HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-28 - Orange Coast Pilot-11111111 •Y NIB n l. t ,1 . - l>H AN<.l ( (l\ltJI y I /\1 11 ()flN IA :••,Cl NT ~ Just when you thought ... Chance of Orange Coast shark attack 'slim' i .. ~LMmmEu. white ahark left a 14-inch jaw imprint on a Morro Bay 1be best ahark repellent ln the world la the ahade ot a Ufeguard'a paddleboard. tree. In that incident, reported lut Saturday. the 15-foot Tbat'a lldvtce ftom Jlm Stewart, a divin& lnatructor at shark att.cked the paddleboard, juat barely milllnl the Scrtppe INtJtute, La Jolla. Stewart hu lived ln close lifeguard's leg. The guard aafely made it to shore about a proximity to the ........ ti beuta for more than four decades. mile from Point Duchon. 80Uth of Morro Bay. (Morro Bay ii ,,,_ .. v northwest of Point Conception.) · He traiJw all ~pher divera at the lnatltute and Stewart aaya likelihood of a almilar incident occu.rri.n& Mid Oranae COMt swimmen, waders, divers and aurfera alorl8 1he Orange Cout ia minimal. have little to fear in tenna of a jaw-to-leg confrontation ''The population center of the great White ah.ark a 100 with a ah.ark. mile. either side of San Fra.nci9co Bay," he aaid. "There hun't been an authenticated ahark attack this "Obviously, their range is much larger than that -it's aide (touth) of Point Conception al.nee 1959," the jawa their ocean. But they are cold water anlmala ln teneral. and, expert aid in a telephone interview. (Point Conception ia normally, you don't aee th~m unleM ita over deep water. west of Gaviota along the Santa Barbara Channel of the ''They're sort of like gold. They're where you find Pacific.) them.'' "We've eaten a lot more of them than they have us," he Stewart saya the best thing man has going, "is that aaid. · aharka don't like people." That'• 110mewhat comforting. He says the recent incident ''waa probably a nu.take." But all it takea to make beachgoers uneasy 15 news "If 1 was a shark I might COJllt! up and take a bite to see accounts of a ahark attack, such aa the one In which a great (See GREAT WHITE, Page A%) Ultilnatum issued Gas bill could Israel orders PLO to flee Beirut or die • By Tlte A1aoclated Pre11 Israel gave the Palestine Liberation Organiz.atlon a new ultimatum today to flee west Beirut, and Israel.J divebombers, gunboats, tanks and artillery relentlessly blasted RUerrilla targets in the Lebanese capital. In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Min.1.steT Menachem Begin said U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib promised to seek "an unequivocal commitment" by the PLO to leave Beirut, and would " give larM!l the answer by Friday. Begin, at.anding firm on hia insistence that the estimated 8.- 000 trapped PLO guerrillu agJ"ee to leave Lebanon entirely. said only such a commitment would avert an Israeli assault on the city. Stuckle released, ref uses comment He said Syria's Jordan and Egypt each have apparently agreed to take in some of the guerrillas, but "it i. still not clear if the terroriata have even really dedded to leave Beirut." Habib, echeduled to retwn to Beirut today, met Begin Tueaday night after teeing the leaden of By DAVID ltUTZMANN Ol'IMDlllJ .... IWf Looking pa.le and tired, Carla Verne Stuckle emeried from Orance Councy Jall Tumday to be greeted by her 23-yec-old daughter and a horde of television and newspaper reporters. But the 43-year-old Tuatin ,.,oman, arrested and jailed Monday on suspicion of felony child ne&}ect. deflected repocten' questions with a ''no comment" as she walked hurriedly from the WOfDi e n 's jail facility in downtown Santa Ana. "Right now ahe need.I to be left afone," her daughter, Carla Tucke of El Toro, said befett her mother's release Tuesday afternoon. Ce n t r a 1 0 r a n g e Co u n t y Syria, Saudi Arabln, Egypt and Mun.idpal Court next 'I\aeaday Jordan. for arraignment an child neaMct uraell newapapen aald the ctwa-American dip19m.8f booed Syria 'Ibey stem from ln;.utea her would ,rant ao-lum to le.den of 13-th _u __ LL-.,1. ........ the PLO, Jordan would .ccept mon ~ 800 1Ru.ucs~ '° UMI members with Jordanian penis. nearly 9l!'VE'l"ed by a strand of hair wound tightly around it. citizenship. and Eaypt would The child temporarily wu take the rest of the auenillu removed from the mother'• under Mae in west L cuatody during a Juvenile Qiiurt In Cairo, Be • hW ~-ry hearing lut week. A dependency =-·~bar a heari:nlr is~ Aq: 6· wi1l.l.npem to host Palmti.Dlairw Schmiu, R-Newport Be.ch, _, ..... , ... _. from • ..-. 'D-1-·t if hM inaintained atrict llllence on ..... --ICV ....... ~ there WU IOCDe --.araDCle from the cues pending against Mrs. the United States they would S~. Tucke, who la Mrs. aome day have a homeland. Stuckle'a oldest daughter from McCloakey la a member ot a her first marriage, voiced atrong five-member con1reulonal criticism . of Schmitz while ahe delegation that has abo talked was awaiting the release with leaden in Lebanon. Syria double i ' • LOS ANGELES (AP) + Southern California Gu Co. aaja 1t will ask the atate Public Utilities Commi.aaion to apPf'O'le an $800 million yearly race increaae starting in October ~t could nearly double residen~ customers' bills next winter.• : The COl'TU'Yililaion approved ~ $834.3 million annual rate hike April for the aame reuon cited the latest projected request: The gas company is paytna more for supplies from Its floUSton-bued pipellne companies, El Paao Natural Gas Co . and Tn.nawestem Pipeline Co. The utility -1matld T\lmday that the comt>lned raw hikes would booet the typlcal- reaidenU.l cuatomer'a monthb' bill from $33.26 laat January to $55.50 in January, 1983, or about ·~ mott a year tor each. '"lb.at inthadel8 the ... mill.iota rate hike that bepn "'.!'1·" ""' .com.pan)' .tpokeam rue,. ManhaU ..id today. Mrs. Stuckle, who aays her two younge'llt children •ere fathered by atate Sen. John G. Schmiu. is scheduled to return to Tuesday of her mother from jail. and Iarael. "rm angry becauae she gave Habib told Begin he had made u WlfepMeo him nine years of her life," the prosresa and there waa "a chance BEIRUT RUBBLE -Abu Jihad, defense chief for the PLO, The current t800 mW.ion ''ta • very rouah e.sti.rbate that WM put forward by the Public Utruti9 Commlaaion," Marshall ealct. "But we can't be certain until~ pipeline euppliera have filed their tariffs, and that won't be until September, and ttM.e rates won't go into effect until <kt. 1 at the earliest." Southern California Gu Co. said it serves 3 .8 million customers from Visalia on the north to the Mexican border on the south. including about 3.6 million residential customen. (See SENATOR p A!) he Will succeed in fulfilllng h1a visits a West Beirut residential district after it was hit several ' ace mission, .. an Iaraeli official •• -. ..... b T--li . T esda = o.&>•~ y l.lt.loe ,ets u y. re . ______ ...;_ ____ _..;. ________ :.__ ____________ ~--------- F. k h . b d the besieged Lebane9e a e er()in pro e Ef~~~:~~t::-;S No assault charPe • • ' d h guerrlllaa dueled with heavy ~ In a letter to Southern California Gas dated July 18, PUC President John E. 8cy9orl urged the company to begin "face-to-face dilcumions with El Paso and TraNwestem at the highest level . . . immediately to deal with what we believe ta fairly deecribed u a crtsis." 1n inmates eat ~.:;:,. ... '."'.= I or ex-supervisor Lebaneae po~aid 203 people were killed and 297 wounded in the previous air, aea and land bombardment that beganat~dnlghtMondayand continued for 30 hours. However, a PLO communique put the toll at 247 dead and 395 wounded in Palestinian campa, where police have no acce., and in residential By FREDERIClt SCHOEMEHL or ... Dlllr ........ Orange County Sheriff's Department toxicologi.ats aided by a UC Davia profemor, are attempting to determine if a potent form of aynthetic heroin played a role in the recent deaths of three Orange C'?unty Jail irunatea. Anal)"lell currently are being conducted by a San Francisco Bey area laboratory to determine if "China White," aa the synthetic heroin is known, was preeent in lethal quantities was present in lethal quantitiea in blood and urine samples oo~ from the mens' bodies. All three died after beoornifl8 ill while in cu.atody. Two died after choking on their own ycimit. The cau.e of death for tbl third inmate, who <Jied Monday morning, has not been determined. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart said blood and urine samples were sent out for further testing after county toxicologista found a form of a synthetic drug may have been present in the systems of (See HEROIN, Pase Al) TELEVISION 'M-A-S-H' still hit show LOS ANGELES (AP)-Although lt has been on the air 11 years and undergone many changes, "M-A-S-H" remains as popular as ever, aa:ordina to the A.C. Nielsen Co. The CBs comedy aeries finished No. 1 ln the Nielsen ratingl for the week end1na July 25. SPORTS Angels ha1J6 on, win in l 3tb The Angela atage a wild comeback agalnat Oakland to stay aheed o1 Kanau City In the American Leque Weet. Paie Dl. RsJDB 6etllng t<>se'lller '!be 1Wm are ltartina to pt their circul ect ~. The mAln hMdlinel' lb far • ti»~ ~P.,eDl. neighborhoods. Witneaaea said it waa the heavieat Israeli bombardment of the beleaguered Leba.neee capital since larael invaded Lebanon June 6 and drove to the pta of Beirut to enaute the PLO fighten. COUNTY Misdemeanor assault and battery charaes against former Orange Co?tnty supervisor Ed.laon Miller have been dropped because his wife declined to pursue char~. A spokesman for the Orange County Dl.atrict Attorney's oUlce said simply the "cue is over.'' Miller, 50, had been charged with the counts after his 39-year-old wife placed him under citizen's arreat in June following a quarrel at the family home in Orange. 1t WU alleged Transit coallict intenHilies Caltrans and the state Transportation C-ornrnialaion are at odda over whether lUchways or a "balanced" tranait prosram ahould have priority. P.,e A14. New 'quiet jet' pondered Advanced tecbnoloay aircraft will be demonstrated at the Tuatin Marine Corpe Air Station MXt week. They are teen by IOMe as an answer to airport nolM problema. Ptae A&. Hospital battle in Irvine f that Miller struck his wife during an argument. He was taken briefly Into custody, but released on bail. He and his wife separated after the incident. Miller was appomted to the Board of Supervisors by Gov. &imund Brown Jr. m 1979 and lost a bitter election struggle to Bruce Nestande in 1980. Miller was controversial because. as a POW in North Vie tnam, he made anti-war statements. He was a Marine Corpe flight officer. INDEX Gas prices have I08l'ed slnce the Natural Gu Policy Ad of 1978 deregulated them, particularly because a portion of t he act allows procf ucera to average the price of deregulated supplies with older onea on which prices remain controlled. But Bryaon and W.B. Wood, president of the gu purchasina division of Pacific Lightlng Corp. -the local gu compeny'• parent firm -contend the two pipeline firms aren't trytna hard ~ to hold down prtcea. } M Al0-11 B2 M B2 AM Landen M<Mel Mutual Funda Natklnal News Public Notka 82 BM AlO AJ 04-8 Be Be D4 Al2 JM-& 82 NATION Al0,85,C4,Dt-S Sparta Dl..S Stock Mark.eta All Televt.lon 87 Thea ten JM..& W•thmr A2 W~ldNew. A.a .. ~ . . . ' I • Orano• OOltl OAIL v fill.OT IWecfnetd~. Juty ... 1111 ~------------~--.· .... _.. ................... __ .... __________________________________ .... ________________________________ ___ SENATOR SCHMITZ. • • dauahter eald, "and he'• not rtf'ound at all." 1 Mra. Stuckle has aaJd that the 1··~d Schmla began a nine-year- i'\ijve affair &her the took a clasa ·:•Wom him at Santa Ana College. ·'Phe Newport Beach lawmaker ·:::~t~ been a polttlcal science ~her at the college. I was alwar,s hoping it would be kept quiet, ' Mrs. Tucke said •'of the affair. Now, she explained, "they've been branded for life." 1,w ·•!•,.The daughter, whose younger I\ stater lives In Ariiona, said 111S.chmitz visited her mother's I· tl\&stin home whenever he could. ".During one period, she said, he would have dmner there ever Friday night aft.er finishing his teaching duties at the college. 'Whene~r John was over, I'd him good-naturedly, 'When are you going to get married?' He'd evade the question and my mom would aet mad," Mn. Tucke uid. "I'd f(&ure, heck, you don't carry on wlth aomeone for that many yean without wanUna to many them," ahe aaid. Mn. Tucke said she believed she wu the first penon to whom her mother confided about the love affair. She said Mrs. Stuckle introdl,\Ced her to Schmitz aft.er cla.ues one day several yean ago. "It (marriage) was a dream, but they never dilcuaed It," the El Toro residMit laid. Mrs. Tucke said that her mother's strength had been seriously sapped by the on.,olng legal problems she faced. 'The Juvenile Court hearing took all the fight out of her," she aaJd. "She'll never live it down," she said of the criminal charge. "She'll always remember being treated like a cnmina.I." ti ~~ GREAT WHITE . • • .1 ui •i ~ I O I I 11-i I I I I I I ( . I I how it tastes. But they usually chomp down, then back away and say, 'Sorry about that'." The shark expert says man is the slowest .thing that ever went back in the water. "U sharka ever developed a taste for us, we'd all be in troJble." The veteran diver, himseU the victim of a ahark bite ln 1961 m the South Pacific, says it is indeed rare to spot a great white along the Orange Coast. "Hell, we've got blue sharks, leopard sharks, hammerheads and an occasional mako shark. They're out there, and the white is around too." But, he says, when one considers the man-hours spent in the water in Southern California over a year's time, "the risk of shark attack is minimal." If that still doen't convince you that it's safe to go in the water again, Stewart has one more bit of advice. ''Stay the hell out." ,HEROIN PROBED . • • .ttbe first two victims. • 1.The tests are beinR conducted ·•by UC Davis professor Gary •Henderson. who. Hart said. is ·~bnsidered an authority on •detecting minute traces of •riYt1thenc drugs, such as "Chma White." , ./ " Results on blood and urine •lselt\ples collected from the first l~l.Aro victims have been delayed due to repairs on some of fl.enderson's analytical :~\Upment, Hart said. W• Under scrutiny is the May 14 ~th of AJ&edo A. Ranu.rez. 18, 'Of Garden Grove; the June 6 •Heath of Adrian Martine2, 20, of '1S'Anta Ana, and the Monday '~ath of Israel Ybarra Garcia. 49. of Anaheun. Ramirez and Martinez became ill while tn their cells at the men's jail in Santa Ana; Garcia complained of nausea and weakness while In a courtroom holding cell. Both Ramirez and Martinez were taken to the UC Irvine Medlc&l Cent.er for treatment, Gard.a died at the jail medka.l facility. "We don't know what killed them. That's whnt we'll find out in the testing. We had an indication (of a synthetic drug) These other tests will either eliminate or confirm it," Hart said. Hart said despite searches many types of drugs sometime".> do find their way into the ja1i and are used by mmates. • • zoning nixed RunUnat.on Beach plannina commlulontni have rejected a City Cowdl requ•t to rezone abc mobile home puka ln &re4l8 IOned for other UM. The comml.Mlonera' unanlmoua action throW1 the dedaion blM:k to the City c.ouncl1 on whether to rezone the puka. A councll majority of 4-3 reque1ted lut April that plannlni commluloners tHOne the a.ix puka to ensure th.at the parka . would be protected by a proposed mobile home park conversion ordinance. ln rejecting the i-.queet latt week. the plannln1 commialonert argued that even without specific mobile home zoning, the 1ix park1 are e1tablilhed wies of the land and would be protected by the pending ordinance. The six parka are permitted U8eS of land vatiously zoned for homes, offices, commercial buildino. agricultural uaea and oU production aaJd Hal Simmons, city planning aide. The pending conversion ordinance is based on and expands state regulations by requiring that landlords give tenants a year's notice of eviction, pay for relocating the coaches, or buy the coaches If park •paces aren't available within 100 miles. ln Huntington Beach, there are 19 mobile home parka with more than 3,200 1paces, Simmons said. Councllwoman Ruth Bailey, a proponent of the rezoning, said she wa1 "surprised and disappointed" by the planning commisaionen' action But Jean Schumacher, planning commissioner. aaJd the goal of each board is the same, - to protect tenants from hasty evictions -although they ~ee on the need for a zoning change. City Council action on the rezoning is pending. A cold war on golf links GLEN COVE, N.Y. (AP) Despite warning:a from the State Department to 1top meddlinR Ul forellfn policy, Glen Cove officials have voted to keep denying Soviet diplomats who Ii ve here acceu to city golf COW'9e9, parka '1ld tennis courts. The ban was initiated in May after officials in this community of about 26,000 people on Long L.!and learned a 36-acre Sovtet ~state contained sophisticated electronics equipment used to monitor sens1t1ve rad io transmissions Low clouds return ~ OUler -tera from POlnl C9noeP!lon to Sant• Rose 111encs ., "6rthwwt wind• 12 to 22 '"'°" u ... II ol to 6 loot -South o4 · thn Ro•• 1111nd west to .C'.'Qf'thwwt wind• 6 to 1 s kr><>ll 'Oter Inn« _,.,.. Wind• ~ to eouthweet 10 to IS knot• A<Cternoon SouthMt swetta 2 to 3 '(eief Felt Temperatures MATIC* .. Lo NMr; 12 541 ~ 16 16 ~ «I 16 ... ...,,.. t2 n AllMO~ ., 12 ~ 100 11 llltlmcwe t2 1' ...... """" ... 12 ., to .. 10 8o.1on 11 ee Buffalo 7S 83 &JrllnQton eo 5t Chllrlaln SC 89 77 cnanatn wv 92 68 ~,,. 70 eo Chicago 88 69 Clnc:irinel I 88 11 ~d 91 71 Clrnt>la SC 93 73 Columl>UI 88 69 Olli-Fl Wlh 9S 78 Oeylon 88 10 ~ 7S 63 0.. Moines 62 73 Oelloit 83 69 OuMh 78 S3 El Puo 98 72 F"11rbank1 77 S6 Fergo 80 S8 ~ato0f'c1 W'-"J""•o Sf ... , , F•taH 16 ~ "'0 AA US Ocp• .... CO""-••c• Great Falls 94 : Fronts Cold ..,... Warm.,.., HertlOfd 88 Helen• 90 56 HonOlulu 88 73 8et"ltOllr 98 11 Houston 9ol 79 BNU<nonl 97 63 lndoapltt 83 72 BIO Beet 7S ol9 Jeck an 93 73 Bishop 91 6S Jeckanvlle 89 76 81y1he 102 13 Karoe City 92 12 Cataline 76 82 Kooxvllle 9t 7t c.,,..., Ctty 94 6" LU Vegu 94 73 Ellf9ke 63 S4 LIUle Rock 92 70 Freeno 100 69 LoulSVllle 90 ,.. Lake Arrowhelld 80 Sol Mernpl\19 93 80 LancUt• 91 71 Miami 88 83 Long 8Metl 90 88 Mllweull .. 70 6S ~"r 88 68 Mpb-St P 88 63 too 64 Nlllhvllle 9t 73 MonteballO 92 68 New Ot1Mt19 92 71 Ml Wlleon 79 63 New Yor1' 90 74 Heedlea 101 80 NorlOlk 92 75 Oak~ 87 55 Oki• City 98 73 Ontario 98 88 OmeN 80 10 Pelm Springe t04 74 Orlendo 89 75 Paeadena 92 68 PhllaMlphl• t2 73 Puo Roblee 97 57 Phoenix 101 eo Rlvwllde 95 65 ~t. 88 81 AadWood City 78 58 79 58 Sacnmento 92 55 Ptland, Or• 83 S9 Sallnu 65 47 Ptcwtdance 83 ea .., ..,.,... dlllO too 67 ~ 84 80 San Olbrtel 92 65 Richmond t2 75 Sen Diego 80 70 Salt I.aka 87 72 Sen Fratldeco &e 5t S•n Antonio " 74 Sen JoM 76 55 s..ttle u $5 8anU Ana 68 65 = 93 14 Sarlt• 8eft>ere 16 56 ., 64 Santa ONi 19 58 8t L.outa 8t 74 Santa Merte 70 54 StP·T~ 90 76 &em• Meno. " !52 Sl>C*•ne 96 57 Sfocllton t!5 !58 SyrecuN 7S 59 Teno. van.y 12 49 TOC*ta 8t ae Tlwmel 103 75 T~ 96 88 Tomince 83 63 TutN 98 15 YU1'1a 103 79 W eal'llngtn IM 79 ., ... All ~ 16 " .. Lo CALW°"*A ~loo 95 75 APf* v-.y N .. BerMdoe 96 79 ....... 104 n ler"1UCM 90 ,3 . Ii:"·· SURF REPORT 5'b -... ... ... . ........ .... ...... A• .... ..... Mt ..... Dir ZUrna 1 ' ta 1 a IW ..,, .. Monloe 2 ' t2 t 2 aw ~ 2 .. , • a a IW ... =-~ 4 ti t I w tot ........... ' Bogota 6" CU<ec.c> 8t G1.1adelovpe 88 KJngllon 90 Muatltn 92 Merida 95 Melllco City ' 77 NaaMu CANADA CalQ•'Y Edmonton Mont....i Regtoa TOfonlo vancou- Winnipeg Extended weather 92 ... 81 71 83 16 12 81 8t 45 79 13 77 73 75 51 72 Lo 5t 52 58 51 64 6t 82 Friday-Sunday: Patchy early morning low clou<n along the COHI OlherwlH fair. ~lgh• renglng 70 to 75 at bHChH 111roug11 eoa Inland V11119yt. I.OWi 68 to 68 Mountaltt .,_ vltlabte afternoon and evening olo11dt with 11olated thundertho-ra Otherwlea falf. ~ ....... hlgl'8 7S to 88. LOWS 52 to fa. Smog Wh•1• 10 nll (toll frff) for lel•I amog lnfonlo\etlon: Orange County: CIOOI 446-:IUt LOI AngelH County: (800) 242-4022 R~ and Sen a.m.tdlN> oounti.· (IOOl 3e7-4710 AQMO £pleode Center (IOO) 242-4eecl Tides TODAY leaond 111gt1 6 12 p,,.. I t TMUlllOA Y F1rwt 10W 12.to a.lft. 1 2 llrlt hWI • 42 a "' u leooncf' low f M7 a.m U 8eOolW lllgtl &.-00 P m. I.I lun ... ~ .. 7:17 '·"'~ ,.... Tflut'lde)'*:O, 1.1'1\. , Jlloorl ,._ .. ~ti P·"' . .... ~It , 4t a.in. JUST A LITTLE WHISTLE -Carrie Cohen is only 8 months, but boy can she whistle. Mom Darlene says Carrie will whistle at the slightest suggestion. And mom is embarrassed because "'Wl~o as a grown up she still has trouble whistling. That's happy dad, Dr. Louis Cohen, in background. 'Full power' due for Onofre Nuclear Unit II license may be granted today A tuli-power license to operate Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating S\at1on could be granted as e arly as today, according to Southern California Driver killed in collision with cycle A 20 -year-old Placentia woman was thrown from her car and killed in Irvine when a motorcyclist lost control of his bike and collided with her vehicle along lrvtne Boulevard west of Myford Road. The Californ1a Highway Patrol said the victim, Susan K . Hannan, was pronounced dead at Western Medic.al Cent.er in San ta Ana after the 7:45 pm. Tuesday accident. A CHP spokesman said Mohammed AJlam 'Abet lnlatif of lrvine was riding h1s motort'ycle westbound on Irvine Boulevard when he struck a dog and 106t control of his vehicle. His mo\orcycle skidded into the eastbound lane whe re 1t collided with Miss Harman's vehicle, which ran off the road Abet Ullatif was not injured. An mvesugat1on 1s conunumg Planes collide; two people killed MORGAN HILL. Cah.f. (AP) -The collision of two small planes over Morgan Hill sheared a wmg off one plane and caused a fiery crash that killed a student pilot and his IJlStructor, offioals said. But two people In the other craft landed safely. The damaged plane, a Cessna 192, slammed into a small, plowed field a few hundred feet behind a mobile home park about 7:30 p.m . Tuesday on the east side of this city 55 miles south of San Francisco, said Morgan Hill police Sgt. James Freeze. Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 Edison Company officials. And the l. l nulllon-kslowatt reactor could be pumping out power at full capacity as early as this fall, providing electncity {or 500,000 homes. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is meeting in Washington, D.C.. today on the issue of issuing a full -power llcense to Edison, which owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant three miles south of $an Clemente "lt is very possible the commis11on mi,,ht grant the hcense today, ' said David Barron, a spokesman for the utility company. Barron said an NRC staff recommendation for full -power li ce nsing 1s ''encouraging." The NRC meeting tails one day aft.er a U.S. District Court of Appeals JUdge turned down a request by opponents of the nuclear plant to halt low-power testing of Unit 2. Testing on the nuclear reactor began late Monday, and F.d1S0n officials say those tests will continue for a month to six week.a. H the full-power license is granted, Barron sa1d it would be early fall -probably late Sept.ember or early November - before engineers begin escalaung to higher levels of output. Opponents of the nuclear plant, including Friends of the Earth and Bill Carstens. a La Jolla resident, have appealed licensing of the twin nuclear reactors at San Onofre And while the merits of their appeal remain to be resolved, U.S. District Court of Appeals chief clerk Robert Bonner reJeCtf'd a stay sought by opponents to halt low-power tesung of the second umt . Upponents claim emergency evacuation /I ans are not adequate shoul an accident ooeut at the power plant. They al.so contend the plant 1s r>ot se1sm1caUy safe. An attorney f o r the e nvironment.al group saJd he will await the NRC's decision on his appeal to revoke the low-power license on Unit II. And, he says, he will return to court should the NRC grant a full-power license. Beach the place to heat su1nmer heat Beachgoers can expect th£ near-perfect sunning anc swunming weather to cont.muE along the Orange Coast through Thursday, National Weather Service forecaaters said. Weather conditions havE aetlled into a familiar summer groove, forecasters said, with daytime temperatures nsing to the low to mid· 70s along the coast and to the mid-80s in inland Orange C-oast. Officials of the South Coast Air Quality Management District said the coast will continue to be spared from the smoggy conditions prevalent elsewhere. GARDEN SALE • GARDENA ST ARTER KIT Now '5.99 lnclud•: Tap Connector HOM Connector HOM Connector Water·Stop System Adapter Reg. Prlo. '9.99 Offer Explree Wed., Aug 4, ltl2 Convert your screw-coupling• to the more convenient GARDENA system. just click on. Forget all thoM troubfel with jamming and leeklng water connections. ' KEEPING COOL -Trainer Harold Francis keeps cool during the current heat wave in Redwood City by taking a swim with Waldo, a nine-year-old water World-Africa USA. Sin • taxes stir controversy Tobacco lobbyists fail; liquor lobbyists win debate WASHINGTON (AP) - Around 1tate legislatures, tobacco and liquor taxes often are called lin taxes, which helps to explain why they are such inviting sources when governments need mofe revenue. Taxine people who smoke and drink can be an euy way out of a budget bind. In Congress, the terminology is more refined. At least it usually is. "I think we act like state legtslaton when we sit around here trying to find the easiest thing to tax in order to raise money," said Sen. David F. Duren~rger. R-Minn., as the Senate debated the $99 billion, three-year tax increase that now awaits Houae action. He noted that excise taxes, IUCh u thoee on ctgarettee, a.re among the revenue 1ourcea Prealdent Beagan envl1lon1 leaving to state and local governments as part of his prosram to ahif t IOl'.De federal programa to them. One of the th.ino that would be taxed more urufer the. Senate bill l• clgarette1, 16 centa • peck.age inateed of the 8 cents that hu been the federal take for 30 year• now. But rai1ing It wasn't easy. The cigarette tax, which la suppoeed to bring in an additional $5 billion over the three-year period, could have been the undoing of the whole bill. The tax bill paseed 50-4 7 after two tobecoo state senators who had said no on the first call of the roll switched their votes to Npport the big package of tax increaaefl. Without thoee revenals, the bill would have been r· 49-48, cigarette tax and So the tobacco industry Ls not at all pleased with Republican Sens. Je.e Helms and John F.ast of North Carolina. normally two of its leading allies. They are both conservatives, troubled by the big =et deficits the tax bill is sup to curb. They both had struggled to ~.the cigarette tax out of the But Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan., the Finance Committee chairman who guided the bill to approval, laid Helma had told him that if hil vote turned out to be essential for puaage, he'd go along. He did, and F.ut did, too. Horace Kornegay, chainnan of ORANGE COAST Niii AlllDIS The Tobacco Institute and a f o rmer North Carolina congressman, said their VQtes were a disappointment. There were suggestions from the tobacco lobby that the tax votes wouldn't play well w ith the voters back home. But Helms can point to the amendment he engineered to put a Sept. 30, l~. cutoff date on the increase -unlea Congress renews it. That was either an adroit compromlae or a piece of political w indow dreuing; nobody will know which for three years. Thtat didn't placate the industry, whoee lobbytsta ft8ure th.at once the tax i.s incre11ed it will stay that way. *** Liquor apparently was quicker to put ita Washington lobby on guard against an increue in the federal excite tax on alcoholic beverages. There waa no increaae in liquor taxes, which added to the rancor of the debate. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S .C., proposed an amendment that would have held the cigarette tax increase to 4 cents a pack, and made up the difference by increasing alcohol taxes. "Now somebody says that cigarette• cause cancer,'' said Thurmond. "Well, that la a matter to be gone into. But alcohol causes more diseases ... it ha1 c aused drunken driving, it has killed people, lt has done more harm to hwnanity than any other one thing I can think of." Hi1 amendment waa ruled out of order. *** 'Flat rate' tax declared unfair WASHINGTON (AP) - Junking the nation'• graduated income tax in favor of a "flat rate" tax would inevitably shlft a greater burden to middle-income families. a c;ongressional analyst said today. "While, in the abstract, the flat ra~ may "8ppeal to aome people as more fair, in practice it would redistribute a significant 1hare of the tax burden from upper- income to middle-income and possibly even low-income taxpayers," Joeeph J . Minarik of the Congressional Budget Office t o ld a Joint Economic subcommittee. The hearing was the fint held on the flat tax since the idea began gaining momentum lut year. The basil of the propoaal, which President Reagan has said he finds interesting, ia to have one income-tax rate applying to all taxpa_yera ~ reprd1em of income. The proposal usually la accompanied by a plan to eliminate mo1t, if not all, deduction•, exemption• and credits. Nonnan B,.Ture, who had a major role in developlna the Reagan adminiltratlon's economic program until he resigned fro,n the Trea1ury Department, cautioned against ovenelling anticipated benefits from a flat tax. But, overall, he added, "in the ~. there la great promille in a properly designed n.i.-rate tax system for affording a tax environment far more nearly neutral and therefore far lem repressive of economic efficiency th.an the one w~ now have." In working oui details of IUCh a system, Ture ad<kd, Congrem' fltat objective should be tax neutrality -providing equal tax treatment to sav:tng and spending -rather than taiinea. "lf for no other reMOn than we don't know what tax faimeel really is, It 1hould take a back tea\ to other criteria, principally neutrality, in the destan of a n.i.-rate, broad·t>Med tax,'' Ture said. Robert E. Hall and Alvin Rabuahka, economista with the Calif., who have leading the Hoover Inatitu~Stanford, ~ toward a flat , outlined their propoaal, whlc . would result in a aimple 12-Une tax fonn for individuals. A corporate tax return would be oompc za e ~ to 13 lines. 'n\elt plan WO individual and ...... ~v. .... Daily Pilat MAIN OFF1C! of ~9 percent. "Deaplte recent pro in KA1Y Sct.uttz *",,...._ ..... ~°'~ Tom Mur1)hlne ,..., ••HlrWY . ................ fCIM •• f<.n Godd9'd ........ oi-- =.:..~ Tom MoCann ............ ·~ ...... ........ : J30 WHC -.Y SC, C..U AIMM, CA Mell HclNta: ... '*• C•C. -... CA.._ CC111yr'9111 l"2 Or .... Coelt Pilbllllllfte ~. No news 1'°'1n, 11111•••41-. Hllorlel !Nltw« ... VtrtlM-11 lie,_... 11\0y lie r~ w....at apeci.t ~o1,.,.,..,.._, . Jawertnc rata, the American tax aystem rema1na a diaiJ'ace, ln dire need of tlmpliflcatlon and reform," 1aid Hall and &buahka. Every time Oonarem cbanp9 the tax law, they added, the 1y1tem get• more complicated . Their plan would allow a .$8,· 200 "peiwonal allow...:e'' for a married couple and •760 for MCb child. Thole ftplw would be subtracted from total income and the difference multiplied by 19 ~t to det.ermlne tax liability. We're Listening ••• What do )'OU like •bout the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below Md your mua~1e wUI be recorded transcrtbed 1nd delCvered to the appropriate editor. ' The same 2A·hour answertna service m•y be U1ed to record let· · ltra to the editor on any topk. Mailbox conlrtbuton mua' lricludt their Dame and t.elephoN number for v•rilkatlon. Ne> olrculatlon calls. pleue. Tell us what'• on your mind. ' Whalers get warning U.S. warns violators ·~ill lace sanctions a b WASHINGTON (AP) - Nationl that bunt whal• after a worldwide ban takes effect in 1 1986 likely wlll face ft1hln1 aanctlonl Impaled by the United Sta tee. Dr. John V. Byrne, U .S . COllllJli.toner to the International ~ Commt..lon, mued the wamin8 and 1tated contideN:e that alf natlon1 will respect the ban, even thou1h Japan and Norway have vowed to continue whaUng. "I believe. the whaling nations will honor the ban and will add their very 1ub1tantial contrlb\Uion to what can become a bright chapter in the history of conaervation," Byrne sald at • news conference. lf there ii a violation, he aafd, "it la very likely that sanction1 will be lmpoeed." He said the United States has laws to prohibit the importation of fish products from an offending nation and to reduce by at least ~O percent the allocation of fish which a country can take in U.S . waters. Japan could be barred from flahing in American waters, but similar retaliation against Norway would be Impossible, becauae Norwegians don't fish there. The commission voted In Brighton, England, on Friday to atop the commercial hunting of the world's dwindling whale population. giving nations until 1986 to adJult. The vote w• 2&-7, with the United Stai. vottna tor the bar). Japan and Norway N.ld they would refu.e to ablde by the commtuion'• rullnl becau.e It WU made with a lack Of full ld~ntiflc advice. Taseth~ with the Soviet Union, whtch al10 voted no, ~ey ta.kl! about 90 percent of the world'• whale catch. Others oppoaed were Brazil, Iceland, South Korea and Peru. Byrne said the diaeenten have 90 day1 In which to lodae objectiona. "I'm ture we will conUnue~ ne,odationa in the nut month•, to help the wh nations adjUtt and to maJlAlaln the lntelrlty of the con:utW•lll. Byrne N.ld. "The next 90 wtll be .. crudaJ u the list day.," he added. refenina to week'• Brilhton meettna. . : The comml11lon voteq1}0 review the ban in 1990. ,1 • Since the commfHlon wa1 formed in 1972, fewer whales have been taken each yPJ'tc! A decade ago, the catch wu 42,000 whales worldwide. Lut yeat1l4, 000 were taken and the·quotalor thil year ia about 12,000. .w , -! 'Wonder drug' eyelJ by UCLA, others DMSO to undergo tests for skin ailme t DURHAM, N.C. (AP) -A controversial chemical, regarded by aorne athletes and arthritis sufferers as a "wonder drug," is getting one of its f i rst comprehensive tests at Duke University and eight other U.S. centers. Dimethyl aulfoxide, widely uaed as an industrial aolvent, has gained a reputation a.a a pain reliever -a n:putation w · h the U .S . Food and Dr g Administration found to ha e little scientific jultlfica~Qn. Researchers at'Du e University's Center f r Cooperative Study of Rbewna Diseases will test DMSO u a w y to treat aclerodenna, a rheum. disease characterized y hardening of the akin and lam f joint mobility. "This will be the fir~ comprehensive scientific study see if DMSO ls really effecti for the treatment_ f scleroderma," said Dr. Ralph Snyderman, chief of Duf.'t's division of rheumatic and geMc diaeaaes. Duke will pool ita resulta 1lld1h those from Johns Hopkins Un i v er sit y • the Na ti ona 1 Institutes of Health , Q~e University of Alabama, \be University of Utah , ~he Univenity of Waahington, .lb~ University of California at• Loa Angeles, the University of New York and the UnivenllJ of Cincinnati. The work wae r'Rlf)e pomble by a five-year, $40QJ)90 grant from NIH. , 1, "The mast IUCCemful w..v' ~ find new ther,ple1 fo' ~ di.9eue9 ii through coo~ clinica," Snydennan aid. ' . nine la!"le center• wil l e 1tudying the same drugs at. same time, which means flttw therapies can be found rql,,\'Ch quic ker than if one cen~er worked alone." Only a limited num~ patients, admitted by ph · · referrals, will be studied at . The FDA ha.a IO far app DMSO for use by humalla~nly when applied by a doctor for a bladder condition, FDA offidals said Monday. Special ~ approval was required for )tfte NIH study. • U ....... o PARENTS OF ASTROTOT -America's first astronaut baby has been born to astronaut trainees Dr. Rhea Seddon Gibson and Robert "Hoot" Gibson. With the birth of ~aul Seddon Gibson at Clear Lake HORpital near the Johnson Space Center, Mrs. Gibson became the first of eight female astronauts to give birth. Scientists also will 1tu<J? a drug called methotttx.ate N a tr ea t men t of r he um a •o · a r t h r i t i s , a c o m rq~o inflammatory diaeue which." lead to the destructfon of .. , officials said. .. ' Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Certified Gt1'1Wlolli•t. AGS THE AQUAMARINE tbe marmer'• ta.Umaan Ever a1nce the ancient Greeks, Egyptian• and Romana dl1covered the value of the aquamarine, It bu been one of I the most ldml.rec1 of ~ Althou1h It ta hard•r than almolt all other ltOnel. ancient arUum mana&ed to carve cameo delip in aquamarine. Th1a pm la the apec:la1 taJ.iaman of aallon. Traditionally, It wu believed tha\ • -ao&na man who can1ed an aquamarine on hil voyaaie would be protected from ltonnl and other dan1er1. TboH auperatltlona have lon1 aince been for1otten, but the aquamarine ltill hll a special appml to men and wamen of the ML Ita color -wry clme to the color of a beautiful .. -la one reaeon for th• •PJM•l. Tlny amountl of I.ran c.unpound ,Sw the aquamarine thil IP8da1 tint. Thia blue beaut{ II wed ln""" peMantl• arid ~, and .. popular wtdl the mm • wtdl the_~ 1111 .m tlwn • • ll*la1 ~ to llll1cri. WbetW the llQUlmU'lnl Nalb' prcMc1a them u que1tlonable1 but lta t,._uiyia~ GREAT DIAMOND VALUES An engaitement ring is really quite an inveatment We invite 1101" to"" our ~ntirs sel«timt of fiM diam.on.da and mounti'lgt. We c.n Supply Alff 5ae Stono You Dwire I Donkey'S · owner fasts over slight at V~tican Workshops offered at Saddleback . Center fox arts ai~ed T9e Wells Fargo Fou.Qdation has pledged $12'5 .ooo toward con~tructlon of the $59 .million Orange '. Performing Ar1I ~in ea.ta Mesa. ~ foundation's gift., an"9unced Monday , bringl to more than $22 million the total ibutlona for truction and ·nd<9'1~t of the main 00<9e~t theatef' and a 1.000-eeat theattt built at Town att~vlnced thia hy cultural achl vement certainly mer ta the leadership sup rt of the business unity even in these mlc times," said F . Grundhofer. tive vice president ells Fargo Bank . . Fargo Foundation ff(llQWlrte!'ea in San G oundbreaking ia .::h uled to begin this fall. - The main theater will be one of thrtt in the 'nation offering symphony orchestra concert.a, opera, ballet and musical production.a. Sunk boosters eyed CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP) -A remote- con trol devi ce has started photographing the space shuttle's two solid rocket booster cuings, which sank in 3,500 feet of w ater during Columbia's last mission, oftidals said. At the same time, the Alr Force continued its iiearch for the nosecone of a Pershing ll m.iuile that exploded July 22 shortly after being launched on its first test flight. ERA speaker ilu.:.ger striker ERA Oranae County will meet Friday at 7:30 p .m . In the Beverly Savln11 and Loan. Newport A venue and Irvine Boulevard, Tustin. Zoe Ann Ananda. one ot the lf!Ven who fasted In l1llnoia. will ahare her experience with memben and auetl'· SPECIAL Jt1111, Jiit..,. J, Ifft L*t~5.H . I lllft 1 -atrlllllinld ......... .., .. """· .... ... ctlldal filll MMdrttlwl~tM ... ....,. "-*., t•..-:-..: ,-:. :. = ..,s.M. ---:d_ t 11118 I flCll Fleet apokHman Cmdr. Howard MaSHa II.id the Navy hu not picked a replacement fOC' Train, but lt hi.I ret!mnent ta accep~. a commander will have to be choeen eoon. How does Now stack up? At the bottom.. NOW/% mt; Tiie loloea tn tarqf flll IJrand& 7mg 5mg 4mg 4Qlg 4mg 3mg Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking ts Dangerous to Your Health. C-Ompetitive brand tar levelS reflect the lower of et1her fTC method or Dec. '8l FTC Report Saddlebeck Collep 1n Million ~e ii offertna worklhopl ln , wrlUnc, math and ttudy akilll or ltudenta ln pwles one throu1h 12. The pro1ram run• Monday throu1h Thunday from 8 a.m. to noon and 11 seared to make learnln1 fun, aald a colle1e 1pokesman. The 32 houn of instruction co.i SU per 1tudent. The next 1enlon1 are from Aug. 9 to Aua. 19. For further lntonnatlon, call 831-4519, or 10 to room 827 at the campua library. The Mi11lon Viejo campua ii at 28000 Marguerite Parkway. · SOFT PACK lOO's FILTER. MENTHOL: 2 mg. "tar". 0.2 mu. nicotine av. per cigarttla by FTC method. ; ' I L I I .. ~&~\ T reating jellyfish stings By PAT HOROWITZ °' .. ~ ......... NeM. 'qu·et.jet'= • • ~~w testing slated ~ DEAR PAT? I moved to C.Utonala a co•pl1 of 111•"• •J•· Someoae COid mt y .. cu 1et •tu& '7. Je1~tl1lll "'II• 1wlmmlq ID tlte oceu . lflb 1 \1ppea1 to me, wut 11loald I do? P.E., Co1ta Meta Jellyflah float on tht 1urfk'e of the water or wuh up onto beeiehee. Actu.ally, there'• more danaer on the aan<I than in the watet a1noe thelr •tlniini cella can remain active for weeka after a jellyflah hu been beached. Upon contact, a jellyfish diacharget lta atingera into the akin, injecting venom. Some atingin,rr cella that ru-ve not yet dl8ch'arged rMY 1tfck to the akin. Intenae, bu.min8 pain la lmrnediate. The injured area will appear u awollen raah marka, aometlmes purple. Painful breathlns, aweatlna. teartna. mental <;pnfuaion and an lncreued heart rate abo can occur. A jellyfish sting should be douted, with alcohol or ammonia u soon as possible in order to inactivate the venom. Tentacles still adhering to the akin should be removed carefully with a towel or other object. A meat tenderizer containing papain will help relieve the pain if sprinkled over the wound. In cue ot breathing difficulties or other severe symptoms, seek emergency medical help. L~ve bir d or parakeet ? DEAR PAT: My a unt gave me a parakeet for my birthday. I've beard that love birds are very 1lmllar to .parakeets, 10 bow can l 'be aure I bave a "real" parakeet? Alao, bow do you tell a male from a female? H.J., Fountain Valley Although both birds have feathers in shades of green, yellow or white, It's easy t.o decide which ii which. Parakeets have slender bodies with long, pointed tails, while lovebirds are stocky with short, rounded tail& Both have thick, hooked beaq and strong grasping feet wlth two toes in front and two behind. Their beaks are Wied as a "third foot" for climbing. On the female parakeet. the flesh above the beak (called a cere) is usually brown. The male's cere ls blue. Sodium rule eyed DEAR READERS: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing that the sodium content of products be disclosed whenever full nutritional labeling appears. Such nutritional labeling is required when a processor adds nutrients to a product or makes nutritional claims about it, but it aJso is used on many other products voluntarily. About 40 percent of processed food labels now provide detailed nutritional labeling. Listing of any salt that has been added to food products continues to be mandatory on all food ingredient labels in descending order of predominance. The FDA 'a propoal defines maximum levela of 90dium content per ~ tbai can be contained in a product when certain cl.aims are made on a label. It defines the criteria for ,, • 1.&11 of th4t temw, •110d1um tr..1 11 • ._uced IOCliwn" and "moderat.ly low IOdlwn" on labela. The pronmal ~ti the UM ot the tenna "unllltedi" lfW!t:hout added Mitt' and "no aalt added" when no ult hu bten added durlna the procelliha ot the food and when the prodUct eubetftui. for another food th.at ii normally procewd wtth u1t. BodJwn content would have to be lilted when' theee ltenw are "*9d. It formallr.el J'DA'1 •Xilttrw policy of pennlttlnl rnanutacturera to declire ..rt or IOdlum content on labell without trtaertna the requtrement for tun nutritional 1aliellni The propmal alao provides for the lnclutlon of potallium content lnfonnadon in the nutrition label1ng format on a volwitaty bMia. Send eommenta by Aua. 17 to Doctceu Mana1ement Branch, J'DA, 5eoo Fithen Lane, Rockville, Md. 29~7. Along with the FDA, '\he National Instituts ot Health Md the U.S. Department of Agriculture have been con ductln1 an educational program to make comwnera more aware of the relationship between todlum and health. Food Industry organizations are taking part as well. The Food Markettna Inatitute, a food retailing trade a.oclation, has developed a brochure called "Sodium Senae," ln coo,peratJon with the FDA. It la free from the U.S. Ottice of Consumer Alfain, 1009 Premier Building,• Washington, D.C. 20201. The Salt Institute has published "StralJlht Talk About Salt." For copies, write t.o the rn.utute, 206 N. Washington St., Alexandria, Va. 22314, and send a stamped. self-addreaed envelope with your request. Several federal publications are available from the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, Colo. 81009: "The Sodium Content of Your Food (Dept. 132K -$2.25)'' and "Sodium -Th.ln.k About It (free)." How to wash out 'fish ' DEAR PAT: I llave a HW permanent presa bloue that ta.aa tile wont f!Uy odor. I didn't noUce ii ID tile atore, bat certabaly wu aware of W a problem wllea I wore it. b tbere any way to get rid of tbla odor? C.D., lnille Try washing the blOU8e with detergent and white vinegar or anunonia. This may help, but there's no sure way to aolve this problem. The odor ia caused by fonnaldehyde combining wlth other substances in the finish called amines. The fishy odor oocura when the residual substances are not completely washed out. U washing doesn't help, you may want to return the blouae to the store where it waa purchased. The retailer should be able to return it to the manufacturer for a refund if it cannot be worn becauae of the odor problem. • Got• probl~~ TMn write to P•& Horo.- wia. P•t wJJI cut red tape, pUlf16 the .,.-wen and llciJon you~ to eolvw In- .... equlU. ln ~'and buline-. Mall yout"qunt/wu to P•l Horowitz, At Your S.rvke, Orangr c.o..t DaJly Pilot. P.O. Box 1580, Costa mew, CA. 92626. CRITICAL -British Prime Minitter Margaret Thatcher says the "permissive society" bu been harmful to women. She says children's needs should take ptecedence over self-fulfillment. Judge faces recall vote Voters in San Diego likely will vote in November on whether to remove a judge convicted in Newpor t Beach last year of soliciting prostitutes. The trial had been moved to Newport because of pre-trial publicity. A recall drive aimed at ousting Superior Court Judse Louis Wenz.ell netted 52,222 atgn.atures, about 12,000 more th.an needed to have the issue placed on the ballot. Wenzell remained on the bench when a court of appee.l overturned the verdict on a technicality. The XV-15, an experimental aircraft some believe could provide the technolo1y for quietina t.he skies around no*9 impacted alrport1, wlll be ln Oranae Coun~ Aug. 6 tor a demonstration tUght. Barrlna any laat-mlnute performance problema durina teats next week ln the San Dleao area, the tilt-rotor aira'aft will 6e 1hown off at the Tustin Marine Corpa Alr Station. The XV-15 waa developed by the National Aeronautice and Space Aclminmration. It la one of two aircraft involved in noUle abatement studies. The other is the Quiet Short Haul Reeearch Aircraft, or QSRA, u it la known. Orange County government offidab, pa.rt.icularly Supervilor Thomas Riley, for several months have been trying to win approval from federal olllcials to demonstrate the two aircraft locally Local officials say the technology used i:n the atrcraft may be the key to solving noise problems surrounding John Wayne Airport. Any relief, however, would be a long way off, since both the XV-15 and the QSRA are Grapes r efused FRESNO (AP) -E.& J. Gallo and Christian Brothen wineries have notified grape growers they c» not intend to buy all-purpoee Tiiompeon grapes this ~n. ,.........._a. ,.,. .... ,_... -1'11 •I Et• ,,_,,_ -'"'*" ""4 I'•,.,., <• ,._.,, --. afMullc; t'fMllm. A Private School of Distinction Founded In 1942 13 reasons to go out to dinner: experlm,ntal aircraft not A!!'~ prodUC\iQn. 1u1fl John~. JJC'Qjecl d~.u for XV-15, •ld bOth mWtary 71 civU1an repreeenta~v• will permitted to watch -and_ ~iao to -the telt fllaht at the ~av bue. ~~ • "It'• a pretty quiet alrcrafii&up2 said Maaee. Wnoq He aafd lt. la ao quiet \hat notM1 nl moniton at the Monterey Airpor't "didn't even know we werfCI there" durinl a demonstratiQ9'1I!n fliaht one year ago. P.!?sb Several coun ty officia~ ~ traveled laat year to NASArfi ni Amel Relearch Center at Moff~A Field near Mountain View ~uld watch demonstration flighta ClbnJI both the XV-15 and the QSRNJ zitl Followina that trip. th~~ f o r m a 1 1 y r e q u e 1 t e 9£ lo demonstration fllghts be conduct.ed locally. l A w~H Mesa's mayor """' t9 J lo seek seat l ' Mayor Arlene Schafer hJP added her name t.o the lilt _pt. 1 ~didatea seeking a ae.at on tf.YI B Costa Mesa City Council. Ma. Schafer and ooundlwomap ~form.a Hertzog both have ~ T ~ for candidacy in the N~f i election. ' Planning Commiasioner LvJ.~n O::> Van Aken and attorney ~~a Wheeler also have taken ol/fl'O? ~pe~ ~MJ There are two open .eats 8lff the Costa Mesa council. The 1aW" ~ • day to file I.a Aug. 6. ~ f lK) ) .aR 1Jno::i 311&12 1e "fJ bi102 ~ '}0 (!. £ niwb oi22lm ~...--------1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New prices at Manager's Special Dinners · : IA 1 'liA 1:n&9e l a lo , JadJ ~ ~=:!.~::~are effective at Spiresnrvine arid SpiresiCosta Mesa : • Friday (3to10 p.m.l • : Monday(3tq1op.m.1 New York Steak $3.85 :· • % Fried Chicken $2.25 Combination • : ruesdav1Jto1op.m.1 Seafood Plate $3.55 : • Breaded Pork saturdavtlto1op.m.1 • : Tenderloin $2 85 Filat Mignon -$3.85 : • Liver & Onions $2~5 :Red Snapper : $2.55 • • • • w.dnesday (3 to 10 p.m.) Sunday (noon to 10 p.m.I • • Teriyaki Steak $3 20 Teriyaki Brochattaa • .. • • F·11et f C d $2.25 of Beef . i $3.35 :1 • ,!_,3~10,,.m°, · Roast Breast of Tu.i<ay $2.75 • : Top Sirloin Steak $3.35 (lnotudn~) .: : Breaded Vaal <Pure Vear P•tty>$2.25 ::::.':l":/',;':,."':l:::nw.~"'Allltl,pot•to : ·····················~··············· \ ">. Irvine 17901 MacArthur Blvd. '10th bn.uaJ .Jtf8tll 1,.ff3. mH .sta nWw \ Super Avenger"" JupHer Allen1•• Lander"' 22.97 t~'glce Computer Game Cartridges Fo scinot1ng and challenging space games for the family Commodore . VIC·20 Computer Video game and heme computer 1n one Features full-size computer l<evboord ex· pondat>le memory capability bu11t-1n BASIC computing language Plovs cor· tridge games also works with discs and cassettes V1c-20~. -'The Wonder Com outer of the 1980 s On sole at K mart· J ! AD PRICES PREVAIL: WED., JUL V 28th THAU SAT., AUG. 4th n~ Assorred styles 2 g 5 YOUR CHOICE! • "'· TABU LIPSTICK & GLOSS 1.50.~ ~~CARE NOM-SIUIGI NAIL ENAMEL REMOVER NAIL STARTER KIT llL 1.79 5.50 LIQUID 2 49 QUICK DRY ~ t1. ... • CUTICLE MASSAGE 2 99 CREAM ~ H . • C' /7 /J cylure CJ~ Nails f.ylure ' Nails . C HARLES OF THE RITZ Allordableelegance 3 99 NATURAL SPRAY ·••i. • Instant glamour tor 5':: yourl1nge4rt1ps 50 ~···· KTOf 10 • lntfn1 Colo1M 5 g g 1.71... • ALMAY COLOR-PLUS 1886 COLONIAL DAMES VITAMIN E LOTION Be good to your skin' MUSK HAND&BODY LOTION ' Wltll .......... ,,.., ••••.• by HOUBICANT V2 ~~l~E BONNE BELL MOISTURE LOTION For all·OVlf softness loi. '1.00 REFUND ••• o.. bJ 1 tten1 ot Your Cltoice (Mill In for RtfllM Direct tr ... Alnuy) fWTMU HTM.S AT AU SAMlll-OIUG llOIU. NAIL ENAMEL Assorted Shades.1. 3 7 BLUSH Captivating 2.67 MASCARA For the lush look 2.39 NUDIT HAIR REMOVER For the smoooothest looking skin. CREAM • . FOITIIE FACE 1&3.50 charges set 1 ~ I W ASHINOTON (AP) -AmerleaN Wied to •ndinl away for bW\dl• ol free aovemment ,P.&mphl•ta prObably wW have to awt dlging into \hel.f walleta. The Con1umer Informatlon Center la tentatively PlaMinC 10 lmpoM a tl fee on orden of two or more free bookleta, accordin1 to Acting J)lrector Tereea Null. • ClllBUMIR Introducing Th• 5075 Typ•wrlter System Orders for a lingle free booklet 1till would carry no charge, ahe aald, and the Umit of 20 no-eoet booklets woufd likely remaln ln effect. • The fee la not a charae for the publications, which would 1Ull be lilted u free, but a service charge for handllna the order. Such user fees have been encouraged by the Reqan adminlatratlon. &tabllahed 1n 1970, the Consumer Information Center collects public-interest publications from various government agencies and offers them to the public through a catalog pubhshed quarterly. It is located ln Pueblo, Colo. IBM9 a World l•t•lllt• combine to provide a almple Md lntxpenalve ayatem designed with the aec:retary In mind. By giving state of the art technology to the typist, repetitive typing, editing, flnal copy mlttak•, and atorage llmltatlo111 are problems of the past. And becauee we utlhze the software In the IBM Electronic Typewriter (model 50, 60, end 75) the system Is as easy to use as the typewriter Itself. The center ha.s distributed mllllons of booklets over the years, about half of them free, while others carry a charge. The new fee system would not affect booklets for which a charge ls already imposed. The system features an IBM Electronic Typewriter, a 5'/• Inch Floppy Dl1k Drive for unlimited permanent storage ._blllty, and a 25 llne visual display for eaay aearch and editing. There la even optional communications avallable. Beat of all the complete system Is only S.3001* Don't worry, If you presently have an IBM Electronic Typewriter It can be upgraded In 10 minutes tor $2950. • To place an order or for a free demonstration In your office, slmply call or write: The dedaion to impoee the fee, expected to begin next February, follows a detailed study on the effects of feet and how much income they could be ex pecU!d' to rahle. Ms. Nasif said a study this year indicated that imposing a $1 fee should result in net income to the center of between $348,000 and $423,000 per year, depending on volume. WORLD SATELLITE 3178 Pullman #105 Coet• M•••· Ca. 92828 714-556-()740 ·Prices Include 0.llvefY, ln1tallat1on. and Training OFFICIAL ATARI JACKET ••• WITH EVERY ATARI VIDEO l (!) COMPUTER SYSTEM Purchase an AT ARI Video Computer System during July and AT ARI will send you a free official jacket. Choose a great look- ing jacket in either blue or silver with the AT ARI emblem on the front. The jacket comes in sizes to fit your whole family . Just send us your original dated receipt, alo ng with the coupon avail- able from your retai ler. In return, we'll send you an official AT ARI jacket. What's more, you'll have the chance to purchase additional jacke ts at a special price of s24.95. * Remem ber this exclusive offer is only from AT AR I. So take a tri p to Sav-on . Then take ho me the fun of an ATARI Video Computer System. And ATARI will give you a free jacket. Just for the 24.95 "ASTEROIDS" .:-~-.~: 24.95 ' llHATI OllllCT •5 00 "'°" ATAflll 0 YOIMCOtTl g 95 AnSA AT AAt lllUTI • fun of it. •(Plus '2 00 tor sh1pp1no and handling.) ........... "~ .. a... ..... t/15112. ~ ATARr • Oout DAILY l'IL;OT /WedMttdl'J, Juty ... 1N I PIZZA HOME D~LIVERIES HAVECHANGEPA LOT ~ SINCE THE OLD DAYS ~ Qet the Pizza with Plzzaz 114 ADAMS AVt:. SUITE IOJ don't burn ~with edooa· • Coppertone® LOTION or DUK TANNING OIL 3 79 • oz. • u. super sliade® SUNBLOCIUNG LOTION TROPICAL BLEND ® DARK TANNING lotion or on • oz. 3.59 + + i i ' + i ' I + + + , + + '· ·' . t You cen buy • dowii comlor!.n JUlll abour ~"'11 but how de"" 11 compltrt'I Check rhot dlllerencw' rs! lhf qU4hry and rtw numbitr rs! v.ilw1twr rtw lldll"!I it ol ouncw ol rtw down hU guoronreed nor 10 i..~k lol rs! 1lw .rz11 ol rlw comforlwr Yll,,~ (It h la'llf •119U9h 'I !if' whetlwr you c1111 II"' propwrly -"--h o/ L-fllllrllJ f1$hl0n .tw<lfCOW. 1111 ,, .. qu. ty hw OUIOll' !(1(1\' cowr (tielclng) In • COiion Scudta Down' Comforters. Compare us! You won't 111141 • better comfortar buy anvwher•. / llRT POSTERS CALLA I by Brian Davia ALL POSTERS % OFF WITH ANY FRAME PURCHASED FROM OUR SELECTION • BATTLE-WEARY -Orange County firefighters rest up after battling blaze in an El Toro restaurant Monday night. It took 34 firefighters an hour to extinguish flames in •'tic of Tami's Restaurant ancf Lounge, 23694 Dllr ..... ,......, ....... ...., El Toro Road. Two-alarm tire ~used estima~ $4~.000 damage and ia under investigation, fire officials said. A security guard, Mary Ann Hall, 23, of El Toro, waa treated for smoke inhalaUon and released. COIOIA DIL llAI 2788 E, Cout H...,. 711-1323 UIVIAIUCI 1880 8 . Cout H...,. 417-3311 . La&ooa Art & Frame 497-5552 JSO N Coast Hwy .. l 8. '.\ IMocll HOrth ol Tt>e Coll119" Art & Frame Co. 141-3509 16182 Gotllard "S" HuntJnaton Buell ighway Ilse fee pushed , U .S . Secretary of ansportation Drew ewia h1ls told an ahelm audience he conttnue to puab for increase in federal ghway user fees to ovide additional 9fMS1Jll for mass transit jects. z The Reagan ad- iniatratlon Cabinet ember also used the occasion of the addrea before the Industrial 1:.eague of Orange County to announce a $1.62,264 grant to the Orange C.OUOty Transit Jlistrict . • Lewis said the Reagan admiaiatration remains ~tted to ''dedicating a penny of any highway ueer fees increue -an additional billion dollars a year -to public transit." The comment came as good news to county tnnaportation officials, who have been concerned about chances of winning federal funds for a propo.ed light rail tJ-a.n •"-1-ine-i i-n-k i-R a ~lm and Irvine. : Lewis said that he droposed this year a bOoat in the highway ti.er fee, now eq~ to fQW' cents per gallon of t"uel. He said cbnsideration of the ~opoaal was deferred becauee of other federal iDendirur priorities. ~"We have had very ~"hcouraging support from the constituent ~roupa I have talked Vljth, and the president alid the Cabinet coundl ~ve recommended that an increase in the hiJhway user fee be coftaldered again during the 1984 budget cycle," Lewis said. The highway Ulet fee has not been increaled in ~3 year~1 Lewis said. uonsuucaon ooeta in the Ame period have llicreued 300 percent, he ~ e The grant to the OCTC will be Wied for Cfkpanding a computer system that will make a Dial-A-Ride program abore efficient. Dtal-A- Ride ta a door-to-door ..-vice operated by the dtatrlct for persona hklng short detgbborhood tri.-, ., ~raduates Airman lit Clau Donna C. Baker, daughter of John C. and Patrlda S. Baker of 8709 La Playa Circle, Fountain Valley, AaduaClld tm:n the Air hce count for penona1 ftfalra 1peciall1t1 at iteelles-Afr Force Bue,· SAVEaoc SAVEll0° SAVE84c BUY 2aSAVE 46c IODll DISC 6000 CAllWOUTRr All !ht allllda.rd feallKH af the 400 camera plus apec:lal ctOSMC> Mttl119 and combination COvtf /handle. ~;&4;9§ •l'INllNI lalCI . -ULTREX AD PRICES PREVAIL. WED . JULY 28th THRU SAT. ;u LY 31st ·canon •i4%9f.H• BATH ENSEMBLES "SANTA-CRUZ" Solid Colors: velour-jacquard woven enltlllble. ::.2 i 2~98 ::i2i6.98 PAIOf 2 S •Ul... :i2i4 98 llO IUCS ll'UDY • SHELF & DRAWER PAPER For use in eabiriets & closets. Pure vinyl. adhesive·back. 13· x 25' or 18" x 18' 99~ .,.,.,,,;_ CORRECTOL LAU TM The woman's gentle laxative. :.mlJ9· "BEAUFORT" lush terry In usorttd colors. ~212.98 :i2i4.98 ::i2i&~98 "BRIGETTE" CharmlnQ flowM prlrtt for elegance and softness . "CLASSIC BOUQUET" Soft 6 abiorblnt to get you comfortably dry In • Jiffy. fACECL0111 1.99u tWeTOWIL 3.99u . UTITIIWIL 5.99u BED PILLOWS DU UNO DEBUTANTE Dltll£1WAllf Cryttal clear: spectany tempered for durability. 4 each of dinner plates. dessert plales. 8 oz cups. and saucers 9.99., •i4J§h9a DIAllMT SALAD SET Contains 1-9" ulad bowl & g.5• MrVlng bowls. Steak resistant glauware. Maintains skin softness. .... ·217 .98 119 1amU.SIZE 5.99 · =l:;toz.;ii~======n 4>iMW+• I .-1§§1·• CIUlmDUCa I !2W-... 7.99 Safe, fast wetoht loss. DEXATRIM •CIPIULll Fltl> YCD Ml 2 tickets w Anehelm Convention Center: Thursday, August 6 through Monday, August 18 Long Beech Arena: Wednesday, August 18 through Sunday, August 22 TICKETS available at Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Balley Circus locations and at au· Tlcketron outlets. For more circus Information. can (21S)ae.-tlll or (714) • 1152. SAVE&oe ~~ -, m :-... 1ci .--Aw _.,...__... ..... llOZ. ~-~· • '-----'---' l.ll:u,. CASIO MEN'S WATERSPORT WATCH =::·29.95 •iftl'·• CUllOl FINAL NET llAll ll'UY Assorted formulas •14J§fi+ CUllOL KINDNESS WAVE ll'T For body wave or hrm curl. •14¥df.H• DI. ICl9DlL 'I AIR PILLO INSOLES Solt. cuahlonlno comfort. AllUTE'S u-. 7 gc ~ 1.99 IPL Oranof Oout DAILY PILOT/WednMd1y, July 28, 1982 I 'nnere In t y•1 Clea1lfledal IT'S SYI Find your nam nd address In today olaeslfled sectlo then call MZ·R lxt. 272 to clalm y tickets. Winners ch day. so check th lasslfleds In the ... . . .. rf!1(11; J~ Unique Gifts For The Home! COME IN AND JOIN THE GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION ANO SIGN-UP FOR A GIFT TO BE GIVEN AWAY ON MONDAY, AUGUST 23. 1982 • CONSIOUATION TO DESIGNERS• .98 m11121 4.39 .__, .... 3 LT. :::-3 25 YOUI CllCMCll • u. Canadian Mist CANiDIAN WHl8KY Seagram's UVDCROWN IUNOIO WHl8KIY tr11r1w I MAYBELLINE • lllAT U. llAICW "'"' flll llJU .~ ... lftl'ICI : 1.79 .. VITAMIN 8-12 TAIUTS High Poteocy 100 •s. , ... 1.29 .. 1epg1 .• .... ' 1'ATUUL VEGITU&.l LAXATIVE "'"'-.... ::. ., POWDO Nllt&nl t9:t AM<dw ~ -1.49 HIBACHI ........ "4.99 l40L2 .49 Chrome plated cast Iron grills. 9 5 11~ .. Milwaukee IAVAlll Wlll FAlllC ..,1111 STACK CHAIR Whitt biked INlmel •IMI frame. ' 2 f2P-:: 3J8 17.95_ 'f'ft ATTENTION' DJl•U• 1111•- IUl.ll -WBI• ,._ ........................ .,.,,,, .• ....... DRANO DUllOPDD Won't hurt pipes. HEADS PROBE -~ Joseph A. Califano Jr :<l expressing regret OVeiJ the job ahead, ha"! been named to head) investigation o (l alleged sexual misconduct and'! cocaine use on CapitoT' Hill. • ,, Rabies • ,,, clinic •3 ll N slated J") lt) ol An anti -rabieV vaccination clinic tot dogs is scheduled Aug. ~ at the Orange Count Animal Shelter from ~ to 8:30 p.m. ~ It will be the last clinf • held in Orange Cou.n , this year. Dogs four months o~ age and olde r ar required by st.ate, count and city ordinances to~ vaccinated. There is a ~ fee. ..Ji The shelter is loca~ at 561 City Drive Soul}:\;. Orange. __ ff1 For information, ~ 634-7287. ri Piano offered rn tU .J Ji ;~ .') A piano class for~ citizens and other adul• who want a slow-~ learning approach Is offered this fall acD Saddleback College int Mission Viejo. l~ The class meets onlfl one day a week ancfi during the day. 8 The ci.a. covers musill reading, basic keyboaril> skllh and concentratett on the Improvement Qfr coordination and finger dexterity I said instructor Juanita Brightbill. °' For information. calf" 831-4747 or 831-4836. Class of 194 7~ q sets reunion ~ The Santa Ana WA School c1ua of 1947 ~ • hold lt• 35tb reuni~ Sept. 18 at Uie lUn1otJI Hotel in Newport Be9CIM For lnformaUon. Dick Klo ai S13-6 JUSTA REMINDER Our Huntington Harbour office is open Saturdays, 9 om -1 pm ond Weekdays, 9 om -6 pm NOTICI CW M'fl\JCAT10N "°" CHAHGe .. 0........., Of' AL.COHOUC ISWRAQI UC1NM ?.a.a To Wtlom n ~ c:onc.rn PIZZA PALACE. INC • ~ 10 the O.par1men1 of At<:oholic Be,,.rage Control for "4 1" ON SALE BEER & WINE (PV9 EAT Pl) to ... 8lcaflollc: be.-~ el 117 E 171'1 SI , eo.ta ...... CA. Publiahed Ora1109 Cout Dally l'tlo4.. .My 21. 1"2 3380-82 fltCTlnoul ....... U..HAT'lmNT Tiie foUowlng i>«aon 1a doing ~-CHllO'S WORLD PRE · SCHOOL. 2129 W Edinger. Santa Me. CA 92704. LOUISE PAGE EAGLESTON. 8212 Munater Drive, Huntington 8Mtch,CA~ nu. ~ la conducted by an ln0Mdu81 lOUiee P Eagleston Thia 1111-1 WU flle<I wllh In. County Clerll of Orange County on July 19, 1982. ,, ..... PtaJC NOTICE P\81.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI 9UllNIH '1CT1'TlOUI 8UllNIH NAME ITATWMIHT NAMI ITATIMINl T~ lotl<>w1ng pertons are Oolng The lollowlng perton• ara dOtl\g bUa•llftl aa bulintU 81 ROUND TABLE PIZZA 1110 MARKET SHAR[ 21112 Martin North Tusttn A,....ue Oran~ CA Sl<MI. Sui11 ISS. ifvlM C...lornta R•'f1i P1zn inc a Caltlorn11 112716 corpor111on. 2085 Tnur1n Sl<HI Dir~ EHiman, 2802 \/late Oflve B-2112 Co11a MeM. CA 92627 Newport BeKll, Ca111orn1a 92883 Tn1s business ,, coneluele<I t>y • Wiiiiam Jooa. ~28 10th 811"' cor00<11ion Hun11ng1on 8eac;tt, CaNtorn111 112648 Rays PtZJa Inc Ken MalhH 1078 Cherry Raymond E la6ev••• Avenue Long Beach Callfornl• Jr PrH 90802 Tn11 51a1emen1 waa toed with 11\iJ JatnM D MolM, Jr , 520 PaMO Countr Cle<~ 01 0••"99 Counl'f on O• Luna An1n11m California Jufy 6 1!192 '1807 F112'l'SI Thi1 bulll,_ II ce>nOYcllO O)' a •ETT• uc .. ow ENTE"P"llEI. general partnenn1p INC. JatnM 0 MOIM , Jr P.O. IOX '15'7 Tnlt statement WU llleO wlln ,,,. Santa Ana, CA 127'1·15'7 County Clerk of Orange County on •--•m1..-July 6, 1992 Put>lt51lld Orange Coast Dally F1127M PllOI """' 1 1~ 21 :11 1!1$2 Put>111n10 Orange COHI Dally 2976-82 PllOI. July 1 14. 21. 28, 1982 2934-82 1(-- ,)CTfTIOUS 8U8•U NAllft ITATW•NT Tha 1oe1ow1ng peraoi>a are doing bu81,_.U Ml.IC NO'OCE FlCTTTlOUl.,...U N.,_ IT A ftMl.NT The lollowln IMl"ton• ... doing buelneu .. DELANEY SASH & DOOR, INC 11100 Ollle11a Irvine CA Publlelled Orange CoHI Dally PtlOI July 21, 28. Aug 4, 11, 1992 3251-82 Pta.IC NOTtcE MURPHY S, 2424 Nor1h Grand Avenue, Santa Ana Calllornl• 92701 92714 WARMINGTON INTERIORS ANO DESIGN 11 Cal1lorn1a c:orpore110n. 17 100 011i.ua. 1n11ne. CA 92714 NOTICE OF TitUITH'I IALE T.S.No.na.5 ESCROW ENCOUNTERS. INC u duly ac>POlnteo T rualM under the IOllOWlnQ deacrlbed deed of tNlt WILL S1:LL AT PIJ8LIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 81DOER FOR C,t.SH (payable at time of .... Ill lawl\it mooey of the United Stat•) all rlglll. lltle and 1n1er•I con"9yed 10 and now held by II unOlr uld Deed of Truet In the properly b«.inatlac delerlbed TRUSTOR GEORGE E EMRICH and LUPE EMRICH. husband and .,,. BENEFICIARY. P,t.0 CHEN TEO tnd WHYE TZE TEO, lluabend end wife .. joint ,.,.,,,. Recorded Mey 15, 1980 • lnalr No 17047 In boolc 13808. pege 1939 of Ofllclal Record• in Iha office of the Recorder ot O..nge County: N1<1 6elO al 11'\191 deectlbea Iha IOllowlng propert-r That portion of Lot 36 of T rKt No. 8S3. u per Map recorOecl 1n Book 19, Page 42 ol Mla<*len.out Mape, In the office of the County Recorder of Orange County. Calllornla, OHcrlbed u follow• Pa•cal 2 •• anown on • map recorOecl 1n Boot! ea. Pagee 10 and 11 of Paroet Mapa, in the olflce or Iha County Recorder of ulO County YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 23. 1lla0 UNLESS YOO TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YO\JR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF VOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATU RE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOO, YOU SHOULD CONT,t.CT A LAWYER The property above deacflbed doea nol have a 11ree1 addreaa or c:ommon dHlgnallon Olrect1on1 aufflcienl lo tocate the prooerty may be 001alt!e<I by IUbmltting 8 .will«\ r~t wtthln ten Oay1 from the nrat publk:allon of thta notice to the benallctary. who1e name and addrHI la: Ceco Equity, 17220 Newnope, Sutt• 114, Fountain Valley, Cetlfornl• ,t.1ten11on Cal Wolf "(II a 11reet lddr .. or common dealgnatlon 11 ahown above. no warranty 11 g iven •• lo 111 complel-or c:orrecu-) .. The beneflclllry llnOer Mid Deed of Truer. by rM8on of • brMCll or default In the obligations MCUred thereby, heretofore execvled end delivered to the underalgned • wrlnen Oedaratton of Oefaill 8'ld Demand tor Sale, -"' wrttten no11oe of brMdl end of lllectlon to c:auM the undara1gned 10 Hll u ld property to Mtltty Mid obllgatlone, and lhtreafter th• undaralgneo ceuMd Mid notlOe of brMCh end of elec:tlon 10 be recorOecl Febfvary 24. 1982, M Ntf. No. 82~743 In book of Mid Oftlclll Recorda. Said uta wlll tie made, but without covenant or warranty, expr ... or Implied, rega-dtng title, po•••'Oft, or tne:Um~ 10 ~ the ramelnlng prtnclClll aum of Chi note(•) llCUted by Nici DMd of T ruat. with lniertlt u In Mid note pr~. td¥wlola. If ...,, under !he *""' Of Mid Deed of T ru.t, ..... cNI;. end ~ °' the Tl'Ultll end of the tNllt9 crellled by Miid Dee4 of Truat. Stld' Ula wttl be Mtd on TUeedtiy, ~ 3, 11112 at ~ p.m. 111 u. ~ A.,._,. •ntreoGe 10 ttl• Civic Center lulldtne, ~00 Eut Ct1apm11n Av.,,'", In 1M City of Ortnge, Clllfotnle. Al tl'lt time ol lht lnltl•I putlllodOn ol tNI notlot. "" tolll .,,.,.,,,. "'the ~ bllence Of Che ~ __.. wttwaa-. dHorU.ad d•ed ot truat and tatlm•t.ed -"· ••~. tnd ..,.,... .. 1100.-.00. To J ta 11'1• tM °'*"'10 !Md, 1Gll,. .. '1«> •1-4Mt. -a..: """t. ttta ~INOOUHTf!M INC. .... ff\INll, 9r" T.O. lllMCI CO .. :-.......... ,._... lecnllrY 0. Clly llcMMtd w-. REAL ESTATE COMPUTER SYSTEMS. INC , a C1llforn1a c:ocporallon. 4 Corporal• Plue. ~ BMctl. c.ittorn1a Thia bual,_ 19 conclue1ed by I corpora lion Aul &tat• CompuMr S)"91em• inc PaHlcil Mutpny. Prealdenl Thia 1111-1 .... llled wttll IN CounlY Clettl ot Orange County on July 18 1982 f1...0 Publlehed Orange Coast Detty Piiot. July 21. 21 Aug 4 11, 1982 '400e-82 NI.JC *>TIC£ NOTICe TO COWT1'ACT°"9 "etect No. 12 "" .... , SMle<I prQC>OMla wtll be rec:elYed at the office of Pltnt OperSllona • Clll~ol Plant Operation• Ill, Fair w Stat• Hoapttal. 2501 Har or Blvd., Coate Mau. CA 9262$, untll 2;00 p.m on Augul1 11. 11112, 81 wNof'I llfne lhey Wiii be publicly opened and read for perlonnlng -· .. Furnlah all labor mat1<lala, tOOll and equipment ,_., 10 "REPLACE DISHMACHINES" Remove exiatlng dlehwaelllng mac111 ... and nooda. t01al ol ""-( 15) machine• lnatall new low temperalure dlallmachln•• end connac1 to axtstlng 11tWlll• (water. etectrlc, end 11Mm u .__y) Connect new machl"" to exlatlng atalnlaal elMI counter. at varlou• ioc.ona al Fairview State Hoac>llal. In accordance with plane and ~tioo. lherafor Pralerenc:e wlll be granted to t>lddera properly approved •• "Small Bu•lneaa" In accordance with 8ec1lon 18118 ... Mq., Tiiie 2. Calll0tnla Admtnletrallv• Code ,t.ppllcallona tor pret.,ence mua1 be eubmllled 10 the Small Bull,_. Olltce. 1923 -14th StrHI. Sacramento. CA g5914, not i..a !hen llva (5) calender day• in advance OI bid opening <1a1e Thie preference •PPll•• lo pro)ecla wnere tha .. 11ma1eo pro)eel coat ··~· 115,000. Bid prOj)()Mla mu11 be eut>mltted lor Illa anllre work de1crlbed 1'-eln Oorilatlonl from pt-and apec:lflcatlon• """' not be oonlldered and ,,.;11 be c:auM for re)eellon1 ot bid• T,,. o.p8'1menl ha• the right to walw any lrf'8VUlatlty In • bid or 10 reject any or 811 bid• No bid wlM be ~e<I unteu 11 I• made on a 11andard form tumltlled by the Oeparlment and ta made In accordance with lh• "lnatruc:tlone to Blddara". Tll11 t>u-ts conducte<I by a c:orpo< ., IOI' Warmington lnterlO<a & Wm S Kretale, Seer Tiiis ""-' WU llle<I wnn Iha Count~ Clettl of Orange County on July 19. 1912 Ftntn KINO«l A ANORJlllC>tf Lawyen 4000 MeoMttw llvd. 10ttt ,,...... • 1000 N9WPOf'1 Beech CA 92660 Put>lllhed Orange Coast Dally Piiot. July 21. 28. Aug 4, 11, 1982 4008-82 NI.JC *>TIC£ NOTtCa ~ TitlJl'T'H'I IAU On Auguat 11. 1982 at tO:OO • m Shearaon/ American Expren &aow Company. tormerty known •• Southern Clll•• Eacrow Company U Trua1M. or$~ TruatM or &ibllt!IVllO Trul1M . of that certain Deed of T ruat executed by MIGllMI F Arenadorl and Patrtoe K Arenador1. nuat>end and wile. and recoceled Auoull 24, 1981 a lnetrument no. }9870 1n book 141112. page 303. or Ol11c1a1 Record• ol Orange County, Calllornia, and purauant to that c:e rtaln Nolle:• 01 Oalault and Bectton 10 Sell thereunder ,_Oecl April 6, 1982, M lnllr""*'t no 92-119481, In bOOlt . ~ , of Oftlc:lat Record• ol u ld County, will under and pur1u1nl to H id Deed of Tn.t•t ... at put>tlc ...ctlon ror caan, tewflll l'l'IOneY of Iha unit.a Sta• of Amarlea. al 1"9 North lror'1 entrance lo th• county c:ourthOUM, 100 CMo Center Df1va W•t. Santa Ana. Catlfornla, atl that right. utle and im.r-1 con~ to and now held tly II under Mid Deed of T "'*' 1n tn. Pl'OCl«tY 111ue1eo tn Uld County and Slate dMcttbed M LOI 517 of Tract 1712. 81 atiown on • map recorded In book 50, pagu 32 10 38 lnclu11ve of Mlacellaneoue Mapa record• of Orange County. Celltornla. Tiie 11ree1 llddr-or oltle< common Oellgnatlon of Ni<I propany 2020 Monrovt• ,..,.....,., Coate MMe. C,t. 112827 Name and add•••• of Iha belieflelay a1 wtlON r«jUM1 the Hie I• '*"II conduc:ted Shear.on/ American expr ... Mor1gage Corp., 1201 E Hlghlan<I Ava . San Bemardtno. CA g24()4 Direction• 10 the above property may be ot>talnld by requHllng ••m• In wrlllng lrom l1'le beneficiary within 10 <18'9 from the n,_t publklatlon ol 1hl1 notice Said .... will be mtde wit Pr~lw bldcler'8 mey examine and Ot>lalrl pltna, IP9dfleatlorla end b6d torma by c:etllng at or mtlllnQ 1 ,...,_, 10 the Offloe of the Chief of Plant Opera11on1 11 the abon edd<.... telephone number (714) MCWed l>Y Mid Deed ot T . to 11&1-5212 w11: se1,NC1 oo. '*" the t nv A payment bond, 81endard Form N ltmat.O coall, Hpen and 807 In the amount of fifty parwnt of edvancea ., the lime of the oontract pr1ce mull ac:compeny publJcltton of thta No every contract lnvolvtno an ••llmaled tru•••• le eJq>endtture In • ._ of 1.15.000 emoun1 ot 11,578 18. th• IUCCeHIUI bidder Wiii ~ et 11 75 peroent per f9ClUlrlO to D.'°"9 a contrKNr91 unpaid principal ti nc• from •1r••m•nt In th• lorm of a t-142 to NII. plue Ptt •• tendard Agreement, l"ocm 2" beneficiary h•••u •r may be wtltdl 9'111 be binding upon the euthortziad or to pay. If Slate OI C:elllornta only upon My, and 8"'f aoG ~ Cflllf0-11PPf'0¥111 by 1M 8'* YOU AM IN Ul T UHOfR A 11'1 -daftce wttfl iti. ~ DUO 01' TAUS ATEO AUGUST of 8ecrtlon 1710 of the IAbof COde, 17, 1181. UN SI YOU TAKE IM Oepanmant hU a.teertaln.O ACTION TO OTIEC:T YOU" IMC 1M ..,.., .. Pf9'1alling rat• of l'"°'(ATY, fT AY et SOU> AT A ,,.,.. ~bte In the oounty In PUil.iC IA ..._.. b worti 11 to be done .,. IXPlANA 01" TH! NA TUAI! lllOH ,., .. Hlebll•lled and OF THI , IDING AGAINST pul>lletled by ttle Dtr•ctor OI 'VOU, YOU MOULD ~ACT A lndu*tll ""81lone. Coplel ot ll'le LAW'VtA . -. ,.... .,.. on 111a 111 '"' omoa DATID utr 1. 1112 of the Chief of '1ent Ol*ltlOna. AlllerloM ,:11M99 9'ld ., the Depertment °' Developm•111a1 tervloea ~~~ llMdquerl .. o4'11ce. llt• lnapaollon wlll be lltld har'ow ~. • w~. Auguat 4, 1eu. 10:00 : A. •own ~m. ...___..~~ leflnnlnt at '1tnt Opetattona Aat111M1 Vloa .....,_,. QMoa. 1201 L .......,. A~ FA I" V 11 W 9 f AT I llrl ... , •• ..,,CA ~A&. ta404 VllW ~ (7t4} .... 7811 ,._.,.:;::: :,:::;: 8::..'1'.~ '"".::C. 9::.=1co ... DtllJ ~-.... ~~ CoMe Oeltr ...._,,., M, It, .. , .. ., .... Not, -Mt 11. 2.. Ila Noe. J4ilf 21, tt. AMI· 4, Ila 11tt.ll "CTITIOUI ltUllHIH NAMI ITATIMIHT Tna tollowlng pe1111n 1a doing t>ullnfll .. B08 8 MOlllL l I Of.tflUN C.AA S(RV1Cr 100(1 "oli11ee "I••' C1rcte f11Ulll•ir1 \11ll•y C' A HtO• fllOll{IH l OW rt I •wrr1n t04ll Salln .. Al••I I lrt la r '"111lal1• Valley CA 0110• Tn11 bu1111•H 11 111111h11 l•1t hy ••• int11v1du11I l\ollat I t 'lw"••y r1111 1111•me11t w•• hi..~ "'"" 11,,. CCl\tnly < '-•~ 111 I ltt11t11• I 111111tr "" July I IUftJ " ... " 1>ubll1h•11 0111111111 I 11111•1 ll111ly 1'1101 .Jul~ I 14 , I 0 111111 flilll" Ml.IC N011Cf ,.OTITI0\11 NAMllYA Th• toll11111ttn11 11•• •1111 1• 1ht11111 bu•ll~ .... PAC" 10 \llll~U I Ulll II Adam•, COlll Me.. 01' llfllflJ A OxlNt J AOOlll Oftll Pamon1. Cotti MM• llA •••• , I hit bUtl-la I IH\11\>Atto(f 11'1 ell 1n<11vld;.ltl "••-Jae.oh• Tn•• 11a19fll4H11 ,. .. 111ec1 wHH tne County Cterto. ot Orange County 1111 July 19. 19H ,, ... .,. Publl1hed Orange co .. t 01lly PllOI, July 2 t, H . Aug 4, I I, llU )~34·11 Pta.IC NOTICE UNITID ITATWI Dtl'T'MCT CCXMT CIJfTilA.l OttnttCT ~ CAL•ONllA PLAINT.,,: INIAlllON/ AMIRICAN IXl'Mll INC. DI FINO ANTI:< "ONAlO I . MoCU"TAIN e"d QINl'lllVI Oel\ITTR" CA•NO ... ,._AAH .~ TO THE A80\lf .NAMEO 0£FEHO.UITS You -tlateby IUn'lm0'1d and required 10 -upon R08ERl' H LOGAN, of KEESAL. YOUNG & LOGAN . A Prof111ton a l Corporation -plalntllf'a anomey wllOM eocsr-... Pier F • 8ar1h 203. P 0 Sox 1730. Long 9Mc:tl, C1lllorn1a ll0801-1730. Telephone (213) 43&.-905t an •n-10 the complalnt which 11 herewith --..cs upon you within 20 daya aller MfYIC8 of 11118 aurnmc>f\I uPOfl you, axciu.v. of the day of ~ ti you 1111 10 do ao, Judgment by delautt wtlt tie taken aoa1n11 you tor the 111111 oemanOeO In 1111 cornpt11nt Oate<I Ap<U 16, 1982 Edward M Krttzmen Clertl Sandra Bullet Oec>uty Cterll Put>111ned Orang• COHI Diiiy PtlOt. July 28. Aug 4, 11, Ill, 1982 3387-82 P\B.IC NOTIC£ NOT'ICl Of TM.11~'1 IALll On August 4, 1982 al 10 00 • m SHEARSONIAMERIC,t.N ESCROW COMPANY formerly known H Southe<n c11... Etcrow Company u TrustN. or SUGCeMOr TrullN or Sub11t1utad Truatee. of that cwteln OeeCI ol T ruat executed by ROBERT ROCK • memed man H 1111 tole and 1epara11 properly, and recorded May 22 1g9 1 •• 1n11rum1n1 no 30207. in t>ook 1408!1 peg• 931. or Oll1c1a1 Records of Orange County C111torn1a, and pureuan\ to that certain Nollc:e of Default an Ellcllon lo Sell thereunder record Marctl 25. 1982 as ln1lrvment 92-102333 ol olftelal Record f 1a1d County wlll under Cl pur1Uan1 10 Mid OeeCI of T Mii at put>ltc auction for CUii, money of 1he Unlled St •• of Amarlc;a, al Iha Nori front entrance to the COIJnly llouM, 700 Clvlc Cent., Ofl\'9 I, Santa Ana, Cafffomla, alt rh N . tltle ano 1111-1 con~ and now held by 11 under said I ol Trval In 111e properly •II tad In H id County and State lbed •· Lot 10 of Tract t 2, In the city of Costa Meat. as Ofl e map recorded In . Pagea 32 to 36 lnclutlve of l8f'l9IOU• Mape. 1n tile office of County Recorder ol said Or n1Y Except 1 elrom all 911. gH m1nera11 °''* nydrocatbon•. below 11 h OI 500 feet, without the rlgll I 1urlaca entry, •• reS«Yed tnetrumenta of record Tiie Sir aelelr"' of Mid prooerty 11 10• Federal Av•~• Coal• M..., lornla 112827 N e and add•••• ol Iha ban iary al wtloN requell tne ul la being conducted City J' aral Saving• 9 Loan c;/o s araon/Am111can Expr111 gage Corp , 120 t E Hlghlend e.. San Bernardino. Calffornla 2404 Direction• to the •bo~ property may ba obtained by raque1llng MIM In IWltlng from the beneficiary wltlr1n 10 day• from th• 11re1 publlcltton of thl1 notice. Said 11119 wOI be mtOe without covanenl warranty. 1111preH or lmplle<I. N to title, pon1111011 or enc:umbranoea 10 Mltllfy Iha unpelCI bal.-due on Iha. note or notae MC:\lrlO l>Y Mid Dead of T rutt, lo wit: 1a1.~.oo. p11>1 '"• following Hllmatad coat•. HP•n .. • and ad\lanciea tt the lime of Iha lnit.ltl publlGatlOn of Chit Nolie. of s-. .. umatad truttff'• leff 111 lh• arnoutll of 193-4.90, plUI lnter .. t II 17.75 percent per annum on the unpatcf t1111nc. from 12· l•I 1 to Hie, pkla tny tdvancH the banallot1ry hereundtt may ti• tutl!OriMd or otlllQatecl to oev. tt •ny end arrr 110CNec1 i.i. cti.roea. YOU AAI IN DEFAUlT UNOIA A DEED Of TRUST DATlD MAY 14, 1N1. UHLEU YOO TAKI! ACTION TO PAOTlCT YOU.. 'ROflfATV, IT MAY MIOLD AT A PUeUCIAll IF YOU NIO AN EX, LANA TION Of' THI NATUAI 01' THI P"'°°UOINO AOAIHIT YOO.:. YOU 8HOOlD COHT/.CT A lAWYe.A. Oatad June 29. 1"2 ....... ..,., .............. i .... c..,~ ........ ......,. ... ....-c ....... ...-. ............. --~,,_ 199 ............... ____ _ ... ~CA .. r:, .... ., ... ,ubUIMd Oi ~I• Co.t Oelty Plot. ll#t'f , 4, 21. n. 1Na "'41.q Ltt HanillltM h.u been named man.--of prlnl and brol&ut produetlon of E1tt)'·Hoonr MvtrtJ1la1 6 PubUc Rtlatle111, Newport BHch. ff1 had been with Wnldale, Carr & Baum. Spacellak Ltd. of Newport BtlCh announced that tht txplredon ct.i. of ltl public warrant.I hu been extended to Jtb. 11 , 1984. In connection wl\h ltl Au1u1t 1981 pubJk offerina of Cl111 A common 1toc:k, th• company lllued warrantl to pu.rchue l .& mlllton 1harel of Clue A 4'0mmon tttock at an 1xerd1t pr~ of $1.20 per~. Th• warrant.I were due to Hplre Aus. 11. 1983 Except for the 1xttnalon of the explrauon date, th terrN of the wan-anti remain unchanaed. Mayor Arleta Soll1fftr of Coe\¥ Meea ¥f David Bl1akeaborn, chltf executive off~cer. f CommerceBank, took part In • "topplna f " ceremony for Commtro1811ll&'1 South 11t realonal office. 1'hJJ wW bt tho fl""t lcx·ally· ned lndtpendent bualnnl benk In tho South µ>aat Town Center, the benk uya. · I The 8. 700-iquare foot lntorlor \f 11 bt completed In Hrly Octobor 1rnd th~nk 11 ll'hedulod to open In Novembflr The al•• and aand1tQne bulldlni WN 11ncd by th., an.•hlt.e<'t firm Floll.tr 6 Ruma1. T builder I• tht R.C. Elllon, Corp. lto•lln11 tht retemony w.,. HtDr)' 1Centrom, tl .. veile>per of \hfl L'9tlt.el'. l':dwud A. Sau.den hu bcren $xecutive •tt dlr«'tor for P'ort)'tltt Adv1rtl11111 c., N•wport I IC'h adv•r\h1ln1 11..ncy. Jif' wu rly with Uott•ll & Jl.'t'ttlM, N•Wf)Utt R.ach Roberl A. ltlnt of <.:c.irona doJ/.1tu h .. been IWt I vie prt1ldtnt and chief fl~lal officer and .. 1.,1•htcS to th• board CJf dlnr~r1 of ColllDI lhvelopmtDI Co., San Dle(l ~tlnft wae vice r.n tdont In t'h1r111 ol devc-lop ;t and acqulliuon 1 Or•nM• and t<()I Ana•lN n\.11 ... He formtirly WI• with C 1ldwtll S.nkt"r vl<.-e prnidcnt In 1•h•tM" of r.,•I 011tat.e flnam't' r Oran1e County. Stone Mill Business Par our Professional Flonst ,'9 15 Red Hill Avenue A 108 Cos1a Me68 641 -0810 / Coon Dlltrlb•UDI Couipany, Tu1tln has promo~ Sal D'Aaoatlao of Ltke Fo~t to vtce president and 1eneral manasar He had a pa.rtnenhlp ln Gino'a. • Garden Grove ~ura.n~ five yean prior to working for Coort. ORB of Newport ~ach la a company headed by Manny Ordax, princtpal of Betman Comtruc:tlon; Frank Rowe, president of tho buainaa conaulting company that bean h1a name, and Hui Baumun, founder and operator of Baumann Enafneerlng The flrm handles ORS 8y1tema, techniques uainC wet shotcrete CONtruction method.I 'Chicago' eatery planned in Viejo Adrienne Turbow and Dane Petchul, both of lrvme. plan to open • restaurant cal.led "Chicago Chlcaao" In Miu1on V1eJ0 and uae a Windy City moUf. They will 1pUt their time in August between the rettaurant location. 14000 Alicia Parkway. and Chica.ao. where thf'y wlll work with consultant Keith Hudon, who o wns several Ch1ca10 reetaurant.. Turbow. a former achoolt.eacher, and Petchul. director of t.ennl.e at the Irvine Racquet Club. will offer ptua and l\ahan beef undwic::hes at the ""taurant. An October opening le planned No Money lequlred To S tar I Any Non ·Jud1c1a1 Poreclo•ure BENEFACT ~rofeaelon•I Tru1t .. hrvlcea (714) 155-3711 Uttl •• .., 0-Q P<1 n. l'• ,. . I) 17 ) .... 1 ..... ,, ... 1 • ,. ... ..... )I' 1 .... .... ,, ..... 10 )ij I' \ .. . " ,. , ... lJ \ .. I.Al ' Uo II' • \)0 "" P..Ue>''' .. UO 10 I .... JC: 10' I iJO ~ 1 't lJO ' 9 .,., , . I VO •I '• uo •• 1 . Vo • ' ' VO S 9 1 .. Vo If Uo 11 Uo s. 1 Uo S • 1 \JD S I '• )0 s \ l Jt \ ) ) 1 •)l, , 1 Jo •fl • Uo f' '• •Jo I IJ~ VD vc " • . \ ' I . \ NASDAQ SUMMARY ) ~ I l 1 • 0'~. ooi<'.1 1 ()H f1 I f)t, I 1 t Ott 10 I MUTUAL FUND NEW \'OAK tAl>1 ~\I •<••w °"" ~If ~~~ "'r.JllHI As~ N~~ MC~ UT ~ '1 Cl.. ' • ... ....., ,., II)() ,~ ,.... • ' e .,.,EJ 11•J>O ''· ""' ,,... I IJ 0()0 J) II • )p('ICO tU l)O '"' 1••, 41111.C l«J)I) IJ 1 I) ... \cfw~,.-, ~ iJ"O 'r • 11 , "'~"' •lo m JO.. 11 • M c.,,z 1)00 .,., 1 Meot<C •JO 10f' 1' • 1» .. ))6 \16 1 •JO )~ "' II n 111 IOO '°" "• ~·. •• ... ,. • u. I• I• • P • 11-. '\ .. .. 11 71!. • ' . I jl~ ... 1 • 1 . l)H ~) "'t ()II I b ()'t I ) ~ OH 10 I • °'' '> • I ()<I • 9 ' ()t, • 1 P -. OH ,. I> t • ()tt •• t ()H ~. .. Ott • l ' ()<• • 1 , ()t• •O ... ()<I • 0 ,, • Of' I> 0 H. OH '. • Ott ~ t ... OH S8 .. ()II ) r .. O'• s. • OH \. , . .. . --........ NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTION tUOUTIOf .. lllCl.l,IOl tUOUO• , ....... '"'· ......... '""IC,, ••• •on••· DHHIT .... (01(11111&" '~ DCMAltHt 41t0 lllf"O•UO n '"' ltAH 4.,11 .. JTINtT .. s All I\ Treasury bills tumble again SACRAMENTO (AP) -Short-~nn Treuury eecurhin ytelda dropped for the fourth 1trai1ht week. falling to the lowMt level in more th.an seven month.a. About $5.~ biWon lh aix-month T -bil.la wtte auctioned Monday at an average d11COunt rate of 11 378 percent, down Crom the 11.441 percent of 1-t Monday. The government a18u sold about $5.5 billion ln three-month bW. at an average rate of 10.599 percent. down from 11 14 percent. Newport I irm 's earnings off Smith International Inc. of Newport Beach reports a decUne ln second-quart.er operating results. Both earnings and revenues lor the first six month& showed improvement. Net mrome for the quarter ended June 30 waa $25,107,000, or $1.10 per share, down 19 percent from the $30"938,000, or $1.35, earned in the like pericxi of 1981. Net income for the six months was $60,847,000, or $2 66, which was an increase over the $55,491,000, or $2.42, earned in the first six months of 1981. Downey tells earnings Downey Savings & Loan Association, based in Costa Mesa, reported today net earnings of $54,000, or 1 cent per share, for the three months ended June 30. This compares to the year-earlier period ol a loa of $3,844,000, or 8J cents a share. For the hrst si,x months, net earnings amounted to $155,000 or 3 cents, and represent a turnaround from the prior year's first-half loss of $8,223,000, or $1.74 a share Firm names president Western Digital Corp. of Irvine announced I.hat Roger W Johnson, former president of Burroughs Office Systems Group, has been named president and chief operaung officer Terry N. Holdt has been promoted to e><ecutive vice president of components manufacturing. Joseph Saia, company founder, has also been named vice chauman of the board and aSSlStant to the chief execuuve o!ficer. Bala had been serving as actmg vice president of the components group. Acquisition announced Hadco Corp. of Salem, N.H.. announced the acquisition of Lamination Technology Inc. of Santa Ana, a General Automation of Anaheim subsidiary . AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YORI( (ollPI n.. •a11: .... no ''" -,,. 014• '"" (.ounl.-SID(I,) _.., W41<•enl• 11111 l\4JVf QC>nt up 1'-,,_ Ind -I .. mo.I lwl~ °" preen! o4 Cll-•-nllK\ t1I •Olumt for T-r. ~ '~f!',; ~:C~'1.:'c~n~:'a'r;1~t dfffeNnet ~Wfff\ the P'"""'°'" (ICKll'\Q bl<I Pf'U and T ,_ t !ell b4cl P"C9 ......... I MorYE"O , c..m.tt J Hi><llR\ • Go"1SL s Td1Mt 6 °"'11nv 'I 7 Mier l pl • Micro z • 0-.tt"" 10 Purctll 1t ... ,5'' 11 P.lctC IJ Bur« Ill I• Tt1an IS C.,.,....I J .. 0.1 .... 11 """tY" 1' t:.lo41r " Priet \at JO /llolr. Ill' ~er.=: ?i OGG Tt< ,,. O.""m ~ Fot-U\N u.-s l...AJ'.... .°':'. v:''so o •'• • Uo 1$ • •' • \19 Uo 11 • 71 t I UO " ' )1 • • 1 I lJO 1q 0 1 •\1' Up 19) IU ' UP •• 0 111 • .. Uo tS 0 1 '•Up UJ 1 • Up 14 ] •'• r Vo Ill 1•.. ' ,__. Up 11 S J!J) >JO Up 12 0 '"' 1'1 Up ti I '"" '• Up 10 I •'> • " Uo tOO S\o ' VII • S ''-• '-VII '' J •VII'' •.• ,Up., .... -.. Up ,. 1·~ • "· Up • l s \oUo ,, )''> '• Up 1 I lll> '• Uo I I DOWNS Lei O\o Pel 2\0 \, Ofl ,, • S'-I g' UI '" .. '"' ,... ''t I t1 I , •1. Off 11 .1 7 1~ Oft II I '''• ~ ~ 10 I ''" ·~ 10 s '"' '• tO S l'lo .. Oft 10 J J~. ·~ Oii 10 0 214' ·~ ()If 10 0 J14 '4 Off 10 0 ·:: 1~ S?!l :t M V. Oir •.1 1',., ·~ Off • 1 '" .,,, Ott • 1 1.. 14' OH I I 5"' .,., Oii • ' ~ .,,, Oft l.J ·~ ·~ g:: u S\00 -ll't Oii I 0 111\ 14 Off • 0 GOLD COINS M!W YOM (,t,P) -PftOM "t• Monday Of gold ooln-. ~ wllh F~e ~ "'-*''...., t troy oa., 1312.11, on IUO .:rt-..... 1 troy ot.. 1372.25, on ................ u lfO'(OI., .,..,,,.,, •ottaM> I ~ -°"""' .tl02 troy QL, .-=..~~ DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID ~ew YORI( 1.API Juj ,, llO#encOO OKt•r>td ~~ TOUI IW\W'\ ... "'"'' ,_. .. lo-M 1-.,. l>O "" 6S 14'• ti ,, NEW Y0Rt( U•PI Jul '1 ..,.,_., ..,,,....,~ T~I l'IWM ~IN n1'1"\ N!Pw IO'W\ METALS ·-try 7U m 1111 •• I• ...... ~*' 9S1 4oOO 11n 10 St ,,,. .. 0~Ts 710 111 tJ n NEW YOAK (APl -Spot not1l9'Tou. tnelol l)fte;a T-..,- Copper 7~-7~ centt • pound. US desllnalk>fl• lb I.Md 29-29 cents • Pound Zinc 31 ~o cen11 • poun<1 dellYafed Tin S6 0055 Metela WMIC coml)0911• Aluml'""" 7&-77 cenll e poun<I. NY Mercury $370 00 per Nask ll'tatlnum S298 00 troy oz N Y SILVER Hendy ' Human. S7 305 per Hoy OU~ GOLD OUOTATIOHS ., The ·-i.ted ,.,... Select.C world QOld P<ICet T~llY London: ft'IOrnlng nx1ng '351 50, on so 75 LOftdon: atlemoon ftxlng 1351 25, off $100 '9rte: •htm00n fixing $3-49 82, oft ,5 77. Frllflllhlrtl '352 59, off M 42 ~ Lart n111ng: 1350.75, of'I a1 oo bid. $351 50 aeked "4lftdJ a ...,_ only dally quott $351 25. off $1.00. l"flll'W* only dally quot• l•brlceled 13eu1, on no&. SYMBOLS O·-~tfly tow. u-New ....,..,, 11191' Utllffa 01~ noted. ••t• OI ~ •r• 8MUlll 01111ut~11 b8MCI on llw int querto•I~ or Hml•an11u•I d•ct•rellon 5'>ecllll 0t e1trt clMOendt 0t paymen11 not dftl9n••ed It regular a<• ldentl~ In the lollOwtnQ toot not" •·AltO t•l•8 0/ .. tru 11-Annull rete 1*18 llOC-dl¥1deOO G·l1Qllld811f>9 dMd ... d o.c1erec1 or p.>d 1n OteCIC!tnO 12 monll\a •·OeciAUlcl or p•ld alt« ICOGk dMdend Ot tPMI up I P~d 1'111 )'Mr. ell~ omttled, deferred or no ec1ion t.i.en 11 \Mt dWidend .._tmg ll·DKIWOll « paid Wt .,_, an 8CCUITIUlall ... IMue !Miii ell~• ............ fl • ....,. .._ r..o.ci.,.c °' PelCI WI Pfecedllll Tll fftOf\1119 111ut atoell d"'1dend t•P81d In .,~ '" Pf"4Mllfl9 ·~ 1"0l\tlle ••tifMl-S ca111 ••lua on ••~ 0t ••-dlttribu110n d•'-•.f.•<dMden4• or ••·"911t1 y·E•-dMdetld Mid .... "' Ml '.,.,.. Ill 11111 'td.Ctlled Mf·wtlan «*ttilluled .,._.._ l .. ued •w Wttll we,,81111 aw·WllhOut -11\ll actl .. f:l~ISlftlMIOn ~.I tlllO TM PflCit Of e '1odi a. • m\lll;oia Of ptlf~ Mmlf!Ot.._...0 tl'f di'MJnO IN .. ,._. 1a•111011tll ..,ntnoa tlQl«e tnlo ID! Nie orlea ·: .. . . I ., .1 I ... •I'll olCl'I o~ .... •It .,. 11:> \ 11'1! .,. I 1 • •II lat 11A , ~, ll \ iLet electorate rule I • • tran~it tax is~ue Come Tueaday, a tou1h Cledllon la aotna to be fllCinl the Tranlponatlon Committee of the Ca.Ufomia Senate. And by all appearancea, the pivotal play~r as the committee conaiden a hllhlY debated Orange County transponatJon tax bill will be state Sen. John Seymour, R- Anaheim. Seymour was elected last $prlng to an unexpired term, making him the Senate's newest member. He was appointed a member of the Transportation Committee. Because Seymour la from Orange County, what he says about the transportation tax bill may well determine whether the &ill lives or dies. AB 3283 would permit an election to be held in which t>range County voters would decide whether to increase the sales tax to finance transportation projects. A 1 percent increaae in the sales tax would generate about $140 to $150 million per year for local transportation projects. By contrast, a one-cent-per- gallon increase in the motor fuels tax would only generate $10 million. The bill in its current form requiree that any Ales tax increue be approved by a two-thlrda vote of the electorate. The Oranae County Tran1portatlon Commluion, pointing to a recent Supreme Court declaton in a Lot Angeles case, want• the lnue decided by majority vote. That position hu drawn support from the Orange County Chamber of Commerce and the Orange County Transportation Coalition. The coalition counts among its members 10me of the county's largest employers. But does the bill have the support of Sen. Seymour? No one seems to know. His comments have been guarded, suggesting his mind may not be made up on the issue. We urge the aenator to support the bill, and support the co unty transportation commission's desire to ellminate the two-thirds voter approval clause. We think the transportation sales tax issue should be submitted to the county's voters. They are the ones who ultimately must live with the county's transportation system. They should be able to decide its fate. High cost of votes If the $809,740 Johnnie R. Crean spent winning the Republican nomination in the 43rd ~ongressional District is any indication, this 33-year-old wants to be a congressman real bad. Another indication of Crean's resolve ls the $592,500 he loaned himself to finance the inordinately high-cost campaign. Crean spent what is considered to be a record amount in winning the nomination over the 17 candidates who challenged him. The money was spent for television time, direct mail appeals to voters and fees for political consultants who directed C:s:ea.n to employ campaign tactics so 41lderhanded that even in defeet bis GOP opponents refused to close ranks and endorse their party's nominee. In fact, Crean wanted the nomination so badly he ended up spending about $59 for each and every one of the 13, 761 votes he received from Orange and San Diego county voters. Compare that with the $173, 578 spent by second-place finisher ~on Packard. Packard, who finished 92 votes behind Crean, spent a little more than $12 for each of the 13,699 votes he received. Just for the record, third- place finisher Bill McColl apent $379,281 and fourth-place finisher Deborah Szekely reported expenditures totaling $459,408. No matter how it's counted, a lot of people spent a lot of money in the 43rd district competing for the voters' attention. And no matter how it's figured, the guy who won the battle of the pocketbook is the guy who walked away with the nomination. It seema rather sad and highly dis1Uteful that the GOP primary in the 43rd dnltrict became one of dollars rather than one of ideas. Something went wrong in that primary and it wouldn't be surprising to learn thal it was too much money chasing too few votes. If Crean's high-apending ways can be correlated with the questionable campaign tactics employed during the primary contest -it makes an awfully convincing argument for political campaigns to be publicly financed. Tragedy on the highways In the early 1970s, 24 states lowered their minimum drinking age from 21 to 18 and aeveral more decided 19-year-olds should be permitted to buy and consume -.Icoholic beverages. The argument was that young people who are old enough to vote and to serve in the armed forces should be entitled to buy ~heir • own beer if they so desire. i But 15 states, including California, held to the 21-year minimum. Apparently they were tight. Before too long, the others were having some second thoughts. With alcohol-related traffic accidents involving teen-agers rising in startling fashion, aeveral reviaed their laws and railed the minimum drinking age again. In Micblgan, after the age was raised, ~hol-related accidents involving young driven dropped 31 percent. A study of eight other states that had rai8ed the legal drinldng age showed an average 28 percent reduction in fatal accidents involvlna driven between 18 and 21 yean of age. Now the National Transportation Safety Board has appealed to all the atatea to establish a minimum 21-year drinking age. The statistics are tragic. Of 25,000 people who died in alcohol- related traffic aoddenta lut year, more than one-third were between the ages of 16 and 24, and 3, 750 of the victims were between 16 and 19 years of age. Many of the accid~nts involving youthful drinkers result -in multiple fatalities and injuries, the Safety Board nota -aa for example, the drinkina teen-ager who drove a van loaded with 10 youna people around a crossing gate and into the path of a train, killing nine of the riden. Not without reaaon, the board calls the proliferation of these accidents a "national dlagrace." No doubt 90lne young people will always find a way to get their hands on liquor. But if maJdna tt more difficult can eave valuable young llvee. the warning should be heeded and the lAWI made uniform. I • • Opinions express.ct In the space abOve are those of the 011tv PllJ. O(her vl•ws ••· preutd on this page are tho• of their authors and artists. Rtaw tomment Is lnvlt· Jd, Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mes., C~ 92'26. Phone (714) .. 2·'321. ORANGE COAST . lllilJ Pilot B•rbara Kr.tile EdltorJaJ P-oe Editor BUt [XX'60NE IT. WATf~lN M~flf(TI~ i:oot.7 A new Sadat • ID Lebanon? WASHINGTON -One of the most significant developmenta in the Lebanese tragedy la the riae to International prominence· of Bashir G('mayel, 34-year-old commander of Lebanon'• .Christian military forces. American intelligence analyata think he may be a young Anwar Sadat arlain8 out of the ashes of the Lebaneae war. A charismaeic leader, gifted orator and patient negotiator, Gemayel la regarded as a firm believer in Western democracy, not a religious or political fanatic. His aaed father. Pierre. led the national movement that ousted the French in UM3 and still heada the polltical party of Lebanon'• Christian majority. NOW THE YOUNGER Gemayti I.a being touted as the next civilian president of Lebanon, and perhaps the one man who may brlna stability to the war-shattered, faction-tom country. HJI emergence as a political force I.a a cau.e of cautious optim1sm in U.S. fntelliaence circles. He ia seen u aolidly pro-Western: He waa educated at a Fttnch C.thollc college in Beirut and at Southern Methodl.at University in Texas. But, needless to say, Gemayel'a lmportance baa not been lost on the Kremlin. My intelligence aouroes tell me the Soviet Union haa been aec:retly courting Gemayel and the Christian forces for .everal mootha. In contrast. the U.S . State Department haa ignored several Informal approaches by Gemayel'• emi88aries aver the put year. Fortunately, the Kr~m.lln'• ardent c:owUhip of Gemayel haa ao far been rejected. "The Sovieta approached ua aeveral months a10 with offers of cultural exchanges and offers to build television and radio atatiana and train our people," a aouroe cloee to Gemayel OOti.flded. "But they a1ao had plans to establlah a KGB station in our area. We were not willing to permit thia." The LebaneM reluctance to give the KGB a toehold in their postwar situation Q -J.-1:.-•• -.-111-.-. -~ la underatandable: According to intelUpnce aources. the RUllianl had one of their strongest KGB poata, manned by some 300 people, in areas once controlled by the Palestine LlberaUon Organiuation and Syrian occupation troope. Painfully aware that their alliance with the PLO and the Syrian.a has not endeared them to the Lebanese, the Ru11ian1 are trying to regroup by suckins up to the presumed dominant forces in postwar Lebanon. My lntelllgence sources are betting they won't Suoceed. Actually, the United States ia lucky it doesn't share thia Lebaneee raentment over the Syriana. The idea of covertly mcouracln8 Syrian troopa to act u an occupation force to keep peace in Lebanon was apparently Henry Kiaeinger'a brainatonn. Kluinger had hoped that the Syriana would rein in the PLO. "The United States sent a special l em1aaary. who told us not to oppoee the Syriana," recalled a LebaneR offidal who was privy to the neeotlat:Sons. ''He Ila.Id the Syrians of 1976 were like the Marines of 1958." nu. was a reference to the U.S. Marines sent in by President EiMmhower u a warning to Eygptian President Gamal Abdel Na.er', who waa believed to be planning a military auack on Lebanon. THE DSSJNGER PLAN dkln't work out, of OOUJ"lte, Syrian troopa were unable to control the PLO ln Lebanon, and con.fined tbemaelves to occupation of their own choaen territory in the unhappy country. The Christian Lebane9e forces are alao resentful of their portrayal in thr American pre11 as "right-wing pbalangla1a" and "militia.." TI\ey claim the first label waa pinned on them by the . PLO, and as for the aeoond label, a .': Lebanese spokesman said: "How can , anyone describe the strongest and best organized political party in the region and our 40,000 -strong army as a 'militia'?" Gemayel ia equally ambivalent toward the Chri8'ttan forces~port from llrael He has stated pu · y that "to •ve Lebanon. I would cooperate with anybody." And one U.S. apert said of GemayeJ'1 relationship with the lsrael1s: "He won't kowtow to them. He's too mdependent." Americans love hating presidents "Who's the wonrt president the United States ever had?" "You mean recent or all time?" Thia was the beginning of a conversation I was in on at dinner the other night and you can Imagine where it went from there with 10 people at the table. "Reagan!" a woman I Jlve with screamed. "He's an idiot. Wont president in the whole hiltory of the country." "YOU'RE CRAZY," a friend ea.Id. "He's doing a good j:>b. He hasn't had a chance yet. He's got to clean up the mess Jimmy Caner left him." "Are we counting people like tn,-ea S. Grant and Andrew Johnaon, or just presidents we've known?" someone asked. "Just modem cf:!fta.'' the penon who atarted the on said. "Well. then." said a friend who takes himself aeriously aa a newspaper reader, "Lyndon Johnson waa undoubtedly the worst in modem times." "Jimmy Carter was riJUit up there with the wont," hia wife aaid. "My father always said Franklin Roo.evelt ls the one who ruined this country,'' the man on my right said. "He always said Rooeevtit was the worst president, euy." "Roc.rvelt waa a great president," ( llllY 11110 said the woman who hates Beapn every nlaht ln our botJR. 1 just eat there and listened. Some people low hating presidenta but I'm a aucker for them. I liked Eiamhower, Kennedy, Ford. and I even liked Jimmy Carter. I crttlcized them when they were in office but I buically liked them. U that makes you mad, maybe it'll help if I tell you that now rm even a little aoft on Ronald Reagan. I War, the strange unifier One of ,the most frightening aspects of the conflict between Argentina and Britaln was the ease and spe¢ with which patriotic feelinp were llI'OU8ed on both sides. People everywhere/roclaim their devotion to "peace," an their fear and min 01111 hatred of war -bu( within 48 houri the citizens of each countey ln the dilpute were behaving remarkably like one another. The voicea calJing for moderation and arbitration were few and dlm and almoat unantmoualy rejJcted by the hot-blooded pjU'tianl. Nearly a ce'l'\tury llO• Wd:U.Mn Jamee, the 1reat American paycholoalat, ueerted that mankind'• sr-•t need wu to ttnd a "moril equlv'1ent to war." In the nuclMt ap, thJa need la moN vtt&1 and uramt than e'Vtll' before. What he meant by th1a remark la that the lnstltuUoC\ ot war tendl '° eftlill man'• vtrtUM ln tb1t lll"Vtce of tu. ¥k:.-ilil.: War doea many ..,_._lhit..._ jMIOplj feel bett«. And -ad .T.&W. Ill~ lta ultimate rnuh l• alwa)'l•dHth and dettructlon and the rueful admission that It could have been averted in time. War unifies a people. It puts added purpose Into their Uves. It takes their mind.a oU perplexing penonal problems and makes them feel part of a cohesive collectivity. War provides employment for the jobleaa and excitement for the aimless. It makes the moat lnatgnificant citizen feel impC>rtant and mighty. War Is a apeclacle. while peace is merely a «Nldit.loo. Ii 1e>lldifin penonaJ relations. It makel ua feel "right'' and our enemies '"Wfe>lll •• , What he's trying to do is very ' interesting, and If it works, he'll be an American hero and one of the greatest S·denta of all time. (I did manage to m)'9elf to dialike Richard Nixon, ' bu e was an exception.) Reagan doesn't know what he's talking about half the time, he's appointed some terrible people to important positions and I violently oppme his stand on a lot of fmues., but I think he la pw"IUina a big idea. U he pulls it off. the historians ~ going to say: "He stuck to what he believed in no matter how touah the going got. He eliminated the Washington bureeucncy and re-atablllhed the work ethic in America whJch had 10 badly deteriontted as Americana became mare and more dependent on government. He put poor people back to work by improving buaineea and ettating jobe inat.ead ol leavinl them m welfare." U Reagan doesn't~ he could be everybody's choioe as "wont president .. in a few yean. If he breab down the whole government system for protecting the poor, the old, the unempk>yed anil the handicapped, and If the free enterprl!le system, whkh he bellews in, fails to take over, he will have been a monumentally bad leader. & rnucb aa Americana love hating their pftllident, they should all hope Reagan succeed&. I WISH PEOPLE were lela violent ln ' their opiniona of our pft!lidents. We haven't had a lot of teriible people 1n that office. We've had aome who IDllde mistakes and 10rDe who were Wl"OftC In their opinions aboui the OOUD.tl')f, l:iut we've had ~ f8 pre.aklenta ln all our history who wen what you CXJU1d CID bad people. ' When rm in a rocxn where people .... yellinC at teeh other *"--wflo tbe wont~t W. l'm~--'- 1 am a lf"t diaUker' ot many thlnp. but American pNllidentl .. not .. ot &hal. - 0.-, ..... ,.._-, CtwM 8tllrr LAGUNA RILLS , OBSTETRICS 6 GYNECOLOGY MEDICAL GROUP, INC. Dennie J. Martin, M.D. Barrie S. May, M.D. Jam11 !. Ramaey, M.D. Saddltback Valley Medical Center Suite 417 23961 Calle de. la Macdalena Lquna ff Uh, Calltomla 92663 We take pleasure in announcing the association of Dave E. David, M.D. in our practice limited to obstetrics, ~ecology, and infertility WE'IE MOVED Formerly of HAIR HUNTl!A8 * Terri Ferrell '*' Suaanna (Suzette} * Sandy Thompson * Craig McG/nnlty * Stephen To 21•t CENTURY HAIR 2411 •· COtNI Hwy. Coron• del ,,,.,, C•llfoml• l'ltoM For Appolnl,,,.nt: (114) ,.,,_.11 BEACHED BOAT -Lagunans, from left, cruising when they developed engine trouble.. Hours by appointment John Stanaland, Greg Cassidy and Peter They tried to put up sails but the lines fouled (714) 581 -6633 I Kreasig, attempt to pull boat ashore at and the craft ended up on the beach. Treasure Island, South Laguna. The trio were • t "" • ::::» ~Z I- "' . 1- · .i • O! c ,, I- "' , .. I c "' "' ·' "' ,,, z lADUS Mllf a 14ll GOlD! DIAMOlfDSt ,.ICIOUS STONIS' 'iHlS' ~: 80% SAU HOUIS DAILY 10·9 SAT. 10·6 SUN. 10·6 OUR LOii,,.-_ - YOUR GAIN THIS IS IT!! "One of the Most Magnificent Inventories Anywhere !" JIWILIY lllYllROIY PllCIS 50% -75% IUlmNG SAU STAln THUISDA' I JUL' 29TH 10 1QQa.m. 1 SHARP! IE HERE WE QUIT! WHfNTHE -DOORS OPEN 1411. CHAllG 16" 11" 20" "'o \\~~!1 oaa \0~~ 'flHA,S THE lOWfST ,llCf IN AMlllCA WE QUITI WE QUITI , WE QUITI STORE FOR SALEI MAIE Ff ERi STORE FOR SALEI MAKE OFFER I WE QUITI STORE FOR SALEI MAKE OFFER I t \ l ( ., AT ODDS -Caltran1 Director Adriana Gianturco has criticized the deletion of $140 million from the state's flve-year transit plan. Marine killed by 'dud' CAMP PENDLETON (AP) -An unexploded anti-tank round picked \ up from a firing range at the Camp Pendleton Marine Base detonated in the hands of a Marine corporal and killed him. military officials said. Corp. Victor M. Cisneros, 22, of Oceanside, was pa rt of a Marine detachment inspecting the firing range when the accident occurred Monday. said Gunnery Sgt. Tom Adams. a base spokesman. Adams said Cisneros picked up what he thought was a "dud," but the round exploded after he lifted it up. Cisneros died Monday night in Balboa Naval Hospital about five hours a fter being mortally wounded in the blast, Adams said. Cisneros, a Marine since October 1977, is survived by his wife, Elsie, and a son. According to Adams, lave ordnance is used extensively on the firing range to practice infantry company tactics. Adams said the explosion could have occurred any number of ways, but the exact cause of the blut won't be determined until military authorities co mplete their investigation. "We always preach· time and time again when a 'dud' round, as we call them, is found - don't mess with it," Adams said. "It doesn't have to necessarily hit anything io explode. Just movement, just picking It up and looking at it, ts enough to set it off." Monday's accident ia the second "dud" round explosion to hit Camp Pendleton in the past month and a half. Animal toys recalled WOONSOCKET, R.I. (AP) -R eli ance" Produc ts Corp. is voluntarily recalling about 390,000 Protecio "Hold Me Tite" toys because their handles allegedly lodged in the throats of two infants, The Providence Journal reports. People who own the I animal-shaped squeeze • toy ahould return them to retailers for a full refund or send them directly to Re liance Productl Corp. Nearly 400,000 of the toys have been 10ld for $1.97 each since 1974. They are designed as pink elephants, yellow bean and oranae liona. The Con1umer Products Safety Com- l'nlaion said two lnfanta choked or suffocated when the toy'• handle aIJ.eaecilY lodged in their throats. obstructina the airways. .. Transit bureau, Galtrans on collision course • • Ir JRl'T ADLU , mix depanment otfidall envllion that mu1t be rnolved at the ln lddJUon, the "°"* ttl1W Of'"IM Jilli 1111ee..... would lnttirate bu1 and rail h""11\1 ii not \hat much *hen Included in the plan wo11ld lt evtdence 11 nted4MI of CM 11rvtce wlth freewayt. vtew•d ln term• of the t4 excted 1cate revenu11 by tto ~loloPhJcal dll1ance 1tparaUr\I The C'l'C, on the other hand, II Olancureo, Caltrani dlrtctor, bUllon·plu1 pro~am titlnl mu.uon to tlOO mW1on. he Mid. th• 1tat1 Department of Intent OI'\ punulna 1 fat mo,. c.'Oftlldered, The don Tran1portatlon and the pra1maUc pro1ram of road pleedl Caltranl' pcetUon on tht Improvement Plan II a lve-)'MI' Seate law requlrtt hJ1hway California Tran1portatlon CONtnlctlon, a pl'Ollf&m member1 btraN• 1 oportar1 Uot hn •lmJll'C)'YemeC. TC . nTt ~Jana t capital lmprovement1 bud1ei oon1truotton pr0Jtct1 bt Comrnllllon, ll can bt found Jn bellevt llreldy hU been delayed t ij a t d e t a l } I a 11 I t a t e appor\loped tn tM l&ate with 80 the debete over the 1tat.'1 five-by Calqant tor fat too Jona. conftontaUon ii IChedultd Aua. trJNportatJon projecta planned pert't'l'\t slated tor the IOU1h to 40 C ... 7 billion TranlportaUon "'W4 ere e. throuah tht clOM of the 1987 percent for tht north, Bronte ~t Pl.an ChAI fe wee1ka aaoH. 1n1 dtact, k Olanturco btllev11 th• tuo 1, ........ , "........ Mid . .--·-··~· · rman van n era er m1Won 1n projletl deleied from ....,. ,,-.. While the t140 million to $200 chutiMd Caltram OftlciaJ.a for the plan bv C1'C membera will "What concema U1 la the trend "A. lt ltandl DOW the north Lt ~ atandinC between the two dtlayin1 road con1tructlon odevMtate'' alternative p1an1 tor lt aetl," uid BW Bronte, CaltraN' over-pro1rammed by t 138 .f 1overnment entltle1 char1ed projactl IUCh u tht Corona del ~ tranllt, btoycle pat.hi, re.t chJef apokeeman. "Their actions mtlllon while the 1outh l• with runnin1 the 1tate'1 Mar Freeway exten1lon . itopt and the conitructlon of leave their commitment In under -programmed by t48 cnnaportaUon l)'Stem may not be Hinderaker Lt 1 Corona del Mar partc-and-rtde facllltiel. q u e 1 t I o n t o b a 1 a n c e d million," he II.id. Ir •a t • the u n d er l Y lo I resident. She allO oppoHa the $200 tramportaUon." phlloaophical dUhrencea He conceded, followin1 hl1 m ii ll on worth of new Bronte aald c utback• o f These problem•. u well H between them probably are. ipeech at Coate Meu'a South oonetrucUon project.I the ere has alternative project.I wu eevere Glanturco'1 spedfic appeal of Caltrana la oommitied io ii.a Coaat Plaza Hotel, that the added io the pfan. The projects when compared io 92 percent of cert.a.In projects, must be "*>lved ... ___.bed '--the ted f hJ h before the ere adopt.I a final prosram, uca;11 u viaionary remar-were amona moat all expand exl1ttn1 ht1hway the plan budge or .tg way plan at It's AUJl. 27 meetiruz. by 1ome, of cleveloping a critical he has made about fadlit1•. construction. He said only 7.5 balanced transportation system to Caltrana. . Caltrana oftidall qulckly point percent of the money budgeted Bronte pointed out that the move Californian.I from one pt.ce Thia philoeophical warring la out, however, that the '140 in the five-year plan was slated disputed projects do not lmpacta io another. The tranaportatlon expected again when Adriana mllllon to t200 million difference for mass transit. Orange or Loe Angeles counties. QUALIC-RAf'T~ SHOE ~TORES South. Coast PJam fast looks! big choices! affordable prices! 24.99 to 28.99 ..MasterCard • Visa 20o/o OFF SPECIALS THRU SATURDAY! new tetrificsl little heels reg. 24.99 to 27.99 19.90 to 22.40 oorduroy & canvas niftiesl reg. 12.99 to 15.99 9.90 to 12.40 yoyr classic favorites! reg. 17.99 to 29.99 13.90 to 23.90 , All tennis & athletics, 200/o off • All vinyl handbags. 2°'o off • All l~wear~ any 3 prs. or more, 203 off ....~ .. .> ·- CAVALCADE COMICS TelEVISION REMEMBERING: Eons~· ~ in the dark ._.. it WM tndltion at i.,una ee.ch HiCh School that the jUnlor c1UI pUt on an annual carnival, with the uaua.l booths, pme. and penny pitchee, to ra1le funds. It wu always a big ntaht. one particular eeaaon, it fell to your correspondent, .. a member of the junior claaa, to gather coin-operated gamee that would be uaed to lure nickels out of unsuapecUng lower cl.ulmen. Lacking heavy ecruples, I hit upon the notion of borrowing the machines from Al Andenon, the noted entrepreneur of Balboa's famed Fun Zone. Al came through with several postcard machines at two- \ centa per play and a few Jll lllaPl!i9llliliai ~ hotshot pinball machines. THE FUN ZONE amwiementa were a great hit at the 1ehool ca.rnival until Broll.90n Buxton, the aupe.rintendent of achoola, cornered me during the festivities. He had a small fifth-grade boy in tow. Mr. Buxton held up one of the two-amt poetcard.s he'd confiacated from the lad. "Is this the kind of thing you're aelllng to young childrenr• he demanded to know. Okay, eo the lady pictured on the postcard was fairly naked. "Are you complaining," I asked the little kid. "No,'' Mr. Buxton roared. 111 am." I tried hard to point out to our school chief that the lady could pomlbly be wearing a fig leaf. But to no avail. My brief career as a pornography salesman for Al And~non'a Fun Zone had come to an abrupt demise. ALMOST EVERYBODY WHO has grown up around our coastal region has aome fond memories of Balboa's Fun Zone. Maybe they visited the little amuaement park out on Bly Fnmc ac cbe 1\m ?aw; • ..ur down ~ z..n. ... the Peninsula during the 19301 to chase away the Depremlon Blues. Maybe they met a sweetheart there while a aerviceman on pus during World War ll. Perhaps it was Bal Week during the 19509 or '60s. The Fun Zone, now showing a bit of ita aging around the edges, holds a whole lot of memories around its Ferrls Wheel, merry-go-round and in the arcades. IF YOU SEE FOLKS over 35 wandering around the Fun Zone today, their eyes a bit vacant and a trace of smile on their lips, you can just bet you're witne8si.ng a trip down Nartalgia Lane. ~ . Thus there was considerable mixed emotions this week when the Newport Beach City Council approved a plan that calla for ripping down the old Balboa Fun Zone and replacing it with a three-etory complex of offices, a restaurant and specialty ahope. I Well, there were times put when it appeared the Fun Zone was on the brink of feeling the iron demolition ball and the bulldozer blade. It waa eold at auction once and was acheduled to become another condominium site. Then it waa going to be converted into a marina complex. Then condos again. THROUGH n' ALL, however, the Fun Zone aeemed to struggle on, opening again each summer with the neon lights of the revolving :F'"erria Wheel reflecting from harbor waters aa a beacon to Balboa. The arcades are filled with thoee electronic video ga1ne9 now. The Ferris Wheel ia another aeuon older. And once again. it appean that the demolition bulldozer is parked right around the comer. But then, they've been saying the Fun Zone is a goner tor 20 years now. Don't believe it until you aee it. State court denies Cl\I lVelder hearing '• Jail for vlolatanc a court order requ1rtnc him to take down one of the tower1n1, red-metal atruciurea, whtch WH built without dty approval. ~ how9Yw, hM *" cantended that he la entitled to free ar1llUc UJll" •ion wtthout aowmment interference. City Olftdaw claimed that the towers -• atructurm -required the normal bultdtna permJU and Mtety checb. The tour stnactww w.... built by Rouahan on bl• lnduatrlal C'W.:.1680 ~periar' Ave. In = Otr AttonwJ Stephen =-.i.;::.=~= WU81 ea1d e wUl 10 befoff ~ OU\ Juctp Rkhard ••• ,Ill In~ .... to -what riJ hapPen nmn. OPP'S POP ART -Costa Mesa artist Christ Scott Opp demonstrates his unusual but eye-catching aculptures in Styrofoam. The Golden West College an instructor displayed 0.-,,... ~bf~" ...... his creations at TeWinkle Park in Costa Mesa over the weekend, and has sold the 22 items to a Denver restaurant for $1Z,OOO. An artist lVho can handle his 'booze' By PAMELA STEINRIEDE °' .. Dlllr ........ What ~foot-4-lnch man can handle a 9-foot tall tequila bottle without a ~ stagger? Artist Chria Scott Opp can. Opp maneuvers the 80-pound bottle, but becauae it contalna no alcohol and la made of Styrofoun rather than glaa, he does ao with eaae. The C.O.ta Mesa artist etteted Fill grills suspect in holdups By PHIL SNEIDERMAN o<tt1eo.itrNotlt.ff ~ FBI agenta say they plan to question an Anaheim man arrested laat week in Garden Grove as a suspect in 10 bank robberies in Orange and Los Anselea counties, including holdups In Huntington Beach, Coa1a Mesa and Fountain Valley. An FBI spokeaman aaid William Dorazio, 47. ls suspected of being the overwelaht robber variously dub6ed the "Humphrey Pennyworth Bandit" (after a rotund oomic strip cbaract.er), "Mr. Noon" (for hia habit of strik:ing at mid-day) and the "Fa tao Bandit." FBI offJdala last week releaaed a deecri~tlon and bank camera photographs of a man auspected in 10 holdups. Garden Grove Police S1t. Dave Conley said a Security Pad.fie Bank teller who had aeen such a photograph in a newspaper became 1u1piclou1 when a man matchin1 the description entered the bank Friday mornin1 at 13962 Brookhunt St. Dorazio left the bank when he noticed he wu beinl watched, Conley said, but a deacriptlon of him and hll auto helped Garden Grove Of&er Jamie Lopez make an UTelt nearby. Police said Dorado wu taken into CU1tody without lncldent. Conley aald otticen confiacated an auf.IOmatk: p.tol and found a the bottle and limllar objecta for the El Torlto Restaurant & Cantine, one of the lar1e1t Mexican food chain• in the world, headguartered at 24SO White Road, Irvine. "I use 4-by-8-by-20-lnch blocks of Styrofoaai glued together. ahape them down with a heating element, and then sand, prime and paint it,.. said Opp. Opp, who teache. an air brush c1.ua at Golden West College, a1ao made a r>-foot-long taco, a 6-foot telephone, a 7-foot margarita glus. a 4-foot wide mouth which Flaa a tortilla chip between ita teeth, a 40-pound apple which feeturee a wonn donned in a cowboy hat protruding from the core, and many other objects. "It took aboul one month to put these together," said Opp His creations will be placed in an El Torlto restaurant ln Denver. Opp also travels to the various El Tori to loca 11on1 throuahout the nation to paint murals in the restaurants. His 22 Styrofoam obJeCts d'art were sold to El Torito for $12,- 000. Hospital planned at UC Irvine Chatsworth foundation poses competition for Hoag project By JOEL C. DON or .. o.a, .... ...,. UC llvtne has been lelected a.a the aite for a major medical center by the Health Weit Foundation of Chatsworth. In filing ita certificate of need (CON) af plication with the Office o Statewide Health P1annina and Developnen~ the non-profit Health West beocmes the first group formally to request the pennit neceaury to build a hospital largely to lel'Ve the IMne community. Irvine Medical Center, (IMC) t.clc.ed by the gramroota People for an Irvine Community Hospital and affiliated with Hoag Memorial Hotpital. plana to file ita CX>N application 1n two to three weeu, said lpokeaman Dave Beker. IMC la the only other group that ha abown ltJ'onl interest ln build.ln& • bospltal ln Irvine. The focal point of HealthWeat'• propoaal ia a 232-bed acute care hoapital. Under the name Healthaty, the complex abo would include three medical office buildings, an outpatient ca.re clinic, research and education buildings, a hotel for patients and families and a center devoted to health-care services such as s tress management, weight r~ction and exerd.9e. UCI College of Medicine Dean Stanley van den Noort said the university has discuued HealthW~at'• concept for two years. He called HealthCity an "attractive proposal," but said campus offid.als are oonaidering at least two other plans. He declined to name ~he other groups wishing to build a hospital at UCL "The university haa no prejudice 1n this matter," he said. "We're 1ookina for the proposal that'• best for the university and the community." Dr. van den Noort aaid 130 acres of land adjacent to the medical echool haa been 1et aside for the univerally'a health .Oenca procrama. Health Welt spokesman Steve Yerxa aald HealthCity la planned Hearing on cOunty jail Site planned for that site. He said cost for the medical center could be as high as $50 million. Yerxa said the foundation, which owns, manages and acts aa a consultant to hospitals throughout the West Coast, haa acciess to funds for such a major project. The state has 90 days after deciding the CON application is complete to approve the proposal or request public hearings. Hearings are expected since more than one group wishes to build IOl'1'le type of medical facility in Irvi ne and t h e r e Is wide disagreement on the health care needs of the community For nearly two decades, various groups ha~jockeyed for a hospital in Irvine. This la perhaps the mo9l active effort to date in tenns of the number of intere1ted groups. according to Tom Hinton, director of CON review for the Orange County Health Planning Council. Besides HealthWest and IBC, Tustin Community Hospital has ahown aome interest in building a 120-bed acute care hospital. Western Medical Center acrapped ita plans to build a hotpltal and haa instead propoaed a $10 million outpatient medical clinic In the city. However, Hinton aald the WeatMe«!. propcml.. which lncludee many 01 • \he aervlcel offered by a maJoc medlcal center, may be the lfOWltdwork for a hospital. H, a.Id the ttate will probably take llx to nine months to make ltl dedllon once the four group. I. I: ·. · note demandlna money In the man'• ablrt pocket. FBI 8'1fltll aa1d &hey plan to question Dorazio tn connectiCll with 10 robberies which occu:n-.d durtnc the PM' ave> YMl'I-Molt recently, a man mat.china h\1 dmcrtptlon robbed three Sec?u.rlty Pacific Bank offlcea In Hunttnctorf Beach, Santa Ana and Gerder\ Grow an July UI, all within about one hour. The aec:ond of four public beart.ric-oo f1ndlna a location for a maxJmum-medlum aecurlty branch of the Oranae c.ounty Jail will be held 'lll~ ftiaht ln Irvine. have filed their CX>N document.. >' • A~ obltacle to approval ol , ,, a holpli&l II 1 health Plannlna lnvHtl1atora Hid thoae holdupt ~to be the woril of tbt Mane owrwellbt.mm who robbed a ~ty PaclnC Bink in Colta .... and.~· a.nil in Founuln Valley, both on ~28. The 7:30 p.m. beartn& will be held at the theatll' at Irvine Hilb School, '321 Walnut Ave., by tf>e Fedlltlee ~ Dlv111on of th• county General Service• t~i.. have heel) identified M pci..tble locldonl f« a branch jail. ~ iDclude: -Undev~ed land at Trabuco roed s.nd Can~ AYenue tn Irvine. -Land now OOl'Upied by the Oraqe County lnternatlonal ttae.way alonaalde the San\a Ana rr.way, allo tn IMnt. council report indlcatln1 the ~ aNe will bave too many hoap&tal bedl through 1990 to wunnt a new medk:a1 t.dllty. Oi'CiUPI vylnl to .build a hospl\al ....,. that f1ndlna. •)'tnc lhi&r crowth projection.• 1upport ~ of another hOiplW The mdatlna Jail hM • ,... In Oranae Ooun~. Clal*fty of 1,3'1 lnmatel. Th• (ileaf1'eement will t>9 The f I rat Jn the Hr lea of ll'ttJ.d by an adminlltndw law ~will ..,. held tonfChl 1n-,.,.. durlna the ~ MuUae Anahelln. Othen IN ldMidWed ~of the CON JWYiew poc-. MJCt w.ek ln Santa Ana and IJ accordlna to a atate health Taro. offtdal. •HERB CAEN •HUGH MULLIGAN [Follow guidelines to . help depressed person DEAR ANN LANDERS: You have printed very u.eful lntormatlon about deprellion. oue keep It up. So many people need to know to deal with frlenda and family memben who .... depreued. A trl~d 111nt me a clJppb~ (I don't know fl'here lt'a from) with Ngtltiona on how to help ~pl'l!98ed people. Pltue, Ann. run them In your oolumn. -BL'111: SICIES IN OREGON DEAR BLUE SK!a: Tile cllpplal came from 6ener Homes ucl Gardeu, ucl I am &lad JOI sent ti ea. Here are tbe b.l1bllpt1: · For aboac U mUUoe Amertcau depre11ton .,_., aa occadonal case of die b1ae1. It It a Qrlppllng lllne11 ud a potential killer. Aboat S0,000 •ulcld11 occur aanaally IJa tlll1 coaatry. An overwbtlmlDI majority are attrlbated to depres1loa. A 1eneratlon aao no clear dl1tlacttona were made amoo1 tbe varlou type• of depre11loll. Tbe ''talkiq treatment" was eoa1ldered tbe oaly clltt. Today dn11 are bela& aaed very effectively co ctorrect Ch my1tertoa1 chemical lmbaluces tbat IPaf be die cause of many depresalona. Voa can belp a depre11ed penon by rea11uriD1 b.lm or ber that thl.nga will set better. Dr. Natbu S. I.Hue 1ay11 "Even tboagb tbey may SAY tbey don't believe tbln11 will set better, tbey still need to bear it a.caln ud aialn." Encourage but never puab. Activity may beJeflt people wbo bave m.Ud depre11loa1. Aayoae wbo •• depres1ed abollld be encoun1ed to do what POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT \F YOU HIDE YOUR. REAL FEELINGS LONG E~OlJGH I YOU MAY EVENTUALLY FORGET WHAT THEY ARE. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Tbarsday, July 29 ARIES (March 21-Apnl 19): Look beyond current expectations -horizons expand, opportunities exist for publishing. travel and unique ways of communicating views. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Dig beneath surface values -you can begin rebuilding process. YDu'll be in contact with unortbodox people who recogni.z.e your talents and creative potential. GEMlNI (May 21-June 20): Analyze views; ptteeave potential, realize your own worth and become aware of pos&ble legal advantages. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Basic changes occur. you make necessary adjustments, family member changes mind and supports your view. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): F.inotions dominate - logic takes sock on jaw. Accent on variety, unusual contacts, creauve urges and whispered promises. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Count your change! Stnve for practicality where money. investments are concerned. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Di.saeminate views -more people now are eager to watch and listen. Emphasize originality, sparkling concepts and ability to laugh at your own foibles. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Numerical and lunar cycles highlight money and ways to obtain it. New approach is necessary -missing link can be located If you take initiative. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Judgment and Ummg are on target -you'll be at right place at crucial moment. Intuitive flash aids in resolving dilemma. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Look behind scenes, dbcem motives and realize that cat will llOOfl be let out of bag. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Accent on review, revision and rebuilding proceas. Romance mingles with practical affairs -you could meet someone who shares your interesta. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Career gets new impetus based on superior who reoogn1zes your talents, potential. Significant changes occur' and they are all in your favor. lat or 11M '"'' be 11 abJt lO do. Ntver force a serto .. Jy depretaed penoD lO do 10me~1. It will oaly make UIQ f"f pilty for not MIDI able lO reapoad a1 Y•• wt11l. Dr. lleMld ft. Pleve aay1, .. ReeopJse tbt de,ret1loa 11 aot Mmeda.lq tiac cu be overeome bJ ttlllac eomeciae to '-cit ap.•• Trut aay ~t oJ 1Udde nrtouly. Most P"Plt WM Ht coutdertq HldM dJtC1111 .... po11lblllty opell)y; odlen are more 1eeredv1. U U.e lDdlvtdaal evkleacet laopelea1ae11, makes ae f•tve plus and 1&art1 to pat uflDJtbed ba1laea1 la order, seek belp promptly. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our 23-year-old dalJ8hter (Vaaar graduate) haa a good position ln New York. We live In New Brunawlck. Lut week ahe phoned and said she~ met a wonderful man· and would like to brln& him for wt to meet. It IOUnded lerloua. The fellow wu very quiet all through lunch. Before dinner he drank at leaat three vodka marunJa and aot dead drunk. Ha. oonveraation became v\t1ar and QOUIO, He drank thfee &Weee of wlne wtth the meal. When deteert arrlvecl hew., talk.Ina nonMNe with oblclenJtie. aplenty. 'I'lle followtna day our dauahter and her friend left before lunch. We thanked him tor coming and were friendly. That n.laht 1he phoned, aald &he appreciated our pi9tience and added, "That'• the laat time I go out with that nerd." Needl8a to say, we were delighted but remained ailent. I see a lesson here . Do youT U 10, apell it out. -THE FOLKS DEAR FOLKS: Tbe IHIOD i1 tbat wbeo your dau1later brtn11 bome a oercl, be boapltable and noa-jadp1eatal. U yo. ran blm down 1be11 be forced to clefucl ~. Be cu do a better Job •f doln1 blmaelf la, pva die cbuce, ud yoa wlJI come off 1cot-free. Is alcohoJ.Um ruinin6 your life? Know the danger si6f1Al8 and what io do. Read the booJclet, "Alcohol.J.sm -Hope and Help." by Ann Landers. Encle»e 50 cenra with your request and " long, stamped, seU.addressed envelope io Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611 home town Tourist • ID .,,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANOI or Laguna Beach NO, NOT NEW YORK., New York. I mean F..ss Eff, Eu Eff. How anybody could put the knock on this marvelous place is beyond oomprehension, but that's what I did just before the Newspaper Guild ordered me to take a hardly earned vacation. In the courae of wonde.rt.na what it's like to be a tourist in San Jl'ranciaco, I concluded that the city was no bargain: hills and pricee too high, weather and people too cold, parking such atreet aorrow (recycled double pun) and too many koolu spoiling the froth. Only the resident•, l burbled on, could appreciate San Franci8co, for only they knew the 9ea'et hideaways, the short.cuts and shorthand of town goaip, and the history that gives even the drabbeet corner its touch of color and intereet. Not to mention the location of downtown toilet fadlities, of which we have too few in the first place. IN THE PAST, I have frittered away my vacations at faraway places with strange-80Wlding money, a playbore on the ioo.e, a jet-1etter with prop engiJits, but this time I would be dollan-and· aenaible. l would be a tourist in my own home town! Every columnist tries this gimmick at least twice in his miserable life, always with the same results: bombs away. Still. nothing ventured, nothina loet, and I did find the answer to the conundrum that had been bothering me: This IS a wonderful city to wander around in . WALKING THE streets, f,ighting off panhandlers and pigeons. I recalled the remarks of earlier visitors. There waa the guy who saw the Pacific for the first time and grumbled, "l thought 1t would be bigger," to which a native retorted. "'That's only the TOP of it." The woman from the Midwest who declared henetf disappointed by the cable can: "I thought they'd be SUSPENDED from cables.'' In lhe days of the Vigilance Committee, she would have been suspended from a lamppoet. I remember the two fine ladies from Boston emerging from the Mark Hopkins, one saying to lhe ~ HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO other, "Wann, im't it?" "Naturally, my dear," said her friend. "We're 3,000 mlle9 from the ocean." Basic Bollt.on apocrypha, my dear. . ONE OF THE FIRST phenomena I noticed u a tourist: there la always a polioe car parked outside a Winchell Donut Howie. Geoff Miller explained this: .. Sooner or later there Wfll be a not at a Wlnchell'a, and the poUoe will be ready." Geoff Miller is editor of big, fat, beautiful Loa Anaelea magazine, and nobody's fool. THE CITY'S PRINCIPAL industry is the taggi.tlg of parked aut.omobOes. On~ block, as far u the eye can see, the white car1a, yellow lights flashing bravely. dart from car to car, like bees extracting money. Every now and then, a bumbl~ of a tow-truck sucb a rented Pontiac dry and drap the carcass away. I ended my first day as a tourist humming "I left my car in San Francisco ... where little Cuahman carts go half- way to the atara. and you will get a tow to where, I don't know." Still. only a minor inconvenience in a great touriat town. Or maybe It's great to be anywhere when you're not working. BY THE CALENDAR, it'a deep into awnmer, but by me, it'a sUll June. I'm atlU enjoying a vacation in my own home town, and the weather UI still SFoggy. Not only that, it oontinues to be topic A. One overcast morning, Jean Bell of Sausalito asked, "Did you hear the forecast on KABL this morning? The announcer said the San FTandaco weather today will be 90 -45 in the morning. 45 ln the afternoon." Interjected Mary Miehe of Berkeley: "There are really only two leaS01lS in San Francisco - winter and summer -and they occur on alternate days." (An update on my favorite quatrain: "Blessed a.re they/Who live by the Bay/One day they are hot/The next they are not"). On the other hand, who ever decided that hot weather is, per M , "beautiful?" The old town looks ~tier thtouih a rniat, hazily: a damp towel on the fotthead eMeS the hangover. >J Don McDaniel WU . saying, "'The.e weathermen who call 80 degrees 'gorgeous!' muat be Elsewhereans. U they're 90 hot for Naugahyde tans, why don't they move to •. Salinas?" A time for vacation signaled TATER HILL, Vt. (AP) -Sunday golfers dream of someday breaking 100. Your better than average local amateur does a little war dance when he or she brew 80. I wonder what pro Al Geiberger did when he broke 60 and carded a record 59 ln the 1977 Mem'phls Classic? He must have climbed the Country Club flagpole, kiDed his caddy and grossly overtipped the lockerboy. These thoughts occurred while wreaking terrible vengeance for my potato farming Irish ancestors on Tater Hill. a Vennont golf course hanging precariously on the edge of the Green Mountains. What St. Patrick did for the snakes of Ireland, l was emulating with a 3-lron against Vermont's reptilia. When a thunderstorm rumbled overhead and lightning danced among the divota, I remembered L ee Trevino's advice, which differs from the standard safety precautions against at.anding under a tree and urging players to remove their spiked shoes and move away from their golf carts and steel shafted clube. "HOLD ALOFT A ONE-IRON and proceed unafraid up the fairway," Trevino la aaid to have prucribed. "Even God CQUld.n't hit a one~iron.'' For tome reuon. the dying words of King George IV of England came to mind. George was not a golfer . Neither am I, which like the l'ftt of thla column la quite betide the point. Actually George was dying of obesity, chronic alcoholism and drug abuae, particularly laudanum, which Windsor Palace goaipe aaid he frequently lipped at the rate of 200 drope a night. For yea.rs the former prince regent found it neceaary to be hoisted onto hia hol'le by a winch. Toward the end, he was nearly blind, his lep were enormoualy ewollen and oovettd with ulcer IC8tl and he totally believed In h1a wildest delusions, excitedly telling friends and paaee how he had helped Wellington win at Waterloo, had turmd the tide at the Battle of Salamara by leadina h1a Dragoons on a aplrtted cavalry charp and bad won the "Ooodwood Cup aboard neur-de-Lla. Monarchs, you will note, drum out loud on a lf8,nder ICale than we con1monert. I lt1ll dream of breaking 100 and have actually come within twOICOl"e ~ of it. AJ\yhow. just before dawn on June 26. 1830, the kine, who slept In an euy chair becaute heart palpltatlona made lying down uncomfortable, ludaenly a.routed hia page, Thomu Bachelor, by cal.linl out, ''Good God, what la ltP"' 'nle frightened page uld noth.lna, but the ld"fi, With hi.a head resting on his hands, arwwered h.la own question correctly: "My boy, my boy, ... thft la death.'' ~yist'a murky an grasps at any straw and broken ~ck.a that can be fashioned into a paragraph. Anything goes. The mental cl06et is cleared of all stray blta of fact and imagination, as the colwnniat conclucta his July lawn sale of useless trivia before heading off to anesthetize porch-loads of W\luapecting tourists at 80me shabby lea&ide hotel with bouUngJs just a shade shy of George IV's grander delusions. The French call this a potpourri, which is an elegant variation for a mishmash and, in fact. is their provincial version of Mulligan's Stew. Apropoe of the vacuum in logic which invests this column, I wonder how many readers realize that the expression "Hobeon's Choioe" originated with a 17th century hoetler in Cambridge, England, named Hobeon, who gave patrons hiring horaes the choke of whatever nag he cared to give them. A hoetler takes care of hones for a hoet.eler, an innkeeper, alth~ the word hustler often suits both. Are you still with me? SPEAKJNG OF ANIMALS, ju.st to inject a little continuity here, my friend Ben Lucien Bunnan, the author of the deUghtful Catfish Bend stories, is back from a trip way up the Amaz.on at the age of 85. He did most of his journeying by small boat to HUGH MULLIGAN MULLIGAN STEW places where the tourists never go, and for good reasona. Ben usu.res me that up the Amazon they have cockroaches large enough to catch fish. Besides fun-loving piranhas, the river also has electric eela generating such voltage that they often zap a tree, which has Its roots in the river, in order to dine on the falling fruit. I wonder tf Ben has been sipping too enthusiastically at the fermented nectar of the boab: tree or whatever provides the local equivalent of juniper berries along the banks of the Am.awn? He tells me that in Australia he once came across the barking spider. which can keep you awake like a neighbor's nuisance dog. All I know la that in Vermont they have · moequitoes so big that they would have to grab the hook in landing on an aircraft carrier and 90 thirsty they could star in a Dracula spin-off GOREN ON BRIDGE Both vulnerable. South deals NORTH •A U ~885 OAQ • Q985• WEST EAST •J •llQH BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF SOUTH the aecond heart, drew dummy's last trump1 an + 1081 '3 declarer wu aUll left with a heart loeer -do ~ ,\.I' Q 92 one. 6 to• • The winning line is quite simple. With no fut~ ~ '+A;' ~ . .\Olen ll>'the llde suits, declarer lhould realize that The biddlnf:-' · 1 "'&it CCJ9(ract ii safe u long Af he can hold his trump Soutla Weet Nor EM&~ lOM~ to thn!e. Therefor.!\ at trick two declarer I • Pa.. t • Pau should 11nore trumps and start on hearts c::>Jl073 c::>' O KJ8U OHU · + 101! • KJtS 2 c::> PaN 2 + P tlnmedl.tely. U both defendera follow to two h1ch 4 + P~-rJ. ,,._ hearts, there are no problem1. Declarer now lellda ;;-Opening ,_. S~tfl o·~ ace of trwnpl tricb, dependf.na on lbe brftk in that --.; \. ' lu.ll , Some hands are ao limple that even an expert A.a the ~ Ue, !'.ut can ruU the eecand heart, can be fooled. Thia hand was reported in "Bridle," but he can d6 no d~ Dedater wtna • plain llU.it • the official oraan of the Netherland• Bridge retum, CMhill the ace ot l1*les and then reve.rta to Federation. hearts. WMU.. Ot not t.ut n.affa the heArt lad. Four apades wu a normal contract. Obeerve declare.r wW be able to ruff hi.a fourth been on the th.at, deapite the ar-t disparity in the quality qf hi.a table, and IO end up los1na no men than three l\llta, South opened ln lht hilhet·ranldna ol his trump tricla. two five-cud major IU.lta. 1be rert of the auction S INCE THERE 18 ABSOLUTELY no wu unremerkable. oon.nectjon between the Lee Trevino anecdote and West led hit fourth-best d1amond and declarer Georae rv ·. deml.se, veteran readtrt of theae flnemed. ~. The most PODWar UM WU tor random ravino wlU lmmedlatel,y and ~Y-dedarer IO·'-d·a low tnllDp. Where lilt plqed IUlpect that the oolumnbt la abOut fO take NI low, Wtlt woa and amtlnuld wt\h a d&amond. annual m~ vac.don. Declarer Weft ln d\.Q'DIQ1 and CllMd \M ~ ot It ii that dme of the ,..r when the mind 1ped ... Had both defeftden fol.lowed, dticlanr btllN to wander, ~111 lolii co..,....._,. and .Up would haw beer\ home. But Weet lhow9d out ....._~"'":"'-"""!"'"'-...-.-------"~.-;_....-1;...;.;..-..1 oui" Of fcii\11 lbd ihe ~-~tlaa* Of tbl D.clanr lh1tt.d bJa att.nUon to Ma.r1a. IMt Nffid . ' ... I It ' MAZIN& . SPONSORED BY . co11u1m SERVICES OF DUllE GOIST CDLLEIE • TICIO lllFORllTIOI CALL -111-1880 ANERICAN 11~.ff\. I l p.M., '?JP·~· 0.~ 4 ".'0 p.M . ~\VB CL.CMJNS spedo.l m~ ~ ArM PAi f\tUG Plaza SUMMER SHOE , % • 9 WEST • BASS • BARE TRAPS • IMPO • FOOTWORKS to • JACQUE COHEN • LA VISTA • PEOPLE MOVERS • CANVAS SHOES • DEXTER AXLINE'S LAGUNA BEACH 245 FOREST AVE. 494-2796 IRVINE HERITAGE PLAZA CULVER AT WALNUT 857-1317 I I Auditions announced Auditionl for the Mtlrical comedi~ Crummond" wW be held Monday and y at 'I p.m. at the Newport Theater Ar1I Center, 2601 Cliff Drive, Newport BHch. Dlrector Eileen Flaht.c:h will be cuttna three men and two women in the 20 to 60 119 ranp. 'The ahow opens Sept. 10 for five weekenda, and lntonnation may be obtained by calll.nc 497-3623 . • ..... ,.. ..... ltrotrer'' (I) "DIVA" (R) "The Y1u11 hottn 11 Lin" It knows wha/ scans you. __ .. ....;..... p;r; NOW PLAYING .... ,. •c:eaTA mlA •111UMT9 ...... l'lallts__.,,Or,..lft C-*C-C-Fea S1H747 UACll't~ 17t 98SO 11M141 I.A-l:M H I I ... a TGM Slll>U ..... ~TU llilllwlllru ,_,, Hw.-~ an... ~C-.. Wiii sn sm se1 suo 121 11at "' "" •CllTA .U tt.-~ S413101 ...... MIC ar.,. Mii ll7 0340 -·· '•" ' ,.,. "' ·~-o .... ui&llllo .or ... •011 "*" .... (,.Md'\ &;,.1 ~·· 1•44 ,,...--_, .. _ COSTA •U ._,.,.. ._ ....._ ... "".., 1.. . ... fl. JotyM ..... '-"w ~ •ll l'>GI 141 OlH 134 7\~J U-. GAOfl ~ IUCll WllT-.tu ·-.. .,,_ ........ ~c.,... Paollc,,. ... ,.Dr•wtlll\ uo .... ,.,.. ... ,.., ~l.~'!".__., • ,,,_eo"' ....,,.CXJ""•-=-=-=1 \I•'''° ,.,..__..., ___ D llttA IRVlll OAAHl UA Mt•tts 9~022 E""""th Waod~t4tt Si.cs-DI 139-1770 COSTA MlSA 551-0SSS WHTMlllUll Halbot Twin 131 3501 MllllOll YllJO Mw1on Ciot1111 )Vnt FOUITAlll YAUlY v..,. Miii 495-8220 191·3"5 fftwl1d1 F001nta111 Yllley 839 1500 •OllAll8£ ~134-2553 • 1!TomrQy mentioMd M WU ~ a lhow with tJ WOlDll\ ln lt., and Liduo ~L 'Ood, KaNft Ak.tn hall 10 bit one Of thim.' Tommy Mid. •wno'• Karen Akenr" 1 Tony nomlnaUoft f• htr flnt mu.k&l llnal the dayw Iha trod \ht bo1rd1 wtch a 1m11l repertory company In Atlli\O)ft, v .. w.u. aht'• l1x feet tall, almond~. hu the hJlh cMMbOael of a model. ti le and 1pealu (n I IOI\, loW voict. 8he'1 .-0 the wUe Of I Wllhl.npln lawyw, Jlm Aken. and hu two eon1. ... e and a. Sha went to coUep heN and bepn u a folk llr\nr. In the 1701 1he 1r1duat9d to the workl of Brel, Welll, 8ondhetm and Petet Allen. ueually aeitinC nScl revtewe but 11\tM fame. Shit opened &n 11NtM" on May t hav&n, come to Broldw1y wtth the llhow. "on a wtns ~a prayer and a lot of bard work" that blDn wtth 12·hout da)'I wtth "Nine'' ln ltl orilSnal ~ lorm IMi Dlcenb.r. PJaytni Luila WU exhaUltina thtn, ii MON IO OOW. With 0 Nl.ne" came raw reviewl and• Joi of fame. And For that reuon. the M)'I. 111 really can't do the lhow mon than elx monthl.'' And she'• al!'Mdy looldnc aMed to other projecta. lnclud!na her pcmtble debut -11 a atncer -ln a movte, "19 PureMM Street." liREN AKERS F!m --·-f§dhl"i, __ ..... ,,_ ._ . ..._nu .... OIUOl'f ..-..... ----~ o · -- I w-41,,_.,c1, "Tiiis ... .., ....... , ,, llUUlll •. ·" lift .... ,.... -........... ...., ... , .__This Movie May Be Dangerous To I YotK Health. You May ~ Stop Laughing. Wllh Burt& Dolly llt/6 mudt IUn 1'"' couldn'r bel.,u CNdome 4 Tnd Ml1 Stweo *BARGAIN MATINal!S • Mond1y "'"' S1turday All PerlormancH before 5:00 PM (W.,C ljlldll (lfll' ..... IM Holieltyl) LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "THE llE8T UTTU WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAI'' "'' ___ .... _ WORU> ACCORD TO OARP"c111 -.... --. . ., .. Joc111ty at Corw11-004 211/IJ1·9HO "Y.OUNQ DOCTORI IN LOVE""'i -..... _,__ "ROCKY II" CNl • ,._ OOW'f STtMo -----·-"8TMntaKM: 1THI WRATH OI' KHAN"'" .... ___ _ LAKEWOOD CUHE~ SOUTH Wll W IN "'DllNT'IO 111 ~211 -~· .. , v ANAHEIM DRIVHN ,_ .... l_" l,._..IO ~~.J:· --Y.-.~ .. ----..... - "A MK>SUMME" NIGHT'S IEX COMEDY'",,., ....... ___ _ .................... .,..... ·•A011~"c"1 -"ntl IWOflO ANO I04'Cllllll" ----.--~~·.~--­ "ROCKY M" !POI ·THI ...., UTTl.I WttOMHOU .... T9JtAI" 1•1 -•AU. ..oHf LOMG" 1111 .... 11 _ ,.... "nmP" (II) 1.tlllll -________ __.. ________ _ fli I ~ ~ .. A .. ,._ '-t BUENA PARK u11•v1 1H ~ ............ ef lllOfl 111·4070 .,,, .• , __ ...•. ,, .., ..... ., H1...c>70 "LT, ntl UTilA· T'l ... IT'lllAL" (NI ,.... .......,_ DOWT ftAll "-AID" (N) "Tiii WOM.O ACCOM>INO TO OAllP" (.Ill -•AftntUlt' (N I ACCEPT= ~:':~MENt • 5Eii7QMM llSiilllDM! ====================================-( UJllURY THEATRES ) ~ lat'-9at1ettsa..11«1011.YS2.HWtuotllenriMllltt4 ~ "TMSUITunu WMOMHOUSI .. nltAI" !Ill S llitijj¢•X11ll6t6J.4 2ssJ/~o;:,) S * FOR FOOi EXCfTEmEmt V111tOvr... * ARCADE of GAMES• ::;· .~:·.· I• "fW)C•'I' .,. '"' I "C\.Aatt CW;; mAHI" IN I I c•"- 'ffWOrlNI -"TM9 IW09ID .,., ~"""" Cllll·"-. . LA HABRA l'W'>I •H . . ... 'Jll):ilON tolltvl tN . .~ -•AU. NIGHT LONG" !Ill "ntl TIWO" 1111 -•91.A0.~"1111 :• "'°'* --- "'l'OUMO DOCTOfll • LOVI" I'll .... -AIM'LA .... t"I Cllll ft IOllllO ~ ~· •• -. .. ,,. ;l: ~-· 'Best' hoost for Universal HOLLYWOOD (AP) -'"nle BHt Llule WhorehouH In Texa1" and movte-1oeu' ccntlnutna low affair wtth "E.T. The Detra-Terr.trial" comblned to mab Unlve"Ml Stuc&I the winner ln the weekend box offtc:. 1taka. The Dolly Parton -Buri Reynolda musklal roped ln $11.8 million durtna lta weekend ct.but to top the llat ot three-day moneymaker1. Steven 8p1elbers'a ldence fant.My ran a cloee aecond •t $11.l million. MEMORY -A transatlantic phone call between his IOD (Jon Sldoli, left) and his wife (Jacquie Moffett) haunts playwright Theodore Thornhill (Douglas Rowe) in a scene from the world premiere drama ''Thornhill" at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. The play runs Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. until Aug. 14. "The World Accordlna to Garp," with Robin Wl1Uam1 playln1 author John Irvln1'1 protagoniat, captured a dbtant third place at $2.9 million, but Warner Bros. noted that it opened Friday ln 3~7 theatera. "Rocky III" garnered $2.8 mW1on at 1.231 theatera. Stanford House Restaurant CHAR BROILED TOP SIRLOIN STEAK DINNER Served with onion rings, fresh vegetables, potato, and choice of soup or salad. Visit our fabulous dessert bar. Ali freshly made on premises. 11121 UllOLll AT UIFIELI FOllTAll YALLn Hl-0111 . UCI RUSSIAN INSTITUTE PRESENTS : TROIKA BALALAIKAS - Russian Folk Music & Song Thursday, July 29th · 8:30 p.m. · VIiiage Theatre BAYAN BY FOMENKO Classical and Russian Folk Music Saturday, July 31st · 8:30 p.m. · Contert Hall For further Information, call 833-5433. Tickets available at the door -night of performance only. General -$5, UCI Fae/staff, Sr. Cit., -$4 and Students -$3. fl\RA)OJNT PICTUR~S ~NTS A LORIMAR-MAR'T1N l!U'AND PRaXJCTWjN.A TAYLOR HACKY~D Flt.M ROIARD CUE· IEBRA WJNO£R AN OP1'1CER AND A Clll'n'l.Z.MAN Allio starring O.WID KEl'nf and LOU1S cosstrT. JR. aa '"*Y· Orlilnal Music by .JACK NITZSCHE Wrltlal by DOUOU\S D.\Y STEWART· Produced by MARTIN PLl'AND ·Directed by TAYLOR ttACKJl'atD rRJ--:::;_ -.-~-~!<~~!K:~~=~\ --n _,_ STARTS TODAY ~ MISSION VIEJO Edwards Viejo Twin 830·6990 NEWPORT BEACH Edwards Newport Cinema 644-0760 ORANGE Cinedome 634-2553 WESTMINSTER Edwards Cinema West 891 -3935 ~·~-----~~---------------------~-------------------------------' rtalC ll)TIC( fl&l 1111( NO , ...... ACCll'TlO FO" THIS INQAQllHNT Nil.JC ll>TICE NlJC llJTICE Nl.IC ll>TICE ~~..,. ... ~ ~~..,. ... ~ ~.,. ... ~ 0n~°"'. 1~~. 1n --AC-.. -... TmOU9-----... ------.... -,-,--•i-N-O-T-l-CE--O-P-D-E-A-T-B-O-F On"°='~.~~ un. -... .._. NOT1Cll ~ TRU9T'Erl SALE -... _, -... _. -· .......... .:=.:·.::=--.,· ........... VIRGIL ALLEN AND OF • ~ ~ °"'°" 3883 Part<,,._ Tite following perton la doing TS No 2381 The lollowlrlO P9'90N .,. doen8 The ~ P9'90N .,. ~ Ill• beaement at ISO Newport ,_.:.:.:._ ~.,, ..----.,, p ET IT ION T 0 AD • Lene. trvlfte , Callfornla. tlle 1~ M: YOU ARE lfll DEFAULT UNDER A ~ M ' ~ .._ Canter Orlve, Newport Beacll. ---lollowtnt de1crU1ed peraoftal ·" ~017 Heney L-. 8 WIENER8CHNITlll NO MO ~ ........ daao1Md ONTARIO INOUSTRIAL MINISTE& ESTATE NO. ...._ l2tl2'1 • DEE 0 0 f TR U T DATED • · T 0 TA L C 0 M ~ u T f R perllONI P"IC*1Y .. be aotd • PARTNE-t303 Avocedo Suite " lt••ti property wtll ti. aolcl at~ .. ,.,. Colt•~ 12.82 FEBRUARY l3. 1M1. UNLESS YOU 4601 JemborH Roecr ....... port SEMllCQ MIO w-A111191ue _ ....... ---w4tl*lt ..... • ... ... • auc11on, ~ -.,.,.... J. MllculOfl. 1017 ~ TAKE AC'TlOfll TO PROTECT YOUR a.ct\, CllNornla tH80 Suite 250, fountain Valla..: -(1)-::".::::..."-......... ~ ......... ~Nawp~t Beaoll, Callfornla To all heln, benefid.aries, (t) l'Wnllur9 lftclldrlg I -.ell . .,_,._ eo...._, Cellfornle 9292'> HOM£. IT MAY BE SOlD AT A Robert Francie 8ommara. ' ..._........ ·-.,, --. '"'"'"" di d I 1 Coronematlc: e6aCtr1c lJ'SMNl'l1'ar ' Thia~ 11 conducted by an PUBLIC SALE. If YOU NEEO AN 19781 Viewpoint Lana No. 241, CINfomle 92708 love H•t with plllowa. c11alH &Nw a Teltlot Aaaodel•. M. ere ton an cont n1ent wttll CH•. 2 n••••d lebl••· 1 lftdlvlduaL EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Huntington 8Mdl. Ce1ttom1a 92647 Herbart Hamllton Harding, fount•· 2 IHHI tier atoota, 1303 Awoedo. 84.lit• 220, ~ crediton of VJ.rail Allen and crreulno table, t Wf"9 cbw. 1 Danial J. Mtllullch OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Con111nC4 L•Ann Sommera. 21301 Ptnelrea LIM, Huntington matcnwlO --c:nne -· IOllP 8-dl. Celllornla 92MO per. 0 n. w h 0 may be dining c:flw ' octaoona' dJnlne ~ Thllatat_t_llledwltlltlle YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A 18781 VI-point Lene No. 241, Beech,Ctmomlet"48 dllh and towel llolder. atrew John 0 . Luatc a Son. a otherwile interested tn the teDle 2 -i. ......_I oodllal County Clertt of °'Mt8 County on LAWYER Huntington IMc:h, C4111fomla 9*7 Thomu c . WHkl, 1497 t bukata, plaauc wule butcet. Calltornl1 core:;.:11on, 17550 will and/ esi.tr. .. -. e ......._ 1 tloar...., 2 June~5.1N2. Stan·Sllaw Corporlllon 1 Thle~le~eclbyan QeMva.IMM.c.Momlet2714 blae:kt>Oard .... phone..tlttew .... 019ett9A.....-. ,c.lll«nla or ' r9Cfwo0dc:Nir9.f~a..r-. F1t112M Calllornl• corporation u duly lnCIMdual (l'tulbencS and wh). Thill ~ le oonducted by • 2 toudwNtlc ~ 1 ....,_beg, c.dlllec FalrvlewlCallfornla, A petition hu been filed t ~ .--. t "-uprtgt11 Publla~ Orange Cout Dally appointed Trustu under the CoMt-L ~ ...... oar-lll pelil•lflip· 1 broOf!'ldr~-· 1 ~ ") Inc.,• Celfor'* ~etlon, 1800 by Ronald Troy~ in~ vac.wtra. 1 4lt1.1,_ boa eprtng. -Piiot, My 21, 2e, Aug. 4, 11. 1ee2 1<>1towtng deM:ftbe<I e1wc1 of trust Thia at.atament •111 ,__, ...... .... Heltlatt Ii. Herding ~ Kltdlln • "8ma 1 A_,. of the St-. Ekllt• 730, l~ Superior Court of Orange ~ a ~. 1 nwt~. ~ ; 10QZ-t2 WILL SELL AT PV8LIC AUCTION County Cterlc of Oranoa County on Thia 11•1-' -filed Witt! Ille round(.2) __....__ ~ ......_lntt:IAldtng1 --Moelea~ .. ~ .............. County requeatlnt that err ••H!!_IL!._•111• t11np. 1 ,'lo •-.,. IWlJIC( TO THE HIGHEST 8100ER FOR June 28. 1g92 County Clerk of Oranoa County on .....,._, '"" --. .._.._. 1'hla I .....,,......,.., v7 efrigar_...,,._ ~---'"-~--""-----CASH or • Ml lorth in Section F~ July 2. 1"2 towel llold•r. paper CUJ>I, mop, gener81 pwtnant!lp. Rona Id Troy Allen be (2) w-·a oioeHng lftcUlne NOTICllTOCown.ACTOl'I 292411 of Ille°"'" Code. alt rlQlll. Publl•ll•d Orange Cout Delly ,1m'al 17:: bowie, poca. P1'11, 0--. Wlllel'llA.9u0Da. eppointed aa peraonal 54 ~ 11 panta. S4 ctr-. CAUJNG '°"..,. 111111 ano 1n1e<esl conveyed 10 ano Piiot. July 1'. 21. 28. Aug 4, 111&2 Pubt11hed Or•nr cout Delly amllton IHcll bl•"4hf. di.ah Partner repre1ernat1ve to adm1nlllter 10 ~ e _.... 1 OOlll.. a MD NO. M-a now lleld by ii under said OeeC1 Of 3111 ... 2 Piiot, July 14, 21, 2 • Aug . ._ 1912 drainer, 1 Mt...._. &'llllllt ~ Thia -..-1 -tlled wltll the the estate of v1.....i1 AJlen Mllrtl. 2 bet'*'O 1U1ta. 1 ......_, 2 C...__"CT NO .... -Tr st •-10..-"'O""'I" "-'""naft~ 318742 d..,_, blue cenl91er .... County Clerti of Orange County on ..... laotarda 1-'-.. t ......... t .,...,.... · -u "' '"' ... ,... ' ....... -PlB\.IC NOT"'~ (31 Ml1cellen•ou1 1tem1, July 8, 1"2 (und~r the Independent ,._,.....; 1 t\lr ,,.,.;f..., • .,,. ... . School Dlatrlct: NEW PORT. dncrlbe<I ""' lfldudlng ueorted lln«11, men' a LAYlliAM. ~· & DYil Admlnl.llration o( Eawtet ,.. .. ..,_.(3~·· ppllance'a lnctudtnn 1 MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TRUSTOR· FICm'"''S-• .... u t 1111 " h d 1 -" '" "" Bid Deedllne. 11>0 o'Clock p.m of Robert Cepron Tllomaa end ..... r"""aTi.';:: ... UT Pl8JC fl)TIC( ~!!;.. .~~ = ~ LA,.~ ---Act). The ~'lion la let for s.r.. 1 doc*I. 8 lruw, 1 mualc ~Ille 5th d4ly ot Augult, tt82. Patricia Morrow Tllomu. Trull-,._,. ......... .._ • .,, ._..., -• ,..._ 1 -..--.--~ L No 3 at 700 boll I Copeeo coll .. maller. t It;. Place of Bid Reoalpt: 1167 und« Oec11r1tlorl of Trusl dated bu111~~~olal.owing person 1• dOlng c.....,. ........, • ..., ctodl, umbrella, record•. towwft. ....._.., llMdt, c•irMI..., Ct ••r ·-·w-·m 011erlzer blendar. I Sony tape ( s c A t 11 t980 ·~ a.eitr c.ttr9' e.nt .,..,...., comlof-.. mlaoabneoua "1117S7 VIC "" T"'• ~.. ,_.dar 1 8taun cof'lee gtltldar 1 • -~=·g2~:·1• 011• Mua. 'Te:.EFICIARY FANTASY GRAP~ICS .. 2940 ..... AM...... betlWOOtn llrtlolae. Publtetted Ora11G9 CoHt Delly the City of Santa Ana. pocket. calculator, 1 tllerm•I Project Identification Name. RE· Tile Slmon-Ehrenleld Group. ~= Lane. •B. Coate MeN, CA -..._a-...__ 11111 .... le made In IOGOl'danoa Piiot. J4Jt.J 7. 14. 21. 28, 11182 Cellfornla on Au1u1t 18. ma11a9er. 1 Sunbeam food ROOFING BLOO. 200 AT CORONA Incorporated a C1llf.orn11 TERESA ANN ANTONUCCIO .._..., C:A-wtitl Clllfomla CMI Code Sectlorll 2t7M 2 1982 Pl'-· DEL MAR HIGH SCHOOL corpora lion. u egan1 101 NOTICS M P\aJC HmAWO 1811 end lN&. by the uuderalgnad __ .,. ~ IF. YOU OB.JD:"I' IO the (4) Ml1cellaneou1 ltema Place Plans ••• on Ille: 1827 uncr1sc1osed pr1nclpal1 known " =2 Aqueduct Cypress. CA 81'4 landl«d, to dllPOff of peraonal ,.._,., ""'~ lnctucr1n9 5 boxea ol boolle, 1 Ptaeanlla StrHt. Co111 Men. SEG· 122. pur&uant to Loen This busi~• isc~duct~ by an Af'llUCATIONllORWUTE ~()9erty left by Ille •-t In 949 lllC'Tf'n0Ua81111.... IJ'Ultin8 of the petition, )'OU Centunon 10 IPeed men'• blN. 1 c:.llfomla Partlc1pellon AgrHmen11 dated d '° I ·--V" "" DISCMAW -~•"!Tl romotory Drive Waat upon NAm ITA;::n..,, ahouJd either &ppe91' 111 the bile• beg. ywn end ~ 3 NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEH that February 10. 1981 '" iv ue (........, ,...._. .,...._,. vacal !!: ':'.,.Pl'=:.:: Tiie tottowlnt peraon 11 doing hearln1 and state your plllowa. 6 plctur .. In 1r_., I -· Illa~ Schoo4 Dll1rtc1 of Recordec:t February 24. 1981 " T"esa Ann Antonuccio ll...,.,.alhn .,.._. ,.,,.., enant FCK aocw .,..... contact ~ -ob~tlons or file written mMlfl egga, 1 baa of _. 2 f'. Orange Counly Cellfomla acting instr No 28278 In book. 139S8 This SIBlerntlf'l was fll•<I wllll IM .. FkJr.,,Q. ~et 714n~2471 (1) FIELD MARl<fTINO, ~l>J ob tlo-· wltb the co··-....,.., .ace • 1.,.,. ...... ...,.. '•by and th1roouug'" lta Oov.ernlnn p.,_ 1954 of Otllclal Records In the County Clerk 01 Orange County on ,. __ ,._............_ Dtatrtcta p RO .. " .. ., ( / P .. O ••" ·-.... • f DIM!"" ~ 1 _,... (.!Boetd. llarelMft;, referred to .. o~ of the Recotelef ol Or1119• June tl 1982 ~~·~c-tr Deted: July 1 • t982 . s E R0 vt'c"E'a 0 d ," ... ui."r I· before the hearln1. Your ...;:-;-.,..... '*' boaU. ........ 3 ... "DISTRICT",..-raoatw uP 10, but Counly, said deed of trust Clftcflbes Published Orang• co!~'~":1 Tiie County Senltatlon Olatltctl of P ! Om 0 n t 0 ' Y p 01n 1 MARKET t No, (•I MULTI· a~ may be in pel"IOO towet1, 20 etuffed doll•. 1 ~::_1-.:..:,11~~•::v::ad·~ lhef~~1~::'1Jo 2998,,nihe Pilot Jut1 7 14 21 28 1982 • ~~Z.\<;8~~:'::,: 200 Promontory Drive ~=:.1':::.~~J,~:""' oc1 10W'y0•tt.omeyu A .RE A =:t:rb-\:•:~::._: contrllC1 tor tile •bow protect. Clly 01 Co111 Men County of 2974'8' applied for requ1rem.nt1 '°' tl'lf Bractforel J Pttz. e Wiiow Tree ~I fortla. I eipoona. 1 bll!L 81d1 lllall Ile reoelved In the place Orange. Stale of Calllornla. u per dlacl\wge of wut• Into the Pacific ~. ntne. CellfotM 92718 CREDrt'OR Ot a condnfent Tiiie .... le IMda In 1111 c •a ldenlllled above, and 111111 b• map recorded 1n 8ooll 170. Paoe• P\B.IC NOTICE OoMo. The ~opoeiad order wll be Tllla ~le condUC1ed by an creditor of the deceued, you wl\tl ~ CM1 Coda leGelofll opened llnd putllldy rwj ~ al 20 10 24 lnclua/Ye ol Mlacellaneoua FICTITIOUS IUllMH • Jolnl Permit .... by bolt! the lndl'l/lduel. ml.II\ file your cl.aim with the 1N7 Ind 1NS. by .. UliOlt .. ..O the ~ated time and pi.. Mapa In lhe Offlca of the Counly NAME eTATUHNT Reg Ion a I 8 oar d and the Bradford Pill court or n,._..,.t It to the lll'ldlord, to dla90M Of ~ There wlll be • NIA depo111 Recorder ol talCI county Environmental Pfotec1lclft "98"CY Thfa 11at~ -lllacl wttll tlle .--Pl'CIC*1Y left by ...... end Ao09r1e •._required tor a a ell ut of bid EXCEPT THEREFROM all 001. gu. Tile following per ton 11 doing (EPA). Th• EPA hll tentatively County Clertl of Orange County on peraonal re preaen ta ti ve Unelefwood. 637 leywood, Upoi'I ·.-doclumenta to guar111t• the retum mlnerala and other llydrocerbon ll<tslness H decided to grant a v.,...,_ from June 23. 1982. appolnttd by the COUf't ~ the ,.., property of 1f'I •• In good condition within NIA deya subllan<*I tying below. deptll Of EAGLE CONaT.-UCTION th• ••oondar)' trellm•nl Publlllled Or•nc Coaat Dally F*117 within four months from the I and .,,.,. notice to Mid ;• llft;.:,.11e:: ~ and .,. ~P1=:/r~11':11~~':9r1~11~ ~=~:·=.~~9~· zr= ~ g:.~,;f: Piiot. .M'f 14, 21. 1 2 am.a2 ,...::ib~ ~·z coaat ~Y date of flrat i11uanee of i.;:~. JiJlto/ 24 1112 r Hponalve 10 tll• contrac 1 aurface entry, a r_,,.ci m deed Jam" w. Waldera. 19912 the C800C feQllta • 1' · · 4' 1 ~2 letters u provided in Section 'a A Y W 0 0 0 ~ta. recorded In Deed• ol Record Edgewood Lane. Hunh119ton Se.ch. On u. ~ of prellrrW\lry etefl "8JC fl)TJC( 700 of the Probate Code of A,.ARTMENTS. eacn bid lhell be accompanied MAY BE Al.SO KNOWN AS: 3063 Cehlorn1a 92846. review 1ncr •P:fllcatton ot lawful NOT1Cll OP llAMHAL .. uu PUil.iC NOTICE c llf l Th tl e f Landlord by the aecur1ty r.fwred to In the Cepr1 LaM. Coel• Maa, CA This bullnesa 11 conducleel by an 11~ndard1 en ragut1tton1, Illa a orn • · e m or c/o Peril Waet ~ .• contt*=' cloc:umentt and ..... Ille... "(lf a llraet llddr-or common tndMdual Cellfornle~ W.._ n. • ..-. fNP\ILEASITNOT~FSF:1~11N3DJAMMER FlCTITIOUI IMllMQ filing cJalma will not expire 3843 Patl!Yl9w Lana vr 1 1 J""" w Walder• "-tro1 "~ta £--;;::;::;;:,! " • • • •tc. "'· ..... ...-IT"Tf-'"""'or to four months from ............ ,.. ... -11• •.·ot Pfopoeed auboontractors. d•• gnat on la attown above no .,._, .... ,..._ ._... ...... -~o ......... P£TER H. PAU' .,..,,N -.. _ .. , t" • ,.,,,.,. .,,.... .... "' • P1Kauant to aec:tlon 4680 of Ille warr1n1y II given al 10 Ill ThlS 91al9">enl WU ftlad wltll the tentattwfy proj,o... tO ._,. ..... u"""No~ 192 """"" ' The f0ll0wln9 peraona.,. clOlng the date Of the hearlnt COntlct Aorlnoe ~ , Go\lwnment Gode of Ille Stet• of comptat-or corractnan). · County Clerk of Or•noe County on dlacllarge raqutremanll tnclu~lng By \llr1ua ot 1111 ~ ....,_ bualMu aa noticed above. • (7 t4) 7~2471 i'.''Calltomlll, the oont~ 'Wiii contain The t>eneflclary unelef said Deed July 2· 1982 elltuenf ll1T111attone end apeotal °" Julia 11, 1w;.c fl'/ tne APOTHECARY ASSOCIATES, YOU MA y EXAMINE TMOllA8 WIU.9 ~Olllllonl permitting the IUCOeMful of Truat. by rauon ol • breach or Ftl'ltll condition•. Peraona wlal!lng 10 Court. ~ of Orange. StlM °' 4222 Campua Drive . Newport ... _ f"-k t b the -·-U AL.-c..,. 1111 bidder to IUtlatltu1a aecurltlel f« detaull In Ille obligatlona ~red Publlaned Orange Co111 Dally oommant =obtect to the ~ ucion • ludalnllflt enw.d llMCtl. Ca"'omle t2680 u"' uc ep y ~.. • ~ C:..... 0.-. anymonayawtlllhaldbytllaDletttct tnareby, lleretofor• necuted and PllOl.July] 14·21·28 1982 propoeed ,....,..,., .. In levor or WIN'"D,AMME INTERNATIONAL PRESCRIP-you are lntereat.ed ln the ..... . to al*" performanoa under the delivered 10 th• und•••lgned • 290M2 in lm!Md to au ..,.,. In "'1tJnO IH\IEST'OAS t9ZW • TION ~RINOHOUSE1 INC .. • est.ate, you may file a~ ......,.. ...... C.. •- .. c:ontract. wrluen Oeclfflllon of Oeleutt and to IN~ eddr9I no..,., tMn ~•I and= A H. Color* eot'pOl'ptlOn. 1100 Quall with the court to receive T The DISTRICT ~ the Fight Demand for Sela, and wrltt.,, notice PUBUC NOT1CE A.uguat 2.11, 1982. All oommentt Of ll'AUUJlN • t dlOtOI'(•). ~~~· ~ Belctt, 1 peel al n 0 tie e 0 f the Publl"*' Orwiee Coe1t Delly ~"to retact any Of .. bldl or to ...... OI brNCh and of election to CIUM rlC....,."'''I •UllNlla Obj9Ctlone received prior lO the ahoWtno e net Of 1450,• __,, __ .....,, Piiot, JVflo/ 28. A\Jo. 4, 11111 . """'1rregu1at1t11a CK lnlonnalltlel Ill 111e under1lgned to aell u ld .. """" abolledalhlw4llbeoone6dlredlntlle 003.00 eotuetly du• on uld Tiiie bu8lllMa IS conducted by• 1lnventory of estate a ... ta Hff=l2 ,. 'elf'/ blOe OI'".,,. bidding. Pf09et1Y to Mli.fy Mid 00Nge11onl. NA.Ml ITATIMINT fornlulatlon °' fine! ..,,....no.. ludament on tll• d•1• of Ill• llmltld partneteNp. and of the petitions, accounts --.,. OW\~ • · The OtSTRICT hie ootllnad ll'om and tllerHlter tile undaralgned Tiie lollowing peraon 11 doing reaerdlnll 1111 .... dlactlwge. ...,.,_ °' Mid uec;utio.i 1 ~ INTVIHATIONAL and reporU described ln ~ ""'-. me Director of tile Oapwtmant of cauwlaaldnotlceofbfHCllandof buti~t~'eASE COMPU TER 'ti!• •oerd wlellH to obtain ~upon al the t1otlt tilti.ef'd PA~~ S 1 l200 6 of the f'1Cnnou91UH ... fnduatrlal Aeletlona tll• general elecllon to be Recorded April 1. SE Av 1 c E 8 ; 1 8 1 Z 8 AS I! lnlormlllon t o a11t1t It In lntaNlt "'Mid~ ~•I CLEARINGHOUSE. INC. eel on • Cod NAm ITA~ l)l'Wlllllng rN °'par diem wagea In 1982 u lnltr. No 12-112310, of PHOTOGRAPHY SERI/ICES. 18822 detennfn91t Pf09I' w.te ~ Ill tM Pt'Cll*1Y In Ille Coufte1 Of Wltl141m P. l.e¥le; Callfon\U Probate e . Tiie lollowlng PtlfllOn II dotfl8 -1N IOOllcy In Wllldl tllll wor1I II. to Mid Otflclal Aecorde .,,_ __ L H 1...,.1 .. _........... ~and, for ltlet purpoae, Orange. Stale or Oelltotnla, ......... Praaldant ~ • e • • • • d D Io• , bualneal ea: llapeitomlldlorw:flc:rwftor~ ,st~ld H I• Wiii b• mad•. but CAUM7 -· un .. .,,on .......... wllfllold•~hMf'lnO•tollow9: daacttbedatolow9i; .. ._11a1-...twllledwttlllha A~a ... •· WI w. \/OLUME ASSEMBLY. J014 of'WCK1unlln needed to eucut• !tie w out covenant or warranty, STEVEN C ZMUDA 18822 ~]!: ._,! ~ 10. 111Q Lot Mo.*•...,.. ,,....,No. i:.1~ Of 0..0-Couinty Oft C•HI ii Wtf, Ne. ,11, No F Halledar. Sant• "n•. corrtrect. n-,.... -on fie 11 expr_. or Implied nigardlng 111re. Simonne \.ane Hunt""'ton 8Mcll ,,_ t:30 _... 48 ,...., No 11 Tl1IGt Mo. ,_. ., -N ,.... ... __ a... ClllltCKnfl 92705 m: ~~..,._~ :;-:.":n:;,:::.:;.,~: co2847 ' .. .,, ' II'~~~~• HOO~ CUWM6VAOCMO ·~ -.....--Oanny Au Reynohlt, 1878 ~Celfotnlaatn.~-, tMflOM(•)-ldbyleldo.crof TllllbullnM1ilcondueteclb'fan ~. ~ • ...,,, ~.':::4~=-ec.inwof ~tfll 1 .,r:=:: tt~b:!.,~N~dp co.at ~~~tlntton aeufl. ___, Oft ,..._.. A OC11PY of Truat, wltll lnWMt • In Mid note l!ldMdual tnt.-.ct ,.,._.. .. lnti4l9d .. N0,..0. 11 HfM9'( C11Y1N Al NHJnt A'f \AW ~ POol, July 11. = 21 Thia buatNa1 .. ~OJ &r1 -.... ,... ltMlll be """*' et 1M t~OlllcNld1_:.. ~~ erirol. Tlllldtt, .... , TNI atat!':' ~ ~wl111 the •t1eftd lo ~ .. ~ on Oft T ...... ~a. 1MI.. ·~~AID 1 • • lndlvldual. -,,. ,...,.,. "' _, .._, v• . C I ,... C l"8ae --u:the lb0'4 o'Qodt p.M. • hnl_ of Cowl--. p;o. 90I -. . Danny .... ~ nie iOteQOlna IOMdlAe of par '"8, cflargee end ••1*1-of the Coun~ 1er11 ° "'•noe ounty on wt1ce ~ ml!lelna 4IO t J11111>or•• •1vd., Olty ot llACN. C~ 8288-82 flllt tt....,_,. .. ..., .. ._ dleM wagea fa baHCI upon a Truat• and of tile ll\la11 crNted by June S. 11182· pt_t ... OM oonlM .. Newport....,._,~ of Qr-. County Clef'll of°""'" C111ft1y Ofll wortllng My ol eight (I) floutl. 1"e tllcf o.cr of Truet. tr~ ltl,__.I lo • .._ Move Nted .... ot Cllbftla, I "" ... -.. .,,_. Jul't 2, IH2 ..... ~ ~ .. ~ •,._ '= :::. ..~. l"'!"-2, "!A 1bet:OO~.~ .. A•ugue1 -.! ~I>~~ t~~~~~~8~~~ Dall). lllUH. Oral •llt"*'ll wtll be ~ aiaelan 10 ttle ....... bidder, .... ~ll•lled 0r•f181 Co••• D•ll'f "8ljC 11Qnc::£· P11bll ..... Otllftfll CM91 ~ ----...... ..... ...... ... •• .. ... .... ~. --•• ....,, but, -........ ., .. '°' -"' t.f\11 -of .. """· ~ 1. ,., t1, is. 1N2 ................. 1• "1 --ft lflll be~ upon ttll rront en1r1nc1 of Stan-Shew , .. , ...... record1 _•II 1111por1aftl tMtlMO!tW t.w......., II ,,_._. .. Md t 2t77.et ........ ~. '' '"'• • ..... ,.._ -OONT.-ACTOlll 10 wflom tlle Corporation, U15 E 17111 St.. lhoulll De~ In~ (),ii tnWtat of Mid judglnliM ~· -.a ~ la ...-Old, Md upon tllfl1 Senta Ane. OA t21t 1 PlltJC ll)TIC( atatamentl ilMlild be bfW to llOW In"-1DcM dilk rtMC1 ,,.,.._,., ~ -fUIUC IGTIC( ::.~-::~:.": ~°'c;'~,!,he.:!: rtermoua ... IQ•N ::::-__, l*'90llt ... to be 10 muolt 111efHf n ltllJ h PICTtT~e N:hnoul9UH•H womn-111M1 In by Hid prapetl)' to be IOld. ~·~ATW ~ r9POft of.-. .......... ~·-t:::~1::.i::....,_ .... ITA .... ITAW "-~ of 1M OOfltrct. .._,,., wtt1I tn1W91t. 111• c:Mrgea1 1'11• fotio.lnt paraon II dotng ,....... .... ,..., ._ ....... ._ oe-._ ._ ,_ Tiie '°"""'I ,_.... I• tt.1119 Tiie foltowtflt peteOft la dOlftt No llldCW ':fort,~ Illa bid WICJ~eofla.•~.ana buelneeell! IMfcl'• llt.,_.. _,...1,.,....tt, ~--~if ""*-• b. l*tod ol , .. , ci. ~. °' tfle datt '*9ot... p L MAINTEHANCI, 104M L• lnCI ... llllMmlMt lftf ,..111one DOH .. ~ O.-• d" •• ~,.~,,, w ·~1 '"' 1011'1 OAUeHTllll, ..:.: ............... °' ~~t.1182 =:::.:= '°""""' ~. ~::i.:;.""=~ ......... ;;r ....... ~ ~ ... =-~-~ ..... .. A p 1 )'"'en t I> o it cl 1" Cl e ITAH-IHAW M1mtrto JamH Aigulndln, ...... ~ ... 100. t.8'1'11c:::::" ICAYI TO.. *71 Aaaoe.-l*tDlllWM llond .. '9...... CO#OMTIOH 10011 Le ... trmota Avenue. IVtraldt&QAilHotJ=ft• -.c,, t ; , 1 11r•, jtv11t111t1tn ..... C" cwtor .. ......ion of .... -. .. Mid Truatee Fountain Vtll!W/, C•llfornlt HTOI ....... ,..... • • .. ..... J. lwoet ...... Tiie ~ llOnd .... be In tM ly: ITAN-aHAW Thie IMlalfMll9 le oonducttcl by lft 1:00 a.m. Md dO ,.m., ~ ....... ...... . ,.... ....,_II OOllidlolltld ~an ~ "'foul! In 11•• eontr .. t CONOAATION lndMduel tllrGUlh "-· , _.,._ .. ..,,. lfldMeilzl. P11 !eat.....,._ .. ,, Mtmeno J. AllOlllndln ,..... "'-fie ..... to ttw .... -. fM •......... ..,_ Thia~ w ..... wlUI u. ...,... 9' _, ..,__....... • ...... GA-,,_~~·--...... IN ~ ~ ...,,., rww. ..., .. AM. Cllltfornle COlll'lty c1art1 ot Ofenoe ~ Oft ~ ~ ....., _. -• 1 • •• 111 ..,. ,... _.., · · , ~ a..t wor.ee ~ on c;,.M. U711 ~ 1, 1H2 . ......... .....,_. .__ ,.._ "1i1Y.. tt, 1 .. ,....,...Olrzlllr ~•l'41.a11 ,..,.. PublleMd on~ c_.. :."-....... .., w111 N ~ ,,_ ,.:~,t,911.eo.t.o.lt; ,llllfltMft r,'~11 Dell~ ...:.11~~ 1~~~~t.~= 011~ =.Mt ti.•• , 11, A4. , ,. cw,,_,~ t~~ ~~"'r,.~-=-~,~ 4001~ fllloc. JI/Ir 1', 11, 21,•tN22"4-tJ not-It am.-•-U-... ' .. I I , •• r~•ILt' r1ac1:1 "I think Mommy's mad at vs. We're hc;ivin' turn ips." by Brad Anderson 716 "I hate to think what's going to happen to this house ... can't you spray for fleas outside?" ACAOSS 4e P•ent TUllOArl I 8egonel 48 H«olc PUZZlE IOl YID 5 Cf'eem -52 Act of olfk:e.. 9 Medicine ..-1ng 14 Ear pert 5' On blNlf of 15 9twub 57 Fenon 18 ~. 58 Grating 2 word• 50 Bog 11 Sullanat• eo Gerden 1oo11 11 Tower e1 TNMd 19 SWMter 82 G-'k: 20 Alilny &3'Not rncMng 21 - -84 Alilrl gulf ~ &Sletten 23 81rr«1 DOWN 25 Alllttwe 1 RICll'dt 2t T ... *"' 2 Haler'• - 17 8llplnd 3 L.-n 29 p, Ill tie 4 Honof ca-d 32 locty Joint 5 Promlee 27 lnigat• .. Clerlc 35 oenNn1 8 Federate 28 Mlmlct 45 Orctlll'd 31 Do l*dle-1 Mflt 30 F\lbber Item 47 Loefer wrt I Aun ""*Y 31 Sten 41 L-* 1 ' ' l • ,. .. You're che1tlnQ." DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~~ ~ -NAw, I'M~ GCHi4 cAASE HEl2 .. l M1M CAT~ HER '· 1 2 3 ' c:: .......... ~ ......... - .. __ 37... • Dll'IC1 32 Entr' -· 49 lklmlng 38 M 1.f 10 M Ptay bfNll 50 Sc:8'1C11n1¥1tn "-+-'-t--t--t--• AD1Nn l)t'tnC 11 T~ 33 Time of day 51 E .. gi •111 .. .,,, ....... ...... 34 S«pent. 52 Nobelllt of 41 """*·YIP t2~ 2.otdt 1a..1 a...., '' flfiP'I"" 35 ~ 53 """ .. 411 MtT.,.., 21 "°"""' 31 "'"° , 54 lndl9n ctty .. WMrf 22 W• ~ M ObMIWd 65 Wllkld OWi ...._ ........ ..._...._ __ 41~-;-lil" 2'Gll11 .. f U... •o...t i" " •' SHOE .;>O~! WISTEN1 , POVTJ1'f• D41A BAD enAAJTi 1iXJ! ~ll'l"INGS ~ TIE HI C.f-JONG ~ #.lttE~ &cXllC a:~$£ PHI NII A COPY UV\l'fHE: LAST UV 1t1e MOHf E:CANSn J COMEON--- I 1ll TAKE YOU TOA DOCTOR WHY ARE 'WE OUT HERE? "THE M~fER ADVlbt~ : HE Wl-0 t>l16HE.5 m BE A GOLD PROSPECTOR ... 1'M bOIK(, O\liS\Q( io WO~K oN M'i \~~. E) DR.SMOCK • • NO MA,.--re!R WHA1"1S WRONC:S Wl"f'H Me, :X: AL-WAYS GO 1"0 ONS: OF -rHOSe S:AR, NOSS: AND "fHROAi" GUY'S by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller IT 'S WEDNESDAY---THIS IS WHERE ALL THE DOCTORS ARE GOLF COURSE MU&i I.EARN fO MINE/ Hlo OWN BU61NE!:6 . by Kevin Fagan I tX>tfi l"INK 'f~E. ~UN I'> 6\(, (I\().){," . . . " -~­ l:OO ••• Cl>9 a PHllDI NT 9'8AQAN PMH COWIMNC• ..... HIWI ~WOMAN • ntaaAINT TM Saint MIP• an attrao- IM -find~ ml-. i tirotti«. &.W.A.T. HAWAII FTW.o • OWAIMY "Men Mld·Lila Tran•ltlon .. OUMt: flutltt H..-ble Mann. (A)O ·~· ~TH~A"1'9 "Sculpture: Eltlmentt Ot Olmenaion'' 9 AICNIWI alNeCHEWS UO. DICK CAvrtT 0-.1: Yo Yo Ma (RI • AMINCAH OOYIMMIHT "Government And The p,_•• 91WNEY~ 1=f0f'THI PIHNANT Barry T~ln8 _, T1m McCarver -all the ~ IMdlng to the 1982 WoridS...... .MOW ***~ "F-Female" (1H3) Wllllem Holden, Ginger AoQw• \ 7:001== ~PU Caine confronta the Prince of Dartc-10 .. .,. the Ille of Mui• Kan • AICNEWS 1J Ko.IAI< -~OUGOUT • JOKER'S WILD •• 8UUfU8 REPORT (J) P.M. MAGAZINE A O. .... at-old New Jereey glfi-wM p19ya an oronan 1n the movie "Annie ... a look beck al ttle era of Iha N9gro beMball ~ 9 fHTERT AINMIEHT TOHIQHT Patt Ofte of an lntllr'Mw with Paul McCartney. 8 THE Mt.JPPn8 G~t LoleF~ CJD.-AK f"MVllW Ho.t Leonerd Hwrie k>Oll• at the mcMel. ~Md apot1lt -II coming up on Home &ox Ofllce. {%)~ **'.., 'Stam:•M (11M19) Richard Bunon. Rax Hatti- _, Two eld«ty N>m<>Mx- uals 8Nre a thrMnO bw- ber1tloel ~ .... the ,_, of London 7:16., DODGER~ 7:al 9 2 ON TWE TOWN '-•lured a prollle ot JamM Sny<Mt. Jr • _, of Jimmy the Gr..i.: a IOOk at how LOI Ang•••• It becoming WI .utornated aoclety. • pronie 01 actor Rod St.iger D al FAMM..Y mJO D IY'EONLA. F..wf9d· • report on -P opera•. a prollle ol ><-rated lllm ater Merllyn Cham- bers, a report on d!YO<ce m wf.BAU. Loa Angela 0od9«t at Sin Francl8CO Giants I (J) TIC TAC DOUGH MACH£1l / l.E>IAEA RE.POAT G SURVIVAL "8altoon Setarl' Alan and Joan Root'• n1gh1 o...., Atrlca'a S..-engell P1aln In a 11<>1 .,, balloon ts docu- "*''ed. 9 YOU ASKED FOR rT Faalured "PhlllpplnH CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 KNXT ICBS> E) KNBC INBCI 0 KfLAllllOI G KABC IA8C' Q KFMB ICR~I 0 KHJ Tll Clnd I Gil KCST l llRCI ID Kfill (Ind) G) KCOP TV c Ind I fD KCET CP8SI l'li>KOCE 1Pl:IS1 MEMORABLE MOMENTS -Danny Kaye joins Jack Lemmon, Juliet Prowse and Lynn Redgrave in re.creating acenes from American musicals in "Sylvia Fine Kaye's Musical Comedy" tonight at' 9 on KCET (28) and KOCE (50) . Stick Warfare" and "Monopoly Factory " (t)MOVIE * * '"' "Mad Wed.-day ( 19471 Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden An ambmoua Mll-111rter ol Iha 19201 1Mrn1 that aue- ona ha• II• pttc. CID IT ANDINO AOOM ONLY "Oi_,e Rou The fOfmet "Sup•-" mt.ml>« wllo hu evolved Into a tinging and llC11ng aupatatar per- form• many ol her 1'1111 before an audlenoa et c .. Mii Palace In L .. Vegat (U)IASUAU Oakl'and A'• at C.Nlo<nla Angelt (S)AE~I; INT'tAMEDIATt Get in thape, Cool! good. and IMI grMI wllh !hit pnysiul 111-program 9:00 9 (J) euNO AM&mON The Waterg•I• delendanll are judged gullty •nd. l>l'6w P'-• to ~ befOf• the Sen••• w., ... gate Commllle•. John Dean learns that 1'141 laoee con191racy Cllargee and loroea • ,,,_uno with 11'141 PreeiOenl (Part 2) (RI G AEAl PEOf"l.E FMtured a monater mer- rlage ceremony • maak maker, a llylng lawn- ,_, a""-York atock- brOller known u Roll«• na (RI D MOVIE * * *.,., "Ellubelh The ~ .. ( 1939) a.tt• Dav- ia. Etro4 Flynn A contlle1 over power oeeura be-au-Ellubeth end her loYet In Shall.- ._,__, England 8 9 THEGMATUT AMENCAH Hao Aalpn bacon-. tM target of • my91eric>W c:wloecl of ......,,t •• ,,., ha -a ldcln~ llnle CJ1rf end ~ IN! ten.om mon-e ':OV. **'4 .. Tha Key" (1958) Wiiliam Holden, Trevor Honrel DINt>led Alllac:I INpa ere 1-.d lo Mtety b'f • IMOOino •uo wll<>M eommanCler ~ en Important key • MOVla • * • .. The Owk Secret OI H.-1 Home' (Part I) ( 19781 Bell• DavO.. Oavld Ackrayd A young co..ple IMvw Iha elly Mia behlr><I to MUie In • remote ,....., England lown t>ound by • strange yearly rlluel for '( crop lertlkty ., 8UfMVAL "Balloon Safari Alan end Joan Root's ttlght over Alnea • Serenge11 Plaln In a hOI 81f balloorl It OOC..- mentecl, DIM<! NIVen ner- ret .. (R) alTtHNIS Well• Fergo Open CoY erage of lhl• event lor women trom the San Oieo<> Sport• Arena ca pt-1ed S)BaAAAE .. Lingerie Party' 0 STEVE AU.EH o On Tl/ z z rv H HBO C t(lflt 01.1 t I t !WOR' N ~ N • " (WTBC.1 f CESPNI S I Sl'lowt ""' I 0 ~OOlllQlll G 1(..Jbh N1 W\ Nt IW<lrk) IAUITU TH! 0.11 Phyltl• Olll•r, Norm Croe- by. J•I'"• Meadow•. lmperaonator Jim 8a.llay and Barbi Benton JOln St-Allen et>oatd the a.-Ellubath ti UOID ~OfT~ANO THe AAZZMA TAZZ OF JAZZ The Hubbard Street Dal>Ca Company per1orm• !>'- from their wide-ranging repwtoir• (l)MOVIE * *.,., "Sertal" ( 11180) Mat· Un Mull. Tueaday Weld, A hepplly marrl•d Marin County ~.,.. 9PU'red by the!< trendy neighbon Into HptOrlng llllarNtlve lll•tylaa. 'R' •·4'(%)~ 8:00 G TH! ,ACTI ~ Uf£ Tootle 11 mistaken lor • 1_,_.. prottlwt• when aha ~ IOe1 In '""" Vortc City (R) 8 9 TH! FALL OUV At 1 etuntman'• ~ tlon. COii le put In the pc*- tlon Of having to reaeue hla major cont9"6er lor the i!_OUl>'I annulll eward (R) '8 Cl!) SYl. VIA FIHE KA\TS MU81CAL COM!DY TONIGHT It A 1tar-1tudded eett cncludlng Danny Keye, Bonnie Franklin, Jack Lemmon end Lynn R9Clgr..,. re-crNI• aome Of tlWI magical -ta In American lh•ll•r with --from "South Pacif- ic,' "Flnlan'• RalnbOW . .. Swfft Charity and "l.Aldy In The Dark " (R) (t)MOW • •.,., "Fon•' ( 1980) Joelle Falter. Sally l<Mler- m.1. The vk11me 01 brOllan hOn.-and uncaring per- 9'\te, tour t--aoa .,.,.. try to aoothe l"8lt emotJoNI ---llVOUOft dNge ..0 _.,.. ®MOVIE * *.,., · s-n.t Lille OICI TlmH" (111801 Goldi• H-. CMvy a-A aofl"'-1.0 ._,.., la tom ~ .... ~ ... hu 1b anO-tu rnt~-t> 1nk rob!>« end har uptight ~' huabtlncl """° .. running lor Calllornla attorney O--al 'PG' D lotOW * • ,_., .. For YO<Jf E ..... Only" (19811 Roger M00<e, Topol. J-8ond tractll a erimlnal wno purtolnecl • lop MCr9t 9rttll/I defenM CleYICa 'PG' CZJ ~ ••• "8uml" (t970) Mar- lon Btando. Even.to Mar- Ql.ez A lltNll Port~ lsland'I ltruggM IOf lnde- pendenea .. •JCPIOlted by • crafty 1811K:>entu<y Bmlah cOlonlll e:ao D LOVE, SIOHEY Sklney aacr1tloea I'll• lamlly Hie .,.,,,..., he tall• • jot! wonting •I an tldvef1lllng ~(R) tO:OO U QI OUINCV Quincy trlea to prove thll two dealhl -• ettrlbuta• ble to 1 erllla-levef smog alert (l'I) I I~ Bl•e pretand1 to be blind, Alexle wine an uneq>Kled victory OV9r Kryetle. and Colby plot• to gain acxieea to the Oef'l...,.C..nngton lllea (RI (])MOVIE * * "FunhOUM (1981) Ellu~ll &.rr1d9e, SyM• Mllee Four teen-age<• tpencl • frightful night In a earnlvel lunhouM lnh•btt- ed by • demented batiter and hit monatrout .or\ 'R' 10' ... ., ... ... °',,_,. -~,-­oAMI • ,._...._,..,_OIMI ~..,..,.. ..... .............. ,..,..,. ~ ... , .. "Lllltn YWMf\ MaW!t II In Mell Qr~· ON Of tilt '**''• ..... meil«dtt .. .., .. illllltt 1411111 hOW (;~"' • *" "'Ot V04111 ly.t Ott/If' ( , .. ,, ,...., ....,.. T •• J-.._ trtOlllt • «lmlntl Mio purio!Md • '°' ...... """"" ....,.. ..,._.N' t1M u•ll>9• • IA~YNWIHT Hott' Howlfcl .._.,..,, °'*Cl fllal'lfy NNman D YOU AIQD P'Otil IT , .. 1w.c1· ''Hq Glldlftg" ancl "21·M llt Fino•• Mlftthon " e llNNYMIU Aa hOtC of ''N-That TIHW," ltnny **'- the Nlee to flM>f • pt9tty oont•tlnl .-·-·~ OOC'TO"' IH n4I "°'* During t i.e1ure on hypno- 111, en un1ucee1eful 1nempt II m.oa to llypl\o-t'-ouncen ~..ow .... "Mollntoctil" (1883) John Wayne, M1ur .. n O'Hwa. A cattl• btlton lrlM to ~la • oroup of dftO<untled tn(llane and cope with a Mty. deler- min.d wltl at the .. ,,,. tlmtt CJl)MOYll •••• "T ..... (1979) NUIUll• Klnlkl, Peter F111h The daught., ol a poor Engll•h l•rmer beoonlM tN Wrtim of .... lwnlly'• aaplfatlon1 and her own bMuty 'PO' CillotOW ** .. Anal Cul" (1CllO) Lou Brown. Ol'tlld Clen<llnnlng. A lllmmaller trlta to dla- ~ tM trvth Mllilld a murder ha think• ha aaw and photograQMCI 11:ao • (J) MOYll • •~ "Portrllt Of A Rebel. Marglf9t Sanger" 1 t980) Bonnt. Franklll>. O•vkl Dull-. The 1amp9- fuout lf9 at Maro-et Sanger. Iha conttowrNI woman· 1 right• llC1lvlll who Nl•bltthed Iha flrll birth control ellnlO, 11 Clramatlad. (R) D alTONIOHT Moat. Johnny Careon 0.-t.Or-~ D O UCNeWS NtOKTUN! fJ MOVIE * • • * '"Tiie a.cnt Wfll Of Hatry Fngo" ( 19410) Paul ~. Sylva Ko. c:ine All Army prlv•t• la aent to help n.... t>rtgadtet O--ale MCape ITOITI Iha lt.U-. • 1'41..l&ffMOHS War brMltl out "'- Iha W .... end IM Jfllfllf· '°"' with Uonel and Jen-,,., IM "'91-*"--(Part • U NllON> NfO 9°" Whefl Fr.ct '*"'-a •ltght Injury In a ear ~.~I hlr'M I ~MC* to help out. e UNOEMT ANOING Ht.MAH MHAVtOfll "~T-11· -~MC NIW8 .lot()W **~ ·~ Men .. (11181) S!My 8~. Erle Roberta In 18", a , .... phone c>perW10r .... a amell T-town uettnc.a lier 1tendk\g In Iha communftt ""*' she h• • ahof1 affair ""'"' • comt>at-«>ound Ml~ or 'PG t 1:40 (S) MOVIE ••• "Oull•w 8tu•" (1977) Pet., Fonda, ~ Satnl Ja,,._ Wl\9n a coun1ry--1tern 1lnge1 11 .. 1• h+. tong. an ex-con trlet desperately to retrieve hit recording rtotit• wtllle batfllng ttle police 'PG' t2:oo 9 ENT'UTAIHMEHT TONIGHT Par1 one ol an Interview with P9ut McCertneoy. 8 9 LOYE80AT A couple c:eMbrale their 40th wedding annl...,.ary and Doc la accuead of making a p.a ., a ~ ~'twtfit.(RI ., MOVll • • • • "The 08)1 01¥or - ~ .. (1934) Fred .Ml.Wa, Ginger floOen. *'ailing • IOVNICk dancer fOf eom.ona e!M. I 19dy i--him an lnvtttllon ·LOVE.~ l'TY\.I "Low And The Trlangle" A venlrlloqulll lak.. hit dummy along on hll lloo- eymoon "Lov. And The Fly" 8ab1 QOH to axt,_ to Ott '-iw .. band'I lltenOOtl Glen Campbell returns to TV NEW YORK (AP) -"If you aee somebody on the show who isn't talented. write me a nasty letter," uys Glen Campbell. "My philosophy Is talent." Campbell says. "Juat becauae aomebody has a hit record doesn't mean they'll be on. A lot of name• have been mentioned from TV 1how9. I don't want 80D>ebody who can sine and not C'2rf"Y a tune, if you know what I mean. I aay, 'No, thil la a muaic ahow.'" Rb weekly ''GI.en Campbell Show," t,)'llc:Ucated to 160 TV ltatklm. ll echedw.d t.o prtlrl)lere Sept . ,a. A doztl) half-hour abowl baV'e' been taped. and 12 more w11l be done at the end of the awnmer. •"'rheft'a man rnudc on here ln half an hour than ln an boUr on my old show," Campbell •YI of >Ua new fomMli., wb.fch ~Y wW include ... ~ HJa pnvlou.t pro~. "The Glen C'.empbtll Good 'nine Hour," w• on 0)8 1068-'71. Restrictions on that network s h ow b eca m e oppre11tve, Camebell says. ''They asked who Bob Dylan waa, and turned down Neil Dt.amond. They told me not to walk out with the guitar -I looked too country. I am country, And aoul, blues and rock 'n' roll." Yawning, the 46-year-old Campbell aays, "I got up at 4. Must be getting older." He ainat a bit -"Hot rod can and honky-tonk ban don't mean a th1nc no more. Mutt be pttlna older" -and addt, "Steve Hardin wrote It. He'a the hannonica player on the ahow, lhe beet I've ever been UIOdated whh. You'll love him. The audleN: will applaud In lh• mlddle of hll aolot. "We do the TV thowa ln frol'l\ of live au.dlenctt. There'• no overdubblna. no pre-recotdlna - from our aroup anyway:• Aft.er 19 years with Capitol Record.a. Campbell hu b1I firlt album on the Atlantic label comln• out In September. It includes "The Mull of Kintyre,'' which he plays on baaplpes, with harmoni.ca and fiddle; a coun~ song, "A Woman'• Touch,· written by Jerry Fuller, who produced the album, and "Ruth," the lat\'°"' written by the late Judd Strunk, who wrote ••A Daisy • Day." Af.to thia fall Campbell will tour Europe. He WM in New York 1n mid.July on h1I way to perform at the C-oncord Hotel in t.be Ca1lkl.lll. • c..mpbell'• belt·known reccrda lnclude ''Gentle on My Mind," which made him a .W ln UNI?, ••By the Time l Oet to Pboenix." which came out fo\lt month• later, "Wtchtta Llnml\an," 1"8, "Galve.ion." 1989, 0 Rhlnestone Cowbo~f 187~. and 14Southem Niahtl.' 1877. Jim Webb, who wrote u Phoen lx," "Wichita .. and "Galveston," will be on th• t.elevilton lhow ... 1 think M'a the belt musical poet of our time. • genlua," Campbell aaya. .. -.- Otanot Ooltt DAILY llfLOTIWt4'*"'1f, .My It, 1H KNXT (2), KNIC (4), KA.BC (7), KJ'MB (8), K01'V ( 10), KCST (10) D:OO - ''President Reapn Pre. Conttrenoe.11 KNXT (2) 8:00 _: 0 BUnd Ambition." Second of a three·pe.rt lll1m aboui John and Maureen Dean ln tbelr White Hou.ee yt'at1 during the Water1ate crllia. KCET (28), KOCE (&0) 9:00 -"Sylvia Fin Keye'• Mu.teal Comedy Tonight n." Star4t'Udded cast re-creates aome of the magical momenta of American theater. KNXT (2) 11:30 -"Portrait of a Rebel: Margaret Sanaer." Bonnie .Franklin plays the controversial crusader for women'• rights who esutbllahed the nation's first birth control clinic. 11:JO C%J MOYll •• * .. Tlla L.aat Of The 8lue Oevlte" ( t87t) Coun1 8ule, Joe Tum«. A cloou· m9'\laty ponrall ol K- Clly'1 contrlb4111on to mullO le ~led u many jlZI grMta gather In tMlr old union llAll lo per- f0tm and remlru- tl:IO D a LAn HIGHT WITH DAVID t..ITTMM.AN Ouea11· Ml•tar "o09''· COfMCllan Andy Kaulmell and -tllng c:haml)IOI\ Jerry Lawler, ·•ute Night .. Chef Mollle Flttger•ld. tutll<w ~ Wllleehlnaky. ,~I : * * * "II I Were King" ( 183&) Ronald Co4man. Ellen Or..,., The raaeal- poet. fr aneola VIiion. t.an- Olel wit• with King Louie XI of France • MOVll • **' 'The Count.rtell Trallor" (1982) Wllllam Holden. Lllll Pit,.,,., The Srltlllfl OO-""*'' l>lac*- rnalll a ,..turalRed S._.,. Into becomln9 • •PY ega.11111 the Null during Wor\CIWW H cm DAVID ITENeEAO IN ~ Comedian O.vid Steinberg .. jolMd by John Candy tor a -1 performance llllMCI at York Unlver.ity In Toronto 1:0I (C) MOYie •• ..._ 'B~" 11*1 Olvld Hemmtngt. 11.,_ ~ Whan • young London pholcorapher haa aome at hla l)lc1ur• blololrl up, ha ClllCO\>MI wllat ~to be• murder t:10 • MOYIE ••~ "Snatet1acr· 111121 .._,Cl Duff, l.allle Nle6- Mn The hual>anda of three kldnap.,.cj women ere btoughl llllo oonfllc1 ""'*' one ,__ to pay a large ranaom~. t:IO~= *"' "The H9'1PY HOOker'' (1976) Lynn .-.00tave. ~.,. Aumoftl The ... et "'-Yorti'1 '- oell Ol'f, Xavtara HollMder. lltold. 'A' 1:IO 8 a._, NIWI OYUNGHT 9 MOY1E ... ··91ooc1 ~ .. (1911) Jo1W1 Suon. 8ur11vouno A pelt ol pollce ~ h- thelr hand• full wMll !My ln-1igata the eauae ol ~ being wc:lled lf'tlO ltla -.d, -to lie _,1g111n 'R' 1:Al9 NIWI t:IO (%)WOW! * *'Ai "Rttgoecly Man" ( 1H 1) SIM)' Spaioall. Eric Aoll9n• "' 18 ... a , .... ptlOne aper a tor In a llftall T-town ucrtncea her •landlng In 11'141 commYnlty .,.,.,.,, the hu a lhOt1 affllr ""'"" a combat-bound tall· «.'PO' 2:00• MOYIE * * • "F'fvoe Came Baell ( 1~9) c11 .. 1..-Morrla, John Carradine. Courage and cowvdloe -e11a- p19yec1 by 12 PHHnget'I """° ~ an 1crplane crUh In the Amazon )un- SD" MO'IWI * *°" "for VO<Jf (yea Only'' (1N 1) Rog« Moore, Topol J-Bond tracu a 0tlmtnal wllo purlOIMcl a IOC) -et 8rltllh ci.NnM o.vtca. 'PO' ~ IYMYTHIHO GOii 1:11• MOVll • ··~ "The Spedali.tt .. ( 1174) Robert Y Otll, Meu- reen lllMgan Ooct0f1 at a d'-eontrOI cent• .,. laoed with Iha problame of Identifying • pecultar ,..,, attectlng eotloolehlklran and a _... of unex- p191ned aoc;IOent9 In a eoac> factory. a-.aolNIWI ..UY90Y ON THI AIA 2:40 .we S:OO. AAT PATAOl. A popvlat Amerlean enler- talnat II eaptured by 11'141 ......... Cl) JOAN AIV!A8 CO..OVHOUA Adul1 pul)e>et-Barclay SNw and the Tropleana Olncer• -featured. 9 MOVll • * • "~board Jun-gle" (1855) Glenn Ford, Anne Francie. A dedlcaled young IMCNr ltlempll to ,_,or• Otdet In a ~ training tchool where ,...., ... I•""'"-and vlolence have taken root a:Ot (t)MOW • •..., ·Fon•" ( 19801 Jodie Foetw, Sally Kellar· "'911 The \llellma ol broken ttomM end uncaring par- ent•, lour 1--.aga girts try to aooth41 their emotional wound• thfough drug• and MX 'R' 1:30. VOYACM TO THE 90TTOM ~THE 81EA .. s..i.o Or.,.,.. • MOY1e • • * "late OI The Dead" I t8461 Borla l<Mloff, Ellen Or9W wt"'9 t>attllng an llland ~ •• a.... general find• hlmaetf cat•- pulted tnto a dark, _ .. wor1d of wltef>cnfl and the OCCUit. (%)MOVIS * * * ''Bumi .. ( 1970) Mw-lon 8renclo, Eltertato ....,_ ~A---~ ltlland'a atrugole tor 1nae- ~It nplOll9d by • Ofafty ll~ruty entietl calonll1 dO(l)MOYll * ·~ "S.... .. (1NO) Mw- tln Mui, Tueaday Weld A ~ll mar'led Marin County co..ple ar• epurrecl by tt>elf trendy '*Ofll>OH Into exploflng al1emetlve N1wtvlea 'R' 4:to CBl~ • • .... ·s--a I.Ill• Old TlmH " ( 19801 Goldi• Hnn, Ctlevy a.... A aoft-i-1ed 1...wyer la tom ~11er~··­hu1t>and-turned-bank robbllf and her upllghl sw-t huaband wllo la running for Calllornla attOf'MY general. 'PG' 4:IO . VOYMM TO ntE IOTTOM Of fH€ lfA "0..th Watctl .. 4:48 .MCM! * *'It "Stardua1 ....,__ ,.._ .• (1980) Woody A.lien, Charlotte Aatrll)llng A mue- -tul dlrKtor lacea • perlONll erlele • he t r1ea to make -majot o.e1- aloia In hl9 llfe 'PG' JOHN DARLING CO~ ON, .JAN! TELL ME MOW Wf. DIP ~ THE RATINGS! 1. C.-1\N TAKE IT .1 n 11n4•1'• ......... . ., ... __ ,. .. _ ....... ~ ... , .. ' Jl.ntla" ( 1nll lllM ,.., AW ,,.,. A ' ... , .. '°""' ...... ~ ,... • .,.., Ill. '"'"'"' " ..... ..,,.... ···~"" ~ ....... ,... UO(I)••• ·~•ttte1) ......., ,_.., ...... "'°"'P" Mfl, A 'fO\lllt WOfllaf\ ._... ._ aott1tonllble -*"'1*1 "°"" and ,_ OMll l'!Utbancl. dtt•llllnlld lo .-. rull '9POI.,_, fOt ~ ,.,., c:l'tllOretl l>y dOlng ........,.. odd )Obi "" can 119' T-00 (I) * * "TM Apple Dump ling Gano Alclee "9"""'' ( 1171) fir/I Conway. Oon Knott• A peAt ol _,.,n ovllaw. try 10 walll Iha 11ra11 and narrow ·o· l:OO CC) • •.,., "The Gumball A.ily" (1t78) MletlMI 91r- ruln, Tim Mclntlte A gwn- ball 1Mci11ne 11 the grand prlH In a New Vor11-IO-l.oa Angefea C1W r-whleh bfinoe all aorta 01 Hll'V eharactere onto Ill• Y1allon'• highway• •nd back roedt 'PO' (}I) • • • '4 "GIOria" 119801 a-Rowtana•. JOfln Ad•-· A former gun moll~ the ptO- t9'1or of an orphaned 6- yeet-old Pvarlo Aleen llr- Qeled by the unclerworld for the Information he ear- ,._ Ill • batl•ed brlef- caM 'PG' l:*ID ** •. _., .. The C•t And The Canary.. ( 1939) Bob H<19e, Paulette Goddard In order to eollecl their Inheritance. a family mual apatld IM nlQhl In a haunl- ed hOuM 1:46 (%) * • "Llghlf1tng Swords 01 O..th" (1974) Tornlu- buro Wakayama, Muahlro Tomtkawa.A buahldo wat- rlor, fOfc.d to roam Japan u a "hired eword," la hunted by hll '°'"*' -m1M 'R' tO:OO ~ • • • .. Agatha" ( 19791 Ouetln Hottman, II_.. R9dgia.... In l.onclog 1n 1928, II\ Amertcan -- papat report., meets and become• lnvoivad wtth famed myalary ..... 11 .. AOa- lha Cttn111e, wl\o l\u left her unlaltllful hu1b•l'ld 'PO' CH)** "H8Wmptl" (1978) J-Harnplon. Ctulllo- pher Connelly Mambera ol the United S111.. Cav•lry try 10 ecl)ust to riding eam- ela lnelud of l>orMa In Iha untamed, lawteaa Teua ot the 1eoo. ·a· * * * .. Ouo Vecll1' (19511 Robert hytor. Debora/I Kerr A Roman afltlocrat gllnt N•o'a ~­'•"°' wt*> he 1911& In love ""''" a Cfwla11an CJ1r1 D • * "Falllng In Love Again" ( 11180) Elllott Gould. S.-.nal\ Yor11 A man ~ to tn hlOh aerlOOI r-*>n In the beli.t that he can rellve the gOOd ~of!Npeet 'PO' 10:tO Cl) ..... ,_ .. (1'MO) 1.-Cwa. Barry Minar S.-al gifted •ludentl •• a~ Yot11 high tdlool l0t the patfOfmlng am apart.. ..-varlout Mtllectc• and •oocet-olbolll~ at and prole1a1onal nelUt"ea. 'R' t~ 8 *,. "Tiie Navy V1.. Tllll Night Montier a" ( 1*1 Manw. Van Oofen. Pamela MMOn A l>MUUM muea and a Naval ollleer encounter man-eating unclennler 119g91111on • *** The Spiral Stalreaee" (1 948) OOrothy McGuire, 0-~ Brarll A young 0..1--.il• CJlrl • llalked by. lhadowy kltW In a gloomy Olcl l\ouM Ill • e•,i, "Ul)WM" (19~1 Kirk Oouglu. Anrhony Ou•nn. While Uly•H• maka1 a roundabout return journey ITorn the Troj9" Wa11. hit wit• atrvogtee to prot41C1 hl• throne a:>•• •'It "Heaven• Aboval" ( 19831 Pet•• Sell«•, c.cll Parker A wall-me1nlng reverend .,_.,_ a t>llhOp In out., ~ aft., balng retee'ed " .......... .. ............... • 1 •"''lltOMWtl • ... , Mttft ,..."' .. /I#/ hiflMft A NM ,,..,. ,. ......... .,.. "" ...... t• ,.... "'*"' ,. hit ................. llO' i **"' ,., • .., ()nly'(1tltt ... ....... 1 • .,.,.. .... ..... .~ ... ~· top .... IJrltlM .... ~''°' t•(f) •• .,. .. ,orYour t~ ONy'' (tNf) ~ Meora, f 090' ~ eon. midi• a enml,,.I wflo p1Kf01Mc1 a '""_.,.,........,.. cleW.e 'PO' C'Il ••"Oh~ 000" ( 1910) OMYy Oh-. letljj Wl'tlla inw.tlgl11ng • pollt !Gel M• aGand al In London, a ptlvet• detec- tive 11 mufclerad and rain- e#"naled u • wulty dog PG' 2:IO (I) * * "Th<t AINllng ACIYenlllr• Of Joe 00" Animated The aon of an ele etron1e1 expert t>ecomea a ~" eqant tor the World lntelllgetlc:e NetWOf'k aa a ~ of hla lau-·1 lat•t lnVWlllOn • • • * '-4 .. The Cat And The Canary" ( 1939) lob Hope, Pau~ Oocldard tn order to coll9e1 1halr lnherllanca, a lamlly mull 9'*\d IM night 11'1 a h~t- 9d ttouee 2-46 (%) • * • .. The Lall 01 The Btu. 0ev111" 111191 Count Batie, JOa Turn« A CIOCUmenlaty portrell OI ~ City• contribution to muale te pr-19d aa many fan graa11 oat'-In I heir old union hall to pat• lorm and ramlnlaee 3:00 ct) • • • "Oulllver'a Tra- vel•' ( 1939) Anlmatacl 8&Md on Itta story by Jonathan Swth A man 11 lhlpwreeked In the land ol the emall-llzed Ulllj)utlant CID ....... Olofie" I 1980) Gen• Rowlandt, John Ad.,._, A tormer gun moll b9c:omea the pro- lectOf Of an orphaned e. Y"' -old Puerto ltlean ter• Qeled by the underWor1d IOf the 1nlormauorf he e.r- rlea In 1 battered t>r19t- ~ ·PG' 4:00 C/I * * • '"The 8uc:- ~.. ( 1938) Fredrle March . Akim Tamlrotf Pirate JMl1 Ulllle alclt the Untied Stat .. In Iha War ol 1812 cm * * SaV9Qa H.,_t" ( 19801 Tom Skerrltt, Mk:helle Phllllpt. An Ahl· c.an drought clr1-wlld animal• into POOUl•t.o ., .. , 'PG' 0 • * ,_., "Th41 North Ave- nue lrregulata" ( 1979) Edwsd ttemnann, hrM- ra Harn• Ttte ._ mlnllt• tn a llftall '°""" organtzaa a Q<OUP of dotty women In hll eongregatlOn lo alOP the flow of Church tvncla to ertmlnal• •Q' ,:11(%) ••• "f-"(1M0) I,_ C.wa, 8any M._, S-al glf1ed 11UCl«lt• ., a New York high 11Ch0cll l0t Iha perl<MllllllQ aria~ -Vllfloue ... Moka 9'\d eueceuea of t>oth per'IOl\- at 1nd prota11lonal naturea 'R' 1:00 <ID •• ~''The Hol1h A- nue Irregular•" (1978) Edward H.,rmann, Bart>a- ra Heme The ,_ ,.,.._,., In a amall town orvena-a group of Ciotti' ~ In hll conoragahon ID Mop the "°"" of ehwell fundl 10 c:rknlnale ·o. (() * * "TM Apple Oumc>- llDQ G•ng Rlclea Again" (1979) Tim Conw•y. Oon Knott• A ~r 01 _,em outiaw. try 10 wallc Iha strait and narrow ·o• I~ CC} •'It 'Rock N RoM HIQh Scttool ( 1979) P J So!M. Vincent \Ian Patten A budding aongwrlt• et Vlnoe Lombardi Wlgh trlel to get Iha R-to record her mulie while her equally amt>ttloua triancl ~ 11'141 adlOOI ,_,_ t!Wot> 'PG cm * • "Blood Al'ld Gutt" (1878) Wiiiiam Smith, Mk:h•lln• Lanctot An aging wrestler Malla Illa one-ln-a-mlUIOn lhOI l0t -In hte. WOltl and love 'PG by Annstrong & Batluk OH. L.O~Q."1 KN£W l"T.'/WH'( M£!1 1 WAHT -ro DIE./! 1 ~ ~MNA \..NE!/.' Thru Aug. 28, 1982 Shrimp, Fish & Chicken Special •2.99 Three for the money-two tasty shrimp, a fish fillet end a whltemeat Chicken Plonk served with fresh cote slaw, fryes end hushpuppies. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa 11uo1 ~h ol "'" OlttQ lwy. ouon from 1.&o 1471' Jeff~y Rd 11 w1tn111 I"" off '""'° Ano f~ 1 lrvfM \ ·' t ? • I I I ! I I I I I ! . I • i I I • • i I I t l ---..--~ ""'1lAI . wml,.,,, WllOtl IAMIY wmt•De>a llUI TillM 3~ GAS TREATMEIT AOO TO YOU• OAS • ---• RPls_ ......... •S-... ,•0.-c~ 12FLUID 111 OUNCES "- • • ~VY DUTY ''RADIAL 88'' SHOCKS SIOCI AISOllll 1 Y,," ,,STOii M''Ul.111A1F'SllOCI ....... -~ FOi IADHI. .um, ... ...:.o;::_table All) B11D 1lllS How ,..., •• , • le41• Vol .. .t ...... rood SWVlf· SM<k ~ ..... -... ... s·~-~::au IACI ::--lAOI CHECK OUI LOW, LOW • PRICES 011 1 Sia" PERFOllMAICE Ill ST ALLA TIOll SHOCKS BY,., BOYS MAtl HPICIAU y fOI SIRVICI CINTIR CA 8'. • A\IGllotiit In Stor• wf1fl y-~. s-k• c:.n-. PD BOYS • IDVYOUTY AIR ADJUSTABU SHOCK ABSORBERS ADJUSTABLE FOR SMOOTIB Rm . OR HEAVY LOAD DRIVING For most Americon & import 47• possenger cars. Also comperr; • station wogons and light trucks. . Pim USE WITH ANY BRAMJ AIR ADJUSTABU SHOCK [olemon11 AIR SHOCK PUMP fa..WS. 14• IXPIRTS 4 .... IAGI • Appoln!-' '"°>'be~ I IK:. Super,,....,, & Styllllt .c-72 SPOii DISllN KLASSIC WYRE JtKt.UDtNO ur au•• *'"54• 13" x SY.a" ''" x 6" .. 1530 S HARBOR BLVD. PHONE1 870·0700 10912 l<ATELLA AVE. KATELLA & EUCLID PHONE, 638·0863 I • ~ I ' WiN lll< .,,,ri,l~tll WITH IHUILDUlf MIT IH TllAOt ESALE! . COltNnL ''20C)I' 78 SERIES nMlfSS IUCDaW •2399 ·~IJ II .ir. I COllNW SUPER SPORT G/T BELTED 60 llO wtOf lUlflfSS Til.ES WfTH om.a WIN11 umas ·36~~ CORNELL "300'' 2+2 DOUBLE BELTED TIE.ESS WHmWWS '2899 ~·) O\U' ... ,,,' ,.. 1-.C .... COllNILL SUPER SPORT G/T BELTED 70 MG WIOf fUIElfSS TIIES WITH OU1UfD nm unas '32!:. i ' ... ':t"":m COID y + I f11AO l'tU '*HUSS SIZE Piia no tlC. ... (7()..1, 143.99 n .>1 f70-" $45.99 12'7 07().." Ma.ff 1262 070-IS Mf,ff n ... 14207 ROSECRANS AVE. 120 £. FIR~T ST. AT CVPRE&S PHONCf944·M37 PHON!: 547.7477 OPIN MON. YHRU I'll. I A.M.·9 t\M./a. I A.M.·6 RM./SUN. 9 A.M.·I A~ . . 1 • .,,. WIONllOAV, JULY M, 1Nt 04 07 C9 Tantalize tastebuds with Lemon-Marinated Chuck Steak, Cranberry Grilled Chicken or Pineapple Pork Kabobs. Backyard barbecues beckon As relaxed a cooking method aa barbecuing can be, it still paya to plan . ahead. Good equipm4!nt ia important. A grill. with eay adjustment for heat and coal.a, is a must. ~ importanL are long-handJed ta10. fork, spatula and brush, long-vmecf mltta and a apray can of water -for douatng flare-upa. Briquea or ebarooa1 and a good starter (electric, it poulble, for apeed and saf~ are necessary, too. It pays to plan the menu and its preparation ahead of time. Nearly any meat can be barbecued. But alnce barbecuing ia a dry and relatively quick-a>Oking method al.mollt all meats improve when marinated or liberally brushed with a aauce during the cooking. Most marinades and basting aauoes are oil-baaed and include an ado ingredient such as vinegar or lemon. Many people like to add corn syrup, becauae it balances and blends flavors, helps the sauce cling to the food and lendl ,. shiny glue. LEMON-MARINATED CHUCK STEAK 1 (2 ~ to 3 pound) boneleu beef chuck rout or ateak. cut 2 inches thick ~ cup dark com syrup 2 ieupoona grated lemon rind ~cup lemon juice ~ cup com oil ~ cup alioed green onions 1 teaspoon salt 1i4 teaspoon pepper Place meat in shallow baking diah. In small bowl stir eogether com syrup, lemon rind, lemon juice, com oil, onions, aa.lt and pepper until well mixed. Pour -over meat. Cover, retrigente overnight, turning occasionally. Remove meat from marinade. Grill 6 inches from 80W'ce of heatT l>aalina f.re~uently. 4Q to 50 minutes, turmna • needed. or until desired donenea Sllce diqonally 9Cl'09 grain lnto thin allces. Mak.es 6 to 8 aervingl. CRANBERRY GRll.LED CBICKEN 1 can (16 ounces) jellied cranberry sauce 'A cup light com syrup 3 tablespoons cider vinegar 1 tablespoon com oil 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 1 broiler-fryer chicken, cut in parts. In small bowl with Witt whisk beat together cranberry sauce, com syrup, vinegar, com oil, cinnamon and salt until well blended. Grill chicken 6 inches from aouroe of hat, turning frequently, 30 minutes. Bruah with cranberry mixture. Grill, bruabing with cranberry mixture and turning frequently, about 15 minutes longer or until chicken la fork tender. Heat remaining cranberry mbcture and serve with chicken. Makea 4 aervinp. CRANBERRY Gaw.ED SHORT RIBS Trim excaa fat from 4 pounds beef abort ribs, cut in aerving-me pieces. Place ribs in 5-quart dutch oven or aaucepot; add water to cover. Cover; bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat and aimmer 45 minutes to 1 hour or until tender. Drain ribs well. Brush with cranberry mixture. Grill 6 inches from 80W"Ce ol heat, bruah.lng with cranberry mJ.xtu.re and turning frequently, about ~ mlDu~ o.r until browned, Heat rematninl cnnberry m1xtutt and .erve wtt)J ribs. Makes 4 aervings. PINEAPPLE PORK KABOBS 1 can (8 ounces) pineapple chunks in own ju.ice IA cup dark com ayrup ~ cup say sauce 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 1 clove prlic, minced or preaed .,..~pepper 1 pound lean boneless pork, cut into 32 (1-inch) cubea 3 medium zucchini, c ut in 24 ( 1-incb) alicel 3 carrota, parboiled. cut in 16 (1-inch) alics 16 pearl white oniona, parboiled Drain pineapple; reserve juice. In medium bowl stir eogether pineapple juice, com syrup, eoy aauce, mustard, 1arlic and pepper. Add pork and wcchlni; tou to coat evenly. Cover; refrigerate .everal hours or overnight. Remove pork and zucchini from marinade. On each of 8 skewers, alternately thread pork, zucchini, pineapple chunks, carrota and onions. Grill 6 inches from source of heat. basting with marinade and turning frequently, about 15 minutes or until pork ia tender. Makes 4 aervings. Dr•w •ppl•UH wlllt Fre1h Fruit C.lce. • ab•ap of~"" lrom JJOpul•r m0Hcalte1. C6. Pork p ush e d • ID fas t-food ~ , restaurants · I u you've noticed pork undwiches becom1nl a ataple item on ~1 menua of faat food restauranta. there la a reuon. • The Arnerlcan pork lnduatry wana to lncttMe aaies. The industry hopea that if consumers tum thelr tastebudl to• pork while ordering at Mac~d'a, Burpr Chef and other: rettaurahta, they alto will buy more pork at the supermarket. '\ U succaaful, the development cou.ld double the 1.7 blWon poundl of pork consumed annually in ret1tauranta, which .coounted for about 10 percent of the total pork supply in 1981, ; aaya Tom McDermott of the National Uvestock and Meet Board i in Chicago. : ''Producen have felt for a 10l18 time that the IJ"OWth of the fut-food industry haa benefited a number of other fooda, but not pork," McDermott said. With the introduction of sandwiches like McDcnald'• McRlb -a patty of processed pork with barbecue sauce on an eJonaated bun -pork producers now feel they have a chance to caah in. The meat board's Pork Industry Group encouraged McDonald's to introduce the McRib, McDermott said, and belP,ed pay to promote it. He said other reatau.rants are gettinl the aame kind of help. William Trainer, an analyst for Merrill Lynch, ta.id the .• .. McRib has widened McDonald's audience, an important aelll.ng point m an industry "that 1oes up and down like a yo-yo becatise o f the economic condition. "It's another protein eource on the menu they didn't have before," he said. "This sandwich broadens the appeal to attract customers that haven't been customers before." The Pork Industry Group has a $100,000 budget to promote pork this year, McDennott said, "seed money" to get pork on restaurant menua. "There are a lot of people who, for one reaaon or another, don't eat pork," said Jena KnU1110n of the American Meat Institute. "It's estimated that one out of every three or four head of cattle in this country winds up as hamburger in a fast-food restaurant. If the same thing happens to hop, that would be great.'' Baaed on carcua wei2}1t, which includes fat and bone that never get to the buyer, Americana consumed an average of 70 pounds of pork and 104 pounds of beef per capita last year, McDennott said. It is too early to tell if the pt>rk sandwich will have long-tenn benefits for the producer, but hopes are high . ''The industry reaction has been positive. But I don't think we can see any move in prioea becau.e of thele sandwiches right now." .aaidMcI>enno_tt.l:leaidt.he pork mark~..i ~ady ia_ftr'orlS 1 r because producers are raising fewer hop. However, the pork sandwich trenc:f "has to be a help," aaJd Byron Phillips of the Omaha Livestock Market. '1t's consumption and demand. and we're glad to aee it." Roaer Mandigo, the reaearcher who pioneered the procem for ma.king the pork patty. says McDonald's buys up to 1.5 million pounds of pork shoulder a week, out of a nationwide supply that varies between 2.4 million and 4 million pounds a week. "The McRib sandwich has strengthened the market," he said "In the last few week.a, pork shoulder has been 9ellin& for 90 cents a pound wholesale compared with le9S than 80 oenta a pound previously.'' Mandigo began the work that led to the prooesaed pork patty 11 years ago at the University of Nebraska. Chris Calkina, an assistant, said the idea is to take animal trimmings and tum them into food. The pork shoulders are cut into coar9e pieas, fat is remowd and the meat ta pl'ellled into a patty, Calldna said. 'The method allows a regulation of fat content, salt and tendernem. Calkins said researchers had to experiment with the~ of the pieces, how long they mixed them and with salt content. McDonald's has been 9elllna the McRib, at about $1.30 each, ln 2,000 of its 5,600 restaurants nationwide, and is opUmistX about salea. . "It's a very good product for McDonald's. It hall a good holding time," said Trainer. "It's cooked and held in the barbecue sauce. This aeems to be the moet auccesaful new product McDonald's has had since the Big Mac.'' At least one of McDonald's competiton, .lturger Kini· la not :-. jumping on the pork sandwich bandwagon. Company spokesman : John Lawlor said from Miami th.at Burger Kini recently ~-­ lntrodooed a hamburger with bacon, and it has more pork. ,. "The good old American hamburger ta alive and well at ~, Burger King," he said. ~: • . kabobs liven outdoor ~· ~· menus ::: .. Uven up_ y_our barbecue menua with tantallr.lft8 new taatea ualna freah fnda and veptabks 1n a variety of kabob oomblnaUom. YOU can lkeweJ' -.teci fre9h fnda and veaetables. with cubm of chidr.al, Wimp, Ol' ham for tantaiillna Ullt.ea and texturee, or u a main dilh, abwer' cubes of marinated lamb or bed alternately with fresh muahroam. lma11 white Clftlonl, Serve with IOW' cream or brown 1Ugar as a cool and refrahina de9lert. Another method of charcoal-oookinl fresh produce itema 18 called ember-cookln1. Certain freah vegetablel have their own protect1ve 'ra.Eand can be cooked an c:han:ml. 'lbe9e include 10el. sweet potatoa. -eqUMh like acorn an d butternut . areen or red pepper atrlp1, The. only preparation rounda of aucchinl or yellow nec-m•ry 18 Wllllllln8. acepl the 9qUAlb. com, whJch requ1rel peelina the ~c:'~~~akam:b huaka back about halfway , removtna the llOk. IDrinkllna the "..,,., to _.,,. • a coklrfW com with unaaltied wa• -and ~ n.tl fru.tt --re-wrappla& the huaka. When a t .. t, lwlat when armed. coell an~ (altS tium1nc for Thread frHh oran1• and 20-40 mmu•), ~~&At papefrult. wdOm. ll'llS-. apple in one Ja,.r end _. ~ Md._, dWnb on a lk.eww .nd the eoun. '!\am.· f:a~;!k · .nn to ..w With wca or O\IW :;th t.oap. ,...._ Ind b ~ tar a naturall)' lwwt 1bould 6e read1 In about 7~ fruit.,.. -----·lnut••: com In about 10 Kab ob• ean ~· a erved mln UD~, too. ...... Oubli of Ulm. nectarine wl .......,..; tlaAClc Other fr9h produce lWrnl can hmMnia ..,. m nielaft blDI. be wra-ppld lft Mriy-duty ti1 and pilled. Fnmh •l'Pe and pee pee.. benanll. cben1a, ...... and plneappr. chunks can be lrilled tn th.fa manner. • weU • 6r-occoll f1owereCa, ciaullflowwW. ea1plant cubes, '•:t.:::.n•, IUCChin1 a1Jcel and m . Try 1rllled tomatoea for a deltcloua tender treat . Uae tomatoee that are flnn and not too JWqr. Cut I.arae tclmato98 tn half and broU, cut aide UPt over' low fire for 10 mld\.ata Plam a sheet of foQ undet tomato98 '° prewnt lk1nl from br ...... When cooldna fni.b fi'utta or ~ "' fol4 iidd • llDAll amount of .,._., fr.ta fnltt j&dcit or wine; wnp llCW'tlly but Nlow ~for 1ttam expaa1lon. nembw "° tum , ........ dmea while cooldnc. Mold ed aalad1 aH another refnehta 1 1ummeT favorlte. l ~ cups boiling water 1 cup aherry wine W cup freshly aqueezed lemon or 11me juice 5 cups ...ort.ed meloc bAila ~ crenahaw, .1 Clilaba) I 't In mediwn bowl combine platin and qar. Add boll· inl water' 1tir until seJ.atin 18 dlmolwd. Add sherry and frelh lemon or lime ).!Jm; mix well. Chlll Wltil mixture 18 OOftllstenc)' of unbeaten •U whites. Stir In 8 ______ .... ------ cups melon balls. Pour mixture intp 5-cup ring mold; chill until firm. Urunold on aervtna plate; pmiah with remaJntna 2 cups melon bal1a. ?&kel e aervi.ngJ. r I I se. Get tt an. Get tt Wltli -. • Get full rich taste with 42% less caffeln than ~ mostgroundroast '._' "' coffees. l it I ; I ~ ; c 1987 l~r NPSllt (omp1ny Inc , i ·--------------- t l t t !- t 1 ' ORDER FOR.~ Nor111<:\n Rockwell Spoon ....... w cnlt'r m~ uf~ .... , ltw flttl f.M.mwn N.-.lir-cJI 'fl"•ll'\ ti.kit r .. , ..... .4 I h4''t' "n' ~•wJ "1\ rt'nHtl.af'lil.t' .u ~ .. ~ .... lfJh ' --... ,...~,, "' Sl \!111'°,.,h~-­ ~lu('J'1n11t• fl.anJlinti1. 111 ~I ;r.rt, ,,,,.,,.,.n s lout .\n """'. ~···w-J s __ • f'k .. li4' m.;)I, ... h,, ~ 1•t ~"'""' 1ui.kr f'-\ .. Mt> h• Tht 'C'A f.oal.;nJ \ nlln '°'"' ')il\1\h ~r."' l twtar \t.a .. trr \ o1rJ \ 1""' t.uJ 'um"°'------- '\1fNtuu·------------- "'------------ Adol~~-----------(1ty __________ _ ~Ult------Zip ----- "'b1t1u The New England Coll«tors S<>e1ety 237 Saw Mill Road. P.O. Box 414 West Haven. Ct. 06516 •l 1.nnt\h(UI rtt.iieknb.U SI n ,.., ~..,.. wlio lu P\r* •llo-6 Awttblat -.h~nl 726.2 --------------- SAVE1~0N TACO MIX ~'/llJiP" AUOUIT'11 10 "" OIAle~ ........ -=:::::. i::.::=. ,....,. ___ " ........ _ ... ,.. ..... __ .... -....... 1"'-== .. -.. ---... .. -·--""' ..... ·-:-..:-..:=..:..-c-.:-...:. ----~ ... -=::.i:::~...: ------... ___ ... .._..n. ~·°""'--..-­. _., __ -· '' ----·-~ ,0 .. ,.. CUfTOlt ----... - '4'41.00 ~Olib31. . 31.000 l.252~0 --------------- t . ' Oscar Mayer roasts each hot dog for real roasted flavor. So when you've got an Oscar Maye~ hot dog, you've got a wiener roast. And now you can get great roasted flavor in NEW Oscar Mayer4P Cheese hot dogs too, with chunks of real American cheese in every bite. You roast ~1n for less. Announcing The first ... Norn1c.\n Rockwell Spoon "Back To School" Created in Oamucme by REED & BARTON ..-~~ SILVERSMITHS • n.rt.lir~~Mlill"'lnlillC''ldT1$dleol"'k ....... .,,....,.. .. -.. 1ric11Wtoo1t1,_ ........... _ ... ._ • l"lbl•-SIU• • t:d_1'11W_•.._...._,...._._.tc--4~1C"**tl.....,._ Iii"' 11mu1r4 "'' -· .,. • .iw 1ht "' al 1c-"""-tlD •I'd ' tllr1oo nw .......,n llodwdl .alftdt _..... r.r _., llolln1d .,, -·s.ck To School -" """" •"-M .. .,. Rot"'-r• uj!l...,. llw •ff\ hull ~"" ..,....r4"' • n<h o-..... c-..,,. .,._,. \nwno•W. ltn1Lwoc-l11$1,,I-. ,.._~ .. ~mllw-tw'41r hM 11114< him lh• mW "''°''d "''"1 1n t:.<11-..,n b< wftl Wllh • Ctndlulr al \nwnc• Rr1111n1lool lll4!<4 I>,. llw ~ E,,.i."" Coll«· '-lot lht fnl •-lht ...... '" ti \o< Ion ~lrl\ •lnllO( l• llw ... 1htnhrr!\ "' !hot """ .,,. ....... "'6 hml ~ 111 D..n. ...... line r411.,. \onN• Mfrlwtn.,.,... IC<IW bf-"' i\mmc.1'1 o14ttl &n.t moll ll't>-Al Tl II '17t Ut "'OU' 6\•• FREE KleenexS tissues. HURRY! Coupon Expires August 25, 1982 SiE'['['( 0009E SAVE 150 • .. -. r--:.:.=·_ .. _,__ .. _., __ _ "''-c... ............ _ ..... -r1 ... _ ··~ ·-~·-------- 3aooo u13as llllAU~ '·=~ ... ,.------...... a-... ,...~-..... T .. .. ;Jtil ii#t' !:i:'. -e-...:. -:.ii!'!!.!!!!'&...-~ '"'------''-----'-_,,, u • • -::t.::. --~ ... . ,.,., ... ~~1W3.f:,''4k'VJ.~~~ COUPON EXPIRES 1/25/12 .. _____________________ .. -------------- • ON ANY CARTON llONUS OFFER Send us an empty pack of any cigarette brand along with your name. &ddrw and phone number and we'll send you a coupon good for $1 .00 on on a car1on of one of the brands shown above. "911 to: BONUS COUPON OFFER, P.O. Box 2890, Hlll&lde, NJ 07205 NOWOSCAll MA.YIRe THIC~SLICID IS TWICE AS NICE • Oscar Mayer couldn't make the bacon beaer, so we made the pac1taee better. The Twin Pak. Two Stay-Fresh"' packs, so you can enjoy one half of that hearty thick-sliced bacon flavor now .•. and keep the other half fresh for lat.er. And if you use the attached coupon, you can crtjoy the new Stay·fresh"' Twin Pak at as>~ savings. • . - 1, MARTIN ILOAN• al'~°"'-11, lllO, the tupermarket lndut\ry W•,_ad by the newt \ha\~ of the W,.t •uptrmarket oh1ln1 In the :O.V.land .... and 1 • "'1e r a l o f t h • I r =u tlvH had been ted by a federal jury for allffedly parttlclp•t1n11n a crtm1na1 c:onaptney to fix f~. Char1ed with vlolatlna the Sherman Antltruat Act'• price- fixlna provlalona were Fl C' National S rmarket Inc ., of the Ack 'n · l'lahel' Foodl operator' of Fazio'• mark.eta; and the a atlon of Stop-n- Sh Supermarket• 1~t~~~:~ ta eccounted for than 70 percent of nd'1 grocery land WU known area of lntenae rma·rket com - So, how could fixing have bef-n ~? a of particulars by the Justice ~~tn'Ml!'l'l't ~ that 111Urn&.1~1et executives aecret meetings in 1 parking lots, nged price lists, phone calla using names and agreed onnula for .aetting It margins on Wll'titlll~·~· e defendants ntly denied the Uona and pleaded . But ahortly . .un denying aunt, they asked ThomM Lambros on to change pleaa to "no ' even though by eo they could each up to $1 million. )&dee rejected the ta' nquest after the impact that ao misht nave on -action antitrust that were pending n at the same ta. But he left oor open to a e of plea in the inal caae lf the dants settled the action. The claaa Weft brou&ht to aent consumers by the alleged consumer to get coupons • ID wtth blWrll!I cou~ for e_xa mple. ltart oolleelln1 the ne4tded, ~fl of pwd\UI while lOOldJ\8 for the NQ\l1nd refund form1 at the 1uperm1rktt, In new1paper1 and ma1aalnH, and when tradln1 with frlenda. Ofhra may not be avallable in all area of the country. Al10-w 10 week• to receive each refund. The followina retund otfen are wortfl $12.39. Thia week'• refund l'tllC!S EffECTl\lf 7 DAYS olf'" have• cow value ot tu.et. Tht1 offer doHn't Nqaj.N • refund form: SPARKLl:M 8-1\&nd Coupon Oftw, P.O. Box a 1', Pto11MOt H1t1ht1, 111. 80070. RtotiYt a coupon worth 00 ctnll or •1.2a. J'or the &O-cent coupon, 11nd the Ut\Jvenal Product C.ode 1ymbol from one Sparklera packaa• and YoW' name and iddNm on 3-by-5-lnch card. For the •1 .2a coupon, aend the UPC aymbol 8 AM., THURS , JULY 29 THllU WED , AUGUST 4 1982 US 0.A Chob IHf ll°"t>d BONELESS RUMP ROAST '""" two ~ and your name and lii:f.drwm,. l:xp&Jw ~ IO. 1N2. ThtH -oltet1 require forma: Ix'*-a.p1. IO, lM2. CHINIT Refund Ofter. R«.t~ a 00-oent ntfund and two 25-cent Chlnet coupon1. 811\d the reqUl.Nd refund form and thrH Unlveraal Product Codt 1ymbola of up to •2 tor charcoel. lend tht required refund form, the proofs of purohaH from two p1ok11•• of Dixi e Llvln1ware producta (ptai., cups or bowla) and a da~ ~ tape CARJ88, 8HllLO, DOVE. LIFEBUOY, LUX Picnic Pl•Htra. Rtcelve a U refund. Send th• required refwwi form, five wrap- per 1 from any combination of ear .... Shield, Dove, Lifebuoy or Lux and a dated re1l1ter tape with the prfoe of paper platea, cups or napk.inl circled. llPElllllET lllPPll from any Cblnet PtOducta. Explrel Sept. M. 1982. DIXIE Free Charcoal Offer. Receive a coupon with the prlcea of charcoal and the two Dixie Llvlnaware producta circled. Expires Dec. 31, 1982. FRESH LEG'OLAM GENUINE AMERICAN WHOLE OR RUMP HALF U.5.0.A. 0.0<• llo....,u '"' llovncl SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Poclflc ''II•! U SD A Cholt• ........ IMI llovncl SIRLOlt' TIP STEAK Ar_, settlem DYNAMO •1 C.OUpon Offer. Receive four 50-cent coupon1, Heh food on orMt 84-, 08· or 28-ounce bottle of Dynamo or t WO 32-ouncl botUea of Dynamo, Senc1 the requlrtld refund form and th~ welaht deal1natlon1 from the labela of any two bottles of Dynamo. Expl.rM Jan 31, 1983. GLADE AEROSOL Two Scent• Sale . Receive a can of Glade Aerosol Send the required refund form, U S 0 A (ho.c:e F,e~ A""e'-con tht Unlvtnal Produc& c.odt nwnben tram any two can1 ot Olide A.ermol written cm Che form (l\ may be the aame number twice), the collara from two packaau of Glade MrolOl and the ,..P.cer tape with both purcm... circled. Explret Dec. 31, 1982. HEFTY U FTeezer Refund . Send the required refund form and the Untveraal Product Code 1ymbol1 (Sff SHOP, Pase C7) LAMB SHOULDER ROAST \.I S 0 A C~o<t ',eU\ Ame• ·ton LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS U $ D A ChotCe f ,.,~ Ar-t • to"' O·BONE LAMB CHOPS u s 0 • Cho-c• ,., ....... ,...1 (Oft TURKEY STICKS ....... ll •••• ll2.39 ll 2.19 l.2.•• 11..,.fy lo lot ••••-o.tt""9d 41o.i.on C-c... l•ou • '"" II~ SMOKED LOCAL TUNA ti 2.19 HALIBUTS TEAKS 11 3.S9 JUMBO FROG lfGS 11 3 .•9 LARGE LOIN LAMB CHOPS 111 .•9 ti 1.69 111.98 Le2A9 FRYING CHICKEN LIVIRS II ot GtMn ~· ZIPPE SMALL BURRITOS S..f & &.on or GtMn 10-or ZIPPE LARGE BURRITOS. Wilwin Mollerpiec-. BONELESS HAMS EA .39 EA .• 69 l8 3 .79 Cornol1on 6-or COOKED & PEELED SHRIMP Cornohon 12·or SHRIMP CRISPS Booth'• E•lro Crvn<hy 12 or BUTIERMILK FISH FILLETS EA 1.79 EA 2.79 EA 1.89 SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS ~ OE~:~o 69 \_l:!!J Lii. • $Melted .. ~ HILLSHIRE FARM SAUSAGE lt 2.•9 BONELESS BEEF ROUND STEAK . lB 1.89 USDA ~::~tA~2 98 CHOICE LB. e llo• M I lb P\11 CORNHUSKER BACON E•1.69 c LB. lore• Wolhington RED DELICIOUS APPLES Stuffing Size ta .•f LARGE BELL PEPPERS l) .29 f'Y)(JDS Df' TH£ ~£'1T' I~! ... GUI ..... NOIUC:l- FRESH NAPPA v-... ~ SOY SAUCE ............. I ta...,,.._.., 1oa. 12 .... ~ .... c~ TYLENOL T AIS . • I. 97 NUTRITONIC LIFE 1.•9 10 ,..,. MORINAGA TOFU •••••• MPAX 40'1 ................. 2 63 v.__...,_ 1..c1 GENMAICHA TEA . . . .. . . • 71 12·01 Con1.a99 or Diel 6-PACK OR. PEPPER ......... 1.69 12-or. Cons·ll.C. 100, D«affelnoted or .. . 6-PACK R.C. COLA.. .......... . ..... I • 79 11-or. Apple, Date, MolonAl BAKERY WAGON COOKIES ...... I .09 DUllCAN HINIS I CAKIMIX 11-19 oz. =.89 14.U-. 0....... With~ •• J.2 ... 2J.or. Atlll. 'fmtlDGH AltM CAKE ................. I.. ESSENCE OFT ASTEENTREES . . 1.19 ...... Whelt -...,. ~ .. "" 12-. c:.. MOttN 'N FMSH CA.OTS ................. 79 WELOfS GUPE JUICE ...... ff 7.S-0.. Olct9'1, ..... ,..... • 7 9 VAllDIUMlt'SDID•ADAS .................................. • Moyab Alo v-vli•. 1 .. , PICKLED PLUMS . . ....• ff .... ,,_... ...... ' YEE FU MEIN RAMEN . I i t I ""Y•b ~ .. -Sllovo ,..,, PICKLED GINGER •........• 91 6 Pod 12-or ....... ANCHOR STEAM BEElt 11.5-oz ll99. or Chipple1 BELL BRAND CHIPS ........... I .29 5,5·o&. 8o1+I Size Incl. l O' Off 1•.99 •.19 I 7l l1Nt 1~,-'o CUERVOGOlO ZEST BAR SOAP .. ..... . ................ 38 'l?·ot Incl. 20' Off DAWN LIQUID DETERGENT ...... 1.25 11..a. Motel.. .... • .................... OSCAR MAYER BOLOGNA .. .. .. 1 • .t9 FRANKS Oft KNOCICWURST ............... a .I• , .... ,. C"-e s,.-il, ~II)' w...,ped ka. MaMtt1 Tilln ~ .. HUGHES AMERICAN SINGLES 1. M KRAFT SWISS CHEESE .. . .•.•......•...... I ! 12-01 I 7:e PlllCIOUI MOllA .. I A •AU................................ • .. 1, I a bread break Wha& btner w1~ &o h11 th• 1ddtd flavor, "iruwnon enjO~ a mld·mornln1 muiitMil ind 1w•t.Mil l ie.poan •h well. In l1r11 bowl, com bi ne n m1l nln1 ln1ritdlenu; mix wen . Acid flour mixture . mtxlna Ju1t until dry ln 1 r 1 a 11nu a r e moin tntd. P out into prepared pan. Jkk• 1 hour. CoYei ~If wt\h foil; oondnue b9k.lha 2& to $0 ml.nui.t or untD wooct.n pkk bwmUd ln c:enter oomm out clean. Cool 10 mlnutM; r«nove from pan . Coo l "°"'pletely an wire nick. Mak• OM 0 by &-inch loaf. break lhan with a mua of plnMpolt. -, 1 ~ cup1 ahl'ffded of GOif• and a alJce of Remember lhlt Wa 10 auochlnl o • t m •a I Z u o ch l n I much better when lt'a l cup firmly pecked P lnHp plt Brud -beaun from your own brown IUIU' touwd with butt.er. 11r'dtn·1rown aucchlnt. a 'IP Thia ll juat one of the B1k1 a loaf eoon and ~ cup waecablt oU many occaatona and waye 11vor a alJce. l 8 ~-o unce can lt can be 1erved. Try It, ZUCCHINI aru1btd pln11pplt ~ln too: PINEAPPLE BREAD heavy •YNP• unc1ralned -with a u.lad at a 2~ CUP' all-purpoM HHt oven to 826 brunch or luncheon. tlour de&ffftl· GruM bottom -wtth coffee or tea u 1 cup quick or old only of 0 by 0-lnch loaf a aenaible deaert. fuhloned oata, uncooked pan. In medium bowl, -with milk aa an 4 teupoons bakina combine flour, oata, after 1ehool snack. powder b a k I n 8 p o w d e r , A n d i t c a n b e ,.-~l~~~~t ~e~a~a~o~o~n~a~c~~~n and Mlt· mix a ccompanied with a variety of spreada. Taste lt with h on ey butter , c r e am c h e e s e o r pineapple preservt!L Because U\la bread is an oatmeal b read, it c ontain s a ll o f th e nutrients ln quick or old fashioned oa ts: 7 B vitamins, vitamin E and 9 minerals. It can be made year around, this new twist on a zucchini bread that .Marinade makings on hand When you're planning your outdoor meala, it's a good idea to keep the cupboard stocked with marinade makings. All thes e s ugg e s te d mar i nad e s ha ve som e thing sweet a nd something tart. SPARERI BS MILWA UKEE STYLE 4 pounds country- style spareribs. trimmed. cut an serving p1ec-es I can ( 12 ounce) beer 1 1 c up dark corn syrup 12 cup fin e l y chopped onion 1/3 cu p prepared mustard '·• cup corn oil 1 Lo 2 tablespoons chili powder 2 cloves garlic , mmced or pressed P lace ribs 1n large shallow baking dish. ln m ed i u m bo wl s t ar tog eth er b eer , corn syrup. onion. mustard , com 011 , chili powder and garlic Pour over ribs. Cover ; r ef r iger a t e overnight, tur n ing occas1o nally. Re move ribs from marinade. Gn ll 6 inches from source of heat, turning and basting frequently, about 40 to 4 5 minutes or. unt il te n der . Makes 4 servings. CHILI DOGS 1 pound ground beef round 2 cups c hopped om on I cup catsup 1/i cup dar k corn syrup '• c up prepared spicy brown mustard 2 tab l espoons vinegar l tablespon chili powder 1 1 teaspoon crushed dried red pepper 12 frankfurters 12 frankfurter buns In large skillet cook beef a nd on ion over medium heat until browned Drain off excess fat. Stir m catsup. corn syrup, mustard, vinegar, ch ili powder and red pepper. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and s i mme r , st ir ri n g occasionally, 30 minutes. Se r ve over frankfur ters in bun!'! Makes 12 servings. GRILLED CORNISH HENS 2 ( 1 pound each ) Cornish hens, spht 1/2 cup lig ht corn syrup 1 2 cup frozen orange Ju ice con centrate , thawed 'h cup r e d wine vinegar 2 t a bl es p oo n s Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons corn oil 1h teaspoon salt 114 teaspoon pepper Place hens in shallow baking dish. In small bowl stlr together com syrup, o range juice con centrate, vinegar, \Vorceste rshlre sauce, com oil. salt and pepper. Pour over hens. Cover. refngerate teVeral hours or overnight., turnln& occasionally. Remove fram marinade.' Grill 6 lnchet fTom toUrC!f 1>r beat. tumtna a1'd blltln& wllh marlnade freque ntly, 50 to 60 minuc. or until tender. Maka 4 tervinp . . ' . IRVINI RANCM Ii"' ~ --- ~·J 1'J.' I • ' 't .. PRICES GOOD THRU AUG. 3. 1982 -· .. ,,,, ... FBESH! FHESH! Golden, first-of-the eeaaon • ......... _..._ 1ocall H•nd plclctJd, packed In Ice and cUJllvered within hours every day to each lrvlne Ranch Farme,. Marl<etl STRA WHERRIES OUR STRAWBERRIES ARE HAND-PICKED AND DELIVERED DA ILY TO ALL THREE IR VINE RANCH FA RMERS MARKETS SWEET TREE RIPE NECTARINES ...... 3 9~. NATURALLY SWEET HONEYDEW c MELONS ............ 29Lb. FRESH BEAN SPROUTS 3 u.$} SWEET ITALIAN VA RI ETY RED ONIONS •.....•.............. 4 Lb. S} WE NOW HA VE SEEDLF.SS WATERMELONS. NOTHING MEANS SUMMER IS HERE LIKE THE JUICY, SWEET FLAVOR Of THESE WATERMELONS. CET ONE TODAY! NEW CROP WHITE ROSE POTATOES •......•......•.••...... 4u. S} ''Come atid Expertenee The Largest Seleetlon Of Plu111s In Southern.California! We Dave The ~Imo For Yoo •• : up to 9 Varieties!'' MMTS NATURAL FOODS DELI TUSTIN, NEWPORT ONLY OUR SPECIAL PRICE TUSTIN, NEWPORT ONLY FRESH U.S.D.A. CHOICE $ 98 . ~PRICE I FULL FLAVOR IMPORTED $ 49 . LEG OF LAMB ........ re•. 2.98 1 11. HEALTH FOQD I I SWISS GRUYERE rer. 5.29 4 •.· • ARROWHEAD MIU.S 29 ¢ FRESH WHOLE Wtl:AT FLAKES 16 oz .••••••••• &oe 43' USINGER'S F1NEST $291 CHICKEN BREASTS .•. rec. 1.91 Sl 49 11. S,,iCv cHlti~ oz. •••••••••• si.ss s1.is $189 P,~AM~~k~~!ffi,I~ ~· 3.79 lb. BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP ROAST .........•... rec. 3.49 $279 .,, GAEA T FOR YOUR ROTISSERIE! SEAFOOD TUSTIN, NEWPORT ONLY WHOLE OR HALF FRESH SALMON ..... reg. 4.91 $289 .,, · FRESH $ SALMON STEAKS .... re1. 5.91 389 I>. SEAFOOD KABOBS .. re1. 5.91 s3a9 lb VITA.MINS IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKET VITAMIN E •.••••.••••• re1. 1.s9 $625 400 l.U. -100 Cap.,._ 100-/e CH ELA TEO CALCIUM-MAGNESIUM 120 Tablete s720 reg. 1.89 HAIN SESAME FROM NEW YORK SALTED OR UNSALTED 55e MILO SLICED OR CHUNKED CORN CHIPS • oz ••••••••••••• sge 69' MUENSTER CHEESE $249 HAIN ggc rq. 3,39 I>. lb. SALAD DRESSING 12 t1. btL •••• $1.75 $1.39 1000 ISLAND, FRENCH, RUSSIAN, AVOCADO-CHEESE. CUCUMBER 'N' DILL HERB DREBSINGS-UNSAL TED CELESTIAL SEASONINGS FISHERMAN'S WHARF SEAFOOD SAUCES ICED DELIGHTS $119 HERB TEAS ••••••••••••••• $1.89 $1.45 I OZ. Cockt• Of Tertw rec.1.09 89C Serve wttn your tavont• ... food 24 CT. (ALL FLAVORS) S\JMMERTIME TREATS LUNDBERGS UNSALTED RICE CAKES • oz .••••••••••••• gg c 69e PROVISIONS 59c TURKEY HAM, OR PASTR'e~13.49 lb. s219 .,, HANS ENS APPLE JlftCE ~ &a1on ••••••••• $2.97 $2.35 s179 BULK GOODS HANSENS $195 IRVINE AANCH FARMERS MARKET NAMAL SODAS 6/12 oz. cans $2.69 $2.29 RAW TRAIL MIXre . 2.39$199 NORGANIC I .,, PINEAPPLE JUICE 32 oz .••••••• Sl.79 St.39 ggc FRESH GRANOLAS re1. 1.79 Sl 3 1 R. W. KNUDSEN $139 GONE-NUTS ORANGE/ALMOND PINA COLADA JUICE 32.oz ••••• $2.15 $1.69 CINNAMON/APPLE A SANTE $234 SESAME . ..uAL WATERS 5/12 oz. bttl. $3.30 $2.51 (Setted or Unsatted) $ll9 A LL Fl.AVORS 45c BRAN STICKS • re1. 2.25 •· BAK ED GOODS YOPLAIT YOGlltTS 8 oz. ________ 55• 53e s119 .. HOMEMADE IRVINE RANCH MARKET AMORE $199 PITTED PRUNES'"' 2.19 •• WHITE BREAD 24 oz. 1oat ' 1~ Natural, Sptouted $ 29 TORTEUINO 7 11. •••••••••• $2.49 $2.19 11 0&. P.ceceoe · . 1 COSTA MIUllllWPOllT lllVIN• TUSTIN ' ,. · 2111 lrvlne Avenu. 14002 'MrfQrd Road •t 13152 Newport Avenue • louth of MeH Drive · 81nta An• F.l'MW•Y at lmne eo.lev•rd ..:· 111-4404 831-2181 ... ll70 " • e.m. to 1 p.m. Mon.-lat. • a.m. to • p.m. hftft o.;. t a.m. to t p.m. aundey .r ALMOND COFFEE CAKE • NO DEALER SALES • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED ' • °""PW 'Wh! C!h9I/Wl!IH•,, :Mt ... , Cake . is dazzliRg palette of fresh tasty f ~uits f burtna \hla...,., of time wllh rre1h FNll with cin1my 0Hru1 choo1hwhallyrar:trult1. lh•Y won't bt ' Pf'C.'l1lly 1\rawtMrrl 11hould be rwtrta raced 1rnmtc1i.-.1y Cool c.ktt ••n wl,.. nick bltkyant betbee\MI and C.ke, 1 c~ of ~ ff'Olth11 . Tht,-bHt r p1n111 1w•t. Somewha\ hard. Hl•rted ror 1an1rou1 11t1r purrhaH, with a 1bout 10 minu\8 Turn lAfonn&l dlniq, ,Svt a from popular lhol1.Cake Or try IM)' Summery Indicator for puchm and mature putihH and 11•, u Uny berrl11 ire vlow to quick nUna. out, cool compl1t1ly ~Ip to tt1dltlon1U.y d ... r\I. rrult' T1rt1. Pour 1 n1cit1rln11. 11 11 full neo\artn wlll eoften u leu apt to be 1w10t and Many varleil11 or frc.t with i...mon CrHm taunmertlmeea\lna 1lmpla hom1-mad1 y1Uowb11Cqroundcolor. you hold th m 1t room m1tur1. Look for full, plum1 an 1v1llable CheeleFl'OIUn10arnlah w th 1 futlv1 1na ArNnf• a peleue of cu1tard Into prepared Red bluah alone 11 not a le!mperaturw. But be1Unt brltht, r haractart1tlr durtn1 the 1ummer top of cake with &llCl'd ,. r11hln1 deutrt that r o 1 o r u 1 , 1 I lot d tar\ ahtU. and IU'l\tth t.N• 1lan of maturity, but to refrta rQto and eat u coJor. monthl, each pc:i111•ln1 fruJt, pruu nuta around t tu"" an .,,.ay of tho 1trawberr1 , nectarlnc!I, with fre.h tiraw&erri•, do look for 10me nUlhtd 1oon aa po11lble onre Avoid 1reon or whit.· It• own char1cttrl1tk td1• of cakto f frulta ln IUldoua peach11, plum1. bananu peaches and blue~rri". pjttcheti. they havfl reArhl'd tipped 1trawberrlH c.vlor Makn: 12 aervtngp ~\dance now. or b1~berri'9 on mol1t, The only U1cJc to theee Avoid thoH with 1 detlred texture. Berrie• art' extremely Th<>1e of iood quality LEMON CREAM raw applauae next freeh lemoJ\ cake, I* maaterpltcH llH tn greenish hue; moet likely Both blueberries and periJhable and should be a re r.tump and freth· CHEESE FROSTING look ns. They 1hould 1 package (8 oun<.-es) THE HAM SO GOOD WE BUILT A STORE AROUND IT. • Boked and smoked up to 30 l'\ours • Splral sliced around the bone •Covered with OUf iecret glaze. •Best at room temperature so no heahng necessary •Just con. order and pick It up WE DO CATERING • GIFT CERTIFICATES have begun to soften cream chttte, 110ft..ned at w h e n d I 1 p 1 a ye d a t room temperature market, but aUow tht>m 11 cup confectioners' to further npen at room sugar temperature for several I teaspoon grated da}'t. lemon rind FRESH FRUIT CAKE 1 tablespoon freshly 2 cups sifted cake squeezed lemon juice flour 1 to 2 tablespoons 2 teaspoons bak!ng milk powder I n s m a I 1 b o w I o r 112 teaspoon salt el t'ctr I c mixer. beat ;; cup butter or c r e am c heese until margarine smooth Gradually add l 1A cups sugar sugar, lemon rind, lemon 2 eggs JUire and enough milk to 2 teaspoons grated make a very so ( t . lemon rlnd spreadable consistency. l tablespoon freshly SUMMERY FRUIT squeezed lemon juice TARTS ¥1 cup milk '·) cup all-purpose L e m o n C r e a m flour Cheese Frosting (see 1/J cup sugar below) 11'2 cups milk F r e s h s l i c e d 2 eggs. beaten strawberries, bananas, 1 l teaspoon almond peaches, nectarines. e xtra(.'t plums. or blueberries 8 baked tart shells 1-'l cup chopped nuts (3-inches in diameter) Sift together flo ur. Fresh strawb<>rrles. baking powder and salt. hulled In medium bowl of Fresh blueberrws electric mixer, cream Fresh pea ches. butter; gradually add peeled and sliced sugar. Add eggs, one at a lp medium sauet>pan. time, beating well after mix flour and sugar each; add lemon rind and Combine milk and eggs juice. At low speed, add Gradually stir milk flour mixture alternately mixture into sauct•pan with milk, beginning and Cook over low heat. end i n g w l th d r y stirring constant!, until Ingredients; beat just custard boil s and e n o u g h t o b 1 e n d thickens Remove from ingredients. Pour batter heat. add almond extract. into greased 9 by 13-inch Cool. Spoon custard mt.11 baking pan. Bake in tart shells. Chill. Befon 350 -degree oven 30 serving. top with sliced SPECIAL ORDER ·_ This cake looks like a pastry chef's minutes, or until cake or whole strawberne:-.. specialty but you can duplicate it with eolorfuJ array of fresh s pr 1 n gs back when blueberries and peaches fruits arranged in diagonal stripes on frosting. touched with finger tip. Makt.>s 8 serving!> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.::==-=:.:.=~-=-=~==.:.::..:_~~~..:_:_~~~~~. , OE Al.CR For PICJmlil poymflnl Mf'd 11111 COUPOO IO Kc"lbt!ly Clol-Colpora11m Bo1 2 Clinton io..o '1734 For eocn couoan you ~ 111 our ooonc we wo11 Po'I you IOI:• vow Olu• 7C ~ c:togr oro..tOt!CI yeu ana YQ4I custmw hCM Compl40 "'"' !NI ttoms ol llllt coupon .,_, OllW uw ~ trouo JnVl)f('H "10WlnQ purchase ol ~ 110C1• 10 C0¥11 o• eouoons IUOfnl!llO mo~1 be lllO<Ml upc>n 11QU1111 llml! Ont covoon '* PUICllOM ~ *"tll or on O.'td or ''"' oCleO 'll:kll CUllOtf'I! """' pay Olly eolH io1 ~ Ol!tl OQClO <ny WI lllt !IO~ Sll;!lef Cotn ~ I 20lh OI IC NfWFRUOOM' tSO rtg•*"110•oc»mort.olKomt>erlyOaraettp ~WI ~966 • Longer f 0< more protection than Stayfree Super. Unsurpassed absabency • Rounded comers fa mae comfort than Stayfree Super. • 3 Adhesive strips to stay in place better Stoyfree Super only hos 2. Rice to r e main an economic al food Reporters on the rice situation say this year's supply will keep rice an economical food. At about three cents per half.<up servmg. 1t may be the way you choose to stretch the m o re expeOSlve meals on your shopping list. Expect to pay a few cents more when you buy th e flavored or seasoned nee mixes. Before buying nee 1t helps to know something about the types and ronns that are available The over 7 ,000 vaneties of nee can be grouped into three types and four forms ''Type'' refers to the size and shape of the grain, while "form" means the degree of processing the rice has undergone. There are three main types of rice: long , medium and short grain Long grain rice ts 4 to 5 times as long as the grain is wide. It tends to rook up light and fluffy with separate grains. Long grain rice is a versaule accomparument as a side di.sh. in curries, salads or for use in chicken or meat dishes. Short grain rice has kernels l 'A to 2 times as long as they are wide. When cooked, this rice is moist and clumps together. Medium grain rice has kernels about 2 'A to 3 times as long as they are wide. When cooked, medium grain rice l.s al8o moist , but kernels separate more easily than the 1hort grain kernels. Short and medium grain rices are suited for croquettes, meat or fish loaves, rice ringJI and deaerta. . The four basic forms of rice are: reaular- milled, parboiled, brown and precooked. Reaular white or milled rice telUlta from a milling p roce11 that removes the bran from the gram. In CaJifomia, milled nee on the market is enra<'hed This means that some of the Vltamins and minerals lost dunng the processing have been replaced into the nee Regular-milled white rice takes about 15 minutes to cook . One cup of uncooked regular. milled wh1w rict> v1e lds three or more cups Parboiled or converted rice is nee that has be.· treated with a steam and pressure process before milling. This process mod1f1es the starch m the gram and causes the n c<' to retain natura l nutnents. Parboiled nee requires a slightly longer cooking time (20 to 25 minutes) and more liquid than regular-mille d white rice. One cup of uncooked parboiled n ee yields three to four cups cooked. The hull and a small amount of bran are removed from the grain of brown nee. The shelf life LS limited due to the oil content of the bran. When cooked (45 to 55 minutes), brown nee has a nut-hke flavor and slightly chewy texture. Valuable vitamins and minerals are contained in the bran layer of brown rice . On e cup of uncooked brown rice yields three to four cups cooked Pre-cooked rice has been cooked and then dried which shortens the cookmg time at home. The shorter cooking time has given pre-a>oked rice the name, instant rice. The kernels are usually slightly firmer than the uncooked rices. The cost of pre-<:ooked rice may be higher than other fonns of rice. One cup of pre-cooked rice yields one to two cups of cooked. Wild rjoe is actually not a rice, but the teed of a wild grass. It LI much more expen1tve than rice. Easy picnic snack For • deUdous pk:nSc cooked eaa. Spoon the INdc. combtnt W 'C\lp liquid over the e11• toy 1AU"91 I t.eaapdon.t e v e r y b a 1f b o u r , -.me eeed oU or u1ad ~tint 4 tl.mM. At the oll, 1 tuapoon Uquld pblk alte, ~ Whole lmOke and 2 tealpoorw or cut in halvH and brOwn IUIU' or boMy. Ml'V9 • a flnt coune SUr well and uae to with crtap veaetable imrt.nate • domn bard· rellahea. Mother Nature doesn't lool around with junk ft&.orl A R I A R A rr .. h v••f.'" .,. Mother Nl\\IN I petftttt 1n1ek foodt •o muoh more apDMllnl (and f11 le11 f1hentn1> than 1rea1y chip• or 111\y C111Cker1. The perfect dJp-mai. tor Mother Nature'• healthful munchlH 11 oreamy-1mooth cotta1e cheeee, whipped ln the blender or food proce.or with freah herb1 and other teuoningl. For your next poolside or patio aatherlna. be 1ure to include a tray of areenarocer 1oodlea, aurroundlni one of the.e Slim Gourmet summer sped*1tiea: GARDEN NACHOS DIP 2 ounces extra-sharp Cheddar eheeee l cup low -fa t cottage cheete 1 large clove garlic Sprinkle .se sames on tops Every,meat and potato dinner needs a change of pace . Add some excitement to your dinnertime plate with this quick and easy recipe for Sesame Seed Potato Patties. The unusual flavor of toasted sesame seed makes it a deliciously different way to serve mashed potatoes. Made from instant mashed potatoes so there are no potatoes to peel, cook or mash, it's a great idea for those rushed days. Make t hl! mashed potatoes ahead of time and refrigerate. Then just before dinnertime, make into patties, coat with sesame seed and brown in a skillet. 5 SESAME SEED POTATO PATTIES Instant m as hed potatoes (enough for 8 servings) ~ oup sesame seed ~ cup -narganne or butter Prepare potatoes as directed on package for 8 s e rvi ngs except - decrease water to 2 cups. Cover and refrigerate until dulled, at least 1 hour. Shape potatoes into 8 patties. Cook sesame seed in 10-inch skillet, stirring constantly, until light brown, about 2 minutes. Rem ove see d from skillet; cool. Coat patties with seed. Heat butter in same skillet until melted, cook patties in butter until golden brown on both sides. 8 patties. • • (From Page C4) from any five packages of Hefty Freezer Bags a nd Hefty Freezer Containers. Expires Dec. 31, 1982. JERGENS Coupon Offer. Receive a 50-<ent coupon for Jergens L otion and a 50-cent coupon for Jergens Lotion Enriched Soap. Send the required refund form and the proof-of-purchase seal from specially marked Jergens Lotion. Expires March 30, 1983. KLEAR Cash Refund Offer. Receive a 75-<:ent refund . S end the required refund form, the word "Klear" from the sticker on one Klear can and the register tape with the price of Klear circled. Expires Dec. 31 , 1982. Here's a refund form to write for: Del Monte, Hawaiian Punch, Chun King, Del Monte Corp., Conaumer Savings Jackpot, P .O. Box ~7~. San francl1co, Calif. 94119. Th..ia otter -good for 50 centa to $7.50 ln coupons and a $2.60 cuh bonua -expires Oct. 31, 1982. If it's got wheels, you'll move It f aster In a Dally Piiot c lassif ied ad.call 6'2-5678 and a f r lendly ad- v Iser wm help you turn your w heels Into cash. r.w lMwe tNlh (or W tea1poon dried) onaano 1 tablespoon Worc:eettrehire uuce 2 te11poon1 1picy brown muatard 2 tea1poon1 cumin 1eed1, or 1 teupoon ground cumin Salt, pepper, to taate Shred Cheddar by hand or w it h the shredding dilk of a food l &Hl bJ1dt), or fo a blender; proce11 un til 1mooth. Add 1hredded Cheddar; proceu until blended. Refrl1erate until 1ervlna tlme. Makee one cup dJp, 2~ calori• per tabletpoon. (Surround dip with ~ and 1reen bell pepper 1quare1 and cherry tomatoes. Chilled jicama equaah chuntc. would be another nice veg le to ~~n.S 'nCotn11pa• The new nacho cracker for the mucho munchln' snacker. Now there's zesty nacho cheese and crunchy toasted corn baked together in one delidous cracker. They're so tasty you'll eat ·em by the hand full ~ W1th U\11 dip.) IAIY HOT a tPICY MIXICAN D1P1 In b l ender or food procwr, comblne l cup coua1e chHH and 2 ounce1 1hredded Cheddar wlth 2 to 8 teuporont chlll powder (or more to tute). Mak• one cup dip, 25 calort• per tablwpoon. AEGEAN GARDEN DIP 1 c up l o w -fat cottage cheete 2 ounces crumbled part-akim feta cheeee l clove farllc 3 tab e1poon1 minced fresh parsley I \te1pe>oun1 f rtlh (or ~ tH1poon drl1d) mint lMYll 1 t.tupoun f rwh (or ~ tea1poon drled) o,...ano luv• 1 tabllepoon lemon juJCl9 Optional : uh, pepper. to tMtt Combine ln1redlent1 In blender or food proc111or (Wilna the ii.el blade); proceaa 1mooth. . Tnn1ftr to 1 coYtrtd cnnwtMI Ind t9ff'lltrlle untt1 Hrvtn1 &lmt M.-OM CUp dip, 20 caton. per &aba..~. (Surround with cucumber .UC..: ehfrry tomato~• and awut PlfP'"'' rlnp.) ITALIAN PESTO DIP P'Oft RAW VEGETABLES l cup plaln low-fat cottaae cheete "4 OUJ> f tHh bllll t.Yet (nof dn.d) l ~}OW ..,uo OpUon1J : lalt, pepr to tM&e Combine tn1redl•nt1 In blender or food Pl'Ol'WIOr (Uilnl &he ii.el blade): proct11 amooth. Refrtoratt until aervt.n, time. "Makel one cup dip, 10 c alorle1 per table1poon. (Surround with raw broccoli buds, f rt1h un oolltd 1r119 bNftlt cbtrrY torlll ~ ot.Mr fnilh v ......... ) rm IT ALIA N CHllJlm\~ PAULBY DIPs ~A prectdln1 dlreoUo~nt '" 1ub1tltutln1 fru paraleyforthe611il. 1 3 tablHpoon1 1ratecf: Panneaan cMlee to °"' • mixture befMe b.......,· ...... Mak• one cup dip, calortee per tablapoon. INSTANT SAVINGS Now. the oo«ee that gives you r1ct .. -..1n an Instant. gtves you Instant savings--40¢ Off your next purchase of Folger's_Crystals. And thafs not all we've cooked up for you, because you can also order this Magic Che,. Microwave Oven and SAVE OYER s100.ocr. (Check Partidpat· ing supermarkets for details.) But act Instantly, so you won't miss out on these great off8f'S. ..... .................. -. ...... ~ when you buy "?isco one any size ~OIL c • I I I I I . I I I J ' Let the children help had Clift bl fun -tor ftNCt& folU. f Mift1 ... •"'94 habUI •tu\. • ~-.cl moUMtn ~. UieN an llwa111 1w of tho11 who tor\dnually bilk It mMll •hJch hold no appetl for 1herft, ' The famlllar ad= 0 Nt It blclUlt it11 for you" (not alwaya •commended by ~). l.m't that ilec11aary when you 'have other meana of M>lvlna the problem. HeN'aone. Involve your little onet in meal plannlni and pr•paratton. Children 1et areat enjoyment out of eattna 1omethln1 tbey•ve helped prepare. r>octOra i.11 \II th.ere are waya to aerve younpten a variety ot nutritious foods ao they wlll learn to eat lu.t about everyth n1 lncludln1 all kinda of vegetablea. Have the children "Create a Plate" wilh tuna. Since canned tuna la such 1ood nutrition (vitamina, mineral.a and complete protein), it makes good 1eNe to uae it aa the buia of theee creations. While you're setting out a variety o! ywnmy edibles, such as cheeees, vegetables, fruits, nuta, breads and crackers, aiona with the tuna and a few condiments. you can be talking up each food's nutritional oom~~aon the table, tell the children to use their iJna4Pnation to desiSD'l a kind of picture-p1ate with foods of diffettnt colors and textures. Everyone can have fun setting into the act. And they'll probably learn to appreciate what goea Into J>reparln1 a good meal, thanks to your nutrition basics, u well aa develop a sewe of adventure about tasting new fooda. Show the kids how to make the atar-shaped Tuna Puzzler Salad. as a sample. (Start the guessing pine going by asking il they can gueaa what'• ln it.) Another Ume, you can fix the Tuna Kitten with its raisin eyea. Or the Tuna Bird'a Nest with mini tuna-and-cream cheeee "eggs." TUNA PUZZLER SALAD 1 can ( 6 ~ or 7 ouncea) tuna, drained and flaked )'OIUn, 1tr1, ~. Nlllh Ind a.mGi\ Moil ml• Will. DMdt rnbd\IN Into 4 porUon1. On lnd!Yldual talad platfl, lhape llCh DOl"UOn Into • patty 4·ln'ch11 In diameter. Cut 1r1tn P'f per Into 8 amall \r an1h1, about 1 ~ -lnchn lonf. U11n1 outlide akin of 1ucchinl cut 24 matchat.lck plece1, about 2 lnchea lon1. AIMmble cat faces Ul1nl 1reen pepper for eara and bow tte, zucchini aticks aa whtaken and ......,..,..,.... fff~1:1:~DT I oan1 (I~ or 1 ouno11 eaoh) uana , dra1fted and f1IUd l .....,_(I OWICll) cr-m ch...e, IOftened i,.t cup chopped oelery ~ cup 1unflow1r teeda W teaapoon dried dill 2~(4ounces Neh) alfalfa aprouta or 3 cupe ahredded lettuce •I t ,,, ,, \'~ ' \ . '1 1' I I \ I I I' I ' ' I . ' ~ oup 1hrtddtd C9l'fOl In 1 medium bowl, combine tuna, ortam ctw.e, celery, aunt~ IMdl, and dW1 mbt weU. Shape mtxt\&N Into 11 amall e11 1hap11. Combine allalfa aprouta and carrot. DMde tprOUI mixture into e equal porUon1. Place each ponton tn the amw of a ama1l plate and form a well tn the center. Place three tuna "•1a•" in center of each "neet." Boneless Top Round Steak Lb. 2.21 2 49 2 49 2.89 2 59 2 49 eoneiess Round Steak lb 1.87 2 49 219 2 69 2 29 2 29 T ·Bone Steak lb 271 3 29 3 09 3 29 359 2 88 Porterhouse Steak Lb 2.18 539 '519 339 359 2 98 Flank Steak l b s.11 4.79 4 47 3.99 4 29 3 28 ~Tip Steak lb 2.27 2 69 2 99 2.79 2.59 2A8 7·Bone Chuck steatc lb 1 n 1 79 1 59 1 39 1 59 1 Jg Ftlet MlgnOn lb 4.M 5 49 4 99 5 49 5 59 519 Rib Eye Steatc lb J.29 4 79 3 49 4.39 4 29 3 68 Boneless lhJmp Roast Lb 1.81 1 88 1 99 2 79 2 49 1 88 eonetess cross Rib Roast lb 1.18 2 59 2 29 2.49 2 39 2 39 Boneless Tip Roast lb 2.19 2 59 2 49 2 79 2 59 2 49 Small End Rib Roast lb 2.n 2 98 2 69 3 09 2 98 2 58 Ground Beef, Any Size Pkg lb 1.24 1 49 1 44 1 49 1 34 1 34 -Meat price comparison shows Lucky lower overall. Pone LOln ChOpS Lb 2.11 278 2 69 3 09 2 69 2 78 Pone LOln ltlb Chops lb 2.48 2 78 2 69 2.99 2 69 2 58 Pone ShoUlder. Picnic lb 1.27 1 49 1 39 1.59 1 59 1 39 Wh()teChldceflS=A lb 54 75 75 79 55 65 Los Angeles area shoppers have come to depend on Lucky for quality meats and lower overall prices. In a recent meat price comparison with 5 other major supermarkets in the Los Angeles area. Lucky showed consistently lower overall meat prices. Just think what this means to your family's food budget! Lower prices plus Lucky's money-back guarante& add up to basic value. Put Lucky to the test. FRESH MEAT S...rvey te,en Thursdey July 22 11182 (Oocumenlllt•on on hie ) CANNED & PACKAGED ff'Vlng Chicken Breasts lb 1.48 1 79 1 89 1 99 1 79 1 69 ff'Vlng Chlcken.Drumstidcs Lb 1.211 1 49 1 54 1 49 1 39 1 39 ff'Vlng Chidcen ThlghS lb 1.21 1 49 1 58 1 49 1 39 1 ~ Wh04e Chickens~ Lb .72 85 85 89 79 79 Ratn Slieed Bacon 1 lb Pkg 1 .89 2 29 2 29 2 09 2 25 2 09 Private Label Bacon 1 Lb Pkg 1.77 1 89 1 99 1 95 1 99 1 99 TOTALS ,.9 85 '60 34 ~7 05 °'61 32 '59 32 'S4 48 DOUAR DIFfERENCE •'10 49 •'? 20 •'11 47 •'9 47 •14 63 TtJNA CRIDATIONI -When Utilt .-ean help pre,are 1 tun food, uaoh •• thlee tuna cc.Uclnl. theN~1 mon lncmidw to eat and enjoy the whole thlna. Jean Jones Saved 511.68 ''My comparison proved what I really knew! '' Jean s own week i; s'1opping totaled $51 51 at Lucky T'1e same or comparable items at the supermarket of her c'101ce totaled S63 19 That s a savings of SI 1 68 at Lucky' Test ta•~n July 12 19112 HOUSEHOLD & PET 'h cup grated, pared apple FRY I NO CHICKEN ... 49 rLADYLEE 33 ~EEN 82':'~ • PERCENT HIGHER THAN LUCKY +21 0% •14 4" +23 0% •19 0% •9 J" YI cup chopped walnuts ~ cup low fat yogurt ~ dlp raiainl 1 tableapoon chopped ICalllon 1 large carrot, cut into thirty 1 ~-inch matchatick pieces ~ pound freah green beana, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 small green pepper; diced 1 small red pepper. diced 4 cherry tomatoea, cut ln hall "' cup potato salad In a medium bowl, combine tuna, apple, walnuts. yoprt, raisina, and 8CallJon; mix well. On a salad plate, Ul1ng 10 carrot aticka, form • five-pointed ttar, repeat with remain inc carrot sticks. Uainl an k:e cream acoop, pla91 a 9COOJ> of tuna salad ln the center of each star. Fill each star point wtth one of the followtna in1redienta: green beans, green pepper, red pepper, t.omatoea « potato aalad. Serw wtth Italian aalad ~· 3 aerv1np. TVNAUITEN 2 can• (8 ~ or 7 ounCeJ each) tuna In veptable oO « water, dNlned and fJabd 3 bard-coobd ..... chopped . W cup low fat yocun • ~ cup chopped oemr table1poon1 ~~IWeet pdr)e ...... 1 tea1poon lemon jWol 1 1mall 1reen , "T' ..U ILUblni I tillllnl Ia ••dtum bowt1 dbmM•• iuna, •U•• INN* 80dy SOuttwm Grade A. t(ut lb 651 DRUMSTICKS ORTHICHS Frytng CN<Un SOutlltfn C<adeA ~.99 BLADE CUT 89 CHUCK ROAST Bonded 8ttf lb • RIB EYE STEAK Bonetess llOocle<I Bfff FRESH GROUND BEEF •l9'\CJ9MOtt OOUllllOT U rflO'°'"IA1 II 1.19 !!'!i~c!!YE~ L~CS ..... 59 ~~~~!.~~TEAK .. 2.57 !i~~~~~l'ROUND STE~"1.87 ~?Y LEE BACON . •• o.e 1. 77 ~0<;~E.~~~~~!~KE~ 11 1.39 ~~!!!2r~2~ST 11 1.98 .•. 97 BEEF BACK RIBS N011N CXJIOUIO. , , , ~:!':.'LPt~ 5~~ 1.69 ~~LET OF OC~~~. ~ER~~ 1.48 ~H WHC>tf CATF1SH11 1.98 ~N~E~E'f ~~O ·•·•· 111 • 7.8 ' s~~~~STONE ~~. ,,ie .99 rCOOR'S 3s9 hl~T BE~~'- HIUS BROS. 2 53 COFFEE crounct. 2 C<ln<K 16 oz co111 I~~~;.S,l;flU .OotCM 1.89 r ~~~~J.!TI?~.. . ••'·Ol <M .3 3 l~!'!~·~.~ .. ~SSINCS 101 '" • 79 r~~""~?NTE_REllSH .,0, , ... 89 !CREYPOUPONMUST~;'.,,. .95 !CRISCO SHOR!ENI~~ c ... 2.09 r~~~TENOER~s .. , .39 lMO~~'S A~ESAUCE"°'.,,. .99 £WELCH'S CRAPE JE~~ we 1.29 I?!.'.~R ~.. . . . . '"' '°'. 79 r ~;~RY CAK~ Ml~,~~'°' .89 l~!.~~£.~I~ toU4 .69 r~~SHAUO~ KRl~~;.1.19 t~A~ L.U~~~.ON l:?Af01 ,._ .95 IOI IU 1.49 •tnacacf'l ,,.,,, WI\ C)U{ O{ \fOO •uc•v pt'l(f' WI'\ U\4"CI CANNED & PACKAGED DAIRY & FROZEN DELICATESSEN ITEMS DAIRY & FROZEN r HARVEST DAY 129 pe ~E~ 169 ICE CREAM ' l'°'f LM ,, oz PllO Squares Half Gal Ctn ifENIZE'~,.195 2~ ,..,.,, 189 !LAD~ LE~~ . >001 '"'.75 I~~~D HAM '101 .. , 1.59 I~TOKELY'S.~~~ ••orw .69 r~~~ER SA~·A·~OOl -.C 1.99 r~~~. ••OICM 1.57 r~~~.DMEAT~OI~ 1.09 !~~PEDTOP~.ING . uorM .79 lSHJ!~!_~~.•oor~ 1.49 !AUNT JEMtMAWAFR..ES 59 r~~~~~°'~ 1.19 =~l-.. ' . ' .... Ol llPI!. .. I PRECIOUS CHEESE BAU 2 49· r RSHSTICKS 2 69 -·-·· · · · ''°' -• <•",..... . ... ''°''°' • !SHRIMP Coci<TAL 69 r BOOTH RSH AU.ETS " 85 \AtCO . .. • • • • • ••• or WI . :::::.. °'='-· · · · · · ., °' '°" · 1. ~~!F.l~EA~ .c~E~.s~., ~ . 98 ~~FAT MILK r.ti "' 1.90 l~ ~'JS~tEN BA~~" ..,.1.09 l.~T.~~ TISSUE , 79 ... ,. Yf:UOW09• 11\\r llllC. • ICE CREAM CA..-•I( VANUAOltrt.C)rQ &!( MIXED NUTS PORK & BEANS •OI CAM .63 -·~"~ 1.25 •)OIC~ 1.97 39 CIGARETTES KING SIZE 100MM (UtC.6.15 , .. ,c.6.25 We•n•nt The SurttOll Gtntrtl Mn Ot111111"4 lhll Ctprttll S"'""'9 Is 01119ft11S to Yow ..... SEEDLESS CRAPES 'l'llOlllPtO!\ U S NO 1 FRESH · CANTALOUPE MOfl'llVOf · RECHftPE TOMATOES 1111111~ • t t A ho 1t·1my D. MMD .-~IN• HllT01' Y 900K -CharlH J,.. luW~: II OM of the 6tw 41!11*1 hlitilNiil an 'h• Ca1Uornta .,ane lnduatry bi::!thll new boak, pu by \he CalUo.rnta Hl1tory Center at DtAnaa Coll•••· Cupertino, l• Wee no othW book eYer rlUtn on California a . jug of wine ha\19 1 bfoed C.aJUorftla have.._ plMe wtlh II app•Uatlon, lt 11 100 i.... one..._ °""''1 pero.nt CfibeJn•&, 100 winery which Ju1t OtMfl OOllt OAll~V ftflOT /WedfWd~, JufV H , 1111 .. and juicy rumol!s libel. or pethlPI a MW co '40 UM bottle. ,,,.,_ Lt of lh4t ~ trom the .,ect Bordteu•. 'J'hm la~ brand or producJ an eneptlon, and ot atandpofnt ot betn1 win• to purcheH tor altotelhtt. cow. rm IOlnt to tell relaUvtly llfht bodJed, or apedal occM'Cll\ ~ J1VJ: Y&A.ft OLD -you.1bout lt. perhapa d1Ue1t1, with for ~ to the bQj, 1111,11111 f'lndln1 Callfornla Sliver Oak Ctllan nlct soft tannin• th•t the 1wMtfliin; an~ Cabernetl with five l 9 7 7 C • b • r n • t won't 1'9quire decadee to worth lm~. T~ yeare •I• In today'• Sauvtanon (about t14) round out and become who object to r.ct WU. market II pretty touch· All rltht, to t14 l•n't d r l n k •bl•. More becau1e they art tqp ~rcent ftom Sonoma chanpd handl due to 1 'll\e COit of mon.y, &nd chHp, but prtce 1nd tmport1ndy, th• wine rouah may f.All ln '°"' County, and 100 pereent oorponate tlMovet of the that'• what It c.akae to value are relative thinp. h11 developed bottle with thla one. At th1a 1978 vlnt•I•· Pretty ~_:.cambupanltY· ..... -t •'--c:.Uar • wtne IO Lona, la Th1a wine l1 reuon1bly :b t ind thoae pr l c e, I won·~ faMY brMcl1rlc· nun1 ..-ww Ju1t too hl1h. ?tfo1t priced oonaiderina both nt complexlUea rec om m • n d c • •f RUMOR -Ont of the addlUonal facility h., Cabernet• are belnl ha aae and ltll quality. of that come only pure ha.ea, but wouijt latHt rumora l1 that nothlna to do with the releued at two to three Pt o duce d from wlth age. It'• a kind of encourage the purcha9f Berlnpr ta ahopplna for premium Bertnaer line, yean .,., and the few v l n e yard 1 In the cedary. clJrar-box kind of of a bottle or two. "nw.t another Nortli C-011t bu t m l I h t ha Y • older wen-1vaillble are Alexander Valley (t~t'• smell and t.ute thlt i. make your own deciltqp w 1 n try and that 10methlna to do with the almott alwaya Reterve where Jordan come. mo 1 t frequentl y about the wadom of tti; rellminar dJacuulona volume Loe Herrnanoe aelectlona that tell for up from), the wine la typlcal aS1oclated with well-case . • ~~--~~~~~~---1;.;;::.:..:;===z:_;:;~:.:..:.~...;__..:....::=:;;;.;;;.;._;;;;...;;.;;_~.;;.;..;,~~__,;__,;...;._~~~~~~.:.....~~:...:,_~~~~,,._._~__,;~~;.;;;..;;.,;;..;; -~~~~~~~~~~~- Apl~s surf bun h will like There's for the ve One of the that it can main di.ah easily. After a at the be -filled day or at the k. satisfy y family's appetite wi Beef, Rice le. ~ pound and ~ cup choppe onion in 2 tableap ons oil or 1hortenin Add 1 can (16 ounces red kidney beana, ~ up bottled all-purpos barbecue sauce ind teaspoon alt. Cover d simmer 30 minutes. d l ~ cups water and cup dry ina1arlt rice. Bring to a · reduce heat, cover and r 8 minutes, or un tender. Thia recipe doubled if you feed more th.an It aervea. minty mo Styllah doesn't compli cated . or f!X.11Dple, Froaen Mint ll~ II a ma to prepare, and It blil two lnvedieni. alo with llavor~ extra and • dub of foo coJortnc to make Jt mere min~. J"or five lel'Yinp. fold K -.poon peppermint extreet, & dropa ~n food colorln1 and 1quarea 1emi-1weet chocolate. finely ~. mto 1 contatntt {f ,aun.-) thawed non- Clllij W)ilpjed '°Pl*c· 8~2.th• mixture lhto ~ llM.iffli cupe and frHze until flrm, ebcNt ' houri. a.tnllh With chocolate curll. PROOOCE ~~'C:na. ll>.27 .,..,.,.~~ Urge cc:tartnes U1 .49 ~~·~e°" !• .33 F l •N;JAK,£ rah~rooms , .• 79 •• ,; ~tt n ~,,,., '" .29 Sp.ghettf Squash ~L '°"-•-W~!OHO'oCIOIO Red Delldoos Apples ltl .39 . .,..,, '"'',..""' ,, , ... , ,, 299 Aloe Veni Plant FROZEN FOODS . ~'" ,.,, ... °" ..... (. .. £ Vons Qnpe Jutce •oc.a '°' Fudgsk:les Ice /11\Rk 140U"l:l ("" Trua~ Orallge Juice I /c;"4l M l' ... t~ ~~f'Dn.A~ Je~Shen>et ~L StrnbenSea .79 )59 .45 )39 )19 .69 VONS BAKERY .79 .79 E·ATVOPIS ~R TISS<JE e FAl"LY scon •-llOU. PACKAOE U"'lf 2 (~ -.......... ptjre l.D9) LIQUOR a;l• fT(ll llO~IW' llOO\ tuul.a Wine 299 ! "'"". :°811' Qllbey's In 999 s&;; ~~ trrC.Vl'lh" }59 ~ilflliftOTlU If•~ 749 PopOY Vodka ~~~\ktte Tequll 399 &"'•l'IOm~r,"81.1\0ll """" rlo Ross Wines 299 ,,., ... l I ITU ftOmC Oii 81'1"(0 Rlunlte Lambrusco 239 DELICATESSEN )69 .98 40/ llfl\ f~(O<roT 65 Ortega 6'9nd Tec:o Sheh • ~~~.98 ~-~c rit:c;u 1-9 U•_,,....., 'ACll 2 29 l'\Onterey Jeck CheeM .- ~tPP:s ~~c:"l) 109 ~~~ 179, DAIRY PHOO(J\l S GROCERIES 11~--Del te Sweet Relah .97 ··~£,inf Hunt s om.to Ketchup .63 t<fN llO.r<r WI Hambutger Oii Ska }39 ~110n1.1 A· I Stuk Seuce .99 ).(krCf < ""' WHITt lltftf A f .72 Swanson Chunk Chicken t60tl'<(C"'1 MTUI~ .59 sr.w Fruit Coc:lci.11 4<>=M~v;.o.rron"""°"" Hawa n nc:h .75 ~~~llOnu .43 ~='&;g~ .33 IOOQlre>~ Purina Chow 429 S LRVICf Sl:Af OOD G:&"hflld l l J69 '"'"' Mont~Squld l8 .89 CH°" DUllOlm~--... a 99 RllW e9dlca• s l8 ~St:'"°"OUll05~ 2 99 HEAL TH [,BEAUTY PRICES ' PLUS DOUBLE COUPOtlS ~r'Cu~'s1t~k~ I 4t\I t .,... ~ fV I J Slrloln Tip Steaks fNf'\H .... f/lfW...,ftl..ol '"""' lamb Shoulder Chops ftpfV.ll(lll'f"11f Lamb Shootder Rout f'OJT'lll ()It JACJl't ,_, ·-~_.'MO.t ~ Chldten Legs ~lnat.ntTu ~ e Fl'ult /lf\bl ~e ftl\uat.rd ~"l~S.":: HEAD & SHO<JLDERS DANDR<JFF SHAMPOO lOTIOM I >OZ 8Tl. C~001Qnr1G llEGt.VJI !INCLUOf. S 'lO QrY l lJ'llT l f PUllO\AS£ 0\11::.11 l.Jlo\IT l 491 \a 257 '" l\248 "" 5i1 ~ f,,t' 'MTUt OR (.lo(tn" JU""\ 8 9 Best 0 Fryer Chicken " • .. ,48 ro-,ut r. !AC!'\" r',.""' '139 ,.,....,.(111.1 ~ r.Ul,....flr.,..~ Combo-Pak Chk:ken '" 18 69 ••W.,.ttlltY•O ... ) 59 ~---S'fk:l "'"'°"'o ancy Bacon l& 1 ~ ... V~ '4~,lt~ I ~f,...'1"'if 359 Bonekss Ham ,,. "1TTO~IU> ,~.,..OltfllOIC"o ) 69 " 1 Armour Bonde.ls Turkey •• SLIM PRICE ) 59 \ ~ M..,.-t ,,f')tt"llt M~ Instant Potatoes 198 .56 ~_.., -rcf"AKJ CM ded omatoes .79 .65 . §~°e Ory Dog Food 439 .99 ~~~~ r.bric Softenef }34 ,. '/ I\ .,, • •.. .· .'1 ~ - ~· Ii ~ _, 11 /, 1 :'-! I.I c: ,, t'J 11 .... I rl II rt ., r ,, I ., ) 'J y b ) ., l " 2 lot t 0 a ' a q ,, a h () v b ') q ( q Frittata -fun · for one lt'I no\ M1Y '° flnd main dl1h reclpa &hat •rw one or two people without leavln1 lettovera. But look no further -here'• one that tW. the blll. Frlttata Solo 11 d"itned e1peolally for the linale diner. A. an extra bonu1 you 'll undoubtedly appreciate, It la lncredibly easy &11d fut to prepue. Th.la flat ltalian-1tyle omelet ls •Imply a mixture ot *'*' eaa, uuteed onlon1 a-nd mu1hroom11 baall and ahNdded chMle. It cookl ln jult minutet In a 1kll1et (UH /our amallMt) on top o the ranp, then takee a quick trip under the broUer to melt the uaht 1prlnk1J.na ot chee.. Be creative, too, and experiment by addina other flavortnp: leftover cooked vegetablea, chopped cooked meate °" poultry, different ch .... 1 and herb1. To 1trve two people, limply double tht recipe and oook the frttta t.u In two email pan1 or one medium pan, then cut tntow~. bull 1.4 tH1poon leaf ~ :S..poon water ~ ~poonaalt 2 table1poon1 1hredded Swl11 or Cheddar cbeete, divided Mtlt butter in lnWJ FRl'M'ATA SOLO ovtnproof 1klllet. Add 1 eervlllc onion, mu1hroom1,. If 1 tableepoon butter de1lred, and baatl to 3 table1poon1 butter. Cook over chopped onion medium-low heat unUl ! fresh muahroome, onion• and mUJhrooma allced, optional brown •llahtly, about 0 Pi 1 mlnutet. t . t d . Beat ew. water and opu a ion s u 1es ~~.:~~:~r~.f~~.~~.~ Pour over onion {Nxture predict food shortage t~~~,:.== .. ~ bl 8. d , Sprinkle remalntn1 WASHINGTON (AP) billion J?E!<>Ple to its 1980 rth rate of 1 • In las cheeee over frlttata. BroU -Some experts say that population before stab!-1980 birth rate waa estJ-6 to 6 inchet from heat unless something is done lazi.ng a~ 1.64 .billlon, ~~~.d to be 34 per until cheeee melte, 2 to 3 no leftovers! Double recipe and cut ln wedge to slow down the rate of while ne1ghbor1ng Ban-minutes. Serve hot. if there are two for dinner. population growth the gladesh is expected to r---------~~~~------~~~-----------"---~----~~--__;:----:._---r--------------------------~----~~------------­ world stands a good increase from 89 million chance of eating itself to 314 million and Pa- out of house and home kistan from 82 million to within a few more de-332 million. cades. -"If all these pro.JeC- Soi I e rosion the ta-lions hold true, the In- keover of pri~e farm -dian subcontinent would land by urban sprawl, be home to 2 3 billion pollution and the deser-people -mor~ tJ\an ~hf> tification of parts of the enure ~orld population earth's agricultural land of 1940 . generally are recognized .. T h ~ r. e p o r t s a 1 d . as legitimate concerns Continuing on the c.ur- which should be r ec-rent demographic tra,JeC- koned with. tory toward a world of But the current rate of more than 10 billio n population growth people wi~l entail rui- would put all other nous envi r o nmental threats to the world's stresses." food supply in the shad-Instead, it said, some ows, according to the Ja -k 1. n d of e q u .1 ll b rt.~ m test analysis issued by m1~ht be achieved .by the Worldwatch Insti-trying to stop population lute, an independent, growth at the 6 billio!? non-profit organization. level by the year 2020 The report -Six -a d.ifficult but not S teps to a Sustainable 1mposmble feat. Society -was written ''To meet this goal, no by Lester R. Brown, in-deve loping country stitute president, and an w?uld have to d o any- associate, Pamela Shaw. thing that at least a few countries have not aJrea- d y done." the report said. "No country would have to reduce its birth rate any more rapidly than Barbados, China, Costa Rica and Indonesia did over the last decade Biological systems which supply mankind's food and other raw materials -forests . grasslands. fisheries and croplands -are deteno- rating in much of the world, the report said. As populations increa- se. even more pressure is put upon those resources to supply the food re- quired to survive. "Of the various steps needed to put society on a sustainable path none "is more Important than bringing populatio n growth to a halt," the report said. "Indeed, the other in- 1t1auves -such as crop- land protection, refor- estation and energy con- serva t1on -have little chance of success unless 'w e get the brakes on population growth." Recent per-capita de- clines in the fish catch. beef production, forest products and, in Africa, total food production, are danger signals, 1t said. "The impact of the global economic slow- down will be greatest in those societies where po- pulation growth is most rapid," the report said. "A fall in the economic growth rate to 2 percent per year does not pose any pro blem in West Germany or Sweden, where populati o n growth has ceased. "Incomes there would s till rise by some 2 per- cent pe r year. But 1t could wreak havoc in Pakistan or Senegal, where population is still expanding by 3 percent or more per year." The official Unite d Nations' medium-level population projections - which are widely used by planne:-s around the world -point to conti- nued gains in the world's population to 10.5 billion people ~fore stabilizing a hundred years or more from now. !'hat would be more than double the world's current population. Another set of projec- tions by the World Bank ahow global population 1tabllizing at a slightly lower level of 9.8 billion people by the end of the next century. But even under the World Benk'a lower pro- jections, the "growth in eome countriet can only be de1cribed •• phenomenal." \he repot t eald. or so." Last week a congres- sional study said the world population - which was about 4.5 bil- lion in 1981 -is expec- ted to grow to between ~.9 billion and 6.5 billion by the turn of the cen- tury. The Of!ice of Techno- 1 ogy Assessment said improved birth control methods and greater ef- forts on family planrung programs could keep to- tal world population near the lower projected figure. Almost 92 percent of the projected increase will occur in the less- developed countries and three-quarters of this will come from just 18 countries, the study said. At the top of the list are lndia. China, Brazil, Ni- geria, Indonesia, Bangla- desh, Pakistan and Me- xico. The Worldwa tch re- port, meanwhile, said the first step m holding the world's population at 6 b1lbon by the year 2020 would be to reduce the average annual birth rate from its 1980 level of 32 births per l ,000 people to 26 by 1990. "Thereafter, the rate couJd drop steadily until it reached I I (per 1,000 people) in 2020, roughly the same as in Austria, Sweden or West Ger many today.'' it said. Lowering the aver birth rate in the dev - ping countries to 2 Y 1990 "will r equi a He rculean effort one that many obse ers consider imposmb .'' the report said. But some are ead of schedule. wi birth rates in Tai an and South Korea ow at 25 or below. w e thoee In Barbados, ina, Cuba, Hong Kon and Singa- pore are w 20. "The k to meeting the lime le are China and Ind ," tht.' World- wa t ch eport aald . "Chin whose popula- tion a ounta for one- third the developln1 Some example-: -"Nl1erta•1 f!f.uls-Iced or chopped lion of 85 miWon 1y ia -cooked eqa can be projected to reach 426 to pmllh almalt mUJlon before tevelln1 y th t n I · They' re off, a1molt • many ~ ul, NSY to pnpare ple • now fnhab4t all of nutriUcu. Add them I Africa, I your not tummertime -"India tJ projected meal f« an extra-.peclal to add nearly anothe touch. I L Filleh Breaded Fishs1ick ... ae· ,..,.. .. 39 ,, .. , c II b Fr• CIMor--• "'"" Leg of Lam t-s-.... °" Boneless Turkey ::::t t:, Lamb Sirloin Chops =~ ._u. Red Flame ~ '2" ~ '1 71 II 1359 SHCtt .... SwMI oncl '"'Icy _... -_..., 79° ~\ H. ..~ oney ew Melons ~ 19c • Fresh Green Beans S.::: lb 69' Fresh Mangoes ~~ Eac:ll 49' White Rose Potatoes fclrS::'° Romaine Lettuce 0tt1cf:. \.11d Green Bell Peppers ~ i. 25' Crisp Celery l•~m 8'#w:ll 59' eunch 35' Assorted House Plants 6 ·=' '3" ., 69• Porn Pom Bouquets....:~:,. ~ 11" C;t1p- Canot1 J_.39c GUSjOE"CI DOU ATI • •• " ............. ~ •1•• .,_ GROCERY ~Scott Family Pack Napkins o1"feo 69' tB S ·8athroom Tissue Sa1c11 ...., 4 P: 79• 11!!...£-0range Juice~"" ·~-;: 89' lue Bonnet S ! d rel~ .--.91 ~ ==:.~~239 •5• aou1. ~1 JI I~ 1. ......,,_ 0... ~ U tOJ :-£·Glad Sandwich Bags C-£-Anthony's Spaghetti ~Nalley's Stew C::. ll!f£MI·1;(t:1 .1:i1:1. . In llcenMll ~ {£;tctj)I C.t.lllN) me.carlo Rossi's Wines l:., 12" m;.Jose Cuervo Tequila eo~oa1 ~'t' 1611 •Kahlua Liqueur ,,~ :> 15" •Old Smuggler Scotch ,,8!r U!'1 0" •Colony Wines :==.c.d ~ 1279 Whitelaw Vodka ':::' *5'' ~~ ~ =a:;Lucerne Whipped Cream _.. FrMCllS!yW -=r Green ~ns .... A.f ftal., ~Kaiser Rolls w.~. ~ 65' ~ 99' ':\ 89' HEAL TH & FEAUTY Kotex Feminine NapkirS Gillette Brushless Tutt ~ 1177 5-0ay Deodorant Pa~ ~ 1171 Extra Strength No-plrin s.1eway ~ 115' =•111 odorant ~·111 \ • 1 'I . " t: 111 •• 11.., ·tlj C' " iJ ;> 1- 'Q t I "'' 1,tf ' II I )f ~ id ~" •iJ 'nill 11.UMWr. iab a vactilot\ from Hrlout ~·t;r kW up a cool or two -and concentrate Clft u-no-bake, lhort- order chocolate treeta. Oltwtder, for example, c o o l and creamy Chocolatll Banana er.am Pie. Combine inaredlenta in• aaucee-n. chill, told in w hipped cream, 1poon lnto a prepared pte 1hell and chW again, to .et. The super rich , concentrated flavor of unaweetened cocoa ls a perfect contrast to the t aete of cool, freeh banana . And, unlike eolid baking chocolatee, cocoa req~ no melting -another time-ana energy-saver. One-bowl No-Cook F u dge is an almost foolproof refrigerator candy. All you do ls blend ingredients, add boiling water, beat and chill. CBOOOLATE BANANA GREAM PIE ~ cup unsweetened cocoa ~·cup sugar 1 envelope unflavored gelatine 2 eggs. slightly beaten ftcup milk 1 cup mashed bananas (about 2 medium) 1 teaspoon varulla 9 -in c h graham cracker pie crust 1 cup heavy cream 1 banana, optional ~ teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar Sllr together cocoa, sugar and gelatine in medium Saucepan. Blend eggs and milk; stir into mcocc1a mixture. Let stand 5 minutes. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, just until mixture comes to boiling point. Do not boil. Remove from heat. With rotary beater or w ire whip, blend in bananas and vanilla. our into large bowl and hill , stirring ccasionally, until mixture mounds slightly hen dropped from poon . Meanwhile repare pie crust; set side. (Or use ready- ake crust.) Whip 'h p cream until stiffly ten~ fold into cocoa ixture. Slice banana into bottom of pie shell, if desired. Spoon filling nto shell; chill until firm. Combine remaining 1/2 cup cream, vanilla d confectioners' sugar. beat until stiff. Garnish pie with whipped cream, additional ~ banana, and a sprinkling of mini-chips, if desired. About 8 servings. NO-COOK COCOA FUDGE in cup butte r or garine ~ cup boiling water ~ cup unsweetened cocoa in cup nonfat dry extras Youngsters have a ay of looking for thing good to eat. ere are th09e times, oo, when company eceaaitates some pre- lanning, especially here children are ncerned. Knowing you have rozen Peanut Butter ops waiting in the r ia reaaau.rlng. To make 6 Ol' 8 pope, lend 1 cup creamy ut butter, 1 pildqlge (8 ounces) cream chft9e d ~ cup sugar in a mall bowl. Using an ectric mixer, gradUally beat ln ~ cup milk. Fold ln 1 container ( 4 uncea) non-dai r y w hi pped topping, thawed, blendina well. Spoon lnto 3-or 4-ou.nce paper cupa. · hllel't a wooden stick in center of each for a handle. Freeze until firm, about 3 h oura. =~er c u p1 Make eXU'1ll and have a eecond batch waiting ln the freemo. E•1• a r e alway• e •ck•d pointe d end ~ ID .. cart.om to aee .. ~ mtural • oell • tlli wtde end int.ct. Whlia'-~Uw '** ot·~Ofllr ~·­keep t ... iaarrow end .-Own ju.t H the •I I prOdul:s do-. 11'\llk ~ -.poanult 1 .. poon vanilla 1 Pfund con· fectlonen 1u1ar • .Uted Y\ cu~ chopped nutt , optional Cut butter or mar1arine Into 1mall plf!Cel ln a 1u'p bowl; allow to 1otten. Pour boWna water into b6wl; ulr until butter •r mar1arlne ls melted. Beat ln cocoa, dry milk, salt, vanilla and confectioners' sugar. Stir ln nuta, lt deliNd. PoW' Into buttered 8-lnch aquant ptn. Refrtprate MY•ral houra or untll aervtna. Cut Into 1quaree. 3 dolei\ l·lnch plecet. REll'RIWllNO COCOA PRUIT BOMB!! l medh.a~-llzo ripe banaN juJce 1 ~ cup1 orangr 1 cup hall-and-half ~cup 1u1ar 'A cup unsweetened cocoa Slice banana Into ender container. Add orU\lt Jua; blend until anooth. Add ~lna lnlredlent1: blend until all ln1redJenu are thorouahly combined. PoW' mixture Into Q-tnch ~uart pan or two lee cube trays. Freeze until hard around ed1e1. Spoon mixture into blender container or larae mixer bowl; ,blend until anooth. Pour into 1-quart mold; freeze until firm , To aerve, unmold on chilled plate. Slice and serve. About 8 servings. Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manulacturers cents off" coupon and get double lhe sav•nQS when you purchase Ille item Not to include retailer lree or Present this coupon along with any one Manulacturers· "cents off" coupon and get double the sav1nqs when you purchase the item. Not to include "retailer · "free· or "groctfY purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item Elltludee llQu<><. tobacco end dairy products grocery purchase coupons or e-ceed the value ol the 11em E•cludes hquor tobacco and dairy PfOducls Limit One Item Fer Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Ef!ectlve July 29 thru Aug. 4, 1982 Ralphs Egg Sesame Bread I lb loa1 .59 Zacky Fanns or Foster Farms onstsU ot Breast w I Rlbs Thighs. Drums & Wings Best of ca111orrua Fryer GJown per lb .89 D•tergent Plw Softener Bold 3 49oz.box J89 Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and (fmlt 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 29 thru Aug. 4, 1982 .25 Me01 or Ralphs Beef Bologna llb pkg. J49 Tyson Chicken 320~ pkg. J99 Over a Million people have been winners ... Will the next winner be you? Details available at all Ralphs Stores. COCO A K EEPS COOL -Ea1y de11eru that keep .u both you and the kitchen cool are /1 no-bake Chocolate .,l Banana Cream Ple "'1 and No-Cook Cocoa •• Fudge. Unsweetened cocoa ls meaaured and mixed to minimize ~ kitchen mJnute1. n• I.I J I ro\ •l " PrPsent th•!> coupon aton9 w•lh .in~ one Manutc1c luH·•'> cent$ oll coupon .ind QPt douDll· the s JYinQ'> ,.,.n11n y1111 purcha!;e the •tern No1 10 •n< luelt H•1<11l1•r rree < r g1ocer~ purcna~e ouPOns o• r • •·r.'cJ •~•· ;c11 iP 1 thf' 11em b cludcs liquor tobacc.o c1ncJ 1jc1or~ protlud~ Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 29 thru Aug. 4, 1982 Finest Quality Chiquita Bananas peilb. .18 Aurora athroom Tissue 4 roll pkg .98 Adult Tickets P0~~7.95 H ~ O~t-8 6£~!,~: (Reg Knotts Puce S995) UNLDUTD> TICDTS s2~~ Only at Ralphs! Child's Tickets .. ~6:9s Details at all Ralphs Stores (Pe9 Knotts Pt1C•·S8 95} l µ Dairy/Deli Values ••••Grocery Values ___ _ •••Personal Care Values•-• belly,.,..,. Of Fo.t., F1tlft•·F.-,.. 1.09 Sliced 1.89 Thighs or Drums pe• 61110 Salame •01 .. P'll- i.ctkt ,_.Of Fosl .. , ...... 1.19 Oreetl0t~h 401 .89 Combo Pack per Frigo String Cheese lb. ""' 0..... llr9tftiuM .59 ~ Meu1o"1 kled Of .89 Fryer Wings -Cole Slaw Ucu lb cuo ,.,_, '°"" 1.79 Mixed Pork Chops -Bakery Values lb -Fisherman's Cove Values ~.,.,. .59 Sesame Buns fll<o. oft , ..... ,.Citic 1.89 ifiiiiiicny Mumns Fresh Red Snapper -lb "!'6 .95 !ee51d ShrlRIP Me1t ': 3.49 iiaiiihi'bi'iiis11 pll~ 1.79 ol PIAllWIAP Values Frozen Food Values 'l.AIN WM, ·h Ve 1 .40 2.19 iiiiPiii l1mon1de .39 Aspirin bll 12N. olSOO -r,\;Awilli c1oths ori/o 1.89 lll•da I~ Cob Corn .... ,... 1.09 'LAIN WllA, ·S.ve 1•10 1.39 lelMI Clll.-.OlllCll[ CMw MM" 1.59 Petroleum Jelly lieu. Zucchini 1111n1 Hot. jlf l*t- -Appetite Shoppe Values Liquor Values iiii'°*" 1caronl Sal1d .. per ~-.59 12 O&. c.t Coors Beer ,.:: 4.49 ' c"" &lie .. et lto<o•COOll9d oraed Beef Brl1ll1r· ~~ 2.79 W""l11•loa PWIWUP Cb1bHs , 0~ 3.49 Qlaftl !loll Gala Towels S AW Stewed Tomatoes l20CI 69 roll • ,,.~~ 3.29 1101 59 can • Sunalllll• 1 39 Chip A Roos Cookies 11 ·~:~ • II~~ 1.29 N1bl1co Ritz Crackers P.,n ~IMl f11•I Site Bayer Aspirin W1111 FlltO<td• Trl•I Silo Alm Toothpaste Shck O•odor•nt Trial Sue Old Spice bll o• t6 •• 01 twb• ' 01 pkg .39 .49 .59 •-•Produce/Floral Values••• ciiibal"& "' lb Mantcl\en aHt. ~•"'II Of Clllc,.,. lnst1nt Lunch Hewell., 2·~:~ .47 Pineapples "' Ill .17 .29 AN«ted 'ltlf1elle•·l•llJ Crochr C1k1 Mix ":. .98 FOi1iaail'9Plants ... ell 1.29 Switch 8r Save.at least abuck a bag·· ' Prices effective July 29 thru Aug. 4, 1982 ••'"Buck A tog" based on SJandord g~oce1y oog ~t P\atn Wrap compared to naUonal brand• an an cner~ X>' 1CTlng1 Compare quality votu .. an• i.nv1nqs ~ .. , '· '• "l tl II 11 11 11. iz r1. 1l "I n • IR TOKYO (AP) -1.n a oould bl ulld for like. rewrnto\heoldmMhod. w11 IH.?89 11llon1. ..Ame;lc1n1 want to b• a lowed by the c1aMet -1Dedal, tint 1ov_ernm•Dl from • ·-move to oounttr tht To f\&mJlh t.M nMded CalUornla rice 001t1 O•elil'a Japan••• know T..,an .. culture •rowln. poP.ularlly of and...:Jnd.JOlakeilnot ~ .U. au. end l Jrowtn( p>pularlty of Jdck, maken tddild lftln one·thlrd u much, ht prod uctlon wu 1'7 and history. 'nMty bad "jtuke or local 11kt, 1ub,ect to mlnlatry the r • we r • no r lcotch whllil&ey ln Japan, alcohol diluted wlth llkl. in1Wan aJJcna. '8ho1un' and 'Ninja.' which l1 naUvt to a telUnl and thua falla in re1ulatlon1 coverln' the producer• of nkt water -a pr094tdur. JaPM'• founh·lara-t J'unaioehl nld nkt There are 2,000 Ja= ~and ofteru~ th• 1 •con d c la u, ctrtUlcaUon, 10 the Jlave launched a ntw that h11 continued Mb maker.1'11·~ demaod la ~ ln .._iauranta tn the nit.ct and d f'l • r than meen1nl .i.. tax and a product entered aa promoUon cem~tp to d • 1 pt'• J ~pan•• a.Id, al~uc. Mk• the United 8\1• -now StatH -450 In Loa commerctally produced aavtna lor the COl'MIUJ'nll', lecoad clw. '~ln back the nat1cm'• preeent-day rice Nrplua ln Oallf IQ a jotnt 1.2m111Jonpllonaa~ew, An1elH. Everyday take. SU. drt.nken •Y the Numano had wanted drlnken. A California of e mllllon tona. venture ca lea Osekl 2. & UmH more than 1 om• body op• n 1 a 'nMt juke boom 1tem1 raN.dncl have little to do tbt hl1her ranklo1, firm hu jo(ned In the l'unako1hl 11ld the Sanbenlto Inc. It blpn thrH yean a10. He Japaneee rettaurant," he partly from lower prit'el. with qUality. becauH "at that time eoml)etidon. 1overnment-controlled •Ulna the U.S. product ..um.at.et It wW be 4.7 11.ld. tor tax pur7oeet, the Numano'• import fewer people were TM N\ll1\IU\O Sake C.O. price of riot ln Japan ln America two yeart milllon 1allona In five Saka maketl hope the Mlnlatry o Finance application w• the flnt drfnklna the Jawer-nt.s of Berkeley, Calif., It make• It too coetly to aao. and 1981 product!on yeen. Japan'• Mlel decl1ne wt1l 1radea 11ke ln three ever received by the uke," l'unakoebl utd. 'marketlna aake made r-------------------------------------------------------------trom Calitornia rice in I traditional method it ~ I.a more authentic than the technique followed in modern Ja~. I Sake, which local \ndition holda WU fint dNnlc by the aoda. la found at most .fapanme ~lebrationt -frOm 1he lips taken It a Shinto we4dinl to U\e awtlllna, of huae quantltlea al annual cherry-blouom viewln1 and company vear-end parties. It It uaua1ly heated to 88-104 deareea on those occaalona. • But In bara, restaurania and homes, many .Japanese are ahunnina the tweet taste of sake ror "mlzuwari,". "icotch and water, or ''onzarokku," Jaraneae foe ''on the rock.a.' The National Tax ~gency aaya th e Japane1e drank about 390 mllllon gallons of sake annually In 1980 and 1981, down~ percent from 1979. Whilky and brandy consumption wu up 7 percent for a total of 93.6 million gallons in 1980. Beer accounted for 1.14 biWoll pllont ln 1980. Total alcoholic consumption ln 1981 WU 1.8 billion 1allona, an amount that would fill the S~-1tory Kaaumigueki building in central Tokyo 13.4 times. Sake producers now adverti8e ''aofter" branda which complement more h e avily season e d Western food and can be poured over lee, said Hiroshi Kawashima, director of the Japan Sake Center. Sponsored by the Japan Sake Makers Aas>ciation, the year~ center in Tokyo's Ginr.a shopping district bal a c omputer full of i'nformation about the 4,000 brands produced by 2,600 Japane1e makers, and a tasting room with a weekly rotation of samples. Sake's alcohol content generally rangea from 15 to 17 percent, a little stronger \ban regular wine. Kawashima aaya sake brewers are aiming for new varieties with 12 percent or le. alcohol. Numano , \h e California entry, waa founded five years ago as a joint v e nture by Japanese buslneaman Taketsugu Numano and a major U .S . Grain d istributor, Pacific International Rice Mills Inc. of San Franciaco. Toshi Funakosh.i, vice president of Numano's import off i ce i n Yokoha ma , said the product, which includes a type to be served chilled, "tastes more like • California Chablis." He 1aya use of natural fermentation rather than the modem practice of adding alcohol means freedom from the kind of headac he that often follows an evening of aake drinking. Numano'1 method waa common before World War II rationing cut the amount of rice which . - Pasta not fattening COLORADO SP- aINGS, Colo. (AP) - upuia ii not fatten.J.na. It'• chk." That'• the theme at the National Paata Amoc.iatlon'• 78th annual convention under way here. • Tbe putll people hope Americml will .. , thilr hf _up ban a dllmal nnJdnC of 14th tn per oapa .,.ta COnlUDlptlon at 12.1 DOUndl per year. Italy la tint. of coune, at N DQUnda. ''pa l "t a 11 n 0 t iau;nln1, •• tn1ltted Junor Dinnen, Mnlor vice pre1ldent of the ~ ,.., .... firm tba• llaDdltt tb• national --~~oucan iMi.,.., ., ... LAao&·PANCT \-.... seec11-. ,,. .· ~ : ' •• -~-~ .• , -: 't: •l 1• -.~ Limit 5 eteaka Per F•mll' - tOO~ 'VAE 15EEF Hamburser Patties '°"910 Grapes Rib Roa1t ...__ .. ~ CSIS1UI Ml' 1.A.-ot OtO •ma KU cHua•...-.ue • fm!SRM .... lflPllllMIO SIUI 1' S1UI .... LI 11.11 L8 12.DI L8 12..19 L8'2AI ~~s3•• , .. n1u 3-L8 PKO EA. idihSIUI . LI 13.88 OftiOINAl, aLUDfllll! t~ aUTTDllllLl(.Al'f'l.I CINNAmVN KlllAFT GAATIO • AUllT JEMIMA WAFFLES PA•SAll CHEESE •o.oz m1~t Que11rJ.AAs <;:J'ft()ftl ffiooq . .__A1d( - ClntrJ TI• ~ llOZ '2.• ~~;; Kml-Ai~ =:::lllCD •1~ 5t Kool-Aid ~J:.{.~ -1· Ol rr KDDI-Aid e=v-»Cl '2.&& }; M>Z UIO!lnO COLOM TUF 'I READY TOWELS NIOLL I~ lllOULMI 09' DllT All f\.AV09'1 SHASTA SODA ~ I llP COORS LIGHT '3'114Z CAMI : ~ _.,.) ~ ~ ._ ,. .· . . . :"' ... ~ _':y ~ ... ·n ;. .n . LB. ... ... · .•. >·,. ...... -~~ .. .,)~(;:;·.' .. 'Ii ~ ~· •..( I ~~-.r 'I ._ .... t .. ·:,i_ ~ UOULAR •1.• LllllJT a 8AH ... FAlftl.T W'Rn.& MWft. T LA.91'9 H·La.aAO .. _______ ,, .. -··-·-..,.. _____ ,, .... -.-. ·--.. --..... ,.. .. ..., ... -., ... -,.....-··--· ~ -· ...... IUPllUDl.QIT SlllAST Ll99c llU lllOUllO COfllllCIW:UT ll 11.89 .. mm -CHllCI( IO!fll.DI L812.DI HllLE.ut _ MOROUNO ,_ ...,,llAST l9 12A9 umlllOUT KU' mESIUI L812AI AJAX CLEAISER • 11.0Z roll!MIHD PALMOLIVE LIQUID 12.0Z • • Orenge Ooaat DAILY PILOT /WednMd1y, July 28, 1982 Cll Veggies, cheese enrieh meatless pasta entrees 111 ThrQu1hout ht1tory °' anklnd h11 1ub1l1t•d • :, a r • • 1 y on n • a r - tartan dleta. , y In recent yH.l'I hat a areattr concern L.about health, coupled ':ve.'lth the ever-tncreulnl •price of meat, forced ,.,_rnerlcan1 to look for ~!!_ernatlve 1ourc .. of ~teln ln food. Accordlncly, the u.s. -otetary Goal• advise con1umera to increase their Intake of complex carbohydrates, which are found predominantly in fnth produce and whole sratna, 1uch as cereals, , breads and pastas. The goals also urge a reduction In the amount of animal protein and aaturat.ed fat In the diet. Now that the trend of meatless meal.a i.s firmly eatablished i n thi s country. people are eating m ore fresh produce than ever before. Unfortunately, to many people the word carbohydrate means only calories whic h has mistakenly earned this essential food group the r eputation of being fattening. Few reali ze that carbohydrates a nd protein have an equal number of calories - four per gram. (Fat, on the other hand, has nine.) Carbo.hydrates are the maj4~ and lea s t expen1lv!> source of enel'I)\ for the body, and they i)IOVide a wealth of nee~\d vitamins, mlnel'als and fiber . When .fresh vegetables are combined with enriched pasta and milk, cheese or eggs, protein needs are sa ti s f ied economic.ally. There are any number of ways to create tantalizi ng, highly nutritious dinners by u s ing this co m - plem e ntar y com - bination. Two recipes that su,tch the budget while offering a wealth of high quality protein are Laagna Florentine and quick-and-easy Llnguini With Fresh Vegetable Tor.:'. gna Florentine, a hearty, a4thentic Italian dish. ~at1lres a creamy cheese-and -mus tard sauce ,p ermeati ng through l ayers of c h opped, fresh vegetables. The second diah, nutrient-packed and fragrant with garlic, stlr-fries pasta with wholesome squash and sweet potato. LASAGNA FLORENTINE Cbeeae Sauce: 'h cup butter or marganne Vi cup all-purpose flour 2~ cups milk , divided 2 IA cups grated Parmesa n c h eese , d1vided Okra·, has potential for h ealth MA YAGUEZ, Puerto Rico (AP) -Okra. known primar1ly as the main ingred ie nt in Southern dishes such as gumbo, has potential as an all-purpose plant, a U.S . Department of Agritulture t1orti - culturist ~· "Recent findings show that the okra plant can b e use d f or · man y purposes, some pf'9ven. some speculative," 'says Dr. Franklin W. Martin of the Ma yaguez lns'titute of Tropical Agriculture. In addition to its basic uae1 as a vegetable, he saya. it has potential as a t:a ffeine -free coffee aut.titute, an oilseed for margarine . a high · protein meal 4or baking. a fiber for paper, for extendint serum albumin and '" whit.ea, while I ta st.aiki can be bun)ed as a fuel. ~ U8ed as a leaf vegetable, Manin •YI· ii a \#aluable 1ource of vitamin• A and C, protein, calcium •nd Iron. Okra teeda contain 15 to 28 pen:imt protetn, he addl, and oU extracted from olu'a Med ii a very ed lb I e f u, h i 1 h I n wwturated fatty adds. ' ' ttbl•poona Dijon-ltyle mustard \.\ uupoon h o t pepper 1auce W teupoon llllt Veattable PUUaa: S table1poon1 ve1etable oll "' pound rruh mu1hroom1, allc•d (S cu pt) 2 medium ontona. chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 pound tr e1 h spinach, washe d and trimmed 2 cup• coarHly chopped freah carroi, 0 laaa1n• noodltt, cooked accordlna to paokaat dlrec:\lon1, drained Oaraf1~ 2 hard-cooked eQI, .Uc9d 2 muahroorna, al.Iced To prepare cheeae 1auce : In medium aaucepan melt butter; blend In flour. Gradually add 2~ CUpt milk, cook over med i um h eat , atlrrlng c:onatantly. until sauce oolla and thickens. Add 2 cup• ParmHan Add ~ cup milk to ch ttH, cook u n t 11 chtoM M\lee remalnina mixture II amooth. Sur In pan. In muatard, hot peppor To ... mble cueerole: aauco and llllt. S.t uide. Butter • 13 x 9-inch m1nui. before aervtna. Oarnlth with hard· cooked •II 1llc11 and fretah MIJJhioom al1cel. Makta : 4 to 6 MMnp. LJNOUINJ WITH FRESH VEGETABLE TOPPING 6 table1p oo n1 veaetable oU, divided 1 medium 1weet potato, peeled and cut In julienne strips. 2 medlum ontona. thlnly •Uced l m.dlum eaplant . cut Into l ·lnch c:Ubtt 3 tablHpOOftl 1oy .. uce 2 clovea 1ulic, finely minced 1 pound Jintulni. cooked accordlna to packa1e di rect lon1, drained 2 cups ( l pound) cottage cheese 'h cup ch opped, fresh pa.nley 1tlr-fry aweet pot1to, 1quaeh, and,on!ana 3 IO 0 minute•. Remove from wok to a h .. Wd bowl. Heat 3 cabletp>Onl oU: atlr-fry egplant 3 IO 6 minutes. Add to cooUd ve1ecablee ln bowl. To. with soy •auce. Keep warm. Heat remalnlnl 1 tablespoon oil , aaute garlic. Add lln1ulnl. cottage chee•• and parsley. t o11 well T ransfer to heated platter. Spoon vegetablea over lmguinL To prepare ve1etable bak1na dlth. Pow-half tllllng: In lqe aaucepan the cneeae 1auce Into h e a t o l l ; • • u t e dllb. Arranae 3 W.p muahrooml, onioJ\I and noodlt1 In dl1h over aarl~ until tender. Tear aa~. Spread halt the aplnach Into bite·alzed aplnach mixture over plecet. Add 1pinach and noodle1. Repeat layers. carrota to aaucepan. Cook Spoon remaining aauce 2 to 3 minute• until over noodlea. SprTnkle 1A spinach Is tender. Drain cup Parmeaan cheese vegetables. Stir 1 ~ cups over sauce. Bake In a 375 Parme11n cheese sauce degree oven 25 mlnutel. Into apinach mixture. Let atand 10 to 1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~- 1 small acorn or butternut aqwuh, peeled, seeded and c ut in julienne at.rips tn wok or large alullet heat 2 tablespoons oil: Makes 4 to 6 aervinp. Fresh Blueberries c Caesar salad Romaine 29 };{ i.ettuce . . . ea .• Cose Cutter 'save 46 vegetable 1 39 ~ Oii .... 4gt<:~· • Market Basket ~ e~~Tua \1r 1. 7 9 save .10 ~ cost cutter 1 49 ~ Beer 6 'c~2~:1· • ~ llM\tlll\ltl ~ Spinach ....... '~do,: ..• 3 9 ~ P'O'i3toes ..... ,~:' ... 3 9 ~~•tlMWI IA\. Flour ......... i~ ... 89 ~ICfOOfl' 1 39 IA\. Frosted Flakes . . ~ . ~ M~tt~I IM•Pear Halves ..... 1:: •• 79 ~ MM"~ ~ti jtl50llf(! 1& Green Beans .... ,~:,' .. 3 3 Red·X rags Mark s~orewlde Reduc~lons NATURALLY YOUR TOTAL SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK THIS STOREWIOE SALE INCLUDES MARKET BASKET KROGER HILLCREST AVONDALE ANO COST CUTTER NO·FRILLS PRODUCTS STOCK UP ANO SAVE DURING THIS TREMENDOUS REO·X PRICE ROLL BACK Market Basket Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns ' • • • Ci II • RED x-tra LOW Price l.J'J s }A Choice Beef Boneless Chuck Steak or Beef Round Boneless London Broil $ 88 Frozen Fresnore (alone W Hcner 11 5·07 BO~ ~ Perch or Turbot 1 2 4 uu Portions ea. • Freshore Breaded ~-Shrimp 2 19 uu Shapes 1:~~-• Frozen Freshore Breaded save 1 81 Round 4 18 ~ !~!l~me(::.~t, •OOOS~ll 1s Plcces Golden cntcken ori1v 1X ~=c=~l~d 5.99 ~ MMUt~-fl ~ cranberry sauce . ,~: "('¥7 (OSI CUllff ~ Dish LIQUld ... __ '~Y' .. 49 .. 49 ~ ~ VIII ~Of "nt (lllOll\ IA).. canto Mt. Wine .. 'J' 2. 99 ~ <~1Mttr U;). White Cllampagne'':tr·1. 88 m Mtnt Pads ..... :. ~'1.39 ..._·-----~ ~ M'Ui'tT-v1tam1ns . . '~." .• 99 I I I MUC ll>TICI ~ "'-= ..... ~o•,e:m .. "°' tONM I A.~NMI INMNIWTl '"*'"'TO t. ,.\r..._YLAW) .. D1M14 NOTtcll YM heft..._. IUM. TM eowt MllJ .... 1181Nt Y911 ~,_ .... ~-... JM ,..,..., wttMll • .,... ..... ·tt.a~Mlew. If YoU wletl 10 ... the~ of an 1tlorney In thlt malltr, you etlould do IO Pfomplly IO lt\el ~ reaponee or pieadlng, 11 any. may bt flied on ume. AVllOI U1ted h e 1 ld o •amandedo. II l rllt111tal pue•e ....... _.,. Ud. • •dl•Mle • .,.._ ... Ud. ,..... ,....,. ...... a... .. lftfonneolM .. ..... SI U•t•d dHH IOllCltar al oonaajo de un at>oalldo an eat1 11unto. dabarr1 hacarlo tmmedlatarnonte. de eata manera, Ml raapueata o alegaelon. ti hay elguna, puada Hr regl11rad1 I t le mp o TO THE RESPONDENT: Tha petitioner hH lllad 1 petition QOOOefnlng YOU!' merrlege. II you l.U to Ille a ...apon" within .:tO days of th• dala that thtt 1ummon1 11 ~ on you, your clelMlft may ba 9f'ltered and the court may antar a judgment eontalnlng lnJuncttve or otller ordarl conoarnlng dMllon ot PfOperty, apou111 support, chlld cu1tody, chlld aupport, ottornay f-, COlll, llld IUCll Other rellef al may be granted by the CC>Ur'I. The garnlahment of wagea, taking of money or oropet"ty. or othet court 11.1thorlzed procoedlngs may also feMllt LEE A BRANCti, C1erll By J T RUNYON. Deputy Pu bllSl\ed Orange Coast Dally Pllol, July 14, 21. 28, Aug. 4, 1992 3185-82 Nil.IC NOTICE T·1a.7 NOT1CI Of TIIUITI!l'a aA.U 4411t-741 YOU AU IN 09,AU\. T UNDIJll A OH O OP TIIUaT OAno AUGUaT II, 1110. UN&.l aa YOU TAKI ACTION TO ""0 TIC T YOU .. ""°"""', fT MAY N ao&..o AT A PUBLIC aAU. If' YOU •ao AN IXPUNATION Of THE NA~ Of' THI ""OCHOINO AOAIN8T YOU, YOU aHOU&.D CONTAC7 A l.AWYIER. On the 20111 dey of Auguet, 1082. at the llOuf of 11:00 Lm., at tl\9 9111 Str .. 1 entfWICe of the ,_ County ~. loea1ed at 700 Civic Center Drive W•t, fonnerly known aa 700 Weat 9tll StrHI, lltuated In the City of Santa Ana. County of Orange, Stat• of California , CONTINENTAL AUXILIARY COMPANY. a Cf!!tomla corporation, u Trutt .. under Dead of Trust daled Auguet 2'. 1982 uec:uted by ISAAC OOUCHI, an Uflmatried peraon. who acquired lltle 81 ISAAC DOUCHI. an unmarried man and recorded on Septemw 22. 11192 u 1na1rument No 29581, In BOOll 13752, Paga 226 of Oftjclal fleco<d1. County of Orange, Celllomla. gN9n to _,,. an lo<lebtem-In lav« of Bank ot Arn«le:a National Trus1 and Savings A11octatlOJ1, a natlonat b:'~ association. by reuon of the ol Ille obUgatton• MCUred thereby, notice of wl'llch wu recorded on Merell 30. 1992 Ill lnltrument No. 112· 109175 ot ontc1al Recorda of Mid Orange County. and more then 111,.. months heYe elllC)elld ..,_ tueh <acordatlon. wll Ml at oublc euctlon to the htgheat bidder for CUii or a cashier'• cnec:tt ctr.-. on o atete or national benk, a .tale or 19deral credit union or a Ital• or federal NVlng• and loan -aatlon domlcllad In tllla state. (peyable II time of .... In lewful ~"Of !tie United SW• Of America) wlthou1 covenant or watranty, DP'-or Implied, • to lltle, po....aton Of encumbrance•. the Intere st conveyed to and now held by the said T rustaa under Mid Deed of Tru11. In and to th• lollowlng desct1bed pr~ situated In the County of Orange, State of Cahlornta. to wit PARCEL t· Fee e l mpla 1111 • to condominium unit no 199 (the ·unit"). aa shown upon the condominium ptan (anlltlad "condominium Plan for lot 1 of tract no 105117"), county of Ora~•· ttata of Callfornta (the "plan '), <ecorded on July 12. 11179, H document no t5910, In booll 13229, pagea 79 through 115, loclualve, ot official rec«ds of Mid 0.enge County, wl'llch plan pertalna to that property deacrlbed In trKt no 10587. recorded In boot< 449, pages 5 through 9 of mlacellaneoUe map1, records of said Orange County PARCEL 2 An undivided 00530 percent lnlerest In and to the common .,_ u shown and deHnad on lt1e plan; Except 111 oll, g11 and hydroc:arborl 1Ub1tancea ~th a depth of 500 feet from the -1- of said land with no <lgtot ot .,,._ entry above SOO feet from Ille "'"-ot Mid lend. u ~by Wllllem J. Cagney. llt'I unmarried man. In the deed recorded In booll 9560. book 938 of offlclal record1. PARCEL 3: An exclutlva rlg"1 and .-ner!I to UM the bMcony atee designated 8-189 on the plan • being eppurtanant to the unit. PARCEL 4 An exc1u11ve right and euement to u" the panting ap- deslgnetad on the plan • parking space no. PS-182 The addr-or otller common dealgnatlon, If any, of Iha raal property described above 11 putpOrted to ba tOO Scholz Plue •210, Newport Beed!. CA 92ee3 , the unde<aloned Trustaa dllClalmt any liability for any Incorrect-of the eddraH or other common dealgnatlon, 11 any, llN>wn herein. REVLON COLORS ILK .. MMf1ilitlftlict. If"' It• lllllli delCO~ n1tductld• • ...... (lllQm ti IS IA ~I ••* PKt A lfl(.,i 1111~ ..... , ...... IS .. ~'llllt Oillllllllf1ea111t•t M'f ._ ..... _. lllfOI• ~ "yOli IU ,_, .... Na Ill""" ....... -.,, .... '* ....... ...... tl .. Ml#lrHMIOlllllcrtsftllCllQI .. ~ lllt1l•t Mii llM I l'Mtesy tn (1 .. ndltcij _, tlqllfll 1111 ~ Uent IO~ !ll'dnd Ii Ille ult Pf tU flflenevll IYll~t 1~ I fOtl llOI IPfl ! 11 tit•*' llld tloM .,. utn • lo _.,, ourcMSn •• ..-iltel •• ~il't hat• lo•• IYfl'*t fr .~'12 .......,:l;.l• 0 EXTRA ABSORBENT DAYTIME DIAPERS REG. 6.29 499 Package of -48 Extro Ab$0rbent Disposable Diapers. Limit 3. POND'S COLGATE SKIN CARE TOOTHPASTE JOHNSON'S MISS BRECK PURE & GENTLE ALL PURPOSE HAIRCOLOR CREAMS 'l' 399 WITH FLUORIDE r BABY SHAMPOO HAIR SPRAY RIG. 229 3.49 a.as· YOUR VALUE CHOI Cl Solon formula for o noturol loolt. f ull shade w lection. Coid Creom or Dry Sliin Cream. 13-4/10 oz. 5izes WMW STOOlS WT MILLER BEER 6-PACK SAU PllCI 2" 12-oz. no· retWn bottles. PLANTERS PARTY SNACKS ...,:;:;;~~-=;;....__---.= 6 9c Tosty fCJVOl'ites . While \tock• lost. Limit 6 . GALLO WINES RIG. 6A9 YOUR 419 CHOICE 3 UTEaS 1 • CMAltJS IUIK • ,_ CMAIUS i • mAIT'Y IU._,T • .,... !•BD IOSI aEG.129 ~ REG.199 REG:l 39 1.69 YOUR 2.79 2.19 YOUR CHOICE CHOICE Denlol Creom-7 -oz tube G.ntle ~ lo use e¥et ydoy 9-oz Reg . !:uper Un- Winter fresh Gel-6-4/10 oz. 11 ~z. Price incl. 25c off label. Kented or R911 Unscented NYLON SOCCER & All-PURPOSE SHOE REG. 9.99 Rugged nylon lhoe with vinyl trim for aA field sporb. 7" aG. ate TO 99& Get the .. atb ... 'f )'OU need al OAX tole lf'ice. • If the alofeaald proparty Ilea no ttrMt addr ... or other common daalgna11on, dlrec:ttona u to hOw to locate tuch property may ba Obtalrlecl frOl"I\ the ~under uld Dead ol Trull, at wlloH raqueat th9 ..,. It to ba oondUcted, purt u ant to a written raqueat llibmltl.cl, within tan days from the l!f'tt publlcatJon of ttlll Notloa, to 1uch Banellclary at tha follow· lnQ llddraM: BANK Of' AMliRICA NATIOHA!. TRUST ANO SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, LOA N ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT ;432~ FORECLOSURE SECTION, l'-..11.:i:=.i.,- 5 8uUTH HUOION AVl!NUI, MA0£HA. CALIFORNIA 91101. The total amount of the unpaid ~ of ... noMC•> aecwed by Mid o.ed of Trwt, wtttl lnt..c llereOn, • prolllldad In .., nola(•). ~ If llrf, under the term1 of Mid ONd of Trwc. tncludlng ,_, ch aroaa an d u penHt of th• T ruttee. • Of the date of the tnltlel ~ of the Notloa of Sela 11 •1u.a1111. Name, 9 trffC Addraaa and f eltlpftoM Humber of Tr'*M « --c=N~~I~ .. ~ COMPANY 46 8outtl HudlOn A~ =~~'''°' lyM. L. &.ofldO .... (21a11n.«110 ....... C>ATU>Mt t. ..... . ~ Or..-C09lt ~ ....,., »! 21, 11. AUG· 4, 1~1-u } , BRIGHT EYES NmlTIOUS CAT FOOD SUPEI as 1 ,.,a 13-oa. COM. Limit 12 ~ QKfOfMI'. OCEAN SPRAY' S & W NABISCO PORT CLYDE CRANBERRY NATURAL snu SNACK TASn CANNED JUICE COCKTAIL FRUIT IN JUICE CRAClllS SARDINES •If• sun•59c ,.,a •89c =c39c 4-o1.bottt..Whlle 16-01. cont. 'Nttfle OOod ---i Whlle 3°3/ •-01. COM while ltodtt loit. Umh 6, I atocka I oat. L11nlt 6. •todc• lent. "'It "· •tock. loal . Limit 6. • • •,. 't ¥11,. Iii e -.~ .. ..., ' ENFAMIL READY-TO-USE BABY FORMULA SAl£159 PRICE YOUR CHOICE 32·01 Reody to pour Regular or with iron HORMEL DEVILED SPAM LUNCHEON MEAT a39c "-dy~. 3-oa. can. White docks Iott. ll!ftlt 6. FRENCH GLOSS LIP PENCIL REG. 4.25 for that glomorou• looli. Sele<lton of fothion ~. CREME-ON EYE SHADOW REG. 99c 3.85 PREPARATION H HEMORRHOID AL OINTMENT RIG.309 4.29 2-oz tube. Helps •eloeve hemorrhoodol 1rrifohon. SMACK CUP A' UMIN ' ORIENJAl NOOIMES =as1 'I .·~ l WIONllOAY, JULY H, 1812 ' ClASSIFllD 04 ams hav_e to' stop clowning around '4~.J~yeo P.T. Barnum would have been proud of the Ran-. Formulating a dm.11 and maJdni It a IUCCl!ll, Mpedally in theee tJ'ylna tlmel of eccnamlc poverty, la not an euy IMlt. The latM rumor aurround.lng the Quarterly Quartet ta that Fe~ won't make It to the Rama ftnt preHaaon game a1aln1t Denver at Anaheim Stadium Aua. 14. Jona. Ferrqamo and Rutledp . . . and how losical la that? In cue you haven't noticed It appean u If the Rams are llowly palntinf them1elvea Into a comer. I the team does want to get rid of VI.nee, and there are Baltimore, ju.at wait until the fan1 and the LA media get throu&.h with him. Beltl..more will look like the prden apot of the world to him. Even Ferraeamo admit• that lntereated parties, ••would be 1tupld.'' to pay that kind of price. Rook1e1 Charlea Pit00ck and PuJusila Flliaga (try pronouncing that ruame) were engaging an a drill when one thing l ed to another and fi.slB stanA!d flying And yet aomehow, aomeway, the Rama' Big Top continue. to Oowilh, with each auoceedina ahow being better than the tint. In fact, lf the rumor holda true to form, Ferrqamo won't even last until thla l'rtday when the veterana are acheduled to report. ''One bad pus, one milta.ke, and they'll be yeWna for Vi.nee. You think Ray (Malavaal) 11 The Rama, h ow ever, feel they're ln the driver's seat. U nobody wanta to give them what they want now, the club feels they'll certainly get it later once the 1ea1on starts and quarterback• start dropping around the league. The two settled down briefly but then went at 1t again dunng a wate r break. Having seen enough, you'U never guess who broke them up COMMENTARY = :.r.ut up with th.at? 1 don't Al.reedy the tentl are beini holated and the acts are fthearslng. Naturally. in the center ring, atanda the moat entertaining show, that belni the Quarterly Quartet of Bert Jonea, Vince Fenqamo, Jeff Rutledge and Jeff Kemp. Without insulting anyone'• intelllgence, It'• fmly obvioua that the Rams have one too many QBL One certainly hu to 80· Obvioualy, it won't be Jones, who has already been named by rfnamaster Ray Malavasl u the team'• No. 1 signal-caller. Rutledge ls always a JX*fbillty, but Malavasi has privately expresaed a penonal interest in keeping the Alabama graduate. Kemp would be the logical choke, but that's only if you keep thoae within the oraantz..atlon who admit that's the plan, then the longer he stays the tougher it's going to be. Let's face It, the minute Ferragamo aets foot back l,n Anaheim Stadium he's goln8 to be the darling of every fan In Orange County. Of ooune, Ma.lavaai may not have a choke. From all indJcationa it appears as lf the Rama are seeking the same kind of compensation they paid to get Jones to get rid of Ferragamo. In other words, intere11te~ NFL team• would have to part with a first round and a aecond round pick ln order to obtain the bomb-throwing right-hander. It'a that kind of thinking. though, that got the Rams mto one muddied mess after another the past couple of years and is sure to lead to a messy situation th15 season. Malavas1? Nope. One o'f the coaches? Nope. A couple of strong hnemen? Wrong agam. This tame the enforcer was Ferragamo himself, who streaked mto the middle of the two to break 1t up. • • • Uke a flying trapei.e act, theee four players alone are worth the price of admission. "Bert reall" has no idea what he'• ln for," Mid one player. "He thought the pres,,ure was bad In To th.la point, everyone has told the Rams to take a hike. Annually, summer training camp is no picnic for rookies and v~tel'fN. Wlth two-a-day grinds and scorching heat, tempers usually become short. Take Tuetlday for example. "I just blanked out (or a moment," said Ferragamo with a smile, after he had a chance to think about his action. "Coach Jim Ringo asked if I was crazy. He said, 'One of those guys could <See RAMS, Page OZ ) Angel_s • survive A's marathon Baylor wins it in 13th, 8-7 BY CURT SEEDEN or .. ..,,.. .... lt Wal just about midnight and once again the Oakland A's and Angels had participated In another one of those long, drawn--0t1t attain. Th.ls one had a little bit of everything. with just about every Angel CCJ111rtbuting. The biggest lift, however, waa aupplie<I-by Don Baylor, whoae two-out, 13th-l.nnlna ling)e provided the Aneela with an g.7 vfdory before moat of the 32,609 lana at Anaheim Stadium. "IT'S JUST like Timmy Foll said.'' offered third buelnan - that'• ,right, third bu-nan -Bob Wilfong shortly after the bewitching hour. "U aomebody ~ to thia pme and didn't like tt. w.e. they don't like baseball." dllCe again, the Angela had to .battle back from a 5-0 flnt- innlng defidL They did the same ~ on Monday night only to droj> an 11-8 dedl1or\ U> the A 't l.rutlng off Oakland starter Mike Norris to pull the Angela into a 5-5 tie. "I've pla~ed two games in a row. I don t know what to do now," Jackson said afterward. "This juit shows you what kind of team this ball club ia. It'• good having guys like Rob Wilfong to fill in. He did a good job over there at third hue. It just shows our depth.'' Jackaon added. "I've never played third bue before ln my life, and I didn't feel rMl comfortable.'' admitted Wllfong, who Wiii fiillng in for 0oua Deances. "but it WU fun. It WM odtino. Every ball WU anedven~~ Adelina to that adventure was Rea:ie Jacbon who cracked hit 25tl1 home nm of the aeuon in the 1lxth inning, and Brian Downing. who oonnected foe a three-run homer one lnning earlier u the Angela trimmed the A'a lead to >3. .... Tuesday night, the Anaeh returned the favor. although they needed four hours and 13 minutes to do It. And when it was all over, they managed to maintain their one-game lead over Kan1a1 City in the American League West. Somebody asked .Af gel Manaaer Gene Mauch now he felt about meeting the challenge of another come-from-behind victory, to which Mauch curtly responded: "I want this kind of a challenge to come to a acreeching halt. If it doesn't, well, we'll just keep grinding it out." WHILE OAKLAND Manager Billy Martin stuck with 11ta11er Norri• through 11 inninga, Mauch bad to ao to his pen early after the A'a touehed atarter Geoff 7.ahn for the five-nm fint. And relievers Bruce Klson, Andy H-1er and Dave Goltz (See ANGELS, Pa1e DZ) CENTER RING -Most of the attention during the preseason will be focused on the quarterback battle between Bert Jones (17) and Vince Ferragamo. Jones, receiving instruction here from coach John Hadl, has already been o.-, "°' l'Meo by Rlch.enf It oetta.. named the Rams' No. l QB. Ferragamo hopes to change that though by the start of the season when the Rams open the • 1982 campaign in Green Bay. It w-on 't. be all roses for UCLA Pasadena • in Buzzie Bavasi critics are in seclusion while Billy Martin is managing a bunch of dogs Grinding it out 'l'ue9day night required a nintli::ilyUng-leadoff homer from Bob Boone to send the game into extra inninp with the acott notched 6-6. Grinding it out ai.o included an RBI single by Bobby Grich in the bottom of the 12th to aend the game into another extra inning. AND IT ALSO called for some fine aubstltute work, both offenlively and defensively from Wilfong at third and Ron Jacbon at flnt. It was JackllOn who delivered an RBI aingle in the eighth LOS ANGELES -Nobody came in on tht: noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but . . . •Mumbles on the boulevard indicate that the once celebrated Los Angeles Super Bowl ticket scalping .cue will be reopened with an alleged knowledgeable canary .et to sing a very implicating 800${. •-UCLA ftgurea to be singing a mournful lament after the Bruina move their football operation to the Roee Bowl . . . Many are trying bu\ few are being aucceuful in figuring out the logic behind the move from the Collaeum . . . The opening day crowd for UCLA and SPORTS COlUMNIST BUD TUCKER Lona Beach State may be hopelessly lost in the 100,000 plus aeata. •Fonner Dodger Reggie Smith says the team'• current agony started when Davet Lopes was traded to Oakland but Lopes' replacement, Steve Sax, has hardly cauaed the downfall with his play at second hue. •The new price of a celebrity circle seat for Laker games at the Forum would feed a -family of six m deepest Africa for seven years. •The most encouraging thing about Rams quarterback Vince Ferragamo in recent years is his admimPon the other tday that ... "l got aorne bad advice." •Of his chemical intake problems, San Diego Charger running back Chuck Muncie says, "I have a small problem" ... Owners and management officials around the National Football League will be delighted to know there is such a thing as a small problem in this area . •Billy Martin's blowup on the team bus the other day can be explained by this being the dog days of baseball . . . Dodger~' Beckwith makes the most of turnabout SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -One week ago, Los Angelea Dodgen right-bander Joe Beckwith had no Idea he'd be back In the major T.·year ago, Beckwith didn't know whether he'd be pitching, period. Today, Beckwith'• coofidenoe hu been re.stoftd, tbanb to 6~ lnn1DCI of hltie. mlef for hit flnt maJor 1eape victory_ Iha May 21. 1980, a '7-3 dedaion Tueeday nJabt over the San Frandlco Gianta. '-nut la the best rve ever thrown in the bfa ie.auee.·· Beckwith mid aft.er reUrtna 17 al 18 batten in relief of injured ltarter Vicente Romo. ·~ worked. Th.la ii • INlt oonfkfence..builder: .. Beckwith, 27, 1uffered.an eye 11\).ary cha1nl ~ n1nlrit tn 1881 Dd mlll9d the end.re leMOft. one wblf:h lnduded ~ on each eye. a. Wll ..,. to ~ of the P*:lflc C.omt ~ du. y.r, but lllii'dlY ..... --'*" :i .Jn lid; 1111 WM a ,._.. M wtUl a ~ wned ND Awnttll wblft be Wla 18<-*4 llO the Dodalr'I -.... "It Wll a lhcdt to . ....,, l Wla 8&UI tr> tbe .. a.w.. I hadn't beiiii throwtna too well," Beckwith aaid. "But Sandy Kou.fax came down to work with us for a few days and he t)elped me a lot." The fact .Beckwtth could pitch at all On TV tonight channel 11 at 7:30 la quite a turnabout from 1981, when the ope!'ationl and his inacUvtty cut doubt on hJa future. 11The docton 1ave me a 50-50 cblmoe," he aid. "I had fourth-nerve pally. I bent down to field the ball dwinl sprlna tralnlng and aortaethlni happened in my eye. C•f WU told lt would be cured In abou~ two montm. but five mont.ht later tbeN Wat no cNnce· Anytime rd maw 11\Y bMd. rd -ctMable. 1 hid IW"IW'Y in ...,,. Wt •• but lt didn't work. Thim I had lt 1n my rtaht ~ and I feel fine now." D'ran by rilbt tieJder Jack Clark and llCXllMl 'o r 1 oan Joe MCJllllft pve the Dodpn w. ~ NDll the ft.nl twO innlna ezto defeat • 8mle Martin. 4-6. Ron added • two-run hOmer in tbt hill 12th ol the 111110D and hl8 3llt caner blMi ap1nlt the Gtanta. Following Johnnie LeMaater'a two-run double, the Glantl had two on and two out in the bot1om of the second when a knee injury forced Romo out of the game. Beckwith, 1-0, took over and wu f>erticl e)C.()ept for a two-out walk in the third. "It looked to me like be (Beckwith) I had a great fasiball, but we just didn't play well.'' Giants manager Frank Roblnaon aaid. "Maybe we suffered a letdown after beating Fernando Valenzuela Monday. But you'd think we'd have been rady again." ~ two tama conclude the three- pme aeries tonight. 5, 107-4,895 win! RIVERSIDE (AP) -When it wu over, Mark Latham had eciored 1 873 potnta. And Latham'• team had finlahed with a 5,107 to 4,896 victory. Tht'• what happem when you play 96~of~ Ten~ molt of than d.lden'8 at La Hiab School In lUvtniAde, Ht a Gulnneu World Reeotd by J>laYtna tor 88 houri. wtth cillY ave hoUn of Nit, from l~ ~ 'I\mdaY to 1:02 p.m. Saturda'l._ aa d'9 W• Covt.na FaahkJn Mall. nae aid NCOl'd WM 90 houri and tW'O ~ -· .. --f.rClln 01..-..-., ~:w-~-~~ The t••n·acera played on • re1ulatton-len,ui court, "taMd off lnllde th• carpeted ma1L ~ble I ) backboarch were donated by the Rlveralde Park• and Recreation de~nt. "They played the equivalent of 100 hllh ac&ool 1amea," aald Gary MUW...-ot Karma ~tioOI ln lUventde, the evet1t'1 principel ........ Mulliner, wt-. 8Clll TaCld Wiii one of the parUdJ*l~ .uraa*I that ~. M.ooo a •ooo ... nStect durlnc the fou.r-da7 event. The money will be daMtld to the Spedal ~1=-re. who ltalned by i\riili'I lb ....... w.nt 48 boura before \akln1 their flrat triU:.; And tl.n ~ ... allowtd n¥O hioijri of ~ That is, Billy is managing a bunch of dogs. •The Rams 1982 media guide 1s undergoing its annual delay an ~rinting pending approval of its contents by the team president who pays attention to all the oontents, particularly the picture of the team president. •When you consider the 'position ol NFL players as compared with their counterparts in other sports such as basebaJl and basketball, you conced e they have a case . . But the NFL players association is doing a pitiful job of presenting that case. •The Russian Olympic committee Uf criticizing the Los Angeles organizing committee of too much commercialism irl connection with the 1984 games bu' what would the Los Angeles event ~ without an official hamburger and french fries and an official underarm deodorant and 90 on and 90 forth? •Critics of Angels general managet Buzzle Bavasi, who used to surface periodically, have been forced into seclusion by auch d evelopments d Reggie Jackson, Doug De Ci.nces and Tim Foll. · •Hopefully, there will be no move to c:onstNct luxury suites at the Rose Bowl thereby depriving UCLA of 1,300 seats. •lf you don't think Earl Weave. r is]l best bueball manager in the world. jus uk F.arl Weaver ... Of coune, you set an argument In San Diego - Dick Wllliama. •The female sport• writen and br'<*kaaten amoclation is lookina for a location for itl hall of fame and hu 1COUted. phone booths In aeveral areu of the country. •When the drcua OOIM9 to ln&l~wood the animall .,. ceremoniously parad tt,rou_Qh the streeta to the Forum . . When NBA teama come to toWn, U.. p1-rn take cat.. •U you think UCLA audiences wW be Jolt tn \he &ee Bow~ wait W\ttl ~ ... the crowd• from the United Statu Football i.-.ue. • Lt1tenl"8 to Howard Co1ell la tanwnount '° beadnl your: heed ttaJmt a brick wall ... It .feell 80 ~ w• you atop. I Ortne• 0o .. t DAILY PILOT/Wtdn..day, July at, 1eaa i=-1r--------------!!!!!!!!!!!~ Playing b·asketball may d raw jail term From AP dlapatcbes AUSTIN, Texas -Former m University of Texaa basketball player Henry Johnson could be sentenced lt\ aix months In jail for playing baaketball In a campus gym. · Johnson. a Longhorn starter until he became academically Ineligible midway through the 1980-81 season, was arretted last week on a misdemeanor trespass charge for playing in Gregory Gym. Justi('(' of the Peace Guy Herman said Tuesday the trial was set for Aug. 13 In Travis County Court-at-Law Herman called the case ''a waste of the court's time. " Johnson, who went to Manual Arta High in Los Angeles, was released from Travis County JaH last Thursday after spending one night in jail. Hennan released Johnson on a personal recogruzance bond. "I don't think the Legislature meant for that cruninal trespass statute to be used to give people six months in jail and a $1 ,000 fine for shooting hoops at Gregory Gym." said Herman. Quote of the day Dick Howaer, manager of the K.anau City Royals, after a near-rruss with the flying bat of rookle Sieve Hammond: "That could have been fatal to the manager. And to him .. May, Brett add Frost(lng) to win Lee May and George Brett hit III two-run homers as Kans&S City remained a game behind the Angels m the AL West with an 8· 1 decision over Cleveland to h1ahliaht American LeaJtUe action Tuesday. Dave Froat, making his first appearance since coming off the disabled liat, gave up one run and seven hi ta in five inninp of work to record the victory ... Elsewhere, Gorman Thomas drove in five runs with a pair of homers as Milwaukee blasted Texas, 8-2, to climb back into first place in the AL Eaat ... Jerry Mampbrey rapped out three hits, including a three· tun homer, and scored three times and Oscar Gamble drilled a two-run 1hot as the New York Yankee'! MAY edged Detroit, 6 -5 ... Toronto's Lola Leal posted h1S third consecutive victory with a four-hatter and Back Martlnn drove in one run and scored another as the Blue Jays dumped Boston. 3-1 ... Rookie Cal Rlptea Jr. beat a curfew by slamming a two-run homer with one out in the ninth inning. giving Baltimore a ram-d elayed 5-3 victory over the C hicago While Sox for the Orioles' sixth consecuuve triumph Dave Edler cracked his first two home runs of the season, including a grand slam in the sixth inrung that lifted Seattle to a 9-7 wm over Minnesota. Hu~blfd. Murphy lead Bravn awMp ~ ff•bbard'• \WO-Nn horner . ln &he lf'Ch lnn1l\I powenld Atlanta co an a.e fictory over San Dleto and a awHp of \heir double-hHder to hl•hlJ1ht National Leap acUon -ru.day. Dale Mirptiy hanvnered a two-run homer and Bob Wati hurled a five.hitter u \he Brav• won the opener, 9-2. The aw~p at.retched tho Bravee' lead ln tht NL. West to .even pmea over the aecond·place Padree ... Elaowhere, Darrell Porter honwred, doubled and tlnaled to le.d St. Louta to a 9-4 pounding of \he New York Meta . . . Larry McWlWamt and Rod Scurry combined on a \hree-hltter and Juon Tbompaon knocked ln two runa to lead Pittaburah to a 4-0 blanking of Philadelphia ..,,...... .. Terry Puhl'• Infield single off relief pitcher Jim Kern'• g_love In the bottom of the eighth inning ICOred Ray Knl&bt wl\h the winning run and Nolan Ryu pitched a five-hitter for his 200th career victory aa Houston edged CincinnaU, 3-2 ... Gary Carter's three-run homer an the first ~ powered Steve Rogen and Montreal to a 4-3 wan ovM the Chicago Cubs. Rogers is now tied with Steve Carlton and Fernando Valentaela for the most wins in the major leagues. Baseball today On this date m baseball in 1976: Blue Moon Odom (five Innings) and Franclaco Barrios (four) combined to hurl a no-hitter as the Chicago White Sox beat the Oakland A's, 2-1. Today's birthday: Kansas City pitcher Vida Blue ill 33. Sal Maglle In crltlcal condition Sal "Tbe Barber" Ma&lle, a mainstay on the mound for the old New York Gaanta' baseball team in the late 1940s and early '60s, was • lt.sted in criucal condition at the Niagara Falla Memonal Center ln New York after undergoing brain surgery. Maglie's best mark was a 23-6 record in 1951 ... Contract talks acheduled Tuesday between the National Football League ManaJement Council and the NFL Players Association were postponed because of the opening of training camps around the league, according to a union spokesman ... The fledgltng United States Football League -with some of its franchises yet to name a front-office staff, pick a nickname or secure playing facilities -already has announced plans for expansion foUowlllS( i\S inaugural season m 1983. No cities have been named for expansion as of yeL Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV toni"ht. Raungs are: vvvv excellent; V'V'V' worth watching; v v fair; " forget It. n 7:30 p.m., Channel 11 ............................ BASEBALL: Dodgers at San Francisco. Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Pon.er. The Dodgers, who trail the division leading Atlanta Braves by a whopping nine games, will <1end Dave Stewart (5-5) to the mound against the Giants' Fred Breinini (4-3). The Dodge,.. and Giants have split the flJ"St two games of the series. RADIO .Baseball -Dodgers at San Frandaco, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790); Oakland at Angels, 7;30 p.m .. KMPC (710). Buena Park roller skater • w-1ns Dulaney captures sixth gold medal ; Irvine's Causey fifth INDIANAPOLIS (AP)-Sandy Dulaney came to the National Sports Fe'Stival hoping to learn somethmg about her rivals m the upcoming national roller skatmg championships. She's leaving with a record-tying six gold medals. The 17-year-old high school senior from Buena Park was on the winning four-women relay team 'Tuesday to match the mark set in the 1979 Festival by Cynthia Woodhead, a swimmer from Riverside. Earlier, Dulaney had been on the winning mixed-four relay and also taken golds in each of her individual races -at 500, l,000, 1,500 and 3,000 meters. "This has been very exciting for me," said Dulaney, the women's overall and individual world champion. "I didn't know how I would stack up here. This as a prelude to the nationals. You have to see how your rivals have changed their styles over the year.'' The national champ1onsh1ps are set for Fort Worth, Texas, Aug. 9. Despite any doubts she had upon arriving in Indianapolis last week, Dulaney 900n knew things were going her way. "l thought after the third medal 1 had a chance to wm each of my Last three races." she said. "But I wasn't here to win the golds. I was here to do the best I could " While Dulaney was tying the Festival medal records at Melody Skateland. across town more meet records were falhng in swimming. Ten swimmers broke Festival marks in the fast water of the new Indiana University Nat.atorium, bringing to 19 the number set in 23 races there this week. Roger Van Jouanne of Renton. Wash., amaahed the men's 400-meter individual medley mark in 4 minutes, 29.15 seconds Susan Rapp of Alexandria, Va., did the same to the women's 200-meter breaststroke record at 2:38.63. Other record-breaking swimmers were Greg Rhodenbaush, Cincinnati, 2:21.97 in the men's 200 breas\Stroke; Theresa Andrews, Annapolis, Md., 1:03.88 in the women's 100 backsU'oke; the East women'• 400 medley relay, 4:15.90; the F.ast men's 400 medley relay, 3:48.15; Matt Cetlinskl, Lake Worth. Fla., 3:56.36 in the men'• 400 freestyle. and Sherri Hanna, Miami, Fla., 4:15.47 ln the women's 400 freest)' le. In two eventa being raced for the fint time at th~ Festival, the men's and women's 50·met.er freestyle, Dara Ton'ell of Beverly H.llla was timed ln 26.10 and Bruce Felter of Tallah.amee, Fla., In 23.63. Not a tMld performance from a group of athletes who flniah«i third or lower in thelr evcnta at laat ·A YSO r e l s, coaches soug ht Ref~ and ~-are belnf eouaht ln ~ 41 (Wcuna Niguel) pf the Amertcan ~outh SoaDel' ~tJon. Cllnliat will be atven \hua no nperience le nee 111 u·y. Anyone lntereeted la alKed to c:ontlc!t reaton ~ Dennu.a Rlcharde at 843-2595. week's national championships in Mission Viejo. That meet picked the United St.ates' team for t1us week's world championships in F.cuador. "l came here to go fast," said Celmski, who won the 800-meter freestyle Monday night. "It's a fast pool and an excellent facility." Other area swimmers finishing high were Stuart MacDonald of Mission Viejo, second in the 50 free (23. 70); and John Hillencamp of Mission SPOR TS FESTIVAL Viejo, second in the 400 free (3:58.87) and third in the 400 individual medley (4:32.31). Gold medals also were awarded in figure skating, and there were no surprises. Vikki de Vries, of Colorado Springs, Colo .. took the women's gold medal, while Brian Boitano, of Sunnyvale, won the men's gold. Each was the highest-ranked skater entered in their respective fields and had been expected to win. In the women's final, Irvine's Marie Causey Uni.shed fifth. In Monday's competition, Robert Lager of Mission Viejo was the lone winner from the area in swimming. Lager captured the 100 breas1stroke in 1:04.21, a time that would have given him second place in the U.S. world trials at Mission Viejo laat week. John Ulibarri of the Nadadores finished fourth at the Festival in 1:04.74. Hillencamp placed second in the men's 200 freestyle win Monday in 1:53.42 and was a member of the winning East relay team at 800 met.en along with McDonald. Martha Jahn, who failed to make the consolation fina.la last week, placed 9ee0nd in the women's 200 free with a 2:04.68 effort. She al.lo swam on the West winning relay team along with Lisa Wen, alao of the Nadadores. Jlri Batlik of Costa Mesa teamed with John Evans of Valledty to place third ln the 1,000·meter canoe pain competition. Brian Theriot, a graduate of Newport Harbor High, placed fifth in the BOO-met.er run ln 1:48.36 while Dwight Stones, the venerable veteran hlgh jumper who now calla Irvine home, won that event with a leap of 7-6~. WATER HEATERS GAS 'OR ELECTRIC IJNY Sil£ COST+ $10 Ct\Rlll~ "~ nov 1· \ I I' I I \ ~ 1 I ' 'i t, j: q ', .. 11.i I.I Fou t s angered, w o n 't st rike ANGELS WIN I N 13 • • • SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Dieso Cha.raen quarterback Dan Fouta .. ld he doetn't support the National Football L.eaaue Pl1yer1' A11oc:latlon In d\eir de~ for 66 percent of the NFL ownere' gro11 ruvenuea becauae lta "rldiCuloua." "I won't aupport Ed Garvey (NFLPA executive director) and hit ~6 pereent demand," Fouta aald. "I think 1t ii rldiculoua. I'd like to aee them go after a more liberal free agent policy. But U we have free asentJ.ng, then we don'j need a atronj union." Fouts said Monday if the union fails to reach agreement with the owners, he does not plan to walk out. "If the union conttnue1 its current posture. I won't strike," Fouta said. ''I won't walk out." He added he'a not at all happy with Garvey's and the union's proposal that there be a standardized wage scale for professional football players. "What I don't agree with la that they are trying to take away our ability to negotiate for ourselves," he said. "You work your whole career trying to achieve something ao you can go ln and have some leverage with management. HB a rch er ' qualifies Nancy Myrick of Huntington Beach sained a pl.ace on the U.S. Championship of the Americas archery team with a fourth pl.ace finish in the COA triala ln St. Louis last weekend. Myrick and .even teammalel will travel to Joillette, Canada to compete agaiut North, Central and South American archers ln the 1982 Target Championship of the America.I VI, Aug. l9-22. The Huntington Beach aecretary made her flrat. international \earn In St. Louis 15 yea.rs ago when ahe gained a 1pot on the 9quad that competed in the world championahlpa. She was a member or the first Pan American team, past world team1, the U.S . team to the 1pring arrows tournament and the Champion1hip of the Americas. ""ponded with KJlor\ pltchJ.na a rnuierful • K lnn1no And CJOlu sot.na the final • ~ tnnlna to earn "hll fttth victory aplnll two def ea ta. Jt WH I sam• ln which O.kland'• Rickey HendelWfl did everythlns In hit power to diarupt the Angela, while Boone apent moet of hfl enffl)' trytng to equalize the leadoft 1peedlter. Boone managed to catch Hendel'90n trying to ateal on two ooculona, and Zilhn even picked him off ln the f I rat prior to the A'1 uprialng. Dwayne Murphy and Cliff Johmon drew walk.I and Tony Armaa followed with an RBI double. A fielder's choice got one run home, Mike Heath doubled in two more and Dave McKay delivered a sacrifice fly for the A'a fifth run. Downing'• homer got the Angela back into the game. and the Jacbona tben got them even. Norri• w e nt 11 inning•, allowil\11 10 hita while surviving two oaKland errora before giving way to Brian Kingman, who ln turn, gave way to loser Bob Owchinko. The Angela had no problems with the Oakland relieve~. but Norris waa giving them fit.a moet of the evening. "I battled Norris," admitted Ron Jackaon of his RBI smgle in the ei~hth . ''The ball kept coming 1.n on rne. Then he threw some kind of pitch. maybe a spitter. It was a good pitch and I managed to hit it up the nuddle." "Noma threw pretty good," added the other Jackson, Reggie. "He had a good 11Crewball but he just wore down. He hung in there for as long as he could." Reggie said Tuesday night's game was indicative of the kind of contests the Angels have played all season. "We've ~n giving up runs and then coming back. You juat try to be professional about it and not get down. There's a lot of fiber in this ball club." Rizzuto to stay · NEW YORK (AP) -New York Yankee broadcast.er Phil Rizzuto IS denying a published report that he plans to retire at the end of this se880n after 26 years behind the rrucrophone. The 64-year-old former shortstop, who won MVP honors for the Yankees in 1950, told a television audience that he was not retinng. Overweight? Just a llttle out of shape? Or both? Doh't give up. "Live-Jr' up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 5 locations, and many Baylor'• 11mt·wlnnln1 hit. came alter Boone had opened Uut lnnln1 wlth a 1ln1I•. Jua1' Beniquez ran tor Boone and went to aecond on Downina'• aacritlice bunt. Plnch-hltter Joe hrlUIOn then walked. ' * AHOCL llfOTUl 9M ..... J04MC1 • -group 0( M o.taherl In IN A1Mr10111 ~ Wf'9f\ ,... '**' ....., ... ··-Who .... 11y1ng to 11 .. 1 In lhe MCOfl4 Inning. ~ to '"" .. "e·· ,hit ..uon _ ,..vor11·· autotl • Clfwlllnd'• Ctwtt ....... Oetr0ft'1 ~enWI llnd eo.IOfl'I ..... GMINn. AMO!'Q th9 to calm.rt to ... Off Heno.ieon ti flret b ... 19 '°'"* Oollliln• WMt COll9g9 lltl Teny .... Of helll9 Ma9I thlfd .,_.,.. 0.... O.C:"-..... not ln tn. Un.up, nor -he In the !NII pefk TuMCtey night He wu at hom9 with 11'19 nv "~''* c:~y -"'-' ~ .._. c.r-. ellO Mt out.,.,. o-. ttlll eutttMo lrort1 a 1tr11ned c;ell mueol• tull•r•d tn Monday'• o-Oald111c:l'I Clift,,._ waa fOf<*! 10 IM¥9 11 ... game Tueedty night wh9n ,... 1Pfal"9d 1119 right tnk .. wfll .. ICOffng on • li•lder ·1 choice In the fire I Inning Johnaon •H taktn lo tht 1101pllel for pr-tlonery X-reyt With hit fk'1t-lnnlnQ gllt double • ..._... ,,___ hu now hit ul91y 1n !4 ol hi• tut Hi o-H11 26111 home run TuHdl)' night llH him with Mllwtuk••' 1 O•r"'•" Th•maa lor th• Am9t1C811 Lffg\141 l .. d 1n thet calgofy PrlOf 10 TUffd1y nlghl'I gtlM, plnc:ll hlt\er1 htd med• »I• mt-able '°' A~ relle¥9r1, betting M7 with NYen runt, two doublet, on9 l'IO!'Mf. llJ RBI and NYlll walkl The lhrM-garM .. ,... conclv6" tonight {7 30) wUh IOfmet Coron. d9I M11 High 11a1 ,.._.t K""fh {7-14, 6 43 ERAJ gOlng IOf the A'I tgelnll Miiie Witt (4-3) ~rom Page 01 RAMS . • • have fallen on your leg or something and ended your career.' I didn't even tnmk at>Out it. I JUSt dad 1t " Pitcock and Filiaga . incidentally, weigh more than 500 pounds between them • • • Ferragamo. although h e concedes the top spot to Jones, isn't about to let hta adversary forget hr's there. "l'm gomg to be nght on hi.a back every step of the way," says Ferragamo. "He's going to know I'm around. I'm kmd of in a good posit.ion.'' • • • The Ram heararchy has qwetly told NFC teams interested in Ferragamo that his services aren't for sale m that division of the NFL In other words, the Rams don't want Ferragamo to come back a nd haunt them like Jack Reynolds did m San Francisco last season If traded t.o the AFC, the Rams would see Ferragamo only onC'C' every three years 1r they were lucky. mental attitude that can last for the rest of your life. Call or come in to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today ~u can do It Join now ,. URRY! FINAL more to come. lt3 all here. The fun. The fitness. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for your success formula. Join on a 1-year membership and get 2 years of fun and fitness free. Tha~ DAYS 3 years for the price of l . Get started now. Richard 51mmon5 "Jive-Jr' concept wlll work for you. I~ an exciting comblna - tlon of exercise, proper nutrition and a positive roR PR~·CONSTRUCT10N CNAfiT~R Mt!MBl!RSNIPS. Charmr memberships now available. Join todey and t free l'Vchatd 51mmons ""''IUftlftU Asylum J.shlrt. WOOOLNfO HIU.S• ll2l0 IA!ntura "'\/d • 884-ZZ02 ~·ZOO N. fhnd 81Vd • :>00-04Z.5 arvtftU' HHJ.5 • 9306 Litt/@ .5an~ Monica 01\/d, • ''~879 l1'0CJlfNf Wl.t\'• 18030 Omokhu,.,t964-6880 ~CITf•8412 VanNuy,1'/vd •lJSa-8791 WVCH "°" OtMt lff!Wf51 tOCAnOl1c0111na500tf ro fJleAJ • I I I ~ • • ., . . " MAJC>ft LIAQUI aT ANDINOI Atn.no.n LMQue ftll"UM DCVlllOM A,,.... 1<.,,...C1ty CNc!IOO hill .. O•kltnd l•Xll Mlnnnota W L '91 01 66 43 681 ~ 43 562 1 41 41 510 II 60 49 &10 5 41 69 410 15 :18 67 .400 1&'11 34 86 343 21·~ 1.UTlllN otVtalOM Mllw1Uk.. !St 40 W aotton r.e • 1 677 .,. BlllJrno<• " 4 1 5M 2 o.trQll 60 48 621 8 New YO<ll 41 49 611 7 CllWlll\d 46 411 48' 9 TOlonlo 48 51 474 10·~ TlllMef'• 9-A~ 8. Oaklend 7 ( 1!1 lnnl"Q•) T0<onto 3, eo.1on I 81illmor1 5. Ctllclgo 3 1<en111 Ctty 8, ~"" 1 New Vortc II, Oelrolt 5 MllwlUk .. I. Tu11 2 S..1111 9, Mlnnet0!1 4 T .. ,.. °""'" Oai<lllld (l<90U91'17°14)II~1"9nkO 6-1) n Mlnneac>ll (C..tlllo &-1) at Seattle !Pl<') 0·8) T0tonto (Stieb 10· IOI 11 Boaton IHu111 3-4), n Chicago (Ootaon 3 10) 11 Belllmore (McGregor 11-7), n l'.&nMI City (Spllttortl I 0) 11 Cl1Y9i1t"J (Sulcillf• 7-4), n 0111011 (Pu hnlck 2 )) 11 New Y.lr~ IA_...,. 6-5) n Milweuk .. (McClure 7·3111 Te• .. (Tanan. 6·10). n NaUoMIL= waaT1111N DIVl w l Allanll 69 37 Sen Otego 63 45 ~f~o 52 48 47 52 Houtton 42 5' Ctnc:1nnall 37 81 EAaTWMt DIVl9ION St LOUii 58 42 l't>ltade!pll49 5' 42 PlttlbUrr 51 44 Mon1ru 60 411 N-Vork 44 ~ Chlc:eQO 40 Ill Tueedlt't lootM Dodfer'9 7, Sen Fr anc:lllC4 3 Montrlll 4 Ol>le-o<> 3 "°'· oa 015 5'l 7 620 9 475 13'" 438 17 378 23 571 ~ l 537 3'1r 521 s 45' ,, . .., 31141 171't A111nta 9-11. S... Diego 2-6 12no oame 10 lnnl"QI) Pttttll<>f'Oh 4 P'111ac!elc>N• o St LOUii 9, New Vorll 4 Houeton 3. ClnClnNll 2 Today'• 0-~ (SI_.,, ~) II S.n frendl<;O IBr9'nl119 4·3). n Mon1re1I (Guttlckaon 1 9) II CrHc1go (NOiie 6-81 Plltt1d•lphla (Chrl1l•n1on 5-5) II P1n1t>urgl'l IRl>oden 6-9). n San Diego IHaWl<ln1 1·11 al Altanta (P Nlel<ro 9-3), n Clncll1Mlt 1Soto 11-11) II Howton (J N181<ro 9-7). n 11Mw Yor1< (GI" G-~l 11 SI lOUle (AnduJM 1-9). n ............ """'9 .,.._, I. llMIMt9 I Mllwt1111111 000 U f OOt-1 11 O Ttall lllO 000 OtO t I (I HIH I.Mid (I). '111De!t (tl Ind lllM\Ont, H~ult lotlMO (I) 11\d 11111\dbtlg W Helt (l ·tl l.-Hon~GUll ,. II) liA1 Mllweuk .. , '"°"*I (ft) A 1t.b1 "-1•• ...... I t<.,_ c111 100 102 040 I 14 1 Cl9Wllnd 000 010 000 1 t 2 'roe1 Ann.llong (ti. Oul.el\Oltty (t) Ind lllllQl!t Wtltt lpUlrw (7\ O!YM (I) 11\d Heney W-''°'' 11·•1 l.-W1111 (1·11 Hiit t<.-City, 9rtt ( 13), L Mly 12 A uoa Orlllff I Wllh• ... J ChlOIQO OOa tOO 000 3 1 2 8a10mor1 0110 00 1 002 O 1 1 lurn1 l v o)at (7), Hlol<ey (8) and Flalt, P•I"'* Grh11"9y (4), T Mt1Unu (I) 11\d Oemo11y Nolen (8) W-f M1111ne1 ($-41 l Hickey (2·21 Hj\e -Ct11G4000, l(emp (I) S.1111"6" ~Ofd 171 "'Oii.,. 141 A 12 88 I ...,..._..l.TWIM7 MIMltOll 000 <IO I 0~ 7 1 0 8111111 11 I 00& 10• I 12 1 Vlo41 P~i. (0), Liiiie 181. Borio (11 end L1ud'*. ~ton. 8 Clerk 18), C1ud111 (I) •r>d 8ull1119 w -B C11rk (2·0) L-P_.1• (0·3l S C1udlH ( 111) HAa-S11llle, fdllr 2 (2), ll1k (121 Mll'lnMOll, V901 (5) 011111 (111 A 111$3 11 ... J.,. J, "" k• I f0<onto 010 ooo 100 a 12 o Bolton 000 000 100-I 4 I Liii 1ne1 B Merllnll, Tudof, Clew (8) 1r>d Gedman W-LHI (1·7) L-Tudor (8 I) tlA 804tton. Ric. ( 15) A ·27,073 Ylfllt-I , Tte-a Olllflll 000 040 010 6 13 0 N-Vork 200 300 IOk II 10 0 M0,,11, fOblil (71 ll'ld l P1rrllll, F~ (II. E11tkton R Mey (51 Gon1g1 (Ill end Ce<one W A Mly(4·31 L Morr11 (11·11) s GOHIQI 1181 HAa-New Yon< O.rnt>ll 1111 Mumpnrey 141 A 27.9M Netlonal LNQ\19 Cerdlnale I,••• 4 ~ew York 000 210 010-4 12 I St LOUii 10 I 205 00•-ll 13 0 M Sco11. Oroeco (41. Leecn (II), Ztc:hr)' (7). Allen (Ill end St .. rnt. Mufi, Lahll 16). 81lr t7l and 0 Pone< W-Llhll 12·11 L M Sc;o11 ti II S Bair (0) HR-St LOU19 0 PO<llf (61 A 24 9SO ,.. .... 4, '"" .... 0 PMlde!phta 000 000 000 0 3 I P1ttsOU•gn 100 002 Oh 4 9 0 Ruth•en Mc011w Ill 111d B 01u McW111iam1. Scurf) (II Ind T Pen• W- McW11t1amt (7·41 L Rulnv•n II Ill S-Scurry (7) HA-Pllllburgh, MIOIOCk 191 A 23 809 lhpoe 4, Cllbl t Monlrul 310 000 000 4 I 1 0 cr .. caoo 101 ooo 010 3 11 o Roge<s and C1<1et Maru. Tld'°"' 191 t11d More11no W-Aoo••• 113 4) L Maril (4 ,, HA Montr111 CMll< 1211 A 13.77 I Attro. J, lllld9 2 C1nc1nne11 tOO 100 000 2 5 2 Houslon 101 000 01~ 3 9 1 LllD<anot. 1'.etn 181 and Trevino, Ryen 1110 Pu)ols W-Ryan 111·9) L le!Drtndl (3-61 A 19 009 FlltST QA,_ .,.., .... ,.,.. .. 2 Sin Ooevo 000 002 000-2 5 1 All•nt1 013 030 02a-9 11 0 Loltat C111fl11 131. C111111 171 end I K•nt•edy Welk and B•ned1c1 W w11~ (9 71 l -LOlllr ( 10-5) HAt -Atlanll Mu•pl>y 1251 San<Moo, T~on 161 llCONb QA.Ml ., ....... , .... Sin Olego 202 I 10 000 0-6 9 I A1t1n11 100 400 100 2 8 11 1 Sl'IOw. OraYICky (41, Oil.eon (01 Luc:u 19l and S_,,., T t<..,Mely (9) Oiytey ,..,.., CJ) a.droalan (Ill and Poeo<Oba 8ened1e1 191 W ~dro•1an 15·11 L-LucH (0·7) HRa San Ooevo Lc.ClnO 1101 s.....n.. 121 Att1n11, Murphy (20). CllambllH (11) WN9«11on 13), HubbWd 17) A-32 151 NI.IC NOTlCE Nil.JC NOTlCE o~_.'\\!.-.. ,rllt.I e•Hllllrl ""'""1.11 0 t t ~" • I II Mrlllr•• 1 0 0 Wlfflil,llt t 0 0 0 QJINn,411\ 0 I 0 0 ,,._,. 1111 0 0 0 0 lrtN,tlfl 4 t I 0 ..... lfl,ti T I 4 t ArMl,rl I 1 I 1 .,. ,1111 I I t I ICl1t1,8' 4 t 1 t ~rfWl.of t 0 I 0 Qrw.h 0 0 0 I Clfldl,tlt I 0 I I ""di, lb 4 1 a o l'Wlten, 111 t 1 1 1 M)'tf,111 1000 ,~ ... 1000 M"twlll,O 8 0 I 2 lklonl.o t I t 1 Mc1C1r.111 3 o 1 1 11nquw o 1 o o Plll)e.p! 0 1 0 0 "'""1,Jb I 0 0 0 lllOfl,11 I 0 I 0 TOlllt 40 t U t fOtll• U I 1$ I OtklllllCI .._ :&,-:c,~1 OOt 0 1 Ctllfornllr 000 ~ I 0 11 001 1-1 Two ovt -wWllftg ""' --• -M Heath, hxlOfl LC>e Olk!INI I . Cllltomll 1 a al -Atmu. lilt .JIOltton 1 M ..._tll "" -0ownMQ ( 18), "8 JMltton (H~ 900M l'I 81 luton, 9erl0r, A Hendlr9on I -a.a1011. ~ll'IQ, 19' -MCK•r. Oro.a 0.-leMI Nornt "" •r••o 11 10 I 3 4 l(lnQMlll ~oe~.1.31 0 I t 1 I 0 1\\ 2 I 1 I I c ........... laM 3\\ 1 I ~ 4 I 1(1-1 4\\ > I 1 0 3 H1aall< 111 0 0 0 0 0 GOIU(W,&-2) 4~ 2 I I 2 ' Ktngman PllCl'llO 10 2 batter• In tM 12111 l 4. 13 A -32,809 Angefenr .... ltATTIHO Lynn 011- 0owning Blylor Al Jeclleoo Clwtl OIClnce- Foll Boone Grlc:tl Ro Jtc:loeoo Bantcwei F11guaon WMfong Bur1elon l<el-T01e1t UllH .. IUM »6 51 911 1S .. 319 51 95 I 711 371 118 IOI 18 41 314 45 108 14 80 !118 &() 89 25 69 sa a 18 2 6 361 51 g& 12 61 308 33 13 2 !17 2811 23 77 3 311 324 4 I &8 l I 40 59 8 1s 1 11 112 12 21 I 8 S4 5 12 I 4 107 I 1 11 0 5 4S 4 7 0 2 30 4 100 33S' 488 917 102 434 "TC.....0 P'ot. 301 299 294 211 2IO 278 273 289 287 296 254 241 222 188 16e 033 273 " H N IO W-L lllA 1 7 4 5 1-0 0 00 6211> 311 30 20 2·1 I 71 M1hl9< HHtllf Zinn AIM fl«lllo Wiii ~ Fortcll Sanc:lwJJ Gottt Co<t>lll U 1'" 132 41 47 IG-6 3 57 62 45 23 40 3.3 3 48 113'11 I 13 32 S4 1-2 3 49 94';\ 90 35 46 •·3 3 83 .. 76 32 48 6-4 3 .. I&() 144 35 60 9.7 3 98 49'11 60 22 30 3· I 4 20 49'11 47 22 36 5-2 4 20 111· ... eo 31 42 19 60& Tol1l1 1199'\'o ~ 332 425 55-43 3 70 Doda•,. 1, Qlanta I LOa AHGIL°ll IAN '"ANCllCO lbr llbl lb r llbl S... 21> 6 I 2 0 LlonAfd 11 4 0 0 0 LAMlll• Cl s 0 I I M0tgen 2b 4 I 1 0 Bike< II • I I 1 c O•vll cl 3 0 1 0 G.-rer rt 3 2 2 0 Clerk rl 3 0 0 t Cey 3D 4 1 I 2 A Smnn lb 3 0 0 0 GtNey lb 5 1 3 2 Mey c 3 1 l 0 IWaaallu 4 I 0 0 SullflPll 1 0 0 0 Sc:IOst•• c 2 0 0 0 OM11ty 3b 4 1 1 0 Jo Mrlt pl\ I 0 0 0 LIMtlr " • 0 ' 2 Crow c 0 0 0 0 A Martin 11 2 0 0 0 V Romo p O 0 0 0 Breining p O 0 0 0 8ec:lrWlh p 2 0 0 0 V1n1DI pn 1 0 0 0 Mar lhl pll I 0 0 0 Ll•etll p 0 0 0 0 SHOWIP 0000 Tolala 36 1 10 8 lotlit 3~ 3 S 3 k0<• lly Inning• LOI A~ 122 000 101 7 Sen fr1nc111Co 020 000 010 -3 Cllrk Morgen R Sm1111 Leonarll LOB Loi Angelft 10 Sen FflntltcO 5 28 -L.•MISlef. G•rvey 2. 81~ .. ' c Ol••S HA Cey I 121 SB-C 01v11 Sia S V Romo SF-Biker, Clark lot Al'IO.... IP H II II• •I 10 v Romo 1·~ 3 2 2 1 1 81ckWlln (W 1.01 S.... 0 0 0 1 l SHOWI ' 2 1 1 0 I 9anl'r-o A Mlr1tn CL4 51 II" 8 0 3 4 3 8'111'1•"11 ., 0 0 0 0 0 Lavelle 2 21122 P8 -Mer T -301 A -16,442 P\8.IC NOTICE YOU AM .. DaAUlT UNDlll' NOTICE OP DEATH OF NOTICf (# TMISTH'I IAU A OHO t# TA\llT DATED AA. y 5, ABETH J BAR ETI' T .... No. ~ NOTICt! Of' aALt NOi~ 11 netll>y grven pur•ulnl 10 MChOn$ 3071 Ind 3072 ol lhe CMI COOi of the St•t• ot Celilornia 11'19 unclef~ ~FIAlllnd TOWt"Q 1nc; wtll sett II e>ubhc ~Hon. al 576 N. 8al.av1.._ Or1noe. CA 916611 el to 00 am on Weclnetdey. lhe 1 llh day OI AUQUtl 1982, IM IOllOWU'IQ OMC1lt>ed prooer1y. 10 wft 1'7t, UNLall YOU TAKI ACTION C:LIS · R TD SERVICE COMPANY .. dul)' TO IJflOftCT YOU.-"'°"-""· AND OF PETITION TO 1ppolnt•d Truat11 und•r Ill• IT MAY M IOU> AT A f'U9«JC ADMJNISTER ESTATE NO. tollOwlng dMcrlbed S.C:OOIY leM • AL I!. " y 0 u .. f ID AN All Un Conlrect WILL SElL AT ,.U8LIC IXJ'LAHATIOM. Of THE NA.TUftt. ...,.. alJ'h · be fi • -AUCltON TO THE HIGHE-8T t# THI PlllOCUotNQ AOAINIT 4 0 ein, ne lctanel, BIOOEA FOii CASH (payabl• •1 YOU, YOU tHOULD CONT ACT A c r e d I t 0 r . • c 0 n t I n g e n t time of .... In l9WM mOfl9)' ol lhe LA:,"~ Of TIW8TfE'• •AU creditors. and penion.s who United StalM) all rlglll, 1111• end T.•. No. 15114 may be otherwbe interested lnl•Mt con..-.yed to end now Mid NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN. lhl\ m the will and/or eetale of: ~~~~n~·~,,:~~'~u,:.~;:,,"~ on Wed,,_,er, ~t 4. 1982, at ELISABETH J. BARRE'M'. o.cntled ~o~mo·~.:1~. ,:,-~odn8Ju~~I·~ alao known as ELIZABETH • ::.()£:.,.JEFFREY I( COLLINS, Trldtae'• Seiel. within lhrl ornc. Ot J. BARRETT VENOOA RONALD G LEE. a REAL ESTATE SECURITIES A petition has been filed llngle man SERVICE. locate<! at 2020 North by JOHN E BARRE'IT in ~dOd Oeoemt>er 5, 197g u 8ro10w1y, Suite 206, In the Clly 01 . I I N ....... I ~ ...... 1 S1n1t An•. County ot Orange, Stat• t f:' e S uper Io r Court . of ;::;:·113 ~ ol~Onlci;; ~d,·;:~ o f C1lllorn1a, REAL ESTA re 6range County requesting otttce ol ,,,. Reco<dlf o1 ~ SECURITIES SERVICE. e Calllornll that JOHN E. BARRETT be County, 111d S ecurity Li nd ~~~~ic:;·:~~vtpyu~~~~olr~ ap p oint ed as personal Contract d1~rlb11 th• tollowlno --'-·-·-•-proporty ( 11 1978 Ply Sepp1110 CP V1n=3H29K85400348 , CA Lic:304UOO r (21 Unll Year Ka•-Wile• True• N o Eng SPCON CA he 'SE 1210-47 Vin 95241I149 Said sale 1s for IM purpoM of S1t11Jfy1no hen of the undersioned tor tow•no and tor 110,.ge cnarges IOQlll>•r w11n coals of adverhl•"Q 11nd expenses of sale Dated this 281n dly ol July 1982 J.IC. lllN 8 ALEI Pubhst>ed Orano1 Coast Daily P1tol July 28 1982 ii I,,.. ... --.. ::-••••~-• • Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Wednnday, July 28, 1982 Oodeerw o.-.. ~ °'1f:9 o'-• • ' O.IOJM IOi )» •-14 II t Qlpton 1nd UH ICllll01 Clnet .... MoC.i•OU911 ~ .. ,., .... , Plfll.. 000 100 00-1 4 I ~ 001 000 01 -1 10 ) SllQ;IO, Alig (I ) Ind ..,_, ....iem Ind F!«*y on-.a.~· °''°'" 010 101 o-s 8 Oodow• ooo ooo o-o o Oueyfef W\CI 81V..O; A-" Ind UMldlflG LITTLI LaAQUI All·8TA"I ..... 01-12-,..,-okie) 0te'°'1UC1' a eHAWION ..... (et ..... &Md) 1...,. . ...,. Oc11nvl•W N11ton1I " a11n1on 1 (Stanton 1llmln11ed. 0~1nv1ew N1t1on11 Mhllf\04lt lo 11.cllOnW IOU<ne'f at Rol>lnwooCI Tu.tdey DllTill<:T IO TOUAHAMINT (et~U) T--.,•1 ._.,. MINion Noflh 6, MIMIOn 8ou1h 7 (MINlon Soulh lllminel.0, Mltll<ln HOtlh ldv-10 ~IOnel IOUJnl\f 11\ 8'11 Mond1y hnlors (14-11-YMJ .... ) llCTIOMAL TOU91NAMtUtT (at ...... ,-11, ·-'Mt!) Twedef'• acor .. Downey 12 Hawlltan Gerd1111 ~ Aoblnwood 5. C1r11tot Artetlt 0 tC.rmot Ar11111 lflmtnetldl Tontellt'e 0- RobmwOOd "" H1wa"M Ger O«lt II 30 pm ,..,yw old• U CTIONAL TC>UflflAJftH'f t.CICllMft"*ttll twedar'• ._. llOOtnwOOd 13. "'°'11>-I Downey 2 TOftlal\I'• O- No<lh-1 Downey "" c~. 5 Pm T11urec11y't Geml Aob111wood YI H1w111an Glldt!lll. 5 P m llCTIONAL TC>URNAMOIT (11 H.,.,wd '"· IMM) T~•k-E1a1 Yorba Llr>dl 1' M,_ Soul!> 8 18 1nn1no11 (M!Ulon Sout11 .......,..,.,, North A...,_,, • Soul-I Sltlll Ana 4 tGame IUIPl<l<lld ah11 9 inntnge Oue 10 cut'f-1 TOfllelll'• 0-North Analle<m "11 Soutl'lwllt Sente An• 5 11 m !Game wttt 1eevme wUh 11'11 llCOfld lllO In the ninth) Winner of North An1ll•tm-Sou1hwu1 Sant• An1 "" £.Mt Yorba Linde. 8 pm -.·.~· (et ...... °"""" ....,., ,.,.._,._ ........ t llto1110 Qllolt.altll\ (l1r11I) da l Ot vld ll•gltt ~u I 1, t •3. l ·I: John "''"".' (Au.irlll• def lllottdO Ycau (!oulfOt). M, M\, •8, OWtlt Tiu (South Alr1Cl1) 09! Aodiwy ""'mon IU t .), ._4, W VotwoGl'Mdl'rb , .. ...,. c-.,. N.H.) ,., ............. .JOlllf' t<rtlll (l oulll Alrfcel 0.1 Willy MHur (Au1tretlal. 7°6 1·•~.1·1. JOH. HlauoerM (_.) WI JttNrlr .,OWfl (U 8 I 0-,, .. ,.. • W• P81110 Open ( .. ,.._.,.....,...., ........ 11-4llrltllM Rl<'ll lloiin1 (U 8 I def S1bln1 SllllmOllt (llaly), 3 I, .. i . •I, K1111y Jorden (U I l d•• Ann Hol>bl llrllaln). 8·3. •·•. llOMI• Oldu-,u 8 I di! !(Illy tWlty tU 8 I I 0 1-5, 141rblll trllTll>llll (U B.) dtll Olltvwo F1omho1t1 (Au1t11ll1), II 0. 8·4 Ct1u01• MonleltlO (8tl.lll) NI MwOllll MMker !Tiie !Mtllerlanda). l·f 1-e 6-2. ~Solomon (U I I def Petnul LOUle (U S I 6-4 6-I, Alycl• Moulton (Us I def Barl>tr• HeJIQllltl (U.S ), 0.0, &-3, a.th Herr (U S ) def 111 Anlonopotl• IU 8.1. e-o. 6-2, LoulM Aller1 (U.I ) d.. Sue Leo (Auttrwll ), 8-2. 0·3, Jiii !>evta IU SI def Dina Ollblr1 IU SI. 6-2 1·8, 0 •111111• Slnlamln (U 8 l O•I P•I Mldrado (9rRll), 6°'7, 7-e, 1-8, l(llf l•lh•m (U 8.) dll 1"1111 ~ 18-IAMI), 6-2 . 6-3. Trec;y A~lln (U 8) def. hrl>lfl "OM! (lllly) 11-i, 6-1 hooM "9uftd OCMllllM .i.nniflt GoodilnO-Vlc:kl ~ def l(flly Henry·Sl'llll9y Sotomon. 6-2, 6-4, Adt1tn• v11119ren .Joni Van Ayck de Groot def 8ngllt1 Slmon·Fr.Orlque Thlbeull, 11·2. II 4 o.eo ... ftet\lno NIW,OllT (Art'• L1ndln9) I II 111911f1 23 bonl10, 91 kelp bHt . 24 Hr>d b aH, 301 m1ckerel. 3 rock llah 3 b a,,a cuoa (D•••Y'• Loallet) 229 Ing(«• 17 blr110Ud1, 142 111\d blM. ~ c.ilco b .... 14 '°'* n.n. 1.101 m.ckerlf 14 .. lllCOI .. DAMA W..A• -278 ang11r1 737 batt 33 bon110 3 b1rr1c11da, 5 h11tbul 99 mac:l<erll 45 toc:I< ftll'I, I ylllOw!lll llAL NACK -142 lnQl«t 1124 Mtld ball 900 mldlerll, 4 t'ltl•bul. II bMrlCUda .... 2 aanCI b1N 350 mllO<e<ll, •S rock n911. I yellow11A. UN Oll:OO (HaM Llndlntt, Fl.........,,'•, 'olftl LAlml) -38~ anglera &32 albMIOl'I. 6 ~IN, 9 bonito, 240 blN, 4 h.ilt>ul II tock 11111. 40 MIOl<etlf Loe A*T!ltOI TUllOAY'a M""-TI (14111 of 02 ........ t 11-'.m«M mMtlflf) FlfllT !UCL 350 ywda 8'1ty Belly (8'00lltl 9 60 4 40 3 20 Pround 0uk9Y (Wlrdl 5 00 4 20 Ootor Oouilhltme (Tonk•I 9 00 Alto llClll Tin~ Su, Wenely ~lllUte ~·no• MIHie Boo. 5,,,..,,.,,""'· My Ml Ftr• Jac;ti,.. femptalion Aebela VltlllQlll lime 17 99 12 lllACTA (6-5) Plld $39 <IQ ~~:~ (e!J:>.deeo 2 60 2 20 HIQll VOQUI (Creeger-) 2 60 2 <IQ Aun! o..,. (Wwd) 4 00 Alao •IOld S"-Sible funnyl AID ll•D• Sk•doo Tn1 Orey Sh1dow See Mystique T-20 42 niRI MCI. 110 Y"*' t '&:':*"Offl ''t"""' 11 40 :u ti II llll IJ/Jdil°V/~r:n, • to A110 1ac*d •11~"'"" A1t1•11I•. t fro111 ~ot l llol cw.. CMlll9 Ct..-,. ..... ~llN r.'.o llOUlmt llAOI. * .... PllM Mt...., (Hartl I to t t0 t.J(I °"""""" On lot (....,,.,, lf t(I • 40 -A .i.i 1c .. oo.a1 uo Alao raced "•nt, A fr11ck. ldll111t lcr.i. Llnll1 Miio. 'N lllft ~-. L.aMt Oll1t01, 111•-11111 fruoillt Mott 111!!1 IO M a UAOTA ( .. 1) INld t 1UO """ ttACI. .00 wttd• Sudden OMh (Hatti t 40 J 20 2 40 Hw1 Tl\I ""* (hi~) !I 00 I AO Mei<IY w .. 1 (PllUllM) I 00 Alao lie*! ~1' lullny A Utt• 1.*9 "81>. 'o•y~ T-2000 llXTII llACI . :160 ~11dt Siulln Sia (Fryd•y) 19 IO 0 20 I 00 h•tute (lllOlllYI &.00 • 40 Aoc;ket &.l111ronk•I •IO Atao •Kid Mldl'llO"t S11n1. Got Hit Slltt•. Coot ~··-· TOP lnt.,.t Spike n.. Pvncl'I OOll l• f1me C11cne. Min lll'lll 17 72 ~ lllACTA 11·2) PMS 1127 80 N\llNTH llACI 3~ yatdt Euy M...--tC1t0011) 12 20 4 <IO 3 20 RaUtold W•tcn IHWI) :t 40 2 IO Gyp Chic-(Creeoerl 3 60 Alto r9Qld My loiCY Man, Rocll•ll On. I 1p YOlll H11, 1'0<eve. 'l'n.rck1n Time 17 70 12 IUCTA 11 3) P•Kl '61 20 l!IOH'TH llACI. JbO y11d1 Porlt f1n IH••t) 4 00 Cul N Run !Wetd) E.•\0<t1on (8atd) ao 220 600 300 280 HIQh Aleo r~ Joe At• Cool. Je-lght Handed • ..-on..-La Rue lime 17 81 12 lllACTA 17·41f)lkl 121100 t2 "CIC l lX 17 ·11·2· 1· 7 ·11 plld $35,990 20 will> one W!nntng llck•I Ill• hor-) S2 Ptck S11 Cnn101111on plld S 11111 60 with 61 w1nnt11g tlCktll (llv• hOt ... ) NINnt llACI . 360 y11d1 Soul Whal IAdllf) 36 20 13 IO 10 20 Go R111 Elly 1CerOOHI 14 80 9 00 Sn1r11y B Gayle (Tr ..... 111 8 00 Alto rlOld MM I PHI, Bet Belly ~ S111y Mego•• Mo11nn Caaco O•ncer p ........ L•k• flllh ''"" 17 94 12 UACTA 13 IOI pa1C1 '3114 60 TllMdey•1 tr9nMCtlon• 9A9HAU. AmerlcM L ... 111 CHICAGO WHITE SOX -Pl~ Tom P1clorek, llrll b111man, On th• 15·dly dluDl•CI 1111 Pu1Ch1Md the contrtc:I 01 Clltra Nymt11 l"-1 b-an. trom Edmonton ot 1111 Pacific Cou1 l..llQUI 8AMtlT9AU NatloMI ......... ~ WASHING fON BULLETS -Signed Sl-1..tngenlelter ,_.,d 'OOT9AU .... leMI ,,.....,. l-.w BUHALO BILLS -Rel .. lld Herb Menhudt kick•• end Jim BudneH 11neblcicer GREEN BAV PACKEllS -AcQull•d Ang91o f .etdt ollenawe tacllll. llO<n Ille Houlton 0111<1fOfa11> .. Cl.rOU<>d drelt CllOIOI '" 1983 HOOSlON OILERS -Cul Rob«1 Olwtl and W• ""'41-pa, Ilg/II ..-_ Alndy Klt1al Qulfte<bac:• Ken Jtc: .. on. runnong Oadi C•rl CMI McO.. Kufl "-•· and Todd Vo!Ut1 llnlOAG!o.9<1 and Wall11 0 ....... ....,. •oceh<ll NEW YORI'. JElS Wllvecl lAnCil S1llC4, tight end HOCKEY Mlllonel Hocll11 Laet.,. NEW JERSC:V DEVILS -Signed LlfldMty M1dOlebrOOI< golllende• Cou.EOE MISSOUlll N1m10 Steve M11t11 AUISl&nl IOOIDIM COlc:fl WAGNEll Nam•CI Mork Cot11n1 Hllllanl loolDlll coach end '"""nt a1111111c d11ac1or PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE l"OCTTnOUS w.. l"OChflOUI llUIMH FlCTTTIOUS 8UllNtSI NAME ITATfMENT 11T IS INTENDED 1HAT THE SALE WILL OE CONDUCTED ON BEHALF OF 'HE TRUSTEE BY C:Allf"ORN1.a POSTING ANO PUBLISl11NC. COMPANY 1020 N LAKE AVE SUITE 201 PA SADEN• CALIFORNIA 91104 t EL£Pti0NE .NO 2 1311}0 1 4546J NAMllTA,.....,,. ~ITA~NT T111 followtng peraon la doing The fOllOwlng per90na ar• doing ~.. ~ .. E & S SALES, 10221 Siii• EqAOO EHTERPRIBES, 17796 Awnoe, Sulle 103, Fountain V~, Oak SlrH I, F011nt1ln Vati.y CA CA 92708 92708 EARLE H HVMU£R. 10T02 EM~SON 0, o'AVIS, 17198 Mornlngatd• Otlvtt. G.,den Grov•. Oek Street, Fountain Valley, CA CA 92643 02108 Thll bualnM1 11 condueled by 1111 CAROL A. DAVIS, 17796 Olk Individual StrMI. Fountain Valley, CA g2706 Elfl9 H Humm. Thl1 oo.inMt I• conducted ~ Thie tlll-1 wu l1leO Wllh IN lndllltduall (Hutband & Wife! Covntr Ci.rte of OrlnQe County on Em.llOf'I D D•vt• July 23, 19112 Thi• slat-I WU flied wlll'I , .... '"• 1011owino person 11 doing f'>v.s1ness •~ VAUGHNS INTERIORS 1401 '<•"QS Road N•woort 8eech CA '!2663 JUOy A Vattg"" 14() I K1n9~ Road Newport 0.&c:h CA 92663 rh1S Out.ncn ·~ COnduCle<l by An JuOy A VllOQhn rn•s si111men1 .. as hied with lhl < nunty Cle<k ol O••noe County on .. 1y I 1982 F1..s? Counry Cllt'k o1 Oranoe Counry on F1t2571 Pubhsh111J Orange Coesl 0111~ F111112 PolOI July 1 14 21 28 1982 Publl•h•d Or1no• Co111 o ant July 23. 1982 PllOI Juty 28, Aug •. 11, 18, 19112 3293~2 PubOan.d 0fll'IQI Coast 01lly Piiot, 2911 ·82 ------------July 211. Aug 4, I l, 111, 1082 P\B.IC NOTICC 3319-82 P\8.IC NOTICE Cl"f> 222'7t NOTICE OF TRUSTU'8 SALE NUMBER 8"7 TrustOf' FEKAI, Ill H. vou ARE. ... on.a Jl T UNDEll ,. OHO Of 'AUST DA lfO J1'NUAR\o r, •978 Ul'ILESS \OU T.aKE AC'·ON ro PRO·ec1 VOUll PROPEATV •T "'41'" fJE SOLO AT A. PUBLIC SALE If •OU NEEO AN EXPLANATION Of IHE NATUAE or TH[. PROCECOING AGAINST (0U YOU $HOU• 0 CONT AC' A LA.WYER FICT1T10US llU..... FICTITIOUe aUllHl!81 NOTICE is l>e<eDy q1veo lhll F 11$1 NAiii ITA'rnilENT PVIUC •W NAMf ITATTMINT Ch•''"' Financ·~ Corooralton a Th9 IOllQwll'g oer-.ons .,. dOll'IQ The following person II doing Corporal•on IS '. ,51oe undt'f 1"41 3305·82 ~,_ u FICTTTIOUS IUllNflS t>uSIOISI u Oeeo 01 Trus1 record"'d •s GOOOSPORTS, 90 I Oovt NA• I TATEMENT RADIX SOFlWARE. •65 Fett 1n"1umen1 Nu"'n"' .364 '0 on pow•r of nle conl•tr•d 1n 1ha1 represen tative to ....,.,w...,....,r Lot 32 ot Tract 3068, H per oetll lfl Deed ol lrua1 exewteo t>y the estate o f the decedenL mlC> rKOl'dOd 1n Book 93, Pegn 9 FRANK J DURANTE.• m1rrled The pet1t1on requests 10 11 1nclu1lv1 of Ml1cell1neou1 min, and GARY A. YOUNG,• llngle . _..,__ th M•n1 1n th-..-,._ ol 11'19 County men, recorded July 13, 1079, In a uthonty to 11u.nuruster e R~.,., 0'1~k,'~nly. 800k 13226 of Offtclal Record• ol e I t a t e u n d e r t h e YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A U ld County, al P•O• 1571. Independ en t Admin1Btration OEEO OF l RUSl O A TEO Recorder'1 lnltlrurnenl No. 16265, by of Estates Act A h eann g o n NOVEMBER 20, 1979. UNLESS YOU r.uon of a breacil Of cklfaull In ' TAKE ACTION TO PAOlECT YOUR payment or performance of th• th e petition will be held on PROPERTY, ll MAY ee SOLO AT A obllgaflona secured lh•r1by August 18, 1982 at 9 30 a .m. PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN lncludlng thet breacn or default in Department 3 located at EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE ~.0\':2~1 :-·~~::;~~~~~; 700 Civ1c ~nter Dnve West. ~~u:~~u"~~tt~N&~,."~~5! No 112· 122924, Will SELL AT City o{ Santa Ana LAWVER PU 8 LI C AU CT I 0 N T 0 T H E IF YOU OBJECT to the 2299 Gold an Clrcl•. N1wport HIGHEST BIOOEA FOR CASH • f th till a.ectl. CA llWIVI mon.y of the Unlleo S111e1, granung .0 e pe on , you ·111 a ttrM1 acldreee or common or • cuhler's check dr1wn on • should either appear at the dHlgn1llon 11 ahown 1bov1, no 1111• or nellonal bank, a •lat• or hear ing and state your w1,,1 n1y 11 given •• 10 111 fl01<11 er.Oil union, or a st111 Of objections or file written compllt9"nt or corractnwe)." federal Nvl"Q• end to•n asaoc11Uon b h h Thi vendor under Mid Socvrlty domlolled In lhl11tat1, all P•y•ble at o Jections WI t t e court Lenci contracl, by ••Hon of a the Ume ol AMI, 111 right 1111e 111d befor e th e hearing. Your brMcll or 0.111.111 1n ,,,. ob•lo•llon1 lnlt<Mt Mid by rt. M TrualM, In appearance may be m person 11curtd 1h.,1by, lletatolore Cth!~n~MJY .~T.J •. 11:!~~n~ed191~ or by your attorney .. ecuted 1nd dallvertd to 11'1• I F Y 0 U A R E A un0«9igrled 1 wrln1<1 0.Cllt•llon fOlloww ol O.lault and o.m.nd tor S•. Loi 40, Tr11Gt No •204. u Pe< CREDITOR or a con tingent and written notic. ol orMdl 1n<1 ol map recJOfdlO In bOOll 149. P•QO• creditor of the deceased, you .c.ctlon 10 caUM the undt<algMd 24·28 of Ml1c•ll1neou1 Mapa, fil I th th 1o Mii u ld prOl)9fty to .. uery N ld r•cor d 1 of Or1nga C 011 nt Y. m ust e your c aim WI e otil1Q•llon1, and 1ri.r11n., ctuHd C.lllornla court or p reeent 1t to t h e n ld nollc• o f or11c11 and 01 Thi atreet addren or other person al re p resentative a1ec11on to IM Recorded M1rcll 30, common dt11gnet1on of 111e r1a1 appointed by the cou rt 1982 .. Instr No. 112-10ll58S In prOl)erly '*llfltbOYI detc:rltled la . Ofnclel Recofda purportad 10 be. 1074 Minion within four months from the S eid 1111 wlll 111 m1de. but l:>fM. eo.ta M-. ClltlomlL date o f first l11uan ce o f wllllout cov•nant or w •rr•nly, T h • u n d • r •I g n • d II• r •ti Y Jett.en u provtd«I tn IM!C'tion •JIPI' ... or lmplled, r9Qardlng ttti.. dl1ole lmt t ll ll1blllty tor tny 700 f th Callfom1a Probete poa•••ton. or encumbfanoM, 10 lncnectneu In Nld ltlrMI Mick-O e pay 111o r~ prt~ eum or other common deligflatlon Code. The tim e fo r filing 1aour•d by uld 81curlly La nd StrMI, ~Beech, CA 92680 Tl'le 10110...,•no oersons ire d0tno Or1ve •203 Coat• Mui. CA Janva•y ?7 •<171i •n Boo• 12!1•5 J 0 H N C PET A Y 2 O I 5 Dullness u . 92626 Pt!Qe 318 of Oll1C•ill Aeco«a 1n the Plait NOTICE K"a"'" Othle, Corona di! Mar, ELDER CONSiRUCTION CO GLENN JOSEPH OLANDER. Cnvnly Recorder or Orang• County SUPERIOR COURT 0, CA 92625 1101 E B111boe Blvd Balboa Ce 465 f1lr Drive, •203, Costa Meu, C 11111orn1e 01 wh r.n OHO ol Tru~t CALWORNtA W. CHARLES BRANDE, 1402 02661 CA 92828 American Sav .. 111s &n'l Lofn COUNTY Of' ORANOI! Clay StrMt, Newpo<t Beach, CA Tore& Corporation. Calllorn1a This b4JalnNI wu filed wHn the Assoc1111011 ·~ the 8enehc.1ary Dy 700 CIYlc Cent« Orlv. WMt, 92663. I 107 E Balboa Blvd BatbOa, Ca County Cler'k ol Orange County on 111ason of der>1u11 1n the p~ymeol or tent• A~. Cellf«nll Thia b4Jti,_ la conduetecl by a 92661 n,.s ousiness 15 c.onducte<l by an P!'rlo•m8"ce of obt111a11ons secv•ed Mtlllf of Pellllon of AATHUP general Pltln«ahlp fl\11 t>us1ness 11 conducted by • •nd•v•dual ,.,,..ebv incl Nolice of 0.laull 8nd RUIZ, JR. JOhn C Petry COt'l>Ol'l tlon Gl•nn Ollnde< 8enehc•e•y ~ elecllon to CJu>e to be CITATION ("'°9Aff) TN9 11.i..,.,.,.1 wu flied wtlh lhe Tores Corporalion Thos sta1emenl was Med wilt· the \Old '"• property Detow dHC.flbed CAif ~: Ill> 21* County Ci.ri. of Or1nge County on Donald E Elder Presid41nt .:.ouniy Cler~ ot Orange County on t•l••no ceen r~Cle<l 11~ prov•Oed THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF July 28, 1982 T1>1s statement w111 hied w1111 the Jul', 1g 1982 bV ttw and rnore than \llref' monlllS CALIFORNIA. '194011 County Cletk of Orang• Counly on F19M74 ~ii v • n g e 1 a P s e d 5' n c e ~ u c" To ANDREW AITCHISON Publl1htd Or1ng1 Cot ti 0 11iy Jun• 9. 1982 "'111075 Put>lt1ll1d Orange CoHI Dally •,7or~:~~on 9 ";'~I ~Mrr~~a~,,....~~~: You are h•reby c11ed ano Pltol, July 211, AUQ •. 11, lll, 19112. .. Piiot July 21 28 Aug • 11 1962 required to appear at 1 hllrlr>Q in 3364-82 Pubilahed Orano• Coast Daily · · ' · 3231.82 l'nlrllt'Cf' 10 the OLD Oran111 County lhlt court on 9-3-82 et 8 4~ e .m 1n P1tot July 1 14, 21. 28 1982 Co1111t1C>use 1oc1le<l on Santa Ana C ~912-112 "'-IC MnfJC( Blvd . oetween Syc<Jmore St & O.Oartment 9, 1oc11ed 11 700 lvlc P\B.tc NOTIC£ ,..~ ~ B•~dwsy Senta Ana Ct1lll0tn1e, Center Orlv1 W11t, Santi Ana h California. and to glvw 1ny legll 1 u p l R I O flt C O U II T O , P\B.IC NOTICE a U , f flt I O II C O U flt T 0 F \ell 11 puolic avctton '!:t 1"' ~ghesl rtnon why 1ccordlng 10 tlle CALWOflHIA CALlf'OflMIA t>•dde< '°'. '!,si; payao 1~~ U 11;: vartfled petition filed wilh tlllt COUt1 COUNTY Of' OMMOa ~ ~T 1'llOC="C.:. ~111 ~·.~·=~n !,,1~:'u~oovenen~1 01 1nd why 11'11• Adoption Pellflon 700 CIYto Ceft• Dttw'e WMI Of' CAUflOMIA 9oa.. warranty expressed or implied as ehoufd n01 bl gr•ntld pureuanl ICI 9o1 .. COUNTY Of' OflANOI Clllflomll 12'1'112 1 0 1 1 1 1 e p 0 1 1 , 1 1 1 0 n 0 , Cl~~~J~~. IU3:Z .. .J:l~ ~ C__.. l27Q2 700 ~~ =~A~WMt ~~ !'ncumb•ances all r1Qll1 and ltllefHI LEE A BRANCH ll'ETTT'tONl:ft: DONALD W. \'Oil .. AfllflllAQI OP ,ITITIONllt: PETITIONl!A· HARRY ROSE conveyed lo and now hald by 1 Clerk 1tlaPOMOSNT1 CHANNA L. YOtT LAUlmN L CIOTTI AESPONOENT: YOLANDA ROSE """8' satd Deed ol TrvSI in ind lo By Tom Burn• ·~~~AMILY LAW) 9lllPONDtnt1T1 ANTHONY I. IUWONS (fAMILY LAW) t01>e propi\1Y1 ~n ~~·C~~~·;:~1~1 Olputy CAii It D a 1a1 CIOTTI CA&I NUM91!R: D202SS1 lange ~ol l(lflN a CUT\.11'. INC. N01lCI ...,..OM. (FAMILY LAW) NOTICE! d419Cflbed es IOWS zm N. ar.dw1y, You Nlft 1M911 NM. TM ..., C... No. DW111 You ............ eued. Tiie C*ltt LOT 75 OF TRACT NO 7844 IN alHM 1011 ..._, cMeNe ....... rev ..,._,. NOncll l'IMI tie... --...... llllf deG* ....,., ,OU wt"-' THE CITY Of' NEWPORT BEACH Sent. AM, CelHemle mot your b•lfll ll•erll 11r1t1H y•11 Tlle-1 _, deetW. ....... ,_. fOllf ll•lflt ll•1rd llfllHa 1•11 COUNTY OF ORANGE STATE OF (714) Ma-4800 ,..,..,., wftNn 10 My.. ..... 1M _....,. ,_ ...... i-.1 _... r....,oM wtttllfl IO 0.,., RMd ttM CAL IF 0 RN I A AS PE A MA. P Publlah•d Or1ng• Co••• Dall~ lft~ Mtow. ,_., ~ ....... IO dep. "9ed ~ IMtow. RECORDED IN BOOt< 314 PAGES Piiot. July 7, 14, 21, 28. 19112 "reu """ ........ ...,.... .... ......... ...... ",.. ............... _.... .. 2 1 T 0 3 8 I N c Lu s Ive 0 F 21160·8• lft at1WMJ 111 1M9 !MftOf, pu If you wleh 10 .... lllO ldYlce of M .._.,.., lrl ltlta IMHef, JOV MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE lftollld de M........., .. "'8t ,_ Ill ltlOffl•Y In t11lt mtttor, you lflould do llO ~ eo ttMlt ,_ 0 F F IC E 0 F T H E C 0 UN TY ,....._ If ......... W MJ, !MY tllould do to Pfomplly to Ille.I yOur ,.....-., ......... H AltJ, mey RECORDER OF S AID COUNTY FOR Seid .... wilt be made w1111ou1 claims will not expire prior Conlrtot. with lntarMt u ,,,.,..,. w1rra111y, expre n or lmplla d, to four montha from the date prOYlded, MlvtnoM, If any, undar regarding tltla. po11a111011, or . Ille """" of Mid s.curtty Lend t ncumbrancH. 10 Hllaly ttl• of the hearing nouced above. Contract , feH. ChlrQH t fld ·----P\Bl--IC-NO_TIC£ ____ _ prlnclOel ballnoo ot Ille Not• or YOU MAY E XAMINE 1icpon-of the Truai .. end o1 tile i----~~~---- M NM°" dtM, ~or pioedlng, If any,.mey be ... "'9cl Oft drM. THE PURPOSE OF SATISFYING Avteol filed on ltmo AVteOI THE INOEBTNESS SECURED BY UMd lie .... ......., .... 11 UOted he lido domlndedo. l!l U.tld M aide .......... II SAID OEEO OF 'tRUST INCLUDING 0111er obliolllon ~rod ~ Nld the file kept by the a>Ur1.. U 1""11 craatad by Nld Security Land K.-.. DMd of f rwt. wt1h lnter..t and tn·-.-.o Contric:t 8eld ..,_ wtll be hold on ITAT1•NT CW QAJtDOl.-NT I olhor .um1 11 provided thOraln, you are 8 pttlOn K'""."~ T'hufldey, Auouat 19, 1982 at 2·00 cw UM cw 1111'9 ~. " any, UOIMr the in the est.ate, you may file I p.m at th• Cll1pm1n Avenu• '1CTITIOUS IUIMll MA• lenM tlltroot and lntwoat on IUClt requett with the courl to ,,.,,.no• to 1h• Civic Ct n11r Th• follow lng pfrto n hu -...no.. Ind P4ua '-· Cllwgeaof receive ~ notice o f the llllldlflO, 300 E. Chaprnafl A*""· at>andOfled tile u" of the 11ct111out end QpenMI of lllO TMnea and of t h f Ill the Clty Of Oriange CA. bu1lnou n11,,. CHOIC! TAAVl!l IM IN9U Cflel.c:f by Mid Deed of fllll\i 0 t e tnventory 0 At thl l lm• 0 1' the lnltl•I CENTRE at 2172 Dupont Orlv•. t ru•t. Th• 10111 amount of .. Id eatate &He ta and o f the pubOoetlon of th«• not1C41, tile 101111 Sult• 220. tr-Ano, CalllOl'fll• 9271& oblloatlon, lncldUdtng rtMOll•bl, pethlo na •ccount1 a nd amount ollllo~~oltllo Th• 11cu11ou1 b111l11t11 no111e tttrmat•d l•u. o hergH and ~ ~bed in IK'tion obltgltlon -..red by the 1t>ow rtl•rr•d to 1bov• wH fllad In 3381-82 ......... ol Ole Trulltee, et IN time fflet'lbed Soourlty Land Colltt901 Col,lnty on Jenuety 12, 1t7t ofltlltlelpubllcetlonofttllaNolkll,la ~of the C eliforn la ano•tlmatlld001t9.9ll110MM.en4 1<•11 eerk1wl, 21u1 S11rllre l1U1•.32. Probltte Code. lldftnOtl 11 M6.ut.•1 ~. HulltlnQ1on 8eeoll, cemom1e o.tod ~L ·~~!h John I!. BAmtt1 DMtc ~ ':i~~ COMPANY ~ ~ waa concM1td by 8EC\HWTit8 SERVICE, Petitioner M Mid trvat... en «ndMCluel. Kon lafttawt. aiOI* • Celltomt• COfllOf•tlOn, BAIRD 6 BAIRD ey: Lome Worne«*. Janet o . leriltwl M Tf\ltllltt, Attenieya for P1Uttoo.er A...,.,,. aocr.wy T1111 1t1*"0flt wM flied w1111 tllO :::: ~=~ J. Morger, P.O. loJt 111'7 g,n:,:ty ~~d W•l. ~C••:lby°'n:r:::: 2020 Nonh eroeowey. U'7t Loq 8tMll Blvd. Tll; =--:ZM Flied Juty a. 1tl2 ...., ttM county 1kM1te 208, 1A111 Bead, CA MI01 l'\lbllatMld Hnot ..... Cttnl ot Oranga Coun~. ..,.,. Ana. CA t2708 Publ.l.lhed n.-..... Cout ,,.... combined wttft tllo °'MOI ....... ,_ 't........._ n 141 ~to ............ ,.-~1 ~ __. ....... =ie• • bll· .. _... o ''2r Co1•t Dall" lt\iblllll;;'o7_;,~ C09•t 0 11"' Dilly Ptlot. July 27, 28, Aue .,._11 • ..:-' .. ...,., _, ' ' .... 1 .; ... u .. ..., ' ' ., ..... -.. ~."""' 14, 21, 2 • ~ 4, 1tu Plot. My 14, 21. 2 • 1N2 3, 1982. . 1 111.f.2 t 1tl-C2 Deliver the Illy Nit Boys and girls 10 or: older. - Call 642-4321 and apply toaay. Dail r Piiat I ~ ,.... ...... ....,. w.. ttlbunel ~ o.cldlr" conu. Ud. trtlMIMI ......... _,.,. w.. TH ! FE es. c H" AGE s AN 0 • •r 118M e -... W.. llfl IUdllncle e monoa quo Ud • 111l111'1de e f'llOflM ""8 W.. EXPENSES Of' THE TRUSTEE ,....-........ ..._ ....... ~ derltro o. 30 <1189 l.M le ,....... deMfe •IO..._..._ le Th• atrtet add•••• or olh•r '"'°"""'"' ... ...... lnformeclofl qua t11g1-. ...... " ut11".,. ...-. common designation ol tlle •~ II U•l•tl .............. , •• SI U•t•d dHtl IOllOltlr ., •• u ................. ., •• dOlvlbe<l PfooertY .. 21 Montoclto ..,..... de WI ..._.. ..-.... oonMto ci. \If\ ~ en •t• ........ • "" ....-..-_.. Or . Newport BHch C1tllorn11 11ur1to, debarre ll•••rlo 11unto. aa~td• h1o•rl o ea11r1te, ctollttrr• lucarlo 9262~ w..1111.........., • .... --. l!Mltdlecemenw. O. .ca~ lllffltdlalli!Mft.., •MUI "'r' Tiie 101~ amount of tho unpeld .., , .... .,.... ..... Ulan. .. ..., tlU '"""'"" 0 tleflOlon, II~ IU ,..,wta ... ! .... ao•, ·, ......... t;!'f belln<ie Of the obllcllllon MC\ll'M el911r1a, ......_ ,., retl•tfclMI• • algunt, puodo Hr r4t0l1lrld1 • 1tf11M. ,... ... -ref•·-• by u lO O•td o l Tru1t end ~Hl RQPONDINT 1~0 f Hl R!S~NT. Thi ~TH£ REIPONOENT ~:::,::~ :;:!:,!!·.~ =~.::. Thi petttlOlltr hel flled 1 potttlon Ptlltlo111r llH fll•d • r,•llllo n Tht '::"':'!~•If P9tit!On~fllll ot tl'lt 1n11111 pvbllcat1011 ot lllO OOI~ yfA/11,,.,,.. If you 11111 oonoeml.'CI 'PJI ,,,.,.,._ I )'OU fall OOl:!'140 ,~ "~~-_. Notle9 o1 S... II la48,412 &• to Ille I r.eponae w41Mn IO N)'I ol lo Ml t ,..onM ""'*' 30 dlfY9 of to ·-I ~ '"'"'"' -..,.. Currently d1l.c:f ~ a CIMdll 1111 d•l• 11181 11111 1ummor11 11 111• d•I• that Ihle 1ummon• It th• d•t• thtt 1hla aum111or11 11 or conlll•d cll•O• w lll b • -*on >'OU. your clofQ tnllY bt ..-on you, 'P"....,..,,., bt NfWd on y0u. 'P" deNllt1I ,.._lie llOOtPtebll lo the Trvt* provlc*S en*9d tnd tM oourt f'fMIY .mer • tn*9d lfld tho ~ "'-tftW I enttNd tnd the court "'l'f "'* 1 111ey art dr1-.n In tawr ol 'Int ~ OCMltalnlflO ~ Of judOmtnl -lelnlng ~ OI l\ldOrNfll ~ fll)Unctlw °' Charter ~ COf'OOfotton and ot1* orct.r. OOl!Ceflll"O d~ Of odlit ~•"*•••~at Qtllef ordtrw OOltoarnlnQ dlVlllon of u t111u 101y ld•ntlfluttor1 11 property, epouhl l\IPPort, ohllct pr9"fty, OJClll••• .,,,.,., 11111d property, 111011 .. 1 eupport, ollllcl aveHi tw. cutlody, ctlllcl eupport, auomty c111tocly, Child 141PPOf1. ettemey cu•tocly. Ollllcl aupport, •ti~ · 1M1. oott9. tnd "'°" Othw rahlt M ..... ooeta. tnd IUClll ... ...... .. ..... OOMI. end Mlt't 0"8r t.iltt M Da1ed JUiy 8, 1"2 may bt 11tatMCI .., tt1e oourt. TM ~ bt gnrtlld 1i!Y .. IOW\. flit !MY be f'llllted .., "" oouA. TM Fll'IJ't CH.Af'UR ~ ol ....... ...lrlg ol gttllll!Mfll Of ...... tMl"f or ~ of ,......, tllklnO GC , I N "' N c I A I. money ot Pf'09'1'11, Or otW 0011t1 money or~.«""* oeurt fnclMY Ot ptOpOt'ty, °' otMr OOWI COAPOAAT~. ~ ~ rntl'f .-0 ~ pra Cl••• ll'lllW llllO euttionllld PtooaecMoe IMJ e9o • Trvattt retUll. rtlUll. ,,_,.., I) W H Harcllll Olted: '9Clrrval'v "· '* DATID,.. 2d~ -' Qclled, Merdt •1.. !~. "'A~ In raec LU A llMNCH LB 11,; ~NCH. 1 1.a "'-•~ I Ad~ o1 T"""9: • :rMw1 M. Otten, _ ,~ ::-.._ ....... ,. ~y WAQ()()NM 1~':."'o:n~--- Oillwir = • ~ty Tll·(114)8114Ht l'ubllel'leil ~11199 cout 0-"Y l'ublW!ld O.Ot O*"Y f'ut>lllllff Or.,,.. Co..C 0.111 f'11t1U11*1 Ot•~· Ooeit CMilJ l'llC, NJ H. 11, 21. ~ 4, tMt l"llot. ~ , , ,,,,. a. ttll.. Piiot. Nrt 1•.11. tt. ~.·6.: "'*"·July 1._ 11, a., tlU --~,...... J1..... • ,, 3t .... \ , ..,. WICMCS · :TAR~. -t~.,....~:e·=ftt:~:-~ ~1CfAiD 6 A t.a:.J:~••1J&:Jt!.~ ~~!:"''"'"',, .~I :~· .. 'II.I.: OOlllNfli'lflJ!fL..'"Me un Anlo1/\o UO'tff' llW..::JIJ'.::rti~.u. =~ we:= .... ""~ YOUl NO,.RTY, tf MAY H ~If~ W.. ...,_ NATUM fN9 ~ .. .. ..... -,: ~ ~::l':=·c: = ~in.-O.t ~ 0-.. UAINIT You.-..llu INOULD =-m'Mtt CW fN9 •ROOllD11t9 Pielr*. 1110 MliMe AV.., Oot1a COWfAOT A LA ~ ltw , ltM Gatti, AOAINH YOU, JOU IHOULD iiiee•1.1 01llfornl1 Hiii, (114) MOltCI CW ,.,.T'll'l IAU tblrllf~. ounW Of ~ OJMirfA.CT A LAWVI."-MM1IO TA. .... ·-~~~~ ~~ :c; "&'!:r:;l A.~~ :.ur.•tMlTi. ~~f;.,.~': ~ !l.;r:~~~:."~'!T1111~~n .~!':':~ on"e~.t:.': ~~t~":: llorealwlrt find •• In lul*IC>t l.AWYt!AI TITLI INIURANOI ~ .. ·~ IJd '"· 1oa 1:00 o'elOlll .. "'· of•lkhte, In the Ool#1 .. lllt .()ouMy of °'*'"' COM,ANY 620 NORTH MAIN ..... ~ '"' on flllc Oflloe of room .. , .. Id• tor oon•uoUnt •11" Of~ entered on Mey IT"lll tn the otty of SANTA ANA ... °"**'· ~. ,Ill. """'*'°· TNIMe'• ...... .+tlllft "" eflloei ••• 1Ma. Ind rteOl'ded Mty u. Counly Of OAANOI ..... oi Jollft ,., .. ,, Ooa•• Oommunlfy of RIAL HTATI 11cu.-1TIH 1112. "' IN &bow entitled lllCtlOn c • 11 10, n ,. c AL ,,, 0 RN I A COll•D• Ol•lftot. 1110 Acl1m• llRVICI. looattd ., I020 l\lofUI wherein t'ONTICIUO TOWN f'IOONV!YAHCI! COMPANY 1 A¥enVt, Ooetr, ~. Oelllornla ~.Ma IOt. In IN City of H 0 V I I I 0 0 M M U N I T Y 0 C • 9tt21 llnta An&, Coul"1 of Dtlf!Ot. elett AalOCIATION 1 Callfomle Non• 1111""11 orpor•Uon, u duly NO"l'IC4l II MIMIV OIVlN tlllt of Oalllo1nl1 , IAN MA~I NO 0 I . IC>POlf\led TNllM ~ thll oet11n -------...-...... • .........._. ,.._, • .. N Q • D I. 0 ''ofll orpor1Uo11, the l tlOYI Daed of Tl'\ltl execiuted by JAMES ,. .. _..__,,_, --_,f'lol of .. VI A N A N 111mtd tp~111!!!!:. ~ti.!!~_! p 'EELEV. -.... man u lr\ltlor. Orlnf' County, ~ IO!lnf AHOOIATION. a Ot lllornl• jUOgfnen .... --.., .... _.. -.,,.... by 111d 111rou11h It• Qovtrn1111 oorpor1t1011, 11 duly 1ppolnl•d lllCf Nit tQtlNt LAZAR JANICIN llGOl'dtd on JMllary ll, lt1t. " lotrd, hln6r...W rtfwred \0 • Trwttt UftOW Ind pwwt to Ult llfld MARICA JANICIN O.tendente lnt1rument No HOH, 111 look "DllrRIC'T", wlll ,..,..._.up to, bu4 powtr Of Nit ooni.r.ct .In thet for th• 1um of On~ 111ou1tnd 1,oo4• Peg• ,, 11• ot Olllolal not Iller tllen tlle ltlOV4t-ttattd certain Oled of TNlt ~by tf*tY·two & noltOO DollaA ~I Atc.otdt ot Orenge County, ltttt of llme, llMled tllde fvr the~ of• H ITl,HIN 'El.LITllR and ~of the Unlltd Statee 0end by CelUQfnle, undet tht power ot tale =oti\AIGt lor IN ebov9 protect. CYNTHIA I. ,.I.I.Pill\ hueC>end ~ut of Wl'lt of I ' t Ira 11"'11" contell\ed, will MM '' publlC 8lde ell8ll tie ~ In the oi-Ind wife, reoordtd Ootobtr , 1, Mid tct~ ""*'on ~°:."rMt, I ::,~ ~': .~1':~,:CS~ 1dentlll•d etloYe, end elltll be tHO. In Sook 1u1a of Offlolel em commended to .. 11 111 tll• ...,,bl. et tht time 01 NII In 1awtui ~ end pulllloly reed aloud II Aecofde °' Mid County, .t PtQ9 Pf°'*1Y In 1119 County of 0r.,._ ~, lht ~t•ttd lime end 111-tS41, Atool'der'• ln•1rumen1 ffo. State of Cel"°'nl• d..:ribed " money of "" United SlllH of ,,_. wllt tit • 125 00 deCloelt "'4M, by reeeon of • btMCh °' '*-' · Ame<lca. w111iou1 werran•r ••Pl'"' required for eull "' of tlld deftult In pcytntnt or S*fonnenoe lot 266. ot Tact No s1eo .. 0' trnpllld u 10 111 '· uu, ~111oouerant•theltrttum of lht obllO•lioN MOWed thereby, rteordtd In llOOll 'tit '""' ..0 to poueHton °' encumbrtnc", ell Ill OOod oondllion wtthlll 10 da)'9 lnCludlnt !hat brMCll Of defllUlt, 42 lnch,111.,,, of Mlecellaneou1 rfOlll, 1111' llnd lnlerMt now llttd by 11\et ltlt bid openlnf c:let•. HotlOI Of wNoh -~Oed April M.,P., 1n t"9 °"'°' o1 "" 0renge 11 0• aucn TruatM 1" llnd lo Ille &ch bid rnult oontorm Ind tie e. tt12. u Atcorder'I ININmenl Oounty AeoonMr c.irtomta. r(lllOwlng dHc•lbeo property rt1pon•lbl• to the contrect No 12·119884, WILi. SELL AT Pro""'rt" I•' more commonl" anuated In tht •fotMlld COunty end docutnentl. PU I l 1 C AU CT I 0 N T 0 THE .... i , Stele. 10 wll ~,...._ known H . ,412 Seretoge Wey, AN ll'ltl Ol'tlln lend lllulltd In &ch -ltlell eubmlt. on the HIGHEST SIOOEA l"OR CASH, Cott• Meet. Celltonlla. lonn Nmlehtd w1tt1 tlle oontrec:t lewtvl money of the United st ..... TQOelhet wttll 111 and elngular tlla St•I• ot CelllOfnl•. County ot document•, , ,... of Ille pr090ttd or , cuhler'• ot1tCll ctrewn on , tenemente. lleredltemen te end ::::;=·City or Irvine deterlbed a• IUbcontrector• on tl\11 projeot u •t•I• or national blink, a etat• Of IPP\lrt~ 111tteunlo belonging PARCEL 1 required by th• lublettlng e nd t.deral credft union. or a Ital• or or MYWI• ~elnlng. 349 8ubcontrecllng Flit Prectlcte Aot. fedetel NVlnge and loan ueoolatlon PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEAE8Y Unll 'u 51lown end defined CJovt. COdt &«:. 4100 eUeq domlclled In Ihle etete, 1111peyebi.11 GIVEN That on THUASOAY AUG on 11''1 cerllln CondomonlUM Plan Eadl tNdclet muet IUbmlt With hie Ille lime of ....... tight, Ihle and 19, 1982, et tO:OO o'clock, AM or '19:~~'r! P!u;: ~~·4 ~9~~ ~11~ bid cerlllled or CHiiier'• check Inter•• held by tt, 111 TM1t•. 1n 11111 d •y et Me in Lobby, Record• 01 Or•nge County PtYtble to tM Dl8TAICT or• bid that rael propeny elt~t• "~ CourthOUM, 700 CMc Center Drtw Celllornla · bond In the form ... IOfth In Int County end Stele, ckKrlbed " W•t. Ctl)' of Santt Ana. 1 will Mii PARCEL 2 c;ontract ~ta In an wnount follooiw9: I the ebovt dHcrltl•d property, An undivided 1144111 lnlereet In not ._ lllln 1~ of the maximum Lot 7 of Trect No. 8938. • per llllder Nld Wl'll •nd decrM. °' to .,,0 to Loi 1 01 Trect No 10137 N wnount of bid M •guarani• tllet ~recorded In Booll 280. pegee 5 tnuo11 tllereof 81 mey ~ "'°""1Y lhown on a Mao recoro.ci in boo6c Ill• bidder wlll enter Into tlle to 8 of Mleoe41aneoua Mape, In tlle t1nto Htl1ly H id Judgment with 4 2 6 , P, 11 , 1 4 8 1 0 5 0 0 r pr~ contract If Ille ..,,,. le oltloe of tht County Recofdtr of erMte and coete. to Ille llfgn..t Mlscell1noou1 Mep1 record• ol -dtd 10 lllm. In Ille ..,.,t of Mid County bidder, tor CUil In lewtut moMy of Ot • fellufe to .,,,., Into Nld contract, Th• "''" •dd,.H or other lho United Stet-ange County. CalllOfnle. iogother IUClh ~ wlll be forltolt. common dH'9netlon of the rH I 0.ted 11 Slltlll Ana. Ce!lfomla wllh •II 1mprovemen11 !hereon. The DISTAICT ,__Ille~ "'°'*'Y ~ dMcirlbtd 11 """ ... • ~Ung th4Walrom Condomtnium -~~~ a .,_ ,.__. Un1t1 3 13 thrn.onh 35e, Inclusive. lo , .,_, ..,., or ell bids or to purpor1ed lo tit: 1'4 t Pon CerlOw ..._.., ..... • ·--· localed 11...,~--"'Y 1rregu1er11i. or lnlormellti. In Plaoe. Hew90tt 8tech. Calltornla. 1111WeetdlffDftN.96llte 204 PARCEL 3 '"I bide or In Ille bidding. The u11det1fgnad hereby ........,. ....._,CA... An e;..cluilve HHment tor Tiie DISTRICT l\ae obtllned from dl1ctelm• •II ll•blllty tor eny ........,., A"--r P•tlung end r.,.190 P<Jfl>OMS a-.. tile Dlrtiotor of 1t1e OecMinm1t1t of Incorrect""' In Mid 1traet eddr- 8 RAD GATES, Sl'lerlll· thil portion 01 Lot 1 01 l81d Trac:l lndu1trlel Reletlon• tht gtnerel or othet oommon ~- Coroner No 10137 .. ahown Ofl Edllbll "A" PfavelllnG ,.,, of per diem wagee In Seid .... Wiii be made without County of Ot~. CA 10 lhe Oecleteuon 01 Aetlrlellon• t11t locallty In wtltcti thil work II to wertenty, eapreH or lmpllad, By K. Brown, kg.ant ror Th• Springs Condominium be l)lt10fmtd for-" crett or type ,.gerdlng tllle . poueulon. or PubU1neo Orenge CoH1 Delly recoro.d A1>rt1 21 1978 In ~ of work.,. ntedtd to ••IClUtt the encumtl,.ncu. to Htlely th• PllOI. July 2 t, 2:8. Aug 4, 1N2 12644 1>41ge 820 01 Otfle!el Records oontrlCt. Suctl retae '" • lollowe: l)l'lnclP'l belenoe of tlle Note or 3 t 7 4-82 Tiie let•t publieNd weoe ret• other ot>llQallon _,,_, by Mid -----------end re-recorded May 3. l978 '" ere on Ille end evellet>le tor Daed of 'fruit, with lot•Mt llnd fltll.IC NOTIC£ bOOil l2&eo. PaQI 578 °1 Olflc:let ln1peollon In Ill• office of the oilier eume " ~rovlded therein. Records of Orenge County. DI t f Ph 1 1 F 11111 .... _ .....,._ ·-.._ NOTICE TO CMDfTOfll Clllilornie (,,...e1nefler referred to u rK or 0 Y• ce •0 •• ...--·--· '"I· ..,,._ Ille CW IUUC ~ Oecler'11on u carport >i>ac:ea ~..:.......__,__ terme thereof and ln*Mt on Md\ (--.e101 .. 107 U.C.C.) No 349) Seid •-I 11 tunher ddl~e':m =::Ti ag.. 1 ~beied "PofonPlfe ~~~ ~ T~ .. °""~ Notice It hereby~lven to th• defined and dttcrlbed In ArtlCtea 11 w • .., .....--°' tfle ·-· tncl of ..._..,. E UNO y ~" --" 1 "--I wotklno djy of eight (8) houre. The the IMtt cnetect by .id ,_ of ........ ore ol M N H A~ ...... I I 0• 1111 ..._•ration ,.,. of llollday and ovtrtlmt wotk Tru1t. The 10111 emount bt;ald end LUCY YANG , Treneteror1. PARCEL 4 ~...., wtlOll hOmt eddt-,. 135 w. 18th A non-e•elushle eatemenl '°' ,,._tit al i.et time end on.-11a11 obllgetlon Including reHonebty Straet, City ol Coll• ~ County ingreN. •-· use end enjoymenl It lhall be mandlltory upon Ille Hllmlled ''"· chergH and of Of-. St .. e otCelttomte rllat e of Ille Common Atu -.~nllld HI CONTRACTOR to wllom the ~of ttw TruetM, et the time -..-.._,,,, contf'ICI 19 -dtd, end upon '"I of lnltlel pubflolUOn o4 Ihle Notice, II bulk 1rantfw II et>out to be mede to '"' Oeclerulon. said usemenl IUbcontrlCtor under Nm, to pey not W .HI. tO. LUIS CARLOS 01 SI, Tr•ntferM t>etr>g t\Ht1'14W deltneO and deecrlbed ,_then Ille Mid epedfltd retie lo Dtiecf: .Alt t , 1882. wtloae'-lld'drwele4Starburat In Artlcle1 II end Ill ol the .. _....~bythemlnttw IMllA.-.olA,,_AND Court. City of Newport BHch, Dec:teratlon euc:utlon Qt Ille conlrec:t. • LOM AeeOCIA'nOM. • County of Oreng•. S tet• o f T"9 10111 •mount of 11141 unpaid Ho bidder mey .,..,hdr...., hie bid c•si,... wpeia•a Cetlfornta. pronclpel balan<:e. 1n1eres1 lherton, fof , period ol torty-l!w (45) dt)'I :r..=. aeTATI •CUNN8 The PlociertY to be lraneferred It togelher '"''" rauonebly eellmeted eftet the date Mt I~ Ille opening ol a c•a Ml ..,....~ deeel1beO In 01f*111 u: M llock In ta. lllpe<\IM llfld edvlnl.AS " blda. ...... .. lrede, nxturee. equipment and good 111e lime ot the inlUel publ4c:atlon of _,., • ., A.-c wtlloltNtSM.n.andFOOdC....ler lh1s N01ooearel41.51458 A pe yment bond end• D..I.~ .. ,. 1'U I ~' pen~ bOnd Wiil tit reqult9d .. N. , ot• bu1Jne11 known H SUNSHINE Currenlly Oiied CNlllers Checlta prior 10 execution of the contrect ..... A.ftll, CA BAKERY ANO ORIENTAL FOOD or Ce<tohecl Chtc:k1 peyeble 10 the end 11f1111 tit Ira the form ... fortll In (714~ CENTER. end loclted " 835 w Truslee °' bidder ere acceo••ble 10 the contract ~ti. p · Newport H#l>Or ,._ t8th SllMI. City ot Coeta MtN. T r u st e e I> r o v Id e d or o I>• r Puniuent 10 8ecUon 4590 ot the ,_ combined wttll \ht Orenge County Of Orenge. Sllll Of ldenlllic«llon ,, av811able n~ ,......,. 0 .......... ._. .... • 2 2'. Calllornl1 From lnlorm111on wlllch lhe ~nrnenl ....,.... ol tht State of -• .-.. ,, .. ~·1 •4· 1, "• The bulk t11n1fer wlll be Trullee deems rell•ble but 10 1 Celllomla. tht contrac1 Wiii conteln 1982 l)rOIMk>nl permitting Ille ~· 3187-82 contYfTlnlated on or eftet the 17111 w '1 • c h T r u s 1 e e m • " • 1 n o bidder 10 IUl:letltute etcurtt• for cley of Augu11, 1982 et 10:00 e.m et repr11en1a11on or werranly, lhe IO)' rnontya wltl\held by tht Dlstnc:t WESTERN MUTUAL ESCROW SllMI addtet.t 0< Olher common 10 _,,. ~ under the CORP. Attn Ardith RuMtfl. wtlOM des1gn11ion ol lhe •t>ove clelcnbecl K~ add•-11 14081 So YMba, Suite property os 349 S1reernwooo. ::ontr.ct ~Board NOnc:. "* TIIUenr8 8ALa 101. Tustin, Cellfoml&. 1''""" c ... 1Mn11 92714 -·-·--v T.&..-. UL...,,., That Iha IMt date for lltlng Clalm1 Saoo 1>10Pet1y 11 bttng told for the ~ ~ E. Weteon ~A#T NOTICe TO In ..n. eeorow , .. wred. lo Nleln 11 purpoM or P•Ylng the oblig•llons Board :l'Truetw "'°"9M I 'f ~ Auoull 18. 1982 ecur•d by H id DHd of Trutl Publllhed Oranoe Coait Delly YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A So l1r u 11 known 10 tilt' rnciod•ng ,_end expen-ot ll'le Piiot JUiy 21 Aug 4 1982 DEED OF TRUST, DATED MAY t4, TrantlerM. ell bull,_ n-llnd Trulloe and ol Sale. ' ' . ' 33&442 1N1, UNLESS VOU TAKE ACTION ldd,_ UNO by 11141 Tr"'8fefor Del~ June 28 1982 TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT lor Ille C>tlt thr .. ~ "' 1119 C A l I F 0 RN I A •-II' ~ MAY 8E SOLO AT A PUBUC SALE. Saint RECON\/EYANCE ,.~ "'"~ IF YOU NEED AH EXPV.HAT!Ofol Detld June 2t. 1992. COMPAHV NOTICa CM' 0 F THE NATURE OF THE lull C.00. DI St. '' gl(j TrustH 11tUSTW'9 8ALll PROCEEDING AGAINST VOU, VOU Tran1f-8y. Sutanne Forellend ~ .... ~-4 SHOU\.D CONTACT A LAWYER. Publlllfled Orange Cout Delly Eaaeut~ Viet PrNldenl On •·--t8 11182 2:00 p Pilot.~ 28, t892 9451 Corbin Avenue T.a. .... 1ttefM.O ....,,_, • •et · .M .. 3391-32 HERMES FIN AN CI AL Ce! C--~.Inc: .. M duly ------------«>1328 Northrldge. Calolornl• CORPORATION u duly eopolntad eppolnt•d Truat•• under end Metch to your phOne 10 lei 12131 701•2358 Truat•• undtr tll• loifowlng pureuent to Oaed o4 Trust rtCOrded I I Al p bl _ ... 0 c ci-ibtd.., of trwc WIU SELL Mer 29, 11181 ... lneL Ho. • Ira place e att-acl ng "'as-u ''""" renge out Dally A f PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE bOOlt 14078, P-ee 4ee, of Otlldel 111*1 ad. 642-5678 •IOI. July 14 21 28 1982 2997-32 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Aecorde In tht ofllot of the County (peyable et time of M1t In 1-'Ut Aeoorclen ol °""'Oe Couflty, Stat. ... 0....-1-1-1-1--1-01--,-c-1-1------------I money of 1111 United Stat") ell ol Cellfornle. ••acu1ed by JAMES rtght. tttle llfld .,,,...., OOt'l¥9Y9d to FARLEY and SHAAON l"AALEY. and now held by It under Md Oaed hU9bend llfld wife, Will SELL AT , of T "'9t In the "'°'*'Y llerelnefter P U B LI C A U C Tl 0 N T 0 T H E deembed. HIGHEST BIDDER l"OR CASH JA YRED of the Recreation Club on TRUST O R JAMES F ~et tlrnt o4 .... In lewflJI ARENSOOf'F a nd MAAITA 1. money of the United StetH) el AREHSDORF,huebendllfldwlta. Front lobby of Hunt e nd R O BERT LEE (BOB) Balboa Penln1ula. He wu JA YRED, age 73, a fl'tlident allo a veteran of World War of Balboa, C.a. since 1944. He II. He ia awvived by hla wife passed away on J4ly 26 Ruth Jayred, IOf'I Lee Jayred 1982 H e wu a prominent and daughter-in-law bice businessman 1n Orange and 3 grandc h i ldren <:ounty and was aseocta\ed Yvonne, Elena and Mike with the Lions Club as a Jeyred. Arrangementa by C harter m ember. H e was Neptune Society with a instrumental in the building quiet burial at aea. FLEMING BENEFICIARY. MERCURY Fen .. e rmektr, e profeHlonel s A v I N G s A N D l 0 A N COfl)Of'aUon. 920 Ntwpor1 Center ASSOCIATION, e Callfornle Ortvt, &Mte 211, Newport Btec:h, cotporlllon. Callfomla. .. 11gtit. °'" llfld lnterwt ~ AprU 2. 1971 u trwtr. ~ to llfld now held by 11 No 24e3 In bot* 8594. PIO' t57 o4 under l8ld Oaed of Truat In Ille Ofllclel Recorde In t?ie oftlDI o1 the propeny lltualtd In Mid County Recorder of Orange County. Mid and State deecl'tbtd u : d eed of t1u1t de1c rlb11 the lot 3'4 of Trett Ho. 7485 u Pet I~ ~ map rteordtd In 8ooll 304 pegee 44 Lot 5t7 ot 1ract No. 17t2 ... to 48 lnctullY• of ml1c.lleneou1 per mep recorded In Book 50. IMP' In the Otnce of tlle County P•g•• 32 to 38 1ncluelY• ot Recorder of Ofenge County. Neptune BARBARA MITCHELL Cflf.MATION BURW. AT SEA FLEMING, a.he was born on ml1eelleneou1 mept, record• of The •treat •ddraH end other 646-7431 September 30, 1919, and pa11ed away o n July 26, Our literature tells the 1982. She is llW'Vlved by 4 Ofenge County, Celfor'rM. common deelgn.tlon, If arrr. ot Ille 'fOJJ '"'In defllUlt I.Ind« e 6-t reel propeny deeeribtd ~ II ol truet dettd Apt1I 1, 187 t "'""" put'pOrttd to be: you tell• ectlon to proteot your 3872 Blecitthorn, lrvlnt , c omplet e story o f our children. St.andlah Fleming, society. • V ictoria Bran t -Zawazk1, propeny, " lll8Y tit eold •t • public CellfornMI 82714. .... If you~ an eaplenetlon of The unde11lgnad Trull•• the nnn of the I>'~ egeillst dl1ctelmt •ny ll•blllty for any you, you lllollld contect • ltwytr lnCOtrect,_ of the atrwt eddr.-M lw~ ,_ "'---1... Allan Fleming and F'ranoee .liii;.:m--=--=:;;;£~!£.J Fleming, 3 'randchlldren, 2020 Morwovte A--. Coet• ~ other oonvnon deelgnatlon, If ,_CIHOT ... S -.t.HOADWA'f MOITUAl'f 110 Broadway Cosla Mesa 642·9150 IAlnlHGHOH SMfTH & TVTHl\.L WHTCUff CHAP'ti. 427 E 17th St Gos1a Mesa 646-9371 ,_Cl•OTifllS swnfS' MOllTUAa1' 6Z1 II.Hin St Huntl~ach rAClftC YllW .-.c>llAl..rAU c.ft)ttery M0<1uary Chaoel-ctemat<>ry 3500 fJ~1hc VHtW Ori~ Newport a .. ch 144-VOO 0 Nathan Flenung, and Nicole and Alexander Brant- 1.awuki. Memorial lel"Vioet will be held on Thunday, July 29, 1G82 at 2:00PM at St. James Epia'opal Cburcb at 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beac h. Ca. The Omega Society, 17865 Skypark Ci.n:le. Ste D .. lrvine, C... in charge of arrangementa. MePROUD DONALD RAY McPBOUD, born October 15. 1905, died July 24, Ul82 liter a 6 monw U1nea. He w• ~ CA eny. etlown hefeln. "(If • ''"" eddreu or Seid "'' wlll be med•. but common deelgnetlon 11 ehown without coYenent or werttnty. ebolle. no -enty le g1wr1 .. to tt1 IJCP'-or ltnc>lltd. raotrdlng tJtle, oomp.I•-or oooectn ... I." poHenlon, or tncumt1,.nce1, The tlentflclery undtr H id Including feH, chergee •nd Dffd of Tru_1tL by re .. on of • °'*"" of Ille Truet• llfld of tile breed! or •-In tlle obftgoltlone truate orHttd by H id Deed of 11oured thereby, lleretofore TN81, to pey the ramtlnlnt prtnapet tHcuttd end dellYered to tll• IUf'M of tht note(•) MClUrid by Uld undertlgned • written Deoleretlon DMd of Ttw( to wtt: 141,000.00 of Defeutt llfld Demand for Seit. With lnt•Mt tfleNOn from F*uary llfld written nollOe of ~eecf'I end of 5. 1912 at 18 percent per ennum .. llecllton IO -.-the underalgoed provldtd In Mid note{•) plu8 OOllt9 to_. Mid cwopeny to Mt~ Mid end any edv •ncee (10 be obll9•tlone, end tllarHlttr tll• delWTIIAllld et tllnt of Mle) with undeftllgned <*Mid Mid notice t1f .,, ...... b•Hch and of tltotlon 10 bt The benellclrl urlder Mid DaeCI "-'<ltd AprW 12. 1 .. 2. " ntr, of Trult heratotor. 111141ClUttd Ind No. 12-128188 of Hid Olflclal dellYtrtd to lllt und.,•IGMd a Aecorda. written Declartitlon of deflllft end 8lkl .... ... tit ,,..., blll Oemend for s.ie. and • wriltell Newport Beach, Ca. He without c:onn1nt or werr1nty, Hotloe of °"'*"' 11\d Election to re ti red to So 1 v an c . A _,.... °' """'*'· l'eQlfdlnCI w.. 811. The undtnlgnect 09-.d .,id member of the Newport tlC 1111'>1, °' ~ to HOlloe of DlflMft Ind fJtatlon to Be a c h Elk 1 Lo d I e . In 09Y IN ~ pmci1pe1 tum of 84111 to tie NO«Oed tn tN oounty accordance with hi. WW., the notee•) eeoured by Mid Deed of .... Int,... property la tocated. _ .. w .Ja-...d 'U-T"'9t, with In ....... In Mid llOlt Cal COMt Mortglloe. Inc. bom In Illino(a and lived in no llllnY~ are ,_ .. _,.... °"' ~. ldYenOts, " _.,, under • Mid "'*-ii IW'Vlved by hi. wtfe Marie tht tetlN of Mid DaeCI Oi TntM. l20 Hwpott center om. ·~-ft.-. ... of So"-.... ...,_ ....... CiMtfte end ...,.... "''IN ~ 21 t m\:CnAN .. -... .... • Tt\IMee etld Of the~.,..._, by Newport lltedl OA t2eeO dauahten. Sylvia Autrey of ... Oled of TML 8lkl ....... tit 71~2411 • P'ullerton and Katherine llt6d on~. Augimt 12, 1192 er Art .,. • ...,... Andenon of Glendale, aleo el 1:00 ,,M. 11 the Ch•~= Pubflehed Oranoe Coaet UINIY hl1 utep-d1uahter Robbi Avenue tft\t8nOl IO tn. OMo Piiot. JUiy IO. a.a. Aull* 4, 11, tN2 Schoonover of ea.ta Mesa. lulldln~, •oo l u t Ch•pman *2-tl 1 n d 2 1I1 t e fl • n d 4 A~ 01:':1:'! ~l~n~I "8.JC flJTIC[ crandclUJdren. aJ.o i ~~ ~ o1 .-noltol. n. crandchild. Frl•nd1 who emountottt1eu1'1)16d~af"-~~f:l:.rM wish to make contrtbuUona ~.d-:::: :r t'::et"::I Tht fOIOWlno PMON ... dc*IO may remember the fftllNltect cot•• ••pen ... •mt ....._ •· Senior CIUHDI BulldlnJ adunoM le t 'tt.•H .41. tel .... ~ .. g~c=o::. H=~ Fund. c/o Imperial Savtnp. ..,, ... the!r!!*'G tied, ,_, lftlY f1'i1V1eta l!ntrlcl1 Newport Solvan,. c-. _.~VT~. ,.... , 1eee11i°" neeo. ' H uu111• , IN A HO I A 1.I Q OMI KAUO, 11t1 Viet• ~TtOH .._,~'9:dl. OAtaeeo. • • -~ 11.!ZA81TH ~ t1t1 v-. lflt'sgotwftMts err.c>.~cowANY, tni~-=·~~ you'H move It r Lortie~ • 1Mt1enO.,... ..... ........... -------....... t<Nt D•llY Piiot OM OftY ··=· w.. "* -=:: ........ co::,: Clanffled ~~-~ tlla. Orlnet ad, Noe, 'NJ 11 :: ~-P11blltMcf °"1n0t Oo~ ' • N14-G Not, J4Jlt n. ~ 4, 1 •• 1~ 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ,...........,..,.~ ........ --·· . ...... ,.. .. -" .... . CllSBIFllD CLASSIFIED INDEX ~.11!1~ ........... !~!~!!.{~~!~~· ....... ~.'.!ffl.{-.i.!I!! ••••••• PIMllMr't ltttHa l1a111l /lfl fi11111J 1111 AH re9I •tate ldWttwd • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In thl• n1wep1per It •ubJ.ot 10 the fl'tdet1I ,_,, Houeing Act of IHI PDllllU•D ANMtUtCumns. rmo1ms& l0$T & FOUlttl ~-.. Car...., lAplN-.. .._.,_ p....., ... !io<oalO••' Tr1w-t4• SOYIC£S wtlleh mlk• II Nltgll 10 adVel'tlM "any prtferen- c;e, lk'n1t1t1on or dlecnm1- n1Uon bl .. d on "e•. :: oolor. rellglon, tt11 or ,..., netlonal origin, or any ::: Intention to m•k• 1ny -euch ~erenc-. llmlta· :: tJon Ot di.orlmlnatlon " :: Thi• ~ wlll no• .... knowingly aoctpt 1ny ,.. adYertlelng for tttl ... :: ttt• wflk:h I• Ill Vlolatlon 1err of the lb. ·-I =iiiiiii~ijiiiiiiiiiiiii I ,.,. ,. t:: 111111• Advertl· :: aera ahould check :: their ads dally and ·-,. 1)11 t ... ... ,_ ,,. ... 1• - report errors Im· mediately. The DAILY PILOT as- eumea llabillty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. 5 ·.,·,...,--,,,-·w-,--·1 .... . ...•••••......•.•.... : lnall IOOl ......................... = IDIOll U0,0001 -Or1met1c Harbor \/lew JIOI -Jae -)OD -JSa --,,. ----o• •I» --.. .. -... ,. -.. ---ilt14 l'lll ---- Homee. 4 Bdr 211\ Bl with formal dlnlngt Sp~l«I• 2·•ty, hlgl'lly uog,.ded EJiotlltnl ueumebl• N· n1nclng •nd seller wlll carryt Prloed to Mii et l330.000. Call todey 84&-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS ITUTU..al 1 &·179,000 Irv 3 Br-St03,000 FV/SA 2 &-S112,000 CM 4 8f-t114,to0 C.M 3 Br-S128,to0 H.B. 4 Br-St28,to0 C M Call ue IOt financing d.- 19119. 831-7370 TR-\DI TIO\,\l. RL\l l' IEIT llllllll LOVtlty Hpt Hg1' home located on lfV R·2 I011 Stlltt wtU Cal ry ftnlllClng on thll one Well p<loed 11 S 139,500. Call now 84&-7171 Prlz.e Wat Bay bayf ront SUpe for 2 bo9U. remodeled 3 bdrm, S bath •1.200,000 Ocean & .)l'tty Vlt!WS Marint' room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath, a100 sq ft $1.385.000. Ot-eanfront LIDO ISLE MOMEI Pr~ Lido Nol'd bayfront. ~bdrm, 5\o'J bath Lge LR .. 2 boat alips $1,500,000 Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + lqe rec. nn. beam ce1lanp, fumahed. paUOI $420,000. LllU ISLE. UYFIOIT Laaoon view from 6 bdrm. ~ bath, playroom. dark nn, den Boat alip. Now $1.000,000. UYlllE OIYE Spectacular bayfront vt~ 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1,000,000. OOIOUIO OAYI Coronado lsJand CUil bayfront lot. 8~' boat dock Plana avail Red $370,000 w/terms ILIFFI COllO Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest ~nbell $2~.ooo Pllll UIO 3 bdnn8, 2Vt balha condo near pool $145,000. Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•UP Q,,.,,. N B b1'> t,lbl FORECLOSURE USOLITE STUL Pickup over $5001000 EQUITY overnight. Once in a lifetime. I have never seen a better buy. Won't last Prime Orange Cty 2 'h acre hilltop OCEAN VIEW NEW FSTATE. Pool, spa, waterfalls, electr. gates, 5800 sq fl w/360 degree view of all O.C. Tennis court + HELICOPTER pad a rea. ASSUME LOANS & TERMS Originally listed for $2 ,200.000 Sacrifice at $1,128,382.63 approx. with $350,000 approximate cash down. Only the serious need call directly to PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtors, agt Brokers welcome. Sff"lff 0.t"10t) .. THE REAL ESTAT&:RS RVM* of Costa Mesa DIPlOYMDIT & P1£PAIATION ~..,_., IMLNC'Ulift J•WaM..,.• ......... _ ..... MEICHAMllS( AITOS. MEW -... •ia -ID:D ---*l -----"" --.... --------- ,. .. --------•11• ... lllD .... 11• 11• 11111 ••• -••• -.. ---litlll -- - DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 8000 e lf on 1 ecre. maulv• et.ctrlc g•IM. cobbltetone motor cour- tyard. apectecvlar entry. 8 bdrm, 8 bathe, 5 lrpl huge lrplc• Room tor tennl• No . Tuetln • Orange Hme with vi.w. t2-t5 min lo all frwya, airport, So Coat Plua $1,400.000 RICK ALDEREm ...... ,; ..... .,., ll1-44M/ll1·1111 LIQUIDATION Forced sale, two beauti!ul prestigious Newport pool h o m es va lued at $400,000 will be sold for $318.000 and $325.000 immed. Fee land. If you are a serious buyer contact Patrick Tenore at 760-8702 or 631-1266 now! R&IM~ of Costa Mesa COIDOS ! Wt ha..,. evalla l>le con- d 01 from $811,000 to 1239,000 Cell n°"" tor more Informa tio n . 797-5370 •WATHFHIT* NIT SUPS PRIVATE COMMUNITY. 3&4 bdrm home•. our S ELLERS Wiii FINANCE • or · DISCOUNT l<lf euhl ll'ftl/llUR Better hurry on thtMI 1111111&11 •• ,~ .. .., ,,.,, IU • community ~. Rtlften Cold-II Benker-Foree1 i:::*:':l~l-=l~ ... ;~*=:= E. Otaon wm ~t ,•--------- ''" Hmlner lor home ll&n buytr1 and Miier• TRI LEVEL Y04J are cordlelly Invited Lovt ly upgreded MH• to attend 11111 Informative Verde home. prime cor- ewnlng. "" lot, located In quiet araa. large lamlly room, Wedneedey, July 28, huge room• thruout. 7PM Belutlful gr04Jnds. co.,. 2209 Harbor Blvd. red patio Exetllen1 II· Coetl Mela, 92827 nenelng. owner will c•rry with s~.ooo down. 14%, Subjto11 co..,.,ed In thl• I o r t 5 y e a r s . C • 11 .-nlner loelude: .,..,._,313 • How to buy without qualifying. • Tax btneftte ot home ownership. ' Coldwell Banktr'I 5% lnternt Onenclng prog· ram. • How to effect • quick Ille. • The proe end cone of °""'* financing. PIMM join ua tor an In· eight Into today'• mark· et. Ou• lo llmlltd H•· ting. reeerYetlon• er• Melalty. ,..... cell J~ Kemp ....... COLDWeu BAN~C!RO lllYllflltlf Then ttlla Mat ' ..... 3 Bdrm hOCM .. Juel tot you. !1tc111. fln1no1ng wttrl I f\111 MtUfNlb6t 18t T.O. It t~,._ M Pflot • 131,900. .,. t-3111 c;. ·' ' '-t-' I '• I ' THE REAL ESTATE RS .. IUtl,000 YllW Fall Earthtonw tnroughou1. 4 br, 2'~ ba. l•mlly room. dining room, 2,378 eq. ft. Vltw of P1vlllon. night llilhte & Catallnl. 144-4110 --' TJ\YLOH CO ' ..... , unu "'· CMrmlng 3 Bdrm plut den and large temlly area, up to date dec:or and tuet • blocil from the beach Apt In reer rent1 et $600/mo. Large 11 '-'"- loan avalleblt. 1495.000 A llttlng ot Nancy Laux ui-wl ()Uf t1()Mf S AeeltOf'I, 675-tOOO ..,.., 11111'11 LOW, low pt1oed 3 8' WI llvlng & d ining area1 opening to ~ pt· tlo. Nr bMCl'I, ec:tloOlt. shopping Cuatom cM>l- netry GOOd ssaim to.I Priced al S 175,000. Call now Binnie OIJ!on'a b- llng. GEORG E ELKINS CO 759-9100 \ or.,. eo.i DAILY PILOT/Wldneeday. JUiy 21, 19U f «~fft.~~1. ...... «~1n.!'!!t'! ....... «~m.~.!N!....... . .'11.1'!!. ...... «~tm.~~ ..... 1 Plr.r.Aw.~11 ..... ~.~ .. Pf.'l!!ft.fMt.~ .. ,_-:tm.~~ .. N.a.MtPl.ltfdMf ~!tt'."1. ......... !.'.fl ftMA.~/llt .. /Mf ftfll.lltff ..... !./1~ fll.ffl,llJlt .... I.~ '1.'flltt.flm. .. 11.ff C.~1'!'!!1 1,.. ,,,!!.IJ. ......... ~.. fre1f ........... /1.ff '1.Vflt.fm! •• l l!!mftlfl#. •• l!!f --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•• ._. ,,..,.JJootr "'QIM\ &11111 1K .... .... ..... .... u•m """ ...... :mum. •• : • ..., ~ ~1 oon0oa:c:: uasan •u"" tcooi. , "'· "'' • ... NIOllbotfloOd;'t '4Srm & ..... llON, ' bt, ~. Co-OC)t .,om lll;ooo •200 .. ft ' ldr ·~ .. fl~LM PRINOI COHO(),. PoOf •• 9t0f)' fWrlo • ldl1n cs.taofled hOIMI ~ ""' ......... Geri. of 1~ ~ ~ 1111'1 "" New kl\ .. ~ equity prloe. Condoe .. .,....,. hO.M. A """' l11'11e SflMM ~ ..... I ~-lnaklelea' In ~t .,... Av.... ~m~ ,,.= .. r-··-YM ..... -·· • ml«o. ~ I ~..,... trOfl'I 171.000 Ml prloe ... ~ • oet oveae. .... at N .000 ,. •. 1871 mo AV1111. llM'9d I Ol9 tmmedlately 1---~--=-~-1 ,,., Uooracled 1 ltOl'Y = 000. IY O'M'lef, 1SM1•t Pool, Jao, deolc, llQ olt L.iture Wond ....._ ..i w, & a 1rp1o9.,... a luy Chit fof 11,000 mo. 1 1t...ott ' MOO/mo on 1 'lfM ...... ~ er.et. Plan 4, •• r ' ,, .... 4 · !Mtrme. I~ ILi •• 1211 w I lf'plo 114t,IOO. ~. t411t flwo'" Vllenole taw of the atnenltlea. bdtl'ft, 1 b• comp ~m. .. FIW othafl to oflOOee ltnmaoutate oonct. tent- lnd 111111. 1180.000. Cd eo. pf Hwy, ..... ' ., '"" 1ffe OOnoofd, o1no. M!llng PH 000. Tottl ooet 91',000. ~mr.T. ••• ~. • call for ..... 11200 per mo. wtll oon-"" 1 IQ4t ~ pet1o, ,.,.. 000 down, OWO Ind at Lto. Hiit 7141t11.oll00 4aa1me ..ittlnQ flnM. ~Witt! N¥ttel Mencl•. LJa.... IW.9.1 t ffom. We're tne °'* 10 u tlc vi.w. Attlll. 111 fOf LIFE'' f1Mt00 r9!n0del. LY rm °"" '°I 640-Hto Owner. L.-...... J,lafca an offw, ti1-n10 84W311. IS1'4418 ,.. ... fl a.... ut..~.11t Id elder 3 'f'· ...... pyt ~ °::' ••a .. L~ GOrner ow Ml-,_ ,,.,,,,. l!!f 1 .,."' llo!M. 1 block ~I ~ r ee 14()..•20t. eoen•. ""'!!t 1~111 =.·M1·12M A1~. · Y04M own pOOI lllld ~ let\O MlnOf, llr, 28•, mm;,!!! !!a •.... ~ = ~1~*' ~ Mlltl 21t 2bt. ~ oar. llPt ffMiM'OUMD ""* 8oala.I Ao11vlll•• ""• --cuu1 COmM wtth tl'1t1 3 ~frPIO. prime 'ltew LAST mo conteot Olok °' 551 3MO MoOlrn. Iott of tt«aoe. Two 11ory s bd""9. 2~ fr.!~.lffff ...... J!Af bdf!'ll llolM In one of lng1 tall• I GOif ~Monthtu,..t(RlS) 1 .,,.110 ·~~\.lr•t" .. wait< ~OOMt~..2.. .. *<· b•lha In 1 QUle1 ioc:euon llilillilililllliilillllillllllilililllll-111 Cotta Mete'• bMt eoutM. 1161.600 Cell 8M41'7 l)fle'0.1. .. _ to .,._., • Oreenb911 .,._.. encl IOo nelgtltiomood. fntet OWi'« ~ UITAU 8lkl •760 Incl utM AWi Dl r•ctor •''•• 8 u "d •Y Bnlndt480' .. ,..,........,. weal priced In an~ through a private oour-CHANCE "1... 1 to 5 bdrmt. at1111no 11 lll5, ~ or waterfront community tyerd and en)OV the By owner, l.llture WOtlcl. • ... , ...n '-'-i•u l."1 le76 lo lf100. 045-1111 (IY mtg) with boat dock. Good m111y tmenltlet thl1 f41C gate 2 1.-a k WID, BMut. t I R 1 le hee. •• 1.-:::':.r.: ••••• •••• "8EAVllW" 38', 2'~8&. 111umabl• financing . home on.ta. Won't lut retreg, uaum 131.800 at Newty landaoaped. , 115, 10 buy 1,_ beiluttf\.11 3 4 Ir. oan/wtw, dining & fem rm, tennla, pool, 1911 rnuoti more. QR I AT ltlCRIATIONt T e nnla •Fre 1 L.-.ont <oro & PIO thop)•2 Health Oluba•Seune• Hydfomaeeaoe" $320,000 at 1138.IOO. C&ll 14~. Atlclng 11111.000. 000 with ....,~ 1,t yMr old 4 unll ~ 19"1 rrM. l>elQony &'tun-gate. t l400 mo. Incl - 978-6370. 714-7~to0 plue owner flnanolng mtnl hell'.. .. In Oen c..: ~. ' 2 oer II'· gardnt, wtr & ...,,, Wl\11 HI HOSl •viii ... 2·774-4 "*''• wfth OOMn-hllll I 1375/rno ~ IM Avail 758-1092 llOMI '-ltie. ~!.~t .... /.~!~ gott CCMM V-. et a MlO• f15-H2• 1---------1 AEAl ESTATE WllUllNT Wllll I IOU fremendou• Mvlnga cff.. ~,. ~•I ••• 11. ll"kttt ..... t>JI 14tl\l a I .... ..... .... rec1 from \M owner b.-mm-. •••• ::::....... '°'INN, 2 bdrm, 2'h ba ~ llAUTfP UL ill•P 1.. 3 r, 2 ~Ba, tarn rm, 3 1~ btlnO lilted with ...... ht• tin on Golf Couf'M FUii aec iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "' gttlQM, moelel home l>y OILY I'-llWI 1>ro1<we. Act NOW111 can 4 bdrm home plua maid'• Near ocaen. ma)Of ;~~~~~~= WlTll'I F• owner. Dock. ~I. Not a Federal ~. ownet at (714) &42-013'. 4 be 5.,. ,..... 1hopplng and entertlln- A'ARTM .. tTI: 8lng1 ... 1 & 2 a.ctroome-Fumtatled I Unfurnlehed•No Peta•Modeta Open deity. to •• No quallfV!ng to m•• am.ooo w/~ dWn. Huge 2 ttory 3 8', den. 3 ~. 11115o~=~'i:'• • u,..-MDl!iavlNE tMnt. Clul> Ind pool, thl• apectacular s Bdrm Seller will carry an paper ba. John, Ag1 '31·2242 H4'09 6bf/Sbe+3b</3b9 A '44-1210 .....,. --~. lennla. S2IOO. 3Br, 2Ba, dl>I ett o-raoe. pool home your own. at we41 below current lnt. OWO 1at • Flelc. Terme YI · •-•-• 714-4113-4476 2 patloe. llegatone frplc, Jutt 1117,g()(). Bkr. 581-3429, 586-2521. SELL OI TIDE 508 Ac.cla CdM nr beh WATERFRONT HOME Lovely 3 bl', 2 bt. lam I. UI Mt611 ~9~~t:fthb11S2= 848-0709 UllH lllll 4-40t< ownt l>llr 045-7048 ~ow1y 2-ecy, cet~4~ Pea crs;:; d'f9·"' bit:. A two bedroom (plu• down. 0w1141f wlll carry OPN HOUSE SUN .. ,,.... ...... Prime r .. 1c1en11a1 lot. M-2 hou,. on 2 dplx Iota =: ~ 3 ~ ... ,, 97~20 M & wllnda.' Newport Tetn1oa 3 bf condo, 1750 Plue aecu-rlty. No pat.t. &45-3788. ( ....... .... ........ ...,..., ..... / .. den) condo overloo6llng 428 E. 18th St .... LM..... king $600,000 M0-78e5 w .. , C.M. sa&t< ... ...... ·- golf COUJH and 'A:"' 111 M Oar41 IJtr 2 Br & den plua gueet •• l15K dn, bel at 10%. ~tM o.ic ceb!Mtt, 38f. 3Ba. leff mo. End 2 8' 2 Ba & 691"1, w/jee., & a1eep1ng ton. T enn11 en a pool avail. $750/leaM. 042-N22 bell. GrHI value. u-hJ -~•-llHt1 r houM. alley acoMa, 1tt ::~ 0f' =~·~ aer 2ba EASTBLUFP Mutt .-ti Bier 042-eee&. =t entl°of UW= Unit, gerdenlng Incl. c:ect 110.000. 1 179,900. --TD. $78,000 uaum. at cult~ tlnlplecM. atrium s199,500. Sale/ IMtopt. ,.. ., -••If l2800/mo. PONll>l"t:' Pool, etc. 1157-e694 ewe Ao trvlne 111·lH0 ~~~~~~~~ 11%. Excell. addltlof\al 11y •w-WONT LAST 1bf all •-------• ...: flnanclnn avllll. 955-0782 ott lam room, ~ GrHI terme. Agt UIT ... I ""1 111 rf9t\I of refuul. t ape LUXURY 2 BR ...__ • *,.. ... d~ oemrll tit &40-9019 doclt aleo avell. Cell bit-Ina. lndry. Now $415 ·~,....... (It 1811'1) (714) 645-1104 ............. / ... 1700 16th St . .a.. "'"" I"' ...................... PllOI IUllllUI OPEN ALL WEEK 117 Manne Ave. NOW $254,0001 On 30x85 n lot. Adorable 2Br tl>e wlbrlck pellO. A SUPER VALUEI - Wl\11 HI HllNI 110,.I ' hoc. REAL ESTAlE 6.11 141~) ISWI 0111111 UIY IUY ~ 645-9857 • ._.. Ranch •tyte • bedroom, ~~~ ar1.?2~? financing. Peggy Panleon 955-2473 OC-AENTALS 760-3314 Ter,_ condO. Fplc • .8: 20902 Gltncalrn 2 bath. bcellent --wkdyl M . Woodbridge 38r, 21"8a, llo. POOi, .. c. Quletl Huntington Beech lnett.n ,,..1 mable '°"'· Mletlon vi.. 10~ Mn, Wll Ill i.11 UOO Split leYel 28'.-,, l>M-t>Mutltul upgradea, St60 ~1~5 mo. ,,_., You are the winner of 3 bdrm. 2 ba. flreplaoe, lo Realty. OwftMJ agent. 10., llTllm •••••••••••••••••••••• med celllng $795 mo 151-9350 658-9042 ---------1 (Dover at 16th) (714) 642-5113 two lrM tlckell ($18.00) double garage, walk In Alk fOt Cttol ,. .... IJlll IA<Ml1N ' mo. , ' THE BLUFFS -3Br, 2'..\Ba. v~ to the ctoMtt. 'townhouM llMltl P.ceaetter executive App<o11 ..... ec;re.. WIH NII '4•UI J.fft IUI end unit on Greenbll wt~==::--====::.. RINGLING BROS. Walk to Wfflcllff Plaza. M1 1000 home loeatec:l In W9'1olltt "' IO'nl 11911\Ure. Vetue C.11 .... '114 ··'··················· bey view Dolor• Plan ... BARNUM & BAILEY Pric.d to NII. St 10,500. • Grove priced In lfle mid 1500.000. Call &40--78e5 ••n•••••••••••••••••• * • * Nr pool, 2 Cit gatege, 8f 2 Ba upper ~· OllRI Dede 642-3043 $400,000.. Reedy fOt OC-Rl!NTALS Llllll 111111 avatl Sept 1. S850 mo. =vu,'!:'° wa '!i M---' IHd IOll Immediate occupancy OCUI 1-Sbf't 1200 10 l.2000 18682 ~lne Cir ,3 450 GaYlotL call eolMc1 :" ~ Anaheim Convenlloo Trhtl•• s1n,ooo •• -.... ";;; •••••••••••••• Qualifying IVallable 750-3314 ope!\ 7-daya H t"""I ..__.... (213) 38~503 unl1. ant r ...._._ L<;:t~~·!"~a EAST'StDE 11200 mo thr:f bullde<. Call egt VIEW IEU WDlll You U:,~·i:;,;:;; of Newpor1Shotea3 Br 2"i ~ ~ '~. Aug 19.22 Inc hM, 2 unit• Ow'*1 11 84 6092 Lm 3 80fme 2 Ba. 1am11y rm, two tree ticket• (1 18.00l ea 2 bloc:k• to beech. Furn or unturn 831-37'3 To claim P•-· call Agt. 548-4380· •94-0395 r=-nloely decorated VWU. to the cioM to ICflOOI &. tennlt. 642·5e78. ext. 272. Paa-WTltH Ollll Lrg Iota In gated, private, $875/mo. Agt. 751-3191 RINGLING BROS 982-6883. A,umnll -mull be Pct\enged 3 Br 2 Ba. tennta/ pool & ' I... hlllalde community over-New 2 BR oondo, dbl eer BARNUM l BAILEY w .. 1e11tt .,. ... 3 bdrm llalualdl4 IOf '~Mall at boll more Low, low, low dwn IOOk"'l1 Dana P1 Marina er eiOM lo ooeen .... l\Ome, Jdm cond. Lg .... •••••••••••••••••••••• ottlai prior to perf0<-Call Robert Miiiiken, L-1 -w/vlewl to Catalina & C5o Mon-Fri Anahtilm Convention landaceped wnn 9*' i.JM l~,,..J ,,,, mane.. 131•1286. ••-••• San Clemente 111. a'\1 4381 g.5 • c.nter Aug. 5-18 ner. Sec. S}'Stern. Sl150 ••••••••::::;-........ . Rfldeoor1ted 3Br 21>1 on prime loeallon. Garege, eundeck. patloe. Nr No Bly. Ow'* wttl oonlldef financing. 1175-5319 • * • 11 you want to buUd 714/tle1-0305 -<-• · Long 8Mdl ,.,_... per mo 113).1290 YrtJ 2 bdmf, 1 be. o.d<. ---------1 your own CHiie, f.J.,ALJ••dfAr Premtu realdentlal lot 2Br 2ba, 2 car gar. Dtw. Aug 18-22 ldry. No S*.L le60 • * • this opportunity of J (/< q Y7(( I m on bltlnt, frplc, c/d, no To claim p..... call UPPEA BACK BAY 3 BR., 975-GG40 t.IMa l..W.U 1111 •.••...........•••.•.• .... , ,.. ..... One family or 2 een u .. theae two llngle unite In 1he heart of the Penin- sula Point Great loca- tion near t>eechet. 1enn11 and l>oetlng. Own« ... elated financing.. $339, 000. 142-1200 j PETE ' BARRETI ·., REALTY 111111 lU.111 • llletlme wlll never REALTY =-=:37~orthwood, kldalpeta. seoo. 042-~878, IXI. 272. p.. 2~ BA., lrii. golf COUrM t.IM 16471 N<>tWlch Cir~ come egaln. 3 loi. &4!>-2580 ev -mul1 be exchanoeci Ylft lot. New carpet, Huntington BMotl on Harbor Ridge, f/IM Aln/la,.,.,'1 OCEAN/MOUNTAIN VU f0t r--...d -ll •t box 11000 rno. 873--4-483. laillnh 1#1 YOIJ art the wfnn« ol 10 PAYIEITS 1lde-by-1lde. with OrtandJ• 14$0 Suntet Bluftl. New dlx 2 office prior to perlor-NEWPORT H GHTS. 3 2·bd~:·;;.•;;;•dp;; two trM t1ck111 ($18.00) 1 .... 1 -, ... an--pran1 fOf • 10,000 ........... ,.......... br, 2 t>e oondo. Frplc:, mence br 1 1>a .. 1rp1, boat/ yrty. Mature non-amkfa • value to the •-""'m; _.., aquare loot home PAUi ..... greenhae wnc:tw. gar , • * • 11~. gwdnr Incl., no '*'· S7SO x 3 RINGLING BROS. ~~ 3 ~~-:.. e:: WI th TENNIS GREATEST CONDO. 2 yard, MC. gate, No pet1. * • * 11 . mo. 631-5418. 213171KM1t5, 257~8792 BARNUM & BAILEY COURT and pool l>dfm. s....,. e. Wodd $890/mo. 2157 Pacific WllTIUff ... $400 Br II 4 0 Olltn de. 131-2242 John, for only 12.500,000 wide exctlenge. Sec. '2. Av. S.. 1et . then can utl llJlllLll ~ · ~txJ:· .!o Anaheim Convention Agent The Owner will joint extru. Comer toc.llon, 750. 5s1a22/&444722 2273 Cornell Dr. • Bdrm 31" beth, 2 .7 Center Aug 5-1e -.,,enture, trade or private IP• neat pool. 7141403--0379 0424808 Coata M... old P-ner execu1 pell. 54 -1155 Loni Beech Arent -e5% FINANCING you can lake over $300,000 Incl. land. s 38r 2ba h You .,. the winner of home lllll1h lll>fary, laml Winter. Sept/June, Ooeerl AVAILABL.EJ 10.-.....,...._ rvoi-.. Good nnanang avella-0.1 II ll•le ~pie· ..:.. 2 1own ... two free ticket• (118.00) room, tonnal din Front 2BR 2BA, -.C. pd ug. 19·22 ... "'IYYW' ,.., ,..,. ...,_ ........ .. •• -~ ---m • m .... o. car gw .... _ 1 t.... room and 3 "' ..... _ To claim p ...... call Qualify at 9.9% lntereat $1 ,400 ,000 ol ~2· .,.,""'"'3,. ..._,._,, r..-w -w/opnr. 1780/mo. Al/ell v-0 ,,. -$830/mo ~1992 an 642-5876 ext 272. Paa-rllt and you can buy tlllt b I t I .,.. ...,~ .,, ••·-;.:_~=·:::.;.:•••• Sept 1, 54&-3278 f/Yfla/ RINGLING BROS. 12'00 mo. ~ ...... 5PM -tTM.111 l>e exettanged 2 Bdrm home or rental a a I u m a e • ---BARNUM &. BAILEY tlort. Cah agent at ---------for re9el'Ved ... 11 et box wtt1'1 yatd, patio, 9fld nendng. WOWI 100 ecr.a. one mite of wttnda, ~9S wtldyl. OllOll 648-5092 New ell«:ullW oc:.anfront Ott•-,,,,__ to ----nood location near bee-Rlwr frontage. TREE.SI EASTSI~ 3 bdr, 1 N. An· ......... m "~11on Bluffl Condo 4 l>f 3 ba apt, 3 & 3 It.a w/ ..... ,.,...., .,..,....., • 111111111 c.t1 Br• ~ d ~ ... , •-..,.... • .,,..., · • elevatoc Un~ ~ en.. l pool•. 1129,900 • • PASTURE LANDI 2 gar, yar . .. .. " Center Aug. S-18 gr"'1bett. Pool. 11385 $2200/rM. t73-1282 644-7020 114/760-1'00 homea. Lota ot erneni--dryer, ·· pata Ok Long 9Mctl Arena mo. Yrty IN. Bkr UIH HAL man ..... Wiii cone6der lredea. $650. t:Sl-4443 Aug. 18-22 &4-4-0134 c.....,,,., .,, * *. LI ... / lllfllll Xlnt fin . ..-.II. 1146-3949 COSTA MESA -2bf. 21.t To eleim p...... eall 3111 •••••••...,••••••••••••• 1t-• .8-1 •·-1•-Cute 28' houle. Owner f ... tlla V~11-1134 ··--,.._, bWrtlfUI BolM. 650 1>e AC. lrpl, dehwlhr, &42...&e78, ext. 272. P ... ~!~.~............ WunD _... -6 -•-...... _ ........ a"r ....... ,a.... ::~·=·.·no:':":?'::.:,.:.::: -i"Wiiii _, muet l>e exehenQed CdM __.._ 18' 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,.,...,_ _ .,.,.,. ....., _,.,.. .....,, "-''""" n ot ,._. frontage 3 8' mb'o, prvt. ywd. Att. -ta Ill &ox 8-ltlfully maintained ol-In • .,..,...... llC> .....,. '"' lffer L sm l·I 3 °' 2 Ba. trplc, i 1200 Brand New HomM & Pric:ed 10 Mil In trlla home on 4 .c. 1 ec. IM• dl>l~'f:· pool, $850. for ~ ... ta Ill der home Of1olnel wood w1carpo11 °' Olll'eoe tor Hom.+Gueat+lncotne Pm 53&-32te Condoa, no money down ~~ exoeptlonel & Iota of t,... ort pro-1-4 offtoe prior to perf0<-panellnQ.' lrpl, MC>. r«tf1nG lady rnovtng to 38'. 1Be & 18'. 1Be .,,_ · whle !Ny IMI. (714) 1_..,._, 2 bdrm pei. party Al\andno ..,.., m-. b<eakfut room, 3 .,.. No stain. no pat.t. 2:~C::.~ ~ ~~ ,_ IUlt•. MWfy f'9ITIOde. lnU• l0f4 ~8-9522 Agt. den l>IU• retrMt plus of· 122&.·ooo Call SENSATIONALll 3l>f ~. * * * bdnna. 2 car~ Up to S500 mo. (213) led,flelllblelerma.1129,...................... ocraNFRONT rie. Of MWlng room. 7•4n'-1021 pool,pertypello l475 1••ge .,_.d 50/mo 275-~eYee. Spot .... Vacan'I Duplex 900. Or try ..... e>ptlon. Trt1k 18971 Antl0c'1, tkbx, ""' Parquet tloOflng In entry ' ~"" OC-AEHTAl.8 750-3314 EMERALD BAY. 3 8f. 2 -7•1 ,_ __._--........_ ____ _ Huge 51>f/3be+31>f/3be By owner. 1146-2788 4 8' 2 Ba 0 R., FR. vu BY OWNER. XLNT LOC llnd dining room CloM ...i llUN ...,.,.T Little 21>f 2"1e. lg 8L trplc, l>riclk pe11o wlUI 63 ·7918 c.t• .,., #II «OK ownt l*r &45-7048 of Univ S200 000 sao $400,000. 840-7990 Pool ""' "i5oo ape 1 1&00 i. IA ~ 1111 •••••••••••••••••• .. •• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii HOME FOR SALE by ow-000 down, . 116o.oo0 :.c,,. 11n::::-and ••• ~ffr. ..... ~ ~E~~~at~&o-3314 2131178-2255. ..! ... tt""A!'!......... 1 .. 2 .. J .. .. _ -··-ner 3 BR 2 Ba. eeperai. A I T.D 12% Int only 104' 5 ll .... ··-·.. I-... ..... _ ... ... • •• "'""* Newf't decor G• pd "'•-,.,.._ dlnloQ room, COll9f'9d ... ..._, 541_5032 _.r• --.... _... _. • 2 bt pool unl1 , deWxe HARBOR OCIE.AN FRONT 1 .... _, __ 10 .......... ,.,.,. encJ pr, dw9ttr, Pool: 1111,llO patio, PonderoMSt. CM, yrs..._. You~ the land 2.000 Cor-poratlon ..,_ to 'ltc:tl ~oar 1475 Nu 3200' lu• 11m on bluff. ... -"""' ....,., :Lc;AdUft pees .,._.,. TIM"' ,....,F"'""'O·. 113"' 000 ..,.,. ,_....3 .... -.. ..,_ u~ & aq fl, 38r, tam rm, 2'~ tr~ $3S,000 _...., In ,.,,..RE.NT LS 7U.. "'"14 180 ,._,, vu of hatt>or. mo. R«e. No l*a. . l3 t , no . 1-h';~t 3BR"2~"~h liiiii<>i,iiii. i.-i...-iiiiii. iii~ ... ~~ ~down Ba. Wide Qr..,!Mtt, ,_ exc.ptlonel 3 a;_v•H.w. ~ _..._ 1urf,-::itn1. 31><, 3ba, 49~4M ----·----- over 1800 ~ n wlt1'1 ~ REAL ESTATE TAX IN· while they ...,, (714) pool Fw tlelOW mar11.. Lid R lty port BMch ConOO. All NEW llrge 2 Br formal MCUrlty, aeuna. epa. c .. 1.w... 2 l>f . 1 be., ~ .. veky petlOI and gardenl. VESTMEN'fl '6000 _548-__ 9_5_22_'-G_t_. ---$245,000 Wiii ..... op-0 9Q ueumatit. financing. dining, large private $1995. 491-7009. drapea. l>Yilt·ln•. No Owner will nnanoe aul>-tlon. Bkl. 644-0134 Want w_,. ~. beckywd. le751mo. Ualsnlu.I If~ I*' 1426 2272 MllCM eeanrn 1145.ooo attar. IYIWRI 7"!l7300 reeteurent.O<whathe\19 Days 831-0117, Evee Charming beechlront •••••••••••••••••••••• 831-2927 . . atantlal 1st TO at 12% Int pur~ MINIMUM lax ~ 54~1 horn. ~ecular VUI, Retort·llke adult tract nr1--------- • 7 yr term A leu«lold deduction 111. ywr $10. ~~P~~~L~:?°~~~ lrwrtlT WITS you? Aaklng 1229•500· 54 9151 l>flck courtyard entry, 4 SC Ptu POOi, grdnr. Speclout 2 Bl' 1Ba.1425. eetate. Prle4NI to Mil In 000. Own« (lnY91tor) will C Older 11ouae over 1300 Otill IHI llllle Ageftt 1148-104-4 Nr. S.C ~. 38' 21>a, 8' 3'A Ba. lrg llv rm & din Dlux 1 8'. No l*a. $475 3 Bt 1'~ Ba 1475. IM. aupply total down pay-::1~R,~R·~::,m ~· eq. n. plu1 111119 dete-•••••••••••••••••••••• •·-•·•-uppet, deck patio, Pool. rm. l>each rm. Iota of & $35 uUI. 775-2580. l.eundr)' lac., pool 144-1211 m.it up to $40,000 In Ae·. i~e ched dOIJl>le'garege on .. ,.u•, ... n ._..,. dllldren/ I*• Ok. $850, "°'-r.· For leaM only Hlg1'11yupgraded&eleen. 54&·8556 /Jn "l1u[L [JAIL[ Y & ASSOCIATES CdM's BEST DPLX I ...... ch ~ -... • • ..., ... _ ft••At ,., ...,, ••••••••••••••••••••• • ..... ..,...,. -..... ...... -·•1 eggy Patt""-1----------equ IY .,._a pur ... 857-83e3 .,_, . .....,. ,._, · tome ftt "11 I I• v• .rvvvv""' ~ ..... >I. 9! ,...,., "' ~ Bctt Big Canyon1 S420/mo. 2 Br 1 Ba ac>I , In .__ luxurlou1 2-3 new plumbing l eleetr1c. •••••••••••••••••••••• • ...., hnlu.I Spec. home for rent. Kid• an appt. 55-2473 wt!dyl 3 Br 2'A Be, golfCOUfMI ~ oelllng. l..idry ~:. J ... Ba~ UNI PRl<4Bdrtownh0me 50x117 R1 IOI Owner~ 8Mdl De Ariza •••••••••••••••••••••• &!*IOk 1925 4 1>f, l'i'i 8-5. View, pool, ape. rm.,pcol.AvalJ.July.Cal on gr~belt exc.llent need• euh. 1174,000 baytront Partl. Mint ..U.. ba trplc Roger Ocean \liew ,_ ~ Sl400/mo 114-4--9090 roe appt. Int. depra .. apre. ttruc-buy. $137,000 0pn Sall 461 Santa Ana Ave cond. ·18 dl>I wide, fir• lnJa1IJ• Jll1 &45-e705 alter 8 ' t.c1 .._......:..., 3 8' . .......,. TSL u-1 642 1903 lured lor buyer, poaible Sun 12-5. Agt 857-204-0 Wkdys 831-3520: Evea & place. brick patio. 158, •••••••••••••••••••••• -..·-..,.,... Brand new Corona dell ...._... · 4-1 beneftt Phone IRYlll . 1121 &AA Wlmd• 548-50<'1 500 Bin Gr\lndy wim. ~tel Small 1 l>f, gar . big lncd ........ 11450· 4""1878 Mar luxury 2 bdrm, 2 I>• $490/mo. 2 8'. 1 8&. up- 714/631·5055, ,_., IEWPllT IQlm 67s-e18 1 Very nioe 2 bdrm. petlo, yen! S455. onv. b)' 790 Agt condo with Pool l ga-per unl1. erlOlad gerage. Compete value ol thl• 3 71411142-2000. Adorable 2Br hOme In iarage, laundry. w. Wlleon e73-e331. '--mJU •l•Hl llSI rage. S1000tmo patio. all btt4na. laundry unit duplex 10< only !~~~~~~~~~ lovely nelghborhoodl Ex-Cl1armlng 2BR 2ba cot-'70 Flee1wood. 12x40. 550/mo + depotlt ":':7•••••••'••••••••••• 499-458e rm. 124-0,000. Attractive fl. Iii Cl911ent flnancJng avail. tege HUQ9 lot. Finan turn . NEW range & r• 873-5816 4 bdrm, 2 be, eerP91, Gated community. 3 TSL Mgmt. &42-1903 nanclng. Drive by 618 I.I~ WllUW Many amenities tnctu-avail S185.000. frig, Starlight VIII 7141 dfepea. frpl.J:'dMr ~ bdrm. 11200 per mo J .. .._ .. ,. lflnid-4 3 Br 2 8L T Narcitaua or c:.all fOf de-ding 8 fruit tree1 Call 548-7145 & 642-8eee 873-4326, 213/ lnU• JIH 1825 557 9 after 4 CUSTOM REALTY -:r.::::••••••••••••••• Letge ..;,...._. ~ I·"· Call ••" 7"'•" 4 BDRM 979-5370 799-1022 u ••••• •• •• ••••••• •••• pm no "171 ,.,,......... houM In ....-• ....,..,_.. .... ....u-""" s 130.ooo JAllllU •m e..uurv11y upgraded 3 .. -1erge poo1, garden ... : Cedlllect to Go-Carta Whatever the Fad Roll 'em off the marht With a Clualfled Ad Cell Now! 642-5871 NR FAIRVIEW/BAKER Price and down reduced 35 " cullocn trailer, New-l>dfm. l'h ba ConOo In 3Br, 1ea. dlhwthr, lg ,yd. •1n1 .. ""'• 1111 lnh1w ,.,, ting. M 75 &45-3311 BY OWNER 150 000 dn Plan t~ port Beech River Jettyl. WoodbndOe. frpl, 2073 Monrovia. avali m-••••••••••:/•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 67s:a...9 . • 845--0164 s2ei>o Sq n ·3 bdrm, 2.,.. 18.000. &48--0393 Aaaoc., No Pett. 1725. med. M25 mo. 951-5"3 HOME FOR RENT Furn. Baytlde Studio. Mo . bL Assumable 13%. Pr!-S.. Breezea. lo rent, 2 BR 75$-1015 WIAIT ..... 3 Bdrm. & 4 Bdrm. le05 of Auo. Lie/opt. 1530/mo. 2 Br. 2 8&. By Owner, Tur11e Rock 3br to seoo. Fenofld ywda & $295/mo 1176-3498 Townhoueea, Cit por1a, People who need people 2b1 rent 11000 mo or vate AITD. Owner/Agt. 'h blk lh0p1. mkt, bul. '--au IHIA 3141 2 ~ IUft•. t1cy-garages. Kldl 1 P91• pa1to9. all l>ft4ne. ~ lhould atwaye cl\eck the S 50"" ..... 9555 1151--0130 55 yre age req. aec: "'••••••••••••••••••• 'lfota, pool, 8'>•· welcome. 645-2000. e.,... 'll #ar J7. rm, amell P9I °"· Wont .,_.,,_ Olir--'r6 In ,... sell 2 " .,...,.. Cl' .. ' -·•--' In ~ • DD -.._ ... m .,_ I 001 • • t ~,,,.... """'' ,,. New 4 BR Backl>e ,.._............ .. ...,, ·-..-.. •v , .,._, mo. A..-t no tea •••••••••••••• ••••• • lalt DAILY PIL T BY OWNER Well localed y area. Gr"'11Mf. Pant, c te, prlv Bdl., tennll. Watettront HOmea. Inc ...-·' 0oean view, t>eeutlfully TSL u.-1 &42-1803 rvl Or d 3,200 ~· fl. prvt. comm · •• Dou ...... ........_ L 4""'" ....... I •··-"' ,_, furn townhou.. lrplc "'V"" ------~-.!.;:=;=~~=::;::;;::-I I ne angetree con o. $367,500. Wiii trade lor ...... .,.. ...... an-· ._.... U 1· HIO ..,..11 -• -· ' · Aft. 5, 6'2-&221 c..~~ ,,i\.,..( f) 'C ~C. .... l Br & loft. Preaently proc>eny. TD'• Wiii cer wlttl attacMd tun .,_,. •-·-"' •lfl ··-·•"••••••••••••••••• pool & patio. $195/mo '::~::.' 0'» \'<IU LV~ -<b r:.-<.r-.J• u•• rented for inYN1m.it ._~tton or tow rm., 2 car c:.arport, 2 -::.~:.~!'. •• f.-. l/Slde 3 l>f, 1ge yard Tll lllffl 873--0891. Flf9')1-. pool. diatlo-_____ t""-4..., OA• • ,_ -a ·" ~ ____.,... bdrm• Ind 2 ba1f'la 1850 238 eo.ta Meu 3 .._ 2,.. ...... ... ..._ wether. P"' oatJo X l O pu~ ""' v-. down Rea,dy to deall · · WATERFRONT HIGH · .,. , ,... -. PfV<. --.. 1 8r 1nc:1 utll ,........ redee, 0 .,........ 2 ._ .. ~ • lmmmed. oocupa"'"". ........_:_/Brok~. Prime end unit with Iott RtS• CONDO·. 2 Br St. 875-159'4, 720-1443. S 2""' ·~• ._, .., ......, o·-·--· .. ..... ·-· .,........ .. .. emen111ea , ...... g.,, em1 ~t1o. ctoae •o 557.21141 . . •-oc'°'"*" -• i... Prloed at llCtuel 714-544-0e14. 01 Pflvtcy and nice yard. 2'i\bt, .unat pool. 801 2 Br 1 Ba patio ,........ 2 529-8093 1tocea. 833-74-47 !----·-----'°"' to '°'"' '"'" _ .. -d• mid· 1g81 purc:tl-price ___ ...._ _____ 1 $42,000 owner motiv.-Udo, etti floor. Furn, . ' ,_v, . of 182,500. Owrlef will OllfFIAWD ted. $3000/mo Call •-t car ~. laundry CC-RENTALS C.11 .,., 1714 2 8r. garden .,i~ I t i E ,~ I er I ~......,..S_,...F _A...,,L.......,.K,..· -11 1 , . I I r r . I I G 0 C I L I ! B.n1ne1 •••ry 1ucc:euful I' I I r . 1! young rN" .,.ne1e • wom•n ~ 11'1 1111 IMrO oracle 1 .. c; ..... - -11-(-,.-, -N J-H-E-, 11-,--., 0 ~~ ,::'°...:~!:.v ~ . . . _ ....... ,,_...., .... l_ I ~mtt'SOu¢~N1110 r r I' r I' r I' I • w:f. lflTIU '0 I I I I I I I I llUll-UTI ...................... 11M 1 -· help ftnenct. 1198,000. 3 8r hm. on 17141671·4400 Rlta 762·&710 ....._., ~=·No:,$685=: 1-5bf't&200toS2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• :W ~ erpt~/mo 714/955-2033 or giant 170' lot Adjoltllng 111)16H·HH 8311-204-4 alt 7PM, 7&o-.33l4 C>pef\ 7-<t•V1 S390 Attrecttw partly 548-9950 • 759-l071 K.-en. nature oenter. 'trade/ H on 831-0131 OAM-SPM. 3 e-. 2 8a l!U1bluff. llYI turn. apt. lg patio, ga.r. . TllllflO Tll• auto Of 1. Ownr/agt. ARB " ;;;;;;r••••••••;;;,t s Br. 'ea. ierge yard. No Juty 15.~2:1':°' ~·Ru=·~!.:: 2 .i!nn1 8:.. US:,..,.p.:: 3 Bdfm IOWnhOrM, grMt _M_8-43 __ 80_._4_04-03 __ 95_· __ 1 ••••••••••••••••••:;:'=' peca. Monte vi.ta. Db ..... ._ ..._..a..... 1-213-454-5104. $440/mo. Sierra Mgmt. location. Low Int__, llAl11I PllOI lfllf•• • seec>tmo. 8*f• Mgmt. ....,..,., "V uw-.. ...., A••• IE HI 641-1324 . auumable 1tt T.D. owe -.. eo. 041-1324 3 aa. Nu paint & C411l*· .,..... --------2nd -1 tavoral>le ret•. UJIOT1ll Y~·Weak.ly-Wlntet, 2, Pool, no peta. 11~115. ALL UTIUTl!S PAID NEW BREED APT8. Full r,oe 1 134,llOO. l..erge 2 llOty. 4 8f, P• II i!°'"~111n or 3,4 ~ .... ,... &44-4360 1 Br ~·~OM~ 761-31 1 ~H=!,~~ Jr 1n1"'1ml'flt l'u .llOllS~W.TJ .. ~ .......... :¥.ff ~t..~ .• ~ ~Cutt~_; ~.'No-.c': c::: ',I I I ' ~·'LJt1,,i ,,·t, ~:!!O:: t::c,. ~ '°c!; M~~ dlbl :· 2 ~ ....... IT 1-5~=~0'12000 =. = L~"!r. ~.':: =·':!s-~.:.~\lfr=:I ~ 11. . . ~t.~P~Chels:. Aduti1 $40,oOo. Out of KV . 7I0-331' oCMl'I T-d«yt 1*f. A~ 11350 dee! wl1fl pluati i.tmca-1 ... l. P1-. 8 EllettMn Ao-ii alata owoer. No agtt. • l'Jl-1111 5 Blllttooowi. Eeoent > &4M788 "'&..e..110 · ~: :::.-''· 1515 ""2al" I I llUU YllWN 875-2373 or 720-0740. 71411M-4182 llft ..... ,..... :Sao"~ r:..• ~ ......... ., fttw 465 w. Wiiton 042-1871 11UYm1ft · ~.t~ :..~ ~ 111tfl111.,,... ~ l£!!R NA.a;I ="~:O.. ~ 2 ~':..: !!.:.~ ~ 3 ~ -.::.~ •u::r-11 =='.r::.. = :;""~= G~ :::i•a :· =....• J::; ~"l"JY.a. ~~-1 · "~i.r'1r't• r:-aoe. t\llly "*"'· Yflrd, 11200 per mo. EWe a .. !!'!!............... ~... .,. home '"' entert.Wng gr~b911.. • ill.~-.. ..,; ... ~ ~ .. 527 .... ln.aNI. de a With lta large lam. rm. 780-1097 or 752-M71. ,. ... a.pt 1, Hf, fMI 18th. 8t. ~1. Nl·1C>n l,L't FllllT atl !· Wlaor\ 141a With F.P .. IOrmel din. ' 8ey1ront view oonoo. 2 BR MoblM Home 1~ ..... ~ doCM, "'*' 2 It 10Wllfl0me wtth lltt• ' " s Ba. epa 3100 eq ft ~ Eltate L.Mngl lloel1tlna ... 2 •• 1V. llY. rmt. Large enouof'I 2 Ba. MC. bldg. eo.. tllp 8x11 encl9d PotCfl, l••hJ:e/P.. ~ ~ ~ vw. 12900/mo lteluttf\11 S*it .. • M · k '*·• F.-cl, ~ ~etfJ tot • poo1 and • ave11 NOO:l>OO ey S8316. Hl'e., o.-1. c.11 M i 421 4 Br a ... oomn1. poo1, tOUftdlnga. T.,..... paid. ~ 2 .,... r!:. "~-=: 9; own;tl>tlr. 81~1 an &PM. 112. ~~~ Yf'Y. Dr (~ nr ~~;:a'· "'2·1 c:-"~1~91~'7·-. ~~ Ct::: :;J...o.no =--. ...umal>le loant 1319. BAVORE&T: 38', pool, c._, "* Waterfront ttomee lno. n·a CM%Yl Snn LOA--oomm. j)ool llGO/mo ~ rocirMe. ~ '600/IM. a "· .... -900. IPI. tlr«>lt. 81Q, V9fY C,_,. JIM 111·1• Ol.O 3 II' 2 la. OOMln. pool nr ,.._dining --. w.-... ena.1. .... .... ,____...,. I"' pr!Yate4 ~antaltlO ..,. ••••'-""••••••••••'\";";' ra,11 ltltch MC>MalO 8 .C. ,._. t TfO/mo ..... t10fM •• k~ trp1o. INPr f1tro. ..._ -;:rm;............... mable flnenolno • ~ Plldflo View Memor19I ..__... •~"""'-OC.AINTALS 1~14 °' tt) ..... optiOl'I °" en A CllblMla. Wiik '° on .... OLOE LAGUNA C ...... RM price In .,... at t 2", Plltc, Nwp\ Bdl, Lot 744, ~ ~"w/.._ ..._, .....,_. -· ....... ,._,_ My of tnaee, ...,_ HuntinttOft o.nt.. TkMg!M. Mlo.191 Unique 2 l>dfm ftoot 000. VllGMI. 2007 Holl-Gr-A I I , eeyytew -,_..,, ,_a ,_ ,_ ._.,,.. othata. fired Ten«9, 1Gt t ldml-tum, t101 ---------- plan, 1 beth, llY rm wt day Ad k . "6.2141, Temce. a2200. =--ton.~,!!~ do. inwn;;.~· f.'1-12tl. '31·2711. t ldn'/MUrn fl'om MOS beamed ce111no-. Nird-1eo-1m era-1111 ·-""' , .. , aeoo t • ftOtN. a -T ~ ... _ WOOd ftoor• & oozy loo •IYllWlllllra. IM4-TNZ. t .,, 2 ... ,_ A .,,...... -··· OMl at• _, .. buf'Nna trpec. S1f7,600 IU1LO£M SACRIFICI. I CMllffflJI 1 Mm llPl .,....., • ......._, ,.~ ..... .._.. ._ ~. "°"' .. 71 F\111 Price 9R I le. IUa "" ,.,..... '"' ooe111 ...... from M1e • ....,... • --A4(1 t4t.al60. ....... MISSION A!ALTV oondoe .. orwt IOc. 1180, ...... " •• .,. .. _........ A '*"" .. _A.oeu 1IOO ... ft oandO. AW/I "".,..... 40+()7S1 ooo '. a1eo.ooo. ..,.,, UUIY ';...,.... :::::Z'fno Awa 1~~ ~ ...., ..... a bdtm, •tie """"-',.... t7f.4stl .,..,....... ancl ·~-__ .. S*\ttlo•· ~ = CMtm1no o1c1er oonaoe. Ta...... U1·1• uao. Uoo aeo •• pe11o. ~ooo. 141 wond9fflA OCMt1 'ltew. ~MW~ 2 bdml, u..-... _._ ~ Mt.t•?t. ~AM _or_1_u __ ,_1 ____ 1 n.,.. Atetl lay • atmott 2 l>ettl Md\ unit with -...... .......,,_ .. OGWtfn>m • ttrr1M • Get OAnN c.tt1 ~ enoloe9d p.tlo. the CllmPlnll "M ' t Nal/Mo tit Lib "*'* Who need P.ople M l& 000 tor WHIT& alepNntl garaoe. ....,_ 1trl. "-· ~. It rCN 1*t I oem-1 t9Clfft .... for ..... . . Thal'• 1'N1 the ..... r.rtlT LL wltft. Q...if(ed Ad --...... Now ., ... per ltlafa not o•llll'lt ~ ""' r9"1. "° DAI y PILOT •1•11 1 c.11 w .. ee11 ooo. 1111 ONncty, Ntr, ueecii Mii tt now wttt1 a Dota. 8'M. ~....,. aetiWrce OtMOTOtW 11M1t1 Qm1,,_ M . .... MO-Hit It all about! •• ,. ._,......, __ __ . . ' . t ••t••••••••• e •••••••••••• ~'"'········ ftl.4~•••••••••• ~Jiii. ••.•• ,....... •• •• • • I ••• • • • ..,., oompiM• malnt TIAIO °' HMIUl'P lriok·lloctl·~ lnll•ll lictWet. loblf, .,., • 19111T ... l home l~t "911ebt. ef!Mntna ,_ II Otclct, cov.rt. ttnMI, CMttlen. PriJfnPt. Gd ,, .. Mt. ~ pr._ 111 &Artli 14, NtV "4-82'1 hetel .wt ..,_,,., 110 Uo Oouf. tAt-0111 nttt. ,, .. "' 151 .. 811 Qvel. WOt1C UO. »111t htta.... Catpet1lry, Clablnltt , HCUH<:LaANINO VAICH'I LANDfOAP! •11~ & &on PetnllnO 1J1·U•I You .,, lhe win~ of Plumb .. Orlin OINnlng, ly 8c8ndlnevltf\ L94Y MAINT. complete malttl ao yra up. In heel! lflUf lnrln two tr .. tlelt••t 111 OO) 119Gt., Tti., "-'t. l!xp'd, tAa.2t71 OSprinktert lntttllecl. arN. ,,.. "' eea.1111 ••e.-••••••••••••••••o .. ...... .... ,.. 1r .. 1rlmm...., l ptantl"", lllM>,USIONAL Al· val\.19 to the ._.... Home CIMnino: honMt, Latty 8'5-72"34 ··• Wt Pt lnt 1rtylhlna tt\11 IUMES l CAAllA RINGltNO IA08 H0-123t rellable, Mrd'NO<kll'IO l doetn't moote In*-Of COUHSlLINO 851.0100 aAANUM & IAILIV Call for 11'111 oonttNGtlon, rtlwencet 654-4•5'· .,, •• ,. outll<M Lio. 3M191 OtR• r19aln, lleetr., plum-Tllot enloned •••••••••••••••••••••• 63t·lll01 •I. fNl!!.lli1ltf.,...... ~-fifffll1, flH~~~-"' ....... .. l ti.mpqo I 11MM 61Nn, .........__........._ IL.IO"'~IAN Color brl9l1tt nt rt, wM ,,... 114, •JHlll*. lml to0w~rt. LIO .. orpt• • 10 """· blMctl Quit. won&. Uo '" '"· us ,QI.(). ,0 ..... ~ .. ill, IN/dtn ITMl 11;tyg U ,-tMI J rOOf'll 17.80; oouotl l lCJ; 11...M. •• Oht H. Gu.r. ettm s-t llW 11111'111t111 r.:r."T. • .,. ........... . octor. 0n>t reoa1r. 11 yr• Attnodtl MeicttOomml TWiii Hp Do work m~Hll !lllMATU Lio ~,om ToPpedlrtmOWd. CIMn AM• 631.0101 MecltlerranMn Ul), lawn rtnoV 1e1~•1t No lttam/No &namPoO Cont tructlon Inc. MOWINO • CLIAN UPI An ........ "' "----11on blnn, 3!1 yrt op °""" old·t• 8RIOl<WORK: Small Job•. •••••• • •••••••••••••• ,.":.::"',.,, A;Q'."=''1e ... Comp1et. hHCIMnlno. Newpor1. Cotlt Mitt. 011t .. P1l.tl11 Hubtf Rooftng·•ll IYPM L';O i..eti ;;ena Bul'ft!I. tlffll Aeft. Jen 639-t1tt lrvlne Ref• 875-3176 26 Y'• exp Lio oi031•1 N-reeo1ter-dtdlt Stain 8ptelalltt. '"' !14t • \t'fl Ilk fOf Joa Hau11n9 • l.andtcaplnQ 00 IT HOWi dry fir .... t. 839-1!192 Ct ,.., W~I• ,,... Mt 041·tt01 AU ftr...... IXCIL CARPIT CAAi ••• *: •••••• -:n"~"":.~.f. .-.ie't Garo.itne Aug. , .. 22 ''i:.t..:~~ .. MAIDS OF OAANOE CO Cuetom ltlCk-Stone Bonded Ina."-" ColOt UC. 1411902 649 t 734 To cla.lm OUMt. call wu. sw.dlen orelteman. CNaltty TNm Cleanll'IO Block·Concret .. Stucco •xi-t ~-0911 RI· ,..,ju1ll•• Jtdl luttlngton Kit llWnod ' otftl'l\lo Ille, CIMn·UPt. tt• trim l Vour o.lly Pilot Ownerl opttttor cablnett. <;.it now • fl'M m-int. Mf'V. 6~8036 Service DlteetOf'Y Clfpel, upt\ol, ,,... rug Hllmate. "2-08111 ~t•tl~ oteanlng. WM guar I will r19atr all tumllure a * • • 042-11078, ext. 272. Pu-sine. 111'7. Comm/,.., Bonded, Int 631-8222 Rett. FrM ttt. 5411-9492 chard ····auooeT~ATu···· -mu1t be ellChtnQecl ee1°119t/727·3'foi0 Oenerll HOUMGleanlng 8rlckwork...-ntll or loe 1t•r/•• Low min Sim !Obi OK tor r1Mf\'9d ... ,, 11 box a .11 Rellable, ret1 tO Y" •JIP. lobe 100·1 tocat raf1 •• r.-••• A··••••••••••• Uc Fr" lilt Oo4 t -758 t omo. prior to PtrfOt· ••u• 992-0510 aft 4 s1~ 1'""" ••"'8"12 l'ar1hl119 lnttnot o.tlQn ---------mane. •••••i°ill••············ ·-............. " HAN01NG/8TRIPPINO ktH•I 141 ... ll, llf, HI Fr .. &t "5-1171 guarantM 111 Fr" Ml. I OAltL ..... ~~~~~~~' ~fr..1/.~!!f!!!f .... = Tom 8'6-1~1 1::tt~'i.!' • • • OUMP JOBS 11:~~~!:.!'. 'f,:; !~!!~r............... VIN·MC Scott 845-9325 ···t.;oBiLe'seR°viC'e··· & Smtll Mo1tlng Job• .... Call Carol •It 5PM, ASR PAPERHANGING Retcreen1/Naw acreen• Afdall CARPET & UPHL CLEA· ••••••!(•••••••••••••• .., ••,...;tt••••••••••••••• NEA D1coratl1te w1terproof 'ou are the winner or Drtwwa)'t. Panctng Lot 3 rm•. '35, wood nr au decking, rapalra & rec· two lrM tlckN 1119 00) S&~.;;~~~to work guar. '3W643 Oll9r apacl&ll11. Oouglu "1~~ot'l:.a SROS. K&D landacac>e Malnt. Call MIK! Ml-1391 846-•192 ·ABC MOVING 7 yrt local exp Guar NB/CM 8'2-9552 CNk:k, Caralul S..vle4 work Pric.t 1tart at ---------•tal •tttlf Fleld1 Co 073-15779 SARNUM & &AIL~V ~/Comm. CIMtl~. HAULINO.QAADING bpar. HouM CletnlnQ o.n Hallbef11 Griding ••••••• •••••••••••••• 0.. ti OllOQ Lit• hauHng. !H .. 2'4 9 damolltlon. ctaan~p Rellable. Rel• F,.. Nllm•t" 1552-0410 $8/rolt Alie 751-7027 IH11t1rl1/ l#ffl111 & Paving Co. Rea/cornl. Ctrnent·Muonry·Btock •••• !! .• ~••••••••••••• Qual. waec11,,0, remember Concrete & tr• removal. 663·1976 -------------------1 ••••••• .............. . Uc 3978(M 142-1720 Walla-Cutt. WOflc. Uc. •KATRINA'S LIVE·tN Anaheim Convention tne 3 ..... reu. rellable, Quick Ml'V. 942·7938 --------- •l· 1 ltYlll• Wallpaperlog-Palntlng CLERICAL SERVICES Top quality. Spac:ltl care Rea/com'I. bndlna1tlan Skk~•T'IPlng•F11e9 A•-•lln #381067 Rob 5'7-29113 htkpr9. dally maid..,..,, L~1~·:,-:. Rick, 497-3070 HAULING & MOVING !'.~!!!!{'!!~'·········· In handling 25 yr1 HP quallty Hllmar 5• .. 7075 PU/del. tvall 8'2-81519 No ~J:!tve f~~353 !J~!!!V.~!~~'. ....... ft!!#]!!! .......... " •••••••••••••••••••••• Concrat•·•mall or 101 office claanln~, crpt Aug. 1a.22 Complall Lawn care, Local Student w/lruek I ED'S PLASTERING SERVICE & REPAIR ST AR\llNG COLLEGE NHt patchffltaxturea Van Oppent s.tvlce Co STUDENTS MOVING ALL TYPES (114) 1138-460e CO UC T 124-439 Automobile Air Cond. Jo~. Aemo111. repteoa or CIMnlng. 9311-21 II To elalm putlt, call Cle&n·UP•. tr .. ~. ___ 1.ew1e __ o_1a-_8_1eo ___ I HOUSE WATCH INC Aepalr. tfSO Wellt Pl-r8'>tlr. 8'5-1512 &rww,U 8'2·5678, ext. 2.72. Pu. aprlnklert. Mika Haullng & qulok olean--up, ~~tt3f6'~~6:~8/2"; CM. Bontlkoa 5'8-5200 t-..,.C..,.O_NC_R_ET_E_W_O_R_K_&_1 ":':1.~'••••••••••••••••• Ma mytt be exehangecl 631-7670 ydt. gllllOfl, Job-t ltu &1---------W-'llJ.a SLOCK WALL REPAIR DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC tor rM«\lld ... ,, at bo• --------1 prop mgmt Rlctc )uJlftl•/ ... _,.':" .... f........... 77 l -6278 tit &P.M. ~,.. oew a Old. 11 ottk:e prior to Ptrfor· Tiii 11111 IOll1 031.0965 Krlt 031.o963 •••••••••••••••••••••• BABVSITIING-my home, l'.:'""--------1 yre exp. BuCI 552-9582 mtn~ Lawn-tr... ' LOW RATES Otfie.t, lntured 641-8'27 846-8258 rn • WATCH US GROWi PLASTER PATCHING •••••••••••••••••••••• fnod yd, hot mealt. Any· Drlvea, pello•. walk•. Free * 11 * ahrub lnatttl PROF. SERVICE bldg•. Vacancl ... 1trlp & time. 5'8-207• Ell No Job too 1mall. Wall taxturea-Aeo1ntto Tr" trlm-remo1ttl Hauling • yrd clean up wax ate CHRIS r~1~1!f1. •••....•.•.•• RastuCGOt. Int/ext. 30 TILE INSTALLED yr• Nall Paul 545·2977 All Kinda. GuarantMd Rel a. JoM 1140-9217 538-2907 Hang· T~StMI ttudl Lawn cer•Rototllllng Quick & clean Fr" "' 71'-900-9390 INFANTS & UP Lie. 389944 1·532-55'9 Oallf, Lan I ....... Free .. umata 548-eO&S 973-0548 Oey or Night, SSOI Wll. Cullom concrete brick· DRYWALL TAPING ltnlet, H1·11'1 ,. J...'1t1fll•f. flll PlllTIH by Rlctiarct Sinor Lie l!IBO&t• 13 yra of happy local cu1tomer1 11 ••• ,.. . ········'············· ,,,. 6.IYJtl Coata M... &46-5759 block wallt ·patlo•-B••'ra•• •••1Hl..-1a1, •••••••~'• •••••••••• to u n d a II on 1 LI c · d All Taltlur" & Aoouatlc RON'S GARDEN I NO ••••••"•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••••• VANDENBERG WILL BABYSIT $1/Hr 536-5013 FrN UI Kavin 975-9088 8 yra NBIC<IM Quallty HOME IMPROVEMENT ROBIN'S CLEANING LANDSCAPING "•"'• "•••••L · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · ·· · · · · SLOW RATES$ Vour lull service plum r Tree 1r1nimlng & removal Ha·IUO/HO·Ul2 all ctetnupa & mowing ' 0 wll .. 2~ yrt. Mon-Fri l~r..-,,-::,~11-1-::lfn,---.lf.-a_n_iJ--l lJtittziu./ at reu rat ... Malntl REPAIR-PLUMBING Sa<vlce • • thoroughly Malnt.. IOd, planting, 6am~ C.M. 8'2·2995 •••••••••••'•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Landacapa 615·93911 Carpentry. elec, tit.. Free clean houM 5'0-GOST teed lawnt, clean-upa & Thank you, 83 t-4410 ~.~~.~~ ..... . REMODEL/AOO.ONS ELECTRICIAN-Priced "' No job too amall. Joan'• C!Mnlng s.tvloa 1r1m Lte•d 979-6148 PAINTER NEEDS WORKI 30 yra 8.llP, 1111/ Exler ACOUlllc cetllng1 Davie Ptlnllng 8'7·5186 El EU 141-1121 5~·70'7 & Carpentry. Uc'd. 25 right, lrM Htlmata on Yard malnl & clean-up 845-2811 HouMS-Apt .. Rental1 y11 exp. Irwin 54 .. 2719 large or tmall joti.. jobs. Local rel. Day & _EX_P_E_R_T_H--.. N-D-Y"-... -N-OttlOH. ~1287 FlH EmlllTlt 24 •r ~ ,,,.~, tto !!!'!!!~ .~{~~!!!f •.... Woman don not radiate by body wrap aion.. Oii· l ull.ta & weight lou. Debby '\'Aglf. 5' .. 2149 Lie 390821 873--0358 e1tea. 042-9795 Neal ,. ,..,. Sod. aprlnkler & thNb ln1tanatlon Our work only 1~1 expan .. ve Check ow prW:. belOl'e you buyl Lie ~ te Call Judy, 8'0· 155 t u.,.... .., ........ ATLAS PLUMSING & "Let the Sun.nine In" HEATING • Specializing Call Sunahlne Wln<low Fine Flnlfhed Carpentry CarJ*llry • Rooting NNd a maid or a h ... Rernod. Spec Randall LIC'D ELECTRICIAN llltlHlll Walttftl Plumbing, etc 8'2-e<>13 keeper? Hr1y or wkly? Lk: '19587 720-1290 Oull. WOt1c . R-. ratN Mowing, edging. ruing, LOU'S HOME REPAIR FOf oornpl --..to... call HOUSEPAINTING In & out Fr" ffl Call Sruee 972-0119 111 Rep11r1 & qeplac• Cleaning, Lid 548-8853 meot (7 14) 6'6· 1688 20'to Monthly Dtecount Buyer m"t' Miier-with an affective cla11llled ad 8'2-5878 WA\' CONSTRUCTION Fr" est. 03l·5072 Tom s~log Free .. u. Elec:-Cerpentry-Pklmb. Viejo Servloe Agy Remodel . Additions SELL Idle llama with a matea. 945•5737. PIHter·Stucco-Palnt 973·9000. bonded by St. Lie 420802 8'2-1200 D.ity Pilot Claultlad Ad I Idle Items 942-5878 R .... price. 873-8633 _0_1_C_1_11_1. _____ _ for rour lawn mower DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 lnt1Ex1, loweat rates. Trade your old llulf for prompt, neat aervlce, 10 new good lea with a yrs in .,_ 848-5084 Classllled ad 642-5878 LINES •FINEST IN 0 C.• Ron'• Window wun1ng Retid Reu 830-77 t t days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (~Extra .... '1..00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 A'U:.::::j" A"t.i.::::j" A,.;::r-::j" A,,;::::::." r~~! ........... 11!.f'~! ... !'!!. !t !~N!. !J.~ ·~,!~~'!. !!.f~~!!.!l!!' •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••• ••••• •••• ••• ••••• •••• • •••••• •••••• 1s275 mo. n'°'1ty turn. . M/F 10 ahr my E.akt-e C M l ~!~.~!!~ ...... Y.~1 f~!~.!~ ...... Y.~~ ~l!.!!.~A ... Y.~~ !'!!r.!!.~!~ ... !.~~! ::=...dryerp(,oikl~ ROllllTE ~lau~~ry ,r; SJ°rs EASTSIOE 2 Br. l'Ai Ba. 1 BR apt, 1325 mo. No IOUllFlllT IUOt• UY I smoking Pref male ttu-fllDERS 646-7673 I Townnou11. enctad 111· 1 di f'd 18 h dantS 548-8058 raga, trplc, small pet ok Pl •· • ta pra · nr t Mo.t elagent a.pt. bldg Rear apt, Btytront ho~•· . Otdllt 4 largatt agency ROOM MA TE. condo nr , Great 100 & Nwpl Blvd 54 .. 9574, 1n Laguna eeacn. flneet 1 bdrm. 1 ba, utll lnct 0 E tide C M Furn pvt AH clients llCIMned with beach Garage, tern .. TSL Mgmt 642•1903 499-4451 location In town, brMth· Tennta avail $675 per room, kllch & garage photoa 4 rafaranc:.. non-smoker 631-9029 2 bf, 1 b.. q>tl, drp.t. taking l/lew9, all bullHnt ,: month yearly pm $225. Rafa. Cradtta· Colmopolttan aller 6 STUNNING 11r"" 1 Br .....,_t..., """" 975-8669 646-81113 . ---------wv Mature pref. No pell. ,..,. "" """"''I GOOd Momt119 America, Fem 1tralghl. 2 Br. bath, garden ~t. Po01 & rec. $400. 567 W. 191h Jeck r'b.-ga.~. ia:'l'': $500/mo. t Br t Ba. apt. Chae<tul room. kllch pr1v, The Tomonow Show. S227 50 & 'Ai utll l ~th.':12 /mo. 710 w. 548-22n :Cm°' 4~ arlCSlld garage. lndry pvt yard. E/Slda CM. ~~·;-;"~~rt~~M;;~1-~1~1tt~!I ~71 now ---------s .. _ · lee • ciota to beach Cat Pref mldd'9 egad man. _ L.nlt, ••a4Y , .... .,. PlciOU• 2 Br. 2 .... MW ok, no doge $200 548-5998 I • LUii Dena Pl ,,._Condo 2 Br 2 ~ w/garlQI =~:id. 0'~·~ OllLf A. ·nua TSL Mgmt &42•1903 Mature female. pvt rm a I • • • !,%h 3 :;:c, "'::t ~~· 1 1595, 1Br poolllda w/ $475/mo. Matura actultt 302 CollMn Place Steps to bch, yrty 38r 2ba, bath. kit prlv, non amkr. Ill YUll&I I 1·496-2601. 644-9539 0-IOI 1-495, f'rl*, pool, only Sea Manager 147 Colt M new bttln1. S850/mo $240 mo 983-e219 1724 ~ HNlt Way spa. laundry. Studio w/ E 18th St."'''. CM You are I~ :,,.,. of 631·5903 alllh ............ ,1 _.1_ Newport BMc:h Fem. 30 ahr lga lavllh • patio '395. No pate. .a1 , .,, ... , , -vou 111 lht winM( of twnnae w/rMfJ working I 6'9-2 .. 7. • •• ,,.,,,. two,,.. tlcilell ($18.00) VtrNlllll PH Stlfdlo ....................... two,, .. llcktll ($111.00) tam Unballevabte .. ,,,, JU value to the Security. gym. $500. 1111 All lfTIL value 10 the roome. OV9flooklng I ••••••••• ••••••••••••• RINGLING eaos. 731-3371, 559-0353 Wkly rental• now avail RINGLING BROS brook & waterfall. Pool. Wltrnmn BARNUM & BAILEY LIDO DELUXE 2 Br frplc $140 & up. COior TV. BARNUM ' BAILEY Jae. lake, ate NB/CM 1 & 2 &. Dlacount on OllOll lrg br1dl pa11o OR. Adlta Ptw>nM In room. 2274 lllCll atea 760-8045 Olliff ••• ,,, 4100 .....••..•.•..•....... CdM di• suite, A/C, ample pkg. 11111 pd 2855 E Cat Hwy 875-6900 mHTIYE nma 881 Dover, NB 831·3051 Excellent Offioel • Up to 4000 tq ft 180 t Newport Btvd, C M. 6-45-2111 Mk for Joa Oesperata mu11 renll Ofc lull or part time. 19th St . C.M Xlnt front ofc toe. 540-1287 CdM OFFICE SUITE AppfOK 500 IQ tt N- crptl/ drapes & palnt $475/mo 551-6130 Exec. Furn Sulla. pr1me N.B. loc. Phooe and eo- pier a1tall $225/mo 966-1779. 640~15 1-1 9'e8tiBJIU Gym, Sauna. ate. Center Aug. 5-te * B•vFRONT * Canter A""· 5-19 nr tMMch. waaher/dryer, Office or dltlt apace lur- uumi11· Beautlfully landtcapecl gard«l apta. Pool & Spa. Covwed parking No peta. 10me moctelt. Pool. Spa. Anaheim Convention S 1050. 675-9359. N.-port ..:..1~ Anaheim Convention Spacious 2Br 2ba condo. 1 ..... ""'19 L""" Beach Arana ,... • .... ~..-vv -... PVT SUITC/GARAGf Long Beach Ar-non .. moker S355 lnel •• ...,, Aug. 1 .. 22 BEACH ID[ I •1.n, 18-22 utll '"" 1· 1""8 5 ....,., rurn or untum. 1 6t To e4e1m ~. c.a11 RESPONSISLE N-SMKR MU "-• "" .,..,. niShed or unturn. Pacll Cout Hwy NB 6"' .7474 1.11 ....... ," 44'0 ..•....•........•..... Office and Laboratory space • up to 7500 IQ tt 6'5-2111 Ask for Joe Retall 11ore et 2650 A¥0f\ SI , 16'0 sq fl plus 8 car garage 841-8777 C.••1ni1l ···'"' 4415 ......••.............. tFFIOE OR HOP m newer bldg on Coast Hwy South Laguna Ap- pro111 500 9q If Excel- tent privet• park•ng I behind bldg. S525 mo Turner A11oc 494-1177 I PllME otllOU 1n •u Olfloe 1paee tor lease. South side of highway c.i1 ONn Aelhbun 1t 675-0000 for dataHs. aat Storage space, 385 IQ tt • aterm system, call 5•8-3182 pool, 99• 18992 Flo<lda. &42-5878, ext 272 Pu-$750/Mo 973-1521 Bel $ / To clalm ~. c.JI Cu /, lat 4350 ---------842-21134, 642·3172 ._ must bl a•ctlanged 9PM 77 Wk 642-5678, ext 272 Pu-I ••• fl.~!.!! ..••••••••• Wanteo 10 sublet 'It of f•iHlri•/ 11•1'14500 Near r:,: 2 Br 1•,.. Ba. tor r.-ved 11•t11t box 2Br. 2Ba. trplc, pool, & Kttchanett•M•ld-Pool -must be •xctltnged WANT: Gar6ga tor Ito-IDProx 720 sq. tt office ••••0 •••••••••••••••• 1 Br. $475 t31 E. 18th. a.Ma 19 d bl , office prior to pertor N Blvd for raaerved ... ta at boll rage on Bal Pentn. Nr apau, profeaa1011el de· N B 3975 Birch 3680 SQ Cll)t rp1, t .. n1, trple, • refrlg $850 mo wpt & wnaon otfloa pr\Or to l)e'1or· 15th St. Call 1-771-2078 I signed exceptional. ft or leas. MIA zone C:.~~T, $595/mo manoe. 8'8-5825. 646-3122 Costa MIM 5'8-9755 manca ocean view Fllxtbte 10, Agent 541-5032 l•li•n• ... '!lr.!!~~!!r ... !.~! llME OOMPITEll 11111111 $500 1nve11ment wilh great mcome potential 1n the grOWth Industry ot the · Os Home Doslrlbu· torsh1p, xtnl tax benehts. no lll\lentory Siles material• & training In- eluded for Teau tnstru- men ts Computer C111 AM Markaung. 673-7245 Have a highly profuable and beautllul Jean Shoe> or your own Featuring 1he latest In Jaena. De- nim1 Sport,_., fa 900 10 S 12 900 lnc:ludet ti.ginning 1nv8ntory hx· luree and 1r11n111g You may hBVll yoor store open m as liltle as 1!°) days Call anytime MR HARTLEY 1-800~27·6 ... 3 lali••ll WHIH 5012 ...•..•...•....•••..•. WANTED 50•1. p811oeo mveator tor presently ren1ed . well-located Orangetree condo Take ell tax and deprec1at1on benefits lor mo111hy negative and small equ1· ty down Based on actual mtd· 1981 purehaae pr4C411 paid 7141955-2033 °' 759· 1071 Karen 1 Br radaeof lted S415/mo. p1ut S200. 11111 pd, no pau, pool, Ideal tor quiet matura worlllng couple. 6'8-7689. ., ...... , .. • • • 1 Br 1 Ba.""" 1 ... u ... 1.i1 4#1 • • • Olffr11 .. 111 u~I pr1vacy Phone $750 up 2160 " lndu· Lg~~~r::t~h~M s:.:i~d~al~~~lllO;;';, ~~75 ~·9;·;~-;~;;;;ih; Pro! Rmmt Mala $235 j ··momvi.ilmi'"IE6'4-4140 ~trl•~. Oclf11c~ ~80E8H1 Re: '·~::,:~;,. SOIS 499 5022 str"t from beech (Lag Mia), $195 (Santa IRVINE Ph I xecullve office tulta. 1 uonvo ree unt ... -Jt"; ••••• ;( •• , ••••• •P••. )'atds, encl g81. • Nr nu. by Udo, 2 Br 2 Ba. S295/wk e75-soe& · Anal~ •,1; utll• Private 1 eonr ~;: ~~·-pd· corner ot 405 Fwy, Near lngton, Beacn. 8'2·2834 .. 1 lnwestor's Waatad Swimming pool catpe. tad, drapea, dun & bflght, ttove/ovan & dlap. $340. 548-4827. 731-8829 Agt lplc, hook-ups Nr Hunt. Lg ocn view 1Br apt In trplc, patio, cpl/ IOI. no home non tm<>ker r ng, · · u · Harbof Slvd Take over I t Hrbr from $575 Chil· dwmown L.aouna 6cf'I pete S695 875-0097 UDO ISLE • 3Bctrm. lam 831_1·198. ac:try ~. etc Alao leue tOOO aq.tt •I 90c l OFFICE WllEI ISE I Ponlbtllty or pan· dran OK. 840-0&07 Utll pd. $550 mo Call rm, 2ea. s 100/dy July. delk apace S 150/up It C•ll 751.6191 Approx 2000 aq tt Nr nersh1p Deluxe 3 Br. erpll, Orpa, 494·1057 Acrose lrom bueh. $3500 A119uat. Ocean-Older respectable em· 540-9745 Crown Valley Pkwy .. & E111b chain busme11 Studlo/yrly. Pool. encl tront 2bf. 1bl. S500 pl<>yed female, w .. 1c1111 ,520 fl Sl 00 Foontaln Valley Olfloe Forbet Rd .. Mlulon Vie-I openmg tn canlrel coast Eut~ OeluH giant 1 Br. huge walk·ln CIOMI. lmmac.. W/D hooleup, gar8QI. $426/mo Cr111g. Re/Max 931-<>213 bll·lna. dbl gar, w/d hk· • ..,..,, ••ti Jiii gar $395. 040-5078 waa41 Biii Grundy, Rttr. area. to lhr home. L1t I 11 ,9 75 Birch per Ni· apace, 2500 IQ.It at 60c JO (71 4) 545-0215 area Please cell up s700. Call 536-092l ··-·•"••••••••u •••u •• WESTCUFF t B 67S-0191 m1g 642~9 A., 541 6032 • • 11 Good expoaure, A 2500 fl If 8051528-30t5 for lnlor ARLINGTON APTS NO FEEi Apt & Condo r u~ra-gent • gOOd patklng Talbert & ,...pprox sq o tee m111on Q let I . rental•. VIiia Rental•. ded kitchen. $5251~. WUllY llmll.t M/F to ahr my NB ocean 1617 W•tclllf, NB. 258 BrOOkhurat . , Call and warehse space ,---------h~M 2 -:rec:,~ •. ·~ .. ; 675-4912 Broiler. Avail. now Adultl, no A allable Ant 976-8170 front hOOM. '325 lo 4000 eq, It 111 floor. 751·61111 Central Coat• Mesa HELP ME . QUICK• beach. $52S/mo pate 973-6040. v · • · 840·7380 leave m1g. Agent 541 _5032 Fenced yd. Avail now Need $2000 now Olfe- 960-ll058 '" IElllYE m ,.. er ••• ,, 3111 N.B 1&2 Br, weakly, llapt Prof M/F 23·30 10 "'' IEWPtlT IUOM $800 per mo. 842.0880 ring 24°1. APR. pyts Q ....... Verda 2 Br 1 8a.1---------1 NEW gated 20 Town-•••••••••••••••••••••• to bctl S275 up GrMt condo In. NB Own bllh llEllOll UTll 11300 sq 11 $425 $200/mo PIP pretd Call =mo. r,:~r~ AVAILABLE NOW home VILLAGE COM· Near new 1 Bdrm apt. IOcale 754.o93& gtt, lrptc S30S/mo' No depOeltsl L lou 1800 aq 11 $575 ~:~ 2:~,1 623. 033-8974 2 Bdrm 1 bath apt. ,,.ar MUNITY 2 & 3 Br 2'Ai with bulll·lna, ctrpetlng LegYna Cottage nr beach. cOOtAICt Ralph d•yt new olflcet. 'l~':;dln~ ' Front office, large rear Beach/Yorktown. 1 ehlld Ba. 1600-1800 aq. It. of & drapes. laundry laclllty. Slp1 o S350 wk (Aug/ 841--0977 ext 219 or av/ I reeepllonl1t. ana-rlng door 1779 Whittler Ave. WANTED 3rd TD, prlne Large 1 Br Eutllda. na-ok No pets Water paid. pure luxury. G91aget. under roof c:erport1 and Sept) WINTER JaSo/mo. wknd 931-082• ./.,/ &. c--1ervlce. conference Daya 540-9352. Eve• only $tl5.000 20~. Int tur.i wood beamed eel-'425/mo 545-2000. spu In ~ home • publlc tennis couna & 494-0077 ,...,...... _.., room. etc 752-64011 6'6-008 t pre p11d Int '°' 1 yr. 60°1, llnge & cabtnetl. Light & Agent, no tM muter 111111, dining golf courae right behind Nead ""1ala roommate to ./ -I 10111 10 value NB , .... airy. 1-410. 851-9522 2 er t•Ai Ba. 1395 + $385 rooms. wood burning property Cloee to -. V111tlt• l1•t1/14111 lhar• ..tth ~ 1 blk ~ ::·.:_ __ N-portf l(t<'lng Janitor l1•l1l1 WutH 4100 aence 645-4199 btwn 3-6. d'd., Crptl, drpa: Quiet flraplacea. micro-wave rylhlngl $395/month. •• •••••••••••••••••••• trom bealch. 271. ./ ..,., ....... aarvlot, Al . etc lmmed. • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • LC . ~l.2~oe~~ :,r ~r Be~~~r·~.,~-~:::.9::: pat~ol ::~'!:u~"~\o:: o;v~~~:.Ni:.:ly ·.~~ * B:~:-:~ * ~ • ~~~:;~9~ae or mo/ M=rj:~~~~:'E· p~~~ r~~~~~!-~!! AJC. pool, apa. $575. Fadden No 1>11• ded. Eleg&nt llv1ng only pela. Call ~ 11 (7 l 4) tumm« 973"7873' PVT SUITE/GARAGE •AJllNltT llll w/prollSllOrlal cou"'e. to loan on 1SI TO on 646-9243 & ........ •8"4 15 mlnut• from Fuhlon 8'2-0138 Ull ···owMUI RESPONSIBLE N.SMKR .... 832-1700 .,..,._ • leland. 1 mtnut" to s.C """ 17870 SKYPARK CIA· 11on·tmoker1 536-2463. prime rentel lneoma 3 Ml 3S Ptaz• or o .C.Alrport. 2 br. 1'Ai ba. Bloc:k to llllE $760/mo. 873·1521 Baf CLE Suite 101 600 aq prooer1y1 in Orange New t Br, garage. DIW. n 10 bch, r 2'~B.. J .. 91 eut of ""~rt belch. Petlctilldren OK. 9PM *IEllU tFFIOll* It, niNa part. F~rn avail. IHl .. 11/laHll/ Coast area 3.5 yre no "'"'It. '400/mo. 309 trptc:, dbl att gar, patio. v ........ ..., F 1 1 3 .. • Av~ .. 0 7 .. ,,, 1,,1,, seas mo. t-526-3004• Blvd & '° of San"""""' 1-460. 974·7225. Sleepa 8. tannle, awlm, Npt 9ch roornmalt ,,... rom room o rooma. Utlllty Paid. $600 per mo 1l•••t• ww. 4 10 5 points Call ..,..... ., .. • ..,,...,, .,..,,... hike 111t1 non-emt<r ~ I ... From S 1 19 • aq tt No 21"553-4260 ••••••••••••••••••••• • (7141 499 5254 931·67911 964..a33, t-738-.3395 Frwy. Hvv/ mo. Deluxe old Spenl-'1. 1ge 1 No "•ta.· Kida 0 K ....._ · ded. 225/mo. Mir . 11 ... required. Adj. Air-->-1•_1_10 · 031-~9. 2413 Ottnga br, 2 ba, din rm, trplc. & wtlnd rat• a..0..813,; Lort M&-7310 porter Inn 2172 Oupont. So Lagune at 3 Arch St y. ii: J SOOI -,,-,-,r-tlff-11-fil-l,-f-,-.,-,--•Olee.n 2Br. 1Ba OOf'ldO DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In nr S.C. Plaza, SA. $496 4-Ptax, bit-Int. crpta. mo. No pell. 752-5022 hk-ups. drpe, dbl gar. Ave •• Coata M..... 1-475. 490·71151. Aetp. tam to lhr 2Br apt Call AM. 833-3223 500 eq ft. With gOOd hwy ••• -~r.!!!~.!r•••••••• DHll $03S ,,. , Local Moul'ltaln Cabin tOf w/uma W/O pool, •••--•IL vltlblllty •97-2351 Join the leeder In the •••••••••••••••••••••• BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 ea. ~ 9 ~-F pell Mw Verde, 1 tOO aq.lt ~--------1 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENT S c:!::,.. 3'11 ~f·e.~ ':::.....,. S215 mO. 8'5-2732 .w;;t.ma 4()().900 PLUS 1400 lq ft =::'1:.i°°' ~lcal I .I . um.o ••••~••••••••••••••• •-l ._ F. rmmate to ftnd and Ptt\fhouM 8ayfront Sul-,_._ • •trt&lle O.. i.e. fplc, lndry, Piiio. dth· bELUXE 2 Br 2 Ba. In war, gar. no pate '550. 4-Ple11. crptt. drpt, bit· I Nrll Otttlt -•II 1 It 4.,_ INI• apt or condo. With UM of reception, ta, pattilng patloa. "sparkle watet treatment S.........,,111 In tat & 2nd COUNTAV CLUB UVINO 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 645 1806 8'4-18115 cont. room, kltctl. phone. 073-1003 ' 1y1tams dealer " Uc'd ..--'!?i 3094 Mace.. 54M019 Int. enclad g•. hk-up1 IN NEWPORT BEACH 1-n ba. 2 cat attached 1., ........ · • aecrelatlal & word pro-territory available. TD'• noa l9•9 A lot.' ... I oar--. Id"' hook-up. Joan ~-· Mall • IEWPOIT IUOM 0 ,..__ Robt. Sattler NH/CM _ _, t an~~~ tnt~ted ~ con-ContlO.\ lati>ae' Gay ....._ng. .. ~ range .....,.11 .,... no R E Sroller 8d RMltOfl 2 ,.,. I .... ......., $526. No pelt 540-''8-4 "'" ,.., ,_ '"""• cpt. aft 9 M·F. atow l paint. No pau. --------1 1950 8, M~ Pl. (Houle /JTJ.at 3Hf ap.,.man corn .. ~"'' on t3-420· Male Alfnale Mfvloe rn Fem looking to ftnd I IN aerv. avtll. teparattly If Exec. ottlQaa 11000 tt to expar nee Wiii traln. 842•2171 5'5.oel l the Upper Bay. Prtvata t.ct Ric* ~ 7 So C&ltf IMO-e71t apt ..tth M/F NB dlllrad. Call· Judy, 1050 ft). Attractive wall $50,000 full amoont tn beale)~ 1526 ' clap. • ••••••••••••••••••••• 5'f..3.414 1 BR, Otangatr .. ooncto, highly ~adecl. AC, r• ~.bhouaa. 8 tenn::"'cou,....,.rtt, ~ A,.,,...,. hnldtl A~mat~ wantld. """· &46-621M Carrie. 11•neo.o100. mafnttlnad bldg. Nr raq'd, aoma financing ..,... "-1 IHO Rmmett wanted. Em· .--.., ....... Ho.g HQ9Pltal. carpata. avallabla. Wiii net $40, pools, c:IOM to buelnMI, II 111111n to lflr 2Br apt, O.M. $260 ~wrww -mlnl-bllndt. "-"'IA•t..., 000 plue. Call collect ll<pOrt, Falflton tlll9nd. ••••••1•·u·· .. ·········•••• mo. George 8'2-0381 ploYed m•ture 11•11 M. Executive oftlot In Can-l>rk'o. Prol en~-;;;; Mon·Frl 9~PM. AMI ror Condo 2 bf, 2 ba. Ml r11e. lrlg. OIW, pool, .191.. td. FllMew I Segar-tannlt, 143$. Maggit ltrom. $650 mo. •9 .. 8491 '""I COnven1ant ~· on Prof Cond houM :~2~:--~ Bch. '*Y VIiiage, $450/mo. • Q&llet ., .. 645-3323 Tim 4081807-0111 tit• Untumlehed btcM-YIL' •1E to lhf o, • Brotiar 97S-.t12 ....... .,. __ 1,_f,... w/I~" 1on: 1 & 2 bdrm aptt •nd .. all tmll'lltlat 1216· Fem rd t .......... hit _....,.. _______ VJ• .,._........ • .............. 5"41-t-495 .... 1 Br. 9390. etO'W '9frl0/ ~l.~.~t .. 11.ff lownhouMI. ~ 1&2 bdrm. tu11ury 602-2449, 9M-M79 pre 0 .,,, 'V'"' Alrp&t .,_ • Exec. Su1-1-Fu_l_I _MMca ___ omo.s--. -H-u-nt-. Eam $$$$ apare/tull- 1&40 • 11000 aptt In 1' plant. 1 Bdrm nr S. Ctt Plua. Fplc. tn. From 225-460 IQ. It. lngton Bctl. 13115 mo. llme dlllrlbutortnlp & pool Ho pN. Mutt apt. •23 w. 8-y. 641-1118 IYllUILI llW1 ' bdml. c.pott. pool. ~.No P«t. llkt lo leldtl M 21/mo. ~1 w 1lltl et. CM ...... , 21f, ,.., no p«a. P9tlo, ~ l480 mo. t n.'2141 S-ll baCM!o<t Ind 1 rrom $615, 2 bdrm trom • • • wett>armtga yard. 1250• It par aq. n. Many 11tru.I 171,184g.5581 1&1eit. '"'"' growing Bdrm unltt tMture fine $670, TownhOuM lrom llAll PAI.II 957.0 Can 557-7010 nutrition program. Traf. * • * daelgner tumltura and IMO + IMIC*. i.r1n1t, 113 15th at. Miii KtwtNkl need• a , deluxe olftota, etrateglo Sh1t• omoa or dMll Furn. n1119 call Stan Valland« •.A. •Ulll eooeMOrlet. Movt In to-watertalla. Pond•' o.. NftPOf1 a..ct1 Malt proteotorltlalp« location on 8Motl Blvd PhonM C~ Pra&ttga 630· 1212 Ext 060. t 101 !ale• l.aM day or rettrVe tOf tum· for COOl<lng l heating You are the Winner ot rrnmata In U9tCallt N.B. HB Front •ICPOIUre ~ IOC. tn Merit• 8tnk Mt'lltl11111 NflWPOrt 8atctl "* montht. Smartly paid. From San Diego two hi Udctt• .-11.001 .,.._ Pvt qu"1«t w/ tlgn .,.., es. iq lt. bldg.. A0rd""e' I ~ To 1111 and d'·t .. bult Yoo lf9 the winner of fumlthad ~ open Frwy drive Nortll on v111ue to uw. balcony. All hie pr1vl-Ownr 213-•so-e555 Vwde • WI aooet11 .. ·• two "'" tldceb (118.00) dally 8..ctl to MeFadd«I to IUNOl.INO ~. llOet. 9'00/rno. Call . tor ~t. ldMI for OOfto Natlonalty ad"9rtlted vllut 10 the s.awtnd VI"-8~RNUM & IAILIY EIJeeri dytl"'41MQet tuttant. rNI "late. lntu-J1o1ttlce Bto.. IN1omotM RINGLING 8A08. On JlmborM Ao ti (71 .. )893-6 tDI. ... 93M....a. evea. ,~Of '"10 1200 Utll product•. Operate .. aARNUM a 8Atl.!V a.n i-.....tn HUit Ad. A·---........____...._ MO-1002 Al-Area, exec eult• pd. !lff-9250 your own, ttlllng to auto - v.._., ..... .... ._._,, ............. _.. .,.,..... Ptf1• .. Of ... ow oeatet.. 144-1IOO ...................... 1 0tinter A&G. t-te ,,..,, 20-30 to .,,, 2t1r expancta. dMIY eunoun-ewe Bone ott1ce "'-' WYlce 11et1ont. 1 o-· Anaheim Com.mlon Poot. tenntt, lalce. ~. t.ono ltedi. 1 .. ~ Iba, E'CM ~ wl dtnO\(iof •tlTIOIPMN. ttoraige tpt0t. lalbot '11Qe9. °'*'.,... 1v11• Ctn• Aug. 11-11 sc:,,: BA a 1e~. p , wN1-Ml <ity9', Mt 11 Tcwo ,t,uo ... ..,.,., Fnoo yens. P"" 11tt 1 to 280 eq n of· ltland.1. aoo...oo eq rt lable ~ ..,, Cleo ~ 8Mcfl Arena 2 bfke, ~ly. houM pr1v, '4 utll•. ~ To Olelm ~ -olc, Mf.eaM 11c.t I deak tptOt from 1100-•200 mo. Call Mr. mtnta 10 ..., Beectl. All ~ 1a.aa No'*" &45-1 11t. & iut. He 403t ~ .. 2.oe1a. ut. an.,... 21s1rno.. lnctudlnv oonr P9mt>ttton (213) wtttt ••latlng tcCOUnt• To ct.im ,,....., cell mtQ.. -mutt bt ~ Went quiet 'T": "°"'" ""'· reoeptlonllt. ..... 11M2t4 Vetllc:la Ind tftlnlno llT t.m T'*-are MYerll op- tion• rather then tor.- ctoaura. WllOOU. 009! Of Obligation, get the tec:19, thin daclda wtlkm plan would bl bait tor you Clrcla Homa Lo.n1, a dlrlC1 lendor 71'1'9i-2291 ... ......... ,.; 'fl'IMW•/ ,,,,,,,,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• !1t!.f.~ .... P..!f FOlll> ADS ARE FREI Cll: a 11. 1 M pool, PftlO, 1 ==· =-= ':;. :O,,'=; J~ M/f 1 room ~-. tum( '°' l'tettWd ..... ~ = e~n/o= =:a. ':rtTlxtott~ Good f'oun\Mn """"" loo. PfOO'M\ ~ =:· -J •• , ... '..... '°',....,., ..... •t 6o• bd\. f1341'Tf. unfum. full .. r.:· ~ -=1 . tu-tff• ~ rum.. ontOI .,.,... Modem• Oef>C*t ,.. HLL 10~: ~.:::Ith • ::.. Pf'or to '*'°1· ~e::.:,~:.; ~,:.•.:,: utll. 1~·:'.";~NtO _.: • • • ·~~ c'\..or;m ~ ':°'~°fec:.'i:':: ~·<*ti~/~ ~=-~~ !; Haw ~ to -*? ~ "°' a wete0 M . * • • ~ o.y. M2-1111 C1W1t1ec1 Adi e.u.aate QMalftad Mt_~ra I ~ a1-11t1 a.NIM 114-,,.. (111) IH IHI c-..w .. dO ...... Ml4tl }}. .... Orange Cout DAIL V PILOl IWedneeday, JuJy 21, 1U2 07 fm.f.IM# •••• Mff Tn.~ .......... Mff «tJl..'111.t!l., ... TJ.fl M..fe.'11. .... IJ.ff lt/l..'IM'il. .... IJ.tf "'1 .. '111!!1. .... IJ .. 1111.I M'll. .... Tl !t,l.."!l.'.!'!. .... !.t. !!!""'9.~ .... ~Ii w "-~ IDfMmY ........ ..... Auto MeoNnlot ...., .. ....., ,,..,...., DllTA"Y GeMr• ,._, .. .,... Nted ~ ..... Int IALll • • • ..llt1:n.-. ...... u;n ~~.,,.. _,.., Wiii\ MW Ven, Oetl I•"• I ~ .. ~. ott '9CNlif, WMlfd. te1'1 ~. Wltll M t1fM, b•, In i...-.1111 vt.... II l ,11. fOf NW l*tol\ tof Oll9'f ~ Worntn A ~ 19 .. •• lh/n ~ ·~ ._..na !*Pie • ..,.,. ~·• -· MMOM t•Plf In IAllO ltAIOAL llltGflen, 1°'"9 OOQ;"fN, .....,, IOlt ~. Wiii to weefl, Pf•, Iron, ,o-llrttf Mff ...... If', ~ tit ·"'I· • ', • .,...... .,..... AUTOMOTIVI tor DIO "°' 1~tnJ .......... l lfl1 .... lreln. tll•HOf nan, Mve olNnlnt -· ,,_ .... _"' .......... .......... 4-20' lono: tleO reG'#OOd W-9'-I IMY .., Cir~ beol&OtCMIGI up. lt-llncMI DNf Oen«ll OftlGe ¥lot need a dtltall pwt0n ,. .... n-You .,, 'lht. :;:::'of f9nOlnO c.. Jim Ot tCan llW&llt ""1ln;!f •••••u••• q--.aay e d lnl"IOYl llW !KO-HU'nlNQ'TON UAOH 11\Menot .a.---. In 1 . . dmy I* ...... LMOfnO l'etr°*"" lndu-an ... i-11'-i.t1 LOIT Wflltt IOnQ 1\111'9d J,,,,Ji. Wnw ffff ~ --=•• ti. Info QrapNot lno. Com'alllioenl Hoeoltll Coate Mw t;;"~ino M0-1040 d1ye or •try Ccin. au411no firm hu two ff• tloUtt (t11.00) ,. ' "" ~ 1 t1ut. 1 .:r. •• ·n-.·."e\ •••• :. •' O II ITI ldo 'enlnauta tNtt '1cwtda It. '"' "*"''° peraon 10 709~15' 9YM. ~· on our PfO-v•~,~!1'e, ......... "'"' ~~de "•oo't ~.IOll0.20 0,..,, -aat-411~ YQUnO m11n.ct man I I • t1M)IO ~....,.°" 9Mof1 ... ..-.. .-.-. of .... 1._ al atatr for tuc-" """"'""" ...,...,. ... ,..,, ..... • ,_ do 0 -• " ..., ~ .... ,_,..,. ·--·, "" -ParMlrM nur... tide, ceet ori.nttd women & IJA"HUM a IAtLIY •acti 842-()Ml ' f..oe1• luf,,,... fWTI• o oentr.. tnv, '" A1k for flon Ot Mttlt ~ IUU Or.,_., wOf'l<room In • In micro-filming CS..,t. ......... oe.rt, eome drlVI"" m ...... 11..__. " -' ' can "'" a Wll a. 0-r-, u--Mua1 be ~ and _, 842 2H1 ... ""· uv. ,..., 1PP • _.. 760 B0atd It, lolld Tell&. c.at, d#ll brown ooet. en.tut IU"'"8 M1ture penon. Dry <*• -~ ••· wtlll 1 ...,., ciff M req. • cantt Wiit reoetv• •'*'-An.ntlm Con*'tlc>n ,.,, In x l'l•ln 1110 per untv. Plf'll. Irv. ~ • UVI·'"' hof\tnoe lot CMnlR, 3 d9'19 C* C*'d ...,..,, Ml-1•38 .... 1nv .. ~. .. , .... T·TIUI ..... , ... ..__ flyt training. llc.oellant Ctnltr Aug, 5--11 loot Cu••-ml ..... ooa..ns 1 8klPf* ~ante tuU llme room an<I *td· 01111· ..-. NawOOft 9Moh mllllll ,,. Mt •••" " "' ..-• .,.,., potanllal for Noh tnooma e.ecfi ,...... ...., Poettlon on motor veuel, Mt-1121 ....... -atttn<l«lt, Mrn N-110 mantlOafl'ltnl and ow-Long~. 11-2Al2eria 842-ote2 Aewwd· Lott, MtM Verd• •Int w4tl'I ~. meclla-~:' ~ 1~~ ~.?" PUT 'fM llllL PRllAY ~ hr. "6-6711 •911 for ,,..-lhfp l*'ICIP•llon. To 01:: .,..._., oall ....;c,-1....;1..;.....;_ ____ l_OJ_I ~9:-' ~~o M ~~fa' ntc.t beckground. 100 845·t1"'4, tto-0081 C:C,~C::!'. M~~,. ~ Be a o.rrter oouneeiot !ntry leYel poattton with wry You mua1 be attrao'llva. 042·M71, ext 272 P .. •••••••••••••••••••--• 649'..ona • ~d1'!*'1,.18!.;!'11~~1 •1• aon 1 mu.t. Mon-,,1 •or • 1ooe1 ~· = :'~':" ':'.: !~ PUT Tiii ~oomtd. t>rtoftt, -mu.t be a•ctiangecs Himalayan 1111 •• top Qlty, 1 uU .......... "'" ... • 8PM 840-.01.0 No ••C*1enoe MOM-~...... • ,,..._, Iv. end/or ..-encs. advoaled, money. for, ....... " al box Wiit Blue • ...,, CFA ''° Loet: Of & wtlt M alt~ Engll9h Chavtteur """"'m · · eary. WQril only 11 houf'9 9WPOft IMch ofc. P:or ANponal~ MMlt, °* orlttlttd a.nd abOw all ... office prior 1o parlor-Health guar 1110 Cat. 2 coflat1, ._.... e.-1 poaltlon Poettlona current~ avall ....,. .. lllYlll a week. 116 to e'-1 pll.!1 appl. ealf 844·2501 21. wtth out1tandlng, at-l'llOl'lly dlaclpllMd and manoa _8_3_0·....;N_ll_1 ____ _ Vatd• .,... 640· 1H9, &8 t.toff with on• ot the latt .. t Expanding Npt 8ctl 0,... addi.ton .. lhw• ot pan-Olva -ay uml)lea, for Ir active paraonallti.t to aalf motlvattd l!Jq)tr1an-* * * Fr" 10 1ov1ng edit l'IOfN 873-1000 orowlnO marketing com-dll card oompeny hu 2 ,,..-9t11p'a Pf'Oflla. MW company. rt/T, FrT, work wtlll yovlh (ION oa In high l9Yel commit-Altered, blk/wht mai. Wedding rl~ with dla· ~an, "'bouenl~.,,~anlon40 panlM ln AIM'io. today opening• In their cutto-A,.., fun !Obi flex tire. 701-00U 10-1•). c.11 2-aPM, eloned tet-.>nona con-W"'-'•llft oat. 3 yra. an enou. No ... ...wft rv ~·· w -----•-'f ttv ti --..-.....,_'"-I ........ 1 Maneigement ~~L M2-43"1 "'"I ..... EOE teat euch u : •••• ".Tl•·············· d .... & 2 mond•. 7/ •• ...... or ctltulf9Uf. 0315-151 ....... --mo a no ...... -·-..... ......... llM. ,or 1n1.;:;'':'..jj' OAOOMINO, full-tll'M. • • ~. ....... Comrnodlty-lnVMlmertl 01•L1n ··LE oO• ... .,.4.,1 IY wall•. Oanatou• rftard tndlv able to work Incle-oan1 mutt h•vt pleuent -Mon P:rl 11 have p••t Tiii a .. te8-3528 • ·' .., t..J 1100 pandantly tn nutritional telephone manrw, be alter t:OO P~. "42-N11. • ' nw -NIM, Executive aeenlh 1 n-, IHI !'.'.'I..~~!."!'.......... productl NIM Ouletl eggr...ive, oon90lan-ext \l11. !°..'!! gr~l~Oa1°P41f N-epap« Promotion, peraon~ Of real Mtat• ~varyt~0,J°" C:.: ":.,,. ................. . Gold Br8CaMt. Twt1tacl •&OOlllTAl'f * d f tlOva & Mlf•motlvatecl ........._ ......,.,.7 Mon-r N9w-Mon·Frl 11 d ... rable ContM;t M1 .. ., POODLE. 7 wl<e. AKC. : !:~ir~~A!w:~:. Tiie contrector need• !117'~~1 :rt~~ Expr pref. Contact W .:~":!-6 ~-~;'OborM..:"'O,~ ~;~~1~3~::PM. Sat Kehr, (714JIU-M39 ~~~~ pl:r,:i,:""~1 t;':O e:;!;~:f· , .. tovoh. conatrvctlon-alfon P:/T, PIT. Jaantne Dunc•n. Mon thru Fri, 8 .,,.. .. 1 .......... ..,.1.d Ty· c .M. ••• 00 1 t rt SALES M•ny Ofhef Item• lnelu· 9ea-1418 orientated General Ole Corria Product I to 4·30 pm. 701-7900 lft:;" .. , ..... , .,.. · ..,... o 1 a ding radial lrm Nw. Sat, Purebraad Lh ... Apao, 8 AR•DI OAT Mgr type Salary open 855-2045 P:·..'.'l'd ~ lhorthtnd Hair Dr..., need«!. VII-Than partnerahlp'a an.re July 31 & Sun. Aug 1 7 weak•. 4malat,1100 ea LOST: Sat. July 24th, So. Orange Co. BooltkMplng °!:: L.';iu::e:":.: ~1121 ery open. ~~':..~~ L..aguM ~:..::'''~o!~pr~~-: ~=~o •x=lcl= am to 5 pm 8412 Car-_8_•_7_·3_2_2_8 ____ _ Eutblvlf ArM RE-831-5292 Exciting COiia M ... po. Earn up to 110 hrly. Jeff · daak & phOM. caaual TuM thru Fri 11 AM to 12 neole Ave. WNtmln1tar Beau Eng SPfl~ Spa· WAADI Atttllttet/OPA 1111on for Payre>111tnvoloe 497-4188 aft 1 pM. food StnlOI HEALTH attire For Interview, NII noon Apply Par1nyNvar. ntal, At<C. shot• Lov .. da 83'-6e53, -parson with good typing Dental olflea m ... .,.., hr .. H/ ... tt aftat &PM. 1880 Pl9'*'111a Ave. #tttiull11 1t1d1 1100, tarma !44-4838 ORANGE COUNTY CPA 11cJll1 Wa need a Mff --..-fltN ...,........,. he,..-•~2-••79 allt 312 C:O.ta Maaa •••••••••••••••••••••• 537·10811 FIRM t1a1 excellent op-· (matur•) w1.-p. In o-n-pA'l(T TIME UtH ••u•lttr "" "" b ll•1n 1001 ---------1.ott 7/26 Black blnocu-portunlly tor CPA with 3 llarter wllllng 10 take di-•al practtc. tnavrance Our SdlOOI Food Service Exptflanced, part time People nMCSad lmmed~ Balel ••••'••••••••••••••••• FtH ti ftl IOf! i.n tn brown lhoulO« to 7 ~ axpetlanca ractlon lnltlally and 10 bkkpg Quality C M. of: °'Elution le Mell~ CM Arte. M&-2111 tely to help rapid •Xf)41n· Wanted ... f.motlvatad Old roll lop dMk wflwlvel •• • • •• •• •• • •• •• • • •• • • • c:.ae. Gothard & ~I. Soma tax 1xparlanca ac;capt lncraulng raa-flee. 831-1420 di"" comn.a"". no 9v. petaona lnter•tad In adJ Chair 11975 Daliva-Fr .. to Oood hOmN, 4 pon Salary baled on br ht and pa<aon Help Wanted part-time, ... ..,_., 5 "31•2 1 1 kl HB. Reward. !157-7470 preferred. Send resume axper Call Carmella ._ ....... 1 •~tit--a Ind vldual to r...-nt dinner cook, •JIP« In rienoa nec:.aaary. • ~ng own bual,_. red. 4•· " beautl v ttens Ellt 17, 8-4 and Hlary hletor; In ..... ... .., c I 1 .. _ train aarn too w Ra-w/rttrNty marketed pro-.. 831-4933 confidence to ln•ley & ~5-2e8& Exparlance. Are you too-our ompany n .... homeatyle cooking for • ....., . duct. Mtnlmal lnvNtmant Antique ~.Ina Hvtcn, 38 Lo.I. Brown plullc soap Goddu, 1901 E Centat Icing for a rewarding <:a· ~ange County Area 1 am retirement home In ~d1~392_ advanoament. ne.o.ci. Pll PBA lnl'I W )( 88 High Country Loving Snephard mtic. holdllf contelnlng par.o-St .. Suite 101. Anaheim IHUtt,.r 121,100 ,_opportunity with ax-p«aon we are oo-l..8gvna Soma wknd• 17141 831-329e dY9 or Style, good oondlllon lam apayad, alt ano11 nat Item Seavlr# arM, 92805. thru trial balance callant Potential for Pl'· l<lng for muat be able to FOf appt. call Mra. Col-Permanent, P/llme glf'f 17141 8715-6418 avM 1476 548-8234 Fully trained 859-1087 NB. Reward 040-6970 con11 or R.E expar et owth __ .. communlca1a effactlwly lln1 494-9408 Friday nMdtd fOf publl· .. a u..a... helpful Fun Group. son 11' ..... rec-with Admlnlatratlw Par-lhlng firm. Mutt have •-y;mo ANTIQUE OAI( HALL Free Kitten•. very tame, " FOUND Lo• sh•OOY dog, I ,.,..,, &nlstut Accomplllhed Petaonnel ognlllon? we ... your aonna1 .. _.,1 .. the •mum . ood -·" • TREE s110. w111 old. blk tip ears wnlte & PART TIME. Prefer cer-Sarvlefl, Inc. eating chalrstda axpat-Sch004 F'""''""· coordl· .. _._,. 0 ottlca MIHI•. typing. lrvlna E*trontc. nrm Call 831-3381 ..,.. Call 837 .109& brown. l9th 'a Balboa. titled, exper'd high Ilse to complement our _ .. , ..... avail Aug. 9 or eoonar. na9da atlarp exec tctry NB. Stella, 845-7872 lehOOI graduate Parao 3300 lr111na, "10 I. N.B. hlghly Mllltecl team. Mo-nata dlltrlbutlon aetlvl-WM1Cand1 • for eld4trly 1550 to ltatt. Call Mar; w/SH Miii• typing 70 Orig Antique "S" rOlltoP FREE to good home, 4 'Yf nebte and outgoing 545-9971 -100% Fraa oam. pleuant enwon-1•... ractlva ftadbaolc lady. No amoltlng Jana. 831-t 124 M-W-F wpm aome' ..... lldml-desk, "Railroad" 1tyte old Springer Spaniel f• Male mill shMP dog, Contact Valerie BAICKLAVEA Helper. tMnt, excellent aaJary •bout our lunch PfQOram s.8-3eat 9-1 nlatritlve capablllty. Call w/loll of dra-.. 6' male. fixed 842-8378 gray/White & tan. Male 847·35t5 Mon-Fri must have good 1ran1, and benefit '*'keo-In-and relay panlnenl In-Connie With f99Vme long. Xlnt cond, Ind awl-1-0 mix collie aable & white full 875-3176 etudtnn medical lnsuran-formation to ourMlvea tllllAIOI Peat Control field rap• 7-6118 I/el chair, collector• Item F1t•llu• "~ Male sllaP11erd. bll</11111, time ce. 4·· day weak Hunt-and MfVIQe 11•"· 1rv1na Branch ot major needed Immediately Ex-S4,000. 581-520' · Ki~a·iNNERSP.AINO·ex: C.M. taga. Female YOfl(ta Attractive Girl OlUIOAl lngton Baach 842-5581 ~~~ : .. ~":~ co .... Sr. muttl-llne g:'~· He'd only IOTIY/HOln A IU•HI IOIO TAA FIRM mattrea1 "'· Terrier, Hit & pepper Sophtattcated, attractive, Credit Union or related o.ntal Au't F/T front .. laadl'i Com"any In 111 comm'I rat.er with min. 2 Entry lave! poaltlon with .If/................... never vied, worth $530, bnm Male blk & gray wall groomed girt to exper Uae of on-line • • "' .. yaa11 company expar. PEST CONTROL TECH· Mlea rep 8Q4lnGY In Ir-HARBOR AREA sac $248 del. Never Him long haired cat model privately tor In-larmlnal 10 key 81\<1 llght bectl --~· ROA, field, to 4 houri per Flex time. Call Barbara NICIAN lNdlng local Vine. Requlraa good ty· APPLIANCE SERVICE vied queen IZ. worth 844-3858 dl'lldual 3-4 hra per typing Mv•t work well ~ lie req d~~Z ~~ etartl"" w~••· Dalpoft 8 am to 11 am peat control company ping, S/H & llllng 11tm1 we NII raoond .. ouat $399 Catl'I only 1218 -k Strtctty private and with publle. Full time an-...,,...... · ... for appt. need• route tachnlc:lan with ........ aaftt phone •ft"'"'la~ "'•"3077 del u• .. •11y hO~ Fr~f C:~~·M:.~r.! In good taste U1mo11 try position. Huntington 842-8880· Npt Bch aru. ~~!:,•rt c:!!,m• ml~ 714/545-7700 EOE fOf 1teady Job. Entry le-peraon;.~&n,. gan't _.,. ,........ .....-754-7350 _., "-· tlty. 831•7153 dlacretlon usured Beach City EmployMS Dependable )"OM•n With relmt>Uraed by C0m"'"'"Y· Learn & eatn, high school val poeltlon We Train. olflea axpr. prat Sarld I Ill •-• u-ll Great pay -flexible hrs Credit Union 638-8517 1trong p«90naJlty u llw ,.._.. tvdar'lt PIT 11.i de-No Expa<lenoa Neoea--raauma and Nier; hlllo-arr..-. **I BUY** Found Young Blk Gltfman Shepherd, vie Gar1leld & Bushard, FV 962-36111 att 8PM Found Yorkshire Tetrler. Ult & peoper, vie Harbor View Homes. NB. 7511--0202 Found Blk & wtllta lh<>n taUed cat Vety young 542-1938 aft 4 PM FOUND Part GOiden ra- tr ......... Vic Harbor & Wllaon '79 lk: 754-4491 FOUND: Large lheggy dog. Block tipped eara. White. brn, blk &4~7872 Found Beagle type dog In Mesa del Mar area. 751-9785 Found White rabbi! Vic Palmer/ Santa Ana ave. CO.ta Mau &42-01M8. Found Shepherd mix, 5 mo. Old. tan, lo.Hid July 3rd. 963-2022. LOST. EY9Ql-In caM vie C:O.ta MMe Goll Club. A-ard. S.5-0380 LJt latge male Cat (moatly blade w/wntte paws, ,_ & neclll. 840-9330. FOUND: Bracelet near Pierce Streat Annex. call to Identity. 548-3203 Found: Sml wtlt coctutr mht, butt ears. spots on lace. 3-8 mos old 960-2718 Found: AFGHAN Black female Hunt. Bc:h, 7124. caH 714/838-3489 Found Amazon type pat· rot. vie Santa Isabel & S1111ta Ana Ave , CM 833--0328 to Identity FOUND· Puppy, blk/lan, male. Approx 4 mo Vic Hbr Mall H B 840-7480 ,,,,..,,, IJSO •••.....•.•••.•••..... ••• ltl11tis Parlor Open 24 hrt 1 day 7 days e waell Jacuzzi, Sauna. Local• as well u tounsta BankAmerlcatd, Muter Charge. American Ex· pr-. Dinars All wel· come 714/845-3433 2112 Harbor Bl CM COEDS -Would love to pany with you Call Sue or Kathy anytime 963-93113 PETER'S MASSAGE Prof., dtacrete and thO- rough. call Peter. 494-4871. WANTED. MALE MOD- ELS for photo wor11.. L• gltlmate. 499-5835 TAI IY PILL 'I GUARANTEEDI 97 4--0780 "' 55-4-7S40 °'9tt1butort Wa60omt Prof man dealr• ....,,. houaek-s>et. mwt be ~In clMnlng, ahop- ptng l It COOl<lng. ~ t*-d w/good rtfa. In ~ fOf ept In lo. ~ on u. beeOt\. Pteaae Mnd ,.._..,,. to: Mr. o.ni.t, PO loll C., C-19625, """"· Ca 92713. ~ ~ .• .....•••••......•• ; ... !flOllttl Genneman EtoOl1 for Women ... 7-1128 (btC lem-tpm) ~t.~ •••••••••• ~ff ~ttlp ~ u . ~Aue> 11. 9'18 .......... ~ wrldl S d h d d II_.. I nl Ideal poaltlon for petaon I •• . p C•" --~ ._. -.. ry -r-.. •r~11 to Ad Laa 957-8133 en P oto an eta...., Computer Data Entry n eompa on/ cook fOf ... king part time pro· llgnar do Mtup & -.d· M'Y ... .,.,.,_,, """"· 7~ 0 _,_.., dacrlptton to Box. Ad position avail. Great ~ N-port 8ctl woman, leulonal car..,. ding parties. Other Jobs 9-12 179-8021 • ally Piiot, Box RefrlQ/ wllheft/dry•• Good used Furniture & No. 1011, Dally Pilot, ginning opp with a salaty negotiable Reply To arl"ange an Int.,..,..,,. Min. wage. Mutt haw PIT, aeQUrate typist/ rec-16e0. Costa Mesa, CA Many to coooM from Appllancet-OR I wm tell 8o11 1580, Co.ta Mau, comrn«clal br<*araga with resume & ref~ apPolntment, car & drive. 875-3738 eptlontat, afternoon• 92828 1100/vp. 869~2 Of SELL tor You CA 92826 co Call Loll al 933-2900 ~IT J.0 c P.~. 88:,'x e 14, CALL·. MAID/ Full time 6«-19911. Secretary, Entry level Brown O.E Electric Dryer. IUITlllS AIO'Tlll A I w a y 1 a 1 a I• I n a bOa, a. 2 1 · .ngllAh 8')aaklng for mo-poaltlof\. High school or good eond. I 100. 141·1111 111·1'21 ctaulflad-read the •d• SELL Idle 1tem1 t;,lth • 1 let. Lag 8ch 494•5294 P.~ SAUi Jr College eac:ret9'1tl 646-6148• an 7pm, Shlr---------- Wa<y day. 542-5e78 Daily Pilot Clastlfled Ad Classified Ad• 042-5878 Enjoy working With l<ld1, and word prOCNtlng 1ey I llY FIUITIH 714/.11 l ltll and wtlh lncraued Mr· training Contect Unda. · Ln 957-8133 Get in on the fast track. / \ubocf\ lltp• r~ht O<JI of collf,gr into llw rl<"C1lh•t owte in h.;&1""° Bui 111 1'lt-Armv •nu • ould •trp ni1~t •nl<> nttuhvc '"f>O""bol11y ~ t ,.,,,i..rlv pl.o< • prop~ und.r tlw •~r of :?5 onto respona>hlr m1nig•mtnt poottOOO> ~ • ull them ofrouu <\nd •t ull our man1gtmtnl tr11nmg pr~nm Offi,cr C.ndidatt "ichool. It • fourtttn mt~ •tt~• nf i.,.,ru~ che ... ~nee of ll\lll&f!tmtnt •nd th.-•rl or "'•dttalup \long wilh lht rt'tf'O"lobdac;..,. or be.,. •n Arm~ ofrircr COfnP '"" pro•llegn. ulr !he chAncr to takr pa.du.ate cowon, w11h the ~rm1 p1ymg moo• or all of ynur cuiuon . If vou r~ loolt111~ fnr • m.an.tit•-nt poolllon tn 1 !Mg nr~1n1z.ahon llkr 1 rlOIW' loolr. •I ltw '-rm• It• nnt only • ~ or~1n1zatl0f'I. 11'< 1 t•,, npportw111h Te H• if yH ~ualfty fOf ane 11 tiff t1taldn ,.s111Ms, cal yow local Army Recruit• new SantJ Ana 542·4763 tbltilcton Costa Beach Mtu 962-8821 540-1026 Lasma .. 761-5251 731·04'1 Dana Point 493-1901 ARMY. a ALL 10U CAM .. ( <. ) ) W4NTBD ( (---~----) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Enmings • Sup~r. Trips • Great Pri1es CA~l CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT DailJPilat ~~----e4"2·•SZ - u Maneu-t nlng•. utltlza your out• 833-3231, Ext 39 CALORIC DBL OVEN Call Thuraday. .... ••• ••rliets going peraon•llty, IMrn I.A.I. FINANCIAL & Gu range, 2'" yrs old, N-lvll-tlza ma111 ... Mt. • .. July 29, 1982 how lo become a trained INSURANCE SERVICES Harvest gold, bit-In $65 N-queen llz:e. Ba'-13 PM and 8 PM ..... TrallHS ..... counMlor Call timer•. ctocl<, alaclronlc s100 750-5832 AM for h-' y O 2-6PM. 042-4321, Ext Secretary Needed. HOW'S pilot 8ought micro 1111-~t I.Lo ... Mr llHF 34&. EOE 9-3 dally, Mon-Frt. Exp. $460/bat ofr 493-9580 ' • • • --8tal1 ~new~ on oan offloa Miiis. ---------1 llSI f a.r,. our 3rd lhlft, aemtno 14 llAL UTATI UUI 54~178, 9-5 Mon-Fri Dbl ooor rafrtg w/trea2ar E ••• 111111 42& PrlnGeton Dr Cotta M ... Equal Opty mpl~ up 10 14·50 aa you ti.-Wa have an opanloQ for Whll'IP<>OI wUMr & dryr. i-----M_11F ____ 1 :;:ie bemor;,:;:;:ci YC: OM well-draaaed lnte111-HOIETUY/mO. ~1M~h1 the II~. ca11 FUN JOB marttetlng com-mgmt. & au~ i. gent 18~ 10 WO!'k Marketing dept. haa pany Meda demonltra-Wlla. e.11: 114-537~. :ea~ =:'c1:= opening In NPT BCH. Wht frig, alee d~. 18 lb' tors over 18, fOf dyne-lntarvlew9 held W9"f Fln. 1vcea nrm Good ty-1125, Top ot the Lina mlta new product, tra\'91 Thurs. at 1390 N. Cat. :in=. 1;::1t1:i,.::" P'"9· S/H •kilts. Ellf)er. ~~ 13~row•ve. auto You are !Pie wtnnef of , two free tickets (118 00) valve to IP\e RINGLING BROS BARNUM & BAILEY w/orOUf' to 7 Weatwn Hwy.. Laig. Bch. trom LEO HANNA req d. Non-amkr part. 851 9670 atataa, -treln, ~ 9A~. E.O.E. SA I/ICE PRESIDENT Call &40--0123 • ClllOll Anaheim Convention Center Aug 5-16 long Beach Arena -advenoed, at>ow ~========l-----------1 average =:J•· Muat •-~ .... ---Wttltf I . T1,W Ot. Sig ~ C aaek 2 dr older A4frlgerat0f, be w9ll ~ • call tor -· ..._ RatltOl'I e«-4910 n n °· • very good wor1<1no oond I appt. 10-1 Auttt .Johnaon Buay P«i•· Exp required .... _ • ~t ..._ llQQI'~ _1_so_. _~ __ 1_1_Etic: __ ---1 Aug 18·22 To Claim ~. call 542-5678. ext 272 Pu- -muat be exchanged tor re_..,ad ... ,, at boll 848-0388 ~70 -·-soma car • ..,.,_ fur-~frlgaratOf. wuher. ____ Ul ____ m ______ --IW--lal--...._.----ILIW '*'' nlthad. Apply at Muttl-d~. dtlhwutlef & I f /T Baca omc. tor ...__.___ You're unlqvtly quallftad media Daaig!i co. 130 E. traez.er. 548-5848 Mature Gpar aecretary, ·-·-...,-for a treYel r~ed "'*-171.h Suite 'f CM offic:. prior to perlor- manoa xi/It typing, phof'9 pet• ton 8aed'l Area. ExP9r ,_, Earn Income you'f9 · a · · UMd WeslloQhouM hvy I aonaltty, th!Mlng abltlty. '**8afY. Ex<*lant ti.-aocuatomed to. Cell !torn duty w..,.,., & d~. Ilk• Non·emkr, C<IM. s.tld nefltl 847~ 9-12, 845-()55'$ ntll IUUID MW $350 pr. 675-1303 • • * Aaaumaa to. ~led I Ad #881, Delly Piiot, PO Bo• 15e0, eo.ta Meaa. Ca. 92828. ...... Auktlllt Front and baclc olflca '°' Waatmtnlstar Ar•. Computer knowledge he4pM Eicp«. neoaa.- aary. Eacellent benefit.a. 847-1815 mllUL IPlllAUIT LNm medical lkflts & eerve In the Army Rea· -,....,. home. Cell to-day: Tuatln 73 HM81 Santa Ana S.2-4783 USAR Ctr. 552-3173 llEITllUIT The nMat nouwna raa- taurant In Orange County I• ln1•Mted In qualified personnel. We are ~lnO appllca· Ilona bel'#Mn 9-11 am dally. tor the followlno Poaltlona: HOSTESS BUSMAt-4 WAITRESSES CAPTAINS 333 Bayaide Drive Newport Baaeh, Calif. General .._,, Mm up to '400 wt! talllng anap lhot1 In your .,. ... Ama- teur photographara ,_.. dad, P/F time, no •l!P9" or Mlllng req'd. Write to Unlvaraal, PO Box 1223. Montebello, CA. 90840 ---------Aeataurant Nursing OPERITll& ROOll RI Full time, days (8:30 to 5 & 9.30 to 6). Current Calif R.N. License & 1 lo 2 years 0 R experie n ce required. ~ofrt primary euppller of good food to IM lrvlne Corporate community need• an an- thullutlc. r~llble elhptoyaa !or countet .. 1aa. food Pfflf) & dell- varlaa. M-F. 8-3PM Good driving record Mo eeaaary. Call M-F att 1PM. $57-8232. • • • F locally owned Retrlgerlllor. 2 Ooot, G.e. °'•Ion·"" , _ _.....__.. I Ilk• MW. 13 c1 I 125 IHIU HT!U na -·• ,.,...,.,._, m-875-3213 printed IPO'l•WMT atora. ---------c 2808 W Aurora St •3 =bll=. ~ !!f!!!! .. •••••••!~.. You .,:~:,: ~~ Of tlon, buylOg, and In~ Soya 20" Bike, II~ Mw, two free tickets (S 18 00) IOI)' control. Salary, plu1 good cond. 145 obo val~ to tl\e commlaalon, lnauranc. 64~ 1040 RINGLING BROS. baneflta avail. Pldc up Blcycta for Mia. xlnt cond BARNUM & BAILEY app11ca11on at T -Shirt• uncter sea Call CJIOIS Plua, Laguna Hiiia Malt. 548-2481 Anaheim Convention ..... <liilo•lf•a•t lii EIEllllmTorilllolliRiidli.)-----------i Centet Aug. S-18 -Bike for sale. rad, good Long Beach Araoa --m-,-... --/hfr'--.-conc:1 ~--0550. To e1~ ~:-.!!a. ca~ needed for prtvate tennla ---------i 642-5878, ext 272. Paa- clvb In Npt Bdl. Rafe What a Wonderlvl World -mutt be ••Chano-d raq 044--0052 ol Shopping. right at for r--...cl seats at bOx YOUf flngertl~ ave<y<layl off,_ "'lor to ___._ T•l• ... H Salts Dally Piiot Ctasattlad """ ,... ,,.... ·~- CASH PAID DAILY Ads To place your ad. 'l'l•nc• Call Mr B, 031-8145 call 542-5678 and 111 a1 ____ •_•_• __ _ Telephone Salas Clusllled Ad-VllO< help WANT ACTION'> Eam Big MoMy by the ;y:o:v:::::-:-:-:-:-:-;:-;:-;:--:,;;::;C::;la::;s::;s1:;;:fed::::;A;;o;;a:;;:6::;4:;;:2;;-5;;6;;7~8 beech. S300-s 1000/ weak Cell 538-7511 Tt11,lat1t S.Htlten Staff Positions available in Acute Hospital with progressive programs in Ophthalmologic & Orthopedic Surgical Procedures. Critical care differential & certif1cat1on bonus offered as well as generous benefit package & compelitive pay 9Cale. Restaurant NMded tmmadlately Ellpert.nced full-time Ideal tor llvdenl• or hO- WHAT'S NEW FOR wall a~ ty 1 mamalter• e ..... 3-9 No reas. ,,..p n per-Mfllnn. Air""" atee Call aon. The Beech HOUN, ... ,...... ' 819 Sleepy Hollow Lana. bet. 9-12, 640-4547, aft I Laouna e.ecn. 494-11707 _Pm_. 9e6--0 __ 1_6_1 ___ _ SALES/ADVEATISING I LOVE ITll That'• what our clients tell u1 New unique ad- TYPIST. Rax. part time. 35 WPM, touch, aeQUrate. $3.50 hr 8Mch & Edlnga< Area 842-4088 S14ltll1~aoli C1••111tJ Hos,Hal 24411 Y11 Estr14l1, L11111 Hiiis ll0-3141 v.rtltlng & marketing " "1 concept. lnterNttonally •• !!/!.. •••• "-••••••••• aeclatmed. Call Now 111.M 1nlanll 83 l-5540. • ••••••••••••••••••••• At 1, .. , .,,.11 .. 1ty ,., •• ,., China, furn, & mlac. 1no SELL Idle 1tam1 with a W BalbOa Blvd. Wad, Dally Pilot ClaMlfled Ad Tllura. Fri. A 0 SOON YOU'LL BE SEEING SIGNS AAOUNO TOWN CALLING ATTENTION TO SALES! Tl llYI 1 IMIDSFIL 111111 UU (cw YMI ..... lttete ..... •·> 1. Place your td In th• Dally Piiot ned Nation (It's Met to run 3 for maximum expoeu,..l· tt you or your Id In adv.no. we' I run It 3 deyt and only chlfge you for 21 2. a.t your FREE G1t• 8 ... ltgna (all ~ hav. to do II corM In to the Dally 6. pey for your Id In advance -we wlH aM you two 11 x 17 Signs - FREE of charge). 3. Price .ch ~ of metehandlM. 4. t1av• plenty ot cnang• on nano 1(nlckel1, dimes, quartera, halvet, one and five donar blll1) • 5. Retu. hl¥e tun, and oount 'f04JI mOMY at the end of the day. ---------BIG SALE • Thur9 only. ~5. Everything mutt go. 312 AMda, Balboa. 875-9072 C..t• .... ••....••...........••• Garage Sala • Lota of Goodlaal Sal/Sun 10-4 879 Arbor St. (Nr 111h & Mon<ovla), C.M. Latga 3 Party Oatage Seit 7~ & 7-31. Hand toolt, nuta, bolta. 7 mo1orcy- clee, automollve ~arta, Whellla, tlrN, tuml1urt, worll benc:hea. ahop ct1alr1. ete. 1790 Monro. Via Aw. Bldg A3-M·A5 lnrter. !~~.!'!~~ .... * * * •n•n..._ .ULJtllllt, ......... '(.cu .,. t~nar Of two fret tletlet• (1 18.00 veiua 10 U!a AINGLING BROS. ~ANUM A ~ll..IY ..... AnlMlm Conwntton Cenltr AUO. 6-18 Long a..ch ANna ~· .. 22 To Olelm peaeee. c.a 142..aera. eirt. a12. P~ .. mlllt be e11chana90 lor,....,.. .... et 6oit offtoe ptiot to J*10t· manoa. ••• BOATS The Daily Pilot will publish boat picture ads starting Friday, August 6th -we'll even take a picture of your boat for your ad. You can't beat the price. if we take the picture. your ad will only cost you $45 -if you provide the picture. your ad will cost $40. SAMPLE AD U [iJ; .1.J11.) •. l.J.U L For more Information and to schedule your ad. please call 642-5678 and ask for Classified Advertising. Orange Ooatt DAILY PILOT/WtdMlday, Juty II, 1112 ftMl/HMtt... • "~· -MM 'Trt,""' MN •~I .. ., IAl/l.llNM ... llM ~.'.'!!.lt!m ........ !~'!!.lt!mltf .. il:. :i.a i ~ ... '!!.!t!nt~ ..••••. M'!!..~M ........ , •• ... •::um 111 111• .. ~.rnnr ... ,.....,,. .. . . ......... T.~'' ... '11!1tf ...... ,rr.n •., ..... ....,d,1 ... ~' .... ,.. n• A.ini'i' MM • - -.. • lO w• ... "'ti, O"UWDIO tflOn --~ IOAT ti. ... AYAILAll,.11 AtW!tton eol!MOttla UllO CAM l TftUOICI flii7m.......... • nn.n .~... • I :;;1.-...-. .......... r:.l rr.o •• w-1 ........ rr.Tf .. __...._ ::'a-t'ltl n .. t4t1 ~ ,.. 1t•U• 1100 ""'"'1 leeot\: U ' II' .._. ,_.., In OOMI IN~~-~ 1llO ~ llfO, I 11M •1•11 tt1t ~It. JCtm ciond. 'IO MOHTI CAN.O ...,. M ltltnd Qold a.ra llMHln•. OfteNI PM• U' & 40• Cell .... ~ rUflftlnl toftdtuonl Y .. ...... .. tr1n1., IOw ,,...., 411 • • .. I IPCI lmlfm OMt M. * ml! l&L * ""'a.e---_-.... J--MOt~linel-._ MMlbMhla for l•le. ~~~ tnil Wemnty .... , from I 10' •· !!!O!...~ lfMl•to71 • o.ml:lr™ =-.-::ie:, ~~ ee.ten. ~.. ~ 000 11'11 ~'J, Clll!Ol'I i..n.t, °"'J ..... oorckKoY ttrl .... 4•lt11 .,.,.., W Tl loe Ill -~ · "° .,,...,, =~~I lldeAOUCl\ltMllirl7.000 IO.OOOmlwlUJMOlodl MW:!?'°· Ht-l,14<t •Air ~lllOfMW, litct MW.. -llfl ~~l=l.•..:..:. :..:=-1~~ ?"-·~ = "':!~ ''':. 0=:.~..:; :::::..:::-~ ... Tr. 0teen. aolct. 6000 bhl, u... IO'ff ..._ .. ,, .t .... New nn.. Good OOftd, H~; .,.1.(11N. -Inf ;t,k 15111. \)MY AMJtlMICa&, lfl wtt., IOOd ~. U ~ llN, 6MIMtMf .. ,. 1-,.11 Oorw ftd TMMo ..-. Ml...,, t ~. &aMM1 eft e AIO Coneolie, .... 1 . Mio'°"-~ Q1-4~ ... ~T.4tti'i ..... .,,i. 'ii/ MM ™""U2. • • • la&.ll I ~ "It •llW ... ~1) .Mt ,_. ,.. ~------~ MoL.aM front tl'll'OW ,... .._., M t ••••••••••••••••••·.-.T .... • ~-........ Top llJ.-AMiii aD 2uo Hert>of IWd. PlttY '° ~ ,.., ""' ohelr-.. good mowet 1 .. 9del 21" r:mr. .......... u. 11' MW'CUl'Y 110H, ''° ... tudee>Mer --·-· UUlll ... ootTA MUA I epd. A/O, ~. Jdnt ... ~'"""" ... OOftCI 111 bath. \Md • IW!oe. • 1290• ti' Avon lnllt.ttble IP0'1 110-IWl/tkl wlttY asaeo 5 f:. ~· Nice oer. ,,..., ~ M . -· .. tMI oond. Low, loW mllell. elcl oontt.-to =::: .... ,OM 6841-1091 boat, OOOd d"'9 boat, ........ 1.-. as IO. 21 /ffMTtl Paid .__..._ ·n .... ~ .... L.. vt..1 car.et on gee. No bedl ptrM.. ... 11000 °' btl1 offer. ....... ..._ .. ...,.. -· M1llO tor "°9t .,.l-4400. PUT f11 MllP 8utC1htf llOOk outtl~. Ma..1101. fJ t 11,. "41 Cid. Model '1. ... '°' 'tOIJI c.1 You .,. the WW. of oond. Mon 1hnl Thut1 8$._.2'4 ~ Nf.100t "°'° L/M. WV rm) MYW Ulllld. ==•Ml~41mt • lulld your O'llfn C1t'1n• .!fl.~.~••••0••••• ~=~·~ ~'. Ti:: LJ111•1111 ... I -!:,. ": J:• (l1l.OO) ~n!:,, 4 t:'J.o~•,k., I« R. '75 Toyote, 4 IC)d, run1 '7' Monte Oerto. llltn ortt\ t1100, MO S&ts pn • ran, 2 Mtl of moldt, 1 c .. ,.n. "1f IOO ... f.«)0111 tml llUHQUNQ IR()I. ' ll'Mt Qood oond. oond, o1etn body Nide '46-11t 1 9WI, wtcncl.I P9"IJgO twn ltrOller. u-.d 001'11$)1et• l'lull ptue Low IHI" fl• lt!t t4lftot ltwd. IA""'UM & I.All.IV lt 77 4llO la. ltOWn wlftl 12200. Ha-ottO. & out, ~ ,_. ~ Need us dttptf•tel't. 3 11,,,.., new 8260, w Boy Traller & ullllty IMd. ...................... 'll ...-m eo.&a M.-MO lllO ... ,.,, Int. 1 owner. atnt 641-ttet enQ11W1 11000. aee.1 .. 1 Mutt uo; 7 po uv rm 11eo. 942-1101 Mab offer. 493-4061. • • • ...... """"""'Pttoet AnaMlm Convention ooncs. 122.llOO. 5Af.1M5 V11k1rrlfO 1110 11 CNwoWI a.a . • • • : MOO firm. 6 Po bdrm 1tt 22ov air oondltlontl'. Wanted. N•Yl\)atlotl In· UllY tWY 32.000 m~ le.too. IUMn peld fOf 11'1i.-0# c.nter AuQ, 6-t8 da, e7s-7t47 ~ •••••••• ............. Ci.Mio. ONIM oonttot 1371. Din rm .... *31&. Good condition a&o 11ruc1or on my own boat, 1122 8ellnu All9. M·' 78l-'71 (foN!ln Ot ~) ~ IMdi Alena '12 3000 Turbo. 811vet '10 VW Bug, 1Unroof, runt 1111 ltl'Q wtl, ,/W, Pit.. Wtllttpool "'*· 115 ~-1207 wtlktnd1 ... untU I flntlly CO.ti Mete '117 Ced conv.tlb6e In OOOd ~" Al.le-tt.U b:ue metV~. l/r, onl'lo good, et.en. A.tn/FM lter, A/C, I.ow 141~ Bankrupt NurMrY llOCk ·•oet II" Cell An• Ad You .,. the winner of 1780/Mtlk• on. .. Uie l'lrtlt To Glelfn PMMI> Gall ... t •• rttr l'le&d1, flC1 11700. 494-el75 M ..... NIOO Call ~ L*t MW. 3 Capleln'I Avocado TrMI t5 M . #509 942-4300, 24 l'\rt. IWO tr .. tlc•t11 (1111.00) 642--4014 &U·M71, .X1. 212. ,... lnalld mall, mull Mii .71 lug, reblt w/rec.ipll, DonlllW, t7t-4200 IWMI bet .,OOll, walnut, 945-4199 • ... .,. -' value to tl'le ._........_,,. .. mue1 be ftohanOtd Pvt P1Y· 114/731·0202 "" radllll1. o.u. Xlnt 1911 CfMI¥ C.,,._ 2t tw ... rall. 1128 M, now ,,, ,.,,.,,,. RINGLING BROS '"4 ..... -tor,....,.. ... 11111 &ox '11 Metotdlt 450SLC. l20IO. &e1-3982 ml ~400 W-1114S 1160 tor .. 3. 551~ Coolcware • MW Waltt· L.J .. t•I ~· IAANUM & IAll.EY 1M8 Ford WOOtti W• oflloe prtor to S*'tor· bfWn chrome wNI IQe... ~ IC>m. & ~ teu. ateln!Mt ,,..,, Seti •• ~:"'""•••••••••••• ...... gon, 113.000. rnanoe. ded. W .llOO 873-i&at M1~~T .. ~!L. L1.,;,~ VY'rf, 8!: 1 9edroom Or...., from tor $340, regular U12. Traller, MW, IC>f 18 ft C11. Anaheim C 11-22 * • • •• .,... ....... .. .. NEW Q-v ENGINe :t21 Star Du•t Hole!. llO. call 7-9am or 5-7pm, S475 Firm. To claim PUHi cell 1Ht l'Ofd MOdtl A Town ,11 ....,.Z. ..... ~ ... ~·.ooo Ill I.I ...,. paint, eng tren1 .... te. 2·bolt ~ w/360 1Ut· 145-7"4 9412-a31SS 493-8138 Aft 6 °' 811 942.ee?I. axt. 212· P... Sedan. 110,000 • .., "".......... ...... ShowrOOf'll ooncs Dn t1r11. 496-2881, bo treM a ll'llft kit 11, ...... Ut I• let ~. Rollewey bed, xlnt Triller, MW lor Jet Ski, -muat bl exot111notd .tll lltnbor.~~,·d 11'11. a/o, 4 c:/· snt; blW/ttn lntr · Fully 944·9~9. 000. i.-than 1& ml on Nwltul'w labrie 195. Good cond $40 101112 Avo-lnllellblt boltl f fOf ~ -·· a1 &ox ~~~~~Avent!, l!?~· ~1-.11 i>lll cmD ~-aft ~ 9QU!pfled. Xlnt Car & In· '11 Ollftll1IU It 842-4653 Ill 15:$0 Cond. cado lheg cetpel $80. 493-8138 Alt 5 or S•t ottloe Pflor 10 perfOf• ~ Ollft lf\'lfMd!IM!y 1517.714,4 veetment. $'9,000, Xlnt cond. I.ow m14e1 ·eg Cotvllr, r\Mdl wont, H0-3545 849-1654 Canoe. Non• 17'. fiber· mane.. l111Ndtul fOt )'OUt vehlol9. Do-• 720-1eea M996. &4~151 bell oflef tllk• Double mattr ... (box IP"· OlllUI lrlftl .... glua, Uk• new, l>Mt of· * * * Vdhln mettlo Ot t.nlgn. ft DATSUN 1=.,::· '79 400S!L, 52K ml, 1 ·eo Rabbit Conv. AN xtru, 142-i338 w/trame, Ilk• new S70 St 10 laot/ C1hltton1 .. 11n fw Ken. &44--949' * * • ~·~d:i~. 111 .. IM ~ = 162-48H . ~~tlM 116· AC, 11.000 ml, 5 IPd ·79 CMvette. '30001 btl 64H14J ett 7pm, Shlf. Long si.t~ $100, Red, White. Blue Spin· llU llUWll wltr1r, Plrl IN ltlOO. j ..._ l•-W ,.,.,,, ll Muat NII t75--8172 ofr. 4 IP(I. good cond. ley 942•0808 nailer. uMd onoe. Olher 8777 E-1 Cor111 8pf'tnga 642·"4•7 ;JA'r.-i.w,....;.:7'••••u• •l•••••••••••••••••••• •et M9Z 2eos 0tlalnal ••·ea vw Bug, oun root, ~ muat ..., Dining room l1ble w1e ATARI 400 Computer bolling llerni. 496-t094 Huollngton 8Mctl AV Gentrilora t>tfll'IO jfl.f •--l~!J W •IUn'I owner, tmmec. C!Ondltlon. 12150 ---29----- otlMI. white w/yellow ~. 1n box S235 EVINRUDE You are ,,,. wlnl'\tf of MW, mu.i NII, i47-4111 m· e'rnf1fuuu1l•• ., ..,..IDI "'4800 t'73-t728 499-2989 '74 Cl'levelle Mlllbli elel- trlm. $150. 54&-7462. 558-1170 40 h.p outboard. $350 two lrll tlekt te (111.00) deya 84~ _..,., * na•••t ,73 a.-Bettle 9 mo lie. P/8, P/8, Auto, AK .,. ___ .... &«·551SS vllue to the wtcnci ..,... ......_ • 350 V8, cteer 11111 r _,...., •• ..,.. group, H .. vy duly wlleelbwrOW RING LINO BROS. , ... MIA -.... ...., ... 1144 Old eng . many nu prtl-$8001080 984-3205. grlndlttl'lel' cloek, uph Good condition 135 ... ,, llWI HfO BARNUM & BAii.EV 4 WAHi ..,_ ff .... • ....... .... ........ ... grMI lnt, look• good queen 11%1 bed with••• &44-0317 •••••'•••••••••••••••• 1 ... -......... ':'1i;n •• 1.-.. I~ '7t MOB oonvwtlbt.. Ilk• 12900. 831-3059 Cirr.J.11 1111 reo bit In headboard. --CIUllc: 1e· 1.ap11r1k1 ,..... 11ll -W • ~·· s oerbt., new, lo ml. 1tereo caaa, ... 7 VW ... ~ , __ .. __ ... ••• •••••••••••••••••• new fttltd bedepraad. Legun1 Fasttval of Art• c.ntury bey boll, 4 c:yl, Aoahelm Conv.ntlon -real~. Lall of lht big raclng 1trlpe, MOO<> v ..._ .. """'' .,.., 19412 CflrylMr Newi>or1 YeNet plllow lham1, Pageant TICklll a\1911. '°' Grey. S3llOO &7&-e 1& 1 c.nt., Aug. 15-19 • '4 111 '*"' Alla "°"*'I. (OVe 112) 975-f589 rune good. M-"Y elClru. a.den. mint tac. ong lampa comer group with night of Augull 12th. Long e.ac11 Arena RMdy '°' WOlkl (1111). II 1 1111 ·-$2,000. 842-0219 Radio, '-'"· elr ~ .,.,ec) Ible New wtter thru B1Ja Chlldren1 42' H Matthewl. twn dll. ).ug. 18·22 OILY 111111 • , . 'ti Ml '99 VW Bug, 11750. New 12250 94M001 bed comp . 0111 mirror Found•tlon. s1e. CO.I Brleto4. LIW aboard To claim p...... call Al.JI riff 1100 W• Coal1 Hwy. Extr• ollen. arnllm. "'"· brkl & pilot, IUpel NIOI '72 Ctvylier ~ Other ti.ma PIP. 1011tty dedue11blt Call 1111 S59,500 pp (2131 942-6071. ext. 272 Pu-......... .,.... .m-••••••••••••• rt.l1 Newpof1 e.cri Everything new SEE TO buy 11 thll pnc. porter va 4 Or, hardp 6415-1320 . . 4PM M-F 88().1084 Att 8ff.258l, 17141 Ml mull bl exchtnQtd OoY9/aw.il ltl ...... ,... 642·9'00 HLIEVE.13~ Of trade 944.ssas, &73-M50 elf 33 OOO OrMn Vibrating RecllMlf 0, 983·81&3 790-1 179. tor r--..d ... 11 at &ox NEWP01'T HACH H .000 ...... !Ulty IOtdtd fhl 1111 tor? 831·55el M1t1 '71 Futbaek. 20,000 ml :r'uai ai.u:n.....' st50. $35. SCRAM-LETS 30;!~:, ~~T:~~~ ::,~~prior to pertor. HI..... 111nroof, f:. oond. '-*• ••••··,·,···,·,·;.,•••1•1••1••• MOB '87, rablt eng, 4 IPd. on ,_ eng. Rune grMt. _&_7_5-44 __ 18 ____ _ 948-6148 VHf, CB, aulo pllOI * * * '11W MW. $ S,400 09(), 11 " OVW•drlve iclnl oond $1595. 856.()990, C..ll•nliJ fl# 7 pltc:9 wtllt• French Pro-ANSWERS s1e 500 AY648-9000 ••••••••••••••••• •• t4M211 1-. 4 Dool' S.Oan. 4 ~ 11585 942-0548 641-8989 •••••••••••••••••••••• lllnoMlf bdrm 1 yr old. ' CAMPER SHEi.i. tor '7t TOYOTA ...Cl<U' H7·tN4 deyl. trena., AM1'M rldlo, l...-1 1141 Unooln Contlnentel Ong. $2,000 • $950 or Bridge • Flllll l&' Qluper boal, trlr, Cour1«/D1t1Un1Toyota. * lllT llU. * 1171 Audi IOOO, red, WI only 4t.OOO mllel & ta· .;-m;;;;;o•••••••••••••• '7 ~~ ~~=· * lll lllll * belt olr. 94&-9219 Logk: • Happen 45HP Joh~ ~~,OOO. etc Wlboot °' IOlld Span Model, Of"I rnl.o belOe velOur Int., AO, oepttonalty olllnl boei-U&ll l 1Hf 849·8"4 Long 111ttd • In. uttl• T_,_ ..... ~ 17 ... -tlq·-SHOCKED 538-5341, 1 Window. Encl wmoor l i..g., cu1t. wt1M11, di•. AMl'M etweo oaet, 4 lenll...!_ ~~I~~ PlllllT IOI I mete In penionei lu11ury ,....._ .,.., ., -· ~ Behind ~ aucceqlvl 28' Cttrll crett Cabin cloor In rur 1 125 lnt1tl0r end morel dr. OIMr\, MIOO. l!vel ""' ..... -.,.... '97 Bug. 12 vo4t, ju1t reblt Right now, ttw modell draft~ Ible wllctlr young m1r1etanda 1 wo-Cn.'4-. eng & Irena r• 642·5200 dye; ~e (1507114) Mt f'Md ,.. wkncl.l 6"-1488 boot& •t 11400 Clill U.. Tllll llEIEL 1941 r!iCUltom dertl .,.. tvlllable, poeelbfy '500. X eo In metll man It's hi• third grade built. recently refur. IMI ll1blt pany to mllkt 11.ll 81 &4a-17te •fl~ 9:30 blue Int, I blue paint. one for you! Jult Ned :;~~t~ =am._ft IMCher . SHOCKED blahed, belt tank, radio. #tlltl•H JJjn 1141 IMlll monlhly pm11. No lit!•••••••••••• •••• :;.my, : .. :.~· : $289 I ~ ndowl, rtdlll rtllebtl party to make ... hd Newport illp lnold. )(lot •••• • • •••••••••••• •••• o4d oontrec11 to tMIH'f\I, • ..-. ........,_ k--ur... S 1750 080. lmell monthly pmt1. No ,,.,,,. .,,_ ,..attct 111tnu ..... , ~ s 11,600. ,79 ~ 3000 mn.. No b«iek pmt1. due. Alie ---....--... 556-433& o1c1 contrect• to ...-. board 1100· tr1Pil dr-Wul" 1111 976-9565 S250 541-4918 daye, tor Rote ... 2-4400, trytnol I* montti p1111 tax '79 vw 8UC* 8Mt'9 No bed! pml9. due. A.- -wldblt mirror. '225· •••••••••••••••••••••• &42·1308 -& wkndl. 556-1009 Proto l./M. '75 Flat 121· Nloa 6 clean 41 month dOMd end conv. 27,000 ong ml for Roe. &42-4400. antique chetrywood CU· Wantecl: Storege cablMI, '64 Luhr• wlflyt>f1dge, -"'~ ......... 11700 $.......... 556-1008 Pt-oto UM r1o ceb l&OO. &51·94170 pref. metal, apprx t5" eng. frelfl -.1er cooled, '77 FOX! QT moped, gel '&7 FOfd F800 21A ton ~~14~_5047: ~O:. ~~ °: :~7~·97s:;4~ · .' --s•H wide, 5. Ill. 54e.95l8. 350 Chevy. $11,000. l)ya oond .. tow mli..g. 12?5 Bobtall, 390 CID engine ....... ,111 ("-. 1,.,. ... 1 .,7,._9,.,.,. ~ 111J J~ oli --------1 831..()111, ...... 96()-3494 OBO 950-1179 and. Vin plul UftgaM ,.,.,,. 1111 ....,., ..., ...,..., v" 'IV., •••••••••••••••••••••• All ex1rU. &76-7739 a~~o~~~~~~s 30· Cabin cni1-. n<11 ·ao Peugeot. Good Cond. !:~2 ~1~::ec,~ •••••••••••••••••••••• IUOl IMNRTI V1Jn IT'l '1 09., v~~= ' Twin bed, holtyo;wood ltyte, 673-5938 WOftl , ~17 1 <191, xlnt rnectl 1276 or ti.I offer. ler 4 pm l&I a -·· 'IO ford Reeta. mint 848 Dov9 Street ........ u ...... ,••••• xlnt cond Sim. ; od oond. s2!5. cond. s2200. 538-5341. S&l-2932 -· "'-~ml~ .. AJN000Fm .. ~~~.; Newport Beed'I #1 Y.tn haltr 946-7107 • Call 646-9288 Orum: 8 pc pearl w/ 933-1909 931-2040 49MMt J-~· ..... · -1•1~:, 112-0100 le lrH&t Oentfl -------cymb1l1 and hardware. #111rqfln/ '78 FOfd Cour1er w/lhell IAltl P'" -., ·n Vett•. Wiii/ tan lnlr s=.:iED. :oe1 ~: '500 oBo. 1168-1048 2~0· w~1tt. ~ ~= blfrf II H & 1r1r 11"ctr. Xlnt oonc1. 28A02 u ...... -.. Pttwv •• •••••• ••••••••••••• •~-1., •150 W.U, lllYlll 40 m1. new Mlcflellnl. a11 l ·-· -••••••••••••••••••• 30.000 ml. $3250 or best ---·-* ,.~ J the ~-· 18750 · =:.1 Eric dellQner ••::n•••tl llU 2!.19=~= :-e:,. ·~ ~:~Q~~T ~E~ on.. ~ CA~> 1n1 m Y· 11 ................... ovE~J:~~ERY :~~J .,. days. (Tl\llY'81' Coggin) L· •••;,,••v::.:1••L•l•k••••••••• Gray marine Lugger Xlnl SecrltlOI $700 OBO. '79EICamlnoauptr·IPOft •fDTW• 1971---111 EXPERTS ·5.11 Vette, r•tor.d, xlnt lhaptd aectlonel \)d ' ""n t new. cond A1k S7500 873-7925 V&-8, PIS, P/8, A/C, &CADD _.. ~ cond S8llOO or ott... cond $350 931-3381 rt 1225 °' meke offw e1s-Oe23 .7 .. y•M•H.• Yl'"" ..,...... $5000 or ofr. ~9134 8urvundY wrten, loc*e TllU WU lll ·~" ~ ...... ' 549-1040 v ,. ,. ,. .,., ,,.,...... end nina ~I A«' wl blaek, Flat•. -~--9'>4'------Cottee table, dellgner 197& Wrtedt Monwa 23' condition ms. Private 8...._<.:..........:-:·--.... (18YGte1) l&n....... T-". REC•Ro Ql.YI gt111 top on walnut N-Martin Acou.UC gut-o.y Crullef. Ouardlan patty H0-1882 'e3 a-tnldc ptdl~. _._.._.., $13,500 j1210'7i -" 19641 H.,bor BNd. c:ubel. $175, 931-3361 tar wlcaM, 1750 M811ne 4eo Unooln 325 1975 Ducltl 750 GT. good cond"lon. See II 'la IJll'I Ire llnJ 111·1111 110.000 COSTA MESA ., 851-9670 HP FuMgeugee.235hra. Clean S1800 orbeetof· 221 E. 19th St., C.M. NlceltltctlOfll 1•1111• Ml-llOl M0-1411 Seltg c:tirome roci<er, fully Randall PA W11h 15 Ind\ 541 gel. capec:tty, Beet flf 546-9182. 642-1353 * '78 a20I: tuto., 11'1/rf, 1178 JAO XJL • • • upflol "'1hlontl Gd aQMlllfl, hOrnl & co-on ... (714) 947.5300 or (438VCK) Otto. OWl'lll'. M.000 -------- '71 Votvo 240D Alklng cond ... S90, 63,.3381 Yef'S. S500 Pf 751-851&. 842·1121 att &pm. HONDA MR50 ·e1 a-truc:k. 350 en-* '10 133o11; euto .• low m1e1. every .w:. rod ETER $2000. Reblt tnll w/9000 --------Fender F35 acoustic gut-1980 SO' Hlitteru con-ttke new, M25. glne. New brlll•. muf· "*:.J,5=1~ io.-llnCI new. Sir, ""'*' ::'.:C.~n~o. good tires o. peraone estnlng rm tar 'With ~--Ilk• new verti• IUlly loeded ree1 M2-6410 tter. atddll 1n1. Auna. ~. 11~, .. *· seooo. 120-1ee& NRIOIE/1111 Ible */Uphol Chrome . -. • 14&0 ' '81 K.awuekl &50CSA. WOf1ta ~ 11460 ,,,_. .... ,.,v~v 13831 Hert>or Blvd. ctlf'I (Mtthton.) '250. 1175. 84&-3500 lo tn. 14 .ooo. E.,... under SK mt, Ilk• new, 982-7803 '* '11 530I: en/'1, tow * Garden OtOYe A•,., lfw ~4'! ••••••••••• "-~f ESTATE SAl.E: 4 df '77 Dodge Otp4omat wlfull pwr, ale, aml1m radio. c.ii BaM of ~ for de1alla. Wkdye only 8-.3 pm. 759-4382 '79 Oodge Colt. good oond MUST SElL MO-VING S2eOO otlo 945-8309 171-5279 Manin D28 guitar, $750, e7~Mn $2200. 938-0917 ''""' V.W. c•uPEA Xln1 rftla, (M2TAT) 1•1 .a..-a• m l11lea ... nloaa ..... '1 .............. .. m It NII ... ,, •--1 -,_ * '1t 320!, 4 apd., AIC. ---- -,_ A11C IH • OAK Roll Top DNll w/chr. u M-8759 'I -'88 SUZVKt 125 cones. Reblt eng. S2llOO (4MXEO) Ill ataa LeeillC ...................... '"' IHI : ~2~' $1000, call AIU--:__,.__ .. • •• ~ ••••••• ~!! N-!~~5 ...... aso FIRM. 54&-1713 '!~'!'(~ apd) • ll'llr1, .. wl~ .... pelnt, 114 IH-2111 ·~~M~le ~· = ................... ... ~ .~...... 40' Viking tor CNl1« --_,., ,..., 1n1 cnrotn. IW\d Interior. Ex·r--------1 S3 000 94Me29 '71 FORD Mevwtdl. Good OAK Table wl& pr9S1 L..f•nl ,., Filhlng, diving a en-.79 YAMAHA YZ80, oood ••.•••••••••••••••••••• -.a1J1 oelef\t condition. '80 924 Turtlo, loeded. '80 1--·--·~W-----i cond. 3 ,_ tlfel, econ bectc chB. Lui & catm •• ~:"'""••••••••.... terillnment. Call C!Ondlllon. 1~5 Prlve1e 78 Dodge Ven Conv. 208 W. 1tt. a.ma~ (51A4214) 924. Ten ~ leatle •1/d Ill '860. 494-3211 l*Scltcl COV*f. Bewt. I I Otn latlllat ee2-21a8. party te0-1ee2 * lllll llLL * CloMd Suncs.t 114,000 p1111 eet s1.ooo. •••••••••••••••••••••• cond. $1000, 771-5279 In IXC9htnt cond. ... .... •-Jt IOfO SUMMERTIME FUN! Full CHOICl tNV!NTOAY 111-1111 7141825-1809 IEE 11 ·ea FORD seoo or i:-t on •. 839-9063 • OAK. set of e pr-t>actc 64&-8402• IM2-a&Oe ••• ::,.~............ llW I II Vlblr c.p1. CNrn. VOLUME &\1.£8 LOADED ·1e Ponche 911 '°' tile 1aroee1 and bell arm chr'I. $450, Canon Co9ier 1g79 mod-19' Hobie Cat, yelloW w/ Excellent cond Many Mitefllng Sofabed Plnll, & J..... nn SC. Beet of ~ng. .-c1lon of new and _M_O_Vl_NG __ M_U_S_T_S_E_L_L_ 771-5279 el, good worlclng oondl-teq. aunrlM .. 111. Like ex1ru, low mlleege. Carpet, AIC. Au1o., Low •••••••••••••••••••••• Pnltlnt cond 641-2218 ueed Buick• In Orange •70 MAVERICK ,.,......_ Room Table & 4 lion $350. 833-8308 new. $2500. 67S-81&1 $2500 OBO 540-~21 Mlllll (1 E8305&) Jult '75 lntwoeptor oonv.t., days or Hi.31e1 rtl Coun1y today! $5001080 540-7409 -~.., --------1---------1 e111 26. Eve S4G-0838 need retlable peny to ... ea-..1 ••a wttt */wood dtllh. 39t< wttndl c:hliln. contemponiry. •!!left 1111 14' Cetamaran M'trlr, MUST SELL make 1me1t mon1hfy ....,.. ml.118,900. 77o-et'T1 r---·------~ wood, r~ to 44 •••••••••••••••••••••• rainbow 111111, glll'lt .72 HONDA cnn pmll No old conlrletl 1ft ,, _____ lf&.i. i•u 7~~1 ~~0..__""!"or, Jdnl round. 2 21" ......... wu 8eau11ful Cock1tltl W1111 111ow prim. 12700 ~ to ~. No bide __. ..,. •-.....,..., .,... .... 11200 now $650. new cage sso 847-5839 S400tOBO 540-7409 prnt.1. due. Ml\ lor ROM s.-s.1111»-1. ::, ~;;·.<;;,;;t·o~i.:·;~~ 64M&ea le Cue1om ~ Included. fl.46-7864 29' Flber"' eallboat kit MUST SELL II Many pet1• 842-4400, 558-1009 850 't. =.. . oond, MW 1-dllnw. '75 911 s. Brown/ten 973-0329 752-9257 V'UI · (lramea, wflll. etc.) For (2 Proto LJM. 1 • P111Tot. Baby Double Ye!-One purcn-buya tv• BO --------1 IU-tall rugl. ~In COYWI, lnllflor New valwll, •I •• Or-.. c.-y WNl• PrOlllndel Bedroom IOw Haad, 9 weelle old rytl'llng nMded to build 450 Honda) $80/0 '79 Chevy Ven. Xlm oonel, Optrl ~ bNlf\ed M#I\ wNI. steel dutch, tlr•. v.ry ctean. 2925 Herbor 81va. Mt, double bed, ,_ '450 548-5440 cullom boat Molded 540-7409 10w mlleege. fully equip-redlal tlrea. °f.18 kept. 112,995. COSTA MESA 1 u.-. IHI ...•..............•... '80 Uncotn Town i;., Xlnt cond., turbine _,...., metallic brown. 941-8974 'T2 Capri, ,_ eng, brlll, gel tit•. Int Ml* eell 11400. 751·9227 K-1 ~~ 752-825,1200 PIGEONS. Ro4ler1 and hull., dlMll ~~ ... comp~~· peel, custom lntlr1or. .... lldli'I M.000. 942· -' IM&-2319 119-2110 • Capuchin• (tency ehow mas 7!ng -. ca.,.. many xtraa. M!500. Clll ..., wttnd1. In I 1151 Ful atn bed frame a1mo11 1>1rd1). S2 each Cages 15 netry, k har<twr .. etc. #tlll B,.,,, We/ Donna 213159~. 'te: Aunl --•. ,_ Cor· •••• ~!.!•••••••••••••• 1---------1 #ufu• 1111 bnnd MW, NII for s20 eecn 942--4453 552-4574 -· 540-5211 Jafl fllzffl 1111 &AM-5PM. ~ _,. ~ peint IEW '78 Regel COupe. auto. •••••••"•••••••••••••• cutl "8-3929 days, uk tor ED. ··~7;~;,;~·J:;,:~·22~·· '93 FOfcl Ven e c:yl. 3 IPd. ~ ~ coven ,,...; AM/FM ltlfeo, air. ·74 MUSTANG II COUPE White. dr..-. Convert.I !!~~.'!.~.'!t.f~'.~~ 38' YORKTOWN CUTTER Sipe 5. $400/wlt + 20$ paneted. 1500 or i:-t t>t8k-. 1lrtl. '2!500. 'If ....... La Oar ~~372 S4MS35. V6 auto tr-. AM/FM I Into Changing lop. Like Yamaha 6' Grand G3E 50HP d111110V LIP d&I. ml 551-ea22. 64~722, ofr. &46-49412. S~l..etllnQ ea-4050 Many to cflooM from. ,,_tape, maci wtlMll MW sao. 588-0499 mdl, walnut, 7 ~ o4d BlmlR nl Cockpit enciOlure 5"'2·8809 '73 ~ Van, Bubble ~CARVER M-~-11.. Immediate Delivery '79 Skyhewlt. Kini cond, 87,000 ml. $1750 . ..... ,,,.. 673-8289 .,........ rt...11 --S•lll 1lr, ,_ tlr11. stereo, MJ-41111 .,... Cf\eM, 3 dreWlf'I, con-......,.,. '71 Roblnhood 23', v.ry top ~· Loaded. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ $2900. 857-4355 temo. SOlld welnut, 39 Sr.,rti•f. c..41 I P 28. -at 20th St In gd cond, many •1Ctru. A/C, runa greet $2000. ICU.5-R.JCE·ftviW Serlel 011380 '95 MUlt. or-nlblue 2 df xte". $98, 882·1«3 • ••••• •••••••••••••• Nwpl Bell. C.11 Sell-contained. Bet to 848-8118 ~~=~· WE'VE OOT FUEGOSI CMIJJM 1115 $2500 080 Sol•''-~' (o<angl•h •••r• "'" .. ., fl.45-52~ aP91'tclat•. 540-9524. A•,.,,,,."' ,,. -M1. Red. us_... ...... ourr ···iiiiiwnii··· 7141994-1909 '-'>a ooffM table. per-We buy and Mii quality 011MJ Lee La4en •••••••••••••••••••••• bY owner. lM/"'9/lllllllT *' conc1 seoo uMd IPOrtlnQ equip. on 30 dleMI a1oop. sie.p1 e. ·49 Chev. Motor Home. WE PIY 11$1~. 541 1111 2524 Herbor BIVd . C.M_ O&llLU01 ·:. :anci· PIS, AIC, &40-02e6 conllOnment Snow 136 900 Susan M·F good condition. s.. 11 549-8023 M6-n70 wa apec;Ulltze In -.. 540-IM ---------,. Skiing, wind 1Urllng, 752:1119 221 E. 19th St., c .M. TOP IOWI '70 2002 P9rf. oond • ...., a I tor tl'le bullne11 a.tcu· S3SOO 59 Waterbed: beaut. kgl weter ekllng, tenn11. aurf ,.~2•13,..,. Int. N9w Plint. rune perf. bib •-,TS live a prolelllonel. 01.~ -""-1111 bookcaM hdtxd1p1dded board. beck pacil1ng. Liii 1• .... ~ Fiil 110 GAii l3IOO oeo ...... ·::1:.·........... Lara• ltl1ttltll .. ~!!!~ .......... . ~85~ $200/bll. ~;v o!t.::'o ·~~ 2 Mte of Mill. Treller A•I• lfnltt, ,.,,, aw ..... t7M748 :: ::111 ~ •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. If ... 1112 11 ........ . ......... • MlllY IC>V• P&rt• All ex. '11 BMW 320I ~ ..xTMAU.. mCARVER WA o.ttMt ·~-Sof•Play Pen, 10 ~. Newpor1 Blvd CM. Cond S2000 OBO. I A«fludn f4ll NITl&O/llUll A/C, _,,oof, aMw AM i . ~-"' ,._,,__ Tl" p •/L. d_... brown. nice cond. NIL TUU 549-2711 or 850-9"8 • • • ••• •••••••• •••••••• 2460 Hert>or Blvd. FM ----113,llOO. .. IT I ~ ltw II 1.-"'"-· ' • .- .. .. --------1All Chevy truck par11: 'A COSTA MESA -· ....,,. ~ILL. AIC. Tape Am/ff'n ..._ 8200. &75-3223 Regutetlon elu, IOlld 26' Seber Creft. Newport ton 10 dllMI. Rblt ..... ••• 640-&732 Fred. .m • .. ... -NA BER~ reo, WI,. wheeta, loW Dlnltt• table. 4 chairs, oak. mini cond $725 lllp IVlll Rebll 289 eng, lrlOtmlMlon lrom Ste&• -t:I-' n11 fMIUIYI ~~~ ~~Nlfl' mllll. Sl750. Call Ken metal but ISO or bes1 Tread MIM $125 MUCH, Ford lnterQ1C>l0t. lully & up 554-1850 141-1•1 •• r.:••••••••••••••••• MJSMG.caTlllSal'tWi ClOSIOSUNOAYS (:AOf(J[.J1\ , OOMhue, 919-4200 I ofW. 494-4205 MUCH MORE. loe<led, many xtra.a, xlot s.t truck tw• 9.50JC 19.5, WE '" '7t Cepfl, IOtdtd ,....,. 2600 Harbor 91vd ·ee eu11.... Runl ~ f If--•-•-10"5 933•3389 ~~· t:~·1 D~ &-ply 10-pty rating. $750. x1'al•~good ::!:,:': l97l Rol1t Royce Sltver-Costa Mesa 540·9100 GrMt trenaoortton a.. ' ~~-~ •••••••• ~. rv.B.W.11, 1·"~. E~ (7 . 55e-0998 IL.EM OUI ..it1-100. Sl'ladow, lllver blue wt I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ SAOO. 759.1383 ""'" ·-14) 5. '79 Made RX7. 4 IPCI. elf, ~ Interior lmmac. 1..: -------- t M.nufectUl'er• ..,. of IFi, llllH IOll 594--0019 TIRES 2 rldlel1 ••1 TllOll ,,,, AM/FM ~ ll.ln1 000 Pvt o... '77 Sevttlt, 11lnl cond. PP. 1• II •.--..a.. .. ....,. _...led wick• nltt ••••••••• ••• • • •••••••• ... ~--1 -... ' · ' '' .....,_ ·-... .....-· • 0 .. c-·-•· 225.15.15, new. aeo. .._ oond MllOO ~--~11& s7900 PS PB PW •IT AJC ..-. ~ & ct<>-BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA SAILS AT. 2,,' 1--. ISS7·2&30 •••u•••••••••••••••• . . --------042-6410 ' ' ' "''' ' eeoute. Wh<>lelate Color TV aala. 2 yr wrnty Ludwl. w/1Up In Npt. ..,.,,, 111' ..... 111C cc. Superb oond. 151100. I prloM. 17831 Sky Park $148. FrM de41very. Bch. 13000IOBO. S.. 11 . Spray paint boo1h fOf •••••••'lt'••••••••••• .. il •••••••••••••••••••••• Tiii WIEST 851·3199 d._ • °'· Ste 8. Alrpon au.I· TV John'1 948-17MI 28111 St. M11ln1, rent $15.50 htly "'40 IOf * '11Ull1'1111 M1-7379 Evea I ,,.. Ctr. 54&-een. 213-592-4938. 3 "" 11s-o21e 8M llr Pirelli ttr.. llUOTlll .,_,. -.. TIMn-Sat I 1•1 .. " 1•2 ~. . f I ---...... ----~ •••••••••••••• ~! · 1100 Mft.ETI SCHOCK 20, 4 111111. 0 B., " -..... o ete ........... ..,... .. ._.. .... IHI Allee t.anatno l1oOf clean, llOOOI OBO ~ ... ~'!.m.ffi!........ - -....... .....,. 1111 r .. =a?s! ~= ""'1.U~,t!· '!!!1.. 4 ••••••••••••••••••••.. ~lfl. 1250 aec:h. &73--3984 IMPORTANT NOTICE -·-Aed w/bleok, ~ ••~•s:;;••u•u• ~ "' """"""' I 15 Y'· old mwe. AfJIPY & ExceMent condition. Dull .. ,, 1u,, TO READERS ANO Top Cloltr9 tor lporW cw. (1CHF&a4) l.Malng IWRS llf>Md, $3200. 1f,OOO ml. I :::".::' .;_~· == :=::-,~ Sherwood 11#11 Hll AOV£RTIS!M ~. = c.mper... 11'1'~1~· "!!!'.!-OAllLUO "2-2730 ~ l'lotM. Inc. Nlddle a 157-4199 ••••••••••••••••••••••• The ~ Of ".,,. ad-Alie tor U/C MGA ... -· 2900 Harbor Btwt. 'll""' I** S1000. 751-8518. WANT 30 lllp w/lflorl ~In t .. !fV:-ci::: -M&•-.. • ... 111•JMI ....... COSTA MESA 11000. 6.1M011 , • po*9I' a Mit•. Inter· .... ... --n.u ffM __________ 1 & .. HM~ 1111 Alttc e.11SA IPUl<er ~ tt1td In tongterm teelt. fled ectverti.ing oolulnnt Yl&ISWllll •••••••••u••••••r:.:i ·~ ml 141-1111 ,,__,. "" l . ~.Cl\ ,.._... ..-~·d 1•13 ·-~ 1-.....:i.......... ~ = = ll .:1:::: ••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••• ••• .... .... ..,.,. ..... ..... _,. v • .._,.. ...... .. ......... -·· 11711 leeotl 8tlld. • ••••••••••••••••••••• ~ C.blnllt Shop H0-1851 642-4300. ~ llMt, llctfwe, HUNTtNOTOH HACH ... .:.: .:.... ~H '11 TOYOTA '72 Coupe de VMle. OOOCI '11 P'Y0Wf9r, ~. Wiii. '°' Nie. NMt ,_I irenelet ,._, ftnenc. ua --• -•• ~GT oond. 1986 l>IP. ! cvt. reo. QM. 1M • Aoolcwlll tOOla, ~. Find Whal you wan1 In t11ve aomethlng to Mii? ctl1tgM, IMI for air pol--·•-MN "°°" Or. .. 8 ... * mf llU * 64MMO -°'2-o39'1 : ~Mc. t7f.1190. Delly Ptlot ~. Clallffled ad• do It"" lutlon oontrol o.vtoe ....... 1 ~...... • ......... , OH. WHAT A FEIUNGI 1--.e-7_Ced __ Con_"'9tt_l~btt~-1 '10 Sport FUl'J. """good, • f oenlnc.tttonl or ......, All '"" You .,. h ....._ of ComolN ~ °' imp. ~ oombtMtlon of l1&o1Mak• ottw .,4"0, m.r tltfla. 11 . documen1ery Pl':I:; Lat• "'°"' T~ two "-..... (111.00) °"' o.r. .._. and eo econotftY end .,,, ~-642--401' SH01'*' otr. MCMllTt Vou can be a 'I : ~~w~n.d bY 'IC>IYot, PlolcUfle & .,,.. ~~~NQ ""°'· . "'°" ....,.. ~... m ..... w/p(1ff, "'" .,,, •• t.llM .. WINNER tl'le ~. Celt 119 today! IAANUM & Ml&.IY ~3 : 11:ii ':; =· 24Urv;:.rcslletd "'°': ~~;. ............. ··p;,;.;:o;;.;;;,•:;,,:. ·: '-IJfffll -n41a14133 · per1y 10 "*• 111 11 PIU11 ~ we1. act --. -. I ~ a. C11 .. 1n ,,. AnltltlM Con\.... He¥wr't Yo'I wen9d lonO "'*' montNy pmta. No W• l*9 • ttOod ..... aeoo. 144-1'02 IV < s •••••••••••u••••••••• ~ f.1f ~ to own a Mer-old oontract9 10 -... llotl of NM & Ulm ft...l.M..I Mfll Just by sending us your name and -. --a"aJ LOftl .. 1• ~ .,.. 1eni1 0on·• • No'**~·-.. ~~ CMw*'91 1:...-::::::::r .... ,i;'. .. f db 811 -a.:.....~ • _Al.lg._.,. ---~P--· '°' ,_ -· I• r• ..... "* --address an y watching for your "'r...-: ..-ue>t • To dltft --. • ... ..ct nowt~-Me-'ooe "'°'° v M. -wwv. .. .. --l f h I oou~ 4 10 ctM>OM .,.a.ten. -. m. ,_, ~ lll6totilOl'I Of ' oonc•=· .. "-• -... name ln the c assiried ads o t e tromt = .. , (SUI. .. ...,.. .. ..,._. --........... , ooeon...,..... •• .111.-Daily Pilot. . ; ~>-ltlf1tftfet Your adappeanlD felt,__, ... ._ ~ ·To piece~~ ee T-eH. ,_ Oooftd. I .,..,.... ~-fled~~-=..,,. .. l*for· ••111111 ~bllo, ~.~=°·--Win tJck.ta to tt\4! clrcua. 1rca amusement attrac 1.. _,.,not--• * • •1111 OllltY Plk>t -~· Unnt or a90rtln1 tvtn\I Jusl ltll out U1l1 roupon and I Urd cu bt t»1:Cl!!!I .,_ Clwtfleci, 142.ee.,. ,.,. pou....,.... a MCM? You deft'\ ,_. • W' '° mall tl today to lhli J ,. ca ....... jl!Mlt.. ~ llAQH ~ ... Wll polrtt "dr .. feet" WMl\c~ ~ DU Pit i >. qullklJw'-,w •IHI / ~ln"91W!tdirlctt0n ...._.,. ..... ._.._ Oaalfled Depanmtnl, a y ot .!: :: ., pt &.hi ..W&a ,_ .._ • ....._ "'• ~ ''"d Wii•tt•" wa"' •n ~11:.;~r:m• you ~ ww w Oii""" nt W. Bay S.ree&, Costa Mtta, CA t2UI ID U t-waat. ~--• trod M2-1111 P11M 0111"1 d · I t4Miln. J Wtl•Nt ·.111\~ 11111 'i 111·: I Just when you thought • • • Chance of.Orange Coast shark attack 'slim' • ~ .... 't!.,VL~ 1'MI belt th.ark rtpellent ln the world la the 1hade of a tr.. That'• 8d\l1.ce from Jim Stewart, a divtna lnatructof' at Scrtppe lnttttute, La Jolla. Stewart hu Dved ln cloae proximity to Uw toothy beutll for more than four decades: He tra1na all ~pher divert at the institute and saya Oranae c.out awtmmen, waden, divera and 1urfera have little to fear ln tenna of a jaw-to-leg confrontation with a al\ark. "There hMn't been an authenticated ah.ark attack thia elde (aouth) of Point -Oonceptlon alnce 1959," the jaw1 expert u1d ln a telephone interview. (Point ConcepUon la west of Gaviota akJa1 the Santa Barbara Channel of the Padtic.) "We've e.ten a lot more of them than they have ua," he aaid. Th.at'• aomewbat comforting. But all It takes to make beachgoers unnsy is news accounta of a lhark au.ck. such u the one in which a great whJte ahark left a 14-inch jaw lmprint on a Morro 91)' lifesuard'• P9ddleboard. In that incident, reported lut S.turday, the 15-foot ahark attacked the peddleboard, jwt betely mJllenl the llfeauard'• Jes. The guard ufely made it to lhore abdUt a mile from Point Duchon, aouth of Morro Bay. (Mom> Bay II northwest of Point Conception.) Stewart aaya likelihood of a a1m11ar inddent OCCUll'tnC al~ the Orange Coast la minimal. 'The popufat1on center of the great white shark ii 100 milea either aide of San Ftandaco S.J," he Mid. "Obviously, their range la much larger than that -it'• their ocean. But they are cold water an1mala in aenenI. end. normally. you don't aee them unleea lta over deep water. "They're aort of like gold. They're where you ftnd them." Stewart aaya the best thing man hu going, "la dlat aharkl don't like people." He aays the recent lncldent "wu pl'Obtbly a rnista.ke." "If 1 wu a shark I m.lght come up and take a bice to see (See GREAT WHITE, Pase A%) School windfall? Big bucks for conceri · by Sinatra Ocean View district has valuable property By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of'tlleDelyNot ... At a time when many school districts are struuling to balance their budgets, tne Cicean View School District in Huntington Beach may have an embarrassment of real estate riches on its hands. District trustees have been told that a surplus piece of undeveloped Hun ting ton Harbour property owned by the district could be worth up to $3 million if placed on the market now. . But before the trustees decide whether to sell, they want to know how much of this windfall might be seiz.ed by the state, which is having budget problems of its own. Ocean View staff members have been instructed to find out and report back to the board. The property, about 14 acres, is near Edinger Avenue and Saybrook Lane. The parcel was Stuckle released, ref uses comment By DAVID KUTZMANN ... Dlilr ........ ~pale and Ured, Carla Verne Stuckle eme~!rom Oranae County Jail y to be greeted by her 23-year-old daughter and a horde of t'e-levilion and new•paper reporters. But the 43-year-old Tustin woman. arre1ted and jailed Monday on suapicion of felony child neglect, deflected reporters' questions with a "no comment" 81 she walked hurriedly from the women 's jail facility in downtown Santa Ana. "Right now she needs to be left alone," her daughter, Carla Tucke of El Toro. said before her mother'• relea1e Tue1day afternoon. Mrs. Studde, who •ya her two youngeat ebildren were fathered by state Sen. John G. Schmitz., ii acheduled to rNum to Central Orange County Munldpal c.outt next Tue9day for arraignment on cblld neglect charges. They stem from injuries her 13-month-old IOll suffered to his penil, nearly .evered by a atrand of hair wound ttgbtly around it. The child temporarily wu removed from the mother'• custody during a Juvenile Court hearing last week. A dependency (Stt SENATOR, P .. e AZ) Thomas raps city in wetlands flap By PATRICK J. KENNEDY or .. o.-,,......,.. Huntington Beach Councilman John Thomas, whoee crane and trucking cpmpany iB accused by Coastal CommilBlon officiala of il.leplly bulldozing a wetlands area. lashed at dty officialt today for causing the controversy by ordering the area cleared of weeds and trash. City officials admitted today they improperly posted the 15-acre area. aouth of Hamilton Avenue off Newland Street. They aay they'll call the coesta1 commission today to offer apologies. Meanwhile, official• of the coastal commiaalon turned the complaint over the atate attorney general for inveatLaation. Both Thomas' company and the property owner, Mills Land and Wat.er Company, face pomible fines of $10,000 plus $5,000 daily for each day the area remaint 1raded, commilllon offlclala said. Restoration of the salt marsh also would be required by a succeaful law1ult, commiasion offidala uid. "The city created the problem," Thomas said. ''One (See WEn.ANDS, Pqe AZ) TELEVISION 'M-A-S-H' still hit show LOS ANGELES (AP) -Although It bu been on the air 11 years and undergone many changes, "M-A-S-H" remains as popular u ever, according to the A.C. Niel9en Co. The CBs c:omedy leliel finiahed No. 1 in the Nielsen ratings for the week endina July 25. SPORTS 'Angela liaas on, wln in 13tb The Angela ata1e a wtld comeback agaln1t Oakland to ltay ahead of Kanae City ln the American Leque Wert. P.,e Dl. purchued for $225,000 ln 1962 when it \.as believed the district might need to build a new achool on the site. Current population trenda now lndicat.e such a achool will not be needed, Ocean Vlew offlclala said. District offlciala aay the curr~t declining enrollment trend can be at.orbed by Ocean View's 23 existing elementary schools, located mainly in northern and central Huntington Beach District truatees enli1ted Tarantello and Lee, ~ Newport Beach oonauJting firm. to adviae them on their options reprdlng the Huntinaton Harbour property. · Al:Cordlnl to James Jonu, Ocean View'• a11htant superintendent for ~. the consultants advia that now may be the heft time 10 Ill.I Cbe pucel. Because of current' monetary c:ondltion1, the illt~reat the district could eem by lnY9ltinl the land sale money could exceec1 the amount the land will appreciate in value if. the district does not sell. The property is in • ~tial neighborhood and. would pe r.oned for single-family homes if a ach(lOl la not built on lt, the consultants said. They aaid ~ district has the option ot retaining the land and 1eulng it for construction of homes. But they said the current controversy over home property leaaed by the Irvine c.ompany could make thls approach unsucce..tul. A# .., .. ht<a> BEIRUT RUBBLE -Abu Jihad, defense chief foe the PLO, vi.sits a West Beirut residential district after it was hit several times by Iscaeli jets Tuesday. U the property ii 90ld outriS}lt, the diatrict may have to accept a 20 percent down payment, then receive the re1t of the caah within three to five yeara. Israel deals · PLO Jones said the state baa been repaid all money it loaned for purchue of the land. and under current law the dJstrict should be able to keep all money produced by the property ale. new ultimatum But he noted that tf the state•• financial problem• continue, lawmakers could make chaqes that would allow the state to confiacat.e large cuh aurplu.es or property now held by local di.atricta. Jones said the Ocean View district own• two addlttoaal undeveloped Iota ln Huntlnplft Beach but uid there are currently no plana to Hll or develop thetie lota. COUNTY By Tbe AssocJated Pre11 Israel gave the Palestine Liberation Organization a new ultimatum to<lay to flee west Beirut, and Israeli divebombers, 1unboals, tanks and artillery relentleaaly blasted guerrilla targeta in the Lebanese capital. In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin said U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib promised to seek "an \mequivocal commitment" by the PLO to leave Beirut, and would live llrael the answer by Friday. Becln. standing firm on his lulnence that the ettUnated 8,- Transit con!Het lnte~ilies Caltrana and the mte Transportation Qmuni.sslon are at odds over whether hlghwa)'I or a "balanced" transit program should haw priority. Page A14. New 'quiet jet' j)ondered , Advanced .technology aircraft will be demonstrated at the TuaUn Marine C.Orpe Air Statton next week. ~ IMn by 101De u an answer to airport ncme d>leJm. P9&e A&. . Hospit•I JMrtle la Irvine t 000 trapped PLO guenillas agree to leave Lebanon entirely, said only such a commitment would avert an Israeli assault on the citv. I He aaid Syria's Jordan and Egypt each have apparently agreed to take in some of the guerrillaa, but "It is still not clear if the terrorists have even really decided to leave Beirut." Habib, acheduled to return to Beirut today I met Begin Tue.lay night aft.er 9eeina the leadera of Syria. Saudi Arabia, Ec'Pt and Jordan. INDEX A6 Al0-11 B2 A5 B2 04-8 B8 B8 .Dt Al2 84-6 ID NATION Orange Couaty II not "New York, New York," but it still will be a high class place to aee Frank Sinatra when he perform• a benefit concert at Irvine Meadows Sept. 25. Tickets, which 10 on sale Monday, will sell for $250, $100 and $50 a seat. Additionally. special ''packages" of aeets are now on sale for $5,000 or $2,500. The 65-year-old Sinatra is donating all of hi• time and proceeda for the benefit, billed by local promoters .. hJs first concert ever in Orante Cdunty. All of the funda except for operatin& co•t• .at the amphithater _will F tD 0. ~. SoUth Cout l'auadl-fiat p.. DevelopmetltaDy D-"'1ed Comedian Charlif Callu 1t 9Cheduled to be the Opmtnc ad at the evenJnc perfon:mnce. So far, 30 corporations and lndMduall baft pJNt • me ot the tax-deduetlble. l**aC* deab. For $5,000, they 8" 46 .. ia and four front-end-center "patron" aeets. The"'four .. tronl alao are invited to a private buffet after the concert to rub elbows with "01' Blue Eyes." For $2,500, buyera ~ 11 aeata and two "patron" eeatl, with two buffet re.ervatlona. Among the buyers of the ~ 000 packagea ao far are the Fluor <;orp., the Koll Co., Commerce Bank. Birtcher Pacific, the Bml Co., Smith lnternatlonal and Mamie Reed, siater of J. Robert F1uor. Heritage Bank offidals have bought four of the $5,000 packages. Because the Sinatra concert ia a benefit performance, aeaaon ti c ket holder• •t the amphitheater will not have first chance to buy their 1eat1. However, they will receive ticket order forrnt by mail, foundation director Barbara DeBoom said. The forms, with l'eaponae cards, will be sent aca\ co • growing list of people who hive called or written the foundation about ticketa. Mrs. DeBoom .. ad ahe ia encouraging buytt1 ~o order tickets by mail becaUllf "We don't have that biC an oftim!' The foundation'• adclre9I ii 1501 W. ClUf Drtve, Suite 205, Ne'Wpart Beech, 92660. But tickea Mio 1t(1)., • me at 9 a.m. Mond•1 at the (See SlNATllA. hie All .. t•o . ._.._ ... ..-_. ..................... ..;.....,. ...... -. ....... .._..__.._ ... ,.. ...... __. ~~'1\l'ETLANDS ERROR v 1.eov•rnment aaency ordttn you to ., • 41io IOl'nethl.na and another aaency I J11Ult1 to handcutr you for It. 1.n&omebody better 1et thelr act .·,.:tolether," he aa.ld. ·.1tJ Paul Cook, public worka I 1nrdlrector, uld that aome part-ti~ •itemployees improperly~ the (I-area. "A atandard sign waa ~ted by part-time workers who didn't realize it was a 1enaitlve area," Cook said. "The work ls done now and we don't know what to say except we·~ sorry If we upset anyone.'' Cook said that Robert London Moore Jr .. part-owner and property manager for . Mills, tacted the city by mail after April po5ting of his property received an extension of tlme clear the weeds and trash. Moore hired Thomas' company to clear the wetlands parcel over the weekend. Although the city ordered the parcel cleared, Steve Brown, '"~ttorney for the coastal '.<-~mmission, said Mills should 1 ~ve gotten state permits to grade tn the coastal zone. , Brown 88.ld an invesugation ts • • • contlnuln1 and the attorney ,eneral la expected to dectde by fhe end of the week whether to file a lawsuit. Moore. who bu long oppoMd the wetlandl delapUon on t\11 property that forbid• development, Mid today that he'• "frustrated" by the aovemment agencies' conflictinl direetiv•. "I'm ln limbo rlaht now," Moore ta.id "I've been noUlied that the attorney 1eneral ha• been asked to file a law•ult aeain•t me for following the city's orders and I'm ~t waitina to see what happens. ' Thomas. who u a councilman also opposes the wetland11 designation on the coast.al strip from Beach Boulevard IOUth to the Santa Ana River, said he wasn't aware that the 15-acre parcel was included in the wetlands area. He said he wouldn't have taken the job 1f he had known .... "The area was a rat-infested trash dump that needed cleaning out, but if it's restricted, then it's restricted. But if anyone is liable, it's the city beca~ they ordered the work done,'' Thomas said. .·~$INA TRA CONC ERT . • • ·,n iloundation headquarters in the •11:California First Bank Building on l; n:Ii)over. directors when It formed an January . 11" The Sinatra appearance was ,','ltoordlnated by Milton Rudin, 11•.fJJnatra's Beverly Hills lawyer. 111 vrho became a member of the .. 1 aponsoring group's board o f Mrs. DeBoom said the non- profit organization IS expecting to earn from $250,000 to $300,000 after expenses from its first major fund raiser. tt)I•' •:u,..----------------------------------------------------..... Ir I •t r • .. r1 11' • ·.l ' n t •• ~ ~ '•I. •/! J 1 .~ ( µ '~ I 11 . •q , ·II I '" GREAT WHITE • • • how it tastes. But they usually chomp down, then back away and say, 'Sorry about that'." The shark expert says man is the slowest thing that ever went back in the water. "If sharks ever developed a taste for us. we'd all be in trouble." The veteran diver, himself the victim of a shark bite in 1961 in the South Pacific, says it is indeed rare to spot a great whHe along the Orange Coast. "Hell, we've got blue sharks, leopard sharks, hammerhead.a and an occasional mako &hark. They're out there, and the white is around too." But, he says, when one considers the man-hours spent in the water in Southern California over a year's time, "the risk of shark attack 18 minimal." u that still doen't convince you that lt'a we to go in the water again, Stewart has one more btt of advice. "Stay the hell out." ,., '· i~~----------------------------------------------: 111 ~;11,·J ersey ask s drilling ban ,,.,, 'TRENTON, N .J (AP) - ""''Cbnten ding that important '"flshing areas would be harmed, 11" tfie governor of New J ersey has I 'Jtone to court to stop U.S . Interior '''Secretary James Watt fro m 1 ·t~g offshore oil and natural · u ·gas tracts. '" · Gov. Thomas H. Kean asked U.S. District Court on Tuesday to fmpme a permanent ban against drilling in seven tracts, and require an environmental assessment and safeguards to protect commercial fishing before drilling is allowed in 16 othe. tracts Mobile • zoning nixed Kuntln1ton Beach plannln1 commlNJonen have rejected a Ctty Cou.ncU reque.t to ret.OM atx mobile home para ln a.reu ioned fw other ute. Th• C)OnUni.mlonen' WW\bnoua a.cUon lhroWI the dedaion brick to the Ctty CounctJ on whether to rezone the parka. A council majority of 4-3 requeated lut April th plannJn1 commiuionen re the at.x parka to emure that the parka would be protecled by a propo.ed mobile home park convenlon ordinance. In rejectt.na the request laat week, the planning oommiaioner1 argued that even without apedflc mobile home zonlna. the six parka are nt.abllahed wa of the land and would be protected by the pending ordinance. The aix parka are permitted uaes of land varioualy zoned for homes, offices, commercial buildlnp. agricu.l tural URS and oil production ta.id Hal Simmons, city planning aide. The pending conversion ordinance la baaed on and expands atate regulatlont by requiring that landlords give tenanta a year'• notice of eviction, pay for relocating the coaches, or buy the coaches if park spaces aren't available w1thin 100 miles. In Huntington Beach, there are 19 mobile home parks with more than 3,200 spaces, Simmons said. Councilwoman Ruth Bailey, a proponent of the rezoning, said she was "surprised and disappointed" by the Plannina commiaaioners' action. But Jean Schumacher, planrung cornmi.s&oner. said the goal of each boa.rd is the same, - to protect tenants from hasty evictions -although they diaagree on the need for a zoning change. City Council action on the rewning is pending. A cold war on g olf links GLEN COVE, N.Y. (AP) Despite warnings from the State Department to stop med~ m foreign policy. Glen Cove officials have voted to keep denying Soviet diplomats who live here access to city golf counes. parlu and tennis courts. The ban was 1rutiated m May after officials in this community of about 26,000 people on Long lsLmd learned a 36-acre Soviet estate cont.amed sophisticated electronics equipment used to monitor sens1t1ve radio I ransrrussions Low clouds return end lrom lOO 10 1 lO In the IOw ~ Soeters from Point Conception to the Mtl•IUl'I border can ·~ light. v-t>te wind• during nlgl'll and morrung hour•. b~omlng weaterly at 8 10 111 knoll ThurMSay afternoon with a 1· •o 2·1oot .autr-1er1y .....,. I I ir. Sunny 1o<l•y wtlh Nijh• In the .1 e: 70. et the l>NCtlM and 75 to ~ Inland. Falf tonight wtlh warm. J& unny day 0" Thured•Y low T emper a tu .. .os l l douda along the COUI In late i ~ - ,j• ~end early momtog hOura , lght IOW9 83 to 81' Highs 4' llY 72 to 83. Alt>ao • l E 111 w h e r e I r om P O I n I Alix.cZ. Conc•pllon to th• Me&1cen Amanllo t>Ofder and °"' 80 mu.. L~h1 Asheville veneble wind• nlghl end mom ng Allet11a .d~IUIS becoming -1•1)1 11 to 18 A ,....._ NATIOM HI lo f'ctl 82 82 t 65 95 65 oe 89 68 25 85 68 92 73 ao 13 ,..,..,ona1 w~ .. ,,,~, $4-<f .,i<., • 1'0 AA US '-k..•t. c,..• C.ur'\r-•·tc , not• w11h 2 to 3 fOOI wind_,,,. A::::;c ~·i In the let• altemoon• todlf •:1 eanimore Thuf9dey SouthwMI ewell to BUii a 1~ IT 05 Fronts: Cold ..,_ Warm .,._ feet Night and morning low Bir ng m cloud• ov•r outer wetere end 81= patroy eerty morning low ctoud• aolte over Inner co•alal weten Boston Othetw\M lelr through Thur9day Browna..tMI Buffalo 8ur11ngton Casper Showert and lhunderatorme Challtln SC prev•ll•d over much ol the Char1a1n WV country overnight. dempenlng Ch.,111• NC pule of 1111 Northeast. the ~c ne to.nr-1 end the Mldwwt hlcago ' It reined ovar much ol the Clnc1rtn81l T•H• P•nhandle, northaaatern C011h1411Md5 N•w M4iclco end ••tt.,n mbla C 'Co I or • d o S h o w • r t • n d COluml>u9 underatorme alao wer e Diii-Ft Wth tiered Wldlly llCfON central Ceylon Md Into oenlr81 Indian._ Denver · JllllU'I rlln -moat peru ot ,,.,. 0.. MolnM ( · Nor1'-l end Kettlfed thower• Detroo ' 1n Florld•. loulalena •nd Duluth I Kentuclly a P- ' Sii ... -• ~elly 0-oYet F•go i tj\tie Wiilem Gull eo..t region, f'Mlllatatt I ~orlh D•kote. lhe upper Greet Fett• •MIHIHlppl Valley. the Pectllc Hartl°'. d ' ,toMt end -.tnern ~ H9Mlle I ~ Todey·a lorecHI celled for Hono1Y4u • ., c " 1 • r • d •ti ow • r a e n d Houtton ' from the Allanllc lncklaplle 1 • ..... t11roug11 Otllahome Jacti.en MS ••1' nd northern THU to the ~~~ i. ,,_..n ,,...._, f'9gloo, with rain .... na "'IY ICr1* the nortNr'n ""' of the 1*1110 ~ end ltlundefatorm1 "om ,,.. upper ONo Vl/Mrf to the lower MIHIH tppl V•lley. over I '1onde end UU!h. Sklea -•to lie eunny '1'* the 1911 of the country. Tel'll~ur•• uound the twt~ d9wl'I ranoed from 64 In Sault Ste. M• ... MIGh • to H In Pho9nlx. 82 64 9<1 73 ao 55 88 66 77 85 58 98 77 75 82 .2• 80 83 74 58 02 89 77 t2 71 03 92 73 70 58 24 88 67 20 88 72 18 91 71 11 93 78 88 70 "° 96 75 118 70 .03 18 62 01 112 ee 32 a.. ee et 111 se N 72 90 M 71 65 64 62 ee es 58 llO 61 17 73 ... 80 13 74 12 93 71 " 76 .04 11 It .04 l(l'l()l!Ylle LM Veg.as uni. Rock t..OU!avllle lubbodt Mempn.. Mleint MllwllUkM Mpi.-SI P NufWllle New OriMn• New Yori\ NorlOlll ~i.~· Omeh• ONndo PNl8dpflle F'tlo9nlll ~ P*nd, Ore ~ ~ Reno ~ S8lt Liii• Sen Antonio s-tllt ~ 9l 72 07 ~ 78 92 73 90 7• 02 96 M 09 93 711 88 75 02 70 59 .02 1)6 82 11 73 92 75 90 69 .8" 92 78 87 85 96 76 01 80 641 99 71 03 92 72 "' 101 117 1)6 89 79 11 03 83 80 83 ee .3• •• 73 118 55 92 71 87 t6 1,11 99 74 es ee 13 74 SURF REPORT Dk • ::::::. .... ...... ... T .... 14 PoOf .. 14 ~-= 17 1-3 87 14 PoOf 81 1-2 PoOt....., 17 1·2 poor .. 1·2 poor .. 14 PoO"felr .. 1 PoOf • poof • .. -----• FrewlO 100 72 I.lineal« 97 72 Loe Angelee 116 118 MaryevOle 98 Needlee 101 Ot*lend 67 58 Peao Rol>IM 117 59 Red Bluff 99 67 Redwood Cl1y 78 57 Reno ea 55 S11erwnento 92 67 Sellnu 86 49 Sen D+9go 80 70 Sen FrenclKO 59 51 58111• 8eirber1 78 69 8-nte M8fta 70 S•odllon 9S ... Thetmel 103 B•atow 118 n Big BMr 75 •• Bla!lop 91 es Ce111lne 78 112 Uke Arrowneed 80 $4 l.orig BMd! llO ee MONO'Ae 100 114 Ml. Wlllon 11 83 Onl8rlo 16 ee Pllm Spi;no. 104 74 PeMdene 12 ee Sen 8em8rdln0 100 87 Sen JoM 78 115 Sarne Ana ee 85 l::t8 CNi 7q u 18 Mol*I • T 8hoe V"""f 82 ... Smog Wiier• to 0111 (loll lrH) for .. ,_. ~ortNOon: Otllll09 ty: Jf""I 44~ LOI Ang•IH oun,y. (I 0) 242-"°22 ~ end Sen Bemetdltlo oountlee: (800) 387-4710 AQMD Epi800e Can'~· (900) 242-441M Tides TOOAY ~ "'°" 1:12 p.m • 1 ntUfltOAY '"'low tl:ac> I.Ill, 1,1 ""'-tllQfl 1:42 U'll. I 3 llooncf' IOw 11:17 ··"'· u a..onct tllUfl t :OO p.ffl, U lllrl .... ..._ .. ?::IT p.m., ,... ~ .. t:01 """ Moon,.._ ._tit I. It p.m., .... ~ .. 1r.•1 ""'· I Ll'M'LE CHANGE -Antonio C . Amador of Huntington Beach, director of the California Youth Authority, aaya a potential decrease in the number of offenders sent to the CY A because ol Proposition 8 may be blocked by state budget problems. Miller charges dropped Misdemeanor assault and battery charges against former Orange County supervisor &hson MiUer have been dropped because his wife declined to pursue char~es. A spokesman for the Orange County District Attorney's office said simply the "case is over." Miller, 50, h.asi be-en charged with the co unts after his 39-year-old wife placed him under l'lllzen's arrest in June following a quarrel at the family home m Orange. It was alleged that Miller struck his wife durmg an argument. • H e was taken briefly into custody. but released on bail. He and htS wife separated after tht' incident Miller w33 appointed to the Board of Supervisors by Gov Edmund Brown Jr. m 1979 and lost a bitter election struggle to Bruce Nestande m 1980 Miller was controversial because, as a POW 1n North Vietnam, he made anti -war statements. He was a Manne Corps flight orr1cer Canada • • v1s1tor injure d in HB accident A Canadian woman visiting Huntmgton Beach remained in critical condition today at Fountain Valley Community Hospital with injuries she suffered when struck by a car Saturday. Police traffic investigators said the woman, Kim Elizabeth McEachem, 29, made a purehase at a fast-food restaurant at 12:20 a .m .. then began c rossing Yorktown Avenue at Beac h Boulevard. She was struck by a car driven by Michael Kevin Boyce, 28, of Redondo Beach, police said. Witnemes told police the auto had a green light at the time of the collision, officers said. Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 Heroin eyed jail deaths • ID By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or ... Deir ,... ""' Oran1e County Sheriff's Department toxicologiata aided by a UC Devis profes90r, are attempting to determine If a potent form of synthetic heroin played a role In the recent deatha of three Orange County Jail inmates. Analy.ea cWTently are being conducled by a San Francbco Bay area laboratory to determine If "China White," as th.;, synthetic heroin ia known, w~ present in lethal quantities was present in lethal quantities in blood and urine samples collected from the mens' bodies. All three died after becoming 111 while in custody Two died after choking on their own vomit. The cause of death for the third inmate, who died Mo nday morning , has not bee n determined. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart said blood and urine samples were sent out for further testing a.fter county toxicologists found a fonn of a synthetic drug may have been present Ln the systems or the first two victims The ie.ta al'f' bemg <.'On.ducted bv UC Davi• prof«!Hor Gary Henderaon, who, Hart aald, la coneldered an au th or It)' on detPctlng minute truce• of 1yr1thetic drug•. 1uch as "Ch.JM White" From Page A 1 SC HMITZ . • • hearing tS 9Cheduled for Aug. 6 Schmitz. R-Newport Beach, has maintained strict silence on the ca.see pending against Mrs. Stuckle. Mrs Tucke, who ia Mrs. Stuckle's oldest daughter from her rirst marriage, voiced strong criticism of Schmitz while she was awa1t1ng th e release Tuesday of her mother from jaJI. "I'm angry becaUSt: she gavP tum rune years of her life," the daughter said, "and he's not around at all '' Mrs. Stuckle has said that she and Schmitz began a nine-year- lov" affal.l' after she took a class from him at Santa An.a College. H _ealth planning posts available Huntington B each residents interested m health planning are invited to apply for appolntmen t to the Orange County Health Plapning Council's Assembly of Delegates The C.iy Coun cil will appoint a delegate and an alternate to t he count y • Pac1flca District Cub Scouts in Hunt.mgton Beach recently held an olympics competition in Huntington Beach Central Park. Nmety boys participated m the event Awards for the best overall performance went to Robert Fiealer, 8, of Pack 134. Dennie Ek:ben, 9, of Pack • The F'ountain Valley division of SAFECO Insurance Co. has donated $6,400 to fund counseling programs at Fountain Valley and Westminster high schools. The counseling program ls operated by the • Ocean View School District trustees have appointed J a net Reec~ as principal of Golden View School in Huntington Beach, effective immediately Ms. Reece previously was assistant principal at Vista View School. agency, which advises the council on issues and l'oncerns 1n the health field . The planning council's assembly or delegates meets four lime annually Applications are available at the public information office in Hunungton Beach City Hall. 2000 Mam St , or bv calling 536·5511 558. and Brent Tanner. 10. of Pack 892. Outgoing Webelos srouu: who received awards tn the event wc·re Jimmy Mercereau, first plaee; Patrick Yoong, second place; and Thad Zabarass, third place Teen Help Youth Services Bureau. The SAFECO diVlS1on also donated $5,000 to Interval House in Seal Beach, an organizallon that aJds women and children who are vicums of domestic violence At Golden View, s he succee ds Diane Hob - bensiefken, who has been named principal of Haven View School The Haven View vacancy was created by the resignation of Stan Burrill, who 1s moving out of state GARDEN SALE GARDENA ST ARTER KIT Now '5.99 lnolud•: Tap Connector HOM Connector Ho1e Connector Water-Stop S)'8tem Adapter Reg. Prlee •9.99 Offer bptrM w~ .. ~ug. •. 1992 Convert your screw-coupling• to the more convenient GARDENA system, Juat cllctc on. Forget all thOM troubtM with Jamrrnng and leaking water connectlon1. • • superv11o .... · 1ouow•nc•:' clilc\alldan, voted 4 to 1 y to approw the pact that will NDllict a Un& .,reement und r wlUch me<jlcal care for lndipnta wu provtded at the UC Irvine Mtdlcal Center at county expemie. The 1976 agreement led to a pro\ra~ted aii'd acrlmontou1 dllpute over t4f'8 of thouaandl of blU. the c:ounty refUlld to Pl.1· Both aides, at ir.mondou.a eo1t. htred what one otflctal deeeribed- 11 • 0 job corpeh of auorneya, accountantl and clerka to battle over the rnilliona of dollara ln diapute. Under tht contract, w))lch of flctall tor both lldM aay ii a mU<:h more workable document, the county no lonaer wlll relmbur.e the untveralty for 1ervlcea on a patient-by-patient baaia. ......., u.. oounty WW man an annualjump-IUID ~t for r.r.~ room •rvktil IDd pay Ul ,rtaed dally r•C•• for ltpat tnt treatment whh ecljuttmenta permitted for certain ~ of patlenta. \t 11 Mtimated the c:ontrtict wU1 cott th• county f12.8 mUUon thro\.l8h June 30, tht lilt day of the current fl1c1l year. The OOWlt)''I ntt ~ ii ettlmated to l:ie M.~ million. The remainder will be covered by reimbunemenll from tho 1tate SUGAR PLANT CLOSING -R.E. Lackbee. Spreckels Sugar Company worker, surveys quiet interior of sugar refinery in Salinas that will no longer operate after 84 years. About 600 workers will be jobless when the refinery AFI Wlf9pMto closes permanently today. A weak economy, coupled with rising transportation costs and a s h ort growing season for sugar beets in lhe area, was cited among reasons for the closure. Handgun ban begins today in city of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A city handgun ban took effect today, and while cntics said it .would ..only encoucag,e San Franclacans to swap pistols for rlflea, sponaot'S sa.id it's smart to keep handguns out of reach of both criminals and law-abiding citizens.. Citizens have 90 days to turn in their guns or face a 90-day jail term. Residents may still own rifles and shotguns, and the ban allows shopkeeper s, private detectives, police officers and others who show a need for their pistols to keep them. Three lawsuits challenging the ban are pending. Plaintiffs include the National Rifle Association, four city supervisors and a 77-year-old woman who says she's afraid to leave her home. SAN DI EGO (AP) -the largest cocaine haul ever seized here "probably was destined for . consumption in the San Diego area," said a narcotics officer who helped capture the $5 'h milllon load during a weekend operation. "It was not just passing through," said San Die~olice Lt. Dave Worden , of the countywide Narcotics Task Force. "lf they're moving it., they don't atop and eell a piece off." Because of heav y law enforcement pressure in F1orida, where most cocaine enters the country from South America, "traffickers are looking for new routes. and San Diego may be one of them," said Thomas J\ngiol(>tti <>f-the Narcotics ~k Force. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Explosions simulating thoee used for a film's special effects will be altem pted by federal Investigators to determine if the blaats caused a helicopter crash that kiUed actor Vic Morrow and two children. Mean)aile, a cameraman bas accused the moVle's director, John Landis, of ordering the helicopter pilot to fly lower to the ground -and to the firebombs. Morrow and one child actor were decapitated by the helicopter's rotor and another child suffer ed fatal injuries during the accident at 2:30 a.m. Fnday during the filming of a Vietnam war !!Cene for the film. "The Twilight 1.one." SANTA CRUZ (AP) Swimmers were warned to avoid three Monterey Bay beaches today following a 50,000 gallon spiU of raw sewage caused by a construction accident, county health officials said. No- sw1mrrung warnings were posted for Seacliff and ruo Del Mar state beaches u well aa the county faci.lify at Hidden Beach said Ken Mabie, supervising sanitarian for Santa Cruz ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHain.d advertising 714JM2·5'11 All other depamn.nta M2~ I I Thomaa P. Halev ~Md Clllel ~Ollar Kay Schultz Yim ,,......,. ...-'*-tor ol ~ Tom Ml.Wllhlne .... Miia HlllWV °"'8Gklr of .......... ~ ken Goddtitd QlreCtOr °' ()per-. ~ecu.n Tom McCenn ............ MAIN OFFICE J30 Well ••v SI .• C•te MHe. CA. Mell--8o~t5t0,C-11MHl,CA.~ Cat>yrlollt "'2 Orenge CoHI !Dllbllllllnt ~ •• Ho new• stonn, llh•llr•llon., ldlt«MI ,,,.._,or.,. .,.,. .... ,,,...ts ,.,.,n rney M reproduced •"'-"' -'-' permlstlofl Of ~rlfM-Nr County. "We're going to cloee the beaches through Friday. and Friday before noon make a determination whether to open the beaches.'' Mabie said. He added that there was not likely to be much odor, although it was possible that some sewage might be visible. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Pornographic film s tar John Holmes faces an lndefinite jail sentence if he doesn't tell a co unty grand jury who committed four gruesome killings ln Laurel Canyon last year. The 37-year-old Holmes, who was acquitted last month of murder charges in the Laurel Canyon massacre, waa cited for contempt Tuesday after he refused to name the killers. Holmes has said he witnessed the murders but says he fears retaliation against himself and his family if he talks. "He told the grand jury that he would love to talk. ~ut fear for himself, fear for his family, won't let him," said Holmes' attorney, Earl Hanaon, claiming Holmea had received threats in Jilli where he awaits sentencing m an unrelated caae. "Taking everything into <»osideration, he will still not talk,"'i{anson said. "He's been shot at three times and continues to get threatening messages at the county jall." LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sly Stone, the fonner lead singer of th~ rock group._§ly ana the Family Stone, was'-~ed today for lnveatigatlon of )>Queuing cocaine after police toun~what appeared to be the controlled 1ubetance ln hia attache case, Sgt. John Schlank Mid. Stone, whoee real name it Sylveater Stewart. waa arreated TuHday at. the Weatwood Plau Hotel after employeee called policea bout a "buainea clllpute" lnvolvtng him, another man and a woman, Lt. Dan Cooke said. Stewart, 38, was booked at the West Loe Anaelet jail and held ln lieu of $1,500 bond plua $390.50 owned on two oulltandlng traffic warrants, Cooke said. ..., .... ht•"' ............ We're Listening ••• • What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you llke? Call the number f>elow and your mesaa1e wUI be recorded. transcribed and delivered lO the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answenn1 aervlc may be u1ed to rttord let ters to lhe editor on any topic MaUbox contributora mutt lnclu~ their name and telephone number for verlffcaUon. No circulation calls, pJease. Tell us what's on your .mind Orange Coue DAILY P.ILOT lWednelday, Juty 21, 1112 care Deoar«mtnt of Heelth Servlcel, I 0Utcla11 HY the palmtnt mtthod1 ahould 10 ar ln "9duclna dilputee between the part!• over what ta or 11 not owed. Th• contract contain• provl1lon1 for reaolutlon of dla~and an appeala procem OU 1tepe to be \Aken ln ca1e1 n which co ntract adminlltrator1 are unable to reach aareement. Further, either party wUl be permitted to cal l for .reneaouaUon of any ·Pert Of \lie contract. Offloflla ulij uncortalntlH may arlH over chana• ln state relmbu.-ment tor care of IO-<:l1led inedlcally lndJpnt adultl. Th• aareement will run throuah June 30. 1985 u currently neaoUated. The county, h o wever, 11 aranted the option o1 11elect.lng other health care providers, auch a1 private hospitals, to either 1upplement or replace university-provided eervices. , .. ; I ,,, w fll 1'1 Secretary W ati blaste ~ S uggested U.S. military action in Mid east .~: WASHINGTON (AP) - Interior Secretary James G . Watt. already under fire for linking his energy policy with U.S. support for Israel, is now being attacked for suggesting U.S. military action would be used to protect Mideast oil fields. Rep. Joe Moakley, D-Mass .. said the threat was contained in a letter fl"OIT\ Watt that defended the Reagan administration's program of offshore oil leasing. The July 21 letter was mostly devoted to an argument that the offshore leasing program was needed t o r e duc e U .S . depe ndence o n foreign 0 11 sources But it also warned, "the • world's political leadership will aecure with economic strength or mlli tary force the needed energy." WASHING TON (AP) -The Reagan administration has banned all shipments of highly lethal cluster weapons to Israel to underscore its disapproval of lsraeh use of the weapons m 1=.ebanon. Cluster-type weapons can be dropped from airplanes as bombs or fired as artillery shells. Considered extremely lethal, they break apart over a target and spread scores of tiny shrapnel-producmg "bomblets" over a w ide area State Department spokesman Dean Fischer aaid Tuesday tt\at President Reagan has made "a policy decision" to conunue the ban on shipment of 155 mm cluster-type arttllery shells announced on July 19. ..- lawle.ness. Moet of it has been m the province of Matabeleland, the home of Nkomo's Matabele tribe WASHING T 0 N (AP) -- Supporters of a constitutional amendment to balance the federal budget are finding it tougher than expected to get the proposal through the Senate. Opponents of the amendment failed Tuesday in their first att.emrt to make changes, but the size o the vote indicated there is more resistance to the idea than had been forecast. Further votes on c hanges propose d b y HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) - The gunmen h olding two Americans and four other foreign tourists hostage in western Zimbabwe are among about 1.000 supporters of opposition leader Joehua Nkomo who have sl.Un at least 30 people, ambushed buses and trucks and attacked isolated farmhouses and country stores. The band of about 12 men who RECOVERING American seized the two Americans, two teen-ager Stacy Bustin, injured Australians and two Britons on a in the July 20 IRA bomb main highway last Friday are attack in London's Hyde officially labeled "dissidents" -Park, relaxes· with her dog the government term for army W 1 n st on , w h o she was deserters loyal to Nkomo. In the ki h last rive months such anti-wal 'ng at the time of t e government gangs of armed men, attack. She says at first she using guerrilla tactics they want.eel to kill the guerrilla learned in the seven-year war to who triggered the blast but end white rule in the former later realized "I would be British colony of Rhodeaia, have lowering myself down to his been waging a campaign of level if I did." .--~~~-=;.,_..;;;;._~~--~""--~~~~- opponents were scheduled~!or today. A final vote probably 1't°xt week LS likely to be a chf~r. q WASHINGTON (AP) - Callmg the decision a "stwn," congressional lib ~ra ls9're mgbilizing in opposition 'tb a Reagan administration finding that El Salvador 11 ea•lng pol1t1cal repress i on iind promoting land reform. Within hours of the admin1straUon's announcement Tuesd~y. Rep. Gerry Studds, D-M~.; said-he and 25 other House members planned to introduce a resolution declaring the certificauon ull and void." The cert1f1cat on cleared the wa y for administration to provide unspent portion of this year's million military aid program Salvador. The administration requested $60 million m mili assistance for the fiscal y starting October I. \ PIETERMARITZBUR South Africa (AP) -Col. " Mike" Hoare and 41 o t er mercenaries face sentenc ng today after being convicted of hijackin an Air India ,etline to escape tterr failed coup atte pt on the Seychelles Wands. Ne James. acting chief judge of Netal Provmce Supreme Tuesc$ay found the 63-y ld Irish m~rcenary and hia deputy guilty of three counts under South Africa's ant1-h1jacllling laws. Six others were convicted of two counts each and 34 od)en were convicted on one cqunt. They face five-to 30-year pip.on senten ces on each co q~t. -Amencan Charles Dukes was:tJie only member of the me~ band acquitted. Dukes. 25, .~as wounded and unconscious during the ~etaway. "" 1 DENVER (AP) -We;t n Uruon and the United Tele a h Workers union reache.1 a tentative contract agreement aft.er a 90-mmut.e walkout, glV'i.ng 8,801 workers nat1onwidf an average $1.80-an-hour me~ 1n wages over three yt!ars. negotiators sa.id. The settle nt came Tuesday at about 11:301> MIYr. The old contract exp1 at 10 p.m. "We're calling them. ff the strike right now," said k Brockert, UTW internati~ al president. aft.er the settlem nt here • Gem Talk GREAT DI AMOND VA LUES By J.C. HUMPHRIES Ctrt1fittJ Gtmo/011111 , AGS THE AQUAMARINE the mariner's W1srnAn Ever since the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and R o mans d iscovered the value of the aquamarine, lt has been one of the most admired of gemstones. Although 1t la harder than al.most all other stones, ancient artiuna managed to carve cameo deqna ln aquamarine. This gem la the special tallaman of sailors. Traditionally, lt wu believed that a eeagoing man who carried an aquamarine on hit voyage would be protected from stonns and other dangers. Those 1upentltlon1 have long 1lnce been forgotten, but the aquamarine 1till hll • 1pedal appeal to men and women of the eea. ltl color -very cloee to the color of a beauUful sea -la one reaaon for 'the appeal. Tiny amountl of iron compound live th• aquamarine th1a •pedal Unt. Thl8 blue beau~ ln rlJ1ll. pendants and and 11 popular with the men u with • the ladl•. It ii atil1 liven 11 a I ...... Slft fO ..uor.. Whet.Mr lhe aquamartne ....iiy protec11 \ tbtm It quH\lonablt, but lu hutyla~ ( w,. Ctn Supply ~ny Size StotMt You Desire I I I I J I 1 I Orange Coatt OAIL.V PILOT IWedneld•y. July aa, 1$82 HIP Oil companies report LOS ANGELES (AP) -Atlantic Richfield Co. reported a small second quarter increase while Getty Oil Co. and Union OiJ of California posted declines for the period. Atlantic Richfield's second quarter showed net income climbing co $409.8 million of $1.62 a share from $399.6 million or $1.60 a share in the 1981 second quarter. Getty Oil Co. suffered a decline in second-quarter earnings. posting a net of $1 51 million or $1.87 a share, down for $205 million or $2.49 a share in the second quarter of 11181. Union Oil of California said net income for the quarter was $197.6 million or $1.14 a share compared co $207 .9 rnllllon or $1.20 a share in the 1981 aecond quarter. Apple sues competitors CUPERTINO (AP) -Apple Computers Inc. has filed seve.ral lawsults overseas to halt the manufacture of imitation Apple II peNonal computers, the company aald. The au.ti. were filed in Taiwan, Hona Kana and New Zealand, while lnve1t11atlon1 are under way In Japan , :!f.tt>ore and Australia, Apple of Mid Tutllday. PeQple all along the Orflnge Coast the._ Piiat Auto industry reports profit DETROIT (Al') The second quarter of 1982 was the most prohtable for the domestic auto lnduatry in throe y~an, but analysts say profits don't n:flect a sales recovery -ln&tc>ad, they're tied co layoff1, ~ concesalons from workeni and luxury car sales. '"~ Ford Motor Co. reported Tul'flday it earned $~04.9 ~ nulhon m the three-month pcnod ending June 30, ~ pushing Industry prof1ta for the period co $803.1 ~ million. :.z General Motol"I Corp. and Chrysler Corp il1'o '::!- reported profits for the second quarter American :· Motors Corp was the only U.S. curmaker remauung ln the red. Mesa firm tells los Standard-Pacific Corp of Costa Mesa, a homebuilding firm, announced lower seco~ quarter and six-month operating results for the period ended June 30 or 18 cents per sliare. rompart.-d to $ l, 119,475, or 28 cents. last year. For the first time, net loss was $456,494, or lZ cents compared co net income of $2,020,4:n. or 5 l cents, m 1981 Standard Pac1f1c 1s developing 37 res1dent1al developments in Calaforrua, the Pacific Northwest, Illinois and Texas Mesa firm gains in vest ors Archive Corp of CosUt Mesa sa1d 1t secured $4 J million m financing. Archive was founded in February 1980 to manufacture 114-mch streaming cartridge tape drives. Plans call for fac1lJty improvements CO increase production capactt)\ and for increased research and development. Archive's original mvescors, Institutional Venture Partners and Technology Venture Investors, both of Menlo Park, and ~t Management Capitol Co. of Palo Alco, participated Additional investors include Oak Investment Partners, Westport, Conn.; Kleiner. Perkins, Caufield, Byers, San Francisco: Merrill Packard. San FranClSCO, Hambrecht and Quist, San Francisco. Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc . N e w York. and Arscolt, No rton & Associates, San Francisco. Record earnings reported Eldorado Bancorp of Tustin. a one-bank holdffi8 company for Eldorado Bank, reported record earnings, operating income and total a~ts for the second quarter and first half For the three months ende-J June 30, net mrome increased 31 percent co $517,3 16. or 33 cents per share, from the $394,840. or 31 cents, reported for the 1981 second quarter. Net income for the first six months was $894,584, or 63 cents. up 19 percent from $754,473, or 59 ~nts, for the yea r-earlier period. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORI( IAPI sai .. r .... P"C• eta net Cf'\41"9' Of ~ fiteH',, mo'\t dOtvt' .... VO<" SIOH E ACM"Q• ''""'' tr-.dlnq n•t•on1tty ttt mor,. lt\4" St X.rcn. Co 911.100 J) I / ~-n Co 'IOI n:o '7"~ ~":'ur ~ !g: ~;: ..; dul"onl \10 •al ~ Otn Moeors ~ •IXJ (I>.. bo'19 .. 1 l(J) I!> • Thio~Ol 09,lll' ... P., Am •'1 l(J) l .. ,.....,,,,. 40&.llXJ 111 Otn E I"" «II NI N> i. t&M )tl SD ~' '" ~ICo"IA •1 la> > • • I• 0rll&o'llr1 \ )16 100 l I • Sld()l 1 c.t JS 1 'IOO :i. AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID NE'N YO'll( --td [)o( ""•" 1'1rl\an""" fOIAI •\\~ ... w "r.r· ..... .,_ AP ul 11 1.-0•t Y10 "!'I r,\ .... ,, Nf:W 'fQRI( tAPI Jul II ,,,,,_.., U>c~ Tot•I ••Ult'\ l'ltPW r\1ct'' ..... °"""' METALS T...Way 11• m .()• " I• NEW YORI< IAPI Sool OOOf«Yous ,...1111 ll''Olt T.-oey c.,,,,,_, 721\\·75 cent• • pound. u S dMlinaUona ,,, GOLD COINS O>Q PCl "-011 )I 4 I Oii 14 I " Oii I) S .... Oft 11 I .... Off 11 I ·~ °'' " 1 ljo Oii •g 1 :; gi°'I lo 1 ~ I 10~ 'A. I 10 0 ·~ OH ttO Oii 10 0 °'' '. °'' • s Off t I Oii t I Ofl I I Off • 1 Ofl • s Oft • J Oft " 2!: u ~. •o NIW YOAK ,,, .. , -Prlc .. Ill• T~ Of OOld OOlnl. OOllllP*«I with ~ .. prtol. tt....,. .. .,, , tror oa., '* n . o" 14,00 • ...... ..... , ttoy ~. ~It. off 13-0I ...._.,.... 1.19"1¥a,au1.1a, Oii 14.00 • .......... -......... ~ Cll., IM0,1l;01T•Uo. ,, , , loulw: Oellt-..... lb L.aad 28-29 unit a P<>Und ZlllC 37·40 cent• a pooind. <le4tvertd Tin S$ 0055 Me1al1 WMI< QOmCIOllilt Ahlmlnvfft 76· 77 o.nll a pound. N Y 'f M«cury $370 00 ~ u .. Ptallnum $298 00 troy OL , N V .. SILVER Handy a Harman S7 305 P•• troy ounc• GOLD QUOTATIONS 8rTMA~"'- S...Cttd WOOd gold pnoaa I~ .. 'I lo"'41oft: mon11110 nxtng. s:M5. 75, ott U~ M l.ofld9ft: •,...noon n1dno 13-47 00. ott ' 1425 ,Mte: an9'1'>00t'I ftltlng: '345 41. ott "' 111 ,~ $347 30, on s.ue. Zurich: .. ,. n111ng. 13-45.00. on aa. 75 .. , bid. U.5. 75 utctd •' Henctr • ..__ only ~ quote '" 13•7 00. off S"4.211 ••. lne~ only deify quot• labrlca1ed • • 1364 35. oft M •8 ""'' SYMBOLS • 'WI llNI •,pJ\Y fl'I y ,, I' I • OHANGl C.l•llN I Y c J\.I If CIHNll\ . '. < f NT'. Just when -you thought • • • Chance of Orange Coas t sh ark attack 'slim' t llY STEVE Ml'K'llSIL or .. ....,,_....,-- The best lhark ...,.u.nt in the world la the shade of a tree. That's .ctvke from Jtm Stewart. a diving lnatrUctor at Scrlppe lnatUute, La Jolla. Stewart hu fived ln cloee proximity to the toothy beuta for mote than four decadee. He trainl all oc.nosrapher divers at the inltitute and aaya Orange Cout swtmmen. waders, divers and aurfen1 have little to fear in tenm of a jaw-to-leg confrontation with • ahark. "There hasn't been an authenUcated lbark attack this slde (aouth) of Point Conception since 1969," the jaws expert aald ln a telephone interview. (Point Conception is west of Gaviota alone the Santa Barbara Channel of the Pacific.) said. "We've eaten a lot more-of them than they have us," he That's somewhat oomforttna. But all It \aka to make beachgoen uneasy ii news acmUnta of a shark auadl, such u the one In which a great wh.lte ahark leh a 14-inch jaw Imprint on a Morro .t:Jay Ufquard'1 ~ebou-d. In that lnddent, reported last Saturday, the l~·foot lhark attacked the J*idleboard, juat barely rnt..ing the llfe,uard's J.es. The auard safely made lt to shon about a mile from Point Buchon. eouth of Morro S.y. (Morro S.y la northwest of Point Conception.) Stewart says likelihood of a almilar lncldent occurring 8lonf. the Oranae Coast la minimal. 'The population center of the great white shark is 100 miles either aide of San Franclaco Bay," he said. "Obviously, their range la much larger than that -it'• their ocean. But they a.re cold water anlmala In general, and, nonnally, you don't 1ee them unless lta over deep water. ''They're IOrt of like gl)ld. They're where you find them." Stewart aaya the best thing man hu going, "is that aharka don't like people." · He says the recent Incident "was probably a mistake.'' "If I wu a ahark I might come up and take a bite to see (See GRE AT WHITE, Page A!) ' ' . Oil program flayed Big bucks for concert b y Sinatra Laguna, Newpor t rap off sh or e l easing By PATRICK J. KENNEDY or~ De1tr Not at.11 Officials of Newport Beach and Laguna Beach pointedly disagree with the president of Shell Oil Co. who has contended that Interior Secretary James Watt's expansive offshore oll program is good for the country. Shell's John Bookout Jr. said Watt's plan, which will offer virtually the entire U.S. Coast for oil leasing over the next five years, is beneficial because it will generate oil royalties for the federal treasury and will allow the country to determine the extent of its oil reserves. This, Bookout contended, would allow government and industry to know when they must turn to alternative sources of energy. "Watt's plan is good for the oil companies," said Sally Bellerue, Mayor of Laguna Beach. "But Stuckle released, refuses comment By DAVID glJTZMANN Of'IMO.-, ......... Lookina pale and tired, Carla Verne Stuckle eme1'.:!t!rom Orange C.ounty Jail y to be greeted by her 23-year-old daughter and a horde of tel~vision and newspaper reporten. But the 43.year-old Tustin woman, arrested and jailed Monday on suspicion of felony child neglect, deflected reportera' questions with a ''no comment" as she walked hurriedly from the women's jail facility in downtown Santa Ana. "Right now she needs to be left alone," her daughter, Carla Tucke of El Toro. aaid before her mother 's release Tueaday aftemoon. Mn. Stuckle, who aaya her two youngest children were fathered by state Sen. John G. Schmitz, is acheduled to return to Central Orange County Municipal Court next Tue9day for arraignment on child neglect charges. They stem from injuries her 13-month-old 90n suffered to his penis, nearly severed by a strand of hair wound tightly around it. The child temporarily was removed from the mother's custody during a Juvenile Court (See SENATOR, Page .A!) Irvine could match Laguna bed tax By JOEL C. DON Of'IM0..,"9tatan Irvine City Council members approved a measure Tuesday to r&.e the hotel bed tax from 6 to 8 percent but rejected another revenue-generating proposal to charge a 10 percent entertainment tax on all tickets for Irvine Meadows Amphitheater conceru. 'nle council voted 4-1 in favor of the bed tax meuure which now places the question on the Nav. 2 ballot for voter approval. Councilwoman Barbara Wiener cast the nay vote. 'nle ballot measure requires a two-thirds vote to pass. Laguna Beach is the only city along the Orange Coat with an 8 percent hotel bed tax. In June, Newport Beach voters narrowly rejected a proposal to raUle thetr bed tax from 6 to 8 percent. The Irvine propoeal aJao would aeek voter authorization to raise the bed tax to 10 percent after July 1, 1984. Mn. Wiener said she voted against the measure becau.e she felt the 10 percent authorization would ca\.18e voters to reject the entire proposal. Council members aha agreed to have City Manager Bill (See BED TAX, P qe A!) TELEVISION 'M-A-S-H ' still hit show LOS ANGELES (AP) -Although it has been on the air l l years and undergone m any changes, "M-A-S-H" remains aa popular as ever, according to the A.C. Nielsen C.0. The CBs comedy 1erlea finished No. 1 in the Nielaen ratings for the week ending July 25. SPORTS Ansels hang on, win in l 3tb The Angel• 1tage a wild comeback aaalnst Oakland to sCay aheed of Kama City in the American League Wfl9\. Page Dl. Rama settins IOIJetber The Ram. an ltartinc to pt their ct.ra. act ~· The awn heedliner IO far II the QUart.trly ~P..-Dl.' • we need to be looking at alternative sources of energy now, not using up the ~ we do have." She also said that state reporta indicate that the oll reaerves offshore of Laguna Beech are minimal and she uJd exploration there im't worth the dancer of an oil spill. Kenneth Delino, executive assistant to the city rnanaaer of Nev.rport Beach, said there needs to be a "balance in Watt's plan between oil exploration an d analysis of potential environmental d>mgtts cal.lad by offshore drilling. ''There are a lot of th.lnaa that are aood fpr the eountry,"belino aald. "Certainly all explontion and oU independence ta load. but that must be balanced wttb the good thM comet from • unique pristine environmental raource." He said Newport Beach doesn't (See PROPOSAL. Paa• A!) Irvine joins Marin·es in airport stand By FREDE RIClt SCllOEMEBL OflM~"9taWI .............. Orange County is not "New York, New York," but 1t still will be a high cl.ass place to see Frank Sinatra when he performs a benefit concert at Irv ine Meadows Sept. 25. Tickets, which go on sale Monday, will sell for $250. SlOO and $50 a seat. Additionally, special "packages" of seats are now on sale for $5,000 or S2,500. The 6~·y.ear-old Sinatra 1s donating all of his time and proceeds for the benefit, billed by local promoten as his f U"St concert ever in Orange County. All of the funds except for operatang costs at tl\e • amphitheater will go to the new South C.0-t Foundation for the DeYelopmentally Disabled. Comedian Charlie Callas ia scheduled t.o be the opening act at the ewnlng perfonnance. So far, 30 corporations and individuals have purchased one of the tax-deductible package deAls. For $5,000, they get 46 seac. and four front ·and·center "patron" seats. The four patrons also are invited to a private buffet after the concert to rub elbows with "01' Blue Eyes." For $2,500, buyers get 18 seats and two "patron" seats. with two buffet reservations. Lest there was any question about it, Irvine reaidentl aren't bu1.l1ah on a proposal to convert the El Toro Marine Corpe Air Station for use aa a Southern California regional airport. BEIRUT RUBBLE Abu Jihad, defenae chief for the PLO, vi.sits a West Beirut residential district after it was hit several times by Israeli jets Tuesday. Among the buyerB of the $5, 000 pack.ages so far are the Fluor Corp .• the Koll Co .. Commerce Bank. Birtcher Pacific, the Bren Co .. Smith International and Marnie Reed. SlSter of J. Robert Fluor. And the residenta, many of whom complained about noiae from military aircraft operation9, have a strong ally in their position -the Marine Corpe it.aelf. Israel deals PLO Heritage Bank officials have bought four of the S:>,000 packages. Because the Sinatra concert is a benefit performance, season ticket holders at the amphitheater w1U not have first chance to buy their seats. The ailianoe showed Tuaday during a public bearing bef0tt repreeentativea of the Southern California Association of Governments, \he realonal government plannina organization. new ultimatum· SCAG has been investi&atina the regional airport lite aearch for four years. Its Aviation Work Program Committee baa recommended El Toro, the IOUtb portion of Camp Pendleton and a man-made ll1and off Long Beach Harbor as potential lites for a new regional airport. While objections to all three sites were railed. the moat (See REGIONAL, Pap Al) COUNTY BJ TM A11odated Press Israel gave the Palestine Libentlon OrlantzaUon a new ultimatum toaay to flee weat Beirut. and Israeli divebornben, aunboata, tanks and artillery relentlessly blasted guerrllla targets ln the Lebanese capital. In Jerusalem. hraeli Prime Minister Men.achem Begin said U.S. premdential envoy Philip C. Habib promised to seek "an unequivocal commitment" by the PLO to leave Bet.rut, and would give Israel the answer by Friday. Becin. standing firm on bis imlat.enoe that the elltimated 8.· New 'quiet jet' pondered Advfln ced t ech n olo g y air craft will be demon.trated at the Tuatln Marine C.Orps Air Station next week. They are teen by tome u an answer to airport noise problems. P.,e A6. 000 trapped PLO guerrillas agree to leave Lebanon entirely, said only such a oommitment would avert an Israeli assault on the citv. ke said Syria's Jordan and Egypt each have apparently agteed to take in some of the guerrillaa. but "It is still not clear if the terrorists have even really decided to leave Beirut." Habib, acheduled to tttUm to Beirut today, met Begin Tue.day ni&ht after 1eelng the leaden of Syria, Saudi Arabia, F.cYpt and Jordan. . INDEX However. they will receive ticket order forms by mail. foundation director Barbara DeBoom said. The forms, with response cards. will be sent soon to a growing list of people who have called or written the foundation about tickets. Mrs. DeBoom said she is encouraging buyers to order tickets by mail because "We don't have that big an office." The foundation's address is 1501 W. Cliff Drive, Suite 205, Newport Beach, 92660. But tickets also will go on sale at 9 a.m . Monday at th• (See SINATRA. Page A!) A& Al0-11 82 A6 B2 Ann Landen Movie Mutual Funds N•tlonal Newt Public Noticel 82 84.5 AlO A3 04-8" ee Be D4 Al2 JM.6 82 NATION Al0,.B6,CA,D4-& Spo111 D1·3 Stock Marketa Al 1 Televllion B7 ~.. 84·6 W•thtf A2 World ?Wwa A3 .:r - l 1 JrUatly opROH ortahore oll 1.JlenplortUon1 but d.m&ncll that n.-vtronme11taJ .. reauard• are 1)-)~l~ ~d adeqyate before tf IUCh proJllCt' are apProved. U t "Watt'• plan Ja to open up IO")'thtna ai)d to 1ell any tract rlt t.bt hU oU and we won't know 1.fl which tracta wtll be 10ld until it'• \to late to conduct environmental atudies. HUI flan la overweiahted In favor o oil exploratfon," Dellno claimed. Bookout called Watt'• plan tM "single most tmponant enero policy event we have had atnce 1969." That year wu marked by the Santa Barbara oil 1plll that led to L-neaative attitude toward "aking aovernment lands • • • available" for oU explontlcn at a time the COW\try WM becomlna lncreaaln1ly dee_en~ent on foreip oil IU~ Boc*DUt Mid. BoOlcou\ eUCA he luWW of no tract• of land QI\ the outer conUnental ahelf that lbou1d not be leaaed becauae of environmental conclT'nl. But the .iatea of Ai.ka and California and •even environmental iroupe •lready have acme to court eeek1ni to oveirtUm the plan. Watt'• plan offera entire plannln1 1reu for lffllnl - ran11nc ln alse from elfht million to 133 million acr.a. Before his plan. leue ..-have cowred about two mllUon acres. REGIONAL AIRPORT ·• • • vigorous atcacka at the UC Irvine forum were directed at El Toro. ce>l t.David Sills, an Irvine city Jlrnoouncllman, said commercial 1 t'>~perationa at El Toro would create .evere nol.ae impacts over e portjons of the dty of 80.- m further reduce air quality; ~·'IR d traffic to atreeu and 6 <•~eewaya that already are •1-«l ained by south county growth • 11 , d create housing problems. ~ . 1i•11r Silla openly questioned r•1rl.adaalyaes prepared by the SCAG r' 1l1Slaff on what noise levels could 'l'J;e expected if a commercial .1r: facility were located at the f""•Utary bue. He termed the ,!1Cimialyses "totally inaccurate" and •luri'a i d e n v i r o n m e n t a l '1t>1tlocumentation could not be ., rl leplly certified until new noiae ,qriJstudies were conducted. •:a e Mllltary opposition to the •,;i \SCAG proposal wAs voiced by "'11rle'b 1. J e r r y S he I t o n , t h e ":"1r.&mmunl ty planning liaison •'·".\:)tficer at El Toro and, In letter form, by Navy Undersecretary James GOod.rich. Shelt<>n told the SCAG official• that El Toro ii the Marine Corpe' major Wst <.:out air bue for fbted-wtna aiftnft. that there are no known alternate Jocatlona f« El Toro'• actlvittea and that any move would cost bett.reen $1 and $3 billion. Goodrich said the mtlltary m.iJSion at El Toro "precludea" lta sale or l~ and 1u-l the importance of the bue 1n *111 training with amphibiow units bued at Camp Pendletm. The SCAG executive committee la acheduled to ect Sept. 2 on the A'1lltioo Work Program Committee recommendatlona. The SCAG recommendatioM stand In direct confl1ct with them of • "bl1» ribbclll .. eoftlmlttee of Oranae County bUtlneas executiva ll NCaimmebded E1 Toro be ~ eftd nlocated and a ~onal a1rpor1. be CIOnltNcted In S"anUeao Cenyon •••t ot OraA&e. That propmal. too, ia drawing opposldon from Oran&e and Anaheim-area residents. .~,...---------------------------P-------------. GREAT WHITE ... how it tastes. But they usually chomp down. then beck away and say, 'Sorry about that'." The shark expert says man Ja the alowest thine that ever went hick ln the water. '1f brb .,,.. dewlopld a i.te for us, we'd all be tn UOUble."' The veteran diver, himself the victim of a abark bite 1n 1961 ln the South Padfic, says it la indeed ran to apot a gr-eat white along the Orange eo.t. "Hell, we've got blue 1hark1, leopard sharlu, hammerheads and an occasional malw ahark.. TMy're out there, and the wbiie ia around too.t• But, he says, when one ~ tile rnan·houn apent In the water ln Southern California f/Ver a yeu"1 time, "the rllk of lhark etta£k la ~ -u that still doen't convince you u.t •~•ate to ao in the '-' water acatn, Stewart has one more bit of advice. "Stay the hell out." • • w.ou.t\ h . cian1ae1 otfldlll In n•t1hbotlDf Co1t1 MH1 , ~ BMi:ti and Sen\a Ana IO they haw 1 charK"e to ':!:: a llmllar meuwe on their ta. Nolin• oppo1ltlon l• expected bun rMne ~11, Woon.tt ll!d th• m111ure haa a 1trons•r chance to pua l1 other citlel raile their bed tax •t the umo Ume. Mike McNamara, dlNctor ot Adminlatnt1ve 8e1'Y1c11, Mid the bed tax WU ntCW.r)' becaUll Of an expected budcet deficit of almolt $7 miWon in tlve yeara. 'rhe boolted bed tax ill expcted to ra1le an extra $3 million over flve2ean. If two new hotels are com leted and opened as ech uled. However, council membera duaputed the $7 million deficit tiaure and Woollett acknowledged that the ci\y'1 economic outlook may be healthier than anticipated. John Moffa, general manager of the Airport.er Inn in Irvine. warned the bed tax would make hotels in the city leaa competitive. And Mn. Wiener said In light of the propoaed tax lncreuee. officials should take a second look at pending projects, such as the animal ahelter and bonda to build railroad overcJUSinp. In voting against the entertainment tax, the council agreed two tax measures would be difficult to pass. "I think we always must be mindful two· thirds votes are hard to obtain," Councilman David Sills &a.id. Councilman Bill Vardouhs noted Irvine Meadows already pays the city on a contract basis for police and public works penonnel hired to handle traffic now and other problems. He said the tax would be "above and beyond" caty costs. From Page A1 SINATRA • • • foundation headquartera In the California First Bank Building on Dover. The Sinatra appearance wu coordinated by Milton Rudin, Sinatra's Beverly Hilla Lawyer. who became a member of the •ponsoring group's board of directors when It formed in January. Mrs. DeBoom said the non- profit organization is expecting to earn from $250,000 to $300,000 after expenses from Its first major fund rat.er. Planes collide; two people killed MORGAN HILL, Calif. (AP) -The mlliaion of two amall planes over Morgan Hill lheered a wfng off one plane 8nd caused a fiery craah that killed a student pilot and his instructor, officials <11nid. But two people In the other craft Landed safely. Low clouds return lllld lfom 100 to 1 to In the low ~ Boeten lforn Point COnceptlol1 to the M9xlcM border can~ light, vwleble wind• dur1ng ~ and morning houra. b•comrno •••tarly ., a lo 18 knota ThutaOey aflemoon with • 1· to 2·100l llOUl,,_lerty ...... NATIOM .. Lo ,.. 12 82 t.05 115 85 oe 811 1141 25 85 ee 112 73 80 73 100 11 112 73 05 12 M t4 13 80 55 .. 1141 n e& 58 N n 75 82 .24 IO ta 74 A 02 Ill 11 112 71 03 92 13 10 58 .24 .. 17 .20 .. 72 .18 llt 71 . It 83 7t .. 70 .40 115 75 .. 70 ·°' 71 82 .01 a .. .u MM .• 71 .. .. 12 n :: M II .. 16 .... '° 11 11 Ji M IO II 14 .ti n 11 .. .,. .04 11 • 04 ., 72 .01 .. 71 t2 73 llO 74 02 .. ea ot 113 71 ea 75 .02 70 St .02 ee 82 ., 73 92 76 IO " .84 t2 79 u n .Ot IO ee • 11 03 t2 72 .114 101 17 .. 18 7t 11 .03 IS IO IS .. . $4 .. 73 .. u t2 n 81 18 1.,, " 14 • M ts ,. IO 54 "';::' • ,., tT 11 tT • • • • .. Fr.no 100 72 l..lllca9t• 81 12 ~~ M ee 118 ~ 101 0..lend 81 58 Paeo~ 117 611 Red Bluff " 97 Redwood City 78 57 Reno .. as s--10 112 51 sa11n .. es 411 S"'1 Oleo<> 80 10 San Ftancilco &II 51 s.nta 8atbera 11 51 Santa Metia 70 Stoekton " 84 Therm II 103 Btn1ow 118 77 eies-75 •• =. 111 IS 7t 12 Lllk• An'OwtlMd eo 54 l.ong leed'I to ... MOflr'CMll 100 ... Mi Wl90fl 7t 93 Ontano .. .. Palm SpMot 104 74 ,Pllllldent 92 ee a.ne.~ 100 f7 Sen Joee 11 56 ~Ane .. 65 t=•CNI ; II • Molllel T atio. VtlWy 92 .. Smog Wiier• to c .. I (toll ftN) fOf lateet~INl!Olt! ~ -JIOO) <MHllt Lo notlH ovnty: (IOO) 242-4022 ~ and Sen ..,_CllflO ~ (IOOI MT ... 710 • AQMO fpi.oda Otnl«: (IOO) 142-41M Tides TOOA'f ~""" &:•2 """· ,.,...., fllrtC ... ,...,. *""" H = •1J .. "'· .... U:t ~ I.I .. l:OOp.fll. ... ""' ......... 7:11 ~ ftlll ~ .. t:01 Ml\. "'°°" ..... ~. 1:11 'JI\., ... ,......, .... , ...... I L11TLE CHANGE -Antonio C. Amador of Hunttnaton Beach, director of the Callfomla Youth Authority, says a potential decreaae in the number of offenders sent to the CY A because of Proposition 8 may be blocked by state budget problems. From Page A1 SENATOR • • • hearing last week. A depende,ncy hearing la 9Cheduled for Aua. 6. Schmitz, R·Newport Beach, has maintained strtct silence on the cues pending againlt Mn. Stuckle. Mrs. Tucke, who is Mrs. Stuckle'a oldest daughter from her first marrlaie, voiced •tron& crltidam of Schmitz while ab.e was awaiting the release Tueeclay of her mother from jail. "I'm angry because she gave hlm nine yean of her life," the daughter said. ''and he's not around at all." Mrs. Stuckle bas said that ahe and Schmitz began a nine-year- love affair after ahe took a class from him at Santa Ana College. The Newport Beach lawmaker haa been a political science teacher at the college. "I was always hoping it would be kept quiet." Mrs. Tucke said of the affair. Now, she explained. "they've been branded for Ure." The daughter, whose younger sister lives in Arizona. said Schmitz visited her mother's Tustin home whenever he could. During one period. she said. he would have dinner there ever Friday night after finishing his teaching duties at the colle~e. "Whenever John was over, I'd ask him good-naturedly, 'When are you going to get married?' He'd evade the •uestion and my mom would set mad," Mrs. Tucke said. S. Lagunan, 75, injured in smashup A 75-year-old South Laguna man injured in a South Laguna traffic collision Monday morn.iJUZ is reported m stable condJtion today in the South Coast Medical ~nter. F.d.mund Waldo was admitted to the ~ital for obeervation. according to a South Coast Medical Center spokeswoman. Waldo was drivmg north on Pacific Coast Highway about 7:30 a.m. when he allegedly failed to stop for a red traffic signal and collided with a car attempting to tum left onto the Coast Highway from Seventh Avenue. a California Highway Patrol spokesman said. The driver of the second car, Barbara Cote. 44. of El Toro, was not Injured in the collision, he said. Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 A ruu-.power 11cenM to operate Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nucl~ar Gener1t1n1 Station could ~ aranttd .. early .. today. ~'Ordlna to Southern Callfomla F.dllon c.ompany offtdall, And the 1.1 mllllon·kilowatt ttaetor cxXlld be pwnpln& out power at full capacity aa early u thua fall, providlng electrldty tor 500.000 homes. The Nuclear Regulatory Comnil11ion la meetins in Wuhlqton. D.C.. ~1. on the Miller charges dropped· Misdemeanor a11ault and battery cbarpa ap1nlt fonner Orange County 1upervi1or F.diaon MUi.r have been dropped becauM hia wlfe decUned to pursue chargee. A spokemlian few the Orangf County DtsUict Attorney's office said simply the "cue ls over." Miller, 60, had been charged with the counts after his 39-year-old wife placed him under cltlzen'• arre1t in June followinf •quarrel a\ the family home in Qranae. It was alle1ted that Miller 1tn.tck his wife during an ar,wnenL He wu taken briefly into custody, but released on bail. He and his wile separated after the incident. Miller was appointed to the Board of Superviaors by Gov Edmund Brown Jr. In 1979 and lost a bitter election struggle to Bruce Nesta.nde in 1980. Miller waa con troversial because, H a POW In North Vietnam, h• made anti-war statements. He was a Marine Corps flight officer. t11ue of i11utn1 • hUl·powea Uceruie to Edison, which OWN 80 percent of the nuclear plant three mllea south of San Clemente. "lt 11 very po11lble the comml11ion miJ,ht arant the llcenae today , ' uld David Barron. a 1pok11man for the uUUty company. Barron aald an NRC ataff •reoommendatlon (or full-power 11 cen1ln1 11 ••encouragina. •• The NR<.; me+etlfli tafia one day after a U.S. District Court of Appeals Judge turned down a requeat by opponent• of the nuclear plant to ·halt low-power testinB ol Unit 2. Teating on the nuclear reactor began late Monday, and Edlaon ofllctala say those tetta will continue for a month to aix weeks. lf the full.power license ia granted. Barron said it would be early fall -probably late September or early November - before engineers begin e.9C8.lating to higher levels of output. Opponents of the nuclear plant, including Friencb of the Earth and Bill Carstens, a La Jolla resident, have appealed licensing of the twin nuclear reactors at San Onofre. And while the merits of their appeal remam to be l'elOlved, U.S. Di.strict Court ot Appeals chief clerk Robert Bonner re jecte d a stay sought by opponents to halt low-power testing of the second unit. Opponents claim emergency ev a c uation plans are not adequate should an accident OCX\lt at the power plant. They also co nt e nd the plant is not seisnucally safe. An attorney for the environmental group said he will await the NRC's decislon on his appeal to revoke the low-power license on Unit II. And, he says. he will return to court should the NRC grant a full-power hcell9e. BlolV off steam at LB session A pet'IOnal growth group meeting on Wedneeday nights at the Unit.arian-UniversalJSt Center in Laguna Beach has been formed to provide support tor individuals in need of an outlet. The groups allow individuala to dlacuss their lives and the people In their lives without interference or judgroenL It will be a pl.ace for people "to 'blow off the irritations of daily living, to prevent 1uppre11lng them and later having to 'blow • The Laguna Beach Unified School District has announced that the first day of instruction for all students in grades kinder~arten up."' according to lt11 organ.it.en. Sponsored by the Holistic Health Practitioners. a non- P r o f i t p u b I i c h e a l t h · 8.890Ciation dedicated to the non-medlcal healing arts. the group will be moderated by Francea Felton, Holistic Health Practitioners' education director. The meetings a.re held at 8 p m. Wednesdays at 429 Cy press Drive an Laguna Bea c h . Additional infonnation may be obtalned bv calling 496-1314. through 12 will be Tuesday, Sept. 7. Additional information concerning enrollments can be obtained from the district office, 494-8:>46. ' GARDEN SALE l GARDENA' STARTER KIT lnclud": -Tip ConnectOf' -HOM Connector -HOM ConMOtor Water.Stop Syatem Adaptw Now Convert your ecrew-coupllngt to th• more convenient GARDENA 1y1tem, )Ult cllok on. Forget au thoM trou..,. wtth )ammtng and leaking weter connection•. OH ANt ;f COI JN l'f' ( A L lllll(tllJ\ I '> LE N T ~. Just when yo·u thought • • • fhance of Orange Coast sharli. attack 'slim' BY STEVE MJTal&LL or .. .., ........ tree. nw be.t shark repellent ln the world la the ahade ot a 1bat•1 advice from Jim Stewart, a divina tnatructoc a~ Scrippa lnathute, La Jolla. Stewart bu flved ln cl<>M proxlmlty to the toot!ly beatl for more than tour decades. He trainl all CJCliaDOlhpher divers at the lnatitute and aaya Orange COMt IWtmmers, waders. divers and 1urten have little to feet In terms of a jaw-to-les confrontation with a shark. ''There hmn't been an authenticated shark attack th.la aide (south) of Point Conception since 195V," the jaws expert said in a ~ lnter'Yiew. (Point Conception la west of Gavlota alone the Santa Barbara Channel of the Pacific.) said. "We've eaten a lot more of them than they have ua," he 'n.at'• .amewhat comfortll\I. But all lt take. to make bMchgoera uneasy la news accounts of a shark au.ck. such u the one ln which a great white ahark left a 1'4-lnch jaw imprint on a Morro Bay Ufeauanf'a padd.leboard. In that lnddent, rePOrted last Saturday, the l~-foot shark attacked the padc:lleboard, jult barely milling the lifeauarct•• lea· The guard safely made It to shore about a mile from Polnt Buchon, 1<>uth of Morro Bay. (Morro Bay ii northwest of Point Conception.) Stewart says likelihood of a similar incident occurring ~ the Orange Coast la mlnlmal. 'The population center of the great w. hite shark la 100 miles either side of San Franciaco Bay," he said. "Obviously, thelr range la much larger than that -it's their ocean. But they are cold water animals ln general, and, nonnally, you don't see them unlem ita over deep water. "They're 1<>rt of like gold. They're where you find them." Stewart saya the best thing man has going, "is that sharks don't like people." He saya the recent incident "was probably a mistake " "Il I was a shark I might come up and take a bite to see (See GREAT WWTE, Pa1e A%) Airport idea hit Irvine opposes commercial use of El Toro By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL OfllleD.., ..... IUll Lest there was any question fbout it. Irvine residents aren't bullish on a proposal to convert Top seat $250 the El Toro Marine Corpe Air Station for use as a Southern California regional airport. And the residents, many of whom complained about noise Bring lots of loot for Sinatra benelit Orange County is not "New York, New York," but it still will be a high cl.ass place to see Frank Sinatra when he performs a benefit concert at Irvine Meadows Sept. ~. Tickets, which go on sale Monday, will aell for $250, $100 and $50 a seat . Additionally, special "packages" of aeata are now on sale for ~.ooo or $2,500. The 65-year-old Sinatra is donating all of his time and proceeds for the benefit, billed by local plOJOOters U tat. first concert ever in Orange' County. All of the funds except for operating costs at the amphitheater will go to the new South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Diaabled. Comedian Charlie Callas i1 scheduled to be the openina act at the evening performance. So far, 30 corpora tlona and indlvtduals-have purch._-d one of the tax-deductible package deals. For $5,000, they get 46 aeata and four front-and-center ''patron'' aeata. 'nle four patrons alao are invited to a private buffet after the concert to rub elbows with "01' Blue Eyes." For $2,500, buJen get 18 aeata and two "patron' seats, with two buffet reservations. Among the buyers of the $5, 000 packages so far ~ the Fluor (See SINATRA. Pase A%) Irvine will ban untreated roofs By GLENN SCOTI' OflMD..,NotlUll New homes built in Irvine . after Sept. 10 cannot use wooden shakes or shingles unless the materials have been treated with fire-retardant chemicals, the Irvine City Council decided Tueeday. Council members, in finally agreeing to the ban after several previous hearings, al9o said any owner repairing more than half a roof must use similarly treated materials. The ban goes into effect in September unless council members l'elCi.nd the action at their next meeting, Aug. 10. It will not force any immediate changes to existing homes with untreated wooden roofs. Proponents of the ban said it would help prevent the poaslbility of a conflagration being blown from rooftop to rooftop by hot Santa Ana winds, similar to the recent Anaheim fire. The prohibition was proposed by officials of the Orange County Fire Department. whicn handles fire protection ln Irvine. Officials claimed untreated wooden roofs are more likely to allow fires to spread than treated wooden roofing or other materials, such as tile, asphalt or flberglaaa. Council members voted 4-1 for the citywide ban. Dissenting was Bill Vardoulis, who aaid the restrictions aren't merited in "flatland" residential eections of the city, where he said fire danger la less than in outlying parts, such as Turtle Rock. Buyers always have the choice to (See SHAKE, Pase A%) TELEVISION 'M-A-S-H' still hit show LOS ANGELES (AP) -Although it baa been or\ the air 11 years and undergone many chanaes. "M-A-S-H" remains aa popular aa ever, according to the A.C. Nielsen Co. The CBs comedy aerie8 tinianed No. 1 in the Nielsen ratinp for the week ending July 25. SPORTS ttnsels bans on, win in 13th The An1ela ataae a wild comeback against Oakland to 1tay aheed of Kamas City in the American LUlue Wat. Page Dl. Rams getting loSetber . The R.n. are ~ to let their elftul «t topthef. The main head.liner IO Jar la the Quarterly QUart.et. P ... Dl. • from military aircraft operationl, have a strong ally ln their position -the Marine Corps itself. The alliance showed Tue.day during a public hearina before representatives of the Southern California Association of Governments, the reelonal government plann in g organiz.a Uon. SCAG has been investigating the regional airport site aearch for four years. Ita Aviatiop Work Program Committee has recommended El Toro, the llOUth -portion of Camp Pendleton and a man-made la.land off Lona 8each Harbor as potential lit.ell for a new retionaJ airport. While objectiQna to all ~ sites were-rafted. the moat vlpoua attacka at the UC Irvhw forum were directed at D Toro. David Sll111, an Irvine city councilman, said commercial operations at El Toro would create aevere nc».e ~ owr large portiona of Uw elty ot eo.- 000, further reduce a1r quality; add traffic to streets a nd freeways that already are strain~ by south ~ growth JUST A UTl'LE WRISTLE -Carrie Cohen of St. LoWa Is only 8 months, but boy can she whistle. Mom Darlene says Carrie will whistle at the slightest suggestion. And mom is ,, .. ,, ... embarraaaed becau.e -. a grown-up she still has trouble whistJin&. That's happy dad. Dr. Louis Cohen, ln background. and create houslns ems. Sills openly que1tloned analyaes prepared by the SCAG staff on what nolae levela could (See REGIONAL, Pqe Al) Bed tax hike goes to voters Irvine Council backs 2 percent increase on ballot Irvine boy, 8, drown victim An Irvine boy apparently drowned Monday in Lake Nacimiento near Puo Robles after he fell overboard out of a powerboat, authorities said. The death has been termed an accident. The body of 8-year-old Randy Bernier wu found by divers Tueeday in 20 feet of water about 35 yards off the eastern lhore of the lake , accordin1 to a spokesman for the lherifra of.fk:e ln San Luis Obispo. The lake ii about 40 miles north of that city. The boy WU Qn the boat with his father, Robert Bernier, of 3452 Marin Drive, at about 1 p.m. Monday when the accident ~. deputies ..Ud. Divers 1earehed ln murky water they said had "zero vblbWty" uatll Monday evening and' i'esumed the aearch Tuetday. The body was found at 11:30 a.m. COUNTY By JOEL C. DON ... .,..,,... ..... Irvine Oty Council members approved a measure Tuesday to ral9e the hotel bed tax from 6 to 8 percent but rejected another revenue-generating propoul to c harge a 10 percent entertainment tax on all tickets for Irvin e Meadows Amphitheater concerts. The council voted 4-1 in favor of the bed tax measure which now places the question on the Nov. 2 ballot for voter approval. c.ounctlwoman Barbara Wiener cut the nay vote. The &llot measure requires a · two-thirds vote to pasa. Laguna Beach la the only city along the Orange Coast with an 8 percent hotel bed tax. In June, Newport Beech voters narrowly rejected a propoul to rai8e their bed tax frun 6 to 8 percent. The Irvine proposal a1.eo would aeek voter authorization to ralae the bed tax to 10 percent after July l, 1984. Mrs. Wiener said lhe voted uainlt the measure New 'quiet jet' pondered Advanced technology •lrcraft will be demonstrated at the 'l\asdn Marine Corpe Air Station next week. They are eeen by BOme as an answer to airport nolae problems. ~ A~. Transit ' coafliet inten•ifies , Caltranl and the 1taw Tran&portation Coouni:mion are at odds over whether hllbwaya or a "balanced'• tranalt PfOll'Ml abould hM pnonty. Page Al4. Hospital banle I# 1nu.e f because she felt the 10 percent authorization would cause voters to reject the entire proposal. Council memben also alU'f!ed to have City Manager Bill Woollett Jr. contact officials in n ei~hbo ring Costa Mesa, (See BED TAX, Page At) No assault charge for ex-supervisor Misdemeanor assault and battery charges against fonner Orange County supervisor Ediaon Miller have been dropped because his wife declined to punue charl(es. A spokesman for the Orange County Dt.trict Attorney's office said simply the "cue is over." Miller, 50, had been charged with the coun t s after his 39-year-old wife placed him under citizen's arrest In June following a quarrel at the. family home in Orange. It was alleged INDEX that Miller struck hi.s wife during an argument. He w as taken briefly into custody, but released on bail. Me and his wife separated after the incident. Miller was appointed to the Board of Supervisors by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. in 1979 and lost a bitter election struggle to Bruce Nestande in 1980. Miller was controversial because, as a POW In North Vietnam, he made anti-war statements. H~ was a Marine Corps flight officer. At Your Service M Ann Landen B2 euue. AlO-ll Movies 84-5 H...t>CM!l B2 Mutual F\&nda AlO Calif omla M National News A3 CaNen B2 Public: Notm CJ..afled 04..S Al0,B5,C4,Dt-6" Comics 86 Sparta Dl-3 QOllWOl'CI 88 Stock Marketa All Death Noticee D4 Televillon 87 uaw Al2 Tbelten Bl~ l!n~t JM-6 .W•th91' A.2' ~ B2 Wodd News A3 NATION Pnl1#JB our pre.ldentil ·'t ( t me a.tied materiall, he added. '(Un Vardoulle .,,..ct with PhllJp G)Ftatttancourt, executive cl1rector of .bb"fh• Bulldl na Ind uur y ... .-.IAllodaUon of Oranp County, .... o-...ho arsuect that IrVtne 11 not 1J~Ultely to experience a blue of the 1'l14Jmaanitude of the April 21 fire ln ~ H Anaheim. • Bettanoourt said the build!np that burned ln Anaheim were high -denaity apartment 1tructu.re9 that, if built today, would not be pennitted l1mUar roof coverings because o! state bulldlna codes. But other council members, lncludtnc David Silla, noted that new homes built ln the city - the $300,000 onea - ya.re placed I.a than 10 part. Irvine officials have been debating the ban since before the Anahefm fire. Because of a virtual atop ln new construction, they have had the chance '° • • • Newport Beach and Santa Ana so iliey have a chance to place a · mslmi1ar measure on their ballots. ., 1 •:Noting opposition is expected c ufrom Irvine hotels, Woollett said ::.:n1bbe measure has a stronger · n dlanoe to pass if other cities raise 1 htn their bed tax at the same time. .vt11 Mike McNamara. di.rector of · •· o~dminiatrative Services, said the .q·l~ tax was necee11ry becauae of '" an exp1Cted budget deficit of i:i,.,alrJ:at $7 mWion ln five years. tf<W.llbe boolt.ed bed tax is expected U ut10 raia an extra $3 million over rt'O •ftve years. if two new hotels are, ,·Hitompleted and opened u ~ti J8Cheduled. '11:; However, councll members 1iJ •'&lputed the $7 million defldt ;r.r: f'i g u re and Woo 11 e t t ,, ... 'atknowledged that the city's , ... .,,~conomic outlook may be healthier than anticipated. John Moffa, general manager . ~1f lnvHtil•t• HV•HI of the dedalon'• tmpUcetioM. Thty acted Tuetday after htarin1 a report frotn City Anomey ~ Gttbll \Uta bW tn the.:Ieslilatu .. ~4ftt&ptd to tmpoee. 1i.'8Wide ~Uon Oft i.intreai.d wooill\ ma~ 11 not llkely to .,._ tNI ,_., Mayor Larry A.Iran called the ban a form of .. lon1-term tnaurance !or the dty." n. Mid the effec11 of the declllon won't be fell for 1& '° 20 yev1. The council dedllorl railed a new queetJon: Wm them IOC9l community auociatton11 which now allow only wooden roofs modify their architectural standard.a? Accordine to 1taff reports. treated wooden 1hln1le1 are significantly more expenalve than untreated varletlea. But asphalt shingle. are leu expensive than ei\her. of the Airporter Inn ln Irvine, warned the bed tax WQUld make hotels in the.city lea competitive. And Mn. Wiener said in light of the propoeed tax l.ncftuee, officials should take a aecond look at pending projectl, IUCh u the animal shelter and bonda '° build railroad ~· In voting a1ahut the entertainment tax, the council agreed two tax meaaua would be difficult to pua. "I think we always must be mindful two- thirda votes are hard to obtain.'' ~ David Silla said. Councilman BlU Vardouh1 noted Irvine Meadows already pays the city on a oontnct basil for police and public work's penonnel hired to handle traffic llow and od\er ~ U. Mid the tax would be "above and beyond" city coeta. '" or 1 "I i J •.," ) :.. fl GHEA T WHITE . . . JI =' J•11 : :~ ·fl J• •11 I 11 ~· lric I vi «c 1 ~ )ll "A'n ,i t}> 'II .. ., -'!• It I '"' 11 f I I• •Jtf ,, (I i:ll • ;..n 1~ how lt tastes. &t they usually chomp down, then beck away and say, 'Sorry about that'." The shark expert saya man it Ute alowest uu.n, that ewr went baCk ln the water. "U aharka ever dewlOped a taste for us. we'd all be in trouble." The veteran diver, him8elf the vicUm of a lb&rk b6te in 1961 ln the South Pacific. says it ia lndeed rare to spot a .greet white along the Orange c.oa.st. "Hell, we've got blue ah14rk1, leopard 1hark1, hammerheads and an oocaaional niako ah.ark. They're out there, and the white is around too." But. he says, when one comfden the man-houn ~t ln the water ln Southern Ca1ifom1a over a year's time, 'the riak ot aha.ck at\aek ii minJrnal ... U that tti1l doen 't convinCe ~ that It's safe to 10 ln the water again. Stewart bas one more btt of advice. "Stay the hell out." Can.. the KOil Co .• ~ .... Btrtchlr Pldtsc the ... CO., Smith lni.rnation1l and Marnie Reed, ldltllr of J, Robert nuor. Htritqe Bank ottldall have bou1ht four of th• U.000 ~. .. Becau. the Slnltn concert ii a benefit performance, HPOn ticket holder• at the amphitheater wW not have flnt chance to buy their 1e1t1. However, they wW ~ve ticket order forma by mall, foundation dlrecwr Barbara DeBoom laid. The form1, with .reaponse cards, will be 11ent eoon to a IJ'Owi.na list of people who have called or written the foundation about ticketa. Mra. OeBoom tald ahe l1 encouragina buyer1 to order dcketa by m&ll becaUle "We don't have that big an office." The foundation's address ii 1501 W. Clilf Drive, Suite 205, Newport Beach, 92660. But tickets &180 will go on sale at 9 a .m . Monday at the foundation headquarters ln the California Fint Bank Building on Dover. The Sinatra appearance was coordinated by Milton Rudin, Sinatra's Beverly Hills lawyer, who became a member of the sponsoring group's board of directors when it formed in January. Mrs. OeBoom said the non- profit organization is expecting to eem from •2~.000 to '30(),000 after expense• from ita first major fund raiaer. From Page A1 REGIONAL .. be expected lf a commercial facility were located at the military base. He termed the analyses "totally inaccurate" and said envir-0nmental documentation could not be legally certified until new noise studies were conducted. Military opposition to the SCAG proposal was voteed by Col. Jerry Shelton, the community planning liai1on officer at El Toro and, ln letter form. by Navy UndenM!Cretary James Goodrich. Shelton told the SCAG officials that El Toro is the Marine Corp9' majot West t:oast air base for fixed-wing aircraft, that there are no known alternate locations for El Toro's activities and that any move would cost between $1 and $3 billion. Goodrich said the military mission at El Toro "precludes" its sale or lease and streaed the Importance of the bue ln team training with amphibious units based at <_;amp Pendleton. The SCAG executive nommittee it ~heduled to act 3'-pt. 2 on the Aviation Work ?rogram Committee '('t!(.'()rnmendations. Low clouds return end from 100 to 110 In !he co. ...,,, Bolrler• from Point Co11cec1tto11 to "" Mok8n border I*\ eJqleCI llgtlt. Y9rial>le wllldl during nlgtlt and morning ll01.1t1, bec:Oftl"'9 ••ll•rly •t 8 to 18 k11011 ThUf'ed•y attemoon wttll • 1· to 2·fool IOU"-t!Wly 1W911. NAllC* "' L.o ,. 82 82 1.05 95 85 .oe 89 N 25 85 68 92 73 80 73 lliat~ wear...., Scf,c,. , '0AA US Ocp• Qj Corl,.,<.,Co 100 77 92 73 82 CM 05 Fronts: ..,.. Warm .,... Occluded ..,... Slatrqpary•• 100 72 " 73 80 S5 ea ee 77 86 .58 91 77 75 82 .24 eo 83 7• 5e .OI ae n 12 71 .G3 t2 n 70 Ila .24 .. 81 .ao 81 72 .11 11 71 ·" 93 7t II 70 AO 95 75 18 70 .03 11 ea .01 12 ee .32 ....... 11 " .. n IO M 71 M ... S2 81 ..... '° •1 11 n ... '° 13 74 .ti N 7t .. 75 .04 91 " .cM 11 72 .07 ... 11 t2 73 IO 74 02 oe .. 09 93 78 .. 75 02 70 st 02 • 82 11 73 92 75 IO 89 .84 92 78 ll n 01 IO 88 .. 71 03 t2 72 .IM 101 17 .. .. 79 81 .03 13 '° ts .. 34 ... 73 = ~ -r ea u1 .. 74 le Ila t3 74 97 72 ae ea " 101 87 58 97 59 " 17 78 57 .. 55 82 57 es 49 eo 10 511 61 78 511 10 116 84 103 " 77 75 411 91 85 78 12 IO 54 IO te • 100 ... 7t a " .. 104 74 92 N 100 17 78 ff " .. ~= 12 49 ...... T-. ------------------11 17 " " " .. • : • Tides TODAY • l4IODnd """ 1:11 p "'· TMUMOAY P1t'lll tow 11;1Q •.m. P1t'lll hlltl t :41 Lift. I.I ......... 1':1? Ml\. u ......... atOpfft. ... ""' -todllr • f-17 ........ ... ~ .. MtLM. --,... ...., .. I: 11 p.11'1 .. ... ,,.,,..., ... :tll4t ""'· ' Refuses comment on ~hmitz association 0.-,ll'llot tt.ffl'Mto RELEASED -Carla Stuckle had no comment upon her release from jail. She is charged with felony child neglect of an infant reportedly fathered by State Sen. John Schmitz. Beirut PLO • given new ultimatum By Tbe Attoclated PttH Israel gave the Palestine Liberation Organization a new ultimatum today lo flee west Beirut. and Israeli divebombers, gunboats, tanks and artillery relentlessly blasted guerrilla targets in the Lebanese capital. In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Began said U.S . presidential envoy Philip C. Habib promised to seek "an unequivocal commitment" by the PLO to leave Beirut, and would give Israel the answer by Friday Begin, standing f1nn on his lnslStenee that the estimated 8. - 000 trapped PLO guernllas agree to leave Lebanon entirely, said only such a commitment would avert an Israeli assault on the CltV. lie sa1d Syria's J ordan and Egypt each have apparently agreed to take ln some of the guerrillas. but "it is still not clear 1( the terronsts have even really decided to leave Beirut." Habib, acheduled to return \0 Beirut today. met BeA T\lmday nlght after seeing the leaden of Syria, SaudJ Arab13, Egypt and Jordan. Israeli newspapers said the American diplomat hoped Syria would grant asyl~ to leaders of the PLO. Jordan would accept members with Jordanian citizenship, and Egypt would take the rest of the ~rrillas under siege ln west Beirut. In Cairo. Rep. Paul McClosk.ey. R-Callf .. said f;gyptian President Hoani Mubarak expressed willingness to host Palestinians evacuated from west Beirut lf there waa aome assurance from the United States they would some day have a homeland. McCloskey is a member of a five-member congressional delegation that has alJlo talked with leaders in Lebanon. Syria and Israel. Habib told Begin he had made Prosre&' and there was "a chance he will aucceed in fulfilling his mission." an Israeli official reoorted. Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 1 DAYS 8 t116 IY DA vm· &trrDUNN The Newport s.d'I lawmaker -n..,.~,...¥~---· Carla ~:~ J,. poUtlcal actence Verne Stuokle •me~ from "l wu alwa~ It would Or-. County Jail Tu.day to be &c.pt quiet. • Mrl. 1\ICke II.Id be ,re.tad by hor 23-yeer-old ot the affair. Now, ahe explained, dau1hter and • horde of ''they've been branded for Ufe." televl1lon and n1w1paper The dauahter, wbQte younpr reporten. 1i1ter llvea tn Arliona. sald B"t the 43-year-old Tuttln Schmitz vialted her mother'• woman, arretted and Jailed Tuatln home whenever he could. Monday on 1usplclon of felony Dwinl one period. ahe aald, he child neaiect. defJected reporters' would have dinner there ever queetlona with a "no comment" Friday ntaht after flnilhlna hla u ahe walked hurriedly from the teachlna cf utJes at the college. women'• jail facility ln "WheneverJohnwuover.rd downtown Santa Ana. ask him good-naturedly. 'When "Rlaht now ahe needa '° be ate you golng to eet inarrledr left alOne,'' her daughter, Carla He'd evade the question and my Tucke of El Toto, Mid before hPr mom would get mad," Mra. mother'• releue Tue.day Tucke said. afternoon. Mra. Stuckle, who says her two youngeat chlldren were Dri"Ver killed fathered by ltate Sen. John G . Schmitz. l11eheduled '° return '° Central Orange County Municipal Court next Tuesday for arraipunent on child neglect charges. They stem from Injuries her 13-month-okl 110n suffered to his penis, nearly eevered by a strand of hair wound tightly around it. The child temporarily was removed from the mother's custody during a Juvenile Court hearinJt last week. A dependency hearing ii 1eheduled for Aug. 6. Schmlu, R-Newport Beach, h.as maintained atrict silence on the cues pend.in& against Mrs. Stuckle. Mrs. Tucke, who is Mrs. Stuckle'a oldest daughter from her tint marriage. voiced strong critidsm of Schmitz while she was awaltin1 the release Tuesday of her mother from jail. "I'm angry because she gave him nine years of her life." thf> daughter aatd, "and he'• not around at all." Mrs. Stuckle has said that she and Sct<mitz began a nine-year- love affair after she took a class from him at Santa Ana College. in collision with cycle . A 20 -year-old Placentia woman was thrown from her car and killed in Irvine when a motorcyclist lost conirol of his bike and colhded with her vehicle along lrvine Boulevard west of Myford Road. The California Highway Patrol said the victim, Susan K . Harman, was pronounced de..t at We.tern Medical Center in Santa Ana aft.er the 7:45 p.m. Tuesday accident. A CHP spokesman said Mohammed Allam Abel Ullatil of Irvine was riding his motorcycle westbound on Irvme Boulevard when he struck a dog and lost control of his vehicle. HlS motorcycle skidded into the eastbound lane wbere it collided with Miss Harman's vehicle, which ran off the road. Abd Ullatif was not injured. An mvesugation IS ronunulng. score for water essays T e 18 were among p~ UcJpant1 ln a Water ComervaUon Emay Contest sponsored by the Irvine Ranch Wa1er District. Midlelle Eaney won the "Best in School award at Univendty Park while '4Best in C1ua'' awarda there went •Di1earded lumber, old boxes, tires. water and dirt are the th1np that ch•":'f! a child'• tmllllnaUon -at eut in Advmture Play(p'OUnd •t Un!Yenlty c.ommun1ty Park. 'lbe p.rk featurel a vacant lot CJUDl»pl in play .:Uvtty and mvlromnent, explained Dl$U lllJa,IUl. • community 8el: vtcM IUpervllor. to Jellaifer Neem .. •, J.- Petruld. ~ J ...... Debbie Rickey, Neater Santla10, Maraaret Lealle, Mike BaHeU, Mtc•ael Wuaer, Baale Wrtpt and u.da SU.eln. Melule Brets was ''Best in School" at El Toro while "Be.t in 0-" winners there included Allla Ball. De .u.. Bretl, Liu B .... Jee Dael. Marluaa o.e.era and Marl Fnllelaco . Ma. Miyaald aaid chlldnm of all apa -and adults - are Invited to use the playgl"C>Und whJch ia open 10 a.m. through 5 p.m. ~ throuab Saturday at 1 Tree Lane, Irvine. >+n•edm ii free. Children under 6 ahould be aocompanied by an aduh. GARDEN SALE GARDENA STARTER KIT lnclud..: Tap Connector HOM Connector HOM Connector Watw,-Stop -Syetem Adapter Convert your ecrew~ to th• more convenient GARDENA ayatem, Juat cllOk on. Forge1 all thOM troubeee with Jamming and leaklng wetw connections. ' .... I ( l NI •• 11 I\ 'r' I I ii ) ''I I 'j II.' Newport, Laguna 2 Coast cities hit oil plan By PATRICK J. KENNEDY OflMl>elrNotlWf Officials of Newport Beach and Laguna Beach pointedly dilagree with the president of Shell Oil Co. who has contended that Interior Secretary James Watt's expansive offshore oil program is good for the country. Shell's John Bookout Jr. said Watt's plan. which will offer Big bucks for concert by Sinatra Orange County I.a not "New York. New York." but it It.ill will be a hlghsla.ss place to see Frank Sil'\Mf8 when he performs a benefit concert at Irvine Meadows Sept. 25. Tickets. which go on sale Monday. will sell for $250, $100 and $50 a seat. Additionally, special "pack.ages" of seats are now on sale for $5,000 or $2,500. The 65-year-old Sinatra is donating all of his time and proceeds for the benefit, billed by local promoters as his first concert ever in Orange County. All of the funds except for operating costs at the amphitheater will go to the new South C.oast Foundation for the Developmentally DI.sabled. Comedian Charlie Callas is scheduled to be the opening act at the evening performance. So far, 30 corporations and individuals have purchased one of the tax-deductible package deah. For $5.000. they get 46 seats and four front-and-center "patron" seats. The four patrons also are invited to a private bUffet after the concert to rub elbows with ''01' Blue Eyes." For $2.500, buyers get 18 seats and two "patron" aeata, with two buffet retervations. Among the buyers of the $5, 000 packages so far are the Fluor Corp., the Koll Co.. Commerce Senk. Birtcher Pacific, the Bren (lee SINATRA, Pa1e A%) virtually the entire U.S. Coast for oil leasing over the next five years, is beneficial because it will generate oil royalties for the federal treasury and will allow the country to determine the extent of its oil reserves. This, Bookout contended. would allow government and industry to know when they must tum to alternative .ources of energy. "Watt's plan is ~ for the oil companies." said y Bellerue, Mayor of Laguna Beach. "But we need to be looking at alternative t<>UrCet of enerl)' now, not using aip the reeerves we do have." She abo said that state reports indicate that the oil reaerves offshore of i...._una Beach are minimal and ahi' aid nplontion there im't worth the danatt of an oll apUl. Kenneth Delino, executive assistant to the dty rnanaaer of Newport .Beach, said there needs to be a "balance in Watt'• plan between oil exploration and analysis of potential environmental dangers cau.ed by offshore drilling. "There are a lot of thinp that are good for the country," Delino said. "Certainly oil exploration and oil indei;Jendence is good. but that must be balanced with the good that comes from a unique pristine environmental re90W'Ce." He said Newport Beach doesn't flatly oppose offshore oil exploration, but demands that environmental safeguards are analy-r..ed and adequate before such projects are approved. "Watt's plan is to open up anything and to lell any tract that has oil and we won't know which trada will be IO)d Wltil it'I too late to conduct environmental studies. His plan is overweighted in fa•or of oil exploration," Defino claimed. Bookout called Watt's plan the "single most important energy policy event we have had since 1969." 'That year was marked by the Santa Barbara oil spill that led to "a negative attitude toward making government lands available" for oll exploration at a · time the country WU becoming (See PROPOSAL, Pase A%) TELEVISION 'M-A-S-H' still hit show LOS ANGELES (AP) -Although lt 1-been on the air l l years and undergone many changes, "M-A-S-H" remains as popular as ever, according to the A.C. Nielsen Co. The CM comedy aeries fl.nilned No. 1 in the Niehen ratings for the week ending July 25. SPORTS Angels bang on, wln in 13th ' The An1el1 stage a wild co~eback agaln1t Oakland to ltay ahead of Kanau City in the Ameriam 1_,,.. Wm. Paae Dl. Rama gettiag t~edJer 'nMI Rama a... ~ to aet their dm.. ~ ~· 'J1ie main hMdl.lMr' IO far ii the QUarteily ~P.,eDl. •AllU II• C>I U\N <~f C O tJtJl 'v < l\l If O ll NIA I~: C E.N l '; Just when You thought • • • fhance of Orange Coast shark. att~ck 'slim' • IY STEVE MITCHELL O(' .... Dllj ii.It .... nw belt ahark repellent in the world la the ahade of a tree .. '!bat'• advice from Jlm Stewart, a diving lnatructor at Scrtppe Institute, La Jolla. S~wart hu lived In cloee proxim.lty to the toothy beuta for more thah four decades. · He tra1na all ooeaJM>tP'8pher diven at the lnatitute and aays Orange Cout swimmers, wadera, diven and surfers have little to tear in tenna of .a jaw-to-leg confrontation with a ahark. ''There haln't been an authenticated shark attack this aide (10uth) of Potnt Conception since 1959," the jawa expert aa.ld in a telephone interview. (Point Conception Is west of Gaviota along the Santa Barbara Channel of the Pecific) "We've eaten a lot more of them than they have us." he aa.ld. 'That'a .ornewhat comfortin&. But all it takes fo make beachgoers uneasy 11 news aocoW\ta of a ahark attack. such aa the one in which a great white ah.ark left a 14-lnch jaw imprint on a Morro Hay U!el\W'd'• paddleboard. In that lnddent, reported last Saturday. the 15-foot ahark attacked the paddleboard, juat barely m1ss1ng the Ufeauard'• leg. The guard aafely made It to ahore about a mile from Point Buchon. south of Morro Bay. (Morro Bay ls northwest of Point Conception.) Stewart aays likelihood of a similar Incident occurring alo°'-the Orange Coast ls min1rnal. 'The population center of the great white shark is JOO miles either side of San Fra.nclaco Bay," he aa.ld. "Obvioualy, their range ia much larger than that -it's their ocean. But they are cold water animals in general. and, nonnally, you don't aee them unless its over deep water ''They're sort of like gold. They're where you find them." Stewart says the best thing man has going, "is that aharka don't like people." He says the recent Incident "was probably a mistake." "U I was a shark I might come up and take a bite to see (See GREAT WHITE, Page A%) Beachgoers can expect sunny days Airport idea hit Irvine opposes. commercial use of El Toro Beachgoers can expect tht near-perfect sunnin1 anc swimming weather to oontinUE along the Orange Coast through Thursday. National Weather Service forecasters said. Weather conditions have Rttled into a familiar summer groove. forecasters said, with daytime temperatures rising to the low to mid-70s along the coast and to the mid-SO. in inland Orange Coast. Officiala of the South Coast Air Quality Management Dlatrtct said the coast will continue to be spared from the smoggy conditions prevalent elaewhere. They aid air quality ln the 1A (See BE.Aal. Pal• .U) By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O(" tM o.MJ ,... ltllff Lest there was any question about it, Irvine residents aren't bullish on a proposal to convert the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station for use as a Southern California regional airpart. And the residents. many of whom complained about noise from military aircraft operaUons. have a strong ally in their position -the Marine Corps itself. The aJ..lianre showed Tuesday during a public hearing before repre1entatives of the Southern California Association of Governments, the regional govern111ent planning orpniatlori. CASTAWAYS CHARRED -Newport Beach firefighter sprays down last ember of blue that burned nearly an acre of the Castaways bluff on Dover Drive near Pacific Coast Hij{hway. Firemen said the noon fire Tuesday appeared to be COUNTY New 'quiet jet' pondered Advanced technology aircraft will be demonstrated at the Tustin Marine Corps Air Station next week. They are eeen by 10me as an answer to airport noile problem& Pap A5. Transit conflict intensifies Caltranl and the ltate Tranlportatton Commission are at odda over whether hJahways or a "balanced" transit Procnm lhould have priority. Page Al4. Hospital .bit tile ht Irvine? SCAG has been investigating the regional airport site search for four years. Its Aviation Work Program Committee has recommended El. Toro, the south portion of Camp Pendleton and a man-made island off Long Beach Harbor as potential sites for a new regional airport. While objections to all three sites were raised. the most vtgorous attacks at the UC lrv\ne forum were directed at El Toro. David Salls, an Irvine t ity councilman, said commercial operations at EJ Toro would create severe noise impacts over tarae portions of the city of 80,- 000, further reduce air quality; add traHi~ to streets and freeways that already are strained by south county growth and create housing problems. Sills o penly questi oned analy&e& prepared by the SCAG staff on what noise levels could be expected if a commercial facility were locate d a t the military base H.-termed the analyses "totally inaccurate" and said e n v ironm e ntal documentation could not he legally certJf1ed untiJ new nolSf' studies were conducted. Military opposition to tht- SCAG proposal was voiced by Col. Jerry Shelton, the community pJanning liaison officer at El Toro and, in letter fonn, b/ Navy Undersecretary James Goodrich. (See REGIONAL, Page A%) Deir Noe ...... ., ... ~ the work of an arsonist. The bluff property. currently undeveloped, takes its name from a former restaurant that, ironically, was destroyed by fire. INDEX A~ Al0-11 B2 A5 B2 Df-8 B6 B& Of Al2 B4·5 82 NATION Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funda National News Public Notks B2 84-5 AlO A3 AlO,m,C4.I>f.5 Sport.a Dl-3 Stock Marketa All Televlllon 87 Theatllll'I 84-0 W•\bet A2 W0tJd NeM A3 : 1 1 1 Shelton told the SCAG :!flctal1 that 11 Toro la the ,. artne Carpi' ~ W11t Coe.It ,11 bMe tor fixed-Wini alrtnf&., 1 t U tber• are no knuwn , temate locaUona for J:l Ton>'• a~tlvftle1 and that any mov. 'would a.t between •1 and •s bUlion. Goodrich aaid the mlUtary miSllon at El Toro ''precludes'' ttl sale or 1eue and 1tn'9ed the importance of the bue In team train1nl wtth amphibk>ua unlta bued at C&mp Pendleton. The SCAG executive committee la scheduled to act e • e S.pl. :I on Che Avtat.ton Work Pro1ram Commltt•• recomintndatlona. The SCAQ recomaiendatioN stand 1ft d1tect ~ wtth \tat of a ''blue ribbon" eammacw of Oran1e Co&an ty bualneu execuU:vea. lt recocDmended 11 Toro be clOltd Md Nloc9i.d arid a l'eliOnal a1rport be ~ ln Sanua10 Canyon Hat ot OranJe. Tl\at propoeal. too, la clrawtna op~1Jon f"*1 Ohnp and Anahetin ...... Nlldlnta. The County Board of Supervtm hu ,.i to formall~ eiocept the bwdnllill WIC\ltlvea' tteol1\J1\endatioril. I SINA TBA CONCERT e •• do .. Smith International and Ucketa by mail becauae "We darn Marnie Reed. sister of J . Robert have that bta an office." The Fluor. foundation's addrell ta 1501 W. Heritage Bank officials have Cliff Drive, Sutt.e 20~. Nf!'WpOl't bought four of the $5,000 Beach, 92660. packages. But tickets QI) will ao en l&le Because the Sinatra concert la at 9 a . m . Mohd a y at the· a benefit performance, aeuon foundation heac!ql.Mll'tetl In the ' t t c k e t h o I d e r s a t t h e California Fint 9ln.k 8'.alld1nc on amphitheater will not have first Dover. 1 ~hance to buy their seats. The Sinatra •~ wu I 1 Jlowever, they will receive ticket coordinated by Milton Rudin, l . ' order fonns by mail, foundation Sinatra's Bevef'ly Hilla lawyer, ,,pirector Barbara DeBoom said. who became a member of the ·1 • Th f ·th sponsoring aroup'a board of e orms, w1 response . t ·1 ·cards, will be 9ellt 8000 to a d1rector1 when it formed In growing list of people who have January. 1 ~ called or written the foundation Mrs. DeBoom said the non-! ·· · IJboUt tickets. profit organiation la expecting to , . earn from $2~.ooo to $300.000 . Mrs. DeBoom s-ald ahe 11 after expense• from its fira\ • ,,en_cou~agln1 buyers to order major fund nmer. .. GREAT WHITE . e ~ how it tastes. But they usually chomp down. IMn beck aw~ and say, 'Sorey about that'." The shark expert says man is the alowell th1Qa that ever went back in the water. "If aharb ever deYINoped a taste for ua, we'd all be in trouble." ' The veteran diver, himaelt the victim of a &bark bite in 1961 in the South Pacific, says it ii indeed rare to spot a great white along the Orange Cout. "Hell, we've got blue sharks. leopard sharks. hammerheads and an occasional mako shark.. They're out there. and the wblt.e Is around too." But. he aa)'Si when one conaiden the man-bou.ra ~t in the water in Southern California over a year'• time, 'the risk of shark attack la min1mal." U that still doen't convince you that it's safe to 1fO In the water again. Stewart baa one mare bit of advice. "E>tay the. hell out." ". Jersey asks drilling ban TRENTON, N .J . (AP) - , . Contendlna that important fishing areas would be harmed, the governor of New Jeney baa gone to court to stop U.S. Interior Se<:retary Jamet Watt from J~of~ oUJIKI natural gas tracta. Gov. Thomas H. Kean asked U .8. Diatrict Court on Tueed.ay to impoee • pennanent ban .,.inst drt1Un1 in seven tractl, a nd req~ire an environmental •Me11ment and aafeauarda t.(\ ~~commercial fiahlna bef~ -ddllin&. li8110wect tn l~ other tracta. in bed tax lrvine Ctty Council rnem~ arved a meuure Tue.day to r the hotel bed tax trom 8 to 8 percent but reJeoted another revenue-.. neradna propoul to charae a 10 perc•nt entert&lnment tax on all tick.eta for Irvtne Meadow1 Amphitheater c:oncerta. The c:ou.nc:U voted 4-1 ln favor of the bed tax meuure which now p~ the que9tion on the Nov. 2 ballot for voter approval. Councllworoan Barbara Wiener ca/t the nay vote. . The ~llot measure requires a two-thiidt vote to pua. Laguna Beach ia the only city along the Orange Cout with an 8 percent hot.el bed taX. In June, Newport Beach voters narrowly rejected a proposal to raile their bed tax from 6 to 8 percent. The Irvine proposal at.o would seek voter authorization to rai.ae the bed \Ax to 10 ~rcent after July 1. 1984. Mrs. Wiener said she voted a~ainst the measure becauae she felt th~ 10 percent authorization would cauae voters to reject the entire proposal. From Page A1 PROPOSAL Increasingly dependent on foreign oil supplles, Bookout said. Bookout said he knew of no \racta of land on the outer continental shelf that should not be leased be ca use of environmental concerns. But the states of A1aak.a and California and seven environmental groups already have gone to coun seeking .to OV'!'!"tUm the plan. Watt's plan offers entire planning areu for leasing - ranging in size from eight mllllon to 133 milllon acres. Before his plan, lease sales have covered about two million acres. From Page A1 BEACH • • • Habra-SantA Arla canyon area will be unhealthful for tensitive people, but that air quality will be good throughout the remaining sections of Orange County. Lifeguards at local beaches said small surf conditions have made their work a bit easier. aa re.cue calls have -been running below nomull. At Newport Beach, an.average •weekday summer crowd of 72,· 000 waa reported Tuesday. About 45,000 people visited the sands pauolled by Hunlington Beach d ty lif ejlUal"ds. Low clouds return enct from too to t 10 111 t11e 1aw "-"· 8oa1WI from Point COlapllon to IM MexlcM border can~ liOflt, vlltlet>4e w4nd9 dutlno : and rn0tnlng lloura, ~no I I w•alerly •t 8 lo ti knot• Sunny tocMly with hlgha In tM Thundey llt'I-wllfl. 1· to (1 , low 70s at tile bMdl9I tnCI 76 to 2·fool~~ ..... I'}) 85 lnl9nd. Flk tonight with wenn, aunny dey Of! Tlluraday. Low TemperatUttS . ,,, ..... a6ong ,.,. cout "' .... • I JI\ ,. Md Mrty ~ hOura. NATIOM :t I =: ..,.,.. 13 to 8 . ttlgN .. "12 ~ 72'°13. .,, Elaewllere, lrorn Point Albeny 82 Conc•ptlon to th• M••lcan ~ 15 65 .oe • .. .29 border IN out 80 ~ ~ ~ 65 68 ~ ... lllgfYt Md Atlanta 92 73 "°"" Mcoml!IQ wwMf'Y s 10 1 Allal'llC Cty 80 73 knota """ 2 ao a toot wtnct ...,.. Ill IM .... lfternoofie =-r :f AAl9tln 100 n ·~ ...... -to Mtlmore 92 73 .~ fHt. N gllt and morntno low ... 12 .. cloude ~ outer w .. _ and ...,.,.,iglvn .. 73 ~ eerty "*'*" low doudl ee.n.dt 80 65 ... .. ee ov•r Inner co•1tal water•. ao.ton 77 85 .M Ott..-. fllr througfl Tllurtdey. 81'ownevtl9 n s: ll.S. 1rimmary Bultalo .24 Burtlngton 80 83 c.,. 7<1 58 02 Showwl Md tllund«llC>n'lla awt9tn SC " n pr•v•ll•d ovar much of th• Chertltn WV 92 71 .03 country ~"i"'· dllfni*'lftO c:Mrltt• NC 92 73 ~Ill• ortll•••t. Ill• ClleyerlM 70 511 .2<1 Ind the M4dweet. CNcllgO .. 17 .20 II rained onr much ot th• Cincinnati .. 72 .11 Teau Pentland ... nort11 ... 1ern ~ 01 71 .11 fll•w M••lco and •••l•rn C1mb1a SC 03 71 Colorado. Shower• and Co4umbua .. 70 .40 tll11nder1torma alao wer• Del-Ft Wth t5 76 ......, ~ --centr81 Dey1on as 70 .Cira MleaoWt Md lllCo cenVtll lldena. Oenwr 71 12 .Ot ....,, ,., -,,_. ..,. of the Del~ 12 .. .. NorttlNlt ..,0 _...,.., .now.. Detroit ... .. •• In Florl411a, Lou111ana and Duluth 71 .. ~. El Paeo .. 72 8ldea ... ~ ._. owr Faroo IO If IN ..-.m Comt rldOn, :r ... 71 56 North Oellota. tho upper .. 12 MIMl-=:f. Valley, the Pacl11c H.ttord .. 85 . .. ~ ...,.,, AlaicN. H9lena to 11 Tod•r'• for~•·· OallN IM Honolulll 11 n 1o•tt•r•CS 111o•et1 and HouMon ... IO ou•-• fl'om t11e MIMtlc ~ 13 74 ~ -"'""""' ~ t3 71 and 11ortllern TexH to tlle ....... • 11 .CM ~ ........ ,....ion, .. ,.. IC.-City 11 •• 04 ...... = .... 0(-MMle~ ....,......,,. "°"'...... v-., ... low« MIMl•IPPI Valler, OY9t' FIOftde Md '*"· ....... '° tie ..,,,, ...... ,. Of .. oouritry. Tom=:!llrto aro11nf Ute ......, .. ~ ..... .. lit .............. to ........... l\lll'Onal WHrnet &tr,,oc;11 NOAA VS : OI CoM"'llfCO Fronts: Cold .... Warm_.. Occluded w-r Slallooary•• ~ 01 12 .07 ~ too 72 laVegm ... 71 ~ 17 72 .......... 12 73 ~ le .. ~ IO 74 . 02 .. lutlbock le 88 .09 ~ ,01 ....... 03 71 OeldWld 17 51 .-.mi .. 76 .02 PMO Roblee 17 5t Mh•Ullel 10 5t .02 Aed lllUfl .. 87 ~ .. 82 AedWood City 71 67 ........ 11 n Reno 88 $5 Newon-. t2 75 Secramento 02 57 NewYOftl IO et ... Sal!Mt 65 <10 Notfolk 02 71 S1n Diego llO 70 ~ .. ~ u n s.n Franc:lloo 50 6t .01 Stint• a.ro.t• 78 50 Omefll IO .. 8*\t1 Mlt1I 70 Ortlndo • 71 ,03 Stoel!ton t5 .. ==-02 12 .t4 Thwmal 103 101 S7 Benlow oe 77 ~ .. • Big a., 75 •o n 11 .03 8Wiop 01 65 "8n411.~ a eo Cltdnl 71 12 ""'1Mll• 13 88 .:M Lek• ArrowtlMd IO IM =gh .. 7;l long...,,.. to .. .. &5 Monrovia 100 .. . ........... 12 17 Mt. W119Dn 7t ., .... &Allie t1 16 t.11 Ontario .. .. left AMtflle .. 74 Palm~ 1CM 74 .... .. 58 P...o.n. 12 .. ........ , 113 7<1 8an 8*nanllno ,00 ,,, lanJoM 71 16 SentaAllll .. .. IO l:tf:::.c. 11' a • IM T 8'IOa """" 12 .. Smog Where to oa11 (to!I Ir .. ) IOt lltelt ~Ion; °':'f, -J'/IJO)...._. Lot n,.1e1 ounty: (100) 242-4022 ,._..... Md lafl ..,_dlllO oountlie9: (16o) w .. 110 AQMO ~ o.nt.1 (IOO) 242....ee Tide1 TODAY ..... """ 1111 p.M. """"'"' """' '°" 1i:*) l.19'. u ~ ...... "" ·1 ii 1':11 ...... I ....... ..,.~ . :n=:...--.:. 1:11 y_'t ..... • 11A ..._,..':l:'e"'·' -~·, fl.fl\; • ... ---~~~--- Ref uses comment on Schmitz association Dellr Not ..... ,..... RELEASED -Carla Stuckle had no comment upon her release from jail. She is charged with felony child neglect of an infant reportedly fathered by State Sen. John Schmitz. Beirut PLO • given new ultimatum By Tbe Anoelated Pre11 lstael gave the Palestine . Liberation Organization a new ultin\AtUm today to flee west Beirut, and Israeli divebombers. gunboats. tanks and artlllery relentlessly blasted guerrilla targets in the Lebanese capital. In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minllter Menachem Begin said U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib promised to seek "an unequivocal commitment" by the PLO to leave Beirut, and would give Israel the answer by Friday. Begin, standing finn on his in.listenCie that the estimated 8.- 000 trapped PLO guerrillas agree w leave Lebanon entirely, said only such a commibnent would avert an laneli assault on the citv. ke said Syria's Jordan and Egypt each have apparently agreed to take In some of the guerrillas, but "i\ is still not clear If the terrorists Have even really d~ded to leave Beirut." Habib. scheduled to return t.o Beirut today, met Begi.r) Tueeday night after seeing the leaden of Syria. Saud1 Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. Itraell newspapers said the Ainerican cliplomat hoped Syna would grant asylum to leaders of the PW. Jordan would accept members with Jordanian citizenship, and Egypt would take the rest of the guerrillas under' siege in west Beirut. In Cairo, Re~Paul McCJ08key, R-Callf., said tian President Hosni Mubara expressed willingness to host Palestinians evacuated from west Beirut if there was IOh'le assurance from the United Stat.es they would •ome day have a homeland. McCJosk.ey is a member of a five-member congressional del•tion that has also talked wtth leaders in Lebanon, Syria and b:rael. Habib told Begin he had made progress and there was "a chance he will succeed ln fulfilllng his ml .. lon," an Israeli official reoorted. Plenty Of Fr .. Parking OPEN 1 DAYS 8 til 6 fl.!>tl,llJ~ ~ pale and \I.red, Carla Vern• 8tuekle em•~!rom Oranae c.o..&nty Jail )' to be ,r..i.d by her 23-yea:r-old dauahter and a horde of tetevlaton and newspaper report.en. But the U-year-old Tu1tln woman, arreeted and Jailed Monday on suaplcion. of felony child ne,lect, deflected reporten' queetione wtth a "no comment'' u 1he walked hurriedly ftom the women'• jail fa c lll\y in downtown SantA Ana. The Newpon S..Ch lawmaker h•• been a political 1clenc• ieecher at the oollep. "I wu alwar.a hoptna It would be kept quiet, ' Mri. Tucke la1d of the affair. Now, the explained, "they've been branded for life.'' The dauahter, wtu. Younaer 1l1ter llvea in Arbona, Hid Schmitz vl1lted her mother'• Tustin home whenever he could. Ourifll one period, 1he aald. he would have dinner ther. ever Friday night after fl.nlahlna hll teaching duties at the c::olle~. "Rtaht now 1he need. to be left .rone," her dauabter. c.ar1a Mi.lier's wi· '9e Tucke of El Toro, aaid0efore her I j mother'• relea1e Tuesday afternoon. Mn. Stuckle. who says her two youn1est children were fathered by at.ate Sen. John G. Schmitz, ta 9Cheduled to return to Central Orange County Municipal Court next Tueeday for arraignment on child neglect charge&. They stem from Injuries her 13-month-old eon auffered to h1a penis, neer~aevered by a strand of hair wo tightly around it. The chi temporarily was removed from the mother's custody ~wing a Juvenile Court hearing last week. A dependency hearing la acheduled for Aug. 6. Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, has maintained strict silence on the cases pending against Mrs. Stuckle. Mra. Tucke, who is Mrs. Stuckle'a oldest daughter from her f.lnlt marriage, voiced strona criticlml of Schmitz while she waa awaiting the release Tue.day of her mother from jad. "I'm angry because she gave him nine years of her life," the daughter said, "and he's not around at all." Mrs. Studde has said that she and Schmitz began a nine-year· love affair after ahe took a class from him at Santa Ana College. won't push assault rap Misdemeanor auault and battery charset1 against former Orange County supervisor Edison Miller have been dropped because his wife declined to pursue char1tes. A spokesman for the Orange County Di.strict Attomey'1 office said simply the "case is over." Miller, 50, had been charged with the counts after fiis 39.year-old wife placed him under citi:ren's arrest in June following a quarrel at the family home in Orange. It was al1eged that Miller struck his wife during an argument. He was taken briefly into custody, but releaaed on bail. He and his wife separated after the incident. Miller was appointed to the Board of Supervisors by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. in 1979 and lost a bitter elec-tion struggle to Bruce Nestandc in 1980. Miller was controversial because, as a POW in North Vietnam. he made anti·war statements He was a Marine Corps flight ofrrcer Character Boat Parade announced The 22nd annual Character Boat Parade, a wacky and colorful procession of boats that circle Newport Harbor, baa been tet for Aug. r.r. Thia year's theme 1s "Newport Goea Country- West.ern., and as usual more than 20 awards will be presented following the 2 p.m.~. • Jack Mclteule of CostA Mesa has been awarded a Continuing Service Award by the National Kidney Foundation of Southern f'allfomia for his work with • Women who have recently moved to Newport Beadi are invited to a luncheon Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. The Newcomers of The boaters sa1J, motor, paddle or chug their way around the harbor in a counter-clockwise /attern, foliowing the lea of the "Pavilion Queen." There are divisions for both privately owne<t boats and commercial craft. Entries must be made by Aug. 10. For more in formation . ca)) 644-8211. the organizauon. The Costa Mesa resident ill on the Kidney Foundation Board of Dire<:tors atd is chairman of the public relations committee. Newport Beach will host the pot luck salad luncheon. For location and reservations call 675-1683 or 720-0639. 1\@iif&I* GARDEN SALE GARDENA STARltER KIT . Now ''S.99 Convert your ecrew.coupllnge to the more convenient GARDENA 1y1tem, just click on. Forget all thOM troubtte wtth jamming and leeklng water conntctlona. lnolud•: ' I Tap Connector Hoae Connector HOM Connector WatetaStop -Syattm Adapt9r • ------------- WI llNI •,[l/\' lllt I ·'' 1•111. Newport, Laguna 2 Coast cities I hit oil plan By PATRICK J. llENNEDY or .. o.t,,...•wr Officials of Newport Beach and Laguna Beach pointedly disagree with the prt"Sldent of Shell Oil Co. who has rontended that Interior Secretary James Watt's expansive offsh ore oil program is good for the rountry. Shell's John Bookout Jr. said Watt's plan. which will offer Big bucks for concert by Sinatra Orange County is not "New York, New York," but 1t still will be a high class place to see Frank Sinatra whe n he performs a enefil con cert at Irvine Meadows Sept. 25. Tickets, which go on sale Monday, will sell for $250, $100 -and $!l0 a seat. Additionally, special "packages" of seats are now on sale for $5,000 or $2,500. The 65-year-old Sinatra is donating all o f his time and proceeds for the benefit, billed by local promoters as hia first concert ever in Orange County. All of the funds except for operating costs at the amphitheater will go to the new South C-oast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled. Comedian Charlie Callas is echeduled to be the opening act at the evening performance. So far. 30 corporations and individuals have purchased one of the tax-deductible package deals. For $5,000, they get 46 seats and four front-and-cente r "patron" seats. The four patrons alao are invited to a private buffet after the roncert to rub elbows with "OJ.' Blue Eyes." For $2,500, buyers get 18 seats and two "patron" eeata, with two buffet retervations. Among the buyers of the $5, 000 pack.ages so far are the Fluor Corp., the Koll Co., Commerce Bank, Birtcher Pacific, the Bren (See SINATRA, Page A!) Vlrlually the eutir~ U.S. Coast for oil leasing over fhe next five years. is beneficial because it will generate oil royalties for the federal treasury and will allow the country to determine the extent of its oil reserves. This. Bookout contende d. would allow government and industry to know when they must turn to alternative sources of energy. "Watt's plan is good for the oil oompanies," said &lly Bellerue, Mayor of Laguna Beach. "But we need to be Jookin1 at allemative sources of energy now. not uaina up the reeerves we do "'iave." She alto said that state reports indicate that the oil reaerves offshore of Lacuna Beach are minimal and ahe Aid exploraUon there im't worth the danger of an oU spill. Kenne th Delino, executive asmtant to the city manager of Newport Beach, said there needs to be a "balance in Watt's plan between oil exploration and a n-a 1 y s i s of potent i a 1 environmental dangers caused by offshore drilling. ''There are a lot of things that are good for the country," Dellno !Mild. "C-ertainly oil exploration and oil independence is good, but that must be balanced with the good that comes from a unique pristine environmental reeouroe. '' He said Newport Beach doesn't flatly oppose offshore oil exploration, but demands that environmental safeguards are analy'red and adequate before such projects are approved. "Watt's plan is to open up anything and to aell any tract that has oil and we won't know which tracts will be eold Wltil it'a too late to conduct environmental atudJes. His plan is overweighted in favor of oil exploration," Dellno claimed. Bookout called Watt's plan the "single most important energy policy event we have had aince 1969." That year was marked by the Santa Barbara oil splll that led to "a negative attitude toward making government Janda available" for oil explanation at a time the country was becoming (See PROPOSAL. Pqe AZ) TELEVISION 'M-A-S-H' still hit show LOS ANGELES (AP) -Although it has been on the air 11 years and undergone many changes, "M-A-S-H" remains as popular as ever, ~to the A.C. Niel.9en Co. The CBs comedy leries fin ed No. 1 in the Nielsen ratings for the week ending uly 25. SPORTS Ansels hang on, win in l 3tb The An1el1 stage a wild comeback again1t Oakland to 1tay ahead of Kansaa City in the American League West. Page Dl. Rams setting 1ogetber 'n>e Rama are atarUna to get tbeil' dn:\11 Kt t.ocether. The main heedliner IO far ta the Quarterly QUartet. P• Dl. 111111111111111• 111• UHAN(aE: COUN I 'V l. A l II OH NIA 'J', ClN 15 JU.st when you thought • • • Chance of Orange Coast shark attack 'slim' • I ~ .. 'l!:L~1!f"ELL whJte ahark left a 14-lnch jaw imprint on a Morro Bay 11\e belt ah.ark ''-tn the ld la th h d t Uf~'• paddleboard. I tree. repeucnt wor e 1 a e 0 a In that lnddent, reported l.ut Saturday, the l ~·foot ah.ark attacked the paddleboard, juat barely mluing the That'• advice from Jlm Stewart, • diving inatructor at lifeguard'• leg. The guard aafely made It to shore about a Scrlppe Inatitute, La Jolla. Stewart hu lived in close mile from Point Duchon, eouth of Morro Bay (Morro Bay is proximlty to the toothy beuta for more than four decades. northwest of Potnt Conception.) He tratna all OCMn01f8pher divers at the inatitute and Stewart says likelihood of a alnular incident occurnng U}'I Orange Coast IW"immers, waders, divers and surfers along the Or8J16e Coast ia minimal. have little to far ln tenm of a jaw-to-lq confrontauon ''The population center of the great white shark lS 100 with a •hark. milel either side of San Francisco Bay," he said "There hasn't been an authenticated shark attack this ''Obviously, thelr range is much larger than that -1t'i> aide (eouth) of Point Conception 1ince 1Y5Y," the J&WS their ocean. But they are cold water animals m general, and. expert eald tn a telephone interview. (Point C.onoepUon is normally, you don't see them unless it.a over deep water west of Gaviota along the Santa Barbara Channel of the "They're sort of like gold. They're where you find Pacific.) them." "We"ve eaten a lot more of lhem than they have wi," he Stewart says the best thing man hai. going. "is lhat eald. shark.a don't like people." That's eomewhat comforting. He 1aya the recent incident "was probably a mistake " But all It takes to make beachgoers uneasy is news "If I was a shark I might come up and take a bite to f.et' accounts of a shark attack, such aa the one in which a great (See GREAT WHITE, Page AZ ) Beachgoers can expect sunny days Airport idea hit Irvine opposes commercial use of El Toro Beachg~ra can expect tht near-perfect sunning anc swunming weather to continUE along the Orange Coast thfouah Thursday, National Weathet Service forecasters said. Weather conditio ns have settled mto a familiar summer groove, forecasters said, with dayume temperature11 rising to the low to mid-70s along the coast and to the mid-80s in inland Orange Coast. Of(lcl.ala of the South Coast Air Quality Management District !laid the coast will continue to be spared from the smoigy conditions pl"f!V-1et1t eblewhere. They said air quality in \he La (See BEACH, P ... AJ) By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or1i. ~ "°' 11ett Lest there was any quesuon about it, Irvine residents aren't bullish on a proposal to convert the El Toro Marine Corps AJr Station• for use as a Southern California regional a1rpart And the residents, many of whom complained about no1st· from military aircraft operations. have a strong a lly 1n their position -thl' Marine C1J1 p:> itself. The alliance showed Tuesday during a public hearing before representatJves of the Southern California A ssociatio n o f Governments, the regional governm ent plann•n& organization. CASTAWAYS CHARRED -Newport Beach firefighter sprays down lut ember of blue that burned nearly an acre of the Castaways bluff on Dover Drive near Pacific Coast Hi~hway. Firemen saici the noon fire Tuesday appeared to be COUNTY New 'quiet jet' pondered Advanced technology aircraft will b e demonstrated at the Tustin Marine Corps Afr Station next week. They are seen by 80me as an answer to airport noise problems. Pqe A.5. Transit conflict intensifies Caltrans and the state Transportation Commission are at odds over whether hJ.thways or a "balanced" transit Protram lhould haw priority. Page A14 . Hospital battle in Irvine? Another hospltal ee,n:narked for UC Irvine may pme c:ompeUtton for the propoeed Irvine Medlcal Cent.er. Flip Bl. • Qu1clt dinner •fl•e91ions ~ lbOUld relax In summertime, too. Let m.rt.nadli do die Waric or whip up a allm, 1110lo f.rtttata for atnner at the 1Mt 111biu~. Redpe1 in the i'ood lidian. SCAG has been mvesugatmg the regional airport site search for four years. Its Aviation Work Pro gram Committee ha s recommended El Toro. the south portion of Camp Pendleton and a man-made island off Long &!ach Harbor as potential sites for a new region.al rurport. While obje('tions to all thre<> sites were raised. the most vigorous attacks at the UC Irvine forum were directed at El Toro. David Sills, an Irvine city l'OUncilman, said comme rcial ope ration s at El Toro would create severe noise impacts over large portions of the city of 80,- 000. further reduce air quality; add traffic t o streets and freeways that alread y are strarned by south county growth and create housing problems. Sillc; openl y questioned an.aly!K'S prepared by the SCAG staff on what noise levels could be expected 1£ a commercial fa<:ilotv wc1e lol'ated ol the m1htar·v base Ht' lf'rmed the analy~ "tot.ally inaccurate" and said env11onm~n tal do<.·umentatton could not bt· legallv certified until new no1so stud1t·s wl•re conducted Military oppos1t1on to th£- SC AG proposal was voiced by Col Jerry S h el t o n . t h e community planning liaison officer at El Toro and, in letter foQ11, bt Navy Undersecretary JatneS Goodrich. (See REGIONAL, Page Ai> Del1 Net l'tloto .., l• ~eyne the work.. of an arsonist. The bluff property, currently undeveloped, takes its name from a former restaurant that, ironically, was destroyed by fire. INDEX At Your Service A5 Ann Landen B2 Businell Al0-11 Movift 84-5 Herb Caen B2 Mutual Funds AlO California A5 National Newa A3 Careen B2 Public Noticm aa.lfied 04-8 A 10,&,C4,.D4-~ Comicl B6 Spona Dl-3 ere-word 86 Stock Marketa All Death Notka 04 Televttion B7 &dltottal Al2 Theatwa B4-6 D\ter1ainment 84-5 W•ther A2 H~ B2 World Newa Al NATION Stoclc market off NEW YORK (AP) -Stock ~ took a atwp drop today amid concern over lnt.er.t rate ~~ and ckpre•ed corporate eamlnp. The DoW Janee . avenet of 30 lndustriala \ffl down 10,94 pointa to 811.83.· ____ ...__~ - • • • Sept. :l on U\e Avt.don Work Pro1ram Committee recom.mendatlona. The SCAQ ~tiON at.and ill d1.rect OQnGSc\ with thol9I of • "blue rtbbOn .. commltt.M of Oran1e County butlneu execuuva. It neommended El Toro be cloeed and r.locatAKt and a relional airport be constn.lcted In Santtaao Canyon tatt ot Oran1e. That propotal, t.oo, le drawing oPl)Olltion from ~ and Anaheim ....... ~dents. The Couftty Board of Supervtlon hu Y9t co fonnally accept the ~ exeo.adwe' reoommendatfona. II~~! T.~~on~~N~.!~! ~: .'.weaon • Mamie Reed. slater of J . Robert have that big an office." The Fluor. foundation's addtesa ii 1501 W. Heritage Bank officials have Clif( Drive, Sutte 20~. Newport bought four of the $5,000 Beach, 92660. , ~kages. But ticketa alao will So on ule ' Because the Smatra concert is at 9 a . m. Mon~ a y at the ·11.1 ·" benefit performance, season foundation headquanen in the 'ft c k et h o 1 de r a at the California FirstBllnk BulldJ.na on amphitheater will not have first Dover. ohance to buy their seats. The Sinatra appevance was 1•l:lowever. they will receive ticket coordinated by Milton Rudln. . • 1order fonns by mail, foundation Sinatra's Beverly Hills lawyer, .•director Barbara DeBoom aaid. who became a member of the ,. '''The forms, with response ' ~ ~. will be wnt soon to a ,..~wing hst of people who have • 1 .',<failed or written the foundation ~ut Uckets. sponsoring group's board of directors when it formed in January. Mrs. DeBoom said the non- profit organization is expecting to earn from $250,000 to $300,000 after expense• from its first major fund raiaer. •l • Mrs. DeBoom said she is ·encouraging buyers to order 14jf •• . .. , .r{ I !1? ~ •I ' .. :-d 1t II I .. .,. • If' 'I. ~u , GHEA T WHITE . . . how It tastes. But they usually chomp down, Ulen back away and say, 'Sorry about that'." The shark expert says man is the slowest thing that ever went back in the water. "If sharks ever developed a tute for us, we'd all be in trouble." The veteran diver, himself the victim of a ahar« bite ln 1961 in the South Pacific. says it is indeed rare to spot a great white along the Orange Coast. "Hell, we've got blue sharks, leopard sharks, hammerheads and an occasional mako shark. They're out there, and the white is around too.'' But, he says. when one considers the man-houn spent ln the water in Southern California over a year's time, "the riak of shark attack is minimal" If that still doen't convince you that it's safe to go in the water again, Stewart haa one more bit of advice. "&tay the hell out." l•! ...... __________________________ .. . :,,'Jersey asks drilling ban • I TRENTON, N .J . (AP) - ..... ,()on tending that important ·1,fishlng areas would be harmed, •" .... the governor of New Jersey has 11 gone to court to stop U.S. Interior 1 Secretary James Watt from · 'la.stng offahore oU and natural I Jgat tr'acta, m "·Gov. Thomas H. Kean asked U.S. District Court on Tuesday to impo111e a permanent ban qainst drilling in seven tracta, and r equire an environmentiil aaaeament and aafeguarda to protect rom.mercia1 fishinJl beforP drilling I.a allowed in 16 othc; tracts. i:qbed tax lrvincl City Council membert approved a meuure Tuttday co rahle the hotel bed tax from 0 to 8 percent but rejected another revenu~·aenera\!nc propoul to charae a 10 percent entertainment tax on all Ucket.a for Irvine Meadow1 ArnphJtheaier oont-erta. The council ~ted 4-1 In favor ot the bed tax measure which now placn the queation on ~ Nov. 2 ballot for voter appnwal. Councilwoman Barbara Wien r cut the nay vote. The ballot meuure requtr. • two-thirds vote to i>U'· LaauM Beach Is the only city atona the Orange Cout with an 8 peaunt hotel bed tax. In June, Newport Beach voters narrowly rejected a proposal to raiae their bed tax from 6 to 8 perunt. ·· The Irvine propoeal al.lo would seek voter authorization to ralae the bed tax to 10 ~rcent aft.er July l, 1984. Mrs. Wiener aaJd ahe voted ailalnst the measure because she felt the 10 percent authorization would cause voters to reject the entire proposal. From Page A1 PROPOSAL increasingly dependent on foreign oil supplies. Bookout said. Bookout said he knew of no tracts of land on the outer continental shelf that should not be leased b eca u se of environmental concerns. But the states of Alaska and California and seven environmental groups already have gone to court seeking to OV"""tUm the plan. Watt's plan offers entire planning areas for leasing - ranging an size fro m eight million to 133 m1lhon acres. Before his plan, lease sales have covered about two milhon acres. From Page A1 BEACH • • • Habra-Santa Ana Canyon area will be unhealthful for sensitive people. but that air quality will b e good throug hout the remaining sections of Orange County . Lifeguards at local beaches said small surf conditions have made their work a bit easier, as rescue calls have been runrung below nonnal. At Newport Beach, an average ·-....·eekday summer crowd of 72,. COO was reported Tuesday. About 45,000 people vwted the sands patrolled by Huntington Beach city life~. Low clouds return Sunny today wtth highs in the •' low TOI 11 tne ~Ind 75 to , t AS lnlend. Fl.Ir tonight with w11m. , 11 11unny day O'I Thur1d1y Low tiolm ib'll IM cout In late .•··· night and ._ty m<>fnlnQ hCutl.. ! ;., (' ~t IOwl 63 to 6} HlgN Thundey 72 to a3. .,, ' El•••h•r•. from Point Conception to th• Mextc1n border Ind out 80 maea:~t VltWlbte wtnd8 nlghl end ,,,_...,oun becOmlng ~ a to 1 knot• wtttl 2 to 3 foot wind 1n'tlW In ,.,. .... elWnoOtll today llld ~· lout'-' 1'#11 t to I feet. Hight 1nd morning low cloud1 over ouler w1ler9 end patchy -1y morning low doudl over Inner coa1111 w1ter1. ~ llllf thtough T'hur9cUly ~ from 100 to 110 In ll'le IOw o-1. Boelera from Polftl Conception IO ll'le Mftlcetl border CM~ fight, variable winds during ~ and morning houri. bec:om ng ••ll•rly al 8 to 18 knoll Th<Kadey afternoon wltfl a 1-to 2-1001 aout"-l«ty IWall. Temperatures NATION HI Lo~ Al~ 82 62 1 5 Albuque 95 65 oe Am«lllO 69 se 25 AahlMlla 65 ee Attan11 112 73 A11anlc Cty 89 73 Aldlln 100 77 BelUmor• 112 73 .05 8Mllng9 82 &4 Bk'mltlgllm 114 73 81am.,Ck 80 SS 8olM 88 ee eo.1on 77 ea .58 8'---'le 98 n Buffllc 75 62 24 8ul'llng1on 80 83 Cell* 74 se .02 Chetls1n SC 89 n C,...,,_tn WV 112 71 03 Char111• NC 92 73 ~ 70 se .2• Chboo 88 87 20 Clnclnnlll 88 72 .18 C4eYeland 91 71 .11 Clmbla SC 93 78 Columbul 88 70 .~ Del-Ft Wttl 95 75 DeYlon 88 70 .03 Denver 71 82 .01 0.. MOlnW u .. • 32 Detroit 84 ee .et Duluth 78 M EPMO N 12 Feroo eo M =r .... 78 85 ... 52 Hltt10fd .. ee .M H*la 90 11 HonolUIU 87 n Houtton IM IO """'* 13 74 .t2 Jalk8l'I M8 13 71 ~ .. 71 .04 ~City 11 Ot .04 l'jalle)nal W•..VWW Sc_.,'"" "'0M u s OcQ'. QI COt'lM('fCO Front1:COld .,.. Warm ..., l<noalle 91 IM Vegee H tC:::* 112 90 Lubbocll " Memphit 93 Mllml 88 ........ 10 ~.~ 16 .. ~ 91 New~ 92 N9w Yortl 90 Nof1o9I 12 ~ii~· :l °"*" 90 Orllndo 811 "111edpn141 92 ~ 101 ~ " 7t '-lend. Ore 13 ,, ........ 83 ~~;ti .. .. ....... Mfld t2 .... Ulflll 17 EC° " 16 93 OM9'0MIA ....... 104 =· 102 13 72 07 7S 73 7• 02 ea 09 78 75 .02 SI .02 12 13 75 89 &4 76 n .01 se 71 03 72 .94 87 911 81 03 90 68 .34 73 55 17 es 1.11 74 &a 74 90 IM A~ ~ 11 11 t7 t7 • .. :: • S1a1tonary•• F,_ 100 72 Lll'Cllet• 17 72 ~ ee ea . Ill .._,_ 101 Oekl.ltld 87 so I PNO RoOlel 117 H Red Bluff " er Aedwood City 78 ST Reno as SS S1e1r11Mn10 112 S7 Sllln" 65 49 SM Diego 80 10 S1n Frll\CllOO 59 51 Sen11 Barberi 76 51 Sltila M1t11 70 Stocllton 115 84 Thefm1t 103 Blr'llOW lie 11 Big~ 75 •I 8llflop 11 86 C.1111n1 76 62 Lake An'OWllMd ao 54 Long 8Mdl '° .. MonroYll 100 .. Ml. Wlllon 1t a Onletlo IHI .. Pllm~ 104 74 p..,_ 112 • a... a.mans1no 100 11 San Jolla 71 55 &Mt• Ana .. 15 =· Cn.ri 711 u ti Montee .. Tltloe V.., 12 ,, Smog Where 10 cell (loll Ir .. ) for 111:~~:44Hm Lot ~ngel11 OountJ: (aOO) 242-4012 AMlflldt n Ian llemerdlno oountlee: (IOO) 187-47 to AOMO EpllOdl Centr, (IOO) 242-441M Tides TOOAY leoond "'811 1:12 p.111. ~' lltr'lt IOW 1t:IO Llllt Arlt '*" e:u 1-m. a.1 t.ocwWIOW 11:17 a.If!. U ~ .. t.'00 '""' ... • ... ....., .. 1.11-.m .• ,... TilWMIJ at t:o1 e.m. MOOfl ... ·--.. 1:11 p."' .. .... ~•1l:41a.lfl. DtlllY """ ..... ,,... RELEASED -Carla Stuckle had no comment upon her release from jail. She is charged with felony child neglect Of an infant reportedly fathered by State Sen. John Schmitz. Beirut PLO • given new ultimatum By Tbe Aaaoclated Prell Israel gave the Palestine. Liberation Orgaruzation a new ultimatum today to flee wesl Beirut, and Israeli divebombers, gunboats, tanks and artillery relentlessly blasted guerrilla targets in the Lebanese capital. In Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin said U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib promised lo seek "an unequivocal commitment" by the PLO to leave Beirut, and would gtve Israel the answer by Friday. Begin. standing firm on his msistence that the estimated 8.- 000 trapped PLO guemllas agree t.u leave Lebanon entirely, said only such a commitment would avert an Israeli assault on the CllV He said Syria's Jordan and Egypt each have apparenlly agreed to take m some of the guerrillas. but •·it as sttll not clear if the terronsts have even really decided to leave Beirut.'' Habib. scheduled to return' to Beirut today, met Begin Tuesday night after seeing the leaders of Syria. Saudi Arabia, Egypt and JonU\Jl. Israeli newspapers said the American diplomat hoped Syna would gTal\t asylum to leaders of the PLO. Jordan would accept members with Jordanian citizenship, and Egypt would take the rest of the guemllas under siege in west Beirut. In Cairo, Re_e. PauJ McCloskey, R-CalU., said l!:gypttan President Hos ni Mubarak expressed willingness to host Palestinians evacuated from west Beirut if there was some assurance from the United States they would some day have a homeland. McCloskey lS a member of a five-member congression al delegation that has also talked with leaders in Lebanon. Syria and Iara.el. Habib told Begin he had made progress and there was "a chance he will succeed in fulfill1Jl8 his mission," an Israeli official reoorted. Plenty Of Fr•• Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 • Schmitz association ~J>f.R1pANN ~ ~ and Und, Carla Vern• Stuckle eme~!rom Oranae County J.U y to be ,rwted by her 23-year-old dau1~ter and a horde of teltvt•ton and newapaper reponen. But the 48-year-old Tu•lln woman. arreated and JaUtd Mortday on auaplcion of felony chlld ~ deOected ~portert' questions with a "no comment" at ahe walked hurriedly from the women's jail fa ci lity In downtown Santa Ana. "Riaht now ahe needs to be left afone," her daughter, C.U!a Tucke of El Toro. aaid before her mother'• releaae Tuesday afternoon. Mn. Stuckle, who says her two youngest children were fathered by •tate Sen. J ohn G. Schmitz, ta tcheduled to return to Central Orange County Municipal Court next Tuelday for arraignment on child neglect charges. They etem from injuries her 13-rnonth-old 110n suffered to h11 penis, nearly eevered by a strand of hair wound tightly around it The child temporarily was removed from the mother's custody during a Juvenile Court hearing last week. A dependency hearing is scheduled for Aug 6 Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, has maintained strict silence on the cuea pending against Mr$. S tuckle. Mre. Tucke, who as Mrs. Stuckle'a oldest daughter from her first marriage, voiced strong critidan of Schmitz while she was awaiting the release Tuesday of her mother from jail. "I'm angry because she gave him rune years of her Me." the daughter said, "and he's not around at all " Mrs. Stuckle has swd that she and SduniU began a mne-year- love affair after she took a dass from him at Santa Ana College. The Newport Beech 1awma:Mr hu b ttn a polltical 1clence teacher at the collep. "I wa alwal8 hopbia tt would be kept quJtt, ' Mri. Tucb aid of the affair. Now , 1he explained, "they've been branded for Ule." The daushter, whoM )'O\.ll\pr elater llvea In Arizona, aald Schmitz vl1lted her mother'• Tustin home whenever he could. During one period, the aid, he would havl' dinner there ever Friday night aft.er flniahing hJa teach.mg cfuues at the oollt'l(e. Miller's wife won't push assault rap Mis d e meanor usault and battery ' charges againat fonner O range County aupervlaor Edison Miller have been dropped because his wife declined to pursue char~es. A spokesman for the Orange County Distnct Attorney's office said simply the ''case is over." Miller, 50, had been charged with the counts a fter his 39-year-old wife placed him under t.·1t1zen's arrest in June r following a quarrel at the family home m Orange. It was alleged that Miller struck hlS wife during an argument. He was taken briefly into custody, but released on bail. He and his wife separated after the 1n<·1dent Milli:r was appointed to lhe Board of Supervisors by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr m 1979 and lost a b1t1.er <'lection struggle to Bruce Nestandc in 1980 Miller was controversial becau se. a s a POW 1n North Vietnam . he made anti-war statements He was a Marine Corps rhght officer Character Boat Parade announced The 22nd annual Character Boat Parade, a wacky and colorful procession of boats that ctrcie Newport Harbor, has been set for Aug. 22. This year 's the me 1s "Newport Goes Country- Westem" and as usual more than 20 awards wl lJ be presented following the 2 p.m . parade. • Jack McKeuJe of Costa Meaa has been awarded a Continuing Service Award by the National Kidney Foundation of Southern C'allfom!a for hls work with • Women who have recently moved to Newport Beach are invited to a luncheon Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. The Newcomers of The boaters sail, motor, paddle or chug their way a r ound the harbor in a counle r-clockwise pattern. following the lead of the "Pa vi hon Queen." There are divisions for both privately owned boats and comme rcial c raft Entries must be made by Aug. 10. For more i nforma ti on. c all 644-~211 the orgaruz.at.aon. The Costa Mesa resident is on the Kidney Foundation Board of Direct ors a td is chairman o f the public relations committee. Newport Beach will host the pot luck salad luncheon. For location and reservations call 675-1683 or 720-0639. GARDEN SALE GARDENA STARTER KIT Now 'S.99 lnclud•: Convert your .crew<C>Upllnga to the more convenlent GARDENA 1y11em, juat cllck on. Forg•t all thOM troub• with Jamming and leaking water connect Iona. Tap Connector HOM Connector HOM Connector Water-Stop Syatem Adaptw Reg. Price '9.99 onw lxPlr9 weca .. Aue· •· 1eea ' NI" ~· ..... Ntl MM\ Het a... tt t 11·~~-!' cif.::c~i·:· ·1p'u":!Jcfrn::c: ==···~':-'ttt~:~ 1~: .;~·r:-~c~1~~ a.i.t Ntl ,..~. c .... '"" l .. ll"'• I " , 4 1 Ito .,~ ~ .. ,, ... 1t .. 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Ml-fib•' i1 II I>'"' lo. W•l($v .e.19 n J) -\-. we1µm 1 1n n• '°" t\ W•llJ pit .0 SI tJI;, lo. Wer!IK UO • ft • OFF10.94 CLOSING 811.83 Auto industry reports prof it DETROIT (AP) -The sec:ond quarter of 1982 was the most profit.able for the domestic auto industry m three years. but analyst.s say profit:. don't renect a sales recovery -instead, thc:y'n• tied to layoffs, concessions from workers and luxury car sales. ford Motor Co. reported Tuesday at t-arned $204.9 million m the three-month period endmg June 30, pushing industry profits for tht• period to $803.1 rruU1on General Motors Corp and Chrysler Corp also reported profits for the st.'C:ond quarter American Motors Corp. was the only US l'armakcr remammg m the red. Mesa firm tells loss Standard-Pacific Corp. of Costa Mesa , a homebuilding firm, announced lower second quarter and six-month operating results for the penod ended June30. . or 18 cents per share, compared to $1.119.475. o r 28 cents, last year. For the first ume, net loss was $456.494. cents compared to net income of $2,020,437, cents, in 1981. or 12 or 51 Standard Pacific LS developing 37 res1denl1al developments in Cahfom1a, the Pac1f1c Northwest, Ulinois and Texas. Mesa firm gains in vestors Archive Corp of Costa Mesa said 11 secured $4.3 m1llion in financing Archive was founded 1n Fc•bruary 1980 to manufacture 'A -inch strearnmg cartridge tape drives. Plans call for fac11Jty improvements to increase production capacity and for increased research and development. Archive's original investors, Institutional Venture Partners and Technology Venture Investors, both of Menlo Park. and Asset Management Capito) Co of Palo Alto. participated. Additional investors include Oak Investment Partners, Westport. Conn .. Kleiner. Perkins. Caufield, Byers, San Francisco; Memll Pickard, San Ftanci8co; Hambrecht and Qui.st. San FranclSCO: Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc , New York. and Arscott, Norton & Associates, San Francisco STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ,_.t..,,, "OH• A .. I , ..... , I 0" U'•t• •nO ,.., ""'~ '>' lf'W f l h rn eJ '\)\t #H ll•o .... .... '"""' ~·t.X • t •l t\AI'()'> l\\\ll'f'' ~~~(~:Ali :IYI r. Af ~~~'~"'\ \1 O(• JY., Ii~ •I • .... ,o. u ,,..~ ei4AJ '"" I .. "'"'''"""(,.. \t) 'I)( ,.~ l .. •on .tilOJU Jo• .. 8 M • 1• 8t.1"1 "'' '• An• Airhr1 .t()lt )LO 1, ......... , .... p, \, • JQj ., ..,. 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