there appears to be no malice mvolved m the mcident. Witnesses told police detectives that the two men and four others had returned to the peninsula apartment at 310 Fernando St. reportedly after a night on the (See NEWPORT, Page A%) 2 banks cut prime to 15.5% NEW YORK (AP) - Manufacturers Hanover Truat Co., the nation's fourth largeat commercial bank, lowered its prime lending rate today to 15.5 pen:enl -marking lhe rate's loweat level thla year and matchina lta lowest level since 1980. Manufacturers H anover dropped its prime rate by one- hall percent.age point. A smaller bank, Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. in Winston-Salem, N.C .• ranked 32nd by depcmta, allo loweNd lia prime t.o Ut6 percent. It was the lowest level for the prime ra te among major commer ci al banks since Continental Illinois National Bank & Trust Co. in Chicago and Crocker National Bank in San Franciaco lowe,ed their prime. from 16 percent to 15.5 percent Nov 30. No other major banks followed that decttue. Coast lifeguards big • winners HEATED HEAT -Lifeguard teams put their backs into the rowing competition as they pull WORLD By The A110clated Prell Israeli jets attacked the Palestine Liberation Organiz.ation'a battered enclave in weat Betrut for a fifth straight day today, as Israeli offici.ala attacked PLO leader Y aaaer Arafat for "fraud" in a meeting with U.S. congreaamen. Russia nuclear blast probed U.S. intelligence .experts are hwrledly studying the nature of a mammoth underground nudear explosion conducted July 4 by Rusaia. Page A6. NATION Newport Beach man, 48, captures quadruple honors SPORTS • By PATRICK T. KENNEDY 0( the Deir ,.,, ..... Orange Coast lifeguards dominated the Western United States Lifesaving Association competition this weekend in San Clemente, led by 48-year-old Bud Belshe of Newport Beach, who won all four events he entered. Belshe, a captain of marine safety, competed Sunday in the master's division for thoae 39 and older. Not only did he win the run- swim-run, paddleboard race, half-mile swim, and two-mile run com peti tiona, but he accomplished a sweep by also winning a privately sponsored four-mile beach run in Newport Beach earlier Ln the day. "I had a pretty good workout," Belahe said. "I'm very pleased to have done 90 well." The competition was the state regional (Lna.ls and winners are eligible to compete next month in Florida at the Lifesaving Aaaociation 'a national championahlps. About 600 California lifeiuarda competed but most awards were taken by lifeguards First-place Angels back home The Angela, still occupying first place in the American League Wen. open an 11-game homestand tonight at Anaheim Stadium against the Oakland A's. Page Cl. UCI diver wins gold medal Greg Lougania, a student at UC Irvine and a member of the Milslon Viejo Nadadorea, won his eecond gold medal in the National Sporta Festival at Indianapolla. Pap Cl. COUNTY Mesa clinic only c'hance I or some For many. a villt to • clinic at 787 W. 18th St. in c.c.ta M-ii their only chance to niliilw Njula.r health care. Pqe Bl. from Laguna Beach, Newport Beach,' Huntington Beach and San Clemente. Laguna winners included: -Scott Roberts, second. half- mile swim, open division (up to 28 years old). I -Mike Fero, first two-nule run, open division. -Tom Redwltt, second m paddleboard race, open division. -Bill Bro wn, second . paddleboard, seniors division (29 to 39). -Redwitz, first, surf ski, open division. -Bruce Baird. first, surf ski, master's division. -Redwitz, second, Iron Man competition, open d1V1Bion. -Scott Roberts. second. run- swim-run, master's division. -Paddleboard Relay first pl.ace to Laguna. Jeff Tresselt, Bill Brown, Tom Grindle and Redwitz. Newport winners included Belshe's four firsts and the following: -Mike Daughan, first , paddleboard race, open division. -Two-man rescues race, 1eCOnd place, Steve Matts and Bill Randall. INDEX Huntington Beach w inners mcluded: -Ron QuLlan, second pl.ace, two-mde run. open division -Enc Emery, second, two- mile run, master's division. -Bill Babaahoff, first, run- swim-run, open division. · San Cle m ente winners tncluded: -Carl Drake, second place, surf ski, master's division. Four-man land-line rescue, second place to San Clemente State Beach lifeguards. -Mitch Kahn, first, Iron Man competition, open division. Mesa police nab seven for 'noise' Police in Costa Mesa have arrested seven adults after ne1ghbol"'S complalned about loud music. breaking glass and screaming at what was d~bed as a "punk rock" party. Those arrested at 2:30 a .m. Sunday on s uspic ion of disturbing the peace included the tenants: Shawna Louise Brown, 21, and Stacia Lynne Brown. 19, of 2226 Canyon Drive #A. At Your Service A4 Hol'09COpe B2 Boe~ C2 Ann Landen B2 Erma beck 82 Movies B6 Bus1ne9I A6,B3 National News A~ California A5 Public Noticei C4 C.valcade B2 Sporta Cl-4 ClaalUled C4-8 Stock Marketa 83 Comb B4 Television 85 ero.wOC'CI B4 Theetera B6 Stan DelapJane 82 Weather A2 Death Notices C4 World Newa A3 ltnter1alrvnent B6 BUSINESS '1 e<)AT SMASHED IN NEWPORT BEACH -Thia 36-foot , cabincruiler troro Newport Beach, C.Oeea D, fell apart when it went aground Sunday nicht on the 9th Street beach in Dellw .......... "' Liie ,.,_ NewPOrt. The craft drew a arnall turnout of spectaton th1t morning. The craft, owned .,y Duane Lindberg of Whittier, ta valued at $40,000. It was declared a total 1088. Sa~ On of r~ begins nuke test Fuel loaded despite activists attempt to halt plans Low-power nuclear testing was to be8in late today on Sa.n Onofre'• l1,Ut 2 nuclear re~r. d~p1te efforta by anti-nuclear activlata to halt the t.elta. Pave Barron, a 1pokesman for Southern California Edison Co., ~r operator of the plant three li'IJles aouth of San Clemente. said the fuel is loaded and "we'll be turning on the reactor and ~onducting low power tests," probably late today. An 11th hour appeJll filed i'riday by opponents to the nuclear plant is to be heard Tuesday in federal appellate court in Washington, D.C. The ca~~~aJ was filed by a group itself Friends of the Earth and San Diego resident · Bill Carstens. Both were tume<' down In a similar appeal filed with the Nuclear Regulatory CommiS$ion last month. But the F.diaon spokesman said the testa will begin today, adding, "M far as we know, there wu no • From Page A1 NEWPORT. • town in Newport. Officers alleged Oliver picked up Chapin and dropped him off the balcony and then watched u the man tumbled to a dock below and flopped Into the ocean. The partyers. police said, attempted to locate the man In the water but were unable to because of darkness. Police said they eventually flagged down an Ocange County Harbor Patrol boat. Officers said when they arrived on the scene, Oliver had left. They said he turned hlm8ell over to police 90 minutes later at the hoepital. Oliver i.s free on $5,000 bell. order lasued by the court which would affect ua directly." Fuel wu loaded Into Unit 2 at San Onofre in February, and today will be the fl.rat time the reector has been started up." Barron said "corrections and adjusunents may knock us off schedule by a few hours," but sald engineers should begin testing the reactor later today. The teats are another step In Edison's bid to win NRC approval for full operations sometime this fall, Barron said. Steve Sulkes, a spokesman for the Alliance for Survival, said today's testing does not mean Edison will get a license to operate at full power. The low-power testing is expected to take several months to complete, an Edison spokesman said. DA due Schmitz case report Tustin police tell findings on tot's injuries. Tustin police investigators were expected to go to the .or a n g e Co u n t y D i 1 tr i c t Attorney's office today with their findins-on Injuries suffered by Ul infant boy alleged to be the '9n of st.ate Sen . John G . Schlnitz.. The 13-month-old boy haa n in county care a1nce 1.ut Jlleek. · . Police Capt. WoocJy WilUama 'd the five.day probe last week tffas aimed at determining 1f ~e injuries suffered by the child, while in his mother'• care, were ._-cidental or deliberate. A criminal complaint al.legi ~ld abuse or negligence coul, be filed if the evidence warrants, he said. Williama, however, would not diacuu the findings of his department'• investigation. The baby's mother ii Carla Verne Stuckle, 43, of Tuatin, a Republican Party volunteer worker who c:lainw chat 8chmitz la the father of both the boy and her ~week-old eifl. Birth records on file in Orange County list Schmitz as the father, although the mother is the only parent who aigned the documents. Schmitz.. who lives with his wife Mary and several of his six children in Newport Beach. has declined comment on the case. His daughter Elizabeth said this morning that her parents had been out of town over the weekend and were due back later today. The 13 -month -old boy suffered eerioua injuries to b.ia penis a.fter a strand of hair had been found wrapped tightly around the organ. Surgeons removed the strand la.st week. Superior Court Judge William Murray ruled that the infant would remain an county care pending a dependency hearing· Aug. 6 in Juvenile Court. Fair through Tuesday dl9d 11 Hemet Vllley Hoe9ffll Mote lllatl llllt 111 ~ of rlln deluged the IOW dllil1 lrOl#ld Hemet within 11111 en hour Sund.-,.. ioc.i -'"" monlton uld. V81labl• high cloud• tod1y lghl In lower 70. II lhl ~ ,_ 85 lnllnd. Felf tonight T~ 0-nlgfll !owe 80 68. Hight T~ 73 lo 65 A "91llnlng ltrlll• ,_, Anza .ieo w• blamed for 1 bNth "" Tempera tui-es El11wh1re, lrom Polnl onc1p11on to tll• M1alc1n NATI<* ., Mid °'!I eo m111e. Ugllt ~ wWMM nlgfll Ind morning JloUr•. _becoming 1outll-11 lo w.t 10 to 11 kno .. with 2 10 3 4oot wtnd --In the ewnlng• 10day and T~ Petchy IOw cloud• over lnnlr wlllrt and "'°'tty cloudy on ITll ouw .....,. nlgflt and morning °',_.. llllr through T~ u.~. srtmniary Alblny Alt>uque Amarlllo ,......,Ille Allllllt Alllntc Cty Aultln BlltlmOr• .. Blt'mlnghm Bl-Cit BolM Boston Se¥ere 1hundlrt1orme that CU1 8rown9Ylll I -Ill _.OM the nortll-Clntr91 Buttllo , 11 t • 1 o v 1r n I g II t b • g 1 n Butllng1on dec,...ino 1-d morning wfllll CNP« tllunder1ho,.1re 1cro11 the Chwlltn SC Southw11t qulckly 1p1nt Ch«tatn WV t~. Chlf1tt1 NC But todlly't roreceet Clli.d lor Cheyenne mor• r9/tny -1'* 11mo.1 trom CNcago ~ 10 cout. Clnelnnatl "'*'*' ~lght llhowwt Of CleYlllnCI .. Lo~ st 69 9<1 70 98 68 8" 67 08 99 72 n 12 97 77 92 71 72 62 01 st 73 76 tl3 95 65 Oil st 7.C 98 78 8" 72 8" 8" 99 S8 .« 89 76 91 70 118 72 118 59 89 73 99 118 88 88 to 12 .oe eo ee The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT Tue'IOCIY July 2 7 •Ht Temperatures IQllONf ~ Servoc:• 1 NOAA US 0.01 04 Commt<c• R1lnmi SnowQ Show1r1 llll Flurrles[t!) CAUll'OftNIA N 72 9.c n Blkwsfllld 103 76 88 70 89 69 72 9T 75 91 76 16 88 82 88 72 88 72 22 90 72 88 70 13 92 75 88 71 91 ee 95 70 91 70 Blythe Eureka Frnno Ltr>Clllet L09 AAgelle Mll)'lvMll Nlldill Oeklend P110 Roblee Reel Blutt Redwood City 811Cfarnento Sellnu 8111 OllgO Stn Ft1ncl1CO 111 81 53. 98 87 97 71 81 67 92 97 ee 58 94 &3 95 65 72 M 86 52 6-4 46 77 70 58 52 Bal fun zone final rites due tonight? The Balboa Fun· Zone, a long1tanding collection of arcades, food eta.nd.e and carnival rides, will likely be read its final rites tonight. The Newport Beach City Council ls scheduled to vote on a proposal to rip down the block- long Fun Z.one and replace it with a three-level structure containing offices, fast-food restaurant.a and shops. A majority of the council members have 1ignaled they generally 1upport the redevelopment plan. The project, if approved, would mark one of the first redevelopment efforts along the Balboa Peninsula. Balboa homeowner groups have said that. while the Fun 7.one ls a genuine piece of Newport Beach history, it has become an eye90re In recent years. The group that want.a to level the Fun Zone -JBS Development -hu stirred eome controver sy by reque1ting permission to Install a two-level underground parking lot. Several persons have complained that excavation work for the parking lot could damage nearby build.Inga. The concern is that water would have to be pumped from the excavation pit and could cau1e land surrounding the site to sink. The developen have ~ to post a bond guaranteeing the repair of any public or private propeny. If approved, it Ls estimated the project would take at least one year to complete. Laborer killed WASCO (AP) -A van loaded with 16 farm workers rolled three ti.mes along State Route 46 In northwestern Kem County, k8ling an Avenal ~ot, the highway patrol reported. , Airport site hearing topic ThrH 1lte1 1u11 .. te~ H • po11lble location for a new Southern California re1lonal airport WjlJ be aubject of public ~.Tuelday at UC IrVtne. The 9'tel u.nder~tudy by the Avlatlon Wor Proaram CommlUH of th Southern California A11qctation of Oovernmenta are: -El Toro M~ Corpe Air Sta deft. I -Cam~ Pendleto n , she 1prawlina Marine ~rpa bue ln north San Dleeo ~ty. -Loi Anieles!Lona Beach Harbor. The propoal calla for OOl1ltnactlon of an-offshore man· made laland. SCAG la a re8fonal Pl.annina or1anl.zation encompUaing iteVen Southern California oountia. It hu been examJ.nlnC the regional airport ilsue for more than three years. PubUc hearlno are to be held in advance of a Sept. 2 meeting at which the SCAG executive committee· ii scheduled to take final action on the regional airport siting question. Two hearings will be held Tuesday at the Village Theater on the UCI campus. The first hearing will run from 4 to 6 p.m., the second from 7:30 p.m. until all conunents are heard. SCAG airport planners say a new re~ional airoort must be El ToroMarine dies in LA park An El Toro Marine died aft.er being shol on the 1treets of Los Angeles, the victim of a gang- re lated incident, according to police. Ronald Kiva1, :.rn, a lance corporal attached to the Third Marine Aircraft Wing's Communications Squadron-38, wu standing on the street with tWO friends In the Glaasell Park area about 10 p.m. Saturday when the shooting occurred, Los Angeles police said. Los Angele• homicide detectives said Rivas and two 16-year-old ·companions were near the scene of a baptismal party. Statue stolen in Laguna Bea.ch A statue of an Indian god was stolen from a Laguna Beach ma.n's walkway aornetime over the weekend, police said today. Richard Oden. a profesaor al Cal State Long Beach, said the ·150-pound statue, the figure of the Indian aod Sheva, waa taken from his Cliff Drive home. The statue was valued at $3,500, the victim said. built U future alr ~ demand II to be met. a.lone of ~ airportl _wU1 not meet that future 4emand, they II)'. In a •par•te ltUdy, a "blue ribbon" panel of Orance County bu1lne11 execuUve1 ha• ~ 5-ntiaeo Canyon eut of Oran,e 11 the best lide for a relllional airport. That recommendation hu yet to be fonnally considered by the county Board of Superlillon. Teens held in home fire in Huntington Teen-agers playing with Wepl fl.rework.I are be1.J11 blamed with trigge~roof fire that did $11,000 e to a Huntington Beach home, of!ldala said. The blaze was reported Sunday afternoon at the home of Steven Cleaves, 6122 Gumm Drive. The fire, confined to the wooden roof and attic area, was under control within 10 minutes, Captain Roger Hoerner of the Huntington Beach fire department, sa1d. He aaid no injuries to firefighters or the occupants of the house were reported. Hosmer said two teen-agers, names withheld because of their ages, were arrested on suspicion of 1tarting the fire by diacharging illegal bottle rockets and M-80s. 2 injured in Mesa cycle crashes Two separate motorcycle accidents in Costa Mesa have left two men hospitalized, one in serious condition, police said. Zebty Bob Jally, 22, Redondo Beach, remains in serious condition today at Fountain Valle)' Community Hospital after the motorcycle he was riding Sunday at 2:30 a.m. aJammed Into a median aaland at 2701 1''airview Roed. Curtis Lee Kerrick. 27, c.o.ta Mesa, was taken to Hoag Memonal Hospital in Newport Beach with a fractured pelvis after the motorcycle he was riding at 6:45 a.m. today collided wtth a vehicle at the intenection of Placentia Avenue and Victoria Street in Costa Mesa. police atid. 'The driver of the car, Pamela White, 21, Costa Mesa, WU not injured, according to police reports. 0.-,NaC thuoMI lflclwlt'I llto d~ Clmbl1 8C 1111 nonll«n Rockies, northlrn ColUmbul Miine, .-tern T--Ind Del-FIWth the ... tern Gutf Co111 Some o.yton pitch)' fog w11 beginning to Oenwr develop In the centrll OllMO!Me ~ Ind In the IOUth Dltfolt Altelltle IMI• wl111 NlY '** DulUlfl 96 75 88 ee 92 65 st TO 92 74 3.75 90 72 100 87 ee ee 95 67 Sent• Berber• Sent• Marla Stockton Thermal 74 70 llO 65 102 CROWDED RACE -Lasers crowd water of Newport Harbor shortly after start of annual event. Douglas McLean, of Marina del Rey went on to win the colorful contest. -tM Cemrll Plllne --1he S PMO mkl-MiNllllppt v111ey Imo lhl F'rgo Ofllo Valley. II wa1 c l11t ~ eleewti•r• eeron th• country GtMI , ... ..,iy ttlll morning. t411ftf«d 88 70 Tl 85 t1 T4 10 51 .OI Te 54 63 55 111 ee 57 N 57 .03 91 77 96 78 .92 N 88 ton .n 113 Ta llO 73 " 59 88 73 " 70 92 55 88 88 " 7• 96 °" 97 74 oe Ill" 90 75 90 78 76 51 90 911 ee ee Tod1y'1 forecnt c1ll1d tor Hlllfll 1c1tt1r1cl 1how1r1 end Honolulu inunoamonne from Attlona Ind Houlton lhl lnWtOJ of IOUttlem Celllomla. ~ ICr09I tN centt81 lntennoun'* Jecbn MS region )ftto th• north centr1I Jecllwwtll Aook-. and thin ttvough "" ~ City nor1tt oentt• Plaint and upper -..----------------------------------• •• • lrP V.,,., Into IM <kMI •• ....... and l)Ol'hrn .... Englend. TIM*"MMI' 9o -fofceltl ' · • fOf .. OI IN aout....... · T•mc:k!!ur•• 1round th• ' nattofl ~ renged from '· ... -41 1n 11111n11 '° • "' l'tloelllll, •;;rm&iil ..... a-.1111111111~,..-~--~- Ntl. • _........._ · :~ft .... AWlf• _, ..,,ft -=-Tr," Caur'°'0 ..... ;,. =E="· '"'" .., • :I ' , ,..-.. ... .. Jetty ... " ... 67 ...... ~ t4ft ..., 17 l2ftd It. """'°"' 14 ft I* IT 1e1b01 Wldga 14 It l.w 17 =-~ g:~ ~ ;;; =~ ,,._ •• , 0.1 ft ......-IT =:.~.:::.... .~"" = : SURf RIPDRT T'#.. °""9ft'• ,.... 1·1 " T,..... 14ft ... ~ .• TIMI: Htgti 4::12 ~~"' oereo.n ...... PoOt .. = ~ ~ 70 Lft t:1t •·"'· .... 14ft • • '·· Ullllll 91 81111-" 71 Big Bair 76 41 C.tallnl n to Like ArTowMld 84 57 Long Beech a6 81 Monr~ 9T '3 Ml WlllOn . , ... Nlwpof1 8Mctl 74 ... OnlltlO 95 63 Pelm~ 104 .. Pllldlnl 91 ... Sen BlrNlrdlno 100 ee !!lit 6'11 a 11 Smog Where 10 oall (toll lrff) lot 111•1 ""°" lnfom11llon: OflrlQI County: (IOOl 445482t Loi AngllH Co1.only: (800) 2.42-4022 AIYlr.idl llld San BemwdlnO ooun11ee: (800) 3t7-4T10 AOMO EpllOdl C«lter: (IOO) 242-4111 Teen JVins 'Flight of Lasers' READY, AIM -Palestinian guerrillas ready heavy field gun, a Soviet-made l 52mm 0 -20 howitzer with an exceptional range. The field ,., WlrepMto g\Jn has a weight of 5.56 tons firing power. Israeli jet bombers hit Palestinian positions in West Beirut Sunday. Chinese air pirates captured; 80 jetliner passengers safe PEKING (AP) -All 80 passengers aboard a hijacked Chinese airliner, lllCluding about 20 Americans, were reported safe today alter crew members and angry passengers overpowered the five young air pirates in a fierce struggle. The official Xinhua news agen cy said .the five hljackers were captured alive. However , foreign sources in Shanghai said some of the American passengers reported three or four of them were fatally injured in the struggle, and only one or two were breathing when the plane landed. Japanese sources in Shanghai reported earlier that Japanese passengers told them all five hijackers were killed. BUIAWAYO, Zimbabwe (AP) -Trackers conducting an air- and-ground manhunt in the bush country of western Zimbabwe were closing in today on gunmen who abducted two young Americana and four other foreign tourista, officials directing the aean:h aald. TOKYO (AP) -The U.S . Justice Department has informed the Japanese government it is investigating whether U .S. subsidia ri es of s ix major Japanese semiconductor manufacturers have conspired to raise prices, a govenunent official said today. Kazuyuk.i Wakaaone, an official in the electro nics section of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, said the firma under Investigation are Hitachi Ltd., Nippon Electric Co .. Toshiba Corp., Fujitsu Ltd. MitsUblahl Electric Corp. and Oki Electric Industry Co. Their U .S . subsidiaries are located in California and nearby stat.es. ' Oranr 0oU1 DAILY PILOT /Mond!l. July 28, 1tl2 H/F F~rest fire 'naging' 200 fight 6,800-acre Spring Mountain blaz~ LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) - Some 200 tlreftahtera battllna a 8,800-acre fore.t flre near the Spring Mountain Ran1e were hoplns tor containment aometime today, offtc!ala said. Fire trenchea were dug around 90 percent of the blaze by late Sunday, and federal land rnanq~nt offldala called It the rno.t devutatina foreet fire in the Weat 10 far lhla aeuon. WASHINGTON (AP) - Government offlclala are predlctina that the a1r.e of the budget deficit for 15>83 will be lareer than previously antldpaled, but they don't agree on how much larlrer. Treasury Secretary Donald 11'. Regan aid Sunday a revised budget review shows the deficit will be "somewhere in the nelghborhood of $110 billion to $114 billion." Others say that's under- estimating the condition. MIAMI (AP) -Resettlement worken today are preparing for the release of more Haitian refueeea from the Krome Avenue detention camp, and one official predicted almost all would be free by Saturday. Seventeen Haitians, some held up to 15 months, were paroled into Miami's Little Haiti colony in the first release of refugees under a June 29 ruling by U.S . District Judge Eugene Spellman. WASHINGTON (AP) - Adminiatration offictab say they have complete confidence in U.S. Mideast negotiator Philip C. Habib, but a Republican senator •says he should resign because of his relationship with the Becht.el Group Inc. The officials say Habib's o ngoing consulting arrangement with Bechtel, a business firm with extensive holdlnp in Arab countries, has n ot co mpromi sed his peacekeeping efforts. "We have full confidence in Mr. Habib and the work he is performing for us In the Middle East," White House assist.ant press aecretary Anaon Franklin aaid Sunday. WABBINGTON (AP) -U.S. automakera must undergo ''cloee to a cultural revolution," lncludJ.nc fundamental changes at all levels, if they a.re to survive against foreign competition, accordin~ to a study released today. WhUe the report cited reaona for optimtam, It ..i.o II.Id the U.S. industry may one day move a "aubetantlal portion" of lta production oveneaa and two- thlrda of all can aold In America may eventually be buUt abroad. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - The FBI is investigating the diJICOvery of weapons, explmives, drup and computer equipment ., In rooma rented by a World's F~ employee a block away from t)1e exposition site, accordln1 ~ police. Police Sgt. Eddie Irwtr Nld the FBI entered the CMe Sunday "for future Hcurlt~ reaaons." FBI agenta refWled ~ comment. Michael Gerald Kine. 30, a parking lot attendant tor the World's Fair, waa charted with poueulng druga and explos1vea, police said. Mother saves son froin grizly hear . -.. ·~ PRINCE GEORGE, British Columbia (AP) -Anna Harrop's first thought was "That's m y baby," and she began screaming and chasing the grizzly bear that was carrying away her son in its teeth. Her screams helped save the boy's life. Her 3-year-old son Brendan, who suffered only minor injuries, 15 back home in "extremely good spints" and has no memory of the attack, Mrs Harrop said Sunday. ''I never thought, 'That's a brown bear, or a black one or a grizzly, 1 just thought, 'That's my baby.' The only rational thought I had was, 'I've got to make a lot of noise because bears are scared of noae'." Mrs. Harrop, 41, said she and her husband, Tony, had taken four of their five chlldren and two friends to Banff National Park in Alberta during a two- week camping trip. A daughter, Triona, 11, and Brendan were crossing a bndge in the park with the visitors - Susan Rea and Josephine Power, b"th 20 and from Waterford, Ireland -when they saw the bear approaching from the other side of the bndge. · · They tried to retreat calmly, but other picnickers aaw tht animal and began screaming arid the four began running, with~ bear running after them, ~, Harrop said. "I heard screaming and I came out of our trailer and saw my htUe baby face down, with t1w! bear on tus back attacking his head," Mrs. Harrop recalled. The bear grabbed the child b) the back of his head and ran off, down a bank and across tb'e stream with Mrs. Harrop and her husband an pursuit. Other picnickers hurled rocks at the arumal. At one point., they even threw Brendan's Sh<U!, which had fallen off in the struggle. The bear hesitated at the far bank and turned to see what wa. going on. "I reached the bear, the bef1: dropped the baby and I scoopid hun up in my anns and ran bacl< across the stream," Mrs Harrop said. LIMA, Peru (AP) -The 1982 Miss Unj.verse Pageant opens tonagh( with tight security measures prompted by a string of weekend bombing attacks on the U.S . Embassy and the local branches of two foreign companies. Police in not gear and annored personnel earners were stationed outside the Bolivar hotel , where the 77 Miss Universe contestants are staying, and the Amauta Stadium where the International beauty contest is to take place. Copter pilot to relive ordeal , Will view films of crash that killed actor, two children WASHINGTON (AP) - Administration officials say El Salvador's military still commits senous human rights abuses, but they argue that enough progress has been made for President Reagan to certify this week that U.S. aid should continue. Th" killing of non-combatants suspected of supporting or sympathizing with leftist inaurgents was one of the problems cited by U.S officials in both interviews and internal State Department documents. Another was the Army's failure to take prisoners in battle. CUL VER CITY (AP) -The pilot of a helicopter that crashed on a movie set, killing actor Vic Morrow and two children, says he has changed his mind and agreed to help review Alms of the stunt accident. Meanwhile, Morrow was eulogir.ed Sunday as an actor at the peak of the talents, who gave the best performance of his career for the "Twilight Zone" before being killed In a stunt for the movie's final acene. The helicopter pilot, IJorcey Wingo, initially refused to join federal and state investi~ at a sped.al showing sc heduled today of what he called "the holocaust sequence," because he did not want to relive the ordeal. LOS ANGELES (AP) - 9uoline prices nationwide have ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl•ulfled •dvertlalng 7141142-5171 All other depertments 842~321 Thomea P. Halev ~ -Clllel 6ecutlw O!flcl« K8Y Schultz Vloe,,_,. -Olnlctor of~ Tom Murphlne !Allor Mike HatWY ~of IMt\«ino '°'-' Ken Goddard Olrec:lor of ()p«e!loM ~LMn Tom McCann ........ Editor MAIN OF'FlCE 330 WHt lley SI • Cott• Mffa, CA. M.111 edd>wu: Boa UtO. c,.1. Mew, CA .__ Copyrlvll\ 1"2 o..-. J: .. lt ~ullll~ ~. No n•w• llorles, llhnlrMIOll1,..,ller,.1 me1tererH-• .. llM"""'t. IWntln ,,,.., lie reproc1uc:eo1 wltho<ll -··· permit"-"' of <9'11'•'9111 -· dropped an average one-quarter cent per gallon in the last two weeks, the first decrease noted by oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg's bi-weekly survey since mid-April. Lundberg said Sunday that the average price of a gallon of gas for all grades, including tax, waa $1.2948 Friday compared to $1.2975 in the last survey two weeka earlier. SACRAMENTO (AP) -The unused governor's mansion, which cost $1.5 mllllon to build, would oost another $1 mllllon or more to open if the state decided not to tell it. the Sacramento Bee says. The newspaper said mast of the costs would be annual expenaes, including $440,000 a year for a 14-officer security force, another $110,000 for janitors and $70 ,000 for groundskeepen. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Comedian Robin Williama denled reporta that he snorted cocaine with Beluahi the night before BeluahJ died, but M)'I he knew Beluahi lived "faster" than any ln hJa crowd. However ln a Loe Angele• Tlmea Interview, the 30-yea.r-old Williama addtd that he never expected that pece to lead to Belushi'• untimely death at aae 33. SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -An independent study of Paciflc Gu & Electric'• trouble-plagued We're· L:istening ••• What cto you llke about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like? Call the number below and your mt1111• will be recorded transcri~ and delivered to the appropriate •dltcA'. ' The same 24•hour answertn1 senlct may be used to record let· tent to the editor on any topic. M•llbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for vertratatlon. No clrculatlon calls, pleue. Tell t,ts what's on your mind. 642~086 Dtablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant concluded that some of the facility's plumbing could not withstand a major earthquake. The utility attacked some of the report's flnd1nga Sunday, aaying "they're based on wrong lnfonnation," a view they said will be given TuetKtay in New York at a meeting with Br oo kha ven National Laboratory. ,., ... ~ ST ABLE CONDITION -Take Aim, a horse being shown a• the Santa Barbara National Horse Show, tries to beat the hea( by staying cool under a fan, hung in a rather precarious position. ' your choica. ... ~ oan't g:>wmngwith oozen pociflc Ehai..e ~ CDTT'IZ in soft durabkz. corduroy -thz. cor g:> pcx:ktzt 111 pmwalcz, end thz. <ilestic back in widciwolcz,. m many grcuit colora. siza.s CE-38. ,. i ~ I l l l i l t I c I t i • J. I • • Douglas • earnings up ST. LOUIS (AP) -McDonnell Doualu Cocp. uy. l«Ond-quuier eerninp roee 3 percent to f49.8 mlllion , or Sl.27 per ehare, from '48.8 million, or Sl.21 per 1hatt tn the pertod Wt year. For the flret half, earninp totaled S98.3 mtlllon. or S2.~ per ah.are, compared with *89.6 million. or U .24 per 1hare, a year ago. The company aid the l.ncreue ln 1982'1 fint-half earninp wu lar1ely due to lower interest expen11e. WIC loss 41 cents per share WIC Inc. of Newport Beach reporll l<mee for t.he second quaMer and the fint half of 1982. The net lam tor the quarter wu $989,000. equal to 41 cent.a a •hare, aplrwt a l<m of S922.000. eciuat to 39 cent.a a 1hare, a year .,o. For the 1uc months, the loaa wu Sl ,515,000, equal to 63 centl a •hare, vs. a la. of S952,000, or 41 centl a share, in 1981. . WIC-l nL·.'s principal 1ub1idlary la WTC Air Freight, a domestic and International air freigh t forwarder. Earnings down for Far West Far West Financial Corp. of Newport Beach, parent of Far West Savings & Loan Asaociation, reported a net loss of $6,985,423 for the six montha ended June 30. ·: . .. .. This amounted to $3.48 per share compared to earnings of $1,433,580, or 71 cents per share fo r the t six montha ended June 30, 1981 . ' The second quarter produced a loa of $3,719,249, or $1.85, compared to net earnings of $62.193, or 3 cenis, for the similar quarter of 1981 Western Airlines names boss LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Ned P . DeWitt 2nd was named president and chief operating officer of Western Airlines aa the carrier announced aecond- quarter urrunga of $3.1 million. Western shareholden a.bo approved the merger with Wien Air Alaak.a, a merger tentatively approved by the Civil Aeronautics Board. DeWitt, 42, has been president and ch ief executive officer of Six Flags Corp. since 1973. Second-quarter earnings w ere in the black because of a $15.9 million pension plan overpayment that was returned. Glendale S&L changes name Special to tlte Dally PUot GLENDALE -Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Association is changing its name. The various California geographic divisions of Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Asaociation became known as Glendale Federal as of today. On Oct. 1, all 38 Flonda dlviaion branches wtll begin operaung under the Glendale Federal name as well. PSA income up sharply Even though airline operations recorded a $2.3 million operating l<*, PSA Inc. reported net income of S25,073,000 for the leCOnd quarter ($4.47 dilu ted) vs. net income of $2,938,000 (54 cents) for 1981. Resu lts for 1981 and 1982 were favorably impacted by gains from dilposition of equipment and 1942 benefited from proceeda from safe harbor leases and foreign exchange gains. Results for the first part of 1981 were negatively impaded by after effects of a 52-day strike of Wght crew memben in late 1980. EECO reports 2nd quarter loss EECO Inc. of Santa Ana reported lower operating results for the second quarter. For the period ended June 30, EECO suswned a net loss of $307,000 or 12 cents per share. on sales of $9,057,000. This compares with net income of $140.000, or 6 centa, on sales of $8,663,000 for the correspondmg quarter of lut year EECO manufactures electronic/electromechanlcal co~ponents. mini computer systems and related eq_ui~ment. Gold, metals quotations Gold By Tbe A11oclated Press Selected world gold prices today: London: morning fixing: $3~7.00, off $6.25. London: afternoon fixing: $352.25, off $61.00. Paris: afternoon fixing: $355.39, off $7.79. Frankfurt: $359.00, off $'1.72. Zurich: late fivina : $351.75, off $13.75 bid· $352 "'"" asked. ~-o • .vv Handy & Harman: only daily quote $352.25, off $11.00. Englebard: only daily quote $352.25, off $1 1.00. Englehard: only daily quote fabricated $369.86, off $11.55. Metals NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper 72~-75 cents a pound, U.S. destinations. .. . .. .. :1 Lead 28-29 centa a pound. :· Zinc 37...fO cents a pound, delivered. Ttn $6.079~ Metals Week composite lb. Alamlaam 7&.77 centa a pound, N.Y. MercarJ f370.00 iwr flaak. Platlnam $298.00 troy oz., N .Y. Silver Handy & llarrnari; $7 .200 per troy ounce. Goldcoim n • Can ii .upporl )jro apor18 P lNDlANAPOtJI (AP) -tndlanapoU. want.I "'-F·J-.U-~ a.n pror..sonai tootD&U .na bueball:-bu\ the city'• owmdll\I ambition la to become ~ 11 the amateu.r 1po11a capital of the country. Th• \).8. Olympic Committee'• tOW1h National Sporta hltival, which be1an hv. Wednelda1, ta ono ••P toward tht l"Mll•tton of that pl. A vtaoroua camoaJsn to promote the dty and it.I many lmpl'ellive aihledc f~IUll• -eome built tor the felltival -II AJ'\Other. 11Indlanapo'lil la a city with a future ln t.enn1 of 1porta. both na\ionally and tntematJonally," eaya Pete Cava, a 1pokt1m1.n for The Athlellcs Con,raa. the lndianapo~bued (national aoveminl) body tor amai.u.r tnck and field. 110ne of the reuona TAC mainWned ltl headquarter1 here la becau.e lndianapoU.. app,eared to be a city with a future in amateur 1porta, I ~ l BESIDES TAC, lndlanapolla already houses the nauonal headquart.en for the Amateur AthleUc Union, the U .S . Diving Auoclation, the International Institute of Sporu Science and Medicine and the American College of Sporta MedJdne. In addition to a 60,000-aeat domed stadium already under oonstruction -in anticipation of a poaible National Football Le-aue or major-league baseball franchiae -and the 17 ,000-seat Market Square Arena, home of the National Basketball Association's Indiana t>acers, the city has added several other sporta facilities. A f7 million, 10,000-seat tennia stadium at the Indiana Sports Center was completed in 1979 andj.s the site of the U.S . Open Clay Court champions.hi~ each August: a $21.~ million, ~.7QP-~at swimming and diving complex, and a $6 million, 13,000-seat track and field stadium were completed this summer on the Indiana-Purdue Unive"'ity campus west of downtown, as was a $2.5 million, 5,000-seat velodrome on the city's northwest side for bicycliJl8. The Pacers, however, have suffered a decline in attendance, slipping to an average of 7,000 fans per game. Indianapolis al!o has had problems with hockey, losing the World Hockey Aaaociation Racers becauae of poor attendance and having the Central Hockey League Checkers move from Market Square Arena to the smaller Fairgrounds arena. MORE THAN a year ago. a report by the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce said the Hoosier capital ls "committed to becoming the amateur aporta capital of the country." This year, a New York-baaed public relations firm has been hired to promote a "community identification campajgn" for Indianapolis, with sports a major part of its program. "The public r elations campaign should establish Indianapolis as a desirable pl.ace to live in and to visit," says Jack Raymond, head of the New York firm. Heading the overall program are Thomas Moses. board c hairman of the chamber of commerce, and Thomas Miller, board chainnan of the Indianapolis Canvention and Vlsi.ton Bureau. Robert Welch, an lndianapolla real estate developer, has been the fader of the city's bid for an NFL franchiae and ha kept cloee contact with the league and team owners, who would have to approve the league's expansion. Welch pre9ented his pl.ans at the Super Bowl last January and at meetinp with NFL owners. and he a&)'I they have been imprewd. Recently, Mayor William H . Hudnut III named a 40-member commilSion to look into the city's chances for a major-league baaeball team, which aleo would use ~e new domed stad.Jum. The sports festival, lnvolvina 2,600 athletes in 33 summer and winter sports, is "a great opportunity for the city and a beautiful recognition of what we have to offer the amateur sports world." Hudnut says. Yankee Win does RUIOOSO DOWNS, N.M. (AP) -Yankee Win, a brilliant 2-year-pld filly, conquered a talented field of speedsters and a sloppy track Sunday to win the $728,085 Rainbow Futurity for quarterhorses at Ruidoso Downs. Yankee Wi.n, in scoring her eighth victory in nine starts this aeuon, earned $253,079 with the victory in the 400-yard race run over the rain- drenched track. Ridden by jockey Bruce Pilkerton. Yankee Win broke aharply on the outside portion of the track, then outdueled Bartendreta and Mr Master Bug with a devastatinR closing ruab. I DEATHS -:.-c:.-~-f:-:t:_:_ ELSEWHERE N011VAIY 110 Broadway Coste Men 6'2·9150 GLASGOW, Mo. (AP) - Jlmet ltllllD, 80, who for 49 yean traveled Miallouri as "Grandpa Santa Claua," died Friday. Kuhn wu the Country Club Plaza'• Santa Claua ln Kansai City for ~en years. sees proble1n • Ml.IC MmCl PUl.IC flOTIC[ •'IJ!'!!.!'.~,WL. OONIOUOATID . I ~~eiiwiou. • M,_., Oft OONOmON I i:.co,.,O,.ATIO .. ,,¥' ..... , COMGld•led ~ °' Condition of "THI IANK OF T~~~~ OMNOI COUN1Y" of F°'°"'tlln VaMy, Ot1n09 County ••H11~•r •u=:o " Ind OomlltlO lublldlarlle ("NoM") at tM dC* Of t=l ........ ::.... ... ~ bUelnw °" June ao. 1M2, """:--i ...... .,. ~ ............. 1171 a.-o NI. 1 , en• , ••• , • ., Dollr Amount. MlLWAUKll (AP) ::.e:?~'t; =i~ Al.._I lnl'hcM•nde -Anacrlllmll"ltoobow mt ... ~ .... °'~ -· to wt ~" tor ~ Oo11n11. CalllOt'llflt. n pureuent o wW u,.;..;.1, t..... ttilt certeln Netloe ol Det111ll c.llh and due from benkl ...................................... 8,377 UM ~a.y vv cine O 111,ravn•., r1corfed Meroll 18, Fecferel funda eold and ..curttlel the major llt\lH ln 1tP • 111t1~1 No. U.oeNM, purohlMd under 1igreernenll upcomtna c:oUectlve ~~:o.:.:C,9~:.:.f. to ,....I In dGn*tlo otftoee ................................ 8,260 baraa1nlnl ta1b between ""°" w purt111tnt to Mid Deed o a Loane, Total (excluding the National BM.ketball =~ = :,=:, ·unearned Income) ........................ 33,590 Altociatlon and tht NBA Amwloa. , OM!lllr'• °'*"' ~ b. Ltu: AtMfW for Pl1ytr1' A11ocl1tlon, to_, 1'uet .. dmm on 1..u.,,,, polltble toan 1o ............................. 268 Mllwaukee Bucka Coach :11 ,::"· • "~'~ "" :: c. Loan•. net ..................................................... 33,,28 Don Nellon •YI· HYI~ ent1:a~ a,~1':01111011 Bank pr91nlw. F.F.l E .. etc .................................. 1,910 N 1 1 d l dOl'r\ Ill tllla •t•t•. •I Olltelde Othet ...... .... .... .. .. . .. ...... ............ ... . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . .... .. 877 l e 1• on I a l hodn an the !font ~~ ot ~ Tttte TOT AL A88ET8 .................................................... 4'8,542 nterv ew pub 11 in ll'lallfMOe ...... ....,et1on iooa1«1 11 UA81UTll8 The Milwaukee Journal ~:n...M:.:n~: ·,Ji~.n~~ .. A~ TOTAL DEPOSITS IN Sunday that he beUevee In..,_ ~ to Md now 11t1c1 DOMESTIC OFFICES ..................... 43,98e the NBA will take •tronc ~1#'\dtr .::.C,0-: °'~"*<:!~'; Total d9mand depoalt1 ................ 18,311 step• th ta aeaaon to Md.~. Olecflbtd •: Total time l aavlng1 depoalt1 ..... 25,&55 cornt.i what he called a l.04 1» of TreG1 No. s:st3. Ctty TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC aertoua ...t-... problem In of C.1 MeN. County ot Or11nge. ANO FOREIGN OFFICES ............................... 43,966 ..... ..._ I late of Calllornle, 11 per map Ot•-II blllt...... 489 the leque. r-deel 1n 8oolt 112, Pegea 17 to ·-• ,_ ....................................................... . "I think you'll aee a very strong poetu.re from the leader• of our league." Nelaon aald. "And that's where lt'a got to ala.rt. At the top." Nelson referred to propo1ala for drug testing In the National Football League, which owners have been backing but player representatives have not. ''Drug-testing la becoming a high priority in the NFL, and I th1nk it should be for ua, too," Nelson said. "We know there is a problem in the league, and we should deal with it very strongly. But it's got to come from the top, and it eeerns to be golng that way." Mc Carron likes his stakes DEL MAR (AP) - Jockey Chria McCarron took his fourth stakes victory in the 5-day-old racing meet at Del Mar with a $66,l~ wi.n in the Bing Crosby Handicap Sunday. Mc "C""a r r on , a t l 1 4 pounds, brought the Iriah-bred Pend.I Point to a two-length victory, pulling out front in the final sixteenth of the six-furlong race f o r 3-year olda and up. Terresto's Singer, a 12-1 longshot w ith Patrick Valenzuela up al 114 pounda, sprinted to take the lead and set the pace for the race, but could not stay out front. Shanekite moved up in the stretch under Sandy Hawley at 115 to show as 23,5110 people watched. The winner paid $10, $6.40 and $4.60} while Terresto's Singer paid $10 .40 and $7 .80. Shanekite paid $9.20. NII.IC NOTIC£ F1Cnnoua.,...u ..,,_ITAnMUIT The followlng perton1 we doing bu.ir-a u : IMPORTS BY RONI, • 11 ~. Newpott BMch. CA 826IO. BARBAl'IA J S AYE, • 18 Summenwlnd. Newpott BMch, CA 82MO. nii. bu"'-• conduc1ed by "' lndMduel Berber• J Seye Thoa etal-l WM hied with the ~ Cieri! of Or11nge County on Juty 1~. 1882 •s 1ne111111w of Mlaoelleneoul Mapa, TOT AL LIABILITIES ............................................... 4'4,466 In the oma. of Ille County Aecordet IHARl!HOLDIRI l!QUITY of~ =!~· •ddreu or other Preferred ttock common dHlgnatlon of 11ld No. lhar .. out•tandlng -None property 3023 Country Clllb onv.. Common atook Ooet• Meta, Celltornie a. No. lhar• authorized 2,000,000 3 . 1 1 7 • N•m• •nd •ddreu or th• b No 1harn out1tal'ldlng 9315 205 beneficiary .. lllfloM ~· the . • • ...... being OOllOucled' Fl9dtand• Federel S.vlng1 end Loen TOTAL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL .......................... 3, 117 :::f!~:: ~.~~:,':'~:ir;;': Retained earnings ...................................................... 970 Olfec:tlon• to tlle above t>toe>erlY TOT AL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ..... .... ..... .... ..... .• 4,087 may be obtained t1~req11Ht1ng TOTAL LIABILITIES AND ume 1n Mttll\Q trom t benetlctaty SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY .... .. .. •• ... .. ... .. ... .. .. .•. .. 48,542 w1t111n 10 dey1 trom th• llret The under•u.ned, Lawrence R. Holmes, Pres. & publlcltlon of 11111 notloe. -w Said aale wtN be ma0e wtthOut C.E .O . and Edward H . Downer. Sr. V.P . of the eoven9111 °' w•renty, upr-"' above-named bank, each declarea, for hlmaelf alone and 1mp11ec1 u to t1t1e. ~ °' not for the other: I have per10nal knowledge of the ==~~01:11~~.!~u= matters contained In thl1 report, and I belleve that each MCU<ed by uld o..o of Trvat, to statement In aald report la true. Each of the unt!eralgned, -41: 1273, 103.4', p1u, 111e follOWlllQ for hlma.lf alone and not for the other, certifies under •et1m11ed co111. ••P•nH• ind r'\Al'lalty of ..-Jury that the tor~olng la true and correct. advanoee 11 the time or 111e lnltlel ..,... • ,,_. Pllbllcllllon of 1111e HotlOe o1 sa1e Executed on July 23, 1 82, et Fountain Valley, Truet-._ and a11~ -12. California. 1018!1. /1/Lawrence R. Holmes /1/Edward H. Downer Pv-0.-C:O..I 0..., l'tol, J<Jlo/ 2t IM2 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A DEED OF TRVST , OATED NOVEMBER 17, 1810. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO l'flOTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY Bf SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Of THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Oeted July 7. 1882 RfOl.ANOS FINAHCl"L SERVICES, INC , TNll• Ptitlllp R Btoderldo, Preeldent 300 Elllt State St . Sta 200 Redl•nd•. Calll«nil 823 73 (11•1 793.eeeo Publl•h•d Orenge Co111 Delly Piiot, July 111, 28 and Augu9t 2, 1882 Ml.IC NOTICE C,._22579 NOTICI M TMllTE.£'8 IALI NOTICI 04J LOM Ne. ~1124 • TMllTEIEB' IALI T.I . No. 110»4 On Augult 10, 1N2 at 11 00. m . !ENEFICIAL SERVICE co .. Ft RS T AMERIC AN T I TL E duly ~led Tru11 .. JJnder the I NS U R A N C E C 0 M P A N Y I fOllowtng dMc;rlbed deed ol trldt C.ilfoml• <:OtPO'et!On ... Trv11 .. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCno.. °' S4icc-Truet .. °' Suti.tltuted TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR Trutt•. ol INll c.rtlilrl Deed ot CASH (i>eylble 11 time ol Mlle In Trull execut~ by M N AEAL t.-.tut mon.y of the United Stet•I ESTATE STOAE INC , e n d IMrtgllt lllleandtnter•tconveyed recorded Hovemltlet 2S. 1881 u to end now held by II ut>der ealO ln1trument No 30213, In Book DHd of Tru1t In th• property U303. Peg• 1828. of Ofllclal h4lreln1ller deecrlbed. Racordl of Or1nge County, TRUSTOR . M IC HAEL Calllornl1. end pur1u1nt to that THORNTON • mwrled men C«taln Holle» of Default thereunder 8 EN E f I c I AR v f A R w Es T recorded 4prll 7 , 1882 11 S4VINGS ANO LO AN 3113-82 lnllrum911t No. 82-120018, of ASSOCIATION. a c:orporallon -----------Ottlcial Racotda of Mid County, wltt Recorded ~1.111u1t 13. 11181 11 "8JC NOTICE under and pur-t 10 ukl OMd o1 ·rnlfr 'No Y~m 1n booll 1•180. ~OAL NOT1C• T rvst Mii 11 pubOc 1uc11on '°' c:alltl. .,....,.. .,.,,, v• vn1<:1ai 11et«01 In ttle "'OTICE IS HE"'"'BY GIVEN ~.-.1 lawlvl moMy of the U;l!t.d 8111• of offlee of the Reo«der of Orenoe ... """ .,.., Alnefb, 1 Cllhler'• cheGll payable County, uld deed of INll dMc:f'lbel th• following Item• of found or 10 Mid Truet .. drawn on 1 etate "' the following p<aperty MYed P'oe>erlY lleve be«! held by national benk a •t•t• ()( federal LOI 8 ol Tract No S.83, In the the Polloe Department of the Cl1y ~ ~ union. ;,, 1 1111• °' lederlll Ctty or Co1t1 Mau. County ol Coate MMe lot a perlOd In POllM ~and 101n 111oclatlon Orange. Slit• of CllllO<nll ... per of ninety (llO) dll)'I. , 1n t~ 1tete. 11 the mllln m14> recorded In bOOk 234. i>-oea Red VHpl Motor Scooter· olntranc• to Fl rat Amerlc111 TUI• 22 and 23, Mlltell.aneou• MllPS. In Boye Blecll-Vellow Pro Thunder lntUtanee eompeny loceted at t t• the office of the County Recorder°' Blcycl•. Red Peugeot Moped Eal Allh Street 1n the ctty of Senti Ilk! County ~. G1rt'1 A9d HUlty 10 Spd An Callfomla. .ii tllet right tltle Ind YOU Aid .. OUAUlT UfC>IE1' A Bicycle. Boy·1 Whit• tvanon 10 .,,.,_ conveyed to and M. held ~U> 0'1 TMllT OATEO AUGUIT I Spd IMcyda, llo'f• ,_, Nlekllll 10 by llunderUIOOeedolTrustlnthe 4 , 1111 UNLlll YOU TAKE Spd. Bicyde, Boy'e Blue Schwinn prCJC)er'ly litualed In Mid County ACTION TO rlllOTfCT YOUlll Bicycle and Ca11e11e Tepe andStatedeecf'lbedll l'lllC>f'£111TY,ITllAYMIOU>ATA AecorNOTderlCEP\aY9'IS ru· .... HER 0 ..,.. ... 1 ... ,1 A co11dom111lum compe>Md of f'U9&.JC aAU. W YOU NffO AN "' , • ...,., ·-PARCEL 1 Ut"-ANATlON 0'1 THIE NATUM II no°""* 8'll*W9 and P'OY91 hll Unit No 7. of thll cer111n 04J THIE l'lllOCUOIMO AGAINST ownereNp ol the P'oe>erlY within condominium projac:t lhown and YOU, YOU 8HOUl.D CONTACT A 1even (71 d1y1 foll owing the ~on the condominium pten LAWV.111. publleatlon Of tlWI .Notkle. the tltte r«Otded ~ 13, 1875 In 8oo11 110 I Valley Clttle Coell Meu, U..C.o ahelt ,,.... in the llnder. If 11•29 Page t7~ OI oltlc:lal ,_d• c.lllo-nll 8~27 t,,.,._be one. or In the CllY OI Colle and 1n' 1r.e dedaretlon of cownenll. '(If 1 1treet lddr-°' common ~. In wNdl -the property condiOone and ....irlctlone (ti.Ing dHlgn1llon 11 1hown above. no 11\11beMiid11 publlc MIOtlon el a the el\lb!lng document •tebli.nlng werrenly 11 given a• to 111 time and dlle to be~-a p1en f« condominium OWo~i. complel-"' c:orrectr·-) ·· OATEt 7118112 recorded June 13 1875 In 8oo11 The beneflc:lary under uld Deed ~H~UMr,,~POUCE 11'31, P11ge 285 oi oftlcial rac:orda of Trutl. by reaon of a breectl"' of Mid Orange County delault In the ot:>11getlon1 aecured Publl•~ Orange Co11t Delly boe¢1ng therefrom 111 oil, gu, thereby, heretofore e11ecuted and Piiot, July 28, 1'82 mtneral• and an other hydroc:erbon delivered to the underelgned 1 ________ _,32_78-82_....._ wbat1nce1 by wtilltoeVer nl/T\e written Oecleretlon of o.1111111 and NII.IC NOTICE known tlwt -lylng below 1 <Septh o.m.nd lo-s .... and -111en notlOe -----------of 500 leet from the IUf'I-ot Mld ot l>fMCll end ot etac:tlon to ceuH ACTITIOUI .,._.. lend. bu1 without the rlgnt of entry the underllgneo 10 nll u td ..,.. ITA~ upon •"Y portJon ol Ille aurt-of property to Hlllfy .. Id OOllglllons. The tOllowtno per90na ere doing ...o lend to llh. market mine. end therHller the underetgned ~ u : explore or drlll for um•. H eeuaed Mid notice ol breach and of A I p PROPERTIES. 213• Main r~ In the deed 1ecorded June elecllon to be recorded Aprll 7, SlrHt, Suite 185. Huntington 21. 1878 In 8ooll 117711. Pege 1868 1882 u 1n11r No 82-121215, ol BMch, CA 92&48. ol offlcill record• Ilk! Dfncill Rac:o!'dl RICHARD L. PERRY, 27881 PARCEL 2 Seid ule wlll be made. but Celle VeldH. Minion Viejo, CA All undivided 11181h lnter•t In without cove nant or w1rr1nty. 82982 and to the common ., .. of Mid ••P' ... or lmplled, regerdlllQ title. MAflJORIE ANDERSON. 5 projec1 ti.Ing lurttler <IMQlbed u ~. "' encumb<enc:es to Coelfnlne View. PortOle Vlllley. CA lollow9. pey the remelntng princ;lpel eum of M025. Lot 1 of Tract Ho 8720, u lhown Ille note(•) MC:Ured by Mid Deed ol Tl'lll .,...,_ i. conducted by 1 on a meo recorded In Book 355. Tru1t, Wl'h tnterwt 11 in Miid note general cMiltnenl!IP Pegee 21 and 22 of mteoe11aneou1 prOYIOed, lldvencee. II 111y. under Ridletd L f'etrY map•. record• ot "'d Orange the termti or aeld Deed of Trust. Thie 11&1_1 -Ned wit.II tne County. 1-. d\lltgee and npeMee of the County Qer1I ol Orenge County on Excepting therefrom 111 unit• Tru11 .. end Of the truet1 CtMted by JtJfy t•. 1882. 9'lOWn and d..:ribed on the plen Mid Deed ot Trust Slid Nie wlll be ,19SMO and In the deelaretlon held on Tllur'aday Augull 19. 19e2 111. TMOMAB ~ Th• 111eet 1ddrH1 or 0111er 11 2 00 p m at the Ch1pm1n HUlllWITl. ~ MuOO'°ALO a common daelgnetton of said Avenue 1ntt1nce to the Civic Mal.OS prCJC)er'ly II purpofled to be 313 Ce nter Bulldln9, 3000 E111 A "'ah ulee .. ~ A"-~. Coetl MeM. CA 92827 C1)tlpfT\lln Avenue In tr.e Oty of ,.....,_,. .. Uw Seid ... wt• be made Without Orange • ~ C..... ~. -" "'WW<enty, ·~ °' At the time ol the lnl t11t ~ 1111 lmj)lled, • to tme. pc1uulcn °' pub41catlon of thll notQ, the tOlal ,1.11 Publl1hed Orange CoHt Delly Pilot, Ju!y 18, 29. Aug 2. 8, 1082. 323342 ....,,..... 9Md\, CA ... -.mbtanoae to Nllafy the unpaid emount ol the unpeld balence of the P111>ll1hed Oranoe Cofft Delly bliancle. due on the not• or no• ob!IG•llon secured by IM aoow ----------~ Piiot. July tt. 2fl, Aug. 2. 8. 1t82. MCUted by Mid Deed of Trwt. to dHcrlt>ad deed ol tru11 end DlllH lmcls 32'7-82 wit: $5,752.10, pl\ll the followtng 11tlmll•d COlll, eJlperlHI. end -----------Hllmaled COlll , expenHI end edYll'IOel of l 11•,3M.80. PUBllC N()TIC[ adv-II l'1e time of the lf!lllel To d9termlne Ille opening bid. publlcetlon of 11111 Notice ol Sele: you may eeN (7t•I 1137-0884. ACTrnOU9 .,._.. 178t 00. Date· July 4. 1N2 MEAD .. ,,_ ITAftMIMT NOTICa TO BENEFICIAL SERVICE CO. EDITH ELSIE MEAD, Tht followlhg peuon 11 doing ""°""" ow.111 .. Mid TruetM bullneM u : YOU AM IC DIPAUU UNIMIJI A By: T.O. SERVICE CO .. age 82. a resident o f MISS EMILY'S. 12•1,; w. 19ltl DllD OP '"UIT, DATID agent Huntlnaton Beach, Ca. Str .. 1. CO.II MeM. CA 82e27. NOYIM•IR II, , .... '*LI•• By. Vlolcl J. Alldrldge. July 25, 1 82 at Mercy 1880 ..... JerM)' St .. Coeta MeM. YOU" P'ROPHTY, IT MAY .. One Clty 81Yd. WMI. IALT21HGHOH SMl'T'4 & TVTHtU WISTCU .. CHArtt. 427 E 171h St Cosla Mesa 646-9371 Pa11ed awa~ on Sunday, EDITH CAflOLE MORTON, YOU TAlta MmOM TO ,.,,.CT Aeelatenl s.or.tery CA 82t28. ~ AT A~ IAU. • Y Or11nge, CA 82US BALTIMORE (AP) -Hospital. Mn. Mead wu a Thie~ I• condllcted by.,, llllD AN IDIJIUNATM* Of' nm 7W83W2N Robert McGW Mackall, 93, me .m be r of l h,. Fi r" t lndMduel. MATURI OP THI fltlOCllDtMQ Publletied Orange Co11t Dally ... CllaOTHMS SMmtS' MOllTUAIY W7 Maltl St Hunl~Kh PACMCYllW ....,..AA.Pill =*Y Mortuary c .i-cr."'8tory 3500 .e1hc View Drive Newport Be.eh 644-2100. _.... -·-...... --·-.. _ Christian Ch~h of Hunt· Edi Morton AQAINIT You.,,::.,u IHOUL Piiot, Jul)' 20, 28. Aug 2, 1882 I .....ver·•u.n.-i ....... w,..._, inaton Beach C. and Sb· Tl'lll 11at9'Mtlt WM flled wttll IN COWTACT A LA 31N-82 colorful mural• decorate 8'cle Cha-'+259 Order of Collftty ~ of Orenge COillMy °" OATm .JAi)' 9, t912. ..-IC MnJtCE buildJnp )lere and at the ,.~ July 14, 1812. FlA8T ~N TITLE ,.~ nv SmJtti.onJan lnltitutJon In Eastern Star. Beloved ,__. INSUAANCICOMPANY, W••"'1 .......... died Thurada mother of James A. Mead of P11bll1hed Orenge Co&1t Duty a Cellfol'llla corporet1on Comptroll« o4 the Cwnency -~ .. ~_ .. __ 'Y· Huntlnaton Beach, Ca. Piiot. Jul)' t9. "·Aug. 2• 8• tM2· Oen Ormerod. ~~=t':' L 1 d th f 3166-C AuttlOftlied °""* W..tllftttell. o.c. SOUTHOLD, N.Y (AP) ov n1 :ran mo er o -----------11' EMt All.II Street WHEREAS .. 1111.ctOl'Y ....idenc:e _Betty p.,.... .. 82, the art Kennet Mead of San P\lljC N()TIC( Senti Ana. CA 9:mn hu 1>nn P••Hnt•d 10 th• ~who pla}'ed a key role Bern ardl DO , Ca . and <114166f.32tt Comptrotter of the Currency lf\llt In the A-..o.i~nt of. the Kimbetl)' Meed RlchardlJ of '9CTmOUe 9Ulff•• Pllb4llMd Orange Co•ll 0•1 LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK~., --·-~ s t A c p t ~STA~ f'IOt. Jliy tt, H. Aue-2• '912• In H11ntll\OIOn B••C"', 811t• of N e w Y o r k Sc b o o l o f • n a n • • a .. a TM rono.tno l*IOll • dOlno 124 t Cellfornle. 11,. cotnr>ii.d wllll all palnti.na ln the la~ llMO. BrouWette of San Loremo. ~...!!: .. 1 _ ...... ...,. _ 9 provltton• of tlle 11et11t .. of Ille ear1y •ao.. died Frlday. Ca.. and Art Leffel of San .._...~ '"""""""'• ,,,.1 "8JC M>'fU · untttd 1111 .. req11tred 10 be -Le. n d r 0 • c. . . ah 0 e ~~:-:.-et ... Fountllll Va/lwlf, 1--,.:"'.IC"::'.'::::nTl~llCMl~.~-= .. ~ .. ~"~.~.::': .. :-::""--I comp lltd w It 11 be tor• be Ing DALLAS (AP) -Am• ~·1randchlldren . JAMllEOWAAOHAU., 17219 .,...STA~ 111111or1ieo to commence tll• • Carter Jr., 82, publJaher .-., <*1J at Piere. 8e1111 LUCl9 IL. FOllntein V*t, CA Tiie tOllowtno pereon le dOlllO bvllnMI ol benlllng M • Hlllonel f th , t W th 8._ •"-J 9270I. aiuair--. 8anklnQ ANOClltton 0 • or, or .. r-Brothen Smltha' Mortuary Thie tlWllMll le OOllduc:ted by 811 c AL IF 0 Ill HI A • AH I( NOW. TH!AIFOAE. I hereby l'elqrarn arid a dlreC'tor ~f on Monday, from f :OOPM '° lndMdUll. tlllVICU ,., .. ""'· w~on certify 11111 th• abov•·nameo American Airlines, died 9 :00PM where funeral J...-L Hiii .. f'olllltilrl Vti!V..1.? taJ'OI. oom'"~01:.., ~.-~0:,1~:!,!.! unday ~..._ ... nt ...._ -..o11 •• -~ Thie ~ Wiii ftltd with tN WIHOW""° ~~TION I "~-,,. ,,_,_ ~.,, · .... v.-........ -""' ....... -wu on eoumy ca.'k Of Orange eounty on OlllfiOMll CIOrPOfetlon, ,,,._ Mt ... • N111on1111an111no f.eaoctatlon. -. ~y • .July 27, 1882 at J4it'J 14, 1N2. MhlnQtonlt.,,_tlllnV....,,OA IN THTIMONY WHEREOF. N&~~a.I!-(~_!2_ .. _ ll:OOAM with Rev. Ted ,_..1 2J'OI. wttneN my tlgnaturt end .... °' --v... a ~· ... __ _..,.,.... t p to f P11"'"·0.-.. Ore.....,. Oout~Oll"" Tl'lle ~ 19 ~eel ""' a o!t* tlllt :tnd dey ol J~. 1Mt _...,. --·-~ ..:...__. .. _ J _.., --n u r o .,,......., . .,,.... ,, ., ., c T c:oncww ~.. "'l~• -·-·-~ tilt l'\nt ~ Ona.rch ol "°'· • 1'• at, ""'' 1• 11 Na ComptrOller of 111e CUrrency a...tftc Own Inc.. Huntincton BMch and ~ tltMt CMrtw Nllml>tt mot Sa~-a .................... _ .. _ +w "'9Ct 1------,==------1 P11l>ll•'1•d Orena• COHI Oally -._. ...um,.~ V.llG WflM a W~ Wand PllOt. M't •2. 19, N. AllO. a. t. 1f, AHNABBOa Mkb...J~';: offletaun1. Prl•ate 01 lhoppin9, rl9h1 at 23.30.a.,t '· tllt2 .. , ........ Dr .. ...;;.. ™, lntmnlnt ~ be a:Mlllt. Jt r.r. .......... ~ • -::. ·.. '""' 1 t Ivy Lawa Cenettry In e y Piiot Ctatetfltd , "' • a.. a u nor 'I o o V•iura, Ca. Piiiai ~ Ml. To Pliloe ~ ed. .... tlllllllDAl ~ind Bmlltw' ~ ~ Oii Mt.-11-wld .... • -· cW 'l'b\adq. IUMOit. ~ Mo~ ..., !. • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • ANNOUllCCMEllTS, 'ltSotms i LOST & FOUND ~ ..... t •f PoM ! .,.. ...... ., .. LAitt' ·~ftd PH...,_,., •• .,,.,, . ., .... y, .... ,. l SltYICES ~tK"f' 1AtW10t\ i £Mrt.OYMENT & NErAIATION l"kit.ll• '"-'''" .. ' .. "" 1(.~1.;•.,.-:;;!; M 4 t 1~~~ ~EICHANOISE 1:~·::. l~t;.,, ..... ,,.,..t .. r. .,,..,.,' t qutpm .. m K.-•h Doc• lh•"' '"" •\ftftHYl"f f_,., .... , .... --~(rUGCt• !t::::.·;~ 'fM'lrl•IM'f, M1w-•tl•"•'""' , .. ,.,,.f'fl•••f$H "'•M ... \41it•M""•I (MltvinrAh Offt4'r •"'" • t. ... , ..... =~:i~=-"*11ft& C.GUll' ~Off ... , .... ~,."' l'•t ~T..s.o .H·•• ""'"f"' BOATS & MAllNE EOUll'M(llT .. h M.111n1 'W'f •r• 1!k9.b Ma,1Af' t lifWIP .......... "' llo•h Jllf'ftC. t .,.,,~,., ....... ~ ............. o.r .. , =~.:'-6• TIANSP111TATION Autr•tl ~~-('~ Mfl'~I ==·~.:~ .. .,,. Motor Jtm• '\air Mf'r.4 Ttaik'n Tra\•I l:;~~~~·!u~.,h AUTOMOllLC f.i4'Mr<11I ""'"'"h l l•••ll • RPtff'•l•tM' \ t "" 1 ... 'Utw'h k •' r H.•"1 1 4W"tt!UtHf'ti rr\Ak• ·-I ~:=. ~~._.~~:, AUTOS, IMPOIT£D 1 ... ,.. •• , \II• .... _. ....... ,...,, \~l·ft ......... ~ .. ..... ....... GMt.. '-""' O•h"" t«•t•fl .. ,., ...... , ...... , J•f\w'ft 11\#rlWA"t,fili• ~ ....... ........ ""'•·I•, tt.-n1 \I\, ~"" "'"' P4'.fttt11•• t'r.W:nA t'un 1h4" K•n•~H ~,u.tto,.n f\o'"' lM•b -. ~twru Te)..U Tr111Mplt V"'1.h••lfl'I Vol"o UtMf •I "•'-lwn AUTOS, NEW AUTOS, USED C.d1u .. , c.m.ru l M\f' .. '".,.,., ... , ~ Ceftl .... , •• lMnf4•• ....... , ~1· ..... ,. .. I-· ..¥.,~~ llWf"t) ='.:1.1. l'>lff ,,,_. --,..,,...,...,. y ... "'" ..... ~ -:m 1• -:: ...... ..,, ........ :: All rul .etate ldver11ted 1o.t In tllla new1p•p•r le 1N eubJeot to the feder11 ::: Fllr Houtlno Act ot 1"8 ••' whlctl melc• It "'-Gal lo 1* adY9'11M "any pr·-::: 09, llmltatlon Of dlac:rlml· 111111 n1tlon baHd on r•c•. :: color. rellgloo. tH or :: netlontr orlgln, or 111y Intention to m•k• any auoh pr.,eteAM. Hmlt•· :: tlon 0t dlt«lmln•tlon " := Tiiie ~IC)ef wltl not 1to0 knowlnOIY a ccept any != 1dv.,i1tlng for r .. I ff- 1u tat• whlen le In violation 1"°' of tht lew. := iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IM JM ,. -~ -,_ -- HHH1 Advertl· sere ahoUld cheek their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT 88· aumea llablllty for the first lneprrect Insertion only. -...... "' ,.,, t40t •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Gla111I lHJ tl)O •••••••••••••••••••••• :t: SMALL llWI ~ PlYMEITl !:~ Ptua ~ pt~ mltk• this :: 2 Bdrm 1 'I\ beth condo e w.i rNI buy! 10% down, now -only $65,000-act nowl -Miii ~" - 6-48-717t THE REAL ESTATERS = ~!u!~~~& melntelned • Bdrm home Gr .. t corner k>- ClllOll w/e.llllng RV ac-ceu. OwfW wlH ualll w111 wlftnanc1ng. Full prle• ~ $142,500 151-31g1 . ...,, Ult -kA C::. ~fl IC 1 ~ P~J( 1l'f I~ l 1( ', -~==~ COIMS ! I ,..,. We heve avall1ble con- ;.,. doa from 189.000 to 11... 1239,000 Call now tor more Inf orm a tion .... 797-5370 .. 1. IOll -"""' -~ -Xf >ILi llh.if Rf Al•,.\ 1"•£C.T ... £N,.S -s -~~~~~~~ ---~ .. ,,, '"11> •m . ... ....1 •.a> -!lllf' ----... .... , OarriN hi Gtv• youf'Mll Mesa Ver- d• In 'll2 3 Bdnn 2 Ba llOm• w/many e111ru on cul·d•·"C Owner wtll cerry low 1111ere111 rite tst T D F'111t pnce Sll-4. 500 751-3191 -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ill.Ml -----111111 --ua ... mw ll•h Utl,IGO ::~ Beautlful • BR Portoflna ,.Jiii ptan Teenage wing . m: small baeketball court ,,.., v I e w J a c u l l I & ::,: worksnop Lovely fem1ly .,,.. room Becked to nature parll with 111per flnen· .01u cmgl Th• OW!lef wlll carry -81 10'Y. ~ ......... :,: :iii===;=iii~ -. - •• 111 •M IEW US11ll *"n..-r* MAT llJP ~ Sp1clo111 2 etory. 3 ,,., bdrm. 2 bath, llrapl- ~\: home Open beem .:.I· .:ii unos. lots of I~ tile ~~ I much ,_,__ $595.0001 •''° INCLUDES TliE LANDI :l~ ..... .., ,,.,. :.: .. ....,. ~= --*•'•l·t--l•·-·--•141 '(! .. Wl• •lfl .,. l YllOI •llo) •lla I'll! .,.. •"'1 '1Q ""' •1'1 lltlU .,,, llYD ... a t M1gnlllcenl to11r b•· I droom w•terfront. Enjoy I the drernetlc vlHr ol 1 water and nlgtit llQt\lL l Large PIW and ellp. Price -· relduced t tOS.000. Now $595,000. Ml 111•1100 l =~~~~ VII) 11111 -Ill\ .., -.ellt ~ --.... ~ •n -...., -M l ---"1• What it means fur your ad fD be "clossifi£d,, large 0 For Ad Action audience Cal a Daly Plot AD-Vtsmt 642-5671 • I I ii •I I I mus le Melodies cucadlnl from the fasebo ln Jhlboa P er Park provide a pleaaant change of tempo from weekends to Mondaya. Dr . Charle• Rutherford and the Orange c.out College Jazz and Big Band ensembles entertained the listeners on the lawn. The Balboa Improvement Auoc- . la lion is sponsor- ing the free summer concerts every Sunday at 6 p.m. Mesa man Hot weekend Crowds swarm Suspected of killing friend in 'horseplay' county sands Hot humid weather, a volleyball tournament and a grunion run helped create one of the largest weekend turnouts of the summer along Orange Coast Laguna Beach lifeguard supervisor Mike Dwinell said Sunday's beach crowd in that city "was the largest I've seen." beaches. Two bodysurfing injuries were National W eather Service re ported Saturday along the forecasters said residents can South Coast beaches. Matt Marx, A Coeta Mesa man has been arrested by Newport Beach po~ on auaplcion of killing a 36-year-old friend by dropping him off a third-story balcony to a dock below. Lawrence Fra.nd.s Oliver, 35, who listed him.elf u president of a local computer firm, was booked on felony manslaughter charges following the incident early Sunday. The dead man -David George Chapin of Hermosa Beach -was pronounced dead at Hoag Memorial H ospital in Newport Beach. An autopsy was being performed today to determine the cauae of death. It was unclear whether the man died as a result of the fall or drowned aft.er bouncing off the dock into the ocean. Police said the man's death was a result of "horseplay" at a party on the Balboa Peninsula. Officers said the man's death was not hated as a murder because there appears to be no malice involved m the incident. Witnesses told police detectives that the two men and four others had returned to the peninsula apartment at 310 Fernando St. reportedly aft.er a night. on the (Sff NEWPORT; Page AZ) expect the July heat to continue address not knQwn, broke his through Tuesday. when the nose while bodysurfing at Main mercury will soar to the mid-80s Beach Park. Mike Hay<len, 24, of in inland Orange County and to Norco, dialocated h1a shoulder in the mid-70s along the beaches. the surf at Creecent Bay Beach. 2 banks cut prime to 15.5% Area lifeguards said the ocean Both men were treated at water temperature has been a South Coast MedJcal Center in comfortable 69 degrees. South Laguna. Islands deer aid More than 35,000 viaitora converged on Laguna Beach on Healthy AtJnP)e'J' aowda al90 ' WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. &oufay to beat the heat and to were Npor1ed at N9w port Bw:h. ("" -The Florida WiJdllf• observe the Cuervo La1una Lifeguards said 98,000 visited the Federation hu propmed that 2, volleyball tournament at Main beKli on Saturday, 95,000 on 000 "au.rvival ialAnda" be built to =Beach..:.:...;;.:.:....:P:....;ar=k:....;. _________ Stmda_---"Y._· ________ • __ help deer avoid atarYaUoft • NEW YORK (AP) - Manufac:turera Hanover Tru.t Co., the nation'• fourth largest commercial bank, lowered its prime lendina rate today to 15.5 ,...at -maridna the ftWI lowe1t level this year and matcb.tna itll lowest level s1not 1980. Manufacturers Hanover dropped its prime rate by one- half percentage point. A smaller bank, Wachovla Bank & Ttust Co. ln Wyuton-Salem, N.C., rankM .und by delioltta. aDo lowered its prime to 15.5 percent. It was the lowest level for the prime rate among major commercial banks since Continental Illinoia National Bank & Trust Co. in Chicqo and Crocker National Bank in San Fnnclaco loweted th* prbnes from 16 percent to 15.5 percent Nov 30. No other major banks followed that decreate. Coast lif egtiards big • winners HEATED HEAT -Lifeguard teams put their their dory boats backs into the rowing competition as they pull Clemente pier. WORLD By The Aaaoclaaed Presa Israeli jets attacked the Palestine Liberation Organization's battered enclave in west Beirut for a fifth straight day today, as Israeli officials attacked PLO leader Yaaeer Arafat for "fraud" ln a meeting with U.S. congressmen. Russia nuclear blast probed U.S. intelligence experts are hurriedly studying the nature of a mammoth underground nuclear explolllon conducted July 4 by Ruasia. Paae A6. NATION ( Newport Beach man, 48, captures quadruple honors SPORTS • • By PATRICK J, ltENNEDY Of" ... o.llJ ,... ltlllf Orange Coast lifeguards dominated the West.em United Statea Lifesaving Association competition this weekend in San Clemente, led by 48-year-old Bud Belahe of Newport Beach, who won all four event• he ente~. Belahe, a captain of marine safety, competed Sunday in the master's division for thoee 39 and older. Not only did he win the run- awim-run, paddleboard race, half-mile swim, and two-mile run competitlone, but he aocompllahed the sweep after having won a privately apomored four-mile beach run in Newport Beach earlier in the day. "I had a pretty good workout," Bellhe said. "rm very pleased to have done 10 well." The competition wu the state recional fina1a and winnent are eJJCible to compete next month in Florida at the Lifesaving A 11oclation 's nati o nal champ6onahlpe. About 500 California llfetuarda competed but moet awards were taken by lifeguards First-place Angels ba.ck bome The Angela, still occupytnc first place ln the American League West, open an 11-came home.tand tonight at Anaheim Stadium aplnat the Oakland A's. Page Cl. UCI diver wins golf/ medal Greg Lougania, a student-at UC Irvtne and a member of the Million Viejo Nadadorea. won hla 11eCOnd gold medal ln the Hational Sparta Festival at Indianapolis. Pqe Cl. COUNTY from Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and San Oemente. Laguna winners included: -Scott Roberts, second, half- mile swim. or)en division (up to 28 years old). -Mike Fero, first two-mile run, open division. -Tom Redwltz, second in paddleboard race, open division. -Bill Brown, second, paddleboard, aeniors division (29 to 39). -Redwiu, first, surf ski, open division. -Bruce Baird, first, surf ski, master's division. -Redwitz. second, Iron Man competition, open division. -Scott Roberts, second, run- swim-run, master's division. -Paddleboard Relay first place to Laguna, Jeff ~It, Bill Brown, Tom Grindle and Redwitz. Newport winners included Belshe's four firsts and the following: -Mike Daughan, first, paddleboard race, open division. -Two-man rescuea race, · eecond place, St.eve Matza and Bill Randall. INDEX Huntington Beach winners included. -Ron Quilan, second place, two-mlle run, open division. Enc Emery, second, two- mile run, master's division. -Bill Babashoff, first, run- swlm-run. open division. San Clemente w i nne r s included: -Carl Drake, eecond place, surf ski. master's division. Four-man land-line rescue, second place to San Clemente St.ate Beach lif egu.ards. -Mat.ch Kahn, first, Iron Man compeution, open division. Mesa police nab seven for "noise' Police in Costa Mesa have arrested seven adults after neighbors complained about loud music, breaking glass and screaming at what was deecribed as a "punk rock" party. Those arrested at 2:30 a.m . Sunday on •uspicion o f disturbing the peace included the tenants: Shawna Louiae Brown, 21, and Siacia Lynne Brown, 19, of 2226 Canyon Orlve #A. . At Your Bervioe A4 Horoecope B2 ~~beck C2 Ann Landen B2 B2 Movtea B6 Buainell A5,B3 Nalional Newt A3 California Ab Public Notice9 C4 Cavabde 82 Sporu Cl-4 Culitied 04-8 Stock Marketa B3 CoOlnl!l.'ll JM Televilion m CiuafJOl'd 84 ThMtet'I 86 Stan Delaplane B2 Weether A2 O.th Notlcel . Ct World News A3 En~t Be BUSINESS NYSE COMPOSIT:E TRANSACTIONS IVtU f .... t llfCUIH fl~ll ... YIM! •t ••Oh .Ml ... H,•Ul"C, ,.., ... , .. ,H YM>tf 4•t CleiCl•ll&Tl tftCJ ., ........ , ............. ,... ...... .... ........... ' Douglas • earnings up ST. LOUIS (AP) -McDonnell DouaJait C«p. aaya second-quarter eun1no ioee 3 percent llO $4.9.A million, or tl.27 per ah.are, from $48.3 m.lWon. or $1.21 per aha.re in the period last yHr. For the firat half, earninp totaled S98.3 million, or $2.50 per ahare, compared with $89.6 million, or $2.24 per ahare. a year 11go. The company said the increue in 1982's fint-half eemingl was largely due to lower Interest ~penae. WIC loss 4 1 cents per ~hare WIC Inc. of Newport Beach reports 1089ell for the teeond quarter and the first half of 1982. The net loss for the quarter wu $989,000, equal to 41 cents a share, against a loss of $922,000, equal to 39 cents a share, a year aao. For the aix months, the loss was Sl,,15,000, equal to 63 cents a share, VI. a loa of $952.000, or 41 centra share, ln 1981. WIC-Inc.'1 principal subsidiary is WTC Alr Freight, a domestic and international air freight forwarder. Earnings down for Far West Far West Financial Corp of Newport Beach, parent of Far West Saving. & Loan Aaociation. reported a net loss of $6,985,423 for the six months ended June 30. This amounted to $3.48 per share compared to earnings of $1,433,580, or 71 cents per share. for the six months ended June 30, 1981. The second quarter produced a lam of $3,719,24.9. or $1.85, compared to net eam.inp of $62,193, or 3 cents, for the similar quarter of 1981. Glendale S&L changes name Special to Ute Dally Pilot GLENDALE -Glendale Federal Saving)S & Loan Asaociation is changing its name. The various California geographic divisions of Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Association became known as Glendale Federal as of today. On Oct. l, all 38 Florida diviaion branches will begin operating under the Glendale Federal name as well. Wes tern Airlines names boss LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ned P. DeWiu 2nd was named preaident and chief operating officer of West.em Airlines aa the earner announced aecond- quarter earnings ol $3.l million. STOCKS 11·m SPOTUGHT u . 111'4 a•. "' I) • ..... -s· ' n· • ... . .. .. " ,: : '. AMERICIN LEADERS '" .1 I . f .. i J l .. .. a. N ~·J-) t )0 .. ,.. .. l()J. . 1 . ----------------:.1i MElALS .. r UPS AND DOWNS ••• .... PC1 Uo 10. Uo ... Uo 14 J uo • 4 Uo SJ Uo II uo 's Up I I Uo ·~ uo ,. Up • 1 Uo •I Up S' Up u Vo SI Up S • Uo H Uo H VP H UP S l Uo s 2 Up n Up S 0 Up S 0 NEW YORI< ti4PI Spol nonfllrroul I, me1a1 Pftoe• 1oday ,•Ht .. ;1,t c~ 1~-15 ~·•pound. u~ t delllnllionl I I.Nd 29-29 oenta •pound b Zlftc 37-40 Cini•. pound,.,.._.., Tift M 0795 Met-. WMll "COfllPCllllM ,., ~ ,., .._"-' 7&-n ceni. • pound, N. Y / .J MefcwJ $370 00 I* fie.-. "-"'-" 12" 00 troy OL, N Y U .J --------------· s • SILVER Hendy I Hum•n. 17 200 per troy OUncl --------------... GOLD QUOTATIONS