HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-03 - Orange Coast PilotORANGE CDAIT I lJI S OAY l\lJC.U '"' 1 I l'IU/ Proprietor's drea1ns tied to a string ln Lora Morrison's business vou huvt• to have a head for heights · A!. propnewr of the llunt111gton &•Jl'h Kae Co, which op<:rw<l a frw day::. ago in J Main Street ::.tort·frunt, Ms Morrison believes her goals are appropriately tufty She'd like tu turn the oceanfront a fow blot·ks away mto a k1tl•-fly1ng rnµ1tul similar to some Los Ang<•les Ix-aches -;ut·n a:. Vcnu.'<' She t•nv1s11ms k1tt•-fly1ng ft'St1vals along tht· sands, with <:ool oc{•an b1t'\'Z.l's carrymg colorful de-signs skyward To spark add1t1on..il 1nlt·resl m th<· '>!Jllrl, Ms M orrison 1 <·u·ntly mv1tt•d D1 1wsh &hadur. repult>cl to tw thl· world's 111aslt·1 k1tenwn, to dt>mcmstralt• flying tt'l.·hr11qlws 1n Huntmgton Rt·ad1 Whether kilt· flv1ng takes off ltK·.dlv rt•n1..itns to tx• M·Pn, hut for LorJ M11111-.011 thl' opt•nmg uf h1•1 nt·w stun• ~.i-. the• fulf1llnwnt •1f two long tmw dn·•m1s "I've always wa111t-d to be a bird. o•vN smc·c· I was litlh'." :-.ht· laughs "I lov1· flying." (0111• uf ht•r goals as to ollt.1111 .i pilot's lic·t>nSt· ) I lt>r se<:ond. m11n• <1dult lYJX'. drt'.llll hJ:-. bt't·n to operctte her own husmt•s.'> Thl· nwaru. for '1l'hwvmg both go.its l'ar111 to hl·r la:.t Man:h wht·n she t·h,tnn"<l upon ,1 kilt· shop <luring a VJl'at111n 111 N111 th1·111 Ca It f ornaa "I knt'W 1mn1t•<hatdy that this was 11. · sht• rt't:alls "I J1kt· I h<· happ1m·s.-. .rnd th1• fn·t· fl·t·hng tht•si• ktlt·s g1v('" Ms Morrison qUtl'kly 1nunE-r..,nl ht'r">t·ll 1 n I t• a r n 1 n g J b 11 u l v a r 1 o u .s t v I' 1 ·.., 11 f nH·rch<ind1se on a string 1il'1 mo-.1 l'XJX'fL'SIVt' tll'm!> an· ,1 h,md-madl' .. agrwd and dated 55 loot dragon kilt' ;md .a '>I\ foot lx>x k 1 lc· Each 1:. pnl 't><l <t t $I :!:i \ D•hY Piiot Photo by LH P•rn• OthN colorfully dt·stgnt•cl nylon kilt"• 1ndudc· an "karus" n1o<kl al $78 ~1:1. and thl' "Fnngl• !Janel'" kilt'. ~1eh f Palurt•s Pt•gasus lh<• flying hor...t'. pnn-0 .it $·HI ~;-. Tht· inventory 1m ludt'S lt·s.-. 1"<1stlv kill.., mad<' of Mylar pl;1st1< Tht'S<' co:-.t a.'> ltllh· <1!> $4 9;, The :.tort• also has Chin1·s1· k11t•s t·onstructl<d uf rlt'<' papt•r and bambt"' in tht· '>hape of varwus animals. pnct"ll al $H q~, REAOY FOR TAKEOFF Lora Morrison. who da1ms to havt• a kit<· for 1·ach t ustomC'r·.., JX'f'>Ollitlit "· must know somP t·olorful p<'rsonalitws For walt•r Pnthus1asts, thl·rt·'s 1•v1·n a s.idboal k1 tt• guaranh't'CI to flo<tl or fl v Ms Morrn.im said hl'r 1<:0,al wall I.it• tu help Imel th1· prt'('ISI' kite th11l 111.-. a l'U:.lonwr's pt·rsonJ lll v She l:wllt•vt•s new k11c· fliers will d1-.c~JVl't .1 six~·1al n•ward 1n thf' sport "Th1•n.'s ..i rl'al '>(lhtud1· assix·i.1tt·d wnh fl\mg c. kru·." Ms Morrison says "It\ l1k1 • I 1:..h 111u rt»ollv J.X'•Jl'l'ful and ealm " !fr /->JllL SNr.'/J)r,'RMt\N Gas at 50~ • airs SACHAMENTO IAPl A ">t•rv1<·t· ~talion 1h~11n I'> <,t·llm~ ga!;Olim· for :'>OH u nt.-. p1·1 gallon Ill a µrote-.t <1ga1n.-.t lt·g1-.lat111n II !>.IYS 1s unfwr Tilt• s.tlt• Mund.iv .11 .1 l'i!l pt•rtl'nt d1stounl off r1·gul;11 prtl'<'S 1n·atNI l1aff11 J.ims for •.;evt>ral hlocks :ir nu11d H1 g.tl ... tauons m S <1cramt·nt.o ;ind San Fran<.·1sco Thl' chain s.ud 11 would hold s1m1lar <.all'l> from :l pm lo ti pm tcKlay an Fresno dnd S.111 .lose' Wt>dn1·.,dav 1n 8l'dd1ng .ind Santa Crui. clrld Thur<,<lav tn Sto1•kton und H<ovw.ircl Onl v one• stat1cm m l'ach l'lt v Will I Ul pn<'C'S. afft't'llll~ t•1ghl t;f t h l' t h a 1 n · s H ~ N n r t h 1· r n California c;tat11m.'> Oth1·r Hq,~;cl station..'> will c 11nt111111· '4 ·1hng .11 normal pr11.'t'S, 1 urrPntlv $I :!Ii 111 $ I :D ~w r g a I I 011 ",11 d C r" 1 g LaCl:t1r , v1c1• p11·s1 d1 ·nt 11f W1l'k land Oat Ht•Jo:;;l 's parPnt 1~1mp.10V W" r 1· try 1 n g to draw ,1t11·n11un 111 AB508 Th.it ., when· t ht· pn<1 of 50 8 I l l'n Ls) t·11m1·<. frnm." LaCla1r said Th(' hi! I. bv Ass1·rnblyman W,iltt>r lngali<.. D H1v1·rs1dt" would '>tgn1f11antlv n·cluc<· th•· .am11u11t o f lc•ad which firm-; importing unfinished gasolme. ... u1.h as Wllkland rnav add to 1t I >onw-.ut ga!->•1l11w pa 11dun•rs, whit h -.!'II sub:-.t..inll.illv IMgl'r ,1mounts of unlradc•cl gasol1nP. would bt• allow{'{) to nmllnU!' to med the• lf'ad t'<HHl'n l standard hv avl'r;ig111g the conlt•nt of thc•1r lt•aclt<el and lf'ad fn'<· ga .. <.ohrws R.1l'k1•r.. of lhl' J11~alli. bill sa~ al will rt•du11 the• lc•ad 1n l'.1liforn1.1' iilmnspht•11· by five !1111., ,1 wt•t•k whtlt• Wit kland d1,1rl-(t''> 11 1s a cfo,gt11s1'<1 atl .. mpt Ii\' th1· largt• oil l'omr.rn1Ps to Robbery suspects nabbed in Newp o rt By STEVE MARBLf<: 01 th4 D•llY Pllol Sl•N A pair nf out od -.tall transients who alk•gt'<il\o trte'fl t11 rob two women and ll'fl onP of lht•m w1 th a brokC'n J<-1"'. w1·n· arn-stc-d today h1d1111<: 11n top of a Newport &ach rPStaurunf. pol11·t· reportC'Cl WORLD l's1ng ..i hPlacnplN 0 Cf1l'1·rs ,11 rt''>h-<I M11 hac·l Edmund Tavlnr .md J.ison Allen Star. hoth it". on th1 ronf n f tht• Valln No\'a a r P s t.1 u r .i n t on N 1· w p o r l · c; Mai 1n1·1·, Malf' Both men w1·rr book <'d cm IS<>t TRANSIENTS. Pace A2l Israelis, Palestinians battle BEIRUT (AP) -Israeli forcC'S battled P alestine guernllas w ith tanks and art1llc-ry near Beirut a irport today. m ovC'd armor and o ther reinforcem en ts to the Green Line div iding the city a nd barred U.S. cease- fire observers from reaching the L ebanese capital SPORTS Arson S quad strikes again The Angels and Kan.5aS C ity are tied atop the American League West a fter Manager Gene Mauch 's crew failed to h old a 6-0 lead against the lowly Minnesota Twins. Page Cl A ngels get L uis Tian t The Cal ifornia Ange l s. in the hope of strengthening thei r pitching sta ff. acqui red 41-year -old Luis Tiant M o nday. Page Cl. ' -\ dealer gripe domanatt• thP gasohrw markt•t in C;ilt forn1..i In a h::i ll It• 11 f pn•ss 11 · l1•a-.t>i.. budding up to <1 st.olt• A-.;.'>f•mbly comm1ttt•c· ht·drang tod.1~ un ISee r,o.<.:ENT. Page A2l M URDER SCENE StrC'tChC'rl mrnngruously on tht• gmund a lo ngs ide a CindC'r('Jla coach at Ocik Yt<'W Park 1n l'l'ntr;il I l unttngton Beac:h 1s a murder VJC't1rn 1dC'nt1f1t'(I Ii\ p11lw1 .is COUNTY Mesa proj ect th warted Costa M esa began purchasing $1 6 mtll10n worth of land for low-income apartnwnt.s But a federal su bsidy was killed. And now thf> property hes unuS<'<l Page 82. Bicyclist set for g rueling ride J o hn M arine. bicyclist from Irvine, 1s ready to pedaJ o ff on his fourth transcontine ntal trip in Tht• Great American Bike Race. Page Bl. STATE Fire hits Berkeley BERKELEY (AP) -A three-alarm fire swept• through a business area n ear the University of California today. scorching five buildings and causing damages estimated at mo re th an $ t millio n . authorities said. . - ___ _.. _______ --_ _..___.a--· --•. YOUR HDMITDWll DAILY PAPIR Suspect held slaying • Ill of HB woman By PlllL SNEIDEHMAN 0 1 th• Delly Piiot 8t•lf Poll< P hJVt' <1rrt•s t1•d a llun1111g ton H<o;ll h 111.111 tn l 0 ll 11 I ' l l I ll II W I I h I Ii I' -.1ra11gula111111 1h ·,1th ol t11-. I 1.1m 1· ""ho:-.e bod\o "JS d1~·11\;1 11·d 1 .1rlv Mond;iv an th• < hild1111 ... pJ.1\ .in•;i of .1 loC'.ol p.ork P11lll'!' said Val ( lw1•11 ~!I 1•rnploy1•d as .1 ""'l'ld••r 111 11 v1111· was b1111k1·d 111111 llur1l111gto 11 &•<11 h t'atv .J.111 M11nd.1v 111gli1 11n ... u!>p1111111 111 111urd1·n11i..: S1111·l l1· Adams :.!ti ~ h11 h.od t11 •1·11 working 111 N1 '' J>tH l l~-.11 h ·" .1 h.i1rdr<·s.'>1·1 Thi· twc1 Ii.id b11·r1 l1v111g tog1·th1•1 Ill Liii apaa t1111·11l J11•a1 0 a k v 11. w p a I k I II (' l 11 l r .ii llun1111gt1111 H1·.1l'h , ~ la1·11 1h1· w11ni.1n's hodv \\;1-. d1S(11\1 r•·d .11 fl ~ill ,1 m Momla\. lht·\ -..11d 11 un11 ng ton . H1·,11 h pcil 11 • dt•tt'<'lt\'1' Hill 1\1.11111111 -..1111 tlao "" l) n1 a II p II ' ' l' .... ' , • d II II 1d1•n11f1r.Jll•tn wh1·11 11 .. 1 l111dv v..1:-. d1s111v1·r1·d But ht· sa id a 111•1ghbnr ol 1tw woman h1·ar cl 11l'W'> t t•pitrh of lhi llll'tdt•lll knc•w tl11· \11ung v.11111.111 h.od bl·t-n rn1 .... -.111g -.111u· th1· pH·v111u-. nigh l ,111d 1'<1 llc·d pol au· '' 1 l h 1111 1nfor111at1u11 Tho• wo111a n ·, p<i rt 11 h. \.\ho n•:-.1d1• 111 L11s Alt1n11to:-, 1d1·11llfit·d th<· -.lav111g v1c11m. pol11·1· s..11d Mam1·ll1 sa1d th1· wom.in's f1a11u· 0\.\1•n, w::is brought 111 tlw llunling11111 &•a1·h pulin· '>l<1tt11n Mund..i \. "' 1·111 ng f m qu1•-.11<1n1 ng and w,1)-. arrl'slt>d aft1·1 till' m1l1al 1nlt•rrogu11on I le 1s ht•ing lwld an lt1•u o f $:.!50,()()(1 batl Thi· poltC'<' dl'lcc·ta v1· .,atd 1 he· l'aUS<' of dt•:ath apix·ar:-. lo havl' lx•t•n sta angul<.1\1011 by the• hands H t' .., a 1 d 1 t h a s n 11 1 b c· 1 • 11 1 mm t' d 1 a l f' I" d 1· l 1• rm 1 n •· d wh{'tht•r lht w t;man wa-. kilh-cl .11 the park rn t·l~·whl'rt' Tht• woman '!:> borl; w<1s d I ... l ' 'I v (' r l' d I n l h (' p .. l k . s chtldr <>n's pl ... ygroulld ar1·a Investigators !>.ltd th1·11 .,..,an h of thr 1-r111w -.t't•ne wa.s hampt·11·d hv the· t,1< I th.it th1· p<irk'-. lawn s pr 1 n k I 1• r., h a cl 1 o nit· o n <.1utor11at1t·ally bt-for1· th<·y were eall1.>cl to lht• l<x:at1on. Hl'.stdc•11ts m·arby m1t1ally t.old polau· tht•y h ... d ht•ard sc·reams 1.11nung from th1· area of the park tlw ntKhl lx·fon· tht• txKly was dtS(:1w1·11-<I Schmitz stays m um o n a ffair Bv FREDERICK SCllOEMEHL 0(1he Delly Pllol Sl•lf SJ\l 'HAMENTO St.all• Sen .l11h11 S. ltnlll7. H-Nt•wport Bea<'h, w ..... -.111tl 1ng His {'Yl'S were t111ght And JS always. h{· was liutll<JI OUS But lht· s1·nalor-. who has been •1Utsµok1•n on issues ranging from .il1ort1on to Zionism. had nothing 111 -..1y Munday about d1sdosures I 1v " Tu:-.lln woman that ht· 1s the lalh1·1 ot t"o d11ldn·11 horn nut 11( Wt'lllt1t•k Sthn11ll "alkl'd onto tht: .. ., , JH·tt·d f111or uf t ltf' Sta lf• S1·na!f· 'h,ornlwrs al 1.4:'> pm Mo111L1 y appt·anng at 1·asP It wc1s th1 f11-...1 lime he• had Ix-en -.1.·1·11 publtd\ by reportc·r.. :.mc.-c 1h1· Juh :.!II n·port that one· ,,f the 1 w11 1 ht ldr .. n <1 I :l month old hoJ\ h.od '>uffpn·d a 'WVl'rl' g1•111t.1l rnJury The moth1•r, Carla S1u1•kl1·. -1:1. c·tirrf'nt ly 1s f;1l·1ng a fl'lonv d11ld nt'gll'<'l c·hargf· St htt11ll shook h;ind'> and 1 hdlll·J 1-.1:-.uallv with st.at<· Sen Willi.am L ompht·ll. R lial·1enda lll''l·~hll> 1h1· Sc•ndlt• minority h·.1dt•1 A fc·w m1Jmenl:-. later. wh1l1• h1·;1d1ng from tht• chamlwrs to mak1• a lt•lt•phone call , St'hrn1t1 was t~111frontt•<1 by nc•w' 11·1xirwrs for his eommen ts on the' d1st:losun-s ") have no commen ts." tSee SENATOR, Pa e A 21 O•llr Pllol Photo by LH P•yM Suwtt<' Adams. :w. lw111g stucl1C'd ht•r<' hy pol1t'<' o fficers and r·nrnrll'r's dt•put1C's INDEX At Your Sc•rvace Erma flomtx>ck Bus1nM.'> Cav;ikadt• Cla.."51r1ro Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainmt>nl Horosc.:opt> A4 A7 B4 A7 C5 l.l B7 87 Cf> All 86 A7 NATION fnterm1s.o;ion Ann Land<'rs Movies Mutual Funds National Nt•ws Public Not1c'<.'S Sports Stock Marke ts Television Theaters Weather World News B6 A7 86 B4 A3 B2.C4-5 C l 4 B5 88 86 A2 A3 WAS HINGTON (AP) -Budge t Direct.or David Stockman, sounding less o ptimistic t han the forecast he was defending, told Con g ress today the economy i.s "moving from recession to recovery" and predicted contmued declines in interest rates In the weeks ahead. '· Ii I ' \ • 8 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/TU.day, A guat 3, 1112 AR E YOU ALL R I GHT? -The w ife o l Huntington Beat h pilot Byron Jam• hugs her hus~and aftt>r he crash landt.•d his single engine plant• o nto lhl' tt•nn1s <'oun s at L os From Pa e A1 SENAT OR . • • • Schmitz sa11.J 1.·hl•enly "Sorry. f cit ks. "I hcivt· a phone call lo makl• When I comt· bat·k I'll tdl vou l have no t•omme nt " Schmitz d1sappe<1rl'd Tht· rl'porters wallt-'<I. When Schmitz rf'turrw<l, hl' was asked st•veral <.tUt'sl1ons .1buut lht• v t•r ac1ty u f thL· d1sclosures, whl'ther he• would 1tlend a Friday court hearing on the custody of the 13-month old. thl' name or his attorney and his rl•lal1 ons h1p with his w1k. Mary Said &:hm1tz as he twtrlt~I .t pt•n in h 1s hands. "I ha v1 · no 1·omment No I'm sot rv l have no t'Ommf•nt " When a n•portc•r sugg(•stt'Ci lhal his t·ons t1tu cnts Wl·ri· interested in the· case. ~:khm1tz tespondcd, "And 1·ven for lht.•m, l have no commt'nl " "I don't l·Vt.•n havP a t·omnwnl on why l don't have a l'umnwnt." &·hm1iz said Wh Pn .tnoth1·r rP11111 t1•r observed that Schm1t1 "'•'!> s miling and his t'YP' Wl·rt.· twinkling and suggestl'd th<1l 1t <.ippea rc·d that St·hm1tz in fact wa nted lo s<iy somt·lh 1ng. St' h m 1 t z ., a 1 d h l' w o u Id n · t , omment on l'ommen1s ..ibout why he wasn't mrnm«nting AP Wlrephoto Angeles C i ty Cohege M o n day . J affe was tn·atl'<l a t <.1 hospt al and rC'leased His wife n•fused to g1vC' ne~sm<'n he r name. AP Wlrephoto Schmitz tht·n walked to hts dE'Sk adJa<'<'nl lo that of st4llt• St•n II L R1l'hardscrn. R Ar<.'adta Schmitz smd1'<.I .tnd spokl' hndh. with senate Prc-s1denl Pro Tc·m David Robt•ru NO COMMENT S ta t(' St·n .John S<·hrrntz. R Nc•wport &•<ich. h sll'ns to dd>iJlt' in the• Cup1t ol M und11y Ht· s;ml he· had ··nn eumnll'nt" on f1nd111gs thdt he h;1s fatht·n·d two ch1ldn•n out uf Wl•dkK:k In lht• foreground 1~ S<•n John St•ymour. R-Anaht•1m (;oa .... ta l Mosllv sunny 1odav "'''h h1aM at Ille DeaGheS 68 lo 7~ ano mlano areas 76 10 82 lo"' clouds lon1gh1 Overn1ghl lows 64 lo 68 Low clouds to prevail during early morning hours on Wednesday. becoming moslly sunny on lhe alle,,,oon H1gns Wednesoay a1 lhe bea<:hes 68 10 72 and inland areas 76 10 82 Elsew here lrom Po1n1 Concep11on 10 the M e••con tlorder and out 60 mites Mostly llght vatlable winds night end morning hours becoming southwest 8 10 18 knots lh•s alle•noon and evening Oule• walers northW<lSt winds 15 10 22 knols wtlh 5 10 7 1001 comb•nll<I seas ConS1dereDle low clouds with parltal altern00<1 cleattng l ' .. "9. s11 11111u1 ry Gusty ~oulh•.,IY winds Cr1'81"1l by a h1gfl ore,,ure center ovflH Ken1ucky and a •ow ore.!sur .. cenh!r over North Oekota brougfll 1101 humid weather to much or lh" Plams on Mondey ftle w1Hrnost llrttes were +n South Oak oto end Nflb•R•kA where !IOme 1p0t• "'llCheCI th11 m1<1 90s by mid day Reller was on the way w•th a cold fr('nt moving &c.ro~~ wft~tern North Oekola wllh norlhwes1erly wind bringing In coole• dtter eir TemperBtures behind lhe front In 1!!88tern MonlAn• were only In the 70• Cool air Blso e•lended from Csn11da into the norlhern Orael Lakes region w h e re e11rly alle<nOO<'I temperalures -• only In the 601 In l'Orthe<n Mlnn<t&Oll w 1sconsln •I'd Mlchlgen The sharp temperature con1res1 produceel lhunde<etorma over pert ot lh• Orut Laluu1 reoion Seven il'ChH of rain fell In 3 hour• et Twtn Lake Mien Ju•I north or Mu1keoon ceuslng some lowland ftooding In the elternoon the storm• moved eaalwerd and •~tended from wealern Nt1w York lnlo eealern Ohio Hallalones a hlllt Inch In dlameler tell at Bulf11lo. NY Thunder etorms also wt1r e ac.11ereo lrom Loutitlane 111ong the Gulf CoUI Into Florid• and -l a ol ete d 1h o wer a end 1nunder1ho w•r1 •••Ch•d from Wyoming Into Arizona Tempefelur" around lhe nation at 3 p.m EDT renged from 102 at ~IM. Calll . 10 49 at Sallnu Cellf FO< lodey. lhunderatorm1 -• lorecaat ecroa• the upper Ml .. lfflppl Veil~ end northern Mluourl lnlo ,,,. -tern GrHI Lall• reg!On. with aome -ttered eho,,.•r• end lhunderehowera e«oea die nonnem Appe1acn1ana , Into eouthern New Enoland • • Low clouds tonight l\Olaled lhunoer~howers were lorecas1 along rne Gull Coa~t with 11 lew shower~ over 1rie riorthern P11c1l1c Coas1 The Forecast For 8 p.m. E:.01 Tuesday Auqust 3 Ratn~ SnowQ SttowersllJlllll Flumes~ li1gris 1n the 70s were predicleO <>vl'I• the northern Greal La~es ano norlhern Atlanlte Coa11 '" the 60s and 70s along Int! Pac111c Coasr 1n lht! 80s and 90s etoiewhe'e e•cept for 100 or more in lhe Southwe~I dea"'" and parts ril th!' cenlral ond southern PIAtna T ,.,111pt'r<t t ures NATION HI Lo Pre Albar1~ 11 57 Albuaue 88 62 t2 •Hi n Temperatures ·~·•'"""'• "" ·•''. ,, .,,. u .. ,,, Amanllo 62 68 Fronls C: •1<1 ,,..... w.irm -61 61 Ash1>v111e Allen•a 84 68 Allan" Ctv 80 64 Au~t•n q9 ·a M11mph1s 'IO 77 881hmore RT 64 01 M1am 87 13 e. e1111nos 85 58 M1lwaui.iee (,Q 66 Btrmmgnm 89 67 Mpls·St P 98 79 81smarc• '13 53 Na,riv1llP 8Q 68 80tse 63 55 N('w Orlea"s 87 70 44 Sos Ion 61 64 Nf•w Vor~ 86 69 B•ownsvlle 97 80 Norto111 84 7 I Buttalo ,., 58 No P1a11e 98 68 Buthngton 1 t 55 Qt Okta City 96 74 C.asoe• <,Q 66 01 Omaha 95 77 Charlsin Sl.. 'JO 70 OS Orlando 91 76 )t fharlstn WV 82 (,4 Phlladph1a 87 69 12 Charllte NC. 86 67 Phoem• 10~ 84 Cheyenne 8• 61 Pittsburgh 62 58 15 criicago 82 68 Ptland MP 14 60 17 Cmcmnat• R7 67 Ptlond Orr> n SS C•eveland 79 62 15 Prov1dencA 83 65 Clmb•a Sl.. 90 68 R&le1gh 89 69 Columbus 82 63 Rapid C•h 89 58 Oal ~I Wlh 98 76 Reno 64 44 o ayion 85 63 15 Rich mono 87 68 Denver 89 62 04 Sall Lake 84 71 Oes Moin&s 94 76 Snn Antonio 98 75 O&trolt 82 65 Seetlle 1 t 56 Duluth 64 53 02 Shreveport 93 73 El Pu o 97 74 06 Sloox Fells 117 75 Falrb11ni.s 61 48 St Lou•s 9S 76 Fa•oo 102 6t SIP Tampa 90 76 t 04 f'lagstall 78 56 St Ste Marie 72 5'> 02 Oreal Fan' 83 64 Spokane 15 51 Hert lord 84 65 Syracuse 76 52 30 Helena 81 49 Topell.n 9? 77 Honolulu 89 75 Tuc1on 96 7'l 58 Houston 93 80 TulH 99 79 lndnaplls 88 87 W111hlngtn 8!1 68 1C J&Cken MS 87 74 Wlehlla 100 77 Jaclcsnvlle 91 73 90 WO .. LO Juneau 67 ~6 Amllerdam 79 Ti Kans C•ty 96 81 Alhens 93 73 Knoxvllle 87 65 Banokok 9t 81 LH Vegas 103 78 Belrul 84 n Little Rock 90 75 Betgr1de 79 83 LOUll•llle 87 71 lubbOCk 93 73 Berlln 86 64 ....... SURf RI PORT lllrl awf l urf .... , ..... lwNI llNctl Awg .... ... d ""' .... Otf Zuma Beeci1 2 3 10 I 2 SW Sen11 Monie• 2 3 10 I 2 SW Newport ·Huntington 2 3 12 I 2 SW San Diego County 2 4 t2 t 2 w OvllOoll tor Wed"*8dey 111118 ct>ange • Bru~<.el~ Ca110 (;Jt8C8S Copenhagl'n Oubhn Ftt1nkfurt Goneva Havana • 1w'..,. !,, Hong Kono J111usslem ll,'l\f\ L1,bnn Lona on MAdrtd Meml& Montreal Moscow NAl~&U N-08th1 NICOSl8 Oslo Pons Peto.mo Rio Rome Sao P11uto Seoul Singapore Stoc~hotm Sydney S niog 79 57 gs 73 79 66 86 6• 66 55 77 61 77 52 88 79 70 57 64 82 86 63 ~~ 73 6l 81 64 81 64 90 77 82 59 70 57 91 75 81 78 95 70 84 61 61 64 91 77 78 52 91 66 75 •9 82 68 90 79 82 S9 64 45 Wtiere lo csll 11011 heel for 1111ost ~mog 1ntormat1on Orange Covnty (800) •A5-3828 Los Angeles Counly 1800) 2~2-•022 Riverside and San Bernardino count1t1s (600) 387 ·4710 AOMO Episode Center (800) 2•2·4866 T ides TODAY Second low 2 6• p m 2 3 Second high 9 08 p m 6. I WEONHOAY Flrtl IOw 4 16 • m 0 • Flr1t high 10 4 I em • I Seconcf IO'tlr 3 '17 p m 2 2 S.Cond high 9 38 p m 8 I Sun Mii lod1y al 7 52 P m . r1 ... Wectnnd•Y al 8·oe • m Moon rt-today 11 7•24 pm , , Mii Wedn.ad1y al 4 49 1 m ' J Judge Harrold insists Orange County 'home' By DAVID KUTZMANN Of"I ... Oalf Not I t.fl The re.ldency . trial of Weit Orunge County Municipal Court Judge Joann~ Harrold neared Ila c limax t oday after th e W estm tn1te r jurist insisted Monday tha t she considered Orange County her principal and future. home In closing statements t o S upn1or Court Judge Ronald Owen, attorney Kenneth Golden argued that Judge Harrold was only using a $2 million house m Newport Bea<:h as "an address of convenience" while actually maintaining her legal residence m Riverside County. Golden repr(.'S('nts Santa Ana attorney Dan Charles Dutcher, who placed a distant se<'Ond to Harrold m the June 8 election Dutcher, however , filed suit after the ballots were l'Ountcd, contending that the diminutive, blonde -haire d judge was not a legal resident of Orange County at the tJme she ran for office Judge Harrold, whose attorney was sc:hedukd to make closing statl'ments to Judge Owen today, rc>1terated 1n tt•stimony Monday From Page A 1 50-CENT. • • AB 508, 1:3 independent California oil refiners and two environment.al groups announced their support for the b1ll, while Wickland denoun<:ed it again The supporters. including the American Lung Association of Califor nia and th e Environmental Def ens~ Fund, charged that blenders of rore1gn oil e nJOY "a loop hole" a nd "favored trc.•atment" unde r C.ilifornia env1ronment.al laws. LaClair denied that his company had a loophole. saying the figures a re distorted by the abil ity of major refiners to average lead con tents. .. It 1s s pec1f1cally a ime d at d1scrimina 11ng ::.gainsl thret• firms We an· one of the thrt't' It 1s unfair." LaCla1r said From Page A1 TRANSIENT S susp1c1on of 1.·onsµ1racy to L-omm1l roblx.·r:v and drt' b<•mg held m lht.· Nt•wport Clly jail in h('U of $25. 000 t•ach Polin· said Tavlor 1:-. from Oklahoma and Starr from Florida. Pollet' said the two 20-yl•ar uld womf'n. Trat·v Dan1C'lson of Sant.a Ana a nd. Kathleen Flynn of Costa Mc':-.a, had JUSl gottl'n off wi)rk at tht• Rusty P ~l1l·an Ht•staurant and wpre sitting in a t·ar outs1dl' th1• l'alc•rv at 27:i I W Coast Highway - Thl' womt•n told police the ml·n approat·ht•d the-<'ar and without warning starl.C'd h1ttmg them Police said Miss Dan1C•lson was pulled from the vc>h1dc and struck m the face• several times. ll•avmg her with a broken JaW and lacerauons Thl' men. off1eers said, then tried to drive orr in the car but fled when sC'Vl'ral restaurant t·u:.lomers arrivc'C.I on the SC'C'nt· Beach es reopen ed after sewage s pill SANTA CRUZ (AP) Sea r_'hfL Rio Del Mar and Hidden lwaches hav<' b<-<'n reopt.'iled to ~.w1mmers after the danger from <.1 SC'Wage spill abated. The Santa Cruz t:: n v 1 r o n m e n t a I H e 11 I l h I >cpartment said the b<'aC'hl's Y1t>rc safe Mondav The w{'("kend s1:>tll was the S('t·ond m two weeks a 1 Sea Cit ff and Rio [)('( Mar that hor ara.odmother, Arlyne Lanlclale of WeatmJnater, gave ~r the Newport Beach home In November, 1981. The judge, who owns a home ii) Rl\ofer1lde, said she took up f~ll-tlme re1idence at the Lido lale howie in early I Y8:l , either In February or M areh At laaue in the trial is whether Judge Harrold wus able to eatabllsh herself as a so-called "domiciliary" in Onmgt• County in sufficient time to qualify as a candidate and ofr1<:t• holder Under the law. a p<:rson can hav<· several residences but only on<• d omicile, or permam•nl home. State codes r equ1n• tha t a judicial candidate be a rl's1dcnt of the county in which h!:' or she is running for at least 54 days before the election Tha t w ould be April 16 in Harrold's case. a dcadhm· wh1<·h Golden and Dutc:he r daim the· judge was not able lo legally meet. "A lot of this case rl'Sts on credibility," Golden told Owen. who 1s expected to take the caSl' under submission today. The• Westminst('r allornt•y clalrood &hat J uQa4t H..-rold hMt t>.ckdated a quitclaim deed tor the Lido Ille houae to fallely s ho w her grandmother had turned it ove r t o h e r In Novem~r. What happened, Golden a id, 1s that Harrold saw Dutcher'• ('ampa1gn statement in early March, when the residency 1-ue first surfal'ed Dutcher duicloeed that Judge Harr o ld was registered to vote in Riverside County even though s h e was runni ng for office 1n Ora~e County ("" After she saw the campaign statement, Golden told Owen, sht· immediately pre pared the fali,e deed, had 1t recorded 8Ild moved mt.o the Newport home. Utility records introduced as l'v1dcnce md1c·att> that neithe r gas nor e lec·tric-al usage s howed normal lcvl•ls until March and April No long-distance phone 1.·alls were re<.-orded on bills until Man:h IY. Golden said "It's obvious tha t was an t•mply houS<.• unul Mr. Dut.cher's l'Jnd1datl' <;tatcment came out and sh1.· (Harrold) said 'Oops, I'm in trouble·.' " lhc> attorney said Transportation tax shot down • issue SACRAMENTO A powerful state assembl y member, in an angry attack , hw. :-.<.·uttk.od a bill that would havt• pcrm1ttc•d Orange County voters to decide 1f the sales tax should be in<.Teased to fund transportation proiects A bill to permit th<' ele<.'lJOn died today wht'n its author, Assemblyman Richard Robinson. D-Garde n Grove. withdrew 1t fro m consideration before the s tate Senate Transportation Committee . Assembly Bill 328:5. as written . would have permitted voters to decide• 1f the sales tax should be increas«l up to a maximum of 7 perc·enl It now 1s 6 percent ThC' o ne-cent increase would hav<> ra1sc•d abo ut $1 50 m1ll1on a nnuall y fo r tra n!>porlation funding Robinson introdUl·C'd thl' bill earlier this year at the request l'f t h t• 0 r a n g c C o u n t )' Transportation Coalit1on . an all1a n cl' o f 52 busi ness and industry firms, c1mong them thC' county's largest employPrs. In dropping his support for th(• bill. Robinson lashed out al thP DEAD AT 93 Actrc·s::.. Cat h IC'('n N esb1 t t , w h osc- carc-er spanned 70 Y<'ars. d1ro M onday a t h er London h orn(' al the age of 93. S he was the original Mrs. Higgins m "My Fair Lady" o n Broadway. co;.iltuon. d a1ming aU but one of Its members was interested solely 1n vbta1n1 ng m o n ey f o r transportation proje<'ts. He said they w ere r<'fusmg to deal wnh other cnut·al issues over t.axjng authority Under t<'rms of the bill any addt.'d sales tax would have been collected by the Orange County Trans po rtation Comm1ss1on , a state-created agency controlled bv a fi ve membe r board. The existing commission is comprised of two county supervisors, tw o city councilmen and one member S<·lected at large Robinson late last week had proposed an amendment to the bill that would have e xpanded the transportation commission to 11 members Under the proposal the commission would have been made up of a ll fi ve county 'iU perv1sors. fi ve city council membNS from the county's 26 <.'Illes and one public member Robinson argued that the l'O mm1 ss1o n . whi c h 1s a n a ppoinllvfl' body s hould have m o r e o f f 1 (' 1 a I s w h o a r e al-c-ountable to the voters w ere it to receive taxing power The prop osed ame n dment nin kled s evC'ral o f the major f1 rms 1n th C' transportation C'oal1t1on and also drew a protest from the Orange County d1v1s1on of the L(•ague o f Ca lifornia C1t1es. ln e:in 1nlC'rv1ew here· today Robmson at"t.'U$(.'Ci the coaht1on of a "lack of IC'adersh1p" and said the c1 u es WC'r<' "paranoid and 1rrc>spons1ble " By FRED SCHOEMEHL Ch a rity walke r truc k by a uto WIC HITA . K an (AP) A man on a :J.500-mile walk to raise monev for th(' Juvenile Diabetes F'oundatmn was listed in fair cond1t1on today after bei ng ..,truC'k by a hit-and-run driver. Clint Cook, 32. of Cedar Lake, Ind .. underw1•nt surgery Monday night at S t Joseph Hospital for a fractured pe lvis a nd a broken ankle He was struck as he walked along Kansas Route 96 n<:ar FrC'doma early Su nday morning. RIG HT OF WAY -There wasn't much question of who gets 'the right of way as a 300-foot tanker barges througb the race course in Long Beach on Sunday and a couple of 470 OelJ,...,.......,---,,• a1; Class boats pf the Pre-Olympic Reaatta find themselves on a direct course toward the lhlp. Most of t h e 40-boaJ fleet h a d to 10 to windward and round dp to mill the tanker. . · ELDERLY EVACUATED -Fres no County sheriff's deputies help 153 elderly people evacuate the Wish-I-Ah ConvaleS<:ent Hospital in Auberry whl•n a rag_ing grass fin• AP Wlrepholo threatrned the s mall Sierra N evada community. Firefighters, however, bolstered the Imes and ke pt the flames away from the rL'sidcn Ila I a ree1s Deaths froIIl arthritis drug have risen to at east eight WASliINGTON (AP) The numbC'r of Am<.'rH <111 deaths associated wllh tht• m·w arthnus drug Oraflex has ris1.-n to al least e ight, the governml•nt s..iys Food and Drug Adm1n1strat1on spokesman Edward N1de1 said then· s till as ansuff1e·wnt snenufic evidence to jusufy an immed1atC' withdrawal o{ the Eh L1llv and Co. drug from thl' mark~l. He said the American dt•aths and 45 covnte d an Grt•d t Br1ta1n generally were t·ast•s Ill wh1c.:h the patient had bt-1•n taking other drugs and or suffl'ring from uthl'r disc>ascs bC's1clrs arthntis. Meanwhile. thl' Anlt'rican A .,nt·1at1 on of RC'llrt•d Pt•rsons wamt•d its 13 5 malhon membt-rs aga1n-.t using thl• drug and pt i11oned Hedlth and Huma n St.·rv1ces SecrC'lary R1d1drd S &·hwl'1kN on Friday to halt tht.- drug's sale' as a ~1';7.arcJ to the hl•alth of eldl•rly pl'Oplt• And thrN· ~rouJJs tht• A m t' r 1 (' a n P u b I 1 l' I I l' c.t I t h Assoc1atton. Publtt C'ttlZl•n's llt'alth Rt-sea rt h <. ;roup .ind the Nallonal Council for SC'ntor C111zt•ns sa1tl tht·v v.1'rl' pn·panng to flit· ... u1t "1n US D1str1t•t l'our1 1111 Mond::..v '>t'<•kang a ban on the drug The• health rescar('h group and APHA pclllloned St·hwc1ker l'aJ her to remove thl' drug from thl' marketplace. Ora fll'X 1s a o n cC'-a-day nwd1catton which w on FDA <.i pproval in April for sale in the Un1wd States. Its d1str1but1on has grown rapidly s1m·e 1t hit the Anwnt'an market in May, despite thl· prt.'scnfe o f many other pr·l pJrat1ons f or trea ting .1rthnt1s Thl• drug has been sold 1n the U nt tl•cl Kingdom for two years undt·r th!:' name Oprt>n. Thl• lnd1anapol1s-based l'ompany has ma111taaned that -.1dl• dft'<:lS are 111c•v1table when using drugs m the same category .i.-. Oraflex -that all such drugs ca n t'ause gastro1ntl.'stinal problt'ms. includmg liver and k1dnt•y damage Rut those seeking its r~moval from the m arkC'lplan• cuntend that OraflC'x d oes n ot have suCf1(·a·nt bene fits to offset its "1d1· f'ffocts and that <;0~ other drugs 111 the rntt:gory. including ,1-.p1nn, work as well with fewer ph y•acal reactions Mv:-.t of tht' dt•aths a!'&X.'1ated Mexico flays media with the drug are of elderly persons. The company ask ed phys1c1ans last month to reduce the standard dosage given the e lderly Nida said t hat less data is available on the deaths an Great Bntc11n than on those in the United States. "There are JU St so many unknowns We don 't have the ab1hty to make the anqu1r1C'S as 1f thl'y were in this country ... he said FDA has advised patients who have questions about Ornflex to consult their physicians In a letter to Schweiker, AAHP said the drug constitutes "an 1mm111ent hazard to the lives and health of all American s. parllcularly the elderly " "Elderly arthritis patients as well as their phys1c1ans must havl' more complete information :md thl' answers to unresolved qut-st1ons about beno xaprofen bl•fore patients can mak e a informed decision on whether to takl' th e drug and bt•fore p h y ., ll' 1 a n s ca n r a t 1 o n a I I y µr t>s(·r1b t' it ,'' AARP told Sehwe1ker coverage Accuses ABC'I Tin1e and News week of 'distorting image' MEXlCO CITY (APJ The· government 1s atTus1ng ABC. T 1 m e a n d N t• w s w l' l' k o ( conducting "a campc11gn that lrll'S to distort the image•" of Mf·X1('(1 an the United St.ates Pres 1de nt1al spokC'srnan Fram·1sco Galindo Ol:hoa singled out a recent ABC TV program about Mexico -"Time• of Crisis" as an exampll• o f rt•ports co nta1h1n g "t alumn1es . falsehoods and mistaken concc>pL<> all edited in thl' m<ht absolut<• bad faith .. Galindo Ochoa dtd not 'ipec1fy the a rt 1 cl es M (' x 1 l' o f o und object1unablt· an Tim<' or News w eek _ Both magazines wro te about MC'Xll'o·s social problems an their t·ovC'ragt• of the country's July 4 nat1onJI c•lccuon Spokesmen for both magazines re~ted Galindo Ochoa's charges. saying that thev bc•hl'ved their covP rage had been 1a1r a nd .it'<'urate The· ABC p rogran was a d<KUml'ntarv about the >Conomic and -.oc1a i problt•m: facing M<'XICO It was broadt·&;t tn the United States on July 2> R1t·hard Richter. I· st"nior producer f o r ABI' new s d(ll'Umcntaries in N .., York. rt>spond1ng t o the ex1can 1:rit1t·1sm. said that. "W re very. vc•rv car e ful w1t'i 1e fa cts bt"<:auSl' we reahz.e w <' e saying <;('rl(IUS things .. Ric hter said the oducers "tncd to say there wer plenty of problC'ms. but ther are also !>U ff1c1ent s tre ngt to the Mcx1c·a n s1tuat1on." According t o a pan1 s h - language transcript p v1ded by the Mexican gover ent. the rt•port said Mexico "f a crisis 1n v irtually all fie s . which ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai Claulfled advertising 7141642 78 All other departments 642-432 Kay Schultz V~Pr-1 onc1 ow-o. 01 M••titino Tom Murphine Ecllt0t Mike Harvev 0Wec10< ol Mwiill"'G t(:lraMtlOnl Ken Goddard ()W-10t ol °'*"'""'" Rey Macl ean Comr- Tom Mccann M.neolno Edl!Ot MAIN OFFICE lJO WHI a .. SI COlll -W. C,tll ¥a11 addrf'\\ Bo• 1560. Cml• Mew. C ,. Copyrlqhl t"7 Ot-c.,.,, P11bll\ C-y No newn '•ortf'\ illustrat1on1. ~ltOf'I tatter or •d vrrthfmf't'h Mr•1n m ay be '•0' eel •ltf'WNf \P4"C l•f per ml"'°" of <0c>vd9ht o•,... Second <'•" ll0'1•~ paid 11 C01l1 •. C•llloml•. tu PS U( IOO\ Solxcrlp!lon tJy <Arri IS montllly by m•ll '6 SO mon1111v ,,,. Or-Coe\! O•lll' Pllol wll bin~ ,,,. N~ Preu. I• pu Coe>! Publl>Nno C-y ouC>•h--·• tll""'9fl Fr •v Ntw00<1 &H<ll. H""lln;ton "· I rw lne. L6QUN llff<I" Soutl\ C JI tdfllon I• P<Alll"*' $at1Kdav • prlnclp•I publlll\i"Q plant I• •I 1"0 801 1'60, (""I• MtW, Cell r VOL. 75, N c.:n .•at(·s protound d1S( . .'Ontent with the prl'SCnt and more anxiety for tht• future " It also quoted a peasant as saying that a ne w n·vo lution l'OUld give a chance "for us to be able to have that which 1s ours. lx'<·ausc• the land as an the hands of the rich " Galindo Ochoa said President J osl' Lopez Portillo and "all wC'll -burn Mexicans" condemn th<' program and s pec1f1cally r<'Ject what h e saw as an 1mplic-at1on that Mexico 1s on the ver ge of c ivil war and the government has failed to meet the people's needs. "It is a broad and total lie," the s pokC'sman said. "We h ave problems. like all the countries in the world, but we are very far from having a civil war." Richter. in New York, said . "We never said they ar<' on the verge of cavil W:\r," but reported on ''domestic uncertainties and intl'rnal strife." He quoted the program's script: "Should Mexico fail to surmount its domestic dilemmas. there 1s httle doubt that we will feel the aftershock of our neighbor's times of crisis ." Galindo Ochoa also took exception to comments in the ABC program by U .S. Ambassador John Gavin. A transcript o f Gavan's remarks. released Saturday by the U .S . Embassy. quoted the ambassador as describing "a proble m of confidence. It's a problem of the Mexican people feeling perhaps that at this moment the institutions are not as rellilble as they should be." ~ly-ft!dlV U YOU !'Ju "4-,. "-~•1 'f'Oti' oapet by~ 30 p n\ r t ll oit•••ft 1 ptn tf\O )'(>YI tUPV Wtll H d•hVflf~ SetUl"-Y •no Sun<ll) 11 !°: dO ""' Wha l do you Call the numbe transcribed and q about the Daily Pilot., What don't you like., low and your message will be recorded. ered lo u.e appropriate editor ;:,:: ,t':':., ~ ~. co:V ~.i': ..... _eel The same 24· ter !I lo the editor their namt> and l'alls. please r answering service may be used to record let a ny topic Mailbox l'ontributors must include phone number for ver1 f1 ('ollon No circulation T<'ll u~ what ' n your mmd 642•6086 Orange Coat DAILY P.11..0T/Tueeday, Augutt 3, 1912 • El Salwador hot spot Reagan policy enters new, difficult phase WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan's policy in El Salvador, e nte ring a new and difficult phase, calls for stepping up m ilitary pressure on leftist insurge nts while keeping alive the beleaguered land and social reform programs, administration officials say. ~ The officials sa~-~elr ~~I is still a political, ,n ot military solution to the conflict. but they concede that the Salvadoran army's success on the battlefield in the months ahead ts crucial. The strategy described in interviews with S t a t e D e partment and Pentagon officials calls for continued political and economll' reforms to ease the country's social inequities and unde rc ut the guerrillas' popular support. But the officials aJso stress the n eed for 1nc.:reased military pn.'SSure on the rebels to give the reforms more tim e and ultimately convin c e the 111s urgents to lay down their a rms and run in gove rnment sponsored elections. "You try to d efeat them m1htarily, but it's important that you leave an openmg for them to come back into tht• s ystem," summl•d up on e scnaor State 1111 llAlYBIS Department official, wh<\. spoke on condition that his name not be used. However, critics such as Sen. Christopher Dodd. D-Conn .. say the admin1strat1on's pohcy is little more than wishful th lnklng and warn it could lead to a n ever deepening U.S . mih tary role in El Salvador and Central America. "This has the real ma kings of getting out o f control," said Dodd "This 1s a plan without an automat1t· pilot or any kind of pilot." Already, a leftist insurgency 1s under way against the military government in Guatemala. and Ho nduras and Costa Hica are experiencing increasmg political unrest Leftist N1l·aragua 1s Cighung insurgents operating fro m Honduras and has accused the Reagan admin1stra11on o f backing its enemies in an l'ffort to topple its threl'-ycar-old Sandanista government. / The Reagan administration. m turn. blames Nicaragua and Cuba for fomt•nting v1olenn· in El Salvador and d ep1t·ts the uny AP Wlr•pholo IMPATIENT DAISY Jeff Love. of Westerville. Ohio. tries to hide a Frisbee from his dog. Daisy. at the Cycle and Ashley Whippet Invitational F'risbee Disc Contest in Dublin. Ohio Dog owners competed for points earned when a dog catch<.'S a thrown Frisbee. Eager to get started. Daisy Jumped for the Frisbee before Love was ready to throw 1t. Forgive me for running the same column again but maybe on a second try the lyp!sl, typeseller and proolreader can all perform 100% and give us whal I wro1e and Intended to have printed the llrst tome More on the subject which I altacked In tile last column Edward Jay Epstein's book "The Rise and Fall of Dlamonda." To continue then. the book Is well written and very readable but very one-sided. His concluslons are not supported by fact Many of his chapter titles are not proven by the material In the chsptere. One that partlc\tlarty left m e uncomfortlble was "Diamond a for Hitter". In It the author auggeats. but lall1 far short of proving that the DeBeera car1el waa some way Involved In efforta to supply lnduatrlal diamonds for use In Hiiier's war machine. A• In a couple of otri.r aectlon• of the book. tha text of the chapter felled IP prove the'tttle. I don't know why Epateln round It •o frightening that OeBeera hired an edvertlalng and public relation• firm to create a market for a product they had to aell. I think the etforta on the part Of the N.W. Ayer nrm rnd Ilk• • "how to" lnatruotlon man~ on promoting and pub1tc1 11ng 1 cllent'i product. How I• that eo dlffwent from what Epstein'• publl1Mr9 (~ EiEM WISE Mary Baff. Cerhlied Gern>log1s1 17th & l"IH• W•lklff Pina .-. . .,.,. .... oountry u the key ·domlno bi Central America. "El Salvador is 1tratealcaJ1r, important to the Unlted Siatee1 ' Thomas 0 . Enders. a11l1tant secretary of state for lnler - Amerlcan affairs, said last week. "Should 1t fall to a CUban-and N\carl'guan-backed armed minority. what country in Centra l America would be secure?" Critics. however, contend n egotiations with Salvadorap . leftists and other steps to ea$e te nsions in the r egion are t1'e only realistic ways to end the war a nd prevent violent revolution from sw eeping the region. The administration and the Salvadoran government continue to rule out negotiations w ith the guerrillas that would lead to any sharing of power or the purging of rightists from the military. ont• of the leftists' key objecuves. Instead. El Salvador's new rightist-dominated government has suggested a dialogue with moderate le ftists on h ow they might take part in ·future elections. But with few signs th at the lefttsts will acc.-ept that approach. U.S . offtc1als seem increasingly prepared for more fi~hting. Afghan army regulars "defecting' PES HAWAR. Pakistan (AP) -Afg ha:i army regula rs a re de fecting in growing numbers now that a Soviet-led offensive agai:lst anti-government Moslem guerrillas h as stal l e d in Afghanistan's strtegic Panjher Valley, according to a guerrilla spokesman here. M o h a mm e d es -Ha q , spokesman for the Jamiat lslami Afghan gue rrilla group in Peshawar. says about 300 Afghan army r egulars have defected m the past two weeks. Hi s c l a im co uld n o t be independently verified. Th e Sovie t -Afghan government offensive began in mid-Mav m an e ffort to wrest away guerrilla control of the valley. 70 miles north of Kabul, the Afghan capital But the guerrillas held out. reported ly inflicting heavy losses on their enemy. and the fighting SIO('C has subsided. Two men 1dentif1ed as Afghan army defectors turned up here recently, saying they had fled with 19 other privates of the 81st Div1s1on One of the two. identifying himself as Abdul Rahman. told in an interview of spe nding two weeks in the Pa njh er Vall&y during the offensive. "The food was poor but w e had plenty of ammumtion.....:· he said. "We had so much ammo we were burying crates of 1t . "The food was so bad that we subsisted on just a small piece ()f bread each day." His co~ents were translated from Dan. an Afghan dialect. by an interpreter o f the Jamaal ls lam1 group. which said 1t Is g1vmg him shelter. are trying to do to promote his book by gett ing him on talk shows and reviewed and Interviewed In the printed media? Epstein clalma that the "Invention" of diamond rarity wfll soon be dlacovefed by jewelry o wnera. tt certai nty ts no "lnventJon". The po11tlon of d i amond• as valued 1tatu1 aymbOls date back to 700 B.C. It co1t1 hundreds of mllllona of dollar• to develop a diamond mine and as Epstein hlmaell i atetn, two tons of earth must be proceaaed to yleld one carat. Only a email perc.ntage of theM stonee wttt be of gem quethy. The th,..t that the laraelle, the Ruutana. and the Australians · ere going to be dumping their euppll.. of diamonds Into the world market atmply doHn't mike Mnte. No mining concern can alf0<d to kill the "tabllthed, cMpend1ble marttat ct1ann.i fOf their gooda. Enough ret>utt.i thOuQh, You might enJoy r"dlng thr1 book and although I don't recommend you apend the $14.50 ror It, I have a 009Y I'd be ha9PV to IOM out ... II you don't mind wectlng through my mll'gln notea. Addltlon11 recommended r .. dlng on the tubjee1: "Follow Through" on pag• 10 tn the Augu1t 2nd laaue of rorbet M-OUIM. f BJ PAT HOROWITZ O( .............. ~-·· D&AA PAT: I am u 1 .. yMMW ft..W. .......... ,J .......... ~ ·~ ..... HVl•I• ... e•ecld•I HCOHtl. T• •l .._., .. OM wlll ll'Ut •• a el'Mlt cui • te "*' of .,.vi ... ered.lt "91t.ory." Bew ••J I olttal• a cir• frem tom• of "' de,artaaH& 1toreaT I .. ave ao wa1 to "taMIA a favorable credit ratlat wMtl DO OM wlll llve me a cu.ace to do 101 , K.W., Poutala Valley A few year1 .,o consumen had to beat off department •tores beatnl them to accept credit cards. In fact, a ataie law wu pueed to atop atoret ffum eendlng conaumen UNOUclted credit carda. A.1 you and many other consumers are findlfl8 out, credit ia extremely hard to get today. Young people are particularly hard hit by today'• tight credit situation. Your best bet ls to talk to your bank's lo,h officer ol' a loan officer where you have a uMngs aooounL Apply for a ama.11 loan which can be repaid within a short time. U this can be arranged, take out the loan, pay it off and then reapply to the department stores. If you are refused again, be sure to ask for a 1 real(>n. U "insufficient credit history" la given, you can prove that you have repaid a loan. A YS hopes thia helps. Refreeze caution urged DEAR PAT: Our freezer's plug 1omebow got dlaconnected while we were away for a weekend. A lot of the froien food was defrosted or 1eml-defro1ted. la It safe to refreeze the food that bad thawed? D.S., Costa Mesa Whether it's safe to refreeze food depends on the type of food, its temperature, and how long it's been defrosted. Acid foods such ~ fruit and juke are safe to refreeze even if completely defrosted. Low-acid foods - vegetables, meats, poultry, fish -may be refrozen safely if they are still frosty and lee cold. If they have totally defrosted and are still cool to the touch. they coul~ be refrigerated and used; or cooked and then refrozen. If foods don't feel cold, and you think they've been that wa~ for four or more hours, it would be best to discard them. Foods that keep a room temperature such as bread, rolls, cake, etc., are safe to refreeze. Melted lee cream should not be refrozen. A YS comes to rescue DEAR PAT: Thanks for oar contlnalng help In the collection of a refund from G. K. Hall Co. Your Interest finally broagbt a refund c.beck -wblcb arrived at oar laome one year plas one month alter my order was placed! V .K., Corona del Mar A YS it just u llMl aa you are that th1I matter flnally bu been reeolved. Occu!onally1 a t1Cmpany Will procnlle to aolve a ~ ana montha p19 bef°" anyWq ii done. In tM.I CMIS, readen ~ c.Uitacl AYS, .. you did durtna April. (ollowina an ..w-ance In the March 22 column that ihe firm would Pl'OCl!ll your refund. Tenant's goods his DEAR PAT: A S..Ut la ... of ID)' apartmeatl moved •t after llvial It .. YI wrlttea aottce. So far. so 1ooC However, tH tnut left a lot of r.rtODil beloallalt la tH apartment. Be di 1''' leave a forwardlai acldre11 ud I don't bow wut to do wldl ..ai tbl•I•· Do I have to pat diem la 1tora1e or what? -E.G., Coata Mna Section 1983 of the dvil code atatel that a landlord must pel"IOnally contact or aend a written no\iee to the penon whme property hu been abandoned and de9cribe the prope~ in detail, requesting it be claimed, plua advtsing the ~n of reuonable storage costs that are belfl8 'charaed (assuming you do put the items in storage). In your cue, the letter should be aent to the addrea the tenant occupied (Your property). The former tenant has a certain number of days to reclaim the property. If this is not done~roperty can be aold. How the sale and p from it are handled depends on the total worth of the property. Since this is a somewhat complicated procedure and each case must be handled individually, A YS suggests you work out the details with the help of the Fair Housing Council. The phone number is 8~-0160. IRS aid available ' DEAR PAT: l\te tried la vain to set a tu problem solved. l''fe called ud wrltte• to &IM Internal Revenue Service several times Mt can't seem to get dae help I need. WUt alaoald I do now? P .K., Hutbagtoa Beadl Contact the Problem Re9olution Office of the IRS. It has a staff of trained specialiata who can work directly with you and the Fresno Service Center to resolve your tax problem. The phone number is (800) 242-4500. • Gora problem'! Then write ro Pat Horo-'lt 1 witz. Pat will cut red ta~. getting the - answers and ,ction you need ro .alve In- ..,.. equities in govemmeni and business. Mall ·your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. &x 1580, Carta meu, CA. 92626 As niany letters u possible wiU ~ am- wered, but phoned lnquiri~ or Jettes not includlng rhe reader's full name, add~ and business hours' phone number cannor be considered. ~---~~--~~----- He plan nuke "Wiar survival HOlilm'l'MD, fta. CAP> -u nuclear war eYer brealp ou&, Wally x.tn12 1 ~ to IW'¥tw ln hie blekyard f&UOut tbe1t.r. readln1 'the Bible and lh• .. Rubaiyat" ot Omar Khaytun and waichlna for int.Nd.en With • 12.,.up lhotcun· For 20 Yeart. the 74-yea.r-old buildJ.nl contnctor bu Uved on Ground' Zero -cloee enouah to H~ AJr Force Bue to fMr belna lnclnerated by an atomic blut. "It'• been enouah to ·aive you white knuckles at tlmn/' he booow 1il a Connecticut Yankee voice. Although fear of nuclear holocaust haa recently re- emeraed u a national mue, .lt baa never been far from ~ n.Sderita of South Florida who lived throuJh the 1962 Cuban m1laile crlail. For Keh·atead and U 1000 others in this dty chopped out ot the aawarass and avocado fielda of south -i>ade County, life in the shadow of a poeaible mushroom cloud ii nothing new. Federal disaster offlclala aay the air base would be a top Soviet priority in a war between the superpowers. A hit or near-miss on the baae would ignite a fireball that would bllU Ke1r1tead's one-story, cement-block home and quiet middle-class neighborhood. Homestead's first big nuclear sea.re came in the early 1960.. A.bout 120 miles to the south, Cuban President Fidel Castro allowed the Soviet Uqlon to install medium-range ICBM.a on the 1aland, 90 miles from Florida. For months, Homestead lived in anticipation and fear. A war room waa eet up at Homestead and milltary personnel were billeted throughout the ,outhem part of the state. ' Mayor Irving Peskoe was there -not in a suit and tie, but wearing kha1dB as a counsel ln the Air Force 's Judge Advocate-General's division. ''The fields around Homestead were briltllng with anti-missile mt.aslles," aaya the 62-year-old Peskoe. "At night, you co~ld hear the military convoys rolling down the roed to Key West." Improvised military bases sprouted in the fields. The Krome A.venue camp, now used to house Haitians and other ., ....... -. SURVIVAL SHELTER -Wally Keir stead stands with his 12-guage shotgun in front of his 12xl8-foot bomb shelter behind his Homestead, Fla., residence. He built the shelter for $8,000 because of the ~ibility of Hom~tead Air Force Base beinf uaed as a target in case of war. 11 illegal1 aliens, was then a Nike miasil4 hue. . In fbe midst of the crisis. Kelrstead vowed t.o build a bomb shelter. A.a a contractor, he had accesa, to materials, manpower, · and ~w-how For ~.ooo. Keirstead built the Versallfes of bomb shelters. It still stands, an eerie monument to the Cold War. Theiilhelter, measuring 12 feet by 18 feet and standing above ground behind his home, has walnut paneling, bireh cabinets laden with food and china, a soundproofed ceiling, three beds that double as storage trunks, electric lighting and a collection of his favorite books including the Bible and the "Rubaiyat" of Persian poet Omar Khayyam. A 2-foot-thick roof and 3-foot walls were built to block • radiation -"and whatever else they were thinking about throwing at us," he says. A well with a hand pump and a toilet tap into the aquifer that runs under Homestead. while a complicated system of ducts and blowers ensures that the air in the shelter is fresh. Under threat of atomic destruction, Keirstead soon fourd out who his real friends were, he remembers. "One of my neighbors ... told roe he hoped there'd be room in there for him and his family. I told him there was only room for three, he said: 'Wally, I think you'd rather be in there with me than on the outside looking in.' " Keirstead immediately bought a .22-caliber rifle and a shotgun, which still lean against the wall of the shelter ready for we. .. • J I An unemployed Walnut Creek, Calif., man woo $694,483 at the MGM Grand-Reno, the leCOnd largest jlckpot in Reno history. Ron Sexton apent about an hour and a half and $160 recently before coming away a winner. "I think rm numb. I wu juat trying to win $5,000," Sexton, 39, said. -- An undercover policewoman who bared all in the lateat iuue of !;.1 nudle magazine bu been suspended from the ~ew York police force. Clbella Dories, 24, with her lawyer present, Instrument ' • epa1r course set A class in musical instrument repair will be offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. The two-unit course teaching repair of atring, brass, woodwind · and percussion instrumenta will meet Mondays from 7 to 10 p.m. Registration for fall cl.uees continues Aug. 12 to Sept. 10 in the college's admission office. Classes begin Sept. 7. For information call 556-5772. ~ OCC slates six classes · Six anthropology courses are being offered b y Orange Coast College's social science division. Courses on the fall schedule include "Cultural Anthro- pology." "Native Ainer- ica n s," Comparative Cultures," "Physical Anthropology ,'' "Introdu c tion to Linguistics," and • • I n t r o d u c. t i o n t o An:haeoJoc ... For information. phone 556-5772. Braille class set A class that teaches students hOw to process Brallle textbooks and materials will be offered by Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Titled "Braille TraNc:ribing,'' the courae is listed as Communicatloru 170 in the OCC 9Chedule. For information, phone 556-5772. Deaf talk course set. A coune that provides an introduction to , American sign language is t>einW offered at Orange Coast College ln c.o.ta Meu. Lj,sted aa Com- diUnicaUona 175 In the clau achedule, two 8eCtlons of the four-unit ooune are on the -aenda. For information, 'phone 556-5772. admitted to Poliff J::lalef John Oulu of &lie ~ ................ Chat. hllld paiild far ..wt ....... poUce ... . ThOuMndl of people tu.med out for a tree ooncert by ~try muic-star WUU. NelMiil. whO • ..-to the~ att.r readlnc a newapaSHtr 1tory dwri~ eocinamac ... 1n uu. north..C ()hid d'1 Of Lama. Some of men tlma I0,000 people police elUmatid wen at the event pulhed forward to the •tao. downlnc ~ dlqned to ieep them at bay. PoUee lald however, that the crowd aenerallY w• peecefw. Nelaon, wearln1 the red bandana that la hit trademark, later WM jolned by country atar WaylOD J ....... , who made a aurprile appearance and una with RellOn. Al!t« Patrtek MeOeoUa entered a no contest plea in Loe Aftaelel to a charae of drunken drivina and wu sentenced to 38 montha of informal probation, a $390 fine and pertidpetlon in an antl-d.rinkina . Fr~~. a clerk in West Loe ~eles Ml.tnidpel c.ourt, uld McGoohan, :H, en the plea before Commluloner Roy Caratalra and received the atandard sentence for a lint-time offender. The ~ farmers and ranchera who make up nx.t of 11l1a central Texas town'• 110 residents are lftparlnl to hobnob With a 1rJiaa -Ola• V el NwwaJ. 'nlJa Bmque County hamlet of None in Uw oak· and cedar~ hll1I northwest ol W""° 11 the ~ &c.ndlnavtan 19\tlement ln Tex.11. Kina Olav II due heN Oct. 10 to commemot'lte the 200lh annlvenarr, of the birth of Klen1 • P•eraon, the 11father • of Norweala to North America. . Mayor Colemu You1 of Detroit and clvfl rilbta activllt RoN Parka are be!Jur honored for their effocta on behalf of blacka by ""'Kappe Alpha Psi, the nation'• first black coUep fra .. mity. Some 2,000 fraternity member• and 3,000 guesu were on band for the openina of the fraternity'• 64th Grand Chapter MeetiJla, which runa throuah Thunday. ---Former Presldeat Caner II reedy to move into a posh new office at Fmory University in Atlanta, but atudenta won't find him grading pepera late into the night. C.arter won't teach full time, but la expected to .pa.rtjtjpate in about a half-dozen lecture cowws and wmhian for undergraduate and graduate atudenta. ·He la to give occulonal lectures, drawing on hla •political experience to complemeht the regular profeeaor. HIGH FL YER -Mike C.Onahan of Portland, Ore., grabs rim of U-ahaped ramp during skateboard competition in surburban Aloha. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ,_--.... " ! '· New fresh taste. OnlySmg. ,.. 6 mt· "ter", 0.6 mg. mcotint ev. '* eiQlmtt bY FTC rMdlDid. II • .. ' 1,1111 Bolsa Chica ru)ing still hogged down The Coaual Comml11lon hearing last week on Orange County's dev~topment plan for the Bo1Ja Chica wetlands was a high· powered bargaining session. But the result was all too familiar -a deciaion was postponed. The future of the area la still ln limbo. Coastal commissioners appeared ready to reject the county's housing and marina plan, five years in the making, largely because of proposed development in the 1,200-acre lowland. That section has been Identified by state Fish and Game officials as the largest remaining wetlands wildlife habitat in Southern California. If commissioners would have rejected the county plan, the normal procedure calls for commissioners to suggest modifications that would make the proposal acceptable. But rather than have the plan rejected, the county threatened to :Withdraw it. Bob Fisher, county planning director, requested a delay of up to six months so county officials and commission staff members could privately attempt to negotiate a ~mpromise on their differences. He reasoned that it is better to negotiate on a pending plan, than on a rejected plan. Michael Fischer. the com m ission direc tor, also supported a delay, but he said he didn't expect a compromise o n proposed wetlands development, which the commiss ion s taff opposes. Commissioner John Flynn, who earlier had urged a decision, told the county's Fisher that he would change his vote in favor of a delay if "the county would drop its legislativ e effort i n Sacramento.'' The county, and Signal Landmark Co .. the major landowner of Bolsa Chica. support a bill by State Sen . Paul CArpenter, 0-Cyprftl, that would strip the coastal commission of au thorlty over the Bolae Chica, whJch Is near HuntJngton Beach, aouth of Warner Avenue. Fisher agreed to urge the county Supervisors to drop their support of the bill, in return for a de la>-'.. The commissioners split 7 to 5 in favor of the delay, and left a lot of interested parties wondering what the private county and commission negotiations would lead to. The county•s plan includes 5,- 700 homes, a 1,800-slip boat marina, a 700-foot-wide navigable ocean channel from the marsh through the state beach, and a 600-acre wetlands system ,· including 300 acres already owned by the state. Supporters of this plan include Signal. Huntington Harbour residents who want a navigable channel closer than the Navy channel at Anaheim Bay, and county boaters who cite a shortage of marinas. Opponents include commission staff members, state Fish and Game officials, and environmentalists, who want the lowland marsh preserved and restored. Curre ntly, most of the lowland is diked off from the ocean and is an oil field with about 200 wells. During the rainy months it appears to be a healthy functioning wetlands. But during summer months, it's dry and degraded. The Bolsa Chica dispute has pitted pro-development forces against environmentalist groups for the past decade. There is no telling how much longer the controve rsy will continue, especially if Orange County government can withdraw its plan at any time, rather than have it rejected. A gain for licensing About five years ago , responding to critics who claimed California's state licensing boards were too heavily weighted with professionals in the fields being licensed, the state launched an experiment to give laymen a majority or heavy minority on many of the boards. Now Common Cause, the dtizens' lobbying group, repor ts that a survey of current board members indicates the experiment is working satisfactorily. Even 89 pe r cent of the professionals questioned agreed that the public members can be an asset to their boards by giving "a needed perspective o n the role of Prior to 1976, California usually had one or two lay members on each licensing board. But it was charged that the heavy preponderance of professionals in the various fields being regulated failed to accurately reflect the needs of the general public and, by withholding new licenses, could (limit competition from newcotrlers. Purpose of expanding public membership was to reduce possible conflict of interest and give more weight to the voice of the consumer in the areas of com}:>laint investigation and disciplinary action. •• ~ovemrnent regulations." • Some, however, felt t hat boards with a preponderance of lay members were hampered by . their lack of technical expertise. Clearly there must be a great deal of professional expertise am.ong those who rule on the siualifications of persons seeking entry into fields that serve the public. But this must be balanced by consumer represe.ntation. l The state boards regulate trades and professions ranging from auto mechanics to doctors, building contractors. shorthand reporters and accountants, and are c harged with maintaining minimum sta ndards and protecting consumers. The new makeup, according to one satisfied professional member, has given the licensing boards more credibility. It should be maintained and probably extended to more boards. Fire : an unlikely source Fire swept across more than p 1 a y i n g w i th m a t c h es? 0 r 250 acres of rugged terrain fireworks? ; easterly of San Juan Capistrano over the weekend and it took more than 200 firefighters nearly five hours to extinguish the blaze. In effect, the fire wasn't teally put O\lt. Bulldozers cut breaks in the rugged, brushy hill areas and the flames were more or less allowed to burn themselves put. The end result is that some valuable hillside cover was lost and it will be sorely missed when ~he rainy season once again comes N o. in this instance, preliminary investigation indicated the fire was started by a remote control model airplane that crashed and burned. Surely that wasn't the Intent of the model owner When he started on a weekend day o1 pleasure. What it does prove is that devastating fires can be started from unlikely sources. The hills are dry and the weath.er i1 conducive to brush fires. ppon us. 1 Was this fire blamed on We should all be doubly careless campers? Or children •aware of the dangers °\ese days. l.1n1ans expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views U· }>;'tued on this page are those of their authors and art lsts. Reader cotT1ment Is lnvlt· jld. AddrHs The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·~·· ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat I v Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Mu"*lne Editor Ba rbara Krelblch Edltorlel Page Editor Letters to the editor Balboa blues To the Editor: " 'Newport is the quietest kept secret of the jet set. It's a racy place . . . (its) characters sail through life on the fast lane'." stated a movie director, one James Polakof. Mr. Polakof was filming a c heapie here, a $1.5 million non-opus, titled originally "Lust for Love" but watered down perforce to "Balboa." It is intended for pay TV. The flick " 'resembles a nig)Tttime soap opera . . . . "Dallas" - Southern California-style'." It is " 'A sizzling drama" which promises ''Intrigue! Revenge! Romance! and Passion!" BRIEFLY, THIS OPUSCULE is of a baddie, big-shot, black-hatted gambler who attempts to bring gambling into California. Sex gallivants throughout. Quoting further: "Hollywood may have come to Newport Beach, but Newport Beac h , i l seem s, has also gone Hollywood." For 37 years. I've lived here. A number of high budget films by well known. directors were done here. They may ,have added nothing to our lore but neither did they denig,-ate. So our ''quaint litt1e fishing village" has become a stomping ground for the jet set! Beverly Hills South, eh? Damned if I've observed it. Most of the beautiful young extras, Mr. Polakof advised. were recruited locally -thus nubile jet setters one might say. I observed some of the shooting. Those extras struck me as a genus frequenting one of o ur bayfront watering holes, a trough some of us refer to as Herpes Palace. TO QUASH THIS jet set hoopla. with its frightening possibility of attracting such people, perhaps a tour should be organized. It might make stops at Charlie's Chili, The Stuft T -Shirt (nee Snug Harbor), Whiskey Bill's. lt should include the 8 a.m. lineups at the Dewey dump bins behind the supermarkets where all kinds converge to rummage through the discarded fruits. vegetables, food stuffs. Rununagers even step forth from Mercedes, Cads and Rolls. Check The Wall Street Journal's real estate section. Hornes on Linda Isle will pop up at "$8 million/make offer." Recently l had occasion to visit such a home. The living room was furnished in orange crate, packing box modern. Presumably the bedrooms were in mattrea-on-iloor decor. ONE OF THE C A USES the Committee of 4000 espouses is that of those who cannot, or soon will be unable to afford their present abodes. Jet- setville? Hmm. Status seekers, con men, promoters (often a euphemism for unemployed) we have. They come and go. One of our clubs seems to gamer more than its share. The very fancy cars -Excallburs, Rolls, Clenets, De Loreanses, and the like -are parked by the attendants directly before the club's entrance. The domestic middle-ground or sub middle-ground cars are hied off to the back lot. Having met some of the owners I've wondered at times how payments on the Excalibun were coming along. $ople time ago l made 81\ offer to the parking attendants: "If ever you put a Pinto in that select aector. drinks for all of YO\l will be on me." The offer is now long .. standing. Flicks s uch as "Balboa" with its attendant hype and publicity just ain't no good for this community nohow. Shouldn't we do 90ll'lething to ward off such communal threata? Like maybe have the police helicopter spray the area occasionally with funky movie maker/ anti-jet-letter IOlutlQn? STEPHEN G. FREEMAN On Sen. S chmitz To the F.ditor; Reiardlna the Schmitz cue. I find myself In the atr,nge poaitlon of defendlna a man I don't care tor at all, but from the information preeented I don't undera\and why t he dlatrlct attorney la involved. When I wu work.lna u a ph)'lician in an emerpncy room a couple bfO\llht their infant in becau.e hi.I peru. waa groHly swollen and after careful examlnaUon a tiny hair wu found. Thil aort of thing doe9 happen without any nesJ.ed or ab\.-and to MIUJ1'le such doe. not teem fair. t R.C,RENTZ an ln~rview publiah.cl in rhe Daily Pl ot July 23 Dr. Colin Hubbard, J MAILBOX president of the Orange County Pediatric Society, said it is not unusual for strands of hair to become tightly wound around a smaU child's penis, finger or toe and that moot pediatricians have seen such accidental iniuries. EDITOR On Vic Sag an To the Editor: Just a short note to express our department's appreciation for the Daily Pilot's participation in the memorial services for Sgt. Vic Sagan. Most of all, we thank you for the beautiful portrayal of Vic (Daily Pilot June 29) and the way all of us want to remember him, the last of the true "Lagunac.~ps." NEIL J . PURCELL Chief of PoLice, Laguna Beach El Toro ok ay? To the Editor: I, too, attended the SCAG airport hearing on Tuesday. July 27 and want you to know that not every resident of Irvine agrees with Councilman Sills' contention that commercial operations at El Toro would create unbearahle noise, air quality, and traffic problems for Irvine. Maxine Corps and Orange County studies done in the 1970s showed that civil air carriers could coexist with the military at El Toro and not make Irvine a nd the Saddleback Valley into the wasteland many local residents think 1t would. Regardle$ of what the Marines might say today, their days at El Toro are numbered. And the threat to their future com es not from. commercial air but from the commercial, industrial and residential development that now nearly surr"unds the base. The final link in that chain of incompatibility .is the Irvine Center planned for Irvine's Golden Triangle. I. for one. have difficulty seeing the Marines practicing their carrier landings over the top of the largest commercial center in the U.S. WHAT THEN, I ask Mr. SilJs and those at the SCAG hearinszs who professed such love for the Corps what is to become of the public investment in that airport? Convert it to private commercial, industrial and residential development that really will pollute and congest th~ Saddleback Valley, or retain It as a public owned. public use commercial airport? Right now local and state agencies are planning a multi-modal rail and bus passenger terminal for a site immediately adjacent to MCAS El Toro. What a wonderful op~rtunity to add air to that\ terminal facility and really do something about our public transportation problems. At a later sesmon of the July 27 SCAG hearing, apparently not attended by your reporter, a ge ntleman from Claremont, California, a community near Ontario International Airport, told those tn~ttendance that in the not too diatant future the Ontario Airport will be barely adequate to his area's needs and they did not want us exporting out air travelers to their airport. He concluded by saying: "You people ln Orange County are. trying to have your cake and eat it too. ll won't work. Orange County is going to have to solve its air transportation problem in Orange Count~." He'a right. Irvine has the aell-proclaimed title of "Largest Mast.er Planned New Town in North America." I submit that it won't Uve up \o that t.l\le unUl it cornea to pips with its air tranaportation problem in a positive and meaningful way. The place to do it 11 El Toro. The tJme to do It t. now." NORMAN G. EWERS Grossl y wrong To the Editor; Aft artJcle in your iwwa~per July 3 enUtled ''Orange County proeerty values rile 14.6 percent" wu gnmly incorrect and mllleedlnlt Th• lll1icle aoee ~at lnjuttlce to your '-•' .. '' ''" ,_,,l. _:_ ,,. ,.,,. ,., .... -i.t ffrf .. Ill -· W ·-· 1'"4 It ,...,,... l.etMft .. - -·· 9' ''" wm .. ·-.,,..._, All ~-\I,. <Ill .. ,..,._lll't •flf INtll .. _.._, M -,..., .. w•tllft9le 911 r--4 ti Mlfll<lto!I fM-II --'tftt ,......, wlll Ml .. ,_,...,.,... l.llltn mt• Ille I ........ It Ml~ ""'" ...,.._ 11_ .. IM<tlllflWW_.. ... ,,.. .. , •••II 1u11t11 ll\lfllO&eJ readers and the real estate industry in general. The information, which was undoubtedly.secured from Bradly Jacobs or one ot the Tax Assessors' employees, was not properly.edited or proof read. THERE IS A NEWS story there but not the one you printed. The proper, or actual headline should have read: "Prope r ly tax assessments up 14.6 percent" or "County's prope rty tax collections up 14.6 percent." The fact is, that real estate property valu es have d ecreased somewhat in 81 -82 and are continuing a downward trend. The true source of increased value of real estate in O r ange Count y as: increases, one m assessors values due to the transfer oC property Crom one owner to another which may increase three or four times the value from the 1975 assessme nts which existed prior to Propos itio n 13; and two: new construction which had continued in Orange County undaunted; and three, the increase an population and the personal property they own plus this year 's new purchases of personal property by the whole Orange C.ounty,s population. There could be serious economic damage as a result of this article being poorly written and not understood by it's author. The homeowner who has been trying to sell his/her home for the past two years t'I, or was, begmrung to realize that their asking prices are really to high for today's market which is a result of a softening of the values. TH I S ARTICLE TELLS the home-selle r t hat his/her home could be worth more than what he/she previously had believed. The potential homebuyer will not buy now and the seller will still be the owner of that house the same time next year and perhaps longer, all because the public in general believe what they read. The net result could cause a delay in the recovery of the real estate maret. THE TRUE FACT IS: The economy of real estate m Orange County Is much, much worse than your article indicated. The only upturn for any party or entity is the increase in tax revenues as a result of new construction, reassessments of resales, and persona I property. Another fact IS that there is perhaps twice or more, homes and commercial property on the market than existed two w three years ago still unsold. GENE TRIBOLET K a tie rem embered To the Editor: Our h earts have been greatly sadd ened by the recent passing of Kathe r ine Oise·,. Katherine, more affectionately knc. n as "Katie," was a well-known a nd successful realtor serving the Newport Harbor area for many years Because oC prolonged illness, however. she will be remembered primarily by the older realtors of the area. Katie served the Newport Harbor~Cost.a Mesa Board of Realtors in many capacities and was the first woman president in 1962. She was a popular president, had a great sense of humor, laughed often, both at herself and at ituations. But she could be very serious when the occasion called for it. She served the board with dignity and efficiency. Katie enjoyed the presidency and decided to enter her name again ln 1964. However, when she learned I had been nominated, she typically and not too surprisingly, called me and uld ahe would withdraw her name so I oould run unoppoeed. Katie Olsen was a friendly, cheerful penon who made you feel be\ter every time you met her. She will be IOl'dy miseed by everyone who had the good fortune to know her. J. LEONARD SMITH , DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a hlah IC!hQOl freshman who rides to tchool on the bua. A few mont.ha 880 my bua WU rammed l.n the beck by a truck. Luckily, nobody wu ln)ued. When m)' mother hMrd about the lncldent, 1he made me P,.tend that my back waa hurt eo we can collect money from the lNW"ance company. · I don't feel very good about lt because I know that what we are doing is dishonest. When I mention my feelings to my mother. she tells me to 1hut my dumb mouth -that the ln1uraru:e companies have plenty of money and anyone who doesn't get what they can out of them ls a fool. Last week my back really did start t.o hurt. I don't know if I twisted it when I picked up something heavy, or pulled a muscle when I was swimming. When I told Mom she said, "It's that bus injury -a delayed reaction." -Ann, I am fed up on this crooked stuff and don't know what to do. Please $Uggest something. -FEF;LING CRl!MMY IN NEW MEXJCO DEAR FEELING CRUMMY: If your back r •ANN L.ANDl!A8 • 808 BAEINI! •ERMA BOMBECK botllen )'09 aow. It l1 lat1ll.IY ullkely tUI IM peD I• HlaCe. to tfae laclcleal tut offaft'M M•eral moadl• a10. Von mothr 11 trylq te rl• •ff die httaruce compuy -ud yn bew It. IUllt tUt 1lle arruae for yH to llave uotller Dllyllcal tum by tfae doctor wllo verlf led yoar htltlal t0-ealled Injury. Tb.I• time you m•11t tell &lat doetor tbat yotr back feel• flnt 11d you waat to let llae IDauruce company lmow you are perfectly OK. DEAR ANN: My aunt has cancer. Mom uy. lt doesn't look llke she's going to make It. We are all heartsick. What can I do.to help? -YORK, PENN. DEAR Y: Some cancen once coD1ldered llopele11 .,.. belq cured dae to eerly detection, 1Ur1ery, radiation aad cllemoU1erapy. No one 1bould ~ve up. Bay your aunt "I.la tile Compuy of Otbers ' by Jory Grabam (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, $10.95). 1t•1 a real upper for anyone wbo ba1 cancer. I recommend it lll1bly. • OF.AR ANN LANDERS: I was so pleased to see • you rW\ that letter from the penonnel manaaer 1lvtn1 youn1 people tlp1 on how to preaent thermelvee when they lni.rvtew for a job. The woman made aome excellent points -and now may I add a few euaettiom? The flm tmpte.lon la extremely important. Of c:ourR, th1a meana PROPER ATI'IRE. Tank topt and T-1hlrta wlth printed meuage1 are totally lnapproprlai.. Would you ~~e that last week a 20-year-old redhead with an enormous chest came l.n wearing a lhirt that read, 0 Dlven do lt deeper"? Her typing akUh were excellent, but I did not hire her. No one expects a navy blue auit and whJte glov.-anymore, but applicants should do thefr belt t.o look respectable and buai.nelellke. Black males ahould not ahow up w1th bralda and sharp objects 1tuck ln their hair. Being a black person myself, I am f\.tlly aware of the statement they are making, but such symbolism auggeata h08t1Uty and trouble. · • I wlah more high achoola would urge students t.o develop office skills. We need people who can read, write, file, type and handle phones. Believe Back to basics taken ·in stride A nonnally logical and rational woman I know came to see me, and she was grinning and flushed with giddy excitement. I thought she must have won the lottery. - "Look at my feet!" she said. I did. "They're Ked.s!" she said. Indeed they were. Over her white socks - where most people these days wear exotic-looking $80 running shoes with exotic-sounding names - she was wearing a pair of plain white Keds. "THIS IS THE BEST THING that's happened to me this year," she said. She said she had gone to buy her 2-year-old daughter a pair of sneakers. She had gone to one o! thoee fancy shoe st.ores and had purchased the: child an elegant pair of baby-sized running shoes. The shoes hurt the child's feet ,and made her cry. "So I wen\ to this little neighborhood shoe store," she said, "and there were all kinds of shoes with Miss Piggy all over them, and stripes, and trademarks. And then there was one pair of plain Keds. "It was the first time I'd seen Keds since I was a little girl. So I asked the salesman if he had any in grown-up siz.es. "He said he had some, but that no one ever bought them. Everyone buys Nike and those kinds of shoes. But I knew that I had to have a pair." So now she is wearing plain white Keds -the kind we all wore when we were growing up. She said -in an era of high-fashion. hJgh-priced running shoes -the Keds are a breath of fresh air in her life. "I feel like I'm at 7th-grade kickball practice," she said. "Those fancy running shoes everyone wears feel like you've got shoe-boxes on your feet. They're heavy, and there's leather all over them. and racing stripes, and huge brand names plastered on them, and they stick up in the toe and the back, and they come in weired colors like kelly-geen- and-black. "DIDN'T YOU EVER WANT something plain? My Keds are made of white cotton, and they don't weigh anything on my feet, and there's that little blue horizontal label on the back heel that you can't even read, but you know it says 'Keds' because that's where the Keds label always was. "When I was a little girl we used to rub dirt on our Ked.s to make them look not new," she said. "But after I wore these for one day they looked perfect. They even already have those permanent creases across the toes like Keds always have, and a little dirt in the creases that will never go away." She seemed about to swoon. I asked her if she thought she was in the forefront of a new trend. "Probably not," she said. "Because at most places you can't even get Keds. The salesman told me nobody wanted them." Just to check, I called The Foot Locker at a local mall -a high-volume running-shoe dealership. I spoke with the manager, Frank Diederich. "Running Shoes?" he said, "We have Nike, Adidas, Puma, Tiger, Saucony. New Balance , Brooks, Etonic .... " "Do you have Keds?" I said. "Keds?" he said. "Keds? No." I asked him if anyone ever came in asking for Keds. "No," he said. He said that running shoes have become a great status symbol. even for people who never run. "Nike is so big, you wouldn't eyen believe it," he said. "It's a symbol that you're cool. You've got to have it. It's k.ind of like" a fad, especially for people from 3 years old to 25. They sit in school. crnd . the kid a\ the next desk is we~ Nikes. "RUNNING SHOES, FOR PEOPLE today. are 24-hour shoes. People wear them the way they used to wear leather shoes. And the running shoes the'y .,,,,,, .BY PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna Beach " ,, want are the brands we stock in our store. Let's face it. It's an in thing. • "Sut Keds?" he laughed. • So I decided to track down the top man at Keds. He turned out to be Myles Slosberg, president o! Keds Corp., in Cambridge, Mass. "We're alive and well, I guess," Slosberg said. "Keds is a brand that goes back many years, as you know. Until 1979 Keds was owned by Uniroyal, the tire company. Uniroyal didn't know what to do with Keds. Their fatal error was when the running·shoe era sUu-ted and they never foUowed it. They didn't keep up with the marketplace." Now, Slosberg said, Keds is owned by Stride- Rite Corp. "We have been working t.o make the company profitable," he said. "The Keels ~mpany was losing a lot of money. Through no fault of our own, though, we may be in luck. There's a back- to-t>Mics fashion look -a plain, cl~c look. The IOI· GlffNf fashion trend is moving right back into our lap." He said that the Keds sales plan is to offer regular, plain Keds in seven colors for men, women and children. "No racing stripes," he said. "No big brand name plastered on the shoe. No junk." I told him about the woman who had come to see me in a state of ecstasy about her new Keels. "Tell her t.o hold on." he said. "She may not know it yet. but st-ie's about t.o find herself at the height of fashion." GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. West-deals. NORTH +QU2 IV K94 0 Q985 +Q2 WEST EAST o +J l084 +AK93 IV AJ2 1::7 73 O K 103 0 J4 +1076 +K 9853 SOUTH •1 IV Q 10865 0 A 762 +AJ.t The bidding: We1t North East South P ... Pue l + 1 1::1 l + 2 1::7 2 + 3 1::1 Obie PaH Paea P ... Opening lead: Six of +. Just a little deception can go a long way. Isneli inter nationalist, Shaya Levit was the star of this hand from a recent tournament in Monte Carlo. We have to admit that we have become somewhat more cautious as we have grown older, and we doubt that we would have sat for three hearts doubled with the Eut. cards. Almost certainly our prudent retreat to three spades :.vould have been vin· dicated because it's unlikely that we would have found the defense against three hearts that Levit did. West opened a low club, declarer played low from dummy and East's eight was captured by the jack. Declar- er led a low trump and suc· cessfully finessed dummy's nine. The queen of clubs was covered by the king and taken by the ace. After declarer ruHed his last club on the table. he led the king of bearu, which lost to the ace. The jack of spades Crom West was ducked, and Levit made his first fine play when he went up with the ace. He reverted to a dub, which pro- moted his partner's jack of heart.a to a trick via an over- ru H. The defenders still needed two tricb, and with the king of diamonds onside, it would aeem that one would be their limit. But watch what happened. Weet continued with the ten of spades. Declarer played the queen from dum· my and Levit followed with the three! Declar~ won a trick to which he 'las not en· titled, but Levit bad a count of tlli hand and that one diamond discard was going to help declarer. However. now decJarer thought that West held king of spades, so Eut bad t.o have the king of dia.monds for hi1 opeping bid. With this picture or the hand in mind, declarer continued with the ace of diamonds and another, playing low from dummy after Weat smoothly produc· ed the ten, in the hope that East had started with a doubleton king, East scored the jack or diamonds, arfd West stiU had to make his king for the setting trick. The 200 East· W eat scored for down one doubled and vul· nerable was a top score on the board. Rwbber brid1e d•b• t.broaclMt•t t.be cout.ry ... Ute four~eal brldp format. Do they bow eometliJq you doa't? Claarle• Gore•'• "Foar·Doal Brfd1e" will t.eacJii YH Ute ~· ucl ~of till• lut-peeecl ac- Uoa , ... daat pre.W.• the CUfe for uoJMllaa nablton. For a copy ucl a ..,.pad, MM 11.75 to "Gerea·F•v Doal," care ef tllfe aowepaper, P.O. Bea %59, ·Nerw..t, N.J. 07&48. Mako c:ltecb ,.,.we to Now• ......... b. Aquarius: Focus on nutrition ..... Wednesday, August t , ARIES (March 21-AprU 19): Surprise gift purchase aids In cementing relationship. Wish comes true in connection with restoration of domestic harmony. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio natives play significant roles. · TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Avoid 1elf- deception, define term1, open lines of communication w1th profemlonal 1Upervilor. Pl9c:es. Leo, Virgo natives figure prominently. Utilize powers of persuasion. Wiah cornea true . GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Look beyond the lmm~diate; perceive potential, open llnea of CQmmunication. What aeemed out of reach now becomes available. Funding II obtainable -vou'll have more responaibWty. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Go slow, maintain low profile, dig beneath surface indicatlona and claim•. Someone ia wlthholdlng Information COl'\tlm\lng COB\I, payments, collectioN and debts. You learn valuable le.on. · LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be ready for new 1tart, added i11dependence ind chance to lmprtnt style. New ..-ontract could be in offinl; lt la allo polllble to ntneSotiate a,reemenL Lunar empbaail on public relationa. partnenhi1J9 and martt.al atatua. VIRGO (Au,. 23-Sept. 22): P'oUow th.rou&h on am lmpnmtorw.. Someone lhlrka duty and you are .-ked to ptck up alack. ~ and l*dnl .,.. of p•ramount importance. Cancer. Capricorn, AquariUI per10111 ftcun prominently. ' LIBRA (s.pt. 23-0ct.. 22): areumnane. point to chan1e, trav•I. vuiety -re1trlctlon1 are removed. pe>pulartty lnc:re-and you exprw lelf J HOIOSCOl'f BY SIDNEY OMARA in Casdnat:ing maNlef. Gemini, Sagittarius natives play key roles . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be wllltng to revise, review and to tear down for ultimate purpose of rebuilding on more suitable base. Another Scorpio and an Aquarian figure prominently. Some delays are necessary and ·actually prove beneflclal. SAGl1TARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Highlight venatillty, open dialogue with relative who la restless and seeks your counaet You'll be in poeitlon to offer excellent vocational guJdance. FocUI a.lao on abort trlp1, bright ideaa. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Dlet, nutrition and budcet c.om.rnand attention. You locate lolt artkle. Accent ~ on income potential, ability t.o utlllze available matec-lal. Major domeatlc adjuatnvnt could hl&hlig)lt aamarto. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-hb. 18): Moon ln your llll:n hilhllahta penonality, charlama, ability to win .frlendli and l.nduenee people. ~ favor your etforta -Judpent and lntuition are on ..... t. Term1 wt1l be defined, techniquee wW be atreamllned. PISCES (Feb. 10-March 20): Clandettlne coftf-rence enablee you to clarify views, reptn ..._ Of dlrecdon. What t..d. bell\ a MY"«Y wtJl be eolved. You 1•&n P"k behind ~n• -your ~don la SCJUiht t;y iridMdual you ,..,.ct. me, Ann, we cannot afford another generation of radio-blasting, unemployable kJda. Sincerely - SEATTLE SAL DEAR SAL: Your comment• are rlgbt on. I am alto worried about tile number of kid• wlto laave 1kJIJ1 bat cu'& flnd job1. Tbey are no better off. What's the story on pot, COCJJ.ine, LSD, PCP, downers, apeed? C.an you handle them JI you're careful? Send for Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope." For each booklet ordered, send $2, plus a long, self-addreB11ed, stamped envelope (37 cents postage) to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. C1J. 60611. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT TODAY'S CHILDREN ARE RE()UIRED TO I-EARN ~;t_., EIMA IOM8fCK ATWIT'S ENO Suggestions ' too power£ ul? A couple of years ago, comedian Jonathan Winters told a joke about how he taped 173 pigeons to his arms to fly to Los Angeles, but just as he took off, "som e clown threw out a handful of peanuts and it was·all over." Everytir('le I thought about that full-growr1" man w1th all those pigeons flapping, I killed myself laughing over the absurdity of it. After Larry Walters floated three miles into the atmosphere a few weeks ago in a lawn chair; held aloft by 45 weather balloons, holding a BB gun, I don't know what t.o laugh at anymore. REMEMBER WHEN people used to fall apart everytime Jackie Gleason as Ralph Cramden said to his wife. "One of these days, Alice, I'm sending you' to the moon!"? The First U.S. woman astronaut is training now for a flight. Life isn't imitating art anymore. It's surpas&ng it. • I guess it's the old story where a cave woman went up to her cave teen-ager one day and said, "Would you keep those drums down? I can't hear myself think for that mufic," and their father said, "Why don't you stick it in your ear?" They laughed at that for a few thousand years and then It became, reality. I told my husband I wouldn't be at all surprise6 if, give or take a few years, the lawn-chair shuttle would be the transportation wave of the future. It's energy efficient, can be assembled cheaply and b quiet, other than the blast of the BB gun. He said I was out of my mind. I reminded him, "Nothing in this country is too ridiculous for success. Take that gum you're chewing. Can you. imagine the first gum salesman t.o make the rounds? I can hear a storekeeper asking, 'What do you do with It?' " ''PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH and chew it, but don't swallow it." "Then why do you chew it?" "To get the sugar out of it until we perfect a way to make it without sugar." "I aee, and then when you're tired of chewing it, what do you do with it?" "You hunt for a piece of paper and spit it out and try to get rid or it or drop it on the ground where someone's shoe will get stuck on it.'' He put down his paper and said, "Look, wh y don't you take that theory, put it in a pop bottle, put it in your ear and fly." We want.ed t.o laugh -but w e were afraid to, Punch • Deity f'tlot l"tloto br LM ltayM HARBOR HITCHHIKER - A windsurfer in Newport Harbor appears to have picked up a hitchhiker as she makes her way through a mare of tethered boats. Note the backpack life jacket on the young surf board sailor; a must for youngsters in deep waters. .,. l• 6r.ee•l .. ll V~king honor for Arctic feat NARSSARSSUAQ, Greenland (AP) -Thia laraeet laland In the world la oblervina thl1 week the l,OOOth anniversary of lta di9covery and tettlement by the Viking Eric the Redf It also Is puzzling over the reason his Norse descendant• mysteriously vanished ~00 yelµ'S later. For the millennial celebrations of Eric's first voyage to the island in the year 982, Greenlanders are being joined by Queen Margrethe ·II of Denmark, the Danish-owned island's monarch; King Olav of Norway, which used to own it; President Vigdil Finnbogadottir of Iceland, and Gov.-Gen. F.dward R. Schreyer of Canada, whoee Eskimos have ethnic links with Greenland. To archaeologist Knud Krogh, long-time supervisor of the Danish National Museum's explorations of the Norse settlements in Greenland, the observance means that history is finally doing justice to Eric and his Norsemen -recognizing them as Greenlanders in their own right. "It's about time," Krogh said. ·"After all, they created an independent culture and society that survived for five centuries Emd can be classified only as Greenlandic . They were Greenlanders indeed." The Norsemen vanished mysteriously from Greenland in the 15th century. They left nothing in writing . But Carry more, •eisht .. Introducing the new lankAmerkad' VISA' pNmlum account. Now Bank of America brings you our exceptional new ftnanclal tbol. The new BankAmerlcard premium account gives you the purchasing power of a gold credit card. Plus the worldwide recognition of VISA. Pl\.is the service and convenience of the nation\ lead- Ing bank. special premium c:hedcs to dtttW on a credit line of SS,000 or more. To cash your Bank of America chec:tcs•upto $1,000 at many Bank of America branches throughout the wOOd. To order BankAmerica Ttavclm Cheques by phone. To benefit trom emergency card replacement, VISA 'NortctMde Ttavcla SeM<:e, end more. Md you can get all these fat11res In one single card. The Benlc.4.met1cerd pmnlum account. Mllable QdusNcly et Bink of Amcr1c:'a. It you're among those who qualify tor the BankA.mcrtcard premium account, you11 be able to use your premium card or, If you prefer, B~NKOFAMERICAIB· ) exc1vatlon1 over the put few decadee have provided a picture • of a flourl1hlna arctic farm aoclety with 4,000 to 8,000 people llvina In two major aettlementa a~t 4~ milaJ apart. So far more than 20 churches h1.ve been excavated alona with 330 farms , including Ede'• Brattahlld (farm1tead). Every summer ruins are dltcovered ln what has been called "a Pompeii in ermafrost." In a book for the millenium, Krogh detlCl'ibes the sites u "a Viking and Middle Ages 90cl~ frozen in ita medieval condition. ' No one thought of fanning in Greenland again until this century, when Greenlanders chose exactly the same plains for thelr sheep stations that Eric the Red chose. The Norsemen. in fact, left their pastures so thoroughly fertilized with manure that the fertilizing effect remains ac tive to this day, helping the lusl\ grasslands resist weeds and shrub. As the Sagas have it, Eric was a Norwegian who settled in Iceland, but became an outlaw after a tribal feud and spent three years exploring the shores of Greenland. Krogh says he is convinced that ]!:ric was no adventurer, but a farmer who painstakingly looked for the best grazing grounds -and found enough lush meadows to justify the name Greenland. I / "' t t I TUESDAY, AUG. 3, 1982 STOCKS COMICI TELEVISION ~\ .· . ),\\\t.' Merrily they .--roll along BOWLED OVER DEPT. -When you think of lawn bowling, t~e sport of kings, presidents and explorers, in our coastal re~on, most people think of Laguna Beach, and its long-standing lawr:i bowling association located in Heisler Park. Now others m our sector are clearly getting into the act. This corner has just been informed by one Sally Coombe, for example, that an event touted as the United States c hampionship t o urnament in lawn · bowling is coming here. ~'\ But not to Laguna. It's ,-0-1-1-0-1,-8-1-1-1 ~-'.·I-going to be held at The -~ ~\ / Groves Lawn Bowling ________ _.,~.a...._ Club in Irvine. 85 87 88 • ( , 1imilar to this one that won the recent Fli~~t of the Lasers, are manufactured in Costa' Mesa. Pase B4. D 0 . ,a..---~ Since Irvine is only a decade-old community, this would appear to be a signal honor for the group out there at the Gro"."es, on Irvine Boulevard near Jeffrey. Road. For this corre~pondent to ~x.p~ain lawn bowling to you would be more like the un101t1ated being led by the uninformed. HEAVY TRAFFIC -Resident$ of Irvine's Culverdale section ~ave ap~aled to t~e city for either stop signs or signals at the mte~1on of Mam Street and Thiel Avenue (above) and at D•llr f'llol l'Mloe br o.bofah w Culver Drive and Ferris Street (below). But City Hall says they'll have to wait at least six more months. .. ... P.UT IN POOL hall parlance, which is understood here, the game is played on a smooth lawn with balls known as bowls. The idea is to roll your bowls the length of the la wn a nd end up nearest to an object ball In the process, it's legal for you to knock away all of your opponents' bo""'.ls. I guess it's not only legal, it's necessary if you want to wm. Lawn bowlers roll t he bowls rather slowly across the green to maintain maximum control. It's not like smashing Lawn bowlers doing their thing /op&1ded at Corona de/ Mar pins with a great fury as practiced b y indoo;-bowlers on wooden lanes. One of the interesting things about lawn bowling is that the bowl glJdmg across the green is lopsided. lt doesn'•t roll in a s traight line. Lawn bowlers thus throw nothing but curveballs. The Angels could use a couple more like them. That aside, the big event is coming to Irvine upon Oct. 4, 5, and 6. That's three days. It takes that long for a bowl to get from on e end of the green to the other. THEY'RE EXPECTED a crowd of up to 2,000 souls out there at the Groves in Irvine to witness this 26th annual singles match and 25th annual doubles. I've watched the start of a lot of lawn bowling events in Lagu').tl but I never had the patience to stick around long enough t.os~ what happened when the bowl got to the other end of the green . Veteran lawn bowlers love nothing better than to get some greenhorn out there with a b owl on the lawn, particularly if h e figures he's a really muscle-type. They will beat him blue. Strength isn't the name of the game. It's skill and cunning. THE REASON YOU would hang around to watch lawn bowling in Laguna is that's where a lot of local politics used to get hassled around and settled. Witnesses have sworn they've seen a politician get elected and then un-elected by the time the bowl traveled from one end of the green to the other. But I digress. Come October out in Irvine, 18 of the finest lawn bowlers in America, each a regional finalist, will be in competition in what has been touted as "the world's oldest sport." Well, there might be som e observers of the human predi~tnent who would challenge that claim. Traffic By SANDIE JOY Of the Delly f'tlot Steff Despite pleas from Culverdale residents for traffic signals or stop signs at the two entrance/ exits to their village, it'll be at least another six months before anything is done. That's the word Monday from lrvin,t? Transportation Services Manage r Dennis Wilberg who said neither stop signs nor traffic signals are warranted "from a t ec hnical s tandpoint" for Culverdale. But, said Wilberg, his staff is preparing a report for the city Transportation Commission's review on Aug. 23 and, meanwhile, ls inventorying its equipment to see if the city has enough used equipment to build an interim signal at Ferris Street and Culver Drive. The soonest anything could be installed, he said, is six months even with used equipment. "It takes that long just to develop the design, award a contract and do the work," he explained. "and rm trying to be realistic." C ulverdale residents have been pressing the city for months to help them safely get into and out of their village. About a dozen Culverdale residents. who testified at the Irvine City Council meeting a week ago today, said they feel trapped because their village of mostly single-family homes is surrounded by streets and fields and they have no traffic lights to help them get out. They compJamed of long waits to cross traffic at either Culver Drive or Main Street and have asked the city for a stop sign at Thiel A venue and Main because of long waits during morning rush hours. One speaker said, "I take my life In my hands every morning when I make a left turn onto Main (from Thiel) because I can't see far enough." Afte r the Transportation Commission reviews a report from W i lberg's staff, the transportation manager said the matter once again will go before the city council, probably in September. .............. _ ........... Drive, Saturday. The governor mingled with Lagunana, who paid $~0 apiece for the prtvlleae, then apoke briefly about hla campaign for the U.S. Senate. thwarts Irvine tract Cyclist's legs his fortune Long-distance pedaler fights psychological barriers By JOEL C. DON Of the Oelt, f'llol 81•" The exquisitely developed musculature of his calves and thighs are enough to make the Arnold Schwarzeneggers of the world take notice. And the rest of John Marino's sleek 5-foot-9, 160-pound frame isn't anything to scoff at. But biceps, triceps and pectorals aren't quite as important. In his line of work, legs count most. -· The 33 -yea r -old Ir v ine resident makes his living as a professional bicyclist, earning bu. keep from sponsors as long as hf: continues to propel himself across great distances in less time than just about anyone else on earth. In 1978, he set a world re<.'Ord for the transcontinental trek, making the Santa Monlca-to- New York Oty trip in about 12 days. Two years later, he managed even to shave a day from that 2,900-mlle crossing time. Marino hopes to find his name once again listed in the Guinness Book of World Records after he and three others attempt a similar grueling bicycle journey as part of The Great American Bike Race set to b e gin Wednesday. It is a torturous trip, expected to be fraught with ominout head winds, rain, hail atorms, the blistering heat of the de.ert and the hot, sticky envtrons of the Midwest. When Marino lan't fend!ni off the wrath of Mother Nature, he .must grapple with 'the boring atretchea acrou America 'a heartland that can virtually atrip all motivation and desire from hla IOU.1. That'• when he'll have to must.er all hll mental akilla to atave off the paychologlcal ob1tacle1 aa he covera an eet.lmated 280 milee a day ln the upcomtna race. "One of the bia thlnal I have to look forward to ii t.M food," he •YI· "I look forward to 1be l\ln aotna down and then loiok forward to bed." YOU don't chanp tlrw ln th.II Throughout the day, Marino says he must set any sort of goal that suits his fancy; a tree on the horizon, a farmhouse or some other piece of landscape. Contrary to what most would believe, he loves hills. He knoWtt that though his muscles will have to grunt and groan their way up, the re's always the free ride down. Marino, however, wasn't always dete rmined to be a marathon bicyclist. At 19, he was ctratted out of Los Angeles Valley College to play catcher for the Los Angeles Dodgers. But in what he says was . a result of sheer ignorance and a bit of macho bravado, Marino compressed his lower back .vertebrae trying to lift a 525-pound weight. ~"°'......_bf htrtcll o~ PEDALER -John Marino seeks records to break as a professional long-distanct · bic1cli8t. kind of race. Instead. Marino's retinue traveling behind in a motor home, van •nd on a motorcycle will supply him with one of four specially designed 12,000 bicycles. Among his crew are a masaeur, chiropractor and cook. A travel- along judge ensures that Marino rides the entire journey. It'• not a lonely raoe. he eayt, because hla aupport crew, including hla wife, Joni, urae him on and cOddle him like a mother would a newbom Infant. "SomeUrnet they'll 1\op me and aay set off the bike a nd ree\," he expleJna. "On~ thlna you don't want \0 do ,. se~ younelt lnto a eerloua J>h)'llical 1ltuatlon \hat will tak• four houri to recover from ... The accident left him in severe pain and unable to pursue his prof~ional athletic career. A chiropractor later advised the stocky Marino that he might rid himself of the constant pain It he trimmed off excess poundage Crom his then 190-pound frame. He became a vegetarian and let nutrition consultants steer him away from dairy product&. Searching for an exercl•e alternative, aince most aportil including running were out of the question, Marino hopped o0il bicycle and the pair have beeh in1eparable aince. · Hla una record-breaking trek was turned lnto a 24-minut.e film ahort titled, appropriately, "Paychllng." While Huffy, ttle major bicycle manufacturer, protJlde. a comfortable lncome, Marino lenda his name to other oromotlom and lut year wrote "John Marino'• Bicycle Book.'' a guJde for the bealnner. But with h11 fourth tranecontlnental jaunt, Marino won't be out ju1t to break a recottl. Thia time he baa tNwe othen to contend with. . .. 11In U\il ""°' our conciem ii not to bNak the NC!ard; lt'e to wtn,•• he eay1. "Each time tomeon• m.a • record ,, ..... unW dlfferent (weather) ClOftdldclla The only way to have a fa&r ,.... ii to have~y Je.ve at tNt IArnt dine... . . .. " • * Or11nge 0... DAILY PILOT nue..y, Augutt 3, 1112 :· Yacant lots costly IJUD cut kills low-income homes for Mesa Bj JODI CADENHEAD O(JM DeltJ Not 818" :!l'he hot sun has bleached the weeds a~ dusty color. Neighbors complain a&pUt the rats and roaches invadlng tlieir homes slnce a row of rundown h busea was cleared in west Costa Mesa to make way for 50 apartments for low income families. ·;Four-wheel truck drivers ignoring tltf "No Trespassing" signs use the ~a like a playground, the reside nts ~hese are no ordinary vacant lots. Ttiree years ago Costa Mesa began p¢'chasing $1.6 million worth of land tat the construction of low-income aPfl.rtments that were to be built by Dii.'ember. <Sut in January the project was dealt a heavy blow when President ~gan announced plans to kill the f 1!<i e r a l H o u s i n g a n d U r b a n Development program that subsidized reJlts for new construction. ~'Without that fairly substantial su;fisidy the project no longer pencils out," said Allan Roeder , assistant city JllAnager. "We're sitting with 11 ~ls and no way to proceed." .J)asklng in the s uccess of the 7~unit Casa Bella project built for s~iors with federal Community Utvelopment Block Grant funds, city oflicials decided to do the same thing fdi families. ~?l'he city Redevelopment Agency, "*ose members also sit as members of tf§e Cit)( Council, decla r ed t h e pf!>perty part of the redevelopment aJ:ea in order to condemn a nd psirchase 11 parcels at 1930 Wallace Acye., 2015 Pomona Ave. and 765 W. 2Gi!Jh Street. :;he property was rezoned from siiigle family to apartment use and ~city, using the federal block grant f~ds, put in $300,000 in water main The intent was for the city to use its block grant funds to purchase the land and to 'then sell It t o a priva te developer, said Roeder. (The city made $600,000 on the Casa Bella project built in 1980). The developer, Shapell Housing Inc., in partnership with Robert Coles, would then build the housing project u sing federal funds to subsidize tenants' rents. · But now everything is in disarray. Mark Maltzman, a spokesman fop Shapell, said the company considers the project dead. He said the city would have to kick in at least another $1 million in order to subsidize the rents to keep them low e nough to help low income fami li es . "It's unfortunate," said Maltzman. "For the most part cities are just letting their projects die." ·• So far Costa Mesa officials a re unwilling to kill the project In which they have invested so much. Roeder said he spent five months trying to convince HUD officials in Los Angeles and Washington to let the city use funds earmarked for a housing project In South Orange County that was killed. John Crawford, a community planning and d evelopm e nt representative for HUD, explained that it would be impossible to transfer funds between projects. More than likely the money would be distributed to the entire county. "It's h appen ing a ll over the country," said Crawford. "A Jot of cities have used a large portion of their funds for housing and now they're being told there's no subsidy funding. It's a bad situation." Dellr ........... "* .. EMPTY PROMISES -Cyclist rides by 20 15 Pomona Ave., and residents say sign, below, at 1930 Wallace Ave. is ignored by truckers. Costa M esa had purchased both sites for low- income apartments, now canceled. property tor anything e lse, said Crawford. Meanwhile, city officials in Costa Mesa are looking at several options, said Roeder, enumerating: -Try to build the project without the subsidy, which would require the city to pump in a lot more money. -Build a family housing project and senior housing units, since there a re still some funds available to subsidize rents for new senior construction. L "?rovements. Because t he funds were given specifically for housing. cities cannot legally turn around and use the -Construct low-income housing that could be sold. ·. .. 13 reasons to go out to dinner: New prices at ••••••••••••••••••••••• Manager's Special Dinners • SP.in • These special prices are effective at Spires/Irvine and Spires/Costa Mesa • • Restaurants only. • • Friday (3to 10 p.m.) • Monday 13to10 p.m.I New York Steak $3.85 • • • % Fried Chicken $2.25 Combination • •• • • Tuesday 13 to 10 p.m.) Seat ood Plate $3.55 • • Breaded Pork • Saturday 13 to 10 p.m.l • • Tenderloin $ 2.8 5 Fi let Mignon $3 .85 • • • Liver & Onions $2~25 Red Snapper $2.55 • • • • • Wednesday (3 to 10 p.m.l Sonday !noon to 10 p.m.l • • Teriyaki .Steak $3.20 Teriyaki Brochettes • • Fillet of Co~ $2.25 of Beef $3.35 • • •, • Thuraday 13 to 10 p.m.l Roast Breast of Turkey $2.75 • • Top~irloin Steak $3.35 (lncludHY9getabl•) • • • • Breaded Veal cPureVea1 Pauy>$2.25 Al t1nt1WS lncludtl c~ of •oup or ultld, potato • • "' .. p/lllf, Md rol with buttw. • ··~·································· ~ Irvine C08taM-17901 MacArthur Blvd. 3126 Harbor Blvd. . . . MAKING GOOO FOOO EASY TO FINO. lfAW Of' 'H•Dl-T °' Ull °' 1'1CTmOUI .,... .. MAM9 .,...AD., .... .,. .... ttl!}Ollow1n1 •t<IOfll llavt QMcloned the YM of tM llCtlttout ~~ ~-... ....,.. ..... IQUIAKY CL.IAH 1'00 OUAADIAN f"UIT OllD 0 0 CO,.l'OAA TIOH dllt UNITIO YACtiT 1'901<1"1 0' OALll'O"MIA, 1'01 VI• Oporto, lutta 20!,d~t•POtl letOll, Olllf«nlt lnN llAVICI, 7111 HOider ilrt , HIMCU, t _,.., ..... • *"I lkltne Plril. Celllomle toe20 tllPtlnle• Tr1o1tltt 111ut11 '"' Ncllttd J lteulc, 7U, H ....,_ ... a,.., dtlld .. 1rWt e1111t, 8ut nt l'atl!. Otllfor WILL till AT~ AUCTION IOUOT ""'...,~ TO THI HIGHleT i600I" '°" I* --19 ooncluct«I by an CAIH or " • *"' 111 ~ Tiit llC111l0Ut llltlMM NMle rtttrrtd to t bovt ••• llttd In Ofenot COUnty on JI.Int Q , 1N1. 1'119 No Jtt41D• llldMdl*, 2t24fl al IN CM1 OMe, II tW14. Aicllard J Sleulc Wt Mel lntefelt ~ to iN1 HltOld '· O•bor". 117·F "tvtrtldt Avt , Nl\lllPOfl IHCll, c.llf«nl• 12M3 Thlt tllltmtnl wu llltd wllll IN now held by K unw M1ct Ottd ot County Cltl'tl Of Otano-COUnfY on Truel In IN pro,.rty tlel' .. MfW July •• 19'2. dttartbtd. JecqlM!llnt O. Otbotn, 177·1' AIVtrtlOt Ave., NtwpOrl BHCh, Ctllforn11 HMS ,1.... T " U I T 0 A : H f W P 0 " T Publllhtd Ortngt COHI Dtlly •OULIVAAD PA,.TNIAeHIP, t Piiot, July 13. 20, 27, Aug 3, 19'2 Otntrll l'll'IMttftio 31&4-12 KNf'ICIAAY; JOHN L.. OON>IH, Thi• t>utlnttt .,.. concluottd -----------• murltd nltn tnd J , IOOTT PUBUC NOTICE IOUOE.AS, a IMN'led """' by 1, corl)Ofltlon. C.O. CorporttlOn Htrold Oeborn. Pretlclent Thie "''""'"' -flied with tilt OOunty Clerk of Oranot County on July 191 1~92. Publltnt0 Orenge Coelt Dally Piiot. July 20. 27, Aug. 3, 10. IH2 3192·92 Mt.JC NOTICE UP'UtlOfl COU"T Of CA.LWOftNIA COUNTY Of' HUM90l.DT ... "' .. ,... a...-... C9'lfonllm tll01 AGI Of' ETITl<mER VALERIANA LYNNE SCENCIO RESPONDENT; JOHN CHRISTI.AN l'temioua w ..... ,.A ... tTAT .. •NT TIMI followlng Pt<eont art dolf'IO bullntM M : J l R BUSINESS SERVICE, 2M72 Rio Hondo Circle, EJ T«o. CA 92830. ,., SYLVIA ROSENBERG, 28872 Rio Hondo Circle, El Toro, CA 92830. Tlllt bullntM le conducted by 1111 lndlVlduml S)'M• l'lom.ll>Wg Thi• atttement w .. fllld with the County Clet1! ot 01iinge County on July 18, 1982. 1'1..a Publl1h•d Orang• COHI Dally PllOI. July 20. 27. Aug. 3, 10, 1N2. 32e7.a2 Pt8.JC NOTICE SCENCIO f auMMONa =·MIL y LAW) ICTITIOUa •UllHll!H NA• ITATl!•NT CAN NU fl 70Zll The fOllOwing Ptf'ton le doing NOTICl!I bualne11 ae: You ht¥t beaft tu9d. Tiit cOUl1 PARK PACIFIC APART- ""9)1 deolde .... Ml rou without l\4ENTS. 10250 Lt H1cltndt rout b•ln11 h••rd unl•H rou Avenue. Fountain Valley. Cefllornl• oepond wttMn IO dm)le. "99d the 92708 lnform•ltoft betoW, " rou wt.II to -ll lht tdYlce of Phlllp H McNamoe. 1178 SE en •tlorney In tltl9 lll9tler, you Main Street, Irvine, C.llforni• 112714 •hOUICI do M "°"'f.tlv "that rour Thia buslnHt le oonduct.O by • an lndlvldutl. '""°"" or plelld ng, If .. ,, m•Y Phllfp H. McNamee be Hied on time. Thi• •l•l•menl WH filed With AV1801 Ueltel 1141 •ldo demmndlldo. 11 the County Cltrk or Orange County on July 18, 1982 lrlbvnll putde clec:ldlf oonlr• Ud, f 1t:lll07 •In IMICfftncf• • -que Ud. Publlahed Or•noe Cout Delly rH pondt Cl9ntro dt IO dlff. LN •• Piiot. July 20, 27. Aug 3. 10. 1982 lnfOfmtclon que etgue. 3 II U•t•d d•••• n llclt•r t i 1----------2_•_1_·82 conMto • un mboallelo mn "'' .,..,.IC HOTIC ••unto, d •btrf• ll•c •rlo 1----'"-UIK. ____ E __ _ lnmedtmt-t•, de Mt. m_., '1CTITIOU8 •U81H1!81 au rMPUMla 0 91egmc:lon. .. h•r NAME ITATl!lll!NT tlgune, pu•d• ••r r911tetr•d• • The following pareon Is doing ttempo. buslnese .. 1 TO THE RESPONDENT HONOLULU LEI COMPANY, Thi petitioner h .. !tied t petllton 158 E Cuc:ede Court, BrM. CA conc:emlng yoor mtrrltgl. 11 yoo fell 2821. · to rile• rtepOnM within 30 deys of O•ann11 W•gner. 158 E th• d•lt thtt thl• summons 11 lllClde Court. BrM. CA 92621. Nrvecl on you. your deltuK mmy bt Ttfa buslnese "conduc:1.0 by 1111 ente<ed end the court mey ente< • lndl..tduml judgtn9nt c:ontelnlng lnfUnc:tlw « o..nne Wagnw Other «dt<t c:onoetnlng dlvlelon of Thie atllemtnl WU filed with the property, 1pou111 eupport, chlld nty Cieri! of Ormnge County on cullody, child euppor1, •ttorn•y uly 18. 1982. •-. c:oeta, end IUCll other relief u 1'11Ma mty bt gr•ntmd by Iha court. The' Published Ortnge Cotti Otlly garnlehment or wegee. ttktng ol Piiot. July 20. 27. Aug. 3, 10. 1982 money or property. or other court 3272-82 euthOflled proceedings mty .,ao •------------•Hull Oiied Mey 11. 1982 DONALD R MICHAEL. Clerk By: Oonnt M. Volku, Deputy PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT Ttie lo1tow1ng persons are doing business as NECf·N·Mf. 2•00' Cres-:ent. El Toro. Caltlornoo 9?.630 Publlah•d ')range CoHI O•lly Piiot, July 20. 27, Aug 3. 10. 1982 3259·82 Maty Ann Ponte, ;;>dOO 1 ____________ ,Crescent. El Toro. Calilornoa 92630 Puellc NOTICE Denise Ireland, 27292 Padlllo, -----------M1ssoon V•eio. Cohf0fn1a 92691 W-G1239 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE LOAN NO. 030-10154131 UNDER DEl!O OF TRUIT IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOl: ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A OEEO OF TRUS T OATEO SEPTEMBER 23 1981 UNLESS 'fOU TAKE ACTION TO PAOTECT This business is conducted by e gene< er partnerS111p I Mery Ann Ponte Th•s stalement was hle<I w1fh the County Cle<~ 01 Orange Counly on June 21 1982 F191172 Published Orange Coest Otoly Potot July 13 20 27 Aug 3 1982 3152-82 ~cMd OclClt* 21. 1MO M lnetr. No. 30338 In ~ 137t1 s>eoe 791 Of Offlcl91 Recofdt In the °"'°' Of lht Aec«CI« Of Ofllllgll County: Mid ~ of '""' deaoftbea the followlng propeny. Lot 1 Of T rlCt 300. In the City of Cott• MeH County of Oranoe. Sttt• of Ct illornlt, H per mtp r9C«ded In 8* • PtgM 1 t Md 12 of M~ Mape, In the offtot of the County recorder of Hid County Md I t.It Of Ctllfomle MAY 8E ALSO KNOWN AS: 2328 Newport Blvd .. Cott• M•••. Ctllfornlt "(If I llfeel tddr-Of ~ d•elgn1t1on I• •llown ~bove, no wtrranty I • giv en •• 10 lie ~Of c:on'eclneM).'' The ~ und« 1111<1 OMd of Trust, by rauon of • bteac:h Of delllUll In '"' ot>llgttlont MClnd thereby, hertlofor• aicecuttd end dellv•rtd 10 th• underelgned • wrlttan Dec:lar•tlon Of Dtfllllt tnd Dtm•lld I« Salt. tnc1 written DOtlc:9 Of brMC:h t lld Ol llaetfon lo ca.. tht underelg n td to ••II Hid pr0f*1Y 10 Mlltfy Mid obllg911one, •nd lherHfter lht undtrelgned c:.uMd Mid notice or brMCll tnd Of elec:llon to be Recorded Much 26, 11182 "' lnetr No. 82-102878 of Mid Offlc:l91 Recor de. Seid nit will b• m1dt, bul without coventnt or wtrr•nty, •~prHe or lmpUed. regtrdlng title. POHeHlon, or encumbrtnce1, to P•Y the rmmalnlng prlnclPtl eum of the note(•) MCureel by Mid Deed of Truet. with lnt1<11• u In Mid not• provided, tdlltnQM, II 11ny, under the 11<m1 of Mid Deed Of Trutt. I-, Ch.,gee Ind I ll.I*\-Of llMI TrUllM end Of the truel• crMted by Mid Deed of T rutt Seid ute wlll b• held on Wedneedty, Augutl 11. 1882, •I 11 00 A M., ti the front entrmnoe to GUARDIAN TRUST OEEO SERVICES. 1800 EHi Mtyltlr A--. Or11n99, Ceilf«nla. YOU AM IN OUAUl. T UNOEt A Dl!l!D Of TflUIT D ATl!D Hl'THl••fl H , 1MO. UNU88 YOU TAK• ACTK* TO PlltOftCT YOUfl PflDl'•flTY. IT MAY •a 80U> AT A ll'UaJC 8.ALL F YOU NHD AN l!ICPlAHATION Of' THI! NATUfll! Of THI! PROCHDlNQ AGAINST YOU, YOU 8HOULD CONTACT A LAWYa The totml tmount of the unpeld b•lance of the obllgtllon Mc:Wtd by aald propeny to bit IOld together with lnttrtll. l•I• charg•s, tnd Hllmtted co1t1, 111p•n11s. t nd tdvenc... U Of the dttt hereof, la $80.950.00. Date July 12. 1982. GUARDIAN TRUST OEEO SERVICES. • c:ot'pO<tllon •• uld Trustoe. 1600 EAtt Mayftlr Avenue Or1nge. CA 92887 (714) 771-&910 By Vicky L9Wl1. AMlll•nt Sec:fttmry Publl•h•d Oreng• C9Ht O•llY PllOt, July 20. 27. Aug. 3, 1882 324&-82 Pta.JC NOTICE VOUR PRODERTV, IT MAY BE Pl&JC NOTICE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NOTICE TO CONTRACTORa NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NOTICE OF TRUI TEE'I IAU CALUNQ fOR 1111>8 NATURE O~ THE PROCEEDING T.8. No. 11t2CM Sc:flOOI Olttrlc:I IRVINE UNIFIED. AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD T 0 SERVICE COMPANY•• duly 8ld ONdllne 10.00 o'c:loclc t.m. CONTACT A LAWYER appointed Trust•• under tilt Of tlMI 18th dty Of Auguat. 1882. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fOllOwing 00s4;ribed deed ol lrutt Pt-of 8ld Rec9ipt: DISTRICT That under and by vtrtlH!I ot the WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTl8N ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER, 2941 provisions 01 tMt certain Deed ot TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER F R Alton Ave . lrvlne. CA 92714. • Trull dated September 23 1981. CASH (peyeble at time or Nie In ProJtcl ldtntlllc•tlon Ntme. ano reeord.O on the oflrce ol the lawful money ol the United SltlH) PROPOSED FENCE ANO GATES Record11< o! the County ol Ortnge. tll right. !Ille and interest conveyed AT IRVINE HIGH SCHOOL State ol Catllorn1a on Octut>er 2. to end now held by II under Mid PI a c • PI• n • are on ff I a: 198 t. tn Volume 14242. paae 1959 Deed of Truet In lht prop•rty FACILITIES SUPPORT SERVICES. or Olllcoal Records. ••ecuted by llerelnalter delc:rlbed 14600 Sand Canyon. Eut Irvine. Ph11f1p Bur1on and Linda Burton. TRUSTOR CONNIE L SELL. en NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that husband ond w1te as Trustor to unmarried woman. DEBORAH ANN the above-named School District of Sunklst Se1v1ce Company a COLLINS. a mtrried women. JOHN Or•nge County. Ctlllornlt. •cling corporation as Trustee. and STATE T. BURRIDGE end KARIN A by end through Ila Governing S A V I N G S A N D L o A N BURRIDGE, hu1b•nd tnd wife; end Boerd, hereinafter referred to •e ASSOCIA fl ON a Callforn1a NEIL FOSTER •nd PATRICIA 'DISTRICT". will receive up to, bu1 corporahon. es Benehclary FOSTER, husband and wile. not later thin th• •bovt·eltt•d And pursuant to the request ol BENEFICIARY: L. S BERNERO. t time. Mtled bide I« the ewtrd of t lhe owner ond holder o f the Single m•n contrtcl fOf the tbove project. promissory note secured by the Recorded October 8. 1979 H Blda fltltll be reotlved In the~ Oe9d 01 Tn,isl ebove rererred to instr. No 13 too In boolc 13344. Identified •bove. and shtll bt And by •l!ason or the dereult 1n Ptge 180 or Olflciel Rec«da In the opened tnd IJl.lbllc:ly rMd tloud tt tne P•ymel'lt 01 '91d promissory note office of the Rec:Ofd9' or Ottnge the •bo..-..sttted time tnd pl-. and the b•eech or tM conditions 1n Co.Jn!)'; said deed of trust dftcrlbft There wlN be NO depoSlt required 'aid Deed 01 Trust ptov1ded. a the following property· The fOf each Ml of bid document• to Notoee 01 Oefaull and Etectoon to Southe•atetfy 50 Itel or lht gueranlle thtlr return In good Sell Under Deed ol Trusl having Northweaterly 300 lttl ol the condition within daye titer the bid Deen duly rtcorded as provided for Northe•ster1y 150 lett of the opening dtte. 01 taw 1n said Recorde< s Ohce on Sou1hweslerly 330 feet of Lot 69 of Etcn DIO mutt c:on•Ofm tna De 4'p11I 19 1982 on Inst r No Tr11et No 376. In the Clty of Costt r11pon1l ve to the contrtcl ~2-13340 M .... County of Or•nge. Stitt of doc:umtnta SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY. a Ctltlornla. u per mep thereof Each bidder ~ tubmlt. on the corporll•On •• the present recorded tn Book 15. Pt09 29 of IO<m lurnlahed with Ihm c:ontrmct tulho,.zed •nd acting Trustee Moaeellaneous Mtpa, records ol documen ... • tt.t of the prOC>091d under M•d Deed of Trust •l«esa•d said County subc:ontr11Ct0f1 on this project u on W.Onesday August 18 1982 al YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A requlr•d by tht Subl•ltlng tnd the hour of tO 00 o 1;1oc:k a m of 0 E E 0 0 F T R U S T 0 A T E D Subcontrtctlng F91r Prac:1ic:.. Act. seod day " the Nor1h front entr•nce OCTOBER 3. 1979 UNLESS YOU GoVI COde Sec: 4100 et eeq. to the Orange CO\lnty Courth0\151. TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Etc:tt bldd« mint IUbmlt with hit 700 Ctvoe Center Ortve West In the PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A bid certified or CHhler's cheek City o f S1nta Ana. County ol PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN PtYt ble to lht DISTRICT « t bid Orange Sllte of CattrOfnft . WILL EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE bond In 1he fOfm Ml f0f1h In the SELL. 1J1.1rsuant to the~ of safe OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST c:ontrtct doc:umenta In an tmount conram1<1 on said Deed of Trust and. YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A not IHI th•n 10 perc•nt ol the without covenant or wuranty LAWYER mtxlmum tmount of bid •• • ••oud1ng tttte possession or 286 & 286'n Stnto Tom•• gutrentM 1h11the bidder wltl ente< encumbrancH. ti publlc auction, to Avenue. Cos11 M .... CA 92627 Into the propoaed contrect If the th• htgtlfft CHh bidder. In 11wlul "(II • strMt tddr"8 Of common Hmt la twtrd•d t0thlm. In the money or Iha United Stetea ol dHlgn•tlon I• thown lbOvt, no event ol ltllure to enter Into Mid Amerlc1. ell that certain reel werranty l a glv•n •• to II• contract. auch ••curlty will be prop-rty 11tu11te in the County of oompleten"' or COfrec1nete) ·• Thi forftU Orange. State of Ctlllornle. beneficiary under Hid 0Hd ol DISTRICT r ... rv .. the right to do1c:rlbed H lollowt Tn11t, by reuon of • bruon or rmjec:t tny « all bide« to w.IY'I eny PARCEL t· def.UK In tilt obNgttlon1 MCUred ll'regulerlllee Of lnf«mallllet In tny An undivided 115th lnttreal In thermby, hlretof«• executed •nd bide « In the bidding . tnd to lot I of trtet No 11148. In dtllvered lo th• undt relgntd I Pureutnt to the provlelont of the city or eo.te M .... County of written Olclarttlon of Oeltull Ind Section 1n3 of the Labor Codi ot Ortnge, 5111• of C•llfornlt. u per Oem9nd tor Sale, Ind written notloe th• Sttt• of Ctllfornlt. th• mep recOfded In boo1c 47g, pegee Of br9ec:h tnd of tlac:tlon to c:.MIM DISTRICT hH oblt lned from tt1e 18 •nd 17. In the office ol Ike th• under1lgn•d to H ll uld Director o f the Depertment of ~ty Recorder ol said County. prqperty lo Htia.fy eald obllgatlonl, lndustrl•I Relttlon• lht generet Excepting lhtrtfrom un1t1 1 tnd therHfltr th1 undtrelgned prevailing rate of per diem W10tf through 5 u thown upon the c:aYMd Mid notice of b<aac:h Md Of tnd the general prevelllng rwte lot Condominium Plen recorded In tlac:tlon to be r9C«ded Aprll 23 holldty and 0Vlf11me work In &tit bo011 1408 I ti PtQet 853, Otflel.. 1982 U lnttr. No.12-14064' of Mid toe.Illy In wtllc:ll tlllt WOftl It to be Rec«d• ot Mid County C>niClal Record•. performed for MCl'I cn1ft Of type Of PARCEL 2 St ld Hit will bt m•d•. but worker nHdtd to eucute the Unit 3 .. 1hown upon the without coventnt or wtrrenty, oontrllC1. Thtta raw.,. on Mt at Condominium Pltn reftntd 10 In •llP'-Of lmplled, raoardlng 11111, the DISTRICT Ol1'oe located ti 2N t par~ 1 aboY9 pc 111 Ilion, Of enc:umbnlnota, lo Ahon Aw., !Mne, CA fr.271' Copilt tnd more commonly l\nown u pey 1M JWnminlno Pf1nc:iptl tum Of may be ot>191nad on rlql*l, A copy 21e2.c Pacific Avtnut, Cott• tt. nott(•) ~by Mid Deed of of thete rtt• thtll be P°"*' et the M .... Ctiilornlt TNtt. wilfi lnt.-1 M In Mid note Job "'9 If ,.,,,. I• no tlrfft tddr•U, Pf<Mded. ~. If '"Yi undet dlrtcllone mty bt obtllntd by t"9 ttnnt or Mid 0.-°' Tf'\ltt, It thlll be menclttory upon ttlt written requnt lo Sitt• 8evlnQs ..... cMr9'f Md 9llpentM Of 1111 OONT,.ACTOA to WllOlll lh• •nd Loan AllOCl1tlon, 222 Noni\ ~t fruet• end of tilt INeta c:r..,td by oontreat It -ded. Md \!POI' trty Ooftdo Slrtel, Slodlton, CA 15202, uld OetCI Of TNtl. 8lild .... Wiii be IUbconlttator undtt "6ln. .. -"°' Attention l.o•n S t rvlct held on Wtdnetdty, Ay~ .._IMntMMld~ ..... to Otper\!Mnt, not l•t• 1111111 4Y0u11 1te2 ti 2 00 r> m., at ttlt .. wMctrt tlftPIO~ Oy 1.Mm1""" t7, tM2, for the purpoee ot ~ A-antr9"091o ltlt CIVIC Otllt• lll«IUtlon of tM oont:reae. obllg•tk>n• MGUrtd by aaid Dttd ol lulldlng, 300 hit 0111pman No blddtt !lleY . ........, hie.,.. Truet A~. In the Chy of Of9not, IOI' I l*locl Of ~HIATV (IO)~ The tottl ltl'llounl Of 1t1t ll_l1"!d M 111 • 11 111 • of t ht l n 111 •I tfttt lht cltM • for ttlt ~ of t>tlltlOt of lhl• OOllOMIOn 11 ltil7,• ~ton of ltllt nottoe, ttlt totll bfOI, H042, lnttrett 113,171.H. Met lfnOYfttoflhtunpeict......_oflM A payment bond a 11 Cl a tht tlJl"'tltd '"'OU"I Of coet•. oOllDttlOn MCUt*I by .,.. .._. "''°'" ... bonct .. be,....... ••1*11" MCI tdvlllOet wttlCfl .,. d .. orlbtcl dttd ol tru•t •nl Pf'°' to MtOUCIClll'I al llle .,.,.. t>t lnev"ed 1>y the elate ot .... la tttlfllae.d oo•••· 1•1*'1.... and end INll Ill Ill ttlt Wm "' """' tit IUltOO advt nou I• 171,UO 11. To ttltoon-.at...,FNI-. DA TIO My 20, 11U .. ,, mil• IN Oll9"lnG bid, you !NY Purtulflt IO lealton 4MO tf -8unki.t8trYI09~ .... (714IM7.otel.·.-<ao..et1.,.ie Ood9" ...... GI • O()(POf.eiofl CMftO"""" 17, tlll. ~ ... ...,.. .. -•1 Tift! C PNdMI, T.O, alfMCE OOMl'Afn, IDl'IMID• == ... I I I ~l-'11 ltOt'tttty "_, T~, ........ te -··----.. 2U Wot Ill fl DoraCIO ly Vldtl J. MelitdOe· .,,., moft•Y• •ltllll•I• ,., .... ltr .. t • A11111Mt a..wy OlaTNCT .. ....,. ,_ ... ,.... bu --"""'-~ ,. .... ct=-~~ . PuOllefled ~ C...• Deity ~ ~. ao.. 0-. l'loC, Al4-a. 10, 11. ,.. Noc. Aul-a. 10. ,.. , ..... ~ r ) I Ferry-Schneider RObert.a Joanne Sc:hnelcUr of Hunlin8t0n , BMctl t.can:ail the bttde of JUIMI ~ne terry of Fountain Valley In a ot1emony ln Luthwan Church of Reewrectlon, Hunt.lncton Beach. The bride 11 a 1raduate of Edlaon High School apd Golden Wen Co~l•S•· both tn Hun SiiCh;·w 1t emplo)'ed by Orange C.OU=OtiY· Surgical, Med1cal Group. The brlde1room, who araduated from Fountain Valley~ High School and Oranae Cout Collep, Cotta Mesa, ii employed by Huntington Bea.cl\ Cit~ School Dlatrlct. ' The newlyw,da plan to live ln Huntington ~ach after a trip to Hawaii. . Mrs. James Irvine lrvine-Liebrich Cathryn Elaine Liebrich of Costa Mesa became the bride of James Scott l.rvi.ne of Santa Ana in a cerem o n y at Commu n ity <J<>ngregational Church, Corona del Mar. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Liebrich of Park Ridge, N.J ., graduated from · Principia College, Elsah, Ill., and ls employed by Field Newspaper Syndicate in Irvine. The bridegroom, son of Dorothy Chase of I '. ' Upland and Guy Scott Irvine Jr. of Glendora, graduated from Humboldt State Colleg e Arcata, and operates his own construction firm. The newlyweds will reside in Costa Mesa after a trip to Lake Arrowhead. Duff-Gambill Wendy Ling Gambill of Newport Beach became the bride of Sean Ashton Duff of Salem, Ore., in a ceremony at Community Presbyterian Church, Laguna Beach. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of Newport Beach and Mr. a nd Mrs. Delbert Gambill of Laguna Beach, graduated from Corona del Mar High School, Newport Beach, and Biola College, La Mirada. She has accepted employment with Salem Memorial Hospital, Salem. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Duff of San Jose, graduated from Willamette University, Salem, and is employed by the Salem Journal newspaper. The newlyweds plan wlive in Salem after a trip to Puerta Vallarta, Mexico, and Victoria, B.C., Canada. Mrs. Sean Duff Oil & Gas 'Lottery' Open for Sept. CARSON CllY, NV IExcluSMl-Entnes for '" Wfom1ng 1111bllc lands '0tl loner( wiK be eccep11d 1tvough Sept 101h MIV U S cmzen age 19 or older IS lllQlblt 10 PlrllCIPlll A Sl1llll tu dedoct1bl1 111 IS required IOf 1111 clwnct 10 acquire en od lease lhlt mev sen 10 en 0tl compeny for 1 smd tOttUne. Eoon 111KI S280,000 10 I k.dy Wlnntf Hrller 11111 ylll De111fa end OfflClll enuy cards ITllY be oblllRld from The H Knie Sanders Company (Oil lease Div.I Enclo• Sl for !llndllog. Wn11: Senders Co, Dept. CA 27, P.O. Box 11110, C.l10ll Cnv. Pf/. 89702 14G4 N Vlfavl SAVE 1100" THIS WEEK ON OUR PROGRAM FOR WEIGHT AND SMOKING RESUI. TS GUARANTEED OUR METHOD APPOINTMENT -984·8879 () Anderson-Vianna Sandra Barroso Kruel Vlanna of Rio de. Janerio, and Garrick Alan Anderson of South Laguna recently exchanged marriage vows in a 400-year-old church in Rio de Janeiro. Anderson, who 1s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman Anderson of South Laguna and a gradua~e of the University o f Southern California, ls employed as a senior geologist in Brazil. Mr. and Mrs. Garrick Anderson 1\tJ ?I :J ?I ;Jh ..... ,,,;I ft•] HOME VIDEO -WHY PAY MORE v RECORDERS v BIG SCREEN v CAMERAS v FILM RENTAL v TELEVISION v ACCESSORIES Limited to Stock on Hand BIG SCRE ~~iiir"I T.V.'S ...... General Electric YESI ~0~:~:0 24 DELUXE PIECES 8 HR. REMOTE VIDEO RECORDER Wlrele11 RCA Infrared Remote Control Or .... OoMt DAU .. V•fltLOTIT&Mlday, ~a, 1HI ' The bl-MM ii 1 ,...clwa-. of the Unt\19t1Aty of Staie of No de Janeiro. 8he UC> II employed at an ExXon ~. attW.te ln South America. They pJ.an to live In Coral 0.blte, Florida. iloyi-Haake ' Darrel I . Hoyt and Tamera Haake exch1n1ed weddln1 vow1 In 1 ceremony at Calv..iy Chwdi, Sarita Ana. The bride, dauptar of Michelina Roeen\hal of Fountain Valley and Peter Hub of Chkuo, 1raduated from Point Loma Colle1e, Pofnt Loma, and National Univeraity, Vlata. She ii emploYed by Pat'• Ski Shop, Hunti.naton .Beach. The bride8J'OOfn, aon of Mr. ancf Mrs. John S. Hoyt of Fountain Valley, attended Saddleback Community Colleae, Santa Ana College and Golden Weat College. He ls employed by Cook Metal Co., Lona Beach. The couple plan to Uve ln Huntington Beach after a trip to San Diego. Thomasson-Porter Ann Louise Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don K. Porter of N~wport Beach, became the bride of James Allan Thomaaaon of Anchorage in a ceremony at Christ Church by the Sea Methodist, Newport ·Beach. The bridegroom is the aon of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomasson of Anchorage. He graduated from Golden West College, Huntington Beach and is employed, by Audio S ystems Inc., Anchorage. The newlyweds plan to live in Anchorage after a trip to San Francisco. WE'RE CLOSING Mr. and Mrs. James Thomasson Old friends like you are hard to leave Store Closes Sept. 4th - save 30% to 60% • All women'.s sportswear reduced 30°/o to 60°/o off regular price. • Men's selected fashion wear reduced 30°/o to 60°/o off regular price. • Girls' selected sportswear reduced 30°/o to 50°/o off regular price. ,,. • Boys' selected apparer reduced 30°/o to 50°/o off regular price. • Fine Jewelry-All stone rings, 14K gold chains and charms reduced 50°/o off regular price. GARDEN SHOP • All 6" house plants .............................. 53.99 • 30°/o off all garden chemicals and hand tools • 25°/o off all baskets SPECIALS .,. • Boston Ferns 8 " ................................... s9.99 • 1 gallon Landscape plants · · pe~ewlnkle , gardenias, agopanthus s and more . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.99 • New Guinea Im.pat lens 1 O" .................. '9.99 I Store Hours 10 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. . . hn1nutro11 Inc. of ewport Beacb, a ~piny ....-s lb the dtvelopmeat of di••· n'oatJc l natru m•n· tetlon, announced th• ~ by u.. bolU'd ol of two related • quhttlona and a r~r1anh:atl9n of the. cqsnpany'• manapment, I ln a letter to ~ldera. Dr. ~en Al. K elton, who wlll r main aa preatdent, lef operating officer d a director, that Roy T . dleman had been chalnnan of the ard, chief executive fleer, chief financial o · i and treasurer. He 1 Joeeph H. Irani, c and president oJ Nuclear Medical S~atems Inc., who =as an Immutron ~The. board also pted the resignations o Dr. Irene Haydik, Dr. gfried Krut zlk and n:lmond Cohen. ~Donald Meyer and D. . Sultanian remain as ectors. John Drl8C011 s appointed by the to fill the vacancy the boa.rd was reduced five members from en. The present five tors will serve until e next shareholders eeting, tentatively h e dule d for late ~ptember. The ~hareholder letter a so announced the b ard approved two a uisitions of product l n e-s s e r v i n g t h e 1 boratory supply us try. lmrnutron will uire certain assets of enco Scientific Inc., uston, related to enco's laboratory · e business. mmutron will issue 3,920 shares of registered common k in exchange for the enco assets. mmutron also will uire certain asseta of trurn Medical Inc., n , Calif., relating to and macro pipettor I oratory products, along with certain patent assignments and instrumentation inventories. lmmutron will ~ue 318,633 shares for the Spectrum Medical . assets being uired ,oth Spectrum Medical and Glenco Scientific are owned by Eddleman. .. @i:t All CIJNDH~I•• IOlAI WA Tll lllATINO IATMIOOM ..,._... S. he J 17651 a.Mee T-81-'t at Y-Ooot lc.l Slore ....,_. Y-Al-> a>ITA MISA 641-1289 .,,.....,... ....... M1SS10H VllJO 495..()4()1 2"22 c:.NM c.,. ' .... ·-.... lrwy ... -., .....,., HE ADQUARTERS -This is the new Costa Mesa facility which serves as headquarters for Laser products as well as corporate of fices. The firm ls best known for Laser sailboats. Mesa mecca for Lasers New U.S. headquarters I acility completed By ALMON LOCKABEY o.Jlr,... ............ Performance Sailcraft of Costa Mesa is celebrating its expansion as· the U.S. headquarters for the Luer sailboat and other Laser producis as a subsidiary of Performance Sallcraft of ' Quebec, Canada. PSC of Costa Mesa will manufacture and market all Laser Blade kayaks and Laser Shells sold in the U.S. and sales headquarters for the 14-foot Laser dinghy which has grown to be one of the most popular small sailboats in the U.S . and Canada. The Luer is the boat used in the Flight of the Lasers sudden-death race In Newport every summer. The boat was designed by Bruce Kirby of Canada. The 20,000-square foot facility in Costa Mesa represents an innovative approach to the marketing of water sports products. according to Tad Springer, vice president. "We've had the advantage of recognizing and anticipating the increasing water sport needs,'' said Springer. "We were ready to act in ai market place which haa quickly' ripened because .of the revival of family recreation and the physical fitness craze.'' Springer antlclpatesthat the booming Laser growth will be unmatched and virtually untouched by the economic slowdown. "Our overall production and sales have increased about three times what they were last year," he said. "Not many businesses can say that thette daya." . A large crowd turned out for the grand opening which featured a magic show and a christening of the building at 824 W . 18th St. by Springer who smashed a bottle of champagne on the roof of the two- story building. The grand opening also marked the inauguration of the Laser relationship with Mount Gay Rum, a firm which has a long-term affiliation with sailing. The building will house manufacturing of the Laser Blade and shell, the sales room for Laser bOats, and the corporate offices. Micro General closes deal Micro General Corporation, a publicly traded Irvine-based firm that manufac tures and markets microprocessor based office equipment, completed a $775,000 private equity placement transaction, an:anged by Capital Data Bank. Inc. Principal investors were Oxford Partners of Greenwich, Conn. and InnoVen Capital Corporation based in Saddle Brook, N.J . M icro General Corporation manufactures and sells microprocessor-based products for the business equipment market. Tiile company. a Utah corporation fonnerly known as ModuLearn, foe., entered • • • • • • • • Tum your unusabtes i nto usable cash.Call Dally Pilot classified 642-5671. the microcomputer scale business when it acquired CODA Enterprises, Inc., in 1981. Its products are sold by a growing n etwork of dealers throughout the world. The f inancial closing was announced by Walter W. Cruttenden m. a director of Micro General and president of Capital Data Bank. Inc., Newport Beach-based investment banking firm. Marketing class set "International Marketlng" i.s the title of a three-unit course being offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Listed as Marketing 150 in the class schedule, the course meets Mondays from 7 to 10 p.m . The course will examine the management and operation of export and import programs. It will look at the aelection of market distributors, financial transactions, government incentives and sources of aid. SAVE sga* The Family Color Computer Attaches Ea$1/y to Any TV/ 39995 *That'a$98 Less Than Last Year's Equivalent • 16,000 Character Memory • u ... lnatant·Loedlng Pr~ram Paka For Gamn and Peraonal UM • • Learn BASIC Programming Wtth Our Enterhllnlng 308-Page l\rtonal Manual • Create Your Own Graphics Wtth Vivid Color• and Excltf ng Sound Effects New Low Prtceet C.ah In on TheM Progr•m Pak .. S.Vlngef • Chlallenge Your Computer at Cheee WU '39.IS. Now-134.IS •Dino war.. Waa '39.95. f">w -129.IS • Hh the DoWnhlU 8eopea With Skiing -W.aPt.95.Now-129.95 • llllokpmmon. Wu $29.95. Now-S19.95 1tad1e /haek SEE IT A1 VOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER ' II .I.I. "la•" Oall• of La Habra hat been t_r,•o••d to mana1er of, th• Santa An• DDploJIUn& T ax Dll&tlet oftlee of tla• •tah •=.!:f.•••I De••l•••••I De,ar&•Ht. He 1 Art IJ>lttler who retlrtd. Gallo wu manafll' ol the l'.I MClft• WC ottice, BrMt • ~ •• me m.ht IOCOUl\Unc tiim. bM oDIDICl an offtc. tn IUYWSicle throulh a mer,., with Y.cbr • aitM. 'he••• a . ..,....... partMl' in chu1e of Emit & Whtnney'a South C.O.t o~Uona. with >ffbe tn Newpcirt Beech and San Dktl«>. Mid the l'.cker & &able offlce haa a 1taff of 27 tndudlna twc pe.11nen. ~ office wW be 1n the Frtlt Buifdlnc. l714 Ttbbetta. Walker 6 L .. , lac. of Santa Ana hu been \U'Ded u excluaive ..iee and markettna aaent for :he C1amlc Homea development ln La V"eme. J amn s. Elbol• of Newport Beach hu been )romoted to operation• manager, atr & apace tiWdon of the Parker Hann1fln :orporatlop, Pariser B e rtea ~eroapaceOroap,Irvtne. N a lleaal M edica l l!:aterprl1ee, Ja e. promoted l.awrea c e E. Stockm a n of 'lewport. Beach president and :hief operatlna officer of iu ~ational Medical Oxygen ~mJ>fJ'lY subeicliary. Omar It. Skiver of Irvine has been promoted to vice president-marke ting, coil and extrusion ::oatinga for WblUaker COrporatloa'1 chemicals group. Gary Marcotte of Irvine, P blllp Scblmmel of Mission Viejo and Cbrt1ttae Tbompaon of Irvine have been promoted to senior managers In the Orange County office of the international accounting finn of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell &.Co., New~rt Beach. Allen L Bray, of Newport Beach, partner of the Newport Beach office of Fox & Company, Certified Publi<: Accountants, was promoted to head of the audit department as audit coordinator. Jack A. Rosenberg of Laguna Beach has joined the Newport Beach branch office of commercial real OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS COlrTle 1"'-is•• ... ,.1 n~ XI P<MtW KfWIR .... , ntata bro= Jllff, n.ra 6 c,.,.., u ll matketi.na UIO t.e. He }\eld a llm1Jar l)Olltkm wtdl AahwtU Swiw. Oilifomia banka jotned the mow to a ~ rate of l& percent. WeN~=~.~=.~ B ... k C&UfonJa. n e Bull of CaJUeraia, Callferala Fina Buk1 Secartty Pacific Nadeal Bak. .net the Bull 01 AmerlH. Optical Tecblqmet, tac. of Senta Ana •>'9 ·•t. has replaced vlslble llght componenta with lnfrar.t emlttera and detectora In lu patented Jlne1of optoelec:tronk keyboard.I. The infrared boards will become the compan~t standard product. Bankruptcy prOfitable SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bankruptcies are a common occurrence as the nation's rece91ioo bumps along, but for thoee who profit by such troubles. business is booming. Itel Corp, a computer leasing firm which filed for reorganization under Chapter 11 ln U .S . Bankruptcy Court on June 17, hopes to recou p .about $1.8 million by auctioning furniture, art and Oriental rugs Aug. 14-15. That's good news for Stanley M. Fried.man Auctioneers, which will handle the event. Friedman said Itel's auction is part of a growing trend of companies liquidating excess assets and inventories because of economic woes. "Although many companies are unloading excess capacity during this recession, the It.el situation is unusual becau.e of the amount and quality of the fumishinp being sold," he said. NIEW YOllK \API S1raw<.1 ,.1 t 2s•, NASDAQ Q<o04e loft\ Cok>Ga 1.n •.n lnltelEM J • 4t • I ' t 1Pe,..1En1 Sut>;or" ).A. J~ UPS AND DOWNS s1oow1no llitllftl lll<ii ComCIH so• .. S04. 1ntorP'I ,,, , "'-1 ! ' 1 1 '• rvr~f:· ,.,. ,, •ftd _, often !Iv Qt\1511< 12 IJ 1n1..-,, 2•'-• Penl.-' ,. ,.! • 13•, .~ ..,., ... ,,.._.,., H OI g::,wl el 1JI 1 14 1111mtG1 •'• 10• ... Peopt:;ap ,,~ ,," TIME: 0C .. "'IEW 'YO"• ·~P. The lollow•"9 h~ 4 p.m. Prices CIO "°' Pao 2• 1••. lnBkWlh ... , ... Petrtt• , .. ,., ' T•mo.111 l i· ~ 3S' .. 1...:11a ret .. I ,...,....., Cord i\ 1) 1~·' lw•SoUI , .... 1•" p""'"°" ~-· 1... °""' . '"-c-... '•"*m It<. t7 \toe.lo •no ,,,.., ,.,,,, '"•' IW'4't 90fWr uo m•rkCIDMl01tcomm C'°'''• 'Jl • ... J•mJb\I ,, ... tt• J ' s .... " ... . Tee um JI )] ~·, I Uloft 10< MDf~ey CvU•Fd s ' '"' J•r•c..o tilt .... P"•t•h•1 lol'•U TtlcmA "'. ~ ..... IM mo\I ...., -~ IM MO\I Wwcl on SIO<k Bid A•• c vcll•Of' ) . , .. ¥1J1ffy I,, ll·J1 P1•rc•')') tJ .... i14• Ten•n• ,, .. ,. pertf'f'lt o+ (~•not' ,.~,Ol•H Of "°'ume AIEL Ind 13 IJ' • 01•~• ,,.,, ,,,,, JCKlyn • JO JO·· P1nkr•rc \A •r ' TtPr•ry ~·I \ .. fOt' ~" AFAProt JO n oevtM • t.)4., ,., • .... ,!>( Of I) ••• 1 P•onh• , ,. 1•• • T omt(>1t ..o \illKvr•l•h trtdll'WJ betO'lf 12 •r• 1n<:t· Al/M Cp • ... OBHt ....... ,, Keh,•r IS-It 1 l·lt Pl•stt,... .... , .. ,. 1 .. ,. \ld4PO "'"1 •no """•nl•9f cn.n9't'0 ••• lhe Ac ad Ins , ....... 8:~~'!!1 ~1·' 17•· K•man "''• ,, .. , POU•' " n I Tovo•• \ . .. •" O•ff,.rf1"K• ,_,,...,...,. t~ Pf'•""""' CtOIJnQ !~r;:J. ~ I'• " ..... Keivsv • n1 1 ll 'u Pr .. C.M , ••• 2& ' t~:!~ ~ ~'. btd or•<• •"O too.¥'\ ••~• bio priu• ..... 101 ... ;>ewevlE• J ,., 1(1mb.tll tlli:• 181 I PrsM•vn 13 .... 1J' • J1t I 1)+ I UPi. 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Uo • I ....... s S'. =:~·k• J>'o ~l'· M•tltpr 10'". JO~. ~ldllf'<I' .. , •• 4J4-.-Wr-19f"•Ylit .......... ,. BirdSD<o • . Vo •• BeftlPt" J l ... ,., .. ,,, . Min VIG ,,, • 114.t 51--,.. JO ltO"U' \ 13~ 2•'• 11 .. ........ QI. . .. uo t I kUL s u~.,. FlaNr.e 1•'-JS MIO••• "'1 4.S' .. Sl•r•~t 7 J n " ,-.ot .ooft<•t>tt-BevM!ll "' J ,, .... Ftu,.-ocb s.'9 s .. Monl(OI .. ... DOW HS 81D11Co 14 14 .. BlrOSDn • . .. Fore\10 •1 ... II MonvCI> '•'• ., .. ...... l.HI C"9 Pel 8irl(ht • ... Form~ll l J'o -·""' 11'. lll ........ p •O .. MO'""'" ,, . ,,, . I WhemO "'. I Off ».• Blyv-1 ... ... .. , .... ,. •l· ·~ Mor1rn 9'• • 1 Mlllrl"° 31,. ~ Oil It.• •-1 , ... J I. J Boollw> "" 5 I • Off IS.• 8rwTom .. ,...sc; n .n .. "'°"'"" . , ,.,.. NASDAQ SUMMARY "• .... .,,..,..,.., I'• I'. Mvetlifr 18 , •• J 4 1..V-.. , ... °" n .t BV<k-..... 11 """"'' 11 11'. "'•r•9( 11 1J s 81oRew> ... ... ()ff 12.t Buffets 2S• .. 2t•. GnAutm J'' J ... .. o .... '•'• ts-.... • -t• ... . ... °'' 12.s ~:~ 1oi. •01, ~~e~~ 1 , .. Nelwll!. 111 ...... "'f:W VO"' ... ~, Mo\I KhYI over 7 Jlollll• J•' '• Off 12.S J'> 3• .. ,,,,... 11'' "'YAofl 2'-, .. IN<°""lf• 'toe:•~ ~uoo••H "~ .... so • UnTtl<ll J'. ... ()ft 12.S CPT " , .... ~.,,\f ~. \IOIU#'t',. 8•0 ..... eel ~'1 .. • "unorwt '• Ott " ' CalWlSv ,. .. » GolEl'n t 11• 12 ,.,._OG S-· • MC•C: . /IJ JOO •34-.,, , 10 Bonrav ,, Off tu Cenr.tH '" J .. Gr•P"Sc "" I,._ Niel"' A ""-49•,. P-Jll •••.100 •.. ... . .. " C.uerNI • 4-()ff '1.1 C•PEft .. ,. '1·1t Grev Adv SI •• .. , •• .,. B .. ,., . "''", Aoo1.c: '1•,400 •l'• I• ... 12 \llth1tmn .. Olf '1.1 C•PSW I , ,.,, ,,,,, 011111111 I'> , .. Nike B U•· JS A1rF-IA ,0,-00 ..... ... ... u ""E•"" , .. '• OH 100 CapAlr ... s... G1rlldyn •'• , .. .. oCer~ ., ... IJ AlnGo .. -SI•• St • Jt .. •• ~·•\1'tf J .. .. Oii 10.0 CertCp ..... 20"1 Hadton ,~ ,., Nwl .. G\ 10'• " 0.~lbAQ '14,lOO .,. 1 ., .... .. IS "'•C.•• Q J • .. Oii 10.0 Cetvs • '"' HemlPI IP.. 14\o "''"''PS 14~ IS T•"°""' · .. oou , ..... '1 •• ..... ,. ... " ... "• Ott •.s Cllarlllv JO ~ Hu-e ,1 , 1'• No .. 11 ll\.a 351r• .... ,., ,. 800 32 .... JJ . .., 11 It Kon .. I ()ff '·' ChrmS 111 .. "~ Hrpllow 11. • ... :JiNv<ro •l-•• '• Mv~ 0.1 ... Ml ... ... . 1 • II eve ... • ... • Ott t.J ~Nrr1H '°"" 20•. ... ~ 2J 2J'. ""sv • ,, .. 3J 08Mt ,,, 100 .. • •·» • l·•• " (Odn•"" ,. .. Oft t I hmlff • 10\o He INI 10•· JO ... Ocu-., .... u 10 1ne1E1 ' J• '• ()II ••• CllHUll lh1 17 ~~~ ,, ••••• 1 ~llvyM JI'-J.JI;, Ad .. l>CtCI t01 " ~ ..... ~ '• ()ti •.1 Cl\utlb ,, .. n .. ,.. , .. 0 '°"'•' n " .... 0.ClllWd Jll 21 SCl(eMrc 1•' '• ()ti ~I Clrll'" ••• ••• HPlotrm J•.. ," Of\Fe,,o ~·· , ... Un<l\anQeO J,.U " 'El..,,,,, , .. .. Ott •• ClltSoG. • 1"-''• Hoover ~ ''• OUerT p 111• IPI lo••• ••wet l.»o ,. AtmoV. s•, " ()ti l.J CIUUlA u... :i.1o. Horl1ll1 ... s PCA Int ~ S'-w ...... l\OQI>\ •• 1S ~=9• , .. .. ()ft IJ Cll1UtB ~~\>. ~~.,, 1:~s in1 ,,., "''" P•b118 17~ Uh New •ows .. ,. , .. .. Oii u ClarllJL '~ ,,, ... Pc Gall ,, •• 11..a.. l Ol•f WIH ».710,HIO 17 s,c • ....., s•. '• OH .. , ClowCll s.., s"" 1nf•••nc1 ... ... p ........ s· • s• • MUTUAL FUND __ ,._ -. State utility faces peiialty , SAN OIIGO (AP) -The utility 1Uppl)'inl power for the San Dle8o.,.. aci.d "imprudently'' when Jt ebataed ln • --o( mone)'·lmina oil ..... wtth • Uttle-known Houn:m oil dealer thnie yean aao. It w• reported. A atai. ldmiolltnUve law Judp racbed that conclusion, endbic • yee.r'• testimony and IWdy into the bun1led tran .. ctloM, the San Dte10 Union reported. Accordtn1 to the newspaper, the lud1e recommendecf that the atate Public Ut UUea Comrn1111on reduce energy bWa ln San De.ao by "4.4 mlllion to remove any pcmlbillty that the $37 million lOW!9 were made up by lncreued ratm to SDG&E c:u.atomen. !!_nited matching cuts LOS ANGELES (AP) -United Airlines said it will match Pac:Wc Southwest Airllnes fare cuts on most, but not all, United flights on competitive routes. PSA announced that effective A~. 3 it will cut fares on flights between Loa An1elea and San Francilco airports to $45 from $69 and the llmjted. availability dilcount fare of $49. The airline abo announced atmllar reductions ln flights to San Diego, Phoenix, Tualon and Reno. Western and Ai.rCal immediately respondee by announcing plans to match the lowered fa.res on routes where they compete with PSA. Power pool started • LOS ANGELES (AP) -The dtiea of Burbank. Glendale and Pasadena have joined Los Angeles in a municipal power pool that utility offid.ala estimate will reduce electricity costs by $10 million a year. The pool will serve 1.4 million customers in the Los Angeles area, the utilities said. Low auto interest DETROIT (AP) -Low 12.7 percent interest rat.ea are available for buyers of 1981 and 1982 Datsun trucks in California, according to Nl11an USA, ~butor of Datsun and Nissan can and trucks. The firm, baaed in C&raon. announced it will offer the loan flnancing rate through Sept. 30. The current interest rate la 18 percent, Nissan said. Coast firm declines . For Better Uving Inc. of San Juan Capistrano, reports lower earnings for the six months ended June 26. Net income was $82,000, or 9 cents per share, compared with net income of $288,000, or 33 cents, foe the comparable period of 1981. The quarter ended June 26 resulted in net income of $138,000, or 16 cents, u compared with net income of $2~.ooo. or 29 cents, for the comparable 1981 quart.er. I, rl I I l ,, r; ) I -I IJ ,, 11.. ....................................................................................... ~,! Qf1, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-·: STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS J1 • ,-rr DOW JONES AVERAGES .. ew YO..ICCA~I l'IMI o....i-....... i II lw ~.-....t. '• ITO«I • '"" ~JS :r..::;.. ~.,~ ·; • T"' .. ts J1SAO D.IS 11......S+ s.n IS Ull ICM 05 MIS.9t IOl.6' IOS.61 • 2.4J '1 Siil 311 " J11 11 JI0,41 J16 n • J 61 ~~':,' ;:=:: '~ Ulll1 1.350,tOO .,• '1 SI• 7,AJ1,!00 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VOAIC tAPI A .... 1 ....... --T~g_, .. J, «>-<•-., 10 unc.....,., Jn •U Tol•I •-1MO ,., N•w ~19fi$ •• ,, New 1-s .. et WH .. I AM(,ll 000 NEW VOAIC IAPI Auv J ...... T-y er.a,;, Ad•f"C*I J:ll 0.C'"" JIJ ,. Un<Nnotd 111 1•• Tolet 11-1 ,,, "'' !'few N<jlhS • • New IOW\ JI )0 METALS NEW YORI< (,VO) -Spoc nont.rroue -· jlllOl9 -..,. C.,.., 1~1& Qlr'lta • povnd. U.S. ""8tlnatlon8. Leell 21-21 Cllr'ltt • pound, Zllw 81~ 08nt8. pOUnd • ._ad. n. se. 1111 hWI• w.... 00f'llP08h• lb. AluU1At•111a-17 09!"9 a pouttd. N.Y. __, '350.004810.00 '* n.. ,._..... $214.004290.00 troy ounce. H.Y. SILVER H•"d' & H•rm•n. se.aeo per tro)I OUllQe. ' t • 'lnher1 IYTOMmus or .... wr,......,. Tho hiltorlc confrontation betwNn leaal titlnl C1arenC* Darrow Ind WlUWn Jennlnp Bryan iri a T•nne1111 courtroom 67 y .. ra a•o wlll be dr~tlied thll wMkend u the Irvin Community Theater mount.a th P.lay inlplred by the tamed Scopes "monkey trial. I 11Inhetlt the Wind," a drama ~th fictional characters modeled after the ~ntral figures in the evolution controversy. arrlvea at the Turtle Rock Community Park audltortum, SunnyhJll Road at Turtle Rock Drive in lr'{ine, Friday for a four. weekend run. A.rt Wlnalow and Wayne Powell star as the oppocing auomeya, with Karol McGill, Tom Klein, Gregory Pellico, Stan Pritchard and Don Barrett cut in other principal roles, Completing the Irvine cast will be Bill Malkin, Randy Crawford, Mary Benton, Chuck Benton. Tim Titus,. Richard Di Boucher, Zachary Cordero, AJ Sifry, ,Donovan Golden, Elana Sifry, Brenda ·Feuhrer, Marleie SchwarU, Hamilton Blake and Bill Paree. Performances will be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. through Aug. 28 with tickets available at the door. Call 557-7297 for further details. "Inherit the Wind" l.s the lone opening of the week, which will see three other shows closing. They are "Promises. Promises" at Orange Coast College, ''Death of a Salesman" at Saddlcback Enough is enough NEW DELHI. India (AP) -Hollywood veteran Charlton Heston says he has "great respect" for his friend President Reagan, but he does not want to follow m his footsteps and enter politics. "I have been president of the United States three times" in movies and that is enough. Heston. 58, told a news conference in New Delhi. "'AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL" -lllnAHd A "'llA>IOl.'<l 19.. n M& ,_. • ~ ~, ..... °"....-~~(M-........ .. ~,....,.., ·. !;-. ----NOW PLAYING ---- M1ss1011 YIEJO OllAllG( OllANGE WUTMlllSUll Edwillds ViejO Tw., ConeGome Pac1lte s lh"O" On•e In EO,.&IOs C~ We-st 830 6990 634 2553 SS8 702? 891 3935 llEWPOllT IUC:ll EOWi<OS Newport Conem.i 6U 0760 :::=:.::.'~".., With Burt & Dolly lhl• much fun just couldn 'I be legf!!!--_, \ r:( '~ .. "' lHI CIT• CCNTR! ORAHCI • .,_ 91111 op C.oUece and "~ DrUnkard" at the W•t.mlnltcr Cornmuntly Thoai.r. "PromJ11e1," the mUll~al version of the movie "The Apartment.'' retumet Thuraday and play1 throu~h,S.turday with an 8 p.m. curtain Jn Cotta M~ a·OCC auditorium. Michael Jon Slnu and Brandee Williama head tho cut, with reeervatlona taken at 6~·5627. "Salesman,'' a production of the S.dcUeback Comp6lny Theater, fHturea Wayne Grace and Jacqueline Scott. Curtain la 8 p.m. Tueaday through Saturday with a closing Sunday matinee al 3 p.m. on the Mlulon Viejo campus. Reaervations 831-4656. The vintage melodrama "The Drunkard" winds up with perfonnances Friday and Saturday at 8:30 at the Westminster theater, 7272 Maple St. E.L. Cousins at.ara in the title role, and reservations are being taken at 995-4113. Four other productions continue their summer runs alon~ the Orange Coast. They are: -'Sugar" at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa 'Ana (979-5511), playing nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times through Sept. 5. "George M" at 5ebastlan's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950), on stage nightly except Mondays until further notice at varying times. ' -"Tbomftlll," a dramatic world premiere at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE lll&llllM COll&llH& CUllUllllOff •Oll&IOCI ,,.,.., \ """-"" t ,,. f'l•f'ltf. "•flo lflll.f 11.. +fr; H~ t 1111~11"0 4't l'>4)1 o,)O U O' bU ,., lllll ll IOllO •MUNllllCIO• IUCM WISIMl•Sflll UAMo f •.ii..i111 •.all14t~ ... fit.-~CI Ii 1 f,., ~ .. A,'" , "° el] ~ \I 1 'U O I e 80101U •\I I •t It • COIU MIU,,.., "' lilllll .. 40 eu • p.,, .. , ... , lSm.m[]Q oo. .. •·t•'- .... u M..l-.c:a•rte• .,..,.,~"'llf,_.. _ I t Irvine theater ~yon lad Laauna Buch (494-0743), ~ Wednillda~ ihtOuah Satw-ct.~ at 8 p.m. until Aua. 14. -''ft• OuelM>" ti the HuntlnlU>n Beach Playhe>Ule, Malri Street at Yorktown Aven~ ln the Seacllft Villas• center (847-4486), performlns Fridays and &turdaya at 8:30 throuah Au1. 28. • CALLBOARD -Audition• tor the rl1que comedy "Th Mlnd With the Dirty Man" wlll be held by the Irvin Community Theater Aua. 17 at. 7:30 .m. In the clubhouH at Turtle Rock "lrreveNnt, vulger, 90l'Mtlmee dleguatlng, and delightfully tunny ••• I loved It." -Clwlr P19M ..... llll•T•ft,~-- *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm1nces before 5:00 PM (Except Special Engagements 1nd Holidays) l.A MlllAOA MAll o M11odo ot Ro .. c1on1 LA MIRADA WALK-IN 994·2400 "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 ·•u-.-e:a.-"NIGHT SHI"" 1•1 tl:M. "'' --- "ANNIE" '"°' 1l:M.ltte.t:M.t tL,,._ f'THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP"1•1 t 00, .a, 7'.00 ••OD ,.,.., -l:B. ,..._ -ll.», ue u o. UI. UI. >O"U "POLTERGEIST" (PO) 1 "ROCKY 111" (l'O)--QOUIY LAKEWOOD CENTER WAlK·IN "THE BEST LITTLE I WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" I'll 11.:», J:Cll ..... , .. •JO "ROCKY Ill" (PO> IN 70MM 001..S't aTElllO '"" -. -, ....... It ti lAKEWOOO CENTER SOUTH WALi! IN F~ Al o.I Arno 213/614·9211 "NIGHT SHI""'"' ·---~-- focull\t ot Condl•wooo 213/531·9580 "YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE"1•1 t•J•l.1 .. 14'1•• "STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" c"° 1 11. ,.__. .-.. 121. ·~•s "A MIOIUMM«fl NIOH'T'I IU COMl!Dr' ll'OI ,za.-.-~~ ....._ tin ft\. NO -Sil. S-MS hw Sl.U al W IMPORTAN r NOTICE' CHllOREN UNDER 12 fRU' llatw 1114 •-k tin fn. 100 • SIL S... ltiMlrs '-00 ClHf 11 SOOICI •Tiki• ... CAii ~ IS TOUll ~ • I tlQ ~" CAii WIG WI"' OllflOll ACXUW'I' f'GSITlllll -llfllllG t.11 l'OJT*-f I• loll ()Hf.fl DIWf.lll$ UI Oii t.11 MllO Al'IAHllM ANAHEIM DRl\IE·IN ,, •• .,oy tt ot l•MOn St 179·9150 ·~ ......... lfl .. "' ... "THE llEIT LITTLE WHOfllHOUIE IN TEXAa" 1•1 ...... "AU NIGHT LONO" 1"1 ----r "CONAN THE:!'flllAltlAN" 11111 "THE THINO" 1111 ~•Hf I• WUfrill> ---- "llOCKY nr· CPO) -"THIEl'"t"l I UINA PAii~ BUENA PARK DRIVE·IN l1ncoln A•• Weit OA •"ott 121·4070 8UINA P.AllK LINCOLN DRl\IE·IN ltn<Olf\ A_,e We" 0-11'\0t• 121·4070 WI Sl ... INSllll HI -WAY 39 DRIVE IN "llOCKY HI" Cl'Ol ...... "CLASH Of' THE TITANa" !POI Clllt It IOU'IO "NIOH'T :,.wr "'I "ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN" \NI CUil II $0UllO 1 A l4A911A LA HABRA OlllV! IN -··-... ·-·-·---17MH2 - • )lo'AN•·• "LT~ Tl4a EXTIIA·TEllllEITfllAL" (l'OI ...... "!>«AD MIN DON'T ftAll PlAIO" (N I "THE WOllLO ACCOllOINO TO OARP"' 1•1 ...... "AllTI4Ull" (POI "THI llEST LITTLE WHOllEHOUS~N TUAI" 111 "ALL NIOHT LONG" 111 C•~l I• SOUlfO llffch ... 0 !lo fM G.ltatn Ctovt •••two• 891·3693 "'tOUNO OOCT~a IN LOYI" 1111 "AlflPLANI" tl'OI CINf H SOllllO "THI NIT &.ITTLI WMOMHOUSI IN TallAa" lfll -"A&.&. MIOHT LOMG" tlll ORANGE O lllVE IN SOMO Ano,,,.., • l•o'e co••o• 634-9361 ''· """' .... I., ... MISSION OlllVt IN . . . O>mmunJty Park, &lnnyhlll Rolcl off TunM Nock Drive, lrvtne ... director J .D. Relcheld#f• wW bo 1eeklna three men and tour w~ mm& of whom •hould be in the "mature" catqory •.. tbe play open1 Oct. l for four weekends. Tryouta will be held Sunday and Monday at 7:30 p.m. for the comedy "Lovett and Other Strangers" at the San Clemente Community TheaterL 202 Ave. Cabr1llo, San Clemente ... director t'aul Goedhart wW be 1eekina a cut of atx men and six wome'h of varytns aaea, and information la available at 492·9902. •r ~ Virgil Partch (VIP) \ t ·~ •• •• ". II. I .. "There's no lemonade, Kool-Aid or Gatorade. Mommy says to drink waterode." "H•'• obvloualy 1Hrchlng for hi• 1yegl11n1." MARMADt:KE by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum 6·3 ~~~ "Do you think you can make It through the day on your own?" .. . MAYBE TH~ 'SToRE TH INKS ITILL MAkE US FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEIR PRICfS . · · by Harold Le Doux I HAVEN'T DECIDED VET WHETI-tEP. OPt NOT ru. oee ~1 TELL YOU" 00€6 l 'U. MAKE A DECl&K>N AeQUT IT ~I GOOO Nt(;HTI SHOE GORDO ANP ~N WE SllOE INTO HO~~ lME POST DISTURBS 1~ PEOPLE IN ™E TRAILER PAIK TWO &l.OCK5 OP THE ST~ee T... by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller I HAD SUCH A GOOD TIME THEN I CAME BACK AGAIN TODAY by Gus Arriola A <AGNIF=-fC,El'/i , TleOPHY -HU NTJEIZ'S --;. WITIJ A I . iOOIJI ~ HOOT .STEW/ Fl'Nkl. "INKERHEA~ USTEN UP, PEOPLE! ..... I WANT CX)(J 10 ~ ~ 1HRT IJOO'ftE K:IUAU.c.> MARCJUN6 IN 'TME lOUl~l'fV"_n Of~ FMAOE , 50 .WE'~ by Tom Batiuk EVER'JBOOY UNE OP WINO 1M€ RDltT ! 60f N6 1t> SIMULA'1E AcTUAl 114E. ~"°<)l.. PRINCIPAL JO!>f 10l.0 US 'f"A1 PATRICK I~ OOINU !>a \alru., "e CAN ~KIP A c.ftAOE NE.'1.i fALLt ~ CONDITION!>! y, ·-~ ~~ ... A1 l1M RA1'E, "E. Ml&~i 6AAO\JA'fE. CO\.lU;,E. eEFoRE. 'IOU DO, NORlltAN! by Kevin Fagan 00~·1 ~R~161'1 BRDf~R.. I~ OOOS ~Al~1 l~A1 "~PPU~\M(, ARE f\i l.EMl l"~E.1'o CME.! .. 1.-00.UllNU Dodgen et Clnctnnell I • NIWI ~WOMAH • THllAINT ••JM WOfld &Mt••• -• &.WAT. • HAWAIFMMI PIRACY _;_ Christopher Plummer ttan 1ri • OYMEASY "Widow: women Aion." 0-.: M.,jorte Oullvle ;~ "Desperate Voyage," a movie about • modern·<iay pirate who crulaea the Caribbean, tonight at 9 on KN»T (2). • THAOUGH ntl!"'"" • w·A·a·H "Arc:hltec:ture: The Evolv· I Sk)'llne" Hewkeye dilcowt1I tl'lat • C81 NEWS Ylaltlng dOOCor Wt10 ~ A8C NEWS ~·on a~ eot- MOYIE dler II a lutll. • • • "CIHh 01 Th• I()) TIC TAC OOUOH T11en1" (1981) Hlfry Hwn· ~I &.BiM14 lln, Laurence Olllli« Myth-' -MONEVMAKEM 1c nero p.,_.. le 11e1pe<1 -"ln'llelttng In Hat.d ,.._.., .. by hla 11"'9< Zeue In • ~ YOU AIKl!I> '°" IT Nflea of deng«OUI IUlll WP u lie tri. to win the hand Fea1w.dl "Spain'• Macho ol a PllOenlelan prlnceu Olympk:a" end "Yugoele- agalnal the w1111ea ol • via'• Kiiter Wllll• Ree>ICll." vengelul ••• goddeH. CID RACE FOlt THE 'PO' PENNANT e:ao I DICK CAVETT Be;ry Tompkin• end Tim AMERICAN McCerver ~ alt the OOV£ANMEHT b-leedlng to Ille 1982 "Judicial Review" World Serlel. ()) NEWS I 1:00 8 ()) ~ di BA~EY MILLER G 8 ._ ..... (C) MOVIE 9 'MOVIE * * 'h "Two-Wey Stretcn" "Bruce. t,ee'• OrHtNI ReYeoge•' '8fuoe U, When (111&1) Peter Sellere, WMl.em«s end ~ WMlred Hyde-White. A trio 11111 to feud, • student ol pri.c>n lnmatM plan to lntertere•• •I 1111 own bodl- brNk out, then brMk In ly r191c. egeln with a truckload of D O HAP9Y OAY8 d~ CID THE GOU> 8UO Lori Beth enllata Fonzie .. A young boy t>«:omM '-dellV9t)' room coedl 1nYOlved In 1 eu~I Wiien.,.. gl-tWU\. (R) Q &iJ MOVIE hunt lor Capteln Kidd'• * * * "A New Kind Of buried tr-r•. 7:00 9 C88 NEWS Love" ( t963) Paul IWw· 8 KUHO FU 11\9n, Joenne Woodward. A Cllne'a joy In fln111y ffndlng bu)'lf for • det>ertmenl ia a tore and a f'MWSPllPlf • hla long-IOI! btotllet man tau 1n tove after meet· allorHlved 8 A8C HEWS I~ on •pl-. &iJ KOJAK W P.M. MAGAZINE ., M•A•S•H An lnt411Vlew w1111 Cethy Everyone la In en uproat l.. Croaby; • Mll-<:on- Wllen they nnd out lhll talned, underground con- their -gency eupply of domlnlum complu tor aur- vlvalllta. light bulb• tum1 out to be • MOVIE an ~ crelm churn. ., JOKER'S WILO * * "Stunt1" (111n) Rot>-•II> BU81HES8 ert Forllet, Fiona Lewie. A REPORT veteran HOltywood etunt· ()) P.M. MAGAZINE man JOln• • mOYte cut on An lntetVlew with C•thy locatlOn to learn Ille Cir- Lee Croeby cum1tancw l>etllnd the al EHTEATAINM£NT dealhl of tllrM other TONIGHT lluntmen. lnc:tudlng hi• A look et the butlneN young« brother· • OAHQERUQ "''""" of Cetrolf o·eon-"The ,,.... Brien •1 1111 nor. Weyrw Rogera and 11enga tn Ille ~ -""' Mille Fwrel • mine expk>dee on • boo-(DJ MOVIE * * 'h "Beck Ro•d•" by-trapped pier. (Pitt 12J (1981) Sally Fleld, Tommy (RIO G ftOVA lee JOMS A hoolter and • ·p.,_ Of Oetigtlta" A down-on-hie-lock boxer behind-the---look 11 tnMI and held -t In l•ken II San Francl9co'1 Mlldl of a,_ Ille. 'R' Exploratoriom, a unique CS) JOAN RIVERS IClence mu-.m featuring COMEDY HOUR clOM to 500 exhibits. (R) Adult puppet-Blfclay Sh-and the Troplcena ~MOVIE Dancer• are leatured * **'loo "Women In Love" (%)MOVIE *'loo "Unde< The Rainbow" ( 11170) Glenda Jeckaon, Alan Batea. 8ued on the ( t9& 1) Ch4rvy Ch .... Carrie novel by O.H. Lewrence. Fisher The 150 midgel• Two couplet experience wtto at• In town fOf the ambivalent feeling• of iove lllmlng of "The Wl%ard Of and h•te In their romantic 01," turn • Celllomla hotel relatlonsl\lps with their upakl•down. 'PO' 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN reapectlve mates. CIDMOV1£ Featured: the laaue ot kid• ••'loo "Vletory" ( 11181) and marljuena; • look •I Sytv•ler Stallone. MICllMI the Prttlkln Diet •nd llOfM Caine. Owing World Wat Interviews with petlentl II, Affled POWa -their 8 EYE ON LA. Ucht to freedom In a F .. tured • repon on the match between their contro¥9'ty turroundlng soccer tMm and the Ger- tlle op41ning ot a hot tub man N•tlOnll TMm In Par- patlor In e con......attve II 'PG' nelghbottloocl. 1 look 11 CS) MOVIE the g<OWlng UM ot coc:atne * • * "Clelh Of The In Loi Ange!M, 1 proflle ot \ Tnana" (1981) H•rry H.,.,._ one of L A ·1 loug""1 C:OU-) Un, L.aurencie Ollvler. Myth-~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 l<NXT (CBSI 01 On·TV U KNBC INBCI z Z·TV e KTLA (Ind I .. HBO e ;KABC (ABC> Cl ICinemaxl 0KFM8 (CBSI m CWORI NY .NY I) l<HJ-TV (Ind.I ifl) (WTBSI aD l<CST (ABCI (fl IESPNI • KTTV ltnd.I (I) IShowllmel 'G) KCOP·TV llnd.) • Spot110111 .• l<CET (PBS) • <Cable News Network) D l<OCE IPBS) le hero Petteut II ._., by hie lither z.i. In • --of~tlllk• .. he tt'IM to win the hand of.~.,,._ ~net tM wtet-of • Vefl~fUI lff goddefl. •PQ' .MOYll • t "'rtdlY TM 13th, PIWI II" (1ff1) Amy ttMI, Jol'ln f'Urey. TM gfllly lcllllnge continue II a eu~ camp that had .,_, clOMd down •fl• . •.t ..... of blut,.. m\K-~ tt.er.. 'R' I:*> 8 THE TWO Of' US BfenlwOOd gamblel ewey Nan'• food bYdgel money In 1 ~-match. (R) 89 LAV!ME& SHIN.IV La-ananoee • bllncl date tor Shlr1ey wtUi a l'lw- rler (RIO • ODO'COUPla Oecer let• Fib tdl him Into Q01no to • "tat farm" to hetp him oet Into~ ()) LATINE "'°'1l.! t:OO. ()) wow: •.,. "o.p.,..a voyeoe" ( 111110) Cllrlllophtr Plummer, Cttn Pottl. A modern-d1y plrll• orulllng tt>e Caribbean lek• OYer • small y1e111 end terrortzee the people on boerd. (R) G VICTOR AWARD8 Top lllllel• In IM major aporta Ire honored In 1111• annuel ...,.,.., lrom Lat Vegu. DO THREE'S COMPANY A visiting food critic decide• that Janet and Terri ere much more eppeUzlng th•n Jack· 1 cul· llne.(R)O 8t MIER'1 ONmH • MYSTERY "Rumpoi. ot The Balley. Rumpole And The Man Of God" Rumpole def9nd1 .,, elderly, •bunt-minded vicar on • 1hopHlt Ing Chllge (Pitt 1)(R)Q ID DANGER UIC8 "The Pier.. Brien'• Nfe hal9 In .,. belence "'*' a mine •llC)k>dll on • boo- by-tr~ pier (Pitt 12) (RJO Ql~MAANO ,,...,. GuMt1: Julee Newton, Ronnie MMaap, Hank Wll- llam1 Jr., Jenie Frldl1. TM Olk Ridge 8oy9. (DJ TME NN<EDCML 8E..VANT In the 1$40. 1 Britllh m1111 retllMd to apo!Oglz• for or even comproml•• hla homoM1tualtty, chooelng ln1tMd to mall• It obvlou1 and llamboyant. (%)MOVIE * * * "Hour Ot The Wolf" (196e) Uv Ullmenn, Mb von Sydow. An lttlet'• aenlty begiN to crumble after lie mOYM to a remote laland with '"• pregnant mlttr- 9'.JO D 9 TOO Cl.08E FOR COMFORT Serlh Qoee Into ~ for herMlf. mlllllng Ind Mlllng cooklll from • Grandma Rulh recipe. (R) OMOYtE "Wltc;lllng Tlme" A young w11c:n bom 1n 1u1 brlnOI terror to • couple In • tarm houM. 10:0080•• NEWS D 9 HART TO HART Jonethan, Jenni,., and Jennifer'• tatner, who....,. an ~ agent dur· Ing WOfld WW ti. - atalkec:t by the eon of • NNI wer orlmlnll. (R) f;J • Wl'TM OISIE AHO RtJ8Y "lmegee Ot Bob Ktlufman" A vlllt with the poet In Sin Fr111Cl1CO IMtur• video art crMted to enhance the Imagery of K1ulm1n'a work.n ... -,;-°' "" ~ ~MllTtllllilMOf ................... ....ny ..... ......... ¥IMt .. • .... ...... ~1H9'Q •. .,..,.., n."" ..., .. (ttt1) NoMrG...,.,., lo 0.-., A ~ --*' . ...,...tor .. ....,.. I..._ Ill IN AtriGM ....... ................ .,, ~---Md llllCW.....,_,•fll' ' CJ) 9'0MANC)li LAUM, __,LAUM -r.:---vounwwt "Tile Cotton Qui>" "lw ... ~ .... .,..,. beg8ll .. ... .... ., CottO!I Olu9 ... Harlem In the 1N0a .. ...,,,..__(A) ~~IMCMCAll * *. ''Wtllclll Wey 11 Up?" t tt17) '*Nrd 91ryor, Lonette Mae<e8. A Mlt• 1te1Wd fY\111 ploflat .. oalQlll In • OOl'lllO ~ .,.._ .. IA'llon lllld the Mob, and.~ ,,_,_ flndt......, In • ...... Citic* ..... (l)~lMON A oomedllln hOlt lllld tour COl'l\lc c:ont•lantl wtlo COMPll• •o•ln•t On• lnother .,. '-tur«S 11'1 tNe l#IClll80l ed comedy O*'"' lflOW, .MOYll • • "SH•nee Of Th• Norlh" (11111) eterl ...... tyn, Tom 81cerritt. In 19111, • young -··marriage to • 1repper IM<I• her to a Ill• of hlfdlhlp In tlla wM- defneea of northern Cena. da.'PO' C%>MOV1• * • "The Battlmore Bul- let" (19llO) J-Coburn, Oplat Stlwlf. A amlll-tlme pool hultler muet ralM •20.000 and win • big 1ournemen1 before lie can hive a remetch with an old opt)Onlnt -who hM ,_ loet It "!!l @"'!! 'PG· 11;00 •• Cl) 9 8 Nl'W9 IATUNlAY NIOHf Hoit: Loul1• Lauer. ~uee1e: Pr-v9tlon Hal Jazz Band. ,. YOO Alt<E> flC)ft IT featwed: "Opera Slnolng 9-" lllld "WOfld'I lMO· .. , Fwril WllMI." • w•A•a•H Rad., get• a "Deer John" letter -on 1 r.cor the doctor• try to ex>me to hi• uel8tance with a ,_ ~· m llENNY HIU 8-nny doll a comedlC" tlke-oft on "Bonnie and i de " ~~IH~ HOCIH Michie! edlt1 1 med achool magazine '4)8Clall%lng In anatomy. (C)MOVIE * 'n "The Happy HOOker .. (11175) Lynn Redgreve. JMn-Plerre Aumont. The Ille of New Yori!'• f- call girt. X.vlar• ~­ II told. 'R' Cl) THE SOUHO CW MUM>EA MIChHI Morllrly end Joenna Mllee ltet In Ihle IUIC)enM drama •bout • woman and her lover pton- lno the n!U'der of ""' Mdlttlc huabend. 11:I08 ALICE Vera lleepe her ,._ with &len a MCfel "om Allee, M.i and Ao. (R) 88TONIOHT Host: Johnny Car90n. eO NICNEW8 NIGHTUNE D MOVIE **** "TM Man From Leramle" ( 11155) J- St-ltt, Wlllece F«d. A man Melt• revenge on the gunrunnen reeponalble IOI' hi• brottter·1 O..th. • THE JEfFENJON8 Helen and Tom gel caught In e tight epot -Oeorge'1 bathroom. .IAHR>N>AHIOION Freel pretendl to llUff9r lrom wlllplah when he hM an ecdderlt In tM pickup lrudl. • UNOERSTANONJ HUMAN BEKAYIOA "Int~ Attraction" -~MC NEWI CJ) NCH MAH. POOR MAH:BOOt<I Rudy Jordech• (Peter Str-) loMI 1111 glr1fnend and 1 IChOlenhlp; Tom (Nick Nolte) 111111 deeply In '°"'· 1t.:OO • IENTERTAINMS(f TONIGHT A looll It the ~ lnterM1• of Cerrol O'Con- nor, Wayne Aogen end Mike Ferrell. 8 9 "AMrAIY l8LAHD A dying mother-to-be wan11 to -ner ~ grow up and an art lnttruc- tor wllhaa to pMlt a meeter~. (A) • MOV1I TUBE TOPPERS KOCI: (00) 8:00 -••Pa18Dt ot Deupu." A behlnd·the-aceMI look at San Frandle011 Expk>ratortum. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Detperate Voy-ae." A modem-day plrate crulll9 the c.artbbeen, tak1nl over mnall Y-acbta and terrorllfnc the people aboard. Bee photo, left. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Victor Awarda." Top athletel in all major 1porta are honored. KCET (28) 9:00, KOCE (60) 10:00 - ''Rumpole of the Billey.'' Jl'irtt of a lix· part encore 1erte11 •t.arrina lAQ MtK.ftn aa the lovable and rather nunpled ~h barrister. See story below. ··~ "TMI MM In"'*'-but" (1Hll Hoflt SueHlolr, Marlo Adolf A pllyboy helpa .,, F8I ._.. ~ ... ltrlppw ~ ,__ • kldnepc>ed • entllt. • e Low. AMINCAH ITYLI "Love And The Serloue W9ddtrlg'' Two prlCUoal ~· decl6I to oet rMr-rted, "Love And TM PMI" a.t and Ellen •• wonled •bout t!Mir deught•'. tttp toEurOpt. CIDUOVll •'A "Under TM RalnboW" ( 11181) Ct1e¥Y ChaM, o.n. Flaiw. TM 150 midget• who .,. In town tor the lllmlng of "The WlzMd Of Oz," turn• C.llfornl• hotel ~own.'PO' 1a:oe e TMe WON> A powM1ul Dutc:h clergy- men (Nleol Wlltlarnaon) publlcalty denounoee the -81ble M Randell trtee to eutllentlcat• the rnanu- 11Ctlpt after • t•1ttual enor ~to light. (P-1 2) (R) 12:11 CZ> wow: •• "Friday n .. 13th, PIWI It" (1991) Arny 81811, John Fwey. The Ofllly 11Mllnot continue It I - camp that hid ~ cloaed down •ftet • --of ~ mutder't occiurred ...... 'R' 12'.ao 8 8 LA~ HIGHT WfTH OAW> L.ETTENMN au..•· comedian Robert Klein, roek linger Joe Cocller. e COUPLES • LOVE. AMENCAH STYLI "love And The Hotel caper" John II mlltakenly frlmed by • photogreptw end • model. "low And TM Wiit-Groomed Bride" George l•td\11 onto Uly juat before lhe'• to marry Sidney. (D)MCME * • "Only When I Laugh" (11181) Merell• Me10n, Krlety McNlchol A fWw Vorti act,.... return• from a drying-out cllnlc deter· mined to,_ her eat.-. lier romance with • ptey. wrtgf'lt end her reletlonlhlp with lier 17-yeer-old dlught•. 'R' .MOVIE • • • "Hardcore" (197t) George c. Scott, Seuorl Hubley A concerned father .....,.. Ille ~ eurroundlnge Of hie llOme town to -QI\ tor hie deughter. who Ila become lleevlly Involved In • big-- city pomoorephy rldtet. 'R' 12l41 ~MOVIE • • "The Huatler Of Mve- cle Buch" (1080) Rictl¥d Hllcn, Key Lenz. A emall- tlme 11u111er contrtwe • IChetne to turn • llow-wttt- ed ameteur Into a wor1d ctua body-bulldlng cham- pion. 1;00e MOW * * • "Ball Of Are" ( 1942) Gery Cooper, B1rbar1 s~· •. • MOYIE • • • "Flamingo Roed" ( 10411) Joen Crewford. Zac:r-y Scott Cl)MOYIE • • • "l.o«*ing For Mr. Ooodbat" 11en1 ~ l<Mton, Tueedl!)' WIN'. A 1octallv reor••••d eo11001i .. 011er ..... ~br~ .,.,.... Mrl end lurlnf WI· b.11 """ ..... ~ lttnA'"' 1:10•..,.,.. ~ •• i'Tila "'°"' Of The .....-,1 ... )~ irt~o.bof&h "·'· 1:t0 • NIO NIWI OYIN4IGHT 1i40 CB) Moe flOA Tl4E NNNAHT 8lrry Tomplclnt and Tim McClrtlr -... the beNI ltad1ng to the 1N2 World SeflM. 1M(Z)MOVll • • "0u1rageou1t" t 1on1 Craig RUIHll, Hoitt• Mel.Men. A good-.nllured llalrdr-. who moon- llght1 • en lmpereonatOI' ol female cetebrltlH, anar.. an 1Pattment and • pl1tonlc relatlonlhlp with a ICNzopllrenlc young wom- an. 'R' a:ooe MOYIE • * "The Beginning Ot The End" (1947) 8rtan Oonlen. Robert Welk• 2:10 CID MOYIE * * "TM Hight TM Light• Went Out In Oe«gla" I 1ta1 I t<rlety Mc:Hlchol, Mlf1l Hamill. A brottler· and .... ~Ing duo have many adventur" while trying to eke out • IMng on the CO!'ntry--1- ern Circuit. 'PO' a-.ao1= * • • ._.. "Women In l~" ( 1970) Glenda Jad!aon, Alllll Bal•. 8AMd on the novel by D.H. t..wrencie. Two couplee experlenoe an'lt>ivellnt teellnga ot IOve end hate In their romantic relatlonlhlp1 wlll'I their retpeetlve mat•. OMOVIE * ·~ "Sertal" (11180) Mar- tin Mull, TUMdey Wetd. A happily m•rrlld M8rln County couple are apurred by their trendy nelghbor8 Into 91Cploring llten\ltlw ll~'R' 1:401..wl t:41 HEWS a:OO MT .. A Tf'Ol The Rel Patrol II lnlttuct· eel to deetroy • Br'ltlall ammunltlOn clump before the a.r-r..cn It. 1:11. MOYIE ··~ "Ph-IV"' (1973) Nigel De~. MICNlll Mllf'l)hy. A terrttled young women " twntect by a col-ony of Mtl ttlat haw ICqUlred the po-. 10 d81troy al of their natwel enemtee. (l)MOYIE * 1h "llpatlck" (1117&) M.,· geua Hemtngwt1y, Anne e.ncrott. A top tunlOn model II llumlffeted end , fruatreted by her unauc- ceNlul ettempt1 to een- tenoe the men who reped her to prieon. 'R' a:ao e VOYAOETOTHE BOTTOM M THE BEA "The ln¥9der1" (%)MOYIE **~ "Once In Parle" ( 1970) Weyn1 Roger•. Qeyte Hunntcvlt. Called to P1Wt1 to doctor • mOYte KrHnptay~ • m8rrled Arnerlcen l1ncls lllmMlt fall- Ing In tow with • merrted Engllltl-. 'PO' 1:41• MOYIE *** "S..t TM Oevlf" JOHN DARLING 1111 CJ) ..... .._ Of TI'8 WOiff'' (1tll) UY~. Mu °'°" tydow. All lltl• Ill'•~ betltW to cirrum- .,.. .,... 11e -101 ,.,,.... lelMd Mtlt Ille ~~ .. l:OO CC> * • "INpwulOll" ( 1971) Aob«t LogM. Mikki J~.AWldow­ fll, hit two deuOll .... • reporter and • NMWl'f are 1tr~ on an llOlll· Id lelMd a'-enooun..,. Ing • lllolent etorrn 11 .... ·o· NO e * ,_. "Kiii Ot' h l(Jjltel" (1NO) Jamee Ryan, Chet· Jottt Mlehelle. A fOf"*' Nal OOlfttl\endlt. who loel an imwt1111 lultate mlldl • to me~ dufinO the -· .... IO lvenoe hie delMI by tnllatlng the top kung lu flQtlter• Iron> wound the .orid In • lour· narnent. 'PO' l:Af (%) ••• 1-t "The Lut fycOdn" ( 1t1f) Aobeft o.Hlro. Jewine Mor....,. In the Hoflywood ol the 1t30I, one "*1'• ._ malt• him ttMI lrlend of atara, the ll'N'f of powef • hungty eucuti-, and the most ellglbll ~ In ~.'PO' 7!00 Cl).*"' "For Your EY91 Only" (1981) Roger Moore, Topot. J-Bond trec:lct a criminal who 1>11rlolned a top MCret 8'111111 detenM device. 'PO' e:OO ~ * • "lHvl Y•terdey Behind" (11178) John Ritt.,, Carrie Fla'-Fol- towing a tragic eccldent, a college athlete leerna to llve and love agllln with the help of an underllandlng young woman. CID • • * "HHven Can Walt" ( 1978) Warren BMI· ty. Julie Chr11tle. After 1 pro tootbalt .,.,., Nfe It prematurely clalrned by an Inept enget, IM man le glv· an the body of a mltllonalr1 lndultriallet to contl-llv· ~ln.'PG' HIO (%) * • • "The OrNI Gataby'' (UMll) Alen i..dd, Belty Fleld. 8IMd on the noYll by F Scott Fltzger· eld. A -llhy 111208 boot· !egger devolM hit Nie to rectalmlng the woman lie io..... t:30 0 *'loo "Under The Rain- bow" (111&1) ~Ch .... Carrie Fl•ner. Thi 150 midget• who at• In town for the filming of "The Wlz· erd Of Ol.," turn • Calif or· nl• hotel up1lde-down. 'PO' 10:00 (J:t.) * * * "Claah Of The Tltant" (1981) Herry Hem· lin. Leurence Ollvllr. Myth· le hero PerMUI •• helped by Ille father Zeua In • _,.. ot dengeroua lull• .. he trllt to wtn the hind ol a PhOenlelan prir- egalnat the wlthM ot • vengeful na goddHt. 'PG' Cl) * * * "Take The High Ground" ( 11153) Richard Wldrnarll, Elaine Stewwt. " llltlh. aadlallc -geent M1abltahee more repport with hit troop• through the lnfluenoe ot the woman he IOYM. 10".30 (%) * * "Outrageoual" ( 11177) Craig RutMll, Holll1 Mel.Iran. A good-natured hllirdr..._, wtlo moon- llghl• u an lmperaonator ol femel• celebrltl••. ~area an apertrnent Ind • pletonlc relatlonlhlp with 1 echl%ophrenlc young wom- an. 'R' 11:IO(C) * *'h "A Qlob81 Afflllr" ( 11164) Bob Hope, Lllo Pulwr. A baby, lound by a bachelor In the lobby ot the United Nellona, 11 claimed by 811 Ille member na1lonl. 0 * * * "loet Horl:ron" (11137) Ronald COiman, Jana Wyett. A kidnapped dlptomat dlecover1 the Hlme.tey1n kingdom ot Shangri-La. a pl-of eternal PMCe and tmmor- tallty. 12:00 0 * * * "Tall In The Saddle" I tllU I Jolln W..-, ...... A .................. ..... ......... ••ett1t ·~--llJ!lt .... . ..,.... ....... ... fl'Ml• ....... 14wef~ ~ •• •It "Good a-,., A Hanllrie" ( 11ttt .. ,., MaoMurr•y. .. ... 1. ~W...811 ...... IMl1 captur• .......... . .,., ltlller, .... ~ 10 tlncl 111111 the ... .., I llo .. Pf ... to .... Of ~ .. blltf'9 and lnGlpeble ~ IUdl c:tlme. ••••"ThtYount ~ .. (11N),, "-811, ..,.,.,. ™ 1nteor11y Of • lewyet .. lnitfUll'lll)qj hie o.inino • Pl'• poeltlon and • bMut a.!'· 11!11 CZ) * •,; "UllW n. ... bow"(1N1)~~ Cerf.. ~. The 1 lftldOll• wtio .,. In \ '°' the fllMlrlO of "The Wlz ltd Of 0a," lut1"8 C-=t nle hoMI up11dH 'PG' 1 ;OO (C) * * 'h "The Guml>lll Rally'. ( 1117f) t.tlct\aal av. rutn, Tim Mcintire. A gum. ball mac:tllne le the gnnd pri&l In • New Y ortl·1c>oloe """""' cw ,_ wNdl bflnge 1111 tort• .. J.Ml'f c:11eracter1 onto th• n111on·1 lllgflwaya end, baCk rottdl. 'PG' ' 1:80. * • • "Stwtlng Over'' ( t970) Burt Aeynoldl, Jll Ctttyburgh. Altet rnontn. of TV dinner• ind blind dat... • dtvoroed meg• 1lne writ., think• he'• lound true love when • IChooltHCher enter• hi• Ille. 'R' 2:00 (%) • • • "The Great O•tlby" (111•111 Alan Ladd, Betty Field. Bued on the no..... by F. Scott Fltzger· aid. A -'lhy 111208 boot· ~ dlvolM hll llte to rectalmlng the woman lie IO-. 3:00 CID • • • "Heaven Can W8lt" I 11178) Warren 811111- ly, Julle CMttle. Aft., a pro tootblll atar'• life le premeturety daimed by 8n Inept angel. the man II glv- ., the body of a mllllonaif• lnduttrlalllt to c:ontlnue llv· Ing In 'PO' 3=*> Cl) * * * "The HldN· weya" ( 11173) Ingrid Berg- man, Johnny Ooren. Two chlldren run -rt trom home and hide In 1Ww Yorti Clty'a Metropolltan Muaeum ol Art. Wiier• they are belrilnded by a aplflt· ed rectuM ·o· 0 "Wltch'"Q Time" A young wltch born In 1827 bring• terror 10 a couple in I fatm l'IOuM. 3:M (%) * * "Friday The 13th, Pert II" (111&1) Amy Steel, Jofm Fursy. The grlaly lllll- 1ng1 continue at a IUmlTMll' camp lh•I had been clOled down efter • llerlet ol btzllre murder• OCCUfTed there 'R' tilO &iJ *"" "Thi Bl<da And The S-" ( tll5e) George Gobel, Mlbl Geynor A proud man rejecta a girl with a shady put, but later latte tor ner egaln. 4:JO 0 * •'loo ''Toby And The Koaie Beer" (1981) Roff H.,na Uve action and ani- mation combine to , .. IM , ... of.~ boy and hll pet koala In Aullralla'• "ontler daya. 1:00 ~ • * •,; "A Qlobel Affllr'' ( 1M41 &® Hope, Ulo Pulver A baby, found by a blCl*Of In the lobby of the United Natlonl, II ctlkned by ell the member nat10n1. al)** "Tiiie Thie Jot> Arni S110Ve 11" ( 11181 I Rob- ert Heye, Batbara Herll>ey. A young corporate execu- tive runa Into realttence when lie r11um1 to Ille hometown to revltattre • oompany br~. 'PO' 1:10 (%)**"""One. In Patla" ( 111711) Weyne Ro01ra, Gayle Hunnicutt. Celled to Parle 10 docior • mOYte acre1npl1y, a m1rrl1d American Ondt hlmMH 11111- lng In IOve with • married Engliah woman 'PO' I~ CS) * * •+ "F« YOU!< Eyes Only" (t981) Roger Moore. Topol. J-Bond l<ldt8 a crlmlnal 'WM pur1oinecl • top Merit Brttllh defenN device. 'PG' McKern, like 'Rumpole,' can't retire ~ ForTeeml C.it lot''" llll0t111111on ORANGE COUNTY 3 TOWN 6 COUNTRY. popular, is "aomethins to be avoided for an actor," he says. "To go on with lt ta a mistake.'' He compares the aeries to hla early daya in the Eng)Jah theater, juat after World War Il. At tint he could 1et no acting work becauae he had, at the time, a broad Australian ecoent. So he went into ttage man.a,ement -"~ from ~· prope to rnakina ie.." In the 19~0• and 1960•, McKern worked on the ·~ae and In movie•, playing everytblna from Iaao In Shakespe.a.re'a ''Othe.110" to the he.cl ot an evil rell1iou1 cult ln the Beatie.' "Help.'' Then, after 14 .frutt.rat1n1 months ln Ireland 1hoottn1 ''Ryan's 0."'8hter," he 1&ye be tried to quit.. But like Rumpole loll&na ~Le:~ loud Hawaiian lhlrt Oft a nortda ln "RumPC>le a.tun..'' McKem, e1. •11 ~ found h1iml1f unable to ntlre. ~ a Yeu" he went t.ll to~. In 19'11, and retumed to sn,iaDd, ''the onl)' COWl1l'J far l'ncJih., I = llCklCt." .. ~ Mw -to .. ,. .,., "not ju1t to get money. Man'• not complete without work." Rumpole came to him a few yean later, 81 a ''one-off play.'' "But it WU IO well-wrlt1en, and [ felt to attracted to the character . . . down to the judpl that pretend to be lmpartial, the home life with that terrf fyina. middle-clau wife (played by Pegy Thorpe-Bates), that I aald to John Mortimer, 'Why don't you write a lhort eerfet. •Y lllx?' '' London'• nwn. T~ anepped It Ut>• and 11 lhowa wens made. Jla"eed parUy on M0111mer'• own experience u a lawyer, \he seriel takea advan\1119 of the En1ll1h le1al •Y•tem, In wblch dJfferent iawyen from th• Mme flrm can ~te and cS.fmd the eame c... Tht _..... crea• what McKtm f.U s. a true J*ture of llf• tn .Di&J.llb law charnben -~ llp1 mauen wt1h tha camtant r=.. OWi' of&. "'*"" the din whO frcm P9l'Y ...._ and lbi chic '°'~:-*;:: ., Ind up ~frdmald JolWI .....,, ,..$!lit~' ...... s--Pf09'1n'l .. mttt"" Ml! ... ~ ,,..,, °' ~' ..._ 1111 t-. un ""''....,"""to !Adi'* ltjll 11tlent11f the ~l· way'" ttll rt4.\old ~ OI ~ ci.iws fltcttff t!Mt""lal h#hOll ltl~• ll111Mf""" (lj'Not\ "'°" , ORANGE (714) 547..a221 THI VOYAQERI CLUB AND llTMAR CRUl8E8 .. INVITE YOU TO A SPECIAL CRUISE NIGHT THURSDAY AUGUSTS, 1982 1 P.M. TO 9 P.M. BIKE DRAG RACING -Russ Collins of Huntington Beach leaves a trail of smoke during rrtotorcycle drag races at Orange o..tr "°4 """-a., ,..,.. O'Do!IMI County Internattonal Raceway Sunday. At right, action at the starting line as a qualifying heat gets under way. Mauch gasping for • air Angels' r elie f corps f ails again to fly right By CURT SEEDEN Of the O.lly Piiot II.tr When they're through with their business at Anaheim Stadium, the Minnesota Twins will jet home to open their longest homestand of the season, I and among the special events planned at the Metrodome is CPR Training Day. Unfortunately for Angel Manager Gene Mauch, his relief pitchers won't be in the Twin Cities that day. They could use a little reviving. The Twins, currently the worst team in baseball, record-wise. put three runs on the scoreboard in each of the final three innings Monday night to pull out a 9-7 victory over the I Angels before 25,097 fans at Anaheim Stadium. I IT TOOK THE YOUNG Twin ball club a while to get going, and it wasn't a coincidence that 1 Minnesota started kicking up some dwt once starter I Mike Witt had been pulled in the seventh inning. By the time the night was over. Mauch was pacing the Angel clubhouse ln quiet agony; reliever Doug Corbett, who served up a three-tun homer in the eighth to Gary Ward, watched his earned run average zoom back up ~>Ver the 5.00 mark; Luis Sanchez took the defeat thanks to allowing three more runs in the ninth; and the Angels were percentage points out of first place in the American League West following Kansas City's victory. victory. IT WAS QUITE A TURN of events considering the Angels had opened a 6-0 lead and Witt had sailed into the seventh inrung after being victimized by just two harmless hits. Over in the winners· Over in the winnent' clubhouse sat young Tom Brunansky, the man the Angels traded to get Corbett and second baseman Rob Wilfong. Brunansky contributed a pair of hits to the victory, including a key RBI double in the top of the ninth inning. "It's like night and day," noted the 22-year-old outfielder when asked to compare the Angels and the Twins. That was particularly the case In both clubhouses after the turnaround victory. BRUNANSKY MAY BE on the worst team in baseball right now, but he applauded the move that brought Fiim to the Twins. And, in Monday night's case, he and teammate Ron Washington Had to feel pretty good about the move that brought Corbett to the Angels. "I was very happy when I heard about the trade. I knew 1 wasn't ·going to break in to the lineup the Angels had," Brunansky continued. "They gave me the opportunity to go to Minnesota and play for a young team every day." MeanwtuJe, it was Washington who smashed a tw~-run single an the' ninth to turn a 7-6 Angel advantage into an 8-7 Twin lead. "I CAN'T SAY I was looking_ for a certain pitch," Washington confessed. "He (San<:hez) threw me a slider and I just went with it like you're supposed to do." The Twins, on the other hand, aren't supposed to be scoring nine runs over the final three innings as far as Mauch is concerned. "I don't know how my nice little pftl!hef's feel, but I'd break my arm or somebody else's before I let that happen," Mauch steamed later. "I can't talk the hitte1rs out. That's all I've got to say." THE ANGELS STRUGGLED, but finally managed to overcome Twins starter and former Dodger Bobby Castillo to grab their lead. 'I'im Foll led off the third with a double and eventually scampered home on Brian .Downing's Infield out. . Fred Lynn slammed a solo homer, his 14th of the season, in the fourth, and Doug DeCinces' blasted his 16th homer of the season with Lynn aboard in the sixth. In the same inning, Wilfong delivered a bases-loaded single to give the Angels their 6-0 lead. UP UNTIL THE SEVENTH, Witt had allowed only two harmless singles to designated hitter Randy Johnson and first baseman Kent Hrbek. Brunansky opened the Twins' seventh with the first of his two doubles. Hrbek's RBI single got one run home l'n that inning, and the Twins scratched for two more before Corbett could get the final out. "This was pretty exciting for us," Brunansky beamed. "It was nice to come back and be a part of it. It's a special game, coming back for the first time." : Tiant likes first-class living \New Angels' pitch er will start Thursday afternoon By CURT SEEDEN of the Dlllly PMot It.ft Luis Tiant began his illustrious professional baseball career in Mexico back in 1959. Today, at age 41, he's hoping he can finish it north of the border, preferably in Anaheim. The t\ngels announced Monday afternoon they had purc'haied the contract of the ageless Cuban right-hander frbm Tabasco, Veracruz of the Mexican League, and Angel Manager Gene Mauch Isn't going to waste any time with his new acquisition. • "He is going 'to start Thursday. I'm going to 'I throw ever ything now -except t h e s p itter.' find out right away lf he can help us," Mauch said rior to Monday niaht'a game with the Minnesota at Anaheim Stadium. 1AND THAT'S JUST F INE and dandy wlth Tiant. "I'm a hap.(>y man right now. After playing 17 yeen ir\ the blg leagues and then havi.na to go down to the Mexican i..ea,ue ... ," Tlant trailed of1. "I'm not •ying the le•llJe la bad, I'm just glad I'm.back up with the big leacue.." And Tiant ii especially pleued to be on a contending tam like the A.Dael.a. ''Thia la the team rve wanted to play for ever 11.nCe I left Boston," Tiant admitted. "I pitched aood here and the Wttather la aood. T hey have the potential to wt.n it here." . ~ Angel scouts apparenUy believe Tiant still has some potential, himself. "COOKIE J\OJAS, our special assignment scout. saw Luis pitch and recommended we acquire him," admitted Mike Port, Angels' vice president. ''The reports say Tiant has been pitching even better than the numbers indicate. He's a veteran and has been involved in pennant stretches before." "I have a great deal of faith ln Cookie Rojas' judgment," added Mauch. "1 know with Tlant, there won't be that emotional ~· We kow he has things pretty much under control. • Tiant seemed to be in control while pitching ln Mexico. While his won-loss record was only 6-7, he sported a 2.01 earned run average while atriklng out 72 batten in 89 starts. His ERA was ninth-best in the Mexican Leaguq when the Angels purchased his contract. HIS MAJOR LEAGUE totals over 18 years Include 227 victories against 170 defeata and a 3.28 ERA. Tiant said he .was belng courted by, and even offered contracts by the Chicago White Sox and St. Louis. Even Dodger scout Mlke Brito, the man responsible for a slightly YOWlier Mexican League product, Fernando Valenzuela, talked to him. "Before 1 reUte, I want to have a clwlce to Win the World Series," said Tiant, who soundl like he wants to play for more than one 1euon with the Ana~la. (Tiant la atgned throuah the remainder of thla 1euon.) "A.nd tfie:re'1 no question about it, they (the Angela) have a good team." THIS IS NOT t be flrat time Tian& ha1 ,rebounded from \he deptha of despair. Mmn.ota rellued him followtna the uno MUOn; Adanc. 8'pd him and releued him within • month; and Bolton llcned him u a free .,.n& two da19 Liter. Tlanl then 11*\t the next etctil )'9All wtth the Red Sox, wlnnlna 122 1amn whU• lotlftl 81 dedalona and provi"' there WU 1UD room in &be (SM TIANT, Pa1• Cl) ' ' • ... Brazil's Prado sets marW GU>;Y AQUIL, Ecuador (APi -A poor start probably cost Mau Gribble of Miami, a world record at the World Swlmming Champion1hlp1, while Brazil's Ricardo Prado, a member of the Mission Viejo Nadadorea . established a world mark with the help ot his South American friends. Gribble was left on the starting block In the 100-meter butterfly final Monday night, but he recovered to record his second meet record of the day. He was timed in 53.88 seconds, .07 over the world record, after he went 54.09 in the preliminaries. "The start really caught me off guard," Gribble said. "The starter 's been holding us all through the meet on the first start, and he surprised me. I'm happy with the win, but I would have been happier with a 53.80. That was the fourth time I've been under 54." A time of 53.80 would have been a world record, but for now Gribble has to be content with having the second through fifth- fastest times in history. Prado , wh o will e nter Southern Methodist University • in Dallas this fall, was not disappointed; however, as he splashed to a time of 4:19.78 ln the 400 individual medley, breaking Ame rican J esse Vassallo's four-year-old world mark of 4:20.05. Reds put a hold The partisan Ecuadoran crowd at the Alberto Vallarino pool, largely quiet for the two days of swimming competition, cheered wildly when it realized a South American was going to win the race and oossibly set a world record. When the time was posted on Dodgers' surge CINCINNATI (AP) -Catcher"' Dave Van Gorder doesn't want the Cincinnati Reds to be re<:<>gnized solely for the harm they can inflict on pennant contenders. "I don't want to label ourselves as a team that knocks other On TV tonight channel 4 at 5 teams out of contention. What do you call those -spoilers? I don't want to be labeled as a spoiler," Van Gorder said, after the Reds halted the Los Angeles Dodgers' charge toward the top Monday night. "We just want to go out and win some baseball games," Van Gorder said. "If people want to call us that (a spoiler), that's fine. But that's not what we consider ourselves. That's a defeatist attitude, to me." The Reds used Mario Soto's six-hitter and Mike Vail's two RBI singles to stop the Dodgers (5-1) and end their four-game winninJ{ streak. Those four victories came in a series sweep of the National League West- leading Atlanta Braves that put Los Angeles back Into the pennant chase. The 1065 Monday night pushed third place Los Angefes back to 7 ~ games behind the Braves. "Certainly that's what I wanted to avoid," an unhappy Dodgers' Manager Tom Lasorda muttered. Soto. 9-7, struck out 10 -the eighth time this season he's reached that mark -to raise his major league-leading total to 186. Manager Russ Nixon's penchant for letting starters go as long as pos&ble suits Soto, who recorded his seventh complete game Monday night. Soto pointed out that he hasn't gotten much help from the buJlpen. "He told me that as long as I'm ahead in a game, I'm going to stay in," Soto said. "I appreciate it. I think that in the last two years I've only gotten two saves from relievers. I don't know what it is. It seems like the guys can't do the job for me." on the scoreboard, Prado leaped for joy and the crowd loved it. "The crowd was great for me and helped me a lot, especially in the breaststroke when r,ou can hear the crowd yell 'go', ' Prado said. Much of Prado's training - has come in the United States under Mark Schubert, the U.S . coach here whose regular j>b is as the coach of the Mission Viejo club team. "I'm pretty proud of him," Schubert said. "As U.S. coach, I wanted my swimmers to do well, but l also was roo ting for Ricardo. In this race, the result was a foregone conclusion the way he has been swimming this year." Of Gribble. Schubert said, "His start was so terrible that I was afraid he was rushing his stroke in the first 25 meters. It's the starter's responsibility to be sure a swimmer is set. I was amazed he swam the second 50 so fast." The U.S. won another gold medal in the men's 800 freestyle relay with a team of Rich Saeger, J e ff Float, Kyle Miller and Rowdy Gaines. WORLD RECORD IB'M'BR -BririlJan Ricardo Prado, • memw ~f the Mbilon Viejo Nadadore1. reacu to th• crowd'• cheers in Ecuador followtna lila 4:18.'78 II# ... , ••• effort tn the men'• 400-meter individual m e dle y at t h e Wo r ld S w i mm l n1 Champloliahip. • ( • - I Louganis trounces diving adversaries From AP dl1petclle1 QUAY AQUIL, 'Ecuador -Gre1 a Louganfs of Mission Viejo outcluaed h ls compeU ti on ln the men 'a springboard finah of the world dJvina championships Monday, winning a gold medal with~ series of nearly perfect perfonnance9. Louganla, 22, a student at UC Irvine, especially thrilled spectators with hla eighth dive, a graceful and seemingly effortless reV.erae 1 ~somersault which fve out of 1even judges rated a perfect 10. The other two judges awarded him 9.5s. Louganis bwlt a comfortable margin in the scoring from the first dive, but he said Ilia eighth was his favorite. "It was my best-feeling dive," Louganis said "I was very surprised by my performance today because a lot of dives did not feel as good as what appeared on the scoreboard." Louganis' last four dives earned 78.00, 85.26, 85.50 and 92.07 points, respectively. Louganis . who Lold reporters that he practices ballet 1iY.e hours a day when he isn't training, earned 752.67 points with 11 dives. Serge Kuznin of the Soviet Union won the silver medal with 636.15 points. Alexander Portov of the Soviet Union won the bronze medal with a total of 631.56 points. Kongzheng Li of China finished fourth with 627.90 points, while Falk Hoffman of East Germany was fifth with 625.71. Ronald Merriott of Rockfield, Ill .. was sixth with 624.30. Quote of the day ''I William Telled it. The a pple just exploded and the ball only wen! five or six feet further." -Golfer Larry Mowry, describing a shot he hit in the Colorado Open that hit an apple inadvertantly left on top of a bag of fruil on the fairway. Royal• take AL Weat lead Prull W..• ~ wtth one out Ill \n th• 10th ln.nlna and K'Ol'ed on a bloop doub~e b DH Sl••&'t as Kanut Qty Dttrolt. 6-&, for lta fifth ~ht y Monday. C.O.ta Meu High and Oran.re Coalt C9lle1e product Daa Qal1e1berry picked up h'8 alxth vlctory In 10 deciaions u the Royall repined th• American League West lead over the Ancela by a marlin of .002 , .. IUek S1tellffe pitched a five-hitter and Mike Flse~'• two.run lingle keyed a aix-run eecond Inning u Cleveland ~pied Texu, 6-2 . . . Alf redo Grima drove In three runs and Baell Martinez and Damato Garcia each knocked in a rir of runs as Toronto trounced Milwaukee, 9-. . . Jolan Tudor, with relief help from Bob Stanley, posted his first victory In six weeka as Boston defeated Baltimore, ~-2 . . . · Rickey Headenon stole his lOOth bue of the 1eaao11, tyin~ hla AL record , and acored the winning run m a four-run aeventh inning which gave oakland a 6-~ victory over Seattle ... New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner said Monday that pitcher Tommy John'• verbal attack on a team official over the weekend was unwammted. Responding to an incident in the Yankee clubhouse after a game with the Texas Rangers, S~inbrenner said in a statement issued by the Yankees: "rm sure Tommy is upset by his lack of success (this season). But this did not warrant his outburst." . Judge turns down NFL request LOS ANGELE'S -U.S. District al Court Judge Harry Pregerson turned 4. > down a National Football League request Monday for a delay in t~e damage phase of the Raiders-NFL antitrust trial. In the suit brought by the Raiders and the Los Angeles Coliseum, a federal jury ruled last May that the league had violated antitrust law by blocking the Raiders' move from Oakland to Los Angeles. Pregerson then, scheduled the damage phase of the trial to begin on Sep\. W . . . The Minnesota Vrkings coaching staff may strike the National Football League H-11 of rame game in Canton, Ohio, Saturday because they are not getting paid for working the contest, Vikings Coach Bud Grant said Monday. Braves bounce back In West Atlanta reeled off five Ill oorwecutiv two-out RBI a1n e1 in the third Inning, tncludlng one ~y pitcher Bob Walk, u the Braves snapped a four-aame losing streak with a 7-3 victory over San Francleco. Combined with the Reda' '""1 victory over the ~gers, the result drope Los Anseles 7 ~ games behind the Braves In the NatJon.al ~gt.le West . . . E!Mwhere in the NL Monday, Bo l>la1 drove In both runs with his 17th home run and a aacrlflce fly as PhUadelphla beat Montreal, 2-1. Larry Cbrlatff1on scattered elaht hita over ~en lnninp to get the win . ' . Jouny Ray stroked a two-run triple.In the 17th inning to provide Pittsburgh with the winning margin in a 4-2 victory over St. Louis . . . Jose Cruz hit a two-run double in the eighth inning to cap a five-run rally that lifted Houston to a 6-4 verdict over San Diego. .Houstop entered the eighth down by three runs, but AJ1 Howe led off with a aingle and scored on Dick.le Tlloa11 triple. . Tony Scon drove·in Thon with a single and Cruz eventually doubled down the right field line to score the winner . . . Slxto Lezcano, who hit .519 and had two game-winning h1ts for San Diego, was named N'ational League Player of the Week ... Last Saturday's attendance in the NL was 242, 167 for six games. a single-day record . . . Rust y Staub slugged a leadoff homer in the eighth inning and the New York Mets played to a 4-4 tie with the Chica~o White Sox in the Hall of Fame game. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1969: Baltimore pitcher Dave McNally saw his two-year, 17-game winning streak end. as Rich Reese's pinch-hit bases-loaded home run lifted Jim Kaal and the Minnesota Twins to a 5-2 victory over the Orioles. On this date in 1940: Cincinnati Reds backup catcher Willard Hershberger took his life in a Boston hotel room. The tragedy never has been fully explained, although it is believed that Hershberger held himself responsible for a ninth-inning Reds' loss to New York a few days earlier. Rlo~ar goee n ne lnnlngt DA Y'IONA BCACH. Jl'la, -J.R. Rlehard, atiampunc a canieblidl from a lif•th,_~ •~t can'lplec.d • · tour of duty in the 0-. A Florida State ~ Moriday nJ1ht by &J'tdllnf ftlnl innlna ln th Daytona BNch A.at.re:.' 4· l km IO th• 1'impa Tarpons. Richard, who has been promoted to the Houawn Altroe' Pacific Codt Lea.rue team at TuCIOn. yielded 11 h1ta, walked two and 1truck put nlne, while abtlorbln1 ht. first .\oee 1£nce launchinjt hi.I comebetk on June ~. 'Jlhe 6·8 rtaht-hander, who 1uffefed a stroke while wlth Howiton ln 1980 compUed a ' 3-1 record In six appearances with Dayiona Beach. Captain wants tennis star back The captain of the Chinese • women's tennis team has ~again demanded the return of China's top player. 19-year-old Hu Na, and lndicated that if she ls granted political uylum in the United States-it would damage future tenni. programs between the two countries . . . Eddie Maple was au.spenqed for seven days by the New York Racing Association Monday for a ride aboard Dew Line in the Lexington Handicap over the weekend ... The men's tennis tournament at North Conway, N.H ., ended without a winner when officials were unable to reeche<tule the rain-delayed match between Ivan Lendt bf C7.eehoslovakia and Jose Hlgaera1 of Spain . . . Mark Holmes, younger brother of World Boxing Council heavyweigh'l champion Larry Holmes,· will meet middleweight Doag DeWitt In a nationally televised 10-round fight ln St. Joeeph, Mo., Sept. !>. Television, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv ~worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. ~ 5 p.m .. Channel 4 v v v v ~ BASEBALL: Dodgers at Cincinnati. Announcers: Bob Costas and Dick Enberg. The Dodgers try to snap back in the win column after seeing their winning streak snapped by the Reds Mondav. Bob Welch (11-7) gets the call on the mound for the Dodgers. Frank Pastore (5-7) opposes the Dodgers. The Dodgers ate 7 1h games out of first place. Cincy is mired in the cellar, 24 games out. RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Cincinnati, 5:30 p.m .. KABC (790); Minnesota at Angels, 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710). WEDNESDAY'S RADIO &sebaU -Dodgers at Cincinnati, 9:30 a.m .. KABC (790). arlel11 Wizards find a • giant eorge Bell., all 7 -8 of him, signs with tou.ring team •Y BEN WALKER lAff Sport• Writer : NEW YORK CAP) -ln this city. people on the :Street rarely stop and stare. L__ A person walks by dressed as an asparagus, r:vple don't care. A person goes by with his llama, po one nouces. i' So when a crowd ,.gathers and begins to whisper, it's got to be sorilething special. Monday, one of the biggest names in ~etball }ANALYSIS m ~ntertainmenl -Marques Haynes, formerly of the lHarlcm Globetrotte r s -was walking to a !luncheon. Very few recognized him. 1 Ins t e ad . people c lustered around his ;companion, George Bell. He currently is one of the ~maller names in basketball. • George Bell stands above the rest at 7-8. As in one-two-three-four-five-six-seven feet, eight inches ·tall. As in perhaps the world's tallest basketball i>layer. · ' "You can't hide," he observed. The occasion of the get-together was to ti:inounce that Bell had signed to play for the 'l'larlem Wizards, a team similar to the Globetrotters whkh Haynes owns, plays for and coaches. 1 Now, the obvious question: Where has Bell been hiding? "George tsn't a terrific ballplayer by any means," Haynes said. "lf he was, he would've been t:frafted by some team in the National Basketball ~iation." • Bell, 24 , r#tly completed his collegiate career at Biola University, a school in La Mirada, that lost in the Natio nal Association of Intercollegiate Athlcucs championship game in March and finished 39· l He was there for 24 games, and as a reserve averaged only five points and less than three rebounds per game Why? Health problems, for one. As he grew up -he was over six feet in Lhe sixth grade and 7-3 at age From Page C1 TIANT ACQUIRED. • • majors for the pitcher who is known for his Oda delivery style. Tlant spent two years with the Yankees, played part of 1981 m Portland where he compiled • 13-8 record and finished up in Pittsburgh which released him Oct. 5. THURSDAY WHEN TH.E Ansels and Twins play a l p.m. businessman's special, Tiant will be out there, ready to serve up an array of pitches and just as many motions. "I throw everything now -but the spitter," 1'lant explained. "Knuckleball, slider, curve, ~rewball, with all different kinda of motions. Sometimes I look back at center field, sonretimes I throw sidearm, underhand and three-quarters." In short, you don't know what to expect from Tiant. Dld he learn any new tricks down in Mexico? ''NO; i JUST WAS DOWN there to work hard and \.ry to survive,'' he aald. • Tlant said he weighs about 197 now, and working down in the Mexican ~af.le where the temperatures soar "to 120 everyday, ' he shed 8-10 poundl. • It was nice to drop the pounds, but Ttant will gladly leave them behind with everythlnl el.le l,a the Mexican League. "Alter you play Up here (in lhe majon) f« eo many yea.rt, you ]u•t leam to ao first-clue ln ever'Ythlng you do,'' Ttant Mid. He'• hoping hta retum to that llf•tyle will be pennanent thia time. ) ' 19 -his toes began curling, so that he had trouble walking. An o peration about two years ago corrected the problem. though the 285-pound Bell "is just learning to run and jump," Haynes said. Al.so, a pituitary gland tumor nearly left him blind in high school. So what's he doing playing for a comedy style team? "Georjte just walkinl{ into the ~ will fit into the Wizards," Haynes said. "He's an attraction." There is. though. more to the story. "My coach at Biola studied a lot of psychology, and knew the kinds of things I was going through," said Bell. who said he didn't find that type of understanding in previous terms at Morris Brown College and the'University of California-Riverside. "In places where they looked at me just as a basketball player, that's what I tried to be, and I wasn't. Marques is going to work with me and help me," the sott-spoken .Hell said. "l love being around people. And I do love working with kids," said Bell, who majored in working with handicapped children. "They seem to sense I'm a nice person." Haynes also is interested in Bell the player, and Bell the person. "He has the desire to play NBA ball. rm going to start immediately working on his ballplaying abilitv." Haynes said. "But he's also ah individual, a person. On this team. I like to first work with people. I'm interested in him as a person." Bell's contract terms were not announced Haynes said Bell would stay with the team for a couple of years and both would see how things go. His salary "will make him one of the hiffhest-paid players in entertainment basketball,' Haynes added. The Wizards, now in their 22nd year but just starting to play a full national and international schedule. are plannmg to play 250 games this "season," which starts Oct. 15. UPENDED -Baltimore's Rich Dauer is upended at second base by Glenn Hoffman of Boston after forcing Hoffman in .ll:!e fourth inning of their game Monday night. The Red Sox won. 5-2. ROBINSON MEMORIALIZED - Mn. Rachel Robinson, wife of bueball great Jackie RoblMOn, applauda the ·unveiling of an . . Robinson reIDernhered · •Commemorative stamp unveiled in NY ·. By WILL GRIMSLEY A telegram from President Reagan, ., .... ,,, .. oversize replica of the Jackie RoblNon commemorative atamp t11ued Monday at the Baaeliall Hall of Fame 1n New York. ' •' 1pec1.i Con•~• praising Jackie's acromplishments in COOPERSTOWN , N . Y . -human rights, was read at the pre. Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn noon ceremonies at Cooper Park, just called pim "the earthquake In back of the Hall of Fame Museum America -he made the country where Robinson is enshrined as the tremble." . first black to be so honored. U.S. Postmaster General William F. Jackie's former teammate, Roy Bolger said, "He is not being simply Campanella, badly crippled in a near memorialized but perpetualized." fatal automobile accident, sat on the Others conceded that few, If any, in dais and applauded with gnarled our time had greater impact on the paralyzed fingers. nation's social structure than the late "He didn't integrate baseball for Jackie Robinson, who pulled on a himself. He integrated it fpr Brooklyn Dodger uniform 35 years humanity," said the Rev. Canon R. 'ago to end a half-century of Thomas Blomquist in his invocation. segregation In ma~· r league baseball "He made us all look differenUy at and continued to f t racial · tice ourselves." until his untimely eath In 191if.' The Postmaster General aatd the The occasion on the Monday st.amp was being laaued as part of the following formal Hall of Fame Black Heritage USA Serlea rather induction ceremonies wu the t..uance than the Sports Series because of a Jackie Robinaon commemoratJve Robin.son'• contributions exceeded the stamp to honor the memory of thls confines of sport. \ great black bueball pioneer. "They called him bpla.lve, darlnc. "Jack.le went way beyond o~ couraaeoua, combative and many the doors of baseball Itself," aai~ other thins•," said Kuhn, of Bobl.mon'• widow, Rachel, who was Robineon. "He was all of thOle but. pre.ent with her aon and dauahter, for me, h e ~ .. the 1ln,le moat two ~n and Jaclc.le'1 older exciting athlete l ever •w.' brother and slater. He cW...Ued that RoblriliOO, havf.nc "What·he did had impact on other been warned by Brooklyn boll f11eeta of American Ufe. People were Branch Rickey to lean\ to tum the made more aware of exlatln1 other cheek, w• once MMd hoW he Injustices. He showed that our waa farina in hie relaUonlhJp with deeum. an au linked. What happeone te a m m a l e1 t n t h • c h 1 r 1 e d to me happerw to you.'' aunoephe»e. .. • ~ . . •t ' .. MAJOft Li~QUI ITANDINOI AIMl'loeft LNalle WHTINt Otv•JON W L '411. 08 KllMM City M '' 609 A"9M &I U M 7 CflalOO s2 •• 51$ s·~ S..tt• 52 52 SCIO 7 C>Klend ,. e1 425 15 Tu.. 40 80 400 17 Mtnneeo11 H et 343 23'.\ lt:AIURN DIVI~ Boatoo Mli'#au'l<M Ball!mofa Hew Y0<k CleYeland O.trOll Toroo10 H 44 573 59 4• 573 54 48 540 50 48 510 51 60 506 51 50 505 49 33 480 ~ .. '"' .. MlnnMOta9, A,,..ie 7 8o•ton 5. Belllm<><• 2 TO<onlo II, MilwllUkM 4 CJewiend e. Tena 2 Kanau City 9, O.lroit 5 (10 lnnlnOf) Oekland 8. Seattle 5 Oniy ge,,,.. sc:Mduled Todafa OemM MlnnMOt• (Haven• 7-9) at Anoefe (Renko 8-2~ n ChleaQO (T rou1 5·6 and Dolton 3· 11 al New Y0tk (ErlCl<ton 8-7 -Rawley 6-Sl n Bo•ton (Rainey &-3 and T0<r., 7-41) a1 Balllmo<e (Slawart 7-8 and 0 Mar11nu 10-7). n TallU (Schmid! 2·2 and 8u1Che< 0-21 Al Cle•el111>d (Bark., 10-8 and 50<9'119'1 8· 7). n Milwaukee (Vucko•lch t t-41 el Toronto (Clancy 8-8), n 0.lrOH (P, Und&rWOOd 3-81 al Kansas City (BOlelhO 1·1), n Seatlle (Moore ~7) al Oakland (Langl0<d 17-111, n Netlonel League ftlTIRN OIVlt"IOfll W L Pct.Ga All.,,ta San Diego 82 41 802 S6 49 533 7 ~:'rr:C1sco se so s28 , • .., Houlton C1nclnnall 50 55 476 13 47 ~ 5<18 15 39 ee 311 24 IEAITIRN OIYlllON PhlladelpNa 58 43 5 78 SI LOUii 58 46 554 2 P11taburgh 55 46 545 3''t Montreal 54 4e 529 5 N-York 4S 57 441 14 <:nocego 41 es 387 20 MoftclaJ'I lc- Cinc;lnnatl 5, Dodeer• 1 Phllad<Mpn1a 2. Montreal 1 Atlanta 7, San Franc1to0 3 PlllaDurgh 4, SI. LOUIS 2 ( 17 lnnlngs1- Houaton 6. Sen Olego 4 I' Only game1 IOhed\JMld TodaJ'• Oamff Dod9ar1 (Walch t 1. 7) at C1nc1nna11 (Putore 5-7). n New York (Gatt 0.21 •t Cl'tlCAQO (Bird 6-10) San Francisco (Oala S 10) al Atlanta (Camp 8-<ll. n Mon1real (Palmer 5·31 at Phlladolphia (Krukow Min Pillat>u<gh (RODlneon 11·5) al St Louie (Forsch 10-5). n San Diego (Weith S·SI el Houston (Knepper 4· 1 1 ), n AMERICAN LEAGUE Twine e, A~• 7 MINNE•OTA CAllf'OflNIA abr"bl .t»rl\bl Mllehell cf 4 1 0 0 Downing 11 3 0 1 1 w aa111ng1n 2D 5 1 2 2 wmong 2b 5 o 1 2 B<unentlcy r1 4 1 2 1 Re.Jack 90tl rl 4 o o o Hrbek 1D S 2 2 1 Cletk rl 100 0 w..,d 11 4 2 2 3 Baylor dh 4 o o o 0 .. 111 3b 3 0 0 i Lynn cf 3 3 1 1 Laudner c 2 O'O O O.C1nGet 3b J 1 1 2 Vega pr 0 100 RoJllGkeon lb 4 O 1 1 But.,• c 0 0 0 0 Foll u 4 2 2 O Johneon dh 4 0 2 t Boone c 3 1 o o Hatch« pr o t O 0 F...00 u 2000 Buth ph 1000 cuuno2b 0000 Total• 34 !I 10 II Totalt le«• bf tnntflt• 34 1 7 7 Mlnnesola 000 000 333-9 Cal1lornla 001 10'4 100-7 E -Washington, M11chell, Oaelll OP - Catlfornla 1 LOB -MlnnaM>I• 4, California 8 2B -Washington. Brunanaky 2, Foti, R JOMllOn HR -O.Clnce• ( 1e1. Lynn ( 14). Watd ( 18) S -Downing SF -Oeeul Min_.. ti> H R ER N 10 B Cu1Yto 5.... 5 6 4 6 41 Ultle (W.2~) 2·~ 2 1 1 1 0 A.DIMS (S 131 1 0 0 0 0 0 Celltoff\1a Witt 6'1\ S 3 3 1 5 C0<belt 1•11 2 3 3 2 1 Sanchel{L 3·2l .,.. 3 3 3 2 1 Husl« ·~ 0 0 0 0 0 WP -Wiil 2 T -2 56. A -25,097 lndlafta 8, Rafltef• 2 Taxa• 010 010 000-2 5 O Cleveland 060 000 OOx-6 12 I Tanana and SundDarg. Su1clllle and Bando W-Sulct11ta. '"' l Tanana, S-12 A-8.657 A'11,llerinen 5 S-llle 003 002 000-5 6 1 Oakland 000 002 401-6 10 1 Pfl<f'(. St&nton (7). V8nde Barg '7). Caudtll (7) And s-1. Keough and M Heall> W- l<eougn. 8·15 L-Stanton. 1·3 HR- SeatUe. Cowen•. (151 Oakland. Armas (15) A-ta.7~1 PtTCHINQ II' H H 10 W-L ""A Tian1 0 0 0 0 0-0 0.00 Hahlar 53 38 30 28 2·1 1 70 Rer\ko 120<> 1111 36 .. 58 11·2 3.36 Witt 1~ 101 37 •54 5-3 3 45 ...... 52 45 23 40 3.3 3 46 lal'tn 1411~ 141 41 112 11·5 3 62 t<taon ee 76 32 •a 6-4 38e FOfach 158 150 35 51 10.7 3 74 Sancnez 53 63 24 33 3·2 4 311 00111 53 53 24 37 5.3 4 75 Corb4rt 12• ... 66 33 48 1·9 5.23 fotala 953' .. 8117 344 453 59.45 3 72 AHGlt:L HOT£1: Wtlh Iha .cqubitlon ot .,.ttran Lwla Tlaftt. Iha Ane-'t announc:ed 1ha1 tart·hende< M1ct1•r ......., Ml -. optioned Dael< 10 SpOllane or the Pllclllc Cout Lngu~Mat>ler !lo, wu 1~ with a 1 29 ERA tn ll11e anoM With Ille Dig cluD A. anag« 0.-Me<ICtl uld ha dacldad' to replace ac:heduled a1atter Dn• Qolt1 wtth Tlanl 10< Thuraday·a game t>acauae "Goltz IS In a little IUI tight now. He'• really nol • lourtll·month Pilcher Ilk• lhe Olhe< guys. So If 1 no1 uncommon f0< eo,,_,. Ilka Goltz 10 get In to tOmetltlng Ilk• 11111 " Would you Dall••• II ~ar1men17 Since June 23 the Twins bout the bell recotd among Amattcan lHgue Wail teams Minnesota is ti-15 over thal N>•n wll!le 1<1nsu City 11 20-17 and the Angel• 19.17 The Twtna comptetao July wnh • 14· 13 record their t1rst ""nning month ot the tea.on P•lof to Monday night's g1me. third baseman Doug Dael-had raised hit •••rag• 60 points by g01ng 76-lor-244 sine:. May 15 0.Clncat Is batting 533 (8-lor-15) wllh lhrM hOmera and aaven RBI o•er h•• tour g1mea foltowlng • bOUI Wtlh the flu The Angalt ·-IChad uled tor the night of Aug 9 1n M~t• nu DMn twitched to a Tl'tUtsday day ;iame on A.ug 12 Aug v ta now en 008ll date In the second game or the -* tonight. the Twins wtll ~ aracl ..._ (7·7) aga1n11 81••• "9nko (9-2) 13.,,,. Ume •• 7 30 NATIONAL LEAGUE Reda 5, DodaM• 1 LOI ANG£LE8 abrllbl Su 2b 4000 l andrwux cf 4 0 2 0 Baker II 3 O 1 O o-r ... o rl 4 000 Cey 3b 3 000 Garvey 1b ' 1 I 0 RuueHH 4 010 Sc1osc1a c 3 O t 1 Reuup 1000 Monday pl 1 O O O Fortier p 0000 Nledenlr p 0 0 0 0 CINCINNATI ltllrl\bl La-2D 5110 M11Nr cf 3 120 Concepcton .. ~ 1 1 0 Bench 3D 1 0 1 0 Krnct>G JD 0 I 0 0 Vatl II 3 0 2 2 Walt.er II 1 1 1 1 °''"....,lb 4000 HoahOfaar rl 4 O 1 0 VanOrdr c 3 0 0 0 Solo 3 00 1 Roe<IGhe ph 1 O O O Totals Total• 32 1 6 1 Loa Angeles Seon ti. In~• 000 100-1 Clnc1nna11 000 101 03x-5 E -Bench.Garvey OP Loa Angelel 2. C1nclnnali 1 LOB Loa A.ngelH 8 Cincinnati 8 2B -BA~ar, Landreaux. Garvey. Sctoscla, Conception. Mltn11< SB - Sax S -Reus&, Milner "'-' LOI AnoeJea IP H R F.H 88 80 Reuss 1L 10.91 6 e 2 2 3 1 F0<11e< 11., 3 3 1 2 3 NMICl«'tluer '' 0 0 0 0 0 Clncln..-U Soto \W 9·71 II 6 I 1 3 10 WP-Reuss T -2 48 A 16 104 l'Mllaa Z. Ecpoe 1 MonlrMI 001 000 000-1 9 1 P'1lladelplll• 000 110 OOx-2 S O OuUichaon and Catt.,, Chrttlenton. Reed (81. M cGraw (9) and B Diaz. W - Chnstenaon. T ·S L-Oulllehton, 8-9 s- McOraw (51 HR-Phlladelpnia, B Diaz (17) A. 34,542 l'lrat" 4, C•dlnala 2 Pitt 000 000 020 000 000 02-4 13 1 StL 000 010 001 000 000 00-2 14 3 Rhoden, Scurry (81. Sarmiento ( 10). Tel<ulva ( 12). E. Romo ( 15) and T Pana. Stuoer. Sutler (91. Lahti ( 11). 1<aa1 (12) and 0 Portar W-E Romo. 8-2 L-Ka•t. 4-2 HR Pittsburgh, J Thompson (191 A 111,853 Just .a little breeze Mann completes 35-day journey Mike Mann, 22, a marine biologist from Huntington Harbour Is relaxing in Haleiwa on the island of Oahu after a · -35 -day singlehanded voyage from Catalina Island in a 15-foot sl~ann left from Catalina Island June 13 and arrived at Halelwa on July 18. ''The voyage was just terrific -all 1 expected it to be," said Mann in a telephone report from Hawaii. "I had a few anxious momenta, but the trip wouldn't have been the same w ithout them." The boat was Little Breeze, a nearly stock Montgomery-15 built for Mann by Jerry Montgomery of Montgomery Marine, Costa Mesa, "Mike was weu ·prepared for the voyage," said Montgomery. "He did all he could to make the trlp u Ale as pcmlble, .preparing both the boat and himleU for the trlp by a setlftl of oveml~ht· single-banded trip• off the coat.'' Mann said Little Breei.e was becalmed for Marly a week on the fin\ week out, but caught the tndewlndl on the 18th day and uJled molt of the rett of the way, Mlf •ie.rint under twln Jibt. AbOUi 200 rfilJell from Hawall t.laM WM bit by 40-knot Wlnds UCt epent &.he 1ut two nfahtl of the voy.,e under baN polel and ~ about 300 feet of line to keep the boat from pitch-poling end over end. "After the second night I was able to get a sun sight and could determine my approximate position. About two hours later I could see the outline of Oahu," said Mann. "This was the toughest pdt of the trip -knowing l was almost there but with so little visibility that I couldn 't tell exactly where I was.'' he added. Sailing clinic is offered The Newport Beach Parka, Beaches and Recreation Department is conducting sailing classes at three locations during the summer. The lessons are available to anyone nine years and older al the OCC Salling Bue on Coett Htehway , the Harbor Department on Bayside Drive, and at the foot of 19th S\reet on the Balboa Peninsula. Swimming letDOns will be held every two weeka during the twnmer at Corona del Mar High School, Newport ffatbor Hlgh School and a\ 10th Street on the Bt)'. Information on both ci..e. can be c;>btainod b~ ~alllna the Newport BHch Parle.I, Bue.bes and Recreation Dept., &40-2271. Aatr .. 1,1'.._4 San DleOO 010 oao 100 -4 8 1 "-'°" 001 000 06•-• • 2 Hawkin.a LUCAtt (II and T !Cannedy J Nlallro D Smith (I) anel ICn'"ty W-J Nleluo, 11-1 1.-L-. 0.9 a b 1m1111 (II A-13,302. lttewea 7, ~1a J Sen F1anet-210 000 000-3 8 O Atltnll 016 000 Olli -7 11 0 8ralniog, HOiiand (3), B•tr (0), La~t• (I) and May, Walk, BadrOalan (11 •nd Poc0<oba W -W1tk. 10•7. L-8rl lnlng, 5.4 S- 8a<lroalan (e) MA-AUanta, Horner (21) A-15,011. Top 10 (a-d °" 229 al Nia) Allllt:NCAN Llt:AOUI WWilton t<C Yount Mii H1trah Cle Hrbek Min PaclO< ... Chi Otlfcle TO< Wllltel(C ..Qoop« Mtl 8onna11 Tor o.,,tner MM Q Al R H Pct. 78 338 44 11& 340 87 383 76 131 333 100 313 78 128 328 IO 362 64 113 32 1 80 293 37 94 321 118 421 83 13A 318 IO 327 41 104 31e lie 401 °" 127 317 90 291 48 12 31e 79 281 28 82 314 .._ R1'ftA 0 Thomu. MllWMlkM. 25. fie • .lactl-. Aneeta. 21: Thornton, Cie.aland, 24; Oglhlla, Miiwaukee, 23; Harrah. Clevlland. 21 R11ne hllaci In McRae, Kannt City. 113, Thornton, Cie.aland. 81, C~, Mllwaul<M, 76, 0 TllomH, MllwaukM, 71 Lu1lnllkl. Chleago, 7 I ""clllne (1S DMWOftal Vuckovich Mllwaukaa, 11·4 Burns, Chicago. 11·•. Uu1ory, New YOl'k, t0-4 Caudill, Seattle. 10-4; Sutcllrte, C-and 11-4, zal\n, Angel .. 11·5: Petry, Oelrolt, 11-6. Our• Kann• City, 12· 7 NATIONAL LEA<We OA8RHl'ct. 011"9r Mtl 10 1 384 69 123 320 =i~~· DoclOer9 re w :l r: ~~! Knight Hin 103 382 ~ 122 311 Carter Mtl lie 348 56 107 307 Durham Chi 114 3611 SS 110 306 RuJonea so Ill 323 58 9e 303 Madtock Pgh 119 370 61 112 303 illelllf Doclgere 95 364 48 110 302 TP•!'• Pgh ea 3211 31 ll9 302 Home Rune Murphy, Atlanta. 28. l<lngman, N-York, 26, Cart.,, Monlreet, 21. Horner. Allar11a. 21. lallaf, Doda9fa, 20: Ouer-.., Dodgefa, 20: Clark San rranctsco. 20 A11na htled In Mutphy Atlanta. 74, OH-. MontrHI. 69, Hendr>C*. St LOUIS, 6!1, K.lngtnln. New York. 66 Ctarll San F ranci9o0, 66 PUcl\I ... (1J C>aclalona) P Nlekro. Allanla, 10·3, Rogers. Montrtal, 13·4. 0 Rollinson. Pll1tburgh 11.s. Loller. San Diego. 11·~. Forach, St LOUIS, 10·5. Carlton. Phllaaatphla, 14-e. Valan1uala, Oodgare, 14·1; Ktuk ow. Phtl•delphla 10·6 LITTLE LEAGUE ALL·8TARS M•lof• (11·12·rut-okt•) lf'CTIONAL TOOflNAlllENT (at ArO'lleta Perk, lttN) Mondara 1cor .. Wast Yorba ltnde (Otttract S6) 1 NorO•e111 Senta Ana (011tr~ 301 O C•ntrat Oerden Oro•• (Olatrtct «81 l, Norlh MIMion Vieto (OtSltlCI 551 0 Tonitllll'a C- Mt .. ton Vteto Norlh "' NO<l'-St Santa Ant 530 Central Garden Oro•• vs Well Yorba I.Ind• 7 30 SECTIONAL TOUANAMIENT (et Aoillnwood) MonclaJ'• llcor• Norwalk Central c0111r1ct 291 18. Bell Oatdana NO<lh (Olet•ICI 28) 5 T onlgll''• Qame Ocetn•-Nalional (C>l11r1C1 82) vs West L•ltawood (Olatnct 381. 5 30 pm 1:1-Iw-otct• SECTION L TOUAHAMENT (at ..... " Hlgll, La "-ta) ·~·.aoor .. Corona Nattonal (O, Eacon<llOo National 3 FlllmcMa 6. Baldwln Park Nalional 4 Eul Yorba Linda 30 Cul•er City Amerlean o Roblnwood 11. Eu1 Valley o ' MondaJ'• lcor" COfona National 6, Flllm0ta 3 ROl>inwood 6, Eut Yorbe Ltoda 4 TOftlQh1'1 ac- EscondldO ... S.ldwlo Park Natlor>al 5 30 Culver City American vs EMI v....., S 30 Wadftaacley'a 0-.. E .. 1 Y or t>a 1.1nda vs Etconaido-8a1<1win Per~ Winna< 5.30 Fillmore •• Culver Ctty·E•tl va11•y wtnnoi. 5 30 T1111raday•a 0-.. Corona Na1IOll•I vs Robinwood. 5 30 1983 race to Hawaii being eyed The Transpacific Yacht Club, sponsor of the Los Angeles to Honolulu race, is already receiving inquiries as to how and where to apply for information for the 1983 race, the 32nd sailing of \he famed Transpac. TPYC oorrunodore Dick Steele of Newport Beach said the club is now proceeding with the final printing of the announcement and invitations for the race schech,ded to start on the nearest weekend to July 4. Steele said the c lub Is antldpaling a highly c:ompetitive fleet of about 76 ydchts for the 76th anniversary raoe. The race ts held biennially In odd- numbered years. Several of the entries are expected to be in the .. maxi clasa" which rate ne.r the International Offahore Rule ratlna of 70 feet and a large number of smaller cl.amiCS Advan9e information CAO be obtained by contactlna race committee chairman L . Grant Baldwin, 1616 N. Vermont Ave., Suite 623, Lo. Anpl" 90027. ·•we wp anyone lnterelted ln t>Mt 1983 Tr~ \0 pt ln touch with BAldwtn withoUt delay 90 they wlll be able to receive pertinent Information •• It la' ntl-..ed," ..td s ... 1e. Wortcf Aquetlo Qeme. (af Owar ...... INNfef) , . ...,.. ... _..,., .._ •• lwfmlftlno 100 II)' -1 Mall Grlt>ble (Cl 8 ). 63 88. 2 IAlchaat Orou (France). 54 28. :S Bengt 8MOl1 (sw.den). 54 47, 4 (Ila) Cl1rle AlvM (U 8 ) end Ai.xet Mlfl<OWlll (SO'<llel Union). 64 50, 8 l!dwatd MaHdlk (Natherlandt), SIS 08; P., A.vld .. on (Sweden). 1111 10. 8. OavlO Lopll Zut>aro (Spatn), 56 88 400 IM 1 Ricardo Prado (Btazll). 4.19 78 (wotld record. Old mark, 4;20.05, JHH Va1tallo. u.s t979); 2 Jant·Pel•t Berndt (Eaet Germany). 4.~5 cf2, 3 Sergei Fen1nko (USSR), 4:23 21: ' Olo•annl Frenncht (lltlyl. 2 24.lfV, co Jett t<otloll (U S ), 4 21112 6 Acne Borgstrom (Norway). 4 29 53. 7 Bruce Hayea (U.8 ). 4 30 66, 8 Roger Madluga (8<WI). 4 32 64 .00 frM relay -1 Ul\lted Stat• 7 21 09. 2 USSR, 7 24 111, 3 Weal Germany, 7 25 46, .4 Italy, 7 29 3 1. 5. Swadln. 7 28 58. 6 Ne1he<landt. 1 30 75, 7 Canada, 7 33 75, 11 Bru». 7,39 13 Women'• lwlmmlflt 200 ltae 1 Angemarte Vara1appan (Netha1land1I. 1'!>9 53 2 Birgit Matnaka (East Germany). 2 00 fl7, 3 AnnellM Ma .. (Net""11nd1), 2 00'84. 4 Cannata Schmidt (East Garmany•. 201 10 5 Ir Ina OerueknOVa (USSA) 2 01 13. 6 Mwyb4th Ltnrmelar (U S ). 2 0 I 5 1 1 June C1oll (Br1ta111). 2 0 I 52. 8 Ttllany Cohen (Us' 202 18 200 breHl -1 S'lellana Varganova (USSR), 2 28 82. 2 Uta Gawan1ger (East O•rmany) 2 211 71, 3. Anna OttanDrlla (Caned•). 2 33 05, ' II• between t41roko Nagesaki' 1Japan1 ano Sitka HornAf (EHt Germann 2 33 t8 6 Yarist• Balokon CUSSRI 2 33 32 7 Jeana Chlldt (U S ). 2 33 u 8 Grazyna Ozl•drlc (Poland), 2 36 e4 . lpflngboMd Dhlng ....... ,lnal 1 Oreg Lougams (US) 752 87 2 Serge l(u11n (USSR) 836 15. 3 Ateunder POftov CUSSRI 36• 56. 4 Hon111hang (Clltna) 827 to. 5 Falk Hollman (Eaat Garmany), e25 7 1 fl Ron Mariott CU S I. 824 30 Los Alemltoe MONDAY'S RHULTI (7111\ ol U ·nlght qwirtarltorM mMll"11) fllAIT RAC!. 400 yards PHI V11nture (BatO) 28 00 16 40 11 00 Speckled Lynsey (A5musaen) 12 60 12 40 Fridays Follls (P1tt.enton) 8 80 Alto raced M y E3Sy Syn, Lota 01 Smootny Prince J Baa Ta Star Dack JeallCa Gee. Sha..._ Sage Tome 2070 12 UtACTA (9· 10) paid S3112 00 llCOHD RACE. 3SO yards F'lag RIMf (Treesure) 3 20 2 80 Ca11 Ou-. (Han1 4 80 MIH LO\le Lark (Ada11 I 2 20 280 2 60 Aleo •llG8d My Goal. Legat Belie Play Jungle Time 1805 B~':. Rt."n<;~~Sf'..l,:~•:. ao 4 20 3 60 Karocto. (Myles! 5 80 4 20 Joni Pta.n Bruce (Adairl 3 80 Also raced o.-1 leoen<I Rebs Maggie. Joyiy Clippa< Spring Vllluella. Ama)aneer Oretm MtrChanl, Fancy Legeod T1mt 18 39 'OURTH RACE. 400 yaroa Mlgl\ly Policy (Treasure) 7 40 6 00 2 80 Tula 0 TaKH (Creager) 8 40 4 80 Rec.It Saint ( Ada!r I 8 80 Alto raced Perlecl Rt1Que1t Oat The Ootd RtDa Story Clay Superttd••. Oay Netive Too, Eaay Oodad. Rul•ng FMhil• Time 20 14 12 EXACTA ( 10-4) Pald $66 80 """ RACI.. 11/U yaro1. Fla-n1ng C•t (PUl.entonl 24 20 7 60 4 20 B1centannial llar (Tonka) 4 00 3 00 (Betd) 3"80 aoad Boy Valentina. A.zubld, Spring peohted Dancer. Sir lOVH Oam Time 48 11 llXTH RACE. 400 yarclS Sk)'bo CPavl•nal ' 21 60 13 eo 7 oo Mr Ouocltnasa (S-1 11 00 4 60 OH 0.0. Turn (FryOay) 2 80 OH Wet Win (Bard! 4 20 A.tao raced Pel And Pal. Running Dial. Vat Lou. JHlon Roar Aasured To Win My S~Man Time· 2030 12 IXACTA (10·-'I paid S321 20 MYINT.uw:t. HO ywda. ()Ill Tl"" OOii5lea (WllOl 8 80 4 10 3.00 tld• l!M)'WIO ~J 8 eo 4 20 Roel( lofld (CrMOlf) 3 4() Ai.a rlQeCI Kyw .. by. Roenablt, UI Ufbaft COwgitl, Moon FMt C..0, Blactl Cal Flutt. ~ L-l'flo Ola lxPIO<aar Tim. ti 11 .. IXACTA ( 1 .. 1 p.tld see eo llGtfTH llACI. 400 yatda. Vllilng Co9y (Craagerl 80.20 8 20 4.00 a..na.tor 88QI (Han) 2 40 2 20 M'Key W .. I (Ptlllllna) 3 40 Also 1aced• Klny• l<lj)tykat, Mr Mauy Chlek. Sound V11n1ura. 8aOulnoa Boy, Ttny TrOla. Ttma 20 10 81 IXACTA (7·11paid $12840 • l'tClt 9'1 (6-10.7-10-1-7) peld 110 .. 1117 ao wllh lour winner• (live h«-1. S2 P1e11 81• Coneotalton paid Sta 1 20 with 75 wtn11«1 (fou1 hOl'aa•l· HIHTit llACE. 3~ ylrda TWln Safely (Pauliol} . 32 40 1e 40 e oo My ear Admlfa1 (Ada1•1 • 3 eo 3 20 Sorrela Gonnaoetem (Bardl e oo A.IM> ·~ Vldon. Tattoo Moon. Rocl<y Dack ll•r, Mr Bo Charge, Craig Go. WaywAld Bua Ttma 1800 13 IXACTA (7·2) palO $149 20 Allllndanca -7, 138 Del Mer MONDAV'I MIULT8 (121" of u.d•J lllOtoutll&Hed IMetlnt) ,IAIT AACI. fl IU<loog1. Und)' LOYe (Btaclt) 82 80 37 40 12 eo S~ Mlf1f(Slf'r'll 1e40 700 8iue Codtatoo (McH11gua) 3 40 Alto raced Colleen• Marla Outgo, Karyn. Pr-. Maaama TtOmPG. Bo OI Beau. Flgut•ha•O Ltl' Miu Goody. BH Oona Time; I 1 1 2/S ll!CONO llAC(. 6 lurlonqs. Delaware Man (Ortega) 29 80 1 1 •O e oo T~e No Pn1Qnaf1 (Guerra) 11 00 8 20 o.orge M (VeienwelaJ 3 00 A.IM> raced Cornllh Warrlof, Riyal, Racing Rall-. B Eighty, Htgh Markel. Shelly's Ca<-. Golden Mtoslret Time 1 12 315 12 DAit. v DOU8U! (11-41 paid s 1.353 eo Tl*llD AACI!. 1 1116 m11ea on lurf MIU Wild Cat (Capllaina)22 lO ' 20 1 40 Trust Va f~oro) 3 80 3 20 Leedlng A.dvoc1ne (HllWl.eyl S 60 Aleo rac.d: Ooinltla, Ollmoun. Rlndoubte. ·Cutesy, Vlsto, SougOll, Summ1r Seq~•. lowalla, Fande.nertna Time 1 45 115 , 15 IEIACTA (6·3) paid S 1811 00 flOUATif RACIE. 6 llulonl)a RorTMo'• Sword (Sll>Hlel O eo 4 oo 3 20 StMl<al>la (PIOC8y) 3 40 2 80 SuPPOf11"9 (McCatronJ J 40 Aleo recao TaD•on. Golden Style, Iron A•e. Sir Attal, Flash Tha Sword, Babarrooom, Let It Snow, Night Hand A Dandy Batter Time I I t 115 '1f'TH MCI. 15 llutongs Chtel Delaware 1Sl1>41iel 24 40 to 20 6 40 Kon.wah (Oetahousuye) 5 40 4 eo Joe Mau (Capit•na) 7 40 Alto raced Oencl(l9 Rlt>ot Envoy• 1n111gu•. Acknodoon, w·~tow. Colonel s1 ... Meauga To Garaa Time 1 09 4/S SS l!ltACTA (7-111 paid S265 00 llXTH llACE -One mite lnl.,,t• (Valen1uelal S 40 3 20 Vig« s Stat (McHargual 4 20 Jamte • Oettght (Snottmaker) 280 300 300 Atao raced Rev••• of tha O.tarm1ned Spon Lady Bold Otk• Time 138 215 Newa. llEVIENTH MCIE. One mtle Sari I Stmr (Shoemak.,I 1 I 40 $ 80 S 60 Bison Ba~ (P1ncayJ 3 40 3 00 Amazing EIQle (Hewfeyl 4 60 Also raced Indian O. 01a1ant Charm. Mlguel1n1 Ootlar Collon l<ings Oawn ftma• 1 35 415 SS UACTA (4·5) palO S13A 00 12 PICK •11 (4-6-2-7-3-41paid 12,9~ 20 w.1r> 18 winners (nve ho<Mal. S2 Pick Silt con.olatlon l>8ld S 71 60 wit I\ 4 24 7 winnara tour horMSl EIGHTH RACE. 1 1116 m11e1 on lurt OH-Pals l tlO (Mc:Carron)4 80 4 80 3 80 OH-Cattbl (Oara•I 4 80 4 80 3 80 Feereome Four-(Or1ega) 1180 Aleo raced F'abuloua Reat on. Mldnlle Copper, Vagabond Song, N•••• Cry, Princely Ve<dlc;1, Much Thougl\I, Formula One ,_ '44 115 NINTH MC.. One mole tna1ant (MeHAfll"81 30 eo 12 eo 5 •o Juhnna (P~) 10 80 5 60 Ah Nah HHd (Hawle'f) 3 20 Al10 raced RaDellloua Liz. Fellher Reward. Scene Topper. Flgallann, La Prtneena Ttma 137 315 15 UACTA (5-15) paid S727.~ Atlendanu -14,718 Standings a mess Wide windshifts for regatta By ALMON LOCK.ABEY Dally P'llot ... tine Witter LONG BEACH -Wide windshifts in the ocean off Long Beach Monday scrambled the standings in the second Pre· Olympic Training Regatta. None of the skippers in six classes scored repeat wins but several of them were able to maintain their fleet standings. Worst victim 0£ the 36-degree windshift on the first weather leg was Randy Smyth oi Huntington Beach ln the Tornado catamaran class. Smyth and hla crew got away to a good start, but by not reading the windshlft quickly enough they were in 33rd position around the weather mark. When the wind settled down Smyth and his crew Jay Gluer were able to aa.11 throuah most of the fleet and finish ln l'\inth place. Coupled wf th thelr fint place Sunday the Huntlnaton Harbour pair was able to maintain a first place Ue ln the Nndlnp with Brian Peet Md Chria. Tiirirnl of New 7.ealand who won MoOO.y'• r~. In the 470 clul John Shadden of Lone Beech wu thl' wlnner, •Utnc an llrMU boat becau.e lhe skipper cam• down with appendicitis on the eve of the ....-u.. . Dave Ullman and Tom Unllty mimed a chance to lakAt ~ Chit lead in the •10 dMI by ~ u. 1can1"" une early arid wnna to return and restart. Ullman finished third in both S unday's and Monday's races. Ullman said he was unaware of his premature start. Steve Benjamin of \he U.S., winner of the firs\ race, got caught in the windshift and finished 17th. Vince Brun of the U .S . maintained his lead in the Star class with a first finish Sunday and a fifth Monday. He leads Bill Buchan of Seattle by 1. 7 points. J~ Paola Diaz of Brazil took over first place in the Soling class with a third and fourth in the two races. ~raig Healy of the U.S. was the Finn class winner Monday. His second place Sunday gives him the clus lNd. Scott Young o( the U.S. won the second race ln the Flying Dutchman clue, but Joho Lovedl.y of Brl\aln, tht wlnnC'I" on Sunday, maintained h1a lffd In the 1tandtn11 with a alxth p~ finlah M~. The reaatta, eecond of lhfti leadinl up \0 the 1984. OlYlril*: yachUJ\I ,.,.... has dnwn t06 boats from 20 COW\tr* tnclud&ftC tM U.S. P\&rpoM of the> event II to live.potential Olym~--.. • clWa to becialDe ~led with the wind• and ••• condiUone la ch• 198• ~ which will be aUed oCf AJiniltcl Bay. u.a. open ot., eoul'1 Mlfl'• ,..,., lloufld ~ I t I c~~ Andru Oomer (l!cu1dor d•I. Tim Wllklton (U 8 ), 7•6 . 1·2 . 8al 111 f..,oc:zy (Hungarf) del Ttrty Moot (U 8 ). 1·6. M , &-1, Jlnimy Mu (U.$ l di' S.OIO Cual (Spalrl). 7 I . &-3. Hena Olklameltltr (Cfllle) cMI. Cofln Oowdea .... (S~). 7 ... 8-2, Marlo Mltl'llna (BolM•I def Kim WtlfWlck (Auttrahal, a.3, 8-1; Mata Wllt.nder (SW9danl def Sleflln Slmonaaon (SW9dan), 6-3, 6-3; OulHermo Vllll (Arg9'1tlna) def Jon Levine (U.S.). &-3, 8-2. W_n._ Pint AOlllMI llnl!IM DI-FromhOIU (Auatralla) def Mlchaeta Pudero-a ~-ta~ U . f.t. 8-0 BonnlaG def Kellyt*VY,6-1,8-2, Helena Sukova (Crachollovakla) dal KalhtMn Cwnminga, 6-3 6-1, Dana OMberl (US) def Ztnl Olfria.on (US), 4-6, 7..f 6-1 Men'• tournement (at Co141mllw, Ofllo) f:lf'at AOIHMI 1"'91ee Nick Saviano ((US) cfel. Vince Van Patten. 7-41. 7 ·5, Qruoe MllO.IOO (U.S I def. Shtomo Ollcllateln (IArHI), 3-e, &-1, 6-2. Tim Me1011a (US I def Hetv1 LeConla IFtanoal 6-2. 3.e. 8-3. Hank Plltter (ll SI da7 Fran,iaco Oomale1 (Pwaguay), 7-6 8-3. Oavtd Pata def Erik , ... .,...,. '-41. 8-3. 7·5, Tom Cain a.I Garth Heyne&, 8-2. tl-4 Women'• tourn.ment (at l'etth, Aweltlllla) llllt'" ler'nlflnala Andrea Jeagar (U S.) def. Evonne C<>0lagong (A.u1tr111a1. &-1, 6-3; Cllrla EV«I Uoyd l\J S l del Sue Btlfkaf (Great B<ttain• e.o. 6-4 0..0 Me flehlng ART'I LAHD"-o (Hewpon lleacfl) -~ angler• 131 Dua, l Darracoaa. 9 t>onito. 8" mactt9(al, 1 rock 11111, 9 acyjpln DAVEY'I LOCltl!R (Newport ea.di) - 160 ........ 27 alDICO<e, 1 barrecuda. 177 callCO b&la, 3 hallt>ut. 55 mackerel, 971 larld baa. 1 cat>uon DANA WttARf -253 angler1. MO bua, 2 t'arracud• 64 t>onllo. 312 mackerel. 2 rock llah, 4 aculptn. 3 sr-pah41ao llAL •IACH -114 angler• 3 calico baas. 1 halibut, 100 mack•rei, 700 Hnd ban, 1 Wllll• -Dus. 1 acutpin. (INfr.) -118 •nuleu 600 mack-. 3 hallDut. l8rld ban. '20 white croall .... 230 q._, fiah, 3 Pe<Ch SAN 01100 (HAM Landini) -ue anglerl 1134 albacore Monda¥'• trenuctlon• •uoALL HalloNlleeeW CHICAGO CUBS -Traded Ja, Ho-all pllc:har. to the Naw Yor" vanue1 10 comi>leta 1 June. 111111 tr-. IAl«ET8Al.L Haltonal ..... et.,.11 .U-tallon PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS -Slgnao Jell Judhlnt, lorwerd114Jard ,OOT9AU Hatlorlal ,ooUNlll ........ BUFFALO BILLS -Cut Vic JamH. cOfntrt>ack Ron Ca1CaQn1. Greg Grl,,,.. anO Al Lawt1 aalatles: Pat Graham def11nt1ve end. Ron Verrllll. to.ICkar. Don Sha,... running Dack and Joe O'AmlCo wlde.-ver LOS ANGELES RAMS -Piacad Larry Brook•. dafan1ha tac kle, on the ectl,....phyaically unable to P«10<m Hit NEW YORI< JETS -Cul Phil Rleh, guard; Zecl1 Orate. llnel>llClc., Placed H«wy Fen, guard. John MOfdllQa. defensive 9'\d, Mark OeOasper1. dalantl•e tackle, and Tim Ho1k1n1, wtda •ace1•a• on Iha 1n1urad ·-list WASHINGTON REDSKINS -Cul Mtlte Crayton Nnning Ded<, ~ Jecllaon end Bob Rat>a. riQl\l ands. Jell Blanchard. bnebaclter, Old< Crall. Don,,.. Egt>une and Brian Snow. klektrs, JOhnny Stoulamlfa .. lety Leon WM1tam1 and RIChard Foley. o.tenlllw backr, Mike Daum. tackle. I(.,. Roark. oenttr. John McCollum. guerd. and Ed Jackaon. def11nalw lllcf<le. Herzog wants sub umpire banished ST. LOUIS (AP) -An angry Manager Whitey Henog says Gerry Davis, a s ubstitute National League umpire, should not be permitted to work St. Louis Cardinals games. Herzog's complaint stemmed from his banishment Sunday from St. Louis' game at MQntreal. Ejected after a balk in the first inning, HenoQ said, "It might be best to keep hlm away from us for a while." Davis, who is ordinarily an. American Association umpire. was filling in behind home pla~ for Enc Gregg, a rt'gular NL umpire who was Injured and miHed the Expoa-Cardioalt .eries. Henos'• feud grew out of • protetted safe call by umpire Daw Pallone on a pickoff try at flrtt baae by right-hander Joaquin Andujar. Aa tho St. Louh manager dhputed ~·a call, he WM lnfonned Davia had al.so caJled a balk. Heeted wordl enNtd and~ w• thumbed from the fteJd tor abualve ~-f Lit.er. Hmoc Mid Daw h.114 "no bualneH umplrlna &bit ........ ln that &be Nolde umpr. 11 a St. i.-. relklilftt. l'J tbbak ..... .-• m.a '° ... • ilDod umplr., ~ut he'• not ...... thine." , LOI ANGIL.I& (AP) -HOw do you ai.p ,,.. down an the farm when Uwy'N. 10Ull& ..--. ..,.. Md ~ the mwr otf U.. bililt.nf A dacllde Cll' ID a.,, then WM a IUptlliar..:: ol ~ ~Anp~~~.;r=. many: tl).m at AlbuQuerqu., .M. I AMONO 'l'HOIE WHO blomomed ln&o ~ ••acu• awdorn were Steve Garvey. Ron cey. '.Qaiwy Lop., Btll Rutaell and Steve Yeqer - *""'who fomwd the nucleut of the Oodgere for tbe put dececM. • =-a; ... _ Mll:- DOUN't lllND -.... - -... 11?:.-.. _ "'"E!!t'.... ~· Caro 1 H • ll • t t. ~•ou• •v•n, '' ........ OOOlllR'r.,.. o.iw ---=L ''-AIA 1MO w ~~ ,.,.... ...,.. aepublacaa ---·--~ E!t ,, ~·.!l. ·m· •. o .......... =·""·· ........... ·o .... .,...-" •· IWUTMINf• • MAL • ._.... UTATI, 1111 N T-. AYI., ..._ f 0 r 11. U t. D. ft t . IOYI NelN IUUNe • -H .......... ttN 11 "'•--.............. ---...........-, 11 f ... -all D"A'TINQ, INO., e Oallter•le ............ ~ ~ ,..-:::::............, ...... -..._ --•v 50.,.rnor .i. h -•• ... .... " ---.. _ -.• "-' ......... ""'111"'*8•. • ••YI I • son -..,,.,ini.ti. Flt Ceftter ttr.c, '*~le ... • "'' t, .. ,. .. 1 ltt•••· 1110 , • C .. Hotlll• 04tlft't mind beln• -..... Alllil.._ Mte A, Coete ...... ~in.•.... Oorpo1et1e11, UOf N. T11elln I!. ::11,'-IWW• W llef wllll "'9 11111 ,.._ H. ,..._.. Ave11u•, 11111• A. l ento A11•, CICJl1\pal'Wd to .. laJn I ,.., ~ fll 0..,.. ~all T1llt ..... le oora.etM We ,.... .... ,,,,., ..... 11M Wiii Ille Calf«,_ tt70t prime mlnlater, -. ·-· .....,....,. ~Qelttl ot0ranee~e11 AAl."H IAAVDMAH Mar£~r.i Tti.tcher. '"'"..,_ 0r.,... ~~ ='nT::'"° • ~' · 1 "'· ,_ ::,.re~~:. 1..c. Ma. tt IA)'I ~· l'llot. Jil!i'l IO, If, AUf. ' 1~ :=..~ "ublllMd Oran_. CoMt oellr ""-" •a-!Nn Thatcher "hu tJl'oUCht Tilil "*"*'' W9I tllld wfttl IN "'°'· JN/lit IO. 2'. AMI-I , 10' 1MI Thlt e1::=' ... !Nd with uw I re at 1 t th --..... ,_. ...... -IC-.,-ra----• eoumy ~ °' Orange County on ua.a C011nty e1et11 of 0r.,. County on 1 d r • n ~ • t o r--;;m;;;u;i'iU;i;il-1 JwW ,; '...~ • ·TT . rtaJe M)TIC( JliiV '· ttt2. ftl an . . . I fllDm*'l• IPllll ~-.--"Mlll.UWA,HO. MAim ITAW A .. , ...... ~ 'ICTmOUI IUWll ._I. film, ..... ftle fOllo*lng ""°"II CIOlllO ._ ... ,,._ lllittt• NA• ITATIMINT ....._ .,._, Ca•nd~ ~ •: .... .,. Tiie followjftA ..... ..,..... dol ,.., ,• ........... o ••1NT w-"·, •o --...... c ... ,,...... .. ................................ .,. "" ....,....._ '"" ...,.,.... , .._..._. -.,.,.,,..,.._ ftublltlled Orange Coa11 Dally ltow, u rnany players on the Loe A.ngelet ------------.....:... _____ _ raawr are rNch1na their rnkt-30.. a new aener•Uon ot m1not l~n 1a banalna on the Dodjere' door ._.,.,iwin.' CA ta11•. ... IJ .. _ .... O ,,,_ (1) ABE'S HWEA & DAAIN ftllOt, July '3. 20. 21, AuQ. 3. tN2 KAAI N 'AITH ,IHI , 70 a rUb tnwv renoe CoHt OaJI) 8&9'VICE 121 ABE'S PLUMlllNQ 3153-<82 ~. IN!ne, CA tt114. rllol, JliiV IO, t1, AuQ. 3, 10. 1"2 CO~PANV. 1$713 &Holl Blvd., 1-------------Thla buelneee "~ t>y All 3267-t2 Muntlngton 8"cn. Calll0fnlt 112M7 __ .,. IMTIH' Pitcher ,.,emando ~alenzuela, catcller· Mltte Sdoecia, eecond baleman Steve Sax and outfJel~re Pedro Guerrero, Mike Marshall and Ron Roenlcke are among thoee already summoned to Los Ange.lee in the forefront of the new wave. An outatanding group ltlll 11 WaJtll\g. Albuquerque'• Dt.lkes, longtime dominant team in the Tr)ple A Pacific CoUt League, have an explmive Une\.tp that Includes first bueman Greg Brock. 24; outfielders C.andy Maldonado, 21, Tack. WU.On, 26, and Mark Bradley, 2!r, shortstop Dave Andenon, 21, and catcher-uWity man·Dave Sax (Steve'• brother) • .23. A RECENT CHECK of hitting statistic:a of the Del Crandall-managed Dukes ahowed Brock wu batting .321 with 35 hornen and 107 runs batted in· Maldonado .320 with 19 homers; Wilson .389~ Bradley .325 with nine homers, 80 RBI and 35 stolen bUes; Anderson .a.46 with 24 steals, and Sax .311 with nine homenf. 1'We juat had a bad week; our team ha~ average ts down to :322," Pat McKeman, Duke& president and general manager, said with a chuckle. For aome reason. the Dukes have churned out more outstanding hitters than pitchers. But among the highly regarded mound prospects at Albuquerque are 21-year-old Rich Rodas. who is 10-3, and 19-year-old Sid Fernandez, 4-3. "There are a lot of good prospects," said Al Campa)lu: Dodgers vice president for player peraonnel. "I guess you could say t.hey've got a good bunch of hitters Un<le they're leading the league in average." .... llA VING AN abundance of talented young players might present a problem. Some of them are bound to grow restless while awaiting a chance at major league stardom. Campanis, however, doesn't really regard that u a problem. ''Every player wants to play in the major leagues, and naturally if you have someone in front of you, you're not pleased," he said. "But situations generally work out. I believe in the old saying that you can't keep a good man down. "U the player has the determination and drive and competitiveness ... he'll play in the major leagues either for the Dodl(ers or some other club." The Dodgers' fann s~stem has the reJ?utaUon of being perhaps baseballs best. New prisons w-on't do job By THOM.AS D. ELIAS One of the meaagee clearly imued by voters Lut month wu that they want Calitomla'• prilon problerna 10lved, even lf it ooeta aome money. But It'• rapidly becomlng clear that the $495 million bond ilaue they voted for the project won't come cloee to doing the job. Alto clear is that while a large ~ty wants more pri.oN, few want to live near them. With the prison •)'Item holding 7,000 more convicts than it was built to handle and t.akinj ln almost 200 more each week. lt't clear that even the 11,700 beds authorized in June won't tolve the problem. By the time they're built -projected for 1985 -the priaon population will be ebout 10,000 persons above even its new capacity. And the penitentiaries may not be finithed that eoon because no ~>ne now knowa where they'll be placed. One proJ)Ola.} to build five maximum eecurity prisons at Folsom, near Sacramento, and Adelanto, ClllfDllll FICUS lncll\ltclual, ' Tlmotlly J. Kjng, Ul783 8"cll f----"~--..-."".;.-..;.;1_;... __ .......... ~ ~ 'tM ~ "8i M)TIC( Blvd .. Munllnglon &Mell, Callfotnlt ,,_ MOtllll'Oftt WM Ned wnn the 92 ... 7 County el9rtl Of Orange County on fltOTmOUI .,..... Rot>en E Magen 16783 eeecfl MN-llNI ~ 11. 1tu. um SfA..--.r Blvd . Munllnglon eMcll, c.ttlotnla NOTICE OP DEATH or ,_ TM lotlo.int P9f'ton 11 dol110 1121'7 HBRIC8£t. ll. IWANION ftvbll•hed Orange Coul De ~ • Tllll 1>1111i-. 11 ~UC1ecl by 1 AND OP PETITION TO rllot. ~IO, 17, Aug. 3, 10. 1112. INTEALUOl, A Cerdl.c c.r. general per1ner1111p ADMINllTEll _"_NO H1CM2 ,rogram; IHTEALUOE. a TlmolllyJ. l<lnQ ..:.oaaaic. • r-----------1Po•t•Ctrdlao Oppor1unl1y; Thi• 11•1-t .... llJad with,,,. A·lHIH. PWUC M)TIC( INT£ALUOE. • PrwentM Coronery County Cletli ol Orange County on To all hetn, beneficiariiM, c.r. Prootwn. aao Petl( A~. July 12. tll82 credltora and contln~ent lult• Ho. 7, L•oune &Holl, '''"" dl ( ff ~ aTATD9NT Calllomla 12ta1 . Pubh•lled Orenoe Cot11 Dally ere tori 0 erache R. ~ lolo_.AIO C*'IOnt -doing Bttt>el• R. W"Oflt, Pti.D .. 30eo Pllol. July 13. 20. 21. AIJO. 3. 11182 Swauwon and penona who • Ml. vi.w Drive, L•oune BHcll, 2HM2 may be otherwW Interested 111 :~~C:.:.C. ~ ~· ~~'" oonducWCI.... In the will and/or estate: Celfomle taet3 • lndMdual v, M rtalC NOTICE A peUUon hM been filed Ellt• Produot1on1, Ina., a ,S.,.,.,a A. Wt1Qht. , Ptt D. MUM IC IP AL CO U "T Op by Ecllth T. Swamon ln the Ctllfornla corpomlOn, 1111 w. 18111 Thia "''*'*" ._ fifed wtth the c~ Superior Court of Orange ==· Newpol1 lw:h, Callfomla ~~ C*1I of Orange County on "~°"""'~~T County requeetlng that Thlellutlnwllconductedbyt~a~ .... ......,.°""• Edith T . Swaneon be COfPOrllllOn. A.....,.etW. ft.O ... ••to appointed •• peraonal Ellt• Producllont, Inc. ..,..,,,.,.. ... ....._ •••11•rl .... 11. Celllerftte repraentative to adm1niater An.n N&imw, ••--1•• W.1M7 the eeh•• of Her1Chel R PrMlclenl &.ee-INoh. CA -1 PLAINTIFF: MARTIN FELDMAN .. ..., ' Thia 11•'-'• ... flied """" the .. ,... lll'ld BETSY Fl!LOMAN s w a n • 0 n ( u n d e r t b e County Cl«tt of Orange COWlty on Publlehed Orange Coul Dally D E F E N D A N T : N A N C Y Independent Admin11tration July UI, 11182. Piiot, July 27, Aug. 3, 10, 17, 1982 OPPINH!IM and STEPHEN of &tates Act). 11\e ~Uon ,,._ 33ee-82 OPPENHEIM; DOES 1 lhru 10 II 11et for hNrin8 ln Dept Publl•h•d Orano• Coa11 Dilly IUWOM No 3 at 700 Civic c.ente · Piiot, July 20. 27, Aug. 3. 10, 1812 •-.,. IMYll'r CAM NUMllll lteel Ori. W . in th Ci rf 3270-82 ,._ nu11K NOTICll Yeu ti... ..._ euec1. ve, est, e ty o "9C1mOUa .,..... Ttte _. _,-.... ....,_.,., Santa An•, California on ......C M)TIC( ....._ ITA,.....,., :z•~ ~::.;.,. :,•ard August 18, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. '1CTITIOUe WH Tiie 1o11ow1ng ~ are doing llleed .._ 11....,_ ..... ...._, .,._ IF YOU OBJECT to the NAm ITATUmtn ~ea: II you .,..,, to ..-111e ~ of grantJng of the petiUon, you The tollowlno perao11 It doing ASsH6~1~~=i. A2~~1E:!,~nNH! an allorney In Ihle maller, you should either appear at the ~ M: Center Drive, &ull• 180, lrvlne, lflOukf do'° promptly'° that~ hearing and 1tate your PAOfESSIONAL PARK · 4, Mt Celllomla 927111 written re9PO"M. " eny, may be objections or file written Dover Drive, Sulle 11, Newport I( 1 o d HI d .. 22 Ned on lime b 9Mcft, Callfomle 929413 en or on n ... v Av 1ao1· u 1 I• d 11, a Id• o )eCtlona with the court Jack R. Delruyn, 27342 ~~':! =· Newport Beach, de.,.anude. II trlltu11el pffde before the hearing. Your 8-0-. "41111on Viejo, CalHornle Hwold Wayne~. 2335 ..._., _.,. Ud. • r ll•rW • appearance may be In penon 112875 Meae OtNe. Sent• Ana. Ctlllomla -.,. Ud. ,...,.... ........ or by your attorney. in the high desert near San Bernardino, was held Th1a ~ "conduc\ecl by• t2707 ••--.Le .. 111••rn 1111 'we IF YOU A R E A beca bl llmlted Ptlf1nenhlp. Thie ~ la conducted by ., ..._. CREDITOR · up use an assem yman didn't want them in his Jao61 A. o.eruyn unlrM:orl>Of'•led _..1'°" other ~1 u11ed dHH 1ot1c1tar el or a oonu.ngent district. ,.,,.. ate1ernent -Neel wt1ll Ille IMn • partner'INp conaeto de un ~ en Ml• Cttditor of the deoeued you The wran~g will not prevent the p,.;.,_., County Clet1t °' Orange County on Harold w · AnderlOn ~~ 1 0 · de b • r • 11 •c•r1 0 must file your claim with the • ._...... July It. 11112. Thi• etatement ~ .. ftled with the ,...,._,i.iamente~ de ..,. m-•· <'OUl't or ...-nt it to the from being b · t, but it may hold them up awhile. ,,_, County Clet1t of Orange County on ""~ -=n1a. II hay llguna. ..--· But no one denies that under pn!IM!nt law s, the Publllhed Orange Cot11 Dally July 111 11182 puecte -teQ1111'11d• • tlemao. ;>eraonal repre1entative-..-. will be Piiot, July 20, 27, Aug. 3. 10. 11182 . . ,,.... 1. TO THE OEFENOAHT:-~c:MI appointed by the court new pnaom · as overerowded u the old ones 32M-12 Pubttelled Orar199 CoHt Dally ~.!::. llMf1 "flled !r.ti ":9 within four montha from the -~a~be m ore crowde~ if Proposition S's ·-ec ""TICE Piiot, July 20. 21, Aug. 3, 10.111112 defwlCI 11111 .._r:."Yc>u :':... ,..,~ date of firat iuui.nce of restrictions on plea bargaining stand up in court ..--"" 3 ll5-42 30 d•Y• alter thl• eummon• 11 lett.en u provided In Section tes~. • FtCTmOUS llU..._H -*on you, Ille w11tc !hit ooun • 700 of the Probate Code of Th.at reality prompta a sobering prediction NAMI eTAfflUNT ......C M)TJC[ wrttten rweponM 10 •tie c:omp1a1n1. California. The time for from Samuel Williama, president of the State Bar of bu~~.::7ino '*'°"' •re doing ,-.cnnous .,..... ~,;::, "! 90~,=~ ;: filing claima will not expire California: "We risk that priaon overcrowding will (•) AWARENESS MARKETING ..... ST.An.NT plaln11tf, and IN• COUt1 mey ent•. prior to four months from become 80 severe that our Le,.;.1 .. ture or our courts (bl KARRON ADVERTISING , 350 e The 1011ow1no P•tton• are )udgrnenl agt1n1t you'°' t relief the date of the heari ng a...... 22nd, Costa M .... CallfOfnle 112827 dolnO bull,_•: demanded If! the cornplajnt. deed above. will have no choice but to release thousands of l<•ren 81.,. ... f, 3110 E. 22nd. THE COMPUTER BUSINESS could rHu'll In garnl•llment YOU MA y EXAMINE c;ri.soners before their release is due _ incluA1 .... at Cotta ~ .... Cailfom•• 112627 STORE. 2790 Herbor Boulevard, -o-. telclng of money or property ... _ fU .. "6&&'6 Ronald F Oav111 350 E 22nd. Colle MeM, Celllomle llM2e or other r•lt•f requ•eled In Ill• .,.., e ~ept by the court. If ast some aerious offenders." Cos1a Mesa. c 111rorn1e 112827 CALIFORNIA BUSINESS comp191n1. you are intereated in the Such a move ia not unprecedented. In the first This 1>us1neu 11 cOl'ld\IClecl by SYSTEMS. INC .. • C•tllornl• DATED: Marc:tl tO, TN2 estate, you may file a request few years of Ronald v-.. ~an'a administration in lluaband end wife corporallon. 21110 Harbor J . PETERSON, with the court to receive Sacr "~ Karen Sllrteef 8oulevard, Coela MeM. CelHomlll Oat1c "We're pleased with the r esults and the development," Campanis said. "We're a far m - oriented organiz.ation. You don't do too much anymore with trades because of the complexities in contracts .. You try to develop your own players." And there are by-products. Loa Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda. who has served more than 30 years in the Dodger organization as a player, ~ut, ~h and manager, was a minor league skipper m the system for seven years, including amento. thou.ands of mental patients were Thia •••t-1 wu riled wllll Iha 92t2t ey &i..n Moeer. special notice .of the -released from state inatitutions because of budget County c1er1c of Or•noe County on Thll ~ 111 ~eel by• 0ec>u1y Inventory of eatate asaeta cuts. They later committed dozens of crimes June 15· 1982 oorporeuon. WIUJAll UJ(b • .uec>c1An• and of the ~tftiona., accounta includ~eral murde--. ' r:1e1w CALIFORNIA BUSINESS ~..!.:!'!,..-alld report1 deecribed in • • Pubto1lled Oran~· COHI Delly SYSTEMS, INC. ...... AM, c ....... --sect I 0 n 1 2 0 0 . ~ 0 f l h e W suggest!! th.lat the way to prevent a Pilot. July 13· 20· 2 · Aug. ~·1~~~:2 ~°'Ole. Tet (114) ns.•1 California Probate Code. repetition of that mistake would be to begin a policy Thie ••at-t _.. ftled with Published Orar199 Coe11 Detty R. Vlr1ll Allea, E••·· called ".elective i.ncaroeration." rtaJC NOTICE .,.. County Cleftl of er.,. County Pl6ol, Jutt 21, Aug, 3. 10. 11. 1ee2 Attoraey at Law SHI "There are offenders for whom the best RCmt0uawu :;."!'!?~":.TT 337342 Wllalre Blvd.. &dae ZZH, answer is not a prilon term," aaya Willl.ama. "Many ..._ sun-.n A......,. .. u. ......C NOTJC[ Loa Aa1elea, Callferala 1972 at Albuquerque. would be better off serving evenings or weekends. The lollowtno penonm -doing ._ .....,._ aau111w1t. HtH. By the Department of Corrections' owri estimate, buell~T~ES OUARTER8, 18110 =='---. c ....... _ NOTICE OF DEATH OF Publlahed Oran&e Coaat about 30 percent of California priaon inmates safely &did. Fountain V'*"I, Celtfomla ,__. ~~EJTIBTAR10RE1T c:J1Y Pilot. August 2., 3, 9, could be housed in minimum security facilities. 1121oe Publllhed er.,. Coat Delly N TO l 2 Duran switches EASTON, Pa. (AP) -Roberto Duran, the former lightweight and welterweight champion, said M onday that he wouJd fight Tony Ayala Nov. 19 for promoter Don King even though he had made an agreement with rival promoter Bob Arum for a . fi~ht ~~ Davey M<>?re• the World Boxing Association JUruor middleweaght champion. Duran appeared at a news conference at the night club of Larry Holmes, the World Boxing Co\mcll heavyweight champion. Duran is training• at Holmes' gym m preparation for a Sept. 4 fighi agai.nat .Kirkland Laing for King. M f h h be C. Edward Mertln, 18 13 Piiot, July 20. 27, Aug. 3, 10, 1912 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. 3396-82 ost o t em ave en convicted of crimes Redding way, Upland, California 3256-42 AlHHi. ---------- involving no violence. We must consider the 11'7M. · T all .__,_ ..__ Plitt.JC NOTICE 'bill Karen JHnne Martin , 1413 Ml.JC M)TJC[ O •~, ..,.,...,fidariea, -----_;..;.;..;.;;;,__ __ po6Sl ty our prison system is too crowded to Redding Way. Upland. CaHtornl• cred it ore, con tin« e n t MN·SllU accoi;nmodate these prisoners." • e1:: bue1r*9 ,. conduetect by F1CnJ:::.... creditors, and penons who NOTICE OF DEATH OF Williams argues that without some step to (Huebend & Wife). NAm •TATIMINf may be otberwile intensted RE R 8 ER T s TAN LE y reduce the load on the priaons, not even the Karen..._,,,. Mer11n The 1o11ow1no perton•.,.. doing in the will and/or estate of: ZADACB, ab HERBERT s. construction will eaae the crowding which he says is Thia 11'1emenl WU ,..., wttll Ille bu91neea u; ELISABETH J. BARRE'IT. z A D A c R A N D 0 F partly responsible for repeated prison riots. Coun~ C*1I of Orange County on THE RUNNING RACQUET, ~ known as El.IZABgnf p & T I T I 0 N T 0 But ii.nee 1976, the political trend has been in Juey ' 11112' ,._,,., ~.;:.~:.~Ive, Laguna J. BARRETI'. AD~ER ESTATE NO. the other direction. Publl1lled Orange Coatt Dally Dolor .. Acker, 513 N. A petition hu been filed AllUU Today's crowding can be traced directly to the Pllol, July 27, Aug. 3, 10, '~;~ ~~c~2:,edondo e .. ch. ~ JiHN E.l BARRETI'C In To all heira, beneficiaries, determinate aentencing law which in 1977 began 1-----------Oonelcl R. w1111-. 1085 w. t e uper or ourt of creditors and contingent Luis Henrique, a longtime Duran aide who now says he is the Panamanian'! manager of record aaid ~t Duran and former manager Carlos El~ had fll8Ded a three-bout option contract with King before Duran's WBC super welterweight title lOBS to Wilfred Benitez last January. King announced recently that Duran. would flgbt the unbeaten Ayala Nov. 19 on NBC. Then laat week Arum announced that Duran would fight Moore, also for NBC on Nov. 19. mandating specific pri8on terms for spedfl.c crimes. ,..IC M)T1C( Lomita ~ .. ~ No. 334, Htlbof Orange Coun~c creditors of Herbert Stanley· Without flexibility, Judges have had to send more ACTmOUe WM ~ Calllomla 110 that JOHN E. be Zadach and peraon1 who criminals to prison. ..._ STAT'llmNT llmlted ~ conduetlld by • a~ted u penon•l may be otberwm Interested The The ro11ow1ng ~ .,. doing Oolotw AC.er re tative to admlnlst.er in the will and/or estate: June vote for Proposition 8 indicates .,_..,_ ea: Tlllt ,..._.,, wee flied wi1t1 the the estate of the decedent. A petiUon hu been filed voters. don't believe that was enough, no matter NEW VOAI< WEIT TALENT County C1er11 of Ot-ange County on The petition requeata by Dorothy Zadach ln the what tt'a done to prisons. OEHCY, 171 w. 111h Slrfft, .Jl/l>t 1· 1812. authority to lldm!nlaier the Superior Court of Orange So the likelihood ia for atlll more priaon Elll•~d~ ~ • Publl"*f oranoe co.:.'= e 1 late u n de r the County requeet1n1 that tAlnlH•BOH SMfTH & TUTHtU. MSTCUff CHANL 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 : PllolCI llOTHMS !SMfTHS' MOITUAaY 627 Main St l'\lnllnQton Bitach 536-'6539 rACIAC ••w .....,.,.&., ... Cen-etety Mortuerv Chapel-crematory 3500 Pacsfte V1fNt Creve Newoort Beach 644-2700 MICOIMICIC MOITUAl•S LaQuna Beac,, 494•!Mt5 LaQl.ma Hills 786-0933 San Juan Cao111rano 495-1716 NAllOlt LA WM-Mf. OUYI Mortw.arv • O.tnetef\' CrematOfV 1&25 019* AYe Coat•M ... 540-5554 Nlc••onms· taL llO.UWA Y NOl1'UAIY 110troed••r eo. • .,.... M-tl50 \ crowding and still more priaon riots, rather than '* oorporetlot\, 1111 w. 18th Plot, JliiV t3. 20, 21. Aug. 3, 1912 Independent Ad.mln.iatradon Doro th y Z ad• c h be any new, more creative aolutfon. · N9wpol1 ...,,,, ~ 3155-42 of F.tates Act. A hearing on appointed a• peraonal Thlt ~ 1a oonduoted by "8..IC N011C( the petition will be held oo ~tative to admlniater 1111on. ' August ta, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. the estate o( Herbert Stanley \ a,. Produc:ttona. lnG. • u ft • II ~II T o ' ln Department 3 located at f • d a c h ( u n d. e. r t h e =--:=-==---------C ~ ..__,,,, COUNTY w OM.-700 Civic Center Drive West, ndependent Administration ' DlllH •111c11 0 n tract approved Tllla atat-• -lllld wtltl the ,. CMo c..... °""'.... City of. s.nta Ana. of btates Act). 1be petition II I :l Cl8'I or Orange County on .... AN, c• .. ... IF YOU om to the II •t for.~ ~No MODESTO (AP) -California cannery and 1 ' llU. ,._ Jo~~ ~ T ~~:~ ~~ «?!._~ pe\itioo. you tv:t:~ ~,:City':( San~ , PEARCE food process~ workers have agreed by a 4-to-1 Publlelled Oranoe Coa11 Dally AUPOflOEHT: CARMEN TOMAS .,~ eJV>Cr appear at the An.a C..liforn.la 00 August • M A R I 0 N R 0 S S marmn to """"pt a con•-act con•-'-'-g a o--year J'*f 20. 21. Aiio. a, 10. 19H ueo&AA hear1n1 and at.ie J.ou r 2• 1• .. o 2 at n.30 0 -· ........... .. WUJWl 0 ""' S2te--12 wa..a ff'Aa.Y LAW) ob~-tioru or ffle w tten "• "° •· a.rn. PEARCE, a realdent of wage-freeze. 1-----------I CAMWCHl"'motm '"°" IF YOU 08.JlX:T to the Newport Beach, c., Pu.ed ----------.----------"*.IC M)TIC( NOTtCm objecUona with the court srantlnc of the petition., you • away on Aueuat 1, 1982. DEATHS Pl8JC ll)TJC[ _ __.... Y• fWft ._ ...._ TIMI.._. before the hearing. Your ahould either •--• at the S l db ~nnv--.. _, ............. ,... ...... ...._.. .......... _,.ybein-h . .......-' urv ve y daughter ACTrnOUe IUllMI.. NAm tTATIMIWT' , • .,, ~•'"' lilHrd ""'••• r•• r..-----..-~~ earing and 1tate your Robbie Forbea, 2 aon1 ..._ ITA~ Tiie fottow1110 peraon 11 dOlno ......-...... • .,._.....,. ._ or by your attorrMy. · obl:Uon1 or file written Tbomu R. Le Bua and ELSEWHERE Tiie tollowlno poreon 11 dotno ~ u; ' ' ....,...._ ...... IF Y 0 tJ ARE A ob Uont wlth the court William E . LeBu.t, mot.her bulln• .. •: A.S . INfl!AIO AS, UU .,,.._... .. ..,.._..,..., CREDITOR or a contJ.ncent be ore the hearino Y · M.rfe C. D-, 2 brothe-NEWPORT MEDICAL AHO Woodland Drive, All•h•lm, CA ... ........, "' ............ ,.. --"·-of ... _ ... _ saM ._..... our nuw • • REHAVIOAAL OAOU,, 1300 9'iatOI 92801, ........ • •,,......,., ..... ,_ """"""..,. ""' ~...u, you appevance may ... In~ Kenneth S. &. and Edwin BALTIMO~E (AP) Strfft No.rtll, N•wport leach, 9'1CHAAD OW!H IOHMITT, ,......... ., ........ W _,, 1MJ muat file your claim with \he or by your attorney. Rou and • 1J1ter Harriet M'lltoa E. Kettter, 59, a Callfomla ll2teO 31971 Cell• "°Ynold1, H , Sen i.. lllil •..... court or pn!Mnt lt to Ole IF Y 0 U AR J; A Chelette, 1 sranddauahter director o1 the CheuJ_)Mke & Robert I!. 8c:hmllz. M.D,, 111 ~ e::=• CA m 7e. A.of pereonal repreaentatlve CREOlTOR or a oontinpnt Erica Forbe1. She wu a Potorn1oc Telephone Co. and ~"::.Huntington Baedl, IMMcMI. 18 oonduc:t«f by.,, .,: =.=-.. ~.--.:;.::. a ppointed by the court creditor' to the decewd ~ member of the Newport chairman of a Mon1&0f'De7'Y Thle~ltOCJndUcMdt>y.,, ~Owenlcfwnltt u...-• , .... -.... w1thinfourmont.hafromthe muatfileyourclalmwtt.htbe Beacb Bo.rd of Reelt.on and County land development lndlWluel. Thie ~C::.tllld wltll the ......-;......,. ... ._ ...... date of flrat 1 .. uance of court or preaent ft to the a member of the B.P .W. firm. died Wedneeday. ~ E. 8ohmltt. M1 1 1NI. County°" """ai ~.~~~::. • ... .-...,., leaief'O • pnMded ln aecdofl peraonal reprHentatlve Oraanlsatlon. Memorial --Thie ... .,;_. wet ftlod""" IN . ~ ...... • • .....,. • .... 700 of the California Probate appointed by the court Hrvlcea wm be held on BREMEN, Maine (AP) -eoumy etn or Orange COllnty on Pu1>11~ Otanoe eo..1 OellY en•••· •••erfe ..... ,,. Code. The Um. for tuinc within four mont.ha ttom tbe Wecm.day, Augu11t f. 1982 Barry W. Mari.le, 77, J!AVt&, 1..a. Pllot.~to.27.Avg.3, to, tNa. lrw1r111 1ut ....... --. c:Ja1ma wW not exp&n Fib' date of flnt s .. uance of at ll:OOA.fot at hdfic View hmlllar to mlllion1 of ~' aat....a • 111• 11•• e '' •11•1 • .. lll!r tofowmontlwframthedate lentn•~tnSecdan._ Chapel whh Or. John Amerlcuu durln1 World 'ubllt!IM °':.'T, co.at oa1i, ...-., ,_...., "11'" ... • o(tbebearhwnodcedabow 700 ol. t.hit Probate Coct. or Huffman of St. Andrew'• Wu D M tbe vo6c1 of CBS "'°'· Mt 21' Aug. ' 10' 1~:~ NI.IC M)TIC( ~ n41 NMOHOINT YOU MA~ EXAM IN . CaUfornla. The Unae for. PrHbyterlan Church ndlo't "Newlof the WOl'ld," ... .,. STA~ CM' AIAMllOtW n. .,..._.._.., • """°" them. kept by the oow1. u fllilll clUm will not exp,. offidaU,,.. In lieu of Oowen d.led Sunday. ..--llJncl •CW Ull CW 001-••111 ~ _.... If'°" ltl tn..__ ....... prior to four rnontha from lDllnOriaf' ...._._. ........ _ 'Wennou9 .._ .. ...._ to .. •~...., • .,. et '°" are • penan --the d t f 'h b •-be made "7~ .. i'h-e""" C•anmace~r ... .,_ -1'1Cnnou9 ....... Th• fOllOwlng pet1ona hav• lhe date lllet 11111 tulfllflOM It In the estate, 10'4 ftlllY flle a a e 0 e eera.nl ..--""''"4 The~~ d...._ ~l9Cl1Mi.-1or111eAc11t1o11t ..-.onww,,... ...... ,_.,. requ•t with the court nodl»dYOU~Y·-.. .,,...... Society. Entombment at f'ICmlOU9 ..,.... bU*leae --....... -~· ~ .. --name: ....... ane1 lflll-"' !Mr.-• ,...... --'•' noUiDe ol. the ~ ~•the .P.d& View Memorial Park. Mm ITA1-T ae: QM~ ONE NO. t. 2000 )UdftMnt ~ ~ et --file kept bj the~ II JOU Pacific Vl•w Mortuary TM fOllowt-......... ,. ,........ c-~o .. ~ATIONI, nttt Harbor I011levtrd, '""' A' 14, °"*or ................... mac ot the am...tory of .... ln"8 •led In ......... -...... ,,,, ........... ~ ~ •: . ..,,, ,........,.... ~.. _,.,., .. ,o .,.,_,_, l.agufte Hiiie, Cotta MeM. ~ 1ae,a1 Pf"*"Y, ~ ..,.n. Ofll4Ct Htaa. ..... t, sad of tb• --~ ~... The l'lellllol.tl IUtlft ... N•m• wttMy. Ofllt4 ~. llUOtftey ti tS ~ 10" may ftle ....... With t riijpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;-1 ~~ ~--"'-UM91~3.J ltiele Den l<allO ••tdW911• r•f•rreo 10 •bovt ••• rneo In ..., -. .,. tldl...,,..., • pe on1, eccounta anv the court '° NICllw .,._. I a ~ w ~ =~~ • ~ Kel!t. 0r-. County on ~-t4, mer .. or'"'9d W IN oourt. .,,. nporte ct.cdbld in SICdan aottee of the lnwn&ory Of If It's~ ~ta~ • Ma. .... ~-=-· L.atuna •N1. ..,,_.., .. f1f.....,-...., 1100.0 of the CeJlfornla Nla~ •• .. t• and of ill• """ Jotwl w ....., 21111. Tilll.,._lloondu*dbV1n 1.~~::, ~::~:'M:~~,~=~10:~ =-:.~iiC:.0:0: Prob9'9~. ___ peUtlone, accoullt.s aad 1 hand... ~~~·~ D, h11te Afte, lftdMdlMI. 7 ,..,._ --~ np11111 c1aDibec1 In .... , YOU'llll'•b 'Thle"'*'-•90flducll•""an -...... ..._., h!Ow•n C.CtwllllfleOweNnd,4*>,...... DMM!PebNalyt. tlll P9Udanw 1100:0 of th• CalUorola a Ule fndMdllel, ... , ,,.. •ta IMlll .. ..., wlltc tlle eo.a --.., ~ taa7 La A. INWOt. BAllU) 6 8AlaD ...... 0od9 I falter Ht • JoM w . .,,..._, ~ ~ °' o..._ o.unty °" .,, ':..=:-.. __,.... t>y ~ _.., Allww,1 ,_ Pelllt••• a-. _...... A.._, • D ,._. Piiot a.. · ,_ "*' CMtwld .,._ ' P.O. Ila Tm 11 a.. Tll ~· Glaw c~ ~:~ .. ::..~: ...:::~.t..-r ~ ~ -:i:r=..~: •=~~ :: ~·~.:: &"1.L-.,._~ ! atll. Cell "-at1NI JN/lit t 1111 ....... p · Pim 0r-. pvys t 'Id .QnMI .Cwt , M!-.1'71 ,,. .. aked ~ 0-.. ~ f"lltlttttleel °' CoM De11v .,....._ ~ Dllb PIM. .1'Q IT II, Mil-DlllY ...... ~-I. 1. • ...... ,,.,, .... 1.,... .. ~ e=:.,.,,~-=..--.,.., ..... ~,, ... T.-..~ .. .-~.--r~Ra.·•• · ••-. ... .. ,,., mt ..._. (Elias is a columnist bued in Santa Monictl.) ---~-... ,.. .. -:.z:a.;..~ ,..., ~ ....... ;;"'™ .... 111•i ~~=n.,. ....... 11~• .......... ~.:::---A~ .,,,......., ii·--•'llt' "' ....... ...: ..__II -.r -"W a ... ~ .. -::: 11111111 'Y .. .. • ... .... ""'"' '::'I"' ....... .... = ........... ~ ~=i:r=~: TNl.:r ............ ... .. ~ .. ----... ~., .. 1'11. ,,... =·-=·°' °""" ~"' ........ t; ...... Jr, l'Ytll .... OfMte ~ m 11'\.lltilMd Or ,..., .. ~'L*.fC:......,0.:: "°'· .JWt IO, n. ~ '· 1ww. "°'Alie.'· ,o. ?.9ac~ o.iiv on Nit 1f. 1•. !4!f:!I .,...,..,.. ~ 0..:.-= NI.IC NOTICE Ml.IC MmCI 1111ot. •IO, 11. Alig,•· 1:a: N011cs1.op DEATH gr "°'''.,.WWW -------~-1PAUL 8 POftSA AND r um ITA~ !'!!JC NOta P B T I 0 T I 0 N T O .J::.. "":.~II llWHli .,. clolrlt MTW •111111 ADMINllTl:ll BITATB NO M. IMA, 11H a. lt111~erd, Nam ITA1mmn A UUH. lentl AM. ca. 12107 TIMI followlnO penont .,. doing To all hetn, bentflduiel, Ot ~ ~~ ,=-' ~~ Ol.IANIM ,,80 a. creditor• and cont1n11nt •• 'ortun1to Avha, aaoe w, lcSlflo. No. I LI ..... ~ cr«llton of Paw H. Potter c-..nut,4-nta AN, ca. t,2704 1.111e 1. ·,..,.,._ u N. Vllta de and per.one who may be ..J:= """'-' 11 oonclYGt.O by• La WM. 8outti Llgunl. Ollltomll otherwt.e ln~tefted ln th• ~·A· IH7J_, M. Pwtllra, 23 N. Vllt1 de wW and/or ~~: ..,,...... Thia .. :=: Wll flled "'4ttl t!M 11 u-, 1outti Llgunl. ewtom1e A peddon ..-been UMIQ Olll1f ot Or-. eoumy on 9"11 by Mary B. Pott.er in the JUty • 111a. ,,.... Thll ~ 11 oonduot9d by Superior Court ol Orange Publl•"-<1 Otino-COll t Oelly lndMdUma~,.,.!_ wtte). County requeattnc th•t Piiot Auo· 3, 10. 11~14. 1M2 Thia 11.e.ment ... flled w1tt1 Mary Jl Potter be appohlted &426-12 C0Ynty Qalrtt of 0renoe Couflty. .. penonal reprwelltatiYe to ·-WO _.,._ ' adrn1nia1er the estate of Paw ~ ""''K PubltlMcl Otano• co .. t Ollt H . Potter (under thei--.. fte-=nn=-.c'"".u"",.-•""u'"'1'""1'""• .... ....,..--"°'· .Mf 21, Aug. l , 10, 17, 1Na Independent Admfnlstndon U. 8TA~ _________ 33_7_ of Elltata Act). The petition ~o:::.wlng iwaon 11 doing PWllC M)TIC( la aet for hearln1 in ~pt. MOUNTAIN CREEK I~ fte"'10Ue WM No. 3 at 700 Civic Center 1200 °'*' si., Suite 290, um.,..,....,.,. Drive, West, ln the Clt¥ of e.ct1. ca. taeeo The foffowlng iwaon 11 doing Sant. Ana, C•lifornla on L. Vincent Mayell, lnll .. (• ~ ~ ,.0 LI! ao v tTZ a Aupai 26, 1982 •t J~30 a.m. ~= ~~ =:n~ As ISO c 1 A T I! 8 : ( 2 ) o J lF YOU OBJltX,:I to the t2te0 ASSOCIATES, 18291 Content SIWlUna of the petition, you llmlr: =: GOndUaecl by I Clrota. Huntington B11011, CA lhou1d either appear at the L. VINCENT MAYELL. INC. t2Mt. bearing and 1tate your By· L Vincent Mayen CAROLE J. BOVtTZ. 11291 obEtlon1 or me written Pr9.id.nt ' g:n:;1ro1e. Hun1lngton 8Notl, ob tton1 with the court Thll 1t1temen1 w11 ftled with the Thia bulii-11 conducted by an be ore the h earing. Your Cctun::X ~=or Oranoe county on 1nc1MC1ue1. appewance may be ln peraon July : • · ,,... Thia 11~~'!'::':.0 with the or by your attorney. Publl1hld Or1ng1 CoHt Dally County c1w11 of Orange County on I F Y 0 U A R E A Piiot Aug. 3. 10, 17. 2.4, 1942 Jullt 1&, 1942. CREDITOR or a contingent ~2M2 '"*1 creditor of the deceued, you NI.JC M>TICE Publlahld Orange CoHt Dally must file your claim with the -=-===~~~=~~~ Plot, .My 20, 27• Aug. 3• 1~ court or preaent it to ~he aTA~&::WM. peraonal repre1entat1ve Ol'ElAT-..o ~ rtaJC M)TIC[ appointed by the court ACTmOUa .,.._ .. NAm -,11 ....... --.. within four moot.ha from.the The followlng peraon hu .,._ _. -d f fi I f "'4tlldr_, II• general partner from ..._ aTA~ ate o rat 11uance o 111e ~operating under the The 9ollowtrlg per.at'll -doing letten u provided in Section llctlttou1 bu1lne11 name or ~ -= 700 of the Probate Code of 0 c EA N 8 w E 8 T M A R IN A THE ouu. RELIEF, 424 10lh California. The time for DEVELOPMENT COMPANY .. 4000 8trwc. Huntington a.en. CaMfom. f'lll .... -•-•--•• ..1u t ,_ MacAtlllur Boulevard, Suite 700 • 92e41 ~-. uau•• ....... no expu~ EMt, Newport a..cn. CA 82ee0. Din J. Moel, 424 10th Street, prior to four month.a from Tiie flctlttou1 bu11ne11 name Hundngton Beech, Callfomll t2648 the date of the he.ring 1ta1-1 for ttie pertnerlhlp w11 Oen D. Moll. 424 10th Street, noticed above Ned on July 11, 1MO In Iha County ~· = ~ YOU MAY EXAM IN of.:::.*& name and realdenoe of lndlvldull. the file kept by the court. Il the S*aofl wtthdn1wtno u 1 partner Dlln J. Moel I yo~ are intere•ted in the i.: ·JAMES P. WARMINGTON, 314 Thll 1ta1~ -flted with ttie estate you may file a request Buena Vllta, BtllbM, CA 12981. ~3.~.ofOr9nglCountyon with 0 the court to receive =~·= Ftm17 a peel al notice o f the ~d L. ~ Publlllled Or1nge CoHt 011ty Inventory of e1tate asseta This at•t-t -lllecl with the Piiot, July 27, Aug. 3, 10, 17, 1ee2 and of the petition&, accounta County Clertl of Ofange County on 33&t-a2 and report• described in AUQUll 2• 1182· -----------' .... No. •'141141 NI.IC M>TICE Section 1200.5 of the RHOOH,KINDALLI -......,~.......,--~=~--California Probate Code. HAMNn'ON PICTmOUa waa Braat 6 Pettttt A "ntmtanal uw eor.. ..._ aTATDmltT Alt t La a. lllOA1111w lltwd.. fulte '°' The followlng per10n 11 doing Onte)' a W ....,_. 8eedt, Ca.._._, ~ 11: fH WllAlre Blvd., ~te Publl•tl•d Orang• CoHt Delly PEPPERTREE APARTMENTS, 4ff Piiot Aug .. 3. 10, 11, 24, 1982 801 s. Lrn Street. s.nta Ana. Loa Aaaelet. CA Ht17 S45M2 cal"= H~~lll'IM. 1178 SE (ZU) f!Mztl ' "8JC NOTJC[ Mllln Street. ll'vlne. c.llfomle 12714 Pu bllahed Orange Cout Thll ~II conducted by Ill Daily Pilot. Auewl 3, 4, 10, ---::Fl:-:tC::T::tT=:IOUa=:-:•=:::le::M==aa=--.- lndMdull~ H. ~ 1982 3464-82 The :::..:~ doing ,,... ~-Publlelled Or111ge Cout Dally MESA DEVELOPMENT II, 4282 Piiot, Jvly 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10, 1182 rtB.JC fC>lJC[ Campu1 Drive, Suite C. Newport 3282-42 ~ OF Belch, C.. t2880 -----------Oyn1°Pl1a. tno. (• C1lltornl1 rtB.JC M)TIC( ~ ~ ccwi-•tlon). 42t2 Cempue °"""· Sult• c. Newport Beadl. c.. t2teO F1CT"10Ua .,_.. OICLMATIOM OP COVDIANTS. 8arMy Mettln, an lndMdu.t, NA1m aTATW C~ 4282 C1mpu1 Drive, Suite C, The followlng l*'IOftl -doing YOU AAE IN DfFAUlT UNDER Newport Beadl. C.. 92ee0 ~ ae; THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF Frank R. Goodman. an TRAVEL ACCOMMOOATIOHSI COVENANTS CONDITIONS AND lndlvldull, 77800 Avenue of the TRAVEL NO. 1, 30131 Town C«lter • Stat-. Plfm Deler1, C.. 112280 Drive No. 105, Lagune Nlguel, RESTRICTIONS DATED MARCH Thll ~ la oonclucted by 1 Ce11forn11i 112817 24. 19 7 5 0 F THE LAG UN A llmlted partnerlhlp VILLAGE 0 W NE RS ' DY .. • PL~v INC Allan T. UMvlcll. 25122 Wiil• ASSOCIATION UNLESS YOU "". """• . Pl1oa, Laguna Hiiia, C111fornl1 TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Aobett H. OellW, 112853 PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Pr911dent ...._. K1tlllffn M. UNVlch, 25122 PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN Thia 111t-1 Wll ,._,with the WllkH Pl1oe, L1gun1 Hllll, EXPLAN•TION OF THE NATURE County Clef1c of Orange County on ~ l2U3 OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Augu1t 2, l982. Thlll ~ " oonclucted by 1'1Mota lncllYlduall (Hulbanel & Wlflt). YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT ~ H. VICTOfl auc .. fl, JR. Allan T UMvlcll LAWYER. A"°""'f It UW Ka1tllMn M UMYICll NOTICE IS HEllEBY GIVEN lhlt: OM tlewpoft ..._, ,_.,. Fl. Th19 lllteme!ll w.i. fifed "'4111 the On September 3, 1"2, 11 10:00 1_, Deft 9tNet County Cler1l of Oranoe County on A.M .. or II _, tl'lerNfter .. may ....,_. 9Mch Ca. ._ ...... 14. 1"2 • be r .. aonable, .. the IMPERIAL Publllhld 0;1ng1 Co11t Dally ....,, · ,,_, BANK BUILDING. ee5 Town Center Piiot 3 10 7 24 1N2 Drive In the City of Coe" Mela, Aug. • • 1 • • Publlalled Orange Co111 Dally County 0 1 Orange, State 01 3480-82 Plot, Jvky 20, 27. Aug. 3, 10. 1912 C1llforn11. LAGUNA VILLAGE -----------3271-e.2 OWNERS' ASSOCIATION (Ille rtaJC M)TIC( ---.---."' -1111\-'lll'C ____ "ANoclatlon"), tllrough 111 duty NOTICI TO CMDfTORI ~ ""'-. appointed 1g1nt and attorney. CW 8ULK ~ --.-n .. llC9-----.'""""-~ --·n-M>N,.--David P. &.rg11nc1. Elq .. •hoM ...... ,.. •-m-TO _. ~ 1tr1et 1ddre1• end telephone -,...... .......... l'Otll CHAW• 0-11• number 11 ._,below, WIU. SEU T1lAW'IPl Al.COHOUC OP M.COHOUC 11 public auction punuent 10 lhe ~OI UCINll ..v!MQI UCIJeM po-of aale conferred In that (._, t101 -"'7 U.C.C. ...,. 7.... c:ef11in DederlllOn of Coll'lnlntl. ..,..74 .... C..) To wtlofn ft May Conoern: Conditions Incl f1Mtr1c11onl (the NC1tlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN tt1e1 1 CHILI ASSOCIATES, INC. 11 "CCJR'a") u recorded In Boott ~tr_..,, lnclucflng 111 llcoholc apptylng lo the Dep1tlment of 11394 PagH 1111 lnclualve bever199 llcenM, 11 about to be AICotlolc ......,909 Control for • otllc:l.i' Aecorda °' n..:..-Coun .. ; made of I hat certain rHt111.1r1nt "41 " ON SALE BEER a WINE Clltfomla. and,~-~~ bull-known 11 JOHN'S SEA (Pubic &ting "'-1 lloenM to .. wwnnty regarding t!Ue, po nnlcn LANDING Ind loc:ated It 10045 aloohollo Nvw~ et 411 Ottv. Of' enc:umbfancee to tile hlollelt Oalfleld Avoenue, City of Founlllll Ave., H\lf'IUnGtOn 8-:ft, C.. bidder, In t1w1ui money of tlle V"""t, County of Ofanoa, Stale Of Publllllecf Of1nge Cout Dally United Si.t.a of Am1rtc1 111 !flat Cllllfomla. Piiot Aug. 3, 1142 ~ ,..., property 11tuet4.ct In ttle The name of Tr1n1feror and 3402-e2 C I 0 S f LlcenlM and ~~la: -----------~ ~=-~ o JOt4N'S SEA LANDING, INC .. 1 P'tBJC NOTICE l)llt 111. Lot 2 of Trect &333, Clllfoml1 corporltion, 1142 Nor1h -----------N oontllned In lo<* 342, PeQll 12 Tllltlft All9nOI, OrMQe, Callfomll P1CT'ITIOUa M.ll•U lo 11, lnclullve, of Mlecellaneoul 929M. ...... aTAftMl.NT Mep1 In the Oflk:lll Rec:ord1 of The neme, Fedlnl I.Ill no .. Incl Th• IOllowlng per1on 11 doing Orange County Callfornta· and bu1lne11 1ddrH1 of Intended ~a.: • ' ' Trlnlfer .. lncludlng Zip code. 11· OUA FAVORITE THINGS. 3471 ~~known~~ FISH. KITCHEN , INC.,· 1 "-1 St .. IMne, C.. 12714 RECORD OWNER:~ J Ct.ig C1lllotnl1 corpor1t1on, Fed. Tu L.ambr•th Haiwocll Ill, 3471 Incl Sabf1nl H Cheng · No.: 15·3031018, 2002 w111111re 1>eoen at.. 1mne. c.. t2114 Said .... wtit 11e ma. to Nt111y Boutoard, autt• 105, a•nr Thia bu111.aa la oonducrted by 111 th• obllg1t1on1 HCUrld by Ind Monica. C.. 9040a. lndMdull. t t th r' t Total OClnllderlllon to bl peld IAmbrwth Htlll()()dc Ill == In oM.:. ~';~ ~ the property dllcr'lbed, In Oll*'ll. Thie...._,. -llled with ttle ,.,..,IOed CC&R'i · and puttuant 11 111 •took In tt1d1, fhctute1, COUnty a.ti of Orange COUnty on to Artlol1 VI, 8acilon t. 1 of Ille eQIApmant Incl good d IOQethll' .Mt 2t, 1M2.. . CC&R'a, the NotlOe of A1111me111 wllrl lhl ~ "1115,000.00. ,,.... and Ctelnl of lien ... recorded Duleelflu .,...... Pvbllltled Or1nge Co .. t Dally aoainet the 1boYe cteecrlbld real 1 • c.no.llitlon of "°'9 ow.ct PllOt Auo. 3, 10, 17. 2.4, 1N2 :::: f« nonP9Y1111n1 Of .,_ ~by...., In lieu 3457"'2 111111me1111 °"Mardi a 1t12 Of ~01u111on 11'6,000.00 -----------1 ' ' Kind Of llolr'9e IO be_..,,...,.,., "8JC M>TU ~of ea.om~ Md """"* 11: en.a... ._ an.s fllCiiiiOUe ...... Clllto , .... Md, ~ Notloe WlneT.._ UO.-le Nod.: 41·1',1364.111 .. _ ...._ aTA,,_,-of DeflYll 1nd Elactlon to Seit ,_ M an Itani er w ..., The t.-.. ........._ atfeG!lng Mid ,..., propert}.' W .. GOnlUnWMIM .. 1&.00 A.l14-Ol'I Of ... _,__ ~.,, pef'IOfll . .,. -• recorded Aprll 28. 1tt2 11 .,._ lflaltM M)' fllf,.,,,.., 1MI, --• • ' ' al !fie--dlper"JMl!f of MTTI MU.\ OEWl.OPMENT I, 42t2 tnet~t No. 12•141331 In tM HCROW ENTeRPflltlll ti 501 CMIPUI Dme, tkllll 0, Newpotl =-,._,,. °' °'"'91 0-ty, N«tti Twtln AYel!W, IUltt 1t0. 9eldl. Ca. l2tlO ..... Ml. Cllb"6I '27ot ~"'-· lno. (1 Callfornl1 ti!:. tot;'~ "'t,, "':: AN ottl9' ~ ,,.,,_ tnct ~=•~=and H• .. •mentt 11 11,1u.oo. IMtcfll 1 1-.d ~ lhl T"'*9r0t. ' ' lnolYdlftO ~ IM IHHtmefltl wtttllrl l'9 PMI ""91 ,_.,.. IO ,., • ~ .• .,, tncSMduat, ttwoual\ -Ml</., 1Ma. ........... II lcnowtt" 10 lile Trtne"1JM we: 4Ht C1mpu1 Dr1::;.:u111 0 , =r:;•••· fftllt .. t llln rie, IAMe. ..._.~Ca. I lllle Md coeta ltlCurNd ~.Mt/ It, 1Mt. nil II II oonduotld by 1 pttor to IN dlte °' ..... Md 1'la JOHH'I llA .,..... • INC. H llM•t•d 1mount of 001••· =:-INC .. • ........_ ........__ H ...,,... Ind ldv9'IOla wtlldl d OOl'POf'll._, .._, . bt llWMrld by t"9 c11te of ... 11 T~ ........,. •Ma ~~Un~. TNI 1111 1u1t -.... WWI .... OATID: .Nltf M ,Ma ,,.....,,. COWlly Cllfl ol er.,. Oounty Oft ' LAGONA 'Vlu..ACM NH IUTCHIN. INC .. I ...... I, 1tl2. OWNIM' ~ ~ oor,otlllon ... .,.~-,..... =......... z-: ..... ~·...... ' A MdAOeftl ..,....... ~~....._,...,., tor••a11111gqi "'"9llCIMIW WI._..._ :::: °""" °"""'' MID I I mo. ;;:m ~ -. COM ...... c...... !!,.!·~ eim..· OrMee CO.. Oefly Tet(714>,..,.-.0 ..... ~ ..... ... -.. '°i tr; u. .... .!...~. 10°' .... , Jl!-A DllfJ ,.. ....... 0.,...0Wt Diii,... ..... ....... ~. ,11;1-All9-I ... ...... I ....... = ... 14• .. ,.. 1111 ... ... -11• --= --.... --, .. --------,,.. --= fl• OJO UDO -... ---Ult UM -- II• Sia --'* ----TlllS 11• -•10 .1$ --·-----------------··----- •ae --------.... ••• tUll ... ....... ••• .. ,. ••• .. ... -----. .,. -- -••• --191& .. ., = = lflt'sgotwMels you'll mD¥e It .......... Dally Piiot clalllfled ad.Call M2·9'71Md ........ ,, H•Yi*Wlll ...... ,..tum , .......... lntocalll • , • The marketplace on tM Orange Cocut «~m.W.!w.. ..•.. .f!M. .....• • •• !llt • .llM l!tri.. •. e ...... l.'M ,...., nny,...vw.uc,... ..... . H llUll•I =~-~ ~=-=':': Prtli W..i ~ ~l. l!Wall IOI' 2 bom-. ulllt dwpl•• ror Oftly fl I••. t f I • I I 11, remocw.d J S beth tt;IOC>,ooo. •1'4>.000. Attraottv. I• .., ..... , .. ,.,, • "----•· a...tv .... -.. -_. __ room ... nanolng. Orlvt •Y 111 -ttn• ~-..il UI' ~· ~ nwWI. ~ , ,. ....,,UlJI or Ollll b d9-• bdrm, 3 blth, 3700 ~· ft. $1,385.000. ...... Cllll M0-1Nt ~~.."! Oceanfror\t. ..... Y• ...., ceMent llMnalne .,,..... Liii.. .... ~~,.:~ ~.!......~:=~ ..... 1111 .... ....... All rill ...... actwnlted In l hl• n•••P•P•,. I• IUbJICt to lhl ,ldlr•I Falt !'touting Act of 1MI which tl'Mlklt It lllloal to ~u .. "any Pftf«tn-oe, Nmt11tlon or dl1erlml- nallon bHtd on ,.ce. color, rellglon, ••• or n1llonal origin. or any tntenllon to n111c1 any IUCh ,,,oterence, Urnl._. tton or Ollottmlnltlofl." Prime Udo Nord beytront. 0 bdrm, 0 ~ beth. 60t Acao1a CdM "' bot1 tn7J10 i.p L., .. 2 ~t .u .. tuoo.ooo. ~~Y:=h=: Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 beth + larp rec. nn. 4<WK own/bllr M l-7044 beam celU~ furnl.l.Md, patkle. $420,000. .... Y11W \ f . 11 I tt /' // UllA llU llYPlllT lAaoon v$ew from e bdrm. & beth ~~yroom, dark rm. den. Bott .Up. Now $1,800.000. .. , .. 11¥1 Spec\llcUlar beytront view 2 br, 2 ba up:· 2 be, 2 be dn. 2 boat .Upe $1.000,000 . ....... ,. Thia MWIPIPll wtll not lcnowtngly 1001pt 1ny ldvert11lng for re1t ... tale wtlk:tl ,. In vlolallon oftMl43w. Coronado Il1and CUSl. beyfront lot. ~· boat liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil dock. Plana avail. Red. '370,000 w/t.enm. Xlnt locatton 3 ft, 2 la. -. • ftl UD llv & dll\ rm, IO tam rm, Ill 'o"'* lrtwellff mdl .. 1men1ti... lg treed 101. 1oc1t1d right on "'~ By Owner. '309.000 F.L Wiier. Owner Wiii talc• 840-7007 .... lt)erl 1°"' dlwl. ,.. C.t• .,., 1114 kine ~ aasuoo. . . ·····.················· (11 ~~~ 38r, 28a. dbl ear Ol'IOt· It.lilt . a pettol, ftooltone frple, $$I ...... owner-cuttom bl1 home. ·-• 1129,t!IO. With 12t.t50 ... rr•N• "•"lni... down. Owner w111 carry geAalll'IVe 1tt loin, 15V911W5 1111111 Advertl- Mrl should check their ada dally and report errors Im· medlately. The DAILY PILOT a1- 1ume1 llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. .., '..._"•1~1 •• .. E ILlfPI Ollll 1~~~~~n~~~I with VIEW! Por1ec1 for Single 1tory end unit, ~ 3 br. 3 be on 1-1n11r111n1ng .. 3 bdrm, 2 laraest greenbelt. $250,000. LI IWI/ UITl9I b&. In Tl#tie Roctc ..._.. Piii Liii 3 bdrma. 2 ~ betha condo near pool. $145,000. BI LL GRUND Y, REALTOR 111 H 'Y' •J. [J•" •, ~ t.1) i>lb ••un ltt"1• ;;;;;;r········;·;;; ii!!!iii!!~~!=~~~~~=~I ··4·1n1·2·uii·· FORECLOSURE 1101,100 011Lm 11111. · ~ l>lffo~k~l~~r. Pickup over 1500~00 EQUITY ct1en floors, new c11~ overnight. Once in a llletime. I have ting. freely painted 1n Ind never seen a better buy. Won't last. out. Seller hlghl)I moll-PriJne Orange Cty 2 ~ acre hilltop vated t1nd will Ulllt In 11n1nc1ng. c111 1od1y OCEAN VIEW NEW ESTATE. Pool, 54&-2313 spa, ~aterfalls, electr. gates, 5800 aq ft w/360 degree view of all O.C. Tennis court + HELICOPTER J>lMi area. ASSUME LOANS & ft'RM S . Originally Hated for $2,200,000. Sacrifice at $1,128,382.63 approx. with 1350.ooo approximate cash down. Only the serious need call directly to PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtors, agt. Brokers welcome. THE REAL ESTATERS LOI Allmlloa ~: Nice 4bf, 2ba, 2 ttory condo. Pool & 1p1. R1f rlg , waller & dryer Included. I 15,000 down or wlll trade IOI' elUlc automo- blle, motor home or ? Owner I IQlnl. 788-456 DRAMATIC COUNTRY R&IM~ of Costa Mesa ESTATE .... .., Ir•• •••u~!!M' 2 Mu ter1. 4 bdrm 3 bl •r-• 8000 1/f on 1 acre, 11~,:.1:1's!~"" An affordlbl• price on 'm1Mlv1 •~trio g11 ... l:::::========I the wit« with pie!' and cobbi.tone motor cour-allp tor 30' boat. Enjoy tyard, apec:tecular entry. outdoor llvlng w/11tg1 8 bdrm, a blthl. s frp peUo & deck. '<'9Plable hug1 frplc1. Room for rMlde!IOa can bl duplex Cute 28r l'touM. 0.,,... 11nd1 G1rd1n Home•. flelllbll. Bkr 636-1453 Kltc:ilenlfernffy room With REAL !STATE TAX IN- VEST M ENTI 15000 Clttllll I 145,000 lhlte puroh... MINIMUM tu deduction 111. year 110. 000. Owner (l/Weetor) will aupply total down P•Y· mini up to 140.000 In equity, Sh1t1 purcha11 In new lu•urlou1 2·3 nrep1-. 1nter1or o-0en C0\.1'1. Belutlrllfly d.co- ret•d and l1ndac.ped. Step1 to pool and *Pa. $299,000. Bdrm. 3 Ba. Condo, ll21-860() Co1t1 M•"· Mulmum WJ"' Int. depre., eore. 1truc:- tured for txl)'9'. pouible 4-1 benefit. Phone tt573~~~ 714/631·5055, 714/642-2000. Nr UCI, 1 br condo. 111, 900 Auumabll, no quel, ti I Ip 11 t WIT El' I i 5ii53ii_ii13iis2ii. ii55ii2·ii5ee3iiiiiii ,. No qu1llfylng to m1lc1 1'm UIU - Ihle tpeetecullf 3 Bdrm HlllHLI pool home your own. ,. ..... Ju1t 1117.tOO. Bkr. BHulllul 1 Bdtm 1nd 44~700 unit on the _,_.. O.C:O. mSAWIHll Sp1ct1cut1r ttl-l1v1I beauty ne1t So. C. Plaza. E vwy upgrade. tiled roof, 10 much more. AIJclng 1220,900. Bkr. 448-0700 UllDM ~l PRE-FORECLOSURE rated In Nrthton. wlttl 1flutter1 thruout. Milly ••trH. Anurne c:urrw1t financing Ind owner wlll con1lder carrying 2nd TO. Aaklng 1 118,tOO C&lt 540-1151 ~HERITAGE . .• REAl.TO RS ----3 Br. 2 Ba. on large IOI wltll many 1men1tle1 & -~!ll!!IJl!l~l!!!'!!!l!lll .. • IP•· TIEUlllJ 1115,000. 0 PROPERTY HOUSE pen bHml thruou1, RL TRS flreplace, large kitchen &.42~3450 w/e1tlng area, walk In clOllll, Yllllty &rM. Ind .' Ow.E·I big deck. Pool1, fenn11 ind prlv1cy 1r1 1 big IEI& IEL MU P1ua. Now stt.ooo. u~ 4 er & ram11y rm. on1y MZ-1211 11~2.000 wt17~.ooo -- 1\H!\abll. Mike offer. I'm flexlbll. t79-2e5e tannl1. No. Tu1lln • 01 home. OWC large 2nd Orenge Hllll with View, TD ••95 000 fee • 12-1s min. 10 111 rrwya. ._..""'au -· -· · OILY •OOO lifpot1, So CoMt Plaza. Convenlentty loc1t1d WATI tu MONl MOVES YOU IN j PETE BARR E TI REALTY 11,400,000. home. Five apec;lous !»-IK>MI !.. a-. TODAY RICK If l'\CDl:T'Tr drooma. Oellghtful ""'no AEAl ESTATE 3 80rm condo -Wilk to t.a....... '"' nLULR£ p [~ room and family tooml. 6.11· 1400 So. COlll Pl1z1. No ":":',.-::: ••••••••••••••• ......,, ....... ., Privet• view dackl over· llilililiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii qull. 11% fin. ~759 OLDE LAGUNA CHARM 111-446t/ll1-1111 =1t~~ ~?~.1 .!!',~J. l·E_A_S_T_S_l_D_E_:_4_S_8_C_o_ll_I ~:~~u1• b~1:.d:1: r~0:~ ~iiii~ijiiiiii~~b~~~~~~r-~~~1 ,._ M .. St. Low NIUm Int. blamed ceOfng1, hlld· • 4 Bdmi. 2\4 baths, titting Lo dn. 3 BO 2bl , f/p, wood rtoori a too • ... Y..flD lll9I v1cant with 1.num1bte I 1 4 9 • 5 O O Own• r • txirnlng trptc. 1:1.500 • 3 lrg Bdf'ma. femMy rm/ NOL llME 30 yr. loin of 1150,000, 1131-1003 Full Price. " country kitchen. Ot111 Ind owner 1nx1ou1. Re--SIMMEll IRlllT Ml~1£N ... e 3 EA1 LTY nelghbortioo<I. OOOd fl-Thi• lrg 3 Bdrm 2 8• duced to 1279,0-00. A .. .......,, n1nclng av11t1ble. Full home h• been remode-titting ol Bonnie Ber· Your own pool Ind l•· p ' I c I I 1 3 1 • 9 0 0 . led and lncludll I lrg rlngton. Cl.Izzi Comet with ttlll 3 e LE QA N c E 0 N THE 751-3191 mitr Bdrm. den Ind gr-bdrm tlom1 In one ot SANO gentle pool. A11uma IJ~IOOI: 11C)Mr:I Coit• M .. a ·1 bell E11ecut1ve r11ldence In 1117,000 In lo1n1. Al· Relltori, 676-tOOO neighborhood•. Entel la~led "l1gun1t1" with king 1235,000. 83'-7370 -==~=~==:: through 1 private cour· 80 of blechfront. Two J&H -tyard 1nd enjoy the l1ve11 with 3 bdrm a -•--MT• many 1menlt1ea thll b1th1. 1 2.500,000. Tatlfully de<x>flled, Im-home often. Won't lut 844-7020 macul1te trl-levet home. 1 I I 1 3 g , t 0 0 C •I I U. IUI. Uflll Exira lrg pool, IPI. RV 979-5370 .~ TR.\Df T 10\,\l. RL\LT' I CClll. 3 C., glrlgl. J.U. ,.,,,, Jiff ' Welk to country club. •••••••••••••••••••••• e.o.tl. NIUmable ftnan- Q .... -... cfng IVlllal:>ll. Full pticl .... -Aaclntty 1111ed. South of _'395,000. 751-S191 ••1• -P1clflc Coeat Highway. -..,.... Two bedroom, one blltl Belt buy In Ihle~ cozy cott1ge. R-2 lot. c::. ',1 I ~,1 .• , ••• t guard gllld 1re1. Ele-Room to uiiancs. PrllC11-1-'""'----'==-=-~'­ gent K1n1lng1on 1 .. tu· e111y tot ptica. 1252,000. 1'JM. "'"" Jiii ring 4 BR i*ll fem rm. CIA 81\aron Colllftt • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • lowly upgreded "°"" In llWI OUIM ptls11ne condition. Fablr loul condition, flbulou1 ~ted 38' 2be on view. LMge -m•ble 7Sl-t100 prime IOcatton. G•age. loan. Owner wlll b• l,~!lllll!IJ.-.~lllJ.IJll~'' "'nded!· petio.. Ht. No. Ct'Mtlve lnc:ludl ~ Bay. Owner wtll contldw ng 0~ r I n an . 6 1 5. 5 3 1 9 . oc>tlon. .-.. th nos at wlltl .. l:iiii;•;•;•;""~!ii· i:;;lirPllo;;;;;;;;•'w;;;;;;;;'"•'•Ada;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.t;=81=-=5=20=1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE EXCESS PROPERTY ._,.au .. , .. Quiet, Park·lllll Mlttng. Rm '°' peddle tennla Ind pool. 0,..t '°' on:tllrd • Cul de llC 11. 3 b<lrml, ram. rm. 1379,500. MMl11 T 1\ YI.< >f : < '( > Av1llabl1~1 F1butou1 TURTLEAOCK VllTA TOWNHOME. • F•tllfinQ 3 bt. •• tplc, oourmtl cff. nl ng 1nd prfv11t oour-'YUd. Onty t2eo.ooo. a&70 81n Mllll91 Or .• N•w1oon eacl't • 7&8-1 1 OI 752·737'3. Pt-'if ........... 10 ~ llldd« In -denc:e •1111 lfwh•llOfl lo lld •P.I 0 "'2·-1 It IOeAlecl Al 1620 W• l'trll S1•ffl. Set11e 'lt1a. CA 12103. eon•l1lln9 ol _Oii_..., t7.52t '*of •KAnl lelld ~ lo Ille -•ern bounclWy of •lie 8rl9IOI 81A110t1 P010t Ollice, Ml-llalll St>MI end Pacific A---. 8Mled blOt Will t.. (~ ., .... lltolow .. ..., IOeAllOfl ..... -2.00 9 m p O.T. on Sep-18, IN2, ., - llf!)e !Did• wlll ~ INOllclr .,.,.,,.., --•• us, ~ .. a.W>e w .. 1e;n ~. uo ChrryA--. S... INno, CA. For -tlonet det-or 10 obt.,,, a bid 1**"119. ~1 llW~ ~llM ...... -&tale OMeton • WU30 UL"-'--UO Cherry A-. lien er-. CA MOM ~(•Ill '7t-e$$1 \ ( >111 tl /:'I • f. . '•·' •• , ••. *'' IWIEll* 111 .... 1~ u OILLllE Piii $121.111 MJ·M HAVE 0000 INCOME??? SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? PAYING TAXES??? With our fnv911or, Nve & g11n appr1cl1tlon In f111tat1C S Br. 3 ea. new condo, next 10 all Mop. ping. No down peyment, minimum 0•1h nHd1d ror ctOllng ~t. Phonl 031-$055, &42"'2000. ............. .... Le ...... Secluded ape, 0¥9' 1,000 aq. fl. of declclng, 2 custom~ atrium ~ on family toom. dellgner dr1perl11, ~•ntret 1tr. <i Ranch etyle 4 bedf"oom, 2 blth. Excellerlt ..,. m1ble loan. 1115,000 eqylty, wlll con1ld1t trade for North Orar191 County prop9rty. Miiiion Vl1Jo A111ty. Owner/ lglnl ...... fot Clrol. l .... .. .. ,.,. ~!.'!P.!!.f!~t! •• I~ a.m-un . If you W#lt to ~ your own ca111e, thla opportunity Of ·~r,neww oome .3tota Oft Har r ....... lld•bY·ll~. With pf*'I for • 10,000 aqu•re foot hCNN wlth· TRHNll COURT and pool for onty SUI00,000. TheO.. .. Jolnt ""htre, trea or • )'OU _. .... O¥ar .,. ............ . S 1 ,400,000 Of •••umabl• fl · nenolng. WOW! ' N•I !=9.=t==i!!!!!!!!!!=•=•!i!!!!!~=!!!!!Ci~iaillFilliDS!i842•5878 M rket Pl !!'.~!!!.~~!~{• ....... •t:ir,i{., 111, ,,,, !!'.!!!!.¥,/~.'~('!~ .. ~m.'!m!Nl!'!4 .. ¥.~.¥~11!~ .. ~~h.!1e.'~~ '7-1:::: • .., uu.:1;.., !!!!11 .......... .1.'M ,,.._W!.!f.f~.11.!f .._., a.-A , ... ••••-•••••••••••••••• ft•1tll ,,,, •ptl•flM • ....,! ..... Ill • ....,, ..... 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• .... ••••••••• Fem11tt. e.1u1. room w/ Prof ,, lh11• plueh model •••:rn:.'i1ttl' ..... v.1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ...,,t 1Hf •• -...................... -..................... c •• ,, ,,.., •llf ..... ,, .. d ,,,, bl1h. Kl1Ch prlv. Hl/H. town"om.· 14"\tlil, gllM, Brand Mew Homu J · LAST ••1T&LI •••••• o ••••o•••••• 8pfCtaatJ111 v .. w In P'•· VetMlllM, tro 2 Br 2 Ba •••••••••••••••••'•••• •• -.•.-••••••••••••••••• s2eo p1u1 ulll, 720-0375 t>eaeh, patio, turn. 1500 C4ndoa, no moMY Oown Yff~~-IV·Wlnter. 2. OC·RINTAL8 ltlglOUI Htrbor Ridge. pen1h~M. roomy kllch.. &Y&IWU .... NO FEEi Apt, & Condo E'"STSIDR c u . Privet• _HC_"_4_83_·_4e.._1 __ _ whll• they 1111. (71•) t-5br'• 1200 lo 12000 pool, 1p1, tennl•; aeo. din rm, lrplC, bt1ut. vt.w r1ntet1. 1/1111 Ren1111. ,... ,. ..., 5'M622 Agt. 3.4 mt . 7&0.3314 OC)tn 7-d•y• '. t e •• 158 5 m 0 . ol OCHfl. Ye1r IHH 1 bdrm, OtrpOrl, pool, 875·•912 8r0ktr. unlurn. room & b1tl'I LADIES ONLY. BHUI. New 4 BR. Backb,Y ..... 3.~ tq. It. prv1. comm .. $307.500. Wiii trade for property, TD'1, Wiii le111-optlon or low down. R11dy to deell Owner /Broker . 7t4-644-0014 Baytront view condo, 2 BA 2 Ba, MC. bldg. Bolt 1119 1v11l. $500,000. By ownr/bkr. 876-8037 CHANCE JA00!!.,IULn Nr BCH Jbr l'lome wll'IUOf 80·9307. HOO. Sindy 5'2-tt40 t::hrr·:~:~. i~r ~ --------1 ~·~~· ~';3'~·,~~f~~·b:l3~~ ~: !;t9~ft• Avell rn gar, tunMt a p1t10, '430 e .. 1 lu exec. OCMn city t Bdrm eottao•. rurn. Utll 19th St. CM N::·g~~~2~1 Po1wn-4.ePM lo buy thl• beautlf,..l 3 IUIAlllllT OC·FIENTALS 7&0.3314 ~r~2~vU,~~~· r~~i~ ~7:.eclilded 845-3-477 141•0412 home VILLAGE COM--P-rl-v1_1_e_B_A-.-pr-lv_1_t_•_•_n_·1 ~~·::,~• ,;•8i.:: ~~~~· yeer Old, 4 unit IPtrl· 111 1111 Clean 3 Br, llA Ba. lenccl rm, betu111ul 1men1ti.1. MUNITY 2 & 3 Br. 2'~ tranc., H,B nr Wttnflt, Move In Set>I. 111. 13215 mentnou11lnS1nC1to-• yard. near tte1ch . ttSOO &40-o233 2Br,2Ba,cornpleletyfUrn, l.02bdrm,1'~ba.21ton1, Ba. tS00-1800tq.ft.of Oolden WHt 1250 plua '~utlla 540-4878. mtnt• with ~•n-1'11111 & 187&/mo. D1y1 only,__ __ • ------1 llnen1, dl1h11, etc. Nr S550/mo. 640·30H. putt lu11ury. Gu1ge•. 530-07114 Btwn O-llPM golf oourH vlewt at 1 1179-5120 Mr Ttylor. BIG CANYON TWNHSE Hotg Ho1p. Wiii ahort 957-2740.,... IPH In every home • 1remendou1 11vlng1 di· t.J... RANCH HOUSl ON HILL on Big Cnyn Golf CourM, 11 rm . s 1 o o o m 0 :!Br. lB•. no pell, petlo. muter tulle, dining 1 blOck fr beach, W/Oyr, Finl Rmmte. 11 b1k from rect from IM owner be-ltaiaial• JIOT RMdy l)OW Nu crpl/pt, 2Br. 28• +den, prof 875-2543 or Anew. Ad gtrlge. 1450 mo. room1, wood burning 28orolder,$215mo. 111 beach, r .. p. 225 111 & tore being llsted with •••••••••••••••••••••• k 1d 11p 111 S 7 5 0 decorated, beeutllully •28 t , 642-4300 24 hrl. 873•2145 llreplecH. micro-wive & laat No pet• 980-e& 1e lut. 83 Hl568 ..,.. broker• AC1 NOWlll Call Oldfl< 4 er. MtntiOn 1tyte 831-4320 lndtcpd, pvt t•nnlt & ovens, prlvete patio• & Avtll lmmed Furn. uni. Non emkr. 3 BR condo, owner 11 (7 14) 842--0138. home, llaa everytl'llng ~ · IWlmlng faell. $1600 mo. A ... rl•••ll Spaclout 2 Br, 2 Be, new y1rd1.9erdener provl-1105 111, lut ,,., U1ll CM turn, 1200 mo & 'h util. cld ftlr rent. 2 BA. HOUSE 1495 Reft. req. Corllact OWnlf ._ crpll, drep11, good ded. Eleg111t llvlng only •t50.. """'~ 3'""'• ... B lluffs/llttftH Lrg unite E tide C.M. wt BEST fee 539'-81111 Kida pet ok redone 978-1e80 or 857-49&4 t/•/antiUH 11111lde locatton. 16 mtnutet from Fulllon 63l·SSlO ~r occeip ..,,... "~,., ' x•ragu. Low dwn. l'I• blt4n1 fncd nr bch S 'If old Npt Hit. 3 piu. ·~·;r•-;• .. •:1•#•• $475/mo Meture adult1 lll111d, 7 mlnut1110 S.C. Middle •o-<! woman No1----------Bonlll P'1en. 3 Br 2 Be, 31-4584, 842-8233 C.11u '•111~1 Jin BEST'" 5311·6190 Iott~ 4Br, 3 ba. Frml din IJ •• .,, only SN Man1ger 147 Plaza or Q.C.Alrport chlldren $300 mo Re1pon1lble rmmt CdM, end un t Pvl P•llo. mag. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• E 18th SI "4" CM Ju1t ea11 of Newporl 83t-4734 111 4·30 S325 plua ut111, pool, gr• en be It . Own er Spllt level 2Br-den, t>ea· $311011 br: bHI alngle'1 rm. firm. $1290. Ordnr. Yrty 2 bdrm, t be. Deck, · ' · Blvd & so. of San Diego lrplc, ctrport. Avlll Aug 760-1097 or 752-8871. I•t••• 1Nr.f!l. ZOOO med celling, 17115 mo. p.CSI Yd 4 pel & pool 4 0 P • n S a t I S u n . ldry. No 1)911. $850 3 Br 2bl, pello. cpt1/drp1. Fr w y . 1 9 0 O.I m 0 . Working female 25 to 40 t&th 720-1495' BAYCREST 3Br. pool. ·;.t~·~·5i,;;3.,;+3b;13.;;· 840-6t88 y~. 539-8190 am. IM 848-8789. 031·21n 87s--0349 SS50/mo no pell Alt 831.5.4311, 2473 Orange non 1m0ke, ~ 1>11' beh 0 C .,._ T UUAAYt 3 I I L l•l"--4pm, 846-2199 A ,.. __ , .. NB 1300 875-1708 aft 4 Newport Buch loll for spa, llrepll, BBO Very 111 • ..... x. erm1 Im•• 3z44 .-. rm w poo .g -ve., .,.,. a ........ rent Famny atmolC)here. prlvltel F1nttstlc 111u· 509 Acacia CdM nr bot\ OlllU HL MAI •••••••••••••••••••••• gtr, cute kltch. NOW li•l•i•I• 3111 $820/mo 3 Br 2 Ba F.R, Llgun1 furn rm. pvt ba, Full uM 0 houae. Near mabl• fln1nc1ng • 10_.1 440K own/bkr 845-7048 LUii LUSElll $375 •••••••••••••••••••••• CIHn, lrHhly P•lnted, non·•mkr, over 40, TV, pool & ptrk Rent Incl price In area al S299, 2 houaes on 2 dplx 1011 3 BR. trl-level w/3BA. 3 Bdrm deltc1Md "omee OC·AENTALS 750-3814 2 bdrm, 2 ba newer dphc. good nelghbornood. po o I Bus I P r o I . utll. S37S mo 759·0780 000. Vacenl. 2007 Holl-Weal C.M . $&SK ea. den, DR, and guett l.jnlt. In excellef'lt erea Avella· For leue or leaae option yrly. Mature non·1mkra. Agent, no lee 87t-22911 494-0451 P 1 day Ad. Bkr 9S5•2841• S15K dn, bat 11 10%. Walklng dl1t1nce to ble jmmedlahly, $2,500 mo or $890,000. ~~~:9.!~:.x2~7•9792 2 Br 1¥. 81., lrple, pool, COUN"fAV CLUB LIVING Rll•ll, llfll/I 4I00 L~~n~t~k7~~:3s~oAv~I: 780• 7292 Mutt Hiii Bkr 842-9688. beech. Quiet •f••· No SOOOlmo on 1 yllr lllH. Trades conaldered. Av111 spa, attached garage. No IN NEWPORT BEACH ••• •• •• • • •• • ••• • •• • • •• n 0 w s 3 5 0 . 018 n a SELL OR TRADE MAlllOll IUllE · Prime resldentltl lot. As· king SS00,000. 840-788S EASTBLUFF· 3Br 2Ba S1119.SOO Sale/ lee/opt. Great terms Agt. 840-9019 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil pelt. S18501mo. Manila Five othera tc chooae now. Lei's make a deel. $450, 2 Br, utll. pd. 410 pell. Ava II now. A total environment SUUlll •OTIL 631•1288 OISll •Ill Macntb 644-0200. from. We're lh• on11 to Jod11t model, Harbor Harding, Bel boa. No 1825/mo 631-4964 apartment community on Wkly rental• now avell --------- call for'""' Ridge, gorgeou1 view. By _pe_t1_._5_4_7_-1_1_s_5 ___ 2 bdrm lwnhae, t'.i\ ba the Upper Bay Private $140 & up Color TV MHler Bdrm, ba. wlk·ln 20.000 aq. It. lndustrl1t ~UL.. •• ..thrldgc owner 180-1917 clubtiouse and health PhonH In room 2274 closet. Nr beacn & bldg. divided lnlo 5,000 ""'"' Ctro•• itl 1111 Jiil garage, patio. $495. Nr 1p1, 8 tennis eourt1, 7 N B d c Ad 11 ms P 11 t "a rd 1q. It. units. Excellent 2 Br 1'11 ba condo.,patlo. 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• I 9 1 h & P o m o n a ewport Iv M · · ' r1n111 hlatory Located RHlllJ Car gar. Pool/ape. $700. 2Qr, lB• Cot11ge, 1650 548-83S7 ~~~;1~1~:~~0~ur~~~~: 646-7445 1260tmo 980-7874• on 1.4 acre• Tiii up 551 'IOOll Ph 4 9 7. 4 2 0 8 or mo. Incl ell utll. ~trege, Eastalde 2 Br t Ba Convenient shopa on 8 EA C _9_80_·60_3_o ____ _ f:r~~'~;~111~~leS950,0001~~~~~~~~~11m 11arrenu ·P~~·,,1,.1n,. 573·t8S~ ~f:..Og~.0e!~~j~90ep1 t. downstalra, near •II•. Unfurnished bee~ H ARE A 2s~rar~~·~~:':'!hg°!'~u~~. Steps IO beach! 2 br. den. •1-&LS Blut11. 3 bd, 2 ba, 2 p11.. sch o o 11. no p e 11 lort. 1 & 2 bdrm apta end $77/ Laguna-Llberal Mele. 17141671·4400 2 ba $1070/mo. 2 br ""' lrpl,grnblt.vlew,urard. c .. ,..... 3114 $450/mo 63t-8155 townhouses. wk 494-8216 IEWPOllT IElllTI 12131 Ut.2121 S79S. Agt 642-1183 I to i4t;l,";'c,'s~\•;,'."9 at ~0~·1:~rml Only S 50. •••1i"R.·2·ia~·a·ii~ .. ___ 2_1_11-.-,-.. ---Sever!~!~i!i~~ and 1 Kitchenette-Maid-Pool Housemate wanted for Old., .. ouae over l 300 HARBOR C11I• #fl• 31Z4 Newlw decor. GH pd. 1480/mo. $250 MCurtty Bdrm units feature fine Nwpt Blvd & Wilson 2Br home In COiiege Pk, " •••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR VIEW HOMES encl 'ger, dwahr, pool, lncludtng u1llltle1 No deatgner furniture and CoslA Mesa 548-117SS C M $335 Cell Ad sluer sq. ft plus ltrge dell· oc RENTALS Cu1tomlzed, 4 bdrm, lam M 1 i::: ched double garage on Sb . ·,200 12000 rm, pool. Exceptlonal bbg. Adults. no pet1 pet1 eccenories. ove n to-Y11rly on tne beaQI, hotel "259 6'2-4300 24 hrs elley New paint, some 1· rs to rental $1S50 mo. 642-5073. Ctll Beth 831-S230 day or reserve for SYm· room. kitchen & showe<.,orol lern to ahr & or find n-plumbtng & eleetrlc 750-33 '4 open 7-d•ys 9SS-34S4 •2 BR Duplex $475 mer months Smartly S320/mo plua sec. d•· apt Non-amkr, no pets SOx117 Rl 101 Owner AD1v1s1onof Eutslde2Br 18-.,patlo. 1---------1 2d~:p .. e~.~~·111~1•::e~·~ New paint, large enclld furnished model• o1>9n po11t 2306 W Ocean-Ca11 Wendy8S7-6941 $ .. 9 0 0 C 1 d 1 d UnCS.stated Elegance dally lront, Newport Beech needs cash. 1 .. , o It arbor lm·eslmenl o new Y 11 co r a e pets. S42S 2272 Maple pa110 2261 "A" Pomona, 673 •• 1s• F rmmte 20•26 wanl-' r~ 461 Santa Ana Ave (Duplex) $S6S/mo It• Ttntlt•t 631-2927 6'S-949' On Jamboree Rd 11 '" '" 2 br apt in .r:ln; 631-3520, Evea & Wknd1 62 Sn u 11 ... .... 8s1.9s22 For iease 2600 sq It. 2 S • 1 ~zoo 548 5041 arp n s, .,... enc,_, ---------1 bd d d 2, b Specious 2 Br 1 Bl S42S. Lerga 3 Br 2 Ba crpt/ Sen Joaquin Hiiis Rd. •••fl .. t•ll I 'I' 1300/mo eS7-85S8 • gerages, t2 bldg's. All Westside 2 Br. t Ba. tncd ... 5.,2C Go~:"c~~,.. ~~~w.>\Ne!; 3 Br 1·~ Ba. S47S drps nrlOCC. no pets, &4.4-1100 ;•9;·;.:::;·;.·;;~;;~P -,-0-1-F-2-5-_30-t-0-,-n.-2-b-,-.-2 BAYFRONT, 1977 lurn am•nltles. •sklng $3, patio, enclad guage, 'T ''1 AMAlteft..,fe.'l"'E Laundr" lee . pool $S50 751-3696 1 ~,, "' ,... '""''1MI ,...,. " Ocean Full security. 1 • ---------1 st reel lrom beac>i bl CdM apt w/lrplc & mobile home. 2 bdrm, 2 3SO,OOO 1,2SO,OOO new carpets, drapes, T1•n111-1 Club wilh pool, ape, ten-548-llSS6 t & 2 Bdr trallers. $200 &. 'Spec. 3 BR 2 B•. fplc, ger, S29S/wk 675-5008 X" S338 mo Nonsmkr ba, bll-ln1. $125.000 Down Existing loin paint. No pets. $495/mo. n •v beech 2 blks $900 vrlw 67 n807 3 """ ,.o.ss I It ""6 s••2 L I 3 b 2 b I nla. 714-873--047S $410/mo 2 B 1 Ba ant up & $150 MC. No chll· ' 1 ,. LIDO ISLE • 3Bdrm, lam 73-177S 833-9867 3..,, , 21 • .,.,.....,., 14'h%. Wiii ctrry note pus secur y ....... -'"4 • ove y r. I . am i---------t r ..... • dren or doge. 133 E No pals 64S-1682 N 714164S-4411 By Ow-770·5629. rm, crpts, drp1, billns, Roomy 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo beamed oelllng, laundry .(: rm. 2Bt. $100/dy July _•_n_c_Y _____ _ SPYILASS 11'9 tr Ltt .... A .tlawleu 4 Bdrm New- porter plan with moun- tain and night llghl vlewt. Only $495.000 FEE ",, ...... , ........ , •• , 1·1 144-1211 f.Jn NIGEL ~AILEY & l\5SU(IAT(51 ner. -2-B-r.-,-B-e.-w-/_c_r_p-ts-. -d,-pa-,1 $950 mo 1 yr 11• In Cllll Haven, Ir pie, rm .. pool Avail. July. Call 161h St, sp 2• CM SSOO/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba apt, S3SOO August O'cean-MIF shr 3Bdrm twnnse. ---------$ 873-6820 evet & wknd1 commty pool. $650/mo. for lfPpt. •2BR . 1420 Beam eel· encslsd garage. lndry lront 2br, Iba, $500 Pool Fnl V11lley. close 10 Ull /ft l•I• 2200 yard. E/slde. 595t mo. 675-t0S1. TSL Mgmt 642-1803 llni. No pell. lac .. close to beach Cat week. Boll Grund". Rltr schist lrwy. $3SO+ utll. •••••••••••••••••••••• 875-5068. Turlleroek 1750 111, 2 1 __ __. ______ ---------ok no d<>os , ".ll.011111 •• E ---------1 t bd t kit C La 3 B 2 Bl Town 22 S·D Maple 64S·9494 TS.L Mgml . 642_1603 075-6161 964-S303 llte e11e1 OCEAN/MOUNTAIN VU ms r rm1. coun ry • HARMI 5 br, 3 ba HVH. rge r. . • Approx 'I\ acre. Wiii sell Sunset Bluffs. New dlx 2 chen. 2~ba, next to French drs. & beys. Sky-house In quiet complex. $375 t BR, pool, patio, t 1 block from beech. 1 Br. Live on ocean In NB or joint venture Value br. 2 ba condo. Frplc, pool A11111 Sept t , llght1, jacuzzi. $1600. large pool, garden HI· person S490. 2 BR 2 LIDO DELUXE 2 Br. lrplc aleeps 4, wltn garage M/F to shr 2Br apt $500,000. Call 640-7865 greentise wndw, gtr . 633-8277, 752-6492 640-2S23, 633-237S. 6t17n5g_.S9S.697. S. 845-3361, adlll. patio. 32S J 17th ISrg brick patio DR. Adlts. Priv patio. 831-1266 Yrly lie 760-8S70 " Pl 6'6-5137 all 11AM 10SO. 87S-63S9 ~ • n-yard, sec. gate No pets. CALL NOW 2br 2ba •a I• •-• 3ZIO ---------WEEILY llEITALS Sunny CdM twnl!se avall 111•••1•••1 .,.,.,,, S890/mo, 21S7 Pacific SUNNY pool, spa, bit-Ins !~~•••~••••••••••••• SS30/mo 2 Br 2 Be. E.ASTSIDE Lg 2 bdrm in! * BAYFRONT * 1o shr wllem 2S·30isn. lflflf 2400 Av. See 1st· then cell: SS80 S32S Rents 1 br dph1 Townhouses. car port1, 4/plex. Prlv sundeck end PVT SUITE/GARAGE AvaJlable. Agt. 67S·&l70 2Br l '~Ba, poot, gardnr. ••l••;,•fr••••,•1•11••••1•tt••1••• SSl-6822184"4-8722 DC-RENTALS 750-3314 chlld pet. Avall now patios. all bll·lns, lndry gar SS 10 Adlts, not RESPONSIBLE N-SMKR NB 1&.2 Br. weekly, Sleps 3 btks 10 bcn. $300 mo ••• II •• Ir · 642-8808 1---------THE BEST lee 539-6190 rm. small pet ok Won't pell $750/Mo. 673-1521 Bel to bch S27S up Great + '• utll Please call 1675.000/offer. owe or Riie 3br abe wl glT, pool, le.Sii 7S2-2S50 9PM locele 754-0938 Connie wk 641-8911 or tor other avallable pro-4 Br. 2 a.. snarp & clean. wil• taver• kllch. multl· J1cuzz1, Pool enhance TSL Mgmt. a.2•1803 p 11 , 1 111 s . c 8 I I lamlly ok. $85'0, grdnr ltm ok. S-435 Kldt & am 1tyll1h 2 br condo. pv1 Alt. s. 642..g221 1 Br Gard9n Apl 11ov1 & I 1 Br 1 Ba yrly Laguna Collage nr beach hmlmsg 760·6859 7 1 4 • 8 4 6 • 3 2 7 6 0 r tncl pet fiM garege & more ref r 1 g 11 N o p e 1 1 $600/mo Sips 8. S3SO wk (Aug/ t; Ii • 4350 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 714•337•3635 wknds S46-9950 BEST I .. 539-6t91 $480. Call the BEST Flreplece, pool. dlih-$370/mo 548-t377 673-3355 Sept.)WINTER$650/mo .!!!l.~~.!! .. !.1!!. •••• 'IARIOR RIDIE Agt 2 BR 1 Ba. new floor, cpt, ,, ... ,Inti 3UI f" S39-6190 I ~~~e:~ ~·~10 s~eLc? t Br cl11n & shtrp No Large Btulls condo. 2 494-0077 Oerage wanted for small LUCERNE· 2 alory 3 0 IC stove & palnt No petl. ••'·--·••••••••••••••• W"l•l••l•I 3Zfl 5S7-2841 p e Is $ 3 6 0 Imo bdrm. 2 be. 2 car ger _3_B_r _s-lp_s_6_, _p_o_o_I _C_d_M-.1 sport• car. voe Oakwood bdrm, matr bdrm retrHI II I •••IT 1950 B. Meyer Pl (H~se EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• s4s-9950 Wllh opener Greenbelt. $400 wk/Sl250 mo Aug Gerdens No 64S-7278 wlfrplc. view, usumable 112!~ ZSSO In back). S525 & dep Ba frplc. brick patio wltn Oarege, shop, dbl sharp 2 2 Br t Ba Upatalrs W Bey V"lew. Secluded P•-S25-53S9 E side c M • sgl garage, nr 1st. Full price S59S,OOO ••••• ••• •••••••••••• S49-3484 1 P • S 1 8 0 0 br, country kllcn. pvt Joann St No pets 2 Br ,,., Ba . prlvlte P•· ho $925. 830-06'S Cd•• 2 br. 2 ba •P• So 01 I 7th St SSS/mo_ Joyce Xlnt terms. 640 -8900 111,100 213/676-22SS tncd $470 Kids fine. $440/mo Slerrt Mgmt Uo. no Piii Avail now Cozy 2 bdrm. 1 be .. bea· ""' Wtltu. 83 l· l266 Bkr Buys atarter home 1n Small 1 br, gar • big fncd I I 41 •..t BEST ree 539-6191 6'1-t324 SS2S 1S52 B Elm St med cell's. Patio. Ga-PCH, sundeck Avlll 818 ---------~~·~~~~~~~I Like Elalnore, good yard S455 Drive by 790 , .. Ill • -r• 6'6-3627 no calls aft 8 to 9/4 S500 wk or Oflltf lt•l•I 4400 -cond Hlgn &. dry, lake w Wilson. 673-6336. OCEAN VIEW 2 ba. 2 c.a1.a1.i... NEW BREED APTS rage, Npt Heigh ls. No I tOOO mo 673-34 1S •••••••••••••••••••••• S c:n J 1 Br & loll Frplc rec Sunny oldfl< trl-plex. 1pae. Pets, $52S 645-1682 ---------1 UECITI llWPHT CREST TOWllOISI 2 Br 1 Ba. Very private reer pallo. lmm1CUla11, pl1n 1 $190,000 all casn 64S-3194 Versaillea condo. 1 Br 1 Ba, southern exposure, subterrenean parking, security entrances . outatandlng pool/ clubhou111. By Owner 198,900. Anumable Sendra 042-8149 LllO IAYFIHT Custom country Engllah baytront home with pier and allp, dealgned by lnternatlonaJly acclalmed archllec1. 6 bedroom1. 8 bathe, gourmet kitchen. formal din rm. security syatem $2.700,000 ... Lido Realty 673-7300 Spectaculer Herbor Ridge 3 BR 3 Ba condo mull Mil. S% dwn. 760-9307 IHJIH .- ... ~~!~!'.~~! .... !.~!~ SOOO mo. payment for 2Br. 2Ba condo. 91.W. VA loan, Hklng $94,500 661-3380 llllW Why pay rent. Ow-Et Side 3 br. lge yerd. lrpc ti..,., mo Incl Wiier U•larai••• 4ZS . . 2 2 b Bal Penln . blk to beaen. YI s1ms ner 1·498-3497 S8SO 236 Coate Mesa 760-8378 •••••••••••••••••••••• room, pool, IP•· gas & br. 1' yard, 501 gar 1 bdrm. yrly. steps to patio. spa, $350 pr wk IRVINE Phone an1w11- St 875 1S94 720-1443 Newport Boh Big Canyon water paid No pets 393 $52S 754-0808 beach. garage prk'g, 85S 743 673 "36 ring, conr rm. um pd, IHI Ell•lf · -· OcHnvlew new cull 3 3 ~r 2'.+ Ba, 90llCOUl"$9 H • m 111 0 n · C M •IUITiflt:/Olln• S47Sl mo 770-2494 or •1 ' • ., 4 1ctry eervs, etc Also l xdH•f ZIOO 3 Br. 1 Ba. large yard No BR. lnd~9 .. _16S7 1 8 400 v 11 w . po o 1. spa . 84S-44 11 731-S446 BAYFRONT PVT BEACH deak spece St SO/up ••• • • •• •• '•• ••• •••. ••. p 11 ts. Monte VI at a. '" " $1400/mo 644-9060 1 Br anclsd bal crpll. Balboa Penln. Jull com-540.97 45 L t' • • A h II 1660/mo Sierra Mgmt £ 111 I 3ZSZ drps 11011a, lrlg pool, New Decor 3Br, 2B•. frplo, pleted • fabulous vtew ~~--,.....-----• I I I I •1.••• "'1.H Luxury CdM. Bey front ""2slHeld, lndry F0< quiet sngl No garege. 2 blks to bch. S20 f s oo Corporation de1ire1 to Co. 641-1324 •• ••••••• ••••••••••• condo. 2 bdrm. 2 be. ••••t1111TS ~ $3Pe,115 mWo•. ter & gu pd yrly 673-2S71 Pvt prk'g. Spee 2Br 2b• I Q t 1 per SQ trede s3s.ooo equity In 2 Bdrm. 2 story condo"' LAKE PARK -Foxglove frpl, •Pac lvg rm & pttlo. --plua convert den, alps 6 11 .. 3975 Biren .. N.B exceptional 3 Br. New-19th & Harbor. IS201mo. Mdl. evall Sept 1· S800 New pt Int , carpets & Beeutllul garden epla. 14S E 18th 645-2708 Lido bayfront. yrly lease. 3 SJSO/wldy JS2·95 I 1 or Agent S4 l·S032 port Beach Condo. All 831-S897 aft 8pm mo on 1 yr 119 Corner •""'. 2 car gar..,,.. with p / Br 3 Ba, 413 Via Lido 67S-8<191 1617 Westcllff, N.B. 256 •• 'um.bl. llnanclng. lot w/view, 2Br, den, o.....,.pe'ner S2 SO...,O~/mo etlos decks. Helt paid 2 Br. w/ger. S450 Crpts, Soud 873-1203 or ---------000 NI 3 BR h I M lted elll lg No pets. I d CdM Avall Aug 1. COITI• to 4 sq. It. 1st floor. Want Income property. ce ome n esa veu c nga, mllr 720-0703, . 2 Br. 2 a.. S505 wa "1s1P1 "A .. Orenge 675-3S51 S1250/mo. plelely furn 3Br home Agent S41 ·5032 reataurant, or what have Verde, S77S mo. Ask 10< bdrm. 24356 Borr,go ,... S Bii 63 1266 c •31 2230 ESTB FF v OE 398 W. Wiiton 83t-5583 1.s 838-4120 2 Br .. l 'h Ba. Townnouae ho rt walk IO bCh you'? Asking 1229.500 I, 1-ourt. .. • Or w LU ILLA ' $5001 kl I d Agent 648-1044 E/Slde Charm 1 Br No 1-323-1990 C.M. Nr new 2BR, 1 ~ Sparkling clean 2 Br 1'1• style. Adults pre .. no pet. 673·83~0 ~0~2~:2 ~~-BA ll'g gar pool S650 Ba. S470. Fenced, ut111 BHll•it•• S450/mo. 548-2682. pets. Avail. #/11Jn 'VJtl1 3111 075.0118 .. · -, ecutlve 3 bdrm end den, lt•l•l1 641-3937 •••••••••••"~·•••••••• paid. i.1t 3140 IH Cl••••lf "11 ocean view. lennls, pool. •••••••••••••••••••••• HO~E FOR RENT Npt Terrace. 3 Bdr. $500/mo 2 Bt. 2 8a. apt, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ICN. 493 .. 6269 2 Br, 1 Ba hOUM, off-st. 3 Bdrm & '4 Bdrm. $895 $750/mo. Fimlty prefer-encl1d garage. pello. WllFFLnlH Near new 1 Bdrm. apt. 1---------1 H••••• ht•l1iH pkg., enc;l. yaro. Utll pd. to seoo Fenced kard• & , ... ••c:37•s lrplc, lndry lac Submit 1 & 2 Br Olacount on wl1h bufll.lns, carpeting V1t•ll1• lt•l•I• 4150 • •• •• •• • ••••• • •••• • • •• 6 '""' S500 mo 87S 1••2 . "" u-..,-v & la~ .....,.. • · .,.. · geragea l(IC11 pets on pet. some models. Poot, Sp" drtP11J, laundry laclllty, •••••••••••••••••••••• • J I JI07 S...,.lal 2bf 2ba w/huge welcome 545-2000 Aurl•••llf11•hiH TSLMgmt. 642-t803 Gym. Stun•. etc under roolcarport1and OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br r•• ••• I .. -y tlo .... 1 , .. 95 Agent no lee •'•••••••••••••••••••• 846--08111 public tennis courts & AvaU. now Weellly lhru w1~i;·fl~j;j•••••••••• ~:re1•4TALS-n1's0:°3314 Leue ~lsalon vi.1<>, 770 .. ,... EASTSIDE 2 Br. t'h Be golf course nght behind summer 873-7873 WESTCUF F BLOG 114EWPORT BEACH r~u""•• _.-.,1,,.11 r.,,..,,. •""" '''"'•Air• ./•·~ ./c....,....,........, ./-./<•-./,..,. ___ , ./ __ ..... ./ .............. Very nice 2 bdrm, patio. THIS HOT cute 2br home Mtdrld Del Lago, Lake •• !.~!!~~f ..... !.~!! ~.:!;~~:;,u:~i~~f1~1 ~:-1::~ B~~~e~ur;,0~1~0~· ~;f~~~ ~~0::1~0~ Btl Penln waterfront, 4Br. i •rag•• I• u n d r Y wi nk-ups, bit-Ina $325 view, pool, tpe, 4 Br. 2\-" Beaut custom 2 Br 2 Ba Great loc 842-2834, 842-3172 Avallable August tS, one 2 aty, cancellttlon opply --------- S 501 mo + deposit OC.RENTALS 750-3314 Bl. $1400/mo. Owner blk lo bHch, aplral TSL Mgmt 642-t803 Neer belCh 2 Br t·~ Ba. 0< two '°°Its only & no ~~3t4'1g_/~ •Hlllf tfF10ES• Call Mr Howard 645. 6101 873-5815 No pell 8S5-0830 •fl stalrt, lkyht .. patio. ape STUNNING large 1 Br ctpll, drps, bit-Ina, trplc, pets Cell ~ a.t (714) 1---------From t room to 3 rooms. C ' /.. ,l zz 3 Br 1·~ Ba, lrg lot Peta 8PM & g • r l 111 1nc1 d 1 poo1 & &42 0138 •••1•11 If Si• f ~300 From St 16 1 .... ft No •1••1 • U OK. $6SO/mo incl. ger-Sl200/m.o. 87 .. ,.,,84 aft· ger en Ip • rec enclld~er:r, SS801mo • ft• wl 'I' -. II • ___ .. ,.,., 8 ........ rm •·2s1mo 7 tO W. ,.._,, s 0" 1 B h 00 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1e ... r........... ·e11 ... •••••••••••••••••••••• dener 631-1266. Joyce ,,__,,--• ,., t8 h•s'" .,. • etc Apt. 1 ytrd to llJ llH••ltt ,_, ......... ,... ....,.. 3 BR 2 B•. huge garage, Waltz• •• -•• '(;;............... I I. '"RLINGTON ·PTS. sand 2 Br 1 Ba gar-porter Inn. 2172 Dupont p811o, shake roof Bring TIE lllffl ,... " · · -.. -Contact lergast Gay C:llll AM a:J3~3223 your personel ttems The Cnarmlng 2br wl doubl• 3 br 2~ b• prof dee f!!!~'..~~!.'!!! •. /.~~~ Listi, slalft lu•oa,. Quiet. 1p1cl~u1 town-S395· 496-JlS1. Male Femele service In rell Is neret Avlll Aug gar. party patio yd S425 em~nltlea' S t2SO · OcHn view buutllully 1Br. poola(dl w/g111ge houle 2 Br t>\ B• NMr Allrl•Hll l'rll•iUH So Ct~f 640-6716 llWPMT WOI 15 S 1 100 mo OC.RENT ALS 750-3314 s29_8983 furn. townriouae, lrplc. S48S. Bacil w/palio, car-b • • c h I S 2 S I m o 01 ll•I••• 3,.00 Gorgeous 2br, 2b• ___ .. 0 Executive office In Ctn· u 1 J . J .II pool & 11 $895/ por1 S40S. frplc. pool, 980-88S8 .. ' '""'"' nery Vlll1ge. S4SO/mo f'1(/t(>1ra (t('.'l. ,j ff(l1 E. Side. 3 bdrm, 2 ba, OC-AENTALS '"73 n8 P_• o. mo sp1 laundry 0 let 1---------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• w/pool, apt, amenities Broker 875-4912 ""'ti;,,, newly dee Frpc, bit-ins, 1·Sbr'a$200to$2000 "' ...., 96 pet'• ••e•• Puln'•n•o 2Br t·~a. '38S+$385 SUWlllD Xlnt loc Nr SC Plu, -~ CT ft~.. 2 d 1 11 •--1: ~•:<Ea ... dep Crip11, drp1: Quiet occ F "'"2 22 1 1 -mi--• ,._-ear~~ .. ,~~~~ 7'· 750-3314 open 7-d•ya !'.'.'!r.!!."!::!~ •• f.6.'~! s49-2«7. older person preferred. YIW&E 4& .;.,.:::;':·or.,,,979-4418~ t 1200":, ~400 ~~~-o.-fi?.'J-8~9~ 3 Br. den, lrplc. d.r . tncd EASTBLUFF· 3Br. 2ba THE Nr euch Blvd & MC· New t&2 bdrm. luxury·---------luxe oflloe or II Ore ..... 1,., Co • -,..... d Avell Now. 11200/mo. F. d de ri N 0 p •II apta In 14 plans. , Bdfm • BAYFRONT • •P•C• 14302 & 14304 _... ~. 11' "-F·• ...,. Y • patio, quiet at., MC> 840-9019 648-9243 & 893-4894 from IStS, 2 bdrm "'om PVT SUITE/GARAGE H 1_ gar. 18S Buoy. 1850/mo. wea.,_anu •s70 T t" RESPONSIBLE N-SMKA. Buch Blvd. Btwn 2 Hl111fll• 659-1833, 546-8287. s;:i ... •••l•r Yl•• "GOOD u · ~ F'""'Y petnted 38r 2•.+ea. • · ownnouae rom •7so1mo. 873•1521 Bet Frwya. Ctvlo Cent• vn-••d 3140 , I•.:.._ I • I FllllY APTt frplc. dbl 111 ger, pttlo, S640 + pools, tennlt, 9PM ltge Shopping Center. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br. 1 l't Be. garege, lncd ''" It If BHutlfully lendeoeped $850 mo. 9e4.,.833 weterlalla, ponds! Ga1 ---------Prime looellon. 979-8889 ---------3 ~R. 2 ba, nr Megnolla & yard. 24S E. Wiiton. 3 bdrm. 2Yt bathe twnhM LIFE'' gerd9" epta. Pool & Spa. for cooking & h11tlng f'OOMMATE. condo nr or 060-0t44 thitr lflI lll•ll Yorktown. Aemod. gtr S69S/mo. 848-3827 no 11200 per mo. EVH & Covered parking. No DELUXE ~ 8r. 2 Ba. In paid. From San Diego beach. Garage, fem , --------- •••••••••••••••••••••• No pell $875. 963-17'17 calla •ft 8. . wknd1. 979-8980, di pelt. 2 chlldlln W•I· 4-Pl•.11. blt-lnt, crp11. Frwy drive North on non-amoker 83 t-8029 Airport area • Exec. Sul· ll1iU1 Bt•ll 832-1023 YIM-ROUND l'UNI come . hk-up1, drp1, dbl ger. Beach to McFedden to altlf 6. 1es. From 226-450 IQ. ft. 00 #tfllMll .. ti JJ1f EISlde3br,2ba,lgeencl.,__ ________ Soolal Actlvltlet tBr.-$475 frplc. H50 No pe11. Se1wlnd \llll1ge1---------$1J>fl(lq.tt.Manyxtru. ,., l•l• II ····~················· back yard. lrplc. 1750. Br 2ba. pvt gu. •pt. 131 E. 181h ·~· .... , .. 540-4484 •ft e M·f' (7t4)8113-5198. Lux Dlfll Pt llllW Condo C.11 5$7-7010 ••••••• •• •••• • • •••••• • Wlttffrtet 540-3686 Modlfn, 1011 ol atorage, D I r •ct o r • F r e • ---" for 3 mo .. mtster 1ulte ---------N-po-1 Beach DI An11 •ttl 11111 Otllt i---------1 w1lk In c101111. 2 ctr 8 u n Cl • Y 3 Br, 2 Ba. $825 DELUXE 2 Br. 2 Ba. In 1 ... , 4M with frplc, pool, •P•· UIOITIYI llml baylront Ptrk. Mini 132S 2Br HouMI prk'g wtlk lo beach (1 Brurn:tl•BBQ"e• . 15t E. 2111St.548-2408 4.-PIU. etptt, drpe, bll· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1·49&-2e81. 944.9539 881 Dover, NB,O:H-3851 cond. '78 dbl w~ llr• 2Br 2.,. blth. Hunal HIT fH Hl .. 1H Blk) s150 Incl utll AvaH Pen ... •Plut 1 Br. n•w cerpet. newly 11"11, enctld ger. hk·upt. Pool, t1nnl1. ltke, club, 1----------1 pllOI, brick pello, 158. pool. 801 Udo, 8th floor.1----------1 8120, 900•5844 or much more. pilnttd, S4l5/mo. Pllll S625. No pell. 540-4494 wuhlr/dryer, lull EJ Toro Super vl•w. pool, 1p1, Prof. offiol apac:. In Npl 5 0 0 B 111 Grun Cly Furnlthed. 13000/mo. 2 Br Iba, S500 plue utll., 645 1771 (Iv ) Q R I A T 1200• utll fcd, no ...... ,,, •ft e M-F. l'louae prlv. ~Cheerful 1 • c . g • t •. I• n n 11, C•nter for auorney or 87M101. Cell Rita Writer, Agent yard, no garege. • meg RI CRIATIONt ,.. room kltclt prlv pvt 1245/mo & h1kpng other prol ... lon11 UM • ..,...l IUOI 752-5710 548-0113. llm$ -T • n n 1 1 • F r • • pool, ldMI or quiet m ... Deluxe poolslde 111r1 large cs 'e1s1cs c·• • p 1 758 1428 of recept1onl1t, Xerox, ., ..... _ -ture working couplt. 2br, 2 bat!!':· dlWf'tr, Ytr • • M . re 1~-·-,...~-=----~-:--1 11w llb ...... AV&ll lmmecl , l•I Aire Home. llght Very 1t1ractlve CNlf Haven 2Br. 18a. 9"'911 IQ !nod 48r. 2'AB1, end wnlt. Leuont (pro & pro 548-7889. 1~ mllM • Adwftt, mlddi. IOed ma.n. 1200. Mote lamllMll ere geW call 1~-~ellL Mlll:kl or lntlflort. 2 bdrm. 1 blth, Condo 2 er. 2 ea. com-yd, pets & kid• 01( 2223 2412 v1111 Hoger. No •hop)• 2 Healtl'I ... 11__._ 2 Br ... no P•ll s5oo/mo_ 64&-6998 1119 camping ·bug" 1 An 7141955-2411 mty pool. complete w/ C Pomona Ave. '575 p e t • I 8 5 O mo . Clubl•Saune• ....... ..,...,. . 1 ..... ~2 llelllng anything with • year II you hl\19 • cam----------front kitchen. expanded dllhel, Tl/, eto . ., .. __.or mo. 84M238, 845-2042 780-t673 Hydr~ Newly relurblthed. l'\a!tu ""°' OlaNlfled Ad pu th1t'1 not getting n.~ mee._ Mli.r-won an IJv. dining ., ••• Young .......... $495/mo N I .. -" • -~ ..,_, ~T"" aduia & pell ....-com. long llrm. $1000/mo. lflt I ml. UXURY 2 B" Newport ~-ootf · o Pl I ••J t Hlrl... la e llmple matt• ... uled, Mii It now with eltectlv• clutllltd Id 124.500. 540-51137 1_01_s-_1o_s_1. _____ 1 2 Br. t Ba. W"l•ld• Tlfr~ condo. Fplc, P•-~r:c'u~ u L 633-8074 2 bdrm, 2 ba, no peta, Juet Call 642-&e78. r.tuallled Ad 842-5978 ---------S47S tlO. Poot, etc. 0ui.t1 l<Jda A,. ART 111NT1 1 toe 28r 2b• condo, Nr em.ii child ok. N85 mo, f' c...t.11 ,,.,, ...... Ua/1nldflll 4 er. Weallldl, hlA fncd I OK HH mo. Jeenl•. a I I 2 So. Ctl. MOii ulll pd. 968-1174 ~ JllO •••••••••••••••••••••• y1rd. """ ....._64_4_-_12_t_1______ ..;:o:.-.;~ MC. poo1. •P•· H75 3e,, 281a.iy.1>11111,1,p1c, Vou can be a -••• -;·4'".c•!••••••••••••• ..._ _ _., • • k I ~ & 132·11M 2 le S7.,. Pacific View Memorltl ~~••••••••••f•••• :,• 1 et>out n11e11men1 Newport anorea 3 Br. 2·~ Unturnt•"•cf•No bl •to b<lh. -mo. WINNER Nwp1 .. _.. 7 ,,.1n I Ba 2 block• to bftC1t Pe&e•Mode11 Open Avail lmmtd. 540-1077 ~~'!e. A aa'' ~~ Npt ectl/Mobl .. /Fum Agent e82·1TOO ctoM to ICtlool & tenn11: deity t tot. • lnl.. llff I1~11~:•· taaoo 18'1,'00."!e,m~oc.:Or~"':.i.fi: ~-;;. ::iro!0~0:.C· ~~ -a"-1u-:_eea_Cond_3·-0-4-t>r-.-3-~-I• .. ~· •• !:=::.~ ~;·ir~·~;;;·e;.·~ ......, b 11 1 113" -I t la. pool. 1eoo1mo. 11------'•l '""'1· ~.... • green e • poo • • a.. .._....... ft 0 857 '""ITT ...... .,_.... CdM/mOflthly/unturn ..., -....1 mo Y rl y I••. Bk r . oylnus • bt ....., r-,. .. h.'A!.'! ....... !.~!f 2 Bdrm. den. OIHn l ,,.., '"•' ·~ .... 84_4_1_3•-----11 ............. /... • CUM" ·ca1t i.-... ..... ..... ·-• ...... .,, t .. 1>1.. h .,, •to I-"-•t :rA'::'r •••••••••• m:'f1 ~ .,.__.., ne1 · • ,., to bo • ••••••••••••••••••••• &Br 281 2 p1lto1 no " '"''"" ' -·-• -.-aa.... IOOO/mo. 2·•tv. ' 8dr 3 ea. rern11y • ...: ~ t ·...... (at 18tf'I) • Dally Plhit -"-' ••-rm. trplo, 1pa1 31S t01 =~·:~1; ""''· ~4 &45-11().4 • Mott llliQent ept. flldO. NMrnew'1>ie•, 20drm, Winter renlall fvlllable Duccenter. 4""8475 •~-_._/II. ClaUffied In Liii""• ltech, flMil 2 bath •ac" unit wttll now ~t 15 to Jullt 15, fn•lll• '"'J.. IIM !AST'l l.Ufl' 1100 ~ft. 3 -• 641·M71. tooetlon In townl ~tfl-~~~tet "1,.c!:: '13. Prlo .. r•na. from ........... ~ ••• -;;: It. 2'1\ ta. fr!*. oar 00 18tti St. l•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I tMllng ~ .. DUft-tne. ---· ~ S800 to t1IOO/tn(I, Poot ..... gtlb thlt ~ Olf w/.-0 Ol*lt'· com-(Dowlr Ill 18th) 1; h •I t e d p o o I, cHh llow. Now 11St. W• .. rtr-.... Ir. 2 e. hOmt In,__.... mty pool, quiet nelg"-(714) 842-6113 ,.._._, In town? a..llled •ub.·o-raoe. el•vator1 100. 1111 Grundy, Rlt~. _. -·-bOftlOOd 940-ISIO C!t)'e -1. .... onty MIO & \IP 17Mtlt 111·1• .,_~-:..L=:,~;11· 7tMMewt Mr ...0 1-------......, :r;n:.::.;;;i ~OlltfOr.414~ Just by sending us your name and address and by watching for your name in the classified ads or the f Dally PDot. . f Win ll<'kMs to thC' ctrruc. UH amusement allrar· j Uon11 or. sPorUna event• J~t fall out this coupon and mall It toda:v l.O th• Q 111tned ~partm~at, Delly l'tlol ~OW. Bay Strff&, Cotta MH a, CA nal ~'!lfr ••.••.•..• ~ •••••.••••••••. t"-"JM............. • • .••••••••••••• *"'' --· '""""° imerlor ~ ~ "°011 11 •'YI* Lawn Ir... ...""' T09 CIUalltr ..... -· HAHOlN01aT-..ftPWO ...... , ........ 11\futi ln'1all lAAVlU~1 II'!~. 26 >'fl 91'0 V111U14C loot1141•tUI Uc 1411IOI ~ .......... •••••• -eLECTfUCIAN ' TrN .~ .. r«nOVll HLLINO YOU,. HOU· Com,,.tltlft ~-ASA PAN,...AHOINO ............ .,,_ ,,.. _. ,._ prioea am1 !Ob•'"-~•" LIC l#-:1'1 8'•Aolohl!lno •111Hl1a1ualaia H7 No °'*11~ 7~.1in 1 ,.,. local exp Ouar. ~~ ••••••• .., Qual WOftl. Uc 1371.. IH10l·C·10 141-5203 F1M M1lma1a 6<18 6081 ••••••••~••••••••1 Well-known M9a couple ITAA\ll~ COLl.EOI 11110111, PflCH llaft at IUOOIT AATll ~,_,~. fltaltlH ••ll•l•A ••• ,"'.. =-~:·~;~~=tr ~~1t!, bl~·~.! '!ii •cTUO()(NTI MOVIHO ta/roll Alec 751-1~7 ~::: .~ m.rC:1 D .. JM'f111 ............................ .-. .... ,......... ~n hOl.IM. 540.otST tn Newpott Laguna Uc T124-'3f W~alnllng -C. ll f,.J..I• Reme>d91 Rellcl/COIM\I I wot raper all turnlMe & f.XPlAT HANDYMAN Hunllnglon Of MNa wli ln11Urtd OAt-8427 Aet/oom'I lcendlntllfen lflMU DO ITNOWI .... .., ..... .Hl!.'1.:nm!f!l •••• !STIMAT!.8 Lio 3tOU• =::-;~~ i-.~. a Pl~J:.'z;;, ~;~;s,3 Jo~~~~~~: .. ~~,:' ma11•0• ll(OPtrly, P•Y WATCH U8 GROWi quellly Hiimer .... 7871 ··•t:oliti"ii~viC'it•• CAAPIT l UPHL CLl!A· Mtdlte<rtMln OlllC" 940· 1211 blll• forwar" """· llNP l'1•t'•• E•c>ett walloovtrlno In· AelCrMMI~ 90("""' Your OallV ,.llOt 8trVIOI DlrtctOl'Y Rtlpraaantattw N!R 00fltlruG11on lno la1'Hla• 8an'• c:omplete melnt 1 c11111r1, hllndlt rnat .. Off , •••• ;-:, ••••••• ••••••• 11at111t1on. R•H prlcH NI/CM f42.f552 3 rma, 135, wood nr all 648-1'71 w tor Joe ••••••••""•••••••••••• ll hornt Improvement N .. d • mtld or • hla· and ariano• IOt lllftilno Pl•I P&llTllt Contultenl AHIQnment•---------- worll ouar 83S.5$43 TRIEI _ .. ,v 904 5231 kt~P•r"I Hrly 01 wkly? ti hOUM for ..... l!•pe-by Alcherd Sinor. Lie 511·8600 l•tl.akltn Cft1I, AHa '' C11,.. WIM"1ih.f ToPpadlramovtd Clean Cerhntry, c-.-b-ln_e_l_a-,' l'or ~ompl ffr'(lctl, call rlencad, rtftrtncet 290644, 13 )'fl ol hal>f)y •'"••••••••••••••••o•• ••••• aw, ••••• ! •. ! ••••• Ki1:·R~·;;.~~~;;;,~·111.~ up, l•wn rtnov 751·3'79 Plumb ' Ortll'I Ctttnlng, ~~~.:ooge.:ov1:~ :•11· I a.5-42•0 local cuatomera. r!J!~A~~~!~!....... v::~~';!: ~"ea PalntthoaadtrtyQtlllnga. cablnela.Oattnow•lrte MOWING -CLEAN UPS tltet, Tiie , Ihle. OICtlll , n y J••/l•tl•I Th•nkyO\l,831·'4410 **BRYANT'S•• (714)t38"48ee ,. ::1~ee~88r hit •2u.l_e_1_11_m_a_1._._8_4_2..,.-0_8_1_1__ Heullno. Land•C•plng 1-9_0_0_..0_1-::4-::9~,..,...,~---1------'-----•••••••••••••••••••••• PAINTER NEEOS WtrtlOOVtrlng Removal •ft...~&./·~ . Free .. , 842-9007 090·1239 TIRED OF rtASSLES? LOW RATES. Ofllcea, WORl<l 30 )'II exp, Int/ All fyp... 1!42-!343 "'' ~.-; bldg• Vacancl••· 1trtp & ,, .. • ••••• • •••••••••• ••••• W·IHI, eat. HI ~~~t •••••••••..••. OtlVewaya, Parking Lot Aepalra, SMICoaUng. 8&8 Aapnlt 831 .... 190Llc: C••t•l'C.•tllll •••••• •••••••••••••• Jfftl•'• Gardening C•ll tor emt conetruello11, Rellabta cl,.nlng nelp ta w 811 1 t c c HA 1 8 ._1e1ar .... cou•ttc C41111nga. ll11t1rlliuli TILE tNSTAt.LEO •••• ··'~••••••••••••• Oecbrallva watarprot>t Ctaer1-1Jpt, lfte "'"" 8 rape1r1, etactr, plum-nerel Rel• 960-74152 I 71,.080-8398 Oev11 Painting 8"7-15188 ••••••;r.~.,.•••••••••• All Kind•. Ouar•nlaed caintnMAHonry-Block decking, repair• & rte• malnl. NfV 540-80315 btng 315 yr• exp Th0tougn old·luhlona<I £ ' !f! HOUSEPAINTINQ ED'S PLASTERING Rafi. John 840-921? Wall•Cu1t. work. Lie:. OV9r spt1Clalt1t. OOuglu C •• "' •• In 4 out. Free Mt. NHt patcha11te111ur" U810157 Rob 541·2883 Flalda Co. 973.15779 Oallf LIWa I lar .. e1 Carpan1ry . M1tonty ompleta hteele11nlng ••••••• ••"•••••••••• Call eru~~ 972·"119 ALL TYPES Chuck For Tiie WOfk OM Haltbtfg Grading • • Roofing· Plumblng Reta. Jan 1539-6199 FHI EmMATEI ""' ..., 8A5-8258 FrH e.1 Dye 640-5194, Concrata-amall or lg• Dt•lltlt ltnlot. U1-IH1 Drywall· Stucco· Tiit MAIDS OE ORANGE co Sod •prtnllt.t ' anrub Jnt/E.Jc.t. Jow..e.a.t ratu. p• ••r•• .... TC ... INO E~. wllnd• 976-5100 & Paving Co. AM/cqml. Uc 397804 8'42-t72C Job,1. R9mowt. replaee or ••-.•••••••,••••••••••• --Atrnodel J 8 648 0090 t o """'~ ~" ,..." " repair. 645-8512 •KA TRINA S: 1.IVE·IN RONS GARDENING . • Ouellly Team Cleaning fnllallellon Our work promp. naal Mtvtce, 1 Rtttuccoa. lnllUI 30 ftH lfmtt L~lffl nskpta. dally maid aerv, II y11 NBICdM 0ua111y H•tirtOH f/0011 Boodtd. In• 831-8222 only looks upenatva Yf• In area 1148-5684 yra. Neat Paul 545.2977 •••••••••••••u••••••• :::-~-:-••. !I .••..••.••• Oriv.t, pattot, walk•. Free olflct claantng, crpt '1 raH ratel Malntl •••••••••••••••••••••• General Houaeclainlng Cneck our prteet belore •Blahop & Son Painting SLOW RATES$ BABYSITTING-my nome, Ell No ttk:i;mall ct.anlng. 1135-2118 Lendaoape 875-9398 ~~:·~~~111:~9:;~::-:an Retlabla. rats 10 yra HP ~Ou buy I Lie 2045 UI 30 yra up In Beach r!~fl!~!~I............. TrH trimming & removal, :=.~~~~II Any• ---------11JH1 H1••i•• V1rd malnl & clean-up Strice 1947 Commlrea 962-0510 all 4 Lill J;y.19.4~1551\. arta Ftee fft. Ge2·17t8 ATLAS PLUMBING & all clH;s:.~:1~owlng Cuatom concralt brick· •••••••••'••,.•••••••• Jobe. Local rel Day & 1161·11691727-3740 •r I Ir ti ... , Clltt• Pilitlll HEATING • Soeclahzlng INFANTS l UP block wa111.pa1to1-Doon replaced. doorwaye avM 642·87915 Neal ERx~.~arbl8Ho:;!1e1 Cleaning Brick-Block-Tiie-Cone-25 yrs tKP Uc 403~1 In Rep7air1a.~~ R~~81ace-'!'-'!!~I.••••••••••••• C:la ~:':hi. ~~II ~~~1•3tlona Llc'd ~~~~:·mF':n~~i.~7~r· -,-.,-4-.-.-,-.-,-.-,-.-,-.-4-1!'.!!i."A.............. ... 55:) 11175 Oacka, covare, lencaa. Bonded Ins Reta Color ment ( 14 .... ..-1vo Most aubjtctt. K·14 631-1528 anytime. Mowing. edging. itktng DUMP JOBS -ate Uc Doug 948-0761 ttllpert 963·091 t RI-lt•Nt/J••I Jtu/r Oty/ave $15 & $10/hr. IH•"' lfnitfl ""l'I,. awaaplng Prta e1tl· & Small Moving Jobs Compltle Vecanl ap1 IM••••"' Cl'ta.td . •••••••·-''~··'"•••••• Mr Morgan 64~5178 •••••""•••••••••••••••• ':!'.!~.~.'.'! ••••••••••.• Drf!!all main 6•5-5737 Call MIKE 1145-1391 cleanlnQ, pa1nllni & car-•••••••••••••••••••••• Cu8lom work tnJ & ext A44'as•ltsl11·Rtltff. ~~i:dyd::Pn:I~~=~:~ R 1 N .. Lo · s p RE. 000RYWALLiACOUSTIC° K&O L1ndscapa Matnt HAllLING-GRAOING pet care 942-03 7 John BR~CKWORKC Sm~ 1oba. llc'd 20 yrs 1~ area ref1° FrM est Reas Pflcat. !'!'!!!~.~!~~!!!f ..... tullta & wetghl 1011 SCHOOL OPENING Aep11rs, new & old 11 RHld/Comm Clean-up demo1111on cltan·up B ·11; 1 ewpo~.1 °~1:5 3~a5 Herb (11") s21-&0i2 alt Oual work Lie 337l89 'Lei Iha Sunshine tn" Debby Yaeger 548-2949 SEPT lST Rag I star yrs exp. Bud 552-9582 Ltla naullng 548-2469 Concrett & tree removal. •• ~~!!!~ .. ~'··•••••••• rvtnt 11 • • 5:30PM. 631•23"5 Call Sunshine Window Outck sorv 642-7638 Is your nouaa unsold, bu• Custom Brtck·Slona 8 T s Ro OM Ao o 1T1 o N s Cleaning, Lid 548-8653 C I ltm Nowt S 198 mo Open wa111axtures-Acous11c Oultl weeding, remember -~ -------1 need 10 move? rn hou-Btock·Concrtte-S1ucco S~EC~AL~ EPAINTl~G500 Hona11,Rallabla & Rel• 20% Monlhly OiKOUnt .!!/!. ...... !!........ 6 30AM-9PM School Hang-Tape-Sloe\ 11ude the 3 R'a, reas reliable. HAULING & MOVING sesl1, do repairs Vary Raia. Free tsl 5411-11492 111 S01 • • C& c Shampoo & aleam clean. extended care Nr Lie 389944 1-532-5549 Rick, 497-3070 Local Student w/lruck reliable bullda1 Prefer 2 ely S600. 1 coal reoeei J B on91 Lie Wet' lttKflll•f. Color brlghlanara, wnt Yorktown/Brooknurll, ----------Lew11 675-8180 Beech Ares Brickwork-small or lgt 645·9383 ""347677 974•7665 ••••••••••••••• •••••• crpll -10 min. blHch. H.B. (714) 540·6468 Elttttit•l Complete Lawn care, 1----------1 714-558-1433 fobs 100's local refa. J • --4 Compular wor~ proces· H 11 11 /di S 15 , , •••••••••••••••••••••• cltel'l-ups, tree service. Haullng & quick clean·up. i----------1 Since 1969 6.45-8512 l•r..ri"A flD•f wfnitf sing F.as1, accurele serv. • • v17 5n0. rms h :1a1v0g ---------ELECTRICIAN--.Rirlced a pr Ink 1 a rs M 1 k e yds. garages, Job-sues & •• •••• ••••••••••••• 'P'A(;;;E··s·s·ioNAL .. RE•• Reas. retea. Notary. Free room . : couc ; Ct•l(•tftll llt•1t•l rlgnt, lrea e11lmata on 631-7570 prop mgm1 Rick tCteulfled Ada •re the Mori• For quall1y lnslalletton • pkup & delivery Len, chr $5. Ouar. allm. pal •••••••••··'•••••••••• large or small lobs. 631-0865, Kris 631·0953 answer to a successful ••••··'···•••••••••••• oall a PRO. Comm/ra1'. SUM ES & CA A EE R odor. Crp1 repair. 15 yra REMODELIAOO·ONS Lie. 396621• 673_03511 Trade your old sluff for garage or yard ealet 1t'1 a • ABC MOVING . Mr Valente 492·9755 eva COUNSELING 851-0700 1_7_5_1_-_13_l_& _____ _ exp. oo work myeell. & Cerpen1ry. Llc'd. 25 new goodies with a Find what you want Jn baller way to tall more Quick, Caretul Service. Ref a. 531-0~01 y11 exp. lrwln 546·2719 Classified Ad• 642-5678 Ctesalfltd ed 642-5678 Dally Pilot C1aull1eds peoplal Free eat1ma1ts 552-0410 Sell lhrng1 fut with Dally Have sometnlng to 1elt? Went Ads Call 642·5678 Piiot wenl Ade Claaslflt<l ad1 do It well. {.•!'..VI!!'.'.'!. •••• !.~~~ IJ!}l..VI!!'.'!.~ •••• !!.!~ !t}P. .VI!!'.'!.~ •••• !.~!~ IJ.t.11. ."¥!!'. ~t.~ •••. !.~ ~~ !'11..'!!'-'.t!. •••• !.~!! ¥!!1..'!!!.'!!. •••• !.~!! '!. .. ,, •• '!!!'.~'!. .... !.~f!f Nu11e wenls prtvela duly DELIVERY DRIVER, Fl General Help earn up to LlllE COOi t 32 OPENINGS Recapllonlsl/Olflce Ma· SalHP•raon on atralgh1 Ol/Itt ltal•l 4400 •••t•l1 WHIH 4600 £e1t I ftH' S300 ....•............................................................. EJccellent Ottlces • Up 10 FAMILY needa 4-br. home LOST Black Algnan. mate 4000 sq 11. 1801 Newport to rant or IHH. REA· Hunt Sch & Wt1lmlnstar nursing tn home, over 20 time, lor busy Pho1o $400 wk taking snap I neger, Orthodontic of-comm1ss1on IOf Compu· years e11p Wiii consider Studio Good drtvlng re-shols 1n your area Ame· ~-p~rlenct preferred, llARIETll& flea. downlown Laguna 101 generated buslne11 Blvd. C.M 6•5-2 111 Aak SONABLE 8•2·2 150. Reward. 8"2·6455 IOf Joa bee. Furn Suite. prime IH/HH/l•rtd/ N.B. toe. Phone and co-fi•••tt SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Ors olflce 1oce11y For cord a mus1 645-3840 1 teur photographers nee-ul 0 1 1 nbecessary, salary •WIEIEIT Beech, experience pre· grapns services Involves 1 1 642 1353 --dad PtF t I negot a te with axpe-TIWl.,E !erred Full Time calling on buSlnestes in n ° · Oen1a1 Assistant Fil · 'm!· no exper rtance Apply In parson " 497·4328/ 494-1' 17 Orange co lnlo Gre- u J w ~ TJ OO tront & nack e)(pe11ence, or ulhng req d Write lo t>elwean 3·5 PM 210 $14 400 '! ... 'l..r:!f'.~ .. ".......... ROA, •·ray lie requlfed Universal. PO Boit 1223 Newport Center or° Npl PER i EAA RECEPTIONIST Phones phics Inc 675•4385 pier avalf $225/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 1186-1779, 640-6215 ••• , .... ACCOUNTING Salary open Banettts. Montebello. CA ooa.o Bch and llltng R.ravlous co•TROLLER/ 642-6880 or wknds/eves General Office rnteresttng TME 8001 llRTll pnones a plus 631·8290 SALES E(tv•) ' ••• ~tr.!!!~!!l ... !.~~ xecul ve otllca suite. Join 1 ha leader In 1ne corner of 405 Fwy, Neat swimming pool chemical HarbOr Blvd Take over service business ea a lease. 1600 sq fl al 90c ··•pa kle 1141 I t I Sona1a • Rajan Uncap -Become CRUTCHES I'll 1ell you whet kind ol condtlton my car Is In The olhef day t _.1 to price soma tires and lhey suggested steel balled CRUTCHES FILL elf&. lllPR. 673-3403 Npl Ben area POS•hon for an alert. In· 1 Equal Opp Employer I C&RfH --RECtPTIOllttT Telephone sollc11ora D t I A I 1e111gen1 applicant Mee· •O ElPER lfCEss••y wan1ed no e p DESIGN Sludto (lloorlng en a H Stl l f Gregor Yach! Corpora-LIQUOR CLERK. tull or "" Counlry Club In Npl Ben Tues lh;u Fri 9• A: 1~ef2 subcontrector) 3.5 yrs Biiinguai and ROA prel"d 11011 1631 Plecanlla C M pert ttma 278 Broadway. 11·21 rr tl4 11r1f'4 seeks lull lime recepho· axpar w11h computer Tues lhru Fri 9-12 Sat Lqguna Bch llC 135C n111 Must ba amculata, l'loon Apply Pennysaver 11 Call 751-61lll • r w r raa man · sy11ams dealer " Llc'd knowledge Susan 646-2411 Hair Dresser needed. Vil-" cheartut & protesstona• 1660 Placan1ie Ave. 556 60 3 8 Call Sun-Mon-Tue-Wad Costa Mesa -1 1 1 4 Airway Dependable women with tage Faire Mall Laguna L1ve-1n Ability to handle switch----------Fountain Valley Office tarrllory available. apace, 2500 aq.11 11 60c Orange Coas1 area, no Ave suite 0, CM Beach 49•-1600 llAllt Wiite4 board & a.call 1yptng Salt1 S'lrong personality as live Pl,.T TlllE skills are assen11at Soma w a fl. Good exposure, exper nee. Wiii I rein. l·L-O_S_T_· _B_r_o_w_n-.-.-,-url_a_r good parking, Talbaf1 & $50,000 full amount lype" wallel. vtc Car-er o o k h u r 11 t Ca 11 raq·d, some financing aw 8 y Dr 1 v 8 , c M 761-6191 avallabla. Wiii nel $40. 545.314 7 000 plus. Cell co1tac1 1---------- Mon·Frl 9-6PM. Ask tor Tim 408/867·O111 Found. grey & white M HWNllT IUOI HllOEI UTEI s1rlped klllen. vie. He· N d m11ton & Busrlard o eposlt1t Luxurious want a business ol your 968•2572 new offlctt, Jncludlng own tor minimum cost? 1---------- rtceptlonlsl , answering Compl. se1up. p1u11 busl- sarvlca, contaranca nass consultant Guar .room, etc. 752-6408. prolll. 650-0219 · Newport Airport Area 400 l t t to 2400 sq fl office •ffl ••• space. from 90c sit In· ~r.,t1Hill SOl 5 eluding Janitor service. ••• •• • •;•• •••••••• Found Blk and wht Springer Spaniel/ Lab mix Vtc CM Tennis Clb. 641-7524 Found Siberian Husky. Vic. Newport Beech, July 31s1 964·3906 Found White Pigeon with Apl Ass"t Managers E11per1anced/ec11ve ass't management couple tor 200 unois temlly complex in Escond1C10 960-6591 HTO MECMUICS ••Tune up w/smog lie. **Brake & tron1 end • •H\ly llna Busy & laSI growing In dependent shop haa 1m- med openings Top pay & xtn1 working cona111ons lor queltl1ed lndlv (714) 492-7615 AIC, ate. lmmad. occu-lnHstor s W1nt1d paney Laa or mo/mo Po1stblllly 01 perl· 540-2960 •nersnlp Eslab cn11n business opening In cen1rel coas1 area Please call 8051526-3015 lor Infor- mation lltUe specks. red feet & Babvsitte< ~eeper beak VIC CdM weakdeys8AM6PM 400-900 PLUS 1•00 sq It Pantnouee B1ytron1 Sui· It, patklng. patio•. 673·1003 673-3425 Newporl home Mr Hood Pt111•1ll 53SO 760•6863 .•...•.........••..•.. IEWPORT IUCH # r... S025 * * * bee:. ott1oe1 11000 11 10 •• ~~!1.!! .... '-······· Atlantis Parlor Betn 81d• 7AM-IPM Mon-Fri Newport Villa 4000 H1tarta Way NB 642-5881 1650 It). Auractlve -11 Pv1 lnV9stor has $500,000 Open 24 nrs a day malnlalnad bldg. Nr lo Joan on 1st TO on 7 days a week Hoag Hospltal. carpe11, prime ranlal income Jacuzzi. Sauna Locals llST P&RT·TillE mlnl·bllnd• Otdlcelad property 3-5 yre. 16''W• as wett as 1ourlS1s JOI II TOWI pnc'g. Prof environment 4-5 polnls Call (714) BankAmer1card. Maslar Be a telephone promo- • qult1 are• 6•5-3323 499-5254 Charge. American Ex· hon cterlc for tocal new- dy1. u t f f press. Diners. All wel· spape1 Private daak ---------,..,,,,.,,,, 1'11 come 714/645-3433 casual altire Only raqu1- Shara new office IP with DIH1 5035 2 t 12 Harbor Bl CM remen1 11 a good pnone us near Ovei SIA up 10 •••••1••1•••1•1·n··u···1• •••• _c_o_E_O_S ___ w_o_u_ld-lo_v_e_lo-1 vote• and 1015 01 entnu- 700 sq. It. "f>raler Ina. • • · rt 1 c s s1asm brkr or almllar ottloe use. llerflll• Oe. llC, ~~ k :tt~ :°~"r. y ~I: m ":_ Hours 7141549·212Q Speclallzlng In 111 & 2nd 95J.9363 Mon·Fr1 5·30-9 30PM Newport Canter Olltca TO's since 19•9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Sat 9 30AM· 1 30PM Space. 1167 sq 11 • " p\11 Robl. Setoer NHICM $84 00 10 star1 . olflcea. Lge recept. rm R.E. Broker Bd Realtors Liii& i VICKI'S Aller tat week. ahllra In aupply rm. Telex & word 642·217 1 545-0611 PKOTO MOO£LS Plr11'1ershlp profits prooe11or tacll. $1.60 ESCORTS/DANCERS For interview, par 9 /I M r Gr a an HOT LllE OUTCALL 24 HAS call alter 6PM 64-4-9600 Tnara are aaveral op· 111-0207 842-5618 Ilona relhar 1han for•-1:=~~~~~~~~:1~~4~~~~~~~ 2nd noor walk-up olflces closure w1tnou1 coat or E X T 312 S 150-$250/mo. Carpei., obllgallon, get the facts. SUNNY'S Execo11ve drapea. panellng. CdM lhan decide which plan Stress-Reduction. BOILER MFO CO CEO 752· lll30 would be bast lor you Offlce.nm-outcell Proven record as exec In Scallng Down? St8rtlng Ctrcla Home Loans. a 63 t-6377 b<)jler business required out? Lower overhead d I r • c I I ender · l~~~~~~~~~~I Wiii heed co wtunltml1ad maintain Image, ottlca at 71414119-2261 Judy Andersen wtlett art polanllal FanlHl•C OP· Regency Canter. Exacw __ l_OO_W_H_A_S_SSS __ fo_r_i_DO-'s you? Urgent • call Biii portunt1y Jor 1na rlghl aultea In NawP0<1 nr Air· RE Loan•. IOK Up. 'No on Nagel 2131546-3682 person Sand reavma 10 port. fully equipped & credit Check, No Pao· or 2131834·72~3 BOiier CEO 8011 147 Sen •tatted for every buel-ally Dennison & Assoc Juan Cap111rano Ce nest need tndlv ottlc:ee 673 73 Need Pe<son to snare ex-92693 mo/mo from $375 --·--1'---'---penseonlriptoMIOwast, •------ 833 9976 leevtnn Sal. a.&-3124 IOOllfEPE,. ~It fntH Lff, hHHtt•t•I•/ Prof ~:n desires female " P•n•••I•/ houaakeeper & girt Frt-BORED? at MacArtnur & Jambo-£Ht I ft••' day, must be organized If you are a llJll charge g8!d:~er~~0~u~~~i "A;;;;;;;;;;;;; .. iioo ~O:::::J~a 0~~~n= ~':nc1wh~~·P~::!"11~~~ rn'!t~2':~~ ~!:0~!~~~ 0··,:;~·;~~h~·;.;~~·MiF p+ng & 11 coolctng. In a•-~':'~r!'k: :~~~~ ~~tidiy 7 1 4 -8 3 3 -O 8 2 O or earn •• you learn lo change for •Pl In So growing Hrvlca com-213-820-6657 $1000 mo or more PIT Laguna 0" ine beach. pany who wlll provide a II a travel club consul· Please call Tarry 1714> challenge and a future SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch iay. l •nt. 11., aaay, ll'I fun. 979-2230 btwn 9.5 or L G 500 IQ 11 wllh good hwy Mr Franke 980-11866, 499-2293 eves Qorc:~aad. Jn ·~~~~ vlllblllt)'. 497·2 51 542-9047 ,,,,..,/ 7141691·0253 l!'!!'.~A!!!~!.!.~~f £,,,' ,, .. , 5300 ''"''" S310 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil "-1 II I I 2650 .. • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • llYIR .,. • a ore a ... von English Gentlemen St., 19-40 aq. It plua 8 Escort tor Women For Aatan Purch11tng of cer g11ege. e.41·8777. FOUND ADS 497-5725 (bet 8em-8pm) Graphic Art. Ortltlng Suppllt1, end Stationer~. Office tnd Laboratory I " I Full 11me. Mol'l-Frt. Oeta IP--up lo 7500 IQ It. ARE FREE .!f .!l!!~••••••••••• entry exp hatplut Apply 84S-2111 Alie for Joa ldHll I at MUI« Blueprint, 234 C..a1nul ... ,11. 4411 ...................... Cal: 142-Mll .,,. .. ..., In new. bldg on Cou1 I~~~~~~~~ Hwy, South Ugllna. A9-Lost Yorl!ahlra Tarrier. r.Ol(. 600 aq. ft. Excel· lul ...., In F.V. I'll' Tai- nt privet• parking bet-t & Magnolia "BenP" betltnd bldg. '5215 mo. (213) 430_.t53 Turner Aaaoc. 494-l1n LOST· al Shaw'• Cove, W•1trNl lnt'14HI Laguna on 1124 2 btncl ••••••••• •• • ••• • •• •••• weOdlng r1ng Mt. 6 dla,. N.8. 3t18 Birch. 38eO tq, mondt total. PlffM call. ft. or l•H. MIA zone. 1 1 4 • 8 e e . 1 o o 2 , L tn II fOOS Fleener, CM 540-9373 ... ~.' ... ! .. !~ ......... 1~~~~~~~~~~ I SUPERIOR TRAI NING SERVICES SEMI TRUCK DRIVER S ~nd Carpantw "Jack ot All Tradea" 10 help bulld our new 915' llllbo•ll Oraat lulure MacGregor Yach! Cor· po<atlon 1831 Plac:eotla. C.M HEAVY EOUIPM£11T OPERATORS COCKTAIL -ltr-wanl· td, nlohtt. prard. Apply Mon-1'rl, 11AM·4PM, ·Natlonll )Ob plactm«lt 1541 W 811Ctr SI CM Ntlat The Huddle Agent 641-5032. 114-882·9811 -Flntnctal •Id avellablt •---------- ·Accredited member ...,111111 1750 up. 21eo fl. tndu• Loal: Oucct puraa In Univ. N H.s .c . Mah1ra, '°' elderly tidy. .tr'lal •Ott'k.s.'11101 Re-t:Or ltvlne 8·1& pm. Fri ·Gorre•pond•nn/ wteilendt non..moker. dondo Clrclt #M & T 30, A.ward. PIMH retldtnoe trlllnlng 1_54_&.._3e&_8_. ____ _ Huntington, 8taoh •H "'44" ,.~·ate & ••·•-n.1 142·2~. ~• • FOR MORE INFO ""'"" ..,....,,,,, oanv .. 8 •11 Bag Wl\h 8a11t t1a5 8. Oouot••· aurt• e 5 ,., poot d.ek 911r' .... WAlllllll I~. 1811'1 81, bayelde. Anaheim, Ca. 112fl08 ,_--.8_"1 ... •_n_6"'_l·_5_3" __ Appro• 2000 ~.rt. Nt Lot t 1-27, REWARO. 714/034-398& NTA 1m1 It.Ill Ctown Valley Pkwy, & .,,...64_e_.oo30 ______ ~ tmrned opening for 10· Forbet Ad., MINIOn Vlt-SlatnaM with Ilea collar. (RH. Tratntno. R11110. m•ont t1Cpar In 011• jO, (714) 84~15 H•lf grown. At ,.._.port C•) entry. Complete reap lor 1aoo IQ. ft. 14215. Anlrnel Hoep,, CM ::z; '"fc"~ or 1nerch1ndl1t 1100 aq. ft 9876 ... rtuf# lfil fwn o pr•p,, of r•portt Front oftlcl, 1aroe ,.., 8uylf'g end Mlllng 81 1 ••• •••••••••••• ....... Ill trtln ult ~flll, door. 1119 Wlllt1ftr A¥e. rttaonabla pr~•lhat'• Young married mtn Wiii •tnt worklrig cond• 9'nd ::1;.:41 O·t312. iVH what CIH•lflad I II do Qtntral n~ WOfll brief lettat to : Admln Mgr • • CeH evH l wkanda, Bo• t19, 1H36 Aloon· about. 9-42·5'79 t12·t .525. quln, H I 92141, tn comp11n1on1 cool< for HAIRSTYLIST Preler ma. 1 10 care lor 2 year old n an1ed lelf·motlvattd Newpon Bch woman. ture wolh cltenlale CM boy 11\les wllh father Eves and/or weekends ~4e4~~:;4~D~a~~rs Call persons 1nlfras1ad In salary negotoerile Reply a r a 11 5 4 8 _ 4 2 9 1 0 r Small sa•ary. room end Responsible a•ulls. over developing own business wnn resume & references 548-2766 board Newport Beach 2 t. with outstanding, et· Res1auran1 wlnewly marl<altd pro-10 T Jo po Box 614. 835-7772. 535·9693 trac11ve personahl1as to l:xperienced lull-11me duel Mlnlmal tn\lestmtnt Balboa. Ce 92661 Hospnal work wtth you1h (ages w aitress Apply In per-needed Ph PBR ln1'1 Acoou1ts ReoeiYl~I• Ma•1~::n~9:a 6~1;1 ~~~!~ 10-141. Cell 2·5PM , son Ttie Beach House, (71"4) 631·3296 dys or DINNER COOKS, exper tn home S1yle coolllng for small relirement home In Laguna Some wknds. PIT 494-9458 General otttce posillon 494•97 1 ~ 642·4321. Ext 346 EOE 619 Sleepy Hollow Lane, 1714) 875·5418 eves. avellat>le tn Corporate "Person Friday·· • Home Laguna Beacn. 494·9707 SCTRY /RECEPT accounts recalvable ol-lle4. 1101! Office Oecoreung Shop Answ. RESTAURl T s 1 R I M d I b 11 8 es ep Agency In tr-ice a ica 11 ng exp-Busy pads Exp required pnones, assist cust's, vine Typing. SIH. tnlng & er pref'd Good commu-644-0970 minor Dl<llg. etc Custom Tna tinesl nouvelle rts· h EVEllll&S n1ca11ons. malhemattcal ---Shade & Drape"' Shop tau ran I 1 n Or an g e P one a.par required and 1yp1ng skills Must Medical Assls1ant needed 3535 E Coast H.,:,.Y CdM' Coun1y Is 1n1ereated In Call Jeannella, 546·6444 PART TlllE be oependeble. respon· f(lr growing practice In 673•7830 · · 1 quallflad personnel. We Secretary. IHt bkkpg & Be a carrter c:ounsetor sible and sell mo1tve1ed So Lnguna Exper pre-are accepttng eppllca· lyplng for sml business. tor a locet newspaper trene Ruiz 7t4-640·6950 lorred bu1 will 1ra1n a Phone Sohc11or tor lnsu-lions balween 9·11 am $900 957·8388 No e~per tence neces· brig I'll eager person ranee office. Cell Mon or dal'y for Iha lollow1ng sary Worl< only 12 hours Ho~tesslCashier Satery commensurate Tue 557-1882 pos1Uons1 SECRn&RY a weel< $75 10 start plus I The Good Earlh Res1eu· w/axp 499.1394 p . 1 HOSTESSES edd111onal share ot par1· rani & Bake<y 11 tookong rllfer 1 llelper WAITRESSES nerships profits t lor 12 lull 11me herd ldlo1l A11ist11t trai1H. 171-7110 333 Bayside Drive Snerp person needed 10 WO<I< on IU1 Paced New- por1 Beach commerctet real es1ata otfice Excel· lent opp1'y for a 1)8faon w/60 wpm typtng. and top d•ctaphone skills Contact Peggy 833-2900 A real tun !Obi working 1nd1v1duats wtio Back omce Jor Hun11ng-p T-S N-port Beadl Cahl Mene9ement opportun•· en1oy working with lhe ton Baecll Area Expar • ••E ALES ' lies For inlerview cell pubhc Good pay com-necessary Excellent ba· Enjoy working w11h klda. ROUTE PERSON • aller 6 oo PM 542-5678 pany onsurence & vaca· neht5 and wish Increased ear-Sol1 Water Co SJC erea ax1 3 12 11011 available Apply 111 947.goo4 nmgs. ullltze your out-Truck drtv1ng a11per person The Good Earlh going personality. tearn helpful Good driving re- QEIEUl OFFICE F /T Ma1ura exper secretary xln1 1yptng phone par· sonallly 1h1nk1ng abthty Non smkr CoM Send ReJumes 10 Class11ted Ad -889. Daily P1lo1. PO I Box 1560 Costa Mesa, Ca 92826 I General HARD WORKERS 20 Positions to till $~i i290 IEIEHL UIOR IARHTIH liEllEHL OFFICE CLERICAL No exper tn soma pos1· lions Yo1t111 , .. , •• h · ~llHtt4. ( 714) 968-3555 People wno need people should always check lhe Service 01rec1ory tn lhe DAILY PILOT ( ( Res1aur1r"ll & Bakery 'Mo1her Siiier needed PIT how 10 become a 1ralned cord a musl Pd Vac, Ina. 210 Newport Canter Or will train S 135 pr wk sales counselor Call e1c 493-4535 belween 3.5 PM Hun1 Hrbr area Call 2-5PM 642-4321 Ex1 Peggy 846·8183 346 EOE S1l11/ls1ist Ip. SECRET UY ;me. Markaung dtpt na1 opentng tn NPT BCH. Fin svoes firm Good 1y- p111g S/H skills, E11per raq·d Non-1mkr pert Call 640-0123 llOISHEEPH/COOI Moverl drlver Mature woman 10 assist Balboa Baytronl home I Starving College Siu-REAL ESTATE SALES owner in managing da- week only Elderly gan1· dentS are looking tor Need 2 eKper people In signer llngartt lhOP teman nos expr'd person exper mover / dnver, commerclal and lndu-Sa I as ax Pr n a c from Aug 29 10 Sept 4 must have good driving str1al real es1e1e for sue-673-7710 Hk tor Judy Musi have own car 10 do record, 21 or over Call cessful and grownlng SALES/ADVERTISING marl<ettng Salary open 641·8427 tlrm Besl working con-1 LOVE IT" Bob 498-2229 dl11ons In Newport That's whal our chanla ServloeS1allonAllendant Housekeeper cnrld care, OFFICE Besen. 7 l 4/646·5051 tell us. New unlquo ad· Expr'd Apply Shell Sla-Uon. 171hllrv1na. NB. ma1ure PIT, ctnt salary Serious person wtgood REAL ESTATE SALES vertlslng & marka11ng 1---------- Must have driver's He bkkp'g t>ckgrnd wanted Do you have· R.E. Ileen-concep1 1n1arne1lonally Sh1•p10 A11l1t11t 847-8973 tor lull lime olllce lletp. 1 2 1 1 acclelmed Call Now needed for busv salon. non-smkr Bel Panln 541 yrs exper ence n 631·5~•0 ' 673_3591 real estale sales or 5 yrs r---------Lie required. Newport JEWELRY SALES H19h tine store. muS1 be e~peroenced 35 Fasn1on Island 644-2494 lor app1 La1al Seoretary Newport Center Real Estele Llllga11on Firm needs expar legal secre- tary Xlnt typing. dlel•· phone end shor1nand e must Salary open 640-6960 To pl8Qa your message before the reading publle, phone Dally PllOI Classllla<I. 6.42-51178 } ) STOP SMOKING GET THIN MAKE MONEY Your own t!OUr• to leadl olhart about new and unique products New chewtng gum atops smo1<1ng habit New Fructo5e 01111 Drtnk tnd more WE TEACH YOU HOW TO MAKE MONEY G1nn1a 7 1"-498-6924 Read Iha CIOISlfled •d• lor tna beS1 deals tn apart· "*'' ran1a1s 642-5678 in other ou1s1de sales? Sales-Fashion Consultanl Beach 631-1390 Sufllclent finances to Top S. '1rae wardrobe.1s·-w-1_M_M_t_N_G ___ _ suppor1 yourself several independence. 730-9080 INSTRUCTOR-Equally months wnlle becoming or 731-4347 qualtf1ad swimming aslabllshed in commar· Sel&s 1nstruc1or1lltagu1rd for clat and/or excluslva FAR park In C M Car1111ad rasldent1a1 sales In New-•HS IH &ROIP 557-7234 tor appt port Beech? 11 so. call Con1Jdertng a carter --------- Lao Hanna. Sr vice pre· change in 1982? Con· TtlephH Sales 1telent alderlng tnlerlng Iha Beal pay In townt Apply W11l1y I . Tayler Ce, renk1 of the sell em· 779 w t9th St. Sle H, Reallors 644-4910 ployed? 11 you are Inlet· Costa MOM Pitt time or RECEmOllST and genec-at olflca dullee. Ntwpor1 Beech Firm For Interview c;all· Lu Daley. 642·6800 IECEmHIST wt1h 1yptng •Ills tor real as1a1e otflce. Noo smo- ker 960~6591 ts1ad In operating your lull trrne · own Insurance agency. 1---------- lnvesl 1 nour of your uma Telephone sohcnors nee- a1 our Feels Seminar ded 111 rate resort co Call Bonnie lor dalalls 11 lor Laguna Shortt Pro- 963-4518 petty Xtn1 working cond Top compensation Call ales help wenta<I axper Tim ll•m·6pm praf'd . call or apply 494-0748 Crown Hardw•ra. 1614 1----------S en M lgual , NB 6'4-8570 Mell SELL Idle lttma with a Dally Pflo1 Clanlfled Ad. \VAN TED A 0 SOON YOU LL BE SEEING SIGNS AROUND ( ( ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, fount~in Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good Enmings Super Trips Great Prizes •• CALL CIRCULA TtON DEPAR TMENT Dally Piiat 6 42·432 f ' TOWN CALLING ATTENTION TO ESALES ! Tl UYI I IHOUSFIL uu• ULI (or Verd ..... let• ....... etc.) 1. Plac e you r ad In th• Dally Piiot C lualfled Mcilon (It'• beet to run 3 d l)'I for maximum •JCPC*lre). If you pay fOf your Id In ldvan<:e we·n run It 3 daya and only charge you for 21 2. a.t your FREE GJrege Sale llgnl (all you ha"9 to d9 lt come In to the Oalty Piiot & PlY f<>t your ad In lldvance - we wlll gl\4 you two 11 x 17 Sign• - FREE of Charge). 3. Prio. elOh piece of merchendlM. •· Have 01anty ot c:nanga pn nano (nic1<e11, dimes. quarters. halvel; one and five dollar bllle). 5. Relax, haV9 tur\, •nd c:oUnt your money at the «id of the day. l I'.'!!. iftff!tff....... ,,.,,,_ /!tlfftfl....... Alt-!·""' ......... .. '1~ ._ ''" la a lt•lftt l'l•MI. 1.~•.tt••• ef Af'e e "-"' .. ~ '1 , .... AllMt•llM lh~ fM. ~---tl H •ll, ~1100• f1DDOI ~ltNt1 it,'Wr •Iii fli ff t\llt U" ttl11·, ._ c.ii .... , 11 • .,_ _.... ,..._ ttuw l•I• 011ll•1a1t1 ............. 1111 11111."'1! ..... llJf f'dflf •••••••• JJf "" NT 1n ,.,, "* "°"' 111• m 1 an11n • OtOt ....,. 4 tPMd lhMow •-••~ rwl ... .....,. ltlil ,,... .. .. . ISi i7i l40ooiMD ''""'auon 1 111. ~· -------~·LAO ;;Ji Qtli, ltNlf1,.._.....,04111 I• .-ii! "' -... ,. I .. 10 aOocs home1 ,, ... ..., ... , .. Afl l;OOK FOR GREAT MOllRCYGI YALIES treftl A .. ,, .. rHIO 1'81 11111'11'' 1"'"'H, ...... ... C1f11y 4&,ooo,... I .. ; 2 .000. '"'I "" of lltl ,,....., '-"' ,,.._. ~~.,.,,. ..... ~··· .. c.-...,......., "*' ............ .... ..,. ... "" ---.. ...... ,_, .,.,,lllNI CahilMI .... (111) ...... lf.4 . .. _._._ ... ___ , __ ta ___ _ II AITING I oet• Dltlftond IOlll.W. dOH net 1n1lu11t an~ IClllllOIM , ...... fie«!•, tr1n1fe r '"'· flnanoe chtt911, .... '°' .., ~ lullOI' 00111ror clavlce certlltc1Uont or dMler Oocurne1111ry preplta· tlon ollare•• unleH OtherwlH 1peclfled by ltftt tt•nte>Ott9tl0f'll ,... hat. Clilltor"'91 I ... ue todlfl lltno tow ~011111•..,. r.'T."e............ • ,,,. l'O,_ YOU NOW COCllat 'C.p1, M1'1f'/1, 7 A llMCI .. 000 Taki lut 11 won't '" w.iiinv wll1. ••mllt orla11t1d. JrootOIO ., i-H7t booll et ""'° Call u.. Lall I ... ... • .. UI tono A flPr•••llllllYI lilO Call Hf.4314 ,,,, ltOt'I' STOP 'N 00 vrltl l:>I at t48·11" atttr e so -,_ • -p m on we etideya; 111 HOO ..._. IMt day •••ll•t1d1 If no $328 60 COITA MU.A 11 tne Stop 'N Oo m1r1111 !m ,. f H ~f a -T-,_-O-l._l_l_T_W_IN-11-ro-11-er-1 tocatld '' 4$55 Pao c11 ;; ~io·i<;;;h~-.;; ·;,,. eeo. ~· oonc1111on. IN THE FRIDAY EDITION ~,;.~t, PlllH k .. p I 141-11H tfwy, N 8., on Thure, Aug mai. All .not• triinld M""°''' 511'1 betWffft ' Im .. 1 lo ... _ ·~2 •• i.: • ---------1 1t71 Fl I ,... 4 .... I I pm totlllkloyouabOut 111 ........... --N COCKATlll. With 010• OF rae DAILY PILOT! a ........... n thea~teer per tnOnVI plua tu 41 molllh OIOHO end ..... on approv.d cre- d It Cott -I 16.371; l1H2 cHh required. Corne II' l ull for d• f'Mr!!!!! •••••••• W!I 11_.n IHll•I 14 mo. old Ooldtn A•· HS. Kitchin table wtth 8 r.1 A.tin,,/ ::~d. s"f:s~r1•:,1 ~~~~ I It--' le .. trlever nude oood Chllfl *· 1557·1303 Cfaa11 HM 942.1101, 831~2'7 c.,( H II I < t ).\ \ r Dodge 11111 PIUTI I • .,....., .. hOtnl 831·79'2 9011 ~IJ'I, toft co~ pl-•••••••••••••••••••••• ':J.1 "ti ~j·.~•I Cetlco Kitten, 10 wll1, flu ping. 176, 649'-1 07 or La It 1141 " a...o a Mii&. .,A"•I !'!!4~•••••••••••!!.~! 111111 (18924). we h•~ e oooct Mleo- tlon Of NIW I UllD Cfletlroietal •11 ,!!.•1•1•11: .... ·, •t1011. 11011 tra1n1d. 1"4'-62111 . rrr!!, ••• 1'!.' .............. !1• •• t!'!!. .... r • .,.i.. 0~~~~1~·i:~~'::.! •1& llmHt ....,. -• 8715-4041 8-6:30 • ~rn divider, SX8, Nit tUP• CIHt lc 1•· LIPlltlke 11• ILIO .. , UllOI from I (0087811) (8!k. .:1188 lli11 lll11 ltJid W• can llalpl Befort you IUOll IMNITI 841 Oove SlrMI NEWPORT BEACH COHHh~ c Hl~R()L ff 1"4 lt1rff11 llllFJ, r1111lt111 1080 ported, off whlta, UO Century b1y boil, 4 oyl, 01\IY 3 mo. old. •II llbef· A3ot3) PrleH 11artfno II \'0,.111 \h-~u ~~ iWO buy, c*k our unt>Mtt-fllU ll.,llJ ••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• OBO. 89•·8947 lnytlme Grey 13500. 870--8181 glUI, iepro of Turn-ol· MJ tl.ffll 1---_,,______ ble HllCtlOrt. HYlnOt 712-0101 " . fits, 1rt1t 11r11r ,,. * *' BUY** O&llPEl lllU 42' H M11t.lleWI. iwn dtl. century packet, w/blu• A , _ and Ntvkle todtyl t It I F For •m•ll pick up '300 Br11101. Live •board. 1urrey top + •Id• cur· .!'!.11.~fl!.~1~ ...... · · llfYlllln '79 S11b llOO Turbo, toe- '"" J "••re Ooodu1edFurn1ture& Pouumpouchfoj.truek 1•11.soo PP. (213) t•ln1,corn11w11u11co• A II 110l UUlllUYIOI dad. u.ooo mil .. r , ,• ' Ht. 1100 llftr•atltl, eall Apptlancel·OR I wlll 1911 bed, roll loP MGretltlll 9 t e. 2 e 8 1, ( 7 1 4) ver, 12 hra on one cha.r· ••~••••o•••••••••••• 28.60 Harbor Blvd. 18000/ otter. 790.ooae. '73 Monte Cerio, 1111'1 11'·1210 Of SELL for You 176 Rol9 Ovna Rldat 15 780-1178. ge Purclllttd for 117, II a..i IOOO T1rM COSTA MESA c:ond, dean body lnll<M I .I .I . IUITIH AIOTlll •pd' SIOO. 548·744'4 • 25· we11crett, ell equlPC)ld 1 ~4~5oo~~!~ ~~r ~ p~~ 28,000 milM, fully loaded 140 1140 f~~!~ .......•.. IJ.~~ !n;.~. sf~.11l&~~~:~1: M/F 1•1-llH IH·HH Patio Sale· Boollcue. 1 o f I• h & tr a 11 e r . 873-3147 1unroof. \d cond Like • sa .... Sei'vloe·LAlaalng 11., ,.ll."'.E Stereo. Crack Wheat :1!_:1~8~.eoo~~l*~'!:..·.!84~0~·!87~8~8~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ,__ new. $1 ,400 080. '81 Accord LX, AM/FM IAlllJIAOI '87 lmpa1a9. tll4 dr. lutco. M • 0 h I n e . M I • c -Attention col .... tortl 1950 e 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 e v • • . caN .. 15 *P· AC. 19.000 283V8, p • I whl, A • TOPLESS MODELS L.. 957·8133 557-4821 2e· Monterey ll•h boat 1078 27'M' BAYLINER Edael R11nger In good 867-9884 d1ya. ml .. 11lnt cond., S7099. ..... Oft Urn .. pllnt, took• a 175 DAY • PAID DAILY ---------1 Orey marine l.ugoer Xlnt "Victoria " Fly bridge, running COl\dltlon' ONLY 111 2040 411 '9'9 runt alnt S750/bll ofr. no e1tp •nee • 828--2583 N-full-tlze m•.ttr-aet, IBM PER so NA L cond . Aak S 7 500 . VHF fldlo, belt 11n1i, $5501 Call 842·2073 or '11 l1lt1t I + Io,. _4_9_7_·2_580 ______ --·-----·--· 554·80e2 S&5 New queen alza, C 0 Mp UTE R / t 7 81<, 875-0923 depth llnder, outrlgg4n. S4M974. If no .,,._, 8 ec>d, 6 cyt, AC, Blpmllt 11181 Honda CVCC, White ftN#I lflf --------- S 100 750-5832 printer, software, war• ---------1 w/lreller Wat Mlllng for pie ... lleep trying AM/FM cue Sunroof very clean, Auto Trant .. ••'••••••••••••••••••• 'll hft late8' ... TUJIH WATERBEO. King, n-II· ranly. Mull Mii $5500 10978 WCrlldl I Mon()tar• 23· s22.ooo. u crlllce II Plff cond $13,500 A/C, Stereo with Cata. '71 CELICA ...... ooo ml. 350 V-8 .uto. PIS. P/8, N Donna 857-2012 dyt, •Y ruHr uardlan 113,1100. HAVE TO '53StUdeb1kerChamplon 4117-2000 deck,20t<mllet.Aaeume air, am/Im tape, apolct AM/FM cUMtte ltereo TRAI [[ $;~.~:2~~:~ Heeter 859•8871 eves ~~rlFeil 480 Linc~~ ~25 SELL. 1 5 pH• CPI Nici Cir 1,...., 1111 lllH. $187.84/ mo. El'ld whit 161115 VERY Mu1lcal horn. 11200 · u gaug11, ,., 848--2843 ! $3750. 213/592-1792 ,,,.. of leHt , 8-30·83. Buy CLEAN. 659°8881 alt 8. 0801-42-1605 POSITIONS 0:pkh~/~~~ ~h~~ . ..!!:c>n4, ~:;~i1~:n c~~ep~~1';.,:~: !~J1:r 1~ip:...~1~l:J,•~ ~~~~~~~~~I '11 IPElllTH ·:::::::=:0 0 ::::::: out '4185·88 Purchaae '79 Cellca GT Llltbacll. OHYHTIIU 33 People needed to ffll IHI, xlnt cond. s.425 (I berthlp, S 180 Incl. 842-1821•tt8pm. ,,,,,, li•I lt•llH ·~· ~r~c::iln~~~1J'1;~r:2 •66nr2f-O, 7•!~. 1844;,.880~;.,p•Y• '83 CORVAIR $1500 entry level poalllona In stHI) 4112·6M 1 trenster fee. 553-0345 1980 50' HatterH con-C/111111 HJO 32,000 ml, Se.900 Suun 842~300. 24 hrs '"' .,.. .,... 842-7600 dlstrlb\,ltlOn stall tlble I II I ....... I •••••••••••••••••••••• ...F 752-7179 ·eo c lie Hat h bck 1" NEAR NEW SOFA. Ear1h· HO TRAIN LAYOUT. N-Yer . u y 0-· rtl 40' Viking lor Charier .... '72 Honda 6000 Cpe • a. c ... '82 Blee 2 dr. reblt 3 apd, $ tones Muat tell. Wiii sac Athearn engene, Incl. 10 hra. s 415o.ooo Ev19 Fl•hlng. dlvlrig & en-1962 Ford T·Blrd, fully Great cond. $17001obo. OOO ml• l 8400IOBO No e cyl, '83 lie, nu paint. 1175 S200 Freedel. cars . Make offer 875-9877 1ertalnm1nt . C1ll restored. S7.000 apent. 648-9974 Hk for Jortn-air. 548"7984 $1200/0BO. 657-2187 559-8721 , _1_3 _1-_2_133 ______ 121· Ski Boat 1977 model 662-2788. $49001b1t ofr. 831-11276 ne. '77 c.llca ST: 4 ·~·new ·ea 1 1 2o 5450 1 , ---------·-w tklkl 11 I "51---------1 ---------1 tires, 81,000 ml ... Stl-mpee r. · BABY CRIB Lawn mo-r, gH. nearly • •"""n cruMr, 4.., O I• IO I I I ..., N I ..., ..., •aLEI •ER"IOE I ""I 113 o wne r , run• good. Pe Month LIKE NEW new. xlnt condition. Olde. Jacuu l Jet, new I •• I'''' ••• ••ti ••••• -•• " 11•••• ••I 4 ver, am/Im, run• greal. 075•4172 Make otter. 648•85411. canopy & n-cover w/ Newport. 714/831-3600, 1946 Ford Woody Wa-LEASlll •••••••••••••••••••••• S3600. 8'43-0178 ---------MARKETING s5o 955•2949 traller. S61500 OBO., _49_4_·_48_06 ______ 1 gon. $13,000. 831-2040 495-'4949 '74 Kermann Ohta, mint ---------1 '78 Nova, 2 dr, ate, am/Im C bl N I Pl U •••ltll 6 3 1 3 g 1 2 h ·-IAllLEIAO• llW cond. new headliner, '71 Toyote Wgn, dtpen-•ttreo CHI gd cond SECRETARIAL • e •son ano. P· • • o m • 11111 Sill 1060 1929 Ford Model A Town .. rugs. •heepakln covers, dable, only 2.000 ml on M II 1'2900 . right S900 Like new. l•1l1oa1ot1 IOl3 962-0034. ••••·'··•••••••••••••• Sedan 510000 28402 Marguerite Pkwy brushed alum wnla. ateel completely rebll mo1or, 73~~~8~;. ~v 840_..4fJ1 759-1206 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• IWOllflll 18' Hobie Cat. yellow wl ' • ' Ml11lon Vl~o radlal Urea. Garage kept. s 1100. 499.5559 WAREHOUS£c --us_t_o_m-Lo_v_e_se_e_t_. -,a-pe--Randa~ P.A. hwlth 1~ Inch 23' Seacralt, turbo di• tne-q .. 'su2nsoorl1e. e'1'5~e'ieL1lke 1963 Studebaker Avantl, (Avery Exit o 1·5) $5,000, 6'42-7966 eves/ i---------1 Cllrnl11 llZS a t r y 11y1 e up ho 1. •Pea$~ or;: 85 c~-&el AOF L 2 di s5500 675-6l&l Open Sunday• wknds. Vtlk•••t•• 1110 ••• -,.-•••••• : •••••••••• LABOR S500111ke new. 759-1206 vers. pr. 1· 1 . • • oran, ,. ot, . ----'-----'--!_:;~::..:.; ______ •••••••• ••••••••••••• '82 New Yorker. 5th Ave. s· s 00 Cl I tower, plank, 3 llatlon OhHJ LH Ldtrl '29 Dodge. Rumble Seat. ~ ~...n ,,,.,, 1131 Mull sell '63 Bal• Bug Edition, 11,000 mllet. 110 EJIP.rl.lftCI Cmua 0 toumnteTdV. cAabdl)nue 1 t 1 . 8 wb•letl ;!~~2C::mer 1 ar • steering. too much to 30 dleeel aloop Sleeps 8. Runs good, needl body ~ YL" •••••••••••••••••••••• 1835cc. Out I carbt. EvM 879.6907 955-29 9 1111. lmmac. boat. S25, $36,1100 Susan M-F & paint work S3695 Make otter 873-2912 in SOllll fltlcls shelves S400, 759-1206 4 ooo llrm. 875-7888, 752-7179 630•0992 Satea-Servlc:l-Leulng .71 Bug, reblt wlr-ptt, t982 Chryaler Newport • 01 h & Poly Tone Ampllfler, Mint 879·2640 SAILBOAT . ..,5. Ctasatc 'IS HOl's Art Nerti new radl•I•. CHS. Xlnt Sedan. mint tac. orig. (11•) I •·HU nlng rm set, c roma Brute, xlnt cond. $250 '" CllYEITIILE Nie Set ti I Radio, heater, air cond . ~~~~~~~~~ glaH table wl8 Imported 494_4861 '78 25' Apollo Flybrldge Ludert. wlsllp In Npt .63 COAVAIR 11500 * .78 2C:,2, ::pdon.•nlr1. S2350. 661-3982 S2250 845-8001 = ltallan suede & cane Sporlftsher-225HP Vol-Bch $3000/0BO See at Typist. full time. Mon-Fri, bac k Chairs s 1700 Ollitf Fullit•ll I VO, galley, head. VHF. 2 81 h s I . Mar In 8 . 642"7500 <_!11f:~201. euto . A/C 'Ho •• ,.,.... c •• 11 ••• 1.1 1130 8 30-5. $5 per hr 50 769-1206 r. . I IOIS ROF, CB. OF, FF, t20 213-592-4988 1941 Cad MO<lef 6l Se-N-engine, xlnt cond •••••••••••••••••••••• wpm minimum Call Patti Oc 1 T ble •• ~!!f!~!.......... volt generetor. color TV. C OC 0 B danette, mint orig, auto, (54~/:SfJoi 1 lllllllllllllllllllllil.. Wiii trade for mini truck '74 MARK IV, Very~· at 548-5525 Mon-Fri cas1on11 • s, lamps 3_M ORY PHOTO COPIER dinghy, allp Huntington S H K 20, 4 salts. . .. radio, 83.000 ml S 15, • . 4 •pd . oa-or $2900. da 642-4142, all leather Interior n· lli•H o,,ertHlty & paintings & acceno-549.00 OBO. Harbour $18,000 (714) clean . $8000/ OBO OOO. 645-800t dedl (778YPC) SH Ui ~ fl\/ 646-5383 roof 720-1111 , rtes. 759-1208 Call 673-731 t 594-8422 873-3984 ,... * ·aoz 3201, 5 •pd . sn/rf JOI YOUI • • '71 Bug, reblt w1recelpt1, Ci-Ill 113Z Investment sales officer l ...,.11111"1•11 (859 Ot<) ... JT zo • • •• Must be prepued fo r King Size Canopy beel IOll Muat llquldete 26' Wtll· Udo 14, Clark blue white ,.. * ·so 5281. aoto .. tn/r1 ,.. MA A, new radials, caH Xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• rapid advancement to Solld o ak w/m1rtor !!!!.................. craft Nova w/lrlr. Sips 4. deck, 1979 Ullman sails, V1iitl11 IS30 1486zOJ) nlf If I $2350 661-3982 79 Corvette. all pwr, 111ru, Vice Pres of Marketing '1600· 759"1206 PIGEONS. Rollers !Ind xlnt cond $12,000/btt cover. traller '2700 i9io".V.~;,;;;;;~~i9w ISl-3111 ¥1111 M.. ... i-.-73_V_W_f_a_s1_b_1_ck--Lo_o_k--1• ~.~0~u~~i •. n:,.~J~r1~'· 3-5 yrs exper pref In oil Large Redwood Burl tab-Capuchlnes (fancy show Serlou• buyer• only P P 588"6287 Cab over camper Hwd 208 w 111. Sant• Ana fACIUnl end runs great program Investment & le. 61t $195 birds). $2 eech. Cages $5 645-7230, 75-4-6862 LIDO 14, 111222, racing Jacka. S2900 NICe Cond Closed Sunday $1995 538-8621 DM•t 113S venture capital Looking 642-9732 each ~2-4653 Pa .... tr Wutt..., sails. new rigging. bl(Je 9 682 lllH.llOST.Cm&llUUO»l• •••"'••••••••••••••••• ror person with entre-n• • cover, treller, like new, -~1----=------CHOICE INVENTORY '88 VW Sunr1, gd cond .. ESTATE SALE 4 dr '77 preneurlal spirit, prof Sacrifice. Must sell Qual. CockaOele, Baby Albinos. For 215 ti llbef'glatt boat . _s_13_50_. _6_73 ___ 3_600 ____ 4 I Drlnl ISSO VOLUME SALES runs 'ood $1750 Dodge Olplomat wlfull approach & creativity Sofabed $300 $40 each. with slip In Long Beach ,. •••••••••••••••• & lllfltHfl '-•• l1IO ____ 54_6-_8_15_9 __ ---1 pwr, ale. am/fm radio. Salary negotiable. send 720-1280 979-9348 Great for fishing and di· Ptrftet Ca141tltl _ 1flUEEP •I• •••••••••••••••••••••• .84 BUG. rune good, Call Benk or Amer. for inquiries to Altn Mr Sacrifice, Musi sell, Be-vlng. Fly bridge. S3400 1958 Hallberg P·28 die-~ Tll PIOllPI CATCH US WITH $1000. Call after 6pm detallt Wkdys only 8-3 Chari&$ Carol. Exec Vice droom Dresser Set (4 ,,,.,,'Ort••• IOIO c 8 11 Andy . wk 181. See •t 20th St. Ready for work! (5795). a 0 I II c LARE II Wbekdayt. 983-1727 pm. 759•4392 Pres Douglas A Sparks pcs)S300 720-1280 •••••••••••• ••••••••• 714"538•2 547 home Newport Beach . OllLY $3111' BMW OUll PRIOES ---llSf••OlllflCE Corp. 808 E Oceanfront, Wurlitzer Elec piano, xlnl 714·980-0696 645-5258 i 'tl4 Baja VW with '72 - Newpor1 Be ach, CA Furniture. complete hou-cond. $525, lnclds car-F I b 0 36' MOWUI Olltntltt Sales-Service-Leasing DOWlll 1835cc engrne. Dual ·79 Dodge 100, a/c, 92661. selul. all near new. save rylng case. 494_4551 or 58 e Y wner SollHk s,eolall Ooue/Quall 811. 850 N Beach Blvd Come In and consider carbs. 2 new tires. rune sun-roof, AM/FM cass .. S 100's each piece Pvt Grand Bank•. xlnt cond., lido comp. s 1700 • La Habra our lease arrangements well $2400 obo. Cell Ans PIS. auto, lei black. new WaltreS1esl Wa1ters PIT party 845-1320 Wurlitzer Console Plano, ~~eneJ~g 8av!l~.9'i7~;8~~ Santana 20 XJnt $7200 NEWPORT BEACH or long term financing. Ad •683 642-4300. 24 tlrea. alrdam + flare1. da, over 18, wlll train -'---'-------very good cond. S550. wk 8 0 8600 Cal 20. Sharp. $5500 133·0111 122-1331 Hou•4 of tmpo"•. Inc. hrs Immaculate condition. Shlraz 548-7948 Newsola&toveMat,loo-494-4881 dya. 4 • wknda O'Oay23loadedBstofr. ---------Open Sunday OtAL213or .. 714 --------__j MUST SELL NOW I se cushion, cost $850. '78 4x4 v. ton PU w/ ---------1 •7.1 I Lia. YACHT CREW NEEDED sell lor $500 645-1320 ..., •-~1 40' Npt Bch mooring Santana 23 Bargain!! camper shell. air & pwr Gill.Ill( COlln'S 637·2333 ~ lllr at HW $4700 OBO. 720·0566 or M 8 '"'-~'' w/18' Inboard Oink & 673-2050 must sell $2500 641·4801 al\~stw~: g1r~~~111f:~) Oriental din rm set. new, llJf~ SlllH IOll oars Incl s 10.500 12 Sloop with trailer. ~~::!e ~~-~:;3 C::v!~ual OLIHT Haven't you waited long 6n-1399 846-9387 c o s t s55oo. 1811 for B0EAUT~Fti°L"25~:"·ACA 545-8734 $950 OBO ~ ~~~~~hB~0nz~~oan·~~;; -.7-1_P_a_n_e_1e_d_b_u_1_._n_e_w_. !~!i ............. !!!.~ llllltlliodiie 54500 645-1320 Color TV 9418. 2 yr wmty. 10' Glaatron, ctr consoi. 559-1833 '!!!.f.~~••••••••••!.~~! ..., this opportunity pass you tires, 10 .000 mt on 71 FORD Maverick Good •••••••••••••••••••••• BABY Furn Baatnette. S148. Free delivery. fishing boat. 125 John-21 Sloop Need• work .70 v. Ion Dodge pick up, by .. act now• We have a 5m2~r ;..0a_m82t/,gm cut = :9~~1rH. econ .A.I• IOOS swing. car bed, walker TV John's 646-1788 ton. tendem trlr Cornpl No trlr 5950 OBO toaOed. xlnt cond $2400 Saia·Servlc.-Leaslng fantastic selection ot ""' • 1 ••• !J!.~~••••••••••••• 673-6720 G RUNOIG short wave eqpd. All In xlnt cond 559.1833 OBO 644-4687. l'lf""t.I CARVER models & cOlore avalla· ·74 412 STATION WA -11182 Ford T -Bir Cl, fully Ttlt•ll••• 1Ht8' Captain 1 Bed, 4 In 1, Incl radio Satellite 21001_1_4500 __ ._53_8-_1_8_20___ l~J ble GON, Gold, AM/FM restored. $7,poo tpent with fhone American dra-s, cab•nel. bed & 10-band Original pac-17' MercrulHr 110HP. 110 l8' Alpha Cat Perteet. 1973 Ftoakrd ~cvke. 3•5~..,! J(US l(.'~."'E·ll.\1\\1 Jll SLEllll cass. auto, AC:Jd cond. $4900/bst ofr 831-11276 $50 57 .,. 8 S1200 or trade Jim Ste-ton. s e """· • .. ...,.. N $2200 760-01 Oak 1200 Old Mosler dlk 5 • .,..4 king and warranty Best w/traller. great family vens 549_ 7782 days, trans reblt, duel whls. "'~.~ :~· .. :',.; _,;;. I• ITS · ·75 Ranctlero. must sett, Safe $950 Singer Se· 1-T-rad-l-llon_a_l_M_a_h_og_a_n_y-7-d-r offer boat Flsh/tkl, many~-759•1405 _. lumber rack, $2900. 1301 Quall Street ·70 vw Poptop cempe<. 35 I Ctevelend, fully wing mac h1nue S 150 desk lwn Mahogany 968-2572 tra.s. $1.800. 962-8582 557-0058 '70 2002 Pllff cond N-NEWPORT BEACH custom Int, clun, stove, automellc. AC. magi. Secretary desk, c he11 Pembro ke end !bit, ---------1·---------1llllEY llllllAILE Softd walnut Peci<ard Bell 1980 Mtrc Outboard, M·-t .... 1 .77 Ford St-.. int. New paint. rurit perl IJJ-1100 sink, FM can. $2850 good llrea. $1950/btl :itn: c~:e~ s~~~I e:og~ chrome top Wedgewood stereo. radio, phono 140hp, pwr 1111 & trim, IAIOT. •tde •;;"T Snr1, wide tlr;;: S2975 F81r7m5-9746 81 380SEL. Under 9,000 549-3192 ofr (213) 634-1587 nlng room ta1:>1e 8 It X 5 r a n ge. trtple 9 drwr $100. Xlnt 546-0318 useel 10 hrt. w/17 boet Alum Meat, c urved auto • x In I con d m ites. Ori ent Red. Y1Jn 111 1171 LTI Mr It. 12 nigh back chairs painted dresser Other 2-1-"-Pac_k_a-rd_Bef_l _con_sole __ I & 1111 tr a lier· s3995. boom. Lee SaJI. All lines $ 3 0 0 0 I b st P P '76 2002. mint cond • nu Chrome Rims, Sunroof, •••••••••••••••••••••• Roomy car AIC, FIM reg Ml1&1on Oak $6500 All misc hshld 496"5559 color TV (antique Whl) (Motor only 12995) nd fitting a, leeboerd. 645-7230, 754-8862 tires & brakes. AM/FM perfect cond. $44,00CI. # 1 Ytt¥t ltaltr gas. good cond HI ml- mint cond Much muc h Beel room suite, girl's works, $100. 548-0327 831-0296 rfudder completed· r~1dY .80 Toyota PU. l6,000 ml, cc0 1:d'•· 5t6o700ml.orsebr:1 ~~-. Wkdys 714/557 -071 t. II Oruct Oet11tJ1 leage, lo price more 633-3389 white provlnclal Incl 28' Chris Craft cabin or your son or eug er ott road whls & tlrH, 1111 eves I wk n d s 640-5228 alt 6, wknd• Pr of 01<1 hand c rafted dresse<. nightstand, ca-"'II I llui•• cruiser. eng & trans to enjoy. Call Mike eves. kit, Kint cond $4000. 953-5781 714/675-2464. H•fS SEIVIOE nopy bed. Make otter ~ • reblt, recently refur-_64_4_--0_50_5_____ 795-7644, 797-3696 '73 Capri, stick. stereo, -' '75 LTD 2 door, radio, air. stralghl back chrs Dark 646 8549 ••••t•I bl h_,. b 11 1 k ... 1 1 '81 3000. Ivory, fully 108· All LWlll I new llrea. 82.000 mites wood, carv"" flnlala. up-• •••• ·~·••••••••••••• 1 "'" a en · r .... o. 1••11, •11'11 ---------super cean runs great d d t I t '" X d $2 00 "" Nwpt tllp Incl Xlnt .,. 11• 1981 TOYOTA SR5 Short $900/obo. 6'42.2 ... 4 . 1 • mrnacu a e . nS· OVERSEAS DELIVERY Int con 1 · hOlslered seal & back Horlll 1060 ,,,111 #ula• 1 ha P 9 $ 1 1 .'5 0 0 . D«kl 1010 bed. new clutch. tires. .,.. aume lease. Cell ~Ike EXPERTS 642-1388 Attractive Spanish/Med • • ••••••••• ••••••••••• E•ii••••I f030 875_9565 •••• •••••••••••••••••• x Int c 0 n d . s 5 5 o o . '72 Green 2002, n-en-days 714/835-2931. eves -------1-1-1-accent. $45 ea or $85 5 yr old mare. Appy & .... ,.~•••••••••••••• BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: a•o 8709 alt 8P M/ gilne t t cond S3700 714/921-1236 /11•1l1a1, S both 644-5977 Areb Well trained. gen-AVON Redstar1 Inflatable Newport Beach: 25', 28' .. • 0 · 11 n · EULE11lf ••••••• •••••••••••••• lie Nice western plea-boat. Xlnt cond. S350, SELL Idle llems with a 35' & 40' Call 642-4644 wknds ays 642"1689 /IS 114Z YOLYO 'll l1sta11 llSl SELL sure horse. Inc. saddle & 846-9677 Dally Piiot Classified Ad , from 9 to 5. V••• IS10 '78 BMW, xlnt cond. 40. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1966 Harbor Blvd. PS. Air cond. am/frn American walnut single tack StOOO 751-8516. •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 ml. $8750 557-6847 71 MGB. good cond · lnl COSTA MESA stereo 8 track tape. All bed. beautiful cond Wanted: Slip for 25 ft '69 Ford Ven, B/Top. llke new, lo ml, good leather Interior. Very 1150 OBO. 847.1528 Reg Ouarter Sorrell Gel· power boat Cmpr 15-18 mpg. Sip• C11.rl 11lS liret. $1800. 833-2324 Hl·llDI HO-IUl clean Lo ml.(20,000) AHHHtll IOIO ~~~~~6 ~~/~~n~l~n~; WHAT'S NEW FOR 662-2788 2. table. $1500 OBO .'73 «;;p;~·;~l~~:·;i:r~~~ O•I 1146 720·1111 oTF•••--•••••••••••••• work• well $2500 Ill• fer rHt IALIOA 559"1833· tuper Clean, runt great. .,-.-·•••••••••••••••••• A•IH'I U1H 177 Int T·Tt, ·74 Manta. x.lnt btue ext. • •••• •••••••••••••••• HARBOR AREA 535-0351 759-1882 COVE S2ll ••· Aolll Wull4 ISIO $900lobo, 842•2644 many 1ttres Reblt eng. AJIC IHS good condition S2800 APPLIANCE S ERVICE o BOATS 111-1111 ·········••••••••••••• CllrH• 1111 s1100 494-2239 ····•••••••••••••••••• 499~287 We sell recond . guar {!.".!!'!. ••••••••• !.~~. WE PAY •••••••••••••••••••••• · '82 AMC Eagle SX4 Only --------- appliances 549·3077 2 Carat Diamond solltatre Sllpa avallab!e. Corone TOP DOLUR ·73 Citroen S M Ouk lom/11 11SO 2300 mile• Save over '85 Mutt Flback. 8 cyl I llY lPPUUICIS Appra1Sed $9000 Take def Mir area, $9 pr ti. blUI, 5 tpd One Owner •••••••••••••••••••••• $3,000 pp 648-'4829 New drive train/ paint, Les 957-8133 $4500/0BO 631-9276 Peggy or Carr i e FOii USED CARS $15,000 845-3194 MEISTER I •t HlO radtal1,wirewhl• $3500 PtP The Daily Pilot will publish 955-2473 wJ(dya s-5. aw llAllH C.ll 1111 .!!!~................. c:a1i 646-3173 R~:~{u~~:i£~g~:~~~~ inves1!'!~~~~1rubiea. bFr~1daat yp. iActuugruesta6dtsh stawrtien'gll T!!~.'1.!!W!!!....... ~~!1~~· ··1;~~?n~r:~~~:'.~g··= ~:~~~~~lB¥v~I for the ~!~~nd bes• ~~~~~~~·s;i;;!!~~ and sapphires 1~1. olt ~,.,,, Salt 1 S Garden Grove selection of new end dau top. 111n1 oond .. ,_ R::;~~~r~:~~~:sahseh,8i GIA eppratsal even take a picture Of your lt•I llZO COSTA MESA ~~'o :me~~ 1,695 Stlts•Stmet used Bulcka In Orange I I r•• I brake a freezer. 646-5848 673-.0641 da. 673-2386 boat for your ad. You can't •••••••••••••••••••••• 1'~11:"1110011 D111u 11ZO lH"'°& ~ 12000150Bo brwntt•n ev Mutt Hll Full equipped ____ • __ • ___ •••• •••• • • ••• • •••••••• l l • 831-2333 _84_5-0_2_1_· ----- UPRIGHT FREEZER 1.aact. EIHALI beat the price, if we take c. b 0 v er c. mp er . WE IUY .. '81 Olds Cutlass. Broug 15 cu It xlnt cond $700 8.,'-8688 $500/betl olr. 842·2804 '80 924 Turbo, loaded. '80 k ham All option• 1850( stso 159-1206 ...., the picture, your ad will OLUll OARS R::C:GF~:Tr°w~1~~~-· '!.{•.f!!!~~.'!.~! ..• l.OJ.~ only cost you $45 -If you ~~!t!J-!.~1;,!~1! AID TRUCKS ~~! ~r.;i~~;esu "' i.o~c.-y •1 PtP ;11;-;~~:~ $155 893-9080 Allllque m1hogany cabl-provide the picture, your ad Needt tire. Make offer. 29215 Htrbor Blvd 4 door. loaded, $5700 net with orlQ RCA radio will cost $40. 8411-8549 '83 35&B, JClnt cond., no COSTA MESA I call 494-7224 Apartment size. sleeked washer & dryer, new $245. ~42-9732 !!~l!!!! •••.•••.• ,.~~~ Boys Bike. Schwinn Sting Ray 24", $40. 955-2949 1.11&1 #111ri1l1 IOZ5 .............•.•...•.. IOW 310/FT. & record player-$75.00; ru1t. rbll, 11tru, must sec 1 · ~·,;;~·;.~rob!:.thAr,~:c~ SAMPLE AD •·;;::::•/ llSO $8000. 873-5309 lll-2100 r!~!~ .....•.•.... !!.!! & record player-$75_00; • ••••••••••••••••• •••• '11 121 PtrHllt llll llYIEU '73 a/c station weg. Pinto. bathroom "marble type" 1110 U~•.t•t Loaded! 12,000 mt. Sao low mllH. gold. S 1250 -• $31,700. 8.40-8788 Form11<ly ... ndy Devine'•· OBO. 5511-1833 t lnk In 1 door & 2 dra-~ 4'40 LTD. 10. ml. Xtnt llll llftl Xlnt thruout Loaded. cabinet plu• m1tchlng 2 cond. $1100. 1---------1 Sharp 79 9118C. black, lo N•'fll Oree & vinyl top. '715 Wagon, euto trens, doo r wall cabinet & 968-~769 alter 8 Top dollera for Spon• 1080 Oet1Un 210. 5 IPeed ml, loaded. S22;500. $2500/btl ofr. 842-1701, good cond, atereo. "marble type" wall thelf, Cart, Bulla. Campera, tr1n1 .. low mll••· tuper 855-9991: 859-128 831 4287 S 1 0 O O. 8 3 1 • 1279 . all ror only 1100.00; 2 '77 Honda CR125 Etsl· 914'•, Aucfl'a clttn & In excel'-11 con• • 552-5252. J1y horse blanket-$20.00; nort, n-In '82 wl3 rail ,.,k for U/C MOR dltlonl 1983 tlcenN fM Mutt S.11 Nowl 1965 356C Buick '711 Regal, Ilk• new. --------- g Ir I ' 1 riding hat trllltr $1700. 559-5847. .atM IUalll already paldl Mutt Porache, 11lnt Cond. All Air, power. crulN. tllt. lullH IHS (amall)-S25 oo: n-c:.r Att 6. yaa •swA•"I 1111 ... eaklng 14195 or orlQ. 15200 OBO. R .. dy tape. 32M. $5695 M of· ~··••••••••••••••••••• floor met• (4)-S20.00: ._ -beet otter Cell 842.0138 to dHll 979-5090 Bob, fer. PIP 7611·1257 et Flreblrd, bltck, good 111111 B1an, l•I•/ 18711 8lfM:h BIVd · deya cond, nffdt aome •n· ~1':1 ':e~~·~r~.~11~~ ••• 111,,, •• , lllO HUNTINGTON BEACH or 975-30l7. -.:....-------111163 RIYll<I . PIS, P/B, gin• work. Turbo 400. 4.s200.00: two,,_ con-•••••"•·•••••••••••••• tu ltOI Detaun 280 Z, 11178, A/C, .... 11 11$$ P/W. New engine 6 411 Potl. Mu11 1111. tlnentat 11991 belted r• A1111· 2e· motor home. • AM/FM, drt..,.. 111n1, darll •••••••••••••••••••••• trat1t. SllOO 64$-2020 982·8079 R,f:~~~-f~5~; ~~~~1~~J0•1 ~~~o 3~~ lll.J.k JLLO 11dL tlPI 9· '~~T,':" WAITd 1 ~D! Y6~7ft·400· 731..e 187 : 'IJ ~Le.., ~l/l!! .•.•...•. "-!.' -~-8-.0-,-an<1--Pr-,•-.-loadld--.-1o- ~-ava.11. 25115 Lliguna hoodmHk·S20.00; mlr· '78 T1tan DllUll• 22' l.•te mo • oyOIH. '73 DATSUN 1800 Pick· M•-to ctlooM from ..... M.A.,.. Alt 8!30, 155t-15684 Redwood 2xe decking. 4-20' long, lllso redwood tenctng Call Jim or Ken anytime. 77S-1491 d 1 I S 5 + Volvoe, PIOkupt & Vllll -·• Canyon Ad Laouna, r o r m I c n e lpt · , $400/wtc 2°' Call ua todlyl Up. Good condltlOI' lmm.dlal• o.i!Yel'Y UM.Ult fimotild ffff 4.._...784 ~:~1~$20.00 Call ~2-~22. &44·87~2. $2000 080. 845-5737 14111 we •peclallH In ...... •••••••••••••••••••••• c,.,,., I Wlff Mii P.''" or u fl•• kill 011380 fOt the bUelnlM MOCU· '83 T·Blrd , lmmacullle, 1030 ..... 2d... f11lltll ft1Nl 1111 ... lifliillll!IA upper. 75 Olltun 710, WE'VI GOT FUE0081 llve & Pf~ muat "" Alduc.d lo r../•••I 8 to 20• 1.....,,, .... ,_ tt. •••••••.,•••••••••••••• --•r ................ ...--·--a-1 -loll•"-$3,750. 75t-1114 .. ~:~.............. -....... ~-......................... ~ ....... ..... ... .. .. LEie • Fl.EX SL Ith 77"'· u"1 nytl 23 11 Roedlln«, to rlfrlg, · ..... 111• '87 11 11 I " · w ..,.. .... • me front kltch. beck bl. ., .. ...._... '73 810 W•ton, 4 •Pd, _/...,/allAllT ww • u~ orlO~' ·=~ ~6!~"""i 1~ JEEPS • Oovernm•nt OfMI Cond c .... ,..... 1 !tint cond. nt Owner. 2524 tf#bOr 81VO,, C.M. ...... :r-ena °"'· · OBO Surplut Lltted for 13, 845-0000. 538-3905 "-'46-tJll • U l-UU 11450. 055-0152 9-49.ac>l!ll MS-7770 ..... "'9l1 · t118. Sold for $44. For ~ Ill ns 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Cati 728--8081 IOJS ~~ 2~;i (312) 1131-1981 rt~l!IJ!.!!.'!!'.'1..!J.!~ J"Jr UC s !!!................ . ~!.~ ..... !!.!! NcrARl~RS I Dally Pflet ···•·················· 1-------1 2~1 .. 11g~11111,11Y ''11'-4" 10 ~~~ 1~ o" c!~L F~A .... _, .. .!!!!?! #1 DULER IN U.S.A. ..Allll:LAC e ctaulf1...a.. Hlm1tay1n• l<lttan• .... 1. Am OMdtr, SK&~ 1111 IUP-For more Information ... " " ••u .. _...... -·-..v> blU•. blu. cr•m point. ported, (ofr·whlt•l 1150 831·1098 --~ fllUll ~ HOO lwbor 81¥d. • WOf'tl a... .. 0,A. ~ 83,_,907 HO/btt ofr, 8114·81141 h I Cormter·Ollllto CQtq M ... $40·1100 "¥' ...;.......:..---~-=-=-=I 1nyt1me and to SC edu 8 your A11t l«ftH, l.m OllYmlT • you. C.11 ... 1M01-..;.._,-· -----1 '~ .. Hll 18211 H ACH Bl.VD ... _ .. 1 '42·5'11 :;-A .................. ATAAl 400computer. ad, please call ...................... HUNTINOTON IM!ACH 1·-·--,,.. .. T'..,..r"Olll,,'WC)~fl(J~CIMl'(t TO!lteol '/OIM~ • f L..a. POODl.I. ~·le, 1 wk•. New -In box. 1238 Sprey paint booth for N~llN'>111Wt640-bafora·...... or .... "'" AKC, ti&». ~2420,,... l ___ s_st-_1_11_0 __ 1 642-5678 and ask for rerit 115.50 My. MO '°' Ml ..... ,, U1 (\0$1D SUHOAYS IMdlnO publlc, • c•"' ..... . _l;;.1;.;.50.;.._t12_~_11_9_~-S120, 1 w1y I. A. to Van-I '"' 77S-Oa7e P'ION A ... .......... cou--.r. e.c. 17M57'. Classlfled Advertising. ride YoU' Old •tuft '°' ~-=y~:r.: r::u~~ Cl• Dally~ ..... -··-----...... nowt fl Info OOOd 'tM 8/'4. new ooodla 1 with • cl•••l fl•d 111 dar.emec1' -·-•• WW!t Ad "'91Pt -" ~ ... Mf:. ""': •--------i CIMaltlld tct. 642-6871 •~1.a.a7e 141-1111 ___ C111~·~--~·---~!8u)'l~no~aa~~~~t4~2~-se~11~l--------~--------._..-,_.,_...l~~~~~;;~~~~====~::::;J;..-=.!:;:::~..;..L,~-~-~~----~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i=::;:=:~::::::~::::iz~ \., , • In Lora Moai.lon'• bUllne91 you have to ~ve a head fol' helahta. & proprietor of the Huntlnlton ~ Kite Co., which opened a few da)'I aao ln a Main Street atorefront, Ma. Morrlaon bellevea her pla are appropriately lofty. She'd like to tum the ocUntront a few bloclu away Into a klte-flylng capital drni1ar to aome Loa Angeles beaches sUCh as Venice. She envbions kite-flying festivals along the l&nda, wlth cool ocean bl'eezea carrytna colorful designs skyward. To spark additional interest ln the sport, Ms. Morrison recently invited Dinesh Bahadur, reputed to be the world's muter klteman, to demonatrate flying techniques in Huntington Beach. . Whether kite-flying takes off locally remains to be seen, but for Lora Morrison the opening of her new store was the fulfillment of two long-time dreams: "I've always wanted to be a bird, ever since I was little," she laughs. "I love flying." (One of her goals is to obtain a pilot's license.) Her second, more adult-type, dream has beeh to operate her own business. The means for achieving both goals came to her last March when she c~ upon a kite shop during a vacation in Northern California. "I knew immediately that this was it," she recalla. "I like the happiness and the free feellng these kit.es give." Ms. Morrison quickly i.nunersed henelf in learning about various types of merchandise on-a -string. Her most expensive items are a hand-made, signed and dated 55-foot dragon kite and a six-f.oot box kite. Each is priced at $123. Delly .... ,.....~ Lee...,,.. Other colorfully designed nylon kites include an "Icarus" model at $78.95, and the "Fringe Dance" kite, which features Pegasus the flying horse, priced at $49.95. The inventory includes less costly kit.es made of Mylar plastic. These coat as little as $4.95. The store also has Chinese kites constructed of rice paper and bamboo in the shape of various animals, priced at $6.95. READY FOR TAKEOFF -Lora Morrison, who claims to have a kite for each customer's personality, must know some colorful personalities. Fol" water enthusiasts, there's even a sailboat kite -guaranteed to float or fly. Ms. Morrison said her goal will be to helP- find the preclae kite that fits a customer 1 personality. She believes new kite fllen will discover a special reward ln the sport. • "There's a reil solitude associated with flylr:ig a kite," Ms. Morriaon says. "It's like fishing -really peaceful and calm .•. " -By PHIL SNEIDERMAN County transpoPt. t8x -~d.uW:ned SACRAMENTO -A powerful state usembly member, in an angry attack, has 9CUttled a bill that would have permitted Prange County voters to decide IC jhe sales tax should be increa9ed to fund transportation projects. A bill to permit the election died today when its author, Asaemblyman Richard Robinson, D•Garden Grove, withdrew it from consideration before the state Senate Transportation Committee. Assembly Bill 3283, as written, would have permitted voters to decide if the sales tax should be increased up to a maximum of 7 percent. It now is 6 percent. The one-cent increase would have raised about $150 million annually for transportation funding. Robinson introduced the bill1 earlier this year at the request of the Orange County Transportation Coalition, an alliance of 52 busine11 and industry firms, afnong them the county's largest employers. In dropping his support for the bill. Robinson lashed out at the coalition, claiming all but one of • its members was interested 80lely in obtaini ng money for transportation projects. He said they were refusing to deal with other critical issues over taxing authority. Under terms of the bill any added sales tax would have been collected by the Orange County Innocence pleaded by Carla Stuckle By JEFF ADLER OfhDellr .......... Carla Verne Stuckle -the 43-year-old Tustin woman who claims state Sen. John Schmitt fathered her two young children -pleaded innocent today to a felony charge of child neglect in Central Orange Co unty Municipal Court. Wearing a light blue dress, Miss Stuckle nodded her head WORLD and replied "yes" when aaked by Judge Gary F . R~an to acknowledge her not guilty plea. The arraignment pr~tnga lasted less than five minutes. Ryan 1et Aug. 23 as the date for a preliminary hearing into the charges. Meanw"ile, the defendant remains free on her own r«ognizance. Followinl( the arrai~nment, (See INNOCENT, Page~!) , Greenland turns 1,000 Greenland is obeervina the 1,000th anniv~ of its discovery and 1ettlement by Viking Eric the Jted. His None deacendanta mysteriously vanished 500 years later. Paae A8. SPORTS Tra~portatlon Commisaion, a state-created agency controlled by a five-member board. The existing commission 1s oornpriled of two county supervhors, two (See BILL, Page At) MURDER SCENE -Stretched incongruously on the ground alongside a Cinderella coach at Oak View Park In central Huntington Beach is a murder Victim identified by police as COUNTY Bicyclist set I or grue1ing ride John Marine, bicyclist from lrvtne, ii ready to pedal off on hi.I fourth tr&nlOOntinental triP, In The Great American Bike Race. Page Bl . Mesa project lhwarted Colt.a Mea bepn purchallng $1.6 million worth of land for low-income apartmenta. But a federal subltdy. wu killed. And now the property lies unuaed. P-aeB2. -llll1RI ., Plllll , . SD:spect held I I slaying of ·un . woman By PHIL SNEIDERMAN O(tfleMIJNet ..... Police have arrested a Huntington Beach man in connection with the S1angU)ation death of hia fiancee, whole body was dJacovered early Monday in thechildren'a play area of a local park. Police said Val Owen, 29, employed as a welder in Irvine, was booked into Huntington Beach City Jail Monday night on suspicion of murdering Suzette Adams, 20, who had been working in Newport Beach as a hairdresser. The two had been living together in an apartment near Oak View Park in Central automaUcally bef9re they were called to the location. ~enta nearby initially told police they had heard acreama coming from the area of the pt.rk the night before the body ~ 4 dilcovered. Education aid 'not property' Huntington Beach, where the By DAVID KUTZMANN O(tfle Deir Piiot It.ft woman's body was discovered at In a rare move, a state appeals 9:30 a.m. Monday, they said. court has reversed itself and Huntington Beach police determined in an Orange County detective Bill Mamelli said the divorce case that a spouse who w om a n possessed n o put his or her mate through identification when her body was professional school is not entitled discovered. But he said a to future earnings, an attorney neighbor of the woman heard says. , ne'Ws reports of the incident, The s tate's Fourth District knew t.h~ yo~ng woman ~ad Court of Appeal, in a decision ~n lTUBS1ng smce ~e previous · h a n d e d d o w n M o n d a Y • ~~ called police with the reaffirmed an Orange County m lion. Superior Court ruling that a ~he . woman's l?arer:its, ~.ho physician's medical education ~t reside 111 Los Alamitos, Ldentlfied be considered as community the slaying victim, police said. property, according to Morris Mamelli said the woman's Sorenson, a Santa Ana attorney. fiance, Owen, was brought to the That ruling came in 1980 Huntington Beach police station divorce proceedings for Dr. Mark Monday evening for questioning Sullivan, a urologist whose office and was arrested after the initial is in Laguna Niguel, and his interrogation. He is being held in wife, Janet. lieu of $250,000 bail. Sorenson re pre sen ts Dr The police detective said the Sullivan. · cause of death appears to have The appeals court earlier this been strangulation by the hands. year had reversed the Superior He sa id i t h as no t bee n Court action, ruling that future immediately deter~ined professional earnings could be whether the woman was killed at considered in divorce cases where the jNU"k or elsewhere. one spouse puts the other The woman's body was through achool. discovered in the park's But Sullivan 's attorney children'• playground area. pttitioned the San Bemardino- lnvestipton said their .arch ol based appeals court for a the crime .cene was hampered by rehearing, and that resulted in the fact that the park's lawn Monday's 2-1 decision by the s pr.inklers had come on (See FUTURE, Page At) -. _ D.itr Not "'*° 1i1r Lee ...,_ # Suzette Adams, 20, being studied here by police officers and coroner's deputie5. INDEX A4 A7 B4 A7 C5-8 87 87 a A6 Be A7 NATION Intenru.lon Ann Landen Movies Mutual FUnda Nadonal News Public Not.icea !Jportl Stock Markets Televiaion Thea ten Weathet W0tld Newt B6 A7 86 B4 A;j 82,Cl-5 Cl-4 & B8 86 A2 AS ,., ... .,.,.. .. NO COMMENT -State Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, listens to debate in the Capitol Monday. He said he had "no comment" on findinJ;(s that he has fathered two ~hildren out of w~lock. In the foreground is Sen. John Seymour, R-Anaheun. . ,~\ ~(Schmitz stays mum • ·· ·~in Senate chamber 1: · lY FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL · O(tMO..,Noeatafl :· SACRAMENTO -State Sen. ·John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, :rwas smiling. His eyes were bright. And, as always, he was humorous. . But the senator, who has been .outspoken on issues ranging from abortion to Zionism, had nothing •;to say Monday about disclosures , by a Tustin woman that he is the ,lfather of two children born out ,of wedlock. Schmitz wa lked onto the ·<:arpeted floor of the State "Senate chambers at 1:45 p.m . •'Monday, appearing at ease. It •was the first time he had been Seen publicly by reporters since :"{he July 20 report that one of the ::two children -a 13-month-old 'boy -had suffered a severe ~nital injury. The mother, Carla ·~tuckle, 43, currently is facing a -felony child neglect char~e. Schmitz. shook hands and chatted casually with state Sen. 'William Campbell. R-Hacienda ·'lteights, the Senate minority teader. A few moments later, 'While heading from the c!hamben to make a telephone ,,.call. Schmitz. was confronted Q.v ~WB reporters for his comments . on the disclosures. "I have no comments," Schmitz. said cheerily. "Sorry, folks. "I have a phone call to make. When I come back . . . I'll tell you I have no comment." Schmitz. disappeared. The reporters waited. When Schmitz returned, he was asked several questions about the veracity of the .disclosures, whether he would attend a Friday court hearing on the custody of the 13-month-old, the name oi his attorney and his relationship with his wife, Mary. Said Schmiu as he twirled a pen in his hands, "I have no comment. No ... I'm sorry. I have no comment." When a reporter suggested · that his constituents were interested in the case, Schmlu responded, "And even for them, I have no comment." "I don't even have a comment on why I don't have a comment," Schmitz. said. Schmitt then walked to hia desk adjacent t.o that. of state ~n. H.L . Richardson, R-Arcad1a. Schmitz smiled and spoke briefly wi~ senate President Pro Tem David Roberti. • • 11111 Stucldi'1 atwney, 'lMss• •• McDonnelli reluHd to c:anment on the ce11. but Mid a aaternent would be llli.Atd next w .. k. Mill Stuckle dJd not •peek to reponen In refu1tn1 t.o anawer r.~~= they ....s cbe ~peri ana I'm not IUN 1t•1 alwaYI put down In the new.papen the w~ it hap_penied ... He Mid h.11 cllen,t'• cue would be aired at the preliminary he.artnt. From Page A1 BILL ... dty cowtdlmen and one member eelected at large. Robimon late lut week had propoeed an amendment to the bill that would have expanded the trana~tlon oom.million to 11 memben.. Under the propoul the com.mi91lon would have been made up of all five county auperviaora, five city council members from the county's 26 cities and one public member. Robinson argued that the commiuton, which is an appointive body should h~ve m o re o ff l cl a l a w h o a.,,T e accountable to the voten wm it' to receive taxing power. The proposed amendment rankled several of the major firms in the tranaportation coalition and alao drew a protest from the Orange County division of the League of California Cities. In an lnterview here today Robinson aocuaed the coalition of a "lack of leadership'' and said the cities were "paranoid and irresponsible." -By FRED SCHOEMEHL From Page A1 FUTURE • • • just.ices to reverse themselves. It i.s considered rare for the appeals court to grant a rehearing after ruling in a case. The 60-page decision, in effect, said that Sullivan's medical education at UC Irvine could not be considered as community property or community interest, said Sorenson. Efforts to reac h Janet 1 Sullivan's attorney, Patricia Herzog of Corona del Mar, were unsuccessful this morning. The Court of Appeal ruling was not expected to be released until someum, today j SoreNOn said the flext step in an appeal by the former Mn. Sull ivan would be to the Califorrtta Supreme Court. The Sullivan.a were married in 1967. They separated in 1977. ll&.u'ing most of their marriage, &4till.ivan was a student while his wile worked at various jobs. Low clouds tonight (~'-------- 'Coastal Mos11V MMVIV today with l!IQhl at the~ 68 to 74 and Inland ar•H 71 to S2. Low ctoudt tonight. 0¥arnlght IOwl 64 to 68. Low cloudl to pr.....ii during ~ morning hour• on WectnMday, beeomlng moetly tunny In th• afternoon. Htoh• WednMdey at the ~ 18 to 72 and Inland ar-71to82. El•••h•r•. from Point Conception to th• Me1tlcan bOl'der and out 80 mllea: Mo9tly tight variable wind• night and· morning hour• becoming eouU1wHt I to 18 knot• thl• atttfnoon end evening. Outer wet-rlOf't"-t Mldl 15 to 22 knot• wlttl 5 to 7 foot combined -· Conaldetable low Cloud• wttti perttll eftemoon Cleel1ng. 'J; .S. summary Scell•r•d thunder11orm1 continued over per11 of North Oekota end Mlnnuota ••rly lodey. and --. -· widely -ttered OV9f New Meltloo end ltle centrll high Plaine. Th•r• were •l•o 1c:ettered atiowen Ilona IN Allantlc Cout and OV9f Ille l>acillc NOft"-1. Oolfball-elzed hall -reponed It! South C.,ollna, and han and fog -r• common Hit of lhe ......... Rlwt". SlclM wef• moelly CIMr OV9f the eouthem Plaine. Callfoml• lll'ld NevadL FOJ tonight and WedMeday, lh• Nellonel WHther 8ervlc• lcwecMt ICatt«ed lhundemCJmll 9ong IM~ OUff CoMt and 90C* eouttlem Flor1da. Scallered ahowere were ~ lcw Iha northern Padflc CoaM lll'ld the Or..c LM•. and II -expected to .,. OINr to pat1ly dear °"' tht ,.. of the netlOn. High temperetur•• were e1tpecled lo vary from Ille 808 end th• 70. along Ill• Pecmo CoMt end tn northern Maine to over 100 In Ill• Soutllwaet ~ .. Temperetur•• around Illa neetof\ ~ today ranoad from 48 cteorae1 tn ......._ lf.Y .. lo 18 cteoraee In "'°""'·· California .._ Ille mid 50e end mid so. In mountain• and from the mkl SO. lo the mid 70. In ltlt deelrt. Boelere from POlnt Conception to the Meltloan border can 9XP9CI light variable wind• during the nlQht and morning lloure. becoming aout'-teny at 12 to 11 knot• dur1ng •tternoona with• 1·10-2..foot aouth-1 ...... Northweet wllld• oould rMCtl 22 knot1 with 4-to-&-foot .... farttlef than 80 JnllH offehore from the point to San Nlcolu l9land. Temperatures NATION Albw>y Altluque Anlatltto ~ Allante Allentc Cty Auetln Beltlmont :Zn, 81amarctc 8olM Boat on Brownevti. Buffalo Bunlngton Caper Cherletn SC Chartatn WV Chllrllle NC Cheyoenne Chicago Cincinnati CleYelend Clm~SC Columbue Del-Fl Wiii Day1on o.nwr o.~ Detroit Duluttl BPuo • • 19 LO l"l"e. n 57 .. 82 .12 82 SI 83 11 84 ea 80 64 99 71 17 64 .01 85 58 89 87 83 53 83 55 11 64 87 80 75 58 71 55 .01 to 68 .01 to 70 ,05 82 04 IMI 17 81 81 82 .. 87 87 79 82 .35 90 68 82 A .. 78 85 83 .15 • 82 .04 IM 78 82 85 ... 53 .02 87 14 .oe Fronts: Cold.,. Warm WW Occluded...,.. Falrtlenk• 11 48 Fwoo 102 11 Flegatatf 78 1541 Greet F• 83 64 Hllttfo«f 84 95 H9lerla 11 48 Honolulu n 75 Howton 83 IO lndllllj)lte 88 87 Jaclltn MS S7 74 Jacilltl\llM 91 73 .90 Juneau 87 4e Kane City ff 11 Kno11vllle 17 115 Laa Vegu 103 71 Uttle Rodi 90 75 Loulevflle 87 71 Lubbe>dl 93 73 ~· 90 77 Miami 17 73 .12 MltweuMa 88 68 Mpi..St.P 91 711 ~ 8888 New~ 17 70 ..... New YOtti N 98 No!'folll ... 71 No.Pl.-H 88 CALIPOMllA ~ 103 87 Bl)'IM 108 EUl9b 85 54 F.-,o 87 81 Lancaller .. 86 1.oeAzs:-79 .. Matyevl 83 Needlee 108 Peto RoOlee 85 .... Aed 8""I 82 82 ==City 80 5e amento 88 55 8allnM et •1 San Diego 78 88 San Frenclaco 115 53 Senta Bar~• 70 52 ·Santa Mirta ea Stoolcton 91 Thennal fOll Beret ow 911 77 BIO Bear 78 43 8lahop Ill 52 C.tallna 74 87 Lono 8Mch 78 ea Monrovia 92 .. Ml. Wilton 71 11 ~~ n 85 .. ea Palm 8prlnge 10I .,. Paudenl 85 N Rlwl'llde 87 13 8an Bernardino 82 .. San Olbrltl 17 87 Senta Ana · 80 96 --...... .... , .... ~ 72 71 71 f1 71 11 ..e· 70 70 ::oC 70 .. ,.., . ., ..., • ,.., If ,.,, 71 ... 11 fllr 12 y trial ending 1u H.-rold lmuD Orange County 'home' • TM ,..ldenc)' trial of Wfft Qr.n,. County Munkii.l Cow1 Judai Jo.nnelWTOld nMi'ed ita climax today af Ur the Wettmlnater .Jurltt lnalated Monday that the con1idered ~ c.ouniy her prindpal and tuan bomlt. ln cloaln1 atatemenu to Superior Court Judie Ronald ()Wen. ·~ Kenneth Golden arsueci that Judie Harrold WU only Uliq a $2 million ~ in NeWpor\ n.ch u "an~ of convenience" whlle actually malntalnina•her legal remdence in Riven:lde County. Golden repreaenta Santa Ana attorney Dan Cbarlea Dutcher, who placed a d!Nnt .aond to Harrold ln the June 8 election. Dutcher, however, filed ault after the ballota were counted, contending that the dlmlnutlve, blonde-h&ired judge was not a legal resident pf Orange County at the time she ran for office. Judge Harrold, whoee attorney was scheduled to make cloalng statements to Judge Owen tod'aY, reiterated in testimony Monday that her ll'&nctmother, Arlyne ~ of W..tinlnater, pw her the Newport Beach home ln. November, 1081. 11M Judo, who owna a home In River.t.ae, aaJd the took up full·tlme residel'\Cf at the Lido Ille h<>ute 1n early 1982. eJthel' in February or March. At illue in the trial ii whether Juda• Harrold was able to eatablilh herself u a so-called "domldliary'' ln Oranae County ln tutfldent time to qualify • a candidate and office holder. Under the law, a penon aan have MVeral rftidenoea but only one dom.lcile, or permanent home. State codea require that a judldal candidate be a resident of the county ln which he or ahe ll run.nine for at leaat ~4 daya befote the e1ectlon. That would be April 16 In HaJTOld'a caae, a deadline which Golden and Dutcher cla1m the judge wu not able to legally meet. "A lot of this case rHll on credibility.'' Golden told Owen, who fl expected to take the case under submlasion today. The We1tminster attorney Onofre unit 2 • overheating probed Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station remained shut down today alter three control rods in the 1.1 milllon-kllowatt reactor overheated over the weekend. Bob Hull, a spokesman for Southern California Edison Company, which" owna 80 percent of the nuclear plant, said he expects low-powe.r testiJli on the new unit to begin again late today. "We experienced the usual problem associated with starting up a new plant," Hull said. "It's like owning a new car. There are always bugs to be worked out." Technicians at the plant, three miles south of San Clemente, discovered the malfunction Sunday in the unit) control rod motors. Edison officials said there is no safety hazard associated with the malfunction in the new unit, which began low-power testing last week. It was the finit unscheduled atop in the low-power operation of the unit since F.dison began testing the reactor a week ago Monday. The control rods fit· into the reactor veaeel and they are used for controlling the amount of electricity generated, an F.cii.son spokesman explained. "We bad problems with thn:_e control roda, but nothing that would constitute any danger," the 1pokeaman said. "It just means that we have to double- check them." The 12.:foot long rods contain pellets of boron carbide, which are pl.aoed in the reactor's fuel assemblies, absorb neutrons from splitting atoms, and regulate the nuclear reaction. Temperature and voltage measurements a r e being conducted to determine the cause of the overheating. cletnwd that Jue.tee HarroW Md bllckdat.ed a qultdaim ... for \M. Lido Iale house to fallely ahow her crandmother had turned ll over to her in November. What hapPened. Golden MJd. It that Harrold saw Dutcher'• campal1n atat~ment in •arly Ma.n:h, when the ~ Im.le first surt.ced. Dutcher dltclceed that Judie Harrold wu reat1tered to vote ln Rlvel'lllde Counly even though 1he waa running for office ln Oran1e County. Aft.er ahe aaw the campaign statement, Golden told Owen, ahe Immediately prepared the fa1ae deed, had it recorded and moved into the Newport home. Utility records introduced as evidence indicate that neither gas nor electrical usage showed normal levels until March and. !fi~l. No long-distance phone were recorded on bills until March 19, Golden said. "It's obvious that was an empty house until Mr. Dutcher'• candidate statement came out and she (Harrold) said 'Oops, I'm in trouble.' " the attorney said. Second victim identified ' in HB crash Police have identified the second person who died early Monday when a 1981 Porsche veered out of control in Huntington Beach and slammed into a row of palm trees. Officers aaid the woman, Rita Feerer, 28, of Huntington Beach, was riding in the Porsche with Michael Robert Jeffries, 35, a pediatric surgeon who lived in Huntington Beach, when the mishap occurred at 2 a.m. on Golden West 'Street near ·Yorktown Avenue. Police said both people were killed instantly . when the car struck the palm trees and burst into flames. Traffic investigators believe the Porsche was traveling at more than 80 miles per hour when the mishap occurred. Mesa Council OKs high • rise Construction to begin on six towers in March By JODI CADENHEAD MtheO.-,Nota..,. The Costa Mesa City Council has approved the construction of six bronze mirrored buildings that will riae from the Sakioka- ow ned beanflelds like a glittering Emerald City. Taking the yeUow brick road laid by the Seaerstrom family's nearby Town <!enter, developers for the project llcrapped earlier plans for low-rise buildings in favor of the 10 to 14-story commercial office buildings ~oved Monday for South t Metro Center. "The decision to build thia was based on the product success of Town Center," said Mike Oberst. project manager for Curci- England Co., following the meeting. · Oberst said that officials plan to begin construction of the first phase of the 1.3 million aquare foot South Coast Metro Center located east of Town Center in March. Construction of the first 11- story building is expected to be completed by July, 1984. Oberst declined to comment on the cost of the projeet. The building designed by Gin Wong & Associates of Los Angeles would feature solar bronze glass and granite aggregate and would have bay windows and terraces on the 10th and 11th floors. The first phase of the project on 46 acres along the San Diego Freeway, east of South Coast Town Center, calls for two 11-story buildings. one t•-story building and parking for 2,252 cars. Curci-England's plans for the seco nd phas e include construction of two 10-story buildings, one 14-story building and several parking structures for 1,868 cars. Oberst said he e.xpecu about 4.000 jobs to be created by the project that will house mostly corporate users, accountants' and attorneys' offic:es. Two years ago the city approved plans for the entire 165-acre parcel bounded by the San Diego Freeway, Main Street and Sunflower A venue calling for 1.3 million square feet of commercial "devefopment and 1,500 condominiums. Financial considerations hampere d the mammoth residential and commercial project and in May the developer s~bmitted the new proposal to City Hall. The publicity-shy Sakioka family has signed a 65-year lease wlth Curci-England for the South Coast Metro property and an additional 35 acres that will be used for residential development. Curd-England officials plan to submit a proposal to the city within 90 days for a co ndominium project . Construction of the residential development is not expected to begin until the second phase of • the commercial project starts. Man, daughter roh~ed in CM Gunmen get more than $48,500 in, jewelry, cash A Costa Mesa ~an and his daughter were robt..ed at gunpoint Monday night by two stocklnl( ~men who took more than $48.~00 in jewelry and cash from the Mesa Verde home, police said. Dlmttrij Motal, ~6 and hla daughter Suu.n Motal, 22, were home watching televlalon at about 9 p.m. at their home in the 1900 block of Balearic Drive when the two men knocked on their door, police said. Police Lt. Jack Calnon said that the gunmen forced the vict1ma to wait in the den while they ransacked the house fleeing with gold jewelry and a stamp collection valued at a total of $48,500 and $350 in cash. The cloved gunmen reportedly • told the Costa Mesa family to "relax and everything will be okay." They were ordered to wait five minutes before calling police. One of the suspects ta described as CauaWan, 5 feet 8 in hia early 20'1 with a husky t>uIJd. The other is deecribed •a C-a•acaatan. about 5 feet e. thin, in his mid to late 20'a. ls_raelis closing in on PLO • By Th AttOClated Preti hraell force• battleCI Pale9tiniao guerrtDu with W\b and artlllerY neer Beirut airport today. moved more ant10r and other relnfocWtuenta up to lhe- Green Line dlvldlna the dty and barred U.N. ~fire obeerwn from reacbln1 the Lebaneae c.pltal. laraeU jetl alao flew mock divebombtn1 ralda over the 1uerrll\a-held enclave. The Lebumi ~' la1d WMt Beirut had no flout' to make bnaid • a NIUlt al a ~Y· oldlfteMblnckacl9. A nPon*i U.S. ~ plan to eveNll" tbi1 , PLO w111 rejected, w.nwhlle b)' ""° eop Moalem and leftJst Lebanue te.deri. PLO tpOkemnan 8-m Abu Sharif reiterated the suerrW.U were rudy to IHve Beirut but aot before an lntematloftll ~ fiard w .. in place. A battle lnvolvln1 tanka. artlllery and other weapon• condnued for eewral houn a few hundred. yard• north of the airport. 'nle Tel Aviv ccmmand ma oaa IUlftOla ... killed anc1 one l1raelt aoldier 1U1hily wounded. It .. ad 1uerrlllu -find---~ 1111Mir111Mn--U-itlrf·*'...,. ~an &lie .,. of· Uae airport and ....... 8*\it Tile ..... ad .aid leraeU • •. ,. Woodland set for multi-use Actort. children and adult.I 1-mtna !'.naliah could be tlllfna cla11room1 at W oodlana Elementary School ln Costa Mesa ne><t month. The Newport-Mesa Unified School Oi1trlct hae agreed to lMae a portion of the 1ehool at no ch ara e to the Orange Co&1t YMCA for a before and alter achool program bealnnlng in September. Parents will be able to drop thelr younpter1 off at the Co.ta Meu 1ehool at 7 a.m. and pick t h em u p at 6 p.m., said Jim deBoom, director of the YMCA. The program designed to help workirnr parents will offer daily actlvlties and provide transportation to and from Woodland to local schools. Some final deWll on the two- year contract with the Westcllt! !:arly Childhood C.enter 1ti11 haveo to be worked out before the deali la final, aald authoriti•. About 200 adultl enrolled ln the di.ltrict.'1 Eng1Jah ... Second Lanauaae cla11 have already! moved Into the 1ehool at 20 1 Garden Lane that WU ~ June due to decllnl enrollments and cutback.I. The city of Coata MeH considering leasing the ec:hoo multi-purpose room for the Cl Playhouse that will be forced move IOOn from the fairp in Co.ta Mesa. ~: LUNCH CROWD -The bluffs above the main beach in Corona del Mar are a great place to bring your lunch -il you ~ ..... ,._..,..., LAe IJ.,... don't mind having every bite carefully watched by hungry seagulls. 0 In my family' we both have to work ln order to live tn Newport Beach," said deBoom . "There are a lot of single parents and families with both parents working that need a program like thia." Co.ta Mesa offlcl.ala eaid ~ the site la one of several under con.sidera ti on. Plane piloted~1 · b y HB man downed in LA NATION Reagan vows HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -President Reagan saluted a major Roman Catholic fraternal society today and vowed to fight for private school tuition tax credits and sc;hool prayer while seeking an end to "abortion on demand." "I think you'll agree with me. We need a prayer amendment, we need it badly," the president told the Knights of Columbus. "We are to have freedom of religion, not freeddm from religion." school prayer Reagan, who arrived here after an overnight trip to Iowa where he courted farmers, called attention to "the importance of family, community and church" -themes he often hit two years ago as he campaigned for the presidency. "These values ennoble man, they make him somet~ing more than jus~ the plaything of hedonwn or the vassal of dictatorship," Reagan said. Hinckley said 'still a danger' WASHINGTON (AP) -If a federal judge follows the advice of John W. Hinckley's doctors, th~ man who wounded President Reagan will remain hospitalized because he's a danger to himself and actress Jodie Fqster. Sources said a medical team from St. Elizabeths Hospital wrote U.S. District Judge Barrington D. Parker on Monday that Hinckley has serious personality disorders and should not be released. Parker refused to make the report public immediately, but the sources, familiar with the two-page letter of findings and 200 ages of medical records, confirmed the contents. They spoke on condition that they not be identified. T-bill yield lowest • 1n two years WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short- term Treasury securities have dropped to their lowest level in almost two years, declining for the fifth week in a row, government officials say. About $5.5 billion in six-month T-bills were auctioned Monday at an average discount rate of 10.671 percent, down from the 11.378 percent of last Monday. The government also sold about $5.5 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 9.633 percent, down from 10.559 percent. Faniily wants Hoff a declared dead PONTIAC, Mich . (AP) -Relatives of James R. Hoffa filed legal papers to have the former Teamsters union president declared legally dead, seven years after h e vanished outside a suburban Detroit restaurant. A Dec. 8 hearing in Oakland County Probate Court was scheduled to appoint Hoffa's son, James P. Hoffa, executor of the estate, Victor Coen, chief deputy probate register, said STATE Monday. Judge Norman R. Barnard will hear the case. When Hoffa disappeared July 30, 1975, he had been trying to regain the presidency of the nation's largest labor union. FBI agents have said in court papers they believe he was killed by organ.i.u!d crime members. . Under state law, Hoffa's relatives had to wait seven years before asking the court to declare the former union boss legaiJy dead. Did glue pot lid cause crash? LOS ANGELE.5 (AP) -A safety official said a lid from a glue pot inadvertently left near an exploding charge may have played a role in the helicopter crash that left actor Vic Morrow and two children dead on the movie set of "The TwiliRht Zone." ~ational Transportation Safety Board investigator A. Don Llorente said Monday evidence found on the ground showed the lid was part of debris that struck the helicopter's tail rotor when the charge was tripped. He said th e debris crfppfed the aircraft, plunging it into the riverbed below where Morrow and the youngiatera were wading. Abortion bill k!lled by panel SACRAMENTO (AP) -Despite accusations of "infanticide,'' the Assembly Health C.omm.ittee has killed a bill to prohibit most abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy. 882003, the aame as one killed six week.a ago by the state Senate, received only a 5-5 vote Monday, with eight votes needed for passage. Sen. Alex Garcia, the author of both bllls, left the preaen tation of SB2003 to Alvin Rhornberg of the California Pro-Life Council. 2 Marine Dis face courts-inartial SAN DIEGO (AP) -Two Marine drUl instructors face courta-martiaJ on charges of bitting recruita and forcing them to lie face down in dirt. A general court-martial waa ordered Monday for Staff Sgt. St.even Mendez of San Frandaco, a spokesman said at the Recruit J)epot, WORLD with Sgt. Anthony DiMaggio of Rosharon, Texu, facing a lelmer 1pedal court-martial. In edditaon to l'Nlldna recruits Ile down in dirt, Mend ez w aa eccu1ed of cloaina t he ventilation in a barracks ·and making recruita lhake out dwty blanketl. 1Kenya rebels refuse to surrender HB council hacks plans for high rise Despite pleas from numerous citizens to limit future building heights in downtown Huntington Beach, the City Council approved a land use plan Monday that proposes building incentives for high rise structures. The land use plan is the second of three stages in the state· mandated Local Coastal Program that must be approved by state Coastal Commissioners. The final stage is the specific plan that will establish zoning regulations, including specific restrictions on building intensity and height. However, the proposal approved Monday on a 4-2 vote conforms with the city's proposed specific plan that would give developers additional square footage in their buildings if they consolidate lat,-ge parcels of land or if they consolidate land and build thin high rises with additional open space at ground level. A similar program last year that offered only after school care was attended by 105 students. For registration and more information about the YMCA program call 642-9990. Last week the Newport-Mesa trustees approved a two-year lease agreement for a private pre-school serving children 2 to 5. Plane crash victim buried Grav~ide services have been held for Jessie Totten Klinger, a former Irvine resident and educator who died July 24 in the crash of a light airplane in Oregon. Mrs . Klinger , who had recently moved to Dana Point with her husband, Larry, was professor emeritus from Cal Poly Pomona, where she was one of the first women on the university faculty. She retired in 1981 after 20 years of service. Burial was at El Toro Cemetery. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CleHlfled edvertl•lft9 7141&42-5417' All otMr depertmenta 642-4321 Thomas P. Halev ""'*"--Qllll ~ °"'°" Key Sc:nuttz I/lee ........ -Dnclorof~ Tom Murphlne Edllor Mike HetVeY • Director of Mwtc911ng (Olrculltllonl Ken Godderd onctOt of Opem.ofw Ray MecLMn ConCroller Tom Mccann ........ ldllor MAIN OFFICE DI Wett 9e\I It., COit• MH<a, CA. Mall..,,_: 8ox 15'0, Cott. M9M, CA.,._ CovttieM 1112 0r,.... C:oesl PubllS111119 ~­.._,.... ~ lllvttrauon-, ec11ton.1 _,,, _. wrtlw....,.ts _.,. "'9Y lie r~ wttt.11 -lal ~Yonof <.,,rltM~. SK-<las -19911 paid .. Costa Mna, CM,_•· ~ ~.l~~~_l'tlol'l lly carri.r tol.7S ,,_.,,,, ,,,. or ... C-lt O.lly Piiot, WIUI Wiik!\ II ,...,,. blMd tM ..._.,.,_., 11 put1llsMcl by tM 0r.,.. Coelt PubllsN119 Com-y. Setler ... Mltlonl -llUllll-Mand9y ltlf'CIUGlll Frida'( for CC!lt9 Mew, ,.._PO<t lleacll, HIA'ltlfttton 8Mcl\, I'-'"' V .. ley, lntlN, L...-8-cft, SoultlC:oelt. A ................ edltleft II pulllllfled s.tlUWn -~ The Pfll'< .. I pulllltNfte plant It •t DO WHt .. ., Strwt. P.O. 8oJI 1560, Cata llNW. Cllllfo<fti. nua, VOL. 75, NO. 215 LOS ANGELES (AP) -A 8'nall plane monitoring evening rush hour traffic for radio reports made an emergency crash landing on a tennis court Monday, but neither of its two occupants was seriously in~. police said. Tennis players who were on the Los Angeles City Collel!! courts acattered as the single- engine Cessna 150 approached and aJso avoided injury in the crash, Central Traffic Division Officer Michael Pinnaro said. Pinnaro said Randal Martin, a 29-year-old reporter and the local radio news agency L .A. Network, was filing aerial traffic reports when the plane piloted by Byron Jaffe , 22 , of Huntington Beach developed engine trouble over the Hollywood area. "The pilot was looking for a place to set jt down safely," Pinnaro said. "He was trying to get to Dodger Stadium but he didn't think they could make it. "He spotted the college and made a couple of passes around it to lower speed," Pinnaro said. "As he approached, he clipped the top of a fence and flipped over and came to rest right there, upside down." Martin wa s taken to Hollywood Pres by teri an Hospital, where he was released after being treated for cuts on his head and bruises on his arm and ' knee. Jaffe suffered a cut over his left eye and also scraped his elbow, but was treated at t~ scene by Fire Depar tment paramedics, Pinnaro said. , "They said they were really, fortunate," Pinnaro said. He sai~ there was no fire at the scene~ but that the leased plane. appeared to be a total loss. We're Listening ••• ~ Fr.O.v II Yo<J 00 "4ll -l'Oll' _, D'r ~ lO p If\ U lt belelr't 1 o"' .,,., "°"' a.oy "'" oe oe.._.., s.turor, ano $uno1, II 1fOU oo no< ;:::,r.r ... ~ ~. ~O:.,"' ..... C: Otlt"9f.O Forgive me for running th• tame column egeln bu1 meybe on a Hcond try the typl•t , typeMttM and proofrleder can all pef'form 100% and give ua what I wrote and Intended to heve printed the ftl"lt time. Men on the 11Ub)ect which I enectced 1n the 1at column •.• Edward Jrt Epltelf'I'• book "The RIM and Fell of DlemondL" To continue then, the book i. well written and vwy rMdeble but vwy on.tided. His concluelonl are not auppOrted by fllC1. Many or l'llf chepter tltle1 are not proven by the mat.n.I In the en.pt.,.. One thet pertlcUl8i'ly left rne uncomrortebl• WH ''Dlemc>nd• for Httler". In It the author 1ugge1t1, but fella rar 1h or t o f proving thet the 0.8"r• cartel w .. IOfM w•y lnvol~d In eHort1 to ·1upply lndu~~~tal diamond• ror u" In Hltler • war mechlne. Al In • ~ of other eectlonl of the bOOk, th• t••t of OM chapter felted tp ptOYe the Utle. I don't know why l peteln found It 10 frlght•nlng thet De...,1 hired an ad~l•lng and publlc relaUon1 firm to cr .. t• a martiet tor a IM'Oduct they had to Hll. I think th• ~ on the S*t ot the N.W. A'J9fl firm ,._.. Ill• a ''how to" ~ ....... ·~.Y and.put llo111n1 • 011en t ' .........,., "°" • "* eo """-" ......................... What do you like about the Daily Pilot" Whal don't you hke" Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record let lers lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what 's on your mind @ &EM Wl!iE ' 642·6086 ere trying to do to promote h .. book by getting him on telk •howa and reviewed end tntervlewed In th• printed media? · Ep1teln clelm• t het th• "ln¥entlon" of dlemond rwtty _.. aoon be dl9coWred by jeweery owne r•. It certelnl y I• no "Invention". Th• poaltlon of diamond• H velued •t•tua aymbol9 date b-* to 700 a.c. It co1t1 hundred• or mt111on1 of doll•ra to d•v.top a dlemond min• and H Epateln hlmH lf atat-. two tone of Ml1tl mwt be proc...ed to yield OM carat. onty • ..,,.. perwnt-oe of .... •tones wlM be of e-n quelty. The beet"* ttle ...... tN AuM4an., end the Awtraffene .,. OOll"9 to be dumping their aapplee of dlMIOOda Into the world market elmply doe•n't mate• MnM. No mtntna oonoem can afford to klll the Mlablletled, ~ mM<et cMrw'9I fof t.helr good•. Enough "*'tt.I thougt\, You mWit enJoy reedlt'I ttie Nole an0 9'thougfl I dOn't I eoonwMlld you ~ tM •14.IO fot K, I ~a copy I'd be~ to loM out ''." you dOn't niind wMlnt ·~ my marlin "°*' Addl1 1onel rtoomm•nd•d reeding on tM eubtect: "'°"'* Through" on P•t• 10 tn ttte Auou•l Ind IHU• of PorNI ,..... ... .... .... = ......... ~a · ·u ~;= ri~7~, .. w*1·~,-~i·~ r1··~ 'ii~ w·jlPf1t ~:=c ... = f ,t~:,J ~; ~:.~ ,: · ·LJ. jt=~t .. " ·. ~~.: ·ilJ. :.~.. nt~ ~ it=' J ·•Ila~~ :.! 1f.:• :; I '''---·~ ~-II l ~'t:: ... ·~ •, I ..... " I~~ ~ ~ ~ #t: ... = t~.J. I~ .,~.:. ~-.:. f 1?! : t: "'' r= :t all 1 • 1:: =1~~ t f + '°' IJ'!j :;, ii.~... =II 1 tht Jt'•=I:: 1.TC"l ,. • tti t,"' • ••·~ l: ;;i 1 • "-.,.,;r 1. • 1i 1 ~-~ 5•~•n•: ·, A U""•·~; • i I 1 • "" :er: .,. ' 1U 10 : r: ..... :i." Ni· .!t f1 • $i~.1 .1 ·~ ·~: ~ 1~ 1::-.., f• ,, .. ,-=:i =~ ', ~ ] 11r ~ ~ :: = ... ~::: :rc1i· ''° ,~ ~-"· ~~~ ~i~1:r ~>,~~ ~ ~.:~:. ~E .. ;.,.:ltt l~J;~ f~-~ IE~ •• l~] .fi H5.·: If ~!i ,l ~:t liil ~"' ft;~ ~·11 .l :~ ~i~ A#\, I u .,, t n e: nll 1 1 q .... l<t I ' § 14"'•"" Miiiil .. I ' 1• ll'o .•• : .,"''1 " I ; :.~ ·-.,.t1' a l'lol, , A"" t tS ..,,.... , Ill .. , I ' ff'•• "11 ... '" l""•... II • 1 " • ... • .. .. .•• •• )I ..._ .. _, .,.,., 1' 1 no .-. "''~ s to u "-·. !'" ·~"' 11 1 s1 ... -.. ~ , 1, 411oo "' ~1191 • .. • • ... ','!et•., .. 1 • '"..! tt~ . ; :vie i jt 17 .,,.,. t.0."' '"* ... '" 240 4 s I :-•., 'Tw l .• I J ... 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PIK Pw 2. •• • IJ) Ji"--V. SCrEG I.ft I 11• 1•', • 'l'O WIMrl o• l »'• • • BnlLAm 1 Sl •I"' 11~•• 'l'O CrwZet 2.JO t 170 170,,. '" Gould I 11 • 12" 12 • '• II. plJ I IJ . 1ISO Sl + "-PIKPPI 3.IL. 111 I" -"" S.Jerln 2 JO • t 11~, '• W•19'"' I 10 \• S21>. 811Allt, 2.20 I 1 21 • ~. CrZol pl4., )I )Ho• Ito Gould Ofl lS 2 21' 1 • I IL pll( t.lO 1100 U<'o '-' P.C P Of 4.Cl1 • •'-.. • Sovel'# l SO 1 I SJ•-.• lot Wk HR' QI 32 '4 u '-' • ' 8tnklr J.OS • S31 30\t. • ..., CrZel OIBlOS 201 It>.• '1• G••<• l IO • 311 lO'• '• 11. pfU •.ll •2 ti:.. 1~ PIKScl s 32 1 U 10•-.-\'o SoetBk 1 • 330 0 1,. "' WelCSw .. •o 21 lO'o • • 8kTr pl 2 \0 . 11 11 .. • '" Crumf' I .. \ISO. clJ1... \o Gre1nv• I It • • ., ,. .. • '> IL pfT J.JI • J2 • E Pell\9W .\021 140 111.1-.... SoelPS 1.)11 I U IOt.. .. W•llJm I l)S m ttlo • Bel\IW 11 ' •• '"' • '" Cullln n t1 97 29',. .., Grenlf" 10 l"o IL pf P t Q .. I IS'• Pe1m8< 1.20 • .. Uw • ._ SC•IEd J 2• • 213'1 JO'•• ... 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D•~ 20 l)I •"· ... GMP n I .. J 1 " • 1 • --120 ' 13 ,,,,_ .... PerHan ..... , JQ4 " • "' S.UilCo l.'6 ' JI """·" . WHte .Sl " •St » .... . 8 •.11Tr I .. ,, 27"1 )7 • II.. D•nRI• 1.11 I • 11>.. G••Yll I 20 s 402 IJ'. -H' ...... 1•1 IS-. .... PerkPl'I ,, II ,. 11 ....... Seutlnd 1.16 I ,,. ~. t Walllll\ 41 ,, f) ""' + B•yFln u .. .... • •• D•nllCJ> 1 .., t "' 23'" .,., Grev "" J1 t .. ubnt 1.0I t 311 1µ., • '-' P•rsn • 1 ' 1'0 ""' • "' S.Rov .Ol U U7 1"--"• WeanU .051 1 • • BtySIG 1 J2 • )2 11•, + 1., D•nlel 111> 7 0 11"1 GrowG • J60 a J7 1'-'t ubys n 60 11 11 21'• + ~' PalPlrl 11 140 cl S~ II. $0Vmrtl .~ J II s•-\ot Wellt>O , 92 1 • BHIFd 1'.\0 t 1W 70w-,,. D•rtK n J .0 10 S7' uU,,_ + E GlllRIV . . I 2' • LU<kyS I 16 1 :IM 13.l-e. , . PeylN M t IS lllte-119 Somk Pl 1 , • I "-·,,., Wetl1F I tt 4 211 l H •,. BNI pt J ll .. 1391 •'•• Ito Oa laGn I JeJ 2'' >+ ~' Grurn<n 1.40 32 ISO J:.I_.., o,.. ukens .1? 1 11 '"" .. PeyC~ n.20 IS II 22 .. + Yt SwAlt t .n IJ .. , ,..__ .... Well'M 2 to I 7J " •I BectriO 110 11 121 3'"1 + '• D•ITer • Jl9 cl 1->o " Grum pt 1 IO 16 u21',. 11~ ---P .. l>llV • 16 t7 t Sl'O.. " 5.,.9~ 1 I 20 S t4' 22~•-w Wend-,. 71 11 "1 111--. • • · ... .,. so ,.,. • 1. Oelpnl " ,., u .. -.... §li8tdl » 1 , "'•· ... ACOM ... u ,,, ....... p~ .02e , 24 .• .... ;,'. Swl'1811 .ao •. ,. ''"' .... Well I ,. • Ill ,. • B•ICOPI AOtl . s ,,. 20 • .. Oeyco S6 ' 10 ,.. \'o lfWlt .1S 4 ,., 12'·•. .... CA 1.lOll" sos U \1 + "' P•nCll • • IJO ..... -" SwtF-.I'! •1 ' + "' WllPIP 1 '° • ., u I B•I-... 1 u ~ ~. Devtta ti 10 11 nn >t~. • .... ttw pf 2.JO . s n-i.. + -. Et _,. 11 • ,._.. "' "•nCn ptU7 •> .. 1 -2,. SwlGH 1 ti 1 • 1•, • Wtl(tT 81 04 10 "-BtfllN 2.4 I • 1s11.. . 0.'(IPL ''O ' m Ul.-o. " GullOll 1.IO • •10 ,. .... GMGf" ... • .. ,... .... Pe11nCP ,.., • tll -" S.El'f" n It 28 12 • "' WnAlr\. " s + BetCd 9 1 .. It ...... . OPt. Of I .. 1100 ., • 2... Gulf As . . , I"'+ .... GMG<-pl.. u ·lc,-\'o ,..,,,.., t 1 sn ltYt. "' Swf PS I.SO I "' '"'..... WAI•( 2• ll\I) ....... 1.0 I ,, lS I OPL Pl n so . rlOO ., , .. Gll$1Ut 1.16 • ll2 n • .... GMU• lOI .. 217 ,.. • l'•Pt. 2.J2 • )2t 11Yt + " $ptrtll .60 1 71 ""'• 119 WCN 24 ) uoo ._ lefldla J D• St ftln+-"' enl'n 7't :r. 74'1 GllSU pl4 Sl .. 110 ~ .•. ~8 t.tg .20r 14 l~+ .... PePL P1•.S0 .. 1IJO JO"'-+Yt 5-I~ .... U~-l'O WPe<I SS• SS • Bencl• pit 04 u ""' + '"' De••• 2 10 S.. 2J"' • "" §"SU pr4.40 .. u 29 • •-. lli\a<mH .!Ob • • 12'-• "' PaPt. A<IO .. u 10 ~ + : .s~ 1.tt s '71 u.... • ..., w uniOll 140 1 41nl1"'• 8eftlqt 7 11 ""' + ... O.lmP I " 1 14) U!>'o. llllUlcl 1.32 1 JJ "~ + •.• ~IKY s I • Sl1 ,,_ "' P•Pl. dPri,1$ • • • • 19~ 1.)6 • .. Jl\lo + -wun fll!1M 29 • -eanat pl s to . r20 IO • '"' 0.ll•A \ '~ IJ'll J0111-" '"" n .12 11 41 ,.,... ... ~tcypf •.u 1100 n Yt. '•Pl. pr " • •10 11 -111 ttD .... 7• IO "'""o .. WUTI pl • • a.... + 1~ • .,.... · .·," 1,.. • .,..o.none • s. 1 ..... .,. u11on .eo» ss '"'•"" MfsF·e1 1.2se . S3 "" "'PePLr 1 . 1100 s11r •• 1 111t1 1.a 14••St1 ,....,., ... wurir i.St. "11i... . eerJwy • 21 .... + 1<t DlaCll s 1 II G 11 + too -M-H -MaglCf A 13 31 '°" + "4 Penwt 21.~ • U1 n:: + :; Sl•Alte ,409 11 2 14 .+ l'O Wetlg 1,IO •. tt14 :it\ll + BetlN 22 I 14 ""' + °"' OenMlg 1 4' 1 21 ,....._ 14 HMW U 4 1"-1,.. lli\tlonH 1 • .-0 12 JI »""° w Penw pl -· · + ~!f.ltY. .IO S 120 11\'t t n WllO pt >.to , UO >ti.. '""'" • ' ,., '~ .. , """'' .... II -26 ..... "' Ht<llW 2.16" .,., ,. ..... ~glAsl ' n .... . .. PtM~Of 2.10 I * 2 • .__ l• 118Pnt 'O 10 \1 •'-' • 1 ... Wt1lw: I.JO • u " B'9Tltr n ·; "1 ll \Q+ io. O.ntjilly .•'3 17 U lio-"" Ht11F8 l.1'0 11 140 ,.,..._ Yt lli\enlltn .JOll • 1" 12"-• 111 P90PDt .JI I 14 ':~· .,_ SlMol• •16 1 -" 22111 .. "" W•Y•rflr l.lO JO .,.. u """'" 1'111" 2A ""'• ... O.Solo 117 u lS , .... t "' Htllllll 1.60 4 1147 14 .. Mel\llU .n 6 " • . . Peof)E n I s ,. ....... 510110 i .o s ,.., u -"" Wor pf 1 '° . "" • ..., .. ~; Bll l"lt. ' 11 J.1>o + l<t fl!O I ... I U. 111110 .... Hemr~ 1.14 5 21 22\oo ... MenCr s ,,. 10 J:I IOt • ~. PeptlGo 1.62 II ISO J9'1'o + :: SIOlllCI 2.IO 1 ltOI )6---Wtyr pr t SO 320 Jt ., 814Kk0 ,. 1'1 ,., n Y-.... Oete Pl ''° 7 .., .... + 1. H•n.J$ , ... ,... 41 II "" MlrHiM'I 2.tt • ... JI'• .... Petllfl .so ta ,.,. ': ... + St«>Ofl t... • ... JIYt " 'Mletll' I'° • ,. t11-l ..... 8lllHPw2.<IO • 17 UYt + ... OelEpl tJ2 .tJOO ff~1+2 HellJI I.Me .. JI IS ... ~lrHPI 11 S3"' . Prmlan l.31e • .. "~ ~ QI JOU 7)4 s + .... WMIP Pl•U u Jt1ft ai.irJn ·, • • ,._,,,o.:I~~~ ·!.: : ... ·~111 Hllflmn 1101 !! Utt+"' Ma11wr11 eo .. "'" "'P•1r1t1uo1: ~ff~·._: • .:..,,., 6 •Du... w111r1p1 ,·60 ,01,,, :nt.+;.. 8 k kHll I '2 • ti 2'\.'o. ... E p1p 21S I IA.• 11'1 ~tftCIH ~ J j; 11""-"'° :1"~8't: io t~ m:• n :::~= ._i: 11 UYt+ ..., ,..._. 11 I 111 145:.' '-WllllC I SO 10 .. U 1:11 l.: :1~ =: ~ EprL. • om,."' H:,i;:J 1 s • :i~: ~ Merc•11 1 1• , .. -... Pe1A1 p11.1':: 1 :rt\'»-~ ::'~:,,::. • ~ 1;:.:: ~ ::~~~c 1 ;1 l! ~. ~ 1o1::l 1 ... t 1071 2)'11.+ ~ I! pfl( •.l2 U ,. -"" Herlnf .621• .0 ft\'t+ 'II. lli\t~ 1.U • 11 IS"'--t ft'~ IM 17 = :;:--ttllfQI i 44 t 291 ""°' + 14 Wttllltll 1.60 s hO 11"'01 80fdl!I 1 n • ru ,, • "' E r: l2.IO 0 ltV> ..... Herllltfl .:IOI JO ,. ......... ~r c ~,f4 '~! -,:0 ~ ... ,~ ·3:1 ·ito.s t7\I>: .. .ltb u I ~ ..... WleWI IS ... • ••• ... ,w tl.40 • 110 u.. • ._.. 8:~.r n: ., 1 : ~!~: :: =·":"' ': : ,'t u ..... Mttl pl 110 ... dll :.:. • ~1i;i1 2'.•1 • 1511 , •. -. ..... ""'. .1 .. 0 ' ........ Whtitm I to 10 lSO ""'• ... •wmn-.. 29 4~ .... OIGlot t4 , I" .......... •rr• .. ~ ..... M:ttlOI ·,.,,·,·•wt 31'-'9\llE ... ,.IO tlOO ,.._, ...... tr"lkp .n • 10 1 ..... Wllm5 n 40 s tia llt'o-1\.'o f!?Ell, .. 2:1 • ~ ::~-.:ii,.; Dl•IClt I.tel II • 51 ..... H=~~ ::: : .t m::.:· ~ MrlhM i .20 to ,.. u...... Pl'lll& p; .:.., : : 1100 MYt-1 ltr!Dll 1,0l 10 '" m .... ·'. WlltM) .t ii 10 'II '"'" •• oe.'i .. Pr I 11 Olatllt 1UO so ,,,. ,. ..... H8"H t010 M u~. \'t MtflM t U2 • .,. 1.... •1111E Pl 7 •• Oii 4S .... •lff!J I.to .. to 14\lt .... Wt"O" t.40 • .!! T"· .. • 1 I Yt ••. ',, ~!!!!.'.! I 1' • 411 17\•t-~ H•llS. l.fo. t IS U Yt ..... Mer yl( 1416 310 l!Yt• ,1111Eiitl.7S.. 170 S4 ..... ~'(:' l::S'J tl m:+·io; :II~''· .. '! '1! Jl>'o;_; ~ ..... I... • 10......... ............ .IO 14 -""' .... Hwllll .... ' "1 ""'• "' AM Cle •• • IO ,..... l'llllC pf t.15 .. l100 ftVt-1\lt IOiiew I .... ' • ..w. "' w •&,.. .... VllO .s ... 01111 lrletl'f-1'tij >10 u . "'Dllllltl • 1 ... tt::•:: H•••tn •20 "111'1+"' MtkO .... t 1a ., ... Pllllllllf11.tl •• t1Mlltt ... ....Ca .60. 41 ..... '-llWltGP'HS If ...... ... ltlitM t.10112 IS1S ffllo+ ... o•,"""','°" ,':,: ~ HI.lo ... HfCU ,24 • l lO "''* w MtlOtllfll~ ,· '"1 i,s,_ -Pl\111 .. 1.IO .. '!!! ~·.'. .. ~!Al • • Jllio-.. WltcPt. U4 i .. ti~. lot ntMllf J •• u• .. tlt O . • Htc:ltM •. U) ' "'MtsM _._ -·. Pf\fllpl17S .. r-... -.. T.c .. ,.. lh--WIK"'1 1t 1 114 ...... ,., ... l.11t ' .. "'-• .. OltNY 1.20 ,. Sit Sllio., • ... .. ,,,.. .12 : • " -n MtNYfl .. l«J .... .PltllM , ... , 4J .... 0 \lo --.r .n IJ M2 ....... , Wll'9 ,:. s IM ""'• "' l rtel n .10 17 124S 11 ....... g:.~ J.:. I~ II~ ~ ... -\lo H911111 1.44 .. ...._ 1-. Mt.C.1 2.S.. ·• 21! I~+ ""llW lA ett "'-• l;! trWAM t,)4 I U ~ "-WtlW'#f .. 1 IM J2"-+ .. rO.,y t.12 • l, 141.to..... • •n " ~ "'ltnC . '4 li"9+ lit """"-t.si .. 1 • -.-• ,.llllN '21 * '~• -'° s t• t +,. ¥Wo-. 5.llS .. tJ •1~ •rUG uo .s » U ll1\' .. g::eJ =·· ldl~" .... ,,"' 1.-1; , .. 1.-.-"' Mtlwl'. .Mt ;.~ ~· ""''~ I., ~ ~: ,:-• n ™-•"' w..--. .. 10UO JOw-\lo ~~·; ~; ;:: -~ ~ 1.:1: m :~-.t: t::'~!. 1J:;: ;~,~ :::.•.., lO .. ;JI ' -=u~ '-:i:• !' i u14,A••o!O kl\ ·'h lJ: 11~:+'(.t :::::.ti.' It~=·~ ... ,., "' .. J2 • .. ., 10 ,.....,, • HtrllC II u 27 ....... 1111tm llf 2.\0 .. :IO\'t-PIHAllt • 1 xao ... .. " ... ttl IJh+ .. Wr~ j It I ... 5i I 'l " to\<o + .... ~·· I ... ·; ,: ~· ~ Hetll!Y MO 1 n ., ... "' M1yOS ,,., • , 2"• .. ·..: PltNO l,. ' ~ w .... "" I .\11 " .. ..... .. "' Wt '1.... • 11 .. "::::. i lt l • • 1 "'bi i -t ttlO ti • '*tt11tlft,60l1 S ~·lit NI•~ l•l2 '" ...... 'l•rf • ···iO. 1JO 4 1tt ""• ~ w ,. ,_ *"'°• "-, • tia2 11"8..... Jton !MIY -,,v:-. .t H.wtltt 2 wt611 Jf'°""' • Mc: m 1.-0 i 73! ltf"-"" '~Ti U4, ! I~ ~! ri;; 1·u .• • ~····· Wyte..-,!Of ~· f f\oo+ ~ 4 J 1'!'..... _. °"" Hftl;, t .M If 1211 _,.,,, • "' Mc: Of UO , 1. I "" • .. · Ii' I • 1 IO J Jif + \It w,1y ~J J1 IO,._+ \6 ' , ts ~14 ,. ... ·.: .. .: 1~· ..... ttt11cel ..... It U9-lltMc: M O , ~I to 'left l'-'1914 I "~= i 11t '-W.,ftl'lt ... ti 1i.--1.o .. "'' '.u ,, ... ~ Flw.:'· .:·. ~ ~._= t: ~1=r ·ft,: 'i n: ... =°"o \:~1~ = ~.:1~ :='··iJ:: ,J ff--... ~.·nit I" ,~: ~ .'"" -t-slMf-,. .• _, ;; t ~~ .. ~ 1~ li·• '1 !.??? flt~~ ~II:'' 1.:; m I"~.~ =.1 1..i1t ·~ ~~ 1oe ::=:_ u ~ 1.:! r: A; , '11 =::: •T"A 1 t J ': !I~· ~ 11 1~-..., .... 1, _..., • .. t4"-<1111 11111 " ~-.., 1111e1111 e •• t n -,.!Mtrll ·'t ti 1 it -11t , 1-.., "-;t , 1a. '"'"-~ •ft S.S.~--•~llfl. "*J~+\, =:r .. I ... 1"'• 1tt '*te:'·'tJ.·· 124 :i-.• .... I . ..,._,_ . ;J" I *""'t.• •to Jll M +"' ~c:!.c .. _ "'4.. e i. ::~ 21-.! \lo y I.~'. 't i..!: =-., t I~!~:' it' a:::~ ~'i °t J:t ,"!.• • •r t'7 't--.. .... ~ •'1..J Jr-,•.~ a ·: •;: ~ :; ... er~· Mt ir-::.~ = ::n .:: Mt:-Iii . ., ml._: :; I 1.a ii ... ;..! ta I I : lt •11•+ ·~ a»~..... tt ls 1 11~"' ~ >"M : 1:.i., t ~.,., ,.., , " ,,.._ • • ~ • A1ft .. '!f t \t ~ 1,1!. '1: ::::• ," =-IM t •i-+ lAI ...... , .... ,. fU 41\IH 1, S In 4 Ill •• ·; 1i :: = .-o':tt :: ~, 1~ .• -~tf t '=· = a:\ .. 1.11 ! '~ t!::~... ~-,· !: • :: :r ... . , n-.:·• ,:, .. «!! ,:.-= = ., '1"'1 ~.-':: =.1:1r "f 'i"':. • :a , ' 't.i ·s ~ ~· ~ m.: ·;•':::::: .,.. ,. 'L ~i = ~ 1·11 ~I~~ • , .. , ... ~ ii;+ "' I". -:;, ,;t; ,~.. ~ii.~ JI :1::,:: 1:: ,. n~ .. ,,, t. ,... "-tn' ... " ~ .... 1t .. =· )9 . s • " + ~ i ff:. .. :C: ,J : '» ~ ~ JI I u • . ._, ... Douglas eyed for Navy plane W ASKINOroN (AP) -11\e Navy aJ awaitmc price propoeat. by McDonnell Dou11N Corp., for future prOducUon of the J'-18 1trtke flahter, whkh may detennlne whether Pentaaon offk:fala cut b.ck plann.ed purchuee of 1,366 of thete carrier-hued planel, o!fictall taid. . Offlcl9la 1ald Monday' one option under conalderation ii to buy improved and lower con A-6 Uaht attack bomben lnltead of perhlp1 700 F·lS.. Grumman Aerospace Corp. was Mld to have come in with an "attractive offer" to produce an upgraded A-6 at a reduced coat for the Navy. Irvine firm improves Mlcrodata C.Orporation of Irvine had a 97 percent 1.ncreue ln lta backlog of orders for data procelling ayat.ema in the flrlt she montha of 1982. Microdata, a wholly owned 1ub1idiary of McDonnell Douglaa Corporation, reported a backlog of •00.1 million aa of June 30, compak'ed with $2~.4 million a year earlier. Orders booked In the first half total~d $71.2 million, compared with $62.8 million for the period last year. Skins lawsuit settled SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state attorney general says Neiman-Marcus has settled a lawsuit filed against it for offering items made from endangered species animals at ita Beverly Hilla store. Attorney General George Deukmejian_ 1aid Monday a stipulated judgment was entered without the Dallas-based firm admitting any wrongdoing. Under the judgment, Neiman-Marcus is enjoined from offering any product of crocodile, python or any other animal protected by the California endangered species statute. Deukmejian said the products ~ffered at the Beverly Hills store were made of crocodile and python. .J S&L merger approved The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco has approved the merger of Santa Ana First Federal Savings & Loan Aasociation with California Federal Savings & Loan Association, Los Angeles. Unde.r terms of the arrangement, Santa Ana First Federal will retain its name and operate as a division of the nationwide financial institution. Clifford L . Benson. chief executive. officer of Santa Ana First Federal, will serve as president of the division which will include Santa Ana Finl Federal'• six offi~ as well as four Cal Fed offices in Santa Ana. ~e and Tustin. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NE.W YORK IAPl-1•1 ... Mon. price •llcl net clwflQt ol ,,,. 1111 .. n ,._, Kii,,. Haw Vorll Stoel! E•<..._ 11-s, ,, • .,,"" ,,.,...,,..,v •• "'°'' ·-,. IBM •».IOO .. -.. • 1"" WerrvC.om \16.JOO 44'~ -.. Emer'°" El H•.100 U~ +I•+ Cllk orp SU.300 H'-' • ._ comorelnl • \11,100 J:I -+"-l enoy •n,ooo 21-. ,.,, BForclflllol 411,100 U'IO • 'h 5<hlumllr9 U J,900 JI'• • 1~1 ~ntnil s 4)0,400 311, ...... Am., T& T '°7,900 '1' • ~yHr 401,.00 U""' + ,,. Am 1'Jr1•n oOO,JOO U'-' • "" DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW Y()Rl((A'I FINI Oow-J-..... ,.. ~ ...... 7 STOCKI ""9 a. •Incl ~SS :r':1~112.ll+U.Sl 20 Trn 109 H JU,IO -.u Jl4.4S+ s.n U Ull 104 05 !OS." lOl.64 105.17 • 2AS lS Slll )11.'1 Jll 11 110.41 l it 22 • S ti lndul •.lll,IOO Tr•n 1.m ,IOO u 111, 1.aso.t00 4S Siii 7,411,j()O WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK 11'P I AUV l Pr ... AMERICAN LEADERS N9t Y()fll( (AP)--8M8. ""°" P'tc9 -""' <l'lelloe ot '"" len mo•• e<llv• Ame•tc:en !>loc~· E•<l\tl\99 f\~ trlldlno ntllONllY •• mo•• tf'lan " Oom4JPtrt t)4,.00 J '-'"'" • • • W•"9 8 103,.00 211.... • '-G11llC-. 9 t\.000 10'• -1 .. Re~l "IOO • tt-1• +).16 Hou011Tr U.400 I I -'~ E,,.,OYRH ». 100 12\1 .1i.. a-...co St,000 10•,. + '- CrouAT ' SO.IOO ?Jin Twt"Felr v 41.100 1.. l<t Ro,.,tnt A u ,100 1•.. '' UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK IAPJ Tiie IOflo•lnt Ill! .-. t... ...... York Stoel E.cllanglt lodey ":&, 4dYenOcl 1103 Oe<llNCI ».S 7•1 u ft( """9cl 192 •5S Tol•I 1nue• 11160 1I01 ...... hiQ~ " 1J Ntw 10W\ .. 11 WH•1 •~llOID EW YORK IAPI A119 J ""'-" Aelwenttel TOO.Ji "Us 11J 1«1 Oe<ll'*' 111 , .. u l\(llanOllCI ~ol•• 1\-\ n 1 .. , Ne• lllgM I ' NtW IOW\ 27 JO METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonterrou• ,,...., otlcee tod•v: c...., 72·76 c.nt1 • pound . U.S. de911natlone. • 111U 1>3 .... 1,, •11od ··•1<> 1\lo U& 11, I•' '(' ,~, • df\ ., t')j, ,, lo . tl2 1:1b'.J .. 1 / I : •lh •• w 1111)(1 :".v1 ()f ..,,.., n l •1 It ''"' , .. , . rG j) ,,. 'l: LI l rt. ',.,c, ,,:; . •i H •I;' :·1 r "' • it-. 1r.' J 111 ' • I .. ~ ,_ oocu -... ,,.,,.$ ,,.,.. 11••• 00<'9 .... Ille "*' -oown 1"4 mott beMcl on r.:reent Of Cl\enge ,. ... relen OI "°"""' Leed 2&-29 c.ntl • pound. ~ Zlflc 37-40 oent•. pound, ~ °'No =~ tr..,1119 ,,._ U are Intl llOtcl Het -perct11tagie i11_, .,.. Ille differ-enc• ,,.._ IM previous UOMl\ll prtoe -Mondlly't ~ ~-Lest CllO Pet. 1 civomeuv 1~. • 1i.. UP "" 2 Ell'IPDE Pll • '·• Up 14.J a G.cvit._ 11 • '"' Up 14 . .J 4 E191n~11 11•1 • I'• uo no .S S.wlnQ> I • .._ UP If 0 I GolCIWS"n •'• • .... Up II I I Ptlrol-12'• • I ~• UP 10.1 I ArNNetr PIA °" • '• UP IO I t (.all!W\Mng 17• • + lw Up 10 I 10 SCA Svc IO'o I UP 10 I 11 Cttrytter wt ,.. • IM Up 10.0 12 Ht<i.Mnt ,.. • ... Ufl t .7 U CGlllnFds l m: : I!,-. ~: a :; ~~g Cp ~ + ~loo UP t.I 11 OomtM 0 2:: : ,: ~ :; If ~ry Cfl 11~ ~ Up U II ,...,.. .. Mtg ~ U1 W ~ :=-'1.AOpf z.; • " u. ..I 21 C ..... Ill\ IJ\1 ' I Ufl 1,0 n ~. u ..., + ' UP a.o n OT~ l u,f hi + ~ Ulll 7.1 74 0."9Cll 1 IStoo + 1.... UP 1.1 tJ (~ .., Jiit • Ufl 11 .. ~· ..= ...... c.i;i. '°Cl. i ~;". lF -!: I :tl • Tt I Incl .SJ, .: 11,l : rw"'C.:.~ ~"' "' ~:! 1 .. $111d 'ltof 111t "' u ·"-2 _.._ ?·,• tWhlt.._ I '-~1 • .. NoSf'W '" ~ 2~ Off • " c--,... .--.... °" S.4 u l'l-W 22~ l.. Oii s.s It ~'i t7.. 't g:: u ;; A ~~" Jil..., 11.'t Off U 't Tlll pf ~ \oo fi S.0 t Wl!Aft L 4.W -"°' S.0 .111 GPU CP Sl<t w t1 ,. JM'll8111C .... ~.... '"' Off •• , to !!~tM tOh -\'» u u t:,c 11 ~ -'::':e Off ti "t-'•" 1~ "-u t4 •_...•ll '"'"' •I ti •IWIM ""' -\'t '' ow to tete trensml•kin today's llstlng wua nOt .,..._, ln the Delly Pttot. I Tin M.2 179 -.... ... w .. OOfTIPOlftl lb . ...,._ 78-n oentl a pound, N.Y. j -_, SM5.00 per llMlt. .......,_ 1264.00-$290.00 tray ounce, N.Y. SILVER He ndy I Herman. 18.970 per lro y ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS j Proprietor's dreams tied to a string In Lon Monilon'1 bua1ne8I you have to ~ve a head for hel&}ita. Ju proprietor of the Huntinp>n Beach Kite Co., which opened a few .days ago In a Main Street 1torefront, Ma. Morri1on beUeva her goals are appropriately lofty. She'd like to tum the oceanfront a few blocka away into a kite-flying capital lirnUar to aome Loe Angelea buchee aucn u Venice. She envilJona kite-flying festivall along the sands, with cool ocean breezes carrying colocful designs skyward. To 1park additional interest in the •port, Ma. Morri1on recently lnvlted Dlneah Bahadu.r, reputed to be the world's master kiteman. to demonstrate flying technJques in Huntington Beach. Whether kite-flying takes off locally remains to be aeen, but for Lora Morriaon the opening of her new store was the fulfillment of two long-time dreams. "I've always wanted to be a bird, ever since I was little," she laughs. "I love f1.ying." (One of her goals la to obtain a pilot's license.) Her second, more adult-type, dream has been to operate her own business. The means for achieving both goals came to her last March when she chaJ)Ced upon a kite shop during a vacation in Northem California. "I knew immediately that this was it," she recalls. "I like the happiness and the free feeling theee kites give." Ma. Morrison quickly immersed herself in learning about various types of merchandise on-a -string. Her most expensive items are a hand-made, signed and dated 55-foot dragon kite and a six-foot box kite. Each is priced at $123. Other colorfully designed nylon kites include an "Icarus" model at $78.95, and the "Fringe Dance" kite, which features Pegasus the flying horse, priced at $49.95. The inventory includes less costly kites made of Mylar plastic. These cost as little as $4.95. The store also has Chinese kites constructed of rice paper and bamboo in the shape of various animals, priced at $6.95. READY FOR TAKEOFF -Lora Morrison, who claims~ have a kite for each customer's personality, must know some colorful #rsonallties. Ms. Morrison said her goal wW be to help "There's a re81 ~litude associated with For water enthusiasts, there's even a sailboat kite -guaranteed to ~oat or fly. find the precise kite that fits a customer's flying a kite," Ms. f.1orrison says. "It's like personality. She believes new kite fliers fishing -really peeceful and calm ... " will discover a special reward in the sport. PHIL SNEIDERMAN ' CoUiity .transp~Jil · ·1&~··«• .ned I . ~ s Ac RAM ENT O -A annually for transportation • Transportation Commission, a e commilSioh la comprt.ed pawerful state aaaembly member, funding. state-created agency controlled of t o county auperviaon, two man angry attack, has acuttled a RobiNOn introduced the bill by a flve-member boaJ'd. The (See ILL, Page AZ) bill that would have permitted earlier this year at the request of Orange County voters to decide if t h e · 0 r a n g e C o u n t y the sales tax should~ increued Transportation Coalition, an to fund transporta~ projects. alliance of 52 business and A bill to permit the election industry firms, among them the died today when its author, county's largest employers. Asaemblyman R1cha.rd Robinson, In dropping his support for the D-Garden Grove, withdrew it bill, Robinaon lashed out at the from consideration before the coalition. claiming all but one of state Senate Transportation its members was interested solely Committee. in obtaining money for Aaaembly BW 3283, as written, transportation projects. He ~d would have permitted voters to they were refusing to deal wtth decide if the saJes tax should be other critical issues over taxing increased up to a maximum of 7 authority. ,. percent. It now ls 6 percent. The Under terms of the bill any one-cent increase would have added sales tax would have been raised .. about $150 million collected by the Oranae County Innocence pleaded by Carla· Stuckle By JEFF. ADLER ora.o.1r,......,. Carla Verne Stuckle -the 113-year-old Tustin woman who claima state Sen. John Schmitz '8thered her two young children -pleaded innocent today to a felony charge of child neglect in Central Orange County Municipal C.ourt. • Wearing a llght blue dress, Miu Stuckle nodded her head and replied "yes" when asked by Judge Gary F . Ryan to acknowledge her not guilty plea. The arraignment proceedings lasted less than five minutel. Ryan set Aug. 23 aa the date for a preliminary hearing into the charges. Meanwhile, the defendant remains free on her own recognizance, Followinll the arraij{Dment, (See INNOCENT, Page ~) Greenland turns 1,000 Greenland ii oblervlng the l,OOOth anniversary of its clilcovery and eettlement by Viking Eric the Red. His None descendants mysteriously vanished ~00 years later. Page A8. SPORTS Anon Squad strilceB again The Ancell and Kanlu Oty are tied atop the American ~ Wm after Manaaer Gene Mauch'• crew failed to hold a 6·0 lead against the lowly ~ta Twim. P• Cl. . An11els set ~uis T.iant lfhe California An1ela, in th• 1tren1thenln1 their pltchln1 ataff, 41-~-0ld Lw. Tlaftt Monday. P .. Cl. • MURDER SCENE -Stretched incongruously on the ground alongside a Cinderella coach ~ Oak View Park in central Huntin~n Beach is a murder victim identified by police as COUNTY Bicyclist set I or grueling ride John Marine, bicyclist from Irvine, is ready to pedal off on hi.I fourth tramcontinental trip in The Gre~ American Btke Race. Page Bl. M-:sa project thwarted Coeta lfteu began purthuing $1.6 million worth of land for low-income a~nta. But a federal 1U"9idy wu killed. And now the property Ues unUled. PapB2. . Bflll-/-llltll' uspect held in .slaying • of HB woman BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN or-..,.., .... ...., Police have arre1ted a Huntington Be,ch man in connection with the ltaniUlation death of his fiancee, whoee body was diacovered early Monday ln thechildren'1 play are. of a local pa.rk. Police said Val Owen, 29, employed u a welder in Irvine, waa booked into Huntington Beach City Jail Monday night on suspicion of murdering Suzette Adami, 20, who had been working in Newport Beach as a hairdreaer. The two had been living together in an apartment near Oak View Park in Ce~tral Huntington Beach, where the woman's body was discovered at 9:30 a.m. Monday, they said. Huntington Beach police detective Bill Mamelli said the woman possessed no identification when her body was discovered . But he said a neighbor of the woman heard news reports of the incident, knew the young woman had been missing since the previous night and called police with the information. The woman's parents, who reside in Loe Alamitos, identified the slaying victim, police said. Mamelli said the woman's fiance, Owen. was brought to the Huntington Beach police station Monday evening for questioning and was arrested after the initial interrogation. He is being held in lieu of $250,000 bail. The police detective said the cause of death appears to have been strangulation by the han&. He said it has not been immediately determined whe1her the woman was killed at the park or ellewhere. Th• woman'e body was dlacove1"ed in the park '1 children'• playground area. Inv.Uca'°"9 ,Wd tbelt .... of the crime tcene was h8mpettd by the fact that the park's lawn sprinklers had come on automatically before \hey were called to the location. Residentl nearby initially told police they had heard 1eream1 coming from the area of the ~ the night before the body wu dilCovered. Education aid 'not property' ·BY DAVID KUTZMANN or111eo.-,Net11.rt In a rare move, a state appeals court has reversed itself and determined in an Orange County divorce case that a spouse who put his or her mate through professional school is not" entitled to future earnings, an attorney says. The state's Fourth District Court of Appeal, in a decision handed down Monday , reaffirmed an Orange County Superior Court ruling that a physician's medical education not be considered as community property, according to Morris Sorenson, a Santa Ana attorney. That ruling came in 1980 divorce proceedings for Dr. Mark Sullivan, a urologist whose office is in Laguna Niguel, and his wife, Janet. Sorenson represents Dr.· Sullivan. The appeals court earlier this year had reversed the Superior Court action, ruling that future professional earnings could be considered in divorce cases where one spous~ pu t1 the other through echopl. But Sullivan's attorney petitioned the San Bemardino- bHed appeal• court tor a rehearin'-. and that reai1ted in Monday a 2-1 decision by the (See FUTURE, Pase A%) .,.., ..... PMte.., ~...,,. Suzette-Adams, 20, being studied here by police officers and coroner's deputies. - INDEX At Your Service A4 'tntermillion B6 Erma Bombeck A7 Ann Landen A7 Bu.anell Bf Movie. B6 Cavabde A7 Mutual Funds B4 ClMltfled C5-8 National NeWI A3 Olm.ks 87 Public Notioea B2,C4-5 C.romword B7 Spor11 Cl-4 O.\h Notices a SllOdt Marketa & Editorial A6 Televiaion B8 ll:ntertalnment Be Thee ten B6 Hui~ A7 WeMher' A.2 World HeWi A3 NATION .,..,.,.. .. NO COMMENT. -State Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, listens to debate in the Capitol Monday. He said he had "no comment" on findini{s that he has fathered two children out of wedlock. In the foreground is Sen. John Seymour, R-Anaheim. 'Schmitz stays mum ·in Senate chamber By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0( the DeltJ ,.... .. .,, SACRAMENTO -State Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, -was smiling. His eyes were bright. And, as always, he was .bumorous. But the senatol, who has been outspoken on issues ranging from abortion to Zionism, had nothing ~ say Monday about disclosures by a Tustin woman that he is the i,ather of two children born out of wedlock. on the disclosures. "I have n o com men ts," Schmitz said cheerily. "Sorry, folks. . ''I have a phone call to make. When I come back . . . I'll tell you I have no comment." Schmitz disappeared . The reporters waited. When Schmitz returned, he was asked several questions about the veracity of the disclosures, whether he would attend a Friday court hearing on the custody of the 13-month-old, the name of his attorney and his relationship with his wife, Mary. • • 8Uldi'••.-i.~ • ol>onnell; reJiUHd to OQIPIMftt Clft lhe CW~l llAd a ...... , WWld be nal week. ..... 8tuakJe not lpi9k to Nporterl. In r1tu1Jn1 to anawer ~~~ 1'eDonMU Chey,... ........ ~ I'm ,not~ ltt alwaya pul down ln the new.papen the way It ha~." ' Kt Mid hJa client'1 <.-WOUid be aired at th• prfllmlnary heari,nl. From Page A1 BILL ... dty coundlmen and one member selected a\ large. Robtn.on late laat week had propoeed an ame~t to the bill that would have -"panded the tranaportatlon oommlllion to 11 members. Under the proposal the commilSion would have been made up of all ,five county supervisors, five city council members from the county's 26 cities and one public member . Robinson ar1ued that the commlsalon, which la an appointive body should have more officials wbo are accountable to the votent were it" to receive taxing power. The proposed amendment rankled several of the major firms in the tr~nsportation coalition and abo drew a protest from the Orange Coun\y dJvision of the League of Call fornia Cities. · In an interview here today RobinsOn accuaed the ooaUtlon of a "lack of leadenhip" and said the cities were "paranoid and irresponsible." -By FRED SCHOEMEHL From Page A1 FUTURE • • • justices to reverse themselves. It is considered rare for the appeals court to grant a rehearing after ruling in a case. The 60-page decision, in effect. said that Sullivan's medical education at UC Irvine could not be considered as community property or community interest, said Sorenson. .. ency trial endin Harrold imuta Orange. CoUJJty 'home' 1'e Nlldency . trial of Wt1t er._ C'aintY MWddp-1 Court Judai JOU\1\8 liarrOJd n..red '"' cllm1x today after th• WHtmln1ttr jurlat ln1l1t•d Monda1 that tht conaJdered or._ CGW\ty her ptinclP91 and fulUrit hOme. In clo1ln1 1tatement1 to S"perior COurt Jud1• Ronald ()Wen, attorney Kenneth Golden ~ that Judce Ham)Jd WM onJy ullna a '2 ri\Ulion hmm In Newport Be.ch u "an addrw ot convenience" while actually INlntalninl her legal relident'e In Rlvel"l1cle County. , Golden repreeent.1 Santa Ana attorney Dan Charlet Dutcher, who placed a dia~t leCOnd to Harrold ln the June 8 election. Dutcher, however, flled auit after the baUot. were counted, contendlna that the dimlnutive, blonde-ha1.red judae wa• not a legal reaident of orange County at the time ahe ran for office. Judge Harrold, whose attorney was acheduled to make closing 1tatement1 to Judge Owen today, reiterated in testimony Monday Ula& her panclmo&Mr. Arlyne Wrr'riJe GI W ............. pve her tM N.wpon Beach h«M IA. November, 1881. The. Judo. who OWnl a home ln lllwrilae, aald the took up full~tima *denct at the Udo Ille howe ln eer1y 1982, either In J'wbruary or March. At t.ae In the trial la whether Judie Harrold WH able to 111.abliah henell u a IO-called "donUcWary" In Orange County ln auffJdent time to quallf y u a c~ndldate and office bolder. Under the law, a penon can Nve .everal residences but only one domicile, or permanent home. State codes require that a judidal candidate be a resident of the county in which he or 1he la running for at leut ~4 days before the election. That would be April 16 In Harrold'• cue, a deadline which Golden and Dutcher claim the judge wa1 not able to legally meet. "A lot of this ca1e rests on credlbillty," Golden told Owen, who ia expected to take the case under submission today. The Westminster attorney Onofre unit 2 overheating probed Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station remained abut down today after three control rods in the 1.1 million-kilowatt reactor overheated over the weekend. Bob Hull, a spokesman for Southern Ca~ifornia Edison Company, which o wns 80 percent of the nuclear plant, said he expects low-power testing on the new unit to begin again late today.' ''We experienced the usual problem associated with starting up a new plant." Hull said . "It's like owning a new car. There are always bugs to be worked out." Technicians at the plant, three miles south of San Clemente, discovere d the malfunction Sunday in the unit's control rod motors. It wu the first unscheduled atop In the low-power operation of the unlt since Edison began testing the reactor a week ago Monday. The control rods fit into the reactor veteel and they are used for controlling the amount of electricity generated, an Edison spokesman explained. "We had problems with three control roda, but nothing that would constitute any danger ," the spokesman said. "It just means that we have to double- check them." The 12-foot long rods contain pellets of boron carbide, which are placed in the reactor's fuel assemblies, absorb neutrons from splitting atoms, and regulate the nuclear reaction. c:l9h-d &Mt J~ Herrold .... hld&rdaltd • qultiWm ... tar the Udo ltle ho.-to ru.ly 1bow her 1randl'Qother bad turned h ovento her ln No'Yeinber. What htppeMd. Golden Mid, 11 that Harrold uw Dutcher'• campal1n ttattmen\ ln tuly Matth, when the reiddency ._. flrlt turfaced. Dutcher ~ that J ud1e Harrold wu re11Jtered to vote ln Rtveralde County even thou1h 1he wu running for office in Oran1e County. After 1he aaw the catnpa!IJ\ aiatement, Golden told Owen, the immediately prep1ared the falle deed, had It recorded and moved Into \he Newport home. Utility records Introduced aa evidence lndicate that neither pa nor electrical u1age 1bowed normal levels until March and. !frail. No long-dlttance phone were recorded on bllls until March 19. Golden laid. "It's obvious that was an empty house until Mr. Dutcher'• candidate statement came out and she (Harrold) said 'Oops, I'm in trouble,' " the attorney said. 2 transients held in NB robbery try A pair of o ut-of-state transients who allegedly tried to rob two women and left one of them with a broken jaw, were arrested today hiding on top of a Newport Beach restaurant, Using a helicopter, officers arrested Michael Edmund Taylor and Jason Allen Star, both 21, on the roof of the Villa Nova, a res taurant on N ewport's Mariner's Mile. Both me n were booked on suspicion of conspiracy to commit robbery and are being held in the Newport City jail in lieu of $25,- 000 each. Police said Taylor is from Oklahoma and Starr from Florida. Schmitz walked o nto the carpeted floor of the State Senate chambers at 1:45 p.m . Monday, appearing at ease. It was the first time he had been seen publicly by reporters since the July 20 report that one of the two children -a 13-month-old boy -had suffered a severe genital injury. The mother, Carla Stuckle, 43, currently is facing a felony child neglect charge. Said Schmitz as he twirled a pen in his hands, "I have no comment. No ... I'm sorry. I have no comment." When a reporter suggested that his constituents were interested in the case, Schmitz responded, "And even for them, I have no comment." Edison officials said there is no safety hazard associated with the Ef_for~s lo reach Ja~~t malfunction in the new unit, Sullivan s attorney, Patr1c1a-..... which began low-power testing Herzog of Corona del Mar, were last week. Temperature and voltase measurements are being conducted to detennine the cause of the overheating. Police said the two 20-year-old women , Tracy Danielson of Santa Ana and Kathleen Flynn of Costa Mesa, had just gotten off work at the Rus ty P e lican Restaurant and were sitting in a car outside the eatery at 2751 W. Coast Highway. unsucce98ful this mominf. The Court of Appea ruling was not expected to be released Schmitz shook hands and chatted casually with state Sen. William Campbell, R-Hacienda Heights, the Senate minority leader. A few moments later, while he ading from the chambers to make a telephone call, Schmitz was confronted ~v ~w. repor:ters for his comments "I don't even have a comment on why I don't have a comment." Schmitz said. until fOmetUJt. today. ' Sorenson said the next step in an appeal by the former Mrs. Sullivan would be to the California Supreme Court. Schmitz then walked to his desk adjacent to that of state ~­ H . L . Richardson, R -Arcad1a. Schmitz smiled and spoke briefly with senate President Pro Tem David ~rtl The Sullivans were married in 1967. They separated in 1977. During most of their marriage, Sullivan was a student while his wife worked at '!arious jobs. Low clouds to.night Coastal Mo9flV 1UMV lodmy with hlQIW ft the bMCtiee 8810 74 end lnlend ue11 78 to S2. Low elouda tonight. Overnight 1ow1 &4 to 88. Low c:loudl to Pf9Yllll during ..iy morning hour. on Wednndey, t>ecomfng mostly 1unny In 1h• etternoon. Hlolla Wedne.d•y et Ille bMdiee '8 10 72 end Intend ., ... 78 to 82. ~ the mid 60t end mid tlOI In moutltelN end "°'" the mid eo. to IN mid 70. In the CleMft. Boeten from Point Concep!IOn to the Melllcen border c:an upect fight verl1ble Wlnda dUl'lng Ille nloht end m.orn_lng ltoura. becoming ~ M 12 lo 1S kllOQ dur1ng efMlrnooM with • Mo-2-foot eoutnw.t ........ North-I wtnda could rMCti 22 knot• with 4-to-a-toot "" lerth•r then SO mllH ottthore from the point to Sen Hlcolu llllnC1 Temperatures NATK* Elsewhere, from Point Conception to th• Me11lcen border end out eo mt1ee: MoeUy llght variable wind• night end, morning hourt beeomlng 1outhwett 8 to 1S knoll thla etternoon and evening. Outer w•t-nort'-1winds15 to 22 knoll wtth 5 to 7 loot combined ..... Conllld«able low cloud• with pert.., 1tternoon cleellng. Atbeny .. Le ...... n s1 88 82 .12 82 ea F,ront1: Cold ..., Warm .,., Occluded ..-=: ,..,__ Allenla Allenlc Cty AU111n 811tlmor• 11.S. summary = l Scattered thunoeretorm• 8olM I -" Bo9ton cont nu.-. over pert• ot Nor1h BrownaY11e Dekot1 1nd MlnnHot• euly 8ulfllo tod•y. end .n-1 _. wldely ... ........,on -tt•ed -..... Meldoo end c;.;;· the oenttel high Pleine. ~n SC There were 1110 1cettered Charlltn WV ~I e!OflO the Atlentle Coelt 11\d 0\1111' the hclflc Hof1tl ... t. Cherllt• NC Golfbla-llz.o hell -repot1ed Ch4l)'enne In South C.ollna, tnO '-and Chlc:eoc> log were c;ommon Hat of 111e Clndnnetl MIMl.elppl AMr. ~ 811 ... -• moetly c1e1r ewer C1mb11 SC lhe aoutllern Pleln1. Clllfornl• Columbut and ~ Dli-fl Wth For 1onlght Ind W~y. ~ 1h• H•tlonll Weether Senllc• Den\ler ~ acettered lhunderwtClflN 0. Molli. elo4"ll the weetem Oulf eo..t tnO · Detroit ·-IOUthem Florktl. OuMh 8Cet11red 1hower1 were El PlllO 5* lor tN norti.n Pldftc and IN Gree Llk-. llfld It eacpecled to be dter to Ptt1ly ~ Oller IN rett of 1he l\ICIOn. HIOh 11mp1ra1urH were *'CMIOtld 10 v1ry from Ull eo. ~d CM 70. elong 1he Ptc:lflc ;cOMC Md In nDftMm Miine Co • .,., 100 In 1h• 8outhwe1t ~ Tamp1r1tur11 eround th• MflV todlly renaed lrOfll 45 ... _. In MtllMN, N . Y •• lo • Min• 1n Pflolfllx. 83 81 84 ea 80 84 IMl 7S S7 &4 .01 SS 58 " 87 93 63 83 55 81 84 97 ao 75 58 71 55 .01 90 841 .01 90 70 .05 82 ~ M 87 11 81 82 88 87 87 79 82 .35 80 88 12 83 M 78 II 13 .15 • '2 .()4 M 78 82 85 14 63 .02 11 74 .oe Fel<benkl 81 48 Fwoo 102 81 Flliglt•fl 71 58 Greet Fe111 83 84 Hartford 84 85 .....,. 11 49 Honolulu " 75 Houston 13 80 lndneplll 88 8 7 JllCklrl MS 87 74 JllCkllWlle 91 73 .00 J-87 48 I(_ City H S1 KnoJMle 87 85 Lei Vegu 103 78 Uttle Aoc:t1 00 75 Loul•vtlle 17 71 Lutlbock 93 73 Memphle eo n Mleml S7 73 .82 MMweul.. 88 ea Mp4e-St,P N 71 Hllllwllll 18 88 ..... on.en. 17 70 .44 HtwYOl'tl M M Hof1olll 14 71 Ho, Pllttl N 88 CALIPOMflA 811ker9'111d etythl 100 87 tOI IURf llPIRT "-· T~ 71 71 11 71 71 70 70 70 .. ~ 86 54 F~ 97 81 LlllC*llet 88 86 ~~ 79 ea 93 HeldMe 1oe Puo Roblee 85 48 Aid Bklff 12 82 A4ldwOod city 80 58 Secnmento 88 55 81Unu 81 47 s.n Diego 78 ee Sen Fr81'1dtco 85 63 Sant• Bllfber• 70 52 ·&Int• Men. 89 Stockton 91 Thermel 109 Bent ow Ill) 77 Big 8-' 71 43 Bleho9 H 52 Cltlllne 74 87 Long 8Mch 71 88 Monr<MI 92 .. Mt. W"9on 78 81 H9wPOrt e..:t\ n 18 Ontetlo .. 86 Plllm 81)flnge 1oe 74 PMMlene 85 ea Al\lerlldl 87 113 8en BerNrdlnO 92 18 Sen Glbrlll S7 '7 Sent• Ml 80 86 Smog Where to 0111 (toll free) tor ....... lft'°ll ~1'1'11110n; OflonQt county. llOO) 44Wl2t lo• ~no•••• Oounty: (SOO) 242...-oal ,._... end ... lemlltdlno oountlet: (IOO) a.?~710 AQMO lp!eOde Center: (IOO) 242 ...... TOOAY leool'ICI lft ~14 p.m. I .I llOOnd ""' t:Ol p.m. t .1 ....... y ~... 4;\t I.Ill 0.4 = 10:41 &.!ft. 4 .1 ... 1:17p ....... I 1111111 t:M P•"'• I. 1 lwl .... *leY M ?:II ""'" ..... W .. II fl$ M l:OI a.Mo .............. 1:14,.tllL, -U\ie II fill .. Ut IUI\. Activists to enter contest Two '4000' members seek Newport council seats By STEVE MARBLE of'IM De1tJ Not 1'8ft In a move that could bring a new tone to the upcoming Newport Beach City Council race, two a c tivists in the Committee of 4000 have signaled they'll enter the November rontest. Barbara Young, president of the committee that is battling the Irvine Company over leaaehold property in Newport and Irvine, haa taken out papers to run agaiNt incumbent Evelyn Hart. Radio personality Pat Michaela, also an active committee member, has picked up nomination papers. He would b e running against Paul Hummel, the incumbent from Corona del Mar. _ Four of the seven council aeats will be filled in the election and 10 people,. including all four Incumbents, have taken out papert to run. Candidates are elected at large but represent geographical distric t s in Newport. Ms. Young. o wner of an escrow firm and a Bayshores resident, has been the most active and moet visible member of the Committee of 4000, so named becal.18e there are roughly 4,000 residents in Newport and Irvine who lease land from the Irvine Company. The committee, which is suing the Irvine Company, is battling skyrocketing land lease fees that some homeowners have been hit with. Beaches reopened after sewage spill SANTA CRUZ (AP) -Sea Cliff, Rio Del Mar and Hidden beaches have been reopened to ~;wimmers after the danger from Ell sewage spill abated. The Santa Cruz ~~ n v i r o n me n t a 1 H e a l t h I>epartment said the beaches were safe Monday. The weekend sioill was the second in two weeks at Sea Cliff and Rio Del Mar. The leasehold dispute, seen by some as a rent protest staged by the affluent aRainst the largest landowner in the city, is one of the most vdlatile issues to surface in Newport Beach in years. Ms. Young was not available to comment on her election plans. Mic haels, a former radio personality at Orange County's KWIZ and now owner of radio station KWRM in Corona, said be has not yet committed himself to running. He has served as a master of ceremonies at several · committee protest and fund- raising gatheri.-,gs. The four council incumbents -Hummel, Mrs. Hart, Don Strauss and Mayor Jac kie Heather -plan to seek re-• election . Other likely candidates are Norm Loats, Ne wport-Mesa Unified School District assistant .superiritendent; Bill Agee, photograph~; Clarence :iumer. a critic of John Wayne Airport; and Jim deBoom, director ol the Or~e Coast YMCA. Man, daughter robbed in CM Gunmen get more than $48,500 in jewelry, cash A Costa Mesa man and his 1900 block of Balearic Drive daughter were robbed at when the two men knocked on gunpoint Monday night by two their door, police said. stockin$l masked men who took Police Lt. Jack Calnon said mo.re Ulan $48.~ in jewelry and that the gunmen forced the cash from the Mesa Verde flome, victima to wait in the den while police said. they ranaacked the hou.e fleeing Dlmitrij Motal, 56 and hi• with gold jewelry and a at.amp daughter Susan Motal, 22, were collection valued at a total of home watchJna televlaton at $48,500 and $M0 In cash. about 9 p.m . at their home in the The gloved gunmen reportedly • told the Costa Mesa family to "relax and everything will be okay." They were ordered to wait five minutes before cal.ling police. One of the auspectl la described as Caucuian, 5 feet 8 · in bis early 20'1 with a husky build. The other ha de9cribed u a Caucasian, about ~ feet 6, thin. ln his mid to late 20'a. Israelis closing in on PLO By Tile AIHdated ~· hraell forcea battled Palettlnlan guenillaa wtth tanb and artillery near Beirut airport ~y. moved more armor and other reinfon:ementt up to the Green Line divtdina the dty and barred U.N. ceue-fl.nt ob1erver1 from reachln1 the LebaneH caDl'*1. larae11 jet.a alao flew mock divebombin1 .rald• over the auerrllla-held enclave. The Lebar-. ~t aid wmt Beirut had no flour to make bnld •• ~ of a ~­Oki llneU blocbde. A repon.d U.S. oomprcGdM Plan to ewicua .. tM .PUJ~­ Njtded; a.nwbile, by two lop Moslem and leftist Lebane~ lelden. PLO spokesman Bamam Abu Sharif reiterated the auerrillu were reed)' to leave Beirut but not before an lntematioMI ....... DI ,._. w• In pliict. A battle lnvolvln1 tankt, arUllery and other weapon• conUnueet for t.vwa1 bou.n a '"' hundred ,ard1 nor\b of the airDQrt. Tl'9 Tel Avlv command ..a GM ~ Wal klJJed and on• l1raell toldler 1U1blly wounded. It ••Id 1uerrtlla1 nped IDd ftrtd tw .. • lh9DI ln••·--.. llnil1l ....... In tbe area Of ttie ..61fport and ........ Mut;. Th• comma"d Mid llratll ~--·-' OFF 5.71 CLOllNO 111.40 Douglas eyed for Navy plane W ASHINOll'ON (AP) -The Navy lJI awaiting price proposah by McDonnell Oouglaa C.Orp., for future production of the F-18 strike fighter, which may determine whether Pentagon offidal.s cut back planned purchases of 1,366 ol these. carrier-baaed planes, officials said. Officials said Monday one option under consideration is to buy improved and lower OOIJt A-6 light attack bombers lnat.ead of perhape 700 F~l8s. Grumman Aerospace Corp. was said to have come in with an "attractive offer.. to produce an upgraded A-6 at a reduced cost for the Navy. Irvine firm improves Microdata Corporat;lon of Irvine had a 97 percent incre~ in its backlog of orders for data processing systems in the first alx months of 1982. Microdata, a wholly owned subsidiary of McDonnell Douglas C.Orporation, reported a backlog of $50.1 million as of June 30, compared with $25.4 million a year earlier. Orders booked in the first half totaled"$71.2 million, compared with $52.8 million for the period last year. Skins lawsuit settled SACRAMENTO (AP) -The s tate attorney general says Neiman-Marcus has settled a lawsuit filed against it for offering items made from endangered species animals at itll Beverly Hills store. Attorney General George Deukmejian said Monday a stipulated judgment was entered without the Dallas-based firm admitting any wrongdoing. Under the judgment, Neiman-Marcus is enjoined from offering any product of crocodile, python or any other. animal protected by the California endangered species statute. DeuJanejian said the product.a offered at the Beverly Hills store were made of crocodile and python. .. !; JJ ,~ l 1 11 , i J a \' IJ I , ----------------------------...... ----------------------------........ · ,, STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS AMERICAN LEADERS . ( ·.~ --------------------------x: METALS NEW TORK (API -Spol nonlerro melel pricee lodl!Y Copper 72·75 c.n11 • pound. v.& deetlnallone. Leed 26-29 oenle • pound. Zlno 37-40 cent• • pound. dell¥9red. Tiii le.2179 Met.le WMk ~ II>. Alwftlftuln 7&-77 cent1 e pound, N.Y. MefcUrJ 1385.00 per !lull. ~ $284.()()..$290.00 troy~. N.Y. SILVER ' Hendy & H1rmen. $8.970 per lroy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS